BANCROFT LIBRARY o THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 3 14 171 '^3 4 00 10 March 5. 1868 93, 944. 25 81.648 54 1 295 71 11 November 20, 1868 21. 196 44 21. 193 89 2 55 12 June 9 1870 . 36 975 01 34 541 86 2 433 15 13 June 13. 1870 6,906.94 77li :u 134 60 14 Julv 15, 1870 1 479 7" 1 479 72 15 January 7. 1871 6 704 50 6 503 25 201 25 16 June 16, 1871 67,035 27 ' 64 940 55 2 094 72 17 February 15 1887 ... 2 637 no if) Total 1 438 381. 41 1 398 803 31 36 941 10 a $2.266.35 interest. 6 $41,363.83 interest. el'he claim of .$131.188.02, interest, is pending in the Supreme Court of the United States on appeal from Court of Claims. d Is additional claim for interest; no action. eNo action. /Claim No. 17 withdrawn by State February 17, 1887, and refiled May 4, 1891; no action; awaiting further evidence. CERTAIN WAR CLAIMS. Statement accompanying Third Auditor's letter of June 19, 1894, etc. Continued. PENNSYLVANIA. Date when filed. March 1,1862 June 11,1862 February 20, 1863 . May 4. 1870 June 30, 1870 May 25, 1871 June 18,1874 June 29, 1874 June :iO, 1874 July 25, 1881 November 2(1, 1882. April 21,1884 December 5, 1885. . February 2, 1887... April 18', 1889 December 5,1892.. Total Amount of claim. $1, 182, 854, 81, 257, 762, 33, 30, 9, 100, 131, 75, 14. 4, 1. 14. a 14, 997. 22 337. 20 084. 91 933. 18 127. 91 737. 77 168.86 819.30 780.49 239. 25 726. 10 018.14 921. 04 300.46 :::,(;. :;it 431.80 3, 568, 974. 82 Amount allowed and disposed of. 1,181,782.94 8'i4, 856. 92 78,532.60 216,301. 14 677. 659. 29 81,780,88 27, 657. 07 8,064.21 22, 113. 43 94, 569. 15 33, 766. :.S 4, 378. 30 3, 949. 53 1,001.3'.) 7. 546. 83 895. 65 3,224 855.71 Amount disallowed. $1, 214. 28 19, 480. 28 2, 552. 31 41,632.04 84, 468. 62 1.957.09 2, 506. 59 1,785.09 78, 667. 06 36, 670. 10 41,959.52 9, 639. 84 971. 51 299. 07 6, 809. 56 13, 536. 15 344, 119. 11 DELAWARE. July 27, 1W4 $3,019.20 j $3,019.20 May 1,1877 75,166.6:: 28,969.76 $46,196.87 Total 78,185.83 31,988.96 46,196.87 MARYLAND. January 3, 1866 ... $23, 979. 72 $16, 692. 05 ! $7, 287. 67 May8, 1872 10,996.77 1, 703.21 | 9. 2!i:;. :.6 April30.1874 78,812.60 | 66,523.74; 12,288.86 September 11, 1876 65,337.40! 51, 362. 64 13,974.76 Total 179,126.49 136,281.64 42,844.85 VIRGINIA. March 17, 1862... $42, 182. 01 I $40.072.31 92,109.70 October 16, 1865 11, 930.46 | 8,397.66 3,532.80 Total' 54,112.47 48,469.97 5,612.50 WEST VIRGINIA. 1 January 13, 1868 $456.879.03 $456,658.03 $221.00 KENTUCKY. March 17, 1862 . . $753, 752. 47 $752, 888. 44 ! $864. 03 March 21, 1862 34,457.00 31,860.55 2,596.45 August4,1862 340,478.(i:i 332,408.58 8,070.05 March 19, 1863 i 671, 257.05 I 648,441.48, 22.815.57 November. 1863 i 304,638.46 296,344.49 8,21)3.97 September 16. 1864 319,788.90 i 312.536.09: 7,252.81 March 27,1865 47.00 j 47.00 August 8, 1866 \... 193,697.71, 187,888.54 5,809.17 I 132,451.01 123, 615. 35 | '8,835.66 September 1, 1866 582, 692. 43 579, 454. 2H 3, 238. 15 March 26, 1867 226. 842. 96 199. 871. 75 j 26, 971. 21 February 10, 1873 1 70,260.75 56.001,17' 14,259.58 December 28, 1877 ' I 190,650.00 ' 190,6^0.00 January 23, 1879 i 973.701.62 : 6973,701.62 4,794,715.99! 3,521,310.72 1,273,405.27 No. 13 omitted; not rebellion war claim; canal toll case, Green and Barren rivers. a Pending in Second Comptroller's Office b Interest. CERTAIN WAR CLAIMS. Statement accompanying Third Auditor's letter of June 19, 1894, etc. Continued. OHIO. No. of claim. Date when filed. A of a^td Amount 1 Xoyember 21 1861 $29 980 01 $25 490 72 $4 489 29 2 June 21, 1862 1, 702, 440. 79 1, 699, 179. 43 3, 261. 36 3 September 26, 1862 88, 709. 22 59, 857. 10 28, 852. 12 4 December 27, 1862 358. 413. 14 356, 617. 50 1, 795. 64 August 18 1863 60 904 41 53 03:'. 30 7 871.11 6 >.") y'ember 28. 1863 4, 648. 77 4, 648. 77 . February 13 1866. 155 890 36 153 150 88 2 739.48 8 July 19 1867 2 556 57 22,341 60 214. 97 9 September 19, 1867 a274.924.44 266,282 78 8, 641. 66 10 y74. J7 43, 845. 95 e 320, 728. 32 Total . . 1. 203. 768. 32 8i9. 277. 43 354. 490. 89 ILLINOIS. 1 Marcb 1, 1862 2 June 9. 1862 3 June 23. 1862 4 September 2. 1862 . 5 December 19. 1865. October 14. 1867 ... 6 June 14, 1869 7 June 14, 1869 $2, 991. 559. 58 544, 145. 70 237. 994. 44 29, 750. 17 55, 902. 19 693, 091. 92 21, 854. 51 $3,779, 187. 76 $24,262.13 52, 812. 13 197, 874. 85 17. 896. 32 3, 090. 06 d 495, 217. fa 3, 958. 19 Total 4,574,298.51 4,047.771.06 526, 527. 45 a Expenses; Morgan raid. b Interest. c$320.488.32 interest. d $433,112.03 interest and discount. CERTAIN WAR CLAIMS. Statement accompanying Third Auditor's letter of June 19, 1894, etc. Continued. WISCONSIN. No. of claim. Date wheii filed. Amount of claim. Amount, allowed and disposed of. Amount disallowed. 1 February 26, 1862 $215 96 9 03 2 May 19, 1862 133 245 89 3 June 12, 1862 97 080. 83 4 Do 171 820. 10 5 July 9, 1862 253 010 08 l$l 070 890 94 $70 902 87 6 September 2, 1862 173 133 91 7 April 28. 1863 37, 246. 65 8 December 9, 1863 27,215 87 9 April . 'SO, 1866 33 078.45 Total 1, 141, 793. 81 1, 070, 890. 94 70, 902. 87 INDIANA. 1 August 2, 1861 $105368951 $950 460 54 $103, 228. 97 2 March 2C, 1862 . .. 46379.56 36, 701 18 9, 678. 38 3 July 23, 1862 514,74005 442 887. 16 71 , 852. 89 5 February 27, 1865 . . . , 103, 877. 63 83 492.51 20,385.12 6 ,) nl v 10, 1865 37273039 275 560. 68 97, 169. 71 7 December 17, 1866 178 680. 04 99, 059. 91 79, 620. 13 8 J une 8, 1868 606 979. 41 a 606, 979*41 9 Do 1331.42 1, 331. 42 10 November 14, 1868 125,721.80 62, 399. 05 63, 322. 15 11 October 8, 1869 &481, 178. 24 474, 497. 10 6, 681. 14 Total 3, 485 308. 05 2, 425, 058. 73 1,060,249.32 No. 4 withdrawn. MINNESOTA. 1 July 19 1862 . . $17 821 16 $16 291 84 $1 529.32 2 March 18 1863 . 3, 938 86 3 684 99 i 253. 87 3 July 28 1864 3 373 15 3 373 15 ' 4 December 14, 1866 751.51 467. 70 283. 81 5 do 3, 911 14 3. 761 14 i 150. 00 6 do 11 618 1] 11 503 61 114. 50 7 April 6 1868 32 678 97 32, 178 47 500. 50 Total 74 092 90 71, 260. 90 2, 832. 00 IOWA. February 1862 ... April 15', 1863 May 21, 1863 Noy ember 26, 1867. January 7, 1869 ... April 24, 1869 December 14, 1869. January 10, 1874 . . June 20, 1890 Total 18, 166, 229. 27, 3, 824. 51 287. 90 451.37 988. 84 574. 51 848. '23 779. 42 759. 16 789. 15 $30, 824. 51 593, 084. 89 18, 988. 84 157,842.10 229, 827. 3!) 27, 493. 01 3.759.16 633. 94 1,095,303.09 1,062,453.84 23, 654. 38 ~8, 732. ii 20.84 286. 41 155. 21 32, 849. 25 MISSOURI. January 10,1867 $17,236,978.34 December 21, 1874 c 2, 382, 132, 67 April 5. 1880 ; 438, 851. 72 May 29,1890 ' 996.37 Total I 10, 058, 459. 10 234, 594. 10 9 6.37 7, 456, 417. 1 6, 151. 01 203, 757. 62 219,908.63 Claim No. 2 merged into Xo. 4. a Interest and discount. 6 Expenses Morgan raid. c No authority to settle. CERTAIN WAR CLAIMS. Statement accompanying Third Auditor's letter of June 19, 1894, etc. Continued. NEBRASKA. daim!' 1)ate When filed ' Amount of claim. Amount allowed and disposed of. Amount disallowed. 2 September 7 1368 $122.09 $122. 09 No. 1, war claim for expenses in suppressing Indian hostilities in the year 1864. KANSAS. 1 April 18, 1862 $12,351.04 $12, 301. 22 a 337. 054. 38 369, 926. 02 $49.82 2 August 2 187 337 054 38 'A January 24, 1878 170, 726. 15 100, 800. 13 Total 820,131.57 719, 281. 62 100. 849. 95 OREGON. 2 August 21, 1884 $390, 820. 10 6 $390, 820. 10 a Repelling raid of General Price in 1864. 6Of the amount disallowed $132, 183. 29 is interest. RECAPITULATION. No. of btate ' claims. . .. Amount al- ASSaSSi lowed and d 18 ' cLuma filed. ^^ of Amount sus pended and disallowed. Interest and discount. $1. 331, 010. 04 $1, 027, 654. 03 1.412,591.11 1.011,292.08 924, 735. 26 857, 845. 10 4,342,527.03 4,104,015.02 762,611.99 757.403. 19 2,291,135.03 2,160,459.24 5, 183, 036. 45 4. 107, 179. 33 1. 438. 381. 41 1, 398. 803. 31 3, 568. 974. 82 3, 224 . 855. 71 78, 185. 83 31, 988. P6 179,126.49 136.281.64 :>4. 112.47 48,469.97 456. 87!). if.'. 456. 658. 03 4,794,715.99 3.521,310.72 3, 974, 696. 14 3, 325, 371. 56 1, 203. 768. 32 849, 277. 43 4,574,298.51 4,047.771.06 1, 141, 793. 81 1. 070. 890. 94 3. 485, 308. 05 2, 425, 058. 73 74, 092. 90 71, 260. 90 1 , 095, 303. 09 1, 062, 453. 84 10, 058, 459. 10 7, 456, 417 80 122 09 $303, 356. 01 401.299.03 66.890.16 238, 512. 01 5. 208. 80 130, 675. 79 1, 003, 908. 64 36. 941. 10 344, 119. 11 46, 196. 87 42, 844. 85 5, 642. 50 221. 00 1, 273. 405. 27 649, 324. 58 354. 490. 89 526, 527. 45 70, 902. 87 1. 060. 249. 32 2, 832. 00 32, 849. 25 219, 908. 63 122.09 100. 849. 95 390, 820. 10 Rhode Island 4 $2. 266. 35 41, 363. 83 196, 812. 26 New York 12 New Jersey 17 Pennsylvania 16 l)ela ware 2 Maryland 4 973,701.62 452. 247. 89 320, 488. 32 433,112.03 Ohio . ^ 606,979.41 Minnesota 7 Iowa 9 Missouri 4 Nebraska 1 Kansas 3 820,131.57 719,281.62 390, 820. 10 Ore'on 1 132, 183. 29 Total 211 53,636,816.63 13,872.000.21 7, 308. 098. 27 3. 159, 155. 00 Amount of claims allowed and dispose Amount of claims suspended and disal Amount of claims no action 1 of $43. 872, 000. 21 7, 308 098. 27 2. 456, 718. 15 Amount of claims filed 53, 636. 816.63 10 CERTAIN WAR CLAIMS. ACTS OF CONGRESS TO INDEMNIFY THE STATES FOR EXPENSES INCURRED BY THEM IN DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES. [12 Stat.L., p.255.] AX ACT to refund and remit the duties on arms imported by States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, anil he is hereby, author ized and directed to refund and remit the duties and imposts on all anus imported into the United States since the first day of May last, or which may be imported before the first day of January next, by or for the account of any State : Provided, The Secretary of the Treasury shall be satisfied that the said arms are intended in good faith, for the use of the troops of any Strife which is, or may be, engaged in aiding to suppsess the insurrection now existing against the United States. Approved, July 10, 1861. 12 Slat. L., p. 255.] AX ACT to provide for the payment of the militia and volunteers called into the service of' the United States from the time they were called into service to the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty -one. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be, and hereby is, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of five millions seven hundred and sixty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to enable the Government to pay the militia and volunteers called into service of the United States, being an additional amount required for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. Approved, July 13, 1861. [12Stat.L.,p.274.] AN ACT for the relief of the Ohio and other volunteers. Whereas the War Department has decided that the term of service of the ninety days' volunteers, called out under the act of seventeen hundred and ninety-five, com menced only on the day when they were actually sworn into the service of the United States; and Avhereas the troops now in service of the United States from the State of Ohio were not sworn into said service until some days after their organization and acceptance as companies by the governor of said State, and that for such period, under existing laws, no payment can be made : Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Cont/ress assembled, That the proper disbursing officer compute and pay to the said volunteers compensation from the day of their organization and acceptance as com panies by the governor of the State of Ohio, as aforesaid, until the expiration of their term of service. SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That where the militia of other States are situated similarly with those of Ohio, the War Department pay them according to the pro visions of the foregoing section. Approved, July 24, 1861. [12Stat.L., p. 274.] AX ACT to refund duties en arms imported by States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and is hereby, author ized to refund, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the duties paid on arms imported by States, under the conditions and subject to the limitation of the act approved the tenth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty- one, entitled "An act to refund and remit the duties on arms imported by States." Approved, July 25, 1861. [12 Stat. L., p. 375.] AN ACT in addition to an act to refund and remit the duties on arms imported by States, approved July ten, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the authority given to the Secretary of the Treasury to refund and remit the duties and imposts on all arms imported into the United States by or for the account of any State as provided in the act to which this is an addition shall extend to arms for which orders or contracts were made prior to the first day CERTAIN WAR CLAIMS. 11 of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-two: Provided, That said Secretary shall have satisfactory proofs exhibited to him that the said arms were actually purchased in a foreign country for account of a State, and that the price paid for the same by the State was only the first cost, and the usual and customary charges attending the purchase and importation of the same, exclusive of duty. Approved, April 2, 1862. [12 Stat. L., p. 264.] [Extract from an act making additional appropriations for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and so forth.] For amount required to refund to the States expenses incurred on account of vol unteers called into the field, ten million dollars. Approved, July 17, 1861. [12 Stat, L., p. 276.] AX ACT to indemnify the States for expenses incurred \>y them in defence of the United States. Be It enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America hi Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay to the governor of any State, or to his duly authorized agents, the costs, charges, and expenses properly incurred by such State for enrolling, subsisting, clothing, supply ing, arming, equipping, paying, and transporting its troops employed in aiding to suppress the present insurrection against the United States, to be settled upon proper vouchers, to be tiled and passed upon by the proper accounting officers of the Treasury. Approved, July 27, 1861. [12 Stat. L., p. 615.] A RESOLUTION declaratory of the intent and meaning of a certain act therein named. Whereas doubts have arisen as to the true intent and meaning of act numbered eighteen, entitled " An act to indemnify the States for expenses incurred by them in defence of the United States/' approved July twenty-seven, eighteen hundred and sixty-one: lie it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in ('out/res* awmbled, That the said act shall be construed to apply to expenses incurred as well after as before the date of the approval thereof. Approved, March 8, 1862. [12 Stat. L., p. 616.] A RESOLUTION" to authorize the Secretary of War to accept moneys appropriated by any State for the'payment of its volunteers, and to apply the same as directed by such State. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Aiyerica in Congress assembled, That if any state during the present rebellion shall make any appropriation to pay the volunteers of that State, the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to accept the same, and cause it to be applied by the paymaster- general to the payments designated by the legislative act making the appropriation, in the same manner as if appropriated liy act of Congress; nnd also to make any regula tions that may be necessary for the disbursement and proper application of such funds to the specific purpose for which they may be appropriated by the several States. Approved, March 19, 1862. 12 CERTAIN WAR CLAIMS. Schedule of private acts relating to State war claims (war of 1861-1865), State. Date of act. Statute and page. Pennsylvania 14 Stat 32 Missouri Apr 17 1866 14 Stat 38 West Virginia June 2l' 1866 14 Stat 68 Vermont J une 23 1866 14 Stat 361 Iowa July 9 5 186Ct 14 Stat 247 Indiana and Ohio Mar 29 18671 15 Stat 9. Colorado July 25 1868 15 Stat. 175. Iowa Mar 3 1869 15 Stat 310 Kentucky , June 8 1872 17 Stat 346 Connecticut do 17 Stat. 343 Connecticut Mar 3 1873 17 Stat 605. Delaware and Maryland Mar. 3 1875 18 Stat 390. Missouri Jan 27 1879 9o stat 266 Kentucky Mar 3 1881 21 Stat 513. Massachusetts Julv 7, 1884 23 Stat. 204. Missouri Apr 19 189U og stat 57 * Examined and settled by Secretary of War. tlncluded authority to examine ami report upon claims of the State for raising troops to defend the State against bushwhackers and Indians. J Expenses "Morgan raid." NOTE. By act approved April 12, 1866, entitled "An act to reimburse the State of Peimsylvama for moneys advanced Government for war purposes," $800,000 was appropriated to supply a deficiency in paying the Army under the act of March 14, 1864, and to reimburse the State of Pennsylvania for money expended for payment of militia in the service of the United States. The act approved June 20, 1878, "making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the year ending June 30, 1879, and for other purposes," con tains the following clause: " Refunding to States expenses incurred in raising volunteers: To indemnify the States for expenses incurred by them in enrolling, equipping, and transporting troops for the defense of the United States during the late insurrection, to wit: For the State of New York, $82.736.78; for the State of Pennsylvania, $29,527.23; in all. $112,264.01." By act approved April 17, 1866, the President was authorized, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint three commissioners to ascertain the amount of moneys expended by the State of Missouri in enrolling, equipping, sub sisting, and paying such State forces as had been called into the service in said State since 24th of August, 1861, to act in concert with the United States forces in sup pressing the rebellion. Said commissioners were required to proceed, subject to regu lations to be prescribed by the Secretary of War, at once to examine all items of expense made by said State for the purpose, subject to certain conditions and limita tions mentioned, but no allowance was authorized to be made for any troops which did not perform actual military service in full concert and cooperation with the authorities of the United States, and subject to their orders. By act approved June 8, 1872, the Secretary of the Treasury was directed to cause to be examined, settled, and paid any proper claims of the State of Kentucky for money expended in enrolling, equipping, subsisting, and paying State forces of Ken tucky called into service in said State after August 24, 1861, to act in concert with the United States forces in suppressing the rebellion, settlement to be made upon the principles and conditions and under the limitations provided in the act of Congress approved April 17, 1866, to reimburse the State of Missouri for moneys expended for like purposes. Special acts providing for rebellion or Indian war claims, 1861-1882, and for Indian war claims and Mexican invasion claims, 1865-1882. i States. Date. Volume. Page. California . . . June 27, 1882 22 U.S. Stats Ill i Oregon Nevada Aug. 4. 1886 do do 24 U. S. Stats 24 U.S. Stats 217 217 Texas Colorado Kansas Nebraska do do do do 24 U.S. Stats 24 U. S. Stats 24 U. S. Stats 24 U. S. Stats 217 217 217 217 Washington do 24 U. S. Stats 217 CERTAIN WAR CLAIMS. 13 Statement of number of men called for by the President of the United States and number furnished by each State, Territory, and District of Columbia from April lo, 1S61, to clone of war of the rebellion. States, etc. Y^Vt-t-- 1 !' Call of May 3, 1861 (confirm August 6. 1861), and under a. militia fur 3 ,<%,- 11JR , ,-,. =nii iimi ,,,^T, months. and 25, 1861, for 500,000 men. ed by act approved cts approved July 22 i Men Quota. fur- Quota, hished. Men furnished for 6 months. 1 year. 2 years. 3 years. Total. Maine 780 New Hampshire , 780 Vermont 780 Massachusetts 1. 560 Rhode Island 780 Connecticut 780 New York 13.280 New Jersey 3.123 j Pennsylvania 12. 500 Dela ware 780 j M iiry la nd 3, 123 West Virginia 2.340 District of Columbia Ohio 10, Indiana 4. Illinois 4. Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri 3. Kentucky 3 Kansas Tennessee 1 Arkansas North Carolina 1 Nebraska 683 I lie,- 780 780 ! 780 780 123 123 771 779 782 3,736 3,147 2. 4U2 13. 906 3, 12o 20, 175 773 ""906 4,720 12, 357 4,686 4,820 781 817 930 968 10, 591 650 Total 73,391 91,816 17,560 9,234 8,950 34. 868 4.955 13, 057 109, 056 19, 152 82, 825 3.145 15. 578 8.497 1.627 67, 365 38, 832 47,785 21, 357 21.75:! 4,899 19, 316 31,544 30.950 863 1,698 1,167 199 2,715 27,237 5,129 3,235 18, 104 8, 338 9,508 32, 177 6.286 10, 865 89, 281 11,523 85.160 1. 826 9.355 12. 757 1,795 83,253 59, 643 81, 952 23, 546 25,499 5,770 21,987 22, 324 29.966 6,953 18,104 8,338 9,508 32,177 6,286 10, 865 120, 231 11,523 85.160 1.826 3,355 12, 757 1,795 84,116 61,341 81,952 23.546 25, 499 6,937 21,987 25,238 35, 095 6,953 611.827 2,715 i 9,147 30.950 ; 91 657, 868 700, 680 States, etc. Men fur- , nished in May and June, 1862, by special authority, for 3 months (no quotas). Call of July i'. 1862, for 300,000 men for 3 years. Call of August 4, 1862, for 300,- 000 militia 1 for 9 months. Quota. Men fur nished. Men Quota. fur nished. Men fur nished under President's proclamation of June 15, 1863, for mili tia for 6 mouths (no quotas). Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York New J ersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland West Virginia District of Columbia Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri Kentucky Kansas Nebraska 1,723 4,696 Total 15, 007 9.609 5,053 4,898 19,080 2.712 7, 145 59, 705 10, 478 45, 321 1, 720 8, 532 4,650 890 36.858 21, 250 26, 148 11, 686 11,904 2,681 10, 570 17, 269 14.905 1,771 6.644 6.390 4,369 16. 519 2,742 9,195 78, 904 5,499 30, 891 2,508 3,586 4. 925 1.167 58. 325 30. 359 58, 689 17, 656 14, 472 4,626 24,438 28,324 6,463 2,936 1,838 9,609 5 053 4.898 19. 080 2,712 7,145 59, 705 10, 478 45,321 1,720 8.532 4,650 890 36,858 21.250 26, 148 11, 686 11,904 2.681 10, 570 17, 269 14,905 1,771 1,228 7,620 1,736 4,781 16, 685 2,059 5.602 1,781 10. 787 32, 215 1,799 337 "958 334, 835 421. 465 334, 835 ; 87, 588 103 3,708 1,615 1,148 2,736 3,767 a 3, 284 a Furnished in November, 1864. 14 CERTAIN WAR CLAIMS. Statement of number of men called for by tlie President of the United States, etc. Cont'd. States, etc. Calls of October 17, 1863 (which embraces men raised by draft of 1863), and February 1,' 1864, for 500,000 men for 3 years. Call of March 14, 1864, for 200,000 men for 3 years. Quota. Men fur nished. Paid com muta tion. Total. Quota. Men fur nished. Paid com muta tion. Total. 11, 803 (i. 469 5, 751 11,958 6,406 6,726 17,711 3,223 10, 326 59, 839 9,187 36, 723 2,138 6,244 3,988 4,570 32, 809 23, 023 9g gig 1,986 571 1,885 3,703 463 1,513 15, 912 13, 944 6, 977 8,611 21,414 3,686 11. 839 75, 751 9,187 54, 395 2,573 7,350 3,988 4,888 32, 809 23, 023 28, 818 19, 330 15, 469 3, 054 8,292 3 823 4,721 2,588 2, 300 10, 639 1,388 3,168 32, 794 6,704 25, 993 985 4,317 2, 051 1,702 20, 595 13, 008 18, 524 7, 821 7,941 2,180 6, 439 3 925 7,042 2,844 1,601 17,322 1, 906 5, 294 41, 940 9, 550 35, 036 652 9, 365 3,857 1, 142 31, 193 14, 862 25, 055 7,344 10, 314 2,469 11,579 10 137 7,042 2,965 1, 690 18, 937 1,906 5,294 44, 207 13,720 45. 082 1,603 11,903 3,857 1,142 37, 483 14, 862 25, 055 7, 667 10, 314 3,496 11, 579 10, 137 9,689 2,563 121 89 1,615 Vermont 26, 597 3.469 7,919 81, 993 16,759 64, 979 2, 463 10, 794 5,127 4, 256 51, 465 32, 521 4(i, 309 2,267 4,170 10, 046 951 2,528 17, 672 435 1,106 District of Columbia Ohio 318 6,290 19, 553 19, 852 5, 451 17, 686 1 , 044 10, 389 5, 080 3, 054 323 1,027 16, 097 9,813 14,471 3,523 8,292 3, 823 4,785 5,374 4,785 5,374 5.789 1, 409 6,488 2,563 3 241 Total 467, 434 317,0 2 52,288 369, 380 186, 981 259, 515 32, 678 292, 193 Militia for 100 days, mustered into service between April 23 and July 18, 1864. Call of July 18, 1864, for 500, 000 men (reduced by excess of credits on previous calls). States, etc. Quota. Men fur nished. Quota. Men furnished for Total. 1 year. 2 years. 3 years. 4 years. Paid com mutation. 11,116 4,648 2,665 21. 965 1,423 5,583 77. 539 14, 431 49, 993 2,184 10, 947 2,717 2,386 27, 001 25, 662 21, 997 12, 098 17.590 4,018 5,749 25, 569 9,871 8,320 1,921 1,861 6,990 1,223 493 45, 089 9,587 44, 489 1,558 6,198 1, 726 979 25, 431 18, 099 12, 558 5,960 10, 905 2,791 3,995 7,782 5 060 29 131 25 18 108 196 20 2,128 1,184 433 9 246 28 59 748 597 535 57 86 205 60 1, 295 169 3 2,590 4,027 2,081 24,641 891 10, 318 36, 547 4,337 10,416 593 3,727 202 937 4,644 7,158 2,323 6, 492 5,832 239 168 14, 430 10, 137 319 1 11 11, 053 5,973 3,971 31,739 2,310 10,857 83, 843 15, 119 55, 707 2,175 10, 266 1,956 2,337 30, 999 26,544 15, 465 12, 532 16, 839 3,238 4,290 23, 507 15, 390 351 b!67 11 Massachusetts 4,000 6,809 24 74 2 5 11 171 12, 000 5,640 769 7, 675 Pennsylvania 12,000 198 15 64 Maryland 1,297 31 District of Columbia Ohio 343 19 176 690 49 23 16 3 67 30, 000 20, 000 20, 000 36, 254 7,197 11,328 5,000 2,134 10,000 3,901 24 441 Total 113, 000 83,612 357,152 223, 044 8,340 153, 049 730 1, 298 , 386, 461 olncludes militia furnished for six months, 5,679; for nine months, 2,311; for one year, 1,954 cred ited as 2,174 three-years' men. 6 Furnished for three months. CERTAIN WAR CLAIMS. 15 Statement of number of men called for by the President of the United States, etc. Cont'd. Call of December 19, 18&Mbr 300,000 men. ! - < States, etc. Men furnished for Total. Quota. 1 year. 2 years. 3 years. 4 years. Paid com mutation. Maine . - 8 389 4,898 141 1,884 3 492 9 775 28 !i6i; 2!) 550 9 1,535 ; 43 2,349 2 73! 1 92 732 10 6,936 1,304 1, 550 3,929 1,563 1,325 34,196 11, 283 31,099 411 4,944 2.537 823 24,580 23,308 28,324 7,860 9,922 2,771 854 4,207 7,03 883 New Hampshire 2, 072 Vermont 1. 832 Massachusetts 1,306 Rhode Island 1, 459 Connecticut 34 7 1,282 - 2 9,150 1,645 23,321 67 0,511 1.075 3,527 155 26.666 204 3,903 44 376 5 30 New York 61 076 13 15 282 New Jersey 11 695 Pennsylvania . . 40 4:57 Delaware 938 Maryland . . 9 142 3 236 430 1 275 3 West Virginia 4 431 2 114 8 415 District of Columbia . 2 9 2 -> 692 12 116 2 21 712 641 2 '14 1 13 94 6 18 1 2 Ohio 26027 Indiana 22 582 20 642 243 2 329 Illinois 32 902 25 940 356 2 02*> Michigan 10 026 6 767 41 1 034 "Wisconsin 12 356 9 666 15 ''40 Minnesota 3 636 2 689 12 68 Iowa 772 15 67 Missouri 13, 984 3, 161 44 1 002 Kentucky 10, 481 1 987 7 5 609 Kansas. .' 1,222 622 36 223 2 Total 284. 215 151,363 5,110 54,967 312 460 212, 212 States, etc. Volunteers and militia furnished at various timea for 1 9 3 months. | >B 1 4 months. 6 mouths. 8 months. ti H Total. Tennessee 739 6,039 213 24,314 7.702 3,156 15,725 1,080 1,768 964 3,561 206 4,165 1,129 1,290 4,555 545 1,466 3 530 31,092 8,289 3,156 15,725 1,080 1,810 964 4.903 206 6.561 2,576 1,290 5,224 545 1,965 3,530 93, 441 Arkansas 374 North Carolina California Nevada " Oregon 42 Washington Colorado 1,156 186 Dakota New Mexico 1,593 803 Alabama 1,447 Florida Louisiana 296 373 Mississippi Texas 499 Indian Nation Colored troops a 1. 749 91, 692 Total..: 2,045 1,593 1,895 42 1,363 373 8,198 166,848 182, 357 o Colored troops organized at various stations in the States in rebellion, embracing all not specific ally credited to States, and which can not be so assigned. 16 CERTAIN WAR CLAIMS. Statement of number of men called for by Ihe President of the United States, etc. Cont'd. States, etc. Aggregate. Aggregate reduced to a three- years' standard. Quota. Men fur nished. Paid com mutation. Total. ATin 73, 587 35, 897 32, 074 139, 095 18, 898 44, 797 507, 148 92, 820 385, 369 13, 935 70,965 34. 463 13, 973 70,107 33, 937 33, 288 146, 730 23, 236 55. 864 448, 850 76, 814 337, 936 12, 284 46, 638 32, 068 16, 534 313. 180 196, 363 259, 002 87, 364 91,827 24, 020 76, 242 109, 111 75, 760 20, 149 31.092 8, 289 3,156 15, 725 1,080 1,810 964 3,157 4,903 206 6,561 2,576 1,290 5 2''4 2,007 692 . 1,974 5,318 463 1,515 18. 197 4, 1!)6 28,171 1,386 3,678 72, 114 34, 629 35, 262 152, 048 23, 699 57, 379 467, 047 81,010 366, 107 13, 670 50,316 32, 068 16, 872 319. >