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OFCAllFOff^ ^OfCAllFOI?^ Cc ^ ^Aavaani^ "^^Aavaani^ <§ ,^\^ 'yo; MF'UNIVER%. is ^lOS-ANCFlfj> I ^J^HIBRA^1YQ< IrifUNIVERSyA f ^lOSANCElfj> ■^/^aaAiNiiwv' % .tllBRARYQc, ^tllBRARYOx' SOJIIVDJQ^ 33 CO .•AT afCAllFOff^ ^OFCAIIFOR^ Havaan-^'^ ^tllBRARYQ^ ^>^l-llBRARYQr m m ■^. ^^WEUNIVERy/4 ^lOSANCElfj-^ itT)! i ^^itlRRARY, .- ACTS AND LAWS, Of His Majesties Colony o F CONNECTICUT 1 N New -England: Passed by the May 1J16 to May 1J^% HARTFORD: Thirty Sets Reissued in FaC' simile bj Albert C. Bates. 19 19. Siacl 0^6 0%^ I3be T5':A^ f^t Actions, fees of juries in, 442. Limitation of time for, 423. Of 40s. how tried, 212, 227, 258, 268, 313, 357. Of 10s. and 20s. no appeal, 227, 258, 313. Real, where to be tried, 333, 334. Act of Parliament, recited, 347, 371, 405, 480, 487. Appeals, entering of, 537. Restrained in some cases, 313, 357, 449, 463. Apprentices, Indian, their indentures to be acknowledged before authority or else void, 254. Indian, to be taught to read English, 339. Assembly, General, see Courts, General. Assignees of debts, made void, 255. Assistants, power and number, 227, 234, 268, 313, 314, 319, 326, 333, 334, 357, 360, 366, 369, 371. When chosen, 473. Attorneys, exempted from bearing arms, 386. Members of General Court not to appear there as, 386. Number of limited, 373, 389. To be assessed for their faculty, 312. Auditors, to be appointed, 305, 443. To be sworn, 324. Baptists, exempted as Quakers, 366, 372. Barberry bushes, to be destroyed, 320. They to be fined who oppose, 320. Bargains in land, made void in case, 337, 338. Bastardy, how punished, 341. Bayberry, tallow, 370, 378, 302, 375. The time for gathering it, 303. Trespass in destroying and gathering, 543. Bayliffs, sheriffs also made such, 349. Bills and bonds, good to the assignee, void, 255. Bills of credit, called in to be exchanged, 229, 243, 250, 356, 368, 478. Counterfeiting them prevented and punished, 336, 301, 404, 429, 439, 469. Emitted, 211, 216, 220, 334, 235, 237, 241, 245, 253, 286, 289, 297, 302, 308, 311, 314, 327, 342, 350, 355, 363, 367, 370, 374, 386, 398, 402, 412, 475, 477, 478. Form of altered, 485. Not to be halved and quartered, 327, 367, 368, 441, 458. Supporting the currency of, 553, 563. Wording of explained, 430. Bills of divorce, when to be granted, 235. Bills or other currency, not to be emitted by private persons or societies, 484, 505. Boats or canoes, not to be used without liberty, 263. Bonds, judgment on conditional, 439. Bound line, punishment of such as oppose com- mittees appointed to fix and ascertain, 374. Bound marks, of towns and particular persons to be kept up, 546. Branders, fees of, 462. To be chosen and sworn, 466. Brands for horses and other creatures in Mans- field, 219. In Lebanon, Coventry, Canterbury, Durham, Danbury, Kellingly, Groton, Colchester, Hebron, Derby, Mansfield, Pomfret, Tol- land, Stafford, Litchfield, Ashford, New- town, Ridgefield, Bolton, Wellington, New Milford, 342. In Weataug, 358. In East Haddam, 438. In Sharon, New Fairfield, 473. In Torrington, 514. In New Hartford, 522. Breach, of pounds, 327, 365. Of the peace, 379, 380, 381, 284, 366. Bread, not to be exported, 504, 507. Bridges, toll of stated, 530, 564. Canvas or Duck, making of encouraged, 426, 473. Capital offenders, to be put to death, 528. Cattel, fee for impounding, 551. &c. Impounded, to be cried in 3 towns, 227. To be branded, 250. Clerks, of proprietors to be sworn, 226. Of societies, 212, 298. Of towns, 251, 269, 310, 370. Coin, act for ascertaining rates of forcin, to be published and observed, 479, 483. And currencies regulated and stated, 513, 539. Counterfeiting and uttering it, 256. Rates of forein, stated, 480. Collectors, new, to be chosen, 378. Of rates, their power, 251, 353. Power of executors or administrators of, 378. Colony, provision for defence of, 531. Commissioners of sewers, 358, 401, 447. Common fields and fences, 377, 394, 399, 400, 418, 461. See also. Fields and fences, Viewers of fence. Commons, encroachments thereon, 299, 335. Horses not to go at large on, 399. How formed, 549. No swine to go thereon, 257. To belong to proprietors, 346. Constables, carefully to inspect taverns, 293. Fees of, 374, 543, 547. Proceedings in executions, 355, 360, 517, 528. To be water-bayliffs, 249. To pay school money to select-men, 293, 328. To post goods taken by execution, 255. To present breaches of Sabbath, 363, 367. To prevent riots, 379, 280. To proceed against delinquents, 325. To pull down secular notifications on the Sabbath, S-c, 356. To suppress lotteries, 351. To suppress tumults, 281. To take up negros in the night season, 291. Copper mines, 264, 294, 385, 395, 432. Counties, of Hartford, New London, New Haven and Fairfield enlarged, 219, 285, 353, 363. Courts, General, Superior, Inferior, Probate and Equity. (General) Allowance and privilege, 369. Members thereof exempted from arrests, 322. Members thereof not to appear as attorneys before, 386. To fix place to build meeting-house, 382. To grant rates and taxes, 353. To hear petitions and memorials, 234, 367. When to chuse a speaker and clerk, 256. (Superior) Commission and oath for judges of, 509. Fees and privilege, 369, 398. Of whom to consist, their power, 255, 283, 486. Seals for, 509. Stated and times and places for holding them, 369, 321, 396, 438, 450, 486. To appoint auditors to adjust accounts, 305. To be opened by one judge or the sheriff, 334. To grant writs of prohibition, 486. (Inferior or Countv) Constitution and power, 255, 331. Fees and privilege, 336, 367, 369. Stated and times and places for holding them, 217, 235, 313, 331, 438. To appoint auditors to adjust accounts, 305. To appoint goal keepers, 394, 301. To dispose of delinquents in service, 314. To punish offenders, 229. To see that a work-house be built, &c., 343. (Probate) by whom to be held, 214, 221, 236. Distributing estates to next of kin, 338. Fees, 221, 236, 256, 400. Inventory when to be given in, 306, 332. May call assistance, 331. Proceedings therein made valid, 285. To appoint fit persons for apprizers, 215. To appoint persons under oath to distribute intestate estates, 226. To appoint three free-holders, in case, 217. Where to be held, 247, 290, 321, 355, 508, 514, 517, 529, 550, 561, 569. (I) (Equity) Erected, 414. Creditors, to recover their just debts out of, &c., 317, 332. Criminals, charges of prosecuting, 570. To be disposed of in service, in case, 314. Who to do execution of judgment on, 325. Curriers, Cordwaincrs and Tanners, 244. Debtors, absconding, 317, 332, 463. Lands of deceased, how disposed of, 405. Not to be oppressed, 238, 361. To pay debts by service, 314. Depts, iby books, bills or bonds, how and when recovered, 355, 328. Deer, to be preserved, 223, 459, 469, 538. Defence of Colony, provision for, 531. Degrees of kindred ascendant and transverse, who such, 338. Delinquents, charges of prosecuting, 570. Execution of judgment against, 325. To be disposed of in service, provided, &c, 314. Deputies, not to be arrested during their sessions, 322 Power, 6-c., 256, 369. When to be chosen, 473. Deserters, to be apprehended, fined and impris- oned, 483, 536. Detecting and punishing trespass, 329, 358. Dissenters, indulged, 340, 366, 372, 519. Dissolute and disorderly persons, to be set to work, 343. Disorders, by negro and Indian servants, 291. In taverns, 293. In the worship of God, 290. In town meetings, society-meetings and pro- prietors-meetings, 362, 366. Distilling molasses, 341, 348. Distracted persons and idiots, to be relieved. 344. Distribution, of estates of intestates, 226. Disturbance, in bargains of land prevented, 337. See Disorders. Ditches and drains, appointed by commissioners of sewers, kept open, 358, 401, 447. Proprietors of wet lands to meet, 359. Divorce, when and by whom to be granted, 224. Dower of widows, how secured, 216, 446. Drunkenness, punished and prevented, 213, 248, 319. See Strong drink. Duty, on goods imported into Colony, 554. On lumber exported out of Colony, 556. See Impost and excise. Ecclesiastical affairs. Disorders and disturbances prevented, 262, 290. How ministers shall be chosen, 362. May lay tax for part time preaching, 423. Regulating abuses and correcting disorders in, 510, 523. Sober dissenters therefrom, 340, 366, 372, 519. Taxes how collected, 432, 433. See Ministry. Encouraging, destroying wolves, 214, 328, 362, 443, 525, 561. The getting bayberry-tallow, 270, 278, 302, 375. Encroachments, on high-ways, 299, 325. On land sequestred for Indians, 333. Estates, of heiresses not to be sold, 296. Real, to be divided by 3 freeholders, 217. See Insolvent estates. Intestate estates. Excise, on liquors, 434, 446. See Impost and excise. Execution, how to be levied, 234, 283, 325, 360. Executors, enabled to sell lands, 291. May sue their co-executors, 365. Neglecting giving in inventory to be fined, 306, 332. Of wills, 217. To have witnesses sworn, 243. Exempting, members of General Assembly from arrest, 322. Persons 70 years old from being rated, 262. Professors of the Church of England from paying taxes for building meeting houses, 340. Quakers and Baptists, 366, 372. Explaining an Act, about listers, 225. About joining issues, 253. About ordering societies, 270. About being four-folded, 273. About town inhabitants, 282. About burglary and breach of peace, 284. About kindred in equal degree, 338. About fence for common fields, 400. About trespasses, 427. About idiots, 468. Exportation of grain, flour and bread prohib- ited, 504, 507. Faculty, who assessed therefor, 282, 312. Fees, regulated, 326, 345, 360, 361, 365, 367, 373, 374, 400, 407, 436, 466, 505, 520, 538, 543, 547, 557, 563, 566, 571. Ferries, granted and fares stated, 303, 323, 324, 341, 342, 349, 356, 369, 385, 398, 466, 484, 514, 520, 526, 529, 530, 542, 544, 547, 551, 560, 561, 564, 566. Fields and fences, bounds lost to be settled by 3 free-holders, 246. Of particular inclosures, 377, 461. Proprietors to choose a clerk, 226. What fence accounted sufficient, 334, 566. See Common fields and fences. Fines and penalties, how disposed of, 324, 371. Fires, persons setting on any lands to pay for damage done, 407. Fish passages, not obstructed, 244, 274, 324, 376, 570. Flour, not to be exported, 504, 507. Flying from justice, who such, their punishment, 258. Forceable entry and detainer, 275, 319, 388, 517. Forciners, coming to trade in this colony, 227, 228, 270, 352. Relief against designs of, 520. Forgery, of coyn or uttering it, 256. Of the bills of credit, 236, 301. Forming, the House of Deputies, 256. Societies when other societies are drawn off, 335. Forms of writs and processes, 284, 353, 360. Of oaths, 212, 226, 234, 247, 271, 282, 296, 324, 347, 348, 388, 398. Fornication, its punishment eased, 341. Fraud, in destroying wolves, 214. In bargains and sales of land, 337. Freemen, how qualified and admitted, 370. When to meet, 372, 471, 473. Gagers, wages of. 442. General, liberty of appeal, 227, 258, 313, 357. Issue of not guilty, nil debit, &c., 254, 305. Goals and Coalers, by whom to be kept, 294, 300. Perpetual confinement in, 378. Their fees, 345, 466, 563. Goats, doing damage impounded, 285. Of some towns to go at large, 307. To be ordered by a major vote, 320. Governor and deputy governor, when chosen, 473. Grain, not to be exported, 504, 507. Grand-jurymen, fees of advanced, 538. Their presentments good evidence, unless, 249. To enquire after sellers of drink, 259. To inform against killing deer, 224. To inspect persons behaviour, 267. To inspect taverns, 293. To join with, 6-c., in chusing tavern-keepers, 248. To post tavern haunters on tavern doors, 213. To present breaches of Sabbath, 262. To present persons for setting up lotteries, 351. To present persons suspected for selling drink, 230. To present servants for being out unseason- ably, 291. To prevent excessive usury, 421. To pull down secular notifications on the Sabbath, fast, &c.. 356. To see that Indian children learn to read, 339. To suppress vice and immorality, 382. Grants, of lands at town meetings, heretofore, good, 287. Guardians, how appointed, 439. To divide lands, 254. (ID Guilford, a Court of probate to be held there, 247. Guns, not to be lent to Indians, 293. Haddam, town divided, 424. Hartford, county enlarged, 242, 285, 375. Late riot at work-house, 284, 343, 389. Hawkers, pedlars and petty-chapmen, 228, 270, 352. Haywards, duty and allowance, 257, 365. Hemp, encouragement of raising, 436, 473. Hereticks, suppression of repealed, 366. High-ways, how laid out or altered, 388, 431. Not to be encroached on, 299, 325. Penalty for not working on them, 314, 468, 547, 565. Powers of surveyors of, 383. Servants not to work on them, 294. Surveyors of to account for forfeitures, 565. Surveyors of to drein water from, 383. Wages for laying them out, 323. Home-lots, how to be assessed, 240. Horses and cattel, doing damage when to be impounded, 227, 365, 399. Sale of stolen, void, 526. That are stallions when to run at large, 328. See Brands. Houses, of correction to be built for setting to work idle, lewd and disorderly persons, 343, 457. Of entertainment, 259. Of heiresses not to be sold without consent, 296. Idiots and distracted persons, how relieved, 344, 468, 542. Idle persons, &c., how to be disposed of, 239, 243, 343, 457, 524. Immorality, suppressed and punished, 213, 239, 243, 251, 279, 293, 314, 319, 335, 343, 382. Impost and excise, 231, 271, 276, 434, 435, 438. See Duty. Imprisonment, see Goals. Indians, indentures to be acknowledged, 254. Land not bought of them without allowance, 281. Land not to be encroached upon, 333. Not to have guns lent them, 292. Purchasing native right, 221. Strong drink not to be sold to, 230, 419. To be sued, 307. To be taught to read English, &c., 339. Well ordering them, 229, 419. Inhabitants, entertainment of transient persons by, 395. How and when admitted, 249, 282, 322. How qualifyed to vote, 367, 362. Not being warned out within 1 year, 250, 282. Not to be disorderly in town-meetings, &c., 366. Penalty for selling land to transient per- sons, 322. To destroy barberry bushes, 320. To teach their Indian servants to read, 339. Tryals limifted, 333. When restrained from taverns, 293. Insolvent estates, distribution of, 215. Intestate estates, the next of kin in equal de- gree explained, 338. To be divided by persons under oath, 236. When executors shall exhibit inventory, 306, 332. Issues, when and how joined, 254, 305, 388. Judges, allowance, privilege, 336, 367, 369, 398. Any absent to be made up out of whom, 254. Of Superior court stated, 331. Jurors, allowance, 333, 336, 398, 443. Explanatory act concerning them, 253. Fees for summoning, 543. How chosen, 536, 550. See Grand-jurymen. Justices of the peace, being removed before exe- cution is taken out, 268. Fees, ferriage free when, &-c., 326, 367, 369. Personal knowledge good evidence, 319. Power to dispose of delinquents, in case, 314. Power to grant executions in small causes, 234. Taxed for their polls, 346. To grant no appeal to actions of 10.f. or 20.f., 237, 238, 313, 357. To try all actions under ids., 227. Where to try suits cognizable before them, 333. Kindred, the degrees of such explained, 338. Lands, disputes in partition of prevented, 409. Exchanged by towns or proprietors, good, 397. Fires not to be set on, 407. Fraud in bargains of prevented, 337. In western part of the colony, 383, 396. Laid out, or boundaries lost, or to be re- newed, persons to be sworn, 234, 246. May be sold by executors, 291. Not to be encroached on, 299, 325. Of deceased debtors to be sold, 405. Of heiresses not sold without their consent, 296. Sequestred for commons, 329, 333. Taxes on, how collected, 560. Their titles confirmed, 387, 395, 296. To be assessed, 240. To be_ divided by guardians, 254. Undivided to belong to proprietors, 346. Unlawful entries upon them, 338. See Common fields and fences. Commons. Laws, amendment thereof, 305. Law suits, preventing multiplicity of, 513, 527. Learning, encouraged, 230, 338, 354. Legataries, to sue for their legacies, 365. Levying, executions, 334, 355, 283, 325, 360. Lewd persons, &c., to be set and kept to work, 343. Licensed houses, penalty for persons being there on the Sabbath, 293. Regulated, 213, 248, 259, 470. See Taverns. Linen, making of encouraged, 436, 473. Listers, directed in their office and duty, 361, 445, 453. Mav demand a list at any time of the year, 326. Nine may be chosen in a town, 301. To assess attorneys, 312. To be annually chosen, 225, 249. To be sworn, 236, 387. Lists, errors in them relieved, 273. To be preserved, 375. Loan money, persons paying to be discharged, 425. To be let out again, 425. Lords-day. assistants, &c., plain view, good evi- dence, 319. Convicted persons refusing to pay to be whipt, 268. How children and servants shall be pun- ished, 268. Persons rude thereon to pay ids. and how paid, 262. Public worship to be attended on that day, 261. Secular notifications not set up that day, 356. Tything men and constables duty on said day, 367. Lords Justices, instruction from, 482. Loss, by cattels straying, 250. Lost goods, see under Strays. Lotteries, prevented and suppressed, 351. Lumber, duty on e.xportation of, 556. Manslaughter, prevented and punished, 246. Marriages, not allowed, their former consorts living, 225. Masters, to learn Indian children to read, 339. Meeting house, how to proceed about building, 381, 568. Memorials, how preferred to the General Assembly, 367. Military affairs, regulated, 437, 442, 458, 471, 483, 494, 550, 560. Ministers, how chosen and supported, 340, 363, 432. Ministry, contemners punished, 261, 390. Dissenters from it indulged, 340, 366, 372. Improving estate given for support of, 541, 545. (HI) Molasses, not to be distilled, 341, 348. Money, current, 256. Paid to schools, 292, 328, 354. Murder, of persons through guile, 246. Native right to land, not sufficient title, 221. Negro and Indian servants, ordered, 291. New London, county court actions revived, 217. County court altered, 312. County enlarged, 219. Ferries regulated, 323, 349. New London Society for Trade and Commerce, act constituting repealed, 403. How members may obtain release of mort- gages on their lands, 467. Relief for possessors of bills of, 413. Night-walking, of negro and Indian servants and slaves, 291. Nominations, for election, 218, 232, 240, 252, 260, 272, 286, 298, 310, 315, 336, 350, 364, 372, 379, 389, 402, 420, 429, 439, 447, 459, 466, 472, 484, 508, 517, 526, 544, 551, 564, 570. Non-suit, may proceed, 306. Notifications, on the Sabbath, 356. Nuisances, in rivers, 244, 274, 324, 376. Oaths, appointed by Act of Parliament, 347. Of auditors, 324. Of clerks of owners of sheep, 398. Of commissioner of excise, 435. Of committee to let out bills of credit, 416. Of distributers of estates, 226. Of free holders in finding bounds, 247. Of judges of Superior court, 509. Of jury about forceable entry and detainer, 388. Of jury to lav out high-way, 388. Of listers, 226. Of masters of vessels, 271. Of proprietors and purchasers clerks, 296, 397, 411, 464. Of scavengers, 359. Of society clerks, 212. Of those carrying chains for surveyors, 234. Of tything-men, 282. Officers, fees, 326, 345, 360. Oppression, of debtors, 238, 361. Orphans, see Courts of probate. Parliament, see Act of Parliament. Petitions, serving of, 537. To the General Assembly, 232, 367, 466, 570. Physicians, to be rated, 282. Pleas, disorders in them, amendment, 305, 442. Of demurr regulated, 461. Plough-lands, &c., assessed, 253. Polvgamie and unchastity, prevented, 224, 341. Poo'r, how to be provided for, 243, 343, 524. Possessions, quieted. 257, 287, 295. 297, 299, 368. Posts, in Colony service, 328, 369, 442. Pounds, provided and maintained, 327, 365. Preaching, sober dissenting from it, 366, 372. Tax may be laid to pay for part time, 423. The penalty for not duly attending it, 261. See Lords-day and Sabbath. Probate, see Courts of probate. Processes and judgments, directing, 512, 529. Proprietors, clerk to record conveyances of land, 466. Of lands, 257, 287, 289, 295, 346, 383, 395, 461. Quakers, &c., not unnecessarily to be entertained, 366. Question, about proprietors clerks, 272. About persons being four-folded, 273. About house-lots, 286. About servants working on high-ways, 294. About rateable estates, 298. About town officers, 311. About bills and bonds, 328. About grand-jurors making presentments, 328. About killing of wolves, 328. About free-trade, 336. About county surveyors, 336. About division of lands, 368. About choosing a collector, 378. About sober dissenters, 379. About forceable entry and detainer, 379. Quieting, of estates, 257, 287, 295, 297, 299, 368. ( Rates, how to be made, 301, 353. See Taxes. Rectors house, to be built and what applyed there- to, 272. Representatives, see Deputies. Rescues, of swine, neat cattel, horses or sheep, 327. Retailing, liquors without license, 214. Of liquors regulated, 434, 446. Reviews, restrained in some cases, 449, 463. When to be granted, 212. Rhum, the importation thereof prevented, 258, 271, 276. See Impost and excise. Riots, at Hartford work-house, 284, 343, 389. How prevented and punished, 279. Rivers, nuisances in prevented, 244, 376, 570. Robinson. David, order concerning, 379. Rogues and vagabonds, restrained and punished, 239, 319, 343. Sabbath, see Lords-day. Schools, encouraged and better supported, 408, 459, 483, 502. In towns and parishes, 220. Money to whom to be paid, 292, 328, 354. Of learning regulated, 515. Scire facias, how to be brought, 268. Seamen, encouraged to enter service, 487. Secretary, his office, fees and duty, 367. Select-men, to bind out poor children, 243. To cause the Act on page 206, for the Sup- pressing of Immorality, to be annually read, 251. To receive the school money, 354. To see that children be taught to read, 339. To take care of the sick, 352, 391. Sellers, see Licensed houses. Servants, to be taught to read English, 339. Service, done for the Colony, 369. Sewers, commission and power, 358, 401. See Ditches and dreins. Sheep and Swine, 212, 216, 228, 257, 376, 420, 443. Sheriffs, by whom appointed, 300. Direction of, 517, 528. Fees, 323, 361, 547. How qualified, 300. Levying executions, 255. Not to return. They can't do execution, 283. Their further direction, 360, 378. To appoint executioners, 30O. To be water-bayliffs, 349. To command assistance, 283. To have the custody of goods, 301, 355. To open the Superior court, in case, 334. To suppress tumults, 281. Writs directed to them, giving a receipt, 360. Ships, to be assessed, 320. Sickness, infectious, how to be provided for, 352, 391. Sign-post, the use thereof. 255. Silk, act to encourage raising, 425. Slaves, punishment of, 375. Small-causes, of 40j. how tryed, 212, 268, 357, 44,5. Of lOjT. and 20.r. no appeal, 227, 258, 313. Societys, better ordered, 270, 366. How qualified to vote in meetings of, 362, 546. How to meet and form themselves, 335, 354. How to proceed to build a meeting-house, 381. If 70 families to keep a school, 220. Regulated and the ministry supported, 231. To choose clerks, 212, 298. Where non-residents shall pay tax, 433. Souldiers, secured from arrest, 530. Stanford, a Court of probate to be held there, 355. Stone wall, where it may be set, 377. Strong drink, not to be sold to Indians, 230, 419. Strays and lost goods, 227, 250, 393, 451. Summons, their forms, 283, 360. Surveyors, appointed, 328, 375, 398. Assistants sworn, 234, 342. To lay out grants of land, 419. Wages, 244, 407, 445. IV) Suspected persons, relief against, 520. Swearing, profanely, 319. Swine and cattle, to be marked, 250. Restrained from going on the commons, 257, 350. To be yoaked and ringed, 216. West of Stratford river to go at large, 228. See Sheep and swine. Tallow, bayberry, 270, 278, 302. Tanners, leather to be sealed, 244. Tar and turpentine, fee of gagers of, 442. Taverns, 214, 248, 259, 293, 434, 446. See Licensed houses. Taxes, granted for payment of minister, 423, 432. How assessed and gathered, 417, 456. How collected, 560. Levied 211, 217, 218, 220, 224, 232, 235, 237, 241, 244, 246, 252, 253, 260, 274, 286, 290, 298, 302, 309, 310, 311, 315, 331, 350, 364, 370, 372, 379, 389, 402, 429, 439, 447, 459, 476, 477, 478, 486, 508, 539, 544, 551. Of non-residents, where paid, 433. On Church of England men, Quakers, Bap- tists, 340, 366, 372. On plough lands, 219, 251. Overcharged (see Lists), 273. Theft and burglary, how punished, 284, 433, 450. What, 284, 389. Timber, trespasses thereon, 233, 329, 358, 371. Tipling and drunkenness, 213, 248, 259, 293, 435. Toll bridge, see Bridge. Towns, actions for non-perambulating bounds of, 546. Clerks office, 251, 269, 280, 309, 370. Divided, 424. Inhabitants how qualified, &-c., 282, 322. New, named and bounded, 396, 409, 463. Not to entertain transient persons, 249, 395. Officers when and how chosen, 366. Schools, 220, 328, 354. To choose treasurers, 418. To warn out transient persons, 258. Trade, regulating and encouragement of, 554, 567. Securing and encouragement of, 487. Traders, not inhabitants to pay import, 227. To observe acts of navigation, 227. Trainings, not to be warned on the Sabbath, &c., 356. Souldiers to obey sheriffs in case, 283. Treasurer, how to collect taxes, 456. Persons appointed to audit his accompts, 324. To discharge persons paying loan, 425. To seize counterfeit bills of credit, 236. Towns to choose, 418. Trespasses, by setting fires, 407. In timber, 233, 329, 358, 371, 427. Trials, to be in town only, in case, 333. Tything-men, duty, 267, 291, 293, 350. How chosen, 267. To be sworn, 282. Vacant lands, unlawfully entered upon, 238. Vagabonds, how to be employed and punished, 239, 343, 457, Vice, suppressed and punished, 382. Viewers of fence, what fence accounted sufficient, 334, 566. Voters, in town-meetings, 362, 366. In societies, 231, 335, 363, 366. Unlicensed houses, suppressed, 334. Usury, excessive restrained, 421. Wages, of county surveyors, sheriffs, jurors, posts and witnesses, 244, 323, 328. Wandering idle persons, to be taken up, 239, 343. Warning, for trainings, etc., not to be on the Sab- bath, &c., 356. Warrants, for collecting rates, 353. Water-bayliffs, who such, 349. Water courses, not to be stopt, 303. Wears, hedges, &c., in rivers, prevented, 244, 376, 570. Western lands, proprietors and purchasers may make partition of 396, 409, 463. Meetings of proprietors of to be called, 383, 396, 410, 463. Money received for may be improved for schools, 408, 459. Proprietors of may levy and collect taxes, 385, 397, 411. Widows, their dowry, 216, 446. Wills, inventory when to be taken, 306. Witnesses to be sworn, 243, 248. Windham county, 247, 321, 372. Courts and surveyor, 331, 328. Wine, impost thereon, 231. Witnesses, fees of, 338, 442. Wolves, fraud in killing prevented, 214. Killing them, 362, 443, 525, 561. Woodberry, a Court of probate to be there, 247. Woods, act against firing repealed, 407. Work-house at Hartford, ordered and regulated, 343, 457. Perpetual confinement in, 378. Use thereof, 344. Writs, abatements thereof pleaded, 305, 332, 288, 442. How directed, 428. Of error when brought to the Superior court, 354, 465, 535. Serving and returning of, 537. See Forms of writs. An Abridgment of the Titles of the Laws. Emitting Bills of Credit Appointing Society Clerk Concerning Small Causes Preventing Sheep on Commons Preventing Tipling and Drunkenness Destroying of Wolves Courts of Probate Distribution of Insolvent Estates Concerning Swine Emitting Bills of Credit Division of Estate under Will Actions at New London Levying Tax on Polls and Estate Nominations for Election Peculiars how Assessed Enlarging New London County Appointing Brand for Horses Emitting Bills of Credit Appointing Schools Purchasers of Native Rights Courts of Probate Preservation and Increase of Deer Emitting Bills of Credit Against Polygamic and Unchastity Concerning Listers 211 212 212 212 213 214 214 215 216 216 217 217 218 218 219 219 219 220 220 221 221 223 224 224 225 Distributors of Estates to be sworn Concerning Proprietors Fields Crying Horses and Cattel Providing for Small Causes Concerning Free Trade Concerning Pedlars and Hawkers Permitting Swine at Large Bills of Credit Exchanged Well-ordering of the Indians Regulating Parishes or Societies Excise and Impost Levying Tax on Polls and Estate Nominations for Election Preservation of Timber Petitions regulated County Surveyors to take Oath Justices to Grant Executions Emitting Bills of Credit Time for holding Inferior Courts Passing Counterfeit Bills Courts of Probate Emitting Bills of Credit Currency of Bills of Credit Unlawful Entries upon Lands Suppressing Rogues and Vagabonds 226 226 227 237 227 228 238 229 229 231 231 232 232 233 234 234 234 235 235 236 236 237 238 238 239 (V) Assessing of Improved Lands Nominations for Election Emitting Bills of Credit Bills of Credit Exchanged Hartford County enlarged Idle and Poor Persons Witnesses of Wills may be Sworn County Surveyors Wages Regulating Tanners and Curriers Nuisances in Rivers Levying Tax on Polls and Estate Emitting Bills of Credit Punishment of Manslaughter Loss of Bounds of Land Appointing Courts of Probate Witnesses to Wills Regulation of Licensed Houses Ease of Listers in Warning Concerning Town Inhabitants Loss by Cattcl Straying Bills of Credit Exchanged Suppressing of Immorality Enabling Collectors to gather Rates Procuring Bills of Credit Levying Tax on Polls and Estate Nominations for Election Emitting Bills of Credit Proceedings in Courts Guardians to Divide Lands Indentures of Indian Apprentices Concerning Judges of Courts Concerning Levying Executions Concerning Bills or Bonds Counterfeiting of Coin House of Representatives Courts of Probate Bills of Credit Exchanged Partition of Lands Restraining Swine Providing for Small Causes Prevent Flying from Justice Importation of Rhum Regulation of Licensed Houses Levying Tax on Polls and Estate Nominations for Election Prophaning the Sabbath Exemption from Poll Tax Taking Boat without Liberty Bills in Treasurer's hands Copper Mines at Symsbury Prophaning the Sabbath Providing for a Scire Facias Time for Holding Courts Town Clerks to send Names Regulating Parishes or Societies Getting Bayberry Tallow Concerning Pedlars and Hawkers Duty of Impost upon Rhum Clerk of Common Field Nominations for Election Persons Four- folded in List Fishing-Cove in Lyme Levying Tax on Polls and Estate Forceable Entry and Detainer Duty of Impost upon Rhum Getting Bayberry Tallow Preventing Riots and Rioters Purchasers of Native Rights Keeping the Kings Peace Oath for Tything-men Concerning Town Inhabitants Physicians and Chirugeons Sheriffs meeting Opposition Late Riot at Hartford Concerning Goats Litchfield in Hartford Co. Courts of Probate Bills of Credit Exchanged Levying Tax on Polls and Estate House-Lots defined Nominations for Election Titles of Land Confirmed Emitting Bills of Credit Disorders in Worship Courts of Probate Executors to Sell Lands Disorder of Servants and Slaves 240 240 241 242 242 243 243 244 244 244 244 245 246 246 247 248 248 249 249 250 250 251 251 252 252 252 253 253 254 254 254 255 255 256 256 256 256 257 257 258 258 238 259 260 260 261 263 263 263 264 267 268 269 269 270 270 270 271 272 272 273 274 274 275 276 278 279 281 281 282 282 282 283 284 285 285 285 286 286 286 286 287 289 290 290 291 291 Regulating Parishes or Societies Guns not to be sold to Indians School Money paid in Towns Disorders in Taverns Appointment of Coalers Copper Mines at Symsbury Who to work on High-Ways Proprietors of Common Lands Heiresses Real Estates Exchange of Lands by Towns Emitting Bills of Credit Societies to Choose Clerks Levying Tax on Polls and Estate Abatement not Granted Nominations for Election Encroachment on High-Ways Sheriffs Regulated Concerning Listers Counterfeiting Bills of Credit Emitting Bills of Credit Getting Bayberry Tallow Obstructing New-Haven River Ferry at Rocky-Hill Auditors and Pleas of Abatement Settlement of Estates Well-ordering of Indians Relating to Goats Emitting Bills of Credit Town Clerks to send Names Levying Tax on Polls and Estate Nominations for Elections Emitting Bills of Credit New Clerk may be chosen Time for Holding Courts Assessing Attorneys at Law Listers to be Chosen Bonds and Small Causes Delinquents put in Service Repairing High-Ways Emitting Bills of Credit Levying Tax on Polls and Estate Nominations for Election Absconding Debtors Forceable Entry and Detainer Swearing and Sabbath Breaking Ships Set in List Respecting Goats Concerning Barberry Bushes Windham County Stated Concerning Town Inhabitants Members of Assembly Exempt Regulating Ferrys Wages Laying out High-Ways Oath for Auditors Fines and Penalties Cove at Middletown Execution on Delinquents Encroachment on High-Ways Concerning Listers Regulating Fees ... Providing of Pounds Bills of Credit Regulated Emitting Bills of Credit Posts and Witnesses Wages School Money paid in Towns Surveyor in Windham Co. Relating to Horses Bonds and Small Causes Grand-jurors to Present Wolves and Panthers Destroyed Punishing Trespass Levying Tax on Polls and Estate Auditors and Estates Absconding Debtors Encroach on Lands of Indians Trials before Justices remote Directing Fence-viewers Superior Court Opened Regulating Parishes or Societies Emitting Bills of Credit Concerning Free Trade County Surveyors Nominations for Election Frauds in Bargains of Lands Intestate Estates Indian Children Taught Church of England 292 292 292 293 294 294 294 295 296 297 297 298 298 298 298 299 300 301 301 302 302 303 303 305 306 307 307 308 309 310 310 311 311 312 312 312 313 314 314 314 315 315 317 319 319 320 320 320 321 322 322 323 323 324 324 324 325 325 326 326 327 327 327 328 328 328 328 328 328 328 329 331 332 332 333 333 334 334 335 335 336 336 336 337 338 339 340 (VI) Fornication and Bastardy 341 Emitting Bills of Credit 386 Distilling of Molasses 341 Attorneys Regulated 386 Ferry at Middletown 341 Members of General Courts 386 Surveyors to give Oath 343 Concerning Listers 387 Emitting Bills of Credit 34a Forms of Oaths . . . . . 388 Town Brands stated 342 Regulating in Civil Actions 388 Suppressing Rogues and Vagabonds 343 Late Riot at Hartford 389 Enlarging Coalers Fees 345 Attorneys Regulated . . . . 389 Taxing Justices Polls 346 Levying Tax on Polls and Estate 389 Proprietors of Common Lands 346 Nominations for Election 389 Oaths Printed .... 347 Providing in Case of Sickness 391 Distilling of Molasses 348 Strays or Lost Goods 393 Water-Bayliffs created 349 Fencing Common Fields 394 Ferry at Niantick .... 349 Strangers and Transient Persons 395 Emitting Bills of Credit 349 Copper Mines at Symsbury 395 Permitting Swine at Large 350 Time of Superior Courts 396 Emitting Bills of Credit 350 Certain Proprietors Meetings 396 Levying Tax on Polls and Estate 350 Emitting Bills of Credit 398 Nominations for Election 350 Superiour Court payments 398 Preventing Lotteries 351 Ferry at Saybrook 398 Providing in Case of Sickness 352 Oath for certain Clerks stated 398 Concerning Pedlars and Hawkers 352 County Surveyors named 398 Waterbury in New-Haven Co. 353 Damage by Horses in Fields 399 Rates Assessed and Collected 353 Fencing Common Fields 400 School Money paid in Towns 354 Courts of Probate Fees 400 Time for Writts of Error 354 Dreins and Sewers 401 Emitting Bills of Credit 355 Emitting Bills of Credit 402 Regulating Office of Sheriff 355 Levying Tax on Polls and Estate 402 Appointing Court of Probate 355 Nominations for Election 403 Trainings, when not to be held 356 New London Society for Trade 403 Ferry at Rocky Hill 356 Striking Bills of Credit 404 Appeals and Small Causes 357 Deceased Debtors Lands 405 Brand for Horses stated 358 Fees of County Surveyors 407 Punishing Trespass 358 Firing Woods and other Lands 407 Ditches and Dreins 358 Schools Supported and Encouraged 408 Regulating Office of Sheriff 360 Disputes about Lands 409 Currency of Bills of Credit 361 Partition of certain Lands 409 Concerning Listers 361 Emitting Bills of Credit 412 Destroying Wolves 362 New London Society for Trade 413 Voters in Society-Meetings 362 Taxes how Assessed and Gathered 417 Fairfield County Enlarged 363 Fencing Common Fields 418 Emitting Bills of Credit 363 Towns to choose Treasurers 418 Emitting Bills of Credit 363 Directing County Surveyors 419 Levying Tax on Polls and Estate 364 Monhegan Indians 419 Nominations for Election 364 Advance on Bills of Credit 420 Executor and Legataries 365 Concerning Sheep and Swine 420 Fee for Impounding Horses 365 Nominations for Election 420 Sober Dissenters .... 366 Restraining Excessive Usury 421 Disorders in Meetings 366 Taxes for Itinerant Preachers 423 Judges and Justices Salaries 367 Limitation of Actions 423 Memorials to Assembly 367 Town of Haddam Divided 424 Emitting Bills of Credit 367 Payment of Loan Money 425 Currency of Bills of Credit 367 Raising of Silk .... 425 Division of Common Lands 368 Hemp, Canvas and Linen 426 Encouragement of Post-Office 369 Punishing Trespass 427 Admission of Freemen 370 Writs how directed 428 Emitting Bills of Credit 370 Courts in New London County 438 Fines how disposed of 371 Striking Bills of Credit 429 White Pine Trees 371 Levying Tax on Polls and Estate 429 Time for Freemens Meetings 372 Nominations for Election 429 Concerning Baptists 372 Concerning High-ways 431 Levying Tax on Polls and Estate 372 Copper Mines at Simsbury 432 Nominations for Election 372 Society Rates how Collected 432 Attorneys Regulated 373 Taxes on Non-residents 433 Assembly Committees Opposed 374 Theft and Burglary 433 Constables Fees Stated 374 Excise, Retailers and Taverns 434 Emitting Bills of Credit 374 Duty of Impost on Rhum 435 Hartford County Enlarged 375 Sundry Fees stated 436 Slaves not to Defame 375 Guardians for Minors 437 List of Polls and Estate 375 Delinquent Military Officers 437 Getting Bayberry Tallow 375 Duty of Impost on Rhum 438 Nuisances in Rivers 376 Brand for Horses 438 Concerning Sheep and Swine 376 Striking Bills of Credit 439 Common Fields and Fences 377 Conditional Bonds 439 Fencing particular Inclosures 377 Levying Tax on Polls and Estate 439 Collectors Executors 378 Nominations for Election 439 Work-house at Hartford 378 Bills of Credit Regulated 441 Levying Tax on Polls and Estate 379 Auditors and Pleas of Abatement . 442 Sober Dissenters .... 379 Posts and Witnesses Wages 442 Forceable Entry and Detainer 379 Juries, Gagers and Witnesses 442 Nominations for Election 379 Regulating the Militia 442 Building of Meeting-houses 381 Destroying Wolves 443 Vice and Immorality 382 Concerning Sheep and Swine 443 Surveyors to Drein High-ways 383 Relating to Small Causes 445 Certain Proprietors Meetings 383 Fees of County Surveyors 445 Copper Mines at Symsbury 385 Concerning Listers 445 Regulating of Ferries 385 Concerning Dowry of Widows 446 (VII) Excise, Retailers and Taverns Ditciies and Drains Levying Tax on Polls and Estate Nominations for Election Appeals and Small Causes Time of Superiour Courts Theft and Burglary Strays and Lost Goods Listers Directed Treasurers Warrants for Rates Work-house at Hartford Relating to the Militia Bills of Credit Regulated Schools Supported and Encouraged Preservation and Increase of Deer Levying Tax on Polls and Estate Nominations for Election Regulating of Pleas Common Fields and Fences Fees for Branding Horses Absconding Debtors Towns in Western Lands Trials on Writs of Error Town Brands for Horses Clerk of New Fairfield Enlarging Coalers Fees Petitions regulated Ferry at Rocky Hill Nominations for Elections New London Society for Trade Repairing High-ways Referring to Idiots Preservation and Increase of Deer Passing Counterfeit Bills Licensed Houses Regulated Free-mens meetings appointed Regulating the Militia Nominations for Election Free-mens meetings appointed Hemp, Canvas and Linen Brands for Horses stated Emitting Bills of Credit Emitting Bills of Credit Emitting Bills of Credit Rates of Forein Coins Schools Supported and Encouraged Punishing Deserters Passing Bills on Private Credit Ferry at Niantick Nominations for Election Emitting Bills of Credit Establishing Superiour Courts Levying Tax on Polls and Estate Encouraging Trade and Seamen Regulating the Militia Schools Supported and Encouraged Exportation of Grain and Flour Regulating Fees Passing Bills on Private Credit Exportation of Grain and Flour Court of Probate established Levying Tax on Polls and Estate Nominations for Election Superior Courts Ecclesiastical Affairs Rates of Forein Coins Law Suits prevented Court of Probate Ferry at Say-Brook Ferry at New-Haven Brand for Horses established Regulating Schools of Learning Regulating Office of Sheriff Court of Probate Established Forceable Entry and Detainer Nominations for Election Sober Dissenters Foreiners and Suspected persons 446 447 447 447 449 450 450 451 453 456 457 458 458 459 459 459 459 461 461 463 463 463 465 466 466 466 466 466 466 467 468 468 469 469 470 471 471 473 473 473 473 475 477 478 479 483 483 484 484 484 485 486 486 487 494 502 504 505 505 507 508 508 508 509 510 513 513 514 514 514 514 515 517 517 517 517 519 520 Fees, Fines and Ferriages stated Brand for Horses Ecclesiastical Affairs Idle and Poor persons Trials on Writs of Error Destroying Wolves Relating to Horses Fare of Chapman's Ferry Fare of Stratford Ferry Nominations for Election Law Suits prevented Regulating Office of Sheriff Punishing Capital Offenders Court of Probate established Rates of Forein Coins Fare of Brockway's Ferry Fare of Hubbel's Ferry Say-Brook Ferry Regulated Defence of this Colony Choosing Jury-men Serving and Returning Writs Advancing Grand-jurors Fees Deputy-Sheriffs Fees Preservation of Deer Levying Tax on Polls and Estate Nominations for Election Estates for Ministers Support Referring to Idiots Fare of Nehantick Rope Ferry Fees for Summoning Jurors Gathering Bayberries Fare of Windsor Wolcott Ferry Fare of Smith's Ferry Levying Tax on Polls and Estate Nominations for Election Estates for Ministers Support Bounds of Towns and Persons Voters in Society-Meetings Repairing High-ways Sheriffs and Constables Fees Constables Fees Enlarged Fare of Smith's Ferry Common Fields how established Court of Probate Choosing Jury-men Soldiers secured from Arrest Fare of Windsor Ferry Fee for Impounding Cattel Levying Tax on Polls and Estate Nominations for Election Currency of Bills of Credit Encouragement of Trade Duty on Exportation of Lumber Regulating Fees Regulating the Militia Fare of Rocky-Hill Ferry Taxes how Collected Court of Probate established Destroying Wolves Fare of East-River Ferry Currency of Bills of Credit Enlarging Coalers Fees Toll of Bridge at New-Milford Fare of New London Ferry Fare of Keeney's Ferry Nominations for Election Working on High-Ways Directing Fence-viewers Regulating Fees Fare of Smith's Ferry Encouragement of Trade Building of Meeting-houses Court of Probate established Prosecuting Delinquents Nuisances in Rivers Petitions Regulated Nominations for Election Regulating Fees 520 522 523 524 525 525 526 536 526 526 527 528 528 529 529 529 530 530 531 536 537 538 538 538 539 539 541 542 542 543 543 544 544 544 544 545 546 546 547 547 547 547 549 550 550 550 551 551 551 551 553 554 556 557 560 560 560 561 561 561 563 563 564 564 564 564 565 566 566 566 567 568 569 570 570 570 570 571 ( VIII ) TTTk^ A30 anft iCatOS of OIannp£tirUt were first compiled in 1650, al- ilL though this compilation was not printed until more than a century and a ^■^ half later. The laws were first revised and printed in 1G73, and were again revised and printed in 1703. The laws which had been passed since this new revision until 1708 were printed at one time during the following year; and beginning in 1709 the laws newly enacted were, as they still are, printed after the close of each session of the General Assembly. A new edition of the laws was printed at New London, the previous editions having been printed out of the Colony, in 1715. This edition was a compilation rather than a revision, being a reprint of the revision of 1703 followed, in a more condensed form than their original issue, by the session laws passed subsequent to that date. The text of tliis new edition ended on page 310. It was not until 1750 that the laws were again revised and printed. In this long period of thirty- five years following the edition of 1715, a series of session laws were enacted and issued which comprised almost one and three-fourths times as many printed pages as the original edition to which they were annexed. These ses- sion laws formed a part of the body of statute law of the Colony ; and they show in detail, and as they were enacted, the changes in the statutes and the growth and development of the whole body of statute law of Connecticut. It is this series, comprising the laws enacted at and printed after the sessions of the General Assembly from May, 171G, to May, 1749, inclusive, which is here reissued in photo-zinc facsimile. No laws of a public nature were enacted at the session of October, 1749. The laws enacted at each session of the As- sembly were separately printed, except in 1740. In that year a portion of the laws enacted at the May session and those enacted at the sessions of July, October and November, were printed together ; although the laws of each session bear an imprint as if they had been separately issued. This series of reissues begins with page 311, the number next higher than that of the last page of text of the edition of 1715, and runs with continuous pagination to 574, the last page of the May, 1749, session laws. A number of blank verso pages are included in this pagination. A few errors of pagination occur; but they do not alter the final total. The original official issue of the early sessions of the series was three hundred copies, a number that was doubt- less increased in the later years. The issues of May, 1716, October, 1717, to October, 1739, inclusive, and May, 1737, to May, 1739, inclusive, were re- printed, some of them more than once, previous to the revision of the laws in 1750. It is reasonable to presume that some other issues, particularly those of October, 1716, and May, 1717, were also reprinted. Pages 367 and 368 appear to have been reset, without change of a letter or punctuation mark, during their first printing, possibly owing to some accident to the form. Which of the two was the earlier "set-up" it is impossible to say. The other two pages of the signature were not reset. All of these issues, both originals and re- prints, are rare ; and their rarity, including both original issues and reprints in the computation, may be said to increase in a fairly even proportion from the issue of May, 1716, to that of May, 1749, which is represented by a copy believed to be unique. The copy of the original issue of October, 1717, is also unique so far as is known. Only two copies of each of two other original issues have come to light, although one of these is known in reprints. These facsimile reissues are all made from the original issues, none of the reprints issued while the series was being printed having been used, and with a single exception they are all reproduced from examples in my own collection. My copy of the October, 1737, session, which had been catalogued as an original issue, proved to be a reprint, and the reproduction of this issue is made from an original in the library of the Connecticut Historical Society. The originals of certain of the page^ here reproduced are poorly printed in all examples seen, and difficulty was experienced in securing satisfactory repro- ductions of these pages, a few of them falling below the general average of legibility and clearness. No copies of the issues of the May sessions of 1737, 1728, 1731, 1734 or 1735 are known in which the three printed leaves are followed by a blank leaf; but they were evidently so issued, and have here been reissued in that form. This is evidenced by an examination of the originals, all known copies of which are now included in bound volumes. The fold in which the sewing ap- pears is between the second and third leaves; the first leaf is pasted to the second along its back edge ; the sheet mark appears at the foot of the first page and is repeated at the foot of the third page followed by the figure 2, an almost certain indication that the sheet contained not less than four leaves. Whether, in any of the numerous instances in this series in which the laws of a session were printed on one leaf only, or ended on the first leaf of a folio signature, a similar method was followed, and the full folio signature was issued by leaving the second and blank leaf attached to the printed leaf when issued, is unknown. No evidence that such was the case has been found, and therefore in these reissues the blank leaf does not appear in such instances; yet it is not improbable that they were so issued. The blank leaf is found in similar instances in the year preceding and the year following the period covered by this series, in at least one copy that has never been bound or that has remained unbound until recent years. It should be remembered that in the early days a folio leaf of blank paper was too rare a commodity to be often left unused ; and when a series of session laws was bound into a volume the inclusion of a blank leaf would detract from its appearance and would probably be considered unnecessary. It has been thought best in printing these reissues to fold and separate the leaves, so that the sheets or signatures would be the same as in the original issues. In preparing these reissues a variation from the originals has been made by leaving a narrow stub attached to single leaves, which may be used in binding or removed as is desired. It is believed that the number of extant copies, both originals and reprints, of any of the session laws in this series does not exceed twenty. To enable owners of original examples of the earlier sessions of the series to complete their sets, an increased number of copies of the later sessions of the series of reissues have been printed. The additional numbers above the thirty full sets of this reissue are as follows: for the sessions of 1726 to 1730, five copies; 1731 to 1735, ten copies; 1736 to 1740, fifteen copies; 1741 to 1749, twenty copies. The plates from which this series of reissues was printed have been destroyed. An index to the series, based upon "The Table" printed in 1729, has been added. This is followed, as was the index of 1729, by "An Abridgment of the Titles of all the Laws in this Book." ALBERT C. BATES. Amo Regm i^irgu GEO R Gil, Secundo. Bills of Creuit* 211 Thirty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates. Hartford, 1919 Ads and Laws Pa/led by the Geoeral Court or AiTembly of His Ma/efties Colony of Conntilicuf in tfew England : Begun and Held at Hartford, upon Thurfday the Tenth Day of May, in the Second Year of the Reign of Our Soveraign Lord G£0/?G £. KING of Great- Britain, &c. Anno Domini, 1716. An Ad for Emitting Bills of Credit, for Pay- I^^Jf'^j^. ing the Publick Debts of this Colony. ;^J;;|^;g» '89.19), 197, WHEREAS by an jiEt Tajjed by the General Affembly of iadXot, this Colony, Holden at Hartford, May the Fourteenth, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and "Thirteen, Entituled, An Aft for Emitting Bills of Credit; the Sum of Twenty Thoufand Pounds was Ordered forthwith to be Emitted^ and Delivered t» the Treafurer, by a Committee affointed. 3t is ierebp €natteti bp t^e ((fotiemour, Countfl antj fitpttrentatitjtjf, fn (Benetal Court SHCTembleD, and bp ttie ^ut^02itp of tlie fame, That the Treafurer, be ; and is hereby Impowred, to Iflue forth and Emit 7'hree Thoufand Pounds of the faid Bills, towards the Payment of the Publick Debts of this Colony, and the further neceflTary Charges thereof ; accord- ing to fuch Orders as (ball be given hira from time to time according to Law. aOnb be ft ftirtbec CnacttlJ bp tlie aut^O^frp afojefaib. That as a Fund or Security for the Re-payment and Drawing in of the faid Bills into the Treafury again, this Affembly Grants a Tax or Rate, of Ti&rff 7houfand One Hundred and Fifty Pounds; to be Levied on Polls, and all other Rateable Eftate within this Colony ; and to be Paid into the Treafury at or before the LaftT)ay of Z^^)', One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Twenty Six : Which faid Rate (hall be Paid in Bills of Credit of this Colony, or in Money as it PalTeth generally in the Country at the time of Payment j and in no other manner. Bills of Ccedic CO be Emicced, to the Value of three Thoulini Pound;. Fund forDraw- !ng in the Bills again, by the laftdayofMay 1716 Rates to be paid in Bills of Credir, or in Monej as it then Fades, E e An /4n»o RegHt Regit GEORGII, Secundo. 212 ^ocietv CierKs* ^mall Caufejs* ^!)eep» sceAftcon. An Ad: for appointing a Society Clerk, in cSfoSr" thofe Precinds where no Town Clerk is. and Duty, Pag. 139 °^ X'KJHEREAS fame difficulty hath arifen in fame Societiet in this Covern- V Y wwf, /or ip or fit inScocki. y4m9 Regni Regis G E O R G 1 1, Secundo. 2 1 4 moius. Court of i^robateiS* RtpeaJing an Slntr Jt (0 IBLtrolbtti, That the Aft Made in ;% Laft, Entituled, /in Aft in pag.aoj j4(i for the better Regulation of Taverns, be Repealed. An Adt for preventing Fraud and Deceit, in Vide pag 119 theDeftroying of Wolves. WHEREAS it rnaj he fuj^tBed, that Wolves being Killed without the Bounds of this Colony, are by Indians or others Brought in and Sold for a fmall matter, to perfons defiitute of an Hofiefi Trincifle living voitbin this Colony ; and by fuch Frauds obtain Bills drawn upon the Treafury of the faid Colony, For Prevention of fuch Frauds : Be it (tnatte'o bg t^ ^obemout* CiuincJl antJ HrprerentatttjesJ, fn M .- n VI *2nft:a[ Court ^ffnnbUli, anO bp tte autjiojfrp of tje fame. That or°sS"man ^°^ the future, all Conftables and Selea-men within the refpeaive Towns to grant a of this Colony, (hall when any Wolves Head or Heads are by any perfon Certificate for or perfons, brought to them in order to obtain a Certificate for the fame, any Wolves ftriftly Examine the faid perfon or perfons, how he or they obtained the vcTitTbfh^^- ^^^'^ *"■ ^^^^5 °' ^"""^^ Wolf or Wolves, and whether they were Taken ing ofthemlfe ^^^ Killed within the Bounds of this Colony ; and when upon faid ftriaiy Exa. Examination, or by any other way or means there may be a juft Sut mined where picion of the contrary, fuch Conftables or Sele£k-men aforefaid, fljall not taken^killed- 8""^"^ Certificates to any perfon or perfons lb demanding the lame ; j{c. ' ■ unlefs he or they take an Oath before an Affiflant or Juftice of the Peace, that the faid Wolf or Wolves were Taken and Killed within the Limits or Bounds of this Colony. An A<5^ for appointing One Judge and Clerk to Hold the Court of Probates in Each vid^e Page ^4. Couiity of this Colouy. One Judge and "D^ it CnatfeD bp t!)e n Settlement of IniOlVenC EftateS. InteftateEft«e$ Pag. do, 128, 174, l^t, Sc B€ (t ^natteO b? tte <<5oiernour, Council anbEepcefentatfljejf, '9$ fn 4Benetal Court aJTcmtHcU, ano it i& (tnacteti anU iC^UafnetiTbeEftatejof bp flje Sutljo^itg of tU fame, That when the Eftate of any Infolwnt Deb> perfon Deceafed Ihall be Infolvent, or infufficient to Pay all juft <>" D«eared,to Debts which the Deceafed Owed,the fame fiiall be fee forth and diftributed ""^ dlftributcd to and among all the Creditors, in proportion to the Sums to them •" '''*'^'''^.'"f* refpeaively Owing •, fo far as the faid Eftate will extend. proportion. 5<»v/«^, That the Debts due to this Government, Sicknefs and neceflary 4 c,„'.„ Funeral Charges of the Deceafed, are to be firft Paid. ^' And the Executor or Adminiftrator appointed to any fuch Infolvent Eftate, before Payment to any be made ( except as before Excepted ) ftiall ^' ExKutor reprefent the Condition and Circumftances thereof, unto the Judge of the torloTnfo'lvent Probate of Wills and Granting of Adminiftrations, and the faid Judge fhall Eftates, before Nominate and Appoint two or more fit and indifferent perfons to make a ^"J Creditor is True and Equal Apprizement of fuch Eftate, and Adminifter an Oath to ?*"*• " "f^^" them for that purpofe -, and (hall alfo Nominate and Appoint two or more cumftance'^of fie perfons to be Comifltoners, with full power to Receive and Examine all fuch Eftate t© Claims of the fevera! Creditors, and how they are made out : and fuch the Judge of ComiflToners (hall caufe the Times and Places of their meeting to attend *''"°'"'."' the Creditors for the Receiving and Examining of their Claims,to be made ^°^^'^°"*^ known and publifhed, by Poftiiig up the fame in fome Publick Places in the to rewNvcTiIi Town where fuch Deceafed perfon laft dwelt ^ and alfo in the County examine Claims Towns of that and the next two adjoyning Counties. And Six, Twelve or of Creditors. Eighteen Months Time ( as the Circumftances of any Eftate may require ) '^.<"'" '" •»« Ihall be allowed by the Judge unto theCreditors,for bringing intheirClaims Tim" 'aiiowd F f and therefor. ^HHo Regni RegU G E R G 1 1, Tertio, 2i6 3lnfol^enteftates(» ^V^int. jBiUg of Cremt. and Proving their Debts : at the end of which limited Time, fuch Com" To be R»com- mifTioners (hall make their Report, and Prefent a Lift of all the Claims pcncd for rheir ^^^^^ ^j^^ ^^j^j^ judgg^ vvho fhall Order them a meet Recompence out of the r^b°s"due to Eftate for their Care and Labour in that affair. And the Debts due to the this Govern- Government, Sicknefs and neceflary Funeral Charges, as is hereinbefore ment& Fiinfral Provided, being firft Subdufted, fhall Order the Refidue and Remainder of fi''i>'^"d"h^ the Eftate to be Paid and Diftributed to and among the other Creditors rcmsinder 'of ^^^^ ^^" ^^^^ made Out their Claims, in due proportion to the Sums unto tbcEflate to be them refpeftively Owing, according as the Eftate will bear. Saving unto divided among the Widow, ( if any be ) her Right, which by Law is already allowed ^ and the Creditors, }^gy Dower,which at the Expiration of her Term, is to be alfo diftributed to %t^ZZ" ^'"0"g ^^« Creditors in a like proportion. Owing to'cm. Frovided, That notwithftanding the Report of any luch Commiflioners, Executors may ^"^ Allowances thereof made, it ftiall and may be lawful to and for the conteft Proof Executors or Adminiftrators to Conteft the Proof of any Debt at the of any Debt at Common Law. And no Procefs in Law ( except for Debts due to the Common Law. Government, Sicknefs and Funeral Charges ) fhall be allowed againft the Creditors not Executors Or Adminiftrators of any InfolventEftate,fo long as the fame fhall making out be dep°nding as aforefaid. And whatfoever Creditor fhall not make out their Claims in his or her Claim with fuch Commiftioners, before the full Expiration of ^^A "T r" ^^^ limited Time, fuch perfon (hall be forever after debarred of his or her ever "after *de: Debti unlefs he or (he can find fome further Eftate of the Deceafed, not debarr'd, 8cc before difcovered and put into the Inventory. Unlefs, An Ad in Addition to the A<51 concerning Vide Page 1 5, SwinC. & 109 Swire not fuf- ficiemlyYoak'd 1% i$ ^nacteli li? t^e (Bofjftnour, Cotmcf! anu Itepcerentatiftesf, in (Btneral Court 2!lffcmWeli, anu bp t!)e SSut^o^itp of tlje fame, &Ring'd,doing That all Swine going at large upon the Commons, not being fufBciently Damage.thcir Rjng'd and Yoak'd, doing damage in any Common Field or Particular T^d^Mr' H«d Indofure, and being Impounded, the Owners of fuch Swine fhall pay One & aiiDamages, Shilling per Head, and all Damages •, notwithftanding the infufEciency of noiwithftand- jhe Fence : Any Law,Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. ing rh." inruffi ing tieocj of Fences An Adi for Emitting Bills of Credit, for Pay- vide pag 145, ins the Publick Debts of this Colony, I55,171,17S. O J 'i99,''2oi,^lt \'\fHEREAS by an AEl Vaffed by the General AjftmUy of this Colony, ■xii VV HoldenatWdiXtioxAjlAiLy the Fourteenth, OneThoufand Seven Hundred and Thirteen, Entituled, An Aft for Emitting Bills of Credit ; the Sum of Twenty Thoufand Pounds vjm Ordered forthwith to be Emitted, and Delivered to the Treafurer, by a Committee appointed. gt la l)EWbp (fnaiteU bp rl)e (Bobernour, Countfl onO Efprtr^ntatititjf, fn CPenecal Court StCTembleti, auD bp t\)t 5Burl)o;itp of tlje famp, That BiUsofCredit ^^^ j-gj^ Treafurer, be ; and is hereby Impowred, to IfPue forth and Emit 'o Ihe vXe of T^o Thoufand Pounds of the faid Bills, towards the Payment of the Publick Two Thoufand Debts of this Colony, and the further necelTary Charges thereof ; accord* Pounds ing to fuch Orders as fhall be given him from time to time according to Law. SSttft j4nHo Regni Regis G E O R G I I, Tertlo. w GSJills;, &c* iaei)it)iiis of Mictions f ptottis. 217 5Cnti be ft furtl)cc flCnatfeo bp tt)c SDutliojftp afojefai'D, That as a Fund or Securicy for the Re; Payment and Drawing in of the faid Bills FundforDraw into the Treafury again, this AfTembly Grants a Tax or Rate, of Tiro '"e.'i 'he Biifs Thou fand One Hundred Pounds -^to be Levied on Polls, and all other Rateable ofMay It^iJ* Eftate within this Colony •■, and to be Paid into the Treafury at or before the Laft Day of May, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Twenty To be paid in Four : Which faid Rate fliall be Paid in Bills of Credit of this Colony, or Bills of Credit, in Money as it Pafleth eenerally in the Country ac the time of Payment ; °^ '" ^°"^ " and in no other manner. MtthenPaflh. An Ad for Impo wring the Courts of Probates to appoint meet Perfons in dividing Real Eftates, when no Perfon is appointed byyiJ^p^eM, Will, or when thofe appointed refufe or neglea to make a Divifion. wli^i 'HERE AS it fametimes happens that Real Eft ate given by Willy ts Ordered by the Tcftator to be divided amongft Two or more Legatees^ and no perfon appointed in faid Willy for the dividing thereof \ or the perfon appointed may Neglect or Refufe to make the faid Divifton^ or Dye before he hath made the fame. Court of Pro* JBt it (f nacten bp t^e (JPotemoutr, Council anb IRcpcefentatitjeiS, in ^l{^lr^^°g'l. (Bmzta\ Court 3!l(fjmbleti, anO b? tfie autto'ij at tie fame. That jj^onffE- when and as often as it fo happens, in either of thefe Cafes, it fliall and may ftates.when no be lawful for the Court of Probate in the County where fuch Real Eftate perfon is ap- is, to appoint Three Free-holders to make a Divifion thereof, according po'"'*"* by Will to fuch Will, as the Law provides for the Dividing Inteftate Eftates. aJpSted neg. -— — — ■ — —— — - left their Duty An Act for Reviving of Actions and Procefs lately depending in tiie Inferiour Court of Common Pleas, appointed by Law to have been Holden and Kept at 0tVD^ HonoottjOn fme laft pad, Jnno i 7 i <5. WHEREAS upon the failure of Holding a County Court in New-London See Aft for in June laft,j-tijticemllbe Delayed, and greater Expences occafiontd Holding Coun- to thofe voba had ASions depending there, by Review from, and Continuance by the ^^P°^^2i ^^^' Adjourned Court in February before^if due Provifion be not made to prevent the fame. lS>t It tjjerefo^e (f natteS 6? ttic ^ofternour, Countfl anU I5eprefeft« tatitresf, fn (©eneral Court iaffembleU, anfi bp tfte 2ut!)0^ftp of tie fame, That all fuch Reviews as were Entered at the faid Court in February, ,. and A£lions as were then Continued to the faid Court in June laft, fliall continued to and are hereby Revived and Continued to the County Court in the faid November jSfew-London, on the Fourth Tuefday in November next •, and fliall and Court, may there be Pleaded, Heard and Proceeded upon. And all Parties concerned in the aforefaid AAions, Revived or Continued at the Court ^l^^toTt in February^ aforefaid, fball refpeftively Appear at the faid Court in t"ndLnNovcnr jt cut of time, it fhall then be in the Powejf of the faid Court to Continue the Caufe Colon) vvherein they are concerned, to the next County Court in that County. And ail Bonds and Recognizances taken by any Juftio* of Peace for Mif- demeanour, and Returnable at the aforefaid Court in June laft, are hereby Continued to the faid County Court in November next 1 and the perfon or perfons Bound over thereby, fhall Appear at the faid Court in Navem" bety and anfwer for the MilUemeanour Charged on them j under the Penalry of Forfeiting their Bond or Recognizance aforefaid. And that all Appeals from the Judgment of Afliftants or Jufiices, which Fell with the faid Court, are alio Revived. And this Ad or a Copy thereof, left at the Place of the ufual Abode A Copjof thu of the Parties concerned, in the Caules aforefaid, or Bound over for Aft a fufficient Mifdenteanours to the Court in Jane Isft, fhall be a fufficient Notification Notification. ^^ ^Yicm for their Appearance at the faid Court in Novernher. An Aft for Levying a Tax on Polls, (s^c, WHEREASfy M All Faffed hjtht Centrd jiJJetrAly of the Colony, Holden at Ne«r-Haven, Oftober the Twetftbf One Tboufand Seven Hundred, and ten^ Bntituledy An A£l for Maldng and Emitting of Bills of VHe pag-i5s Publick Credit •» the Sunt of Five Thoufand Pounds »'« the faid Bills toas Emitted,, which hath been jhst Paid out of the Treafvry for the fatiifying the X>ehts of the Colmry. And wherett the faid Afjmlly^ for the Re-foyment and Draniiig in the faid Sills into the Treafury again, by their Ait did Grant a Tax or Rjite eflUve Thoufand Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds, as Money, to h Levied en Polls, and all Rateable Efiate mthin this Colony, within the Jpace of Eight Tears next Enfving the Date of the faid AB \ and jo much thereof in each of the faid Eight tears ^ as this Affemhly fbould after Order and Affoint. 3|t 18 noto ^jDeceO anb (tmtxtH b? tW flSemlil?, That for the Drawing in the remaining part of the faid Bills into the Treafiiry of this A Rite or Colony, there fhall be Levied and Q>lieAed as the remaining part of the Three. pcncf fsid Tax or Rate, Granted as aforefaid, the Sum ofthreeffence on the Pound en the Found, on the Polls, and all the Rateable Eftate within this Colony, to be Levied on Po"». !"<' in the faid Bills of Credit, or in Money as it fhall generally Pafs in Netp- ableSaa"' England, at the time of Payment -, as is provided in an AS Pafled by the General Aflembly of this Co!cny,Holdea SLtliew'Haven,Augurt the Fourth, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Ten, Entituled, An AH in Addition unto, and for Reptalirg One Claufe or Paragraph in the Late, Made and Paffgd Vd n by the General Affemhly of this Colony, Ssgua and Held at Hartford, May thi ' ' '*^' ** Eleventh, One Thoufatid Seven Hundred and Ten, Entituled, An AH for the better Regulatingyond giving a more effeduai Currency to the Bills of Publick Credit. THE Gentlemen Nominated by the Votes of the Freemen brought in to this ASembly, to ftand for Eleftion in May next, are as follows,Kz* The Honourable GURDON SALTONSTALL £/?; The ffonouraile NATHAN GOLD £/?,- John Hamlin Efq; William Pitkin £/?} Jofeph Curtis Efq; Richard Chriftophcrs £/? ; Peter Burr Ef^i J ohn Ailing £/q; Samuel Eels Efq; Matthew Aliyn Ef^; Jofeph Talcot Eff, Abraham Fowier Sfq; John Sherman Efq; Roger Wolcott Efq; Mr. Jonathan IxHtMr. John Hooker. Capt. Richard Buihnell, Mr. Warham Mather. Capt Jofeph Wakeman, and Capt. James Wadfworth. hcv-linian: Printed byr,<7m»,P(iateTto bis Hoaoux the COV.&COUI^CIL. 1716 Anm B.egnt Regis, G E R G I T, Tertio. ;aDDitlOttai;att* New-LondonCOUntp* MansfieldBtantJ* 2 1 9 Thirty copies reissued by Albert C Bates. Hartford. igiQ Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majeftles Colony of Come^icut m'New-EnglanJ : Begun and Held at i^«r//W, upon Thurfday the Ninth Day of May, in theThird Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord GEORGE, KING of Great Britain^ &c Anno Domini^ i 7 i 7. An Ad in Addition to theLaw,EntituIed,An . Ad direding how Rates or Taxes Granted a by the General Affembly, (hall be Affeffed ^.^ p^ ^ and Gathered in, in the Paragraphs thereof ^so'isnf;^, relating to Peculiars. Page Vide 00,101, ro2, and loj. 204. 1% fSf ^CDUfBEQ 6? t!)fg ^CTftnWp anft f^e autflOjftp tbe^eof. Peculiars lia- That the faid Peculiars ftall in all Refpedts whatfoever which bletotheiiJce have reference to Country and Minifters Rates, be in the fame Affefsments, Circumftances, and liable to the like AOefsments, and ^owei o{\l^J°^"f the fame Officers, which the Towns are where the faid Peculiars are by ficers^'^hicK the faid Law Ordered to be Rated. Towns are. An Ad for Enlarging ^m^%timm County. \'ld£ P32C I 2» RiJEfoltrt t)J tijiel ^ffemblg, That the Lands lying within this Colony Eaftward of the Towns of Wocdfiock, KelHngly and PUJnfeld, ftall Miw-L:,nhn be Annexed, and is hereby Annexed to the County of hiew-London. County En- ■ — ■ ' • ■ Urged. An Ad for appointing the Brand for Horfes in the Town of {©auiSfieltr* Vide Page 9, 1*1 1^ i3D?Dm6 anb (CnactetJ b? tW W^tmllh That the Brand for Horfes '°' ^^' ' ^" in the Town of Mamfield (hall be this following Figure,w'i. JVIV^ Gg /!m>o Regni Regis G E O R G 1 I, Tertio. 2 20 Bills of "' l>v the qJ q„j Hundred and Eighty Pounds ; to be Levied on Polls, and Artv 1714 a^^ the Rateable Eftate within this Colony ; and to be Paid into the Treafury, at or before the laft Day of May, One Thoufand Rates to be q^^^^^ Hundred and Twenty Four ; Which faid Rate (hall be Paid of CiTdifor J" the Bills of Credit of this Colony, or in Money as ic PalTeth in Moneyas generally Currant in the Country at the time of Payment ; and in itthenPaffes.no other manner. Vide Page iio.ir I r4i 185, 184. 191,197 An A61 in further Addition to the Law, En- tituled,An Aft for appointing Schools, (3?*^. soriefv'. of D ifolteH b? tW alttmbl?, That every Society or Parifh within 70 Family's Ja the Colony (hall be Obliged to keep a School, where there to keep a are Seventy Families in any Parifh, the School (hall be there kept School 1 1 at leaft Eleven Months in a Year ; and where there is a lefs Num- Wonths in 3 j^g^ ^^ FamiUes not lefs than Half the Year ; and the Major part Power giant- of the Houfholdcrs in any Parilh or Society (ball have flill Power edrotheMa- to Grant Rates for the Support of any fuch School, and choofe a ior Part of Colleaot to gather faid Rates : and what the Major part of the Houfe- liouftolders, j^^^^^j^ j„ ^^y Parif.! ihall Enad and Agree to, refpeQing the En- Schoois"^ couragement and Support of the School amongft themfelves, fhall be Obliging to Obliging to the whole Pari(h. the whole. _______ — ■ ■ Ah y4»Ho Reg»i RegU, G E O R G 1 1, Tertio. ^uK^afe^gpf il!^att1)e aatjs!)tj8;> i^tobate^ 221 An Ad concerning Purchafers of Native Rights to Land. ll'WlT^^ THIS Ajftmhly ohferving many t>ifficuttles and Perplexities ariftng in thu GovernmcHtybyreafonofmanyPurchafesofLand made of ]ndiin-TitUt without the freceding jiUowanca orfubfejuent jipprobation ofthlt jijftmblj' * Which to Remove: 3t JJf !)crelip furtfier fr fst EefolfieDi, That Cinafmuch as many fuch Parchafes A Committee have been made, and the Perfons who have fo made them, or thofe who ^PPO'pted to Claim under them, may think they have hard Meafures if they may cot fhe^Xru r'** Retain feme confiderable Proportion thereof, or other Lands in Lieu derilanding"' thereof Affigned to them, ] John Hamlin £% Mr. John Hookery and ofallClamers Capt. James Wadfworthy fhall be a Committee, or any Two of them, *° ^*"'^ put- by fuch Ways and Means as they fhall think fit, to Enquire into /„^,^'* " '^* and gain a True Underftanding of all the Claims aforefiid, and And tolay lay the True Circumflances of all the laid Claims before the Aflembly, before this in OElober next, with what they may Underftand may be to the Affcmblyin Satisfaflion of the Claimers, either within the Bounds of any Town ^u"-^^ "^'^5' with the Confent of the Proprietors, or elfewherc within the Va- ing/therwn granted Lands of this Colony ; Together with their Opinion that this Afi thereon, to this End that the (aid Aflembly may Settle this whole fembjy ma/ Affair, and Proceed to the Settlement of all the Undifpofed Lands ^".''^ *'l|?. in this Colony, in fuch manner as fhall then be determined, that all Srevent fill Future Troubles about our Settlements may be Avoided, ture Trouble' An A6^ for appointing Onejudge and Clerk to Hold the Courts of Probate in Each videPage24. County of this Colony, and for Reftrain-lll"^"' ing their Fees. B€ ft (tnatfeO b? tijfsf affemWp, That the Courts of Probate in One judge & this Colony, fhall for the Year Enfuing be Holdenby Onejudge CJerktohold and Clerk in each County; and that fo oft as any difficult and dif- j^* Courts of putable Matter fhall happen before any of the faid Judges fuch Judge '°''*"** where it fball fo happen, hath hereby Power to call in to his Af- j. .^ p^ fiflance, any Two of the Juflices of the Quorum. And that the Reftxained. Judges of the Probate, fhall take but the One Half of the Fees allowed by Law to the Judges of the Probate K EV.L O If DO ff : Printed and Sold by Timothy Green, near the Meeting Houfe, where alfo is to be Sold the Body of ConnedJifuNL A WS, with their Additions finee the Book was Printed. 1717- jHWt Regni Regis GEORGTJ, Quarto. ;%DDitional %ti fo? l^refetDmg 2Dcet* 223 Thirty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates. Hartford, 1919. Ads and Laws Paflcd by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majefties Colony of Conned icut in New England : Begun and Held at New Haven, on the xoth Day of Odober, in the Fourth Year of the Reign of Oar Soveraign Lord GEORGE, KING of Great-Britain. &c. ^nno Domini, 1717. An Ad in Addition to the Law, Entituled, An Aft for the better Prefervation and Increafe of Deer^ within this Colony. vide page WHEREAS in an y^£?, Entituled, An ASi for the Better prefervation and Increafe of Deer, within this Colony^ %t i^ l^roiJitleD, ' That if any Venifon, SkJn or Skins of 'any Buck, Doe or Fawn, newly Killed, fliall at any ' Time ( within the Months, wherein the Killing any Buck, Doe or Fawn, ' are by the laid Aft Prohibited, ) be found with, or in the Poffeflion of any 'perfonorperfonswhatfoever, fuch perfon or perfons, (hall be held, and 'accounted Guilty of Killing Deer, contrary to the intent of the faid AOr, •as fully as if it was Proved, againft fuch Perfons, by Sufficient Witnefles, • Viva Voce, Unlefs fuch Perfon or Perfons, do bring forth or make Proof If thcfe in ' who was the Perfon or Perfons, that Sold or Killed the fame. whofe pgC. feflion any 5Ir »i* note «natteB bp tfje "Sotitcnour, Council anO lUeprefrntatltjeff, sSTroeer in ©enetal Court affemblcD, an& lip il)£aiitJ)o?ftp o£ tljEfatne, That newiykiUed if the faid Perfon or Perfons, in whofe PofTeflion any Venifon, Skin or Skins be found, caa of any Duck, Doe or Fawn, Newly Killed as aforefaid, (hall be found, can ™*''* " ap- Satisfy the Judge, before whom the Cafe isTryed, that he or they were not ^^^^i^\^ the Killers, but that the faid Venifon, Skin or Skins, were Thruft into his "e" thereof or theirCuftody or Poireflion,by fome other perfon to Infnare him or them, they to be that then they (hall not incur the Penalty of the faid Aft. And ic (hall and excufed from may be Lawful for any perfon on Juft caufe ofSufpicion of the Breach of the A^'Sh^^ faid Aft, by Killing any Buck, Doe or Fawn, as aforefaid, to take out a be made on Search from the next Afliftant, or Juftice of the Peace, as in ordinary Caies Sufpicion. of Loft Goods, or the like, to Search for fuch Venifon, or Skins. H h And Anno Regn't Regis G E O R G I J, Quarb. 524 BiilfJ of Cteuit ^oivQ^mit ^ ^ntftaftftp. Grand Jury- And the Grand- Jury-tnen and Conftables in the Refpedlive Towns, are * Ki* *"°"' ^^'■^''y ft"<^ly Required, to make Diligent Enquiry after, and make Pre- Inform*&c fentment of, or Information againft any Breaches of the faid Aft. prefumersto SJnti ft I'jS twt^tt CnttctjU fcg t^e 55utl^o?(tp afo^efaiD, That if any killDeer.ad- Perfon whatfoever fhall Prefume to Kill Deer,concrary to the Aftaforefaid, '"f'ffi&'S ^* ^^" ^'^ Adjudged Guilty of Firft,Second or Third Offence, according to OffenM, ac- the Number of Deer, fo Killed»by him, although Killed in one Day, or ac cording* to fo onc Place, or before Profecution of the Firft Offence had .• Any former many killed. Law, Ufage or Cuflom to the contrary notwithftanding. ]l^f!:% An Ad for Emitting Bills of Credit, for Pay- Vy\Ty,\lli ing the Publick Debts of this Colony, i8 and'zio ^^'^ 13* ^^ ^natteU bp t^e ^otiecnour, Countil anti 3Reptcrehtatite0, fa Jj (Benctal Court ^HembkD, anD b? tlje 3iutl)o?it? oE t^e fame, Thac Bills cfPub- there be forthwith Emitted a certain Number of Bills of Credit on this lick Credit Colony, from Two ShlHings to Five Poundsy which in the whole (hall Amount tobeEmitted to the Sum of Twelve Hundred Pounds : Six Hundred Fifty and One Poundt toTiioi ^""^ Shillings, being of the Dead Stock Received from the Treafurer, by William Pitkin, and Jofefh Talcot, Efqrs-, and Major John Clark, Capr. John To be deli- Hall,M.r. Richard Hubbell, and Mr, JohniVadfworth, a Committee Appointed, vered to the by this AfTembly, to Receive the fame, which Committee are hereby Or- Treafurer by dered and Impowred, to Deliver the faid Sum of Six Hundred Fifty and appo^ted"" ^"^ Pounds, Four Shillings to the Treafurer of this Colony, taking his Receipt ' for the fame, and the Remaining part of the £nid Twelve Hundred Pounds^ which is Five Hundred Forty and Eight Pounds, Sixteen Shillings, fhall be out of the Twenty Thou fand Pounds, Ordered to be put into the Treafury, May the Fourteenth, One thoufand Seven Seven Hundred and Thirteen. ana ft 10 fuctf)ec (Enatteo b? tge autfio^it? afo^efafD, That the faid Treafurer to Treafurer be, and is hereby Ordered and Impowred, to IfTue forth and ''*Mdi"°to '^™^'^» '^^ ^^'^ ^'"^ towards the Payment of the Publick Debts of this Order.'"|Psee Colony, and the further Neceflary Charges thereof, according to fuch Fag. 114, 142 Orders, as fhall be given him, from Time to Time, according to Law. And the faid Bills fhall Pafa out of the Treafury at the Value Exprefled in the fame. Equivalent to Money, and fhall be Taken and Accepted, in all Publick Payments, at the Advance, of Twelve-fence on the Pound more. SlnH be ft futtTjtc ^nacttU b? tfje 2utf)0?itp afo?£faiO, That as a Fund Funa/of Qj. Security for the Re-payment and Drawing in of the faid Bills into the Sie ^BilE a- Treafury again, this AfTembly Grants a Tax or Rate of Twelve Hundred and gain, by the Sixty founds ; to be Levyed on Polls, and all the Rateable Eftate within this laft of Colony *, and to be Paid into the Treafury of this Colony, at or before the CWober ^gft ^ay oiOEloher,One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Twenty Six : Whicli '7*^* faid Rate fhall be Paid in Bills of Credit of this Colony, or in Money as it PalTes generally Currant in the Country at the Time of Payment ; and in no other manner. Vide Page Att A^ againft Polygamic and Unchaftity, 7.i?.54.74» 7S,&Ui. XjrfHEREAS the Violation of the Marriage Covenant, is Contrary to the y V Command of God, and Pejfruilive tv the Peace ofFamilns, Mfto Regni Reps GEORGIJ. Quarto. 1^oli?gamie anD Bncljaftitp* Hiftets* 225 2Be It CnQcteO bp tl)e (Poternoiir, Counciil anD lRtpcefentat(t)e0, in (Beneral Court 3IilTEtnl)ltti, anD bp tjje Sllutljoji'tp of ttie fame, That Peifons pre- if any perfonor perfons in this Colony, being Married or who ftiall here- '^'"'"S »» . after Marry, do at an> time Pre fume to Marry any other perfon, the for- foJ^^\ Co^ mer Husband or Wife being Alive, or fliall continue to Live together fo forts being Married, that then every fuch Offender, fliall Suffer and be Punillied, as yet alive, to inCale of Adultery : And fuch Marriage (hall be, and is hereby Declared ^^ P""'^''*, to be Null and Void. To be Heard and Tryed in the County, where Aduhfry! fuch perfon or perfons are Apprehended. See Pag, 4. Mwayi Provided, That ihi$ Ad Or any thing therein contained, ftall not Extend to any perfon or perfons, whofe Husband or Wife, ihall be A Saving to continually, Remaining Beyond the Seas, by the fpace of Seven Years ^"'^{l^"^"** together, or whofe Husband or Wife fhall Abfent him or her felf, the one h« beeHb! from the other, by the fpace of Seven Years together, in any part, within fent from His Majcfties Dominion or elfewhere, the one of ihcm not Knowing the th« other 7 other to be living within that Time. Years. Provided alfo. That this AA or any thing therein contained, fliall not Extend, to any perfon or perfons whofe Husband or wife, has lately or fliall hereafter go to Sea in any Ship, or other VcfTel, bound from one Port to another, where the Paffagc isUfually made in Three Months j^" ^^*"^«* Time, and fuch Ship, or other Velfel, has not been or (ball not be Heard Years of within the fpace of Three full Years, next after their putting to Sea from fuch Port, or fhall only be heard of, under fuch Circumflances, as may rather Confirm,theOpinion Commonly Received of the whole Com- panies being Utterly Loft : but in every fuch Cafe the Matter being laid before the Superiour Court, and made to Appear, the pecfon whofe Husband or Wife, is in this manner parted from her or him may be Efteemcd Single andUumarried: and upon fuch Declaration thereof, and Liberty Obtained from the laid Superiour Court, may Lawfully Marry again : Any Law, Ufagc or Cuftom to the contrary notwilhftanding. Provided alfo. That this k&. OX any thing therein contained, (hall not ASivingalfo Extend, to any perfon or perfons, that are or ftiall be at the Time of fuch f°' Divorced Marriage, Divorced by any Sentence had, or hereafter to be had as the f^h ^°* Law of this Colony, has in that Cafe Provided, or to any perfon or Marry with- perfons, where the former Marriage has been or fliall hereafter be by 'o the Age of fuch Sentence had, Declared to be Void and of no Effeft ; nor to any Confent, perfon or perfons, for or by Reafon of any former Marriage, had or made or hereafter to be had or made, within the Age of Confent, That u to fay. The Man Fourteen Years of Age, the Woman Twelve. Anjrmaobe- ann k fjJ itrrrfjet dnaatn b? tlie flutl)o?ftp afojefaitr, That if any BelSaJJ. Man be found in Bed with another Mans Wife, the Man and Woman fo other mans" Offending, being thereof Convifted fhall be Severely Whipt, not exceed- Wife, they ing Thirty Stripes Unlefs it Appears upon Tryal, that one party was ^°''l 5° **« Surprifed and did noc Confent, which Ihall Excufe fuch Party from the Unlefc ft& Punilhment. ' tot An A(St for Explaining of, and Addition to^'^^<^f^g' that Law ( Made £)ctobct, 1714-) con- ^J°;'^^.^^g cerning Lifters. *'"* WHEREAS tde Law {in Page 200 ) Required Lifieri in each Town to Iranfmit the Lijis re^tSlively to the Gtncral Court inO&obsc ^nually. Hhz ^C Anno Regnl Regis G E O R G I J, Quarto. 226 gitttettatc .cftates?. ^^roptieto^s ifieHi$. %t iti fjcre6p ""^<^ ^^^ General Court in OCiohcr Annually, with a Cer- Gen.Courtin tificate from the Affiflant, Juflicc of the Peace, or Town Clerk, before Oftobcr An- whom the faid Lifters were Sworn, that they were Sworn to a Faithful rualljr, with Difcharge of their Work ; and faid Return of the Sum Total, (hall be Ac- from^luftice "pted asa fufficient Return of their Lifl : Any Law, Ufage or Cuftgra or, ^c. *o the contrary notwithftanding. Lifters fail- 2nt» ft fjS tictebp fuctljer OBnaajO, That for the Future, every of the ing in their aforefaid Lifters that (ball be Negligent, and Fail of fending of"^ the Sum ftud 1 Vo '"^ Total as aforefaid, or the Certificate as aforefaid, (hall Forfeit and pay to ■ * the Treafury of the Colony, the Sum of Ten Pounds ; and that if no Sura ^^iwrein to T°^^' °^ *^® ^''*' ^^ returned from any Town, or not with fuch Certifi- be doom'd&c ^ate, fuch Town (hall be Doomed by the ADembly. Lifters to ^""^ ^^^^ ^°'* "-^^ Future, all Liflers (hall be Obliged to take the Oath, take an Oath Made and Provided for Fence viewers, Clerks of Train -bands, &c. as in Pag. pi Mutatii mutandns. Vide Page ^^ ^^ ^^^ Requiting thofe appointed to Vii^^fi Diftribute the Eftates of Inteftates, to take li'^'ni' an Oath to be Faithful therein. REfolved by this j^femhly. That for the Future, all Perfons that fhall be Appointed, to Diftribute any Inteftate Effate, by Order of the teftaw E-' ^°°" ^^ Probate, in the feveral Rcfpeftive Counties, ftiall take the fol- ftates.to take lowing Oath, en Oath- YOu Swear by the Ever livIngGod, that you will, according to yonrBefl Judgment and Difcretion, Faithfully and Equally Divide the Eftate oiA. B. according to the Order of Court now given you. So hdpyouGod An Adt concerning Proprietors Fields, and videPageis for Impowring Proprietors to choofe a S6"'ji,«9i Clerk, who fhall be Sworn to be Faithful, B bp t^e autt)oJit? of tlje fame. That all Caufes not above wherein Title of Land is not Concerned, and wherein the Debt, Damage 4ox. to be or other Matter, doth not exceed Forty Shillings, fhall be firft brought l'°'lh^°'^ before fome Affiflant or Juftice of the Peace; and not at the County or Juftiw Court ; Any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithflanding. ^. And that upon the Tryal of all fuch Caufes, wherein the Debt, Aftionsnot Damage or other Matter does not exceed Ten Shillings, there fiiall be no to have „„ Appeal allowed from the Judgment : Provided, Thai this Aft con- Appeal."" tinue in Force only for Three Years next coming. Aft limited. An A&. in addition to the Law, Entituled, vide page An A^ concerning Free Trade. ii4,&»7o. ItC fffitti ^nacteU i^ tie «©otjecnouir, Council anH Jtepcefentatfbfjf, (tt ^tnetral Couct SUffembleD, anD bp the autjiojftp of tlje fame, •That all perfons that come to Trade in this Colony, that are not lohabi- 'tants, before Sale of any Goods by them brought or imported into any * Town, (ball pay Twelve Shillings and Six-fence per Cent for every Hundred * Pounds worth of Goods brought by them to Trade, according to the In- * voice thereof made, where they were laft bought and Exported, and fo 'proportionable for all greater and lelfer quantities, &c, 3|tiiS iwto fuctfjfr Cnattcb bp tlje autl^o?ftp afo?efafl». That for the ?*^?°f/?: Future, all fuch Perfons coming to Trade as aforefaid, (hall give Oath be* cfio^y to fore the Afliftant or Juftice to whom they are by faid Aft to prefeni Trade, to sheir Invoyce, that the Invoyce fo prefented, is a True Invoyce of all the giveOath to Goods, then Imported by them, and of the Coft thereof, at the Place '''«" No- where they were laft Bought and Exported, and fliall then Pay to the p°J,"j^ g,, faid Afliftant or Juftice the aforefaid Duty or Impoft, under the Penalty iefufii4. of the Forfeiture, of all fuch Goods, as in the faid Aft is Provided, And Anno Regit: Regis G E O R G I J. Quarto. 228 ^eiJlatjB?, mh ^nVoUts. ^Vjint. And all AffiRants and Juftices of the Peace, Receiving the Duty of A Certificate Goods Imporied as aforefaid, (hall give a Certificate thereof to the perfoa tobe granted Importing the fame, who (hall be Obliged to fhew the faid Certificate to «" R?>""8 any other AfliOani orJuRiceof the Peace that may QueHion whether be Gwds"?m- ha'h Complied with this Aft, and if he Refufe to fhew the fame, he (hall ported i to be be Lyable to Pay all Charges, that may Arife upon any laformation and ihewn, &e. Profecution againft him, for not Complying therewith^ An A6t concerning Pedlars, Hawkers, Petty S^!*7o,l]ld Chapmen, or other Trading Perfons going *'^'* ' frona Town to Town with Goods to Sell B(£ ft^natteti b? f!)e(Bot)ernout,Councfl ant»!5epteCcntatiije3,(n(Beneral Court aflrmbleiJ, aitO bp t\\e autt)0?itp of tljefame. That from and ing from" after the Laft Day of December next every Hawker, Pedlar, Petty Chap- Town to man or other Trading Perfon going from Town to Town, Travelling Town carry- either on Foot or with Horfe or Horfes, carrying to Sell any Goods Wares slfl w ^ve ^"^ Merchandizes, ftiall in the firft Town into which they (hafl Enter Oath before wi'hin this Colony, before they Expofe any Goods to Sale, go to fome fome Juftke Afliftant or Judice of the Peace, and Prefect and make Oath unto a True to their In. and full Invoyce of all their Goods, Wares or Merchandize, and (hall Pay T°^^' Pj?y- unto the faid Affinani or Juflice of the Peace, after the Rate of Twenty tie^s of theiiT Shillings for every Hundred P ounds Worth of Goods, whether in greater before they* or Icffer Quaiuities. (One fifth part of which fhall be to faid Afliftantor expofe their Juftice of the Pcace for his Trouble ; and the remaining part (hall by the Goods toSale fajd Aififlanl or Juftice of the peace, be paid into the Publick Treafury ) Upon which, fuch perfon may have a Certificate thereof from onder the ^b^"*ted ^^^^ °^ f"^^ Ailiftanl or Jufiice, which Certificate the perfon or perfons to fuch*Ped- Oiall be Obliged to fhew to any perfon that (hall demand a fight of it t lars, to be and his Refufal to fhew it, fhall be Warrant Sufficient for any perfon or ihewn to any perfons, to Inform sgainft and Profecute fuch Offender. And all Charges perfons upon of fuch Profecuiion to be born by fuch perfon or perfons that fhall tefufe *"'**"°' as aforefaid, to fhew his or their Certificate. Terfons pre- ^°** '^ ^"^ perfoD or perfons fhall Prefume to Expofe to Sale any fuch fuming to ' Goods Wares, as aforefaid, without Certificate firft had and Obtained Sell Goods from fome Afliftant or JuOice as aforefaid, all fuch Goods as fhall be tefore they fo foojjd in the Hands of fuch Pedlar, Petty Chapman, &c. ihall be For- ^a't h *'"' ^^"'^ •' *^°® Moiety thereof to be to His Majefly, to and for the Support Certificate, ^f this His Majedies Colony, to be paid into the Publick Treafury ; and to forfeit all the Other Moiety, to fuch perfon or perfons that fhall Inform of, and fuch Goods. Profecute to Effeft any fuch Offender. An Adi for Permitting Swine Weft of SwiiJfW-River to go at Large. Vide Page J5. 109, 216 T^ Efolved by this ^JfemUy, That after the RHing of this Court, all & 157. J[\ Swine, that are in any of the Towns Weft of Stratford-KVftr^ and Swine Weft £a(t of the Weft Bounds of this Government, fhall have Liberty to of Stratford- go at Large in any part of the aforefaid Bounds, and (hall not be adjudged River, may Damage Feafant, nor liable to be impounded ; Except faid* Swine are fn any of the ^^^^^ '" fom^ Common Field or Particular Inclofure, Sufficiently Fenced ; Towns, and Any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. not to belm- Always Provided, That this Law have Force bus Two Years, pounded.Ex- ceptjEj'f. " ^- AaAet j4Hn9 Regni Regis G E O R G I J, Quarto. 55iUjS of Ctemt DratbE in $ CjccDans'tr* Indians. 229 An A6t for Drawing into the Treafury the Bills of Credit bearing Date fulj the nth. 1 709, only J and for Exchanging of them with Bills of Credit of a later Date. Ss^iw? WHEREAS bp cm M, MaJt and Faffed i« tht Gtniral Ajjtmhly HtUtn at Hartford, May tht Fourtttmh, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and ThirfttH, tht TriafureT was Imftwred at any TimCy within One Tear and a Hdf^ Pmmhle after tht [aid Fourteenth of May, One Theufatid Stvin Hundred and Thirteen, to Rective any tftht Billt cf Otdit ef this Colony^ bearing Datejnly the Twelfthfine 7htufand Seven Hundred and Nine, only ; and give in Exchange for them, the Bills cf Credit offhii Celeny, bearing the Additional Date t/May One Thou [and Severt Hundred attd Thirteen, /ind whereas by one other AS, Made and PaJJed in the General Ajimhly Holdett at New-Haven, the Fourteenth Day cf Odober, in the Tear One Thouftnd Seven Hundred and Fourteen, the faid Treafurer was further Jmpovred^ to make the Exchange aforefaid, until the Firfi Day 0/ June, in the Tear One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Fifteen ^ and no longer ; hj which means, it was Hopedy that the (aid Bills of Credit, bearing Date the Tnelfth Day of July Om Thoufand Seven Hundred and Nine, Only ; which have been Imitated byfevtral Falfe and Counterfeit BillSf to the Damage of divers Fcrfons, might be Drawn in^ and all fuch Frauds^ for tht Future prevented. And whereas notwithffanJing the Pro. 'vifitn made, as aforefaid, for the Drawing in the faid Bills of Credit by Exchange^ fevtral Perfons have been Ntgiigtnt^ to bring them in, and have them Exchanged, as aforefaid, by which means Opportunity has betn given to Evil Minded Perfons, to frahic* the faid Cheats ana Forgeries, by Falfe Plates and eiherwife j which has f roved J and may fi ill f rove a great Damage, For Remedy whereof • fS5t it <5natteb lip ttie (Boternour, Councd anti MlEprirmtatfte?, (n Receive" the Ctntul Court affembUD, anO 6h t^t autfjojit? of t^e fame, That ^'"^ °f Cie- £hc Treafiirer be, and hei$ hereby Impowred to Receive any of the faid ^'^ ''"""S Bills of Credit, of the Date of July the Twelfth One Thoufand Seven Hun- only 'and'ta died and Nmc only, and give in Exchange for ihetn, to their Value the Exchange ftid Bills of Credit bearing the fame with the Additional Date of May One ^^^"* f°r o- Thoufand Seven Hundred and Thirteen, ai any Time before the Fifteenth '•^'^^'"s, by Day of May next, and no Longer May « j. 17J8 flnb ft (0 ^mbp fuctjec «natteo. That from and after the faid Te„ r„^- FiftceathDayofiW-jynext, no Creditor ftaU be Obliged to Receive in oblig'd to"°' Payment, the faid Bills of Credit, bearing the Date of the Twelfth of 7«/« receive faid One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Nine, only j and that a Proclamation ^'"'' "f'" of the TcnOur with thii k& /hail be Publi(hed. May 15.1718 An A^ ni^n or an Indian, and the other Half to the Treafury of the County, aConviaion, where fuch perfon (haU be Convift. Unlefs, &e. And all Grand-jary>men, (haD take diligent Care, to make Prefentment of any perfon or perfons, whom they Ihall know, or upon good grounds have Grand- Jury, ^gafon ^q fofpefl, have Sold Drink to any Indian, contrary to this, or any ftnt Sufpea' °^^^^ ^^ provided againft the fame. edpeifons. And it ii further ProviJed, That nothing in this A3, (hall be taken to „ Excufe any perfon whatfoever, from any Penalty whatfoever, which he toexcufet'he "^^Y •"«^"'' ^^ Vertueof any other Law Prohibiting Selling of Dtink with- Penaltiea of OUt LicCnfe Selling with- Andforafmuchas Ulenefs appears to lea great OhfiruSion to the Indians Re- cut Licence, ceiling the Cofpel of Truth, and it mi^ht very much Conduce to their Reformaticn in that particular y if they were by Eafy and Agreeable Methodt brought off from their "Pagan manner of Living, and Encouraged to make Settlementt in Convenient Placety in tillages, after the Englifh manner. Meafures to 3fr i0 ^tvtb^ Eefolitb, That Meafures (hall be nfed to Form Villages of p ""^ VI? *^® Natives, wherein the feveral Families of them (hould have Suitable ges'^for the' Portions of Land Appropriated to them, fo that the faid Portions ftould IndianSiSfe. Defcead from theFather to his Children, the more to Encourage them to Apply themfelves to Husbandry, and good Diligence therein, for their Support. And lohereas there is a Confiderable TraB of Land in the Totimfhip of New- Tudees of London, which ii faid to be Suitable and Sufficient to make fuch a ViUagCy and the Superior ufon vbicb there art now It ving the Largtfi Numberi of Indians, that Live together Court to j„ a^y one Place in this Government, "View thejr^ j^^^ tl)CC«for£ ©netteD, That T^lathan Gold, Efq. John Hamlin,ECq, Samuel 10 N London ^'^"*> ^'<1' 7'>"athan Lau>yE{q. J^igQS of the Superiour Court,"or any Two or more of them, do make a View of the faid Traf Traft of Land, ViGt the hdians Living on it, take Account of the Number of their Fami- lies Ahvo Regyii Regis G E O R G I J. Quarfo. Societies o;t ^ui^tQ. Cjccife anD gimpoft. 231 I — ' " ' ' »^— ^— — ^— » lies and Pcrfons, of the Quantity and Quality of faid Land, with other Circumfiances thereof, in Refpeft of any Claims made thereto, or Poflef- Take an ic- iions held thereon, and lay a Plana of the fame before the General Court, ^umbet and for their further Diredion, that they may be the better Enabled to Families of Proceed in Forming a Village ol the faid Indians there, and bringing Indians jhtre them to fuch Civil Order, Cohabitation and !nduftry, as may Facilitate the ^nd lay the fettjng up of the Gofpel Miniftry among them. And that they View, and ^he^Ge^erl! make Report of all the Land formerly Sequeftred to faid Indians. Court, ^e. An Ad for the better Ordering and Regu- lating Parilhes or Societies, and for their vide Page Supporting the Miniftry & Schools there. \Vu!li% 1^ {g "S *'»''"• An Ad: in Addition to, and for Emendation of the Law, Made and Palled at this Af- fembly Odober the 1 4.^/; ^nno Vomini^ 1 708, Entituled,An Ad in Addition to, and for Emendation of the Law Faffed in the Ge- neral Afl'embly Holden at Hartford, May the i^tk 1708, Entituled, An Aace of Nine Tears next Enfuing the Date of the faid AU ; and fo much thereof in each of the faid l^ine Tears ^ su this Affembly fhould after Order and yjppoint. Rate of ^^ ^^ "®^ OcDftfD anU ^mttth 6p tljij^ SCffetnBIp, That for the Two- pence Drawing in the remaining part of faid Bills into the Treafury of this Colony, on the Pound there (hall be Levied as the remaining part of faid Tax, Granted as aforefaid, the Sum ofTrve-pence on the Pound on the Polls and all the Rateable Eftate within this Colony, to be Levied in the faid Bills of Credit, or in Money as it (ball generally Pafs in Nfn7-E«g/4«i, at the time of Payment; as is provi- ded in an Ad Pafled by the General AfTembly of this Colony, Holden at Wfn>-«4vcw, ^:;^a/? the Fourth, One Thoufand Seven Hnndred and Ten, ^. . _ Entituled, An Afi in Addition unto, and for Repealing One Claufe or Pa- Vid.Pag. ry4 „gfaph in the Law, Made and PafTed by the General Aflembly of this Co- lony, Begun and Held at Hartford, May the Eleventh, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Ten, Entituled, An Ad for the better Regulating, and giving a more efFefiual Currency to the Bills of Publick Credit. THENamesof the Gentlemen that by the Votes of the Freemen, are to fland in Nomination for Eleftion in May next,are as followeth,w«.. The Honourable GURDON SALTONSTALL, Efq. The Honourable NATHaN GOLD, Efq. JOHN HAMLIN, Efq. WILLIAM PITKIN, Efq. JOSEPH CUKTIS, Efq. RICHARD CHRISTOPHERS, Efq. PETER BURR, Efq. SAMUEL EELLS, Efq. MATTHEW ALLYN. Efq. JOSEPH TAL- COT. Efq. ABRAHAM FOWLER. Efq. JOHN SHERMAN, Efq. ROGER WOLCOTT, Efq. JONATHAN LAW, Efq Capt JAMES WADSWORTH. Mr JOHN HOOKER. Capt. JOSEPH WAKEmAN. Capt. RICHARD BUSHNELL. Mr. WARHAM MATHER, and C»pt. JAMES ROGERS. Maa Regni Regis GEORGII, Quarto. Xrefpaffes in Ximber. 2^3 Thirty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates, Hartford, igig. Ads and Laws PafTed by the General Court or AfTembly of His Majcfties Colony of ConneHicut in New England : Begun and Held at Hartford the &th. Day of May^ in the Fourth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord GEORGE, KING oi Great-Brita'tn, &C. Amo Dom. 1718. An Ad for the Prefervation of Timber, and preventing Trefpaffes relating thereunto. B(E it€na(feT» bjtfje ®8T)etnOttr, Coantfl anli jRppcefentatftejf, in General Couct alTembUB, anft b? t^e autfjo^jftp of tl)e fame. That whatlbever Perfon or Perfons, (hall hereafter cut down or fell any Tree, on the Land which appears to be the Property of any other perfon or perfons, and hath been formerly Bounded outi and the Lines between Corner and Corner Marked out, or Renewed within Four Years next before the Felling of fuch Tree, without leave firft Obtained, from fuch Owner or Owners, under his or their Hands, and be thereof Convift before any Affiflantor Juftice of the Peace, by Confedion, Evidence,or otherways, fhall Pay to the Proprietor or Proprietors of the faid Land, for each Tree or Stadle, under one Foot over at the Scubb, Five killings j for each Tree which is one Foot, and under two Foot, Ten ShillingSy and for each Tree two Foot over and more at the Stubb, Twenty Shillings, over and above the Value of the Trees fo Felled i to be Judged by two Freeholders under Oath to be Adminiftred for that end, before faid A/Gftant or Jufiice, who is hereby Impowred to Adminifter the fame, and give Judgment and Execution for the faid feveral Sums, to be Re- covered upon any Conviftion had before him .• And the faid perfon who fhall be fo Conviaed,hach hereby Liberty granted him, of an Appeal to the next County Court, and no further Tryal. Provided, Th&c if at the faid County Court, he fhall not Obtain a Reverfion of the Judgment Obtained againft him, he fhall be Adjudged to pay to the party Injured, double Damages and Cofts. Provided Always, BnU be ft (CnatteD, That this Aft or any thing therein contained, fiial) in no wife alter or make void any particular Agreement, upon Record of any Town or Towns in this Colony, refpefting their Tim- ber or Wood for Fuel •, but that the fame Agreements, Votes or Grants of the faid Towns, fhall be in the fameForce and State, as before the making of this Aft : Any thing in this Aft to the contrary notwithffanding- K k An Vide Page iii,iiz,zor Z02,& i9i. Any perfon falling Trees in anothers Property, to be fined 5 x. for each Tree under one foot over at the Stubb, 10 J. for each Tree above one & under two foot, Sc 10 s for eac-h Tiee above two foot over, befides the value of faid Tree : To be prized by two Free- holders un- der Oath. Liberty of Appeal. This Aifl not to alter any particular Agreement of any Town refpefling then Timber. Anno Regyii Regii GEORGII, Quarto. 234 ^ctition0. ^utDeping* ejcecutions* An Adl for preventing a Multiplicity of Peti- ^i!\!i^loB tions being brought to the General Ailembly, T '///S AffemUy being fenfthle that the Puhlick Charge it much hcreafed, hy a Multiplicity of Petitions, for things of lefs lvalue than the Charge of De- ciding them, and the Publick Affairs alfo thereby further Obflruded. Which to Prevent : No Petition jt (g lUefolbeD 6? tW Court onH tf)c ?Cutt)0?ftp t^ntot. That red to ''the * ^°' ^^^ Future no Petition fliall be Preferred to this Affembly, wherein the General Af- Value of the Debt, Damage, or other Matter or Thing, about which the fembly under Controverfy did arife, does not Exceed the Sum of Fifteen Pounds. I J/. Matter. ^uD furtftcc (t I'S EtfoltitD, That for the Tryal of each Petition, fliall j/.forTrying be paid the Sum ofThree Pounds. a Petition. And this Law to be of Force for the Ipace of Two Years next, and no Aft Limited, longer. An Ad: for requiring thofe improved in afliftinff County Surveyors in Meafuring Vide Pages, t J 1 i-w 1 5o,.o8,io9. Land, to take an Oath. and no. ' Surveyors in "D ^tolbeli t^ tl)f£f StffemW^ That when and fo often as the County layingout of X\ Surveyor Ihall be Imployed in Laying out any Grants of Land, or ^"""- ^'j Renewing any Boundaries that are Loft, and there be Occafioi^ for the to be affifted parrying the Chain to Meafure the Lines, that the Men Improved therein, under Oath. ^^^ ^^"^^ ^he following Oath. VOu A. B. and C. D. being defired to AfTift T. C Surveyor, in Carry- ing the Chain, Do Swear by the Ever-living God, that you wiJlFaith- The Form ^'^'V ^^'^ ^^® ^^^^ Surveyor in his Service, and that you will keep a True Accountof all Lines or Meafuresby you taken, and the fame give up to faid Surveyor, at his Defire, according to your beft Skill and Ability. So help you God. An A(ft for impowring Juftices of the Peace to grant Executions in Small Caufes, to ,94,i95.2u jun through all the Towns in this Colony. Vide Pag. I J 194.195 and iij Juftices to T>(tfoItjelJ bp t^fsf Sfifftmbl?, That whenfoever any Juftice of the Peace, grant Execu- £^ f})aii give Judgment in any fmall Caufe, wherein he hath by Law fl^U be*^*' Authority to grant Execution, he (hall grant forth Execution Purfuant to fervedby any ^^id Judgment, direfting the fame to the Sheriff or any of the Conftables Sheriff or that belong to the County within the refpeftive Precinft where the Conftable in perfon Livcth, upon whom the Execution is to be Served, whether in the the Colony County where the faid Juftice doth Inhabit, or any other County in the Colony V which Sheriff or Conftable, fhall Faithfully Levy faid Execution, Laying Ex- ^"^ Return the fame to fuch Juftice, according to Direftion in the Law ecutions, in' formerly Provided for the Serving and Returning Executions : Any Law, pag i6i,i6^. Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. An ^HHo Regrti Regis GEO R Gil Quarto. aBllljg OfCrcDit Hartford f Fairfield Court alterU 235 An Ad for Emitting Bills of Credit. vMep^ge »7S, 183,189 B€ It (fnatteU 6p tfie dPoternoUr, Council anti EeprefentatftfS, fn 195,199,^01 (Bmerfll Court HlffemblcD, anD bp t^e auttioji'tp o£ tlje fame, That ^i 1,^16,220 there be forthwith Emitted a certain Number of Bilisof Credit on this ^^'^'^'■^9' Colony, from Two Shillings to Five Pounds, which in the whole fhall amount to the Sum of N/w Hundred Fifty Eight Founds ^ Six Shillings, the Sum of ^jl's ofCre- "Jliny Eight Pounds, Two Shillings, being in the Hands of Major Talcot, as *^'* ^°}^ ^' appears on the laft A.u(i\t,May the Sixteenth One Thoufand Seven Hundred ^e Value°of and Eighteen ; Seven Hundred Sixteen Pounds, Seven Shillings and Six Pence 958i 8c 6 s. befng of the Dead Stock, received from the Treafurer by William Pitkiny "Peter Burr, dndJofepbTalcot EfqrsjMr. John Edwards, C^pt- Aaron Cooke, J^r- Samuel Clark, and Mr. E/'w^t.fr f/rc^, a Committee Appointed by this Ailembly to receive the fame, which Committee or any two of them, are To be put hereby Ordered and Impowred, to deliver the faid Sums, Amounting to >nto the Seven Hundred Fifty Four Pounds, Nine Shi/lings and Six Pence, to the Trea- ^"'^^ °^ ^^^ furerofthis Colony, taking his Receipt for the fame, and the remaining ^ chofeT ^ ^Sirt of the Culd Nine Hundred fifty Eight Pounds, Six Shillings, which is. Two Committee. Hundred and Three Pounds, Sixteen Shi^ings and Six Pence, (hal\ be out of the Twenty Thoufand Pounds, Ordered to be put into the Treafury, May^ One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Thirteen. «nO it i^ fuctjec CnatteU 6? t^e SCutto^ftp afo^tfafU, That the faid Treafurer be, and is hereby Ordered and Impowred to Iffue forth and JErnit the faid Bills, towards the Payment of the Publick Debts of this Co- To be iffuoil lony,and the further neceflary Charges thereof, according to fuch Orders forth accord- as fhall be given hiiti from time to time according to Law. And the faid ing to Order Bills fhall pafs out of the Treafury- at the Value exprefled In the fame "f^aw. equivalent to Money ; and fliall be lb taken and accepted in all Publick '^ ^"oI^^% Payments, at the advance of 7wf/vf-pwc« on the P«H*J 31In5 lie ft funtec ^Bnatteb, That as a Fund or Security for the Re- payment and Drawing in of the faid Bills on this Colony into the Treafury again. This AlTembly Grants a Tax or Rate of One Thoufand and Six Pounds Four Shillings, to be Levied on Polls, and all the Rateable Efiate within this j""**- *""• Colony \ and to be Paid into the Treafury of this Colony, at or before the the"'Bifls'a- laft Day of OBober, Anno Domini, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and gain, by the Twenty Seven i Which faid Rate fliall be Paid in the Bills of Credit of 1*^ o^OSoier this Colony, or in Money as it Pafleth generally Currant in the Country ^^^^t at the time of Payment ; and in no other manner. An Ad for altering the Time for holding the County or Inferiour Courts, appointed to be held at IJartfo^ti, and at faivHtlD, ' Vide Page B€ it cPnacteli h? tfte ^oternout. Council ano firpwfenratftj??, in *'^^' (Benecal Court Mimbkb, anD bp tfje aurf)0;ft? oE tje fame, That Court to be the time for Holding the County Court ac Hartford in November, is hereby ,*'? *' ^f '" Altered from the Third Tuefday to the Firft ; and at iv«/r^fW, from theSiuefday Firft Tuefday of the fame Month, to the Third Tuefday. of tftvtmher, & at Fairfitli ■ ' "^^ . the third. ^nno Begyii Regis GEORGII, Quarto, 236 i^retentmg ifaife m\\% of €uXi\t. l^robates^ An Ad for the more Effedual preventing the Spreading or Faffing of Falfe or Counterfeited Bills of Credit. Vide page^ the Spreading or Faffing of Falfe, Altered, THIS AJJemhly confidering the great Mifchief Suffered both by the Publick and by f articular Perfons, by reafon of the many Altered^ Falfe and Count er- feit Bills that are faffing among the People, notvoithfianding the great Care which has been taken to Supprejs all Evil Practices upon the faid Bills. The Treafu- "^^ '^ fuctlier ^cofeftiel) 6? tW ^ffemblp, auD tie ^ut^o^ft? t^ereaf, rertoSeifeall That when and fo often as itlhall happen, that any fuch Falfe, Altered or Falfe, alter'd Counterfeited Bills, fhall be brought to the Treafurer Of this Colony, or T' ^d^n\7' ^^"'^'i ^'^ h''" '" Payment of Rates, or to be Exchanged, he fhall Secure of Credit ^ them j and he is hereby Authorized toSeife and Retain them, entering the when they're Name of the perfon in whofe PofTe/fion the Bill or Bills were, on the Back- offer'd him fide thereof. And further, Every Affiftant and Juftice of the Peace in this inpayment Coiony is hereby alfo Authorized and Impowred to Seife or take into ill Excha'nsT ^^^ Cuftody every fuch Bill as aforefaid, which he fhall See, Obferve, or ■ have Cognizance of, and the fame to Retain, Entering on the backfide Afllftants & thereof the Name of him from whom he takes the faid Bill, and at hi? Juftices alfo Difcretion to Adminifter an Oath to him to Declare the perfon of whom to feife all he Received it, and to lend forth his Precept, or ocherways to Caufe the thev ili'n*^ Perfon to come before him to be Examined in the Premifes, and to proceed have Cogni- ^". ^'s Inquiries after the Author of this Mifchief as far as his Difcretion zance of, £?'<•. will guide him. An A6t for appointing One Judge and Clerk to Hold the Courts of Probate in Each Vide Page County of thls Colony, and for Reftrain- Jl4."^'I"' ing their Fees. B(£ it CnatfcO 6? tt)e (Bofefcttour, Council anO IRfprefentatiljeg, in ©enccal Conct arTembko, ann bp tljC ^utbo^ftp of tlje fame. That cie'rlcin each the Courts of Prolate for the feveral Counties m this Colony, fhall for the County to Year Enfuing be Holden by One Judge and Clerk in each County, and hold the that fo oft as any Difficult and Difpucable Matter fhall happen before any Probate^s^ of the faid Judges, fuch Judge where it fhall fo happen, hath hereby Power to call in to his Affiftance, any Two ot the Juftices of the Quorum. And Their F«es that the Judges of the Probate, fhall take but One Half of the Fees allowed Reftrained. t,y Law to the Judges of the Probate. I^EfVLONDOM: Printed & Sold by 7. Green, i 7 i 8. Anno Regn't Regis G E O R G 11, Quinto. wm of €xtm. 237 Thirty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates. Hartford, 1919. Ads and Laws Pa/Ied by the General Court or AfTembly of kis Majeilies Cdldny of Conned jcut in New EnglanJ : Begurt ?iQa Held at New Haven, the Ninth Day of OSioher, in the Fifth X'ear of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George, IUNG of e Committed* and it a Ijerebp fuxtjjec ^DfcIareU anb (tnartcli, Thatnoperfon orf"'','"^" perfons fhall be taken or efleemed by any Entry or PofTe/fion whatfoever, out aCai to make to him or them a Title to an^ Publick Lands, or fucK as Kave Conveyance jjot been LegaUy Conveyed by the Governoui: and Company of this "o^ to make Colony. ^ * Title. ALmays provided^ Nothing in this Ail be Conflrued to Refpeft any ^^ g • Lands in any Townfhip within, this Colony, except in the Town/hip of fifir.^ExMpri ji^ford. ing JJhford. An Adi for the jnore Effeftual Suppreffing of Rogues, Vagabonds, or Sturdy Beggars, I^t ^'l! that fhall be found Wandering about in'"''^^- any Town in this Colony. ^T^THU It E As Idle Ter forts ^ P^agahonds, and Stwrdy ieggars, havr^cen of V V i^^fy andftill are much Increafmg voithin this Government ^ and likety more ta increafcj if timely Remedy be not Provided. For the more Effe£hial Prevention and Punifhment whereof ' 5Be it Cnattrtt b? t^c , ano bj tt)e autljojfrp of tlje fame, That fording to" all Lands lyableby the Uw to be put into the Lift, Hiall be 'Entered in their teal the Lift according to their Real Quantity within Fence or Improvement, Quantity, as the Law direQs. 1 He Gentlemen Nominated by the Votes of the Freemen brought in to this Allembly, to ftand for Eledion in May next, are as follows, Viz. The Honourable d^ttttlOtt ^altOtlftall, Efq; The Honourable 0at\)tin bp tlje <«5obertiouc, Council anfi BEprefttis tatibeS,in(©eneralCouct affemblrt.anD I)pt{)eauttio?itpof tljetame, ^oi.m.ii^ That there be forthwith Emitted a certain Number of Bills of Credit "^'",1'*^ on this Colony, in fuitable Sums from Ttpo Shillings to Five Pounds^ 238.' which in the whole (hall Amount to the Sum of One 'thoufand Two Jiundred and F'lfly One Pounds and Six fencCy and no more j which ftall be of g.,, , p , the Bills of Credit drawn in by Rates, and which have now been received i^[^ Credit cf the Trealurer by a Committee appointed by this Court, which Com- tobeEmitted jnittee are hereby Ordered to deliver again to the Trealurer the faid Sum amountingto oi One Thoufand Two Hvndred And Fifty Om« Pean«/j and S»Vpra«, taking his **^* * ^ ' Receipt for the fame, which One thoufand Two Handred and Fifty One Pounds and Six-pence, the Trealurer is hereby Ordered and Impowred to Iflue forth, and Emit towards the Payment of the Fublick Debts of this Colony, and the further neceflary Charge thereof, attending to fuch Orders as ftiall be given him from time to time according to Law. And the faid Bills fhall Pafs out of the Trealury in Value Exprels'd in the fame, equivalent to Money, and ftiall be Taken and Accepted in all Publick Payments, at the Advance of Twelve-fence on the Pound more. 9tnD be it 45naaeD bp tl)e ^Cutljozfrp afojtfaiti, That as a Fund and Fund for Security, for the Repayment and Drawing in the faid Bills into the Trea« J^"*^ing in fury again, this AiTembly Grants a Tax or Kate of One Thoufand Three gain, by the Hundred Thirteen Pounds, Eleven Shillings imd Six- fences, to hs Levyed on faftof,-^:^!*'* Polls, and all the Rateable Eftate within this Colony ; and to be Paid into i?^?' the Treafury, at or before the Laft Day of yiuguft, which (hall be in the Year, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Twenty Seven ; Which faid Rate (liall be Paid in Bills of Credit of this Colony, or in Money as it Pafles generally Currant in the Country at the Time of Payment j and in no other manner. iJD^DtCell, That the Receipt which the above Committee fhall take of the Treafurcr, be Lodged with the Secretary. Mm An Jhho Regni Regis GEORGII, Quinto. An Ad for further continuing the Exchange of the Bills of Credit of 1709 only -, and ^8%B^%9 for the New Imprinting the Sum of JFottt XfjOUfantI IdOUUBS for that End. WHEREAS by one j4n Made and Pajfcd in the General yijfemhly. Held at Hartford, May the Fourteenth, One Jhoufand Seven Hundred and Ihirtten, Entituled, An Aft for Emitting Bills of Credit, h was EnaQed, Ihatfor Preventing the Damapes which might be Incurred by the Evil Prailices of divers Verfons^in Altering, Changing and Counterfeiting the Bills of Credit of this Colony, which vert before the jaid Court Emitted, there fhould be forthwith Mmitted the Sum 0/ Twenty Thoufand Pounds »'» Bills of Credit of a certain form. Provided in the faid A^y and fut into the Treafurers Hands, to Exchange and take in. Value for Value, the faid Bills formerly Emitted j And whereas it wat Provided in the faid AEl, that the Treafurer (hould accordingly continue to Exchange thtm, at anytime within One Tear and a Half, after the Fourteenth Day of the aforefaid Month : And whereas it wat afterwards by feveral other yliit and Proclamations, Provided and Publifhed, that the faid Treafurer fhould continue to tale in the feud Bids of Credit by Exchange as aforefaid, for fome other times than that Limited in the aforefaid Ail : And whereas by an AH of this Afembly in Oftober lajl. If wat Provided and Publifhed, that the Treafurer fhould eontimie the faid Exchange to the Twenty fifth Day of thit frefent Ma.y , and all Perfons were Affurcd, that upon their bringing any of the faid Bills of Credit to he drawn in as aforefaid, at or before the (aid Twenty fifth of May, they fitould Xeeeive New Bills in Exchange, to their Value ; And whereas divert ferfons within the faid time lajt Limited did fwrfuant to the faid AS in Oftober lajfybring divers Sums efthe aforefaid Bills to be Exchanged,to the Treafurer. who for want of Sills in theTreafury to Exchange tbem,could not Receive them, and give ether Bills in Exchange for them '. And whereat there may be fiill Extant feveral Thoufand Pound's of the faid Bills to be taken into the treafury by Exchange. 15e it t^ergfo^ (CnatteD bp tl;e ^otutnour, Council ano Hepretenta^ tiiwff, In 6 Indented and Scamped, with fuch Stamps as the aforefaid Sum of 7venty Thoufand Pounds were Stamped withal •, and be Signed by the Com- mittee appointed for the Signing of the faid "Twenty Thoufand Pounds, ot any Three of thsm. And put iato Sm it tU futt^ec (SnatfeD, That the faid Bills fo to be Imprinted Ihall the hands of by the faid Committee be put into t2ie Treafurers Hands, taking his Re- theTreafuier ceipt for them* And the {aid Treafurer is hereby Impowred at any time before the firft Day of November next, to Exchange the laid Bills with any Th® Time perfons, who ftall mthin the faid time offer him any of the aforefaid Out- Ewhaneinc ^^^'^^"^ Billsof this Colony Appointed to be Exchanged as aforefaid. Value (^itftajilinl for Value ibut not to give or difoofe of them to any other Ufe or End what* 3ills. foever, without the Order of this Aflembly. An Ad for annexing the Lands Northward Ti!'/^^6 of mmmfm, to I^attfo^^U^County. OWittStt 6? tW Wembl?, That all the Lands lying to the North of IValliniferd, and between that Town and Farmirgton, fliall belong to and be part of the Coamy of Hmford> Anno Regni Regis GEORGII, Quinto. An Ad lor the better Ordering of Idle and Poor Perfons ; and to Enable the Seledl- men in the refped^ive Towns to take into their Management the Eftatesand Credits vid^Pagep^ of fuch Perfons. lll^l\\V B(£ it CnaoccH b^ t1)P Cotjecnouc, Council ant) Ueprefentatftiejr, in ^netal •» upon laid Service, and no more. An Ad in Addition to the Ac5^, Entituled, Videpage66 Aq Adl for Regulating Tanners, Curriers, and Cordwainers. B(£ ft cEnacteti lip tf)e (©otiernour, Council anU iScprefenratibeff, fn (©enftal Court affemblcD, anO bp tlje aiutl)o;(tp of tije fame, fufter any That whofoever doth, or hereafter fhall Ufe the Arc, Trade or Myftery of L"^^"Tan. Tanning Leather, (hall not fufferany Leather Tanned by him, to go out to R? ouTof of his Cuftody, before faid Leacher be Searched and Sealed by the Sealer his Cuftody, of the Town in which faid Tanner dwells, upon the Penalty of Forfeiting till Sealed by the Sum off JX'f Poundt ioT each Hide or Skin fo Difpofed of before the Town Sealing", one Half to the Complainer, and theocher Half to the Town Penalty!" ' Treafury where fuch Tanner dwells. An Ad: in Addition to the Ad, Entituled, An Ad to Prevent Nufances by Hedges, Wears, (sfc. in Rivers. Page 20J. T>\7 H ERE AS an A^ Made and Pafs'd at Hartford,May the twelfth. One V V Thoufand Seven Hundred and Fifteen, Entituled, An Aii to Prevent Nu' fances by Hedges,WeArs,^c in the Rivers ; doth not Extend to the feveral Streams that Empty themfelves into faid R ivers, -whereby the fiid A^ comes to be in a great meafure Vfelefs. Which to Prevent : 2Be ft CEnactelJ bp ttie all happen to be in the County of Hartford ; and likewife where the matter of Controverfy fball be in the County of Na»-Zi ; and likewife where matters in Controverfy (hall be in the County of Fairfield , Appeals (hall be made to the Superior Court in Fairfield. yifi r^f Jf,° An Ad concerning Witneffes to Wills. i9S,ii7Mi, Tl(£ ft (tnactetj b^ tit <0ot)ernaur, Council anU IReprefentatltjes, in J3 <(5cneral court aCTembleti, anD bp t!je 3llutt)0?(tp of tlje fame. That Wills to be no Wills or Teftaments, bearing Dace at any time, after the FirfV Day of ^^^^jf.K January next Enfuing, the end of the prefent Seffions of this Affembly, pSeofthe wherein there (hall be any Devife or Devifes of Real Eftate, (hall be held Teftator.oreife good, and Allowed for any fuch Devife or Devifes, if they are not Wit; to be void as to nelTed by three Witneffes, all of them Sienine in Prefence of the Teftator. Real Eftate. ' i ^ ^ An Ad for the better Regulation of Licenfed Houfes,and the more Effedual Supprefling lU'liy^^' or Unlicenie(i ones 5 and ia further Ad- dition to the Law for Preventing Tipling and Drunkennefs. N' [OTIVITHSTA ND ING the many ABs made hy thit Affemhly for the _ Regulation of Licenfed Houfes, and for preventing perfons Retailing Strong Drink without Licence ; yet many perfons, very unfit for that Employment, have impofed on the County Courts, fo as to Obtain Licence for the keeping Houfes of Publick Entertainment, which Houfes are Multiplied much beyond what are necrf- fary,and many other perfons. Adventure to Sell firong Drink -without Licence,which Pra^ifes have a great tendency to the increafe of Idlenefs and Debauchery. Which to Prevent : )Be it (Enacteli bp tte om. 1 7 1 5. Endtuled,An Ad for the mor^ ^t'*''^' EffedualSuppi€fling of Immorality, &c, 1% id (tnwteli !)p tfie (Bottrnour, Councit anU fifprefentatftejf, in. yEjt- dire^ion of Law in that cafe provided. ecucion,oa anD It is furtbfr(£nattcD 6p il)e^utf)o;Jtp afo^eraia,That theOfficersand '^« f«'i«o? other Perfons direfted by Law,may or ftialiSet up,or Poft, fuch loft Goods ^^l ^*f Td as are found, Stray Creatures taken damage feafant, and Creatures taken in & there^'sell a fufFering condition, on the Sign Poft on the fame fide of the River where them, the Goods are found.orCreatures taken up as aforefaid .• Any Law orCuftom ^Ifo thereto to the contrary notwithftanding. P°ft L'ft «nO it is ftetEbp Enacted bp tljc «ut|)0;itp afo^efaiO, That the Confta- K^es.'*' bles in all the refpeftive Towns in this Colony, ihall keep a Book, wherein Conftablegto they fhall make Entry of all fuch Creatures that fliall by them be Pofted as ^*^^ ^""^y aforefaid, and fhall give attefted Copies thereof to any perfon demanding ^^^1!^°^**^ the fame ; and the faid Officers fhall have for every Entry fomade by them g^e c^'pies Sixipence, and Six-pence for each Copy by them given. xheir Fees. An Aft for Repealing part of an Aft, Enti- tuled, An Ad concerning Bills or Bonds, ^1%^^ THIS AJfembly obferving that a Mifs-improvement is made of the Law, En- tituled, An Att concerning Bills or Bonds •, * its giving liberty and au- *thority to AlTtgn Bills and Bonds •, whereby evil minded Perfons take ad- vantage for the putting Cheats upon others. Which to Prevent : Be ft (Jnactctj bp tt)£ KX)me* 2^7 Thirty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates. Hartford, igig. Vide Page y4 Lands held •n Partner- ft"P to be di- vided by writ of Partition. A Saving, Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majefties Colony of Comehicut in New England : Begun and Held ztMew-Haven the i -^th. Day o{0^oier,in the Seventh Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord CEORGEyVdNGo^ Great Britain. &c AnnoDomini, lyxo. An Ad: for the Partition of Lands, &c. BS<5.i ?9>'5|» r-|-1 HIS Afembly Ohferving that many Mifchiefs are grown upon too many ef 176, i8z, & J^ ^y^ Inhabitants of thii Government, even to the Threatmrtg them in many if not all their Inter e^s, by means of the great Quantities ef Rbum that Are Imported into this Colony, and here Confumed ^ and that the Immoderate Vfe thereof is a growing Evil, beyond the Redrefs of ail the good and xvholfom Laws ef this Government hitherto made to Sufprefs it. Which Mifchicf further to Prevent . 5Be ft (fnatteij bp t{)r (Boternouc, Council ano Rtpttfentatlbw, fn (gtneral Court SSaembltb, anD bp tjit 5lluiboa^tp of tjit famt. That trotn Anno Regni Regis GEORGll, Scptlmo. 5mpo;itation of l^uni* tE nlicenfeni^oufegAc^ 2^9 from and after the FirA Day of May next enfuing the Date hereof, there ftall be Paid to the feveral Naval Officers in this Government ^ j^^^„ the a Duty oi Fifteen Pounds per Hogftead for every Hogfhead of Rhum that firft day of fhall be Imported into this Colony, and fo in Proportion for lefler Mayiiix^ a Ouantiiies : One tenth pare thereof to be to the Naval Officer •, the ^"ty "fj J- remainder to be Paid by the faid Naval Officer to the Treafurer of the fX ?aTd '* Colony, for the Ufe of the Colony. tofome Na- anD (t (0 fuctljec ^cotiDeD, That all fuch Liquor whatfoever, that val Officer (hall be Imported or brought Into this Colony and Landed, or Offered ^f ""^ ^j, to Sale therein, or in any of the Roads, Harbours, Creeks, or Rivers R^um aod fo thereunto belonging, without firft Paying the Dutyr aforefaid, to fome proportiona- Naval Officef of this Government •, fljall be Forfeited, the one half to the bly for a kf- Iftformerthat fhall Profecutethe fame to Effeft, and the other half to fer Quantity the Ufe of this Colony. And whenfoever any perfon fhall Inform any Jyj' Colony. AfTiftant or Juftice of the Peace, of the breach of this Order ; He fhall or faid Ruta forthwith Grama Writ to the Sheriff or Conftables, Commanding them to be For- to make diligent fearch for the fame, with Power ( if need be ) to break f«"ed, one open any Houfe or other Place to make fearch in any SufpeSed Place, i^f^rmer and and to Seifethe faid Rhum, and Secure the fame, till the next County j^e other to Court in the County where ic fiiall be taken, who fhall declare the the ufe of fame to be Forfeited ; Unlefs the Owner thereof, fhall by Producing this Colony, a Certificate from the Naval Officer, of the Entry thereof with hira, Naval Offi- and making Oath before the faid Court, that the Duty laid by this Aft a"! Conda! have been Aftually Paid for the fame, according to the true intent and bles to make meaning thereof, or otherways fhew to the Satisfaftion of the Court that fearch. aad the Duties have by this Aft been truly Paid. And all Naval Officers, f«»f« ^^^^ Sheriffs and Conftables are hereby ftridly Charged to make Diligent '^'""' enquiry after, and make true Information of all breaches of this Aft. anD It is furtljcc (KnactjD, Thai whofoever fhall have Own or be p^f^ns 1,3^, PofTeffcd of any Quantity of Rhum, lodg,ed in any part of this Govern- ing quanti- menc, exceeding a Barrel in the whole, on or after the firfi day oi May ties of Rhunt next, and fhalt negledto Pay the Duty laid by this AS on Rum Imported ^'''.^^"a^T as aforefaid, tofome Naval Officer, or to fome Afliftant or Juftice of the J^^ ^^JJ^"' Peace, to be Difpofed of as before Provided for the Duties of Importa- to pay fa'id tjon •, or become Bound to the Treafurer of this Colony, to the {J(^ of Duty,or give the Colony, in a Bond to Treble the Value of the faid Rhum,condi- Bond to tioned for the Carrying or Tranfporting and caufing to be Tranfported *j^.P°^' ^^^f' out of this Colony the faid Rhum, to fonje other Market within Two eife""to be Months then next coming; the Rhum To neglefted to be Paid for, or Bond Foifeited. given for it as aforefaid, to fome AfTiflant, Juflice of the Peace, or Naval Officer, as aforefaid, fhall be equally liable to be Seifed and Forfeited, as is in this Aflt provided for the Regulating the Importation thereof: Any LawjUfageor Cuftom to the contrary not with (landing. An ACt in Addition to an Aft, Entituled, An Ail for SuppreJJiytg Vnlkettced Henfes,and for the due Regulation 0/ fuch as are orjhall^^f^ J**Se be Z./Vf»fe^ : And alfo in Addition unto one certain Adl, Enti- I;/, 177) iuled,^« A 61 for the letter Regulation of Licenced Houfes, and the *'J>* ^i^' more Effectual Supprefing Vnltcenced ones : And in further Addi- tion to the Law, For Preventing Tipling and Drunkennefs* B ■without li- gation firft had and obtained,and be thereof Convift as aforefaid,every fuch fi"'d ' '0 x** perfon or perfons ihall incur the penalty oiTwenty Shillings Money for every fuch offence. Perfons guii- 'Bt It alfo tfnacteU Bp t^e 5!ltittio?{t? afozefafti, That whatroever perfon ty of any rude {hall be guilty of any rude and unlawful Behaviour on the Lord's Day,either behaviour on jn word or aftion, by clamorous Difcourfe, or by Shouting, Hollowing, a^DanckT' Screaming, Running, Riding, Dancing, Jumping, Winding Horns, or the Tumping, Ji^^e, in any Houfe or Place fo near to any publickMeetingHoufe for Divine winding ' Wor(hip,thac thofe who meet there may be difturbed by fuch rude and pro- Horns, &"<• fane Behaviour, and being thereof Convifted in like manner, Ihall incur the to be fia'd penalty o{ Forty Shillings Money for every fuch offence. Perfons Con- ^^ll it fsJ (jctcbp futt^etfiCnaitelJ.That whatfoever perfon (hall be prefent viftedof any at any unlawful Meeting, or be guilty of going from the Place of his other breach of this abode, and unlawful Behaviour,on the Lord's Day, contrary to this Aft.and A<»«crefufing j^gj^g thereof Convift and Fined as aforefaid ■■, and Ihall refufe or neglefl to foie.tobe fent P^/ ^^ °'^ ^^' ^''^*» ""^ tender to the Afliflant or Juftice of the Peace before to the Houfe whom fuch perfon fhall be Convift, fuch Security as the faid Authority fhall of Correi^ion judge fufficient for the payment of it, within the fpace of one Week after * there be jjj^h ConviQion •, fuch AfSflant or Juftice of the Peace fhall immediately lAbw&c *^"^^ ^^^ Convifted perfon to be fent to the Houfe of Correaion,there to ° ' ly at his or her own Charge, and be imployed in Labour not exceeding a Month for any one offence ( and lela as the offence is ) at the difcretion of Sher'fFs tofee ^j^g Judge : The profit of fuch Labour to be to the Town Treafury ; Ex- Labou "fjc! cept paying the Charge of Profecuting the Delinquent And the Sheriff of ' * the County to fee that the faid Delinquent do fo Labour as aforefaid. %xCti it iS t)crcbp flEnattet) bp t^e autl)ojftp afo?e{aili,That all Grand- jury Grand-jury men, Conflables, Seleft-men or Committees of Parifhes, fhall duly Prefent men.Gj'*. to jq j-^j^g Affiftant or Juftice of the Peace, all perfons guilty of any breach of ch« of this' this Aftj And that no Delinquent Convift by this Aft fhall have the liberty Aft. of any Review or Appeal And that all Fines accruing by this Aft fhall be Fines to be paid into the Treafury of the Town where fuch Offence is comnutted, and paid to the foj t^g ufg of tj^g faid Town. T. Treafurer, Profecution Provided neverthdefs, ftxiti ft f0 Ijertbg ^natttU b? tit Xut^O^ftp afoJtfafU, to be made in That no perfon (hallbePonsihed for any breach of this Ad,unlefs he or fhe one Month. |jg Profecuted for it wi^ia one month after the commiflion of the fame. vide page i, 78, 100, 138 An A^ for Exempting Perfons at the Age of Seventy Years, from being Lifted, or paying Taxes for their Polls. Perfo ns 70 "D r7iPoPoB»S it furtf)eCJ(£natt£l» 6p tl)e?fltitl|03ftj> afo:craiD,That the faid Commiffi- oners fliall from time to time upon any difagreement that may happen or arife amongft the laidLeafees or theirAfligns concerned in theMines afore- faid, about making any Levels or clearing or cleanfing faid Levels orShafts neceffary to be made, for the more effeftual carrying on faid Mines and Works, that the faid Commiffioners or the major part of them, fhall have Pov/er, and are hereby impowred to Order all fuch Levels and Shafts to be made and cleanfed as they {hall judge needful,for the more effeftual carry- ing on ( at the Charge of faid Leafees or Affigns ) faid Mines and Works,ac- cording to their refpeftive proportions of Benefit in faid Levels or Shafts. 2Be(t furtliet; (SnatteD bp t!jt iaiutftozltp afo?erafD,Thatwhen and fo often as it fhall fo happen that any of the faid Leafees or their Affigns^eing Un- dertakers in the Copper Mines aforefaid,niall be found in Arrearage in not paying their proportion or proportions inReparations or Amendments as be- f°u^/j*„ "* fore expreffed, or for Making, Clearing or Cleanfing the faid Shafts or Le- rearages in velsjor alfb for their proportion of Charge for divifion of faid Mine,that in not paying any fuch cafe uponApplication made to the faidCommiffioners,by any of the their propor- Undertakers who (hall have disburft more than their proportion in carrying £°e**i° '^'^ on fuch afFair,the faidCommiflloners,or the major part of them, (hall grant Levied on forthExecutiondireaedtotheSherifFof//e it futt|crptTje atit^ojft? afOJerai&.That If any of the Lea- fees or their Affigns, Undertakers aforefaid, ffiail not ufe and improve the ^cYon^t' ftid Mills, Damms, Works, Buildings or Tools appertaining to their ref- imp';ove the peftive Company they have or do belong Unto, it fhall be no hinderance or Mills, bar to any other Undertaker, Leafee or Affign therein concerned, from the Damms.GV. improvement of them, or any of them -, unlefs fuch perfon or perfons fiiall Sem*otle« fee caufe to Sell his Share or Intereft in any fuch Mills,Damms, Buildings, to make ufe Works or Took to fuch party or parties that will Improve them. And if of them, cK- the parties do not agree upon the Price of fuch Matter or Thing to be Sold, ceot thev'l then the faid Commiilioners or the major part of them,fliall appoint Three ftareVin faid J"^ic'°"' Perfons to apprize fuch Mills,Damms,Buildings, Works or Tools, MiMs^&e. according as they fliall think the Value of them may be to the Buyer,which Valuation Ihall be the Price offuch Matter or Thing fo to be Sold, and (ball be accordingly accepted by Buyer and Seller. Always Frovided, Said Commidioners ffiall not make any divifion of A Ptovifo, f"C^ P^'"^ Of P^rts of faid Copper Mines that have been heretofore divided by the Undertakers or their Attorneys being regularly done. ^nd it is hereby further PrcviJedy That nothing in this Aft ihall be under- fioodto regulate 7fl»«tfc<«« Sf/c^f*", Elq; or any perfon under him, nor one A Saving, certain Aflign to the Leafees living in Great'Bfitain,vrhoCe af&irs refpeftmg faid Mines are under the care of Col. John Alford oiBoJlon in the Province oftheMajfachufetts-Bay/^T hinder them or either of them from maintaining their own proper MiIls,Damms, Buildings or Tools, at their beft difcretion ; but the iaid Belcher, and the faid Aflign in Great-Britain^ is hereby allowed to manage their own properMills,Damms,Bui!dingsandTcolsin (everalty as they think beft for their Intereft •, and not be concerned in Building, Maintaining or Repairing any otherMsIIs or Tools but only their own .-Any thing in this Aft to the contrary notwithftanding. 5Be (t furtfttc (CnacteO lip t^e aiul)iJ?Itp afc?2fai&, That faid Commlf- A Cletk to fioners, fliall have power to choole a Clerk, who fball be Sworn to a Faith- be Chofen St ful difcharge of his Truft by one of faid Commilfioners. And the Fees of Sworn. faid Court, Clerk and Jury, fhall be as the Fees of the County Court. Provided alwaysy No Charge by this Aft fliall arife to the Government AeTnouc,Counci! an6Beprefentat{tjeg,fnd5fne«l Pedlars, S'f. ^'S"" SfintmbUU, an5 bg tie Hutfiojltg of tljt feme. That if any Pedlar, ' not to Sell Hawker or Petty Chapman, that ufeth or fhall ufe the Trade of carrying Goodsinthis Goods from Town to Tov.'n,or from Houfe to Houfe, fhall bring into any Pe°nS' °f ^^^" *'^^'" ^^^^ Colony, or (hall Sell or fhall offer to Sell any Goods in any ,0. /. Place whatfcfiver within this Colony, fhall pay a Fine of Ten Pounds : One half whereof fhall be to the County where the Offence fhall be Committed, and the other half to the Ferfon that Ihall Profccute to EfFeft. All ^«M BegHt Regis G E R G I J, Odava ^mpoft on 3^l)ttm» 271 All Breaches of this Ad: to be Profecuted before the County Court in jvj,, Appeal the County where the Offence fball be Committed ; which Court ihall not or Review ta allow of or grant any Appeal or Review in any luch Caft. be Allowed. UriO (fri^ littth^ (CnatfeU, That this Aft fhall take place from and after Time of thi» the firft day olNovtmber next, and continue in force for three Years, and nQjnc^e"""' no longer. An A(St for the better Regulating the Duty of Impoft uponRhum -, and for Repealing all other Ads relating to the Duty of^jj^p^g^ Impoft, thereon. ;r6:l8'z;zli and z;8, B' '" ^ny Other manner ^ due form of Law, that they Entered into his Lands or Tenements by Force or after Entry did hold by Force ; Any Said fines for Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. ■the ufe of Provided always^ That this Aft fhall not Extend or be Conftrued to the County. Extend, unto any Perfon or Perfons that have had the Occupation, or A favine ^*^® ^^" '" Qyiet Poffeffion of any Lands, Tenements or PofTeflions, by the fpace of three whole Years together next before, and his, her or their . Eftate or Eftates therein not Ended or Determined. This Aft to Provided alfo. That this Aft, Continue of Force for two Years and contmae z <> years and no no Longer. ^ °"^ ' ^ An Ad for the more Effedual Collecting 'Jf\l?h ^^^ Duty of Impoft upon Rhum. 272'. ^^TTfiEREjiS Hotrsithfianding the Proviflon already made by Law, divert V y Mafiers of open Boats, and other Coafiing Veffelsy do frequently Import or bring into thii Colony Urge Quantities of Rhum, and Land or offer the fame to Sale in feveral of the Roads, Harbours, Creeks and Rivers thereunto belonging, without Ptiamhle, frh Entering the faid Rhum and paying the Duty thereof, or giving Bond for that end to fome Naval Officer of this Government, at the Law direEis • and by that means Vndtr-fell all fuch as punUually Comply with the Law and pay the Duty thereby required of them, vhich U very Prejudicial and Injuriow to all fuch as are Concerned in the Foreign Trade of this Government ( which principally cenfff-s in the Weft India Trade ) and alfo to divers other Perfons. j4ano Regtii Regis G E O R G I J, Nona 3mpoft on JSinm* 277 T5e Itrlititofe (CnarteD B? tit (Botetnour, Council anu Efprefcntatftitrf, fn (JBenecQl Court affemWeD, anQ bp tlie ailut|)0?(tp of tjie fanu. That ^Kr^'^"L icora and after the firft Day ot January next ; All Mafters of Ships and Boats com' other Veflels, as well Open Boats as others. Coming into any Harbour, irig into any Port or River within this Colony, from beyond Sea or from any other Haibour or Province or Colony ,bcfore bulk be broken, and within Twenty four Hours ^'^^^ before after his Arrivalin luch Harbour, Port or River, fliall make a Report to g^^l '*'"'' feme Naval Officer of this Government, of the Contents of the Loading of nuke Report fuch Ship or VefTel, which Report fuch Mafler Ihall give in to the faid to fome Na- Naval Officer under his Hand, and fliall therein fet down and exprefi the ^*' Officer of Quantity of Hognieads,Tearfes, Barrels or other Cask of Rhum Loadenon "''^iLh''*'^ fuch Ship or VeiTel, with the Marks and Numbers thereof, and to whom wlmnzl the fame is Configned, and alfo make Oath, that the faid Report or hours after Manifeft of the Contents of his Loading, fo to be by hira given in under f^"^ arrival his Hand as aforefaid. Contains a Juft and True Account to the beft of his L" ^^^^ **''" Knowledge, of the whole Loading taken on Board and Imported in the ''°"'*"^"*'' faid VefTel, from the Port or Ports fuch Veflel came from, and that he hath not broken Bulk, nor Delivered any of the Rhum Loaden on fiid Ship or VefTel Direftly or Indireftly, and that if he fhall know of any more And to make Rhum to be Imported therein, before the Landing thereof, he will Caufe Oath to their it to be added to his Manifeft ; Which Oath the faid Naval Officer, is '^^"»f«ft> oa hereby Impowred to Adminifter, after which fuch Mafler may Unload, Taiooi °^ and not before, on Pain ot One Hundred Pounds to be Forfeited and Paid by each Mafler that (hall Negleft his Duty on this Behalf. ^ r , Mm , ^° R""! to flnti fie ft ftirtljec (CnattttiB? t|e 5!Itit^o?itp afo;eraftF, That from be Larxiedoa and after the faid firft Day of January next, no Rhum Ihall be Landed on V'^ WharfF, any Wharff or into any Warehoufe or other place but in the Day Time ^/j''"!*'* only, and that afber Sun rife and before Sun fkty unlefs in the Prefence of Unlefi' e^f' or with theConfent andPermiflion of the Naval Officer, to whom the onpenahyof Duty is Payable onPain of Forfeiting all fuch Rhum,and the Lighter,Boat f°"eiting all or VelIel,out of which the fame /hall be Landed or put into any Ware- ^^'"^ ^"'"* houfe or other Place ; And if any perfon or perfons Ihall not have and produce an Invoyce of the Number of Gallons of Rhum by him or them ^'^^ *o be Imported, or to him or them Configned, and make Oath to the fame, ^^Sed.atthe according to the direftion of the Law in that cafe already Provided, then im V^'*'® the Cask wherein the fame is, fhall be Gaged at the Charge of the Importer ***""• that the Quantity thereof may be truely known. 5llnlJ lie ft ftirtljtc (EnacrtU bp tfte 5Butf)o?itp afojefafli. That the ".ft . Mafter of any Ship or other VefTel Importing any Rhum, fhall be lyable Veflii" , to, and fhall pay the Duty for fuch and fo much thereof Contained in his pay theDufy Manifeft, as fhall not be Duly Entered, nor the Duty Paid for the fame, °^Ri»n when by the Perfon or Perfons to whom fuch Rhum is or fhall be Configned, ^''"''S''«d to and it (hall and may be Lawful toand for theMafler of every Ship or other &\o^i[et'- VefTel to Secure and Detain in his Hands at the Owners Rifque, all fuch faid Rum^at Rhum Imported in fuch Ship or VelTel until he fhall Receive a Certificate ^^^ Owners from the Naval Officer to whom he Delivered his Manifeft, that the IV'^"* ""'U Duty for the fame is Paid, and until he be Repaid his NecefTary Charges pa^j "'* ^*" in Securing the fame, or fuch Mafter may Deliver fuch Rhum as is not ^ ^""* Entered as aforefaid, unto the Naval Officer in fuch Port or his Order, ^[^ ^^^'^^^ who is hereby Impowred and Direfted to receive and keep the fame at the Naval" the Owners Rifque, until the I mpofl thereof with Charges be Paid, and Officenillits then to Deliver fuch Rhum as fuch Maimer (hall Direft. Duties are paid. g ^KTio Regnl Regis G E O R G I J, Nono. ^nUbe it further (CnattflJ tijtlje autliojdp afo;efa(0, That the Naval Naval Offi- Officer or Receiver of the Impoft in each Port, (hall be and is hereby cers 'o Sae Impowred to Sue the Mafter of any Ship or Veflel for the Impoft or Duty Ve(Rl"for ^°'' ^° niuch of theRhum Imported therein according to the Manifeft by the Impoft ^i"! to be given upon Oath as aforefaid, as (hall Remain not Entered, ofRum, in and the Duty or Impoft thereof not Paid by the Perfons to whom it is cafe,©^f.aiid Configned as aforefaid. And that the Ship or Veflel, with her Tackle, lUbletoAn- Apparrel and Furniture, the Mafter of which fiiall make Default, in any Iwerall For- thing by this Aft Required to be Performed by him, ftiall be lyable to feitures and Anfwer and make good the Sum or Sums Forfeited by fuch Mafter f^vi*" A* °^ according to this Ad for any fuch Default, as alfo to make good the Impoft laidMafters. ^^ q^j.^ ^^^ ^ny fuch Rhum not Entered as aforefaid, and upon Judgment isj nm R^*^overed againft fuch Mafter, the faid Ship or Veflel, or fo much of the cerVto make "^^^^^^ °^ Appurtenances thereof, as ftiall be Sufficient to Satisfy faid Seifute of Ju'^gment may be taken in Execution for the fame. And the Naval VelTels, till Officer or Receiver of the Impoft is hereby Impowred to make Seifure of fufficient Se- f^ch Ship or Vefl*el and Detain the fame under Seifure until Judgment be curity be g»- gj^gjj j^ any Suit to be Commenced and Profecuted for any the ftid For- For'feltures f^Jfures Of Impoft, to the Intent that if Judgment be rendered for the of theMafters Profecuter Of Informer, fuch Ship or Veflel and Appurtenances may be Ciallbefatis- Expofed for Satisfaction thereof as is before Provided, unlefsthe Owners *'*^' or fome on their behalf, for the Releafmg of fuch Ship or Veflel from under __ „ ,. Seifure or Reftraint, fhaU give Sufficient Security to the Naval Officer ble tSsued ^^-^^- '^^^^^^ ^^^ fame, toRefpond and Satisfy the Sum or Value of the For- k? their feiiiure and Duties with Charges that {hall be Recovered againft the Mafter Owners. thereof, upon Suit to be brought for the fame as aforefaid •, And the Mafter Occafioning fuch Lofs and Damage -unto his Owners through his Default or Negleft Ihall be Lyable unto their Aftion for the fame. And Bij^ofStoie the IJaval Officers or Receivers of the Impoft in the feveral Ports of this atSe difcre- Government are hereby Impowred to allow Bills of Store to the Mafter lion of the * of £ny Ship or Veflel Importing any Rhum for fuch Private Adventures as Naval Offi- Ihall Bern fide belong to the Mafter or Seamen of fuch Ship or other Vefle!, cef* at the Difcretion of the faid Naval Officer, not Exceeding Two per Cent. of the Loading, and the Duties Payable for fuch Rhum in fuch Bills of Store Mentioned and Exprefled fhall be Abated. SnB bt it fuctljtt ^natltU b? tSje atufjojftp afo?cfafb. That all Penalties Said Foifei- and Forfeitures Accruing or Arifmg by Virtue of this Aft, fhall be one one^toif S ^^^^ thereof to the Treafurer of this Colony for the Ufe of the faid ihe Informer Colony, and the other Half to him or them that fhall Seife, Inform and ("excepting Sue for the fame by Aftion, Bill, Plaint or Information in any of His the Charges Majefties Courts of Record, wherein no Eflbign, Proteftion or Wager of of Profecuti- j^^^ ^^^j^ jjg aUowgd . The whole Charge of Profecution to be taken out of Sher half to the Half belonging to the Informer. tbfe Colony. " — — «-•— ^— .^— — — — — ■ ■ An A& in Emendation of an Adi Made and Paffed at an Affembly, Holden at jl5etb- y^de page Ijat)en5€)tt0bet 12th, 1721, Entituled^AnAdt for Encouragement of the getting Bay^berry Tallow. WHEREAS the Time Limittei in the faid AEi, for gathering faid Ber- riety being the Tventieth Day o/Auguft, Annually^ is found by Experience tcofoon \ the faid Berries not being then Ripe, or come to fuch Ferfetiion at to render the gathering themlrofitable \fo that the good End in the faid ji3 intended if maeh Objirufled, For ^««o Regul Regis G E O R G I J, Nono. T^ii^Mnitu. %ititu* 27? For Remedy thereof %t ie (fnattett bg t^t dJoftEtnoac, Council anU Hfprffcntatifcesf, in Bav-berries afojefaio. That the Order Silence to be and Form of the Proclamation aforementioned, (hall be as foltoweth ; That Commanded is tofay-yThe perfons authorized by this Aft ihall among or as near as he or ^ Proclama- they can fafely come to the faid Rioters, with a loud Voice Command or made "with a caufe to be Commanded, Silence to be whilft Proclamation is making •■, and loud Voice. after that ihall openly and with a loud Voice make or caufe to be made Proclamation in thefe words, or like in effeft, Viz., QZ;r Sovereign Lord the KING, Chargeth and Commandeth all Perfons being The Form of y^fembled, immediately to dijperfe themfelves, and Teacedly to depart fo the Procla- their Habitations, or to their lawful Bufinefs, upon the Pains containsd in the ASl maiion, w Law of this Colony, Made in the Ninth Tear of King GEORGE, for Preventing and Tuvifimg Riots and Riottrs. Y y And Amo Regni RegU GEO R G I J, Nono. 2S0 Btotio;. And every Afliftant.Juftice of the Peace, SherifF, Under-SherifF, Seleft- Afliftants&'c tnan or Conftable. within the limits of their refpeaivejurifdiaions are ito refort to jjereby Authorized, Impowred, and Required, on notice or knowledge of Rio«%Ter&any fuch Unlawful and Riotous Aflembly, to refort to the place where there make fuch Aflembly (hall be, and there make or caufe to be made Proclamation Proclamation Jn manner aforefaid. ataforeliid. ^^^ 5,^ (j fuctljEC S/3«/%i to the Treafury of faid County, befides Charge of iefufmg40i. Proftcution. anD it (}0 Kegn't Regis G E R G I J, Kom. An h€t for the more Effectual Enabling Sheriffs to do Execution on final Judg- ments given in the Law; and for the Serv- vide Pagc ing of Writts and Proceffes in the Law. '^ '^'*'^'* ^ , Sheriffs B45 it (JPnatteH ana SDecIareU op tfie <©ol)crnouc, Council and Eeprcren= meeting with ratitjesfjinQjencral €oiitt afTcmbleD.ano Dp t^c 2fliuIX2itp oE tlje fame, Oppofition Thai when and fo x)ften as the Sheriffs in the feveral tounsies in this '" '''^^''^'^"- Colony, ihall meet with Oppofition in doing Execution of Lawful Writts o^"^/^|^"' Signed by Lawful Authority, or in Serving other Lawful Writts and Pro- have full ceffes Signed as aforefaid, or (hall have grouud to them Satisfying, to fear Pov/er and and fufpe£t that Obflrudion and Oppofition will be made, Hiall have full Authority t» Power and Authority 10 Command NecefTary AlTiftancefor the Enabling ^'^T^"'* ihem to Execute their Office therein. And all Perfons who are of Age and 40 \ Fine Ability are hereby required to Obey the Sheriffs therein on the Penalty of for Refufing. Tarty Shilliugs^to be paid into the CountyTreafury for refufing, on their Con- O" g'eatOp- viftion thereof before the County Court of the Tame County And in cafe P?'''?°">'he of great Oppofition, or fufpicion thereof, it (hall be within the Authority of theAdvr"'f the SherifFjby and with the Advice of one Afilftani and a Jufiice of the Peace, an Affiftant and of the AffiOants and Juftices prefent, in cafe more are prefent, to Raife andjuftice of the Militia of the County, or fo many of them as they ftiall judge Needful, j'^^.*'"«,to for the removing all Oppofition out of the way -.and Ihall therein proceed, wVliti'''^ and be Indemnified, as is Provided by the Aft, Entituled, /in AH for the theCoun°y preventing and Puniflnng Riots and Rioters, See Page xya And all Military Officers and Souldiers are hereby Commanded to yield MiiitaryOfli- Obedience thereunto, on the Pains and Penalties hereafter mentioned, that '^■'^ * ^°"'* the End of the Law and Government be not fruflrated. thelher^ff^'^ Jnd it Is aljo hereby ffecially Provided, That upOn the Motion of Major John " '* Clark of Say brooi, that Execution may be donCjUpon a certain Judgment Re- covered by him, before the Superior Court at HartfordyOn the Third Tuefday of March lafl, againft Capt. Jeremiah Fitch, Living near the South Bounds of Sheriffs no Coventry,thQ SherifFof theCounty of Hartford^do proceed in manner as above» "lore to Re- f3id;unlefsthe Sheriff fliall be well alTured that Execution may be done with- ^^'" '''«/ out it. And that the Sheriffs no more Return that they cannot do Execution. Exeau^" j4nd it is furtherPrttvidedjJhzi if any CommiOlonated Officer fliall Neglet^ , '""*. orRefufe toObey theCommand of theSberiff,under theRegulation asaforefaid, tarV^°Offi'^*' and be thereof convifted before theCounty Court.fliall pay a ^neoi FivePouftds, refuffng 4" * and every other Souldier convifted as aforefaid, (hall fuffer the penalty of for others. Forty Shillingf. Jndit is hereby further Provided, That the Charges .vfhich fhall arife. and Offenders ta Damages which (hall be fudained. upon fuch an Occafion, fhall be Paid and P^y 'JjeChar- Satisfied out of the Eftates of him or them who are the occafion of it : And or out of the in cafe noEftate, or not fufficient, to Anfwer the Charges and Damages afore- the County, faid.can be found,it fliall be Paid and Satisfied out of the County Treafury, of Colony* where fuch Cafe (hall happen ; and in want of Money in the Treafury of faid ^^"f"ry. County.it (hall be defrayed out of the Publick Treafury of this Colony. ,^ And it is further Provided, That the Wages Slated in the Tenth Year of offif" ^°'a the Reign of Queen ANNE, /or Officers and Soiddiers, fijall be Allowed and Soujdier^s. Paid in the cafe aforefaid. And /«rr/)fr ,There is hereby Allowed unto all Perfons Commanded to the Allowance Afliftance of the Sheriff, at his difcretion, the fame Wages for Each Days *°°'.''"S' Service, as is hereby Allowed to Souldiers. And the Sheriff is hereby Au- I^t'o/^j thorized to Seife a Sufficiency of the Offenders Eflaic to anfvfer IheCbarges, ers Goods* if it can be found. ^e, * Z z An ^ttno Regni Pegis G E O R G I J, Nono. 284 Sluns^flf, &c, Cjcpianato^v ^rt. An Ad for Appointing the Judges of the Superior Court to Enquire VjdePageir into, Hear, and Determine all Crimes committed in a late Riot 12, 91.168, ac Hartford i^n^ for the Explanation of feveral Laws here to* i<5p,ijj2,5x. j^i^g made, concerning Burglary and Breach of Peace. THIS Ajfemhly being fully Certified, that on this hfiunt OGtohtr, the Trifoti Uoufe and Common Goal for the County of Hartford, j« Hartford, in a Tumultuotts manner^ rcith firong Hand was Broken Of en, and divers perfons there Preamlle, Committed for the ^on- payment of certain Charges arifing upon their Profecutioa before the County Court of and for the County afore faid, Purfuant to a Sentence of thefaid Court ^were 'taken ^ Refcued and Delivered, out of the Cufiody of the Law : And in that Riotous TranfaUion and Affray y hefides the breaking open of the Houfe and Prifon afore faid, in a Riotous Manner, voith an open and high handed Contempt of this Hit Majejiies Government^ other high Mifdemeanours and Noteriout Breaches of the Peace and other Crimes xtere Perpetrated and Committed. To the End that fuch Wickcdnefs may be Supprefs'd^nd the Guilty thereof may be duly Punifhed, according to their feveral Crimes and Infolencies : 3z ft(fnQrtel» antJ JID?Damc6 6? t^cUti. ana tlje 3(utt)0j(tp of t|)C fame, That the The Judges jyjggj gf the Superior Court, or any three of them,are hereby fpecially Au* TiorComt'to thorized andAppoinied by a Jury or oiherways according toLaw,io Enquire Hold a fpe- into,Hear,and Determine all Crimes Committed in theTranfa(ftion aforefaid, cial Coutc at and all things relating thereunto ; as alfo to award Execution thereupon ac- Hartford. cordingly : Any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding And for this end, the Chief Judge, or either of them, or any Affiftant, . . f ftall Iflue out the proper Wriits for the Apprehending, Securing, and The Chief Bringing before the faid Judges in Court, as aforefaid, any and every perfoo ny Affiftant they (hall think proper to be called in Queftion for any Mifdemeanour b/ to ifTue out ihem Committed, on the Occafton aforefaid : and every perfon fo taken "Wrjtts, &c. /],aii give Bond with fufRcieni Sureties to the Value of One Hundred Pounds, thai he (hall Appear before the Court fo Confticuted and Appointed as aforefaid, when called by the faid Court thereunto, and fot the Peace and good Behaviour in the mean Time, or be Committed to the Goal of any of the Counties in this Colony, there to remain till thefaid Court, or till be (hall be olherwife Lawfully Difcharged. And further. The faid Judges are hereby Authorized and Direfted to cacfe Precepts 10 be ifRied forth, for the Summoningjurorsto ferve on the faid And Tutors Occafions, oos of fuch places in ihe faid County as they (hall think moft tobefum- free from being Privy 10, or having a Favour for, the Tranfgreflors they jnoned. ihall have to pafs upon. jiad further it is hereby Provided, That the faid Judges may give fuch Or- ders for caoliog any number of the Cfllicers and Souldiers of the Miliria within (aid County, to attend the faid Court, in the Quality of a Guard, as they Jhall Judge needful, for the Security of the Court ; and both Officers and Souldiers are hereby Commanded to yield Obedience to the faid Orders. SBntt Be (t fuctttt €na(tja anH 2Detlaceti bp t^e SBiJtSo^t'tg afojefafa. That it is the true Intern and Meaning of the fecond Paragraph in the Law, Enlituled, Jn ACl againfl theft and Burglary, to provideagainft the breaking Vide pag. 11 ^jjy dwelling Houfe, as well in the Day Time, as in the Night. Vide pae 91. ^nd furthrr,Ti\at it is the true Intent and Meaning of the Law Entituled,>^» A^ againfl breaking of the Pfrfcf,Thai the Peace is broken by Tumultuous and Explanation OfFcnfive Carriages,Traducing,Q.uarrel!ing,Ch3llenging,as well as by AlTault- oflomeparsi ing.Beatingj-^c.Whatever the Punifhmenl Provided by theLaw is,whether by graphs in the fjijfjjng Sureties of the Peace or by Fine. And all Jurors are hereby Diredled *'*"'• and Required to find accordingly, againfl all perfons Indifted or Prefented A Direaion j hroughl OH theirTtval for the Breaches of either of the Laws aforefaid. toJuroiSjtTf " /i„i Anno RegHt Eegts G E O R G I J, Nono. d^oatg* Litchfield* |^to!3ate. 1M\% of CretJit* 2^5 jind further it isTrovided^ That unlefs the Perfons who have at the time aforefaid made their Efcape oat of the Prifon aforefaid.do render themfelves loPrifon, or pay the Charges, for v^bich they were Committed, with the A Direi^ion Charges of their Committment, to the Sheriff, and Goaler, at or before the ^'f '^!'lJf°^'^ lixth day of t^ovember next, that the Sheriff is hereby direfted to Purfue, ^""' • aod Apprehend, and Re commit them •, And if need be, to Raife the Power and Militia of the County for his Adidance therein. An kO: concerning Goats. B(£ (t€naCcti I)g tlje (Bol)£t:nour,Countil anbEcpctfentatiicjJjmfScntrQl Goats doing Couct affembleo, anu bp i\\t iautl)o?ifp of tl)£ fame That all Goats i^amageto^be found doing Damage in any Inclorure,and being lmpounded,the Owners of '2^t^°e"o"wners fuch Goats ftiall Pay Four-ferce per Head Poundage j and all Damages. to pay, ©"r. An A(3; for annexing Litchfield to the County of Hartford, &c. Vid.pag.24* B &'< this Colony, in fuitabte Sums, from Two Shillings to Five Pounds, which in the whole (hall amount to Four Thoufand Founds, and no more. Which BiUs Jnrto Regal Regis G E R G I J, Nono. 286 ji>\m of Cretiit, %ti%. .'jofei)h Wakem'aii.' ^r, John Hooker. Ctipt. Jofeph Whitjng. JndMr, Samuel Bifliop. Jtino Regni Regis GEORGIJ, Nono. a>tfpo ^tton of Hanug ttH CoKbtt^meetiittgg, &a 287 Thirty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates. Hartford, iqig. Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majefties Colony of Comehicut ia New-England. -Begwa and Held it Hart forJythe Ninth Day of May, in the Ninth Year of the Reign of Our Soveraiga Lord GEORGE, KING of Great'Britain,&LC. Anno Dom. 17x5. An Act for the better Eftabliihing and Con- firmation of the Titles of Land, anciently ^.^^p^ ^ obtained in Townfhips according to the|f;^§;fj';^' manner or cuftom heretofore ufed ; and for vk i*,^* preventing Contentions about the fame. * ^** WHEREAS it was anciently Cufiomaryfor 'towns to he Setled,and the Lands in tbem contained, to he dijpofed of hy Divifion or otherrvifej to particular Perfons or fpecial Vfes, by the Inhabitants of the faid Towns in Town-meeting yijfembled j afier which etiftom or manner, particular Perfons obtained to themfelves certain Quantities of the faid Land, which they held and difhofed of at their own proper Eftatc of In- heritance \ and other Quantities or Parcels of the faid Land in fuch Towns which remained in Common, without being Divided or Di^ofed of to any Ptrfon or Ufe whatfoever, wereftill confidered and allowed to be in the Difpofltion of the faid Jrp» habitants yiffembled in (uch Town-meetings, by the major Vote of thofe frefent. And Whertoi it was afterwards thought needful that the Properties and Eflates tbtctined in the aforefaid Manner or Cuftom within our Townfhips, fhould he Con^ frmed to the fever al Proprietors of them, and Ratified by Deeds or Patents under the Seal of this Colony, to Them and their Heirs for ever, ( in at much at His Afajefly King CHARLES ffe« Second, had under the great Sm/o/ England, Gt^anted the whole TraB of Land, comprehending faid Townfhips, to the Governour and Company of this Colony ) that the Proprietors of fuch Eftates fo obtained, and held by f^ote and Confent of fuch Towns in their Meetings, might be thtrebv furnlfhed with Vnconttftible Evidence of their having and holding the fame under the Crown of Great Britain- Sy means of which Deeds or Patents (0 granted to fuch Perfons, who were alfo according to the ancient Cujlom or Manner of difpofing of Lands in our Town- mtftingSf the true and lawful Owmrs and Poplars of fueh Eftates, the faid Preaaaie^ A a a Utrndt Jittfio Regm Regit G E O R G 1 J, Nono. 288 20iTpo(ittoaof %mt}S in Xotbti-meetfttgil, &c» Lands which they held in fuch Towns, either in Severalty or in Common, became both by Cuftom and by Seal of this Colony, an undoubted lawful Efiate of Inheri- tance, to them and their Heirs ; and the Undivided and Common Lands in fuch Towns, fuch Proprietors might have Divided immediately among themfelves, or otherwife di^ofed of agreeably both to the ancient Cufiom and the Title Ratified and Confirmed by the faid Deeds or Patents, and not fuffered any other Perfont to have any fart in them, er any right or title to f^ote or Aii in the Dividing or Difpofing of fuch Common Land. And Whereas notwithflanding the faid Deeds or Patents obtained, the Pro- prietors of fuch Common Lands^ who had according to the ancient Cuflom fuch art Efiate in them, that they might Divide them among themfelves, or otherwife Difpofe of them ; and had alfo obtained by Patent a Grant and Confirmation of the Efiate which they had in thofe Common Lands, at well as in their particular Pro- terties, to themfelves and their Heirs for ever^ by f^irtue of which they had jufi Power and Right to aH and do by way of Dividing or Dijpofmg of fuch Common Lands, without fuffering any other Per fans who jhould afterwards become Inhabi- tants of the faid Towns, to he concerned and a^ with them therein ', the faid Proprietors did for a confider able dumber of Tears in many of our Towns, truly Confent and agret^ that the faid Common Lands mighty in whale or in part, be ntlually Divided or Difpofed of by the major Vote of the Inhabitants of fuch Ttvint in Meeting /iffemhled,and did themfelvet ASi and f^ote with others in fuch Town Meetings, in the Dividing and Dijfofing of fuch Common Lands, by Means of irfcjcfo AUs aniyotes many perfons have obtained particular fflaies to themfelves, which if they {hould be called in Qutflion and Defeated, becaufe not obtained by the fole A£l of the faid Proprietors,would be Contrary to the True Intent and Meaning cf the faid preprietors,and prove very prejudicial to thofe per fon: or their Heirs oho have been brought into them with the Real Confent of the faid Proprietors by which Real Confent faid Proprietors and all that hold under them ought to be Ejlopped and Barred againfi all Pretentions or Pleat of Right which they may ^^tledge to the Contrary. Be ft t1)crefo?c (Enstteti Bj tte (Bobernour, Cottncil antJ IRfprerentatfbfsf, in <©fnecal Court afftmbUD, anft bp ttie aut^o?ftp of rlje fame. That .,,_ . all fuch Grants, Divifions, or Difpofitions of fuch Common Lands made Divifions of according to Ancient Cuftom in any Town-Meetings, fhaH be Held Land, here and Taken, to be good and Lawful to all Intents and as Effeftual in Lavr tofore Grant. 35 if the Full and Ample Confent of the faid Proprietors had been in any ed at Town. ^^^^^ ^^y fj^an tiy fuch their Aftingor Real Confent Obtained •, and all be' goolV° fixates in Land obtained and holden in fuch Manner by the Voces and valid. Afts of Town- Meetings, as well fince as before the Confirmation of the Proprietors in fuch Towns, in their Eftates there, by Patent under the Seal of this Colony as aforefaid,are hereby declared to be, anD ft (0 fjerebj tfnait£li that they fliall be Accepted and Taken to be good and Lawful Eftates to fuch as fo have and hold them,as they might or could be if the Confent of the faid Proprietors in the granting of them could be proved under the Hmd and Seal of fuch Proprietors. 3Ilnl» ft 13 Ij£tcbj alfo furrljtr SDecIareD anil <8nattc5, That whatfoever All Undivi- Part or Intereft the aforefaid Proprietors by Cuftom as well as Deed, have ded Common in any Common or Undivided Lands in any Towns, which they have not Lands to be- by their free Confent as before Exprefied, or otherwife Difpofed of or ^°" V?s^Ex Suffered to be Divided or Difpofed of, is and fliall be allowed and TaTcen to clufiveoV all ^^ ^^^^^ proper Eftate ;and that no perfon whatfoever by becoming an other Town Inhabitant of fuch Town, or by any other Means againft or without the Inhabitants. Confent of fuch Proprietors fhall be Taken or Efteemed to have any E- ftate, Title, Right, or Intereft therein .• And all fuch Proprietors of any remaining Common or Undivided Lands in any Town or Place whatfoever, or Mno Regni Regis G E O R G I J, Nono. BUlsi of (ItttsiU 289 or fuch as Legally Reprefent them, are hereby allowed to have their Meet- ings in fuch Refpeftive Towns, to choofe their Clerk to Enter and Record Proprierorj their Votes and Doings, who (hall be Sworn before an AfTiftant or Juftice " ''^y* *heir of the Peace : And all Records of their Votes and Doings Attefted by choofe"% • him be admitted as Lawful Evidence. And the faid Proprietors in fuch Clerks, Ret" IWeetings (hall have full power ( after the Ancient Cuftom and Manner in wd their Towns) by their Major Votes in fuch their Meetings (to be Reckoned yot"& Do- according to their Intereft in fuch Common Land ) to Regulate, Improve, Mf*', , Manage, and Divide fuch Common Land in fuch Manner and Proportion b« Reckoned as they ftall fee good. by Intereft. Provided^ That where the Proprietors in any Town have by any Vote of theirs upon Record in their Town, Obliged themfelves to Aft for the future ill any othei* Method in Dividing the Undivided Land in fuch P'w**^^* Townfliips, fuch Vote being the Aft of faid Proprietors, ftall be and re- main Valid and Binding againft fuch Proprietors and their Heirs, and the Undivided Lands referred to in faid Vote Divided and Held according toluch Vote-, Any thing in this Aft to the contrary notwithftanding. Jlfo Provided^ That this Aft nor any thing therein Contained, fttal! not ProvIdedaMb be taken to intend that any Power is given to any Proprietors co Divide and Set out any Lands Sequeftred for Towns Commons. An Ad for Emitting Bills of Credit. r;?^4'',f?„ 158,181, 17J, B(t ft €naitta 6p t^e (Bobetnour, Council anb tteprefentatftifsf, fn ',|l'Ioi'i?|' (Benecal Court a0embl«tJ, anft ftp t^e autijo^trp of t||e fame. That xt6\izo\xz^ there be forthwith Emitted the Sum o( Six Hundred Fifty Three Pounds 2i9,i)y,zj7 Seven Shillings and Six-fence, of the Bills of Credit drawn in by Rates and *4i.i4J.»S| which have now been Received of the Treafurer by the Committee Ap- * *^'^* pointed to Audit the Treafurers Accompts, which Committee are hereby g ^, ordered to deliver again to thtf Treafurer the faid Sum of Six Hundred of the'sills fifty Three Pounds Seven Shillingt and Six-pencCy Taking his Receipt for the drawn in by fame,which Receipt is hereby ordered to be Lodged with the Secretary. *^"."> 'o beE. "uttedagaia jind Whereas hy an /i3 of the General JJfembly held at New-Haven in Oftober Lajly Entituled, Jn /IB for New Imprinting Four Thoufand Pounds, Vid.pag.»8j in Bittsef Credityit rvas Enaiiedtbat the faid Four Thoufand Pounds by that jitl Ordered to be Imprinted, fliould by the Committee appointed to Sign the faid Preamile, Bills, be delivered to the Treafurer, who jhiiuld give them in Exchange for fuch Torn and Defaced Bills as are not fit for ufe\ and the faid Exchange Bills Jiilt remaining in the hands of the faid Committee. 3lr i0 €na(teD bp tijt <$otecnour, Council finU Uttprefentatftit)}, in General Coutt MembleD, and bp tlje flutt)o;ftp of t^e fame. That there fhall be Emitted of the faid Exchange Bills, the Sum of Eight Hundred 84tf tz 0$ Tony Six Poundt,Twelve Shillings and Six- pence ; which the Committee ap- o-n'*^"^* pomted by this Aflembly to Sign the faid Bills, or any Three of them, Emitwd'alfo are hereby Ordered to deliver to the Treafurer, taking his Receipt for paying for rhe fame ; Which Sums of Eight Hundred Forty Six Pounds, Twelve the PuWicfc 5fc/V//«^jandSi*:-ffwe, of the faid New Bills, and Six Hundred Fifty Thrts ^^^^^ °^ ^^f pounds. Seven killings and Six-.fence, of the Bills drawn in by Rates and now ^°'fu^ V^"* Ordered to be delivered to the Treafurer ; the faid Treafurer is hereby neceffary" Ordered and Impowred to Iffue forth and Emit towards the Payment of charges the publick Debts of this Colony and the further neceilary Charges ^'>"eofi thereof, attending to fuch Orders as Ihall be given bim from time to time according to Law. A a a * %fai Amc Regnl Regis G E O R G I J, Nono. W^ apo SDifo^uets in tlje tlXXoi^ii(^ of <5oD* l^tobatejS* %nt} It it futt^ec (tmatt 65 tijc gCutfjo?itp afojcfaitj, That as a Fund and Security for the Re-payment and Drawing in the faid Sum of AT»x of Ei£ht Hundred Forty Six Founds Twelve Shillings and Six'pence, into the Trea- 846 " ^jfury. This Afiembly grants a Tax or Rate of Eight Hundred and Ninety for Drawing P<'""^^> ^^ ^^ Levied on Polls and all the Rateable Eftate within tliis Colony, in the Bills and to be paid into the Treafury at or before the Laft Day oi /lugufl which again by the will be in the Year of Our Lord One Thoufand Stveo Hundred and Twenty >'**'/? 78 ^'^^'» ^^^''^^ ^^^'^ ^^** ^^^^ ^^ P^*'^ '" ^^"^ of Credit of this Colony, or in Jiugvjt 171 ^oney as jt pafTes Generally Currant in the Country, at the Time of pay- ment •, and in no other manner. anH l)E (t fuctljec (Enatfeli D? tfie SCtttfioji'tp afo^efafO, That the . Refidue of the Four Thoufand Pounds newly Imprinted, being Three Thoufand der oTftid"' ^"' ^^""'^''^'^ ^H^y T'^*'" Pounds Seven SbilUngs and Six-fence, and no more, Bills, to be fliall be by the Committee appointed by this Aflembly to Sign the faid Bills, Exchanged or any Three of them, delivered to the Treafurer, who fliall give them in ^i" To'" ani Exchange for fuch Torn and Defaced Bills that are not fit for life ; Taking Detaced Bills j^j^ Receipt for the fame '■, Any thing in the aforementioned Adl made in OBober Laft to the contrary notwithftanding. ' 1 , vidpagioj An A<3: for preventing Diforders in 1,'tC' the Worfhip of God. 'HE RE AS notrcithflanding the Liberty attowed hy LaxOyhoth to Mi- nifiers and People to Wor^ilp God, agreeably to their own Confciences, thereare fame perfoni, who without Qualifying them fehes at the Law direRs for Vrtamhlt. ^^^ En'ioyment of fuch Liberty, prefume to form themfelves into Separate Meetings, and NegleS to attend upon any Puhlick Worfhip of Cod on the Lords day, under Colour of gathering together in Private Houfes for Preaching and other parts of Divine Worflitf. And whereas fome perfons ( without the Leajt Pretence or Colour ef being Ordained in any form whatfoever Minifters of the Cojpel, ) have neverthe- lefS pre fumed to gather Together in a Tumultuous Manner, and Take upon them to ^dminifier the Sacrament of Baptifm, to the great Abufe and Prophanation of that Holy Ordinance. P"fo"s n^s- ffie it tgf refo^c > Convifted thereof before any one Afliftant or Jufiice of the Peace, who fhall nalty of 20 i have Power to Hear and Determine the fame, fhall Forfeit the Sum of Twenty Shillings, one half to the Complainer, and the other half to the Grand-Ju- Treafury of the Town where the offence is Committed ; Any Law or '""j? fi" '• ^^ Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. And that it (hall be the Duty of Breac'hes of the feveral Grand-jurors, and Conftables, and Tything-men, to make this Aft. diligent Enquiry into and Prefenc all Breaches of this Ail> An Aft Anno RegHt Regii G E O R GI J, Nono. 292 i^atld) jOPaetlttSS?. Indians* ^cDojl ^tmt^. An k€t in Addition to.and for the Alteration of the Time Appointed Vid.Pag.i8? for Parifh Meetings, Entituled, An Ail for the letter Ordering and i9i,i97.iii Regulating Parifhes or Societies, ^c. TreamlLe. WHERE AS it has been found inconvenient to have the Meetings of Parifhet for attending the fariftt Affairs Limited to the Montb of December. T5t (t tijectfoje (tnactcti !ip tlie45oljetnour, Countft anO EeprerfntatfteU, Parifhes to ^^ ^entu\ Coiirt Jlffeniblefi, anft bp t|je auttojitp of t^e fame. That Mo"th"in"' *°f ^^^ f"^""^^ ^"^ '"^y ^"'^ ^^^'' ''^ Lawful for any Parilh, to hold their the Year. Meetings for fuch affairs in any Month of the Year, as they /hall Judge moft Convenient for them. And whereas it hat htipned that in fame ParijheSj Meetings have been held in fotne other Months than the Month of December, and feveral l^otes and jilli faffed infueh Meetings ; the Validity of which m*y be therefore Queflioned. For the preventing all fuch Difputes : 3*^ ^^ ^^"^P (fnactcd Ip tlje autljo^itj afojefaiO, That all fuch Votes Arts tffed ^"'^ ^^^' P^^^'^ '"^^^ ^'^^ ^°"^ '" ^"'^^ Parilh Meetings in any other in Parifh Month, ihall be held, accounted and efteemed, good and valid, as they Meetings to Ihould or could have been, if the Meetings at which they were paffed and be good tho* made, had been holden in the Month oi December ; Any other Law Ufage ^ecen^tr '" ^^ Cuftom to the contrary nocwithftanding. An A(5t for prcventingLending Guns, Ammunition,Q5'c. to the Indians* Vid. Pag. 94 i2o,zii,iiS> TTCTHEKE^S it may be juflly Sujpc^ed that fame Indiansm thisColony zjS* 2J4, \j \ xoho borrowed Gum and Ammunition of the Englifli, do withdraw them- it iSi. Jelvesfor a time to the Enemy Indians and Joyn with them. And whereas the , . faid Indians are Generally Suppofed to be guilty ( though it is hardly to be proved^ Treambte, ^j j^-^-^^ ^^^y p^,^^ ^^ Ttmet of the Tear forbidden by Law. 35e (t t^erefoje €nactet) 6p tlje^otjernourjCountll anti ISlepEcfentatftesf No perfon f^ (general /Vrf« or Selefi Men, in laid Towns and Societies. B(£ (t €nacteO Bp tfjt (Bobecnour, Council ano JReprcfcntatftifsf, in (©metal Court alTemblea, onH Bp tlje SEutljo^itp of tfie fame. That pay the the Treafurer of this Colony fhall make out his Orders to all the Coa- School-Mo ftables of this Colony,that they Pay the School-money due to each School- meVor^^ ' Committe:^ or Selea-men, in each and every refpeftive Town or Parifh SchooN where they live, that is due out of the Colony Treafury, and take their Committee. Receipt for the fame •■, which Receipt being brought to the Treafurer, Ihall be fufficient to Acquit faid Conftable from the demands of the Treafurer, for the whole Sum Paid as aforefaid by any Conftable. An Aft AmO Kegnt Regis G E O R G I J, Nono, An hOi for preventing and punifhlng Diforders in Taverns, or Houfes wherein Drink is Sold. 7/^ o*^f„ B« ft (Cnacteb 6? t6e dPobecnour, CoitncU anO IBLeprefmtatitciJ, in »77.(io?Re- eenecal Court affemWeO, ano ftp tfte autljo?ftp oE the tame, That ^ g, & zjp* the Grand-jurors and Conftables in each Town, Carefully InfpeO: all Ta- „ ' . verns or Houfes Licenftd for Selling of Drink, and prefenc to the Civil ^^,"^^^1^"^^°!^ Authority any perfon or perfons that fliall be found there Tranfgrefllng to infpeft againft any Law, by being there Unfeafonably or by Exeflive Drinking. Taverns. Be ft airo <£na(te6 6g tfie 51IutJo?(tH afojerafo. That if any Inhabl- peff^ns ^e- tant or Perfon belonging to any Town, (hall be found in any Tavern or ing at Ta- Houfe Licenfed for Selling of Drink in any fuch Town,at any Time either veins the of the Night next before, or the Night next after the Lords Day or the "^S^t be/<»e Firft Day of the Week, or after Nine of the Clock in any other Night, after thesfb- Except he or f»id there contrary to this or to any other Afl-, to depart forthwith j and all "^^yerns.^'f. fuch perfons who fhall refufe to depart from fuch Houfe on the Command "ft flid In- fo given them, fhall be forthwith Arrefted by fuch Conftable or Perfon habitants, having fuch fpecial Warrant,and fafely kept till they can be brought before an Affiftant or Juflice of the Peace, and upon Convidion ftall fuffer the Said offend- Penalty of ten Shillings to the Treafury of the County where fuch offence "^ ^'^^^ ihall be Committed. fi"'<' i" '• Be it alfo CnatteO ii? tte flut^oaftp afojefafb, That Conftables, or any ^ifo v other Perfons having a fpecial Warrant for {o doing, fhall Enter into any and make Houfe rufpefted to Retail Strong Drink without Licenfe, and Search the Search into faid Houfe, ia like manner as they are by this Aft Impowred to Enter into '"V Houfe and Search any Tavern or Licenfed Houfe ; and if any Inhabitant or Perfon feir^^n -^t' belonging to fuch Town where fuch Houfe is, fliall be found there Offend- &Arrlft peL' ing in like manner as is before Exprelfed concerning Houfes Licenfed, by fons fijund * being there at the aforefaid Times and Hours of the night, or by Difobey- '***"» &e- ing the Command of fuch Officer or Perfon with a Warrant as aforefaid, he (hall be dealt with in like manner as is before provided in cafe of ^"'i'^ l",^**" perfons offending in Taverns or Licenfed Houfes, and upon Conviftion abovefaid^ ^ incur the fame Penalty or Penalties. Be ft alfo (EnattED b? tl)e autfiojitp afo^efaiD, That if any Conftable Conftables or Grand-jurors being Comraanded,orOrdered by any in Civil Authority, &«. negleft- to Infpea fuch Houfes, and there perform the duty belonging to his Office, '"g their du- or any other Perfon,Coramanded as above Exprefied,does refufe or negleft Vf *'*,'"nt to fo to do, he fhall incur for every fuch Offence the penalty of Forty Shillings ""''*4o ■». to the Treafury of the County where fuch offence fhall be Committed. ^nS ft is \)t\:tbs fuctfjec Recommended to all AfTiftants, Juflices of CivlUutho- Peace and perfons_in Civil Authority, to take care that Conftables and '[^^ '° See a in this ^ norality. i An A€t Grand jurors and Tything men attend the duties required of them in this ^uf ^ Aa,and in any other Aft for cheSuppreffing all kind of Vice and Immorality, le^ndci*" jitiM Regm Regit G E O R G T J, Mono. 294 (5n^hijittptxs* Copper ^tne£^. llueition. An A& to Enable the Judges and Juftices of the County Courts, to YTitS.pag. 37. Appoint Keepers of the Common Goal in the refpeVotkmen, Miners or Labourers, that are or may be improved for the Carrying on and Managing the Mines aforefaid : ^nd ctrtAin Ccmmijfunen tftri thereby Affointed and Powers given to them far the Ordering, Doings and Executing divers things 4bout and Relating to the faid Minety And the faid Pre frietorSf Undertaker s^ and Miners, as is therein fortieularly Specified and Declared Jind ivhereas the faid ASl was Temporary, and is mm Expired ; ^nd whereat Maj^ Abraham Sydtrvclt, for hitnfelf and in behalf of fundry Gentlemen dwelling at Amfterdam in Holland, and John Jacob Lathroth Attornty to Andrew Frefnean of New- York, Otinert and Proprietors effort of the Ccpper Mines and Worh at faid Symsbury, have Reprefented to this Affemblyjthat the faid AB and Xxercife of the Powers thtrebyy granted to the faid CommifftonerSy hat been a great Benefit and Encouragement to the Vndertaler* i and Prayed that the [aid AH my be Revived. iBe it t^tzzto^e (tnatteU bp ttit dBobrcnour, Councfl anfi fieprtfentorftie* in «tntral Cou« aflhnKgfi, anQ bp tlje ^utSo^ft? oE t[>e fame, Thar ThesfoTeraJd the afore recited Aa and all the Claufes and Paragraphs thereof (hall be Aft Revived Revived,and the fame is hereby Revived, and to continue in force for the for 7 Years. Space of Seven Years from the End of the prefent Sefitons of this Aflembly. ., ^ r SlIoB be ft further €naaca ftg t^e «ait5o?itp ttfb?rfaf&. That the f rs"to be Commiflioners mentioned in the faid Aft, ftall be Sworn before the Ho- Sw" rn before nourable the Governour of this Colony, to a faithful difcharge of the Truft theHonours thereby Committed to them, 2)letheQov. ____________ _»»_«_______^————^-^— ——»___^, rid oaae to A Q^'P"^ P*^ "?"" *''* ^*^y Entituled, An Aft for High Ways, H^ether •P 8 » a ^^^ feveral Per font from Sixteen Tears of age to Sixty Tears of age ^ that are Queftion a- fg y^ called out to work at the Repairing of the High Ways, according to the ^rSt bout Slaves^ P zS6,8cisi REfolved in the Negative. THe Gentlemen Nominated to ftand for Eleaion in May next, fent in by the Freemen of this Government, to this Aflembly, are as followeth, f^iz.. The Honourable GVRDON S A LTO N ST A L L, Efq. Jofeph Nomination Tallcott, Efq. John Hamlin, Efq. Peter Burr, Eiq. Samuel Eells Efq t^^^cv^"^: ^''"^^^ ^'ly"> Efq- ^'S'^ mUott, Efq. Jonathan Law, Efq. James *rthe E- ^^Xd$VjSi oz Commons?* 2^9 Thirty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates, Hartford, 1919. Ads and Laws Faded by the General Court or AiTembly of His M a j e s T y** Colony of Conne^icut in New England : Begun and Held at Hare, for J, on the Fourteenth Day of May, in the Tenth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord GEORGE, KiNGof Great- Britain, &C. ^nito Domini, i 7 24. An Ad to prevent Encroachment on HiVh- videpag.,o ^ /-> J TT J. ^ , JO, SI, 191, ways, or upon Common and Undivided llj'^^)^ Land. bp ttje -Jlutto^iig of t^c fanw' That if any Perfon hath within the fpace of Fifteen Years,taken or Ihall take any pare of any High-way or Common or undivided Land into his Field and IncIofure,or Ereft any Fence thereon in fuch man- ner that the faid High-way is ftralghtned and made narrower than before • or any part of the Common Undivided Land intrenched upon, the Selefl:- men of fuch Town where fuch Offence fliall be committed, or a Committee appointed by fuch Town for that purpofe ; or a Committee appointed for that end by the Proprietors of the Common or undivided Land in fuch Town ( which Committees fuchTownand alfo fuch Proprietors are hereby enabled to Choofe ) or any Three of the faid Proprietors in fuch Town, are hereby direfted and impowred to give Notice or Warning to the Perfon or Perfons fo oiFendingjthac if he or they ihall not caufe the faid Fence to be removed in fuch convenient time,as they the faid Seleft-men or Committee,or Com- mittees or Proprietors giving Notice as aforefaid ihall (et,not exceeding the fpace of One Month after fuch Notice or Warning given, they the faid Perfons giving fuch Warning as aforefaid, ihall caufe fuch Fence to be pulled down. Any perfon who has within ij Years,or who fhall, Inclofa byFencing in any part of ihcHighway or Commons theSeleftmeji or aCommit- tee appointed by the Town orby thePro- rietorsjoraoy J Proprietors to Warn faid perfons tore- move faid Fence wirlijn the fpace of I Month} 00 negle(fl, to pull it down themfelves. Jnno Regn'i Regit G E O R G T J, Declmo. 3Be it alfo (t (3 Ijecebg (EnottfH, That if any Perfon or Perfons whofe Fence ihall be pulled down as aforefaid,(han bring any Aftion againft Any perfon thofe that pulled it down, as Trefpa/fing in fo doing j fuch Seleft-men, or puUingdown Committee, or Committees,or Proprietors as aforefaid who caufed the faid faidFencebe. p^j^^g j.jjjjg pyllgjj jo„n^ njay Plead the general IfTue, Not guilty j and Trffoaffe' to bring this Aa in Evidence. And any Perfon or Perfons who (hall bring plead, Not any fuch Suit, if he or they (hall not prove that the faid Fence flood well guilty, and ^^ j-j^e Bounds of his or their Land, or of their Land for whom he holds bring this Aft ^j^^ ^^^q ^ g^^j fo jg not any Encroachment on faid High- way or Undivided And to re"co- Land, Verdift (hall be given againft him or them, and in cafe Verdift be ver double given againft fuch Perfon or Perfons, or fuch Perfon or Perfons fuffer Cofts -, in themfelves to be Nonfuit, Judgment (hall be given againft him or them cafe, &c, £(jf (he Defendents to recover double Cofts. videpag^i? ^n Ad for better Regulating the Office of ll9.i&i Sheriffs, and (afe Cuftody of Prifoners. WHEREAS many Complaints have been madey and much Wrong fttftained by reafon of Miftales, NegleSs and Failures, in Serving of Writs and Executing Judgments of Courts, or Levying Executions. Sheriffs only For the better Regulating thofe Affairs, and to prevent fuch or their De, Injuries for the Future ; puties.to le- fljj j^ (gnaitct) B? tl)C »Keepei\ nivanceof fuch Keepers, or any Perfons whatfoever having the Charge of fL'r ^*!wf^ fiid Goals under fuch SheriSs. ^ 6 ye for than. An A& ia further addition to the Aft, Emimleci, An Ad dirediDg how Rates and Si.^^^.',7«J Taxes Granted by theGeneral Affembly,"'''^'''" (hall be Affeffed and Gathered in 5 more efpecially that part thereof, which re- fpeds the choofing of Lifters. WHERE AS inthe i4». Page loo, It is EnaBed, * That each Tovm *ac their Annual Meeting fliaD choofe Three or Four of their ' Inhabitants to he Lifters* %t tH note (Cnatteu l^i^t ^otientour, Cotincil anli Beprefentatibetf, fit ehookviaen t of'tbeNe"'- or that (hall Counfel, Advife, Procure, or any ways A/fift in the Forging, bouring Go- Counterfeiting, Imprinting,Stamping,Altering or Signing of any fuch falfe vernmentj, by Bill or Bills, knowing them to be fuch •, or Engrave any Plate, or make any *■?" '^^'i''?'- other Infirument to be uftd for that purpofe, every Perfon or Perfons fo t^^, 10°"^^ ofFending,being thereof Convifled before any of the Superiour Courts in this Falfe ; or QiaH Colony ,fhal] be Punifhed by having his right Ear cut ofF,and fhaH beBranded ?ny ways affift on the Forehead with the Letter C and be committed to a Work-houfe c^*^^^,^' and there be confined toWorkunder the care of aMaf^er till the day of [J^^gnJjfj his Death ; and never depart from faid Houle without fpecial Leave from with the letter this AJrembJy,under the penalty of being feverely Whip't '■, and that all the C. hisEnate to Eftateofany Perfon offending as aforefaid, (hall be Forfeited to this Go- ^'V°i'/'"'c'*^ vernment : Alfo the Perfon fo offending as aforefaid, fhall be for ever de- J, , work-^ barred of any Trade or Dealing within this Colony in any wife, upon the houfe to the penalty of being feverely Whip't, 4ayo{hi$icath An Aft Anf)o Regni B^egU G E O R G I J, Decimo. !02 emittius I5iUjS of Credit. jBap^tierrpXaUoiD* An Ad for Emitting Bills of Credit. Vid.pag- 145, J^9.i55,i 5^8 -yj^HEKEAS by an M of thii A{fcmhly^?fl(fcd at New-Haven in Oaober jgp],p/,pp VV One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Twenty Twoj Entituled, Pin Aft for 201, i 1 1, 2 16 New Imprinting Faur Thoufand Pounds •■, there was Ordered to be Imprinted and 2zo,2i4,ii9 Signed by a Committee appointed thereunto of the Bills of the Publick Credit of this 23J.i?7,z4i Colony, the Sum of Four Thoui'^nd Pounds, of which Sum there ti ftitl remaining 289' 297. *" '^' hands of the Committee for the Signing faid Billsy the Sum of Six Hundred and Forty Pounds And whereoi upon Auditing the Publick Accounts with the Treafurer,the Auditors have reported to this Affembly, that there is drawn in by the Rate, of good Bills and fit for further Service, to the Sum of Six Hundred Ninety freamhle. Nine Pounds, Three Shillings and Nine-pence •■, which Bills they have received of the Trcafurer upon the account of the Rate, and have fine e put them into the hands cf the Treafurer,for the further Order of this Affembly,and have taken the Treafurer's Receipt for the fame. TBt it 42nQCtetJ fep t1)e dPoternotir.Counci'I ano IRepwfentatfljegjfn (General Court SldembltU.anti b)> tfje 2lliit^o?itp of tl)C fame, That the Committee ^000'/ htcl appointed for the Signing of faid Bills, are hereby Ordered to deliver the ImpHnied', Vo aforefaid Sum of Six Hundred and Forty Pounds, unto the Treafurer, taking beEmitied, as his Receipt for the fame And the Treafurer is hereby Ordered and Im- aifo 699 1, i.s pQ^,,red [q IflTue forth and Emit the faid Six Hundred and Forty Pounds, with R 11* ^ h^p"^ the aforefaid Sum of Sja: Hundred and Ninety Nine Pounds, three Shillings and m'ictcd. * " Nine-pence, Ki^Kt Bills,delivered into his hands by the Auditors as aforefaid, towards the Payment of the publick Debts and neceflary Charges of this Colony, upon fuch Orders as he fhall trom time to time receive according to Law. ATaxof 1400 9Ent) It J0 fitcttcr ^nactca bjj tlje 5£utIjo?Up afo?efaii!,That as a Fund or &6 /. 5, 1. & Security for the Re-payment and Drawing in faid Bills into the Treafury 9(/. a Fund for again, this Aflembly Grants a Tax or Rate of One Thoufand Four Hundred drawing in faid ^^^ ^'^ Pounds, Three Shillings and Nine-pence ; to be levied on the Polls and lo't'h S M% Rateable Eftate within this Colony : To be paid into the Treafury at or I7J0 before the Twentieth Day of May, which will be in the Year, One Thou- fand Seven Hundred and Thirty ^ Which faid Rate (hall be paid in the Bills of publick Credit of this Colony, to be received into the Treafury at Twelve-pence on the Pound Advance •, or in Money as it generally Pafleth Currant in the Country at the time of Payment, and in no other manner. An A61 in further addition to the Adt, En- yid^=pag.27o. ^-ituled, An Aa for Encouragement of the getting Bay-berry Tallow, w H ERE AS an JB in Addition to an AB, Made andPafed by thlsAffem- hly at New- Haven in Oil:ober,0«? Thoufand Seven Hundred and Twenty Two, in Emendation of an Act Made and Paffed by this Affembly,in Oftober One P e ble Thoufand Seven Hundred andTwenty One,Entituled,kn Ad for Encouragement of the getting Bay-berry Tallow \ in which Law it is Provided, ' That who- * foever (hall gather any of faid Berries growing in any Place in thisGovern- * ment, at any time before the Tenth Day of September Annually, Ihall pay * Two Shillings and Six-pence per Peck.and after that rate for greater or leffer 'Quantities tTct notwithftanding faid Law, great Quantities of faid Berries are gathered before faid Tenth of September ; and y it fuch Offenders are not brought to Punifhrnent, becaufe of the difficulty of Proving that the Offender gathered faid Berries within thk Colony. * Anno Regnt Regis G E R G IJ, Declmo. New^Haven Caft^i^et^ ifetrp at Rocky^hilL 303 caifieLefo^e (t i& noto <£nadeJs anU SDeclarcO b? tIjfiS affemblp, aim tbe atis t^O^itp tt)eteOf,That whatfoever PerTon or Perfons (hall have any Quantity ^''"'""^ ^^^vlng of laid Berries found in his or their PonefTion orCuftody,acany time before '"^ Qi'^ntity faid Tenth Day oi Stptember,{h^\] be judged guilty of the Breach of faid tunlh'lu^t A(ft of One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Twenty One, afore recited to, PofTefTlon any and fliall futfer accordingly, as is Provided by faid Aft \ Except faid Offen- timebcforethe ders when complained of, fhall Prove that he or they gathered faid Berries '°°''^^/"^'"*- out of this Colony. '°J;/;^§1'^ An A(£t for preventing the Obftruding the Paffage of New-Haven Eaft-River. Up ON the Memorial of John Hall Efcj\ in behalf of himfelf and many others of the Town of Wallingsford, (liewing to this Ajfemhly, That himfelf and Preamble. Tartners have Subfcrihed to Clear at their own Cofi, the Paffage 0/ New- Haven Etifl River y for carrying down faid River fv.th l^effeli at they (})a/l Build upon faid River ; and praying this Affembly that none tnay be allowed in any way to Step or Objlra^ faid Paffage after they have fo Cleared the fame, %z ft tJjcrtfojc (£nacteU b? tljr (Botjertiottr, Councif anS I5f ptefcntarftest in (Bcneral Court alTembleD, anb bp tlje aiutjjo^itp of tfie fame, Thar if any Perfon or Perfons fhall wittingly and willingly, Stop or Obf^ruft the Perlons that PafTage of faid River in any place betwixt the Mouth thereof and fo far up ^1";'"^'' ^^^ faid Stream as fhall be fo Cleared, by falling any Tree or Trees thereinto, or'obnn/ftihe or caftingany other Matter whatfoever thereinto ; he or they fhall forfeit Paflage of taid the Sum of Twenty Shillings : The one half to the Complainer, who (hall Pro- R"vcr,by fal- fecute to E{Feft,and the other half to the County Treafury of New Haven ; '|"8 T"""' and alfo (hall Clear the fame out of faid River, or pay the Coft of clearing' Sinrwher the fame •, as (hall be allowed by an Adtftant or Juffice of the Peace. And Matter into*^ jf anyTree (hall be felled as aforefaid,ofFany particular mans Land into faid tobf fin'dzox. River,the Owner of faid Land Ihall be taken to have felled the fame ; unlefs ^ ^'" ^'"'" the faid Owner fhall pofitively affirm before the Authority before whom he o!ffaldRive°"' fliall be called, that he did not direftly nor indireftly fell faid Tree, nor pa/thecoftrf confent it (hould be felled. Any one Affiflant or Juftice of the Peace, other clearing the than fuch as (hall be concerned in Clearing or Ufing faid Paifage as afore- ^"^* faid, to hear and determine all Offences againft this Ad. An A£k for granting Liberty to fetup a Ferry at RockyHill in mtt\)tt&Ulh ; an(i for ftating the Fare thereof. THIS Affembly grants Liberty to Jonathan Smith of Wether sfield, to fet up ^ ^^"^ ^«' "P a Ferry acrofs Co«wi?/c«NRiver,at Rocky.Hill in Wethersfield aforefaid. ^' '^«''y-'>'"« ^llntldjfg -Kfremlil? bo notoi Ecfolftc, That the Fare of the faid Ferry for "^^^ ^^^^^^ '' the future,fhall be Four-pence Money for each Man and Horfe and Load, and Hfrf^'^j"^ "Two.pence for each fingle Perfon or fingle Horfe •, Any former Law, Ufage f,n°gie 'p*ron ' or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. or Horfe. SllnU it (S Ijtrebp further Ktfolbeb, That if any Perfon or Perfons what- foever ( who (hall for the future have and keep the faid Ferry ) (hall Penalty onFer. demand and receive any more than what is hereby allowed them, he or ry-n"" who they fhall fufFer the like Penalty, as is provided by the Law of this Colony, Jha^^be""^? Entituled, An Ali for Regulating Ferries ^ againft fuch as take or receive more aiiow'dby law than their allowed Fare. See pag. 34 ;v,Xo«rf<»»jPrinted&Soldby7',Gr«p,Prlnter to theGov.&CoMPANY, 1724 ^nno Regnt Regis GEORGIJ. Undedmo. 'Mmm^ appointeD tti %{i\m% of:^ccottnt,&:c*305 Thirty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates. Hartford, 1919. Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majeflics Colony of Conner/cut in New England : Begun and Held at New Haven^ on rhe Eighth Day of October, in the Eleventh Year of the Reiga of Our Sovereign Lord GEORGE, KING of Great-Britaia, &c, jimo Domini, 17x4. An A^^^' W HE RE AS it is Provided, 'that an AHion of Accour.t may be Troftcuted, and no Special Authority given to any of the Courts _ , . of Judicature Eflabliflied by the Lam of this Colony, to jipfoint ' " '• Auditors to Hear, Jn[peS and Adjujt the Accounts \ for want , whereof, that AS ion becomes Vnfervlceable, whereby fomt fail of their Right. £j,^°j. ^J jj^ County orSu- Whj'ch to Prevent perior Conrr, IBt ft €nartrt b? flje ©oiiecnour, flfCffantsf anti SDtputfeJf In vvhere Deferi- ^Bjneral Court affemWrO, anD bp rte 2utt)o?it? of tT)e fame. That dams in piead- when and fo often,as fuch an Aflion /hall be brought to the County Court, «"§ they oughc or by Appeal to the Superiour Court, in any of the Counties in this "°v|^*" j"J"' Colony, that when any Defendant fliall plead in his defence, any Plea ju,y ^ ;„„(•' which being True, he ought not to Accompt, it (hall be Trycd by a Jury •, the Verdift be and in cafe the Verdift be found againft him, the Court (hall enter up found againft Judgment agajwft him, that he fliall Accompt i and the Court are hereby to"'Enter°'Dp Impowred, and Direfted, to Appoint Three Able Judicious and Indifferent judgment a- Men, who fhall have a Proper Oath Adminiftred to them, to Hear, Ex- ga'mft 'em that amine,and Adjuft the Accounc,or Accounts •■, and the Auditors Appointed tlwy fhall.&'i!. asaforefald, have hereby Authority given them to Appoint Time, and j^^ Court fa Place, for the Hearing, and Adjufting the Accompts aforefaid ; and upon Appoint? men the Defendants refufal,due Notice being given him of the Time and Place to be Audi- as aforefaid, to Attend upon them and Produce his Accompts j that theV">**^*'^>^« Ddd Auditors ''"»«s«*>'"- Anno Regut Regis G E O R G I J. Undcclmo. 306 gjnteftate caates* Auditors fliall Award to the Plaintiff the whole of his Demands ; Auditor! their and upon the Parties Producing to them their Accompts, that the Power, and to ^\uditors (hall have Power to Adminifter an Oath unto them, to Anfwer Court"their * t^o f"ch Interrogatories as they (hall think proper, refpefting their Ac- Award.Toge- compcs j And upon either of the Parties refufal to take fuch Oath, or to tber with fuch Anfwer direftly to (uch Interrogatories, it (hall be in the Power of the reafonableCofts Auditors to Commit the Party fo refufing to Goal ; there to remain ac his vice a*"^ihe"' °^" 'Charge till he will Account or Anfwer, as aforefaid. And when the Court (hall a- Auditors have adjufted the Accounts, or Awarded as aforefaid, and Re- ward, which turned the fame to the Court, either at the fame Seffions or the next, that pi^- ^'ff^h'^ ^^^^ Judgment fhall be made up tor the Recovery of the Sum Awarded and pairdown to ^o^s •, together with fuch reafonable Cofts for the fervice of the Auditors the Auditors, as the Court (hall award, which (hall be by the Plaintiff then paid down to the Auditors. All Aftions of SIlnD jt l& fuctfjfC ^COl)(tietl, That in all Anions on Book Account, above 10 /. if the Account be alledged to be above Tw Pottw^r, that the like method like^met"od'^' ^^^ ^' "'^*" '" Appointing Auditors, for the Adjuftment of their refpeft to Au- Accounts between them; and whofoever fhall be Awarded by them to ditors. be in Arrears the Court (hall enter up Judgment for the recovery of the fame, with additional Cofts as aforefaid. Pleas made in %nti futtftec it iH J^iCoWtstU, That when any Plea (hall be made in Abatement of j^jjatement of the Writ, that if it be ruled, in favour of the Defendant, 'w favo^/"'o1' ^^^ Plaintiff (hall have Liberty on his paying down to the Defendant the Defendant his Cofts to that Time, to Amend that D€feft,and to proceedas he miglit theplamiffpay have done if no fuch Defeft had been made And in cafe of Appeal ingtheDefen- from a Judgment on Pleas in Abatement, the Appellant (hall not make dant Cofts till gggj JjIj p|g3 (,y j.he Judgment of the Superior Court ; Cofts (hall be prec^^' &l Awarded againft him, however the Caufe (hall happen to IfTue. Limitation of this A&. This Aft to continue of Force for two Years and no longer. ^.^ ^ ^ An Acf^ in Ad(dition to an A(5^,Entituled,An 60,1 z8, 174.' A(5^ for the Settlement of Inteftate Eftates. I9Z,I9>> iij 217, & iz6, WHEREAS it,U Provided by the Piid AEl^ ' That the Executor * or Executors, Named by the Teftator, (hall make or caufe to * be made a True and Perfed Inventory of all the Eftate of the Perfon * Deceafed,as well Moveable as not Moveable whatfoever ; Whicn Inventory by the [aid Executor or Executors^ upon his or their Oath or Oathsy fhall be S«epig. tfo. by him or them Delivered io the Court of Probates ; and there being no Sufficient penalty Provided in the Law to Inforce the fame, it hat become a Cuflom for Executors to Neglect that part of their Duty, to the Prejudice of fome that may be Intertfied in fuch Eftate. Which to Prevent for the Future : g|r \$ OjuecttJ anil (CnacteU 6p He (Boternoiir, Council anU Ee- caufe"i°vemo- pcefentatftes, (n <©tneEal Court flCTembUD, ana bp tt)e 2ButJ)o?ftp of tlie ry'stobemade fame. That if the Executor or Executors of any Laft Will andTefiament, in I Months that (hall be brought for Probate into any of theCourts of Probates in this ifter the Pro- Colony, from and after the Firft Day of November next, (hall not within w»ls o^ '!2^ ^^^ ^P^*^® °^ '^"'° Months, next after the Probate of fuch Laft Will and fwUy'of"j!/i Teftament, caufe fuch Inventory to be made as aforefaid, and the fame to per Month! ' be Exhibited in the Regifters Office of the. fame. Court of Probates where Anno Regni Regis G E R G I J. Undeclma 3fttti 307 where the faid Will was Accepted and Recorded •, Every Executor fo Neglefting his or her Truft and Duty in that behalf, (without juft Excufe To be Reco- made to the Judge of faid Court and Accepted for fuch delay) Ihall vered by A«i. Forfeit the Sum of Five Pounds per Month, from and after the ^i^ °"^'"^i^^^^J^' Two Months are expired ; until he or they (hall Inventory the faid Eftatc, pieas^one moi. and Exhibit the faid Inventory as aforefaid : Every fuch Forfeiture to «y for the ufe be Recovered by A£tion or Information in the Court of Common Pleas of the Poor of in the County where the Teftator laft Lived, and to be Difpofed of, „j^„e jhroe- one Moiety thereof to the Ufe of the Poor of the Town where the ^^^^ pj^fj,* Deceafed Perfon lafl Dwelt, and the other Moiety to him or them that jatl dwelt, & ihall Inform or Sue for the fame, and Profecute to full EfFeft. the other moi- ety lohim that This A£l to continue of Force for two Years and no longer. ihill Sqc for the Came. '— —^— '————— —^^—^—^■^—— ■^——— ■ ■ Aft Limited. An A in fuitable Sums, from Tvo Shilling) to fwr Pounds, which fhall amount to the Sum of Four Thoufund Poundiy and no more. Which Bills ftall be Indented and Stamped, with fuch Stamps as the Governour and Council fhall Order, and Signed by the Committee appointed for the Signing of Bills of the Pub! ick Credit of this Colony j they or any three of them. And of the Tenor following, iPO- ( ) 20 s. (rfJis Indented Sill of Twenty Shillings, due from the Colony of ConneQicoC »■» New-England, to the Toffeffor thereof, fhaU be in lvalue equal to Money, Form of the and fhall be accordingly acctfted by the Treafurer and Receivers Sulordinatc t0 ""* him ; and for any Stock at any time in the Trtafury, Hartford, July the Twtlftbf Anno Dom. 1709. By Order of the General jijfembly. May, 171 J. w^hilS- *"^ ^ ^' ^""^^"^ *nattc», That faid Bills fo to be Imprinted and «toBxchar!ge Signed by this Ail, (hall by the faid Committee or any three of them, be for Torn & Delivered to the Treafurer, taking his Receipt for the fame ', and the DcficedBiUi. Treafurer fliall give them in Exchange for fuch Torn and Defaced Billf as are not fit for Ufe. ^'fsfiWs An Aa for Emitting Bills of Credit. 201*2^1' M6 T*^ '* cteti anl) (f natftU bp tl&e «6ofeecnftur. Council ant) IRcpre- 2io'224,'2Z9 L ffntatjbeff, in >(5rnetal Court ^ffembleo, anD bp tf)e 31iut})o;(t? of tje 25s,2}7,24i fantf, That there be forthwith Emitted, a certain number of Bills of 245.»5?.i86 Cfgjjt On this Colony, in fuitable Sums from Two Shillings to Five Poundf^ a8j>,i97,}oi ^jjj^jj ;^ j}^g whole (hall Amount to the Sum of Two Thoufand and Three Hundred Pounds and no more i Three Hundred Pounds whereof (hall be of the Bills of Credit of this Colony Made and Imprinted, Purfuant to an . Aa of this Aflembly in OEiober, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Imictcd "o Twenty Two, Entituled, An AB for New Imprinting Four Thoufand pay the' Pub- Pounds, in Bills of Credit. Which Three Hundred Pounds are now in the lick Debts of Treafurers Hands, and the remaining Two Thoufand Pounds Ihall be of the Colony, the Bills of Credit which are Ordered to be Made and Imprinted by the Aft ot this Aflembly at their Prcfent Seflions, and the Committee for Signing the Bills of this Colony are hereby direfted to Sign the faid Snm of Two Thoufand Pounds as foon as may be, and deliver them into the Hands of the Treafurer, to be by him Paid out towards defraying the Publick Debts of this Colony, taking his Receipt for the fame ; And the laid Treafurer, is accordingly hereby Inipowred and Ordered,to Iffue forth and Mm Regrii Regis GEORGTJ, Undeclmo. ICotDri Cletft0* 309 and Emit the fame, towards the Payment of the Publick Debts of this Colony ,and the farther neceflkry Charges thereof, attending to fuch Orders as fiiall be givea him, from time to time, according to Law. 3lttlr Cti)Sruct5cr€aatt£6&2tBe 3SutI)0?itp afo^cTaiB^ That as a Fund a Tax of and Security for the Re-payment and Drawing in thefaidSum of Two i^i% I. to be fhnfaadznd "tkree Btauired Pourtdsy into the Treafury, This Affembly » ^"n** f^c grants a Tax or Rate of Tm Jhcufmd Four Hundred and Fifteen Pounds, to ? ^^"0! '" . be Levied on Polls and all the Rateable Eftate within this Colony, and to IheLaft of be paid into theTr^futy at or before the Laft Day of /lugufi, which will Ju^uji 172^. be in the Year of Our Lord, O/re fhoufand Stvtn Hundred and Twenty Nincy. which faid Rate (hall be paid in Bills of Credit of this Colony, or in Money as it pailes Generally Currant in the Country, at the Time of Payment • and in no ether manner, 2 coo /. of the Srm ft isi fucti^nr CnattsS, That the refidue of the Four Tboufand Pounds Bills of Credit in Bids ofCiedit,Ordei«d to be Made and Imprinted, by the Aft of this ""^ 0''<'ef«' AiTemWy at their PrefencSeffions, being Tifo Thcufand Pounds^and no more, ed''wT'"l fhall be Signed by the Committee Appointed to Sign the Bills of Credit of iiv«ed to'the" this Colony, or any Three of them, and delivered to the Treafurer, who Treafurer, to fiiall give them in Exchange for fuch Torn and Defaced Bills that are not ^' Exchanged fit for Ufe ; Taking his Receipt for the fame. *°'" ^""^ ^'"*- ain\J fe m furtfjec fl?^cr^. That the Receipts aforefaid fiiall be lodged i!?w*'A'P' •*? mth the Secretary. ^ E^^'g^tj^* San ft fH ftot^cr ^esdl. That the Sum of One thoufand and Five mox%oot. Hundred Pounds jin the Bills of Credit,which have been brought in, or are to °^ '^'= Bills of be brought in, by the Rate granted in OSiober laft, fhall be alfo Emitted for P^^'^jL*'''* the Payment of the Publick Debts ot this Colony, and the further neceflary ar Jto be'br<% Charges of the fame And the Treafiirer is hereby alfo Ordered to Iffue in, by {heRate out and make Payment thereof^ according to fuch Orders as Ihall be given » Wo^"- latt, bim, fiom time to time, according to Law. '<* •>« £mitttd * * o topaythepnb- _— _^___ lickOebts,erf. An Aeliive Towns in this Colony, AnnuaHj, forgathering the Country Rates, * ^t fjJ <£n3Ctel» anD ^COtlDtO, E e e ,Thac Anno Regni Regis G E O R G I J, Undecimo. *»!■ ■ ■■ III ■ ■ - ■ — . 310 %ax^ Motninuion. Fieamhle, * Thatfor the Future, the Town Clerk in each Town in this Colony, * Ihall Annually in Afa_y, fend to cheTreafurer the Name of the Perfon in * their Town who is Chofe a Conflable to gather the Country Rate. Ani. whereof there is no Penalty Provided in [aid AEl, to be Infliiled upon fuch at fhall Negle^ his Diuy in [aid A^ mentioned \ whereby the [aid jlil in iti Trut Dejign and End is Eluded. For Remedy whereof : Town Clerks ftnff "fhe° 3f ftf noto (finarteti It t^e *oliecnour, Council anU. mfprcfenratiije^, Trejfurer.An- '" (Fenecal Couct ^fllTembleo, ariDfap tfjE 1tutl)0?itp of tf)e fame. That if niially, the at any time hereafter, any ToWn Clerk fhall negleft his Duty,as by faid Name of the Aft he is required ; and be thereof ConvifV before any AflGilant or Juftice fcn"w'''7th« °^** ^^^<:^, he fhall pay a Fine of Forty ShiUingi Money, one half thereof ihe Country*'^ ^° ^^ ^0 ^^^^ Complainer that fhall Profecute to EfFefl, and the other half Races, »o for- to the Town Treafury where the Convift Clerk dwells- ieit 40 s, vidpag.rtfo An Af ficets 311 Thirty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates, Hartford, 1919. Ads and Laws Paflcd by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majefties Colony of CoBHeilicut in New-EngU»J : Begun and Held at Hartford, on the Thirteenth Day of May, in the Eleventh Year of the Reigri of Our Sovereign Lord C£0 /?(?£, KING oiGreatBritain^SccAnnoDom. lyze An Ad for Emitting Bills of Publick Credit. I|;|;| B's and by their Committee to be delivered into the faid Treafurer's hands ' °""^^°^°"y being in the whole Two thoufand Pounds, and no more : Be by the faid Treafurer Iflued forth and Emitted toward the Payment of thePubhcfc Debts of this Colony, and the further necelTary Charges tliereof, according to fuch Orders as fliall be given him from time to time according to Law. SlInU (t tsf futttfr €mtttn 6? tfjc S!iit5o?irp afo^tfafti. That as a Fund or Security for the Re-payment and Drawing in of the faid Bills into the p °^ 4 Treafury again, this Aflembly Grants a Tax or Rate o( Two Thoufand Vohll°FTd. One Hundred Pounds, to be levied on Polls and all Rateable Eftate within fof Drawing this Colony ; to be Paid into the Treafury at or before the laft Day of *"'*''^ ^'"*» Oiloher, which will be in the Year One Thoufand Seven Hundred and ^'^ ^Hnft, Thirty: To be Paid into the Treafury in Bills of Credit of this Colony, r/Jo. or in Money as it Paflech generally in the Country at the time of Payment* and in no other manner. A CJueftioB ^ QUESTION Profounded to this Afembly, Whether upon the Death or lie- about Town- moval of any Toan-Cierk, or other ordinary Town or Society-Officer in any Officers. Town in this Colony^ fuch Town or Society may Regularly AJfetnble torethtr and ^'^/x?'''" Choofe a New to M up fuch Vacant Place f Queftions.ia ■n ^ . pag.iio.ijz KESOLVED by thisAUembly in the Affirmative. 149,272,17^ Fff A««k"=''"^'"' Anno Regnt Regis GEORGI J, Undecimo. '312 New-LondonCountyCOttrt %ttiiint^^ ^tftetg. An Ad for Altering the Time of the Sitting of the County Court, appointed by Law to be Holden in the County of /l^etb^ flonnon, at iI5eXU:^|lont)on, on the Firft ^uejday of ^me^ Annually. WHEREAS :t u found by Experience that far the faid Court to be ft Holden there J on the faid Firft Tuefday o/" June, is very inconvenienty by J67.I70, i?S reafen of its Nearnefi to the time of the Sejfun ofthu ji^embly in May •, it often aS4i* *^P' happening that many of the Judges for Holding [aid Court, and Ptrfons concerned therein, prove Members of this Ajfembly. For Remedy whereol : KewLondon 3t H tfnocttl) bp tT)c (Eoljcrnour, Council anU 1Repreffntatf1»f«, In CountyConrt (Jpenetal Couct affcmbleD, ano bp tjje 3Butl)0^itp of tfec fame, That for tobeHoldeii the future, and until this Aflembly fhall Order ocherwife, the faid Court Tuefd?"^^n'^ fhall be Holden at faidiVm-iLw^ow on theSecondTaf/^-J^f of3ra»f,Annually ; Tune, Anno Any former Law, Ufageor Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. »Uy.* Provided wft/errfeWeyJ, The faid County Court that is to be Holden there -, on the Firft Tuefday oijime next, fhall be fo Holden accordingly ; Any Frovided.&c thing in this Aft to the contrary notwithftanding. An Ad for Aflefling Allowed Attorneys ac 1^1;%! "^ the LaWjin the AnnualLift,for their Faculty. R€fe®I,3a(ta> Iptljf^ atfembl^, That for the future, every o! the Allowed Attorneys at the Law, in this Government, fhall be fee kVir fT d* ^" *^® Annual Lift for their Faculty, TW «, Thofe that be the lead lor theiiVa- ^''^Qitioners, the Sum oi Fifty Pound*^ and the others in proportion accor- culty.accor- ding to their Pradice : To be Afleffed at the difcretion of the Liters of ding to their the refpeftive Towns where faid Attorneys live, during their Praflifing as PiaOice, &c. fuch'. Any former Law,Urage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. An Ad for Requiring the feveral Towns of lo xslloo ^ft^'^^^j^^l'^ott, l^iDgfielts, iBetb^Xotton and irj'.M?;*?? iBel[D^^ilfo^l»5 to Choofe Lifters for faid Towns, as other Towns are provided. kIR a&C ft<£ 2) bp tIjiS SBflemblp, That the Towns of Afhford, Hebron, _ ' Ridgfidd, Ntw.Tewn and NexoiMilford, (hall proceed to taJce and make TheTownsof a Lift of all the Polls and Rateable Eftate by their Lifters this "refent bron°Rid"el ^^*'"' ^* °'^^'"' "^""'"s in this Colony do. And if either of the faid Towns fidd', Ne J- ' of '^/^/*''*'» ^'^'''"'> R'dg field, New-Toron znd Nevo-Milferd, are deftitute of Tow'n&New Lifters, as the Law direfts, to do the Work, that then in fuch Cafe fuch Milford, to Town fo deftitute, fhall fome time in the Month of June next, Meec "f^p* n ^' J together and Choofe a fuitable Number ot their Inhabitants to be Lifters; Rattable *E- *^° ^^'^ ^^ Sworn to that Office accordingly ; who fhaJl talce the faid Lift fttfe,»soth«r and tranfmic the fame to this AJfembly, to be Hoidea at New-Haven in Towosdo,&c Oiiober next- N.Lo7KZ«n,Printcd 5c Sold by T. Gr*w,Primef to the GOV. & COMp. 1715 ?oi O' Anno Regni Regis GEORGIJ, Duodecimo. 9 Thirty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates. Hartford, 1919. Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majcfty's Colony of Come^icut in l^exxi'England : Begun and Held at New-flaven, on the Fourteenth Day of Oiloler, in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord G£0/JG E, KING of Great- Britain, &c. Anna Domini, i 7 z $. An Ad for Reftraining the Liberty of Ap peals and Reviews, in fome Cafes 5 and in y^-^p;!* »f« Addition to the Law, Entituled, An Ad ^jKSsS for further providing for Small Caufes. VidPag. 7,itf 204, rjj, Krs HIS AffemUy ohftrving the great Exfence of time and Moneys by means of divers Trials allowed bi the LavD in Small and plain Cafes ; improved too often, only to delay Jujlice, and keep men out of their Jufi Dues. Which to Prevent : wnicn CO rrevenc : jg-^ A <5enetal Court MemWtD, anftbj tljt aut^o^itp o£ ttjcrame, That work on high if any Perfon fo Warned ( as in faid Aft is Provided ) fhall Refufe or Wajs, to for- Negleft to attend the Service, in manner, ( as is in faid Aft Provided ) he ^it 41. fer ^jjj fojfeit for every Days negleft. Four SoUlingt for a Perfon, and Eight Perfon &8*f 5fc«//»«gi for a Man and Team. Which Forfeitures (hall be Improved as in for Man and faid Aft ; Any Law, Ufagc or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. Team. ^^ An Ad for Emitting Bills of Credit. T4o'n?'t1s T"^ W ,jii. of this Colony of the firft Impreflion •, and Eight Hundred Pounds of tJie Bills of Credit, now in the faid Treafurer's hands, brought into the loooPouadf Treafury, by the Aft of this Aflembly, Ofl^&h> Regtt't Regis GEORGIJ. Duodecimo. ^Cajc* iSominattom 31$ Payment of the Publjck Debts of thisColonyj and the futther neceflary Charges thereof, attending to fuch Orders as ftall be given him from time to time, according to Law. And Roger ff'okott, Nathaniel Stanly, Efqr34 and Mr. Oz.iaf Pitkin, are appointed a Committee, by this AlTembly, to Receive of the faid Treafurer the Sum ot Eight Hundred Pounds, in good Bills of Credit, brought in by the Rate aforefaid, that are Undefaced and fuitable to be Iffued forth in Publick Payments, giving him a Receipt thereof ; and again to put the fame into the faid Treafurer's hands, for to be Iflued forth in Payments, as is before in this Aft provided, taking his Receipt therefor. sunn (t 10 furtjet Cnattclr, That as a Fund and Security for the j^ ^^^ ^p Re-payment and Drawing in the faid Sum of Two Thoufand Pounds into jioo Pounds the Treafury, this AlTembly Grants a Tax or Rate, of Two Thoufand One to be a Fund Hundred Pounds, to be Levied on Polls and all the Rateable Eftate within for Drawing this Colony ; and to be Paid into the Treafury at or before the Laft Day j," [he**]5ft *' of Juguft, which will be in the Year of our Lord, One Thouftnd Seven day of Aug. Hundred and Thirty Five : Which faid Rate fliall be Paid in Bills of i 7 j s- . Credit of this Colony, or in Money as it Paffes generally Currant in the Country at the time of Payment, and in no other manner* An A£t for Levying a Tax on Polls, and^^axofzi all Rateable Eftate. * ut'llA Bills of Cre- THI S AlTembly Grants a Rate oitwo-^tnce on the Tound^ on all J/^ ^/'^"''f the Polls and Rateable Eftate in this Government : To be Paid o" of the"^* into the Treafury, in the Bills of Credit of this Colony, with the ufual Nei'bouring Advance of Twelve-fence on the Pound j or the good Bills of Credit of Four Govern. Signers, of the Majfachufettt-Bay \ or in the Bills of Credit oiNew-Tork, si"*^j '"'''* Rhode-FJlend, or New'Hamfjhire, without Advance on them •, or in Silver '^"'*>°"'=y« Money, as it Pa/Teth in the Country. TH E Gendemen Nominated to ftand for Election in Maj next, fent in by the Freemen of this Government, to this Affem- bly, are as foUoweth, vt^. The Honourable JOSEPH TALLCOTT, £/f, the Hon. JONATHAN LAW, E/f , John Hamlin, £/^-, Samuel Eells, Efq\ Matthew Allyn, Eff^ TheNames of Roger Wolcott, Efj; James Wadfworth, Epj; John Hall, Efqj Chriftopher the Perfons, Chriftophers, Efy; Hezekiah Brainerd, Eff, John Hooker, Efq-, Jofeph ^"j'Jg"^"^- Wakeman, Eff^ Nathaniel Stanly, E/"^-, Jofeph Whiting, Efj} Capt, James ^n in Jtf«, '' Rogers, Maj, John Burr, Capt. Timothy Pierce, Mr. Samuel Bifliop, x 7 1 <5. Mr, Warham, Mather, Capt, Ozias Pitkin. NElV-LONDONf Printed and Sold by T. Gree w. Printer to the GOVERNCUR and COMPANY* I 7 » J. Amo Regni Regis G E O R G I J, Duodecimo. ^bfconDms Debtors;* 317 Thirty-five copies reissued by Albert C Bates, Hartford, 1919. Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majefty's Colony of Comeflicut in Neiv-Efjgla»ci : Begun and Held at Hartford^ on the Twelfth Day of May, in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord G EO RG £,KINGof Great-Britain^ &c. Annoque Domini, 1716. An Ad to enable Creditors,to recover their ^.^^ ^ iuft Debts, out of the Eftate or Effeds of «^5,*''l;28 J ^ 04 1 204* 2X1 their abfent or abfconding Debtors. ^*'^- FO R th« better preventing of Fraud and Deceit^ fometimes deftgned^ and alfo praBifed, by Ill-minded Debtor s^ who betrufi their Goods, Eftate p^ga„i2e or EffeUsy in the hands of Others, with intent to Referve and Secure the fame to their own Vfe ; and thereby defeat their Creditors of their juft Dues ; Or not being Inhabitants within this Colony, and their Goods and EffeHs Concealed, fo that they cannot be Attached or made lyable to the Payment of their Creditors^ by ordinary trocefi of Lave. IBc ft (Enarftli Lp tfie ^Dljsrnout:, Countfl ant! JRcpcefentatftit^, (n Mineral Court %^tm\\\iQ, anti t^ tlie !las6o^(tg of t\z Imnti That for the future, ic ilialland may be Lawful, to and for any Creditor, to caufe the Lands, Goods or Effe<^s, of his abfent or abfconding Debtors, not Refiding within this Colony, to be Attached, in whofe Hands or Poffeffion foever the fame are or may be found : And the Attaching of any part thereof, ftiall Secure and make the whole that is in fuch Perfons hands, liable in the Law to Refpond the Judgment to be Recovered upon fuch Procefs ( if fo much there be ) and no farther -, and fhall be fubjeft to be taken in Execution for Satisfaftion thereof, or fo far as the Value thereof will Extend : And the Perfon in whofe hands any fuch Lands, Goods or Effefts are, fhall accordingly Expofe the fame flnD Iz it fuctljer (EnacteD fi? t^e autfio?(t? aCo^^rafO, That where no Lands, Goods or Effefts ot any abfent or abfconding Debtor, in the hands of his Attorney, Faftor,Agent or Truflee, fiiall be expofed to View, or can be come at fo as to be Attached, ic fhall and may be lawful for any Creditor to bring his Adlion againft his abfent or abfconding Debtor, for Hhh the Creditors to caufe the LaEsds Qoods or Effefts of abfconding Debtors, ta be Attached in whofe Hands foever they oiay be found, & the Attachingof a part, toSe- cure for the whole Debt. Where no Lands.fij^c.of Abfconding Debtors can be come at. jinno Regni Regis G E O R G 1 J, Duodecimo. 318 ^bfcottHmjg 2Debto?j0?» the Recover/ of his Dues And in every fuch Cafe, the Creditor fhall The Creditor by fome proper Officer, leave an AttcftedCopy of his Writ, at leaft Four- tobring his jggjj q^^^ before the time of Tryal, with fuch abfenting or abfconding Miilft'fuc'h Debtor, Attorney, Agent or Truftee; or leave the fame at the Place of Debtor, or his or their ufual Abode ; which fiiall be a fufficlent Citation for the Cre- his Attorney djtor to bring forward his adion upon, to Tryal, unjefs the Debtor be an ^'' A ft J Inhabitant oF this Colony or haih for fome Time dwelt therein, in which A," " hf Cafe a like Copy, as abovefaid, fhall be left by the Officer at the dwelliog Mt by the Houfe, Lodging, or Place of his laft or ufual Abode. Officer 14 days before ^jjj fuch Attorney, Faftor, Agent or Truftee, upon his dcfire, fiiall be the time of g^njifted to defend his Principal in fuch Suit, through the Courfe of Law, pE of fuch according to the nature of the Aaion ; but if the Debtor be not in the Debtors ufu- Colony,aad noAltorney appears to defend in theSuit.theCourt fliallCon- al Abode, tinue theA<3ion to the next Court,and then,ifneed be,fhall Continue the fame once more to the next Court ( thai thereby fuch Attorney majr Abfconding j^Tg^ify hisPrincipal) and then without fpecial matter alledged and allowed Sly wde- in Bar or Abatement,theMatter fhall come to Tryal ; and if Judgment be fendhisPtin* Rendered for the PlantifF, all the Goods or Effeds which are in the hands cipal- of fuch Attorney,Faftor,Agenc or Truftee to the value of fuch Judgmentj if Co much there be, (hall be Liable and Subjefled to Execution granted The Mion ypQ^ fuch Judgment,for or towards the Satisfying the fame, and from the Med in Cafe Time oiferving the Summon$,as afotefaid,(hall be Liable and Secured in Sec. to the the Law In his hands.and may not be oihetwife difpofed of by fuch Attor- uexi Court, ne/jFaftor, Agent or Truflee. orfurther, & to TreaL""^ And in Cafe any Attorney,FaAor, Agent or Truf>ee,froni and after the ^ Time of his being ferved with a Summons aforefaid, againft his Principal ( being an Abfent or Abfconding Debtor ) fhall Transfer, Remit Difpofe Attorney's of,or Convert any of the Goods or EfFefts of fuch Debtor in his hands at Dilpofmg of the Time of fuch Service, within what fhall Satisfy the Judgment, the their Princi- debt being aherwards Afcertained by Judgment of Court given for pal's Goods, jj^g fame,or that (ball not difcover,Expofe or Subjeft theGoods or Effefls mens bei'ng of the Debtors in his hands, to be taken in Execution, for or towards the Served.gfe, Satisfa^ion of the Judgment, fo far as what is in his Hands or PolTefUon will Extend,fha\l be Liable to Satisfy the fame of his own proper Goods or A "Writ of Eftate,asif it were his ownDebt; And a Writ of Sdr* Faciat may beTaken ^"^"he f'^'d outfrom theClerk of theCourt where thejudgment was given,to be ferved on foid At- upon fuch Attorney, FaSorjAgent or Truftee, requiring him to Appear torney's, in before fuchCourt,and fhew caufe,if any he have to the Contrary thereof, cafe. Where, upon default of Appearance of fuch Attorney, Faftor, Agent or They tomake Xruftee, or refufal to difclofe upon his Oath ( which Oath the Court are To mike f?' hereby Authorized to Adminifter ) what Goods or Effefts of the Debtor tisfaaion out are in his Hands or Poffeffion, then Judgment (hall be entred up againft of their own him,of his own properGoods or Eftate,and Execution ftall be accordingly ^"«- granted. Provided ftevertheteptf That if the Perfon Summoned, as aforefaid, had JiaJ'tTff S or have not any Goods or EfFefts of the Debtor in his hand, nor any ways in his Hands Remitted, Difpofed of or Converted the fame,from and after the Serving of CiidDebt. the Summons,the Party that Commenced the Suit, (hall Pay and Satisfy ots, the Par- the Cofts and Charges that fuch Attorney,Faftor,Agent or Truftee,hath dng S'a^ been at in fuch Suit, and to be allowed and Taxed by the Court ia the gainft him, Ufual Form, to anfwer all Cofts, &c. ant» tt 1(S tuttljcc CnatteU Dj» tie ?Cutt)o;ftg afojefaia. That the Goods or ElFeas of any Abfent or Abfconding Debtor,fo Taken as afore- faid. Anno R.'^i Regis G E O R G I J, Duodecimo. ifo^ceable etittp^&c* ^t%\UXi* ^tbeatitiff, &c» 319 faidjby Procefsand JudgmencofLawr, out of the hands of his Attorney, faftor, Agent or Truftet,by any of his CrcditorSj (hall fully Acquit and Goods of ab. jDlicharge fuch Attorney, Faftor, Agent or Trultee, his Executors and Jconding Adminift raters, from all and every Aftion, Suit, Tryal, Payment and De- ^'''f°" "jf- mand whatfoever, to be brought, or that may be brought or Commenced hamhof At- by his Principaljhis Executors or Adminiftrators,of or for the fame : And if toijieys, by any Attorney, Faftor, Agent or Truftee, (hall be Molefled, Troubled or Pfocefaof Sued by his Principal, for any thing by him done in Complyance of this ^'^ ' ^^^ Aflr, he may plead the General Ifliie, and give this Aft in Evidence for his 5^ A°quitM4 Juftification,Any Law,Cuftom or Ufage to the Contrary Notwithftanding & bring this Always Provided, That in every Aftion, or Suit, that the Creditor may A(3 for iheit bring againft his Debtor for theReco'/efy of his debt, and wherein the Law t''*'A'^*^°'* hath ( before the palling this Mk) provided for the Carrying on the ftroe ^^/ to final Judgment, the Creditor ihal) not be obliged co conform himlelf ' to the Rules provided in this Aft, flnti ft fjJ (trntsa 6p tie SButftoiftj? afajeftfli. That Every Perfon taking J^^„*^ a Power of Attorney from any Peribn that is not an Inhabitant In this from fu^h as Colony, ftall Record the fame in the County Records in the County are oot In- wherethe Attorney doth Live, beforehedotbCommenccany A&Jon of {>3l>^"nts to Suit in behalf of his Principal. be Recorded. And that this Aft be and contmue of Force,for Five Years and no longer. This Afls — Contknusac& An Ad: for Reviving, and further Continu- ing the Law, Entituled, An Ad direding Proceedings againft Forceable Entry and ziti^ll Detainer. WHERE AS ein JB eorteerning Forctahle Entry and Detainer , root made by the General Court or jfimbly of this Cclonjy Begun and Held at Premhlt, New- Haven the Eleventh Day o/Odober, Anno Domini, One fheufand Seven Hundred and "Tv/enty Two^with this Provifo, ''That it fiiould Continue in force only *fsr 'txso Teavs^ 3[t iaf €n£Cf£ti Bi» 4^^ (^otietnour, Council ant» IBlepcermtatlbe^, frt "^^Jf. Aft dj- tfStiuealCcuctflfinttbkU, anfttiH t^c SluttjojUB oCtlje fame, That the "^Ss^I^' aforefajd Aft ihall be Revived, and ic is hereby Revived, and flball remain gainftForce. in full Force in all the Farts and Paragraphs thereof, until this Court able Entry Se fhall Order othcrwife. Detainer, is . Revived and An Ad in Addition to the Law for the Try- "^"""^ alsof Perfons forProphane Swearing^Gor- fingjDrunkennefs and Sabbath-breaking. ,^'Jf;P3fJ 187 106,11 J, B4t it <©natttli Jg t^t (Pobetnour, Council anU »ipKfefttatf6£!J, (n ^19,^67,190 ^netalCouct acrcmMeU anQ ftp tjt SCutJojitg oftlif fame. That **>?- when any Afliftant or Jufiice of the Peace, (hall have plain View or per- Profane fonal Knowledge, of any Perfons being guilty of profane Swearing and Swearing.ftc Curfmg, Drunkennefsand Sabbath Breaking, it {hall be good and fufficient *» ^'^^'^^J^ Evidence in the Law for faid Afliflanc or juftice, to make up Judgment °"j?" ^™*" againft any Perfon or Perfons Offending, by any of the Crimes or Mif- jufUc« Pet- demeanours aboveraentioned j Any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the Contrary fonai Know- not withftanding. 'ege thereof. An Aft Jim Regnl Regts G E O R G I J, Duodecimo. 20 iSimUQ^W^A^* o Regnt Fegu C E O R G I J, Duodecimo. ■Windham:^Count|> ^tateii aut) M^mfO, 3 2 1 An Aft for the Setting off and Eftabliihing, a New County in the North-eafterly part of this Government ; Declaring and Set-^.^^ ^^^^^ ling the Boundaries and Limits thereof, granting the Priviledges thereof j ^Q<^ ^^e county Siving a Name thereto. oimiMam c3 O includes the Be (t «na(teo bp tDe <0otecnouc, Council ana mEprefenrtitffefJf, in J^"*"" ''?'* (Benecal «outt 3fiITcmblE&, anti bp tl)e iCutljojitp of t^e fame, That ^^^S^' the Weft Bounds of the Town of Lebanon, the North Bounds of Coventry, Letanov' the North Bounds of MMsfieU, till it meet with the South-weft Bounds Plai7,fieU, ot J^ord, the Weft Bounds of A^jford, the Eaft Bounds of Stafford, the ^"'""J"."/* ;i/4/rtr/;i//em-Line on the North, and Rhode- JJland-Uwe on the Eaft, the ^^"^j^*'* Korth Bounds of Prefton, and North Bounds of Norwich ; Containing the femfrettl Towns of Windham, Lebanon, Plainfield, Canterbury, Mansfield, Coventry, Kellingly, fomfrett, KclUngley, Afford, l^ohntown and Martlake, (hall be one Entire ^M°"i, County i and called by the Name of, The County ot Windham. S"';"/'!!? SBnOfuttljcr it is ^Euattea bp tf)e Ifiiitljojttp afojerniu, That the faid Town of Windham, fhall be, and remain the County or Head-Town of the ^e' "hec'' ^* faid County ; and that there (hall be There, Held Annually Two County ty Town°""" Courts, One on the Fourth Tuefday in 7«nf,and One on the Second Tuefday Two Inferior in £'<'£''»(>?)', in each Year i and Two Superiour Courts, for the Tryal of^^woSupe- all Caufes both Civil and Criminal ; as,and Endowed with the fame Powers J'°k^h"M* and Authorities, wherewithal the Courts in the other Counties in this there Ann u- Colony are by Law impowred; The Superiour Courts fhall be Held on al/y. ' the Third Tuefday in /W^rcfe,and the Third Tuefday in S^/>ff«»i'«', Annually. The diftrift of Windham, ana futtticcft IsJCnacteO, That the Diftrift of Wmdham, heretofore bJtesof ^"'' Appomted and Limited for the Probates of Wills and TeftamentSjC^c. ftiall Wills, to be be Extended to, and Limited by the Bounds of the County of Wmdham t extended to And all Cafes therein now Depending, or in any of the Neighbouring ^^^ County. DiftriSs, ftiall be determined in the Probates where they are already j?[" *l^''h"" brought i and all Appeals.which (hall be Granted,fhall be to the Superiour iiPufd as for. Courts in the Counties, as they are now Stated. meriy. janC ft fg furtljcc tfEnacteU, That all Officers Civil and Military, proper OfficersCivii to a County, and allowed and Improved in otherCounties,fliall be Allowed, ^^ be*^'!] * "^J Appointed and Eftablilhed for the County aforefaid. as in other ^ntj it IS ftirtl)fc ^nacteU Op tfje 8ut^o?itp afo?£fafD, That the Counties. Sheriffs ot the Counties of Hartford and New-London, ftiall have Power to ferve all fuchExecutions,asare in theirHands,or may hereafter be direQed Jl^^fff^S^lf to them, upon fuch Judgments as are already Recovered, againft anyPerfon %. t^^ondon, or Per fons, that Live in any of the Towns, which of late were within to ferve fuch their Refpeftive Precinfts, and are by this Aft within the Limits of the Executions, County of Wmdham, as fully to all Intents and Purpo(es,as though this Aft ^^ "^^i ^9^^ had not been made. ^,1 ^^{^^^ ana (t is furtl)et (EnflCtea, That ail Anions, Caufes and Matters what- ^c now dc-* foever, now Depending in the County Court in i^^rt/br^ and New-London, pending in by Appeal, Review, Continuance, or any other Way whatfoever, fhall be ^}}^^?^'} °^ IfTued and Determined in the faid County o[ Hartford and ^'^'L''"'^'"'^ ^''io"'dg°\o refpeftively ; either in the faid County Courts, or as the Cafe may require ^e iffued i'a ( in due Courfe of Law ) by Appeal, in the Superiour Court, to all Intents, faid Coun. 3s though this Aft had not been had or made* "". 1 i i An Aa Anno Regnt Regis G E O R G I J, Duodecimo. 32 2XoiDti3lti!)al)itattt£(.^eml3er5of(jp>cn»CDUtts» Vid. pag. 59 9(5. 13*. ^49. 281. An Adi in Addition to the Laws, concerning Admiflion of Town Inhabitants 5 and for Repealing one Ad: Relating thereto. The A(\ inT^HIS ASSEMBLY,Vpo»Co}ifderation,hadofthej^Boftf)Uj^Jfcmhly, page 281. J. Made in the Ninth Year of the Reign of King G E O R G E, EmituUd^ which re- //« /i^ in Addition to, and Explanation of the Law^ Entituled^ An A^ con- fpeas Town cerning Town Inhabitantj, Do now fee caufe to Repeal the fame ; and it is is "Replied.' ^er«by Repealed and made Void accordingly. And whereat it it Provided in the Third Paragraph of the Lam^ iSmituledy ^n Atl for direSing the Admiffion of Town Inhabit ant s^ ( Tag, 5^9 ) ' That if any Fehearfal of « Perfon or Perfons, (hall contrary to the intent of this Law, Entertain or a Paragraph < fjire any Stranger or Tranfient Perfon, or Lett any Houfe or Land to concerning'*' f"ch Stranger or Tranfient Perfon, except he or they fhall firft give the Admirti- * good Security, to the acceptance of the faid Authority and Seleft men, on of Town * that fuch Town or Plantation fhall not be Burthened and Charged by Inhabitants, < hj^, ^^ t)^^^^ he (hall forfeit and pay to the ufe of the Poor of the *"P»gS9- * Town whereto he or they belong, the Sum of Tn)<'«f)/ SW//»«^x per Week, * for every Week, he (hall Harbour, Entertain, or Hire any fuch Perfon. The Autho. '3^ ^s noto fuurl^et €nattfl) Bp rfje ^ohtvnouv. Council anli IRcprcfenfa- tity and UIJC0, (ii ciBfncral Court aiTrmbleD, nnD b? tl)e 3liutf)o?fcpof rijcfame, Sdcit men That notwithftanding faid Paragraph, and any thing contained therein, it Kl'for* (hall be in the Power of faid Authority and Sele^-men, to Refufe fuch TranfienY Bonds and Sureties, as in faid Paragraph is provided j unlefs the Perfon or Perfons. Perfons have firft obtained the Approbation oi the Authority and Seleft- men of the Town. aof.Fine for jjni, ]^g (t futttjec € nocteti lip tit autIjo?(tp flfoj£ra(&, That if any °°'''^S Land pejjoij Qj Perfons, within any of the Towns or Plantations of this Colony, Perfons. ^^^' ^^^^ ^"'^ Convey any Land to any Perfon or Perfons, who contrary tOi the Second Paragraph in the Law, Entituled, An AEi for diretling the Adm One half to W'^*" of town- Inhabitants •, who would Under colour of fuch Purchafe, make the Poor of his or her Abode in fuch Town, he or they Selling, as aforefaid, (hall for theTown.the every fuch Offence, Pay as a Fine, the Sum o( Twenty Pounds Money: One them t'hat" ^^'^^^V thereof,to theTown Treafury, for the ufe of the Poor of the Town a all Profe- where fuch Offence is committed j and the other Half to him who (hall cute the Of- Profecutc the fame to Effeft. fender. »■ ■ — — •-■ ■■ ■ ■ ^ vid.pag.17.An Ad: for Exempting the Members of the j«.«s4. m\ General Affembly, from being Arretted, T^o Member durlng thc tlmc of their Seffions. ofthe Gene. ^ »al Affembly tobeAreftedT'Jt {g ^natfttt B? t^e (fofiemour, tfewncil anO Efpcefentatfte?, fit cither in the 1 (Bjnctfll CouEt alTEmbUli, an& bp tlje ^ut^o^ltp ottfte t&mi, That ?«irff rV "°^«niberof the General Affembly, during the Time of their Seflionsj slung thi'the" '^'^ ^oing to, and from thence, (hall be Arrefied, Sued, Imprifoned, ox any and coming ways Molefted or Troubled, or Compelled to make Anfwer to auy Snit, from thence. Bill,Plaint 01 Declaration, or otherwife. Cafes of HighTjreafou or Felony Except, Ce't. Excepted. An Aft ^fino Regni Regti G E O R G I J, Duodecimo. Stuit&. ^DenlfjB;, &c* lapingout i^iflD-^tbapfi;. 323 An Ad in Addition to the Adl for Regulating Ferrys. J'j^; p^s- h. W JO}, HEREAS thtre is a coofiant Recourfe ef TrxvtUtrs^ and others, for faff^ge over the Ferrys in this Colony, Freamile, Therefore for Prevention of the great Inconvenience and Damage, that doth or may happen to Perfons, by being Hindered and Delayed at thefaid Ferrys, for want of fpeedy Tranfportation over the fame : 15e ft Cnatteti ftp tge (Botecnour, Council anO IRfprcrrntatfte!?, fn p„fo.s 1L©(E3l> b? tW aCfemilp, That for the future, all the Fines be paid in J\ and Penalties laid on any Perfon or Perlbns, for the Breach of any whoi?fu^* of the Penal Laws of this Government, fiiall be in Money, as to the whole without" any S"*" mentioned in fuch Penal Laws, without any Abatement upon their Abatement, being mentioned or underflood to be Pay j Any thing in fuch Laws or Cuflom, or PraSice thereon had to the Contrary notwithflanding. An Ad for allowing the Cove or Creek at vid. pag. MMIetown.c2i\led Sumner s Creek, to be under the fame Regulations as ^/»^or-Ferry-River and Qulnnebaug Rivers are,in refpecft of pre- venting of Nufances in faid Creek or Cove. The fifhiiig CteekojCove T^ fjf CnattcD BnH 2D£claceDl)p tfiigf Sli(remIiI?,That the Fifliing Creek, ^L ,1 ^ A <^r Cove in Middietown, called Skmners Creek, ihall be under the fame Sumners ^ Regulations, Reftri£lions, and Encouragements, as Windfcr-Feir^ River, Creek, to be and Qainnebaug-Kiver, are, by an Aft of this AfremblyjEntituIed,-/^» ji^ undei the to prevent Nufances by Hedges, IVears, &c. in Rivers ; ( As may be Ibund in ti^n asS- ^^g^ ^°y of o"*" Law-book ) And if any Perfon whatfoever, fhall by fo, andci^'un- ^ears, Hedges, or Seins, or any other way whatfoever, Difturb, Hin- jifW^Rivers der, or anyways Obftruft the Natural or Ufual Courfe of the Filh up ate 'aid Cove, or Creek, it fhall be deemed and accounted a Common Nu- Obftruflions fance :( Except with the Licence of the County Court in the County of itmovVft?/ ^""'f""^ ) Any of faid Obftruftions (hall be Removed, and the Perfon found guilty thereof to be Punifbed, as by faid Law is provided. AnA^l Amo Regfii Regis GEORGIJ, Duodecimo. SDelittdttetitsJ* enctoactjmentjS on ^iQl^-VD^v^. 32$ An Aft for Repealing the laft Paragraph ia an Ad:, Entitulec!^ An A6t concerning y;f^p^e;^«. Delinquents 5 and for the further and^36!;406 effedlual Providing that Execution may 3 '4.' be done on Delinquents. B The laft Pa- < ft tfnartcSr bp tfic y X. CRE EN. Printer to the GOV. & COMP. tji6. ^^^0 RggHz %« G EO R G I J, Decimo Ter lio. Mtmim atiD puniib,in^ 329 Thirty-five copies reissued by Albert C. Bates. Hartford, igig. Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majefty's Colony of Come^icut in tJeiv England : Begun and Held at tfewHaveu, on the Thirteenth day of Oiloier, in the Thirteenth Year o{ the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord GEORGE, of Great-Britain, &c. KING. Annoque Domini, i y x 6, An A Bj? t()e (JUoticrnotit:, Council imu Eepre- g^j^ p fmratiteg, fii <©enEcal Court affcmWeD, nnD bj? tlje aUtittojirp of tfje fame, graph r^ " That the laid Paragraph in f aid Law ftiall be Repealed ^ and ic is hereby pealed. Repealed and made Void. anfi It fjf ^errfjp CEnatfeU 6? tlje 2ut!)02ft? afojcfaiti, That at all Times P^fons not hereafter, when any Perfon not being an Inhabitant in this Colony, ^^" '„ [hh c"o?o- bring any Adtiorj or Suit whatfoever, to any Court within this Colony ; „y^ bringing citherbya Wric or Appeal or Review, or any other way whatfoever, the any Adion, Clerk ofthefaid Court, fliall in his making Entry in the Records ot the toanyCourt, Court, the Aftion, Caufe, Matter or Thing, brought by any Stranger, and ^° '^^'"^ ^" fhall Enter by whom or what Attorney he did Appear : And when any thVeof,'"^by Clerk of any Court Ihall make Entry of any Attorney appearing for any tiie cieVk of Stranger, as aforefaid, the faid Records of faid Court, or a Copy thereof, f^'d Court, in (hall be as good Evidence in Law, that he was the Attorney for faid J**^ /""""^j Stranger, as though faid Paragraph had remained of Force and had not been ^f^^^j Atnar- Repealed, and his Power of Attorney had been Recorded at large in the neys appear- County Records where faid Attorney did live. '"g for him. An A6t for preventing Encroachments on Sf.nfi/s! Lands Sequeftred for the Indians. S.l?.':^' THIS Ajfemhly being Informed that fever d TraBs of Lands Setjueflred for feveral Tribes of Indians within this Government y are Incroachd upon ; and fame of the Natives Complaining to this Ajfemhly^ That they are lately In- formedy that according to the Laws of this Colony ^ if any man fuffer another to be Pi'^""^!'' Quietly on his Land for t he ^ace of Fifteen Tears, that hemaylofe his Land •, by which Means through their Ignorance of the EngWh Laws and Cufioms, they are and may be in Haz.ard of being holden out of thofe fmall TraBs of Land which they have RefervedforthemfelveSyOrbytheCareofthit Government hath beenfet apart and Sequefired for the Ufeofthem and their Poflerity, Which to Prevent : Iniiantbting !5e ft dfnatfeti lip tfte <0oijEcno«r, Council anU llcptefmtatftJtS fn ^"f f?"^ ^*^* dBenecal Court atrcmtJleO, anD b? t^z 311utto?{tp of ttje fame. That Lands Refer- when and fo often as any Suit fhall be brought by any Indian or Indians, ved for them for the Recovery of any Land reftrved by the Indians, as aforefaid •■, or Se- Tlieir Oefen. queftred for the Ufe and Benefit of the Indians, by Order of this Aflembly, J*"*^ ".°f ^° or by any Town agreeable to the Laws ot this Colony, that the Defendant ^g pie'^d", or Tenant, fhall not be admitted to Plead in his Defence that he hath Years Poflef- holden the Demandants out of the Lands Demanded, for the fpace of fion ; or the Fifteen Years ; or any way to take Benefit by the Law, Entituled, An AB Benefit of the for the Quieting mens Efiates and Avoiding of Suits, Made May the Eighth, %l?ln\ g. One Thonfand Six Hundred and Eighty Four. ^' *^" * An Ad to prevent Trials, before Tuftices Vumf^^\\ remote from the rarties» j'j.}^ttffictent jfence^ ^uperio? Court iDpen et)> Which to Prevenc ; %t to noto (Snattfti ana 2Dec!acet) Bp ttie (tfoternour, ^Tottncfl anli IRepre- Ail Suits, fentatlbeg, in (Bcneral »84. Judges, or by the Sheriff, in certain cafes. It being Refrefented to thU jifemhlyt by the Honourable the Judges oftbe Superior Courts that many times it happtns in the Circuit, that they are much p „ Expofed ft DijficuUies tofave the Sejfion of the Court at the Ttme appointed, by ' rtafon of the NeceJJity the Laa putteth upon them to have a Quorum of the Judges en thtj^ftfor Opening the Court and Mjourning it. Which Anno Regn2 R(gu G E O R G J I, Declmo Tertlo. Calling ^ocic t to )g@eetmg0, ^iCvilliS of Crtmt* 335 Which Inconveniency to Prevent : 5t fjJ (^nacteO anO <0;nainc& bp tfje dSotiernouc, Council onU tJcptefcn* Any One of jatibea, m <0mctal (JTourt SflCfcmbleb, anO Op tt)c 'JCucIjojiti? of tJjc fame, the judgesof That for the future, any Two or One o{ the Judges of the Superior Court, '^^ Superior being on the Spot for the Opening of the Superior Court, fliall have full er°"o'o7en'& Power and Authority to Open and Adjourn the faid Court- adjoum it. 5fint> it (g fuctljec ^rotituH, That if all the Judgesof the faid Court in the judges fhal) be Providentially hindred, or (hall not be there, that it (hall be the Abfence, the duty of the Sheriff of the County ; and he is hereby Authorized and Im- couiifv"*^^!© powred, to Adjourn the faid Court by Proclamation, to the next Day, till adjourn' faid the judges may arrive at the Place .• And all Parties concerned m the Court. faid Court are to take Notice thereof accordingly An Ad for direding how Societies (hall Meet and Form themfelves, after other '9^5?? '"* Societies are Drawn off from them. THIS Court ohferv'tng that many Towns in this Colony y have leen divided into feparate Pariflies or Societies^ and the New Society fo fet off^ have by Vnamhle. this AJjembly been direSied how to form themfelves into fuch SocietieSf by a fecial. Law of this Colony^ C^s in Page 2ji j but no Provifion in faid Lav directing the Firfi Society^ after the faid Pariflus or Societies are Drawn off'toForm themfelves into a Society ; or hew to ffarn the Firft Society Meeting in the faid Society. A Warrant 3Be ft tljewfoje (Enactcu hv t^e (Kofe£cnour, Council anlj ^eprcfentatfftetf, ""^er the m (JJmeral Court fiiffzinbkU, ante bp tje flut|}o?it? ot t^e fame, That^'"J°* *" when any Society or Societies, are Legally fet off, in any Town or Towns in juftice"wid» this Colony, any Affiftanc or juflice of the Peace, together with Three of j of the the Principal Inhabitants in any fuch Firft Society, fhal] by themfelves or Principal la- others whom they Ihali Depute, by a Warrant under the Hands of faid }?*^".^"^*'» Afliftantorjuflice and Three Inhabitants, aforefaid. Warn all the Inha- tV*^t"on ^ bitants in the Limits of faid Society, to Meet together at fuch Time and the Fitft So- Place as they fhall appoint ; When and where they fhall firft choofe a ciety to meet Moderator and then a Clerk, who fhall by fome Afliftant or Juftice of Peace *?S"''^''' -* be Sworn to a faithful Difcharge of his Office ; Which being efFefted, they 5™^'^^» ^^^ may proceed to aft any thing Lawful and Proper for fuch a Society to do, clerk &e as in cafe of other Societies, FirftSociety 3 Provided never theleJS, It any of the Firfi Societies, in any of the Towns J^aving afted aforefaid, have already afled as Separate Societies, their Afts fhall be good their Aft"^' and valid ; and this Aft fhall in no wife be Conftrued to their Prejudice ; be good and But they fhall ftill continue to Aft as they have done, according to the valid. former Law for Societies. V1d.pag.14f. . . 149,1 sy.ijS, An Ad for Emitting Bills of Credit. isp.'tVt w^ *-' 2oijZir,ii^, WHERE/IS there was left in theTreafurer's hands irt Uiiy Ufl; in Bills 2j5'j}7'z4i* of Publick Credit, fit for further ufe, the Sum of Out Thoufand Six 245,iyj,z8i5| Hundred Twenty Four Pounds, Two Shillings <»»<< Six-pence, ip^/c/? were fo *8|,z97,?oi. Lodged for the further DiJJ>ofe of thtt JJJembly. IhI^^S!"* A>iHo Regni RegiA G E O R G I J, Decimo Tertlo. 336 XTDo ^ttcftton^ mefoll»eD» jl^omiuation. ^t (8 ESOLVED in the Negative. Provided, the above Service be done in ■"^ the Months appointed by Law for Running or Renewing Bounds. THE Gentlemen Nominated to ftand for Ekaion in ^ai> next, fent in by the iTteemett of this ^'■^'''^^i Cape. James Rogers; Maj. John Burr ; on in May Mr.Samuel Bi[hop ; Mr. Warham Mather. *^^^' NEW-LONDON: ^' Printed and Sold by T. Gr E e N, Printer to the GOV. & COMPANY, 1 7 2 C. Amo Rtgni Regie G E O R G I J. Declmo Tcrtio. pxtHntinB jftattDjg in^mQains of !lauDs!Ac»337 Thirty-five copies reissued by Albert C. Bates. Hartford. 1919. Ads and Laws PafTed by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majefty's Colofly of Conne^icut in Mw England: Begoa and Held ac Hartford, oa the Eleventh Day of May, in the Thirteenth Year of the Reiga of Our Sovereign Lord G S R G St of Great- Brifairu &c. KING. Anttoqnc Pomigit I 7 x 7' An Aft to Prevent Frauds, Qyarrels and Difturbances, in Bargains, Sales, Leafes, ^^.p^g. ^^ or other Alienations of Land, O-c^ in thisSftfi'IJ^ Government. IsllHttr THIS ^fftmbly Obftrving the grdsivg Inconveniency en this Covtm- mentf bjr means of too many Taking in handy Bearing »/», or Uf holding of Quarrels and Sides \ to the Dtfiurbance of the Common Bight and the Peace and Quiet of the good People in this Government, Whitb Tendetb t» tbeir Jttifoverifimentf by the Mi^evte of Time and Treafure. Which to Prevent : Preaalte. f^ ft tf nffttet anti SDrtlsreti 6? tl^t ^otemour, Countil anti Eeprrrrn- iBtltw, In general Court alTcmWeD, anD fjg tje ^uitojttp of tlje fame, That all Bargains, Sales, Leafes, or other A Uenations, for Years, Life, Lives or for Ever, or for any other Term or Time whatfoever, of any Lands, Tenements, or Heriditaments within this His Majefties Colony ofConne- Qicuty whereof the Leflbr, Vendor, Grantor, or that does otherways Exe- cute any Inftruroent in Writing, for the Transferring any Right or Title to any Lands, Tenements, or Heriditaments, to another Perfon or Perfons, the Prefent PolTenbr thereof only Excepted, is Difleifcd or Outed, of the Pofle/lion thereof, by the Entry, Pofleflion and Improvement of any other Perfon or Perfons ; or that does Claim or Challenge to have Right or Title to any Lands, Tenements or Heriditaments, by Force and Venue of any Title or Claim, Aliene from and in Oppofjtion to the Title granted by the M m m Royal All Bargainj, Sales, Leafes, or any other Alienations of Land.fif'tf, for Years, Lives, or for ever.pnade by any LelTor, Vendor, or Q ran tor, the prefent Pof- ieffor thereof only Except- ed, Alienf from&inOp" pofition to the Title Granted by Che Royal jSatio Regfii Regis G E O R G I J, Decimo Tcrtlo. 338 C]cpia!ttinjg a i^acasrai^l) tti 3nteftate0* Royal Charter to this His Majefties Corporation, and not Warranted by ^'' w'na'n"^ the Laws of this Colony, ftall be Null and Void j and of no EfFcd in the •d'b.'Vhr' Law for the Transferring and Conveying any of the Pretended Rights or Laws of this Titles above Defcribed,to any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever. Colony, to be Null & Void 1^^^ ^f, {f fuftlitr Englim.339 an6 it a furtl^er Pi:ot3ftic&, That the next degree of Kindred in the The next da- Line Tranfverfe, fhall be admitted to the Inheritance before the next de- 8'*^ ?^ ^'"" gree of Kindred in the Line Afcendant ; and the next degree of Kindred lT^c Tranf- jn the Line Arcendant, ftall be admitted to the Inheritance before a Re- verfe, to in- jnoter degree in the Line Tranfverfe \ (»-«•) The Brothers and Sifters herit before Ihall Inherit before the Parent; and the Parent from whom the Inteftate '^^^"^^f ,vg' defcended, (hall be admitted before the Uncle or Coufin German, or £j^^\ "^f'g^. Brothers Children ; and the Brothers Children before the Uncle •, and in dantjfiff. the like manner the Remoter degrees of Kindred (hall Inherit. An A<3 for requiring Mafters and Miftreffes of IW/HIS Aflembly do fully Impower the County Surveyors, In the feveral veyors to ad- j[ Counties in this Colony ,for the time being, to Adminifter the Oath, minifter the provided by Law, to fuch Perfons, as (hall be Improved to aflift any fuch £ wVry the f^v^y^f '" Carrying the Chain. An Aft for Emitting Bills of Credit, for the S's^'/s. payment of the publick Debts of this isp,m 199. LyOlony. a.zo,ti^ tig, X35.437«4i, TTCTHEREAS there it in the ffands of the Trtafurer, the Sum of One *45»*53 *86, y Y Thoufand Two Hundred and Fourteen Pounds, Eighteen Shillings J Itooiu' ""'^ ^'"^ Pence, of good BiBsfit for further Service ; which was brought in by the |i4*;i7'?SJ' ^'^''j Granted OSober OneThoufand Seven Hundred and Twenty Five, and are Lodged in the Treafuryfor the further DiQ>ofal of this jifftmhly. TheTreafurer ^t f jf (CnatteH Jp tfte ^Pcitjecnouc, CDuntil antt fieprtCentatitejf, (n to iflue out ^£netal Court flffiembkli, ana &? tt^ ^wtljojit? of tlje fame. That the *"4 »8 p faid Treafurer fhall be, and he is hereby, Authorized and Impowred, to ?bHands!Jj. ^^^^ °"t ^"^ Deliver the aforefaid Sum, of One Jhoufand Two Hundred ■wards pay- Fourteen Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Nine Pencey towards the Payment of ing publick the Debts and the NecefTary Charges of this Colony ; according to fuch Debts of the Orders as (hall be given him from Time to Time, according to Law. Colony. vidp8g.9.jz An Ad for afcertaining the Towns Brands j^l'^i"? hereafter mentioned. »»7 250,3x8 B*(t^ttatfe^ bp tlje (SPotjecnoitc, Caunci! anli EeprefentatfbejBf, fn €(eiural Court flilcmSiiie^, ana 1)? tl^e $8ut^o^iep or t\t fame. That the Towns hereafter mentioned, ihall have a Town Brand, to & Figures"* Brand tJieir Horfes, and other Creatures ; which fliall be the Letters and ■which are Figures hereafter made j That is to fay, Lebanon^ 4 Coventry^ \j be^theBrands*^'"""'^«''J'> "C Durham^ E) Banbury, II KeBingly, ^ Crotortf » ^^''SL'^ Colchejler,^ Hebron, Q J^'^h* B Mansfield, [^ Pomfrett, ^ •ures.in thttottand,'^ Stafford, 6 Litchfieldy o jifbford, 3 Newtown, 7 ^*"^ " ' Ridgfeld, ^ Bolton, T Wellington, S New-Milftrd, x NEW-loit ft ^BnacttH i? t^e ^ot>ef nouc. Council ano IK^prcfentatrfieir, in CHAP. III. vid pag.z.An Atft for Talcing the Pollsof Jufticesof Uy^ssS the Peace, as other Polls are Taxed, B(C it ^natteli 6p t^e "iBotjecnoar, Council ana Keprefentatitesf in ©cneral court iaffjmbUlJ, anD b? tlj? $iutto?it? of tliefamt, That for the Future, all the pollsof His Majefties Juftices of the Peace In this JufticesTax- Colony, be Taxed as other Polls are by Law, and on the like Penalty, ia ed for their ^j-g ^f Neeleft and Refufal, as others are by Law Un-exempted; Any w o!h«s!* Law, Ufage or Coaom to the Contrary notwithnandlDg. CH A P. ,IV. An Aft for Enabling the Proprietors of the 59.^5?!^^!'*' Common and Undivided Lands, declared zSy.'xsl.Va'y' by an A& of this Aflembly at Hartford, in the Ninth Year of the Reign of K I N G GEORGE the FirH, to belong to the PfOprietors,and not to the Towns, to make Rates to defray the neceflary Charges ari- fing in the Defending, Proteding or Ma- naging the fame; alfo to make Exchanges of faid Common Land, for the procuring needful and convenient High Ways. BQg (t ^ in luitable Sums, from Two Slnaings to Five Pokw^/, which in the whole fhalj {'Tf?''^ '"* amount to fc)«r T/w«/<3«<;i Poa»ix, and no more Which bills fhai) be In- ' '^'' dented and Stamped, as the Governour and Council fha|! Order, and be Signed by the Committee, appointed for the Signing the Bills of Credit of this Colony laft Emitted •, they or any three of them. And of the Tenour following, I'wf M tojuy, ^HMo Regui RegU G E O R G I J. /^ Primo. 350 ^tt)ine* asuig of Cret)tt» ^ajc» ^ominattom ^0- ( ) 10 s. ^Hu Indented Bill cf Twenty Shillings, due from the Colony o/ConncfticuC in New- England, to the Pojftjfor tbneof, (liall be in lvalue tqual to Meney^ Fojmofthe and fhall he accordivgly accepted by the Treafurer and Receivers Subordinste %o Bills. him \ and for any Stock at any time in the Treafury. Hartford, July the Twelftht Anno Dom. 1709. By Order of the General /ijftmbly. May, 171 J Tobedelive- ^"^ ^^ ^^ ftinljfr (Sttatteb, That the fald Bills fo to be Imprinted led to the by this A Thirty-five copies reissued by Albert C. Bates. Hartford, 19 19- Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majefty's Colony of Coft»e£iicut in Ntta BnglaaJ, Begun and Held at Hartford oo the Ninth Day of May. in the Firft Ytar of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the SeeonJ^ of Great Britain^ &c. KING. Anneque Dotami, 17x8, '" CHAP. XIII. " An Ad: for preventing and fupprefTmg of Lotteries* WHEREAS flttmthftanding the fnclammicit Jfuid entbytbe Govirmu9 iind Council, far frtunntita^ thu Mi [chiefs thttt feem'd to he kaflming upon the Peofle in thit Governmentf by mtans of Preamble^ many Perfom {too greedy of Gain ) Exf oftn^ their Goods and other Tbi»g' *o Sale by way of Lotteries ; fome Perfom unwilling to fubmit them» ftlvtt to good Order^ have f>een fo hardy as to f rotted therehi' Which more EflfeduaUy to Prevent for the Future s ■ffie ft Cnaitfti anti #?l>ainelj bp t%t 4Bobemout, Countd anH Rrprfftn* tatitee, fn «©eiural Coutt IfifTtmbUO, aufi bp tje HuttOjttp of tie fame, That whotbever (hall prelurae to fet up any Lstrery for the Sale of Goods, ot to Sell Of Vend any Parcel, Parcels or Quantity at Qoods, Monies, or other Things whatfoever, by Lottery j or by Wagers, or Shooting, or any other Way or Exercife whatfoever, fliall offer to Vend, Put off or Difpofe of any Goods or Monies CoUefted or Expofed to be Run at fuch Adven- tures ; or fet up Notifications to Entice People to bring in and depofit their Money for the tarrying on the Defigns aforefaid, and be duly Con- vifted thereof before any of His Majefties Courts, proper to Try the fame, Ihall forfeit the Value of the Goods or Monies, or other Thing fo Expofed or propofed to be Expofed to Sale : The one half thereof to him that fliaH Profecute the fame to Effeft, and the other half to the County Treafury ttfbere the Conviftion (Viall be had. ^nO furtJjiPi:, All officers, as Grand-Jurors and others Ordered to make Prefentmenl of Breaches of Law, are hereby direfted ( when no Informer appears) to make Prefentmentof the Breaches of this Aft, Coo CHAP. Who ever fliall Prefume to fet up any Lottery for the Selling of Goods, Q!*f. toForfeit the value theieaf All Officers to makePre- feniment of Breaches of this Law. Anno Regni Regit G E O R G I J, / /, Prlmo. 3^2 ^icMtig. ^eDlars, ^n^UtSy &c» CHAP. XIV. An Adlin addition to theLaw, Entimled, An vid.ptg.i6o, Adt providing in cafe of Sicknefs, Made in the Tenth Year of the Reign of Queen ANNE* BCS it " **f *"/ Infcftious or other Difeafe, Sick,on their that it (hall become Neceflary in the Judgment of the Sele£t-men of the Refa'fal to be Town, that Tenders (hould be Imprefled into that Service, and a Warrant committed jj accordingly granted, and any Peifon or Perlons ImprefTed, that upon his men ao°r **^ '^^'^ KeiuM or Negleft to attend che faid Service •, That it (halJ be in tin they'i' the Power of them who granted the Warrant ( if fuSicient caufe of Excufe beitei con. to them fatisfying be not Ihewn ) (o commit him her or them to the form theni- Common Goal of the County where it happens to be \ There to remain ac "• his her or their Charge, till they will better Conform themfelves, or the oocafionof Impre/Cng Ihall be over : And (ignified by them who granted The Chifoes ^^ Warrant lo the Keeper of the Goal under their Hands, tobeadiuffed Andfurthir^Tbtt ohirnnit iinot frovidtiin tht faid A& how SatiifaSlion ^1 the jfufti- psaUbe made for Ttndanct or other Neceffariet, The Charges fhall be Adjuf^ed "* **!f u ^ ^^^ ^^^^ Juftices who granted the Warrant, who are alfo hereby Im- fi/anant* * powred to fend forth a DiArefs for Levying the fame. And it is further Providedy That when and fo often as it ihall happen, OneAmftant that occafiop (hall b«forfuch Warrant, and but one juftice of the Peace or fuffieien" ' Affiflant can be come at in the Town where any fuchRelief (hall beNeeded, cafe, ^f.' that any One Afliftant or Juflice of the Peace, ihall be fufficientaod effeSuai for Signing che Warrant. ^cITaT^x v! — — An A& for Reviving and further Conrinu- ing one certain Law, relating to Fediars »7S,»V1 Hawkers, &c. And alfo for Repealing one other Law, Entituled, An Aft concerning Pedlars, Hawkers, Petty-Chapmen, or o« ther Trading Perfons going from Town to Town with Goods to Sell. heamiU. TKJ H E R E A S the Law^ Entituled, An AR for Pr event fn£ theSmaU Pox V V being Ifffead in thii Coleirfjiy PedLtri^ Hawker i and Peii^-Chapmen^Made by this Ajfemhly^ ike Twelfth Day o/OSober, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and TwtHty One, with thii Provifty * That this Aft Ihall take place from and after See page 171 'the lirfl day of Navtmber next, and eostiuue an force for three Years, and ' no longer. * TheAAin Be it ^ix&fttt t? tfie ^ottmour. Council anb Keprertntatlbes, (n p»g ^70.17, ^tnecal Court 2ff«inblfl5, anti b? tde aurl)o?(cg of tlje fame, That concerning jhc aforefaid A£>, Ihall be and remain of full Force, in all the Intents Revived." *"** Conftruaions thereof, from the Rifing of this General Affembly, until this Court (ball Order otherwife. That in 118, it i0 fatten tfnatttb tg tlie 3lut%o?ftj afojefalb, That the Law, is Repealed, (in P-|e zi8. ) Entituled, An Aft concfrning Pedlars, Hawkers, ^c be Repealed •, and it is hereby Annulled and Repealed. CHAP. Amo B£g»i Regis G E O R G I J, / /. Pruno. XOtbtl of Waterburjr* :^l>t)l'tl'Ottal %tji^, 3^3 CHAP. XVI. An A& for annexing the Town of Waierbury^ to ihe County of New-Haven. UPON Rtfreftnt Alien made to this AjfemUy., by the Inhabitants oftht Town of Waterbury, that they an at much grtattr Dijiancefrom the County and Suf$rior Court Holdtn at Hfarcford, in and for faid County to rvhich County they Preamlle, mrt belong, than they are from the County and Suf trior Court Holden in New- Ijaven, in and for that County -^ whereby they are grieved and hurthened with great and ntedliji Travtls. To Prevent Which : T5t ft ^itatteft t? tlje 45oi)ecnour, Council anti EepreCentatfttsf fit Crnrcal Court WtinbUJj, anli bg tl)e Uluttiojitp of ttie fame, That for the future, the To^vn of IVaterburyy be, and is hereby Declared to be The Town of Annexed to the County of New- Haven. And that all Afliions hereafter '^'"'^'■*"'^J' Commenced to be Tryed before the County Court, ftall be Trycd by the ^""^^'^ '<» County Court Holden at New-Haven, in and for faid County : And when- New^Havln foever any Suit or Af^ion is Removed from faid Court by Appeal or Re- view, that it be brought before the Superiour Court in the County of Hew- Haven aforefaid. Always Provided, That this Aft and nothing therein contained, (hall be a Saving on Conftrued to the hurt and prejudice of faid Town, in its Priviledges as it accountofthe liei within the Dil^riS: of the Court of Probate Holden at Woodbury : Counoifio' And that Appeals from the Sentence and Decree of faid Court of Probate, ^**^^/^ be brought before the Superiour Court in the County aforefaid. Woodbury. CHAP. XVII. " " An Ad in addition to the Twelfth Paragraph of the Law, Entituled, An A Ihall have the fame Power and Authority to Command the Affiftance of "rni^ance i any Perfon or Perfons, in the Execution of their Office ( when need fhaji their Office" fo require ) as is by Law given to the Sheriffs and Conflables in the asisgiven to Execution of their Offices. And all Perfons are hereby Required to Sheriffs and 3»ield Obedience thereunto, and Immediately to afford their Affifiance : Conftabiesin n Provided, The faid CoUedors Shew and Read to them their Warrant ^ ""' or Authority, 3 On the fame Pains and Penalties as are provided in the r,. , Law for inforcing Obedience to the Commands of the Sheriffs orConfiables. iSa'&fU ■ anO ft f8 furtljtr ^rolJiDtti, That the Juflices, «^c. Authorized by the Law to Sign any Warrant for the Collefting any Rate or Tax., fhall Warrants to direft his Warrant to the CoUeftor of fuch Rate or Tax j Any Lav, bedireftedto Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary Notwithftanding. Colleilsrs,»c Q Q 2 CHAP. ^tiitt Rt^i Regis G E R G I J, / /. Primo. 3S4 i»fjKoi ^ oney* dSltits of erro^ CHAP. XVI II. An Ac9 for Enabling the Treafurer of this JJ? fsfVt Colony, to pay rhe School-Money to the «*o*j»8. School-Committees, or Seled' men in each Town, refped^ively ; and for Repealing Two other Ads relating to School-Mo- ney, (o far as they relate to the 4.0 x. on each 1000 /. B* \€ ft (CnattfH hg tie (BtAtvnttut, tfcuncil ant) lRe?rer«ntatitejf, fn ) Otnttal Court StfftmbUt), and bp t\it %mtiopt^ ot tt)e fame, Thac the Treafurer of this Colony, fhall deliver the Sum of Forey ShiU'ings upon The School every Thoufand Pounds in the Lifts oi the refpeftlve Towns in this Colon/, Money,tobcand proporcionably for lefler Suros, out of the Rate cf each Tou/n, as the Paid to the fame fliall be brought into the Publick Treafury, by the feveral Con- ^*jjj'°jj^°^'"' ftables, unto the School-Committees ; or for want of fuch Committees, to SeleA-men. *^^ Seleft-men of faid Towns refpeGively, to be by them Diftribuced to the feveral Pariflies or Societies in each Town, for the Benefit of their refpedive Schools, in proportion to the Lifts of Eftates in faid Parilhes or ProviitJ, Societies : Frovidtd the faid Committees or Seleft-men, fiial) deliver their Certificaces, that there hach been a School K.cptin each of the PariOies or Societies, they defire to take Money for out of the Treafury, in the Year pad, according co Law. The Aaiti Add that, That part of the Law. Entituled, An X&. for Appointing P'8' *,'?»* Schools, and for the Encouragement of School- Maflers, fo far as it relates B» ^ ,4 '" . ^° '^6 ^^'y ShiBingi upon every Thoufand Pounds ; and proportionably for boat Schoofs, '*Ter Sums, >" ^^^ Country Lifts, being added by the Treafurer to the fo far tsthe^ Country Rates. And atfo, One other Ad m Addition to the afore- teJars to the mentioned Laws, made in the Seventh Year of the Reign of the late Queen loooUiRe- ^ ^^^' '^l^'ing *« ^^^ ^^'^'^ ^"^'J ShiSings upon the Tho-^and founds^ fhall pealed. * ^^ Repealed *, and the fame are hereby Repealed and made Void. CHAP. XIX. vid.pag.tt An A(ft for Limiting the Time for Writts of 40. 167,154, o Jnd'm.'*** Error, to be brought to the Superior Courc. P^tamhU ' I ^mS ^Jfembly being Tnfcrmei by the'jvdget of the Suftricur Court^ that X. f^f^f being tic Limitaticn in Writtt of Enor^ krav^ki jo- the Revtr/ing of Jad^menttf many Diffcultitf do and may arife. Which to Prevent : 3|t ftf nota Htfolbeb anS> '^nattcti 6g tit (Botiernottr, €,mmH ano Repws jyearsLimi. feniat(tje0,fn etneral €mvt %iismUsl\um &? tft£ SutlprUF of the fame. Writ" of ^^^ **^' *^^ ^"^'^'"® «° ^"* ^^ Error fball bebrough: vo-the ReverfaJ Eiror. of any jttdgmem, after the fpace of Three Years, ne::j rStsv the giving ofthejudgmens are Expired; Asjy L?. jy, Ufsge or Cujio/ii sothscoa- ^ CHAP. ^Mno Regni Reg U GEORGIJ, / /. Prlmo- mm of Ctem't j&Deti'ffs?* i^roDate at Stanford. 3^J CHAP. XX. An Aflr for Emitiing Bills of Credit, for the Payment of the „ -j PubJick Debts of this Colony. mI^.mS WHEREAS thtrt if in tkt Treafu rer's fJandty tht Sunt of Two Thoufand »89. ' 9} , « 9P One Hundred Ninety Seven Pounds, Eighteen Shillings a»d Nine- "o;*[''^[J pence, in gocd BiHsy ft for further Service j which was brought in by the R'*'f zi{,ii-j[i^z granted Oftober, One Theufand Seven Hundred and Twenty SiXf and are z4i',i^i,iSS Lodged in the Treafurjfor tht further Dijpofal of this AJfembly, 289,197, joi 3t W tfnaittD J? tlje *ot)tmour, Ccuntll antt «eprfffntfltiijf 0, fn WiiHUt, tf enseal Court sfTembUDj anD ti? tit 9ut|)o;itp of t^t famt. That the faid Treafurer ihallbei &nd he is hereby Authorized and Impowred, to zi97'i8^9i IDlie out and Deliver the aforefaid Sum of Two ThoufandyOne Hundred '^ ''*?'""!'* ninety Seven Pounds^ Eilhteen Shillings and N<»«-p<»«,rowards the Payment *F^bnc*Char- of the Debts and the necefTary Charges of this Colony, according to fuch ges of che Orders as fhall be given him from time to time according to Law. Colony. C H A P. X X I. An A<9: in Addition to an A&. Eotituled, An A& for belter i7,'ilf\ll. Regulating the Office of Sheriffs, and fafeCuftody of Prifoncrs. »8i,i8j,jij. WHEREAShyanAB ifthu JJfembfyf made in the Tenth Ytcr rf His late Majtfiy^t Rtign^ Enticuledf An A^ for better Regulating the Office of Sheriffs andfafe Cufiody of Prifoners -^ <^t l^ (tnattti, * That no Writ . of ^W"**' « Execution, wherein the Original Debt or Damage exceeds the Sum of Ten * Poundif (hall be Served by any Conftable or his Deputy ; but by the Sheriff • or fuch as he fhall Depute for that End- * And whereM there may be oscafim to Levy Execution upon the Sheriffs themfelvet^ for more than the Sum of Ten Pounds J and no Perfen being Authorix.ed in the La» to Levy the fame. 3t (3 t!)er£fo?e98'335' TTl/'^ERS'^^ it hath been the PraEliee in fome of the towttsin thu Colony, \ \ to iVarn thiir Trainings Town Meeting DaySy and Society and Profriettr Trtamilt, Mtetirgs, en the Sabbath or Lord^t Day, Which Evil Praftice to Prevent : . - lB>e (t (fnatteb b? tlje (Bobetnouc, Comuil nnU ^cprcrenratibcjf fit JSininis, ^tneral Coiiit affcmblcD, anh bp tl)e ?tutljo?iti? of tl)c fame, That for &e. on the ^^^ Future, aU fuch Warnings ar>d Notifications, Except Publications of Sabbaihllle- Intents or Purpofes of Marriage, (hall be deemed Illegal and of none K.I, Except, Effeft. ^'' ^nti ft f& fifrebp further (Cnacteb, That it (hall be Lawflil for an/ Any perfon P^'^'°"> ^^^ *he Duty of the Grand-Jury mcn,Confkables and Tything-men, efpecially * '" the feveral Towns and Societies in this Government, to pull down and Qrandjurors, deftroy any and every Written or Printed Notification or Proclamation, &c. to pull about Secular Affairs, that ihall or may be fixed upon the Door or any other ^^"nings as ^^'^ °^ ^^* Meeting Houfe or Houfe ot God, in any of the Towns or «rc fet on the Societies within this Colony, on the Sabbath or Lord's Day, or on Faft or Meeting houf Thanksgiving Days ; and not fuffer ftch Notifications or Warnings to on the Sab- ftand or abide thereon upon the Lord's Day. bath^Ss'f. And every Perfon that ftall Prefuine 10 Set up or Fix any fuch Written Notification, as abovefaid, on the Lord's Day, in order to be Seen and fe?t 'r ^^"'^ °" *^® Lord's Day by the People, contrary to this Aft, being Con- fucK ^otifi- vi^sd thereof, before any one Affiftant or juftice of the Peace, {hall pay a cations on Fine of Ten Sbillinis Money, for every fuch Offence, to the Town Treafury the Sabbath, of faid Town, for the ufe of the Poor in faid Town. &C. : ; CHAP. XXIV. Ab Ad for Releafing Jonafhatt Smith, and for Allowing Nathan Vid. pag.jo) Smith, to Keep a Ferry at Kock;f Hid in Wether sfeU ; and for Advancing and Stating the Fare thereof, WHEREAS Jonathan Smith «/ Stepney »» Wethersfield, hingfer- merly Affointedbythit Jff«mbly,to fet up a Ferry atroJS Connedticut- River, at Rocky-Hill in Wethersfield, aforefaid, being nohnger able to ptrform futh Service, Moves to this ^Jfembly, for a Releafe therefrom % and Recjutfiing that faid Service tnight be Intfofed ufon his Son Nathan Smith, tpl>o Ctnfenttalfo to Undertake the fame ; further Moving the fare of faid Tsrry might be Ad- vanced. Whereupon this Affembly grants Liberty, and Appoints Nathan Smith, Kaihan aforefaid, in the Place of faid Jonathan Smith, aforefaid, to Set up a Ferry, Smith aWovr- and Continue it, at the Place before defcribed. ed^to fet DP a g^^^^^^g meCoIteti bp tW affembl?. That the Fare of faid Ferry, for the Futute, /hall be Five-pence Money, for Man and Horfe and Load ; and The Fare Three'pence for each fingle Perfon or fingle Horfe ; Any Law, Ufage or thereof. Cuftom to the Contrary notwithilanding- 3£nB It fs licreBp furtfjec Efifolbcfr, That if the faid TSIath,m Smith, or penalty for any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, who (hall for the future have and **'^'"8 .'"°'* keep the faid Ferry, fliall demand and receive any more than what is La*i" allows. *''^'^«by Allowed him or them, he or they fhaU fufFer the like Penalty, as is 'Seepag. 31.* Provided by the Laws of this Colony, Regulating Ferriof, againft fuch as take and receive more than their allowed Fare. N.Lo«DON,Printed&SoW by r.o Years, and until tht End of the next Sejfions of the General jijftm- hlj after faid Two Tears was Exfirid^ and no longer \ which Time is now very near Expired : jind the faid Law having bttn found for tht Benefit of His Majeflfs SubjtUi in this Colony^ in itntraL „, . „ . 3t fj( ttifrefo?e€nattrt ijp t\t tfSotjernout, Council anb Eepcefentatitw, pa * ^f^J^jQ fn 4Benecal Court flJtfmbltti,anDt)pt^eflutt)0?(t? of tit fame, That the j^i'isRcvi. aforefaid Law Ihajl be Revived, and the fame is hereby Revived ;and fhalj ved. remain in full Force in all the Parts and Paragraphs thereof, until this Court fhall Order otherwife, CHAP. XXVII I. "" An Aft for the more EflFe Confta!)le^» And for the more Regkhr Ajfemhling a Proprietors Meeting, 5It (jl 4BnatttD Bp tfje ^utf)0?itp afojefalD, That when and To often 3 Proprietors as three Proprietors of fuchWec Lands, Judge a Proprietors Meeting on Applica- wanting, they may apply thetnfelves tothenexc A/fiftantor Jufticeof the tion to an Peace, who upon fuch AppIication,is hereby Impowred to Iffue forth his Affiftant ot pfgj.gpt- to fome meet Perfon,for to Warn a Proprietors Meeting, declaring calUPropri- the Time, Place and Bufinefs of fuch Meeting i and the Perfon to whom etorsMeeting. fuch Precept is delivered,giving Warning to all the Proprietors of fuch The Time, WTet Lands, that Live in the Town where the Land lyeth, by Reading the Place &Bufi- pjg^ept to them, or leaving an Attefted Copy thereof at the place of their feVud! "' "f"^l Abode, at leaft Three Days before fuch Meeting, (hall be a lawful Warning thereof. No Perfon 5Cno 5e 1 1 furtt)Et <5natf tt» 6? tfie fiut^ojlt? afojefafD,That if any Perfon •without li- or Pcrfons without Liberty of the Proprietors iirft had or obtained, fhall berty of the ^^j. g^^^ Fence,Hedge,or other lncurabrance,on the Bank of fuch Drein or to'iei'up'ariy Dreins, to the Annoyance and Incumbrance of it, or to make the Clearing Fence,&'f.on up and keeping the fame in good Repair more difficult, it ihall be Lawful fhe Bank of for the Scavingers to Remove the fame as a Common Nufance. fuchDreins. ■ •■ ' • ■ CHAP. XXIX. An A6b for the further Diredlion of Sheriflps ^^,'4^^'^^l and Conftables, in the Execution of their 3.ftr 7.8? 2i2 ' aiid'iii.' Offices 5 and Enlarging their Fees in fome Cafes. Sheriffs and T^flf (t tfnacttb ant) lliaerg. 361 38n8 it (iS l)ec£b? fuctfjec CnnrtctJ bp tljc iautl)o?itp flfo^efaiD, That every Officer that Levies Execution, (hall be allowed to Demand and Take for FeesEnhr- every Execution for above Ten Pounds, and not exceeding Twenty Pounds, 8^°^ '^°^''^^*- Six Shillings % and for every EKecution for above Twenty Pounds^not exceeding ^.^y Execu- Fourty Pounds, Ten Shillings ; and for any greater Sum he fhall be allowed ijons. Three Shillings more, advanced on every Twenty Pounds, above the Sum of faurty Pounds, which (hall be Leyied by the faid Execution. CHAP. XXX. An Ad in addition to a Law of this Colony C in Page 238,) Entituled, An Ad for the further Ericooraging the Currency of Bills ^;f,f'f/jf; of Pubiick Credic ; and for the prevent- '"'''^^' ing the Oppreffion of Debtors. WHEREAS it u Provided hy the Lafi Paragraph of faid Law, * That * from and after the Firft Day of Navembtr tl\en next Enfuing, no * Debtor for any Debt Mnde or Contrafted fince the Twelfth of July, One pip * Thottfand Seven Hundred and Mm, or that (hould be Made or Contrafted the'^laftpara. * before the Year 0«i; Thoufand Seven Hundred and Twenty Seven, Exprefs giaph in the ' Contrafis in Writing, Current Silver Money, or fome Specialty, always Law, Page * excepted ; that Ihali tender Satistadtion and Payment of his full Debt in ^j8. * Good and Lawfu! Bills of Credit on this Colony, fhall be Liable to have * Execution Sei-ved and Levied upon his Eftate, or be Imprifoned, upon * any Recovery of Judgment to be granted againft him for luch Debt. 55e it fuctt?c €iTatte& I'? t§£ ^otetnouc, Council anU Kcpte renffttitesf, fn Dciet^^i^eetmgg. All which to Prevent : Aiiti 5lt ftf fiertlip tfnattf ft bp tlie dPotfcnour, Council anft fifp«rentatlt)e^, k" d f J n- '" *'n«al *0"" afTcmbleft, anD bp tie Hutbojitj of tfje famt, That der the'^Im- ^" Horfe kind and other Creatures, Rateable by Law, that are put upon provement any fuch Farm, or under the Care, Occupancy or Improvement of a of a Tenant, Tenant there, (hall be put into the Lift of the Polls and Rateable Efiate of * h ''V"' '" '"'^^ Tenant in the Town or Peculiar where fuch Farm lyeth •, and that Lift ; but"if '" ^" °^^^^ Cafes, all Horfe-kind and other Creatures, Rateable by Law, other'wife, to ft»alj be put into the Lift of the Polls and Rateable Eftate of the Owners be put in the thereof in the Towns where they Dwell i Any Law, UfageorCuflom to Owners Lift, j^g contrary notwithftanding. CHAP, XXX IT. An Aft in Addition to an Adl,Entituled,An vidpag.irp, /^£j. fQj. the further Encourag-ement of Deftroying Wolves. B ,-^ ft (Enattttt bp tlje <©obetnout. Council anft Heprefentatftes, in above °Thal O <15fn«al Court fllTemliUft, anft bj tljc auttiojttp of tlje fame, That is already if any Perfon (hall for the future, Kill and Deftroy any grown Wolf or allowed Wolves, within any Town or Plantation in this Colony, he ftall receive ^r killing a as a further Encouragement, over and above what is already allowed by Town ft"* in Law, for every fuch Wolf, the Sum of Ten Shillingi, out of the Publick this Colony. Treafury of this Colony, and Ten Shillings out of the Town Treafury, in whole Bounds fuch Wolf fliall be Killed and Deftroyed, as aforefaid j and half fo much for every Wolf's Whelp. CHAP. XXX 111. T^tTfllUhn Aa directing how Perfons ihall be ln!V,f:''° Qjialified to Vote in Society- Meetings. perfonj not |^^ jj (Cnatteft 6p t^t (l5obernour, Council anft IRcprcrentatibeff, fit SocietyMeet. D ^tnccal Coutt SSffemWcft, anft bp tie SJut^o^itp of t^efamr. That ings for So- for the Future, no Perfon or Perfons fhallprefume to Vote in any Society* ciety-Offi- Meeting for the choice of Society-Officers, Grants of Rates, Erefting of rr"'f''h""* Meeting Houfes, Regulating Schools, or any other thing proper to be perfonf have Voted in a Society, unlefs fuch Perfon or Perfons have a Free hold in the a Freehold in fame Society Rated at Fifty SbiHingtt or Fourty Pounds in the Common Lift, the fame So- or are Perfons that are in full Communion with the Church, on Penalty ciety, Rated that every Perfon fo Offending Ihall Forfeit Tw Shilli»£s for every fuch arePerfons in Offence, one Moiety thereof to the Informer who Profecutes to Effeft ; and full Commu- the other Moiety thereof to the Treafury of faid Society where the Offence niofl. ihall be committed. ^nft further ft is (Enacteft, That if any Perfon or Perfons (hall Pre- JNot to y°*^ fume to Vote in any Society-Meeting, for the Choice of a Minifter,withouC exo%t oJr *'«'"S Qualified as the Law direfts to Vote for the Choice of a Minifter, lifted, &v. he or they (hall fuffer the Penalty as above Provided j To be diljpofed of as aforefaid. CHAP Jf}»o Regui Regis GEORGIJ, // Secundo. FairfieldCottntp.3Jmprmting,&c*J5iUiSofCtemt363 CHAP. XXXIV. An ka for Enlarging the County of ifaitftelD* ^JS."' I'3E iiS iD^ftccf B ana (ffnattcl! 6p t|)e (Bobfrnour, Council antt Eeprcfenta? p • ^ , . ii'tips, (n <(5enecal Court 3inembleD,ano Bp t^e 3lutOo?itp of tlje fame, bounty En- That all that Traft of Land called New-Fairfield, lying t^onh oi Danhury, larged. Weft of New-Mil ford, and Eaft of the Government Line, fhall be Annexed to the County of Fairfitld. CHAP. XXXV. Vidpag.tjS. An Ad for New Imprinting Four Thoufand '^^^^IH^''' Pounds in Bills of Credit. WHEREAS fever al of the Bills of Credit of this Colony, are 'forttf Dt- p^^^^^j, faced, and unfic to Pajl j and that they may be taken into the Trcafury by Exchange. 3fc ig -Snatteti b? tte ©oijeritour, Council anli Etprerentat{tJC£$, fti <^£neral Couct ^(Tcmblea, ana li? tte ^fiutbo^itp oE tl)C fame, That there ^ ^^ ^^ be forthwith Imprinted a certain Number of Bills of Credit on this Colony, ^ew imprin- in fuitable Sums, from Ten Shillings to Five Poundsy which in the whole fliall ted, i^c. amount to Four Thoufand Foundry and no more. Which Bills fliall be In- dented and Stamped, as the Governour and Council fhall Order, and be Signed by the Committee, appointed for the Signing the Bills of Credit of this Colony laft Emitted ; they or any three of them. And of the fame Tenour of the Bills of Credit of this Colony, of the like Value here-to- fore Emitted. 9Bna It's furtfjec €nacte&, That the faid Bills fo to be Imprinted by To be delivers this Ad, fhall be by the faid Committee, or any Three of them, delivered red to the Co the Treafurer, who fhaU give them in Exchange, for luch Torn and De- J'"^"'"* *** iaced Bills as are not fie for further Ufe i taking his Receipt for the fame. ^^^ *"^^* An AA for Emitting Bills of Credit. CHAP. XXXVI. Vid.pag. 14? 149.15 J, »S8 175,181,185 189,195,199 aoi,iii,zi(5 WHEREAS there remains in the Treafuren hands of the QuicJi Stoci, as ^-^^'^i-^-l^z^z may appear by the laji Audity befdes what was drawn out by the Affembly 245,'ij?.i8(S injuly /-^/f.ffceSaiM «/- Nine Hundred and Fourteen Pounds Six Shillings 289, i47,?o2. and Eight Pence. !*>..,,.. g|t iJf ^nactea &^ tfie (jEictiernour, Council ana JRepreffntatifttisr, fn General Couct Memblea, anD bp tlje jauttjojitp of tfje famt,That the faid Treafurer fhall be Impowred, and he is hereby Impowred, to Iflue out and Deliver the faid Sum of Nine Hundred Fourteen Pounds Six Shillings Znd Eight- i°oo Pouvis fence ; together with a Thoufand Eighty Five Pounds, Thirteen Shillings and j" gp^f^e^ht Four pence more, to be of the Bills brought into the Treafury by the Rate public Char- granted by this AITembly in OSlober lafl, or by Impoft y for and towards gesof the the Payment of the Pubhck Debts of this Colony,and the neceffary Charges Colony, of the fame, according to fuch Orders as fliall be given him from Time to Time as the Law direfts. j4finc Regtt', Regis G E O R G I J, / /. Secundo. 3 64 Xajc* ^ominUian, 15t (t fuctliet (tnatfeU bp tlie aut^o?(t? afo?ffa(Ii, That there be forthwith Emitted a certain Number of Bills of Credic on this Colony, in fuitable Sums from Ten Shillitigs to Five Pouniii, which in the u/hole fhall amount to the Sum of Three Thoufand Four Hundred Pounds, and no more, of the Bills of Credit Ordered to be lmprinted,purfuant to an Aft of this 3400 of the prefent Affembly, Entitulcd, An AEl for new Imprinting Feur Thoufand Pounds laft 4000 inBills of Credit, and the Committee for Signing the Bills of this Colony are ^ani, to be hereby direfted to Sign the faid Sum of Three ThoufandFour Hundred Pounds, wards p"" *° ^^ ^'"'" ^^ '^^y "^ receive them, and deliver them into the hands of the the^ Public'^ Treafurer, to be by him paid out towards Defraying the Publick Debts of Debts of this this Colony, taking his Receipt for the lame : And the faid Treafurer is Colony, hereby Impowred and Ordered to Tflue forth and Emit the fame, towards the Payment of the Publick Debts of this Colony, and the further Necef- fary Charges thereof, attending to fuch Orders as fliall be given him from Time to Time, according to Law. Fund for 5lnti •(t'0 fuctftit (Cnacteb 6? t|e ?IIut||0?Up afojefuCD, That a$ a Fund the*^'u^ '" ^"*^ Security for theRe-payment and Drawing in faid Sum of Three Thoufand gain by the '''""' f^ufdred Pounds into the Treafury, This Aflembly Grants a Tax or laft of ^«^. Rate of Three Thoufand Six Hundred Pounds, to be Levied on Polls and all the >???• Rateable Eftate within this Colony, and to be Paid into the Treafury at -J • **' before the laft day of jiuguft, which will be in the Year of Our LORD Briu'o^f Cre" ^"* Thoufand Seven Hundred and Thirty Three, which faid Rate fhall dit.or*in Mo- ^^ ^^^^ '" ^'1^* o^ Credit of this Colony, or in Money as it pafles ney'as it then Generally Current in the Country at the time of payment, and in no other fiiTti, manner. CHAP. XXXVH. An Ai(fenterg. Xotbn- kersfwhodo That where there are fuch Diflenters, as are commonly called Quakers, really attend who do attend the Worftip of GOD, in fuch Way as is allowed by faid *Mj^d°1i'nd ^^' within this Colony, or are fo Situated by the Borders thereof as that canproducea they may, and do attend the Service, out of the Limits of this Govern- Certificate ment, in any fuch Meeting as aforefaid, and fhail produce a Certificate, from asociety from fuch Society, of their having joined themfelves to them and that "^'h^'"'''^^' they do belong unto their Society, That he or they fhal! be Excufed from tolhem jex! Contributing to the Support of the Eflablifhed Miniftry, and from Con- cufed from tributing or Paying any Tax Levied for the Building any Meeting Houfe paying fome or Houfes, in the Society or Pariftj wherein they dwell. Taxes. _-^_^_____-___-.^— — ^^^— ^__-^^^— — ^^— ^— ^-^_i_^^ CHAP. X L I. SJifpl.z?! An Alc8,anD bp t{je 3Sut!jo?Itp of tlje fame. That when P f n bv °"y Town-Meeting, Society- Meeting, or Proprietors- Meeting, is Lawfully Tuinultuoas Aflembled, if any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, in fuch Meeting, by Tu- noifeoro- multuous Noife, Quarrelling, or any Unlawful Aftion, (hall difturb fuch therwifedif. Meeting, or hinder the Members thereof from proceeding Peaceably to turbingTown ^y^^ choice of their Moderator, or after the Moderator is chofen, (hall aet""Meet* Vilify or Abufc fuch Moderator, or Interrupt him in the difcharge of his ings, or Pro- Office, or after he hath Commanded Silence, (hall Speak in fuch Meeting, prietors- without hls Icavc firft had and obtained, ( unlefs to ask realbnable Liberty h"fi^'d ^°^ ^"'^^ Perfon to fpeak his Mind ) fuch Perfon or Perfons fo Offending, to be ne .^ ^^^ of the Particulars above-mentioned, (hall for every fuch Offence,pay a Fine of Five Shillings, in Current Money, to theTreafury of the Town, in which the Offence is Committed. „ , , ^^ . , , _ AU Offences againfl this AQ, to be Heard and Determined by any One SuchOfTencesAffiftant.or JufticeofthePeace : Unlefs the Offence be Aggravated by by whom fome Notorious breach of the Peace, in which Cafe, the C.Tenders fhall be to be heatd. ^q^^^ over to the next County Court, to Anfwer for their Offence. « 'AU ■ ainO U fjJ furtfjtc #rotJitieU, That no fuch Meeting fhall be Adjourn'd KwAdjSd or Ptorogu'd, but by the Voice of the Major part of the Members thereof, there prefent. ^^ Anno Regni Regis GEORGIJ, // Secundo. 3lufl:ices^alarie9.^cmo?iais;. 151116 of Ctetiit. ^67 CHAP. X L n. An Adl for further Enlarging the Salaries o[^.^^^^^^^ thejudges,andjuftices of County Courts. ^^'• THIS Affembly do Grant to the feveral Judges of the Refpeaive ^'"({"^^"to County Courts, Nine Shillings per Day while they attend the Coun^ have 9 j and ty Courts; and to the Juftices of faid Courts, Seven Shillin^t per Day [hejuftices;^ while they attend the faid Courts, to be paid out of the County Trea furies, Z^'^'' ''^[^".^f"^ Refpeftively •, Any Law.Ufage orCufiom to the contrary notwithflanding ['jnlin^courr. CHAP. X L I 1 1. ' An Adl for limiting the Time for preferring Memorials to the General Affembly. THIS Affembly Obfervlrtg it hath often hapned, near the Clofe of the Ajjem- bly^ that tiiitny Memorials are brought irt^ which only Relate to Private affairs, fo that the Publick Bufinefs is thereby ObfiruEled. Which to Prevent : 3t ijS Eerolfeeb bp tgiiS affemWp, That for the Future, all Memorials Memorials that may be Preferred to this Affembly, fhall be lodged in the Secretary's 'vhen to be Office, on, or before, the Eighth Day of the Affembly's Sitting. brought. Always Provided^ That this Refolve, (hall not be Extended, to make any Alteration, refpeSing the Entering and Hearing Petitions, as by "^'"''''' Law already Eftabliflied. Vid.pag.14y CHAP xlTv I'^^'sl''!^ An Ad for the Emitting Bills of Credit forlHl?§ the Payment of the Publick Debts of ih\s\\\%]':,\\ /^^lr%«Tr 245,2.55,286 doiony. 289.297.301 WHEREAS there is in the Treafurer's hands, the Sum of Fifteen Hun- 5°?;5°5',m drsdand Five Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Nine-pence, in good ^^z\-}so,i^s Bitlf, fit for further Service^ which woi brought in by the Rate^ Granted Odiober, and j6j. One Thoufand Seven flundred and Twenty Seven, and are lodged in the Treafury, for the further dijpofal of this Affembly. g|t fS tfnatten 6y tlje <©obernour, Councif anti Ecprtfcntatftes, (a 4Btneral Coutt SflfemMcJi, an& ftp tfje flutljo^ttj? of tfje famr,Thac the faid I ^°^ '■ '*^.'* Treafurer fliall be, and he is hereby, Authorized and Impowred, to Iflue Emitted °o out and Deliver, the aforefaid Sura of Fifteen Hundred and Five Pounds Six- anfwer the teen Shillings iind Nine-pence, towards the Payment of the Debts, and the Public Char- Neceffary Charges of this Colony, according to fuch Orders as (hall be^^^"^'^*^ given him from Time to Time, according to Law. Colony. C H A P. X L V. An Adl for the Rendering the Bills of Pub- lick Credit on this Coiony,of better Cur- rency,and for preventing Fraud and Deceit in putting off Torn and Defaced Bills. WHEREAS feveral of the Bills ef Credit, Emitted by thts Colony, arePreamtle. Torn in Pieces, and do ufually pafs from Man (o Mm, which Ufage is th»ng,ht net to be for tublitk Advantage* tfOK ^«i(, Regf^ Regit G E O R G IJ. / /• SecUodo. 368 milU of CreDit^ ^lueftion. Form Blili. For the Preventing whereof : 25e ft tfttatttH lip t^e (©otecnrouc, Council anD Etprefentatftftf, in 4Btntx&l Couct aKTcmbUD, anti b? tte 38utt)0?it? of tte fame, That there be forthwith Imprinted a certain number of Bills of Credit, on this Colo- ^000 1 to U ny> in fuirable Sums, from Two Shillitip to Five Poundi^ which in the whole new Imprin- fhall amount to the Sum of 5«x Thoufand Poundi, which Bills (hall be Inden- t«d, fft. ted and Stamped, with fuch Stamps as the Governour and Council fhall Order, and be Signed by the Committee appointed to Sign the Bills of Credit on this Colony laft Emitted, they or any three of them, and of the Tenor following. i^O ( ) ao s. . ^Hh IndtntU Bill of TyMtniy S\\\\\\n%%y dut from thi Colony of Corm^dtxcut 1 ojm of the X .^ New- England, to the Pojfffor thereof , (hall be in Value e^ual to Money, I and JhaU be accordingly accepted by the Treafurer and Receivers Subordinate to I him ; and for any Stock at any time in the Treafury. Hartford, July the Ttpelfth, ' AnnoDom 1709. ByOrder of the General /4Jfemhly, May, I7r3. ikriU it fd further €nfl£teD, That the faid Bills fo to be Imprinted by Said Bills to '^" ^^' ^^'^ ^^ ^^^ ^^'^ Committee be put into the Treafurer's hands, be delivered talcing his Receipt for the fame ^ and the faid Trcafurer is hereby Impow- to the Trea- red at any time within one Year after the Twenty third Day of Mayj Anno ^rer.ache to Domini, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Trventy Nine, to Exchange any, and 5f«mfor¥oTn *" 0^ *^« ^^^^ ^»"s, and all other Out-ftanding Bills of this Colony, that atOut-ftand- are not Printed on the Backs of them, with any Perfon, who fhall within ing one». faid Time, offer him in Exchange any of the Outsftanding Bills of Credic ofthis Colony, Torn, as aforefaid. Value for Value : But not to give or difpofe them to any other Ufe or End whatfoever, without the Order of this Aflembly. 9lnD ft (S furtl^et (toattcli, That as foon as the Bills to be Imprinted A Pfoclama- and Signed by this Aft, (hall be put into the hands of the Treafurer, a Pro- tion tobe if- clamation be printed and Publifhedjpurfuant to this Aft, direfting allPer- calune in ^°"' '^^'' ^^^^ ^"^ ^"'^^ ^'^'^ ^" '^*^'' ^^"^^ Out-flanding as above-men- Outftanding tioned, to bring in their faid Bills into the Treafury, to be Exchanged by Bills. the Treafurer as abovefaid, on Penalty of having their Demands upon the Treafury, by Reafon of fuch Bills, Refufed. ' HEREAS the Proprietors of fame Ancient Towns in this Government^ vhich were Set led before any Patents icere granted out to them, did agree or accuftom themfelves to divide the Common or "Undivided Lands, within their Townjhtps amongji themfelvety according to the Methods, and the Intertfisy and Vid. pag. 54, Troportitns,as bji themfelves were agreed on,orconftnted to\ and did not grant their ^J> 94» *^'t lainds in Town- Meetings ^as fame other Towns in this Colony have done, and have ali'iSriOJ tontinuei to VraHife according to their faid Ancient Cufloms in the Divifions of a97'»99'3»J *^^ Common Land from Time to Time to this Day. And whereas many of the ill* & J J7' Ancient Proprietors in fuch ToivnftiipSyhave Sold not only Divifions fo obtained, but alfo a confiderable fart of their Inter efls and Proportions in faid Common Land, and thereby the Purchafers thereof, have obtained confiderable EJlatet to them' f elves, in the Manner and form aforefaid. And whereas fame doubt hath arifen vhethtr the Law made May the Ninth, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Twenty Three, EntHuled, An Aft for the better Eftablilhing and Confir- Sec pag. 195. Motion of Titles of Land, anciently obtained in Townfhips according to * Cuftoms heretofore ufed ; and for the preventing Contentions about the {&me,dolh EfeSuallj Quiet and Confirm Titles obtained in the form aforefaid. Whereupon a Queftion arifes and is put to this Aflembly, namely, Queftion a- "U^f^ether Difpofitions of Lands, made by the Proprietors of any Town m thie Gt» boiit divifion vernment, and the Divifions and Inter efls obtained in the Form aforefaid, be efaid, a Confirmation of fuch Interejlt «; by this Aflembly in the Affirmative. w of Lands. nithinthe Equity of the AB aforefaid, a Confirmation of fuch Inter ep and Divifions > RESOLVED by this Afler N.LONDON, Printed and Sold by T.G R B E N.Printer to the GOV.&COMP tjt^ Jmo Regnt Regis GEORGIJ. // Tertio. :^titirti0ual ::^ct relatins to t!)e pmmut. 3^9 Thirty-five copies reissued by Albert C. Bates, Hartford, 1919. AcSs and Laws Faded by the General Court or AfTembly of His Majefties Colony of Comedicut in NewEnglanei : Begun and Held at New-Haven on the Ninth Day of Odoier, in the Third Year of the Retga of Our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, of Great Britain, dic^ KING. Amoque Domim, 17x9. CHAP. X L V r. Vide page An Aa in Addition to anAcft, Entituled, ''^^^f * An Ad for the Encouragement of £hevidepa.«34 Poft-office. iiirSr THIS ^femhlyOhferving that theVrlviUdge of IPerrp are agromng and Profit Able Efiate to the Owners of them, and ttot Ordered to be Taxed in the Publkk Lifis of Eftates, the Fare of which is alfo within ^^''wWf the Regulation of this Court : And that by a Late ^d of Parliament, the Rtding Vo/ls appointed by the Pofi-mafien, are Ordered a free PaJJage over all the Ferries in the Plantations, and the feveral Ferry-men obliged to give due jitten- dance upon them withoi£t any Demand upon them for their Ferriage, on the Penalty of Five Pounds. Be (t (Cnactctr anU <©^lia{nEft bp t^e (Botjernottr, Cotmcfl eno Eeprefm- tfltilJESf (11 (PenecaKTouct MtmbleD, That after the Firft of 7ck firft of January aforefaid, Pafs and Re-pafs Ferriage free, as aforefaid : And ^"^'*^^ no Bills drawn on the Treafury ,{hall be Paid by the Treafurer, nor Allow- ed by the Auditors, nor Signed by any Affiftant or Juftice of the Peace, for any ofthe Ferriages above-mentioned ; Any Law, Ufage or Cufiom CO the Contrary aotwithfianding. R r r CHAP Ah»9 Regnl RegU G E R G I J, / /.. Tcftlo. ' — — CHAP. XLVII. An AS: for Regulating the Admiflion of Jifif'fip Freemeo, and to prevent any Perfons that 149.191 gfg jjQt VmQ of this Corpoi'atioo, from giving their Suffrage in any Free-mens- Meetiog, FORASMVCH as isu Provided by One Lav ef this Colony^ Entituled^ An Aft R«Ming so Freemen, * That the Nar^ss cfc!! iUch Perfons • as arc Admitted, and made Free of this Corporation, fhaU be Enrolled * in the Secretary's Office, ' which mm by reafon of the gnat defiance offtme Towns is very di^kult ta be done' Freemen to 25e It Eepr«rcnta< tiics, in ©enetal Court SflflmitU !!,ano 6p tfjc 3fiutIjo?{tp of t^t Came, That there be forthwith Emitted, a certain Number of Bilk of Credit on aooo I to be jj^js Colony, in fuitable Sums from Two killings to Bw Founds^ which in ^™'*vf Vs the whole fhall amount to the Sum of Two Thoufand Pounds and no more, EcVoebts which Sum is and fliall be a part of the Bills of Credit of this Colony, now in the Treafurers Hands, for the Exchange of the Bills of this Colony of the firft Iraprefiion ; And the faid Treafurer is accordingly hereby Im. powred and Ordered to IlTue forth and Emit the fame, towards the Pay- ment of the Publick Debts of this Colony, and the further Necefiary Charges thereof, attending fuch Orders as fhall be given him from Time to Time according to Law. ^nO it (g fucttet (gnatteO 65 tfie Slutfjo^it? afojefaio. That as a Fund and Security for the Re-payment and Drawing in the (aid Sum of Two Thoufand Pounds into tlie Treafury, This Affembly Grants a Tax or Rate Fund for oiTmThoufand One Hundred Pounds jto\>&LQnQAxi^on Polls and all the DrawiiTg in Rateable Eftate within this Colony, and to be paid into the Treafury, at faidBillsintOjj^{jg{Q^g jhelaftDay of y^Kfay?, which will bsin the Year of our Lord the Treafury ^^^ jhoufand Seven Hundred and Thirty Six ; which faid Rate fhsll be Paid ^^^'"* in Bills of Credit of this Colony, or in Money as it paflech Generally Currant in the Country at the Time of Paym£nt,and in no other manner. CHAP Anno Regnl Regit G E O R G I J. r L Tertlo- CHAP. XL IX. An Adi direfling how Fines and Forfeitures, recovered before any one Afliftant ox^i^Xf^f^ Jufliceof the Peace, (hall be difpofed of! Be ft Cnattelj Iij tl)c «®ot)ernour. Council anli Beprcfentntitesf, fn Fines and dJeneral Couct affemftltti, ano b? tije ^uti)0?(t? of tlje fame, Forfeitures That all Fines and Forfeitures that (hall be recovered by Judgment before f^^°^"^'^h" any one Afliftant or Juftice of the Peace, fhall belong to the Treafury of ,°4^3^^''or the Town where fuch Judgment is given- And it Ihall be the Duty of the Juftice of the TreaGirer of fuch Town, to apply himfelf to fuch Afliftant or Juftice of the Peace, to be- F^ace, at leaft within one Year after fuch Judgment is given, for an Account ^"8 '° *he of all fuch Fines and Forfeitures,and receive the fame for the Ufe of fuch j-^^" •'^"** Town i Any former LaWjUfage orCuftora to the contrary notwithftanding. CHAP. L. An A&. for preventing the Cutting down or Deftroying, any White Pine Trees, growing in the Bounds of this Colony 5 ( Excepting fuch as are any Perfons Pro- perty ) and for Publifliing an A6t of Parliament relating thereunto. WHEREAS the Honourable the Governour^ hat Communicated to thit p Courts M M of the Parliament of Grent-bTitAmt Tranfmitted to him from our Agent Jeremiah Dummer £/^; Made for the Plantations^a Fart vherem of concerns thit Government^ and u as foUoweth, vit. " Anno Secundo "GeobgiJ, n. Regis. An Aft for better Regulation of *' His Majefly's Woods in America^ and for the Encouragement of « the Importation of MaflJ, Yards and Bowlprits, from that part " of Great- Britain C9.\]ed Scotland, « By the King'/ Most Exceilent Majesty, « Se ft Cnatteb, 6? anft toi'tft tbe SBfitice attb tfonfent of ti^e ** %ojD£J spiritual anD i^rmpoEal, HtiO CommonsJ, In t\)l ""^ ^? *^^ 2utl30?»tp of tt)e fame, Uireaed to Obferve and led on the ^''""'c, as the Law of this Colony : And all Perfons are Required to Con- Penalties form themfelves thereunto, on the Pains and Penalties above-referred to* therein men- Which Penalties are as followeth, x/ix.. For every White Pine Tree of the tioned Growth of Twelve Inches Diameter and under, the Sum of Five founds • thofe from Twelve Inches Diameter to Eighteen Inches Diameter, Ten Founds ; and thofe from Eighteen to Twenty Four Inches Twenty Pounds ; and thofe from Twenty Four Inches Diameter and upwards, the Sum of F'fty Founds, CHAP. LI. Vide page An A6t fof altering the Day appointed by Law, for the Free men 5'* *^' in the Counties of Hzrtford and Windham to Meet to give in their Votes, for tlie Nomination of Publick Officers. 1C is iDjDcceU Bp \\z dPotemour, Countil ann ttcpcerentatftttf, itt 45enetal Coutt SfiffemMeO, anO bp tte Hui!)o?(tH of t^e fame, That of Hartford for the Future, the Time for the Freemen in the County oiHurtferd to & Windham j^ieet in Seftember, fhall be the Third Tuefday ; And the Time for the when' to' Freemen in the County of Wsndham to Meet in September , fhall be the Meet Second Tuefday ; and the Time for faid Freemen in the County of Windham to Meet in April, (hall be the laft Tuefdaj; Any Law to the contrary noc- withftanding- CHAP. L 1 1. An Ad concerning the People called Baptifts, UPON the Memorial of the People called Baptijfs, Praying that they may be Difcharged from the Payment of Rates and Taxes fer the Support of the (jofjjel Mnifiry in this Government, and fer Building Meeting- Houfes %t (0 EefolbeD Irp t^e Ootiernour, Council anfi RepceCentatrtje©, fn The people ^metal Couct aCftmbkU, anO bp tlie autfto^itp of t$e famt, That called Bap. for the future, the fame Privilege and Exemption from the Charges afore- *'d^ ^ oT' ^*''*' '* ^'* Granted by this Aflembly in May Laft, unto the People ker's*^ *' "I'ed Quakers, is hereby allowed unto them, under the like Regulations; &e chap 40 Any Law, Ufage or Cuftora to the Contrary notwithftanding. " CHAP. L 1 1 L An ASt for Levying a Tax. THIS AfTembly Grants a Rate of Two- fence on the Found^ on all the Polls and Rateable Eftate in this Government. To be Paid into ARateofx<*the Treafury, in the Bills of Credit of this Colony with the ufual »"*^*«f'^'"'' Advance of TwWv^.pwe on the Found-, Or in the good Bills of Credit of ^'' Four Signers of the Majfachufetts-Bay ; Or in the Bills of Credit of New-Tcrkf without Advance on them j Or in Silver Money as it pafTeth in the Country. THE Gentlemen Nominated to ftand for Eleilion in jtfay next, fent in to this Affembly by the Freemenof this Colony, areas followeth, l^iz. The Hoiioorable JOSEPH TALLCOTT,E{q; The THon- JON ATH AN L Atf^Efq-, K - f- John Hamlin Efq; Samuel Eells Edi; Matthew AUyn ECq; Roger Wolcott Efo' of°Gov and James Wadfworth Efqv John HaU Efq; John Hooker Efq; Nathaniel Stanlj Efqj AfTiftants Jofeph Whiting Efq; Oz,i« Pitkin Elq; Ttmothy Ptirce Efq; John Burr Efq; for 1730 jvir. Edmund Lewifs. Mr. Samuel Lynde. Capt« Samuel Mather. Mr* Thomas Kimberh, Capt- Thomas Seymour. Capf Roger Newton. N.i:.OiVCON,Printed&Sold by T.GREEN,Printer tothcGoi/.&Comp.iyz? DrtSmlle Mno Regm RegU G E O R G I J. //. Tcrtio. :attomepj5 aaegulateB^ tljeir ^\xuiUt^M^. 373 Thirty-five copies reissued by Albert C. Bates, Hartford, 1919. Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or AfTembly of His Majefty'sCoIony of <:««?it? atmMU, That ihe reverai At? Attorneys to torney s that fhal) be Allowed and Appointed as aforefaid.ffjnli from Time to be under the Time be under the Direftion of iheCourtsaforefaid, before whom they fhall piteftion of piead,whoupon juft Reafon (hall and may Dif-place and wholly Sufpend any aid Courts, ^^ ^^j^ Attorneys, or otherwife Proceed againft them,or any of them, that fhall Tranfgrefs the Orders and Rules of any offaid Courts as the Lawdirefts. C H A P. LV. " ' An A ^tpctfentatitieij, (n (JBeneral Court fUTembUO, anO Ii? t^e autj)0jitj» tl t%t finw, That whatfoever Perfon or Perfons, fhall by any Ways or Means Oppofe, Hinder or Interrupt fuch Committees, or any other Perfon or Perfons by tmuptCom' ^^^"^ ^"^Pi^oved, to Alfift or Aid them in Running and Fixing ary fuch mittees Ap- L'"^ or LinejjOr any other Bufinefs which laid Committer are Appointed pointed by to do, fiiall Incur the Penalty of Tf» Pott«,That theTown Clerk in the refpeaive Towns „. „. ftallgiveto the Lifters a Receipt of fuch Lift to them Tendered or Delivered XownClerki* as aforefaidjunder the like Penalty ^to be R.ecovered as aforefaid: and fafely keep fuch Lift for the ufe of the Conftables, Rate-makers,and Colleftors of the Minifter, Town and Society Rates, for them to make faid Rates by. ' ~~~ CHAP. L XL An Aa for Repealing an Aft concerning Bay-berries. li's.^lf'jJi THIS Aflembly Obferving the Mifislmprovement of one Law in this^jj Colony, Pile 270. Entituled, yin v4fl for Encoura£ement of rfce Jating to "' Getting of Bay-herry Taltom^ Do Repeal the faid Law, and all Afts in Ad- Bay. berries in that Way it Liable wholly to be Frufirattd. Which Co Prevent : "Bz it€nottfl> b? tJie < b? tjie aut^o^ftH oE tl)z fame, That Owners of the Owners of Sheep, Living within the Limits wherein any Flock of Sheep toMeet Sheep is already Ordered, or Ihall hereafter Lawfully be Ordered to be, & chufe a ftiall bc Allowed and Impowred, and they are hereby Allowed and Im- ^^"v^'Af\° powred, to Meet together within their Limits as often as there fhajl be Orders to ff^ Occafion, and in fucti their Meetings, by their Wajcr Vote, according to cure theflock their Intereft, to be Computed according to the Number of Sheep each in cheir limits Voter hath, to choofe their Clerk, who (hall be Swcrn to maie True Tv"* ''""S Entries of all fuch Votes and AAs as (hall be Made by faid Owners of Ss°^£?* Sheep : And alfo to Choofe Sheep Mafters for the Hiring a Shepherd, ' ' and Letting out the Flock to Fold, and other Prudential Affairs relating to the Flock. And alfo in fuch their Meetings to make Orders for the Warnings of the Meetings ; and alfo to make all NecefTary Orders, proper for the better Managing their Flock, ReRraining Rams from going at Large within their Limits, and Securing the Flock from being Deftroyed by Dogs. SinU it (0 fuctljtc ^cobitieU, That no Damage fiiall be Recovered V If n againft any Perfon or Perfonsfor Killing any Dog or Dogs, according to KjllingUogs. ^jjg aforefaid Order of the Owners of any Fiock. SDnb ft l!S futtljec (EnacteD, That the Fee for Impounding Sheep that are not of the Flock, taken Damage Feafanc, fhall be Two-pence per Head : And that every Town that do not Agree to have any Flock, fhall oundinR * ^^^® ^^^ ^^""^ Power to make Afts relating to the Reftraining Rams, Sheep, I J. and Securing the Sheep from being Defl royed by Dogs, as the Owners of pe^Head. Sheep have that live within the Limits of any Flock as aforefaid : And that the Fee for Impounding Sheep in fuch Towns, that are taken Damage Feafanc, (hall be Tvco-pence fir Head as abovefaid; Any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the Contrary r.ocwi;hfLand int;. iV LOJSDON : Printed & Sold by T. Grccnjfrinter to the Gov. &:.Comp. 17 jo Anno Regni Regk G E O R G I J, / /. Quarto. Thirty-five copies roiasaed by Albert C. Bates. Hartford, 1919- Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majefties Colony of CetmeHicut in New England : Begun and Held at New Haven, on Thurfday the Eighth Day cAO^ober. in the Fourth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, of Great- Britain,SiC. KING. Annoque Dcmini, 1730. CHAP. LXIV. An A& in addition to the Law, Entituled, An AA concerning Common Fields and v«dep3g.f6' rences* 190,116.354 Be (t tt)tttelHa[oj(3)ip.38! Forty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates. Hartford, K)ig. Ads and Laws Paflcd by the General Court or AflembJy of His Majefties Colony of ConneHicut in New England : Begun and Held at Hartford, on the Thirteenth Day of May^ In the Fourth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord eSing the Places proftr ftr EreSingthtir Metting-Haufts i to the great Diftjuiet of many People of this Ctvtmmtnt» Which to Prevent r IBe ft Cnatctb &p tfte (fobctncuc, Ctntncfl anfe 1^epre(4nttttftf£(. in Ocneral Court SBlTemWeft, ana feg t%z Sutjojitp of t\it fame. That when any Parifh or Religious Sociecy, allowed to be luch by this Affembly, Or Eftablilhed and Approved by che Laws of this Colony ( tliofe only To- lerated by the Laws of this Colony and Diffenting from us Excepted ) ftall by their Vote ( wherein Two Third parts of the Inhabitants Qualified by the Law to Vote, and Prefent in the Meeting of fuch Parilh or Religious Society ) declare it to be neceffary to Build a Meeting- Houfe, Every fuch Parilh or Society rtiaU apply themfelves tothisAflembly to AppointjOider and Affix the Place whereon their Meeting-Houfe (nail be EreQed and Built i which being done, concluded and afcertained by the Aft of this Af- fembly, the Committee of fuch Pariih or Society, (hall forthwith give due Notice to the PariJhoners to Meet at foroe fuitable Time and Place, to Authorize and Appoint fome meet Perfons to be a Committee for the fec- ting up,building and finilhing an Houfe proper and fuitable for fuch an Im- provement on the Place appointed, as aforefaid. At which Meeting the faid Society (hall proceed to grant and levy a Tax on the Parilhoners or In- U u u habitants Preamble. Two Thirds of a Parifh or ReligiousSo- ciety.agreing to Build a .^eeiing- HoufCjtoap- plf tbemfeivs to tlieGene« ral Court, for them to Or- der the Plac« where faid iWeeting Houfe IhiU be £[e(flettftice5, (lEJranij^jtttojs, %t. W^tn to m^t habitants offuch Pari(h,tobe Colleaed and Paid to the faid CommjtteCf ri fc f the '° Enable them to go forward with the faid Building : And the Clerk of ?arifl»t'okeep the Parifh or Society (hall keep the Account of their Disburfements. And an accovjntof it fljall be the duty of every fuch Clerk to Certify this AfTembly the doings Disbnrfe- of the Society, at their Seflion next after their fixing the Place, as afore- ments, 8e to j-jjj j 35 jUq jhe Progrefi of the Committee in Building fuch Houfe, to Affem^ly at ^'^'V Gen«"l Court, ac their ftated Sefiions, til) the Houfe be finiftied : every Seffiofi, And for every Negleft of his Duty therein, fhall incur the Penalty of T« whaiPiogrefs Toundt to the Publick Treafury \ to be Recovered offuch Clerk before the ismade.until Superionr Court in the County where the Parifh or Society is Situate, by finifhed on Aftion, Bill, Plaint or other ways, as the Law will allow : In which cafe no penalrtofiol Review fhal) be admitted, 3inO (t i0 tetehp fuctljer ^BcoblDtO, That if this AfTembly do find by the TheAffembly CIcrk's Certificate, that the Inhabitants of fuch Society do not proceed to Affefs the to Set up and Finilh a Meeting-Houfe, ac the Place appointed, as aforefaid, Inhabitants This AfTembly will Affefs and Levy upon fuch Society from time to tinne, ?n cafe ft'f'^ fuch Sum and Sums of Money, as may be needful to Sec up and Finifh fuch '• Meeting- Houfe^ Which (hall be by Order of this AfTembly accordingly Improved .- And every fuch Sum of Money fhall be by the Treafurer of this Howfaidmo- Colony added to the Publick Tax of the Society, and gathered as a part of ney fliall be the Publick Tax by the Conftable who gathers the Country Rate, and paid Iropioved. into the Publick Treafury, to be Re-imburfed for the ufe aforefaid •, who /hall by Order of this Af&rably deliver the fame to fuch Perfon or Perfons as by this AfTembly Ihall be appointed. anb ir isfTjEC^bP furt^tc (Cnacctti, That for the future, it (hall not be p It f n ^^^^"^ ^°*^ *"y of the Societies, aforefaid, or any part of fuch Society, to 100*// laid Build or Set up any Meeting-Houfe for Religious Worfhip, without pro- onthofe who curing this AfTembly firfl to Afccrtain the Place for it, as in this Aft is Tranfgiefs limited and provided. And whofoever (hall Tranfgrefs this Order, (hall this Order, jncuj the Penalty of 0»# Hundred Founds to the Publick Treafury of this Co- lony ; To be Recovered by ASion, Bill or Plaint, before any of the Supe- riour Courts in the County where the TranfgrefHon (hall be coitunitced. cTa p. lxx. An A/^; or otherwife fuch Certificate Ihall not ^'^'^'^/I'^^'^'J^^ be accepted : And fuch Town fhall be Doomed by the AlTembly accord- J^^^ „,!_*" ingly. Xxx CHAP. jHUO Regtii Regis GEORGIJ, //. Quinto. ^ss £>ut^^^%Wiit>ml ^Ct* CHAP. L X X I X. vid pag 48. An Ad Prefcribing the Forms of feveral Oaths* lll\lJ4;?'oj' p^(f£^ jn t]^g 5jxth Year of the Reign of His late Majefty King GEORGE ^k Firfi, Entituled, An Ad for Explanation of and in Addition to an AcSt, Entituled, An Adt Regulating Jurors and Witneffes in Civil Caufes, Pleas in Abatement of Writs, and Joining Iffue. TltTHEREAS in faid JH it is Provided ctnd Declared,*' That when RccS of a V V * the General IfTue is taken in any Aftion, the Defendant fhall partofanAft ' have Liberty to give any matter in Evidence upon ic. Excepting only in pag 2J4 < what he might have fairly Pleaded in his Juflification. Vfon which many Disputes have arifen. Which for the Future to Prevent: 15e (t noto (Enatteti 6p tte (BotiEcnour, Cmmcil anu Etprefentatitjesf, in When tjiege. (jjentral Couut 2CiT£ml)lcD, anD Bp t^c 3flutt)02itp of tlje fame. That when ^YnJd the' '" ""y Adion the General liTue is Joined, the Defendant fhall be allowed Def€ndanc*s ^^ give in his Title in Evidence, or any other matter in his Juftification, liberty what as the nature of the Aflion may be, Excepting only a Difcharge from the toofterinhis PlaintifF, or his Accord, or fome other fpecial Matter whereby the De- Tuftification, fendant by the Aft of the Plaintiff is Saved or Acquitted from the Plaintiffs Expiamed. c>eman(i in his Declaration. CHAP. /9mo Rtgn'i Rfgis G E O R G I J. r f. Qo'imo, ^ixtQlatv* ':^ttointv!i* ICajc. il5omrnation. 389 d.pag. ir. CHAP. LXXXl. An Ad for Repealing one Paragraph of an Ad, Faffed in the Affembly at their Sef- "^^^ fions in Odober, 1722, Enticuled, An Ad for appointing the Judges of the Superior Court, to Enquire into, Hear, and Deter- mine, all Crimes, committed in a late Riot at Hertford ; and for the Explanation of fevcral Laws heretofore made, concerning Burglary and Breach of Peace. WHEREAS in thefaidAtlitit Provided and Dtciaredj * That it is Pfe*mble. Or ' the true Intent and Meaning of the Second Paragraph of the ^^cital of a * Law, Entituled, An AB againft Theft and Burglary^ to provide againft the pag'^jS?. *" * breaking up any Dwelling Houfe, as well in the Day Time, as in the * Night. IBf it not) (CnattflJ 6p i%t dFofttrnour, tfeuncfl «nD Hepreff ntatfbe «, in dUeneral orth, Efqi John Hocktr Efq^ Nathaniel Stanly, Efq; Jofeph If^hitivg, Efq; O-^i'^w Af^ftants foi I'itkin.E{q,T7mothy Pence, Efq, Join Bun, Efq; Seninel Lynde,Z{q-,EdmundLcwifsS.tq^ ^^y ^J,^ Capt. Rpgtr Hcwton, Mr. Thomcu Fiteb^lAr. Ehentzet W^efi, C»pt. Samuel Mather, ' '' * Mr. Richard ChnHophers, Capt- ViUiam Pitkin, A'.LON&ON,Priatedd(SoldbyT.GReENjPn'n(crcocheG«v.ScC«wp.j73i Vid.pag.tiS 1 Mm Rfgni Regis GB OK CI J» / /. Q^Ima |Dro»itiing tcfeitefj5 391 Forty copies reissued by Albert C Bates, Hartford lyifj. Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or AfletnWy of His Majefties Colony of Con- ntQicut'm New-England : Begun and Held at Hartford, on Thurfday the Eleventh Day o( May^ in the Fifth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord 6 EORGE the SecondfifGreat'Britain.&c. Kl^G. /innoejueDtmini^i'j ^z CHAP. LXXXIV. An Adt providing in cale of Sicknefs. B Vid pag.ttfo, <£ It ' Affiftant can be come at in the Town where the occafion fhall happen, •wherei can't may make out a Warrant, direSed to the SherifFof the County,or his De- becomeat.to puty, or Conftable of the Town or Place where are any fuch Sick perfon or fj,^"3^j.^yj^- perfons fliall be, Requiring them or any of them, in His Majefties Name preOingNurr ( With the advlce and dircSion of the Seleft^men of the fame ) to Imprefs fes.gs'f. ' and Take up convenient Houfing, Lodging, Nurfes, Tendance and other If one Town NecefTaries, for the accommodation of the Sick. ^\ fuffe'nl" 58nO H (0 |)£P£bg fuceljec pcablDeb, Thai if any Town or Place Vifited.as for want of aforefaid, be in danger of fuffering for want of fuitable Nurfes or Tenders, Fendance, a which can't be procured in the fame Town, that a Warrant fljall be granted Warrant to by the Authority abovefaid, at their difcrecion, for the Impreffing any be granted ^neet perfon or perfons and other NecelTaries out of any other Towns. o?h« Towns 38"^ ^« " alfo f""&« ^nacteD b? tf)e fliitljo^itp afo^erat&. That if any perfon or perfons, Seaman or PalTengers belonging to or tranfported in any Perfons com- Ship or Veffel, arriving ac any Port or Harbour within this Colony,happen "g h'°u (tI *^° ^® Vifited with the Small Pox or other contagious Sicknefs, during the or"from any ^'^^Y^ge, or to come from any Place where fuch Sicknefs prevails and is Town or common ; or if any pCrfon whatfoever (hall come from any Town or Place place,where either in this or any of the neighbouring Provinces, where any fuch In- theSmallPox fcaious Difeafe doth or lately hath prevail'd : Or when any Perfon or Fa- ta<»*iousSick- "'''j^ ""^^ ^® \yi&\Y SufpeSed and Feared to have taken the Infe£lion nets is, the of any fuch like Contagious Sicknefs, it (hall be in the Power of the Seleft men of Seleft-men of the Town to Order fuch Perfon or Perfons, or Fa- fuchTown to mily, to Confinement in fuch Veffel and fuch Place as they (hal) think pro- Pe'^rfons t be P^*" ' °'' ^" ^^^^ Houfe or Place for (o long a time as they (hall think moft confin'd. convenieac aud fafe: And if fo need require, upon their Application to a Juftice of the Peace or more ( if they may be readily come ac ) he or they And if Need may, and hereby are Authorized to make out a Warrant to the Sheriff of be.toobtaina the County cr the Conflable of the Town, or in want of fuch Officers, or ^^"*"n^; any other fpecial Reafon, to feme other fuitable Perfon, who is accordingly dueled to'^^ hereby riquired and jmpowred with the fame Authorities and under the the Sheriff, fame Penalties as the proper Officers are invefted with or are liable to, Conftable, or both for the Remanding fuch perfons on Doard again and Confining thera fome Other (.q ^j^g places afligned them on Board or on the Shoar ; as aUo for prevent- confinefaid ^"S pcrfons coming to or going from them, contrary to the orders given, perfons. 55^^, f j jg futtftec ^I^CObfUeb, That ia cafe the Diftrefs (hould be fo great In times of that any furtherProvilion (hould be found neceffary than in this Ac^ is pro- gieat diftrefs vided,upon Application to the Governcur or Commander in chief for the theGov. and time being, he is hereby impowred to take fuch further Order ther€in,with m°ke7lrther '^^ Advice and Confent of his Council, as they (hall think fit, for the pre- Provifion, as venting the fpreading of fuch Infeftion, or any thing relating thereto, they fhall SlnU bc tt fuctljce (£iia(tel) bj tt)c Surbojir? afo?efa(D,-Thar if any penon think fit. wharfoever,(hall willingly Tranfgrefs againft any Rule or Method made by this Aft,or provided by Virtue thereof, to prevent the Spreading of fuch Perfons wil- ^ifeafes, whether by refufing to Nurfe or Tend fuch Sick perfon, or by re- Sng thU Porting to any fuch Sick perfons, or the Places where they are ; or Oiall Aft, to be ( without licenfe firft had or obtained from a Juftice of the Peace or Selett- fin'd JO. ;, men) come on Shoar from fuch Ship or VeOel^or other Infeaed place where ' ^ they Anno Regfti Rtgu GEORGIJ, // Quinto. ^ttti^S 01 %0^ (3ms* 393 they are Confined asaforefaid ;or being appointed to Tend or be with fuch Sick perfons, fhall dare to go abroad from the Houfes where fuch Sick per- Pe^fons ap.- fons are kept and go into any other Houfe or Company, every fuch pcf Ion Ten"/thestck fhall incur the penalty or fine,to the Town Treafuty where any fuchOffence notfufFer'dta Ihall be committed, as the County Court of that County wherein the gointo otiier Town is (hall judge meet ; not exceeding the Sum oiTwenty Pounds. houfes or SfinO it a fuutljec^l-OtiDeDjThat if any petfon or perfons be Impreircd,as'^°™P^"^* aforefaid, to Nurfe or Tend , {hall refufe or neglcft to enter upon the faid Service, that it Ihall be lawful for him or them that granted the Warrant, as aforefaid, ( if fufficient Excufe to them fatisfying be not fliewn ) to com- PerfonsRefu- mit him her or them to the Common Goal ot the County where it happens fmg to Tend to be, there to remain at his her or their Charge, till they better conform theSick.tobe themfelves, or the occafion of imprcfling ftiall be over and fignified by them toThe^com- who granted theWarrant to the keeper of the Goal,under his or their hand. n,on Goal. 3t 10 alfo furtfjec (£txfltteti,Thai when and fo often as it fbali happen thai Except,&'f. any perfon in any Houfe, Family Or VefW, in any Townfliip, Harbour or Road within this Colony ,fball be taken Sick,and do fear and fufpeft it to be On perfons with the Small Pox, or other contagious Sickncfs,as aforefaid,it (hall be the K'"S Vificed duty of the Head of fuch Family, or Mafter of the Veflel, immediately tosmailPox or put forth a Signal ( viz., ) at every fuch Houfe, a white Cloth of two Foot otiier con'ta- ^uare, or larger, extended on a Staff or Pole,at leaft ten Foot high, by the giousDifeafe, Houfe, between the Houfe and Street or High-way ; and on Board a VefTel ^hether m z the Signal fhall be the fame, hoiflcd on the Shrouds ; Which Signal (hall be board a Veffd fo continued, till by Order of a Juftice of the Peace, or the Seleft-men of to haag up » the Town they ftiall be difcharged therefrom. And on failure hereof, the white Cloth Head of fuch Family, or Mafter ot fuch Veflel,on conviftion thereof before ^°' * Signal, the County Court in the County where fuch omiffion fhall be,ftjall incur the °egUa. '^ Penalty the faid Court fliall adjudge them to, not exceeding fhirty Pounds. 38nD It 10 fuftljecProtiilJtti, That in every Town and Place where any fuch Infeftious Difcafe fhall break out, that to prevent thefpreading tfiereof, all A^tiuch times Owners of Dogs ftiall deftroy them,or caufe them to be killed; and in neg- deft°oy their leS thereof, it fliall be lawful for any pcrfon to kill the faid Dogs. Dogs. CHAP. LXX X V. An h& concerning Strays or loft Goods. J^.'^p,!"^' B ft {0 alfo fuctfjcr ^cotjlDjD. That no Beaft fhall be taken up as s Provifo. Stray, except it be found in a Suffering condition. . And all former Laws relating to Strays or Loft Goods ( except fuch AasconcVrn. Creatures as are found Damage Feafant and Impounded ) are hereby Re- Strays, Ex- pealed and made Void. cept.Repeald — — . '■ ' ■ ■: — ■» ■ i C H A P. LXXXVI. videpag.Kj. An A A for the better Managing and Securing V9oVi6m6, and more equal Fencing Common Fields. 354.J77. ^ O , , , FOR ASM UC H as particular Enclofures in many Placet are Bounded upon and fartly Fenced by the Line of Fence Enclofing Common Fields, by which means the adjoining Parties Mffcr about Making and Maintaining the Dividend Fence, Which to Prevent : Fence encio- &'*• faid, do not ufe the proper Methods provided by Law to fave fuch Towo from Charge,then it fhall be defrayed by the Town wherein it happens. CHAP. LXXXVIII. ~ Vid.p3g.r4j An Aft concerning the Proprietors of the Copper Mines at Symshury. 164, ip^, 385 W HERE AS this Affembly hath bf their /lSl(^in?i%e i^^^bave) Enabled the Pro- frietors of the Copper Mines in Symsbury,foCo7»v«w* together on theThird Tuefday of April, Annually, to chaofe a Committeej and oftner, at faid Proprietors Preamile. fhall fee caufe ; but are not enabled to ehoofe a Clerk to enter the Votes of fajd Pro- prietors onRecord' by which means theEndof the afortfaid AU U wholly frufirated. 3lt id €naae& bp tlie (0ot!etnour,CounciIanli l!!eiu:ercntatlt)e0,fn (Senecel %'r Wolcott, Efqr,. and the reft of the faid Proprietors of faid Tor- gether and rington, or any Five of them, are hereby Enabled to call a Meeting of faid where. Proprietors, to be Held in the Town ofmndfor, by applying themfelves, or any Five ofihera, 10 fome Afliflant or Junice of the Peace in the County of Hertford,iQ: a Warrant for the calling fuchMeeiing. Such Affidant or Juflice b Anno Regn't Regis GEORGIJ, // Quinto. Barkhempftead % Cokbrook iJ^amcH f BOUUDCtl^ 397 is hereby impowred to grant his Warrant, exprefTing the Time,Pkce and Bu- fincfsof fuch Meeting, lo One of the Proprietors asking for the fame ; Re- quiring fuch Proprietor, to Warn all the Proprietors of Torrington, of fuch [^°lJ'|"'J''" their Meeting, by fetcing up Altefted Copies of fuch Warrant, under the j^^piacesm Hand of the AflSflant or Juftice granting the fame, in Three publiclt Places days before in the Town oitVindfor, at leart Ten Days before fuch Meeting faid Meeting. SffnD be itfuctljer(£nacttJijThat the faid Proprietors of ro?-r«>;^fon,in theirPro« prieiors Meeting^Afiembled asaforefaidjby their major Vote,to be computed AClctk tobe according to their Iatereft,(hall be Impowred, and they are hereby Impowr'd j-onin«oM. to choofe their Proprietors Clerk, who (hall take the following Oath, f'iz.. VOu N.H^. being chofen Clerk of the Proprietors of Tomngton, do Swear by the Name of God, that you will truly and faithfully Execute the Of- fice of Clerk for faid Proprietors, according to your beft Skill. You rtiall The Form of make true Entries of all Votes and Orders of faid Proprietors, made accord- fiid Clerks ing to Law ; as alfo of all Grants, Deeds of Sale or Gift, Mortgages and Ali= ^*^^* enalions of Lands lying in faid Tenington, and give true Copies of the fame wbea you are fo required, taking only your jq(> Vees. So help you God. ^nO it iStetcbp (EnacteDanO SDedaceD, That theEntringof any Deed, Mortgage or Alienation of Lands lying in romV/^fo». in the Office of faid TheEntry cf Proprietors Clerk, (hall fully Secure the fame from being Avoided by any fj"^ Berks'" Grant, Deed or Mortgage from the Grantor, Entred on Record afterwards- Office, fuffi. ana be It further (EnactelJ, That the faid Proprietors oiTorrhgton be im- dent fbi.G'f. powred, by their major Vote, as aforefaid, and they are hereby impowred, at iheir Proprietors Meeting to choofe One or more Agents or Attorneys, in their Name and Stead toSue,Profecute orDefend,bcfore any Court or Judge, and to final Judgment and Execution to purfue in any Adion or Cafe, for the ^9°^"jJ°"t„ Maintaining or Defending their Title or PofFedion in faid Lands ; as alfo to choofeAgent" make Orders for the Improvement or Divifion of their faid Lands i as alfo to or Attomies, levy Taxes upon themfelves, according to their Interefts, for the raifing fuch toAft jntheir SuroorSums ofMoney,as they fhall judge needful,for the defraying theCharge ^^'^*'^' of any Suit or Suits and for the making Partition of faid Lands ; as alfo to ap- point Rate-makers and Colleftors of fuch Taxes, who are hereby impowred to Gather and Colleft the fame, and (hall be accountable for fuch Rates to the Ajfoto choof Proprietors Committee orTreafurer,under the fame Penalties,and as fully as Rate makers theCoUeaors of theTown Rates are impowred and obliged to. And the laid & Colleftors. Proprietors at their Proprietors Meetings,are impowred to Adjourn the faid Meetings to fuch Time and Place as they (hall think proper ; and to call after Meetings in fuch manner as they fhall order and agree. And all Partition of Lands, made according to their Intereft, by faid Proprietors in their lawful All Partjtioo Meetings,bytheirmajorVote,asaforefaid,are hereby declar'd valid and lawful ofLandsnazde ainb be ftfuctlltc (CnaCteD, That the Second parcel of Land, mentioned p^'j^f'^'J^ ^J°i in faid Inflrument, containing 20531 Acres, Bounding EaOerly on the s:''vaUd.^°° Town of Sym/^ory, South and Weft on Land belonging to HarcforJGrantees, Northerly partly on Land belonging to//f r every Day they are on the Circuit, in lieu of any former Allowance ; and to dum,vi'\i\\Lo the chief Judge Trtenty Pounds mote Yearly- ''""r^h^'f' 2nD(tiS fuctf)rrEffolb'0,That the Fees paid tothefaidCourt, fhall berm#;7fy Tudee '^ A^nd ^'"''"'>?^ ^°^ iheTrial of every Aftion,which fhall go toward Payment of the how paid. Judge$Salary,and what that falls fhort,/hatlbe paidouc of thePublickTreafury. The Fees for ^"^ ^^^^ furtt)erKefolb'D,rhat theFeesfor ihejury in the Superiour Court tne Jury 24 J. for the future ,fhall be TiPfiBf^ /«urSWj>7^r^/o«<^.for every A61 ion by them tried- ver A- ?49.J56, 369 Jj^ broo*,for the fulure,(hali be in the Months of December, 'January and Fe- TheFareof tra<«r^, for Man, Horfc and Load, Thirteen-pence Money \ and in the oiher SayirookFe^y Momhs in the Year,ihe Fareoffaid Ferry fhall be Nme-penceMoney^for Man, i}anding C H A p. XCIV. looTiflh ^"^^ prefcribing the Oath for Clerks of the Owners of Sheep oaths, iee "Q 'CfOltcD &? tfjifl atrcniblp, That the Oath to be Adminiflred to the chap 79, 90, J[\ Clerks of the Owners of the Sheep, fhall be the Oath provided in the Clerks Oath Ljyy Book, for Clerks of Trainbands, Gaeers, &c Mutatit rnuiandis. j'l psg. 9' Z ■ Vid.chap 58. rTpHlS Affembly do appoint Capt- T^oOT;M Welles and Mr. Roger Newbury^ Surveyors of I go be Surveyor? in and for the County of Hartford, for the future- //rtrr/ county ."^ _. NLONDON,?tiMeii andSoMby T. G R E E N, Piinter to cheGov.iScCcmpaoy.ijji An»o Regni Regis G E O R G I J, //. Sexto, ^t^tit% runnins at JLu^t m tl)e Commons. 399 Forty copie« reissued by Albert" C Bate*. Hartford, 19IQ. Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majefties Colony of Comellicut in New- England : Begun and Held at New Have»t on Thurfday the Twelfth Day ot 0£loher, in the Sixth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second^ of Great- Britain, &c, KING. Anneque Domini, 1751. CHAP. X C V» An A£t to prevent Damage being done in vid.pag.9,,. Common Fields and particular Enclofures, Is'^V.',''?; by Horfes being fuffered to go at Large Y^^k^it on the Commons. I9h B4S (t €naaeb hp tl)e dSoiiernour, Council ano IKepreCentatfteitf, fit (PenecaKTourt aftemWeti, ano l? t^z glutijo^itg of tge fame, That all Horfe-kind which being fuffered to go at Large on the Commons, do break into any Common Field or Particular In- clofure, and are there found doing Damage, and are from thence Im- pounded % the Owner of fach Horfe or Horfes, (hall pay for the Poundage thereof One SbilUng p(£ ft(tnotfrt lip tl^e (to6ernour,Countff antt fieprerfntatitejSjfndJenfrfl! 290,506, ?2i Q Court ^(femblcO.ana I»p t^e Hurljo^itg oC t^e fame, That the Fees ia JJi.JjS, HP ,he fcveral Couris of Probale in this Colony, fliaH be as foUoweih, Fix^ For granting Adminiflration Bond and Letter of Ad- ") /. /. d. miniflration, if the Inventory amount toThirty Pounds ( or upwards, to the Judge Four Shillings, to the Regifler Q 00 07 06 Three ShiUings and Six-pence. J If the Inventory be under Thirty Pound/, Five SkiRinit, 00 of o* Probate of Will, where the Inventory amounts to Tlirty i Pound), or upward, to the Judge Three Shillings and Six- f met, Zoo 06 00 to ihe Kc$\AeT Tvt ShiSingf 2ni Six'ftntt. j iX Amo Regni Regis G E O R G I J, / /. Sexto. ^caljetigerg of2)tei'ttjg,&c « to be utiDet £>at!), 401 /, X. d. If under Thirty Pounds , tour SWtllings, oo 04 00 Recording a Will or Inventory of one Page and Filing \ the fame. Two ShiUings and Six pence. 5 If more, Each Page of Twenty- eight Lines, Ten Words i I a Line, One Shilling. ■> 0° 02 06 01 00 in For a CoDV of a Will or Inventory. Tmelve-oencp a > Oo 01 00 00 Of 00 00 CI 00 CO 04 00 For a Copy of a Will or Inventory, twelve-fence a ? Page, Each Page to contain, as aforefaid. J Allowing of Accounts, Setling and Dividing of Inteftate ? Eftates, Five Shillingi. S Every Citation, One SkiBing. Every Quiet/u, Four Shillings. Making out a Commiffion to Receive and Examine the ^ Claims of Creditors to Infolvent Eftates, and Regiftring ^ 00 03 00 the fame, Three Shillings. ^ Regiflring of the Commiffioners Report, after the rate t of 0''fSfc«7/»«gp«''P3ge, to be accounted as aforefaid. j 00 01 oo For Entring of an Order upon the Adminiftrators to pay / out the Eftate, in proportion unto the feveral Creditors, Re- ^ 00 01 06 turned by the Commiflioners, One Shilling and Six-pence. ) CHAP. XCVIII. An A<9 for the obliging Scavengers of Dreins and Sewers, to take the Oath and perform vid.pag.5j8. the Service belonging to their Office, jj9.j<5o,j8j; WHERE j4S hyan AEi Made and Pafed in this ^pmhty, on the Tenth Day o/Oaober,f» the Second Tesr of Hu Majt^ies Reign, Entituled, Preamble Or Jin yiCl for the more Efeiiual keeping open Ditches and Dreins, that have been recital oF a madef or fliaU hereafter be made, by Commijponers of Sewers, It «r Provided, * That Paragraph, * the Proprietors of fuch Wet Lands may choofe Two or more perfons a- '" ?*&• i^9' 'mong themfelves to be Scavengers, for the Clearing up and Ikeeping in * Repair fuch Dreins and Sewei^ ; and the Scavengers fo cholen, (hall tale ' the Oath provided for Fence- Viewers, Mutatis tnutandis : But no Penalty M laid in faid jiEi^ on fuch as pall refufs the foid Oath and undertake [aid Strvies* ]5e ft tljetefoje Ott MtitV^^ &c. 403 Forty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates, Hartford. 1919 Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majefties Colony of CoHneilkut'm New'E»gland : Holdea { by Adjournment, and by fpecial Orderof the Governour and Council )&tHartfor^,the i^th. Day of February, \n the Sixth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign LordGEORGEtheSeco>jJ,ol6reatBritai?t,&c,K\NG.^m0Dom.i2j2,i " CHAP. CL ' An A^ for Repealing the AcS, Conftituting a Society, by the Name of the New- London Society, Made in May laft. ON the Citation of the New-London Society for Trade and Com- merce United, To {hew by what Authority they had Emitted fame Thoufands o/Pounds,in like Manner with the Bills ofPublick Credit f''^"'"^''' on thi4 and the Neighbouring Provinces^ and to fhew caufe why they pieuld net Refund to the PoJfefJ'ors oftheirtf according to the face of the faid Bills in a prefer Currency ; and why they [liould not be Amerced for their Mif-manofe- fnent and Ceafe to be a Society. The Society appeared by their Agents, and the Connftl for this Government ; and the faid Agents were heard thereon. The Counm fel for the Society took Exception to the JurifdiBion of the Court, and Wav'd it • and Pleaded in their Jufiiftcation, That the Bills Emitted by them, were not of the Nature and Tenor of the Bills of the Provinces, but only of the Nature of Bills of Exchange^ which they had a natural Right and Authority to do. On Confidera' ^ Qoeftions tion wheretf, the Quefiions following -U'sre dijlinBlj put and Refolved. Propofed & 1 . Whether it be Lawful for any Society in thii Government, or particular Per fan '*^^^^" cr Perjoniyon their own Private Credit or Fund, without the Authority of thii Govern' Oueft t,at leafl to Emit Bills of Credit of the Tenor of the Bills of Credit ofthisColons ' meni,> IRtfoltoeD b? ttjiS QOfiVmblp in the Negative. 2. Whether ihe Bills Emitted by tfce New- London Society for Trade and Commerce, are of the Tenor and Nature of the Bills of Credit of thii Colony ? Queft. z. TRcfoltiEO in the Affirmative ; and that the laid Bills are no ways agreeable 10 Bills of Exchange, as has been Pleaded before this Aflembly. 5. Whether the (aid Society are bcinid in Juftice and Equity, to Refund and Pay back to the Pofjejjors of the Society Billi, [0 much in Currant Money or Bills 0/ Queft. j. puhlick Credit of thu or the Neighbouring Governments, at by the faid Society Sills is Mentioned and Expreft ? JUf folteD in the Affirmative, A a a a 4 Whethtr Anno RegHt Regis G E O R G I J, / /. Sexto. 404 ^trtliittg atiu emitting Biilsf of CreDit. e 4 Whether it be not Expedient for this Government^ to Paf$ an M fgj. ,j,^ Oueft 4 preventing the Emiffion and Uttering Bills of Credit on any Fund or Credit of any ' ' Society or Per [on or Per fans, within this Government, fortnd for a general Currency in lieu of Atone) or Medium of Trade i Etfoltea Jn the Affirmative. Q.ueft. J. 5. Tbf /<£?■ or Grant of this Court, Confiituting the New-London Society, and alfo the Records of the (aid Society being Read and Confidered, It was Qbfcrved 'ThacaScock was neceffary tobemade.by the Proportion of which Stock * put in by the Members thereof, all their Votes were to be Computed • and that nothing but Mortgages were pat in by the Members thereof to make this Stock. On aktcb the following Oueflion was fut ; Whether by the faid Mortgages any Stock vcere made, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the Grant ? * KefoltiEtl in the Negative. 6, The Oueflion being fut. Whether f fee New- London Society by their Mif- Queft. 6. management, have Forfeited the Triviledges Cr Anted or Enabled in their Favour by this Affemhly in May lafl^ for which the faid Grant or A^ ought to be Kepealedi 3BlefoltJ£D in the Affirmative. TheAa for Whereupon ic is Confidered by this Aflembly, That the Aft of this Conftituting AfTembly in Mayh&, Allowing and Granting unto T<;oot/» Sd)if»are, John the N London Curtifs, John Biffed, Solomon Coit, &c. Memorialifts to be a Society for Society, Re- Xrajg and Commerce, be Repealed and made Void ', and it is hereby pealed. Repealed and made Void accordingly. CHAP. C 1 1. ' vid.pag tjj An Aa for preventing and punifliing any i69,ij6.joi perfon or Society, who fliall Strike or E- mit any Bills of Credit of the Nature and Tenor of the Bills of Credit on this Government. THIS Affemhly obferving the great Diforelers and Confttftons that have arifen in this Government, byreafon of the New- London Society United for P amhle Trade and Commerce, their frefuming to Strike and Emit a certain Number of Bills of Credit on their own Society ; whereby many honeji Peofle are in danger of being Defrauded, and the Peace of this Government Subverted \ whereby alfo the Credit of the Government may fink, and the Government thereby be difenabled to Perfons Stri. Defend it felf, or to procure Necejfaries en any Emergent Occafion, kingorEmif Which Inconveniences to Prevent for the Future: of"ctldk' of Be ft "JEnaotsU 5? t^e S»eputp <)5ot)ernouc, ON,Printed&Sold by r.Grfw,Printct tochcGOV.&COMP.iyjj Amo Regn't Regis GEORQIJ, //. Sexto. 2[)eceafei) Debto^jg %mt}^. Z^ of i^arliament* ^o^ Forty Copies reissued by Albert C. Bates, Hartford, igig. Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majeftles Colony of Connedicut in New England: Begun and Held at Hart far d^on the Tenth Day oiMay, in the Sixth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord G E0R6 E the Second o^Great-Britain.^c KING. Annoq; Detn, 1735 CHAP. CIII. An A<^ for direfting how deceafed Debtors SaV'^pag! Lands may be difpofed of to pay their ^tAvi'^^g. Debts, where Perfonal Eftate is not fuffici- "'^''^p ^ ' ent; in compliance to an Ad of Parliament, which is alfo recited. T HE RE being laid htfore thit Ajjemhly^ by the Honourable the Cover'' tiour a late Ad of Parliamentjin the nords following; '' AnnoQuintO P''eamlte if " G E o R G I J . 1 f . Regis. An Aft for the more Eafy Recovery "!' "^^ "f^"'' " of Debts in His Majefty's Plantations and Colonies in America. '""""''• *' Whereas tlis Majtfiy'iSuhjells Trading to theBtltidi Plantations »» America " lye vnder great difficulties, for want of more eafle Methods of Proving, Recover- *' ing and Levying Debts due to them, than are now ufed in fame of the faid Plan- ** tations And vohereas it will tend very much to the Retrieving of the Credit *'■ formerly given by the Trading SubjeBs ofGreat-Britainj to the Natives and In- " habitants of the faid Plantations, and to the advancing of the Trade of this Kingm *' dam thither, if fuch Inconveniences were Remedied, *' May it therefore Pteafe Your MAJESTY that it may he EnaOed, " 2nli Be ft <£nartea Bp t\\tTk\ng'S ^o(! of tjjr " fame, That from and after She Twenly-ninih day oi September, which (hall Recital of " be in the Year of Our Lord One thoufand Seven hundred and thirty two, f*'*^ Aft. *' in any AQion or Suit then depending, or thereafter to be brought in any "Court of Law or Equity, in any of the faid Planiatiofls, for or relating 10 B b b b "any ^»m Regni Regis G E R G I J, / /. Sexto. 406 Deceafeti is>tuni^ natiD*^. %\i of parliament. "any Debt or Account,wherein any perfon Reflding in Great' Britain fhal) be "a Party, it fiiall and may be lawful 10 and for the PlaintifT or Defendant "andalfoio and forany Witnefs to be Examined or made ufe of in fuch "Aaioii or Suit, to Verify or Prove any Matter orThing by Affidavit or Af- *' fidavitsia Writing upoa Oath; or in cafe the perfon making fuch Affida- *' vii be one of the People called Quakers, then upon his or her folemn Affir- **mation made before any Mayor or other chief Magiftrate of the City, " Burrough or Town Corporate in(7)'Mfifirj>i3»»,where or near to which the •'perfon making fuch Affidavit or Affirmation fhall Refide, and Certified and " Tranfmitted under ihe Common Seal of fuch City, Burrough or Town " Corporate ; or the Seal of the Office of fuch Mayor, or other chief Ma- *' giftraie: Which Oaih and folemn Affirmation every fuch Mayor and chief " Magiftrate (hall be,aod is hereby Authorized and fmpowted to adminifter. ** And every Affirmative or Affirmation fo made, certified and tranfmitted, " fhal) in all fuch Aftions and Suits be allowed to be of the fame Force and Ef- *' fe6t,as if the perfon or perfons making the fame upon Oath or folemn Af- *' firmation, as aforefaid, had appeared and Sworn or Affirmed the matters "contained in fuchAffidavil or Affirmalion(wT'a voceYm OpenCourtjOr upon *'a Commiflion iffued for the Examination of WitnefTes, or of any Party in "any fuch Adion or Suit refpedively : ProvideJ,Thit in every fuch Affidavit "and Affirmation, there (hall be exprefs'd the addition of theParty making ** fuchAffidavit or Affirm3tion,aDd the particular Place of his or her abode, *' SBnB be it further djnatteti tp tit SJurfiojftp afo^craio. That in all Suits "now depending,or hereafter to be brought in any Conrt of Law or Equity, "by or in behalf of His Maiefty,Hi$ Heirs and SuccclTors, in any of the faid " Plantations, for or relating to any Debt or Account that His MajefJy,Hij "Heirs and Succeffors (hall and may Prove His and Their Debts and Ac- •' counts, and Examine His or Their Witnefs or WitnefTes by Affidavit or " Affirmation, in like manner as any Subjed or Subjedis is or are Impowred " or may do by ibis prefent Aft. " Provided alaays,%T\ti it iS |)ec8bpfuct5er€nattcD,Thal if any perfon ma- " king fuch Affidavit upon Oath or folemn Affirmation, as afotefaidjfttall be ''guilty of falfely and wilfully Swearing or Affirming any matter or thing io "fuchAffidavil or Affirmation, which if the fame had beenSworn upon aoEx- " amination in the ufaal Form would haveaiuouaied to wilful and corrupt " Perjury ; Every perfon fo offending, being thereof lawfully convlded, ftall *' incur the fame penalties and Forfeitures as by the Laws and Statutes of this "Realm are provided agaioft perfons coQvidted of wilful and corrupt Perjury. "ant> Be ft furtl)et(f naetfDlipt^e SSat|io;itpafo;eraf5,Thai from and after " the faid Tweaiyninth Day oiSe^t ember, Oae ihoufand fevea hundred and " thirty-two, the Houfe$,L8nds,Negroes and other Heriditamenis, and Real ** E(}ates, Situate or being within any of the faid Plantations, belonging to " any perfons Indebted, (half be liable to and chargeable with all juft Debts, *' Duties and Demands of what nature or kind foever, Owing by any fuch " perfon to His Majefty or any of His Subjeds, and (ball and may be Alfetis •• for the fatisfaQion thereof, in like manner as Real Eftates are by the Law **oi England liable to the fatisfaiftion of Debts due byBond or other Specialty, *' and (ball be fubjeft to the like Remedies, Proceedings and Procefs in *' any Court of Law or Equity, in any of the faid Plantations refpfftively, *' for SeifingjExtending, Selling and Difpofing of any -fuch Houfes,Lands,Ne- "groes and other Heriditaments and Real Effaies,toward$ the fatisfadion of " fuch Debts, Duties and Demands, and in like manner as Perfonal Eftates, " in any of the faid Plantations refpeAively are Seifsd, Extended, Sold or *' Difpofed of for ibe faiijfa«Siofl of Debts. " Thii Antio Regn'i Regis G E O R G I J, 7 /. Sexto- ^uri3epo;is.3Kepeaiitig an:act.1i:refpaf'Bf bp $\u^, 407 This A^embly taking Notice, That although by the faid AU of Parliament ^t (3 of thereof. Trefpafs. And fordfmuch as fuch Fires are often fet in fuch Wildtrnefs Vlacet and Thickettj, where Witntfjes can't be exfciltd to be had. Treamhle. %e It furtljrt 4^!'i8^V5 Supporting the Schools that by Law 35"'' Diviiion and Improvement of faid Land, as alfo to Levy and grant Taxes * to be Levied on themfelves, according to their refpeftive Interefts, for the taifing fuch Sum or Sums of Money, as they (^all judge Needful, for the defraying the Charge of any Suitor Suits, or for the making Partition and . Divifion of faid Land, or any other Charge properly arifing thereon j as choofe°Rate- alfo to appoint Rate-makers and Colledors of fuch Grants or Taxes, who makers and ~ are hereby Impowred toGather and Coiled thefame,and jhall be account- Colledlors. able for fuch Rates or Taxes, to the Proprietors, Committee, or Treafu- jrer to bechofen by them for that end, under the fame Penalties and as fully as the Colleftors of the Town Rates are Impowred and Obliged to. And the (aid Proprietors at their Meeting, are hereby Impov/red to Ad- Allpartition journ faid Meeting from time to time, to fuch Time and Place as they of Lands ihall judge mofl proper, and to call after Meetings in fuch way and man- pf^''^ri^j ^^'^ neras they (hall order and agree: And all Partitions of faid Lands, made good&\alid according to their Intereft, by faid Propriecors in their lawful Meetings by their major Vote as aforefaid, are hereby declared valid and lawful. Sfin&fielt fuctfjer ®nattca, That the Second parcel of Land mentioned jr.nchejier in the faid Inftrument of Partition, called the Middle Weft part, contain- Bounded and ing by Eflimation, Twenty Thoufand Three Hundred and Eighty Acres, Named. Bounded, Weft on Land belonging to the Governour and Company of this Colony •, Eaft on Barkhemjifiead ; North on CoUbrook •, South on Torrirtgtofjy is hereby called, and Ihall for ever after be named and called W'mchefier ♦ And Capt. Thomas Saymore and Capt. John Whitings and the reft of the Proprie- tors of Winchefier,zxQ hereby as fully Impowred to all Intents and Purpofes, and in the fame manner and way, to call a Proprietors Meeting of all the Proprietors of faid IVimhefiery to choofe a Clerk, Treafurer, Agents or Attorneys, Committees, Ratemakers and Colleftors, and to grant Taxes, J^^ fame and make Partition and Divifion of faid Land to and atnongft themfelves, y?|Y^'"*^?"" and to Adjourn their Meetings, and call after Meetings, as in this ASt is toJffneheJlcrl Made, Provided and Granted to the Proprietors of Hartland : And their as is granted Officers are hereby alike Impowred and under the fame Penalties, and all to Hart lewd.. their AQs and Doings of like Force and Value as the faid Proprietors of Hmlatii'. c c c c 2 atrtu y^HtiO Regui Regit G E O R G I J. 7 /. Sexto* 41 sNew-Hartford f Herwinton S^^mtXi.%\\\% ofCreDlt* Unb Be It fuctier (tnattfb, That the Third parcel of Land memioned in the Inftrumenc of Partition, called the South Eaft part, containing by New Hart- Eftimation, Twenty Three Thoufand Nine Hundred and Forty Acres ^'"dM°""d^'^ Bounded, South partly on //«rip»nfen, and partly on Land fct out and di- anUNamed. ^jjgj ^^ ^j^g Proprietors of the Town of Hartford by faid Inftrument of Partition, and part on the Town of Farmington ; Eaft on Symihury Weft Line as ftated by Col. David Goodrich and Mr. Thoma/ Kimberly^ Deceafed ; North OD Barkhempjiead; and Weft on Torringun, is hereby Named, and fhall for ever hereafter be named New-Hartford; And iV/• Trade and Commercey and to his SucceJforSy or to Daniel Coit, with a deftgn to form iheni- Preamble. felves into a Society for Trade and Cornmtrce, under the Privikdges Granted to lohn'R\ii^\,'Y]\omisS&ymortyand others their AfociateSyUnder the Name of the New- London Society for Trade 2nd Commerce : /tnd the faid Mortgagers thereupon have ajfumed themfelves to be a Society for Trade and Commrrce, and as fvch have Struck and Emitted Bills of Credit upon themfelvei, under the Name of the NewsLondon Society for Trade and Commerce, to the value of many Thou~ fands of Poundsy which BiOs they have put off and Sold to Hu Majejiy's good Sub- jeilsy as a Medium of Trade Curranty and equal in value to Silver at Sixteen Shillings per Ounce, or the Bills of Publick Credit of this and the neighbouring Go- vernment Sy and for the fame have received in Provifions and other valuable Com- modirits of Hit Maje/tjs Sub fe£ls, many Thoufand Pounds worthy as for a Currant Medium of Trade of the value afore faid. And whereas the Deception of faid Mortgages were foon difeoverei, by nhieb means the Credit and Currency of faid SiUs was lofty and the Pojfejfori thereof ut' terly defraudedy to the great damage of many of his Majefiy^s good Subject Sy For Jlemedy whrrtof, and to prevent fuch Frauds and Mifchiefs for the future, the General /Jffembly of this His Majejiy\t Colony of Connecticut, "wa* convened at Hartford, by fpecial Order of Hie Honour the Governowy on the i^th Day of February lafl pafiy at which Sefjions it voas Declaredy that the NcwsLondon So- ciety for Trade and Commerce, had no Power given them to Emit Bill/ ofCredity and thereupon faid Society by yill of faid AJfembly was Diffolved. And the Ce- neral ^jf^fihly at their Scffiont aforefaid, did further Rcfolvc, that in Equity the faid Society ought to Refund and Pay back to the Pojfeffors of fuch Eillsy fo much in Currant Mone/ or Bills of Publick Credity as by faid Society Bttli is mentioutX and exprefi. And Forasmuch at no Penalty was then laid en any Terfon or Perfont as fliottld negleCl to pay back to the Poffeffors of fuch BiUs the Sums aforefaid, nor any effeUual way provided, whereby the Poffeffors of fuch Bills might recover the (.lid Sums of the faid Mortgager Sy or any of thtmy and the faid Mortgagers have hitherto negUUed and du (liU ncgleSi to pay b^ck to the Poffejfort of fucb Billj the Sumi aforefaid, or any part thereof, whereby Hit Majeflj's good SuhjtQs th/it are the Poffeffors of faid Bills, jiill lyi under the Fraudr and Damages aforefaid, with- out Reliefs the aforefaid A^ oj this Ajfetntly in February la{i paft potmihjland- imr ?0t An»o negni /?f^« G E R G I J, //■ Sexto. 414 ai5tU5 of tl)e l ate New-London ^OCie t|>. For Retnedjr whereof, and that Right may be done to the PofTefTors of faid Bills, and to the faid Mortgagers, their fevcral Officers and Receivers : IBeft ^natteUanU SDeriareU bp tte dPobtcnour, Council anH RtpreTens TheMort- ^atitiEiJ, iti ^Bentcal douct fllTembUtJ anD bj tfje autt)o^ltp of t^e fame, gagersof the That the faid Mortgagers and every one ot them in Equity, are liable to S/y in pay back to the PofTefTors ot fuch Bills in Silver at Sixteen ShiUmgs j„r what manner Ounce, or in Currant Bills of the Publick Credit of this or the Neighbouring to Refund Governments, the Sura or Sums mentioned in fuch Bills, unlefs the faid «*!*", ^'"1,1 Mortgagers Ihall fliew to the Judges of the Court of Chancery, hereafter Teaio°nTothe ih this Aft Gonftituted and Appointed, that in Equity fuch particular Court of Mortgager fliould pay no part of it or a lefler part of it than is demanded, • Chancery in j^ which cafe the Suit may be delayed, till the Judges can be informed the Affair. ^^ ^^^^ manner beft to give Judgment according to Equity between the Parties. ^nd Fora/mueh as faid Mortgagtrt have fundry Bondsy OhU£ations, Goods and frtamile. jnitrehandiz.efthattlity have received for faid Bills, which are lodged with their Officers, Committees or Receivers, of which no Account hath yet been rendred. ^t ig further (tnarteS anb |DtcTar£6> That the faid Mortgagers ftaU The late ^^^ ^^^ hereby Enabled to meet together one time,viz.. on the third Tuef- K«f "to- day of June nexc,at fuch Place as their late Moderator Capt. Saymore (hall gether once appoint, which Mortgagers by their major Vote fhall choofe a Moderator more to Ne- to lead them in ihat Meeiing, and likcwife a Clerk to enter their Votes, gotiate their ^^^ ^^^^ q^^\] proceed «o fettle their former Accounts, Reckonings and Afiaus. Dealings as far as they can* Sut forajmuch as faid Mortgagers, hy Virtue of thk Ati, are only to Meet rormerOffi- hut ence, which Meeting (hall lafinot above Three Days, Therefore by their cers & Com- major Vote as aforefaid, they are Impowred to choofe proper Committees, initiees to ^qJ gj^g t{,ejij inftruftioas to call any of their former Officers, Committees, be called to j^^gj-jjygjj^ or Other Perfons that are any ways Indebted or Accountable to ^ Accoan , ^^^^^ ^^ ^^j^^ ^p Accounts, and make Payment of the Sums that are Due, and alfo to make Sale and Difpofition of any Wares,Goods and Merchandize of faid Mortgdg,ers, and of ihe Debts they fliall Receive, and alfo of the PofTefTors of Produce of the Goods or Merchandize to be difpofed of by them, to pay their Bills j^ jhe Pofleflbrs of their Bills what is due in the bed and moft fpeedy Man- howSecuied. ^^^ ^j gj{jj jq Sue before the Court of Chancery in this Aft to be hereafter Appointed, all fuch Perfons as are Indebted or in Arrears unto the faid Mortgagers, and that will not Account and make Payment of the fame. EqukV 0° And this AfTembly do hereby EreS and Conflltute a Court of Chancery Chancery E- q^ Equity, to be holden in any of the Counties of this His Majefty's Colony reaed, and ^j QonneElicut, with full Power to Hear and Determine according to Equity, thereof t"be and award Execution thereon, all CauQs and Controverfies between the CommifTio- PoirefTors of faid Bills and the Mortgagers, as alfo between the Mortgagers rated bj the themfelves, their Officers, Committees, Debtors or Receivers, refpeiSing faid Governour, g,j|5 q^ |[,e Doings of the faid New-London Society, upon any Suit between the c* ^es*be-'' Parties, the Procefs to be Signed by one of the Judges, And this AfTembly twee"the do Appoint Nathanael Stanly, OzJas Pitkin, Timothy Pierce, John Burr, Samuel PoffeiTots of Lynde, and Edmund Lewifs, Efqrs. or any Three of them, to be a Quorum to the Bills of |je Judge of faid Court, who are to be Commiffionated by the Governour *^^'*'^^'^"!' of this His Majefty's Colony accordingly, who are Impowred to Appoint e^y &the late the Times and Places for the Holding faid Conrt, as lliey jhall think moft wo'neaeeis, convenient J as alfo to Appoint their ov?n Clerk. And ji»H0 Regni Regis G E R G I J. / /. Sexto* Blilai of tl)C laf e New^ London ^OCtetp. 41 $ And thai jhe faid Mortgagers may have convenient Time for gathering in of their Debis, and Sale of their Effeas, or any other lawful Way to draw in all eras many of their Bills as they well can before ihey arc Sued by the PoflelTois ; 2De Uftirt{)tir «nattf6, That noPoflefTor orPoflefTorsoffuch Bills fhall tii^e'^^*^ be allowfd to bring any Aftion or Aftions againft any fuch Mortgager or Mortgagers, within Six Months next after the rifing of this Aflembly. TheMortea- 25e ft furtjec (JnatteD anD SDetlarett, That if ihc faid Mortgagers by S^s by iheir their Committees or otherwife,fhall (hew to the judges of the faid Court Committee, of Equity, to what Sums they have formerly put ofTof their Bills, and what j°Vorm1ng' *' Sums they have drawn in, producing and lodging fuch Bills with the Clerk the Judges of cf the Court, as alfo the particular Sums the feveral Mortgages were given 'he Coutt of for, and by fuch means inform the Court how they may in Equity lay the Equity. "hat out-ftanding Bills upon the particular Mortgagers, according to their Mort- gX' are pit gages one with another, the Court (hall make a Record thereof that it may off, & what be manifeft to the PofTefTors of the out;ftanding Bills, how much every par- drawn in a- lic'ilar Mortgager is Oil) in Arrear of paying his whole Proportion accord- g3in,aRecot«£ ing to his Mortgage, and the PofTefTors of the out-nanding Bills are to take ^^^^ '""^' notice thereof, and bring their Suits accordingly. Before Judg- %t\t t\in\n (fnaeteU, That in every Aftion brought by the PofTefTors ^,ll\'^ \ll of fuch Bills, before the entring up Judgment, the Plaintiff ftiall produce puin"iff to* the Bill upon which he brings his Suit, an Entry whereof Ihall be made produce the on Record, and the Bills lodged with the Clerk. Bi'lo" wi'i^'* he brings his And that the faid Mortgagers may be the better enabled to draw in ""* the faid Bills without Suit, and to Anfwer the Judgments that fhall be given againft them in Chancery : 15f it fuctttr «enflafl> b? t\t aut^o^tt? afojcfaitt, That the Com;; TheCommii- mittee for Signing the Thirty Thoufand Paundsy Bills of publick Credit on "! 'hejofo"^ this His Majefty's Colony, Ordered to be Stamped and Signed, by A€t of PounJs of the General Aflembly in February laft paft, (hall depofit Fiftten thoufand Bills of the founds of faid Bills in the hands ot the Treafurer of the Colony, taking his Colony.to de- Receipt for the faine, that faid Bills may be ready to be Lent out to any t ° bVl.et'm of faid Mortgagers, according as ic is hereafter in this Aft provided. faid Mortga. geis. ^nb ft f* icrell? fUrttlfi; tfnattcU, That Nathanatl Sranty, Efq; dpt.Jehn Whitingy and Capt. John Marfliy or any two of them be Appointed and Im- powred ; and they the faid Committee, or any Two of them, are hereby Appointed and fully Impowred, to Let out the faid Fifteen Thoufatid Pounds, TheCommit- or any part thereof, to any of the faid Mortgagers, as (hall defire the fame tee appoint- and deliver into the hands of faid Committee of the Bills hitherto Emitted the^'i'iro^"* by faid Society the full Sum that fuch Mortgager (hall Borrow of the fhe Colony Committee in the Bills of the publick Credit on this Colony,and alfo make to any of the and deliver to faid Committee a Deed of Mortgage well Executed and Re- fa'd Mon- corded, of the Land of fuch Mortgager, that is free from other Claims and S^S^". Incumbrances i faid Land to be double in Value to the Sum to be Borrow- ed : Which Mortgages (hall be made to cheGovernour and Company of His Majefly's Englifh Colony of Conneilicut \n New- England in /Imerico ; Des fezable on Condition of the Mortgagers or their Heirs,Executors or Ad- Tobepaldia miniltrators Payment of fuch Sums asfhall be taken up, to the Treafurer bffore theVil of this Colony for the Time being, for the ufe of this Colony, at or be- Day of Muf fore the Firft Day of May, in the Year of our Lord CHRIST, One Thou- »74« fand Seven Hundred and Forty One, in the Bills of this Colony, or in Silver ac twettty Shillinis per Ounce, Troy Weight, And Jnno RegHt Regis GEORGIJ, // Sexfo. 416 BlU5 of tlje late New-London ^OCI ttp. Land to be And the faid Committee are hereby Ordered and Inftrufted, to take fpecial care that all Lands tendered to be Mortgaged, as aforefaid, is ac luc to'^'the* ^^^^ double in Value to the Sum Borrowed •, and that the Title is clear and SumBorrowr the Land free from Incumbrance : And that they do not Lend any of faid ed. Bills to fuch Mortgager under the Sum of Fifty Pounds. 3IInli be it fuctl^ec (CnactcB, That for all Sums Borrowed, as aforefaid. The Borrow- ^\^q Borrower lliall pay to the Mortgagee, after the Rate of S«x p«r Cent, per V rCt^t r'* •^'""'"' 'ntceft, to be paid Yearly into the publick Treafury, on or before Annum iJii t^c Firft Day of May^ and to be Computed from the Time the Money is Received. And the faid Committee are hereby further Inflrufled and Ordered to ftonds with talce Bonds with Surety, to their Acceptance, of fuch Borrower for the Sureties. Payment of the Intereft accordingly- Committee Slni be It futtj^fr (EnafftB, That the faid Committee fhall Each of to be Sworn, them take the following Oath, fiz., VOu j4. B. being Appointed by an Aft Made and PafTed in the General Affemb]y of the Colony of Cnnnefticuty'm May One Thoufand Seven Form of their Hundred and Thirty Three, to Let out the Bills of Credit of faid Colony, *' ' Do Swear by the Name of God, that you will do therein in all refpefts according to the true Intent and Meaning of faid Aft, by your beft Judg- ment. So help you God, Th n A e ^^^ "^ ^^ furtljfc 4BnaetfU, That the faid Committee fhall lodge all Mortgage to '^^^^^ of Mortgage they fhall take with the Secretary of the Colony for be lodg'd t:he Time being, as alfo keep fair Accounts of all their Proceedings herein •with thesec. ready to be rendered to the General AfTembly when required. And all the Society Bills that fhall be hereby brought into the hands Bilf^*"^b'^ of the faid Committee, or intothehandsof the Clerk of the Chancery, confumed in ^^" ^^ '^^P'^ ^'^^'^ ^"'^ delivered up to fuch Perfons as this Aflembly (haU the Flames. Appoint, to Confume them in the Flames. And this Aflembly do hereby Appoint his Honour, the Governour of Deed of Re- this Colony for the Time being, with the Secretary, to Execute to any sTvai^b "^"^h ^"^*^ Mortgager or his Heirs, a Deed of Releafe under the Seal of the Cor- Governom ' poi^^tion, of any fuch Lands Mortgaged to the Corporation, as aforefaid, with theSec. "pon full Payment of the Sum for which faid Mortgage is given. N. LO N D O N: Printed and Sold by T. G r e e N, Printer to his Honour the GOV. and COMPANY. 1753. ^»»o Regm Regis GEORGIJ, //. Septimo. :^t)r> itiotiai met retatiug to jf our4oit>:^irefgmentg«4^7 — g Forty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates, Hartford, 1919. Ads and Laws Parted by the General Court or AfTembly of His Majefties Colony of ConneilicHt in New England : Begun and Held at New Haven, on the Eleventh Day of O^oher, in the Seventh Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, oi Great Britain^ &C, KING. An»oque Domini, I 7 5 3. CHAP. C xT An Ad in addition to the Law of this Colony, Entituled, An A6t in addition to the Law, MadeM^^ the %th. 171 z, Entituled, An Ad in addition to the Law, Entituled, An Ad direding how Rates and Taxes granted by the General A(rembly,fhall be Allefled and Gathered in ; and for Repealing every Claufe in faid Law concerning Inf pedors. WHEREAS it ii provided, in one certain Varagrtifh in faid jlEl, * That one half of all Sums arifmg upon Four- fold ' Affefsments, fhall by the Conftable and other Colleftors ' of Rates, that (hall be made upon fuch Lift, be paid to * the Lifters as a Reward for their Trouble ; ' and no Provifion made how the Lifters fhall recover the fame of fuch Confiable and Colieitors, in cafe they neg- lc[i orrefufeto Pay the fame. SDc it tbcttfoje to bl hdd"'* tors of faid Fields, in their Meeting, by their Votes regulated,3s aforefaid, good,till^«. conclude on a new fetling and proportioning ot faid Common Line of Fence CHAP. CXIIL An A(S for Requiring Towns to choofe Town Treafurers. lachTown T)<5 (t €natteb bp tfie (Botecnouc, Councrt ano tteprcfe ntarftiejar, I'lt in this Go- Xj (Ctnfcal 'Court anfembUti, ano t^ tlje Hlut^o^itp of tlje famf. That •wrnmein.at ea^h Town m this Government, fhall at their Annual Town Meeting for Town- meet- ^^^ choice of Officers, choofe a Town Treafurer, who fliall hare Power to ing for tlie teceive all fuch Monies as (hall become due unto faid Town, either by chuling of Rates. Aflefsments, or otherwife ; and it Ihall be the Duty of luch Trea- Officers, to furer to Pay and Deliver out all fuch Moneys accordiag to che Order of Town Ties- ^^''^ Town, or the Seleft men of fuch Town, from time to time, Iiecping furer. ^ j'jft Account ol fuch Receipts and Deliveries, and fhall account with fuch Town or Seleft-mcn at leaft once a Year. And the faid Treafurer His Power, /hall call all Collefiors of Town Rates to account for fuch Rates as fliall be in fuch ColleSors hands, and if any fuch Colleiior fliall be in Arrears any His Duty, part of fuch Rate, on the Month of November^ faid Treafurer ftiall take Tg be Sworn, o"f ^ Warrant for Diftraining fuch Arrears out of the Eftate of loch Col- Scepag. 91 leftor: And fuch Treafurer fhall take the Oath appointed for Clerks of Trainbands, &c. CHAP ^M»o RegKi Regis GEORGIJ, // Septimo COUntp :a»Utt)CpO?S^. Monhegan JnDianS* 419 CHAP. C X I V- An Adt Limiting and Direding the County Surveyors, refpeding their laying oucv.dpag^o; ^~» r T 1 • '-f chap, civ. Grants or Land in Towns. Bd it (EnatteU bp tjjc » '» be f^^r- gainft it as Forfeit, before any Affiftanc or Jaftice of the Peace, where the sovefeij?"^ Forfeiture is not above Forty Shillings^ otherwife before the County Court LotdthefCiTig in the County of New-London. And the faid Adonijah Fitch and Abraham Avery, are hereby chofen and appointed Grand- jurors for the County of The faidf»/f the Difireji and poverty of their Debtor s, tofu£ier them craftiljf to Conceal from Witnejfes what was the real Center aiion for ahiebfueb Mortgagep Bondy Bill or other Injirument wot given. For Remedy whereof, aad to preveat the like Mifchief for the fature : Grand -iurorg to make Ea«> )8e ft Enacted 6? t^e it J0 l^crjljp (EnacteO, That no Aflion of Trefpafs, or of the cafe Trefpafs.De. for Slander and Defamation, fhall be brought but within Three Years after famation or jbe matter of Faft was committed or tranfafted. Siander,to be Profecutcdjn _ 3 Years. CHAP. CXXI. An A6^ dividing the Town of Haddam in the County of Hartford, and making the fame into Two diftind Towns. B^ \<& It finatttU Bp tl)c dFoiecnour, Countil anD IReprcrentatftesf, in. General Court ailtcmtileD,atto 6? tfic^uttjo^itp of tlje fame, That what part of faid Town oi Haddam lieth on the Weft-fide of ConneOicut- Haiim di- Rivet, and the Ifland in the faid River, with all thofe Lands on the Eaft- vidcd.andits fide of faid River, Bounded Weflerly by the faid River, Southerly by the Bounds He- ^^^g ^^^ Salmon. R i ver unto MiddUtown- Line •, and Northerly by Middle town-LinC unto faid Cortne^icut.Rher ; (hall be and remain to be a dif)in£t Town, with all Powers and Priviledges proper to other Towns in this Colony i and be known by the Nam.e of Haddam, One Deputy -^Ixeays Provided, That the faid Town o( Haddam, do not fend more on the Colo- than One Deputy to this Affembly, at anytime for the future, on the nies Charge. Publick Charge Of this Colony. ainti it a fiectb? furtfjrr (JnatttU, That all that part of the faid Town F If ff jj of Haddam, which lieth Eaft of a Line drawn from Middletown.lln^, on Named''and" ^^^ North by Sp proper Growth of this Colony ; Provided^ There be no Premium allowed to any man for any Quantity lefs than Fifty Pounds- 9&e it alfo furtljec afojefailf, That every perfon Hemp, Can- or perfons, in order to his or their being intituled to the Premium, afore- IndFin^LU ^*'^> ^" *^ *"^ prefent to the View of an Afliftanc and one Juftice of nen. to be '' t^© P^ace in the County where the fame is Raifed or Manufaflured, or to prefented to two juftices, whereof one fl»all be of the Quorum, all fuch Hemp, Duck or the View of Canvaft and Fine Lhien ; who if they Judge the fame to be Raifed, &A^ftice Wr<»"|ht or Manufaftured, according to this Aft, and ftall alfo upon a or to I JunV- ^''^ Examination of the Party or Parties producing the fame under Oath, ces of the ( which the faid Afilftant or Juilices are hereby impowred to Require and Peace.Sc they Adminifter ) or upon other Evidence, be fully fatisfied that the fame Hemp ^draw an jj ^j f^^ proper Growth of this Colony, and the faid Canvafs and Fine theTre3?urer Linen Manufaftured in the fame, according to the intent of this Aft, and forfuchSums that no Premium hath before been allowed therefor, or any part thereof; of Money, as then and in every fuch cafe and in no other,{hall draw an Order upon the 5*V^y 'd*'' Treafurer of thisColony,to pay to fuch perfon or perfons, fuchSum or Sums a'pfwnium*^ of Money ,as fliall be judged due to them as a Premium,according to this Aft, therefor. by thsRule aforefaid. Which faid Afliftants and Juftices fhali be allowed cue Afliftants 8c ot the Publick Treafury ,a reafonableSatisfaftionfor theirService in the Pre- judices to be milTesiTobe paid by the Parties prefenting and /hewing the fame to them, paid, & how. provided^ This Aft Ihal! continue and be in Force for the /pace of Five AALimited. Years, from the Rifing of this AITembly, and no longer. H.LOiiDON,?uiitei and Sold by T. Green, Printer tothc GO V.& COMPANY, i 7 J 4 Anno Regnl Regis G E O R G I J. 21. Odavo. Tit^minml Zd tonutnints XtefpalTe*;* 427 Forty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates. Hartfotd. 1919. Vid. pre &tS, 111.116,117 Ads and Laws PafTed by the General Coart or Aflcmbly of His Majefty's Colony of Conne^icut in Neiv England: Begun and Held at Mew Haven, on Thurfday the Tenth Day of O^eher, in the Eighth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord G BO RG Exhs Second, of Great-Britain &c KING, Anntque Domini, 1734, CHAP. CXXV. " An A(ft in Explanation of the ninth Par; graph of the Law, Entituled, An Ad for \fi\\\tti the more Effedual deteding and punifli- jjmomh ing Trefpaffes. WHEREAS inthe faid Varagrafh, ft {& ^t6\tltitn anU tnam, « , , * That all Agreements upon Record, in any Town in this '^'""'''"' ' Colony, concerning any the Timber, Woodjdc infaidAft Red.al of a * mentioned, ftiould fo far as faid Agreements concern the Paragraph, * Inhabitants of luch Towns getting Timber, Wood, &c for their own Ufe ^^ P*S« J J» ' only, be and be holden good and valid. Vfon which Two Qutfiiont do arife^ Viz- U'hcther the faid Agreements are to hi underfiood to Extend to Lands divided and impropriated to particular Perfom^ and to give Libtrtf to fuch Inhabitants to get "Timber, Woad^ &c. onfaiJ Landsi And, Secondly, Wbttherwhtn the Dilute « TwoQaefti- cmerning the Vfe for vhich theTtmberylVood,6cc. itgot,aBowed by faid Paragraph *'"* '"^** to be got by faid Inhabitants, on whom the Onus Probandi doth lie, the Plaintiff or Defendant ? On whitlo Vncertainties in faid A^ Dilutes andCtntroverfiet do arift. For the Preventing whereof; 25e ft K)etIaceU ann laefoIbeD lip t|)is 38frfmb!p, That faid A&$ or v/'^J>t&c, Agreements, are not to be underflood to be confirmed or holden good, "ot to be got fo far as to Extend to give any Licenfe to any Inhabitants, to get fuch o" rovide4 jinHO Regni Regit G E O R G I J, //. OAivo. ^ttmm BiUiS 0^ 0(Mts* Xajc. il5omination» 429 pyovid€d alfo. That the faid Town of Norwich, at their own proper Coft ^T^'^'f^'J^! and Charge, without putting the faid County or the Pubh'ck to any Charge, „fcJ,"£j^^''l do Make and Provide a good and fufficicat Goal in faid Town for the fnfficiemtCoa/ fafeCuftodyof Prifoners, before the Laft Tuefiny of February next ; and forPrifoners, alfo Build and Provide a fufficient and convenient Houfc, for the Enter- f„^^lljg}ll taining and Holding of the faid Courts in faid Town, at or before the Laft Holding the Tuefda7 of Fftr« St * Two or Three Free-holders to Enquire into the nece/Tity and conve- * niency of fuch Way, c^c and no Provifion by faid ASl it made for the No- tiffing the Town through whofe Bounds faid Highiway it to be laid, or in Ifhifh the fame it to be altered j wberthy many Difficulties have arifen. Which to Prevent : iBc ft b? t^e <©ofternour, Countil anD Efpcefentatifjej*, fit (Brntcal Court 3IIffembUt), antt b? tl)e 5lut5o;Ug of tlie fame, That when and fo often as any perfon or perfons ftiaU move to any of the refpeftive County Courts, to have a new High-way laid out, or for the alteration of an old one, it fhall be the duty of fuch perfon or perfons, at icafl Twelve Days before the Sitting of the Court to which he or they (hall make Ap- plication, as aforefaid, to caufe a Citation to be Served on one or more of the SeleS-men of the Town within whofe Bounds the fame is to be laid out or altered, to Appear ( if they fee caufe ) at fuch County Court, and make their Objections (if any they have) againft fuch High-ways being laid Out or altered. Any perfon moving to the C. Court to have anew High- way laidouc,oran old «7te ihet» ed,ro cite one or more of thfSeleftmefi 1 2 days be- fore the Sit- ting of faid Coait, G g 86 CHAP. ^>JH0 Regn't Regis GEORGI J. 7/ 0ice per Gallon, for all Rhum Imported by any Mafterof any VefTelallRhumim- into this Colony, excepting only fuch Rhum as (hall be Imported direSly Poj"fi> Fegrr Regis GEORGIJ. // 0(5bvo. 436 3Diit|> on aai)ttm» ifees. And all fuch Mafters of Vefleis or Importers, (hall have the fame Allow- ance for Waft and Bills of Store, as are by Law already granted ^ and fhal'l M ft f ^^^^ ^" ^^^^ adminiftred to them, as by Law already provided ; and fhajl VeO-el^fo be ^ ""^^"^ ^^^ Regul3tions,3nd be liable to the Penalties as are provided in Swotn. one Law of this Colony, Entituled, W« AS for the more EfcBual Collet, n^ the Dtttj of Irrpoji on Rhum, Made in the Ninth Year of the Reign of the late pag. 171,276 King GEORG EyioT Naval Officers. 31InlJ it iQ furttier ^EnatteO bp i^e auttio?itp afo^efoni. That all Rhom that Diftillers of (hall from and after the Firft Day of Augu[i, aforefaid, be Diflilled by any fi'Tn'f per P*^""^"" °'' Perfons within this Colony.OjaU be liable to pay a Duty olTwelve. cJon"oT3\\ T'"" f" Gallon ; and that the perfon or perfons Diftilling the fame, (hall Rhum they be obliged to take the fame Oath to give a true and juft Account of aQ diftil,& to be Rhum by them (o DiftiHed, as is provided for thofe that Import any Rhum iTr^Ta'"!'"' ^"^ ^^tex into this ColOny ; which Oath Ihall be adminiftred to them by of whatThTy ^^^ 'mpoft Officer, in the Place where the fame is Difiilled. And in cafe diftil. of any fuch perfons refufing to take fuch Oath when required, and give a true Account to fuch Officer, of the Rhum by him or them fo Diflilled, he or they (ball fuffer the fame Forfeiture and be liable to the fame Penalties as thofe that Import Rhum, are- /ini that t-ffitlual Care may be taken in Col/eilivg the aforefaid Duty 3t 10 ftirtljer (EnatteO l>p t!)e 3fiut|jo;itp efo^efaio. That his Honour the His Honour GoVER NoVR for the Time being, (hall appoint, and he is hereby im- theGovernourpowred to appoint fuch a Number of I mpoft Officers, as he (hall judge t^jngjjgp* needful, for the putting this AA in Execution, and adminifter a proper point Import O^tf' fo them ; which Officers (hall have full Power and Authority, and cfh'cers. are hereby Required to make diligent Search after aD Rhtjm Imported into this Colony or Di(\il]ed within the fame, the Duty whereof is not paid: And to that end to break open any Houfe or Veffel, or other (ufpefted Place ; to Enter and to Seife all fnch Rhuro, as they ihaH find Imported They to be or Diftilled, as aforefaid, and Secure the fame until the next County Court under Oath, jn the County where the fame fhall be fo Seifed, who (haH declare the fame . to be Forfeit ; unlefs the perfon Importing, DiftiDing, or in whofe Cuftody Jf *'[gjP*'"'" the fame may be found, (hall (hew to the Satisfaaion of the Court that the Duties laid by this Aft upon the Rhum Seifed, as aforefaid, have been paid, according to the true intent and meaning thereof j and On refofal or failure whereof, the Rhura declared to be Forfeited, as aforefaid, fhaU be difpofed of. the one half to the Officer Seifing the fame, as aforeiajd, and the other half to the ufe of this Colony. Vid pag.56 CHAP. CXXXVII. VtullllHi ^^ ^^ ^Of ^^^ further fetling of Fees. ja;, 400,407 0(£ff (fnacteU by m ^otjernour, Counnl anb Erprcrmtatibesf, in D <£mital Court aKfembleD, anD ip t|je fiut^ojitp of tfte Cinw, That for the future, there fhall be allowed to Each Affiftant or Jufliceof the Peace, /. For Signing each Summons, Eight-fence. 00 And for each Attachment where Bond is given. One Shilling, 00 And that there (hall be allowed in the Bills of Coft,for 7 ^^ ^g each Summons, One Shilling and Eight-fence, y For each Attachment where Bond is given,Ttt'o-Si>ft"wgi j ^^ ^^ ^g and Eight-fence. 5 And that the Fees in the refpe£live County Courts in 7 this Colony lor taking the Acknowledgment of each / co 07 00 judgment, including the Clerks Fees, Seven Shillings. •* And for Entring Judgment On Default, Seven ShlUings. 00 07 ^ oo N.LONDON,?nniei & Sold by T.GREE N, Printer to the GOV. & COMPANY. 1 7 5 J J. d. 00 08 01 00 Anno Regni Regis G E O R G I J, / /. IVono. iBuaxDiam foi ^inois. ^mmtf Officers?. 43; Forty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates. Hartford. I gig. Laws Pafled by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majcfty's Colony oi Cenne^icut in t^cw England : Begun and Held at t^ew Havtn, on the Ninth Day of OUoler, in the Ninth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord G E R G £ the Second, of Great- Brifahy &c. KING, Annoque Domini, 1735'. CHAP. CXXXVIII. Aq Ad^ refpeding the appointment of Qmi-^tJ^SW, dians for Minors of the age of Difcretion, z's'.Im:'!^ Btf it Cnattrt bp t^e j,7s't" have neither Father, Guardian nor Mafter, Then Each and every of the appointGuar- Judges of the refpeflive Courts of Probate in this Government, within whofe dians forMale JDittrid fuch Minor or Minors, Male or Female live, Ihall Notify fuch Minor perfons be- or Minors to Appear before him, and Eleft forae meet perfon or perfons, ''J'"" the age for his, her or their Guardian or Guardians •, and upon Reiufal or Negleft yeals, a*id for thereof, fuch Judge (hall Appoint (and the refpecftive Judges, aforefaid, are Females be- hereby Authorifed and Impowrred to Appoint ) Guardian or Guardians in all tween the fuch Cafes, taking the ufual Bond by Law already provided upon the ^^ of li & Appointment of Guardians. And the Power and Authority of fuch u„,/f"7hey Guardian or Guardians, ftaU be as good and effeftual, to all Intents and chufe Guar- Purpofes, as if Elefted by fuch Minor or Minors and EftabJi/hedAy the Court dians for of Probates ; Any Law, Ufage or CuRom to the contrary notwiihftanding. tlumfelves. CHAP. CXXXIX. An A(S for impofing a Fine or Penalty on vid. pag 78, delinquent Military Officers. \]\!Z%\ l8t 1 07 WHERE AS it is found by Experience, That often Times the Under- Military Outers in the Troopi and Foot-Companies in thu Colony, Niglttl fffamile, and Rtfufe to Attend on the Duties of their RcJptEUve Pofls, and there is as yer no frovifian made in the Law to Impofc any Fine vr Penalty en fuch Detinqnent Officen, H h 1) h ^e Anno Regvi Regis GEORGIJ, //. Nono. 438 ji£ll)Um,&c* ;5rantJ tOl i^0?fC5 in Eaft-Hadda m» 215e it tljtccfojc (EnaaeO b^ tlje ©otcrnoiir. Council anD IRtprcfenta- Lieutenant t'^fS'j >" (Bfiurol dourt 3l(rrmblcli, anD bp tl)e 2ur!jo;iirp of iljc fame, of a Foot or That if any Lieatenanc or £nfign, Cornet or Quarter-Mafter, fhsll Negleft Troop to be the Truft repofed in them, or any of them, fliall Forfeit totheufe of the fined 1 5 i per Company or Troop to which they refpeftively belong, the Fines hereafter 7m!)\n "°' '^'^P'"^^'^'^' ^''^- A Lieutenant of Foot or Troop, for One Days Abfence from raining Training or Appearing, the Sum of Fifteen Shillings Money ;, for any Enflgn, Enfign, Cor- Cornet or Qiiarter-Mafler, for One Days Abfence from Training, the Sum net or Quar- of Twelve Shillingi Money. And the Diftrefs tlierefor to be granted by the ter-Mafter to jviajor of the Regiment to which fuch Company or Troop doth belong; be fined 1 1 s, Unlefs fuch Lieutenant, Cornel, Enfign or Quarter Mafter, (hall make fuch Excufe within Twelve Days as fuch Major or the Captain of the Company to which he or the-; belong, fliall think it Reafonable why fucli Diftrefs (hould not be granted 3ilnli it (0 fiictiec ^cobiBeli bp t^c 3Cut^o?itp afojefaiD, That every ^erjeant of Serjeant of the Foot, or Corporal of the Troop, fhall for One Days Negleft, por^aVof the' P^^ ^ ^'"^ °^ ^^" ^^'^^^"1' Money, to the ufe of the Con'-pany to which they Troop, 10/ fJo refpeftively belong. And the Diftrefs tobe granted by the Captain and Lieutenant of fuch Company, or the Two Chief Military Officers in fuch TroOp or Company to whicli they belong : Unlefs they (hall make Excuie within Twelve Days after fuch Negled, to the Satisfaftion of fuchTwo Chief Officers. CHAP. CXL. An AcH: for Repealing a certain Ad Made and ^.^ ^ Paffedby the General Affembly of this Colo- 4jV^ ny, at their Seffion in Hartford, on the '^th, Day of M^Y^y^moVom. ij^i, Entituled, An Ad further providing for the more eflFe(3:aal Colledingof theDuty of Impoft on Rum, and for impofing a greater Duty thereon. •n, Art r 'R^ *' of (l)c famc,That the t>.„-_^ aforefaid Aft, relating to faid Bills, &c. fhall be Revived nnd further Conti- ^" ^=viv«a. nued ; and the fame is hereby Revived and made of full Force for the future. CHAP. CXLIII. An A(5tdire£ting the rendering Judgment on vu pag 7.3, Bonds conditioned for fecuring Damages,'"'^"' "which may happen at feveral Times. B(t h (EnattfiJ Bp tbe (Fotjcrnour, Council anD IRrpcerentatitjesX, In 40£neral Court 511ITf mbl£lj,flnD D? tljc 3lluif)0^tp o£ tbe fame, That in ^^'"^^^^''^^'j^ fhall be Lawful for the Obligee, to bring his Aftion on the Firft Breach pf the Aftionfnthe Condition mentioned in any Bond, given for the purpofes mentioned in the firftBrejchot Title of this Ad ; And upon the Forfeiture of the Bond, found on Demurrer, the Condition Tryal or Confeffion, on any Motion made for the Chancery of the Bond, the "i=n"°"'-d ^^ Court fhall proceed to Confider wrhat is due in Equity on the Bond at that ^ * Time, and Enter up Judgment for the fame, with Coffs, and Award Execu- tion thereon. And upon any further Breach or Negleft of Performance of any other Condition Annexed or Indorfed on faid Bond, the Obligee or his breach " Executors or Adminiffrators, may take out a Scire Facias againfl the Obligor, ntghdc, the his Heirs, Executors or Adminiftrators, from the Clerk of the Court where Obligee or the Ad ion was firfl brought, to fhewCaufe why Execution fhould not be A- hrsExecutors, warded for the Money then due, or for the Damages then fuf^ained, and the j^t a°Scire Court (hall proceed to make up Judgment for that which fliall by them be Facias a- fouad due,with Additional Cofts ^ And fo from lime to time till all the Con- gainft the ditions mentioned in or annexed to the faid Bond are Performed and Com- P'^u^?'^ %], pleated; Any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. ^ eirs.fcjT CHAP. CXLIV. ^ An Adl for Levying a Tax oh Polls, ^c» THIS AfTembly Grants a Rate of One-peny on the Pouni, onall the p^^^"^"^''"^ Polls and Rateable Eflate in this Government. To be Paid into the to be paid in TTreafury in the Bills of Credit of this Colony, with the ufnal Advance of Bills of Credit Twelve-pence on the Pound; Or in good Bills of Credit of Four Signers of the °^f^°I'^fl"'^ M^Jfachufettr-Bay ; Or in the Bills of Credit of NewYori, without Advance i[j^Sroyk. on them ; Or in Silver Money as it now paffeth in the Country. or Silver. THE Gentlemen Nominated to ftand for Eleftion in May next, fent in by the Fteeinen of this Government to this Affembly, are. The Honourable JOSEPH , „ , TALCOTT, £/j; rheHon. JONATHAN LAW, Efq; Samuel Eells, Efq; Roger Wol- -^"^ ^^" • cott, £/?; James Wadfwbrth. £/"?; Nachaiiiel Stanly, £/?; Jofcph Whiting, £/j; Ozias men jNomi- Pitkin,£/?iTimothyPeirce,£7?sJohnBurr,£/j;SamuelLynde,£/5;EdmuiidLewifs,£/'?-,"*/^^/°^ T"*^ William Pitkin, £/j; Thomas fitch, Efq. Capt. Roger Newton, Mr. Ebenezer Weft, ^i " ,,^ Caft. Samuel Hill, Ca^t. Andrew Burr, ^fr.Richard Chriftophers, Ca/r. John Bulkley. ^^"^ ^'i°' N,L0iiD0N,Ptinud8c Sold by T. G R E E N, Printer to the GOV. 8c C0MPANY,i7 jj jinfiB Re^ni Regii G E O R G T J. //. Nono. #reDetttin0 tfje mtjmms Bills of Crcm't 44^ Forty-five copies reissued by Albert C. Bates. Hartford, 1918 Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Coart or Aflembly of His Majefty's Colony of Cmneliicut in Uew 'E«glanJ : Begun and Held at Hartford, on the Thirteenth Day of May^ in the Ninth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord GBORGEt^t Second.of Great-Britain, (Sc. KING* Annoque Deminf, 1736. ^ c"h a p. cx lv! An A(5l for the further prevention of dividing the publick Bills of Credit on this Colony, i69.i36.M6 into Halves or QjLiarters. Vid.pag ij, ?bMi7.404- W HERE AS the BiUt of Credit en tbii Colony, of fundry Dtno- minationSf have hen Counterfeited and Vtttred by EvU' minded Verfont ; and further to carry on the Fraud and Deceit, it hath PreanUe^ beenoieiedly FraSiifed, to break ftud BiOs into Halve t andQuar- tert, vherehy osr publick Officers and frivate Per fans are rendred unable to difcover the Counterfeit BiBff and the Cheat and Deceit therein- Which Evil PraOile the better to Prevent : SSe ft (f naaeti !ip tit <&tibtmtiut, Countfl anb Eeprernttatffiesf, tn l^fneral Court 9i(&mi)Itt!, anti fe^ t^z flutl^o;Itp of tge fame, That do Perfon hence forward do adventure to Halve or Qijarter any of the Bills ot this Colony, of the Denominations of F>v( Pounds , Forty ShiUings, Twenty Shillings, Ten ShiBings, or Five ShiBitigs^ on paio of the Difpleafure of this Affcmbly. ^tib it ifi irtebp fuctl|£t;(£nflttett,That theTreafurer of this Colony ftall not after the Twentieth Day of May next, Receive any Halves or Quar- ters of any of the BiHs of this Colony, of the Denominations above-men- tioned, in any Payments to the Publick Treafury whatfoever. SDnU furt^rt. The Treafurer is hereby forbidden to Emir and Payout of the Treafury any Halves or Quarters ot the Bills of this Colony, of the aforefaid Denominations •■, Who is alfo hereby direfled to Receive any of the Halves or Quarters of the True Bills of this Colony of the faid Deno- minations, and give in Exchange for them the Bills lodged in his hands for Exchange, at any Time before the faid Twentieth Day of May nest, and no longer. I i i i CHAP. CXLVf. No Perfon to Halve or Quarter any Bilb ofCredit onthisCeloni' of 5/.40X.IO/. tot or 5 t, Treafnrer not to Receive a- ny Halvesor Quarters of, &eAftejMay 10, I7J7. But ordered to Exchange them at any Time before faid Date. j^iHo Pfg»i Regh G E O R G I J, //. Nono. 442(Harit5.l^oft2xaa0e5«3jtttie5,^%Witt^ !ipt!jlj*3CiremBlH, That the Juries ia the feveral 4 d.ferBiutl l\ Courts of Tryals, ftiall have Thirty Shillings for each ASion they fljall alWd to Try; and that the Searchers and GagersofTar and Turpentine, ihall Gaiers" "^^ *°^ ^^^^^ Searching and Gaging each Barrel of Tar or Turpentine, 3 t.fer dim Four-pence : And that Witneffes that attend at any of the Conrts of Pleas, to Witneffes. ft^H be allowed Three Shillings fir Diem^ for their Attendance. Vid.pag.78, CAAP. CXLIX. J4r,tz6, 1 j8 An ACk referring to the Law, Entituled, An A6t in Addition to the ;6?;I!I:!8? Law, Entituled, An A\4°^ °' Jhall recover all his Damage again ft the Owner or Owners of fuch Dog or kilifaidDogs Dogs fentenced to be Killed, as aforefaid ; Unlefs upon Tryal the Owner & more da- or Owners of fuch Dog or Dogs fhall fatisfy the Court, Affif^ant or Juflice, magebedone before whom the Tryal is, that the Damages were not done by his or their ]vd*n"^^^°^ Dog or DogSjSentenced, as aforefaid. pay, uS - Alvoay% Provided, That the Owner or Owners of fuch Dog or Dogs be ' * Notified of the Sentence of fuch Seleft-man or Sheep-mafler, before the Provifo. Damage Sued for was done; and that no Profecution for Damage by virtue of this Aftjbe made after Four Days from the time fuch Damages were done. NoProfecuti.- .- - — -.. , onafter4days KLOHDON^Piimd and Sold b^ T G a b e N,Printcr to the GOV. & COMPAN ^,1736 A,iHo Regni Regit G EO R GIJ, // Pecitno. dmaiiCattfesf* %iiJttts* €mtitv 0>ntuvm&* am Forty-five copies reissued by Albert C. Bates, Hartford, 1918. Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or AlTembly of His Majefly's Colony of CcmeH'tcut in N«p Ettglaiid'. Began and Held at New Havtn on the Foartcenth Day of OHoher, in the Tenth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, of Great-Brit ain^ &c. KING» Anne^ue Domini^ I 7 3 6. ' CH A P. GUI. An Aft in addition to one Law of thisCoIony, JJf Kf i:j Entituled, An Ad relating to Small Cauf es. J^if 4Jf: B<£ ft €n&(£sts hf t^e (tfobemour, Countfl ens Eeprefnttatibtiff, (n General €ourtSUlcmMeMnt I>S tlieSut^^ft; of c|e rame,That Not« of 40/. in any Aftion brought before any Affiftant or Juftice of the «{ Money Peace, upon any Bond, Bin, or Note ( and the fame be well K wAp" WitneiTed ) for Money only, and the Demand doth not exceed the Sum of peal. forty SlnUingSy that in fuch Aftion there fhatl not be any Appeal allowed ; Any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithianding. CHAP. CLIII. Vid.pige5o. An Aa for Enlarging the Fees of County Surveyors* iSjxs m. Be ft^natteH bp tlie^tnmour.Counta anblleprefmtatite!S,(n(Ptntral jJ^'^^'Mo?. Court $l(remliUt!,anti bp t|rt 3llut||o;(tp of t^e faine,Tha8 each and every of che County's Surveyors in this Colony, that fhalJ at any time be called ***\R^ ^i**" to officiate in their Offices, (hall have tmlvt ShiUings^tr Ditm, for Man and ciiSw al? Horfe, and his neccITary Charges bom, while he is upon faid Service, and lowed to the no more ; Any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithflanding. County Sur. *■ " ■ ■ '■ I veyors- CHAP. CLIV. An Aft in Addition to an Aft ( in Page ixe, ) Entituled, An Aa ysf^'p^zo? for Explaining of and Addition to. that Law made O^eter 17x4, izsUiaVp. concerning Lifters, 273.301312. Be it CnactcD bp tjie ^otcrnour, dountd ans JReprefentatftjesf, m 387*.^ '"^^^* -©encral Court aCTembleD, anbbgtlieflurljojuH of tbt fame. That the Lifters fliall incur the fame Penalty upontheirNeglefting to fend the Addi- Lifteratofend tions and Fourfold Aflefsments to the General AfTembly in A/^j, Annually, !° 'heG.Cou. as upon their Neglefting to fend the Sura Total to faid Court in OSohir. Unahf fi^t ° Kkkk CHAP • Amtd Regm Regis GEORGIJ. //. Declmo. CHAP. CLV. vid pag rp. A n hdi in addition to one Law of this Colony, ^i6%l^^' Entituled, An Adt concerning the Dowry ofWidows! WHEREAS it it VrovUd irt the firfi Paragrdph of falJ yta, « That * evety Married Woman ( living with her Husband in thisCoIony, Rehearfalof * or elftwhcre Abfent from hJra with hii Confent, or through his meer a PaTagra*ph * Default, or inevitable Providence^ or in cafe of Divorce, where fhe is inpag. 2p, * the Innocent Party ) that fhal] not before Marriage be Eftated by * way of Joynture in fome Houfe, Lands, Tenements, Heriditaments for * term of Life, or with fome other Efiate in lieu thereof, (hall imraediateiy * after the Death of her Husband, have Right and Intereft by way of * Dower, in and unto One Third part of the Real Eftate of her Deceafed * Husband's Lands, &t. to be to her during her Natural Life ; u^nd ya infaU AUt thtreie no trovifion mnit iewfuch ff^emanptaU have htr /aid Douitr ftt out to htr ifo that fome Widows have bein put to their Suif, and others not hcing able info Chargeable a manner to Recover their Dowries Jioave fuffcred grettt Wroni- WWch to Prevent : widows.hs. Be ft ^nattji Jig tje <»otottiwjur. Council anli Heprtfcntatftjtg, (it vine a righr (Jffnttal Coutt 3i(bmbleli, anO bg tl»e «utiJo?ltH at fije fame. That J^^^,'^"^ upon the Death of any Man Poffcflisd of any Real EAate, and that his Thjrdf fat Widow hath by the above-mentioned Law a Right of Dower in fuch Eftate, out to them and the Perfon or Perfoni that have by Law a Right to Inherit faid Eftate, intfotUysaf. do not within Sixty Days next after the Death of fuch Perfon, by Three If the- H*'** Sufficient Frce-holders of the fame County, to be appointed by the Judge bjnds,to male ©f the Probate ( in whole Difirift the Efiate doth lie ) and to be put under i\ppi'ication Oath, Set out and AfcertJun fuch Dower, that then the Widow may make to the Judge her Complaiatto the Judge of the Probate in whofe Diflrift the Eftate «f iheProbate \\^(^ . y/jij^h Judge (hall Decree and Order, that fuch Worcans Dowry powied \o' ^*" ^^ Set out by Three fuflidsnt Freeholders of the County. Which Order three Perfons fhall be Swom faithfully to proceed in the faid Aflfair, according to Free-holders their heft SWW. And when any Widows Dowry is Set out, by either of f°d Th "d '^* Methods, aforefaid, the laoe (hall be Returned to the Judge who All perfons Oi'^ercd fuch Dowry to be S©t out j and upon Approbation thereof by the concerned are ^^id Judge, fuch Dower Ihall remain fixed and certain : And aU Perfons conciudedi concerned therein (hall be thereby Concluded. CHAP. CLVL ~~~~ An Aft for the Repealing one certain Law of this Colony, made and pafled by this Af- vidpag.,23 fembly, holden at Hmfrrd the 8^A, Day of ^^JMi^l Afcy, Mno Vom 1735, Entituled, An Ad for laying an Excifeon divers forts of Liquors, appointingConimifIionersofExcife,licenfing Rctailers,^^. And for Reviving fundryLaws made for the Regulation of Tavern-keepers. The kCt in "R^"^ ^^ (f nartel! bp tte (Boiiecnour, Council nnU l&epKrentatfteis, fn pag. 434, & D <©eneral Court SrfembleU, enD Bp rfje atttl)o?trp o£ t^t fame, Thai 43; Repealed, the aforefaid Law. with every Claufe and Paragraph thereof, be Repealed and made Void j and the fame is hereby Repealed and made Void, Ahajt Amo Regm Regis GEORGIJ, //. Decimo. 2r)ttcj)ej$ ant) Dtet'ttg, %ax* iBominatfon. 447 Always Provided, ^ntl ft (JJ Itveh^ ?9rOt(I3£ti,That all the Licenfes alread y granted to any Retailer, by any of the County Courts, fhall be and remain Licenfes al- to be Good and Valid for fuch Time as they were refpeftively granted, readygfanted And every fuch Retailer Ihall for fuch Term pay the Excifc mentioned Retailers to in the aforefaid Law. And no Perfons in thofe Towns that have any pay Excife. Licenfed Retailer but only fnch Retailer, (hall Sell or Vend any of the Nopcrroato Liquors mentioned in faid Law, during faid Term, upon the fame Penalty ^'^'^/-'?"°r? as was provided in faid Aft. butfuch.ts'.. ^nH itig^ittbn furtdcr 3^COt)l8f&, That the feveral Commlflioners of co^^l^^. Excife, in the refpeQive Towns, fhall be, and are hereby declared to be ners accoun- Accountable to the Treafuter of the Town where they Live, for all Excife table to the due to fuch Town, for the Term aforefaid, as fully as if the above- Town Tieaf. mentioned Aft had not been Repealed, as abovefaid. sunn be it (CnatfeDbp tlz SCutDuiftp afo^efaiUj That all the Laws Made All the Laws and Faffed by this Affembly, for the Regulating of Tavern Keepers and ""^f^J^l J*' their Taking out their Licenfes, and were in Force at the Enafting of faid vern keeper's^ Law, (hall be Revived ; and the faid Laws are hereby Revived, and fhall areRevived.' hereafter remain in full Force> CHAP. CLVII. An A6t in AdtJition to an A&, for the Tiiore Effedua! keeping open vid.pag t6t Ditches and Dreitis,thac have been made, or hereafter ^all be 358^01, ' made, by Commiflioners of Sewers. TH ATin as much as the Clearing faid Ditehet and Dreint^ in fame Cafes, may he more Eafty and more EjfeSlually performed in a General and more Breamhle, PupUck manner ^ than is Provided infaid jiit, 25e ft (Cnatteu b? tit <5otjernouc, Councfl anti EeprefcntatfbejJ, (n » • General Court altcmWeH, anD bg rje 2utl)0?itg of t!)e fame. That when- AErthat foever any fuch Proprietors fhall in their lawful Meeting, Vote and Agree, Ducbes and by their Major Vote ( to be computed by their Intereft ) than the faid DremsbeRe- Ditches and Dreins fhall be Repaired at the Publick Charge of the Pro- P*"*** '^ '*•' prietors, that the Commiffioners of Sewers fhall be Enabled, and they are ''"'J' Abptf)caiutfjo?itpaCo^eCaiD, That in every fuch oneAuorney "^'y^' ^^^°'^^ ^^^ Superiour or Infenour Court, if the Debt or Damage when the found, doth not exceed thcSnmoi Ten Pounds, there fhall not be allowed debt or da- in the Plaintiffs Bill of Coft, for more than One Attorney \ Any Law, U- mage exceed fage or Cuftom to the contrary notwichftanding. not 10 / . - . _^ CHAP. CLX. Vid.pagz,i4, ^piitz.'ils; An Aift for altering the Times for holdinz 170,177,180. l1^ C • rf^ . ° i87,i98,ii7. the ouperiour Courts. 194,50 (,30 jj 312,314,321, XJ^TH BR E A Stht BvJinefsintheSuperiourCourtjhoUinin the Countiefof 3i'5,343,354. V Y Hartford and New-London, u increajed, andcannot be finifhtd -within i^T^l^9tio9^ ijge Week Apf aimed, ; vhict hatb occafioned tliverfe Adjournnuntjy to the irrtat 396,4 14, 41B ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^.^^ .^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ "Which Inconvenience to prevent : 23e (t (PnacteB bj tjc ceed accordingly. CHAP. CLXI. a84 3%S8j; An Afl: in further addition to the Law, En- 4»o;«i* ' tituled. An Amiouc, CfluncII eni tteptcfeh- cieriofthe tflttteis, in (fientral Couct SUttfinbleli, anD bp t^t 35ut|jo?ftp of t^e fame, fi'ft Society That the Clerk of the firft Society in Harsford.thc Clerk of the /irft Society }rm/7br and in Windfor y and the Clerk of the firfl Society in Middhtown, on the Eaft MidiUtown, fide the great River, Ihall be the OfHcer in faid Towns, refpeSively, to on the Eaft receive the Defcription and Marks of faid Goods or Beaft found, within the ^'^ of the Bounds of faid Towns refpeftively on the Eaft fide of the River ; and the f^'e Officer'rt> faid Clerks, refpeftively, are hereby direfled and impowred to Enter the receive ^he fame, and to proceed in the fame Manner and with the fame Power as the Defcription Regifters of the Towns in faid Aft are direfted and impowred to do* ofStrajs.fij'f. Printed and Sold by T. G r e e n, Printer to the GOV. and COMPANY. I 7 3 /♦ An»o Regvi Regis GEORGIJ, // Undecimo. ^leag 0f SDemurr* ^oti^reUuent proprietors;* 45 R Forty-five copies reissued by Albert C. Bates, Hartford, 1918. Ads and Laws Made and Pa (Ted at a General AHembly Holden at Hartford, in His Majefly's Englifl) Colony of Cottneilicut in Uem-EngUnd in America^ on ibe Second Tburfday of May ( being the Eleventh Day of fatd ^lonth, and Continued by feveral Adjournments till the Thirty- fir£i of the (ame ) Annoque Domini, 1738. CHAP. CLXXl. An A£t for the regulating of Pleas. Tjt^Jf.Vs HERE AS it is found by Experience, That aJmit i ing Demurrers * ^8, } i ? , j j 7 to the Declaration to be made in any Cafe after Iffue iaatb been^^^'^^^ Joined and p^erdi^ thereon giviny tetids greatlj to the Delay of ^ JuflUe and Enhancing Bill, ef Coft, JTeamble. •^t ss j t^eautDojftp of t^e fame.That ao Defendant (hall not toDemut ia the Trya! of any Caufe be admitted to Demurr to the Declaration after fffer Iffue he hath pleaded to IfTue and a Judgment thereon hath been given hy any YT^ ""^ ' Court ; Any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary nocwiihftanding. gl'vlaT^"* CHAP. CLXXII. Anhdt in further Addition to the Ads and Laws of this Government vid.pag.t 5 Klatiog toComtnon Fields and Fences ; and for Repealing an Aft '9, ji, \to, of this Government, Entituled, An aS in. Addition to an Ad con \ll\\l°\V^l cerning Common Fieldi and Fences, in Page ij "J, Made at NfW- 377ij9^,'4oo Hoven^Oilober, 1730, WHEREAS hitherto no Troviflon hath been made in the Law of this Government^ direiling how or in what manner Non'refident Vrofrit- Pfej^ble tors of Common Fields of arty Towns in this Colony, fhall become Obligtd to Maintain and kttp in fufficient Repair, their fart or froportion of Common Fence, whereby many Difficuliies and Inconveniences have accrued- Which to Prevent : ^^„ refident 55eftr£r,i726,tdimg to rbe Rfcordingihe Names oi thofe that appear as Attorney's to Pro* fecute any Adion in the Name of any perfon not being aninhabitanc of this Colony, in fuch Courts where luch Attorney's fhall appear. WHERE AS the [aid Lam mt to Continue and be of Force for Five p^^^^^yi^^ Teari and no longer^ which Time is now Expired ', and the [aid Lars Leing found needful for the Benefii of His Majcfiies Subject in this Colony, tK general. 3fti'eftf)fr£foj£- That when any five ot them ^*''/<''«. ihall apply themfelves to any Affiflant or Juflice of the Peace in the County oi Hartford, Said Affiftant or Jufiice is hereby direfled and imrowred, The Purcha- to grant a Warrant direfted to one of faid Purchafers that Ihall make fers thereof AppHcaiion, Commanding him fo give Noticeto every of faid Purcha- f^''^'^.^'^'^^^ j.^ fers, to Meet at fuch Town and Place as they flul! appoint, at leatl Ten their cieik. Days before fuch Meeting ; and faid Purchafers being fo Warned and Convened, Iball have Liberty, and are hereby fu"y Impowred to choofe said CJeikto their Cierk, who fhall take the foilo wing Oarh, Vtx.. be Swoin. You ^/.«tf Regui Regis G E O R G I J, I /. Uodccimo. 4^4 SSIeaetn %mri%. VOu A.B.hzing chofen Clerk of thePurchafers of theTown of N«rfo/i,Do Swear by the Name of the ever livingGod.that y ou will truly and faith- fully Execute the Office of Clef k for faidPurchalers,according to your beft Oath. * *^''^ • ^**" ^^" '"^''^ '"""^ Entries of all Votes and Orders of faid Purchafers made according to Law, as alfo ofallGrants.Deedsof Sale orGift,Mortga- ges and Alienations of Lands lying in faid Town, and give true Copies of the fame when you arefo rcquired,taking only your juftFees Ss h$lpyouGod» Said Clerk's 3llnD (t f« fuct^cc (tnatteO anb SDetlateli, That all and every Entry and EffeftuaUs ^^^°'^ '"^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^'^'^' m^n^one^ «n faid Oath, (halt be as Effeaual an/other*T. ^^ ^^e Record offuch Deed, c^c. are when Entered on Town Records in ClerksRe- " any other Town in ihis Colony. cords. 3JnD be it fuct1)et<8nattt6,Tha» the faid Porchafcrs ofNerfelk be impowred by their major Vote, to be computed according to their Intereft, to make P"'chakrsto Partition of faid Land, and to lay out theThree publick Lets In faidTown- M of th'eir f^'^P'^^^ to choofe Commitrcesjlevy Taxe5,appoinc Agents and CollcSors, Townfliip. as fully to all intents and purpofes,as the Proprietors of Common and Un- divided Lands in any Town in this Colony may do- And all Partitions of Tlieir Divi Lands made,according to their Intereft, by faid Purchafers, in their lawful fion to be Meetings, by their major Vote,as aforefaid are hereby declared Valid and *' * Lawful And the faid Purchafers, at their Meetings, are impowred to Adjourn their Meetings to fuchTime and Place as they {hall think proper, and to call After-meetings in fuch manner as they ihall Order and Agree. The Town- jgg ft furt^tc f of Inftanl May, is hereby Salkittrj. Named and (hall for ever hereafter be Called and Named Salisbury. ^nD be ft fucc^et CnscCeD,That the Purchafers of the Five laft meoiioned Purchafers of Townftiips, viz.. Gojhen, Canaan, Carttwell,Kent and Salisburt, Each and every each Town, of them, are hereby fully Impowred to call Meetings and choofe their chuf!°thr^' Clerks CommitleesjAgents and CoUeftors, grantTaxes,and make Partition Clerks, ^" of their Lands ; and to Adjourn their Meetings, and call After-meetings, & make Par- as is in this Aft provided and granted to the Purchafers of Norfolk j and tition of alfo to Lay out the Three publick Lots in Each of faid Townfhips. theirLands. g^eU fuctljtr CnattfD,Thai iheSoothermoft TowDftip lying on ibeWeD- py , f Gde of Ouffxtunnuck- River, to he S>o\d at NeW' Haven on iheThudlVednefiay oft'heTown- of OSober next,The Purchafers thercof,after fuch Purchafe made,(hall have ftiptobcSold the fame Power to call a Meeting.choofe their Clerks,Committees, Agents AtNewHaven and Colleftors, grant Taxes, and make Partition of faid Townftip, and to oaoh. next, ^0 every other A& and Thing, as fully to all Intents and Purpofes, as the fame Powe! Pu'chafers of the aforefaid SixTovtfnlhips have by this AS to them granted. as abovefaid. Froviied never chelef^s,Thai this kSt not any thiog therein contained noiwith- flanding,(haU make any Eftate to faid Purchafers, but by their fully Com- A Provifo. plying with the Aft of Affembly made in oaobtr laft, diteSing the Sale of faid Townlhips. he A ""' ^A ^^ '^ fuctl)cr «nacteB, Thai the Five Townlhips lying on the Eaft fide of 10 the Coun Oujfatunnuck-River, Namely, Gofhen, Canaan, Cornwelt, Kent and Norfolk, fliall ty oiHatif be^ and are herebjr Annexed to the County of Hartford. W/.ONi30;V,Printed8iSold^/T.GREEM,/»r;o«r »p tbtGOy.& COMP- 17}8- Anno Regni Regit G E O R G I J, / /. UndecifflO- %mx^ SDitecteD in tjeifr Dffice, 459 Forty- five copies reissued by Albert C. Bates, Hartford, 1918 Ads and Laws Faffed by the General Court or AfTembly of His Majefty's Colony of Comeilicut in New England : Begun and Held at New-f/aven, on the Thirteenth Day of Q^loher, in the Eleventh Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, of Great- Britain, &Ci KING. Anooque Domini, 1757. CHAP. CLXIII. An kdi Direding Lifters in their Office and Duty. B(t (t Cnattcd Bg i^t 2Dtputp ^ottenour, cotintfl aim Reprffm- r •«„. ^,.„„ tatJj)ca,(n ©jntcal Court $Bl!rmIik&, ant 6? t^e «Iutl>o|fti? of I;;!"" oS t\t fame, That the Lifters in she feveral Towns of this Colony fome time in ( being Sworn to a Faithfbl Difcharge of their Office ) fball by 7"0'»'o wara tbemfel ves, or one or more Depated by them, fome iJrae in the Month of ^^^ Inhabi- >/7, Annually, Warn all the Inhabitants proper to be Lifted in their l^"their £ito Towns, or leave Hotice at their Houfeser places of ufual Aboad, to give in their refpeftive Lifts : And the faid Inhabitants being fo Warned, SiaD Inhabitants give in to the Lifters in Writing, a true Account of all the Rateable Eftate ftall give in being their Property, or belonging to them, on the Twentieth of /io^/? l|l*^f ?-^"'" following, at or before the Tenth of Seftmbir following ; particularly 2er'"thdr"' xnentioniag therein all fuch Things as are in this Aft hereafter exprefly hands of what Valued, Signed with their Names or Marks ; Which Accounts the faid they poffefs'd Lifters ftiall accept, adding according to their beft Judgment, for all things ^"i"^ ^°^^» hereafter mentioned in this Aft to be Lifted that are not particularly Vs\/^* Valued, and make the whole into one general Lift. " '^ Be it fuctfier (tnatteO 6p t|)e ^utfjo^itg afo?efailr, That the Liflers in the Lifters tore. refpeftive Towns, fhall return the Sum Total of the Lift unto the General turn the ram Anembly in OUtbery Annually, with a Certificate from the Affiftant Juftice T°tal to the of the Peace, or Town Clerk before whom the faid Lifters were Sworn, §^"1^°"'^^" That they were Sworn to a faithful difcharge of their Work, fome time cer°tifica"e,* before the firft of July preceeding : And that every of the aforefaid Liflers fifeannual'ly that Oiall be Negligent and ftil offending of the Sum Total, as aforefaid, ortheCertificate, as aforefaid, Ihall forfeit and pay to the Treafury of this O" Penalty Colony, the Sum of Tin Pounii. And that if no Sum Total of the Lift be On hiLe aF. jeturned from any Town, or not with fuch Certificate, fuch Town ftiall be foVow'nrto Dooin'd by the Aflembly' be OoojdU M m to m %z Anm Jiegni Regit GEORGIJ, //. Undecimo. 25e it ftitt^cc CUnacteD t? t^e a!ut5o?ftp afo^efaiir, Thai itfhaii be the AftertheRi ^^ty of the faid Lifters,afcer the Rifing of the General AfTembly in OElober^ «"g of tjl'^p- Annually, carefully to Infpea the faid Lift, till the laft day of Decembtr SuaHyfhe following. Annually, and to add Fourfold for all the Polls and Enace Rate- Lifters to in- able they fliall find left out of the Lift, by any particular perfon or perfons, fpefltheLifts the Property whereof did belong unto any of the perfons aforefaid, on the tilthe laftof j^^g^jjgjjjQf ^„^ajj preceeding, And if any Doubt thereon (hall arife, Sd 4 fold the faid Eftate (hall be adjudg'd or reputed the Property of the perfon foreftatesleft AfTcfled for the fame, unlefs he can fliew it to have been the Property of out on Jug. fome other perfon on the faid Twentieth o{j4u£ufi, aforefaid ^ and alfo add preceding, (.q ^]^q fajd Lifts, Fourfold for the v/hole Rateable Eftate and Polls of all ,. fuchas have given in no Lifts at all, as a Penalty on the faid Inhabitants Ibch ^sVavc ^°^ th^''' negleftjWho {hall pay Rates for the fame according to their Four* in^no Lift at fold Aflefstnents. And the one half of all Sums arifing upon fuch Additions, all. fiiall by the Conftable and other Colleftors of Rates, that fhall be made To Tranfmit yp^j, fy^j^ Lifts, be paid to the Lifters, as a Reward for their Trouble, and of airAddT-' ^^^ °^^" ^^^^ ^^" ^^ ^°' *^^ ^^^" ^°^ '"^^'^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ '"^''*- ■^"^ tions to the the faid Liflerj fhall Tranfmit the Sum Total of all the Additions they fhall G Court in fo make, to the General Court in May following,incurring the fame penalty May, on pe- {q^ jheif negleft hereof, as is provided in the Second Paragraph of this Ad: nalty of lo /. ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ neglctt to fend the Sum Total of the Lifl to O^cbcr Court. Lifters fome jBc ft futtticc tf nattrt Dj t^cautl^O?(t? afO?cfatti>That the Lifters in each time injana, of ^he rcfpeftive Towns in this Colony, (hall Annually, fome time in the 5he T ''cier^k ^''"^^ of January, deliver the Lift of the Polls and Rateable Eftate of the the Lift,&'f. Inhabitants of their Town,by them made, to the Clerk of the Town,taking taking his his Receipt for the fame, upon Penalty that every Lifter that fhall refufe Receipt. and negleft the fame, fhall pay to the Treafury of fuch Town the Sum of On jjenalty j-^^ peunds ; to be Recovered by Aftion, Bill, Plaint or Information. T5e ft fuctllPi; cularly- ing the Sum of Fm Hundred Poundi, and deliver the fame to the Overfeers, Rafter of faid to be by them laid out, asaforefaid. And the faid Overfeers are hereby Houfe keeps Ordered,carefully to obferve and fee that the Mafler of faid Houfe keepeth good Order good Order, the Prifoners under due Correction and hard to Labour (<» tb§ therein. Law direEls ) and alfo to fee that no Embeztement or Mifimprovement be made of the Stores, Bedding, &t. or Earnings of the Prifoners ; and to difpofe of the Effefts, of the Stores and Earnings of the Prifoners that are y^j Mafter over and above the Charge of their Support, for the procuring further Unfaiiiiful, Stores, or paying the Matters Salary ; or they may order the Mafler to t» be Com- difpofe of them, to tbe Ends aforefaid, rendringbis Account for shem to f,5"c Cour? faid Overfeers : And the faid Overfeers are hereby impowred, to call the ^^^ '^^^^ * faid Mafter to his Account on Oath, once in Three Months, for the Stores, power tc A- Earnings of the Pri(bners, and other things committed to his Truft .• And merce orDiC. if they find the Mafter Unfaithful, they are to Complain of him to the Pla« him. County Court ac Hartford \ and if upon hearing the Caufe, the Court (hall find him Guilty, they (hall amerce him according to his Offence, or difplace Ann be it further dJnattcu anU ^tofiitiefi lip tfie autio;(tgQfojefa/&,That fjl"^"^*** when the Earnings of any Prifoner (hall not anfwcr the Charge of his Sick* reft and Support in faid Hou(e,the overplufs (hall be born by fuch Pri(bner, Order from his Parents, Mafter, or Town to which he belongeth, as the Law direfts. Overfeersbe* 2nU ft i^ furi^tc |9co\J{5eD,That when any Idle and Diforderly perfoos ReT^feV^^ are Committed to faid Houfe, they (hall not be Releafed therefrom, without fpecial Order from the Overfeers. JBnD it fg futtSec tm^t^ 6p t^e ^utf)o^ff?afo?era(l»,Thai if the Mafler ^^^ &crreo of faid Houfe (hall Wilfully or Negligently fuffer any of his Prifoners to ^ made after Efcape, he (hall by frefh Suit or Hue and Cry Recover them back again at fuchas make his ownCo(t,or be Amerced by the County Court,aforefaid,for his offence, their Efcape. not exceeding Ttn founds ; to be dedufted out of his Salary. And that all „ . . fuch Prifoners as (hall Efcape and be brought back again, by any lawful ^hip?four Means, upon his Re-entrance into faid Houfe, (hall receive Ten Stripes on weeksgoing. his naked Body ; and fo every Monday morning lor the fpace of Four Weeks next Enfuing. flno Am Regtt} Regit G E O R G I J, / /. Undeclmo 458 i®iliti'a. 2Dit)itiins 26iU)S of €xMu SSnD lie ft fuctljcr (Jnatte bp t^e autljojltp 0fo;?«fai'D, That no perron r law- lawfully Sentenced to be fent to the Houfe ot Corrcdiion, ftall be taken fully f"nten^d out of the Cuftody of the Officer conveying him there, or out of the Houfe to the Houfe by Attachment, or any Writ in Civil Cafes ( Excepting a Writ of Exccu- ofCotreftion, jjon ) ncr (hall fuch Prifoner be Taken out of the Cuflody of the Officer b°"°^ciwr °'' ^°"^® of Correaion.by Execution, until he have received theCorredlion Wrh!exept of faid Houfe, if he be not Excufed from fuch Correftion by his Mittimus. Execution. %t fs furtjcr J!i£folti£D,Thai a fuitable Salary, as the County or Inferiour Court in the County of Hartford fhall determine, fhall Annually be allowed The MaUers ^q the Mafler of faid Houfe; to be paid out of the publick Treafury, or Salary, and ^j^^ Earning! of the Prifoners. tow pam. ^^^^^^ ProviJtJ, Sfint! ft iJJ fjercli? ¥>robiDEl>, That this Aft be in Force Continuation ""''' ^^* Rifing of this Affcmbly at their Se/Tions in OSober^ which will be of this Ait. in the Year of our Lord One Thou/and Seven Hundred and Forty One j and no longer. CHAP' C L X VI. y"ni MP An A&, in addition to the Laws of thisGolony ;^x\';^?; IpJ relating to the Militia. 437 B(t ft €nfltfft» Ip t^e SDtputp dFoiernour, Countfl ano Efprcfr nratftirjtf, fn «5tn£ral Court alttmbUD, anD fcgtfje Sluttojitpof tbe fame, Thai Troopers for ^^^ ^^^ future, the Fine for Troopers r.egled of Trooping on fuch Days their negled, as flia'l be legally for thai End appointed, fhall be Twelve SbtUingtfcr Diem • to be Fined and for Foot Souldiers negleft of Training on fuch Days as for that End fhall *V"r ^^^* ^* legally appointed, fhall be Six ShiUingt fer Diem ^ Any Law, Ufage or loldieiTfi / Cufiom 10 the contrary notwiihflanding. CHAP. CLXVII. An ASt for the more Effcdual preventing the Dividing Into Halves Vid » 2 ^"^ Quarters the Bills of publick Credit on this Colony, of the »(59,i*ii2j6 Denoininations of five Pounds ^ Forty Shillings, Tyotnty ShiOitigs, joi|ji7,4o4 Ten Shillings and Five Shillings ; and for Calling in the Halves ^' and Quarters of luch Bills that are yet OutQanding» WHEREAS notwhnfiandirjg !>>« Trovifm htrt-tt-fvrt mttdt^ to frtvent the diviiHitg *^* Bills ef this Colony , of the Denominations afortfaid, and fTiamete, ^^^ Exchanging f^*b at vttrt Divided, many Evil mindtd ferfent prt fuming, 7hat the time fcr Exthanging fueb Bills would be from time to time frolongtd, have tontinuid to fare and Divide thtm ; and the Halves and Quarters of the Bills fa divided, to Utter and Receive ; whtrtby not only tbt Charge of making fuch BiBs it greatly Enhanced, hut Offort unity given of imfofmg Falfe and Ceunftrfeit Bills m His Majtfiy's good Subjects. Which Mifchiefs more EffeQually to Prevent ; l"'J"" IL 3B« *t CnaiteU bp ttit 2Deputp (»otitmfiur, 4te in this Government. To be Paid into the Trea- Onc-pcnj on fury in Bills of Credit of this Colony, with the ufual Advance of Twehe-penct the fbund, & on the Pound; Or in good Bills of Credit of Four Signers of ihtMajjachnfettt. in what to be Baf ; Or In Bills of Credit of NewTorky without Advance upon them ; OrPa^^* in Silver Money as it now paffeth in the Country* THE Gentlemen Nominated by the Freemen of this Government, to ftand for Eleftion in May next, are as follow, rsz. The Honourahk JOSEPH TALCQTT, Efq\ the Honourable JONATHAN LA"W,£/?; yj^g Gentle- Samuel Eells, £/V; Roger Wolcott,£/?i James Wadfworth. £/"?; Nathaniel n,^^ Nomi- Stanly, £/?; Jofeph Whiting, £/"?; Ozias Pitkin, £/?; Timothy Peirce, £/?; „ated for the John Burr, £/?; Samuel Lyiide, £/?; Edmund Lewifs, £/f, William Pitkin, ^/fifiedlion in Roger Newton, £/}i Thomas Fitch, £/?; /»fr. Ebenezer Silliman, Cfl/>;. John ^ . g Bulkley, Mr. Ebenezer Weft. Capi. Samuel Hill, Capt. Andrew Burr. N.L0NDON,?iinti>ano bp tlje autt!0?(tp of tfie famf,That when on any Writ menr'thar of Error, now (depending in the Superiour Court, or that hereafter fhall be the former brought Ijefore faid Court,the Defendant in faid Writ of Error IhalJ recover Judgment Judgment that the Judgment Complained of is in nothing Erroneous.he fhall ^" "" ^'' recover his Cod againfi the Plaintiff: But if uponTryal it Ihali be found that Recover Cofts the Judgment Complained of is Erroneous, Judgment (hail be given that faid ButifonTry- Erroneous Judgment ftiaU be Reverfed, and that the Plaintiff in Error fhall aiit prove to Recover all that he hath been damnified thereby; That is the whole that was ^^ Efroneous Recovered againfi him in faid Erroneous Judgment,on whichExecution hath !^* Waint'.B" been done ; and no Coff ftaU be Taxed, but each Party Ihall bear his own SeSe Charges ; Any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. 3I!nU be ft fitctfjtr CnaaeD bp tlje SDutljo^itp afojtfaiD, That when any when any Judgment (hall be Reverfed, as aforefaid, the PiaintifFin the Aftion, in the Judgment is Citation on which fuch Erroneous Judgment was given, may Enter his Aaion p|a^'^'"'^'^i'!''^ in the faid Superiour Court, for which he fhall pay the fame Fees as if he the'a'tation had brought his Aftion by Appeal ; and the Court fhall proceed to Try faid mayEnterhis AQionas if il had or could have been brought there by Appeal : And the Aflion as by whole Co(t in faid Aaion ( Excepiing the Cofi on the Writ ot Error ; fhall '^PP"' be Taxed for him that fhall Recover final Judgment. N° perfon ^nD be it further CnactcDbptlje 3ilurho^iip afo^efafD, That afier the ^^"Y^*^'' '" Rifingof this AlFembly, no perfon fliallbe allowed to Review upon any WrY/<,TE°"op Judgment given on a Writ of Error. /Iliuayr Provided^ That this Ad continue of Force for Four Years nexl Aft to be in after the Rifiog of this Affembly, and no longer. fotce4Yearf; O o o An Aft Anne Regtu Regis GEORGIJ, //. Duodecimo 466BrattDerjg*i^et(ttong. Cierfeg>3fertp«jElomtnatiott> An Aft in Addition to the Law of this Colony .Entituled.^w All for VJdpag,p,io Afcertaining the Tcwu Brand for Horfei and providing BranderS. WHERE AS in faid AEl there it no Frovifion made to impowcr the rejpetlive Towni in this Colony to choofe more than Two tranJtn in each Town. And whereas the Inhabitants of many (if faid Towns, are Expofed(^ ^y reoTon of their living very Remote from faid Branders') to great TrottbU and Charge to obtain their Horfesto be Branded. Which Inconvenience lo Remove: ft IS CEnatteO Bp t^e(Bo!j£cnout,Council nnDEcpcercntatttjetfJndfeneral liberty to CToUtt SflflfmbUD, flnU bp tSje '21Utr)0^U}) OE tl)£ fame, Thac for the future, *?chTown in £ach Town ia ihis Colony fhall have Libercy and are hereby Impowred, at ttenttochufe ^''^"" difcretion,to choofe a fuitable Number of perfons, not exceeding Six,to 6 Branders b^ BranderS for Horfes In laid Town Which Branders beiug Chofen and for Hoifes. Sworn, as the Law direds, (hall be Regulated in all things relating to their Office, by the Laws of this Colony already Edablifhed •, Any Law, Ufage or Caflom to the contrary notwithflanding* The Proprie* — — -^ — — , m %ll^fair%fd ^° ^^ Impowring the Proprietors Clerk of t7etv Fairfield to to have the Record Deeds, Mortgages. &c fame Power T^^ it tf nflttttt 6g tlje (iBotJECnout, tf ouiictl flnti Htpctfentatibej?, in with refpea ^j (©entcal Court afftmblto anD bp tijt 3JlntJ)0?it? o£ t jjt Came.Tbai the Deeds efe"af P'^prieiors Qerk of N^jt/.f^jr^f/*/, fhall have the fame Power, with refpeO: Town Clerks to Recording of Deeds, Mortgages and other Inftruments, as the Town have, and to CSerks have in this Government, and be as Effedual in the Law to all Intents takethefame and Purpofes: And that the Proprietors Clerk of N#M/-F<3<>/f«/«/ fhall talcc the Oaihas.fij'c. fame Oath provided by Law for the Proprietors Clerk of Wart/»>.Parilh in Wetbetsfkld, for the future, fljall H ^fe&LoaT ^^ StX'ftnceiox each Perfon Horfe and Load ; and Three, fence for each fingle & ? d. for a' Perfoo or ^orfe j Any Law» Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwith- fingle Perfon flaading. And that if any Ferry-man of the faid Ferry, fhall prefume to take or Horfe. more, he (hall be liable to fufTer the Penalty already in fuch cafes provided. THE Gentlemen Nominated by the Votes of the Freemen of this Corpora- tion,to ftand forEleftion in May nejct.are as folIov/s.tjja.TheHononrable JOSEPH men Nomi TALCOTT Efq; the Hon, JONATHAN LAW £/ji Samuel Eells f/ji Roger Wol- nated for the "" ^/?' Jam« Wadfworth f/f, Nathanael Stanly £/«; Jofeph Whiting £/j-, Ozias rieaion in Pitkin £/?i Timothy Peirce£/?; JohnBurr £/ji Sauinel Lynde£/^EdraundLewifs£/jj Mar I7J0 William Pitkin £/f ; Roger Newton f/ji Thomas Fitch f/j; Mr. Ebenezer Sillimsm. "'• Mr. John Bulklej, Mr. Ebenezer Weft, Mr. Andrevir Borr, ^fr. Samuel Hill. ]S.LOKDQN,?vaV:i and Sold by T.GRsBit, Printer to the GOV,& COMP,i7;8. Amo Regni Regis GEORGIJ, //, Duodecimo. laeleafe of ^o^tgages^of tlje lateNXondon^ocictp. 467 Forty-five copies reissued by Albert C. Bates, Hartford. 1918 Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majefty's Colony of ComeSlicutin New England Begun aadHeld at Hartford on the Tenth day oi/Uay in theTwelfth Year of theReign of Our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, oi Great Britaw^&c.KlNG. Amo Dora. 1755), Aa Ad direcSling how the Members of the hte Ner^-Londm-Socicty, who according ^"•^'S'^*' to the Ad of this Aflembly, made in May in the Sixth Year of His Majefty s Reign, have Mortgaged their Lands to the Cover- nour and Company of this Colony, fhall obtain Releafes of their feveral Mortgages. WHEREAS many of the Member t of the late New- Londoit- Sociecyi have Mortgaged their Lands to the Covermur and Company of this Colony ^ for the feveral Sumt of Money by them had and Received of the Treafurer of the [aid Colony ^ pwfaant to the AS of thsf AJftmbly above referred to ; ^nd mtvoith^anding the Provijion Prettnlt made by thefaid Att for the Rsdemftion of the faid Mortgages^ great Difficulties have arifen by reafon that certain Committees by the faid Members ef faid Society have given their Bonds for the Payment of the Annual Interefi of the feveral Sums of Money which the faid Mortgagers received^as aforefaid, and for which the faid Mortgages were made : And there being no Method yet provided in the L*w^ for the Dif charging fuch Committees giving fuch Bonds from the Payment of the Interefi ef the feveral Sums Borrojifed^ as aforefaid, included in their Bonds afore faid* For the Prevention whereof, and that the faid Mortgages may be Releafedy and the faid Committees indernpnified : "Bzit (gnatteO 6g tl^e (©otjcrnouc, €ountil anti Erpreffntatibcsf, in A"y°f *^ <5tBeral Court aCfembltD anO bp tFje 9ilutl)0?itp of tl)e fame. That any of SwVJ- the aforefaid Members of the late New- London- Society ^ that have taken any London &d* of the faid Money and made their Mortgages of their Lands, as aforefaid, tij that have Ihall at any time, upon their heing at the Charge thereof and Paying the Mortgaged PrhxBipal Sum received, into the hands of the Treafurer of faid Colony, ^Jjf^oma P P P P and * ' Amm Regni Regis G E O R G I J, //. Duodecimo. 468 :^DDitional :a(ts about j^islj^tba^fi f 3lDiots» and alfo Paying the Intereft of the faid Suras unto the Committee or Coro- may at any mittees who gave the Bonds, aforefaid.in which the faid Intereft is inclu- time, paying ded,and Pay the paft Cofts thereon, and Secure what their proportionable the Principal ^^^^ ^jy be of future Loffes, and producing a Certificate under the hands ed & Inmdi of Tuch Committees that the faid Intereft is fully paid to that time and all for the time the Cofl arifen thereon^'if any there be) and Security for what future paft, & give Lofles may appear, (hall and may be Releafed and Difcharged : And upon Security for j-^j-j, Mortgager or Mortgagers producing a Certificate under the hand of ti^onabl 'e°p° tt ^^6 Treafurer, aforefaid, that the Sum or Suras in the Condition of his or offuturtLof- tbeir Mortgages are fully Paid to him, and alfo producing a Certificate fes, (hall be under the hands of fuch Committee, as aforefaid, that the faid Intereft is Releafed and f^^\\y paid to them to that time, he or they, or his or their Heirs, (hall ob- Difcharged, j^jjj ^ pggj of Releafe of the Lands fo Mortgaged, under the band of the Governour, (^c as is provided in and by the Ad before in this Aft refer'd to : And that the Intereft of fuch Principal Sum fo paid to the faid Trea- furer (hall thenceforward for the future ceafe And theTreafurer,aforefaid, or Secretary ( in either of whofe hands the Bonds fhallbe) is hereby Or- . dered to Endorfe the Intereft of fuch Sum upon the feveral remaining t^^b^^'iffued" Bonds of that Committee or Number of men who gave their Bonds for the out for Inte- Payment of fuch Mortgagers Intereft. And no Execution for any Interefl left after fuch fiialJ from and after fuch Releafe, be ifTued out of the Clerk's Office of the a Releafe is Court of Commiflioners lately held at New-London, rcfpefting the AflFairs given. jjf j-jjj Mortgagers, nor Levied againft fuch Mortgager who has fo ob- tained a Releafe of fuch Mortgage j any Law, Ufage or Cuflom to the contrary notwithftanding. Vid. pag. JO. An A(St in further Addition to an A(ft,EntituIed, An A6t for High ways. 3»4»4>^ rnpH/S Affmhly being informed^ That the HlghtWayi and CountryRoads are Prt'nih. \. tiot [uitably Repaired ; for that many prfont who by Law ought to Worl in thinly rather chufe to pay their Fine ( the fame being but fmaU ) than to Labour in Petfons by the High-Ways by order of the Surveyor. Which Mifchiefs to Prevent : M wo?k in JBe ft cKnattjU 6? tleC5otietntmr,Countil anu aepc£fentatibe0 f n dJenecal the High- p ttje autl)o?itp of t^e fame, the firftD^ That for the future, the Time prohibiting the Killing of Deer, of January to (hal) be ftom the Firft Day of ^a/joary, co the Fir ft Day ofAugvft^ the firft Day Annually, upon the fame Penalty as is by Law already provided. Any '^^ -^'i^fi ^^■ Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. ""* ^ An Ad to prevent Injuftice by ^z^mg'',llHI\l\ Falfe and Counterfeit Bills. Xit^'^'^ WHERE yi S fame perfons through Ignorance ani Inadvertency^ receive for their Debts and in their Dealings and Bufinefs, Falfe and Counterfeit « it . Sills, made in Imitation of the Bills of this or the Neighbouring Governments ; and "^ there being no Expedite Remedy already provided in the Common Courfe of the Laa for the Poffcjfor or Poffcfjors^ againfi fuch per [on or perfons that fjaaihave Delivered and Pajfcd piid Bis or Bills ; thereby great Injupce is done. For Remedy whereof ; 15i it dHnatttti 6p tfie 4Hotjecnour, CountH anU IRppw'.fnraffbeJf, in <^ttttt&\ Court aCfcmlilED anO iip t^e "autljojitp of f|)e tame. That when- PoffeiTors of foever any perfon IhaH be the PoffclTor of any Falfe or Counterfeit Bill, Falfe Bills to made in Imitation of the Billsof Credit of this or the Neighbouring Go- Deliver them vemments, it (hall he the Duty of fuch Perfon, upon his dilcovering the toa'iAfTIftanc fame to be Falfe or Counterfeit, to carry and deliver the fame to fome ^Jep''*'"?^^ Affiftant OP Juftice of the Peace, and Inform him that he concludes the ^^'^^'^^^ fame to be Falfeand Counterfeit ; and if fijch Alfiftant or JiJlice of the 0.9 qq Peace Anno Rtgnt Regis GEORGTJ, 77. 'Deciroo Tcrlra 470 JLittnith ^utts. peace (hall fuppofe the fame to be Falfe, as afotefaid, he fhsll Seife the The Bill Tup- fame, and write the Name of the Perfon of whom he Received it on the poredto be back fide thereof, and that it was delivered to him as a Counterfeit BiU; falfe, to be And fuch perfon that fo delivers up fuch Bill, may after fuch delivery go back*(!de of '•* ^^^ perfon of whom he received the fame, and denoand of him Pay for -whom it was faid Bill, informing him where fuch Bill is : And if the perfon of whom he Received, «: Received the faid BiU, fliall refufe or ncgleS to make him Satijfaftioa kept fecore. therefor, or without fuch Demand and Refufal ( if need fo require ) may bring his AAion for hie Damages in not paying bitn for faid Bill, or for A(!tion to putting off fuch Bill to him, before any Court, AfSftant or Juflice of the commence.in peace, proper to Try the fame ; alledging the fame to be delivered up, as "/bf nof i! »fo^«fa'd. And in the Try al of any ficb Caufe, if the Bill be found to be "en by'°him ^^'^^ °'' Counterfeit, to the Sati&faaion of the Court that Tries the ^me, who pafTed the faid Court ihall proceed to Enquire into the Equity of the Caufe, by laid falfe Bill Examining the Parties under Oath, and raking any other Evidence, as they fhall Judge juft and right ; and upon their finding to their Satisfaftion, CaufJ^to 'be^ that fuch Plaintiff received the fame Bill of the Defendant, they fhall give Inquit'dinio Judgment for the PlainiifF, for his juft Damages and Coft for the Deli- vering ap the faid Bill to the riuthority and Profecating his ACtion* ^ p .- Provided altpayt. Said Bill was delivered up, as aforefaid, before the °' Plaintiff offered faid Bill back to the Perfon of «»hom he received the fame. SlnDtieft fuctf)eciena(teDhpttieautf)o;itp atojttaiu. That it (hall be The faid Bill the duty of every Afliftant or Juftice of the Peace, that fhall have fuch Bill *ed''inCourT. ^^^''^^f^d to them, fafely to Convey the fame Bill to any Court where the ^ no* ^jKpg jjfjgy jjg «,anted. And all and every perfon that hath had any fuch Liberty for ^'"» ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^® PofrefTor be delivered up, as aforefaid, and harh faid perfon Satisfied the perfon to whom be delivered faid Bill for the fame (hall have to Profecute the like Liberty in Profecuting and taking Remedy, as aforefaid. others. Provided atweyt, Thatnopcrfonfhall bcProfecuted, in Form aforefaid, but within One Year after he puts off fuch BiU, which Fad may be AProvifo. Enquired of, in Form aforefajd. Unb 6f ft f ucitjet (fnaffrfi bp tj^c SSut^jftp afojeratU, That if any Conrt bed^ftroyer °' Affiflant, or JufViceof the peace hath had the PofTeOion of fuch Coun- in I Year. terfeic or Falfe BiU for the fpace of One Year, he (hall deflroy the fame. Vidpag.Tij, An Ad in addition to the feveral Ads made and paffed by this Aflembly, for the Regu* =»7<5,4j4,43j latioa of Licenfed Houfes. B" (f ft (fnattet) b? ttie ^bernour. Council anb firpntentarfbrir, fii General Couct ^OTemtilrli, anD bptti^auttio^dpof t^e Came, Thac ConftaMes & the Conftablcs and Grand-jurors, in the refpefiive Towns, ftalJWarn all Grand jurois Tavern-keepers in their refpeftive Towns, that they Obferveall the Laws TavemVeep. "^^^^ to Regulate Licenfed Houfes; and that they do not Entertain any erstoobferve 'nbabitants of the Town where they dwell, contrary to Law .• But if the the Laws faid Officers fhall find fuch Tavern-keepers doth not Cbferve the Laws, made to Re- aforefaid, then they fhall make Prefentment thereof to the next County ^^I'lt^j^^^"- Court in the County, at their firft Sitting -, and fuch Court fhall Summon e ou es. jj^g perfon fo Prefented forthwith to Appear before them : And if upon And to Pre Try al, fuch perfon or perfons be found Guilty, the Court (hall Enter up fent fuch as Judgment for the Forfeiture of the Bond given by fuch perfon for his due are defective, Obfervance of the Laws, <^c. and forCoft of Tryal ; and fuch perfon fhail Enter into a Bond of f»/<)i PtfOHfix, to be forthwith Acknowledged before B nd 'if '7 ^^''^ Court, in due Form, for their Keeping and Obferving the Laws, &e, so . ^ij^^ij 2qj^^ jjj^j, j^ i^j^g maonor be Piolecuted in cafe of a Forfeiture. Jtttio Eegvi Regis GEORGIJ // Decimo Tertlo. jFm-meitjs Meeting* ^ilitia Ecfiulateti^ 471 9IlnU furtllEr it (£f JSrotiDeDj That whenfoever any Complaint is made by iuchConft^bleor Grand- juryimen, and therein it be Inferted, Thac the Conftables perfoti fo Complained of, had been by him Warned, as aforefaid, fuch ^'. . <^°'V^' Complaint Ihall be fufficient Evidence for the Proof that Warning had {'^^'J'^y|^*j^^''j been given, as aforefaid. g^c. SDnb furttier (t fS <3D?tierfli, Thai faid Conflables and Grand- jurors, refpeftively, who fhall make Complaint, as aforefaid, fball by faid Court be J;°^/^j'"'^*j Ordered to Appear ac faid Try al, and be allowed to give Evidence for the Proof of thofe Diforders Complained of. 3(nti fuctjerft W IReroltcH, Thar the Court before whom the Trya) is, Court to al- ftall allow the ConfJables or Grand- jurors, who (ball Piefent, as aforefaid, Xj^Jbie'^).' a meet Reconpenre for their Trouble and Charge. * An A6t appointing the Days for the Free- vid. p3g jo, men in the Counties of Hartford^ NeVf-Lon- JJp.'pi/no don and fFindham, to meet for the ElecSing publick Officers in the Month of J^ril, Annually. BUB it a7,NfW-/li«//or*"» ^'"'•' ^^^i ^""""^ ^y"/' Efq; William Fithn Efq; Elertion in ^'^"' ^t^*"" Efqi Ebenezer Silliman Efq; Thomat Fitch Efq; Mr. Jonathan May,i-j^o. Truroble, Mr. Htz-tkiah Huntingtcrif Capt. John Bulklty, Capt. Samuel BiS, Mr. Ebentxjer Weft. N.LO^i)ON,Printed&Sold byT.GREEH,PfintertotheGOV.&COM. 173^ Jlnno Reg*,} Regis GEORGIJ. // Decimo Teftlo. ©ai)cutocl)toi:c2DeputiesAc.:^a3aey)iDD.Z&i:anDs.473 Forty-five copies reissued by Albert C Bates, Hartford, iqiS Laws Pafled by the General Court or AflemblycfHis Majetty's Colony of Comedicut in N^w England Begun and Held at Hantord on the (econd Thurfday tAMay in iheThirtecni hYear oft he Reign of out Sovereign 'LoidGi.oKGZtheSecond.oiGreat Britain ©. KING. An noDomini 1 74O An Ad direding when the Freemen in the feveral Towns in this videpagjt. Colony fliall meet, in order to their putting in their Proxies; ^°'"{' '/oj* and for theChufmg Deputies tor to attend ttie General Aflembly 370,47,', in May. Be it (tnatteU b? t^ dFoternouc, Counttt flt\b mrpcfrctttatftictf, in JifeachTown (Bentcal Court SltctnbleD, aiift bp clje 13fluttJ0?iip ot t^e fame, to meet An- Thac the Freemen in the feveral Towns, fhall Annually meet nually,onihe at Nine of the Clock in the Morning, on the Monday next fol- "«t '^'"^^1 lowing the Firft Tucfday in April, when they (hall proceed to the Choice xuefdaV in of their Deputies ; and alfo to put in their Votes for the Choice ot a Go- ^pru^ at 9 a vernour, Deputy-Governour, the Twelve AlTiftants, the Treafurer and Clock. A M. Secieiary ; Any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwuhftanding. «o '^.'^"'^^ps- An A& for Reviving and Jurther Continuing an Ad, Eniituled, An Ad for the Encouragement of Raifing of Hemp, making of ^jj ^^ Canvafeor Duck; and alfo for making fine Linen. WHEREAS the fdd AB tbos made in Maj^ One Thoufand Seven fTun- dred and Thirty Fourj with this Provifo,^ That it (hould continue in • Force only for Five Years ; And thii Ajjemhly conjidering the Profit and Jldvantage that hath accrued to His Majefty's People in this Government , by En- couraging the raifing of Hemp, making Canvafs and fine Linen,SiC. and the Benefit that may accrue from the further Encouragement thereof ^ according tofaid Ait. TS>t it CnatteD bp ttie(Botjecnour, Committee. c. S And fo mutatis ntutandis, for greater or lelTer Sums. And the faid Committee are hereby impowred and direfted to take care with all convenient fpeed, to caufe the faid Bills to be prepared and to Sign S s s s the Preamlle ^0000 /. of Bills of Cred. on thisColo> ny to belm« printed. Committee to Sign faid Bills. Form of faid Bills. Amio Regnl RegU GEORGIJ //. Decimo Tertlo. 476 Bills: of Crctiit the fame, and then deliver them into the bands of the Treafurerof this Co. t e to lo"y5 taking his Receipt for the fame : And the faid Committee fhall be STe'rOath under a proper Oath for the faithful performance of the faid Trufl in them hereby repofed- anD ft is futtljtc 4Bnatt£& bg tte 2utf)0?ltp afo^efafD, That the Treafurer of this Colony (liall IITue forth and Pay out of the publiclc Trea- 8000 I of fury, Eight Tboufand Voundt of the faid Bills, for and towards the payment faid Bills, to ^^ ^^^ publick Debts of this Colony and other necefTary Charges and Ex- the°'^ ubilcic^ pences thereof, according to fuch Orders as fhall be given him from time to T>lh\%o^ tiie time according to Law. And the faid Bills (hall be paid and pafs out of the Colony, eftf. publick Trea fury at the Value therein exprcfled, equivalent to Silver at Eight ShiUings per Ounce^ Troy Wr/igif, as aforefaid, and (hall be Taken and To be piid Accepted in all publick Payments into the Treafury, at the advance of Ont Tz'^iT Shilling on the Pcund more. Ounce. yind that in order to Enable this Govtrnmsnt for the Rtpayment an J drawing in faid Eight Thoufand Pounds again^ This Affembly bert by grants a Rate or Tax of EigbiTboufand Four Hundred Poi4nds,a$ Silver Money ac Eight Shillings per 0(/»«, as aforefaid, to be Levied and Collefted on Polls and all other Zn'^o'lheTrll" Rateable Eflate within this Colony, within the Term of Five Years next fury again in afcet the Date of this Aft \ the whole Sum to be Levied and CoUefted An- Five Years, nually, in Five equal Payments : And the Treafurer is hereby ordered and direfted to fend forth his Warrants according to Law, for the Collefting the faid feveral Payments, at or before the firft Day of May, Annually. And liberty is hereby given and granted to any perfon to pay his Rate or Tax At five fqual in the Bills of Credit, by this A£t Emitted in good Silver at Eight shillings Payments. „^ Ounce Troy (freight Stirling ADoy^ as aforelaid, in Gold equivalent thereto, or in Bills of Credit on this Colony of other Emiflions according to their Value at the time of Payment, compared with Silver at the Rate aforefaid. / SDno fie ft furttiJt (UnatteU lip tje Sfiutgo^it? afo^efaiti, That the remain- to be^Lo°a°'d derof the faid Thirti Thoufand Peunds, being Tu'ffif^ Two Thoufand Pounds of oat. the faid Bills, fhal^ be Loan'd out to particular Perfons, Freeholders and Inh^itants in this Colony, oa the Terms and oQder the Regulations in this A€t provided. J5e it tljerefo^c fuctfiec (Cnatt£5 6? t^e Znt^^itu afo^Efafb, That the TobeLoan'd f^\^j^enty Two Tboufand Peundsyihil^hQ Loan'd in each of the Five Coun- 7 Counties ^ ties, in fome near proportion to fuch Counties general Lift, and in fome in the Colony near proportion to eachTowo, according to their general Lift, if Perfons according to appear to take the fame; and if not, then in any other County : And for their general ^^^^ ^^^ |(,gjg (jj^jj jjg ^ Committee appointed in each County, who (hall ' " have the Management of the faid affair of Loaning the faid Bills and taking A Commute Security of the Borrowers therefor ; none of which (hall Borrow more than led in^^a°ch" On, HundreJ, nor lefs thanTiPfsr; Five founds of faid Bills; Which Security County, to (hall be either double Land Security, to which the Borrower (hall have a have the Ma- cIearTide,and of which the faidCommittee (hall be wellCertiried,or Bonds ragemtnt of fg^ c^^\^„ Money, as aforefaid, double the Sum borrowed, with Two fufii- faid aitiir ^j^^^ Sureties : The faid Land Redeemable and faid Bonds Conditioned and Noperfoitto Avoidable by payment of the fame Sum Borrowed, either in the Bills by fhanTo™"" '*''* ^^ Emitted, or Silver at the rate aforefaid, or Gold equivalent ; or in or^lefs iiiari 30? Bills of Credit of this or the Neighbouring Colonies parting current in 2? /. of faid this Colony, according to their current Value in Silver at the rate aforefaid Bills. at the time of Payment j or in good Water-rotted Hemp and well wrought The Specie Canvafs or Duck, Raifed and Manufaftured according to the Diredions of what when ihc LaW,Enticuled,i4« A£t for tbi Encouragement of raifmg Hemp, making Can. paid again. ^^^, ^^ Q.^^k, and alfo for making fne Limrj, at the current Market Price at The one half ihe time o( Payment in Silver, as aforefaid, to be delivered at fuch Place as 1.1 FouiYcars n^ij ^j^ ihis Aflerably be appointed ; the one Half in Four Years next after the ^««o Regnz Regis GEORGIJ // Dechno Tenia. TBillS of €vmt. Ml the Date thereof, and the other Halfin Eight Years after the faid Date .• And where Bonds are taken, there (hall be Two, «/». One for each Half And the o- AU the Securities to be taken in the Name of the Governour and Company tl>er hjlf in of this Colony : The Deeds thus taken to be Recorded in the Town where E'ght Yeajs the Land lies, before accepted by faid Committee. And the Loanor Inteief} ^^[g that fuch Borrowers (hall Annually pay for the faid Bills,fhall be Three ?oundt per Cfwfw'", in Silver ai the rate aforefaid, or Gold equivalent : And they Securities to Ihall give Bonds accordingly for the feveral Annual Payments of the fame, be given to All which Deeds and Bonds being given (ball be lodged with the Secretary «heGov and of this Colony, by faid Committee^ and then the faid Committee fiiaD give ^""P^'^y* an Order to the Treafurer for fo much of the faid Bills to be delivered to Borrowers fuch ptrfon as he hath given Security for,in the Form aforefaid ; which (hall to pay 3 nr be a faflScient Order for him to deliver and pay out the fame Sum therein Cemuvi, &e. mentioned. 3llna be it tutt^tv (tmfttb hp tte^utljo^itp afo?erafo,That the faid Bills by this Ad Emitted, (ball pafs current in this Colony in all Payments, and o-.t r In the Treafory, equal to the Value thereia exprelFed; Excepting for the fo'I tVe vrfue dif charge of former CcntraSs by Specialty for Silver only, and the Bonds expteffed in to be given to this Colony for the Intereft of this Emiifion, and for payment them Excep- of Duties and Impoft that (hall be Ordered by this Afliembly to be paid in *'"S» ^'' Silveror Gold only ; and (hall accordingly be Accepted and Received in the fame proportion to other Bills of Credit pafling in this Colony, as the faid other Bills bear to Silver at the Rate aforefaid, ac the relpedive times of Payment. AnAdformakiogandemittiagBiUsof Credit. B4B it ^natfeti Bp tfie (SoUtnouty Council anU IRfpwrcntatftJftf, fit 4000/ to be (tSemval €ourt aflfemblfD. anUliu tlje flutj)0^(tp ottue fame. That struck, under there be forthwith Struck a certain Number of Bills of Credit on this Co- 'he care of a lony, in fuitable Sums, from Ten SblUmgs to Fm Fcundsy which in the whole ^°'"'"*"^«' flial! amount to the Sum of Four "Thoujand Peunds^ and no more ; and ihall be r Stamped on the New Plate, with the addition of the Date of this AfTembly, toKwSn and his Honour the Governour, NdtSanie/ s*Wy and William Vitkin 2.if{r%-^ and Capt. George W^Uys^ be a Committee under Oath for the faithful Ma- Bills to be nagcment: of the affair ; and any Three of them to Sign the faid Bills, and put into the to deliver them into the hands of the Treafurer, taking his Receipt for the ^^^^ °^ the fame. Treafurer. 3Ent> (t fsf furtljer ^natfrt l^ t^z SCut^ojitp afojefafU, That the Trea- ^ k. wr furer be, and is hereby impowred to ifTue forth and pay out the faid Sum 0° j ""* of FflMf Iboufand Ponnds, towards the Payment of the Pramia granted for the tL^PrllYa,^ Encouragement of fuch Soldiers as (hall Voluntarily Inlift themfelves to go &<:■ as o'r- on the intended Expedition Ordered by HisMajefiy againfV theSpani(hWeft- **" ^^^' ^^ Indies, when they (hall be called forth to Exercife, and for other fpecial ^}^^Yi,°^' OccaCons of this Colony, according to fuch Orders as (hall be given hiai '"^ ° ^^' from time 10 time according to Law. Md as a Fund and Security for the Repajrr.int andDraving inoftLe faid Billi into the Treafury again. This AlTembly grants a Tax or Rate of Four Thoufand Two Hundred VoundtyXo be levied on Polls and all other "Rateable Eftaie of this Colony, To be drawn and to be paid into the Treafury at or before the laft Day of May, jimo '"'° theTrea. Dominr, One Thoufand Sevin Hundred and Forty Seven ; which faid Rate ^^u' ^^(t^^ ^'^^ (hall be paid in Bills of Credit ot this Colony, or in Money as it palFeth Mayiy^J generally in the Country at the time of Payment- [S s s s 2] ^'^'' N //o»^ow,Printed5c Sold by T GBEEN,Pfinter to theGOV.ficCOMP.1740 u4,,o Regni /?.^« G E O R G I J / /• Dedmo Qoarta 478 BiUjS of Creuit. B Forty-five copies reissued by Albert C. Bates. Hartford, 1918. %^ DIEU EIMONDROIT AN ACT Pafled by the General Coart or Aflembly of His Majefly's Colony of ConneHicut in i^ew England, Begun and Held at Hartftrd (by fpecial Order of his Honour the Govemour ) on the Eighth Day of 7«/y, in the Fourteenth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the SeconJ,oi Great Britaia,(^c}S\NG.Annoque Dom 1740. An k€t for Emitting Bills ot Credit for paying the publick Debts of this Colony, and for Exchanging Old and Torn Bllis that are not fie for Faffing (£ it (Cnactto 6p ttie ^Boljcrnour, Council ana fie pretentatltejf, in (Ptneral Court Hiffcmbuo en& ijp ilje aiurljojirp o£ iDe Came, That there be forthwith liDprinted a certain Number of Bills of Credit on ihij Colony, which in the whole (hall amount to the Sum of fifteen Tboufani Poundr, and no more ; Which Bills fhall be Printed and Siaroped in the fame Manner and Form, and of the fame Tenor and Tjooo I. to Dale, and Signed by the fame Committee under Oath, as the Four Thoufani be Imprinted Pounds in Bills of Credit were Emitted by Ad ot this Aflembly Held at and put into fj„tford'mMT. G K E £ N, Printer to theGOV. & COMP.t74o ^«»9 Regm Regis GEO R GIJ //. Decimo Quarto. Tin za fojpttDUWttsattmctofi^atliament,&o479 Forty-five copies reissued by Albert C. Bales, Hartford, 1918. Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majefl:y*s Colony of CenKehicut, in Niew England, Begun and Held at If em Havens on the Ninth Day of Oflober, in the Fourteenth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord GfiO/iGfi fj&e 5fccaght Twelve Grains,Fej/r ShilUngs ani " Six- fence Three-farthings ; Peru Pieces of Eight, Old Plate, Seventeen* ** peny- weight Twelve Grains,F«r Shillings and Ftve-pence, or thereaboutsj " Crofs Dollars, Eightecn-peny-weight, Four Shillings and Four-pence Three- *' farthings ; Ducatoons of Flanders, Twenty- peny-weight and Twenty One "Grains, Five Shillivgs and Six-pence •^'Ecu''i of France, otSihsi Lewis, Se« ** venteen*peny-weight Twelve Grains, Four Shillings and Si*-pence ; Cru* " fadoes of Portugal, Eleven- peny-weight Four Grains, Two-Shillings and *' Ten-pence One-farthing ; Three Gilder Pieces of Holland, Twenty^pCny " weight and Seven Grains, Five Shillings and Two-pence One-farthing ; Old " Rix Dollars of the Empire, Eighteen peny-weight and Ten Grains, Fovr *' Shillings and Six.pence : The Halfs, Quarters and other parts in propor- " tion to their Denominations, and Light Pieces in proportion to their •• Weight : We have therefore thought fie for Remedying the faid Incon- *' veniences, by the Advice of Our Council, to Publifh and Declare, That *' from and after the Firft Day of January nQxt enfuing the Date hereof, *' no Sevill, Pillar or Mexico Pieces of Eight, though of the full Weight ot " Seventeen-peny-weight and an Half,fhall be Accounted,Receitfed,Taken "or Paid, within any of Our faid Colonies or Plantations, as well thofe un- "der Proprietors and Charters, as under Oar immediate CommifTion and " Government, at above the Rate of S** Shillings per Piece Current Money, " ior the Difchargeof any Contrafts or Bargains to be made after the faid *' Firft ^»w RegHt Regis GEORGIJ// Decimo Quarto. Bates of jfo^ ein Cotns :^rcet:tamet)> 4^ *' Firft Day of January nexc, the Halfs.Quaners and other lefTer pieces of " the Coins to be Accounted, Received, Taken or Paid in the (ame pro- " portion : And the Currency of all pieces of Eight of Peru^ Dollars, and " other Forein Species of Silver Coins.whether of the fame or bafer Alloy, *• (hall, after the faid Firft Day ofjovuary next.fland Regulated.according ** to their Weight and Finenefs, according and in proportion to the Rate *' before limited and fet for the pieces of Eight of Sevill Pillar and Mexico ; «'So that no Forein Silver Coin of any fort be permitted to exceed the " lame proportion upon any account whatfoever. And We do hereby Rc- *« quire and Command all Our Governours, Lieutcnant-Governours, Ma- " giftrates, OflBcers, and all other Our good Subjefts, within Our faid Co- **lonies and Plantations, to Obferve and Obey Our Dircftions herein, as " they Tender Our Difpleafure. " And whereas notwithlianding the faii Proclamation^the fameindireSl PraUi' ** ces as are therein mentioned^ are ftill Carried on with fome of the faid Colonies *' or PtantationSf and the Money thereby drawn firom one Plantation to another, in *' Prejudice oftbeTrade of Her Majcfiyi Subjeils : IVherefore for the better In- '^ forcing the due Execution of fJer Majejly^s faid Proclamation throughout all the *^ faid CoUniei and Plantations \ and for the more Efftilual Kfmedpng the faid " Inconveniences thereby intended to be Remedied : *' 25e it (CnattcU 6? t§e iKuencs gt^ott (Brcellcnt S0afet!p, Ijjj anti tofth " t|)e aotfce anO Confent oE t|)e ?Lo^&0 fepirftual ano "^empojal. anO " Commons in tljisS pcefent parliament anremblED,anO bp tlje 3fiutl)o^f- "tpcf tfteCame, That if any petfon within any of ihe faid Colonies or Penalty for « Plantations, as well thofe unfier Proprietors and Charters, as under Her J j^°"v'in"^ta- ** Majefty's immediate CommifBon and Government, ftaU after the Firfl j^^j'g cf'j,a y. " Day ol ^Wijy,, which fhall be in the Year of Our Lord, One Ihotsfand Seven i„gany of the ** Hundred and Nine, for the Difcharge of any ContraQs or Bargains to be fsvcral Spe- *« thereafter made, Account, Receive, Take or Pay, any of the feveral Spe- ^^^^^ °^ ^ °'J.'^"^ ** ties of Forein Silver Coins mentioned in the before-recited Proclamation, ^^^^^J^ J|^'„"f •' at any greater or higher Rate than at which the fame is thereby Regu- tioacd,at any ** lated, Setled and Allowed, to be Accounted, Received, Taken or Paid, greater or ** every fuch perfon lb Accounting, Receiving, Taking or Paying the fame higheiRate. ** contrary to the OireStons therein contained, Ihall fufFer Six Months Ira- " prifonment, without Bail or Mainprize ; Any Law, Cuflom or Ufage in "any of the faid Colonies or Plantations to the contrary hereof in any ** wile notwithftanding : And (hall likewife forfeit the Sum of Ten Pounds *' for every fuch Offence ; One moiety thereof to Her Majefty,Her Heirs ** and Sue ceffors ; the other moiety to fuch perfon or perfons as Ihall Sue " for the fame, to be Recovered with full Cofls of Suit, by Aftion ot •• Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of Her Majefty's Courts of •' Juftice within any of the faid Plantations, or in any of the Courts of ** Juftice of the Charterer Proprietary Governments where fuch Offence *' fliall be committed. *' Provided neverthele/l, and it is hereby Declared^ That nothing in the be- *' fore recited Proclamation, or in this Aft contained, Ihall Extend or be '* Conffrued to Compel any perfon to Receive any of the faid Species of "Forein Silver Coins, at the refpe£tive Rates in the faid Pi oclamation " mentioned. " Provided alfo, and it is hereby further Decland, That nothing m this Att "contained, (hall Extend or be Conftrued to Reflrain Her Majefty from " Regulating and Setling the feveral Rates of the faid Species of Forein "Silver Coins withm any of the faid Colonies or Plantations,in fuch other " Manner and according to fuch other Rates and Proportions as Her " Majefly ^tinD Regni Regis GEORGIJ //. Declmo Qiiarto, 482 %\)z %tiits^ 3liiftices 3nfl:ni(tiott, " Majefty by Her Royal Proclamation for that purpore to be IfTued, fhall " from time to time judge proper and necefTary •, Or from giving Her " Royal AfTent to any Law hereafter to be made in any of the laid Colo- " nies or Plantations,for the Selling and Afcertaining the current Rates of " fuch Coins within the faid Colonies or Plantations; but that fuch further " Regulations may be made, and fuch AfTent given, in as full and ample ** manner, to all intents and purpofes as the fame might have been done in *' cafe this Aft had not been made, and no otherwifc ; Any thing herein *' before contained to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithQanding. • By the Lords Juftices, * Je. Cant. iVilmtngten P. ! Hervey C.P.S. * I N STR U CT 1 N to theGovernouraod • Dorfet • Company of His Majefty's Colony of « Grafton * Connellicut in Uew- England in America; « RicbmondLenox^ Auligny * for the better Oblervationol the Adiof c Bolton. * the 6th of Queen Anne ; For Afcertaining * the Rates ot Fore in Coins in America. • Given at Whitehall the 21/ Day ofyt:i£uJ},ij^o, • In rhe Fourteenth Year of His Majefty '5 Reign. *W^ HERE AS an AB of Parliament was Pajfed ^ in the Sixth Tear of Her Late Majefty Queen * ANNjE, EntituUdy An Aft for Afcertaining the * Rates of Forein Coins in Her Majefly's Plantations * in America ; And whereat Complai/its have been made * that the faid has not been Ohferved at it ought to have * been, in many of His Majefiis Colonies and Plantations in America, by means * whereof many indireCi TraBicei have growt up j and various and illegal Curren- *cigs have been introduced in fever al cf the faid Colonies and Plantationsy contrary * to the true Intent and Meaning of the faid ASy and to the Prejudice of the Trade * of His Majefty's SubjeEls l In Confequence of wbieb ComplaintSy an Humhle * Addrefs was Trefented the laji Seffions by the Houfe ef Commons to His Majefiy, *' That He would begracioufli Pleafed, to Require and Command the refpeSive ** Covemours of His Colonies and Plantations in America, EffeQuaBy to Obferve '• the faid Aa of the Sixth of ilueen ANNE." * It is therefore His Majefly's Royal Will and Pleafure, and you are JJ^p,°''r* 'hereby flriftly Required and Commanded to take the mofl Effeaual quir'dtotake * Care for the future, that the faid ASt be PunSually and Bona Fide effsilual care ' Obferved and put in Execution, according to the true Intent and the aforefaid « Meaning thereof. Act be Ob* * And to the End that His Majefiis Commands herein may be fuUy made ' Known to aS Hit Suhjetls xfithin your Government, and thai none of them may * pretend Ignorance thereof ; And to pnb- lifli this In- You are hereby further Required and Commanded, to PubH(h this ftruaion in * loflruftion in fuch Manner as may beft anfwer His Majefty's Gra- the beft man. «cions Intentions herein fignified. ner to anfwer » the King's .-,-,,„„ ^ « Intention !?• C. W. P. D. B, herein. * H. C, P. S. An Aa Anno Regnl Regis QEORGIJ //. Decimo Quarto. An AS( for the Repealing one certain Law of this Colony, Entituled, an Ad in addition to an Adt, Entituled, an A£t fof the Encou- ragement and better Supporting theSchools y;Jp'«^'^ that by Law ought to be kept in the feveral Towns and Pariflies in this Colony. WHERE j9S tint jlftmblf at thtir Sefftms In May, Anno Domini, One Tbou/and Stvtn Umdrti and Thirty Tbney did (JnatC anD (D)ittV, • That the Money ihal foould be Raifed by the Sale of the Seven Towns "'"'«^'*» • in the Weftern Lands O)ould be Sequeflred and fet apart for the Support ' of the Schools ia the fcreral Towns and Parilhes in ibis Colony. And whtreMthit AffetfAh in OQober, Anno Domini, One Theufand Seven Hundred oatl thirty Seven, did (gnatt onJJ 3D?tl8re, * Thai if any Town or • Parifll in this Colony ( that b^ Law of f aid Colony art eblindto knpa Scbeet) • (hould by their major Voce, Sequerter their part of the faid Money for Recital of • the Support of iheGofpelMiniftry by the Laws of this Colony EflabliOied, ^°'"'J'o\r.^ • that then this Affembly would not take ih© Foifeiiure of fuch Money, ojohr Id. • according to the import of the Aft firft mentioned. And for at much at ^^^j ' {bit Affembly art now informed^ That the faid jiife art differ eatly Vnderfiead, and tttf like [0 to be FraOifcd «f os, to the DiffatitfaSiea ef masij' Wherefore this AflVmbly do Repeal and make Void the faid Aft of this Aflefflbly made and palled is Odober^ Amo Damini, One Thoofand Seven Said Aft Re. Hundred axA Thirty Seven ; and the &ld Aft is hereby Repealed and made P"l«>. Void. An A& in addition to the Law of this Co- lony, Entituled, an Aft for the punifliing Deferters. Vidpag.ijy w HE RE AS the Tranfgrtffort of faid AS generally go Vtipunifhed, for _ vwittf a fuffcient Provifm in pud L»u> ftr the Proficution thereof. ^"""f' Bt It tliecef02ef Deferters. due Proceft againft fuch OfFenders, in order to bring them to a proper Tryal ao fuch Prefentment- And the King's Attorney's of the refpeftive ^nd King's Conaiies are hereby Authorized and Required to make Enquiry after fuch m"t"D'*r "* Offenders % and if not Prefensed and Informed againft, as aforefaid, to St of fuch laform againft them to the County Court; who are hereby Oireiled to tocheCoua- ifliie forth due Procefs againft ibcm, and them to Apprehead and proceed '> Court*. againO In doe Form of Law. T 6 t « An Ad Anno Regnt Regis GEORGIJ//. Dedmo Quarto. 484 il^oteiB! on pritjate CireD* ifctrp, domination* An Adl to prevent the pafling of Bills, Notes, or any other Currency Made or vid p.g 404 £jjjjtted oj^ private Credit. An7 perfon that ihtiiut- r)€ ft €na(Cct) hn t^t ^Elotecnour, ^Tountd anO Eeprerentatilied, (0 ter. Vend or J) (©cneral Court atfembleo, an& bg tfje 3But||o;itp of the fame. Thai Bulsorw't '^^"^ perfon or perfons in this Colony fhall Utter, Vend or Pafs any Bills, made^'Vor'a" Notes or Other Currency whatfoever, which Either have been, or fliall be general Cur- made for a general Currency or Medintn of Trade and Emitted on the rency in fund Of Credit of any Private perfon or perfons, Society or Company Ied'^''^h"^ whatfoever, Either in this or any of the Neighbouring Governments, fuch ",jj°" of p* J, perfon or perfons fhall forfeit double the Sum mentioned in fuch Bilh, vate Peifons Notes, &c. The one half to him or them that IbaU Profecaie the fame to or Societies, Effeft, and the other half to the Town or County Treafury, according as to foreit.gs'f. where fuch Offence (hall be Profecuted. And all Grand- jurori and Con- Grjnd jurors ftables ate hereby Required to make due Ptefentmeni of all Breaches of & Conftables jhis Aft- dut,, &c. ProvideJ, This Ad continue in Force until the Riling of this ADTembly ia This Arts ^^- nejt, anci ^o longer. eont 1 n uance , . . .__— -■ . , _ An Ad for Raifing the Fare of Nianticl^ Vid pag. 549 M^Ctty* OTBibtttti bp t^ifi SBfliunUp, That for the future, the Fare ofNiantki Ferry from (he Firft of Afrii to the LaS of Ntvtmbtr^ fluD be Tbrte. The Fare of feAct for Man Horfe and Load, and from the Laft of iJovtmbtr to the faid Ferry i^^ft oS MsreL (hall be Ftur-ptact i and Twp-fme for a fiogle Man all the "•"<*• Year. The Gentlemen Nominated by the Votes of the Freemen of this Colony, brought in to this Adembly, to ftand for Ele^on in Maj next, are as followetb, vis^. Tht HonoarMt JOSEPH TALCOTT E/f, Thi OmourMt JONATHAN L A W £/f. o^f'tle cr' Roger Wolcot Efy; tiemen No- Jamcs WadfwoTth £/«i minated for the Eiedion Nathanael Stanly f/f? Czias Pitkin Efy; Timothy Pierce E/j; Samuel Lynde Eff^ WiUiam Pitkin Efyi Thomas Fitch Efj; Ebenezer Silliman Efqi Jonathan Trumble Eff, Hezekiah Huntington Effi Col. JohnBulkley,G(?/. Samuel Hill, ilf*;. Andrew Burr, Air.Ebcnezei Weft, Mr. John Grifw<^, C0I. Jabez Huntington. NXwiflP,Printed&Sold by T GREEK,Printer to theGOV.&COMP.i74o jimeRegni Riga G t OK G\ J II Declmo Qua r to. mii& of €tmu 485 Forty-five copies reissued by Albert C. Bates, Hartford, 1918. AcSs and Laws Pafled by the General Court or Aflcmbly of His Majefty's Colony of Connenicut in Neva England, Begun and Held at Hartftrd (hy fpecial Order of his Honour the Govetnour ) on the Tweniy-fixth Day of November, in the Fourteenth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord G EO RG Etbe Secetuf, of Great Britain^ (Sc, KING. Anmque Domini, 1740. An A6^ for the Repealing part of the Ad Faffed by this Affembly m i^ji ]aft,for the EmifTion of SCHttt^ %!|9Ufant)]aonut»jS^ Bills of publick Credit, Entituled, an A£t for Making and Emitting Bills of publick Cre- ^" f'^ ^" dit; and for the Amendment of fome part thereof THIS AffemUj btkig InfiruBtd frtm the LtrJtJufHeet of the Segenej, That it is His Maftftyy Royal WiB and PUa/Hre chat tie Atl efPaf lismtnt mede m tbt Sixth Te0f ofHtr Latt Majt^y Queen jltJNE^ EntituleJyKxx Ad for AfcertainiDg the Rates of Forein Coios in Her Majeily's Plantations ia America, fbould for tie future be PunSneBy and Bona Fid I Obfirvtd and put in Execution ; ^nd being alfo Informed from the Preamlh, Lords CommijjioniTs for Trade and Plant at ions ^ of the Refolvi$ of tbt Houfe of Comment, rtjptSiing the Err.ijftons ofPajfet Currencies in many of the BritiOi Colo» nits and Plantations in America, and making it Obligatvryto aBperfors to Take tie fame in Payment of Dtbts^ &c. lVbicb(heiiis hew raucb tbif Affrebtnd tie good Intentions of tbt faid AS of tbt Siicth of Queen jiUNE bath been Frufirattd, and tie Commerce of Gxt^t-^nuinAfftSed by tbeftfd Emiffions of Paper Currencies, u aforeftfid. Oa Confideration whereof, this ^ffemblf do apprebend^ that that part of the faid ^a of this Afftmbly pafsd in May £,<»/?, which males it Obligatory in all perfons uTake the /aid BiUs in payment ef Debti^ Dues and Demands, doth not Compart %nxb His Majt^fsfaid Intentions and the Senfe of the Heufe of Qommmt on tbaf Octajim. ^Hfio Regnl Regis GEORGIJ // Decimo Quarto. Be (t t^ereCoje Cnacteo bp tfjf ^a other Cafes brought '*''• before them, and grant Execution accordingly. An Ad for levying a Tax upon Polls, &c, THIS Aflembly Grants a Rate or Tax oi One-half- fenj on the Toufid^ on all the Polls and Rateable Eflaie in this Government ; To be paid into the publick Treafury in OldTenour Bills of Credit of this Colony with Tax of One- ghe ufufal Advance ofTwehe-psnce on the PounJy or in True Bills of Credit the fw'" °* ^°^^ ^'6°^" °^'h^ Mafachufttt}-B4yf or in True Bills of Credit of tievi- Tork. without Advance on them ; or in Silver Money as it pafleth in the Country, N.LOtfDON,?imfd & Sold by T. GRE B N, Printer to the GOV. and COMP. i740 MW Kegtti Regis G E O R G I J //. Declmo Quarto. 4ct lai printing ati ^ct of i^arUamcnr^SCraDe Ac 487 Fifty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates, Hartford, Igi8. " DIEU ET MONDROlf^t Ads and Laws PafTed by the General Court or AfTembly of His Majefty's Colony of Cemte^icut in tfew England : Begun and Held at f/artfcrJ, on the Fourteenth Day ofMay.'m the Fourteenth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord GEO RGB the Second^ Great-'Britain^ix, KING. Anmquf DomM, I 7 4 I. An Ad for printing and publifliing an A e? t!)e ^ot3etnout,€otmc(lanlJ Eepteffntatttoejf.iti 40.^- General Co«ct affcmbieD anU bp tt}£ 1flut6o?it? o£ tfte fame, fjj^^ f"t>e That the above-mentioned AS (hall be printed and publifiied printed and with the Afts of this Aflembly : and the Secretary of this publirfwd. Colony is direfted to Tranfmit to Mr Timothy Cretn Printer to the Gover« nour and Company of this Colony, a Copy of faid Aft for that purpofe. '• Anno Rtgni Decimo Tertio G EORG Ij II. RegU. «ACT OF PARLIAMENT ^' An Aft for the more effedual fecuring and *' encouraging the Trade of His Majefty's TBtiti^ "^ ^ttbiectg to America, and for the Encourage- ** mentofScamcn to Enter into His Majefty's Service* " \Af^ ^RE/iSihe Trade of Hk M^iftfs SuhitEis in America hAth for V V " manyYtarr bun greatly Janoygd by tk Spaniards, thtir vndoubtei ?'«''»•*'*• u a u « Righf Juno Regni Regit G E O R O I J //. Decimo Qaar fo. 48S XraDe Mvxxt\\ attD teamen cttcourajseD* '* Right to Navigate in tbofe Stat without any Mokfiation^ hath bten VnjuflU " interrupted, on PreCencts altognbir Groundlifs au/Vnwarrantaile ; Jivirr Shift ** and ^effcls belonging to Briti(h SubjtSlt have been SUfed and Con/ucated, tbt " Sailerj have been Injurionfly Imprifoned and Barbarcujlf Treated ;and the BritiQl '* Cotonri have bten Infulttd in the mo ft Ignommioui manner : And ivbtteai Hit ** Majefiy bat been Obliged to Declare War agiinfi the King «/ Spain, hit f^affalt '* and SubjtSitf to Revenge the Injuriei and Obtain Ample Satit/aSiien for tbt " tVrtngt done to Hit Subjeds, " Now for ihe belter carrying on the faid War with Vigour and for the " Encouragement of iheOflicers and Seamen of His Majefty's Ships of War, ** and ihe Officers and Seamen of all other Britifh Ships and VelTils having " Commiffions or Letters ofMarque,aDd for inducing all Britifl) Seamen who *' may be in any Forein Service, to Return into this Kingdom and become *' Serviceable to His Majefty ; and for the more EfFcftual Securing and Ex- " tending the Trade of His Majefty'sSubjefts to America and Ekfewhere : The Flag- " 2Bc ft tfnatfeU bp tf)e Hfng's 3?oft itxaWtut g^ajcllp, ftp and toft!) t^e Officers and « %mte anil Confent of r|)£ %Kt]isi ;&ptrltual anU "QTempo^al ana «ottt;» mVndingOf. " tnon0,fn tf)f0pcerent f acliament flffentblED, apo bp tf)C Slitrtjojitjof ficers.SMtnen " t^C fame. That the Flag-Officers, Commanders and other Officers, Sra- 6'<.on Board ** men. Marines and SouMJeis on Board every Ship and Veflel of War in every Ship & « His Majcfty's Pay, fliaD have the fole Intereft and Property of ai«l in ail in His Ma- " ^""^ every Ship, Veffel, Goods and Merchandize which they fhaUTake jefty'spay.to " ^fter the Foupth Day of January^ in the Year of Our Lord One Thou- havethe fole *' fand Seven Hundred and Thirty Nine, in Europe ; and after the? Twenty- Intereft and « fourth Day oijune, in the Year of Our Lord One Thoufand Seven Hundred I'vTsli °& "^"'^ Forty,ia any other part of the World (being firft adjudged lawful Prize Veflel they ** '0 ^Qy of His Majefty 's CoQrtS of Admiralty in Great.Britain,or io-His Plan- Take from " tatioas in America, or tlfewbere ) 10 be divided in fuch proportions and Ihe Eoemy ** after fuch Manner a» RU Maiefty* H»» Heirs and Succeflbrs (hall tbiak ** fit to Order and D'ueCt, by Proclamation to be IfTuerf for that purpofe. The Lord " ^^^ ^^ ^* fuf t^ec €n8ttrt Bp tie flut^o^Ctp afo^CaiD, That the Lord HiphAdmirai " High Admiral o( Great-Britain, or the Commiffioners for Executing tbe oiGrtatBri^ «« Office of Lord High Admiral oi Great-Britain, for the Time being, or any rain or^e cc Three or more of them, or any perfon or perfons in any pan of America ^e^r^forExe- " O' elfewhere,by him or themlmpowted and Appointed, Ihall, from and af- "uting that' " ter the Fourth Day of Jamary, One Thoufand Seven Hundred and Thirty Offict, or any *• Nine, 9t the Reguefl of any Briti(h Owner or Owners of any Ship orVeflel^ Perfons in J. « giving fuch Bail and Security as have been ufually taken upon grantingCom- "'f'** fP; ** miifioDS or Letters of Marque( except only for the Payment of the Tenths Wm or them " of the Value of Prizes which ftalF be Taken to the Lord High Admiral or ihailat the '* CommifGoners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral, for ihe Requeft of «c j'uac being ) cauled to be Iflued forth in the ufual Manner, one or more any *""^ « Commiflion or Commiffions to any perfon or perfons whom fuch O^Mt nv Ship* ot' " or Owner Ihall Nonunate, to be Commander, or in cafe of Death fuc- Veflel, grant ** ccflSvely Commanders of fuch Ship or VefTel, for the Attacking, Surpri. Comtniflions «< ^ing, Seifing and Taking, by and with fuch Ship or Veflel, or the Crew to any perfon it thereof, aoy Place or Fortrefs upon Ihe Land, or any Ship or Veflel, by°him"foJ ** Goods, Ammunition, Arms, Stores of War, or Merchandizes belonging the»tta!cking *' to or poflefTed by any of Hii Majefty's Snemies, in any Sea, Creek, Haven S: Taking a- *» or River : And that fuch Ship or Ships, VefTel or Veflels^ Arms, Ammu- ny Place oD «< nitjon, s«orcs of War» Goods and Merchandizes whatfoever, with all Vcffd at Sea '* their Furniture, Tackle or Apparel fo to be Taken by or with fnch Pri- 'belonging to " vate Owner or Owners Ship or VefTel. according to fuch Commiflion and the Enemy « Commiffions, being firft adjudged lawful Prize ia any of His Majefly's ♦* Court! Jh»o Regni flfgcf GEORG IJ //. Dedmo Quarto. Xtatjc ^ecuteu anti ^eainctt eticoutageti. 489 << Courts of Admiralty, as aforefaid, (hall wholly and Entirely Belong to *' and be Divided between and among the Owner and Owners of fuchShlp *' or Vefl'el and the feveral Perfons which (hall be on Board the fame and *< be Aiding and Affifling to the Taking thereof, in fuch Shares and Pro- Captures be- " portions as (hall be agreed on with the Owner or Owners of fuch Ship or ingAdjudg'd " Vcdel, as (hall be the Captor thereof, their Agents or Faftors as the ".'^^^^Jjl ,. " proper Goods and Chattels of fuch Owner or Owners, and the Perfons Jh^L and *' that (hall be thus Entituled thereto by virtue of fuch Agreements among entirely be- •* themfelves : And that neither His Majefty, His Heirs or Succeflbrs or any long to the ♦' Admiral, Vice Admiral, jGovernour or other Perfon Commifltoned by ^w"ers and " or Claiming under His Majefty, His Heirs or SuccelTors, or any perfoQ or [he sh^,p ^f " perfons whatfoever, other than the Owner or Owners of fuch Ship or veffel that " VelFel being »he Captor of fuch Prize Ship or Veffel, Arms, Ammunition, wete theCap- " Stores of War, Goods and Merchandizes jand the Perfons Claiming under 'of^ thereof. " them (hall be Entituled to any Pari or Share thereof, Except as to the *« Cuftoms and Duties hereafter mentioned ; Any CuRom, Statute or other *• Law to the contrary notwithftanding. *' And for the more [peetly proceeJing to Condtmnation or other Dftermifiatiort " of any Priz.t Ship or Veffel^Coodtor Minelizeiy Taken at aforefaid, and for Pracmite. " Lefjwing the Expences that have been ufual in the Uh Cafej, « 25e ft fuctljrc ^natfeU bp the ti!uttio?itj afojefafU, That the Judge or " Judges of fuch Court of Admiralty, or other perfon or perfons thereto ** Authorized, (hall within the fpace of Five Days after Requeft to him or ** them for that purpofe made, Finifh the ufual preparatory Examination " of the perfons commonly Examined in fuch Cafes, in order to prove the l*^. J"^^",. *' Capture to be lawful Prize, or to Enquire wh«ther the fame be lawful ofAdmir'allty "Prize or not, and that the proper Monition ufual in fuch Cafes (hall be within Five " Iflued by the perfon or perfons proper to iflTue the fame, and (hall be Days aftei- " Executed in the ufual Mant^er by tV\e petfon or pej fotis proper to Execute R^queft being " the fame, within the fpace of Three Days after Requeft in that behalf {^^ tL^o'™ " made : And in cafe no Claim of fuch Capture Ship, Veffel or Goods (hall pofe.fliaH fi- " be duly Entred or Made in the ufual Form and Attefled upon Oath, nifhtheufual ** giving Twenty Days Notice after the Execution of fuch Monition : Or preparatory *' if there be fuch Claim and the Claimant or Claimants (hall not within Five ^^""'"atiofi *' Days give fufficient Security ( to be Approved by fuch Court of Admi- eoSnW ^ " ralty ) to pay double Gofts to the Captor or Captots of fuch Ship, Veffel Examined in *' or Goods, in cafe the fame fo Clainied (hall be adjudged lawful Prize, fuchcafes.ia "that then the Judge or judges of fuch Court of Admiralty, (hall upon °''^®'* *° «* producing to him or them the faid Examination or Copies thereof, and caplure'to bo *' upon producing to him or them upon Oath all Papers and Writings which lawful prise, ** (hall have been found Taken in or with fuch Capture, or upon Oath made ot "ot* " that no fuch Papers were found", immediately and withouc further delay ** proceed to Sentence, Either to Difcharge and Acquit fuch Capture, or *' to Adjudge and Condemn the fame as lawful Prize, according as the Cafe " (hall appear to him or them upon perufal of fuch preparatory Examina- " tions and alfo of the Writings found Taken in or with fuch Capture, if '* any fuch Writing (hall be found : And in cafe fuch Claim (hall be duly " Entred or Made and Security given thereupon, according to theTenour '« and true Meaning of this Aft and there (hall appear no Occafion to Ex- " amine any Witneffes other than what (hall be then near to fuch Court of " Admiralty, thai then fuch Judge or Judges (liall forthwith caufe fuch *' Witneffes to be Examined, and wiihin the fpace of Ten Days after fuch *' Claim made and Security given, proceed to fuch Sentence, as aforefaid •' touching fuch Capture i but in cafe upon Making or Entring fuch Claim •' and the Allegation and Oath thereupon, or the producing futh Writings U u u « i "as Anno Regni Regis G E O R G I J //. Declmo Quarto. 490 Xtatie ^ecttteD atiD $)eamett cncourageti* " as (hall have been found Taken in or with fuchCapture,or upon the laid " preparatory Examinations it ftiall appear doubtful to thejudge or Judged " offuch Court of Admiralty, whether fuch Capture be lawful Prize or In cafe it ap- « ^^^^ gjjj j^ jj^jj appear Neceffary, according to the Circumflances of fuf'to "he" " ^^^ "^^ ^°'^ '^^ Clearing and Determining fuch Doubt, to have an Ex- judgesofthe " amination of WitnefTes that are Remote from fuch Court of Admiralty, Admiralty " and fuch Examination fhaH be defired, and that it be ftill Infifted on, that fuch «« on behalf of the Captors that the faid Capture is lawful Prize, and that hwfuTprize, " '^^ Contrary be ftill Perfifted in, on the Claimants behalf, that then the to «ufe faid " ftid Judge or Judges (hall forthwith caufe fuch Capture to be Appraifed Capture to " by pcrfons Named on the part of the Captor, and Sworn truly to Ap- be forthwith « praife the fame, according to the beft of their Skill and Knowledge : ttt^lnTm- " ^°' ^^^'^^ purpofe the faid Judge or Judges Ihall caufe the Goods found der Oath, " on Board to be Unladen and put into proper Warehoufes. with feparate " Locks of the ColJeiSor and Comptroller of the Cuftoms, and where there " is no Comptroller, of the Naval Officer : And the Agents or Perfons " imployed by the Captors and Claimants, at the Charge of the Party or " Parties defiring the fame, and fhall after fuch Appraiferoent made and " within the fpace of Fourteen Days after the making of fuch Claim pro- " ceed to take good and fufficienc Security from the Claimants to Pay the " Captors the fuU Value thereof, according to fuch Appraifement, in cafe " the famefliall be adjudged lawful Prize; and after fuch Security duly "given, the faid Judge or Judges Ihall make an Interlocutory Order for Re- *' leafing or Delivering the fame to fuch Claimant or Claimants, or his or " their Agents, and the fame (ball be aftuaUy Releafed or Delivered accor- " dingly. Complainant , ^ ?"^ ^* ^^ tuttfitt <2natt£li b? t\z autjo^itp afo?efafti, That if any refufing to " Claimant or Claimants fhall refufe to give fuch Security, the Judge or giveSecurity, " Judges (hall caufe the Captor or Captors in like manner to give good ^j '''^" ','J^ " and lufEcient Security, to be approved of by the Claimant or Claimants, cau^" the " " ^^^ ^^^ ^*''* Claimant or Claimants the full Value thereof, according Captors * " F° ^^^ Appraifement, in cafe any fuch Capture or Captures fhall be ad- thereor to '* judged not to be lawful Prize ; and the faid Judge or Judges fhal! there- give fuch Se- " upon proceed to make an Interlocutory Order for the Releafing and cunty. « Delivering of the fame to the faid Captor or Captors or their Agents* « 5Bn6 (Hsf further €na(tetili!» tie «ut|lo?(tp afojeCafft, That all fuch " Captures, as aforefaid, which ihall be brought into any of His Majefty's All Captures " Colonies or Plantations in America, fhall without breaking Bulk, ftay brought into a there and be under the joint Care and Caftody of the CoUeaor and hSefty'sCo. " Comptroller of the Cuftoms j or where there is no Comptroller, of the lonies in A- " Naval Officer of the Port or Place where the fame fhall be brought ; merica, to be »« and all the Captors thereof and their Agents, until either the fame fhall ""5t Care & ** ^^^ ^"^^ Sentence have been either Cleared and Difcharged, or Adjudged Cuftody of " and Condemned as lawful Prize, or that fuch Interlocutory Orders, as theCoUeftor " aforefaidfliall have been made for the Releafing or Delivering of the and Comp- " fame : And upon the Condemnation or Adjudication thereof as lawful r°ft"°^or " Prize, (hall in cafe the fame were Taken by any fuch Private Ship or NavaTo'fficer ** Ships, CommiOioned as aforefaid, be immediately Delivered unto the of the Port " Captors thereof and their Agents, to be by them difpofed of as their where fuch " Goods and Chattels : And in cafe the fame were Taken by any of His Capture is « Majefty's Ships of War, unto fuch perfon or perfons, and to be fodivi- btoughc, „ jgjj ^^^ difpofed of as His Majefty, His Heirs andSucceffors fhaO bjr *' Proclamation to that purpofe Order and Dired. " %ntiU it further (Cnactebliptlie?IIut5ompafo?EraiOi That if any *' Judge or Judges, or other Officer or Officers in any of His Majefty s. ^ " ' ' « Plantations Amo negm Regis G E O R G I J // Declmo Quarto, XtaDe Minute anD S>eamen entontaQzD, 4^1 (( « iC ** PUutatiens or Dominions Abroad, to whom refpedively it (hall apper- « tain, fttatl delay the Doin^, Performing, Making or Pronouncing any of P<:"a''7 °J « the feveral Proceedings, Matters or Things, for, towards or relatinj:; to p'^^"^"^^" «' Condemning Or Difcharging, Releafing or Delivering of any fuch Cap- any judge or " tme, in Manner aforefaid, within the refpeftive Times herein before Judges of the •' limited, or as foon as the fame, or any ot them ought to be done, ac- Admiralty " cording to the Tenour and true Meaning ot this Aft, all and every fuch '" ?J'^ '^^^'^ ** Joilge and J^-dges, and other Officer or Officers (hall for every fuch lonies.^who' " Offence forfeit the Sum oi Five Hundred Ponndt: One moiety thereof to ihall belay ** His M^jefty, His Heirs and Succeffbrs ; the other moiety thereof with their pro- « full Cofts 01 Suit, to fuch perfon or perfons who fhaVl Inform or Sue for "^'£'"S^Jj ' *' the fame in any ot the Courts in or for any of His Majefty's Colonies or Cure's" be yond " Plantations, or in any of HisMajefiys Courts of Record within His the Umitted ** Y^An^AomoiCrtat' Britain, Time. *• SCnDit i)S!)£ttb?futt^et€nact£aiig t\t 3But5o?itg fifo?etafO, That The jadg«s •* there (hall not be Paid unto or among all the judges and Officers of fuch and Officers Court of Admiralty in any of His Majefty's Plantations or Dominions ofthcAdmi- Abroad, for, towards, or relating to the Adjudging or Condemning of [!'^^/i".^'* fuch Capture, as aforefaid, as lawful Prize, above the Sum ot Ten Pound*, piantauons in oafe fucb Prize Ship or Veflel be under the Burthen of One Hundred toreccivenot " Tons, nor above the Sum of Fifteen Pounds^ in cafe the fame be of that or above Ten " any greater Burthen : And that upon Payment of either of the faid ^''"!"^^' ^<"^ « refpeaive Sums, as the cafe thall rcqiire. to the faid Judge or Judges or J3em!m.g any ot them, to be by him or them difpo'ed or divided, as he or they any Capture ** than tbir k fit„ among the OfEcers of fuch Court : Such Judges and Offi- under One " cers and every of them fljall be liable to all and every the feveral Penal- HundredTow " ties hereby impofed for Ncgleaing or Delaying to do and perform J?/„*^*„* « their feveral and refpcdive Duties or Offices in and relating to the ■'^.anjgrea- feveral Proceedings aforefaid, within the refpeaive Times herein for ui ButUiett. ** chat purpofe Limited. « Providtd ntvirthtUPt aits ft 10 j^ljp fyctjfc €na(tc5 6p tje Sfiut5o|(t? *' afo^efafd. That if any Capeor or Capiorj, Claimant or Claimaou, (haH ** not reft fatisfied with the Sentence given in fuch Courc of Admiralt7, " in any of His Majefty's Plantations or Dominions Abroad, it IhaU and ** may be Lawful for the Party or Parties thereby aggrieved, to Appeal - . " from the fdid Court of Admiralty to the Commiffioners, Appointed or '* " to be Appointed under the Great Se^lof G'-^n Sr»/4w, tor Receiving, " Hearing and Decermining Appeals in Caules of Prizes : Such Appeal to ** be aUowed in the 1 ke manner as Appeals to fuch CommifBoners are ** now allowed from the Court of Admiralty within this Kingdom ; fo as " the fame be made within Fourteen Days after Sentence and a good « Security beUlcewife given by the Appellant or Appellants, that he or *' they will efFeSually Profecute fuch Appeal and Anf^ver the Condemnation « and alfo pay Treble Cofts as (hall be Awarded, in cafe the Sentence of « fuch Court of Admiralty be Affirmed ; Any thing in thi» A. " Approved ol by the Court in which faid Sentence Ihall be given, to Re- "^ fiote the Ship, VefTel, Goods or Iffefts, concerning which lijch Sentence " ihall be Pronounced, or the full Value thereof, to the Appellant or Ap- " peljants, in cafe the Sentence fo Appealed from (hall be Reverfed. " SintJ It ft fuct^ec (£naitfli ft? tte flut!)0?ltpafo?efa(li, Thatifaa^ Commanuer or COiumanaerj, Officer or Officers, Sewnen, Marines, Soul- Mho RegKz Regis G E O R G I J //. Declmo Quarto, 492 iTratie ^eciirct) ann teamen cncourageD* " diCrs or Ochers, ftiall break Bulk on Board, or Em'bezel any of the Comman- " 1^°"' V, Jewels, Plate, Goods, Merchandize, Tackle, Furniture or Ap- ders.Scainen, " parel, of Or belonging to fuch Prize or Prizes fo Taken, fuch Com- &V. breaking " niander, Officer, Seamai),Marine, Souldier or Other?, flial) forfeit Treb'c Bulk of any " jhc Vajuc of all fuch Money, Jewels, Plate, Goods Merchandize ,Tackle, VtIt\\\!^iTny *' Furfi'fJre or Apparel, as he or they fliall Embezel, one Third part there- of the Money, " of to be to the ufe o{ Greenwich Hofpital, and the other two Third parts ft'^.tofarfeit '* thereof to him or them that will Sue for the fame by Aftion of Debt Treble the <« Plaint or Information, in any Court of Record in Great- Britain, in which Value. t( jjQ Effoign, Proteftion or Wager of Law, or more than One Imparlance *♦ (hall be allowed. " «nb6e ft furtjcr (tna(tetibptIie3Dut5o?(tp flfojcfaiti, That all Ap- " praifements and Sales of any Ship or Ships, Goods, Wares or Merchan- " dizes, as (hall be Taken by any of His Majefty's Shipsof War (h^Il be Appraife- « made by Agents, or perfons Nominated and Appointed in equal Num- slus'hoi " ^^" ^^ ^^^ Commander, Officer or Ships Company and Otiiers Enti- made. ** tuled thereunto ( Tt<«r K to fay) That if the Commander or Comman- " ders of fuch Ship or Ships as (hall Take any fuch Prize or Prizes, (hall " Nominate and Appoint One or more Perfon or Perfons, Agent or A- ** gents, to Sell or Appraife the fame, as aforefaid, then the Officers En- ** tituled thereunto, or the Majority of them, (hall Nominate and Appoint *' the like Number of Perfons or Agents to M^ for them, and the Ships ** Company and Others, or the Major part of them (hall alfo Nominate " and Appoint the fame Number of Perfons or Agents to Aft on their " behalf in fuch Appraifement or Sale. " Provided^ That nothing herein contained, (hall Extend or be Con- |Voft/b. ** drued to alter or make void any Agreement or Agreements, made or to " be made in Writing between the Owners, OfEcers and Seamen of any '♦ private Ships or VefTeis of War. *' SBnt be (t furtj^tr ^fnatttb B? t^e flfuttio^ffp afojcfafo, That after tho " Sale or Sales of fuch Prize or Prizes as fhai) be Taken from the Enemy " by any of His Majefty's Ships of War, publick Notification (hall be given After Salt " by the Perfons or Agents appointed, as aforefaid, of the Day appointed public Noti- *( for the payment of the feveral Shares to the Captors aforefaid ; after made?"" * " which publick Notification, if any Mens Share (hall remain in the hands " of the perfons or Agents appointed, as aforefaid, and (hall not be legally *' Demanded within Three Years, then fuch Share or Shares fo remain- *' ing in the perfons or Agents hands, (hall go and be paid to the Ufe of " Cretnmch Hofpital. *' Trovidtd always, antJ bc (t SJecIflrcC anU tfnattcti fip tfje SCutIjo;ftg " fifojeraill, That nothing herein conJained fhallExiend or be Conftiued to Provided at- «' Extend, to Exempt any Ships, Goods, Wares or Merchandizes, which wajs. «» jjjgjj [.£ Taken as Prize and brought or imported into this Kingdom, or ** any of His Majefly's Plantations in Amnica, from the payment of any " Cufioms or Duties, or from being fubjefi to fuch Rcftriftions and Regu- " lations to which the fame now are or (hall hereafter be lyable, by " Vertue of the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, " ^"^ for the "Encouraging Hit M^ijefly's SubjeBs to Engage in Joint and Vrxaullt, " United, as well m Stparati Expnces, Exf editions and Adventures, " 23f (r l\xx\\tt tf nacftb bp t^z iSut|)C?ftp afojefaiD, That His MajefJy " b«, and He and His Heirs and Succdfors are hereby Impowred, from ** Tim« to Time, during the Continuance of the prejTent or any future « War, Anno Rignt Rtgis GE0RGIJ7/ Declmo Quarto, XraDe decureti anti teamen cttcoutageD* 4^3 •• War, to grant or make any Charters Commiflions or Grants for the •• better or more efFeftual Enabling any Society or Societies, or particular ** Perfons to Join in any Expeditions or Adventures by Sea or Land,and toSaJl " to and in any of the Seas in jimtrica, for the Attacking, Surprizing, Ta- " king or Defiroying any Ships, Goods, Moveables and Immoveables, •* Settlements, Faftories, Creeks, Harbours, Places of Strength, Lands, •* Forts, Cafiles and Fortifications now belonging, or hereafter to belong ** to or to be PofleiTed by any Enemy of His Majefiy, Hh Heirs or Suc- " ceffors, in any Part or Parts of Amtrica, •* And for the bttter Mating and Carrying on any Prtfarations for fuch Vur- ** foft And Purpofei, and for the Mating and Ajfuring to tie Soeittia and Ptrfont *' vthich may be Concerned^ their Heiri, Suectjfort, Executorjf Adminifiratort ty^^^j/^, ** and Affigntf full and undoubted Prof ertiesj Rights and Titles, ofyinandtOyand *' the full Enjoyment ef all and every the Ship, Ammunition, Stores ofWdr^ *' CoodSf Chattels f Moveables and Immoveables^ Settlements, FaSlorieSy Places of " Strength or Security, Lands, PortSy Cafiles or fortifications novf Belonging to tr *' Pojfejfedby, or hereafter to Belong to or to be Peffcjjed by any Enemy of Hit " Majijly, Hie Heirs or Saccejfors, in any of the Parts of America, which fuch '* Society or Vtrfoni fhaH Tale or eaufe to be Taken from any fuch Enemy, together ** ttith all the proceed Promts and Advantages tehicb may Accrue of or by the fame, ** or any of them veith and under fuch Regulations and in fuch Manner and Form " as Hit Majtfiy Hit Heirs and Succeffhrs fhaB think ft, and at anv Time or " Times afterwards by any further^ Grants or Charters to Confirmy Corroborate " and farther Affure the Premijfes and every or any of them, to the [aid Societies *' or Ptrfoni concernedytheir and every of their Heirs, Succeffon, Executors, Ad- *• minifirators or Afjtgns, fo a* to Enable them and every of thtm to Have, Hold ** and Enjoy the fuB Benefit thereof according to the true Intent and Meaning of " thsi ASl ; Any Latur, Statute, Proviiion or Declaration to the contrary " in any wife notwithftanding. Provided always. That nothing (hat! be Contained in any Charter, Com* ** miffion or Grant made in purfuance of this Ad, to Exclude or Reftrain jvaeira " any of His Ma jefty's SubjeSs from having a FuU and Free Trade to and * in any Part of America. « <( And as a further Encouragement to the Offkers, Seamen, Marines, Soulditn PreMmhU. " and Others, on Board His Majefty's Ship of War, at alfo of Privateers, U •* Attack, Take and Defiroy any Ship of Force belonging to the Enemy, ** TBt it Cnattet) l^ t^^ $&utlgo?ttp aCojetalb, That there (hall be paid by ** the Treafurer of His Majefty's Navy, upon Bill to be made forth by the « Coramiffioners of the Navy, to be paid according to the Courfe thereof, pjj,g fbo,^, " without Fee or Reward, unto the Officers, Seamen, Marines, Souldiers to be paid ** or Others, that (hall have been AftuaUy on Board fuch of His Majefty's by the Trea- " Ship or Ships of War, or Privateer or Privateers, in any Adion nrhere ^"'"P^Hl* « any Ship or Ships of War or Privateers, Ihall have been Taken from "^^JJ^yeVy' " the Enemy, Sunk, Burnt or otherwife Deftroyed, Pivepounds for every Mtfon on «* Man which was Living on Board any Ship or ^ips fb Taken, Sunk, Board any of " Burnt or otherwife Deftroyed, at the beginning of the Engagement be- l^'^'^^^Sj'* « tween them : The Numbers of fuch Men to be Proved by the Oaths of t'S^ftlu *' Three or mqre of the Chief Officers or Men which were belonging to Take, Sink, *• the faid Ship or Ships of War or Privateers of the Enemy at the time Burn or De- " of her or their being Taken as Prize, Sunk, Burnt or otherwife De- ftroy any ship " flroyed, before the Mayor or other Chief Magiftrate of the Port where, "^'^^jj^* JJ- *' unto any Prize or. Officers or Men of fuch Ships as were Sunk, Burnt thecnwjy, •* or otherwife Deftroyed ihall be brought ; which Oaths the faid Mayor ** or other Chief Magiftrate of any fuch Pore is hereby Iropowred and •« Requited ^ano Regni /?tf^flf G E O R G I J //. Dedmo Quarta 494 ICraDe S)ecuteD anD teamen cncouragcD. •' Required to Adminifter; and (hall forthwith grant a Certificate there- " of, without Fee or Reward, direQed to the Comminioners of the Navy, " upon producing which Certificate to the Commillioners of His Majefty's " Navy, together with an authentick Copy of the Condemnation of *' fuch Ship fo Taken ; or if fuchSbip b'e'Sunk, Burnt or othcrwife De- *' ftroyed, on producing only a Certificate from the Mayor or other " Chief Magiftrate, as aforefaid, the faid Commiflioners of His Majefty's ** Navy, or fuch perfon or perfons as they fhall appoint for that Purpofe, " Ihall according to the Courfe of the Navy, within Fifteen Days make " out Bills for the amount of fuch Bounty, dircfted to the Treafurer of " the Navy, Payable to and to be Divided amongft the Officers, Seamen, «' Marines and Souldierson Board His Majefty's Ships of War, in Manner, « Form and Proportion as by His Majefty's Proclamation to be IlTued for " that purpofe Ihall be direfted and appointed ; and amongft the Owners, " Officers and Seamen of any Private VefTel or Ship of War in fuch Man- " ner and Proportion as by any Agreement in Writing they fliall have " Entred into for that purpofe IhaU be direfled. " JBnlilie Jt furtitc (tnacteb bgtte?Dutl^o?itg afojeraio. That ihe Bid The Bill ot " or Bills to be made out for the Bounty hereby granted to the Comman- Bills to be " ders. Officers, Seamen, Marines, Souldiers and Others of His Majefty's made out for " Ships ot War, for Taking, Sinking, Burning or otherwife Deftroying gVarue°d"'to " ''"^ ^^'P' "^ ^^f °' Pnvateers, belonging to any of His Majefty's Ene- Commanders " "^i"} A^^U be made Payable to fuch perfon or perfons as (hall be Autho- Seamcn.g^f. " rizcd and Appointed by the Commander and by the majority of the on Board His " Officers and the major Part of fuch Ships Company and Others that Sh/^f ofWar " ^*'' ^^^^ Taken, Sunk, Burnt or otherwife Deftroyed the fame ; to be on their Ta- *' Diftributed and Divided by the faid perfon or perfons fo Authorized king, sinking " and Appointed amongA the Captors, in fuch Manner, Form and Pro- crDciiroying " portion, as aforcfaid ; The feveral Shares of which Captors, if not Le- any Veflels «t ggijy Demanded within Three Years after publick Notification, (hall be an yof H?s'° " applied to the Ufe of Greenwich Hofpital ; and that the Bill or Bills to IMajefty's E- " be made out for the Bounty hereby granted to Privateers for Taking, nemiej, tobe " Sinking, Burning or otherwife Deftroying any Ships of War or Priva- madepayablc « teCrs belonging to any of His Majefty's Enemies, ftiali be made Payable eents*" ^ " '° fucb perfon or perfons as {hall be Nominated and Appointed by the •'Owner or Owners, Officers and Seamen of fuch Privateer or Privateers " who Ihal) have Taken, Sunk, Burnt or otherwife Deflroyed the fame, *' or the major part of them ^ to be Divided in fuch Manner and Propor- " tion as fhall have been Agreed by them, as aforefaid. Provifo, " TrovlieimverthtUP, anil k fi furtift €na(tcli bp tfie 3EutT)o;ftp afoje^ »* fiafU, That nothing herein contained (hall Extend or be Conftrued to Ex- «* tend, to Oblige or Authorize any Judge of any of His Majefty's Courts of «' Admiralty in the Plantations or Colonies in America, or elfewhere out of " Great' Britainy to Adjudge or Determineconcerning the Validity of the ** Capture of any Ship or Ships, whether Men of War or Merchant Ships •* commonly called Flota Ships or Galleons, or any Ship having a Regiffer •* Bound from Buenos Ayris or Haniurat, or any Goods on Board any fuch ** Ship ; but that all fuch Ships called Flota Ships or Galleons, and every '* Ship having a Regifter Bound from Buenos Aynt or Rantiuraf, which " fhall be Takenby any Ship or Ships, fhall with their Cargoes be Tryed " and Adjudged in His Majefty's High Court of Admiralty •, Any thing in " this Aft to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. PreviiedaU " Provided always^ anil be it €n8ttet», That if any Ship, Veffel or Boat trajt. « Taken as Prize, or any Goods theiein fli^ll Appear and be Proved in " the AnnoRegm Regis G E O R G I J //. Decltno Quarto. %vatit ^ecttten atiD teamen encouraseti* 49^ *' the Courtof Admiralty, to be Belonging to any of His Majefty's Sub- *' jeQs oi Great- Bntatn or helanJyOr any of the Dominions and Territories *' remaining and continuing under His Majefty's Proteaion and Obedience, " which VFcre before Taken or Surprized by any of His Majefty's Enemies " and afterwards again Surprized and Re-taken by any of His MajeOy's " Ships of War, or any Private Men of War, or other Ship, VefTel or Boat *' under His Majefly's Proteftion or Obedience, that then fuch Ships, Vef- *' fels, Boats and Goods, and every fuch part and parts thereof, as afore&id, ** Belonging ro fuch His Majefty's Subjefts, (hall be adjudged to be Refto. " red, and fhall by Decree of the faid Coon accordingly Reftored to fuch ** former Owner or Owners, or Proprietors, he or they paying for and ia ** Lieu of Salvage, if Taken by one of His Majefty's Ships of War, an Eighth *' part of the true Value of the Ships, Veflels, Boats and Goods refpeftively, *' fotobe Reftoted ; Which Salvage fhal! be anfwered and paid to the " Captains, Officers and Seamen in the faid Man of War ; to be Divided ia " fuch Manner as before in this Aft is direded touching the Share of *' Prizes belonging to the Flag-Officers, Captains, OfBcets, Seamen, Ma- *' rines and Souldiers, where Prizes are Taken by any of His Majefty's " Ships of War ; and if Taken by a Privateer or other Ship, Vellel or Boat, " after having been in the Pofleffion of the Enemy Twenty-four Hours, an *' Eighth part of the true Value of the faid Ships, VciTels, Boats and Goods ; " and if above Twenty-four Hours aad under Forty-eight Hours, a Fifth *' part thereof •, and if above Forty-cighl Hours and under Ninety-fix " Hours, a Third part thereof : All which Payments to any Privateer, or " other Ship, Veffel or Boat, fhall be without any Deduftions : And if ^' fuch Ship fo Re-taken fhall appear to have been after the Taking by the "Enemy, hy shcm fet forth as a Man of War, the former Owners or ** Proprietors to whom the fame (hall be ReKoied, (hall bs Adjudged to " pay and fhall pay for Salvage, the full Moiety of the true Value of the " faid Ship fo Taken and Refiored, without Dedodton, as aforefaid i Any '* Law, Cuftooi or Ufage to &he cootrary ootwlthfianding. *' SBnli btit tntttex €m(ta, T4jat io cafe any Ship or Veffel, or any " Goods or Merchandizes fiiall be Taken by any Privateer, ihroagh Coo- " feni or Clandeftinely, or by Collufion or Connivance, fuch Ship and Vef- syn v f «* fel and fuch Goods and Merchandizes, and alfo the Ships Tackle, Ap- feis fakeo' * " parel, Fnrniture and Ammnnition of fuch Privateer, {hall upon Proof eiandeftine- " thereof to be made in His Majefty's Court of Exchequer, or in the Couck ^7' ^'* ** of Admiralty, so be Dedared and Adjudged to be good Prize to His IVfa- •• jefly .• One moieSy thereof (hall be to the Ufe of His Majefty, His Heirs *' and Succeflbrs ^ and the other moiety to the Ufe of fuch perfon who IhalL ** Difcover and Sue for the fame : And the Bond given by the Captain *• of fuch Privateer, (hall be and is hereby adjudged to be Forfeited to His *( Majefty. And In caie any fuch Ship or Veflei, or any Goods or Mer- *« chandize,as aforefaid, (hall be Taken by any Man of War, through Con« *» fent Clandef^inely, or by Collufion or Connivance of the Commander or ** Captain, fuch Connmander or Captain fhall Foifeic the Sura of 0»e Thau* *• land Vouneif ; One moiety thereof to the Ufe of His Majefiy, His Heirs *« and SuccefTors ; and the other moiety to the Ufe of fuch perfoa who (hall " Difcover and Sue for the fame : To be Recovered by Aftion cf Debt, " Bill, Plaint or lnforraaiion,in any of His Majefty's Court ofRecord^whereia " no Effoign, Protcftion, Priviledge or Wager of Law, or any more than one *' Imparlance fnall be allowed -, and fuch Captain or 0(ficer fhall forfeit his " Command and Employment, and fhall be and is hereby Dif-abled and made *' incapable of any Office or Employment under His Majefty,during the Ipace »' of Seven Years : And the faid Goods and Merchandizes, and the Ships " Tackle, Apparel, Furniture, Guns and Ammunition fo Taken by Collufion, *• (hall be and is hereby adjudged fo be good Prize to His MajeJly. X X X X *• Aid j4>tHo Regni Regis GEORGIJ IT. Declmo Qaarto. 494 aaesttiatioti of tl)e militia. Vrtamile. *' Aid whereat good andneceffary Law* have bun Mtdt and fliU art in Force *' -within ftveral of Hts Ma^efiy^ t Colonies or Ptantationi in America, for the frt» " venting the Carrying off from the faiS. t^eloaitj or Plantatiofii^aty Servant or Slave " without the Confent of the Owner \or tbeCarrying off from thence any other ferftn " or per font whatfoevtr^ until fucb ftrfon have taken out hit Ticket from the Secrt- ** tary^i Office within fucb refpt£iivt Colony or Plantation^ in fucb Manner anti under *' fuch Penalties and Forfeitures as in Mid by the faid feveral Laws is Declared and •' Provided. " 25e ft tjercfo^e futtjcc (tnatttb ftp t^t 5Duito?(tH afo?riiiio, That al! Letters of ti Commanderj of Private Ships of War, Or Merchanc Ships having Letters ing"'iMtlan» " of Marque,(haU Upon their going into any of thofe Pons or Harbours, bt Port, to be " Subjeft, and they are hereby determined lo be Subjefl: to the feveral Di- fubjeft tothe " leftions, Provilions, Penalties and Forfeitures in and by fuch Laws made Dirertioiis •» gnj provided ; Any thing in this Aft contained to the contrary thereof ihejeof. ,t j„ a„y ^jj-g notwiihftanding. An A(ft for Regulating the Militia. WH E R E A S for tit Honour and Service of Hit Majefly^ and for the Security, of this Hit Majefly't Colony^ againfi any ytolence or Invafton Preamble. yvbdtfoever^ it is Neceffary that due Core be taken. That the Inhabitants thereof be Armed^Trainedy and in a futiable Pojiure and Readinefi for the Ends afore faid i and that every ferfon may know his Duty and bt Obliged to perform tbtfame^ V^t it Cnacteti dp rl^e (Bobecnour, Council ano 1Rrprefentatftie$f» in (Bentval Court iJCTembleli, auD bp tfte autjio^itp of t§e fame, Thai all Male All Male oer- P*^ ^°'^* ^'^^^ Sixteen Years of Age to Fifty, (hall bear Arms and duly attend fons from i6 a" Mufters and Military Exercifes, of the refpeftive Troops and Companies Tears old to where ibey are (nlifled or do Belong C Except Afliflaats, Juflices of the 50, to bear Peace, tbe Secretary, Church Officers, «he Redor, Tutor and Students al Arms, Ex- |t^g Collegiate School, Mafters of Art, Allowed Pfayficians and Surgeons, eepting, £}'«. [^^prefencaiives or Deputies for the Time being, School-Mailers, Attornies at Law, One Miller to each Grift-Mill, conftanc Herdfmen, and Mariners «vho make it their conftaat Bufinefs to go to Sea, Sheriffs, Conflables, con* flanc Ferry^men, Lame perfons, or Others difabled in Body producing Cer- tificate thereof from Two able Phyficians or Surgeons, to the acceptance of the Two Chief Officers of tbe Company whereto the perfons feeking Dif- miflton appertains •, ot of the Chief Officer of the Regiment to which Com- pany belongs, Indians and Negroes ; ) and every perfon Lifted in any. Troop or Company, fhaU fo continue and attend all Doty in fuch Troop or Company, or otherwife fuffer the Penalty by Law provided until orderly Diftnrfs'd or Removed out of the Town or Precioft ; and in cafe of Rcmo* val into the Precinft of another Company in the fame Town, to produce a Certificate under the hand of the Chief Officer of the Company in the Pre- claA where he b Removed, that he is Lifted there. a That every Lifted Souldier and other Hcufe-holdcr (Except Troopcn) fhall always be provided with and have in continual readtnefs, a well-fixed AH Houfe- Firelock,the Barrel not lefs than Three Feet and a Half long, or other good holders & Fire-Arm5,to the fatisfaftion of the Commiffion Officers of the Company to Lifted Soul- ^yjjjch hg jqjj^ belong, or in the Limits of which he dwells, a good Sword or vide & ke°p Cutlafs, a Worm,Primer and Priming- wire fit for his Gun, a Carlridgesbox, Arms and Ooc Pound of good Powder, Four Pounds of Bullets fit for his Gun, and Ammunition Twelve Flints, on penalty of Ter, Shillings for want of fuch Arms and Am- munition, as is hereby Required, and Three Shillings for each Defefl ; and the like Sum ot Sums for every Four Weeks he fliall remain Unprovided. Juno Rtgm Regis G E O R G I J //. Declmo Qaarto, mesttiatioti of t!)e i®ilitia. 495 ;. That every Trooper fhall always be provided with a good ferviceable Horfe, not lefs than Fourteen hands high, to the acceptance of the Two Ch\ti Commiflion Officers of the Troop to whith he belongs, cove ed ^^^ Troop. with a good Saddle with Houfing and other proper Furniture thereto, g^j n\\A be Bitt, Bridle and Holfters, and furniflied v»ith a Carbine, the Barrel not lefs furnifljcd. than Two Feet and half long, with « Belt and Swivel, a Cafe of good Piftols, a Sword or Cutlafs, a Flask or Cartouch-box, One Pound of good Powder, Three Pounds of fizeable Bullets, Twenty Flints, a good pair of Boots and Spurs, on penalty of ft/ir«« S)9t7?«ffgf for want of fuch Horfe, at is hereby Ordered, and Ihrte Shillings tor each other Defeft ; and the like Sum for every Six Weeks he (hall remain Unprovided : And that each Trooper Lift his Horfe, and (hall not difpofe thereof without the ConfehC of the Chief Officer, on the penalty of Five Pounds : And for Non-ap- pearance at the Time and Place appointed for Exercife, every Lifted Trooper (hall pay a Fine of Ttftlve ShiUingt for each Days Negleft. 4. That each Company or Troop Ihall Choofc fome fuitable Perfon to Clerks to be be Clerk, who Ihaltbe Sworn to a faithful Difcharge of his Office, before ^^^^^^ '"* fome Afiiftant or Juflice of the Peace, in the Words foliowing. Viz.. VOu do Swear truly to perform the Office of a Clerk of the Military ^ Company under the Command of A. B. to the uttnofl: of your Skill Th^ir Oath. and Power, in all things appertaining to faid Office according to Law. So help you God. And every Clerk fo Chofen and Sworn, (hall givehis attendance in the Field with his Sword by his fide on every of the Mufter or Training Days by his Captain or Chief OfBcer appointed, to call over the Roll Of the Souldiers, and to take notice of their Defefts by their Abfence orvOther- wife. And every fuch Clerk fliall take an exaft Lift of all the Souldiers C*«ks Dutj. within his Limits, Twice in every Year at leaft, and deliver totVie Captain or Chief OfSter of the Company of which he isCle»k, a true Copy of fuch Lift Twice in every Year, if thereto required, and alfo deliver a trut and exaft Account of the number of Officers and Souldiers contained in bis Lift, to the Colonel or Chief Officer of the Regiment to which faid Company belongs under his Hand and Teft, as Clerk, fome time in the "Month of Septembery Annually, and oftner if by fuch Chief Officer required, on penalty of forfeiting the Sum o( Twenty Shillings for every fuch Negleft, to the life of the Company or Troop to which he belongs ; which Fine Dial] be levied by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offenders Goods, by Warraiit from the Chief Officers of faid Company or Troop direfted to the Con- ftable of the Town m which faid Clerk dwells : And every fuch Clerk is hereby Aurhcsrizedand Required to execute all lawful Warrants by his Supcriour OfFcers to him direQed, for the levying any Fine or Fines, oa Delirquenta, together with the necelTary Charges arifing thereon, being by virtue of foch Warrants as fully Tmpowrcd thereto as Conflables are in other Cafes, and fhall have the fame Fees and ftiall account for fuch Fines to the Chief Officer of the Company whereto he belongs. y. That in every Trainband where there are Sixty Four Souldiers be- fides Officers, there fhallbe a Captain, Lieutenant, Enlign and Four Ser- Trainbands jeants : and where- there arc Thirty Two Souldiers, theie (hall be a Lieute- how to be nant and Enfign,andTwo Serjeants 'land where there are but Twenty Four ^"'"^^ Souldiers, there fiiall be but Two Serjeants, which Officers the rcfpedive ^^^^J^ * Companies have liberty to Nominate : And all fuch as are by Law obliged to keep Arms, (Kail be Notified of and have liberty to Vote in the Choice of fuch Commiffion Officers : And all Coromiffion Officers fliall be Eftab- lilbed by the General Court. And where there fhall be in any Company X X X X 2 % Ahm» Regnt Regis G E O R Q I J //, Decimo Quarto. 496 saegulatton of ti)e ^tlttta. a fufBcient Number of Souldiers for Two Companies, and where there When there "^^''^ ^°"'P^"'^s that have a fufficicnt number of Souldiers for Three is a fufficient Companies, the Colonel or Chief Officer of the Regiment to which Corn- number of pany or Companies belong, (hall with the Advice of the Commiffion Offi- Souldiers to ^ers of fuch Company or Companies, Eftablifh a Line or Lines by which TwoorUiree ^''^^°™P*"yor Companies fhall be Divided and to which the Power of Ooiopaaies. the Chief Officer in fuch DiviAon fhall Extend. 6- That the Chief Commiffion OfHcer of each Company and Troop fhall appoint the Days of Training and Trooping, and the Souldiers fhall Chief Com- have Three Days Warning, which Warning fhall be given by the Clerks of njiffion Of- the refpeSive Bands and Troops, or by fome ether perfon appointed by the ficer to ap. chief Officer of the Company or Troop, or in fome other way agreed on by Sg D«"'"* ^"*=^ Bands or Troops : And the Days of Training and Trooping (hall be in fome or either of the Months of Marchf April, May, Stpttmbir, Oiiober or Hovembtr : And every Centinel fhall appear compleac in his Arms oa every fuch Day, as on Days appointed for Viewing Arms, and under th« fame Penalty for every Defed. 7 That every Captain or Chief Officer of any Company or Troop, ffiall xu r • ^ Obliged ( on Penalty of Five Povndsy to be Diflreined by Warrant from or ChkFof- the Chief Officer of each Regiment direded to either of the Conflables of ficer of any the Town in which fuch Captain or Chief Officer dwells, and paid into the Company or Treafury of faid Town ) to draw forth his Company or Troop, or caufe Troop, to tijen, jq i,g drawn forth Four Days in a Year, to Exercife them in Comply for t^eUfe of Arms, Shooting at Marks and other Military Exercifesj ExercifeFour And every perfon liable to Train, having been duly Wam'd and not Ap- daysin aYear pcaring and Attending the fame, fhall for each Days Negled pay a Fine of on penalty of 5,,, Shillings ( except fuch perfon (hafl within Twelve Days make an Fxcufe Five Pmnds. ^^^^^ Satisfaftion of the Chief Ofacet of the Company to which he be- longs, for his not Appearing according to Warning given him. ) Officers not 8. That if any CommilHon Oificer of any Military Company or Troop to lay down ftall lay down his Place, or give in his Commiffion without liberty from their Places jjjg Captain General; and if any Serjeant of Foot or Corporal of Troops wthout Li- py Qjgj^ pf ^jjjej Troop or Foot, fhall lay down his Place without liberty ^^* from the Colonel or Chief Officer of the Regiment whereto fuch Serjeant, Corporal or Clerk doth belong, every fuch Officer fltall be Lifted in the Ron of the Company in the Limits whereof he Refides,and do all Duties and Services as Private Centinelsate by Law required to do. 9. That all fuch perfons that are not Fifty Years of Age, who have been Serieants of Foot or Corporals of Troop, in any Company or Troop in this Colony, or fuch as have been in either of faid Offices in any War, Inferior Of- ^Jjq fljaU dwcll in the Limits of any other Company than that in which fw^&Duty '^^y ^^^® fufiained fuch Offices, Ihall be and are hereby freed horn doing ^ ^' Duty as Private Centinels, and (hall be regoired only to be prefenc to at* tend the Exercife in fuch Place or Office as they have before Served in : And if any fuch Officer ibaU refufe or neglea to be Prcfent en Days of Exercife, when requited, and to attend the Duty of his Office, he ihall be liable to the fame Fine as others that fuAain the fame Office in any par- ticular Company are liable to. 10. That the Chief Officer of every Troop DiaD caufe the Arms and Viewing of Ammunition of all under his Command J and the Chief Officer of every Arms* Am- Company of Foot, ftall caufe the Arms and Ammunition of aU urdet his muoitfoa, . Q,n„^ajjd, and alfo of all others dwelling in the Limics of his Company, to Jttuo Reg»i Regji G E O R G I J //. Decimo Quarto. Begulatioti of tje ^iiitia* 497 be Viewed on the Fird Monday of May, Annually, by Requiring fuch per- fons to bring forth their Arms and Ammunition ai a certain Place and Hour, by fuch Officer appointed : And if any perfoa be belonging to or ia ihe Limits of any Foot Company, (hall not appear, being thereto Required artd duly Warned, he fliall pay as a Fine for Jvlon-appearance, Six Shiliings ; and for deficiency ia Arms and Ammunition ttn Shillings. And every Trooper fhaU pay as a Fine for Non-appearance Jaehe ShiUitigt \ and for deficiency in Arms and Ammunition Ten 5iiW»{j, Except fuch perfoa (hall penalty for appear within Twelve Days after the day appointed for Viewing Arms and Non-appcar- make a faiisfaflory Excufe for his Non-appearance on faid Day, and alfo ance. Ihew bis Arms and Ammunition to the Chief Officer ot the Company to which he belongs or in the Limits whereof he refides, and Avouch them to be his own, and that they had not been by any perfon whatfoever carried forth to be Viewed upon or after faid Day : And every Captain or Chief Of- ficer of any Company or Troop, that (hall negledi or relufe to Viewer caufe to be Viewed the Arms and Ammunition of all under his Command or within the Limits of his Company, as above required, (hall forfeit and pay Che Sum of five Pounds Money for fuch Negle£l -, to be levied and difpofed of to the fame Manner as the Penalty io this hSt provided for Captains not atteading on Regimental Mufters. 11. That if any Lieutenant, Cornet, Enfiga or Quarter-mafler of any Company or Troop, (hall negleQ or refufe to appear oq any Mufter Day p^^jj^ P^ or Day of Exercifeby the Captain ot fuch Company or Troop appointed, Lieotenams , and attend the Duty of his Poft, be (hall pay for each days Negleft Ftftten Comets. Eu- ShiUingt Money ; Ihe diftrefs therefor to be granted by the Colonel or Chief figns&QLuar- Officer of the Regiment to which fuch Company or Troop doth belong ; '^'q^*J"/, . Unlels fuch Excufe be made within Twelve Days as fuch Colonel ot Chief ^j °ce oa days Officer (hall think ic reafonable thai DinreA fliould not be granted : And of Mufteuo^ every Serjeant of the Foot and Corporal of the Troop, that (hall aegleO: 10 appear and attend the Duty of his Place, (baV^ for each Days negledl, pay a Fine of Twelve Sbtliings ; ihe Diftrefs therefor to be granted by the Two Chief Officers of fuch Company or Troop, UnleG Excufe be made wiihia Twelve Days after fuch Mufter Day to the fatisf»^iaa of faid Two Chief Officers. 12. That there may be One Troop of Horfe in each Regiment^ not cx- ceedingSixly Four Men, including Officers ; and where there is no Troop already Formed, the Chief Officers of fuch Regiment (hall have liberty to Form a Troop : And in any Regiment where there is but part of a Troop, OneTroop of faid Officers fhall have liberty to fill up fuch Troop to the Number afore- Horfe to be faid, and to lead or caufe fuch Troops fo Formed or Filled up to be led to allowed in the Choice of Officers proper and neceffary, and make Return thereof to the "ch Regi- Gencral AfTembly : And therefpeSivc Troops in this Colony are hereby "*"'• impowred. Two Thirds at leaft of fuch Troops agreeing to pafs Voles for the Regulaiing faid Troops with refpeft to the Colour of their Cloaihiog, and to impofe Fines, not exceeding Twenty ShtOings fer Day, on fuch as neg- leS or refufe to comply with fuch Votes ; and fuch Fines Oiall be Levied in the fame Manner, and be Difpofed of and Improved for the fame Ufcs at other Fines and Penalties in faid Troops by Law are. H- That there fhall be in each Regiment, from time to time appointed by the General AfTembly, a Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel and Major, who T^je General (hall be CommiflTioned by the Govcrnour for the time being : Thai the ^pjSnt co- Colonel or Chief Officer of each Regiment, as often as he fhall fee caufe, lantU^ Licu- fhali Require the Captain or Chief Officer of each Company in his Regiment, tenant Colo- to Meet at fuch Time and Place as he fhall appoint, to Confer with them nels&Majois. Ahho Regfii Btgh G E O R G I J //. Decltno Quarto. 498 Colonel or ChiefMilift- ry Officer of each Regi- ment, to Mufter the Companies of his Regi- nient toge- ther Once in Foui Years. aaeguiattott of tHe lO^tlttta; and give in charge fuch Orders as fhall by them or the major part of them be judged Meet, for the better Ordering Militwy Affairs and promoting Military Difcipline in faid Regiment. 14 That the Colonel or Chief Military Officer of each Regiment, is hereby Auchorized and Required, toMufler together the feveral Compa- nies in his Regiment, or fuch a Number of them as he fliali judge proper. Once in Four Years, for Regimental Exercife ; wkich Mufters the feveral Captains or ChiefOfficeraof faid Companies are required to Attend with their Companies, on penaly of Five Vounds ; mhich faid penaly ftall be diftreined by Warant from the Chief Officer of faid Regiment, dircfted to either of the Conftables of the Town in which faid Captain dwells, and be paid into the Treafitry of faid Town* Upon an In- vafun of an Enemy, the Colonels to aflemblc the wholeMili- tia in Mar- tial Array, & Kepair to fach Places to Deftrof faid Enemy, t$. That the Colonel or Chief Officer of each Regiment, (ball be, and is hereby Impowred and Authorized, upon any Alarm, Invafion, or notice of the Appearance of an Enemy, either b? Sea or Land, to aflemble in Martial Array and put' in Warlike Pofture the whole Militia of the Regi- ment under his Command, or fuch part of them as he fhall think Needful, and being fo Armed, to Lead, Condud aifd Employ them as well within the Regiment i^hereto they belong, as in any other adjacent Place in this Colony, tor the Affifting, Succouring and Relieving any of His Majefly's Subje£is, Forts, Towns or Places that fliaO be Allaulted by an Enemy or in Danger thereof; and with them by Force of Arms, to Encounter, Repel, Pcrfue, Kill and Dfiftroy fuch Enemy, or any of them, by any fitting Ways, Enterprizes or Means whatfoever ; And the Colonel or Chief Of- ficer of any Regiment, fo caking to Arms or Leading forth any party of Men, ftall forthwith Poft away the fntelligence and Occafion thereof, to the Captain General or Commander in Chief for the time being, and fliall attend and obferve fuch OiieOions and Orders as he fhall receive from hini> 1^. That when any Tonro or Place in this Colony fliall be AfTaulted by htiians or any other Enemy, ic fhall be Lawful for and in the Power of the Chief Commiffioo Officer or Officers of the Company or Companies in fuch Place (b Affaulted, to call forth all the Souldiers under his or their Command, and to Martial Order and Dlfpofe them in the beft manner to Defend the Place AiTauIted, and to Encounter, Repel, Purfue and Deftroy the Enemy ; and if need fo require, to Affift a Neighboar Town when AfTaulted, as aforefaid : And that fuch Officer or Officers fo Taking to Arms, fhall forthwith difpatch Notice to his or their Superiour Officer of his or their Motion and the Occafion thereof, and obferve fuch Commands and Orders as he or they fhatt receive from him. 17. That the Chief OfBeers of each Regiment, fhall order the Cor- reSing and Punifhing Difbrders and Contempt on Days of Regimental Exercifes : And the Two Chief Officers of any Company or Troop, fhall order the CorrcQing and Puniflling Diforders and Contempt on Training Days, or on a Military Watch ; the Punifhment not being greater than Laying Neck and Heels, Kding the Wooden Horfe,orrffw»>Si»tf»ffgxFine. Fines* Pe. 1 8. That all Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures arifing by Virtue of this naities how Aft or any Breach thereof, fhaD be levied on the Goods or Chattels of the Difpofed'^ refpeftive Delinquents, if upwards of Twenty One Years of Age ; and on P the Goods or Chattels of the Parents, Maflers or Guardians of fuch Delin- quents as have not arrived at the Age of Twenty One Years , and fhall be for the Ufe of the refpeSive Companies or Troops to which the perfons Fined do belong ( Except fuch Fines as are otherwift diftofed of in this Aao If Indian E- neaiies Af- faalt any Place, the Optains of Companies to call forth the Souldiers and Paifue faidEnemies. Diforders how Puni,i Regis G E R G I J //. Declmo Quarto. lacgulattott of tl)e iS0xlitia, 499 Aft ) Ti'»**■ and after that Proportion for all the Lifted Souldicrs in each Towi^ whether 7^wesf« they be more or lefs ; And the Seleft-inen of any Town thai arc nol able *"**'****"*• ( open Information made to the Colonel or Chief Officer of the Regiment to which fucb Town belong) to make il appear to faid Colonel or Chief Of- ficer of fuch Regiment, that ihey arc Provided with fuch Stock of Ammu- nition, as aforefaid, within Three Months after the Publication hereof, /hall pay a Fine of Five PounJi lawful Money, One Third part of which Fine fhall be to him that fhall Inform againft them ; Ihc Remainder ftiallbe Laid out and Improved towards ihc producing fuch Stores ; Which faid Penalty (hall be diftreined by Warrant, Signed by faid Colonel or Chief Officer of faid Regiment, dirrfled to ihc Sheriff of the County in which fuch Town is, bi* Deputy, or either of the Conttablcs of faid Town, and fhall l)e accordingly Collected and Paid into the hands of (aid Colonel or Chief Officer, afotefaitf, for the Purpofes aforefaid. fllnb ft io fuctljcr €nn(trti lip tljcHutfto^itp ofojefaiU, That the St]e^Z men of any Town, as aforefaid.fhail incur ihe fame Penalty for every Three Fenahy fot Months that they (hall remain Unprovided, as aforefaid ; to be Levied and Negleft, Improved as afoiefaiJ. Jind for at much as it may be Neteffarj for the detttr Deftnce of the Colony ^er any Parts tbtredf Exp'fed to Invafian, fitc. titt tVatcbet and Wards bt kept up at Pteatihle. Times and PUtet witiin the fame ®f ft tl)£rrfo;e ftirttjrr iCnactfO hi' tfit Silutt)0?itT afo;trafl>. Thai when and foofttnas the Authority and SeicA-mcn in any Town in this Co- lony, Mm Regtii iiegis G E O R G I J //. Declmo Quarto. 502 ^Ci)CDl;6!. lony, or the major part of them, (hall judge it NecefTary or highly Con- venient for the Safety offach Town, to have Watches and Wards therein, they are hereby Authorized and Impowred, by Warrant to Command the "^y &"sele"a Conftable, or fome other Meet perfon by them appointed, to Warn fuch men to Ap- ^ Number of Men to appear at fuch Time and Place in faid Town as they point&Order ftiall think Neceflary ; and aU and every fuch perfon or persons that fhall Watches and be Notified to Watch or Ward, as aforefaid, ftal) appear at the Time and Wards. Place, with a good Firelock and Sword, a Qoarter of a Pound of good Powder, and one Pound of BuDets fie for his Gun, and ftiall obferve fuch Direftions as Jhall be given by Order of iajd Authority and Selea.men, who are hereby Impowred to give fuch Orders and Direftions relating to the Regulating fuch Watching and Warding and the Continuance thereof as they ftiall judge Needful : And it any perfon or perfons being Warned, as aforefaid, or in any other Manner which the Authority and Seledi-men Ihall agree and conclude upon, fhall negleft and r.efule to attend at Time and Place, Armed and Furniih'd, as aforefaid, or to obferve the Orders to them given by the Conf^able or any other perfon appointed by the Au- thority andSele£l-men,as aforefaid, (hall for every fuchNegleft or Offence pay a Fine of T<« Shillings^ which by Warrant from an AflSflant or Juflicc of the Peace, fhall be levied by the Conftable and difpofed of for the Ufe of the faid Watch; SOnti ft fs( furtl^eK tfnatfein, That all Laws heretofore made refpeSliag Military Affairs ( Excepting an AS, Entituled, An AEi rtUting to Alarms^ Repealing ^^^ ^^ Aft, Entituled, An Ati for Encouraging MtUtary SkiBy &e. and an Adts&Laws. Aft, Entituled, An AS to Enable SeltQ.mtn to AJfefs tht Inhabitants ; and alfo an Aft, Entituled, An Ad for the bttttr Regulating the Militia^ 6c Made and PafTed by the General Affembly in the Thirteenth Year of His Prefent Majefty's Reign ) (hall be Repealed, and they are hereby Re- pealed and made Void. Aa Ate Reg»i Reg it G E O R G I J 7/ Decimo Quarto. '^^ p^oljibiting tl)e ^jcpo^tation of (5ram. An Ad to prevenc the Exportation of Grain, Plowei & Bread out of thisColony in a time of Scarcity ♦ WHERE AS the Exportation of Wheat and otbtr forts of Grain and Flowtr out of this Colony in a time of great Scarcity , may reduce many of our In- habitants greatly to Suffer or Peri^ with famine. Which to Prevent: His Hononr j5g (j (fnattCD, That his Honour the Governour, by and with the Advice tlie Gov^f- of the Council, be Defired and Impowred, from time to time, as Occafion outVrocla- fl^all be, to IfTueouchis Proclamation, therein to Prohibit and Forbid the mation to Tranfporting or Shipping on Board for Tranfportation out of this Colony ForbidGrain any Wheat or Other fort of Grain and Bread or Flower, for the Time noin being j-^^. j„ f^^h Proclamation. Tranipoited. jia,ays Provided, Such Proclamation fhall not Extend to hinder any Frovifo. Wheat, or other Grain or Flower being put on Board any ol His Majefty's Ships of War, or other Ship or VefTei in His Majefty's Service, or to necelTary Scores for any Privateers or Merchant Ship or VelTel belonging to His Majefty's Subjects i Such Bills of Store always to be allowed by fome Afliftant or Juflice of the Peace ; Confideration being had to the Number of Men and the Length of the Voyage intended. J further yind it ii further Provided^ That fuch Proclamation or Prohibition be not Provifo. Extended more than Twenty Days after the Opening the General Af- fembiy that fhall be next after the Date of fuch Proclamation. On ubiica- ^^^ ^^ ^^ fuctl)tr (EnattcO, That upon the publiQiing any fuch Proclama- tion''of faid t'OHj ^" Maftcrs of Ships or Vefleis in any of our Rivers, Ports, Harbours Proclamati- or Creeks,fhal) forthwith Land all forts of Grain, Bread or Flower that they ons.Mafters have on Board for Tranfportation contrary to fuch Proclamation, or give U Toa^'^aiid" '" ^ ""^ Invoice to fome Naval Officer, A/Tiftant or Juflice of the Peace, Landfall the of the Grain and Flower they have on Board, and become Bound withTwo Grain that fufficient Sureties to the Treafurer of this Colony, in a penal Sum to Five they iiave on times the Value of the Grain and Bread and Flower they have on Board ^•°*^ r' °d " (excepting theKing'sShips andStores,as above excepted)fuch penal Sum to give Bono, :^^ forfeited upon Condition fuch Grain or Flower fhaU not be Landed in fome place in this Colony, Exprefsly mentioned in the Condition of fuch Bond for the ufe of the Inhabitants thereof: And if the Mafter of any Ship On penalty, or VefTei, (hall refufe or negleft to Conform himfelf accordingly,it fiiall be lawful for an Afliftant or Juftice of the Peace, and they are hereby Ordered in fuch cafe, by their Warrant to the Conftable or Water-Bailiff to Seife, Unbend and Land the Sails of fuch Veflels,and them in fafeCuftody to keep until the Mafler Conform to the Order aforefaid, and pay all Cofts occa- Mafters of ftgned by his defed ; the Coft to be allowed by fuch AfEftant or Juftice. «SnB a^ny ^^ ^^ ftictficr Ognatte&.That if any Ship or VefTei, after fuch Prodamatioa Gtai'ii on made, fhall receive on Board any Grain, Bread or Flower contrary to fuch Boaid.after Prohibition and without or until the Matter of fuch Ship or VefTei (hall give Proclamation gond, as aforefaid, that the fame fhall be Landed in force place in this Co- hibitVt° fucii ^0"y fo"^ ^^'^ "'^ °* '^^ Inhabitants thereof, fuch Grain and Flower ftall be Grain to be forfeited ;jthe one half to the Informer that fhall Profecute his Information forfeited. to EfFeft,and the other half to the publick Treafury of this Colony : And when any perfon fhall Inform any Affiftant or Juftice of the Peace, that ? 11,hT!' Grain or Flower is Shipped on Board any VefTei contrary to fuch Prohibi- tion made to . ,,,_,. *•! , . , r i^ • ^ ^r- !_•*-» an Affiftant tion, and give fufficient Bond to fuch Authority to Profecute his Com- orjuiticcthat plaint and Anfwer all Damages if he make not his Plea good, fuch Affiflant Grain is on or Juftice fhajl llTue forth his Warrant to the Conftable or Water-BailifF ^r'seardi to ^° Search fuch Ship or Veflel for fuch Grain or Flower, and upon finding be made & a *^® fa^e, to Land and fafely Secure to a Tryal : And fuch Informer ftall Special Court forthwith Libel againft fiich Grain or Flower to the Judge of the County to be called Court in the County where the Seifure was made : And in fuch Cafe, the Judge J»no negMi Regis G E O R G I J //. Dedlmo Quarto, jFe^s?^ :^ct m^yiUt), so^ Judge before whom the Libel is made, fliall fpeedily CalU Special Court, in foitie Place in the County, toTry faid Caufe ; At which Court all Parties Courts Pow- concerned ( as far as they are known ) (hall be Cited to Appear : And fuch er.and noAp- Courc is Ordered and Direfted to Hear, Confider and Determine fuch P"! there- Caufe, from which Judgment no Appeal or Review Ihall be granted. *'^'"- An Ad for Regalating Fees. Bit It (fnatteU b? t^c (Poternour, Council anO ReprefcntatlteiS, ftt judges of the (Benecal Court ^WTembleD.anQ ft? tfie 3fiutl)ojirp oEtfje fame, That for §up|rioui the luture there (hall be allowed and paid out ot the Colony Treafury, in Court's Fea» Bills of Credit on ibis Colony, of the New Tcnour, to the Chief Judge of the Superiour Court, Ten SbiUitigt per Diem ; and to the Affiftuig Judges of faid Court, Eight ShiOings per Diem, during their Attendance on the Service of faid Court. Judges of the And that for the future,there fliall be allowed and paid out of the County Count.Coiuts Treafuries in this Colony,to each Judge of the County Courts, SevenSbilllingt Fees. ptrDiem^BTid to each Juflice of the Quorum ^FiwSiSiffiwg; perDiemyia faid New Tenour Bills, during their Attendance on the Service of faid Courts. g ^ per diem That there fliall be paid out qf the Colony Treafury, in faid Bills, to each to AiFiftanta Afliflant, Six ShiUtngs per Diem^ and to each Reprefentative, Few Shillings p'r & 4 ». to Re- Viem, for each Days Atttendance at the General ACembly, and Two-pence P,hiirme2 per Mile for their Travel to and from faid AiTembly. dingG. Court Thai the Juries that Attend at the Superiour and County Courts,fliall be allowed in faid Bills, for the Tryal of each Adion, Twelve Shillings. Juries Fees. That each Sherifl, Deputy-SherifF or Conftable, (hall have for Serving each Summons, by Reading the fame, Four-pence^ for Serving by a Copy, 5^^'l^^*"* Six-pmt^ for Serving an Attachment, Eight-pence jfor Travel if above One pj"j^ Mile, Two-pence per Mile out j for Taking Bail or Bond, Six-pence, That the refpeSive Coalers be allowed for Commitment and Difcharge Q^^j^^^gg^ of each Prifoner, One Shilling and Six-pence j for Dieting each Prifoner, Two Shillings and Four>pence per Week. That each Evidence Summoned to Attend at any Court, (hall be allowed Tnt'pence per Mile for their Travel to Court, and One Shilling and Six-pence witneffes.- per Day for their Attendance. That each Afliflant and Juflice of the Peace, fhall be allowed for Tryal Affiftantst of each Aftion, Two Shillings ; and for each Judgment on Confeffioo, Eight- jufticesFees, pence j for each Judgment on Default, One Shilling. That each County Surveyor fliall be allowed for Each Days Service, Five j j, pr iUm Shillings per Day and his Keeping, to Surveyor?. That the refpedive Town Clerks fliall be allowed the one half of the Fees mentioned in anAa,Entituled,/4« M concerning Town Clerks Office and Duty. Jowo Clerks And that all the before- mentioned Fees be paid in Bills of Credit of the *««.pag.roj New Tenour, Emitted by Aft of this Aflembly in May Laft ; or in Bills of j^ (^^ -^ .^ Credit that pafs Current in this Colony Equivalent thereto j Any Ufage gms Jf ^^^ or Cuflom to the contrary notwithftanding. NewTenour, An Anit3Flo^etgAc. sq7 Fifty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates. Hartford. 1918. Ads and Laws Made and Pafled by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majefty's Colony of Comeiiicut in t^ew-England : Begun and Held at N«w- Haven, on the Eighth Day of OHeher, In the Fifteenth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord G EO RG Ethe Second , of Great*BrttatH, (^c. KING. Annoque Domini, 1741. An AA in addition to an A It, Qgcimo Qpinco. ^ttpetto^CoattgAc*^Q^^^^^^Q^>^^^ft ^ ^^^^' ^^^ Fifty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates, Hartford. igiS^ Ads and Laws Pafledby the General Court or Aflembly of HisMajcfly's Colony of Cemelltcut in Ucw England : Begun and Hsld at Hartford, on the Second Thurfday of May, in the Fifteenth Year of the Reigrt of Our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, of Great- Britain, (^c. KING. Annoque Domini, i 7 4 x. An A<51 for the providing aCommiffioa and vidpag.iir. Oath for the Judges of the Superior Court, ^^^el^tifil and Seals for the refpe(5live Courts in this ^^* *'*' Colony. Be It A a a a a Sc . Anno Itfgni Regis GEORGl J If. Declmo QuJoto. fio aaegttiatmg :^btiftg(ttCccie(iatticai ;affa(tg> St a further ^nactrt 6p tje flutfio^Jt? afojcfatt, Thai the raid Sape- riour Court, and the feveral and tefps&ive County Courts and Coorts of Superiour Probate in this Colony, (hall have a proper Seal belonging to each of the Coutt.Coun- jgj-pgQjyg Coartj^ (3 fgyveandufe for all Caufes Matters, Things and Coun""oV* Affairs proper for the faid Courts refpeaively ; Each of which Conrts are Fr^obate to hereby impowred to procure their rerpeftive Seals, and the fame being fo hare a pro- procared, ihatl belodged with the Clerks of the refpedive Courts for the per Seal for ^fy ©f fuch Courts. to be improved by their Direftion. laid Couns. ' yr,i , 24 An A& for Regulating abufes, and Cor* ?io'?i!:5J? reding diforders in Ecclefiaftical Affairs. WHERE ASthk AfftmUyiii h} tbtir/Sl Made in tii Stventh Ttar of $hi Rtign of Her late Majtfiy Quttn ji hi N E, Eftdblifk « ,. aniConprm aCenfe^on of Fauh anian AgrtttKtnt of Ecclffiafiical Difciptinef " '* tnade at Say-brook, Anno Domini, One Thoufand Stvtn Hundnd and Eighty by the Rtverend Eldtn and tkt Mefftngtrt DeUgAtid bj the Churches in thu CcUnj for that purpofe ; andtr xohicb Efiablifhwettt Hit Majtfift SubjeSs inhabiting in thit Colony have Enjoyed great Peace and QuietnePy till of latt fundry Perfons have been guilty of Dif orderly and Irregular PraSifet ; Whirtupon thit jijjimbly in Oftober laft^ did direSl to the CaUing of a General Confociation lo Sit at G u ijford in November lajl, which faiJ Confociation vat Convened aceerdivgly : jit which Convention it ivat Endeavoured to prevent the growini Diferdtn amen^fi the fidinifieri that have hten Ordaittedor LittnfeA by tl)» /ifociationt in thit Governm mem to preacbf and lihewife to prevent JJivifiont and Diforders among th$ Cburekts and Ecclefiajiicat Societies, Sttled by Order of thit Afftmbly : Not' vithfianMng vohich^ divert of the MinifJers Ordained^ at aforefaid^ and ethers Licenfed to preach bf feme of the Affociatiens aBovftd by Law^ have taiin upon them mtko&t any lawful CaB, togo into Parifkes immediately under the Care of ether Mtnifiers, and there to Preach to and Teach the PetpU ; and dfa fundry Fir font, fomt of whom are very Biter ate and have no Ecclefiaftical Charafftr, or any Authority tvkatfoevtr to Preach or Teacb^ bave tahn tifon them Pubbcily to Teach and Exhort the Ftofle in matttrs of Religion, both as to DeSrine and fraSifi } vshich fratliett have a Tendency to make Diviftom and Comentiont among tfee People in thh Colony, and to Jtfiroy the Eccleftaj^ieal Con/fitution Ejiablifhed by the Lavs of thit Government^ and lihewife to hinder the grovth and increafe of Vital Piety and Qoilintfs in theft Churches^ and alfo to introduct Vnio Regni Regit G E O R G I J . II Decimo Quinto. meQulatmg ^Xbufcs m (i^ccleCiaftical "Mtjit^. 5 II anbiti^ fuct^ec (f nattea b? ttie mt502itH afo?cfaiO, That if any Ary^^^.O".^^ Aflbciation of Minifiers (ball undertaJce to Examine or Liccnfe any Candi- ^^ Minifters date for the Gofpcl Miniftry, or affuitie to themfclves the Decifion of any affuming to Controverfie, or as an AflTociation to Counfcl and Advife in any Affair invade jhe^ thac by the Platform or Agreement abovementioned, made at Saj-brooh ^pJ^^j^'eMa aforefaid, is properly wichin the Province and JurifdidtiOn of any other ^^ fjciude'd Aflbciation, then and in fuch Cafe every Member that Ihall be prefent in the benefit of fuch Aflbciation fo Licenfing, Deciding or Coanfelling, fhall be each and the Law for every of them Denied and Secluded thS benefit of any Law in this Colony, Jj'PP°^"|"2 made for the Support and Encouragement of the Gofpel Miniftry. flnD ft i^ futt^cc 45na(tel> bp tie fllut^a^it? a&)?era{B, That if any Mi- Any Mimfter niBer or Minifiers, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this Ad, prefuming to fhall preftame to preach in any Parifh not under his immediate Care ^"^ pa';^^no*'''^ Charge, the Minifter of the Parifli where he (hall fo Offend, or the Civil ^^^'^^j^-.j^^ Authority, or any Two of the Committee of fuch Parifhlhall give Infor- meduieCare nation thereof in Writing under their Hands to the Clerk of the Parifh informition or Society where fuch Offending Minifler doth belong; which Clerk /hall thmof t^ be receive fuch Information, and lodge and keep the fame on File in hjs f'n^g"^" hJ*' Office : And no Affifiant or Jufticc of the Peace in this Colony, fhall Sign d^^ of the any Warrant for the Colledingany Miniflfif's Rate, without firfl receiving Parirh whe«e a Certificate from the Clerk of the Society or Parifh where fuch Rate isfuchoffender to be Collefted, that no fuch Informations as is abovementioned hath been be^onBs.ts-f . received by him or lodged in his O^ce. ainU ft f3 further (Bnattea bg t^e autto^itp aro?tfail>, Thai if any perfon An, peifon whatfoever that is not a Setled and Ordained Miniftcr, fhall go into any whatfoevet Parifh and without the cxpreft Delire and Invitation of the Seded Minifter ^^^M !?,"> of fuch Parifh ( if any there be ) and the major part of the Church ; or if ^j,o ftall go there be no fuch Setled Minifler, without the exprcfs Defire of the Church jn^o a^y p°_ or Congregation ( within fuch Parifh ) publickly Preach and Exhort the lifti & there people, fhall for every fuch Offtnce, upon Complaint made thereof to any without the AlBflant or Juff ice of the Peace, be Bound to his peaceable and good Bcha- "^^^^^^ r in any Cafe, thst the Wiit in any Writ, Procefs or Declaration was drawn or filled up by any Sheriff, Under- P'tccfs.nor Sheriff Deputy or Conflable ( their own Cales only excepted ) the fame ^''('^0^^/ r (hall Abate and be Difmifs'd i Any Law, Ufagcor Cuftom (.0 the contrary 3„y*pe"(on.*' in any wife notwithftanding. Provided, That this Aft do not take Place until the Firfl Diyofjuly TheAOwhen next. ia Ffrrcc. An Aft ^tiHo Regni Regis GEQRGIJ //. Dccimo Qui n to 5 1 4l^tobate7Say.brook jf errp.N^HavcoiFertp* BtanD» An Ac^ to enlarge the bounds of the Diftricft videpassos f^f holding a Court of Probate, called the Diftria of eaa'!^ai»uam* ]?i];7/*'" Vl^ ftCnattftJ i)p tie <5otfrnour, Council anfi mfprtfenfatitejJ, fn ivinron the i> <2BrmTaI ap^brcDfe, called Videpag.j4, ?i9'5 56:?6p ^ap?btCDfe Ferry. "D<£ »« (ttt^^tli 6? t^e O^otitmouc, Couocrt mH HtptcftntatftfjJ, (II fon, HotCe & O (Benttal Court ^(TcmWcD.anti bp tit 55ut5o?ftp of t>e fame, That the Load Tiro- Fare of the Ferry over ihe Eaft Ki^fcr ia New- Havtn for the ftiture, (hall feme. One jjg Two-pence for each Perfon, Horfe and Load ; Ont-ptnj for each (logle JrHcrfe 0«" ^"^"1 o"" ^°^^* » 0/rf-?<»; Nalfftny for each Ox or Cow or other Neat peny halfpeny Caiiel, Onc-balf-fefiy for Sheep or Swine per Head, in New Tenour Bills, 01 ForOxcrCow an Equivalent thereto in Old Tenour Bills, and no more ;i%nyLaw, & haif.feny ufagg or Cuftoffl to the contrary notwithftanding. And if any Ferry-man SwinerNew °^^^^^ ^'"^ ^a" prefumc fo take any more, befliallfuffer the Penalties Ttnour Bills of the Law in fuch Cafe. ¥r«videdy l>JoihiDg herein to be Extended to Ihofc Exempted by Law jf Provifo. from paying Ferriage, nor to the Inhabitants of the Town of Ncv/-Haven» Vide pagj96 Ad A(ft for appointing the Brand for Horfes 45^^66. 47J in jjje Town of %minQton* Torrhiton -,^ jjj ^Jtcreb an!) (CnflCtci b? t^y Court, That the Brand for Horfes noriesBrand j[ ;„ the Town ofrornffgws, (hall bc the following Figure, C 1/1%.; "^ NLO N DP N, Printed and Sold by T, Green, Printer to the GOVERNOUR and COMPANY. 174*. ^nno Regni Regh GEORGIJ///. Decl mo Sem Befittiatins MfloJig o^ Hcarning^ s ^ $ ^J' D7EU ETMONDROIT " Fifty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates, Hartford. iqi8 Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majefty's Colony of Conntilicut in Ne» England : Begun and Held at Nifw Haven t on Tburfday the Fourteenth Day of OSioler, in the Sixteenth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, of 6reatBritatHf (Sc, KING. Anntque Domini, 174*. An hdi Relating to and for the better Regulating Schools of Learning. vidpagip? -408,459.48? WHERE A Shy funiry Mt and Lams of tbft jifftmhlyy they ^°*' hav$ Founded, ErtSieJ^ Endowid and Provided far the Main- tainance ofaCoUtge dt NewsHaven ; and Inferiour Schotls of Learning in every ttwn or Varifhy for the Education and In- « r, (IruUien of the Touth oj this Colonf \ which have i by the BUff^ng of God) been "" '' vtry Strviceahle to promote Vftful Learning and Chriftian Knowlege ; and mort tJpeciaDy to Train up a Learned and Orthodox Miniflry for the Sufply of our Churches, jind, in at much as the weU Ordering of fuch fubliek Schools it of «g(.;t3, of great Importance to the Publick Wtal^ thtt ^ffemblf by one A^^ Entituled^ An fomc Paffage* Aft for the Encouragement and better Improvement of Town Schools, in »n Aft, (^page\<)-jy) did Order and Prm*/*, * That the Civil Authority and Seleft- En"tale£!, * men in ever? Town,(hould be Vilitors, to Infpeft the State of fuch Schools, |"*^ ^°' '^^ * and toEcquire into the Qualifications oi cheMafters of them,and the Pro- m"en°&b!ttec * ficicncy of the Children ; to give fuch Direaions as they ftall think need- Improvment * ful to render fuch Schools moft Serviceable to increafe that Knowlege, of Town * Civility and Religion, which is defigned in the Erefting of them. And Schools, in in cafe thofe Vifitors \hall apprehend that any fuch Schools' ar* fo Ordtredat not to ^^^' *^^* he likely to obtain thofe good Ends propofed, they (hall lay the Stale thereof before tkit Afftmhly^ tpfco fhaQ give fuch Orders thereupon at they (hall think proper: jis by the (aid AH naaj more fully appear. And whereat the ErtBing of any other Schools, which are nAt under the Efiah- Ufhmint and In^eBion afortfaid, may tend to Train up Touth in ill Principlej and fntElifes, and introduce fuch Difordtrs as raay be 0/ fatal Conftqutnce to the Publick Peace and Weal of thv Colony. B b b b b Which Mno Begni Regit G E O R G I J, // DcCittio Sexto. 5 1 6 ^esalattittjj ScI)(d15 of Heatn^ns. Which to Prevent ; No pfrfons jge ft dfnaitfU b? t^e (Bobernour, 'QC of «11 Breaches of this Ad to the next Aififiaot, Juflice of the Peace, /. per Month. Of CoOOtf Coort< $6ndt>efr CEirtler (tnatte^ lip t^e 9lut|o;ftp afo^tfaio, That the Civil The Civil Auibority and Seie£l-ireo in each Town, or the major part of ihcm, iball Authority & infpeft and ViGt aD fuch unlawful Schools or Seminaries of Learning, to inrpTA"*& Breftcd « a^orefaid, and (haD proceed with aU fuch Scholars, Students or Viflt fuch Refidents in focb School, and all fnch as Harbour, Board or Entertain them, tinlawrui Se. according to the Laws of this Colony lefpeding Tranfient perfoos or la- aninaries.&f mates Refidtog in any Town witbont the Approbation of the Seledi-men. «n& It it finrt^ertfnattrt ft? t\z ?fiut5o;ltg afo?jfa(li,That if any Student or Refident in fuch School, Oiatl pretend that he is Bound, as by Indenture Studenti or an Apprentice to Learo aoyMaooal Art orTrade,and the faid Civil Authority Refidents io q, Selefl^mea IhaD fufpeft that fuch Indenture was given only as a colour to rfendin°e an ^^^^^^ '° ^'^ ToviUy contrary 10 Law, that then it feall be in the Power Ldenturebe oliht faid Civil Authority to Examine all the Parties to fuch Indenture ing given to oodcr Oaifa, in aU fuch Queftions which they fhaH think proper, rclaiiag to lc«m anyMa- (he true Intention of fuch Indenture and their Praftife thereon ; and it it be*Etom' ed ^^^ app^^f to tbe faid Authority or Scka.aneo, or the major part of them, uiider OaTh. ^^^^ ^^b Indenture was given upon a Frasdalent defign, as aforclaid, that ' then fuch Aothority fhal) proceed as if no fuch Indenture had been matle. Perfont not SCnO U it futcl^ec liberty of Appeal, Appeal (hall be raade to the Superiour Court in the )^''> Coifoty of f/obecnour, Counca ano Reprefentatniesf, in ^il^'^'ff • '''* to ftand for Eleftion in Mitj aext.are as follow.C'* J T//£//onouraJ?* JONATHAN LAW £/j;r4(r^o»20ttrjW« ROGER WOLCOTTE/^: The Gentle- James Wadfwoith £/j; Nathanael Stanly £/ji Jofeph Whiting £/j; Ozias "'" Nomi- Pitkin fyVi Timothy Pierce £/j; Samuel Lynda £/f; William Pitkin £/j; Thomas ""d'o'the Fitch £/j; Roger Newton Efq; Ebenezer Silliman £/j; Jonathan Trumble Efq\ EI«"»on >« Hezekiah Huntington Efq\ Col, John Bulkley,/»fi;. Andrew Burr, Co/. Joho Chefter. ^^ '74J> Col. Samuel Hill, Mr. John Grifwold, Mr. Elilha Williams. lI.LOtfDON,?titHii Sc Sold by T. G » b B m, Printer to the GOV.&COMPANY.ij^* Am9 Regui Regit GEORGIJ //. Dcclmo Sexto. mcpeaims an Zit atiu ptotjimag otDet Belief. 5^9 Fifty copies reissned by Albert C. Batest %U DIEU ETMONDROIT ^^ ACTS and LAWS PafTedby the General Court or Aflembly of His Majefty's Colony of CoHtieilicut in t^ew England : Begun and Held in Hartford, on the Second Thar fday of May, in the Sixteenth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord GZOB^GZthe Sccett4^otGrtat'Bfitainy&c.Kiag,ADAj4j An Aa for Repealing the Law, Enmuled,^., ^^^ ,^^ An A(Stf(xr the Eafe of fuch as foberly Dif- ^<°'»^' "» fent from the way of Worihip and Miniftry eftablifli'd by the Laws of this Government, and providing other Relief inftead thereot THIS j^jfemhly obfirvittg the growing Diffcukies in thu Colony tlreulh the Mifundtrftanding of the Law, EtttitHkd, kn. Aft for the Eafe d_.-^»^ of fuch as foberly Diflent from the way of Wor/hip aad Miniftry •^'"'»"'* Ef^abliQied br tbe Laws of this Government j Made in favour of Fifty Pounds Of under ( whereof to the Clerk 9 d ) \ 00 02 Receiving and Probate of every Will iind Inventory of 7 above Ftfcf Pomdt ( whereof to the Clerk, i <• ) S 00 Each Quutut ( whereof to the Clerk 6 d.) 00 Recording every Will and Inventory of Fifty Pounds,or under,oo Recording every Will and Inventory of above Fiftf Pounds? and not exceeding 0»f Hundred Pounds y ^ 00 Alio Six.ftnce per Hundred ior asxy Hundred PeiyMff after V the firft Hundred,aryd half fo much for Copy of the fame. J EachBondfoTAdrainiarationandeachLetterof Admioiftralioo^ o ox Every Citation, 00 00 Making out a Commifllon.Receiving and Examining the Claims i of Creditors colnfolvent Eftates and Regiftringthe fame, ^o 01 Regiftring the Coramiffioners Report prr Page, for each j Page of Twenty- eight Lines, Ten Words in a Line* J 00 00 Entering an Order upon theAdminiftrator to Pay oat iheEffate fa ? proportion unto the feveralCreditors return'd by theCommiffioners, ^o Allowing of Accouncs,Secling and Dividing of InieftaieEflates,oo Appointing Guardians and taking Bond, AfTiflants and Juflices Fees. A Ttachments or Summons for Aftion *^ When Bond l A Waviant for WitnefTes, Entry and Trial of an AQion, Every Execution, Every Warrant for Criminals, Bond for Appeal, Copy of Evidences the haft. Copies of Judgments, Every Recognizance, lodgment on Confeffion or Default, Affidaviw taken out of Court, each. d 00 02 Clerk of th» 06 Supeuour 00 Couru 04 06 Qg CountyCourt Oo Oo 00 OJ Clerk of the 00 CountyCourt 06 CanrtofPto 00 bate. 00 00 06 o\ 00 oa 04 00 06 is given, Ackjiowledging a Deed, Mortgage ot other InRrument, 00 ners, is,oo io 01 s 06 00 01 09 00 00 06 00 CO 00 00 00 02 °9 Afllftantstad 04 Juftices. 00 00 ot 00 00 00 01 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 04 06 CO 00 06 00 CO 00 01 00 09 00 06 06 Secteiari's jdauo Regm Regit G E O R G I J // Declmo Sexta 522 I^OZfeS BrattH fojt New-Hanford. 00 CI 00 00 CI 00 00 ot 00 00 05 00 00 03 00 00 01 06 00 01 06 01 00 09 00 00 04 00 00 0$ 00 00 06 00 00 08 00 oz 00 Secretary's Fees. D EcordingLaws and Orders of Poblick Concernment •% SeeretarjV in the Colony Records, each, i Affixing the Colony Seal each Time, Each Military Commiffion, Each Commiffion for the Juflices in each County, Commiffion for the Judges of the Superiour Court, Commiffion for the Judges of the County Court 4 and Court of Probate, Each, ^ Each Petition or Memorial to the General AfTembly, To the General Affembly for every Petition, Sheriffs and Conftables Fees. CErving every Summons, Sheriffs and ^ . , ^ ^^1 Copy, Conftibles. Serving every Attachment, Bait Bond, Levying every Execution not exceeding Tivi Tounds, Levying every Execution more than Five Foundi ? and not exceeding Ten Toundt^ i 00 03 00 Levying every Execution more than Ten Founds j and not exceeding Twenty Poundif 5 00 oy 00 Levying every Execution more than Twttt'y Pounds 7 and not exceeding Forty Pounds^ ^ 00 07 06 For any greater Sums than forty Poundthi (ball be allow'd after the^ rate oiTwoShillingi more advanced on every Twenty p»undt above^ the Sum ot Forty pomJi which (hall be Levied by the faid Exccu-J tions And the abovefaidFees on Executions (ball be taken in che( fameCurrency that is to be levied by each refpeftive Execution- Attending at a Judices Court whea obliged to attend, ? for each A^on Tried, 5 00 01 00 Each Mile Travel out, co 00 01 ^ Plaintiffs De- SheiifFattcnding the General AlTefrbly, Superiour Court? ^.'^^"'^ °f or County Court per Drew, 5 00 o; 06 thdrxravel Conftable for the like Service ftr Diem, ^ 00 03 00 to & At ten- Fees for Plaintiff, Defendant or Evidences attending ? dance on any any Court ftr DitMf y 00 01 06 Travel for PlaintifT.Defendant or EvidenceiQanyConrtferMile,oo 00 01 \ Jurorsiaying Pegj foj g jy^y emplo/ed in laying out High-ways ? w"ays*'^ ftiall be for every Juror per Diewy j 00 o; 00 And the Sheriff attending on faid Jury jer Diem, 00 04 00 anU be It fuctfjcr "SnatteD h? tie Sfiut^o^itp afojECalU, That all Fees and Fines, For- Allowances by this Aft not provided for, and all Fines, Forfeitures and Sid« ' and Penalties, and the Fairs of the RefpeSive Ferries in this Colony, fliall be Fairs of Fer- P^id in Bills of Publick Credit of the Old Currency, excepting where fome ry's,howpaid Other Currency is by Statute exprefly Ordered and Provided for, until this AiTembly Aall Order otberwife. An Ad for afcertaining the Brand for Horfes ^",?4i.j58 in the Town of l /Xr Gentlemen Nominated fy the Votes of the Freemen of this Colony to fi and for EleSlion /»May next, are as folhseth ^Wiz, THe Honourable ^ONAT H^A NLA PFEfq; the Honou- rable ROG ER IVO LCOTTEiq, James Wadfworth Efq; men Nomi- Naihanael Stanly Efq; Jefeph Whiting Efq: Ozias Pitkin Efq; Timothy mtiln in' ^^^''" ^^^' ^^w«f/ Lynde Elq,- WiStam Pitkin Efq; T/bow^ Fitch Efq; ^"7 1744 ^'S^ Newton Efq; Bhenezer SiDiman Efq; Jonathan Trumhle Efq; jFo/;« Bulkley Efq. Hezekiah Huntington Efq. Maj Andrew Burr, Col JohnCheJler, Mr. £///^4 WtHtams, Col, 5aw«/ ///^, Mr. jf<»ib/» i\7Xjff4w,Pfinted &'Sold by T.GKBEN,Printer to the GOV.&COMP.174? ^.«. Regu't RezisGEORGU tl Decimo Septlmo. muDttional %t concerning jLa^^^mtg^ ^27 Fifty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates. Hartford, 191 8. Ads and Laws Pafled by the General Court or Afletnbly of His Majefty's Colony of Conneilkut in Vcw England : BegUa and Held at Hartiorti, oa the fecond Thurfday of May, in the feventeeoth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord G EORG S the Second, KING of G R E A T B R I T A I N, &c. Anno^ue Domlnit i 7 4 4^ An A(5): ia addicioo to an Afi, Eotituled, An Ait for the more fpeedy doing Juftice and vidpag.sij preventing the multiplicity of I^^v-Suits. ^^^^.^„^^ B€ it €na(teti 6? tl)e <$otet;nour, tf ountfl anb Hepcefentatitinft in ,, new Tenor •General Court affembleQ ano b? c^e $(ut^o?it? o£ t^t Cam?, or 8 /. 014. That in any Procefs or Aftion wherein the Debt, Damage os may b« Wi other Matter doth not exceed Forty Eight Shillingt of New Tenor °»f"^/r£: Bills of Credit, or Eight Ponnds in Old Tenor Bills of Credit, may be of the Pead°g';^^^"jj Tenor Bills, no Appeal ftiall be allowed from the Judgment given therein g /.oidTenor 95£ it fucttec (tnaaeD bp t^e autfjojitp afojefaio. That Confeffion of Judgment made and taken, in the manner dire£led in the Second Para- Confeffion of graph of the aforementioned Aft, fball or may be taken for Tivmiy Four Judgmeot m Pounds in New Tenor Bills of Credit, or Eighty Pounds in Old Tenor ' ^i'^jT^' Bills of Credit, and no more. TSt it fuctftEc^nacccD bp ttje^utfiojifp afojefai&.That when any AAion No Appeal wherein the Title of Land is not concerned, is brought to any of the from the c. County Courts in this Colony, wherein the Debt, Damage or other Mat- Court wh«n ter in demand, doth not exceed the Value of Tvi^et've Pounds in New Tenor ^^^ ^^^' " Bins of Credit, or For,y Pounds in Old tenor Bills of Credit, and Judgtrent ""rNw1.t thereon Qiall be given, no Appeal from fuch judgment (hall be allowed. 4o/.oidTeaaf £ e e e e ^t j4>uif RegHt Regu OEORGIJf //. Dcclmo Sept'mo. 528 5)!ltcifffi! f ConaalOlCiS. Capital idDffenDers* ©elifiirffjfCCuaaeDtipttjE aiut^o?irp afo^efatD, That any AQ made in this Colony for the Stating o| the Fees' of any Courc> or Officers Fees, GrantstotheColIegc, or Fairs of Ferry 'ijC^c in Silver Sterling Alloy, ac Stated Fees, the Rate of Six ShiUingt and Eight-pence ftr Ounce Troy Weight, flial) be Qranis,&c. taken and accounted in New Tenor Bills at the Rate that Eight ShiBing' how paid, bears to Six ShiSittgs and Etght-pence, and in Old Tenor Bills at the Rate of Four Shillings for One Shilling, SfinO ht it furtI)et<2SnaaeD 6? tfie flutl^o^ftp afo^rfaitiiThat every Execu- tion granted by an Afliftanc or Jufiice of the Peace, on a Judgnoent for E^t^cutions n^ore than Forty Shillings in Silver at the Rate of Six Shillings and Eighi-'penct iniftant or" f"" Ounce Troy Weight, founded on the Confe/Son of the Debtor, accor- Juftice"of the ding to the Aft above-mentioned, Aall be duly Served by the Officer who peace, for receives the fame : And in cafe fuch Officer fliall not Serve fuch Writ of more than Execnrion according to the direft'on therein given, or ftian make a falfe vtr't^6 f'& or undue Return, the aggrieved Party fljall and may have Relief on Cora- Sdper Ounce plaint thereof made to the Affiftant or Juftice from whom it IfTued and to founded on whom it was made Returnable ; who is hereby iropowred to Enquire Confefllon of thereof, by the Evidence produced ^and if the Officer be found in Default, bcSMl'ed'and t^c Affiftant o^ Jufticemay fet a fuitable Fine upon him, and award Da- RetBincdfij'f wages to the Party aggrieved, having refpeft unto the Quantity orQiiality of the ASion and the Peril that might have happened unto the aggrieved Party by the Delay which hefuffered- flnO tt fQ furtl^et; IptotiiDtD. Thar either of the Panics in the Complaint parries com- aforefaid, /hall or may have gtaaced to bim an Appeal to the County plaining Q,y^j j^ j^c fame County. mayAppeal. ______ * An A An Adt for Advancing the Fare of the Ferry over StRaTFoRD* Vidpagsi6 Rivcf at Potatuck, called HuBBEL's Ferry. The Fare of T") ^folbeb 6p tfiisf afTemBIp. Thai the Fare of faid Ferry for the future faid Ferry for J< ^^\] be {q^ j^^an, Hoifc and Load, Thm-ptnu Lawful Money, or l.l'^SdUw. Tu^lve.pence Old Tenor ; for each ftngle Perfon, Horfe, Ox or Ofher Neat furMoney.or Caule, Two-pence Lawful Money, or Eight-pence Old Tenor i and Oat-ptty II J. Old Lawful Money, or F Lawful Money, or Fow-penet in Old Tenor Bills \ and for Money.orif in «ach Team Three, fence Lawful Money, or Twelve-pence in Old Tenor Bills 5 old tenorBiiis and for Cattle 04e-ib**^' cafe may require 10 render her fit for Service. ainU be it fuctljec (^nacteti That there Jhall be from time to time, One or more Commiflaries appoinied by this Aflembly, to purchafe and procure ^ -(r ■ ^ needful and proper Provifions for the Support of the Company on Board faid to b^ ap- " Sloop ( as ihey fhall receive Orders from theGovernour ) and to fend and poioted. deliver them to the Purferon Board faid Sloop at New-London, taking his Receipt; which Receipt (hall be lodged with one of the Committee hereafter appointed lo adjuft and fettle the Accompts with the Purfer ( who ihdW give Certificates if required ) to the CommiiTaries, that they hav5 received fuch Receipts of the Purfer : And in cafe the Defincthe on a Cruize when the Provifions arrive at Nivj- London, the Provifions flrall be delivered !o Colonel CurJa/< SaUonfiall, who is hereby appointed to receive them and deliver them to the Purfer and take his Receipt, who alfo (hall give a Receipt to the CommiflTary of ihe Provifions he fiiall receive. Fffff 4^4 J^o Beg.i Regis GEO RGlJ //, Dec l mo Odavg ^~5Fttrtt)er idtoDifiOtt fo^ ^efcntimg t!)e Colony /4»j<^ /or the procuring and lijing in a fubhck Stock of Ammuoitien^ %t isi (EnaoCtl), Thai Jobn WhiUngy Efq; Trcafurer of this Colony, be 3p- poimed.ancl he is hereby appointed and impowred lo Purchafe OoeThoufaad TheTreafurer p|^g Hundred Pounds of Powder,Two Thoufand Pounds of Leadjand Three P° ^d^^'tead Thoufand Flints,and to lodge OneThoufand Pounds of ihepowdei at New- &Fiints,and London^ under ihc Care of Colonel GWw Smmittee (hall lay the fame before this AQembly. jirtd incafean Enemy fbaU appear in the Port 0/ New- London ; or that it it known that there be a Vtffd of Force of the Enemy near, vf hereby that Port may be Endangered, Notice of an ^^ *^ «na(tfti anU l&totJflteb, That upon the firR Notice thereof Znemvnear given by the Colonel of the Third Regiment in this Colony, his Lieutenant ihtCol of the Colonel or Major, or the Captain of the Fort at NewsLondon ; the Militia jd Regiment, jn the Third Regiment, or fo many of the Companies in faid Regiment as (hatt ^rtno Fegn'i Regis G E O R G I 1 / /. Declmo 0(l>avo. f\xit\)tt isrotJilion fox 3DefeuDing ttje Colonp,533 fhall be fent co, fhall immedMiely repair lO the Water-fide in faid Harbour, well fixed with their Arms for Service, co attend the Ordeti of their chief Officer in the Defence of faid Porc and the Annoyance of the Enetry : And the Colonel of die Third Regiment-, and in his Abfence his Lieutenant J'Inj),'o,^/ Colonel, and in his Abfence the Major of faid Regiment ; and in cafe none torai'fethe * of the Field Officers, aforefaid, fliall be prcfent, then the Eldeft Captain in Militia, S^.-. faid Regiment prefenr, or next Military Officer fliail Prefide and Command until a Superiour Officer come ; and fuch Chief Officer prefent is hereby Ordered and fmpowred to Command all the Officers and Souldiers then prefent 5 as alfo to Imprefs any VelTel or VefTcls, and Men fufficient to Man fuch Veffels for the Service ; as alfo to take and fhip on Board fuch Veflei or Veflels, the Carriage Guns, with their Powder, Ball and Furni- ture, provided as aforefaid, and appoint the Officer or Officers of fuch P"^*^"^" *"<' VcflTei during the Aftion ■■, and alfo to ufe the Fire* Arms to the beft Ad- o\"mthe° vantage ; as alfo to give all the neceffary and proper Orders to the Forces penL " "' on Land, and to the Veflels on Sea, for the Repelling of the Enetry: Which Orders the Officers and Souldiers are hereby enjoyned to Obey upon their Peril ; And when the Aftion is over, the Officer that Prelides during faid AAion, (hall take care that the faid Carriage Guns, Small Arms and their Furniture, and remainder of Powder and Ball, be again returned to the Perfons who by this Aft have the Charge of the fame. /Ind that the Captain of the Fort and the Inhabitants of the Town of New- London, may have timely Notice of the Approach of an Enemy, 2It i» mefolUcD. That his Hononr the Governour do appoint. an«J by His Honour his Commiffion or Warrant,Authorize a meet Perfon to have Command of the Gover- the Battery on Harrii\ Point, where a Flag. Staff fhall be Erefted, and the nour to Corn- King's Flag provided : Which Officer is hereby Ordered carefully to mifTionate a obferve all Veffels that pafs into laid Harbour ; and when he Sufpefts any ""^^^ P^*^^?" Veflbl going in to be an Enemy, he (hall raife the King's Flag, which lha\1 coJ^^^and of be a Signal to all Veflels to firike, corae to, and fend their Boac with their the Battery Papers to faid Officer : And if any VefTel fhall negleft ( after the Signal is at Hanifi'i given ) CO come co and fend the Boac on Shore, as aforefaid , the Officer ^*>'"'* fliall Fire, according to the ufual Cuflom in fuch cafes, and the Captain or Matter fhall pay for every Shot occaHoned by hisnegleft, as aforefaid. a Flag and 3JnD ft ig( furtljcr (CnacteC, That Jeremiah Miller Efq-,be appointed, and flag Staff to is hereby direfted to procure a Flag, and caufe a Flag-Staff to be Ereded ^^ P'ovided. at faid Place, at the Charge of this Colony. 5!lnl> ft {0 fuctl^ec judge to be moft for the Safety and Benefit of the Inhabitants : And if ^'* any Man that is an Inhabitant in any ofthofe Frontier Towns in which Forts are built by Order of the Government, (hall not obey the Orders of faid Committee, or the Orders of fuch Officers or Perfons whom the Committee (hall appoint for that purpofe, and (hall refofe or negSeS to refide at the Fort, or to attend Watching and Warding according to fudt Orders to him given, each Man ofiending, as aforefaid^ for every fuch Offence (hall pay a fine of Tvimty SbiHings,OWL Tenottr, to the Trcafuiy of the Town where the Offence is committed' And for the Securitf of fueh Indians tu are in tritni^f with Hk Majcfif^s SuhjtQs^ and to Trtvint their being mifiaktn for the Emmy Indians^ snd Ftrtd upon M fucb^ %t U CnadeO, That the faid Commiiiee (had, by themfelves or fome meet Perfons, Treat with the Indians that live within our Frontier Towns tndJdns t« Be for their Safety in this cafe, and appoint the Limits where fuch /^Wmm Treated with may Range and the Badge by which they (hall be known j and take care to publiih fiich Limits and Badge to the adjacent Indians, that they may be careful .• And if any of the Indians in Friendihip through miftaking fuch Indian for an Enemy (hall be Slain out of the Limits fer, or not having on the Badge appointed, no Blood (hall be ihed for him. jind to frevent Diforders in the Souldiers and Mariners in Hk Aiaje^ft Service^ ^t t$ (tnatteU, That if any Souldier or Mariner ia His Ma)efly*s p,eventina Service (hall be guilty of Mutinying againfl, or of Reproaching or Con- Difotderj. temning the Perfon of his Officer, or of Oifobeying bis Command, or of QiiarreUiog, profane Swearing or Curling, Lying, Stealing or Druakennefs, G S g S S ikcb ^»no Regn'i Regit GEORGIJ //. Declmo Odavo. 536 Cfjoifinfi 3^tvmtn. fach Offender (hall be puniflbed by running the Gauntlope, or riding the Wooden-horfe, or being put under a Guard, or being put upon the Guard, as any Two of the Three chief Officers of the Regiment or Company to which fuch Offender belongs (hall determine 3flnD (I i0 fuctljEt iCnatteli, That if any Souldier (hall Embezzle any Punifhments Arms, Ammunition or Stores of War, fuch Souldier (hall be ca(hiercd of foiEmbtzile- hi« Wages to the amount of fuch Embezzlements, and be further puniflied mtiits. by running the Gauntlope, riding the Woodenshorfe, or being put on the Guard ; as any Two of the Three chief Officers over bim in the Service (ball determine. jtnd for funifhiri^ Dtfcrtertg 25j (r (tnattcU bj t^e mut|o?(tp afo^efaiO, That no Souldier or Mariner r n r t Imprefled or Inlifted for His Majefty's Service,{hall depart without Licenfe forDeierters. ^^ ^.^ Commander and Defert His Majefty^s Service, on pain of forfeiting to the Treafurerofthis Colony the Sura of Twenty Pounds, equal to Old Tenour. SDnli 6c (t «nacteD ijp tje 3fiutl^o?{tp afo^EfaiH, That the Conftables and Grand-jury-roen in the refpeSive Towns in this Colony, (hall diligently Enquire after and make Prcfentment to forae Affiflant or Jufliceof the Such to be Peace, of all fuch perfons as are or fliall be guilty of the Breach of this Enquired af Aft; whoarealfo required upon fuch Prcfentment, to grant due Procefs ter 8c Profe- againft fuch Offenders, in order to bring them to a proper Trial on fuch cutcd. Prcfentment : And the King's Attornics of the refpeSive Counties are hereby Authorized and Required to make Enquiry after fuch Offenders ; andifnotPrefented and Informed againft, as aforefaid, to Inform againft them to the County Court •, who are hereby direSed to iffue forth due Frocefs againft them, and them to Apprehend and proceed againft in due Form of Lavr. His Honour $IInti it i0 iutt^tt €na(CeIl, That his Honour the Goveroour, by and the Gover- with the Advice of the Council, before appointed to affift his Honour, be Ad"'' ^ff^c 'niP°*'f*^> ^"^ ^® is hereby Irapowred, todo all thofe things that the toOrderwhat Exigencies and Nece/fitiBs of the Government Ihall require, relating to is further ne- the War, not provided for by any Aft of this Afifembly, until the Seffions ceirary,gff.^ of this A/Tembly in May next. An Ai7?»«fj^r 2?»ew> for their Atten- dance on fuch Courts, in Old Tenour Currency i Any Law, Ufage or Cuftom in any wife to the contrary notwithftanding An A(S dirediog what Fees (hall be allowed the Deputy-Sheriffs, for ferving and re- turning Writs and Executions. WHEREJtS ithMt httn Cuftmary for the DefutfSbirifs in tia Colonff to Cloargt for thtir Ftts, to Serve and Return Writs *ni Extcitf tionsj from the Pltct ohere the Sheriff lives 5 and it often happens that fuch freamlte. Writs art Served and Returned in the fame Town ithere fuch Defuty-Sherif lives -, which Fees Jo Charged have been often ate9td^ Mid tktrehf the Bills tf Cofl have been much inereafed. T&e it tltretoft CnacteD Ci? tl^e ^oitvrmv, Countfl atio fteprefema- No more for jj^jg^ |,^ 1La)c> iBomirtattoti> 5 39 Pcrfoo or perfons (hall kill or deftroy any Deer, Buck. Doe or Fawn kepi ift any paik or Indofure in this Colony ; or courfe, hunt or wound any fuch Deer, or wilfully throw down any Fence, or open any Gaie or Barrs indofing fuch Park or ladofure.whereby fuch Deer may efcape without leave from the Owner or Owners of fuch Park or Indofure, on pain thai every pcrfon fo killing or deftroying,or thai fhall be aiding or affifting therein,(halj for every fuchTrefpafs forfeii and pay lo the Owner or Owners Penilty for of fuch Paik or Indofure Fifty Pounds Money, bcfidcs the Price of fuch Deer ^^i"'"? Deer fo kilied or deftroyed ; and on pain that every fuch perfon fo conrfingj 0!!"!'"^-." hunting or wounding fucb Deer, ftall for every fuch Trefpafs forfeit "*^'' and pay unto the Owner or Owners of fuch Park or Indofure Ten Feundt Money, bcfides all fuch Damages as (hall accrue by fucb coorling, hunting or wounding ; and alfo on pain that every fach perfon fo pulling dowa Fence, opening Gates or Barrs, as aforefaid, (hall for every fuch rref)}als forfeit and pay to the Owner or Owners ot fuch Park or Indofure Otti Hundred Poundt Money, beGdes aD fucb Damages as fliall accrue by throwing down fucb Fence, or opening fuch Gates or Barrs : To be Recovered by Bill, Plaint or Information, upon ConviQioa of the TrefpafTer or Trefpaflers : And in the Trial of any and every kStioa brought for any of the Trefpafles in this AEt mentioned, the Court: before whom fuch Afiion fhall be brought, may proceed according co the Method and Rules provided in the Fourth Paragraph of the Law, Eniituled, j^n ji^for the mert EffeRHal DeteSing and Pumfhing Tr#^4/r. pJP*^ 1**1 Trovidedy That in cafe the Defendant in any Adion brought upoa any ^ Trefpafs in this A£t mentioned, being an Indian or other Perfon that ftall be ignorant of the Nature of an Oath, then the Court that (hall bave Cognizance of fuch Adiion, ihall refufe his the Defendants Oath of Acquittance, provided in faid A£k teferr'd to, and (hall proceed oa the Defendants part to enquire according to and by «ay other proper Evidence that may be produced by the Defendant An A^f<»^. Fierce Elq; Samuel Lynde Efq; mStam Pitkin Efq; Tbmas Fitcb EiTcj; mlfUenS Ro^T ticwton Efq; Ehenezer SiOiman Elq, JonathM frumhle Efq ^ i74f» John Bnlkley Efq Hczekiab Hknttngton Efq Major Andre» Burr^ Colonel 7»^» Chener^ Mr. Eli[ha WtBtami^ Colonel Smutl Hilf, Mr. JohB Grifwtld. NEfflONDONy Printed and Sold hy Timothy Green, ?rinttr t$ tbe GOfTERSOUR md COMPAtfT. 174^ Aitnt Regm Regis GEORGIJ //. Declmo Odavo. 3mprot)in3uppo^t54^ Fifty cop«qs reissued by Albert C. BaieS. Hartford, 1918 ACTS AND LAWS Paffed by the General Court or Aflembly of His Majefty's Colony of Cmnefficut in tiew Evglaud : Begaa and Held at ffartfor d on the Ninth Day of Ma^^'xw the Eighteenth Year of the Reign of Our SovereignLordGEoRGEffceS««nrf,ofGr*o4.Hi 468 ^^^gj^j-jtuied, An AA in addition to and for explaining of the Law referring to Idiots. WHEREAS in faid AB it it Trovidtdy ' That fuch Relations * relpeflively, fhall Relieve fuch Poor perfons in fuch manner as • the County Court in that County where fuch fufficient perfons dweO, * fhall AlTefs ; and it fo kapptns that fuch fufficient perfons dweO. in feveral Coicnties^ by meant xfhereof Difficulties arife. Which to Remedy : ^t it (SnatttD b? t%z 45oternouc, ^ountfl ano IRepctrcntatibe?, in Coantycoujts <&zTxzx^\ ^Touct MembUB, onH bp tl)E aut^ojitp of tlje fame, Thai the to Affefs fuf- County Court in that County where fuch poor and impotent Perfon Sonsreflft dwells, (hall have power to Affefs fuch fufficient Relations refpeaively, 3n^"hfthpoor whether they live in the fame or any other County, in fuch manner as Relatives, jf faid Court (hall Judge juft for the Relief of fuch Poor perfons ^ and the ihtyijvein faid Courts are hereby full 7 Authorized and Impowred to do the fame, Milder Coun- g^j g^anc Execution thereon accordingly, any Law, Ufage or Cuftora to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. S^ry^fofivian An Adl to advance the Fare of tJekantick Ferry, called the R^pe Ferry T/^To^Z^n T^^^ ileroltct) bj) tl)i|J ^mmlllp, That the Fare of faid Ferry fhall 4<<'oxo°rCow A be for the future, For Man, Horfe and Load, Six-pence j and for Foot- 1 >. Sheep or men Four. pence ; and for each Ox or Cow One Shilling ^ and for each Sheep SvKinej rf a or Swine Ont-peny\ and for a fingle Horfe Six-pence^ all in Old Tenor i ^j^]f. 5°'^'^ any Law. Ufaee or Cuflom to the contrary notwithHanding. to Oldlenor " - — ,--— . _—____—— Ji.LONDO N, Printed android by T.GREbn, Printer to the GOV. *: COMP. 17 ii An»o Regni Regis GEORGIJ //. Decimo N^no. ^^^^^^^^^■^—i ^^^— — ■ " ■ '^ " ■■■III ■ — ^^— III ■■ — I ■■ ■ I . I I ■■ , ^— ^^^-^W ^B^^^i^M^ Fifty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates, Hartford, igiS. Ads and Laws Paflcd by the General Court or Adembly of His Majefty's Colony of CottneSlicut in New Errand : Bcguo and Held at t^evo Haven on the fecond Thurfday of Octcher ( hein^ the Tenth Day of fa'id Month ) In the Nineteenth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, KING of Great Britain, 6iC. /imoque Domini, 1 7 4 5, Aq A<5t allowing and dating Conftablcs Fees for ^Summoning Jurors. „ „ (JHit€nacteOt>p t^ (]5ot»mtour, (gounttlanft Bcptefentattbc;!^, ^O.^^^^^i" in (Benttal Court 9titrembletJ,anD bp fi^z lEatljojitp oE t|)e Tame, for Summon- That every Conftable in this Colony who fince the firft Day of ing Jurors December laft, hath Summoned, or hereafter fhall Summon ( by *«> attend che Summons lawfully Iflued ) any Juror or Jurors to attend any of the Su- ^upetiour or periour or County Courts in this Colony, fhall be therefor allowed ( fave rhT'fa^e" as only for Return of fuch Summons ) the fame Fees for Travel and Serving, by Law al- as by Law are allowed in Procefs in Civil Caufes ; To be paid out of the lowedin pro- County Treafury of the refpedtive Counties where fuch Jurors are to attend. ""^ l.^ C'^*' An A(5t for preventing Trefpafs in gathering and deftroying Bay-berriesy and efFed:ualJy detecting Trcfpafles about the fame. B«C ft CEnacteO bp tte ©otictnour, Council atiH Seprtfematiteff, in No perfon t<» <©enecal Court afTemhleti, anD Dp the 2utl)o:itp of tlie fame, That gather, de- no perfon or perfonsdo or (hah gather, deftroy or carry away any Bay- ^\'°yofc3zty berries (landing or growing on the Land of any other perfon or perfons, Bl^.^be*"^ without leave or hcenfe of the Owner or Owners of fuch Lands whereon growing en fuch Bay -berry's were (landing or growing, on pain that every fuch perfon the Land of gathering, deftroying or carrying away the fame, or that fhall be aiding- or °*.^^''P^'^^''5 afTiding therein, fhall forfeit and pay to the party Injured or Trefpalled Jeave°of Ihe upon. Three times the Value of the Bay-berries fo gathered, deftroycd or Owner, on carried away, and alfo the Sum of Forty Shillings for every Bufhcl fb penalty of j gathered, befides Three times the Value, as aforefaid ; and fo after that*''"*^ the Rate for a greater or lefTcr Quantity : Which feveral Penalties, For- ^^^'g**^'^^ *" feitures and Damages, fhall and may be Recovered by Action, BilU Plaint ^"^^ "'*"'"• or Information. I i i i i j^J Ano Regni Regis GEORGIJ //. Decimo Nono. 544 iferries, SCajc, il^ommation* Jlndforafmuch as it is very hard and difficult to Detei? or Convin any TrefpaJTer PreamhU. ^gdi^Ji this A51 in the ordinary Method or courfe of the Law, by reafon the Tref- pajfes are generally commitledwhere pofitive Evidence can f care ely ever be had. Damages to ^^ " (EnarttD lip t\z Tlutljojitp afo?efafO, anD it j0 Ijert by «nattE&, be Recovered ^^'^'^ whenfoever any Aftion is brought for Recovering of any of the by the fame Damages and Forfeitures, as aforefaid, the fame Rules and Methods of fhod ^ ^^ ■^''y^' ^^^ AffefTing Damages, may and ftiall be Obfcrved as are provided provided 'in a '" ^ certain Statute made and enafted in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign Stanit?, pag of King George the Firft, Entituled, An A£l for the more effe£iual J^9.J3o, jji I)ete5ling and Punifhing Trefpafs ; reference thereunto being had. An A(5t for dating the Fare of the Ferry over the The Fate for Rlvcr of ConneWicm and Rivulet in Windsor ^ ''CtiZl granted to Roger Wolcon Efq; iirfoidTen. T'STriS CnatrtD bp tlje <0ol3crnour, (EtticTai Coun 'aflmww, 8310 6? t^c ami^oritsot tecomic, That forMan,Horfe the Fare of the faid Ferry, which is acrofs Conneilicut-River at or near the & Load 9 d Southern End oi Hartford, called Timothy Smith's Ferry, fhall for the future an^o" ft /> b^ ^^ follows, (viz.) For Man, Horfe and lx)?id. Nine-pence, for a Man Four- Nat^ Ciu le pence, for an Horfe Five-pence, for Neat Cattle Seven-pence per Head, and Two- 7mble&, anD fc?- tie 2utiiOj(tp of tfte Came. That no Perfon who is, or hereafter fhall be by the Law of this Government, No perfon Freed or Exempted from the payment of thofe Taxes granted by any Town exempted _^ or Society, for the Maintenance and Support of the Worfhip and Miniftry, Rates 'for the aforefaid, and for the Building of Meeting-houfes for fuch Worfhip, on Support of account or by realbn of his DifTenting from the way of Worfhip and Mi- the way cf niftry, aforefaid, fhall be allov/ed or admitted to Aft or Vote in any Town M °nift'r^ *'be °^ Society-Meeting in thofe Afts or Votes which refpeft or relate unto the dilTents from, Matters aforefaid, nor in the Choice of any Officers neceffary to be ap- roVote or Aft pointed for the Management of or Carrying on the Affairs aforefaid : And in any Matter the Afts and Votes of fuch Town and Society-Meetings, refpefting the r'rfs"^ t" Matters aforefaid, made and pafTed, without computing the Votes of fuch Aifal °s?^ ^ Exempt Perfons,- fnall be deemed and accounted the Afts and Votes of fuch Town and Society, Any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. An kdt Amo Regnt Re^u GEORGIj //. Decimo Nono> j^igij'lDapiS. ^Ije riffg f ConftaMeg^ Smith's jFerry. 557 An hd in further addition to an A<5t, Entituled an A(5t for High-ways. ( fag, 50, fag. 468* ) vidpag. 468 Be it (gnocteli Bp tfie dE-otecnour, Council cnD HepreientctfUeJ*, (n Peifons obii- OElenecal Court flffemliko. flnD bp ttie auttojitHoftfje fame, Thai fJ^^ikZ if any Perfon obliged by Law to work in High-ways and be thereunto ^j. ^.^^^ lawfully Warned, ftiail refufe or ncgled to attend fuch Service according jq forfeits x! %o the Warning given, ne fliall forfeit for every Days negled Eight Shil- pd dum foe lings. Old Tenour for a Perfon, and rwenty Shillings, Old Tenour for a fefufing, and Man and Team : Which forfeitures fliall be Recovered and Improved, as ^°'je°^, in faid Aft is provided. Any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to tlie contrary not- withftanding. An A(5t for regulating the Sheriffs and ConflaWcs viupag. jz2, Fees* '^' B<2 it (f nattrt b? tfjc (Soternour, CouncH anls KcpcerentatftcjJ, in (general Court OfiSTembleti, anO bp tt^ 3aut!)0?tt? o£ t^c fame. That Aiiowaaceto the Sheriffs and Conftables within this Colony, flaall be allowed to take and Sheriffs and receive for their Fees for levying every Execution not exceeding Twenty {^°''ig* 1^*" Pounds, Eight Shillings and no more ; and for every Execution exceeding cuiions. Twenty Pounds and not exceeding Forty Pounds, Twelve Shillings -, and for every Execution exceeding Forty Pounds and not exceeding Eighty Pounds^ Twinty Shillings ; and for every Execution exceeding Eighty Pounds and not exceeding One Hundred and Sixty Pounds^ Thirty Shillings •, and for every greater Sum they fliall be allowed to take and receive Two Shillings for every Twenty Pounds, levied over and above r he Sum of One Hundred and Sixty Pounds : The faid Fees to be taken in the fame Currency for sheriffs all w which the Execution is. And that the Sheriffs Ihall be aikrwed for their ance' for At^ Attendance on the feveral Courts in this Colony, Sixteen Shillings fer Diem, tending aowe An Adt for the Enlarging Conftables Fees, for their viipag. $« attendance on the feveral Courts. B« it CtnatteU bp tie 4BoJjernoutr, Council aati aepcefematftejtf, in ^ •©enccal Court flirEmBteU, anH bp the flut5o?ftp of t^e fame, Thai a*?! " the Conftables Fees for Attendance on the General AlTembly, and on Jury's for Atten- at the Superiour and County Courts, fhall be Fourteen- Shillings, Old Tenor dance on fer Diem, Any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. Courts and ° Juries. An A(a ftating the Fare of the Ferry called Smith's^ Ferry J between the Towns of IVethersJieU and V''« p's- hi . Glalfenbury. Be (t Cnaffco Isp tlje (Boternonr, Councfl anb Eeprefentatibesf, in (Bene ral Court alTcmbleD, anO bp ttc authoji'tp of t\\t fame. That TheFare of the Fare of faid Ferry for the Time to come, fhall be Nine-pence for Man, faid Terry (ox Horfe and Load ; and for fingle Man or Horfe, Four-pence : All Money ^^^ *'■"* '* of the Old Tenour. come. N,LO ND O N, Printed and Sold by Timothy Green, Printer to theGOVERNOUR and COMPANY, i 74 5, AriMO Rtgni Regit Q E O R G I J / / Vigeflimo. Common jFietD0« Fifty copies reissued by Albert C. Bates, Hartford, 1918; Ads and Laws Pafled by the Geocral Court or Aflembly of His Majefty*s Colony of Ccnnedieut, in Utro EngUnJ % Begun and Held at New-Havem, on the fecoDd Thorfday of OHeher ( being the ninth Day of laid Month ) in the Twentieth Year of the Reign of Our -Sovereign Lord G E O R G E //&f Seetndt K 1 N G of Great Britatn, &c, AnHtque Dimini, 1746. An Aft direding Proprietors of Lands, lying convenient for a Common Field, when no ^'^ ?•«♦<" Common Field has been before made and ufed, how they ihall be enabled to Form fuch Lands into a Common Field* B^ (t dPnaseb bp tge (f otirrnouc. Council ant Heprtfentatififl}, (n (Benctal Court aflTfmWtD, anu fip tfje IButtjozft? of tge Came, That when any Number of Proprietors within tius Colony have fuch Landj lying convenient to be improved as a Common Field, wherein five Sixth Parts of faid Proprietors Ihall agree to improve their faid Land as a Common Field ( always accounting their Votes by their Intcreft in faid Lands ) are hereby DireSed to reprcfent the Circnm- flancet ot their faid Lands to the County Court in the fame County where faid Lands do lie, and Notifie the other Proprietors of faid Lands to Appear at faid Court, to make their Objeftions ( if any they have ) agaiofi faid Lands being Improved, as abovcfaid : And on faid Proprietors obcait\ing the Approbation and Allowance oi the County Court, to Im- prove faid Lands, as above faid, the Proprietors of fuch Lands arc hereby Allowed to Improve faid Lands as a Common Field, and fhall have the Benefit o{ the Laws of this Colony made for Regulating and Protcfting Common Fields* i fixth Parts ofProprietorf ( to be com- puted by In- tereft)having Lands lying convenient for Commoa Fields.toNo. tifie the other Proprietortft Apply them- felvei to the County Court forAllowance to form faid Lands iatu Common fields, ^c. X 11 1 1 An Aa j^nno Rtgpt Rtgh CEORGfJ //. Vigeflimo. An Aft for Enlarging the Diftri<5fc of the Court of v.dpagjis> Probate at Vanbitry m Fairfield'Qouniy ^ Btf it (£na(t£l) bp t!)e «0otfrnour, Council anti EfprtrentatiteS, in (Ffn?rai Court Uffcmt)leD,anD bp tfje 3Ilutl)0?itp o£ i^t fflme,Thac the exed to the Diflridl ing. D.a'ntr f^^ ^***^" °^ '^'^if^^^b^ Annexed, and ic is hereby Ann Danl'ur,!' of Danbury, any Law to the contrary notwithftandii An Ad for the Reviving and further Continuing the vidpasjjd Law, Entituled an Ad dircding how Juries to attend the Courts of Tryal for the future (hall be Chofen and Appointed, PalTed by the General AfTcm- bly at Hew'Naven^ OMer i \th^ In the Eighteenth Year of His Majefty's Reign, G EO RG E the Se- tond, &c KitiG. :^nnociue s^ommt, i744» WHEREAS the above-mentioned Law is; as to Continue for the /pace of Two Tears from the Rifing of the JJembly abcvefaid^ and no Preamhlt. longer j which Time is now nea*- Expired : And the faid Law having beex found for the Benefit of His Majefty's SuhjeHs in this Colony. T&e it thtteio}i (Enacted bg tt)e (Poucmour, Council ant fLeprefenta^ tibeja In fl!5eneral t, an- Goods, Wares or Merchandizes, and difpofe of the fame for the life of the P«'*°" b«'cog Inhabitants here, he or they fhall recede as a Premium therefor, out of ColJny''f>om the pubiick Treafury Five Pounds \^ Bills ot publjck Credit for &i^xy alut Britain Hundred Pounds worth of fuch Goods Wares and Merchandizes, in the like or Ireland, to Bills of Credit The faid Goods to be Valued according to Invoice taken ai ••**'= « S'rc. the place of Exportation, and a jofl Exchange therfon to be computed. ^|."? ** ' ^' And for the preventing of Fraud in paying in the faid Premiuntt ^^nt for'" """"• DireSJion therein^ T£>t It t\xxt%tt (Enattcti bp tie 9Ilut})o;itp Qfo;rfait>, That the perfon or perfons Importing any Goods, Wares and Merchandizes into Ibis Colony, faid importer froo) Great-Britain or Ireland^ (hall before he or they fiiall be entituled to J^o "i*^' O"'" the faid Premium, make Oath before an Affiftant and Juftice of the Peace, (!«,»' Tn±^' or before Two |uftices of the Peace, ^orum Unus, that fuch Goods, Wares j uft'ct, "or t and Merchandizes were imported from Great-Britain or Ireland en his or Juftice's,^u» their own proper Rifque and Account, and have bceo difpofed of and bona '"" ^nu. Fide, Sold in this Colony for the ufe of the Inhabitanis here ; which Oath J^t^ ^^ 8'^* the faid Authority are hereby irap«wred to Adrainifier, and thereupon to *heTfeafurer. draw an Order on the Treafurer of the Colony for the Psf menc of fo much as (hall appear to them to be juflly due to fuch Importer at « Fremium by virtue AiHo Reg>i't PegU GEORGIJ //. VigefTlnlo. $$6 |^tcl)cnttng t!)c Cjcpo^tation of number. virtue of this Art ; Which Orders iheTreafurer fhal) pay out of the Monies or Bills of Credit that fhall be brought into the Treafury for tl^p Dutiet by this Aft laid on the importation or bringing in of Goods from the Neigh- bouring Governmenrs, and for the Duties laid by an Aft of this AfTcmbly on the ExportatioB of Lumber, fo far as the faid Duties will anfwer, and Treafunr to "° f"f tfi^r. And that the Treafurer may be the better able to obferve keep a fepa and conform to this Aft, he is hereby ordered and direfted, to make and rite&diftinft keep a feparate and particular Account of the Duties he (hall receive and of Account, &'c the Premia he (hall pay out, purfuant to this Aft. 3lnD it Jjj iMzt^tt (tnatteH bp tl^e flurto;itp afo?eCaiB, That the afore- faid Colleftors (hall be Sworn to a faithful difcharge of their Truft, and bfwn'Ind ^^" ^^"^ ^ Reward for their Service in CoUeaing and taking Security, as ReJardedfor afcf*id, Five /-frCra/ww, and (hall render an Account to this Court when theirSetvicc. thetCtO required : And the Charges arifing on the Premia, aforefaid, Jhall be defrcyed by the perfon or per Jons receiving the fame. This Afli This Aft to continue in Fofce for the fpace of Five Years, from the 6rft Continuance. Day of June next. An A6fc for laying a Duty on the Exportation of Lumber to the Neighbouring Governments. WHERE AS great ^antities ofdiv rs forts of Lumber, are frequently Exported out of this Colony to the Neighbouring Governments, to the ffeamfte. great deJlruHion of 'Timber, to the prejudice of building of Shipping, and tc the great damage of our Wefl-India Trade. Therefore, 55t it (CnatrtD bp \\t (BobEcnout, Couittil anU fieprefentatibeitf, ta All Lumber <5fnrral Court SUTfrnblfb. ano bp x\z autbopitp of tf)e fame, That for all "f'j^ffowth Lumber of the Growth of this Colony, that fhall at any time after the firft thltSl b^e of OEloier next, be Shipped on Board any Veflel in any Port, Ri«€r Har- Sh/pped on bour. Road Or place of Lading in this Colony, for Exportation to cither of Board any ths Governments of the Maffachufetts, New-Tork, Rboad-Jfland or New- Veflel fof Ek Hatftpjhire, (haH be paid a Duty for the life of this Government, as follows, K^of the < V'^- > ^^f^^^*^ ShiW^s for each Thoufand of Barrel Staves Twenty Shil" Government! ^^i^ for each Thoufand of Hogthead Staves, Thirty Shillings for each of the Majfa Thpufand of Pipe or Butt Staves, Thirty Shillings for each Thoufand of €hufttts,New Hogfliead Heading, Fifteen Shillings for each Thoufand of Barrel Heading, /^ti^i*/?'' 7w^«/)' Shillings for every Ton of Ship- Timber, Five Shillings for ever/ Hampfilre'to Hondred Pooc of Plank, Two Shillings and Six-pence for every Hundred have a Duty Foot ol Boards, and Twenty Shillings for every Cord of Bark ; all in Bills of paid therefor. Credit of this Colony, New Tenor, or in other Bills of this Colony equivalent thereto. jjnd that the faid Duties may be effeElually colleElei and paid, o 11 n 3* 'i^ futtl)e5 Cnacrebtjp i|)t )Butto?itp afO«fflfb,That the ftver»l Duties KcefveTaid'* ^^ ^'^^ ^^ '^'^» *^*^ ^^ P^'** ^^ *"^ received by fuch CoUeaor or Col- Duties, leSori of Duties as (hall be appointed by the Governour of this Colony for the time being, for the colle^ing of Duties ariiing on the Importation and bringihg in ofGoods from the neighbouring Governments; out of wbieh Do> tics fuchCoUeftors (hall receive Five /if r Cf«r«»? for their Trooble thercio. That if any Petfon or Maimer of a VeOel (hall Ship or take on Board any tVo'f l" mb! ^*^^^ '" ^"y '°"' ^wti. Harbour, Road or place of Lading iD thisColo- Shipp'don ' ny, any Quantity of the aforementioned forts of Lumber, for Exporta. Board any tion to any of the aforefaid Neighbouring Governments, befoie Entry VeCTel forEx- thereof made with one of the aforefaid Colleftors of Duties and Bond with portauon&f Surety given, not to Export fuch Lumber to the faid Neighbouring Go- vernments, Ahuo Regui Re^ls GEOROIJ // Vigedlmo. ifees:. 557 veriimentJ, or Qial) Exporc the fame to any of the faid Governments before the Ducy by this K€t laid (hall be paid, the faid Lumber fo Shipped .and puc on Board, contrary to this Aft, or the Value thereof, fhall be For- feited; one half to the Treafurer of this Colony, for the Uk of the Government, and the other half to the Informer who (hall profecute the fame to Effeft. That the faid Lumber fo Shipped, may be Scifcd by fuch CoUcaor, or by Warrant from any AflSflant or JuRice of the Peace, ^*''*^"s'^^*^ and Secured for Trial at the next County Court, in the County where ^^^ol^e<^*o,j^ fuch Seifure fliall be made: Which Court on Information made of thcotbyWarranc Tranfgreffion of this Adt, may hear and determine the fame, and give from an Af- Judgment for the Forfeiture and Sale of fuch Lumber as (hall appear ^'^s!** °' to be Shipped contrary to this \Gt : And in cafe no Seifure be made, {,"3^" " ' they (hall give Judgment for the Value of faid Lamber fo Exported, againft him or them who Exports the fame contrary to this Ad, and award Execution thereon for the Ufes afore faid accordingly. And that if on the Trial of any fuch Caufe, there (hall arife a Dilpute jf^-f ^„„ abont the Growth of faid Lumber, the burthen of the Proof (hall lie on happen about the Shipper, Owner or Claimer of fuch Lumber •, and if no Claimer or the growth Owner appear, or no Plea or Difpute happens about the Growth of fuch °f^^^ ^um- Lumberj it (hall be prefumed and taken for granted, that fuch Lumber was ^^en't'olic'on of the Growth of this Colony, any Law, Ufage or Cuflom to the contrary the ciaimej. in any wife notwithflanding^ n~- - An A(5t for regulating Fees! B(B it (CnatttD bp tfje ^oternour, Council anti fieprefentatltjei*. (n <©eneral Court flffeniblcu, anb bp t!)C 311utl)0?itp of tlje (amr, That the Eftablifhment of the Fees belonging to the feveral Officers in this Colony, be at foUoweth, in New Tenor Bills, Viz. JJJiftants fees. "COt Attending the General AfTembly per LUm^ ^ Travel per Mile out, Reprefentatives Fees. 'pOr Attending the General AfTembly /«• Diem^ ■*• Travel per Mile out, Superiour Courts Fees. ^Hief Judge, per Dierrty ^^ AlTiilant Judges, per Diem, Trying each Aftion, Each Default or ConfelTicn, To the Jury, Clerk of the Superiour Courts Fees. pNtering each Aftion and Judgment, *^ Filing each individual Teftimony, Each Execution, Entering Judgment Acknowledged, Copy of each Teftimony> County Courts Fees. f^Hief Judge, per Diem^ ^^ Jufticts of the Quorum, per Diem^ For Trying each A6tion, Each Judgment on Default or Confeffion, For a Licenfe to each Tavern-keeper, To Clerk for each Licenfe, To the Jury for Trying each Aftion, N n n n n 00 00 S. 10 CO 06 AfTiftants 00 00 07 00 00 Q^ Rcprefertti- ' tives Fees. 00 00 >7 17 06 02 Superiour gOouii Fees. 00 09 00 01 01 00 00 0? 06 00 00 00 00 ox 01 04 Clerk of the 08 Superiour op Court Feej. 00 00 07 00 00 00 II 08 10 06 ooCountyCoUft 06 F«^- 00 05 0? 00 03 06 00 01 09 01 01 oo Ckrk Annt HfgHi Regis GEORGIJ //. VigeHimo. 55S JFees. C/erk of the County Courts Fees. Clerkofthe T;Ntenng every Aftion, CodntyCourr Entering every Judgment, Fe«j. For Atcachnnenc, Summons and Executions, and other things ? proper to him, as in the Afliltants and Juftices Fees. •> /. 00 00 Court of Probates Fees, 00 Court ofPro- bares Fees. A^nfiantsand ]nfti«s Fees. Entry 'Every Every Bond Copy r^Ranting Adminiflration, to the Judge, Receiving and Probate of every Will and Inventory ? oi Fifty Pounds or rmder, whereof to the Clerk ^ d, ^ oq Receiving and Probate of every Will and Inventory of above > Fifty Pou»ds,v/hereQf to the Clerk i s. and 6 d. ioo Each Quietus, whereof to the Clerk i s. 00 Recording every Will :md Inventory of F^^ Ptfa» 00 Alfo Nine-pence per Hwddred for every Hundred Pounds after > the firft Hundred^ and Julf fo much for Copy of the fame. * Each Bond fcfr Adminiftration and eachLetter of Adminiftratiotuoo Every Citation. Oo Making out a Commiflion,receiving and examining theCIaims/ of Creditors to Infolvent Eftates, andRcgiftring the fame,? o« and making the Average, vshereof to the Clerk, is. 3 Regiftring the Commiflloners Report per Page, for each i Page of TwentyEight Lines, Ten Words in a Line, ■* Entering an Order upon the Adminiftrator to pay out the Eftate in proportion unto the feveral Creditors returned by the Commiflioners, Allowing of Accounts,Setling ana Dividing of InteftateEftates>oc Appointing Guardians and taking Bond, Jfjifiants and JvJiUe: Pees* li Ttachments or Summons for Aoc 02 oS 00 01 09 00 01 CO 00 00 00 01 00 0; 04 ©7 otf 00 «e 00 CI ot 00 09 10 eo 00 CI 07 00 oc 01 00 eo 00 01 01 0? 00 «o ox CO 00 00 eo 00 •0 01 01 ct 08 Of 09 op 09 03 00 00 02 o2 08 08 01 Sheriffs ^nno Regnt Regis GEORGIJ // Vigeffirho. ifees. 5r9 } Sheriffs and CovJlaUes fees. CErving every Summons, yd. ff by Copy, io d. Serrmg every Attachmenc lo d. Bail Bond, i s.andzd. Attending ata JufticesCourc when obliged to aitcfid, i for each Adion tried, ^ Each Mile Travel our, Two-pence Half-piny, Fees for Plaintiff, Defendant or Evidences attending ? any Court, per Diem, \ Travel for plaintiffdefendaat or evidencein any Court^tTmne,oo Fees for a Jury imployed in laying out High-ways, ) (hall be for every Juror per Diem, ) And the Sheriff attending on faid/ury, per Diertii Town Clerks Fees. pOr Recording a Deed, for Copy of Deed, To Survey BilJ, To Recording a Marriage, To Recording a Birth and Death, pOr each Dicker, For a fingie Hide, Half a Dicker, Leather Sealers Fees. Sheriffs and Conftabki Fees. oo oo of oo 09 oi 2 oo ,00 02 00 oS oz Plaintiff, De- fendant and 2 Evidences Fee oo 00 07 0; 00 Jurors in liyirg out HWays Fe«. oo CO 00 00 01 01 Oo 00 04 04 107 06 Town Clerics Fees, 00 00 03 oo oo 01 00 06 04 Leather Sca- lers Fees. oo 01 00 oo oo 00 16 08 00 00 00 Attorney's Fees. County Sur- 00 05 06 Sheriffs and Conftablcs Fees. 00 Oj 06 Attorney's Fees. IN Taxing Bills of Coft ( the Parties that Recover ; * For Attorney's Fee at County Court, ) In the Superiour Courts, County Surveyors Fee per Diem, befides his Expenccj, Sheriffs and ConJiabUs Fees, CHerifFfor Tending General Aflembly, Superiour and ) ^ County Court prr Dim, ) GinftablfS Fee for Tendance, An A6t in addition to an Ad, Entituled an Adt for regulating the Militia, ( pag, 4^4* ) Bo?ltp of t^e fame, That when- Colleflors, in fogy^f jhis Affembly fliall grant a Tax te be levied upon the Lands of any themfe°lv« ^ fuch Town Of Society, the fame ftall be demanded as other Rates or toanAfilftant Taxcs by Law ought to be; and if the Owner or Owners of fuch Lands or Juoice of do not pay fuch Tax to the Colledor chofen to gather the fame, then fuch the Peace. Officer may apply to fome Affiftant or Jutice of the Peace, who fhal) grant him a Writ, by Force whereof fuch CoUeSor may proceed to levy the Tax or Taxes not paid, as aforefaid, in the fame form and manner as Town or Society Taxes ought to be Levied* Colledots v^oiieaots *"^ ^' ^^ further €natttti, That in every cafe wherein thisAfTembly how to pro- ^^^'^ 8'^2"'*'^ ^"y T^x. as aforefaid, and the fame is not already Levied, ceed. the CoUeftor or Colleaors of fuch Tax fhall proceed to ColUa the fame, as above-mentioned* Always Anno Regni Regis GEORGIJ // Vigeffimo. l^robate^ gHlolDes^ Eaft^Havcn jfeccy^ s^i Always provided^ That if the Owners of any Lands Taxed, or that fliall be Taxed by Order of this Aflembly, as aforefaid, and fuch Owners be or (hall be Taxed, or greater Taxes levied of them than what this a Ptovifo. AfTembly hach or (hall grant, then In every fuch Cafe, fuch Owners may make Complaint to the County Court in the County where fuch Lands do lie •, which Court (hall proceed to hear fuch Complaint, and grant Relief to all per fons they (hall find Wronged and Opprefled by any ColleAor, Tovtrn or Society, aod Tax Cofts Co the perfoos unneceHarily Vexed in fuch Affair. All A6t appointing a Court of Probate in the County of Windham^ and for limiting the Diftridt thereoh B(t ft €na(teD 6? t^e 45ot)ecttour, Council anti ^fpcerentatittjer, (n ^Benccal Court atTembleO, atiD bp tbe Jfiuttiojitp of the fame, Tha? ^ ^^^^^ the Towns of Plainfield, Canterbury^ Kil/in^ly, Pomfreti and Foluntozan, probate in all in the County of IFindham be one entire Diftnd for holding a mniham Court of Probate, and (hall be known by the Name of the Diftrift of County.toib Plainfield: And faid Court (hall be held by one Judge and Clerk, with o/d^f^'^ Powers and Privileges that the other Courts of Frobate in this Colooy fitl^Stll. have -, and in all Cafes where the Law allows of Appeals, they (ball be made to the Superiour Court holden ac IVindham, An A<^ giving further Encouragement for the deftroying Wolves in this Colony* Be it An A«ji^0mi«atl0n An A6t for the tiating the Toll of the Bridge over the great River at IJerv-Milfcrc/^czlkd the Toll-Bridgc* r T}<£ it €nn(tcol>p t^t ©obernour. Council ant> l^rprcfcntatltr^tf (n ,\MiB.id\; B atneral-Couct affemblED. nnUbp ttCSutho^ltp of the fnnic. That atV Miifcrd for the future the Toll of faid Bridge for each Team fliall be One Shilling ftated.aiid toand Two-petice, for each Man Horfe and Load Nine-pncty each fingle ht naid in jyj^j^ Fcur-pencCy and for each Horfe and Neat Kine that fhall be lead Old Tonor. ^^ ^xovc Four-pence per WtdAy and for each Sheep or Swine One-petiy per Head -, all Old Tenor. V'd P^sjj.An A(5t for raifmg the Fare of the Ferry at New' ^*' LonJoTiy called New-lom/on-V^ny, Bp<»r who have Imported fuch Goods, Wares and Merchandifes, for "which the ^^^ Goods, faid Duties ouglit to have been Paid, or Secured, as aforefaid, Ihall noc^jle DMri'i'' within Three Days after Demand fhall be made of fuch Duties by any fuch thereef, fhait Q. q q q q Coue^or Anno Regrti Regit GEORGIJ //. Vigefllmo Sccando. 568 BuilDingH^ating^i^oufes fo;t mtjitie QZUo^fbip. Colkftor or CollecSlors, cither Pay the faid Duties or givc.Sccunty thtrc- withln three for, according to the Diredtionr in faid Adl, fiich CoUedpr or CoUedors Days after a may procccd againft fuch Perlon or Perfons according to the Dircftion Dtrmand by a given in faid Ad: : And in cafe there Ihall arife any Difpute about the be'''*ro ceded Q,^^"^^/ ^^ Value of the Goods Imported, the Quantity or Value thereof 3gi^v^!&r fhall be deemed, accounted and judged to be what the , Informer or Pro- fecutor in his Information ftiall alledge and declare the fame to be ; unlefs Dilputes a- the Importer thereof will (hew and produce in Evidence, an Account of bout the Va ^|^g ^j-^g ^nd real Quantity or Value under Oath, ( if thereto required ) tkv^of fatd' which being done may be accepted as Evidence of fuch Quantity or Value. Goods, how' And fuch Coliedors fhall deliver fuch further Duties and Securities unto decided. the Colony Treafurer, with a fair Account of their whole Proceedings in their faid Office, as foon as may be ; out of which ftiall be dedufted and allowed to fuch Colledors the Five per Centum allowed by faid Ad for their Service. That if any fuch CoUedor ftiall negled or refufc to perform his Collertors Truft in the Office aforefaid, fuch Colledor ftiall and may be Sued in the neg!eif}ing Name of the Governour and Company of this Colony, to render his reafo- be^SiId"&V "^'^^^ account of his Doings in fuch Office ; and being found in Arrears ftiall pay the fame, and forfeit the whole of the faid five per Centum allowed by faid Ad for his Service, which ftiall be accounted as part of his Arrears. ^nd whereas divers Perfons have not only Imported Goods into this Colony Preamlk f''^'"' Great-Britain or Ireland, but alfo have on the Encouragement given in faid A^y aUually Engaged and Adventured for the Impbrtalion ofGoodSy Wares and Merchandifes into this Government^ for which they are or may be Entituledto the Premium ofYwt per Centum, granted by faid A£l for the Importation of Goods from faid Kingdoms : And whereas the not Paying the fame according to the Tenour of faid A£i would be doing [njuflice to thofe Perfons^ as well as be a Breach ef the publtck Faith^ 'which ought to be preferved as far as pojfiblt Jnviohtz . fee rt ttjfrrfcje eaatteOSp t^e ?5utboj(tp flfoifraf& That all fuch fn- Perfons Im- Habitants of this Colony as have fince the Date of faid Aft Imported into ported Goods this Colony on their own proper Rifque and Account, any Goods, Wares from G.Brit, or Merchandifes from Great- Britain or Irelandy for which the faid Pre- on their own jnium is juftly Due, or ftiall fo Import any Goods, Wares or Merchan- aul?ved*t°he ^^i^" before the Firft Day oi January next, ftiall receive the faid Premium Prcmium.till o^ Five per Centum therefor, according as is provided in faid Ad, out of the firft of the Duties mentioned in faid Ad as a Fund for the Payment of the faid Jcnuaty next Premium, fo far as they will anfwer the fame, on their producing Orders on the Treafurer, as in faid Ad is provided- vid a 81 ^" ^^ dire<5ting how to proceed when k (hall be iLr^'^ ' neccffaiy to buildaMecting-houfe for divine Worfliip* T T. • ^ R* '^ «nacrei) b^ t\it ©otrrnour. Council an6 EeprEffnratlttjff, m ofTparifhor *-* <&? "^ cal Court flfffmbleD an!) bp rfje Xuthoj.tpof m famr. That religious So- "^^^^ ^"y '"'^"'^ ^^ religious Society allowed to be fuch by this Aflembly, ciety agree or EftaUiftied and Approved by the Laws of this Colony ^ thof^^ only to build a Tolerated by the Laws of this Colony and Difttnting from us Excepted ) houffto'ao* ^^'^ ^y their Vote ( wherein two third Parts of the Inhabitants Qualified ply them- ^^ ^^^ ^^'^ ^° ^°^^ ^"^ P'"^^^"^ 'f^' ^^e Meeting of fuch Parifti or reliTJou? fclvey to the Society ) declare it to be neceftary to build a Mceting-Houfe, every^fucli c Court in Parifti or Society ftiall apply themfelves to the County Court 'in the County '^h^T7 where fuch PariOi or Society is fituate, to appoint and affixTtbe Place Mee^iag '^'^^'"^O" ^^^'^ Meeting-Houfe ftiall be Ereded and Built ;.and thdCounty houfe .s to be Courts in the refpedive Counties are hereby Authorized and Iijipowrcd to bu.h.fij'f. hear all Concerned and take proper Meafures for the affixing fudi Place and' /Inao Regni Regis GEORGIJ //. Vigeflimo SecUilda Crectins a Court of probate at Norwich. s^9 and to appoint, order and affix the Place whereon their Meeting-Houfe fliall be Ercftcd and Built: Which being done, concludeasandjafcertaincd by the Judgment of the County Court m the County where lir^h Parifh or Society is fituate -, the Committee of fuch Parifh or Society/ Jhall. forth- ACommittee. with give due Notice to the Parifhioners to Meet at feme fuitabJe Xime »o ^^ chafen. and Place, to authorize and appoint feme meet Perfons tobeaCom-' mittee for fetting up, building and finifhing an Houfe proper and fuitable fcrjfuch an Improvement on the Place appointed, as aforefaid : At which Meeting the faid Society fhall proceed to grant and levy a Tax on the In- habitants of fuch Parifh, to be collefted and paid to the faid Committee, to enable them to go forward with the faid Building : And the Clerk of the Pari fli or Society fhall keep the Account of their Difburfements : The CIe;k to Anil it-fliall be the duty of every fuch Clerk to certifie the County Court '^^^P an ac- which gave/fuch Order, the doings of the Society at their next Sellions f °"rj '^^ ^^S' ^ictfthe fixing the Place, as aforefaid ; as alfo the progrefs of the Com- ^ ^'"^"' ^ niitte^Hn building fuch Houfc, to each County Court in the County, at their Hated Sefl]ons,till the Houfe be finifhed. And for every negleft of his duty therein, fhall incur the Penalty of Ten Pounds to the County Treafury jy^ . „. in fuch County ; to be recovered of fuch Clerk before the County Court tbejf dutt"^to in the County where the Society is fituate, by Adion, Bill,Plaint or other- be fin'd lo /. wife,.asjhe Law will allow ; in which cafe no Review (hall be admitted. Kino It i? netfhp futtljer PcoiiDeD, that if the County Court in fuch County do find by the Clerk's Certificate, that the Inhabitants of fuch So- ciety do not proceed to fet up and finifh a Meeting-Houfe at the Place The General appointed, as aforefaid, and certifie the fame to this Aflfembly, this Affem- Aff^mbly to bly will AfTefs and Levy upon fuch Society, from time to time, fuch Sum p^f^J"'^^ and Sums of Money as may be needful to fet up and finifli fuch Meeting- ^^^ ^^^ '" Houfe ; which fhall be by Order of this AflTembly accordingly Im- * proved : And every fuch 5um of Money IhaU be by Sie-TreoTurer of the Colony added to the publick Tax of the Society, and gathered as a part of the publick Tax by the Conftabl? who gathers the Country Rate and paid into the publick Treafury, to be re-imburied for the Ufe aforefaid ; who ihall by Order of this Aflembly deliver the fame to fuchPerfon or Perfons as by this Affembly fhall be appointed. ainU It 155 ttcebn futil)Er«naaeD,That for the future it fiian not he lawful p^ , for any of the Societies aforefaid,or any part of fuch Society to build or fet up , q"/ J^^ f|,'? any Meeting-Houfe for religious Worfhip, without procuring the County as tranfgrefs Court in the County where fuch Society is fituate, firft to afccrtain the Place •''« O'der in for it,as in this Aft is limited and provided. And whofoevcr (hall tranfgrefs ''^'^ Affair, this Order, Ihall incur the Penalty of One Hundred Pounds to the Treafury of fuch County j to be recovered by Aftion,Bill or Plaint.before any ol the County Courts in the County where theTranfgrefCon Ihall be committed.. MnD it ftf tjerebpfUflfjcr (fnarttD, That rhe proceeding in Secrltng an'd '^''^ ^'.p*'"'^! Affixing fuch Meeting-Houfe Place, Ihall be at the Charge of the Parifh F^ee, for their or Society where fuch Houfe is needed : And fuch County Court Ihall be Judgment, aUowed Fees for their Judgment thereon, as in the Trial of other Caufes. &f' anotns J)ftebp fttriuer cnaaeD, That the Law, fintituied, /in /iH how to proceed when it Jhallbe necejfary to build a Meeting-Houfe for divine F"<'«'"'^rA/lin IfTorJhip, Made and Palfed by this Aflembly in May 1731, be Repealed, ReSd.'^' and the fame is hereby Repealed. An Ad: appointing a Court of Probate in the County ofAeiP-Z.07/yo«,andfor limiting thcDiftridt thereof* v*d pag 517 B «C ft (SCnacrrD Dp tijc (Bobrinour. Council ant Eqirfff ntatfUeS, in ^fnera! Court afftrnMeD, anti bj t^t autljo^itp of tit famf. That the Aunt Regni Regis G E O R G I J / /. VigeOimo SccUndo. 5 7o2Delinque ntg.^ttrattceg.^etitiong,^ominati'on« the Towns of: Norwich and Prejion, both in the County of Nevj-Lcftdon^ Xa^wJ^^ and be one-entire Diftrift for holdii,g a Court of Probate, r.nd (haU be known Prcjicn to be by the' Nam^ of the Diftrift of Norwich ; and faid Court fhali be hefd by one entire oi- ^^^ jfudge and Clcrk, With Powers and Privileges that the other Courts of **''^i°Court Probate in this Colony have : And in all Cafes where the Law allows of tf^Probate" Appeals, they fhall be made to theSuperiour Courts holden in the County of New-Lcndon ; and that all the Bufinefs that is now Enter'd in the Court.of Probate in iVi?w-Z,ff»^(?;r, Ihall be finifhed in faid Court. • \^ . - ". * * ^ ' ' .———.— . ^"^ An Ad providing for defraying the Charges of pro- vi(3.p3g.i?«. fccuting Criminals and Delinquents in the Supc- riour Courts in this Colony. nSouentr Vl"^ ^^ ' place \nWindfcr Little-River ( fo called; "^ d"" n°o^ -within one Mile from \.he Mouth thereof, fhaJl be ufed or drawn, jior in fetinO^ni/of CoTjneSficut-Kiver on the Weft.fide thereof, within one quarter of a Mile Little Rivei, below the Mouth of faid littIeRivcr,fave only in the Day time between the only in thcday rifmg and fetting of the Sun -, nor any Tramel-Net put down or fet for the time between ^^^^j^jj^g ^f pjj]^ within faid diftance, up faid little-River or below the rSi'nEof the Mouth thereof, at any time by Night or by Day within faid two Years, on Sun, nor by the Penalty of Twenty Shillings New Tenor Bills, for every Tranfgrefllon night nor day of this Ad -, to be Recovered by Bill, Plaint or Information, the one half in fome part [hereof to be to and for the Complainant, and the other half to and for nluyoTzol the ufe of faid Town of PTindfor. vidpag 466 An A(5t for preventing a multiplicity of Petitions to the General Affembly^ No Petition X^d it (tnactt& bp ttifdPotJecnour, Council anblllcprerentati)3etf,in Oe* to be pfef"^'^ jQ nccal Court afftmbleU, an&bp t!je «uttjo?irp of tlje rame, Thar for »atterofcon ^^^ ftiture no Petition fiiall be preferred to this Aflembly wherein the value iroveify does of the debt, danaage or othermatter about which the contrcverfie did arife, not exceed 1 s do not exceed the Sum of Fifteen Poinds in Bills of Credit New Tenor. /. New Tenor T 'He Gentlemen Nominated by the Votes of the Freemen (fent into this Aflembly) to fland for Eleflion in May next,are as follow, C^;z. )The Th r tl Honourable Jonathan Law Efq; the Honourable Roger WoLcoTtElqj men Nomina 7^'"^^ Wadfivorth Efq; NathanaelStanlyKfq; Samuel LyndeEfq; IViHiamPil- ted for ihe kin^fq-ShomasFitchEic^; RogerNe'cvtonEfq-, EicnczaSillmafiEfq; Jonathan Eleflion in Trumble Efq; Hezekiah HuntingtonEfq; John Bulklcy Efq-, Andrew BurrEia; Ma, 1749- John Chejier Efq-, Col. Gurdon Saltonjlall, Col. Benjamin Hall, Capt. Ro- ger IVolcott, Mr. John Grifwold, Col. Ellpa miliams. Col. Jcfeph Pitkin. iV.Z.w; Court of Probates Fees. /^Ranting Admlniftraton, to the Judge, One Shilling 7 ^ ^^ and Six-pence . .. ^ °o "» "O Receiving and Probate of every Will and the Inven- > Court of Pro- tory of Fifty Pounds, or under. Two Shillings, f 00 02 00 bates Fees. ( whereof to the Clerk Nine-pence, ;...,..*<. qo 00 09 Receiving and Probate of every Will and Inventory 5 of above Fifty Pounds, Three Shillings, . , . | QO 03 00 C whereof to the Clerk, One Shilling, .,.,,, 00 01 00 Each Quietus, One Shilling ...*... 00 01 00 ( whereof to the Clerk, utx-pence, ^ . , . , , , 00 00 o5 Recording every "Will ard Inventory of i^(/"/y P Oo Oi 00 of Adminiftration, One Shillings . , . 5 Every Citation, Four-pence, .... 00 00 04 Making out a Commiffion, Receiving and Examining > the Claims of Creditor to Infolvent Eftates, and ^ 00 or 00 Regiftring the fame. One Shilling, . . » . . ' Regiftring the Commiflioners Report per Page, ^^ for each Page 6f Twertty Eight Lines, Ten > 00 00 06 Words in a Line, Six-pence, J Entering an Order upon the Adminiflrator to pay ") out the Eftate in proportion unto the feveral Creditors > 00 00 06 Returned by the Commiflioners, Six-peme, ^ Allowing Aunt Reqtii Regis GEORGTJ // VigefllimotSecnndo. I I I '11 I 111 .1 1 1 I laesttlatioti of 5Feefi?* 57^ 01 OI oo Secretary's oo F««5« 05 oo /. s^ d. Allowing of Accounts, Setling and Dividing of ■% _ Intt^ztc E^m?.^ Otie SbilUng md Six-pence, i OO oi p6 Appointing Guardians and taking Bond, Ow 5,6?/////^, , oq o( 00 Jjjtftants and Juftices Fees. A Ttachments or Summons for A<5tion, Six-pence^ oo oo 06 When Bond is given. Nine-pence, 00 00 09 A Warrant for Witnefles, Four-pence, .... 00 .00 04 A/iiftant Entry and Trial of an Adion, Two ShillingSy .... 00 02 00 and Juftiaes Every Execution, One Shilling, , 00 01 00 Fees. Every Warrant for Criminals, One Shillingy .... 00 01 qo Bond for Appeal, Six-pence, - . 00 00 06 Copy of Evidences the leaft. Four-pence^ .... 00 00 04 Copy of Judgment, Six-pence, 00 00 06 Every Recognizance, Six-pence, 00 00 06 Judgment on Confeflion or Default, One Shilling, 00 oi 00 Affiaavits taken out of Court, each. Six-pence, 00 00 otf AcknowlegingaDeed,MortgageorotherInftrument,5/;c-/i^«f Pounds, and not exceeding Forty Pounds, r 00 07 06 Seven Shillings and Six-pence, ^ For any greater Sums than Forty Pounds, (hall be allowed after the Rate of Two Shillings more advanced on every Twenty Pounds, above the Sum of Forty Pounds, which Ihall be Levyed by the faid Execution : And the above- faid Fees on Executions fh'all be taken in the lame Cur- rency that is to be Levied by each refpcdive Execution. Atteodin^ ^ntto Regni Regis GEORGT]"// Vigcfnmo Sccundo. I . — - — * 574 aaesulation of ifees* _. _ __ Attending at a Juftices Courr when obliged to attend, t^^ q, oq for each Adion Tried, One Shillings ... C Each Mile Travel out, three-pence, oo oo 03 Sheriff attending the General Aflembly, Superioiir Court ? or County Court, -per Diem, Four Shillings, •> ^^ °° Conftable for the like Service, per Diem, Three Shillings, 00 03 00 fendtS;FeesforPlaintiff, and Defendant att^^^^^ per Dtem, One Shilling md. Six-pence. S " "^ °° WitoeflesFee. Witnefies attending any Court per Diem, Two Shillings, 00 02 00 Their Travel Travel for Plaintiff, Defendant or Evidence in any Court, ? p^rMile, Two-pence, ^00 00 02 jurors Iayir)g Fees for a Jury employ'd in laying outHigh-ways,lhall be ? outH wayFee for every Juror, per Diem, Three Shillings, ... 5 00 03 00 And the Sheriff attending on faid Jury, per Diem, > Four Shillings^ ^ 00 04 00 Town Clerks Fees. ipOr Recording a Deed, One Shilling, , 00 01 00 Town Clerks ^^'^ ^ ^°Py °^ ^ ^^^^■> One Shilling,. 00 01 00 Fees. To Survey Bill, Six-pence, 00 00 06 To Recording a Marriage, Three-pence, 00 00 03 To Recording a Birth or Death, Two-pence^ .... 00 00 02 Attorney's Fees. IN Taxing Bills of Coft, the Patties that Recover for ? Attorney's Attorney's Fees at County Court, Four Shillings, i°° 04 00 Fees. Ill the Superiour Court, Eight Shillings, ^o ^g ^^ Post Wages. Poft Wages, Por Man,Horfe and Expences, each Mile out. Four-pence, 00 00 04 Recorder of Herfes Fee. Tlecnrder of pOr Branding, Recording every Horfe-kind, Six-pence, 00 00 06 Hoife* Fee. For Recording each Sale or Exchange, Three-pence, 00 00 03 For each Copy of Record, Three-pence^ 00 00 03 Coalers Fees. _ , ^ 170r Committment of a Prifoner and Difcharge,7woSi'////«w, 00 02 00 Coalers Fees T p^^ Dieting each ?n(oner per Wcck» Two 7 Shillings and Stx-pence, ...... r 00 02 06 County Surveyors Fees. County Sur- FOr himfelf and Horfep^ Diem, befides Expences, ? vcyofsFees. ^^^^ Shillings, > 00 04 00 N, L N D O Ny Printed and Sold by Timothv Green, Printer to the GOV. & COMP. 1749. -.-« '^' i#' .J*: ^W[■UNIVER% ^lOSANCflfj^, ^^t mm/A ^ 5ri •^fJlJ'JNVSOV^^ ^•^. .^ iJITOJO u ,= S ^fl or > ? ^^W UNivERiy^ ^ c .^ytUNIVERJ//, c University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which It was borrowed. fl]3NVS0 s'IVER% SRUP OCT QL. 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