HV 250 C14R81 Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN 1 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES BULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CAMBRIDGE ROYAL ALBERT BENEVOLENT SOCIETY, FOR DECAYED TRADESMEN AND OTHERS. ESTABLISHED, MARCH, 1846. Revised July, 1899. Crf Ml # 1921312 RULES. 1. That this society be called the Cambridge Royal Albert Benevolent Society. That the object society CtS ° f °f ^is society shall be to provide an Asylum for the aged and infirm poor members, by means of the voluntary subscriptions and donations of members and all persons desirous of promoting such benevolent object. 2. That the officers of this society shall consist of a _ President, Four Vice-Presidents, who shall have Officers. ; been subscribers for ten years or upwards or given a donation of £10, Trustees, Treasurer, Secretary, Collector, three Auditors, and eighteen Directors. Such officers (excepting the Auditors) shall form a committee, in whom shall be vested the direction and management of the affairs of the society ; five to form a quorum. 3. That the Directors and Auditors shall be chosen at the Appoint- general annual meeting, and the Directors shall meat of enter into their offices at the following meeting ; Ofticsrs the other officers of the society shall continue in office during good behaviour. One third of the Directors and Auditors shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re- election. Vacancies occurring in any office by death, resignation, incapacity, or removal, shall be filled up at the next general annual meeting, except vacancies in the offices of Treasurer, Secretary and Collector, which shall be filled up by the com- mittee subject to confirmation at the next general annual or special general meeting. 4 RULES. 4. That the President shall regulate the proceedings of the societ}?-, preserve order, decide all disputed President. . , . , c points, and convene special meetings in cases of emergency. All questions shall be decided by a majority, and in the event of an equality of votes, the President shall have a casting vote. 5. That the Vice-Presidents, according to seniority, shall, vice-Presi- m the absence of the President, act in his stead, dents, and be vested with all his powers and privileges. 6. That the Treasurer shall keep a regular account of all sums of money received and paid by him, and Trc3.sui*6r disburse the same in such a manner as the committee shall, from time to time, direct and shall produce his accounts and vouchers to the Auditors, to be audited when required. 7. That the Secretary shall be provided with the necessary books of account and all other matters required for the proper discharge of his duties ; he shall attend all general and committee meetings, take minutes, and register the proceedings, give due notice by circular or otherwise of every meeting, to all persons entitled to be present, and of the business intended to be transacted; he shall produce at every monthly meeting all recommendations for candidates, all books, accounts, and papers, and report all communications relative to the society which he may have made or received since the last meeting, and shall send a voting paper to every subscriber fourteen days previous to any election; and shall also transact such of the society's business as is generally required of thai officer; and he shall receive such remuneration for his sen ices as the committee shall, from time to time, think just, and reasonable. rules. a 8. That the Collector shall collect and receive all the subscriptions and donations of the members, and shall be provided with a printed book of receipts, ; L i k1 shall not receive an)' subscription or donation without giving a printed receipt for the same; and shall, from time to time, pay all moneys received into the hands of the Treasurer, and take his receipt for the same, and shall, on no account, retain in his hands more than £10 for fourteen days, on pain of dismissal; and shall give an account in writing of all his receipts, and leave the same and his book and the Treasurer's receipts with the Secretary two clear days before every monthly meeting, in order that the same may be examined, and the balance in his hand ascertained. He shall be allowed £5 per cent, on all annual subscriptions, and an annual remuneration of £5. 5s. Od. in lieu of commission on donations, produce of concerts, legacies, or dividends on Government or other securities, or from any other source whatever ; and he shall give such security for the faithful discharge of his duties as they shall require. 9. That the Auditors, or the major part of them, shall meet at the society's Board room on some day fixed by them before each general annual meeting, for the purpose of auditing the Treasurer's accounts for the past year. 10. That all demands upon this society shall be laid before the committee, and, if allowed, an order for Accounts 11 payment thereof shall be signed by three of the committee, and countersigned by the Secretary. 11. That the general annual meeting shall be held in the month of March, to receive the annual report from General the committee, declare election of candidates (if annual meeting ... and elections, any) and to transact the general business oi the society. 1—3 b RULES. That the Committee be required to forward to each sub- scriber by post or otherwise at least seven days before the annual meeting, a report as to the condition of the society together with the accounts duly audited, and also a notice of the day, place and time for holding the annual meeting, at which such report is to be presented. In case of any vacancy by death, resignation, expulsion or removal of any inmate, such vacancy may be tilled up by an election at any time, to be held at the discretion of the com- mittee, the result of which shall be declared at a special general meeting to be convened for that purpose. 12. That the committee shall meet once in every three months, at the hour of eight in the evening, or Meetings. oftener if considered expedient by the Secretary or by three members of the committee, for the purpose of transacting the business of the society ; and they shall be empowered to call special general meetings whenever they may deem it necessary, or whenever thereunto required by the requisition of twenty members, giving ten days' notice previous to such meeting by circular or otherwise. 13. That all persons, whether male or female, of whatever age, rank, profession, trade, business, or occupation, and wheresoever residing, shall be eligible to be admitted members of this society, upon payment of the sum of five shillings or upwards in advance and shall continue members so long as such sums shall be paid annually. 14. That every member subscribing five shillings annually shall have one vote at all elections of candidates votes" 1 * 56 ™ f° r * ne benefits of this society during the year, and an extra vote for every additional subscription of five shillings. A donation of .CI shall entitle the donor to <»ne vote for all elections lor three years; of C2 to one vote for all elections tor sis years; of £5 to .me vote at all elections for life; of .€10 to two votes for life, and so on in proportion, / RULES. 7 whether such donation be paid at one time or at various times. Any person presenting any article or articles of the value of £5 or upwards (which shall be accepted by the society), or performing labour or services of that value, shall be entitled to the same vote as a donor of £5. No person shall be allowed to vote at any election unless he or she has been a subscriber three months previously and has paid his or her subscription. Candidates who have been subscribers shall be allowed one vote for each five shillings they have paid to the funds of the society, for ten years immediately preceding an election, and two votes for each five shillings paid annually beyond that period, and donors of £10 who are candidates shall be allowed two votes each year since such donation and an additional vote for each further donation of £5, for their own use at their first candidature. Where husband and wife are sub- scribers, and one dies, the survivor shall be entitled to the same votes as both had whilst living. The voting for candidates shall be by voting papers. 15. That the votes given at the next election to unsuccessful Votes of candidates shall be carried to their credit at iwt unsuccessful uu , rc |,] UU1 t,wo subsequent elections, candidates. ^ 16. That the funds, or such part thereof as shall not be required for the immediate or current purposes of this society, shall, from time to time, be invested by the committee in the names of the Trustees, in the public funds, or in Government or real securities, at interest, as shall be deemed most advantageous ; but no such investment shall be made, altered, or varied without the consent of a special meeting of the committee duly convened for that purpose. 17. That in order to provide comfortable residences for the recipients of the benefits of this society, the committee shall be empowered at any time, and from time to time, at their discretion, to lay out the whole, or any part of the funds, in the purchase of any freehold building ground, situate within two miles of Great Saint Mary's Church, 8 RULES. Cambridge, and in the erection of suitable houses thereon, or in the purchase of any suitable houses situate within such distance ; or in the hiring of any suitable houses situate within such distance, for such period, at such rent, and upon such terms and conditions as shall be thought advisable. All contracts and conveyances shall be entered into and made in the names of the Trustees; and in order to enable the committee to complete any such purchases, or to erect, or complete any such houses, the Trustees, or a majority of them, shall be empowered to raise money by mortgage of the land and houses or other property of the society, as the committee shall deem necessary and direct. But no such purchase, mortgage, or hiring, shall be effected unless at a special meeting of the committee duty convened for any of such purposes. 18. That every member who has been admitted ten consecu- tive years b}^ the payment of his or her annual sub- scription, or a donation of £10, and has attained the age of 60 years, or who, at an earlier age, has become entirely and permanently incapacitated from following his or her profession, trade, business, or employment (such incapacity not being caused by any act of such member contrary to law or to any rule of this society), and also those unsuccessful candidates at the election in March, 1899, shall be eligible to become candidates for the benefit of this society. 19. That all persons desirous of becoming candidates for the benefits of this society, shall (after a vacancy has been declared by the committee), on application to the Secretary, receive a printed form, which the candidate is required to fill up and return to the Secretary six weeks before the day of election, accompanied by testimonials as to character, circum- stances, &c, and by the recommendation of six subscribers at least; and the applicants shall (unless prevented by bodily infirmity, or otherwise) personally attend at the next monthly meeting, when they shall be informed of their eligibility or rejection. No subscriber's recommendation shall be received unless In' or she has paid his or her subscription. The RULES. y committee shall from time to time determine how many candidates shall be chosen at each election, and cause the names of the same to be inserted in the voting papers, with a brief statement of their respective ages and afflictions. The committee have the power of declaring any intended candidate ineligible who personally, or in any other way, solicits any subscriber's vote before that time. That canvassing by a candidate, either personally or by any person on his or her behalf, shall disqualify such candidate. Canvassing by post- card or circular only shall be permitted. The committee have the power to disqualify any candidate who infringes this Rule. 20. That every person shall have a residence rent-free, and such sum per annum as the committee shall society?** ° f decide having regard to the position of the funds of the society, payable by four quarterly payments, and two tons of coals per annum, to be delivered free of expense, at such times and in such quantities as the committee shall from time to time order, and also such augmentation as is pro- vided for under the will of the late Mr Reynolds. (See Note.) 21. That no male person shall be eligible to become a candidate if his income is fourteen shillings per week, or if married the joint income of his wife and himself is eighteen shillings per week, nor shall he continue to receive the benefits of the society if at any time after his election he should be proved to be permanently in receipt of fourteen shillings or upwards per week, and no female shall be eligible to become a candidate if her income is nine shillings per week, nor shall she continue to receive such benefits if at any time after her election she should be proved to be permanently in receipt of nine shillings or upwards per week. Note to Rule 20. — "To pay to each of the inmates the sum of four shillings per week in augmentation of the stipend which shall for the time being be paid to them out of the general funds of the society, and to provide each inmate with four pounds of beef, one pound each of plums, currants, and suet, and two quarts of ale, as a dinner for Christmas Day. 10 RULES. 22. That in the event of any male inmate of the Asylum dying leaving a widow unprovided for, and also if of inmates. an 7 ma ^ e or female who may have married after his or her election should die leaving a survivor, the committee on consideration of the circumstances may con- tinue to such widow or survivor, the whole or part of the benefits of the society, at their discretion, until the next general meeting, when the same shall be finally decided. 23. That if any person receiving the benefits of this society shall be charged with any act of vice or Offences. immorality, or a breach of any of the rules, or in any way misconducting him or herself, the party so charged shall be summoned before the committee to answer the charge against him or her, and upon proof thereof to their satisfaction, the committee shall be empowered to suspend or expel the offender, or otherwise deal with the case as they may deem expedient. 24. That in order to obtain the peaceable possession of the society's premises occupied by any member of the As to posses- . , , . ii,i i • sion after society, on his or her death, expulsion, suspension, death, &c. of or re moval, every member elected to a residence Inmates. J . . in the asylum, before entering into possession, shall sign a memorandum in writing, in such form as the committee shall think proper, acknowledging that he or she has been elected to reside therein, to hold the same of the trustees as a tenant on sufferance, and agreeing to quit and deliver up the immediate possession thereof whenever thereunto required by the trustees, or a majority of them. 25. That no rule, order, or regulation of this society be altered, amended, or rescinded, except at the New Rules. , ... . ■. , general annual meeting, or at a special general meeting called for thai purpose. The committee, however, shall have power to make bye-laws for their own guidance, but they shall no1 affeel the spirit or character of the general rules. RULES. 1 1 26. This society shall not be dissolved, nor shall any alteration be made in regard to the purposes for of^ocSty 1011 which it is established, without the unanimous consent in writing of the members for the time being. 27. That this society being purely philanthropic, prohibits the introduction of political or religious topics on all occasions. Cambridge : Printed at the University Press, CAMBKIDGE iloiial %lbtti ^ifntbolfiit Socictir's ASYLUM. ESTABLISHED 1846. LIST OF SUBSCEIBEES. REVISED, FEBRUARY, 1901. OFFICERS 1900. President: Mr Thos. Nichols Vice-Presidents: Mr E. H. Parker Mr C. Stretten Mr A. W. Smith Mr W. H. Hattersley Trustees: Mr James Foster Mr C. Stretten Mr W. H. Jarrold Mr F. W. Talbot Mr W. E. Lilley Treasurer: Auditors: Mr H. Whybro Mr A. Matthew Mr J. B. Bird Mr A. Mason Mr D. J. Scott Mr W. Vail Mr F. T. Evans Mi' B. Diver Mr R. Peters Mr T. F. Holmes Ml- T. Ill'N'NYBUN Mr F Si ssum Directors: Retire at Annual Meeting in 1901 Retire at Annual Meeting J Mr C. Mortlock Mr F. SCRUBY Mr T. Watts Mr J. Vail Mr .). MOUEL in 1902 | Mr W. Tom. Retire at Annual Meeting in 1903 Mr 11. Johnson Mr (). Papwortii Mr J. Yeomans Secretary : Mr E. PETERS, 7, Downing Street Collector: Mr A. E. K utter, 104, Tenison Road FORM OF BEQUEST. / give and bequeath to the Treasurer for the time being of "The Royal Albert Benevolent Society for Decayed Tradesmen and others," established in Cambridge in the year 1846, the sum of £ to be applied to the purposes of that Society, as the Committee thereof for the time being shall deem expedient, which sum shall be paid within mouths after my decease, out of such part of my personal estate as may lawfully be appropriated to charitable purposes, and for which the receipt of such Treasurer shall be a sufficient discharge. 1—2 LIST OF MEMBERS. Votes for Donations marked have ceased by lapse of time, in accordance with Rule 14. Abbs, Mrs H. E., 178, East Road ... Abbs, Mr J., 8, Jesus Terrace A. E., per Mr A. W. Smith Adams, Mr, Brookside Alderton, Mr R., Petty Curv Alexander, Mr J., 61, Park Street Allcock, Mr W. P., Emmanuel College Allebone, Mr, Searle Cottage, 85, Norfolk Street Allen, Rev. A. J. ('., Melrose, Grange Road Allen, Mr G., 12, Bridge Street Amies, Mr E. W., St Mary's Passage Amps, Mr J. F., 53, Sidney Street Anable, Mrs M., 27, Histon Road Anningson, Dr B., Barton Road ... Ansell, Mrs H., Fitzwilliam House, Tenison Road Ansell, Miss M. A., 60, Tenison Road Apthorpe, Mr G., Station Road Apthorpe, Mr W. H., 94, Hills Road Apthorpe, Mrs M. S., Waterfield, Cherryhinton Road Archer, Mr W. E., Roseneath, Cherryhinton Road Armstrong, Mr C, Huntingdon Road Arnold, Mr F. A., 5, Rose Crescent Arnold, Mrs S. A., „ „ Arnold, Mrs Chas., 8, Abbey Street Aronowitz, Mr. I., Market Hill Askham, Mr. Newmarket Road Askwith, Rev. E. H., Selwyn Croft Austin & Co., Downing Street Austin, Mr W. M., L3, Emmanuel Street A ves, Mr C., S7, Chesterton Road Ayers, Mr J., 32, Trumpington Street Ayers, Mrs L. II., 33, Trumpington Street Ayres, Mr Frederick, 20, Bentinck Street Donations. £ s. d. (1898) *1 (1900) 1 1 Ann. Subs. £ s. d. 5 5 5 i) 5 K) 5 5 ;, 10 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 *1 5 5 10 10 5 10 5 5 1 10 5 5 5 5 5 Bailey, Mr II., Maw-son Road Banham, Mi- D., Jesus Sluice Banham, Mr 1). .1., Baythorn Grove, Essex Banham, Mr C. I''., .'57, Regenl Street Banham, Mr C. H., St John's Villa, Station Road Banham, Mr G. A., L5, Downing Street ... Banham, Mrs E., „ „ Banham, Mr W. P., 8, Brunswick Walk Banyard, Mr F., 30, East Road Barber, Mrs E., 11, Tennis Courl Road ... Barker, Mr F., Guildhall Street Barker, Miss J. H., Albert Asylum Barker, Mr C., 45, Russell Street ... Barker, Mrs C, 6, Emmanuel Street linker, Mr P., Fernleigh, Glisson Road ... Barker, Mr (1., (>, Emmanuel Street Barker, Mrs R. C., 23, Glisson Road Barker, Mr T. B., 5, Causeway Barker, Mr \\\, II, Panton Street... Barker, Mr 0., Albert Asylum Barron, Mr J., Rose Cottage, Huntingdon Road Barron, Mr R. P., 114, Tenison Road Barton, Mrs E., Albert Asylum Barton, Mr W., Albert Asylum Rates, Mr ('., 87, Norwich Street ... Bavey, Mr A., 27, Market Place ... Bayles, Mr A., 12, Mill Road Baynes, Mr R. H., Montague Road, De Freville Estate Beale, Mr I., 35, Market Place Beales, Mr B. W., Sidney Street ... Beales, Mr B. W., junr., 37, Sidney Street Beales, Mrs B. W., „ „ Beales & Co., Messrs, Market Place Beall, Messrs G. and Son, 25, Sidney Street Beart, Mrs, Godmanchester, Hunts. Beasley, Mr Harry, 28, Tenison Road Beaslcy, Miss E., 155, Gwydir Street Beaumont, Mr J., 9, Broad Street Beaumont, Mrs M. A., 9, Broad Street ... Beaumont, Mrs M., 58, Tenison Road Beddall, Mr P., 17, John Street, City Road Bedwell, Mr G. C, Holly Croft, Cavendish Avenue Bedwell, Mrs L., „ „ Beeeher, Miss A. E., Great Shelford Bell, Mr G. A., 56, Burleigh Street Bell, Mr H. W., 48a, Eden Street ... Bell, Mr J., Saffiron Walden Bell, Mr S., Albert Asylum Bell, Miss, „ M Bennett, Mr J. R., 3, Gwydir Street Benton, Mr H., St Peter's College Benton, Mrs C. C, „ „ Benton, Mr R. A., 97, Chesterton Road (1900) 1 Donations. Aim. Suits. £ 8. erby Street, Newnham Brett, Mr I-'. A., t. All Saints Passage Bridges, Mr II. T.. 1 1, Union Road Bridges, Mr J., 1U6, Russell Street js. Miss S. E., II, Trunipinutoii Street Bright, Mr ( '., 24, Burleigh Street Bright, Miss E. M., L9, Jesua Lane Broom, Mr A., 10, < Jeorge Street, < ihesterton Brown, Miss E. 'I.. 39, Clarendon Streel Brown, Miss M. A.. 1 I. Emmanuel Street Brown, Mr Barry, Pike and Eel, Chesterton Brown, Mr Ebenezer, I, King's Parade ... Brown, MrJ.C, 19, Earl Street Brownentt, Mrs Elizabeth, 20, A.bbej Road Bryan, Mr E. E., 30, Bateman Streel I nt, Mr J. B., Regent Street ... Bryant, Mr J. G., 58a, Sidney Street Bull, Mr I ■.. 5, Brunswick Terrace Bulman, Mr E., 64, Hills Road Bunnett, Mr E. W., L31, Fitzroy street Donatic ms. Ann . Subs. £ s. d. £ s. d. 5 5 5 5 1 5 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 :> 5 5 2 5 10 1 5 5 .-, 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 :, 5 5 ;, (i 5 5 (i 5 5 Burford, Mr. I., Hothfield, 14, Glisson Road Burn, Mr A. A., Greal Northern Hotel Burn, Mrs A. E., ,, ,, „ Burrows, Mr R. (.'., Parkside Bur wick, Mr l\, (;, Emmanue] Road Burwick, Mrs E., ,, „ )01 lations. Ann. Snbs. e 8. d. £ 8. d. 1 o 5 5 5 5 Caddy, Mr G. W., Albert Asylum Caddy, Mrs A., „ „ Callaby, Miss M., Midsummer Common " < '.i ml nidge Chronicle," Proprietor of ... Carnpkin, Mr A. S., Rose Crescent ( !ampkin, Miss Julia, 15, Jesus Lane Camps, Mr G. X., 28, Lyndewode Road ... ( iareless, Mrs M. A., 3, Bay Terrace, Norwich Street Careless, Mr C, 28, Broad Street Carley, Mr H., 25, Regent Street . . . Carlton, Mrs M. A., 38, Eden Street < lasbolt, Mr A. H., Elms Cottage, Bateman Street Catling, Mr .1., St Andrew's Street < iattell, Mr E. J., 51, Regent Street Cattell, Mrs E., „ „ Cawthorn, Mr W. H., 8, James Street \ 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 Donations. Ami. Subs. Chalk, Mr H. P., 11, Alexandra Street Challice, Mr F. E. B., 38, Sidney Street Channell, Mr C, 104, Histon Eoad Channell, Mrs, „ „ Chapman, Mr A., Glisson Road Chapman, Mr W., Albert Asylum Chapman, Mr H. A., 5, Trumpington Street Chapman, MrD., Porter's Lodge, Downing College Chapman, Rev. A. T., Emmanuel College Charlton, Mr C. F., 7, Alexandra Street ... Chater, Mr J., Alexandra Street ... Cherry, Miss E. V. M., 12, Portugal Street Cherry, Mrs I., Albert Asylum Child, Mr T., 12, Glisson Road Child, Mr W., 1, Maid's Causeway Christmas, Mr W. J., 42, Sidney Street Clark, Mrs S. E., 16, Downing Terrace Clark, Mrs W., 17, Tenison Road Clark, Mr J., Hazlewood, Hills Avenue ... Clark, Mrs E., ., „ „ t Clark, Mrs H., 4, Garden Cottages, Willow Place Clark, Mr G., Petty Cury Clay, Mr C. J., West House, West Road Clay, Miss M. E., „ „ „ Clay, Mr J., 3, Harvey Road Clayton, Mrs E., 9. Parkside Clayton, Mr W., 50, Bateman Street ( !obb, Mrs E. L., The Hermitage, Newnham Coo, Mr E. C, Hepburn, Chesterton Road Coe, Mr W., 51, Rhadegund Buildings Colo, Mr Bert., 67, Regent Street Colo, Mr F.j Fit/williain House, The Avenue Cole, Mr F. W., 31, City Road Cole, Mr G., 21, JJri.I-i- Street Cole, Miss M., 92, Hills Road Cole, .Miss S.. „ ,, Coleman, Mr \V. T., The Cedars, Horringer, Bury St Edmunds Collier, Mr T., 34, Norwich Street Collier, Mr W. T., 53, Panton Street Collin, Mr W. G., 105, Castle Street Collison, Mr F., 62, Si Andrew's Street ( lollison, Mrs E., ,, „ Constable, Mr C, 14, Hertford Street, Chesterton Constable, Mr J., 1. Brunswick Place ( 'oii-t jUo, M r J. Y., „ „ Cook, Mr II. s. I-:., 28, Mawson Road Cooper, Dr J. W., 59, Bateman Street ( '.".per. M rs J. \\\, ,, Cooper, Mr E. S., 11, Coronation Streel ... Coote and Warren, Messrs, St Andrew's Street ... Cope, Mr I-'. J., 109, Hills Road Cork, Mr J., 18, Petty < Jury Cory, Miss E. W., Rose Cottage, Great Shelford £ d. £ s. d. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 5 10 6 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 5 1 5 5 II 1 Cory, Rev. W. IF., Heather Bank, Stourport, Worcestershire ... ( ioulso n, Mr \V. \., I I, Magdalene Street Coulson, Mr J., 16, Melbourn Place Coulson, Mr |'. T., Sussex Street Coulson, Mr Tims., 13, Parkside ... Coulson, Mr W., 6, Church Street ( loulson, Mrs F., „ „ Coulson and Lofts, Messrs, Last Road Cowman, Mr II. S., 28, Little St Mary's Lane ... Cox, Mr H., 68, Bridge Street ... " COX, Mr II. E. T., Si,]. lev St.vet Creek, Mr .las., FulLourn ... ... doss, Mi' W. B, 3."), Glisson Load Cress, Mr W. I'.., All.ert Asylum Cross, Mi's M. S., Albert Asylum Crouch, Mr W., 65, Trumpington Street Cullum, Miss G., 10, Peas Hill Curtis, Mi- H., 11, Fitzwilliam Street Casta nee 1 , Mrs, 29, Union Road ... Donations. Ann Bubs. £ s. > DaU, Mr W., 13, Green Street Dann, Mr W., Albert Asylum 10 Dann, Mrs, „ „ Darwin, Prof. G. H., Newnham Grange *1 Davey, Mr George, 62, Park Street Davis, Mr J. S., 26, Sturton Street Dawson, Mr R. R., 75, Regent Street Day, Mrs E., 11, Glisson Road Deck, Mr A. A., 48, St Andrew's Street Deck, Miss E. A., „ „ Deck, Mr Aid., King's Parade *1 Deighton, Mr F., 47 Hills Road Delph, Mr W., Market Hill Dempster, Mr J., Selwyn College Dent, Mr R, W., 98, King Street Dewberry, Mr F., 2, Emmanuel Road Dewberry, Mr G., 44, Sidney Street Dewberry, Mr H. W., „ „ Dickerson, Mrs S., Albert Asylum Dickerson, Mr W. E., 58, Eden Street Diver, Mr B., Sidney Street Diver, Mrs C, 40, Lyndewode Road Dixon, Mr A. P., 9, Market Street Dixon, Mr Chas., 6, Downing Street Dobbs, Mr W., Middleton Cottage, Newnham ... Dobson, .Miss Kate, 13, Regent Terrace Dobson, Miss S., „ ,, Dodd, Mrs L. S., 1, Wheeler Street Doll>\\ Mrs S., Silver Street Doo, Mr J., 24, Green Street Dyball, Mr R. W., 207, Chesterton Road s. d. 5 5 5 5 5 ."> 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 •"> 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 11 Eaden, Mr H., De Freville Avenue, Chesterton . Edmunds, Mr R., Garden Walk Edwards, Miss A. A., Fern Cottage, Marshall Road Edwards, Mr EL, 27, Emery Streei Edwards, Mr A. R., St Mary's Villa, Station Road Edwards, .Miss S., 23, Malcolm Street Ekin, Mrs.!., Heathfield, Parkside Ellis, Mr C. H., 5, Parker Street ... Ellis, Mr A. T., Enveruglas House, Parkside Ellis, Mr W., 4, St Edward's Passage ... Ellis, Miss J., „ „ Ellis, MrsS., 73, Hills Road (2nd Donation, 1897) Ellis, Mr H. W., 3, Park Terrace ... Ellison, Mr C. W., 5, Petty Cury Else, Mr J. T., 3, King's Parade ... Else, Mrs J. F., „ „ Evans, Mr F. T., 11, Brunswick Walk ... Evans, Mrs L. M., „ „ Donations. Ann . Subs. .£ «. d. d i fi s. d. r> o 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 '. *i i o 5 *1 1 5 5 5 5 10 5 Fabb, Mr J. A., Guildhall Street Farthing, Mr E. J., Stanley Villa, Grosvenor Road, Gunnersbury Favell, Mr G. P., 85, Castle Street Fawcett, Mr W. M., Scroope Terrace Fawssett, Mr W., 67, St Andrew's Street Featherstonhaugh, Miss A. E., 239, Newmarket Road Feeney, Mr J., The Moat, Buckweli, near Coventry Field, Mr E., 30, Hills Road Fisher, Mrs W. E., 36, King's Street Fisher, Mr E. S., Deneholme, Lyndewode Road . . . Fitzgerald, Sir R. U. Penrose, M. P. ... (1896) *1 Flack, Miss E. H., Chesterton Road Flack, Mr H. D., 9, Bridge Street Flack, Mr D. B., 9, Bridge Street Flack & Judge, Messrs, St Andrew's Street Flack, Mr R G, 293, London Road, Lowestoft ... Flack, Mr Walter, 9, Bridge Street Flanders, Mr H., Mill Road Flanders, Mrs E. L., „ 5 5 5 5 10 5 1 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 1 5 5 .") 5 1—6 12 Fletcher, Mrs C, Albert Asylum Fletcher, Mr G., 80, Newmarket Road ... Fletcher, Mrs W., Albert Asylum Folkard, Mrs A. M., Sunnydene, Page Heath, Bickley (189"; Fordham, Mr F. E., 8, North Terrace Foster, Mr J., University Boat House Foster, Mr J. E., 30, Petty Cury Fox, Mrs, 5, Holmesdaie Road, Sevenoaks, Kent Fox, Mr J. H., 55, Hills Road Francis, Mrs E., Bentley House, Gwydir Street Francis, Mrs J., Regent Terrace ... Francis, Mr T. Musgrave, 17, Emmanuel Street Francis, Miss C. J., 61, Bridge Street Francis, Miss S. J., Master's Lodge, Clare College Freeman, Mrs M. A., 7, Sussex Street Freeman, Mr R. F., 13, Brunswick Walk French, Mrs M., 26, Portugal Place French, Mr J., 100, Castle Street French, Mr F. W., 9, St Andrew's Hill Fuller, Mr W., 75, Burleigh Street Fvnn, Mr T. C., Kilmeny, Tenison Avenue Donations. Ann Subs. £ s. d. £ s. d. 5 5 5 *1 1 1 1 5 5 1 10 5 5 5 1 1 1 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 Gamlen, Mr E. lb, 25, Petty Cury George, Mr lb <>., 5, Downing Terrace ... Gibson, Mr B., Salisbury Villas, Station loud Gibson, Mr W., L6, Magdalene Street (Jinn, Mr I''.. 6, I.;, adewode Road Goody, Mrs. I. s., 52, Rhadegund Buildings < loody, Mi- E. b. S., „ „ Q ly, Mr G. VV., I, Brunswick Place ... Gorst, Sir .1. lb, M.P., The Close, Huntingdon Road 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 III * • * It) 13 Grain, Miss S., 34, S< Andrew's street ... < ; t . 1 1 1. 1 v irnet, Mr 'I'., 17, King's Parade ... Graves, Mr l\, 70, Regenl Street Gray, Mr G. W., 5, .Mill Road II. .1., Roslyn, St, Barnabas Road .1. I'., Station II' >ad J. P., jun., 34, Trinity Street ... W. W., t, Bene't Street Gray, Mrs T., II, Emmanuel lioad Greet', Mr H. E., St Andrew's Terrace ... Greef, Mrs L., 4, Kind's I'arade Green, Mr J. M., 182, East Road Griffin, Mr James, 4, Elm Terrace, Panton Street Donations. Ann. Sul)s. £ s. d. 2 s. '/. Gray, Mi Gray, Mr -s A., King's Parade ... Haslop, Miss E., Albert Asylum ... Hastie, Mr T., Craiglee, Chesterton Road Eattersley, Mr W. II., Camden House Hattersley, Mr G. W., 5, Trinity Street 5 5 5 5 Ki 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 6 .. 100 1 10 14 Donations. Ann. Subs. Hawkes, Mr R. C, Fletcher's Terrace, Argyle Street Hawkins, Mr G. P., Fitzroy Street Hawkins, Mr Thos., 1 1 2, King's Street Hay ward, Mr D., 55, Eegent Street Hay ward, Mr S., 65, Norwich Street Hay ward, Mr S. T., Cricketers, Melbourn Place Headley, Mr E. J., 58, Mawson Road Hefter, Mr H., Crickholme, De Freville Avenue Hewish, Mr E. G., 14, King's Parade Heycock, Mr C. T., 24, Fitzwilliam Street Hillier, Mrs S. A., 8, Market Street Hills, Mr H., Cambridge Street, Godmanchester Hills, Mr James, Stella House, Chesterton Road Hills, Mr F. E., Caxton Court, Sidney Street . . . Hiscox, Mrs E., Homerton College Hitzman, Mr H., 29, Trinity Street Hodson, Mr J., The Archway, Downing Terrace H olden, Mrs P., Albert Asylum Holdsworth, Mr T. H., New Square Holland, Mr C. E., 8, Downing Place Holland, Mr W., 8, Upper Gwydir Street Hollowav, Mrs J., 20, Trinity Street Holmes, "Mr T. F., 57, Sidney Street Holmes, Mr W., 43, Norwich Street Holt, Mr C. T, 64, Sidney Street Holt, Mr W. H., Burleigh Street Hooper, Mr G., 54, Hills Road Hoppett, Mr G, 21, Jesus Lane ... Hornsby, Mr F., Victoria Park Horspool, Mr A., 18, Maid's Causeway Hosegood, Mr L., Mill Road Howes, Mr J., Giisson Road lliinim, Mr 11., 25, Orchard Street Hunnybun, Mr 'I'., 8, Giisson Road ... Hunnybun, Miss Constance M., „ Eunnybun, Mr T., jun., 7, Maid's Causeway Hunnybun, Mrs E. L., ,, ,, Hunt, Mr W., 11, Christ's Lane Hurry, Mr A. F. G. C, 1, Fair Street Hutt, Mr Philip, 26, Applegarth Road, Kensington, London, \V. Hutt. MrsS. I'., 11, Brunswick Walk 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 [vatt, Mr W., 7, Jesus Lane Donations. Ann. Subs. £ 8. d. £ s. d. 5 (i Jackson, Mr A., 2j Pemberton Terrace ... Jackson, Mrs M. A., „ „ Jackson, Mrs L., 15, Devonshire Road Jackson, Mr E., Bushmead, Tenison Road Jacob, Mr G., II, Norwich Street... Jagg, Mr T. W., 7, Brunswick Place Jarman, Mrs Naomi, Alberl Asylum Jarrold, Mr W. II., 53, Regent Street Jenkins, Mr G., 26, Magdalene Street Jennings, Mr A. II., 7, I 'wis Hill ... Johnson, Mr 11., 3, St Andrew's Street ... Johnson, Mr J., 5], Sidney Street Johnson, Mr 0., L8, Trumpington Street Johnson, Mr S. B., 3, Herbert Street, Chesterton Johnson, Mr F. G. I\, Eversley Lodge, Stevenage, Herts Johnston, Air J. ('lenient, Rock Road, Hills Road Jonas, Mr S. M., St Mary's Street Jonas, Mr W. M., Market Hill Jones, Mr A., St Margaret's, East Putney Jones, Mrs Elizabeth, „ ,, Jones, Air A., Trumpington House Jones, Mrs A., Corpus Buildings ... Jones, Aliss Emma, Derby House, Chesterton Road Jones, Aliss T. F., „ „ Jones, Miss S. E. M., 13, Lyndewode Road Jones, Mr E., The Lodge, Buckhurst Road, Bexhill Jones, Airs M. A., „ ,, „ Juffs, Mr T. AL, 130, Victoria Road Jukes, Aliss F., Rose Cottage, Great Shelford ... Juler, Mr G., 10, Rose Crescent ... Juler, Airs S. C, 65, Norfolk Street 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 Ki 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 10 10 5 5 5 5 16 Keeping, Mrs M., Children's Home, Patricroft, Manchester Keetch, Mr W., University Press . . Kellv, Mr F. B., 99, Hills Road Kemp, Mrs H. E., 3, Petty Cury Kett, Mr Aid. G., Wymondham House, The Avenue Kett, Mr A., Wyncote, Hills B,oad Kett, Mr E., Eedwick, Grange Road Key, Mr F., 109, Victoria Road Key, Mr H., 166, East Road Key, Mr James Joel, 7, Grafton Street Key, Mrs Elizabeth Lucy, „ „ King, Mr A. E., Tenison Road King, Miss S. H., Bottisham, Cambs. King, Mrs A, 40, Warkworth Street Kirbyshire, Mr A., 2, Abbey Road Knowles, Mr G. F., St Andrew's Street Donations. Ann Subs. £ s. d. £ s. d. 5 5 5 5 •"> 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Lane, Miss A., 6, King's Parade Langford, -Mr 11. E., Eden Street Latham, Dr P. W., Trumpington Street Laurie and MeConnal, Messrs, L21, Fitzroy Streel Laws, Mr 1!., 73, Norwich Street Lawson, Mr 1!., Sidney House, Histon Road Lawson, Mrs A., „ „ Leach, Mi- 1-'. I!., St George's, Do Fre\ ille Avenue Leader, Mi' I'.. I'... -■>. Clarendon Street Leader, Mrs M., 30, Bridge Street Leeland, Mr J. H., L">, Brunswick Place Legge, Mr Dennis, 57, Burleigh Street Leggc, Mrs Mary, 12, Fitzroy Street Legge, Mr W. II., 7, Malcolm Street Leonard, Mrs S., 64, Etegenl Street Leonard, Miss EL, Etegenl Terrace Lever, Mr ( L, I, Prospecl Low Lever, Miss S. A., [mpington Liddiard, Mr II. , I Hisson Eload Lillev, Mr W. !•:., Ingleside, Wesl Load Lilley, Mr P. II. , Thorpe House, Wesl Eload Lilies, Miss L. EC., „ „ „ „ Lilley, Miss EC. M., ,, ,, ,, ,, Lincoln, Mrs S., Albert Asylum Lincolne, Mr J., Sidnej Street I., ter, Mr <■. EC., 70, Bridge Street 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1) 5 5 5 5 ."> 5 1 1 (1 5 5 r> 1 1 i i 2 ■2 tt 5 L0 5 17 Long, Mr G. W., Bemerton, Hills Road Long, Mrs, Looker, Mr W., I, North Terrace... Loomes, Mr J., !), ( Hisson Road ... Lord, Mr R. 11., 18, Markel Place Lucas, Mr T., 58, St Andrew's Street Lunn, Mr A., Bridge Street Lunn, Mr, 4, Free School Lane Lyon, Mr A. J., 22, St Andrew's Street Donations. Ann. Suits. e g. !>, Jesus Lane Mason, Mr VY. G, Coronation Street Mason, Mrs A. L., Alma House ... Mason, Mi' A. E., 41, Trumpington Street Masters, Mr J. G., 31, Bridge Street 8961 *1 1 <) *1 1 5 5 5 5 5 (1 5 :» 5 5 5 :. ."> 5 5 f> 5 :> II 5 I' .") 'I .") II :> 5 18 £ Masters, Mr J. T., 17, Malcolm Street Matthew, Mr A., Trinity Street (1896) 5 Matthew, Mrs M., Garden House, Mount Pleasant Matthew, Mr G. A., 56, Eegent Street . . . Matthew, Miss K., 7, Park Terrace Matthew, Miss F., „ „ Matthew, Mr T. R., 20, Causeway Maze, Mr J. R., Albert Asylum ... Maze. Mrs H., „ „ Merry, Mr J. E., 10, Parkside Miller, Mrs J. F., Lyndewode Road Miller, Mr A. H., 6, Sidnev Street Miller, Mrs M., 29, Orchard Street Mills, Mr J., 36, St Andrew's Street Mills, Mrs E., 51, High Street, Huntingdon Missen, Mr R., 7, Panton Street ... Missen, Miss L. R., 2\, Trumpington Streel Moden, Mr F. J., 16, Market Street Moden, Mr R., 61, Mill Road Moden, Mr R. W., East Road Moden, Mrs E. J., 25, Staffordshire Street Moden, Mrs K., 60, Newmarket Read Mole, Mr A., Albert Asylum Mole, Mrs M., „ ,, Moore, Mr J. S., 24, Bridge Street Moore, Mr A., 12, Hertford Street Mn, ire. Mr B., 6, Botolph Lane Moore. Miss E., 77, Fitzroy Street Moore, Mr J. A., 2, Market Street Morley, Mr J., 1, St Paul's Road Morley, -Mr F. W.. 98, Hills Road Mmt lock, Mr C. W., Prospect Cottage, Melboun Place ... Mortlock, Mr F. .1.. Bene'1 Streel Mouel, Mr J., 21. Brunswick Place Mouel, Mr . )■'.. Panton St reel Pink, Miss E. I-., Panton Stre< i • • • 5 • > • 5 > . • 5 • • • 5 >ad 10 . . . 5 ad 5 10 5 ... 5 (1896) 5 5 1 1 5 5 5 • • • 5 10 5 *1 10 5 L900 ■"» 1 5 ... 10 . . . 5 • • • :. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1) ton 5 5 , Brookside Sanderson, Mrs E., 28, New Square SandnVld, Miss II., Alherl Asylum Saunders, Miss M. E., L5, St Edward's Passage... Saunders, Miss K., „ „ Sayer, Mr D. \V., 13, Paternaii Street Sayle, Messrs It. and Co., St Andrew's Street ... Scales, Mr, Fitzroy Street Shallow, Mrs F., 2, Rose Crescent Sharp, Mr K., I, Downing Terrace Sharp, Mrs, „ „ Shaw, Mr W. N., 10, Moreton Gardens, Ken- sington, S.W Sheldrick, Mr, 4, New Square Shield, Mr H., Jesus College Shippey, Mr G., 52, Sidney Street Shoote, Mr G., 49, Staffordshire Street ... Simpson, Mr J. II., 9, St Paul's Road Simpson, Mr M. M., Clarendon Road, Avenue ... Sindall, Mr W., Mill Lane Smart, Mr F., 38, Emery Street Smart, Mrs, Market Street Smith, Mr R. R., 17, Victoria Road Smith, Mr A., Cliff Road, South Lowestoft Smith, Mr A. W., 20, King's Parade Smith, Mr G., The Lodge, Mill Road Smith, Mr J., 1, Brookside... Smith, Mr J. H., 42, Trumpington Street Smith, Mr J. L., 19, Parkside Smith, Ilev. H., 8, Harvey Road ... Smith, Mr E, 52, Trumpington Street Smith, Mr (}., Botolph Lane Smith, Mrs S., Lyndewode, Lyndewode Road ... Smith, Mr S., 13, Market Street Donations. Ami. ShIjs. £ s. ,/. £ s. d. 10 5 (i 5 5 r. r, :. 5 5 5 1 1 5 1 1 O 5 1 1 5 O 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 "> 5 1 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 2 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 24 Regent's Snare, Miss J., 62, Jesus Lane Somerset, Mrs F., 17, Brookside ... Spalding, Mr W. P., 43, Sidney Street Sparkes, Mr R. F., 15, St John's Road, Thompson's Lane Sparkes, Mrs R. F., „ Spearing, Mr J., 4, Park Terrace ... Stace, Mr G., 15, Petty Cury Stanton, Mr S., Newmarket Road Staples, Mrs S., 55, Albert Street, Park. N.W Starr, Mr R., 108, Fitzroy Street Starte, Miss M. A., 36a, Regent Street ... Stearn, Mr T., 72, Bridge Street ... Steam, Mr W. J., „ ,, Stevenson, Mr P. S., 164, Gwydir Street Stevenson, Mr P. A., Burleigh Street Stoakley, Mr T. T., Pembroke College ... Stokes, Rev. H. P., St Paul's Vicarage ... Stonebridge, Mr W. H., 23, Hertford Street Strapp, Mr 0. A., St Andrew's Street Stretten, Mr C, Castle Hill Stubbletield, Mr J., 13, Melbourn Place ... Sturton, Mr R., 6, Park Terrace Sturton, Mrs M. E., „ „ Sussum, Mr F., 3, Arundel Villas, Station Road Sussum, Mr George, 32, Trinity Street Sussum, Mrs A. B., ,, „ Swan, Mrs E. W., Market Hill ... Swannell, Mr G, Trumpington Street Swannell, Mr W., Magdalene College Symonds, Mr J. F., Bene't Street ... Donations. £ s. d. Ann. Subs. £ s. d. (1897) *1 1 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 6 10 5 2 1 10 5 5 5 10 5 25 Talbot, Mr F. G., 19, Sussex Street Talbot, Mr !•'. W.. Sussex Street Tapling, Mrs, 73, Angel Lane, Stratford, E. Taylor, Mr Alderman, Sidnej Street Taylor, Mrs E., L2, Parker Street Thompson, Mr C, 16, Sidney Street Throssell, Mr P. \\\, 9, Abbey Road Thrower, Miss E. M., L2, Downing Terrace Thrussell, Mr W., 28, Sidnej Streel Thurlow, Mr W., 59, Norwich Street Thurlow, Miss E., 38, Russell Street Tillyard, Mrs, Fordfield, Bi klands Avenue Titchmarsh, Mrs, Market Hill Todd, Mr W., 60, Jesus Lane Todd, Mr . I., 10, Brunswick Place... Tomlin, Mr W., 24, Trinity Street Traylen, Mr J., 22, Victoria Road Trotman, Mr G. H., Brookland Lodge Tuck, Mr A. E., Cross Street, ( iovent Garden ... Tuffill, Mr E. s 18, Church Street Tuffill, Mrs S., „ „ Tupling, Mr W., Tenison Koad Tupling, Mrs W., ,, „ Tuphng, Mrs E., Park Parade ... Turner, Mr G. Skelton, The Limes, Benson Street Turner, Mr M., 36, Bradmore Street Tyler, Mr J., Grove House, Chesterton Road Donations. Ann. Subs. £ s. d. £ s. d. 5 *5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 •) 5 5 ;, 5 .") o 5 5 5 5 5 5 .-> 5 ^20 1 'nwi 1 1, Mrs A., 0, Norwich Street - r > Unwin, Mr J., Chesterton Union ... ... ... 5 Vail, Mr John, 1, Post Office Terrace 10 Vail, Mr W., Corn Exchange Street 10 Vail, Miss M. A., 10, Parker Street 5 Vail, Mr J. B., 14, Emery Street 5 26 Vail, Mr W. E. B., 11, Emery Street Vawser, Mr W. K., 32, Petty Cury Verrinder, Mr H. E., Tenison Avenue Vincent, Mrs E. M., Xewnkam College Vinter, Mr J. 0., Market Street ... Donations. Ann. Subs. £ s. d. £ s. d. 5 1 5 5 1 Wadsworth, Mr E. A., The Laurels, Newmarket Road Wadsworth, Mrs, The Laurels, Newmarket Road Waits, Mr B. T., Mill Road Walker, Mr A. A., 26, Lyndewode Road Wallder, Mrs R., 31, Kingston Street Wallis, Mr G A., 17, Warkworth Street Wallis, Mr E. J., 10, New Square Wallis, Mr William, 41, Warkworth Street Wallis, Mrs Page, Eastern Terrace, 84, Hills Road Wallis, Mr R., St Osyth, Hills Road Wallis, Mr W. R., 4, Warkworth Street Waraker, Dr, 5, Scroope Terrace Ward, Mr F., Mill Road Ward, Mr S., 4, Beche Road Ward, Mrs C, „ „ Ward, Miss, Trumpington House, Hills Road ... Warren, Mr E. G., 51, Bridge Street Warrington, Mr C. B., 15, Magdalene Street Watts, Mr T., 7, Bateman Street ... Watts, Mr W. t University Ground Watts, Mrs L., ,, „ Weill i, .Mr J., Melton Ross, Barnctby Junction, Lincoln ... Wells, MM'., Fitzroy Street West, Mr <:., Hi, Eden Street Westrope, Mr W. F., 13, Holland Street Whibley, Mr A. B., Market Hill Whibley, Mrs, Si Andrew's Lodge, < Ihesterton Road Whibley, Mr II. I :.. 71, Chesterton Road White, Mr G •!.. New Square White, Mr \\'., L53, Chesterton Road Whitehead, Mr. I. E. L., I 1, Park Terrace Whitmore, Mr F. < :., Hills Road Whybro, Mr II., 12, Sidney street Whybro, Mrs J. li., St Barnabas Road Wilderspin, Miss I.'. S.. n, Sturton Street Wile.. M,-. I. I'., Warkworth House Wile . Mi Henry, LI, St Andrew's street 5 5 5 i:> 5 5 • 5 .") ."> 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 tl ;» ;» 5 It) I) .-> I) in <•> hi It L0 5 :. ;> 5 27 Wilkinson, .Mrs, 28, John Street, Citv 1!< Williams, Mr (J. ('., Greal Shelford Williams, Miss A., 51, King Street Williams, Miss S., 51, King Street Williams, Mr W. II., is, Park Street Willimott, Miss C, 63, Regent Street Willmott, Mr E., 4, Parkside Willmott, Mr J., Albert Asylum Willmott, Mrs J., „ „ Wilson, Mr H., 17, Jesus Lane Wilson, Mrs E., „ ,, Wilson, Mr J. S., 5, Bene't Street Wing, Mr J., 46, New Square Win-ate, Mr W. W., St Andrew's Street Winkworth, Mr T. J., 27, Union Road Winter, Mrs S. J., -1, Norwich Street Wiskin, Miss E. M., f>, Rose Crescent Wonfor, Mr E., 31, Benson Street... Woottcn, Mr. I. A., Abingdon Worboys, Mr W., Sturton Street ... Wortley, Mr W., Abbey Dairy, Newmarket Wren, Mr W., Pleasant Villa, Mount Pie, Wright, Mr A., 15, Alexandra Street Wright, Miss, 68, Norwich Street ... Wright, Mr P., 71, Eden Street ... Donations. Aim. Subs. f 8. 5 :> 5 5 . r ) 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 Veomans, Mr J., Clarendon Road, Avenue Young, Mr E. ('., Gwyn House, Occupation Road Young, Mr P. II., Hills Road Young, Mr Aid. S. L., Petersfield Lodge ... 1 .-> 5 I 1 STATEMENT OF DONATIONS AND LEGACIES RECEIVED BY THE SOCIETY SINCE ITS FORMATION IN 1846. 1846 Adair, Mr A. S All Saints' Militia Club ... Howe. Mr T is 47 Savle, Mr R Campbell, Hon. W. F. ... 1848 Foster, Mr C. F. (President Brown, Mr C. E Foster, Mr H. S Dennis, Mr J. Nutter, Mr J Ekin, MrS. P Adams, Mr W Warren, Mr W Adams, Mr 1) L849 Coward, Mr T L850 Finch, Mr ('has A lip. of York (Dr Musgrave) Rowe, MrT. (2nd don. Brown, Rev. .!. Fitzwilliam, Earl of Wicks, MrT., sen. Cambridge Choral Society Fuller, Mr John Ekin, Mr William Busby, Mr Jen is, Mrs Ann ... is:,] Warren, Mr W. (2nd don.) I [azard, Mr II ( lambridge I lornet Band ... L852 Smith, Mr E Page, Miss ... • Cotton, Miss Atkins, Mr II. S Amateur Theal deals L856 Mortlock, Rev. E. I [orl i'-nlt oral Society Peao Fe tival ' lommil tee Simpson, Miss Benefactions. Legacies. £ tf. d. £ s. d. 5 10 5 ."> (1 5 ."> ."> •") •") "> 5 5 5 (t 5 5 5 L0 5 5 5 (1 25 5 15 3 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 () K) (1 5 45 (i 20 1) 10 5 () 5 (1 21 II 20 3 6 6 29 1857 I SfiS 1859 1860 Foster, MrG. E Foster, Mr C. F. {2nd don.) ... ( iotton, M iss ' 2nd don.) Rowe, Mr T. (3rd don.) Romilly, Rev. J Haviland, Mrs Foster, Mr R Marshall, Mr H King, Mr D Clark, Prof. W Stanley, Mr Sidnej Oslar.MrJ Saylo, Mr I!. (2nd don.) Lilley, Mr W. E Dennis, Mr J. (2nd don. Kerricli, Rev. E Macintosh, Mr W. ( )\veis, Mrs Horticultural Society (2nd don.) Edlin, Mr J Fawcett, Mr E. M. Cockerell, Mr W. Horticultural Society (3rd don.) Promenade Concert Britannia Cricket Club ... Clayton, Mr T. P. Macaulay, Mr K., M.P Geldart, Mr and Mrs Piper, Miss Eaden, Mr J Bishop of Chester (Dr Graham) Edlin, Mr J. (2nd don.) Hoskin, Rev. P. C. M Busfield, Mr M Horticultural Society (4th don.) Francis, Mr Clement Smith, Mr John ... Dennis, Mr J. (3rd don.) Clayton, Rev. C. Ficklin, Mr T. J. Bulstrode, Mr C. S Baker and Pain, Messrs King, Mr D. (2nd don.) Ward, Mrs Gotobed, Mr H Proceeds of Bazaar Cockerell, Mr W. (2nd don.) ... Mechanics Institute Rowe, MrT. (4th don.) Warren, Mr Aid. W. (3rd don.) Foster, Mr Edmond Foster, Mr C. F. (3rd don.) ... Horticultural Society (5th don.) Woodley, Mr T. S Benefac: ions. Legacies £ s. d. £ s. d 25 50 10 10 10 10 L0 5 5 <) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 21 5 5 17 12 10 G 17 3 7 7 9 5 10 13 10 5 10 10 10 3 5 5 30 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 10 5 10 10 5 ... 473 4 7 13 15 5 5 10 5 10 5 30 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 I sec, 1867 uses 186!) 1870 1871 1872 1873 ]s;i 1876 L876 L877 1878 Crane's Charity Cotton, Miss (3rd don. ) Randall, Mr F Simpson, Miss Crane's Charity (2nd don.) Balls, Mr C. (Treasurer) Horticultural Society (6th don.) Comber, Mrs Adcock, Mr S Albert Memorial Committee Adcock, Mr S. (2nd don.) Adcock, Mrs S Horticultural Society (1th don.) Crane's Charity (3rd don.) Reynolds, Mr J. ... Powell, Mr F. S., M.P Albert Memorial Committee (2nd don. Webb, Mr Jonas ... Cotton, Miss (4th don.) Crane's Charity (4th don.) Horticultural Society (8th don.) Ingrey, Mr C. ... Simpson, Miss Adcock, Mr S. (4th don.) Adcock, Mrs (2nd don.) Adcock, Mrs Harry Marshall, Mr H. (2nd don.) ... Crane's Charity (5th don.) Gorst, Mr J. E., M.P Hurrell, Mr Swann (President) ... Bishop, Mr W Foster, Mr C. F Crane's Charity (6th don.) Marshall, Mi' II. 3rd don.) ... Reynolds, Mr James ( '.i m bridge Amateur Opera Troupe Crane's Charity (1th don.) Reynolds, Mi' ,1., for Gas and Water Sh Lovett, Mi's I \th don.) (8th don. (9th don.) (10th don.) ... .Marshall, Mr H ( Y. i nr's ( 'harity ( 'nine's ( 'harity ( 'lane's Charity Green, Dr T. Turner, Mrs bee, Mr .1. ... ( 'nine's Charity ( 'nine's < 'harity Cockle, MrG. ' ( Irane's ( 'liarity Mat thev. -. Mr .1 ( 'rane B ( 'harity < ram ( harity Simpson, Miss (11th don.) (12th don.) (lZth don.) s. I l/A -A-/,.) ibth do ires Benefactions Legacies. £ s. d. £ s. d. 10 100 5 50 15 5 25 20 5 568 10 21 10 10 20 15 5 10 60 2 5 25 12 53 5 45 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 90 1000 10 10 5000 9 1 5 5 5 L478 19 19 19 19 5 10 5 5 5 50 30 5 5 II !> (i 6 5 5 5 50 31 1878 King, Mrs D 1879 Crane's Charity (16th don.) Green, Mrs T. 1880 Crane's Charity (17 th don.) ... Jay, Mrs 1881 Crane's Charity (18th don.) ... Howe, Mr T 1882 Crane's Charity (IMk don.) ... Rowe, Mrs E. E 1883 Crane's Charity (20tk don.) ... Foster, Mr J., Chesterton 1884 Crane's Charity (21s* don.) Wilson, Mr G Davis, Mr C Lilley, Mr W. E Mortlock, Mr E. J. Swan, Mr John (2nd don.) 1885 Crane's Charity (22nd don.) ... Freeman, Miss Roeper, Mr C. Milligan, Mr J Swan, Mr John (3rd don.) 1886 Crane's Charity (23rd don.) ... Clark, Mr R. L Martindale, Mr W. 1887 Crane's Charity (24th don.) ... Masonic Lodge of the Three Grand Ficklin, Mr f . J. (2nd don.) ... The Sports' Committee, Jubilee 1888 Crane's Charity (25th don.) ... Swan, Mr John Sparrow, Mr S. Mead, Mr T Baker, Mrs J. Thurlbourn, Mr J. 1889 Crane's Charity (26th don.) ... Adams, Prof. J. C. Smith, Mr George .Matthew, Mr J. 1890 Crane's Charity (27 th don.) ... Attack, Mr B Fawcett, Dr R. M. 1891 Edwards, Mrs Armstrong, Mr C. Smith, Mr W. W. Pain, Mr J. O. (2nd don.) Johnson, Mr W. . . . Peeling, Mrs Adams, Prof. J. C. (2nd don.) ... Bailey, Mr F Crane's Charity (28th don.) 1892 Craghill, Mrs ' Crane's Charity (29th don.) 1893 Baker, Mrs James Benefactions. £ s.