o CO c\j Library of Congress Subject Headings with Local Subdivision (a) Headings with indirect sobdivision (b) Headingfs with ditect subdivision AND (C) List of local divisions (States, Provinces, etc*) to which subdivision is always direct COMPILED BY MARY WILSON MacNAIR Catalogue Division THIRD EDITION WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE LIBRARY BRANCH 1920 Library of Congress Subject Headings with Local Subdivision (a) Headingfs with indirect subdivision (B ) Headingfs with direct subdivision AND (C) List of local divisions (States, Provinces, etc») to which subdivision is always direct COMPILED BY MARY WILSON MacNAIR Catailogue Division THIRD EDITION ^VASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE LIBRARY BRANCH 1920 z L. C. card, 20-26007 PREFATORY NOTE The principle upon which subjects have been classified in the one or the other of the two following lists is admittedly not susceptible of rigid application — opinion may differ, and it may be conceded that in the case of a considerable number of the subjects it has not been applied with un- erring judgment and with the greatest possible consistency. The lists are printed in response to numerous requests for information as to the actual practice of the Library of Congress, and are not offered as a guide to be unquestioningly followed. List (A) comprises the subjects in which local differentiation or char- acter, or predominant interest, is regarded as pertaining to the whole country or state, and common to all or the greater part of the geographical or other local subdivisions within it. The headings are therefore divided by country or state, with further subdivision by province, county, city or other locality, except as limited by list (C). Examples: Agriculture — Eng- land; Agriculture — England — Devon; Botany — Ohio; Botany — Ohio — Hamilton Co.; Criminal statistics — India — Burma; Education — Germany — Berlin; Education — Prussia. Among other headings it includes the following groups of subjects: L Agricultural headings, fisheries, mining, minerals, ores, etc. 2. Scientific subjects (e. g. Botan}-, Geology-, Zoology-) 3. Educational subjects. 4. Classes of persons {e. g. Blind, Deaf and dumb) 5. Sports, etc. 6. Cer- tain legal headings. 7. Inspection headings (e. g. Meat inspection; Steam- boats — Inspection) Exception is made in the case of certain classes of institutions (Univer- sities and colleges, Libraries, Hospitals and other social foundations) whose development is largely or exclusively identified with cities, and where the prim.ar}' subject interest is local. While these headings, like the others in list (A), are subdivided by country, state, or province, etc., they are themselves made subdivisions under the names of cities when applied to works so limited (e. g. Libraries — Massachusetts; but Boston — Libraries, not Libraries — Massachusetts — Boston, or Libraries — Boston) This usage is specified in the list under each subject so treated. List (B) comprises the subjects or distinctive phases of subjects, such as social, political, econom.ic, or cultural movements, institutions, indus- tries, classes or groups of persons, etc., peculiar to, or identified in interest v/ith, smaller regions or localities. The headings are therefore sulidivided directly by province, city, or other locality' as the case may be. Examples: Architecture — Card, France (Dept.) ', Cost and standard of living — Paris; Fish trade — Burma; Taxation — Suffolk Co., Mass.; Typhoid fever — Omaha, Neb. 49547.3 (a) Headings with indirect local subdivision Abbeys. Accident law. Actions and defenses. Administration of estates. Admirals. Afforestation. Agricultural colleges. Agricultural colonies. Agricultural cooperative credit associations. Agricultural credit. Agricultural education. Agricultural experiment stations. Agricultural laborers. Agricultural laws and legislation. Agricultural societies. Agriculture. * Agriculture, Cooperative. Algae. Aliens. Allodium. Almshouses and workhouses. Subdivision Almshouses and workhouses is used under names of cities. Amnesty. Amusements. Subdivision Amusements is used under names of cities. Anarchism and anarchists. Annotations and citations (Law) Anthropo-geography. Anthropometry. Appellate procedure. Arachnida. Arbitration, Industrial. Archaeological societies. Archives. Armories. Arrest. Arsenals. Subdivision Arsenals is used under names of cities. Art and state. Art societies. Arthropoda. Ascidians. Assignments. Association and associations. 5 O LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION Asylums. Attachment and garnishment. Autographs. Banking law. Bankruptcy. Batrachia. Battles. Beacons. Bees. Beetles. Beets and beet sugar. Bench-marks. Bibliographical societies. Birds. Bishops. Blind. Blind — Asylums and education. To be divided by country, state, etc., without further subdivision to city. Boards of trade. Bolshevism? Book clubs. Borings. Botany. Bounties, Military. Brasses. Bridges. • Subdivision Bridges is used under names of cities. Bronze age. Buckwheat. Building stones. Buoys. Burial laws. Business education. Business law. Butterflies. Cabinet officers. Canal-boats — Inspection. Canals. Su1)division Ca)ials is used under names of cities. Cartography. Caste. Castles. Catalogs, Booksellers'. Catalogs, Publishers'. Cathedrals. Cattle. Cattle brands. Cement. Cemeteries. Subdivision Cemeteries is used under names of cities. LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION 4- Chapels (Music) Charities. Subdivision Charities is used under names of cities. Charity laws and legislation. Charity-schools. Chemistry — History. Children — Law. Children's literature. Choral music. Church decoration and ornament. Church lands. Church music. Church property. Church schools. Churches. Subdivision Churches is used under names of cities. Cities and towns. Citizenship. General works and works on American citizenship are entered under this heading v.'ithout subdivision. AppHed to works on citizenship in particular states of the United States, or in foreign countries, the heading is subdivided by the name of the state or country (^. g. Citizenship — Maryland; Citizenship — Switzerland) Civil law. Civil list. Civil procedure. Clay. Clearing-house. Clergy. Cliff-dwellers. Clifr-dweliings. Climbing plants. Coaching. Coal. Coal mines and mining. Coaling-stations. Coasts. Coastwise navigation. Cobalt mines and mining. Cod-fisheries. Code pleading. Coeducation. Coelenterata. Coffee. Coinage. Commercial courts. Commercial law. Commercial products. Communication and traffic. Communism. Conspiracy. d LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION Constitutions, State. Consular reports. Contract labor. Convents and nunneries. Convict labor. Cooperation. Copper mines and mining. Copper ores. Copyright. Corals. Corn-laws. Coronations. Corporation law. Corporations, Religious. Costume. Country life. County government. Here are entered works on county government in general, and on county government in the United States as a whole. Works not dealing exclusively with county government are entered under Local government. Works on the government of individual counties are entered under the county, c. g. Cook Co., ///. — Politics and govern- ment. Courts-martial and courts of inquiry. Crab fisheries. Craniology. Credit. Creole dialects. Crime and criminals. Criminal law. Criminal procedure. Criminal statistics. Cross and crosses. Crown jewels. Crustacea. Currency question. Dairy laws. Damages. Dancing. General works and works on dancing in the United States are entered under this heading without subdivision. Works on other countries are entered under Dancing — [country subdivision] (e. g. Dancing — Greece) Deaf and dumb. Deaf and dumb — Asylums and education. To be divided by country, state, etc., without further subdivision to city. Debt, Imprisonment for. Decoration and ornament. Decorations of honor. Defective and delinquent classes. Degrees, Academic. LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION Vj Dental laws and legislation. Diamond mines and mining. Diptera. Disabled — Rehabilitation, etc. Dispensaries. Subdivision Dispensaries is used under names of cities. Dissertations, Academic. Distillery warehouses. Docks. Subdivision Docks is used under names of cities. Domestic animals. Domestic economy. Dower. Drainage. Drainage laws. Earthquakes. Subdivision Earthquake is used under names of cities (e. g. Messina — Earthquake, 1908) Earthworks (Archaeology) Ecclesiastical law^. Echinodermata. Economics — History. Education. Education, Compulsory. Education and state. Education of women. Educational law and legislation. Electric railroads. For general works only. Works on electric street-railroads in a par- ticular locality are entered under Street-railroads — [local subdivision] Electric railroads — Law. Emigration and immigration law. Eminent domain. Employers' associations. Employers' liability. Engineering law. Equity pleading and procedure. Ethics — History. Ethnology. Etiquette. European war, 1914- — Air-fleet bases. — Air-fleet bases. Naval. — Censorship. — Confiscations and contributions. — Economic aspects. — Finance. — Food question. — Law and legislation. — Regimental histories. — Secret service. — Territorial questions. 4644—20 3 10 LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION Evening and continuation schools. Evidence (Law) Excess profits tax. Executors and administrators. Expulsion, Extents. Factory inspection. Factory laws and legislation. Factory system. Farm buildings. Farm law. Farm produce. Farmers' institutes. Farms. Feather-work. Feeble-minded — Education. Ferns. Ferries. Subdivision Ferries is used under names of cities. Festivals. Subdivision Festivals, etc. is used under names of cities. Feudalism. Fines (Penalties) Fire-departments. Fire prevention. cf. note under Fires. Fires. Subdivision Fires and fire prevention is used under names of cities. A particular fire in a city is entered under name of city (e. g. Chi- cago — Fire, 1S71) Fish-culture. Fisheries. Fishery law and legislation. Fishes. Fishing. Flags. Flax. Flood dams and reservoirs. Floods. Subdivision Floods is used under names of cities and rivers. A par- ticular flood in a city is entered under name of city (e. g. Johnstown, Pa.— Flood, 1887) Flowers. Folk literature. Folk-lore. Folk-songs. Food adulteration and inspection. Food law and legislation. Food supply. Forage plants. Forest fires. LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION 11 Forest products. Forest reserves. Forestry law and legislation. Forestry schools and education. Forestry societies. Forests and forestry. Forms (Law) Fortification. Sululivision Fortifications is used under names of 'cities. Free harbors. Fresh-water fauna. Fresh-water flora. Friendly societies. Frontier and pioneer life. Fruit-culture. Funeral rites and ceremonies. Fungi. Game and game-birds. Game-laws. Game protection. Games. Garden cities. Gardening. Gardens. Gas, Natural. Generals. Geodesy. Geographical positions. Geology, Geysers. Gilds. Subdivision Gilds is used under names of cities. Gipsies. Glaciers. Gold mines and mining. Goldsmithing. Government monopolies. Granite. Grasses. Guardian and ward. Harbors. Sul)divisi)n Harbor is used under names of dties. Health boards. /lealth resorts, watering-places, etc. Hemiptera. Hemp. Hepaticae. Heraldry. Herring-fisheries. 12 LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION High schools. Subdivided by country or state. The high schools of a particular city are entered under the name of the city, with subdivision Public schools. Highway law. Historical societies. Holidays. Homestead law. Horse breeding. Hospitals. vSubdivision Hospitals is used under names of cities. Hospitals, Military. Hospitals, Naval and marine. Hotels, taverns, etc. Subdivision Hotels, tazcrns, etc. is used under names of cities. Hunting. Husband and wife. Hydraulic engineering. Hydrography. Hymenoptera. Ice, Ice on rivers, lakes, etc. Idiocy. Idiot asylums. Illiteracy. Impeachments. India-rubber. ■• Indians, Treatment of. Indians of Central America. Subdivided by countries or regions. Indians of Mexico. Subdivided by states. Indians of North America. Sul)divi(lcd l)y states, provinces, regions, etc. Indians of South America. Subdivided by countries or regions. Indians of the West Indies. Subdivided l)y names of islands. Industrial laws and legislation. Industry and state. Inheritance and succession. Inland navigation. Inquisition. Insane — Care and treatment. Insane — Laws and legislation. Insane hospitals. Insanity. Insects. Instrumental music. Insurance law. Interest and usury. LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION 13 Internal revenue. Internal revenue law. Inventories of estates. Iron age. Iron mines and mining. Iron ores. Irrigation. Irrigation laws. Judicial statistics. Jute. ' Kitchen-middens. Knights and knighthood. Labor bureaus. Labor camps. Labor laws and legislation. Lace and lace making. Lake-dv/el!ers and lake-dwellings. Lakes. Land grants. Land tenure. Landlord and tenant. Landscape gardening. Landslides. Law reporting. Law schools. Lead mines and mining. Lead ores. Learning and scholarship. Leeches. Legal aid societies. Legends. Legislation. Legislative bodies. Lepidoptera. Libel and slander. Libraries. Subdivision Libraries is used under names of cities. Libraries, Depository. Libraries, Private. Libraries, Traveling. Libraries and schools. General works and works on libraries and schools in the United States are entered under this heading without subdivision. Works dealing with other countries are entered under Libraries and schools — [coun- try subdivision] (e. g. Libraries and schools — France) Library commissions. Library extension. Library legislation. Lichens. Liens. Life-saving. 14 LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISIOX Lighthouses. Lignite. Lime. Linen. Liquor laws. Liquor problem. Literary journeys. Lobster fisheries. Local option. Lodging-houses. Sul)clivision Lodging-houses is used under names of cities. Lotteries. Machinery — Inspection. Mackerel fisheries. Magic. Magnesite. Magnetism, Terrestrial. Mail steamers. Maize. Mammals. Man, Prehistoric. Manganese ores. Manual training. Manuscripts. Marble. Marine biology. Marine fauna. Marine flora. Marine service. Maritime law. Markets. vSubdivision Markets is used under names of cities. Marriage. Marriage customs and rites. Marriage law. Marshes. Martial law. Martyrs. Master and servant. Materia medica. Meat inspection. Mechanics' liens. Medical colleges. Medical geography. P/Iedical laws and legislation. Medical societies. Medicine. Medicine, Clinical. Megalithic monuments. Mercantile system. Merchant marine. LIST A. INDIBECT SUBDIVISION (3^ Mercury mines and mining. Metayer system. Meteorology. Meteorology, Maritime. Military architecture. Military departments and divisions. Military education. Military geography. Military lav/. Military music. Military posts. Military reservations. Military roads. Military telegraph. Military telephone. Military training camps. Mineralogy. Mines and mineral resources. Mining law. Mining schools and education. Mints. Mollusks. Monasteries. Monastic libraries. Mocasticism and religious orders. Monopolies. Monuments. Subdivision Monuments is used under names of cities. Mosques. Mosses. Moths. Mound-builders. Subdivided by states, regions, etc. (e. g. Alound-bui'ders — Florida; Mound-builders — Mississippi Valley) Mounds. -. .<5«r • Mountains. Municipal corporations. Municipal finance. Municipal government. Museums. Subdivision Galleries and museums is used under names of cities. Mushrooms. Music. Music — Bibliography — Catalogs, Publishers'. Music — Manuscripts. Music and state. Music in universities and colleges. Musical instruments. Musical libraries. Mussels. Mussels, Fresh-water. Myriapcda. 16 LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION Names. Names, Geographical. Names, Personal. National parks and reserves. Natural history. Natural history museums. Naturalization. Naval battles. Naval education. Naval law. Navy-yards and naval stations. Negotiable instruments. Negro songs. Negroes. Sec note under Negroes on p. 28. Negroes — Colonization. Neuroptera. Nickel mines and mining. , Nobility, Papal, Normal schools. Ocean currents. Oil inspection. Old age pensions. Ophthalmology. Orchids. Orders of knighthood and chivalry. Ores. Orphans and orphan-asylums. Sulidivision Or[^hans and orphan-asylums is used under names of cities. Orthoptera. Oyster-culture. Palaces. Subdivision Palaces is used under names of cities. Paleobotany. Paleontology. Palms. Parcels-post. Parcels-post — U, S. Sulidivided by locality (c. g. Parcels-post — U. S. — Chicago) Pardon. Parks. Subdivision Parks is used under names of cities. Patent laws and legislation. Patents. Pearl-fisheries. Peasantry. Peat. Pensions. Pensions, Military. Peonage. Petroleum. Petrology. Pharmacopoeias. LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION 17 Pharmacy. Pharmacy — Laws and legislation. Philosophy— History. Phosphates. Physical education and training. Physical geography. Picture-writing. Pinnipedia. Plankton. Plant names, Popular. Plants, Cultivated. Pleading. Poetry of places. A duplicate entry is made under name of place (e. g., 1. Poetry of places — England — London. 2. London — Description — Poetry) Police. Subdivision Police is used under names of cities. Police power. Political crimes and offenses. Political parties. Political science — History. Polyzoa. Poor. Subdivision Poor is used under names of cities. Poor laws. Portages. Postage-stamps. Postal savings-banks. Postal service. Postal service — U. S. Subdivided by state or other local division {e. g. Postal service — JJ. S.— Alaska; Postal service — V. S. — Denver; Postal service — U. S.—Ohio) Postal telegraph. Postmarks. Poultry. Precious stones. Prerogative, Royal. Press law. Priories. Prisons. Subdivision Prisons and reformatories is used under names of cities. Private schools. Prize-courts. Probate law and practice. Probation system. Professional education. Prohibition. Protestant churches. Protozoa. Pseudoneuroptera. 4644—20 2 18 LIST A. INDIRKCT SUBDIVISION Public opinion. Public schools. Suliclivision I'lthlic schools is used under names of cities. Public service commissions. Quarries and quarrying. Railroad land grants. Railroad law. Railroads and state. Railway mail service. Reclamation of land. Reconstruction (1914- ) Reformation. This heading is an exception to the general rule for subdivision as qualified by list (C) and is divided as follows: Reformation — Aus- tria; Reformation — Austria — Bohemia, etc.; Reformation — Prance; Reformation — France — Savoy, etc.; Reformation — Germany; Refor- mation — Germany — Prussia, etc. Reformatories, Su] (division Prisons and reformatories is used under names of cities. Regalia. Regency. Reindeer. Religious education. Renaissance. Replevin. Reptiles. Repudiation. Revenue. Revenue-stamps. Rice and rice culture. Rifle-ranges. Riles and ceremonies. Rivers. Romanticism. Rowing. Ruminantia. Rural schools. Salmon-fisheries. Salmon-fishing. Salt mines and mining. Sanatoriums. Scholarships. School attendance. School libraries. School management and organization. General \vi»rks and woiks on the United States as a whole are entered under above heading without subdivision. Works dealing with states and other localities of the United States or special works on other countries are entered under School manage- ment and organization — |/oro/ subdix'ision\ (r. g. School management and organization — Illinois) LIST A. INDIRECT SITBDIVISIOIT 19 Schools. Sulxlivision ScJti'ols is used under names of cities. Science — History. Seaside resorts. Secret service. Seed adulteration and inspection. Sepulchral monuments. Subdivision Sepulchral iiioitinnciits is used under names of cities. Sericulture. Serpents. Sewerage. Subdivision Sewerage is used under names of cities. Sheep. Shell-fish fisheries. Shipping bounties and subsidies. Ships — Inspection, Shipyards. Shrubs. Silkworms. Silver mines and mining. Silver ores. Silversmithing. Slate. Slaughtering and slaughter-houses. Subdivision Slaughter-houses is used under names of cities. Slave-trade. Slavery in the U. S. Su1)divided b}' locality (