MITCHELL'S SCHOOL ATLAS: COMPRISING THE MAPS AND TABLES DESIGNED TO ACCOMPANY MITCHELL'S SCHOOL AND FAMILY GEOGRAPHY. MAPS. 1. World Equatorial Projection. 2. World Polar Projection. 3. Antarctic Regions. 4. North America. * 5. United States. 6. Gold Region of California. 7. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfonndlaiid. 8. New England States. 9. Vicinity of Boston and Providence. 10. Vicinity of New Haven and Hartford. 11. Middle States. 12. Southern States. 13. State of Texas. 14. Western States. 16. Michigan and Wisconsin. 16. Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies. .-O, 17. Isthmus of Nicaragua. 18. Isthmus of Tehuantepeo. 19. South America. 20. Isthmus of Darien. 21. Europe. 22. Great Britain and Ireland. 23. Germany, Switzerland, and Northern, Italj. 24. France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy, f 25. Greece and the Ionian Islands. "« .ir-!,^- 26. Asia. ''^ .* 27. Palestine, or the Holy Lane'. 28. Africa. 29. Egypt. 30. Republic of Liberia. 31. Oceanica. 32. Sandwich, or Hawaiian Islandt: GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL TABLES. 1. Statistics of Physical Geography, showing the area of the principal Islands and Lakes, heights of Mountains and Volcanoes, and length of principal Rivers in the world. 2. Extent and Population of the different countries in the world. 8. Population of the principal cities of the world. 4. Area and Population, Civil and Political Statistics, and Religious Denominations of the United States, in 1850. 5. Agricultural Products, and Manufactures of Cotton, Ii'on, and Wool, in the United States, by the Census of 1850. 6. Historical and Educational Statistics of tiie United States. 7. Railroads and Canals in the United States. 8. Population of all the counties of the Eastern, Middle, and Southern States, by the census of 1850. 9. Population of aU the counties of the Westers States, by the census of 1850. PHILADELPHIA: H. COVYPERTHWAIT & COMPANY. 1857. Entered, according to act of Congress, In the year 1852, ty 8. AnguBtus Mitchell, in the Clerk's Offloe of the District Court of the Eastern District of Ponnsylvania. (^^s /vy 'A.^ -i^- GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL TABLES— NO. I. SURFACE OF THE EARTH. The mr&oe of the earth oonKintj! of unequal portioiu of land and vaWr; tbn area of the former to that of the latter being nearlT w i 1 to 8. The land In the Northern IlemlFpbere greatly predoroinateff I orer that in the Southern ; tf ve consider the whole to be dlridM Into ijO equal part«, that In the first will be repnweuted l>y 78 RU'-b parts, and that in the other hj 22. The 0oUd portions of the earth's «ar&oe oonsi^t of a namb*>r of de- tached aectiona, or Islanda, each being vurrouodt-d by watt-r. The two larver masew are, for the sake of dititinction, t«nued"? Sonffriere, Ouadaloupe - - "-"J' Jorullo, Mexico J'J^J Vesuvius, Naples - times only slightly saline, or brackish. The Caspian and Aral, with some other lakes, are ususJIy called seas, from their superior djmeo* sions, and from their waters being salt, like those of the ocean. In elevation and depression of level, also, lakes differ essentially. .Among those remarkable for elevation of surfisoe, are Lake Buperier, 600 feet; the Lake of Brieni, l,9u0: the Great Salt Lake, 4,200; aad Lake Titicaca, 12,796 fiMt above the level of the sea. Among the most conspicuous of the depreased or sunken lakes, are the Caspian, Aral, and Dead Seas; the two fbrmer being sunk to the depth of about 83 or 84 feet each, and the latter to the depth of 1312 feet, below the level o( the Mediterranean. Salt lakes have no outlet to the ocean ; and, though they all receive fresh-water streams, yet, from the constant solar evaporation, their waters remain unchanged. ESTIMATED AREAS OF SOME OF THE PRINCIPAL LAEES. Sq. miles. Caspian Sea. 146,000 Sea of Aral _ 30,000 l«ke Superior - 31,600 Lake Michigan 23.150 Lake Huron 23,100 Lake Baikal 14.000 Great gUve Lake 11,800 80 Organ Mountains, Brasil _ —_..„...».— ........7,600 EUROPE, ■brns, tha hlghsst of the Caucasus Mts., Rossla -«_.-._.— .17,776 Mont Blanc, highest of the Alps — ..„ 16,«e8 Mnlbven. highest of the Sierra Nsrada, Spain _ ll,(n* Mount Maladetla. highest of the Pyrenees ll.t.'M Monte Como, or Cavallo, highest of ihe Apeanlnei - 10,154 QhoUoiu. WbatbakiertlM rarfsosof tha aarthi Theaolidpor- Oonat Oontlnsntst now anch dosa the contlnanlal ezesed the Insular Bortiont Which Is the largest Island In earh of Um dlvtiitma msn- ttonedt The largest lin(iDf*t ChlotbonMr to- THE OCEAN. The 9ea, or Ocean, Is estimated to extend orer a space of 150 million square miles, or three-fourths of the surface of the earth. The Jiffereut parta are disUnsuiahed by diHerent names ; the most important bring the Atlantic, PadflCf Indian, Arctic, and Antarctic Oceans. There are also Tarious Inland Seaa, Bays, and Oulfs. of conslderaMe extent; as the Mediterranean, Baltic, Caribbean and China Seas, the Gulf of Mex- ico, Uudson's Bay, the Bay of B«.*d^, Ac These are regarded as por- tions of the oceanji with which they are connected. The I'acific 0nt north and south as the I'acific. It is more than a third as largo as the Padflc, the area being reckoned at 30 million square miles. Both these oceans are divided hy the Kquator into Northern and Southern. The 'rulvit Ocean extends ftrom AfHca to Anstralia, and ^m the *h jfwB .*^ Asia southward to a line supposed to be drawn ftvm the Cape ii\ 1Ji, tha entire stream, measured so as to include all its windings, is, accoriling to one aocount, 4350, and, by another, about 4100 miles. But if est^ mated by the length of its valley, omitting all except the chief bends, the extent is not less than 2000 miles; being, in either cose, the longest river in the world The Amazon in South America, and the Obe in Asia, each water valleys about 2500 miles in length, estimated so as to exclude the smaller windings. The bsfin or region drained by tha Amaxon and Its tributaries, being the entire region enclosed by a line connecting the sources of oil its branches, is estimated at 2,100,000 square miles, a tract of country equal to two-thirds the extent of Europe. The Obe, estimsted in the same manner, drains a basin of 1,260,000 square miles; and the Mississippi and Missouri, a basin 0t 1,100,000 square miles in extent .Lenytht of the Principal Rivers in the World. NORTH AMERICA, Missouri, to its junction with the Mississippi 2,900 do. to the sea, lurming the longest river in the world. 4,100 Mississippi proper 2.Stae-klnng -..«.» Ijena Obe, Uoang-Ilo — Teneoei.- Amoor.. ..—..—-.»• Cambodia Indus, Irrawaddy, each Gangea Brahmapootra - Kuphrates Amoo, or Oius, and Salwen.. Tigris, Narbuddah, Melnam.. ASIA. .„ J,MO 2,600 . 2,600 2.300 — 2,2110 .- ■i(>« „ 1,700 l.dOO 1,600 1,400 900 Nils .- — Nigar or Jollba -..-- flanagal — — — OroBga Gambia. AFRICA. 8,000 : 2,100 1,200 ' -_ 1,««) I - 700 OCEANICA. Murray . ..1,9110 |l ratol Aconcagaat Which division of tb* Western Oaotinent has tha higheat mountaiosl Of the F.astem Oontinentt Which Is the highest mountain south of the K ."?">P'fT in North America contains the gre.ntest mimber of square miles? Which is the next in size? - Which has the largest population! The smallestf population to the square mile? The leastl The next? The largest Repeat these questions Table of Extent and Population continued. ASIA. Asiatic Russia, inc. Georgia, Ac. Independent Tartary Turkey ) Syria and Palestine J Arabia Persia Afghanistan Beloochistan llindoostan and Ceylon Anam • Birmah British Birmah \ Farther India Siam Malacca Chinese Empire. Japan Barbary . AFRICA. Morocco Algiers Tunis Tripoli. Inc Barca Beled el Jerld.. EKypt .' Nubia Abyssinia „ „ Great Desert Soudan Bergoo, Darfur, Ac Senegambia Upper Guinea „ Lower Guinea Cape Colony and Natal Country of the Hottentots.. Kastern Africa Ethiopia African Islands'. „..., Area in iq. miles. 6,336,000 790,000 437,000 1,200,000 470,000 300,000 160.000 1,260,000 360,000 254,000 77,000 184,000 66,000 Total popu- lation. 4,862,066 6,500,000 ( 8,000,000 ( 2,000,000 8,000,000 9,000,000 6,000,000 1,500,000 130,000,000 9,000,000 8,360,000 1,400,000 8,800,000 460,000 6,200,000 230,000,000 260,000 OCEANICA. Malaysia. Sumatral Java J-Sunda Islands Borneo ...J Philippine Islands „ Celebes , Spice Islands, Sooloo Islands, Ao Timor, Floris, Sumbawa, Ac AuKtratagia. Australia, or New Holland Tasmania, or Van Diemen's Land... New Zealand New Guinea, New Britain, Ac ... i New Hebrides and New Caledonia ( Polynesia, Sandifich Islands Society and Georgian Islands Ladrone Islands Caroline Islands Central Archipelago , Washington and Marquesas Isl's.. Cook's, Austral, Paumotu Isl., Ac Navigator's Islands Vavou, Habaai, and Tonga Isl's Fejee Islands The remaining groups and islands 220.000 90,000 68,000 160.000 140,000 180,000 320.000 280,000 2,600,000 1,200,000 640,000 360,000 280.000 260,000 128,000 200,000 600,000 8,110,000 230,000 30,000,000 466,662,066 8,500,000 2,808,881 2,200,000 800,000 900,000 2,895,600 600,000 3,000,000 300,000 10,000,000 1,200,000 7,000,000 8.600,000 4,600,000 400,000 lOO.OOO 3,000,000 3,000,000 6,100,000 Pop. to a sq. mile. .H 6 20 20 10 104 26 23 18 21 9 44 118 When num- bered. 10,936,000! 61,604,381 150,000' 3,000.000 60,000 9,630,781 300,000 3.000,000 120,000, 3,000,000 70,000, 2,000,000 70,000 1,000,000 760,000, 21,630,781 28 16 10 llnS 8 2 20 20 17 3 lln2 6 1 1847 1880 20 169 10 25 28 3,120,000 28,000 95,000 847,000 3,690,000 144,000 *624,000 tlOO,000 {145,000 400.000 200,000 1,469,000 73,137 16,604 10,000 20,000 12,000 18,000 17,000 100,000 18,000 107,000 61,604 3U IK lin2i 12 • ^M 4.'.,ft41 est. 1846 est 1883 1863 ♦ British, 620.000. f Wholly British. { British, 40,00a POPOLATIOHr OF THB WORLD. America Europe . Asia Africa.... Oceanica. Area, in square miles. 14.491.000 3.767,950 16,313,000 10.936.000 4,500,000 49.997,000 Population. 66,071,000 266,396.000 455.562.000 61,604,000 23.445,000 861,077,000 Pop. tosq. mile. AUSTRIAN EMPIRE, IN DETAIL. > f Austria Proper..., g Styria g I Illyria ^ I Tyrol g Bohemia O [ Moravia and Silesia Hungary. Croatia, and Sclavonia.. Military Frontier , Transylvania Dalmatia , Oalicia Lombardy and Venice. 16.052 8,670 10,960 10,981 20,203 10,239 89,040 16,179 21,390 6,067 3.3,638 17,511 2,277..524 983,744 1,252.831 842,768 4,279,159 2,223.729 12,079,304 1,220,603 2,108,406 401,640 4,910,629 4.8a3,2S9 267,S3o| 37,31^,466 162 113 117 77 211 20.S 137 98 79 147 274 for South America and the ether Great Divisions. Also for the World. AVhich is the largest division of the Austrian empire? Jln.'t populous? Kepcat these questions for the Ku.ssian, British, and Chinese empires. Which is the largest empire? The second in extent? The third? Table of Extent and Population continued. RUSSIAN EMPIRE, IN DETAIL. Are*, in ■quare uile. Fopulltioc. Pop. ta ■<;iikre mile. 2,120.397 6,261.000 75.000 460,000 60,708.502 2,9,37,066 1,626,000 61,000 29 lto2 22 llnS Sltgra;-Ae!!!l «"»»<• to Asia j ;::;•• Russian America 7,906,397 66,331,668 8 BRITISH EMPIRE, IN DETAIL, Great Britain and Ireland 118,948 Ionian Isles, Malta, Gibraltar, Ac .... 1.102 British North America 2,816,760 W*e8t Indies and Colonies in Guiana.. 90.446 Cape Colony, Natal, Ac 128.000 British India 1,143.812 Ceylon 24.6&t Australian Colonies and New Zeal'd 3,243,000 7,566,821 27,619,866 232 354,797 297 2,290,363 4 in 8 930,4.30 10 400,000 8 127,778,981 112 l,421.Hf,l 68 869,000 lin3 161,666,098 I 21 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, IN 1851. ( England Oeiat BRllAj!i< Scotland ( Wales Ireland Army and Navy, and merchant seamen, afloat Channel Islands 60.387 28,896 7,426 31,874 118,948 16,734,617 2,870.784 1.188,121 6,616,794 167,604 142,916 27,619,866 882 99 160 204 890 ^ 232 BRITISH AMERICA, IN DETAIL. New Britain _ 2,3-58.000 Canada Kast, Canada West New Brunswick Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island. Prince Edward's Island Newfoundland Ballze or British Uonduras 205.Sl'O 143.700 25,000 18.800 2.200 46,600 16,800 2,816,700 63,9.30 890.201 952.(104 193,800 276,117 02,676 101.600 10,800 1 in .36 4 6* 8 15 26 2 2 in 3 CHINESE EMPIRE, IN DETAIL China Thibet, Ac Corea „ Little Bucharia Soongaria Mongolia Mantchooria , 1,940.000 600,000 48,000 282,600 200,000 1,200.000 1,230,000 6,200.000 20-1.000.000 8,000.000 7.000,000 4.000.000 2,000.000 2.000,000 3,000,000 230,000,000 124 13 148 17 10 U 2* 44 Lombardy and Venice ... Sardinia Tu.ccany and Lucca States of the Church Naples, or The Two Sicilies.. Parma Modena San Marino Monaco ITALY, IN DETAIL. 17,611 28,830 8,712 17,048 41,621 2,184 2,073 21 60 117,950 4,803,2S5 4.910,087 1,761,140 2,908,116 8,681,289 497,343 686,468 7,600 7,000 24,068,317 274 170 202 170 206 227 2»3 362 140 CIVIL AND POLITICAL STATISTICS. Table ehowing the Mililary and Naval Power, with the Public Debt, of the principal civilized States. States. Russia Gr. Brit, and Irel'nd France Denmark Netherlands Belgium Austria Prussia Bavaria. Sweden and Norw*y Spain Portugal Sartlinia Tuscany States of the Ch. ... Naples Greece Turkey „ Brazil Mexico United States Number of Army. 784,982 138,769 602,716 24,823 60,000 94,900 414,000 137,000 83,600 62,970 160,000 38,000 88,000 6,600 17,000 48,882 4,060 200,000 17.096 19,600 10,344 Vessels in Navy. 176 678 328 33 128 6 66 47 "soil" 60 6 8 60 33 74 67 10 76 No.ofGuns in Navy. 7,000 18,000 8,000 1,120 2,500 36 810 114 "2,'960 721 700 900 434 4,000 360 2,045 Amount of Public Debt $733,000,000 S.760.000,000 1,330,000.000 80,000,000 731,000,000 165,000,000 479.100.000 180.000,000 73,600,000 1,500,000 1,300,000,000 160,000,000 120,000,000 " 34,'oOO.'d6o 16,000,000 10,000,000 36.000.000 68,000,000 102.650.000 82,312,980 Which is the largest in population? The second? The third, Ac. I Which Europcjin St.ife has the largest army? llie largest navy in ships and guns? The greatest debt? The second? The third. ^? Repeat these questions for the American States, 284311 GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL TABLES-NO. Ill POPULATION OF THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE WORLD. NORTH AMERICA, BRITISH AMERICA. MontrraJ, C. B. Quebec , Toronto, C. W „ St John, N. B. _ Ilalilax, N. 8..... Kiniriton, aV. ...87,617 1882 ....42,067.... ....80,763..., ....20,000... ....19,000.... 10,000. liainiltoa 10.000. .. Bytown T.OOO....- UNITED STATES. KUTlRlf 8TATE8. BoctoB, Hun.- 136,881 1850 ProTldencB, R. I. 41,511 " lowell, »!».■« 33.383 " Portland, Me. ._ 20,815 « New IIaTeii,Conn. 20,345 " S»l«ni, Mul 20,2M " Roxbory „..]8.364 « Chsrliirtown 17,216....™ " WorwHtMT 17,049 « New Bedford 16,443 « Cunbridn) 16,215 « Bangor. Me. 14.432 " Ljnn, Mua. 14,257 " Mancheater. N. It 13,932 « Hartford. Conn 13.556 " Springfield, Maia. _11,766 « Taunton 10,441 " Norwich, Conn. 10,266 " MnsLi STATn. New Tort, N. T .616.847 1850 Philadelphia, Pa. 408,762 " Brooklyn, N. Y 96.838....„ " Albany 50,763 " Plttabarg, P». 46,601 « Buffalo. N. Y. .42,261 « Newark, N.J 38,894 " Roi-hetiter, N. Y 38.403 " Williamsburg 30,780 " Troy 28,788 " gyraeuae 22,271 " Allegheny City, Pa. 21.262 « UUc», N. Y. „ 17,666... .„ " Reading, Pa. 15,743 " Wilmington, Dd 13,979 " Ponghketpsi^ N. T 13.944 « Uncuter, P>.« 12,360 <• Lockport, N.T. 12.323 <• Oaweeo „ 12,205 " Newburg 11,416 « Patermn, N.J. 11,334 " Klng»ton, N. Y 10,232 « New Bruniwick,N.J 10,019 " SovTBESx States. Baltimore, Md 169,084 1880 N. Orleans, inc. Lafayette...l33.6ol " Charleeton, 8.0. 42,985 " Wanhington City, D. 0. 40,000 " Richmond, Va. 27,670 " Mobile, AU. 20,516 " Sarannah. Qa. _ 15,312 " Norfolk, Vm. _ 14J26 " PeUrabnrf 14.010 " Wheeling..^..... 13,176 " WnTnut STATra. Cincinnati, 0. 115,438 1880 St lx.uK Mo „...77,860 LooliTllle, Ky 43.194 San Frandaco, Ca) 34,876 1882 Chicago, III 29,963 1850 Detroit, Mich 21,019 " Milwankee, Wla. 20,061. . « ColnDbua,0 17,882 « Clereland. 17.034. - Dayton „ 10,977 .. " NuhrUle, Tenn. 10,166 " Mexico. Mexico (e*t) „ 200,000....„ Onadalaxan.- (T) 80.000 San Lnla Potoal 68,000...„ iM Puebla 50.000 Qnaretuo ~ 40,000 Ouanaxnito S4,oao 1836 CENTRAL AMERICA. New Ooatimala (eat) 60,000 I«>n 25,000 Saa Jew IS.OOO 8t. Salrador (eat) -16,000...._ (M OuaUmala. - _13,«M WEST INDIES. narana 180,000 1848 Puerto PrindiM. 49.000 1844! Mauniw ..„...._ 45,79»...._ " KlngMoa (alt} J15,000....„ fU. iago d* CaVn 28,738 1848 - .lohn'ci. P. R ao,00«....„ ■' ' ail Prinre (!) 20,000 xetown. Bar 19J)« 1844 .■.>. IXimtn^ 16,000 SOUTH AMERICA, NEW GRANADA. Bogota (eat) 40,000.... Popayan 20,000.... Socorro _(f) 12,000..., Carthagent _ 10,000.... Panama ......»...6,000.... TENEZUEtA. Caraccaa («*.) ..._.„ 40,000 Valencia (eat) _.l«i000 Maracaybo „ 14.000 Lagnaym 6,000 Ueiida,. 6,000 EQUADOR. Quito (est) 60.000 OuayaquU 26,000 Cuenca (?) 20,000 GUIANA. Georgetown 28,000 1881 Paramaribo (est) 20,000 PERD. Lima 66,000 Cuico 40,000 Arequipa 36,000 Quamanga. (t) 20,000 BOUTIA. Cocbabamba 30.000.. Chnquisaca 25.000.. La Paa a),OflO.. CIULL Santiago 86,000 IRM Valparaiao 30,000 1838 BRAZIL. Rio Janeiro 170,000 1843 Babia, or St Salvador Wi.ObO 1840 Pemambuoo fiS.fXiO Maranbam (?) 30.000 San Paul 22,000 Tilla Bella 15,000 1845 Para 10,000 BUENOS ATRES. Buenos Ayrea 81,000 1845 CordoTa_. 14,000 Mendoa 12,000 PARAGUAY. Assumption 10,000 URUGUAY. Montevideo (?) 12,000.. EUROPE. ,. Cirr^Ttn-vu — Wlilfh Ifl tlHt mmtt popqloai rth Amerirn T In wh»t country II >w mnny ritfn* numtivr ovur . .._-- iUiabitMU? OtM-aoOiOOOf Orer 1. .. ■ SWEDEN AND NORWAY. Stockholm 91.000 1?40 Gotten burg 29,000 1R43 ChrUliania. 2«,0iXI 1845 Bergen 26,000 " RUSSIA. St Peteraburg _.478,000 1846 Moacow 360,000 " Warsaw 163,000 1846 Odean 78,000 " Riga 71,000 1838 Kaian 67,000 1833 Cronatadt 63.000 Kiev 4.%000 1846 Saratov 45,000 " Aatrachaa 45,000 1843 Tula „ 40,000 Wllna 86,897 1834 Orel 83,000 1846 8eTHto|»l .80,000 DKNUARK. Copenhagen 133,000 1847 Allona .82,000 " HOLLAND. Amsterdam 229,000 18 U Rotterdam „....90,000 The Hague 66.900 1814 Utrecht 46,000 " OrouiDgen ~ .81,000 1840 BELGIUM. Brussels Ghent Antwerp .,..„. Liege «U«,0O0 1861 jor,ooo " _. 89,000 " 78,000 « RNGLANa Ixindon 2.8t<2,000 1861 Liverpool 384,000 •• M«nrhe»l»r, Inc. SaKbnl... 316,000 « Birmingham, Inc. Ashton..242,000 " 100,000? II"- ' are ovf - dly in .- many a:u _... r ,„ tf,„ T*nU„., qr. Leeds 152,000 18S1 Bristol. Inc. Clifton 144,000 " gheflleld 104,000 " Plymouth 102,000 " Newcastle 89,000 * Portsmouth 73.000 " Norwich OS.OOO " Leicester 61.000 " Nottingham 58,000 " HuU „ 50,000 " SCOTLAND. Glasgow 367,000 1861 Edinbnrg 168,000 " Dundee „ _ 79.000 " Aberdeen 72.P00 " Paisley 48,000 " Greenock 37,000 " Lelth „ 31,000 " Perth 24,000 " IRELAND. Dublin 256,000 1861 Belfast _ 100,000 " Cork _ 86,000 « LimerU'k 66.000 " Watelfonl 27,000 " Galvtay 2.'),000 " Kilkenny 20,000 " Drogbeda 17,000 " Carrickfergus 8,000 " FRANCE. Paris 1,053.000 1861 Lyons „ 249,000 Marseilles _ _ 195,000 Bordeaux 120,000 Itouen 100,000 Nantes 83,000 Toulouse , 72,000 Lisle, or Lille ..68,000 Slrasburg 52,000 Melz 4.3,000...... Rheims .•. 42,000 Orleans _ 4iiT00 Toulon.™ 39,000-.™ SPAIN. Madrid 260,000 1846 Barcelona 120,000 1846 Seville _ _ .86,000 " Valencia 71,000 " Granada - 70,000 " Malaga _ .66,000 " Cadiz „ 54,000 " Murcia 43,000 " Cordova ™._ 42,000 * SaraKOssa 40,000 « Carthageua 28,000 " Corunna 19,000 " Alicant 19,000 « PORTUGAL. Lisbon 241,1500 1845 Oporto _ 80,000 Coimbra _.„ 16,000™... AUSTRIA. Vienna 477,000 1846 I'esth, inc. Buda 126,000 " Prague 124.000 " I*mberg 75.000 " Trieste „ 71,000 " Detjretlin _ 63,000 " Oratl „ 60,000 " Brunn _ 44,000 1842 Cracow 43,000 1849 PRUSSIA. Berlin 442,000 1846 Breslan .104,000 " Cologne 92.000 " Konigsberg ....„ 70,000 " Dantlic 68.000 " Magdeburg 57,000 " Alx-lkChapelle 46,000 IR48 Stettin 42,000 1846 Poacn 86,000 " Kliierfeldt 35,000 ( tsinM « Barmen 33,000 i ■^•°°° BAVARIA. Munich 112,000 1846 Nuremberg 45,000 FREE CITIES. Hamburg Frankfort Bremon Lubec ..149,000 1848 ...68,000 1846 ...6.1,000 1846 ....25,000 SWITZERLAND. Geneva 25 000 18.18 Berne 22,000... SARDINIA. Turin 1.36,000.. Genoa....- 120,000.. M LOMBABDY AND VENICE. Milan 161,000... ...1846 Venice 127,000 ...1842 ...1846 !'.!l845 Padua 60 000 Mantua 26,000... HANOVEK. Hanover Gottingeu .... ..42,000 1846 . 11,000 " SAXomr. Dreaden Laipalc WIRTEMBERO. Siuttgard Ulm ..91.000 184:1 ..65,000 1846 ..»,aa0 1848 ..ISJOOO 1846 PARMA AND MODENA. Parraa 41,000 1844 Modena 27,000 1843 TUSCANY AND LUCCA. Florence 102,000 1846 Leghorn „ 80,000 " Lucca 24,000 1889' Pisa 22. *» 1846 STATES OF THE CHURCH. Home 172,000 1846 Bologna _ 76,000 1844 Ancona _.„„ 40,000 NAPLES. Naples 417,000 1838 Palermo 180,000 1844 Messina 84,000 J831 CaUnia 64,000 1836 Trapani 24,000 GREECE. Athens 28,000 1843 Syra 14,000 TURKEY. Constantinople - 786,000 Adrisnople 100,000 Salonica 75,000 Bucharest 61,000 Sophia _ (?) 60,000 Serajevo _ (?) 40,000 Belgrade 30,000 Seres .27,000 Widln _ 26,000 Jassy (1)20,000 ASIA, RUSSIA IN ASIA. Teflis 60,000 1843 Tomsk 18,000 Irkoutfk _ 18,000 1840 Tobolsk 16,379 18S6 TURKEY IN ASIA. Smyrna. „ 160,000 est Damascus ...- 90,000 " Aleppo .70,000 " Bassorah 60,000 " Brusa 60,000 " Bagilad (?) 66,000 Enerum „....._ 40,000 est Diarbeklr 40,000 Mosul _ 36,000 TrrUsond* 30,000 Jenualem..™...»» 26,000 niNDOOSTAN. Benares (?) 600.000 eat Madras 400.000 " Patna .284."«». 200.000 est Hyderabad _ 200.000 " Lurknow 200,000 " Delhi „ 200,000 . " Surat (?) 100.000 " Nagporo 125.000 " Umritsir „ 115.000 " Lahore 110.000 " Poonah 110,000 " Ahmedabad 100,000 " Oojein 100,000 " Baroda (?) 100,000 " FARTHER OR CHIN INDIA. Saijron IRO.OOO est Kesho „(?) 100,000 " Hue _ 60,000 " Bangkok..., 50.000 " Singapore 60.000 1848 Ummerapoora ,10,000 Rangoon 20,000 eat Malacca 12,000 CHINESE EMPIRE. Pekin (?) 1,600,000 eat Canton (?) 1,000.000 " Teentsin _ m 700,000 " Sootchow Jn) 700.000 •• Hangtchow .(?) 600,000 " Nankin 600,000 " Kiugtohing 400,000 " Voutchang 400,000 " Nangtchang 360.000 " Slogan 300,000 « Amoy SSO,om....„ "^ Jigagungar (Thibet) 100,000 « Goulja, or 111 40,000 " JAPAN. Jedo „ 1,300,000 est Sliaco 600,000 Osaca _ 150,000 est ARABIA. „ 40,000... Muscat (?) 40,000... Mecca .(?) 30,000,.. .'.1843 Aden (British) 20.000... Medina _.. J8,000... PERSIA. Ispahan „ 180,000. ,..„ Teheran -» 60,000 Reshd _ 60,000 Meshid 60,000 Yeid „ 40,000 AFGHANISTAN. Cabnl „ 80,000 wt Candahar 60,000 " Peshawar 60,000 " Herat 44,000 " Khelat -.™U,«CO " TARTARY. Bokhara - - 160,000 est Khokao (?) 80,000 Tashkent (?) 40,000... .„ AFRICA, BARBARY. Tunis 100.000 est Morocco 100,000 1844 Algiers 97,000 1849 Fez 80,000 " Mequinei.. 60.000 « Kairwan 60,000 Oonstantina 21,000 1847 Tripoli 16,000 " EGYPT, NUBIA, *«. Cairo 300.000 sat Alexandria 60,000 DamletU 26,000 est giout 20,000 « Khartoom 16,000 SOUDAN. Sockatoo 60,000 est Zaria i 40,(Kifl " Sego 30.tN)0 " Kano 3(>-,000 " Angornoa 30,-,000 " Boussa 13.000 " Tlmbuctoo 12,000 " GUINEA AND SOUTH AFRICA. Ahbeokuta 80,000 est Coomassis 24,000 " Abomey „_ 24,000 " Cape Town - 23.000 1841 St Salvador 20,000 est Benin 1^000...™ " Freetown, Sierra Leone 13,000 " Monrovia, Liberia. 4,000 AFRICAN ISLANDS. Port Louis, Mauritius S6.000 Ponte Oelgada, Azorea. 22,000 FnnchaL Madeira .18,000 Zanslhar, Zan 18,000 St Denis, Bonrbon 12.000 OroUva, Canary -.8,000 1881 OCEANICA. Manilla, Philllplnes 140.O00 Kotaiia, Java - Sydney, New South Wales. rtMiit 1660 Aehaan, Boaiatrs ™ JO.kio HoburtoB, Tasmania.- 31.i Samarang, Java (7) 2ii..v>. iVree are nearer '" ■'>-"-'"'"''i" .f't'i.. iFinny in Europe s; Mrtn? Ns., Vn "O.issi? Which t«' 1 'I'st dty in A 4^ New York la populii i.i^.,i.., v. „.,!. v^uutry has Iht „ . ■ i iil-tttf.n r\t mfvi-» ttllll ' ' ln>n .-, - .::al GEOGKAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL TABLES— NO. IV. AREA AND POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES IN 1850, AND POPULATION BY EACH CENSUS. Names of StatM. Maine New Hampshire Yermont » Ma-'fsachusette Rhode Islaud Connecticut New YoriL New lersey Pennriylvania ^ Delaware Maryland District of Ooiumbia Vir^cinia North Carolina South Carolina Geortfia KJoriJa Alabama » Mississippi Louisiana ,••• Te^as Arkaftsaa r. Tennessee Kentucky Ohio Michigan Indiana Illinois » « Missouri «. Iowa *. Wisconsin California Minnet^ta Oregon ina Washington Ter. Utah New Mexico Nebraska and Kansas ^ndian Territory Total . Capitals. Augusta Concord Montpelier Boston Providence and Newport .. Uartford and New Ilaren Albany Trenton ilarrisburg Dover Annapolis Richmond Raleii^h Columbia Milledgeville Tallahassee Montgomery Jackson Baton Rouge Austin Little Rock Nashville Frankfort < Columbus Lansing Indianapolis «.■ Springfield Jefferson City Iowa City Madison Sacramento City St. Paul Salem ~...>. Fillmore City Santa T6 - Sq. miles. 1 White pop. 82,8«4 9,280 10,212 7,800 1,30« 4,674 47,000 8,320 46,000 2,120 9,366 60 61,362 60,000 29,000 68.000 69,268 60,722 47,158 46,431 237,321 62,198 46,600 87,680 89,964 66,243 33,809 65,405 67,380 60,914 63,924 188,981 166,000 atl,463 187,923 •257,744 482,000 68,000 681,313 317.466 313,402 986,460 143,875 363,099 3,048.325 466.509 2.268,160 71,169 417,943 37.941 894,800 663,028 274,663 621,.W2 47.203 426.614 296.718 266,491 164,034 162,189 766,836 761,413 1,965,060 396.071 977,164 846.034 692,004 191.881 304,766 91,635 6,038 13.087 11,.330 61,525 19,663,068 Free col'd. Slaves. Total pop. 1860. Rep's 1,366 620 718 9,064 3,670 7,693 49.069 23,810 63.626 18,073 74,723 10,069 64.333 27,463 8,900 2,931 932 2,266 930 17,462 6,422 10,011 26,279 2.583 11,262 6,436 2,618 333 635 962 39 207 24 22 4S4,495 2,290 90,368 3.687 472,628 288,548 384,984 381.6S2 39,310 842.844 309,878 244,809 68.161 47.100 239,459 210,981 87,422 683.169 317.97B 314.120 994,614 147,64S 870,792 8,097,394 48g,55& 2,311,7S» 91.632 683,034 61,687 1,421.661 869,030 668.60? 906.1 8k 87,444 771,62S 606,628 617.763 212,693 209.89r 1.002,7ir '982,40* 1,980,32» 397,664 988,416 851,470 682,044 192,214 305.391 92.697 6,077 13,294 11,380 61,647 23,191,376 234 Pop. to sq. m. 19 34 30 126 103 79 66 60 60 44 62 861 23 17 23 16 IH 16 13 11 1 4 22 28 60 7 29 16 10 4 8 1 1 to 28 1 to25 ltol6 1 to 4 Pop. 1790. 96,M0 141,899 86,416 878,717 69,110 238,141 840,120 184,139 4aj,373 69,096 819,728 748',308 893,751 240,073 82,548 85,791 73,077 3,929,827 Pop. 1800. 161,719 183,762 164,465 423.245 69,122 251.002 686,766 211,949 602,366 64,273 841,548 14.093 880,200 478,103 346,691 162,101 8,850 106.602 220,965 45,365 ""4,876 Pop. 1810 Pop. 1820. Pop. 18.30. Pop. 1840. 228,70e 214,36(' 217,715 472,040 77,031 262,04i 959.049 246.661 810,091 72,671 880.641^ 24,02t 974,62J 656,50( 416,nj 262,43S i 127,901 40,352 ; 76,448 76,56( 163,407 298.336 244.161 236,764 623,287 83,069 275,202 1^2,812 277,676 1,049,678 72,749 ( 407,350 J 33,039 ' 1,066,379 , 638,829 i 602.741 840,987 6,305,941 • Including 40,000 square miles of territory, obtained by the Gadsden Treaty, 1864. ( 14,273 261,721 i 422,813 406,611 664,317 230,76C , 4,76i 24,52C )2,28» j 20,84( 681,434 8,896 147,178 66,211 66,686 7,239,814 ; 6^638,1,91 399,466 269,328 280,662 610,408 97,199 297,676 1,918,608 320,833 1,348,2.33 76,748 447,040 39,834 1,211,405 737,987 681,186 616,823 34,730 309,527 136,621 216,71*9 30,.3S8 681,904 687,917 937,903 31,639 34.3,031 167,444 140,466 12,186,020 601,793 284,674 291,948 73'. ,099 106.830 306,978 2,428,921 373..30a 1,724,033 78,084 470.018 43,712 1,239,797 763,419 694,398 691 ,.392 64,477 690,766 876,6,11 362,411 97,674 829,210 779,828 1,619,467 212,207 686,868 476,183 883,702 43,112 80,94* 17,069,463 CIVIL AND POLITICAL STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES FOR 1850. states and Territories. Maine New Ilampshire Termont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut ,. New York New Jersey , Pennsylvania Delaware : , Maryland , District of Columbia Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida _ Alabama » Missi.ssippi Louisiana Texas j. Arkansas Tennessee Kentucky , Ohio _ Michigan Indiana Illinois „ Missouri ™ Iowa Wiscon.cin California Minnesota Oregon inc. Washington Ter New Mexico Total No. of farms in cultiva- tion. 46,760 29,229 29,687 84,236 6,386 22,445 170,621 23,905 127,577 6.063 21,860 264 77,013 66,963 29,969 61,769 4,304 41,964 83.960 13,422 12,198 17,758 72,712 74,777 143,887 &I,0S9 9.1.896 76,208 64,468 14,806 20,177 167 1,164 926 3,760 1,448,335 No. of dwellings. 95.802 67.339 66,421 152.836 22,379 64,013 473,938 81,064 386,216 15,290 81,708 7,917 166,816 104,998 62.642 91,011 9,022 73,070 61.681 49,101 27,988 28,252 129,419 130.769 336.098 71.616 170,178 146.644 06.849 32.962 66.316 23,742 1,002 2.374 2.322 13.463 3,362,337 No. of families. 103,333 62.287 68,573 192,676 28.216 73,448 666,869 89.080 408,497 16.439 87,384 8,343 167,530 105.461 62,937 91.471 9,107 73,786 62.107 64.112 28,377 2S.416 132,920 348,614 72,611 171,664 149.153 100.890 33,517 67.608 24,667 1.016 2,374 2.322 13,463 3,698,240 Mannfac'g estab'te, producing over $500. 3,682 3,301 1,835 9,637 1,144 3,913 23,823 4,374 22,036 613 8,863 426 4,433 2,628 1,473 1,407 121 1,022 666 1,021 307 271 2,789 3,471 10,660 1,979 4,326 8,099 3,030 482 1,2T3 6 61 16 20 Amount of exports. $1,666,912 8,927 430.906 10,681,763 216,205 241,930 62,712,789 1,665 4,601,606 6,967,353 80,588 8,416,616 416.601 11,447,800 7,661,943 2,623(624 10,644,868 88,106„36O 24,958 217,632 132,046 123,033 $151,898,720 Amount of imports. $866,411 49,079 463,092 80,374,684 258,303 372.390 111,1-23.524 1,494 12,066,154 6,124,201 - 89,819 426,699 323,692 1,933,786 836,964 95,709 866,362 10,760,499 25,660 27,966 190,987 682,504 144,102 15,705 869,613 $178,138,318 No. of ships built 61 6 3 28 1 7 No. of steam'ts huUt 1 2 I 1 82 3 31 1 4 "■{," 6 34 16 « Total No. of vessels built 828 10 1 121 14 47 224 67 185 16 150 8 34 33 ...„. 2 8 "24" 1 34 31 14 "13" 6 1,860 Tonnage of vessels built dur- ing year. 91,211 8,914 77 86,836 3.687 4,819 68,342 6,201 21,409 1,848 16,964 288 8.684 2,651 683 79 113 1,692 106 6,460 6,214 2,01)1 1,691 1,363 Total Stat* debt $600,600 76,000 None 8,259,930 None 91,212 23,463,838 71,810 40,316,362 None 16,424,380 15,196,858 977,000 2,061,292 1,828,472 None 8,5.39,110 7.271,707 11,492,666 12,436,982 1,806,662 3,362,866 4,397,637 18,744,594 2,629,872 6,775,822 18,627,509 922,261 79,442 12.892 1,030,320 $202,086,484 Total Staff property, ev elusive of School Funt $700,000 10,336,261 406,000 86,116,237 1,027,666 32,392,735 190,000 23,252,540 13,112,831 6,000,000 26,636 2,866,907 2,000,000 2,416,938 6,938,820 6,000.000 18,000,000 628,900 6,000,000 382,034 Ordinary expenses, axchisive uf schools. $160,000 80,000 100,000 600.000 60,000 116,000 750.000 90,000 860,000 11,000 17,000 600,000 76,000 115,000 131,000 45,000 100,000 130,000 615,000 100,000 36,000 166,000 250,000 200,000 125,000 80,000 126,000 110,000 26,000 20,000 600,000 $104,792,490 $6,812,000 «""'- fl^il^" 60,606 27,867 23,915 101,781 16,037 67,719 224,665 39,171 if76,070 9,229 46,SM 1.249 123,733 79,448 65.209 67,312 12,122 68,048 80,084 4.3,823 19,766 17,137 71,252 87,607 176,455 83,938 63,913 83,234 81,000 "8^203 2,006,458 1,248 68 26,836 188 184,882 ioii'is "t"584 84 1,61T 161 133 813 84,080 794 48,616 RELIGIOUS STATISTIC S OF THE UNITED STATES, BY CENS US OF 1850. states. Maine New Hampshire.... Vermont Massachusetts. Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania- Delaware Maryland Dist of Columbia... Virginia North Carolina .... Soutli Carolina Georiria. Florida Alabama Mi>ji8sippi Churches. Clerg'men 946 626 699 1,475 228 7.^4 4,134 813 3,866 180 909 46 2,.183 1,796 1,182 1,862 177" 1,873 1.016 923 649 619 1,602 193 706 4.290 650 2,7S9 79 453 94 1,087 747 474 715 83 702 471 Church Accom- modations. 321,167 237,417 234.534 691,8-23 101.210 307,299 1,913,864 345,733 1,574,873 65,741 379,465 34,120 856,436 672.924 460,460 627.197 44,960 439,605 294.104 Value of Ch. Property. * The Census of 1850 does not state the numbers $1,726,846 1,405.788 1,216,126 10.206,184 1,264,400 .3,565,194 21,134,207 3,680,936 11,666,116 340,345 3,947,884 3(i3,000 2,85a076 OOSio.iS 2,172.246 1,269,369 166,400 1,131.618 766,542 of the clergy and Louisiana Texas Arkansas Tennessee Kentucky Ohio Michigan Indiana .-. Illinois Missouri Iowa Wisconsin California Minnesota Ter. Oregon inc. Wn. T. Utah New Mexico Churches. Clerg*men, 306 341 362 2,014 1,846 3,938 899 2,032 1,2-23 880 193 368 28 8 2-29 308 2.'W 1,0S1 931 2,440 657 1,013 1,023 814 248 401 36 .■52 29 3 24 Church Accom- modations. 109,616 $1,782,470 Methodists* 18,280 4,343,579 63,576 294,930 Baptists 0,375 3.247,029 60,228 89.316 Presbyterians 4,824 2,070,690 626,695 1,216,101 Congregationalists. 1,706 801(836 671,063 2,26-2,4.l8 Kpiscopaiians 1,469 643,698 1,457,294 6,793,099 Roman Catholics... 1,221 667,823 120,117 723.600 Lutherans ^217 634,250 709,666 1,529,585 Christians 863 300,005 480.676 1,482.155 Friends 726 266,323 261,063 1,661,610 Union 608 202,6-24 43,083 177,426 Universalists 629 214,116 " 97.773 363,900 Free J86 114.780 10.200 267,800 German Reformed. 338 158,932 100 900 Dutch Reformed.... 130 180,038 3.133 78..')-20 MoravLans 3-28 109,257 t.200 61,UOO Unitarians 242 136.417 28,050 94,100 .Minor Sects 689 203,632 Total 38,061 211,842 14,-2;«,825 $87,3-28,801 Total .•1,061 14.234,826 members of the various religious denomiuationfl in the United Statea. The clergy comprises a body of >^42 individuaia. Value of Ch. Property. Denominations. ytaurch- Ch. Aceom- Val. of Ch. modations. Property. $14,822,870 11,0-20,855 14.543,789 7,970,195 11.376.010 9.-266,7.58 2,864,288 847,038 1,71.3.767 644,715 1,76-2,316 203.205 075,080 4,090,«80 4Il,Prt7 3,173.8-22 1,616,160 $87,328,801 GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL TABLES-NO. V. EiyiPLOYMENTS OF THE FREE MALE POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES OVER FIFTEEN YEARS OF AGE, BY CENSUS OF 1850. STATES. Maine , N>w Jlampabin Vermont MasmtrliQiiettA Rhntjv IflanU , Cotini^-ticut «... New York Kew Jersey IVnnsvlvanU »». Delaware Maryland I>i>>trict of ColumMa . Virjriuia Nortti Carolina »».. Soatb Carolina Oeorjoa „„ Florida „ Alabama MiM!i5Jiippl.....»,.^ Loui-^iaua Texaa > Arkansas ..»»...».«...» Tenu*-^.-ie« Kentuckj ...»...„„.„.., Ohio MicfaigaD ....«» ». Indiana .». ». Illinoia Miawuri Iowa „» WijKonaia .» California Minneifota Territory — Oregon Territory Ouh Terrltoiy New Mexico Territory . Total.. Commerce, trade, maunfactures, mechanif* arta, and mining. 38,-247 27.91)6 17,003 146,002 21.004 S3.6S3 812,097 4«.M4 266.9J7 6,6.33 47,616 6,ia 62,«-6 20,613 13,205 20,716 2,380 16,630 12.053 82,8T9 7,327 4,296 23,432 «6,59« 142,687 22,376 45.al8 38,232 80,098 9,255 20.628 69,007 656 1,007 Hi 1,064 1,696,265 Agrlcultan. 77,082 47,440 48,327 66,6S» 8,482 31,881 813,980 32,884 207,496 7,884 23,588 421 10S,3»4 81,982 41.302 83,362 6.977 68,636 60.284 18,639 25.299 28,942 118,979 115.017 270,362 65,816 163,229 141,099 65,561 32.779 40,980 2,059 563 1,704 1.681 7,058 2,400,683 Labor, not agri* cultural. 26,833 14,963 22,997 67.942 9,296 10,813 IC.6,613 38.383 163.628 6,663 32,102 2,535 48J38 28,660 8,161 11,606 2,666 7,683 6,067 15,264 6,194 5,684 17,569 28,413 92.766 15,602 29,854 29,778 20,3-28 5,392 13,196 8,771 761 611 622 6,209 993,620 Army. 1,462 '""ibi 87 91 274 18 423 46 684 33 204 143 306 71 77 140 163 289 6,370 Sea and rirer narigation. 15.649 778 159 19.598 2.033 4,801 23.243 4,351 9,064 743 9,740 136 3,263 1,659 346 282 708 807 292 4,263 321 106 268 1,027 4,109 1,220 1,725 1,614 2,471 163 661 617 4 130 18 2 116,341 Law, medidne, and dirinity. 2,212 1,642 1,827 4,702 666 1,614 14,268 1,731 9,954 251 2,059 830 4,791 2,263 1.829 2,816 857 2,610 2,329 1,827 1,363 911 8^63 8,811 9,001 2,007 4,229 8,307 2,893 1,077 1,477 878 68 99 26 46 94,616 Other pursuits, requiring educa- tiou. 1,727 1,425 1,563 6,371 881 2,162 11,104 2,467 10,830 681 2,442 438 6,622 3,447 3,161 8,942 302 8,638 8^ 2,444 998 678 3,689 4,420 8,263 1,092 3,031 2,071 8,147 426 800 198 37 48 48 68 GoTemment dTil BerTJce. 419 306 129 1.666 176 189 4,985 373 8.719 124 963 659 1,491 670 372 418 268 826 377 811 677 110 705 902 1,218 337 «T7 701 767 103 186 130 69 40 12 206 24,966 Domestic ser. Tants. 232 47 34 1.375 774 220 6.324 404 4,431 69 1,021 607 79 46 149 16 12 42 69 608 10 212 1,167 220 184 876 1,458 10 191 710 16 40 "'i'a>2 other ocenpft. tiona. 196 31 127 2,972 269 677 3.628 1,663 4,496 113 278 16 1,978 247 34 173 42 97 2.'n 488 90 27 346 471 1,219 167 449 151 1,149 40 146 123 20 « 22,159 Ty>taL 162,711 94.564 92.226 295,;i00 43,471 97,010 S88.2t4 128,740 680,644 22.061 124.878 11.209 226,876 13«.SS7 68.549 123,243 13,l:« 100,467 76,082 77,168 42.858 40,786 168.240 191.076 630.792 108.978 248,«9« 216.369 128,176 49.315 78,139 77,631 2,338 8,874 17,478 8,138 6,371,87« MANUFACTURES OF COTTON AND IRON IN THE UNITED STATES. COTTON. Maine New Elampsfaire .. Vermont „ Masaaehusetta Eliode Inland CoBBeetieut «. New York New Jersey Pennsylranfa Delaware ».. Maryland Vinrinia North Carolina South Carolina.... Oeort^a — ... _ Alabama .«. Mississippi Louisiana — »...,» Texas ,».„. Kentoclty „„ Ohio __ MtchiKan ....«...» Indiana Illinois .Missouri Iowa ™..„.. Wisconsin California DIatiict of Cotomfala . Total No. of ntsb. liaba'i. 12 44 9 218 168 128 88 21 208 12 24 27 28 18 36 '12 S 1,094 AHOUBt of capital ia feaud. $3,329,700 10,950,500 202,500 28,466,630 8,676.000 4,219,100 4,176,920 1,483,600 4,628,926 460,100 2,236,000 1,908,900 1,058,800 857,200 1,736,16« 80,000 861,900 SS/MO 18,600 e«»,800 238,000 297,000 ""43,000 '102,000 86,000 $74,601,031 Bain of cotton «a«d. 81,631 83,028 2,243 223,607 60,713 30,483 37,778 14,437 44,162 4,730 23,326 17,786 13,617 9,929 20,230 600 6,208 430 170 8,411 3,760 4,270 676 " 2,180 980 Taloa of raw ma- UriaJ. $1,673,110 4,839,429 114,416 11,289,309 8,484,579 2,500,062 1,985,973 666.646 8,162,530 812,068 1,166,579 828,376 631,903 296,971 900,419 80,0(10 237,081 21,500 8,976 297,600 180,907 237,000 28,220 86,448 07,000 841,240 $34,836,066 Ho. of main eoi' ptoyed. 780 2,911 94 9,293 4,959 2,708 2,632 616 8,564 413 1,008 1,276 442 28 840 19 13 810 181 132 76 83,160 No. of (cntalca IBI ployed. 2,969 9,211 147 19,4.-!7 6,916 8,478 8,688 1,096 4,099 426 2,014 1,688 1,177 620 1,399 67 869 17 18 681 221 260 103 6»,13« AToraft wagea of oialoa tCKrilll. $29 36 25 45 16 66 23 01 18 61 19 08 18 33 17 98 17 86 16 66 16 42 10 16 11 68 13 94 14 67 32 14 11 71 14 21 14 61 10 96 14 62 16 80 13 00 w'm $18 77 ATOra^ wajea of featalea per month. $12 16 13 47 12 67 13 66 12 96 11 81 9 68 9 56 9 91 11 59 9 53 98 13 8 30 7 39 6 00 7 98 6 84 6 88 6 42 9 38 9 06 877 1000 $9 18 Talua of eotiro producti. $2,596,360 8,830,019 196,100 19,712.461 6,447.120 4,267.522 3,.'i91.989 1,109.524 6.322,262- 538.439 2,12(s504 1,486,384 831,342 748,338 2,136,044 40,920 882,260 80,600 16,837 610,624 27.%439 894,700 44,200 "iijiioo 100,000 $61,869,184 IRON. No. of ealab. liahm'i 28 29 87 80 21 91 401 108 631 16 61 122 28 6 10 81 46 229 64 19 31 13 3 18 1 2 1,190 Amount of capital ii Teated. $364,100 238,700 415,920 2,678,350 636,800 1,336.900 6,368,782 2,677.093 19,613,416 388,600 2,559,750 1,776,171 139,500 185,700 70,200 230,125 100,000 256,000 16,000 r,9i5,960 1,602,900 4,187,460 210,460 171,900 325,400 848,100 6,500 181,360 6,000 14,000 $49,268,006 Toni or iron ort Dacd. 2,927 500 10,.3O1 27,900 86.450 91.027 65,815 877,283 99,868 07,319 6,650 2,800 6,189 1,838 103,011 72,010 142,610 2,700 8,860 6,600 37,000 3,000 1,0«7,»46 604,766 l,4»i 200 3,200 13,287 13,420 23.022 21.031 285,702 43.641 22,163 400 622 80.420 24,246 62,668 660 1,860 2,700 19,250 1,000 110 2.046 6,720 2,650 6,325 13,ta6 8,162 182,606 560 10.000 15,3-28 860 ""90 100 10,348 8,070 14,410 278,044 TooB of raatinp 3,691 6,764 6,000 32.074 8,6M 11,-210 104,688 10.249 67,810 S,KW 0,244 6,677 172 1,288 416 1,916 924 1,570 200 8.384 5,888 37,399 2,070 1,757 4,160 6,200 71 1342 76 612 322,746 ployod. S14 390 638 2,119 1,020 1,464 7,467 1,990 20,831 300 2,609 8,-220 214 153 200 260 112 847 86 2,706 2,686 6,881 862 253 482 732 17 288 . 8 27 Avcrafa wacca per nontb. $26 60 27 68 27 13 20 96 27 82 28 47 20 16 24 SO 26 46 23 n 24 03 18 78 13 94 13 69 18 74 22 62 37 91 86 60 43 43 16 33 26 73 28 47 81 84 26 30 25 28 24 64 82 36 28 37 23 88 27 06 Tain* of raw mat*. rial, fael. kc $127;609 187,500 266,572 1,464.833 370,017 999,374 8,563,109 964,706 11,693,2K5 173,352 1,269,426 l,0t<.80» 04.366 29,128 43,770 111,866 60,370 76.300 8,400 "730.861 736.486 2,434,320 106,886 •6,743 187,830 264,990 2,624 96.180 tJM 18,100 67,021 $20 02 $27,049,768 $64,604,000 Tain of aoure prodnota. $301,016 888,160 602,817 2,958,078 96U06 2,061,640 7,948,808 1,876,147 20,3-20,301 a-ii.*ta 2,612.831 2,461,338 92,347 87,088 118,884 801,128 117.400 *12,600 6tt000 1,611,048 1,048,06* 6,401 ,3M 800,087 219,190 611,386 719,790 8,600 243.196 20,740 41,«00 WOOLLEN MANUFACTURES IN THE UNITED STATES. Mdn* , Srw Ilamp*hlr*« Vermont MaMwrfaoMtta Rbod* Ulnad OoDDWtirat N#w York New JnrPtj , IVntivylTainlA ...... > ware. ...»»».» Iiind jinU »... :h Carolina.... r^ Amflvot of cji|>iul !»• M « 72 119 46 149 219 41 880 8 88 121 1 s $4«7,00O 2,437,700 886,300 •,0 14 61 24 60 A.r'ia A»'t. was e., wauri ...» Iowa WIsoonsio District of Columbia... T»tal... No. of ••tab-'a. 1 4 16 UN 16 88 16 1 1 • 1 \jU« AaionBt of capital is veated. 8,000 10,900 Sl»,820 (70,120 •4,000 171,646 164,600 lO/XM 10,000 11,226 700 Ponada of wool aaed. 30,000 8J0O 873,900 1,667,716 182,160 418,860 896,9«4 •0,000 14,600 U4,200 (,000 $28,118,860 70,(e8,(l* t»,766,a«8 Tain, of ra w ma- terial. 10,000 1,676 108.287 678,428 43,401 120,480 116,801 18,000 8,100 1,680 .mprd 4 16 266 ■OS 78 IS« 124 16 7 16 1 No. of (emalaa ampl'd. 4$2D 22,(78 16,674 *'•!• 00 17 16 2» 10 14 21 85 21 81 22 on 32 OO 11 42 22 46 80 OO A.'f. wafrt, ftmalM $20 00 4 00 n 11 10 11 11 17 11 06 12 62 6 60 $21 *6$11 76$4S,*I7,H( Tala. •f »nt1r« prtdoMa. u,jao 6,313 81MI* I,111X>27 •MM 106,«01 106,671 18.000 *7.*»l 1>0 GEOGRAPHICAL ANT) STATISTICAL TABLES-NO. YI. AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES, ACCORDING TO THE CENSUS OF 1850. Acres land in farms. Value farms and impl'ts LIVE STOCK. Value of live stock. Value of animals Blaught'rd Products of Orchard. of Market Gardens. Home- STATES. Impro ed. Unim- proved. Cafli value of farms. Imple- ments, Ac. No. of llorses. Asf'eFi and Mule:;. Milch Cows. Working Oxen. Other Cattle. Sheep. Swine. made man- ufactured. M i e 2,251,488 2,601,409 2,133,436 356,487 1,768,178 12,408,964 1,767,991 8,628,019 6S0,862 2,797,906 16,267 10,360,1.35 6,463,9-5 4,072,661 6,378,479 349,049 4,436,614 8,4U,368 1,590,025 643,976 781,530 6,176,173 6,968,270 9,851,493 1,929,110 6,046,643 6,039,545 2,938,425 824,882 1,046,499 32,464 6,036 132,857 16,333 166,201 2,516,797 1,140,926 1,524.413 1,222,676 197.451 615,701 6,710,120 984,955 6,294,728 376.282 1,836,145 11,187 16,792,176 15,543,008 12,146,049 16,442,900 1,246,240 7,702,067 7,046.001 3,399.018 10,862.363 1,816,684 13,608,849 10,981,478 8,146,300 2,454,780 7,746,879 6,997,867 6,794,246 1,911,382 1,931,169 3,861,631 23,846 299,961 30,516 124,370 $54,861,748 66,246,997 6; 867,227 1(p9,07H,347 17,070,802 72,721,422 654,546,642 120.-.37,611 407.876,099 1S;8S0,031 87.178,646 1,730,460 210,401,643 67,891.766 82.431,684 95,763.446 6,323,109 64,323,224 64,738,634 76,814,398 16,560,008 16,266,246 97,851,212 155,021,262 358,768,803 51,872,448 138,385,173 96,133,290 63,225,543 16,6,57,667 28,623,663 3,874,041 161,948 2,849,170 311,799 1,653,922 $2,284,657 2,314,125 2,739,282 3,209,584 497.201 1,892,641 22,084,926 4,425,603 14,722,641 610,279 2,463,443 40,220 7,021,772 3,931 ,.'i.S2 4,136.3.54 6,894,160 6,5.8,796 6,125,683 6,762,927 11,576,938 2,151,704 1,001,296 6,360.210 6,169,037 12,760,685 2,891,371 6,704,444 6,406,661 3,981,626 l,i72,869 1,641,668 103,483 16,981 183,423 84,288 77,980 44,721 34,233 61,057 42,216 6,108 26,879 447,014 63.966 860,398 13,862 75,684 824 272,403 148,093 97,171 151,331 10,848 128,001 116,460 89.614 76,760 60,197 270,838 316,682 463,397 68,508 314,299 267,663 225.319 88,536 30,179 21,719 860 8,048 2,429 6,079 65 19 218 1 49 963 4,089 2,269 791 6,644 67 21,483 26.259 S-,483 67,379 6,002 69,896 64,547 44,849 12,463 11,559 76.303 66,609 3,423 70 6,699 10,573 41,667 754 166 1,666 14 420 325 8,664 133,656 94,277 146,128 130,099 18,698 85,461 931.324 118.736 630;224 19.248 86,866 813 817,619 221.799 193,244 834.223 72,876 227,791 214,231 105.678 217.,SH 93.151 250,466 247.476 644.499 99,076 , 284,564 294.671 230.169 46.704 64,339 4,?«) 607 8,427 4,861 10,636 83,893 69,027 48,677 46,611 8,189 46,988 178,909 12.070 61.627 9,797 34,135 104 89,613 87,309 20,607 73,286 5,794 66,961 83,486 64,968 61,286 84.239 80,225 62,274 66,381 66.350 40,221 76,166 112,168 27,892 42,801 4,780 666 8.114 6.266 12,267 125,890 114,600 154,143 83,284 9,375 80,226 767,406 80,456 662,196 24,166 98,696 123 669,1.37 434,402 663,936 690,019 182.415 43.3,263 438,254 414,798 61.018 166,320 414.051 442,763 749.067 119,471 389,891 641,209 449,173 69,026 76.293 263,699 740 24.188 2.489 10,085 451,577 384,766 1,014,122 188,651 44,296 174,181 3,463,-241 160,488 1,822,357 27,603 177,902 150 1,810,004 696,219 285,561 560.435 23,311 S71-,8S0 804,929 110,333 100,530 91,250 811.591 1,102,091 3,942,929 74C,4a5 1,122,493 694.043 762,511 149,960 124,896 17,674 80 16,382 3,262 877,271 64,598 - 63,487 66,296 81,119 19,.509 76,472 1,018,262 250,370 1,040..366 66,261 352,911 1.636 1,829,843 1,812.813 1,065.503 2,108,617 209,463 1,904,640 1,682,734 697,301 692,022 . 836,727 3,104,800 2,891,163 1,964,770 205,847 2,263,776 1,915.907 1,702,025 323,247 169,276 2,776 734 30,235 914 7,314 $9,706,726 8,871,901 12,643,228 9,647.710 1,632,637 7,407,490 73,570,499 10,679.291 41,6110,063 1,849,281 7,997,634 71,643 33,656,659 17.717,647 16,060,016 25,728.416 2,880,068 21,6;«,112 19,403,662 11,162,276 10,412,927 6,647,909 29,978,018 29,801,438 44,121,721 8,008,734 22,478.655 24,209,258 19,887,680 8,689,276 4,897,385 3,361,068 92,869 1,876,189 546,968 1,494,629 $1,646,773 1.622,873 1,861,336 2,600.924 667.486 2,202.268 13,573,883 2,0.38.662 8,219.848 373,6116 1,954.800 9.o:i8 7,602.980 6.767.886 3,602,637 6,339,762 614,685 4,823,486 3,036,682 1,468,990 1,116.137 1.163,313 6,401,766 0,462.698 7,4.39,243 1,328,327 6,667,935 4,972,288 3,387,106 821,164 920,178 107,173 2,840 164,630 67.9S5 82,126 $342,866 248,563 315,255 463,996 63,994 176,118 1,761,950 607.268 723.389 46,574 164,061 14,843 177,137 34,348 36,108 92,776 1,280 16,408 60,405 22,369 12,606 40,141 52,894 106,230 695,921 132.M0 324,040 446,049 614,711 8,434 4,823 17,700 $122,387 66,- 10 18,!- 53 600,020 98.298 196,874 912.047 475,1i42 688,714 12.714 200,869 67,222 183,047 39.4(i2 47.286 76.500 8,721 84,821 46.260 148.329 12.364 17,150 97,183 803,120 214,004 14.738 72,864 127,494 99,454 8,848 82,142 75,276 160 90.241 23,808 6,679 $513,899 393,456 267,710 206,.:.::3 Khodo Inland 20,496 192.2.52 1,280,333 112;78l 749,132 38,121 111,!- 28 Dimrict of Columbia 2,(176 2,166,312 2,086,622 909.626 1,838,968 75,682 1,934,120 1,164,020 139,2.32 638,217 8,137,790 2,459,128 1,712,196 840,947 1,631,039 Ohio Mu'higaa » 1,155.902 1,674,706 221,292 43,624 7,000 1,271 Utah Territory 1.392 New Mexico Territory 8,231 6,033 Total 113,0?2,614l 180,628,000 3,271,676,428 161,687,638 4,3;iO,719 669,331 6,386,094 1,700,744 9,693,009 21,723,220 30,364,213 644,160,616 111,703,142 7,723,188 6,280,030 27,493,644 AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS — Continued. Maine New Hampshire Vermont Maf^.-^achusetts ithode L-^Iand Connecticut New York New Jersey « Pennsylvania Delaware Maryliind District of Columbia. Virginia ' , No?*Ji Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas , Tennessee Kentucky Ohio .Michigan. Indiana Illinois Missouri Iowa Wisconsin California Minnesota Territory , Oregon, inc. Wash. Ter. . Utah Territory , New Mexico Territory ... Total 100,485,944 Wheat, buahels. 296,259 186,868 «S5,956 31,211 49 41,782 13,121,498 1,601,190 15,367,691 482,511 4,494,680 17,370 11,212,616 2,130,102 1,066,277 1,088,634 1,027 294,044 137,990 417 41,729 199,639 1,619,386 2,142,822 14,487,361 4,926,889 6,214,468 9,414,676 2,981,662 1,630,581 4,286,131 17,328 1,401 211,943 107,702 196,516 Indian Com, bushels. 1,750,066 1,673,670 2,032,396 1^346,490 539,201 1,936,043 17,858,400 8,759,704 19,835,214 3,146,642 10,749,858 66,230 36,264,319 27,941,061 16,271,464 30,080,099 1,996,809 28,754,048 22,446,662 10,206,373 8,028.878 8,893,939 62,278,223 68,872,691 69,078,895 6,641,420 62,964,303 67,646,984 36,214,637 8,866,799 1,988,979 12,238 16,726 2,918 9,899 366,411 Oats, bushels. Rye, bushels. 2,181,037 102,916 973.381 18S.117 2,307,734 176,233 1,166,146 481,021 216,232 26,409 1,258,738 600,893 26,652,814 4,148,182 3,378,0M 1,256,578 21,538,166 4,806,160 804,618 8,066 2,242,151 226.014 8,134 6,509 10,179,144 468,9.30 4,052,078 229,663 2,322,155 43,700 3,820,044 63,760 66,856 1,162 2,966,896 17,261 1,503,288 9,006 89,637 475 199,017 3,108 656,183 8,047 7,703,088 89,137 8,201,311 416,07.3 13,472,742 426,918 2,866,068 105,871 6,665,014 78,792 10,087.241 83.364 6,278,079 44,26J 1,624,346 19,916 3,414,672 81,263 30,682 125 61,214 loe 10,900 6 210 692,071,104 146,584,179 14,188,813 216,313,407 199,752,655 Kice, pounds. 17,154 6,406,868 169,930,613 88,960,691 1,076,090 2,312,252 2,719,866 4,426,349 88,203 63,179 268,854 6,688 Tobacco, pounds. 138,246 1,267.624 83,189 310 912,661 21,407,497 7,800 68,803,227 11,984,786 74,286 423,924 998,614 184,990 49,960 26,878 68,897 218,936 20,148,93r 65,601,196 10,464,449 1,246 1,044,620 841,394 17,113,784 6,041 1,268 1,000 326 70 8,407 Ginned Cotton, bales of 400 lbs. 3,947 73,845 800,901 490,091 45,131 664,429 484,292 178,737 68,072 66,344 194,532 758 Cane Sugar, hhds. of 1000 lbs. 671 1,642 2,760 8,242 388 226.001 7,361 248 284 Maple Sugar, pounds. 93,642 1,298,803 6,349,567 795,525 28 60,796 10,357,484 2,197 2,320,625 47,740 1,227,666 27,932 200 80 843 265 9,330 158,657 437,405 4,688.209 2,439,794 2,921,192 248,904 178,910 78.407 610,976 2,960 2,489,093 52,518,969 247,677 34,263,436 313,345,306 106,636, Butter, pounds. 9,243,811 6,977,056 12,137,980 8,071,370 995,670 6,498,119 79,766,094 9,487.210 39,67.8',418 1,066,308 3,800,100 14,872 11,0S9.&59 4,146;290 2,981,850 4,6J0,.559 371,498 4,008,811 4,346.234 683,069 2,344,900 1,854.239 8,139,586 9,947,523 34.449.379 7,066.878 12,881,635 12,526,/'>43 7,834.369 2.171.188 3,633,760 705 1,100 211,464 111 Cheese, pounds. 2,434,454 3,196,663 8.720.834 7,088,142 316,608 6,363,277 49,741,413 306,766 2,605,034 3,187 3,975 1,600 486,292 95,921 4,970 46,976 18,015 31,412 21,191 1,957 96,299 80,088 177,681 218,964 20,819,642 1,011,492 624.564 1,278,226 203.672 209.840 400,283 160 86,980 30,998 6,848 Wine, gallons. 724 344 659 4,686 1,013 4,219 9,172 1.811 25,590 146 1,431 663 6,408 11,058 6,880 796 10 220 407 16 99 36 92 8,093 48,207 1,064 14,066 2,997 10,663 420 113 68,065 2,363 Hay, tons. 765,889 698.864 666.163 661,807 74,818 516,131 3,728.797 435,960 1,842,970 30,159 167,956 2,279 869,098 145.063 20,926 23,449 2,510 82,P.86 12.604 26,762 8,384 3.976 74,091 113.747 1,443.142 104,934 403.230 601.962 116.925 89.066 276.1.62 2.038 2.019 373 4,816 221.249 13,838.642 65,797,896 Irish Po- tatoes, bushels. 3,436.040 4,304,919 4,951.014 3,686,384 C51.029 2,089,726 15,398.308 3,207.236 6,980.732 240.642 764.939 28,292 1,310,933 620,318 130.494 227.379 7.828 2411001 261,462 96,632 94.r45 193.832 1,007,544 1,4'.I2.4,S7 6.057.769 2,3511.897 2,083,:lS7 2,614.861 9.39.008 276.120 1,402.077 9,292 21.146 91.326 43,968 3 Sweet Po- tatoes, I bushels. 6,(529 608.016 62.172 66,443 208,993 3,497 1,813.634 6,096.709 4,337^469 6,986,428 757.228 5,475,204 4,741.795 1,4-28,4.53 1,332.168 788,149 2,777,708 998,179 187,991 1,177 201,711 167,433 836,606 6,243 879 1,000 200 CO NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES, ACCORDING TO THE CENSUS OF 1850. states. Daily Papers. W •eekly, 4c. Monthly, Ac. Aggregate. States. Daily Papers. Weekly, 4c . M onthly, 4c. Aggregate. Maine No. 4 "2 1 7 61 6 21 "i 6 16 "7 5 "i Anuu.1l cir'n 964,040 No. 44 35 31 141 14 34 329 43 284 10 68 13 67 46 32 40 10 63 60 Ann. circu'n 3,209,024 8.038,162 2,371,612 22,792,120 988,500 2.491,632 43,098,380 1,900,288 27,499,784 421,200 3,666,824 4.978.038 2,935.118 1,944:514 1,963.130 2,746,168 319,800 1,775,640 1,762,604 No. 1 3 2 48 "6 43 2 22 i "5 6 7 6 "i Ann. circu'n 30,000 29.400 24.000 1,630,000 No. 49 38 35 209 19 48 428 51 310 10 68 18 87 51 48 61 10 60 60 Circulation. 4,203,064 3,067,652 2,607.662 64,820,661 2,756,960 4,267,932 116,385,473 4,098,678 84,898,672 421,200 19,612,724 11,127,238 8,223,008 2,020,564 7,146,930 4,070,886 319,800 2,662,741 1,762,604 No. 11 '"s 9 26 3 9 8 6 ""4 6 264 Ann. circu'n 9,947,140 No. 43 84 8 38 45 211 49 97 88 49 27 3 39 "2 '"1 Ann. circu'n 2,322,684 1,296,924 377,000 2.406,884 4.178,304 14,382,134 1,737,736 3.115,738 3,790.436 2.679.660 1,600,200 136.200 1,694,242 No. 1 "4 8 24 6 1 11 2 "i "i Ann. circu'n 146,400 No. 66 34 9 50 62 261 58 107 107 61 29 7 46 '"2 ■"2 Circulation 12,410,224 New Hampshire Texas Arkansas ,. 1,296,9-24 i72;i50 40,498,444 1,768,460 1,752,800 63.928.685 2.175,360 60,416,788 "i'm.eM 2,243,684 14,286,633 1,262,300 1,163,092 1,120,640 3,380,400 377.0t)0 127,200 160,960 1,805,540 268,000 48,000 191,300 136.600 12,600 " i8,'6oO 6,640,7 .'.0 Rhode Island 6,58-2,838 23,600 8,368.400 23,040 6,982,100 80,473,407 3,247.736 4.316.S24 Pennsylvania 6,10-2,276 Delaware 6,105.600 15,806,500 C.149,198 4,992,350 140,400 Iowa 1,512,800 District of Columbia 626,000 l,063,i«6 761,200 295,600 76,060 112,200 228,600 2,668,487 North Carolina Minnesota Territory Oregon, inc. Wash, Ter. ... South Carolina 6.676,600 1,086,110 58,968 68,908 Florida 20,800 18,000 88,800 869,201 18,000 Total Mifsissippi 235,119,966 2048 170,497,034 224 20,792,988 2526 426,409,978 GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL TABLES-NO. YII. EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES, ACCORDING TO THE CENSUS OF 1850. BTATXS. tfalne New Hampshire Vermont » < Mnssacbosetts ....» Rhode Island ...„....»». Connecticut.. ...» ....' Kew York Nt;w Jersey „ IVnnsylranU — .......... Delaware. — Maryland District of Columbia ... Vlr}riuia ««. North Carolina. ». South Carolina. ». Geori^a Florida _. Alabama .«»..... Ulssiadppi...„ «... Louisiana Texaa Arkanaaa »»..... Tenneesea -. Kentuckj „.»... Ohio ■. Ulchigan ». Indiana ~ Illlnoia MiawuTl... _. Iowa Wlseondn ~. CaUfcmla Minnesota Territory..... Oregon Territory Utah Territory Naw Mexico Territory.. Total.. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 4.042 2,.'!81 2,731 3,679 416 1,666 11.580 1,479 9.061 194 907 22 2,937 2,657 724 1,261 69 1,162 782 664 849 353 2,6«7 2,234 11.661 2.714 4,823 4,054 1,570 T42 1,423 2 80,991 Teach- ers. 6,540 3,013 4,173 4,443 618 1,787 13,966 1,590 10,024 214 1,006 34 8.006 2,730 739 1,266 73 1,195 826 822 860 356 2,804 2,306 12,886 8,231 4,860 4,252 1,620 830 1,629 2 Pupils. 192.815 75,t>43 93,457 176,476 23,130 71,269 675,221 78,205 413,708 8.970 33,254 2,169 67,438 104,096 17.838 82,706 1,878 28,380 18,746 25,046 7,946 8,493 103,661 71,429 484,153 110,456 161,500 125,790 61,764 29,616 68,817 49 80 92,000 3,354,173 9,691,630 Annual ex- pense. $316,436 166.944 176.111 1,006.795 100,481 231,220 216,992 1,414,530 43,881 220,148 14,232 814,626 168,564 200,600 1S2,231 22,386 315,602 264,159 849,679 44.088 43,763 196,413 211,862 743,074 167,806 314,467 349,350 160,770 61,492 113,133 8,600 8,927 11,612 ACADEMIES A.ND PRIVATE SCHOOLS. 131 107 118 381 46 202 SS3 219 624 66 224 47 303 272 202 219 34 196 171 143 • 97 90 260 3o0 206 37 131 81 204 31 68 « 1 29 13 1 «)32 Teach- ers. 232 183 257 621 75 329 8,130 437 914 94 489 126 639 4U3 333 318 49 3S0 297 354 137 126 401 eoo 474 71 233 166 368 44 86 6 1 44 12,207 Pupils. 6,»t8 6.321 6,864 12,774 1,601 6,906 49.262 9..Vi9 23,751- 2.011 . 10,677 2,333 8,983 7,822 7,467 9,059 1,231 8,290 6,628 6,328 3.389 2,407 9,517 J2,712 15.062 1,619 6,186 4,179 8,629 1,051 2,72» 170 12 842 40 ■2C1.362 Annual in- come. $51,187 43,202 48,936 810,177 32,748 145,967 810.332 226,388 467,843 47,832 2(2,229 84,040 234.372 187 ,M8 206,439 108,983 13,089 164,166 73,717 193,077 39.384 27,937 156,842 252,617 149,392 24,947 63,520 40.488 143,171 7,980 18,798 14,270 140 W,888 2,050 COLLEGES. No. ot 8 1 6 6 1 4 18 4 21 2 11 2 12 6 8 13 ■"6 11 6 2 3 17 16 26 3 11 6 9 2 2 1 234 Pro- fessors. 21 18 80 86 11 66 174 49 125 16 91 36 73 29 43 84 "m 45 36 7 14 79 100 180 22 61 36 65 4 • 1651 Pupils. 282 273 464 1,048 ISO 738 2,673 470 8,288 lU 992 Z18 1,343 613 720 1,636 687 862 469 166 160 1,606 1,873 3,621 303 1,0G» 442 1,009 100 76 27,169 Annual in- come. $14,000 11.000 21.558 107.901 3,500 63,639 148,2&« 79.700 282,206 17.200 101.714 24.000 169,790 40,700 104,790 105,430 Total annual expenditure for uducarioual purposes. 41,265 42,400 76,250 1,000 3,100 63.607 131.461 125.792 14,000 43.350 1,1,300 79,528 2,000 4,300 1,916,628 $380,623 221,146 246.604 1,424,673 136,729 430.826 2,4.31,247 62:1,080 2,16».57« • 108.893 664,091 13!!,r2 708,787 386.912 610,879 396,644 3,1,476 621,022 370,276 619,008 84,472 74,800 425,792 1,018,258 206,763 421,337 403.138 383,469 61,472 136,229 17,870 140 24,816 13,582 16,162,000 Sotiil numlier Perrons over 2tol _. Oraen Bay —. Detroit _. Arkansas Poet ».. 8. Antonio de Bexar . Vinoennea IberrlUs Mobile Natchea............. Kaskaskia. Fort Dummer .......... Fort Loudon ».». St Loula Ban Diego ». Boonsboro' »...».. MarietU Aatnria „. Burlington ..» »„ Saint i>anl .... Salt Lake City By whom settled. English Dutch _ English English Dutch and Dance .... Swedes and Finns ... Emigta froia Maaa.« English „ Roger Wmijma. EnglUh English English •. English ....„ Spanish Spanish Eogliah Franeb French ».- Franck SpukL.- _.__.. Frandi •.»*■.■»■•. French French ....-_..._ -.... Franeh .«. _ French „ Kmlg'ts fnia Masfl...»....... Emlg'U from N. Ca.... French ..m.»..».«.»..».m.... Spanish D. Boona and aaao».. «.».... Kmlg'ts from N. K. - ■mlgta from Itastem St'a.. ■mig'ta fren Eastam gt's.. Kmlg'ta from Eastam Bt's- Mormon emlgrantir Emlg'U frt>m EaeUTn St's.. When arlopted the Constitution. June 26, 1788 July 26, 1788 February 8, 1788 June 21, 1788 December 18, 1787 .. December 7, 1787.... January 9, 1788 April 28, 1788 May 29, 1790 NoTembeT21, 1789.. May 23, 1788 December 12, 17S7 .. January 9, 1788 M'hon admitted into the Union. March 8, 1845... March 16, 1820 May 28, 1848 Januanr 28, 1837.... June 16, 1838 December 24, 1846.. Dwsamber 11, 1818.., April 8, 1812 Dasamber 14, 1819 ., Deoemher 10, 1817... Daeember 8, 1818.... Mar<)h4,17n Jona 1, 1798 _.. Angnst 10, 1821 gaptamber 7, 1850 .. June 1, 1792 NoyamW 28, 1802.. March 3, 1845.. Troops in ReToiutiou. 26,678 17,781 87,907 12,497 10,728 2,888 tl,9S« 18,912 5,908 7,188 e,41T 25,678 2,689 Memorable Erenta. Washington bom. Feb. 22, 17.11 BurRoyne surrendered, Oct. 17. 1777. Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1776. Made a aeparate Prorince by Charlea I., 1879. BatUa of Trenton, Dee. 28, 1778. Surrendered f- -^^ p.. -n-i- rnmed Delaware, 1884 Yale Coll. f I to X. Uaren, 1717. Battle of N, I ^14. State Constit . ■-- Mecklenburg' I , proclaimed May 1775. Battle of Fi'i me 28. 1776. Declaration . ■■«, July 4, 1778. Province sur - kisteee to the King^ 1752. Ceded to tU' i by Spain, 1819. Organised aj>;i .......:^. I;i60. Separated from MnitMicltusetta, 1830. Black Uawk's war, 1832. Territorial gorernment eatabltsbed, 1805. " " » iei«, Battle of San Jadnto, April 21, 1838. Baltle of Tippecanoe, Nor. 7, 1811. Battle of Naw Orleans, Jan. 8, ISltb Territorial goTamment organlaed, 1817. Southern part ceded by Spain, 1788. Territorial gOTemment wttabllshrl, 1809. Battle of Bennington. Aug. in. IVTT. Terrilnrial gOTemment esUhllKhrU, 1794, Purchased of Franee, 1808. Oold discoTered, February, 1848. Separatad from Vhrginla, 17 «e. Wayne's tnaty with the Indiana, I79L Organlnd aa a Territory, 1S48. Territorial goremmeot eatabllabcd, IML Organliad u a Tarrilory, 1849, " " 18». « " W5i • > 1854. r POrULATION or ALL THE COUNTIES IN THE UNITED STATES, IN THE YEAR I850.-No. vm. EASTERN STATES. MAINE.* 1 Arooftook 12.529 2 Cumberland 79.538 3 Franklin 20,027 4 Hancock 34.372 & Kennelicc 62.621 6 Lincoln 74.875 7 Oxford 39,763 8 I'enobscof 63,089 9 Piscataquis 14,735 10 Somerset 35,681 11 Waldo 47,230 12 Washington 38,811 13 York 60,008 Total 683,169 NEW HAMPSHIRE.* 1 Belknap 17.721 2 Carroll 20,l.-,7 3 Cheshire 30,144 4Coo« Il,h53 6 Grafton 42,313 6 Ilillslwrough ....67,478 7 .Merrimack 40,337 8 Rockingham 49,104 9 Strafford 29,.374 10 Sullivan 10,375 Total 317,976 VERMONT.* 1 Addison 26.649 2 Bennington 18,689 3 Caledonia 2.3,596 4 Chittenden 29,036 6 Kssex 4,660 6 Franklin 28,586 7 Grand We 4,145 8 Lamoille .10,872 9 Orange 27.296 10 Orleans 16.7(17 11 llutland 33,069 12 Washington .24,664 13 Windham 29,062 14 Windsor 38,320 Total 314,120 MASSACHUSETTS.* 1 Barnstable 36,276 2 Berkshire 49,591 8 Bristol .76,192 4 Dukes 4,640 5 Essex 131,300 6 Franklin .30,870 7 Hampden 61,2.S3 8 Hampshire 35,732 9 Middlesex 161.383 10 Nantucket 8,452 11 Norfolk 78,892 12 Plymouth 65,6!)7 13 Suffolk -..144,617 14 Worcester 130,789 Total 994,614 RHODE ISIAND,* 1 Bristol R.514 2 Kent l,'i,068 3 Newport 20,007 4 Providence 87,526 5 Washington 16.430 Total 147,645 CONNECTICUT.* 1 Fairfield ......59.776 2 Hartfora 69,967 3 Litchfield 45,263 4 Middlesex 27,216 6 New Haven 65.588 6 New London 61,821 7 Tolland 20,091 8 Windham 31,081 Total.. 70,792 MIDDLE STATES. NEW YORK.f 1 Albany ...93,279 2 Alleghany ....37,808 ...30,600 4 Cattaraugus . ....38,960 6 Cavuga ...65,4uS 6 Chautauque . ...60,493 7 Chemung ...28,821 8 Chenango ...40,311 9 Clinton ...40,047 10 Columbia ...43,073 11 Cortland ...25,140 13 Dutchess ...58.992 15 Kssex ...31.148 16 Franklin ...'... ...25.102 17 Fulton ...20,171 18 Genesee ...28,488 19 Greene ...33.126 2(1 Hiimilton 2,186 21 Herkimer ...38.244 22 Jefferson ...68,123 2.J Kings ..138,682 24 Lewis ...24,564 25 Livingston.... ...40,875 26 Madison ...43,072 27 .Monroe .. 87.l!60 28 Montgomery. ... 31,092 2;t .New York .... ,.615,647 .30 Niagara ...42,276 31 Oneida ...99.666 32 Onondaga ...85,890 ,33 Ontario ...4.3.929 34 Orange ...57,145 35 Orleans ...28.501 ...62.198 37 Otsego ...4.8,638 88 Putnam ....14,138 39 Queens ...36,833 40 Rensselaer 73,363 41 Richmond 16,061 42 Rockland 16,962 43 St. Lawrence 68,617 44 Saratoga 46.646 45 Schenectady 20,064 46 Schoharie 33,648 47 Seneca 25,441 48 Stcnben 63,771 49 Suffolk 36,922 50 Sullivan .25,088 51 Tioga 24,880 52 Tompkins 38.746 63 Ulster 69,384 64 Warren 17,199 55 Washington 44.750 66 Wayne 4j,953 67 Westchester 68,203 68 ^^•yoming 31,981 59 Yates .20,690 Total 3,097,391 NEWiERS 1 Atlantic 2 Itergen 3 Ulirliijgton ... 4 Cauitlen 5 Cape May 6 Cumberland. 7 Ksirex 8 Gloucester 9 Hudson 10 Hunterdou.., 11 Mercer,..,...., 12 Middlesex...., 13 Monmouth .. 14 Morris 15 Ocean 16 Passaic EY.t 8.961 ....14,726 ....43,203 ....26,422 6,433 ....17,189 ....73,950 ....14,665 ...21,822 ....28,990 ....27,992 ....28,635' ....30,313 30,168 10,032 ....22,609 17 Salem *.]9,4eT 18 Somerset 19.692 19 Sussex 22,989 20 Warren 22.368 Total 489,655 PENNSYlVANIA.t 1 Adams 2.5,981 2 Alleghany 138,290 3 Armstrong 29,500 4 Beaver 26,689 6 Bedford 2S.0o2 e Berks 77,129 7 Blair 21,777 8 Bradford .42,831 9 Bucks 66.091 10 Butler 30,346 11 Cambria 17,773 12 Carbon 15.686 13 Centre 23^355 14 Chester 68,438 15 Clarion 2.3,666 16 Clearfield 12,586 17 Clinton 11,207 18 Columbia 17,710 19 Crawford 37.840 20 Cumberland .34,327 21 Dauphin 35,754 22 Delaware 24,679 23 Klk -...3,531 24 Erie 38,742 26 Fayette 39.112 26 Franklin 39,904 27 Fulton 7,667 28 Greene 22,136 29 Huntingdon 24,786 30 Indiana 27,170 31 Jefferson 13,618 32 Juniata 13,029 33 Lancaster 98,944 34 Lawrence 21,079 36 I.ebanon 26.071 36 Lehigh 3-2.479 37 Luzerne 50.072 38 Lycoming 26,257 39 M-Kean 6,-2o4 40 Mercer ; 33.172 41 Mifllin 14,980 42 .Monroe 13.270 43 Montgomery 58,'291 44 Montour 13,239 45 Northampton. ...40.236 46 Northumberl'd..2;i.272 47 I'erry 20.088 48 Philadelphia....408.762 49 Pike 6,681 60 I'otter 6,048 61 SchuylkUl 60.713 52 Somerset -.24,416 53 Sullivan 3,694 54 Susquehanna ...28,688 66 Tioga 23,987 56 Union 26,083 67 Venango 18,310 58 Warren 13,671 69 Washington .44,939 60 Wayne "21,890 61 Westmoreland...61.7-26 62 Wyoming 10.665 63 York 57,460 SOUTHERN STATES — Continued. Total 2,311,786 DELAWARE. t 1 Kent •2-2.816 2 New Caitle .4-2,780 3 Sussex 25,936 Total 91,632 SOUTHERN STATES. MARYLAND. . 1 Alleghany....' 22.769 2 Anne Arundel...32,3a3 3 Baltimore 210,646 4 Calvert.' .9,(U6 6 Caroline 9,692 6 Carroll 20,610 7 Cecil 18.939 8 Charles 16,162 9 Dorchester 18,877 10 Frederick 40,987 11 Harford 19,356 12 Kent 11,886 13 Montgomery 15,860 14 Prince George ...21,549 ,16 Queen Anne's.. ..14.4S4 16 St. Mary's 1.3,698 17 Somerset 22.456 18 TallX)t 13.811 19 Washington 3li,S48 20 Worcester 18,859 Total 583,034 DISTRICT OF CO- LUMBIA. 1 Georgetown S.366 2 Washington 40,001 Remainder of the District 3,320 Total 51,687 VIRGINIA, 1 Accom.-iik 17,890 8 Albemarle -25,800 3 Alexandria J0,008 4 Alleghany .3,515 5 Amelia :... .9,770 6 Amherst 12.099 7 Appomattox 9,193 8 Augusta 24,010 9 Barbour 10 Bath U Bedford 12 Berkeley 13 Boone 14 Botetourt... ...9.006 ...3.420 ..2J,0«0 ..11,771 ....3,237 ..14,908 15 Braxton 4,212 16 Brooke 6,054 17 Brunswick 13,894 18 Buckingham 13,837 19 Cabell 6,299 -20 Campbell 23,245 21 Caroline 18.456 22 Carroll 6,<.I09 23 Charles City 6,-200 24 Charlotte 13.956 '25 Chesterfield 17,489 28 Clarke 7,362 27 Culpepper 12.282 28 Cumberiand 9,761 29 Dinwiddle 25.118 30 Doddridge 2,750 31 Klizabeth City.... .4,588 32 Essex 10,'20« 33 Fairfax 10,682 31 Fauquier 20,868 35 Fayette 3,956 36 Floyd 6,458 37 Fluvanna ,9,487 38 Franklin 17,430 39 Frederick 15.975 40 Giles 6,670 410Umer 3,475 42 Gloucester 10,527 43 Goochland 10,362 44 Grayson 6,677 45 Greenbrier 10,0'22 46 Greene 4,400 47 Greenville 6,639 48 Halifax 26,962 49 Hampshire 14,036 50 Hancock 4,080 61 Hanover 16,153 62 Hardy 9,643 63 Harrison 11,728 54 Henrico 43,572 65 Henry 8,872 56 lliahland .4,2-.7 67 Isle of Wight 9,353 68 Jackson 6.644 59 James City 4.0'20 60 J.lferson 15,357 61 KauaVha 15,.363 62 Kiig George 6.971 63 King W illiam 8,779 61 King andQu'n.lO,319 65 Lancaster 4,708 66 Lee 10,267 67 Lewis 10.031 68 Logan 3,620 69 London '22,079 70 Louisa 16.691 71 Lunenburg 11,692 72 Madison 9,331 73 Marion 10.652 74 Marshall 10.138 75 Mason 7.639 76 Matthews 6,714 77 Mecklenburgh 20,630 78 Mercer 4,222 79 Middlesex 4.3(14 80 Monongalia 12.387. 81 Monroe 10,'204 82 Montgomery ....8,369 83 Morgan 3,657 84 Nansemond ....12,2S3 86 Nelson 1-2,758 80 New Kent 6,064 87 Nicholas 3.963 88 Norfolk 33,036 89 Northampton ...7,498 90 Northumberl'd..7,346 91 Nottoway 8,437 92 Ohio 18,006 93 Orange 10,067 94 Page 7,600 95 Patrick 9,609 »6 Pendleton 6.795 97 l>ittj!ylvania....28,796 98 Pocahontas 3,698 99 Powhatan 8,178 100 Preston 11,708 101 I'rince Edward 11,857 102 Prince George. ..7,596 103 Prince ^Villiam..8,129 104 Princess Anne...7,669 106 Pulaski 5,118 106 Putnam 5.335 107 Raleigh 1,766 105 Randolph 6,243 109 Rappahannock..9.782 110 Richmond 6.448 111 Ritchie 3.902 112 Roanoke 8,477 113 Rockbridge ...„16,046 114 Rockingham ...20,294 115 Russell 11.919 116 Scott 9,8-29 117 Shenandoah ...13,768 118 Smythe 8.162 li9 Southampton ..13,521 120 Spottsvlvauia...l4.9Il 121 Stafford 8,044 122 Surry .6,679 123 Sussex 9,820 124 Taylor .6,367 1-25 Taiewell 9,942 126 Tyler 6,498 127 Warren 6,607 128 Warwick 1,646 129 Washington ....14,612 130 Wayne 4,760 131 Westmoreland...8,080 132 Wetzel 4,'284 133 Wirt 3,353 134 Wood 9,450 136 Wyoming 1,045 138 Wythe 1'2,024 137 York 4.460 Total 1,421,001 NORTH CAROLINA. 1 Alamance 11,441 2 Alexander 6,220 3 Anson 13,479 4 Aslio 8,777 6 Beanfort 13,816 6 Bertie 12,861 7 Bladen 9,767 8 Brunswick 7,272 9 Buncombe .13,4'26 10 Burke 7,772 11 Cabarras 9,747 12 Caldwell 6,317 13 Camden 6.049 14 Carteret 6.939 16 Caswell 16,'269 16 Catawba 8,862 17 Chatham 18,449 18 Cherokee 3,386 19 Chowan 10,174 20 Cleveland 10,396 In States thus marked, ♦, liie Counties ere subdivided into Towns; thu.s, t, into Townships: thus, J, into Hundreds. Sumter District S. C, is divided into Clarendon and Clermont Counties; the respective population of which is not given by the Census. 21 Columbus 6,909 22 Craven 14,709 23 Cumberland 20,610 24 Currituck 7,'230 25 Davidson 15,320 26 Davie 7,866 27 Duplin 13,514 28 Kdgecomb 17,189 29 Forsyth 11.158 £0 Franklin 11.713 31 Gaston 8,013 32 Gates 8,428 33 Granville 21,249 34 Greene 6,619 35 Guilford 19,764 36 Halifax 16,589 37 Haywood 7,074 38 Henderson 6,853 39 Hertford 8.142 40 Hyde '. 7,636 41 Iredell. 14.719 42 Johnson 13,726 43 Jones 6,038 44 Lenoir 7,828 45 Lincoln 7-,748 40 McDowell 6.246 47 Macon 6,389 48 Martin 8.307 49 Mecklenb'rgh....l3,914 60 Montgomery 6,872 61 Moore 9,.342 62 Nash 10,657 63 New llanover....l7,668 64 Northampton... .13,336 66 Onslow 8,'283 66 Orange 17,055 67 Pasquotank 8,950 58 Perquimans 7,3.32 .59 Person 10,781 60 Pitt 13,397 61 Randolph 16,832 62 Richmond 9;8I8 63 Robeson 1-2.826 64 Rockingham ....14,496 65 Rowan 13,870 6b Rutherford 13,660 67 Sampson 14,686 68 Stanly 6,9-22 69 Stokes 9,206 70 Surry 18,413 7) Tyrrel 6,133 72 Union 10,051 73 Wake 24,888 74 Warren 13.912 75 Washington 5,664 76 Watauga 3,400 77 Wayne 13,486 78 Wilkea 12,099 79 Yancey 8,206 Total 809,039 SOUTH CAROLINA. DISTRICTS. 1 AbbeviRe 32,318 2 Anderson 21,475 3 Barnwell 20,008 4 Beaufort 38.806 6 Charleston 72,805 6 Chester 18,038 7 Chesterfield 10,790 8 Colleton .39,,506 9 Dariington 16,830 10 FMgefield 39,262 11 Fairfield 21,404 12 Georgetown 20,647 13 Greenville -20,1.56 14 Horry 7,646 15 Kershaw 14,473 16 Lancaster 10,988 17 Laurens 23,407 18 Lexington 1-2,930 19 Marion 17.407 20 Marlborough 10,789 21 Newberry 20,143 22 Orangeburg 23,582 23 Pickens 16,904 24 Richland 20,243 25 Spartansburg ...26,400 26 Sumter 33,-2-20 27 Union 19,862 28 Williamsburg....l2,447 29 York 19,433 Total 668,607 GEORGIA. 1 Appling 2.!>49 2 Baker 8.120 3 Baldwin 8,148 4 Bibb. 12,699 6 Bryan 3,424 6 Bullock 4,300 7 Burke. .16,100 8 Butts 6,488 9 Camden 6,319 10 CampbeU .7 ,'232 11 Carroll 9,367 12 Cass 13,300 13 Chatham 23,901 14 Chattooga 6,S15 16 Cherokee 12,800 16 Clarke 11,119 17 Clinch 637 18 Cobb 13,843 19 Columbia 11.961 20 Coweta 1.3,635 21 Crawford 8,964 22 Dade 2.680 23 Decatur 8.-2e2 De Kalb 14.328 Dooly 8.361 Early 7,246 Kfflngham 3,864 Klbert 1-2.969 Kmannel 4,577 Fayette 8,709 Floyd 8,206 Forsyth 8,8« Franklin 11,613 Gilmer ,.«,440 Glynn _..4,933 Gordon ,..6,984 Greene 13,068 Gwinnett 11,267 Habersham -.8,895 Hall 8,713 Hancock 11,678 Harris 14,721 Heard 6,923 Henry 14,7'26 Houston 16,460 Irwin 3.3.34 Jackson 9,768 Jasper 11,488 Jefferson 10,'224 Jones .9,131 Laurens 6,442 Lee 6,660 Liberty ,..7,9'26 Lincoln 6,998 Lowndes 7.714 Lumpkin 8,955 M'Intosh 6,0-27 Macon 7,052 Madison 5,703 Marion 10,280 Meriwether 16,476 Monroe 16,985 Montgomery '2,154 Morgan 10,744 Murray 14,433 Muscogee 18,578 Newton 13.296 Oglethorpe 1'2.259 Paulding .7,039 Pike 14,306 Pulaski 6,6'27 I'utnam 10.794 Rabun 2,448 Randolph 12,868 Richmond 16,'246 Scriven 6,847 Stewart 16.0'27 Sumter 10,3'22 Talbot 10,534 Taliaferro 6.146 Tatnall 3,'2-27 Telfair 3,0'26 Thomas 10,103 Troup 16,879 Twiggs 8,179 Union 7,234 Upson 9,4'24 Walker 13,109 Walton 10,821 Ware 3,888 Warren 12,425 Washington 11,766 Wayne 1,409 Wilkes 1'2,107 Wilkinson 8.-296 Total 906,186 FLORIDA. 1 Alachua 2,524 2 Benton 926 3 Calhoun 1,377 4 Columbia 4,808 SDade 159 6 Duval 4,539 7 Escambia 4,351 8 Franklin 1 561 9 Gadsden 8,784 10 Hamilton 2,611 11 Hillsboro 2,377 12Uohue8 1,-205 13 Jackson 8,639 14 Jefferson 7,718 15 Leon 11,442 16 Levy 486 17 .Madison 6,490 18 Marion J,338 19 Monroe 2,645 20 Nassau 2,164 21 Orange 466 22 I'utnam 687 23 St. John 2,525 24 St. Lucie 139 29 Santa Rosa 2.883 26 Wakulla 1,955 27 Walton 1,817 28 Washington 1.950 Total 87,445 ALABAM 1 Autauga 2 Baldwin 3 Barbour 4 Benton 6 Bibb 6 Blount 7 Rutler 8 Chambers... 9 Cherokee.... 10 Choctaw 11 Clarke 12 Coffee 13 Coneeuh A. ....16.023 4,414 ....23,632 ....17,163 9,969 .7,367 ... 10,836 ....23,900 ....13.884 8,389 9.788 6,940 , 9,322 14 Coosa 14,.543 16 Covington 3,645 16 Dale 6.382 17 Dallas 29,727 18 De Kalb 8.245 19 Fayette 9,681 20 Franklin. ■:..19,610 21 Greene 31,441 22 Hancock ,_...1,542 38 Henry 9,019 24 Jackson 14,088 26 Jefferson 8,989 26 Lauderdale.. 17,172 27 Lawrence 16,258 28 Limestone 16,483 29 lx>wndes 21.915 30 Macon 1.... 26,898 31 Madison 26,427 32 Marengo 27.831 33 Marion 7.8.33 34 Marshall 8,846 35 Mobile 27,600 36 Monroe 1-2,013 37 Montgomery 29.711 38 Morgan 10,125 39 Perry '2-2.-285 40 Pickens 21.512 41 Pike 16.'.l20 42 Randolph 11,681 43 Russell 19,648 44 St. Clair 6,8-29 46 Shelby 9.538 46 Sumter ....22,260 47 Talladega 18,624 48 Tallapoosa 16,684 49 Tuscaloosa ...^...18.056 50 Walker 5,124 61 -Washington 2.713 62 Wilcox 17,362 ToUl 771,823 MISSISSIPPI. Adams 18,601 Amite 9,694 Attala 10,991 Bolivar 2,677 Carroll 18,491 Chicka.saw 10,369 Choctaw 11,403 Claiborne 14,941 Clarke 5,477 Coahoma 2.780 Copiah 11.794 Covington 3,338 De Soto 19.042 I'ranklin 5,904 Greene '2.018 Hancock 3,672 Harrison 4,876 Hinds 26,340 Holmes 13,9*28 Issaquena 4,478 Itawamba 13,628 Jackson 3,196 Ja.«per 8,184 Jefferson 13,193 Jones 2,164 Kemper 12.617 Iji Fayette .14,069 Lauderdale .8.717 Lawrence 6,478 Leake 6,633 Lowndes 19,544 Madison .18,173 .Marion 4.410 Marshall 29,689 Monroe 21,172 Neshoba 4,728 Newton 4,4tJ5 Noxuba 16,299 Oktibbeha 9,171 Panola 11,444 Perry 2.438 "ike 7,300 Pontotoc 17,112 Rankin 7,227 Scolt .3.961 Simpson 4,734 Smith 4.071 Sun Flower 1,102 Tallahatchie 4.643 Tippah 20,741 Tishomingo 15,490 Tunica 1,314 Warren 18.120 Washington 8,389 Wayne 2,892 WUkinson 16,914 Winston 7,956 Yalobusha 17,-268 Yazoo 14,418 Total 606,6-26 LOUISIANA. PABISHES. 1 Ascen.sion 10,762 2 Assumption 10,638 3 Avoyelles 9,326 4 Bienville 5.6.39 6 Bossier 6,962 e Caddo 8,884 7 Calcasieu 3.914 8 Caldwell ■2,Sib 9CnrroR .8,789 10 Catahoula 7,132 11 Claiborne 7,471 12 Concordia 7,768 13 De Soto 8,023 14 E. Baton Kouge.11.977 16 East Feliciana... 13,598 16 Franklin 3,-2,51 17 Iberville 12 2"S 18 Jackson 5.66« | 19 Jefferson .'26.093 , 20 Lafayette 6,7'20 i 21 Ufourche 9,532 22 Livingston 3,385 •23Madi.son 8.773 24 Morehouse 3,013 26 Natchitoches 14,228 26 Orleans 119,4i}0 27 IMaquerolnes 7,390 28 Point Coupee. ...Il,3.-i9 29 Rapides 16.561 30 Sabine 4.515 31 St. Bernard 3,802 32 St. Charles 5,120 33 St. Helena 4,561 34 St. James 11,098 35 St. John Bapti3t..7,317 36 St. Landry -22,-253 '. 37 St. Martin's 11,761 | 38 St. Mary 13,697 j 39 St. Tammany 6,364 '■ 40 Tensas 9,040 41 Terre Bonne 7,724 42 Union 8,203 43 Vermillion 3,409 44 Washita 6,008 45 Washington 3,408 46 W. Baton Rouge 6,270 47 West Feliciana. ..l3,245 Total 517,762 TEXAS. 1 Anderson 2,884 2 Angelina 1,185 3 Austin 3,841 4 Bastrop 3,099 6 Bexar 6,062 6 Bowie 2,912 7 Brazoria 4,841 8 Brazos 614 9 Burleson .1.713 10 Caldwell 1,S'29 11 Calhoun 1,110 12 Cameron. 13 Starr, and 14 Webb 8,541 15 Cass _..4,991 16 Cherokee .?...6,673 17 Collin 1,960 18 ColorSilo 2,-267 19 Comal 1,728 20 Cook -."-20 21DaIla.« 2,743 22 Denton 041 23 Do Witt 1,716 24 ElUs 989 26 Fannin .3,788 26 Fayette 3,766 27 Fort Bend 2,633 28 Galveston 4,629 •29 Gaudalupe 1,511 30aiRespie 1,240 31 Goliad 648 32 Gonzales 1,492 33 Grayson 2,008 34 Grimes. 4.008 35 Harris 4,688 38 Harrison 11,822 37 Hays 387 38 Henderson 1.237 39 Hopkins 2,6'23 40 Houston 2,7'21 41 Ilunt..« 1,520 42 Jackson 996 43 Jasper .« 1,767 44 Jefferson 1,838 45 Kaufman 1,047 46 Lamar 3.978 47 Lavacca 1,571 48 Leon 1,946 49 Liberty 2,622 60 Limestone 2,008 61 Matagorda 2,124 52 .Medina 909 53 Milam 2,907 54 Montgomery 2,384 65 Nacogdoches 6,193 56 Navarro 2.190 57 Newton 1,689 68 Nueces 698 69 Panola 3,871 60 Polk 2,348 61 Red River 3,91)6 62 Rifugio 288 63 Robertson 934 64Rufk 8,148 66 Sabine 2,498 66 San Augustine ...3,648 67 San Patricio 200 68 Shelby 4,239 69 Smith 4,292 70 Tarrant 664 71 Titus 3,636 72 Travis 3,138 73 Tyler 1,.^94 74 Upshur 3,394 76 Vanzandt, 1,348 76 Victoria 2,019 77 -Walker 3,964 78 Wa.'^hiogton 6,983 79 A\ barton 1,752 80 Williamson l,;,i,8 Total 212,.592 POPULATION OF ALL THE COUNTIES IN THE UNITED STATES.- Continued. No. IX. WESTERN STATES. OHIO. I 1 Muni. 1S^83 2 Alien 12,109 3 Aahland. il,'l:l I A«htabal« «8.7(T7 6 Athens l«.-il5 6 Auglaize 1M';S 7 Bdinont ^4.600 8 Brown •.■7,:a2 8 Butler 30,789 10 Carroll 17.6-5 11 Cbunpaign 19,782 12 Clark 22,178 13 Clermont »J.4S5 UCliuittn 1S.63S K Co1nmbiana...._33,e.3 Vi C shncton ,26,671 IT Crawford 18,177 IS Cnjahoga ..48,099 13 Darke .20,276 2.) Defiinoe -.6,»«a 21 iMiawan 21,817 22 Krie ...-.18,568 23 Fairfield a),2»« 21 Fayette. 12,728 25 FranUio. «2.909 S6 Fulton .7,781 27 CaJlla 17,ii6:i » Grtoga -....17,827 29 Greene 21,946 30 Ouomney 30.438 31 Ilamlltoo ^56,841 3 J Hancock 10.761 3^i Hardin .8.251 31 Harrison 20,167 50 Henry A-»* 86 Highland 2.i.7Kl 87 Hacking 14,110 K Holmw- ^1.452 »9 Huron 20,20 i 40 Jackaon. 12,719 41 Jefferson. 29,111 42 Knol 28,872 4:1 Uke 14,654 44 Ijiwrenoe 15.241 45 Licking 38,»46 4« Logan 1;».162 47 I^rain „ 26,0^6 43 Lucaa. 12.31-3 4.1 Madiaon 10.015 W Mahoning .23.736 51 Marion 12.t>18 52 M,!4lna 24,441 53 Meiss. J7.971 54 Mrrcer 7,712 56 Miami .24,999 » Monroe -28,351 t7 Montgonierx.....S><,218 68 Morgan -28,58.i 69 Marrow .20,280 to .Muakingum 4.'>.a49 61 Ottawa A30S S2 Paulding 1,766 83 Ferry .20,775 64 Pickaway 21,006 66 Pike _ 10,953 66 Portage .!U,4I9 67 Prebl*. .21,7-36 «8Pntnam — 7,221 (S Kieblaud. 30.879 70 KoM 32.074 71 ^anduaky - 14.305 72 iVioto -....18,428 73 Seneca 27,104 74 .Shelby 13,958 76 Siurk .. 7'> oummit , .89,878 ..i!7,485 77 Trnmbull aOAVO 78 Tuiwarawaa 31.761 79Cnion 12.204 fO Van Wert 4,793 81 Vinton ..._ -.9.343 82 Warren .25,660 83 Waahlngton .....29.540 S* Wayne 86 Wllliaau..... 86 W>4>d 87 Wyandott.-. ...32.961 —.8.018 .-.9,167 .-11.194 Total 1,«80;!29 UllNOIS 1 Adama 2 Alexander 8 Bond _ 4 Boona 6 Brown ABurean —... 1 Calboon 8 Carroll »Ca»a 10 Ohampalgn .. 11 Cbriatias 12 aark* -.. 13 Clay 14 Clintna. 15 Cul«a .— .26.608 ...14a ...9.632 ,_.4,2K« -.6,18* .-»,aM 16 Cook 43,385 17 Crawford .7.136 18 Cumberland. .3,718 I9DeKalb -.7.640 20 De Witt. 6.002 21 On Page. 9.2^ 22 Edgar ...._». 10.892 23 KdwanU _ 3,624 24 MBbgham 3.799 25 Fayette 8,078 26 Franklin .6,681 27 Fnlton.- 22,508 28 0allatin 5.448 29 Greene 12.420 3) Grundy 3.023 31 Hamilton..- 6,362 32 Hancock U4,662 33 Hardin -.2^ 34 Hendenon A*12 35 Henry 3.807 36 Iroquoia 4,149 87 Jackaon 5,862 38 Jaapar- 3.220 SS Jeflenon- 8,10J 40 Jersey 7,354 41 Jo DarieM. .18,e04 42 Johnson 4,114 43 Kane 16,703 44 KendaU 7.730 45 Knox 13.279 46 Lake 14,226 47 La Salle .17,815 48 Lawrence. 6,121 49 Lee 5,-292 50 Uvingston 1,552 51 Logan A128 52 M'Donough 7,616 53 MHenry 14,978 .V4 M'Lean 10,163 55 Macon 3,988 56 Macoupin 12,^5 67 Madison 20.441 68 .Marion 6720 59 MarshaU 5.180 60 JIa..on 6,921 61 .Maraac _.-4,0'.«2 02 Menard 6.349 63 Mercer - 6.2V) 64 Monroe 7,679 65 Montgomery 6.277 60 Morgan 16,064 67 Moultrie ...3,234 68 Ogle 10,020 69 Peoria 17A17 70 Perry ....: 6,278 71 PiaU 1,606 72 Pike 18.819 73 Pope. 3,976 74 Puhuki 2.2f4 76 Putnam 3.924 76 Randolph 11,079 77 nichland 4.012 78 Itock Island 6,937 79 St. Clair .20,180 80 Saline. 6,688 81 Sangamon 19,228 82 Schuyler 10,673 S3Soott 7.914 84 Shelby 7,807 86 Stark 3.710 86 Stephenson 11.666 87 Tazewell 12,052 88 Union .7,616 89 TermilUon 11.492 »0 Wabash 4,600 91 Warren 8.176 92 Washington 6.953 9.1 Wayne. 6,826 94 White 8.925 95 W hllesidea 6,-Wl 96 Will 16,703 97 Williamson 7,216 9S Winnebago 11,773 99 Woodford. 4,416 21 Chri-tian 19,880 22 Clarke 12,683 23 Clay - 6,421 24 Clinton 4,889 26 Crittenden 6,361 26 Cumberland 7,006 27 Datiea« „12.362 28 Edmooaon 4,uSS 29 BstiU A985 80 Fayette 22,735 31 Fleming -.13,914 32 Floyd 5,714 33 FrankUn ._ 12.412 34 Fulton 4.446 36 Gallatin 6.137 36 Garrard -10.237 37 Grant 6 631 38 Grarea 11.3'.i7 39 OraysoB 6,s37 40 Greene ....9.060 41 Greenup 0,054 42 Hancock 3,853 43 Hardin.- 14,525 44 Harlan 4.268 45 Harrison 13.064 46 Hart _ 9,093 47 Henderson 12.171 48 Henry 11.442 49 Hickman. 4.791 60 Hopkins. Ii441 51 Jefferson 69.S31 62 Jessamine. .10,249 53 Johnson -3,873 64 Kenton 17.038 65 Knox - 7.O0O 66 La Kne 5,859 67 Laurel 4.145 58 Lawrenca 6,281 69 Utclier 2,512 60 Lewis 7,202 61 Lincoln 10,093 62 Liringston 6,678 63 Locan -.-16,681 64 M-Cracken 6,067 66 Madison 15,727 66 Marlon 11,765 67 MarshaU-. .5,269 6$ Mason 18,344 69 Meade 7,393 70 Mercer ..- 14.067 71 Monroe 7,76i> 72 Montgomery 9,003 73 .Morgan 7,620 74 .Mublenburgh ....9.809 76 Nelson 14,789 76 Nicholas 10,301 77 Ohio 9,749 78 Oldham 7,629 79 Owen 10,444 80 Owsley _ 3,774 81 Pendleton 6,774 82 Perry. 3,092 83 nke 6,365 84 Pulaski 14,195 85 Hock CasUe 4,697 86KnsseU 6,349 87 Scott 14,946 88 Shelby _ -..17,096 89 Simpson 7,733 90 Spencer 6,842 91 Taylor 7,250 92 Todd 12,268 93 Tripg 10,1-29 94 Trimble 6,963 95 Union 9,012 96 Warren 15,123 97 Washington 1-2.194 98 Wayne 8,692 99 Whitley 7,447 100 W oodtord 12,423 Total .982,406 Total 851,470 KENTUCKV. 1 Adair 9,898 2 Allen -...8,742 3 Anderson. 6,260 4 Ballard - 5,496 6 Barren - 20,240 6 Bath 12,116 7 Boone _1I,186 8 Bourbon -...14,466 9 Boyle _ 0,116 10 Bracken 8.003 11 Breathitt 3,7S5 12 BreckeniWge ....10.693 15 Bullitt. 6.774 14 Butler 6,766 16 OaldweU 13,046 16 CalUway 8,096 17 Campbell 13,127 18CarroU 5,626 19 Carter - 6.241 lUCaaay 6,t4« TENNESS 1 Anderson 2 Bedford. 3 Benton 4 Bledsoe 6 Blount 6 Bradley 7 Campbell 8 Cannon-^..... 9 Carroll . 10 Carter 11 Claiborne 12 Cocke 13 Ooffes 14 Da'idaon 15 Decatur ..— . 16 Dc Kalb 17 Dirksoo .... 18 Dyer 19 Fayette 20 Fentress ... 21 Franklin . 22aib«OB...-. UUUaa 24 Gmger -12.370 26 Greene 17,824 26 Grundy .2.773 27 Hamilton 10,076 28 Hancock 5,660 29 Ilardiman. 17.466 30 Banlin 10,3-28 31 Ii»wkina 13,370 92 Haywood .17,260 33 Henderson 13,164 34 Uenry .18.233 35 Ilickman O.Si? 36 Humphreys Mil 37 Jackson .16,1:73 38 Jefferson J3,2a4 39 Johnson .3.705 40 Knox 18,807 41 Landerdale 5,1>:'9 42 Lawrence .9,280 43 Lewis .4,438 44 Lincoln 2:i,492 45 M-Minn 13,906 46M'Nairy 12.864 47 Macon 6,948 48 Madison .21,470 49 Marion 6.314 60 Marshall 1,S616 51 Maury .29.5-20 62 Meigs 4,679 53 .Monroe 11,874 54 Montgomery ....21,045 55 Morgan 3,430 56 Obion.. _ 7.633 67 Overton .. 11.211 68 Perry ^821 69 Polk 6,338 60 Rhea 4,415 01 Roane -1A185 62 Robertson 16,145 63 Rutherford 29.122 64 Scott 1,906 66 SeTier 6,920 66 Shelby ni,167 67 Smith _18,412 68 Stewart .9,719 69 SuUiTan 11,742 70 Sumner .2-2,717 71 Tipton 8,887 72 Van Buren 2,674 73 Warren 10,179 74 Washington 13,861 75 Wayne .8,170 76 Weakley .14.608 77 White 11,444 78 Williamson 27,201 79 WUson 27,443 EE. 6,938 ...21,511 — 6^16 (,M8 ...12,424 ..„I2,25» . 6,068 ... .Jl,982 ...16,967 6,296 ......9,360 8,300 8,351 ^003 8,016 . .8,404 .6,361 ....26,719 4,464 ....13,7(-« 19,548 26,949 Total 1,002,717 MICHIGAN. 1 Allegan 6,125 2 Barry 6.072 3 Berrien 11.417 4 Branch 12.472 6 Calhoun -19.162 6 Cass 10,907 7 Chippewa 898 8 Clinton 5.102 9 Eaton 7,068 10 Genesee 12.a31 11 Hillsdale 16.159 12 Houghton 708 13 Huron 210 14 Ingham 8,631 15 Ionia 7,597 16 JacKson 19.431 17 Kalamaioo 13,179 18 Kent 1-2,016 19 Upeer 7.029 20 Lenawee 26^172 21 LiTingston 13,485 22 Macomb 15,530 23 Marquette 136 24-45 Micbilliffiackl- nac and '21 unor- ganized Conntiefl..3,598 46 Mason 93 47 Midland 66 48 Monroe .14.i-«8 49 Montcalm 891 SONewago 610 61 Oakland .SI.-.IO 62 Ocean* 300 63 Ontonagon 389 64 Ottawa .6.687 66 Saginaw 2,009 66 Sanilac 2,112 67 St. Clair 10,420 68 St. Joseph 12,7-26 69 Schoolcraft 16 60 Shiawassee ~6,23a 61 Tuscola 291 62 Van Duren .1.800 (.3 Washtenaw 28,567 64 Wajme **,7W Total-. _a»T,6M WESTERN STATES — Continued. QiwnoiB.— Wbleh Stale has the greatest number of counUesr Which the lewtt Which of the B«rUT« nombij Which the leartl Of the MMdIe SUteat -."outhern? West. eS«Uowm«^coSn5«rb«yoar own BtMe? What b the popnlation of «be ««uity In which yon INDIANA. 1 Adams 5.797 2 Alien 16.919 3 Bartholomew....l2.423 4 Bi'nton .1.144 6 Blackford 2,860 6 Boone II.60I 7 Brown 4.846 8 Carroll 11,015 9 Cass 11,0-21 10 Clark 15.828 11 Clay 7.944 12 Clinton 11.869 13 Crawford 6,624 14 Dariess 10.:ii2 16 Dearborn 2oa06 16 Decatur 16,107 17 De Kalb 8,251 18 Delaware 10,843 I9DuboU 6.3-21 20 Elkhart 12.690 21 Fayette 10,217 22 Floyd 14,875 23 Fountain 13,263 24 Franklin 17,968 25 Fulton 5,082 26 Giheon 10,771 27 Grant 11,092 28 Greene 1-2,313 29 HamUton 12.684 30 Hancock -9,698 31 Harrison 15,-286 32 Hendricks .14,083 33 Henry 17.605 34 Howard 6,667 36 Huntington 7,850 86 Jackson .11,047 37 Jasper 3,540 38 Jay 7,047 39 Jefferson 23,916 40 Jennings 12,096 41 Johnson 1-2,101 42 Knox 11,084 43 Kosciusko 10,-243 44 Lagrange 8,387 45 Lake 3,991 46 Laporto .12,146 47 Lawrence 12,097 48 Madison 1-2,370 49 Marion 24,103 60 Marshall 5,348 61 Martin 6,941 62 Miami 11,304 63 Monroe 11,286 64 Montgomery ....18,084 66 Morgan 14,676 66 Noble .7,946 67 Ohio 6,308 68 Orange 10,809 69 Owen 12,106 60 Parke .14,968 61 Perry .7,268 62 Pike 7,720 63 Porter 6,-234 64 Posey 12,549 66 Pulaski .2,695 66 Putnam ..18,615 67 Randolph 14,726 68 Kipley 14,820 69 Rush -16,445 70 St. Joseph M*054 71 Scott i.6,886 72 Shelby a6,602 73 Spencer.-- -8,616 74 Stark 867 75 Steuben 6,104 70 SulliTan 10,141 77 Switlerland 12.932 78 Tippecanoe 19,377 79 Tipton 3,632 80 Duion 6,944 81 Vanderburgh ...11.414 82 VcrmilUon 8,661 83 Vigo 16,-289 84 Wabash 12,138 85 Warren -7.387 86 Warwick 8,811 87 Washington .....17,040 88 Wayne ......2!),320 89 WelU 6,152 90 White 4,761 91 WhiUey 6,190 Total 988,416 MISSOURI 1 Adair .2.342 a Andrew 9,433 8 Atchison 1,078 4 Audrain S,60« 6 Barry 3,4«7 6 Bates A6«» 7 Beni«n 6,016 8 Boone -14579 9 Buchanan .12,975 10 BuUer -1,616 11 Caldwell 2,316 12 Callaway 13.827 13 CamJen 2,338 14 Cape Girardeau 13.912 15 Carroll .6,441 16 Cass .6.090 17 Cedar 3.361 18 Chariton .liSti 19 Clarke 6.52f 20 aay -10,332 21 Clinton .3,786 22 Cole 6,696 23 Cooper .12,950 24 Crawford 6.397 25 Dade 4,246 26 Dallas. 8,64S 27 Dariess .6.298 28 Do Kalb .2,076 29 Dodge 376 30 DunkUn .1,2-29 31 Franklin 11,021 32 Gasconade 4.996 33 Gentry .4.248 34 Greene 1-2,785 86 OrundT .3,006 36 HarHSon .2,447 37 Henry 4,062 38 Hickory 2,329 39 Holt A957 40 Howard .13,969 41 Jackson .14,000 42 Jasper 4,2-23 43 Jefferson .6,9-28 44 Johnson .7,464 45 Knox .2,894 46 Laclede .2,498 47 Lafayette. 13,690 48 Lawrence 4.869 49 Lewis .-.^78 60 Uncoln .9,421 61 Linn 4,068 62 Livingston 4,247 63 M-Donald 2,236 64 Macon 6,565 65 Madison 0,003 66 Marion 12.2:M 67 Mercer 2,691 68 MiUcr 3,834 69 Mississippi 3.1-23 60 Moniteau 6,004 OlMonroe lO.iill 62 Montgomery 6,489 63 Morgan .4.660 64 New Madrid 6,541 65 Newton 4.268 66 Nodaway 2,118 67 Oregon 1,432 68 Osage 6,704 09 Ozark 2,294 70 Perry .7,216 71 Pettis 6,150 72 Pike 13.609 73 Platte. 16,845 74 Polk 6,186 75 Pulaski 3,998 76 Putnam 1.636 77 Ralls 6,llil 78 Randolph .9,439 79 Kay •10,373 80 Reynolds 1,849 SI Ripley 2.830 82 St. Charles 11,4.>I 83 St Clair 3,586 84 St Francois *'.'-i 86 St Genevieve 6..'J13 86 8t Louis lOI'.'VS 87 ,«alina 8.81:1 88 Schuyler 3,2S7 89 Scotland 3,782 90 Scott S.182 91 Shannon 1.199 »2 Shelby 4,-253 93 Stoddard 4,-.'77 94 Sullivan 2.9S3 95 Taney —....4.373 96 Texas ^^ 97 Warren .6,860 98 Washington 8,811 99 WaVne 4,618 190 Wright .3.387 Total 68-2,044 ARKAN 1 Arkansas . 2 Ashley 8 Benton 4 Bradley .... 6 Carroll 6 Chicot I Clark 8 Conway 9 Crawford... 10 Criltendon, 11 Dallas 12 Desha 13 Draw SAS. 3,245 .2,058 8,710 S,R-29 4,614 6,116 4,070 A68S -7,960 2,648 6,877 2,911 Xflit 14 FrankUn 3,972 15 Fulton 1,819 10 Greene 2.593 17 llempstesd .7,672 18 Hot Springs .3,609 19 Independence ....7,767 20 Iiard J,213 21 Jackson 3,086 22 Jefferson -&|834 23 Johnson 5,227 24 Le&yette -6,220 26 Lawrence A274 28 Madison .4.823 27 Marion -2,308 '28 .Missis.S 81 Winnebago. 10,167 Total 304,391 IOWA. 1 AIIemaki.e 2 Appanuuee 3 Benton 4 Black Hawk.... 6 Donne 6 Bucttauan 7 Cedar 8 Clark 9 Clayton 10 Clinton 11 Dallas 12 Davis 13 Decatur 14 Delaware. 16 Des Moines 16 Dubuque 17 Fayette 18 Fremont 19 Henry 20 low* 21 Jackson 22 Jasper 23 JefferaOB 24 Johnson 26 Jonee.- 26 Keokuk 27 I1 2 Bio Anl« lO.lf.8 tSanU Anna -4.''>45 4S*nUFe — 5,713 6 Sen Miguel 7.074 9T*oa !'■'■"' 7 Valencia U^»9 Tbta; f^MJ ^^-InT^rurhTvra^uJiLuTf^'^:-"^^^^^^^^ than 60,0001 ^m. tne HcwcM yet rvi cwu < N?l xSTEBJi HKMISPHEi^ •^ I of m> la j o ^j»gio lajo -i-to uto ' ! P 'PJi Ni E^ \%\, E Sa^aiib rT¥ in*,. MV-f ^^/^ RECENT ANTARCTIC D7SrO\T:RIES. UsTii the vear 1819, no land wa,, Imown to exist to iiie southward of the 60th deg. of somh latitude. In that year. South Shet- land, in llRl South Orkney, in 1831 En- drrbys Land, in the year foUowing-Gxaham's Land, and in 1839 Sabrina Land, and the Balleny Islands, were all discovered hy Brit- ish navigators. In 1821. the islands of Alexander L. and P«er I., were discovered hy the Russians. In August 1838, the U. S. Exploring Ex- pedition, consisting of the Vine eunes, Pea- cocV, and some smaller vessels, under the command of Lietitenant Chajdes Wilkes, saOed&omNorlblk. On the 19th of Janu- ary. 1840, a continent, situate about 2.000 niBes south of Australia, was discovered hy the expediti(m, and explored for a distance of 1.700 miles from East to West, com- MAP of the "^^ EASTERN & WESTERN* HEMISPHERES. prisin|f the greatest extent of land yet dis- covered in this quarter. On the same day, a pait of the same coast was seen by Com- modore D'Urville, with the French Explo- ring Corvettes. Astrolabe and Zelee. In 1841. Captain J. C. Boss, command- ing the British ships Eiebns and Terror, discovered and explored a line of coast, ex- tending southward to within 830 miles of the South Pole, being the nearest approach yet made to that point of the glohe. All these regions are barren and desolate, and without inhabitants : the land is nil the time covered with ice and snow, and the coasts are for the most part bordered with vast masses of ice. Mount Erebus, near the most southern point reached by Capt. Ross, is an active Tblcano, 12.400 ieethigh. Mount Terror, in the vicinity, is 12.000 feet, and Treeman's Peak, in one of the BallenT Islands, is about the same altitude. . .,^^„.. .. 'o? won.'^m. V* v. MAP nft*%^ritni 7/ n 13*1 IM U9 IW £I< i: lU Mitt KIT Kv:. 10.1 101 ^^^^^ fcS^ ■ > -^^^^-T- r- T^=-- t-^ ' * - ' ^ *^^' - T ^ R R I ^r<,/*« / B A S I I' . I. r^ '4 ..< 4 it H/Z f A ft <_IJE J -V .v ^ A^ 1 .f-sK^iii^Q, ( » li a]il>ie^ //I 1 aftijuJrairf»", ^ M»6 MAPOFTHt GOLD REGION i ^-O VV tS SaIuUI. *'■" >l« ItHfH.t V*tt,t M/? Cb\l ■■"-^.^ ■■-. ^1, W^iAucamj/t^ Z l^/'.'.Ma.ii. 'lii-., %tOH, K! Inder] X:. Oul^ S^hrtthoty ifiMChJ \ flsUnt'T]; yA &'?'rf To thfA'wt^i*.36oom. ■'HAi^S'A-.E^ JKFF ERSOX C ITr^ nuitmy /^i "■»>^»=« «ii«H wrt« J'R T Hl^ 6 Tl«l^ - lO_ ^p -^^^ / I ^.Tb JJerFHiida .oopratfftf 'Alv-xai^dna'^ ■^Wootiyill.- 3"^ >• TvU'-) 'JS Maiks ? 4700 wuto.\ ■•■■•la ■»<;■, *'«!^„. r-c i N?5 yi'iS'iuiivifdit Y If 3Soo ma$t.\ '4. \ L>JllJi|y!J) ^JLAl^j) En^Tavpd to Illustrate 1 MITCHIilXS School and Fdinily Gemfraj)hy. 'i^> EXFLANATIOIT. The Capitaik oi' Countries are rejireiientrd Am* -^C- v\of .States ® K^ Roads ^.— ..- C ands . The figon-es attached to Ae Cities and Towns indicartp ti\e number of thousands of the population lh(i-s Newlbrk 516 signifies &16.O00 inhabitanU Tlw ii^ures.attajched toAeRiwrsindJcateflienumbw oi hundreds ofmiles.crf' their length of conrse.thus ■ftH" Mississippi River 41,8iyjaifies -floomfles long. Thts? characters ^ +* i signify steam boitit.ship.and slo(<[>iiavi^Htiim Ote diiitance of^«hicli tirorn thr sea iuiuilcK igjiointedoutbythe amusEed 'fi?iuvs The wuitJK tmdersrured are ftic names of htdjan Tribet HI l..>]ii;iUi>l<> Iji; VVVsl fiDm 1^ Knslii»i:,ion vi,\ Srigraveti by VMiUinms \^^1 m 9a 'S .o 'W Lr ' / I- '- a^ Loii^ >r --?]llj«. CARBOIJ. »' ^KP,fAT-' -^ .- Ral tlZ 'iitWiiotf^ i'jkir,. iCpK^VNTVl s/ .<• PurAi- O-uiOah I. A v»Kk nl\r, F. "A jfj- (tly-'^ — A: 1 ;n-*iJ3»m*^- — !B*fl. -/-*»i..r>^^' "^ V :i^'«»«rto|^ rrMtii : "'^l VHEMPSTE.*] rFutt »#' fi ^:' ? ''^/V<"''^'>Li.i_jJO, ^''Tift J , i/^ ( 1; >31)..ri»Ju* \V' ».^^,Aill<">. 1 "c-ji^-"'"" - ^^ i y ^ «r^i ,X..1A1'tA«'Ci CsdiawbaQ • lUfrmt in thr vnir /^tM /n i.Auffiijtn. >n.rri! '"'""" "■^' ■■'"■■ ■• ' ' " ' i-iirinthrK'Mirrii^tirlnt^nn^ih.iiu.i tfi'st 80 irinn Grcenwicb 85 w ^ l-i^- U.---J^'^;^-.-^--:r: .INiCOL^ Bwrsaice\'inf .,M O O RE I^OKKiv^ t^' '■■■■rovNs^i.iagtitjprti ?i..!><: 'V. u y ^ k^ !<^/ V > ■ J i^ ^ Marian a (_ 'V(:t " <'apeS9' DIL^WAREV ^ )),T ,_ , ^- »jtft • • • -.,i^ Mqurii*' Peila S i(2^; *.: \..M. " (S» muffs ('jtr.^0 /:cA< kI •■ / r.-— "^ — B P w« !,*■.•«.• ^ " LISTCi-N S.l *OAr:BA&<) to t» a»anii i> h' ^ — Hg — - -^ — ■^'~*S'~^ — ** ■•■' " c>i - Svc ens ^ I ^V; HERS* ^'sSIl. >411P''SONr^;^_; : C- /^^<^2^^ wyav^.w ^.1 1.;.... ^^ E K >vOsk41oo»a SBECCIUK , , . e H E N a ^' ^; J, J6 4 — «j — i_ Ahrorjrf' '■y ^S*-! E LLO; 6NKT? ' ^ • J * hoa f\£as»ul S "q<)j b.«! Foil "i. ^If- NewBitda ''■f ;-"-* Haytoiil^ ^^r ten l/!-..<-j^,>f\ \j^J-^-s' lUijUai* i Jv'JBlf ' 5J a til I^Y"sj£j/^fr^ : ^ -a -3l»'">W>i Vhiiii«<,h..n ■ * >., :!)AVlKls^\e"7 ^_i , * "^ '-'he SCOTT- .• •• "^^J'n^^ '''ijk::|'«- ■ .:Vi' 1l*ACC t^^tcyme \ AXZA S Aj^^f^^ 'Tna? , O j MORGAN j tir. jCliiitioii,!,*, .: 7 Tmcii. I TERl '^' ^ — P^^ . b9> It- r ^ .1..- . I «A'Y ANjck AWVy/il " T, J ■1IW«TWK\* 1^- L»1-*., T '■*' -'ijauil^Ir?? J. V ^. :>i""" i'l^v ; I I"'" c^ Vrr -;S^^..^^ ■^ewta^e-^- i.t^ ^^ i I. <£ 'SSf'a'; '5 ii;.vy?i i--^^%^^/v^'i>'^^ - ^eajianl don ■-. oP^V*' i^/W'^'^'jSI r'jTjlcrslniry : V : t *Jt.^ '—if. a .■■■ ■CRAWFORI*: .. ^_ ^ LMarl fevjlli- SPERRY ■•4V<3 S^\-J ,;i.shing-toii ijo '""l' > V ^1 ^ . I- ■=/&*?■ ^O I '!» ^* "** from GreenMifii .ViO 1-- -\._^ W^j^^r^rj 1 VARJBBj- I To \t}ir 0, .4fi, ■•: ' ■'• J^^ / \ Vanii C.B1. ~ Vi-T.-l-s ^ 'tflS^ Map oi' the ' \j- ISTHMUSofDARIEN Sfn'nuit/ tin- rtJi/tf 1)1 the RAILROAD from *!*"' ASPINWALL TO PANAMA. ■^ Bqtiatoror Egumpctial I jne '. i^, ^^ 1'-* ■* '>oo(> f tales. \ FtviiiPuitama to Vatparviso 3£Oo miles 5 ^ From OdU vt Xn*' Soudi - ^tiiet SaoomUfs . X^ixoAa 'iit-y<^\ , heo^^''^^U Saints ^ forto Sejniro Zand first jaSifrvCahral/JW Will ^^ Cobi^a or ^Kioto de Ift^l /#'' PnomSfazd tothrW.Oaast ofAirica 3400 rurles. / J ^v,\\ QuiUo'' jTy»>i ^iW to Hrw Zmlmid S8^m . 2 ^nufua\ to die N?19 Miyp OF Jiatlfol%oo(i Hrfh ^,, ;^\^ ._ J^H/seiuiaiioh- j 'twua to Ki/i Jiif men's 11400 niHes. — *- Chon^s .^rclripc.t:' I'eiringulaoJ'lresMomos; ., 1..'' '■ i\ of S". Gcor^ vj onif of rpjias ■'*a : ^JCJii'^W^'^"'^ 'f?riJ!>esirr \ Queen Add aidpji \ Strait L "T3L0 3 Lon^tude W? st 1 > fyprn Adnffonia toKerguMens ?'y~.AorlS-'h,li<,n \l-and.6ioo-mila. ► / y.t* hundreda of miles of tlieir lenp^th of course, thus the Amay.on.Kivei-36.sij;nifies3600iniles long-. These ciuirarters +^ i sij^nify ship and the Rivws iudiciitc ihe uiuuhei' ofimndredsof luilPK of theirleii^hof coltt-Jie diiiR ^e Severn Kiver 2 signifies uoo miles lou^-. Keniarkable Ivattlea are pointed otii lj>"aflag;thusF die artadied iipires iudicatf dvp ^^ariuwUiditho- to to 75 nuies >ade. •lerhead ^"\"^'"y"toV,eVestI,uli N f'"mh-t/„ -"■"'"^■'■^"'t'-'fW^^tfo N J!sn!il«fi^< LoDX'itude East fit>m WashingUiu ,w,'l Tn'\Tisp Iltf: ftS 6:9 7I6 Emerrd accordinf}^* .^tt<»ffonffrfss in thf\-mr, S.Augustus .HUcMl , in Thf ^^^^ofTue oT'thr district itHWt (^'ihe €4i.<^ern (Usthei-i^'Knnsylvm 1 1» Iaiu^MiuU- East I _> m-iu Uui-jiwuii IS"?23 MAP OF GERiyiANY, SWIM^iyPI AND Engraved to Illusti-atc School and Family Qography. Scak-ofXiles. ' <0 M 100 SWEDE T I C K GERMAN STATES . Entft'iv VimiHt KmtfiiiMtL Hfrliii KiiufdiJtit Mitmch Jurtffdivn J/wifvrr Oraudlkuity totisniitf Eleftenae Suites IjVustna « 2 IVunsia * 3 Ba>-aria 1 WrtpjiUipri 6 SaxHiiV- 8 llrKS«> Ca&5et '5 ZII^'^^,_ ■■\\>^ ^ •s^'-^ f» llejiip (l»mtsiadt Grand Duchy ii^rmsUu/i H) Hesse Ww\\i»r'^» Ltmiiqnni^f Utonltirtf II Hob!triii^T.«. _ Durfiy. _ _ h7f/ \2 l.iiXEmbiirg (7rwiit Ihuity Liixniittirrt 13 SaxpVeiinar ^ Crand Dttcky JUrinuu US^vXv roburg;Gotfia _/>?«Av _ Cotfm 1j Sa.\L> -UlPnbiir^ liuchy _ "__ Attruhtni Iti Savi' VtiiUD^ftiHiUnir^auseni/ ..KW///>i<;m IT Hmn-iwidi Bitdty Hn.uAitk t-lnihiirg Sdiwtin orDutfty Stiiwmn kliaiJmrj^ ShvIuji i>J)uchv Srv XirHUX :.!.l.i(rg-« onrndfludiv Ohlrnltuyf l\ .Nassau Duciiy ' WLH-^Htm 2",' Anlialt Dcksmh /)iiMy._^_ Drssmt 23AnhHlt Ilemburg /»i«yry_ __. Brridnirii i^lAiihah Cotheii ...Duchy -Cotltfu ^r.RfiissGreius- . Pn'ruifHtUry. . tirrin JjRtiiss Schlt'iiz . I'riiicttHiiay_ Ltn the F.- Greatest length 6S0miies. CrraUlt ' tridth 620 niila AreA 245 OOO st/uare rnt/es. Fopulntiofi 41.200,OVO. ?^ ■^ 1 ^^-A...-. n.'ttiiK-n ^^^ * VLirj^iiittf. A, 'X! TIh- (.~H|iilitU nf r«mninr« lur r^iirco-uicl itniN # Tlw ^Vpf ('itif« rtiiw • TW liKiioH nUiM-bnt ii> ill'- riiivt mh) Tlmiut InitM-Nlr tlw- tltinilHI llf ttHMIOIIIttla tri-i« u tte> »•* l*«^- I ft-iHU Witfcliiii^tnn r .- "'^v^r * ■ ^ «1 .-> "/ - -f E31 £? rl ?l| in ^; J ^ i J 2 1 ^ ^ •< S - = ■= ^ ■; r. £ J- N ,S? ,■ ."" ^ -i" 2^- .'' c3' .' (7 ■ Lie ^^J.anJii. s,. *lil* Ay 5- 5^ *. Is I ^ / I ^Pl ^ ^ii^. I J ^ u £? >! '^%i" I 5 M^m IN-*- rWs;^ » TXi»J' O J 1! r* If '"^.A. ^ "55 ■N^^ I l*<^*.i 3' m J. H :t s n a X r A H I s *l t & \^ 1 u, 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is dae on the last dace stamped below, or oa the date to which renewed. Renewals ontr: Tel. No. 642-3405 Renewals mar be made 4 dajrs prior to date due, I Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 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