BROWNINGIANA IN BAYLOR UNIVERSITY {COMPILED BY AURELIA E. BROOKS PRINTED AND BOUND BY THE Baylor University Press waco, texas M r^p"!^ IXr, m-S 0«.«»1| n^"f*(»f»»«rt I'^'h Dsp^rtment BROWNINGIANA IN BAYLOR UNIVERSITY COMPILED BY AURELIA E. BROOKS ■ DEDICATION TO MRS. A. J. ARMSTRONG LOVER OF BROWNING FRIEND AND INSPIRATION TO EVERY STUDENT OF LITERATURE IN BAYLOR THE PORTRAIT OF ROBERT BROWNING by his son. Robert Barrett Browning FOREWORD For »evcral years past that section of the Baylor University Library de- voted to the works of and concerning Robert Browning has been growing rapidly under the direction of Dr. A. J. Armstrong. Just as rapidly grew the need for a full and complete bibliography of these works. Seeing the need. I undertook the making of this bibliography as the thesis for my A. B. degree. I have found the work interesting, although it has been long and tedious, and I have received from it a greater realization of the far-reaching results of Browning's writing. I hope that the students who come to the study of Bro^vning may be helped by this bibliography, and that it will be revised and additions made as the library grows. I wish to express my appreciation for the assistance rendered in this work by many fellow students. But to Dr. Armstrong am I most greatly indebted — to Dr. Armstrong who, because of years of tireless study of this great master, is able to instil in the hearts of those who come to learn, a new philosophy of life, a doctrine of optimism and love, and an undying reverence for music, for art, for nature, and for God. AURELIA E. BROOKS Columbia University, March 2, 1921. BAYLOR BROWNINGIANA The Baylor collection of Browning material is probably the most exten- sive in America containing as it does one of the largest number of different books and magazines dealing with Browning yet collected. Prominent in the library portion are the almost complete set collection of firjt editions, books, drawings and papers from Browning's own library. But of equal importance arc the Browning p>ortrait painted by the artist son of the pwets, Harriet Hos- mer's original caste of the Clasped Hands, presented to Baylor University by Mis! Lilian Whiting of Boston, and the large collection of personal letters secured when the poet's effects were sold. Baylor's Browningiana is the outgrowth of the private library of Dr. A. J. Armstrong, head of the English Department, who during many years collected works concerning Browning. The English Department has added to the collection until it hat reached its present constituency. Among the interesting books is Browning's copy of Aeschylus, which u thought to have been the volume used in making his translation of the Agamemnon. The book is autographed and contains many marginal glosses in the poet's handwriting. Brownings copy of Anna Swanwick's translation of Aeschylus with illustrations after Flaxman, and Browning's copy of Homer in two volumes with marginal notes, are other valuable items. The large collection of letters belonging to the Browning correspondence has been carefully catalogued. These letters concern themselves with the social side of the poet and have many of them been referred to in varioois works on Browning. The English Department has collected all available music which has been written for poems of the poets. The collection will be found catalogued under the caption Music. A word shcyuld probably be said on the subject of cross-referencing. It is the hope of the compiler that this Bibliography may be really useful to students studying Browning. With that in view many titles have been placed where one would most readily expect to find them. There have been tabu- lated almost invariably the subject, the author, the actual title, and the prom- inent word and thought. Articles on Mrs. Browning have been included, although no effort has been made to make such a bibliography complete. Many articles referring casually to Browning have been included. Per- haps the scope taken is too great, but it must be remembered that this is an undergraduate's work and errors in judgment and in other ways are likely to be found. The poem by Mr. W. G. Kingsland, of which a plate is given, has an interesting history. When Miss Aleph Tanner was making her collection of poems dedicated to Browning she found mention of several poems by Mr. Kingsland but could locale only one in time for inclusion in her book. Mr. Vll Kingsland was appealed to and furnished »everal poem», but one he couJd not locale. He »aid he remembered having written such a poem but he could find not the slightest trace of it. About the same time Dr. Armstrong hap- pened to be in London and procured the large collection of letters just men- tioned. Among the letters, was the poem sent to Mr. Browning by Mr. Kingsland. It is probably the only copy that ever existed. It will be noted throughout the Bibliography that a number of poems exist still in manuscript. These poems will be published later as a supple- ment to Miss Tanner's Homage to Browning. See caption Homage to Drown- ing: Supplementary;. Should anyone find a poem not included in this Bibliography, Dr. Arm- strong would be very grateful for any information concerning it. A collection of Browning parodies is also being made, although it is hardly yet ready for publication. The list in hand is tabulated under Parodies. The portrait of Robert Browning by his son, Robert Wiedemann Barrett Browning was secured by Dr. Armstrong and was presented to the University by the Senior Class of 1919. It is in a hand-carved frame of much beauty. The picture is one of two painted by the artist, the other portrait being among the valued possessions of Baliol College, Oxford. To the exceeding generosity of Miss Lilieoi Whiting it is due that Baylor University possesses one of the three original castes of Harriet Hosmers Clasped Hands. Miss Whiting was approached with a financial offer but she generously gave the priceless possession, although five thousand dollars had been refused previously for this prize. The presentation of the Claspved Hands to the University was one of the features of the Diamond Jubilee when with Edwin Markham in the chair, Vachel Lindsay, Harriet Monroe and Texas' own poet, Judd Mortimer Lewis, all vied to render homage to Robert Browning. Miss Whiting also gave the University some letters of Sarianna Browning, a number of her own books and a silhouette of Robert and Eliia- belh Browning made by the son. Splendid as is the collection already chronicled, it is hoped it is only a beginning and that in years to come Baylor University may become known as the Mecca of Browning material and thought. With that ideal, the De- partment of English openly requests gifts of any kind — small or great — that will in any way increase the completeness of its Browningiana. Waco, Texas, June 5, 1921. ABBE VOGLER. AN ACCOUNT OF From Fetis and Nisard. By Miss Elcnnor Marx. London Browning Society Papers 3:339-343 821.88 Dbs. ABBOT, ALLAN A High School Coune in Drama. English Journal 2:95:Feb. 1913. ABBOTT. HELEN C. De SILVER See under Michael 547 M 582. ABBOTT. LYMAN Love tellers of Tnw Pods. Outlook 62:485-490. ABBOTT. MARY WINCHESTER BroJvning arid Meredith, Sorrte Poitili of Similaril]/. (Poet-Lore Company. Boston. 1904) 821 :88 Dap. Same (Typewritlen) 821.88 Dam. ABERDEEN STUDENT OF TODAY, AN By Isabella F. Mayo. Eclectic Magazine 122:234-241 :Feb. 1694. ABOUT PEOPLE (Brownings Son) By Editor. Outlook 50:325: Aug. 25. 1894. ABT VOGLER Browning Slitd]^ Programma. A Croup of Music Poems — A Toc- cala of Caluppi's. Masler Hugucs of Saxi^-Colha, Abl Voglcr. By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 10:2:288-293. By Mrs. Turnbull. London Browning Society Papers 4:469-476 821.88 Dbs. Same. Berdoe Browning Studies 143-150 821.88 Ulbs. Same. London Browning Society Papers 4:469-476. QuerX) and Ansiver. By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 2:1:28-29. (Translated into Greek.) Translations into Cree}( and Latin Verse. By R. C. Jebb2-15 808.8 J44tc. See Littell's Living Age 131 :514. ABT VOGLER AND ANDREA DEL SARTO By Helen J. Ormerod. Berdoe Broivning Studies 151-165 821.86 Ulbs. Same. London Browning Society Papers 11:297-311. ABT VOGLER. THE MAN By Mrs. Turnbull. Berdoe Browning Studies 267-282 821.88 Ulbs. Same. London Browning Society Papers 10:221-236 821.88 Dbi. ACADEMY An Apology — on Reading the Bron>ning Love Letters. By Eliie Higginbotham. Littell's Living Age 222:792. Balauslion's Adventure. (Smith. Elder and Co.) London. R*e- viewed under General Literature. By G. A. Simcox. 409-410: Sept. 1. 1871 821.88 Dacad. Robert Browning, a poem. By Mary A. Woods. Littell's Living Age 231-528. The Ethics of Parody. Littell's Living Age 238:125-127. In Memoriam. Robert Broivning. Bv Michael Field. 920:405: Dec. 21. 1889 821.88 Xman. A Literary Man. By Harriet Jay. Littell's Living Age 237:378- 381. Obituary. Robert Browning. Bv |. T. Nettleship. 920:405-406: Dec. 21. 1889 821.88 Xman. On Learning by Heart. Littell's Living Age 271 :505-506. 2 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Some Child-Crilica of Brorvning. By W. W. Littell's Living Ag« 214:127-128. A. C. R. Drowning' 3 Altitude xvith Regard to Art. The Primitive Methodist Quarterly Review and Christian Ambassador 467-481 :July 1890 821.88 Lba. ADAMSON, R. M. Browning on Art. The Scottish Art Review 2:15:85-87. ADCOCK. A. ST. JOHN Poetry of iVar (Bookman). Littell's Living Age 283:398-407. ADDRESS DELIVERED AT THE CONVERSAZIONE HELD AT THE LONDON HOSPITAL. AN October 2, 1882. By Jonathan Hutchinson. Printed by J. E. Adiard, Bartholomew Close, London, 1882. ADDRESS TO THE BROWNING SOCIETY. INTRODUCTORY By Rev. J. Kirkman. (Oct. 28. 1881, at University College. Lon- don. Printed separately.) 821.88 Eak. Same. Berdoe's Drowning Studies 1-20 821.88 VIbs. Same. London Browning Society Papers 2:171-190 821.88 Db». ADDRESSES ON BROWNING By D. G. Brinton. Poet Lore 2:1 :40-43. By Professor H. N. Hoxie. Poet Lore 2:1 :43-47. ADVENTURE AND HEROISM, POEMS OF Browning Stud]) Programmes. By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 1 1 :2 & 3:269-293; 403-418. ADVENTURES AMONG BOOKS By Andrew Lang. Scribner's Magazine I0:337-344:Sept. 1891; 10:651-656:Nov. 1891. ADVICE OF A FATHER TO A DAUGHTER ON ENTERING COLLEGE By Charles F. Thwing. The Independent 71 :473-477 :Aug. 31, 1911. ADVICE TO YOUNG AUTHORS By Edgar Fawcett. Literary Digest 1 3 :202-203 :June 13, 1896. A. E. THE NEO-CELTIC MYSTIC By Julia Ellsworth Ford. Poet Lore 16:4:85. AESCHYLUS, THE DRAMAS OF By Anna Swanwick. 852 A 353des. With thirty-three illustrations from Flaxman's designs. Robert Browning's own copy. AESCHYLUS' SOLILOQUY Cornhill Magazine, November 1913, 209 New Series (647), 577- 581 821.88 Hoes. AESCHYLUS, SOLILOQUY OF Current Opinion 56:53 :Jan. 1914. AESCHYLUS, THE SOLILOQUY OF By Robert Brov/ning. A program given by Sivori Levey, Six Sat- urday Afternoons, November 1st to December 6th, 1913. AESCHYLUS, TRAGEDIES OF Re-edited with an English Commentary. By F. A. Paley. (Robert Browning's copy with his autograph and marginal notes in his hand- writing. Thought to be the copy used in his translation of Agamem- non.) 882 A 253tp. AESTHETICS— FRENCH By Edward Dowden. Contemporary Review 1 :279-31 1 :March 1866. Same. Contemporary Review 99:5-8:Literary Supplement 41. BROWNINGIANA 3 AFFECTATION (Sat. R.) LitleH't Living Age 129:246-251. AFTER BROWNING (M-j Lait Duche» Parodied; Anonymous. A Parody Anthology. By Carolyn Wells. 194 821.08 W453p«. AFTERNOON CALL. AN (Temp. Bar.) Littrll'. I ivinj? Age 203:208-215. AFTERNOON LECTURES ON ENGLISH LITERATURE. THE By a group of scholars. (Five volumes, the title in the last four being Lectures on L.iiciaiure and Arl) Mr. TcnnMion and Mr. Browning. 5:139-179. By Edward Dowden. 820.4 L 471 a. AGAMEMNON Century 25:468-470: Jan. 1883. Editorial. Contemporary Review 2:445: June 1866. AGAMEMNON. LA SAISIAZ. AND DRAMATIC IDYLS Literary World 419 December 2. 1882. The Riverside Press, Cambridge 821.88. Houghton, Mifflin Company, Boston, 1883. AGAMEMNON OF AESCHYLUS. THE Athenaeum 2609:525-527:October 27. 1877. Reviewed by Henry Morley. Nineteenth Century 3 :384-385 :Feb 1878. Transcribed by Robert Browning, London. Smith, Elder & Co.. 15 Waterloo Place 1877. (All rights reserved). First edition. 821.88 Hag 1. AGONY OF THE VICTORIAN AGE. THE By Edmund Gosse. Edinburgh Review 228:276-296:Oct. 1918. AH. LOVE. BUT A DAY See A/usic. AHLBORN. IDA A. The Brownings'. New England Magazine 5:13:Nov. 1886 (Type- written). AID TO LIVING FROM BROWNING By Mrs. Mary E. Bagg. Memorial Meeting of the S))racute Browning Club 14-20 821.88 Bsy. AIMS OF LITERARY STUDY, THE P. A. C. Poet Lore 7:5:270-272. AINGER ALFRED Browning and Arnold, Athenaeum 3327 : 1 58: August I, 1891. AITKEN. J. BRUNTON. AND J. S. K. MOSS Browiung's Estimates of the Value of Effort. Notes to the Pocket Volume of Selections from the Poems of Robert Browning. Bjr Alex Hill 37-40 821.88 Dhn. AKED. CHARLES FREDERICK Browning as The Preacher's Poet. Literary Digest 31:536-538: October 14. 1905. ALBION Notes (under Current Topics) on Mesmerism. 47 : 1 1 : 1 33 :March 13, 1869. ALBUM. BROWNING In a catalogue of very choice Books. Manuscripts and Autograph letters. 1913:8-9 821.88. ALBUM. THE INN See Inn Album. ALCOTT. WHITTIER. AND BROWNING. RECOLLECTIONS OF By M. S. Porter. B. C. 81 :846r B. C. 81. 4 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY ALDEN. HENRY MILLS Intelleclual Leadership of George William Curlii. Literary Digeit 28:44: January 9, 1904. The Neiv Fiction. Literary Digest 37:321 :September 5. 1908. ALDEN. RAYMOND MACDONALD Lvrical Conceil of the Elizaheiharts. Studie* in Philology 14:129- 152: April 1917. ALDEN. WILLIAM L. J. Fenimore Cooper's Raiil( as Novelist. Literary Digest 18:339: March 25. 1896. ALDINE The Pied Piper of Hamelin. June 1871:4:6:90. ALDRICH. THOMAS BAILEY The Greater Victorian Poets. Robert Browning 61-74; 123-26 821.04 B 724. ALEXANDER, ELMER ROSS Bibliography of Broxvningiana in Baylor Library compiled in con- junction with Sue Moore. 821.88 xbbm. ALEXANDER, W. F. Milton. Contemporary Review 96:668-683 : December 1909. ALEXANDER, WILLIAM JOHN An Analysis of Sordello. London Browning Society Paperi 12: 1-25 821.88Dbs. An Introduction to the Poetry of Robert Broivning. Ginn and Company 1889 821.88 Dai. Introduction to Poetry of BroToning, Commentaries. Poet Lore 1:11:533-534. ALFASSA. PAUL et GILBERT DE VOISINS Monsieur Sludge, Le Medium, Translated into French. La Nou- velle Revue Francaise 91 :41 7-461 (New Series) April 1, 1921. ALKESTIS A Study of Shaf(espeare's Winter Tale Compared ivith Al^estis in Literature. By P. A. C. Poet Lore 4:10:516-521. Does Browning's All(estis Interpret Euripides Fairly? By Philip S. Moxom. Poet Lore 8:7:425-432. ALKESTIS OF EURIPIDES AND OF BROWNING. THE By C. A. Wurtzburg. Poet Lore 2:7:345-360. ALLEN, ANNIE WINSOR Victorian Hypocrisy. Atlantic Monthly 1 14: 1 74-186:July 1914. ALLEN, LOUISE Pippa Passes. (A bronze statue.) Described in Dallas Saturday Night February 21, 1920. ALLEN, WILLIAM HARMAN VAN Robert Browning's Birthday. Emerson College Magazine 20:3: 136:Jan. 1912. ALLl BONE'S DICTIONARY OF AUTHORS Robert Browning. 1 :267 R 820.3 A 436. ALL'S RIGHT WITH THE WORLD See Music. ALLS WELL Being optimistic thoughts from the writings of Robert Browning. Selected by Graham Hope. London and New York. Howard Wil- ford Bell 1902. 821.88 Saw. ALMA MURRAY See Murray, Alma. AMERICAN AMATEUR STAGE. THE By Charles Carey Waddle. Cosmopolitan Magazine 10:12:Nov. 1890. BROWNINGIANA 5 AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN LITERATURE OF THE PAST TWO DECADES By Editor. Literary Digest 20: 373-574 -.March l2. 1900. AMERICAN APPRECIATION OF ROBERT BROWNING. ENG- LISH AND Poet Lore 1:10:494. AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW English PoelrX) and English Hislor)). By Goldwin Smith. 10:28- 40:Oct. 1904. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGY Bro-unings Lapses. By W. H. Browne. 32:241 :482-485. Classical Elements in the Worlds of Dro'a>Tiing. By W. C. Lawton. 17:197. See Boston Browning Society Papers 363-!*87 821.88 V'bp. Revien.3 and Book Notices. By Edwin W- Fay. 31 :89:Part VI. AMERICAN LITERATURE. THE FUTURE OF By BlLss Perry. Baylor Literary 17:119 IJ3:Jan. 1909. AMERICAN MAGAZINE Some Sane Words about BroTuning. By Emily Shaw Forman. 8:5:536-541 :Sept. 1888. AMERICAN NOTES AND QUERIES Brownings Diction. 2:26:304-305: April 27. 1889. The Flight of the Duchess. By M. C. Leunox 2:17:197:February 23. 1889. The Ring and the Book- 1 : 7:80-81 :June 16. 1888. IVho Was Browning's The Lost Leader? I3y Margaret Gangewer. 2:23:270-272: April 6, 1889. AMERICAN POETRY OF THE PAST YEAR By H. A. C. Poet Lore 13-1 :123-140. AMERICAN POETRY. RECENT By William Morton Payne. Dial 35 :36-41 .July 16. 1903. AMERICAN POETS. GOOD Editorial Independent 702:468-470. AMERICAN PRIMARY TEACHER Song from Pippa Passes. By Edith Gilei. Emerion College Mag- azine 20 :3 : 1 46- 1 50. Country Life 10:317:July 1906. AMERICAN REVIEW Brownings Poems. April 1850. New Seriei 28. (Whole No. 54): 388-399. AMERICAN VERSE Poet Lore 4:11:580-588; 8:6:370-374; 8:12:95-99; 9:1:126- 131; 9:3:445-450; 10:1:134-138. AMERICA'S DEBT TO BRITISH POETRY By Mr. Stedman. Literary Digest 22:316:March 16. 1901. AMES. CHARLES GORDON Caliban Upon Setebos. Boston Browning Society Papers 67-83 821.88 Vbp. The Democrac)) of Aprile. Poet Lore 5:1 :27-34. AMPLEFORTH JOURNAL. THE The Religion of Robert Browning. By J. B. McLaughlin. 9:1 :48- 62:Oct. 1903. ANAEL'S SONG By Charlotte Porter. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 92 821.88 Xht. Lips of Music. By Charlotte Porter. 116 81 1 P 8441. 6 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY ANALECTA From Mrs. Browning! Letter*. Gst'^erecl by Mary Trammcll Scott. 82L88 Xalm. ANALYTICS OF LITERATURE By L. A. Sherman. 190-209 601 a 553a. ANALYTICS OF LITERATURE AGAIN By C. Poet Lore 5:10:529-531. ANATOMIZING OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE By Richard Grant White. Atlantic Monthly 53 : 595-61 2: May 1884. ANCESTORS. ROBERT BROWNING'S By F. J. Furnivall. London Browning Society Paper* 12:26-45 821.88 Dbs. ANCIENT AND MODERN LETTERS By Lane Cooper. South Atlantic Quarterly 1 1 :234-243 : April 1912. ANCIENT INSTANCE AND A MODERN WANT. AN By W. Emery Barnei. Contemporary Review 98:2:489-492. ANDERSON. JESSIE M. Humor: Carlyle and Browning. Poet Lore 2:8:421-423. ANDERSON. JOHN P. Life of flro&ni'ng — Great Writer* Series edited by Eric Robertson and Frank T. MarziaU with Dibliograph]; by John P. Anderson appended. 621.68 Bsh 2 copies. ANDERSON. MARY (MME. DE NAVARRO) A Fen> Memoriei. 152-154 B A548f. ANDERSON. MELVILLE B. Byron in Definite Form. Dial 36:389-390: June 16. 1904. ANDERSON. W. H. Browning: The Poet of the People. Poet Lore 6:5:244-248. ANDREA DEL SARTO Browning Study Programme. A Croup of Art Poems — Old Pic- iurei in Florence, Fra Lippo Lippi, Andrea del Sarto. By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 8:8:586-592. A Comparative Study of IVordiWorth's Michael, Tennyson'i Enoch Arden, Browning's, Andrea del Sarto. By Vida D. Scudder. Poet Lore 3:2:87-93. Alfred de Musset (Oewvres Completes Comedies et Proverbes). By Albert Fleming. London Browning Society Papers 8:95-102 821.88 Dbs. The Teaching of Poetry in the High School. By Arthur H. R. Fairchild. 22-63 808.1 F165p. Pleading With His Wife. In Illustrations to Browning's Poem*. Part 2. ANDREA DEL SARTO: A PAINTER'S POEM By Harriet Ford. Poet Lore 4:3:144-148. ANDREA DEL SARTO AND ABT VOGLER By Helen J. Ormerod. London Browning Society Paper* 1 1 :297- 311 821.68 Dbs. Same. Berdoe Browning Studies 151-165 821.88 Vlbs. ANDREA DEL SARTO AND HIS WIFE By A. W. Crawford. Methodist Review Whole Number 530. Fifth Series 30:96:6:929-938:Nov.-Dec. 1914. ANECDOTES OF ROBERT BROWNING Littell's Living Age I64:824-March 29. 1890. ANGEL AND CHILD. THE In Illusiraiiom to Browning Poems, Part 1. 821.88. BROWNINGIANA 7 ANCELO. MICHAEL. THE MOSES OF By Robert Browning. Yale Review 4:l-2:Oct. 1916. ANGELO ORDERS HIS DINNER By Bayard laylor. A Parody Anlholog]f 205. By Carolyn Weill. 821.08 W 453 pa. ANGLIA For Article in Anglia, 32:1 and 2. See G. R. Elliott. 821.88 Lie. ANGLO-AFRICAN COMPOSER. SAMUEL COLERIDGE-TAY- LOR. THE Literary Digest 29:834-836:December 17. 1904. ANGLO-NORMAN RENAISSANCE. THE By J. E. G. de Montmorency. Edinburgh Review 229:154-172: Jan. 1919. ANIMAL KINGDOM. BROWNING AND THE By Elisabeth Luther Gary. Critic 43: 1 63- 165: Aug. 1903. ANNALS OF AMERICAN ACADEMY Idealism as a Practical Creed. By Henry Jonei. Reviewed by Mary Lloyd 34:182-183 :Nov. 1909. Ceniua, Fame, and Compariior} of Racet. By Charlei H. Cooley. 9:31 7-358 :May 1897. Report of the Civic Committee. By Kate Cassatt MacKnight. 28:293 -296: J una 1906. ANNALS OF A QUIET BROWNING CLUB By I. N. Cog. See Ariel's, etc. ANNOTATED EDITION OF TENNYSON. THE Ccmtemporary Review 93:13-I6:Feb. 1908 Literary Supplement. ANNOTATING SHEEP GO ASTRAY. THE Under Notes and News. Poet Lore 8:3:164-168. ANOTHER SPIDER QUERY AND ANSWER By Henry C. McCook. Poet Lore 1 : 1 1 :518-520. ANSWER TO A QUERY By Henry C. McCook. Poet Lore 1:3:486. ANTHOLOGIES For selectioni see Poems — Antholog\). ANTHOLOGY OF MODERN POEl RY Parting at Morning and Meeting at Night, By R. Browning. In Japanese, By Aiyu Kobayashi. 808.1 K75. ANTHOLOGY. VICTORIAN By Stedman. Review Independent 47:1580:1895. APOLOGY ON READING THE BROWNING LOVE LETTERS. AN By Elsie Higginbotham (Academy). Littells Living Age 222:792. APOLLO AND MARSYAS AND OTHERS POEMS By Eugene Lee Hamilton. Athenaeum 2981 :764-766:December 13. 1884. APPARENT FAILURE IN REALITY ULTIMATE SUBSTAN- TIAL TRIUMPH By Joshua Kendall. Boiton Browning Society Paperi 118-129 821.88 Vbp. APPARITIONS By Edmund Gurney and F. W. H. Myers. Nineteenth Century l5:791-8I5:May 1884. A Song; Wordi by Browning. Poet Lore 2:4:224-225. See Music. APPEARANCES See Music. 8 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY APPRAISALS OF ROBERT BROWNING. NEW By Lilian Whiting. Current LitTature 52:701-703. APRIL IN ENGLAND C. L. S. C. Round Table. Chaulouquan 62:266:April 1911. ARABESQUE IN ART. BROWNING AND THE By Felix E. Schelling. 821.88 Est. ARBUCKLE. AGNES A Comparison of Poe and Rosselii. Baylor Literary 18:304-307: April 1910. ARCHBISHOP TRENCH'S POEMS By Aubrey De Vere. (19lh Cent.) LitteH'i Living Age 178:131- 144. ARCHITECTURAL RECORD Religion of DroTuning'i Poeir)). By Rev. Savage. Arena 9:273- 286. ARENA. THE American Drama Sociti)). By Barret H. Clark. 3:179-193. The AUiludt of Southern Women on the Suffrage Questiort. By Annah Robinson Watson. 1 7:363-369: Feb. 1895. Bacchus, One of the World's Great Poems. By Cha>. Malloy. 32:504-513:Nov. 1904. Robert Dron>ning's Message to the Nineteenth Centur\f. By Jamei T. Bixby. l:3:283-297:Feb. 1890. Droi»ning's Rabbi Den Ezra. By B. O. Flower. 50:334-341 :Oct. 1908. Browning's Saul and Caliban. By S. S. Curry. 40:47-51 :JuIy 1908. Brol»ning's Theory^ of Love. By Elmer Jamei Bailey. 41 :23l : 274-284: March-June 1909. Prof. S. S. Curr\), His Work for Life and Art. By B. O. Flower. 40:39-47: July 1908. The Eagle Hearted Poet of the Nineteenth Century. By B. O. Flower. 39:72-78. Editorial. By William Norman Guthrie. I :222-243. Italian Freedom and the Poets. By Lewi* Worthinglon Smith. 41:230: 152- 160: Feb. 1909. Jenl(in Lloyd Jones and His .Master Work, Abraham Lincoln Cer\- ter. By George Wharton Jame.. 37:380: April 1907. Kate F'leld. By Lilian Whiting. 16:91 9-923 :Nav. 1896. Matthew Arnold as a Poet. By H. W. Peck. 33:155-161 :J«n. 1905. A Nen> England Poet of the Common Life. By S. Walter FoM. 38:159-161: Aug. 1908. The Open Vision in Art. By Hon. Daniel Pratt Baldwin. 19:843- 849: June 1898. The Passing of the Old in Drama. By Edgar White Burrill. 3 :205-224. Picture of Robert BroJvrung. 9:272-273 :Feb. 1894. Pleas for the Stud\3 of Browning. By Margaret Connolly. 20:623- 633: Dec. 1898. The Poems of Emerson. By Chai. Malloy. 32:145. 151 : Aug. 1904; 33:65-70:Jan. 1905. The Poet as Philosopher. By B. O. Flower. 39:323-331 :March 1908. The Poet, His Mission and Message. By B. O. Flower. 38:166- 169. >- Of < Si CQ >- H 00 a; > Z OS O < OQ > O u < o z MM z o CO BROWNINGIANA 9 A Poel of the PeopL, By B. O. Flower. 7:607-619 : March 1893. The Poetry of Poe. By Edwin Markham. 32: 1 70-1 75 : Aug. 1904. The Real Significance of the Parliament of Religioris. By Max Muller. 2:3-1 4 :Dec. 1894. The Religion of BroJvr\inS('a Po<:ir\). By Rev. M. J. Savage. 9:273- 285: Feb. 1894. Rem\) dc Courmont. By Richard Aldington. 6:167-183. A Revised Version of Venice, by Julia S. Vrooman. 40:527-536. Revolution in Religious Thought During the Nineteenth Centur};. By B. O. Flower. 26:598-61 1 :Dec. 1901. Whom Cod Hath Joined. By Rev. Mabel Mac Coy Irwin. 30: 1 86- 189: Aug. 1903. To Edward Fitzgerald. By Browning. l:3:326:Feb. 1890. Magazine Articles: To Edward Fitzgerald, by R. Browning, 1:3: 326; Italian Freedom and the Poets, by L. \V. Smith. 41 :230:152- 160: Feb. 1909; Browning's Theory of Love, by C. J. Bailey. 41:23 1:274-284: March-June 1909 821.88 Xman. ARGOSY Robert Drowning. By E. F. Bridell-Fox. 291 : 108-1 14:Feb. 1890 821.88 Xman. Robert Drowning. By E. F. Bridell-Fox. Litteli's Living Ago 184:762-766. ARIEL'S PAPER DISCUSSED. MISS Part I of the Annals of a Quiet Drowning Society. Poet Lore 7:5:225-240; Part 2, 7 :6&7 :356-366 ; Part 2. 7 :8&9 :436-446. ARISTOPHANES' APOLOGY Including: A Transcript from Euripides being the Last Adventure of Balaustion. (First Edition) Smith, Elder & Co.. 15 Waterloo Place, London, 1875. All rights reserved. 821.88 Harl. (First American Edition) James R. Osgood & Co., Boston, 1875. Contains Professor Seymour's Bookplate. 821.88 Harla. By John B. Bury. London Browning Society Papers 8:79-86 821.88 Dbs. Editorial on. Atlantic Monthly 36:493-495 :Oct. 1875. Athenaeum 2477:5 14-51 4: April 17, 1875. ARISTOPHANES' PHILOSOPHY ACCORDING TO BROWNING By Helen Leah Reed. Poet Lore 5:5:237-247. ARMFIELD, MAXWELL Frontispiece and Decorations to Browning's Heroines. By Ethel Colburn Mayme. 821.88 Pmh. ARMITAGE. ELLA S. The Poetry of Robert Drowning. A Paper Read Before the Rotherham Literary and Book Society May 12, 1890. Printed by request, Frederick Slack Caxton Office, Rotherham, 1890. 821.88 Darp. ARMS. M. W. A Poet of Italy: An Appreciation of Ciosue Carducci. Poet Lore 16:2:75-76. ARMSTRONG, A. JOSEPH Places of Interest to the Drowning Student. 821.88 Kpa. Robert Barrett Drowning. Baylor Times: March 15. 1913. ARMSTRONG. MARGARET Pippa Passes, Illustrated. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, 1903 821.88 Hypa. Sonnets from the Portuguese. By Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett Brown- ing. Dial 33:402-403: June 1. 1902. 10 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY ARMSTRONG. M. D. Recent English Poelry. Fortnightly Review 101 :499:March 1914. ARMSTRONG, RICHARD A. Failh and Doubl in ihe Cenlur\^'s Poels. Robert Browning 114-136 808.1 a 837 fd. ARMYTAGE. J. C. Earl}^ Portrait and Autograph of DroJ»ning. Bookman 2:466:Feb. 1896. ARNOLD AND BROWNING By Alfred Ainger. Athenaeum 3327: 158: August 1. 1891. ARNOLD. MATTHEW By Frederick Harrison. Nineteenth Century 39:433-447:March 1896. Same. Littell's Living Age 209:362-367. By Leslie Stephen. Eclectic Magazine 122:300-313 :March 1894. By Leslie Stephen. (Natn'l R.) Littell's Living Age 200:90-103. By H. D. Traill. (Confemp. R.) Littell's Living Age 178:88-96. Poems. Athenaeum 301 7:229-230:Aug. 22, 1885. ARNOLD. MATTHEW. AS A POET By H. W. Peck. Arena 33:155-161 :Jan. 1905. By Harriet Waters Preston. Atlantic Monthly 53 :641 -650:May 1884. ARNOLD, MATTHEW. AS A POPULAR POET By Wm. A. Sibbald. (Mac M.) Littell's Living Age 241 :83-98. ARNOLD, MATTHEW, POEMS OF By Henry G. Hewlett. Contemporary Review 24:559-567 :Sept. 1874. ARNOLD, MATTHEW, RELATION TO By A. Orr. Athenaeum 3326:1 29 :July 25. 1891. ARNOLD. MATTHEW. THE CULT By Edith J. Rich. Dial 37:200:October 1. 1904. ARNOLD SALE, First Edition of Browning Poet Lore 13:2:315. ARNOLD'S HOLD ON IMMORTALITY Literary Digest 36: 730: May 16, 1908. ARNOLD'S POETRY, ETHICAL TENDENCY OF MATTHEW By Thomas Bradfield. Eclectic Magazine 124:310-319:March 1895. ART Robert Broivning in His Relation to the Art of Painting. Read at the twenty-eighth meeting of the Browning Society of Boston. By Sarah W. Whitman. March 26. 1889 821.88 LWP. Browning Study Programme: A Croup of Art Poems, Old Pic- lures in Florence, Fra Lippo Lip pi, Andrea del Sarlo. By Char- lotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 8:8:586-592. Browning's Alliiude IVith Regard to Art. By A. C. R. Primitive Methodist Quarterly Review and Christian Ambassador 467-481 : July 1890 821.68 Lba. See under Fotheringham. See under Howard S. Pearscm. ART AND ARTISTS. BROWNING AND ITALIAN By Pearl Hogrefe. 821.88 Lhi. ART AND ECCENTRICITY By Herbert Paul. Eclectic Magazine 138:574-582:May 1902. ART AND LIFE By Vernon Lee. Contemporary Review 69: 658-669: May 1896. BROWNINGIANA H ART AND POPULARITY E. D. W. (Elizabeth D. West Dovvden.) Homage lo Browning. Aleph Tanner 146. 821.88 xht. ART. THE BROWNINGS. THEIR ART AND THEIR LIFE By Lilian Whiting with autograph of the author. 821.88 Bwb. 2 copies. ART CRITIC. ROBERT BROWNING AS AN By Kathleen Blackshear. 820.4 B631a. ART JOURNAL Portraits of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. By C. Lewi* Hind. 62-64:1890 821.88 xps2. ART LITERATURE AND THE DRAMA By Margaret Fuller Ossoli. Broipning'j Poems 207-221. Mia Barren's Poems 198-206 814 084al. ART MAGAZINE Portraits of Robert Browning. By W. M. Rossetti. 13:181-188: May 1890 and 13:246-252; 261-267:June 1890 821.88 Xp$r. ART OF AUTHORSHIP. THE Methods: Conscious and Unconscious. By George Bainton. 58-59 808.3 A939a. ART OF COQUETRY. THE By Gertrude Lynch. Cosmopolitan 36:606: March 1904. ART OF PAINTING. BROWNING AND THE Sarah Whitman. 821.88 Lwp. ART. OPEN VISION IN. THE By Hon. Daniel Pratt Baldwin. Arena 19:843-849 : June 1898. ART POEMS. BROWNINGS By A. H. Smyth. Poet Lore 2:3:145-146. The Stud]; Class. By Anna Benneson McMahan. 197-198 807 M 167. ART REVIEW Robert BroTvning (Poem). By William Sharp. 1 :33-36:Fcb. 1890 821 .88 X psr. A Note on Browning. By W. Mortimer. 1 :28-32:Feb. 1890. Mr. William Sharp's Book on Browning. Under Notes and Re- views 157-158. By Frederic Wedmore. ART SPIRIT IN BROWNINGS FLIGHT OF THE DUCHESS. THE By Charlotte Moore. Poet Lore 11:2:266-276. ART STUDIES IN BROWNINGS POEMS By Roy Harris. From McMaster's University Monthly 349-358: May 1918 821.88 Emm. ART STUDIES IN THE FLIGHT OF THE DUCHESS Poet Lore 11:2:266. ARTIST. BROWNING AS AN By E. H. Merrelt. From Xlemorial Meeting of the S};racuse Browning Club 24-bA 821.88 Bsy. ARTISTS AND CRAFTSMEN OF TODAY. BROWNING'S MES- SAGE TO By George Wharton James. Craftsman 149-151 :November 1903 821.88. ARTS DECLINE AND FALL Literary Digest 41 :546:October 1. 1910. ASK NOT ONE LEAST WORD OF PR.'MSE See Music. 12 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY ASOLAN COUNTRY. IN THE By Eugene Benson. (New R.) LiHell's Living Age 211 :1I5-12L Oct. 10. 1896. ASOLANDO. EPILOGUE TO Current Literature 33: 197: Aug. 1902. ASOLANDO. FANCIES AND FACTS London: Smith. Elder & Co., 15 Waterloo Place, 1890. First edition 821.88 Ha 1. Fifth edition 1890 821.88 Ha 5. Author's Edition, Boston and New York. Houghton. Mifflin & Co.. The Riverside Press. Cambridge, 1890. Autographed by Elisabeth O. Robbins Dec. 28th. 1889 821.88 Hah. By Josiah Gilbert. Athenaeum 3246:51 : January 11, 1890. Browning's Last Book- Critic 12:307:Dec. 21. 1889 821.88 Xman. More Queriei Amioered On. By J. F. Kirk, Jr. Poet Lore 3:2: 159-162. Poet Lore 12:4:619. Reviewed by Helen Archibald Clark. Poet Lore 2:2:94-100. Review. Igdrasil 118:March 1890. Editorial m Harper's Monthly 80:807: April 1890. Kaicho On. Summum Bonum. Translated into Japanese by Bin Uyeda 134-140 821.88 Xku. Reviewed. Athenaeum 3247:75: January 18. 1890. and December 21, 1889. By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 2:2:94-100. Reviewed in Literary World 21 :1 :3:January 4, 1890. Reviewed: Book Reviews. Nassau Literary Magazine (Princeton College) 496: Feb. 1890. ASOLO A Fri&nd of Browning's. By Lilian Whiting. See the Springfield Sunday Republican Oct. 6. 1918. By Lucy S. Conant. Poet Lore 18:2:245-258. By Felix Moscheles. Scribner'* Magazine 10:3 :359-367:September 1891. By Chas. De Kay. Browning in Asolo; Where Venice Asolates. In Clippings. See Introduction Leavens' Pippa Passes 821.88 Kla. From the Asolan Hills, a continued poem containing the account of the principal events in the history of Asolo. By Eugene Benson. 821.88 B 474b. In the Asolan Counir\) (New R.) Littell's Living Age 211:115- 121. Pall Mall Budget 1108:1624 821.7 Xpmb. Pilgrimage to Haunts of Browning. By Julia Pauline Leavens. 821.88 Kla. See Bronson. ASOLO AND ITS NEIGHBORHOOD By Linda Villari. (Murray's.) Littell's Living Age 191:367-371. ASOLO, BROWNING AT A Poem of Seven Stanzas. By Robert Underwood Johnson. Cen- tury Magazine 23 (New Series). 45 (Old Series). 47 (November 1892). See Schauffler's, Through Italy with Poets, for Johnson's Browning at Asolo and other Browning Poems 808.1 S 313 t. BROWNINGIANA 13 ASOLO. BROWNING IN By Katherine Coleman de Kay Brcmson. Century 59 (Old Seriea), 37 (New Series). 920-931 : April 1900. ASPIRATION By Alice Harriman. Homage lo Drowning, Aleph Tanner 144 821.88 Xht. AT BROWNINGS GRAVE By Alfred Forman. Homage to Browning, Alcph Tanner 118 821.88 Xht. By H. D. Rawnsley. Homage to Drowning. Aleph Tanner 117 821.88 Xht. AT FANO By Rennell Rodd. Homage to Drowning, Aleph Tanner 85-86 821.88 Xht. AT KINGS CHAPEL By Mrs. Annie E. Johnson. Homage to Drowning. Aleph Tanner 133-134 821.88 Xht. AT THE SIGN OF THE PLOUGH (Cornhill.) Littell's Living Age 268:563. Questions on Drowning's Worlds. By Owen Seaman. (Cornhill.) Litteirs Living Age 269:54-55. 175. AT THE WINDOW See Music. AT 29 DE VERE GARDENS By F. T. Palgrave. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 119-120 821.88 Xht. Same. Athenaeum 3248:1 16:Jan. 25. 1890. AT VESPER TIME By Ruth Baldwin Chenery. Containing Several Poems Dedicated to Browning 48. 51. 52. 53 811 C518v. AT WHAT AGE DO LITERARY MEN DO THEIR BEST WORK? By Horatio Winslow. Lippincott's Magazine 51 :276. ATALANTA Elizabeth Barrett Browning. English Men and IVomen of Letters of the Nineteenth Centur\). By Mrs. Humphrey Ward. 1 ;708- 712:Sept. 1888 821.88 Xman. ATHENAEUM Advertisements Browning's Works. By Bell and Stone. 4411 :544: May 11. 1912. The Agememnon of Aeschvlus 2609:525-527:Oct. 1877. Apcllo and Mars\)as and other Poems. By Eugene Lee Hamilton. 2981 :764-766:December 13, 1884. Aristophanes' Apolog]): Including a Transcript from Euripides; being the last Adventure of Dalaustion 2477:51 3-51 4 :April 17, 1875. Asolando; Fancies and Facts. 3247:75-78: Jan. 1890. Asolando. By Josiah Gilbert. 3246:51 :Jan. 11. 1890. The Authorship of Tales from Doccaccio and Florentine Tales. 3328:192-193: Aug. 1891. Dalaustion's Adventure : including a Transcript from Euripides. 2285: 199-200: Aug. 12. 1871. A Dibllograph^ of the Writings of Robert Drowning. By Thomat J. Wise. 3485: 193- 194: Aug. 2. 1894; 3487:256-257: Aug. 23. 1894; 3492:422:Sept. 29. 1894: 3496: 569-570 :Oct. 27. 1894; 14 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY 3594:354:Sept. 12. 1896; 3596:418-420:Sept. 26. 1896; 3600: 564-566:Oct. 24. 1896; 3605: 758-759: Nov. 28, 1896. Same. Reviewed I :3610: 17-18:Jan. 2, 1897. A Biol m ning. By Nettleship. 3256:373-374: Essays and Sketches. 4045 :557-559 :May 6. 1905. March 22. 1890. An Exposition of the Laws of Marriage and Divorce as admin- tered in the Courts of Divorce and Matrimonial causes rvith method of Procedure in each l(ind of Suit. By Ridgway. 2361 :1 10-111 : Jan. 25. 1873. Ferishtah's Fancies. 2980:725-728:Dec. 6, 1884. Fine Arts. 3348:869-870:Dec. 26. 1891. Foreign Novels. 3508:80-81 :Jan. 19. 1895. Greater English Poets of the Nineteenth Centw]^. By Wm. M. Payne. 4218:232:Aug. 29. 1908. The Creel( Christian Poets and the English Poets. 1848:425: March 28. 1863. A Handhool( to the Work of Robert Browning. By Mrs. Suther- land Orr. 3022:396-397:Scpt. 26. 1885. / Chanced upon a New Book Yesicrda)^. 2:3220:64:July 13, 1889. In Cap and Gown: Three Centuries of Cambridge Wit. By Charles Whitley. 3239:702-703 :Nov. 23. 1889. The Inn Album. 2509:701 -702 :Nov. 27. 1875. Jocoseria. reviewed in. 1 :2891 :367-368:March 24. 1883. /uven.7e Books. 4070: 576-577 :Oct. 20. 1905. King Victor and King Charles. 757:376-378: April 30, 1842. La Saisiaz: Two Poets of Croisic. 2639:661 -664: May 25. 1878. La Vie et I'Oeuvre de Elizabeth Browning. By Marie Merlette. 4046: 585-586: May 13. 1905. Les Sonnets Portugais tr. By Ferninand Henry. 4042:457-458: April 15. 1905. Letters of E. B. Browning. By F. G. Kenyon. 3654:627-628: Nov. 6. 1897. Letters of James Russell Lowell. By Chas. Eliot Norton. 3444: 581-584:Oct. 28. 1893. Letters of Perc'^ Bysshe ShelleM. With an Introductory E«ny. 1769:214-215 :Feb. 21. 1852. The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett, 1845-1846. 3721:20 1-202: Feb. 18. 1899. Our Library Table. 2356:809:Dec. 21. 1872; 2620:54:Jan. 12. 1878: 3157:532-533:April 28. 1888; 3190:812:Dec. 15. 1888; 3254:305-306:March 8. 1890; 3256:370:March 22. 1890; 3324: 60-61 :July 11. 1891; 3352:694-695 :May 28. 1892; 3498:641: Nov. 10. 1894; 3622:414-415:Nov. 27. 1897; 3768:47:Jan. 13. 1900; 3918:720-721 :Nov. 29. 1902; By Charles Algernon Swin- burne. 4014:443-444:Oct. 1. 1904; 4030:81 -83 :Jan. 21. 1905 4093:4 19-420; April 7. 1906: 4099:606-608: May 19. 1906; 4205 4093:4 19-420: April 7. 1906; 4090:606-608: May 19. 1906; 4205 668-669: May 1908. Life and Letters of Robert Browning. By Mrs. Sutherland Orr 3319:725-726:June 6. 1891. 16 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Life of J3ron.nmg. 3253:604-605. Lift of Drowning. By G. K. Chesterton. Reviewed by E. K. Burlingame. 1 :3946: 744-746: June 13. 1903. Same. Reviewed by Mr. Hal! Griffith. 1 : 3984: 306-308: March 5, 1904. Life of DroTening. By Edward Dowden. Reviewed in 1 :3986: 362-363: March 1904. Literary Gossip 2907:50-51 : July 14. 1883; 2945:444-445:Apiil 5. 1884; 3024:494-495:Oct. 10. 1885; 3091 :130-131 :Jan. 22. 1887; 3l21:245-246:Aug. 20. 1887; 3133:6-11 -642: Nov. 12. 1887; 3146:I8I-182:Feb. 11. 1888; 3147:214-215:Feb. 18. 1888; 3187: 700-701 :Nov. 24. 1888; 3205:41 1-41 2 :Nov. 30. 1889; 3217:794: June 22. 1889; 3234:524-525:Oct. 19. 1889; 3242:823-824:Dec. 14. 1889; 3243: 860-862: Dec. 21. 1889; 3244:897-898:Dec. 28. 1889; 3246:50-51 :Jan. 11. 1890; 3247:86-87: Jan. 18. 1890; 3255:342-343: March 15. 1890; 3264:642-643: May 17. 1890; 3267:739-740: June 7, 1890; 2171:36-38:JuIy 5. 1890; 3282:388- 390:Sept. 20. 1890; 3285:484-486:Oct. 11. 1890; 3293:778-779: Dec. 6. 1890; 331 1:475-476: April 11. 1891; 3334:389-390:Sepf. 19. 1891; 3337:487-488:Oct. 10, 1891; 3338:51 9-520 :Oct. 17. 1891 ; 3343:688-689: Nov. 21, 1891 ; 3352:278-279:Feb. 27. 1892; 3352:566-567:.April 30, 1892; 3433:229: Aug. 12. 1893; 3438: 389-390:Sept. 16. 1893; 3446:665-670:Nov. 11. 1893; 3485:196- 197:Aug. 11. 1894; 3488:290-291 :Sept. 1. 1894; 3583:846:Jan. 27, 1896; 3608:875-876:Dec. 19. 1896; 3622:41 8-41 9 :Nov. 27. 1897; 3634:81 1-8I2:June 19, 1897; 3650:491 -492 :Oct. 9, 1897; 3662:24-25: Jan. 1. 1898; 3704:572-573 :Oct. 22. 1898; 3767:19: Jan. 6. 1900; 3791 :787-788:June 23. 1900; 3833:468-469: April 13. 1901; 3874:1 17-1 18: Jan. 25. 1902; 3891 :661 :March 24. 1902; 3901: 160-1 61 :Aug. 2. 1902; 3910:454-455 :Oct. 4. 1902; 3930:241 -243 :Feb. 21. 1903; 3943:659-660: May 23. 1903; 3957: 29 1-292: Aug. 29. 1903; 3967:61 7-61 8: Nov. 7. 1903; 4000:820- 822:Jur.e 25. 1904; 4015:485-486:Oct. 8, 1904; 4087:234-235: Feb. 24. 1906; 4119:408-410:Ocf. 6. 1906; 4128:738-739:Dec. 8, 1906; 4135:104-105:Jan. 28, 1907; 4204: 476-477: May 9. 1908; 4411:536:May 11. 1912. Lilerar\) Remains of C. S. Ca/ver/p. By Walter J. Sendall. Verses and Fl], Leaves by C. S. Calverly. 3026:532-534 :Oct. 24. 1885. Lost Poems. 1 796:421 -422 :March 29, 1862. Men and Women. 1 464; 1327-1 328 :Ncw. 17. 1855. miliam Morris. 4423 : 109-1 10: Aug. 3. 1912. Mr. William Morris. By Theo. Watts Dunton. 3598:486-488: Oct. 10. 1896. The Netu Volumes of the Encyclopedia Dritannica. 3903:211- 213: Aug. 16. 1902. Notes from a Diary. By M. E. Grant Duff. 3674:398-399:March 26. 1898. The Old Yellow Doolf, the Source of Browning's Ring and the Book, in complete Photo Reproduction. By Chas. W. Hodell. 4223:396:Oct. 3. 1908. Pacchiarolto, and How he worked in Distemper, with Other Poems. 2495: 101 -102: July 22. 1875. Parle\)ings with Certain Peoplt of Importance in Their Da]). Re- viewed in 1:3095:247-249: Feb. 19. 1887. Personal Notes hy Gone. 3268:767-769 :June 14. 1890. BROWNINGIANA 17 Pippa Passes. 737:952:Dec. 11. 1841. Poems. By Matthew Arnold. 301 7:229-230: Aug. 22. 1885. Poems and Lvrics of the Joy of the Earth. By George Meredith. 2909: 1 03- 104: July 28. 1883. Poems Before Cortgress. 1690:371-373:1860. Poems b\f Coventry Palmare. 3059:771 -772 :June 12. 1886. Poems by the IVay. By Wm. Morrii. 3352:336-338:March 12. 1892. Poems, Dramatic and Lvrical. By John Leicester Warren. 3417: 497-498: April 22. 1893.' Poems of Mrs. Drorvninif. 1205:1242-1244:1850. The Poetical Works of James Russell Lor»ell. 2753 : 136-137 : July 31. 1880. Poetry and Shopl^eeping. By Muezzin. Littell's Living Age 293: 685-688. Popular Poets of the Period. By F. A. H. Eyies. 3228:315-316: Sept. 7. 1889. A Prefatory Note. By Robert Browning. By J. H. Ingram. 3301 : 153:Jan. 31. 1891. Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau, Saviour of Society. 2304:827-828: Dec. 23. 1871. Rahan or Life-Splinters. By \V. C. Smith. 2788:454-455: April 2. 1881. Recent Verse. 3069:237 : Aug. 21. 1886; 3748:288-289: Aug. 1899; 4155:724-726:June 15. 1907; Philasler and Other Poems. By Astor Clair. 3173 :220-221 : Aug. 18. 1888. Records of Tennyson, Rusf^in and Browning. By Anne Ritchie. 3389:477-478:Ocf. 8. 1892. Red Cotton Night-Cap Counlrv, or Turf and Towers. 2376:593- 594:May 10. 1873. Relations to Matthew Arnold. By A. Orr. 3326: 129:July 25, 1891. Return of the Druses. 818:608-609:July 1. 1843. Review of Aurora Leigh. 1517:1425-1427:1856. The Ring and the Book (2. 3. 4) :2160:399-400:March 20. 186^. Same. Reviewed by R. Buchanan. 2:2148:875-876:Dec. 26. 1868. Same. Reviewed New Eclectic Magazine 4:5:61 9-625 :May 1869. 2868:489:Oct. 14. 1882. Selections from the Poets. 2752: 1 10-1 1 I : [uly 24. 1880. Shakspere's Sonnets. 3043 :257-258:Feb. 20. 1886. The Shrine of Death and Other Stories. By Lady Dilke. 3055 : 642: May 15. 1886. Sister Beatrice and Ardiant and Barbe Blue translated by Bernard Miall. 3888:554-555:May 3. 1902. Sordello. 657:43 1 -432 :March 30. 1840. Stories from Robert Browning. By Frederick May Holland. The Spring Publishins Season. 3718:1 13 :Jan. 28. 1899. Strafford, a Tragedy. By E. H. Hickey. 2955:757: Jan. 14. 1884. Same. 2966:273 : Aug. 30. 1884. Temple Library — The poetical IVork' of Thomas Lowell Beddoes. By Edmund Gosse. 3296:879-881 :Dec. 27. 1890. Alfred Lord Tennyson, A Memoir. By His Son. 3651 : 52 1-522: Oct. 16. 1897. To Edward Fitzgerald. 2 :3200:64 : [uiv 13. 1889. The Week. 3031 : 709: Nov. 28. 1885. Our Weekly Gossip. 1693:477:1860. 18 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY IViie Men and A Fool. By Coulson Kernahan. 3841:719-720: June 8. 1901. The IVorks of BroTvning. 4440:654:Nov. 30. 1912; 4444:776: Dec. 28. 1912. The IVorl^s of Ceoffrev Chaucer. By Alfred H. Pollard; H. Frank Heath; Mark H. Liddell. and W. S. McCormick. Mac- millan & Co. 3723:268-269: March 4. 1899. ATHENAEUM REVIEWS By C. Poet Lore 3:10:528-9. ATHERTON, GERTRUDE FRANKLIN The Lilerar]; Developmenl of California. Cosmopolitan 10:276: Jan. 1891. ATKINSON. EMILY A Few Impresiiom From the Poems of Robert BroTi>ning, Pro- fusely illustrated. Published by Kegan. Paul. Trench, Trubner & Co.. Ltd., London 821.88 gfa. ATLANTIC MONTHLY The Anatomizing of IVilliam Shaliespeare. By Richard Grant White. 53:595-61 2 :May 1884. Aristophanes' Apolog\f. Editorial on. 36:493-495 :Oct. 1875. Matthew Arnold as a Poet. By Harriet Waters Preston. 53:641- 650: May 1884. A discussion of the performance of A Blot in the 'Scutcheon, a Philistine View. By T. R. Lounsbury. 84:764-773 :Dec. 1899. The Browning Tonic. By Martha Baker Dunn. 90:203-21 1 : Aug. 1902. Books of the Months. 51 :139-144:Jan. 1883; 58:286-288: Aug. 1888; 59:284-288: Feb. 1887; 59: 573-576: April 1887; 60:859- 860:Dec. 1887; 62 :429-432:Sept. 1888; 63: 139- 144: Jan. 1889; 63:719-720:May 1889; 64:141-144:July 1889; 64:575-576:Oct. 1889. Browning and the Special Interests. By Wm. Austin Smith. 114: 809-814:Dec. 1914. A Browning Courtship (Used to represent a Browning Wedding). By Eliza Orne White. 62:99-1 12 :JuIy. 1888. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 8:368-376 :Sepf. 1861. Robert Browning. 65:243 -248: Feb. 1890. Robert and Elizabeth B. Browning. By Harriet Waters Preston. 83:812-826:June 1899. Browning's Lineage, a poem of fourteen lines. By Henry Van Dyke. 99:260: Feb. 1907. Christmas Ev, Easter Day, Sordello, Strafford, Reviewed. 13: 639-642: May 1864. Comment on New Books. 67:706-71 1 :May 1891. Concordance Maying in Ner» Zealand. By A. E. Trimble. 104: 364-367: July 1909. The Contributor's Club. Editorial 48:710-716:Nov. 1881 ; 49:566- 573:April 1882; 52:419-431 :Sept. 1883; 57:429:March 1886; 58:137-142:Jaly 1886; 58:857-860:Dec. 1886; 62: 134-140:July 1888; 63:713-719:May 1889; 65:281 -285 :Feb. 1890; 66:133- 139:July 1890; 67 : 280-288: Feb. 1891; I12:852-854:July 1913. The Cult of the Passing Hour. By G. W. Firkins. 113:661-668: Jan. 1914. Curiosities of Criticism, By Agnes Repplicr. 59:314-323 : March 1887. BROWNINGIANA 19 The Decay of Sentimeni. By Agne« Repplier. 60 :67-76 July 1887. A Discussion of EdivarJ Do9>den'i Life of Dronning. By H. W. Boynton. 94:269-270: Aug. 1904. Discussion of Drorvning's Life and Worl(. By Mary Whiting. 65: 243-248: Feb. 1890. Discussion of Inn Album. 37 :372-374:March 1876. Diversions of the Echo Cluh. 29 :76-84 :Jan. 1872; 29:710-715: June 1872; 29:269-275 :Mnrch 1872. Dramatis Pcrsonae. 14:644-648: Nov. 1864. Editorial on Browning'n Complete Poetical Worki (and Dramatic). 77:273-274: Feb. 1896. Emerson as a Religious Influence. By George A. Gordon. 91 : 577-578:Jan. 1903. English Love Song. 65 :23-33 :Jan. 1890. The Enjol^ment of Poetry. By Samuel M. Crothers. 83:268-276: Jan. 1899. Fcristah's Fancies. 55 :562-565 :April 1885. Fiction in the Pulpit. By Agne. Repplier. 64: 527-536 :Oct. 1889. Footpath.'^. By Tbomai Wentworth Higginsom. 26:513-521 :JuI)r 1870. The Forerunners. By Vida A. Scudder. 108:231 -242: July 1911. Gardens and Garden Craft. By Franci* Duncan. 90:559-563: July 1902. Gold Hair. l3:596-599:May 1864. Illustrated Books. Editorial 50:846-852:Dec. 1882. Miss Ingelow and Mrs. Walford. 56:230-242 :Aug. 1885. Henrj; James. 55 :702-705 :May 1885. Jacques Jasmion. By Harriet \V. Preston. 37 :34-42 :Jan. 1876. Jocoseria. 51 :840-845 : June 1883. IValter Savage Landor. By G. E. Woodberrv. 51 :208-21 7 :Feb. 1883. Letters of D. G. Rossclti. 78:45-57: July 1896. The Life of Tennyson. By Hamilton Wright Mabie. 80:577-589: Feb. 1897. The Life of the Spirit in the Modern English Poets. Editorial 76: 130- 134: July 1895. Literary Centennials. By Annie Kimbal Luell. 109:103-107:Jan. 1912. A Literary Curiosity. 54:398-413 :Sept. 1884. Literarv London Twenty Years Ago. By Thomat Wentworth Hig- ginson.' 80:753-761 :July 1897. The Madonna of the Future. By H. Jame». Jr. 31:276-297: March 1872. Memorials of Rossetti. 51 :549-555 :April 1883. The Morality of Thackeray and of George Eliot. By Maria Louisa Henry. 51 :243-248:Feb. 1883. The Muses in the Common School. By Mary E. Burt. 67:531: April 1891. Netv Lights on Browning. Bv Ferri* Grecnslel. 92 :418-423 :Sept. 1903. Old Yellow Book, Editorial on. at translated and edited. By Chai. W. Hodell. 101:407-413:M«rch. 1908. Mrs. Orr's Life and Letters of Rohert Browning. Editorial Based on. 68:263-268: Aug. 1891. 30 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Over the Teacups. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. 66:92- 1 05: July 1890. The Pla\)wrighi and the Pla\;-goeT3. By Brander Matthewi. 102: 421 -426: July 1908. Pleasure, a HeTes\). By Agnes Repplier. 67:393-402:March 1891. The Poetry of IVilUam IValson. By Harold Williams. 107:267- 276:Jan. 1911. Poetry Today. By Cornelia A. P. Comer. 1 17:493-498 :April 1916. Preser^t Conditions of Literary Productions. By Paul Shorey. 78: 156- 168: Aug. 1896. Professional Poetry. 55:561-566:April 1885. Prospice. 13:694: June 1864. The Reading of Books NoJvada\3S. By George P. Brett. 1 14-620: 626:Nov. 1914. A Realistic Poet. By Philip Bourke Marston. 49:514-51 7: April 1882. Recent Literature. 27:392-400: March 1871; 29:619.630:May 1872; 32:102-1 18:July 1873; 33 : 368-3 76: March 1874; 37:112- 124:Jan. 1876; 38:747-754:Dec. 1876; 39 :624-640:May 1877; 43:405-41 4 :March 1879; 44:551 -560 :Oct. 1879; 68:842-846: Dec. 1891. The Relation of Music to Poetry. By Alfred Hayes. 113:59-69: Jan. 1914. The Red Cotton Night-Cap Country. Editorial. 32:1 14-1 15 :JuIy 1873. Reminiscences of Professor Sophocles. By George Herbert Palmer. 67: 779-788: June 1891. Reviews and Literary Notices. 14:642-648: Nov. 1864; 23:256- 264: Feb. 1869; 26: 11 5- 128: July 1870. Revival of the Poetic Drama. By Brander Matthews. 101 :219- 224: Feb. 1908. The Revival of Poetic Drama. By Edmund Gosse. 90:156-166: July 1902. The Ring and the Book- Editorial. 23 :256-259:Feb. 1869. Christina Rosselti. By Paul Elmer More. 94:815-821 :Nov. 1904. Joseph Severn and His Correspondents. 68: 736-748: Dec. 1891. Shall We Still Read Creeli Tragedy? By Thomas Dwighl Goodeil. 81:474-482: April 1898. Shelley. By Arthur Symons. 100:347-356:Sept. 1907. Some Aspects of Pessimism. By Agnes Repplier. 60: 756-768 :Dec. 1887. Some Remarks on the Study of English Verse. 92:469-475:Oct. 1903. By Henry Vandyck. To Robert and Elizabeth B. Broivning. a poem. By Marion Pellon Guild. 86:420-421 :Sept. 1900. Tennyson's and Drorvning's Latest Poems. Based on Browning's Parleyings with Certain People of Importance in Their Day. 59: 705-708: May 1887. Two Books About Poetry. By William Allan Neilson. 89:419- 423:March 1902. Two Books of Verse. 66: 844-846: Dec. 1890. Two Philosophers of the Paradoxical. By Josiah Royce. 67:161- 173:Feb. 1891. Two Women of Letters. 51 :413-416:March 1883. Under the Cliff. By Robert Browning. 13:737-738: June 1864. BROWNINGIANA 21 Kaguc Tboughti on Art. By John Galsworthy. 1 09: 557-566: April 1912. yictorian H])pocrii]). By Annie Winsor Allen. 1 14: 1 74-l88:July 1914. The Viriuoio of the Old School. By Leon H. Vincent. 84:36-44: July 1899. The Vital Touch in Literature. By John Burroughs. 83:399-406: Feb. 1899. Ward's English Poet,. By Francis H. Underwood. 48:273-280: Aug. 1881. Well Made Books 76:117. 77:272-274: Feb. 1896. Mr. Woodbury's Criticism. 66:847-848:Dec. 1890. ATTITUDE OF DETACHMENT. ROBERT BROWNINGS By Stopford Brooke. Literary Digest 26: 149- 150: Jan. 31. 1903. ATTITUDE OF SOUTHERN WOMEN ON THE SUFFRAGE QUESTION. THE By Annah Robinson Watson. Arena 1 7 :363-369 :Feb. 1895. ATTITUDE WITH REGARD TO ART. BROWNINGS By A. C. R. The Primitive Methodist Quarterly Review and Christian Ambassador 467-481 :July 1890 821.88 Lba. AURORA LEIGH Reading from Elizabeth B. Browning. Chautauquan 60:l24:Sept. 1910. AUSGEWAEHLTE GEDICHTE Von Robert Browning. Verlag von M. Heinsius Nachfolger, Bre- men. 1894. Ubersetzt von Edmund Ruete. 8213.88 Gspr. AUSTIN. ALFRED The Poetry of the Period. Mr. Browning. 38-76. 280 (First Edi- tion 1870) 821.88 A935p. AUSTIN. ALFRED AND ROBERT BROWNING By Wm. Lyon Phelps. Yale 7:580-591 :Jan. 1918. AUSTIN AND HIS CRITICS. ALFRED Literary Digest 2I:582:Nov. 17. 1900. AUSTRALIAN APPRECIATION OF BROWNING. AN By Henry Laurie. Centcnar}; Addresses 55-63 821.88 Vnya. AUSTRALIAN MUSE. THE By S. Gertrude Ford. Contemporary Review 103:395-403 :March 1913. AUTOBIOGRAPHY— THE CHARMS OF Munsey's Magazine 22:61 3 :Jan. 1900. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF M. D. CONWAY Independent 57:l089:Nov. 10, 1904. AUTHOR OF THE BROWNING ARTICLES. THE By Katherine Coleman De Kay Bronson. Century 63:638:Feb. 1902. AUTHORS' WIVES Current Opinion 9:37-40. AVENGER. THE By John Homer Caskey. Baylor Literary 23:4-7:Feb. 1915. AVISON. CHARLES Organist in Newcastle. An Essay on Musical Expression. London. 1752 780.4 A958. AYERS. C. E. National Council of Teachers of English. English Journal 4:61: Jan. 1915. BACCHUS, ONE OF THE WORLDS GREAT POEMS By Chas. Malloy. Arena 32:504-13 :Nov. 1904. BACHELOR. ANN Tlioughti From Broivning : Selection* From the Writings of Robert Browning for Every Day of the Year. 821.88 Sib. BACHELOR OF ARTS Robert DroTvning... By John Jay Chapman. 3 :5 :597-608:Nov. 1896; 3:6:731-741 :Dec. 1896. BAGEHOT, WALTER Literary Studies (3 Vols.) IVordsivorth, Tetin\;ion, and Broivning, orPure, Ornaie, and Grotesque Art m English Poetry. 2:326-381 823.8 B144c. Nineteenth Cenlw]) Englisli Prose... By Dickinson. Contains IVordsworih, Tennyson and Broruning, or Pure, Ornate and Gro- tesque Art in English Poetry. 274-337 824.08 D553n. B.AGG. MRS. MARY E. Aid to the Living from Browning, From Memorial Meeting of f/i« Syracuse Broivning Club 14-20 821.88 Bsr. BAILDON. H. B. Robert Louis Stevenson, Essayist, Novelist and Poet. (Englische Studien.) Littell's Living Age 221 :67 1-688. BAILEY. CAROLINE S. Poetry and the Home. Outlook 104:568-571 :July 12. 1913. BAILEY. ELMER JAMES 5pecm/ Articles. Forum 40:245-254: Aug. 1908. BAILEY. J. C. The Sonnets of M. De Heredia. Fortnightly Review 70:383; Sept. 1898. BAILEY. JOHN Poetry of Robert Bridges. (Quart. R.) Littell'g Living Age 278: 3608:51 5-529:Aug. 30. 1913. BAILEY. PHILIP JAMES By Edmund Gosse. Eclectic Magazine 140:218-231 :Feb. 1903. SAINTON. GEORGE The Art of Authorship, Methods: Conscious and Unconscious. 58-59 808.3 A939a. BAIR, FREDERICK H. The Bible, The Cree}(s and Oral English. English Journal 7:246: April 1918. BAKER. FRANKLIN T. Selected and Edited, Brorvning's Shorter Poems. The Macmillan Co.. New York. 1916 821.88 Gspb. BAKER, HARRY T. Dates of the Ring and the Book. Nation 90:33-4:Jan. 13. 1910. Hair in Browning's Poetry. A letter to the editor. Nation 93: 263:Sept. 21. 1911. Poetry and the Practical Man. Forum 42:228-34:Sept. 1909, BALAUSTION'S ADVENTURE By Sidney Colvin. Fortnightly Review 58:New Style 95:Old Style:Oct. 1. 1871 821.88 Xsf. BROWNINGIANA 23 Reprinted from the London Quarterly Review Jan. 1872. For private circulation. Printed by Beveridge and Fraser, London. 821.88 Dfb. Reviewed under General Literature. By G. A. Simcox, Academy 409.4I0:Sept. 1. 1871 821 Dacad. (Critical review.) By R. E. Thompson. Penn Monthly, The 6:72:928-940:Dec. 1875. BALAUSTION'S ADVENTURE. ARISTOPHANES' APOLOGY. PACCHIAROTTO AND OTHER POEMS By Robert Browning. The Riverside Press. Cambridge. Houghton. Mifflin & Co.. Boston. 1883. BALAUSTIONS tADVENTURE: INCLUDING A TRANSCRIPT FROM EURIPIDES Athenaeum 2285: 199-200: Aug. 12. 1871. By Robert Brcxwning. London: Smith. Elder &t Co., 15 Waterloo Place. First Edition 1871. (The Right of Translation is reserved.) Autographed by \V. Hale White, Carshalton 821.88 Hbal. BALAUSTIONS ADVENTURE. REVIEW OF Nation 13:324:178-179:Sept. 14, 1871. BALAUSTIONS EURIPIDES A Dramatic yenion of Balauslion'a Adventure and Arisiophanci' ApologX) Made for Boston Brorvning Lilerar\f Sodely. By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 26:1 :38-46. BALAUSTION'S OPINION OF EURIPIDES By Philip Stafford Moxom. The Boston Browning Society Papert 411-437 821.88 Vbp. BALCH. ELIZABETH Japanese Poelr\). Poet Lore 14:4:90. BALCONY See In a Balcony. BALDWIN, DANIEL PRATT. HON. The Open Vision in Art. Arena 19:843-849: June 1898. BALDWIN, JAMES The Center of the Republic. Scribner's Magazine 3:589-600: May 1888. BALDWIN, MARY R. Browning's Jules and Du Maurier's Little Billee. Poet Lore9:4: 575-577. BALFOUR IN THE STUDY By Sidney Low. Edinburgh Review 216:255-278:Oct. 1912. BALLAD ART. MODERN DEVELOPMENTS IN Editor. Edinburgh Review 213:153-179:Jan. 1911. BALLADS. POPULAR ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH By Francis J. Child. Athenaeum 3230:377-379:Sept. 21. 1889. BANNISTER, A. T. BroTvning's Religion. Homiletic Review 39:2IO-216:Sepl. 1900. BANTOCK. GRANVILLE See Music. BARCLAY, MARY M. Broivning Note. Poet Lore 1 :6:300. BARDEEN, C. W. Notes of a Call on Mr. Bron>ning, Memorial Meeting of the S\)ra- cuse Browning Club 91-94 821.88 Bsy. Some of BroTvrnng's Beliefs, Memorial .Meeting of the Syracuse Browning Club 64-78 821.88 Bsy. 24 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY BARLOW, GEORGE The Ccnius of Dicl(cns. Contemporary Review 94: 542-562: Nov. 1908. The Trausfigiiralion erf Matter. Contemporary Review 85:686-696: May 1904. BARNARD. CLARA G. Poetic Characteristics of XfattheH) Arnold. Poet Lore 6:2:76-83. BARNETT PROFESSOR Brcwning's jeras and Shalicspeare's Jcrv. London Browning So- ciety Papers 10:207-220 821.88 Dbs. Same. Berdoe's 253-266 821.88 Vlbs. Representatives of His Times. Poet Lore 1 :1 :31. BARNETT. SAMUEL AUGUSTUS. IN MEMORY OF His Thoughts, His IFor^s, His Faith, and His Friends, in th« words of Robert Browning. BARNICOAT. CONSTANCE A. The Reading of the Colonial Cirl. Independent 60:939-950:Dec. 1906. BARRETT. C. J. MOULTON A Defense of Mrs. Browning's Father. Literary Digest 18:578: May 20. 1899. BARRETT'S INFLUENCE ON BROWNING'S POETRY, ELIZA- BETH By John Cunliffe. Publications of the Modern Language Associa- tion of America 23:2, New Series 16:2:169-183:1908 821.88 Bcue. BARRETT'S POEMS. MISS Art, Literature and the Drania. By Margaret Fuller Ossoli. 198- 206 814 084al. BARRINGTON. MRS. RUSSELL Lord Leighton's Sketches. Eclectic Magazine 45 : 180- 188: Feb. 1897. BARRON. ESTELLE Translation of The Ring and The Boolf — Eine Interpretation. By Helene Meyer-Franck. BARTOL, C. A. The Border Land of Morals. Forum 6:194:Oct. 1888. BASICERVILLE. CHAS. The Rare Earth Crusade; what it portends, scientifically and technically. Science 1 7:772-781 :May 15, 1903. BASKERVILLE. W. M. Some Appreciations of Sidney Lanier. Dial 18:299-301 : May 16, 1895. BATEMAN, MAY The Catholic Vierv in Modern Fiction. Fortnightly Review 105: 535:March 1916. BATES. ARLO Editor; A Blot in the 'Scutcheon, Colomhe's Birthday, A Soul's Traged}), and In a Balcony. By Robert Browning. D. C. Heath & Co. 1906 821.88 Gpb. Talks on Teaching Literature 1 13-115 821.88 Vbp. The Worth of Literaryi Culture. Literary Digest 1 5:733-734 :0«t. 16, 1897. BROWNINGIANA 25 BATES. KATHARINE LEE /n the Poets' Corner, Homage to Robert Dronining, Aleph Taoner 101 821.88 Xht. A'eiD Idaas m Teaching. Poet Lore 6:8:564. BATES. MABEL BARNETT To Robert Broxening, Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 73 821.88 Xht. BAYLIS. WALTER J. A Causeric on DroTvning. East and West 14: 161 :272-276:March 1915 821.88 Rbc. BAYLOR LITERARY The Avenger. By John Homer Caskey. 23:4-7:Feb. 1915. A Beautiful Life. By Lola Isbell. 12:332-337:May-June 1904. Robert Brorening, Magnet of the Soul. By Francis Ohrum. 17: 312-315:June 1909 821.88 Xblg. BroTvning's Treatment of Womanhood. By Otsie V. Betts.21-2: 46-49 :Oct. 1912. Bi; the Fireside. By M. B. 12: 1 1 5-l]9:Dec. 4, 1904 821.88 Xblg. A Comparison of Poe and Rossetti. By Agnes Arbuckle. 18:304- 307:April 1910. Contains Georgetonian, etc. Robert Drowning — The Magnet of the Soul, by Francis Ohrum; Browning's Treatment of I'Vomanhood, by Otsie V. Belts; Zip the Fireside, by M. B.; Two Pictures, by Arkley B. Wright; The Portrait of the Last Duchess, by Cornelia Blackburn; Mp Last Duchess, by H. G. O. 821.88 Xblv. fine Arts in Education. By H. J. C. 14:7-13 :Sept. 1905. Fragments of English, By H. Carroll. 12:304-305 : April 1909. The Future of American Literature. By Bliss Perry. 17:119-123: Jan. 1909. The Italian Nineteenth Centur\f Literature. By Erma Clegg. 17: 290-294: May 1909. Life IVithout Literature Is Death. By Pearl Province. 12:126- 28:Dec. 1903. The Literary Scrap Heap. 22:31 -33 :Feb. 1914. Literature— Its Toils and Rewards. By P. 6:218-221 :Feb. 1898. The Love Affairs of the Poets. By Eva McGowan. 17:334-337: June 1909. The Plowman and the Peer. By Murtel Tarrant. 18:355-359: May 1910. Realism in the 19th Centur\) English Fiction. By Emily Dixson. l8:3-7:Sept. 1909. Two Friends. Editorial 5:214-21 5: Jan. 1897. BAYLOR TIMES Robert Barrett Browning. By A. Joseph Armstrong. March 15. 1913. BAYNE. PETER Wall IVhitman's Poems. (Contemp. R.) Littells Living Age 128:91-103. BAYNE. THOMAS Browning and St. Andrews. Athenaeum 3334:386-387:Sept. 19. 1891. The Poetry of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. (Fraser's.) Littell't Living Age 152:817-822. 26 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY BEACH. MRS. H. H. A. See Music. BEACH. JOHN See Music. BEALE. DOROTHEA Lilerat)) Studies, Religious Teachings of Drowning 83-107, BToton- ing's Christmas Eve 108-129 804 B3661s. The Religious Teaching of Brotvning. Berdoe's DroTvning Studies 76-91 821.88 Vlbs. Same. London Browning Society Papers 3:323-338 821.88 Dbs. BEAN STRIPE. A: ALSO APPLE EATING See Music. BEARE. CORNELIA Edited with an Introduction and Notes, Poems fc]> Robert DroTvn- ing, Merrill's English Texts. Charles E. Merrill Co., New York 821.88 Gpb. BEATTY. PAKENHAM A Poem to DroToning. Littell's Living Age 198:770. To Browning, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 58 821.88 Xht. BEAUTIFUL LIFE, A By Lola Isbell. Baylor Literary 12 :332-337 :May-June 1904. BEAUTY, THE UTILITY OF By Wm. Norman Guthrie. Sewanee Review 13:143-155. BEDDOES. THOMAS LOVELL By Mrs. Andrew Crosse. (Temp. B.) Littell's Living Age 201 : 157-66. Poetical Worlfs of — Temple Librar};. By Edmund Gosse. Athe- naeum 3296:879-881 :Dec. 27, 1890. BEERBOHM, MAX The Poet's Corner, contains a caricature of Browning at a meeting of a Browning Society 1904 741 B415p. BEGBIE. HAROLD India Moving Christward. Literary Digest 48: 1 :68-69:Jan. 10, 1914. BEGINNERS. BROWNING FOR By Thomas Rain. 821.88 Drb. BELESENHEIT VON ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON. DIE Robert Browning 21 :( 191 2). BELIEFS Some of Browning's Beliefs. By C. W. Bardeen. Syracuse Me- morial 64-78 821.88 Bsy. BELL. ERIC A Summer Trip Through the Dolomites. Country Life in America 18:363-364:JuIy 1910. BELLOWS. ISABEL FRANCIS Pippa Passes. Poet Lore 6:3:133-50. BELLS AND POMEGRANATES By Henry F. Chorley. The People's Journal 821.88 Dpj. By Robert Browning (First Series) With a Preface and Notes. By Thomas J. Wise, Nineteenth Century Classics. Ward, Lock & Co., Ltd., London 1896 821.88 Hbpw. By Robert Browning (Second Series) Nineteenth Century Classics. Ward, Lock & Co., Ltd., London 1897 821.88 Hbpw. No. 1. First Series 1896. By Clement K. Shorter and with in- BROWNINGIANA 27 troduction by Thomas J. Wise. Second Series (1896) 821.88 Hbpw S2. No. V. A Blot in ning 365-393 821.88 Dho. By F. J. Furnival. Poet Lore 12:209-10. Worcester Free Public Library Special Reading List. Robert Browning 2-8: Jan. 1899. BIBLIOPHILES, NOTES FOR By Editor. Dial 63 : 1 20-1 : Aug. 16, 1917. BICKNELL, PERCY F. Casual Comment. Dial 42:133-135 :March 1. 1907. An Irish Poet's Literary Friendships. Dial 44:69-70:Feb. 1, 1908. Literary Essays of a Naturalist. Dial 34: 1 13-14:Feb. 16, 1903. A Poet and His Circle. Dial 52:221 -3 : March 16, 1912. A Rollicking Irish Story Teller. Dial 40:382-84: June 16, 1906. Some Celebrated Characters of Last Century. Dial 46:134-5: March 1. 1909. A Store House of Notes and Anecdotes. Dial 37:31 -32 :July 16, 1904. A Wordsworthian in Reminiscent Mood. Dial 38: 1 1 7-19:Feb. 16, 1905. BIGELOW, WALTER S. To Drowning, Homage to Robert Dron>ning, Aieph Tanner 121 821.88 Xht. BINKLEY, C. A. Poetic Interpretation of Nature. Poet Lore 13:1:53-79. BIOGRAPHIC CLINICS By George M. Gould. Containing De Quincy, Carlyle, Darwin, Huxley, and Browning 1:124-139 612.8452 G696b. BROWNINGIANA 31 BIOGRAPHICAL FACTS IN REGARD TO ROBERT AND ELI- ZABETH BROWNING By Anne H. Wharton. Poet Lore 2:1 :35-37. BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL Allibonc'i Diclionar]) of AtiUwn. I :267. Chronological Table of the Principal Events in the Poet's Life and the Order of Publication of the Poems, Browning Notes 141- 152 821.88 Dhn. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES AND SUGGESTIONS FROM FIFTY MEN AND WOMEN (In Bibliography). Library Journal 38: 2:390:July 1911. BIOGRAPHY Robert Brojvning. By Pierre Berger. Translated by Mabel Moran. A thesis in the Department of English (Typewritten) 821.88 Dbbm; also 821.88 Brb. Robert Drojvning. By Stopford Augustin Brooke. 821.88 Dbj. Drorvniug, Dool^man Biography. By James Douglas. 821.88 Bdp. Robert Drowning, IVestminsler Biography. By Arthur Waugh. Browning Chief Poet of the Age. By W. G. Kingsland. First Edition 1887 821.88 Dhr. Browning Personalia. By Edmund W. Gosse. 821.88 Dpg. The Brownings, Their Life and Art. By Lilian Whiting. 821.88 Bwb. Chamber's Encyclopedia to English Literature (New Edition) 3: 9:549-567 820.9 C445c. Gilbert Keith Chesterton's Robert Browning. 821.88 Bch. George Willis Cooke's Poets and Problems 269-385. By Edmund Gosse. Dictionary of National Biography 22:306- 319 Be S828. Charles Harold Hereford's Robert Browning. 821.88 Dhr. Life and Letters of Robert Browning. New edition revised and in part rewritten by Frederic G. Kenyon, 1908 821.88 Bor2. The Life of Robert Browning. By Edward Dowden. 821.88 Bdt. Life of Robert Browning. By William Sharp. Edited by Eric Robertson and Frank L. Marzials. Bibliography by John P. Anderson. Little Journcv.s to the Homes of English Authors. By Elbert Hub- bard. Roycroft Covers 35-70 821.88 Bhl. BIOGRAPHY OF THE BROWNINGS By Lilian Whiting. Independent 71 :350. BIRD. FREDERICK M. Browning Theologv. Independent 42:I71-l72:Feb. 6, 1890. BIRRELL, AUGUSTINE' Globe Edition in I Volume, 2 copies. 821.88 Gmnb. Editor of Globe Edition of Browning (2 Vol.) 821.88 Gb. Essa\)s and Addresses, Robert Browning. 182-197:1907 824.91 B619e. James Antlion}) Froude. Scribner's Magazine 17:149: Feb. 1895. Cood Taste. Scribner's Magazine 17:120 :Jan. 1895. Obiter Dicta On the Alleged Obscurit\) of Mr. Browning. I :55-95 820.4 B619. On Leisure, Cenius, Bool^s, and Reading. (Chamb. J.) Littell'i Living Age 216:557-559. Patriotism and Christianity. Contemporary Review 87:193-201: Feb. 1905. Some More Letters of Mrs. Carl^le. Eclectic Magazine 141:231- 237: Aug. 1903. 32 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY BIRTHDAY. A. Charlotte Porter, Homage lo Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 42 821.88 Xht. BIRTHDAY. ROBERT BROWNINGS By Yvilliam Harraan van Allen. Emerson College Magazine 20:3: 136:Jan. 1912. BISHOP BLOUGRAM Poet Lore 16:1 :137:Spring 1905. BISHOP BLOUGRAM'S APOLOGY By E. Johnson. London Browning Society Papers 3:279-292 821.88 Dbs. BISHOP OF WINCHESTER See Introductoin to Mrs. Percy Leake's Ethics of Browning Poems. 821.88 Rel. BISHOP VINCENT'S EIGHTEENTH ANNIVERSARY Remarf(able Tribules; Treasured in His Birthday Cift Box. Chau- tauquan 67:21 -39:June 1912. BIXBY, JAMES T. Robert Browning's Message to the Nineteenth Century. Arena I:3:283-297:Feb. 1890. BLACK. LOUIS J. The Letter of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Dial 23 :274-7:Nov. 16. 1897. BLACKBURN, CORNELIA Portrait of the Last Duchess. Baylor Literary and Georgetonian 9-12 821.88 Xblg. BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE Browning and Tennyson. Littell's Living Age 184:240-245. A French Stud\) of Burns. Living Age 198:735-743. Light Literature and Poetry. 79: 125- 138: Feb. 1856. Musing Without Method. 189:2:572-575 :April 191 1 ; 191:111: 125:Jan. 1912; 191 :2:883 :Jan. 1912. My Impression of Oxford and Stratford. By Yone-Noguchi. 199: 539:April 1916. The Old Yellow Book- By Charles W. Hodell. Littell's Living Age 269:499-502. The Old Yellow Boof(, as translated and edited. By Chas. W. Hodell. Reviewed in 189:572-5: April 1911. The Ral-Catcher of Hameln. By Gustav Hartwig. Trans, by T. Martin. Living Age 195:639-640. Remarks on Browning's Men and Women. 189:572-5: April 1911. BLANK VERSE OF SOHRAB AND RUSTUM. THE By H. E. Coblentz. Poet Lore 7:10:497-505. BLANK VERSE. TECHNIQUE OF ENGLISH NON-DRAMATIC South Atlantic Quarterly 1 1 :96-98:Jan. 1912. BLAUVELT. MARY TAYLOR The Religious Teachings of Aeschylus. Poet Lore 4-8 & 9:425. BLESSED DAMOZEL. THE. ROSSETTI'S By W. Bertrand Stevens. Chautauquan 46: 109: March 1907. BLOT IN THE 'SCUTCHEON. A Athenaeum 3 152:382: March 24, 1888. (A Defence.) By George Herbert Clark. Reprinted from the April Number of the Sewanee Review 1920 821.88. A Discussion of the Performance of a Blot in the 'Scutcheorti Thomas R. Lounsbury. Atlantic 84:764-773 :Nov. 1899. Life and Letters. Poet Lore 12:1 :153-154. London Browning Society Papers 10:250-255. BROWNINGIANA 33 Poet Lore 16:3 : 152-1 53 :March 27. 1905. A Souvenir of the performance of Browning's Tragedy, Manchc»- ter. March 27, 1893, with Charle* Hughes' compliment. Contains: Word to the Public, by Charles Hughes; Prologue, poem, by W. A Raleigh; Extract from a letter from Dr. Ward, principal of Oniens College; Extract from a letter from Charles Dicf(ens to John Fonter in reference to A Blot in the 'Scutcheon ; Lad^ Mar- tin (Miss Helen Faucit) Dtrites in reference to the first production of A Blot in the 'Scutcheon, in 1843; Pall Mall Gazette, May 29. 1892, A Blot in the 'Scutcheon at Manchester, by a Correspondent. 821.88 Hbs. The Study Class. By Anna Benneson McMahan. 125-126 807 Ml 67. BLOT IN THE 'SCUTCHEON AND OTHER DRAMAS By Arlo Bates. Cantains: Introduction 9-36; A Blot in the 'Scutcheon 1-73; Colomhe't Birthday 81-186; In a Balcony 197- 242; A Soul's Tragedy 245-295; Bibliography 300-303 821.88 Gpb. By Robert Browning. Edited with notes. By William J. Rolfe, and Heloise E. Hersey. 821.88 Gdr. BLUNT, WILFRED SCAWEN Lord Lytton's Ranl( in Literature. Nineteenth Century. Littell's Living Age 193:805-811. BOCCACCIO, THE AUTHORSHIP OF TALES FROM Athenaeum 3328: 192-193: Aug. 8. 1891. BODENHEIM. MAXWELL What is Poetry? New Republic 13 :21 l-2l2:Dec. 22. 1917. BOKER. RICHARD RODGERS London as a Literary Center (A brief personal sketch of Brown- ing.) Harper's Magazine 76:817-819. BOND, R. WARWICK Rus}(in's Views of Literature. Contemporary Review 87:844-860: June 1905. BOOK INKLINGS AND BOOKISH BITS (Subhead to Notes and News.) Poet Lore 1 :8:400; I :9:447-48; 2:7:389-90; 4:6&7:381-82. by H. Corson; 4:10:528-31; 5:11: 586-87; 8:8:620-26; 10:3:445-47; 11:1:139-43; 11:3:440-45. by Helen T. Porter and others. BOOK-LOVER. THE The Characteristics of the Novelist in Robert Brcwning. By Min- nie D. Kellogg. 7:286:Spring 1901. BOOKMAN Bookman Brevities. 12:404:Dec. 1900. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. By Lilian Whiting. 3 :35-39:March 1896. Browning. By Robert Adger Bowen. 4:239: Nov. 1896. Same. By Percy Adams Hutchinson. 9:171 :April 1899. Robert Browning. By Professor George Saintsbury. 42:248:57- 63:May 1912 821.88 Xbm. Browning Centenary. 42:248:May 1912 821.88 Xbm. Robert Browning, in Two Creal Victorian Poets. By Edward Dowden. 1 6:349-359 :Dec. 1902. Browning Studies. By Edward Berdoe. 2:535-36:Feb. 1896. Robert Browning's Complete IVorl^s. Bookman's Table 2: 535-36 > Feb. 18%. 34 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Broivning's Early IVorJi- By Roger Ingpen. Review of The Early Literary Career of Robert Browning. By T. R. Loun»bury. 42:248:74-75:May 1912 821.88 Xbm. Robert Browning's Father. By Sir William Robertson Nicoll. 42: 248:63-70:May 1912. 821.88 Xbm. Brownings Italy. By Helen A. Clarke. 26:509: Jan. 1908. Mrs. Barrett Browning's Letters. By Claudius Clear. 6:463-66: Jan. 1898. Robert Browning's Pauline. Book Marl 1 :61 :Feb. 1895. Browning's Poetical Worlds. List of Books Published During the Month. 4:495: Jan. 1897. Chronicle and Comment. Browning Discussed. 6-6:487-501 ; 495- 498: Feb. 1898. Comment. 4:506:Feb. 1897; 6:287-88:Dec. 1897; 9:99-100: April 1899; 9: 107: April 1899; 9:395: July 1899; 9:483: Aug. 1899; 10:415-16:Dec. 1899. Comment, a Browning Anniversary. 23 :590-92:Aug. 1906. Comment — Browning's Favorite Sonnet. 10:204:Nov. 1899. Comment: Fac-Simile of Letters From Browning. 5:2-3: March 1897. Comment— The Hooligan Nights. 10:14:Sepl. 1899. Comment — Letters of Introduction. 9:309: June 1899. Comment on Portrait. 2:467:Feb. 1896. Comment on the Browning Love Letters. 9:387: July 1899. Comment — Oscar Wilde on Browning. 22:303:Dec. 1905. Browning's Place in Literature. By Emily Shaw Forman. Cos- mopolitan 8:5:560-564:March 1890 821.88 Xmb. A Curious Relic of the Browning Family. 3:3:229-231 :May 1896. Anon. Earh Portrait and Autograph of Browning. By J. C. Armytage. 2:466: Feb. 1896. The First Booths of Some English Authors. By Luther S. Living- ston. 10:l:76-81:Sepf. 1899. In A Copy of Browning. By Bliss Carman. 3 :23-24:March 1896. An Inquiry as to Rhyme. By Brander Matthews. 8:32-38:Sept. 1898. The Interpretaliotis of Poetry and Religion. By George Santayana. 12:190-91: Oct. 1900. The Literary Portraits of C. F. Watts, R. A. By Gilbert Keith Chesterton and J. E. Hodder Williams. 12 :472-481 :Jan. 1901. Love Letters. By Alice Meynell. 9: 162-165 :April 1899. Chronicle and Comment (Editorial). 6:6:495-496:Feb. 1898; 10: l:14:Sept. 1899 821.88 Xmb. The New Golden Treasury. Short Criticism. By Hamilton W. Mabie. 6:470-71 :Jan. 1898. News Notes, Recovery of Lost Copy Pauline. 1:155: April 1895. Pauline, Paracelsus. Book Marl 1 :280:May 1895. Photograph (Mrs. Browning) and Comment. 6:397-98: Jan. 1898. Picture, Browning House. 23:262: May 1906. The Poetical Works of Robert Browning. 4:480-81 : Jan. 1897. The Poetry of War. By A. St. John Adcock. Liltell's Age 283 : 398-407. Portrait and Comment. By Mrs. F. W. H. Myers. 3:391-92: July 1696. Postscript as to Rhyme. By Brander Matthews. 13 :416-18:July 1901 BROWNINGIANA 35 Rcvicm uf Cilheri Keilh Chakrtoti's Robert Droi»ning. By F. M. Colby. I 7:601 -604: Aug. 1903. Ri'vierv of Harr\) Chrislophcr Minchin's A New Browning. 33: 3-4:IVIarch 191 K Some HoliJaXf Piihlications. 4:380-81 :Dec. 1896. To Robert Litton. From Elizabeth Barrett Browning. By Eliza- beth Barrett Browning. 39 :312- 1 3 :May 1914. The Two Great Victorian Poets, Robert Browning. By Edward Dovvden. 16:4:351 -359:Dec. 1902 821.88 Xman. The Undergraduate in Verse. By Joseph Le Roy Harrison. 7: 159-61: April 1898. Victorian Literature. By Clement K. Shorter. 5:480: Aug. 1897. View Browning loved best (Pictures). 16:354-58:Dec. 1902. News Notes. (Blunder in Lines quoted from Christmas £ve.) 1 :3: 153:Aprii 1895. Robert Browning From a Painting. By George Frederic Watts. 29:380: June 1909. BOOKMART. THE Robert Browning, an appreciation 7 :81 :393-396:Feb. 1890. By Editor. Browning's Sonnets in the Pall Mall Gazette. 7:82:457: March 1890. Editor. Foreign Notes 7:82:473-474 821.88 Xmab. Robert Browning's Pauline. Bookman 1 :61 :Feb. 1895. Message of Robert Browning, The. By \V. Wiiberforce Newton. 5:50:52-53:July 1887. BOOK NEWS Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Life, Career and Personality. By Norma K. Bright. 24:283 :460-463: March 1906 821.88 Xma Vol. 6. Mrs. Browning in Poetry Today. By Henry S. Pancoast. 24:283: 464-466: March 1906 821.88 Xma Vol. 6. The Brownings in Florence. By Anne llollingsworth Wharton. 24:283:467-471 :March 1906 821.88 Xma Vol. 6. A Great Poet in Her Prime. (Reminiscences of the days when Elizabeth Barrett Browning was Living and Writing.) By Thomas Wentworth Higginson. 24:283 :457-459:March 1906 821.88 Xma Vol. 6. Sonnets from the Portuguese. Selections 1 and 7. By Elizabeth Browning. 24:283 :466: March 1906; 14:471; 38:503; 73:492 821.88 Xma Vol. 6. BOOK NOTES Notice 72:Dec. 4. 1886. BOOK. NOTICE OF Contemporary Review 101 :2 :757-760:Literary Supplement 56. BOOK NOTICES: SELECT POEMS OF ROBERT BROWNING By Percival Chubb. Education Magazine 36:626:May 1916. BOOK REVIEW Editor. South Atlantic Quarterly 12: 1 75-6: April 1913. BOOK-SHOP. THE A Quarterly Journal. 50:Dec. 1892. BOOKS Literary Digest 28:768-789 : May 28. 1904; 30:254-255 :Feb. 18. 1905. ■ BOOKS AND AUTHORS Eclectic Magazine 1 39:696-700 :Nov. 1902; 141 :139-140:July 1903. By Editor. Outlook 50:397:Sept. 8. 1894; 52:759:Nov. 9. 1895; 36 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Essays on Poetry 54:395:Aug. 29. 1896; 55:757:March 13. 1897; 60:777: Nov. 26. 1898. (Mrs. Browning.) Outlook 58:380-382: Feb. 5. 1898. BOOKS AND CRITICS By Mark Pattison. Fortnightly Review 28:659-679: Nov. 1877. BOOKS AND LITERATURE By William S. Walsh. Illustrated American '6:62:500-501 :April 1891; 6:500:April 31. 1891. BOOKS AND THINGS By Francis Hackett. New RepubHc 10:299:April 7. 1917. By Philip Littell. New Republic 2:330:May 1. 1915; 13:24: Nov. 3. 1917; 13:254:Dec. 29. 1917. BOOKS, CHRISTMAS Athenaeum 3187:703:Nov. 24. 1888. BOOKS FOR A SMALL LIBRARY, GOOD Editorial. Independent 61:1 180 :Nov. 15, 1906. BOOKS IN BRIEF Nation 108:260-261 :Feb. 1919; 108:700-701 : May 1919; 109: 49-50:July 1919; 109:94:July 1919; 109: 154- 155: Aug. 1919. BOOKS IN ITALY Editorial. Independent 58:1069-71 : May II, 1905. BOOKS. JUVENILE Athenaeum 4070:576-577:Oct. 28, 1905. BOOKS OF THE FORTNIGHT Dial 66: 1 00: Ian. 25, 1919. BOOKS OF THE MONTH Atlantic Monthly 51 : 139-144:Jan. 1883; 58:286-289: Aug. 1886; 59:284-288: Feb. 1887; 59:573-576:April 1887; 60:859-860:Dec. 1887; 62:429-432:Sept. 1888; 63: 139- 144: Jan. 1889; 64:141- 144: July 1889; 64:575-576:Oct. 1889. Fortnightly Review 28: 730: Nov. 1877. BOOKS OF THE WEEK Nation 36:433:May 17, 1883; 39:552:Dec. 25. 1884; 43:423: Nov. 18. 1886; 44:106:Feb. 3. 1887; 44:351 :April 21. 1887; 44:434:May 19. 1887; 44:497:June 9. 1887; 45:60:July 21. 1887; 45:403:Nov. 17. 1887; 46:373:May 3. 1888; 46:475:Junc 7, 1888; 47: 19: Inly 5, 1888; 47: 100: Aug. 2, 1888; 47:237:Sept. 20, 1888; 47:5d7:Dec. 20. 1888; 48:60:Jan. 17. 1889; 48:147 Feb. 14, 1889; 48:253:March 21, 1889; 48:312:April 11. 1889 48:474: June 6, 1889; 49:60: July 18, 1889; By Hiram Corson 50 40:Jan. 9, 1890; 50:304:April 10. 1890; 55:419:Dec. 1. 1892 59:348:Nov. 8. 1894; 59:415:Nov. 29. 1894. Religious spirit in the Poets. By Editor. Outlook 67:597:March 9, 1901. BOOKS RECEIVED Editorial. Chautauquan 8: 127:Nov. 1887. Literary Digest 25:534:Ocf. 25, 1902; 28:637: April 30. 1904; 28:751 :May 21, 1904; 29:694:Nov. 19. 1904; 30:27 :Jan. 7. 1905. By Henry Frowde. Literary Digest 31:1002:Dec. 30, 1905. By Edward Howard Griggs. Literary Digest 31 :887-888:Dec. 9. 1905. By Frederic G. Kenyon. Literary Digest 32:848: June 2, 1906. BOOKS, SOME RECENT By A Reader. Contemporary Review 89:296-304: Feb. 1906; 90: 143- 152: July 1906; 90: 447-456: Sept. 1906. BROWNINGIANA 37 BOOKS, STILL MORE Literary Digest 29:28:July 2. 1904. BOOT AND SADDLE See Music. BOOT. SADDLE. TO HORSE. AND AWAY See Muiic. BORDER LAND OF MORALS. THE By C. A. Bartol. Forum 6:l87:Oct. 1888. BOSTON BROWNING MEMORIAL Opening Address. Col. 1. W. Higginson 14; Song from Robert Brownings Pippa Passa, 1 7 ; Prayer, Rev. Francis G. Peabody, 18; Hymn, Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 20; Memorial Address, Rev. Charles Carroll Everett, 21 ; Song from Robert Browning! Paracelsus, 47; Personal Reminiscences, C. P. Cranch. 48; Sonnet. C. P. Cranch. 53; Remarks. Dana Estes, 54; Poem, R. W. Gilder, 59; Hymn, Isaac Watts, 60 ; Benediction, Phillips Brooks, 61; Committee of Arrangement, 62; Ushers, 63 821.88 Bmb. BOSTON BROWNING MEMORIAL SERVICE, THE By Alice Kent Robertson. Poet Lore 2:3:152-155. BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY Robert Browning's Birthday. By Wm. Harman Van Allen. Print- ed ID Emerson College Magazine 20:3: Jan. 1912. Contains a number of birthday tributes from William Harman Van Allen, Katherine Lee Bates, Rose Elizabeth Cleveland, Helen Gray Cone, Richard Burton, Arthur Upson, Alicia Van Buren, Char- lotte Porter, Harriet Adams Sawyer, Cara E. Whiton-Stone, Marie Ada Molineux (1909-1910). 821.88 Vb. Containing By-Laws, Programs, Catalogues, 1892-93. 821.88 Vb. By E. E. Marean. Poet Lore 5:2:110-112; 5:3:168; 5:4:228; 5:6&7:384; 6:1:13-28; 6:11:584; 7:1:55-56; 7:8&9:471 -472. By Mary Collar. Poet Lore 8:6:357-366; 10.3:443-445. Year Book Containing Programs, 1916. 821.88 Vb. The Centenary Year Book containmg a list of the members and programs from 1885-1912. 821.88 Vb. BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY CATALOGUE 821 .88 Absb (Copy 1) ; 821 .88 Absb (Copy 2). BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY FOR 1901-1902, PROGRAMME OF Poet Lore 13:3:437-439. BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY OF THE NEW CENTURY CLUB, 1890-1891, PROGRAMME OF Poet Lore 2:7:379-384. BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY PAPERS By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 10:3:443-445. Nation 65:402-3: Nov. 1897. Selected to represent the Work of the Society from 1886-1897. The Macmillan Co., New York, 1897. 821.88 Ubp. BOSTON MONDAY LECTURES No. 187. Leaders and Misleadcrs in High Places. Anonymous BOSTON REVIEW Dramatis Personae — Robert Browning. Reviewed. 4:24:606-607: Nov. 1864. BOTTOMS DREAMS By J. E. G. de Montmorency. Contemporary Review 113:128: 581-585:May 1918. 38 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY BOULTING. WILLIAM Chips from the Browning iVorl(shop. Contemporary Review 107: 667-669: May 1915 Literary Supplement 92. BOURNE. HENRY E. The Cambridge History of the French Revolulion. Dial 37:162-4: Sept. 16. 1904. /Reminiscences of an English Teacher. Dial 49:232-233 :Oct. 1. 1910. BOWDOIN, W. A. Holiday Books. Independent 63 :2: 1468-75 :Dec. 19. 1907. BOWEN, EDWIN W. Longfellow Twenty Years After. Sewanee Review 13:165-176. Poe Fifty Years After. Forum 31 : 503: June 1901. Tennyson and Browning. The English Journal 6:503 :Sept. 1917. BOWEN, ROBERT ADGER Browning. Bookman 4:239:Nov. 1896. Browning, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 43 821.88 Xht. BOY AND THE ANGEL. THE (Robert Browning.) Arranged for Stage. Representation in cos- tume by Sivori Levey. 821.88 Hbal. Copy 1. Copy 2. BOYESEN. HJALMAR HJORTH Ethics of Robert Browninp. Independent 40:2: 1595- 1596 :Dec. 13. 1888. BOYLE, G. D. A Lecture on Browning. Written for the National Home-Reading Union, Brown & Co., Salisbury. 821.88 Dlb. Rabbi Ben Ezra. Ndes to Pocket Volume of Selections from Poems of Robert Browning, Alex Hill 86-88 821.88 Dhn. Reminiscences and Reflections, Notes to the Pocket Volume of Selections from the Poems of Robert Browning. By Alix Hill. 121-140 821.88 Dhn. BOYNTON. H. W. A Discussion of Edward Dowden's Robert Browning. Atlantic Monthly 94:269-270: Aug. 1904. BRADFIELD, GAMALIEL JR. Browning and Saii\lc-Beuve. North American Review 4:191:488- 500:April 1910. The Return of the Druses, Boston Browning Society Papers 264- 288 821.88 Vbp. BRADFIELD, THOMAS Mrs. Browning's Ethical Impulse. Literary Digest 13:71 5 :Ocl. 3, 1896. The Ethical Impulse of Mrs. Browning's Poetry. Eclectic Maga- zine 127:447-454:Oct. 1896. Ethical Tendencies of Matthew Arnold's Poetr\i. Eclectic Maga- zine 124:310-319:March 1895. Thoughts about a New Poetical Dawn. Literary Digest 1 1 : 10:250: June 29. 1895. BRADLEY. ANDREW CECIL Collected Essays and Studies by Members of the English Associa- tion. Essay on Browning, By William Paton Ker. The Queen's Lecture, given at the Queen's College. London. March 2. 1910 (Typewritten) 821.88 Dkb. BRAHMS Review. By J. Lawrence Erb. Independent 61 :400:Aug. 16, 1906. BROWNINGIANA 39 BRAINERD. GERTRUDE GARDNER The Paolo and hranccsca 1 heme in Modern Drama. Poet Lore 27:4:397. BRAITHWAITE. WILLIAM SI ANLEY Browning's Youth and Arl (Recenl Vene). Poet Lore 22:3:231. Lyrical Poetry of the New Laureate. Korum 50:888-889: Dec. 1913. BRANSCOMB. GENA See Music. BRATCHLR. LEWIS An Incident in the Life of Napoleon. Georgetonian 821.88 Xblg. BRATTS. NED Mr. Browning's Dramatic Idylls. By Mrs. Orr. Contemporary Review May 1879. BRAWLEY. BENJAMIN Browning Elizabeth Barrett, and the Negro. Journal of Negro History 3 :22-28:Jan. 1918. Pre-Raphaelism and lis Literary Relation. South Atlantic Quar- terly 15:77-78:Jan. 1916. BREAKING THE RECORD By Israel Zan^will. Cosmopolitan Magazine 18:244:Dec. 1894. BREEZE. SIDWELL N. What Is a Parallelism? (Jew.) Shakespeariana 7 :74: 1 19:April 1890. BRETON. FREDERIC Robert Browning, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 132 821.88 Xht. BRETT. GEORGE P. The Reading of Books Nowadays. Atlantic Monthly 114:620- 626: Nov. 1914. BREWSTER. WM. T. Types of Recent Biography. Forum 38: 102: July 1906. BRICKDALE, ELEANOR FORTESCUE Dramatis Pcrsonae and Dramatic Romances and Lyrics. Illus- trated. Second Copy. Browning's Dramatis Personae (Illustrated). Dial 5I:479:Dec. I. 1911. Browning's Dramatis Personae: Dramatic Romances and Lyrics. (Illustrated.) Dial 47:517:Dec. 16. 1909. Illustrated; Pippa Passes, and Men and Women. By Robert Browning. Chatto and Windus 1908. Browning's Pippa Passes and Men and Women. Dial. 49:473: Dec. 1. 1910. BRIDELL-FOX. E. F. Robert Browning. Argosy 291 : I08-1 14:Feb. 1890 821.88 Xman. Same. (Argosy.) Littell's Living Age 184:762-766. Robert Browning, Homage to Robert Browning. Aleph Tanner 101 821.88 Xht. BRIEF FOR LITERATURE AS A PROFESSION. A By Col. Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Literary Digest 31:271- Aug. 26. 1905. BRIEFER MENTION China's Revolution. By Edwin J. Dingle. Book Review. Dial 54: 149:Feb. 16. 1913. BRIEFS OF NEW BOOKS By Mrs. Martha Dunn. Dial 39:242:Oct. 16. 1905. By Laurie Magnus. Dial 48: 1 52-3 :March 1. 1910. 40 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY BRIGHT, NORMA K. Elizabeth Darrell DroJuning — Life, Career and Penorxality. Book News 24:283:460-463: March 1906 821.88 Xma Mag. Art. 6. BRINTON. DANIEL G. A Death in the Desert. Taken from Facettes of Love. Poet Lore 1:1:25-26. Addresses on Droivning, at the memorial meeting of the Department of Browning Society of the New Century Club of Philadelphia. Poet Lore 2:1:40-49. Art Poems of Robert DroTvning. Poet Lore 2:3:146-147. Browning on Unconventional Relations. Poet Lore 4:5:266-71. The Epilogues of Browning : Their Artistic Significance. Poet Lore 4:2:57-64. Facettes of Love: from Browning. Poet Lore 1 :1 :l-27. The Idea of Cod in The Sun, Feristah's Fancies. Poet Lore3 :3 : 254-257. New Poetic Forms as Shown in Browning, The. Poet Lore 2:5: 234-246. Suggestions for Browning Stud^. Poet Lore 8:1:51-53. Traces of Shelley in Browning. Poet Lore 2:12:662-666. Read at The Philadelphia Browning Society. BRITANNICA. THE NEW VOLUMES OF THE ENCYCLOPEDIA Athenaeum 3903 :21 1 -213: Aug. 16. 1902. BRITISH ART AT VENICE By Marcus B. Huish (19th Cent.) Litlell's Living Age 262: 404-410. Same. Nineteenth Century 66:89-96:July 1909. BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW Tennyson's Poems. Littell's Living Age 147:786-795. BRITISH WEEKLY Robert Browning. Critic 315:22:Jan. 11, 1890. See Magazine Articles No. 1. 821.88 Xman. BRITTANY. BROWNING'S SUMMERS IN By Ange M. Mosher. See Index. Spell of Brittany. By A. M. Mosher. Century 32 (New series) 54; (Old series) 755-768. Spell of Brittany. By A. M. Mosher. See Index. BRITTON. J. J. Browning at The Cenci, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tan- ner 55 821.88 Xht. Browning's Mildred. Poet Lore 5:5:266-272. BROCKINGTON. A. ALLEN Robert Browning's Answers to Questions Concerning Some of His Poems. Cornhill Magazine 213 New Series (651 OS) March 1914 821.88 Zcm. BROGDEN. CLAUDE The Modern Note in Literature. Literary Digest 27:897:Dec. 26, 1903. BRONSON, KATHERINE, COLEMAN DE KAY Author of the Browning Articles. Century 63:638:Feb. 1902. Browning in Venice. Century Magazine 63 :572-584:Feb 1902 821 .88 Xman. Cornhill Magazine 25 :353-354:March 1902. BRONSON'S, MRS.. HOSPITALITY A Friend of Browning's. By Lilian Whiting. Springfield Sunday Republican Oct. 6, 1918. BROWNINGIANA 41 BRONWYN. FRANK (Painted.) Palazzo Rczzonico, Robert Drolbning'i Home in yen- ice. Century 85:445:Jan. 1913. BROOKE. L. LESLIE Drawings to Pippa Passes, A Drama by Robert Browning. DucL- worth & Co.. London. 1898 821.88 Hppd (Two Copies). BROOKE ON TENNYSON. MR. STOF^FORD Editor. Edinburgh Review 181 :485-5I3 :April 1895. BROOKE. STOPFORD A. By Editor. Outlook 70:869: April 5. 1902. Robert Broli>niitg. Contemporary Review. Littell's Living Age 184:290-297: Feb. 1890 821.88 Dbj. Robert Browning's Attitude of Detachment. Literary Digest 26: 149-150:Jan. 31. 1903. Browning's Treatment of Nature. Critic 40:4:308-314:April 1902; 40:533-536:June 1902; 41 :69-74:JuIy 1902. The Ebb-Tide of Poetry and Criticism. Literary Digest 21 :69l : Dec. 8. 1900. By Eleanor Hull. Fortnightly Review 106:449-450:Sept. 1916. Impression of Browning and His Art. Century Magazine 238-245: Dec. 1892 821.88 Xman. The Poelr]} of Robert Browning. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.. New York 821.88 Dbp (Two Copies). Review of the Poetry of Robert Browning. Outlook 73:268-269: Feb. 7. 1903. BROOKES LECTURES. STOPFORD A. Books and Authors. Littell's Livin<; Age 220:604; 223:402. BROOKES MONOGRAM ON ROBERT BROWNING STOPFORD Bool(s and Authors. Littell's Living Age 234:823. BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY List of Browning Books and References to Periodicals in 821.88 Abpl. BROOKS. PHILLIPS Benediction at the Boston Browning Society Service. Browning Memorial 61 821.88 Mmb. BROOKS, VAN TYNE The Lwic Origins of Swinburne. Poet Lore 18:4:468-477. BROOKSBAND. B. Poetic Emotions and Affirmities. Eclectic Magazine 40:166-173: Aug. 1884. BROOMELL. CLYDE W. Pleasure. New Church Review 1 6:575-585 :Oct. 1909. BROWN. ALFRED H. Poetrxi of George Cabot Lodge. Twentieth Century I :403-4I4: Feb. '1910. BROWN. ANNA ROBERTSON The Lotus Symbolism in Homer, Theocritus. Moschus, Tennyson, and Browning. Poet Lore 2:12:625-634. BROWN. FRANK C. Technique of !\on-Dramaiic Blanl( Verse. South Atlantic Quar- terly ll:96-98:Jan. 1912. BROWN. LETTERS OF DR. JOHN Independent 65:493:Aug. 27. 1908. BROWN. LILLIAN ROWLAND War Poetrv of Women. Nineteenth Century 81 :434-452:Feb. 1917. 42 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY BROWNE. JUNIUS HENRI The Pod of the Opaque. Galaxy 19:6:764-774:June 1875. BROWNE. W. H. Broivning's Lapses. American Journal of Philology 32:241:482- 483. Browning's Poems. Fronlispiccc Engraving of Robert Droxvning. New Eclectic Magazine 5 :6:71 l-725:Dec. 1869 821.88 Xmnc. On Drowning and Tenn})son. American Journal of Philology 32: 484-485. BROWNELL. W. C. French Trails: The Social Instinct. Scribner's Magazine 2:106- 118:July 1887. By Percy Adams Hutchinson. Bookman 9:171 :April 1899. BROWNING By J. Westby Earnshaw. In manuscript. The Immortals and Other Poems. Love and the Universe. By Albert D. Watson. 73-76. BROWNING, ELIZABETH BARRETT Analecta. Mrs. Browning's Letters. Gathered by Mary Trammcll Scott. 821.88 Xalm. Atlantic Monthly 8:368-376:Sept. 1861. Miss Barrett's Poems. By S. Margaret Fuller. Papers on Litera- ture and Art 22-30 821.88. Books and Authors — Elizabeth Browning. By Editor. Outlook. 57:1013:Dec. 25, 1897. Elizabeth Barrett Browning and the Negro. By Benjamin Brawley. Journal of Negro History 3:22-28:Jan. 1918. A Poet's Mind. Editorial. Dial 47:5-7: July 1. 1909. Mrs. Browning and Miss Lowe. (English Review.) Eclectic Magazine 22:337-344:March 1851. Elizabeth Browning in Her Letters. Athenaeum 4092:419: April 1, 1906. Mrs. Browning in Letters. By Richard Henry Stoddard. Inde- pendent 39:1:737-738; 39:2:770-771; 39:3:803-804. Mrs. Browning in Poetr\) Toda^. By Henry S. Pancoast. Book News 24:464-466:March 1906. Letter of E. B. Browning. By F. G. Kenyon. Athenaeum 3654: 627-628: Nov. 6, 1697 . Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. By Louis J. Black. Dial 23:274-7:Nov. 16, 1897. Mrs. Browning's Letters. (Athenaeum.) Littell's Living Age 215: 739-743. Same. Nation 24:105-6:Feb. 1877; 66:1 12-1 13 :Feb. 1898. Same. By A. Orr. Athenaeum 3669:247-248: Feb. 19. 1898. Mrs. Browning's New Poem. (Athenaeum.) Eclectic Magazine 23:415-419:July 1851. Mrs. Browning's Parentage. By John Ingram. Athenaeum 3480: 33: July 7, 1894; 3484: 160: Aug. 4, 1894. Cambridge Poets. Edited by Horace E. Scudder. By William Boyd Carpenter, Lord Bishop of Ripon, in Masson's In the Footsteps of the Poets 276-296 821.04 M419i. Celebrities and I. B^ Henrietle Corkran. 31-38 B C799c. Complete Poems with introduction by Lilian Whiting. 821.88. By John Dennis. Leisure Hour 86-90: Feb. 1889 821.88 Xbm; also Littell's Living Age 180:629-635 : March 9, 1889. BROWNINGIANA 43 Eclectic Magazine 1 42:825-829: June 1904. Earl\f Poems— The Battle of Marathon. Athenaeum 3341 :6I8- 619:Nov. 7. 1691. By E. M. K. The Magazine of Poetry 161 -165: April 1893. Elizabeth Barrett's Influence on Broii>ning's Poetry. By John W. Cuniiffe. Modern Language 23:169-183 821.88 Bwe. English Men and IVomen of Letters of the Nineteenth Century. By Mrs. Humphrey Ward. Atalanta 12:708-712 :Sept. 1888 821.88 Xbm. By E. S. Nation 48:7-8:Jan. 3. 1889 821.88 Xman. Essays on the English f-'oets and the Crec^ Christian Poets. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 821.88 Hie V. 2. Forest Thought. Current Literature 39:219: Aug. 1905. Cerousios Oinos. Century 87:889: April 1914. Four Poems, Selected by F. W. Farrar, Canon of Westminster. In With the Poets; a Selection of English Poetry. Suttaby & Co., London. England, 1883. 821.08 F242w. The Creeli Christian Poets and the English Poets. First Edition Worlds — Essays on the Creel( Christian Poets and the English Poets. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 821.88 Epeb. Mrs. BroTvning's Essays on the Poets. Christian Examiner 238: 24-43: July 1863 821.88 Xbm. 1863 821.88 Egcp. Her Religious Opinions as Addressed to William Merry. By Nicoll and Thomas Wise. In Literary Anecdotes of the Nineteenth Century 2:123-141. Her Scarcer Booths. By W. Robertson Nicoll and Thomas J. Wise. In Literary Anecdotes of the Nineteenth Century 81-101. By Emily Hickey. Nineteenth Century 74: 164- 184: July 1913. By R. H. Home. (Letters from Elizabeth Barrett Browning to the author of Orion on Literary and General Topics.) Con- temporary Review 23 : 146-161 :Dec. 1872. Days With the Victorian Poets. Hodder & Stoughton, Pub- lishers. 821.04 D275dv. By John H. Ingram. Athenaeum 3 145 : 146:Feb. 4, 1888; 3191: 850: Dec. 22. 1888. By John H. Ingram. Famous li' omen. 821.88 Bmi. In Her Letters. By Percy Lubbock. 821.88 Bblf. To Elizabeth Barrett Browning in 1851. In Poems. By Dora Greenwell. 192 821.8 G816. In Richard de Gallienne's Loves of the Poets. Bc8 L496. By Eva Marie Kennedy. Magazine of Poetry. Quarterly Review 5:2:161-163:April 1893. Last Poems, with a memorial by Theodore Tilton. 1862. (Rare) 821 .88 Gmm. La Vie Et L'Oeuvre De Elizabeth Browning. By Marie Merlelte. Athenaeum 4045: 585-586: May 13. 1905. Les Sonnets Du Portugais. d'Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Tra- duits en vers Francais avec Preface. Texts anglais en regard et notes. Par Leon Morel. 821.88 Hspfm. Letters. By Flarriet Waters I^eston. Atlantic 83 :81 2-826: June 1899. Same. By Anne Ritchie. Harper's Monthly 84:832-55. Letters and Essays. Addressed to Richard Hengist Home. With a preface and Memoir by Richard Henry Stoddard. (Two volumes) 821.88 Hie. 44 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Letlers From Elizahelh Barretl Drowning lo the Author of Orion on Literar\) and General Topics. By R. H. Home. (Contem- porary Review.) Liltells Living Age 120:535-47. Same. By R. H. Home. Contemporary Review 1 20:281 -290: Feb. 28. 1874 821.88 Xbm. Letters of. By Frederic G. Kenyon. (2 volumes) 821.88 Belk. The Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors. Edited by Charles Moulton. 1855-1874. 6:228-247. Life, Career and Personality. By Norma K. Bright. Book News 24:283:460-463: March 1906. The Life of. By Robert Browning. Athenaeum 3 146: 179: Feb. 11. 1888. Literary East Anglia. 914.26 D979. Literary Treasures Unearthed. By W. G. Kingsland. Poet Lore 8:1:23-27:1896. By Thomas Powell. The Living Authors of England 137-152 Be P886. (London Times.) LittelPs Living Age 241:312-316; 249:173- 179. See Newspaper Clippings. (MacM.) Littell's Living Age 179:802-808. By Mrs. Humphry Ward. Magazine Articles. Atalanta, Sept. 1883. English Men and Women of the Nineteenth Century 12 821.88 Xbm. By John Dennis. Magazine Articles. Leisure Hour Feb. 1889 821.88 Xbm. Letters From. By R. H. Home. Magazine Articles. Littell's Living Age. 821.88 Xbm. Mrs. Browning's Essays on the Poets. Magazine Articles. Chris- tian Examiner July 1863 821.88 Xbm. Memoirs. By Henry Fothergill Chorley. Compiled by Henry G. Hewlett. 2:30-38. 167-169 B C551h (two copies). Mention of in Tall^s About New Books. Frank Leslie's 44:720. By M. J. Milsand. In Revue des Deux Mondes. 21st Year — New Periods. (La Pocsie Anglaise Depuis Byron.) Elizabeth Brown- ing, J. Edmund Reade, Henri Taylor; par M. J. Milsande. 11: 2:339-361 821.8 M661. By Pompes Molmenfi. (Nuova Anthologia.) Littell's Living Age 219:35-40. yVen> Poems of. Reviewed in Contemporary Review 107:667-9: May 1915. New Poetical Works of. 821.88 Gme. An Opinion on Tennyson. By W. Robertson Nicoll and Thomas J. Wise. In Literary Anecdotes of the Nineteenth Century 1 : 33-41. Poem to. By M. P. Guild. Atlantic 86:420-421 :Sept. 1900. Poems Before Congress. Athenaeum 1690:371-372:1860. Poems of. Athenaeum 1205:1242-1244:1850. Poems, Mrs. Browning's. 821.88 Gmd. Poems. By Elizabeth Barretl Browning. (Four Volumes.) Volume 4 contains a memorial by Theodore Tilton. 821.88 Gmw. Poet and Woman. By Jean Roberts. East and West 5:59:865- 875:Sept. 1906 821.88 Xsf. The Poetical Works of. Hurst & Co.. New York. 821.88 Gmb. Same. Complete Edition, with Biographical Introduction. A. L. Burt, New York. (Two copies) 821.88. BROWNINGIANA 45 Poelry Of. In Westminster Review 234:l84-l89:Oct. 1892. Same. Magazine Articles. Westminster Review 234: 180-189:Oct. 1882 821.88 Xbm. Rcadinf; From Aurora Ltigh. Chautauquan 60:124:Sept. 1910. By Fannie Zampini Salazar. In Italian. 1896. Preface by An- tonio Fogazzaro. 821.88 Bs. Scholarship Compelilion Ques/ions. Alalanla 7l2:Sept. 1888 821.88 Xbm. Some Unpubliihed Papers of Robert and. By George S. Hellman. Harper's Monthly Magazine 530-539 821.88 Xsf. Sonncls From the Porlugiicse. Selections I ana 7. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Book Nev.s 24:283 :466: March 1906; 14. 24: 283:471 :March 1906: Magazine Article 6; 18, 24:283 :492 :March 1906:Magazine Article 6; 38, 24:283 : 503 : March 1906:Magazine Article 6 821.88 Xma Vol. 6. Same. Cop>eland and Day Edition. Dial 21:387:Dec. 16, 1896. Same. Homage lo Robert Drorvning, Aleph Tanner 7-21 821.88 Xht. A Stud]) of. By W. H. M. New Church Review 7:317-319: April 1900. By Th. T. Athenaeum 231 : 1840: 153 :Jan. 31, 1863. ThacJ^eray, IVm. Mal^epeace, and the Late Louis Napoleon, A Little Cirl's Recollections of. By Henriette Corkran. Eclectic Magazine 1 24:345-349: March 1895. To a STvallow Building Under Our Eaves. Manual Training 18: 221:Jan. 1917. To Robert Lytton. From Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Bookman 39:312-313:May 1914. By Mme. Octavia Walton Le Vert. (Hearth and Home.) New- Eclectic Magazine 4:2:221 -224 :Feb. 1869. Victorian Poets. By Amy Sharp. 103-120 822.8 S531v. Voices of the Living Poets. Current Opinion 62: 128- 130: Feb. 1917. Lord IValter's Wife. Published by The Philosopher Press, Wau- sau, Wisconsin, 1899. By Lilian Whiting. Bookman 3 :35-39:March 1896. Father, Defense of. By C. J. Moulton Barrett. Literary Digest 18:578: May 20, 1899. Mrs. Broivning's Parentage. By John H. Ingram. Athenaeum 3487:255: Aug. 25, 1894. Same. By John Robinson. Athenaeum 3482:97: July 21, 1894; 3486:223-224: Aug. 18, 1894. .\4rs. Bronming's Poems. M. A. Donahue & Co.. Chicago, III. 821.88 Gmd. Mrs. Brorvning's Pre-eminence. Editorial. Literary Digest 16: 553:May 7, 1898. BROWNING, ELIZABETH BARRETT— POEMS DEDICATED TO OR INSPIRED BY HER Bv the Fireside. By Robert Browning. Browning's Complete Poems. Clasped Hands. By Anne Cleveland Cheney. Poet Lore 17:4: 102. Dap at Tivoli — Prologue. By John Kenyon. Day at Tivoli, A. By John Kenyon. Day at Tivoli, A — Epilogue. By John Kenyon. Divided. By Ursula Tanneforst. 46 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Elizabeth Barrett Drorviiing. By Ruth Baldwin Chenery. Al Vesper Time. Same. By Norma Bright Carson. Poetical Favorites, Yours and Mirte 59. Epilogue to Asolando. By Robert Browning. Browning's Com- plete Poems. For the Anriiversar^ of Mrs. BroTvnitig's Death. By Elizabeth Porter Gould. The Broiviungs and America 102. Cn>endoline. By Bayard Taylor. A Parodxi Anthologv, Carolyn Wells. In the Cloaming. By C. S. Calverly. A Parody Anthology, Carolyn Wells. In the Poet's Corner. By Catherine Lee Bates. Boston Browning Society 1909-1910 13. Letters of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett. By Rev. William Brun- ton. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner. Same. Anonymous. Homage to Robert Brorvning, Aleph Tanner. Memories. By Joyce Kilmer. Main St. and Other Poems 28-30. M\) Star. By Robert Browning. Robert Browning's Complete Poems. O Lyric Love. Half Angel and Half Bird. By Robert Browning. Browning's Complete Poems. One Word More. (To E. B. B.) By Robert Browning. On the Bronze Clasped Hands of Robert and Elizabeth BroJuning. By Ruth Baldwin Chenery. At Vesper Time. On the Death of Mrs. Browning. By Sydney Dobell. Every Day in the Year 223— R 821.08 F699. Same. By W. W. Story. Prospice. By Robert Browning. Browning's Complete Poems, Sonnets From the Portuguese. By Allen Eastman Cross. Poet Lore 1 72: April 1889. Same. By Neeta Marquis. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner. Strong-Hearted Lover of the Sore-Oppressed. By Earl Rosslyn, 1861. Moulton 6:232. Ta}(e Home Her Heart. By H. D. Rawnsley. Browning Society Papers 12:49*. There's a Woman Li'^e a Dew-Drop. By Robert Browning. Lyric from A Blot in the 'Scutcheon. Browning's Complete Poems. To E. B. B. By James Thomson. Every Da\i in the Year. (Jas. D. Ford and Mary K. Ford) 224 R. 821.07 F699. To Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1851. By Dora Greenwell. Poems 192 821.8 G816. To Elizabeth Barrett Browning 1861. By Dora Greenwell. Poems 193. To Robert and Elizabeth Browning. By Marion Pelton Guild. What Flush Might Have Said. By Isabella Fiske. Young Lady Then, Whom to .Miss Were a Carat, A. By Leigh Hunt. Blue Stoctfing Revels, Moulton's Library of Literary Crit- icism 6:243. BROWNING, ROBERT An Actress Who Plaved Browning. By Wm. L. Phelps. Inde- pendent 83:394:Sept. 20, 1915. Anonymous, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 118 821.88 Xht. BROWNINGIANA 47 Dell's Miniature Seriei of Great [Vriler. By Sir Frank T. Mar- zials. 821.88 Bmm. Atlantic Monthly 243-248:Feb. 1890. >Jn Appreciatior^. Bookmart 7 :8I :393-396:Feb. 1890. April in England C. L. S. C. Round Table. Chautauquan 62: 266: April 1911. By A. Bennett. Ilonmgc to Robert Brorvning, Aleph Tanner Biographic Clinia. By George M. Gould. De Quinc\), Carl\fle, Darrvin. Huxley, and Broivning. I :125-135 612.8453 G696b. Biographical Notes, Appreciation and Selections from his Fifty Men and Women. By Pauline Leavens. 821.88 XI. By Robert Adyer Bawen. Bookman 4:239: Nov. 1896. By Robert Adger Bowen. Homage to Robert Broix>ning, Aleph Tanner 43 821.88 Xht. By Frederic Breton, Homage to Robert jBroJvnmg, Aleph Tanner 132 821.88 Xht. By E. F. Bridell-Fox. Argosy 291 :108-1 14 :Feb. 1890 821.88 Xman. By E. F. Bridell-Fox, Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 101 821.88 Xht. March 23, 1890. Same. LittelPs Living Age 184:762-66: March 23, 1890. By Stopford A. Brooke. (Contemp. R.) Littell's Living Age 184: 290-297. Robert Browning, the Man. By William G. Kingsland. Poet Lore 5:5:229-36. Browning's Defence of His Alleged Obscurity of Style. Dial 41 : 231-232:Oct. 16, 1906. Mrs. Browning's Life. Athenaeum 3146: 179 :Feb. 11, 1888. By Robert Buchanan, Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 52 821.88 Xht. By Richard Burton, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 26 821.88 Xht. Poem. By Witter Bynner. Current Literature 53:110:Ju!y 1912. By Madison Cawein, Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 40 821.88 Xht. Celebrities and I. By Henriette Corkran. 11-17. 31-38. 162-170. B C799C. By E. R. Chapman, Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 120 821.88 Xht. Chief Poet of the Age. An Essay. Addressed Primarily to Be- ginners in the Study of Brownings Poems. By William G. Kings- land. 27 821.88 E. k. j. Same. New Edition 1890. With Biographical and other Additions. 821.88 Dkr. Chronicle and Comment. Bookman 6:6:487-501 :Feb. 1898. Same. London, J. W. Jarvis & Co., 1887. 821.88 Dkei. By Florence Coates, Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 102 821.68 Xht. A Common Sense Drowning. Everybody's Magazine 9:Oct. 1903. A Comparative Estimate of Modern English Poets. By J. Devey. 820.7 D491ce. Contemporary Review. Eclectic Magazine 68:501 -513 :April 1867. From Contemporary Review. First Paper. Eclectic Magazine 314- 323:March 1867. By C. P. Cranch, Homage lo Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 116 821.88 Xht. 48 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Critic 20-22:Jan. 11, 1890 821.88 Xman. (1812-89.) By Robert Louis Stevenson. Die Belesenheit 21 :1912. By Miles M. Dawson, Homage to RobcTl Brorvning, Aleph Tanner 57 821.88 Xht. By Agnes Maud Machar. Century 39 .736: March 1890. Alfred TennVion. By Alfred Lyall. 13. 94, 178, 179, 180-182. The Cambridge Hiitor}) of Lileralure 13. English Literature in the Nineteenth Centur}). By Laurie Magnus. 63, 280-289. The Nature and Elements of Poetry. By Edmund Clarence Stedman. 24. 56. 108-110, 169, 191-193, 197. 213, 219. 272, 277. 35. 42, 60. 69, 136, 142, 215, 288, 290. References in Some Principles of Literar}) Criticism. By C. T. Winchester. 90,136-138, 151, 212, 230, 246-247, 264, 280, 318. 335. Srvinhurn and the Swinhurnians. By Harry Thurston Peck. Book- man 29:380-389: Jan. 1909. References in T raged)). By Ashley H. Thorndike. 14. 129. 182. 222.346.354,355, 361.363.364. Age of Tenn\)son. By Hugh Walker. 43-51. 220. 228-233. 244. By William Lyon Phelps. Century 84:1 18-127:May 1912. By Anne Thackeray Ritchie. Records of Tennyson, Rusl^in and DroTvning. Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning 127-190. See Letters. See under Helen Clarke, Elizabeth Porter Gould, Leon H. Vin- cent. See under Portraits. Bookmart 7:81 :393-396:Feb. 1890 821.88 Xmab. In Chamber's Repository of Instructive and Amusing Tracts 18; 11-12. The Library) of LiterarX) Criticism of English and American Authors. Edited by Charles Moulton. 1875-1890. 7:677-720. Lovett Literature Series. Selections from the Poetical Work. By Ruth McDaniel. 90. A Medley of Notables 7 808 Sill. By Clara L. Nicolay. In manuscript. Popular Boo}(s of the Season. Everybody's Magazine 1 :403-404: 1899; 1:305-306:1899. A Prefactor^ Note. By J. H. Ingram. Athenaeum 3301 : 153 :Jan. 31. 1891. Putman's Monthly 7 :40:372-381 :April 1856. References in The Troubadours at Home. By Justin H. Smith. 254, 258, 260. 261. 272 849.1 S653. Mentioned in the Introduction of Treo Christmas Hymns. By Alfred Domett. 821.88. Special Reading List Worcester Free Public Library 2-8: Jan. 1899. By Aubrey DeVere. Homage to Robert BroTvning, Aleph Tanner 45.78.116-117 821.88 Xht. The Divine Order. B\^ Thomas Jones. Introduction 11-13 252 J 79. By Alfred Domett. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 22 821.88 Xht. By James Douglas. (With numerous illustrations.) 821.88 Bdp. Editorial. Independent 41 :2:1689:Dec. 19, 1889. Editorial. Literary World 22:26:40:Dec. 21, 1889. BROWNINGIANA 49 Emenon and Other Eisa\;s. By John Jay Chapman. 185-213 814 C466e. Engliih Men of LetUn. By G. K. Chesterton. 821.88 Bch. The English Poets. Edited by Thomas Humphry Ward. Appen- dix to Vol. iV Browning. Matthew Arnold, Tennyson 821.88 Swm. Epilogue. Emerson College Magazine 20:3 : 1 70:Jan. 1912. £wai)3 and Sermons. By William Robertson. 1-59 821.88 Dre. Eisaps and Thoughts. By John T. Nettlcship. (Two Copies.) 821.88 Dnef. Essays on English Literature. By Thomas McNicoll. 298-314 820.4 Ml 69. Faith and Doubt in the Ceniur\)'s Pods. By Richard A. Arm- strong. 114-136 808.1 A837fd. Faith and Sight. By William Pierson Merrill. 128-144 230 M571. Helena Faucit, Lady Martin. By Sir Theodore Martin. See Index for numerous references. B F257m. A Festival of Gratitude. May 7, 1912. Syracuse Browning Cen- tenary Celebration 821.88 Xfg. By Michael Field, Homage to Robert Broivning, Aleph Tanner 121 821.88 Xht. By Darrell Figgis. The English Review. Edited by Austin Har- rison May 1912. 238-254 821.88 Drf. Henry Fothergill Chorley's Autobiography, Memoir, and Letters. 1:212-213; 2:25-26,30,169-174 B C551h. Eraser's Magazine 398:2^0-56: Feb. 1863 821.88 Dos. Frederick James Furnivall, A Record. 63-72 X F989pr. By Elizabeth Porter Gould, Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 127 821.88 Xht. In Great English Poets. By Julian Hill. 293-303 B C P745eeh. Great Thoughts and Christian Graphic. 6: 142: 138-141 :Sept. 18. 1886 821.88 Xman. Greater Victorian Poets, The. By Thomas Bailey Aldrich. 61-74. 123-126 821.04 B724. By Hall Griffin. Liftell's Living Age 243:574. Books and Authors. By C. H. Herford. 821.88 Dhr. Same. Athenaeum 4053 : 14-1 5 :July 1, 1905. Same. New Church Review l2:637-638:Oct. 1905. Herve Riel. (Cornh.) Littell's Living Age 109:63-64. Higher Ministeries of Recent English Poetry. By Frank W. Gun- saulus. 178-233 (Two Copies) 821.01 G976m. Same. (Typewritten) 821.88 Gghm. Home Life of Great Authors. By Hattie Tyng Griswold. 274- 285 Be G871. By A. B. Houghton. The Harvard Monthly 2:3 :95- 108: May 1886. By Thomas Hutchinson. Homage to Robert Drotuning, Aleph Tan- ner 122 821.88 Xht. By Henrietta Huxley, Homage to Robert Drorvning, Aleph Tanner 112 821.88 Xht. By \V. P. Kerr. Essays and Studies. Collected by A. C. Bradley. (Typewritten) 821.88 Dkb. In Original Holograph Manuscripts and Original Holograph Cor- respondences. By Eminent Actors. Actresses, Artists, Authors, Composers. Poets. Poetesses, Scientists. Soldiers, «nd Statesmen. 50 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY By F. G. Kenyon. Athenaeum 4410:491 :May 4, 1912. By Professor Jusserand. Poet Lore 12:4:624. By Bertha Laffan, Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 61 821.88 Xhi. By Andrew Lang. (Contemp. R.) Littell's Living Age 190:563- 570. Lectures on Literature. By William S. McCormick. 125-184 820.4 M131. In Lectures on Literature and Art 5:139-179. Mr. Tennyson and Mr. Browning. By Edward Dowden. 820.4 L471a. By Sara Tawney Lefferts, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 46 821.88 Xht. By Richard Le Galliene, Homage to Robert Brorening, Aleph Tanner 42 821.88 Xhf. Letter to a Friend. (Leisure Hour.) Littell's Living Age 184:768. The Library Table, The Year's at the Spring. Chautauquan 13: 121:April 1891. By Dorothea Lawrence Mann, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 49 821.88 Xht. By Marie Ada Molineux. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 49 821.88 Xht. By Irene Elder Morion, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tan- ner 128-129 821.88 Xht. By Lcruise Chandler Moullon, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 107 821.88 Xht. Poem. Nassau Literary Magazine 469:Feb. 1890. By Roden Noel. Contemporary Review 44:701 -718:Nov. 1883 821.88 Dnor. By George OBryne, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 139-142 821.88 Xht. Poem. By J. Peet. Century 72:253:June 1906. By Jeannie Peet, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 57 821.88 Xht. By C. E. D. Phelps, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 58 821.88 Xht. A Sonnet. By C. E. D. Phelps. Poet Lore 5:5:288. Poem. By Elizabeth Phelps. Independent 41 :2: 1 71 7. By Elizabeth Stuart Phelps-Ward. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 133 821.88 Xht. A Picture of Joseph Milsand. Scribner's Magazine 20: 108: July 1896. A Poem to. By Pakenham Beatty. Littell's Living Age 198:770. Poet and Man. A Survey. By Elisabeth Luther Cary. 821.88 Dca. Salve. By Charlotte Pendleton. Poet Lore 1:11:545. Also in Homage to Browning by Aleph Tanner 106. By Harriet Adams Sawyer, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 62 821.88 Xht. A Sequence of Sonnets on the Death of Robert Browning. By A. C. Swinburne. (Forln. R.) Littell's Living Age 184:447-448: Feb. 15, 1890. Poem. By William Sharp. (Two Copies.) Art Review 33-36: Feb. 1890 821.88 Xpsr. By William Sharp, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 136-139 821.88 Xhf. By George Jay Smith, Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 80-82 821.88 Xht. BROWNINGIANA 51 Kaiclw On, Translated into Japanese by Bin Uyeda ; Proipice, 121 -125; y'nio Poels of Croisic, 126-128; Jama Lee VII (Among the Rocks), 129-131 -.Pippa Passes (The Year's at the Spring). 132-133; Asolamlo (Summum Bonum). 134-140 821.88 Xku. Catalogue 69-70 J. Pearson & Co. in Slra\) Records. By Clifford Harrison. 149-154 B H3I8 Vol.1. By Theo. Stone, Homage to Robcrl Drowning, Aleph Tanner 75 821.88 Xht. By Richard Henry Stoddard. Independent 42:820:June 12. 1890. By Alicia \'an Buren, Homage to Rohcrl BroD>ning, Aleph Tanner 134 821.88 Xhi. Poem. By Henry Van Dyke. Literary Digest 44:1110:May 25. 1912. By Cara E. Whiton-Stone, Homage to Robert Broivning, Aleph Tanner 59 821.88 Xht. By Margaret Widdemer. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 50 821.88 Xht. Poem. By Margaret Widdemer. Century 85:416:Jan. 1913. By Frances W'hitmarsh Wile, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 77 821.88 Xht. By Mary A. Woods. Eclectic Magazine 1 38:74 :Jan. 1902. By Mary A. Woods, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 47 821.88 Xht. Poem. By Mary A. Woods. From the Academ};. Litteil's Living Age 231: 528: Nov. 23, 1901. (A Poem.) By C. E. D. Phelps. Poet Lore 5:5:288. Under Index of Authors 2155, Psychological Index 16:1909. BROWNING, A LECTURE ON Written for the National Home-Reading Union. By G. D. Boyle. M. A., Dean of Salisbury. 821.88 Dll". BROWNING AND ALFRED AUSTIN By Wm. Lyon Phelps. Yale 7 :580-591 :Oct. 1917. BROWNING AND ALFRED DOMETT Editorial. Eclectic Magazine 144:462-484. By William Hall Griffin. Contemporary Review 87 :95-l 1 5 :Jan. 1905 821.88 Bdg. By W. Hall Griffin. (Contemp.) Litteil's Living Age 244:393- 410:Feb. 18, 1905. Boof(s and Authors. Litteil's Living Ave 249-256. BROWNING AND ARNOLD By Alfred Ainger. Athenaeum 3327: 1 58:Aug. 1. 1891. BROWNING AND BUTLER By J. Churton Collins. Contemporary Review 98:2:467-476:Ocf. 1910; Litteil's Living Age 267 :481 -488:Nov. 19. 1910. Browning, Robert. Englische Dichter. Von Rudolf Kassner 155- 187. BROWNING AND DOGMA Seven Lectures on Browning's Attitude Toward Dogmatic Re- ligion. By Ethel M. Naish. 821.88 Rnd. BROWNING AND THE EPIC OF PS^CHOLOG^' Reprinted from London Quarterly Review July 1869 821.88 Dfb. BROWNING AND HENRY JAMES In New Leaves. By Filson Young. 824.91 Y7In. BROWNING AND HIS CENTURY By Helen A. Clarke. 821.88 Jcb. 2 copies. Same. Reviewed in the Outlook 103:734 821.88 Jcb. 52 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY BROWNING AND HIS CRITICS By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 5:4:201-209. Poet Lore 5:1:142-207. By Francis B. Hornbrooke. Poet Lore 5:3:42-43. BROWNING AND HOW TO STUDY HIM By Hamilton W. Mabie. Literary Digest 20:781 :June 23. 1900. BROWNING AND ITALY Spectator. Littell's Living Age 274:54-58:July 6, 1912. BROWNING AND ITALIAN ART AND ARTISTS By Pearl Hogrefe. Bulletin of the Universil]) of Kansas. Hu- manistic Studies May 15. 1914. 821.88 Lhi. BROWNING AND MEREDITH BroD'ning and Meredith, Some Points of Similarit]). By Mary Winchester Abbott. 821.88 Dap. By Editor. Priory Magazine 1 :2:27-33:Aug. 1903 821.88. See Meredith. BROWNING AND MEREDITH, THE OPTIMISM OF By A. C. Pigou. (Independent Review.) Littell's Living Age 246:4 15-422: Aug. 12. 1905. BROWNING AND MOSCHELES By Arthur Warren. London Days 42-56. BROWNING AND PADRAIC COLUM Books and Authors. Littell's Living Age 292:448. BROWNING AND SAINT-BEUVE By Gamaliel Bradford. Jr. North American Review 191:4:488- 500:April 1910. BROWNING AND SHELLEY Verses. By E. D. W. 821.8 Will v. By E. D. W.. Homage to Robert Browning. Aleph Tanner 76 821.88 Xht. BROWNING AND SLANG By Warwick James Price. Nation 100:142:Feb. 1915. BROWNING AND SOME ASPECTS OF CONTEMPORARY THOUGHT Poet Lore 2:3:148-152. BROWNING AND ST. ANDREWS By Thomas Bayne. Athenaeum 3334:386-387:Sept. 19. 1891. BROWNING AND TENNYSON Blackwood's Magazine. Littell's Living Age 184:240-45: Jan. 25. 1890. Bookman 16:349-359. (1, Tennyson — G.K.Chesterton; II. Brown- ing — Ed Dawden.) By W. H. Browne. American Journal of Philology 32:484-485. By G. K. Chesterton. English Men of Letters. 821.88 Bcht. Churchman 61 :73-74:Jan. 18. 1890. Taken from the Spectator. 821.7 Xpmb. From the Spectator. Littell's Living Age 184: 190- 192: Jan. 18. 1890. Unsigned. Littell's Living Age 1 74:240-245: Jan. 25, 1890. (From Blackwood's Magazine.) BROWNING AND TENNYSON AS SPIRITUAL FORCES By C. C. Everett. 821.88 Rtb (Typewritten). BROWNING AND TENNYSON COMPARED By J. Llewelyn Davies from Notes to the Pocket Volume of Selec- tions from the Poems of Robert Browning. By Alex Hill. 17-22 821.88 Dhn. BROWNINGIANA 53 BROWNING AND THE ANIMAL KINGDOM By Elisabeth Luther Gary. Critic 43 :2:l63-165:Aug. 1903. BROWNING AND THE CHRISTIAN FAITH By Edward Berdoe. Reviewed in Outlook 53:670: April 1896 821.88 Rbb. BROWNING AND THE DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE By S. S. Curry. 821.88 Lcb. Review. By S. S. Curry. Independent 65 : 1004- 1005 :Oct. 29. 1908. BROWNING AND THE GREEK DRAMA By A. S. Wilkins. Manchester Quarterly Oct. 1883 821.88 Lwgd. BROWNING AND THE LOST CORK By Florida Pier. Harper's Weekly 54:27:March 12. 1910. In The Cenller Vieiv. BROWNING AND THE POET OF DEMOCRACY. ROBERT By Oscar Triggs. Poet Lore 4:10:481-90. BROWNING AND THE SHELLEY SOCIETY. THE Poet Lore 3:3:151-55. BROWNING AND THE SPECIAL INTERESTS By William Austin Smith. Atlantic 1 14:809-81 4 :Dec. 1914. BROWNING AND WOMAN Did DroTi>mng Knoro a Woman i Heart? By Mary Bradford Whiting. 821.88 Pww. BROWNING AND WORDSWORTH By Harry Christopher Minchin. Fortnightly 97:81 3-24 :May 1912; Littell's Living Age 274 : 104- 1 12 :July 13. 1912. BROWNING AND WORDSWORTH ON INTIMATIONS OF IM- MORTALITY By Ernest Hartley Coleridge in Browning Centenary 31-38. 821.88 V'nya. BROWNING ANECDOTE. A By Lida Rose McCabe. Outlook 44:358:Aug. 22. 1891. BROWNING— ANOTHER By Edward Dowden. Munsey's Magazine 32:444:Dec. 1904. BROWNING. A PILGRIMAGE By Arthur J. Whyte. Contemporary Review 103 :668-678:May 1913. BROWNING AS A CHAPEL-GOER Review of Reviews. A review of a Chapel talk with Browning. A talk with the Rev. Edward White in Young Man. 17:461-463: March 1890. BROWNING AS A DRAMATIC POET By Henry Jones. Boston Browning Society Papers 203-221 821.88 Vhp. By Prof. Henry Jones. Papers of the Boston Society. Poet Lore 6:1:13-28. BROWNING AS A DRAMATIST. ROBERT By Edward Dowden. Literary Digest 28:843-844: June 11. 1904. BROWNING AS A HUMORIST In The Life of the Spirit in the Modern English Poets. By Vida D. Scudder. 201-238 808.1 S436Is. BROWNING AS A LANDSCAPE PAINTER By Howard S. Pearson. London Bro\\Tiing Society Paper* 8:103- 118 821.88 Db«. 54 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY BROWNING AS A LETTER WRITER. ROBERT Annals of a Quid Brorvning Club. By I. N. Cog. By Kingsland. Poet Lore 7:5:225-33; 8:2:78-84. BROWNING AS A MUSCIAN By E. A. Whitehead. Notes to the Pocket Volume of Selectioni from the Poems of Robert Browning. By Alex Hill. 47-53 821.88 Dhn. BROWNING AS A MYSTIC, ROBERT By Geraldine E. Hodgson. Seeker 25 1 -279: Feb. 1913. BROWNING AS A PHILOSOPHICAL AND RELIGIOUS TEACHER By Henry Jones. 821.88 Rjb. Reviewed in Athenaeum 3319:725-726:June 6. 1891. Reviewed in Nation 53:92:1891. Outlook 44:995: Nov. 21, 1891. (Review.) By Henry Jones, M. A. Independent 43:2:1488. BROWNING, AS A POET OF MUSIC By C. A. Harris. Athenaeum 4410:509-510:May 4, 1912; 4411: 542-543 :May 11, 1912. BROWNING AS A POET OF THE PLAIN PEOPLE By F. Herbert Stead. Review of Reviews 15 :191-192:Feb. 1897. BROWNING AS A PREACHER By Miss E. D. West. (Dark Blue.) Littell's Living Age III: 707-723. BROWNING AS A PREACHER, ROBERT Primitiae. By the Students of Alexandra College 1-37:1871. Dub- Hn, Hodges, Foster & Co. 824.8 A379. BROWNING AS A RELIGIOUS TEACHER By R. H. Hutton. Cood Words in Littell's Living Age 184:2385: 660-665: March 15, 1890 821.68 Xma. Magazine Articles Vol. 7. BROWNING AS A SCIENTIFIC POET By Edward Berdoe. Nature 32:36:May 14. 1885. BROWNING AS A TEACHER OF THE NINETEENTH CEN- TURY By Miss C. M. Whitehead. Berdoe's Browning Studies 283-309 821.88 Ulbs. Same. London Browning Society Papers 10:237-263 821.88 Dbi. BROWNING AS CHIEF POET OF THE AGE Robert Brojvning: Chief Poel of the Age. Editions 1887, 1890, de Luxe Edition 1887. By Wm. G. Kingsland. Poet Lore 1:11:535. BROWNING AS OTHERS SEE HIM: BERDOE, JONES. AND NETTLESHIP By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 8:5:265-270. BROWNING AS SEEN BY HIS SON By William Lyon Phelps. Century 85:41 7-420: Jan. 1913. Clip- pings. BROWNING AS THE POET OF HIS CENTURY By Anna Benneson McMahan. Dial 54:294-6: April 1. 1913. BROWNING AS THE PREACHERS POET By Charles Frederick Aked. Literary Digest 31 :536:Oct. 14, 1905. BROWNING AT ASOLA By Robert Underwood Johnson. Century 45:l:47:Nov. 1892 821 .88 Xman. Same. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 87 821.88 Xht. Same. In Italian Rhapsodxi and Other Poems 17. BROWNINGIANA 55 BROWNING AT THE CENCl By J. J. Britton, Homage to Robert Droivning, Alepli Tanner 54 821.88 Xht. BROWNING BOOKS OF THE YEAR By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 5:5:277-283. BROWNING BY C. H. HERFORD By Editor. Outlook 79 : 101 5 : April 22. 1905. BROWNING CASUISTRY By Sir Leslie Stephen. Eclectic Magazine 140:357-371 :March 1903. BROWNING CENTENARY By H. W. Mabie. Outlook 100:91 7-91 8: April 27, 1912 821.88 Xman. BROWNING CENTENARY CELEBRATION, THE ROBERT At IV eilminslcr Abbey. Edited with an introduction and appen- dices. By Prof. Kni£?ht. May 7, 1912 821.88 Bkc. BROWNING CENTENARY NUMBER \. Robert BroJDnmg by Professor George Saintsbury (Profusely Illustrated). Bookman 42:248:57-63. 2. Robert Browning's Father by Sir Wm. Robertson Nicol. Book- man 42:248:63-70. 3. Roger Ingpen Review of Lounsbur^'s Early Literary Career of Robert Browning. Bookman 42:248:74-75 May 1912. BROWNING—CHIPS FROM THE WORKSHOP By William Boulting. Contemporary Review 107:667-669:May 1915 Literary Supplement 92. BROWNING, CHRISTIAN TEACHING IN Dial 21:1 25-6 :Sept. 1. 1896. BROWNING CLUB AND FINANCE By Dr. Frederick Furnivall. Munsey's Magazine 26:150:Oct. 190L BROWNING CLUB OF CLEVELAND, THE Poet Lore 1:11:524. BROWNING CLUB OF MEADVILLE, THE By C. J. B. Poet Lore 1 :6:278. By A. Hempstead. Poet Lore 11:6:331. BROWNING CLUBS IN THE UNITED STATES By Hiram Corson. Literary World 1 4:8: 127: April 21. 1883 821.88 Xmal. BROWNING COLLECTIONS Sotheby Wilson & Hodge. Catalogue of oil paintings, drawings, prints; autograph letters and manuscripts; boof(s; statuary, furni- ture, tapestry, and worlds of art; the property of R. W. Barrett Browning, Esq. 821.88 Abe Copy 1. Catalogue of Pictures, Drawings and Engravings, Autograph Let- ters and Manuscripts, Books and IVorks of Art. The property of R. W. Barrett Browning, Esq. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. Contains prices paid for items. 821.88 Abe. BROWNING CORRESPONDENCE In Catalogue of a Superb Collection of Holograph Manuscripts. Holograph Correspondences and Holograph Letters of British and Continental Celebrities of Five Centuries. J. Pearson & Co. 10-11. BROWNING COUNTRY, THE Submitted to the Faculty of Baylor University for the Degree of Master of Arts. By Dora Ella Watson. A. B. 821.88 Kwc. BROWNING COURTSHIP AND OTHER STORIES. A By Eliza Orne White. 821.88 Xws. 36 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY BROWNING DAY. APRIL 5 C. L. S. C. Outline and Program. Chautauquan 21:110-111: April 1895. BROWNING DAY. APRIL 5. ROBERT (Local Circle.) Chautauquan 20:117:Oct. 1894; 20:756:March 1895. BROWNING DAY BY DAY Edited by Constance M. Spender. 821.88 Sdd. BROWNING. DESCRIPTION OF Poet Lore 3:5:288-292. BROWNING— DIFFERENT IDEALS OF SHELLY. AND Portion of Thesis. By Angie Lacey Peck. The Wellesley Prelude Memorial Number 3 :1 7:21 1-2 12: J an. 30. 1892. BROWNING, E. B. AND ROBERT AnAccounl of a Meeling TDilh Them in Florence. By Mrs. An- drew Crosse. Harper's Monthly 23 :555-6:Sept. 1861; Littell's Living Age 192:719-720. BROWNING FOR BEGINNERS By Editor. Outlook 77: 186: May 21. 1904. BROWNING FOR BLUES Fra Magazine 1 5 :167-168:Sept. 1915. BROWNING FOR HOUSEHOLD USE By Edith Barron Brown. Critic 44:86-87: J an. 1904. BROWNING FOR THE TRENCHES Selections from the Poetry of Robert Browning, Dedicated to all who, ipealj;ing Browning's Mother-Tongue, are fighting for human- ity's highest ideals. Published by the Boston Browning Literary Society. 1588 Beacon St.. Boston. 1918. 821.88 Sbwm. Selections from the poetry of Robert Browning. Published by the Boston Browning Society as a War Edition, especially for the Soldiers. 1918 821.88 Sbww. BROWNING FROM A PAINTING. ROBERT By George Frederic Watts. Bookman 29:380: June 1909. BROWNING. GLORIOUS ROBERT By Emily Hickey. (19th Cent.) Littell's Living Age 271:270- 283:Nov. 4. 1911. BROWNING GUILD. ROBERT. JOURNAL OF THE Vol. 1 and 2. Copy 1 . BROWNING. HOMAGE TO By Aleph Tanner. 821.88 Xht. BROWNING. HOW TO KNOW HIM By William Lyon Phelps. 821.88 Dph. (Review.) By Wm. L. Phelps. Independent 84:278:Nov. 15, 1915. See also Literary Digest 20:781 : June 23. 1900. BROWNING, IL CENTENARIO DELLA NASCITA DI ROBERTO By Fanny Zampini Salazar. From Nuova Antologia 16 Maggio 1920. 821.88 Xcs. BROWNING ILLUSTRATED Poet Lore 3:2:95-96. BROV/NING IN AMERICA By Heloise Edwina Herscy. New England Magazine 542-45 :Jan. 1890 821.88 Xman. See under Gould. BROWNING IN A PASSION, MR. By Robert Yelve.ton Tyrrell. Fortnightly Review 271 -273: Aug. 1889. BROWNINGIANA 57 BROWNING IN ASOLO By Katherine Coleman de Kay Bronson. Century 59 (old series) 37 (new series) 820-31 :April 1900. BROWNING IN EDINBURGH. ROBERT By Rosaline Masson. Cornhill Magazine 152 New Series 590: 226-240:Feb. 1909. Littell's Living Age 260:653-663: March 13. 1909 821.88 Xman. BROWNING IN 1851. ELIZABETH BARRETT Pocmi. By Dora Greenwell. 192 821.8 G8I6. BROWNING IN 1861. TO ELIZABETH BARRETT In Poems. By Dora Greenwell. 192-193 82r.88 G816. BROWNING IN FLORENCE By G. W. Curtis. From The Easy Chair 197-208 814.C 978Ee. BROWNING IN FRANCE By Wm. Lyons Phelps. Modern Language Notes 31 :24-32:Jan. 1916. See Mosher. BROWNING IN INTIMATE INTERCOURSE By Arthur Symons. Dial 61:387:Nov. 16. 1916. BROWNING IN ITALY Editorial. Harper's Monthly 80:637-39:March 1890. See Bronrting'i Italy; Asolo; Venice. See Watson; Treves; Graham. BROWNING IN LONDON By E. Beresford Chancellor. Outlook. Littell's Living Age 273 : 755-757:June 22. 1912. BROWNING. ROBERT. IN MEMORIAM By Edmund Gcrsse. New Review. Littell's Living Age 184:372- 375:Feb. 8. 1890. BROWNING IN SEATTLE Dial 42:133:March 1. 1907. BROWNING IN THE NICKELODEONS Literary Digest 39:681 -682 :Oct. 23. 1909. BROWNING IN VENICE. MRS. BRONSON'S RECOLLECTION OF Cornhill Magazine 25 :353-354: March 1902. BROWNING IN VENICE. RECOLLECTIONS OF By Katherine Coleman de Kay Bronson. Century 63 :572-84:Feb. 1902 821.88 Xman. BROWNING IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY Essays in London and Elsewhere. By Henry James. See 233 821.88 Bwa (Typewritten). BROWNING IS. WHAT? From the Boston Evening Transcript. By John S. Woodman. Lon- don Browning Society Papers 8: 1 54-1 59:April 21. 1886 821.88 Dbs. BROWNING. LECTURE ON By B. D. Boyle. 821.88 Deb. BROWNING. LETTERS OF ROBERT BROWNING AND ELIZA- BETH BARRETT See Letters. BROWNING. ROBERT Literary and Biographical E.ssays. A volunie of Papers by the Way. By Charles William Pearson. (Typewritten) 151-167 821.88 Dp Er. Literary World 20:26:480:Dec. 21. 1889. 58 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY (Quart. R.) Littell's Living Age 185:666-681 June 14. 1890. Lillle ]ournc))i lo the Homes of English Authors. By Elbert Hub- bard. 821.88 Bhl. The Living Authors of England. By Thomas Powell. 71-85 BC P886. By Agnes Maude Machar. Century 39: 736: March 1890. By George McCrie. Religion of Our Literature 69-109 820.4 Ml 32. Memoirs.2 Compiled fcp Henry C. Hewlett. By Henry Fothergill Chorley. 2:25-26,30.169-174; 1:212-213 B C551h. By M. J. Milsand. Revue des Deux Mondes. 21st Year — New- Period. (La Poesie Anglaise Depuis Byron. Elizabeth Drowning. J. Edmund Reade. Henri Taylor, par M. J. Milsand.) 11:661- 689:July 15. 1851 821.8 M661. The Moses of Michael Angela. Yale 4:l-2:Oct. 1914. By James Murray. Igdrasil 59-66 :Feb. 1890 821.88 Dmur. Music in Drowning. Everybody's Magazine 12:852 854: June 1905. Nation 77:39-40:July 1903; 80:531 :June 1905; 83:43:July 1906. By Roden Noel. Contemporary Review 70i-718:Nov. 1883; Lit- tell's Living Age 159:771-81 .Dec. 1883 821.88 Dnor. Notes on some personal aspects of his character. London Letters and Some Others. By George W. Smalley. 1:309-319 826.7 S635. Our Living Poets. An Essay in Criticism. Chapter IV. By H. Buxton Forman. 821.88 Dfop. Par Pierre Berger. Les Crands Ecrivains Etrangers. Personalia. By Edmund Gosse. 821.88 Dpg. Same. Review. Independent 42:1 :461 : April 3, 1890. Putnam's Monthly 7:40:372-381 : April 1856. Religious Spirit in the Poets, The. By W. Boyd Carpenter. 202- 247 821.04 C297. By William Knight. Retrospect 69-102. The Rowfant Dool(s. 8-9. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York City. Shal^espeare Da\) — April 23. Chautauquan 8:428: April 1888. (Quart. R.) By G. William Sharp. Littell's Living Age 186: 77l-784:Sept. 1890. By Shirley. Fraser's Magazine For Town and Country 398:240- 256: Feb. 1863 821.88 Dos. A Sonnet. Cornhill Magazine Feb. 1914 821.88 So. The Thoughts of a Poet on Art and Faith. A Lecture Delivered to the Birmingham Central Library Association. By Howard S. Pearson. March 27, 1885 821.88 Dpt. By H. D. Traill. Magazine Articles No. 1. Littell's Living Age 144 821.88 Xman. Same. National Review. Littell's Living Age 184:297-300: Feb. 1, 1890 821.88 Xman. Unique Poems. The Duke's Interview with the Envoy. Literary World 136:193:Sept. 8, 1849. Victorian Poets. By Amy Sharp. 40-102 822.8 S53 IV. By Philip H. Wickstead. Contemporary Review 83:86-99: Jan. 1903. (Time.) A Young Man's Recollections. Littell's Living Age 187: 673-677. See under Magazine Articles. BROWNINGIANA 59 BROWNING LOVE LETTERS See Letters, Love. LibrarX) Table, Oh Which were bat. The. Chautauquan 13:550: July 1891. BROWNING. MAETERLINCK'S MONNA VANNA AND ROBERT By William L. Phelps. Literary Digest 26:456-457 :March 28. 1903. BROWNING MEMORIAL In Mcmoriam. Memorial to Robert Broivning. Under the auspicei of the Browning Society of Boston. King's Chapel, Jan. 28, 1890. 821.88 Bmb. BROWNING MEMORIAL, BOSTON See Music. BROWNING MEMORIALS By Dobell. 821.88. BROWNING MEMORIES, SOME By Wm. G. Kingsland. (Contemp. R.) Littell's Living Age 275: 220-27 :Oct. 26, 1912. BROWNING MSS., OF THE By Frederic G. Kenyon. Cornhill Magazine 166- 174: Aug. 1913 821.88 Amss. By F. G. Kenyon. Cornhill Magazine. Littell's Living Age 278: 733-738:Sept. 20, 1913. BROWNING, THE NEW EXPOSITION OF By Charles H. Herford. Dial 39:44:July 16. 1905. BROWNING NOTE By Mary M. Barclay. Poet Lore 1 :6:300. BROWNING, ON By F. E. Schelling. Poet Lore 2:1 :48-49. By Talcott Williams. Poet Lore 2:1 :47-48:1890. BROWNING ON FRENCH ENTHUSIASM Editorial on Cushman's Article. Poet Lore 20:6:466:Oct. 1899. BROWNING ON HIS OWN OBSCURITY Robert Browning. Literary Digest 32:937: June 23. 1906. BROWNING— ON SOME POINTS IN BROWNINGS VIEW OF LIFE By B. F. Wescott. (Paper read before the Cambridge Browning Society Nov. 1882.) Printed 1883 821.88. BROWNING, ON THE DEATH OF ROBERT A Poem. By Charlotte Pendleton. Poet Lore 1:11 :545. BROWNING, OPHELIA G. A Poem rvhich Tvas Mistal(cn for Drowrung's. Literary Digest 19: 130: July 29, 1899. BROWNING OUT WEST By Frederick M. Padleford. (Cornhill Magazine.) Littell's Living Age 252:691 -697 :March 16. 1907. BROWNING PILGRIMAGE, A By A. J. Whyte. (Contemp. R.) Liltells Living Age 277:542- 550:May 31, 1913. BROWNING, POET OF DEMOCR.ACY. ROBERT By Triggs. Poet Lore 4:10:481-490. BROWNING. THE POET OF THE PEOPLE By W. H. Anderson. Poet Lore 6:5:244-248. BROWNING POPULAR, WHY IS? By Paul Elmer More. Literary Digest 30:775-776:May 25. 1905. BROWNING PROGRAM The Wellesley Prelude 2:24:330: March 21. 1891. 60 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY BROWNING, QUERY By Alfred Forman. Athenaeum 3749:232:Sept. 1889. BROWNING RARITIES By W. G. Kingsland. Poet Lore 6:5:264-268. BROWNING RECITER. THE Verse and Prose for Recilaiion. By Robert Browning, Sir A. Conon Doyle, Edward F. Turner, W. J. Gilbert, Re Henry, E. Nesbit, and Other Writers. Edited by Alfred H. Miles. 821.88 Sbrm. BROWNING. THE RELIGIOUS OPINIONS OF ROBERT By Mrs. Sutherland Orr. (Contemp. R.) Littells Living Age 192:365-374. BROWNING. REMINISCENCES OF By Sir C. Gavan Duffy. Eclectic Magazine 1 18:326-331 :March 1892. BROWNING, ROBERT AND ALFRED DOMETT Edited by Frederic G. Kenyon. 821.88 Bdk. BROWNING. ROBERT AND ELIZABETH BARRETT Catalogue of Old Engravings. Manuscripts. Books, and Relics of. Henry Sotheran & Co., Catalogue 737 821.88 Asor. BROWNING, ROBERT AND ELIZABETH BARRETT, SOME UNPUBLISHED PAPERS OF Edited by George S. Hellman. Harper's Monthly Magazine 132: 530-539:March 1916 821.88 Xsf. BROWNING, ROBERT. A YOUNG MAN'S RECOLLECTIONS (Time.) Littell's Living Age 187:673-77. Anon. BROWNING. ROBERT. BIOGRAPHY OF By Emily Hickey. Nineteenth Century 68:1060-1075 :Dec. 1910, BROWNING, ROBERT. IN HIS RELATION TO THE ART OF PAINTING By Sarah W. Whitman. 821.88 Lwp. BROWNING, ROBERT— IN POEMS OF DANTE GABRIEL ROS- SETTI Southern Review 21 :413 :Selection 3. BROWNING, ROBERT, LIFE AND LETTERS OF By Mrs. Sutherland Orr. Athenaeum 3319:725-726:June 6, 1891. BROWNING. ROBERT. THE EXERCISES AT THE MEMORIAL MEETING TO Held in the King's Chapel by the Boston Browning Society. Same. Literary World 2I:3:40:Feb. 1. 1890. BROWNING. ROBERT. THE MAGNET OF THE SOUL By Francis Ohrum. Baylor Literary 1 7:312-31 5 :June 1909. BROWNING. ROBERT. THE MUSICIAN By A. Goodrich-Freer. (19th Cent.) Littell's Living Age 229: 803-81 l:June 29, 1901. By A. Goodrich Freer. Nineteenth Century 648-658:April 1901. BROWNING, ROBERT— NEW APPRAISALS OF By Lilian Whiting. Current Opinion 52:701 -703 :June 1912. BROWNING, ROBERT, THE POETRY OF By Percy Lubbock. Quarterly Review 433:437-457:Oct. 1912 821.88 Dlak. BROWNING, ROBERT. RECOLLECTIONS OF Literary World 21 :2:25-26:Jan. 18. 1890 821.88 Xmal. BROWNING. ROBERT. SR. Book of Drawings. 821.88 Xfd. Book Containing Drawings by Robert Browning. Sr. From the BROWNINGIANA 61 DroTvning Collections. Sold by Messrs. Solheby, London, May 1st to 8th. 1913 821.88 Xgd. Grotesque Figure Drawings. From the Browning Collectioni. 821.88 Xdb. 50 Drawings. 821.88 Xbd2. Package 56 drawings. 821.88 Xbd. BROWNING. ROBERT WEIDEMANN BARRETT Athenaeum 4420:37 :July 13. 1912. About People. By The Editor. Outlook 50:325: Aug. 25, 1894. By A. Joseph Armstrong. Baylor Times March 15, 1913. A BroTvning Collection. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. 821.88 Abe Copy 2. A Complaint. Athenaeum 3376:66: July 9, 1892. Newspaper clippings. Browning Centenary. Edited by Prof. Knight. 99-108 821.88 Bkc. Sketch Book. 821.88. A Catalogue of Rare and Valuable Dool(s. 821.88 Agu. Robert Drowning as seen bv bis Son. By W. L. Phelps. Century 85:417-420:January 1913. See clippings and my article. BROWNING, MRS. ROBERT WEIDEMANN BARRETT Mrs. Barrett Drowning'^ Letters. By Claudius Clear. Bookman 6:463-66: Jan. 1898. BROWNING. ROBERT. TO BEN EZRA By Percy MacKaye, Homage to Robert Drohining. Aleph Tanner 28-36; Also in Outlook 100:906-91 2: April 27. 1912 821.88 Xht. BROWNING. ROBERT— WORDSWORTH. TENNYSON. AND National Review. New Eclectic Magazine I :3 :273-284 :March 1865; 1:4:41 5-427:ApriI 1865. BROWNING, ROBERTO. ED ELISABETTA Fanny Zampini Salazar con Prefazione di Antonio Fogazzaro. La Vita e le Opere di Roberto Drorvning ed Elisabetta Barrett Browning. 821.88 Bzs. 2 copies. BROWNING ROOM AT WELLESLY COLLEGE, THE Literary World 176-1 77 :June 2, 1883. BROWNING SAID OF THE RING AND THE BOOK By Ruth Baldwin Chenery. At Vesper Time Poems 53. By Ruth Baldwin Chenery, Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 63. 821.88 Xht. BROWNING SALES, DODD CATALOGUE OF 821.88 Adb. See also under Catalogue. BROWNING SETTLEMENT Statement of Accounts 1903-1907. 1911-1915 821.288 Xrff. BROWNING SETTLEMENT. ROBERT Report on 9th-13th years 1903-07 821.88 Xsff. Same. 17th-21st years 191 1 -1 5 821.88 Xsf. The Thirteenth Year of. Founded 1895. Report for 1907. 821.88 Xsf. See Bookman 42:248:63-70:May 1912. Robert Drowning's Father. By Sir Wm. Robertson Nicoll. BROWNING. SHAKESPEARE'S SIGNIFICANCE FOR Inaugural-Dissertation. By G. R. Elliott. 36 pages 821.88 Lei. Same. Another copy, 72 pages. Reprinted from Anglia 32:1.2. 821.88 Lse. 62 BAILOR UNIVERSITY BROWNING SOCIETIES Harper's Monthly 77:98-9:Oct. 1888 821.88 Vik. Sicdman Viclorian Poets. 428-432 821.88S812 c2. Third Annual Entertainment, Announcement of. Given at Univer- sity College, Gower Street. Friday Evening, June 27, 1884 821.88 Mia. BROWNING SOCIETY Poet Lore 2:2:106. BROWNING SOCIETY, BOSTON MEMORIAL Jan. 28, 1890 821.88 Bmb. BROWNING SOCIETY. NEW YORK Yearbooks: Third Season 1909-10; Fourth Season 1910-11; Fifth Season 1911-12; Sixth Season 1912-13; Seventh Season 1913-14; Eighth Season 1914-15; Ninth Season 1915-16; Eleventh Season 1917-18; Twelfth Season 1918-19; Thirteenth Season 1919-20; Fourteenth Season 1920-21. Contains list of members 821.88 Vny. Addresses Commemorating the Birth of Robert Browning. Deliv- ered before the New York Browning Society May 7, 1912, New York City. 821.88 Vnya. BROWNING SOCIETY OF BOSTON The Exercises at the Memorial Meeting to Robert Browning. Held in King's Chapel. Literary World 21:3:40:Feb. 1. 1890. Same. See also Boston Brorvning Socielxi. Library Catalogue (Copy 2) 1897, 46 pages with two supplementi of six pages each. 821.88 Absb. BROWNING SOCIETY OF LONDON, THE By Kingsland. Poet Lore 1 :7:329-330; 3:11 :591 ; 3:12:649-650. BROWNING SOCIETY OF THE NEW CENTURY CLUB OF PHILADELPHIA, THE By H. S. Morris. Poet Lore 1:1:35-37; 1:2:82; 1:3:128-129 1:4:182-184; 1:5:225-231 1:6:279; 1:7:330-331; 1:10:488; 1 11:523-524; 1:12:567-569; 2:10:549-550; 2:12:662-666; 3:2 53-56; 3:2:107-111; 3:3:162-166; 3:5:292; 3 :6&7 :379-382. By F. Sulzberger. Poet Lore 3:11:591; 4:2:108-112; 4:5:288; 4:10:533; 5:1:55-56; 5:2:112. By F. H. W. Poet Lore 5:12:646-648. By A. S. Stout. Poet Lore 8:6:366-368. BROWNING SOCIETY PAPERS (1) Foretalk by F. J. Furnivall On the Poet, Objective and Sub- jective; on the Latter' s Aim; on Shelley as Man and Poet. By Robert Browning; (Being a reprint of the introductory essay to (25 spurious) Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Moxon 1852.) Second ELdition; A Bibliography of Robert Brorvning, from 1833 to 1881. Compiled by Frederick J. Furnivall. Third Edition. (2) Browning Bibliography. Additions, 31 December 1881. F. J. Furnivall; Introductory Address to the Brorvning Society, by J. Kirkman; On Pietro of Abano and the Leading Ideas of Dramatic Idyls, Second Series 1880, by J. Sharpe; on Browning's Fifine at the Fair, by J. T. Nettleship; Mr. Netdeship's Classification of Browning's Worlds; Mrs. Orr's Classification of Browning's Poems; Notes on the Cenius of Robert Browning, by James Thomson; The Moorish Front to the Duomo in Luria, by Ernest Radford; The Original of Ned Bratts, by Ernest W. Radford; An Analysis and Summary of Fifine at the Fair, by John Sharpe. BROWNINGIANA 63 (3) DroTviiing's Philosophy, by John Bury; Dishop Dlougram'i Apolog}), by E. Johnson; The Idea of Penonalily, as Embodied in Robert Broivning's Poelrxj, by Hiram Corson; The Religious Teaching of Drorvning, by Dorothea Beale; An Account of Abbe VoglcT (from Fetis & Nisard), by Miss Eleanor Marx; Con- science and Art in Drowning, by E. Johnson. (4) Browning's Intuition. Speciall}) in Regard of Music and the Plastic Arts, by J. T. Nettleship; On Some Points in Broivning's Viert) of Life, by B. F. Wescott; One Aspect of Browning's Vil- lains, by Miss E. D. West; Browning's Poems on Cod and Im- mortality as Bearing on Life Here, by WilHam F. Revell ; James Lee's Wife, by J. H. Bulkeley; Aht Voglcr. by Mrs. Turnbull. (5) On Some Prominent Points of Browning's Teaching, by W. A. Raleigh; Caliban Upon Selebos, with Some Notes on Brown- ing's Subtlety and Humour, by J. Cotter Morison; In a Balcony, by Mrs. Turnbull. (7) Is Browning Dramatic? by Arthur Symons; On Mr. Sludge, the Medium, by Edwin Johnson ; Browning as a Scientific Poet, by Edward Berdoe. (8) On the Development of Browning's Genius in His Capacity as Poet or Maimer, by J. T. Nettleship; On Aristophanes' Apology, by John B. Bury; Love's Value, Colombe's Birthday, Act IV (The Avowal of Valence), by Leonard S. Outram; Andrea Del Sarto, by Albert Fleming; Browning as a Landscape Painter, by Howard S. Pearson; The Reasonable Rythm of Some of Brown- ing's Poems, by H. J. Bulkeley; Prince Hohensliel-Schwangau, by C. H. Hereford. (9) Strafford at the Strand Theatre, Dec. 21. 1886, by John Tod- hunter; A Death in the Desert, by Mrs. M. G. Glazebrook; A Grammatical Analysis of O Lyric Love, by F. J. Furnivall; Some Notes on Mr. Browrnng's Latest Volume, by Arthur Symons; Some Notes on Browning's Poems Referring to Music, by Helen J. Ormerod. (10) Brownings View of Life, by Mr. Revell; Browning's Esti- mate of Life, by Edward Berdoe; Browning's Jews and Shal(c- spcare's Jew, by Prof. Barnett: Abt Vogler, the Man. by Helen J. Ormerod; Browning as a Teacher of the Nineteenth Century, by Mrs. C. M. Whitehead; Saul, by Anne M. Stoddart. (11) Paracelsus, The Reformer of Medicine, by Edward Berdoe; Andrea del Sarto and Abt Vogler, by Helen J. Ormerod; La Saisiaz, by W. Robertson; On the Difficulties and Obscurities En- countered in a Study of Browning's Poems, by James Bertram Old- ham; On Prince Hohcnstiel-Schwangau. by Jos. King, Jan.; On A Toccata of Galuppi's, by Mrs. Alexander Ireland; Numpholep- tos and Browning's IVomen. by Mrs. Glazebrooke; The IVife- Love and Friend-Love of Robert Browning, by J. J. G. Graham. {\2)An Analysis of Sordello, by Wm. Jn. Alexander; Robert Browning's Ancestors, by F. J. Furnivall; Some Remarl(s on Browning's Treatment of Parenthood, by Mrs. Alexander Ireland; On the Line-Numbering. Fresh Lines, Etc., in The Ring and the Bool(, by Benjamin Sagar; The Value of Browning's Worl^, by William F. Revell ; Taurello Salinguerra : historical details illus- trative of Brownings Sordello; Muratori and Browning Compared, by W. M. Rossetti. By William Stetson Merrill. Library Journal 28:I04:March 1903. Poet Lore 2:7:379-384. 64 BAILOR UNIVERSITY Childe Roland to ihe Dark Toruer Came. Poet Lore 13:2:262; 13:3:437. Reviewed in Outlook 57:721 :Nov. 20. 1897. By Edward P. Van Dufee. Library Journal 28:104:March 1903. By Edward C. Williams. Library (ournal 28:52: Feb. 1903. BROWNING SOCIETY'S THIRD ANNUAL ENTERTAINMENT. THE To be given at University College, Cower Street, on Friday Eve- ning, June 27, 1884. 821.88 Mia. BROWNING, SOME CHILD CRITICS OF By W. W. (Acad.) Littell's Living Age 214:127-8:July 10. 1897. BROWNING— SOME MEMORIES OF By William G. Kingsland. Contemporary Review 102:1:202-210: Aug. 1912. BROWNING, SOME THOUGHTS ON By Mary A. Lewis. (Mac M.) Littell's Living Age 154:238-246: July 29, 1882. BROWNING. SOME UNPUBLISHED PAPERS OF. ROBERT AND ELIZABETH B. Edited with comments. By George S. Hellman. Harper's Maga- zine 132:790:530-539:Marcb 1916. BROWNING STUDIES Being Select Papers by Members of the Browning Society. Edited with an introduction by Edward Berdoe. 821.88 VIbs. 2 copies. By Edward Berdoe. Bookman 2:535-36:Feb. 1896. By Vernon C. Harrington. 821.88 Dhs. BROWNING STUDY HINTS Three Poems Related to Married Life. By P. A. C. Poet Lore 3:10:521-522; 3:11:588-589; 3:12:637-639; 5:8&9:453-455. BROWNING STUDY PROGRAMMES By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. 821.88. 2 copies (one in Camberwell Edition in two volumes; one in one volume). BROWNING STUDY PROGRAMME By C. P. and H. C. Poet Lore 8:8:586-592. BROWNING TO BEN EZRA A Ccnienar)) Soliloquy. By Percy Mac Kaye. Outlook 100:906- 912:April 27, 1912 821.88 Xmb. BROWNING TONIC By Martha Baker Dunn. Atlantic Monthly 90:203-211. BROWNING TREASURE BOOK. A Extracts from Browning. Selected and arranged by Alice M. Warburton. 821.88 Stw. BROWNING— TWO MASTERS Browning and Tiirgenief. By Philip Stafford Moxom. 821.88 Dmt. BROWNING USEFUL, MAKING Outlook 44:19:July 4, 1891. BROWNING VERSUS BROWNING By Harrison S. Morris. Poet Lore I :9:408-421. BROWNING VERSUS TENNYSON By Anna Robertson Brown. Poet Lore 2:12:628-634. BROWNING WHISTLE OR SING? DID By F. Morgan Padelford. (Cornh.) Littell's Living Age 261 :475- 482: May 22, 1909. BROWNINGIANA 65 BROWNING. WORDSWOF^TH AND TENNYSON By Waller Bagehot. Literary Studies 2:326-381 824.8 BI44e. Same. Nineteenth Century Prose 274-337 824.08 D353n. BROWNING. WRITER OF PLAYS. ROBERT By W. L. Courtney. Eclectic Magazine New Series 38:3:358- 366:Sept. 1883. Same. Fortnightly Review 888-900:June I. 1883 821.88 Xman. BROWNING YEAR BOOK. THE ROBERT By J. R. Tutin. 821.88 Gyb. BROWNING? YES IN A GENERAL WAY Poem. From H .E. W. to W. C. E. (Spectator.) Litlellt Living Age 190:578. BROWNINGIANA By Edmund Gosse and Alfred Forman. Athenaeum 3607:838: Dec. 12. 1896. BROWNINGS, THE By Mis. Andrew Crosse. (Temp. B.) Liltell's Living Age 192: 719-728. By Editor. Outlook 86:525 :July 6. 1907. BROWNING'S ANCESTORS By F. J. Furnival. London Browning Society Papers 12:26-45. Littell's Living Age 233:574. Books and Authors. BROWNINGS ANCESTORS. REF. TO A TABLET ERECTED TO ONE OF Editorial. Independent 54:1313:1902. BROWNINGS AND AMERICA. THE By Elizabeth Porter Gould. 821.88 Kgab (Copy 2). BROWNINGS, BIOGRAPHY OF By L. Whiting. Independent 71 :350. By Lilian Whiting. Reviewed in Outlook 99:878 821.88 Bwb. BROWNINGS ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS CONCERNING SOME OF HIS POEMS. ROBERT By A. Allen Brockington. Cornhill Magazine (New Series 213) (Old Series 651):March 1914 821.88 Zcm. BROWNING'S ATTITUDE TOWARD ART AND NATURE By Owen Seaman. Notes to the Pocket Volume of Selections from the Poems of Robert Browning. By Alex Hill. 107-114 821.88 Dhn. BROWNING'S ATTITUDE WITH REGARD TO ART By A. C. R. The Primitive Methodist Quarterly Review and Christian Ambassador 467-481 :JuIy 1890 821.88 Lba. BROWNINGS BIOGRAPHERS, MISTAKES OF Dial 54:38:Jan. 16, 1913. BROWNINGS BIRTHDAY, MAY 7. Program for Chautauquan 62:4I3:May 1911. (Poem.) By Wm. Harman Van Allen. Emerson College Maga- zine 20:3 : 136:Jan. 1912. (Read at Boston Browning Society.) By William Harman Van Allen. Homage to Robert Drommng, Aleph Tanner 48 821.88 Xhl. BROWNING'S BOOKS. NOTES ON By George W. Cooke. Poet Lore 3 :6&7:366-68. BROWNINGS CASUISTRY By Sir Leslie Stephen. National Reviesv. Littell s Living Age 236: 257-271 :-Jan. 31. 1903. BROWNING'S CRITICISM OF LIFE By William F. Revell. 821.88 Drc. 66 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY BROWNING CULT IN AMERICA. AN ECHO OF THE By Mrs. Hornbrooke. Dial 48:91 : Feb. \, 1910. BROWNINGS DEATH Various clippings cx)ncerning. Critic Jan. 11, 1890. BROWNING'S DEFENSE OF HIS ALLEGED OBSCURITY OF STYLE Dial 41:231 -232 :Oct. 16. 1906. BROWNINGS DICTION American Notes and Queries 2:26:304-305 :April 27, 1889. BROWNINGS EARLY CAREER AND LATER INFLUENCES Editorial. Dial 52:91 :Feb. 1, 1912. BROWNING'S EARLY WORK By Roger Ingpen. Review of The Early Literary Career of Robert Brorvning, by T. R. Lounsbury. (T. Fisher Unwin, Pub- lisher.) Bookman 42:248: 74-75: May 1912. BROWNING'S ENGLAND A SUtdv of English Inflaenca in Droivuing. By Helen Archibald Clarke.' 821.88 Kce. See Dial 45:41 5 :Dec. 1, 1908. BROWNINGS ESTIMATE OF LIFE By Edward Berdoe. London Browning Society Papers 10:200-206 BROWNING'S ESTIMATE OF THE VALUE OF EFFORT By J. S. K. Moss and J. Brunton Aitken. From Notes to the Pocl^ei Volume of Selections From the Poems of Robert BroTvning, by Alex Hill. 37-40 821.88 Dhn. BROWNING'S ETHICAL IMPULSE, MRS. By Thomas Bradfield. Literary Digest 13:71 5 :Oct. 1896. BROWNING'S FATHER. ROBERT By Sir Wm. Robertson Nicoll. Bookman 42:248:63-70:May 1912 821.88 Xbm. A Netv Theory of IValt Whitman's Genius. Literary Digest 18: Ml 67. BROWNINGS FOR THE YOUNG, THE By Frederic G. Kenyon. 821.88 Syk. BROWNINGS HEROINES By Ethel Colburn Mayne. With Frontispiece and Decorations, by Maxwell Armfield. 821.88 Pmh. By M. R. Pridham. Notes to the Pocket Volume of Selections from the Poems of Robert Browning. By Alex Hill. 59-65 821.88 Dhn. BROWNINGS IN FLORENCE, THE By Anne Hollingsworth Wharton. Book News 24:283:467-471: March 1906. BROWNING'S INTELLECTUAL EQUIPMENT By Dean Farrar. Literary Digest 14:552:March 6, 1897. BROWNINGS INTUITION Specially in Regard of Music and the Plastic Arts. By J. T. Nettleship. London Browning Society Papers 4:381-396 821.88 Dbs. BROWNING'S ITALY A Study of Italian Life and Art in Broiuning. By Helen Archi- bald Clarke. 821.88 Kci. By Helen Archibald Clarke. Dial 43:384:Dec. 1, 1907. Same. Independent 63:1463. Same. Bookman 26:509:Jan. 1906. BP.OWNINGIANA 67 BROWNINGS JEWS VERSUS SHAKESPEARE'S JEWS Editorial under Note* and News. Poet Lore 1:1:53. By Professor Barnett. Berdoe Browning Studies 253-266 821.88 Vlbs. Same, l^ondon Browning Society Papers 10:207-220 821.88 Dbs. BROWNINGS LAPSES By W. H. Browne. American Journal of Philology 32:241:482- 485. BROWNINGS LINEAGE By Henry Van Dyke, Homage to Robert Droiuning, Aleph Tan- ner 63 821.88 Xht. See also Van Dyke's Poems. Same. Literary Digest 34:266: Feb. 16. 1907. BROWNING'S MASTERPIECE In Master-Spirits. By Robert Buchanan. 89-109 820.04 B9l8m». BROWNING'S MASTERY OF RHYME By William J. Rolfe. Boston Browning Society Papers 164-172 821.88 Vbp. BROWNING'S MAXIMILLIAN EDITORS Reviewed. Contemporary Review 101 : 1 :456:March 1912. Diographx) of Drownings. Independent 71 :350. Reviewed' in Outlook 99:878 821.88 Bwb. See Dial 45:41 5 :Dec. 1. 1908. Editorial. Independent 46:2:1458:1894. BROWNING'S MEN By J. Wiley Jones. 821.88 Pjm. BROWNING'S MESSAGE TO HIS TIME: HIS RELIGION. PHI- LOSOPHY AND SCIENCE By Edward Berdoe. 821.88 Dbm. Same. Nation 50:420:1890. BROWNING'S MESSAGE TO HIS TIME Outlook 44:942:Nov. 14. 1891. BROWNING'S MESSAGE TO THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. ROBERT By James T. Bixby. .Arena 1 :3 :283-297:Feb. 1890. BROWNINGS N.ARRATIVE VERSE By Clarke S. Northup. Dial 43:367:Dec. 1. 1907. BROWNING'S NEGLECT OF ENGLISH SCENERY Nation 76:92:Jan. 1903. BROWNING'S OBSCURITY By Robert Niven. New England Magazine 577-581 :Jan. 1890 821 .88 Xman. BROWNING'S OBSCURITY AND HIS ELOPEMENT WITH MISS BARRETT By Francis Gribble. Littell's Living Age 273 :674-683 :June 15. 1912. Nineteenth Century 71 :976-988:May 1912. BROWNING ON ART By R. M. Adamson. The Scottish Review 2:15:85-87. BROWNINGS ONLY PUBLIC SPEECH Littell's Living Age 184: 192: Jan. 18. 1890. BROWNING'S OPTIMISM By W. N. G. Dial 18:290:May 16. 1895. BROWNING'S PHILOSOPHY By John Bury. Berdoe's Droruning Studies. 28-46 821.88 Vlbs. Same. London Browning Society Papers 3:259-277 821.68 Dbs. 68 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY BROWNING'S PICTURES OF CHIVALRY By H. L. Reed. Poet Lore 1 1 :4:588-60L BROWNINGS PLACE IN LITERATURE By Emily Shaw Forman. Cosmopolitan 8:5:360-564 March 1890 821.88 Xsf. Same. Fortnightly Review 58: Old Style 95: 560-564 :Ocl. I. 1871 821.88 Xsf. By A. Orr. Contemporary Review 23 :934-965 :May 1874. By Mrs. Alexander Orr. Litlell's Living Age 122:67-85 821.88 Dam. ^„ BROWNING'S POETRY, ELIZABETH BARRETT'S INFLUENCE ON OK, By John W. Cunliffe. Modern Language Association 23:2:New Series 16:2:1908 821.88 Bwe. BROWNING'S PORTRAITS OF WOMEN By W. T. Davison. (London Times.) Liltell's Living Age 281 : 352-356. BROWNINGS, READING LIST ON THE Salem Public Library 3:21 :Jan. 1897 821.88 Asl. BROWNING'S RELATION TO OTHER POETS OF THE CEN- TURY By C. E. Vaughan. Notes to the Pocket Volume of Selections from the Poems of Robert Browning. By Alex Hill. 13-16 821.88 Dhn. BROWNINGS RELIGION Homilelic Review 39:210-16:Sept. 1900. BROWNING'S ROMANCE AS REFLECTED IN THEIR POETRY. THE Literary Digest 31 :609-610:Oct. 28. 1905. BROWNING'S SCIENCE By Edward Berdoe. Poet Lore 1 :8:353-362. By H. E. Nesmith. Jr. Poet Lore 2:5:287. BROWNING'S SCIENCE AS SHOWN IN NUMPHOLEPTOS By Edward Berdoe. Poet Lore 2:12:617-624. BROWNING'S SHRINE By John Howard Jewett, Homage lo Robert Drorening. Aleph Tanner 91-92 821.88 Xht. BROWNING'S STANDPOINT By L. Wright. From Papers of the Jacksonville B. Club 2:11: 604-607. BROWNING'S STORIES 821.88 Fhs. BROWNING'S STRAFFORD Edited by Hereford B. George. At the Clarendon Press. Oxford 1908. 821.88 Hsg. BROWNING'S SUMMERS IN BRITTANY By A. M. Mosher. Century 54:755-768:Sept. 1897. 32 New Series. BROWNING'S TEACHING ON FAITH. LIFE AND LOVE By W. Arthur Hind. 821.88 Rhtf. BROWNINGS. THE— THEIR LIFE AND ART By Lilian Whiting. 821.88 Bwb. Two copies: Fly leaf con- tains presentation in autograph of Miss Whiting. BROWNINGIANA 69 Review of Books. By Lilian Whiting. Contemporary Review 101 : l:456:March 1912. Same. Littell's Living Age 271:572. BooLs and Authors. BROWNINGS. THE By Ida A. Ashborn. New England Magazine l3:Nov. 1886 (Typewritten). BROWNINGS THEISM By Josiah Royce. Boston Society Papers 7-34 821.88 Vlbi. BROWNINGS THEOLOGY (Spectator.) Littell's Living Age 192:374-376. BROWNINGS THEORY OF ROMANTIC LOVE By George Willis Cooke. Boston Browning Society Paper* 84-98 821.88 Vbp. BROWNINGS TREATMENT OF NATURE See under Treatment of Nature. BROWNINGS VIEW OF LIFE (St. James' Gaz.) Littell's Living Age 184:255-256. BROWNINGS VIEW OF LIFE. ON SOME POINTS IN By B. F. Westcott. London Browning Society Papers 4:397-410 821.88 Dbs. BROWNING'S WOMEN By Mary E. Burt. With an Introduction by Rev. Edward Everett Hale. (Miss Burt's Autograph.) 821.88 Pbn. By M. E. Burt. Poet Lore 1:11 :534. By Mary Fredrica Gross. 821.88 Dgw. By Clark S. Northup. Dial 58:258-9: April 1. 1915. BROWSINGS IN SHAKSPEARE By W. S. Kennedy. Poet Lore 13 :70-74: Autumn 1904. BROWSINGS IN THE TEMPEST By Wm. S. Kennedy. Poet Lore 9:4:577-85:1897. BRUCE. A. B.. AND OTHERS. R. G. MOULTON. J. P. PETERS The Bible as Literature Biblical World 9:31 1 -313 :ApriI 1897. BRUERE. ROBERT Nole to Rabbi Den Ezra By Robtri Browning. Printed by hand at The Village Press, Hingham, Mass., 1904. BRUNO. GIORDANO Contemporary Review 1 1 1 :257-261 :Feb. 1917. Literary Supple- ment 1 13. BRUNTON. REV. WILLIAM Lellers of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 106 821.88 Xht. BUCHANAN. ROBERT Robert Browning. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 52 821.88 Xht. Master-Spirits. Browning's Masterpiece 89-109 820.04 B918ms. Thomas Love Pcacoclf. (New Quarterly Review.) Littell's Living Age 126:157-165. BUCHANAN'S POEMS. ROBERT (Reviews.) Saturday Review 38:378-380:Sept. 19, 1874. BUCKE. DR. R. MAURICE A New Theory of Walt Whitman's Cenlus. Literary Digest 18: 487-488: April 29. 1899. BUDGET OF MEMORIES. A By Sir George Otto Trevelyan. Bart. Littell's Living Age 260: 280-284. 70 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY BULKELEY. H. J. On Hearing of the Death of Robert Drowning, Homage to Robert Bro-wning, Aieph Tanner 123-125 821.88 Xht. James Lee's Wife. Berdoe's Browning Studies 130-142 821.88 Vlbs. Same. London Browning Society Papers 4:455-467 821.88 Dbs. The Reasonable Rhythm of Some of Browning's Poems. London Browning Society Papers 8:119-31 821.88 Dbs. BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS The Grotesque in the Poetry of Robert Drowning. By Lily Besi Campbell. B. L. April 1. 1907 821.88 Dcg. BULLETIN. SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY Browning's IVorks. 821.88 Asf. BURHAM. SUSAN WOOD The Integrity of the Home. New Church Review 16:414-423 : July 1909. Music As We All Know It. New Church Review 16:224-238: April 1909. BURIAL OF ROBERT BROWNING. THE By Michael Field, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 125-126 821.88 Xht. BURIALS IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY Current Opinion 9:356-358. BURLINGAME, E. L. Browning Cyclopedia. Athenaeum 1 : 744-746 Library of the World's Best Literature. By Warner. 5:2557-2593. Selections 2565-2593 R 803 W279. Why Browning is not more Popular. Literary Digest 15:399-400: July 31. 1897. BURNE-JONES AND THE PRE-RAPHAELITE By Cecil Farifield Lovell. Chautauquan 46:69-72 :March 1907. BURNE-JONES. EDWARD By WiHiam Knight. Fortnightly Review 86:680:Oct. 1906. BURNE-JONES. HIS ETHICS AND ART Editor. Edinburgh Review 189:24-47: Jan. 1899. BURNEY. FANNY. HER DIARY AND HER DAYS Editor. Edinburgh Review 203 :85-I 16:Jan. 1906. BURNS. AS AN ENGLISH POET By David Christie Murray. Eclectic Magazine 140: 194-200: Feb. 1903. BURR, AMELIA JOSEPHINE Creatheart: To Robert Browning, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 24 821.88 Xht. BURR, DANIEL SWIFT Diary of a Journey in America in 1805. Journal of American His- tory 3:2:452: Fall Nov. 1909. BURRILL, EDGAR WHITE The Passing of the Old in Drama. Arena 3:205-224. BURROUGHS. JOHN Complete Poetical and Dramatic Worl(s; a criticism. Atlantic 77: 272-274: Feb. 1896. Lucid Literature. Independent 52:928-930:1900. Poetry and Eloquence. Chautauquan 1 5 :63-65 :April 1892. The Vital Touch In Literature. Atlantic Monthly 83 :399-406:Jan. 1899. BURT. MARY E. Browning's Women. With an Introduction by Rev. Edward Everett BROWNINGIANA 71 Hale. Charles H. Kerr & Co.. Chicago. 111.. 1887 821.88 Pbw. Same. Poet Lore 1:11 :534. The MuiCi In The Common School. Atlantic Monthly 67:531- 537: April 1891. Thoughts from Roberl Bron>ning. Selected and Arranged. (Type- written) 821.88 Sbb. BURTON, RICHARD Browning, Homage to Roberl Droiuntng, Aleph Tanner 26 821.88 Xht. The Camberwell Garden in Lyric Year. ll-A 811.08 L992c. The Dark in Likrahire. Forum 30: 754-757: Feb. 1901. Edited with Introduction and Ndes. Select Poems of Robert Drorening. The Belles-Lettres Series. Section 6 Nineteenth Cen- tury Poets. D. C. Heath & Co., Boston. 1910 821.88 Gbb. The Essa]) on Mood and Form. Forum 32:125:Sept. 1901. Little Essays in Literature. The Brownings 287-291 814 B974I. The Renaissance Pictures in Robert Browning's Poetry. Poet Lore 10:1:66-76. /Renaissance Pictures in Browning's Poetry. Literary Livings 150-171 821.88. BURY. JOHN Aristophanes' Apology. London Browning Society Papers 8:79-86 821.88 Dbs. BroiDning's Philosophy. Berdoe's Brorvning Studies 28-46 821.88 Vlbs. Same. London Browning Society Papers 3:259-277 821.88 Dbs. BUTLER. A. MAYNARD A Vieiv of Ibsen. Contemporary Review 81 :707-719:May 1902. BUTLER. BROWNING AND By J. Churton Collins. (Contemp. R.) Littell's Living Age 267: 481-488:Nov. 19. 1910. BUTTERWORTH. HEZEKIAH Poets Who Were Laughed At. Good Cheer l:4:Nov. 1900. BYNNER. WITTER To Robert Browning, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 25-26 821.88 Xht. To Robert Browning: Poem of 57 Lines. Current Literature 53: 110:July 1912. Same poem in Lyric Year 25-27. BYRON. BROWNING ON Poet Lore 10:3:470-72. BYRON IN DEFINITE FORM By Melville B. Anderson. Dial 36:389-90: June 16. 1904. BYRON. M. C. A Day With the Poet Browning. Hodder & Stoughton. London. England. N. D. 821.88 Xdw. BYRON REVIVAL. THE By W. P. Trent. Forum 26:245-254:Ocf. 1898. BY THE FIRESIDE By M. B. Baylor Literary 12:Dec. 4. 1904. In bound volume entitled "Baylor Literary and Georgetonian." 821.88 Xblg. Poet Lore 13:2:315. BY THE FIRESIDE AND OTHER POEMS By Robert Browning. The Arden Bool(s. The St. Catherine Press, London. 821.88 Gbf. BY THE SEA By Bayard Taylor. After Robert Browning A Parody Anthology, by Carolyn Wellt. 203 821.08 W453pa. (The) Analytics of Literature again. Poet Lore 5:10:529-31. Athenaeum Reviews. Poet Lore 3:10:528-29. Books of Crilichm. Poet Lore 5:8&9:469-74. Bool(s on Tenn\)son. Poet Lore 9:1:138-41. Boston Browning Society Papers. Poet Lore 10:3:443-45. Droivning as Others See Him: Berdoe, Jones, Nettleship. Poet Lore 8:5:265-70. Browning Bool(s of the Year. Poet Lore 5:5:277-83. Browning Illustrated. Poet Lore 3:2:95-96. (The) Cambridge Browning. Poet Lore 8:5:271-72. Flower Songs in Fra Lippo. Poet Lore 2:5:262-63. (The) Life of the Spirit in the Modern Poets. Poet Lore 7:8&9: 455-58. New Editions. Poet Lore 8:8:611-17. New Volumes of Literar}) Essa^. Poet Lore 7:12:625-27. Notes on American Verse. Poet Lore 9:3 :445-50; 10:1:134-38. (The) Query Answered. Poet Lore 1 :5:49-50. Reading Course for a Young Poet. Poet Lore 9:1 : 118-22. Recent American Verse. Poet Lore 8:2:95-99; 9:1:126-31. Recent Booffs on Tennyson. Poet Lore 5:2:630-35. Repetition and Parallelism in English Verse. Poet Lore 7:8&9: 458-59. (A) Scientist's Argument for the Infinite. Poet Lore 11:2:309-12. Some Modern Portuguese Sonnets. Poet Lore 6:10:518-20. Some Recent American Verse. Poet Lore 8:6:370-74. Stedman's Victorian Anthology. Poet Lore 7:12:630. The Survival of the Essay. Poet Lore 9:3:431-36. The Technical Musical Allusions in A Toccata of Caluppis. Poet Lore 2:10:546-47. CABOT, ELLA L. Children's Reading as a Help in Training Character. CADY, CHAUNCEY MARVIN The English Bible and English IVriiers. Biblical World 9:185- 193: March 1897. CAILLARD, EMMA MARIE Centres of Scientific and Religious Thoughts. Contemporary Re- view 88:389-397 :Sept. 1905. CALENDAR See Year Boo}(. Drawings by Ethel Davis Seal. Barse & Hopkins, New York. CALENDAR. BROWNING By Editor. Outlook 78:737:Nav. 19. 1904. CALENDAR, Browning Day by Day By Constance M. Spender. 821.88 Sdd. CALENDAR, THE BROWNINGS Selections from Robert and Elizabeth Browning. Drawings by Edith Davis Seal. Barse & Hopkins, New York, 1918. CALENDAR: BROWNING YEAR BOOK 5e/ec((o;i5 for every day in the year from the prose and poetry of Robert Browning by C. M. T.. 1903. BROWNINGIANA 73 CALENDAR, A BROWNING. 1905 821.88 Xbc. CALENDAR FOR THE YEAR 1905. A BROWNING No. 71 of one hundred and twenty-five copies printed. O. Anacker. London. 1904. 821.88 Sbc. CALENDAR FOR 1912 Thoughls from Cron>nmg. 821.88 Xae. CALENDAR. THE BROWNINGS 1918 821.88 Xac. CALENDAR 1919 CALENDAR. THE 1919 BROWNINGS CALIBAN Poet Lore 9:1:89. The Study Class. By Anna Benneson McMahan. 204-205 807 CALIBAN AND SAUL By S. S. Curry. Arena 49:47-50:July 1908 051 Or35. CALIBAN CONSIDERED. AN OBJECTION TO BROWNING'S By Maude Wilkinson. Poel Lore 5:2:562-64. CALIBAN. IN RE By Oscar L. Triggs. Poet Lore 17:4:76-86. CALIBAN IN THE COAL MINES By Louis Untermeyer. Homage lo Robert DroTvning, Aleph Tanner 82. 821.88 Xht. CALIBAN UPON SETEBOS By Charles Gordon Ames. Boston Browning Society Papert 67- 83 821.88 Vbp. Browning Slud^ Programme: A group of Religious Poems. Cali- ban upor} Selebos, Cleon. Rabbi Den Ezra. A Dealh in the Deser. (From Life and Letters.) By W. S. Kennedy. Poet Lore 12:1: 145-48. With some notes upon Browning's Subtlety and Humor. By J. Cotter Morison. London Browning Society Papers 5:489-498 821.88 Dbs. By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 10:1:103- 113. CALIBER. DEFINITION OF Correct English l2:2:132:Aug. 1911. CALIFORNIA. THE LITERARY DEVELOPMENT OF By Gertrude Franklin .^therton. Cosmopolitan 10:269-78: Jan. 1891. CALL. ARTHUR DEERIN The Growth of Our Moral Ideal. Education 32 ; 546-559 :Mav 1912. CALTHROP. S. R. Brorvning as a Dramatist, from Memorial Meeting of the Syracuse Browning Club. 60-63 821.88 Bsy. CALVERLEY. CHARLES S. The Coc}( and the Bull. After Robert Browning A Parody An- thology. By Carolyn Wells. 195 821.08 W453pa. Literary Remains of. By Walter J. Sendall. Athenaeum 3026:532-534:Oct. 24. 1885. Parody— See Carolyn Wells' Parody Anthology 195-9 821.08 W453pa. Verses and Fly-leaves. By Walter J. Sendall. .Athenaeum 3026: 532-534 :Oct. 24. 1885. CALVIN. IVAN WATERBURY Poetic Language. Poet Lore 21 :3:241-56. 74 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY CALVIN. THOMAS Have Wc Still Need of Poelr))? Forum 25:503 :June 1898. CAMBELL. THOMAS By Arthur Symons. Fortnightly Review 82:41 5-22 :Sepl. 1904. CAMBERWELL EDITION 12 Volumes. Edited by Misses Porter and Clark. 821.88 Gpc. See under Poems. CAMBERWELL GARDEN. THE By Richard Burton, Homage to Robert DroTvn'mg, Aleph Tanner 41 821.88 Xht. CAMBRIDGE BROWNING SOCIETY (Paper read before the Cambridge Browning Society, Nov. 1882.) By B. F. Westcott. Printed 1883. 821.88. CAMEL DRIVER, A See Aluiic. CAMILLO BENSO. DI CAVOUR By Pietro Orsi. Contemporary Review 105:590-593 : 1914:Liter- ary Supplement. CAMPAIGNER AT HOME, A By John Skehon Shirley. Robert Droivnins 266-283. 821.88 D$c. Same. Typewritten 821.88 Dsc. CAMPBELL, LILY BESS The Grotesque in the Poetry of Robert Broiuning. Bulletin of the University of Texas. 92: April I, 1907 821.88 Dcg. CAN A POET BE DEMOCRATIC? Mr. Breeze's Paper Discussed. Annals of a Quiet Droivning Club Part 5. Poet Lore 7:12:619-624. CAN LITERATURE BE TAUGHT? Editorial. Literary Digest 22:724-725:June 15, 1901. CANADIAN MONTHLY AND NATIONAL REVIEW Fiftne at the Fair and other Poems (Revieived). 2:3:285-287: Sept. 1872. Magazine Articles 9 821.88 Xma. CANDLER, HOWARD The Blacl( IVashing of Dante. Contemporary Review 88:552-568: Oct. 1905. CANTON, WILLIAM Tennvson's Early Poems. Eclectic Magazine 135 :778-783 :Dec. 1900.' CAPONSACCHl By Henry Spaulding. Poet Lore 1:1:269-73. Pompilia and Caponsacchi. Emerson College Magazine 20:3:136- 142:Jan. 1912. See Page, Violet — Above 202. CARDINAL AND THE DOG By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 12:1:112. CAREER OF ROBERT BROWNING, EARLY LITERARY By Thomas R. Lounsbury. 420.9 L889. CARLYLE, BROWNING, AND COLERIDGE, REMINISCENCES OF By Sir C. Gavan Duffy. Electic Magazine 1 18:326:March 1892. CARLYLE, EMERSON, AND BROWNING. RUSKIN By Joseph Forster. Be F733. CARLYLE. MRS., SOME MORE LETTERS OF By Augustine Birrell. Eclectic Magazine 141 :231-237:Aug. 1903. BROWNINGIANA 75 CARLYLE. THOMAS (Quart. R.) Litiells Living Age 113:666-683. CARMAN AND RANNIE IVordiWorlh at a Pod Crcal in Spile of Hirmelf. Current Opinion 43:630-632: Nov. 1907. CARMAN. BLISS In A Copy of Drowning. Bookman 3:23-24:March 1896. In a Cop\f of Broivning, Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tan- ner 64-65. 821.88 Xht. More Songs from Vagabondia. Designs by Tom B. Meteyard. 49 In a Cop\) of Broivning. 81 1 C287ms. C.2. Notes and News. Poet Lore 7:6&7:374-76. The PoetrX) of Tomorrow. Independent 44:2: 1546 :Nov. 3, 1892. Staccato to O Lc Lupe, A. After Robert Browning in A Parody Anthology. By Carolyn Wells. 200 821.08 \V453pa. The Time and The Place, Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 79. 821.88 Xht. The Two Bobbies, Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 47. 821.88 Xht. CARPENTER, GEORGE RICE The Latest Word On Whitman. Current Opinion 47:45-48: July 1909. CARPENTER, WILLIAM BOYD (LORD BISHOP OF RIPON) Mrs. Browning in Masson's In the Footsteps of the Poets. 821.04 M419i. Oral Interpretation of Drowning in Drowning Centenary Celebra- tion. 821.88 Bkc. The Religious Spirit In the Poets. Robert Browning 202-247. 821.04 C297. CARR. CORNELIA Letters and Memories of Harriet Hosmer. Same. Dial 53:106:Aug. 16. 1912. CARROLL. H. Fragments of English. Baylor Literary 1 2:304-305: April 1904. CARRUTH. W. H. Creat Poets or Creat Poems. Poet Lore 17:2:78-83. GARY. ELISABETH LUTHER Drowning and the Animal Kingdom. Critic 43 :2:163-I65 :Aug. 1903. Drowning, Poet and Man. Outlook 63:933:Dec. 16. 1899. Same. A Survey. G. P. Putnams Sons, The Knickerbocker Press, New York and London. 821.88 Dca. GARY. H. F. Vision of Dante Alighieri. 171 851D235. CASKEY. JOHN HOMER The Avenger. Baylor Literary 23:4-7:Feb. 1915. CASUAL COMMENT By Percy F. Bicknell. Dial 42: l33-135:March I. 1907. CASUISTRY, BROWNINGS By Sir Leslie Stephen. Eclectic Magazine 140:357-371. Littell's Living Age 236:257-271 :Jan. 31. 1903. CATALOGUE The Brownings. Description of an Important Collection of Manu- scripts and Autograph Letters of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning together with Presentation Copies of Books from and to them. Etc. On Exhibition and for Sale by Robert H. Dodd, New 76 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY York. 1916. 821.88 Ddb. Catalogue of a Superb Collection of Holograpli Manuscripts. Catalogue of Books including Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Brown- ing books sold by P. J. and A. E. Dobell. 821.88 Adc. Catalogue of Boo}(s. Drawings, Autographs, Letters and Other Relics. Catalogue of Dool(s, A English Literature of the 19th and 20th Centuries. 389:1:29-40 A-K. Maggs Brothers, 34 and 35 Conduit Street. New Bond Street, London, W. First Editions of the Works of the Esteemed Authors of the 19th and 20th Centuries. Association Books and MSS 367:21:33. The Library of the Late hf. Buxton Forman. 1 821.88 Xcf. Holograph Correspondence and Holograph Letters of British and Continental Celebrities of Five Centuries. Browning Correspon- dence 10-11. J. Pearson & Co. Same. Lytton-Browning Correspondence 94. J. Pearson & Co. Purchased from the Recent Disperesal of the Browning Collections Offered for sale by Bertram Dobell, London. . 821.88 Adm. Including Books from the Library of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. A collection of Books on Shorthand. Publications of the Early English Text Society and Many Scarce and Out-of-the- Way Items. Offered for Sale by P. J. & A. E. Dobell. London, England. Dec. 1915. 821.88 Adc. See Bibliography. Catalogue No. 737. Old Old Engravings, and of Manuscripts, Books and Relics of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Illustrated. Offered at their net prices by Henry Sotheran & Co., 1913, London, England. 821.88 Asoor. Catalogue No. 737. Catalogue of the Browning Society of Boston. Dial 22:225: April 1897. Catalogue of the Goewey Collection of Browning Pictures 821.88 Xgp. Catalogue of the Libiary of the Browning Society of Boston. Pub- lished by the Boston Browning Society, Boston, 1897. 821.88 Absb (2 Copies). Catalogue of the Library of the Late John Henry Wrenn. Compiled by Harold B. Wrenn. Edited by Thomas J. Wise. 123-137 821.88. Catalogus of Rare and Valuable Books, including a selection of books from the library of the late R. W. Barrett Browning, con- sistmg chiefly of books associated with his parenets. Robert and Elizabeth Browning, Bernard Quaritch, Catalogue 326. Also Catalogue 344:43-45. 821.88 Agn. Of oil paintings, drawings and prints; autograph letters and manu- scripts, books; statuary, furniture, tapestries and works of art. The property of R. W. Barrett Browning. Which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby Wilkinson and Hodge. 821.88 Abe. Copy 1 . Of very choice books, manuscripts, and autograph letters; the prop- erty of a well-kncywn American Amateur, which will be sold at auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge Wednesday, the 10th of December, 1913. 821.88 Xcw. Of pictures, drawings, and engravings; autograph letters and manu- scripts, books, and works of art. The property of R. W. Barrett Browning. Contains price paid for each article and who bought BROWNINGIANA 77 each. Prepared by E. H. Courville. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge. 821.88 Abe. C 2. Rare and Choice Bool(s. First Editions of the works of esteemed authors, rare and choice works relating to America, costume. Napoleon, short old English colcrur books, extra illustrated books, beautifully bound sets executed by the best London binders, botani- cal and gardening items, etc. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. A Catalogue of Ver\^ Choice Bool(3, Manuscripts and Autograph Letters. Browmng (Robert and E. B.) Album 8-9:1913. CATALOGUE RAISONNE OF THE NEW BOOKS OF THE SEASON. A Poet Lore 9:4:621-26. CATHEDRAL IMAGERY IN POETRY By W. G. K. Poet Lore 6:5:279-80. CATHOLIC LAYMAN, A By Dorothea Grosvenor. Nineteenth Century 71 :2:741 -755:April 1912. CATHOLIC VIEW IN MODERN FICTION, THE By May Bateman. Fortnightly Review 105:535 :March 1916. CATHOLIC WORLD, THE Robert Browning. By Henrietfe Corkran. 11-17; 3-38; 162-170; Bc799c. A Stud^ of Browning's Saul. By Emily H. Hickey. 94:561: 320-336:Dec. 1911. 821:88 Hsah. CAUSERIE ON BROWNING, A By Walter J. Baylis. East and West 14:161 :272-276:March 1915 821.88 Rbc. CAWEIN, MADISON Browning. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 40 821.88 Xht. Cup of Comus. Robert Browning 80. CELEBRITIES AND I By Henriette Corkran. Robert Browning 11-17. 31-88( 162-170 Be 799e. CENCI, ODE FOR BEATRICE By Alma Murray. 821.88 Dpm. CENSORSHIP OF STAGE PLAYS, THE By Viola Tree. Nineteenth Century 67: 164-1 72:Jan. 1910. CENTENARIO DELLA NASCITA DI ROBERTO BROWNING, IL By Fanny Zampini Salazar. From Nuova Antologia. 16 Maggio, 1920. 821.88 Xcs. CENTENARY ADDRESSES Browning Society of New York 821.88 V^nya. CENTENARY, THE BROWNING Browning Centenary. By Professor George Saintsbury. Bookman 42:248-57-63:May 1912 821.88 Xbm. Browning to Ben Ezra. By Percy Mackaye. Outlook 100:906-12: April 27, 1912. Also in Poems of Mackaye. 821.88 Xmb. Editorial. D;al 52:383-4:May 16, 1912. By Hamilton W. Mabie. Outlook 100:9 17-8: April 27. 1912 821 .88 Xman. Poems of Robert Browning to be sung, recited or played at the Centenary Matinee, together with Commemoration Ode by Alfred Noyes. Sept. 10. 1918. 821.88 Xman. 78 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY CENTENARY CELEBRATION. AN EARLY BROWNING Editorial. Dial 52:42:Jan. 16, 1912. By Lilian Whiting. Munsey's Magazine 47 :215-220:May 1912. CENTENARY CELEBRATION AT WESTMINSTER ABBEY, THE, MAY 7th. 1912 Edited with an introduction and Appendices by Professor Knight. Contents: Introduction by Professor William Knight 7-14; The Oral Interpretaixon of Brorvning, by Bishop W. Boyd Carpenter 1 ; At Browning's Crave, by Rev. Canon Rawnsley 12; The Poet's Home-going, by the Rev. Canon Rawnsley 14; Brorening on Fail- ure, by Miss Emily H. Hickey 19; Browning and Wordsworth on Intimations of Immortality, by Ernest Hartley Coleridge 31 ; Browning as a Letter Writer, '^y H. C. Minchin 38; Browning as I Knew Him, by William G. Kingsland 45; An Australian Appre- ciation of Browning, by Professor Henry Laurie 55; The Ring and the Boo}(, by Dr. Hill (f jrmerly master of Downing College, Cambridge), 63. Appendices: (1) List of S\^mpathisers 75; (2) The Robert Browning Settlement Walworth, by Herbert Stead Warden 98. 821.88 Bkc. Same. 821.88 Bkc. Copy 2. With Introduction by Professor Knight. 821.88 Bkc. Copy 2. CENTENARY CELEBRATION OS ROBERT BROWNING, FOR THE A Poem of 12 stanzas by Affred Noyes. Fortnightly Review 47: 811-812:May 1912; HarperV Weekly 56:10:May 18, 1912. CENTENARY HISTORY OF THE SOUTH PLACE SOCIETY Nation 59:203-204:Sept. 13. 1894. CENTENARY OF THE BIRTH OF ROBERT BROWNING Charles Vale. Forum 49:91 - I06:jan. 1913. CENTENARY, PREPARATION F 3R THE Editorial. Dial 52:2 19-20: March 16. 1912. CENTER OF THE REPUBLIC By James Baldwin. Scrlbnei's 3 :589-600:May 1888. CENTERS OF SCIENTIFIC AND RELIGIOUS THOUGHT By Emma Caillard. Contemp.,)rary Review 88:389-397:Sepf. 1905. CENTURY The Author of the Brownin'^ Article. By Katherine Coleman de Kay Bronson. 63 :4:638:Feb. 1902. Robert Browning. By Aubrey de Vere. 39:901 : April 1890. Same. By Agnes Maude Ma;:har. 39:736:March 1890. Same. By William Lyon Pl.elps. 84: 1 18-127:May 1912. Drowning, a poem. By Jeanie Peet. 72-253 :June 1906. Robert Browning, a poem. By Margaret Widdemer. 85:41 6: Jan. 1913. Robert Browning as Seen by His Son. By William Lyon Phelps. 85:41 7-420 :Jan. 1913. Browning at Asolo. By Robert Underwood Johnson. 45:47:Nov. 1892; 45:l:47:Nov. 1892 821.88 Xman. Same. By Katherine C. de Kay Bronson. 37 Old Series. 59 New Series 920-31 : April 1900. Browning's Agamemnon. 25:468-470: Jan. 1883. Browning's Summers in Brittany. By A. M. Mosher. 54:755-768: Sept. 1897. ..Club and Salon I. By Amelia Gere Mason. 56:122-127:May 1898. The Dud and War. Editorial. 59:478-479:Jaa. 1900. BROWNINGIANA 79 Earl}^ IVritings of Robert DroJ»mng. 23:l89-20O:Dcc. 1881. Ccrousios Oino3, poem by Robert Browning. 87:889:April 1914. Brian Hooker. By Alfred Noyes. 88:349-353 : July 1914. Impressiom of Drowning and His Art. By Stopford A. Brooke. 45:238-245:Dec. 1892 821.88 Xman. The Influence of the Bible in Literature. By Henry Van Dyke. 80:888-895 :Oct. 1910. (Topics of the Time.) International Relation of Author. Editorial. 55:313-314:Dec. 1897. Letters from Browning. 84: 128- 130: May 1912. Literature and Life. By Arthur C. Benson. 88: 773-778 :Scpt. 1914. Look ol Browning. By R. \V. G. 26:320: June 1883. Masters fcp Proxy. By Robert Haven Schauffler. 88:506-512: Aug. 1914. The Nature and Elements of Poetry. By Edmund Clarence Sfed- raan. 44:613-622:Aug. 1892, 6 Truth; 44: 143-I52:May 1892. 3 Creation and Self -Expression; 44:859-869:Ocf. 1892, 8 The Faculty Divine. The Need of More Lying Awaf(e O' Nights. Editorial. 83:949- 951:April 1912. The New Poets. By Arthur C. Benson. 89:705-708:March 1915. The Muse iv Exile. By William Watson. 83 :944-948: April 1912. On Mr. Rawdon Brown, a sonnet. 27:640:Feb. 1884. On the Reading of Poetry. Editorial. 59:960-961 : April 1900. Palazzo Rezzonico, Robert Browning's House in Venice. (Paint- ed.) By Frank Brang%vyn. 85:445:Jan. 1913. A Plea for the Poets. Editorial. 52:316-317:June 1896. Poe in New Yorf(. By George E. Woodberry. 48:854-866:Ocl. 1894. The Poet. By Clinton Scollard. 61 :800:March 1901. The Poetic Outlook. By Washington Gladden. 31 :3l6-318:Dec. 1685. The Poetry of William Blake. By Henry Justin Smith. 60:284- 291:June 1900. President Roosevelt as a Reader. 69:951 -954: April 1905. Realism and Reality in Fiction. By William Lyon Phelps. 85: 864-868: April 1913. Recollections of Robert Browning in Venice. By Katherine C. de Kay Bronson. 41 :New Series, 43:01d Series: 572-584 :Feb. 1902. Remarks on Reading. Editorial. 70: 154-1 55: May 1905. Romance of the Nineteenth Centurv. By Richard Watson Gilder. 70:918:27:Oct. 1905. Tennyson A Fortunate Poetic Dominance. Editorial. 78:637: Aug. 1909. Tennvson and His Friends cii Freshwater. By V. C. Scott O'Connor. 55:240-268:Dec. 1897. Twelve Yeaars of British Song. Edmund Clarence Sledman 34: 899-916; Bro%vning treated on 902-905. The Twiliglit of the Poets. By Edmund Clarence Sfedman. 30: 787-800 :Sept. 1885. IVhal the IVorld Might Have Missed. By W. A. N. Doriand. 76:1 13- 125: May 1908. CENTURY OF AMERICAN POETRY By 0«car Lcveii Triags- Foruw 30:639; Jan. 1901. 80 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY CERVIN. H. C. See Music. CESARESCO. EVELYN MARTINENGO Puer Parvuhis. Contemporary Review 77 : 1 I 7-123 :Jan. 1900. CHADWICK, JOHN WHITE Drorvning's Luria. Poet Lore 6:5:251-264. Lima. Boston Browning Society Papers 249-263 821.88 Vbp. CHALLENGE TO SOCIALISM, A By John Beattie Crozier. Fortnightly Review 90:96:July 1908. CHAMBERLIN, GERTRUDE Browning's Saul. Emerson College Magazine 20:3 : 124-13 1 :Jan. 1912. Suggested Programs. Emerson College Magazine 20:3:132-134: Jan. 1912. CHAMBERS JOURNAL A Departure from Tradition. A Story of the Year '95. By Rosa- line Masson. Littell's Living Age 207:15-23. On Leisure, Genius, Boof^s and Reading. By Augustine Birrell. Littell's Living Age 216:557-559. The Ring and the Book- (Review.) 288:473-476:JuIy 3. 1869. CHAMBERS REPOSITORY Of Instructive and Amusing Tracts. Mr. Robert Browning. 18: 11-12. CHANCELLOR. E. BERESFORD Browning in London. Outlook. Littell's Living Age 273:755-757: June 22, 1912. CHANDLER, FRANK W. A Creative Approach to the Studv of Literature. English Journal 4:281-291 :May 1915. CHANNEL PASSAGE AND OTHER POEMS. A Athenaeum 401 5:475-476 :Oct. 8. 1904. CHANT, L. ORMISTON To Robert Browning, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 126-127 821.88 Xht. CHANTER, ARTHUR See Music. CHAPMAN. EDWARD MORTIMER The Great Twin Brethren: Tennyson and Browning. From: English Literature in Account with Religion. 1800-1900. 11:349- 393 (Typewritten) 821.88 Ret. CHAPMAN. ELIZABETH R. Browning, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 120 821.88 Xht. Tall^s with Tennyson. Putman's Magazine 7:549:Feb. 1910. CHAPMAN, JOHN JAY Emerson and Other Essavs. Robert Browning 185-213 814 C466e. CHAPTER IN THE HISTORY OF ORACLES. A By Basil Williams. Eclectic Magazine 1 18:270-278:Feb. 1892. CHAPTERS FROM SOME UNWRITTEN MEMOIRS IN ITALY By Anne Ritchie. (MacM.) Littell's Living Age 203:548-553. CHARACTERISTICS OF BROWNING Poet Lore 2:7:400-412. CHARACTERISTICS OF PHILOSOPHY AND LITERATURE By Emii C. Wilm. Poet Lore 24:2:122-125. BROWNINGIANA 81 CHARLTON. J. Drowning Memorial Nota. Poet Lore 2:2:100-1 H. CHARRINGTON, CHARLES Municipal Theatre. Contemporary Review 82:41 I -428:Sept. 1902. CHAT ABOUT LONGFELLOW. A By R. H. Stoddard. Literary Digest 12 :3I0- 1 1 :Jan. IL 1896. CHAUCER By Ferris Greenslet. Forum 30:383 :Nov. 1900. CHAUCER. THE WORKS OF GEOFFREY By Alfred W. Pollard and H. Frank Heath. Mark H. Liddell And W. S. McCormick. Athenaeum 3723 :268-269: March 4. 1889. CHAUTAUQUAN April in England. C. L. S. C. Round Table. By Robert Brown- ing. 62:266: April 1911. Bishop Vincent's Eightieth Anniversary; Remarl(able Tributes; Treasured in His Birthdav Gift Box. 67:2 1 -39: June 1912. Books Received. Editorial. 8:127:Nav. 1887. Browning Da\i, April 5. C. L. S. C. Outline and Program. 21 : 110-11 I :April 1895. Robert Browning Da\), April 5. Local Circle. 20:756:March 1895. Burne-Jones and the Pre-Raphaelite. By Cecil Fairfield Lovell. 46:69-72:March 1907. Cleveland's New Methods of Care for His Words. By W. Frank McClure. 61:90-98:Dec. 1910. C. L. S. C. Class Direction 1882-1910. Class of 1905. The Cot- mopolitan. Editorial. 44:256. C. L. S. C. Outline and Program. 20:624:Feb. 1895. C. L. S. C. Outline and Programs. Browning Day. March 7. By James Russel Lowell. 12:797:March 1891. C. L. S. C. Outline and Program. The Ring and the Book. Edi- torial. l2:797-798:March 1891. C. L. S. C. Round Table— Browning. Editorial. 45:376-379: Feb . 1907. The C. L. S. C. Round Table. New Browning Course. Editorial. 46:369: May 1907. Same. News from Readers and Circles. Editorial. 47:117-121: June 1907. The Cosrtiopolilan C L. S. C. Class Direction Class of 1905. Editorial. 48:295-302:Oct. 1907. Current Literature of England. By Eugene Lawrence. 8:70-73: Nov. 1887. Current English Literature — A Criticism. By Eugene Lawrence. 8:143-l46:Dec. 1887. Dickens Fifty Ytan After. By Mabell S. C. Smith. 62:93-102: March 1911. English Poems on Creek Literature. By James Richard Jay. 17: 272-273: June 1893. George Meredith's Novels. By Emily F. Wheeler. 19:561-565: Aug. 1894. Graduate Classes. C. L. S. C. Class Director 1882-1909. Edi- torial. 42:184-187:Oct. 1905. Great Schools of Painting. By Janet Brownell Glen. 63:163-202: July 1911. In What Book? Editorial. 7:190:Dec. 1887, 82 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY The Influence of the Classics. By Paul Shorcjr. 43:121-132: April 1906. Italv's Women Wrllcrs. By Luigi D. Ventura. 8: 590-592: July 1888. The Library Table Oh, IV Inch Were Best? By Robert Brown- ing. 13:550:July 1891. The Library Table. The Year's at the Spring. By Robert Brown- ing. 13:121 :April 1891. Literature as a Resource. By Hamilton Wright Mabie. 22:65-74: Oct. 1895. Pheidippides. By Robert Browning. 16:378-379:Dec. 1892. A Period Without Great Men of Letters. From Highways and Byways. 61 :1 :1 5-17 :Dec. 1910. Poetr}) and Eloquence. By John Burroughs. 15:63-65: April 1892. Poetry Since Pope. By Maurice Thompson. 15:320-321 : June 1892. The Poets' Part in the Maying of England. By M. Wilma Stubbs. 61:227-234: Jan. 1911. Program for Browning's BirthdaM, May 7. C. L. S. C. Ro^nd Table. Editorial. 62:413:May 1911. Reading from Aurora Leigh — Elizabeth B. Browning. 60:124: Sept. 1910. Rosaetti's The Blessed Damozel. By W. Bertrand Stevens. 46: 109: March 1907. 5/ia^spere Day — April 23. Robert Browninc;. 8:428: April 1888. Pcrci) Bvsshe Shelley. By Kenyon West. 16:422-430: Jan. 1893. Studies in Literature. 15:502-503 : July 1892. A Study — Easter Day. By Robert Browning. 8:428:April 1888. We-itminstcr Abbey. By Kate Fisher Kimball. 60: 384-405: Nov. 1910. Women in Creek Literature. By Emily F. Wheeler. 16:534: CHELTENHAM LADIES' COLLEGE MAGAZINE OF FEB. 1884 By F. J. Furnivall. A memoir. With three Woodbury types of her (Teena Rochforf-Smith), one each of Robert Browning and F. J. Furnivall. B 662c. CHEMISTRY AND CRITICISM Feb. 1893. By Percy F. Bicknell. Dial 42:133-135 : March 10. 1907. CHENERY. RUTH BALDWIN BroTuning Said of The Ring and The Book, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 63 821.88 Xht. Also in At Vesper Time 53 821 C518v. Elizabeth Barrett Browning in At Vesper Time 49 811 C518v. A Creeling to Browning Lovers, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 56 821.88 Xht. Also in At Vesper Time 48. On the Bronze Clasped Hands of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 88 821-88 Xht. Also in Al Vesper Time 51. Sonnet on Browning's Masterpiece, The Ring and The Book, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 67 821.88 Xht. Also in At Vesper Time 52. CHENEY, ANNE CLEVELAND • Clasped Hands. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 88 821.88 XLt, BROWNINGIANA 83 CHENEY. JOHN VANCE Thai Dome in Air, Thoughts on Poclry and the Poeii. Browning 236. 814 C518. CHERISHING THE MINOR POETS By Sidney Low. Literary Digest 40:62 :Jan. 8. 1910. CHESTERTON. GILBERT KEITH Briefs on New Books. Dial 35:223:Oct. I. 1903. Robert BroD-uing. English Men of Letters. The Macmillan Co.. New York. 1912. 821.88 Bch. Life of Robert Browning. Everybody's 9:550-561 :Nov. 1903. Reviewed in Athenaeum 50:306-308:March 5. 1904. Reviewed in Independent 55:3: 1 574-5 :JuIy 2. 1903. Reviewed in Outlook 74:526:June 1903. By O. W. Firkins. Forum 48:601 : Nov. 1912. Moral Philosophy of Meredith. Contemporary Review 96:23-29: July 1909. The Moral Philosophy of Meredith. (Contemporary Review.) Munsey's 30:153:Oct. 1903. The Victorian Age in Literature 40-41, 162-163. See index. CHESTERTON, GILBERT KEITH AND SIR ALFRED LYALL DroU'ning and Tennvson. 821.88 Bcht. CHESTERTON'S NOVEL ' Munsey's Magazine 32:120:Oct. 1904. CHESTERTON PARODIES, OLD KING COLE After Robert Browning. Taken from New York Post Jan. 12. 1921. Manuscript. CHICAGO BROWNING SOCIETY Robert Browning's Poetry. Typewritten 821.88 Xch. Same. Outline Studies. Published for the Chicago Browning So- ciety. Chicago. Kerr 1886. 821.88 Vch. CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBR.ARY BOOK BULLETIN Robert BroTvning Bibliography. 2:5:76- 79:May 1912 821.88 Ach. CHIEF POET OF THE AGE. By W. G. Kin?sland. Poet Lore 2:4:208. See also under Robert BroiDning, Chief Poet of the Age. CHILD, FRANCIS JAS. English and Scottish Popular Ballads. Athenaeum 3230:377-379: Sept. 21, 1889. CHILDE ROLAND By Humphreys Park. Homage to Robert Drorvning, Aleph Tanner 74 821.88 Xht. CHILDE ROLAND AND ITS DANISH SOURCE By M. Sears Brooks. Poet Lore 4:8&9:425-28. CHILDE ROLAND AND PARACELSUS. QUERIES ON Poet Lore 1:2:91. CHILDE ROLAND AND TENNYSON'S VISION OF SIN. BROWNINGS By Theophilus Pasons Swain. Poet Lore 11:2:256-265. CHILDE ROLAND, ANSWERS TO: QUERIES ON By E. S. F. Poet Lore 1:3:140-41. CHILDE ROLAND. THE JOURNEY OF By R. J. Gratz. Poet Lore 2: 1 1 :578-585. CHILDE ROLAND (A) LITERARY P.^RALLEL AND SOME- THING MORE By Irene Hardy. Poet Ure 24:1 :53-56. 84 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY CHILDE ROLAND TO THE DARK TOWER CAME By Thomas Wenfworth Higginson. Poet Lore 13:2:262-68. CHILDE ROLAND TO THE DARK TOWER CAME— AN INTER- PRETATION By George H. Willelt. Methodist Review 96:4:whoIe number 528: Fifth Series 30:4:601 -603 :JuIy-Aug. 1914 821.88 Xmmr. CHILDE. ROLAND TO THE DARK TOWER CAME. THE MOOD OF BROWNING'S By C. Alphonso Smith. Poet Lore 11 :4:626 628. CHILDREN, ARRANGEMENT AND ADAPTATION OF THE PIED PIPER, FOR By Robert Browning. Arrangement and adaptation by Miss Mar- garet MacLaren. Boston 1899 821.88 Hppb. CHILDREN IN ENGLISH POETRY (Contemporary Review.) Littell's Living Age 267:108-111. CHILDREN IN ENGLISH POETRY— PIPPA PASSES AND EVE- LYN HOPE Contemporary Review 98:2:4-5 Literary Supplement No. 24. CHILDREN'S READINGS AS A HELP IN TRAINING CHAR- ACTER By Ella L. Cabot. Religious Education 1 1 :207-220: April 1916. CHILDREN'S WAYS From The Spectator. Eclectic Magazine 68:351 -53 :Sept. 1898. CHIMES See Music. CHIVALRY AND CIVILIZATION Reference io Ring and the Doo}(. By J. E. G. de Montmorency. Edinburgh Review 222:1 I8-134:July 1915. CHIVALRY, BROWNINGS PICTURES OF By T. and L. Reed. Poet Lore 1 1 :4:588. CHOICE BOOKS OF THE YEAR By H. A. C. Poet Lore 12:4:586-609. CHOICE OF SUBJECT-MATTER IN THE POETS: CHAUCER. SPENSER; TENNYSON, BROWNING By I. N. Cog. Poet Lore 7:6&7:356-366. CHORLEY. HENRY FOTHERGILL Browning's Dells and Pomegranates, Pippa Passes, Colombe's Birthday. The People's Journal 18:38-40: July 1846 821.88 Dpj. Browning's Dells and Pomcgranales. (Colombe's Birthday.) Peo- ple's Journal 104- 106: Aug. 22, 1846 821.88 Dpj. Memoirs. Compiled by Henry G. Hewlett. Mrs. Browning 2: 30-38. 167-169; Robert Browning 2:25-26, 169-174, 1:212-213 B C551h. CHRIST IN ENGLISH POETRY By C. W. Stubbs. Drowning and Chrisiianil]) 168-216. See also under Stuart. 821.04 S932y. CHRIST, RECENT VIEWS OF Editorial. Independent 61 :2:1058:Nov. 1, 1906. CHRISTIAN ART— THOUGHTS ON. ANCILLA DOMINI By Rev. St. John Contemporary Review 1:1:68-80: Feb. 1866; 2:2:59-80:393-41 l:May 1866 and June 1866. CHRISTIAN EXAMINER Essays on the Poets. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 75:24-43: July 1863 821.88 Xbm BROWNINGIANA 85 CHRISTIAN FAITH BroTvinng and ihe Chriitian Faith. The evidences of Christianity from Browning's point of view. By Edward Berdoe. 821.88 Rbb. CHRISTIAN REMEMBRANCER Poctr\) of ihe Past Year. Men and Women by Robert Browning. 92:28! -294: April 1856. Quarterly Review. Poems b\) Robert DroTvning, Christmas Eve and Easter Da^, Poems h\) Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 21 : 72:346-382:ApriI 1851 821.88 Dcr. CHRISTIAN SPECTATOR (In Magazine Article) BromUngs Christmas Eve. 3:26I-273:May 1853 821.88 Xma. Mr. Brojvning's Latest Puems, a Criticism of Dramatis Personae, 1864. by Robert Browning. 44-57: Jan. 1865 821.88 Dip. CHRISTIAN TEACHING Modern Poets and Christian Teaching. By Frank C. Lockwood. 821.88 Rim. By Mrs. Alexander Ireland. Berdoe's Browning Studies 321-331 821.88 VIbs. CHRISTIANITY, BROWNING AND By C. W. Stubbs. from C/)ri'5( /n £ng/(5/i Poc/rv. 168-216 821.04 S932J. CHRISTIANITY'S DEPENDENCE UPON LITERATURE By Henry Van Dyke. Literary Digest 31 :957-958:Dec. 23, 1905. CHRISTMAS BOOK. PIPPA PASSES Athenaeum 3706:647 :Nov. 5, 1898. CHRISTMAS EVE By Robert Browning. Illustrated by Charles Pears. 821.88 Cep. Second copy. Same. Introduction and Notes by T. E. Harvey. Brother Rich- ard's Book Shelf 5, J. M. Dent & Co.. London, 1913 821.88 Hceh. Same. Introduction by Mary H. Hull. Done into print by the Roy- crofters at the Roycroft Shop, which is in East Aurora, New York. U. S. A. 1899. 821.88 Hceh. By G .M. D. Monthly Christian Spectator 3 :261 -273 :May 1853. Introduction and Notes. By T. E. Harvey. 821.88Hceh. Literary Studies. By Dorothea Bealc. 108-129 804 B366Is. See George McDonald, Imagination and Other Essays. 824.8 M135. CHRISTMAS-EVE AND EASTER-DAY A Poem. By Robert Browning. London: Chapman & Hall, 186 Strand, 1850. First Edition. 821.88 Heel. Athenaeum 1171 :370-37l :April 6. 1850. See Christian Remembrancer. 821.88 Dcr. Poet Lore 1:20:356.358.532. See Fifine, etc. By Jeanie Morison. 821.88 Dfce. CHRISTMAS EVE. EASTER DAY. SORDELLO. STRAFFORD Poet Lore 1 :8:356. Reviewed in Atlantic 13 :639-642:May 1864. CHRISTMAS HYMNS. T^O By Alfred Domett. See Introduction. Bookmark of Edmund Clarence Stedman. Contains card with Christmas Greetings by Jenkin Lloyd Jones. 821.88 D668c. CHRONOLOGY AND METRICAL TESTS By Edward P. Morton. South .Atlantic Quarterly 10:159-168- April 2. 1911. 86 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY CHRYSANTHENA. GATHERED FROM GREEK ANTHOLOGY By William M. Harding. Nineteenth Century 4:869-888. C. J. B. The Browning Club of Meadville. Poet Lore I :6:278. CHUBB. EDWIN WATTS Book Notices. Masters of English Literature. Education Maga- zine 35:537-542: April 1915. CHUBB. PERCIVAL Select Poems of Robert Drorvning. Education Magazine 36:626. CHURCH QUARTERLY REVIEW Robert Drowning. Litteli's Living Age 186:771-784. Poetr\) of Doubt. Litteli's Living Age 137:410-421. The Poetry of Today and Tomorrow. Litteli's Living Age 196: 279-289. John Rusf(in. Litteli's Living Age 199:131-146. CHURCH. RICHARD WILLIAM Dante and Other Essays. Bordello 22\ -260 824.8 C5624. Sordello. From Dante and Other Essays (Typewritten) 821.88 Hsoch. CHURCHILL. LORD RANDOLPH By Sir Herbert Maxwell. National Review. Litteli's Living Age 205:28-37. CHURCHMAN Browning and Tennyson. Spectator 61 :73-74: Jan 18, 1890 821.7 Xpmb. CLAIR. ASTOR Recent Verse — Philaster and Other Poems. Athenaeum 3173:220- 221: Aug. 18, 1888. CLARK. BARRETT H. American Drama Society. Arena 3:179-193. CLARK. ELIZABETH M. A Study of Rhymes in Browning. Poet Lore 2:9:480-86. CLARK. HENRY W. ' Tennyson: A Reconsideration and Appreciation. Fortnightly Re- view 92:226: Aug. 1909. CLARK, J. SCOTT A Study of English and American Poets. Robert Browning 658- 713 821.09 C5981. A Study of English and American Writers: Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 3:418-429. CLARK. KATE UPSON Browning as a Masquer. Centenary Addresses 86.95 821.88 Vnya Women in Literature. Literary Digest 19:61 4 :Nov. 18. 1899. CLARKE, CLEMENT G. To Browning, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 53 821.88 Xht. To Browning. (A Poem.) Outlook 52:97: July 20. 1895. CLARKE. GEORGE HERBERT A Blot in the 'Scutcheon. (A Defence.) Reprinted from the April Number of Sewanee Review 1920. An Exposition of Browning's The Ring and the Boo}(. Re- printed from the Methodist Quarterly Review. April and July 1911. BROWNINGIANA 87 CLARKE, HELEN ARCHIBALD An Abt VoglcT QucrXf and AmJuer. Poet Lore 2:1 :28-29. American Poctr\> of the Past Year. Poet Lore 13:1 : 123-40. Ask Not one Least Word of Praise. Poet Lore 3:5:258-259. Books Here and There. Poet Lore 13:2:299-302. Boston BroTuntng Society^ Papers. Poet Lore 10:3:443-445. Brotvning and His Ccnturxf. 821.88 Jcb C. 2. Browning as Others See Him. Berdoe, Jones and Nettleship. Poet Lore 8:5:265-270. Broivning Books of the Year. Poet Lore 5:5:277-283. Browning's England. A Study of English Influences in Browning. 1908 821.88 Kce. Same. Dial 45:41 5 :Dec. 1. 1908. Browning's Folk Poems. Poet Lore 12:1:105-113; 11:4:608-609. Browning's llal\). A Study of Italian Life and Art in Browning. 821.88 Kci. Same. Bookman 26:509 :Jan. 1908. Same. Independent 63 ;2: 1463: Dec. 19. 1907. Same. (Under Miscellaneous Holiday Books.) Dial 43:384:Dec. I. 1907. Choice Books of the Year. Poet Lore 12:4:586-609. A Defence of Browning's Later Work' Ferishtah's Fancies. Poet Lore 12:2:284-304. Emerson as an Exponent of the Beautiful in Poetr]). Poet Lore 5.6&7:353-63. Flower Songs in Fra Lippo. Poet Lore 2:5:262-263. A Croup of Art Poems: Old Pictures in Florence, Fra Lippo Lippi, Andrea del Sarlo. Poet Lore 8:8:586-92. Library. Poet Lore 2:2:94-100; 2:4:208-209; 2:6:321-23; 2:7: 374-78. An Interpretation of Browning's Ixion. Poet Lore 5:11:626-630. Musical Svmbolism in Browning. Poet Lore 3:5:260-269. A/l; Star. 'Poet Lore 1 :7:349-352. The New Criticism. Poet Lore 2: 1 1 :598-601 . New Ideas in Teaching English Literature. Poet Lore 9:4:588, 598; 8:7:432-54. Note to Balauslion's Euripides. Poet Lore 26:1 :38-46. Paracelsus and The Data of Ethics. Poet Lore 1 :3:1 17-27. Pippa Passes and Pippa Dances. Poet Lore 20:2:122-128. Poems of Adventure and Heroism. Poet Lore 1 1 :2:283-93; II :3: 403-418. The Poetry of Louise Chandler Moulton. Poet Lore 12:1 :1 14-125. Recent American Poetry. Poet Lore 2:8:427-35. Recent Browning Books. Poet Lore 4:5:276-83. Review of Asolando: Fancies and Facts. Poet Lore 2:2:94-100. The Ring and the Book- Poet Lore 10:4:569-72. School of Literature. Poet Lore 9:3 :4I 7-18; 14:3:134; 16:2:129. A Sketch of the Prometheus Myth in Poetry. Poet Lore 4:3:135- 144. Studv Programmes: Folk Poems. Poet Lore 11:4:608-609; 12:1 : 105-113. To Robert Browning, Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 45 821.88 Xht. The Value of Contemporary Judgment. Boston Browning Society Papers 153-163 821.88 Vbp. See Music. 88 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY CLARKE. HELEN ARCHIBALD. AND CHARLOTTE PORTER The Aimals of A Quiet Browning Club. Poet Lore 7:5:225-240. By I. N. Cog. Drowning and His Cenlurv. Reviewed in Outlook 103:I3:I&2: 734:March 29, 1913. Browning Study Programme: A Croup of Religious Poems, Cali- ban upon Seiehos, Cleon, Rabbi Den Ezra, A Death in the Desert. Poet Lore 10:1:103-113. Same. A Croup of Art Poems, Old Pictures in Florence, Fra Lippo Lippi, Andrea del Sarto. Poet Lore 8:8:586-592. Same. A Croup of Music Poems, A Toccata of Caluppi's, Master Hugues of Saxe-Cotha, Aht Vogler. Poet Lore 10:2:288-293. Drowning Stud}) Programmes. First and Second Series in one volume. 821.88 Zsp. Same. In two volumes. 821.88 Zcp. Drowning's Foll( Poems: A Study Programme. Poet Lore 12:1: 105-113. Edited with Introduction and Notes. Drowning's Complete Worl(S in the Camberwell Edition. See under Poems. Camberwell Edition. 821.88 Gpc. Life and Letters. Poet Lore 18: 1 : 140-142. Reviewed. Muc^le-Mouth Meg. Poet Lore 1 1 :4:609. Introductory Note to Saul. With drawings by Frank O. Small. Poems of Adventure and Heroism: Browning Study Programme. Poet Lore 11:1 :289-293, 403-418. CLARKE, HUGH A. Drownings Musical Eruditions. Poet Lore 12: 1 51 -152: J an. 14, 1900. Life and Letters. Poet Lore 12: 1 : 1 51-1 52. CLARKE. ISABEL Some Women Poets of the Present Reign. Nineteenth Century 59: 1012-1021 :June 1906. CLARKE. J. I. C. Mrs. Eddy and Her Views. Literary Digest 22 :730-731 :June 15. 1901. CLARRISSE'S By Eliot Gregory. Scribner's 53 :463-465: April 1913. CLASPED HANDS By Anne Cleveland Cheney. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 88 821.88 Xht. On the Dronze Clasped Hands of Robert and Elizabeth Darrett Drowning. By Ruth B. Chenery. Homage to Drowning, Tan- ner 88. To the Drowning Hands. In Los Angeles Drowning Club Year Dook 1916-1917 821.88 Via. CLASSICAL AND MODERN LITERATURE By R. Y. Tyrrell. (Pilot.) Littell's Living Age 240:567-570. CLASSICAL ELEMENT IN BROWNING'S POETRY. THE By William Cranston Lawton. Boston Browning Society Paperi 363-388 821.88 Bvp. CLASSICS AND COLLEGE By B. L. Gildersleeve. Princeton Review 108:67-95 : July 1878. CLASSICS. THE INFLUENCE OF THE By Paul Shorey. Chautauquan 43 :121 -132:April 1906. CLASSIFICATION OF BROWNINGS POEMS, MRS. ORR'S London Browning Society Papers 2:235-238 821.88 Db$. THE ORIGINAL CAST OF THE CLASPED HANDS by Harriett Hosmer Given to Baylor University by Lilian Whiting BROWNINGIANA &f CLASSIFICATION OF BROWNINGS WORKS. MR. NETTLE- SHIPS London Browning Society Papers 2:231-234 821.88 Dbs. CLEAR. CLAUDIUS Mrs. Barren Browning'i Letlcn. Bookman 6:463-66: Jan. 1898. CLEGG. ERMA The Italian I9ih Cenlurxf Lileralure. Baylor Literary 17:290-294: May 1909. CLEON By Robert Browning. London: Edward Moxon. Dover Street, 1833. First edition. 821.88 Helm. Browning Study Programme: A Croup of Religioui Poems, Cali- ban upon Sclebos, Cleon, Rabbi Den Ezra, The Dealh in the Desert. By Charlotte Porter and Helen Archibald Clarke. Poet Lcre 10:1:103-113. The Stud\f Class. By Anna Benneson McMahan. 205-206 807 MI 67. CLEVELAND'S NEW METHODS OF CARE FOR HER WARDS By W. Frank McCIure. Chautauquan 61 :90-98:Dec. 1910. CLIFF. UNDER THE By Robert Browning. Atlantic Monthly 13:737-738:June 1864. CLODD. EDWARD Ceorge Meredith: Some Recollections. Fortnightly Review 92:25: July 1909. CLOUDED LITERARY LINES By Sidney Low. Literary Digest 39:482:Sepf. 25. 1909. CLOUGH AND EMERSON: THE METAPHYSICAL SIGNIFI- CANCE OF DIPSYCHUS AND THE WORLD SOUL By Francis H. Williams. Poet Lore 6:6&7:348-56. CROZIER. JOHN BEATTIE A Challenge to Socialism. Fortnightly Review 90:96:JuIy 1908. C. L. S. C. OUTLINE AND PROGRAM Chautauquan 20:624:Feb. 1895. Brotuning Day. March 1 7. By James Russel Lowell. Chautauquan 12:797:March 1891. The Ring and the Book- Editorial. Chautau-juan 12:797-798: March. 1891. CLUB AND SALON. I By Amelia Gere Mason. Century 56: 122- 127: May 1898. CLUBS IN THE UNITED STATES. BROWNING By Hiram Corson. Literary World 14:8: 127: April 21. 1883. CLUE TO BROWNING'S MIND. THE Editorial. Dial 52:386:May 16. 1912. CLYMER. W. B. SHUBRICK Landor Once More. Scribner's 10: 123-128 :July 1891. C. M. T. Brcaning Year Bool(. Selections for every day in the year from the prose and poetry of Robert Browning. 821.88 Syt. COATES. FLORENCE EARLE Robert Brotuning; Homage to Robert BroJDning. Aleph Tanner 102 821.68 Xht. Poems; Robert Browning 2:66-67. COBLENTZ. H. E. The Blank Verse of Sohrah and Rustum. Poet Lore 7:10:497.505. 90 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY COCK AND THE BULL. THE By Charles S. Calverley, After Robert DroToning; A Parody An- thology, by Carolyn Wells. 195 821.08 W453pa. COCKPIT FOR LITERARY COMBAT, A By Andrew Lang. Dial 44: 1 67: March 16. 1908. COG. I. N. Annals of a Quiet Browning Club. Poet Lore 7:5:225-240. Miss Ariel's Paper. Part II of Annals of a Quiet DroTvning Club. Poet Lore 7:6&7:356-366:1895. Miss Ariel's Paper Discussed; Part III of Annals of a Quiet Browning Club. Poet Lore 7:8&9:436-446. Purport of Browning's and Whitman's Democracy, The, Poet Lore 7:17:556-66. COHEN. MARY M. Browning's Hebraic Sympathies. Poet Lore 3:5:250-254. Is He a Legitimate Member of the Victorian School? Poet Lore 12:2:317-320. Emma Lazarus: Woman, Poet, Patriot. Poet Lore 5 :6&7:320-31 . Life and Letters. Poet Lore 12:2:317-20. On Browning. Poet Lore 2:1:39. Source of Browning's Optimism. Poet Lore 4:11:567-68. COIT. STANTON Is Browning a Theisl? Poet Lore 2:7:390-92. COLBURN. FREDERICK SIMPSON Browning's The Last Ride Together. Dial 41 :462:Dec. 16, 1906. COLBY. F. M. Review of Gilbert Keith Chesterton's Robert Browning. Bookman 17:601-4. COLERIDGE. LORD .^ Education and Instruction. Eclectic Magazine 122:1 57-163 : Feb. 1894. COLERIDGE. STEPHEN Great Testimony. (Against Scientific Cruelty.) 1 7-21 174.9C693. COLERIDGE- TAYLOR. S. See Music. COLES. BLANCHE To Mrs. Thomas B. Stowell and Mrs. Sidney J. Parsons; Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 83. 821.88 Xht. COLES, BLANCHE (MRS. THOMAS R. COLES) A Peasant Woman in Italy. Suggested by Browning's The Italian in England. In manuscript, not yet published. COLIN, REV. J. R. Vital Problems of Religion. Contemporary Review 106:560-562: Oct. 1914. Literary Supplement 85. COLLAR, MARY C. Boston Browning Society. Poet Lore 8:6:357-66. COLLEClED PLAYS OF OSCAR WILDE, THE By St. John Hankin. Fortnightly Review 89: 796- 797: May 1908. COLLEGES BLAMED FOR OUR LACK OF AUTHORS By William W. Eliworlh. Literary Digest 53 :1 :304-305:Aug. 5, 1916. COLLIER'S WEEKLY The Modern Villain. By Norman Hapgood. 33:18:April 30, 1904. COLLINS, J. CHURTON Browning and Butler. Contemporary Review 98:2:467-476:Oct. 1910. BROWNINGIANA 91 Same. LiUelfs Living Age 267:481 -488:Nov. 1910. Language Venus Literature at Oxford. Nineteenth Century 37: 290-303: Feb. 1895. Old and New Lights of Shal(eipeare'i Hamlet. Contemporary Re- view 88:649-664: Nov. 1905. Poetry and Symbolism. Contemporary Review. Littell's Living Age 256:357-371. Poctr)) and S\)mbolism : A Study of the Tempest. Contemporary Review 93:65-84:Jan. 1908. COLLINS. JOHN CHURTON. MEMORIES OF By Margaret E. Luce. COLLINS. J. p. Literary Cems for the British Red Cross. Literary Digest 57:30- 31:April 30. 1918. COLLVILLE. K. N. Shal(spere's First Critical Editor. Nineteenth Century 86:266-297: Aug. 1919. COLOMBES BIRTHDAY Athenaeum 757 :944-945:Oct. 19. 1844; 3325: 107- 108: July 18. 1891. Drowning Study Hints. By P. A. C. Poet Lore 4:1 :39-41. By Henry F. Chorley. People's Journal 104- 106: Aug. 22. 1846 821.88 Dpj. A Criticism. By Vida Scudder. Poet Lore 1 : 10:464. By Oscar L. Triggs. Poet Lore 7:1:32-34. The Study Class. By Anna Benneson McMahan. 126-127 807 M167. COLOMBES BIRTHDAY AT SMITH'S COLLEGE By Bliss Perry. Outlook 46:13:JuIy 2. 1892. COLUM. PADRAIC John Davidson, The Poet of Armageddon. New Republic 13:310- 312:Jan. 12. 1918. COLVIN. SIDNEY Dalaustion's Adventure. Fortnightly Review 58:New Series, 95: Old Series :478-490:Oct. I, 1871 821.88 Xsf. John Keats. Contemporary Review 1 13:106-I07:Jan. 1918:Liter- ary Supplement 124. COMER. CORNELIA A. P. Poetry Todav. Atlantic Monthly 1 17:493 -498: April. 1916. COMFORT See Music. COMMENT Bookman 4: 506: Feb. 1897; 6:287-88:Jan. 1897; 9:99- 100: April 1899; 9:107:ApriI 1899; 9:395:July 1899; 9:483:Aug. 1899; 10:415-16:Dec. 1899. COMMENT. A BROWNING ANNIVERSARY Bookman 23:590-592: Aug. 1906. COMMENT— BROWNING'S FAVORITE SONNET Bookman 10:204: Nov. 1899. COMMENT— FACSIMILE OF LETTER FROM BROWNING Bookman 5:2:3 :March 1897. COMMENT— LETTERS OF INTRODUCTION Bookman 9:309: June 1899. COMMENT OF PORTRAIT Bookman 2:467: Feb. 1896. 92 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY COMMENT ON CURRENT BOOKS The Brorunings, by Signer S. A. Fogazzaro. By Editor. Out- look 86:525: July 6. 19U7. Brorvnini's llai^. By Editor. Outlook 87:877:Dec. 21. 1907. Through Hal)) mlh the Poets. By Editor. Outlook 88:611-612: March 14. 1908. COMMENT ON THE BROWNING LOVE LETTERS Bookman 9 :387:July 1899. COMMENT— OSCAR WILDE ON BROWNING Bookman 22:303:Dec. 1905. COMMENT— THE HOOLIGAN NIGHTS Bookman 10:l4:Sept. 1899. COMMENTARIES Poet Lore 1:11:533-536. COMMENTS ON NEW BOOKS Atlantic Monthly 67:701 -71 1 :May 189L COMMON SENSE BROWNING. A Robert Broivning. Everybody's Magazine 9:560:Nov. 1903. COMMONPLACES ON POETRY By George Soule. New Republic 6:67-69:Feb. 19, 1916. COMPARATIVE ESTIMATE OF MODERN ENGLISH POETS. A By J. Devey. Robert Browning 376-421 820.7 D491ce. COMPARAIIVE STUDY OF WORDSWORTH'S MICHAEL. TENNYSON'S ENOCH ARDEN. BROWNING'S AN- DREA DEL SARTO. A By Vida D. Scudder. Poet Lore 3:2:87-93. COMPARISON OF ELIZABETHAN WITH VICTORIAN POETRY. A By J. A. Symonds. Fortnightly Review. Littell's Living Age 180: 195-209. COMPLAINT. A R. Barrett Browning. Athenaeum 3376:66: July 9. 1892. COMPLETE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WRITINGS IN PROSE AND VERSE OF ROBERT BROWNING. A By Thomas J. Wise. See Bibliograph};. 821.88 Aw. CONANT. LUCY S. In Asolo. Poet Lore 18:2:247-58. CONCEPTION OF IRUTH AMONG THE GREEKS AND IN BROWNING. THE By Mrs. Helen C. De Silver (Abbott) Michael 547 M582. Read before Boston Browning Society Nov. 17. 1895. CONCERNING HIGH WATER MARKS By Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Independent 42:205-206:Feb. 13. 1890. CONCERNING LEIGH HUNT (Cornhill.) Littell's Living Age 194:131-144. CONCORDANCE MAKING IN NEW ZEALAND By A. E. Trimble. Atlantic Monthly 104:364-367:July 1909. CONDITIONS OF GREAT POETRY By W. E. Henley. Literary Digest 21 :729:Dec. 15. 1900. CONDITIONS OF THE GRAND STYLE Spectator. Littell's Living Age 157:120-123. CONE. HELEN GRAY The Iris-Bridge. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 105 821.88 Xhf. BROWNINGIANA 93 CONFESSIONS OF A BROWNING LOVER. THE By John Walker Powell. 821.88 Ppc. CONFIDENCES OF A SOCIETY POET. THE (Lend. Quart. R.) Littcir» Living Age 21 1 :362-370. CONNOLLY. MARGARET A Pica for the Study of Browning. Arena 20:623-633. CONSCIENCE AND ART IN BROWNING By E. Johnson. London Browning Society Paf)er» 3:345-380 821.88 Dbs. CONSTITUTION OF THE SYRACUSE BROWNING CLUB. THE With a Sketch of its Organization and its List of Members. 1882 821.88 Bsyc. CONTEMPORARY POETRY Poetry, Democracv and Chriitianity. By Charles Williams. 112: 230-231: Aug. 1 917. CONTEMPORARY REVIEW Algernon Charlet STpinburne. By W. Robert Nicoll. 95:527- 538: May 1909. An Ancient Instance and a Modern Want. By W. Emery Barnes. 98:2:489-492. The Annotated Edition of Tennyson. 93 :13-16:Feb. 1908, Liter- ary Supplement. Matthew Arnold. By H. D. Traill. Littell's Living Age 178: 88-96. Art and Life. By Vernon Lee. 69:658-669: May 1896. The Art of Plagiarism. By Edward Wright. 85:514-518:ApriI 1904. The Australian Muse. By S. Gertrude Ford. 103:395-403:March 1913. To the Author of Orion. 23:447-461 :Feb. 1874; 23:799-813: April 1874. To the Author of Orion on Literary and General Topics. 23:281- 302: Jan. 1874. The Black IVashing of Dante. By Howard Candler. 88:552-568: Oct. 1905. Book Notice the Agamemnon of Aeschylus. Editorial. 2:444: June 1866. Boltont's Dream. By J. E. G. de Montmorency. 113:581-585: May 1914. Robert Browning and Alfred Domett. By W. Hall Griffin. 87: 95-115:Jan .1905 821.88 Bdg. Same. Littell's Living Age 244:393-410. Browning and Butler. By Churton Collins. 98:2:467-476:Oct. 1910. Article also in Littell's Living Age 267: 48 1-488: Nov. 1910. A Browning Pilgrimage. By Arthur J. Whyte. 103 :668-678:May 1913. Same. Littell's Living Age 277:542-550. Robert Browning. Eclectic Magazine 314-323 : March 1867. Same. By Sfopford Augustine Brooke. 58: 141 -152:Jan. 1890. Same. Littell's Living Age 184:290-297. Same. By Andrew Lang. 60:70-81 :July 1891. Same. Littell's Living Age 190:563-570. Same. By Roden Noel. 44:701 -718:Nov. 1883; Littell's Living Age 159:771-781 821.88 Dnor. Sa»«. By Pyiip H. Wick. Appraisals of Robert BroTvning. By Lilian Whiting. 52: 701-703: June 1912. New Church Review. By Mr. Speirss. 8:302-320: April 1901. Prospice. By Robert Brcrwning. 33:462:Oct. 1902. Pure Gold of Nineteenth Century) Literature, The. By William Lyon Phelps. 43:515-518:Nov. 1907. Real Fads in Regard to Fitzgerald and Omar Khyyam, The. By Editor. 46:508-510:May 1909. Recent Poetr)) Reference. 45: 572: Nov. 1908; 46:452: April 1909; 47: 102: July 1909. BROWNINGIANA f05 RccoUectiom of Drnwmng in Venice. By Kalherine Coleman de Kay Bronson. 32:336-341 :March 1902. Revierv of Edrvard Dorudcn'i Life of Bron»nmg. By Horatio S. Kran8. 38:109-1 1 1 :Feb. 1905. William Sharp's Struggle with His Feminine Self. By Elizabeth A. Sharp. 50:97-99 :Jan. 191 I. SoliloquX) of Acsch\)lus. By Robert Browning. 56:55 :Jan. 1914. Stud]) of the Love Poetry of the Brownings. 39:499-50:Nov. 1905. francs Thompsons Tribute to Shelley. 45 :51 5-518:Nov. 1908. Unhappy Love Affairs of Men of Letters. The. By Slradey and Littlefield. 47:512-5l5:Nov. 1909. Voices of the Living Poets. 60:202: March 1916. Same. (Mrs. Browning.) By Editor. 62: 128- 130: Feb. 1917. Will the Novels of Meredith Endure? 44:51 -53 : Jan. 1908. Wordsworth as A Poet Great in Spite of Himself. By Carman and Rannie. 43 :630-632:Dec. 1907. A Year's Literary Production. By H. \V. Mabie. 9:433:MarcK 1892. CURRENT POETRY Literary Digest. 52:l:75:Jan. 8. 1916. Editorial. Literary Digest 53 :1 :198-202:July 22. 1916. CURRENT TOPICS Albion 47:11:133: March 13. 1869. CURRY, S. S. Browning and the Dramatic Monologue. 821.88 Lcb. Same. (Review.) Independent 65:2: 1 004-5 :Oct. 29. 1908. Browning's Caliban end Saul. Arena 40:47-51 :July 1908. CURRY S. S.. HIS WORK FOR LIFE AND ART By B. O. Flower. Arena 40:39-47: July 1908. CURTIS. G. W. From An Easy Chair. Robert Browning in Florence 197-208 814 C 978ec. Harper's Monthly 23:555-556. 563:Sept. 1862. CURZON. GEORGE N. Poetry, Politics and Conservatism. Littell't Living Age 168:131- 140: Jan. 1886. CUSHMAN, HERBERT ERNEST French Enthusiasms Satirized in Browning's Two Poets of Croisic. Poet Lore 11:3:382-395. CUSHMANS ARTICLE. EDITORIAL ON Browning' on French Enthusiasm. Poet Lore 20:466:Oct. 1899. CYCLOPEDIA. THE BROWNING A guide to the study of the works of Robert Browning. By Ed- ward Berdoe. 821.88. D DALE. JOHN T. Book Notices: Heroes and Creathearts and Their Animal Friendi. Education 33:12I-128:Oct. 1912. DALE. CAROLINE H. Sordello. A History and a Poem. With the nutograph of tht author. 821.88 Hsoda Copy I. 106 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Same. Roberts Brothers, Boston, 1866 821.88 Hsoda Copy 2. Same. (Typewritten) Copy 3. Same. Poet Lore 1:11:534-535. DALLAS SATURDAY NIGHT Pippa Passes, Described. By Louise Allen. Feb. 21, 1920. DALLIBA. GERRDA Reference to Browning Club. Independent 67:2:880-81. DANIEL BAKER COLLEGIAN M\) Last Duchess. By H. G. O. 821.88 Xblg. DANTE Browning's Inlerprelaiion of Love as Compared Ti>ith Thai of Plato, Dante and Petrarch. By George Willis Cooke. Poet Lore 6:5: 225-238. DANTE AND BROWNING Poet Lore 14:3:21-23. DANTE AND OTHER ESSAYS By R. W. Church. Sordello 221-260 821.8 C562d. DANTE AND THE ENGLISH POETS FROM CHAUCER TO TENNYSON Drowning and Tennyson. By Oscar Kuhns. 218-235 851.1 D 192kg. DANTE, BROWNING ON Poet Lore 3:10:533-36. DANTE IN ENGLISH LITERATURE Contemporary Review 96:4-7:Sept. 1909:Lilerary Supplement 24. DANTE IN ENGLISH LITERATURE FROM CHAUCER TO GARY By Editor. Edinburgh Review 207:398-420: April 1908. DANTE LITERATURE Athenaeum 3216:753-755:June 15, 1889. DANTE. THE BLACK WASHING OF By Howard Candler. Contemporary Review 88:552-568:Ocl. 1905. DARK BLUE Drowning as a Preacher. By Miss E. D. West. Littell's Living Age 111:707-723. DARK IN LITERATURE, THE By Richard Burton. Forum 30:751-757:Feb. 1901. DARMESTETER. MARY JAMES Menage de Poetes 1 et 2. La Revue de Paris 295-31 7 :Sept. 15. 1898; 788-81 7 :Oct. 15, 1898 821.88 Bmd. DAVIDSON, JOHN. THE POET OF ARMAGEDDON By Padraic Colum. New Republic 13 :310-312:Jan. 12. 1918. DAVIES, J. LLEWELYN Browning and TennVson compared, from Notes to the Pocket Vol- ume of Selections from the Poems of Robert Browning. By Alex Hill. 17-22 821.88 Dhn. DAVIES. TREVOR H. Spiritual Voices in Modern Literature. Robert Drowning: Saul. The Heart's Cry for Jesus Christ 227-252 804 D255. DAVIS, ETHEL The Poetic Structure of Drowning's Shorter Lyrics. Poet Lore 5: 8&9: 436-42. BROWNINGIANA 107 DAVISON. W. T. Browning's Portraits of IVomcn. London Quarterly Review. Lit- tell-s Living Age 281 :352-356:May 9. 1914. DAWSON. MILES M. Drojvning. Homage to Robert DroTvning, AlephT&nnei 57 821.88 Xht. DAWSON. WILLIAM JOSEPH The Makers of English Poetry. Chap. XXV: Robert Droivmng 275; Chap. XXVI: Browning's Philosoph]) of Life 284; Chap. XXVII: The Spirit of Browning's Religion 293; Chap. XXVIII: Browning's Attitude to Christianity) 30} ; Chap. XXIX: CrolDning'j Significance in Literature 312; Chap. XXX: Robert Browning, Concluding Surve\) 319-332 821.09 D272m. Quest and Vision. See Chapter: Religious Doubt and Modern Poetr)) 73-106 821.04 D272q. DAY AT TIVOLI. A By John Kenyon. Dedicated to Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning. 821.8 K37. DAY. CLARENCE. JR. Books and Thinks. New Republic 17:284: Jan. 4, 1919. DAY OF DELIVERANCE. THE From Return of the Druses in Lyric Form ; A Libretto for Pre- sentation of the Play in Monologue. By Charlotte Porter. Poet Lore 16:1:23-28. DAY WITH THE BROWNINGS AT PRATOLINA. A By Elizabeth C. Kinney. Scribner's Monthly 1 : 185-188:Dec. 1870. DAY WITH THE POET BROWNING. A By M. C. Byron. Hodder & Stoughton. Illustrated in colon. 821.88 Xdw. DAYS WITH POETS Independent 69:3 :693 :Sept. 29. 1910. DAYS WITH THE VICTORIAN POETS By Morris Rossetti. Elizabeth Barrett Brol»ning. Hodder & Stoughton, Publishers. 821.04 D275dv. DE FONBLANQUE. ETHEL See ltal\). DE KOVEN, REGINALD See Music. DE LA MARE. WALTER An Elizabethan Poet and Modern Poetry. Edinburgh Review 217: 372-386: April 1913. De MONTMORENCY. J. E. G. Milton and Modern Men. Contemporary Review 94:693-705: Dec. 1908. The Paths of Clory. Contemporary Review 108: 1 1 3-1 18:July 1915. DE MUSSET. OEUVRES COMPLETES DALFRED Comedies et Proverbes, Andre del Sarto. Les Editions Parisiennei 821.88. DE PRESSENSE. FRANCIS France and England, The Relation of. Nineteenth Century 39. 189-203: Feb. 1896. DE QUINCEYS DREAM— FUGUE By Lucile P. Leonard. Poet Lore 28:6:680-90. 108 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DE TABLEY. A PORTRAIT. LORD By Edmund Gosse. Contemporary Review. Littell's Living Age 208:346-357. DE VERE. AUBREY Archbishop Trench's Poems. Nineteenth Century. Littell's Living Age 178:131-144. Robert DroTi>ning. Century 39:736:March 1890. Same. A Poem. (From McMillan's Magazine.) Clippings 63. Same. Homage lo Robert Bro'wning, Aleph Tanner 45; 78; 116- 117 821.88 Xht. DE VOISINS, GILBERT See Paul Alfassa DEAD IN VENICE By Arthur Symons. Homage io Robert DroJi>ning, Aleph Tanner 98-99 821.88 Xht. DEATH AND PITY By Ouida. Fortnightly Review 57:550-552: April 1892. DEATH IN THE DESERT. A By Daniel G. Brinton. Poet Lore 1 :I :25-26. Brcrwning Study Programme: A Croup of Religious Poems — Caliban upon Setebos, Cleon, Rabbi Ben Ezra, A Death in the Desert. By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 10: 1:103-113. By Mrs. M. G. Glazebrook. Berdoe's Brotining Studies 225-236 821.88 Vlbs. Same. London Society Papers 9:153-164 821.88 Dbs. 2 Copiej. By Chas. L. Williams. Service 1 :153-155 :Nov. 1904. DEATH OF BROWNING Berdoe's Browning Studies 225-237 821.88 Vlbs. Magazine Article from Pall Mall Budget Dec. 19. 1889 821.7 Xpmb. Death of Robert Browning. By Gascoigne Mackie. In Ballard of Pil^ 64-66. Lines Written Abroad on Hearing of Browning's Death. DEATH OF BROWNING, NOTES FROM PARIS ON By C. Seymour. Poet Lore 2:2:111-112. DEATH. ON BROWNING'S By George Edward Woodberry. In Maimers of Literature 386 820.4 W881. (See under Gosse, Swinburne, Woodbury.) DEATH. ROBERT BROWNING'S By Maxwell Gray. Forest Chapel 821.88. DEBT OF ENGLISH TO ITALIAN LITERATURE By J. A. Symonds. Fortnightly Review. Littell's Living Age 125: 131-138. DECAY OF LITERATURE. THE Cornhill. Littell's Living Age 155:617-624. DEDICATION OF POEMS TO MY FRIEND ROBERT BROWN- ING By Mrs. Clara Jessop Moore. Homage io Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 56 821.88 Xht. DEFENDING KEATS' LOVE LETTERS By Prof. Albert E. Hancock. Literary Digest 37:633-634:Oct. 31. 1908. DEFENDING LITERARY FADS By Howell. Literary Digest 40:1178:June 11, 1910. BROWNINGIANA 109 DEFENSE OF BROWNINGS LATER WORK. A By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 12:2:284-304. DEFENSE OF THE SPLIT INFINITIVE. A By Dr. Thomas R. Lounsbury. Literary Digest 28:653 :May 7, 1904. DEFINITION OF CALIBER Correct Enqlish 12:2: 132:Aug. 1911. DEFINITIVE EDITION. OF BROWNING. THE Poet Lore 7:2:102-103. DEFRIES. ESTHER PHOEBE A Browning Primer. 821.88 Fdp. DEMOCRACY OF APRILE. THE By Charles G. Ames. Poet Lore 5:1 :27-34. DEMOCRACY. ROBERT BROWNING. POET OF By Triggs. Poet Lore 4:10:481-490. DENISON. CHRISTIANA POLLOCK The Paracelsus of Robert Drorvning. 821.88 Hpad. DENNETT. J. A. Red Cotton Night Cap Country. Reviewed in Nation 17:116-18: 1873. DENNIS. JOHN Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Leisure Hour %:90:Feb. 1889; Littell's Living Age 180:629-635 821.88 Xbm. Literary Coincidences. Leisure Hour. Littell's Living Age 192: 822-824: March 26. 1892. The Poetry of the Centur\f. Leisure Hour. Littell's Living Age 185:307-312. DEPARTMENT OF THE BROWNING SOCIETY OF THE NEW CENTURY CLUB OF PHILADELPHIA Poet Lore 2:1:35-39; 2:2:89-94; 2:3:145-52; 2:4:212-21; 2:5: 278-83; 2:6:332-36. DEPARTURE FROM TRADITION. A STORY OF THE YEAR '95 By Rosaline Masson. Chamb. Jour. Littell's Living Age 207: 15-23. DESCRIPTION AND PUBLICITY By Editor. Edinburgh Review 189:427: April 1899. DESCRIPTION OF BROWNING Poet Lore 3:5:289-291. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE GOEWEY COLLECTION OF BROWNING PICTURES 1898-1917. Together with an Introductory Paper Read before the San Francisco Browning Society. By Mrs. James M. Gocwey. 821.88 Xgp. DESTINY. ROBERT BROWNING AND By Emily G. Hooker. Poet Lore 12:2:247. DETLEV VON LILIENCRON By R. C. K. Ensor. Contemporary Review 96:448-457 :Oct. 1909. DEUTSCHE UEBERTRAGUNG DIESER DICHTUNGEN BE- SORGTE F. C. GERDEN. DIE Die Zeichnungen Des Titelrahmens Und Des Einbandes Sind Von Walter Tiemann. Auf Einem Ball(on ; In Einer Condel. 821.88 Hihg. DEVELOPMENT OF BROWNINGS GENIUS. IN HIS CAPACITY AS POET OR MAKER. ON THE By I. T. Nettleship. London Browning Society Papers 8:55-77 821.88 Db.. no BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DEVEY. J. A Comparative E&iimate of Modern English Poeis. Robert Brown- ing 376-421. 820.7 D49 Ice. DEX'OTIONAL POEMS By \V. G. Kingsland. 821.88. DIAL Tlie Aims of Lilcrary Sludxi. By Oscar Lovell Triggs. 18:203-4: April 1. 1895. DooJfs of the Forlnighl. The English Poets. By Thomas Hum- phry Ward. 66: 100: Jan. 25. 1919. Briefer Mention. 53:342-3 :Nov. 1. 1912; 54:149:Feb. 16. 1913. Briefs on New Books. By Mrs. Martha Baker Dunn. 39:242:Oct 16, 1905. Same. By Laurie Magnus. 48: 152-1 53 :March 1, 1910. Same. By Prof. Edward Dowden Princeton. 23: 74: Aug. 1, 1897. Same. By George Saintbury. 18:181 -2:March 16. 1895. Brorvning as the Poet of His Country. By Anna Benneson Mc- Mahan. 54:294-6:Aprii 1, 1913. The Browning Centenary. By Editor. 52:383-4: May 16. 1912. Browning in Intimate Intercourse. By Arthur Symons. 61 :387: Nov. 16, 1916. Browning in Seattle. 42:133:March 1, 1907. Browning Pocket Edition. 53:355:Nov. 1, 1912. Browning Poems. Oxford Miniature Edition. 3l:519:Dec. 16. 1901. Browning Won^en. By Clark S. Northup. 58:258-9: April 1. 1915. Browning's Defense of His Alleged Obscuritvi of St\)le. 41:231: Oct. 16, 1906. Browning's Dramatis Personae : Dramatic Romances and Lyrics. (lilusfrafed.) By Eleanor Fortescue Brlckdaie. 47:517:Dec. 16, 1909; 51:479:Dec. 1, 1911. Browning's Early Career and Later Influence. Editorial. 52:91 : Feb. 1, 1912. Browning's England. By Helen A. Clarke. 45:41 5 :Dec. 1. 1908. Browning's Tact and Courtesy. Editorial. 52:347:May 1, 1912. Browning's Heroines. By Ethel Colburn Mayne. Reviewed in 58: 258-9:April 1, 1915. Browning's Italy. By Miss Helen Archibald Clarke. 43:384:Dec. 1. 1907. Browning's Narrative Verse. By Clark S. Northup. 43:367:Dec. 1, 1907. Browning's Optimism. By \V. N. G. 18:290: May 16, 1895. Browning's Pippa Passes and Men and Women. By Eleanor For- tescue Bricksdale. 49:473 :Dec. 1, 1910. Browning's Saul. Cromwell & Co. Edition. 21 :338:Dec. 1, 1895. Same. (Illustrated.) By Frank O. Small. 31 :448:Dec. 1, 1901. Mrs. Browning's Sonnets from the Portuguese. Copeland & Day Edition. 21:387:Dec. 16, 1896. Same. Paul Elder Edition. 49:532:Dec. 16, 1910. The Last Ride Together. By Frederick Simpson Coburn. 41 :462: Dec. 10, 1906. Casual Comment. By Percy F. Bicknell. 42: 133: March 1, 1907. A Catalogue of the Browning Society of Boston. 22:225: April 1. 1897. Cliemistrv and Criticism. By Percy F. Bicknell. 42:134-135: March K 1907. BROWNINGIANA 111 Chriitian Teaching in Drowning. By Dr. Bcrdoe. 21 : I25-6:Scpt. 1, 1898. 7/ic- Clue lo Browning's Mind. Editorial. 52:386: May 16, 1912. A Coclfpil for Lilerar)) Combats. By Andrew Lang. 44: 167: Mar. 16. 1908. The Cull of Matthew Arnold. By Edith J. Rich. Dial 37:200: Oct. 1. 1904. An Earl^ Drowning CetitenarX) Celebration. Editorial. 52:44: Jan. 16. 1912. An Early Victorian Romancer. D\) Clarl( S. Northup. 50:1 19-121 : Feb. 16. 1911. The Ibicn Legend. Editorial. 18:259-61 :May I. 1895. The Increasing Vogue of Drowning. Editorial. 54: 447: June 1, 1913. An Interesting Memorial of Two Creal Authors. By Anna Ben- neson McMahan. 31 :229-230:Oct. 1. 1901. An Irish Poet's Literarv Friendships. By Percy F. Bicknell. 44: 69-70: Feb. 1. 1908. The Latest Critic of Drowiung's Poetr}^. By Annie Russell Marble. 33:395-6:Dec. 1. 1902. Letters and Memories of Harriet Hosmer. By Mrs. Lucien Carr. 53:106:Aug. 16. 1912. The Letters of Elizabeth Darrell Drowning. By Louis J. Block. 23:274-7:Nov. 16. 1897. The Maf(ing of a Great Poem. By Anna Benneson McMahan. 45:344-5:Nov. 16. 1908. The Masterpieces of English Narrative Verse. By Charles Leonard Moore. 43:303-305:Nov. 16. 1907. Memories of Seventy Years. By E. G. J. 18:43-45 :Jan. 16. 1895. Mistal(es of Drowning's Diographers. By Editor. 54:38: Jan. 16, 1913. Miss Molincux's Drowning Phrase Dool(. By W. J. R. 22:42-3: Jan. 16. 1897; 22:78:Feb. 1. 1897. More Memoirs of Literarv London. By E. G. J. I8:8-I0:jan. 1. 1895. More of the Pre-Raphaelite Drolherhood. By Edith Kellogg Dun- Ion. 41:446:Dec. 16, 1906. A New Democratic Venture. Editorial. 43 :237-239:Oct. 16. 1907. The New Expositor of Drowning. By Charles H. Herford. 39: 44:July 16. 1905. New Letters b\} Robert Drowning. By Frederic G. Kenyon. 40: 395: June 16. 1906. New Lights on Drowning's Personalit'y. By Anna Benneson Mc- Mahan. 50:206-9: March 16. 1911. Notes. 59:162:Sept. 2. 1915. Notes for Dibliophiles. By Editor. 63 : 120-121 :Aug. 16. 1917. Old Yellow Dook. Reviewed in 45:344-5:Nov. 16. 1908. Originality in Literature. By Charles Leonard Moore. 49:585: 319-21 :Nov. 1. 1910. Papers of a Browning Society. By Miss Dame. 23:253:Nov. I, 1897. Philosophic Doubts Concerning Criticism. Editorial. 48:3-4 :Jan. 1910. Plans for the Preseryatiou of the Drowning Letters. By Editor. 56:392:May I. 1914. 112 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY A Poet and His Circle. By Percy F. Bicknell. 52:221 -3 :March 16. 1912. The Poel of Science. By Paul Shorey. 46: 17- 19: Jan. 1. 1909. A Poet Relrospecl. Editorial. 38:1 1 1 -13 :Feb. 16. 1905. PoetrX) ai Criterion of Literature. 18:133-5 :March 1. 1895. The Poetry of Ralph Hodgson. By John Gould Fletcher. 63:50- 2:July 19. 1917. A Poet's Mind (Mrs. BrONvning). Editorial. 47:5-7:July 1. 1909. Preparation for the Drowning Centenar}). Editorial. 52:219-20: March 16, 1912. Reminiscences of an English Teacher. By Henry E. Bourne. 49: 232-3 :Oct. 1. 1910. A Rollicking Irish Storv Teller. By Percy F. Bicknell. 40:382- 385: June 16. 1906. A Scholarly Essayist's Latest Wor\. By Ferris Greenslet. 39: 277:Nov. 1, 1905. Some Celebrated Characters of Last Century. By Percy F. Bick- nell. 46:134-5:March I. 1909. Some New Memorials of The Brownings. By Messrs. Frederic G. Kenyon. Bertram Dobell and Edmund Gosse. 58:268: April 1, 1915. Taking Stock. Editorial. 50:3-5:Jan. 1. 1911. Two Fresh Introductions to Browning. 60:82:Jan. 20. 1916. The Unliterar^ Temperament. Editorial. 46:5-7: Jan. 1, 1909. The Use of Like and As. By S. I. Kidder. 61 :452:Nov. 30. 1916. A I'Vordsworthian in Reminiscent Mood. By Percy F. Bicknell 38:n7-19:Feb. 16. 1905. Diaphanous Literature. By Frederic Harrison. 45:391 :Dec. 1, 1908. An Echo of the Browning's Cult in America. By Mrs. Francis B. Hornbrooke. 48:91 :Feb. 1. 1910. Some Appreciations of Sidne}) Lanier. By W. M. Baskervill. ^8: 299-301 :March 16, 1895. DIAPHANOUS LITERATURE By Frederic Harrison. Dial 45:391 :Dec. 1. 1908. DIARY OF A JOURNEY IN AMERICA IN 1805 By Daniel Swift Burr. Journal of American History 3:2:452:Fall No. 1909. DICEY. EDWARD The Present Ebb-Tide of English Literature. Literary Digest 21 : 69: July 21, 1900. DICK. MRS. C. B. Browning's Pauline and Balzac's Louis Lambert compared. Poel Lore 4:3:161-66. DICKENS FIFTY YEARS AFTER By Mabel! S. C. Smith. Chautauquan 62:93-102:March 1911. DICTION. BROWNING'S American Notes and Queries 304-305: April 27. 1889. DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY A brief life by Edmund Gosse. Supplement Vol. 1 :306 ff. DID BROWNING KNOV/ A WOMAN'S HEART? By Mary Bradford Whiting. 821.88 Pwn. DID BROWNING WHISTLE OR SING? By F. M. Padelford. Cornhill Magazine. Litfells Living Age 261 :475-482. BROWNINGIANA J 13 DIFFERENT IDEALS OF SHELLEY AND BROWNING Portion of thesis. By Angie Lacey Peck. The Wellesley Prelude Memorial Number 3: 17 :21 I -212:Jan. 30. 1892. DIFFERENTIATION OF ENGLISH CLASSES IN HIGH SCHOOL By M. Catherine Mahy. Education 36:575-580:May 1916. DIFFICULTIES AND OBSCURITIES, ENCOUNTERED IN A STUDY OF BROWNING'S POEMS. ON THE By James Bertram Oldham. London Browning Society Papers 2: 333-398 821.88 Dbs. DIFFICULTIES OF RELIGIOUS POETRY. THE Spectator. Littell's Living Age 213:276-278. DIFFICULTIES OF REVOLUTION. THE By Robert Jay. Fortnightly Review 84:l056:Dec. 1905. DILKE. LADY The Shrine of Death and Other Storie). Athenaeum 3055:642: May 15. 1886. DIP IN CRITICISM. A By Andrew Lang. Contemporary Review. Littell's Living Age 179:352-357. DISCRETION AND PUBLICITY Littell's Living Age 221:807-820; Edinburgh Review 189:427: April 1899. DISCUSSION OF BROWNING'S SHORTER POEMS Poet Lore 1:12:567. DISRAELI AND GLADSTONE. STORY OF Poet Lore 1 1 : 1 : 1 56. DIVERSIONS OF THE ECHO CLUB 821.88. Atlantic Monthly 29:76-84: Jan. 1872; 29:269-275: March 1872; 29:7I0-715:June 1872. DIVIDED A Poem on Mr. and Mrs. Drowning. By Ursula Tannenfortl. Poet Lore 2:3:193-195. By Ursula Tannerfost. Homage to Robert Drorvning. Aleph Tan- ner 103-104. DIVINE ORDER. THE By Thomas Jones. Introduction by Robert Browning. 11-13 252 J79. DIVORCE, WHAT DOES THE BIBLE REALLY TEACH AS TO? Editorial. Literary Digest 18:673-675 : June 10. 1899. DIXSON. EMILY Realism in 19th Centur}) English Fiction. Baylor Literary 18:3-7: Sept. 1909. DJABAL'S SONG By Charlotte Porter. Homage to Robert Drowning. Aleph Tanner 84 821.88 Xhf. DOBELL. BERTRAM Drowning Memorials. A Catalogue of Books, Drawings, Auto- graph Letters, and Other Relics, purchased at the recent dispersal of the Browning Collection. Offered for sale by Bcrtrnm Dobell. 821.88 Adm. (Copy 1.) Same. 821.88 Adm. (Copy 2.) DOBELL. p. J. AND A. E. A Catalogue of Browning's Books. Copv I. 821.88 Adc. DOBSON. AUSTIN Poems on .^\>&ral Octcuioni. Independent 42:190:Feb. 6, 1890, 114 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DODD CATOLOG The Drownings. 821.88 Adb. DODD MEAD AND COMPANY The Rowfanf Books. Roherl Drorvning 8-9. DOES INDUSTRIALISM KILL LITERATURE? By Dr. C. A. Smith. Literary Digest 24:671 :May 17, 1902. DOGMA By E. M. Naish. Drowning and Dogma. (7 lectures on Brown- ing's Attitude towards Dogmatic Religion.) London 1906 821.88 Rnd. DOMETT. ALFRED Drowning. Homage io Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 22 821.88 Xht. Robert Drowning and Alfred Domeil. Edited by W. H. Griffin. Contemporary Review 469:95-1 1 5 :Jan. 1905 821.88 Bdk. Poems. Published by Henry Leggatt, London, 1833. Two Christmas Hymns. Robert Browning mentioned in the Intro- duction. 821.88. P668c. DOMETT AND ROBERT BROWNING, ALFRED By W. H. Griffin. Littell's Living Age 244:393-410; Contem- porary Review Jan. 1905. DOMINANT THEME IN POETRY By Jesse B. Riltenhouse. Forum 56:342-48:Sept. 1916. DORCHESTER, JR., DANIEL Drowning' s Philosophy of Art. Boston Browning Society Papers 99-117 821.88 Vbp.' The Nature of Poetic Expression. Poet Lore 5:2:81-90. DOREY. J. MILNOR Public Speal(iug and Dramatics in High School. Education Maga- zine 34:31-38:Sept 1913-June 1914. DORLAND, W. A. N. What the World Might Have Missed. Century 76: 1 13-125 :May 1908. DOUBTS. PHILOSOPHIC, CONCERNING CRITICISM Editorial. Dial 48:1 :Jan. 1, 1910. DOUGLAS, G. The Peasant in Dritish Poetrxi. Fortnightly Review lIO:558:Oct. 1918. DOUGLAS, JAMES Robert Drowning. (With numerous illustrations.) Bookman Biog- raphy. 821.88 Bdp. The Cethsemane of Literature. Literary Digest 43 :2:738:Oct. 28, 1911. DOWDEN, EDWARD Another Drowning. Munsey's Magazine 32:444:Dec. 1904. Robert Drowning. Independent 57:2:1214:1904. Robert Drowning As a Dramatist. Literary Digest 28:843-844: June 11. 1904. English Literature Today. Outlook 71 :229:May 24, 1902. French Aesthetics. Contemporary Review 1 :279-31 1 :March 1866. Is Shal(espeare Self Revealed? Contemporary Review 96:542-561 : Nov. 1909. Last Words on Shelley. Fortnightly Review 48:462:Oct. 1887. A Life (Robert Browning). Reviewed in Athenaeum 1:362-363: March 19, 1904. Reviewed by Horatio S. Krans in Current Liter- ature 38:109-1 ll:Feb. 1905. BROWNINGIANA 115 The Life of Robert DroTvning. E. P. Dutlon & Co., New York. N. Y. 821.88 Bdt. Mr. Mercdilh In His Pocmi. Eclectic Magazine 118:650-660: May 1892. Same. Fortnightly Review. Littell's Living Age 193:495-505. Same. Fortnightly Review 57 :338-339:March 1892. The Poetrv of Victor Hugo. Contemporary Review 22:175-197: July 1873.' The Prose Worl(S of lVordsrt>orlh. Fortnightly Review. Litteil'i Living Age 128:195-208. Reviewed in Outlook 78:381 :Oct. 8. 1904. -The Scientific Movement on J Literature. Contemporary Review. Littell's Living Age 135:3-15. Sordello. (Taken from Transcripts and Studies.) 821.88 Sodt. Studies in Literature. 1789-1877. Mr. Tennyson and Mr. Brown- ing 191-239 804 D745 (2 copies). Lectures on Literature and Art. Mr. Drowning and Mr. Tennyson 5:139-179. Transcripts and Studies. Mr. Browning's Sordello 474-525 820.4 D745I. The Two Great Victorian Poets. Robert Browning. Bookman 16: 4:351-359:Dec. 1902 821.88 Xman. Victorian Literature. Fortnightly Review. Littelfs Living Age 174:101-111. DOWDEN, ELIZABETH D. See under West, E. D. DRAMA. THE By Clayton Hamilton. Forum 39:234-35 :Oct. 1907; Drama: Literature. A Cosmopolitan Critic by William Lyon Phelps. 39: 377-81 :Jan. 1908. DRAMA— A BLOT IN THE SCUTCHEON Athenaeum 3 152: 382: Nov. 24. 1888. DRAMA, BROWNING AND THE By Walter Fairfax. 821.88 Dpm. DRAMA IN RELATION TO THE TRUTH, THE By Helen A. Michael. Poet Lore 3:149-54. DRAMA. LITERARY PROSPECTS OF THE By Editor. Edinburgh Review 192:315:Oct. 1900. DRAMA OF BROWNING By Henry James. (Views and Reviews.) 41-47 820.4 J270. DRAMA OF IDEAS By Norman Hapgood. Contemporary Review 74:712-723 : Nov. 1898. DRAMAS By Robert Browning. The Riverside Press. Cambridge. 821.88 Gdh. DRAMATIC: IS BROWNING DRAM.^TIC? Bv Arthur Symons. London Browning Society Papers 7:1-12. DRAMATIC IDYLS By Robert Browning. London: Smith. Elder & Co.. 15 Waterloo Place. 1879. (All rights reserved.) First Edition. Autographed by C. A. Kelly. April 28. 1879. 821.88 Hdil. Same. Second Series. London: Smith. Elder & Co., 15 Waterloo Place, 1880. (All rights reserved.) First edition. 821.88 Hdi2. Athenaeum 2750:39-41 :July 10. 1880 (Second Series) : 2689:593- 595: May 10. 1879. 116 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY DRAMATIC IDYLS, MR. BROWNING'S By Mrs. Alexander Orr. Contemporary Review 35:289-302:May 1897 82L88 Dom. DRAMATIC LYRIC By George Moore. Poet Lore 2:1 :35. DRAMATIC LYRICS Department of the Browning Society of the New Century Club of Philadelphia. Poet Lore 2:1 :35. By Mrs. S. C. F. Hallowell. Poet Lore 2:5:281. DRAMATIC LYRICS AND THE RETURN OF THE DRUSES Athenaeum 808:385: April 22, 1843. DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE Drowning and ihe Dramatic Monologue. By S. S. Curry. 821.88 Lcb. DRAMATIC MOTIVE IN STRAFFORD By Charlotte Porter. Boston Browning Society Papers 190-202 821.88 Vbp. DRAMATIC POET, BROWNING AS A Browning as Dramatic Poet. By Henry A. Jones. Poet Lore 6:1 : 13-28. By Henry A. Jones. Poet Lore 6:1 : 13-28. Same. Boston Browning Society Papers 203-220 821.88 Vbp. Drowning as a Dramatist. By Rev. S. R. Calthrop. Syracuse Memorial 60-63 821.88 Vbp. DRAMATIC ROM.ANCE AND LYRICS (ILLUSTRATED): BROWNING'S DRAMATIS PERSONAL By Eleanor F. Brickdale. Dial 47:517:Dec. 16, 1909. Same. The Olive Doof(s. Routhledge & Co. DRAMATIC ROMANCES AND LYRICS Athenaeum 757:58-59:Jan. 1846. DRAMATIS PERSONAL: DR.AMATIC ROMANCES AND LYRICS By Robert Brov.ning. London: Chapman & Hall, 193 Piccadilly. 1884. First edition. 821.88 Hdrl. Robert Drowning. (Author's Edition.) Ticknor & Fields, Boston, 1864 82l88Hdft. Robert Drowning's Poems, 3 Vols., London, 1853. Quarterly Re- view 118:77-105:July 1865 821.88 Dqv. Dramatic Romances and Lyrics. Strafford, Etc. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1883 821.88. Athenaeum 191 0:765-767: June 4, 1864. (Editorial.) Atlantic Monthly 14:644-8: Nov. 18, 1884. (Illustrated.) By E. Fortescue Bricksdale. Reviewed in Dial 51 : 479:Dec. 1, 1911. (Illustrated.) By Eleanor Fortescue Brickdale. Dial 47:517:Dec. 16, 1909. Same. (Second copy.) Boston Review 4:24:606-607:Nov. 1864. Robert Drowning's Poems. 3 Vols. London 1863 821.88 Dq.v. Mr. Drowning's Latest Poems (Dramatis Personae). Criticism in The Christian Spectator 44-57: Jan. 1865 821.88 Dip. DRAMATIST, BROWNING AS A By S. R. Calthrop from Memorial Meeting of the Syracuse Brown- ing Club 60-63 821.88 Bsy. By Anna Bcnneton McMahan. Study Class 130-131 807 Ml 67. BROWNINGIANA 117 DRAMATIST. IBSEN AS A By Frederick \V. Roe. Sewanee Review 13 :3 :305-318:Ju!y 1905. DRAWINGS Book Containing drawings by Robert Browning. 821.88 Xfd. Dyi Robert Broh>nmg, Sr. (Paackage of fifty.) 821.88 XbdM). (Package of fifty.) 821.88 Xbd(l), Crolesque Figures. By Robert Browning, Sr. Prom the Brown- ing Collection. 821.88 Xgd (1). By Robert Browning. Sr. From the Browning Collection. 821.88 Xgd (I). Bji Roherl DroTvning, Sr. With a lorl of loose sketches. From Browning Collection. 821.88 Xgd (2). By Robert Browning. Sr. From Browning Collection. 621.88 Xgd (2). (Package of 56.) 821.88 Xbd (2). Sketch Book by Robert W. Barrett Browning. 821.88 Xgd (3). DREAMER OF DREAMS By Elizabeth Clendenning Ring. Los Angeles Broroning Club year Z^ooH 91 4- 191 5. 821.88 Via. DREAM POETRY By Bessie A. Ficklen. Scribner's Magazine 9:636-643 :May 1891. DREW. MARY ClaJsionc's Library al Si. Deiniol's. (Hawarden.) Nineteenth Century 59 .-944-954: June 1906. DRINKWATER. JOHN Theodore IVails — Dunlon And the Spirit of an Age. Nineteenth Century 76:674-685 :Sept. 1914. DRUSES— THE RETURN OF THE (Stage Version.) A criticism of the play as performed by the Boj- lon Browning Society. Poet Lore 14:1:141-143. DUCHESS (FERRARA). MY LAST By Robert Browning. The Rising Generation 36:10:294-295 821.88 Xmrg. In Japanese. By H. G. O. Article in Daniel Baker Collegian. The George- tonian II:8:7:June 1911 821.88 Xblg. Poet Lore 1:12:569. DUEL AND WAR. THE Editorial. Century 59:478-479:Jan. 1900. DUET OF LITERARY REPUTATION. A By Charles Leonard Moore. Literary Digest 46:13:710-711: March 29. 1913. DUFF. DAVID An Exposition of Cron-ning's Sordello. With Historical and Other Notes. William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh and London 1906 621 Hsod. DUFF. M. E. GRANT Notes from a Diarp. Athenaeum 3674:398-399:March 26, 1896. Poetr\) in the 19th Century. Edinburgh Review. Littell's Living Age 235:705-724:Dec. 20, 1902. DUFFIELD, C. W. Notes and News. Poet Lore 3:1 :40-47. DUFFY, C. GAVAN Conversations and Correspondence rvith Thomas Carly^le. Contem- porary Review. Littell's Living Age 192:53 1 -550: Feb. 27. 1692. 118 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Reminiscences of Thomas Carlyle, Bronvning and Coleridge. Eclec- tic Magazine 1 18:326-331 :March 1892. DUKE'S INTERVIEW WITH THE ENVOY By Robert Browning. Literary World 136:193 :Sept. 8. 1849 821.88 Xmal. DUMAS AND D'ARTAGNAN By Walter Shaw Sparrow. Literary Digest 1 5 :462-63 :Aug. 14, 1897. DUNCAN, FRANCES Garden and Garden Craft. Atlantic Monthly 90:559-63 :July 1902. DUNLAP, HOPE Illustrated. The Pied Piper of Hamelin. A Child's Siorv. By Robert Browning. 821.88 Hppd. DUNN, MARTHA BAKER Briefs of NeTv Books. Dial 39:242:Oct. 16, 1905. The Browning Tonic. Atlantic Monthly 90:203-211. DUNTHORNE, ROBERT A List of Etchings. Published by Robert Dunthorne at the Cabinet of Fine Arts. London, 1884. The Pied Piper of Hamelin After the Water Colour Drawing by the Late G. J. Pinwell. 31. DUNTON, EDITH KELLOG More of Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Dial 41 :444-446:Dec. 16. 1906. DUNTON. THEODORE WATTS- See Watts-Dunton, Theodore. DUTTON AND CO.. E. P. Catalogue: Rare and Choice Books. First editions of the works of esteemed authors, rare and choice works relating to America, cos- fume. Napoleon, Sport, old English Colour books, extra illustrated books, beautifully bound sets executed by the best London binders, botanical and gardening items, etc. New York. DWIGGINS. WILL Browning's Rahbi Ben Ezra. A Dramatic Monologue 800, half Vellum. Printed by hand at the Village Press, Hingland, Mass. By Fred and Bertha Goudy. Frontispiece and Decorations De- signed and cut on wood by Will Dwiggins. 1904. EAGER, MISS MARGARET MAC LAREN The Pied Piper of Hamelin. By Robert Browning. Arranged and adapted for Children, produced in a series of matinees. Bos- ton 1899 821.88 Hppb. EAGLE, THE See Music. EAGLE-HEARTED POET OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. BROWNING, THE By B. O. Flower. Arena 39:218:72-78:Jan. 1908. EAGLESTON, A. J. Wordsworth, Coleridge, And The Spy. Nineteenth Century 64: 300-3 10 :Aug. 1908. EALAND, F. Sermons from Browning. 821.88 F.e. Same. Elliot Stock, London, England. 1892. BROWNINGIANA 119 EARLE. FERDINAND The L^ric YcaT (1912). See under Lyric Year. EARLE, SAMUEL C. English. Course in the Small Colleges. English Journal 3:422-426: Sept. 1914. EARLY ENGLISH POEMS By Pancoast. 821.08 PI 88. EARLY ENVIRONMENT OF ROBERT BROWNING, THE By Frederick Rogers. Privately Printed, 1904. EARLY FRIENDS OF ROBERT BROWNING By W. Hall Griffin. Contemporary Review 87:471:427-446: March 1905. EARLY LITERARY CAREER OF BROWNING From Roosevelt's Article. By Editor. Outlook 102:750-753 : Aug. 2. 1913. EARLY LITERARY CAREER OF ROBERT BROWNING, THE Four Lectures. By Thomas R. Lounsbury. 821.88 Dll. EARLY PORTRAIT AND AUTOGRAPH OF BROWNING By J. C. Armytage. Bookman 2:466: Feb. 1896. EARLY VICTORIANS AND OURSELVES By G. S. Street. Fortnightly Review 86:878:Nov. 1906. Same. Fortnightly Review. Littell's Living Age 251 :61 7-624. EARLY WRITINGS OF BROWNING By Edmund Gosse. Century 23:189-200. EARNSHAW. J. WESTBY Browning. Los Angeles Drowning Club Year DooJ^ 1917-1918 821.88 Via. EAST AND WEST Elizabeth Barrett Drowning. Poet and Woman. By Jean Robertt. 5:59:865-875:Sept. 1906 821.88 Xsf. A Causerie on Browning. By Walter J. Baylis. 14:161:272-276: March 1915 821.88 Rbc. EASTER DAY— A STUDY Drowning, Robert. Chautauquan 8:428:April 1888. EASTON. MORTON W. Tendencies of English and French Literature during the Eliza- bethan Period. Poet Lore I :4: 157-71. EASY CHAIR. FROM THE By G. W. Curtis. EATON. HORACE A. Reading Poetry Aloud. English Journal 2:155:March 1913. EBB TIDE OF POETRY AND CRITICISM. THE By Rev. Stropford Brooke. Literary Digest 21 :69l :Dec. 8, 1900. ECHELTLOS By Robert Browning. Translated into Japanese. Rising Genera- tion 36:12:370-371 821.88 Xmrg. ECHO BROWNING'S CULT IN AMERICA. THE By Mrs. Francis B. Hornbrooke. Dial 48:91 :Feb. 1. 1910. ECHO CLUB. DIVERSIONS OF Atlantic Monthly 29:269-275 :March 1872; 29:710-715 :June 1872. ECLECTIC MAGAZINE 135:778-783:1900. An Aberdeen Student of Today. By Isabella F. Mayo. 122-234- 241: Feb. 1894. Matthew Arnold. By Leslie Stephen. 1 22:300-31 3 :March 1894. 120 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY An and Eccenlricil\f. By Herbert Paul. n8:574-582:May 1902. Philip James Bai'/ep. By Edmund Gosse. I 10 -.2 18-231 :Feb. 1903. Books and Authors. 139:696-700: Nov. 1902; 141 :l39.140:July 1903. Robert Droli>ning. Contemporary Review 68;3 1 4-323 :March 1867. Roherl BroTvning — Second Paper. Contemporary Review 68:501- 51 3: April 1867. Robert BroTvning. By Mary A. Woods. 1 38 '74: Jan. 1902. Robert Brorvriing, the Musician. Py A. Coodrich-Freer. 137: 174-1 82: Aug. 1901. Robert BroTvning, Writer of Pla\)s. By W. L. Courtney. 101 or (New Series 38) 3:358-366:Sepi. 1883. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 142:823-829: June 1904. Mrs. Broivning and Miss Loive. From English Review. 22:337- 344: March 1851. Mrs. Bromning's Nero Poem. Alheneaum. 23:415-419:July 1851. Robert Browning's Poems. (From St PaulV) By E. J. H. 13: 3:267-279: March 1871. Burns, As an English Poet. By David Christie Murray. 140:194- 200: Feb. 1903. A Chapter in the History of Oracles By Basil Williams. 118: 270-278: Feb. 18. 1892. Children's Ways. From The Spectator 68:3')3:Sept. 1898. Classical and Modern Literature. By R. Y. Tyrrell. 142:520-523: March 1904. The Complacency of the Wordsworthians. By H. F. C. 111:2: 18l-l85:Aug. 1903. Criticism As Theft. By Prof. Williati Knight. 126:358-364: March 1896. The Duties of Authors. By Leslie Stephen, 123:l-14:JuIy 1894. Education and Instruction. By Lord Cole-idfje. 122: 157- 163: Feb. 1894. The Essay Considered From An Artistic Point of View. By E. H. Lacon Watson. 123:50-54: July 1894, The Ethical Impulse of Mrs. Browning'$ Poetry. By Thomai Bradfield. 127:447-454:Oct. 1896. Ethical Tendencies of Matthew Arnold's Poetry. By Thomai Bradfield. 124:3 IO-3l9:March 1895. First Paper on Robert Browning from Contep'porary Review. 68: 314-323: March 1867. Foreign Literary Notes. 121 :859-860:Dec )893; 122:424-426: March 1894; 123:71 1-713 :Nov. 1894. Same. By Christina Rossetti. 124:279-283:Fel'. 1895. Same. Editorial. 45:71 2 :May 1897. Glimpses of Ruskin. By R. Wilkins Rees. 141 :421-434:Oct. 1903. Hearth and Home, Elizabeth Barrett Browning. By Mme. Oclavi* Walton Le Vert. 4:2:221 -225: Feb. 1869. Leigh Hunt. By F. Warre Cornish. 127:30-40- July 1896. Illustrious Handwriting. I22:134-137:jan. 189* In Defense of Classical Study. By Profeisoff Jebb. 122:13-17: Jan. 1894. Is Literature Dying? By Herbert Paul. l48:*10-5I7:June 1907. Is Matthew Arnold's Poetry Consoling? 1 19:''64-367:Sept. 1892 Letters of James Russell Lowell. 122:335-340 March 1894. The Literary Inspiration of Imperialism. I35:15'-161 :Aug. 1900. BROWNINGIANA 121 LUcralure and Democracy. 1 37:237-245: Aug. 1901. A Little Cirl Recollection of Elizabeth D. Droivning. IVilliam Mal(epeace Thaclferay. and the late Emperor Louis Napoleon. By Henriette Corkran. 124:345-349 :March 1895. Lord Leighton's SIfctches. By Mrs. Russell Barringlon. 45:180- 188: Feb. 1897. A March Hare. By Charles Slracher. 68:46: July 1898. Mr. Meredith In His Poems. By Professor Edward Dowden. 118:650-660:May 1892. Miscellanv — How One of Mrs. Browning's Books Was Named. 124:858-859:June 1895. The Mission of Tennyson. By W. S. Lilly. 45 :6I 7-624 :May 1897. Modern Poets and the Meaning of Life. By Frederic W. H. Myers. 120:365-377:March 1893. Moses in Liteiature. 122:275-278:Feb. 1894. The New Era In Letters. By Arthur Waugh. 121 : 168-1 72 :Aug. 1893. The No\>els of Peacock- By Herbert Paul. 141 :349-360:Sept. 1903. Old Memories Interviewed. By Mrs. Andrew Crosse. 119:505- 515:Oct. 1892. The Old Order Changeth. By Julia Wedg^vosd. 127:721-731: Dec. 1896. On/p The Advertisement. By Esme Stuart. 62: 660-666: Nov. 1895. The Poet Laureateship. 126:97- 108: Jan. 1896. Poetic Emotions and Affinities. By B. Brooksbank. 40:166-173: Aug. 1884. Poetry in the Nineteenth Century. 140:141-160:Feb. 1903. The Poetry of George Meredith. By G. M. Trevelyan. 143:503- 515:Oct. 1904. The Poetrv of D. C. Rosselti. By \V. Basil Worsfold. 121 :851- 854:Dec. 1893. The Portrait of an American. 142:1 16-124:Jan. 1904. The Rat-Calcher of Hamelin. By Guslav Hartwig. 119:759-761 : Dec. 1892. Recent Poetry by Trench, Kingsley, Burhidge & Clough. 20:166- 177: June 1850. ' Reminiscences of Thomas Carlvle, Browning and Coleridge. By Sir C. Gavan Duffy, K. C. M. G. 1 18:326-331 :March 1892. Review of The Ring and the Bool( Vo. I. By Robert Browning. In 4 Vols. 4:2:234-236:Feb. 1869. The Ring and the Boo}(. Reviews Selected from The Athenaeum. 4:5:619-625:Mav 1869. Same. Editorial. ' 13:400-41 2: April 1871 821.88 Xme. The Ring and the Book- By E. J. H. From St. Paul's. 13:4 (New Series) :400-41 2: April 1871 Rome Revisited. By Frederic Harrison. 121 : 19-32:June 1893. Christina Rosselti. By Arthur Christopher Benson. 124:490-496: April 1895. Mr. Ruskin in Relation to Modern Problems. By E. T. Cook. 122:486-493: April 1894. Shakespere, As a Man. By Leslie Stephen. 1 37:70-84 :July 1901. Some More Letters of Mrs. Carlyle. By Augustine Berrell. 141: 231-237:Aug. 1903. The Sonnet. I40:834-836:June 1903. 122 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY R. L. Stevenson's Characteristics. By J. A. MacCulloch. 68:193: Aug. 1898. The Study of Character. 123:76-79:July 1894. A Study of Mr. George Meredith. By J. A. Newton Robinson. 118: 124-1 29 :Jan. 1892. The Swan Songs of the Poets. By Alexander Small. 120:241- 243:Feb. 1893. Talks With Tennyson. By Wilfred Ward. 127:31 7-328 :Sepl. 1896. Tennyson. I20:3l-44:jan. 1893. Alfred Lord Tennyson. By Andrew Lang. 129:81 0-81 7 :Dec. 1897. Tennyson, As a Nature Poet. By Theodore Watts. 120:837-849: June 1893. Tennyson, As a Political Thinner. By Rev. Stopford A. Brooke in the Contemporary Review. 120:282-284: Feb. 1893. On Undesirable Information. By E. F. Benson. 62:222-228: Aug. 1895. The Victorian Age of Literature and Its Critics. By D. F. Han- nigan. 126:808-81 3: June 1896. C. F. Watts. By W. S. MacCall. 143:389-391 :Sept. 1904. Where Genius Works. 123:697-701 :Nov. 1894. The Women of Lyric Love. By Maxwell Gray. 45:88-96: Jan. 8. 1897. Words That Co to the Dad. 142:129-131 :Jan. 1904. WordsTvorth, Tennyson and Browning 1:3:273-284; A Child Asleep, Mrs. BroToning. Eclectic 1:4:521-522, The Electic Mag azine. St. Paul's — Robert Browning's Poems. 13:3:267-279. The Electic Magazine. St. Paul's — The Ring and the Book- 13:4: 400-412. The Electic Magazine. Robert Browning, Writer of Inlays. 358-366 821.88 Xme. EDDY AND HER VIEWS. MRS. By J. I. C. Clarke. Literary Digest 22:730-731 :June 15, 1901. Browning. Editorial. 114:186. Browning and Alfred DomcU. Editorial 144:462-484. Browning's Poems. By Wm. Hand Browne. 5:6:71 1-725 :Dec. 1869. Discretion and Publicity. Editorial 133:169. The Heroic Couplet. By St. Loe Strachey. 123 :448-461 :Oct. 1894. By Rosaline Masson. Littell's Living Age 260:653-663. Cornhill Magazine. EDINBURGH, ROBERT BROWNING IN By Rosaline Masson. Cornhill Magazine 152:590:Feb. 1909 (New Series). In Magazine Articles No. 1. 821.88 Xman. EDINBURGH REVIEW The Agony of the Victorian Age. By Edmund Gosse. 228:276- 295:Oct. 1918. The Anglo-Norman Renaissance. By J. E. G. de Montmorency. 229: 154-1 72 :Jan. 1919. Mr. Balfour in the Study. By Sidney Low. 2I6:257-278:Oct. 1912. Ballad Poetry. (A review of Sir Walter Scott's Minstrelsy of Scottish Border.) By T. F. Henderson. 197:303-23 :April 1903. Fanny Burney, Her Diary and Her Days. By Editor. 203:85- 116:Jan. 1906. BROWNINGIANA 123 Cardinal Nemman. By Editor. 215:263-290:April 1912. Characteriilics of Sii^inbumc'i Poelry. By W. Holman Hunt. 204:468-487:Oct. 1906. Chivalry and Civilizalion. Reference to Ring and the Doof(. By J. E. G. de Montmorency. 222: 1 18- 134:July 1915. Conlemporar\) Poeh and Venificn. By Editor. 176:479:Oct. 1893. Copyright. By Editor. 191 : 147 :Jan. 1900. Crabbc. By Editor. 198:30-51 :July 1903. Dante in English Literature from Chaucer to Cary. By Editor. 207:398-420: April 1908. Dean Milman. By his son, Arthur Milman. 191 :51l :April 1900. Discretion and PuhlicilX). By Editor. 189:427: April 1899. Discretion and Publicity. Littell's Living Age 221 :807-820. An Elizabethan Poet and Modern Poetry. By Walter de La Mare. 21 7 :372-386:April 1913. English Public Life. By Editor. 214 : 196-21 7 :July 1911. Franciscan Literature. By Editor. 199: 145- 1 68: J an. 1904. A French Satirist in England (Mrs. D.) By Edmund Gosse. 1\9: 327-346-April 1914. The German Stage. By W. Holman Hunt. 204:447-467:Oct. 1906. Hardy's Lyrical Poems. By Edmund Gosse. 227:272-293 : April 1918. Robert Herrick. By Editor. 1 99: 109-27: Jan. 1904. History and the National Portrait Gallery. By Editor. 184:218- 236:July 1896. In Memorium After Fifty Years. By Editor. 203 :297-318:April 1906. Lamarline and Elvire {Mrs. B.) By W . Holman Hunt. 205:442: April 1907. The Letters of Horace Walpole. By Editor. 199:432-456: April 1904. Letters of Robert BroJvning and Elizabeth Barrett Bro'Wning. By Editor. 189:420-439: April 1899. Life in Poetry and Law in Taste. By Editor. 194:326:Oct. 1901. Literary Prospects of the Drama. By Editor. 192:315:Oct. 1900. Lucretius and His Times. By Editor. 203 : 137- 160: Jan. 1906. Mr. Meredith's Novels. By Editor. 181 :33-58:Jan. 1895. Modern Developments in Ballad. By Editor. 213 : 1 53-1 78:Jan. 1911. Modern English by Hall. By Editor. 140:5:74-86:July 1874. Of the Browning Mss. By Frederic G. Kenyon. Littells Living Age 278:733-738:Aug. 1913. Old Eton and Modern Public Schools. By Editor. 185:355-381 : April 1897. The Pleiade and the Elizabethans. By W. Holman Hunt. 205 : 353-397 :April 1907. Poems and Ballads of Swinburne. By Editor. 171:5:429-452: April 1890. Poetry in the Nineteenth Century. By Editor. 196:436-463 :Oct. 1902. Poetry in the Nineteenth Century. By Sir M. E. Grant Duff. Lit- tell's Living Age 235:705-724. Pre-Raphaelitism. By \V. Holman Hunt. 203 :450-470: April 1906. 124 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY The Prose Work of Percy Bysshe Shelley. By Editor. 164:42- 72: July 1886. Religion in Literature. By Editor. 207:1 78-202: Jan. 1908. Remiriiscencei of Wm. Macrcady. By Editor. 141 :216-232:Jan. 1875. Revielv of English Prosody from 12th Century to Present Day. By George Saintsbury. 213 :1 -31 :Jan. 1911. The Ring and the Book- By Robert Browning. M. A. 4 Voli. London 1869. 83-94:July 1869. 821.88 Xma. Vol. 8. The Scandinavian Novel. By Editor. 194:463:Oct. 1901. Same. Littell's Living Age 232:1-19. Some Recent Verse. By Editor. 210:378-399:Oct. 1909. Same. Littell's Living Age 264:195-209. Soliloquy. By Editor. 209: Nov. 1913 (New Series 647). Some Soldier Poets. By Edmund Gosse. 226:296-31 6 :Oct. 1917. Swinburne. By Arthur Quiller-Couch. 225:249-268: April 1917. Mr. Srvineburue's Lyrics. By Editor. 1 71 :429- 452: April 1890. Tennyson and Bro-wning. By Editor. 1 72:301 -31 6 :Oct. 1890. Theatrical Landmarks. By T. H. S. Escott. 227:85-96: Jan. 1918 Thinkers and Ironists. By Editor. 210:426-446:Oct. 1909. Unfinished Draft of A Poem Which May Be Entitled Aeschylui Unimaginary Love Letters. By Editor. 193 :527:April 1901. Burne- Jones, His Ethics and Art. By Editor. 189:24-47: Jan. 1899. Mr. Stopford Brooke on Tennyson. By Editor. 181:485-513: April 1895. Victor Cousin. By Editor. 172:484-490:Oct. 1890. Life of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen. By Editor. 182:418-439: Oct. 1895. Love Letters. By V. L. Wentz. 132:736. New Ruskin. Letters to M. G. and H. G. By John Ruskin. 141:21 8-221: Aug. 1903. Odes and Epodes of Horace. By Editor. 190:1 19-146:July 1899. Poems of Browning. Editorial. 18:453. The Poetry of Mr. Stephen Phillips. By Editor. 191 :51-75:Jan. 1900. Poetry in the Nineteenth Century. By Editor. 196:453-463 :Oct. 1902. The Ring and the Book. By E. J. H. 73:400-412. Rubenstein. By Rev. H. R. Hawels. 124:229-235:Feb. 1895. Alfred Lord Tennyson: A Memoir. By Editor. 186:275-306: Oct. 1897. John Creenleaf Whittier. By Mary Negreponte. 120:377-380: March 1893. Wordsworth and Tennyson. Editorial. 64:273-415. Swinburne. By Quiller-Couch. 225:249-268: April 1917. Richard Wagners Prose Works. By Editor. 189:96-1 18:Jan. 1899. The Works of John Ruskin. By Editor. 167: 198-234: Jan. 1888. War Poetry in France. Reference to Sonnets from the Portu- guese. By Edmund Gosse. 222:78-97:JuIy 1915. Watson's Poems. By Editor. 198:489-5 1 2 :Oct. 1903. The Wessex Drama. By Editor. 21 5:93-1 12 :Jan. 1912. Works of Thackeray. By Editor. 137:4:95-121 :Jan. 1873. The World's Most Wonderful Love Story. 190:734:June 1899. BROWNINGIANA 125 EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY AND WOMEN David Masion on Tennyson. Poet Lore 4:12:635-637. EDUCATION AND INSTRUCTION By Lord Coleridge. Eclectic Magazine 122: 1 57-163 :Feb. 1894. EDUCATION. FINE ARTS IN By H. J. C. Baylor Literaiy 14:7-13 :May-June 1904. EDUCATION MAGAZINE Doolf Notices: Heroes and Creal-hearls and Their Animal Friends. By Johri T. Dale. 33 :I2I -128:Oct. 1912. Dool( Notices : Masters of English Literature. By Edwin Watt» Chubb. 35:537-542:Sept 1914-June 1915. Boof( Notices: Select Poems of Robert Drowning. By A. J. George. 26:309-31 4 :Sept. 1905-June 1906. Differentiation of English Classes in High Schools. By M. Cath- erine Mahy. 36:575-580:Sept. 1915-June 1916. Editorial. 37:390:Sept. 1916-June 1917. The Cron>th of Our Moral Ideal. By Arthur Deerin Call. 32: 546-559:May 1912. Public Speal(ing and Dramatics in High Schools. By J. Milnor Dorey. 34:31-38:Sept. 1913-June 1914. Social Hygiene. By F. M. Gregg. 33 :100-104:Scpt. 1912-June 1913. Stratford on Avon. By Mabel E. Sturtevant. 33 :488-491 : April 1913. Dool( Notices: Select Poems of Robert Droxvning. By Percival Chubb. 36:9:626:May 1916. EDUCATIONAL FIASCO, THE By K. D. Cotes. Fortnightly Review 85:878:May 1. 1906. EDUCATIONAL REVIEW The Peculiar Obligation of the Public High School. By George H. Martin. 43 :461 -471 :May 1912. Uniform Entrance Examinations in English. By Francis Stoddard. 30:382 :Nov. 1905. E. D. W. (Miss Elizabeth D. West. Later Mrs. Edward Dowden.) Verses. (Dublin, E. Ponsonby 1876) 1:12-13; 11:20. Autographed pres- entation copy. 821.88Wlllv. (See under West.) EDWARDS. LOUISE BETTS The Pied Piper, An Autumn Song by Louise Betts Edwards. New England Magazine New Series 19:608:Jan. 1899 (type- written). EDWARDS, M. B. Madame Bodichan : A Reminiscence. Fortnightly Review 57:218: Feb. 1892. EDWIN ARNOLD INFATUATION, THE By George W. Smalley. Literary Digest II :521 -522 :Aug. 31. 1893. E. G. J. Literary London, More Memories of. Dial 18:8-I0:jan. 1, 1895. Memories of 5even(l; Years. Dial 18:43-45 :Jan. 16. 1895. EIGHTEEN YEARS IN THE CENTRAL CITY SWARM The Robert Browning Settlement. E. J. H. Robert Browning's Poems. Eclectic Magazine March 1871. New Series from St. Paul 13 :3 :267-279:Feb. 1848. The Ring and the Boolf. Eclectic Magazine 73 :400-412:April I87L 126 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY ELDER, PAUL Mrs. Browning's Sonnets from ihe PorUiguesc. Dial 49:532:Dec. 16. 1910. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER The Course of Sludv of the University Elementar\) School. 8: 530-532: May 1908. ' Literature in the Elementary Schvol. By Porter Lauder MacCIin- tock. 3: 146- 155: Nov. 1902. ELIOT, DR. Dr. Eliot's five Feet of Books. Literary Digest 39:57-8: July 10. 1909. Same. Current Opinion 47 : 158-1 59: April 1909. ELIOT. GREGORY Clarrisse's. Scribner"s Magazine 53 :463-465: April 1913. ELIOTT, G. R. Epilogue to Asolando. Current Literature 33: 197: Aug. 1902. Shakespeare's Significance for Browning. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwurde der Hohen Philosophischen Fak- ultat der Universitat Jena. (72 pages.) Druck von Ebrhardt Kar- ras. 1909. Halle. A. S. Reprinted from Anglia 30:12. 821.88 ELIZABETHAN POET AND MODERN POETRY, AN By Walter De La Mare. Edinburgh Review 21 7:372-386: April 1913. ELIZABETHANS, LYRICAL CONCEIT OF THE By Raymond Macdonald Alden. Studies in Philology 14:129-152- April 1915. Same. (36 pages.) 821.88 Les. ELLIS, HAVELOCK Genius and Stature. Nineteenth Century 42:87-95: July 1897. ELLSWORTH, WILLIAM W. Colleges Blamed for Our Lack of Authors. Literary Digest 53: 2:304-305: Aug. 5. 1916. ELMAN, MISCHA See Music. ELOQUENCE. POETRY AND By John Burroughs. Chautauquan 1 5 :63-65:April 1892. EMERSON. AND BROWNING, RUSKIN. CARLYLE Four Great Teachers. By Joseph Forster. Be F733. EMERSON AND OTHER ESSAYS By John Jay Chapman. Robert Browning 185-213 814 C466e. EMERSON AS A RELIGIOUS INFLUENCE By Georoe A. Gordon. Atlantic Monthly 91 :577-87:May 1903. EMERSON AS AN EXPONENT OF THE BEAUTIFUL IN POETRY By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 5 :6&7 :353-63. EMERSON COLLEGE MAGAZINE Browning Number 20-3:] ar\. 1912. Robert Browning's Birthday (Poem). Read at the Boston Brown- ing Society. By Wm. Harman Van Allen. 20:3 : 136:Jan. 1912. Browning's Poem Set to Music. By Clara Kathleen Rogers. 20:3: 134:Jan. 1912. Browning's Saul. By Gertrude Chamberlin. 20:3 : 124-1 31 :Jan. 1912. Bron;ning'j Song from Pippa Passes. By Edith Giles, (In Amer- ican Primary Teacher.) 20:3:146-150:Jan. 1912. BROWNINGIANA 127 Epilogue, Robert Browning. 20:3 : 170:Jan. 1912. Extracts from the Poetr\> of Robert Drowning. By \Vm. G. Ward. 20:3:136-142:Jan. 1912. A Letter from Robert Broieuing to IVilliam Macready. 20:3: 131-132:Jan. 1912. The Poetry of Robert Droivnmg. By William G. Ward. 136-142: Jan. 1912. Prospice. By Robert Browning. 20:3 : 161 -162. Jan. 1912. The 5/uJp of Browning at Emerson College. 20:3 : 135 :Jan. 1912. Suggested Programs. Arranged by Miss Gertrude Chamberlin. 20: 3:132-134:Jan. 1912. Suggestions Regarding Doolfs on Drowning. By Marie Ada M« lincux. 20:3:142-144:Jan. 1912. EMERSON, FRIEND OV, A By Anionia C. De P. P. Maury. Poet Lore 26:3:357-67. EMERSON. POET AND THINKER By Annie Russell Marble. Dial 37:366-7:Dec. 1. 1904. EMERSON. RALPH WALDO— AN ETHICAL STUDY By Henry Norman. Fortnightly Review. Littell's Living Age 158: 771-777 (772). EMERSON. THE POEMS OF By Charles Mallay. Arena 33 :65-70:Jan. 1905; 32:145-151: Aug. 1904. EMILY. LADY TENNYSON By Annie Fields. Littell's Living Age 21 1 :765-766. E. M. K. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. The Magazine of Poetry 161-165: April 1893. ENGLAND, BROWNINGS By Helen A. Clarke. 821.88 Kce. ENGLAND. CURRENT LITERATURE OF By Eugene Lawrence. Chautauquan 8:70-73 :Nov. 1887. ENGLAND OF ENGLISH POETS, THE (Times.) Littell's Living Age 285:677-681. ENGLAND. THE MONTH IN By Andrew Lang. Cosmopolitan Magazine 19:112:May 1895. By Israel Zangwill. Cosmopolitan Magazine 23:99: May 1897. ENGLISCHE DICHTER Von Rudolf Kassner. Robert Browning 155-187. Im Insel-Verlag zu Leipzig, 1920. ENGLISCHE STUDIEN Robert Louis Stevenson: Essa\)ist, Novelist and Poet. By H. B. Boildon. Littell's Living Age 221 :671-688. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN APPRECIATION OF BROWNING Poet Lore 1:10:494. ENGLISH AND FRENCH ATTITUDES TOWARD POETRY By M. A. Gerothwohl. Fortnightly Review 97:953:May 1912. ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH, POPULAR BALLADS By Francis Jas. Child. Athenaeum 3230:377-379:Sept. 21. 1889. ENGLISH BIBLE AND ENGLISH WRITERS, THE By Chauncey Marvin Cady. Biblical World 9: 185-193 : March 1897. ENGLISH ESTIMATE OF LOWELL, AN By F. W. Farrar. Forum 12:141 -1 52:Oct. 1891. t28 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY ENGLISH FRIENDS By Chas. Eliot Norton. Scribner's Magazine 53:509:April 1913; 53:775:June 1913. ENGLISH HALL OF FAME. THE Literary Digest 35:872:Dec. 7, 1907. ENGLISH IN OUR COLLEGES By A. S. Hill. Scribner's Magazine 1 :507-512:April 1887. ENGLISH JOURNAL A Creaftve Approach to the Study of Literature. By Frank W. Chandler. 4:281 -291 :May 15, 1915. ENGLISH LITERATURE By G. H. Mair. Littell's Living Age 272:383. Books and Authors. ENGLISN LITERATURE FROM CHAUCER TO GARY. DANTE IN By Editor. Edinburgh Review 207:398-420: April 1908. ENGLISH LITERATURE OF THE VICTORIAN AGE By Frederick Harrison. Forum 16:703-704:Feb. 1894. ENGLISH LITERATURE. TEN YEARS OF By Edmund Gosse. Literary Digest 15 :521 -522:Aug. 28. 1897. ENGLISH LITERATURE, THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF Contemporary Review 100:1 :282-285:May 1904:Literary Supple- ment 47 ; lll:115:527-530:March 191 7 :Literary Supplement ENGLISH LITERATURE— THE HISTORY OF By Andrew Lang. Contemporary Review 102:2:587-591 :July- Sept. 1911. ENGLISH LITERATURE TODAY Bv Edward Dowden. Outlook 71 :229:May 24, 1902. ENGLISH LOVE SONGS Atlantic Monthly 65:23-33 : Jan. 1890. ENGLISH LYRICAL POETRY By J. D. Cornhill. Littell's Living Age 122:195-208. ENGLISH MEN AND WOMEN OF LETTERS OF THE NINE- TEENTH CENTURY Elizabeth Barrett Drowning. By Mrs. Humphrey Ward. Atalanta 708-7 1 2 :Sept. 1888 821.88 Xbm. ENGLISH METRES— DEVELOPMENT OF By William Larminie. Contemporary Review 66:71 5-736:Nov. 1894. ENGLISH MYSTICS. STUDIES IN ST. MARGARET'S LECTURE (Review.) By Ralph Inge, M. A. Independent 61:217:July 26. 1906. ENGLISH NARRATIVE VERSE. MASTERPIECES OF By Charles Leonard Moore. Dial 43 :303-305 :Nov. 16, 1907. ENGLISH NOTES By James Payn. Independent 41 :2: 1042: Aug. 15, 1889; 41:2: 1375-6:Oct. 24, 1889; 42:237-238:Feb. 20, 1890. ENGLISH POEMS ON GREEK SUBJECTS By James Richard Joy. Chautauquan 1 7 :272-273 :June 1893. ENGLISH POETRY AND ENGLISH HISTORY By Goldwin Smith. American Historical Reviews 10:28-40:Oct. 1904. ENGLISH POETRY, FORMATIVE TYPES IN (Review.) By George Herbert Palmer. Independent 97:381: March 15, 1919. ENGLISH POETRY. SOME HIGHER MINISTRIES OF RECENT By F. W. Gunsauius. Review. Independent 63:]002:Oct. 24, 1907. BROWNINGIANA 129 ENGLISH POETS. THE By Thomas Humphry Ward. Robert Browning 1-39 821.08 \V263 V.5. ENGLISH PROSODY FROM 12th CENT. TO PRESENT DAY. REVIEW OF By George Saintsbury. Edinburgh Review 213 :1-31 :Jan. 1911. ENGLISH PUBLIC LIFE By Editor. Edinburgh Review 21 4: 196-21 7:July 1911. ENGLISH QUARTERLY REVIEWS Editorial. Independent 42:752:May 29. 1890. ENGLISH REALISM IN THE I9th CENTURY By Emily Dixson. Baylor Literary l8:3-7:Sept. 1909. ENGLISH REVIEW Edited by Austin Harrison May 1912. Robert Browning. By Darrell Figgis. 821.88 Drf. Mrs. Drorvning and Miss Lowe. Eclectic Magazine 22:337-344: March 1851. Poelry and ihe Modern Novel. By Complon MacKenzie. Littell't Living Age 274:220-228. ENGLISH VERS DE SOCIEIE Quarterly Review. Littell's Living Age 122:707-720. ENGLISHMAN IN ITALY. THE A CoUeclion of Verses rvriilcn b\> some of those who have loved haly. Arranged by George Hyde Wallasfon. Contains a number of Browning's Poems, and the Autograph of R. Barrett Brown- ing. 821.08 \V863i. ENOS. SANDA Bordello. Homage lo Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 83 821.88 Xht. ENSOR, R. C. K. Detle\) VonLiliencron. ContemporaryReview96:448-457:Oct. 1909. ENTHUSIASMS, BROWNING ON FRENCH (Review of Browning on French Enthusiasm, by Cushman in Poet Lore.) Review of Reviews 20:466:Oct. 1899. ENVOY RETURNS, THE Suggested by A/v Last Duchess. By Alice Harriman. EPIC AND THE NEW. THE OLD Editorial. Literary Digest 26:885-886:June 20, 1903. EPILOGUE Robert Drowning. Emerson College Magazine 20:3: 1 70: Jan. 1912. Current Literature 33: 197: Aug. 1902. See /. H. McL.; Tranlham. See Music. EPILOGUES OF BROWNING: THEIR ARTISTIC SIGNIFI- CANCE, THE By Dr. D. G. Brinton. Poet Lore 4:2:57-64. EPISTLE OF KARSHISH; A CRITICISM OF By Richard Garnett. By C. B. Wright. Poet Lore 9:2:312-313. EPISTLE OF KARSHISH THE ARAB PHYSICIAN. THE In Studies in Browning. By Susan Cunnington. 61 -85 821.88 Gsac. Drowning's Lazarus. Poet Lore 9:2:312-313. EPPS By Browning. Outlook 105 : 169-1 70 :Sept. 27. 1913. By Robert Browning. A Program given by Mr. Sivori Levey. Six SaturdaM Afternoons, Nov. I to Dec. 6, 1913. ERB. J. LAWRENCE Brahms. (Review.) Independent 61 :400:Aug. 16. 1906. 130 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY ERROR OF BROWNING By Mary M. Barclay. Poet Lore 1 :6:30O. ERSKINE, JOHN The New Poeirv. Yale 6:384-385 :Oct. 1916. ERUDITE, THE The Coipel of Work. 140: July 1902. ERUDITION OF BROWNING Poet Lore 12:1:151. ESCOTT. H. S. A Literary Cham and His Court. Fortnightly Review 100:904: Nov. 1913. ESCOTT, T. H. S. Theatrical Landmarks. Edinburgh Review 227:85-96: Jan. 1918. E. S. F. Amtvers to Queries. Poet Lore 1:3:140-41. Browning Querp. Poet Lore 2:4:199. ESOTERIC BROWNINGISM By .Andrew Lang. Forum 6:300:Nov. 1888. ESOTERIC TENDENCY IN LITERATURE. THE In Changing Order. By Oscar Lovell Triggs. 32-71 304 T828c. ESSAY CONSIDERED FROM AN ARTISTIC POINT OF VIEW. THE By E. H. Lacon Watson. Eclectic Magazine 1 23: 50-54: July 1894. ESSAY ON ROBERT BROWNING, DEC. 1886. By W. G. Kingsland. Homage to Robert Broivning, Aleph Tanner 61 821.88 Xht. ESSAY ON ROBERT BROWNING'S THE RING AND THE BOOK, AN By Charles W. Hodell. 821.88 Hrhe. ESSAY ON MOOD AND FORM, THE By Richard Burton. Forum 32:125:Sept. 1901. ESSAY ON PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY, AN By Robert Browning. Being a Reprint of the Introductory^ Essa\) prefixed to the Volume of (25 spurious) Letters of Shelle]) pub- lished by Edward Moxon in 1852. Edited by Tyas Harden. Lon- don: Published for the Shelley Society by Reeves & Turner, 196 Strand 1888. 821.88 Epbs (cop. 1 and 2.) ESSAY ON SHELLEY Littell's Living Age 238:319. Books and Authors. ESSAYS AND ADDRESSES By Augustine Birrell. Robert Browning 182-197 824.91 B619c. ESSAYS AND CRITICISM By H. W. Mabie. Outlook 69:685:Nov. 16, 1901. ESSAYS AND REVIEWS By Joseph Jacobs. 820.4 J272. ESSAYS AND SERMONS Robert Browning 1-59. By William Robertson. 821-88 Dre. ESSAYS AND SKETCHES Athenaeum 4045 :557-558:May 6, 1905. ESSAYS AND STUDIES By Members of The English Association. Collected by Andrew Cecil Bradley, Oxford. Essa\) on Browning, by William Paton Ker. The Queen's Lecture, given at Queen's College, London, March 2, 1910. (Typewritten) 821.88Dkb. ESSAYS AND THOUGHTS OF BROWNING By Nettleship. Athenaeum 3256:373-74:March 22, 1890, BROWNINGIANA 131 ESSAYS. DR. EVERETT'S Editorial. Independent 54:515:1902. ESSAYS IN LONDON AND ELSEWHERE By Henry James. See 233 for Browning in Westminster. 820.4 J272. ESSAYS. LITERARY AND BIOGRAPHICAL By Chas. Wm. Pearson. Independent 65:l069:Nov. 5. 1908. ESSAYS OF A NATURALIST By Percy F. Bicknell. Dial 34: 1 1 3- !14:Feb. 16, 1903. ESSAYS ON ENGLISH LITERATURE By Thomas McNicoll. Rohart Droivning 298-314 820.4 Ml 69. ESSAYS ON THE ENGLISH POETS AND THE GREEK CHRIS- TIAN POETS By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Worthinglon Co., New York, N. Y. 1889 821.88 Hie. ESSAYS ON THE GREEK CHRISTIAN POETS AND THE ENG- LISH POETS By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Published by James Miller, New York. N. Y. 1863 821.88 Epeb. ESSAYS ON THE POETS By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Christian Examiner 75:24-43: July 1863 821.88 Xbm. ESSAYS (TWO) ON ROBERT BROWNING (I) Robert Brorvning and the Poetry of the Future; (II) Robert Drowning and the Arabesque in Art. By Felix E. Shelling. 1890 821.88 Est. ESTES. DANA Rematl(s at the Bromning Memorial Services at Boston. See Browning Memorial 54-58 821.88 Bmb. ESTIMATE OF BROWNING'S LIFE By Edward Berdoe. London Browning Socitey Papers 10:200-206. ESTIMATE OF ROBERT BROWNING By Darrell Figgis. North American Review 195:577-593 : May 1912. ESTIMATES OF ROBERT BROWNING, TWO By W. P. Trent. Forum 35 :394-303 :Oct. 1903. ETHICAL TENDENCY OF MATTHEW ARNOLDS POETRY By Thomas Bradfield. Eclectic Magazine 124:310-3l9:March 1895. ETHICS OF ROBERT BROWNING By Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen. Independent 40:2: 1 595- 1596 :Dec. 13, 1888. ETHICS OF BROWNINGS POEMS, THE By Mrs. Percy Leake, with an Introduction by the Bishop of Winchester. 821.88 Rel. ETHICS OF ROBERT BROWNING. THE, IN BOYESEN'S LIT- ERARY AND SOCIAL SILHOUETTES By Charles B. Wrisht. Poet Lore 10:3:461-463. ETHICS OF PARODY, THE •Academy. Littel's Living Age 238:125-127. EURIPIDES. BALAUSTION'S OPINION OF By Philip Stofford Moxon. Boston Browning Society Papers 411- 437 821.88 Vbp. EURIPIDES, TRANSCRIPT FROM With Notes. In S\)lcs Front Milton to Tennyson 253-274; Notei 146-150 821.88 Harl. 132 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY EVELYN HOPE By Robert Browning. Translated into Japanese. Rising Cenera- ation 39:10:302:Chap. 5-7 821.88 Xmrg. EVENING WITH BROWNING, AN From the Ogonfz Mosaic. London Browning Society Papers 8: 163-164 821.88 Dbs. EVERETT. CHARLES CARROLL See Brorvning Memorial. Order of Exercise 9-10 821.88 Bmb. Essays, Theological and Literarv, Chap. XI TennVson and Drown- ing as Spiritual Forces, Chapt. XII The Philosophy of Drowning. 821.88 Rib. Memorial Addresses ai the Services of the Drorvning Sociely. See Browning Memorial 21-46 821.88 Bmb. Sordello. Boston Browning Society Papers 334-362 821.88 Vbp. Sordello: I, The Hero as Poet. Poet Lore 8:5:243-56. Sordello: II, The Hero as Man. Poet Lore 8:6:313-25. EVERYBODY'S MAGAZINE Docks. Robert Browning 9:559-561 :Nov. 1903. Music in Drowning. Robert Browning 12:852-854: June 1905. Pippa Passes. Robert Browning 12:287-288: Feb. 1905. Popular DoolfS of the Season. Robert Browning 1:205-206:1899; 1:403-404:1899; 2:97-98, 197-198. 299-300. 400-401:1900. A Common Sense Drowning. Robert Browning. 9: Nov. 1903. EVERY MAN HIS OWN POET By a Newdioale Prizeman. Third Edition 1877. British authors. EVERY MAN HIS OWN POET OR THE INSPIRED SINGER'S RECEIPT BOOK Containing How to Make an Imitation of Mr. Browning. By W. H. Mallock. EVIDENCE OF CHRISTIANITY FROM BROWNING'S POINT OF VIEW By Edward Berdoe. 821.88 Rbb. EVOLUTION OF RELIGION; AS SUGGESTED IN BROWNING'S POEMS. THE By Emma L. Hellings. Poet Lore 17:2:113-117. EVOLUTION OF TRAGEDY By C. E. Vaughan. Contemporary Review 93:17-18:May 1908: Literary Supplement. EVOLUTION OF THE CHARACTER OF WOMAN IN ENGLISH LITERATURE, THE By Alice Groff. Poet Lore 10:2:242-50. EXCERPTS FROM A SHEAF OF BROWNING LETTERS By Wm. G. Kingsland. Poet Lore 4:5:233-38. EXERCISE IN SELF ABASEMENT, AN By Editor. World's Work 2:807: June 1901. EXERCISES AT THE MEMORIAL MEETING TO ROBERT BROWNING, BY THE BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY Held in the King's Chapel. Literary World 21:3:40:Feb. 1890. EXPOSITION OF THE LAWS OF MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. AS ADMINISTERED IN THE COURT FOR DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL CAUSES, WITH THE METHOD OF PROCEDURE, IN EACH KIND OF SUIT, AN By Ridgway. Athenaeum 2361 : 1 10-1 1 1 :Jan. 25, 1873. EXTRACTS FROM THE POETRY OF ROBERT BROWNING By Wm. G. Ward. Emerson College Mazagine 20:3:136-142: Jan. 1912. BROWNINGIANA 133 EYE WITNESS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. AN Nation 43:36:1886. EYLES. F. A. H. Popular Pods of the Period. Athenaeum 3228:31 5-316:Scpt. 7, 1889. EYRE, TODD G. Molhcs and Methods of Authorship. Literary Digest 12:640-641 : March 28. 1896. FACETTES OF LOVE FROM BROWNING By Daniel G. Biinton. Poet Lore 1:1:1-27. TACT AND COURTESY. BROWNING'S Editorial. Dial 52:347:May 1. 1912. FAERIE QUEEN OF SPENSER. OBSERVATIONS ON By Thomas Warton. (Contains autograph of Robert Browning, father of Poet.) 821.3 5.748ow. FAILURE OF GREAT WRITERS AS DRAMATISTS Editorial. Literary Digest 26:785-786:May 30. 1903. FAILURE TO SUCCESS, THROUGH By Ariadne Gilbert. St. Nicholas 40: 130- 138: Nov. 1912. FAIRBAIRN, A. M. Oxford and Jowett. Contemporary Review 71 :829-851 :June 1897. FAIRCHILD. ARTHUR H. R. The Teaching of Poetry in the High School, dealing with Andrea del Sarto. 22-69 808.1 F165p. FAIRFAX. WALTER Robert Dron)ning and the Drama. 821.22 Dpm. FAITH Drorvning's Teaching on Faith, Life and Love. By W. Arthur Hind. 821.88 Rhtf. Guidance from Robert Brorvning in Matters of Faith. By John A. Hutton. 821.88 Rhg. See under Howard S. Pearson. FAITH AND DOUBT IN THE CENTURY'S POETS By Richard A. Armstrong. Robert Drowning 114-136 808.1 A837fd. FAITH AND SIGHT By William Pierson Merrill. Robert Drorvning 128-144 230 M57I. FAITH. BROWNING AND THE CHRISTIAN (The evidence of Christianity from Browning'j point of view.) By Edward Berdoe. 821.88 Rbb. Reviewed in Outlook 53:670: April 1896. FAITH ON TRIAL. A Poems. By George Meredith. 821.88 M559p. FAME. BIOGR.APHY OF BROWNING'S By Thomas W. Higginson. Boston Society Papers 821.88 Vbp. FAME OF TENNYSON By Henry Van Dyke. Independent 42:66:Jan. 16. 1890. FAMILY. THE See Mutic. 134 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY FANCIES See Feriihlah'i Fancies. 821.88 Hff. FAREWELL. A By Henry Trantham. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tan- ner 135 821.88 Xht. FARMER, JOHN Edited. Gaudeamus: A Selection of Songs for Colleges and Schools. Autograph of Sarianna Browning. Cassell & Co., Ltd. 1890 784.8 F233g. FARRAR, DEAN Broivning's Intelleclual Equipment. Literary Digest 14:552:Mttrch 6, 1897. Horv Browning's Fante Was Delayed Twent]/ Years. Literary Digest 14:701: April 10, 1897. FARRAR, F. H. Count Leo Tolstoi. Forum 6:l09:Oct. 1888. An English Estimate of Lowell. Forum 12:141 :Ocl. 1891. Formative Influences. Forum 10:373 :Dec. 1890. Literar\) Criticism. Forum 9:286: May 1890. FARRAR, FREDERICH WILLIAM With the Poets. Mrs. Browning 327-337 821.88 F242w. Significance of Browning's Message. Review of Reviews 15:185- 19l:Feb. 1897. Two Archbishops. Contemporary Review. Littell's Living Age 211:560-569 (562). FAUTLESS By Jeanie Morison. Manuscript, not yet published. FAWCETT, EDGAR Advice to Young Authors. Literary Digest 13 :202-3 :June 13, 1896. FAY. EDWIN W. Reviews and Bool( Notices. American Journal of Philology 31 :6: 89. FELLOWSHIP The Robert Browning Settlement Monthly Journal 1 1 :Ocf. 1916 821.88 Xsff. The Monthly Journal of the Browning Settlement Oct. 15, 1910; 12:Jan. 1917; 13:1918 821.88 Xsff. FEMININE POETRY Nation 22: 132-34: Feb. 1871. FERGUSON, J. DE LANCEY The Poetry of Rudyard Kipling. Forum 50:396-41 1 :Sept. 1913. FERISHTAHS FANCIES By Robert Browning. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 15 Waterloo Place, 1884. (All rights reserved.) First edition. Autographed by F. J. Furnivall, Dec. 1. 1884 821.88 Hff I. Same. The Riverside Press, Cambridge. Houghton Mifflin & Co., Boston, 1886 821.88 Hffh. Athenaeum 2980: 725-728: Dec. 6, 1884. Current Opinion 34.741. A Defense of Browning's Later Worlds. By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 12:284-304. Reviewed in Harper's Monthly 71:156:June 1885. See Music. Study Class 220-23. By Anna Benneson McMahan. 807 M167. BROWNINGIANA 135 A Criticism. By Dr. Brinton. Poet Lore 1:12:568. See under Music. FEW CONVERSATIONALISTS. A Cornhill Magazine. Littell's Living Age 233:547-558. FEW FRENCH BOOKS OF TODAY. A By W. P. Trent. Forum 38:211 :Oct. 1906. FEW IMPRESSIONS FROM THE POEMS OF ROBERT BROWN- ING Profusely Illustrated. By Emily Atkinson. 821.88 Gfa. FEW OF FREDERICK LOCKERS CONFIDENCES. A Literary Digest 13:12:May 2. 1896. FEW PARODISTS. A By Q. K. New Republic 10: 128:317-318:April 14. 1917. FEW WORDS ON ROBERT BROWNING. A By Leon H. Vmcent. 821.88 Dvf. (By Leon H. Vincent. Author's name omitted.) Philadelphia: Arnold & Co.. 1890 821.88 Zaa. F. H. W. The Drowning Social}) of the Neiv Cen/urp Club. Poet Lore 5: 12:646-48. FICKLEN. BESSIE A. Dream Poclry. Scribner's Magazine 9:636-643 :May 1891. FICTION AND ROMANCE By A. C. Benson. Contemporary Review 100:2: 792-805 :Dec. i9n. FICTION IN THE PULPIT By Agnes Repplier. Atlantic Monthly 64:527-536:Oct. 1889. FIELD. LOUISE MAUNSELL The Motherless Heroine. Poet Lore 17:4:99-101. FIELD. MICHAEL The Burial of Robert Browning. Homage to Robert Bronring. Aleph Tanner 125-126 821.88 Xht. Burial of Robert Brofning. (Poem from London Spectator.) In Memoriam: Robert BroJi>ning. Academy 920:405:Dec. 21. 1889 821.88 Xman. Same. Homage to Robert Brontning, Aleph Tanner 121 821.88 Xht. FIELDS. ANNIE Emily. Lady Tennyson. Littell's Living Age 21 I :765-766. FIELDS. JAMES T. Barry Corniuall and Some of His Friends. Harper's Magazine 51:777-779:1875. FIELDS. MRS. Third Shelf of Old Boof(s. Scribner'* Magazine 16:354:Sepf. 1894. FIFINE AT FAIR AND OTHER POEMS Reviewed Canadian Monthly and National Review. 2:3:285-287: Sept. 1872. FIFINE AT THE FAIR By Robert Browning. London: Smith. Elder & Co.. 15 Waterloo Place. 1872. (The Right of Translation is reserved.) First edi- tion. 821.88 Hfl. FIFINE AT THE FAIR Christmas Eve and Easter-Day and Other of Mr. Broxvning's Poems. By Jeanie Morison. William Blackwood & Sons, Edin- burgh and London, 1892 821.88 Dfee. 136 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY FIFINE AT THE FAIR. RED COTTON NIGHT-CAP COUNTRY AND THE INN ALBUM Analysis and summary. By J. T. Neltleship. London Browning Society Papers 2:199-230 821.88 Dbs. An Analysis and Summary. By Rev. John Sharpe. London Browning Society Papers 2:255-257. By Robert Browning. The Riverside Press, Cambridge. Houghton, Mifflin & Co.. 1883, Boston, Mass. 821.88 Gfh. By Jeanie Morison. 821.88 Hfl. Poet Lore 1:1 : 5. FIGGIS, DARRELL Robert Broivning. Edited by Austin Harrison. The English Re- view 238-254: May 1912 821.88 Drf. FINE ARTS Athenaeum 3348:869-870:Dec. 26, 1891. FINE ARTS IN EDUCATION By H. J. C. Baylor Literary 14:7-13 :Sept. 1905. FINE PASSAGES IN VERSE AND PROSE; SELECTED BY LIV- ING MEN OF LETTERS Fortnightly Review 48:297: Aug. 1887; 48:444-445: Sept. 1887; 48:585-588:Oct. 1887; 48:729:Nov. 1887. FIREFLIES By Alicia K. Van Buren. Lyrics and Sonnets, containing Brown- ing (poem) 14 811 V221. FIRESIDE, BY THE Baylor Literary 821.88 Xbly. Poet Lore 13:2:315. FIRKINS, OSCAR \V. G. K. Cheilerlon. Forum 48:601 : Nov. 1912. The Cult of the Passing Hour. Atlantic Monthly 113:661-668: May 1914. The Paradoxical Ethics of Bron>ning. Poet Lore 23:5:348-59. Poetr\) and Prose in Life and Art. Poet Lore 15:3:77-87. FIRST BOOKS OF SOME ENGLISH AUTHORS, THE 1 . Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. By Luther S. Living- ston. Bookman 10: 1 :76-81 :Sept. 1899. FIRST LOVE IN POETRY By C. J. Morris. Fortnightly Review 84:264. 267. 269: July 1905. FIRTH. C. H. Introduction to Robert Browning's Prose Life of Strafford, v/ith Foreword by F. J. Furnivall. 821.88 Hsf. FISHER. WILLIAM ARMS See Music. FITCHBURG (MASS.) PUBLIC LIBRARY Bulletin. Vol. 7:2:76-78:March-June 1906. Browning Number. Public Library Bulletin called The Browning Number. Library Journal 31:345:July 1906. FITZGERALD AFFAIR. THE Poet Lore 1:8:400; 9:447-448. FITZGERALD AND BROWNING From Letters by Robert Browning. Poet Lore 9:1 :85. FITZGERALD AND OMAR KHAYYAM. THE REAL FACTS IN REGARD TO Editor. Current Opinion 46:508-510:May 1909. BROWNINGIANA 137 FITZGERALD. BROWNINGS POEM TO E. N. & N. Poet Lore I :9:447-448. FITZGERALD. EDWARD. LETTERS AND LITERARY RE- MAINS OF By Wm. Aldis Wrighj. Athenaeum 3220:56-57:JuIy 13, 1889. FITZGERALD. E.. LINES TO Athenaeum 3220:64: July 13. 1889. FITZGERALD. PERCY Climpses of Thomas Carl\^le. Contemporary Review. Littell'i Liv- ing Age 278:216-223. FITZGERALD. TO EDWARD By Robert Browning. Poet Lore I :8:400. FITZGERALD. WILLIAM G. The Finance of Lilerary Shrines. Munseys Magazine 37:723-743: Sept. 1907. FITZGERALD'S NEW LETTERS Editorial. Independent 54:752-753 :March 27. 1902. FIVE SERMONS Some Creal Nineteenth Cenlurp Preachers. Five Sermoni Preached in Trinity Presbyterian Church, Hampstead. (Printed for private circulation.) Browning 24-32 821.88 Rxl. FLEAY. F. G. The Sior\) of Shelle\)'s Life in His EpipsychiJion. Poet Lore 2: 5:225-33. FLEMING, ALBERT Andrea del Sarto. London Browning Society Paper* 8:95-102 821.88 Dbs. FLETCHER. JOHN GOULD The Poetry of Ralph Hodgson. Dial 63 :50-52:July 19. 1917. FLETCHER. ROBERT HUNTINGTON Tennyson and Browning. English Journal 2:2:675:Dec. 1913. Same. A Manual for College Classes and Other Students. Torch Press. Cedar Rapids. Iowa. 1913 821.88 Dft. FLEW, JOSIAH Studies in Drowning. 821.88 Rfs. FLIGHT OF THE BUCKET, THE Rudyard Kipling After Robert Browning. A Parody Anthology. By Carolyn Wells. 206 821.08 W453pa. FLIGHT OF THE DUCHESS. THE Criticism. By V'ida Scudder. Poet Lore 1 : 10:464. From Letters by Robert Browning. Poet Lore 9:1:86. By M. C. Lennox. In American Notes and Queries 11:17:197: Feb. 23. 1889 821.88. By Mrs. Owen. London Browning Society Papers (Abstract) 4: 49-55. A Steel Engraving of the Duchess in The Loves of the Poeti. 821.08 L911m. FLIGHT OF THE DUCHESS. THE. THE ART SPIRIT IN BROWNINGS By Charlotte Moore. Poet Lore 11:2:266-76. FLORENCE. THE BROWNINGS IN Book News 24:283:467-471 :March 1906. FLORENCE IN BROWNINGS POETRY Independent 57: 1093 -1094: Nov. 10. 1904. 138 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY FLORENCE IN THE POETRY OF THE BROWNINGS Being a Selection of the Poems of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Bro^vning Which have to do With the History, the Scenery and the Art of Florence. Edited by Anna Benneson McMahan. (Two Copies) 821.88 Gtnf. By Anne Benneson McMahan. Dool(s and Aulhora. Littell'* Liv- ing Age 243 :828. FLORENCE. LITERARY LANDMARKS OF By Lawrence E. Hutton. 809.0455 H984. FLORENCE, ROBERT BROWNING IN See G. W. Curtis. From the Eas\) Chair 197-208 814 C978ec. FLORENTINE TALES. THE AUTHORSHIP OF TALES FROM BOCCACCIO AND Athenaeum 3328: 192- 193: Aug. 8, 1891. FLOWER, B. O. Browning's Saul. Twentieth Century 1 :248-256:Dec. 1909. Prof. S. S. Curr\f, His Work for Life and Art. Arena 40:39-47: July 1908. The Eaglc-Hearied Poet of the Nineteenth Century. Arena 39: 72-77 :Jan. 1908. The Poems of Louise Chandler Moulton. Twentieth Century I : 150- 154: Nov. 1909. The Poet as Philosopher. Arena 39:323-331 :March 1908. The I^oet, His Mission and Message... Arena 38: 166- 169: Aug. 1907. A Poet of the People. Arena 7 :607-6l9:April 1893. Prospice Browning's Challenge to Death. Twentieth Century 2: 59-61 :April 1910. Rabbi Ben Ezra. Arena 40:334-341 :Oct. 1908. Revolution in Religious Thought During the Nineteenth Centur};. Arena 26:598-61 1 :Dec. 1901. FLOWER SONGS IN FRA LIPPO By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 2:5:262. FOGAZZARO. ANTONIO Preface to La Vita e le Opere di Roberto Browning ed Elisabetta Barrett Browning. By Fanny Zampini-Salazar. 821.88 Bz$. Same. In Italian. 1896 821.88 Bs. Comment on Current Boo^s. Outlook 86:525:Juiy 6, 1907. Preface to the Fanny Zampini Salazar's Roberto ed Elisabetta Browning 821.88 Bs. FOLIO. FRANK Bookish Bits. Poet Lore 2:7:389-90. FOLK POEMS. BROWNING'S By Charlotte Porter and Helen Clarke. Poet Lore 11:4:608-609. A Study Programme. By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 12:1:105-113. FOOTPATHS By Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Atlantic Monthly 26:513-521 : Nov. 1870. FORBES, J. WTNCHILL See Music. FORD. HARRIET Andrea Del Sarto : A Painter's Poem. Poet Lore 4:3:144-48. Browning Right About the Riccardi Palace. Poet Lore 3:12:648- 49. BROWNINGIANA 139 FORD. JULIA ELLSWORTH A. E. The Neo-Cehic Myilic. Poet Lore 16:4:82-86. FORD. S. GERTRUDE The Auiiralian Muse. Contemporary Review 103 :395-403 :March 1913. FORDS LllERARY CIRCLES (MISS) (Nashville. Tenn.) By Mrs. P. H. Manlove. Poet Lore 11:6:331-32. FOREIGN LITERARY NOTES Eclectic Magazine 121 :859-860:Dec. 1893; l22:424:March 1894; 123:7!l-7l3:Nov. 1894. Editorial. Eclectic Magazine 45:7I2:May 1897. Christina Rossetti. Eclectic Magazine 124:279-83:1895. FOREIGN NOVELS Athenaeum 3508:80-81: Jan. 19. 1895. FORERUNNERS. THE By Vida D. Scudder. Atlantic Monthly 108:231 -242 :July 1911. FOREST CHAPEL. THE By Maxwell Gray. Robert Bronning's Death 70-74 821.88. FOREST THOUGHTS By Robert Browning. Current Literature 29:2I9:Aug. 1905. FORETALK By F. J. Furnivall. London Browning Society Papers 9:3-4 821.88 Dbs. FOR LOVE'S SAKE ONLY See Music. FORMAN. ALFRED A Drowning Quer^. Athenaeum 3749:232:Sept. 2. 1889. At Browning's Crave. Homage to Robert Brorvning, Aleph Tan- ner 118 821.68 Xht. Mountain-Birth. Homage to Robert Bromning. Aleph Tanner 54 821.88 Xht. FORMAN. ALFRED (AND OTHERS) BroTvningiana. Athenaeum 3607:838:Dec. 12. 1896. FORMAN. EMILY SHAW Brorvning's Place in Literature. Cosmopolitan 8:5 :560-564:March 1890 821.88 Xsf. Same. Fortnightly Review 58:01d Style 95: 560-564 :Oct. 1. 1871 821.88 Xsf. Some Sane Words about Browning. American Magazine 8:5: 536-541 :Sept. 1888. FORMAN. H. BUXTON The Library of the Late. Catalogue No. 1480, Part 1. Elizabeth B. Browning 27-36. Robert Browning 36-41. Balaustion's Adventure. 821.88 Dfb. The Epic of Psachology. 821.88 Dfb. Our Living Poets. An Essay in Criticism. 103-152. Tinsley Bros., London. 1871 821.88 Dfop. Same. Robert Browning. Chapter 4 (Typewritten) 821.88 Dfop. FORM AS SHOWN IN BROWNING. THE NEW POETIC By Daniel G. Brinton. Poet Lore 2:5:234-246. FORM. BROWNING'S A Stud]; of Rh\)mes on Browning. By Dr. H. A. Clarke. Poet Lore 2:5:280; Poet Lore 2:9:480-496. By Francis Howard William*. Poet Lore 2:6:300-305. FORMATIVE INFLUENCES By F. W. Farrar. Forum 10:378:Dec. 1890. 140 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY FORSTER. JOHN Waller Savage Laudor. See Index under Browning B1261f. Life of Charles Dickens 1 1 :406. Opinion of A Blot in the 'Scutch- eon. Bd 548f. FORSTER, JOSEPH Four Creal Teachers, Rusl(in, Carl])le, Emerson, Browning, 103- 140 Be F733. FORSTERS LIFE OF STRAFFORD Is It Forster's or Browning's? By W. G. Kingsland. Poet Lore 6:2:535-59. FOR THE CENTENARY OF ROBERT BROWNING By Alfred Noyes. Fortnightly Review 97 :81 I -812:May I9I2. Same. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 23-24 821.88 Xht. FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW Alfred de Vign\) on Genius and Woman. By M. A. Gerothwahi. 99:103:Jan. 1913. Balausiion's Adventure. By Sidney Colvin. 58 New Style or 95 Old Style :478-490:Oct. 1. 1871. Charles De Bernard. By George Saintsbury. 29:924: June 1878. Book' and Critics. By Mark Pattison. 28:659-679 /Nov. 1877. Books of the Month. Contains reference to Book transcribed by Browning. 28:730:Nov. 1877. Mr. Browning in a Passion. By Robert Yelverton Tyrrell. 52: 271-273. Rupert Brooke. By S. P. B. Mais. 104:352-362:Aug. 1915. Slopford Augustus Brooke. By Eleanor Hull. 106:449-450:Sept. 1916. Browning and Wordsworth. By Harry Christopher Minchin. 97: 813-24:May 1, 1912. Same. Littells Living Age 274:104-1 12 :July 1912. Robert Browning, Writer of Pla))s. By W. L. Courtney. 888- 900: June I. 1883 821.88 Xman. Same. Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature (New Series) 38: 3:358-366:Sept. 1883. Browning's Place in Literature. By Emily Shaw Forman. 58:560- 564:Oct. 1. 1871. Thomas Campbell. By Arthur Symons. 82:421 :Sepf. 1904. The Catholic View in Modern Fiction. By May Bateman. 105: 535:1916. A Challenge to Socialism. By John Beattie Clozier. 90:96:July 1908. Collected Plays of Oscar Wilde. By St. John Hankin. 89: 796-797: May 1908. A Comparison of Elizabethan with Victorian Poetry. By J. A. Symonds. Littell's Living Age 180: 195-209: Jan. 1889. Death and Pity. By Ouida. 57:550-552:April 1892. Debt of English to Italian Literature. By J. A. Symonds. (Lit- tell's Living Age.) 125:131-138. The Difficulties of Revolution. By Robert Jay. 84:1 056 :Dec. 1905. Dora Crcenwell, Her Poems. By D. G. McChesney. 86:262: Aug. 1906. The Early Victorians and Ourselves. By G. S. Street. 86:878: Nov. 1906. Same. By G. S. Street. Littell's Living Age 251:617-624. BROWNINGIANA Ml The Educational Fiasco. By K. D. Cotes. 85:878: April 1906. Edruard Bulsver-LyHon. By Edmund Gosse. Litteli's Living Age 280:3-l3:Jan. 1914. Ralph Waldo Emerson: An Eihical Study. By Henry Norman. (Litteirs Living Age) I 58:771 -777 :Sept. 1883. English and French Attitude Tomard Poetry. By M. A. Geroth- wohl. 97:953:May 1912. fine Passages in Verse and Prose. Selected by Living Men of Letters. 48:297:Aug. 1887; 48:444-445 :Sept. 1887; 48:585- 588:Oct. 1887; 48:729:Nov. 1887. First Love in Poetry. By C. J. Norris. 84:264,267,269: July 1905. For the Centenary of Robert Drontning. By Alfred Noyes. 97: 811-12:May 1912. Heavy Fathers. By Rowland Grey. (Litteli's Living Age) 262: 473-480: Aug. 1909. The Influence of Italy on the Poetry of the BrCD^nings. By Ethel de Fonblanque (Mrs. Arthur Harter). 92:327-344: Aug. 1909. An Inspired Little Creature and the Poet IVordsworth. By Rosa- line Masson. (Litteli's Living Age) 267:790-801 :Dec. 1910. Intellect and the Actor. By S. R. Littlewood. 100:111,113,116: July 1913. Edward Durne-Jones. By William Knight. 86:680:Oct. 1906. Jose Maria De Heredia. By Thomas Seccombe and Louise Bran- din. 84:1 082 :Dec. 1905. The Kiss Poetical. By Norman Pearson. 82:293-295:301,303: Aug. 1904. Last Words of Shelly. By Edward Dowden. 48:462 :Oct. 1887. Ciacoma Leopardi — Poet Philosopher. By W. K. Johnson. 10: 21:July 1898. The Literary Associations of The American Embassy. By F. S. A. Lowndes. 83: 1040: June 1905. A Literary Cham and His Court. By H. S. Escott. 100:904: Nov. 1913. Literary Courtsl^ips. By Eleanor A. Towle. (Litteli's Living Age) 223:220-231 :Oct. 1819. Edward Duller Lytton. By Edmund Gosse. 100:I043:Dec. 1913. Madame Dodichan : A Reminiscence. By M. B. Edwards. 57: 218:Feb. 1892. George Meredith: Some Recollections. By Edward Clodd. 92:25: July 1909. Mr. Meredith in His Poems. By Edward Dowden. 57:338-339: March 1892. Same. (Litteli's Living Age) 193 :495-505 :May 1892. The Mission of Tennyson. By W. S. Lilly. 67:239:Feb. 1897. Same. (Litteli's Living Age) 213 :227-234:April 1897. Notes on The Histor\} and Character of the Jeivs. By Laurie Magnus. 65:148:Jan.'l906. Obiter Scripta. By F. Harrison. 109:9:Jan. 1918; 109:178:Feb. 1918. The Paths of Glory. By Joesph Jacobs. 73:68:Jan. 1900. The Peasant in British PoetrM. By G. Douglas. lI0:562:Oct. 1918. Stephen Phillips. By Arthur Waugh. I05:92:Jan. 1916. A Plea for the British Composer. By A. E. Kecton. 89:244: Feb. 1908, 142 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY The Poems of Edmund Cossc. By A. Noyes. 98:297-301 : Aug. 1912. The Popular Reprint in England. By J. Milne. 102:351 -352: Aug. 1914. The Proie Wor^i of lVordsv>orih. By Edward Dowden. (Lit- tell's Living Age) 128:195-208:Jan. 1876. The Queen's Diamond Jubilee. By H. D. Traill. 67:827-828: June 1897. Realistic Drama. B^ W. L. Courtne\). (LiftcU's Living Age) 278: 775-786:Sept. 1913. Reality in Poetry. By Lawrence Housman. 96:1 1 18-1 121 :Nov. 1911.' Same. (Littell's Living Age) 272:204-21 4 :Jan. 1912. Recent English Poetry. By M. D. Armstrong. 101 :499:March 1914. The School of Ciorgione. By W. H. Paler. 28:531 :Ocl. 1877 The Secret of Marceline Desbordes-Valmore. By Francis GriHile. 97:1071 -1083 :June 1912. A Sequence of Sonnets on the Death of Robert Browning. By Aloernon C. Swinburne. (Littell's Living Age) 184:447-448: Feb. 1890. The Sonnets of M. De Heredia. By J. C. Bailey. 70:383 :Sept. 1898. The Succession of Mr. Meredith. By Laurie Magnus. 88:935: Dec. 1907. Smnburne. By Edmund Gosse. 91 : 1037: June 1909. Swinburne: Personal Recollcctoins. By Edmund Gosse. (Lit- tell's Living Age) 262:3- 17 :July 1909. Tennvson: A Reconsideration and Appreciation. By Henry "W. Clark'. 92:226: Aug. 1909. Three American Poets of Today. By May Sinclair. 86:437: Sept. 1906. Victorian IJterature. By Edward Dowden. (Littell's Living Age) 174:101-lll:July 1910. Alfred dc Vigny and Some Other English Poets on Nature. By M. A. Gerothwohl. 99:690:April 1. 1913. Professor William Wallace. By J. H. Muirhead. 67:694-695: May 1897. George Frederick Watts. By William Knight. 82:440-441.449: Sept. 1904. John Creenleaf Whillier. By Francis Gribble. 89: 1 42: June 1908. ..Words, Words, Words. By R. Y. Tyrrell. 83: 1137: June 1906. FORTUNE AND MEN'S EYES Editorial. Independent 53:960:Apri! 1901. FORUM The Border Land of Morals. By C. A. Bartol. 6:194:Oct. 1888. The Byron Revival. By \V. P. Trent. 26:245-254 :Oct. 1898. A Ceniiry of American Poetry. By Oscar Lovell Triggs. 30: 639: Jan. 1901. Chaucer. By Ferris Greenslet. 30:383 :Nov. 1900. C. K. Chesterton. By O. W. Firkins. 48:601 :Nov. 1912. The Dark in Literature. By Richard Burton. 30: 754-757: Feb. 1901. The Dominent Theme in Poetry. By Jessie B. Rittenhouse. 56: 342-49 :Sept. 1916. The Drama. By Clayton Hamilton. 39:234-35.377-80:Oct. 1907. BROWNINGIANA 143 An English Eitimatc of Lomell. By F. H. Farrar. 12:141-152: Oct. 1891. Engliih Literature of the Victorian Age. By Frederick Harriion. 16:704-708: Feb. 1894. Esoteric Drovningism. By Andrew Lang. 6:300-3 10:Nov. 1888. The Essa]; as Mood and Form. By Richard Burton. 32:125: Sept. 1901. A Few French Books of Toda\). Bv \V. P. Trent. 38:21 l:Ocl. 1906. Formative Influences. By F. H. Farrar. 10:378:Dec. 1890. The Future of Poetry. By Charles Leonard Moore. 14:768-777: Feb. 1893. Have We Still Need of Poetry? By Calvin Thomas. 25:503- 512:July 1898. Is Verse in Danger ? By Edmund Gosse. IO:517:Jan. 1891. Literary Criticism. By F. W. Farrar. 9:286:May 1890. Literature. By Frank Jewetl Mather. Jr. 34:226:Oct. 1902; 34: 89:July 1902. Same. By Brander Matthews. 40:499:Nov. 1908. Literature in the Market Place. By Geo. E. Woodberry. 2:654: Aug. 1891. Literature — Recent Diograph\}. By Herbert W. Horwill. 35:73: July 1903; 36:555 :jan. 1905. Literature: The Art of Letter Writing. By Herbert W. Horwill. 36:84:Jan. 1905. Lyrical Poetrv of the New Laureate. By William S'anley Braith- waite. 50:888:Dec. 1913. The Lyric Year. By Charles Vale. 49:97:Jan. 1913. Maying a Name in Literature. By Edmund Gosse. 8:196:Oct. 1889. Mr. McCarthy's Reminiscences. By W. P. Trent. 28:376-379: Nov. 1899. The Mission of Literature. By Theodore W. Hunt. 24:510:Jan. 1898. Modern Social Religion. By Horace Holley. 55:570:April 1916. A New Book on Matthew Arnold. By W. P. Trent. 34:313: Oct. 1902. New Light on Carlvle. By William Lyon Phelps. 41:594:June 1908. Ode for the Centenary of the Birth of Robert Browning. By George Sterling. 49:97-99:Jan. 1913. Old Material and New Plays. By Clayton Hamilton. 41:446: May 1909. Mr. Stephen Phillip's Plav. By W. P. Trent. 29: 1 16-1 1 7:March 1900. The Philosophy of Feminism. By George Burman Foster. 52:11: July 1914. Poc Fifty Years After. By Edwin W. Bowen. 31 :503:June 1901. Poetry and the Practical Man. By Harry L. Baker. 42:228-34: Sept. 1909. The Poetry of Rudvard Kipling. By J. DeLancy Ferguson. 50: 397:Sept. 1913. The Poetrxi of the Earl of Lytton. By George Saintsbury. 22: 478:Dec. 1896. /Recent Tribute to Longfellow. By \^'. P. Trent. 38:557: April 1907. 144 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Relation of Drama to Literature. B\) Drander !\4atther»s. 24:635 638.639: Jan. 1898. Social Vcne. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. 12:170-171 :Ocl. 1891. Special Article. By Elmer James Bailey. 40:245-254: Aug. 1908. Special Article. By Brian Hooker. 39:423 :Jan. 1908. Special Verse. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. 43 : 130-42: Feb. 1910. Three American Poets. By Richard Le Gallienne. 45:84:Jan. 1911. Count Leo Tolstoi. By F. W. Farrar. 6:110:Oct. 1888. Mark Twain as an Orator. By Charles Vale. 44:4:July I9I0. Two Estimates of Drowning Based on IVorlfs of Chesterton and Brooke. By W. P. Trent. 35:294-304:Oct. 1903. Tvpes of Recent Biography. By William T. Brewster. 38:102: July 1906. FOSS. S. WALTER A New England Poet of the Common Life. Arena 38:159-161: Aug. 1908. FOSTER, A. AUSTIN The Message of Robert Browning. Hodder & Stoughton. 821.88 Rfm. FOSTER. GEORGE BURMAN The Philosophy of Feminism. Forum 52:11 :July 1914. FOSTER. NANCY K. A Word for Rossetti. Poet Lore 21:4:322-29. FOTHERINGHAM. JAMES Studies of the Mind and Art of Robert Browning. Horace Mar- shall & Son. London. England, 1900 821.88 Dfs. FOUBLANQUE, ETHEL DE The Influence of Italy on the Poetry of Browning. Fortnightly Review 92:327-345: Aug. 2, 1909. FOUR BOOKS ON ENGLISH LITERATURE By Editor. Outlook 71:1070:Aug. 30, 1902. FOUR GREAT TEACHERS Raskin, Carlyle, Emerson and Browning. By Joseph Forster. Be F733. FOWLE. T. W. Morality and Immorality. Two in the Campagna. Contemporary Review 19:675-695:May 1871. FOUR VICTORIAN POETS (Times.) Littell's Living Age 257:244-249 (245. 246). FRA LIPPO, FLOWER SONGS IN By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 2:5:262-263. FRA LIPPO LIPPI By Anderson. 821.88. Browning Study Programme: A Croup of Art Poems, Old Pic- lures in Florence, Fra Lippo Lippi, Andrea del Sarto. By Char- lotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 8:8:586-592. See Wright, Two Pictures. In The Ceorgetonian Bound Volume entitled Baylor Literary and Ceorgetonian. 821.88 Xblg. FRA LIPPO LIPPI AND MR. SLUDGE From Browning versus Browning. By Harrison S. Morris. Poet Lore 1:9:408-411. FRA MAGAZINE Browning for Blues. 1 5: I67-168:Sept. 1915. BROWNINGIANA 145 FRAGMENTS OF ENGLISH By H. Carroll. Baylor Literary 12 :304-305 lApril 1904. FRANCE AND ENGLAND. THE RELATION OF By Frances de Pressense. Nineteenth Century 39:189-203 : Feb. 1896. FRANCISCAN LITERATURE By Editor. Edinburgh Review 199: 1 45- 168: Jan. 1904. FRANCKE. KUNO PROF. Literature, the Leader of the People. Journal of American His- tory 4:20: First Quarter 1910. ERASER'S M.4GAZINE Robert Browriing. By Shirley. 398:240-256:Feb. 1863 821.88 Dos. Past and Present Condition of English PoetrM. (Litteil's Living Age) 10:164-179. The Poetry of Dante Cabriel Rosetti. By Thomas Bayne. (Lit- teil's Living Age) 152:817-822. The Prophetic Poiver of Poetry. By J. C. Shairp. (Litteil's Living Age) 148:259-267. Sea Studies. By J. A. Froude. (Litteil's Living Age) 126:131- 145. FREE RELIGIOUS ASSOCIATION. THE Proceedings at the Thirty-Second Annual Meeting held in Boston, Mass.. June. 1899. 821.88. FREEDOM TO WRITE AND TO PRINT By Horace L. Traubel. Poet Lore 2:10:529-31. FREEMAN. EDWARD AUGUSTUS Mr. Freeman at Home. By Delia Lyman Porter. Scribner't Mag- azine 14:616:Nov. 1893. FRENCH La Nouvelle Revue Francaise, containing L'Oeuvre de Robert Brorvning. By Andre Gide, Paul Alfassa and Gilbert de Voisins. 91:414-416:April 1. 1921. Monsieur Sludge Le Medium, ibid, pages 417-40l. Essais de Literature Anglais. By James Darmesteter. Robert Broroning-Herve Riel 249-267 844.8 D222. Expressive et Dramatique en Angleterre 72-46; Elizabeth Broiun- ing 147-172 844.8 M66I. La Poesie Anglaise Depuis Bwon. By M. J. Milsand. Robert Browning 2:661 -689: July 15. 'l85l; Elizabeth Browning 2:339- 361:Jan. 15. 1852 821.8 M66I. Les Sonnets du Portugais, d'Elizabelh Barrett Browning traduits en vers francais avec preface, Texte anglais en regarde. et notes par Leon Morel. Paris: Librairie Hachette & Cie. 1903. 821.88 Hspfm. Les Sonnets Portugais d'Elizabeth Barrett Browning, traduits en Sonnets Francais avec Notice Texte Anglais. Commentaire et Notes par Fernand Henry. Librairie Orientale et Americaine, E. Guil- mofo. Edituer. Paris. 1905. 821.88 Hspfh. Litterature Anglaise et Philosophie. Robert Browning in La Poesie Menage de Poetes. By Mary James Darmesteter. 821.88 Bmd. Andre del Sarto. Oeuvres completes d'Alfred de Musiet. Comedies et Proverbes. 842.7 M989a. Robert Browning. Par Pierre Berger. 821.88 Brb. Same. Translated by Mabel Moran. 821.88 Bphm. 146 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Eisaii dt LiUerature Anglaiic. Par James Darmesleter. 844.8 D222. Kaiia. Par Le Comte Leon Tolstoi. With autograph of Mis* Sarianna Browning. 891.73 T654kfh. Menage de Poela. Par Mary James Darmestefer. La Revue de Paris. 5 Annee No. 18. 15 Septembre 1898 821.88 Bmd. Some Pointi on ihe Modern Faith in the Poems of Robert Drown ing. Par Pierre Berger. Translated by Bernice McKinney. 821.88 Rbem. La Vic et rOeuvre d'Elizabeth Barrett Drotvning. Par Germaine- Marie Merlette. Robert Browning's Verhaelinis zu Frankreich von Karl Schmidt. FRENCH ENTHUSIASM SATIRIZED IN BROWNING'S TWO POETS OF CROISIC By Herbert Ernest Cushman. Poet Lore 11:3:382-95; Reviewed in Review of Reviews 20:466:Oct. 1899. FRENCH FRIEND OF BROWNING, JOSEPH MILSAND, A By Th. Bentzon (Mme. Blanc). Scribner's 20: 108- 120: July 1896. FRENCH REGARD FOR BROWNING IN NOTES FROM PARIS By Charles Seymour. Poet Lore 2:2:111-112. FRENCH REVOLUTION. THE Cambridee History. By Henry E. Bourne. Dial 37:1 62-4 :Sept. 16, 1904 FRENCH SATIRIST IN ENGLAND, A By Edmund Gosse. Edinburgh Review 219:327-346:April 1914. FRENCH STUDY OF BURNS, A Blackw. Litteil's Living Age 198:735-43. FRENCH TRAITS: SOCIAL INSTINCT By W. C. Brownell. Scribner's Magazine 2:lC6-n8:JuIy 1887. FRISWELL. JAMES HAIN Modern Men of Letters. (Honestly Criticised.) Robert Browning 119-131 820.1 F918m. Elizabeth B. Browning. // Thou Must Love Me. Current Opinion 34:471: April 1903. FROM GHENT TO AIX By W. L. Rolfe. Poet Lore 4:6-7:378-80. By M. W. p. Current Opinion 34:2:200:Feb. 1903. FROM HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS A Period Without Great Men of Letters. Chaulauquan 61 : 1 5-1 7: Dec. 1910. FROM THE LAND OF LETTERS By Thomas F. Plowman. (Cornhill.) Litteil's Living Age 288: 598-609. FROM THE PERSONALITIES Athenaeum. Independent 42:176:Feb. 6, 1890. FROUDE. JAMES ANTHONY By Augustine Birrell. Scribner's Magazine 17:149-153 :Feb. 1895. Sea Studies. Fraser's. Litteil's Living Age 126:131-145. FROWDE. HENRY Bool(s Received. (Advertisement.) Literary Digest 31 :1002:Dec. 30. 1905. FRUIT. JOHN PHELPS The Rationale of the Short Sior^ According to Poe. Poet Lore 16:1:57-65. FULLER. CRITICAL WORKS OF. MARGARET By Carolyn B. La Monte. Poet Lore 7:10:477-87. BROWNINGIANA 147 FULLER. S. MARGARET Papers on Literature arid Art. Miss Barrett's Poems 2:198-206, Drownings Poems 207-221 814. FULLER'S PERMANENT INFLUENCE. MARGARET By Kenyon West. Poet Lore 7:8-9:377-388. FUNCTION OF POETS. THE By Museus. Contemporary Review 95;l-5:May 1909:Literary Supplement No. 20. FUNDAMENTAL RELIGIOUS PRINCIPLES IN BROWNINGS POETRY By W. D. Weatherford. 821.88 Rwf. FUNERAL. AT BROWNINGS By Kineton Parkes. Igdrasil 1 09: March 1890. FUNERAL OF BROWNING Notes and Neivs. Poet Lore 2:1 :55: FUNK. ISAAC A Standard Diciionar'^ of the English Language. Athenaeum 3493:451 -452 :Oct. 6. 1894. FURNIVALL. FREDERICK J. A Bibliographx) of Bron>niiig 1833-1881. Alphabetical list of hit bool(s, with reprints of discontinued prefaces, of Ben Karshoolf's IVisdom, partial collation of Sordcllo, 1840 and Paracelsus 1835, 1863, etc., XDith Trial lists of the criticisms on Broivning, Personal notes of him. London Browning Society Papers 1:21-115. A Bibliograph\} of Robert Browning. Reviewed in Poet Lore 1 : 11:533. Additions to the Dibliograph]) of Robert Browning: I, Browning's Active Pla\;s; 2, Fresh Entries of Criticisms on Browning's lVorl(s; 3, Fresh Personal Notices of Browning; 4. Notes on Browning's Poems and M\) Bibliography}; 5, Short Index. London Browning Society Papers 2:117-170. Cro n>ning Club and Finance. Munsey's 26:150:Oct. 1901. Robert Browning's Ancestors. London Browning Society Papers 12:26-45 821.88 Dbs. Foretallf. London Browning Society Papersl :3-4. A Reprint of Browning's Inlroductor}) Essa\>s to the (25 spurious) Letters of PercM Bysshe Shelley^ 1852. London Browning Society Papers 1:5-20 821.88 Dbs. Forewords to Robert Browning's Prose Life of Strafford, with an Introduction. By C. H. Firth. 821.88 Hsf. A Grammatical .Analysis of O Lyr'ic Love. London Browning Society Papers 9:165-168 821.88 Dbs. Recollections in Pall Mall Budget 1108:1626 821.88 Xpmb. A Record. Robert Browning 63-72 B F989pr. FUTURE OF AMERICAN LITERATURE, THE By Bliss Perry. Baylor Literary 1 7 : 1 19- 123 :Jan. 1909. FUTURE OF FICTION. THE By Mr. Hemendra Prasad Ghose. (Hind. R.) Litlell't Living Age 268:154-159. FUTURE OF POETRY, THE By Charles Leonard Moore. Forum 1 4 :768-77 :Feb. 1893. FYVIE. JOHN Walter Savage Landor. (Temp. B.) Littell's Living Age 206: 3-12. 148 " BAYLOR UNIVERSITY G. Mr. Droxvnlng's Latest Poems. Christian Spectator 44-57 :Jan. 1865 821.88 Dip. GABRIEL. VIRGINIA See Music. GALAXY A Light Man. By Henry James, Jr. 8:49: July 1869. The Poet of the Opaque. By Junius Henri Browne. 19:6:764- 774: June 1875. GALSWORTHY. JOHN Vague Thoughts on Art. Atlantic Monthly 109:567-568:Jan. 1912. GALSWORTHY. MRS. JOHN See Music. GALTON. ARTHUR Urhana Scripta, Studies of Five Living Poets. Mr. Browning 59- 76 821.04 GI81. GANGEWER. MARGARET H. Who Was Biowning's The Lost Leader? American Notes and Queries 2:23 :270-272: April 6. 1889. GANNETT. WILLIAM CHANNING Nothing But a Poet. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tan- ner 73 821.88 Xht. School of Literature. Poet Lore 13:2:281-86. GARDEN AND GARDEN CRAFT By Frances Duncan. Atlantic Monthly 90:559-63: Nov. 1902. GARDINER, SAMUEL R. Introduction to Strafford: A Tragedy. By Robert Browning with notes and preface by E. H. Hickey. George Bell & Sons, London, 1892. 821.88 Hsh. GARNETT. RICHARD Poems by Robert Browning with an introduction by Richard Gar- nett and illustrations by Byam Shaw. 821.88 Ggb. Recollections of Coventry Partmore. (Saf. R.) Littel's Living Age 212:61-64. GAUDEAMUS: SONGS FOR COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS By John Farmer. Belonging to Sariana Browning and containing the latter's autograph. 734.8 F233g. GEISTWEIT, WILLIAM HENRY Voice of Spring. Service 2: 145- 148: May 1905. GENIUS AND STATURE By Havelock Ellis. Nineteenth Century 42:87-95:JuIy 1897. GENIUS, FAME, AND COMPARISON OF RACES By Charles H. Cooley. Annals of American Academy 9:317- 358: May 1897. GENIUS, LITERARY By J. E. G. De Montmorency. Contemporary Review 100:1 :429- 434:Sept. 191 1 :Literary Supplement 48. GENIUS OF CHRISTINA ROSSETTI, THE Literary Digest 28:804: June 4, 1904. In Leiten and Art Section GENIUS OF DICKENS, THE By George Barlow. Contemporary Review 94: 542-562: Nov. 1908. GENIUS OF ROBERT BROWNING, NOTES ON By James Thomson. London Browning Society Papers 2:239-250> BROWNINGIANA 149 GENIUS. ON THE DEVEOLPMENT OF BROWNING'S. IN HIS CAPACITY AS A POET OR MAKER By J. T. Nettleship. London Browning Society Papers 8:53-77. GENTEEL AMERICAN POETRY By George Santayana. New Republic 3:94-95:May 29. 1915. GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE The Claditone-Browning Conlroven]). By Richard E. Crook. Littell's Living Age 246:626-630. Reminiscences of a Dehar Planter. By Donald N. Reid. (Lit- tell's Living Age) 208:632-638. GENTLER VIEW. THE Drowning and the Lost Corf(. By Florida Pier. Harper'j Weekly 54:2777:27:March 12, 1910. GENUNG, JOHN FRANKLIN The lJ\)lls and the Ages. A Valuation of Tennyson's Id\)lls of the King. Elucidated in Part by Coomparisons between Tennyson and Browning. 821.88 Eiag. GEORGE. A. J. Select Poems of Robert Drowning. Arranged in Chronological Order, with Biographical and Literary Notes. 821.88 Ggl. Book Notices: Select Poems of Robert Drowning. Education Magazine 26:309-31 4 :Sept. 1905-June 1906. Selected Poems of Drowning. Reviewed. Independent 59:2:1350: Dec. 7. 1905. The Optimism of Drowning and Wordsworth. Boston Browning Society Papers 306-333 821.88 Vbp. GEORGE. HEREFORD B. Drownings Strafford. Edited by. 821.88 Hsg. GEORGETONIAN Two Pictures, Founded on Fra Lippo. By Arkley B. Wright. 1 1 :June 191 1. An Incident in the Life of Napoleon, by Lewis M. Bratcher. The Portrait of the Last Duchess, by Cornelia Black- burn. 821.88 Xblg. GERDEN. F. C. Auf Einem Dal^on, In Einer Condol. Die Deutsche Uebertragung Dieser Dichtungen Besorgte. Die Zeichnungen Des Titelrahmens Und Des Einbaudes Sind von Walter Tiemann. 821.88 Hibg. Die Tragoedie Eimr Seek. Die Deutsche Uebertragung Dieser Dichtungen Besorgte. Die Zeichnungen Des Titeliahmens Und Des Einbaudes Sind von Walter Tiemann. 821.88 Htsg. Browning, Robert. Von Emil Koeppel. Mitdem Blidnis des Dichters. Englische Dichter. Von Rudolf Kassner. Pippa Geht Voriiher Robt. Browning. Deufsch von Henry Heiseler. Robert Browning Verhaltnis. Zu Frankreich von Karl Schmidt. Robert Browning. Die Heimfehr der Drusen Fine Tragodie. Deutsch von Edmund Ruete. GERMAN EDITIONS OF POEMS Ausgewaehlte-Cedichte. Von Robert Browning. Uebersetzt von Edmund Ruete, Verlag von M. Heinsius Nachfolger. 821.88 Gspr. Die Delesenheit von Robert Louis Steveneson mit Hinwcisen auf die Quellen seiner Werke. By Kurt Mandel. 804 M271. Der Handschuh und andere Cedichte, Bremen, 1897. 821.88 Gspr. 150 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Auf eimen Balloon: En einer Condol. By F. C. Gerden. 821.88 Hbg. Die Tragodie Einer Seele. By F. C. Gerden. 821.88 Htsg. Luria. By Robert Browning. Eine Tragodie aus der Zeit der italienischen Renaissance. Von Edmund Ruete. 821.88 Hlur. Paracelsus. 821.88 Hpag. The Ring and The Bool(. By Robert Browning. Eine Interpreta- tion von Helene Meyer-Franck, Goettingen, 1912, Otto Hapkc, Verlag. 821.88 Hrmg. Same. Translated by Estelle Baarron. 821.88 rlrm EB. GERMAN STAGE, THE By W. Holman Hunt. Edinburgh Review 204:447-467:Oct. 1906. GEROUSIOS OINOS Poem by Robert Browning. Century 87:889: April 1914. GEROTHWOHL, M. A. Alfred de Vigne]) and Some Other English Poets on Nature. Fort- nightly Review 99:689-701: April 1913. Alfred de Vigne\) on Genius and IVonian. Fortnightly Review 99: 94-lll:Jan. 1913. English and French Attitude Toward Poetry. Fortnightly Review 97:940-959:May 1912. GHOSE. HEMENDRA PRASAD The Future of Fiction. Littell's Living Age 268:154-159. GIBSON, JOHN MONRO Introduction and Notes to Pomegranates From An English Garden: A Selection From The Poems of Robert Browning. Chautauqua Press, New York. 1885 821.88 Gpeg. GIDE, ANDRE. ET AL L'Oeuvre de Robert Drowning La I\'ouvelle Revue Francaise 91 New Series 414-416:April 1921. GILBERT. ARIADNE Through Failure to Success. St. Nicholas 40: 1 : 130- 138:Nov. 1912. GILBERT. JOSIAH Asolando. Athenaeum 3246:51 :Jan. 11, 1890. GILDER. RICHARD WATSON Jocoseria. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 84 821.88 Xht. Romance of the iS'ineteenlh Centur\). Century 70:918-927 :Oct. 1905. Same. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 131 821.88 Xht. The Twelfth of December, 1889. Editorial. Literary World 21 : 3:40:Feb. 1. 1890 821.88 Xmal. GILDERSLEEVE. B. L. Classici and College. Princeton Review 108:67-95 :July 1878. GILES. EDITH Browning's Song From f-'ippa Passes. (In American Primary Teacher.) Emerson College Magazine 20:3 :146-150:Jan. 1912. GILFILLAN, GEORGE James Montgomery. (Tait's.) Littell'i Living Age 11:57:60. GILLIES. J. R. Some Great Nineteenth Century Preachers (Browning 24-32). Five sermons preached in Trinity Presbyterian Church, Hampstead. Printed for Private Circulation. 821.88 Rxl. BROWNINGIANA 151 GINGERICK, SOLOMON F. l'Vordiii>orlh, Tennyion, and Dromning ; A Study in Human Free- dom. Chapter IX, Broivriing and tlii Times; Chapter X, Droiun- ing. Passion and fVill; Chapter XI, Browning, Freedom and Transcendentalism ; Chapter XII, Browning, Art and Liberalism. 821.88 G492s. GIRL WITH THE BLUE EYES. THE By Anna Catherine Markham. Homage to Robert Broiuning. Aleph Tanner 76 821.88 Xht. GIVE A ROUSE Current Literature 29:333 :Sept. 1900. See Music. GLADDEN, WASHINGTON Poetic Outlook- Century 31 :316-3I8:Dec. 1885. GLADNESS AND GROWTH, SONGS OF By James L. Hughes. To a Browning Poem 115 821.88 H893. GLADSTONE AND DISRAELI. STORY OF Poet Lore 11:1:156. (Appeared in Blackwoods.) GLADSTONE-BROWNING CONTROVERSY. THE By Richard E. Crook. Gentlemen's Magazine. Littell's Living Age 246:626-630:Sept. 2. 1905. GLADSTONES LIBRARY AT ST. DEINIOL'S HAWARDEN By Mary Drew. Nineteenth Century 59:944-954: June 1906. GLANCE AT SOME OF STEDMANS WORK. A By Mary J. Reid. Literary Digest 10:341-342:Jan. 19, 1895. GLAZEBROOK, MRS. M. G. Numpholeplos and Browning's Women. London Browning Society Papers 2:372-379 821.88 Dbs. Same. Berdoe's Browning Studies 195-203 821.88 Vlbs. A Death in the Desert. London Browning Society Papers 9:153- 164 821.88 Dbs. Same. Berdoes Browning Siudiej 226-236 821.88 Vlbs. GLEN. JANET BROWNELL Great Schools of Painting. Chaufauquan 63 : 163-202 ;July 1911. GLIMPSE OF FROUDE AT HOME. A By Mrs. Alexander Ireland. Literary Digest 10:490:Feb. 23, 1895. GLIMPSES OF THOMAS CARLYLE By Percy Fitzgerald. Contemporary Review. Littell's Living Age 278:216-223. GLORIOUS ROBERT BROWNING By Emily Hickey. Nineteenth Century. Littell's Living Age 271 : 270-283. GLOVE. THE By Robert Browning. Rising Generation 37:3:74-75; 37:4:114- 115; 37:5:135-136; 37:6:180; 37:7:199-200 821.88 Xmrg. Translated into Japanese. Der Handschuh und andere Cedichte, Bremen. 1897 821.88 Gspr. GOD See Rcvell. GOD IS WHERE MAN IS By Chas. Woodbury. Twentieth Century 1 :358:Jan. 1910. GOEWEY. MRS. JAMES M. Descriptive catalogue of the Coewcy Collection of Browning. 1897-1898, together with an introduction paper read before the San Francisco Browning Society. John Henry Nash, Publisher, San Francisco, 1897. 821.88 Xgp. 152 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY GOLD HAIR A Legend of Pornic. By Robert Browning. 1864. First edition. 821.88 Hghm. Atlantic Monthly 1 3 :596-599:May 1864. See Introduction to Poerrn Arthur Upson. GOLDEN ROAD By Lilian Whiting. Presentation copy from Miss Whiting. Con- tains autograph of Miss Whiting. (2 copies.) 804 W559g. GOLDEN THOUGHTS FROM GOLDEN FOUNTAINS With inscription: To Lily Benzon (because of a poem in it about doves) from her affectionately. Robert Browning. 808 G618. GOOD AMERICAN POETS Editorial. Independent 70: 1 : 100. GOOD CHEER Poels Who Were Laughed At. By Hezekiah Butterworth. 1 :4: Nov. 1900. GOOD TASTE By Augustine Birrel. Scribner's Magazine 17:120:Jan. 1895. GOOD TO FORGIVE See Music. GOOD WORDS Browning ai a Religious Teacher. By R. H. Hutton. Littell't Living Age 184:2385:660-665: March '15. 1890. A Memorable Art Clan. By Thomas Sulman. LittcU'* Living Age 214:889-893. Victorian Literature. By Andrew Lang. Littell's Living Age 212: 753-758. GOODELL, THOMAS DWIGHT Shall We Still Read Creek Tragedy? Atlantic Monthly 81:474- 483: April 1898. GOODRICH-FREER, G. Robert Brorvning, the Musician. Nineteenth Century. Littell'f Liv- ing Age 229:803-811. Same. Eclectic Magazine 137:174-182. GORDON. GEORGE A. Emerson as a Religious Influence. Atlantic Monthly 91 :577-87: Jan. 1903. GOSPEL OF WORK, THE The Erudite. 140: July 1902. GOSSE. EDMUND The Agony of the Victorian Age. Edinburgh Review 228:276- 296:Oct. 1918. By Philip James Bailey. Eclectic Magazine 140:218-231 : Feb. 1903. Robert Browning. Critic 890:31 5 :20:Jan. 11. 1890. See Maga- zine Article No. 1. 821.88 Xman. Robert Browning; In Memoriam. New Review. Littell's Living Age 184:372 375 :Feb. 8. 1890. Robert Browning Personalia. (First Edition.) Two Copies. T. Fisher Unwin, 26 Paternoster Square, London. England. 1890. 821.88 Dpg. Same. (Reprint.) Houghton, Mifflin & Co., The Riverside Press. Cambridge, 1895. 821.88 Dpg. Same. Independent 42:461: April 3, 1890. Same. (Reviewed.) Nassau Literary Magazine 46:2:133 : June 1890. Same. Poet Lore 2:6:321. BROWNINGIANA 153 Earl]/ IVritingi of Roberl Droii>ning. Century 23 : 1 89-200: Dec. 1881. A Forgolten Rival of Tenn\)ion and Drowning. Literary Digest 18. 458-459: April 22. 1899. A French Satirist m England. Edinburgh Review 219:327-346: April 1914. Hardy i L\)rical Poems. Edinburgh Review 227:272-293 : April 1918. Hon> One of Mrs. Drotuning'i Bool^i Wat Named. Literary Digest 10:493: Feb. 23. 1895. Influence of Democracy on Literature. Contemporary Review 59: 523-36:ApriI 1891. The Influence of Victor Hugo. Cosmopolitan Magazine 32:633: April 1902. li Verse in Danger.^ Forum 10:5I7:|an. 1891. King Eril(. A Tragedy. With an Introductory Essay by Theodore Watts. Dedicated to Robert Browning, containing poem To Roberl Drowning. 821.8 G678. To Robert Drowning. Homage to Roberl Drorening, Aleph Tan- ner 60 821.88 Xht. Life of Browning in Dictionary of National Diography. Supple- ment 1 :306 ff. Lord De Tables, A Portrait. Contemporary Review. Littell's Liv- ing Age 208:346-357. Edward Dulwer-Lylton. Fortnightly Review 100:1033-1046:Dec. 1913. Same. Littell's Living Age 280:3-13. Making a Name in Literature. Forum 8:196:Oct. 1889. New Editions of Tennvson and Drowning. Sketch 8:101 :437:Jan. 2. 1895 821.88. On Taste in Poetry and the Fate of M. Sully Prudhomme. Con- temporary Review 92:l-6:Dec. 1907 :Literary Supplement No. 3. Personal Notes by. Athenaeum 3268:767-769:June 14. 1890. The Revival of Poetic Drama. Atlantic Monthly 90: 1 56-66; July 1902. Smart's Song to David. Independent 39:2:935-6:July 28. 1887. Some Soldier Poets. Edinburgh Review 226:296-3I6:Oct. 1917. Swinburne. Fortnightly Review 91:1037:June 1909. Swinburne: Personal Recollections. Fortnightly Review. Littell't Living Age 262:3-17. Mr. Swinburne's Posthumous Poems. Contemporary Review 112: I06-I07:july 19l7:Literary Supplement. Temple Library — Poetical Worlds of Thomas Lowell Deddoes. Athenaeum 3296:879-881 :Dec. 27, 1890. Ten Years of English Literature. Literary Digest 1 5:521 -522: Aug. 28. 1897. Tennyson /. Littell's Living Age 195:707-716. IVar PoetrM in France. Reference to Sonnets from the Portuguese. Edinburgh Review 222: 78-97: July 1915. Lord De Table\). Contemporary Review 69:84-99: Jan. 1896. GOSSE. THE POEMS 'OF EDMUND By A. Noyes. Fortnightly Review 98:297-303 : Aug. 1912. GOSSIP, LITERARY Athenaeum 3091 :130-131 :Jan. 22. 1887; 3121 :245-246:Aug. 20. 1887; 3I33:641-642:Nov. 12. 1887; 3146:I81-182:Feb. II. 1838; 3!49:214-215:Feb. 18. 1888; 3187:700-701 :Nov. 24. 1888; 3205: 154 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY 4Il-4l2:Nov. 30, 1889; 3343:688-689: Nov. 21, 1891; 3767:19: Jan. 6, 1900; 3791 :787-788:June 23, 1900; 3833:468-469: April 13. 1901; 3874:117-1 18:Jan. 25, 1902; 3891 :661 : March 24. 1902; 3901 : 160-1 61 :Aus. 2. 1902; 3910:454-455:Oct. 4, 1902; 3930:241-243:Feb. 21, 1903; 3943:659-660: May 23, 1903; 3957: 291-292:Aug. 29, 1903; 3967:61 7-61 8 :Nov. 7. 1903; 4000:820- 822: June 25, 1904; 401 5:485-486 :Oct. 8, 1904; 4087:234-235: Feb. 24. 1906; 4119:408-410:Oci. 6. 1906; 4128:738-739:Dec. 8. 1906; 4 135: 104- 105: J an. 28. 1907; 4202:476-477: May 9. 1908; 4411:536:May 11. 1912. GOUDY, FRED AND BERTHA Browning's Rabbi Ben Ezra. A Dramatic Monologue, ! alf Vellum Printed by hand at the Village Press, Hingland, Mass. Frontispiece and Decorations Designed and cut on wood by Will Dwiggins. 1904. 821.88. GOUDY, F. W. AND \V. A. DWIGGINS Designs for In a Balcon'^, by Robert Browning. Introduction by Laura McAdoo Triggs. 821.88 Hib. GOULD. ELIZABETH PORTER Robert Drowning. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 127 821.88 Xht. The Brownings and America. 821.88 Kgab (Copy 1). Same. The Poet Lore Co.. Boston. Mass. 821.88 Kgab (Copy 2). One's Self I Sing and Other Poems. From the Browning Library. 811 G696. Room in IVeslminsler for Mrs. Browning. Literary Digest 1 1 :373 : July 27. 1895. GOULD, GEORGE M. Biographic Clinics, containing De Quincy, Carlyle. Darwin. Hux- ley and Browning. Browning 1:5:125-137 612.8453 G696b. GOURMON Browningiana. Athenaeum 3607:838 :Dec. 12. 1896. GRADUATE CLASSES C. L. S. C. Class Direction 1882-1909. Editorial. Chaulauquan 42:184-187:Oct. 1905. GRAHAM. CHAS. LETCHER Browning's Debt to Italian Sources. Thesis in Department of Eng- lish. Georgetown College. 821.88 Pjm. GRAHAM, J. J. G. The Wife-Love and Friend-Love of Robert Browning. Berdoe's Browning Studies 204-224 821.88 Vlbs. Same. London Browning Society Papers 1 1 :380-400 821.88 Db». GRAMMARIAN'S FUNERAL By W. F. Revell. Browning Notes 30-37 821.88 Pjm. Same. Notes to the Poclfet Volume of Selections from the Poems of Robert Browning, by Alex Hill, 30-37 821.88 Dhn. By Susan Cunnington. Studies in Browning 95-115 821.88Gsac. GRAMMATICAL ANALYSIS OF O LYRIC LOVE, A By F. J. Furnivall. London Browning Society Papers 9:165-168 821.88 Dbs. GRANT. PERCY STICKNEY Browning's Art in Monologue. Boston Browning Society Paperi 35-66 821.88 Vbp. GRATITUDE. A FESTIVAL OF Robert Browning. Syracuse Browning Centenary Celebration May 7, 1812-May 7. 1912. 821.88 Xfg. BROWNINGIANA 135 GRATZ. R. J. The Journe], of Childe Roland. Poet Lore 2:11 :578-85. GRAY. MAXWELL Robert Bro7»ning's Death. The Forat Chapel 70-74 821.88. The Woman of Lyric Love. Eclectic Magazine 45 :88-96:J«n. 1897. GREAT ENGLISH POETS By Julian Hill. Robert Drorvning 293-303 BC P745eeh. GREAT MEN OF LETTERS. A PERIOD WITHOUT From HigliTvays and Byrvavs. Chautauquan 61 :I5-1 7:Dec. 1910. GREAT MEN OF MIXED RACES By Lyndon Orr. Scrap Book 6:309-31 7 : Aug. 1908. GREAT POET IN HER PRIME. A Rcminiscencei of the days ivhen Elizabeth Barrett Brou>ning was Living and Writing. By Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Book News 24:283:457-459: March 1906: Mag. Articles No. 6 821.88 Xma. GREAT POETS AND THEIR THEOLOGY. THE By Augustus Hopkins Strong. 373-447 808.1 S923g. GREAT POETS OR GREAT POEMS By W. H. Caruth. Poet Lore 17:2:78-85. GREAT SCHOOLS OF PAINTING By Janet Brownell Glen. Chautauquan 63: 163 -202: July 1911. GREAT TESTIMONY (Against Scientific Crueily.) By Stephen Coleridge. 174.9 G693. GREAT THOUGHTS AND CHRISTIAN GRAPHIC Robert Brou-ning. 6:142: 1J8-141 :Sept. 18. 1896 821.88 Xman. GREAT TWIN BRETHREN: TENNYSON AND BROWNING By Edward Mortimer Chapman. English Literature in Account with Reiigion 349-393 821.88 Ret. GREATER ENGLISH POETS OF THE NINETEENTH CEN- TURY By W. M. Payne. 821.01 P346g. Same. Athenaeum 42 18:232: Aug. 29. 1908. GREATER VICTORIAN POETS. THE Books selected by Thomas Bailey .'Xldrich. Robert Browning 61- 74. 123-126 821.04 B724. GREATEST BOOKS OF THE CENTURY. THE By Editor. Literary Digest 21 :797:Dec. 29. 1900. By Thomas W. Hi?ginson. Outlook 66:804:Dec. 1. 1900. By \Vm. DeWitt Hyde. Outlook 66:801 -802 :Dec. 1. 1900. GREATHEART (To Robert Browning.) By Amelia Josephine Burr. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 24 821.88 Xht. GREEK See Aristophanes' Apology, Balaitstion's Adventure. See Cum- mings, Lawton. GREEK ANTHOLOGY. THE By Herbert Paul. Nineteenth Century 61 :629-637: April 1907. GREEK CHRISTIAN POETS AND THE ENGLISH POETS. THE By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. (First Edition.) Chapman 6t Hall. London. 1863. 821.88 Egcp. GREEK DRAMA. BROWNING AND THE By A. S. Wilkins. Manchester Quarterly 8:377-390:Oct. 1883. GREEK LITERATURE. ENGLISH POEMS ON By James Richard Jay. Chautauquan 17:272-273 : June 1893. 156 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY GREEK LITERATURE. NEW By Charles W. Peppier. South Atlantic Quarterly 13: 143: April 1914. GREEK LITERATURE. WOMEN IN By Emily F. Wheeler. Chautauquan 16:534:Feb. 1893. GREEK SPIRIT IN SHELLEY AND BROWNING. THE By Vida D. Scudder. Boston Browning Society Papers 438-470 821.88 Vbp. GREENAWAY. KATE Illustrated. The Pied Piper of Hamelin. By Robert Browning. Frederick Warne & Co.. London. England. 821.88 Hppg. GREENE. B. A. Influence of ihe Authorized Version on English Literature. Biblical World 37:391-401 :June 1911. GREENLAW. EDWIN Required Worl^ in Literature for Undergraduates. English Journal 7:292:May 1918. GREENOUGH. CHESTER NOYES An Experiment in the Training of Teachers of Composition. Eng- lish Journal 2:n6:Feb. 1913. GREENSLET. FERRIS Chaucer. Forum 30:383: Nov. 1900. A'en> Lights on Drorening. Atlantic Monthly 92:418-423 :Sept. 1903. A Propaganda for Poetry. Poet Lore 11:1:41-54. A Scholarly Essayist Latest Work- Dial 39:277:Nov. 1. 1905. GREENWELX. DORA Poems, To Elizabeth Barrett Drorening in 1851 192; To Elizabeth Barrett Brorvning in 1861, 193 821.8 G816. GREENWELL. DORA. HER POEMS By D. G. McChesney. Fortnightly Review 86:262:Aiig. 1906. GREETING TO BROWNING LOVERS. A By Ruth Baldwin Chenery. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 56 821.88 Xht. GREGG. F. M. Social Hygiene. Education Magazine 33 : 100- 104: Sept. 1912- June 1913. GREGORY, E. C. See Music. GREVE. E. P. Robert Browning Paracelsus. Dramatische Dichtung Deutsche Uebertragung von E. P. Greve. Insel-Verlag. Leipsiz. 1904. 821.88 Hpagg. GREY ROLAND Heavy Fathers. Fortnightly Review. Littell's Living Age 262: 473-480. GRIBBLE. FRANCIS Crowning's Obscurity and Elopement Tvith Miss Barrett. Littell't Living Age 273:674-683. Same. Nineteenth Century 71 :976-988:May 1912. The Secret of Marceline Desbordes-Valmore. Fortnightly Re- view 97:2: 1071 -1083: June 1912. John Creenleaf IVhitlier. Fortnightly Review 89: 142: Jan. 1908. GRIEF See Music. BROWNINGIANA 157 GRIFFIN, WILLIAM HALL Robcrl BroTvning and Alfred Domett. Contemporary Review 87; 95-ll5:Jan. 1905. 821.88 Bdg. Robert Drotening and Alfred Domett. (Contemporary Review.) Littells Living Age 244:393-410:Feb. 18. 1905. Earl^ Friends of Robert Drowning. Contemporary Review 87:471 : 427-446 :March 1905. The Life of Robert Dro'D>ning with notices of his writings, hii family, and his friends. Completed and edited by Harry Christo- pher Minchin. The Macmillan Co.. New York, N. Y., 1910. 821.88 Bg. Life of Robt. Browning. Independent 70:100:Jan. 12, 1911. GRIGGS, EDWARD HOWARD Books Received (Advertisement). Literary Digest 31 :887-888: Dec. 9. 1905. The Poetr\) and Philosoph]) of Browning. Handbook of Eight Lectures. B. W. Huebsch, New York, N. Y.. 1905. 821.88 Zgp. GRISWOLD, HATTIE TYNG Ceni'us at Home. See Clippings. Home Life of Great Authors. Robert and Elizabeth Browning 274-285 Be Cs87I. GROFF, ALICE The Evolution of the Character of IVoman in English Literature. Poet Lore 10:2:242-50. Ideals of Beauty in Keats and Browning. Poet Lore 5:5:247-253. The True Greatness of Browning. Poet Lore 1 : 10:470-479. GROSS, MARY FREDERICA Browning's Women. Submitted for Bachelor Thesis Baylor Uni- versity. 821.88 Pgw. GROSVENOR, DOROTHEA A Catholic Layman. Nineteenth Century 71 :2 : 741 -755 : April 1912. GROTESQUE GROTESQUE IN THE POETRY OF ROBERT BROWNING, THE By Lily Bess Campbell. (See also Schelling.) 821.88 Dcg. GROW OLD ALONG WITH ME See Music. GROWTH OF OUR MORAL IDEAL, THE By Arthur Deerin Call. Education Magazine 32:9:546-559:May 1912. GRUMBINE, HARVEY CARSON Stories from Browning. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Cambridge, Mass. 821.88 Fgs. Same. English Journal 3:462:Sept. 1914. GRUMMANN, PAUL H. Gerhart Hauptmann. Poet Lore 22:2:127. Hauptmann's View Point in UnJ Pippa Tanzt. Poet Lore 20:2: 129-134. GUIDANCE FROM ROBERT BROWNING IN MATTERS OF FAITH By John A. Hutton. 821.88 Rhg. Max Halbe. Poet Lore 23:2:137. Arthur Schnitzler. {Paracelsus discussed.) Poet Lore 23:1 :25-4L GUIDE-BOOK TO THE POETIC AND DRAMATIC WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. A By George Willis Cooke. 821.88 Dcgb. 158 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY GUIDE FOR THE BLIND, A By Louise Fagan Peirce. Modern Philology 6:4:487-502: April 1909. GUIDE TO THE NEW BOOKS, A Literary Digest 33 :913-914:Dec. 15, 1906; 33 :759-760:Nov. 16. 1907; 39:633 -639 :Oct. 16. 1909. GUILD, MARION PELTON To Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Atlantic Monthly 86: 420-1 :Sept. 1900. Same. Homage to Robert BroToning, Aleph Tanner 93 821.88 Xht. GUNSAULUS. FRANK W. Robert Bro\vning The Higher Ministries of Recent English Poetry. (Typewritten) 821.88 Dghm. The Higher Ministries of Recent English Poetry. Robert Drown- ing 178-233 821.01 G976m. A Poet and His Minister. Independent 39:1 :553-5. Should the Bible be Dramatized? Literary Digest 19:378-379: Sept. 23, 1899. Some Higher Ministries of Recent English Poetrv. (Review.) Independent 63 :2 :I002:Oct. 24, 1907. GUNSAULUS, RECENT GIFTS FROM DR. FRANK W. The Ohio Wesieyan Alumni Quarterly 3:2:4-5:Jan. 1920 821.88 Xma Vol. II. GURNEY, EDWARD. AND OTHERS Apparations. Nineteenth Century 15:791 -81 5 :May 1884. GUTHRIE. WILLIAM NORMAN Browning and the Drama. Centenary Addresses 43-62 821.88 Vnya. Modern Poet Prophets, Ideal Womanhood in the Masterpieces of Dante, Goethe, and Robert Browning (Pippa, Pompilia, James Lee's Wife and Lyric Love). 804 G984m (3 copies). The Utility of BeautM. Swanee Review 13:2: 143-155:April 1905. GWYNN. STEPHEN The Making of a Poet. (19th Cent.) Littell's Living Age 265: 484-493. Same. Nineteenth Century 67:65-78: Jan. 1910. H HACKETT, FRANCIS Books and Things. New Republic 10:299: April 7. 1917. The Immortal Residue. New Republic 5 :312-313 :Jan. 22. 1916. HADDEN, J. CUTHBERT The Poets and the Cuckoo. Outlook. Littell's Living Age 273: 634-636. HADDOW, ALEXANDER The Pope: Browning's Ring and the Book- Printed for the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow by Carter & Pratt. Glasgow. 1914. HADLEY. HENRY K. See Music. HAIGHT. ELIZABETH HAZELTON A Roman Advocate of the Simple Life. Poet Lore 17:1 :78-85. BROWNINGIANA 159 HAIR IN BROWNING'S POETRY By Harry T. Baker. Nation 93:263:Sept. 21. 1911. HAKKADOSH. JOCHANAN !\'ote fcj) Robert Drorvning. Poet Lore 9:1 :86. HALBE. MAX By Paul Grummann. Poet Lore 23:2:137. HALBERT AND HOB By \V. T. Maileson. Notes and News. Poet Lore 9:3:465-466. HALE. EDWARD EVERETT Introduction to Brorening's IVomen. By Mary E. Burt. (Mit» Burt's Autograph.) 821.88 Pbvv (2 copies). HALF A CENTURY OF LITERARY LIFE London Quarterly Review. Littell's Living Age 158:387-401. HALIBURTON AND SMITH Teaching of Poetry in the Grades. (Browning poems 136-146. 160-166) 371 H139. HALLEY, MARGARET A. See Music. HALLIWELL-PHILLIPS. J. O. Copy of correspondence between Robert Browning and J. O. Hal- liweli-Pbillips. 1881. HALLOCK. ELLA B. Introduction to Drowning, including eleven poeras with hints for study. The Macmiilan Co.. New York. N. Y.. 1912. 821.88 Zhi. HALLOWELL. MRS. S. C. F. Dramatic Lyrics. Poet Lore 11:5:281. HAMELIN, THE RAT CATCHER OF By Gustav Hartwig. Eclectic Magazine 1 19:759-761 :Dec. 1892. HAMELIN: THE TOWN OF THE PIED PIPER, OR DER RAT- TENFANGER By Katherine M. MacQuoid. Magazine of Art May 1890 821.88 Pmtw. HAMILTON. CLAYTON The Drama. Forum 39:234-35 :Oct. 1907; 39:362-376:Jan. 1908. Old Material and New Plays. Forum 41 :444-457:May 1909. HAMILTON. EUGENE LEE Apollo and MarsMas and Other Poems. Athenaeum 2981 :764-766: Dec. 13. 1884. HANCOCK. PROF. ALBERT E. Defending Keal's Love Letters. Literary Digest 37:633-34:Oct. 31. 1908. HANDBOOK TO THE WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING. A By Mrs. Sutherland Orr. George Bell & Scms. London. England, 1886. Same. Athenaeum 3022: 396-397 :Sepl. 26. 1885. Same. Poet Lore 1:2:535. HAND HOTEL. LLANGOLLEN WALES Souvenir Book of the Hand Hotel, at which Browning wai a guest. HANDSCHUH. der und andere GEDICHTE The Clove. Bremen 1897. 821.88 Gspr. HANKIN, SIR JOHN The Collected Plays of Oscar IVilde. Fortnightly Review 89: 796-797: May 1908. HANNIGAN. D. F. The Victorian Age of Literature and Its Critic. Eclectic Magazine 126:808-813 :June 1896. 160 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY HAPGOOD. NORMAN The Modern Villain. Collier's Weekly 33: 18: April 30. 1914. Drama of Ideas. Contemporary Review 74:712-723 :Nov. 1898. HAPPY THOUGHTS FOR HARVEST DAYS Ladies' Home Journal 29:3 :Nov. 1912. HARDEN. \V. TYAS Edited, An Essavi on Perc^ D\)iihe 5/ici/ev>, by Robert Browning. Published for the Shelley Society by Reeves & Turner, London, 1888. 821.88 Epbs (2 copies). HARDY, IRENE A Childe Roland, A LiierarX) Parallel and Something More. Poet Lore 24:1:53-58. HARDY'S LYRICAL POEMS By Edmund Gosse. Edmburgh Review 227 :272-293: April 1918. HARPERS MAGAZINE Some Unpublished Papers fci) Robert and E. B. DroTvning. Edited with comments by George S. Hellman. 132:790:530-539:March 1916. HARPER'S MONTHLY An Account of a Meeting with Elizabeth Barrett and Robert BroJD/img in Florence. A Short Editorial Concerning Mrs. Bron>n- I'ng's Death. 23 :555-556:Sept. 1861. Asolando (Editorial on). 80:807: April 1890. Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. By Anne Thackeray Ritchie. 84:832-855: May 1892. Browning in Italy. (Editorial.) 80:637-639: March 1890. Barry Cornwall and Some of His Friends. By James T. Fields. 51 :777-796:Nov. 1875. Ferishtah's Fancies, by Robert Browning. Reviewed. 71:156: June 1885. The Gentler View. Browning and the Lost CorJ{. By Florida Pier. 54:2777:27:March 12, 1910. Interest in Browning Clubs. 77: 798-799 :Ocl. 1888. London as a Literary Center. By Richard Rogers Bowker. 76: 456:81 5-844: May 1888. Review of Mrs. Orr's Limited Life of Browning. 83:800-801: Oct. 1891. Some Unpublished Papers of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Brown- ing. Edited by G. S. Hellman. 132:530-539:March 1916 821.88 Xsf. HARRADEN. ETHEL See Music. HARRIMAN, ALICE Aspiration. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 144 821.88 Xht. In The Garden of The Vatican. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 94-95 821.88 Xht. The Envoy Returns. Suggested by Browning's My Last Duchess. HARRINGTON, VERNON C. Browning Studies. 821.88 Dhs. Same. English Journal 4:621 : Nov. 1915. HARRIS, C. A. Browning as a Poet of Music. Athenaeum 4410:509-510:May 4, 1912; 4411:542-543:May 11, 1912. HARRIS, ROY Studies in Browning's Art Poems. From McMaster'* University Monthly 349-358:May 1918 821.88 Lmm. BROWNINGIANA 161 HARRISON, CLIFFORD Slra], Records. Broi»mng 149-154 B H3I8 Vol. I. HARRISON. E. B. The Vklorian Woman. Nineteenth Century 58:951 -957 :Dec. 1905. HARRISON. FREDERIC By Matthew Arnold. Nineteenth Century 39:433-447 :March 1896. Same. Littells Living Age 209:362-372. Diaphanoui Literature. Dial 45:391 :Dcc. I, 1908. English Literature of the Victorian Age. Forum 16:704-708:Feb. 1894. Obiter Scripta. Fortnightly Review 109:9: Jan. 1918; 109:178: Feb. 1918. Rome Revisited. Eclectic Magazine 121 :19-32:June 1893. The Tennyson Centenar\f. Nineteenth Century 66:226-233 : Aug. 1909. Same. Litteil's Living Age 262:643-648. HARRISON. JOSEPH LE ROY The Undergraduate in Verse. Bookman 7 :1 59-61 :April 1898. HART. R. E. S. The Obverse Side of Aristophanes. Contemporary Review 71 : 662-679: May 1897. HARTER. MRS. ARTHUR The Influence of Ilal\) on the Poetry of the Brojvnings. Fort- nightly Review 92:327-344: Aug. 1909. See Fonblanque. HARTOY. CECILE S. See Music. HARTWIG. GUSTAV The Rat Catcher of Hamelin. Eclectic Magazine 119:759-761: Dec. 1892. Same. (Blackw.) Litteil's Living Age 195:639-40. HARVARD MONTHLY Robert DroTvning. By .A. B. Houghton. 2:3 :95- 108: May 1886 821.88 Dhm. Parle\}ings with Certain People of Importance in Their Day, by Robert Browning. (Review.) 4 :2:82-83 :April 1887 821.88 Dhm. HARVEY. CHARLES W. Living. New Church Review 16:75-86:Jan. 1909. HARVEY. EDITH Bordello, in Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society. Trans- actions 65-83. 1911. A Paper Read Before Section "A." Tram- actions of the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society, to- gether with Report of the Council. 821.88 Dllb. HARVEY. T. E. Introduction and Notes to Christmas-Eve. By Robert Browning. Brother Richard's Book-Shelf No. 5. J. M. Dent & Sons. Lon- don. England. 1913. 821.88 Hceh. HASKELL. ERNEST Hermes. Decoration for Poems by Robert Browning and Eliza- beth Barrett Browning. Critic 141 :Aug. 1903. HAULTAIN. ARNOLD Horv to Read. Blackwood. Litteil's Living Age 208:515-528. HAUPTMANN. GERHART Paul Crummann. Poet Lore 22:2:117-127. HAVE WE STILL NEED OF POETRY By Calvin Thomas. Forum 25 :503.512 rjuiy 1898. 162 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY HAWEIS. REV. H. R. Robert DTowmng. Independent 44 :2: 1776-1 777 :Dec. 15, 1892. Poets in the Pulpit. Robert BroTvning 117-143. Sampson Low Marston, Searle and Rivington, London, 1880. 821.88 Dppd. same. (Typewritten) 821.88 Dppo. Rubinstein. Eclectic Magazine 124:229-235: Feb. 1895. HAWTHORNE AND HIS CIRCLE By Wm. H. Mayhew. New Church Review 1 1 :385-392:July 1904. HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL English Note Book 2: 106-109: July 13, 1856 813 H339A. Italian Note Books 2:8-13:June 8. 1858 813 H339mf. St. Paul's. Littell's Living Age 109:707-713. HAWTHORNE, A NEW BOOK ABOUT By W. H. Johnson. Dial 35:466 67 :Dec. 16, 1903. HAWTHORNE THROUGH HIS WIFE'S EYES Literary Digest 15:41 -42 :Mav 8, 1897. HAWTHORNE'S VILLA AT FLORENCE By Chas. E. Wheeler. Nation 50:486-487: June 19, 1890. HAY, H. CLINTON Immortality. New Church Review 15:576-586:Oct. 1908. HAYES, ALFRED The Relation of Music to Poelry. Atlantic Monthly 113:59-69: Jan. 1914. HAZZARD, J. CHARLES Selections From Browning. H. C. H. Victoria. New Church Review 8:270-273: April 1901. HEARN, LAFCADIO Is Too Much Written on the Subject of Love? Current Opinion 62:205:March 1917. HEARTH AND HOME Elizabeth Barrett Browning. By Mme. Octavia Walton Le Vert. New Eclectic Magazine 4:2:221 -224: Feb. 1869. HEATH, H. FRANK (AND OTHERS) The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Athenaeum 3723 :268-269 : March 4, 1889. HEAVY FATHERS By Rowland Grey. Fortnightly Review. Littell's Living Age 262: 473-480. HEBRAIC SYMPATHIES, BROWNING'S By Mary M. Cohen. Poet Lore 3:3:250-254. HEIMKEHR DER DRUSEN, DIE FINE TRAGODIE Von Robert Browning. Deutsch von Edmund Ruete. Verlag von Gustav Winter, Bremen, 1912. HEISELER, HENRY Pippa Ceht Voruber. By Robert Browning. German version Pippa Passes. HEELINGS, EMMA LIGHTNER^ Evolution of Religion a» Suggested in Browning's Poems. Poet Lore 17:2:113-17. HELLMAN. GEORGE S. Some Unpublished Papers of Rohurt and E. B. Browning. Edited with comments, in Harper's Monthly Magazine 132:790:530-539; March 1916 821.88 Xsf, BROWNINGIANA 163 HELPS TO THE STUDY OF BROWNING By Vernon C. Harrington. 821.88 Dhs. Bromning C])clopc(]ia. By Edward Berdoe. 821.88 B855. Droruning for Beginners. By Thomas Rain. 821.88 Drb. Cuide-Boofi to the Poetic and Dramatic IVorffs of Robert Broibn- .ing. By George Willis Cooke. 821.88 Dcgb. Handbook to the Wor}(i of Robert Brojvning, By Mrs. Sutherland Orr. 821.88 Dai. Introduction to Browning. By Ella B. Hallock. 821.88 Zhi. Introduction to the Stud\f of the Poetr)) of Robert Browning. By William John Alexander. 821.88 Dai. Introduction to the Stud\f of Browning's Poetry. By Hiram Corson. 821.88 Dcs. Primer on Browning. By Mary F. Wilson. 821.88 Dwp. Stories from Browning. By Harvey Corson Grumbie. (2 Copies) 821.88 Fgs. Same. (Introduction by Mrs. Orr.) By F. M. Holland. 821.88 Fhs. Teaching Poetry in the Grades. By Haliburton and Smith. 136- 146. 160-166 371 H139. HEMPSTEAD. A. The Browning Club of A'leadville. Poet Lore 2:6:331. HENDERSON. MRS. M. STURGE Meredith As a Poet. Literary Digest 36:341 -42 tMarch 7. 1908. HENDERSON. T. F. Ballad Poetr\}. (A review of Sir Waiter Scott's Minstrels]) of Scottish Border.) Edinburgh Review 197:303-323 : April 1903. HENLEY. W. E. Conditions of Great Poetr)). Literary Digest 21 :729:Dec. 15. 1900. HENRY. FERNAND Les Sonnets Portugais d'Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Traduits en Sonnets Francois avec Notice Texte Anglais, Commentaire et Notes. Librairie Orientale et Americaine, E. Guiimofo, Editeur, Paris, 1905. 821.88 Hspfh. HENRY. MARIA LOUISA The MoralitX) of ThacJ^era\] and of George Eliot. Atlantic Monthly 51 :243-248:Feb. 1883. HEPTALOGIA; THE By Algernon Charles Swinburne. Containing John Jones, a Parody on Robert Browning. 821.8 S978h. HERFORD. CHARLES H. Robert Browning. Athenaeum 4053 :14-1 5:July 1. 1905. Same. Dodd, Mead & Co.. New York. N. Y.. 1905. 821.88 Dhr. Same. New Church Review I2:637-638:Oct. 1905. Same. Reviewed in Outlook 79 : 101 5-I016:April 22. L J5 821.88 Dhr. Same. Reviewed in Independent 59:457-458. The New Exposition of Browning. Dial 39:44: July 16. 1905. Prince Hohenslicl-Schwangau. London Browning Society Papers 8:133-145 821.88 Db$. HEROD. MR. STEPHEN PHILLIPS' By John Lane. World's Work 1 :666-667: April 1901. HEROES AND GREATHEARTS AND THEIR ANIMAL FRIENDS. BOOK NOTICES By lohn T. Dale. Education Magazine 33 : 12I-;28:Or. ;912. HEROIC COUPLET. THE By St. Loe Strachey. Eclectic 123 :448-61 :Oct. 1894. 164 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY HEROINES, BROWNING'S By Ethel Colburn Mayne. (See Women.) 821.88 Pnft- Same. Dial 58:258-259: April 1. 1913. By M. R. Pridham. Drorening Notes 59-65 821.88 Dhn. HERRICK. CHRISTINE T. Some Booki for the Da^ of Leisure. Mrs. Browning. Nineteenth Century 48:594:Sept. 30, 1892. HERRICK, ROBERT By Editor. Edinburgh Review 1 99: 109-27: Jan. 1904. HERSEY, HELOISE EDWIN A DroTvning in America New England Magazine 542-545 :Jan. 1890 821.88 Xman. HERSEY, HELOISE EDWINA, AND WILLIAM J. ROLFE Edited with notes. A Biol in the 'Scutchcor} and Other Dramas. By Robert Browning. 821.88 Gdr. Edited with notes. Select Poems of Robert DroTvning. American Book Co. 821.88 Grh. HERVE RIEL In Poems of Adventure and Heroism, Browning Stud}) Programme. Poet Lore 1 1 :3 :406-408. By Robert Browning. Cornhill. Liltell's Living Age 109:63-64. H. E. W. (TO W. C. E.) Browning? Yes in a General Way. Spectator. Littell'i Living Age 190:578. HEWLETT. HENRY G. Mrs. Browning 2:30-38. 167-169 B C551h. Henry Fothergill Chorley, Autobiography, Memoirs and Letters, two volumes. Robert Browning 1:212-213. 2:25-26. 30, 169-174; Barry Cornwall. Nineteenth Century 4:643 :652:Oct. 1878. Modern Ballads. Contemporary Review 26:958-980: Nov. 1875. The Poems of Matthew Arnold. Contemporary Review 24:559- 567:Sept. 1874. Poets of Society. Contemporary Review 20:238-269: July 1872. HEYDRICK. BENJAMIN A. Echoes and Growth in Rudyard Kipling. Poet Lore 14:1:84-94. H. F. C. The Complacency of the iVordsworthians. Eclectic Magazine 141 : 181 -185: July 1903. Same. Littell's Living Age 237:818-822. H. G. O. My Last Duchess. The Daniel Baker Collegian ll:8:June 1911 821.88 Xblg. HICKEY. EMILY H. Ljrowning Biography. Littell's Living Age 268:201-213. From Nineteenth Century and After. Browning, Elizabeth Browning. Nineteenth Century 74:164-184: July 1913. Browning on Failure; Browning Centenary 19-31 821.88 Vnya. Robert Browning, Biography of. Nineteenth Century 68:1060- 1075:Dec. 1910. Glorious Robert Browning. Nineteenth Century and After. Lit- tell's Living Age 271 :270-283:Dec. 1910. Notes and Preface to Strafford: A Tragedy. By Robert Browning. An Introduction by Samuel R. Gardiner. George Bell & Soni, London. 1892. 821.88 Hsh. Strafford. 821.88 Hsh. BROWNINGIANA 165 Strafford, a Traged]^. Athenaeum 2955 :757:Jan. 14. 1884; 2966: 273: Aug. 30. 1884. A Study; of Bro-wningi Saul. The Catholic World 94:561:320- 336:Dec. 1911. HIGGINBOTHAM. ELSIE An Apology) on Reading the DroJvning Love Leilen. (Academy.) Litlell's Living Age 222:792. An Apology^ on Reading the Dromning Love Letters. From The Book-Lover Jan. -Feb. 1901. HIGGINSON. THOMAS WENTWORTH The Biography) of Brorvning'i Fame. Boston Browning Society Papers 1-6 821.88 Vbp. A Brief for Literature as a Profesiion. Literary Digest 31:271: Aug. 26. 1905. BroTi>ning's Profoundeit Poem. Literary Digest 23:39:July 13, 1901. A Caucui of Authors. Independent 42:2:1 1 18: Aug. 14. 1890. Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came. Poet Lore 13:2:262-68. Colonel Higginson's Life of Longfellow. Literary Digest 25:868- 870:Dec. 27, 1902. Concerning High IVaier Marl(s. Independent 42:205-206: Feb. 13, 1890. Footpaths. Atlantic Monthly 26:513-521 :Nov. 1870. A Great Poet in Her Prime. Reminiscences of the Days When Elizabeth Barrett Browning was Living and Writing. Boole News 24:283 :457-459:March 1906 821.88 Xma Vol. 6. The Greatest Books of the Century. Outlook 66:804:Dec. 1. 1900. Keats Ode on Melancholy as First Written. Literary Digest 13: 202: June 13. 1896. Literary London Twenty Years Ago. Atlantic Monthly 80:753- 761: July 1897. Opening Address at the Boston Memorial Services 14-16 821.88 Bmb. HIGHER MINISTRIES OF RECENT ENGLISH POETRY. THE Robert Browning. By Frank W. Gunsaulus. (Typewritten) 821.88 Dghm. By Frank W. Gunsaulus. Robert Browning 178-233 821.01 G976m (2 Copies). HIGHER USES OF THE IMAGINATION By John T. Prince. New Church Review 12:376-385 : July 1905. HILL. ALEX. Notes to the pocket volume of selections from the poems of Robert Browning by Alex Hill, M. A. M. D.. Master of Downing Col- lege, with essays on several aspects of Browning's Genius. Con- tents: Browning's Relation to Other Poets of the Century, by C. E. Vaughn 13; Browning and Tennyson Compared, by Rev. J. Llewelyn Davies 17; A Grammarian s Funeral, by W. F. Revell 30; Browning's Estimate of the Value of Effort, by J. S. K. Moss and J. Brunion Aitken 37; Browning as a Musician, by E. A. Whitehead 47; Browning's Heroines, by M. R. Pridham 59; Love Poems of Browning, by C. E. Vaughn 73; Rabbi Ben Ezra, by G. D. Boyle, Dean of Salisbury, 86; Self Revelation, by J. E. Symes 94; Browning's Attitude Towards Art and Nature, by Owen Seaman 107; Reminiscence and Reflection, by G. D. Boyle 121 ; Biographical, Chronological Tables of the Principal Events in the Poet's Life and the Order of Publication of the Poems 141 821.88 Dhn. 166 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY HILL. A. S. English in Our Collega. Scribner's Magazine 1 : 507-512: April 1887. HILL. JULIAN Great English Poets. Bron>ning 293-303 BC P745eeh. HILLARD, GEORGE STILLMAN Six Months in Italy. 914.5 H649 (Vol. II 177). HILLIS, NEWELL DWIGHT Great Boo^s as Life Teachers. (See The Traged'y of the Ten Talented Men 181-204. Study of Brownings Saul.) 814 H559. (Typewritten) 821.88 Sahg. HIND. C. LEWIS Portraits of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Broi»ning. Art Journal 62-64: Feb. 1890 821.88 Xpsr. HIND. W. ARTHUR Brorvning's Teaching on Faith, Life and Love. 821.88 Rhtf. HINDUSTAN REVIEW The Future of Fiction. By Hemendra Prasad Ghose. Littell* Living Age 268:154-159. HISTORY Broivning's Use of History. By Chas. J. Little. (See Syracuse Memorial 9-13) 821.88 Bsy. HISTORY, BOOKS ON FRENCH Athenaeum 3742:95-96: July 15. 1899. HISTORY OF OUR OWN TIMES. A By Justin McCarthy. 1:527:538-540 942.08 Ml 27a. ^^- i-C. Fine Arts in Education. Baylor Literary 14:7-13:Sept. 1905. HOASHI. RIICHIOR Selections from Browning translated into Japanese. Contains also a sonnet to Browning. 821.88 Gjh. To The Poet. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 142 821.88 Xht. HODDER AND STOUGHTON A Day With the Poet Browning. 821.88 Xdw. HODELL, CHARLES W. Browning Society Papers 1911 821.88 Hrhe. Browning's Old Yellow Bool(. Nation 85:299-300:Oct. 3. 1907. An Essay on Robert Browning's The Ring and the Bool(. Boston Introduction to The Ring and the Boo{(. By Robert Browning. Everyman's Library. Edited by Ernest Rhys. 821.88 Hre. A Literary Mosaic : Ring and the Boolf. Taken from Modern Language 23:3:510-519 821.88 Hrhm. Old Yellow Book. Blackwood's 189:572-575: April 1911. The Old Yellow Book- Liltell's Living Age 269:499-502. Old Yellow Book. Reviewed in the Atlantic 101 :407-4l3:March 1908. Old Yellow Book, Sources of Browning's The Ring and the Book, in complete photo-reproduction with translation, essay and notes. Second edition. 821.88 Hroe. The Old Yellow Book, Sources of Browning's The Ring and the Book. 821.88 Hroc. Old Yellow Book, translated and edited by Hodell in the Every- man's Series. 821.88 Hroe. The Old Yellow Book — The Source of Browning's Ring and the Book, in a complete photo-reproduction. Athenaeum 4223:396: Oct. 3. 1908. BROWNINGIANA 167 The Ring and the Doolf, An Eisay on. Published by Boston Browning Society 1911 821.88 Hrhe. Selected and Edited Poems of Robert Browning. English Readings for Schools. 821.88 Ghp. HODGSON. GERALDINE E. RohcTt Droraning as a Mystic. The Seeker 8:32 :252-279: Feb. 1913. HODGSON, RALPH. THE POETRY OF By John Gould Fletcher. Dial 63:50-2:July 19. 1917. HOECK. LOUIS G. The Universality of Lam. New Church Review l2:507-520:Oct. 1905. HOGREFE. PEARL Drorvning and Italian Art and Artists. Bulletin of the University of Kansas. Humanistic Studies. May 15. 1914. 821.88 Lhi. HOLBEACH. HENRY By George MacDonald. Contemporary Review 19:37-55 :Dec. 1872. HOLIDAY BOOKS By W. G. Bowdoin. Independent 63 :2: 1463- 1475 :Dec. 19, 1907. By W. G. Bowdoin. Independent 69:3 : 1250 :Dec. 8. 1910. HOLLAND. FREDERICK MAY Selections from Robert Drorvning. Athenaeum 2868:489:Oct. 14, 1882. Sordello. A Story from Robert Drowning. G. P. Putnam's Sons. New York. 1881. 821.88 Psoh. Sordello, from Stories from Robert Drowning. With an introduc- tion by Mrs. Sutherland Orr. (Typewritten) 821.88 Fho. Stories from Robert Drowning. With an introduction by Mrs. Suth- erland Orr. George Bell & Sons. London. 1882. 821.88 Fhs. HOLLEY, HORACE Modern Social Religion. Forum 55: 570: April 1916. HOLMES. OLIVER WENDELL Over the Teacups. Atlantic Monthly 66:92- 105: July 1890. HOLT. LUCIUS HUDSON The Leading English Poets From Chaucer to Drowning. English Journal 4 :683:Dec. 1915. HOMAGE TO BROWNING By Aleph Tanner. Being a collection of poems dedicated to Robert Browning or inspired by him. 821.88 Xht. HOMAGE TO BROWNING: SUPPLEMENTARY Drowning. By J. Westby Earnshaw. Same. By A. J. A. M. Same. By Edward Robeson Taylor. Robert Drowning: Enlarges Upon It in Several of His Manners and Interpolates a Lyric. Anonymous. Robert Drowning. By J. J. Britton. The Drownings. By Ida A. Ahlborn. Drowning's Birthday. By C. E. Whiton-Stone. Same. By E. B. Browning. Same. By Clara L. Nicolay. Same. By Maria S. Porter. The Dreamer of Dreams. By Elizabeth Clendenning Ring. Fauldcss. By Jcanie Morison. Lines Written Abroad on Hearing of Drowning's Death. By G. Mackit. 64-66. 168 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY In Palazzo Rczzonico, Venice. By Jeanie Morison. Leadership in Song. By W. G. Kingsland. On Reading in the London Paper Thai Mr. Drowning Wai Going to Publish Some Neii> Poems. By N. Briton. A Peasant IVoman in Italy. (Suggested by Robert Browning's Poem The Italian in England.) By Blanche Coles (Mrs. Thomas R. Coles). The Pied Piper. By Louise Betts Edwards. Prologue. By W. A. R. (A Souvenir of the Performance of Browning's Tragedy A Blot in the 'Scutcheon, Manchester, 27. 1893.) Reminiscent. By William G. Kingsland. Robert Droruning's Death. By Maxwell Gray. To the BroTpning Hands. By Emma B. Keepers. To the Memory of Robert Brorvning. Browning: A Centenar]) Song. By William G. Kingsland. To Robert and Elizabeth Brorvning. By H. G. H. To Robert Browning. By William G. Kingsland. Same. (On the Attainment of His 70th Birthday.) By William G. Kingsland. Same. From Nassau Literary Magazine 45: 7:469: Feb. 1890. Same. By Yone Noguchi. A poem evidently by A. J. Pitt in the front of a calendar. In manuscript. 821.88 Gyb. Apollo and Keats on Browning. A Fantasy. By Clifford Lanier. An Apology on Reading the Browning Love Letters. By Elsie Higginbotham. From The Book-Loafer Jan. -Feb. 1901. Christmas Cards: Robert Browning; Joseph Barber Lighlfoot. By Henry Cary Shuttleworth. Page 5. / 5ee Thee Lilfe a Beacon Light. By Ethelean Tyson Gaw. HOME LIFE OF GREAT AUTHORS By Hattie Tyng Griswold. Robert and Elizabeth Browning 274- 285 BcG871. HOME TRUTHS FROM ABROAD Anonymous. After Robert Browning. In A Parody Anthology, by Carolyn Wells 193 821.88 W453pa. HOMEI. IWANO Kinsei Eibunga}(u. (Studies in Modern English Literature.) Con- tains translations into Japanese of Mesmerism. 920.8 S933. HOMER AND BROWNING By Prentiss Cummings. Boston Browning Society Papers 389-410 821.88 Vbp. See Paley, F. A. HOMER. SIDNEY See Music. HOMILETIC REVIEW Browning's Religion. By Rev. A. T. Bannister. 39:210-216:Sept. 1900. HOOKER. BRIAN By Alfred Noyes. Century 88:349-353 :July 1914. HOOKER. EMILY G. George Meredith on the Source of DeslinX}. Poet Lore 12:2:238- 252. HOPE. EVELYN By Robert Browning. Rising Generation 39: 10-302: Chapter* 5-7 821.88 Xmrg. In Japaneie. BROWNINGIANA 169 HOPE. GRAHAM AU'i Well. Being optimistic thoughtt from the writingi of Robert Browning. 821.88 Saw. HORACE. ODES AND EPODES OF By Editor. Edinburgh Review 190: 1 I9-I46:july 1699. HORNBROOKE. FRANCIS BICKFORD An Interpretation of The Ring and the Dooli. 821.88 Hrh. The Ring and the Bool(, Some Teachings of. Poet Lore I :7:314- 320. Mr. Sludge, the Medium. Boston Browning Society Papers 289- 305 821.88 Vbp. Same. Poet Lore 7:5:240-54. What Should Be the Poet's Attitude Toward His Critics? Poet Lore 5:3:135-143. HORNBROOKE. MRS. FRANCIS B. An Echo of the DroV>ning Cult in America. Dial 48:91 :Feb. I, 1910. HORNE. RICHARD HENGIST Letters and E5sa\)s. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Addressed to Richard Hengist Home. With a Preface and Memoir by Rich- ard Henry Stoddard. 821.88 Hie (2 copies). Letters From Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 2 Vol. 821.88 HI. Same. Contemporary Review 23 :146-162:Dec. 1873. Same. Magazine Articles. Mrs. Browning. 821.88 Xbm. Same. To the Author of Orion on Literary and General Topics. Contemporary Review. Liltell's Living Age 120:281-290. Same. Littell's Living Age 120:535-547 821.88 Xbm. HORWILL, HERBERT W. Literature: The Art of Letter Writing. Forum 36:554:April 1905. Literature: Recent Biography. Forum 35: 73: July 1903. HOSMER. HARRIET G. Letters and Memories. Edited by Cornelia Carr. 2 Copies. Recollections of the Brownings. In Two Parts. 7 he Youth's Com- panion 74:32:388: Aug. 9. 1900: 74:2: 599-600: Nov. 15. 1900. HOUGH. L. H. The Magic of a Book. Methodist Review 30:5:696-706:Sept.- Oct 1914; (Fifth Series) Whole No. 529:96:5. 821.88 Xmmr. HOUGHTON. A. B. Robert Browning. Harvard Monthly 2:3:95-108:May 1886 821.22 Dhm. HOUGHTON, LORD ROBERT In Memoriam. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 129 821.88 Xht. HOURS IN A LIBRARY (Times.) Littell's Livmg Age 292:283-287. HOUSEHOLD USE. BROWNING FOR By Edith Harmon Brown. Critic 44:86-87 : Jan. 1904. HOUSMAN. LAURENCE Realitv in Poclr\>. Fortnightly Review 96: 1 1 18-1 121 : Nov. 1911. Same. Fortnightly Review. Littell's Living Age 272:204-214. HOVEY. RICHARD AND BLISS CARMAN In a Copy of Browning. More Songs from Vagabondia. Designs by Tom B. Meteyard. 811 C287ms (2 Copies). HOVEY, RICHARD— THE DEFINITIVE PLACE OF— IN AMERI- CAN LETTERS By Page and Rittenhouie. Current Opinion 44:277-279:Nov. 1907. 170 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY HOW BROWNING MADE A CHRISTIAN By Dr. Edward Beidoe. Literary Digest 12:531 :Feb. 29, 1896. HOW BROWNING'S FAME WAS DELAYED By H. W. Temple. Literary Digest 15:26:May 1. 1897. HOW BROWNING'S FAME WAS DELAYED TWENTY YEARS By Dean Farrar. Literary Dioest 14:701 :April 10. 1897. HOW DO I LOVE THEE See Music. HOW ONE OF MRS. BROWNING'S BOOKS WAS NAMED By Edmund Gosse. Literary Digest 10:493 :Feb. 23. 1895. HOW THEY BROUGHT THE GOOD NEWS FROM GHENT TO AIX By Browning. In The Rising Generation 39:1 and concluded in 39:2:46-47. 821.88 Xmrg. In Japanese. By Robert Browning. The Sixth Reader of the Popular Series. By Marcius Willson. 515-518. Commenl on Musical Salting of Notes and NelOfs. Poet Lore 1 :6: 294-295. HOW TO READ By Arnold Haullain. Blackwood. Littell's Living Age 208:515- 528. HOWELL Defending Literar\) Fads. Literary Digest 40:1178:June 11. 1910. HOXIE. H. N. Address on Browning. Poet Lore 2:1:43-47. HUBBARD. ELBERT The Last Ride. Roycroft Edition. Hand-painted decorations. 821.88 Bhl. Little journeys to the Homes of English Authors. First Edition. Robert Browning. Done into print by the Roycrofters at the Roy- croft Shop, which is in East Aurora. New York. U. S. A. 821.88 Bhl. HUGHES. CHAS. A Blot in the 'Scutcheon. A Souvenir of the Performance, at Manchester. March 27. 1892. 821.88 Hbs. HUGHES. JAMES L. Songs of Gladness and CroTeth. Containing To a Broroning Poem 115. 821.88 H893. To a Browning Poem. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tan- ner 55 821.88 Xht. HUGO. VICTOR. INFLUENCE OF By Edmund Gosse. Cosmopolitan Magazine 32:633: April 1902. HUGO, VICTOR— POETRY OF By Edward Dowden. Contemporary Review 22: 175- 197: July 1873. HUISH. MARCUS B. British Art at Venice. Nineteenth Century 66:89-96: July 1909. Same. Littell's Living Age 262:404-410. HULL. A. M. New Classics for Old. English Journal 6:548:Oct. 1917. HULL. ELEANOR Stopford Augustine Brooke. Fortnightly Review 106:449-450:Sept. 1916. HULL. MARY H. Introduction to Christmas Eve. By Robert Browning. Done into print by the Roycrofters at the Roycroft Shop, which is in Eo»t Aurora. New York. U. S. A.. 1899. 821.88 Hceh. BKOWNINGIANA 171 HUMAN BROTHERHOOD IN WHITMAN AND BROWNING A Topical Reading Coitrti-. By Charlotte Porter. Poet Lore 10:3. 421-424. HUMAN FORM. THE By William Smitl.. New Church Review 10:342-364 :July 1903. HUMOR See J. Cotter Morison. HUMOR— CARLYLE AND BROWNING By Jessie M. Anderson. Poet Lore 2:8:421-423. HUMPHREY. LUCY HENDERSON The Poetic Old World. 808.1 H926. HUNEKER DECLARES THAT GENIUS HAS NO COUNTRY. MR. Current Opinion 57:423:Dec. 1914. HUNT. LEIGH By F. Warre Cornish. Eclectic Magazine 1 27:30-40: July 1896. Same. (Temple B.) Litteli's I.ivini; Age 210:3-14. HUNT. THEODORE W. Misiion of Literature, forum 24:5IO:Jan. 1898. HUNT. W. HOLMAN Characteristics of Sivinburne'i Poetry. Edinburgh Review 204:468- 487:Oct. 1906. The German Stage. Edinburgh Review 204: 447-467 :Oct. 1906. Lamartine and Elvire. Edinburgh Review 205 :442: April 1907. The Pleiade and the Elizahethan.%. Edinburgh Review 205:353- 379: April 1907. The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, o Fight for Art. Contemporary Review 98:2:702-725:Oct. 1911. Pre-Raphaelitism. Edinburgh Review 203 :450-470: April 1906. HUNTINGTON. ARRI.^ S. Broipning'j Philosophv. From Memorial Meeting of the Syracuse Browning Club 55-59' 821.88 Bsr. HURLBUT. JESSE L. The Plains field Drorvning Cluh. Poet Lore 2:2:86-89. HUTCHINSON. JONATHAN An Address Delivered at the Conversazione Held at the London Hospital, October 2. 1882. Printed by J. E. Adiard. Bartholomew Close. London. 1882. 821.88 Eah. HUTCHINSON. PERCY .ADAMS Browning. BooLman 9:171 : April 1899. HUTCHISON. THOMAS Robert Browning. Homage to Robert Brontniug, Aleph Tanner 122 821.88 Xhi. HUTTON. JOHN A. Guidance from Robert Browning in Matters of Faith. Oliphanl. Anderson & Ferrier. Edinburgh. 1903. 821.88 Rhg. HUTTON. LAWRENCE Literar], Landmarlis of Florence. 809.0455 H9846. Literar], Landmarks of Rome. 809.0456 H9a4. HUTTON. RICHARD HOLT Browning as a Religious I eacher. Good IVords. Liltell't Living Age 184:660-665: March 15. 1890. Robert Browning in Matron's In the Footsteps of the Poets. 821.04 M4I9i. Essays Theological and Literary: .V/r. flron>ning 2:153-200 824.8 H985 2 Vol. 172 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY HUTTON. T. W. The Poet of the Real. Literary Digest 37: 1 58- 1 59: Aug. 1. 1908. HUXLEY. HENRIETTA Drowning. Homage io Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 112 821.88 Xht. HUXLEY. THOMAS HENRY— A REMINISCENCE By Wilfrid Ward. (19th Cent.) Littell's Living Age 210:579- 592. By Wilfrid Ward. Nineteenth Century 40:274-292: Aug. 1896. HYBRID ART. THE By Morton Luce. Nineteenth Century 70:1 :461 -475 :Sept. 1911. HYDE. WM. DE WITT The Greatest Doof(s of the Ccnlur}). Outlook 66:801 -802 :Dec. 1. 1900. I 1 GO TO PROVE MY SOUL See Music. I HAVE A MORE THAN FRIEND See Music. I SEND MY HEART UP TO THEE See Music. IBSEN AS A DRAMATIST By Frederick W. Roe. Sewanee Review 13:305-318. IBSEN— A VIEW OF By A. Maynard Butler. Contemporary Review 81 :709-719:May 1902. IBSEN— THE INFLUENCE OF Munsey's Magazine 19:273: May 1898. IBSEN LEGEND. THE Editorial. Dial 18:259-61 :May 1, 1895. IDEA OF GOD IN THE SUN. THE By Daniel G. Brinton. Poet Lore 3:5:254-257. IDEA OF PERSONALITY AND ART AS AN INTERMEDIATE AGENCY OF PERSONALITY AS EMBODIED IN BROWNING'S POETRY In Corson's Introduction to the Study of Browning's Poetry 32-71 821.88 Dcs. IDEA OF PERSONALITY AS EMBODIED IN ROBERT BROWN- ING'S POETRY. THE By Hiram Corson. Berdoe's Drowning Studies 47-75 821.88 Vlbs. Same. London Browning Society Papers 3:293-321 821.88 Dbj. IDEAL LITERARY MARRIAGE. AN Literary Digest 37 :426-427:Sept. 26. 1908. IDEAL OF LIFE. BROWNINGS From Santayana on Robert Browning, A Pessimist Criticism. By Helen Dryer Woodward. Poet Lore 13:1:97-111. IDEALISM AS A PRACTICAL CREED Wordsworth and Drowning. By Henry Jones. 139-192 804 J77i. IDEALS OF BEAUTY IN KEATS AND BROWNING By Alice Groff. Poet Lore 5:5:247-253. BROWNINGIANA 173 IDEALS OF POILTRY, BROWNING'S In the Study Class. By Anna Bcnneson McMahan. 195-196 807 MI 67. TDEALS OF WOMANHOOD HELD BY BROWNING AND THE GREEK DRAMATISTS. THE By Charlotte Porter. Poet Lore 9:3:385-400. IDLE READING By Herbert Paul. Nineteenth Century 61 :837-842:May 1907. IDOL AFFECTIONS By Clara Bloomfield Moore. Homage to Robert Browning, Alcph Tanner 115 821.88 Xht. IDYLLS AND THE AGES. THE A Valuation of Tennyson's Idylls of the King. Elucidated in part by comparison between Tennyson and Browning. By John Frank- lin Genung. 821.88 Eiag. IF I LEAVE ALL FOR THEE Elizabeth B. Browning. Current Opinion 33:584. IF I WERE THOU See Music. IF THOU MUST LOVE ME Elizabeth B. Browning. Current Opinion 34:471. IF WE RETURN Letters of a Soldier in Kitchener's Army. By G. B. Manwaring. (Showing Browning's Influence.) IGDRASIL Asolando (a review). Robert Browning 118:March 1890 821.88. At Drowning'i Funeral. By Kineton Parkes. 109:March 1890 821.88. Robert Drowning (Poem). By J. J. Britton. 66:Feb. 1890 821.88 Dmur. Robert Drowning. By James Murray. 59-66 Feb. 1890 821.88 Dmur. 1. H. McL. Suggested by the Epilogue in Asolando. Homage to Robert Drown- ing, Alcph Tanner 134 821.88 Xht. IL CENTENARIO DELLA NASCITA Dl ROBERTO BROWNING By Fanny Zampini Salazar. (Professore del R. Instiluto Superiore di Magistero di Roma.) 821.88 Xcs. ILIAD OF HOMER. THE With English Notes. By F. A. Paley. Vol. I Contains Auto- graph of Robert Barrett Browning, and was Browning's own copy. Same. Vol II. Autograph of Robert Bro^vning. ILLUSTRATED AMERICAN. THE Books and Literature. By William S. Walsh. 6:62:500: April 25. 1891 821.88. ILLUSTRATED BOOKS Editorial. Atlantic Monthly 50:846-852:Dec. 1882. ILLUSTRATION (Black w.) Liltell's Living Age 112:67-79. ILLUSTRATIONS TO BROWNINGS POEMS By Ernest Radford. Part I : (a) The Coronation of the Virgin. tv Fra Lippo Lippi; (b) Andrea Del Sarto and His IVife; (c) The Angel and the Child, from Cucrcino. Part II: (a) Andrea Del Sarto and His Wife; (b) Robert Drowning, from a photograph by Fradelle. ILLUSTRIOUS HANDWRITING Eclectic Magazine 122: 134- 1 37: Jan. 1894. 174 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY IMAGINATION The Man mlh the Hoe and Other Poems. By Edwin Markham. 50 811 M345mh. By Edwin Markham. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 36 821.88 Xht. IMAGINATION AND OTHER ESSAYS Chriitmas Eve. By George MacDonald. 193-217 824.8 Ml 35. IMITATION OF ROBERT BROWNING After Robert Browning. By J. K. Stephen. In a Parodx) Anihol- og\j, by Carolyn Wells 210 821.08 W453pa. IMMORTAL RESIDUE, THE By Francis Hackett. New Republic 5:3l2-313:Jan. 22. 1916. IMMORTALITY Brojvning'i Poems on Cod and Immorlalil}) as Bearing on Life Here. By William F. Revell. London Browning Society Paper* 4:435-454 821.88 Db*. By H. Clinton Hay. New Church Review 15 :576-586:Oct. 1908. See Arnold's Hold on Immortalitvi. See Wright, Merle S. IMMORTALITY OF THE SOUL In Poems of Tennyson and Browning, by Henry Jones. 821.88 T3l2jb. IMPRESSIONS FROM THE POEMS OF ROBERT BROWNING. A FEW By Emily Atkinson. Profusely illustrated. Published by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd., London. 821.88 Gfa. IMPRESSIONS OF BROWNING AND HIS ART By Stopford Augustine Brooke. Century 23 (New Series) 45 (Old Seriee) 238-245 :Dec. 1892 821.88 Hib. IN A BALCONY By Robert Browning. Introduction by Laura McAdoo Triggs. Designs by F. W. Goudy and W. A. D. Wiggins. Langworthy & Stevens. Chicago, 1902. 821.88 Hib. Chapter 6 of Charles Chauncey Shacklefords Social and Literary Papers. 821.88 Dsrp. Faceties of Love, from Browning. By Daniel G. Brinton. Poet Lore 1:1:1-27. London Browning Society Papers 7:5*-7''. Description of a per- formance of the play. Same volume. Appendix page 6-6, contains program of play. 821.88 Dbs Part 7. By Helen A. Michael. Poet Lore 7:3:152. Newspaper clippings concerning performance in New York, Oct. 1900. May 1901. Feb. 1892. Clippings 51:53-55. Slud\) Class. By Anna Benneson McMahan. 128-130 807 MI 67. By Mrs. Turnbuil. London Browning Society Papers 3:499-502. See F. C. Gerden. (German edition.) 821.88 Hbg. IN A BALCONY. THE TRAGIC MOTIVE OF By Alice Kent Robertson. Poet Lore 2:6:310-314. IN A COPY OF AGAMEMNON LA SAISIAZ AND DRAMATIC IDYLS By B. P. Shillaber. (Mrs. Partington.) Homastc to Robert Droxen- ing, Aleph Tanner 79 821.88 Xhl. IN A COPY OF BROWNING By Bliss Carman. More Songs from Vagabondia. Also in Hom- age to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 64-65 821.88 Xht. Same. Bookman 4:23-24 :Sepf. 1896. BROWNING! ANA 175 IN A DOORWAY Sec MuiiL. IN A GONDOLA See under P. C Gcrden. See Muiic. IN A POET'S GARDEN By Phil Robinson. Contemporary Review. Liltell's Living Age 198:419-431. IN ASOLO By Lucy S. Conant. Pod Lore 18:2:247-258. IN CAP AND GOWN; THREE CENTURIES OF CAMBRIDGE WIT By Chas. Whibley. Athenaeum 3239:702-703 :Nov. 23. 1889. IN DEFENSE OF CLASSICAL STUDY By Professor Jebb. Eclectic Magazine 122: 13-17:Jan. 1894. IN MEMORIAM - Robert Browning. By Michael Field. Academy 920:405 : Dec. 21 . 1889 821.88 Xman. Memorial to Robert Browning. Under the Auspices of the Brown- ing Literary Society of Boston. (Printed for the Society by the University Press, Cambridge.) 821 .88 Bmb 33,104. By Robert Lord Houghton. Homage lo Robert Brorvning, Aleph Tanner. 129 821.88 Xht. IN MEMORIAM, AFTER FIFTY YEARS By Editor. Edinburgh Review 203 :297-318:Aprii 1906. IN MEMORIAM— ROBERT BROWNING By Rev. John Owen. Homage to Robert BroXDning, Aleph Tan- ner 112-114 821.88 Xht. By Jeanie Morison. There as Here. 821.88 M861t. IN PRAISE OF BROWNING By Charlotte Porter. Homage to Robert Bromiing, Aleph Tanner 43 821.88 Xht. IN PRAISE OF ROBERT BROWNING (On His Centenary.) By Cale Young Rice. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 27 821.88 Xht. IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE POETS By Davis Masson. Robert Browning 297-330; Mn. Browning 279-296 821.04 M419i. Same. Introduction 11-13. See Browning's Memorial. 821.88 Bmb. IN THE GARDEN OF THE VATICAN By Alice Harriman. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 94-95 821.88 Xht. IN THE POET'S CORNER By Katherine Lee Bates. Homage lo Robert Browning. Aleph Tanner 101 821.88 Xht. IN WHAT BOOK Editorial. Chautauquan 7:190:Dec. 1887. INCIDENT OF THE FRENCH CAMP (Supposed to be Spoken by one of Napoleons Soldiers.) By Robert Brownins;. In The Rising Generation War Number 51-53: Aug. 15, 1904 821.88 Xmrg. Translated into Japanese. See /Rising Cenera/io;i. 821.88 Xmrg. INCLUDING HORACE By Louis Untermeyer. Integer Vitac as it might have been translated by Robert Browning 7-10 811 U611h. 176 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Louis Untermeyer's Including Horace 7-10. See also Parodiea. 811 U611h. INCREASING VOGUE OF BROWNING. THE Dial 54:447:June 1. 1913. INDEPENDENT Advice of a Father io a Daughter or\ Entering College. By C. F. Thwing. 71:473-477:Sept. 1. 1911. An Actress Who Played Drowning. By \Vm. L. Phelps. 83: 394:Sept. 20. 1915. An American Poet? Editorial. 40 :2: 1303-1 304 :Oct. 11, 1888. Another Book on Tennyson. Editorial. 46:209-210:Feb. 15. 1894. Autobiography of M. D. Conway. 57 :2: 1089-1 090 :Nov. 10, 1904. Berdoe's Brorvning Studies. 47:2:1 920 :Nov. 28, 1895. Beside a Brook with Izaak Walton. By Maurice Thompson. 47: 1:859-860: June 27. 1895. Biograph\> of the Brownings. By L. Whiting. 71 :550:Sept. 7, 1911. Books on Italy. Editorial. 58:2:1069-71 : May II. 1905. Brahma. (Review.) By Dr. J. Lawrence Erb. 61 :1 :400:Aug. 16. 1906. Robert Browning. 57:1214:Nov. 24. 1904. Same. By Stopford Augustine Brooke. Reviewed in 54:3:2534- 2535 :Oct. 23, 1902. Same. By Gilbert Keith Chesterton. Reviewed in 55:3:1574- 1575:July 2, 1903. Same. Editorial. 41 :2:1689:Dec. 19, 1889. Same. By W. Hall Griffin and Harry Christopher Minchin. Re- viewed in 71:483-484: Aug. 24, 1911. Same. By Rev. H. R. Haweis, M. A. 44:2: 1776- 1777: Dec. 15, 1892. Same. By Charles H. Herford. Reviewed in 59:457-458: Aug. 24. 1905. Same. By Francis A. March. LL. D. 42:1 :Jan. 2. 1890. Same. (Poem.) By Elizabeth Phelps. 41 :2:171 7:Dec. 26, 1889. Browning. By Richard Henry Stoddard. 42:820: June 12, 1890. Browning and Dramatic Monologue. (Review.) By S. S. Curry. 65:2:1 004-5 :Oct. 29, 1908. Browning and How to Know Him. (Review.) By Wm. L. Phelps. 84:278:Nov. 15. 1915. Browning and Whitman. By O. L. Triggs. 45:436:March 30, 1893. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. By Geo. Perry Morris. 60:1:501- 504: March 1, 1906. Browning Encyclopedia. By Edward Berdoe. 43 :2: 1489:Oct. 8. 1891. Robert Browning: Journeys to the Home of English Authors. Re- view. 52: 384: Feb. 8. 1900. Mrs. Browning in Letters. By Richard Henry Stoddard. 39:1: 737-738:June 9. 1887; 39:2:770-771 :June 16. 1887; 39:3:803- 804: June 23. 1887. Robert Browning Personalia. Review. By Edmund Gosse. 42: 461: April 3. 1890. Browning Theology. By Frederick M. Bird. 42:171-172:Feb. 6. 1890. The Drownings. (Review.) By Lilian Whiting. 72; 1065: May 16. 1912. BROWNINGIANA 177 Browrtmg'i Cridcism of Life. (Review.) By Wm. F. Revell. 44: 2:1452:Oct. 13. 1892. flron.ning'3 Iial\). By H. Archibald Clark. 63 :2: 1 463: Dec. 19. 1907. Drorvning'a Love Leiitra. Editorial. 51 :833-34:March 23. 1899. BroTvningi Life and Letters. Editorial. 43 : 1022-23:July 9. 1891 . Robert Browning's Shorter Poems. Review. 42:526: April 17, 1890. Caucus of Authors. By Thomas W'enlworth Higginson. 42:2: lll8:Aug. 14. 1890. The Cen(enarj) of P. B. Shelley. By Kenyon West. 44:2:1082- 83: Aug. 4. 1892. The Complete Poetic and Dramatic IVorlfs of Robert Bromning. (Review.) 47:2:1 442 :Oct. 1895. Concerning High Water Marl(s. By Thomas Wentworth Higgin- son. 42:205-206:Feb. 13. 1890. By Gerda Dalliba. Reference to Browning Club. Independent 67:2:880-81. Davs with Poets. 69:693:Sept. 29. 1910. A Decade of Poetry. By Susan H. Ward. 51 :814-816:March 23. 1899. Dictionary of National Biography. (Review.) bA-.llb-in -.Itn. Th, 1902. English Notes. By James Payn. 41 :2: 1042: Aug. 15. 1889; 41: 2:1375-6:Ocf. 24. 1889; 42:237-238:Feb. 20. 1890; 43:144-145: Jan. 29. 1891; 46:321 :March 15. 1894. English Quarterly Reviews. Editorial. 42:752:May 29, 1890. Essays and Reviews. (Review.) By Joseph Jacobs. 43: 1068: July 16. 1891. Ethics of Robert Browning. By Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen. 40:2: 1595-1 596 :Dec. 13. 1888. Dr. Everett's Essays. Editorial. 54: 1 :51 5 :Feb. 27. 1902. Fame of Tennyson. By Henry Van Dyke. 42:66: Jan. 16, 1890. A Few Words on Robert Browning. (Review.) 43:498: April 2. 1891. Fitzgerald's New Letters. Editorial. 54:1 :753:March 27. 1902. Florence in Browning's Poetry. 57:2: 1093- 1094: Nov. 10, 1904. Formative Tvpes in English Poetry. (Review.) By George Her- bert Palmer.' 97:381 :March 15. 1919. From Browning to Bridge. By Susanne Wilcox. 70:505-510: March 9. 1911. Genius in Classes. 57:452: Aug. 25. 1904. Good American Poets. Editorial. 70:468-470: March 2. 1911. Good Books for a Small Library. Editorial. 61 :2: 1 180:Nov. 15. 1906. Gossips of the Century. Editorial. 44:2: 1451 -2:Oct. 13. 1892. Holiday Books. By W. A. Bowdoin. 63 :2: 1468-75 :Dec. 19, 1907. Holiday Books of the Year. 69:1 250 :Dec. 8, 1910. Kipling's Traffic and Discoveries. 57:921 :Oct. 20. 1904. The Last Ride Together. By R. Browning. 61 :2: 1402-03 :Dec. 13. 1906. A Letter from Browning About In a Balcony. By P. R. Reynoldt. 43:2:1 748-49 :Nov. 26. 1891. Letters of Dr. John Brown. 65:1 :493:Aug. 27. 1908. Letters of P. B. Shelley with Introductory Essay by Robert Drown- 176 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY ing. (Review.) 71 :321 :Aug. 10, 1911. Letters on Literature. By Andrew Lang. 39:1 :72: Jan. 20, 1887. Life of Robert Drowning. (Review.) By W. Hall Griffin. 70: 100:Jan. 12. 1911. Literary and Biographical Essa^i. (Review.) By Chas. Wm. Pearson. 65:2:1 069 :Nov. 5. 1908. Literar}) Career of Robert Brotvning. (Review.) By Thomas R. Lounsbury. 72: 1 065: May 16, 1912. Literary Half Acres. By Maurice Thompson. 44:2:1 545-46 :Nov. 3, 1892. Literary Notes. 57 :2:1216:Nov. 24, 1904; 66:I402:June 24, 1909; 39:l:176:Feb. 10, 1887; 41 :2:1659:Dec. 12, 1889; 51: 141: Jan. 12, 1899. Same. Tennyson's reference to sale of Love Letters. 74:591 : March 13, 1913. Same. Reference lo the size of Browning's Production. 41 :2:1 154: Sept. 5, 1889. Literature. Editorial. 67:880-881 :Ocl. 14, 1909. Literature: A Mysterious Novel. Editorial. 53 :1 :6I9:March 14. 1901. Lord Tennvson's Last Poetry. Editorial. 44:2:1469-1470,1598: Oct. 20. 1892. Lucid Literature. By Jno. Burroughs. 52:928-930: April 19. 1900. Maeterlinck and Browning. By William Lyon Phelps. 55:1:552- 554:March 5. 1903; 55:2: 1398- 1400: June 11, 1903. Masterpiece of English Literature. (Review.) 47:2:1 205 :Sept. 5. 1895. Modern Poets and Christian Education. Editorial. 62:1 :734: March 28, 1907. Wm. Morris New Book- Editorial. 41 :2:1314:Oct. 10. 1889. New Edition of the Poetical IVor^s of Robert Browning. Editorial. 40:2:884: July 12. 1888. New Poem by Robert Browning. By William Hayes Ward. 76: 2I2:Oct. 1913. The New Poetry, tlditonal. 78:342:June 1. 1914. The Optimism of Browning and Meredith. By A. C. Pigou. Lit- telKs Living Age 246:4 15-422: Aug. 12. 1905. Origin of Two Popular Poems. By Margaret J. Preston. 43:1265: Aug. 27. 1891. Parleying With Certain People. Editorial. 39:I:591:May 12. 1887. Personal, Dramatic, Romances and Lyrics. Editorial Notes. 71 :1 : 397-399: Aug. 24. 1911. Personalities. Editorial. 40:l:6l6:May 17, 1888. Personalities Prom the Athenaeum. 42: 176: Feb. 6. 1890. Personalities of Robert Browning. By Margaret J. Preston. 43:2: 1 703-4 :Nov. 19. 1891. Philosophical and Religious Teacher. (Review.) By Henry Jones. M. A. 43:2:1 488 :Oct. 8, 1891. Pippa Passes. By Robert Browning. 54:3 :3009:Dec. 18. 1902. Poems on Several Occasions. By Austin Dobson. 42:I90:Feb. 6, 1890. A Poet and His Minister. By Rev. F. W. Gunsaulus. 39:1 :553: May 5. 1887. Poetic and Dramatic Works. Editorial. 39:l:622:May 19. 1887. Poetical Works of Robert Browning. Editorial. 41 :1 :541 :April 25. 1889. BROWNINGIANA 179 Same. Revicu . 46:2: 1658- 1639 .Dec. 20. 1894. Poeirx) and Ahoul ll. By Edwin E. Slosson. 98:224-227 :Mny 10. 1919. Pottr\> and CrUUiim. Edilorial. 54 : 1 :460-461 :l-cb. 20. 1902. Poetry for Vacaliou. Editorial. 59: 1 :399:Aug. 17, 1905. Poelry, Cood. Dad. and Indifferent. Editorial. 41 :2:l398:Oct. 24, 1889. Poelrv of Toniurrow. By Bliss Carman. 44:2: 1 546:Nov. 3. 1892. The Portion of Labor. Editorial. 54 : 1 :345-346:Feb. 6. 1902. Poithumoii.', Misfortunci of Atithon. By Elhelbert D. Warfield. 43: 1 233-34: Aug. 20. 1891. A Primer of Brojvning. (Review.) By Mary Wilson. Recent Verse Ed. 44:314:Marcli 3, 1892. Prophecy and Poetry. Studies in Isaiah and Bruivning. (Review.) By Rev. Arthur Rogers. 68:705:March 31, 1910. Proipecls of English Poetry. By Geo. Saintsbury. 56:432-5 :Feb. 25. 1904. Recent Vien^s uf Christ. Editorial. 61 :2: l058:Nov. 1. 1906. Reference to a Tablet Erected to One of Drorvning's Ancestors. Editorial. 54:2:l3l3:May 29, 1902. Science versus Literature. By Ed. E. Slossan, Ph. D. 69:1440- 1442:Dec. 29, 1910. Selected Poems of Broivning. By A. J. George. Review. 59:2: 1350:Dec. 7, 1905. Shakesperc's Spelling. By G. S. Wood. 62 :2 : 1072- 1074 :Mav 9. 1907. Shelburne Essa\^s. (Review.) By Paul E. More. 59 :2 : 1 1 12:Nov. 9. 1905. A SoliloquX) of Aeschylus. By Robert Browning. (See New Poem by Robert Browning on 212.) 76:213:Oct. 30. 1913. 5orne Higher Ministries of Recent English PoetrM. (Review.) By F. W. Gimsaulus. 63 :2 : 1002 :Oct. 24. 1907. Some Recent Musical Literature. Editorial. 41 :2: 1694-95 : Dec. 19. 1889. Mr. Stedman's Latest Book- Editorial. 44:2: 1 712 :Dec. I. 1892. Smart's Song to David. Bv Edmund Gosse. 39:2:935-6: July 28. 1887. Studies of English Mystics. St. Margaret s Lectures. (Review.) By Ralph Inge, M. A. 61 : 1 :2I 7:July 26, 1906. Study of BroX»ning. Editorial. 54:3 :2534-35 :Oct. 23, 1902. A S'tudy of Tennyson. Editorial. 46:2:961 -962 :July 26, 1894. Summer Books of Work and Plav. 66:1244:June 3. 1909. Tales from Ten Poets. (Review.) By 11. S. Morris. 44:2:1755: Dec. 8. 1892. Tomorrow's Pnelrv.. By Maurice Thompson. -K):2 : 1393 : Nov. 1. !888. Unpublished Letter of Robt. Broivning. By Moncure D. Conway. 47:l:68l:May 23. 1895. Victorian Anthologv. (Review.) By Stedman. 47 :2 : 1 580:Nov. 21, 1895. What and HoU' to Read. Bv Frederick Saunders. 41:1:162-3: Feb. 7, 1889. Willful Sadness in Literature. Bv Louise Imoccne Guinev. 44: 681:May 19. 1892. Year's Holiday Bonks. 6! :2 :1402-03 :Dec. 13. 1906. 180 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY INDIA MOVING CHRISTWARD By Harold Begbie. Literary Digest 48:1 :68-69: Jan. 10. 1914. INDUCTIVE STUDIES IN BROWNING FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS. COLLEGES AND LITERATURE CLUBS By H. C. Peterson. 821.88 Dip. INFLUENCE OF CATULLUS. THE By Herbert Paul. Nineteenth Century 61 : 163- 172: Jan. 1907. INFLUENCE OF ITALY ON THE POETRY OF THE BROWN- INGS. THE By Mrs. Arthur Harter (Ethel de Fonblanque). Fortnightly Re- view 92:327-344: Aug. 1909. INFLUENCE OF THE AUTHORIZED VERSION ON ENGLISH LITERATURE By B. A. Greene. Biblical World 37:391-401 :June 19n. INFLUENCE OF THE BIBLE IN LITERATURE By Henry Van Dyke. Century 80:888-895 :Oct. I9I0. INGE. RALPH Studies in English Mystics ; St. Margaret'* Lectures (Review). Independent 61:217:July 26. 1906. INGELOW AND MRS. WALFORD. MISS Atlantic Monthly 56:230-242: Aug. 1885. INGPEN. ROGER Browning's Early Wor}(, The Early Literary Career of Robert Drotvning. By T. R. Lounsbury. Bookman 74-75 :May 1912 821.88 Xbm. INGRAM. JOHN H. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Famous Women. Roberts Brothers. Boston, 1890. 821.88 Bmi. Mrs. Browning. Athenaeum 3145:l46:Feb. 4. 1888; 3191:850: Dec. 22. 1888. Mrs. Browning's Parentage. Athenaeum 3480:33 :July 7. 1894; 3484: 160: Aug. 4. 1894; 3487:255: Aug. 25. 1894. A Prefactory Note. By Robert Browning. Athenaeum 3301:153: Jan. 31. 1891. INN ALBUM. THE By Robert Browning. London: Smith. Elder & Co., 15 Waterloo Place. 1875. (All rights reserved.) First edition. 821.88 Hial. Robert Browning. Athenaeum 2509:701 -702 :Nov. 27. 1875. From Facettcs of Love: from Browning. By Daniel G. Brinton. Poet Lore I :l :7. INNES. ARTHUR DONALD Seers and Singers. I. Characteristics, 1-25; III, Browning in Par- ticular, 50-74; V. The Ring and The Book. 99-124; VI. Dra- matic Poems, 125-151; VII. The Poets' Lovers. 152-173; IX. Ideas and Ideals, 199-221. 821.04 1 58s. INNES. A. TAYLOR La Saisiaz in 1895. Contemporary Review. Littell's Living Age 210:678-689. INQUIRY AS TO RHYME. AN By Brander Matthews. Bookman 8:32-38:Sept. 1898. IN RE CALIBAN By Oscar L. Triggs. Poet Lore 17:4:76-86. INSCRIPTION ON THAXTER'S TOMB. BROWNING'S Poet Lore 1:8:398. BROWNINGIANA 181 INSPIRED LITTLE CREATURE AND THE POET WORDS- WORTH. AN By Rosaline Masson. (f'ortn. R.) Littell'* Living Age 267:790- 80L INTEGRITY OF THE HOME. THE By Susan Wood Burnham. New Church Review 16:414-423: July 1909. INTELLECT AND THE ACTOR By S. R. Settlewood. Fortnightly Review 100:3 :Tl 3,ll6:July 1913. INTELLECTUAL EFFECT OF OLD AGE (Spect.) Liltell's Living Age 184:249-251. INTELLECTUAL LEADERSHIP OF GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS By Henry Mills Alden. Literary Digest 28:44:Jan. 9. 1904. INTEREST IN BROWNING CLUBS (Editorial comment.) Haiper's Monthly 77:798-9:Ocl. 1888. INTERESTS Browning's Personal Interests. Centenary Addresses 13-33 821.88 Vnya. INTERESTS. BROWNING AND THE SPECIAL By William Austin Smith. Atlantic 1 14:809-814 :Dec. 1914. INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA Broxonrng. 3:567-569. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS TO AUTHORS Editorial. Century 55:313-314:Dec. 1897. INTERNATIONAL REVIEW Robert Browning. By George Barnett Smith. 6:176-194. RevieTV of the Inn Album. By Bayard Taylor. 3:402-413. INTERPRETATION OF BROWNINGS IXION. AN By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 5:12:626-630. INTERPRETATIONS OF POETRY AND RELIGION. THE By George Santayana. Bookman 12:190-91 :Oct. 1900. INTERPRETATION OF ROMANTIC LOVE. BROWNING'S As Compared with That of Plato, Dante and Petrarch. By George Willis Cooke. Poet Lore 6:5:225-238. INTO THE LIGHT Brorvning. By Edward Robeson Taylor. 106 811 T239. INTRODUCTION TO BROWNING. INCLUDING ELEVEN POEMS WITH HINTS FOR STUDY By Ella B. Hallock. 821.68 Zhi. INTRODUCTION TO F. M. HOLLAND'S STORIES FROM BROWNING By Mrs. A. Orr. 821.88 Fhs. INTRODUCTION TO THE POETRY OF ROBERT BROWNING. AN By William John Alexander. 821.88 Dai. By William John Alexander. Poet Lore 1:11 :533-534. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF BROWNING. AN By Arthur Symons. 821.88 Dsi (2 copies). Same. Poet Lore 1:11:535-536. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ROBERT BROWNING'S POETRY. AN By Hiram Corson. 821.88 Dei (2 copies). Same. Extended advertisement of thii book by D. C. Heath & Co. 821.88 Dchi. Same. Poet Lore 1:11:534. 182 BAYLOR UNlVfc:R51T\ INTRODUCTIONS TO BROWNING, TWO FRESH Dial 60:82. INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS Address to Browning Society. By Rev. J. Kirkman. Berdoe't Broraning Studies 1-21 821.88 Vebs. Same. London Browning Society Papers 2:171-190 82L88 DbsPt2. By Rev. J. Kirkman. (Oct. 28, 1881, at University College, Lon- don.) (Printed Separately.) 821.88 Eak. INTUITION. BROWNING'S By J. T. Nettleship. London Browning Society Paf>ers 4:381-396. INVENTION IN LITERATURE By Brander Matthews. Scribner's Magazine 41 :246-230:Feb. 1907. By Francis Medhurst. Homage to Rohcrl Droivmng, Aleph Tan- ner 39 821.88 Xht. By Percy MacKaye. Homage to Robert Browuing, Aleph Tanner 38 821.88 Xht. IRELAND. MRS. ALEXANDER BerdoeS Brorvmng Studies 187-195 821.88 Vlbs. BroTDning's T\>pe of IVomanhood. Woman's World. (Edited by Oscar Wilde.) 1 :47-50:Dec. 1889 821.88 Pmtw. A Climpse of Froude at Home. Literary Digest 10:490:Feb. 23, 1895. On A Toccata oj Caluppi's. London Brownmj; Society Papers 11:363-370 821.88 Dbs. Same. Berdoe's Broivuing Studies 187-194 821.88 Vlbs. On Broivning's Poem Christina and i\4onaldeschi. Berdoe's Brown- ing Studies 321-331 821.88 Vlbs. Some Remarl(s on Bron-ning's Treatment of Parenthood. London Browning Society Papers 12:46-52 821.88 Dbs. IRIS-BRIDGE. THE By Helen Gray Cone. Homase to Robert Brorvning, Aleph Tan- ner 105 821.88 Xht. IRISH LITERARY DRAMA, THE By Vida D. Scudder. 16:40-53. IRISH POETS LITERARY FRIENDSHIPS. AN By Percy F. Bicknell. Dial 44 :69-70:Feb. 1. 1908. IRWIN (REV.) MABEL MAC COY H^hom Cod Hath Joined. .Arena 30: 186- 189: Aug. 1903. IS BLANK. VERSE LAWLESS By Jeanette Barbour Perry Poet Lore 8:8:528-35. IS BROWNING DRAMATIC By Arthur Symons. London Browning Society f-'apers 7:1-12 821.88 Dbs. IS BROWNING A THEIST By Stanton Coit. Poet Lore 2:7:390-92. IS LITERATURE DYING? By Herbert Paul. (Contenip. R.) Litteil's Living .-Xge 253:387- 395. Same. Eclectic Magazine 1 48:510-5 I 7 :June 1907. IS MATTHEW ARNOLD CONSOLING? Eclectic Magazine 1 19 :364-367 :Sept. 1892. IS POETRY UNPOPULAR? (Spect.) Litteil's Living Age 240:820-823. BROWNINGIANA 183 IS SHAKESPEy\RE SELF-REVEALED? By Edward Dowden. Contemporary Review 96:542-561 :Nov. 1909. IS SHE NOT PURE GOLD? See Music. IS VERSE IN DANGER? By Edmund Gosse. forum IO:5l7:Jan. I89L ISAIAH AND BROWNING In Arthur Rodqers' Prophecy and Poctrv. 821.88 Rrp. ISBELL. LOLA A Beautiful Life. Baylor Literary 12: J32-337:May-[une 1904. ISLINGTON GAZETTE By W. G. Kingsland. Sonnets. ITALIAN // Centenario dclla Nascita Di Roberto Broivning. Nuova An- tologia l6:May 1920. By Fanny Zampini Salazar. 821.88 Xcs. Tenn\;son c i Browning. By Angelo Crespi from Italian British Review 2:l:34-35:Magazine Articles No. 8 821.88 Xma. Roberto ed Elizabetta Brorvning. By Fanny Zampini Salazar. With Preface by Antonio Fogazzaro. (2 copies.) Same. Edition 1905. Enlarged. EUzabelli Barrett Bro'D>rung. By Pompes Molmento. Nuova An- tologia (LittelTs Living Age 219:35-40). Nencioni, Saggi Critici di Literature Inglese. ITALIAN ART AND ARTISTS. BROWNING AND By Pearl Hogrefe. 821.88 Lhi. ITALIAN-BRITISH REVIEW Tennvson e i BroTvning. By Dr. Angelo Crespi. 2:1 :34-45:Jan. 1919.' ITALIAN FREEDOM AND THE POETS By Lewis Worthington Smith. Arena I52-160:Feb. 1909. ITALIAN IN ENGLAND, THE See -A Peasant IVoman in Itah. By Mrs. Thomas R. (Blanche) ITALIAN LITERATURE i9th CENTURY. THE By Erma Clegg. Baylor Literary 1 7 :290-294:May 1909. ITALIAN POETS OF TODAY By Helen Zimmern. (Blackw.) Littell's Living Age 193:451-465. ITALIAN RHAPSODY AND OTHER POEMS OF ITALY Containing Browning at Asolo. (Inscribed to his friend, Mrs. Arthur Bronson.) By Robert Underwood Johnson. 17. ITALIAN SOURCES, BROWNINGS DEBT TO By Charles L. Graham. 821.88 Pjm. ITALY, BROWNING AND Spectator. Littell's Living Age 274:54-58. ITALY, BROWNING IN See editorial comment in Harper's Monthly 80:637-639:March 1890. ITALY. BROWNING'S A Study of Italian Life and Art in Browning. By Helen A. Clarke. 821.88 Hci. By H. Archibald Clarke. Independent 63 :3081 :1463 :Dec. 19. 1907. ITAL^ . BROWNING'S LOVE FOR ITALY Robert Haven Shauffler's Through Ital\) Tuith the Poets. From Luria — Its Stor\) and Motive. By Henry S. Pancoast. Poet Lore 1:11:554 808.1 S313I. 184 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY ITALY ON THE POETRY OF THE BROWNINGS. THE IN- FLUENCE OF By Ethel de Fonblanque (Mrs. Arthur Harter). Fortnightly Re- view 92 (New Series) 327-344. ITALY. POEMS OF BROWNING ON By L. H. Humphrey. The Poelic Old World. 808.1 H926. By George Hyde Wollaston. The Englishman in Italy. 821.88 W863. ITALY'S WOMEN WRITERS By Luigi D. Ventura. Chautauquan 8: 590-592: July 1888. IVAN IVANOVITCH Mr. Browning's Dramatic Idyls. From Contemporary Review 289- 302: May 1839. Comparison of Porphyrin's Lover, A Forgiveness and Ivan Ivano- vitch. By Morris Jastrow, Jr. Poet Lore 2:5:282. Study Class. By Anna Benneson McMahan. 201 807 Ml 67. IXION, AN INTERPRETATION OF BROWNING'S By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 5:12:626-630. By George D. Latimer. Poet Lore 4:5:243-54. J. A. H. Leaves from the Diar\) of a Tramp. (Cornh.) Littell't Living Age 262:143-149. j. C. C. J. D. J. T. K. A Nerv Study of Tennyson. (Cornh.) Littell's Living Age 146: 483-492. English Lvrical Poetry. (Cornh.) Littell's Living Age 122:195- 208. Wireless Telegraphv and Brain Waves. Nineteenth Century 45: 857-864: May 1899. JACOBS. JOSEPH Ceorge Eliol, Matthew Arnold, Browning, Newman. Browning 95-115 820.4 J 17. Essays and Reviews. (Reviews.) Independent 43:1068:JuIy 16, 1891. The Paths of Glory. Fortnightly Review 73: 68: Jan. 1900. JACQUES JASMIN By Harriet W. Preston. Atlantic Monthly 37:34-42: Jan. 1876. JAM POT. THE By Rudyard Kipling. After Robert Browning. In A Parody An- thology. By Carolyn Wells. 210 821.08 W453pa. JAMES. GEORGE WHARTON Browning's Message to Artists and Craftsmen of Today. Crafu- man 149-151 :Nov. 1903. /en^i'n Lloyd Jones and His Master Worl(, Abraham Lincoln Center. Arena 37:380:Aprii 1907. JAMES. HENRY Atlantic Monthly 55:702-705:May 1855. Browning in Westminster Ahhey. (Typewritten) 821.88 Bwa. BROWNINGIANA 185 Lilerary Digest 44:2:1 159-1 I60:June I. 1912. Eisay^s on London and Ehcivherc : (1) Drowning in IVatmimtcr Abbe]); (2) On ihc Drama of Robcrl Droxening. 820.4 J272. A Light Man. Galaxy 8:49-68:July 1869. Madonna of ihe Future. Atlantic Monthly 31 :276-297 : March 1873. Middle Years. Scnbners Magazine 62:609-61 5 :Nov. 1917. The Novel in The Ring and the Book- (Quarterly Review.) Littell's Living Age 274:451-463. On A Drama of Robert Browning. Views and Reviews 41-47 820.4 J27v. IVilliam IVetmore Stor\) and His Friends. For numerous reference to the Brownings see index. JAMES LEE Vll (Among the Rocks) By Robert Browning. Kaicho On, 120-131. Translated into Jap- anese by Bin Uyeda. 821.88 Xku. JAMES LEE'S WIFE By J. H. Bulkeley. Berdoe's Browning Studies 130-142 821.88 Vlbs. Same. London Browning Sorciety Papers 4:455-467 821.88 Dbs. Contemporary Review 104:454:Sept. 1913 :Literary Supplement. Ideal IVomanhood in the Masterpieces of Dante, Coethe and Rob- ert Browning. See Modern Poet Prophets. By \Vm. Norman Guthrie. 804 G984m (copy 1). See Music. JAPANESE Browning's Poems translated into Japanese by Riichero Hoashi. 821.88 Gjh. Kaicho On. By Bin Uyeda. Contains translations into Japanese of Prospice, Two Poets of Croisic, Among the Rnc}(s, The Year's al the Spring, Summum Bonum. 821.88 Xku. Anthology of Modern Verse. Contains Parting at Morning and Kinsei Eibungaf(u (Studies in Modern English Literature). Con- tains translation into Japanese of Mesmerism. By Iwano Homei. 820.8 S933J. Meeting at A'l'g/if. Translated into Japanese by Kobayashi Aiyu. 808.1 K75. Rabbi Ben Ezra. Three magazines containing parts 1, 2 and 3. Translated and interpreted by Takeshi Saito, in Japanese. 821.88 Hrbs. Saul in Studies in the Bible. By Takeshi Saito. 220.2 K36j. Same. Translated into Japanese with exposition by Takeshi Saito. 821.88 Hsas. Rising Generation : Two Poets of Croisic, Incident of the French Camp, Count Cismond Aix in Provence, Muleyl(ah, Echetlos, The Lost Leader, Evcl\)n Hope, Love Among the Ruins, The Clove, M^ Last Duchess, Trav, How Thev Brought the Cood News From Chent to Aix, Through the Metidja to Abd-el-Kadr 821.88 Xmrg. JAPANESE POETRY By Elizabeth Balch. Poet Lore 14:4:83-94: JASTROW, JR., MORRIS Ivan Ivanovitch. Poet Lore 2:5:282. Mr. Sludge and Modern Spiritualism. Poet Lore 3:2:75-87. JAY. HARRIET A Literary Man. (Acad.) Littell's Living Age 237 :378-381 . 186 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY JAY. ROBERT The Difficulties of Revolution. Fortnightly Review 84:1 056 :Dec. 1905. JEBB. RICHARD CLAVERHOUSE In Defense of Classical SluJ^. Eclectic Magazine 122:13-17: Jan. 1894. Translations into Creel^ and Latin Verse. (Second Edition.) Drorvnings Aht Vogler 2-15 808.8 J44tc. Translations. The Lost Leader rendered in Latin 356-357 808.8 G44t. JENNINGS. MRS. A. G. Some Ethical Aspects of Browning's Philosophy. New Unity Old Series 34: New Series 4:54-56:Sept. 24. 1896 821.88 Enu. JERROLD. BLANCHARD Jerrold, Douglas, Life and Remains of. B J56j. JEW Browning's Jew and Shal^espeare's Jew. By Thomas D. Barnett. Berdoe's Browning Studies 253-267 821.88 Vlbs. Same. London Browning Society Papers 10:207-220. A^ofes and News. Poet Lore 1 :1 :53. Jewish Affinities. Poet Lore 2:2:109-111. On Browning's Jew and Shal(espeare's Jew. (Selection from Pro- fessor Barnett's paper in London Society's Papers.) Poet Lore 1:1:31. IVhat Is a Parallelism? By Sidwell N. Breeze. Sha}(espeariana 7:74:1 19:ApriI 1890. JEW IN FICTION. THE In The Poet's Poet and Other Essays. By William A. Quayle. 167-200 820.4 Q2p. JEWETT. JOHN HOWARD Browning's Shrine. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 91-92 821.88 Xhi. JEWISH AFFINITIES In Browning Memorial Notes. By J. Charlton. Poet Lore 2:2: 109-111. JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA Browning. 3:399. JEWISH LIFE AND THOUGHT The Study Class. By Anna Benneson McMahan. 199-200 807 Ml 67. JOAN OF ARC. AND BROWNING Poet Lore 9:1:88. JOCHANAN HAKKADOSH, BROWNING ON Poet Lore 9:1:86. JOCOSERIA By Robert Browning. London: Smith. Elder & Co.. 15 Waterloo Place. 1883. (All rights reserved.) First edition. 821.88 Hjl. Same. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. New York. 11 East 1 7th St. The Riverside Press, Cambridge. 1883. Autographed "E. O. R. from Bella Greenhalgher. Xmas. 1883." 821.88 Hjh. Athenaeum 1 :369. Atlantic 51:840-845: June 1883. By Richard Watson Gilder. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 84 821.88 Xhl. BROWNINGIANA 187 By John Sharpe. London Browning Society Papers 5:93-97 Ab- ilract. JOHNSON. MRS. ANNIE E. At King'i Chapel. Homage to Robert Brotining, Aleph Tanner 133-134 821.88 Xht. JOHNSON. EDWIN (REV.) Comcience and Art in Broivuing. London Browning Society Paper* 3:345-380 821.88 Dbs. Mr. Sludge and Medium. London Browning Society Paper* 7:13- 32 821.88 Dbs. On Biihop Blougram'i Apologv. London Browning Society Papers 3:279-292 821.88 Dbs. JOHNSON. ROBERT UNDERWOOD Browning al Asolo. Century 45:l:47:Nov. 1892 821.88 Xman. Same. Homage to Roiyerl Browning. Aleph Tanner 87 821.88 Xht. Same. (A Poem.) Poet Lore 12:4:618-19. Italian Rhapsody and Other Poems of Italy. Containing Browning at Asolo. (Inscribed to his friend. Mrs. Arthur Bronson.) 17. JOHNSON. W. H. A New Book About Hawthorne. Dial 35:466-67:Dec. 16. 1903. JOHNSON. W. K. Ciacoma Leopardi — Poet Philosopher. Fortnightly Review 70:21 : July 1898. JONES. HENRY Browning as a Dramatic Poet. Boston Browning Society Papers 203-220 821.88 Vbp. Same. Poet Lore 6:1 : 13-28. Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher. James Maclehose & Sons, Glasgow. 1899 821.88 Rjb. Same. Athenaeum 3319:725-726:June 6, 1891. Same. (Review.) Independent 43 :2: 1488:Oct. 8. 1891. Same. Nation 5:):92:lb91. Browning's Inn Album. Nation 22:49-50:Jan. 20, 1876. Idealism As a Practical Creed. Chapt 5, IVordsworth and Brown- ing 139-192 804 J77i. Same. Reviewed by Mary Lloyd. Annals of American Academy 34:182-183,620-621: Nov. 1909. The Immortality of the Soul in the Poems of Tennyson and Browning. 821.88 T312jb. Same. Second Copy. JONES. JAMES WILEY A Study in Browning's Men. Submitted to the Faculty of George- town College for the Degree of Master of Arts, 1910 821.88 Pjm. JONES. JENKIN LLOYD The L ncalculaling Saul. Boston Browning Society Papers 130- 152 821.88 Vbp. At the Free Religious Association of America. 1899. 821.88. JENKIN LLOYD JONES. AND HIS MASTER WORK Abraham Lincoln Center. By George Wharton James. Arena 37: 380: April 1907. JONES. JOHN A Parody on Robert Browning James Lee's IVife. In the Hep- talogia. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. 821.8 S978h. 188 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY JONES. THOMAS The Divine Order. Introduction by Robert Browning 11-13 252 J79. JOSE— MARIA DE HEREDIA By Thomas Seccombe and Louis Brandin. Fortnightly Review 84:1 082 :Dec. 1905. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY Diary of a JourneX) in America in 1805. By Daniel Swift Burr. 3:452:Fall Number 1919. Lileralure Leader of ihe People. By Prof. Kuno Francke. 4:20: Fust Quarter 1910. JOURNAL OF NEGRO HISTORY Drowning, Elizabeth Barrett, and the Negro. By Benjamin Braw- ley. 3:22-28:Jan. 1918. JOURNAL OF THE ROBERT BROWNING GUILD Director, Mr. Sivori Levey. Sanders, Phillips & Co., Ltd., Lon- don. 1 :2. January, 1914, to June, 1915, and R. B. C. Theatre, London, The First Director, Mr. Sivori Levey. Sanders, Phillips & Co., Ltd., London. JOURNAL, THE PEOPLE'S Browning's Bells and Pomegranates. By Henry F. Chorley. 821.88 Dpj. Colombes Birthday. By Henry F. Chorley. 104-106 821.88 Dpj. Pippa Passes. By Henry F. Chorley. 38-40 821.88 Dpj. JOURNEY OF CHILDE ROLAND, THE By R. J. Gratz. Poet Lore 2:11 :578-85. JOY-ELEMENT OF BROWNING. THE By Mary Phelps. Poet Lore 15:2:95-115. JOY. JAMES RICHARD English Poems on Creef( Literature. Chautauquan 1 7 :272-273 : June 1893. JULES AND DU MAURIER'S LITTLE BILLEE, BROWNING'S By Mary R. Baldwin. Poet Lore 9:4:575-577. JULIUS CEASAR AND STRAFFORD: A COMPARATIVE STUDY By P. A. C. Poet Lore 4:3:148-54. JUSSERAND, ON PROF. Poet Lore 12:4:624. JUSSERAND, PROFESSOR Robert Browning. Poet Lore 12:4:624. K KAICHO ON (Summum Bonum.) By Bin Uyeda. Late Professor of English, Imperial University of Kyoto. (In Japanese) 821.88 Xku. KANSAS, BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF Browning and Italian Art and Artists. By Pearl Hogrefe. Hum- anistic Studies May 15, 1914 821.88 Lhi. KARSHISH, EPISTLE OF A Criticism. By Richard Garnett and C. B. Wright. Poet Lore 4:2:312-313. BROWNINGIANA 189 KASSNER. RUDOLF Englische Dichter. Robert Browning 155-187. KAULBACH. H. Print of H. Kauibach's Painting of The Pied Piper of Hamelin. Leslie's Magazine 44:157. KAY. CHARLES DE IVhere Venice Aiolates. Clipping 49. KEARY. C. F. Roumanian Peasants and Their Songs. Nineteenth Century 12: 572-582 :Oct. 1882. KEATS. JOHN By Sidney Colvin. Contemporary Review I I3:l06-I08:jan. 1918: Literary Supplement. KEATS Ideals of Deaulxf in Keats and Browning. By Alice Groff. Poet Lore 5:5:247-253. KEATS' ODE ON MELANCHOLY AS FIRST WRITTEN By Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Literary Digest 1 3:202: June 13, 1896. KEEPERS. EMMA B. To the Drowning Hands. Year Book of Los Angeles Club 1916- 1917 821.88 Via. KEETON. A. E. A Plea for the British Composer. Fortnightly Review 89:237-250: Feb. 1908. KELLOGG. MINNIE D. The Characteristics of the Novelist in Robert Browning. The Book-Lover 7:286:Spring 1891. KELLY. WILLIAM V. Introduction to The Best of Browning. By James Mudge. 821.88 Xm. KENDALL, JOSHUA Apparent Failure in RealilM, Ultimate and Substantial Triumph. Boston Browning Society Papers 118-129 821.88 Vbp. KENNEDY. EVA MARIE Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Magazine of Poetry 5:2:161-162: April 1893. KENNEDY. WILLIAM SLOANE Browsings in the Tempest. Poet Lore 9:4:577-585. Caliban upon Setehos. Poet Lore 12:1:145. The TennVson Biographv. Poet Lore 10:1 :I20. KENSAN. SEISHO Studies in the Bible. A complete translation into Japanese of Saul. By Takeshi Saito. 820.2 K36j. KENYON, FREDERIC G. Bool(s Received (Advertisement). Literary Digest 32:848: June 2. 1906. Robert Browning. Athenaeum 4410:491 :May 4. 1912. Robert Browning and Alfred Domett. 821.88 Bdk. The Brownings for the Young. 821.88 Syk. Introduction to The lVorl(s of Robert Browning. Centenary Edi- tion. Smith. Elder & Co.. London. 1911. 10 volumes. 821.88 Gcs. The Letters of Eli:aheth Barrett Browning. Edited with Biograph- ical Additions. 821.88 Belk V.l C.l. 190 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Letleis of E. D. Bro-wuing. Athenaeum 3654:627-628: Nov. 6. 1897. Life and Letien of Roberi Drorening. By Mrs. Sutherland Orr. 821.88 Bor2. NeK Leilen fcp Roll. Drorvning. Dial 40:395 :June 16, 1906. ,'Ven> Poems. By Roberi Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Brown- ing. Edited. Smith, Elder & Co., London, England, 1914. 821.88 Gnk. /Revien> of the New Poems of Roberi and Elizabeth Bron>ning. Contemporary Review 107:667-669: May 1915. Of Ihe Drowning Mss. Cornhill Magazine 166-1 74: Aug. 1913 821.88 Amss. Same. Litteli's Living Age 278:733-738. KENYON, JOHN A Da\) al Tivoli. Dedicated to Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning. 821.8 K37. KER, WILLIAM PATON Essa^ on Drowning in Essays and Studies by members of the Eng- lish Association collected by Andrew Cecil Bradley. The Queen'i Lecture given at Queen's College, London, March 2, 1910. (Type- written) 821.88 Dkb. KERNAHAN, COULSON [Vise Men and a Fool. Athenaeum 3841 :718-720:June 8, 1901. KERNOCHAN, MARSHALL See Music. KHAYYAM, OMAR, AND FITZGERALD— THE REAL FACTS IN REGARD TO By Editor. Current Opinion 46:508-510 :May 1909. KIDDER, S. T. The Use of Like and As. Dial 61 :452:Nov. 30, 1916. KIMBALL, KATE FISHER IVeslminster Abbe^. Chautauquan 60:384-405:Nov. 1910. KINDAI, SHIKASHU (An Anthology of Modern Poetry.) By Aiyu Kobayashi. Con- taining Parting at Morning and Meeting at Night, by Roberi Browning. In Japanese. 808.1 K75. KING CHARLES See Music. KING, JOS. On Prince Hohensliel-Scltwangaii. London Browning Society Papers 2:349-362 821.88 Dbs. KINGSLAND. WILLIAM G. Robert Drowning — An Essa\). 821.88 Ekp. Roberi Drowning as a Letter Writer. Poet Lore 7:5:225-240. Annals of a Quiet Drowning Club. Poet Lore 8:2:78-84. Robert Drowning — Chief Poet of the Age. An Essay. Addressed Primarily to Beginners in the Study of Browning's Poems. No. 27 of Thirty Copies. J. W. Jarvis & Son, London, 1887 821.88 Ekj. Same. New Edition. With Biographical and other Additions. J. W. Jarvis & Sons, London, 1887 821.88 Dkr. Same. Poet Lore 1:11:535. Chief Poet of the Age. Criticism. By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 2:4:208-209. Robert Drowning — The Man. Poet Lore 5:5:229-236. BROWNINGIANA 191 flromning Rarities. Poel Lore 6:5:264-68. Cathedral Imagery in Poetry. Poet Lore 6:5:279-80. Devotional Poems. Elizabeth Barrett Drorvning 70; Tribute to Browning 7i-7A 821.88. Essa\) on Robert Browning. Dec. 1886. Homage to Robert Brown- ing. Aleph Tanner 61 821.88 Xhl. Excerpts from a Sheaf of Browning Letters. Poet Lore A ■.5:233- 238. An Instance of Shalfcspearean Browningese. Poet Lore 4:10:233- 238. Letters by Robert Browning. Literary Digest 14:425-27:Feb. 6. 1897. Same. Poet Lore 9:1:83-94. Lilerarx) Diletlanteism. Poet Lore 6:10:512. Literar]) Treasures Unearthed. Mrs. Browning's Opinion on Ten- nyson. Poet Lore 8:1 :23-27. New Browning Letters and Mrs. Orr's Life. Poet Lore 3:10:522- 528. A^ofes and News: London Literaria. Poet Lore 3:12:649-650; 4: 2:105-107; 4:10:524-27; 5:11:587-89; 5:12:644-46; 7:8&9: 469-71; 7:11:581-84; 10:1:149-52; 4:12:647; 7:1:48-55. Notes and News: Our London Letter. Poet Lore 1 :8:389-92; 1 : 9:441-45; 1:10:491-93; 1:11:542-44; 1:12:589-592; 2:7:386- 89; 2:9:493-96; 2:11:609-12; 2:5:283-287; 3:3:281-284 (on Pauline); 5:1:53. Personal Recollection uf Browning. Poel Lore 2:3:130-33. Reviewed. Browning's Message to Time. Dr. Berdoe, in News and Notes. Poel Lore 2:5:283-87. Rusl(ins Letters to Chesncau : a Record of Literar\} Friendship. Poel Lore 7:6&7:349-356. Shelle-y and Godwin. Poet Lore 10:3:389-97. Some Browning Memories. Contemporary Review 102:1:202-210: Aug. 1912. Same. Littell's Living Age 275:220-227. Strafford, Foster's Life of: Is It Foster's or Browning's? Poet Lore 6:11:555-59. On the Attainment of His 70th Birthday. Manuscript furnished by author. Sonnet originally published by Islington Gazette. Reminiscent: (1) /9 Warwick Crescent, (2) 29 De Vere Gardens. In manuscript. To the Memory of Robert Browning. May 7, 1912. Poem begins: Browning is There — the sane, the strong. In manuscript, not yet published. KINGSLLY. TRENCH, BURBIDGE AND CLOUGH Recent Poetry. Eclectic Magazine 20: 166-1 77: June 1850. KING VICTOR AND KING CHARLES First Edition in Bells and Pomegranates 1 821.88 Hpsv (2 copies) . Athenaeum 757:376-378: April 30, 1842. 5uggesning. Homage lo Robert DroTvning, A\ep[\T&nnei 46 821.88 Xht. Same. CenJenarp Addresses 119 821.88 Vnya. LEGITIMATE Is He a Legitimate Member of the Victorian School? By Mary M. Cohen. Poet Lore 12:2:317-320. LEICESTER LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY The transactions of, together with the Report of the Council 15: 65:1911. Sordcllo. By Miss Edith Harvey. 821.88 Dllp. LEIGH. AURORA Athenaeum 1517:1425-1427:1856. LEISURE HOUR Elizabeth Barrett Droivning. By John Dennis. 446:86-90: Feb. 1889 821.88 Xbm. Same. Litlell's Living Age 180:629-635. Letter to a Friend. By Robert Browning. Littells Living Age 184:768. Literar\} Coincidences. By John Dennis. Littell's Living Age 192: 822-824. The Poetr\) of the Century: A Retrospect and Anticipation. By John Dennis. Reference to Browning 311-312. Littells Living Age 185:307-312. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. By John Dennis. Litlell's Living Age 180:629-635 : March 1889. LENNOX. M. C. The Flight of the Duchess. American Notes and Queries 2:17: 197: Feb. 23, 1889 821.88. LEONARD. LUCILLE PRICE DeQuincey's Dream-Fugue. Poet Lore 28:6:680-690. LEOPARDI, GIACOMA— POET PHILOSOPHER By W. K. Johnson. Fortnightly Review 70:21 :July 1898. LESLIE'S, FRANK Paragraph devoted to criticism of Arlo Bates. Tall(s on the Stud}) of Literature recalls The Ring and the Book- 44:720. Print from H. Kaulbach's Painting. The Pied Piper of Hamelin. By H. Kaulbach. 44:157. 5lmerican an J European Literature of the Past Two Decades. By Editor. 20:573-574. 212 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY The American Production of Ul\)sses. Editorial. 27:385:Sept. 26. 1903. America's Debt to British PoetrM. By Mr. Stedman. 22:316: March 16, 1901. The Edruin Arnold Infatuation. By W. S. Smalley. 11 :521-522: Aug. 31, 1895. Arnold's Hold on Immortalit\>. 36: 730: May 16, 1908. Art's Decline and Fall. 41 :546:Oct. 1, 1910 050 J712. As to Reading in Red. Editorial. 28:112:Jan. 23, 1904. Alfred Austin and His Critics. By Editor. 21 :582:Nov. 17, 1900. The Best Poetry for Cirls. By Henry Van Dyke. 28:324-325: March 5, 1904. Books. 28:788-789:May 28, 1904; 30:254-255 :Feb. 18, 1905. Books Received. 25:534:Ocl. 25. 1902; 28:637: April 30, 1904; 28:751 :May 21, 1904; 29:694:Nov. 19, 1904; 30:27:Jan. 7. 1905. Same. (Advertisement.) By Henry Frowde. 31: 1002: Dec. 30, 1905. Same. (Advertisement.) By Eward Howard Griggs. 31 :887-888: Dec. 9, 1905. Same. (Advertisement.) By Frederic G. Kenyon. 32:848: June 2. 1906. A Brief for Literature as a Profession. By Col. Thomas Went- vvorth Higginson. 31 :271 :Aug. 26, 1905. Robert Browning. (Poem.) By Henry Van Dyke. 44:2:1110. Browning and How to Study Him. By Hamilton W. Mabie. 20: 781: June 23, 1900. Robert Browning as a Dramatist. By Edward Dowden. 28:843- 844: June 11, 1904. Browning as The Preacher's Poet. By Charles Frederick Aked. 31:536:Oct. 14, 1905. Browning in Nickelodeons. 39:681 -682 :Oct. 23, 1909. Browning on His Own Obscurity. 32:937:June 23, 1906. Robert Browning's Attitude of Detachment. By Stopford Brooke. 26:149-1 50 :Jan. 31. 1903. Mrs. Browning's Ethical Impulse. By Thomas Bradfield. 13:715: Oct. 3. 1896. Browning's Intellectual Equipment. By Dean Farrar. 14:552: March 6. 1897. Browning's Lineage. By Henry Van Dyke. 34:266:Feb. 16, 1907. Mrs. Browning's Preeminence. Editorial. 16:553 :May 7, 1898. Browning's Profoundest Poem. By T. W. Higginson. 23:39: July 13. 1901. The Brownings' Romance as Reflected in Their Poetry. 31:609- 610:Oct. 28. 1905. A Busy Lifetime of Lofty Endeavor. 30:2I6:Feb. 11, 1905. Can Literature Be Taught? Editorial. 22:724-725 :June 15, 1901. A Chat About Longfellow. By R. H. Stoddard. 12:310-31 1 :Jan. n, 1896. Cherishing the Minor Poets. By Sidney Low. 40:62:Jan. 8, 1910. Christianity's Dependence Upon Literature. By Henry Van Dyke. 31:957-958:Dec. 23, 1905. Clouded Literary Lives. By Sidney Low. 39:482:Sept. 25. 1909. Colleges Blamed for Our Lack of Authors. By William \V. Ells- BROWNINGIANA 213 worth. 53:2:304-305: Aug. 5. 1916. Colonel Higginson's Life of Longfellow. By T. \V. Higginson. 25:868-870:Dec. 27. 1902. Complete IVorffs of liohcrt Brotvning. By George D. Spraui. 20: 291:March 3. 1900. Conditions of Great Poetry. By W. E. Henley. 21 :729:Dec. 15. 1900. Contradiction of Literary Criticism. Editorial. 25:340:Sept. 20, 1902. y. F. Cooper's Rank ^5 Novelist. By William L. Alden. 18:339: March 25. 1899. The Courtship of Robert Droivning. Editorial. 15 :879-880:Nov. 20. 1897. Coventry Patmore, the Poet of Love. Editorial. 14:519-521: Feb. 27, 1894. Current Poetry. Editorial. 52:1 :75 :Jan. 8, 1916; 53:1:198-202: July 22. 1916. Defending Keal's Love Letters. By Prof. Albert E. Hancock. 37: 633-634 :Oct. 31, 1908. Defending Literary Fads. By Howells. 40:1178:June II. 1910. A Defense of Mrs. Browning's Father. By C. J. Moulton Barrett. 1 8:578: May 20. 1899. A Defense of the Split Infinitive. By Dr. Thomas R. Lounsbury. 28:653: May 7. 1904. Democratizing 5/ia^espeare. Editorial. 52 :2 : 1452- 1453 : May 20. 1916. Does Industrialism Kill Literature? By Dr. C. A. Smith. 24:671 : May 17. 1902. Dumas and D'Artagnan. By Walter Shaw Sparrow. 15:462-63: Aug. 14. 1897. A Duel of Literary Reputation. By Charles Leonard Moore. 46: 1:710-71 l:March 29. 1913. The Ebb-Tide of Poetry and Criticism. By Rev. Stopford Brooke. 21:691: Dec. 8. 1900. Mrs. Eddv and Her Views. By J. I. C. Clarke. 22:730-731: June 15. 1901. Dr. Eliot's Five Feet of Books. By Dr. Eliot. 39:57-58: July 10. 1908. The English Hall of Fame. 35:872:Dec. 7. 1907. Failure of Great IVriiers as Dramatists. Editorial. 26:785-786: May 30. 1903. A Few of Frederick Locker's Confidences. Frederick Locker- Lampson. 13:12:May 2. 1896. A Forgotten Rival of Tennyson and Browning. By Edmund Gosse. 18:458-459: April 22. 1899. The Genius of Christina Rossetti. 28:804 :June 4. 1904. The Gethsemane of Literature. By James Douglas. 43:2:738: Oct. 28. 1911. Gladstone's Warning to Verse Makers. Editorial. 13:425-426: Aug. 1, 1886. A Glance at Some of Stedman's Work- By Mary J. Reid. 10: 341-342:Jan. 19. 1895. A Glimpse of Froude at Home. By Mrs. Alexander Ireland. 10: 490: Feb. 23. 1895. The Greatest Books of the Century. By Editor. 21:797:Dec. 29. 1900. 214 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY The Crealesl of I'Vomen Poets. Editorial. 18:309:March 18, 1899. A Guide io the iVen. Books. 33 :9I3-914 :Dec. 15. 1906; 35:759- 760:Nov. 16, 1907; 39:633-639:Ocf. 16, 1909. Harvthorne Throiigli His Wife's E^es. Editorial. 15:41 42:May 8, 1897. Horn Browning Made a Christian. By Dr. Edward Berdoe. 12: 531: Feb. 29, 1896. How Browning's Fame Was Dela}^ed. By H. W. Temple. 15:26: May 1, 1897. _ How Browning's Fame Was Dela\)ed Twenty Years. By Dean Farrar. 14:701 :April 10. 1897. How One of Mrs. Browning's Boo^s Was Named. By Edmund Gosse. 10:493: Feb. 23. 1895. An Ideal Literary Marriage. 37:426-427:Sept. 26. 1908. Ten Years of English Literature. By Edmund Gosse. 15:521-522: Aug. 28, 1897. India Moving Christward. By Harold Begbie. 48: 1 :68-69 :Jan. 10, 1914. Individualism as the Ke\)note of Nineteenth Century Literature. By Edmund Gosse. 22:345:March 23, 1901. Intellectual Leadership of George William Curtis. By Henry Mills Alden. 28:44:Jan. 9, 1904. Henry James and Others on Browning. By Sir Arthur Pinero and Henry James. 44:2: 1 159-1 160: June I, 1912. Keai's Ode on Melancholy, as First Written. By Thomas Went- worth Higginson. 13:202: June 13, 1896. Walter Savage Landor's Letters to Miss Paynter. Editorial. 18: 398-399: April 8, 1899. Andrew Lang on Tennvson. By Andrew Lang. 24:320-321 : March 8, 1902. Letters hy Robert Browning. By Wm. G. Kingsland. \ A -.Alb-lb: Feb. 6, 1897. Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson. By Sydney Colvin. 18:249- 250: March 4, 1899. The Life of Alfred Tennyson. Editorial. 15 :850-853 :Nov. 13, 1897. Literary Chicago and Conan Doyle. Editorial. 10:103:Nov. 24, 1894. Literary Genu for the British Red Cross. By J. P. Collins. 57: 30-31: April 20. 1918. Literary Qualities of Disraeli. By Waiter Sichel. 29:642:Nov. 12. 1904. Literature in 1903. 28:141 -142 :Jan. 30. 1904. Literature of the Nineteenth Century, a Retrospect. 20:77-78: Jan. 20. 1900. Longfellow Through Bliss Carman's Eyes. 16:459-460: April 16, 1898. Love Letters of Two Poets. By Alice Meynell. 18:425-426: April 15. 1899. Love Letters, Real and Otherwise. Editorial. 22:506: April 27, 1901. Lyric Poetry of England, Ireland and America Compared. By Chas. L. Moore. 23 :492-493 :Oct. 26, 1901. A Maeterlinck Play in Philadelphia. Editorial. 26:613-614:April 25, 1903. BROWNINGIANA 215 Maeterlincli's Moniia Vaima and Robert DroTuning. By William Lyon Phelps. 26:456-457 :March 28. 1903. Edwin Markham on ihc Poetry of Poc. 28:9l2:June 25. 1904. Edmin Marl(liam's Boof( of Poems. Editorial. 1 8:695-696: June 17. 1899. Edivin Marl(ham's Estimate of Kipling. 26:1 hjan. 3, 1903. Meredith as a Poet. By M. Sturge Henderson. 36:341 -42 :March 7. 1908. Mesmerism. By Ezra Pound. 44:2:1110. The Modern Note in Literature. By Claude Bragdon. 27:897: Dec. 26. 1903. More of Max Muller's Literary Recollections. 14:670-671 : April 3. 1897. More Light on Patmore's Character. By Edmund Gosse. 14:700- 701: April 10. 1897. Mosaic Poetry. 39:494:Sept. 25. 1909. The Moses of Michael Angela. By Robert Browning. 49:2:1234: Dec. 19. 1914. Motives and Methods of Authorship. By G. Eyre-Todd. 12: 640-641. Prof. Max Muller's Recollections of Froude and Kingsley. 14: 427-28: Feb. 6. 1897. Musical Possibilities of Poe's Poems. By Charles Sanford Skitton. 10:400: Feb. 2. 1895. Necessary Conditions of Great Poetry. By W. H. Mallock. 21 : 248-249 :Sept. 1. 1900. The New Fiction. By Henry Mills Alden. 37:321 :Sept. 5. 1908. A A^eip Theory of Walt IVhilman's Cenius. By Dr. R. Maurice Bucke. 18:487-488: April 29. 1899. Notes (Mrs. Browning). Editorial. 18:698: June 17. 1899. Alfred Noyes for Princeton. Editorial. 48:1 :552-553 :March 14. 1914. An Ode to the Centenary of the Birth of Robert Drotening. Poem. By George Sterling. 44:2: 1 108: May 25. 1912. Same. Forum 49:97-99. The Old Epic and the New. Editorial. 26:885-886: June 20. 1903. The Old Men of Literature. By Richard Le Gallienne. 48:1 :49l- 492:March 7. 1914. The One Thousand Best Boof(s of the Providence Library. By Editor. 22:475: April 20. 1901. Palgrave and His Friends. Editorial. 18:518:May 6. 1899. Parthian Shots at Pre-Raffaelite Poets. By Stephen Crane. 41 : 2:647-48:Dec. 15. 1910 050 J712. The Past and Present in Literature. By Editor. 22:128:Feb. 2. 1901. PenaliM of Meredith's 5(u/e. By Paul Elmer More. 30:891 :June 17. 1905. . A Flea for the Poets. Editorial. 13 :267-268:June 27. 1896. A Poem Which Was Mistal^en for Browning's. By Ophelia G. Browning. 19:130:July 29. 1899. Poe's Place as a Critic. Editorial. 26:379-380: March 14. 1903 The Poet in Modern Life. Editorial. 27:772:Dec. 5. 1903. The Poet Laureate's Latest. 14:583:March 13. 1897. The Poet of the Real. By G. W. Hutton. 37: 1 58-1 59: Aug. I. 1908. 216 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY A Pod of Transcendental Life. 41 : 792-793 :Nov. 5. 1910 050 J712. PoetrD and Profits. Editorial. 46:2: 1428: June 28. 1913. The Poetry of Social Revolt. 25:342-343 :Sept. 20. 1902. Poetry, War and Mr. Plorvells. Editorial. 18:607: May 27. 1899. A Poet IV ho Lives fcp His Verse. 33 :425-426:Sept. 29. 1906. A Poet's Painter. Editorial. 54:2:1 164-1 165: April 21. 1917. Present Conditions of Literary Production. By Paul Shorey. 13: 521: Aug. 22. 1896. The Present Ebb-Tide of English Literature. By Edward Dicey. 21:69:July 21. 1900. J^rogress and Poetry. By Gerald Stanley Lee. 43 :2:1099:Dec. 9, 1911. I^romelheus Again in Drama. 30: 70: Jan. 14, 1905. The Question of Greatness in Literature. By W. P. Trent. 24: 865-866: June 28, 1902. Recollection of Moncure D. Conrvay. 30:53-54:Jan. 14, 1905. Religious Influence of Rudyard Kipling. By Rev. J. T. Sunder- land. 19:258-259: Aug. 26, 1899. The Renascence of Wonder in English Poetry. By Theodore Watts Dunton. 28:698:May 14, 1904. Room in PV estminsier for Mrs. Browning. By Elizabeth Porter Gould. 11:373: July 27, 1895. Christina Rossetti. Editorial. 10:312-3l3:Jan. 12. 1895. Christina Rossetti Contrasted With Mrs. Browning. By Mrs. Alice Law. ll:42:May II, 1895. Dante Cabriel Rossetli's Diseased Genius. Editorial. 13:746-747. Rossetti's Isolation in Nineteenth Century Prose. By Arthur C. Benson. 28:587-588: April 23, 1904. The Secret of Life in Poetry. By Prof. W. J. Courthope. 13:588- 589: Sept. 5, 1896. Shal{espeare's View on Immortality. By Dr. Frederick Lynch. 52:2: 1066: April 15, 1916. Should the Bible Be Dramatized? By Rev. F. W. Gunsaulus. 19:378-379:Sept. 23, 1899. Should Love Letters Be Published.^ Editorial. 23:190-191 : Aug. 17. 1901. A Sketch of Ian MacLaren. By Rev. D. M. Ross. 13:810-11: Oct. 24. 1896. Goldavin Smith on The Poetry of England. By Goldwin Smith. 29: 752-753 :Dec. 3, 1904. Some Blunders of Critics. By Charles Dudley Warner. 15:702- 703:Oct. 9, 1897. Some Memories of Tennyson, Browning and George Eliot. By Justin McCarthy. 19:40: July 8, 1899. Some Reconsidered Reputations. Editorial. 18:248-249: March 4, 1899. Still More Books. 29:28:July 2, 1904. Study of Dictionaries. By WilHam Mathews. 13:525: Aug. 22. 1896. A Superb Monster. 30:143-144:Jan. 28, 1905. Symonds as an Interpreter of Italy. By John Addington Symonds. 10:281 -282 :Jan. 5, 1895. Samuel Coleridgc-Tavlor, The Anglo-African Composer. 29:835- 836:Dec. 17, 1904. ' BROWNINGIANA 217 Tcun\^son and Other Poeli as Dramaliits. Editorial. 15:348-549: Sept. 4. 1897. Tenii\^son as a Minor Poet. Editorial. 48: 1 :6 1 9-620: March 21, 1914. Tennyson, The Poet of the English Race. By Arthur Waugh. I3:330:july 11, 1896. Tennvson's Mission. By W. S. Lilly. 14:639:March 27. 1897. Thoughts About a Neiv Poetical Dan>n. By Thomas Bradfield. ll:250:june 29, 1895. Three Octogenarian Poets. Editorial. ll;160:June 8, 1895. The Two Bobbies. By Tom B. Meleyard. 10:73: Nov. 17, 1894. An Unintended Literary Hoax. By Mrt. Jennette Lee. 53:2: 1175:Nov. 4, 1916. What Does the Bible Really Teach as to Divorce? Editorial. 18: 673-675: June 10. 1899. What Is the True Province of Poetry? Editorial. 18:365: April I, 1899. What Kipling as a Poet Lacks. Editorial. 16:222: Feb. 19. 1898. When a Nation Hates. Editorial. 49:2:954-955 :Nov. 14. 1914. Whitman and Broxvning as Poets of Barbarism. By George San- tayana. 20:360-361. Why Bronning Is Not More Popular. By E. L. Burlingame. 15: 399-400: July 31, 1897. Why Is Browning Popular? By Paul Elmer More. 30:775-776: May 27. 1905. Woman's Viewpoint in Poclrv. Editorial. 35 :127-128:July 27. 1907. Women and Poetry. Editorial. 18:279-280:March 11. 1899. Women as Polrrayed in English Literature. Editorial. 16:703-704: June 11, 1898. Women in American Literature. Editorial. I4:265-66:Jan. 2, 1897. Women in Literature. By Kate Upson Clarke. I9:614:Nov. 18, 1899. The Worth of Literary Culture. By Prof. Arlo Bates. 15:733- 734:Oct. 16. 1897., LITERARY DILETTANTEISM By W. G. Kingsland. Poet Lore 6:10:512-518. LITERARY ELEMENT IN MODERN SIDE EDUCATION IN ENGLISH PUBLIC SCHOOLS By E. C. Everard Owen. Contemporary Review 102:2:560-566. LITERARY ESSAYS By Geo. Edward Woodberry. On Browning's Death 59 824.91 \V881I. LITERARY FRIENDSHIP, AN IRISH POETS By Percy F. Bicknell. Dial 44 :69-70 :Feb. 1. 1908. LITERARY GEMS FOR THE BRITISH RED CROSS By J. P. Collins. Literary Digest 57 :30-3I :April 30. 1918. LITERARY GOSSIP Athenaeum 2881 :54-55 :July 13. 1883; 2945 :444-445 : April 5. 1884; 3217:794:June 22, 1889; 3234: 524-525 :Oct. 19. 1889; 3242:823-824:Dec. 14. 1889; 3243:860-862: Dec. 21, 1889; 3244 897-898:Dec. 28, 1889; 3246:50-51 :Jan. 11. 1890; 3247:86-87 Jan. 18, 1890; 3255 :342-343 :March 15, 1890; 3264:642-643 May 17, 1890; 3267 :739-740:June 7. 1890; 3271:36-38:July 5. 1890; 3282:388-390:Sept. 20, 1890; 3285 :484-486 :Oct. 1 1. 1890; 218 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY 3293 -.778-779 :Dec. 6. 1890; 3311 :475-476: April 11. 1891; 3334: 389-390:Sept. 19. 1891; 3337:487-488:Oct. 10. 1891; 3338:519- 520:Oct. 17. 1891; 3343:688-689: Nov. 21. 1891; 3357:278-279: Feb. 27. 1892; 3366:566-567: April 30. 1892; 3433:229: Aug. 12. 1893; 3438:389-390:Sept. 16. 1893; 3446:665-666:Nov. 11. 1893; 3485: 196- 197: Aug. 11. 1894; 3488:290-291 :Sept. 1. 1894; 3583:846: June 27. 1896; 3608:875-876:Dec. 19. 1896; 3622: 418-419:March 27. 1897; 3634:81 1-81 2 :June 9. 1897; 3650:491- 492:Oct. 9. 1897; 3662:24-25: Jan. 1. 1898; 3704:572-573:Oct. 22. 1898; 4024:807-808:Dec. 10. 1904. LITERARY HELP (Punch.) Liltell's Living Age 261-123. LITERARY HISTORY OF AMERICA By Charlotte Porter. Poet Lore 13:3:439-448. LITERARY INSPIRATION OF IMPERIALISM. THE Eclectic Magazine 135:151 -161 :July 1900. Scottish Review. Litlell's Living Age 225:801-811. LITERARY LIFE. THE Pen Pictures of Modern Aulhon. By William Shepard. (Type- written) 821.88 Bsm. LITERARY LONDON. MORE MEMORIES OF By E. G. J. Dial 1 8:8-1 0:Jan. I. 1895. LITERARY LONDON TWENTY YEARS AGO Atlantic Monthly. By Thomas Wentworth Higginson. 80:753- 761:Dec. 1897. LITERARY MAN. A By Harriet Jay. Academy. Litfell's Living Age 237:378-381. LITERARY MEN. AT WHAT AGE THEY DO THEIR BEST WORK? By Richard Le Gallienne. 51 :273-277:March 1914. LITERARY MOSAIC By Chas. W. Hodell. Ring and the Book- 821.88 Hrhm. Modern Language 23:3:510-519. LITERARY NOTES Independent 39:1:176; 41:2:1154 41:2:1659; 51:141:1899; 57: 1216:1904; 66:1402. Tennyson's reference to Sale of Love Letters. Independent 74: 591. Outlook 58:982: April 16. 1898. LITERARY NOTES: AN ADDRESS BY MR. AUGUSTINE BIR- RELL By Editor. Outlook 58:188:Jan. 15. 1898. LITERARY NOTES (LETTERS OF ELIZABETH BROWNING) Outlook 57 :336:Oct. 2. 1897. LITERARY NOTES (SALE OF BROWNING'S LETTERS) Outlook 50:515:Sepl. 29. 1894. LITERARY PORTRAITS By G. K. Chesterton and J. E. H. Williams. Bookman 12:472- 481. LITERARY QUALITIES OF DISRAELI By Walter Sichel. Literary Digest 29:642: Nov. 12. 1904. LITERARY READINGS Munsey's Magazine 15:507:July 1896. LITERARY RECOLLECTIONS By F. Max Mueller. Co»mopoIii. Littell'i Living Age 213:75-89. BROWNINGIANA 219 LITERARY SCRAP HEAP, THE Baylor Literary 22:28-3 1 :Feb. 1914. LITERARY SHRINES. THE FINANCE OF By William G. Fitzgerald. Munsey's Magazine 37 :733-743 :Sept. 1907. LITERARY STUDIES Bromiing's Clirislmaa Eve 108-129 804 B3661s. By Dorothea Beaie. Religious Teachings of DroTvning 83-107, fVorJsworih, Tcnn\)'>on and Brorvning, or Pure Ornale and Gro- tesque Arl in English Poeir\). By Walter Bagehot. (Reprinted from the National Review.) 19:27 821.88 Dcg. By A. A. Jack. Contemporary Review 101 :444-445:March 1912. LITERARY STUDY, THE AIMS OF By Oscar Lovell Trigg. Dial 18:203-4: April 1, 1895. LITERARY TEACHING IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS By E. C. Everard Owen. Contemporary Review 102:2:560-566. LITERARY TREASURES UNEARTHED Mrs. Drotvning's Opinion on Tennyson. By William G. Kingsland. Poet Lore 8:1:23-27. LITERARY WORLD. THE Asolando. 21:I:3:Jan. 4, 1890 821.88 Xmal. BroTuning Clubs in the United States. By Hiram Corson. 14:8: l27:April 21, 1883. Robert Browning. 20:26:480:Dec. 21, 1889 821.88 Xmal. Browning Room at IVellesleXf. 14:1 I : 1 76-1 77:June 2, 1883 821.88 Xmal. Browning's Agamemnon. Review of La Saisiaz, and Dramatic Id\)ls. 13:419:Dec. 2.1882 821.88 Xmal. Brownings Poems. (Under Review.) 149:487-488:Dec. 8. 1849 821.88 Xmal. An editorial on Robert Browning. 20:480:Dec. 21. 1889 821.88 Xmal. Magazine Articles: 1, Unique Poems — Browning's Dulfe's Inter view IVith Envoy, 193:Sept. 1849; 2, Reviews — Robert Brown ing's Poems, 487:Dec. 8, 1849; 3, Reviews — Browning's Aga memnon, 419:Dec. 2, 1882; 4, Selections From Browning, 58 Feb. 24, 1883; 5, Bro inning Clubs in the United Slates, by Hiram Corson. 127: April 21, 1883; 6, Selections From Browning, 157 May 19, 1883; 7, Living English Poets, 172: June 2, 1883; 8, Robert Browning, 480:Dec. 21, 1889; 9. Asolando, 3 :Jan. 4 1890; 10, Original Poetry (To the Memory of Robert Browning) by John Savoy, 8: Jan. 4, 1890; 11, Recollections of Robert Brown ing. 25:Jan. 18, 1890; 12, Reviews — Balaustion's Adventure (The Nation), 178:Sepl. 14, 1871; 13. Memorial Exercises, by Sidney Lanier. 40-41 :Feb. 1, 1890 821.88 Xmal. Memorial Exercises to Robert Browning held in King's Chapel Jan. 28, 1890, under the Auspices of the Browning Society of Boston. 2I:3:40:Feb. 1, 1890 821.88 Xmal. Original Poetry. The Twelfth of December, 1889. To Robert Browning. By R. W. Gilder. 2I:3:40:Feb. 1, 1890 821.88 Xmal. Prospice. By Robert Browning. 20:26:480:Dec. 21, 1889 821.88 Xmal. Recollections of Robert Browning. 21 :2:25-26:J«n. 18, 1890 821.88 Xm«l. 220 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Review of Asolando Fancies and Fads. By Robert Browning 21 :1 :3:Jan. 4, 1890. Houghton. Mifflin & Co. 821.88 Xmal. Review of Poems b\f Robert Drowning. In two volumes. New edi- tion. Boston: Ticknor, Reed & Fields. i49:487-488:Dec. 8. 1849 821.88 Xmal. Selections From Brorvning. Review of E. T. Mason's Droivning's Lyrical and Dramatic Poems. 14:4:58:Feb. 24, 1883 821.88 Xmal. Selectiot}s From the Poetry of Robert Browning, with an Irilrt)* duction by Richard Grant White. 14:10: 1 57:May 19, 1883 821.88 Xmal. To the Memory of R. B. By John Savary. 21 :I :8:Jan. 4. 1890 821.88 Xmal. Unique Poems. The Duke's Interview with the Envoy. By Robert Browning. l36:193:Sept. 8. 1849 821.88 Xmal. LITERATURE Editorial. Independent 67:880-881. By J. W. T. Ley. Nation 109:522:Oct. 1919. By Frank Jewett Mather, Jr. Forum 34:226:Ocl. 1902; 34:89: July 1902. By Brander Mathews. Forum 40:499:Nov. 1908. A Mysterious Novel. Editorial. Independent 53:619-1901. LITERATURE AND DEMOCRACY Eclectic Magazine 137:237-245: Aug. 1901. MacMillan. Littell's Living Age 229:647-655. LITERATURE AND LIFE By Arthur C. Benson. Century 88:773-778:Sept. 1914. LITERATURE AND THE SCIENTIFIC SPIRIT By Oscar L. Triggs. Poet Lore 6:3:113-126. LITERATURE AS A RESOURCE By Hamilton Wright Mabie. Chautauquan 22:65-74:Oct. 1896. LITERATURE. CLASSICAL AND MODERN By R. Y. Tyrrell. Eclectic Magazine 142:520 523: March 1904. LITERATURE CRITICISM By F. H. Farrar. Forum 9:286:May 1890. LITERATURE, DIAPHANOUS By Frederic Harrison. Dial 45:391 :Dec. 1. 1908. LITERATURE FOR BEGINNERS By James V/eber Linn. New Republic 12:14-16:Aug. 4, 1917. LITERATURE IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL By Porter Lander Mac Clintock. Elementary School Teacher 3 : 146- 155: July 1902. LITERATURE IN THE MARKET PLACE By Geo. E. Woodberry. Forum ll:654:Aug. 1891. LITERATURE IN 1903 Literary Digest 28: 141 -142:Jan. 30, 1904. LITERATURE. ITS TOILS AND REWARDS Editorial. Baylor Literary 6:218-221 :Feb. 1898. LITERATURE, THE, LEADER OF THE PEOPLE By Prof. Kuno Francke. Journal of American History 4:20: First Quarter 1910. LITERATURE OF DREAMS A Study in the -Dream-Craft of Holmes, Burns, Lamb, Hood, Lowell and Tennyson. By L. W. Smith. Poet Lore 7:5:233-243. LITERATURE OF NINETEENTH CENTURY, A RETROSPECT By Sidney Lee. Literary Dige»t 20:77-78:Jan. 20. 1900. BROWNING! ANA 221 LITERATURE OF THE WORLD Poet Lore 10:4:598-604. LITERATURE: RECENT BIOGRAPHY By Herbert W. Harwill. Forum 3S:73:JuIy 1903; 36:555 :J«n. 1905. LITERATURE. STUDIES IN Chaulauquan 1 5 :502-503 :July 1892. LITERATURE: THE ART OF LETTER WRITING By Herbert W. Harwill. Forum 36:554:Jan. 1905. LITERATURE. THE CONCEPTION OF RESURRECTION IN Contemporary Review 103 : 585-588: April 1913 :Literary Supple- ment. LITERATURE, THE GETHSEMANE OF By James Dou!?Ias. Literary Digest 43 :2 :738 :Oct. 28. 191 I. LITERATURE. THE NEW By H. W. Mabie. Outlook 102:204. LITERATURE. THE OLD MEN OF By Richard Le Gallienne. Literary Digest 48:1 :49I-492:March 7. 1914. LITERATURE. WOMEN IN By Kate Upson Clarke. Literary Digest 19:61 4 :Nov. 18. 1899. LITTELL. PHILIP Books and Things. New Republic 2:330:May 1, 1915; 13:24: Nov. 3, 1917; 13:254:Dec. 29. 1917. Optimism of Robert Broroning. New Republic 2:330:May 1. 1915. LITTLE BOOK OF POETS' PARLEYS By Charlotte Poiter and Helen A. Clarke. Littell's Living Age 239:318. Books and Authors. LITTLE. CHARLES J. Bron>ning's Use of History from Memorial Meeting of the Syracuse Browning Club 9-13 821.88 Bsr. LITTLE ESSAYS IN LITERATURE By Richard Burton. The Brownings 287-291 814 B9741. LITTLE GIRL'S RECOLLECTIONS. A By Henriette Corkran. Temple Bar. Littell's Living Age 204: 311-315. LITTLE JOURNEYS TO THE HOMES OF ENGLISH AUTHORS By Elbert Hubbard. Robert Browning. Done into print by the Roycrofters at the Roycroft Shop, which is in East Aurora, New York. U. S. A. 821.88 Bhl. LITTLE TALK ABOUT A GREAT POET. A By Klyda Richardson Steege. St. Nicholas 30: 1 1 :977-981 :Sepl. 1903. LIVING By Charles W. Harvey. New Church Review 1 6:75-86 :Jan. 1909. LIVING AGE. LITTELL'S Anecdotes of Robert Browrnng. 184:824:March 29. 1890. An ApologX) — On Reading the Browning Love Letters. By Elsie Higginbotham. (Academy.) 222:792 Affectation. (Sat R.) 129:248-251. Afternoon Call. An. (Temp. Bar.) 203:208-215. Archbishop Trench's Poems. By Aubrey De Vere. (19th Cent.) 178:131-144. Arnold. Matthew. By Leslie Stephen. (Natn'I R.) 200:90-103. Same. By Frederic Harrison. (19th Cent.) 209:362-367. 222 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Beddoes, Thomas Lo\>eU. By Mrs. Andrew Crosse. (Temp. B.) 201:157-166. Doof(s and /iulhon: The PoelrM of Robert Drorening. By Stopford Brooke. 235:703. Letters of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Bron>mng. 219:737. Letters of the Brownings. 219:399; 221:669. Stopford A. Brooke's Lectures. 220:604; 223:402. [Vestminster Biographies. By Arthur Waugh. 226:334. Robert Browning. By Hall Griffin. 243:574. An Introduction to the Studv of Browning. By Arthur Symons. 253:639. Life and M''or}(s of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett BroTDning. By Countess Zampini-Salazar. 253:510. The Paracelsus of Browning. By Christina P. Denison. 271:318 Lectures in German Universities. 245:823. Florence, in the Poetr]) of the Brownings. By Anne Benne- son McMahan. 243:828. The Paracelsus of Browning. By Christina P. Denison. 271:192. The Brownings: Their Life and Art. By Lilian Whiting. 271 :572. Life of Browning. By Prof. Herford. 241 :63. Same. By Prof. Dowden. 241 :63. Maeterlinck and Browning. 238:511. English Literature. By G. H. Mair. 272:383. A^eiP Poems fcp Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Edited by F. G. Kenyon. 285:190. Browning's Ancestor. 233:574. Life of Robert Browning. By Edward Dowden. 287:384. Browning and Padriac Colum. 292:448. Stopford Brooke's Monogram on Robert Browning. 234: 823. Little Books of Poets' Parleys. By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. 239:318. Browning's Essay on Shelley. 238:319. British Art in Venice. By Marcus B. Huish. (19th Cent.) 262: 404-410. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. (Lon. Times.) 249:173-179. Browning's Letters, Mrs. (Athenaeum.) 215:239-243. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. Lond. T.) 241:312-316. Browning, Mrs. (MacM.) 179:802-808. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. By Pompeo Molmenti. (Nuova Ant.) 219:35-40. Browning, Robert. (Quart. R.) 185:666-681 : June 14. 1890. Brownings, The. By Mrs. Andrew Crosse. (Temp. B.) 192: 719-728. Car/j;/c, Thomas. (Quart. R.) 113:666-683. Chapters From Some Unwritten Memoirs in Italy. By Anne Ritchie. (MacM.) 203:548-553. Browning, Robert, A Sequence of Sonnets on the Death of. By A. C. Swinburne. (Forln. R.) 184:447-448:Feb. 15. 1890. Browning? Yes in a General Way (Poem). From H. E. W. to W. C. E. (Spectator.) 190:578. Browning, A Pgcm to. By Pakenham Beatty. 198:770. BROWN'INGIANA 223 Browning, Robert, and Alfred Domett. By W. Hall Griffin. (Contemp. R.) 244 :393-4I0:Feb. 18. 1905. Drowning, l^oherl. By G. William Sharpc. (Chur. Quart. R.) 186:771 -784:Sept. 1890. Browning'i Porlraiti of Women. By W. T. Davison. (Lond. Quart. R.) 281 :352-356. Browning's View of Life. (St. James' Gaz.) 184:255-256. Browning, Seme Thoughts On. By Mary A. Lewis. (MacM.) 154:238-246:JuIy 22. 1882. Same. By H D. Traill. (Contemp. R.) 178:88-96. Arnold, Matthew, As a Popular Poet. By Wm. A. Sibbald. (MacM.) 241:83-98. Asolo and Its Neighborhood. By Linda Villari. (Murray's.) 191:367-371. Asolan Countr\f, In the. By Eugene Benson. (New R.) 211: 115-121. At the Sign of the Plough. (Cornhill.) 268:563. At the Sign of the Plough; Questions on Browning's PVorf^s. By Owen Seaman. (Cornhill.) 269:54-55. 175. Robert Browning, By E. F. Bridelle-Fox. (Argosy.) 184:762- 766. Same. By Stopford A. Brooke. (Contemporary Review.) 184: 290-297. Same. By Andrew Lang. (Contemporary Review.) 190:563-570. Same. By Roden Noel. (Contemporary Review.) 159:771-781. Same. By H. D. Traill. 184:297-300 821.88 Xman. Same. A Poem. By Mary A. Woods. (Academy.) 231 :528. Same. (Time.) A Young Man's Recollections. 187:673-677. Browning and Butler. By J. Churton Collins. (Contemporary Review.) 267:461 488. Robert Browning and Alfred Domett. By W. Hall Griffin. (Con- temporary Review.) 244:393-410. Browning and Ital^. (Spectator.) 274:54-58. Browning and Tennyson. (Spectator.) 184:190-192. Same. (Blackwood's Magazine.) 184:240-245. Browning and Wordsworth. By Harry Christopher Minchin. (Fortnightly Review.) 27:104-112. Browning as a Preacher. By Miss E. D. West. (Dark Blue.) 111:707-723. Browning as a Religious Teacher. By R. H. Hulton. Good Words. 184:2385:660-665: March 15. 1890. Browning Biography. By Emily Hickey. (Nineteenth Century and After.) 268:201-213. Browning's Casuistry. By Sir Leslie Stephen. (National Re- view.) 236:257-271 :Jan. 31. 1903. Robert Browning in Edinburgh. (Cornhill Magazine.) 260:653- 663. Browning in London. By E. Beresford Chancellor. (Outlook.) 273:755-757. Robert Browning. In Memoriam. By Edmund Gosse. (New Re- view.) 184:372-375. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. By John Dennis. Leisure Hour 86- 90:Feb. 1889. 180:629-635 821.88 Xbm. The Browning Love Letters. (London Times.) 221 : 166- 170. Robert Browning, the Musician. By A. Goodrich-Frecr. (Nine- teenth Century and After.) 229:803-811. 224 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Drorvning Out IVat. By Frederick Morgan Padclford. (Cornhill Magazine. 252:691-697. A Browning Pilgrimage. By Arthur J. Whyle. (Contemporary Review.) 277:542-550. Drownings Only Public Speech. 184: 192: Jan. 4. 1890. jV/r. Browning's Place in Literature. (Contemporary Review.) 122:67-85. Browning's Poems. A Review. 108:155-166. Browning's Theology. (The Spectator.) 192:374 376. A Budget of Memories. By Sir George Otto Trevelyan. 260: 280:284: Jan. 30, 1909. Children in English Poetry. (Contemp. R.) 267:108-111. Churchill, Lord Randolph. By Sir Herbert Maxwell. (Nat'l R.) 205:28-37. Cla.mcal and Modern Literature. By R. Y. Tyrrell. (Pilot.) 240:567-570. Comparison of Elizabethan With Victorian Poetry, A. By J. A. Symonds. (Fortn. R.) 180:195-209. Concerning Leigh Hunt. (Cornhill.) 194:131-144. Conditions of The Grand Style, The. (Spect.) 157:120-123. Confidences of a Society Poet, The. (Lond. Quar. R.) 211: 362-370. Conversations and Correspondences With Thomas Carlyle. By C. Gavan Duffy. (Contemp. R.) 192:531-550. Critics and Authors. (Sat. R.) 141:318-320. Debt of Englislt to Italian Uterature. By J. A. Symonds. (Forln. R.) 125:131-138. Decay of Literature, The. (Cornh.) 155:617-624. Departure From Tradition, A Story of the Year '95. By Rosa- line Masson. (Chamb. Jour.) 207:15-23. Did Browning Whistle or Sing.^ By F. M. Padelford. (Corn- hill Magazine.) 261:475-482. Difficulties of Religious Poetry, The. (Spect.) 213:276-278. Did Browning Whistle or Sing? By Padelford. 261 :475-482. Dip in Criticism, A. By Andrew Lang. (Contemp. R.) 179: 352-357. Discretion and Publicity. (Edinburgh Review.) 221:807-820: June 17. 1899. Early Victorians and Ourselves. By G. S. Street. (Fortn. R.) 251:617-624. Emerson, Ralph Waldo: An Ethical Studv. By Henry Norman. (Fortn. R.) 158:771-777. Emily, Lady Tennyson. By Annie Fields. 21 1 : 765-766. England of English Poets, The. (Times.) 285:677-681. English Lyrical Poetry. By J. D. (Cornhill.) 122:195-208. English Vers de Societe. (Quart. R.) 122:707-720. Ethics of Parody. The. (Acad.) 238:125-127. A Few Conversationalists. (Cornhill Magazine.) 233:547-558. Fine Passes in Verse and Prose Selected by Living Men of Letters. Fortnightly Review 48:297-3 16: Aug. 1887. Four Victorian Poets. (Times.) 257:244-249. Francis Thompson: A Study in Temperament. (Lond. Quart. R.) 203:403-410. Frer7c^ Study of Burns, A. (Blackw.) 198:735-743. From the Land of Letters. By Thomas F. Plowman. (Cornhill.) 288:598-609. BROWNINGIANA 225 Future uf Fictiun. The. By Mr. Hemendra Prasad Ghoje. (Hind. R.) 268:154-159. The Claditone-Drowning Coiilrovvny. By Richard E. Crook. (Gentleman's Magazine.) 246:626-630. Climpsei of Thomas Carlxfle. By Percy Fitzgerald. (Contemp. R.) 278:216-223. Glorious Rohcrl BroT»ning. By Emily Hickey. (Nineteenth C«n- tury and After.) 271:270-283. Half a Century of Literar)) Life. (Lond. Quart. R.) 158:387- 401. Harvihorne, A'aUianiel. (St. Paul's.) 109:707-713. /-/eavy Fathers. By Rowland Grey. (Fortn. R.) 262:473-480. Hervc Riel — A Poem. By Robert Browning. (Cornh.) 109: 63-64. Hours in a Library. (Times.) 292:283-287. Hoiv to Read. By Arnold Houltain. (Blackw.) 208:515-528. Hunt. Leigh. By F. Warre Cornish. (Temple B.) 210:3-14. Huxley, Thomas Henry, A Reminiscence. By Wilfrid Ward. (19th Cent.) 210:579-592. Illustration. (Blackw.) 112:67-79. In the Poet's Garden. By Phil Robinson. (Contemp. R.) 198: 419-431. Inspired Little Creature and the Poet IVordsrvorth, An. By Rosa- line Masson. (Fortn. R.) 267:790-801. Intellectual Effect of Old Age. (Sped.) 184:249-251. Is Literature Dying? By Herbert Paul. (Contemp. R.) 253: 387-395. Is Poetry Unpopular? (Spec.) 240:820-823. Italian Poets of Today. By Helen Zimmern. (Blackw.) 193: 451-465. Landor, IValter Savage. By John Fyvie. (Temp. B.) 206:3-12. Landor's "Imaginary Conversations." (Cornh.) 140:3-15. La Saisiaz in 1895. By A. Taylor Innes. (Contemporary Re- view.) 210:679-689. Leaves From the Diarv of a Tramp. By J. A. H.) (Cornhill.) 262:143-149. Letter to A Friend. By Robert Browning. (Leisure Hour.) 184: 768. Letters from Elizabeth Barrett Droivning to the Author of Orion on LitcrarX) and General Topics. Bv R. H. Home. (Contemporary Review'.) 120:281-290. Life and Letters of Leslie Stephen. By G. W. Prothero. (19th Cent.) 253:598-607. Literary Coincidences. By John Dennis. (Leisure Hour.) 192: 822-824. Literary Courtships. By Eleanor A. Towle. (Fortn. R.) 223: 220-231. Literary Help. 261 :123. Litcrar\} Inspiration of Imperialism. (Scottish R.) 225:801-811. Literary Man, A. By Harriet Jay. (Acad.) 237:378-381. Literary Recollections. By F. Max Muller. (Cosmopolis.) 213: 75-89. Literature and Democracy. (MacM.) 229:647-655. Little Girl's Recollections. A. By Henriette Corlcran. (Temp. B.) 204:311-315. 226 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Lord De Tahle^. A Portrait. By Edmund Gosse. (Contemp. R.) 208:346-357. Lord Lviton'i Ran}( in Literature. By W. S. Blunt. (19th Cent.) 193:805-811. Lord L\;tlon3 Letten. (Lond. T.) 251:754-758. Lvlton ,Edward Dulruer. By Edmund Gosse. (Fortn. R.) 280: 3-13. Meredith, George. By Percy Lubbock. (Quart. R.) 264:515- 526. Meredith in His Poems, Mr. By Edward Dowden. (Fortn. R.) 193:495-505. Minor Poets, The. By Andrew Long. (Longman's.) 217:279- 280. Montgomery, James. By George Gilfillan. (Tait's.) 1 1 :57-60. Moral Philosophy of Meredith. By G. K. Chesterton. (Contemp. R.) 262:423-427. Morris' Poems, IVilliam. By Andrew Long. (Longman's.) 211: 323-336. Mailing of a Poet, The. By Stephen Gwynn. (19th Cent.) 265:484-493. Matrimonii and the Man of Letters. By Sidney Low. (19th Cent.) 263:131-138. Memorable Art Class. By Thomas Sulman. (Good Words.) 214:889-893. Nature in Modern Poetry. (Outl.) 256:755-758. New Criticism of Poetry, A. (Contemp. R.) 215:520-527. iVem Criticism, The. By Urbanus Sylvan. (Cornh.) 224:432- 438. New Stud\} of Tenn\,son, ^. By J .C. C. (Cornh.) 146:483- 492. The Novel in The Ring and the Boo}(. By Henry James. (Quar- terly Review.) 274:451-463. Old Memories Interviewed. By Mrs. Andrew Crosse. (Temp. B.) 195:372-383. Old Yellow Book, The. (Blackw.) 269:499-502. On Learning b\) Heart. (Acad.) 271 :505-506. On Leisure, Genius, Bool^s and Reading. By Augustine Birrill. (Cham. J.) 216:557-559. On Limho. By Vernon Lee. (Longman's.) 208:812-819. Of the Browning Mss. By Frederic G. Kenyon. 278:733-738. The Optimism of Browning and Meredith. By A. C. Pigou. (In- dependent Review.) 246:415-422. A Pica for the Popular in Literature. By J. A. Spender. (Nine- teenth Century.) 253:348-358. Poetry, Politics and Conservatism. By George N. Curzon. 168: 131-140. Patriotic Poetry. (Times.) 283:107-112. Past and Present Condition of English Poetry. (Eraser's.) 10: 164-179. Peacocl(, Thomas Love : A Personal Reminiscence. By Robert Buchanan. (New Quart. R.) 126:157-165. Plays of a Great Poet, The. By Gilbert Murray. (Speaker.) 247:244-243. Poet of the Northumbrian Pits. By John F. Runciman. (Sat, R.) 262:46-49. Poets Chqira, The. By E, V. Lucas. (Outl.) 251:118-120. BROWNINGIANA ' 227 Poeir\) of Bridge,, The. (Outl.) 253:308-310. Poetry of Robert Dridgei. By John Bailey. (Quart. R.) 278: 515-529. Poctryf of the Certiur]) : A Retrospect and Anticipation. By John Dennis. (Leisure Hour.) 185:307-312. Poetry of Common Seme, The By James A. Noble. (MacM.) 191:546-552. Poets and the Cuclfoo. The. By J. Cuthberl Hadden. (Outl.) 273:634-636. Poetrn of the De Veres .The. (Quart. R.) 210:67-85. Poetry of Doubt. (Chur. Quart. R.) 137:410-421. Poetry of Leading Law Classes. (Sped.) 130:572-575. Poetry and the Modern Novel. By Compton MacKenzie. (Eng. R.) 274:220-228. Poetry in the Nineteenth Century. By Sir M. E. Grant Duff. (Edinburgh R.) 235:705-724. Poetry and Shopl^eeping. By Muezzin. (Athen.) 293:685-688 PoelrM and Symbolism: A Study of "The Tempest." By J. Chur- ton Collins. (Contemp. R.) 256:357-371. Poetry of Toda\i and Tomorroxo, The. (Chur. Quart. R.) 196: 279-289. Poetry of War. The. By A. St. John Adcock. (Bookm.) 283: 398-407. Popular English Literature Today. (Sat. Review.) 294:496-499. Possibilities — Poem. Quotation from "Abt Vogler." (Sped.) 131 : 514. Prophetic Power of Poetry. By J. C. Shairp. (Eraser's.) 148: 259-267. The Religious Opinions of Robert BroTening. By Mrs. Sutherland Orr. (Contemporary Review.) 192:365-374. The Ring and the Book- (St. Paul's.) 108:771-783. Rat-Catcher of Hamelin. By Gustav Hartwig. (Trans, by T. Martin.) (Blackw.) 195:639-640. Realistic Drama. By W. L. Courtney. (Fortn. R.) 278:775- 786. Realilv in Poetry. By Laurence Housman. (Fortn. R.) 272: 204-2 f 4. Recollections of Coventry Patmore. By R. Garnctt. (Sat. R.) 212:61-64. Reminiscences of a Behar Planter. By Donald N. Reid. (Gentle- man's.) 208:632-638. Reminiscerwes of Lord Bath. By Malcolm MacColl. (Contemp. R.) 210:44-54. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, Poetry of. By Thomas Bayne. (Fraser'i.) 152:817-822. Ruskin, John. (Chur. Quar. R.) 199:131-146. Scandinavian Novel, The. (Edinb. R.) 232:1-19. Science and Socielv in the Fifties. By Mrs. Andrew Crosse. (Temp. B.) I91:2'08-218. Scientific Movement and Literature, The. By Edward Dowden. (Contemp. R.) 135:3-15. Sea Studies. By J. A. Froude. (Fraser'i.) 126:131-145. Society Poets. (Temp. B.) 180:48-53. Some Odd Numbers. By M. G. (Murray's.) 175:308-313. Some Recent Verse. (Edin. R.) 264:195-209. Some Recollections of a Reader. (Cornh.) 108:103-109 228 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Some Recollections of Charles Sluart Caherle^. (Temp. B.) 172:421-426. Slariling Poetry. (Spect.) 157:117-120. Slate of English Poetry. (Quart. R.) 119:131-152. Stephen Phillips. By Alice Meynell. (Poetry Jour.) 289:367- 369. Stevenson, Robert Louis. By Lord Rosebery. (Lond. T.) 212: 187-190. Stevenson, Robert Louis: Essayist, Novelist and Poet. By H. B. Baildon. (English Studien.) 221:671-688. Studies in Literar]; Pipc/io/ogX). By Vernon Lee. (Contemp. R.) 241:213-217. Style. By I. Gregory Smith. (Oxford and Cambr. R.) 276: 93-100. Swinburne: Personal Recollections. By Edmund Gosse. (Fortn. R.) 262:3-17. Swinburne's Letters. By A. C. Swinburne. (Times.) 262:154- 165. Some Browning Memories. By William G. Kingsland. (Contem- porary Review.) 275:220-227. Some Child Critics of Browning. By \V. W. (Academy.) 214: 127-128. Some Letters and Recollections. By M. E. Lewes. (Cornhill Magazine.) 193:673-689. Tennyson as a Nature Poet, Aspects of. By Theodore Watt*. (19th Cent.) 198:28-42. Tennyson, Aspects of — A Personal Reminiscerwe. By James Knowles. (19th Cent.) 196:515-529. Tennyson, The Birds of. By Edgar Valdes. (Temp. B.) 213: 807-817. Tennyson Centenary, The. By Frederic Harrison. (19lh Cent.) 262:643-648. Tennyson, Talks ^Vith. By Wilfrid Ward. (New R.) 210: 323-335. Tennyson, The Mission of. By W. S. Lilly. (Fortn. R.) 213: 227-234. Tennyson, Part L By Edmund Gosse. (New R.) 195:707-713. Tennyson, Part IL By Herbert Paul. (New R.) 195:713-718. Tennyson's Poems. (Brit. Quart. R.) 147:786-795. Two Archbishops. By F. W. Farrar. (Contemp. R.) 211:560- 569 Two Theories of Poetry. By Arthur Tilley. (MacM.) 151: 682-692. Unwritten Books. (MacM.) 213:475-484. Victorian Literature. By Andrew Lang. (Good Words.) 212: 753-758. Victorian Literature. By Edward Dowden. (Fortn. R.) 174: 101-111. IValt Whitman's Poems. By Peter Bayne. (Contemp. R.) 128: 91-103. Willows: A Sketch. (Cornh.) 119:36-45. Withered Laurels. (A Reverie Among the Tombs.) (MacM.) 220:372-377. Wordsworthians, The Complacepcy of the. By H. F. C, (Speaker.) 237:818-822. BROWNINGIANA 229 IVordiTVorth'i Youth. By Leslie Stephen. (Nat'l R.) 212:859- 870. I'Vordsworth, The Prose IVorlfi of. By Edward Dowden. (Fortn. R.) 128:195-208. iVhistlt. See Padelford. LIVING AUTHORS OF ENGLAND, THE By Thomas Powell. Robert Drowning 71-85, Elizabeth Barrett Drowning 137-152 Be P886. LIVING MEN OF LETTERS Fine Paaages in Verse and Prose, Selected b\) Living Men of Letters. Fortnightly Review 48:444-445 : Sept. 1887; 48:585-588: Oct. 1887; 48: 729: Nov. 1887. LIVINGSTON. LUTHER S. The First Dool(s of Some English Authors — 1. Robert and Eliza- beth Barrett Drowning. Bookman 10: 1 :76-81 :Sept. 1899. LLOYD, MARY H. Jones. Idealism as a Practical Creed. Annals of American Academy 34:182-83,620-21 :Nov. 1909. LOCK AND WHITFIELD Men of Marl(, a Gallery of Contemporary Portraits. 821 .88 Bmm. LOCKER-LAMPSON, FREDERICK A Few of Fredericl^'s Lodger's Confidences. Literary Digest 13: 12:May 2. 1896. LOCKWOOD. FRANK C. Modern Poets and Christian Teaching. Robert Browning. 821.88 Rim. LOCOCK, KATHERINE B. AND MARGARET L. LEE Introduction and Notes to Drowning's Paracelsus. 821.88 Hpal. LONDON AS A LITERARY CENTER By R. R. Bowker. Profusely Illustrated. Harpers New Monthly 76:81 5-844 :May 1888. LONDON BROWNING SOCIETY ABSTRACT London Drowning Society Papers. LONDON BROWNING SOCIETY. INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS TO THE BROWNING SOCIETY By Rev. J. Kirkman. Oct. 28, 1881, at University College, Lon- don. (Printed Separately.) 821.88 Eak. LONDON BROWNING UNION By W. G. K. Poet Lore 5:1:53. LONDON DAYS Drowning and Moscheles. By Arthur Warren. 42-56 821.88. LONDON LETTERS (SEE ALSO NOTES AND NEWS) By W. G. K. Poet Lore 1:8:389-392. LONDON LETTERS AND SOME OTHERS By George W. Smalley. Robert Drowning: Notes on some per- sonal aspects of his character. 1 :309-319 826.7 S635. LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW Drownings Portraits of IVomen. By W. T. Davison. Liltell's Living Age 281 :352-356. The Confidence of a Society Poet. Littell's Living Age 211:362- 370. 230 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Half a Cenlur\f of Literary Life. Littell't Living Age 158:387- 401. Francis Thompson : A Slud}) in Temperament. Littell's Living Age 203:403-410. Review of Dramatis I^'ersonae and of Broroning's Poems 3:118: 77-105 :July 1865; Robert BroTuning and the Epic of Ps\;cholog}f 118:325-357:july 1869 821.88 Dfb. LONDON TIMES Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Littell's Living Age 241:312-316; 249:173-179. The Bron^ning Love Letters. Littell's Living Age 221:166-170. Lord L\>ttons Letters. Littell's Living Age 251 :754-758. Robert Louis Stevenson. By Lord Rosebery. Littell's Living Age 212:187-190. LONGFELLOW. COLONEL HIGGINSON'S LIFE OF By T. W. Higginson. Literary Digest 25:868-870:Dec. 27, 1902. LONGFELLOW THROUGH BLISS CARMAN'S EYES Editorial. Literary Digest 16:459-460: April 16, 1898. LONGFELLOW, TWENTY YEARS AFTER By Edwin W. Bowen. Sewanee Review 13:165-176. LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE The Minor Poets. By Andrew Lang. Littell's Living Age 217: 279-280. IVilliam Morris' Poems. By Andrew Lang. Littell's Living Age 211:323-330. On Limbo (Last Ride Together). By Vernon Lee. Littell's Living Age 208:812-819. LOOK AT BROWNING By R. W. G. Century 26:320: June 1883. LORD DE TABLEY By Edmund Gosse. Contemporary Review 69:84-99: Jan. 1896. LORD LEIGHTON'S LOVE By Mrs. Russell Barrington. Eclectic Magazine 45: 180- 188: Feb. 1897. LORD WALTERS WIFE By Elizabeth Barrett Brownmg. Published by The Philosopher Press, Wausau, Wisconsin. May. 1899 821.88 Hlw. LOS ANGELES BROWNING CLUB, THE Programmes 1913-1914, 1914-1915. 1916-1917. 1917-1918, 1918- 1919, 1920-21, 1921-22. LOST LEADER, THE By Robert Browning. The Rising Generation 15:4:82-83. (Com- plete.) In Japanese. 821.88 Xmrg. By C. G. Prowett. Notes and Queries 292: April 11, 1874; 15: 292: April 11, 1874. IVho Was Browning's The Lost Leader? By Margaret H. Gan- gewer. In American Notes and Queries 2:23 :270-272: April 6. 1889 821.88. Lost Leader rendered into Latin by R. C. Jebb. Translations 356- 357 808.8 G44t. LOTUS SYMBOLISM IN HOMER, THEOCRITUS, MOSCHUS, TENNYSON AND BROWNING, THE By Anna R. Brown. Poet Lore 2:12:625-634. BROWNINGIANA 231 LOUDON. K. M. Browning's Sordello. A commentary. 821.88 Hsal. LOUNSBURY. THOMAS R. The Dlol in the 'Scutcheon. (Life and Letters.) Poet Lore 12:1: 153-54. A Defense of ihe Split Infmiti-ve. Literary Digest 28:653: May 7. 1904. The Earl]) Lilcrar}^ Career of Robert Drowning. Four Lectures. 821.88 DM. The Two Lockiley Halls. Scribner's 6:250-256: Aug. 1889. Same. Reviewed in Nation 93 :494-495:Nov. 23. 1911. A Philistine's V'lexo on the Performance of a Dial in the 'Scutch- eon. Atlantic 84 :764-773:Dec. 1899. Literar}) Career of Robert Browning. (Review.) Independent 72:1065:May 16. 1912. LOVE Browning's Teaching on Faith, Life and Love. By W. Arthur Hind. 821.88 Rhtf. See Music. LOVE AFFAIRS Browning's Love Affairs as a Type of Legitimate Romance (Eliza- beth Barrett Browning compared with George Sand). Current Lit- erature 53:348-351 :Sept. 1912. LOVE AFFAIRS OF THE POETS. THE By Eva McGowan. Baylor Literary 17:334-337: June 1909. LOVE AMONG THE RUINS By Robert Browning. Rising Ceneration 43 :1 7:355-356:Sept. 1905. and concluded in 13 :I8:335-356:Sept. 11. 1905. Translated into Japanese. 821.88 Xmrg. LOVE AND DUTY IN TENNYSON AND BROWNING By E. F. R. Stilt. Poet Lore 4:5:271-274. LOVE AND THE UNIVERSE The Immortals and Other Poems. By Albert D. Watson. 73-76. LOVE. BROWNINGS IDEA OF Notes and News. Poet Lore 1 :3: 153-1 54. LOVE. BROWNING'S IDEAL OF From Sanla^ana on Robert Browning: A Pessimist Criticism. By Helen Dryer Woodard. Poet Lore 13:1:105. LOVE, BROWNING'S INTERPRETATION OF ROMANTIC LOVE AS COMPARED WITH PLATO DANTE PET- RARCH By George Willis Cooke. Poet Lore 6:5:225-237. LOVE. BROWNINGS THEORY OF By Elmer James Bailey. Arena 40:274-284: March-June 1909. LOVE. ROBERT BROWNINGS THEORY OF ROMANTIC LOVE By George Willis Cooke. Boston Browning Society Papers 821.88 Vps. LOVE. FROM BROWNING. FACETTES OF By Daniel G. Brinton. Poet Lore 1 :1 :l-27. LOVE IN IDLENESS By Charlotte Porter. Poet Lore 17:1:86-93. LOVE. IN RESPECT TO CONSTANCY The Studif Class. By Anna Bcnnejon McMahan. 203-204 807 Ml 67. 232 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY LOVE? IS TOO MUCH WRITTEN ON THE SUBJECT OF By Lafcadio Hearn. Current Opinion 62:205:March 1917. LOVE LETTERS See Higginbothatn, Elsie. By Alice Meynell. Bookman 9:162-5. By V. L. Wentz. Eclectic Magazine 132:736. LOVE LETTERS OF TWO POETS, THE By Lyman Abbott. Outlook 62: 485 -490: July 1, 1899. LOVE LETTERS, MEMORABLE By Rafford Pyke. Cosmopolitan 37:260-261. LOVE LETTERS, REAL AND OTHERWISE Editorial. Literary Digest 22 :506:April 27, 1901. LOVE LETTERS, THE BROWNING (London Times.) Littells Living Age 221 : 166-1 70: April 15. 1899. LOVE LETTERS, UNIMAGINARY By Editor. Edinburgh Review 193 :527 :April 1901. LOVE ME FOREVER See Music. LOVE, O LYRIC LOVE A Crammaiical .4nal\}sis of O L^ric Love. By F. J. Furnival. London Browning Society Papers 9:165-168. LOVE POEMS OF BROWNING, THE By C. E. Vaughn. From Notes to the Pocket Volume of Selections from the Poems of Robert Browning. By Alex Hill. 73-79 821.88 Dhn. LOVE POETRY OF THE BROWNINGS. STUDY OF THE Current Literature 39:499 500: Nov. 1905. LOVE STORY, THE WORLDS MOST WONDERFUL (A review of this article which appeared in the Edinburgh Maga- zine.) Edinburgh Review 19:734:June 1899. LOVE, THE WIFE-LOVE AND FRIEND-LOVE OF ROBERT BROWNING By J. J. G. Graham. London Browning Society Papers 11:380- 400. LOVEJOY, WALLACE W. Leadership in Song. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 89 821.88 Xht. LOVELL. CECIL FAIRFIELD Durne Jones and the Pre-Raphaelite. Chautauquan 46:69-72: March 1907. LOVERS QUARREL, A See Music. LOVES OF THE POETS Twelve Steel Engravings, one of the Duchess, in 7"/ie Flight of the Duchess. 821.88 L91IM. LOVES VALUE Colomhe's Birthday. Act IV. (The AvoTval of Valence.) By Leonard S. Outram. Browning Society Papers 8:87-94 821.88 Dbs. LOVETT, ROBERT MORSS Edited with Introduction and Notes. Selections from BroTvning. 821.88 Glsg. BROWNINGIANA 233 LOW, ALICE Chrislina Roaetli ConlraiteJ IVith Mn. DroTvning. Review of paper to Westminster Review. Literary Digest ll:42:May II. 1895. LOW. FLORENCE B. The Reading of the Modern Cirl. Nineteenth Century 59:278- 287: Feb. 1906. LOW. SIDNEY Balfour in ihe Study. Edinburgh Review 2l6:255-278:Oct. 1912. Cherishing the Minor Poets. Literary Digest 40:62:Jan. 8. 1910. Clouded Lilerar\^ Lives. Literary Digest 39:482:Sept. 25. 1909. Matrimony and the Man of Letters. Nineteenth Century 66:423- 433:Sept. 1909. Same. Littells Living Age 263:131-138. LOWELL. JAMES RUSSELL Broivning's Plays and Poems from The Round Table. (Typewrit- ten) 821.88 Dirt. C. L. S. C. Outline and Programs Browning Day — March 17. Chaulauquan 12:797:March 1891. Essays on Brorvning's Plays and Poems. North American Review 66:357-400: April 1849. Wordsworth and the Coleridges, LoTvell and Tolstoy. Poet Lore 11:3:425-430. LOWELL. JAMES RUSSEL, AND ROBERT BROWNING New Englander 1 10: 125-136: Jan. 1870. LOWELL. LETTERS OF JAMES RUSSEL Eclectic Magazine 122:335-340:March 1894. By Chas. Eliot Norton. Athenaeum 3444:581 -584 :Ocf. 28. 1893. LOWELL'S TRIBUTE TO BROWNING Poet Lore 3:3:257. LOWLANDS VS. HIGHLANDS: EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTS ON POETS By E. Vicars. Poet Lore 6:2:83-87. LOWNDES. F. S. A. The Literary Associations of the American Embassy. Fortnightly Review 83: 1040: June 1905. LUBBOCK. PERCY Elizabeth Barrett Browning in Her Letter. 821.88 Bdlf. George Meredith. (Quaiterly Review.) Littell's Living Age 264: 515-526. The Poetry of Robert Browning. Quarterly Review 433:437- 457:Oct. 1912 821.88 Dlak. LUCAS. E. V. The Poets' Chairs. (Outlook.) Littell's Living Age 251:118-120. LUCE. MARGARET E. Memories of John Churton Collins. LUCE. MORTON The Hybrid Art. Nineteenth Century 70:1 :461 -475 :Sepl. 191 1. LUCID LITERATURE By John Burroughs. Independent 52:1:928-930:1900. LUCRETIUS AND HIS TIMES By Editor. Edinburgh Review 203 :137-160:Jan. 1906. 234 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY LURIA By John White Chadwick. Boston Browning Society Papers 249- 263 821.88 Vbp. By John \V. chadwick. From Papers of the Boston Browning Society. Poet Lore 6:5:251-264. Poet Lore 14:3:141-142. By Henry S. Pancoast. Poet Lore 6:5:251 -264; 2:1 :19-26; 1:12: 353-560. The Stud], Class. By Anna Benneson McMahan. 127-128 807 Ml 67. LURIA AND OTHELLO: TYPES AND ART COMPARED By L. A. Sherman. Poet Lore 6:12:585-592. LURIA— ITS STORY AND MOTIVE By Henry S. Pancoast. Poet Lore 1:12:553-60; 2:1:19-26. LURIA, THE MOORISH FRONT TO THE DUOMO IN By Ernest Radford. Browning Society Papers 2:251-252 821.88 Dbs. LURIA: THE STATUE AND THE BUST. PIPPA PASSES. IL- LUSTRATIONS OF By Carton-Moore Parke. Outlook 100:9I3-9I6:March 1912. LYNCH. DR. FREDERICK Shal(espeare's Vien> on Immorlalily. Literary Digest 52:2:1066: April 15. 1916. LYNCH. GERTRUDE The. An of Coquetry. Cosmopolitan 36:606:May 1904. LYRIC. LOVE Ideal Womanhood in the Masterpieces of Dante, Coethe, and Rob- ert Browning. See Modern Poet Prophets. By \Vm. Norman Guthrie. 804 G984m. LYRIC ORIGIN OF SWINBURNE. THE By Van Tyne Brooks. Poet Lore 18:4:468-477. LYRIC POETRY OF IRELAND. ENGLAND AND AMERICA COMPARED By Chas. L. Moore. Literary Digest 23 :492-493 :Oct. 26. 1901. LYRIC YEAR One Hundred Poems Edited by Ferdinand Earle (1912). Con- tains; The Camlervjell Garden, Richard Burton, 23-4; To Robert Drowning, Agnes Lee. 158-9; To Drowning, the Music Master, Robert H. Schauffler. 220-221 ; To Robert Browning, Witter Byn- ner, 25-7; An Ode for the Ccntenar\) of the Birth of Robert Drowning, Geo. Sterling, 235-241 ; Caliban in the Coal Mines, Louis Untermeyer. 266. By Charles Vale. Forum 49:97: Jan. 1913. LYRICAL AND DRAMATIC POEMS Selected from the works of Robert Browning. With an extract from Stedman's Victorian Poets. Edited by Edward T. Mason. Henry Holt & Co., New York, 1883. 821.88 Gms. LYRICAL POETRY OF THE NEW LAUREATE By WilHam Stanley Braithwaite. Forum 50:888-889:Dec. 1913. LYRICS FROM FERISHTAH'S FANCIES Poems by Robert Browning. Music by Granville Bantock. 1, The Eagle; 2, The Melon-Seller; 3, Shah Abbas; 4, The Family; 5, The Sun; 6, Mihrab Shah; 7, A Camel Driver ; 8, Two Camels; 9, Cherries; 10, Plot Culture; ]], A Pillar at Sebzevah ; 12. A Bean Stripe, Also Apple Eating; 13, Epilogue. BROWNINGIANA 235 LYTTON-BROWNING CORRESPONDENCE In Catalogue of a Superb Collection of Holograph Manuscripts. Holograph Correspondences and Holograps Letters. Of British and Continental Celebrities of Five Centuries. J. Pearson & Co. LYTTON. EDWARD BULWER By Edmund Gosse. Fortnightly Review 100: 1043 :Dec. 1913. By Edmund Gosse. (Fortnightly Review.) Littell s Living Age 280:3-13. LYTTON. TO ROBERT Elizabeth Ban ctl Drorvuing. Bookman 39:3l2-13:May 1914. LYTTONS LETTER. LORD (London Times.) Littell's Living Age 251 :754-758. LYTTONS RANK. IN LITERATURE. LORD By W. S. Blunt. (Nineteenth Century.) Littell's Living Age 193: 805-811. M MABIE. HAMILTON WRIGHT Drowning and HoTo to Study Him. Literary Digest 20:781 :June 23. 1900. The Drowning Cenlcnary. Outlook 100:917-919:April 29. 1912 821.88 Xman. Essays and Criticism. Outlook 69:685:Nov. 16. 1901. Essays in Literary Interpretation. Robert Drowning 153-213. The Life of Tennyson. Atlantic Monthly 80:577-589:Feb. 1897. Literature as a Resource. Chautauquan 22:65-74:Oct. 1895. The New Golden Treasury. (Short Criticism.) Bookman 6:470- 7l:Jan. 1898. The New Literature. Outlook 102:204:Sept. 1913. Some Dooks Worth Reading. Outlook 99:782:Dec. 1911. A Year's Literary Production. Current Opinion 9:3 :433 iMarch 1892. MABY, M. CATHERINE Differentiation of English Courses in High Schools. Education Magazine 36 :575-580:Sept. 1915. MAC CALL. W. S. By G. F. Watts. Eclectic Magazine 143 :389-391 :Sept. 1904. MACCARTHY. JUSTIN A. A History of Our Own Times. 1:527,538. 540 942.08 M127a. MACCLINTOCK. PORTER LANDER Literature in the Elementary School. Elementary School Teacher 3:146-1 55: July 1902. MAC COLL. MALCOLM Reminiscences of Lord Dath. (Contemp. R.) Littell's Living Age 210:44-54. MACCULLOCH, J. A. R. L. Stevenson's Characteristics. Eclectic Magazine 68:193: Sept. 1898. MAC DONALD. CORA MARTIN A Study of Browning's Saul. 821.88Zjam. 236 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MAC DONALD. GEORGE By Henry Holbeach. Contemporary Review 19:37-55:March 1872. The Imagination and Olher Essays. Browning's Christmas Eve 195-217 824.8 MI 35. MACHAR, AGNES MAUDE Robert Drowning. Century 39:736. MACHEN, MINNIE GRESHAM The Bible in Droivning ivilh Particular Reference to The Ring and the Boolj;. (Two copies.) 821.88 Rmb. The Bible in Browning. Dial 36:204 :March 16, 1904. Reviewed in Outlook 75:509 821.88 Rmb. MACKAYE, PERCY Browning to Ben Ezra. Also in Poems 41-54. Browning to Den Ezra. Poems 28-29. Invocation, Robert Browning. Browning to Ben Ezra. A Centenary Soliloquy in the Outlook 906: April 27, 1912 821.88 Xmb. Invocation. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 38 821.88 Xht. MACKENZIE, A. C. See Music. MAC KENZIE, COMPTON Poetry and the Modern Novel. (English R.) Littell's Living Age 274:220-228. MACKEY, ERIC To Robert Browning. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 53 821.88 Xht. MACKIE. GASCOIGNE Lines Written Abroad on Hearing of Browning's Death. In The Ballad of Pity 64-66. MAC KNIGHT, KATE CASSATT Report of the Civic Committee. Annals of American Academy 28: 293-296: June 1906. MAC MEGHAN, ARCHIBALD M. The Life of Little College and Other Papers. 820.4 M167e. MACMILLAN'S ANNUAL Edited by E. V. Lucas. Letters of Drowning. 59-66 828.8 L933m. MAC MILLANS MAGAZINE Matthew Arnold as a Popular Poet. By \Vm. A. Sibbald. Lit- tell's Living Age 241 :83-98. Mrs. Browning. Littell's Living Age 179:802-808. Literature and Democracy). Littell's Living Age 229:647-655. The Poetry of Common Sense. By James A. Noble. Littell's Liv- ing Age 191:546-552. Some Thoughts on Browning. By Mary A. Lewis. 205-21 4: July 1882. Same. Littell's Living Age 154:238-246. Some Unwritten Memoirs. In Italy. By Anne Ritchie. Littell's Living Age 203:548-553. Two Theories of Poetry. By Arthur Tilley. Littell's Living Age 151:682-692. Unwritten Booths. Littell's Living Age 213:475-484. Withered Laurels, A Reverie Among the Tombs. Littell'* Living Age 220:372-377. BROWNINGIANA 237 MACQUOID. KATHERINE M. HamcUn: The Torvn of The Pied Piper, or Der Rattenfanger. Magazine of Art 192- 1 95: May 1890 821.88 Pmhv. MACREADY AND BROWNING Poet Lore 1:2:104 . MACREADY. DISCUSSION OF BROWNING AND (From our recent actors.) By Dr. W. Marston. Pod Lore 1:2: 104. MACREADY. WILLIAM CHARLES A Letter from Robert Browning to Wm. Macready. Emerson College Magazine 20:3 :131 -132:Jan. 1912. (Letter now in posses- sion of Miss Gertrude Chambeilin.) Reminiscences and Selections from Diaries and Letters. For nu- merous references, see Index 2:505 B M174t. MACVANNEL. JOHN ANGES Saul. By Robert Browning. Illustrated by Frank O. Small. 821.88 Gsc. MADAME BODICHAN; A REMINISCENCE By M. B. Edwards. Fortnightly Review 57:2 13-21 8 :Feb. 1892. MADONNA OF THE FUTURE. THE By H. James. Jr. Atlantic Monthly 31 :276-297:March 1873. MAETERLINCK AND BROWNING Littell's Living Age 238:510-511. Doolis and Authors. Munsey's Magazine 30:759:Feb. 1904. By William Lyon Phelps. Independent 60:1 :552-554:March 5, 1903; 55:2: 1398- 1400: June 11. 1903 842.91 M186br. MAETERLINCK PLAY IN PHILADELPHIA. A Editorial. Literary Digest 26:613-614:ApriI 25, 1903. MAETERLINCK SYMBOLISM Pippa Passes, the Optimism of Drowning. 842.91 M186br. MAGAZINE ARTICLES In Penn Monthly. 1. Red Cotton Night-Cap Country, by R. E. T.. 4:45:657:Sept. 1873; 2. Balaustion's Adventures, by R. E. Thompson. 4:45:928:Dec. 1875 821.88 Xmpm. MAGAZINE ARTICLES. No. 1 Contents: (a) Robert Browning, by E. F. Biddell-Fox. from The Argosy 291 : Feb. 1890; (b) Robert Browning in Edinburgh, by Rosaline Masson, from Cornhill Magazine Feb. 1909; (c) Robert Browning, by Stopford A. Brooke, from Contemporary Review. Littell's Living Age 184; (d) Robert Browning, by H. D. Traill, from National Review, Littell's Living Age 184; (e) Browning in Venice by Katheiine De Kay Bronson, from Century Magazine Feb. 1902; (f) Robert Browning, Writer of Plavs, by W. L. Courtney, from Fortnightly Review June 1. 1883; (g) The Browning Cen- lenarx), by Hamilton W. Mabie. from Outlook April 27, 1912; (h) Impressions of Browning and His Art, by Stopford A. Brooke, from Century Magazine Dec. 1892; (i) I3rowning at Asolo, a poem, by Robert Underwood Johnson, from Century 45:1: Nov. 1892; Browning in America, by Heloise Edwina Hersey. from New England Magazine Jan. 1890; (k) Browning's Obscuritxi, by Robert Niven, from New England Magazine Jan. 1890; (I) The Two Creat Victorian Poets, by Edward Dowden, frcmi Bookman 16:4:Dec. 1902; (m) Portrait and Sketch of Robert Browning, from Great Thoughts 6:142:Sept. 18. 1886; (n) Obit- uary of Robert Browning, by J. T. Nettleship. from Academy 920:Dcc. 21. 1889; (o) Browning's Last Book, from Critic Dec. 238 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY 21. 1889; (p) RohcTt DroTvning, from Critic Jan. 11, 1890; (q) Articles on the funeral and death of Drowning, by Edmund Gosse, from The British Weekly, The Pall Mall Gazette; (r) Mrs. Browning, by E. S., from Nation Jan. 3, 1889 821.88 Xman. MAGAZINE ARTICLES, No. 2 Mrs. Elizabeth Barrell Drowning: Mrs. Browning's Eaa^i on the Poets, from Christian Examiner 24-43 :July 1863; Letters From Elizabeth Barrett Browning to the author of Orion, on Lit- erary and General Topics, by R. H. Home, Littell's Living Age 535-547, 281-290; Poetry of Mrs. E. B. Browning, from West- minister Review Oct. 1882; Elizabeth Barrett Drowning, by Mrs. Humphrey Ward, from Atlantic 708-71 2 :Sept. 1888; Elizabeth Darrctt Drowning, by John Dennis, from Leisure Hour 86-90 :Feb. 1889 821.88 Xbm. MAGAZINE ARTICLES. No. 3 Elizabeth Darrett Drowning — Poet and Woman, by Jean Roberts, from East and West 5:59:865-875 -.Sept. 1906; Some Unpublished Letters of Robert and Elizabeth D. Drowning, by Geo. S. Hellman, from Harper's Monthly Magazine 530-539; Dalauslian's Adven- ture, by Sidney Colvin, from Fortnightly Review 58:478-490:Oct. 1871 ; Drowning' s Place in Literature, by E. S. Farman, from Cos- mopohtan 560-564:1890 821.88 Xsf. MAGAZINE ARTICLES. No. 5 A Little Talk About a Great Poet, by Klyda Richardson Steege, from St. Nicholas 30:977-981 :Sept. 1903; A Guide for the Dlind, by Louise Fagan Pierce, from Modern Philology 6:4:487- 502: April 1909; Elizabeth Darrett Drowning, by Eva M. Ken- nedy, from Magazine of Poetry 5:161 -162: April 1893 821.88 Xma. MAGAZINE ARTICLES, No. 6 A Great Poet in Her Prime, by T. W. Higginson, from Book News 24:283 :457-459:March 1906; Elizabeth D. Drowning, by Norma K. Bright, from Book News 24:283:460-463; Mrs. Drown- ing in Poetry Today, by H. S Pancoast, from Book News 24: 283:464-465; The Drownings in Florence, by A. H. Wharton, from Book News 24:283:467-471; Sonnets From the Portuguese, by E. B. B., from Book News 24:283:466.471,503; Some Sane V/ords About Drowning, by E. S. Forman, from American Maga- zine 8:5:536-541 :Sept. 1888; Drowning and the Animal King- dom, by E. L. Gary, from The Critic 43 :2: 163- 165 : Aug. 1903; Drowning's Treatment of Nature, by S. A. Brooke, from The Critic 40:4:308-31 3: April 1902; The Ring and the Dook, from Quarterly Book Review 1 :212-213 :Dec. 1897; Drowning and Sainte-Beuve, by G. Bradford. Jr.. from North American Re- view 191:4:488-500: April 1910 821.88 Xma. MAGAZINE ARTICLES. No. 7 Browning as a Religious Teacher, by R. H. Hutton. Good Words, Littell's Living Age 7:660-665 ; T/ie Poet of the Opaque, by Junius Henri Browne, from The Galaxy 7:764-774:June 1875; Robert Browning, from Putman's Monthly 7:372-81 : April 1856; Brown- ing's Poems, from A.merican Review (A Whig Journal) 7:388- 399: April 1850; James Russell Lowell and Robert Browning, from New Englander 7:125-136:Jan. 1870 821.88 Xma. MAGAZINE ARTICLES, No. 8 Tennyson e i Browning, by Angelo Crespi, from Italian British Review 2:1 :34-45 ;Gron>ning'i Message to Artists and Craftsmen BROWNINGIANA 239 of Today, by George Wharton James, from The Craftsman 149- 15I:Nov. 1903; Qticn'cs, from American Notes and Queries 1:7: 80-82: June 16, 1888; Drowning' i Diction, A Review, from American Notes and Queries 2:26:304-305:April 27. 1889; Early Friends of Robert Browning by W. Hall Criffin, from Contem- porary Review 471 :427-446:March 1905; Robert Drowning, from Contemporary Review 314:March 1867; A/r. Drowning in a Pas- sion, by R. Y. Tyrrell, from Atlantic Mc/nthly Aug. 1899; Robert Drowning, Editorial, from Atlantic Monthly Feb. 1890; Drown- ing's Asolo, by Felix Moscheles, from Scribner's 359-367; The Ring and the Dool(, from Edinburgh Review 83:94: July 1869; Ring and the Dool(, from Chamber's Journal 473-476: July 24, 1869 821.88 Xma. MAGAZINE ARTICLES, No. 9 5ome Unpublished Papers of Robert and Elizabeth Darreti Drown- ing, Edited with comments by Geo. S. Hellman, from Harper's Magazine 9:530-39; Book Reviews: Fifine at the Fair, from Canadian Monthly 285-87 :Sept. 1872 821.88 Xma. MAGAZINE ARTICLES, No. 10 Drowning's Christmas Eve, by G. M. D., from The Spec- tator 3:261 -273: Jan. -Dec. 1853; Robert Drowning as a Mystic, by G. E. Hodgson, from The Seeker 8:251 -279: Feb. 1913; Men and Women, by Browning, from Christian Remembrancer 281 :April 1856 821.88 Xma. MAGAZINE ARTICLES, No. 11 Recent Gifts from Dr. Fran}( IV. Cunsaulus, by E. B. B., from Ohio Wesleyan Alumni Quarterly 3:2:4-5; Drowning's Saul, by Gertrude Charnberlin, from Emerson College Magazine 20:3:124- I31:jan. 1912; A Letter from Robert Drowning to IVilliam Ma- cready, from Emerson College Magazine 20:3 :131 -142:Jan. 1912; Drowning's Poems Set to Music, by C. K. Rogers, from Emerson College Magazine 20:3 : 134: Jan. 1912; The Study of Drowning at Emerson College, from Emerson College Magazine 20:3 : 135: Jan. 1912; Robert Drowning's Dirthday, by \V. H. Van Allen, from Emerson College Magazine 20:3 : 1 36: Jan. 1912; Extracts from the Poetry of (R. Drowning), by Prof. \V. G. Ward, from Emerson College Magazine 20:3: 136- 1 42: Jan. 1912; Suggestions Regarding Doof(s on Drowning, by Marie Ada Molineux, from Emerson College Magazine 20:3 : 142- 144: Jan. 1912; Poem—R. Drowning, from Emerson College Magazine 20:3 :145:Jan. 1912; Drownings Song (From Pippa Passes), by Edith Giles, from Emerson College Maga- zine 20:3:l46-150:Jan. 1912; The Quiet Hour at Emerson Col- lege, from Emerson College Magazine 20:3 : 151 :Jan. I9I2; Pros- pice, by R. Bro\vning, from Emerson College Magazine 20:3: 161-I62:Jan. 1912; Epilogue — R. Drowning, from Emerson Col- lege Magazine 20:3 : 170. Jan. 1912 821.88 Xma. MAGAZINE ARTICLES, No. !2 Robert Drowning : Personalia, by Edmund Gosse, from Nassau Lit- erary Magazine 46:2:1 33 : June 1890; Is the Philosophizing Ten- dency of Present English [I'ortfs of Imagination Injurious to Them as iyort(s of Art? by C. S. P., from The Vassar Miscellany 6: 2:59-64:Jan. 1877; Address of Rev. Samuel M. Crothers, from Proceedings of the Thirty-second Annual Meeting of the Free Religious Association, Boston, Mass., June 1 and 2, 1899. 72-81 ; Remarlfs of Rev. Jent(in Lloyd Jones, from Proceedings of Thirty- 240 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY second Annual Convention of the Free Religious Association of America. Ill-ll8:june 1-2. 1899 821.88 Xmnl. MAGAZINE, ECLECTIC Magazine Articles: IVordsruorth, Tennyson, an3 Drov^ning ; or. Pure, Ornate, and Croiesque in English Poeir\) (National Review) l:3:273-284:March 1865, 1 :4:41 5-427 :April 1865; A Child Asleep, by Mrs. Browning, 1 :4:52 1-522: April 1865; Robert Brownings Poems (St. Paul's) 13 :3 :267-279:March 1871; Rob- ert Drowning, Writer of Pla\)s, by W. L. Courtney (Fortnigfitly Review) 38:3:358-366:Sept. 1883; The Ring and the Book (St. Paul's) 13:4:400-41 2: April 1871 821.88 Xme MAGAZINE OF ART 1890; 246-252:May 1890; 261-267:June 1890. MAGAZINE OF POETRY Elizabeth Barrett Browning. By Eva Marie Kennedy. With Port- rait of Elizabeth B. Browning. Quarterly Review 5:2: April 1893. MAGGS BROTHERS Catalogue 367:21-23. First Edition of the works of the Esteemed Authors of the 19th and 20th Centuries. Association Books and MSS. 821.88 Xcm. Catalogue. English Literature of the 19th and 20th Centuries. 389: 1 :29-40 A-K. MAGIC OF A BOOK, THE By L. H. Hough. Methodist Review 30:5:696-706:Sepl.-Oct. 1914 (Fifth Series). (Whole No. 529:96:5) 821.88 Xmmr. MAGNET OF THE SOUL, THE By Francis Ohrum. Baylor Literary 1 7:9:3 12-3 15 :June 1909 821.88 Xblg. MAGNUS, LAURIE Briefs on New Books. Dial 48:152-5 : March 1, 1910. Notes on the History and Character of the Jews. Fortnightly Re- view 85: 148: Jan. 1906. The Succession of Mr. Meredith. Fortnightly Review 88:935: Dec. 2, 1907. MAIS, S. p. B. Rupert Brooke. Fortnightly Review 104:348-362: Aug. 1915. MAKERS OF ENGLISH POETRY By W. J. Dawson. Chap. 25, Robt. Browning, 276; Chap. 26, Browning's Philosophy of Life, 284; Chap. 27, The Spirit of Browning's Religion, 293; Chap. 28, Browning's Attitude to Chris- tianity, 303; Chap. 30, Robt. Browning — Concluding Survey, 319- 332 821.09 D272m. MAKERS OF LITERATURE By George Edward Woodberry. On Browning's Death 386 820.4 W88I. MAKING A NAME IN LITERATURE By Edmund Gosse. Forum 8:196:Oct. 1889. MAKING OF A GREAT POEM, THE By Anna Benneson McMahan. Dial 45:344-5:Nov. 16, 1908. MAKING OF A POET, THE By Stephen Gwynn. Nineteenth Century 67:65-78: Jan. 1910. Same. Littell's Living Age 265:484-493. MALE BLUE-STOCKING. A, SOAME JENYNS By Norman Pearsons. Nineteenth Century 62:126-141 : July 1907. MALLESON. W. T. H albert and Hob. Notes and News. Poet Lore 9:3:465-466. BROWNINGIANA ' ' 241 MALLOCK. W. H. Everyman His Oan Poet or The Impired SiDger's Recipe Book- Containing HoTS lo Maf(e an Imitation of Mr. Browning. Chicago, 1903. Necesiary Conditions of Creai I^oetry. Literary Digest 21 :248- 249: Sept. 1, 1900. MALLOY. CHARLES Bacchus, One of the World's Great Po-ims. Arena 32:504-13: Nov. 1904. La Saisiaz: The Real significance of The Brand Flamho\^ant. Poet Lore 8:5:256-265. The Poems of Emerson. Arena 32:145-151 :Aug. 1904; 33:65- 70:Jan. 1905. MANCHESTER QUARTERLY Browning and The Creel( Drama. By A. 5. Wilkins. 8:377-390: Oct. 1883. MANLOVE, MRS. P. H. Miss Ford's Literary Circles— Nashville, Tenn. Poet Lore 2:6: 331-32. MANN. DOROTHEA LAWRENCE Browning. Homage to Robert Browning. Aleph Tanner 49 821.88 Xhf. MANUAL TRAINING To a Srvallow Building Under Our Eaves. By Mrs. Browning. 18:221 :Jan. 1917. MANUSCRIPT. OF THE BROWNING By Frederic G. Kenyon. Litteil's Living Age 278:733-738: Sept. 20. 1913. MANWARING. G. B. // We Return. Letters of a Soldier in Kitchner's Army. 940.91 M294i. MARBLE. ANNIE RUSSELL Biography of the Mind. Dial 37:267-268: Nov. 1. 1904. Emerson, Poet and Thinker. Dial 37 :366-7:Dec. 1. 1904. The Latest Critic of Browning's Poetry. Dial 33:395-6:Dec. 1. 1902. Modern Echoes of Petrarch. Dial 37:29-31 :July 16, 1904. William Wetmore Story and His Friends. Dial 35 :348-51 :Nov. 16. 1903 MARCH. FRANCIS A.. LL. D. Robert Browning. Independent 52 : 1 : 1 :Jan. 2, 1890. MARCH HARE, A By Charles Stracher. Eclectic Magazine 68:46:July 1898. MARCHING ALONG See Music. MARFAN, EMMA ENDICOTT The Browiung Society of Boston. Poet Lore 5:2:110-112; 5:3: 168; 5:4:228; 5:5:288; 5:6&7:384; 6:11:584; 7:1:55-56; 7: 8&9:471-472. The Nature Element in Browning's Poetry. Boston Browning So- ciety Papers 471-487 821.88 Vbp. Notes and News. Poet Lore 7:5:277-280; 7:3:166-168. MARK TWAIN AS AN AUTHOR By Chai. Vale. Forum 44:1 :JuIy 1910. 242 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MARKHAM, ANNA CATHERINE The Cirl IVilh ihe Blue Eya. Homage to Robert BroJDnmg. Aleph Tanner 76 821.88 Xht. MARKHAM. EDWIN Appendices 117-118, Centenary Addresses. A Sonnet 3 821.88 Vnya. On the Poetry of Poe. Literary Digest 28:91 2: June 25, 1904. Poetry of Poe. Arena 32:1 70- 175: Aug. 1904. Imagination. The Man With the Hoe and Other Poems 50 81 1 M345mh. Same. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 36 821.88 Xht. To Drov^ning. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 40 821.88 Xht. MARKHAM S, EDWIN, BOOK OF POEMS Editorial. Literary Digest 18:695-696: June 17, 1899. MARQUIS, NEETA The Sonnets from the Portuguese. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 74 821.88 Xht. MARRIAGE, TRAGEDY IN The Study Class. By Anna Benneson McMahan. 202-203 807 Ml 67. MARSTON, PHILIP BOURKE A Realistic Poet. Atlantic Monthly 49:514-51 7 :ApriI 1882. MARSTON. WESTLAND Our Recent Actors (Browning and Macready). Poet Lore 1:2: 104. MARTIN. GEORGE H. The Peculiar Obligation of the Public High School. Educational Review 43: 466: May 1912. MARTIN. LADY HELENA FAUCIT By Sir Theodore Martin. See Index for numerous references to Browning. B F257m. MARTINEAU, HARRIET Autobiography 194 C 739. MARTLEY. W. G. Women. London Browning Society Papers 4:57-64 821.88 Dbs. MARX, MISS ELEANOR An Account of Abbe Vogler. (From Fetes and Nisard.) Brown- ing Society Papers 3:339-343 821.88 Dbs. MARZIALS, SIR FRANK T. Drowning. Bell's Miniature Series of Great Writers. George Bell & Sons, London, 1905. 821.88 Bmm. MASON, AMELIA GERE Club and Salon. I. Century 56: 122- 127: May 1898. MASON, CAROLINE ATWATER The Spell of Italy. References to Robert Browning 271, 272, 273, 259, 261. 281, 360. MASON, EDWARD T. Edited. Lyrical and Dramatic Poems. Selected from the works of Robert Browning with an extract from Stedman's Victorian Poets. MASSON. DAVID Edinburgh University and Women (on Tennyson). Poet Lore 4: 12:636. In the Footsteps of the Pods. Robert Drowning, by R. H. Hutton. BROWNINGIANA 243 297-330; Mn. Drorvning. by the Lord Bishop of Ripon. 279-295 821.04 M419i. The Three Interests in Old English Literature. Contemporary Re- view 2l:l99-226:Jan. 1873. MASSON. ROSALINE Robert Drowning in Edinburgh. Cornhill Magazine 152:590:226- 240: Feb. 1909 821.88 Xman. Same. Littell's Living Age 260:653-663. A Departure from Tradition. (Chamb. J.) Litteli'* Living Age 207:15-23. An Inspired Little Creature and the Poet Wordsworth. (Fortn.) Littell's Living Age 267:790-801. MASSON. TOM Deans and Drowning. Current Opinion 3:34:359: March 1903. MASTER HUGUES OF SAXE-GOTHA Browning Study Programme: A Croup of Music Poems — A Toc- cata of Caluppi's Master H agues of Saxe-Cotha, Abt Vogler. By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 10:2:288-293. MASTER SINGER. THE By Elizabeth Clendenning Ring. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 145 821.88 Xht. MASTER-SPIRITS By Robert Buchanan. Drowning's Masterpieces 89-109 820.04 B918ms. MASTERPIECE OF ENGLISH LITERATURE Review. Independent 47:2:1205:1895. MASTERPIECE OF ENGLISH NARRATIVE VERSE. THE By Charles Leonard Moore. Dial 43 :303-305 :Nov. 16, 1907. MASTERS BY PROXY By Robert Haven Schauffler. Century 88:506-5I2:Aug. 1914. MASTERS OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. BOOK NOTICES By Edwin Watts Chubb. Education Magazine 35:537-542: April 1915; 35:537-542: April 1915. MASTERY Robert Drowning's Mastery of Rhyme. By W. J. Rolfe. Boston Browning Society Papers 172 821.88 Vbp. By W. J. Rolfe. Poet Lore 5:5:258-66. MATERIAL FROM ENGLISH LITERATURE OF THE INTER- NATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS By Prof. Myra Reynolds. Biblical World 1 1 :49-52 :Jan. 1898; ll:127-I30:Feb. 1898; 1 1 :203-207 :March 1898; 11:257-259: April 1898. MATHER. FRANK JEWETT. JR. Literature. Forum 34:77-91, 220-230, 387-403 :July-Jan. 1902-3 MATHER. J. MARSHALL Popular Studies of Nineteenth Century Poet^. Chapter 7. Broivn- ing, the Optimist 155-184 821.88. MATRIMONY AND THE MAN OF LETTERS By Sidney Low. Nineteenth Century 66:423-433 :Scpt. 1909. Same. Littell's Living Age 263:131-138. MATTER. THE TRANSFIGURATION OF By George Barlow. Contemporary Review 8') :686-696:May 1904. MATTHEWS. BRANDER An Inquiry as to Rhyme. Bookman 8:32-38 :Sept. 1898. Invention in Literature. Scribner*» 41 :246-250:Feb, 1907. 244 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Uieralure. Forum 40:499:Nov. 1908. The Pla])wrighl and the Play-Coers. 102:421-426:July 1908. Postscripl as lo Rhyme. Bookman 13 :416-18:July 1901. Relation of Drama to Literature. Forum 24:635-639:Jan. 1898. Revival of the Poetic Drama. Atlantic Monthly 101 :2 19-224: Jan. 1908. Special Article. Forum 39:423:Jan. 1908. MATTHEWS. WILLIAM Study of Dictionaries. Literary Digest 13:525:Aug. 22, 1896. MAURY, ANTONIA C. De P. P. A Friend of Emerson. Poet Lore 26:3:362. MAXWELL, SIR HERBERT Lord Randolph Churchill. (Nat'l R.) Liltell's Living Age 205: 28-37. MAYERS, F. W. H. AND OTHERS Apparitions. Nineteenth Century 15:791-815. MAYHEW, WM. H. Hawthorne and His Circle. New Church Review 11:385-392: July 1904. MAYNE, ETHEL COLBURN Drorvning's Heroines. With Frontispiece and Decorations. By Maxwell Armfield. 821.88 Pmh. MAYO. ISABELLA F. An Aberdeen Student of Today. Eclectic Magazine 122:234-241 : Feb. 1894. M. B. By the Fireside. Baylor Literary and Georgetonian 821.88 Xblg. McCABE, LIDA ROSE A Browning Anecdote. Outlook 44:358: Aug. 22, 1891. McCAIN, REA The Fear of the Present. English Journal 5:607:Nov. 1916. McCarthy, justin A History of Our Own Times 2:297 942.08 Ml 27a. Some Memories of Tennyson, Browning and Ceorge Eliot. Liter- ary Digest 19:40: July 8, 1899. McCarthy's reminiscences, mr. By W. P. Trent. Forum 28:376-379:Nov. 1899. McCHESNEY, D. G. Dora Creenwell, Her Poems. Fortnightly Review 86:262: Aug. 1906. McCLURE, FRANK Cleveland's New Method of Care for Her Wards. Chautauquan 61:90-98:Dec. 1910. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE Men of Letters. By Geo. W. Smalley. 20:53-65 :Nov. 1902. McCOOK, HENRY C. Another Spider Query and Answer. Poet Lore 1:11 :518-20. Answer to a Query. Poet Lore 1 :3:486. McCORMICK, WILLIAM S. Lectures on Literature. Robert Browning 125-184 820.4 M131. McCORMICK. WILLIAM S. (AND OTHERS) The Worlds of Geoffrey Chaucer. Athenaeum 3723:268-269: March 4. 1899. McCRACKEN, ELIZABETH Stage Production of Browning's Play^.. Poet Lore 14:3:115-31. BROWNINGIANA 245 McCRIE. GEORGE The Religion of Our Literature. Essays upon Thomas Carlyle, Robert Browning. Alfred Tennyson. Robert Drowning 69-109 820.4 Ml 32. McGOWAN. EVA The Love Affairs of the Poeti. Baylor Literary I7:334-337:June 1909. MclNTYRE. CLARA F. NeTi> Poets Judged b\, Old Standards. Poet Lore 28:4:445. 448. McKINNEY, BERNICE Modern Faith in Broivning'i Poetry^, a translation of Quclques aspects de la foi moderne dans les pocmes de Robert Drowning. By P. Berger. 821.88 Rbem. McLaughlin, j. b. The Religion of Robert Drowning. The Ampleforth Journal 4:1: 48-62 :Oct. 1903. McMAHAN. ANNA BENNESON Drowning as the Poet of His Century. Dial 54:294-6: April 1. 1913. Drowning, the Man. Centenary Addresses 9-32 821.88 Vnya. Edited. Florence in the Poetry of the Drownings. Being a Selec- tion of the Poems of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning which have to do with the History, the Scenery and the Art of Florence. 821.88 Gmf. The Making of a Great Poem. Dial 45:344-5:Nov. 16, 1908. An Interesting Memorial of Two Great Authors. Dial 31 :229- 30:Ocl. 1. 1901. A^en> Lights on Drowning' s Personality. Dial 50:206-9 :March 16. 1911. The Stud}) Class. A guide for the students of English Literature. 187-225 807 Ml 67. McMASTER'S UNIVERSITY MONTHLY Studies in Drowinng's Art Poems. By Roy Harris. 349-358: May 1918 821.88 Lmm. McMILLIAN'S MAGAZINE Some Thoughts on Drowning. By Mary A. Lewis. July 1882 821.88 DmI. McNARY. SARAH J. Sex Education. Enghsh Journal 8:245-247: April 1919. McNlCOLL. THOMAS Essays on English Literature. R. Drowning 298-314 820.4 Ml 69. MEDHURST. FRANCIS An Invocation. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 39 821.88 Xht. MEDLEY OF NOTABLES. A Robert Drowning 7. Elizabeth Darrett Drowning 8 808 Sill. MEETING See Music. MEETING AT NIGHT AND PARTING AT MORNING By Robert Browning. In Kindai Shikashu. By Aiyu Kobayashi. In Japanese. 808.1 K75. By L. M. Sidney. Lessons From Drowning. 821.88 Dslb. MELON-SELLER. THE See Music. MEMOIR. ALFRED. LORD TENNYSON. A By his son. Athenaeum 3651 :521 -522 :Oct. 16. 1897. 246 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MEMOIR OF ROBERT BROWNING Pall Mall Budget Thursday. Dec. 19. 1889 821.7 Xpmb. MEMOIRS By Henry Fothergill Chorley. Compiled by Henry G. Hewlett. Mrs. Bron>ning 2:30-38. 167-169; Robert Brov>ning lb-lb, 30. 169-174. 1:212-213 B C551h. MEMORABLE ART CLASS By Thomas Sulman. Good Words. Litlell's Living Age 214:889- 893. MEMORABLE LOVE LETTERS By E. Rafford Pike. Cosmopolitan 37:253-261. MEMORIAL HELD BY THE BOSTON BROWNING SOCIETY. JAN. 28. 1890 821.88 Bmb. MEMORIAL MEETING. ADDRESS By D. G. Brinton. Poet Lore 2:1 :40-43. 146-147. MEMORIAL MEETING OF THE SYRACUSE BROWNING CLUB Held at May Memorial Church. Syracuse. N. Y.. Jan. 9. 1890. C. W. Bardeen. Syracuse, N. Y.. 1890. 821.88 Bsy. MEMORIAL MEETING TO ROBERT BROWNING. THE EXER- CISES AT Held in the King's Chapel by the Boston Browning Society. Lit- erary World 21:3:40:Feb. 1. 1890. MEMORIAL NOTES, BROWNING By F. Chariton. Poet Lore 2:2:100-111. MEMORIAL OF TWO GREAT AUTHORS. AN INTERESTING By Anna Benneson McMahan. Dial 31 :228-30:Oct. 1, 1901. MEMORIAL PUBLICATIONS, BROWNING Poet Lore 2:6:326-7. MEMORIAL SERVICE, BOSTON BROWNING By Alice Kent Robertson. Poet Lore 2:3:132-155. MEMORIAL TO ROBERT BROWNING Under the Auspices of the Browning Society of Boston. King* Chapel, Tuesday, Jan. 28, 1890. Printed for the Society by the University Press. Cambridge. 821.88 Bmb. MEMORIALS. BROWNING A Catalogue of Books. Drawings, Autograph Letters and Other Relics, purchased at the recent dispersal of the Browning Collec- tion. Offered for sale by Bertram Dobell. 821.88 Adm (2 copies). MEMORIALS OF ROSSETTI Atlantic Monthly 51 :549-555 :Apnl 1883. MEMORIES OF BROWNING, BEAUTIFUL (A review of Mrs. Bronson's Recolleclions of BroTvning in Venice, which appeared in the Cornhill Magazine.) Review of Reviews 25:353-354:March 1902. MEMORIES OF SEVENTY YEARS By E. G. J. Dial 18:43-45:Jan. 16, 1895. MEMORY OF R. B. (1812-1889), TO THE By John Savary. Literary World 2I:l:8:Jan. 4, 1890. MEN AND WOMEN By Robert Browning. Ticknor & Fields, Boston, 1866. (Author* Edition 821.88 Hmwt. Athenaeum 1 464: 1327-1 328 :Nov. 17, 1855. By Robert Browning. (Reviewed.) Poetry of the Paii Year. The Christian Remembrancer 92:281 -294: April 1856. See The Cravon (for criticism) 3:2:61 :Feb. 1856. BROWNINGIANA 247 MEN AND WOMEN. AND PIPPA PASSES. BROWNING'S By E. Forlescue Bricksdale. Dial 49:473:Dec. I. 1910. MEN AND WOMEN. BROWNINGS By H. Ospovat. Dial 35:425:Dec. I. 1903. The Rambler. Catholic Journal and Review. Jan. 1856. MEN AND WOMEN. REMARKS Ol- BROWNINGS Editorials. Blackwood's Magazine 79: l33.l37:Feb. 1856. MEN OF LETTERS By Geo. W. Smalley. McClure's 20:33-65 :Nov. 1902. MEN OF LETTERS— THE UNHAPPY LOVE AFFAIRS OF By Strachey and Littlefield. Current Opinion 47:512-31 5 :Nov. 1909. MEN OF MARK A Gallery of Contemporary Portraits of Men Distinguished m the Senate, the Church, in Science, Literature and Art, the Army, Navy, Law, Medicine, etc. Conducted by George C. Whitfield. Robert Browning: Poet and Dramatist. 821.88 Bmm. MENAGE DE POEl ES By Mary James Darmesteter. (In French.) Revue de Paris 18: 295-317:Sepi. 15, 1898; 18:788-81 7 :Oct. 15, 1898 821.88 Bmd. MERCER, ARTHUR Poclry of Courtship and Marriage. New Church Review 15:392- 404: July 1908. MEREDITH Droivning and Meredith, Some Points of Similarity;. By Mary Winchester AbboU. 821 Dap. Same. ( i ypewritten) 821.88 Dam. Same. By Editor. Priory Magazine Aug. 1903 821.88 Dpm. MEREDITH AS A POET By Miss M. Sturge Henderson. Literary Digest 36:34 1-342: March 7, 1908. MEREDITH, GEORGE To Robert Browning. Homage to Robert Brotsning, Aleph Tanner 130 821.88 Xht. By Percy Lubbock. (Quart. R.) Littell's Living Age 264:515- 526. Poems and Lyrics of the Jo^ of the Earth. Athenaeum 2909:103- 104:July 28, 1883. A Faith on Trial. 821.88 M559p. MEREDITH, GEORGE. POETRY OF By G. M. Trevelyan. Eclectic Magazine 143 :503-515 :Oct. 1904. MEREDITH, MR. GEORGE, A STUDY OF By J. A. Newton Robinson. Eclectic Magazine 118:124-129. MEREDITH IN HIS POEMS, MR. Current Opinion 9 :597-599:Apiil 1892. By Professor Edward Dowden. Eclectic Magazine 118:650-660: May 1892. By Edward Dowden. Fortnightly Review 57:337-353 :March 1892. Same. Littell's Living Age 193:495-505. MEREDITH ON THE SOURCE OF DESTINY. GEORGE By Emily G. Hooker. Poet Lore 12:2:238-252. MEREDITH. OWEN The Wanderer. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 78 821.88 Xht. 248 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MEREDITH. SOME RECOLLECTIONS, GEORGE By Edward Clodd. Fortnightly Review 92:25: July 1909. MEREDITHS STYLE. PENALTY OF By Paul Elmer More. Literary Digest 30:891 :June 17. 1905. MEREDITH. THE GREAT PSYCHOLOGIST OF ENGLISH FIC- TION. GEORGE Current Opinion 47 :49-54:July 1909. MEREDITH. THE MORAL PHILOSOPHY OF Contemporary Review 96:23-29: July 1909. Munsey's 30:153:Oct. 1903. MEREDITH, Vv'ILL THE NOVELS OF GEORGE, ENDURE Current Opinion 44:51 -53 :Jan. 1908. MERLETTE. GERMAINE-MARIE La Vic e( rOeuVTc d'Elizabelh Darretl BroTDning. MERLETTE, MARIE La Vie el I'Oeuvre de Elizabeth Drowning. Athenaeum 4045:585- 586:May 13. 1905. MERRELL. E. H. Browning as an Artist from Memorial Meeting of the Syracuse Browning Club 24-54 821.88 Bsr. Browning as a Cenius. Syracuse Memorial 24-54 821.88 Bsy. MERRILL. ICATHARINE The Use of the t/g/p in Art. Poet Lore 13:2:255-60. MERRILL, WILLIAM PIERSON Faith and Sight. Robert Browning 128-144 230 M571. MERRILL, WILLIAM STETSON Browning Societ]) Papers. Library Jooirnal 28:104:March 1903. MERTENS, MARSHALL LOUIS Music, Madness and the Master. (Browning's Saul.) Review and Expositor Jan. 1918 821.88 Hsam. MESMERISM Translated into Japanese. By Iwano Homei. Kinsei Eibunga}(u (Studies in Modern English Literature) 132-149 820.8 S933j. Notes under Current Topics. Albion 133: March 13, 1869. By Ezra Pound. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 46 821.88 Xht. Same. Literary Digest 44:1110. MESMERISM FROM A SCIENTIFIC VIEW POINT. BROWN- ING'S By Francis E. White. Poet Lore 4:5:261-66. MESSAGE OF ROBERT BROWNING, THE By A. Austin Foster. 821.88 Rfm. By W. Wilberforce Newton. Bookmart 5:50:52-53 :July 1887 821.88 Xmbm. MESSAGE, SIGNIFICANCE OF BROWNING'S By F. W. Farrar. Review of Reviews 15:185-191 :Feb. 1897. MESSAGE TO ARTISTS AND CRAFTSMEN OF TODAY. BROWNINGS By George Wharton James. Craftsman 149-151 :Nov. 1903. MESSAGE TO THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, ROBERT BROWNING'S By James T. Bixby. Arena 283-297 :Feb. 1890. MESSAGE TO THE TIME. BROWNING'S His religion, philosophy and science. By Edward Bcrdoe. 821.88 Dbm. Same. Poet Lore 2:5:286. BROWNINGIANA 249 METAPHYSICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF DIPSYCHUS AND THE WORLD SOUL. THE (From papers of the Browning Society of Philadelphia.) By Francis H. Williams. Poet Lore 6:6&7 :348-56. METEYARD. TOM B. The Tn>o Bobbies. Literary Digest 10:73 :Nov. 17. 1894. METHODIST QUARTERLY REVIEW Drorvning'i Ring and the Bool(. By G. H. Clark. April and July 1911 821.88 I-lrc. METHODIST REVIEW Child Roland lo the Darlf Totfcr Came. An Interpretation. By Geo. H. Willelt. 601 :July-Aug. 1914. The Magic of a Book- By L. H. Hough. 696:Sept.-Oct. 1914. Sarah Florvcr Adams — One of the Earl}^ Friends of Browning. By S. G. Ayres. 850:Nov.-Dec. 1914. Andrea del Sarto and His Wife. By A. W. Crawford. 929:Nov.- Dec. 1914 821.88 Xmmr. MEYER-FRANCK. HELENE Eine Interpretation. Robert Browning. The Ring and the Bool(. Olio Hapke Verlag. Gotlingen. 1912. 821.88 Hrmg. The Ring and the Boof( — Eine Interpretation. Translated by Es- telle Barron. Thesis submitted for B. A. Degree from Baylor University. 821.88 Hrmeb. MEYNELL. ALICE The Love Letters of Browning. Bookman 9:162-5. Love Letters of Two Poets. Literary Digest 18:425-426: April 15. 1899. Stephen Phillips. Poetry Journal. Littell's Living Age 289:367- 369. M. G. Some Odd Numbers. Murray's. Littell's Living Age 175:308-313. MICHAEL. MRS HELEN C. DE SILVER (ABBOTT) Studies in Plant and Organic Chemistr\) and Literar\) Papers Cam- bridge 1907. The Drama in Relation to Truth 364-369. Printed also in Poet Lore 7:3:149-154. 547-582: March 1895. MIDDLE YEARS By Henry James. Scribner's 62:612:Nov. 1917. MIDDLEBURY CAMPUS. THE Some Thougl)ts on Browning's Ethical Views. By G. Watts Cun- ningham. 8:83-88: May 1912. MIHRAH SHAH See Music. MILDRED. BROWNING'S By J. J. Britton. Poet Lore 5:5:266-272. MILES. ALFRED H. By Editor. The Browning Reciter. Verse and Prose for Recita- tion. By Robert Brownmg. Sir A. Conan Doyle, Edward F. Tur- ner, W. S. Gilbert, Re Henry, E. Nesbit and other Writers. 821.88 Sbrm. MILLER, EDWIN L. The Bo)) and His Book; Poetry and Freedom. English Journal 8:342:June 1919. MILLS, C. DEB. Remarl(s. Memorial Meeting of the Syracuse Browning Club 79- 90 821.88 Bsy. 250 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MILMAN. DEAN By his son, Arthur Milman. Edinburgh Review 191 :51 1 :April 1900. MILNE. J. The Popular Reprint in England. Fortnightly Review 102:351- 352: Aug. 1914. MILSAND. JOSEPH 5ee a French Friend of Drowning. By Th. Bentzon. (Mme. Blanc.) Scribner's Magazine 20:108-120. MILSAND. M. J. La Poesie Anglaise Dcpuis B^ron. Robert Drowning 2:661-689: July 15, 1851; Elizabeth Browning 3 :339-361 :Jan. 15, 1852 821.8 M661. MILTON By \V. F. Alexander. Contemporary Review 96:668-683:Dec. 1909. MILTON AND MODERN MEN By G. E. G. De Montmorency. Contemporary Review 94:693- 705: Dec. 1908. MINCHIN, HARRY CHRISTOPHER Browning and Wordsworth. Littell's Living Age 274:104-112: July 13. 1912. Browning as a Letter Writer. Browning Centenary 38-45 821.88 Bkc. The Life of Robert Browning with notices of his writings, his family, and his friends. By W. Hall Griffin. 821.88 Bg. The Life of Robert Browning. Reviewed. Bookman 33:3-4:March 1911. MIND See under Fotheringham. MIND. THE BIOGRAPHY OF A By Annie Russell Marble. Dial 37:267-9:Nov. 1. 1904. MIND. THE CLUE TO BROWNING'S Editorial. Dial 52:386:May 16. 1912. MINISTRY. THE WORK OF THE By Julian K. Smyth. New Church Review 1 1 :517-530:Oct. 1904. MINOR POETS, THE By Andrew Lang. (Longman's.) Littell's Living Age 217:279- 280. MINOR POETS OF THE DAY (Poems by Robert Browning.) The Christian Remembrancer. Quarterly Review 346:April 1851. J. and C. Mozley, London. 821.88 Dor. MISCELLANY— HOW ONE OF MRS. BROWNING'S BOOKS WAS NAMED Eclectic Magazine 124:858-859: June 1895. MISCONCEPTIONS See Music. MISSION OF LITERATURE By Theodore W. Hunt. Forum 24:510:Dec. 1897. MISSION OF TENNYSON By W. S. Lilly. Fortnightly Review 67:239: Feb. 1897. MISTAKEN. BROWNING By Boyesen. Poet Lore 10:3:462. BROWNINGIANA 251 MODERN BALLADS By Henry G. Heulell. Contemporary Review 26:958-980 :Nov. 1875. MODERN ENGLISH BY HALL By Editor. Edinburgh Review 140:5:74-86: July 1874. MODERN IDOLS SluJici in Biography and Criliciim. By Wm. Henry Thorne. 801 T51lmi. MODERN IMPERIALISM AS SHOWN IN BROWNING'S POR- TRAIT OF NAPOLEON III By Charlotte Porter. Poet Lore 12:1:80-95. MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION By Prof. J. W. Cunliffe. Nation 86:7 :Jan. 1908. MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION PUBLICATIONS Elizabeth Barrett's Influence on Bromning's Poetry. By J. W. Cunlide. 23:2:169-183 821.88 Bwe. A Literary Mosaic. By Chas. W. Hodeli. 23:2:510-519 812.88 Hrhm. MODERN LANGUAGE NOTES Broruning in France. By Wm. Lyons Phelps. 31 :24-32:Jan. 1916. MODERN LIFE AND MODERN POETRY By Josephine P. Peabody. Poet Lore 14:1:62. MODERN MEN OF LETTERS (Honestly Criticised.) By James Hain Friswell. Robert Browning 119-131 820.1 F918m. MODERN NOTES IN LITERATURE. THE By Claude Bragdon. Literary Digest 27:897:Dec. 26. 1903. MODERN PHILOLOGY A Guide for the Blind. By Louise Fagan Peirce. 6:4:487-502: April 1909. MODERN POETRY AND A COURAGEOUS PUBLISHER Apollo and Keats on Browning. Poet Lore 15:1:113-114. MODERN POETS AND CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Editorial. Independent 62:734:March 28. 1907. Nation 84:268-69: March 1907. MODERN POETS AND CHRISTIAN TEACHING Elizabeth Barrett Browning. By Martha Foote Crow. 821.88 Bmc. Robert Browning. By Frank C. Lockwood. 821.88 Rim. MODERN POETS AND THE MEANING OF LIFE By Frederic W. H. Myers. Eclectic Magazine 120:365-377: March 1893. MODERN POET PROPHETS Ideal Womanhood in the Masterpieces of Dante, Coethe and Rob- ert Browning, 7-23. (Pippa, Pompilia, James Lee's Wife and Lyric Love.) By William Norman Guthrie. 804 G984m (2 copies). MODERN SHORT STORY: ITS NATURE AND ORIGIN. THE By T. E. Rankin. Poet Lore 17:1:100-111. MODERN SOCIAL RELIGION By Horace Fialley. Forum 55:570:April 1916. MODERN VILLIAN. THE By Norman Hapgood. Collier's Weekly 33:18:ApriI 30, 1914. MOLINEUX. MARIE ADA Robert Browning. Homage to Robert Browning, Alcph Tanner 49 821.88 Xht. 252 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY A Phrase Book from the Poetic and Dramatic Works of Robert Browning. 821.88 Cmp. MOLINEUXS. MISS. BROWNING PHRASE BOOK By W. J. R. Dial 22:42-3:Jan. 16. 1897; 22:78:Feb. 1897. Suggestions Regarding Booths on DroTvning. Emerson College Mag- azine 20:3: 1 42- 144: J an. 1912. MOLMEN'lI. POMFEO Eiizahelh Barrett BroJvning. (Nuova Antologia.) Littell's Living Age 219:35-40. MONOLOGUE. A BROWNING By George Dunmick Latimer. Boston Browning Society Papers 173-189 821.88 Vbp. MONOLOGUE. BROWNINGS ART IN By Percy Stickney Grant. Boston Browning Society Papers 35-66 821.88 Vbp. MONOLOGUE. THE DRAMATIC The Nature and Interpretation of an Overworl^ed Form of Lit- erature. By S. S. Curry. 821.88 Lcb. MONTGOMERY. JAMES By George Gilhllan. Tait's. Littell's Living Age 1 1 :57-60. MONTHLY CHKlS i IAN SPECTAl OR Bromiings Christmas Eve. By G. M. D. 3 :261-273 :May 1853. MONTMORENCY. J. E. G. de The Anglo Norman Renaissance. Edinburgh Review 229:154-172: Jan. 1919. Bottom's Dramas. Contemporary Review 1 14:581 -585:Oct. 1918. C/iivairij and Civilization. Kelerence to Ring and the Bool{, Edin- burgh Review 222:1 18-1 34:Juiy 1915. Literary Genius. Contemporary Review 100:1 :429-434 of Literary Supplement 48. MOOD OI- BROWNING'S CHILDE ROLAND TO THE DARK TOWER GAME. THE By C. A. Smith. Poet Lore 11:4:626-28. MOORE. CLARA BLOOMFIELD Idol Affections. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 115 8Zl.88Xht. MOORE. MRS. BLOOMFIELD On the Heigiits. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 51 821.88 Xht. MOORE. CHARLES LEONARD A Dent of Literary Reputation. Literary Digest 46:1:710-711: March 29. 1913. The Future of Poetry. Forum 14:768-777. The Highest Type of Originality in Literature. Current Opinion 50:100-101 :Jan. 1911. Lyric Poetry of England, Ireland and America Compared. Liter- ary Digest 23: 492-493 :Ocl. 26 .1901. The Masterpiece of English Narrative Farce. Dial 43:303-305: Nov. 16. 1907. Originality in Literature. Dial 49:319-21 :Nov. 1. 1910. MOORE. CHARLOTTE The Art Spirit in Browning's Flight of the Duchess. Poet Lore 11:2:266-276. MOORE. MRS. CLARA JESSOP Dedication of Poems to My Friend, Robert Drowning, Homag« to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 56 821.88 Xht. BROWNINGIANA 253 MOORE, SUE. AND E. R. ALEXANDER Catalogue of Browning Material Baylor. (Typewritten) 821.88 Xbbm. MOORISH FRONT TO THE DRAMA Lurid. By Ernest Radford Fyke. London Browning Society Papers 2:251-252. MORAL PHILOSOPHY OF MEREDITH By G. K. Chesterton. Contemporary Review 96:23-29: July 1909. Liltell's Living Age 262:423-427. MORALITY AND IMMORALITY By T. W. Fowie. Contemporary Review 19 :673-695 :May 1871. MORALITY OF THACKERY AND GEORGE ELIOT. THE By Maria Louisa Henry. Atlantic Monthly 51 :243-248:Feb. 1883. MORAN. MABEL Robcrl Brcmn'mg. By Pierre Berger. Translated by Mabel Moran. Thesis in the Department of English. 821.88 Dbbm (2 copies). MORE OF M.AX MULLERS LITERARY RECOLLECTIONS By Max Muller. Literary Digest 14:670-71 : April 3. 1897. MORE OF THE PRE-RAPHAELITE BROTHERHOOD By Edith Kellog Dunton. Dial 41 :444-446:Dec. 16. 1906. MORE. PAUL ELMER Penalty of Meredith's Style. Literary Digest 30:891 :June 12. 1905. Christina Rossetti. Atlantic Monthly 94:81 5-21 :Jan. 1904. Wh\) Is Drowning Popular? Literary Digest 30:775-776:May 25, 1905. Same. Shelburne Essays 3:143-165 814 M836s. Shclhurne Easavs. Independent 59:2: 1 1 12 :Nov. 9. 1905. MORE SONGS FROM VAGABONDIA By Bliss Carman and Richard Hovey. Designs by Tom B. Meteyard. 49 811 C287ms C.2. MOREL. LEON Les Sonnets dii Portugais, d'Elizaheth Barrett Drowning traduits en vers francais avec preface. Texte anglais en regard, et notes par Leon Morel. Paris: Librairie Hachette & Cie, 1903. 821.88 Hspfm. MORGAN, A. Shali^espeare and Drowning Societies. Science I5:282:Feb. 21, 1902. MORISON, JEANIE (MRS. J. COTTER MORISON) Caliban Upon Sctebos, with some notes on Drowning's Subtlety; and Humour. Browning Society Papers 5:489-498 821.88 Dbs. Faultless. Fifine at the Fair, Christmas Eve and Easter-Da]^ and Other of Mr. Drowning's Poems. 821.88 Dfce. In Memoriam — Robert Drowning. Obit. Dec. 12, 1889, not yet published. In Memoriam, Robert Drowning, There as Here. 821.88 M861t. Sabbath Songs and Sonnets and D^-lVay Dallads. In Palazzo Rezzonico Venice 87. Sordello. An Outline Analysis of Mr. Browning's Poem. 821.88 Hsom. Subtlety;. MORLEY. HENRY English Literature in the Reign of Victoria. Drowning's Aga- memnon of Aesch\;lus, reviewed in Nineteenth Century 3:384-5; 254 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY PacchlaroUo, reviewed in Nineteenth Century 3:380-384: Feb. 1878; Paracehui, reviewed in Nineteenth Century 2:138:Aug. 1877 820.9 M865tw. Recent Literalure. Nineteenth Century 2:692-712; 4:528-542. MORLEY, JOHN On The Ring and ihe Book. Studies in Literature 255-285 804 M864sl. MORRIS, GEO. PERRY Eliz. Barren Browning. Independent 60:1 :501-504:March 1, 1906. MORRIS. HARRISON S. The Browning Sociell; of ihe New Century Club of Philadelphia. Poet Lore 1:1:35-37; 1:2:82-84; 1:3:128-129. Browning versus Browning. Poet Lore 1:9:408-421. Fra Lippa Lippi and Mr. Sludge, from Browning versus Broisn- ing. Poet Lore 1 :1 :410. Tales from Ten Poets. 823 P745mt. Same. (Review.) Independent 44:2:1755:1892. MORRIS, NEW BOOK, \VM. Editorial. Independent 41 :2:1314:Ocl. 10. 1889. MORRIS' POEMS. WILLIAM By Andrew Lang. Longman's. Litfell's Living Age 21 1 :323-336. MORRIS. WILLIAM Athenaeum 4423: 109-1 10: Aug. 3, 1912. By Theo. Watts Dunton. Athenaeum 3598:486-488:Oct. 10. 1896. Poems fcp the Way. Athenaeum 3359:336-338: March 12. 1892. MORRIS, WILLIAM, THE COLLECTED WORKS OF Athenaeum 4341 :5-6:Jan. 7. 1911. MORTIMER, W. A Note on Browning. Art Review 1 :5:28-32:Feb. 1890. MORTON. EDWARD P. Chronology and Metrical Tests. South Atlantic Quarterly 10:159- 168:April 1911. MORTON. IRENE ELDER Browning. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 128-129 821.88 Xht. MOSAIC POETRY Literary Digest 39:494:Sept. 25. 1909. MOSCHELES. FELIX Browning's Asolo. Scribner's 10:359-367 :SepT 1891. Fragments of an Autobiography. Some Incidents of Robert Brown- ing's Visits to the Studio 11:317-364 B M985m. MOSELY, B. L. Miss Alma Murray's Constance. Robert Browning's In a Balcony, Read to the Browning Society on the 27th of February, 1885. Reprinted from The Theatre of May, 1885, for private distribu- tion only. London, 1885. 821.88 Pcmm. MOSES OF MICHAEL ANGELO. THE By Robert Browning. Yale 4:l-2:Oct. 1914; also Literary Digest 49:1 234 :Dec. 19, 1914. MOSHER, A. M. Browning's Summers in Brittany. Century 54: 755-768: Sept. 1897. The Spell of Brittany. See Index. MOSS. J. S. K.. AND j. BRUTON AITKEN Browning's Estimate of the Value of Effort. From Notes to the Pocket Volume of Selections from the Poems of Robert Browning 37-40. By Alex Hill. 821.88 Dhn. BROWNINGIANA 255 MOSSES IN LITERATURE Ecleclic Magazine 122 :275-278:Feb. 1894. MOTHERLESS HEROINE. THE By Louise M. Field. Poet Lore 17:4:99-101. MOTIVES AND METHODS OF AUTHORSHIP By G. Eyre Todd. Literary Digest 12:640-641 : March 28. 1896. MOULTON. CHARLES The Library^ of Literary Crilicism of Engliih and American Authors, 1855-1874. Elizabeth Barrett Broivning 6:228-247; Robert Droivning 7:677-720. MOULTON. LOUISE CHANDLER Browning. Homage to Robert BroTening, Aleph Tanner 107 821.88 Xht. Poetry h a Poor Product to TaJfe to Marlfet. Scrap Book 5: 42: Jan. 1908. Sonnet. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 130 821.88 Xht. By H. A. C. Poet Lore 12:1:114-125. MOULTON. R. G.. J. P. PETERS AND A. B. BRUCE AND OTHERS The Bible as Literature. Biblical World 9:31 1-313 :June 1897. MOULTON, RICHARD G. World Literature. Robert Browning 356-358. 403. MOUNTAIN-BIRTH By Alfred Foritian. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 54 821.88 Xht. MOXOM. PHILIP STAFFORD Balausiion's Opinion of Euripides. Boston Browning Society Papers 411-437 821.88 Vbp. Does Browning's All(estis Interpret Euripides Fairly? Poet Lore 8:7:425-432. Two Masters, Browning and Turgenief. 821.88 Dmi. MOXOMS MINIATURE POETS A Selectic-n from the Works of Robert Browning. London: Edward Moxom & Co.. Dover Street. 1865. First edition. 821.88 Gms. MSS. OF THE BROWNINGS By Frederic G. Kenyon. Cornhill Magazine 166- 1 74: Aug. 1913 821.88 Amss. MUCKLE-MOUTH MEG Reviewed by Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 11:3:609. MUDGE. JAMES The Best of Browning. With an introduction by Rev. William V. Kelley. 821.88 Xm. MUEZZIN PoetrM and Shop^ceping. Athen. Liltell's Living Age 293:685- 688. " MUIRHEAD. J. H. By Professor William Wallace. Fortnigthly Review 67:694-695: May 1897. MULEYKEH By Robert Browning. In The Rising Generation 38:7:208-209: Chapters 1-4; 38:8:234-235 :Chapters 5-9; 38:9:265-266:Chap- ters 10 14; 38: 10:306-307 :Chapters 15-19. (Complete) 821.88 Xmrg. In Japanese, 256 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY MULLER, F. MAX Literary Recollections. Cosmopolis. Littell's Living Age 213:75- 89. More of Max Mueller's Liierar}) Recollections. Literary Digest 14:670-71 :ApriI 3. 1897. MoTe Light on Patmore's Literary Character. Literary Digest 14: 700-701 : April 10. 1897. Prof. Max Mueller's Recollections of Froude and Xings/ep. Liter- ary Digest 14:427-28: Feb. 6, 1897. The Real Significance of the Parliament of Religions. Arena 1 1 : l-14:Dec. 1894. MUNDY. E. W. Dro-wning as a Theologian. Memorial Meeting of the Syracuse Browning Club 20-23 821.88 Bsy. MUNSEY'S MAGAZINE Another Droivning. By Edward Dowden. 32*444 :Dec. 1904. At IVhat Age Do Literary Men Do Their Best Work? By Rich- ard La Galiienne. 51 :273-277:March 1914. Dro-D>ning Clubs and Finance. By Dr. Frederick Furnivall. 26: 150:Oct. 1901. The Drowning Letters. 21:794:Aug. 1899. The Charms of Autobiography. 22:61 3: Jan. 190O. Chesterton's Drowning. 30:153:Oct. 1903. Chesterton's Novel. 32:120:Ncv. 1904. Country and City Mouse. 31 :603-604:Aug. 1904. The Finance of Literary Shrines. By William G. Fitzgerald. 37: 519-521 :Sept. 1907. The Influence of Ibsen. 19:273: May 1898. Literary Readings. 15:507: July 1896. Maeterlirtck and Brorvning. 30:759:Feb. 1904. Paradoxical Mr. Chesterton. 31:604:Aug. 1904. Pauline, Then and Now. 31 :919:Sept. 1904. The Tennyson Diography. 18:933-934: March 1898. An Unforgotlen Favorite. 14:501 :Jan. 1896. MURRAY. ALMA In a Dalcony, as Constance. 821.88 Dpm. MURRAY'S CONSTANCE. MISS ALMA Robert Drowning's In a Dalcony. By B. L. Mosely. Read to the Browning Society on the 27th of February, 1885 821.88 Pcmm. Portrait as Beatrice Cenci. With Critical Notice Containing Four Letters from Robert Browning. Elkin Matthews, Vigo Street, Lon- don, 1891. 821.88 Dpm (2 copies). MURRAY, GILBERT The Plays of a Great Poet. Speaker. Littell's Living Age 247: 244-248. MURRAY, JAMES Robert Drowning. Igdrasil 50-66:Feb. 1890 821.88 Dmur. MURRAY'S MAGAZINE Asolo and Its Neighborhood. By Linda Villari. Littell's Living Age 191:367-371. Some Odd Numbers. By M. G. Littell's Living Age 175:308-313. MUSE IN EXILE. THE By William Watson. Century 83 :944-948: April 1912. MUSES IN THE COMMON SCHOOL. THE By Mary E. Burl. Atlantic Monthly 67: 53 1-537: April 1891, BROWNINGIANA 257 MUSEUS MUSIC The Funclion of Poets. Contemporary Review 95: 1 -5: May 1909: Literary Supplement No. 20. See Songs. Robert Browning, the Musician. By A. Goodrich-Freer. Eclectic Magazine 137:174-182. MUSIC INDEX TO AUTHORS-SUBJECT IN BAYLOR LIBRARY OF ARTICLES ON BROWNING AND MUSIC AH. LOVE. BUT A DAY Set to Music by Mrs. H. H. A. Beach. From Three Browning Songs. 2 copies. Soprano or Tenor. Opus 44 No. 2. Arthur P. Schmidt Co., Boston, Leipzig, New York. Set to Music by Clara Kathleen Rogers. Browning Songs. First Series. Opus 27 No. 4. 2 copies. A. P. Schmidt: Boston, New York, Leipzig. ALL'S RIGHT WITH THE WORLD (From Pippa Passes.) Set to Music by Emiliano Renaud. White- Smith Publishing Co.. Boston, New York, Chicago. AND SO YOU FOUND THAT POOR ROOM DULL From Appearances. Set to Music by Clara Kathleen Roger*. Boston: Schmidt Co., 1900. APPARITIONS Set to Music by Helen A. Clarke. Begins Such a Starved Banlf of Moss. Set to Music by E. C. Gregory. From Six Songs 4. Novello Ewer & Co., London, New York. Set to Music by Clara Kathleen Rogers. Browning Songs. First Series. Opus 27 No. 3. 2 copies. A. P. Schmidt, Boston, Leipzig, New York. APPEARANCES Set to Music by Clara Kathleen Rogers. Browning Songs. Second Series. 2 copies. Opus 32 No. 2. Arthur P. Schmidt, Boston. Leipzig, New York. ASK NOT ONE LEAST WORD OF PRAISE Set to Music by Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 3:5:258-259. AT THE WINDOW Set to Music by Virginia Gabriel. Key G minor. Addison (t Lucas, 210 Regent St., London. Set to Music by Marshall Kernochan. From Two Poems by Rob- ert Browning for a Medium voice with piano accompaniment. G. Schirmer, New York. BEACH. MRS. H. H. A. To the Browning Society of Boston. Three Browning Songs: (1) The Year's at the Spring; (2) Ah, Love, But a Da\f ; (3) / Send M\) Heart Up to Thee. Soprano or Tenor. 2 copies. A. P. Schmidt & Co., New York. BEACH. JOHN Is She Not Pure Cold. The Wa-Wan Press. Newton Center. Mass. BEAN-STRIPE: ALSO APPLE EATING. A Set to Music by Granville Bantock. In Lyrics from Ferishtah's Fancies. Breitkopf & Hartel. Leipzig. Brussels. London. New York. BENDING. EDWIN The Bo\) and the Angel. Set to Music by Edwin Bending for the LoodoD Browning Society. 258 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY BERDOE: BROWNING STUDIES Some Noles on Browning's Poems Referring to Music. By Helen J. Ormerod. 237-253 821.88 Vlbs. BERGH. ARTHUR The Pied Piper of Hamelin. Recitation with Pianoforte. Opus 23. G. Schirmer, New York. BOOT AND SADDLE Set to Music by James H. Rogers. Cavalier Song. With Piano Accompan-ment. (High in G Minor.) G. Schirmer, New York. BOOT, SADDLE, TO HORSE AND AWAY From Dramatic Lyrics. Set to Music by C. Villiers Stanford. Boosey & Co., London. BOY AND THE ANGEL. THE Set to Music by Edwin Bending for the London Browning Society. BRANSCOMBE. GENA / Send A/p Heart Up to Thee. (Serenade.) Soprano or Tenor. 2 copies. Arthur P. Schmidt Co.. New York. Marching Along! For medium voice. G. Schirmer, New York. BROWNING, ELIZABETH BARRETT For Love's Saf^e Onh. Music by W. A. Fisher. Two copies. Hoiv Do I Love Thee. Music by Henry K. Hadley. Two copies. // / Were Thou. Music by Marie Von Hammer. Two copies. Nevermore Alone. Music by Henry K. Hadley. Two copies. A Rose Once CreTv. Music by Marie Von Hammer. Two copies. The Soul's Expression. (Four sonnets.) Music by S. Coleridge- Taylor. BROWNING MEMORIAL (Boston Society) Song from Browning's Paracelsus. Songs from Browning's Pippa Posses. 821.88 Bmb. BUT LOVE Words by Robert Browning. Music by Elsie M. Cowley. Mackay Bros. CAMEL-DRIVER, A Set to Music by Granville Bantock. In Lyric from Ferishtah's Fancies. Breitkopf & Haertel, Leipzig, Brussels, London, and New York. CHANTER. ARTHUR There's a V/oman LiJ(e a DeW-drop. (Serenade.) Allan & Co., Ltd.. Melbourne. CHERRIES Set to Music by Granville Bantock. In Lyrics from Ferishtah's Fancies. Breitkopf & Haertel, Leipzig, Brussells, London, New York. CLARKE, HELEN A. (Music by) Apparitions. Begins "Such a starved bant( of moss." One Wa^ of Love. Song with Cello Obligato. Overhead the Tree Tops Meet. From Pippa Passes. Written for the Boston Browning Society. COLERIDGE-TAYLOR, S. The Soul's Expression. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Four Sonnets, The Soul's Expression, Tears, Crief, Comfort. Novello & Co., London. COMFORT Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Music by S. Coleridge-Taylor- From The Soul's Expression. Novello & Co., London. BROWNINGIANA 259 COOMBS, C. WHITNEY Th\) Face. G. Schirmer, New York. COWLEY. ELSIE M. Music for But Love. Words by Robert Browning. DE KOVEN. REGINALD There's a Woman Lif(e a Detv-Drop. Soprano or Tenor in G. G. Schirmer, New York. EAGLE, THE Round Us the Wild Creatures. Set to music by Granville Bantock. In Lyrics from Ferishtah's Fancies. Breitkopf & Haertel, Leipzig, Brussels, London, New York. EARTH'S IMMORTALITIES Set to Music by Clara Katheleen Rogers. Love begins — So, the gear's done with. Vol. 2 of her Browning Songs. Boston: Schmidt, 1900. ELMAN, MISCHA In a Gondola. Impromptu for the violin with piano accompaniment. Two copies. G. Schirmer, New York, Boston. Londoii. EPILOGUE Set to Music by Granville Bantock. In Lyrics from Ferishtah's Fancies. Breitkopf & Haertel. Leipzig, Brussels, London, New York. Set to Music by John Farmer. Balliol College Song Book. By Permission of Mr. Barrett Browning. London: Joseph Williams. FAMILY, THE Set to Music by Granville Bantock. In Lyrics from Ferishtah's Fancies. Breitkopf & Haertel, Leipzig, Brussels, London, New York. FARMER, JOHN Epilogue: At the midnight in the silence of the sleep time. Balliol College Song Book. By kind permission of Mr. Barrett Browning. London: Joseph Williams. FERISHTAH'S FANCIES, LYRICS FROM Music by Granville Bantock. Cherries, Epilogue, Plot-Culture, A Pillar at SebzeVah, A Dean-Stripe, The Eagle, The Sun, The Melon-Seller, Mihrah Shah, A Camel-Driver, The Tamil}), Td>o Camels, Shah Abbas. Published by Breitkopf 8c Haertel. FISHER, WILLIAM ARMS For Love's Sal^e On/p. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. From Five Songs, Opus 9. Oliver Ditson Co., Boston. FOR LOVE'S SAKE ONLY Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Music by William Arms Fisher. No. 4 from five Songs, Opus 9. Oliver Ditson Co.. Boston. FORBES, J. WINCHELL Toccata. GABRIEL, VIRGINIA At the Window. Key G minor. Addison 8j Lucas. 210 Regent St., London. GALSWORTHY, MRS. JOHN Two Songs. Pippa's Song. In the Doorwav. London: Wceke« & Co. GIVE A ROUSE Music by Marshall Kernochan. From Two Poems by Robert Browning. For a medium voice with piano accompaniment. New York: G. Schirmer. 260 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY GIVE HER BUT A LEAST EXCUSE TO LOVE ME From The Page Sings to the Queen, From Pippa Passes. Music by Georgina Schuyler. New York: G. Schirmer, 1882. GOOD TO FORGIVE From Pisgah's Sights 3. Clara Kathleen Rogers. BroTDning Songs: Second Series. Opus 32 No. 4. Two copies. Arthur P. Schmidt, Boston, Leipzig, New York. Music by Alfred G. Robyn. Mezzo soprano. G. Schirmer, New York. GOODRICH-FREER, A. Robert Drorvning, the Musician. London Browning Society Papers Abstract 5:135-153; Eclectic Magazine 138:174; Littell's Living Age 129:803-811; Nineteenth Century 59:648-658: April 1901. GREGORY, E. C. Six Songs. Words by Robert Browning. One IV a\) of Loving, Misconceptions, Na}), Bui You Who Do Not Love Her, Appari- tions, James Lee's Wife, A Lover's Quarrel. Novello, Ewer & Co., London and New York. GRIEF Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Music by S. Coleridge-Taylor. From The Soul's Expression. Novello & Co., London. GROW OLD ALONG WITH ME Music by Georgina Schuyler. From Album of Songs 19-20. G. Schirmer, New York. By Georgina Schuyler. For Mezzo-Soprano Voice. HADLEY, HENRY K. How Do I Love Thee. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. From Five Songs, Opus 20. High voice. 2 copies. Oliver Ditson Co., Boston. Nevermore Alone. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, From Five Songs, Opus 20. High voice. 2 copies. Oliver Ditson Co., Boston. You'll Love Me Yet. From Pippa Passes. From Five Songs, Opus 20. Higli voice. Oliver Ditson Co., Boston. HALLEY, MARGARET A. The Year's at the Spring. Paterson & Sons. HAMMER. MARIE VON // / Were Thou. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Two copies. A Rose Once Crew. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Two copies. HARRADEN, ETHEL / Co to Prove Mp Soul. No. 6004. From Selected Octavo Pub- lications. Thiehes-Sturlin Music Co., St. Looiis. The Lost Leader. Over the Sea Our Calle^ Went. Will Thou Change Too? From James Lee's Wife. London: C. Jeffnis, 67 Burners St. HARTOG, CECILE S. The Year's at the Spring. From English Songs. Second Series. High G. Oliver Ditson Co., Boston. Same. No. 2 in A Flat. Boosey & Co., London, W. HOLD ME WITH A CHARM Words by Robert Browning, Music by Alick Maclean. Boosey & Co., London. 1910. HOMER, SIDNEY There's Heaven Above. From Johannes Agricola in Meditation. With piano accompaniment. High YPice= G. Schirmer, New York. BROWNINGIANA 261 Three Songs: (1) ^ IVoman'i Last Word, (2) My Star. (3) Proipice. High voice. G. Schirmer, New York. HOW DO I LOVE IHEE? Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Music by Henry K. Hadley. No. 3 from hive Songs, Opus 20. High voice. Two copies. Oliver Ditson Co., Boston. I GO TO PROVE MY SOUL Taussig- Harraden. No. 6004, Key of F. From Selected Octavo Publications. 1 hiehes-Sturhn Music Co., St. Louis. I HAVE A MORE THAN FRIEND Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Set to music by Clara Kathleen Rogers. Broivning Songs: First Series, Opus 27 No. 5. Two copies. A. P. Schmidt, Boston, New York, Leipzig. I SEND MY HEART UP 1 THEE Set to Music by H. H. A. Beach. From Three Broivning Songs. Opus 44. Soprano or Tenor. Two copies. A. P. Schmidt & Co., New York, Boston. By Robert Browning. Music by Gena Branscombe. Three copies. (Serenade.) Set to Music by Gena Branscombe. Soprano or '1 enor. Arthur P. Schmidt Co., New \ ork. I WOULD THAT YOU \\ ERE ALL TO ME Same as Two in the Campagna. Set to Music by Caroline Reinagle. London, Augener 188. IF I WERE THOU Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Music by Marie von Hammer. From Five Songs. High voice. 1 wo copies. Oliver Ditson Co., Boston. IN A DOORWAY Set to music by Mrs. John Galsworthy. From Two Songs. London: Weekes & Co. IN A GONDOLA Music by Mischa Elman. Impromptu for the violin with piano accompaniment. Two copies. G. Schirmer, New York. Georgina Schuyler. From Album of Songs. G. Schirmer, New York. INTUITION. SPECIALLY IN REGARD OF MUSIC AND PLAS- TIC AR 1 S, BROWNINGS By J. 1. Nettlesiiip. London Browning Society Papers 4:381-396. IS SHE NOT PURE GOLD Set to Music by John Beach. The Wa-Wan Press, Newton Cen- ter, Mass. JAMES LEES WIFE From Six Songs. Set to Music by E. C. Gregory. Novello, Ewer & Co., New York, London. KERNOCHAN. MARSHALL Ttvo Poems by Robert Browning for a medium voice with piano accompaniment: (1) At the pyindojv, (2) Give a Rouse. G. Schirmer, New York. 7 wo Songs : {\) A Serenade at the Villa, (2) Round Us the IVild Creatures. Medium Voice. One copy. G. Schirmer, New ^ ork. KING CHARLES C. Villiers Stanford. From Three Cavalier Songs for Baritone Solo and Male Chorus. Opus 1 7. Boosey & Co., London. Set to Music by Maude Valerie W' hite. Cavalier Song. Two copiet. Boosey & Co., N«w York, London. 262 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY KOBBE. GUSTAV To Hone! C. H. Ditson & Co.. New York. LAST WORD. A Words by Robert Browning. Music by Ralph Raymond. Lublin & Co.. London, 1906. LOST LEADER. THE Set to Music by Ethel Harraden. LOVE Set to Music by Clara Kathleen Rogers. From Earth i Immor- lalilici. Two copies. Vol. 2 -of her Bron>mng Songs. Schmidt. Boston. 1900. LOVE ME FOREVER From Dramatic Lyrics. Set to Music by Emiliano Renaud. White- Smith Publishing Co.. Boston. New York. Chicago. LOVER'S QUARREL. A From Six Songs. Set to Music by E. C. Gregory. Novello, Ewer & Co.. London. New York. MACKENZIE. A. C. There's a Woman Li^e a De-udrop. From A Blot in the 'Scutch- eon. London: Novello & Co.. Ltd. New York: The H. W. Gray Co. MACLEAN. ALICK Music for Hold .Me With a Charm. Words by Robert Browning. MARCHING ALONG! Set to Music by Gena Branscombe. For medium voice. G. Schir- mer. New York. Set to Music by C. Villiers Stanford. From Three Cavalier Songs for Baritone Solo and Male Chorus. Opus 17. Two copies. Boosey & Co., London. MEETING Set to Music by G. Waring Stebbins. G. Schirmer. New York. MELON-SELLER. THE Set to Music by Granville Bantock. In Lyrics from Ferishtah's Fancies. Breitkopf & Haertel. Leipzig. Brussels. London. New York. MIHRAB SHAH Set to Music by. Granville Bantock. In Lyrics i romF erishlah' s Fancies. Breitkopf & Hartel, Leipzig. Brussels. London. New York. MISCONCEPTIONS From Six Songs. Set to Music by E. C. Gregory. Novello, Ewer & Co.. London. New York. MUSIC A. D. Musical Query. Rolfe. Poet Lore 5:1:48. Z3ron>ning as a Musician. By E. A. Whitehead. Browning Notes 47-53 821.88 Dhn. Browning Study Programme : A Group of Music Poems — A Toc- cata of Caluppi's, Master Hugues of Saxe-Cotha, Abl Vogler. By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 10:2:288-293. London Browning Society Papers 4:381-396. Appendix 1-16. Musical Instrument, Elizabeth Barrett Browning's. By Hiram Cor- son. Poet Lore 7:5:256-2b3. Musical Symbolism in Brorvning. By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 3:5:260-9. BroToning's Intuition in Regard to Music. By J. T. Neltleship. BROWNINGIANA 263 London Browning Society Papers 4:381-396. Some Notes on Broivning'i Poem Referring to Mmic. By Helen J. Ormerod. London Browning Society Papers 11:180-195. MUSIC AS WE ALL KNOW IT By Susan Wood Burnham. New Church Review 16:224-238: April 1909. MUSIC BY ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING See Browning Memorial for Boston Society. 821.88 Bmb. MUSIC FOR THE BOAT SONG IN SI RAKl ORD Poet Lore 1:5:236. MUSIC IN BROWNING Robert Browning. Everybody's Magazine 12:852-854:June 1905. MUSIC. MADNESS AND THE MASTER Brorvning's Saul. By Marshall Louis Mertens. 821.88 Hsam. MUSIC. NOILS ON BROWNINGS POEMS REFERRING TO By Helen J. Ormerod. London Brownin? Society Papers 9:180- 195; Berdoes Broii>ning Studies 237-253 821.88 Vebs. MUSIC POEMS Poet Lore 1:9:430; 2:5:278. MUSIC. POEMS DEALING WH H Abt, l^og/er. Charles Avison, Balaustion's Adventure, Fifine at the Fair, The Grammarian's Funeral, Heretic's Tragedy, Master Hugucs of Saxe-Colha, Saul, Serenade at a Villa, A Toccata of Caiuppi's, Up at a Villa — Down in the Ci/p, Youth and Art. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. A The Cost of a Poet: Elizabeth Barrett Browning's. By Hiram Corson. Poet Lore 7:259-263. MUSICAL LITERATURE. SOME RECENT Editorial. Independent 41:2:1694-1695. MUSICAL POSSIBILIllES OF POE'S POEMS By Charles Sanford Skilton. Literary Digest 10:400:Feb. 2. 1895. MUSICAL QUERY, A BROWNING By \V. J. R. Poet Lore 5:1:48-49. MUSICAL SETTINGS TO BROWNING'S WORDS. A LIST OF Poet Lore 1:9:430-432. MUSICAL SYMBOLISM IN BROWNING By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 3:3:260-269. MUSICIAN. ROBERT BROWNING. THE By A. Goodrich-Freer. London Browning Society Papers Abstract 5:135-153; Eclectic Magazine 138:174; Littells Living Age 229: 803-811 ; Nineteenth Century 49:648-658: April 1901. MY STAR Set to Music by Helen A. Clarke. From Apparitions; Poet Lore 7:349-352. Set to Music by Sidney Homer. From Three Songs. High Voice. G. Schirmer. New York. Set to Music by Emiliana Renaud. White-Smith Publishing Co.. New York. Set to Music by Clara Kathleen Rogers. Browning Songs: Second Series. Opus 32 No. 1. Two copies. Arthur P. Schmidt, Boston, New York, Leipzig. All That I Know of a Certain Star. Set to Music by W. H. Neidlinger. From Songs and Ballads. G. Schirmer, New York. NAY. BUT YOU WHO DO NOT LOVE HER From Six Songs. Set to Music by E. C. Gregory. Novello, Ewer & Co.. London, New York. 264 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY NEIDLINGER. W. H. Thy Face. From Tr»o Songs. Baritone or Mezzo Soprano. Also Mj) Star, from Sougs and Ballads. NETTLESHIP, J. T. Browning's Intuition, Speciall)) in Regard of Music and Plastic Arts. London Browning Society Papers 4:381-396. NEVERMORE ALONE Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Set to Music by Henry K. Hadley. High Voice. Two Copies. Oliver Ditson Company, Boston. NEVIN. ETHELBERT The Wedding Morn. (The Year's at the Spring.) Song with Piano Accompaniment. High in G flat. Published by Anne Paul Nevin, New York. Mj) Star: All That I Knot) of a Certain Star. From Songs and Ballads. G. Schirmer. New York. O BELL' AUDARE To be found in Miss Hickey's Edition of Stafiord 7 821.88 Hsh. r/ii) Face. From Tivo Songs for Baritone or Mezzo Soprano. G. Schirmer, New York. ONE WAY OF LOVE Song with Cello Obligate. Music by Helen A. Clarke. ONE WAY OF LOVING From Six Songs. Music by E. C. Gregory. Novello, Ewer & Co., London, New York. ONE WAY TO LOVE Set to Music by Clara Kathleen Rogers. Browning Songs. Second Series. Opus 32 No. 5. Two copies. Arthur P. Schmidt, Boston, Leipzig, New York. ORMEROD, HELEN J. Notes on Browning' s Poems Referring to Music. London Brown- ing Society Papers 9:180-195; Berdoe's Browning Studies 237- 253. OUT OF MY OWN GREAT WOE Set to Music by Clara Kathleen Rogers. (From Heine by Eliza- beth Barrett Browning.) Browning Songs: First Series. Opus 27 No. 1 . Two copies. A. P. Schmidt, Boston, New York, Leipzig. OVER THE SEA OUR GALLEY WENT Set to Music by Ethel Harraden. OVERHEAD THE TREE TOPS MEET Set to Music by Helen A. Clarke. From Pippa Passes. Written for the Boston Browning Society. PAGE SINGS TO THE QUEEN, THE Set to Music by Georgina Schuyler. From Album of Songs. G. Schirmer, New York. PAN'S PIPES Words by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Music by H. C. Perrin. Published by Breitkopf & Hartel, London. Ballad for Chorus and Orchestra. PARRY. C. H. H. The Pied Piper of Hamelin. (Set to Music for tenor and bait solo, chorus and orchestra.) Novello & Co., Ltd., London. PERRIN, H. C. Pan's Pipes. Ballad for Chorus and Orchestra. Breitkopf 8t Hartel, London, Berlin, Leipzig, Brussels, New York. BROWNINGIANA 265 PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN Music by Arthur Bergh. Recitation with Pianoforte. Opus 23. G. Schirtner, New York. By Robert Browning. Set to Music for Tenor and Bass Soli. Chorus and Orchestra by Richard bl. Matthew. Two copies. Novello, Ewer & Co., London, New York. Music by C. H. H. Parry. (Set to Music for Tenor and Bass Soli, Chorus and Orchestra.) Novello & Co., Ltd., London. R. H. Walthew. (Set to Music for Tenor and Bass Soli, Chorus and Orchestra.) Two copies. Novello. Ewer & Co.. New York, London. PILLAR AT SEBZEVAH. A Set to Music by Granville Bantock. In Lyrics from Fcr'nhlaKi Fancies. Breitkopf & Hartel, Leipzig, Brussels, London, New York. PIPPA PASSES Set to Music by Georgina Schuyler. The Page Singi to the Queen. Begins — Give her hut a least excuse to love me. Schirtner, New York, 1882. PIPPA'S SONG Set to Music by Mrs. John Galsworthy. From Tivo Songs. Lon- don : Weekes & Co. PLOT-CULTURE Set to Music by Granville Bantock. In Lyrics from Ferishtah's Fancies. Breitkopf & Hartel, Leipzig, Brussels, London, New- York. POET LORE Pippa's Song in Browning. In Life and Letters. PROSPICE Set to Music by Sidney Homer. From Three Songs. High Voice. G. Schirmer, New York. Set to Music by C. V. Stanford. Augener & Co., London. RAYMOND, RALPH Music for A Last Word. Words by Robert Browning. REINAGLE, CAROLINE Set to Music. Ttuo in the Campagna. Same as I ivould that you mere all to me. Augener, London, 188-. RENAUD, EMILIANO Four Songs (Separate Sheets) from Pippa Passes: (1) All's Right With the IVorld; (2) You'll Love Me Yet (from Dramatic Lyrics); (3) A/p Star; (4) Love Me Forever. White-Smith Publishing Co., Boston, New York, Chicago. ROBYN, ALFRED G. Cood to Forgive. Mezzo Soprano or Baritone. G. Schirmer, New York. ROGERS, CLARA KATHLEEN Browning Songs. First Series. Opus 27. (Words by Robert and Elizabeth Browning. (1) Out of A/p Oivn Creat Woe; (2) Summum Donum ; (3) Apparitions; (4) Ah, Love But a Dav ; (5) / hfave a More Than Friend; (6) The Year's at the Spring. Two copies. Arthur P. Schmidt Co., Boston. Leipzig, New 'I'ork. Browning Songs. Second Series. Opus 32. (Words by . Robert Browning.) (]).\iy Star ; (2) Appearances; (3) A Woman's Last Word; (4) Cood to Forgive (from Pisgah's Sights): (5) One 266 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY f'Fap of Love; (6) Love. Two copies. Arthur P. Schmidt Co., Boston, Leipzig, New York. Set to Music. And So You Found That Poor Room Dull From Appearances. Schmidt, Boston, 1900. Set to Music. Earth's Immortalities. Under title Love ; begins, So, the \)ear's done reith. Vol. II of her Browning Songs. Schmidt, Boston, 19U0. ROGERS, JAMES H. Bool and Saddle. Cavalier Song, with piano accompaniment. (High in G Minor.) G. Schirmer, New York. ROSE ONCE GREW. A Marie von Hammer (Mary Sears). From Seven Songs. High Voice. Two copies. Oliver Ditson, Boston. ROUND US THE WILD CREATURES Set to Music by Marshall Kernochan. From Tivo Songs. Medium Voice. 1 wo G. Schirmer, New York. SCHUYLER. GEOKGiNA Set to Music. Give Her But a Least Excuse to Love Me. From The Page Sings to the (^uecn. From Pippa Passes. G. Schirmer, New York, 1882. Groip Old Along With Me. From Songs From American and English Poets. No. 5. Mezzo Soprano. G. Schirmer, New York. In a Condota. Crom Did Along V/ith Me, The Page Sings to the Queen, This Is a Spra^ the Bird Clung to. From Album of Songs. G. Schirmer, New York. SERENADE AT THE VILLA, A Set to Music by Marshall Kernochan. Published by G. Schirmer, New York. SERENADE: I SEND MY HEART UP TO THEE Music by Gena Branscombe. Mezzo Soprano. A. P. Schmidt, Boston, Leipzig, New York. SHAH ABBAS Set to Music by Granville Bantock. In Lyrics from Ferishlah's Fancies. Breitkopf & Hartel, Leipzig, Brussels, London, New York. SONG FROM BROWNING'S PARACELSUS See Browning Memorial for Boston Society. 821.88 Bmb. SONG FROM BROWNINGS PIPPA PASSES See Browning Memorial lor Boston Society 17 821.88 Bmb. SOUL'S EXPRESSION, 1 HE Four Sonnets by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Set to Music by S. Coleridge-Taylor. 7 he Soul's Expression, Tears, Crief, Comfort. Novello & Co., London. STANFORD, C. VILLIERS Prospice. Augener & Co.. London. Three Cavalier Songs for Baritone Solo and Male Chorus: (1) Marching Along; (2) King Charles; (3) Boot, Saddle, to Horse and Aiva\). Opus 17. Two copies. Boosey & Co., London. STEBBINS, G. WARING Meeting. G. Schirmer, New York. SUCH A STARVED BANK OF MOSS From Apparitions. Set to Music by Helen A. Clarke. SUM. THE Set to Music by Granville Bantock. In Lyric from Fer'tshlaKi Fancies. Breitkopf h Hartel, Leipzig, Brussels. London. New York. BROWNINGIANA 267 SUMMUM BONUM Set to Music by Clara Kathleen Rogers. DroTvning Songs: First Series. Opus 27 No. 2. A. P. Schmidt, Boston. New York. Leipzig. Two copies. TAUSSIG-HARRADEN / Co lo Prove Mp Soul. No. 6004. Key of F. From Selected Octavo Publications. Thiebus-Stievlin Music Co.. St. Louis. TEARS By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Set to Music by S. Coleridge- Taylor. From The Soul's Expression. Novello & Co.. London. THERE'S A WOMAN LIKE A DEW-DROP Serenade. Set to Music by Arthur Chanter. Allan & Co.. Ltd.. Melbourne. Set to Music by Reginald De Koven. Sop. or Tenor in G. G. Schirmer, New York. Set to Music by A. C. Mackenzie. Novello & Co.. Ltd.. London; The H. W. Gray Co.. New York. THERE'S HEAVEN ABOVE From Johannes Agricola in Meditation. Set to Music by Sidney Homer. G. Schirmer. New York. THIS IS A SPRAY THE BIRD CLUNG TO Set to Music by Georgina Schuyler. From Album of Songs. G. Schirmer, New \ ork. THY FACE Music by C. Whitney Coombs. G. Schirmer, New York. Two copies. Set to Music by W. H. Neidlinger. From Two Songs, for Baritone or Mezzo Soprano. G. Schirmer, New York. TOCCATA Music by J. Winchell Forbes. TO HORSE Set to Music by Gustav Kobbe. C. H. Ditson & Co., New York. TWO CAMELS Set to Music by Granville Bantock. In Lyric from Ferishtah's Fancies. Breitkopf & Hartel. Leipzig. Brussels. London, New York. TWO IN THE CAMPAGNA Same as / Would That You Were All to Me. Set to Music by Caroline Reinagle. Augener, London. VON HAMMER. MARIE (Mary Sears) A Rose Once Creli>. From 5cven Songs. High Voice in D. Oliver Ditson. Boston. // / Were Thou. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. From Five Songs. High Voice. Two copies. Oliver Ditson Co.. Boston. WALTHEW. RICHARD H. The Pied Piper of Hamelin. Set to Music for Tenor and Bass. Soli, Chorus and Orchestra. Two copies. Novello. Ewer & Co.. New York, London. WEDDING MORN. TFIE The Year's at tlie Spring. Song with Piano Accompaniment. Set to Music by Ethelbert Nevin. High in G flat. Published by Ann* Paul Nevin. G. Schirmer, New "*l'ork. WHITE, MAUD VALERIE King Charles. Cavalier Song. No. 2 in G. Boosey & Ca, London. New York. Two copies. 268 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY WHITEHEAD. E. A. Brofning as a Musician. Browning Notes 47-53 821.88 Dhn. WILT THOU CHANGE TOO? From James Lee's Wife. Set to Music by Ethel Harraden. C. Jefferys, 67 Burners Street, London. WOMAN'S LAST WORD. A Set to Music by Sidney Homer. Published by G. Schirmer. New York. Set to Music by Clara Kathleen Rogers. Browning Songs. Second Series. Opus 32 No. 3. Two copies. Arthur P. Schmidt, Boston, Leipzig, New York. YEAR'S AT THE SPRING. THE Set to Music by Mrs. H. H. A. Beach. No. 1 in A flat. Boosey & Co., London. Set to Music by Margaret A. Halley. Patterson & Sons. Set to Music by Cecile S. Hartog. No. 2 in A flat. Boosey & Co., London. Set to Music by Cecile S. Harlog. From English Songs, Second Series. High G. Oliver Ditson Co.. Boston. (1 he Wedding Morn.) Set to Music by Ethelbert Nevin. Song with Piano Accompaniment High in G flat. Published by Anne Paul Nevin. For sale by G. Schirmer, New York. Set to Music by Clara Kathleen Rogers. Browning Songs: First Series. Opus 2/ No. 6. Two copies. Arthur P. Schmidt, Boston, New York, Leipzig. YOU'LL LOVE ME YET! From Pippa Passes. Set to Music by Henry K. Hadley. From Five Songs, Opus 20 No. 1 . Oliver Ditson Co., Boston. From Pippa Passes. Set to Music by Emiliano Renaud. From Four Songs. White-Smith Music Publishing Co., Boston, New York, Chicago. MUSING WITHOUT METHOD Blackwood's Magazine 189:2:572-575 :April 1911; 191:1:122: Jan. 1912; 191 :2:883 :Jan. 1912. M. W. P. From Ghent to Aix, Current Opinion 34:200: Feb. 1903. MY LAST DUCHESS See Duchess. MY STAR See Music. (A Song.) Poet Lore 1:7:349-52. MYERS. FREDERIC W. H. Modern Poets and the Meaning of Life. Eclectic Magazine 120: 365 377:March 1893. MYERS. FREDERIC W. H.. MRS. Portrait and Comment. Bookman 3 :391 -92:July 1896. MYSTIC. ROBERT BROWNING AS A By Geraldine E. Hodgson. The Seeker 8:32:251-279:Feb. 1913. Magazine Articles 10. BROWNINGIANA 2W N NAISH. ETHEL M. Browning cind Dogma. Seven Lectures on Browning's Attitude Towards Dogmalic Religion. George Bell & Sons, London, 1906. 821.88 Rnd. NAPOLEON III, MODERN IMPERIALISM AS SHOWN IN BROWNINGS PORTRAIT OF By Charlotte Porter. Poet Lore 12:1:80-95. NARRATIVE VERSE, BROWNING'S By Clark S. Nortliup. Dial 43:367:Dec. I, 1907. NASSAU LITERARY MAGAZINE Book Reviews: Review of Asolando. Fancies and Fads. By Robert Browning. Princeton College 45:7:496:Feb. 1890. RobcTl Brorvning's Personalia — Gosse. Reviewed.. 46:2:133 : June 1890. Poem to Rohcrl BroT»nlng. 45:7:469:Feb. 1890. NATION Advertisemenl. By Meffins & Co. 64:444: June 1897. Adverlisemenls of Broivning's lVorl(. 36:306:April 5, 1883. Balauslion's Adventure. (Reviewed.) 13 :324:1 78-1 79:Sept. 14, 1871. Books in Brief . 108:260-261 : Feb. 1919; 108:700-701 : May 1919; 109:49-50:July 1919; I09:94:july 1919; 109:154-155 : Aug. 1919. Books of the Week- 36:433:May 17, 1883; 39:552:Dec. 25, 1884; 43:423:Nov. 18, 1886; 44:106:Feb. 3, 1887; 44:350-351: April 21, 1887; 44:434-435:May 19. 1887; 44:497 :June 9, 1887; 45:60:JuIy 21, 1887; 45:403:Nov. 17, 1887; 46:373:May 3, 1888; 46:475 :June 7, 1888; 47:19:July 5, 1888; 47: 100: Aug. 2. 1888; 47:237:Sept. 20, 1888; 47:507:Dec. 20, 1888; 48:60: Jan. 17, 1889; 48:147:Feb. 14, 1889; 48:253:March 21. 1889; 48:312:April 11, 1889; 48:474:June 6, 1889; 49:60: July 18, 1889; by Hiram Corson. 50:40:Jan. 9, 1890; 50:304: April 10. 1890; 55:419:Dec. I. 1892; 59:348:Nov. 8, 1894; 59:415:Nov. 29, 1894. Boston Browning Society) Papers. 65:402-3:Nov. 1897. Browning and Slang. By Warwick James Price. 100:l42:Feb. 1915. Mrs. E. B. Browning. By E. S. 48:7-8:Jan. 3, 1889. Mrs. Brownings Letters. 24:105-6:Feb. 1877; 66: 1 12-1 13 :Feb. 1898. Robert Browning. 49:492-494:Dec. 19, 1889; 77:39-40:July 1903; 80:531 :June 1905; 83:43:July 1906. Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher. By Henry Jones. 53:92: July 30. 1891. Robert Browning: Essa};s and Thoughts. By John T. Nettleship. 50:361 :May 1, 1890. Browning's Inn Album. By Henry Jame- 22:49-50: Jan. 20, 1876. Browning's Life and Letters. Mrs. Su>'-eriand Orr. 52:500-502: June 18. 1891; 52 :520-21 :June 25, 1P"1. Browning's Messages to His Time: H'^ Religion, Philosophxf and Science. Bi) Edward Berdoe. 50:4?^:May 22. 1890. 270 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Drownings NeoUcl of English Scen^^)). 76:92: Jan. 1903. Drownings Old Yellow Dook- 85:2'^9-300:Oct. 3, 1907. Drowning' s Popularity (Based on Ea- 'p Literary Career of Robert Drowning. By Thomas R. Lounsbury. 93 :494-495:Nov. 23. 1911. Drownings Strafford. 87:210:Sept. 1908. Cenfenarp History of the South Place Society. 59: 203 -204: Sept. 13. 1894 Coventry Patmore. 80:399: May 1905. Dates of the Ring and the Dooff. By Harry T. Baker. 90:33-34: Jan. 13. 1910. An Eye Witness of the French. 43:36:July 8, 1886. Feminine Poetry. 22: 132- 134: July 24, 1876. Hair in Drowning's PoetrX). By Harry T. Baker. 93:263:Sepl. 21, 1911. Hawthorne's Villa at Florence. By Chas. E. Wheeler. 50:486- 487: June 19, 1890. Lawton's Versions of Euripides. 50:437-438:May 29. 1890. Literature. By J. W. Ley. 109:522:Oct. 1919. Modern Language Association. By Prof. J. W. Cunliff. 86:7 :Jan. 1908. Modern Poets and Christian Teaching. 84: 268-69: March 1907. News for Dihliophiles. 84:61 :Ian. 1907; 85 :460-490:Nav. 1907; 8&:327-328:Aprll 19C8; 96:386:April 1913. Notes. 25:212-15:Oct. 1877; 33 : 196-98 :Sept. 1881; 33:413-16: Nov. 1881; 34:251-54:March 1882; 34:356-59: April 1882; 35: 356-59 :Oct. 1882; 36:295: April 5, 1883; 42: 12-1 4: fan. 7. 1886; 42:426-429: May 20, 1880; 42:487-490: lune 10, 1886; 43:96- 101:JuIy 29, 1886; 43 :455-458:Dec. 2. 1886; 44:34-37:Ian. 13, 1887; 44:53-57: Ian. 20. 1887; 45:l72-174:Sept. 1. 1887; 46: 365-8:May 3, 1888; 46:507-509 :June 21, 1888; 47:9-12:July 5. 1888; 47:376-379 :Nov. 8, 1888; 48:284-7: April 4, 1889; 48: 469-71: June 6, 1889; 49 : 1 lO-l 12:Au«. 8, 1889; 49:499-502: Dec. 19, 1889; 50:202-204:March 6. 1890; 50:392-395 :May 15. 1890; 54:149:Feb. 25, 1892; 55:126-128:Aug. 18, 1892; 55: 494:Dec. 29, 1892; 56:160-161 :March 2, 1893; 61:312-14:Oct. 1895; 63:310-1 l:Oct. 1896; 65:476-79:Dec. 1897; 69:351-55: Nov. 1899; 79:75:July 1904; 79:356:Nov. 1904; 85:492-95: Nov. 1907; 89:183:Aug. 1909; 90:515:May 1910; 95:195:Aug. 1912; 95:363:Oct. 1912. The Plight of the Poet. 92:362-363:April 1911. The Pope of The Ring and the Dooff. 64:377:May 1897. Recent American Poetry. 34:150:Feb. 1882. Recent Drilish Poetry. 65:459-461 :Dec. 1897; 66:208-21 1 :March 1898. Recent Compilation of Poetrv. 69:433:Dec. 1899. Recent English Poetrv. 48:389-90:May 9. 1889. Recent Poetry. 32:98-99:Feb. 10, 1881; 36:470-472:May 31. 1883; 37:336-338:Oct. 18, 1883; 38:549-551 :June 26, 1884; 39: 527-529:Dec. 18, 1884; 40:503-505: June 18, 1885; 41:539-541: Dec. 24 ,1885; 42:449-451: May 27, 1886; 44:298-99: April 7, 1887; 51:422-424: Nov. 27, 1890; 58:432-434: lune 7, 1894; 79: 120:Aun. 1904; 81 :506-508:Dec. 1905; 135:469-71 :Nov. 1882. Recent Verse. 84:200: Feb. 1907. Recent Volumes of Verse. 100:706:June 1915. Recollections of Robert Drowning. By Moncure D. Conway. 50: 27-29: Jan. 9. 1890. BROWNINGIANA 271 Red Cotion Night Cap Country^. By J. R. Dennett. 17:116-118: 1873. Review of Dalausiion's Adventure. 13 :324-l 78-I79:Sept. 14. 1871 821.88 Xmal. Soiheb\}'i Catalogue of Their Sale of DroTuning'a Manuscripti. Letters and Books. 17, 1911. Sulh-Prudhomme and Poetry of Reflection. 85 :319-323 :Oct. 10. 1907. Two Farervcll Volumes of Song. 50:436-437:May 29. 1890. An Unpuhlished Drowning Letter. 90:159:Feb. 17, 1910. JVeek. 94:99:Feb. 1912; 95:25: July 1912; 95:43:July 1912. NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY, DICTIONARY OF Review. Independent 54:226-227:1902. NATIONAL HOME READING UNION See G. D. Boyle 821.88 DIb. Pamphlets 1-9. Browning: The Ring and the Book- Surrey House, Victoria Embankment. Lcndon, W. C. 821.88. NATIONAL PORTRAIT G/XLLERY, HISTORY AND THE By Editor. Edinburgh Review 184:2 18-36: July 1896. NATIONAL REVIEW Matthew Arnold. Bv Leslie Stephen. Littell's Living Age 200: 90-103. Rof^ert Browning. By H. D. Traill. Littell's Living Age 184: 297-300. Browning's Casuistr]). By Leslie Stephen. Littell's Living Age 236:257-271. Lord Randolph Churchill. By Sir Herbert Maxwell. Littell's Living Age 205:28-37. Wordsworth, Tennvson and Browning. New Eclectic Magazine l:3:273-284:Ma,ch 1865; l:4:415-427:April 1865. The Poetical Works of Robert Browning. 4I7-446:Oct. 1863. Wordsworth's Youth. By Leslie Stephen. Littell's Living Age 212:859-870. NATURE Browning as a Scientific Poet. By Edward Berdoe. 32:36:May 14, 1885. NATURE AND ELEMENTS OF POETRY. THE By Edmund Clarence Stedman. Century 44:61 3-622: Aug. 1892; 44:143-152:Mav 1892; 44:859-869:Oct. 1892. NATURE. BROWNING'S, TREATMENT OF See Stopford Augustine Brooke. Critic 40:308-314: April 1902; 40:403-408:May 1902; 40:533-536:June 1902; 41 :69-74:July 1902. NATURE ELEMENT IN BROWNING'S POETRY, THE Bv Emma Endicolt Marean. Bo'ston Browning Society Papers 471-482 821.88 Vbp. NATURE IN MODERN POETRY Outlook. Littell's Living Ace 256:755-758. N.ATURE OF POETIC EXPRESSIONS. THE By D. Dorchester, |r. Poet Lore 5:2:81-90. NATURE, RELATION OF NATURE TO MAN IN BROWNING By G. H. Williams. Poet Lore 4:5:238-243. NAVARRO See Mary Anderson. NAY, BUT YOU WHO DO NOT LO\'E HER See Music. 272 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY NECESSARY CONDITIONS OF GREAT POETRY By W. H. Mallack. Literary Digest 21 :248-249:Sepl. 1, 1900. NEED OF MORE LYING AWAKE O' NIGHTS Editorial. Century 83:949-951: April 1912. NEED OF POETS. THE By Editor. Outlook 86:54:May 11, 1907. NEILSON, WILLIAM ALLAN Two Books About Poeirxt. Atlantic Monthly 89:419-23:Jan. 1902. NENCIONI Saggi Crit'ici di Lileralure Inglese. 820.4 N437si. NESMITH, H. E., JR. BroTvning's Science. Poet Lore 2:5:287. NETTLESHIP, JOHN T. Browning as Others See Him. Poet Lore 8:7:265-7. Essavis and Thoughts. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1909. Two copies 821.88 Dnet. Same. Nation 50:361 :May 1, 1890. Essa\}s and Gossip. Athenaeum 3256:373-374:March 22, 1890. Browning's Intuition. Specially in regard of Music and the Plastic Arts. Browning Society Papers 4:381-396 821.88 Dbs. Classification of Browning's Poems. London Browning Society Papers 2:231-234 821.88 Dbs. Ohiluarv. Robert Browning. Academy 920:405-406:Dec. 21. 1889 821.88 Xman. On Browning's Fifine at the Fair. Browning Society Papers 2: 199-230 821.88 Dbs. On the Development of Browiung's Cenius in His Capacity as Poet or Maf^er. Browning Society Papers 8:55-77 821.88 Dbs. NEVERMORE ALONE See Music. NEVIN, ETHELBERT 066 I\^ USIC NEW APPRAISALS OF ROBERT BROWNING Current Literature 52 :701 -703 :June 1912. NEW BOOK ON MATTHEW ARNOLD, A By W. P. Trent. Forum 34:31 3 :Oct. 1902. NEW BOOKS, BRIEFS ON By J. K. Cherterton. Dial 35:223:Oct. 1. 1903. By Mrs. Martha Dunn. Dial 39:242:Oct. 16. 1905. By Laurie Magnus. Dial 48:1 52-3: March 1, 1910. By Prof. E. Princeton. Dial 23:74: Aug. 1, 1897. By George Saintbury. Dial 18:181 -2 :March 16. 1895. NEW BOOKS OF THE SEASON By P. Poet Lore 6:12:642; 9:4:621-626. NEW BROWNING, A By Harry Christopher Minchin and W. Hall Griffin. Bookman 33:3-4:March 1911, NEW BROWNING LETTERS AND MRS. ORR'S LIFE By W. G. K. Poet Lore 3:10:522-528. NEW CHURCH REVIEW Robert Browning. By C. H. Herford. 12:637-638:Oct. 1905. Current Literature. By Mr. Speirs. 8:302-320: April 1901. Editorial Department. By H. C. H. 8:270-273: April 1901. Hawthorne and His Circle. By Wm. H. Mayhew. 11:385-392: July 1904. BROWNINGIANA 273 Higher Uses of the Imagination. By John T. Prince. 12:376-385: July 1905. The Human Form. By William Smith. IO:342-364:July 1903. Immortality. By H. Clinton Hay. 1 5 :576-586:Ocl. 1908. The Integrity) of the Home. By Susan Wood Burnham. 16:414- 423: July 1909. Lecture on the Incarnation. By Rev. J. T. Freeth. 14:471-472: July 1907. Living. By Charles W. Harvey. 16{75-86:Jan. 1909. Music as We All Know It. By Susan Wood Burnham. 16:224- 238: April 1909. /Vcn) Life of SiveJenborg. By George Trobridge. 14:312-313: April 1907. Pleasure. By Clyde W. Broomell. 16:575-585:Oct. 1909. Poetry) of Courtship and Marriage. By Arthur Mercer. 15:392- 404: July 1908. Ps\)chical Research and a Knowledge of the Future Life. By W. H. M. 7:598-603 :Oct. 1900. Study of Elizabeth Barrett Drowning. By Lilian Whiting. 7: 3l7-319:April 1900. The Universality of Laxv. By Louis G. Hoeck. 12:507-520:Oct. 1905. The Work of the Ministry. By Julian K. Smyth. 11:517-530: Oct. 1904. NEW CRITICISM OF POETRY, A Contemporary Review 72:390-399:Sept. 1897; Littell's Living Age 215:520-527. NEW CRITICISM. THE By Helen Clarke. Poet Lore 2:11:598-601. By Urbanus Sylvan. Cornhill Magazine. Littell's Living Age 224:432-438. NEW DEMOCRATIC VENTURE. A Editorial. Dial 43 :237-39:Oct. 16 1907. NEW DRAMA, THE 23:2:145-157. NEW ECLECTIC MAGAZINE, THE Magazine Articles: Elizabeth Barrett Browning — Hearth and Home, by Oclavia Walton Le Vert, 4:2:22 1-224: Feb. 1869; The Ring and the Book, by R. Browning (review), 4:2:234-236:Feb. 1869, 4:5:6I9-625:May 1869; Browning's Poems, by Wm. Hand Browne (review). 5:6:71 1 -725:Dec. 1869 821.88 Xmme. Wordsworth, Tennyson and Browning. National Review 1:3:273, 284:March 1865; 1 :4:41 5-427 :ApriI 1865. NEW EDITIONS By C. Poet Lore 8:8:611-617. NEW EDITIONS OF TENNYSON AND BROWNING By Edmund Gosse. Sketch 8: 101 :437:Jan. 2, 1895. NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE Browning in America. By Heloise Edwina Hersey. 542-545: Jan. 1890 821.88 Xman. Cron;ning'3 Obscurity. By Robert Niven. 577-581 :Jan. 1890 821.88 Xman. NEW ENGLAND POET OF THE COMMON LIFE, A By S. Walter Foss. Arena 38: 159-161 :Aug. 1908. NEW ENGLANDER James Russell Lowell and Robert Browning. 1 10 : 1 25- 1 36:Jan, 1870. 274 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY NEW ERA IN LETTERS. THE By Arthur Waugh. Eclectic Magazine 121 :168-172:Aug. 1893. NEW ESTIMATE OF BROWNING. A World's Work 6:4036: May 1903. NEW FICTION. THE By Henry Mills Alden. Literary Digest 37:321 :Sept. 5. 1908. NEW GOLDEN TRE.^SURY By Hampton W. Mabie. Bookman 6:470-71 :Jan. 1898. NEW IDEAS IN TEACHING By Kather:ne Lee Bates. Poet Lore 8:8:563-570. NEW IDEAS IN TEACHING LITERATURE By Editors and O. Triggs. Fc«t Lore 8:7:432-454. NEW LAOKOON— .AN ESSAY ON CONFUSION OF THE ARTS By Irving Babbitt. Contemporary Review 99:16-I8:Literary Sup- plement No. 41. NEW LEAVES Drorvning and Henry James. By Filson Young. 165-171 824.91 Y71n. NEW LETTERS BY ROBERT BROWNING By Frederic G. Kenyon. Dial 40:395:June 16, 1906. NEW LETTERS. FITZGERALD'S Editorial. Independent 54:753:1902. NEW LIFE OF SWEDENBORG By George Trobridge. Nev/ Church Review 14:3 12-31 3: April 1907. NEW LIGHT ON CARLYLE By William Lyon Phelps. Forum 41 :594:June 1909. NEW LIGHTS ON BROWNING By Ferris Greenslet. Atlantic 92:418-423. NEWMAN. CARDINAL By Wilfr-d Vs^ard. Edinburgh Review 21 5 :263-290:April 1912. NEW POEM BY BROWNING By William Hayes Ward. Independent 76:212:Oct. 1915. NEW POEMS By Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Edited by Sir Frederic G. Kenyon. K. C. B.. D. Litt. With Two Portraits. London: Smith. Elder & Co., 15 Waterloo Place. 1914 (First edition) 821.88 Gnk. Edited by F. G. Kenyon. Litlell's Living Age 285:190. Books and Authors. NEW POET AND PSYCHOLOGIST, A Contemporary Review 104:750-751 :Nov. 1913 :Lilerary Supple- ment. NEW POETIC FORM AS SHOWN IN BROWNING, THE By Daniel G. Brinton. Poet Lore 2:5:234-246. NEW POETS JUDGED BY OLD STANDARDS By Clara F. Mclntyre. Poet Lore 28:4:445-55. NEW POETS, THE By Arthur C. Benson. Century 89:705-708:March 1915. NEW QUARTERLY REVIEW Thomas Love Peacocif, A Personal Reminiscence. By Robert Buchanan. Litlell's Living Age 126:157-165. NEW REPUBLIC Books and Things. By Clarence Day. Jr. 17:284: Jan. 4, 1919. Same. By Francis Hackett. 10:299:April 7. 1917. Same. By Philip Liltell. 2:330:May I, 1913j |3:24:Nov. 3. BROWNINGIANA 275 1917; 13:254:Dec. 29, 1917. Commonplacts on Poetrv. By George Saule. 6:67-69 -.Feb. 19, 1917. Jolm Davidson: The Poet of Armageddon. By P. Colum. 13: 310-312:Jan. 12, 1918. A Few Parodiih. By Q. K. IO:128:317-3l8:Apnl 14. 1917. Cenlcel American Poetry. By George Sanlayana. 3:94-95:May 29, 1915. The Immortal Residue. By Francis Hackett. 5:3l2-313:Jan. 22, 1916. Literature for Beginners. By James Weber Linn. l2:l4-16:Aug. 4. 1917. Optimism of Robert Browning. By P. Litlell. 2:330:May 1, 1915. Poctr}) and the Child. By Louise Collier XVilcox. 9:338-339: July 21. 1917. IVhat Is Poetrv? By Maxwell Bodenheim. 12:21 1 -212 :Dec. 22, 1917. NEW REVIEW In the Asolan Country. By Eugene Benson. Littell's Living Age 21 1 :1 15-121. Tall(s with Tennyson. By Wilfrid Ward. Littell's Living Age 210:323-335. Robert Browning, In Memoriam. By Edmund Gosse. Littell's Living Age 184:372-375. Tennyson, 1. By Edmund Gosse. Littell's Living Age 195:707- 713. Tennyson, 2. By Herbert Paul. Littell's Living Age 195:713- 716. NEW STUDY OF TENNYSON. A By J. C. C. Cornhill Magazine. Littell's Living Age 146:483-492. NEW UNITY Browning's Contribution to Literature. By Oscar Lovell Triggs. Old Series 39, New Series 5 :408-41 1 :July 15. 1897. Some Ethical Aspects of Browning's Philosoph]). By Mrs. A. G. Jenninos. Old Series 34: New Series 4:54-56:Sepl. 24, 1896. NEW VOLUMES OF LITERARY ESSAYS By C. Poet Lore 7:12:625-27. NEW YORK BROWNING SOCIETY See Browning Society of New York. NEW YORK EVENING POST Robert Browning — Personal Reminiscence. By Hiram G. Corson. Dec. 17. 1889. Clippings. Announcement of Browning's Death. Dec. 13, 1889. Clippings. Funeral of Robert Bro-wning, Jan. 22, 1890, Clippings. NEW YORK SUN Criticism of Mrs. Orr's Life of Browning. July 12, 1891, Clip- P'ng3- The Handbool(ing of Rudyard Kipling. Current Opinion 58:48: Jan. 1915. NEW YORK TIMES Announcement of Browning's Death. Dec. 13, 1889, Clippings. Burial in Westminster. Jan. 1, 1890, Clippings. Boston Memorial, Clippings. Browning's Will. March 9, 1890, Clippings. Browning's Effects Sold. April 27. 1913. Clippings. 276 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY The Best Poem Ever Wrilien in the English Language. Current Opinion 57:131-133:Aug. 1914. NEW YORK TRIBUNE Browning: Anecdotes and Notes on Some Personal Aspects of His Character. Dec. 29, 1889, Clipping. ' Robert Broxuning in 1861. Jan. 4, 1890. Robert Browning, His Poetry and 5

ning. By bmily Fiickey. 74:164-184:July 1913. Biography of Robert Broiening. By Lmily Hickey. 6ti: lu6U- lU/5: Dec. 1910. Roddam Spencer-Stanhope Pre-Raphaelite. By A. M. \V. Stir- ling. 66:JU/-325:Aug. 1909. NINETEEN 1 H CEN'i URY AND AFTER Brou>ning Biography. By Emily H. Hickey. Littell's Living Age 268:201-213. brownings the Agamemnon of Aeschylus. Reviewed. By Henry Morley. 3 ::>84-;>5:?:heb. 18/8. Browning and Mesmerism in Wireless Telegraphy and Brain Wa\>es. By J. '1. knowles. 43:837-864:May 1 899. Brownings Obscurity and His Elopement tK li/i Miss Barrett. By Francis Cribble. 6 1 :9/ 0-988: May 1912. A Catholic Layman. By Dorothea Grosvenor. 71 :2:741 -755 :April 1912. The Censorship of Stage Plays. By Viola Tree. 67:164-172: Jan. 1910. Chrysanthena, Gathered From Creel( Anthology. By William M. Harding. 4:869-888. Barry Cornwall. By Henry G. Hewlett. 4:643-653. Cn(ici5m as Theft. By William knight. 9:257-266:Feb. 1896. Genius and Stature. By Havelock Ellis. 42:87-95:July 1897. Gladstone's Librarv at St. Deiniol's Hawardcn. By Mary Drew. 59:944-954: June 1906. Glorious Robert Browning. By Emily Hickey. 60: 753-770 :Oct. 1911. Same. Littell's Living Age 271:270 283. The Greeli Anthology. By Herbert Paul. 61 :629-637: April 1907. Thomas Henry Huxley. By Wilfred Ward. 40:274-292: Aug. 1896. Same. A Reminiscence. By Wilfrid Ward. Littell's Living Age 210:579-592. 278 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY The Hybrid An. By Morton Luce. 70:1 :461 -475 :Sept. 1911. Idle Reading. By Herbert Paul. 61 :837-842:May 1907. The Influence of CaluUus. By Herbert Paul. 61 :163-172:Jan. 1907. Language Versus Literature at Oxford. By J. Churton Collins. 37:290-303:Feb. 1895. A Letter to a Dead Author. By Frank Newbolt. 82:825-834: Oct. 1917. Life and Letters of Leslie Stephen. By G. W. Prolhero. Littell't Living Age 253:598-607. Same. 61 :61 8-628: April 1907. Life in Poetry: Poetical Conception. By W. J. Courthope. 40: 260-273: Aug. 1896. Lord Lytton's Ranlf in Literature. By Wilfrid Scavven Blunt. Lit- tell's Living Age 193:805-811. The Making of a Pact. By Stephen Gwynn. 67:65-78: Jan. 1910. Same. Liltell's Living Age 265:484-493. A Male Blue-Stocking Soamc Jenyns. By Norman Pearsons. 62: 126-141 :July 1907. Matrimony and the Man of Letters. By Sidney Law. 66:423-433: Sept. 1909. Same. Littell's Living Age 263:131-138. Our Debt to Latin Poetry as Distinguished From Cree^. By R. Y. Tyrrell. 69:2:867-88: May 1911. Pacchiarotto. Reviewed by Henry Morley. 11 :383-384:Feb. 1878. Paracelsus. Reviewed by Henry Morley. 2: 138: Aug. 1877. The Permanence of IVordsTVorth. By Herbert Paul. 63:987-998: June 1908. Phaedra and Phedre. By Lionel Tennyson. 7:58-77. A Plea for the Popular in Literature. By J. A. Spender. 61 :645- 657: April 1907. Same. Littell's Living Age 253:348-358. Poetry and Phrase of Food. By Florence Mary Pearson. 86:515- 527:Sept. 1919. The Reading of the Colonial Girl. By Constance A. Barnicoat. 60:939-950:Dec. 1906. The Reading of the Modern Cirl. By Florence B. Law. 59:278- 287: Feb. 1906. Recent Literature. By Henry Morley. 2:692-712; 4:528-542. The Relation of France and England. By Francis de Pressense. 39: 1 89-203: Feb. 1896. Roumanian Peasants and Their Songs. By C. F. Keary. 12:572- 582. Shakspere's First Critical Editor. By K. N. Collville. 86:266-297: Aug. 1919. Shelley Contra Mundum. By Arthur Nicholson. 63 :794-810:May 1908. Some Women Poets of the Present Reign. By Isabel Clarke. 59: 1012-1021 :June 1906. The Tennyson Centenary. By Frederic Harrison. 66:226-233: Aug. 1919. Same. Littell's Living Age 262:643-648. A Tribute to Swinburne. By Ernest Rhys. 65 :965-979:June 1909. The True Function and Value of Criticism. By Oscar Wilde. 28:123-147:July 1870. The Victorian Woman. By E. B. Harrison. 58:951 -957 :Dec. 1905. BROWNINGIANA 279 IVar Poclr\) of IVomen. By Lilian Rowland Brown. 81 :434- 452:Feb. 1917. Theodore IVatls-Dunlon and the Spiril of An Age. By John Drinkwater. 76:674-685 :Sept. 1914. Wireless Telegraphy and Brain Waves. By J. T. K. 45:857-864: May 1899. Wordsworth and Byron. By A. C. Swinburne. 15:583-609. Wordsi^orth, Coleridge and the Spy. By A. J. Eagleston. 64:300- 3 10: Aug. 1908. NINETEEN'IH CLLN iURY AND AFTER. THE Robert Browning, the Musician. By A. Goodrich-Freer. Lilteli's Living Age 229:803-811. NINETEEN IH CENTURY LITERATURE. INDIVIDUALISM 1 HE KEYNOTE OF By Edmund Gosse. Literary Digest 22:345 :March 23. -901. NINETEENTH CEN'l URY LH ERA l URE. 1 HE PURE GOLD OF By William Lyon Phelps. Current Opinion 43 :515-518:Nov. 1907. NINETEENTH CENTURY VICTORIAN POETRY. THE By Editor. Outlook 66: 1028: Dec. 29. 1900. NINTH YEAR TO 1 HE THIRTEENTH YEAR IN WALWORTH. THE Robert Browning Settlement. 821.88 Xsff 37.039. NIVEN. ROBERT Browning's Obscurity. New England Magazine 577-581 :Jan. 1890 821.88 Xman. NOBLE. A. B. The Preparation of College Teachers of English. English Journal 5:670:Dec. 1916. NOBLE. JAMES ASHCROFT The Poetry of Common Sense. Macmillan. Lilteli's Living Age 191 :546-532. NOEL. RODEN Robert Browning. The Contemporary Review 70:701 -71 8:Nov. 1883 821.88 Dnor. Same. Littell's Living Age 159:771-781. NOGUCHI. YONE My Impression of Oxford and Stratford. Blackwood's Magazine 199:535-44:April 1916. To Robert Browning. In Manuscript. Not yet published. NON-DRAMATIC POEMS IN ROBERT BROWNINGS FIRST AND SECOND PERIODS. AN EXAMINATION OF 1 HE To which is added a Bibliography, being part of a thesis presented to the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Leipzig for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. By Thomas M. Parrott. 821.88 Dnp. NORMAN. HENRY Ralph IValdo Emerson. An Ethical Study. (Fortnight Review.) Lilteli's Living Age 158:771-777. NORRIS. C. J. First Love in Poetry. Fortnightly Review 84:254-269: Aug. 1905. NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW Browning and Sainle Beuve. By Gamaliel Bradford. Jr. 191 :488- 500: April 1910. 280 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY NORTHUP. CLARK An Earl}, Victorian Romance. Dial 50:1 19-121 :Feb. 16. 1911. Browning's Narrative Verse. Dial 43:367:Dec. 1, 1907. Drownings Women. Dial 58:258-259: April I. 1915. Estimate of Robert Browning. By Darrell Figgis. 195:577-593: May 1912. NORTON. CHAS. ELIOT English Friends. Scribner's Magazine 53: 509: April 1913; 53: 775:Dec. 1913. Letters of James Russell Lowell. Athenaeum 3444:581 -584 :Oct. 28. 1893 NOTEBOOK OF THE SHELLEY SOCIETY Letter From Robert Browning to Miss Alma Murray Concerning Beatrice. 105: May 12. 1886. NOTE ON BROWNING. A By W. Mortimer. The Art Review. Published by Walter Scott. London. 1 :5:28-32:Feb. 1890. NOTES Dial 59:I62:Sepl. 2, 1915. NOTES (MRS. BROWNING) Editorial. Literary Digest 18:698:June 17, 1899. NOTES AND ANECDOTES, A STORE HOUSE OF By Percy F. Bicknell. Dial 37:31 -32 :July 16, 1904. NOTES AND NEWS (Wtihout sub-heads) Poet Lore 1:1:52-54; 1:2:104; 1:3:1524; 1:4:201-3; 1:6:291- 92; 1:8:398; 1:11:538-42; 2:1:55-56; 2:3:168; 2:4:221-24; 2: 6:340 1; 2:7:390-92. by Stanton Coit; 2:7:398-400; 2:8:440. 445.448; 2:10:552; 2:12:667; 3:1:40-47. by C. W. Duffield; 3:2:101-2; 3:2:102-3; 3:2:103-6; 3:2:159-62, by J. F. Kirk, Jr.; 3:3:151-55; 3:3:281-284, by W. G. Kingsland; 3:5:288, by A. S. Cooke; 3:5:284-87, by W. J. Rolfe; 3:5:288-92; 3:10: 533-36; 3:11:589-91; 3:12:648-49, by Harriet Ford; 3:12:645- 48; 3:12:653-54; 4:2:103-5; 4:3:164-66, by Mrs. B. C. Dick; 4:6&7:378-80. by W. J. Rolfe; 4:8&9:470-71. by Voiture; 4: 8&9:471-76; 4:10:524; 5:1:48-49, by W. F. R.; 5:1:49-50. by C; 5:1:53. by W. G. K.; 5:3:166-67; 5:4:226-27; 5:5: 285-88; 5:6&7:380-81 ; 5:8&9:477-78; 5:11:639-44; 6:5:276- 78; 6:5:279-80. by W. G. K.; 6:5:280; 6:6&7:373-74. by Hiram Corson; 6:8&9:471-2; 6:10:526-28; 6:11:584. by E. E. Marean; 7:2:109-112; 7:3:166-68. by E. E. Marean; 7:4:222- 24. by C. R. Corson; 7:5:277-80. by E. E. M.; 7:6&7:374-76. by Bliss Carman; 7:8&9:463-66; 7:8&9:471-72. by E. E. M.; 8:3: 166; 8:5:278-80; 8:6:374-76; 9:1:156-59; 9:2:312-13. by C. B. Wright; 9:3:465-66; 9:3:457-58; 9:4:639-40; 10:1:157-58; 10:2:312-18; 10:3:461-63; 10:3:470-72; 10:4:628. NOTES AND QUERIES Browning's Lost Leader. By C G. Prowett. 15:292:April 11, 1874 821.88 Xmnq. NOTES FROM A DIARY By M. E. Grant Duff. Athenaeum 3674:398-399:March 26. 1898. NOTES FROM PARIS French Regard for Browning. By Charles Seymour. Poet Lore 2:111-112. NOTES FROM PARIS ON THE DEATH OF ROBERT BROWN- ING By Charles Seymour. Poet 2:2:111-112. BROWNINGIANA 281 NOTES OF A CALL ON MR. BROWNING By C. W. Barcleen. From Memorial Meeting" of the Syracuse Browning Club 91-94 821.88 Bsy. NOTES ON THE GENIUS OF ROBERT BROWNING By James Thomson. Browning Society Papers 2:239-250 821.88 Dbs. NOTES ON THE HISTORY AND CHARACTER OF THE JEWS By Laurie Magnus. Fortnightly Review 85:135:Jan. 1906. NOTES TO THE POCKET VOLUME OF SELECTIONS FROM THE POEMS OF ROBERT BROWNING By Alex Hill. With Essays on Several Aspects of Browning's Genius. By Prof. C. E. Vaughan, Rev. J. Llewelyn Davies, Wil- liam F. R'jvell. E. A. Whitehead. M. R. Pridham. The Very Rev., the Dean of Salisbury, Prof. J. E. Symes, Owen Seaman. 821.88 Dhr. NOTHING BUT A POET By W. C. Gannett. Homage lo Robert Drorvning, Aleph Tanner 73 821.88 Xht. NOUVELLE REVUE FRANCAISE, LA Le Oeuvre de Robert firomning. By Andre Gide, Paul Alfassa and Gilbert de Voisins. 91 :4l4-416:April 1921. Monsieur SluJgc, Le Medium, ibid 417-466. NOVEL IN THE RING AND THE BOOK. THE By Henry James. (Quarterly Review.) Littell's Living Age 274: 45 1-463: Aug. 24, 1912. NOVEL, THE SCANDINAVIAN By Editor. Edinburgh Review 194:469:Oct. 1901. NOVELS. GEORGF. MEREDITH'S By Emily F. Wheeler. Chautauquan 19:561 -565:Aug. 1894. NOYES. ALFRED Commemoralii n Ode, published with the Poems of Robert Brown- ing, lo be sung, recited, or played at the Centenary Matinee. 9-10 821 .88 Gcmn. For the Cenlemr]; of Robert DroTvning. Fortnightly Review 97: 811-812:May 1912. Same. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 23-24 821.88 Xht. By Brian Hooker. Century 88:349-353: July 1914. The Poems of Edmund Cosse. Fortnightly Review 98:297-303: Aug. 1912. A Poet IVho Lives b\f His Verse. Literary Digest 33 :425-26:Sept. 29. 1906. NOYES FOR PRINCETON, ALFRED Editorial. Literary Digest 48:1 :552-3:March 14, 1914. NUMPHOLEPTOS AND BROWNING'S WOMEN By Mrs. Glazebrook. The Browning Society Papers 11:371-379 821.88 Dbs. NUMPHOLEPTOS. BROWNING'S SCIENCE AS SHOWN IN By Edward Berdoe. Poet Lore 2:12:617-24. NUOVA ANTOLOGIA Elizabeth Barrett BroTvning. By Pompeo Mofmenti. Littell's Liv- ing Age 219:35-40. // Centenario Delia Nascita Di Roberto Drconing. By Fanny Zampini Salazar. 821.88 Xcs. 282 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY o OBITER DICTA On the Alleged Ohscuril^ of Mr. Browning's Poetry. By Augus- tine Birrell. 55-95 820.4 B619vl. OBITUARY Robert Browning. By J. T. Nettleship. Academy 820:405-406: Dec. 21. 1889 821.88 Xman. OBJECTION TO BROWNING'S CALIBAN CONSIDERED. AN By Maude Wilkinson. Poet Lore 5:11:562-564. O'BRIEN, EDWARD J. By Arthur Upson. Poet Lore 2':3:221. OBSCURITY. BROWNING'S Corson's Introduction to the Stud^ of Robert Browning's Poetry. 821.88 Dcs. On the Difficulties and Obscurity; Encountered m a Slud^ of Browning's Poems. By J. B. Oldham. London Browning Society Papers 1 1 :333-348. See Literary Digest 32:937: June 23. 1906. OBVERSE SIDE OF ARISTOPHANES. THE By R. E. S. Hart. Contemporary Review 71 :662-679:May 1897. O'BYRNE. GEORGE Robert Browning: An Epicedium. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 139-142 821.88 Xht. O'CONNOR. V. C. SCOTT Tennyson and His Friends at Freshwater. Century 55:240-268: Dec. 1897. ODE FOR THE CENTENARY OF THE BIRTH OF ROBERT BROWNING By George Sterling. Forum 49:97-99: Jan. 1913. Same. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 68-71 821.88 Xht. OF THE BROWNING MSS. By Frederick G. Kenyon. 821.88 Amss. Same. Littell's Living Age 278:733-738. OGONTZ MOSIAC. THE An Evening With Browning. Browning Society Papers 8:163*- 164* 821.88 Dbs. OHIO WESLEY AN ALUMNI QUARTERLY Recent Gifts From Dr. Franf( W. Cunsaulus. (Notice of gift of bust of Pompilia and tv\'o books from Browning Library.) 3:2: 4-5:Jan. 1920. OHRUM. FRANCIS Robert Browning — The Magnet of the Soul. Baylor Literary 17: 9:312-315:June 1909 821.88 Xblg. OLD AGE AND POETS By H. Pancoast. Poet Lore 3:2:64-65. OLD AND NEW LIGHTS OF SHAKESPEARE'S HAMLET By J. Churton Collins. Contemporary Review 88: 649- 664: Nov. 1905. OLD ETON AND MODERN PUBLIC SCHOOLS By Editor. Edinburgh Review 185 :355-381 : July 1886. OLD MATERIALS AND NEW PLAYS By Clayton Hamilton. Forum 41 :446:May 1909. BROWNINGIANA 283 OLD MLMORIES INTERVIEWED By Mrs. Andrew Crosse. Eclectic Magazine 1 19:505-51 5 :Oct. 1892. Same. (Temple Bar.) Lilteirs Living Age 195:372-383. OLD ORDER CHANGETH. THE By Julia Wedgwood. Eclectic Magazine 127:721 -73 :Dec. 1896. OLD PICTURES IN FLORENCE Browning 5(udj) Programme: A Croup of Arl Poems, Old Pic- tures in Florence, Fra Lippo Lippi, Atulrea del Sarlo. By Char- lotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 8:8:586-592. Studies in Browning. By Susan Cunnington. 115-158 821.88 Gsac. OLD QUARREL BETWEEN POETRY AND PHILOSOPHY. THE By R. M. Wrenley. Poet Lore 10:3:365-381. OLD YELLOW BOOK, THE Reproduction with Translation, Essay and Notes. By Charles W. Hodell. Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1916. Blackwood's 189:572-575. Dial 45:344-345. Editorial. Translated and Edited by Chas. W. Hodell. Atlantic Monthly 101:407-13. By Charles W. Hodell. Littells Living Age 269:499-502. Nation 65:299-300:Oct. 3, 1907. See Ring and the Bool(. Contemporary Review 95 : 16: 1 -8:Jan. 1909:Literary Supplement No. 16. Source of Browning's The Ring and the Bool^. In Complete Photo- Same. Translated and Edited by Charles W. Hodell. Everyman'* Library. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. 821.88 Hroe. Same. Athenaeum 4223 :396:Oct. 3. 1908. The Source of The Ring and the Book- Nation 88 : 1 98- 1 99 : Feb. 25, 1909. Old Yellow Book- (A Guide for the Blind.) By Louise Fagan Peirce. Modern Philology 487-502: April 1909. OLDHAM. JAMES BERTRAM On the Difficulties and Obscurities Encountered in a Stud}^ of Browning's Poems. Browning Society Papers 11:333-348 821.88 Dbs. The Poet's IVa]). Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 52 821.88 Xht. OLIVE, HARRIOTT S. Songs From the Ghetto and a Vision of Hellas. Poet Lore 12:2: 311. O. M. The Stage. (Mention of In a Balcon\^.) Poet Lore 2:5:264-5. OMAR AND THE RABBI Fitzgerald's translation of the Rubai})at of Omar Khax^yam, and Browning's Rabbi Ben Ezra, arranged in dramatic form by Fred- erick LeRoy Sargent. 821.88 Hrbo. ON BROWNING'S DEATH By Geo. Edward Woodberry. Literary Essays 59 824.91 W8811. Same. In Makers of Literature 386 820.4 W881. ON HEARING OF THE DEATH OF ROBERT BROWNING By H. J. Bulkeley. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 123-125 821.88 Xht. 284 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY ON LEARNING BY HEART (Academy.) Littells Living Age 271 :505-506. ON LEISURE. GENIUS. BOOKS AND READING By Augustine Biirell. (Chamber's Journal.) Littell's Living Age 216:557-359. ON LIMBO By Vernon Lee. (Longman's.) Littell's Living Age 208:812-819. ON SOME POINTS IN BROWNING'S VIEW OF LIFE By B. F. Vv'escoll. A Paper read Before the Cambridge Brown- ing Society Nov. 1882. Printed 1883. ON TASTE IN POETRY AND THE FATE OF M. SULLY PRUD- HOMME By Edmund Gosse. Contemporary Review 92:l-6:Dec. 1907: Literary Supplement No. 3. ON THE BRONZE CLASPED HANDS OF ROBERT AND ELIZA- BETH BARRETT BRO'vVNING By Ruth Baldwin Chenery. Homage lo Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 88 821.88 Xht. ON THE HEIGHTS . By Mrs. Bloomfield Moore. Homage lo Robert BroTomng, Aleph Tanner 51 821.88 Xht. ON THE POET OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE; ON THE LAT- TERS AIM; ON SHELLEY AS MAN AND POET By Robert Browning. Being a reprint of the intioductory Essay to (25 Spurious) tellers of l-'erc^ Bysshe Shelley. Moxom, 1852. ■ Browning Society Papers 1:3-19. Second Edition Published by the Browning Society by N. Trubner & Co., London, 1881. 821.88 Dbsptl. ON THE READING OF POETRY Editorial. Century 59:960-961 : April 1900. ON UNDESIRABLE INFORMATION By E. F. Benson. Eclectic Magazine 62:222-228: Aug. 1895. ONE ASPECT OF BROWNING'S VILLIANS By Miss E. D. West. Browning Society Papers 4:41 1-434 821.88 Dbs. _ , Same. Browning Studies 106-129. Edited by Edward Berdoe. 821.88 Vlbs. ONE THOUSAND BEST BOOKS OF THE PROVIDENCE LI- BRARY. THE By Editor. Literary Digest 22:475: April 20. 1901. ONE WAY TO LOVE See Music. (A Song.) Poet Lore 4:5:288. ONE WORD MORE. AND OTHER POEMS By Robert Browning, with an Introduction by Richard Watson Gilder. 821.88 Hspg. ONLY THE ADVERTISEMENT By Esene Stuart. Eclectic Magazine 62:660-666:Nov. 1895. OPTIMISM OF ROBERT BROWNING By P. Liltell. New Republic 2:330:May 1. 1915. See Pippa Passes, in Maeterlinck's Symbolism. 842.91 M186bv. OPTIMISM OF BROWNING AND MEREDITH. THE By A. C. Pigou. (Independent Review.) Littell's Living Age 246:415-432. BROWNINGIANA 285 OPTIMISM OF BROWNING AND WORDSWORTH. THE By A. J. George. Boston Browning Society Paper* 306-333 821.88 Vbp. OPTIMISM OF BUTLER'S ANALOGY. THE Contemporary Review 94:7-8:JuIy l908:Lilcrary Supplement. OPTIMISM. SOURCE OF BROWNING'S By Mary M. Cohen. Poet Lore 4:11:567-568. OPTIMIST. BROWNING. THE By J. Marshall Mather. In Popular Studies of Nineteenlh Century Poeti 7:155-184. ORIGINAL OF NED BRATTS. THE By Ernest W. Radford. Dramatic Uyh. (Series 1):109-143; Browning Society Papers 2:253-254 821.88 Dbs. ORIGINALITY IN LITERATURE By Charles Leonard Moore. Dial 49:319-21 :Nov. L 1910. ORIGINALITY IN LITERATURE. THE HIGHEST TYPE OF By Charles Leonard Moore. Current Opinion 50:100-101 : Jan. i9n. ORION ON LITERARY AND GENER.^L TOPICS. MRS. BROWN- INGS LETTERS TO THE AUTHOR OF (Contemporary Review.) Littell's Living Age 281-290 821.88 Xbm. (Contemporary Review.) Littell's Living Age 535-547 821.88 Xbm. ORION— TO AUTHOR OF Contemporary Review 23 :447-46l :Feb. 1874; 23 :799-813:April 1874. On Literary and General Topics. Contemporary Review 23:281- 302: Jan. 1874. ORMEROD. HELEN J. Aht Vogler the Man. Browning Society Papers 10:221-236. Same. Browning Studies 267-282. Edited by Edward Berdoe. 821.88 Vlbs. Andrea del Sarto and Aht Vogler. Browning Society Papers 2: 297-311 821.88 Dbs. Bcrdoes Dron>ning Studies 151-165 621.88 Vlbs. Some Notes on Browning's Poems Referring to ^fusic. Berdoc'i Browning Studies 237-253 821.88 Vlbs. Same. Browning Society Papers 9:180-195 821.88 Dbs. ORR. SUTHERLAND, MRS. Same. New edition revised and in part rewritten. Bv Frederic G. Kenyon. Houghton. Mifflin & Co.. 1908. 821.88 Bor2. Same. Athenaeum 33I9:725-726:June 6, I89L Browning's Life and Letters. Nation 52:500-502: fune 18, 1891. Life and Letters. Reviewed. Harper's Monthly 83 :800-801. Same. Reviewed. Atlantic 68:263-268: Aug. 1891. Same. Reviewed. New York Sun July 12, 1891, Clippings. Robert Drowning. Athenaeum 1:117. Mr. Browning's Place in Literature. (Pamphlet.) Contemporary Review 934-965. Same. Littell's Living Age 122:67-85. Mr. Browning's Dramatic ld\ills. Contemporary Review 35:299- 302: May 1879 821.88 Dom.' Mrs. Browning's Letters. Athenaeum 3669:247-248:Feb. 19. 1898. Browning's TheologX). Littell's Living Age 192:374-376:Feb. 6. 1892. 286 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Clasiificaiion of BroTuning's Poems. London Browning Society Papers 2:235-238 821.88 Dbs. A Handboo}( to the lVorf(s of Robert BroJuning. George Bell & Sons, London. Same. Athenaeum 3022:396-397 :Sept. 26, 1885. Same. Poet Lore 1:11:535. Life and Letters of Robert BroiPriing. Two Volumes. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston and New York. 821.88 Bor. Red Cotton .'Vig/i/cao Coiintrv — A Cr'iiicism of the Poem. Con- temporary Review 22:87- 106: June 1873. Drownings Relation to Mattheru Arnold. Athenaeum 3326:129: July 25, 1891. The Religious Opinion of Robert Browning. Contemporary Re- view 60:876-891: Dec. 1891. Same. Littell's Living Age 192:365-374. Introduction to Stories From Robert Bron>ning. By Frederic May Holland. (Typewritten) 821.88 Fho. Stories from Robert Browning. By Frederic May Holland. 821.88 Fho. ORR, LYNDON Great Men of Mixed Races. Scrap Book 6:309-31 7: Aug. 1908. ORSI, PIETRO Camillo Benso Di Cavour. Contemporary Review 105:590-593: Literary Supplement. OSPOVAT, H. Browning's Men and Women. Dial 35:425:Dec. 1, 1903. OSSOLl. MARGARET FULLER Arl Literature and the Drama. Browning's Poems 207-221, Miss Barrett's Poems 198-206 814 084al. OSTERHOUT FREE LIBRARY Wilkesbarre, Pa. See Bibliography. OUIDA Death and Pit^. Fortniehtly Review 57:548-565: April 1892. OUR DEBT TO LATIN POETRY AS DISTINGUISHED FROM GREEK By R. Y. Tyrrell. Nineteenth Century 69:2:867-880: May 1911. OUR LIVING POETS By H. Buxton Forman. Robert Browning 103-152 821.88 Dfop. An Essa^ in Criticism. By H. Buxton Forman. 821.88 Dfop. OUR RECENT ACTORS By Dr. Marston. Poet Lore 1:2:104-108. OUT OF MY OWN GREAT WOE See Music. OUT OF PRINT. THE SPRING OF PUBLISHING SEASON Athenaeum 3718: 1 1 3 :Jan. 28. 1899. OUTLINE STUDIES Published for the Chicago Browning Society, 1886. Robert Brown- ing's Poetry. 821.88 Xch. OUTLINE STUDY OF PIPPA PASSES, AN And Pilgrimage to the Haunts of Browning (Home of Pippa). By Pauline Leavens. 821.88 Kla. OUTLOOK, THE About People (Browning's Son). By Editor. 50:325: Aug. 25, 1894. Article on Slopford A. Brooke. By Editor. 70:869:April 5. 1902. The Bible in Browning. By M, Gresham Machen. 65:509. BROWNINGIANA 287 Books and Aulhor,. By Editor 50:397:Scpl. 8. 1894; 52:759: Nov. 9. 1895; (Essays on Poetry) 54:395: Aug. 29. 1896; 55: 757:March 13. 1897; (Elizabeth Browning) 57:!013:Dec. 25. 1897; (Mrs. Browning) 58:380-382: Feb. 5. 1898; 60:777:Nov. 26. 1898. Dool(s of the Week (Religious Spiril m the Poets). 67:597:March 9. 1901. Bride of the Riccardi and Pippa, drawn by Carton Moore Parke. Browning and the Christian Faith. By Edward Berdoe. 53:670: April 1896. A Browning Anecdote. By Lila Rose McCabe. 44:358:Aug. 22. 1891. Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Leader. 44:995:Nov. 21. 1891. Browning by C. H. Herford. By Editor. 79: 101 5: April 22. 1905. Browning Calendar. By Editor. 78: 737: Nov. 19. 1904. The Browning Centenary. By H. \V. Mabie. 100:91 7-919: April 27. 1912 821.88 Xman. Browning for Beginners. By Editor. 77: 186: May 21. 1904. Browning in London. By E. Beresford Chancellor. Littell's Living Age 273:755-757. Browning, Poet and Man. By Luther Elisabeth Cary. 63:933: Dec. 16. 1899. Browning to Ben Ezra. By Percy Mackaye. 100:906-912:April 27, 1912. And Illustrations, including Luria, James Lee's Wife, 913-916 821.88 Xmb. The Brownings. By Editor. 86:525 :July 6. 1907. Brownings Epps. By A. B. Stonex. 105:715-716:Nov. 29. 1913. Browning's Life and Letters. 44:31 :July 4, 1891. Browning's Message to His Time. By Editor. 44:942:Nov. 14 1891. Review of Boston Browning Society Papers. 57:721 :Nov. 1897 Review of Browning Study Programs. By Helen A. Clarke and C Porter. 65: 133: May 12. 1900. Review of Gilbert Keith Chesterton's Life of Browning. 74:526 June 1903. Review of Helen A. Clarke's Browning and His Century. 103 734:March 29. 1913. Colombe's Birthday at Smith's College. By Bliss Perry. 46:13 July 2. 1892. Comment on Current Books. (The Brownings by Signor A. Fo- gazzaro.) By Editor. 86:525:July 6. 1907. Comment on Current Books. (Browning's Italy.) By Editor. 87:877:Dec. 21. 1907. Comment on Current Books. (Through Italy With the Poets.) By Editor. 88:61 1-61 2 :March 14. 1908. Current Events. (Browning's Centenarv.) By Editor. 101 :99- 100:May 18. 1912. Review of Edward Dowden's Robert Browning. 78:384:Oct. 8. 1904. Early Literary Career of Browning. By Editor, Theodore Roose- velt. 102:750 English Literature Todav. By Edward Dowden. 71 :229:May 24, 1902. Epps. By Browning. 105 : 169-1 70:Sept. 27. 191 3. Essays and Criticism. By H. W. Mabie. 69:665:Nov. 16. 1901. 288 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Four Doof(S on English Liieralure. By Editor. 71:1070:Aug. 30, 1902. The Creaieii Doo^i of ihe CeniurT). By TTiomas W. Higginton. 66:804 :Dec. 1, 1900. Same. By \Vm. De Witt Hyde. 66:801 -802: Dec. I, 1900. Review of Leltera of Robert and Elizabeth D. Drononing. 61 :603: March 11, 1899. Literary^ Notes. (An Address by Mr. Augustine Birreil.) By Editor. 58: 188: Jan. 8, 1898. Same. By Editor. 58:982:April 16, 1898. Same. (Letters of Elizabeth Bronning.) By Editor. 57:336:C)cl. 2, 1897. Same. (Sale of Browning's Letters.) By Editor. 50:515:Sept. 29, 1894. Should Love Letters De Published? By Editor. 68:620: July 13, 1901. Love Letters of the Brownings. Editorial. I04:84:May 17, 1913. Love Letters of Two Poets. By Lyman Abbot. 62:485 490: July 1. 1899. Mailing Browning Useful. 44:19:July 4, 1891. Nature in Modern Poetr]). Littell's Living Age 256:755-758. The Need of Poets. By Editor. 86:54:May 11, 1907. The New Literature. By H. W. Mabie. 102:204:Sept. 28, 1912. The Nineteenth Century Victorian Poetry. By Editor. 66:1028: Dec. 29, 1900. Poetry and the Home. By Carolyn S. Bailey. 104:570-571 :July 1913. The Poetry of Bridges. Littell's Living Age 253:308-310. Review of Poetry of Robert Drowning. By Stopford Augustine Brooke. 73:268-269: Jan. 31. 1902. The Poets and the Cucl^oo. By J. Cuthberl Hadden. Littell's Liv- ing Age 273:634-636. The Poets' Chairs. By E. V. Lucas. Littell's Living Age 251 : 118-120. Recent Studies in Literature. By Editor. 64:594:March 10. 1900. Recent Text BooJfs of English Literature. By Editor. 48:359: Aug. 19, 1893. Recreations of a Productive Scholar. By Theodore Roosevelt. 102:750-752. The Religious World (In Memory of the Brownings' ) By Editor.' 55:191:Ian. 9. 1897. The Rel'gious World (Memorial to Mrs. Browning.) By Editor. 57:443:Oct. 16, 1897. Review of Select Poems of Robert Browning. 81 :837:Dec. 2, 1905. Some Books for the Days of Leisure (Mrs. Browning). By Christine T. Hetrick. 48:594:Sept. 30. 1893. Some Books Worth Reading. By H. W. Mabie. 99:782:Dec. 1911. Studies in Poetry and Romances. By Editor. 71 :180:May 17. 1902. To Browning. (A Poem.) By Clement G. Clarke. 52:97: July 20. 1895. Reviev/ of Arthur Waugh's Robert Browning. 65:745:JuIy 28, 1900. Review of Lilian Whiting's The Brownings, Their Life and Art. 99:878:Dec. 9, 1911. BROWNINGIANA 299 A Year'i Best Dool^i. By Editor. 60:816-8l7:Dec. 3. 1898. Review of Dr. Fanny Zampini Salazar The Drotpnings. 86:525: July 6. 1907. OUTRAM. LEONARD S. Love'i Value. Colombe'i Birthday, Act IV. (The Avomal of Valerce.) London Browning Society Papers 8:87-94 821.88 Dbi. OVER THE TEACUPS By Oliver Wendell Holmes. Atlantic Monthly 66:92-105 : July 1890. OVERLAND MONTHLY Poetry and the Spirit. By Everett Earle Stanard. 65:360-363: Jan.-June 1915. OWEN. E. C. EVERARD The Literary Element in Modern Side Education in English Pub- lic Schools. Contemporary Review 102:2:560-566. Literary Teaching in Public SchooU. Contemporary Review 102: 2:560-566. OWEN. REV. JOHN In Memoriam — Robert Browning. Homage to Robert Bronning, Aleph Tanner 112-114 82 1 .88 Xht. OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE REVIEW Style. By I. Gregory Smith. Littell's Living Age 276:93-100. OXFORD AND JOWETT By A. M. Fairfairn. Contemporary Review 71 :829-851 :June 1897. OXFORD AND STRATFORD. MY IMPRESSIONS OF By Yone-Noguchi. Blackwood's Magazine 199: 535-544: April 1916. OXFORD BOOK OF VICTORIAN VERSE 820.2 26. OXFORD MINIATURE EDITIONS Browning's Poems. Dial 31 :519:Dec. 16, 1901. p. A. C. Human Brotherhood in IVhitman and Browning : A Topical Read- ing Course. Poet Lore 10:3:421-24. Literatures of the World. Poet Lore 10:4:598-604. The Browning Love Letters. Poet Lore 11:2:301-309. New Boolfs of the Season. Poet Lore 6:12:642. The Pursuit of Happiness. Poet Lore 5:11:582-85. Socialism in Literature. Poet Lore 11:3:418-25. Some Recent British Verse. Poet Lore 5:8:&9:462-66. The Variorum \fidsummer Night's Dream. Poet Lore 7:12:628- 629. The Aims of Literary Study. Poet Lore 7:5:270-72. Browning Study Hints. Poet Lore 5:8&9:453-55 ; 3:10:521-22: 3:11:588-89; 3:12:637-39. Colombe's Birthday. Poet Lore 4:1:39-41. How to Study Bryant's Thanatopsis. Poet Lore 6:10:520-26. H'uiorical Allusions in Strafford. Poet Lore 1:11:511-14; 1:5; 290 BAYLOR UNIX'ERSITY Comparalive Siud^ Straff ord and Julius Caesar. Poet Lore 4:3: 148-54. How lo Stud}) Longfellow's Spanish Student. Poet Lore 6:3:161- 164. Suggestion for the Discussion of King Victor and King Charles. Poet Lore 2:4:198-99. Suggestions for the Stud\) of Strafford. Poet Lore 1 :4: 190-93. 236-40; 1:6:282-86; 1:7:332-36;; 1:8:372-75;; 1:9:426-30; 1: 12:562-65. Stud}) of A Winter s Tale considered in connection with the Alkes- tis in Literature. Poet Lore 4:10:516-21. Study Program. Poet Lore 8:5:272-78. PACCHIAROTTO Biographical and Critical Studies. By James Thompson. 478-483 824.8 T483. Review. By Henry Morley. Nineteenth Century 3: 380-397: Feb. 1878. PACCHIAROTTO AND HOW HE WORKED IN DISTEMPER With Other Poems. By Robert Browning. London: Smith, Elder & Co.. 15 Waterloo Place. 1876. (All rights reserved.) Auto- graphed by Jane Kirby. First Edition. 821.88 Hpc 1. Athenaeum 2495:101 102: July 22, 1875. PADELFORD. FREDERICK MORGAN Brorvning Out West. (Cornhill Magazine.) Littell's Living Age 252:691 -697 :March 6, 1907. Did Brorvning IVhistle or Sing? (Cornhill Magazine.) Littell's Living Age 261 :475-482. Edited with an Introduction and Notes The Ring and the Book- By Robert Browning. The Modern Student's Library. Charles Scribner Sons, 1917. 821.88 Hrms. Introduction and Notes to The Ring and the Book- Robert Brown- ing. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston and New York, 1899. 821.88 Hrc. PAGE SINGS T9 THE QUEEN, THE See Music. PAIN, BARRY The Poets at Tea. (Browning, who treated it allegoncally.) See Carolyn Wells, A Parody Anthology 360. PALEY, F. A . English Notes to The Iliad of Homer. Vol 1. Autograph of Robert Browning. Whittaker & Co., London, England, 1866. Same. Vol. 2. Autograph of Robert Browning. Whittaker & Co., London, 1871. Tragedies of Aeschylus. Re-edited with an English Commentary. Robert Browning's copy with his autograph and marginal notes in his handwriting. 882 A253tp. PALGRAVE, F. T. At29 De Vere Gardens. Athenaeum 3248:1 16:Jan. 25, 1890. Same. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 119-120 821.88 Xht. PALGRAVE AND HIS FRIENDS Literary Digest 18:5 18: May 6, 1899. PALL MALL BUDGET Memoir of Robert Browning. Dec. 19, 1889 821.7 Xpmb. Sonnet on Browning's Death. By George Meredith. 1108:1623 921.7 Xpmb, BROWNFNGIANA 291 PALL MALL GAZETTE Robert Browning. Critic 31 5:22 :Jan. II, 1890. Magazine Articles No. 1. 821.88 Xman. Drowning Sorineh. Bookmarl 7:82:457-458 :March 1890. PALMER. GEORGE HERBERT Formative Types in English Poetr\3. Independent 97:381. PANCOAST. HENRY S. Mrs. Browning in Poetry Todaxi. Book News 24:283:464-466: March 1906. Luria—Its Story and Motive. Poet Lore 1 : 12:553-60; 2:1 : 19-26. Old Age and the Poets. Poet Lore 3:2:64-65. PAN'S PIPES See Music. PAOLO AND FRANCESCA THEME IN MODERN DRAMA, THE By Gerlrude Brainerd. Poet Lore 27:4:390-405. PAPERS. BROWNING SOCIETY Boston Browning Society. London Browning Society Papers 1-5. 7-12 821.88 VIbs. London Browning Societ\} Papers. Selected by Edward Berdoe. 821.88 Vbp. PAPERS OF A BROWNING SOCIETY Dial 23:253:Nov. 1. 1897. PAPERS ON BROWNING (Bound in 1 Volume) Browning in Venice. By Mrs. Bronson. (Cornhill Feb. 1902) 821.88 bpm. Robert Browning, Writer of Plays. By Arthur Arnold. 821.88 Dpm. Robert Browning and the Drama. By Walter Fairfax. 821.88 Dpn». By Alma Murray and B. L. Mosely. 821.88 Dpm. Current Literature and Current Criticism. 821.88 Dpm. Poetical Works. Critical. 821.88 Dpm. PAPUA, PICTURESQUE By O. M. Spencer. Cosmopolitan Magazine 18:662: April 1895. PARACELSUS Being the text of Browning's poem with introduclioti and notes by Maroaret L. Lee and Katharine B. Locock. 821.88 Hpai. By Robert Browning. First Edition. Effingham Wilson, Royal Exchange, London, England, 1835. 821.88 Hpaw. By Robert Browning. Dramatische Dichting Deutsche L'ehertra' gung. By Von E. P. Greve. Insel-Verlag, Leipzig, 1914 821.88 Hpagg. Browning's Paracelsus. Being the text of Browning's Poem, with an introduction and notes. By Margaret L. Lee and Katharine B. Locock. 821.88 Hpal. A Defense of Browning's Later Work. By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 12:2:284-304. PARACELSUS AND BOMBAST Poet Lore 3:2:103-106. PARACELSUS AND CHILDE ROLAND. QUERIES ON Poet Lore 1:2:91. PARACELSUS AND DATA OF ETHICS By Helen .A. Clarke. Poet Lore 1:3:117-127. PARACELSUS. ANSWER TO A QUERY ON By Annie Wall. 1:4:193. 292 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY PARACELSUS. PROBLEM OF By \V. G. Kingsland. Poet Lore 6:5:277:May. By Josiah Royce. Boston Browning Society Papers 221-248 821.88 Vbp. By Grummann. Poet Lore 23:1 :30. The Slud^ Class. By Anna Benneson McMahan. Act 1:215; Act 2:216; Act 3;217; Act 4:218; Act 5:218-19 807 M167. By Christiana Pollock Denison. 821.88 Hpad. By Christina P. Denison. Books and Authors. Littell's Living Age 271:192:Oct. 21. 1911. See Browning's Message to His Time, by Edward Berdoe (Re- former of Medicine) 123 821.88 Dbm. PARACELSUS: THE REFORMER OF MEDICINE By Edward Berdoe. Browning Society Papers 2:275-296 821.88 Dbs. London Browning Society Papers 1 1 :275-296. Reviewed by Henry Morley. Nineteenth Century 2:l38:Aug. 1877. Poet Lore 2:1:23; 2:2:98; 2:11:591; 2:12:632; 2:12:665;. PARADOXICAL ETHICS OF BROWNING. THE By Oscar Firkins. Poet Lore 23:5:348 59. PARADOXICAL MR. CHESTERTON Munsey's Magazine 31 :604:Aug. 1904. PARIS. REVUE DE Menage de Poeies (In French). By Mary James Darmesleter. 1 8:295-31 7 :Sept. 1898; 18:788-81 7 :Oct. 15. 1898 821.88 Bmd. PARK, HUMPHREYS Childe Roland. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 74 821.88 Xht. PARKE. CARTON MOORE Luria, The Slatue and Bust, Pippa Passes, Illustrations of. Out- look 100:91 3-91 6: April 27. 1912 821.88 Xmb. PARKER, EDWIN POND Fictitious Element in Literature. Dedicatory Address of Hubbard Hall, Bowdoin College, June 24. 1903. See pages 25-27, reference to Ring and Boolf. PARKES, KINETON At Browning's Funeral. Ipdrasil 109:March 1890 821.88 Blkp. Igdrasil 59-66:Feb. 1890 821.88 Dmur. PARLEYINGS WITH CERTAIN PEOPLE OF IMPORTANCE IN THEIR DAY. To-wit : Bernard de Mandeville, Daniel Bartoli, Christopher Smart, George Bubb Dodington, Francis Furini, Gerard de Lairesse and Charles Avison. Introduced by A Dialogue Between Apollo and the Fates; Concluded by Another Between John Fust and His Friends. By Robert Browning. London: Smith. Elder & Co., 15 Waterlo-o Place, 1887. (All rights reserved.) First Edition. 821.88 Hprl. Same. Houghton, Mifflin & Co.. 1887. 1 he Riverside Press. Cam- bridge. Athenaeum I :247-249. By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 1:1:8; 12:2:288. By Arthur Symons. London Browning Society Papers 9:169-179 821.88 Dbs Pag. First Edition 1887. Editorial. Atlantic 59:705-708 821.88 Hpri. By Robert Browning. Reviewed by W. A. L. Harvard Monthly 4:2:82-83: April 1887. BROWNINGIANA 293 PARLEYING WITH CERTAIN PEOPLE Ldilorial. Independent 39:l:!)yi. PARODlb 1 5. A FEW liy Q. K. New Republic 10: 128:31 7-31 8: April 14. 1917. PARODY. A Bl^OWNING ANIIIOLOGY OF After Browning. Anonymous. Angela Urdcn His Dinner. By Bayard Taylor. A L>ool(man's Memories. By Lalveiley. From Chriilian Science Mon.toi Jan. 4. 192L Brorvnmg Sociei}). Browning i Commentators Cornered. By Anon. Jnreger Kifac, liobert Browning Enlarges Upon It in Several of His i:lann:rs and Interpolates a Lpnc. (!• rom Including Horace 7-iU, 811 U 61 Ih.) By Louis Unleimeyer. ApoLogics to l-'ippa. By Earle Cornwallis. Zip tlie ^ea — Mutatis AJutanUis. By Bayard Taylor. 1 lie Coc/(; and the Bull. By Charles b. Calverley. I lie I'incli and the liobin— After Browning. By K. A. Iv. From •!>igna Severa. 1 lie flight of the Budget. By Rudyard Kipling. Cuide lu liobert Browning, liy G. L. K.. Home J ruths tram Abroad. After liobert Browning. Anonymous. Imitation of liobert Browning. By J. K.. Stephen. In a Spanish Cloister. By VVm. l-'helps. I he Jam i''ot. By Rudyard Kipling. The Last Ride Together. By J. K. Stephen. John Jones at the i^iano. hrom Heptalogia. Manitoba Chitde lioiand. By Carl Sandburg. From the Corn- husl^ers. l lie Losing Leader. By a Penitent Peer. Now J hat April's Here. By Ann:e McCormick. Nothing But a l^oel. By W. C. Gannett. Mesmerism. By Ezra Pound. From Umbra 22. Memorabiie! By C. W. Stubbs. Meeting at Night. By David Sargent. 0# the Pier. Old King Cole — After Robert Browning. By Gilbert Keith Ches- terton. 0;i Robert Browning. By Edmund Gosse. On Browning's A I occata of Caluppi's. By Allen Updegraff. On the Sands. Original Sonnet in imitation of Browning. By Sludge. A Review — The Inn Album, b\) Robert Browning. By Bayard Taylor. B\) the Cliff. A Solution. By Anon. Sordid Ella. By Ernest E. Gobert. A Staccato to O Le Lupe. By Bliss Carman. The Terror fcp Night — a Counterblast. By A Light Sleeper. The Time and the Place. By Bliss Carman. To Browning. By Frank W. Johndrum. Up the Spout. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. PARODY ANTHOLOGY. A By Carolyn Wells. Eleven Poems After Robert Drowning. Parodies: (1) After Browning 194; (2) Home Truths From Abroad 193; (3) The Cock and the Bull 195; (4) A Staccato 29^ BAYLOR UNIVERSITY lo O U Lupc 200; (5) The Flight of Ihe Bucket 206; (6) The Jam Pot 210; (7) Imitation of Robert Browning 210; (8) The Last Ride Together 212; (9) Up ihe Spout 215; (10) Angela Orders His Dinner 205; (II) B\) the Sea 203 821.08 W453pa. PARROTT. THOMAS MARC An Examination of the Non-Diamatic Poems in Robert Bro^vning's First and Second Periods, to which is added a Ziifc/iography, being Part of a Thesis Presented to the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Leipzig for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Oswald Schmidt. Leipzig-R. 1893. 821.88 Dnp. The Vitalil\f of Browning. James Pott & Co., New York, 1906. 821.88 Dpv. PARSONS, CHARLES WILLIAM Robert Browning in Literary and Biographical Essays. (Typewrit- ten) 821.88 Dper. Literary and Biographical Essa})s. Robert Browning 151-167 821.88 Dpr. Literary and Biographical Review. Independent 65:2: 1069: Nov. 5, 1908. PARTHIAN SHOTS AT PRE-RAFFAELITE POETS By Stephen Crane. Literary Digest 41:647-648 050 J712. PARTING AT MORNING AND MEETING Al NIGHT In Kindai Shil^ashu. (An Anthology of Modern Poetry.) By Aiyu Kobayashi. In Japanese. 808.1 K75. PARTRIDGE. BERNARD Illustrated. Rabbi Ben Ezra and other poems. By Robert Brown- ing. James Lee's Wife, Abt Vogler, Apparent Failure, Prospice. Hodder & Stoughton. 821.88 Hrbp. PASSING OF THE OLD IN DRAMA By Edgar White Burrill. Arena Magazine 3:205-224. PAST AND PRESENT CONDITION OF BRITISH POETRY (Eraser's.) Littell's Living Age 10:164-179. PAST AND PRESENT IN LITERATURE, THE By Editor. Literary Digest 22:I28:Feb. 2, 1901. PATE, J. THOMAS Father Ryan and His Poems. Southern Review 4 :322-333 :Selec- tion 4:July. PATER, W. H. The School of Ceorgione (Reference to Browning). Fortnightly Review 28:531 :Oct. 1877. PATHS OF GLORY. THE By Joseph Jacobs. Fortnightly Review 73:68:Jan. 1900. By J. E. G. de Montmorency. Contemporary Review 108:113- 118:July 1915. PATMORE. POEMS BY COVENTRY Athenaeum 3059:771 -772: June 12, 1886. PATRIOTIC POETRY (Times.) Littell's Living Age 283:107-112. PATRIOTISM AND CHRISTIANITY By Augustine Birrell. Contemporary Review 87:193-201 :Feb. 1905. PATTISON, MARK Books and Critics. Fortnightly Review 28:679 :Nov. 1877. PAUL, HARRY G. The Round Table. English Journal 4:265:April 1915; 5:420: June 1916. BROWNINGIANA 295 PAUL. HERBERT Art and Eccentricit}^. Eclectic Magazine 1 38: 574-582: May 1902. The Crce/f Aniholog}^. Nineteenth Century 61 :629-637: April 1907. Idle Reading. Nineteenth Century 61 :837-842:May 1907. The Influence of Catullus. Nineteenth Century 61 :163-172:Jan. 1907. Is Literature D^ing? Eclectic Magazine 148:510-5l7:June 1907. Same. (Contemp. R.) Littell's Living Age 253:387-395. The Novels of Peacock- Eclectic Magazine 141 :349-360:Sept. 1903. The Permanence of Wordstoorlh. Nineteenth Century 63:987-998: June 1908. Tennyson, Part 2. Littell's Living Age 195:713-718. PAULINE A Fragment of a Confession. By Robert Browning. A reprint of the original edition of 1833. Edited by Thomas J. Wise. Printed by Richard Clay & Sons, London, 1886. This volume contains all the marginal notes found in the Forster copy in tiie South Kensmgton Museum. By Kingsland. Poet Lore 3:3:281-84. Poet Lore 11:1 : Front Page. News Notes. Recover}; of Lost Cop); of Pauline. Bookman I : 1 55 : April 1895. Pauline, Paracelsus. Book Mart. Bookman 1 :280:May 1895. Also 1:61 :Feb. 1895. PAULINE, ALLUSIONS IN Poet Lore 1:1:43-45; 1:2:89-91. PAULINE AND BALZACS LOUIS LAMBERT COMPARED By Mrs. B. C. Dick. Poet Lore 4:3:164-66. PAULINE, THE OLD AND THE NEW Poet Lore 1:11:520-22. PAULINE, OUTLINE OF Poet Lore 1:1:42-43. (Bookman.) Bookmart 1 :61 :Feb. 1895. PAULINE, PARACELSUS (Bookman.) Bookmart 1 :280:May 1895. PAULINE, QUERIES ON Poet Lore 1:1:45. PAULINE, REFERENCE INDEX TO, A Poet Lore 1:1:39-42. PAULINE THEN AND NOW Munsey's Magazine 31 :919:Sept. 1904. PAX. See H. Claude Williamson. Quarterly Magazine Oct. 18, 1918. Robert BroTvning, An Appreciation. By H. Claude Williamson. The Quarterly Paper of the Benedictine Community of the Isle of Caldey 42:Dec. 1914 821.88 Bwa. PAYN, JAMES English Notes. Independent 41:2:1042; 41:2:1375-6; 42:237- 238; 43:144-145; 46:321:1894. PAYNE ,WILLIAM MORTON Greater English Poets of the Nineteenth Centur};. Athenaeum 42 18:232: Aug. 29, 1908. Personality; and Work of DroTvning, in Greater English Poets of the Nineteenth Centur]; 192-220 821.01 P346g. Recent American Poetry. Dial 35:36-41 :Ju!y 16, 1903. Recent Poetry, Dial 35:124:Sepf. 1. 1903. 2% BAYLOR UNIVERSITY PEABODY. REV. FRANCIS G. Prater, 18-19. See BroXDn'mg Memorial Doiton 821.88 Bmb. PEABODY. JOSEPHINE PRESTON Modern Life and Modern Poetry. Poet Lore 14:1:62. PEACOCK. THOMAS LOVE: A PERSONAL REMINISCENCE By Robert BucFianan. (New Quart. R.) Littell's Living Age 126: 137-163. PEACOCK. THE NOVELS OF By Herbert Paul. Eclectic Magazine 141 :349-360:Sept. 1903. PEARSON. FLORENCE MARY Poetry and Phrase of Pood. Nineteenth Century 86:51 5-527 :Sept. 1919. PEARSON. HOWARD S. Robert Browning. The Thoughts of a Poet on Art and Faith, A Lecture delivered to the Birmingham Central Literary Associa- tion. March 27. 1885. Cornish Brothers. 37 New Street. 821.88 Dpt. Browning as a Landscape Painter. London Browning Society Papers 8:103-118. PEARSON. J. & CO. Lytton — Browning Correspondence. Catalogue of a Superb Collec- tion of Holograph Manuscripts, Holograph Correspondences and Holograph Letters of British and Continental Celebrities of Five Centuries 9A 821.88 Xch. Browning Correspondence. In A Catalogue of a Superb Collection of Holograph Manuscripts, Holograph Correspondence and Holo- graph Letters of British and Continental Celebrities of Five Cen- turies 10-1 i 821.88 Xch. A highly Important Collection of Original Holograph Manuscripts and Original Holograph Correspondences 73 821.88 Xchp. PEARSON. NORMAN The Kiss Poetical. Fortnightly Review 82:293-295. 301. 303: Aug. 1904. A Male Blue Stocl(ing Soame Jenl^yns. Nineteenth Century 62: 126-141 :July 1907. PEASANT IN BRITISH POETRY By G. Douglas. Fortnightly Review 110:562:Oct. 1918. PEASANT WOMAN IN ITALY, A Suggested by Robert Browning's Poem The Italian in England. By Mrs. Thomas R. Coles (Blanche Coles.) In Manuscript. Not net published. PECK, ANGIE LACEY The Different Ideals of Shelley and Browning. Portion of thesis. The Wellesley Prelude 3 :17:21 1 -212:Jan. 30, 1892:MemoriaI Number. PECK, H. W. Matthew Arnold as a Poet. Arena 33 : 155-161 :Jan. 1905. PECULIAR OBLIGATION OF THE PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL. THE By George H. Martin. Educational Review 43:466:May 1912. PEET, JEANIE Robert Browning. Century 72:253. Browning. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 57 821.88 Xht. BROWNINGIANA 297 PEIRCE. LOUISE FAGAN A Guide for iha Blind. Modern Philology 6:4:487-502:AprU 1909. PEN PlCl URES OF MODERN AUTHORS The Brownings' Lilerar)) Life. By William Shepard. 821.88 Bsm. LilcrarX) Life. By William Shepard. (Typewritten) 821.88 Bsm. PENDLElON. CHARLOl IE Robert Browning. A Poem. Poet Lore 1:11:545. Sabe. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph 1 anner 106 821.88 Xht. PENN MONTHLY. THE Baiauilion's Ad)^cnturcs. (Critical Review.) By R. E. Thompson. 6:72:9J8-940:Uec. 1875. Magazine Articles: Red Cotton Night-Cap Countr\f. By R. E. T. 4:4:):657-661 :Sept. 18/3; Baiaustion's Adventurci. By R. E. 1 hompson. Dec. 18/5. PEOPLES JOURNAL 1 wo Reviews of BelU and Pomegranates. By Henry F. Chorley. July 18. 1846. and Aug. 22. 1846. PEPPLER. CHARLES W. New Creeli Literature. South Atlantic Quarterly 13:143:April 1914. FERINE. LOLITA Designed and hand colored Saul. By Robert Browning. 821.88 Sad. PERIOD WITHOUT GREAT MEN OF LETTERS. A Highwa\fs and BywaX/s. Chautauquan 61 : 15-1 7:Dec. 1910. PERRY. BLISS Colombe's Birthday at Smith's College. Outlook 46: July 21, 1892. huture of American Literature. Baylor Literary 1 7:1 l9-123:Jan. 1909. PERRY. JEANETTE BARBOUR Is Blank Verse Lawless? Poet Lore 8:8:534-35. PERSONAL. DRAMATIS (ILLUSTRATED) See Dramatis Fersonae. PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF BROWNING By Kingsland. Poet Lore 2:3:130-133. PERSONAL DRAMATIC ROMANCES AND LYRICS Editorial. Independent 71 :599. PERSONALIA By Edmund Gosse. Poet Lore 2:6:321. Intimate Recollections of Famous Men. Political. Literary. Artistic. Social. Various. Robert Browning 233-235 Be S577. Review. By Edmund Gosse. Independent 42:461 : April 3. 1890. PERSONALITIES Editorial. Independent 39:2:1099; 40:1:616. PERSONALITY AND WORK OF BROWNING By W. M. Payne. See Greater English Poets of the Nineteenth Century. 821.01 P346g. PERSONALITY. BROWNING'S. NEW LIGHTS ON By Anna Benneson McMahan. Dial 50:206-9: March 16. 1911. PESSIMISM. SOME ASPECTS OF By Agnes Repplier. Atlantic Monthly 60:756-766:Dec. 1887. 296 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY PETERS. J. P.. AND A. B. BRUCE AND OTHERS. R. G. MOUL- TON The Bible as Literature. Biblical World 9:311 -313: April 1897. PETERSON. H. C. Inductive Studies. Drorvning for Secondary Schools, Colleges and Literary Clubs. 821.88 Dip. PETRARCH BroTvning's Interpretation of Romantic Love as Compared With That of Plato, Dante and Petrarch. By George Willis Cooke. Poet Lore 6:5:225-238. PETRARCH, MODERN ECHOES OF By Anne Russell Marble. Dial 37:29-31 :July 16. 1904. PHAEDRA AND PHEDRE By Lionel Tennyson. Nineteenth Century 7:58-77. PHEIDIPPIDES Robert Browning. Chautauquan 16:378-379:Dec. 1892. PHELPS. C. E. D. Bronjning. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 58 821.88 Xht. PHELPS. ELIZABETH Robert Browning. Independent 41:2:1717. PHELPS. MARY The Joy-Element of Browning. Poet Lore 15:2:95-1 15. PHELPS-WARD. ELIZABETH STUART Robert Browning. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 133 821.88 Xht. PHELPS. WILLIAM LYON An Actress Who Played Browning. Independent 83:394. Robert Browning and Alfred Austin. Yale 7:580-591 :Oct. 1917. Robert Browning, How to Know Him. Bobbs-Merrill Co., India- napolis. 1915. 821.88 Dph. Same. English Journal 4:682:Dec. 1915. Same. (Review.) Independent 84:278-279 :Nov.l5. 1915. Browning and Maeterlinc}(. Independent 55; I :552-554;March 5. 1903; 2:2: 1398- 1400: June II. 1903. Robert Browning as Seen by His Son. Century 85:417-420. Browning in France. Modern Language Notes 31 :24-32:Jan. 1916. Maeterlincl('s Manna Vanna and Robert Browning. Literary Digest 26:456-457:March 28. 1903. New Light on Carlyle. Forum 41 :599:June 1909. On Robert Browning. Century 84:1 18-127. The Pure Cold of Nineteenth Century Literature. Current Opinion 43:5l5-518:Nov. 1907. Realism and Reality in fiction. Century 85:864-868. PHILLIPS. STEPHEN By Alice Meynell. (Poetry Journal.) Littell's Living Age 289: 367-369. By Arthur Waugh. Fortnightly Review 105:92-98: Jan. 1916. PHILLIPS' HEROD. MR. STEPHEN By John Lane. World's Work I :666-667:April 1901. PHILLIPS'. MR. STEPHEN, PLAY By W. P. Trent. Forum 29:1 16- 128: March 1900. PHILLIPS, THE POETRY OF MR. STEPHEN By Editor. Edinburgh Review 19l:75:Jan. 1900. BROWNINGIANA 299 PHILOLOGY. STUDIES IN L\^rical Conccil of ihe Elizabethans. By Raymond Macdonald Alden. 14: 129- 1 52: April 1915. PHILOSOPHIC DOUBTS CONCERNING CRITICISM Editorial. Dial 48:3-4:Jan. 16. 1910. PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION See Brouining as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher. By Henry Jones. By John Bury. BroJ»ning's Studies 28-46. Edited by Edward Berdoe. 821.88 Vlbs. Browning's Message to His Time, His Religion, Philosoph]^ and Science. By Edward Berdoe. 821.88 Dbm. By John Bury. Browning Society Papers 3:255-277. By Charles C. Everett. Chapter 12 (Typewritten) 821.88 Rtb. Is the Philosophizing Tendency of [-'resent English Worlds of Imagination Injurious to Them as Worl(s of Art? Browning is mentioned in this Article. The Vassar Miscellany 62:2:63: Jan. 1877. See under Henry Jones. See Raleigh. The Poetry and Philosophy of Brorvning. A Handboof( of Eight Lectures. By Edward Howard Griggs. 821.88 Zgp. 5ome Ethical Aspects of Brorvning's Philosophy. By Mrs. A. G. Jennincs. New Unity Old Series 34:New Series 4:54-56:Sept. 24, 1896. A series of addresses, essays and sermons designed to set forth great truths in popular form. By Augustus Hopkins Strong, D. D. Autographed copy. 204 S923 (two copies). By Arria S. Huntington. Memorial Meeting of the Syracuse Browning Club 55-59 821.88 Bsy. PHILOSOPHY OF ART, BROWNING'S By Daniel Dorchester, Jr. Boston Browning Society Papers 99- 118 821.88 Vbp. PHILOSOPHY OF FEMINISM, THE By George Burman Foster. Forum 52:11 :July 1914. PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE. BROWNINGS By Anna Benneson McMahan. The Study Class 196-197 807 Ml 67. PHOTOGRAPH (MRS. BROWNING) AND COMMENT Bookman 6:397-98:Jan. 1898. PICTURE, BROWNING HOUSE Bookman 23 :262. PICTURE OF ROBERT BROWNING See Portraits, etc. PICTURE OF JOSEPH MISLAND Scribner's Magazine 20:108:July 1896. PICTURES Illustrations to Browning's Poems, Part 1 : Containing Photographs of (a) Andrea del Sarlo's picture of himself and his Wife, in Pitti Palace, Florence, which suggested Browning's Poem Andrea del Sarto ; (b) Fra Lippo Lippi's Coronation of the Virgin, in the Accademia delle Belle .Arti, Florence (the painting described at the end of Browning's Fra Lippo) ; and (c) Guercino's Angel and Child at Fano (for The Guardian Angel) ; with an introduction by Ernest Radford. 1882-1883. See Poems, Browning's, Illustrations. Below 298. 300 i3AYLO I UNIVERSITY PICTURES IN THE POETRY OF ROBERT BROWNING. POE- TRY. RENAISSANCE By Richard Burton. Poet Lore 10:1:66-76. PICTURES OF BROWNING See under Men of Mark. PICTURES OF CHIVALRY. BROWNING'S By Helen L. Reed. Poet Lore 11:4:588-601. PICTURES OF FRENCH LIFE IN BROWNING Programme of the Boston Browning Society 1898-99. Poet Lore 10:3:429-430:1898. PIED PIPER. THE An Autumn Song. By Louise Belts Edwards. New England Arranged for Stage Representation in costume by Mr. Sivori Levey. A Child's Story. By Robert Browning. Illustrated by Hope Dun- lap, with twenty-one illustrations in color and twenty-seven in black and white. Quarto. 56 pages. Rand. McNally, Chicago and New York. 821.88 Hppd. Magazine New Series 19:6D8:Jan. 1899. (Typewritten.) By Robert Browning. 821.88 Hppb. By Robert Browning. Boston. 1899. 821.88 Hppb. A Child's Stoiy. By Robert Browning. Illustrated by Hope Dun- lap. 821.88 Hppd. By Robert Browning. Arranged and adapted for children by Miss M. M. Eager. Boston. 1899. 821.88 Hppb. Illustrated by Kate Greenaway. Frederick Warne & Co.. London. 821.88 Hpp3. See Hamelin. See Music. See A. G. Shireff. Poet Lore 12:1:105. Print from H. Kaulbach's Painting. By H. Kaulbach. Frank Les- lie's 44:157. Set forth in a series of designs and decorative borders by Harry Quilter. Barrister-at-Lav/, and written in ornamental text by Mary, his wife. 821.88 Hppq. Water-Colour Drawing by the late G. J. Pinwell. 31. A List of Etchings Published by Robert Dunthorne at the Cabinet of Fine Arts, Vigo Street, London, 1884. Boston, 1899. 821.88 Hppb. 821.88 Pmtw. Souvenir Program of the "Piper" at Stratford on Avon, picture containing greetings from Sir Benamin and Lady Stone. PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN, STORY OF Aldine 4:6:90:June 1871. Frank Leslie's 44:237. PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN, CAVALIER TUNES, THE LOST LEADER, AND OTHER POEMS, THE By Robert Browning. 77ie Riverside Lilcralure Series. 821.88 Hpph. PIED PIPER. TOWN OF By Frederick Wedmore. 821.88 Pmtw. PIER. FLORIDA The Cenller View. Drowning and ihe Lost Cork- Harper's Weekly 54:2777:27:March 12. 1910. BROWNINGIANA 301 PIETRO OF ABANO AND THE LEADING IDEAS OF DRA- MATIC IDYLS. SECOND SERIES 1880 By J. Sharpe. Bercloe's Cro n>pmg 5(uciics 21 -27 821.88 Vibs. PIETRO OF ABANO. BROWNINGS Poet Lore 3:12:653-54. PIETRO OF ABANO, ON And the Leading Idcai of Dramatic Idyls. Second Series. 1880. By J. Sharpe. Brownin-^ Society Papers 2:191-197 821.88 Db». PIETRO OF ABANO. VARIANTS OF BROWNING'S By C. Porter. Poet Lore 3:2:577-88. PIGOU. A. C. The Oplimism of Drowning and Meredith. Liltell's Living Age 246:415-422. PILGRIM.^GE. A BROWNING By Arthur J. Whyte. (Contemporary Review.) Littell's Living Age 277:542-550. PILGRIMAGE TO THE HAUNTS OF BROWNING (HOME OF PIPPA) AND AN OUTLINE STUDY OF PIPPA PASSES By Pauline Leavens. 821.88 Lla. PILGRIMS PROGRESS A Chapter From The Modern Pilgrim's Progress. Slander and Gossip. (Complied.) Poem Dedicated to Robert Browning. Print- ed for Private Circulation 1882. 821.88 P744m. PILLAR AT SEBZEVAH. A See Music. PILOT Classical and Modern Literature. By R. Y. Tyrrell. Littell'i Livmg Age 240:567-570. PINWELL. G. J. 7/ie Pied Piper of Hamelin after the Water-Colour Drawing by the late. A List of Etchings Published by Robert Dunthorne at the Cabinet of Fine Arts. Vigo Street, London, 1884. 31. PIPER. PETER For True Story of Peter Piper see A. G. Shireff. The Tale of Florcntius. PIPPA Ideal [Vomanhood in the Masterpieces of Dante, Coethe and Rob- ert Drorvning. See Modern Pod Prophets. By Wm. Norm*n Guthrie. 804 G984m (Copy 1). Same. Copy 2. PIPPA PASSES A Drama by Robert Browning. With Drawings by L. Leslie Brooke. (Two copies.) Duckworth & Co., London, 1898. 821.88 Hppd. Athenaeum 737:952:Dec. 11, 1841. Browning's Bells and Pomegranates. By Henry F. Chorley. Peo- ple's Journal 38-40: July 18, 1846 821.88 Dpj. Browning's Song. By Edith Giles. American Primar)) Teacher. By Mary R. Baldwin. Poet Lore 11:4:575-577. Dod3/-tUU 8/. 1. 88 Uln. Bool( l\oticcs: Select yocms of Robert Brovining. By A. J. George. Education Magazine 26:309-31 4 :Jan. 1906; 26:.)09-3l4: June 1916. Scicctiom 1-rom Robert Drowning. By Frederick May Holland. Athenaeum /868:48-;:Oct. 14, 1882. Review ot L. 1 . Mason s Browning's Ly^rical and Dramatic Poems. Literary Vvorld 14:4:D8:l-eb. 24. l88j 8/1.88 Xmal. Oxford M mature Editiom. Dial 31 :5l9:Dec. 16. 19U|. Poems, Dramatical and Lyrical. By John Leicester Warren. Athenaeum :)j89:49/-4V8:Mpril 22. 1893. POEMS Sli lO MUbiC. BKOwinIinG By Clara K.atnlcen Rogers. Lmerson College Magazine 134: Jan. 1912; 2U:3:l:)4:Jan. I9l2. POESIE ANGLA15E. LA Depuis Byron. By M. J. Milsand. Robert Browning 2:661-689: July 13. 18d1; Elizabeth Browning 3 :3j9-:)61 :Jan. 13, 1832 821.8 M661. POET. AN AMERICAN Editorial. Independent 40:2:1303-1304. POET AND Hlb CIRCLE, A By Percy F. Bicknell. Dial 52:221-3 :March 16, 1912. POET AND Hlb MINliJlER. A By Rev. F. W. Gunsaulus. Independent 39:1:553. POET AS PHILOSOPHER. IHE By B. O. Flower. Arena 39:323-331 :March 1908. POET. His MISSION AND MESSAGE. 'IHE By B. O. Flower. Arena 38:166-169. POET IN MODERN LIFE, THE Editorial. Literary Digest 27:772:Dec. 5, 1903. POET LAUREAIE. THE FOEilCAL WORKS OF THE NEW Contemporary Review 104:284-286: Aug. 1913:Literary Supple- ment. POET LAUREATES LATEST Editorial. Literary Digest 14:583: March 13. 1897. POET LAUREATESHIP. THE Eclectic Magazine 1 26:97- 108: Jan. 1896. POET LORE An Abl Vogler Querji and Answer. By Helen A. Clarke. 2:1: 28-29. Address on Browning. By H. N. Hoxic. 2:1:43-46. The Alf(cslis of Euripides and of Browning. By C. A. Wurt*' burg. 2:7:345-360. Annals of a Quiet Drowning Club. By I. N. Cog. 7:5:225-240. Miss Ariels Paper: Part II of Annals of a Quiel Drowning Club. By I. N. Cog. 7:6&7:356-366. 310 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Miss Ariel s Paper Discussed: Part III of Annals of a Quiel BroTvning Club. By I. N. Cog. 7 :8&9:436-446. Aristophanes Philosophv According lo Bromning. By Helen Leah Reed. 5:5:237-247. Art Poems of Robert DroJ»ning. By D. G. Brinton. 2:1:40-43; 2:2:146-147. The Art Spirit in Bro'wning's Flight of the Duchess. By Charlotte Moore. 11:2:266-276. As to Sordello's Egotism. Statement by Miss Wilson. 2:1:29. Asl( Not One Least Word of Praise. Set to Music by Helen A. Clarke. 3:5:258-259. Asolando, Fancies and Facts. By Helen A. Clarke. 2:2:94-100. Biographical hacts in Regard to Robert and Elizabeth Browning. By Anne H. Wharton. 2:1:35-37. Bishop Blougram. 16:1 :137 :Spring 1905. A Blot in the 'Scutcheon. Life and Letters. 12:1:153-154. The Boston Browning Memorial Service. By Alice Kent Robert- son. 2:3:152-155. Boston Browning Society Papers. By Helen A. Clarke. 10:3: 443-445. Mr. Breeze's Paper Discussed. Part V of Annals of a Quiet Browning Club. 7:12:619-624. Robert Browning — A Poem. By Charlotte Pendleton. 1:11:545, Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Account of Her Husband's Court- ship. 10:2:316-318. Browning as Chief Poet of the Age. By Wm. G. Kingsland. 1:11:535. Browning as a Dramatic Poet. Papers of the Boston Browning Society. By Henry Jones. 6:1:13-28. Robert Browning as a Letter Writer. By William G. Kingsland. 8:2:78-84. Browning as Others See Him : Berdoe, Jones and Nett'leship. By Helen A. Clarke. 8:5:265-270. Browning Bool(s of the Year. By Helen A. Clarke. 5:5:277-283. A Browning Courtship. 5:3:166-167; 5:8&9:477-478. Browning's Ideal of Love. From Santavana, Robert Browning, A Pessimist Criticism. By Helen Dryer Woodard. 13:1:105. Browning in Caliban. 9:1:89. Browning Memorial Notes. By J. Charlton. 2:2:100-111. A Browning Musical Quer\). By W. J. R. 5:1:48. Browning Note. By Mary M. Barclay. 1:6:300. Browning on French Enthusiasm. Editorial on Cushman's Article. 20:466:Oct. 1899. Browning Picture of Chivalry. By H. L. Reed. 1 I :4:588-601. Robert Browning. By Professor Jusserand. 12:4:624. Browning's Musical Eruditions. By Hugh A. Clarke. 12:1:151- 152. Robert Browning — The Man. By William G. Kingsland. 5:5: 229-236. Browning versus Browning. By Harrison S. Morris. 1 :9:408-421. Browning's Art Poems. By A. H. Smyth. 2:2:145-146. Browning's Childe Roland and 7 ennyson's Vision of Sin. By Theophilus Parsons Swain. 9:2:256-265. Browning's Follf Poems, A Stud}) Programme. By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. 12:1:105-113. Browning's Form. By Francis Howard Williams. 2:6:300-305. BROWNINGIANA 311 DroTuning's Hebraic S\fmpathics. By Mary M. Gshen. 3:3:230- 254. BroTuningi Idea of Love. Notes and A'en>a. 1:3:152-154. Brouining's Interpretation of Romantic Love as Compared With That of Flato, Dante and Petrarch. B\) Ceorge IVillii Coolfe. 6: 5:225-238. Broivning's Jew Venui Shal(espeare'i. From NoUi and Nenii. I : 1 :52-54. Browning's Jules and Du Maurier's Little Billee. By Mary R. Baldwin. 9:4:575-577. Browning's Lazarus. By C. B. Wright. 9:2:312. Browning's Love Letters. By Charlotte Porter. 11:2:301-309. Browning's Message to His Time. By Dr. Berdoe. Reviewed by William G. Kingsland. In Notes and News. 2:5:286. Browning's Mildred. By J. J. Britten. 5:5:266-272. Browning Societv. By Robert Browning. 2:2:106. Browning Societ]^ of the New Centur]) Club. 3:1:53-56. Browning, A Sonnet. By C. E. D. Phelps. 5:5:288. Browning's Science as Shown in Numpholeptos. By Edward Berdoe. 2:12:617-624. Browning Stud}) Programme. A Group of Art Poems: Old Pic- tures in Florence, Fra Lippo Lippi and Andrea del Sarto. By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. 8:8:586-392. Same. A Group of Music Poems: A Toccata of Caluppi's, Master Hugues of Saxe-Cotha, Abt Vogler. By Helen A. Clarke and Charlotte Porter. 10:2:288-293. Same. A Group of Religious Poems: Caliban Upon Seteboi, Cleon, Rabbi Ben Ezra, The Death in the Desert. By Helen A. Clarke and Charlotte Porter. 10:1:103-112. Browning's Women. By M. E. Burt. 1:11:534. B\) the Fireside. 13:2:315. Camberwell Edition. 10:4:607. Cambridge Edition of Browning. 8:5:271. Caponsacchi. By Henry Spaulding. 1:1:269-273. Cardinal and the Dog. 12:1:112. Characteristics of Browning. 2:7:400. Chief Poets of the Age. By W. G. Kingsland. 2:4:208. Childe Roland, A Literary Parallel, and Something More. By Irene Hardy. 24:1:53-58. Childe Roland and Tenn\)son's Vision of Sin. By Theophiluj P. Sawin. 9:2:256-265. Childe Roland to the Darl( Tower Came. By Thomas Wentworth Higginson. 13:2:262-268. Christmas Eve and Easter Da\). 1 :1 :20;1 :11 :532. Colombe's Birlhda\). By Oscar L. Triggs. 7:1:32-34. Colombe's B'lrlhday, A Criticism. By Vida D. Scudder. 1:10: 464. Comment on Letters Between Carl\fle and Browning. 1:1:55. Commentaries. 1:11 :533-536. A Comparative Studxi of Wordsworth's Michael, Tennyson's Enoch Arden, and Browning's Andrea del Sarto. By Vida D. Scudder. 3:2:87-93. The Cost of a Poet: Elizabeth Barrett Browning's A Musical Instrument. By Hiram Corson. 7:5:259-263. Criticism of Browning. 3:1:43. A Criticism of Epistle of Karshish, by Richard Garnett. By C. B. Wright. 9:2:312-313. 312 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY A Death in the Desert. By Daniel G. Brinton. 1 :l :25-26. A Defence of BroTDning's Later ^orli, Ferishtah's Fancies. By Helen A. Clarke. 12:2:284-304. / he Democracy of Aprile. By Charles G. Ames. 5:1 :27-34. Department of the Browning Society of the New Century Club of Philadelphia. Dramatic Lyrics. 2:1:35. Description of Bro'wning. 3:5:288-292. Divided. A Poem on Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning. By Ursula T annenforst. 2:4:193-195. Does Browning's All(eslis Interpret Euripides Fairly? By Philip S. Moxom. 8:7:425-432. Dramatic Lyrics. By Mrs. S. C. F. Hallowell. 2:5:281. English and American Appreciation of Robert Bro'wning. I :9:494. Faceltes of Love, from Browning. By Daniel G. Brmton. 1:1: 1-27. Ferishtah's Fancies — A Criticism. By Dr. Brinton. 1:1:12:568. Fifine at the Fair. 1 :1 :5. The Fitzgerald Affair. 1 :8:447-448. Fitzgerald and Browning. From Letters by Robert Drowning. 9: 1:85. The Flight of the Duchess. Criticism by Vida Scudder. I : 10:464. Same. Prom Letters by Robert Browning. 9:1:86. Flower Songs in Fra Lippo. By Helen A. Clarke. 2:5:262-263. Fra Lippo Lippi and Mr. Sludge, from Browning versus Browning. By Harnson S. Morris. 1:9:410. French Enthusiasm Satirized in Browning's Two Poets of Croisic. By Herbert Ernest Cushman. 1 1 :3 :382-395. French Regard for Browning in Notes from Paris. By Charles Seymour. 2:2:111-112. Funeral of Browning. In Notes and News. 2:1 :55. A Handbook to the Works of Robert Browning. By Mrs. Suther- land Orr. 1:11:535. Herve Riel, in Poems of Adventure, Brownitig Study Programme. 11:3:406-408. Human Brotherhood in Whitman and Browning. A Topical Read- ing Course. By Charlotte Porter. 10:3:421-424. Humor — Carlyle and Browning. By Jessie M. Anderson. 2:8:421- 423. The Idea of Cod in the Sun. By Daniel G. Brinton. 3:3:254-257. Ideals of Beauty in Keats and Browning. By Alice Groff. 5:5: 247-254. The Ideals of Womanhood Held by Browning and the Creek Dramatists. By Charlotte Porter. 9:3:385-400. In a Balcony. Faceltes of Love from Browning. By Daniel G. Brinton. 1:1:3-4. Inn Album. Faceltes of Love From Browning, By Daniel G. Brinton. 1:1:3-4. An Interpretation of Browning's Ixion. By Helen A. Clarke. 5: 1 1 :626-630. Introduction to Poetry of Drowning. By \V. J. Alexander. 1:11: 533-534. An Introduction to the Study of Browning. By Arthur Symon*. 1:11:535-536. An Introduction to the Study of Robert Browning's Poetry. By Hiram Corson. 1:11 :534. Is He a Legitimate Member of the Victorian School? By Mary BROWNINGIANA 313 M. Cohen. 12:2:317-320. han fvanovilch. In Notes and News. By Dr. Morris Jastrow. 2:5:282. Jcn>ish Affinilies. In Memorial Noles. By J. Charlton. 2:2:109. Joan of Arc and Drowning. 9:1:88. jochanan Ha}(\(adoih. Note by Robert Browning. 9:1 :86. The journey of Childc Roland. By R. J. Gratz. 2:11 : 378-585. The J oy-Elemenl of Browning. By Mary Phelps. 15:2:95-115. La Saisiaz. From The Theology of lioberl Broivning. By H. White. 12:3:417. La Saisiaz, The Real Significance of The Brand Flamboyant. By Charles Malloy. 8:5:256-265. Letters by Robert Drowning. By William G. Kingsland. 9:1: 83-94. Life and Letters. 18:4:537-338. Same. By Hugh A. Clarke. 12: 1 : 1 51 -I 52. Same. By Helen A. Clarke and Charlotte Porter. 18:1:140-142. Life of Robert Drowning. By W. Sharpe. 2:7:286. Light on a Curious Allusion in The Ring and the Doof(. By Prof. Hiram Corson. 6:5:248-251. A List of Musical Settings to Browning's PVords. 1 :9:430-432. Literary Treasures Unearthed. Mrs. Browning's Opinion on Ten- nyson. By W. G. Kingsland. 8:1:23-27. London Browning Union. 5:1:33. London Letters. Notes and News. By William G. Kingsland. 2: 3:283-287. The Lotus Symbolism in Homer, Theocritus, Moschus, Tenny- son, and Browning. By Anna Robertson Brown. 2:11 :625-634. Luria and Othello, Types and Art Compared. By L. A. Sherman. 6:11:383-592. Luria — Its Story and Motive, Part I, the Story. By Henry S. Pancoast. 1:12:553-560. Memorial Meeting. 2 : 1 :39-49. Ceorge Meredith on the Source of Destiny. By Emily G. Hooker. 12:2:238-252. Modern Imperialism as Shown in Browning's Portrait of Napoleon III. By Charlotte Porter. 12:1:80-95. The Mood of Browning's Childe Roland to the Darl( Tower Came. By C. Alphonso Smith. 11:4:626-628. Mucl(le-Mouth Meg. Reviewed by Helen A. Clarke and Charlotte Porter. 11:4:609. Music Poems. 1 :9-430; 2:5:278; 10:2:288. Musical Symbolism, in Browning. By Helen A. Clarke. 3:3: 260-269. My Last Duchess. 1:11 :569. My Star. Set to Music by Helen A. Clarke. I :349-352. The Nature of Poetic Expression. By D. Dorchester, Jr. 5:2: 81-90. New Browning Letters and .Mrs. Orr's Life. By William G. Kingsland. 3:10:522-528. The New Poetic Form as Shown in Drowning. By Daniel G. Brin- ton. 2:5:234-246. Note From Paris on the Death of Drowning. By Charles Sey- mour. 2:2:111-112. Note to Dalaustion's Euripides. By Helen A. Clarke. 26:1 :38-46. An Objection to Drowning' s Caliban Considered. By Maude 314 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Wilkinson. 5:11:562-564. On Drowning. By M. M. Cohen. 2:1:39. Same. By F. E. Schelling. 2:1:48-49. Same. By Taicoft Williams. 2:1:47-48. Pictures of French Life in Browning. Programme of the Boston Browning Society 1898-1899. 10:3:429-430. Pippa's Song in Browning. Life and Lellers. 13:1 : 156- 157. Poems of Adventure and Heroism. Browning 5/uJp Programme. By Helen A. Clarke and Charlotte Porter. 11:2:289-293. A Poet of lialy. An Appreciation of Ciosuc Carducci. By M. W. Arms. 16:2:75-76:Spring 1905. Programme of the Boston Browning Society for 1901-1902. 13:3: 429-430. Programme of the Boston Browning Society for 1901-1912. 13:3: 437-439. Programme of the Browning Societv of the New Century Club, 1890-1891. 2:7:379-384. Review of a Bibliography of Robert Browning. By F. J. Furni- vall. 1:11:533. Sale of the First Edition of Browning. 13:2:315. Sordello. By Caroline H. Dall. 1:11:534-535. Sordello's Story Retold in Prose. By Annie Wall. 1:11 :536. The Theology of Robert Browning. By H. White. 12:3:417- 430. To Edward Fitzgerald. By Robert Browning. 1 :8:400. The Tragic Motive of In a Balcony. By Alice Kent Robertson. 2:6:310-314. The True Greatness of Browning. By Alice Groff. 1 : 10:470- 479. What Should Be the Poet's Attitude Toward His Critics? By Francis B. Hornbrooke. 5:3:135-143. POET OF ITALY: AN APPRECIATION OF GIOSUE CAR- DUCCI. A Browning 16:2:67-76. POET OF MUSIC, BROWNING AS By C. A. Harris. Athenaeum 4410:509-510:May 4, 1912; 4411: 542-543:May 11. 1912. POET OF THE NORTHUMBRIAN PITS By John T. Runciman. (Sat. R.) Littell's Living Age 262: 46-49. POET OF THE OPAQUE, THE By Junius Henri Browne. The Galaxy 19:6:764-774:June 1875. POET OF THE PEOPLE. A By B. O. Flower. Arena 7:607-61 9 :March 1893. POET OF SCIENCE, THE By Paul Shorey. Dial 46:1 7-19 :Jan. 1, 1909. POET OF TRANSCENDENTAL FIRE, A Literary Digest 41 :792-793:Nov. 5, 1910 056 J7I2. POET RETROSPECT. A Editorial. Dial 38: 1 1 1-13 :Feb. 16, 1905. POET, THE By Clinton Scollard. Century 61 :800:March 1901. POET, THE POETS By W. A. Quayle. 7-38 820.4 Q2p. POET WHO LIVES BY HIS VERSE. A Alfred Noyes. Literary Digest 33 :425-426:Scpl. 29, 1906. BROWNINGiANA 315 POETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF MATTHEW ARNOLD By Clara Barnard. From Papers of the London Drovining Union 6:2:76-83. POETIC CRITICISM: HORACE TO STEDMAN Poet Lore 5:1:43-48. POETIC EMOTIONS AND AFFINITIES By B. Brooksbank. Eclectic Magazine 40:166-1 73 : Aug. 1884. POETIC FORM By F. H. Williams. Poet Lore 2:6:300-305. POETIC INTERPRETATION OF NATURE By C. A. Binkley. Poet Lore 13:1:53-79. POETIC LANGUAGE Poet Lore 21:3:241-56. POETIC OLD WORLD By Lucy H. Humphrey. See Index for Varioui DroJ»ning Poems. 808.1 H926. POETIC OUTLOOK By Washington Gladden. Century 31 :316-318:Dec. 1885. POETIC STRUCTURE OF BROWNINGS SHORTER LYRICS, THE By Ethel Davis. Poet Lore 5:8&9:436-42. POETICAL WORDS OF THOMAS LOVELL BEDDOES— TEMPLE LIBRARY By Edmund Gosse. Athenaeum 3296:879-881 :Dec. 27. 1890. POETICAL WORKS. BROWNINGS List of Books published during the Month. Bookman 4:495: Jan. 1897. POETICAL WORKS OF JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL, THE Athenaeum 2753 :1 36-1 37: July 31, 1880. POETRY Robert Drowning and the PoetrM of the Future. By F. E. Schel- ling. 821.88 Est. The Colden Road. By Lilian Whiting. 102. An Introduction to the Poetr]) of Robert DroTvning. By William John Alexander. 821.88 Dai. Prophecy and Poetry. Studies in Isaiah and DroTvning. The Boh- len Lectures for 1909. By Arthur Rogers. 821.88 Rrp. POETRY AND ABOUT IT Review. By Edwin E. Slosson. 98:224-227. POETRY AND CRITICISM Editorial. Independent 54:460-461:1902. POETRY AND ELOQUENCE By John Burroughs. Chautauquan 1 5 :-63-65:April 1892. POETRY AND LAW IN TASTE. LIFE IN By Editor. Edinburgh Review 194:326:Oct. 1901. POETRY AND PHILOSOPHY OF BROWNING. THE A Handbool( of Eight Lectures. By Edward Howard Griggs. 821.88 Zgp. POETRY AND PROSE OF FOOD By Florence Mary Parsons. Nineteenth Century 86:515-527: Sept. 1919. POETRY AND PROFITS Editorial. Literary Digest 46:2 : 1 428:June 28, 1913. POETRY AND PROGRESS By Gerald Stanley Lee. Literary Digest 43 :2: I099:Dec. 9, 1911. 316 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY POETRY AND PROSE IN LIFE AND ART By Oscar Firkins. 15:3:77-87. POETRY AND SHOPKEEPING By Muezzin. (Athen.) Littell's Living Age 293:685-688. POETRY AND SYMBOLISM. A STUDY OF THE TEMPEST By L. Churton Collins. Contemporary Review 93 :65-84:Jan. 1908; also Littell's Living Age 256:357-371. POETRY AND THE CHILD By Louise Collier Wilcox. New Republic 1 1 :338-339:July 29. 1917. POETRY AND THE HOME By Carolyn S. Bailey. Outlook 104:570-571 :July 12, 1913. POETRY AND 1 HE MODERN NOVEL By Compton Mackenzie. (Eng. R.) Littell's Living Age 274: 220-228. POETRY AND THE PRACTICAL MAN By Harry T. Baker. Forum 42:227-236:Sept. 1909. POETRY AS A CRITICISM OF LITERATURE Dial 18:1 33-5 :March 1, 1895. POETRY. BALLAD A Review of Sir Walter Scolt's Minslreh^ of Scollish Border. By T. F. Henderson. Edinburgh Review 197:303-23: April 1903. POETRY, ROBERT BROWNING'S Editorial. Eclectic Magazine 101 :358. Oulline Studies. Published for the Chicago Browning Society. 821.88 Vch. Same. (Typewritten) 821.88 Xch. POETRY, CLASSICAL ELEMENT IN BROWNING'S Boston Browning Society 363-388 821.88 Vbp. POETRY— CRITICISM OF By H. C. Bennett. Contemporary Review 1 10:81 1 -812:Dec. 1916. POETRY, A DECADE OF By Susan H. Ward. Independent 51:815-816:1899. POETRY, DEMOCRACY AND CHRISTIANITY By Charles Williams. Contemporary Review 1 12:230-231 :Aug. 1917. POETRY, DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF BROWNING'S Centenary Address. By Alfred Martin. 821.88 Vnya. POETRY FOR GIRLS, THE BEST By Henry Van Dyke. Literary Digest 28:324-325:March 5, 1904. POETRY FOR VACATION Editorial. Independent 59:1:399-401. POETRY, GENERAL SURVEY OF BROWNING'S By Anna Benneson McMahan. The Study Class 223-224 807 Ml 67. POETRY, GOOD, BAD, AND INDIFFERENT Editorial. Independent 41:2:1398. POETRY. IDEA OF PERSONALITY AS EMBODIED IN ROB- ERT BROWNING'S POETRY By Hiram Corson. Berdoe's Drowning Studies 821.88 Vlbs. POETRY IN DRAMA By William Poel. Contemporary Review 104:699-707: Nov. 1913. POETRY IN EDUCATION See Poems Used at Centenary. Arranged by Poetry Society. BROWNINGIANA 317 POETRY IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY Eclectic Magazine 140 : 1 41-160 :Feb. 1903. By Editor. Sir M. E. Grant Duff. Edinburgh Review 196: 436-463 :Oct. 1902; also Lilteli's Living Age 235:705-724. POETRY IS A POOR PRODUCT TO TAKE TO MARKET By Louise Chandler Moulton. Scrap Book 5:43:Jan. 1908. POETRY JOURNAL Stephen Phillips. By Alice Meynell. Litteli's Living Age 289: 367-369. POETRY. LIGHT LITERATURE Blackwood's Magazine 79:135-137. POETRY. THE MAGAZINE OF Elizabeth Barren Brorvning. By E. M. K. 161 -1 65: April 1893. POETRY. THE NEW Editorial. Independent 78:342. By John Erskine. Yale 6:384-385 :Oct. 1916. POETRY OF WILLIAM BLAKE. THE By Henry Justin Smith. Century 60:284 :291 : June 1900. POETRY OF ROBERT BROWNING, THE (Outlook.) Litteli's Living Age 253:308-310. By John Ba.ley. (Quart .R.) Litteli's Living Age 278:515-529. By Stopford A. Brooke. 821.88 Dbp. Two copies. By Stopford Brooke. Litteli's Living Age 235:703. Bool^i and Authors. By Stopford A. Brooke. Reviewed in Outlook 73 :268-269:June 30, 1902. By Percy Lubbock. Quarterly Review 433:437-457:Oct. 1912 821.88 DIak. A Paper Read before the Rotherham Literary and Book Society May 12, 1890. By Ella S. Armitage. 821.88 Darp. By William L. Ward. Emerson College Magazine 20:3:136-142: Jan. 1912. POETRY OF THE CENTURY: A RETROSPECT AND ANTI- CIPATION By John Dennis. (Leisure Hour.) Litteli's Living Age 185:307- 312. POETRY OF COMMON SENSE, THE By James A. Noble. (MacM.) Litteli's Living Age 191 :546-552. POETRY OF COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE By Arthur Mercer. New Church Review 15:392-404 :July 1908. POETRY OF DOUBT (Chur. Quart. R.) Litteli's Living Age 137:410-421. POETRY OF RUDYARD KIPLING. THE By J. De Lancy Ferguson. Forum 50:397-403 :Sept. 1913. POETRY OF LEADING LAW CLASSES (Spect.) Litteli's Living Age 130:572-575. POETRY OF GEORGE CABOT LODGE By Alfred H. Brown. Twentieth Century 1 :403-41 4:Feb. 1910. POETRY OF W. G. ROSSETTI, THE By W. Basil Worsfeld. Eclectic Magazine 121 :85I-854:Dec. 1893. POETRY OF SOCIAL REVOLT. THE Literary Digest 25 :342-343 :Sept. 20. 1902. POETRY OF THE DE VERES. THE (Quart. R.) Litteli's Living Age 210:67-85. POETRY OF THE EARL OF LYTTON By George Saintsbury. Forum 22:478: Dec. 1896. 318 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY POETRY' OF THE FUTURE, ROBERT BROWNING AND Schelling's Essay. Poet Lore 2:7:378. POETRY OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY By Editor. Edinburgh Review 196:463 :Oct. 1902. POETRY OF THE PAST YEAR Men and Women. By Robert Brcnvning. The Christian Re- membrancer 92:281 -294: April 1856. POETRY OF THE PERIOD. THE By Alfred Austin. (First Edition 1870.) 821.88 A935p. POETRY OF TODAY AND TOMORROW, THE (Chur. Quart. R.) Littell's Living Age 196:279-89. POETRY OF WAR, THE By A. St. John Adcock. (Bookm.) Littell's Living Age 283: 398-407. POETRY OF WILLIAM WATSON. THE By Harold Williams. Atlantic Monthly 107:267-276:Jan. 1911. POETRY, POLITICS AND CONSERVATISM By George N. Curzon. Littell's Living Age 168:131-140. POETRY, RECENT Contemporary Review 3 :237-255:Ocl. 1866. Current Opinion 45:572; 46:452; 47:102; 49:568;. By Wm. Morton Payne. Dial 35:124:Sept. 1. 1903. POETRY SINCE POPE By Maurice Thompson. Chautauquan 1 5:320-321 :June 1892. POETRY SOCIETY The Poems of Roherl Broivning used at the Centenary Matinee. 116. POETRY TODAY By Cornelia A. P. Comer. Atlantic Monthly 1 17:493-498 :July 1914. POETRY TOMORROW By Maurice Thompson. Independent 40:2:1393. POETRY, WAR, AND MR. HOWELLS Editorial. Literary Digest 18:607:May 27. 1899. POETRY? WHAT IS THE TRUE PROVINCE OF Editorial. Literary Digest 18:365: April 1. 1899. POETRY, WORDSWORTH'S— A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE By May Tomlinson. Chautauquan 45:229-233 : Jan. 1907. POETS AND NOVELISTS By George Barnett Smith. Dedicated to Robert Browning. 824.8 S648pn. ' POETS AND PROBLEMS By George Willis Cooke. Browning 269-388. Tennyson, Ruskin, Browning. 801 C772. POETS AND THE CUCKOO, THE By J. Cuthbert Hadden. (Outlook.) Littell's Living Age 273: 634-636. POETS' CHAIRS, THE By E. V. Lucas. (Outlook.) Littell's Living Age 251 :1 18-120. POET'S CORNER Beerbohm. 741 B4I5. POETS FOR THE YOUNG By Louis Untermeyer. New Republic 6:51-52:Feb. 12, 1916. POETS. GREATER ENGLISH OF THE NINETEENTH CEN- TURY By Wm. M. Payne. Athenaeum 421 8:232: Aug. 29. 1908. BROWNINGIANA 319 POETS. THE GREEK CHRISTIAN AND THE ENGLISH Athenaeum 1875 -.425 : March 28, 1863. POETS, TI IE LOVE AFFAIRS OF THE By Eva McGowan. Baylor Literary 17:334-337. POET'S HARVEST-TIME. THE Contemporary Review 96:l-5:Oct. l909:Literary Supplement 25. POETS HOMECOMING. THE By FI. D. Rawnsiey. Homage to Roherl Droivning, Aleph Tanner I08-II0 821.88 Xht. POETS IN THE PULPIT By H. R. Haweis. Roherl Browning 117-143 821.88 Dppd. Same. (Typewritten) 821.88 Dppo. POETS MIND. A (Mrs. Browning.) Editorial. Dial 47:5-7:July 1. 1909. POETS OF SOCIETY By Henry G. Hewlett. Contemporary Review 20:238-269: July 1872. POETS OF THE REAL. THE By T. W. Hutton. Literary Digest 37: 1 58- 159: Aug. 1. 1908. POET'S PAINTER. A Editorial. Literary Digest 54:2 : 1 164-1 165 :April 21. 19)7. POETS' PART IN THE MAKING OF ENGLAND. THE By M. Wilma Stubbs. Chautauquan 61 :227-234:Jan. 1911. POETS. TWO OF CROISIC See Trvo Poets of Croiiic. POETS— VOICES OF THE LIVING (Mrs. Browning.) By Editor. Current Opinion 62: 128- 130: Feb. 1917. POET'S WAY. THE By J. B. Oldham. Homage to Robert BroTvmng, Aleph Tanner 52 821.88 Xht. POETS WHO WERE LAUGHED AT By Hezekiah Butterworth. Good Cheer 1 :4:Nov. 1900. POHL. FREDERICK S. English Literature for Sophomores. English Journal 4:165:March 1915. POINT OF VIEW. THE Editorial. Scribner's Magazine 7: 129-1 32: Jan. 1890; 7:261-264: Feb. 1890; 9:525-528:Feb. 1891; 11:261 -264: Feb. 1892; 15: 657-660:May 1894; 16:526:Oct. 1894; 18:262-264: Aug. 1895; 30:251-252:Aug. 1901; 38:252:Aug. 1905; 43:249:Feb. 1908; 46:761 :Dec. 1909; 48:764:Ocl. 1910; 52:506:Oct. 1912; 54: 139:July 1913; 59:644:May 1916; 61 :251 :Jan. 1917. POLLARD. ALFRED W. (AND OTHERS) The IVorlfs of the Geoffrey Chaucer. Athenaeum 3723:268-269: March 4. 1899. POMEGRANATE. BROWNING' FREQUENT USE OF Poet Lore 3:10:534-536. POMEGRANATES FROM AN ENGLISH GARDEN A Selection From the Poems of Robert Drowning. With Intro- duction and Notes. By John Monro Gibson. Chautauqua Press, New York. 1885. 821.88 Gpeg. POMPILIA Ideal Womanhood in the Masterpieces of Dante, Coethe, and Robert Drowning. See Modern Poet Prophets. By Wm. Norman Cvthrie. 804 G964m 320 BAILOR UNIVERSITY The Trvo Felicities. Appended to the Pompilia Monologue of The Ring and the Book. By William Watson and Charles B. Wright. Poet Lore 9:3:472. POMPILIA AND CAPONSACCHl Extracts from Article by Wm. G. Ward. Emerson College Mag- azine 20:3:I36-142:Jan. 1912. POPE AND THE NET Poet Lore 11:4:609. POPE. THE. BROWNINGS RING AND THE BOOK By Alexander Haddow. (Printed for the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 1914.) 821.88 Hrh. POPE. G. U. Si. John in the Desert. An Introduction and Notes to Browning's A Death in the Desert. Oxford University Press Warehouse, Amen Corner. E. C. London, 1897. 821.88 Hddp. POPE. IN THE RING AND THE BOOK. THE Chapter V of Charles Chauncey Shackleford's Social and Lit- erary Papers. 821.88 Dssp. Nation 64:377:May 1897. POPE. POETRY SINCE By Maurice Thompson. Chautauquan 15 :320-321 :June 1892. POPULAR BOOKS OF THE SEASON By Robert Browning. Everybodys Magazine 1:205-206:1899; 1: 403-404:1899; 2:97-98, 197-198, 299-300, 400-401:1900. POPULAR ENGLISH LITERATURE TODAY (Sat. R.) Littell's Living Age 294:496-499. POPULAR POETS OF THE PERIOD By F. A. H. Eyle-,. Athenaeum 3228:31 5-376 :Sept. 7. 1889. POPULAR REPRINT IN ENGLAND By J. Milne. Fortnightly Review 102:346-357 : Aug. 1914. POPULAR STUDIES OF NINETEENTH CENTURY POETS By J. Marshall Mather. Brorvnnig, The Optimist 7:155-184. POPULARITY Comparative Study. The Stud]} Class. By Anna Benneson Mc- Mahan. Compared with Tennyson's The Flower 224-225, and with George Eliot's Legend of Juhal. 807 M167. PORTER, CHARLOTTE Anael's Song. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 92 821.88 Xht. A Birthday. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 42 821.88 Xht. Browning's Love Letters. Poet Lore 11:3:301-309. Browning's Shalfespeare Poems. Poet Lore 1:5:226. Stage version of Browning's Tragedy, Return of the Druses. Autographed. 821.88 Hrdp. The Day of Deliverance. (Browning's Return of the Druses in Lyric Form; A Libretto for Presentation of the Play in Mono- logue.) Poet Lore 16:1:23-28. Diabal's Song. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 84 8?, 1.88 Xht. Dramatic Motive in Browning's Strafford. Poet Lore 5:10:515-26. Same. Boston Browning Society Papers 190-202 821.88 Vbp. Human Brotherhood in IVhitman and Browning. A Topical Reading Course. Poet Lore 10:1:421-424. The Ideals of Womanhood Held tp Browning and the Creelf Dramatists. Poet Ure 10:3:385-400. BROWNINGIANA 321 In Praise of Broxvning. Homage to Robert Drorvning. Aleph Tanner 43 821.88 Xhl. The Library. Poet Lore 2:3:155-159; 2:4:201-211. Liie and Letters. Poet Lore 18:1:140-42. Lipi of Music. (Autographed.) Lpilogue of Songs: Written for Browning's Return of the Druses. Djabal's Song 115; Anael's Song 116; In Praise of Browning 117 811 P844I. A Literary History of America. Poet Lore 13:3:446. Love in Idleness. Poet Lore 17:1:90. Modern Imperialism as Shoivn in Broivniug's Portrait of Napoleon III. Poet Lore 12:1:80-95. New Ideas in Teaching Literature. Poet Lore 8:7:432-54; 9:4: 588, 598. Recent BroTvning Boof(s. Poet Lore 4:5:276-83. School of Literature. Poet Lore 9:3:417-18; 14:3:134. Shal(spere, Browning's Tribute to. Poet Lore 3:3:217-21. Shal(spere's Ignorance Concerning the Coast of Bohemia. Poet Lore 6:4:196-203. Shalfspere's Studies: King Lear. Poet Lore 16:2:127-134. Strafford, Dramatic Motive in. Poet Lore 5:10:515-26. Variants of Browning's Pietro of Abano. Poet Lore 3:11 :577-88. What Is It to Be Dramatic? Poet Lore 2:3:140-41. PORTER. CHARLOTTE. AND HELEN A. CLARKE Browning's Complete Works in the Camberwell Edition. Edited with Introduction and Notes. 821.88 Gpc. Browning Stud\) Programmes. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., New York, 1900. (two copies.) 821.88 Zsp. Same. Reviewed in Outlook 65:133:May 12. 1900. Same. Poems of Adventure and Heroism. Poet Lore 11:3:289- 293, 403-418. Same. A Group of Art Poems: Old Pictures in Florence, Fra Lippo Lippi, Andrea del Sarto. Poet Lore 8:1:586-592. Same. Browning's Folk Poems. Poet Lore 11:4:608-609; 12: 1:105-113. Same. A Group of Music Poems: A Toccata of Caluppi's, A Croup of Religious Poems: Caliban Upon Setabos, Clean, Rabbi Ben Ezra, A Death in the Desert. Poet Lore 10: 1 : 103-1 13. Life and Letters. Poet Lore 18:1:140-142. Master Hugues of Saxe-Coiha, Abt Vogler. Poet Lore 10:2: 288-93. Muckle Mouth Meg. Reviewed. Poet Lore 11:3:609. Introduction Note to Saul by Robert Browning with Drawings by Frank O. Small. PORTER, HELEN TRACY Book Inklings. Poet Lore 11:3:440-45. PORTER, LAURA SPENCER The World's Greatest Lovers, Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning. Woman's Home Companion 40:11:24-78. PORTER, MRS. M. S. Recollections of Louisa May Alcott. John Creenleaf IVhittier and Browning. Boston ,1893. with memorial poems. Bc81 P34Cr. PORTER. ROSE About Women: What Men Have Said. Brownng 125-141. PORTLAND. BULLETIN OF THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF On Robert Browning. 9:5:May 1912 821.88 Apob. PORTRAIT OF AN AMERICAN. THE Eclectic Magazine I42:n6J24:Jan. 1904. 322 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY PORTRAIT OF THE LAST DUCHESS By Cornelia Blackburn. Ceorgetonian. In Bound Volume en- titled Da\}lor Literary and Ceorgelonian 9-12 821.88 Xblg. PORTRAITS OF ROBERT AND ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING By C. Lewis Hind. Art Journal 62-64:1890 821.88 Xpsr. Arena 9:272-273 : Feb. 1894. PORTRAITS OF ROBERT BROWNING By W. M. Rossetti. Magazine of Art 181 -188: April 1890; 246- 252: May 1890; 261 -267: June 1890. Full Portrait in Tena Rochfort Smith. B S662c. Portrait taken after death. Lilian Whiting's The Colden Road 102 B W599g. Mr. Barrett Browning. Lilian Whiting's The Colden Road 120 B W599g. Robert Drowning. A Woodbury-Type Engraving of Robert Browning from a photograph by Fradelle in Illustrations to Browning's Poems. By Mrs. F. W. H. Myers. Bookman 3:391 -92: July 1896. By T. F. Watts, R. A. Bookman 12:474:Jan. 1901. Men of Mar}(, Lock and Whitfield. IVoodbur]^ Procea,. 821.88 Bmm. POSSIBILITIES-POEM: QUOTATION FROM ABT VOGLER (Spec.) Litleli's Living Age 131:514. POSTCRIPT AS TO RHYME By Brander Matthews. Bookman 1 3 :41 6-18:July 1901. POUND, EZRA Mesmerism. Homage to Robert Brot»ning, Aleph Tanner 46 821.88 Xht. Same. Literary Digest 44:2:21 : Whole No. 1153:1110. POWELL, JOHN WALKER The Confessions of a Drowning Lover. The Abingdon Press, New York and Cincinnati, 1918. 821.88 Rpc. POWELL. THOMAS The Living Authors of England. Robert Drowning 71-85, Eliza- beth Darrett Drowning 137-152 Be P886. PRANG & CO., L. Saul with drawings by Frank O. Small. Boston, 1890. PREACHERS, SOME GREAT NINETEENTH CENTURY See Gillies. 821.88 Rxl. PRE-RAPHAELITE BROTHERHOOD. THE: A FIGHT FOR ART By W. Holman Flunt. Contemporary Review 98:2:702:725. PRE-RAPHAELITE BROTHERHOOD, MORE OF THE By Edith Kelloo Dunton. Dial 41 :444-446:Dec. 16, 1906. PRE-RAPHAELITE, BURNE-JONES AND THE By Cecil Fairfield Lovell. Chautauquan 46:69-72 :March 1907. PRE-RAPHAELITISM By W. Holman Hunt. Edinburgh Review 203 :450-470: April 1906. PRE-RAPHAELITISM AND ITS LITERARY RELATIONS By Benjamin Brawley. South Atlantic Quarterly 15:77-78:Jan. 1916. PRESENT CONDITIONS OF LITERARY PRODUCTIONS By Paul Shorey. Atlantic Monthly 78:1 56- 168: Aug. 1896. PRESENT EBB-TIDE OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, THE By Edward Dicey. Literary Digest 21 :69:July 21. 1900, BROWNINGIANA 323 PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AS A READER Century 69:951 -954: April 1905. PRESTON. HARRIET WATERS Mattbuii> Arnold as a Pod. Atlantic Monthly 53 :641-650:May 1884. Robert and Elizabeth Bron>nitig. Atlantic 83 :81 2-826 :June 1899. Jacques Jasmin. Atlantic Monthly 37:34-42 : Jan. 1876. PRESTON. MARGARET J. Origin of Two Popular Poems. Independent 43:1265. Personalities of Robert Browning. Independent Nov. 19. 1891. Clippings 33. Prospexit. Homage to Robert Drowning. Aleph Tanner 100 821.88 Xht. PRICE, WARWICK JAMES Browning and Slang. Nation 100: 142: Feb. 1915. PRIDHAM. M. R. Browning's Heroines. Notes to the Pocket Volume of Selections from the Poems of Robert Browning 59-65. By Alex Hill. 821.88 Dhn. PRIMER OF ROBERT BROWNING By Edward Berdoe. 821.88 B8855bp. By Esther Phoebe Defries. 821.88 Fbp. By F. Mary Wilson. 821.88 Dwp. PRIMITIAE By the Students of Alexandra College. Robert Browning as a Preacher (a fragment) 1-37. Printed for private circulation. Dublin: Hodges. Foster & Co.. 1871. 824.8 A379. PRIMITIVE METHODIST QUARTERLY RE\'1EW AND CHRIS- TIAN AMBASSADOR. THE Browning's Attitude With Regard to Art. By A. C. R. 467- 481:July 1890 821.88 Lba. PRINCE Saviour of Society. By Robert Browning. Smith. Elder & Co.. London. 1871. (The Right of Translation is reserved.) First Edition. 821.88 Hphl. By Charles H. Herford. London Browning Society Papers 8: 133-145 821.88 Dbs Pt. 8. By Joseph King. Jr. London Browning Society Papers 11:349- 362 821.88 Dbs Pt. 11. Saviour of Societv. Athenaeum 2304:827-828:Dec. 23. 1871. PRINCE. JOHN T. Higher Uses of the Imagination. New Church Review 12:376- 385: July 1905. PRINCETON. LECTURES. LECTURES, DR. EDWARD DOW- DEN'S Briefs on New Books. Dial 23:74: Aug. 1. 1897. PRINCETON REVIEW Classics and College. By B. L. Gildersleeve. 108:67 -95: July 1878. PRINT OF KAULBACHS PAINTING OF THE PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN By H. Kaulbach. Frank Leslie's 44:157. PRINTED LETTERS BY BROWNING The Browning Societv Papers 12:101 821.88 Dbs. PRIORI' MAGAZINE Browning and Meredith. By Editor. 1 :27-30:Aug. 1903 821.68 Dpm. 324 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY PROFESSIONAL POETRY Atlantic Monthly 55:561 -366:Apnl 1885. PROGRAM The Boston Brownin;; Society 1898-99. Pictures of French Life in DroTpnir^g. Poet Lore 10:3:429-430. The Boston Browning Society for 1901-1902. Poet Lore 13:3: 437-439. The Boston Browning Society for 1902-1903. Poet Lore 14:1: 115-117. The Boston Browning Society. Poet Lore 14:4:102-103. The Browning Society of the New Century Club 1890-1891. Poet Lore 2:7:379-84. The Browning Society Friday, June 30, 1882. University College, Gower Street, W. C. Browning Society Papers 5:135-137 821.88 Dbs. The Browning Society's Second Annual Entertainment, Univer- sity College, London, Friday Evening, June 29, 1883. Browning Society Papers 5:139-141 821.88 Dbs. The Browning Society's Third Annual Entertainment to be given University College, Gower Street, on Friday Evening, June 27, 1884. Browning Society Papers 5:143-153 821.88 Dbs. The Browning Society's Fourth Annual Entertainment to be given at The Princes' Hall, Piccadilly, on Friday Evening, November 28, 1884. Browning Society Papers 7 Appendix:! -16 821.88 Dbs. Chautauquan 62:413:May 1911. For the New York Centenary Celebration. See Addressa 122-3 821.88 Vnya. London Browning Society 5: Abstract 135-153. London Browning Society 8 Abstract 163-4. 821.88 Dbs Pt. 8. Robert Brorvning's Poetry. Outline Studies. Published for the Chicago Browning Society. 821.88 Vch. See New York Browning Society. For Browning's Birthday, May 7. C. L. S. C. Round Table. A Return to Robert Dro-wning. The Unity Club of The Unitarian Church, Rochester. N. Y., 1906-07. See The Centenary Year Doolf of the Boston Browning Society for 1912. 821.88 Vb. See Woman's Club, Waco, 1916-1917. 821.88 Zww. See under Porter, Charlotte, and Helen A. Clarke. London Browning Society, Appendix. 821.88 Dbs Pt. 7. See The Wednesday Club, Versailles. Ky. Tennyson and Drown- ing 1909-1910, 1910-1911 821.88 Zvc. See Woman. Suggested. By Miss Gertrude Chamberlin. Emerson College Magazine 20:3 :132-134:Jan. 1912. PROGRESS AND POETRY By Gerald Stanley Lee. Literary Digest 43 :24:1099:Dec. 9, 191 I. PROMETHEUS AGAIN IN DRAMA Literary Digest 30:70:Jan. 24, 1905. PROMETHEUS M^TH IN POETRY, A SKETCH OF THE By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 4:3:135-44. PROPAGANDA FOR POETRY. A By Ferris Greenslet. Poet Lore 11:1:41-54. PROPHECY AND POETRY Studies in Isaiah and Drowning. The Bohlen Lectures for 1909, By Arthur Rogers. 821,88 Rrp. BROWNINGIANA 325 Same. Review. By Rev. Arthur Rogers. Independent 68:705: March 31, 1910. PROPHET AND HIS BRIDE QUERY. THE By A. S. Cook. Poet Lore 3:5:288. PROPHETIC POWER OF POETRY By J. C. Shairp. (Iraser's.) Littells Living Age 148:259-267 PROSE LIFE OF STRAFFORD With an Introduction by C. H. Firth, M. A., Oxon, and Fore- words by F. J. Furnivall, M. A., Hon. Dr. Phil. F^ublished foi the Browning Society by Kegan Paul, 1 rench, Trubner & Co., London, 1892. 82188 Hsf. PROSE WORK OF PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY, THE By Editor. Edinburgh 16-1 :42-72:July 1886. PROSPECTS OF ENGLISH POETRY By Geo. Saintsbury. Independent 56:432-5 :Feb. 25, 1904. PROSPEXIT By Margaret J. Preston. Homage to Rohcrl Bromning, Aleph Tanner 100 821.88 Xhl. PROSPICE By Robert Browning. Current Opinion 33:462; Emerson College Magazine 20:3 :161-162:Jan. 1912; Literary World 20:26:480; Dec. 21, 1889. Current Literature 33:462:Oct. 1902. First Printed in Atlantic 13:694. By Robert Browning. The Sixth Reader of the Popular Seriej. By Marcius Willson. 518-519. Translated into Japanese by Bin Uyeda. Kaicho On 121-125 821.88 Xku. See Music. PROSPICE, BROWNING'S CHALLENGE TO DEATH By B. O. Flowers. Twentieth Century 2:59-61 :April 1910. PROTHERO. G. W. Life and Letters of Leslie Stephen. (19th Cent.) Littells Living Age 253:598-607. Same. Nineteenth Century 61 :61 8-628 :April 1907. PROVENCE. PEARL Life I'Vithout Literature Is Death. Baylor Literary 12:126-28: Dec. 1903. PROWETT. C. G. Broivning's Lost Leader. Notes and Queries 292: April 11, 1874. PSYCHICAL RESEARCH AND A KNOWLEDGE OF THE FU- TURE LIFE By W. H. M. New Church Review 7:598-603:1900. PSYCHOLOGICAL INDEX 16:191 :July 1910. Browning 2155. Index to Authors. PSYCHOLOGY, LITERARY STUDIES IN By Vernon Lee. Contemporary Review 85 : 386-392: March 1904. PUBLIC LIBRARY BULLETIN CALLED THE BROWNING NUMBER Fitchburg (Mass.) Public Library. Library Journal 31:345: July 1906. PUBLIC SPEAKING AND DRAMATICS IN HIGH SCHOOLS By J. Milnor Dorey. Education Magazine 34:31 -38 :Sept. 1913- June 1914. 326 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY PUER PARVULUS (Reference to Mrs. Browning.) By Evelyn Masteningo Caesaresco. Contemporary Review 77 : 1 1 7-123 : Jan. 1900. PUNCH ] Lilerary Help. Litlell's Living Age 261:122-123. PURPORT OF BROWNING'S AND WHITMAN'S DEMOCRACY. THE By I. N. Cog. Poet Lore 7:11:556-566. PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. THE Poet Lore 5:11:582-585. PUTNAM'S MAGAZINE Talks With Term\3son. By Elizabeth R. Chapman. 7:546-552: Feb. 1910. PUTNAM'S MONTHLY Robert Drowning. 7 :40:372-38l :April 1856. The Early Victorians. By George S. Street. l:178:Feb. 1853. PYKE RAFFORD Memorable Love Letters. Cosmopolitan 37:253-261. Q. K. A fen. Parodists. New Republic 10: 128:3 1 7-31 8: April 14. 1917. QUARITCH, BERNARD Catalogue of Rare and Valuable Dool(s, including a Selection of Books from the Libiary of the Late R. W. Barrett Browning. consisting chiefly of books associated with his parents. Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Catalogue 326. Also Catalogue 344. 821.88 Agu. QUARTERLY BOOK REVIEW The Ring and the Book- 212-2l3:Dec. 1897. QUARTERLY PAPER OF 1 HE BENEDICTIVE COMMUNITY OF THE ISLE OF CALDEY, THE 42:Dec. 1914 821.88 Bwa. QUARTERLY REVIEW Robert Browning. Littell's Living Age 185:666-681. Thomas Carl\)lc. Littell's Living Age 113:666-683. Dramatis Personae. Robert Browning's Poems. 1 18:77-105 :July 1865 821.88 Dqv. English Vers de Societe. Littell's Living Age 122:707-720. Ceorge Meredith. B\) PercM Lubbock- Littell's Living Age 264: 515-526. The Novel in The Ring and tlie Boo}(. By Henry James. Littell's Living Age 274:451-463. The Poetry of Robert Bridges. By John Bailey. Littell's Living Age 278:515-529. The Poetry of Robert Browning. By Percy Lubbock. 433:437- 457:Oct. 1912 821.88 Dlak. The Poetry of the De Veres. Littell's Living Age 210:67-85. The Ring and the Book- Reviewed. I :212-21 3 :Dec. 1897. State of English Poetry. Littell's Living Age 119:131-152. QUAYLE. W. A. The Poet's Poet and Other Essays. Contains: The Poet's Poet 7-38; The Jew in Fiction 167-200; The Ring and the Book 292- 325; Shylock and David as Interpreters of Life 326-351. BROWNINGIANA 327 QUEENS DIAMOND JUBILEE. THE By H. D. Traill. Fortnightly Review 67:825-838: June 1897. QUERIES AND ANSWERS Poet Lore 3:2:101-103; 3:3:159-162. Browning SluJ], Hinh. Poet Lore 3:10:521-588; 3:11:637. QUERIES. BROWNING By Albert S. Cooke. Poet Lore 2:12:654. By George W. Cooke. Poet Lore 2:11:591. By A. L. Townsend. Poet Lore 3:8&9:488. QUERY. A BROWNING By Alfred Forman. Athenaeum 3749:232 :Sept. 2. 1889. QUERY. BROWNING By E. S. F. Poet Lore 2:4:199. QUERY AND ANSWER ON BROWNING SCIENTIFIC ALLU- SIONS By George A. Koenig. Poet Lore 2:3:137-38. QUERY ANSWERED. THE By C. Poet Lore 1:5:49-50. By C. B. Stockton. Poet Lore 3:2:101-102. QUERY ON THE RING AND THE BOOK American l\oles and Queries I:7:80:June 16, 1888. QUERY (ON SORDELLO) Poet Lore 1:9:432. QUESTION OF GREATNESS IN LITERATURE. THE By W. P. Trent. Literary Digest 24: 865 -866: June 28. 1902. QUESTIONS. SCFIOLARSHIP COMPETITION Atlanta 5:712:Sept. 1888. 821.88 Xbm. QUIET HOUR AT EMERSON COLLEGE. THE Emerson College Magazine 151:Jan. 1912. QUILLER-COUCH. ARTHUR Sn^infcurne. Edinburgh Review 226:249-268: April 1917. QUIETER. HARRY AND MARY See Pied Piper of Hamelin. 821.88 Hppq. QUOTATIONS FROM GREAT THINKERS CONCERNING VIVI- SECTION Letter to Miss Cobbe from Browning. 1 821.88 Xqv. R RABAN OR LIFE SPLINTERS By W. C. Smith. Athenaeum 2788:454-455: April 2. 1881. RABBI BEN EZRA By G. D. Boyle. Noles to the Poclfel Volume of Selections from the Poems of Robert Drowning 86-88. By Alex Hill. 821.88 Dhn. Browning 5/i(Jp Programme : A Croup of Religious Poems — Caliban Upon Setebos, Cleon, Rabbi Ben Ezra, A Death in the Desert. By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 10:103-113. By B. O. Flower. Arena 40:334-341 :Oct. 1908. RABBI BEN EZRA AND OTHER POEMS 821.88 Htbp. By Robert Browning. With illustrations by Bernard Partridge. Hodder & Stoughton. 821.88 Hrbp. 328 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY RABBI BEN EZRA, BROWNINGS A Dramatic Monologue. 8 vo. half vellum. Printed by hand at the Village Press, Hingland, Mass. By Fred and Bertha Goudy. Frontispiece and Decorations designed and cut on wood by Will Dvviggins. One hundred and seventy-three copies. Printed Nov. 1 904: No. 24. Omar and ihe Rahhi. Fitzgerald's Translation of the Ruhai])al of Omar /C/iappam and Browning's Rabbi Ben Kzra, arranged in dramatic form by Frederick LeRoy Sargent. Cambridge, 1911. 821.88 Hrbo. By L. M. Sidney. Lessons From Droivning. 821.88 Dslb. Three Magazines containing 1, 2 and 3. Translated and interpreted by Takeshi Saito, in Japanese. 821.88 Hrbs. A Centenary SoliloquX). By Percy Mackaye. Outlook 100:906- 12:April 27, 1912 821.88 Xmb. Same. Homage lo Roherl DroTvning, Aleph Tanner 28-36 821.88 Xht. RABBI BEN EZRA, REMARKS ON SOME PASSAGES IN By H. L. Wayland. Poet Lore 1:2:57-63. RADFORD, ERNEST W. Illustrations to Brownings Poems 1 and 2. The Moorish Front to the Duomo in Luria. Browning Society Papers 2:251-252 821.88 Dbs. The Original of Ned Droits. Dramatic Idyls. (Series I) 109-143: 1879. Browning Society Papers 2:253-254 821.88 Dbs. RAIN, THOMAS Broivning for Beginners. 821.88 Drb. R. A. K. Signa Sonera. The Finch and the Robin 50. RALEIGH, W. A. On Some Prominent Points of Brorunings Teaching. Browning Society Papers 5:477-488 821.88 Dbs. Prologue. (A Poem.) A Souvenir of the Performance of Brown- ing's Tragedy A Blot in the 'Scutcheon. Manchester Theatre, March 27, 1893. 821.88 Hbs. RAMBLER, THE,| CATHOLIC JOURNAL AND REVIEW Browning's Men and Women. Jan. 1856. RANDALL, J. HERMAN. The Influence. Centenary Addresses 110-115 821.88 Vnya. RANKIN, T. E. The Modern Short Story: Its Nature and Origin. Poet Lore 17: 1:100. RARITIES, BROWNING Poet Lore 6:264-268. Forster's Life of Strafford. (Is it Forster's or Browning's?) By W. G. Kingsland. Poet Lore 6:555-559. RAT CATCHER OF HAMELIN. THE By Gustav Hartwig. Eclectic Magazine 1 19:759-760:Dec. 1892. By Gustav Hartwig. Translated by T. Martin. (Blackwood's.) Littells Living Age 195:639-640. RATIONALE OF THE SHORT STORY ACCORDING TO POE, THE By J. P. Fruit. Poet Lore 16:1:57-65. BROWNINGIANA 320 RAWNSLEY. H. D. At Bromnittg'i Cra\>e. Homage to Robert DroJvning, Aleph Tan- ner 117 821.88 Xht. Same. Browning Centenary 14-18 821.88 Bkc. Same. By W. G. Kingsland. Browning Centenary 12-14 821.88 Bkc. Ta^e Home Her Heart. Homage to Robert Broivning, Aleph Tanner 90 821.88 Xht. The Poet's Home Going. Homage to Robert Broivning, Aleph Tanner 108-110 821.88 Xht. Valele, Tennyiou and Other Memorial Poems 99-100 821.8 R261. READING FROM AURORA LEIGH By Elizabeth B. Browning. Chautauquan 60: 124 -.Sept. 1910. READING IN BED. AS TO Editorial. Literaiy Digest 28:112:Jan. 23, 1904. READING LIST OF BROWNING Library Journal 24: 177: April 1899. In Worcester Public Library. READING LIST ON 1 HE BROWNING BULLETIN OF The Salem Public Library Jan. 1897 821.88 Asl. READING OF THE COLONIAL GIRL. THE By Constance A. Barnicoat. Nineteenth Century 60:939-950: Dec. 1906. READING OF THE MODERN GIRL. THE By Florence B. Low. Nineteenth Century 59:278-287: Feb. 1906. READING OF BOOKS NOWADAYS. THE By George P. Brett. Atlantic Monthly 1 14:620-626: Jan. 1916. REAL FACTS IN REGARD TO FITZGERALD AND OMAR KHAYYAM. THE Current Opinion 46:508-510:May 1909. REAL HAMLET AND THE HAMLET OLDEST OF ALL. THE Poet Lore 16:4:110-130. REAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PARLIAMENT OF RELIGIONS. THE By Max Mueller. Arena ll:3-14:Dec. 1894. REALISM AND REALITY IN FICTION By William Lyon Phelps. Century 85 :867-868: April 1913. REALISM IN THE 19th CENTURY ENGLISH FICTION By Emily Dixson. Baylor Literary 18:3-7:Feb. 1914. REALISTIC DRAMA By W .L. Courtney. (Fortnightly Review.) Littell's Living Age 278:775-786. REALISTIC POET. A By Phillips Bourke Marston. Atlantic Monthly 49:5 14-51 7: April 1882. REALITY' IN POETRY By Laurence Housman. Fortnightly Review 96: 1 1 18-1 121 :Nov. 191 1 ; also Littell's Living Age 272:204-214. REASONABLE Rl HTHM OF SOME OF BROWNING'S POEMS. THE By H. J. Bulkeley. Browning Society Papers 8:119-131 821.88 Dbs. REASONS FOR BEING A LIBERAL By Professor Francis N. Thorpe. Poet Lore 2:3:150-152. RECENT AMERICAN POETRY Nation 34: 1 50: Feb. 1882. 330 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY RECENT AMERICAN VERSE By \Vm. Stanley Biaithwaile. Poet Lore 22:3:223-240. Poet Lore 8:2:95-99; 8:6:370-374; 9:1:126-13L RECENT BOOKS ON TENNYSON By C. Poet Lore 5:12:630-635. RECENT BRITISH POETRY Nation 65:459-461 :Dec. 1897; 66:208-21 1 :March 1898. RECENT BRITISH VERSE, SOME By P. Poet Lore 5:8&9:459-469. RECENT BROWNING BOOKS By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 4:5:276- 283. RECENT COMPILATIONS OF POETRY Nation 69:433:Dec. 1899. RECENT ENGLISH POETRY By M. D. Armstrong. Fortnightly Review 101 :499:March 1914. Atlantic 51:840: June 1883. Nation 48: 1245:389-90: May 9. 1899. RECENT GIFTS FROM DR. FRANK W. GUNSAULUS (Notice of gift of bust of Pompilia and two books from Browning library.) Ohio Wesleyan Alumni Quarterly 3:2:Jan. 1920. RECENT LIl ERATURE Atlantic Monthly 27:392-400: March 1871; 29:619-630:May 1872; 32:102-1 18:July 1873; 33 :368-376:March 1874; 68:842- 846: Dec. 1891. RECENT POETRY Current Opinion 49:568. Editorial. Atlantic Monthly 37 : 1 12-121 :Jan. 1876; 38:747-752: Dec. 1876; 39:624-637: May 1877; 43:405-41 4 :March 1879; 44: 551-559:Oct. 1879. By Henry Morley. Nineteenth Century 2:692-712; 4:528-542. By French Kingsley. Budridge & Clough. Eclectic Magazine 20:166-177. Nation 32:98-99:Feb. 1881; 35 :469-71 :Nov. 1882; 36:470: 1883; 37:337:1883; 38:549:1884; 39:527:1884; 40:503-5:1885; 41:541:1885;; 42:449:1886; 44:298-99:1887; 51:422-424:1891; 58:432-434:1894; 79:120:Aug. 1904; 81:506-08:Dec. 1905. RECENT POETRY REFERENCE Current Opinion 45:572; 46:452; 47:102. RECENT STUDIES IN LITERATURE By Editor. Outlook 64: 594: March 10. 1900. RECENT TEXT BOOKS OF ENGLISH LITERATURE By Editor. Outlook 48:359: Aug. 1893. RECENT TRIBUTE TO LONGFELLOW By W. P. Trent. Forum 38:557 :April 1907. RECENT VERSE 84:200: Feb. 1907. RECENT VOLUMES OF VERSE Nation 100:706:June 1915. RECOLLECTIONS OF ALCOTT, WHITTIER AND BROWNING By M. S. Porter. Bc81 P846r. RECOLLECTIONS OF ROBERT BROWNING By Moncure D. Conway. Nation 50:27-30:1890. Literary World 21 :2:25-26:Jan. 18, 1890. BROWNINGIANA 331 RECOLLECTIONS OF BROWNING IN VENICE By Katherine De Kay Bronson. Century 63 :572-584:Feb. 1902. Current Opinion 32:338-341. Review of Reviews 32:338-341. RECOLLECTIONS OF THE BROWNINGS By Harriet G. Hosmer. In Two Parts. Part I Youth's Com- panion 74:32:388: Aug. 9. 1900: Part 2 Youth's Companion 74: 46: 599-600: Nov. 15. 1900. RECOLLECTIONS OF COVENTRY PATMORE By R. Garnett. (Saturday Review.) Litlell's Living Age 212: 61-64. RECORDS OF TENNYSON, RUSKIN AND BROWNING By Anne Ritchie. Athenaeum 3389:477-478:Oct. 8, 1892. RECREATIONS OF A PRODUCTIVE SCI lOLAR By Theodore Roosevelt. Outlook 102:750-752. RED COTTON NIGHT-CAP COUNTRY Or Turf and Towrn. By Robert Browning. London: Smith, Elder & Co.. 15 Waterloo Place, 1873. (The Right of Transla- tion is reserved.) First Edition. 821.88 Hrcl. Athenaeum 2376:593-594:May 10. 1873. Editorial. Atlantic 32: 1 14-1 1 5:July 1873. By A. Orr. Contemporary Review 22:87- 106: June 1873. By R. E. T. Penn Monthly 4 :45 :657-661 :Sept. 1873. RED LETTER DAYS OF MY LIFE By Mrs. Andrew Crosse. John Kenton and His Friends ] All- 186; The Wedded Poeis 1:225-280. (2 volumes) B C951rl. REED, HELEN LEAH Aristophanes' Philosophv of Poelr^ According lo Browning. Poet Lore 5:5:237-247. Browning's Pictures of ChivalrM. Poet Lore 11:4:588-601. REES. R. WILKINS Glimpses of Rusffin. Eclectic Magazine 141 :421 -434:Oct. 1903. REFERENCE TO BOOK TRANSCRIBED BY BROWNING Books of the Month. Fortnightly Review 28:730:Nov. 1877. REFORMER OF MEDICINE. THE By Edward Berdoe. 123 821.88 Dbm. REGARD FOR SHAKESPEARE Poet Lore 2:2:108-109. REID, ANDREW IVhy I Am a Liberal. Robert Browning 1 I 329.942 R353. REID. DONALD N. Reminiscences of a Behar Planter. Gentlemen's. Littell's Living Age 208:632-638. REID, MARY J. A Glance at Some of Stedman's IVorlf. Literary Digest 10:341- 342:Jan. 19. 1895. RELATION OF DRAMA TO LITERATURE By Brander Matthews. Forum 24:635. 638. 639: Jan. 1898. RELATION OF MUSIC TO POETRY. THE By Alfred Hayes. Atlantic Monthly 1 1 3 :59-69:Jan. 1914. RELATION OF NATURE TO MAN IN BROWNING. THE By Francis H. Williams. Poet Lore 4:5:238-243. RELIGION Browning and TennMson as Spiritual Forces. By C. C. Everett. (Typewritten) 821.88 Rtb. Browning's Message to His Time. His Religion. Philosophy and 332 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Science. By Edward Berdoe. 821.88 Dbm. The Creal Twin Brethren: Tennyson and Browning. English Liieraiure in Account With Religion 1800-1900. 9:349-393. By Edward M. Chapman. (Typewritten) 821.88 Ret. See Henry Jones, Weatherford. RELIGION. BROWNING'S By Rev. A. T. Banniste* Homiletic Review 39:210-216:Sept. 1900. RELIGION. EVOLUTION OF As suggested in Browning'? Poems. By Emma L. Heilings. Poet Lore I/:2:I13-1I7. Guidance From Browning in Matters of Faith. By John A. Hut- ton. 821.88 Rhg. RELIGION IN LITERATURE By Editor. Edinburgh Review 207: 178-202: Jan. 1908. RELIGION OF ROBERT BROWNING, THE By J. B. McLaughlin. The Ampleforth Journal 2: 1 :48-62:Oct. 1903. RELIGION OF BROWNINGS POETRY By W. G. Kingsland. Poet Lore 6:5:277. By Rev. M. J. Savage. Arena 9:273-285:Feb. 1894. See Poet Lore 10:103. RELIGION OF OUR LITERATURE Essays Upon Thomas Carlyle, Robert Browning, Alfred Tenny- son, etc. By George McCrie. Robert Browning 69-109 820.4 Ml 32. RELIGION, PHILOSOPHY AND A series of addresses, essays and sermons designed to set forth great truths in popular form. By Augustus Hopkins Strong, D. D. Autographed copy. 204 S923 C. 2. RELIGIOUS EDUCAllON Children's Reading as a Help in Training Character. By Ella L. Cabot. 11:210: April 1910. Credit for Religion. By Vernon P. Squire. ll:513:Dec. 1910. RELIGIOUS INFLUENCE OF RUDYARD KIPLING By Rev. J. T. Sunderland. Literary Digest 19. -258-259: Aug. 26. 1899. RELIGIOUS OPINIONS OF ROBERT BROWNING. THE By Mrs. Sutherland Orr. Contemporary Review 60:876-891 :Dec. 1891; Littell's Living Age 192:365-374:Feb. 6, 1892. RELIGIOUS POEMS Browning Study Programme : A Croup of Religious Poems — Caliban Upon Sctebos, Cleon, Rabbi Ben Ezra, A Death in the Desert. By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 10:1:103-113. RELIGIOUS SPIRIT IN THE POETS, THE By W. Boyd Carpenter. Robert Browning 202-247 821.04 C297. RELIGIOUS TEACHER, BROWNING AS A By George Willis Cooke. Poet Lore 2:6:333-336. By R. H. Hutton. Littell's Living Age 184:4:660-665: March 15, 1890. RELIGIOUS TEACHINGS OF AESCHYLUS, THE By Mary Blauvelt. Poet Lore 4 :8&9:4 15-425. RELIGIOUS TEACHING OF BROWNING, THE By Dorothea Beale. Browning Studies 76-91. Edittv. by Ed- ward B.rdoe. 821.88 Vlbs. BROWNINGIANA 333 By Dorothea Beale. Browning Society Papers 3:323-338 821.88 Dbs. Lilerar], Siudic. By Dorothea Beale. 82-107 804 B366ls. RELIGIOUS THOUGHT, MODERN The Stud\) Class. By Anna Benneson McMahan. 206-207 807 MI 67. RELIGIOUS WORLD. THE In Memorx) of the Dromnings. By Editor. Outlook 55:191: Jan. 9. 1897. Memorial to Mrs. BroiDning. A. By Editor. Outlook 57:443:Oct. 16. 1897. RELPH. MARTIN Mr. Browning's Dramatic ld\)ls. Contemporary Review 35:289: May 1879. REMARKS By C. DeB. Mills. Memorial Meeting of ihe S\fracuie Drowning Club 79-90 821.88 Bsy. REMARKS ON READING Century 70: 154-155 :May 1905. REMINISCENCES AND REFLECTIONS By G. D. Boyle. Note to the Pocket Volume of Selections from the Poems of Robert Browning 121-140. By Alex Hill. 821.88 Dhn. REMINI.SCENCES OF A BEHAR PLANTER By Donald N. Reid. (Gentlemen's.) Littell's Living Age 208: 632-638. REMINISCENCES OF AN ENGLISH TEACHER By Henry E. Bourne. Dial 49:232-3. REMINISCENCES OF BROWNING By John Skelton. In Table Talk of Shirley. Blackwoods & Sons. Edinburgh and London. 1895. 824.8 F942t. REMINISCENCES OF LORD BATH By Malcolm MacColl. (Contemporary Review.) Littell's Living Age 210:44-54. REMINISCENCES OF THOMAS CARLYLE Drowning and Coleridge. By Sir C. Gavan Duffy, K. C. M. G. Eclectic Magazine 1 18:326-331 :March 1892. REMINISCENCES OF WM. MACREADY By Editor. Edinburgh Review 141 :216-232:Jan. 1875. REMINISCENCES OF PROFESSOR SOPHOCLES Atlantic Monthly 67:779-788:Junc 1891. REMINISCENT By William G. Kingsland. In manuscript. REMY DE GOURMONT By Richard Aldington. Arena 6:167-183. RENAISSANCE DE LA POESIE ANGLAISE, LA 1798-1889. Par Gabriel Sarrazin. Robert Drowning 197-232. RENAISSANCE PICTURES IN BROWNING'S POETRY By Richard Burton. See Literarv Likings 150-171 821.88 Gbb. By Richard Burton. Poet Lore 10:1:66-76. RENAISSANCE WONDER IN ENGLISH POETRY. THE By Theodore X^'atts Dunton. Literary Digest 28:698: May 14. 1904. RENAUD. EMILIANO See Music. RENOLDS, P. R. A Letter From Browning About In a Dalcanv. Independent 43: 1748-49. 334 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY REPETITION AND PARALLELISM IN ENGLISH VERSE Poet Lore 7:8&9:458-459. REPORT OF THE CIVIC COMMITTEE By Kate Cassatt MacKnight. Annals of American Academy 28: 293-296: June 1906. REPPLIER, AGNES Curiosil^ of Criticism. Atlantic Monthly 59:314-323 : March 1887. Decay of Sentiment. Atlantic Monthly 60:67-76: July 1887. English Love Songs. Atlantic Monthly 63:23-33 : Jan. 1890. Fiction in the Pulpit. Atlantic Monthly 64: 527-536 :Oct. 1889. Pleasure: A Heres)). Atlantic Monthly 67:393-402: March 1891. Some Aspects of Pessimism. Atlantic Monthly 60: 756-766 :Dec. 1887. REPUTATIONS, SOME RECONSIDERED Editorial. Literary Digest 18:248-249: March 4, 1899. R. E. T. Red Cotton Night-Cap Country^. Reviewed in Penn Monthly 4: 45:657-661 :Sept. 1873. RETICENCE IN LITERATURE By Arthur Waugh. For numerous references see under Bronning in Index. 824.9 W354. RETROSPECTS By William Knight. Robert Browning 69-102. RETURN OF ROBERT BROWNING. A The Unity Club of The Unitarian Church, Rochester, N. Y., 1906-1907. Programs, Etc. RETURN OF THE DRUSES Athenaeum 81 8:608-609: July 1, 1843. By Gamaliel Bradford, Jr. Boston Browning Society Papers 268- 288 821.88 Vbp. In Lyric Form. A Libretto for Presentation of the Play in Mono- logue. By Charlotte Porter. Poet Lore 16:1:23-28. See Lips of Music. By Charlotte Porter. 81 1 P8441. By Vida D. Scudder. Poet Lore 1 : 10:458-459. Stage Version of Browning's Tragedy. By Charlotte Porter. 821.88 Hrdp. REVELL. WILLIAM E. Browning's Criticism of Life. 821.88 Drc. Same. (Review.) Independent 44:2: 1452 :Oct. 13, 1892. Browning's Poems on Cod and Immortality as Bearing on Life Here. Browning Society Papers 4:435-454 821.88 Dbs. Browning's Views of Life. Abstract of Address. Browning So- ciety Papers 10:197-199 821.88 Dbs. A Crammarian's Funeral. Notes to the Pocket Volume of Selec- tions from the Poems of Robert Browning 30-37. By Alex Hill. 821.88 Dhn. The Value of Browning's Worl^. Browning Society Papers 12: 64-81 821.88 Dbs. Same. Read at the Seventy-fifth Meeting of the Browning Society, Friday. May 30. 1890. (Typewritten) 821.88 Dvr. REVIEW AND EXPOSITOR Music, Madness and the Master. A Study of Saul. By M. L. Mertens. Jan. 1918. REVIEW, THE ENGLISH Edited by Austin Harrison. Robert Browning. By Darrell Figgis. 236-254;May 1912. 621.86 Drf. BROWNINGIANA 335 REVIEW OF ENGLISH PROSODY FROM 12fh CENTURY TO PRESENT DAY By George Saintsbury. Edinburgh Review 213 : 1-31 :Jan. 1911. REVIEW OF REVIEWS DroHining and the Larger Public. (3 divisions.) 15:184-192. BroTvning ai a Chapel-Coer. A review of a Chapel talk with Browning. A Talk with the Rev. Edward White in Young Man. 17:461 -463: April 1898. Editorial on Cushman's Article in Poet Lore, French Enihuiiaim. 20:466:Oct. 1899. Review of Mrs. Bronsons Recollection of Drorvning in Venice. Cornhill Magazine 20:353-354. The World's Moit Wonderful Love Stor\f. (From the Edinburgh Review.) 19:734: June 1899. REVIEWS AND BOOK NOTICES By Edwin Fay. American Journal of Philology 6:31 :89. REVIEWS AND LITERARY NOTICES Atlantic Monthly 26: 1 1 5-128:July 1870; l4:642-648:Nov. 1864. Ring and the Bool(. Editorial. Atlantic Monthly 23:256-264: Feb. 1869. REVIEWS AND NOTES Poet Lore 14:3:141-142. REVIEWS, ENGLISH QUARTERLY Editorial. Independent 42:752. REVIVAL OF POETIC DRAMA, THE By Edmund Gosse. Atlantic Monthly 90: 156-66: Aug. 1902. By Brander Matthews. Atlantic Monthly 101 :219-224 :Feb. 1908. REVOLUTION IN RELIGIOUS THOUGHTS DURING THE NINETEENTH CENTURY By B. O. Flower. Arena 26:598-61 1 :Dec. 1901. REVUE DE PARIS, LA Menage dc Poetes. By Mary James Darmesteter. 295-31 7 :Sept. 15. 1898; 788-81 7 :Oct. 15, 1898 821.88 Bmd. REVUE DES DEUX MONDES July 15. 1851. Vol. II. Twenty-first year. New Period. (La Poesic Anglaise Dcpuis D^ron.) Elizabeth Browning. By J. Edmund Reade, Henri Taylor par M. J. Milsand. Robert Drown- ing 2:661 -689 :July 15. 1851: Elizabeth Drowning 2:3:339-361: Jan. 15, 1852 821.6 M661. REYNOLDS. MYRA Edited for School Use. Selections from the Poems and Play* of Robert Browning. 821.88 Gle. Material From English Literature of the International Sunda); School Lessons. Biblical World 1 1 :49-52:Jan. 1898; 127-130: Feb. 1898; 203-207: March 1898; 257-259: April 1898. REZZONICO PALACE. THE By Arthur Upson. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 105 821.88 Xht. By Arthur W. Upson. Collected Poems I :244. REZZONICO. PALAZZO Wall's Etched Monthlx) Jan. 1921. Contains an etching of Pa- lazzo Rezzonico and a note from a diary by Jane Wall. 821.88. By Frank Brangwyn. Painted. Century 85:445:Jan. 1913. In Pallazzo Rezzonico Venice. On page 87 Sabbath Songs and Sonnets and U\f-iVa\f Bulladi, by Jeaaie Mori^on. 336 BAILOR UNIVERSITY RHYME, BROWNINGS MASTERY OF By W. J. Rolfe. Poet Lore 5:5:258-266. RHYMES IN BROWNING. A STUDY OF By Elizabeth Clarke. Poet Lore 2:9:480-86. RHYS. ERNEST A Tribute to Sminhurnc. Nineteenth Century 65 :965-979:June 1909. RICCARDI PALACES. BROWNING AND THE By W. J. Rolfe. Poet Lore 4:1 :52-53. RICCARDI PALACES, BROWNING RIGHT ABOUT THE By W. J. Rolfe. Poet Lore 3:5:284-287. By Harriet Ford. Poet Lore 3:12:648-649. RICE. CALL YOUNG In Praise of Robert Bromn/ng, On His Centenary. Homage to Robert Drorening, Aleph Tanner 27 821.88 Xht. RICH. EDITH J. The Cult of Mattherv Arnold. Dial 37:200-203 :Oct. 1, 1904. RIDGWAY An Exposition of the Laivs, of Marriage and Divorce as Ad- ministered in the Courts of Divorce and Matrimonial Causes, With the Method of Procedure in Each Kind of Suit. Athenaeum 2361 : 110-11 I :Jan. 25. 1873. RINDER, FRANK Introductor}) Note to Pippa Passes and Other Poetic Dramas b\) Robert Brojvning. 1833-1842 821.88 Hppr. RING AND THE BOOK, THE By Robert Browning, M. A., Honorary Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. In Four Volumes. Contents — Vol 1 : The Ring and the Book 1. Half -Rome 75, The Other Half-Rome 157; Vol. 2: Tertium Quid 1, Count Cuido Franceschini 73. Giuseppe Capon- sacchi 161; Vol. 3: Pompilia 1, Dominus Hyacinthus de Ar- ..changelis 90. Juris Doctor Johannes-Baptista Boltinius 175; Vol. 4: The Pope 1. Cuido 93. The Book and the Ring 197. Smith. Elder & Co., London, 1869. First Edition. (The Right of Trans- lation is reserved.) 821.88 Hrl Vol. 1-4. In Two Volumes. Vol. 1 contains Books 1-6. Vol. 2 Books 7-12. Boston: Fields. Osgood & Co.. Successors to Ticknor & Fields. 1869. Autographed by James Weir Mason, Albany. N. Y.. March 17, 1889. First American Edition. 821.88 Hrl Vol. 1-2. Introduction by Charles W. Hodell. Everyman's Library. Edited by Ernest Rhys. 821.88 Hre. With Introduction and Notes. By F. M. Padelford. Houghton, Mifflin Co., Boston and New York, 1899. 821.88 Hrc. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Frederick Morgan Padelford. Modern Student's Library. 821.88 Hrms. The Riverside Press, Cambridge. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Bos- ton, 1883. (Illustrated.) Smith, Elder & Co.. 1898. 821.88 Hrse. Biographical and Critical Studies. By James Thompson. 437-457 824.8 T483. Dates of the. By Harry T. Baker. Nation 90:33-34: Jan. 13. 1910. An Exposition. By George Herbert Clarke. Reprinted from the Methodist Quarterly Review April and July 1911 821.88 Hrc. Reviewed by R. Buchanan. Athenaeum 21 48:875-876 :Dec. 26, 1868 821.88 Hrc. See Yovihg. Melissa E. BROWNINGIANA 337 Athenaeum 2 160: 399-400: March 20, 1669. Review. (Athenaeum.) New Eclectic Magazine 4:5:619-625: May 1869. Editorial. Atlantic 23:236-259 :Feb. 1869. Date. of. By Harry T. Baker. Nation 90:33-34:Jan. 13. 1910. Reviewed. Chambers Journal 288:473-476:July 3. 1869. A Commentary Upon. By A. K. Cook. Humphrey Milford. Oxford University Press. 1920. 621.88 Zrc. By Hiram Corson. Poet Lore 4:1:55-56. Reviewed. Edinburgh Review 4:83-94:July 1869 821.88 Xm« Vol. 8. Editorial. Eclectic Magazine 76:400. By E. J. H. (From St. Paul's.) Eclectic Magazine 13:4:400- 412:April 1871 821.88 Xme. An Interpretation. By Francis Bickford Hornebrooke. 821.88 Hrh. Eine Interpretation von Helene Meyer-P ranck, Goettingen, 1912, Otto Papke, Verlag. 821.88 Hrmg. Eine Interpretation by Helene Meyer-Franck. Translated by Estelle Barron. Thesis submitted for B. A. Degree to Baylor University. 821.88 Hrmeb. Illustrated. Smith, Elder & Co.. 1898. 821.88 Hrse. The Line Numbering in. By Benjamin Sagar. London Browning Society Papers 12:53-63. An EssaX) On. By Charles \V. Hodell. Published by the Boston Browning Society 1911. 821.88 Hrhe. A Literary Mosaic. By Chas. W. Hodell. Modern Language 23: 3:510-519 821.88 Hmm. The Ring and the Book. By Henry James. (From St. Paul's.) Littell's Living Age 108:771 -783 : March 25. 1871. Reviewed. New Eclectic Magazine 4:2:234-236: Feb. 1869; 4:5: 619-625: May 1869. National Home-Reading Union 52. Pamphlets 1, 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8, 9. Surrey House, Victoria Embankment, London, England. w. c. Reviewed. Quarterly Book Review 1 :212-213 :Dec. 1897. The Poet's Poet and Other Essaxis. By William A. Quayle. 292-325 820.4 Q2p. The Novel in the Ring and the Bool(. By Ray Sherman Stowell. Littell's Living Age 274:451 -463 :Aug. 24, 1912; by John Tod- hunter. London Browning Society Papers Abstract 5:85-92. From Tallfs on the Siud^ of Literature. Frank Leslie's 44:720. Light on a Curious Allusion in. By H. Corson. Poet Lore 6:5: 248-251. Same. Some Teachings of. By F. Hornbrooke. Poet Lore 1:7: 314-320. Same. Pompilia. By Alice Robertson. Poet Lore 1 :6:263-269; by H. Robinson 4:5:284. Same. The Pope. By Alexander Fladdow. 821.88 Hrh. Same. By Chas. C. Shackford. Poet Lore 1:7:309-314. Same. Poet Lore 4:5:285. (St. Paul's.) Littell's Living Age 108:771-783. By John Morley. Studies in Literature 255-285 804 M864»l. The Source of. Nation 88: 198- 199: Feb. 25. 1909. The Stud]) Class. By .Anna Benneson McMahan. Book I :207-8; Book 2. 3. 4:208-9; Book 5:209; Book 6:210; Book 7:211; 338 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Book 10:212-213; Book 11:213; Book 12 and Summary:214 807 MI 67. See Old Yellov Book- See Courine\), Leonard, above page 199. See Parker, Edwin Pond. RING, ELIZABETH CLENDENNING The Dreamer of Dreams. Los Angeles Drowning Club Year Book 1914-1915 821.88 Via. The Master Singer. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 145 821.88 Xht. RIPON, W .B. (THE LORD BISHOP OF RIPON) Mrs. Browning. Masson's In the Footsteps of the Poets. 821.04 N4I9i. See \V. B. Carpenter. RISING GENERATION, THE (Magazine in Japanese) Count Cismond Aix in Provence. 38:1:21; 38:2:40-41; 38:3:71- 72 821.88 Xmrg. Echetlos. 36:12:370-371 821.88 Xmrg. Eve/pn Hope. 39:10:302 821.88 Xmrg. The Clove (Peter Ronsard loquitur). 37:3:74-75; 37:4:114- 115; 37:5:135-136; 37:6:180; 37:7:199-200 821.88 Xmrg. Incident to the French Camp. (Supposed to be spoken by one of Napoleon's soldiers.) War Number 5 1 -53: Aug. 15, 1904 821.88 Xmrg. How They Brought the Cood News From Ghent to Aix. 39: 1:20-21; 39:2:46-47 821.88 Xmrg. The Lost Leader. 15:4:82-83 821.88 Xmrg. Love Among the Ruins. 13:17:335-336; 13:18:355-356 821.88 Xmrg. Mukykah. 38:7:208-209; 38:8:234-235; 38:9:265-266; 38:10: 306-307 821.88 Xmrg. My Last Duchess (Ferrara). 36:10:294-295 821.88 Xmrg. A Tale. Two Poets of Croisic. 39:5:149-150; 39:6:174; 39:7: 212-213; 39:8:233 821.88 Xmrg. Tray. 37:2:326-327 821.88 Xmrg. Through the Mctidja to Abd-el-Kard. 1842. By Robert Brown- ing. 39:3:84-85 821.88 Xmrg. RITCHIE, ANNE THACKERAY Chapters From Some Unwritten Memoirs. MacMillan. Littell's Living Age 203:548-553. Notes. Nation 56:160-161:1893. Records of Tennyson, Rusl(in and Browning. 820.4 R598r. Same. Athenaeum 3389:477-478:Oct. 8, 1892. RITTENHOUSE AND PAGE The Definite Place of Richard Hovey in American Letters. Cur- rent Opmion 44:277-279:Nov. 1907. RITTENHOUSE. JESSE B. The Dominant Theme in Poetry. Forum 56:342-49:Sept. 1916. ROBERTS, MISS JEAN Elizabeth Barrett Browning. East and West 5:59:865-875:Sept. 1906 821.88 Xsf. ROBERTSON, ALICE KENT The Boston Browning Memorial Service. Poet Lore 2:3:152-155. In a Balcony, The Tragic Motive of. Poet Lore 2:6:310-314. The Ring and the Booh Symposium: Pompilia. Poet Lore 1:6: 263-69. La Saisiaz. Browning Sludies 166-186. Edited by Edward B«r- BROWNINGIANA 339 Same. Browning Society Papers 2:312-332 b2l.88 Db». Esia\^i and Sermons. Robert Browning 1-19, La Saisiaz 20-59 821.88 Dre. 1892. ROBERTSON. B. D. La Saisiaz. Berdoe's Browning StiiJiei 166-186 821.88 Vlfs. Same. Browning Society Papers 2:321-332 821.88 Dbs. ROBINSON. HARRIET H. A Selection Front Pompilia. Poet Lore 4:5:284. A Selection From The Pope. Poet Lore 4:5:285. ROBISON. JOHN Mrs. Brownings Parentage. 3479:97 :July II. 1874; 3486:223- 224: Aug. 18. 1894. ROBINSON. J. A. NEWTON A Stud]) of Mr. George Meredith. Eclectic Magazine 118:124- 129. ROBINSON. PHIL In the Poet's Garden. (Contemporary Review.) Littell's Living Age 198:419-431. ROBYN. ALFRED G. See Music. ROCHESTER Program for May 3. 5. 7, 1912. ROCHESTER, THE UNITARIAN CHURCH OF The Unity Club. 1906-07. A Return to Robert Browning. Pro- grams, etc. At Fano. Rodd Renneil. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 85-86 821.88 Xht. ROE. FREDERICK W. Ibsen as a Dramatist. Sewanee Review 13:305-318. ROGERS. ARTHUR Prophecy and Poetry (Bohlen Lectures) Contains Three Chap- ters of Interest: (2) Isaiah Among the Prophets, (3) Browning Among the Prophets, (4) Browning and Isaiah. 821.88 Rrp. ROGERS. REV. ARTHUR Same. Studies in Isaiah and Browning. (Review.) Independent 68:705:March 31. 1910. ROGERS. CLARK KATHLEEN Cro inning's Poems Set to Music. Emerson College Magazine 20: 3:134:Jan. 1912. Browning's Songs, Parts 1 and 2. See under Music. ROGERS. FREDERICK The Earlv Environment of Robert Browning. ROLFE. WILLIAM J. Browning and the Riccardi Palaces. Poet Lore 4:1:52-53. A Browning Musical Query. Poet Lore 5:1:48. Browning's Mastery of Rhyme. Boston Browning Society Papers 164-172 821.88 Vbp. Same. Poet Lore 5:5:258-266. From Ghent to Aix. Poet Lore 4:6&7:378-380. The Riccardi Palaces of The Statue and the Bust. Poet Lore 3:5:284-287. An Unpublished Browning Letter. Nation 90:159:Feb. 17, 1910. ROLFE. WILLIAM J.. AND HELOISE E. HERSEY Edited with Notes. A Blot in the 'Scutcheon and Other Dramas. 821.88 Gdr. Edited with Notes. Select Poems of Robert Browning. 821.88 Grh. See H^. /. R. 340 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY ROLLICKING IRISH STORY TELLER, A By Percy F. Bicknell. Dial 40:382-384: June 16. 1906. ROMAN ADVOCATE OF THE SIMPLE LIFE. A By Eliz. H. Haight. Poet Lore 17:1:78-85. ROMANCE AND FICTION By A. C. Benson. Contemporary Review 100:1:792-805. ROMANCE, AN EARLY VICTORIAN By Clark S. Northup. Dial 50: 1 19-121 :Feb. 16. 1911. ROMANCE OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY By R. Watson Gilder. Century 70:918-927 :Oct. 1905. ROME REVISITED By Frederic Harrison. Eclectic Magazine 121 :19-32:June 1893. ROOM IN WESTMINSTER FOR MRS. BROWNING By Elizabeth Porter Gould. Literary Digest ll:373:july 27, 1895. ROOSEVELT, THEODORE Recreations of a Productive Scholar. Outlook 102:750-752. What Roosevelt Likes to Read. Current Opinion 49:99-100. ROSE, HENRY Maeterlinck's S\^mbolism : The Blue Bird and Other Essa\)s. Pippa Possess The Optimism of Broxvning 59-90 842.91 M186br. ROSE ONCE GREW, A See Music. ROSEBERY, LORD Robert Louis Stevenson. (London Times.) Litteli's Living Age 212:187-190. ROSS, D. M. A^ Sketch of Ian MacLaren. Literary Digest 13:810-1 1 :Oct. 24, 1896. ROSSETTI AND POE, A COMPARISON By Agnes Arbuckle. Baylor Literary 18:307-308. ROSSETTI. CHRISTINA By Arthur Christopher Benson. Eclectic Magazine 124:490-496: April 1895. Editorial. Literary Digest 10:312-313 :Jan. 12, 1895. By Paul Elmer Moore. Atlantic Monthly 94:815-21 :Jan. 1904. ROSSETTI, CHRISTINA, CONTRASTED WITH MRS. BROWN- ING By Mrs. Alice Law. Literary Digest ll:42:May 11, 1895. ROSSETTI, DANTE GABRIEL Diseased Cenius. (Letters and Art.) Literary Digest 13:746- 747:Oct. 10, 1896. Letters. Part 3:1855-57. Edited by George Birbeck. Atlantic Monthly 78:45-57, 242-255. ROSSETTI. POETRY OF DANIEL GABRIEL By Thomas Bayne. (Fraser's.) Litteli's Living Age 152:817-822. ROSSETTI. W. M. Portraits of Robert Browning 1. Magazine of Art 181-188:May 1890; 2. 13:181-188, 246-252: June 1890; 261 -267: June 1890 821 .88 Xpsn. Taurello Salingucrra : Historical Details Illustrative of Browning's Sordello. Muratori and Browning Compared. Browning Society Papers 12:82-97 821.88 Dbs. ROSSETTI. A WORD FOR By Nancy K. Foster. Poet Lore 21 ;4:322-329. BROWNINGIANA 341 ROSSETTIS ISOLATION IN NINETEENTH CENTURY PROSE By Arthur C. Benson. Literary Digest 28 :5B7-58d: April 23. 1904. ROSSETTIS THE BLESSED DAMOZEL By W. Bertrand Stevens. Chautauquan 46:l09:March 1907. ROTHERHAM LITERARY AND BOOK. SOCIETY See Ella S. Armilage. ROUMANIAN PEASAN IS AND THEIR SONGS By C. F. Keary. Nineteenth Century 12:372-582. ROUND TABLE, THE Browning's Plays and Poerm. By James Russell Lowell. (Type- written) 821.88 Dert. ROUND US THE WILD CREATURES See Music. ROWFANT BOOKS. THE Robert BroTuning 8-9. Dodd, Mead & Co.. New Yorlc City. 821.88 Xrbd. ROYAL PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF GLASGOW Paper printed for The Pope : Browning's Ring and ihe Booli, in 1914. From the Proceedings of the Ro\)al Philosophical Society of Glasgow. By Alexander Haddow. ROYCE, JOSIAH Browning's Theism. Boston Browning Society Papers 7-34 821.88 Vbp. Two Philosophers of the Paradoxical. Atlantic Monthly 67:161- 173:Feb. 1891. Poet Lore 6:2: 77: May Issue. The Problem of Paracelsus. Boston Browning Society Papers 221-248 821.88 Vbp. RUBINSTEIN By Rev. H. R. Haweis. Eclectic Magazine 124:229-235:Feb. 1895. RUETE. EDMUND Ausgewaehlle Ccdichte. von Robert Browning. 821.88 Gspr. Luria. By Robert Browning. Eine Tragodie aus der Zeit der Italienischcn Renaissance (German). Verlag von Gustav Winter, Bremen. 1910 821.88 Hlur. Die Heimkehi der Drusen Eine Tragodie. Von Robert Browning. RUNAWAY SLAVE Poet Lore 9:1:93. RUNCIMAN. JOHN F. A Poel of the Northumbrian Pits. (Saturday Review.) Littell's Living Age 262:46-49. RUPERT BROOKE By S. P. B. Mais. Fortnightly Review 104:352, 353. 359. 362: Aug. 1915. RUSKIN. JOHN yVen> Rus}(in. Taken froro Letters to i\f. C. and H. C. Eclectic Magazine 141 :2I8-221 :Aug. 1905. (Church Quarterly Review.) Littells Living Age 199:131-146. RUSKIN. CARLYLE, EMERSON AND BROWNING .Four Great Teachers. By Joseph Foster. Be F733. RUSKIN, GLIMPSES OF By R. Wilkms Rees. Eclectic Magazine 141:421-434. RUSKIN IN RELATION TO MODERN PROBLEMS, MR. By E. T. Cook. Eclectic Magazine 122 :486-493 : April 1894. 342 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY RUSKINS LETTERS TO CHESNEAU, A RECORD OF LITER- ARY FRIENDSHIP By Wm. G. Kingsland. Poet Lore 7:6&7:349-356. RUSKIN'S VIEWS OF LITERATURE By R. Warwick Bond. Contemporary Review 87:844-860: June 1905. RUTLEY, ALICE E. The PVomen of the Poels — The Women of Droiiining 5. R. W. G. Lool( ai Drorvning. Century 26:320:June 1883. RYAN AND HIS POEMS. FATHER By J. Thomas Pate. Southern Review 4 :322-333 :JuIy. RYLAND, FREDERICK Edited. Selections From Drorvning. Dell's English Classics. George Bell & Sons, London. 1900 821.88 Grs. SAGACIOUS SWEDE. BROWNINGS By Hiram Corson. Poet Lore 6:6&7:373-374. SAGAR, BENJAMIN On the Line-Numbering, etc.. in The Ring and the Doolf. Brown- ing Society Papers 12:53-63 821.88 Dbs. SAGGI. CRITICI DI LITTERATURE ENGLISE NENCIONI 820.4 N437. SAINT NICHOLAS A Little Tallf About a Creal Poet. By Klyda Richardion Steege. 30:1 1 :977-981 :Sept. 1903. SAINTE-BEUVE. BROWNING AND By Gamaliel Bradford. North American Review 488-500: April 1810. SAINTSBURY. GEORGE By Charles De Bernard. Fortnightly Review 29:924: Nov. 1877. Driefs on Neiv Dooks. Dial 18:181 -2 :March 16. 1895. Robert Drowning. Dookman 42:248:57-63 : May 1912 821.88 Xbm. Same. (Profusely Illustrated.) Centenary number of Bookman 42:248-57-63 :May 1912. History of English Prosody From 12th CenturM to Present Day. Edinburgh Review 213 : 1 -31 :Jan. 1911. History of Nineteenth Century Literature 268-277 820.9 S157n. The Poetry of the Earl of Lytton. Forum 22:478:Dec. 18%. Prospects of English PoetrM. Independent 56:432-5:1902. SAITO. TAKESHI Rabbi Den Ezra. Three Magazines containing parts 1. 2 and 3. Translated and interpreted into Japanese. 821.88 Hrsb. Studies in the Dible, Japanese, Seisho Kensan. A complete trant- lation into Japanese of 5aii/. 220.2 K36j. SALAZAR. FANNY ZAMPINI // Centenario Delia Nascita Di Roberto Drorvning. From Nuov* Antologia. 16 Maggio. 1920. 821.88 Xcs. La Vita e le Opere di Roberto Drowning ed Elizabetta Darrett Drowning. Con Prefazione di Antonio Fogazzaro. 2 copies. 821.88 Zzg. Roberto ed Elisabetta Drowning. Con Prefazione di Antonio BROWNINGIANA 343 Fogazzaro. Stab. Tipografico Cav. A. Tocco, Napoli, 1896. 821.88 Bs. See Living Age 253:510. The Browningi. Outlook 86:525 :July 6. 1907. SALE OF BROWNING EFFECTS See under Sotheby, Dobell, Pearson, Dodd, etc. SALE OF FIRST EDl'l ION OF BROWNING Poet Lore 13:2:315. SALEM (MASS.) PUBLIC LIBRARY Special reading lists on Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning. Bulletin 3:21 :Jan. 1897. SALINGULRRA. TAURELLO Historical Details Illustrative of Droivning's SorJello. Muratori and Browning Compared. By W. M. Rossetli. Browning Society Papers 12:82-97 821.88 Dbs. SALVE Homage to Robert Broivning, Aleph of B rowning. 190- By Charlotte Pendleton. Tanner 106 821.88 Xht. SAN FRANCISCO BROWNING SOCIETY Various Progiammes for 1919-1920. SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC LIBRARY Monthly Bulletin l8:5:May 1912. Bibliography 821.88 Asf. SAND. GEORGE. ON ELIZABETH BROWNING Editorial. Dial 37:3:July I. 1904. SANTAYANA. GEORGE Genteel American Poetry. 3:94-95: May 29. 1915. The Interpretations of FoctrX) and Religion. Bookman 12: 91:Oct. 1900. Poetr'^ and Religion. (Interpretations.) The Poetrx^ of Bar- barism 166-216 804 S2331. Id^'hitman and BroTvning as Poets of Barbarism. Literary Digest 20:360-361 : March 24. 1900. SANTAYANA ON ROBERT BROWNING By Helen D. Woodard. Poet Lore 13:1:97-111. SARGENT. FREDERICK LEROY Omar and the Rabbi. Arranged in dramatic form from Fitzger- ald's Translation of the Rubaivat of Omar Kha\)^am and Broivn- ing's Rabbi Ben Ezra. Harvard Co-operative Society, Cambridge, 1911. 821.88 Hrbo. SARRAZIN. GABRIEL La Renaissance de la Poesie Anglaise 1798-1889. Robert Brown- ing 197-232. Perrin et Cie, Libraires Editeurs, Paris, 1889. SARTO, ANDREA DEL See Andrea del Sarto. SATURDAY REVIEW Affectation. Littell's Living Age 129:248-251. By Laman Blanchard. 41 :244-245. Mr. Bron>ning's Nen> Volume. 45 :759-760:June 15. 1878. Browning's Pacchiarotto. 42:205-206: Aug. 12. 1876. Mr. Robert Buchanan's Poems. Reviews. 1874. The Corruption of Taste. 44:478-479:Oct. Critics and Authors. Littell's Living Age Emancipated IVoman. 41:771. German Literature. 45:94-96: Jan. 19. 1878. Happy Holidays. 43:41 l-412:April 7. 1877. 38:378-380:Sept. 19. 20, 1877. 141:318-320. 344 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY The Inn Album. Robert Browning. 40:716-71 7 :Dec. 4, 1873. Interjections. 42:499-500:Oct. 21, 1876. The Love of Nature. 39:340-341 :March 13. 1875. Lewes" Problems of Life and Mind. 40:301 -302 :Sept. 4. 1875. Lord Lytton's Fables in Song. 37:277-278: Feb. 28, 1874. Masson's Edition of Milton's Poems. 39:480-481 : April 10, 1875. Mourning a la Mode. 39: 77-78: Jan. 16, 1875. Our Sketching Club. By Rev. R. St. John Tyrwhitt. 39:158-159: Jan. 30, 1875. A Poet of ihe Northumbrian Pits. By John T. Runciman. Lit- tell's Living Age 262:46-49. Popular English Literature Todav. Litfell's Living Age 294:496- 499. Recollections of Coventry Patmore. By R. Garnett. Littell's Liv- ing Age 212:61-64. Lord Stanhope's Proposed Order of Merit. 36:8-9: July 5, 1873. Swinburne's Dothrvell. Algernon Charles Srvinburne. 37:719-720: June 6, 1874. Translations of ihe Agamemnon. 44 :61 7-619 :Nov. 17, 1877. Whittier's Poems. 36:764-765 :Dec. 13, 1873. SAUL By Robert Browning. At the De La More Press. 821.88 Ssam. By Robert Browning. Designed and Hand Colored by Lolita M. Ferine. Dodge Publishing Co., New York. 821.88 Sad. (Iliustrated.) By Frank O. Small. Dial 31 :448:Dec. 1, 1901. By Robert Browning with an Introduction by John Angus Mac- Vannel. Illustrated by Frank O. Small. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., New York, 1890. 821.88 G5c. Bv Gertrude Chamberlin. Emerson College Magazine 20:3:124- 13'l:Jan. 1912. Crowell & Co. Edition. Dial 21:338:Dec. 1, 1896. By Susan Cunnington. Studies in Drowning 13-61 821.88 Gsac. The Tragedy of the Ten Talent Men and Their Recover}^. Creat Books as Life Teachers 181-204. By Newell Dwight Hillis. 821.88 Sahg. By Newell Dwight Hillis. Typewritten from Creat Books As Life Teachers 181-204. 821.88 Sahg. By Cora Martin MacDonald. 821.88 Zsam. See Mertens. 821.88 Hsam. By Anna M. Stoddart. Browning Society Papers 10:269-274 821.88 Dbs. By Anna M. Stoddart. Berdoe's BroTuning Studies 310-320 821.88 Vlbs. Translated into Japanese by Takeshi Saito. Seisho Kensan (Studies in the Bible) 14: 12-1 7:January ; 1 5:97-99 : February ; 16:116- 118:March; 1 7: 167-r70:April ; 20:302-305 :July ; 21:328-330: August; 22:373-376:September 821.88 Hsas. With Synopsis and References. Gift of W. C. Gannett. 821.88 Hsan. Saul and Other Poems. By Robert Browning. With Introduction and Notes by E. H. Turpin. Maynard, Merrill & Co., New York. 821.88 Gsm. By B. O. Flower. Twentieth Century 1 :248-256:Dec. 1909. The Heart's Cry for Jesus Christ. By Trevor H. Davies. Spiritual Voices in Modern Literature 8:227-252 804 D255. A Study of. By Emily H. Hickey. Catholic World 94:561: 320-336:Dec. 1911. See Young, Melissa E. BROWNINGIANA 345 SOULE. GEORGE Commonplaces on Poetry. New Republic 6:67-69. SAUNDERS. FREDERICK IVhal and HoTv to Read. Independent 41:1:162-3. SAVAGE. REV. M. G. The Religion of Broivning'i Poetry. Arena 9:273-285: Feb. 1894. SAVARY. JOHN To the Memory of Robert Browning. Homage to Robert Droivn- mg. Aleph Tanner 131 821.88 Xht. Same. (1812-89.) Literary World 2l:l:8:Jan. 4. 1890. SAWIN, THEOPHILUS PARSONS Brownings Childc Roland and Tennyson's Vision of Sin. Poet Lore 9:2:256-65. SAWYER. HARRIET ADAMS Robert Bro'Wning. Homage tn Robert Broruning, Aleph Tanner 621 821.88 Xht. SCANDINAVIAN. HOW BROWNING STRIKES A Poet Lore 3:11:589. SCANDINAVIAN NOVEL. THE (Edinburgh Review.) Littell's Living Age 232:1-19. SCHAUFFLER. ROBERT HAVEN Masters by Proxy. Century 88:506-512:Aug. 1914. Through Italy With the Poets. 808.1 S313t. To BroTvning, The Music Master. Homage to Robert Broivning, Aleph Tanner 72-73 821.88 Xht. Same. Lyric Year 220-221 811.08 L992e. SCHELLING. FELIX E. Robert Browning. Poet Lore 2:1 :48-49. Robert Browning and the Poetry of the Future ; Robert Browning and the Arabesque in Art. 821.88 Est. Robert Browning in Retrospect. Address delivered at the Cen- tennial of Browning at the University of Wisconsin. SCHMIDT. KARL Robert Browning's yerhaeltnis zu Franlfreich. SCHOLARLY ESSAYIST LATEST WORK, A By Ferris Greenlet. Dial 39:277 :Nov. 1. 1905. SCHOLARSHIP COMPETITION QUESTIONS Atalanta 712:Sept. 1888 821.88 Xbm. SCHOOL OF GIORGIONE By W. H. Pater. Fortnightly Review 28:531 :Oct. 1877. SCHUYLER. GEORGINA See Music. SCIENCE Browning's Message to His Time, His Religion, Philosophy and Science. By Edward Berdoe. 821.88 Dbn. The Rare Earth Crusade; What It Portends Scientifically and Technically. By Chas. Baskerville. 1 7 :772-781 :May 15 .1903. Shalfespeare and Browning Societies. By A. Morgan. 15:28?- Feb. 21. 1902. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY IN THE FIFTIES By Mrs. Andrew Crosse. (Temple Bar.) Littell's Living Ape 191:208-218. SCIENCE. BROWNINGS By Edward Berdoe. Poet Lore 1:8:353-362; (Numpholepto-) 2:12:617-624. By H. E. Nesmith. Jr. Poet Lore 2:5:287. 346 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY SCIENCE. THE POET OF By Paul Shorey. Dial 46:1 7-19:Jan. I. 1909. SCIENCE VS. LITERATURE By Ed. E. Slosson. Ph. D. Independent 69:1440-1442. SCIENTIFIC Drowntng as a Scientific Poet. By Edward Berdoe. London Browning Society Papers 7:33-53 821.88 Vlbs. SCIENTIFIC ALLUSIONS. QUERY AND ANSWER ON By George A. Koenig. Poet Lore 2:3:137-138. SCIENTIFIC MOVEMENT AND LITERATURE. IHE By Edward Dowden. (Contemporary Review.) Littell'* Living Age 135:3-15. SCIENTIFIC VIEWPOINT OF BROWNING'S MESMERISM By Frances E. White. Poet Lore 4:5:261-266. SCIENTIST'S ARGUMENT FOR THE INFINITE. A Poet Lore 11:2:309-312. SCOLLARD. CLINTON The Poet. Century 61 :800:March 1901. SCOTT. ANNIS J. Th}) Crowns a Star. Homage to Robert DroTvning, Aleph Tan- ner 143 821.88 Xht. SCOTT AT WORK. WALTER By E. H. Woodruff. Scribner's Magazine 5:133-151 :Feb. 1889. SCOTT. MARY TRAMMELL Analecta. Mrs. Browning's Letters. 821.88 Xalm. SCOTTISH ART REVIEW. THE Browning on Art. By R. M. Adamson. 2:15:85-87. SCOTTISH REVIEW Literar}) Inspiration of Imperialism. Littell's Living Age 225:801, 811. SCRAP BOOK. THE Great Men of Mixed Races. By Lyndon Orr. 6:309-31 7:Aug. 1908. Poetry Is a Poor Product to Tat^e to Market. By Louise Chandler Moulton. 5:42: Jan. 1908. Wedded Collaborators. By Arthur Bennington. 4:l-2:July 1907. SCRAP BOOK NO. 1 Contains large number of clippings of interest to Browning Stu- dents. SCRAP BOOK NO. 2 Contains about one thousand letters concerning Browning from well-known Browning scholars. SCRAP BOOK NO. 3 Containing Post Cards, Letters and other items collected in a Browning Pilgrimage. SCRIBNER. PROF. FOEBUS WILDE Specimen Bricks From the Ruins of English Literature. Text book on an entirely original plan. Reference to Browning 31-34. Rochester. N. Y.. 1882. SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE Adventures Among Books- By Andrew Lang 10:337-344 :Sept. 1891; 10:651 -656:Nov. 1891. Robert Browning. By Edmund Clarence Stedman. 9:167-183: Dec. 1874. Brownings Asolo. By Felix Moscheles. 10:9:359-367. Brownings Science. By Edward Berdoe. Poet Lore 1 :7:353- 362. BROWNINGIANA 347 Brotumng:> Science in Numpholeplo}. By Edward Berdoe. Poet Lore 2:12:617-24. The Cenlre of tlic Republic. By James Baldwin. 3:589-600:May 1888. C/ariMCi. By tliot Gregory. 53 :463-465 : April 1913. Dream Poetry. By Bessie A. Ficklen. 9:636-643 : May 1891. Engiiih Friends. By Chas. Eliot Norton. 53:509:April 1913; 33:775:Dec. 1913. English in Our Colleges. By A. S. Hill. 1 :507-3l2:Apnl 1887. Mr. hreeman al Home. By Delia Lymon Porter. 14:612-616: Nov. 1893. French Trails: The Social Inslincl. By W. C. Brownell. 2: 106-1 18 :July 1887. James Anlhunx) Froude. By Augustine Birrell. l7:149:Feb. 1895. Cood Tasie. By Augustine Birrell. 17:l20:Jan. 1895. Invetilion in Literature. By Brander Matthews. 41 :246-250: Feb. 1907. Lander Once More. By W. B. Shubrick Clymer. 10:123-128: July 1891. Middle Years. By Henry James. 62:61 2 :Nov. 1917. A Picture of Joseph Milsand. A French Friend of Drowning, by Th. Bentzon. 20: 108: July 1896. Plus and Minus. By Alan Sullivan. 46:368:Sept. 1909. The Point of Vien,. Editorial. 7: 128-132:Jan. 1890; 7:261-264 Feb. 1890; 9:525-528:Feb. 1891; 11:261 264: Feb. 1892; 15 657-660: May 1894; 16:526:Oct. 1894; 18:262-264: Aug. 1895 30:23 1-252: Aug. 1901; 38:232:Aug. 1905; 43:579:March 1908 46:761 :Dec. 1909; 48:764:Oct. 1910 3;2:506:Oct. 1912; 54 139:JuIy 1913; 59:644:May 1916; 61 :251 :Jan. 1917. Walter Scott at Work- By E. H. Woodruff. 5 :133-151 :Feb. 1889. Robert L. Stevenson at Saranac By L. H. Sullivan. 62:243:Aug. 1917. Third Shelf of Old Bool(s. By Mrs. Fields. 16:354:Sepl. 1894. The Ttvo Locl(sley Flails. By L. R. Lounsbury. 6:250-/56: Aug. 1889. SCRIBNER S MONTHLY A Da\) With the Drotvnings at Pratolino. By Elizabeth C. Kin- ney. 1: 185-1 88 :Dec. 1870. SCRIPTA. OBITER By F. Harrison. Fortnightly Review 109:9:Jan. 1918; 109:178: Feb. 1918. SCUDDER. HORACE E. (Editor) Cambridge Poets: Browning. 821.88 Ghw. SCUDDER. VIDA D. Colombe's Birthday. A Criticism. Poet Lore 1:10:464. A Comparative Stud}) of IVordsrvorlh's Michael, Tenn])Son's Enoch Arden, Browning's Andrea del Sarto. Poet Lore 3:2:87-93. The Flight of the Duchess. A Criticism. Poet Lore 1:10:464. The Forerunners. Atlantic Monthly 108:231 -242: July 1911. The Creel( Spirit in ShcllcX) and Browning. Boston Bro^\•ning Society Papers 438-470 821.88 Vbp. The Irish Literary Drama. Poet Lore 16:1:47. The Life of the Spirit in the Modern English Poets. Browning as a Humorist 201-238 808.1 S4361s. iVomanhood in Modern Poetry. Po«l Lort 1:10:449-65. 348 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY SEA STUDIES By J. A. Froude. (Eraser's.) Littells Living Age 126:131-145. SEAL. ETHEL DAVIS Drarvings for The Drownings' Calendar. Selections from Robert and Elizabeth Browning, 1918. SEAMAN. OWEN At the Sign of the Plough. Questions on Droxvning. (Cornhill Magazine.) Littell's Living Age 269:54-55, 175. Browning's Altitude Toward Art and Nature. Notes to the Pocket Volume of Selections from the Poems of Robert Browning. By Alex Hill. 107-114 821.88 Dhn. From the Provencal of Sordello Troubadour. Poet Lore 5:5: 236-37. SEASONS BEST BOOKS. THE Poet Lore 15:4:141. SECCOMBE, THOMAS AND BRANDIN, LOUISE Jose-Maria De Heredia. Fortnightly Review 84:1 082 :Dec. 1905. SECRET OF LIFE IN POETRY. THE By Prof. W. J. Courthope. Literary Digest 13 :588-89:Sept. 5, 1896. SECRET OF MARCELINE DESBORDES-VALMORE, THE By Francis Gribble. Fortnightly Review 97:1079:June 1912. SEED THOUGHTS FROM ROBERT BROWNING By Mary E. Burt. (Typewritten) 821.88 Sbb. SEEKER, THE Robert Drowning as a Mvstic. By Geraldine E. Hodgson. 8:32: 251-279:Feb. 1913. SEERS AND SINGERS By Arthur Donald Innes. Chapt. 1 , Characteristics 1 -25 ; Chapf. 3, Drowning in Particular 50-74; Chapt. 5, The Ring and the Book 99-124; Chapt. 6, Dramatic Poems 125-151; Chapt. 7. . The Poet's Lovers 152-173; Chapt. 9, Ideas and Ideals 199-221 821.04 158s. A Stud}; of Five Poets. By Arthur D. Innes. 821.04 158s. SEISHO KENSAN (Japanese) Studies in the Dihle. A complete translation into Japanese of Saul. By Takeshi Saito. 220.2 K36j. SELECT BOOKS By W. H .J. Poet Lore 13:4:595-600. SELECTIONS FROM BROWNING See under Poems — Selections. SELF REVELATION By J. E. Symes. Notes to the Pocket Volume of Selections, Poems of Robert Browning. By Alex Hill 94-100 821.88 Dhn. SENDALL, WALTER J. Literary Remains of C. S. Ca/veWp. Athenaeum 3026 :Oct. 24, 1885. SENTIMENT, THE DECAY OF By Agnes Repplier. Atlantic Monthly 60:67-76: July 1887. SEQUENCE OF SONNETS ON THE DEATH OF ROBERT BROWNING, A By Algernon Charles Swinburne. (Fortnightly Review.) Lit- tell's Living Age 184:447-448; also Homage to Robert Drowning Aleph Tanner 96-98 821.88 Xht. SERAPHIM, THE, A SELECTION OF, AT HEADING OF THE PLASTIC WORD Poet Lore 12:3:384. BROWNINGIANA 349 SERENADE AT THE VILLA See Muiic. Words by Robert Browning. Music by Marshall Kernochan. SERENADE: I SEND M^ HEART UP TO THEE See Muiic. Words from In a Gondola. By Robert Browning. Music by Gena Branscombe. SERMONS FROM BROWNING By F. Ealand. 821.88 Ee. SERVICE A D,jalh in Ihe Dacrl. By Charles L. William. I :153-l55:Nov. 1904. The Upward Trend. By M. Henry Geistweit. 3:32-35:Oct. 1905. Voice of Spring. By Wm. Henrv Geistweit. 2 : 145- 1 48:May 1905. Young People's IVorld. By Walter Colley. 7:264-267. SETTLEMENT AT WALWORTH By F. Herbert Stead. Brorvning Cenlenarx, 99-108 821.88 Bkc. SETTLEMENT. ROBERT BROWNING The Ninth Through the Thirteenth Year in IValworth. 821.88 Xsff. The Thirteenth Year of. Founded 1895. Report for 1907. 821.88 Xsf. The Seventeenth Year of the. By S. E. Walworth. Statement of Accounts March 11, 1911. Report of Sevenleenth-Trvenl\} finl Years. 1911-15. 821.88 Xsf. SETTLEMENT. THE ROBERT BROWNING See Eighteen Years in the Central Cilv Sivarm. SETTLEWOOD. S. R. Intellect and the Actor. Fortnightly Review 100:111, 113. 116: July 1913. SEVERN. lOSEPH AND HIS CORRESPONDENTS Atlantic Monthly 68:736-7-48:Dec. 1891. SEWANEE REVIEW, THE Ihsen As a Dramatist. By Frederick W. Roe. 13:305-318. Longfellow Twenty Years After. By Edwin W. Bowen. 13: 165-176. Notes. 13:245-256. The Utilitv of Beauty. By Wm. Norman Guthrie. 13:143-155. SEYMOUR. CHARLES French Regard for Browning in Notes From Paris. Poet Lore 2 : 2:111-112. Notes From Paris on the Death of Browning. Poet Lore 2:2: 111-112. SHACKFORD. CHARLES CHAUNCY The Ring and ihe Boolf Symposium. The Pope. Poet Lore 1 :7: 309-14. ' Social and Literary Papers, 1892. 821.88 Dssp. Social and Literary Papers. Chapter 5, The Pope in The Ring and the Bool( ; Chapter 6. In a Balcony. (Typewritten) 821.88 Dssp. SHACKFORD. MARTHA HALE Entrance Literature and the Ancient Classics. English Journal 3:645:Dec. 1914. Shall IV e Stud\) the Pilgrim's Progress? English Journal 5:654: Dec. 1916. 350 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY SHAH ABBAS See Music. SHAIRP. J. C. The Prophetic Power of Poetrv. (Fraser's.) Littell's Living Ag« 148:259-267. SHAKESPEARE Browning's Tribute to Sha)iespeare. By C. Porter. Poet Lore 3:4:216-221. Browsings in The Tempest. By Wm. Kennedy. Poet Lore 9:4: 577-585. His Ignorance Concerning Coast of Bohemia. By Porter. Poet Lore 6:4:196-203. The Real Hamlet and the Hamlet Oldest of All. Poet Lore 16:4: 110-130. A Stud}^ of Sha}(espeare's IVinters Tale with The Alkestis in Literature. By P. A. C. Poet Lore 4:10:516-521. SHAKESPEARE AND BROWNING SOCIETIES By A. Morgan. Science 1 5:282: Feb. 21, 1902. SHAKESPEARE, DEMOCRATIZING By Editor. Literary Digest 52:2:1452-1453 : May 20, 1916. SHAKESPEARE POEMS, BROWNING'S By Charlotte Porter. Poet Lore 1:5:226. SHAKESPEAREAN BROWNINGESE, AN INSTANCE OF By William G. Kingsland. Poet Lore 4:10:525. SHAKESPEARE'S MOON By Museus. Contemporary Review 98:2: 1 -4:Literary Supplement 39. SHAKESPEARES SIGNIFICANCE FOR BROWNING By G. R. Elliott. 72 Pages Reprinted from Anglia 32:1-2 821.88 Lse. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwurde der Hohen Philosophischen Fakultat der Universitaf Jena. Vorgelegt von G. R. Elliott. 821.88 Les. SHAKESPEARE'S VIEW OF IMMORTALITY By Dr. Frederick Lynch. Literary Digest 52:2:l066:April 15, 1916. SHAKESPEARIANA What Is a Parallelism? 7 :74:1 l9:April 1890. SHAKSPERE, AS A MAN By Leslie Stephen. Eclectic Magazine 137:70-84:July 1901. SHAKSPERES FIRST CRITICAL EDITOR By K. N. Volvile. Nineteenth Century 86:266-279: Aug. 1919. SHAKSPERES SONNETS Athenaeum 3043:257-258: Feb. 20, 1886. SHALL WE STILL READ GREEK TRAGEDY? By Thomas Dwight Goodell. Atlantic Monthly 81 :474-482: April 1898. SHARP, AMY Victorian Poets. Robert Browning 40-102, Elizabeth Barrett Brownir^g 103-120 822.8 S531v. SHARP, ELIZABETH A. William Sharp's Struggle With His Feminine Self. Current Opinion 50:97-99:Jan. 1911. SHARP. WILLIAM Robert Browning. Poem. Art Review 33-36:Feb. 1890 821.88 Xpsr (2 copies). BROWNINGIANA 351 Same. Homage lo Roberl Drorvning, Aleph Tanner 136-139 821.88 Xht. Life of Robert Drowning. Appendix Bihliograph\f. by John P. Anderson. Two copies. 821.88 Bsh. Same. Poet Lore 2:5:286. Same. Reviewed. By Frederick Wedmore. Art Magazine 1 : 157-158. SHARPE, JOHN An Anahsis and Siimmar\) of Fifine al the Fair. Browning So- ciety Papers 2:255-258 821.88 Dbs. Fifine at the Fair, an Analysis and Summary. London Brown- ing Society Papers 2:255-257. focoseria. London Browning Society Papers 5:93-97. On Pletro of Ahano and the Leading Ideas of Dramatic Idyli. Second Series 1880 21-27. Berdoe's Drowning Studies. 821.88 VIbs. Same. London Browning Society Papers 2:191-197. SHARP'S. WILLIAM. STRUGGLE WITH HIS FEMININE SELF By Elizabeth A. Sharp. Current Opinion 50:97-99:Jan. 1911. SHAW. ALBERT Editorial Introduction on Drowning and the Larger Public. Re- view of Reviews 15:184- 185: Feb. 1897. SHAW, BYAM Poems by Robert Browning, with Introduction by Richard Gar- nett and Illustrations by Byam Shaw. 821.88 Ggb. SHELBURNE ESSAYS Review. By Paul E. More. Independent 59:2: 1 1 12:Nov. 9, 1905. SHELLEY AND BROWNING, DIFFERENT IDEALS OF By Angie Lacey Peck. (Portion of Thesis.) Weilesley Prelud« Memorial Number 3 : 1 7:21 1 -212:Jan. 30, 1892. SHELLEY AND GODWIN By Kingsland. Poet Lore 10:3:389-97. SHELLEY. CONTRA MUNDUM By Arthur Nicholson. Nineteenth Century 63 :794-810:May 1908. SHELLEY. FRANCIS THOMPSON'S TRIBUTE TO Current Opinion 45 :515-518:Nov. 1908. SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE By George L. Knapp. Lippencoft's Magazine 80:376. By Arthur Symons. Atlantic Monthly 100:347-356:Sept. 1907. Poet Lore 2:2:107; 2:12:662; 7:1:18-28. By Kenyon West. Chaufauquan 16:422-430:Jan. 1893. Poet Lore 2:1:107-109. A Reprint of Drowning's Essays. London Browning Society Papers 1:5-20. With Introduction by Browning. Review. Independent 71 :319- 321:1911. SHELLEY SOCIETY Mr. Robert Drowning and Miss Alma Murray's Beatrice 105 821 .88 Xssn. SHELLEY SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS (Fourth Series, No. 8.) By Robert Browning. Edited by W. Tyas Harden, 1888. 821.88 Epbs (2 copies). SHELLEY. STORY OF HIS LIFE By Fleay. Poet Lore 2:5:225-33. 352 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY SHELLEY: TRACES IN BROWNING By D. G. Brinton. Poet Lore 2:12:662-666. SHELLEY'S INFLUENCE ON BROWNING By Florence Converse. Poet Lore 7:1:18-28. SHEPARD, WILLIAM Literary Life. Pen Pictures of Modern Authors. (Typewritten) 821.88 Bsm. SHERMAN, L. A. Analytics of Litcraiure. Art of Browning 190-209 801 S553a. Luria and Othello: Types and Art Compared. Poet Lore 6:12: 585-592. Specialized Teaching of Literature. Poet Lore 6:8&9:382. SHILLABER, B. P. (Mrs. Partington) In a Copy of Agememnon La Saisiaz, and Dramatic Idyls. Hom- age to Robert Droivning, Aleph Tanner 79 821.88 Xht. SHIRLEY Robert Browning. Erasers Magazine for Town and Country 398: 240-256: Feb. 1863. SHIRLEY, JOHN SKELTON A Campaigner at Home 246-283 (Typewritten) 821.88 Dsc. SHIRLEY, TABLE TALK OF By John Skelton. Browning 124. 127. 129, 130: 287-290 824.8 F942t. SHIRREFF, A. G. The Tale of Florcniius. The True Storv of Peter Piper 33-39 821.88. SHOREY, PAUL The Influence of the Classics. Chautauquan 43 : 121 -132 :April 1906. The Poet of Science. Dial 46: 1 7-19:Jan. 1, 1909. Present Conditions of Literary Productions. Atlantic Monthly 78: 156- 168: Aug. 1896. Same. Literary Digest 13:521 :Aug. 22, 1896. SHORTER. CLEMENT Edited by. The Poems of Emily Bronte. Contemporary Review 99:5-8:Literary Supplement 41. Victorian Literature. Bookman 5:480: Aug. 1897. SHOULD GENIUS BE ENDOWED? Current Opinion 49:331-333:1909. SHOULD LOVE LETTERS BE PUBLISHED? Editorial. Literary Digest 23 : 190-191 :Aug. 17, 1901. By Editor. Outlook 68:620: July 13, 1901. SHOULD THE BIBLE BE DRAMATIZED? By Rev. F. W. Gunsaulus. Literary Digest 19:378-379:Sept. 23. 1899. SHRINE OF DEATH, AND OTHER STORIES. THE By Lady Dilke. Athenaeum 3055:642: May 15, 1886. SHUTTLEWORTH, HENRY GARY Poems and Hymns: 5: Christmas Cards: Robert Browning; Joseph Barber Lightfooi. SHYLOCK AND DAVID AS INTERPRETERS OF LIFE By William A. Quayle. The f^oet's Poet and Other Essays 326- 351 820.4 Q2p. SIBBALD, WM. A. Matthew Arnold as a Popular Poet. (MacMillan.) Littell's Livbg Age 241 :83-98. BROWNINGIANA 353 SICHEL, WALTER LileTaT\f Quaiii'ms u] D'uraeli. Lilcrary Digest 29:642: Nov. 12, 1904. SIDNEY. L. M. Lessons From Broivniitg. I.. N. Fowler & Co., London, 1893 821.88 Dslb. SIGMA Personalia. Rolvrl Bruu>ning. Intimate Recollections of Famous Men: Political, Literary, Artistic, Social, Various 233-235 BC S577. SIGNA SEVERA The Finch aiul //ic Robin. By R. A. K. (After Browning) 50 821.88. SIGNIFICANCE OF AYLWIN By W. Robertson Nicoli. Contemporary Review 74:798-809:Dec. 1898. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RING AND THE BOOK, THE By Roy Sherman Stowell. 821.88 Hrss. SIMCOX. G. A. Dalauslion's Adventure by Robert Browning. (Reviewed.) Gen- era/ Literalure. Academy 409-10:Sepf. 1, 1871 821.88 Dacad. SIMPSON. H. B. Cross Lights. IVordstvorlh's Successor 821.88 Dsiw. SINCLAIR. MAY Three American Poets of TodaM. Fortnightly Review 86:437: Sept. 1906. SISTER BEATRICE AND ARDIANE AND BARBE BLUE Translated by Bernard Miall. Athenaeum 3888:554-555 :May 3, 1902. SIXTH READER OF THE POPULAR Series: The Lippincotts. By Marcius Wilison. Robert Drowning 514-19. Bibliographical, How Thev Brought the Cood News From Ghent to Aix. Prospice 428.6 L765w. SKELTON. JOHN The Tahle-Talk of ShirleM. Drowning 124, 127, 129, 130, 287- 290 824.8 F942t. SKETCH. THE New Editions of Tenn\;son and Browning. By Edmund Gosse. 8: 101:437:Jan. 2. 1895 821.88 Xmsk. SKETCH OF IAN MAC LAREN. A By Rev. D. M. Ross. Literary Digest 1 3 :810-1 1 :Oct. 24, 1896. SKILTON. CHARLES SANFORD Musical Possibilities of Poe's Poems. Literary Digest 10:400: Feb. 2. 1895. SLICER. ADELINE E. H. Browning's Word Pictures. Centenary Addresses 33-42 821.88 Vnya. SLICER. THOMAS B. Browning's Personal Interests. Centenary Addresses 13-32 821.88 Vnya. SLOSSON. EDWIN E. Poetr\, and About It. Independent 98:224-227 :May 10, 1919. Science vs. Literature as a Professorial Profession. Independent 69: 1440- 1442: Dec. 29. 1910. SLUDGE Original Sonnet in imitation of Browning. The Spiritual Magazine 5:397:Sept. 1864. 354 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY SLUDGE AND MODERN SPIRITUALISM. MR. By M. Jastrow, Jr. Poet Lore 3:2:75-87. SLUDGE, FRA LIPPO LIPPI AND MR. From Bro'wning Versus Drownins- By Harrison S. Morris. Po«l Lore 1:9:410. SLUDGE THE MEDIUM. THE By Francis Bickford Hornbrooke. Boston Browning Society Papers 289-305; also Poet Lore 7:5:240-254 821.88 Vbp. By Edwin Johnson. London Browning Society Papers. Poet Lore 1:4:182; 1:7:330-332; 1:9:408; also London Browning Society Papers 7:13-32 821.88 Dbs. Monsieur Sludge Le Medium. La Nouvelle Revue Francaise 91 i 417-461 :April 1, 1921. SMALL. ALEXANDER The Swan Songs of the Poets. Eclectic Magazine 120:241-243: Feb. 1893. SMALL, FRANK O. Drownings Saul, Illustrated. Dial 31 :448:Dec. 1. 1901. Drawings for Saul by Robert Browning. Introductory note by Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. T. Y. Crowell & Co., New York. Saul, by Robert Browning. With an Introduction by John Angus MacVannel. 821.88 Gsc. SMALLEY. GEORGE W. The Edwin Arnold Infalualion. Literary Digest 11 :521-522:Aug. 31. 1895. London Letters and Some Others 1:309-319. Robert Browning: Notes on some personal aspects of his character. 826.7 S635. Men of Letters. McClure's Magazine 20:53-65 :Nov. 1902. SMART. CHRISTOPHER A Song to David. Prefactory page contains quotation from Pur/ej)- ings PVith Certain People of Importance in Their Da^. SMART. CHRISTOPHER. AND BROWNING Poet Lore 9:1:91. SMART'S SONG TO DAVID By Edmund Gosse. Independent 39:2:935-936: July 28. 1887. SMITH, A. TOLMAN Browning's Sordello : A Stud^ in the Psychology of Childhood. Poet Lore 6:5:238-43. SMITH, DR. C. A. Does Industrialism Kill Literature? Literary Digest 24:671 -May 17. 1902. SMITH. C. ALPHONSO The Mood of Browning's Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came. Poet Lore 11:4:626-28. SMITH. GEORGE BARNETT Paper on Browning. International Review 6:176-194. Poets and Novelists. Dedicated to Robert Browning. 824.8 S648pn. SMITH. GEORGE JAY Browning Society. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 80-82 821.88 Xht. SMITH. GOLDWIN English Poetry and English History;. American Historical Re- view 10:28-^0:Ocl. 1904. BROWNINGIANA 355 SMITH. HALIBURTON AND Teaching PoelrX) in the Cruc/ea 136-146. 160-166. 371 HI 39. SMITH. HENRY JUSTIN The Poclry of William Blake. Cenlury 60:284-291 :June 1900. The Troubadoun at Home. 254, 258, 260. 261, 272 849.1 S653. SMITH. I. GREGORY 5/p/e. Liltclls Living Age 276:93-100. SMITH. LEWIS WORTHINGTON Italian Freedom and the Poets. Arena 152- 160: Feb. 1909. Literature of Dreams: A Stud^ in the Dream-Craft of Holmes, Burns, Hood, Lorvcll, Tennyson and Others. Poet Lore 7:5:241. SMITH. MABELL S. C. Dickens F if t]! Years After. Chautauquan 62:93-102:March 1911. SMITH ON THE POETRY OF ENGLAND, GOLDWIN Literary Digest 29:752-753 :Dec. 3. 1904. SMITH, TEENA ROCHFORT A Memoir With Three Wood-T^pes of Her and One Each of Robert BroHining and F. J. Furnival. (As "copy" for the Chel- tenham Ladies' College Magazine Feb. 1894.) B S662c. SMITH, W. C. Raban or Life Splinters. Athenaeum 2788:454-455: April 2, 1881. SMITH. WILLIAM The tiwnan Form. New Church Review 10:342-364: July 1903. SMITH. WILLIAM AUSTIN Broroning and the Special Interests. Atlantic 114:809-814. SMYTH, A. H. The Ethical Import of the Art Poems. Poet Lore 2:3:145-146. SMYTH. JULIAN K. The Work of the Ministry. New Church Review 11:517-530: Oct. 1904. SNODDY. JAMES S. Sidnev Lanier: The Poet of Sunrise. Poet Lore 15:4:89-94. SOCIAL and' LITERARY PAPERS By Charles Chauncy Shaciiford. Chapter 5 The Pope in The Ring and the Book; Chapter 6 In a Balcony. (Typewritten) 821.88 Dssp. SOCIAL HYGIENE By F. M. Gregg. Education Magazine 33 :100-104:Sept. 1. 1912. SOCIAL THEORIES AND ART IN MODERN DRAMA By Helen Cramp. Poet Lore 22:2:141-145. SOCIAL VERSE By Algernon Charles Swinburne. Forum 43 : 129- 144: Feb. 1910. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. Forum 12: 170-1 71 :Oct. 1891. SOCIALISM IN LITERATURE Poet Lore 11 :3 :4I8-425 : 1899. See also under Religious. Sermons, Faith. Theology, Theism. SOCIALISTIC THREAD IN THE LIFE AND WORKS OF WIL- LIAM MORRIS. THE By O. Triggs. Poet Lore 5:3:113-122. SOCIETIES The Boston Browning Society. Poet Lore 1:5:225; 2:8:436- 437; 4:8&9:476-479; 4:12:647-648; 5:1:56. Friends in Council, Springfield, Mo. Poet Lore 4:12:648. The Ladies' Literary Club. Poet Lore 2:6:328-329. 356 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY The Lincoln Drowning Societ}^. Poet Lore 2:6:329-331. The North London DroTPning Union. Poet Lore 6:5:280. The Plainfield DroD>ning Club. By Jesse Hurlbut. Poet Lore 2:2:86-89. The Sordello Club. By Annie R. Wall. Poet Lore 1 :9:424-426. See Unitarian Church, of Rochester. SOCIETIES, BROWNING See under Corson and Berdoe. SOCIETIES, GENERAL NOTES ON LOCAL Browning Society Papers 4:14 821.88 Dbs. SOCIETIES, OTHER BROWNING Browning Society Papers 4:13-14 821.88 Dbs. SOCIETY, BROWNING By Robert Browning. Poet Lore 2:1:106. Monthly Abstract of Proceedings, From Inaugural Meeting, Oc- tober 28, 1881, to Tenth Meeting, Friday, October 27, 1882. Browning Society Papers 3:l*-48* 821.88 Dbs. Monthly Abstract of Proceedings, From Eleventh Meeting, Friday, November 29, 1882. to Annual Meeting, Friday, July 6, 1883. Browning Society Papers 4:49*-83* 821.88 Dbs. Monthly Abstract of Proceedings, From Nineteenth Meeting, Friday, October 26, 1883, to Third Annual Meeting, July 4, 1884. Browning Society Papers 5:85*-131* 821.88 Dbs. Monthly Abstract of Proceedings. Fourth Session, 1884-1885. From Twenty-seventh Meeting, Friday, October 31, 1884, to Fourth Session, 1884-1885. Browning Society Papers 7:l*-78* 821.88 Dbs. Monthly Abstract of Proceedings, From Thirty-fifth Meeting. Friday, October 30, 1885, to Fifth Annual Meeting, Friday, June 25, 1886. B. owning Society Papers 8:89*- 164* 821.88 Dbs. Monthly Abstract of Proceedings, From Forty-fourth Meeting, Friday, October 29, 1886, to Fiftieth Meeting, Friday, April 29, 1887. Browning Society Papers 9:165*-212* 821.88 Dbs. Monthly Abstract of Proceedings, From the Fifty-third Meeting, Friday, October 28, 1887, to the Sixtieth Meeting, Friday, June 29, 1888. Browning Society Papers I0:213*-285* 821.88 Dbs. Monthly Abstract of Proceedings. From Sixty-first Meeting, Oc- tober 26, 1888, to the Sixty-eighth Meeting, June 28, 1889. Brown- ing Society Papers 1 1 :287*-353* 821.88 Dbs. Monthly Abstract of Proceedings, From the Sixty-ninth Meeting, October 25, 1889, to the Seventy-sixth Meeting, June 27, 1890. Browning Society Papers 12:1*- 126* 821.88 Dbs. SOCIETY, PROGRAMS Friday, June 30, 1882. University College, Gower Street, W. C. Programme, Browning Society Papers 5:135*-137 821.88 Dbs. Second Annual Entertainment, University College, London, Fri- day Evening, June 29, 1883. Browning Society Papers 5:139*- 141* 821.88 Dbs. Third Annual Entertainment to be given at University College, Gower Street, on Friday F,vening, June 27, 1884. Browning Society Papers 5:143*-153* 821.88 Dbs. SOCIETY, BROWNING, LONDON, PAPERS Proceedings, Annual Report of Committee. London, 1881-1891 (3 Vol.) SOCIETY FOR 1897-1898, PROGRAMME OF THE BOSTON BROWNING Poet Lore 9:2:429-430. BROWNINGIANA 357 SOCIETY OF THE. NEW CENTURY CLUB, BROWNING Poet Lore 3:1:53-56. SOCIETY OF THE NEW CENl URY CLUB OF PHILADEL- PHIA. DEPARTMENT OF IHE BROWNING Dramatic Lyrics. Poet Lore 2:1:35. SOCIETY PAPERS Browning's The Sialuc and (/if Buil : A Parable. Read before The Boston Browning Society Jan. 25. 1898. Poet Lore 10:3: 397-416. Renaissance Pictures in Roberl Droivning's Poetr}). Read before the Boston Browning Society Oct. 26, 1897. Poet Lore 10:1: 66-76. SOCIETY. PAPERS OF THE BOSTON BROWNING Browning as a Dramalic Poet. Zip Henry Jones. Poet Lore 6:1 : 13-28. SOCIETY POETS Temple Bar. Littell's Living Age 180:48-53. SOCIETY'S COMMITTEE, FIRST REPORT OF THE BROWN- ING Presented to the First Annual Meeting of the Society, Held at University College, London, on Friday, July 7, 1882. Browning Society Papers 4:1-8 821.88 Dbs. SOCIETY'S SECOND REPORT OF THE BROWNING Presented to the Second Annual Meeting of the Society, Held at University College, London, on Friday, July 6, 1883. Browning Society Papers 4:9-13 821.88 Dbs. SOCIETY'S COMMITTEE, THIRD REPORT OF THE BROWN- ING Presented to the Third Annual Meeting of the Society, Held at University College, London, on Friday, July 4, 1884. Browning Society Papers 5:17-23 821.88 Dbs. SOCIETY'S COMMITTEE, FOURTH REPORT OF THE BROWNING Presented to the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Society, Held at University College, London, on Friday, June 26, 1885. Brown- ing Society Papers 7:1-8: 821.88 Dbs. SOCIETY'S COMMITTEE, FIFTH REPORT OF THE BROWN- ING Presented to the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society, Held at University College, London, on Friday, June 25, 1886. Browning Society Papers 8:1-5 821.88 Dbs. SOCIETY'S COMMITTEE, SIXTH REPORT OF THE BROWN- ING Presented to the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society, Held at University College, London, on Friday, June 24, 1887. Browning Society Papers 9:17-22 821.88 Dbs. SOCIETY'S COMMITTEE, SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BROWNING Presented to the Seventh Annual Meeting of the Society, Held at University College, London, cm Friday. June 29. 1888. Brown- ing Society Papers 10:25-30 821.88 Dbs. SOCIETY'S COMMITTEE. EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BROWNING Presented at the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society, Held at University College, on Friday, June 28, 1889, and since revited. Browning Society Papers 2:33-37 821.88 Dbs. 338 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY SOCIETY'S COMMITTEE. NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BROWNING Presented lo the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Society. Held at University College. London, Friday, June 27. 1890. Browning Society Papers 12:1-5 821.88 Dbs. SOCIETY'S FOURTH ANNUAL ENTERTAINMENT. THE BROWNING To be given at The Princes' Hall, Piccadilly, on Friday Evening, November 28, 1884, Programme, Bro^vning Society Papers 7: (appendix) 1-16 821.88 Dbs. SOHRAB AND RUSTUM. 1 HE BLANK VERSE OF By H. E. Coblentz. Poet Lore 7:10:497-505. SOLILOQUY OF AESCHYLUS' Current Opinion 56:55:Jan. 1914. By Robert Browning. A Program given by Mr. Sivori Levey. Six Saturday Afternoons, Nov. 1 to Dec. 6, 1913. SOME ASPECTS OF CONTEMPORARY THOUGHT Poet Lore 2:3:148-150. SOME BOOKS FOR THE DAYS OF LEISURE (MRS. BROWN- ING) By Christine T. Herrick. Nineteenth Century 48:594:Sept. 30, 1892. SOME BOOKS WORTH READING By H. W. Mabie. Outlook 99:782:Dec. 1911. SOME BROWNING MEMORIES By William G. Kingsland. (Contemporary Review.) Litteli'* Living Age 275:220-227. SOME CELEBRATED CHARACTERS OF LAST CENTURY By Percy F. Bicknell. Dial 46: 134-5: March 1, 1909. SOME CHILD-CRITICS OF BROWNING By W. W. (Academy.) Littell's Living Age 214:127-128. SOME EARLY FRIENDS Ob ROBERT BROWNING By W. Hall Griffin. 87:471 :427-446:March 1905. SOME ETHICAL ASPECTS OF BROWNING'S PHILOSOPHY By Mrs. A. G. Jennings. /Veju Unii^ 4:4:54-56:Sept. 24, 1896. SOME GREAT NINETEENIH CENTURY PREACHERS By J. R. Gillies. Bro-wning 24-32 821.88 Rxl. SOME HOLIDAY PUBLICATIONS Bookman 4:380-81 :Dec. 1896. SOME LETTERS AND RECOLLECTIONS By M. E. Lewes. Cornhill Magazine. Littell's Living Age 193:673-689: June 11, 1892. SOME MODERN PORTUGUESE SONNETS Poet Lore 6:10:518-520. SOME NEW MEMORIALS OF THE BROWNINGS Dial 58:268:April I, 1915. SOME NOTES ON BROWNING'S POEMS Referring to Music. By Helen J. Ormerod. Berdoe's Browning Studies 237-252; also Browning Society Papers 9: 180-195 821.88 Dbs. SOME NOTES ON MR. BROWNING'S LATEST VOLUME By Arthur Symons. Browning Society Papers 9:169-179 821.88 Dbs. SOME ODD NUMBERS By M. G. (Murray's.) Littell's Living Age 175:308-313. BROWNINGIANA 359 SOME OF BROWNING'S BELIEFS By C. \V. Bardeen. Memorial Meeting of the Syracu»e Browning Club 821.88 Bsy. SOME POINTS IN BROWNINGS VIEW OF LIFE By B. F. Wcstcott. London Browning Society Papers 4:397-410. SOME POINTS ON THE MODERN FAI'lH IN THE POEMS OF ROBERl BROWNING By P. Berger. Translated for thesis by Bernice McKinney. 821.88 Rbem. SOME PROMINENT POINTS OF BROWNINGS TEACHING. ON By W. A. Raleigh. Browning Society Papers 5:477-488 821.88 Dbs. SOME RECENT BOOKS By A Reader. Contemporary Review 91 :I41 -152:Jan. 1907; 91: 445-457 :March 1907. SOME RECENT BOOKS— RING AND THE BOOK By A Reader. Contemporary Review 90:897-906:Dec. 1906. SOME RECENT VERSE By Editor. Edinburgh Review 210:387-399:Oct. 1909. (Edinburgh Review.) Litteli's Living Age 264:195-209. SOME RECOLLECTIONS OF A READER (CornhiU.) Liltell's Living Age 108:103-109. SOME RECOLLECl IONS OF BROWNING IN VENICE Poet Lore 14:1:151-152. SOME RECOLLECTION OF CHARLES STUART CALVERLEY (Temple Bar.) Litteli's Living Age 172:421-426. SOME REMARKS ON BROWNING'S TREAl MENT OF PAR- ENTHOOD By Mrs. Alexander Ireland. Browning Society Papers 12:46-52 821.88 Dbs. SOME REMARKS ON THE STUDY OF ENGLISH VERSE Atlantic Monthly 92:469-75:Jan. 1903. SOME SANE WORDS ABOUT BROWNING By Emily Shaw Forman. American Magazine 8:536-541 :Aug. 1888. SOME SOLDIER POETS By Edmund Gosse. Edinburgh Review 226:296-31 6 :Oct. 1917. SOME THOUGHTS ON BROWNING By Mary A. Lewis. MacMillan Magazine June 1882 821.88 Dml. By Mary A. Lewis. (Cornhill Magazine.) Litteli's Living Age 154:238-246: July 22. 1882. SOME THOUGHTS ON BROWNING'S ETHICAL VIE"^S By G. Watts Cunningham. The Middlebury Campus 3:83-88: May 1912. SOME UNPUBLISHED PAPERS OF ROBER f .\ND ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING Edited with Comments. By George S. Hellnian. Harper'* Maga- zine 530-539: March 1916 821.88 Xsf. SOME WOMEN POETS OF THE PRESENT REIGN By Isabel Clarke. Nineteenth Century 59:1012-1021 :June 1906. SONG FROM PIPPA PASSES. BROWNING'S Correct English 12:1 :96:April 1911. By Edith Giles. Emerson College Magazine 20:3 : 146- 150 :Jan. 1912. 360 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY SONG TO DAVID. A See Christopher Smart. SONGS Selected from the works of Robert Browning. The Astolat Prest, 34 Great Castle Street. London, 1903. SONGS FROM THE GHETTO AND A VISION OF HELLAS By Harriet Olive. Poet Lore 12:2:308-311. SONGS OF GLADNESS AND GROWTH By James L. Huges. Containing To a Broivning Poem. 821.88 H893. SONNET By Robert Browning. Cornhill 36:10:Feb. 1914 821.88 So. Eclectic Magazine 140:834-836: June 1903. By Mrs. Louise Chandler Moulton. Homage io Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 130 821.88 Xht. Poet Lore 14:288. SONNET ON BROWNING. A Anonymous. Homage io Robert Brorvning, Aleph Tanner 122 821.88 Xht. SONNET ON BROWNINGS DEATH Pall Mall Budget 1108:1623 821.7 Xpmb. SONNET ON BROWNINGS MASTERPIECE. THE RING AND THE BOOK By Ruth Baldwin Chenery. 811 C518v. By Ruth Baldwin Chenery. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 67 821.88 Xht. SONNETS OF M. DE HEREDIA By J. C. Bailey. Fortnightly Review 70:383 :Sept. 1898. SONNETS IN THE PALL MALL GAZETTE. BROWNING'S Bookmart 7 (Whole No. 82) :457-458: March 1890 821.88 Xmab. SONNETS DU PORTUGAIS. LES d'Elizabeth Barrett Browning traduits en vers francais avec pre- face. Texte anglais en regard, et notes par Leon Morel. Paris: Librairie Hachette & Cie. 1903 821.88 Hspfm. SONNETS FROM THE PORTUGUESE By Mrs. Browning. 821.88 Hspg. By Margaret Armstrong. Dial 33 :402-3 :June 1, 1902. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 7-21 821.88 Xht. SONNETS FROM THE PORTUGUESE, MRS. BROWNINGS By Paul Elder. Dial 49:532:Dec. 16, 1910. By Neeta Marquis. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tannei 74 821.88 Xht. To the Dear Mcmorv of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. By A. E. Cross. Poet Lore 1:4:172. SONNETS PORTUGAIS. LES d'Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Traduits en Sonnets Francais avec Notice Texte Anglais. Commentaire et Notes par Fernand Henry. Librairie Orientale et Americaine, E. Guilmoto, Editeur, Paris, 1905. 821.88 Hspfh. Portugais, Lei Sonnets. Translated by Ferninand Henry. Athen- aeum 4042:457-458: April 15, 1905. SONNETS, SOME MODERN PORTUGUESE By C. Poet Lore 6:10:518-20. BROWNINGIANA 361 SORDELLO An Analysis of. By Wm. Jn. Alexander. Browning Sociely reapers 12:1-25 821.88 Dbs. Athenaeum 657:431 -432: March 30. 1840. Broivning Pilgrimage : Placa Enshrined in. By Arthur J. Whyte. By Robert Browning. J. M. Dent & Co., London, 1902. (Two copies) 821.88 Hsat. By R. W. Church. DanU- and Other Esia\fs 221-260 824.8 C562d. By R. W .Church. Taken from Dante and Other Eisa\;3. (Type- written) 821.88 Hsoch. By M. Conway. London Browning Society Papers 7:1-4 (Abs). Spoken to Music. By Lieut. Sivori Levey. Robert Browning Birthday Celebration, May 7, 1919. (Two copies.) By Caroline H. Dail. 821.88 Hsod. By Caroline H. Dall. Poet Lore 1:11:534-535. A Discussion of Prof. Alexander's Paper on Sordello, from Notes of Browning Society. 821.88 Vbp. Mr. Browning's. From Transcripts and Studies. By Edward Dowden. (Typewritten)) 1888. By Dowden. From Transcript and Studies 821.88 Hsodt. A History and a Poem. By Caroline H. Dall. 821.88 Hsoda. Note on. By Caroline H. Dall. London Browning Society Papers 8:146. An Exposition of. With Historical and Other Notes. Bv David Duff. 821 Hsod. By Charles Carroll Everett. Boston Browning Society Papers 334- 362 821.88 Vbp. By Miss Edith Harvey. Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society Transactions 15:65-83. The Hero As a Man. By Charles C. Everett. Poet Lore 8:6: 313-325; also Poet Lore 8:5:243-256. Robert Browning Birthday Celebration May 7, 1919. (Two copies.) Sonnet On. By Sando Enos. London Browning Society Papers 8: 147: Abstract. By Sanda Enos. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 83 821.88 Xht. By K. M. Loudon. A Commentary). 821.88 Hsal. An Oiidinc Analysis of Mr. Drorvning's Poem. By Jeanie Mor- ison. 821.88 Hsom. The Provencal of: Troubadour. By Owen Seaman. Poet Lore 5:5:236-7. Revell's Bro\vmng's Criticism of Life 68-116 821.88 Drc-1892. Selections From. Spoken to Music. By Lieut. Sivori Levey. Sordcllo's Story Retold in Prose. By Annie Wall. With Miss Wall's Autograph. 821.88 Hsowa. Same. By Annie Wall. Poet Lore 1:11:536. A Story From Robert Browning. By Frederick May Holland. Sordello, Strafford, Christmas Eve and Easter Day, Brownings. Atlantic 13:639-642: May 1864. G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1881 821.88 Psoh. Taken From Stories From Robert Browning. By Frederic May Holland. With an Introduction by Mrs. Sutherland Orr. (Type- written) 821.88 Fho. Taurello Salinguerra : Historical Details Illustrative of Browning's 362 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Sordello. Muralori and Drowning Compared. By W. M. Ros- seti. Browning Society Papers 12:82-97 821.88 Dbs. By A. Tolman Smith. Poet Lore 4:12:612-616; 6:5:238-243. The Poetic Limitations of. By George W. Cooke. Poet Lore 4:12:612-616 A Slud\f in the P3\)cholog\) of Childhood. By A. Tolman Smith. Poet Lore 6:5:238-43. Tragedy of a Troubadour. By E. H. Thomson. By Robert Browning. Edited by the Rev. Arthur J. Whyle. J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd. 82K88 Hsow. Contemporary Review 103:6/8: May 1913. Retold. By Annie R. Wall. Poet Lore 1:4:199. See Berdoe's Cyclopedia. 821.88 B885. See Gary's Purgatorio 6:74:171 851 D235. See Dante's Puragatorio translated by H. W. Longfellow 6:74: 378-380 851.1 D192del. SOTHEBY. WILKINSON AND HODGE Browning collections. Catalogue of oil paintings, drawings and prints; autograph letters and manuscripts; books; statuary, furni- ture, tapestries, and works of art; the properly of R. W. Barrett Browning, Esq. 821.88 Abe. A Browning Collection. Contains many full page pictures, also the amount each article brought at the sale, and the name of pur- chaser. 821.88 Abe (Two copies). SOTHERAN, HENRY & CO. Illustrated Catalogue of Old Engravings and of Manuscripts. Books and Relics of Robert and Elizabeth Browning, 1913, Catalogue 737. SOUL'S EXPRESSION. THE See Music. SOUL'S TRAGEDY, A German Edition. 821.88 Gpb. By Ella G. Willcox. Poet Lore 13:3:411-425. SOURCE OF BROWNING'S OPTIMISM. THE By M. M. Cohen. Poet Lore 4:11:567-568. SOUTH ATLANTIC QUARTERLY ,,9.49^. Ancient and Modern tellers. By Lane Cooper. I I :Z:>4-/4J) : April 1912. Book Review. By Editor. 12:1 75-6: April 1913. Chronology and Metrical Tests. By Edward P. Morton. 10:159- 168:April 2, 1911. New Creek Literature. By Charles W. Peppier. l3:134:Apnl 1914. . Pre-Raphaelitism and Its Literary Relations. By Benjamin Braw- ley. 15:77-78:Jan. 1916. The Technique of Non-Dramatic Blank Verse... By Frank C. Brown. ll:96-98:Jan. 1912. SOUTHERN REVIEW, THE . o d . Robert Browning in f^oems of Dante Gabriel Rosselti. By Roberts Brothers. 21 :Selection 3 :413 :April. Father Ryan and His Poems. By J. Thomas Pate. 4:Selechon 4:322-333. SPARROW, WALTER SHAW ^ ^^ ^ Dumas and D'Arlagnan. Literary Digest 15:462-463 : Aug. 14, 1897. BROWNINGIANA 363 SPAULDING. HENRY G. Capomacchi. Poet Lore I :6:269-73. SPEAKER The Complacency^ of the lVordiii>orthiani. By H. F. C. Littell't Living Age 237:818-822. The Playi of a Crcal Pod. By Gilbert Murray. Littell's Living Age 247:244-248. SPECIAL ARTICLE A Note of Si. Deuve. By Elmer James Bailey. Forum 40:46: Aug. 1908. By Brander Mathews. Forum 39:423: Jan. 1908 . SPECIALIZED TEACHING OF LITERATURE By L. A. Sherman. Poet Lore 6:8&9:38l -383. SPECIMEN BRICKS FROM THE RUINS OF ENGLISH LITER- ATURE Text book on an entirely original plan. By Prof. Foebus Wilde Scribendi. Rochester. N. Y.. 1882. 821.88 Xels. SPECTATOR Brorvning and Italy. Littell's Living Age 274:54-58:July 6. 1912. Browning and Tennyson. Littell's Living Age 184:190-192. Browning? Ya in a General Way. (Poem.) From H. E. W. to W. C. E. Littell's Living Age 190:578. Browning's Theology. Littell's Living Age 192:374-376. The Conditions of The Grand Style. Littell's Living Age 157: 120-123. The Difficulties of Religious Poetry. Littell's Living Age 213: 276-278. The Intellectual Effect of Old Age. Littell's Living Age 184: 249-251. Is Poetry Unpopular? Littell's Living Age 240:820-823. The Poetry of Leading Law Cases. Littell's Living Age 130: 572-575. Possibilities. Quotation from Aht Vogler. Littell'i Living Age 131:514. Startling Poetry. Littell's Living Age 157:117-120. Children's Ways. Eclectic Magazine 68:353 :Sept. 1898. SPEIRS. MR. Current Literature. Review of a book entitled Seven Steps in the Making of a Man. New Church Review 8:302-320: April 1901. SPELL OF BRITTANY. THE By Ange M. Mosher. See Index. SPELL OF ITALY. THE By Caroline Atwater Mason. 271. 272. 273. 259. 260. 261. 281. SPELLING. SHAKESPERE'S By G. L. Wood. Independent 62: 1 072- 1 074: May 9. 1907. SPENCER COMPARED WITH BROWNING. HERBERT Paracelsus and the Data of Ethics. By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 1:3:117-127. SPENCER. O. M. Picturesque Papuna. Cosmopolitan Magazine 18:662: April 1895. SPENCER-STANHOPE. RODDAM PRE-RAPHAELITE By A. M. W. Stifling. 66:307-325: Aug. 1909. SPENDER. CONSTANCE M. Browning Day fcy Day. T. Y. Crowell & Co.. New York. 1904 821.88 Sdd. 364 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY SPENDER, J. A. A Plea for the Popular in Literature. Nineteenth Century 61 : 645-657:April 1907; also Littell's Living Age 253: 348-3 58: May 11. 1907. SPENSER Observations on the Faerie Queen. By Thomas Warton. 1754. (Contains autograph of Robert Browning, father of the poet.) 821.3 C748ow. SPIRITUAL ASPIRATION By Anna Benneson McMahan. The Stud}) Class 198-199 807 Ml 67. SPIRITUAL EBB AND FLOW EXHIBITED IN ENGLISH POE- TRY FROM CHAUCER TO TENNYSON AND BROWN- ING In Corson's Introduction to Browning's Poetry 821.88 Dcs. SPIRITUAL FORCES, BROWNING AND TENNYSON AS By C. C. Everett. (Typewritten) 821.88 Rtb. SPIRITUAL MAGAZINE, THE Mr. Robert BroTvning on Spiritualism. Original Sonnet by Sludge in Imitation of Browning. 5 :310-31 1 :397:July and Sept. 1864. SPIRITUAL VOICES IN MODERN LITERATURE By Trevor H. Davies. Saul, The Heart's Cry for Jesus Christ 227-252 804 D255. SPIRITUALISM, MR. SLUDGE AND THE MODERN By Morris Jastrovv, Jr. Poet Lore 3:2:75-87. SPROUL, GEORGE D. Complete IVorl^s of Robert Browning. Literary Digest 20:291 • March 3, 1900. SPRING PUBLISHING SEASON Athenaeum 3718:1 13 :Jan. 28. 1899. SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN. THE A Friend of Browning's. Mrs. Bronson's Hospitality. By Lilian Whiting. Oct. 6. 1918. SQUIRES. VERNON P. Credit for Religion. Religious Education ll:513:Aug. 1916. ST. ANDREWS AND BROWNING By Thomas Bayne. Athenaeum 3334:386-387:Sepl. 19. 1891. ST. JAMES GAZETTE Browning's View of Life. Littell's Living Age 184:255-256. ST. JOHN IN THE DESERT An Introduction and Notes to Browning's A Death in the Desert. By the Rev. G. U. Pope. 821.88 Hddp. ST. NICHOLAS Through Failure to Success. By Ariadne Gilbert. 40:130-138: Dec. 1912. A Little Talk About a Great Poet. By Klyda Richardson Steege. 30:1 1:977-98 1 :Sept. 1903. ST. PAUL'S Browning's Poem. A Review. Littell's Living Age 108:155-166. Robert Browning's Poems. By E. J. H. Eclectic Magazine 13: 3:267-279:March 1871 :New Series. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. Littell's Living Age 109:707-713. The Ring and the Book. By E. J. H. Eclectic Magazine of For- eign Literature 13 :4:400-412:April 1871 :New Series. The Ring and the Book- Littell's Living Age 108:771-783. BROWNINGIANA 365 STACCATO TO O LE LUPE. A By Bliss Caiman. After Robert Browning, A Parod)) Anlhology. By Carolyn Wells. 200 821.08 W453pa. STAGE. THE By O. M. Poet Lore 2:5:263-265. Browning reference In a Balcony. STAGE PRODUCTIONS OF BROWNINGS PLAYS By Elizabeth McCracken. Poet Lore I4:3:II5-3L STANARD. EVERETT EARLE Pocirx) and the Spirit. Overland Monthly 65:360-363 :Jan. -June 1915. STANDARD DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGAUGE. A By Isaac Funk. Athenaeum 3493:451 -452 :Oct. 6, 1894. STANFORD. C. V. See Music. STARTLING POETRY (Spec.) Lilteli's Living Age 157:117-120. STARRETT. VINCENT Pippa Passes. STATE OF ENGLISH POETRY (Quarterly Review.) Liltell's Living Age 119:131-152. STATUE AND BUST OF BROWNING AND OTHER PAPERS. THE Read before the Boston Browning Society and the Brookline Thursday Club. By Prentiss Cummings. 821.88 Esbc. STATUE AND THE BUST. THE By Robert Browning. London: Edward Moxon. Dover Street, 1855. First edition. 821.88 Hsbm. By Robert Browning. Illustrated by Philip Connard. John Lane, London and New York, 1900. 821.88 Hsb. STATUE AND THE BUST: A PARABLE. THE By Prentiss Cummings. Poet Lore 10:3:397-416. STATUE AND THE BUST, THE RICCARDI PALACE OF THE By W. J. Rolfe. Poet Lore 3:5:284-287. STEAD, F. HERBERT Browning as a Poet of the Plain People. Review of Review* 15: 191-192:Feb. 1897. The Robert Browning Settlement. Walworth. Browning CenlenarX) 99-108 821.88 Bkc. STEBBINS. G. WARREN See Music. STEDMAN, MR. America's Debt to British Poetrv. Literary Digest 22:316:March 16, 1901. STEDMAN. EDMUND CLARENCE Robert Browning. Scribner's Monthly 9:167-183 :Dec. 1874. The feature and Elements of Poclrv. Centurv 44 :61 3-622 : Aug. 1892; 44:859-869:Oct. 1892; 44:14'3-152:May 1892. Twelve Years of British Song. Century 34:899-91 6 :01d Series. The Twiliohi of the Poets. Century 30:787-800:Sept. 1885. Victorian Anthologv. (Review.) Independent 47:2:1580:1895. Victorian Poets 293'-341 :1893 831.88 S812.C2. Same. Revised and enlarged, 1887. 821.8 S812. STEDMAN'S \'ICTORl.-\N .ANTHOLOGY Poet Lore 7:12:630. 366 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY STEEGE. KLYDA RICHARDSON A Utile Talk Ahoiil a Crtai Poet. Si. Nicholas 30:11:977-981: Sept. 1903. STEPHEN, J. K. Parodies: Imitation of Robert DroJ»ning. The Last Ride Together, Carolyn Wells. Parod]) Anlholog\i 210-15 820.8 W453pa. STEPHEN, LESLIE By Matthew Arnold. Eclectic Magazine 122:300-31 3 :March 1894; also (National Review) Littell's Living Age 200:90-103. Brownine's Casuistry. Eclectic Magazine 140:357-371 :March 1903. Same. (National Review.) Littell's Living Age 236:257-271. The Du(p of Authors. Eclectic Magazine 123 : 1-1 4: July 1894. Shakspere, As a Man. By Leslie Stephen. Eclectic Magazine 137:70-84:July 1901. Wordsraorth's Youth. (National Review.) Littell's Living Age 212:859-870. STEPHEN, LESLIE, THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF By G. W. Prothero. Nineteenth Century 61 :61 8-628: April 1907. STEPHENSON, NATHANIEL WRIGHT Hauptmann's Fuhrmann Henschel. Arena 1:169-175. STERLING. GEORGE Ode for the Centenary of the Birth of Robert Browning. Forum 49:97-99:Jan. 1913. See also Lvric Year 235-241. STERLING, ROBERT An Ode for the Centenary of the Birth of Robert BroV>mng. Homage to Robert Brorvning, Aleph Tanner 68-71 821.88 Xht. STEVENS, PHILIPS Poetry and the Filipinos. English Journal 5:256:April 1916. STEVENS, W. BERTRAND Rossetti's The Blessed Damazel. Chautauquan 46: 109: March 1907. STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS By Lord Rosebery. (London Times.) Littell's Living Age 212: 187-190. STEVENSON. ROBERT LOUIS. AT SARANAC By T. R. Sullivan. Scribner's Magazine 62:243:Aug. 1917. STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS. ESSAYIST. NOVELIST AND POET By H. B. Baildon. (Englische Studien.) Littell's Living Age 221:671-688. STEVENSON'S CHARACTERISTICS, R. L. By J. A. MacCulloch. Eclectic Magazine 68: 193: Aug. 1898. STIRLING, A. M. W. Roddam Spencer-Stanhope, Pre-Raphaelite. Nineteenth Century 66:307-325: Aug. 1909. STITT. E. F. R. Love and Dui\) in Tennyson and Browning. Poet Lore 4:5:271- 274. STOCKTON, E. B. Notes and News. (Browning Query Answered.) Poet Lore 3:2: 101-102. STODDARD, FRANCIS Uniform Entrance Examinations in English. Educational Review 30:382:Nov. 1905. BROWNINGIANA 367 STODDARD, RICHARD HENRY Bron>ning. Independent 42:820:June 12, 1890. Mn. Browning in Lelten. Independent 39:1:737-738; 39:2:770- 771; 39:3:803-804. A Chat About Longfellow. Literary Digest 12:310-1 I :Jan. II, 1896. Lellers and Essa\^i. By Elizabeth Barrett Brorwning. Addressed to Richard Hengist Home. With a preface and Memoir by Rich- ard Henry Stoddard. (Two copies) 821.88 Hie. STODDART. ANNA M. Saul. Browning Society Papers 10:264-274 821.88 Db*. Saul. Berdoe's Drorvning Shulies 310-320 821.88 Vlbs. STONE. THEO Browning. Homage lo Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 75 821.88 Xht. STONEX, ARTHUR B. Browning's Epps. (Letter to the Editor.) Outlook 105:715-716: Nov. 29. 1913. STORIES FROM ROBERT BROWNING By Harvey Carso-n Grumbine. 821.88 Fgs. By Frederic May Holland. With an Introduction by Mrs. Suth- erland Orr. 821.88 Fhs. STORY. WILLIAM WETMORE By Mrs. Lew Wallace. Cosmopolitan 21 :472:Sept. 1896. STORY, WILLIAM WETMORE. AND HIS FRIEND By Henry James. See Index for Browning. B S888j. By Anne Russel Marble. Dial 35:348-357:Nov. 16. 1903. STOUT. A. S. The Browning Society of Philadelphia. Poet Lore 8:6:366-68. STOWELL. ROY SHERMAN The Significance of The Ring and the Dool(. Literary Studies. Poet Lore Co.. Boston. 1903. 821.88 Hrss. STRACHE\'. CHARLES A March Hare. Eclectic Magazine 68:46: July 1898. STRACHEY AND LITTLEFIELD The Unhapp}) Love Affairs of Men of Lellers. Current Opinion 47:512-515:Aug. 1909. STRACHEY. ST. LOE The Heroic Couplet. Eclectic Magazine 123:443-461 :Oct. 1894. STRAFFORD Acts I -3 .read by Dr. G. H. Makuen and Miss Harriet T. Babb. Poet Lore 2:3:145. Robert Browning's Prose Life of Strafford. With an Introduction by C. H. Firth and Forewords by F. J. Furnivall. Published for the Browning Society by Kegan. Paul. Trench, Truebner & Co., London, 1892. 821.88 Hsf. Browning's Strafford. Edited by Hereford B. George. 821.88 Hsg. The Lady Carlisle of. From a translation. Poet Lore 4:8&9: 470-471. Poet Lore 9:1:156-159; 16:2:139-140. A Tragedy^. By Robert Browning. Notes and Preface by E. H. Hickey, and an Introduction by Samuel R. Gardiner. George Bell & Sons. London. 1892. 821.88 Hsh. Same. By E. H. Hickey. Athenaeum 2955:757 :June 14. 1884; 2966:273 :Aug. 30, 1884. 368 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY By Charlotte Porter. Boston Browning So'ciety Papers 190. By Agnes Wilson. With Introduction and Notes. 821.88 Hsw. Acts 4 and 5, read by Miss C. H. Fulton and Mr. H. H. Dalby. Poet Lore 2:4:212. Nation 87:210:Sept. 1908. Poet Lore 2:4:200; 2:4:214. STRAFFORD AT THE STRAND THEATRE Dec. 21. 1886. By John Tcdhunter. Browning Society Papers 9: 147-152 821.88 Dbs. STRAFFORD, DRAMATIC MOTIVE IN By Charlotte Porter. Poet Lore 5:10:515-526. STRAFFORD, HISTORICAL ALLUSIONS IN By P. A. C. Poet Lore 1:5:236-240; 1:6:282-286; 1:7:332- 336; 1:8:372-375; 1:9:426-430; 1:11:511-514; 1:12:562-565. STRAFFORD, JULIUS CAESAR AND A Comparative Slud\}. By P. A. C. Poet Lore 4:3:148-154. STRAFFORD, LIFE OF By Robert Browning. Poet Lore 2:7:398. By W. G. Kingsland. Forster's Life of Strafford— Is It Forster's or BroTvnings? Poet Lore 6:11:555-559. STRAFFORD. MUSIC FOR THE BOAT SONG IN Poet Lore 1:5:236. STRAFFORD, A REFERENCE INDEX TO A Tragedv. Poet Lore 1:3:137-140. Same. By'P. A. C. Poet Lore 1:5:236-240. STRAFFORD, SORDELLO, CHRISTMAS EVE. AND EASTER DAY. REVIEW OF Atlantic 13:639-642. STRAFFORD. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE STUDY OF By P. A. C. Poet Lore 1:4:190-193. STRAFFORD. THE STAGE Poet Lore 2:4:200. STRATFORD-ON-AVON By Mabel E. Sturlevant. Education Magazine 33:488-491. STRAY RECORDS By Clifford Harrison. Drowning 1:149-154 B H318. STREET, G. S. The Earl}) Victorians and Ourselves. Liltell's Living Age 251 : 617-624; also Fortnightly Review 86:878:Nov. 1906. STRONG, AUGUSTUS HOPKINS The Great Poets and Their Theology^ 373-447. The Griffith & Rowland Press, Philadelphia. 808.1 S923g. Philosophy and Religion. A series of addresses, essays and ser- mons designed to set forth great truths in popular form. Auto- graphed copy. 204 S923 C2. STOUGHTON AND HODDER A Da\) With Drowning. STUART, CHARLES M. The Vision of Christ in the Poets 106-163 821.88 S9298. STUART, ESNE On/p the Advertisements. Eclectic Magazine 62: 660-666: Nov. 1895. STUBBS. C. W. Christ in English Poetry. Drowning and Christianity) 168-216 62K04 S823y. BROWNINGIANA 369 STUBBS. M. WILMA The Poeti Pari in the A/a^mg of England. Chautauquan 61 : 227-234:Jan. 1911. STUDIES. BROWNING Being Select Papers by Members of Browning Society. By Ed- ward Berdoe. 821.88 Vibs. By V. C. Harrington. 821.88 Dhs. Outline published for the Chicago Browning Society 821.88 Xch. STUDIES IN BROWNING (Four Poems.) By Susan Cunningham. Saul, The Epislle of Karshish the Arab Phyiician. A Crammarian's Funeral. Old Pic- tures in Florence. 821.88 Gsac. By Josiah Flew. Every Age Library 821.88 Rfs. STUDIES IN BROWNING'S ART POEMS By Roy Harris. McMaster's University Monthly, Montreal, May, 1918 821.88 Lmm. STUDIES IN LITERARY PSYCHOLOGY By Vernon Lee. (Contemporary Review.) Littell's Living Age 241:213-217. STUDIES IN LITERATURE Chautauquan 1 5 :502-503 :July 1892. 1789-1877. By Edward Dowden, LL. D. Mr. Tenn\)son and Mr. Drowning 191-239 804 D745 (2 copies). By John Morley. On The Ring and the Book 255-285 804 M864sl. STUDIES IN MODERN ENGLISH LITERATURE Mesmerism. Translated into Japanese. By Homei Iwano. 820.8 S933J. (Translated into Japanese.) Robert Drowning 131. Mesmerism (by Robert Browning) 132-149. STUDIES IN PLANT CHEMISTRY AND LITERARY PAPERS By Helen Abbott Michael (Helen C. de S. Abbott). The Con- ception of Truth Among the Creeps and in Drowning 393-416 547 M582. Drama in lis Relation to Truth 365-369 547 M582. STUDIES IN POETRY AND ROMANCE By Editor. Outlook 71:180:May 17, 1902. STUDIES NEW AND OLD By William Leonard Courtney. Robert Drowning. Writer of Plavs 100-123 820.4 C865s. STUDIES OF THE MIND AND ART OF ROBERT BROWNING By James Folheringham. 821.88 Dfs. STUDY CLASS. THE A Guide for the Student of English Literature. By Anna Ben- neson McMahan. 187 807 Ml 67. STUDY. A— EASTER DAY Robert Drowning. Chautauquan 8:428: April 1888. STUDY HINTS By P. A. C. Poet Lore 3:10:521-522; 3:11:588-589; 3:12:638- 639. STUDY HINTS, BROWNING: THREE POEMS RELATING TO MARRIED LIFE By P. A. C. Poet Lore 5 :8&9:453-455. STUDY IN BROWNING'S MEN, A By James Wiley Jones. Submitted to the Faculty of Georgetown College for the Degree of Master of Arts, 1910 821.88 Pjm. 370 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY STUDY OF BROWNING, THE (Editorial.) Independent 54:3 :2534-2535:Oct. 23. 1902. STUDY OF BROWNING AT EMERSON COLLEGE Emerson College Magazine 20:3 : 135 :Jan. 1912. STUDY OF ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING. A By Lilian Whiting. (Three copies.) 821.88 Bsw. STUDY OF CHARACTER, THE Eclectic Magazine 123 : 76-79: July 1894. STUDY OF DICTIONARIES By V/il!iam Mathews. Literary Digest 13:525: Aug. 22. 1896. STUDY OF THE LOVE POETRY OF THE BROWNINGS Current Literature 39:499-500:Nov. 1905. STUDY OF RHYMES IN BROWNING, A By Elizabeth M. Clark. Poet Lore 2:9:480-86. STUDY PROGRAM SantaMana on Robert Drorvnin§ : A Pessimisl Criticism. By Helen Dryer' Woodward. Poet Lore 1 3 : 1 : 1 06- 1 1 1 . STUDY PROGRAMME, A By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Browning's Folli Poems. Poet Lore 12:1:105-113. English Life and Literature. Poet Lore 2:9:489-491. STUDY PROGRAMMES. BROWNING By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. In two vtJume». 821.88 Zcp. Same. One volume. Reviewed in Outlook 65: 133: May 12, 1900. STURTEVANT, MABEL E. Stratford-on-Avon. Education Magazine 33 :488-491 : April 1913. STYLE By J. Gregory Smith. (Oxford and Cambridge Review.) Littell's Living Age 276:93-100. SUBJECTIVE ELEMENT IN BROWNING By Thorpe. Poet Lore 1:5:230-231. SUBTLETY See J. Cotter Morison. SUCCESSION OF MR. MEREDITH. THE By Laurie Magnus. Fortnightly Review 88:935:Dec. 1907. SUGGESTED BY THE EPILOGUE IN ASOLANDO By H. McL. I. Homage to Robert Brorvning, Aleph Tanner 134 821.88 Xht. SUGGESTIONS FOR BROWNING STUDY By Daniel G. Brinton. Poet Lore 8-8:51-53. SUGGESTIONS REGARDING BOOKS ON BROWNING By Marie Ada Molineux. Emerson College Magazine 20:3:142- 144:Jan. 1912. SULLIVAN. ALAN Plus and Minus. Scribner's Magazine 46:368:Sept. 1909. SULLIVAN. T. R. Robt. L. Stevenson at Saranac. Scribner's Magazine 62:243 :Aug. 1917. SULLY-PRUDHOMME AND POETRY OF REFLECTION Nation 85:31 9-323 :Oct. 1907. SULMAN, THOMAS A Memorable Art Class. Good Words. Littell's Living Age 214: 889-893. SULZBERGER, F. The BroUfning Societ\f of the Net) Ceniur\f Club. Poet Lore 5:1:55-56: 5:2:112, BROWNINGIANA 371 SUMMER TRIP THROUGH THE DOLOMITES. A By Eric Bell. Country Life in America 18:363-364 :JuIy 1910. SUMMERS IN BRITTAINY By A. M. Mosher. Century 32:755-768. SUMMUM BONUM See Music. From Asolando, translated into Japanese by Bin Uyeda. Kaicho On 134-140 821.88 Xku. SUN SYMBOLISM IN BROWNING By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 11:1:55-73. SUN. THE See Music. SUN. THE IDEA OF GOD IN THE By D. G. Bnnton. Poet Lore 3:3:254-257. SUNDERLAND. J. T. Religious Influence of RuJ\)ard Kipling. Literary Digest 19:258- 259:Au2. 26. 1899. SUPERB MONSTER. A Literary Digest 30: 143: Jan. 28. 1905. SURVEY OF SELECT BOOKS OF THE SEASON. A Poet Lore 11:4:613-622. SURVIVAL OF THE ESSAY. THE Poet Lore 9:3:431-436. SUTHERLAND. ORR. MRS. Browning's Life and Letters. Nation 52:520-521 :June 25. 1891. SWAN SONGS OF THE POETS. THE By Alexander Small. Eclectic Magazine 120:241 -243 :Feb. 1893. SWANWICK. ANNA The Dramas of Aesch})lus. Rorbert Browning's Own Copy 852 A353des. SWINBURNE. ALGERNON CHARLES Littell's Living Age 262:3-17. Our Library Table. Athenaeum 4014:443-444:Oct. 1. 1904. Personal Recollections. By Edmund Gosse. Fortnightly Review 91-1020. Social Verse. Forum 12:1 70-1 71 :Oct. 1891. By Arthur Quiller-Couch. Edinburgh Review 225 :249-268: April 1917. By Edmund Gosse. Fortnightly Review 91 :1037:June 1909. Social Verse. Forum 43 : 1 30- 142: Feb. 1910. The Heptalogia. Containing John Jones, A Parod'y on Robert Browning. 821.8 S978h. A Sequence of Sonnets on the Death of Robert Browning. (Fort- nightly Review.) Littell's Living Age 184:447-448: Feb. 15. 1890. Same. Homage to Robert Browning, A\ep\\ Tanner 96-98 821.88 Xht. 5n>(/iturne"s Letters. (Times.) Littell's Living Age 262:154-165. Up the Spout. Parod]). Carol\)n [Veils' Parody Anthology 215- 218 821.08 W453pa. By W. Robertson Nicoll. Contemporary Review 95:527-538: May 1909. Wordsworth and Byron. Nineteenth Century 15:583-609. SWINBURNE. A TRIBUTE TO By Ernest Rhys. Nineteenth Century 65:965-979: June 1909. SWINBURNE'S LETTERS By A. C. Swinburne. (Times.) Littell's Living Age 262:154- 165. 372 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY SWINBURNE'S LYRICS. MR. By Editor. Edinburgh Review 1 71 :429-452: April 1890. SWINBURNE'S POETRY, CHARACTERISTICS OF By W. Holman Hunt. Edinburgh Review 204:468-487:Oct. 1906. SWINBURNE'S POSTHUMOUS POEMS By Edmund Gosse. Contemporary Review 1 12: 1 18: 106-107 :July 1917:Literary Supplement. SYLVAN. URBANUS The New Crilicisw. (Cornhill Magazine.) Litteil's Living Age 224:432-438. SYMBOLISM By M. Maeterlinck. Pippa Panes. Optimism of Brottnmg 842.91 M186br. SYMES, J. E. Self-Revelation 94-100. Notes to the Pocket Volume of Selec- tions from the Poemi o/ /RofcerJ Z3ron>nmg. By Alex Hill. 821.88 Dhn. SYMONDS AS AN INTERPRETER OF ITALY Literary Digest 10:281 -282: Jan. 5, 1895. SYMONDS. JOHN ADDINGTON A Comparison of Elizabethan and Victorian Poetry. (Fortnightly Review.) Litteil's Living Age 180:195-209. Debt of English to Italian IJteralure. (Fortnightly Review.) Lit- teil's Living Age 125:131-138. SYMONS, ARTHUR Brorvning in Intimate Intercourse. Dial 61 :387:Nov. 16, 1916. By Thomas Campbell. Fortnightly Review 82:421 : Sept. 1904. Dead in Venice. Athenaeum 2:280; Parle^ings With Certain People; London Browning Society Papers 9:169-179. Dead in Venice. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 98-99 821.88 Xht. An Introduction to the Stud^ of Browning. Cassell & Co., Ltd.. 1886. 821.88 Dsic. Same. J. M. Dent & Co., London, 1906. 821.88 Dsi. Same. Poet Lore 1:11 :535-536. Is Browning Dramatic? Browning Society Papers 7:1-12 821.88 Dbs. Shellc}). Atlantic Monthly 100:347-356: July 1907. Some Notes on Mr. Browning. London Browning Society Papers 8: 13-1 7: Abstract. Some Notes on Mr. Browning's Latest Volume. Browning Society Papers 9:169-179 821.88 Dbs. SYRACUSE BROWNING CLUB Memorial Meeting. Contains: Browning's Use of History, Prof. Charles J. Little, 9-]3;Aid to Living, from Browning. Mrs. Mary E. Bagg, 14-20; Browning as a Theologian. Rev. E. W. Mundy. 21-23; Browning as An Artist, E. H. Merreil, 24-54; Browning's Philosophy, Miss Arria S. Huntington, 55-59; Browning as a Dramatist, Rev. S. R. Calthrop, 60-63 ; Some of Browning's Be- liefs, C. W. Bardeen, 64-78; Remarks by Rev. C. DeB. Mills, 79-90; Notes of a Call on Mr. Browning, C. W. Bardeen 91-94 821.88 Bsy. SYRACUSE BROWNING CLUB, THE CONSTITUTION OF With a sketch of its organization and a list of its members. 821.88 B.yc. BROWNINGIANA 571 TABLE. OUR LIBRARY Athenaeum 3324:60-61 ^July 1891 ; 2356:809:Dec. 21. 1872; 3768: 47:Jan. 13. 1900; 3918:720-721 :Nov. 29. 1902; 4030:81 -83 :Jan. 21. 1905; 4073:684-686: Nov. 18. 1905; 4091 :358-360:March 24. 1906; 4093:419-420:April 7. 1906; 4099: 606-608: May 19. 1906; 4205:668-669: May 30. 1908. By Algernon Chas. Swinburne. Athenaeum 401 4:443-444: Oct. 1. 1904. TABLE TALK OF SHIRLEY Reminiscences of Broxening. By John SI(cllon. BlacLwood & Soni. Edinburgh and London, 1895. 824.8 F842t. By John Skelton. BroJt^ning 124. 127. 129. 130. 287-290. William Blackwood & Sons. Edinburgh and London. 1895. 824.8 F942f. TABLET By William G. Kingsland. Poet Lore 2:11:611. TAIT'S MAGAZINE James Montgomery. By George Gilfilian. Littell's Living Age 11:57-60. TAKE HOME HER HEART By H. D. Rawnsley. Homage to Robert Brotining, Aleph Tanner 90 821.88 Xht. TAKESHI SAITO Japanese, Seisho Kensan. A complete translation into Japanese of Saul. Rabbi Ben Ezra. Three Magazines containing parts 1. 2 and 3. Translated and interpreted into Japanese. TAKING STOCK Editorial. Dial 50:3-5:Jan. 1. 1911. TALE OF FLORENTIUS, THE By A. G. Shireff. TALKS ABOUT NEW BOOKS Mention of Mrs. Broxening. Frank Leslie's 44:720. TALKS ON THE STUDY OF LITERATURE Recalls The Ring and the Book- Frank Leslie's 44:720. TALKS WITH TENNYSON By Elizabeth R. Chapman. Putman's Magazine 7:549:Fcb. 1910. TANNENFORST, URSULA Divided. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 103-104 821.88 Xht. Same. A Poem on Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning. Poet Lore 2:4:193-195. TANNER, ALEPH Homage to Browning. 821.88 Xht. TAPPER. THOMAS Introduction and Notes to The Young Folds' Browning. Selected from the Poems of Robert Browning. Illustrated by Louis Meynell. The Cozy Corner Series. The Page Co.. Boston. 1919. 821.88 Syf. TARRANT, MURTEL P. The Plowman and the Peer. Baylor Literary 18:355-359: May 1910. 374 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY TAURELLO SALINGUERRA By William Rossetti. London Browning Society Papers 12:82-97. TAYLOR. BAYARD Angela Orders His Dinner. After Robert Browning, A Parod)> Anthology. By Carolyn Wells. 205 821.08 W453pa. Parodies: B\) the Sea, Angela Orders His Dinner. A Parody Anlhology, Carolyn Wells 203-206 821.08 W453pa. Three Old and Three /Ven* Poets. Review of in International Review 3:402-413. TAYLOR, EDWARD ROBESON Draruning in Into ihe Light 106 811 T239. TEACHER OF 1 HE NINETEENTH CENTURY, BROWNING AS THE By C. M. Whitehead. Berdoe's Drorvning Studies 283-310 821.88 Vlbs. By C. M. Whitehead. London Browning Society Papers 10:237- 263. TEACHING OF POETRY IN THE HIGH SCHOOL, THE By Arthur H. R. Fairchild. Dealing with Andrea del Sarto. 22-63 808.1 F165p. TEACHING ON FAITH, LIFE AND LOVE, BROWNING'S By Arthur Hind. 821.88 Rhtf. TEACHING POETRY IN THE GFIADES By Haliburton and Smith. 371 HI 39. TEACHINGS, SOME, ON IHE RING AND THE BOOK By F. B. Hornbrooke. Poet Lore 1:314-320. TEARS See Music. TEASDALE, SARA The Year's at the Spring. Homage to Robert Brol»ning, Aleph Tanner 37 821.88 Xht. TECHNIQUE OF NON-DRAMATIC BLANK VERSE By Frank C. Brown. South Atlantic Quarterly I 1 :96-98:Jan. 1912. TEMPERAMENT. THE UNLITERARY Editorial. Dial 40:5-7 :Jan. 1, 1909. TEMPLE BAR An Afternoon Call. Littell's Living Age 203:208-215. Thomas Lovcll Beddoes. By Mrs. Andrew Crosse. Littell's Living Age 201:157-166. The Birds of Tenn'^son. By Edgar Valdes. Littell's Living Age 213:807-817. The Brownings. By Mrs. Andrew Crosse. Littell's Living Age 192:719-728. Leigh Hunt. By F. Warre Cornish. Littell's Living Age 210: 3-14. A Little Girl's Recollections. By Henriette Corkran. Littell's Liv- ing Age 204:311-315. Walter Savage Landor. By John Fyvie. Littell's Living Age 206: 3-12. Old Memories Interviewed. By Mrs. Andrew Crosse. Littell's Living Age 195:372-383. Science and Society in the Fifties. By Mrs. Andrew Crosse. Lit- tell's Living Age 191:208-218. Society Poets. Littell's Living Age 180:48-53. Some Recollections of Charles Stuart Calverley. Littell's Living Age 172:421-426. BROWNINGIANA 375 TEMPLE. H. W. HoTU BroTvning'i Fame IVas Delayed. Literary Digest 15:26: May I. 1897. TEMPLE LIBRARY The l^oclical lVorl(i of Thomas Lotvell Dcddoes. By Edmund Gosse. Athenaeum 3296:879-881 :Dec. 27. 1890. TENDENCIES OF ENGLISH AND FRENCH LITERATURE DURING THE ELIZABETHAN PERIOD By M. V. Easton. Poet Lore 1:4:157-171. TENNYSON Eclectic Magazine 120:31 -44: Jan. 1893. Browning and Tennyson as Spiritual Forces. By C. C. Everett. (Typewritten) 821.88 Rtb. Part 1. By Edmund Gosse. (New Review.) Littell's Living Age 195:707-713. Part 2. By Herbert Paul. (New Review.) Lilteils Living Age 195:713-718. By Andrew Lang. Literary Digest 24:320-321 : March 8. 1902. A Reconsideralion and Appreciation. By Henry \V. Clark. Fort- nightly Review 92:226: Aug. 1909. TENNYSON A FORTUNATE POETIC DOMINANCE Editorial. Century 78:637: Aug. 1909. TENNYSON. ALFRED LORD By Andrew Lang. Eclectic Magazine 129:81 0-81 7 :Dec. 1897. By Editor. Edinburgh Review 186:285:Oct. 1897; 186:286:Oct. 1897; 186:288:Oct. 1897; 186:296:Oct. 1897; 186:301 :Oct. 1897; 186:306:Oct. 1897. A Memoir. By His Son. Athenaeum 3651 :521 522:Oct. 16. 1897. Same. By Editor. Edinburgh Review 186:275-306:July 1886. TENNYSON AND BROWNING By Edward M. Chapman. 821.88 Ret. By Editor. Edinburgh Review 172:301 :Oct. 1890; 172:301-316: July 1886; 172:316:Oct. 1890. A Manual for College Classes and Other Students. By Robert Huntington Fletcher. 821.88 Dft. Poet Lore 2:1:100-101. Lectures on Literature and Art 5:139-179. By Edward Dowden. 820.4 L471a. See Studies in Literature 1789-1877. By Edward Dowden. 191- 239 804 D745. TENNYSON AND BROWNING AS SPIRITUAL FORCES By Charles C. Everett. Chapter II (Typewritten) 821.88 Rtb. TENNYSON AND BROWNING COMPARED By J. Llewelyn Davies. Bronining Notes 17-22 821.88 Dhn. TENNYSON AND BROWNING. A FOi'^GOTl EN RIVAL OF By Edmund Gosse. Literary Digest 18:438-459: April 22. 1899. TENNYSON AND BROWNING. THE GREAT TWIN BRETH- EREN From English Literature in Account IVith Religion 1800-1900. Chapter 1 1 :349-393. By Edward M. Chapman. (Typewritten) 821.88 Ret. TENNYSON AND HIS FRIENDS AT FRESHWATER By V. C. Scott O'Connor. Century 55 :240-268:Dec. 1897. TENNYSON AND HIS POETRY. FREDERICK By W. Winthrop. Poet Lore 10:2:258-275. 376 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY TENNYSON AND OTHER MEMORIAL POEMS Valeie. B\f Hardmicli Drummond Rarvnsle};. 821.88 R26I. TENNYSON AND O IHER POETS AS DRAMATISTS Editorial. Literary Digest 15:348- 549 :Sept. 4. 1897. TENNYSON AS A MINOR POET Editorial. Literary Digest 48:1 :6 19-620: March 21. 1914. TENNYSON AS A NA'l URE POET By Theodore Watts. Eclectic Magazine 120:837-849: June 1893. TENNYSON AS A NAiURE POET. ASPECTS OF By 'Iheodore Watts. (Nineteenth Century.) Litteli's Living Age 198:28-42. TENNYSON. AS A POLITICAL THINKER Eclectic Magazine 120: 282-284: Feb. 1893. TENNYSON. ASPECTS OF A Personal Reminiscence. By James Knowles. (Nineteenth Cen- tury.) Littells Living Age 196:515-529. TENNYSON. THE BIOGRAPHY OF By W. S. Kennedy. Poet Lore 10: 1 :1 14-122. TENNYSON. THE BIRDS OF By Edgar Vaides. (Temple Bar.) Litteli's Living Age 213:807- 817. TENNYSON. BOOKS ON Poet Lore 9:1:138-141. TENNYSON, BROWNING AND (Blackwood's Magazine.) Litteli's Living Age 184:240-245. By Robert Huntington Fletcher. 821.88 Dft. (Spectator.) Littells Living Age 184:190-192. TENNYSON. BROWNING AND GEORGE ELIOT. SOME MEM- ORIES OF By Justin, McCarthy. Literary Digest 19:40: July 8. 1899. TENNy'SON centenary. IHE By Frederic Harrison. Littells Living Age 262:643-648; also Nineteenth Century 66:226-233 : Aug. 1909, TENNYSON. CHOICE OF SUBJECT MATTER IN BROWNING AND Miss Ariel. Note by I. N. Cog. Poet Lore 7:6&7:356-366. TENNYSON E I BROWNING By Dr. Angelo Crespi. Italian British Review 2:1 :34-45:Jan. 1919. TENNYSON, FAME OF By Henry Van Dyke. Independent 42:66: Jan. 16. 1890. TENNYSON. THE LIFE OF ALFRED Literary Digest 13 :850-853 :Nov. 13, 1899. TENNYSON. LIONEL Phaedra and Phedre. Nineteenth Century 7:58-77. TENNYSON, IHE LOTUS SYMBOLISM IN BROWNING AND By Anna Brown. Poet Lore 2:12:625-634. TENNYSON, LOVE AND DUTY IN BROWNING AND By E. F. R. Stitt. Poet Lore 4:5:271-274. TENNYSON, THE MISSION OF By W. S. Lilly. (Fortnightly Review.) Litteli's Living Age 213 : 227-234. By W. S. Lilly. Literary Digest 14:639: March 27, 1897. Eclectic Magazine 43:61 7-624 :May 1897. TENNYSON, TALKS WITH By Wilfred Ward. Eclectic Magazine 127:31 7-328:Sept. 1896; also (New Review) Litteli's Living Age 210:323-335. BROWNINGIANA 377 TENNYSON. ON BROWNING AND By W. H. Browne. American Journal of Philology 32:484-485. TENNYSON. RUSKIN AND BROWNING. RECORDS OF By Anne T. Ritchie. See Gingench. 820.4 R398r. TENNYSON. A STUDY OF Editorial. Independent 46:961-962:1894. TENNYSON. A STUDY IN THE DREAM-CRAFT OF BURNS. LOWELL AND By L. W. Smith. Poet Lore 7:5:233-243. TENNYSON— THE BIOGRAPHY Munsey's Magazine 1 8:933-934: March 1898. TENNYSON. THE POET OF THE ENGLISH RACE By Arthur Waugh. Literary Digest I3:330:july II. 189b. TENNYSONS EARLY POEMS By William Canton. Eclectic Magazine 133:778-783 :Dec. 1900. TENNYSONS POEMS (British Quarterly Review.) Littells Living Age 147:786-793. TENNYSONS REF. TO SALE OF LOVE LETTERS LilcrarX) I\oles. Independent 74:591. TENNYSON'S VISION OF SIN AND BROWNINGS CHILDE ROLAND By ^iheophilus P. Sawin. Poet Lore 9:2:256-265. THAT DOME IN AIR Thoughts on Foetiy and the Peels. By John Vance Cheney. BroTvning 236 614 C5I8. THEATRE— MUNICIPAL By Charles Carrington. Contemporary Review 82:41 I -428:Sept. 1902. THEATRICAL LANDMARKS By T. H .S. Escott. Edinburgh Review 227:85-96: Jan. 1918. THEISM, BROWNING'S By Josiah Royce. Boston Browning Society Papers 7-34 821.88 Vbp. THEOLOGY. BROWNINGS By Mrs. Alexander Orr. (Spectator.) Littells Living Age 192: 374-376. By Frederick M. Bird. Independent 42:171-172. By H. White. Poet Lore 12:3:417-430. THEOLOGY. THE GREAT POETS AND THEIR By Augustus Hopkins Strong. 808.1 S923g. THEOLOGIAN. BROWNING AS A By Rev. W. E. Mundy. From Memorial Meeting of the Syracuse Brownmg Club 21-23 821.88 Bsy. THEORY OF LOVE. BROWNINGS By Elmer James Bailey. Arena 41 :231 :274-284:March-June 1909. THERE AS HERE By Jeanie Morison. In Memoriam, Robert Droioning I 821.8 M861t. THERE'S A WOM.AN LIKE A DEWDROP See Music. THERE'S HEAVEN ABOVE See Music. THINKERS AND IRONISTS By Editor. Edinburgh Review 210:426-446 :Oct. 1909. 378 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY THIRD SHELF OF OLD BOOKS By Mrs. Fields. Scribner's Magazine l6:354:Sept. 1894. THIS IS A SPRAY THE BIRD CLUNG TO See Music. THOMPSON. FRANCIS: A STUDY IN TEMPERAMENT (London Quarterly Review.) Litlell's Living Age 203:403-410. THOMPSON. MAURICE Beside a Brook ^Hh Izaak- Independent 47:859-860:1895. Lilerar^ Half Acres. Independent 44:2:1545-46:1892. Poetry Since Pope. Chautauquan 15:320-321 :June 1892. Tctnorroxe': Poclr'j. Independent 40:2: 1393 :Nov. 1. 1688. THOMPSON. R. E. Balauslion's Ad)>enture. Penn Monthly 6:72:928-940:Dec. 1875. THOMPSONS 1 RIBUTE TO SHELLEY. FRANCIS Current Opinion 45:515-518. THOMSON. E. H. The Traged}) of a Troubadour. (An interpretation of Browning's Sordello.) THOMSON. JAMES Notes on the Genius of Robert Broivning. Brovk'ning Society Papers 2:239-250 821 .88 Dbs. Same. Biographical and Critical Studies 437-457 824.8 T483. The Ring and the Book. Ibid 458-477. Pacchiarolto. Ibid 478-483. THORNE. WM. HENRY Modern Idols. Studies in Biography and Criticism. Robert Broiun- ing 21-48 801 151 Imi. THORPE. FRANCIS N. Reasons for Being a Liberal. Poet Lore 2:3:150-152. THOUGH'IS ABOUT A NEW POETICAL DAWN By Thomas Bradfield. Literary Digest Il:250:June 29. 1895. THOUGH rS FROM BROWNING A Calender for 1912. 821.88 Xae. Selections from the Writings of Robert Browning for Every Day in the Year. Selected and Edited by Ann Bachelor. 821.88 Stb. THOUGH! S OF A POET ON ART AND FAI'l H By Howard S. Pearson. THOUGHlS ON BROWNING. SOME By Mary A. Lewis. (MacMillan's Magazine.) Littell's Living Age 154:238-246: July 22. 1882. THREE AMERICAN POETS By Richard Le Gallienne. Forum 45:84:Jan. 1911. THREE AMERICAN POETS OF TODAY By May Sinclair. Fortnightly Review 86:437:Sept. 1906. THREE INTERESTS IN OLD ENGLISH LITERAl URE. THE By David Masson. Contemporary Review 21 : 199-226:Jan. 1873. THREE OCTOGENARIAN POETS Editorial. Literary Digest 11:1 60: June 8, 1895. THREE OLD AND THREE NEW POETS By Bayard Taylor. International Review 3:402-413. THROUGH ITALY WITH THE POETS By Robert Schauffler. 808.1 S313t. Compiled by Robert Haven Schauffler. Poem: BroTvning at Asolo, by Underwood Johnson. See index for other Browning Poems. 808.1 S313t. BROWNINGIANA 379 THROUGH THE METIDJA TO ABD-LL-KADR By Browning. (Chapters 1-5.) Rising Generation 39:3:&4-85 8Z I .bti Xmrg. TH. T. Elizabeth Barrett BroHining. Athenaeum 1866:153:1863. THWING. C. F. Advice of a Father to a Daughter or^ £n(en'ng College. Inde- pendent /l:473-477:Sept. I. 1^11. THY CROWNS A STAR By Annis J. Scott. Homage to Robert Droiurjing, Aleph Tanner 143 8Z1.88Xht. THY FACE See Music. (Song.) Music by C. Whitney Coombs. (Two copies.) G. Schir- mer. TIEMANN. WALTER See under P. C. Gerden. TILDEN. F. C. Literature as An I interpretation of Lift. English Journal 4:97: Feb. 1915. TILLEY. ARTHUR Two Theories of Poetry. (MacMiUan.) Littell's Living Age 161 : 682-692. TILTON. IHEODORE Mrs. Browning's Last Poems, with a memorial by Theodore Tilton. 1862 821.88 Gmm. TIME Robert Drowning, A V'oung Man's Recollections. Littell's Living Age 187:673-677. TIME AND THE PLACE. THE By Bliss Carman. Homage to Robert Browning. Aleph Tanner 79 821.88 Xht. TIMES The England of English Poets. Littell's Living Age 285:677-681. Four Victorian Poets. Littell's Living Age 257:244-249. Hours in a Library. Littell's Living Age 292:283-287. Patriotic Poetry. Littell's Living Age 283:107-112. Swinburne's Letters. By A. C. Swinburne. Littell's Living Age 262:154-165. TO A BROWNING POEM By James L. Hughes. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tan- ner 55 821.88 Xht. TO A SWALLOW BUILDING UNDER OUR EAVES By Mrs. Bro^vning. Manual Training 18:221 :Jan. 1917. TO BROWNING By Parkenham Beatty. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tan- ner 58 821.88 Xht. By Walter S. Bigelow. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tan- ner 121 821.88 Xht. By Clement G. Clarke. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tan- ner 53 821.88 Xht. By Edwin Markham. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tan- ner 40 821.88 Xht. By Clement G. Clarke. Outlook 52:97:July 20. 1895. 380 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY TO BROWNING. THE MUSIC MASTER By Robert Haven Schauffler. Homage lo Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 72-73 821.88 Xht. TOCCATA See Music. TOCCATA OF GALUPPIS. A Browning Stud^ Programme, A Croup of Music Poems — A Toc- cata of Caluppi's, Master Hugues of Saxe-Cotha, Abl Vogler. By Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 10:1:288- 293. Poet Lore 10:2:288. TOCCATA OF GALUPPIS. ON A By Mrs. Alexander Ireland. Berdoe's Drowning Studies 187-194 821.88 Vlbs. By Mrs. Alexander Ireland. London Browning Society Papers 11:363-370 821.88 Dbs. TOCCATA OF GALUPPI'S. THE TECHNICAL MUSICAL ALLU- SIONS IN A Poet Lore 2:10:546-7; 10:2:288; Browning Study Programmes: Music Poems. TODHUNTER. JOHN The Performance of Strafford at the Strand Theatre. London Browning Society Papers 9:147-152. The Ring and the Boo^, London. 1884. London Browning So- ciety Papers 5:85-92, Abstract. Strafford, at the Strand Theatre. Dec. 21, 1886. Browning So- ciety Papers 9 : 1 47- 1 52 82 1 .88 Dbs. TOLSTOI, LEON (LE COMTE) Kalia with autograph of Sarianna Browning. 891.73 T645kf. TOLSTOY, COUNT LEO By F. W. Farrar. Forum 6:110:Oct. 1888. TOMLINSON, MARY Wordsworth's Poetry, A Personal Ezperience. Chautauquan 45: 226-233 :Jan. 1907. TONIC, THE BROWNING By Martha Baker Dunn. Atlantic Monthly 90:203-211. TO ROBERT BROWNING By Witter Bynner. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanne* 25-26 821.88 Xht. By L. Ormiston Chant. Homage lo Robert Browning, Aleph Tan. ner 126-127 821.88 Xht. By Helen A. Clarke. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tan- ner 45 821.88 Xht. By Mabel Barnett Gates. Homage to Robert Browning, Alepb Tanner 75 821.88 Xht. By Edmund Gosse. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tannei 60 821.88 Xht. By Walter Savage Landor. Homage lo Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 22 821.88 Xht. By Eric Mackey. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 53 821.88 Xht. By George Meredith. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 130 821.88 Xht. A Poem. Nassau Literary Magazine (Princeton College) 469: Feb. 1890. BROWNINGIANA 381 By Agnes Lee. Homage to Robert Drorvniug, Aleph Tanner 44 821.88 Xhl. By Miss E. Dickinson West. Homage to Robert Drovning, Aleph Tanner 135 821.88 Xht. On the Attainmerit of His 70th Dirthda}). By W. G. Kingsland. Not yet published. TO ROBERT AND ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING By Marion Pellon Guild. Homage to Robert Droivning, Aleph Tanner 93 821.88 Xht. TO ROBERT BROWNING ON RE-READING SOME POEMS LONG UNREAD By E. Dickinson West. Homage to Robert DroTuning, Aleph Tan- ner 59 821.88 Xht. TO THE MEMORY OF ROBERT BROWNING By John Savary. 1812-89. Under Original Poetry. Literary World 21:l:8:Jan. 4, 1890; also Homage to Robert DroTuning, Aleph Tanner 131 821.88 Xht TO HORSE See Music. TO MRS. THOMAS B. STOWELL AND MRS. SIDNEY J. PAR- SONS By Blanche Coles. Homage to Robert Brorvning. Aleph Tanne. 83 821.88 Xht. TO THE POET By Riichior Hoashi. Homage to Robert Browning. Aleph Tanner 142 821.88 Xht. TOWLE. ELEANOR A. Literary Courtships. (Fortnightly Review.) Littell's Living Age 223:220-231. TOWNSEND. A. L. Browning Queries. Poet Lore 3:86{9:488. TROBRIDGE, GEORGE New Life of Swedcnborg. Review of Book. By Theodore F. Wright. New Church Review 14:3 12-31 3 :April 1907. TRAGEDY OF A TROUBADOUR By E. H. Thomson. TRAGIC MOTIVE OF IN A BALCONY, THE By Alice K. Robertson. Poet Lore 2:6:310-314. TRAGOEDIE FINER SEELE, DIE See under F. C. Gerden. TRAILL. H. D. Matthew Arnold. (Contemporary Review.) Littell's Living Age 178:88-96. Same. Littell's Living Age 184:297:300 821.88 Xman. Robert Browning. (National Review.) Littell's Living Age 184: 297-300. Robert Browning. Magazine Articles No. I. Littell's Living Age 144 821.88 Xman. The Ouecn's Diamond Jubilee. Fortnightly Review 67:827-828: June 1897. TRANSACTIONS. LEICESTER LITERARY' AND PHILOSOPH- ICAL SOCIETY Article on Browning and Sordello. 15!l911 821.88 DIlp. TRANSCRIPTS AND STUDIES Mr. Browning's Sordello 474-525. By Edward Dowden. 820.4 D745I. 382 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY TRANSLATION OF HERACLES OF EURIPIDES By J. H. Wright. In Maslerpieces of Creeli Literalure 193-200; translations of Alceiiis of Euripides. In Masterpieces of CreeJ( Literature 201-248 880.8 W951e. TRANSLATIONS INTO GREEK AND LATIN VERSE By Sir R. C. Jebb. (Second Edition.) BroTvning's Abt Vogkr. Translated into Greek. 2-16 808.8 J44tc; also The Lost Leader. Translated into Latin. 356-357 808.8 G44t. TRANTHAM, HENRY A Fareteell. Homage to Robert BroJDning, Aleph Tanner 71, 134 821.88 Xht. TRAUBEL, HORACE L. Freedom to Write and to Print. Poet Lore 2:10:529-531. TRAY (In Japanese) By Robert Browning. The Rising Generation 37:2:326-327 821.88 Xmrg. TREATMENT OF PARENTHOOD. BROWNING'S By Mrs. Alexander Ireland. London Browning Society Paper* 12:46-52 821.88 Dbs 12. TREE. VIOLA The Censorship of Stage Plays. Nineteenth Century 67:164-172: Jan. 1910. TREETH. REV. J. T. Lecture on the Incarnation. New Church Review 14:471 -472: July 1907. TRENCHES. BROWNING FOR THE Selections from the Poetry of Robert Browning. Published by the Boston Browning Society as a War Edition of Browning's Poetry. Issued especially for the soldiers, 1918. Also a De Luxe Edition. 821.88 Sbww. TRENT. W. P. The Byron Revival. Forum 26:245-254:Oct. 1898. A Fexo French Booths of Today. Forum 38:21 1 :Oct. 1906. Mr. McCarthy's Reminiscences. Forum 28:376-379 :Nov. 1899. A Nerv Book on Matthew Arnold. Forum 34:31 3 :Oct. 1902. Mr. Stephen Phillip's Play. Forum 29: 1 16-1 1 7:March 1900. The Question of Greatness in Literature. Literary Digest 24:865- 866: June 28, 1902. Recent Tributes to Longfellow. Forum 38:557:April 1907. Two Estimates of Browning. Forum 35:294-303. TREVELYAN, BART. SIR GEORGE OTTO A Budget of Memories. Litteli's Living Age 260:280-284. TREVELYAN. G. M. The Poetry of Ceorge Meredith. Eclectic Magazine 143:503-515: Oct. 1904. TREVES, SIR FREDERICK The County of The Ring and the Book- Cassell & Co., Ltd., 1913 821.88 Hrtc. TRIGGS, LAURA McADOO Introduction to In a Balcony, by Robert Browning. Designs by F. W. Goudy and W. A. D. Wiggins. Langworthy & Stevens, Chicago. 821.88 Hib. TRIGGS. OSCAR LOVELL The Aims of Literary Study. Dial 18:203-4: April 1. 1895. Robert Browning as the Poet of Democracy. Poet Lore 4:10: 481-90. BROWNINGIANA 383 flron>ning and IVhitman. Independent 45:436. Browning's Conlrihulion to LiteraiuTc. New Unity Old Serict 39: New Series 5 :408-41 I :July 15. 1897 821.88 Enu. Ceniur\) of American Pociry. Forum 30:639:Jan. 1901. The Changing Order, A Study of Democracy. Contain* essays on Esoteric Tendenc)) in Literature, Browning, 32-71 ; The Philos- ophic and Religious Ground, Whitman, 262-278 304 7828c. Colombe's Birthday. By Julia Marlowe-Taber Co. F'oet Lore 7: 1 :32-34. In Re Caliban. Poet Lore 17:4:76-86. Literature and the Scientific Spirit. Poet Lore 6:3:113-126. NcTp Ideas in Teaching Literature. Poet Lore 8:7:432-54. The Socialistic Thread in the Life and Worlds of William Morris. Poet Lore 5:3:115. TRIMBLE. A. E. Concordance Malting in Nerv Zealand. Atlantic Monthly 104: 364-367 :Sept. 1909. TROLLOPE ON BROWNING By T. A. Trollope. Poet Lore 1:3:152. TROUBADOURS AT HOME. THE By Justin H. Smith. 254. 258. 260. 261. 272 849.1 S653. TRUE GREATNESS OF BROWNING, THE By Alice Groff. Poet Lore 1:10:470-479. TRUTH ABOUT ELIZABETH BARRETT. THE Uncle Remus 26:33-35 :Oct. 1909. TURGENIEF Two Masters, Browning and Turgenief. By Philip Stafford Mcxom. 821.88 Dmt. TURNBULL. MRS. LAWRENCE Abi Vogler. Browning Society Papers 4:469-476 821.88 Dbs. Same. Berdoe's Browning Studies 143-150 821.88 Vlbs. In a Balcony. Browning Society Papers 5:499-502 821.88 Dbs. Study of IVilliam IVatson. Poet Lore 9:1:64-82. TURNBULL. V. CAMERON Stories From Browning. 821.88 Fts. TURPIN. E. H. Introduction and Notes to Saul and Other Poems. By Robert Browning. Maynard English Classic Series. Maynard, Merrill & Co.. New York. 821.88 Gsm. TUTIN. J. R. The Robert Browning Year Bool(. 821.88 Gyb. TWELFTH OF DECEMBER. 1889. THE By Richard Watson Gilder. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 131 821.88 Xht. To Robert Browning. By Richard Watson Gilder. Literary World 21:3:40:Feb. 1. 1890 821.88 Xmal. TWELVE CENTURIES OF ENGLISH PROSE AND POETRY By Newcomer and Andrews. 821.08 PI 88. TWENTIETH CENTURY. THE Cod Is Where Man Is. By Chas. Woodbury. 1 :358:Jan. 1910. Prospice, Browning's Challenge to Death. By B. O. Flower. 2: 59-61 :April 1910. TWILIGHT OF THE POETS. THE By Edmund C. Stedman. Century 30:787-800:Sept. 1885. TWINS. THE By Robert Browning. 821.88 Gtpr. 384 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY TWO ARCHBISHOPS By F. W. Farrar. (Contemporary Review.) Littell's Living Age 211:560-569. TWO BOBBIES, THE By Bliss Carman. Homage to Robert BroTvmng, Aleph 1 anncr 47 821.88 Xhi. By Tom B. Meteyard. Literary Digest 10:73:Nov. 17, 1894. TWO BOOKS ABOUT POETRY By William Allan Neilson. Atlantic Monthly 89:419-23 :Jan. 1902. TWO BOOKS OF VERSE Atlantic Monthly 66:844-846:Dec. 1890. TWO CAMELS See Music. TWO ESSAYS ON ROBERT BROWNING (1) Robert Browning and the PoetT^ of the Future, (2) Robert Brotvning and the Arabesque in Art. By Felix E. Schelling, A. M., 1890. 821.88 Est. TWO FAREWELL VOLUMES OF SONG Nation 50:436-437:1890. TWO FELICITIES, THE, APPENDED TO THE POMPILIA MONOLOGUE By Wm. Watson and Chas. Wright. Poet Lore 9:3:472. Same. Homage to Robert Browning. By Aleph Tanner. 62 821.88 Xht. TWO FRESH INTRODUCTIONS TO BROWNING Dial 60:82:Jan. 20, 1916. TWO FRIENDS Editorial. Baylor Literary 5 :214-15:Sept. 1896. TWO GREAT VICTORIAN POETS, THE Robert Browning. Bv Edward Dowden. Bookman 16:4:351-359: Dec. 1902 821.88 Xman. TWO LIVES OF WILFRED HARRIS, THE By Frederick Wedmore. Dedicated to Robert Browning. 823.8 W393. TWO LOCKSLEY HALLS, THE By L. R. Lounsbury. Scribners Magazine 6:250 256: Aug. 1889. TWO MASTERS Browning and Turgenief. By Philip Stafford Moxom. 821.88 Dml. TWO NIGHTINGALES, THE Of the Boy Browning, May 1826. By Arthur Upson. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 27 821.88 Xht. TWO PHILOSOPHERS OF THE PARADOXICAL By Josiah Royce. Atlantic Monthly 67:161-1 72 :Feb. 1891. TWO PICTURES A. W. (Arkley B. Wright). Dealing with Fra Lippo Lippi. Robert Browning. Baylor Literary and Georgetonian. The George- tonian 1 1 :8 821 .88 Xblg. TWO POEMS By Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning. 1854. This pamphlet is now exceedingly rare. It consists of sixteen pages, comprising The Twins by Robert Browning, and A Plea for the Ragged Schools of London, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. The poem» were printed by Miss Arabella Barrett (Mrs. Browning's sister) for tale at a Bazaar on behalf of the "Refuge for Young Des- BROWNINGIANA 385 tihile Girls, " which she established in or about 1854. This Refuge was one of the first of its kind, nnd is still in existence. First edition. 821.88 Gtpr. TWO POETS OF CROISIC By Browning. From The Tmo PotU of CroiJic — following stanza. 160. Also in The Rising Generation. Chapt: 1-5. 39:5:149-150; Chap. 6-10, 39:6:174; Chap. 11-14. 39:7:212; Chap. 15-18. 39:8:233 821.88 Xmrg. By Robert Browning. Translated into Japanese by Bin Uyeda. Kaicho On 126-128 821.88 Xku. TWO POETS OF CROISIC. FRENCH ENTHUSIASM SATIRIZED IN BROWNINGS By Herbert Ernest Cushman. Poet Lore 11:3:382-395. TWO THEORIES OF POETRY By Arthur Tilley. (MacMillan.) Littell's Living Age 151:682- 692. TWO UNPUBLISHED POEMS By Robert Browning. Yale Review 4:l-2:Oct. 1914. TWO WOMEN OF LETTERS Atlantic Monthly 51 :413-4i6:March 1883. TYPES OF RECENT BIOGRAPHY By William T. Brewster. Forum 38:102:July 1906. TYRRELL. ROBERT YELVERTON Mr. Dromning in a Passion. Fortnightly Review 52:271 -273: Aug. 1889. Classical and Modern Lileraiure. Eclectic Magazine 142:520- 523:March 1904. (Pilot.) Littell's Living Age 240:567-570. Our Dcbl to Latin Poetry as Distinguished From Greel(. Nine- teenth Century 69:2:867-880: May 1911. Words, Words, Words. Fortnightly Review 85:1 137: May 1906. TYRWITT. REV. ST. JOHN Ancilla Domini: Thoughts on Christian Art. Contemporary Re- view 1:1:68-80: Feb. 1866; 2 :2 :59-80:May 1866; 2:2:393-411: June 1866. u ULYSSES. THE AMERICAN PRODUCTION OF Editorial. Literary Digest 27:385:Sept. 26. 1903. UNCALCULATING SOUL. THE By Jenkin Lloyd Jones. Boston Browning Society Papers 130- 152 821.88 Vbp. UNCLE REMUS The Truth About Elizabeth Barrett. 26:33-35 :Oct. 1909. UNCONVENTION.AL RELATIONS, BROWNING ON By D. G. Brinlon. Poet Lore 4:5:266-271. UNDERGRADU.ATE IN VERSE. THE By Joseph Leroy Harrison. Bookman 7 :1 59-61 : April 1898. VNDERWOOD, FRANCIS H. ^^ards' English Poets. Atlantic Monthly 48:273-280:.Aug. 1881 386 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY UNDESIRABLE INFORMATION, ON By E. F. Benson. Contemporary Review 68: 125- 133: July 1895. UNFINISHED DRAFT OF A POEM WHICH MAY BE EN- TITLED AESCHYLUS SOLILOQUY CornhiU Magazine 37:647:Nov. 1913 :New Series 209. Smith. Elder & Co., London. 821.88 Haes. UNIFORM ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS IN ENGLISH By Francis Stoddard. Educational Review 30:382:Nov. 1905. UNINTENDED LITERARY HOAX. AN By Mrs. Jennette Lee. Literary Digest 53 :2:1 185:Nov. 4. 1916. UNIQUE POEMS Robert Drowning. Literary World 193:Sept. 8, 1849. UNIT.ARIAN CHURCH OF ROCHESTER Unity Club, 1906-07. A Return to Robert Brotining. Also A Third Year With Drowning. UNIVERSALITY OF LAW. THE By Louis G. Hoeck. New Church Review 12:4:507-520:Oct. 1905. UNPUBLISHED LETTER By Moncure D. Conway. Independent 47:681:1895. UNTERMEYER. LOUIS Caliban in the Coal Min?s. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 82 821.88 Xht. Caliban in the Coal Mines, Lyric Year 266. The Love Poems of Drowning 73-79. Integer Vitae from Including Horace. As it might have been trans- lated by Robert Browning 7-10 811 U611h. Poets for the Young. New Republic 6:51 -52: Feb. 12, 1916. UNWRITTEN BOOKS (MacMillan.) Litfell's Living Age 213:475-484. UP THE SPOUT By A. C. Swinburne. After Robert Browning. A Parody An- thology, Carolyn Wells 215 821.08 W453pa. UPSON, ARTHUR WHEELOCK The Rezzonico Palace. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 105 821.88 Xht. The T-Wo Nightingales. (Of the Boy Browning, May 1826.) Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 27 821.88 Xht. The Rezzonico Palace in Collected Poems 1 :244. UPWARD TREND. THE By William Henry Geistweit. Service 3:32-35:Oct. 1905. URBANA SCRIPTA By Arthur Gallon. Mr. Drowning 59-76 821.04 G181. USE OF HISTORY. BROWNING'S By Charles J. Little. From Memorial Meeting of the Syracuse Browning Club 9-13 821.88 Bsy. USE OF LIKE AND AS By S. I. Kidder. Dial 61:452:Nov. 30. 1916. USE OF THE UGLY IN ART, THE By Katherine Merrill. Poet Lore 12:2:251-261. UYEDA, BIN Kaicho On. Translation of Browning's Poems into Japanese. Prospice 121-125, Two Poets of Crosic 126-128, Among the Rocifs from James Lee's Wife 129-131. The Year's at the Spring 132-133. Summun Donum 134-140 821.88 Xku. BROWNINGIANA 387 VAGUE THOUGHTS ON ART By John Galsworthy. Atlantic Monthly l09:567-568:April 1912. VALDES, EDG/\R The Birds of Tennyson. (Temple Bar.) Littell's Living Age 213:807-817. VALE. CHARLES The Lyric Year. Forum 49:97:Jan. 1913. Mar}i Twain as Art Orator. Forum 44:4:Juiy 1910. VALETE, TENNYSON AND OTHER MEMORIAL POEMS By Haidwick Drummond Rawnsley. 99-100 821.8 R261. VALUE OF BROWNING'S WORK, THE By William F. Revel). Boston Browning Society Paper* 12:64- 81; 821.88 Dbs; also (Typewritten) 821.88 Dvr. VALUE OF CONTEMPORARY JUDGMENT. THE By Helen A. Clarke. Poet Lore 5:4:201-209; also Boston Brown- ing Society Papers 153-163 821.88 Vbp. VAN ALLEN. WILLIAM HARMAN Robert Browning's Birthday (poem). (Read at Boston Brown- ing Society.) Emerson College Magazine 20:3 : 1 36: Jan. 1912. Same. Homage to Robert Browning. Aleph Tanner 48 821.88 Xht. VAN BUREN. ALICIA Browning. Homage to Robert Browning. Aleph Tanner 134 821.88 Xhf. Fireflies. Lyrics and Sonnets. Browning (poem) 14 811 V22I. VAN DUFFEE. EDWARD P. (Browning Society Papers.) Library Journal 28:104:March 1903. VAN DYKE, HENRY The Best Poetry for Cirls. Literary Digest 28:324-325 :March 5, 1904. Browning's Lineage, a poem of fourteen lines. Atlantic 99:260. See also poems of Van Dyke 213. Same. Homage to Robert Browning. Aleph Tanner 63 821.88 Xht. Same. Literary Digest 34:266:Feb. 16, 1907. Christianity's Dependence Upon Literature. Literary Digest 31 : 957-58:Dec. 23, 1905. Fame of Tennyson. Independent 42:66:Jan. 16, 1890. The Influence of the Bible in Literature. Century 80:888-895: Oct. 1910. VARIORUM MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM, THE Poet Lore 7:12:628-629. VASSAR MISCELLANY. THE Is the Philosophizing Tendency of Present English IVordi of Imagination Injurious to Them as IVor^s of Art? Students' Amo- ciation of Vassar 62:2:59-68:Jan. 1877. VAUGHAN. C. E. Browning's Relation to the Other Poets of the Century. From Notes to the Pocket Volumo of Selection* from the Poem* of 388 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Robert Browning. By Alex Hill. 821.88 Dhn- Tlie Love Poems of Drorvning. Notes to the Pockei Volume of Selections from the Poems of Robert Browning. By Alex Hill 73-79 821.88 Dhn. In T))pes of Tragic Drama. See Chapter 1 1 , Some Typei of Recent Drama: Brojvning, Maeterlinc}(, Ibten. 808.2 V365f. VENICE See Bronson. Century 63 : 572-584: Feb. 1902. A Friend of Browning's. Mrs. Branson's Hospitality. By Lilian Whiting. Springfield Sunday Republican Oct. 6, 1918. VENICE, A REVISED VERSION OF By Julia S. Vroomon. Arena 40:527-536:Dec. 1908. VERHAELTNIS ZU FRANKREICH, ROBERT BROWNING'S Von Karl Schmidt. VERSAILLES (KY.) Wednesday Club. Programs for 1909-10, 1910-11. VERSE See Bulkeley. VERSE, BROWNING'S In Corson's Introduction to the Siud\) of Browning's Poelry. 821.88 Drs. VERSES AND FLY LEAVES By C. S. Calverly. Athenaeum 3026:532-534 :Oct. 24, 1885. VICARS, E. Lowlands vs. Highlands : Effect of Environment on Poets. Poet Lore 6:2:83-87. VICTORIAN AGE IN LITERATURE, THE By Gilbert Keith Chesterton. 40-41, 162-163. See index. VICTORIAN AGE OF LITERATURE AND ITS CRITIC, THE By D. F. Hannigan. Eclectic Magazine 126:808-813 : June 1896. VICTORIAN ANTHOLOGY By Stedman. 811RS812. (Review.) By Stedman. Independent 47:1580:Nov. 21. 1895. VICTORIAN HYPOCRICY By Annie Winsor Allen. Atlantic Monthly 1 14:174-188:July 1914. VICTORIAN LITERATURE By Edward Dowden. (Fortnightly Review.) Littell's Living Age 174:101-1 ll:July 1887. By Andrew Lang. (Good Words.) Littell's Living Age 212:753- 758:March 1897. By Clement K. Shorter. Bookman 5 :480-483 :Aug. 1897. VICTORIAN POETS By Amy Sharp. Robert Browning 40-102, Elizabeth Barrett Browning 103-120 822.8 S531v. VICTORIAN WOMAN, THE By E. B. Harrison. Nineteenth Century 58:951 -957 :Dec. 1905. VIE ET L'OEUVRE. LA d'Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Par Germaine-Marie Merletle. Librairie Armand Colin, 1905, Paris. VIEW BROWNING LOVED BEST (Pictures.) Bookman 16:354-58: Dec. 1902, BROWNINGIANA 389 VIEWS AND REVIEWS By Henry James. On A Drama fcji Robert Broxening 41-47. Boston. 1908. 820.4 J27v. VIEWS OF LIFE. BROWNINGS By William F. Revell. London Browning Society Paper* 10: 197-199. VIGNY. ALFRED DE. AND SOME OTHER ENGLISH POETS ON NATURE By M. A. Gerothwahl. Fortnightly Review 99:690:April 1913. VIGNY. ALFRED DE. ON GENIUS AND WOMAN By M. A. Gerothwohl. Fortnightly Review 99: 103: Jan. 1913. VILLAGE PRESS. THE See Rabbi Den Ezra. VILLAIN One Aspect of Drorvning'i yUlains. By Miss E. D. West. Lon- don Browning Society Papers 4:411-434. VILLARI. LINDA Asolo and Its Neighborhood. (Murray's.) Littells Living Age 191:367-371. VINCENT. LEON H. A Fem Wordi on Robert BroTvning. Arnold & Co., Philadelphia. 1890 821.88 Zaa. Same. Arnold & Co.. Philadelphia. 1895. 821.88 Drf. A Virtuoso of the Old School. Atlantic Monthly 84:36-44: July 1899. VISION OF CHRIST IN THE POEMS. THE Selected Studies of the Christian Faith as Interpreted fcj; Broi»n- ing and Others. 821.08 S929v. VISITING BOOK OF THE BROWNINGS From the Browning Collection; probably in the handwriting of Miss Sariana Browning. Contains the names and addresses of many distinguished persons. VITA E LE OPERE DE ROBERTO BROWNING ED ELISA- BETTA BARRETT BROWNING. LA Con Prefazione di Antonio Fogazzaro. (Two copies) 821.88 Bzs. VITAL PROBLEMS OF RELIGION By Rev. J. R. Colen. Contemporary Review I06:560-562:Oct. 1914:Literary Supplement. VITAL TOUCH IN LITERATURE. THE By John Burroughs. Atlantic Monthly 83 : 399-406: March 1899. VITALITY OF BROWNING. THE By Thomas Marc Parrolt. 821.88 Dpv. VOGLER. ABT See Abl Vogler. VOICE OF THE LIVING POETS Current Opinion 60:202:March 2. 1916. VOICE OF SPRING By Wm. Henry Geistweil. Service 2: 143-148: May 1903. VON HAMMER. MARIE See Music. VROOMAN. JULIA S. A Revised Venion of Venice. Arena 40:327-536:Dec. 1908. 390 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY w WADDLE, CHARLES CAREY The American Amateur Stage- Cosmopolitan Magazine 10:17: Nov. 1890. WAGNER. WRITINGS OF By Editor. Edinburgh Review 189:96-1 1 8:Jan. 1899. W. A. L. Review of Parle\)ings With Certain People of Importance in Their Day. Robert Browning. Harvard Monthly 4:2:82-83: April 1887. WALL. ANNIE AniJeer to a Quer\) (on Paracelsus). Poet Lore 1:4:193. The LibrarX) Notes on Sordello Retold and Others. Poet Lore 1:4:199. The Sordello Club. Poet Lore 1:9:424-26. Sordello's Story Retold in Prose. Houghton, MifFlin & Co.. Boston and New York. 821.88 Hsow. Same. Poet Lore 1:11:536. WALLACE, MRS. LEW William Wetmore Story. Cosmopolitan Magazine 21 :465:Sept. 1896. WALLACE, PROFESSOR WILLIAM By J. H. Muirhead. Fortnightly Review 67:694-696: May 1897. WALLASTON. GEORGE HYDE The Englishman in Italy. A Collection of verses written by some of those who have loved Italy. Contains a number of poems by Robert Browning, and the Autograph of R. Barrett Browning. The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1909. 821.08 W863i. WALL'S ETCHED MONTHLY Jan. 1921. Contains an etching of Palazzo Rezzonico and a note from a diary by Jane Wall. 821.88. WALSH, WILLIAM S. Bool(s and Literature. In the Illustrated American 6:62:500: April 25, 1891 821.88 Xmia. WALTHEW. R. H. See Music. WANDERER, THE By Owen Meredith. Homage lo Robert Browning. Aleph Tanner 78 821.88 Xht. WAR POETRY IN FRANCE Reference to Sonnets From the Portuguese. By Edmund Gosse. Edinburgh Review 222:78-97:July 1915. WAR POETRY OF WOMEN By Lillian Rowland Brown. Nineteenth Century 81:434-452: Feb. 1917. WARBURTON, ALICE M. Selected and arranged. A Browning Treasure Bool(. Extracts From Browning. George Bell & Sons, London. 1906. 821.88 Stw. WARD, MRS. HUMPHRY Elizabeth Barrett Browning. English Men and Women of Lettert of the 19th Century 12. Alalanta Sept. 1888 821.88 Xbm. BROWNINGIANA 391 WARD. SUSAN H. A Decade of Poetry. Independent 51:815-816:1899. WARD. THOMAS HUMPHREY The English Poch 4:665-701 821.08 W263 V. 4. Same. RobcH Browning 1-39 821.08 W263 V. 5. Same. Appendix to 4. Drowning, Mallhew Arnold, Tennyson. MacMillan & Co.. London and New York. 1894. 821.88 Swm. WARD. WILFRID Tallis With Tennyson. Eclectic Magazine 1 27:31 7-328 :Sept. 1896. Same. (New Review.) Litteirs Living Age 210:323-335. By Thomas Henry Huxley. Nineteenth Century 40:274-292: Aug. 1896. A Reminiscence. By Thomas Henry Huxley. (Nineteenth Cen- tury.) Litlell's Living Age 210:579-592. WARD. WILLIAM G. Extracts From the Poetry of Robert Drowning. Emerson College Magazine 20:3: 136- 142: Jan. 1912. WARD'S ENGLISH POETS By Francis H. Underwood. Atlantic Monthly 48:273-280: Aug. 1881. WARD. WILLIAM HAYES New Poem by Drowning. Independent 76:212:Oct. 1915. WARFIELD, ETHELBERT D. The Posthumous Misfortune of Authors. Independent 43:2:1233- 34: Aug. 20, 1891. WARNER. CHARLES DUDLEY Library of IVorld's Bcs,' Literature. 5:2557-2565. E. L. Bur- lingame. Selection 2565-2593. Some Blunders of Critics. Literary Digest 1 5:702-703 : Oct. 9. 1897. WARREN. ARTHUR London Days. Drowning and Moscheles 42-56. WARREN. GENEVIEVE Italian Influence in English Literature. 820.4 W288I. WARREN. JOHN LEICESTER Poems, Dramatical and Lyrical. Athenaeum 34 17:497-498: April 22. 1893. WARREN. JULIUS E. Selections From Robert Browning. Eclectic English Classics. 821.88 Owa. WARTON. THOMAS Observations on the Faerie Queen of Spenser. (Contains autograph of Robert Browning, father of the Poet.) 821.3 S.748ow. WARTZBURG. C. A. The Allieslis of Euripides and Drowning. Poet Lore 2:7:345-360. WASHBURTON. ALICE M. Browning's Treasure Book- '906 821.88 Stw. WATSON, ALBERT D. Love and the Universe. The Immortals and Other Poems. Drown- ing 73-76. WATSON. ANNAH ROBINSON The Attitudes of Southern Women on the Suffrage Question. Arena 17:363-69: Feb. 1895. I 392 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY WATSON. DORA ELLA . , n . c The BroToning Countrx). A Study Submitted to the faculty ot Baylor University for the Degree of Master of Art*. 821.88 Kwc. WATSON. E. H. LACON The Essa}) Considered From an Artistic Potnl of Vten. Eclectic Magazine 123 :50-54: July 1894. WATSON. STUDY OF WM. By Mrs. Lawrence TurnbuU. Poet Lore 9:1:64-82. WATSON. WILLIAM The Nurse in Exile. Century 83 :944-948: April 1912. The Two Felicities. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 62 821.88 Xht. Same. (Appended to the Pompilia Monologue of the Ring and the Book-) Poet Lore 9:3:472. WATSON'S POEMS By Editor. Edinburgh Review 1 98:489-51 2 :Oct. 1903. WATTS-DUNTON. THEODORE iVilliam Morris. Athenaeum 3598:486-488:Oct. 10. 1896. The Renaissance of Wonder in English Poetry. Literary Digest 28:751 :May 21. 1904. WATTS-DUNTON. THEODORE. AND THE SPIRIT OF AN AGE By John Drinkwater. Nineteenth Century 76:674-685:Sept. 1914. WATTS. GEORGE FREDERICK. By V^iliiam Knight. Fortnightly Review 82:440-41. 449:1904. By D. S. MacCall. Eclectic Magazine 143 :389-391 :Sepl. 1904. WATTS. T. F. Robert Browning from a Painting. Bookman 29:380:June 1909. WATTS. T. F. R. A. Portrait of Robert Browning. Bookman 12:474:Jan. 1901. WATTS. THEODORE Aspects of Tennyson, Tennyson as a Nature Poet. (Nineteenth Century.) Littell's Living Age 198:28-42. Tennyson, As a Nature Poet. Eclectic Magazine 120:837-849: June 1893. WAUGH. ARTHUR Robert Browning. The Westminster Biographies. Kegan. Paul. Trench, Truebner & Co., London. 821.88 Bww. Same. Reviewed in Outlook 65:745:July 28. 1900. The New Era in Letters. Eclectic Magazine 121 : 168-1 72: Aug. 1893. Stephen Phillips. Fortnightly Review 105:92: J an. 1916. Reticence in Literature. For numerous references see under Brown- ing in Index. 824.9 W354. Tennyson, The Poet of the English Race. Literary Digest 13:330: July 11. 1896. WAYLAND, H. L. o i i t Remarks on Some Passages in Rahbi Ben Ezra. Poet Lore 1:2: 57-63. WAYS OF THE HOUR (MORNING EYES) By Helen Coale Crew. Lippencott's Magazine 94:252-253 :July to Dec. 1914. WEATHERFORD. W. D. „ d , , u Fundamental Religious Principles in Brownings Poetry. Publish- ing House of the M. E. Church, 1907. 821.88 Rwb. BROWNINGIANA 393 WEDDED COLLABORATORS By Arthur Bennington. Scrap Book 4:l-2:July 1907. WEDDING MORN. THE See Muiic. WEDGWOOD. JULIA The Old Ordtr Changtth. Eclectic MagJ«inc T27 :72l -731 :Dcc. 1896. WEDMORE. FREDERICK Criticism of Mr. William Sharps Book on Browning, under Noles and Revierva. Art Review 1:157-158. The Tivo Lives of Wilfred Harris. Dedicated to Robert Brown- ing. 823.8 W393. WEDNESDAY CLUB OF VERSAILLES, KENTUCKY. THE Program of 1909-1910 and 1910-1911. Studies in Drowning. 821.88 Zvc. WEEK. THE Athenaeum 3031 : 709: Nov. 28, 1885. Nation 94:99:Feb. 1912; 95:25:July 1912; 95:43:July 1912. WELDONS REGISTER Robert Browning's Lyrics and Romances, £ve/j)n Hope, Holy Cross Day, etc. 37 :521-523:Aug. 1863. WELL MADE BOOKS Atlantic Monthly 77:272-274: Feb. 1896. WELLESLEY, BRJWN'ING ROOM AT Literary World 14 : II :1 76-1 77 :Junt 2, 1883. WELLESLEY PRELUDE, THE The Different Ideals of Shelley and Drowning. Portion of thesit. By Angle Lacey Peck. 3 :1 7 :2I 1 -212:Jan. 30, 1892:Memorial Number. Brownmg Program. 2:24:330: March 21, 1891. WELLS. CAROLYN A Parody Anthology 193-218, 360. 368. For Itemized List of Eleven Poems after Robert Browning see Parody Anthology. 821.08 W453pa. A Satire Anthology. Contains on pages 186-192: The Lost Leader, Pope and the .\'el. The Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister. 821.08 W453sa. WELLS, JESSE H. 77ie Dible in Drowning. Thesis submitted for the Degree of Master of Arts, Georgetown, College, June, 1910. 821.88 Rwb. WENLEY, R. M. The Old Quarrel Detween Poetry and Philosoph\). Poet Lore 10:3:365-81. WENTZ, V. S. Love Letters. Eclectic Magazine 132:736. WESSEX DRAMA. THE By Editor. Edinburgh Review 215:93-1 I2:jan. 1912. WEST. ELIZABETH DICKINSON (MRS. EDWARD DOWDEN) Art and Popularity. Homage to Robert Drowning. Aleph Tanner 146 821.88 Xht. Drowning and Shelley. Homage to Robert Drowning. Aleph Tanner 76 821.88 Xht. Drowning As a Preacher. Liltell's Living Age 1 1 1 :707-723. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 59 821.88 Xht. One Aspect of Browning's Villains. Browning Society Papers 4:411-434 821.88 Db.. 394 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Same. Berdoe's Browning Studies 106-129 821.88 Vlb«. To Roberl Drowning. Homage to Robert Droivning, Aleph Tan- ner 135 821.88 Xht. To Robert Drowning on Re'Veading Some Poems Long Unread. Verses: To Robert Bromning 12, Drorvning and Shelle}; 13. Part 2, To Robert Borwning on Re-reading Some Poems Long Un- read 20. Autographed 821.8 Will v. WEST. KENYON Margaret Fuller's Permanent Influence. Poet Lore 7:8&9:386. Perc}) Bysshe Shelley. Chautauquan 16:422-430: Jan. 1893. WESTCOTT. BROOKE FOSS Religious Thought in the West. On Some Points in Browning'* View of Life 253-276. A Paper read before the Cambridge Browning Society, Nov. 1882. Printed by J. Palmer, Cambridge. 1883. 824.8 W524. Some Points on Brorvning's Vients of Life. Browning Society Papers 4:397-410 821.88 Dbs. Same. Berdoe's Browning Studies 92-106 821.88 Vlb». WESTMINSTER ABBEY Browning in Westminster Abbey. By Henry James. In Essay* in London and Elsewhere 821.88 Bwa. By Kale Fisher Kimball. Chautauquan 60:384-385 :Nov. 1910. WESTMINSTER BIOGRAPHIES By Arthur Waugh. Littell's Living Age 226:334. Book* and Authors. WESTMINSTER, BROWNING'S MONUMENT Poet Lore 6:10:528. WESTMINSTER REVIEW The Poetry of Mrs. E. B. Browning. Magazine Articles 180- 189:Oct. 1882 821.88 Xbm. WHARTON. ANNE HOLLINGSWORTH Biographical Facts in Regard to Robert and Elizabeth Browning. Poet Lore 2:1:35-37. The Brownings in Florence. Book News 24:283:467-471 :March 1906. Life. Biographical Facts in Regard to Robert and Elizabeth Barren Browning. Poet Lore 2:1:35-37. WHAT AND HOW TO READ By Frederic Saunders. Independent 41:1:162-163. WHAT COMES TO PERFECTION PERISHES By Sarah A. Bennett. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tan- ner 53 821.88 Xht. WHAT IS IT TO BE DRAMATIC? By C. P. Poet Lore 2:3:140-141. WHAT IS POETRY By Maxwell Bodenheim. New Republic 13 :21 l-2l2:Dec. 22, 1917. WHAT KIPLING AS A POET LACKS Literary Digest 16:222: Feb. 19. 1898. WHAT POET LORE MEANS Poet Lore 3:12:645-648. WHAT ROOSEVELT LIKED TO READ Current Opinion 49:99-100:1910. WHAT SHOULD BE THE POET'S ATTITUDE TOWARD HIS CRITICS? By Francis Hornbrookc. Poet Lore 5:3:135-143. BROWNINGIANA 395 WHAT THE WORLD MIGHT HAVE MISSED By W. A. N. Dorland. Century 76: 1 13-125 :May 1906. WHEELER. CHAS. E. HaXDiUornc'i Villa ai Florence. Nation 50:486-487 June 19. 1890. WHEELER. EMILY F. Ceorge Meredilh's Noveli. Chautauquan 19:561 -565: Aug. 1894. Women in Cree^ Literature. Chautauquan 16:534 :Feb. 1893. WHEN A NATION HATES Editorial. Literary Digest 49:2:954-955:Nov. 14. 1914. WHEN THEY RETURN Contemporary Review I 14:471 -472 :Ocl. l9l8:Litcrary Supple- ment No. 133. WHERE GENIUS WORKS Ecledic Magazine 123 :697-701 :Nov. 1894. WHllCOMB, IDA PRENTICE The lMrl( in Legend and Song. Poet Lore 15:2:92-94. WHITE. ELI7A ORNE A Br'iTDning Courtihip. Atlantic Monthly 62:99-1 12 :JuIy 1. 1888. A Driwiting Courtihip and Other Stories. 821.88 Xw«. WHITE. FRANCES EMILY DroTUving's Meimerism rrom a Scientific Point of yiem. Poet Lore '1:5:261-66. WHITE. H. The Theology) of Robert Broiuning. Poet Lore 12-3:417-430. WHITE. MAUDE VALERIE See Music. WHITE. RICHARD GRANT The Anatomizing of William Shal^espeare. Atlantic Monthly 53:595-61 2: May 1884. Introduction to Selections from the Poetr\) of Robert BroHtning. 821.88 Gwsd. WHITEHEAD. MISS C. M. Drolvning as a Teacher of the Nineteenth Century. Brownrng Society Papers 10:237-263 821.88 Dbs. Same. Berdoe's Drorvning Studies 283-309 821.88 VIb.. WHITEHEAD. E. A. BroJvning as a Musician. From Notes to the Pocket Volume of Selections from the Poems of Robert Browning. By Alex Hill. 47-53 821.88 Dhn. See Music. WHITFIELD. LOCK AND Men of Marl(, a Gallery^ of Contemporary) Portraits. 821.88 Bmra. WHITING. LILIAN Biography^ of the Broanings. Independent 71 :350:Aug. 17. 1911. The Brorvnings, Their Life and Art. Little. Brown fit Co., Boi- ton, 1911. (Two copies.) Autographed 821.88 Bwb. Editor Poems Elizabeth Barrett Broivning. 821.88. The Broh)nings. Review. Independent 72 :2: 1065 :May 16. 1912. The Centenary) of Robert Brotvning. Munsey's Magazine 47:215- 220:May 1912. Elizabeth Barrett Bromning. Bookman 3 :35-39:March 1896. The Golden Road. Little. Brown & Co.. Boston. 1918. (Twc copies.) Autographed 804 W599g. Kate Field. Arena 16:919-923 : Nov. 1896. The Florence of Landor. Contains much of interest to Brownin|. 396 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Reviewed in Outlook 99:878:Dec. 9, 1911. (Two copies.) Auto- graph^^d. A 5lud\f of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. New Church Review 7:31 7-3 19: April 1900. Li(erari) Boston. Cosmopolitan Magazine 10:209:Dec. 1890. New Appraisals of Robert Browning. Current Opinion 52:701- 703: June 1912. A Stud^ of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Autograph of Robert Barrett Browning. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1899. 821.88 Bsw. (Three copies.) A Friend of Browning's. Mrs. Bronson's Hospitality^. Springfield Sunday Republican Oct. 6, 1918. WHITING, M'\RY BRADFORD Browning and Woman. Did Browning Know a Woman's Heart? 821.88 Pww. WHITLEY. CHAS. In Cap and Cown ; Three Centuries of Cambridge Wit. Athenaeum 3239:702-703:Nov. 23. 1889. WHITMAN Human Brotherhood in Whitman and Browning: A Topical Reading Course. By Charlotte Porter. Poet Lore 10:3:421-424. WHITMAN AND BROWNING AS POETS OF BARBARISM By Prof. George Santayana. Literary Digest 20:360-361 : March 24, 1900. WHITMAN. SARAH W. Robert Browning in His Relation to the Art of Painting. Read at the Twenty-eighth Meeting of the Browning Society of Boston. March 26, 1889. Published by the Browning Society, Boston. 821.88 Lwp. WHITMAN. IHE LATEST WORD ON By George Rice Carpenter. Current Opinion 47:45-48: July 1909. WHITMAN, WALT See under Triggs. WHITMANS GENIUS. A NEW THEORY OF. WALT By Dr. R. Maurice Bucke. Literary Digest 18:487-488: April 29. 1899. WHITMAN S POEMS. WALT By Peter Bayne. (Contemporary Review.) Littell's Living Age 128:91-103. WHITON-STONE, CARA E. Browning's Birthday from the Boston Transcript. Manuscript Poems. Browning. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 59 821.88 Xht. WHITTIER. JOHN GREENLEAF Eclectic Magazine 120:377-380:March 1893. By Francis Gribble. Fortnightly Review 89: 137- 147: Jan. 1908. W. H. J. Select Books. Poet Lore 13:4:600. W. H. M. Psychical Research and a Knowledge of the Future Life. New Church Review 7:598-603 :Oct. 1900. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? By Ann Steger Winston. Lippincott's Magazine 62:726:Nov. 1898-Jan. 1899. BROWNINGIANA 397 WHO WAS BROWNING'S THE LOST LEADER? By Margaret H. Gangewer. American Notes and Queries 2:23: 270-272: April 6. 1889. WHOM GOD 1-IATH JOINED By Rev. Mabel MacCoy Invin. Arena 30: 186- 189: Aug. 1903. WHY BROWNING IS NOT MORE POPULAR By E. L. Burlingame. Literary Digest 15:399-400: July 31, 1897. WHY I AM A LIBERAL Definilions and Personal Confessious of Failh b\) the Desl Minds in the Lihcral Party. Collected by Andrew Reid. Robert Drown- ing 1 1 329.942 F353. WHY IS BROWNING POPULAR? By Paul Elmer More. In Shelburne Essays 3:143-165 814 M836s. WHYTE. ARTHUR J. A Broivning Pilgrimage. Contemporary Review 1 03: 668-678: May 1913. Same. LittelFs Living Age 277:542-550. Edited Sordello. By Robert DroTVuing. J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., 1913 821.88 Hsow. WICKSTEED. PHILIP H. Robert Drowning. Contemporary Review 83 :86-99:Jan. 1903. WIDDEMER. MARGARET Robert Drowning. Century 85:416:Jan. 1913. Same. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 50 821.88 Xht. WIFE. JAMES LEE'S By J. H. Bulkeley. Berdoe's Drowning Studies 130-143 821.88 V'lbs. WIFE-LOVE AND FRIEND-LOVE OF ROBERT BROWNING. THE By J. J. Graham. Browning Society Papers 11:380-400 821.88 Dbs. By J. J. Graham. Berdoe's Drowning Studies 204-224 821.88 Vlbs. WIGGINS AND F. W GOUDY. W. A. D. Designs for In a Dalcony b\i Robert Drowning. Introduction by Laura McAdoo Triggs. 82r.88 Hib. WILCOX. SUSANNE From Drowning to Dridge. Independent 70:505-510:March 9, 1911. WILDE. OSCAR Drowning Treated in the True Function and Value of Criticism. Nineteenth Century 28: 123- 147: July 1870. WILDE, OSCAR. AS A POET By Homer E. Woodbridge. Poet Lore 19:4:439-57. WILE. FRANCES WHITMARSH Robert Drowning. Homage to Robert Drowning, Aleph Tanner 77 821.88 Xht. vViLKi: \ c A/arp Had a Little Lamb, as Drowning IVould Have Said It. A Parody} Anthology, Carolyn Wells 368 821. C8 W453pa. WILKINS, A. S. ' Drowning and the Creek Drama. The Manchester Quarterly 8: 377-390 :Oct. 1883 821.88 Lwgd. 398 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY WILKINSON. MAUDE An Ohjection to BroJ»mng'i Caliban Considered. Poet Lore 5:11: 562-564. WILL THE NOVELS OF MEREDITH ENDURE? Current Opinion 44:5 1 -53: Jan. 1908. WILLCOX, ELLA GOODENOW Browning's A Soul's Traged}^. Poet Lore 13:3:411-25. WILLCOX. LOUISE COLLIER Poeir]) and The Child. New Republic 1 I :338-339:July 21, 1917. WILLETT. GEORGE H. Childe Roland to the Darl( Tower Came — An Interpretation. Methodist Review (Fifth Series) 30:4:601-603 : July- Aug. 1914: Whole Number 528:96:4. WILLIAMS. BASIL A Chapter in the History of Oracles. Eclectic Magazine 118:270- 278: Feb. 18. 1892. WILLIAMS, CHARLES Poetry, Democracy and Christianity. Contemporary Review 112: 230-231: Aug. 1917. A Death in the Desert. Service 1 : 153-1 55:Nov. 1904. WILLIAMS. EDWARD C. (Browning Society Papers.) Library Journal 28:52:Feb. 1903. WILLIAMS. FRANCIS HOWARD Browning's Form. Poet Lore 2:6:300-305. Clough and Emerson: The Metaphysical Significance of Dipsychus and the World Soul. Poet Lore 6:6&7:348-56. The Relation of Nature to Man in Browning. Poet Lore 4:5: 238-43. WILLIAMS. HAROLD The Poetry of William Watson. Atlantic Monthly 107:267-276: Jan. 1911. WILLIAMS. TALCOTT On Robert Browning. Poet Lore 2:1 :47-48. WILLIAMSON, H. CLAUDE Pax. The Quarterly Paper of the Benedictine Community of the Isle of Caldey, No. 42, Dec. 1914. Robert Browning, An Appre- ciation. 821.88 Bwa. WILLOWS: A SKETCH (Cornhill Magazine.) Littells Living Age 119:36-45. WILLSON. MARCIUS The Sixth Reader of the Popular Series. J. B. Lippincott & Co.. Philadelphia. 1883. 428.6 L765w. WILM. EMIL C. The Characteristics of Philosophy and Literature. Poet Lore 24? 2:122-25. WILSON. AGNES Strafford with introductions and notes. 821.88 Hsw. WILSON. F. MARY A Primer of Browning. Macmillan & Co.. London, 1891. (One copy.) 821.88 Dwp. Same. Review. Independent 44:314:March 3. 1892. WILT THOU CHANGE TOO? See Music. WINCHESTER. THE BISHOP OF The Ethics of Browning's Poems. By Mrs. Percy Leake. With nn Introduction by the Bishop of Winchester, 821.88 Rel. BROWNINGIANA 399 WINCHESTER. C. T. Robert BroTvning. Centenar]/ Addreaea 821.88 Vnya. WINSLOW. HORATIO At IVhai Age Do Literary Men Do Their Beit IVorlf? Lippin- colt's Magazine 51 :276. WINSTON, ANN STEGER IV ho li Your Favorite Author? Lippincott't Magazine 62:726: Nov. 1898-Jan. 1899. WINTHROP. W. Frederic}^ Tennx/ion and His. Foetry. Poet Lore 10:2:258-275. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY AND BRAIN WAVES By J. T. K. Nineteenth Century 45:857-864: May 1899. WISE. THOMAS J. A Catalogue of the Library of the Late John Henry Wrenn. Com- piled by Harold B. Wrenn. 123-137 821.88. Edited Letters From Robert Broxuning to Var^toui Corrapondenti. privately printed, London, 1895. (Two volumes) 821.88 XIp. Same. Second Series. Two volumes. Privately printed. 1907, 1908. 821.88. Edited Pauline: A Fragment of a Confeaion, by Robert Brown- ing. A reprint from the original edtion, 1833. Printed by Rich- ard Clay & Sons, London. 1886. Cotitains all the notations made by J. Stuart Mills and Robert Browning in the Forster copy now in South Kensington Museum, London. 821.88 Hpuw. A Preface and Notes to Bells and Pomegranates. By Robert Browning. First Series, Nineteenth Century Classics. Ward, Lock & Co., Ltd., London, 1896. 821.88 Hbpw SI. A Preface and Notes to Bells and Pomegranates. By Robert Browning. Second Series, Nineteenth Centurv Classics. Ward. Lock & Co., Ltd.. London. 821.88 Hbpws2. ' A Complete Bibliography of the IVritings in Prose and Verse of Robert Browning. Printed only for private subscribers, London, 1897 821.88 Awp. Bibliography. Materials for a Bibliography of the writings in prose and verse of Robert Browning. A few original sheets of which the preceding is complete. 821.88 Awb. A Bibliography of the IVritings of Robert Browning. Athenaeum 3594:354:Sept. 12, 1896: 3596:418-420:Sept. 26. 1896; 3600: 564-566:Oct. 24, 1896; 3605:758-759:Nov. 28. 1896. WISE MEN AND A FOOL By Coulson Kernahan. Athenaeum 3841 :718-720:Jure 8, 1901. WITH THE POETS; A SELECTION OF ENGLISH POETRY By F. W. Farrar, Canon of Westminster. Suttaby & Co.. London. Publishers. 1883. Four poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning: The Sleep 327-329. Cowper's Crave 329-331. A Child Asleep 332-333, The Cry of the Children 333-337 821.08 F242w. WITHERED LAURELS A Reverie Among the Tombs. (MacM.) Littell's Living Age 220:372-377. W. J. R. A Browning Musical Query. Poet Lore 5:1:48-49. Miss Molincux's Browning Phrase Bool(. Dial 22:42-3: Jan. 16. 1897; 22:78: Feb. 1. 1897. See William J. Rolfe. W. N. G. Brownings Optimism. So-Called. Dial 18;290:May 16, 1895. 400 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY WOMAN Remar}(s on Browning's IVomen and Men. See Blackwood's Magazine. WOMAN, DID BROWNING KNOW THE HEART OF? By Mary Bradford Whiting. 821.88 Pww. WOMAN IN ENGLISH LITERATURE, THE EVOLUTION OF By Alice Groff. Poet Lore 10:2:242-250. WOMANHOOD, BROWNING'S TREATMENT OF By Olsie V. Betls. Baylor Literary 21 :2:46-49:Oct. 1912 821.88 Xblg. WOMANHOOD, MR. BROWNING'S TYPES OF By Annie E. Ireland. Dec. 1889 821.88 Pmtw. WOMANHOOD HELD BY BROWNING AND THE GREEK DRAMATISTS, THE IDEALS OF By Charlotte Porter. Poet Lore 9:3:385-400. WOMANHOOD IN MODERN POETRY By Vida D. Scudder. Poet Lore 1:10:449-465. WOMANHOOD IN THE MASTERPIECES OF DANTE, GOETHE AND ROBERT BROWNING, IDEAL Pippa, Pompilia, James Lee's Wife and Lyric Love. See Modern Poet Prophets. By Wm. Norman Guthrie. 804 G984m. WOMAN'S CLUB OF WACO, TEXAS A Handbook. See Program, 191 6- 191 7 821.88 Zvvw. WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION The World's Crealest Lovers. By Laura Spencer Porter. 40:11: 24-78 :Nov. 1913. WOMAN'S LAST WORD See Music. WOMAN'S VIEWPOINT IN POETRY Literary Digest 35 : 127- 128: July 27, 1907. WOMAN'S WORLD (Edited by Oscar V/ilde) See Mrs. Alexander Ireland (Annie E. Ireland). 821.88 Pmtw. WOMEN AND POETRY Literary Digest 18:279-280: March 11, 1899. WOMEN AS PORTRAYED IN ENGLISH LITERATURE Editorial. Literary Digest 16:703-704 : June 11, 1898. WOMEN, BROWNING'S By Mary E. Burt. 821.88 Pbw. By Mary Frederica Gross (now Mrs. Ray L. Dudley). Sub- mitted for Bachelor Thesis, Baylor University (Typewritten) 821.88 Pgw. About Women: What Men Have Said. Chosen and arranged by Rose Porter. Browning 125-141. By Vida D. Scudder. Poet Lore 1:10:453-458. Numpholeplos and Browning's Women. By Mrs. Glazebrook. See BroTvning's Heroines, by Mayne 821.88 Pmb. See the Life of a Little College 821.88 Kci. See W. G. Martley. London Browning Society Papers 4:57-64 (Abs.); 821.88 Dbs. Pt. 4. See also M. R. Pridham. Browning Society Papers 11:371-379 821.88 Dbs. By Sivori Levey. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 66-67 821.88 Xht. also in Articles by Sivori Levey 20 821.88 Xal. The Women of the Poets. By Alice E. Rutlcy. 821.88 Swp. BROWNINGIANA 401 WOMEN IN AMERICAN LITERATURE Literary Digest I4:265-66:Dec. 26. 18%. WOMEN IN GREEK LITERATURE By Emily F. Wheeler, thautauquan l6:534:Feb. 1893. WOMEN OF LYRIC LOVE. THE By Maxwell Gray. Eclectic Magazine 45 :88-96:Jan. 1897. WOMEN POETS. THE GREATEST OF Editorial. Literary Digest l8:309:March 18. 1899. WOMEN. PORTRAIT OF BROWNINGS See W. T. Davison. WOMEN WRITERS. ITALY'S By Lugi D. Ventura. Chautauquan 8:590-592:July 1888. WOMEN'S CLUBS. BROWNING IN See Hamilton W. Mabie. WOOD. G. L. Shal(espere's Spelliug. Independent 62:2: I072-l074:May 9, 1907. WOODBERRY. GEORGE EDWARD LHcraT^ Essa\)s, On Browning' i Death 59-72 824.91 W88II. Waller Savage Lander. Atlantic Monthly 51 :208-2l7:Feb. 1883. Literature in the Marlfet Place. Forum ll:654:Aug. 1891. On Browning's Death, in Maimers of Literature 386-406 820.4 W88i. Poe in New York- Century 48:854-866:Oct. 1894. WOODBRIDGE. HOMER E. Oscar Wilde as a Poet. Poet Lore 19:4:456. WOODBURY, CHAS. Cod Is Where Man Is. Twentieth Century 1 :358:Jan. 1910. The Secret of Pippa's Power. Poet Lore 3 :6&7:350-53. WOODMAN. JOHN S. Browning Is — What? (From the Boston Evening Transcript, April 2 1 St. 1886.) Browning Society Papers 8: 154*- 159* 821.88 Dbs. WOODRUFF. E. H. Walter Scott at Work- Scribner's Magazine 5: 1 33-151 :Feb. 1889. WOODS. MARY A. Robert Browning. Eclectic Magazine I38:74:jan. 1902. Same. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 47 821.88 Xht. Robert Browning, a Poem. (Academy.) Litteil's Living Age 231:528. _ WOODWARD. HELEN DRYER Browning's Ideal of Life. From Santayana on Robert Browning, A Pessimist Criticism. Poet Lore 13:1:97-111. WORCESTER FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY Robert Browning. Special Reading List. Jan. 1899. WORCHESTER PUBLIC LIBRARY Reading List on Browning. Library Journal 24: 177: April 1899. WORDS, MR. MEREDITH'S By Editor. Edinburgh Review 18:33-58:July 1886. WORDS THAT GO TO THE BAD Eclectic Magazine 1 42 : 1 29-1 31 :Jan. 1904. WORDS. WORDS. WORDS By R. Y. Tyrrell. Fortnightly Review 85:ll37:May 1906. 402 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY WORDSWORTH See H. B. Simpson. WORDSWORTH AND BROWNING By Henry Jones. IdeaVum ai a Praclical Creed 139-192 804 J77i. WORDSWORTH AND BYRON By A. C. Swinburne. Nineteenth Century 15:583-609. WORDSWORTH AND TENNYSON Editorial. Eclectic Magazine 64 (Old Series) (New Series 1): 273-415:1865. WORDSWORTH AND THE COLERIDGES. LOWELL AND TOL- STOY By C. Poet Lore 1 1 :3 :425-430. WORDSWORTH AS A POET GREAT IN SPITE OF HIMSELF By Carman and Rannie. Current Opinion 43:630-632: Nov. 1907. WORDSWORTH, BROWNING AND By Harry Christopher Minchin. (Fortnightly Review.) Littell's Living Age 274:104-112. WORDSWORTH, COLERIDGE, AND THE SPY By A. J. Eagleston. Nineteenth Century 64:300-3 10: Aug. 1908. WORDSWORTH, TENNYSON, AND BROWNING Or Pure, Ornale and Grotesque Art in Engl'nh Poelry. 821.88 G492s. (National Review.) New Eclectic Magazine 1 :3:273 -284: March 1865; 1:4:41 5-427: April 1865. By Solomon F. Gingerich. 281.81 G492s. See Living Age. WORDSWORTH. THE PERMANENCE OF By Herbert Paul. Nineteenth Century 63 :987-998:June 1908. WORDSWORTH. THE PROSE WORKS OF By Edward Dowden. (Fortnightly Review.) Littell's Living Age 128:195-208. WORDSWORTHIAN IN REMINISCENT MOOD, A By Percy F. Bicknell. Dial 38:1 17- 19: Feb. 16. 1905. WORDSWORTHIANS. THE COMPLACENCY OF By H. F. C. Eclectic Magazine 141 : 181 -185:Aug. 1903; also (Speaker) Littell's Living Age 237:818-822. WORDSWORTH'S SUCCESSOR Cross Lights. By H. B. Simpson. 821.88 Dsiw. WORDSWORTH'S YOUTH By Leslie Stephen. (National Review.) Littell's Living Age 212: 859-870. WORK AND PLAY. SUMMER BOOKS OF Reference. Independent 66: 1244: June 3. 1909. WORK OF THE YEAR. BROWNINGS Poet Lore 6:5:276. WORKS OF GEOFFREY CHAUCER Alfred W. Pollard. By H. Frank Heath. Mark H. Liddell and W. S. McCormick. Athenaeum 3723 :268-269: March 4. 1899, WORKS OF JOHN RUSKIN. THE By Editor. Edinburgh Review 167:8: 198-234: Jan. 1888. WORKS OF THACKERY By Editor. Edinburgh Review 137:4:95-121 :Jan. 1873. BROWNINGIANA ' "-' 403 WORKS. THE COLLECTED. OF WILLIAM MORRIS Athenaeum 4341 :5-6:Jan. 7, 1911. WORK. UNACKNOWLEDGED Poet Lore 11:2:316, WORLD LITERATURE By Richard G. Mouiton. Robert Dronniug 356-358. 403. WORLDS GREATEST LOVERS. THE Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Droisning. By Laura Spencer Por- ter. Woman's Home Companion 40: II :24-78:Nov. 1913. WORLDS MOST WONDERFUL LOVE STORY Review of Reviews I9:734:june 1899. WORLDS WORK Arj Excrciie in Self Abaiement. 2:807:June 1901. A yVen> Estimate of Droaniug. 6:4036:Oct. 1903. Mr. Stephen Phillips' Herod. By John Lane. 1 :666-667: April 1901. WORSFOLD, W. BASIL The Poetry of IV. C. Rossetii. Eclectic Magazine 121:851-854: Dec. 1893. WRENN. HAROLD B. A Catalogue of the Library^ of the Late John Henry Wrenn. Edited by Thomas J. Wise. 123-137 821.88. WRIGHT, ARKLEY B. (A. W.) 7"ii>o Pictures Dealing With Fro Lippo Lippi. Robert Browning. In bound volume. Baylor Literary and Georgetonian. The George- tonian 11:8 821.88 Xblg. WRIGHT. C. B. Criticism on Poetics in Asolando. Poet Lore 3:2:102-103. A Criticism of the Epistle of Karshish. By Richard Garnett. Poet Lore 9:2:312-313. The Ethics of Robert Droivning in Boyesen s Literary^ and Social Silhouettes. Poet Lore 10:3:461-463. The Tivo Felicities. Homage to Robert Drorvning. Aleph Tanner 62 821.88 Xht. Same. Appended to the Pompilia Monologue of The Ring and the Book. Poet Lore 9:3:472. WRIGHT. EDWARD The Art of Plagiarism. Contemporary Review 85 :514-5I8:April 1904. WRIGHT. L. Browning's Standpoint. Poet Lore 2:11:604-607. WRIGHT. MERLE ST. CROIX Browning's Ri:laiion to lntmortalil\/. Centenary Addreuet 96-101 821.88 Vnya. WRIGHT. WM. ALDIS Edward Fitzgerald, Letters and Remains of. Athenaeum 3220:55- 57:JuIy 13. 1889. WURTZBURG. C. A. The Alkesiis of Euripides and of Browning. Poet Lore 2:7:345- 360. W. W. Some Child Critics of Browning. By W. W. (Academy.) Lit- tell's Living Age 214:127-28. 404 BAYLOR UNIVERSITY YALE REVIEW Robert Drowning arid Alfred Austin. By Wm. Lyon Phelps. 7: 580-591 : April 1918. The Moses of Michael Angelo. By Robert Browning. 4:l-2:Oct. 1914. The New Poetry. By John Erskine. 6:384-385:Oct. 1914. Two Unpublished Poems: (1) Moses of Michael Angelo, (2) On Being Defied to Express in a Hexameter, You Ought to Sit on the Safel]) Valve. By Robert Browning. 4:l-2:Oct. 1914. YEAR BOOK. THE ROBERT BROWNING Selections for Every Day in the Year From the Prose and Poetry of Robert Browning. By C. M. T. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York, 1903 821.88 Syi. By J. R. Tulin. YEAR'S AT THE SPRING By Sara Teasdale. Homage to Robert Browning, Aleph Tanner 37 821.88 Xht. See Music. YEAR'S BEST BOOKS, A By Editor. Outlook 60:816-81 7 :Dec. 3, 1898. YE.^R•S HOLIDAY BOOKS Independent 61 :2:1402:Dec. 1906. YEAR'S LITERARY PRODUCTION, A By H. W. Mabie. Current Opinion 9:433 :March 1892. YOU'LL LOVE ME YET See Music. YOUNG ^ The Brownings for the Young. Edited by Frederic G. Kenyon. 821.88 Syk. YOUNG. FILSON New Leaves: Browning and Henry James 165-171 824.91 Y71n. YOUNG FOLKS' BROWNING. THE Selected from the Poems of Robert Browning. With Introduction and Notes by Thomas Tapper. Illustrated by Louis Meynell. Cozy Corner Series 821.88 Syf. YOUNG MAN Browning as a Chapel-Coer. A review of a chapel talk with Browning. Review of Reviews 1 7:461 -463: April 1898. YOUNG MAN'S RECOLLECTIONS. A Robert Browning. (Times.) L'ttell's Living Age 187:673-677. YOUNG, MELISSA E. Sonnet on Repristination. (The Ring and the Boolf.) Life's Lilicd Harp (Saul). YOUTH AND ART, BROWNING'S By Wm. Stanley Braithwalte. Poet Lore 22:3:231. YOUTH'S COMPANION, THE Recollections of the Brownings. By Harriet G. Hosmer. In two parts: Part 1 74:32:388: Aug. 9. 1900: Part 2 74: 599-600 :Nov. 15. 1900. BROWNINGIANA 405 ZAMPINI. SALAZAR FANNY See Salazar, Fanny Zampini. ZANGWILL. ISRAEL Dreal(ing l/ie Record. Cosmopolitan Magazine 18:244 :Dec. 1894. The Month in England. Cosmopolitan Magazine 23:99: May 1897; 24:326-27: Jan. 1898. ZANGWILL. LOUIS The Monlh in England. Cosmopolitan Magazine 26:1 18-l20:Nov. 1898. ZIMMLRN. HELEN Italian Poets of Today. (Blackw.) Littell's Living Age 193:451- 465. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAl iiiii iiii(iiiMiiiuiiiiiiini||ii I AA 000 366 174 1