Mem. Am. Soc. (* E.
Copyright, 1915, 1920, by
207-217 West Twenty-fifth Street, New York
THE second edition has been made necessary because of the
advance and changes which have occurred in the technique of
water bacteriology since the book was first published, because of
the somewhat different viewpoint as to interpretation of bac-
teriological tests now held, and in order to incorporate into the
instructions for the bacteriological tests certain new details and
explanations which it is hoped will lead to better results from
these tests in the hands of filtration plant operators.
With these ends in view Chapter IV and parts of Chapter V
have been entirely rewritten. It is difficult to adequately* cover
the interpretation of tests in a limited space and in such a
manner as to be available for non-technical men. The treat-
ment may seem somewhat arbitrary, but it is believed that care-
ful reading of the articles on interpretation will convince the
trained bacteriologist that they are basically sound and err on
the side of safety.
IN this book it has been the primary object of the writer to give
instructions for the operation of water-purification plants as
simply and concisely as is consistent with reasonable complete-
ness. In general, it has been the endeavor to treat the subject
with special regard to the requirements of the non-technical
operator of small plants, but certain portions have been treated
more elaborately, experience seeming to show that graduate
chemists have some difficulty in grasping certain phases of the
work on first assuming charge of a purification plant. This seems
to be especially true as regards the relation of the laboratory
work to that of actual operation, the tendency being to neglect the
latter and lay undue stress on the former. For the benefit of the
non-technical operator it has been attempted to include in one
book all information and data required in the operation of the
plant, such as instructions for preparing standard solutions, mak-
ing bacterial and chemical tests of the water, handling coagulants',
washing filters, keeping records, etc. For his further aid, charts
embracing the computations necessary in determining the amounts
of coagulants to be used have been added.
To make the book more readable to those not intimately con-
nected with water-purification plants, a chapter has been added
giving detailed descriptions of the various types of plants and their
component parts, together with numerous examples. A chapter
on the natural chemistry of water has also been added, showing
the derivation of its chemical constituents from the geological
formations with which it comes in contact.
The writer recognizes that the treatment of water is a very
subtle and uncertain branch of applied chemistry, in which every
rule has numerous exceptions, and begs to be excused for the
rather arbitrary handling of some parts of the subject made
necessary to maintain simplicity and clearness to the non-technical
reader. For the same reason the products of chemical reactions
have been given as definite salts formed, instead of in the more
scientific ionic form.
In a book of this kind it is necessary to draw upon many
sources of information, and if the writer has failed to properly
acknowledge such source in any case, the omission has been in-
advertent. Special acknowledgment is due the United States
Geological Survey, from whose reports were obtained considerable
data for use in Chapter I, to The Engineering Record, to the
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and to
the publications of the American Public Health Association.
WATER AND ITS IMPURITIES . . '. . ... . / ;' -I
Common Constituents in Water . . . ; '. . ., . .... . 1
Suspended Matter .'._ ' ., -./'. . . ... -"_.;. . -. .".' ' 3
Acquisition of Chemical Constituents f. . . . .;. . . . 4
Hardness . '....' . . . .,' , * ^^ i^.. . .... . 6
Gases contained in Water . '' . . ....'.- . 8
Mine Drainage . v . .. .. ';. ." ..-.'.* -^:' : \/ '..-^ ;:> . .. - . '*<''< ... 10
Sewage Pollution ... -. ' . 12
Bacteria ^ ^ - 13
Typical Streams . . . .'- . . .:'.-. .._.. '..' . 15
TYPES OF PURIFICATION PLANTS . . ><-.' -;,." . . . . ... . . 19
Objects of Water Purification . .'.-,... ,'\ : . ... . . . ... 19
Various Processes Used ' ,. : . ]; . . .... . . . , . 21
Coagulation and Sedimentation . . ^ ; --; . . ! . .. . . 21
Slow Sand Filtration .-.;..'. . ^ '...., . . . . 22
Rate of Flow and Loss of Head . . . . . . . .. ; ... 25
Theory of Filtration ..,-.! ^ . : ...... . .", . . 26
Raking Filters . ..'.",-.,,;;...;. . .. . 28
Scraping Filters . . .. ^. . . . . ;. . ... . . 28
Mechanical Filtration . . . ;'..'......-. . .. . 31
Settling Basins . . .;\ . N . . . . -. i, . . .: . . . 33
Coagulating Apparatus ' 1. . - - ..... . . 34
Filter Details . '. ], . -. , . .;--..-.... . 39
Washing Filters . V ... . . .'-...... '. v . 46
Water Softening . . . . . ..... . . . . . 51
Iron Removal 51
Slow Sand Filtration Plant at Washington, D. C. . ... . . 51
Torresdale Filters at Philadelphia, Pa , ... . 58
Mechanical Filtration Plant at Minneapolis, Minn. . . - 62
Mechanical Filter Plant at Wilkinsburg, Pa. . .... . . .71
Filtration and Softening Plant at Columbus, Ohio . ... 74
Iron Removal Plant at Iowa City, Iowa .... . , . . 90
PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL TESTS . . . ,. J . . ., . 93
Tests Required . . - :> -. \ I . 1 . . ... . . 93
Apparatus . ^ y . . j.' . , . . ;. . . . . i . . . 94
General Instructions . ,' y . . . . . . .'\ . '. . , . 96
Taste and Odor /,% v ; ; ,.: / s .;/;-';;.".. . .100
Turbidity . . . .':... .V ';L . . S; .'> v . . . 101
Color . . .;.>^ ! i- *:./. - -103
Alkalinity . .'.. ;. .; V . /. . .. , . .>;.>.. . 104
Free Carbonic Acid . ,, ; . "-. "- . - . '.';; >. "...:' ... . . 106
Examples of Tests . . :,.; '-, ....:/ J... V ...,,. . . 108
Alkalimetry and Indicators ., -/';. - : ::_, ' . : ..^iA ;/..'. . 109
Iron ..:,....'.,'... 113
Free Aluminum or Iron Sulphate , , . . . . . . . . . 115
Excess of Hypochlorite of Lime . . ,.,-...,.... . . 116
Laboratory . . , . . ' . . . . . 118
Schedules for Bacterial Tests .'; . . 118
Apparatus and Equipment * ; . . f .. . 121
Hot Air Sterilizer 123
Autoclave . . . i . . 125
Arnold Sterilizer :. . . . . . 126
Incubators V .. . . .. . 126
Cleaning Apparatus 129
Preparing Apparatus .- 129
Preparing Media ; ." .. . ... . . . 130
Testing Media /-W^ . . .135
Collecting Samples '.;... . . . 135
Plating : C; . ; -136
Incubation 139
Counting 139
Fermentation Tests 140
Control Tests 141
Boiling Out Old Cultures . . .141
INTERPRETATION OF TESTS . . . ; , ' ... . . . . . . '142
Taste and Odor . . ; . : :- v :. . ' " > ' . . . . 142
Turbidity ...:... ;...,.. . '. . . . .143
Color . . . . . . . . : ; V -, . ... . . . 143
Alkalinity . . , . . . . . ;. : . . . . . ... . 144
Acidity _ .. . 146
Free Carbonic Acid 146
Iron 4 . . , . . ..... . . . .147
Free Alum . . . ..../..* ; . .. . . . .149
Free Ferrous Sulphate . ., . . , . . . -. ,. . . . .150
Bacteria. . . . ;i.- ..... , . . . . .150
Description of the Process .154
Theory of Coagulation . ^ . ." ... . v . . 155
Aluminum Sulphate ...,.".. . . . ..... 156
Lime. . . . "... ''.'.' . -.-..''.. . . 162
Hydrated Lime . .;'. . ; . . .. '.''. . . . . '..'". . /:. . . 154
Soda Ash . '. , .' . .-." '*. , ' . . . ;.,.-, , . . IQQ
Ferrous Sulphate ...-.,-... ,. ! ; . ..''.. '*.. . . igg
Natural Coagulation . ;. ..... . .... i . . . . 174
Introduction of Coagulants . . 175
Comparison of Costs .-.'. .' v . ... . . 170
Sterilization . : . . . . i. . . ,. . . ., . . ' . . . ^7^
Hypochlorite of Lime . ..'_. . . ;K . ..' .' - : i *'. '. ''-.. 'v . . 177
Liquid Chlorine . . , . . J . * ' . . . 182
Sodium Hypochlorite . . .. '../-;-:i, -:-".> }?^\. . . . . . . 133
Ultra-violet Rays . . . . .,.'.!. '. . .... . . igg
Copper Sulphate .... . -';. .'.. . I .^ " . . . . . ; . jgg
Ozone . . .... . . ,. -'...; . ... ':/ . . . jgg
Automatic Regulation of Coagulants ... igg
WATER SOFTENING . . ..''. ; . . 192
Hardening Constituents . .>...,... .- . . . 193
Reactions of Water Softening . . . . ., , ... . . 195
Special Tests in Water Softening . . . . -. . . x . . . . 196
Total Magnesium . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . ., . 196
Incrustants . ... . . .'.* . . ... . . -. '. . . 197
Treatment . .. . . -' f .. . .. .; '. . /. . . . \ . 197
Introduction of Coagulants . . . ; ., : ., .... . . 200
Types of Basins . . . . . ... . 202
Currents 203
Baffling . 204
Cleaning Basins 204
Routine of Operation . . . . . 205
Making of Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . 205
Preparing Coagulant Solutions .-...'' 206
Inspection . . . . . . . . . -. "... . ^ . . . . 209
Operation of Filters . . . . . . . .." . . i . . 210
Washing Filters . . 213
Clear Water Basin ; . . . . 216
Laboratory . ... . . . . .: .; ; . .. . . . 216
Calibration of Apparatus ........ 216
Organization 218
Cost of Operation 220
Records and Statistics . . . .-'. - . ; . .. x- . , . . . 223
Automatic Recorders . \4 .. . ' . . ..... .- . . 225
Electric Alarms . . . .... . . . . . . - . . . . 226
Construction of Charts . . . .... . . .... . . 226
Economy in Operation . . . . . , . . . . . . . 229
General Remarks ..... . 232
PLATE I. Graphical Results for Tests of Alkalinity, Acidity, and Carbonic
Acid ...'.. ....... . .233
PLATE II. Graphical Determination of Carbonates, Bicarbonates, and
Hydroxids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .> . . 235
PLATE III. Amounts of Aluminum Sulphate Required for Various
Turbidities . . 237
PLATE IV. Coagulation with Aluminum Sulphate and Lime .... 239
PLATE V. Coagulation with Aluminum Sulphate and Soda Ash . . .241
PLATE VI. Amounts of Ferrous Sulphate Required for Various Turbidities 243
PLATE VII. Coagulation with Ferrous Sulphate and Lime .... 245
PLATE VIII. Proportions of Iron and Acidity for Natural Coagulation . 247
PLATE IX. Cost of Coagulation by Various Methods 249
PLATE X. Chlorid of Lime Required for Various Strengths of Solution . 251
PLATE XI. Ratio of Water to Amount of Chemicals for Various
Strengths of Solution 253
APPENDIX A. Analysis of Coagulants . 255
APPENDIX B. Standard Solutions 258
APPENDIX C. Specifications for Coagulants 263
APPENDIX D. Weir Table . . 265
THE water obtained from rivers, lakes, wells, and other sources
of supply usually contains a considerable quantity of foreign
matter in suspension and solution, not only as inert mineral sub-
stances, but also in the form of living organisms and waste products
of organic origin. From the chemist's standpoint, all of these
foreign substances may be considered to be impurities, but in
judging a water with regard to its fitness for domestic or industrial
use, only those substances which render it detrimental to health,
unfit for household and industrial purposes, or unpleasant to the
sight, taste, or smell are so considered. In fact, a chemically pure
water is rather unpalatable, and experiment and observation seem
to show that the presence of certain common mineral substances
is desirable in water used for drinking purposes.
The foreign matter generally present in water may be listed as
In Suspension :
Clay and Inorganic Soil Wash.
In Pseudo-Solution : *
Iron Oxid
In Solution :
Bicarbonates ~ . .
Carbonates Calclum
Chlorids podium
Nitrates Potassmm
Bicarbonate >
Sulphates 1 of Iron
Hydroxid J
Mineral Acids
* Extremely fine particles in suspension.
f Carbon Dioxid
Dissolved Gases \ Oxygen
I Nitrogen
In Suspension :
Organic Soil Wash
Decomposing Organic Wastes
In Pseudo-Solution :
Colloidal Organic Wastes
Vegetable Color
Organic Acids
In Solution :
Vegetable Color
Organic Acids
Soluble Organic Wastes
Carbon Dioxid
Dissolved Gases Hydrogen Sulphid
Living Organisms :
Algae, Diatoms, and other plant forms
Minute animal forms
This list is neither complete nor rigid in its classification, but
presents only the most common substances present in one of a
number of possible groupings. The same substances may appear
in several groups, as often they may be of either organic or in-
organic origin.
To those engaged or interested in water purification, a knowl-
edge of how these impurities and constituents of water are ac-
quired, and of the properties imparted by them to the water, will
be of interest and value. It will assist them in better under-
standing the purposes of water purification, the difficulties and
limitations involved in interpreting the results of chemical and
bacterial tests, and in adjusting the processes of coagulation and
water-softening to the varying conditions of the waters being
Precipitation in the form of rain, snow, dew, etc., is the source
of all water supply. Initially this water is pure, being the product
of a natural process of distillation, but owing to the remarkable
solvent powers of water, it acquires impurities, such as carbonic
acid, oxygen, nitrogen, dust, bacteria, etc., even before reaching
the ground. After its fall, it is disposed of in three ways. A
portion is evaporated from the upper soil and from water surfaces,
or, being taken up by plant roots, is transpired through the leaves,
and with this we are no further concerned. Of the remainder,
called the runoff, two dispositions may be made. Part of it flows
away over the ground surface to the nearest watercourse and
thence to the streams and rivers, constituting the flood flows
which follow heavy precipitation or melting snows. The re-
mainder percolates through the soil and only reaches the streams
after a more or less lengthy and devious journey through disin-
tegrated, porous, and fissured rock and along impervious strata
The rain, by the impact of its fall, loosens soil particles from
the surface, and carries them to the streams. If the ground is
steep, so that the water runs off with high velocity, it will erode
the surface, thus adding to the sediment load of the water-
The sediment thus transported to the streams causes the turbid
appearance, or turbidity, of their waters. This is naturally greatest
during floods, when the surface runoff to the streams is much
greater than the amount of ground water reaching them. Most of
the turbidity is derived from plowed fields, from which it follows
that in pastured, wooded, or rocky country the rivers are com-
paratively clear. If a region, however, is composed of steep hills
overlain with deep subsoil, this may contribute largely to the
turbidity of its streams. Rivers also erode and undercut their
banks, which is another contributory source, although most of the
sediment so derived is coarse and is deposited as a bar at first
opportunity. The first rush of a flood brings with it much coarse
sediment, but as the flood subsides the sediment carried becomes
finer, and is more difficult to remove in the process of purification.
In small streams the duration of floods is short, and while the
turbidity during high water may be very great, the average tur-
bidity is low. Many large rivers are always turbid, due to the
almost continuous occurrence of floods on some of their numerous
tributaries, so that in addition to great turbidity during general
floods, they have a high average turbidity. The turbidity of a
water is measured by comparison with arbitrary standards, 'made
by adding definite amounts of especially prepared powdered silica
or fuller's earth to bottles of distilled water, as explained in
detail in Chapter III. The results are stated in parts per million.
Thus if one part by weight of the powdered silica is uniformly
mixed (by shaking in a bottle) with one million parts of perfectly
clear distilled water, the resulting turbidity of the standard thus
prepared is said to be one part per million, and a sample of water
which on comparison with this standard presents a similar ap-
pearance, is said to have the same turbidity. Results obtained
with differerrfc waters are not strictly comparable, being affected
by variations in the color, composition, and relative fineness of the
suspended matters. A turbidity of five parts per million is barely
discernible; a turbidity of 100 gives a water a very cloudy ap-
pearance; a water with a turbidity of 1,000 is practically opaque
in appearance. During floods the turbidity of a stream may rise
above 10,000 parts per million, and under varying conditions
values may occur from this down to zero.
The portion of the runoff which percolates through the soil
absorbs carbonic and traces of other acids from the decaying
vegetable matter contained therein, and from the excretion of
plant roots. The acidity thus obtained enhances its power of
solution, and enables it to attack mineral matters which would
otherwise prove insoluble. During the passage through the soil
much of the oxygen absorbed by the water from the air is removed
therefrom by the decaying organic matter. This enables the
water to hold in solution certain salts which would be oxidized to
an insoluble condition were oxygen present. After descending
through the soil and subsoil, the water enters the rock strata or
glacial drift composing the upper geological formation of the
region. In the more ancient formations, the rocks consist of
granite, basalt, gneiss, etc., of which mixed silicates of aluminum
and potassium, sodium, calcium, or magnesium are the principal
constituents; the mineral felspar, a mixed silicate of sodium or
potassium and aluminum, being very prominent. The carbonic-
acid-charged water leaches the alkalies and alkaline earths from
these rocks and removes them in solution as bicarbonates, thereby
reducing the hard, resistent strata to soft, clay-like substances
which can be dug with a spade. The action of the carbonic acid
and water on felspar (KA1 Si 3 8 ) 2 is typical of this process:
(KAlSi 3 O 8 ) 2 + CO 2 + 2H 2 = K 2 CO 3 + H 2 Al 2 (SiO 4 ) 2 H 2 + 4 Si0 2
Felspar + Carbonic Acid = Potassium Carbonate + Kaolin +
Silica. The potassium carbonate and silica are carried off by
the water in solution, the latter in colloidal form. The kaolin re-
mains behind as clayey surface soil. The proportion of sodium
and potassium silicates to those of calcium and magnesium in this
class of rocks is such that the resulting ground water is high in
alkaline carbonates and low in the bicarbonates of the alkaline
earths.* It results that such ground waters are characterized as
soft, although of relatively high alkalinity. The ^fcnce of these
alkaline carbonates makes possible the acquisiticM^id retention
by the water of considerable quantities of silica (Si0 2 ), alumina
(A1 2 3 ), and iron oxid (Fe 2 O 3 ) as a suspension of extremely fine
particles, a state known as colloidal solution. In this colloidal
state, these substances do not readily enter into chemical reaction,
and are difficult to remove by filtration. While they cannot be
said to add to the turbidity of a water, they may give to it an
opaque appearance due to the reflection of light by the particles.
The waters from a region underlain by ancient formations of
igneous rock (or more recent formations in volcanic districts) of the
kind above described are sometimes called primary waters, in
reference to the position of these rocks in geologic history. Such
waters are characterized by the proportionally (although not
necessarily quantitatively) large concentration of salts of the
alkalies (sodium and potassium) and the small amounts of salts of
calcium and magnesium present, and further by the presence of
silica and alumina (iron to a less extent) in the colloidal state.
Although it has been computed that silicates of the above
types constitute 98 per cent of the earth's crust for the first 10-
mile depth, yet large areas are overlain with secondary or derivative
rocks. Often these take the shape of horizontal strata, evidently
deposited by sedimentation or biologic growths at a time when the
* Sodium, potassium, and certain less common chemical elements are
known as the metals of the alkalies. Calcium, magnesium, and certain less
common elements having similar properties are known as the metals of the
alkaline earths. The presence of both alkaline and alkaline earths compounds
contributes to the property of water called " alkalinity," while only the
alkaline earths compounds contribute toward the property of " hardness."
land was submerged beneath the sea. Such formations are the
limestones, dolomite (mixed calcium and magnesium carbonate),
sandstones, and shales, which form the great central valley of the
United States, as well as the more localized beds of salts (sodium,
calcium, and magnesium chlorids), gypsum (calcium sulphate), etc.
Again, large areas are deeply covered by till formed of finely
comminuted rock material interpersed with bowlders, which has
resulted from glacial action. In the northern United States a large
sheet of this material exists, covering roughly the Dakotas, Minne-
sota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, most of New
York, New England and part of Ohio, Nebraska, Kansas, and
Missouri. L^art it consists of gravels, sand, and clay, but con-
tains much ^^nd-up limestone and dolomite, so that it may be
said to act ^^ same as strata of these toward the percolating
water, the resulting ground water being high in bicarbonates of
calcium and magnesium.
The water passing through such secondary formations dissolves
the carbonates present by virtue of its contained carbonic acid,
and removes them as bicarbonates. Thus in the case of calcium
and magnesium carbonates the reaction is :
CaCO 3 + H 2 CO 3 = CaCO 3 ,H 2 CO 3
MgCO 3 + H 2 CO 3 = MgC0 3 ,H 2 CO 3
These bicarbonates give to a water the property of temporary
hardness, so called|^cause, by heating, the carbonic acid is driven
off, and the norrnW carbonates are precipitated.
The existence of large deposits of salt and gypsum has been
mentioned. Water passing through such formations acquires
considerable amounts of these compounds as sodium and calcium
chlorids (NaCl and CaCl 2 ), and as calcium sulphate (CaS0 4 ),
respectively. Magnesium sulphate (MgS0 4 ) is also acquired in
this way. These render the water permanently hard, i.e., the
hardness cannot be removed by ordinary boiling. A stream may
also have its chlorid content increased by the discharges from oil
and brine wells, and, if near the sea, by salt spray carried inland
on the winds. Decomposing organic matter is another source of
chlorids in water. Most limestones contain small amounts of
calcium sulphate, so that it is quite generally found in secondary
If an alkaline stream mingles with one containing sulphates
and chlorids of calcium and magnesium, a softening reaction
results quite similar to the artificial process, with the formation
of sulphates and chlorids of sodium and potassium, and the
precipitation of calcium and magnesium as carbonates or
their retention as bicarbonates, according to the following
equations :
CaSO 4 1 , oxr nn I CaC0
MgS0 4 | H
CaCls 1 , ' /CaCO ,
MgCl + 2Na * COs = + 4NaC1
1 , ' /CaCOa 1
+ 2Na * COs = lMgC0 3 )
This accounts for the large amounts of sodium sulphate sometimes
found in primary waters.
Traces of the nitrates of alkalies and alkaline earths exist in
various rocks, and these find their way into the water and enter
into reactions in a manner quite similar to the sulphates and
Iron is quite abundant and almost universally distributed,
occurring in most rock formations, and especially in gravels and
sands, which often have a distinct yellow or reddish discoloration
as a result. It occurs most commonly as hematite (Fe 2 O 3 ).
As has been stated, water is often deprived of its oxygen by
decaying organic matter, in passing through the soil. In this
condition it will, if it comes in contact with iron oxid, remove
from the latter part of the oxygen, leaving it as ferrous oxid (FeO).
This ferrous oxid combines with the carbonic acid in the^ water to
form the soluble ferrous bicarbonate (Fe(HC0 3 )2), which is
carried off in solution. Many waters contain a trace of iron in
this form. When a badly polluted stream devoid of oxygen
flows over or percolates through a gravel bed, or when the under-
flow of such a stream is tapped by means of wells, the water be-
comes so highly charged with iron as to become unusable. Simi-
larly a subterranean supply drawn from a gravel bed is usually
high in iron. On standing, exposed to the air, an iron-containing
water will become turbid, due to the oxidation of the iron, which
is changed to the insoluble ferric hydroxid (Fe(OH) 3 ). The iron
bacterium, Crenothrix, subsists on the soluble ferrous carbonate
and changes it into an insoluble ferric state, leaving it in the water
as a stringy, gelatinous precipitate. This bacterium grows with-
out light, consequently thrives in covered reservoirs, water mains,
and the like. Iron sulphate occurs in mine waters and will be dis-
cussed later.
Of the gases contained in water, the most common are carbonic
acid (CO 2 ), oxygen, and nitrogen. The former is derived from the
air, from decaying vegetation and plant excretion in the soil, and
from decaying organic matter in lakes, swamps, and quiescent
bodies of water generally. Oxygen is derived mainly from the
air. These gases are acquired from the air quite rapidly, so that
if the water is for any reason depleted, a fresh supply is soon ob-
tained. There is some question as to how this repletion takes
place. In event of wave action, rapids, or cascades, the method
is, plainly enough, one of mechanical mixture, followed by the
solution of the gases in the water. In the case of quiet bodies of
water, the process is less plain. It is contended by some that the
gases are dissolved in the surface water by contact, and pass into
the interior of the water by diffusion, which is the tendency of
soluble bodies in solution so to distribute through the solvent that
the concentration will be uniform throughout. Thus, a gas
dissolved in the surface of a liquid would distribute itself through-
out the body thereof so as to bring about a uniform distribution of
the gas particles. This theory is opposed with much validity by
the contention that the rate of diffusion is too slow to account for
the rapid replenishment which actually occurs. The opponents
advance the theory of " streaming action," according to which
evaporation from the surface layer concentrates the impurities in
it, causing it to become of higher specific gravity than the water
below, and to sink, carrying down the occluded gases obtained by
contact with the air. In lakes and swamps abounding in plant
life a balanced relation between carbonic acid and oxygen has
been found to exist. During the growing season, carbonic acid is
absorbed by the plants, and oxygen is given off, causing the water
to be Jiigh in oxygen and deficient in carbonic acid. During the
dormant period of plant life the reverse is true. Plants will first
use up the free carbonic acid in the water, and thereafter the half-
bound carbonic acid, which is in loose combination as the bicar-
bonates of calcium and magnesium, causing these to precipitate
as normal carbonates. It follows that during the growing season,
the alkalinity and temporary hardness of the water are reduced.
The presence of a trace of carbonic-acid gas seems to render water
more palatable, probably because it is a natural content of normal
All normal waters contain oxygen in considerable concentra-
tion, usually over 50 per cent of the saturation value, and it is
only deficient in waters polluted by putrescible organic matter, or
containing oxidizable mineral matter (such as mine drainage).
Waters not charged with sufficient oxygen give off disagreeable
odors and will not support fish life, and are shunned as water
Nitrogen is absorbed from the air in the same manner as oxygen,
but is an inert gas chemically. Methane (marsh gas) is found hi
swamp water, due to decayed vegetation. Hydrogen sulphid is
found in presence of decaying organic matter and in some deep
well waters. The last two gases are conspicuous because of the
unpleasant taste and odor which they impart to the water. They
can be removed to a large extent by aeration.
The saturation value of all gases in water varies with the
temperature. Table I shows these variations for oxygen, from
which it is seen that the concentration increases with lower
Temp. C.
Temp. C.
Temp. C.
- 14
* Standard Methods of Water Analysis American Public Health Association.
As has been said, the water in a stream is of two components
the surface runoff and the ground-water supply. The first com-
ponent furnishes the flood flows and the turbidity, the second
feeds the stream uniformly with a mineralized water, consequently
supplies the low-water flow of the stream almost entirely. It
results that during high water the mineral content of the water is
low while during low water it is high. Furthermore, the under-
flow of a stream generally carries more dissolved mineral matter
than the surface flow. During floods the carbonic acid and organic
matter in the water may increase, due to flushing out of back-
channels, stagnant pools, and swamps.
Water from streams draining areas of primary rock, sand, or
other resistant material are very often colored. This is not due to
turbidity, which gives to water an apparent color depending on the
kind of sediment carried, but to coloring matter in solution, which
cannot be removed by ordinary filtration. This coloring matter is
derived from decaying vegetable matter in swamps, or from muck
and peat beds. It consists generally of tannates, gallates, and
organic acids from the leaves and bark of shrubs and plants.
Turbid waters are not generally colored, since the clay carried as
sediment is partly in the colloidal state and has the power of re-
moving color by the process of adsorption, by which the colloidal
particles draw the color into themselves, as a sponge does water.
The efficacy of this process depends upon the type of clay con-
stituting the turbidity, impure clays being best.
Thus far, only the properties of normal or natural waters have
been considered. In some cases industrial wastes modify or
completely change the character of streams. Most notably is this
the case with streams receiving mine drainage, especially from coal
mines. Coal contains sulphur in the form of calcium sulphate,
as iron pyrites (FeS 2 ), and probably in organic form. This is
discharged in the mine drainage as sulphuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ) and
ferrous sulphate (FeSO 4 ).
On reaching the stream, the ferrous sulphate is oxidized by the
oxygen contained in the water, forming ferric hydroxid, which
settles out, and ferric sulphate, which remains in solution:
6FeS0 4 + 30 + 3H 2 O = 2Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + Fe 2 (OH) 6
Fe 2 (OH) 6 = Fe 2 O 3 + 3H 2 O
The rate of oxidation is partly dependent on the replenishment of
the air supply in the water. Under the most favorable conditions
of oxygen supply the process consumes several days, so that water
in mining regions may contain sulphuric acid and both ferrous
and ferric sulphates. As limestones are present in coal-bearing
formations, the normal streams of such regions would contain
bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium, but the iron sulphates
and sulphuric acid react with these, and calcium and magnesium
sulphates result, together with iron carbonate, which, if sufficient
oxygen is present, is precipitated as hydroxid. Thus a mine water
will contain the constituents of permanent hardness, and, with in-
creasing mine-drainage factor, ferrous and ferric sulphate and
finally sulphuric acid. Where the mine drainage is of recent
addition paucity of oxygen and the presence of ferrous carbonate
will be noticeable.
The most objectionable property of water containing mine
drainage 'is its corrosiveness. The iron sulphates and acid will
actively attack metals. A limited quantity of ferric sulphate,
once admitted into a boiler or other closed metallic water con-
tainer, will attack the same unintermittently. The ferric sulphate
will dissolve sufficient iron to reduce itself to the ferrous condition,
and being oxidized by the air admitted with fresh water, will again
attack the boiler, and by continuous repetitions of this process
will accomplish its early ruin. Brass piping, plumbing fixtures,
etc., are eaten away, and even " acid-proof " bronze is not immune.
Other objectionable qualities are the taste imparted and dis-
coloration in laundry work. In the stream itself the lack of dis-
solved oxygen is harmful and often prohibitive to fish life, but no
bad odors are caused by decomposing organic matter, as should
be expected in deoxidized water, because the iron sulphates pre-
cipitate organic matter as non-putrefactive compounds. Such
waters are comparatively free from bacteria, which cannot live
under very acid conditions. If, however, the exposure to acid
water is short, they may form spores. It thus sometimes happens
during the purification of acid water that the raw water seems
sterile, but when treated with lime and settled, numerous colonies
of bacteria appear, due to development of the spores under favor-
able alkaline conditions. Acid water will cause sediment in sus-
pension to coagulate, so that in a turbid stream, on entering a
mining region, the suspended matter will collect in clots, and later
settle out, leaving the water clear. Should a stream containing
ferrous sulphate mingle with one high in color, due to vegetable
tannates and gallates, the water will become black, due to the
formation of natural ink.*
While mine drainage is the most important industrial waste in
* Proc. Eng. Soc. Western Penna., Vol. XXVII, No. 8.
changing the character of streams, other wastes may have a
marked but more localized effect. Drainage from salt and oil
wells may so pollute a stream, especially if small, as to render it
unfit for use, and even large rivers may acquire a briny taste from
this source. About 250 parts per million of chlorine will give
water a salty taste. The salt further deposits in boilers, forming
scale. Tannery waste imparts a color to the water, and, due to
acids present, has a germicidal effect, although not generally
strong, enough to kill the spores. Paper-mill waste consists
partly of vegetable organic matter and of spent acid and bleach
liquors. Other sources of pollution are dye works, steel mills
(pickling acids), slaughter-houses, and breweries. The last two
may have an important influence where a water supply is obtained
from wells in alluvial drift. They impart much organic matter
to the water, whose putrefaction deprives it of oxygen, so that the
water in percolating through the alluvial gravel becomes very
highly charged with iron, and unfit for use.
Sewage from towns and cities is an important source of pollu-
tion, particularly because through it such diseases as typhoid fever,
cholera, etc., are disseminated. The sewage contains much nitrog-
enous organic matter in solid (finely divided) and colloidal states
and in solution, as well as large numbers of sewage bacteria
(which may average 3,000,000 per cubic centimeter and more).
Through the agency of some of these bacteria, the organic matter
absorbs the dissolved oxygen from the water of the stream into
which the sewage discharges, and is oxidized, with the production
of carbonic acid, water, and salts of nitrogen. Other bacteria
attack the solid and colloidal organic matter, reducing it to
solution, and by a process of fermentation break it up into ammonia,
hydrogen and hydrogen sulphid, nitrogen, and marsh gas. By
further oxidation, the ammonia is changed to nitrites and, finally,
to stable nitrates. Physically, sewage pollution may impart to the
water a turbid appearance varying with large amounts from milky
white to almost black, according to the amount of putrescible
matter; strong odors, due to putrefaction; and innumerable bac-
teria. Chemically, it is evidenced by the scarcity of dissolved
oxygen and by the presence of ammonia, carbonic acid, nitrites
and nitrates. The indicative tests are those for albuminoid
ammonia (due to very recent pollution and the presence of un-
oxidized nitrogenous matter), free ammonia (evidence of partially
decomposed sewage, and, consequently, more remote pollution),
nitrites, and nitrates, the final decomposition products in stable
inorganic form. Sewage is high in chlorine, but this passes un-
changed through the various stages of putrefaction and affords no
reliable evidence of the time of pollution.
The living world is largely represented in natural water. Of
plant forms, besides such higher plants as water lilies, water ferns,
etc., there is a large representation of free floating types, the
group Thallophytes being most prominent. This group has two
great divisions Algce and Fungi. In the first division are in-
cluded the masses of green floating filaments, blue-green algae
(Cyanophycese) , so commonly seen in ponds and reservoirs, which
impart grassy odors to the water, and the pond scum, or green
algse (Chlorophycese) . Also the minute, one-celled plant forms
(diatoms), which may be either free-swimming (having the power
of motion) or attached by gelatinous stalks, and which give off
strong odors, especially in the spring and fall. The peculiarity of
the Algse is their ability to subsist on inorganic matter, being
true plants. The Fungi, however, are parasitic, and can only live
on organic matter. Such are water molds and bacteria (Schizo-
my cetes) .
Bacteria are microscopic, one-celled fungi, which generally have
the power of motion. They are very numerous in water, and de-
rived from several sources. Many species are indigenous to water;
others are soil bacteria which have been washed into the stream,
and these predominate during floods and in turbid waters. Sewage
contributes others, each cubic centimeter containing many mil-
lions. Most bacteria in the water are harmless or beneficial,
assisting in the decomposition of organic matter, but some species
contained in sewage are very harmful, being capable of producing
disease, if the water is used for drinking purposes. These diseases
are mainly intestinal in character, and are transmitted by the dis-
charges of patients entering streams as part of the sewage, the
bacteria being disseminated through the water, which is drunk
by other persons further down stream. The most common are
typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, and other intestinal dis-
turbances. The bacteria of these diseases do not grow or multiply
in the water, which acts simply as a carrier. They are, in fact,
very difficult to discover or isolate in a water supply, but there
exists a group of bacteria, the Coli bacilli, which flourish only in the
Bacillus Typhosua
Bagellated Form on Itf t
' l"l't
B. Coli Communla
Blue-Green Algae
Free Swimming Spores
Diatoms (Top View)
FlG> i_Microscopic Life in Water. The number below each
group indicates the degree of magnification.
intestines of man and higher animals,* are readily detected and
identified, and are therefore considered indicative of human or
animal pollution. Their evidence has great sanitary value, as a
water receiving human excreta may at any time receive that of a
sufferer from typhoid or other intestinal diseases.
As to the representatives of animal life, besides fish and the
higher forms there are, among others, fresh -water sponges (Spon-
gidse), minute, free-swimming shrimp-like forms (Crustacea), and
Protozoa. The last are microscopic unicelled animalcules, which
seem quite closely related to bacteria in form and habits. Both
sponges and protozoa may cause tastes and odors in water.
As this discussion of the properties of water has been, in the
main, qualitative, it may be well in closing to give a few quantita-
tive examples of water types, so that the reader may form an idea
of the proportions in which the various constituents exist :
Sodium Sulphate . . . . . . . .
Potassium Sulphate
Calcium Sulphate
Magnesium Sulphate
Iron Sulphate
Sulphuric Acid
Sodium and Potassium Chlorid
Calcium Chlorid
Sodium and Potassium Nitrate
Sodium and Potassium Carbonate
Bicarbonate of Iron
Sodium and Potassium Bicarbonate
Calcium Bicarbonate
Magnesium Bicarbonate
A. Stream flowing through primary formation. The car-
bonates and bicarbonates of the alkalies are high, those of the
alkaline earths low. The water received some calcium and
magnesium sulphate, which reacted with the alkaline carbonates
to form alkaline sulphates, with a corresponding increase in the
* For a modification of this statement, see page 141.
bicarbonates of the alkaline earths. Note the high silica content
(in colloidal state).
B. Typical secondary stream, from limestone formation.
The principal constituents are alkaline earth bicarbonates. A
small amount of alkaline carbonates was present, as well as some
calcium or magnesium sulphate, which by interaction formed
sodium sulphate and alkaline earth bicarbonates. In this water
all hardness is temporary and equals the total alkalinity.
C. Stream high in calcium sulphate (permanent hardness}.
This water is characterized by permanent hardness and a high
magnesium content.
D. Stream high in chlorids. Polluted by salt wells or mines.
E. A stream badly polluted by mine water. This was normally
a water of type C, although lower in bicarbonates, but has been
entirely changed in character by the action of iron sulphate and
sulphuric acid from mine drainage, almost all constituents being
converted into sulphates. An extension of the analysis to dis-
solved gases would probably show much carbonic acid and a de-
ficiency of oxygen. The alumina in solution is characteristic of
such waters.
Note in all the analyses: (a) the uniformity of the chlorids
(except, of course, in D); (6) the uniformity of nitrates, iron
(except in E), and silica (except in A), suggesting that these
constituents are more or less equally distributed through all
geological formations and are sluggish chemically in the form
Fig. 2 shows a map of the United States on which the geological
formations are very broadly indicated. The principal primary
formations are in the Appalachians, the northern part of Wis-
consin and Minnesota, and the great mountain region of the West.
A large area of central and northern United States, roughly that
portion north of the Missouri and Ohio Rivers, is deeply covered
with glacial drift, which in some cases consists of ground-up local
rock, and in others of materials transported hundreds of miles
from their original locations. Some of this material has also been
carried south of the area of glaciation by prehistoric torrents, and
by the rivers and winds. Streams in this glaciated region derive
many of their mineral qualities from the leaching of this drift.
The limestone formation occuring in Missouri, Kentucky, southern
Ohio, Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia is also indicated. The
FIG. 2. Map to Illustrate how Geologic Formations Influence the
Properties of Water,
streams of this formation are notoriously hard, and require soften-
ing for economical use. Areas polluted by mine drainage are
shown in black. The map illustrates the heterogeneous chemical
contents to be expected in large rivers. Thus the Missouri
originates in an area of primary rocks, later flows through a region
of secondary or derivative formation, receiving also its quota of
hard water from limestone beds. This map is submitted to illus-
trate broadly the principles involved and makes no pretense at
great accuracy or detail.
THE objects of water purification may be briefly stated as
follows :
1. To render the water safe and harmless for drinking and
domestic use. This involves the almost complete removal of
bacteria, in order to be sure that all Dathogenic (disease-producing)
species are eliminated.
2. To make the water inviting and pleasing in appearance and
taste. This requires:
(a) The removal of suspended matter.
(6) The removal of odors and tastes.
(c) The elimination of dissolved color.
(d) The removal or oxidation of organic matter.
(e) The removal of iron.
3. Improving the water for industrial and household use by:
(a) Reducing the hardness (temporary and permanent).
(6) Eliminating iron in solution.
(c) Neutralizing acids (such as sulphuric and carbonic).
Any or all of these objects are attainable by means of a proper-
ly designed and operated purification plant to a degree sufficient
to meet all requirements. It is possible to remove over 99 per cent
of the bacteria regularly, and by sterilization the removal may be
made practically complete. It is hardly necessary to say that
this has a marked effect on the reduction of water-borne diseases,
but it may be well to call attention to Fig. 3, showing the death-
rate from typhoid fever in Columbus, Ohio,* for the last ten years,
during five of which the water was filtered. Filtering has reduced
the death-rate from an average of about 75 per 100,000 to about 17
per 100,000 per year. The reduction in typhoid fever is further
shown by the following table, compiled by Mr. Allen Hazen:
* Compiled by Charles P. Hoover, Chemist in Charge of Filtration Plant,
Columbus, O.
PER 100,000
Years Before
Years After
Binghamton, N. Y
Cincinnati, O
Columbus, O
Hoboken, N. J
Paterson, N. J
Watertown N Y
York, Pa
Albany, N. Y.*
Lawrence, Mass.*
Washington, D. C.*
* Slow sand filters.
From Hazen, in International Congress of Demography and Hygiene, 1912.
FIG. 3. An Example of the Decrease in Typhoid Fever Death-Rate Fol-
lowing Filtration of the Water Supply.
Suspended matter can be completely removed; odors, tastes,
and color can be greatly reduced. Hardness can be reduced to
the residuum due to dissolved carbonates, and the same may be
said of acids, if the treatment is carried far enough. Iron and
organic matter can be brought down to negligible quantities.
The processes of water purification finding practical applica-
tion for municipal purposes are :
(a) Coagulation and sedimentation.
(b) Slow sand filtration.
(c) Rapid sand or mechanical filtration.
To these might be added filtration through natural sand beds,
possible only under exceptional geological conditions, and various
experimental methods of unproven value.
Coagulation and Sedimentation. Coagulation and sedimen-
tation is used to some extent in purifying the turbid river waters
of the Middle West, and has found its most successful application
at St. Louis, Mo.,* and a number of other municipalities situated
on the Missouri River. It requires coagulating apparatus and
facilities of the kind described in connection with mechanical
filtration, and large settling basins, of from one to three days'
The coagulants used are generally ferrous sulphate and lime,
owing to their comparative cheapness and the high specific gravity
of the coagulum formed. As the waters thus treated are very
turbid, large amounts of coagulants are required, and for the same
reason the question of organic coloring matter, a delicate subject
in connection with the iron-lime treatment, is eliminated. f Alum
and lime as coagulants have also been used in this process.
The settling basins are similar to those described in connection
with mechanical filtration, except in respect to size. Needless to
say, the study of proper baffling in order to prevent short-circuit-
ing or currents is of utmost importance in this case. It is not
likely that this process will find extensive use in the future, as
mechanical filtration has proven to be more effective and eco-
nomical. The general tendency is toward supplementing with
filtration such plants as are now in operation.
* The process at St. Louis has been supplemented by mechanical filtration,
t See page 243.
The data and charts in this book apply with equal force to this
process, as does also much of the matter in the last chapter, despite
the title thereof.
Slow Sand Filtration. This process is of English origin, and
dates from about 1830. From England it was disseminated
throughout the Continent, where it is now widely used. In
America it has found extended use in the older installations and
in the purification of the supplies of large cities, although of
recent years the mechanical process has become an important
competitor in plants of large size, and has far outstripped it in the
case of supplies for smaller towns.
Description of Plant. A general view of a typical slow sand
filtration plant is shown by Fig. 4. It consists of duplicate sedi-
mentation basins d-d, the filter units g-g-g, the office and labora-
tory e, and various auxiliaries.
The water is drawn from the river through the intake a, and
pumped to the sedimentation basins by low-service pumps in the
station b, entering the basins through a distributing grid of pipe
which may terminate in the aerating risers c-c-c, to remove ob-
noxious gases from the water, and distribute it uniformly across
the basins. It is sometimes desirable with turbid waters to use
coagulants to assist in clarification, in which case the necessary
apparatus, similar to that used in mechanical filtration, is in-
stalled in the building e, which is enlarged for that purpose and
for coagulant storage. The size of the basins is dependent on the
amount and fineness of sediment in the raw water, the period of
sedimentation being generally from four to twelve hours. In
filtering clear lake water, where the removal of bacteria is the main
object, the sedimentation basins may be omitted entirely.
After passing through the basins the water is collected by the
inlets of the pipe manifold at the lower end, which is connected
with the settled water main extending through the court between
the two rows of filters. Branches from this main lead to each
filter, terminating within the filter in a float valve which maintains
a uniform depth of water over the sand.
Each filter consists of a water-tight basin of masonry or rein-
forced concrete, generally roofed over with a groined arch con-
struction supported on columns, the whole being covered with
several feet of soil and sodded, as an additional protection against
freezing of the water, which materially affects the efficiency of
filtration. Covering the filter also prevents the formation of
algae, by excluding the light necessary for their growth. Access
to the interior is provided by an inclined runway and by numerous
double-covered manholes in the roof, which also furnish the
necessary light and ventilation for carrying on work in the filter.
The area of these filter units is from one-fourth to one acre or more,
depending on the total capacity of the plant.
The filtering medium consists of a bed of clean quartz sand h,
of a size of grain approximating that of granulated sugar. In
technical terms it has an effective size * of about 0.3 to 0.4 milli-
meters and a uniformity^ coefficient of about 1.5. The depth of
sand bed is generally from 3 to 4 feet in a new filter, decreasing as
the dirty sand is scraped off with continued use. This sand is
underlain with a foot of gravel i, so graded as to increase in coarse-
ness toward the bottom. The function of this gravel is to prevent
the sand from being washed into the collector system with the
filtered water, and to allow ample water passages through which
the filtrate can flow to the collecting pipes. Open-jointed tile
pipes j, from 4 to 8 inches in size, rest on the filter bottom, buried
in and surrounded by the gravel. Generally one such collector
pipe serves the area between two adjacent rows of columns, and
carries the filtered water to the main collector k, which is placed
through the center of the filter unit.
It is most important that the filtration proceed at a uniform
rate, and to this end each filter unit is provided with a regulator
house I, the lower portion of which forms a water-tight well con-
taining the regulation mechanism. The arrangement shown, used
in the Albany plant by Mr. Allen Hazen, will illustrate the general
principle of regulation, although not of the most recent type. It
does not profess to operate automatically, and therefore will better
serve to emphasize the attention required to maintain a uniform
rate of filtration, even by more recent " automatic " types. The
well is divided into two parts by a concrete diaphragm m, and by
tight wooden stop planks above the diaphragm. The filtrate,
collected by the main k, flows into the first compartment of the
well through the valve o, rising therein to a height lower than the
* The effective size of a sand is that size of sand grain than which 90 per
cent of the grains are larger.
f The uniformity coefficient is the ratio of the size of sand grain than which
60 per cent is finer, to the effective size.
water level over the sand by a distance r, representing the friction
of the water through the sand, gravel, and under-drain system or
" loss of head " through the filter. The water flows through the
orifice n into the second compartment of the well, and thence
through a valved branch pipe to the main s, which carries the
effluent of all the units to the filtered or " clear " water basin,
ready for delivery into the distribution system. The rate of flow
through the orifice n is a function of the difference in water level
between the two compartments of the well when the orifice is
submerged, and a function of the water level in the first compart-
ment when that in the second is below the bottom of the orifice.
By arranging a float in each compartment so as to indicate this
difference in water level on a dial, the rate of filtration may be
determined from the reading of the dial, and can be regulated to
the desired amount by means of the graduated valve o. Two
other floats, similarly arranged, indicate the loss of head through
the filter. A valve and drain pipe are provided, leading to a
main drain for emptying the filter.
Rate and Loss of Head. The rate of filtration varies from
2,000,000 to 6,000,000 gallons per acre per day, 3,000,000
gallons being very commonly used. The rate used at any plant
should be varied as experience dictates, the controlling elements
being the quality of effluent, which will deteriorate with too high
rates, and the period between cleaning the filters, which will
shorten under the same conditions, and may become so frequent
as to prove uneconomical. The head of water required to force
the water through the filter at the determined rate is measured by
the loss-of-head gage. For any given rate of filtration the loss
of head increases with the length of time the filter is in operation,
due to the deposits of silt formed on and in the filter sand, which
greatly augment the friction through same, until finally the head of
water would become sufficient to break down the resistance of the
sand, causing unfiltered water to find its way into the collector
mains. At a safe interval before this occurs, the filter must be
shut down and either raked or cleaned by scraping. This maxi-
mum loss of head may be conservatively placed at from 5 to 6
feet. The required head should be furnished by the water above
the sand, that is, the water level in the first compartment of the
regulator well should never fall below the level of the top of the
sand. Should this occur, a " negative head " or partial vacuum
will form in the upper portion of the sand bed, resulting in the
liberation of some of the dissolved air from the water, thereby
causing disturbances in the filtering process. This is especially
prone to happen in cold weather, as the dissolved air carried by the
water is then at a maximum.
The Theory of Filtration. Filtration is a combination of
several processes. The most obvious of these, although not the
most important, is the straining out of particles too large to pass
the interstices between the sand grains. However, as most of the
particles of suspended matter are so small as to readily pass
through these spaces, it is obvious that other processes must be
acting to remove them from the water. The small pockets formed
by adjacent sand grains act as minute sedimentation basins in
which the suspended matter may settle. Bacterial action plays
a most important role. After a filter is in operation for a time a
slimy gelatinous film forms on the surface and explorations into
the sand will show similar jelly-like matter forming between or
coating the sand grains. Examination will show this jelly to be
of bacterial origin, as is also shown by the fact that it forms when
filtering clear waters. The surface coating has been named the
Schmutzdecke (dirt cover) by the Germans, who attribute
most of the efficacy of the filter to its action, and place so much
confidence in it that they consider a sand bed a foot thick sufficient,
if properly coated, to yield a satisfactory effluent. The Schmutz-
decke probably retards much of the suspended and colloidal matter,
but the bacterial jelly within the sand is also important both be-
cause of its straining effect and because it entraps and holds
particles of silt and bacteria on the " sticky-fly-paper " principle.
The efficiency of a filter increases with age, due to continued bac-
terial growth and the resulting formation of slime and jelly in the
interior. This jelly-like matter is capable of absorbing color
from the raw water and may effect a reduction up to 25 per cent.
There is also a small amount of chemical action within the filter,
in the way of oxidation of the dissolved organic matter contained
in the water.
While a properly working filter bars the passage of practically
all the bacteria in the raw water, a considerable number may
sometimes be found in the effluent. It has been proven by experi-
ment that these result from growths in the sand and underdrains,
and also that they are harmless varieties.
Raking the Filters. When the loss of head becomes excessive,
due to clogging of the filter sand, conditions may be relieved by
loosening the surface by means of ordinary rakes. It is found that,
after raking, the filter clogs more rapidly than before, so that re-
peated raking more than twice in succession is impracticable
and scraping must be resorted to.
Scraping the Filters. In the lower left corner of Fig. 4 a filter
is shown, as it would appear with the roof removed, undergoing
the process of cleaning by scraping. The filter is shut down and
drained, and the surface of the sand is removed to a depth of one-
half to one inch with broad flat shovels, and gathered into con-
venient piles. The piles of dirty sand are removed by means of a
portable sand ejector t, shown in detail by Fig. 5.* This consists
of a tight metal box containing a large ejector, operating under
water pressure furnished by a three or four inch pipe. The sand
is shoveled into this box, where it is kept in a fluid condition by
water jets from several perforated " irrigating pipes " in the
bottom of the box. In this fluid or suspended condition it is
drawn into the ejector and discharged through a " sand pipe "
(generally 4 inches in diameter) leading to the sand washers u-u.
Pressure and sand pipes are located, with convenient outlets, along
the filter walls, so that the ejector can be attached at any desired
point by means of hose connections. The sand washer is shown in
detail by Fig. 6.t It consists of a conical metal hopper, in the
throat of which are located an ejector and an auxiliary jet, the pur-
pose of which is to supply sufficient water to maintain a con-
tinual upward current which escapes by means of the overflow
notch at the top of the hopper. The mixture of dirty sand and
water from the filter enters the hopper from above and settles
toward the bottom against the continual upward current from
the auxiliary jet. The dirt and silt are thus removed and carried
up and out of the hopper via the overflow. The sand settles to the
bottom, where it is seized by the ejector and carried through
piping to the sand storage bins x-x. Two washers are generally
operated in series, washing the sand twice, and the dirty overflow
water passes through several concrete boxes w on its way to the
sewer, so that any fine sand carried over may be trapped therein,
* Trans. Am. Soc. C. E., 1904, 1. Ill, p. 227.
t Trans. Am. Soc. C. E., 1906, 1. VII, p. 586.
preventing the clogging of the sewer. The sand bins x-x have
conical bottoms provided with drains, so that the water may be
removed from the sand.
In winter it is difficult to wash sand, owing to trouble with
freezing pipes, ice, etc., and it is therefore customary to scrape the
sand into piles, to await the advent of warmer weather for washing.
If these piles tend to grow so large as to seriously cut down the
effective area of the filter, open-bottomed boxes or frames are
placed in the filter and the sand shoveled into these, being thereby
more closely confined.
The frequency of scraping is a factor of the turbidity of the
settled water and the rate of filtration. In the worst cases it may
be required at intervals of a few days ; under favorable conditions
the period between scrapings may be from four to six weeks. The
advantage of preliminary sedimentation in this connection is
After scraping, the sand surface is smoothed and the filter is
slowly filled with purified water from below, and when this has risen
well above the sand, raw water is introduced and filtration slowly
started, with frequent examinations as to the quality of the
Replacing Sand. When, by several scrapings, about a foot of
sand has been removed, the filter is resanded to its original level.
To do this, it is first scraped to a greater depth than usual, to make
sure of removing all the dirty sand, and is then filled with water
to the level at which it is desired the sand surface should come.
Ejectors placed in the sand bins discharge clean sand through
sand return pipes terminating in lines of hose which are floated on
small rafts over the surface of the filter to be resanded, and which
are guided so as to distribute the sand evenly. When the desired
level is reached, the water is drawn down, the surface smoothed
over, and the filter started.
General Operation. The general remarks on operation given
hereafter apply to slow sand as well as to rapid sand filtration. If
coagulants are used, the tests and methods given apply; if not, the
chemical tests, in the main, may be omitted, and much stress
placed on the bacterial tests. The interpretation of tests as re-
gards bacteria and coli holds also. Much attention should be
given to bacterial tests of the effluents of individual filters.
Sterilization. It has become customary of late years to treat
the filtrate with hypochlorite of lime, as an additional precaution.
This is explained in detail in Chapter VI. Needless to say, the
hypochlorite cannot in this case be applied to the settled water,
as this would interfere with the bacterial action within the filter.
Modern Tendencies in Slow Sand Filtration. There is a
tendency toward increased rates of filtration, in the most recent
plant 6,000,000 gallons per acre per day being used. With turbid
waters adequate coagulation and sedimentation have been intro-
duced, as an adjunct to higher rates, and to relieve the filters of
part of the load. Extensive experiments have been made with
apparatus for washing the sand in place, but as yet have not been
entirely successful. Centralization of control by leading all
piping to one common regulator house has also been attempted.
It will be seen that all these improvements tend toward a quasi-
mechanical type of filtration.
Mechanical Filtration. The primary difference between rapid
or mechanical and slow sand filtration is in the higher rate used in
the former process 100 to 150,000,000 as against 3,000,000 gallons
per acre per day, or about 50 to 1. This high rate necessitates
relieving the filters of the burden of removing coarse suspended
matter, which is accomplished by coagulation and sedimentation.
It also follows that, as the rate of clogging the sand varies directly
with the rate of filtration, the filter beds must be cleaned daily, and
of necessity this must be done in situ, to avoid a laborious removal
and replacing of the sand. Since there is no time for the forma-
tion of a Schmutzdecke by natural biological processes, a substitute
must be supplied in the shape of a jelly-like film, or " mat," of
coagulum, which forms with great rapidity on starting the filter
after cleaning.
Description of Plant. Fig. 7 shows a typical rapid sand
filtration plant. The general similarity, in parts and arrangement,
to the slow sand plant is readily grasped. The most striking feature
is the contraction or concentration of the whole plant as compared
with the slow sand type. The settling basin is present as before,
but is often deeper and of a different type of construction and more
thoroughly baffled. The office and laboratory building remains,
containing also the coagulant apparatus and storage, for which
reason it is frequently called the " coagulant house or building."
The court between the filters assumes a different shape, though
maintaining its functions, by being divided into a lower story or
pipe gallery, containing the piping, valves, and regulating devices,
and an upper operating platform. We may imagine the individual
regulator houses as expanding and merging into one continuous
structure over both the former court and the greatly contracted
filter units, their former locations being indicated only by the re-
maining characteristic groups of valve stands on the operating
The advantages of this new arrangement as regards ease of
operation and access to all parts are easily seen. The whole
filtering area is under the eye of the operator; he may examine the
distribution of the raw water and its quality at all points. By
manipulating a few valves, he may drain any unit sufficiently to
examine the sand surface and mat, in a very short time. The
tendency toward vertical stratification of the sand is nullified by
the small area, and a uniform horizontal hydraulic grading of the
sand bed is maintained by frequent washing. The capacity of the
units is generally less than those used in slow sand filtration, so that
the effluent may be more closely controlled by individual samples,
and any defective unit can be shut down immediately, with small
loss of pumped and coagulated water, and the fault can be found
and corrected with a minimum of labor. The formation of the
mat, or artificial Schmutzdecke, can be controlled as to consistency
and thickness by applying coagulants directly to the raw water in
the filter after washing.
Two important differences in the theory and operation are
these : bacterial growths in the filter bed are not required, owing to
the artificial mat formation; therefore the beds may be sterilized
by adding hypochlorite to the settled water, and the presence of
"after-growth " bacteria in the effluent done away with. Negative
head in the sand bed, so scrupulously avoided in slow sand filtra-
tion, is featured in the rapid process, as decreasing the necessary
depth of filter tubs and tending toward a uniform distribution of
rate over the bed. This is possible because the filters are washed
so frequently as to minimize the chance of sufficient air being
liberated within the bed to affect the operation.
Settling Basins. The settling basin shown in Fig. 7 is con-
structed of reinforced concrete, of a type frequently adopted where
land is limited or expensive, as the vertical side walls give a maxi-
mum capacity with the least area. A basin similar to that shown
in Fig. 4 with earth embankments is less frequently used for me-
chanical filter plants. The water enters through the inlet manifold,
terminating in the risers b-b-b-b, which may extend above the
water, acting as aerators as shown, or not, according to the condi-
tions to be met. The basin is provided with baffles, Ci-CVCs,
whose function it is to prevent undercurrents and to maintain
a uniform flow throughout the basin. After passing through
the basin the water is collected by the risers d-d-d-d of the outlet
manifold and carried to the filters through the settled water
main e.
The floor of the basin is of smooth concrete with a decided pitch
from all sides toward the center, where a sump / is located. In
this sump is a drain valve operated by a handwheel h, by means of
which the basin may be emptied for cleaning through the drain g.
After being emptied, the remaining mud is washed out through the
drain by means of a hose. Fig. 7 shows a single basin, which
necessitates either shutting down while cleaning, or by-passing the
water directly to the filters by closing valves i and j and opening
valve k. Many plants have duplicate basins, one of which may be
cleaned at a time without interference with the operation of the
Coagulating Apparatus. The coagulant house shown is three
stories high. The first floor forms the main entrance to the filter
house, contains the wash water pumps, air compressor, receiving
room and storage for coagulants, stairway to upper floors, etc.
The second floor contains the combined office and laboratory, the
solution tanks l-l-l and orifice boxes m-m-m, from which pipes
n-n-n carry the coagulant solution and discharge it into the raw
water main a at o. Sometimes additional coagulant pipes are
provided, so that the coagulants may be introduced at the center
baffle of the settling basin, C 2 , or into the settled water main e.
The third floor is on a level with the tops of the solution tanks and
is used for charging these and for coagulant storage. It also con-
tains a scale for weighing chemicals and the stirring apparatus of
the tanks. An elevator or hoist is installed, serving all floors, but
primarily for carrying up barrels and sacks of coagulant to the
third floor.
Fig. 8 shows in section a typical solution tank and orifice box.
Except when used for lime, these tanks are generally built of re-
inforced concrete. On top of the tank is a dissolving box with a
perforated bottom, into which the weighed coagulant is dumped
Depth Gage
Water Motor
To Raw Water
FIG. 8. Section of a Coagulant Tank and Orifice Box.
and dissolved by a spray of hot water, the solution flowing through
the perforations into the tank. An automatic float shuts off the
hot water when the tank is full, to prevent overflowing. Before
starting to use the solution the operator closes the hot-water
valve by hand. In the tank are mixing paddles attached to a
vertical shaft, rotated by bevel gearing, belt-driven from a water
or electric motor. These paddles keep the solution thoroughly
mixed and of uniform strength throughout.
From the bottom of the tank, a short valved pipe connection
leads to the orifice box. It is the function of this device to feed the
solution into the coagulant pipe at a constant rate, regardless of the
amount in the solution tank. To this end a float valve on the inlet
maintains a constant head on an orifice or opening in a thin
metal plate in the bottom of the box, under which conditions, by
the laws of hydraulics, the flow through the orifice will be constant
and proportional to its area of opening. A sliding or rotating disk
allows this area, and consequently the rate, to be varied, and a
graduated handwheel is provided, so that the size of opening may
be known to the operator. A screen across the box prevents
large particles from obstructing the orifice, and the glass front
allows the operator a view of the interior, and, by a mark etched
upon it, tells him at a glance whether the water in the box is at the
correct level, a most important point, as the rate of flow varies
with the water level over the orifice. This is but one of a very
diverse variety of orifice boxes, which differ in detail, but not in
principle. Some are arranged to automatically vary the orifice
opening with variations in the rate of the raw water, a desirable
point if it does not lead to neglect by the operator, for automatic
devices act as such only when given the necessary attention, which
is increased over that required by simple non-automatic, in pro-
portion to their degree of complexity.
The solution tank should be provided with a float gage for
indicating the depth of solution and having in conjunction a low-
water alarm, consisting of an electric bell which will ring when the
solution tank is about to become empty. The dial of the float
gage is conveniently graduated as in Fig. 9, where it is seen that,
besides the depth scale, concentric scales are added corresponding
to the opening of the orifice box, these being graduated in hours,
so that in charging the tank, knowing the opening of the orifice box
and length of run, the operator can fill the tank to the required
FIG. 9. Dial for a Solution Tank Depth Gage.
Hot Water Inlet l
FIG. 10. Dissolving Device for Hypochlorite of Lime.
depth, or if the opening of the orifice is changed during a run, he
can tell at a glance how long the tank will last at the new rate.
Each solution tank is provided with a drain and valve for clean-
ing purposes.
Lime cannot be dissolved directly in the manner described,
but before being poured into the solution tank must be slaked, as
described in Chapter IX. This requires the use of iron slaking
Hypochlorite of lime presents some difficulties owing to its
comparative insolubility and its lightness, causing it to float on the
water like flour. The home-made device shown in Fig. 10 is very
handy for dissolving hypo in small plants. It consists of an ice-
cream freezer, with the can perforated with numerous small holes
(say one-eighth inch) . The freezer pail is bolted solidly to the top
of the solution tank. A valved drain is provided from the freezer
to the tank, as well as a supply of warm water to keep the pail
filled. The weighed hypo is placed in the perforated can, and the
pail filled with water. On turning the freezer the paddles force
the hypo toward the periphery of the can by centrifugal force, and
the scrapers squeeze it through the perforations in the can. The
freezer should be large compared to the amount of hypo used, and
all possible parts should be well coated with asphalt paint, to
prevent corrosion.
Fig. 11 shows a hypochlorite plant suitable for treating the
unfiltered water supply of a city. It consists of dissolving ap-
paratus, two orifice boxes, two solution tanks, stirring devices,
hypo storage, and laboratory. To dissolve the hypo, which is
received in sheet-metal canisters, a canister is suspended from
the traveling scale and run over the dissolving box. The at-
tendant cuts two holes in the end of the canister, one at the top
and one at the bottom. By directing a stream of water under
pressure into the upper hole, the hypo is washed out through the
lower hole into the dissolving box. Thence it flows into one of the
solution storage tanks and passes through the orifice box into the
water. In dissolving the hypo, the attendant wears a mask and
goggles and receives fresh air under slight pressure through a
hose. Thus annoyance from fumes and dust are obviated. A
similarly designed apparatus can be used in connection with
filtration plants.
The Filters. Figs. 12 and 13 show respectively the part plan
and section of a modem concrete filter house. Referring to Fig.
13, it will be seen that the filters are in two rows, with the pipe
gallery and operating platform between them, and a subbasement
for filtered water storage below, making a very compact and eco-
nomical arrangement. The water from the settling basin enters the
pipe gallery through the settled water main e, extending the length
of the gallery with a valved branch to each filter. The level of the
water on the filters may be regulated by float valves attached to
the ends of the settled water inlets, as shown in the right-hand
filter of Fig. 13, or the level for all the filters may be fixed by an
overflow pipe in the settling basins.
The nature of the filtering material through which the water
passes is shown in the section, Fig. 13. It consists of a 30-inch
layer of sand similar to that used in slow sand filters in quality, but
slightly coarser (effective size 0.4 to 0.6 mm.). In operation it is
covered with a mat or film of coagulum. The sand rests on about
a foot of graded gravel, generally increasing in size from one-
eighth inch at the top to three-quarters inch at the bottom. The
gravel in turn is supported by perforated brass strainers, through
which the water passes to the collector pipes below. Fig. 14
shows several types of strainer systems. The upper type is ex-
tensively used in plants using a high rate of wash. The bottom of
the filter is molded into a series of parallel ridges and grooves, ap-
proximately of the dimensions shown, all leading to a central
collecting gutter. The grooves or valleys have ledges on which
rest perforated brass plates supporting the gravel. The portion
of the groove below the strainer plate serves as a collecting channel
for the filtered water. The gravel is confined between the ridges
and is held down against the upward pressure while washing by a
brass wire screen. A somewhat similar strainer system is in use
at the Columbus, Ohio, plant and is shown by Fig. 42. The lower
types are in general use at plants where both air and water are
used in washing, and are similar to that shown in Fig. 13. There
is a main collector through the center of the filter with lateral
pipes (generally 2-inch diameter and spaced six inches on centers) .
Into these lateral pipes brass strainers are screwed. The left-hand
side of the cut shows the arrangement for separate air and wash-
water manifolds. In this case the perforated brass air laterals are
placed just above the gravel. The strainer heads shown are of the
slotted type, the wash water being distributed laterally through
FIG. 12. Plan of a Small Filtor Building, Showing Filter Units and Piping.
the slots. The right-hand strainers are of the patented combined
air and wash-water type (Williamson strainers). It will be noted
that the strainer shanks extend almost to the bottom of the
lateral pipes. To wash with air, the air is admitted to the upper
half of the lateral pipes, which contain sufficient water to seal the
T4l?! Gravel
X^IS ^,
Perforated Brass Plate
64%2 in. holes per lin.ft.
%" Collector lateral
--Air Ma
& '0'r?C>' 00 @'o O C O '^' '6' o'^bV ' '
_ (^/\ n O f , n v ^ ^ ^i ^ ^^ L) << n V D y)T rt
/Ot^ OO '' u Os\ QOnU "n r\<^f\ v ri O v W s? v nO O UrjO V
, Combined
/Air and Wash
FIG. 14. Typical Strainer Systems Used in Mechanical Filters.
extended ends of the strainer shanks. The air escapes through
the strainers via small holes drilled in the shanks of the strain-
ers. There are many types of strainers in use other than those
As in the case of slow sand niters, the laterals discharge into a
main collector, bisecting the filter, which carries the filtered water
to an effluent or rate controller, situated in the pipe gallery, one
being provided for each filter unit. Owing to the rapid increase in
loss of head, automatic control is here imperative. If the filters
operate under negative head, the controllers are set some distance
below the filters, which requires them to regulate equally well
with their outlets under back pressure from the clear-water basin.
FIG. 15. Rate of Flow Controller for Mechanical Filters. Orifice Box Type.
It is also desirable that they should operate with a minimum dif-
ference of head. The conditions practically eliminate the fixed-
FIG. 16. Rate of Flow Controller for Mechanical Filters. Velocity Type.
head-over-orifice type, Fig. 15 (such as described for the slow sand
plant, or an enlarged orifice box), and require a device wherein the
velocity head or an artificially created difference of head in the
effluent pipe regulates the area of a valve pro rata. A typical con-
troller of the velocity type is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 16.*
FIG. 17. Rate of Flow Controller for Mechanical Filters. Venturi Type.
Courtesy Simplex Valve and Meter Company.
FIG. 17a. -Venturi Type Rate Controller.
The water flows downward through the draft tube a and striking
the plate b has its direction reversed so that it impinges on the
inverted hollow cylinder c, the sides of which form the gates over
* Made by the Norwood Engineering Co. for the Charleroi, Pa., plant.
the apertures d-d-d. The impact of the water raises the cylinder
in proportion to the velocity in the draft tube, thereby throttling
the apertures d-d-d, and allowing the water to escape as indicated
by arrows. By means of a cone valve e regulated from a valve
stand on the operating floor, the controller can be set to any de-
sired rate. Fig. 17 is a schematic sketch of a controller of the dif-
ference-in-head type. An obstruction, such as a Venturi tube,
orifice plate, etc., is placed in the effluent pipe at a, followed by a
valve b whose opening is regulated by the position of the piston c.
The position of this piston is determined by the difference between
the direct upward pressure from below the obstruction and the
downward pressure transmitted to the top of the piston from above
the obstruction by means of the pipe d. The controller can be
set to deliver at any desired rate by the position of the weight w
on the lever arm.
Clear- Water Basin. The clear-water basin, into which the
effluent discharges from the controllers, is simply a reinforced con-
crete tank beneath the filters, for equalizing the load on the high-
pressure pumps and furnishing a reserve for washing filters, etc.
It is provided with a sump and valve for drainage and cleaning.
Washing Filters. In washing a filter it is first shut down by
closing the settled-water and effluent valves p and q and draining it
to the top of troughs by opening the sewer valve s, Fig. 13. As-
suming the filter to be piped for air, the compressor is then started
and the air valve t opened, admitting compressed air to a grid
placed just below the surface of the filter gravel which distributes
the air uniformly through the sand bed by means of minute per-
forations in the pipes of the grid. The purpose of the air is to
loosen the sand, mix it, and remove dirt by the abrasion of the sand
particles. After three to five minutes of air washing the air valve
is closed and the wash valve u, Fig. 13, is slowly opened. Filtered
water flows from the wash-water pipe v through the collector sys-
tem and upward through the strainer openings, which are propor-
tioned to give a uniform upward flow over the area of the filter.
The wash water flowing upward through the sand thoroughly
cleanses it and grades it hydraulically, the dirty water escaping
by means of the wash troughs w-w, Figs. 12 and 13, and sewer
outlet to the sewer x, Fig. 13. After the sand is clean the filter is
again put into operation. Washing requires about 12 to 15
minutes per filter.
In some plants the air is omitted, in which case a higher wash
velocity is used, and it becomes necessary to tie down the gravel
with brass screen or it will be impelled upward into the sand by the
wash water. In old plants where the filter units consist of circular
wood or steel tanks, mechanical rakes are used for agitation during
washing. Such a unit is shown in Fig. 18. A central shaft
carries two radial arms with vertical raking bars reaching nearly
through the sand and revolved during washing by suitable gearing,
generally belt-driven. The other details are readily understood
from the figure and correspond to those already described.
Wash water may be obtained by tapping the wash-water pipe
into a pressure main, obtaining the required pressure by means of a
reducing valve. This involves a waste of pressure and there is
also danger from water hammer in the high-pressure mains due to
chattering of the reducing valve. A better way is to have dupli-
cate centrifugal wash pumps drawing from the clear-water basin
and discharging into the wash-water main at the proper pressure,
or, better yet, to have the pumps discharge into an elevated tank
of proper height and dimensions to insure a uniform pressure.
Valves, Gages, etc. The valves required per filter are the
Influent (settled water), Effluent, Wash Water, Sewer, Air, and
Filter Drain; the last being used to completely empty the filter
or when it is desired to waste the effluent. These are arranged
with valve stands on the operating floor, so as to form a convenient
group in front of each filter. In the case of large filters, hy-
draulically operated valves are used, and the handles for these are
grouped together on a table hi front of each filter. The con-
troller also has an adjustment by which its rate can be changed
from the operating floor. Here, too, are placed the loss-of-head
gages, one for each filter, which indicate the friction through the
filter, as already explained for slow sand filters, and often gages
showing the rate of flow. Each unit should be equipped with an
effluent sampling pump, by means of which samples may be ob-
tained at any time for analysis. There should be gages to show
the wash and air pressures and floats to indicate the levels of water
in the settling and clear-water basins.
Laboratory. The requirements of the laboratory are quite
simple. The necessary apparatus is given in the chapters on
Bacterial and Chemical Tests. As to the room, it should be dry,
well lighted and ventilated, and provided with heat and artificial
1. Loss-of-Head Gage.
2. Filtered Water Effluent Valve.
3. Wash Water Supply Valve.
4. First Filtered Water Valve.
5. Float Tube.
6. Float Tank.
7. Float.
8. Unfiltered Water Influent
(Automatic Control).
9. Orifice Filter Control.
10. Butterfly Valve.
11. Float.
12. Agitator Gears.
13. Clutch Pulleys.
14. Shifting Lever.
15. Waste Wash Water Valve.
16. Agitator Rake Bars.
17. Filtering Sand.
18. Filtering Gravel.
19. Strainers.
20. Concrete Fill.
21. Filtered Water Collecting System.
22. Supply and Wash Trough.
23. Operating Platform.
24. Filtered Water Effluent Pipe.
25. First Filtered Water Pipe to Drain.
26. Wash Water Supply.
27. Waste Water Pipe to Drain.
light, preferably steam and electricity. It should be provided
with gas for use in Bunsen burners, autoclave, sterilizers, etc.
The incubators are preferably heated with electricity, as being
least troublesome. The principal work table should be located
in front of a large window, preferably facing north, and should
Courtesy Pittsburgh Filter Manufacturing Co.
FIG. 18a. Typical Operating Table Showing Levers for Operating
Hydraulic Valves, Recording Loss-of-Head Gage (on Left), and Effluent
Sample Pump (on Right).
have a slate top, or one of heavy wood, painted a dull black.
The reagents should be handily placed on shelves above the table,
and drawers should be provided for filters, test tubes, etc. There
should be a sink provided with hot and cold water, an ice-box, and
a water still.
Much can be done by a small expenditure for extra apparatus
to expedite the tests. Thus by using self-filling burettes and a
complete set of apparatus for each test, kept ready for use and set
up in definite places in the order in which the tests are made,
much needless walking about to get apparatus is done away with.
There should be a desk and chair for the chemist and a filing
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From Trans. American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LVII.
FIG. 19. General Plan of
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Ramp No.12 J It Reg.Uo. Hanboio on Drain Catch Basin fieg.Ho. H ILK*JP No-15
O Wn oo N ,' 6 NO.-M %* K *i*" r ir ^- o , Xo-7 / V ^Manhole on Drato to 8e
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: ri 5?No.l3 P COURT No.l4
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No. U29
ington Filtration Plant Showing Finished Surfaces.
system for the records, but superfluous chairs and furniture are to
be avoided as tending to make the laboratory too comfortable a
place for visitors.
Mechanical Filtration and Water Softening. The mechani-
cal filter plant is adapted, with a few slight alterations, to do
efficient work in water softening. The principal requirements to
fit it for this work are an ample settling basin and larger facilities
for storing and handling coagulants, especially lime. This matter
is more fully taken up in Chapter VII, on Water Softening.
Mechanical Filtration and Iron Removal. The removal of
iron in conjunction with mechanical filtration is accomplished by
aeration followed by treatment with lime and some aluminum
sulphate, as the precipitate formed by lime alone is too fine to be
readily filtered out. This is treated fully in Chapter VI, Coagula-
tion and Sterilization.
The Slow Sand Filtration Plant at Washington, D. C.* The
water supply of the City of Washington is obtained from
the Potomac River by a diversion dam above the Great Falls,
being conducted thence to the city through an aqueduct and tunnel
of an aggregate length of 90,000 feet. Two large reservoirs, each
of 150,000,000 gallons nominal capacity, are located along the
aqueduct, and this terminates in a third reservoir of 300,000,000
gallons capacity situated within the city proper, at a sufficient ele-
vation to supply most parts thereof by gravity, a few excep-
tionally high points being supplied by means of booster pumps.
The capacities given are nominal, about 300,000,000 gallons being
actually available from the three reservoirs. The aqueduct has a
capacity of 75,000,000 gallons per day.
As considerable sedimentation is secured in the reservoirs, no
additional basins were built, the water being pumped directly
from the last (Washington City) reservoir to the filters which are
adjacent thereto. The pumping equipment consists of three
engine-driven centrifugal pumps, each of 40,000,000 gallons per
day capacity, located in a pumping station built as part of the
filtration project. The lift from the reservoir to the water level on
the filters varies from 21 to 35 feet as the reservoir is drawn down.
* " Works for the Purification of the Water Supply of Washington, D. C."
By Allen Hazen and E. D. Hardy, Trans. American Society of Civil En-
gineers, Vol. LVII, p. 307.
As the close regulation of centrifugal pumps under varying head is
difficult, allowance was made for a fluctuation of 6 inches in depth
of water on the niters, which gives an aggregate margin of 4,000,000
gallons. The filtered water is collected in a pure-water reservoir,
5"Split Tile Cover
Scale of Feet
From Trans. American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LVII.
FIG. 20. Details of Filters, Washington, D. C.
roofed with a concrete groined-arch construction, of 14,000,000
gallons capacity, whence it is supplied to the city through a set of
equalizing float valves.
The arrangement of the plant is shown by Fig. 19. It is ir-
regular, as the available ground was limited and had to be used
most economically. There are twenty-nine filters, each having one
acre of sand area, so that at the customary rate (3,000,000 gallons
per acre per day) the plant has a daily capacity of 87,000,000
gallons. Allowance must be made, however, for niters out of use
due to sand scraping and repairs. It will be noted that the niters
SOFtltered Water Effluent .Venturi Metei
Eley.f 152.2)
SECTION oNC^ 1G " c -" )r ' lIn EleT - of C.UCIW)
-^-^- l 29$ ; | jjg-o'
Dry Chamber for Indicator Apparatus 4-1
NOTE : -
Detail arrangements differ slightly
in the different houses
.20"TUe Drain
SECTION ON D-D Nl8"C.L,Draln Elev. of CX' (l'5^>
From Trans. American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LVII.
FIG. 21.
are grouped on each side of " courts " which contain the piping,
sand-washing apparatus, etc.
The niters are essentially of the type already described, the
principal features being shown by Fig. 20. The walls, floor, and
groined-arch roof construction are of concrete masonry, the type of
Engineering Record, April 7, 1906.
FIG. 22. Sand Storage Bins, Washington, D. C., Filtration Plant
Engineering Record, April 7, 1 90ti.
FIG. 23. Sand Washers, Washington Filtration Plant.
structure being such as to require little reinforcement. The roof
is covered with earth and sodded. The central collecting pipe is
located below the floor level, and the filtered water is led to it by
Trans. American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LVII.
FIG. 24. Details of Sand Bins, Washington Filtration Plant.
lateral drains of 12-inch half-tile and 6-inch tile, the latter
being used near the extremities of the laterals. A peculiarity of
construction consists in the interposition of a brass orifice plate at
the junction of laterals and main collector for the purpose of com-
pensating for variations in loss of head between those laterals
Trans. American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LVII.
FIG. 25. Interior View of Filter, Washington Filtration Plant (Showing
Filter Sand and Gravel Removed). Note Lateral Drains.
Trans. American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LVII.
FIG. 26. General View of Washington, D. C., Filtration Plant.
remote from and those adjacent to the filter outlet. The drain-
age system is covered with 12 inches of graded gravel supporting
40 inches of filter sand (effective size, 0.32 mm. ; uniformity coef-
ficient, 1.77). The working head of water on the filters is 4 feet.
The effluent pipes from the filter units are carried to centrally
located regulator houses, of which there are seven, generally ar-
ranged to serve five filters each. Fig. 21 gives the details of one
such house. The substructure contains six water-tight concrete
compartments, five serving as receiving basins for the effluent of
the filters, the sixth containing recording mechanism. The filter
effluents enter the respective compartments through Venturi
meters and valves with graduated handwheels. The Venturi
meters indicate and record the rates of filtration for each filter,. and
adjustments of rate are made by means of the graduated valves.
The effluents discharge into a central collecting flume through
valved apertures and are carried to the filtered-water reservoir via
a main effluent pipe. Facilities for draining any compartment are
provided. The superstructure is of brick with stone trimming and
tile roof.
The method of handling and washing sand is that already de-
scribed, and the reader is referred to Figs. 5 and 6 for details of the
portable sand ejectors and sand washers used. Fig. 22 illustrates
one of the sand storage bins, of which there are twenty-nine. In
the left background is the superstructure of one of the regulator
houses, and to the right is the entrance to one of the " ramps " or
inclined walkways leading into the filters. Fig. 24 shows the de-
tails of a sand bin. It is built so that a wagon can drive under-
neath, be filled with clean sand, which is then delivered into the
filters through manholes in the roof.
An administration building contains general offices, chemical
and bacterial laboratories, lockers, toilets, storerooms, etc.
While no provision was made for coagulation, because of popular
prejudice against the use of chemicals, the advantages to be
gained therefrom were fully appreciated by the designing en-
gineers and recent experimental work at the plant has more than
fulfilled anticipations as to the value of coagulation. Improve-
ments in sand washing have also been made, notably in sub-
stituting the ejector method for the use of carts in replacing sand
in the filters.
The plant was built under the direction of Colonel A. M.
Miller, assisted by Capt. W. P. Wooten and R. D. Chase. Mr.
Allen Hazen was consulting engineer and Mr. E. D. Hardy has
had charge of the plant since its completion.
The Torresdale Preliminary Filters at Philadelphia, Penn.*
The City of Philadelphia has installed a number of rapid sand-
filter plants, with the object of removing the coarse suspended
Engineering Record, November 14, 1 908.
FIG. 27. Torresdale Filtration Plant. Plan and Part Section.
matter from the water preliminary to final filtration. Of these
the installation at Torresdale is typical. The original plant was of
the slow sand type, similar to that at Washington, already de-
scribed, and, filtering at a rate of 3,000,000 gallons per acre per day,
* Engineering Record, November 14, 1908.
had a daily capacity of 120,000,000 gallons. While the quality
of effluent was satisfactory, it was desired to increase the capacity
of the niters. By means of the preliminary filter plant here de-
scribed, it became possible to double the rate of filtration of the slow
sand filters, enabling an output of 240,000,000 gallons per day to
be obtained.
The preliminary filters are adjacent the original slow sand
plant, are of 240,000,000 gallons capacity, and essentially of the
mechanical type, although somewhat simplified and operated
without coagulation. As shown by Fig. 27, the plant consists of
120 beds, arranged in 8 rows of 15 beds each. Each bed measures
20 'feet 3 inches by 60 feet, has a capacity of 2,000,000 gallons per
day when operated at the rate of 80,000,000 gallons per acre per
day, and has a complete system of control valves and piping,
manipulated by levers on an individual operating table. There
are four filter houses, one between each double row of filters. The
raw water is admitted to the filters by means of channels or
gullets between the rows of filters, entering at the center of the rear
wall, and after filtration is collected in effluent gullets under the
filter houses.
The filters, flumes, floors, roofs, etc., are of concrete, reinforced
or supported by structural shapes. The superstructure is of face
brick trimmed with gray granite.
The raw water is pumped to the preliminary filters from the
river through an 11-foot riveted steel conduit encased in concrete.
This conduit runs the full length of the filter plant and has three
7-foot and two 5^-foot steel branch connections, leading to the
five influent gullets already mentioned. These influent gullets
extend the full width of the plant, between adjacent rows of
filters, being formed by the back walls of the filter units, except
the two outside gullets, where an additional wall had to be added.
The raw water enters the filter beds by means of cast-iron pipes
in the rear wall, each controlled by a 16-inch hydraulic valve
located in the central wash gutter. This is formed in the cus-
tomary way by two reinforced concrete walls extending longi-
tudinally through the center of the filter and 12 inches apart,
dividing the filter bed proper into two equal portions. Steel wash-
water troughs extend laterally across the filters at right angles to
and level with the tops of the central gutter walls, and serve to
convey the wash water to the central gutter, whence it finds its
way to the sewer through a hydraulically operated sluice gate
at the front end of the filter. There are twelve such wash-water
troughs per filter, being spaced equally, six on each side of the
central gutter. The general arrangement of central gutter
troughs, etc., is shown in Fig. 28.
The filtering material consists of gravel and sand of graded
sizes, decreasing in size upward, viz., at the bottom, 15 inches of
gravel, varying in size from 2 to 3 inches; 4 inches of gravel from
Engineering Record, November 14, 1908.
FIG. 28. Torresdale Filtration Plant. View of Filter Bed.
% to lJ/ inches; 3 inches of gravel from M to J/2 inch; 8 inches
from % to i/g inch, and a top coating of 12 inches of sand from
0.8 to 1 mm. size. Under the gravel, and running longitudinally
through the center of each of the two equal filter beds into which
the unit is divided by the cross walls, is an effluent collector formed
by half tile of concrete, with slotted openings for admission of the
filtered water. The two lines of tile unite for each filter, allowing
the filtered water to flow through a short length of 16-inch pipe and
via an automatic rate controller into the effluent gullet situated
between each two rows of filters. Each filter outlet is equipped
with an hydraulically operated valve. The main effluent gullets
terminate in 7-foot steel conduits leading to an 11-foot steel, con-
crete-cased head conduit, through which the water passes on to the
slow sand niters.
For washing the niters, water and air are used, and a separate
system of piping is provided. Filtered water is pumped into an
elevated wash-water tank, built of reinforced concrete, from which
a 48-inch wash-water line leads to the plant, a 30-inch branch
line from which extends through the pipe gallery between each two
rows of filters. At the center of each filter there is a 20-inch wash-
water take-off controlled by a hydraulic valve. This 20-inch
line extends longitudinally through the filter, being hung from the
roof above the central gutter, and divides at the center of the bed
into four 12-inch distributing pipes, from each of which two 8-inch
down pipes take off, leading to 8-inch manifold headers placed
above the filtered water collectors (below the sand and gravel).
The manifold proper consists of IJ^-inch lateral pipes, spaced 5%
inches on centers and drilled with /i 6 -inch holes on the bottom.
This effects an essentially equal distribution of the wash water
under the gravel, which, rising upward through the sand, cleanses
the same of its collected impurities, the dirty wash water over-
flowing into the collecting troughs, thence to the central gutter,
and out into the wash-water drain, which consists simply of the
space between the filter walls and the effluent gullet. Air agita-
tion is used during washing, being supplied by an air main in each
gallery, with branches to the individual filters connected into the
wash-water header, the same manifold being used for distributing
wash water and air. A 6-inch valve is provided for draining each
Fig. 29 shows a section through one of the filter galleries. At
each side are the front walls of opposite filter units. The filter
floor is carried through as the gallery floor. In the center, ex-
tending longitudinally through the gallery, is the effluent gullet or
flume, 6 by 6 feet in area, into which the filtered water discharges
through an effluent controller. The top of this flume supports the
30-inch wash header and above that the operating platform.
The air pipe is suspended from the ceiling, and at each filter a
12-inch branch is taken off connecting into the 20-inch wash-
water pipe. The air supply is controlled by a 12-inch hydraulic
valve. The spaces between the filter walls and effluent gullet
form the wash-water drains, and the central gutters and drain
pipes discharge directly into these.
This plant is of special type, designed for a definite purpose,
namely, to prefilter the water only, and the design is not adapted
for more general use. The plant was designed and constructed
Engineering Record, November 14, 1908.
FIG. 29. Torresdale Filtration Plant.
under the direction of Mr. Fred C. Dunlap, chief of the Bureau
of Water, Philadelphia, Penn.
The Mechanical Filtration Plant at Minneapolis, Minn.* This
plant is of interest as being typical of the modern installation of
larger size, because of its flexibility of operation, made necessary
by the rapid variations of the Mississippi River, from which the
* Engineering Record, November 18, 1911.
raw-water supply is derived, and because of its method of
handling and mixing chemicals.
The nitration plant is built near two old service reservoirs,
each of 47,000,000 gallons capacity. One of these was built up 10
feet and adapted as a preliminary settling basin, to which the raw
water is pumped and allowed to settle (approximately 24 hours)
Engineering Record, November 18, 1911.
FIG. 30. Minneapolis Filtration Plant. General Plan.
before reaching the nitration plant. The other reservoir was
roofed over with a groined arch construction of reinforced concrete,
and serves as a clear-water reservoir, receiving the effluent of the
filter plant and equalizing the load on the niters, a very desirable
feature. The normal rating of the plant is 39,000,000 gallons per
The general layout of the plant is shown in Fig. 30. After
passing through the preliminary settling basin, the water flows
through a 60-inch cast-iron line to a controlling chamber, entering
the same through a Venturi meter, which measures and records
the volume and actuates the chemical feed controls, causing an
automatic adjustment of the amount of coagulant to the raw water
to be treated. The controlling chamber is provided with sluice
gates, so that the raw water may pass from it either into the mixing
chamber or directly into the coagulating basins ; other sluice gates
provide for passing it directly to the niters or allowing some of it
to waste through a 20-inch cast-iron pipe line intended for flushing
sediment from the floor of the coagulating basins.
Normally the water passes from the controlling to the mixing
chamber, the coagulant solutions, aluminum sulphate and lime
(when required) being introduced at this point. The mixing
chamber is a covered structure of reinforced concrete, 34 feet
8 inches wide by 173 feet long inside, with wooden baffles of the
vertical type, 3 feet center to center. The water passes back and
forth between the baffles in its journey through the mixing cham-
ber, traveling a total distance of about 2,000 feet. This insures a
thorough mixing of the coagulants with the water and allows time
for the chemical reactions to take place. The mixing chamber is
built across the ends of the coagulating basins, with a space of
about 7}/2 feet between the two, this space being denoted on the
drawing, Fig. 30, as the center passage. This center passage is
divided by horizontal diaphragms of concrete into two flumes or
conduits, the side wall of the mixing chamber and the end walls of
the coagulating basins forming the vertical sides of the flumes.
The lower flume receives the water from the mixing chamber and
introduces it into the coagulating basins. As it may not always be
desirable to run the water through the full length of the mixing
chamber, four sluice gates are located in the west wall of same,
communicating directly with the lower flume and thence with the
coagulating basins. As already stated, the water may enter the
lower flume at the north end, directly from the controlling chamber,
thus by-passing the mixing chamber. The upper flume receives
the water after its passage through the basins and conducts it to
the filters. It may also receive the water directly from the con-
trol chamber or after its passage through the mixing chamber.
Further gates provide for by-passing either basin, or operating the
basins both in series or parallel. The extreme flexibility and
absence of complicated pipe work in this arrangement are commend-
able. Below the central passage is a 12-inch sewer into which
both the mixing and controlling chambers and the coagulating
basins may be drained.
After passing through the mixing chamber, the treated water
enters the coagulating basins. These are in duplicate, each mea-
suring 95 feet 8 inches by 119 feet 4 inches inside, and have a com-
bined capacity of about 2,800,000 gallons. Each basin has three
vertical concrete baffles with water passages around the ends, so
that the water makes four passes in traversing the basin. The
basins can be flushed by by-passing raw water from the controlling
chamber through the 20-inch flushing line already mentioned,
being drained off through sumps leading to the 12-inch cast-iron
drain under the central passage. Additional fire-hose connections
are provided for hosing out the heavy sludge.
The water, after passing through the coagulating basins, enters
the upper flume over a skimming weir, through which it passes
into a 60-inch influent pipe, leading to the filters. These are twelve
in number, six on either side of the operating gallery, and have
each a capacity of 3,250,000 gallons at a rate of 125,000,000 gallons
per acre per day. Each bed is divided into* two parts by central
wash-water gutter of the usual type, which, in conjunction with
eight lateral gutters, serves to distribute the settled and treated
water entering the filter through a twenty-inch valved branch con-
nection from the 60-inch influent header in the gallery.
The filtering medium consists of 30 inches of sand having an
effective size from 0.35 to 0.44 mm. and a uniformity coefficient
of 1.65. The strainer system consists of concrete ridges cast on
the bottom of the filter at right angles to the central gutter. The
grooves between the ridges are filled with graded gravel and a
brass screen is bolted over the gravel to prevent displacement
while washing. The gravel rests on perforated brass strainer
plates, below which are water passages for collecting the effluent
and distributing the wash water. The filtered water collected by
the strainer system flows into a manifold of collector pipes, and
through these and a rate controller into the clear-water basin
beneath the filters.
The filters are washed by forcing filtered water under pressure
upward through the strainer system. No air is used, the wash
pressure being sufficient to thoroughly agitate and cleanse the
sand. The rate of wash is 15 gallons per square foot per minute.
The dirty wash water is collected by the cross troughs and flows
into the central gutter, thence through a valved connection into a
reinforced concrete sewer beneath the filter gallery. As no large
sewer was available, the dirty wash water is collected in a receiving
basin, and slowly drained away through a 12-inch sewer. Water
for washing is obtained from an elevated tank of reinforced con-
crete, located above the receiving basin just mentioned. The
capacity of this tank eliminates the necessity for large wash pumps,
as it can be filled between washings by relatively small pumps, in
Engineering Record, November 18, 1911.
FIG. 31. Minneapolis Filtration Plant.
the present case by two centrifugals of 1,600 gallons per minute
Special interest attaches to the arrangements for handling and
mixing chemicals. The necessary apparatus is contained in a
head house located across one end of the filter building. The
Engineering Record, November 18,1911.
FIG. 32. Minneapolis Filtration Plant. Plan of Head House.
floor elevations are such that the chemicals can be handled and
stored by gravity, but the solutions must be pumped to the orifice
boxes which feed them into the mixing chamber.
The lime and alum are purchased in carload lots and carted to
the plant by wagons. The wagons discharge upon a dumping
platform shown on the left-hand side of Fig. 31, at elevation 328.0.
The lime and alum pass from this platform through separate
chutes to the boot of a bucket elevator, the lime passing en route
through a small crusher, which breaks it into lumps of a size readily
handled by the elevator. The material is raised by the elevator
into a hopper at the top of the building and discharges through a
grain chute equipped with a revolving spout capable of discharging
into any one of 12 reinforced concrete storage bins. In event of a
breakdown in the bucket elevator, a freight elevator of standard
design may be used to raise the chemicals from the unloading
platform to the top of the storage bins, into which they are then
shoveled by hand labor. Below the bins a traveling bucket
operates on a suspended rail and serves to convey the coagulant to
the solution tanks. The arrangement of the tracks is shown in
Fig. 32. The traveling bucket is balanced on a scale beam,
enabling the operator to measure out the required amount of
chemical directly from the bins.
The lime-slaking apparatus is rather unique, consisting of two
concrete mixers, each of 1J/2 yards capacity, into which the lime
is dumped directly from the traveling bucket. Water is added
and the mixture revolved in the drum of the machine. The milk
of lime discharges into a trough having valved outlets into each of
the three lime solution tanks. These are circular steel tanks,
12 feet 5 inches in diameter and 13 feet deep. Steel is used, be-
cause calcium hydroxid has a destructive action on concrete. The
alum and hypo tanks, however, are of concrete and rectangular in
plan. The agitating device employed in each of the several tanks
consists of a helicoidal bronze impeller mounted on a vertical shaft
driven by a motor at the top of the tank. The direction of rota-
tion is such as to create a downward current at the center of each
tank, driving the solution along the floor of the tank and up the
sides. This course of the solution is further aided by a conical
baffle placed over the impeller.
The aluminum sulphate is dissolved previous to discharge into
the solution tanks in concrete dissolving boxes, 6 by 3 feet in plan
and 4 feet deep, which are provided in duplicate. Agitation in
these boxes is provided for by a manifold of 1-inch galvanized pipe
at the bottom drilled with /i 6 -inch holes 3 inches on centers.
Water flowing upward through this grid dissolves the alum more
readily than the usual downward stream. The dissolved alum
overflows from these boxes and passes into the solution tanks
through a screened opening.
An attempt is made in this plant to overcome the hardship
which usually attaches to the handling of the hypochlorite of lime
used for disinfection of the filtrate. The device used is shown in
Fig. 31. The hypo is received in drums weighing about 750
pounds. The drums are lowered to the operating floor by means
of the freight elevator and rolled under an I-beam traveler,
running across the hypo dissolving boxes. The drum is lifted
into the dissolving box by means of a set of chain blocks, coming
to rest on a false bottom of perforated grate bars. The dis-
solving box is then filled with water so as to submerge the drum
completely. While the drum rests on the grate bars, holes are
driven in both ends by steel pins; a single pin embedded in one end
of the dissolving box is driven into the exact center of one end of
the drum, while the other end is perforated by four pins mounted
on a chuck rotating on a steel shaft passing through the end
of the dissolving box by means of a stuffing gland. Besides its
rotary motion, the shaft can move longitudinally through the
gland and the can is perforated by striking the end of the shaft
with a sledge, causing the four pointed pins in the chuck to per-
forate one end of the drum, and driving the drum bodily against
the center pin at the other end. The drum can now be rotated
by turning the shaft through agency of a ratchet and is cut in
two under water by a large can opener. The hypo is then dis-
solved out by the same type of manifold device used in the alum
dissolving boxes and flows into the hypo solution tanks.
As the coagulant leaves the solution tanks at a level much
below that of the water in the mixing chamber, it is pumped to
chemical control devices by small bronze centrifugal pumps.
The chemical feed tanks are located on the ground floor. The
.solutions are pumped into them at a constant rate, a uniform head
being maintained by overflows in the tanks which carry the sur-
plus back into the respective solution tanks. The chemical feed
controllers consist of adjustable orifices automatically regulated
by the difference in head of the Venturi meter in the controlling
chamber, so that the amount of coagulant is always proportional
to the rate of raw-water pumpage. The lime is applied as the
Engineering Record, November 18, 1911.
FIG. 33. Minneapolis Filtration Plant. Solution Tanks, Overhead
Conveyor, and Controllers.
water enters the mixing chamber, the alum a little later at some
point in the central passage. The hypo is added as the water
enters the clear- water reservoir.
This plant was designed by Hering & Fuller, consulting en-
gineers, New York. Mr. Andrew Rinker, city engineer, had
supervision of the construction with Mr. W. N. Jones in direct
charge, assisted by Mr. J. A. Jensen, waterworks engineer. Mr.
J. W. Armstrong had immediate charge of plans and specifications
for the consulting engineers.
The Mechanical Filter Plant at Wilkinsburg, Penn.* This
is a type of plant peculiarly adapted to very hilly or semi-
mountainous regions where the location is adjacent to a high pres-
sure reservoir and rather difficult of access. In this instance the
plant is located on a hill top about one mile from the Allegheny
River (the source of supply) and about 600 feet above same. The
water is pumped directly from the river to the sedimentation
basins against a total pressure of 250 pounds per square inch.
Engineering Record, October 1, 1910.
FIG. 34.
The plant comprises two uncovered sedimentation basins of re-
inforced concrete, each 150 feet long, 60 feet wide, and 22^ feet
deep, and 10 filter beds, each having a capacity of 1,250,000 gallons
per day, making the total plant capacity 12,500,000 gallons daily.
The water enters the sedimentation basins through cast-iron
manifolds terminating in 6-inch aerating pipes, and is collected
at the outlet end of the basins by a reinforced concrete flume con-
necting with a cast-iron pipe which delivers the coagulated and
* Engineering Record, October, 1910.
settled water to the filters. The general arrangement of plant is
shown by Fig. 34.
The filters are housed in a long brick building, being arranged
five on each side of a central pipe gallery. The equipment is
of standard design. The effluent and wash-water manifold is
entirely of cast iron with cast-iron laterals and brass strainers,
and above this are placed 8 inches of gravel and 36 inches of sand.
Air agitation is used, the air manifold being below the gravel and
consisting of small perforated brass tubes supplied through a
central header pipe. The wash-water troughs are of cast iron, ex-
tending laterally from a central gutter of the usual type and are
designed to handle 10 gallons of wash water per minute per square
foot of sand area. The effluent controllers are of the velocity
type, similar in principle to the one previously described. All
valves are hydraulically operated, the handles for each filter being
grouped on an enclosed marble operating table. This table also
contains the loss-of-head gage, which is of the registering type, two
pens recording the head on the filter and the draft on the effluent
pipe upon a moving chart, clock-driven. Fig. 35 shows a general
view of the operating gallery and tables. The interior walls are
of buff fire-flashed brick and the whole presents a very neat and
sanitary appearance. In the general office, a marble sample
table is located on which are mounted glass tubes and spigots, one
for each filter, and one each for the raw and treated water. Sample
streams from the respective sources are kept constantly circulating
through these by individual J^-inch centrifugal pumps, so that the
operator has constantly on view and on tap water from all the
units of the plant. The effluent discharges through the controller
into a reinforced concrete conduit leading to Reservoir No. 1.
At the east end of the filter building and integral therewith
is the head house, having three floors: a basement, level with the
pipe gallery, a main floor at the operating platform level, and a
second floor. The basement contains piping; air, wash, and pres-
sure pumps, sampling pumps, electric generating and heating-
plants. The main floor contains the solution tanks and orifice
boxes, the main entrance or lobby, general office, and laboratories.
The office and laboratories are floored and wainscoted with white
tile and have a steel ceiling. The lobby contains the stair well,
leading to the basement and second floor, the main switchboard,
and the more important gages.
The second floor is devoted to storing, handling, and mixing
the coagulants. The upper ends of the solution tanks, located on
the floor below, project through to this level for charging purposes.
Lime, alum, and hypo tanks are provided in duplicate, each being
equipped with a concrete solution box having a screened outlet into
the tank. Owing to the isolated location of the plant, the chemicals
must be bro.ught up by wagons, which deliver at one end of the
head house. The barrels or sacks of coagulant are handled by
means of a trolley or I-beam traveler, the track for which is sus-
pended from the ceiling of the second floor and extends through an
opening in the end wall similar to a hay-trolley on a barn. The
hoisting is done by an electric motor which is mounted directly on
the trolley traveler.
A novel method is used for handling the air and water for
washing. Small motor-driven centrifugal wash pumps and rotary
air pumps in duplicate are located in the basement and these
deliver into the combined air and wash-water tanks shown in
Fig. 36. This is really a gasometer, the lower tank holding the
wash water and serving to seal the upper inverted air tank, which
rises and falls as the volume of air contained varies. This enables
small wash and air pumps to be used, running about 50 per cent
of the time, and allows the electric generating plant to be kept
down to a reasonable size. These pumps shut off automatically
when the tank fills up, and start after the water and air levels drop
a certain amount.
As it is expensive to pump water up to the plant, the dirty wash
water is collected in a settling basin, and after the silt settles out is-
repumped into the sedimentation basins, by automatically con-
trolled centrifugal pumps.
The generating plant is of 30 kilowatt capacity, gas-engine
driven. The heating plant is of the usual steam-boiler type.
This plant was installed by the Pennsylvania Water Co. r
W. C. Hawley, chief engineer and superintendent. Mr. J. N.
Chester, of Chester & Fleming, Pittsburgh, was consulting en-
gineer. The Pittsburgh Filter Manufacturing Co. furnished and
installed the equipment.
The Filtration and Softening Plant at Columbus, Ohio.* The
Columbus filtration plant is an excellent example of an in-
* Engineering Record, February 24, 1906.
stallation designed to soften as well as to filter the water. The
source of supply is the Scioto River, which drains a region under-
lain with dolomite (mixed calcium and magnesium carbonate) , and
consequently the water is quite hard, the total hardness being
Courtesy Pittsburgh Filter Manufacturing Company.
FIG. 36. Wilkinsburg Filtration Plant, Combined Air and Wash-Water
about 250 parts per million, and the incrustants averaging about
100 parts per million. The treatment given the water reduces
the total hardness to 80 and the incrustants to about 40 parts per
million. The capacity of the plant is 30,000,000 gallons per day.
The water is treated with lime to precipitate the bicarbonates of
calcium and magnesium, then with soda ash to remove the in-
crustants, and finally alum is added as a coagulant, although
an effort is made to utilize the gelatinous magnesium hydroxid
formed in the softening process for this purpose.
The general layout of the plant is shown in Fig. 37, referring
to which it will be seen that the water enters a weir basin (which
forms the first floor of the head house), through a 48-inch cast-iron
main, passing through a Venturi meter immediately before entering
this basin. Besides recording the rate of pumpage of the raw
water, this meter also controls the rate of discharge of the coagulant
solutions, varying this in proper ratio to the raw-water pumpage.
Along the sides of the weir basin are adjustable weirs, of which
there are three sets of two each, for diverting certain proportions
of the raw water to lime saturators, soda trough, and mixing tanks.
The plant was designed so that a maximum of 25 per cent of the
raw water passed over the weirs to the lime saturators, a similar
amount over the soda weir, and the remaining 50 per cent passed
over the weirs into the mixing tanks. An additional weir was
provided for feeding untreated water to the effluent of the settling
basins, to eliminate any caustic alkalinity of the settled water due
to overtreatment with lime; and an overflow weir, slightly higher
than the rest and leading to the settling basins, takes care of undue
fluctuations in the raw-water pumpage.
To the portion passing over the lime weirs, milk of lime is
supplied by means of a perforated pipe, after which the water
passes into the six lime saturators by means of a central flume
with a branch pipe into each saturator. Within the saturator
tank each pipe divides into four branches, which distribute the lime
and water evenly over the bottom of the tank. The water rises
slowly in the tank, being constantly stirred by revolving paddles
(four sets per saturator), and overflows into a central flume be-
tween the two rows of saturators and above the entrance flume.
Thus the water and lime are intimately mixed, giving a saturated
solution of lime water (about 60 grains per gallon). The lime-
saturated water flows through the flume and a cast-iron pipe be-
neath the weir basin and enters the mixing tanks together with the
main body of water.
The purpose of the mixing tanks is to bring about a thorough
mixture of the water with the softening reagents, thereby
greatly facilitating the reactions. These tanks have a total
capacity of nearly 1,000,000 gallons, so that the water requires
almost an hour to pass through them. They are two in number,
1.0 01
r X X ^
8 Vitrified Drain
Engineering Record, February 24, 1906.
FIG. 37. Columbus I
i :>n Plant, General Plan.
. jwWg.vVS*-
arranged on either side of a central gallery, which contains the con-
duit for carrying the mixed water to the settling basins, the flume
for introducing the soda ash (as will be explained presently), and
the mixing tank blowoffs for drainage and cleaning. The mixing
tanks are fitted with vertical baffles spaced 3 feet on centers,
causing the water to take a circuitous course, passing over one
Engineering Record, February 24, 1906.
FIG. 39. Columbus Filtration Plant.
baffle and under the next. Sluice gates into the receiving conduit
are provided at intermediate points, so that a shorter period of
mixture can be obtained if desired.
The soda ash is introduced into its quota of water as this is
passing over the soda weirs, and travels through a flume at the top
of the gallery between the mixing tanks, entering these at a point
60 feet from the weir basin, via an overflow weir extending across
both tanks. The construction of the mixing tanks is shown by
Fig. 38.
The treated and thoroughly mixed water passes on to the
settling basins, which have a capacity of 15,000,000 gallons, or a
period (nominally) of 12 hours. Through the settling basins ex-
tends a dividing wall, which is cored out as shown by Fig. 39 to
form three flumes or gullets, the upper carrying the softened water
to the basins, the middle carrying the settled water from the
basins to the filters, and the lower being used to drain the basins
and containing the blowoff valves. The upper level of this
wall serves as a gate-house, containing the sluices controlling the
admittance of water to and withdrawal from the basins, and is
enclosed in a brick superstructure. Laterally the basins are
further subdivided by walls so as to form, in all, six compartments.
Each compartment has a vertical baffle through the middle, ex-
tending from the main dividing wall to within 60 feet of opposite
end, compelling the water to make a complete circuit of the com-
partment, i.e., leaving the softened-water flume it would travel
outward from the main dividing wall laterally in both directions
to the far end of the baffles, around these, and then back to the
dividing wall, repeating the process for each compartment. The
water in each half of the basin would, therefore, make six complete
passes across the basin before reaching the settled-water conduit at
the outer end of the dividing wall. It is also possible to distribute
the water so that each compartment of the basin takes its quota
of the water, making essentially six smaller settling basins, each
receiving one-sixth of the water. This would reduce the velocity
through the basins to one-third of the normal. Any compart-
ment can be shut down, drained, and flushed by pressure hoses.
After passing through the settling basins, the water is carried
to the filters through the settled-water flume. There are ten
filter units, each of 3,000,000 gallons per day capacity. They
offer no novel points not already described. Fig. 40 gives sections
through one of the filters and the pipe gallery. The settled water
enters the gallery by means of a 48-inch " raw-water " pipe, with
20-inch branches entering the units at the central gutter. The
water is filtered through 30 inches of sand (effective size, 0.4 mm.,
uniformity coefficient,. 1.5), and through a layer of graded gravel
(from /i 6 to 1 inch in size). A detail of the strainer system is
shown by Fig. 42. The ridges shown are 8% inches on centers,
and the brass strainer plates in the valleys are similarly spaced.
The filtered water is collected by a pipe manifold and passes via
a rate controller and effluent pipe to the clear-water reservoir.
xi I ! V,
30 Drain
8 Effluent
80 Raw Water] Drain
Pump and Motor
Engineering Record, February 84, 1906.
FIG. 41. Columbus Filtration Pla
EL 61.50,
Controller Stem
sh 10 'Ai
f Wheel Stand
-Operating Table -
Operating Table
placed below the boiler. The steam passes off through the block
tin tube into a " worm " or condenser of the same material, im-
mersed in a tank of cold water, causing it to condense. The
distilled water is collected in the bottle (6). A constant supply of
cool water is kept circulating about the worm by means of a hose
connection from the tap, and
a waste overflow, generally
carried by a hose to the sink.
The first portion of the dis-
tillate caught by the bottle
(6) should be used to rinse
out same and then be wasted.
Distilled water greedily ab-
sorbs C02 and oxygen from
the air, and, if desired to
be free of these, should be
freshly boiled. The labora-
tory supply of distilled water
is conveniently kept in the
container shown by Fig. 52.
FIG. 52. Distilled-Water Container. It consists of a large glass
carboy, loosely corked, with
a siphon made of glass and rubber tubing. The water can be
pulled over into the siphon by suction and will then continue
to flow whenever the pinch-cock is opened until the carboy is
It is suggested that those inexperienced in making chemical
preparations obtain the reagents and standard solutions required
in the following tests from a competent chemist or chemical
supply house. Those wishing to prepare their own standard
solutions will find directions in Appendix B.
Extreme care should be used in handling and preserving
standard solutions. They should be kept in hard glass, glass-
stoppered bottles, except sodium carbonate, the container for
which is preferably rubber-stoppered. The bottles should be kept
closed at all times to prevent the entrance of impurities or evapora-
tion of the solution. The stoppers when removed should never
be laid on their sides, nor should the mouth of the bottle be
carelessly handled. Before opening, the mouth and neck of the
bottle should be wiped free of dust with a clean dry cloth. In
transferring solutions to bottles or burettes, the latter should be
perfectly clean and dry. A small amount of the solution should
then be poured into the bottle or burette, and used to rinse the
same thoroughly, being then poured out. After this preliminary
rinsing the bottle or burette may be filled with the solution.
Burettes should be fitted with a small glass cap, or else corked,
when not in use, to prevent evaporation. It is not advisable to
keep a large stock of standard solutions on hand, as these de-
teriorate, it being preferable to make or have made new solutions
at intervals of a few months. Where large amounts of solutions
are used, a standard may be prepared with especial care, and kept
for comparative purposes, the solutions used being made up to the
required strength by titration with this standard. A ~ solution
of sulphuric acid is well adapted for this purpose and will keep a
long time. Then to prepare a ^ solution of sodium carbonate
dissolve the approximate amount required (see Appendix B) in a
liter of double-distilled water and titrate 10 cc. of this solution
with the standard acid, using erythrosin or methyl orange as an
indicator. The sodium carbonate solution should be made a
little strong, and then diluted down with distilled water until
10 cc. of the standard acid will exactly neutralize 10 cc. of the
sodium carbonate solution. An acid solution for general use can
now be made, using the sodium carbonate just prepared as a
standard of comparison. (In preparing acid solutions, or in
diluting strong acids, the acid should always be poured into the
water; if this operation is reversed the acid will sputter and fly
about and may cause painful and dangerous burns.) To prepare
solutions of other concentrations, it is only necessary to vary the
ratio of standard solution used in titration. Thus for a ^ solu-
tion of sodium carbonate, a sample of 10 cc. should require 50 cc.
of the ^ sulphuric acid to neutralize it; for a ^ solution ^ X 10
or 22.7 cc. of the sulphuric acid would be required.
The metric system of measurement is used in chemical and
bacterial work. Lengths are measured in meters, decimeters
(1/10 meter), centimeters (1/100 meter), and millimeters (1/1000
meter). The symbols for these units are " m.," " cm.," and " mm."
respectively. Volumes are measured in cubes of the linear units,
thus cubic centimeters (abbreviation " cc."), and cubic decimeters
are commonly used, the latter being the unit of liquid measure
and being called the " liter " (abbreviation " 1."). It follows
that a liter equals 1000 cc. Units of weight are the gram, which is
the weight of 1 cc. of water under standard conditions, the multiples
being the " kilogram " (1000 grams) and the milligram (1/1000
gram). The abbreviations used are respectively, " gm.," " kgm.,"
" mgm." The following table shows the relation between units
of the English and metric systems.
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
foot = 30.48 centimeters
yard = 0.9144 meters
pound = 0.454 kilograms
ounce = 28.35 grams
grain = 64.80 milligrams
pint = 0.568 liters
The strength of standard solutions is given as normal (abbre-
viated " N."), or fractions thereof, thus one-fiftieth normal (r^),
one-tenth normal (^). The meaning of these terms is beyond
the scope of this book, but can be found in any work on general
The apparatus used in the following tests may be obtained from
any scientific or chemist's supply house. For measuring out
samples a measuring glass or graduate is generally used (Fig. 53).
Greater accuracy can be obtained by using a measuring bottle
(Fig. 54). This is a long-necked bottle of a size to hold a definite
quantity of liquid (50 cc., 100 cc., etc.), when filled to a mark in the
glass of the neck. In use, the bottle is filled slightly above the
mark and the surplus is removed by smartly jerking the bottle.
Where the test involves colorimetric determinations a Nessler tube
(Fig. 55) is used, the sample being made up to the mark. For
measuring out small quantities of liquid (for instance, the eryth-
rosin in the alkalinity test) pipettes (Fig. 56) are used. These
are made to hold 1 cc., 5 cc., 10 cc., etc., up to 100 cc. or more. The
pointed end is inserted into the solution and the mouth is applied
to the other end, the solution being sucked into the pipette to a
little above the mark on the stem. The mouth is then removed
and a finger quickly substituted over the upper end. By slightly
releasing the pressure of the finger the solution is allowed to run
out until it stands just at the mark, after which the finger is
tightly pressed over the end and the measured quantity of solution
is removed and discharged into the sample. Needless to say it is
inadvisable to use a pipette in drawing off strong acids or poisons,
owing to the danger of getting some in the mouth.
Standard solutions are measured out from burettes (Fig. 57).
These consist of glass tubes graduated (generally to 1/10 cc.), so
Fig. 53
Fig. 54
Fig. 58
Fig. 56
Fig. 57
Fig. 55
Fig. 59
that the amount of solution run into the sample can be read off.
The initial reading (to 1/10 cc.) is taken before the test and after
sufficient solution has been run into the sample to produce the re-
quired change in color of the indicator the burette is again read,
the difference between the two readings giving the number of
cc. of solution used. The glass pet cock at the lower end allows
the stream from the burette to be regulated, The small glass bell
cap on top prevents evaporation.
The sample during the test may be contained in a glass bottle,
a porcelain casserole (Fig. 58), or dish (any white porcelain dish or
cup may be used), or in a glass beaker. The latter is simply a
container of thin glass (see Figs. 73 and 75 of coagulation, which
show typical beakers). Generally a clear drinking glass or bottle
may be substituted for a beaker, unless it is required to heat the
solution contained.
For special tests of water, other than those given here, the
reader is referred to " Standard Methods of Water Analysis,"
published by the American Public Health Association, or to any
standard work on volumetric analysis.
Taste and Odor. Many waters contain mineral constituents
or organic matter giving off tastes and odors. The odor of the
raw water should be determined cold, that of the filtrate both hot
and cold. It is not necessary to taste the water, as the senses of
taste and smell are very closely allied.
The cold odor is determined by half filling a large bottle with
the water and inserting the stopper. Then shake the bottle
vigorously, remove the stopper, and smell the odor at the mouth
of the bottle.
The hot odor is determined by heating about 200 cc. of the
sample, in a beaker covered with a watch glass, to almost boiling.
Allow the beaker and contents to cool for several minutes, remove
the watch glass, and smell the odor.
. The odor may be described in the report by the following
abbreviations :*
v vegetable m moldy
a aromatic M musty
g grassy d disagreeable
- f fishy p peaty
e earthy s sweetish
Turbidity. The generally accepted standard for turbidity is
that as measured by the turbidity rod of the United States Geo-
logical Survey. This, as generally constructed (Fig. 59), is a hard-
*" Standard Methods of Water Analysis." American Public Health
- O 101
wood rod, half inch by half inch in section, about four feet long,
having a platinum wire of 1 millimeter (0.04 inch) diameter in-
serted at right angles to its length near one end, and an open sight
(such as a screw eye) at the other end, 1.2 meters (47J4 inches)
from the wire. The wire should project beyond the rod at least
one inch. The user places his eye at the sight and submerges the
wire end of the rod into the water to be tested at right angles to the
surface. The rod is pushed into the water until the wire just dis-
appears, as seen by the observer. The turbidity is measured by
the submergence of the rod. A turbidity which causes the wire
to disappear with a submergence of 100 millimeters is called 100,
other turbidities are marked on the rod as per the following table:
Depth of
Turbidity Wire,
Depth of
* From the papers of the U. S. Geological Survey.
In this table the corresponding values for the Hazen Reciprocal
Turbidity Rod have been given, as this standard was used in
making some of the older records and may be convenient in re-
ferring back to these.
Turbidity measurements should be made in the open, pref-
erably during the middle of the day and not in direct sunlight.
For high turbidities a glass jar about 6 inches in diameter and
8 to 10 inches deep can be used. For low turbidities a tank 3 feet
in diameter and 4 feet deep or a barrel is required. Very high
turbidities must be diluted in order to obtain accurate results, that
is, the sample is mixed with one or more times its volume of clear
water, and the turbidity obtained multiplied by a corresponding
For convenience in laboratory use, " bottle standards " are
often prepared* (Fig. 60). Take diatomaceous earth, wash with
water to remove soluble salts, and ignite to remove organic matter;
treat and warm with dilute hydrochloric acid; wash with dis-
FIG. 60. Turbidity Standards.
tilled water to remove acid, and dry. Grind and sift through a
200-mesh sieve. Fill a number of clear glass half -gallon bottles
with distilled water, and add the prepared diatomaceous earth,
testing with the turbidity rod until the desired turbidity is ob-
tained. Or one gram of this powder can be mixed with 1000
grams of distilled water to give a stock suspension having a
turbidity of 1000, and the bottle standards prepared from this by
dilution. Low turbidities can be obtained by dilution with dis-
tilled water. Standards having turbidities of 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30,.
40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 are generally prepared in this way.
The bottles should be kept tightly corked and sealed. The water
to be tested is put in a bottle similar to those used for the standards
and compared with these, both sample and standard being well
shaken before comparison.
* " Standard Methods of Water Analysis." American Public Health.
Color. The standard solution for color determination is pre-
pared as follows: " Dissolve 1.246 grams of potassium pla-
tinic chlorid (PtCl 4 2KCl), containing 0.5 gram platinum, and one
gram crystallized cobalt chlorid (COC1 2 6H 2 O), containing 0.25
gram of cobalt, in water, with 100 cc. concentrated hydrochloric
acid, and make up to one liter with distilled water."* This
FIG. 61. Color Standards and Rack.
standard solution has a color of 500 parts per million. Slight
variations may be made in the amount of cobalt chlorid to more
nearly match the color of any particular water. From the stand-
ard solution, dilutions are made with distilled water having colors
of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, etc., up to 70, and these are put into 100 cc.
Nessler tubes of such dimensions that the 100 cc. mark comes
about 25 cm. above the bottom and is uniform in all the tubes.
The solution must be up to the 100 cc. mark and the tubes should
be corked when not in use to prevent evaporation and the entrance
of dust. The tubes are placed in a vertical position in a " color
rack " (which can be obtained from any dealer in chemical ap-
paratus), resting on a white porcelain plate or slab.
The water to be tested is first filtered to remove the turbidity
* " Standard Methods of Water Analysis." American Public Health
and then poured into a 100 cc. Nessler tube similar to those in the
rack. For comparison it is placed next to those in the rack, the
color being determined by looking downward into the upper ends
of the tubes against the white porcelain slab beneath. It is thus
compared successively with the various standard tubes, the results
FIG. 62. Apparatus for Alkalinity Test.
being recorded as that of the standard to which the color of the
sample most nearly agrees.
Alkalinity. Apparatus: 1-100 cc. burette, graduated to 1/10 cc.
for f sulphuric acid (H 2 S0 4 ); 1-100 cc. burette, graduated to
1/10 cc. for ^ sodium carbonate (NasCOs); 1-250 cc. clear glass,
wide-mouthed, glass-stoppered bottle; 1-100 cc. measuring glass
or flask.
Reagents: r^ sulphuric acid; ^ sodium carbonate; erythrosin
solution (0.1 gram of the sodium salt in one liter distilled water);
chloroform, neutral to erythrosin.
Procedure: With a graduated glass or flask measure 100 cc.
of the sample to be tested into the 250 cc. glass-stoppered bottle,
FIG. 63. Apparatus for Free Carbonic-Acid Test.
add 1 cc. of erythrosin with a pipette and 5 cc. of chloroform.
Cork the bottle and shake well. If the sample has a pink color it
is alkaline. In that case titrate with ^ sulphuric acid, adding a
little at a time, and shaking well after each addition. Continue
to add the^acid until the pink color disappears. The number of
cubic centimeters of sulphuric acid added, multiplied by 10, gives
the alkalinity in parts per million.
In case the sample remains white after adding the erythrosin y
it is acid, and should be titrated in a similar manner, using the 5 ^
sodium carbonate. The number of cubic centimeters of sodium
carbonate used, multiplied by 10, gives the acidit- r in parts per
million as H^SO*.
Remarks: For strict accuracy, a correction should be applied
for the alkalinity of the erythrosin. This correction can be
obtained by running a test as above with distilled water, when
the alkalinity obtained will be that due to the erythrosin. In gen-
eral, this correction is about 1 part per million, to be subtracted
for alkaline samples and added for acid samples.
The chloroform used can be recovered by emptying the samples
into a wide-mouthed bottle after the test. The chloroform col-
lects in the bottom of the bottle, the water above can be decanted
from time to time, and when sufficient chloroform has collected it
can be recovered by redistillation.
If the sample is very turbid, it should be filtered before the test,
so that the action of the indicator will not be obscured.
Free Carbonic Acid. Apparatus: 1-100 cc. burette, graduated
to 1/10 cc. for f- Q sodium carbonate* 1-250 cc. porcelain dish or
casserole; glass stirring rod.
Reagents: ^ sodium carbonate (Na^COs) and phenolphthalein
solution (1 gram in 200 cc. of 50-per-cent alcohol).
Procedure: Pour 100 cc. of the sample into the procelain dish
and add a few drops of phenolphthalein. If the water remains
colorless it contains carbonic acid. In that case, add sodium car-
bonate from the burette slowly, gently stirring the water mean-
while. Continue adding sodium carbonate until a faint, per-
manent pink color appears in the water. The number of cubic
centimeters of sodium carbonate added, multiplied by 4.4, gives
the amount of free carbonic acid (as CO 2 ) in parts per million.
Remarks: To obtain accurate results, it is very important
that in collecting the sample, carrying it to the laboratory, and in
conducting the test, it be as little agitated as possible, since the
free C02 readily escapes. The stirring rod should be used gently,
merely to mix the reagent through the sample. A rubber-tipped
stirring rod can be used to advantage.
As in the alkalinity test, a very turbid water can be filtered
before the test, but this must be accomplished with the least
possible agitation.
In acid waters erroneous results will be obtained, due to the
phenolphthalein indicating the acids as well as the CO 2 . In such
a case, run the test as above outlined, then subtract from the
reading in cubic centimeters of sodium carbonate required to
obtain a pink coloration with phenolphthalein, two times the
number of cubic centimeters required for the acid test with
erythrosin, and multiply the remainder by 4.4 to obtain the
parts per million of C0 2 .
Example: Acidity test with erythrosin required 10 cc. of ^
CO2 test with phenolphthalein required 25 cc.
2 X 10 cc. = 20 cc.
Multiplying by
Parts per million C0 2 22.0
The same result can be obtained by determining the amount
of sodium carbonate required with phenolphthalein, then taking
a second sample, boiling off the free carbonic acid, and repeating;
the test. The difference between the two tests, in cubic centi-
meters, multiplied by 4.4, will give the CO 2 in parts per million.
Swamp waters and others containing weak organic acids may
give slightly erroneous results in the above test, but this error is
generally relatively unimportant.
By means of Plate I, the results of alkalinity, acidity, and CO 2
tests can be determined graphically from the burette readings.
In this chart the necessary corrections for the effect of reagents
and the presence of acids in the free carbonic-acid test are made.
The chart is ruled with a series of horizontal lines corresponding to
the number of cubic centimeters of reagent required in making the
test. There is also a series of vertical lines corresponding to the
results required in parts per million, as indicated by the figures
along the lower margin. Three heavy diagonal lines are drawn
across the chart, representing respectively the relation of the de-
sired result in parts per million to the cubic centimeters of reagent
used, for the free carbonic-acid test, titrating with one-fiftieth
normal sodium carbonate and phenolphthalein indicator, for the
alkalinity test and for the acidity test, with (in both cases) eryth-
rosin as indicator, and one-fiftieth normal sulphuric acid and sodi-
um carbonate respectively. The fine diagonal lines in the lower left
corner are for use in correcting the carbonic-acid results in acid
water. The uses of this chart are best illustrated by examples:
Example No. 1. Alkalinity Test with Erythrosin. In test-
ing a water for alkalinity according to instructions given on page
104, 12.60 cubic centimeters of ^ sulphuric acid are required to
discharge the pink color of the erythrosin. Look along the left-
hand margin of the chart for the horizontal line corresponding to
12.6. As each horizontal line represents two-tenths of a cubic
centimeter of reagent, the required line is the third above the
heavy line marked 12. Follow this horizontal line toward the
right until it crosses the diagonal line marked " Alkalinity with
1 cc. Erythrosin." This intersection occurs midway between
two vertical lines. Following downward between these lines to
the lower margin, this is intersected two and one-half spaces be-
yond the 120 line. As each space on the lower margin corresponds
to two parts per million, the result of the test, in parts per million,
is 125.
Example No. 2. Acidity Test with Erythrosin. In a test
made according to instructions on page 104, 6 cubic centimeters
were required before the pink color of the erythrosin appeared.
Look along the left-hand margin of the chart, below the zero line,
and find 6 on the scale marked " 5^ Sodium Carbonate in CC."
Follow this line horizontally toward the right until the diagonal
line marked " H 2 SO 4 Acidity with 1 cc. Erythrosin " is intersected.
This occurs midway between two vertical lines. Following down-
ward between these to the lower margin, this is intersected one-half
space beyond the heavy vertical line marked 60. As each space
on the lower margin corresponds to two parts per million, the
result of the test, in parts per million, is 61.
Example No. 3. Test for Free CO 2 with Phenolphthalein. In
making a test for free CO 2 in accordance with instructions on page
106, 7 cubic centimeters of reagent were used to produce a pink
color. In the left-hand margin of the chart find 7 in the column
marked " Reagent Required in Cubic Centimeters." Tracing to
the right along the horizontal line through this point, until the
diagonal marked " Free CC>2 with Phenolphthalein " is reached,
follow downward along the vertical line through this intersection,
and at the lower margin find 30.8 as the result in parts per million.
Example No. 4. Test for Free CO 2 in an Acid Water. As-
suming that it is desired to test for free CO2 a sample of water
which has an acidity with erythrosin of 24 parts per million
(requiring 2.4 cubic centimeters of ^ Na 2 C0 3 to neutralize). It
is found to require 7.1 cubic centimeters of ^ Na^COs to produce
a pink color phenolphthalein. In the scale on the left-hand margin
estimate the point corresponding to 7.1 (7 is the line midway be-
tween 6 and 8; 7.1 would be 1/20 of a space, a very small distance,
above this). Follow this line horizontally toward the right until
the " Free CO 2 " diagonal is reached. This occurs about midway
between two vertical lines. Follow downward between these until
the horizontal line under " " in the left-hand scale is reached.
From this point continue downward 'and toward the left, parallel
to the light diagonals until the horizontal line through 2.4 cc.on the
" 5^ Sodium Carbonate " scale is reached. (This horizontal is the
second line below " 2 " on this scale, as each space represents
0.2 cc. of reagent.) From this intersection follow vertically down-
ward to the lower margin, where the result in parts per million is
found to be 10.
Alkalimetry and Indicators. The tests for alkalinity and C0 2
involve the use of alkalimetry (or acidimetry) and indicators.
The bases (as sodium hydroxid (NaOH) and calcium hydroxid
(Ca(OH) 2 ) and certain salts cause alkaline reaction in water due to
the presence of hydroxyl (OHO ions. The salts give this reaction
by interaction with the water, a phenomenon known as hydrolysis.
As an example of this interaction take a solution of sodium car-
bonate in water; the salt is ionized as Na" and CO 3 ", the water
slightly as H* and OH'. The two possible products are sodium
hydroxid (NaOH) and carbonic acid (H 2 C0 3 ). The latter is a
weak acid very slightly ionized which does not affect the prop-
erties of the solution. The sodium hydroxid is ionized to a much
greater extent, giving the water an alkaline reaction. This inter-
action may be represented schematically :
2H 2 ^2H' '^
Other salts, which by hydrolytic action with water produce a
highly ionized acid, give the water an acid reaction. Thus the
hydrolysis of aluminum sulphate is as follows :
Al 2 (S0 4 ) 3 ^2Al-"+3S0 4 //
6H 2 O ^6H' + 6OH'
The indicators used, phenolphthalein and erythrosin, have the
faculty of indicating the presence of a small excess of either
hydroxyl ions (OH') or hydrions (H) by changes of color. The
phenolphthalein (Ci 4 HioO 4 ), a colorless substance and very feebly
acid, is not perceptibly dissociated in solution :
Ci 4 H 10 O 4 (colorless) ^ C 14 H 9 O 4 ' (red) + H'
In the presence of an alkaline salt the H ion combines with the
OH' ion present and the above equilibrium is displaced forward,
and a visible amount of the red negative ion is formed.
The action of these two indicators with substances commonly
met with in the above tests is as follows:
Sulphuric acid H 2 SO
Ferrous sulphate FeSO 4
Aluminum sulphate Al,(SO.j)-$
Carbonic acid H 2 CO 3
Not indicated
Sodium bicarbonate NaHCO^
Not indicated
Calcium bicarbonate, CaH 2 (CO 3 ),
Sodium carbonate Na,CO>.
Not indicated
Calcium carbonate CaCO^. . .
Sodium hydroxid NaOH.
Calcium hydroxid Ca(OH),. . .
Sodium chlorid NaCl.
Not indicated
Not indicated
Sodium sulphate Na.>SO 4
Not indicated
Not indicated
Calcium sulphate CaSO 4
Not indicated
Not indicated
From this tabulation it is seen that phenolphthalein is a most
delicate indicator with acids, indicating even carbonic acid. Its
use in determining the acidity of a water would be confusing, as
it would be affected by carbonic and weak organic acids present.
Erythrosin indicates both sulphuric acid and the acid sulphates
of aluminum and iron. If it is desired to determine the free sul-
phuric acid only, a less delicate indicator methyl orange*
* Methyl-orange indicator is made by dissolving 1/10 gram of the com-
pound (also known as Orange III) in a few cubic centimeters of alcohol and
diluting to 100 cc. with distilled water. The 100 cc. sample to be tested for
acidity is titrated in the cold with sodium carbonate solution (^ ) using a few
drops of methyl orange as an indicator. The methyl orange gives a red color
with acid water, which changes to yellow when the acid is neutralized.
must be used instead of erythrosin and chloroform, in the test for
The table also shows that alkalinity may be due to the bicar-
bonates, carbonates, and hydroxids of the alkalies and alkaline
earth metals. Bicarbonates in an untreated water are generally
attributed to calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg), while car-
bonates are attributed to sodium (Na) and potassium (K), as the
carbonates of these metals are soluble in water, whereas those of
calcium and magnesium are only very sparingly soluble. If there
is a sufficiency or surplus of carbonic acid present, all the alkalinity
will exist as bicarbonates. Bicarbonates and hydroxids cannot
exist together, as they react chemically, forming carbonates and
water. It will be noted that erythrosin indicates all three kinds
of alkalinity, whereas phenolphthalein indicates only carbonates
and hydroxids. Another peculiarity of the alkalinity with phenol-
phthalein arises from the fact that it does not indicate bicarbonates.
The reaction in neutralizing alkalinity with standard sulphuric
acid may be represented by the equations:
CaCO 3 + H 2 SO 4 = CaSO 4 + H 2 CO 3
CaCO 3 + H 2 C0 3 = CaH 2 (CO 3 ) 2
Thus one unit of sulphuric acid neutralizes two units of carbonates
as indicated by phenolphthalein. The following rules for de-
termining the three types of alkalinity may be given:
1. When an alkaline water is neutral or acid with phenolphtha-
lein the alkalinity is due to bicarbonates.
2. When the phenolphthalein alkalinity is less than half of the
erythrosin alkalinity, twice the phenolphthalein alkalinity gives
the carbonates, the difference between these and the erythrosin
alkalinity gives the bicarbonates.
3. When the phenolphthalein alkalinity is one-half the eryth-
rosin alkalinity, carbonates only are present.
4. When the phenolphthalein alkalinity is more than half
the erythrosin alkalinity, hydroxids are present. To find the
amount, multiply the difference between the two alkalinities by
two and subtract this from the erythrosin alkalinity. The re-
maining alkalinity is due to carbonates.
5. When the phenolphthalein and erythrosin alkalinities are
equal, only hydroxids are present.
Knowing the alkalinity of a water with phenolphthalein and
with erythrosin, the bicarbonates, carbonates, and hydroxids can
be determined graphically from Plate II. The horizontal lines re-
present phenolphthalein alkalinity, as indicated by the scale on
the left-hand margin, each space being equivalent to one part per
million. The diagonal lines represent erythrosin alkalinity, each
space being equivalent to 5 parts per million. The vertical lines
represent the components of these alkalinities as bicarbonates
(lower margin, toward the left), hydroxids (lower margin toward
the right), and carbonates (upper right margin). The following
examples will illustrate the use of this chart:
Example No. 1. Given a water of the following
characteristics :
Phenolphthalein alkalinity - 25
Erythrosin alkalinity - 100
Find 25 on the scale along the left-hand margin (the heavy line
midway between 20 and 30), and follow the line through this point
horizontally to the right until the erythrosin diagonal marked
100 is reached. By following the vertical through this point
downward to the lower margin, the bicarbonate alkalinity is found
to be 50 (midway between 40 and 60). If the horizontal line
through 25 is followed further to the right, it will be found to take
a sharp upward turn, and continuing along this to the upper mar-
gin the carbonate alkalinity of the water is found to be 50
Example No. 2. Given a water of the following
characteristics :
Phenolphthalein alkalinity 40
Erythrosin alkalinity - 60
Find 40 on the scale along the left-hand margin, and follow this
line horizontally to the right until it intersects the erythrosin
diagonal marked 60. Following the vertical line through this
point downward to the lower margin, the water is found to have a
hydroxid or caustic alkalinity of 20 parts per million. Following
the heavy diagonal line through this same point of intersection
upward to the upper margin, the carbonate alkalinity is found to
be 40 parts per million.
The above determinations are in terms of calcium carbonate.
More properly they should be multiplied by the following
factors :
Substance as
Multiply By
Gives Result As
Bicarbonates. . .
Carbonates ....
Calcium bicarbonate (CaH 2 (CO 3 ) 2 )
Sodium carbonate (Na 2 CO 3 )
Calcium hydroxid (Ca(OH) 2 )
Sometimes it is desirable to determine the " half -bound " and
" bound" carbonic acid (CO 2 ). To obtain these data, multiply the
bicarbonates and carbonates respectively (in terms of calcium
carbonate) by 0.44. It is not correct to record bicarbonates and
half -bound CO 2 , or carbonates and bound CO 2 , in an analysis, as the
one includes the other in both cases. Free CC>2, however, is an
independent substance, as its name implies.
Iron. Apparatus: 1-100 cc. measuring glass; 1-250 cc. porcelain
evaporating dish; 100 cc. Nessler tubes, IJ/g mcn diameter by 5J^
inches high to 100 cc. mark (at least twelve are required for per-
manent standards); 1-100 cc. burette, graduated to 1/10 cc. for
standard iron solution.
Reagents: Hydrochloric acid (1:1); nitric acid (1:2); potas-
sium permanganate solution (5 gm. per liter); potassium sulpho-
cyanid solution (20 gm. per liter); standard iron solution ("dissolve
0.7 gram of crystallized ferrous ammonium sulphate in 50 cc. of
distilled water and add 20 cc. of dilute sulphuric acid. Warm
the solution slightly and add potassium permanganate until the
iron is completely oxidized. Dilute the solution to one liter."*
One cc. of this standard solution in 100 cc. of distilled water is
equal to one part per million of iron).
Procedure: Boil 100 cc. of the sample several minutes in an
evaporating dish with 5 cc. nitric acid. Add two or three drops
of the potassium permanganate solution and allow to stand a few
minutes. If the red color disappears, add more permanganate, drop
by drop, until a faint pink color persists. Add 10 cc. of the potas-
sium sulphocyanid solution, mix thoroughly, and pour into a 100 cc.
Nessler tube. Pour 100 cc. of distilled water into a second
Nessler tube, add 5 cc. of nitric acid and 10 cc. of potassium
* " Standard Methods of Water Analysis." American Public Health
sulphocyanid. Add standard iron solution to the second Nessler
tube until the color of its contents matches that of the sample.
The number of cc. of iron standard added gives the dissolved iron
in parts per million.
If the sample contains organic matter, it must be treated as
follows: after filtering, evaporate to dryness and ignite to destroy
FIG. 64. Apparatus for Iron Test.
organic matter; cool and add 5 cc. of hydrochloric acid (1:1) to
residue, and if this is not dissolved immediately, heat gently; wash
the liquid into a 100 cc. Nessler tube, and make up to 100 cc.
with distilled water; then add potassium permanganate and sul-
phocyanid and proceed as before, using hydrochloric acid in the
second Nessler tube also.
If desired, permanent iron standards, similar to the color
standards herein before described, can be made up. The follow-
ing solutions are required:*
Platinum solution: 12 grams of potassium platinic chlorid
(PtCl 4 ,2KCl), dissolved in distilled water, with the addition of
100 cc. strong hydrochloric acid, and made up to one liter with
distilled water.
Cobalt solution: 24 grams of cobaltous chlorid crystals
(CoCl 2 ,6H 2 O), dissolved in distilled water, with the addition of
100 cc. strong hydrochloric acid, and made up to one liter with
distilled water. The standards are made up by the addition of
various amounts of these solutions to distilled water in the 100 cc.
Nessler tubes described under " Apparatus," as follows:
No. of CC.
No. of CC.
No. of CC.
No. of CC.
Solution, Platinum
Parts per
Parts per
In each case the platinum and cobalt solutions are poured into the
Nessler tube first and enough distilled water is added to make up
the solution to the 100 cc. mark. The water to be tested is treated
as before, and after adding the potassium sulphocyanid is im-
mediately compared with the permanent standards.
Logwood Test for Free Alum and Iron. Apparatus: Two
250 cc. porcelain dishes or casseroles.
Reagents: Solution of logwood in distilled water; acetic acid
(glacial) .
Procedure: Pour 100 cc. of water to be tested into each of
two porcelain dishes. To the second dish add a small piece of
alum or iron sulphate, and run this dish as a control, to check the
color changes in the sample being tested. Add a few drops of log-
wood solution to each dish, stir gently, and observe the colors.
Then add a few drops of acetic acid to each dish, stir, and note the
* Jackson, Tech. Quar. } 13, p. 320.
color changes. The colors obtained vary slightly with different
waters, thence the need for running the check sample containing
alum or iron along with the water being tested. Approximately
the following color changes occur: If alum is present: when log-
wood is added, the water turns blue, when acetic acid is added the
blue changes to red, fading gradually to yellow. If no alum is
present: when logwood is added, the water turns red, when acetic
acid is added, it changes to yellow. If iron is present : when log-
wood is added, the water turns a greenish black, when acetic acid
is added the same color persists, changing gradually to yellow. If
no iron is present, the color changes are the same as when no alum
is present.
Test for Excess of Hypochlorite of Lime. Where a water is
being sterilized with hypochlorite of lime, the following test may be
used to indicate an excess in the treated water.* Fill a quart
bottle with the treated water, add a small crystal of potassium
iodid (K I), a few drops of weak acetic acid, and a teaspoonful of
starch solution and shake thoroughly. A blue tint indicates an
excess of hypochlorite, a violeij tint shows that the amount being
used is not excessive. The starch solution is made by boiling one
part of starch in 200 of water for several minutes. Add a few drops
of chloroform to preserve the solution. The bacterial test for
sterility is most important, the above test being merely confirma-
tory and for use where facilities for bacterial work are absent.
Test for Strength of Hypochlorite Solutions. Place 10 cc. of
the solution to be tested in a beaker or glass and slowly run in
1/10 alkaline arsenite solution, f stirring contents with a glass rod.
At frequent intervals, a drop of the solution is removed on the
glass rod and brought into contact with prepared starch paper. f
Continue titration until no blue color is produced on the paper in
this way. The cubic centimeters of arsenite solution used multi-
plied by 0.0355 gives the available chlorine in per cent.
* G. S. Woodhead, Surveyor, July 22, 1910.
t See Appendix B for preparation.
THE bacteriological tests of water are of first importance in
passing upon the safety and purity of a potable water, since the
presence of a large number of bacteria in water is a certain
indication of pollution and such pollution may include the
" germs" of typhoid fever and other diseases, resulting in the
production of these diseases amongst drinkers of the water so
Because the routine of water bacteriology is apparently so
simple, there is a great tendency to slight the details upon which
success depends, and there is also an inclination upon the part
of certain persons in authoritative positions to assert and recom-
mend that the tests can be made with inexpensive apparatus sup-
plemented by home-made makeshifts. But this can be done only
by the use of an intimate skill and knowledge of detail which the
amateur does not possess, besides wasting valuable time. Even
with first-class apparatus, which in part compensates for the ama-
teur's lack of knowledge and skill as to details, he will find plenty
of pitfalls, and in addition the average filter-plant operator is
not blessed with much leisure time to devote to this portion
of his work. Therefore, the writer has not hesitated to specify
all such apparatus as will be needed to properly and expedi-
tiously perform the tests in question, carefully refraining from
Especially to be kept in mind are:
1. Accuracy in all measurements, weighings, titrations, tem-
peratures, etc.
2. Sterility of apparatus, remembering that bacteria are ubi-
quitous and many form spores which are able to resist slipshod
attempts at sterilization.
3. Contamination of apparatus and material during operations,
due to bacteria and dust from the air, from handling, etc., which
can only be avoided by scrupulous care and a constant guard
against all possible sources of such contamination.
While th instructions here given are quite full, it is always
advisable for the beginner to obtain at least a few days' tuition
under an experienced bacteriologist, as there are many small de-
tails which can be best imparted by personal instruction. It is
further advisable to arrange for periodic visits by a waterworks'
chemist and bacteriologist for the purpose of checking up methods,
especially during the first year or so.
The Laboratory. This should preferably be a separate room,
but force of circumstances may necessitate the use of a portion of
a room intended primarily for other purposes, in which case it
is desirable to enclose the portion so used by means of glazed
partitions. It should be well lighted, and special effort should
be made to obtain a northern exposure, because of the uniformity
of light and absence of direct rays of the sun. It should not
be exposed to dust, either chemical or ordinary, nor to fumes, such
as chlorin ga's, etc., even in minute quantities.
Uniformity in temperature is of course desirable and for reli-
ability steam or hot-water heat is probably best.
As to furniture, a large, firm table is needed for plating, count-
ing, etc., which should contain some drawers of ample size. There
should be a cupboard, or shelves, for apparatus and chemicals,
and a separate bench for the gas stove, etc. A large sink with
running water and drainage is a necessity.
Schedules for Bacterial Tests. Three schedules for making
bacterial tests will be given, in order to show just what tests
should be made, and to furnish a definite basis for listing apparatus
and equipment. In all cases daily tests should be made, and it
will be assumed that glassware will be dry-sterilized weekly and
that media is to be made up biweekly, where this part of the
work is done.
Schedule A. This is for cases where all media is bought ready
for use, as may be done to advantage in small plants, especially
since it is now generally recognized that uniformity and reliability
of results depend to a larger extent upon the care and accuracy
with which the media are prepared than was formerly realized.
Under this schedule only the daily plating, incubating and count-
ing, and the weekly cleaning-up and sterilizing of glassware are to
be done by the operator at the plant. The daily tests have been
made as few and as simple as are consistent with obtaining the
minimum data required for plant control.
2 Sample bottles
a. Sampling Raw and Filtered
b. Plate Counts at 37, 24 hours:
1. Raw plate 1 cc., 1/10 cc.,
1/100 cc.
2. Filtered plate 21 cc.
3. Control plate 1 1 cc.
c. Fermentation at 37, 24 hours:
1 Raw 1 cc., 1/10 cc.,
1/100 cc.
3 Tubes agar
3 Petri dishes
2 Dilution bottles
3 Pipettes 1 cc.
1 Pipette 10 cc.
2 Tubes agar
2 Petri dishes
1 Pipette 1 cc.
i r
1 Petri dish
1 Pipette 1 cc.
3. Control 1 cc.
f 3 Fermentation tubes
\ Use same dilution bottles and
1 pipettes as in b 1.
(1 Fermentation tube
1 Fermentation tube, 10 cc.
1 Pipette 10 cc.
1 Fermentation tube
Schedule B. This contemplates the same tests as Schedule A,
but embraces also the preparation of the media required, and
therefore affects the apparatus lists hereafter given.
Schedule C. This is for a plant of moderate size, employing
a technically trained man who combines the functions of plant
superintendent with those of chemist and bacteriologist. It con-
templates the preparation of all media required. It includes a
20 or " water-bacteria" count, and the use of litmus-lactose-
agar, in place of plain agar, so as to give an additional check on
the intestinal group of bacteria.
Operation Apparatus
a. Sampling Raw and Filtered 1 2 _g le bottleg
Water J
b. Plate Counts at 20, 48 hours:
f 3 Tubes gelatin
3 Petri dishes
1. Raw plate 1 cc.. 1/10 cc., , ,. , ,,,
' \ 2 Dilution bottles
1/100 cc. T,.
3 Pipettes 1 cc.
1 Pipette 10 cc.
2. Filtered plate 31 cc.
c. Plate Counts at 37, 24 hours:
1. Raw plate 1 cc., 1/10 cc.,
1/100 cc.
2. Filtered plate 31 cc.
3. Control plate, 1 1 cc.
d. Fermentation at 37, 24 hours:
3 Tubes gelatin
3 Petri dishes
1 Pipette 1 cc.
3 Tubes lactose agar
1 Tube litmus solution
1 1 cc. pipette
3 Petri dishes
Use same dilution bottles and
pipettes as in b 1
3 Tubes lactose agar
3 Petri dishes
Use same litmus and pipette
as in c 1 ; use same pipette
as in b 2
1 Tube agar
1 Pipette 1 cc.
f 3 Fermentation tubes
1. Raw-l cc., 1/10 cc., Usesamedilution bo ttles and
l / 100cc - { pipettes as in 61
2 Fermentation tubes
2. Filtered-10 cc., 1 cc, 1-Fermentation tube, 10 cc.
1/10 cc. -P 1P e e- cc.
1 Pipette 1 cc.
1 Dilution bottle
3. Control 1 cc. 1 Fermentation tube
Apparatus and Equipment. The following lists give all the
apparatus required for these tests:
Schedule A (Assuming no media is to be prepared)
1 Incubator, 37 C.,about 13"X13"X14" high inside dimen-
sions; two movable shelves.
1 Sterilizer, Hot Air, about 14" X 24" X 18".
1 Ice Box, for storing media, about 2 cubic feet capacity.
1 Bunsen Burner (or alcohol burner).
1 Counting Apparatus, Wolfhuegel.
1 Lens, Tripod, for counting, 5X.
1- Pot, enameled, 4" diam. X 4" deep, for melting agar.
1 Tripod Support for above pot.
1 Thermometer, 0-100 C.
3 Tube Supports, for fermentation tubes, 10 tubes each.
24 Sample Bottles, wide mouth, glass stoppers, 250 cc.
60 Petri Dishes, 10 cm. diam., 1.5 cm. deep, porous
60 1 cc. Pipettes, bacteriological.
24 10 cc. Pipettes, bacteriological.
2 Pipette Boxes, copper, 4"X4"X15".
1 Jar, of stoneware, 8" diam. X 12" high, for cleaning
1 Wash Boiler, for boiling old cultures.
1 Package Cotton Batting (non-absorbent).
12 Towels.
1 Lb. commercial sulphuric acid.
1 Lb. commercial potassium bichromate.
6 Wax glass pencils.
Schedule B (Assuming media is to be prepared) Requires in
Addition to Schedule A
I Autoclave, II" diam. X 24" deep, with 2-shelf rack and 4-
tube burner.
2 Enameled Pots, 3-quart capacity, for media.
1 Gas Stove, two-burner, or equivalent electric hot plate.
1 Balance, two-pan type, 1000 grams X 1/10 gram.
2 Burettes with glass stop-cocks, 25 cc. X 1/10 for ^ sodium
hydroxid and hydrochloric acid.
1 Burette Stand for two burettes.
6 Beakers, 350 cc. tall, with lip.
2 Funnels, ribbed glass, 6" diam.
1 Funnel, plain glass, 4", with rubber tube, pinch-cock, and
glass tip, for tubing media.
48 Dilution Bottles, round, small-necked, 8-ounce.
1 Ream Agar Filter Paper.
2 Glass Spoons or Stirring Rods, 10 inches long.
3 Flasks, Erlenmyer, 1000 cc.
6 Flasks, Erlenmyer, 250 cc., hard glass, for media.
144 Test Tubes, bacteriological, ^"X6", flint glass.
4 Wire Baskets, for test tubes, 6"X6"X5"deep.
6 Test Tube Brushes.
100 Fermentation Tubes, Dunham's, for 1 cc. samples, outer
tubes 3"X%", inner 6"X^", hard glass.
20 Fermentation Tubes, Smith's, for 10 cc. samples, American
Public Health Association Standard, large size.
25 cc. Pipettes.
1 100 cc. Graduated Cylinder.
1 4" Evaporating Dish.
1 Lb. Agar, shredded and dried.
1 500-gram Bottle Peptone, Witte's, Armour's, Difco, or Fair-
1 4-ounce Jar Beef Extract, Liebig's.
1 Lb. Lactose, chemically pure.
1 Liter Normal Hydrochloric Acid, in glass-stoppered bottle.
1 Liter -^5 Hydrochloric Acid, in glass-stoppered bottle.
1 Liter Normal Sodium Hydroxid, in rubber-stoppered bottle.
1 Liter ^ Sodium Hydroxid, in rubber-stoppered bottle.
1 Ounce Phenolphthalein Indicator.
2 Asbestos Hot Plates, for gas stove.
1 Gallon Distilled Water (to be bought as needed), or
1 Automatic Still, capacity, ^-gallon per hour.
Schedule C Requires in addition to Schedule B
1 Incubator, 20 C., 8K"X13"X8" high, inside dimensions,
144 Test Tubes, bacteriological, %"X6", flint glass.
2 Wire Baskets for test tubes, 6"X6"X5" deep.
10 Fermentation Tubes, Dunham's for 1 cc. samples.
12 Dilution Bottles, round, small-necked, 8-ounce.
60 Petri Dishes, 10 cm. diam., 1.5 cm. deep, porous covers.
12 1 cc. Pipettes, bacteriological.
1 4-ounce bottle Litmus, c. p.
1 Lb. best French Gelatin.
1 Wire loop, No. 27 g, platinum, in glass handle.
The apparatus listed for Schedule A costs approximately $160; the addi-
tional apparatus for Schedule B costs approximately $150, or a total of $310;
the additional apparatus for^Schedule C costs approximately $90, or a total
of $400. Estimates are based
on 1919 prices.
Hot Air or Dry Steril-
izer. This is used for
sterilizing glassware. It
consists of an oven of
sheet metal or asbestos,
with double walls, con-
structed so as to pro-
duce a uniform heat all
around the inside of the
oven by connected open-
ings between the double-
walled door and the
sides. It should be pro-
vided with one or more
wire shelves. A ther-
mometer should be pro-
vided for noting the
temperature of steriliza-
tion. A thermostat for FIG. 65 is condensed
against the outer surface
and flows down between the double walls to the water-pan.
Media must be subjected to the streaming steam for half an hour
on three successive days before it can be considered sterilized.
The 37 Incubator. Two types of construction are used in
incubators. In one type a copper water-jacket forms three sides,
top and bottom of the incubator, the fourth side being occupied
by a double door, the inner of glass. This water-jacketed chamber
is further surrounded by an insulating cover with an air space
between, through which
the heated air, which
maintains the proper
temperature within the
incubator, circulates. In
this type, the mainten-
ance of a uniform tem-
perature depends upon
the heat storage capacity
of the water surrounding
the incubating chamber,
and it would seem need-
less to say that the
water-jacket should be
kept full, were it not
that occasionally such
incubators are found in
operation with the water-
jacket only partially
filled or even empty. In
the second type, the
walls are built of several
plies of insulating ma-
terials, asbestos, felt, etc.,
no water-jacket being
used, but the same ar-
rangement of two doors,
an inner one of glass, and an outer one of wood or metal, being
The incubator may be heated by an oil lamp, by gas, or by elec-
tricity, using, in the last case, either heating coils or carbon lamps.
A thermostat is provided, which automatically regulates the heat-
ing element so as to maintain a predetermined temperature in
the incubator. A new incubator should be tested to see that the
thermostat maintains a constant temperature and that the tem-
perature in various parts of the chamber is uniform, at least to
FIG. 686. 37 C. Incubator (open).
within 1 C. Aside from an even temperature, the essential re-
quirements in the incubating chamber are: darkness, good ven-
tilation, and moisture, the last being obtained by having a pan
of water always in the incubator. In addition, the incubator
should be kept clean, inside and out, and free from odor.
The 20 Incubator. Everything said above applies equally to
the 20 incubator. In warm weather it becomes necessary to
Courtesy Scientific Materials Company, Pittsburgh, Pa.
FIG. 68c. Incubator (Water Jacketed, Electrically Controlled,
Suitable for 20 C. Counts).
resort to artificial cooling to maintain the proper temperature.
This is accomplished by circulating cold water from an ice coil
through the water-jacket of the incubator, or else the incubator
is provided with an ice-chamber and is cooled by cold air like
an ice box. Unless proper provision is made in the first place,
trouble is sure to result if makeshift methods of keeping down
the temperature are attempted, and in such cases it may be better
to circulate tap water through the water-jacket and keep a record
of the temperature of incubation. During the cooler months of
the year no trouble is met in maintaining the proper temperature,
if the incubator is placed in an underheated room. The 20
incubator is equipped with heating elements and thermostat just
as is the 37 incubator.
Cleaning Apparatus. For cleaning new and used glassware
(after boiling out) a stock solution of cleaning fluid should be
Cleaning Solution
2 liters of water, add:
100 cc. commercial sulphuric acid,
100 grams potassium bichromate,
Keep in a two-liter glass-stoppered bottle.
The stock solution is too strong for use, it being customary
to add one part of it to seven of water, in the large stone jar
provided. Flasks, test-tubes, fermentation-tubes, Petri dishes,
and pipettes should be immersed in this solution and allowed
to remain overnight. The solution should then be poured off
and the glassware should be very thoroughly rinsed under the
tap, and placed in the dry sterilizer for half an hour, to dry it.
It is convenient to wear rubber gloves and apron when handling
the cleaning solution.
Preparing Apparatus. After being cleaned as above, the appa-
ratus should be prepared for use as follows:
The sampling bottles should be stoppered, and either wrapped
separately in paper or have their stoppers and necks covered with
tin-foil. A narrow strip of paper inserted under stopper will
prevent sticking.
The flasks, test-tubes, fermentation-tubes, and dilution bottles
(if not glass-stoppered) should be plugged with cotton batting,
the cotton plug being large enough to completely fill the neck
of the tube or flask for a distance of three-quarters inch, being
seated with sufficient firmness to sustain .the weight of the tube
or flask, and with a tuft of cotton protruding for handling.
Petri dishes are closed in pairs, and then every 5 pairs (Sched-
ule A and B) or 6 pairs (Schedule C) are wrapped in paper and
tied, not to be opened until used.
Pipettes are placed in one of the copper cans, point down,
and the cover put on.
All this apparatus is then sterilized in the dry sterilizer for
two hours at 150 C., at which temperature the cotton plugs
should brown slightly.
Preparing Media, a. Nutrient Gelatin (for 20 count) :
1. Add 3.6 grams of beef extract and 6 grams of peptone to
1200 cc.* of distilled water and add 120 grams of gelatin (dried
for one-half hour at 105 C. before weighing).
2. Heat slowly in an enameled pot until all the gelatin is dis-
solved, keeping the temperature below 65 C.
3. Make up to 1200 cc. and adjust the reaction as follows:
Pour 45 cc. of distilled water (neutral to phenolphthalein) into
an evaporating dish, and add 5 cc. of the gelatin with a pipette.
Place the dish over a Bunsen burner and boil briskly for one
minute (to remove CCy, then add 1 cc. of phenolphthalein in-
dicator, and titrate with -^ sodium hydroxid until a faint, per-
manent pink color is produced, and note the reading. Twelve
times this amount of the normal sodium hydroxid is required to
render the gelatin neutral. Usually the gelatin will run from 0.5
to 1.5 per cent, acid, that is, the test will show that from 6 to 18
cc. of normal sodium hydroxid are required to render it neutral.
Since the standard reaction is 1.0 per cent, acid, no 'correction
need be made if the acidity lies within the above range. Should
the test show more acidity, then add normal sodium hydroxid
to the extent of 12 cc. less than 12 times the burette reading.
Should the broth be neutral or slightly alkaline, titrate with ^5
hydrochloric acid and add normal hydrochloric acid to the extent
of 12 cc. more than 12 times the burette reading. The addition
of acid is unusual and indicates something to be at fault with the
distilled water or the ingredients, since these themselves should
contain organic acids. After correcting the titer of the gelatin,
stir well to mix it thoroughly.
4. Filter through three layers of cotton flannel placed in the
ribbed funnel, rough side up. The filters should be arranged as
in Fig. 69. Place the wash-boiler containing about 1 inch of water
on the two-burner gas stove. Place each of the flannel-lined
funnels in a clean, one-quart Mason jar and cover with a por-
*The best way to determine these volumes is to place the empty pot on
the coarse balance, and put sufficient weights on the other scale pan to balance
it. Then add 1200 grams in weights, and pour the distilled water into the
pot until it balances again.
celain dessert plate. Now put the filters and jars in the wash-
boiler and allow them to steam for 10 minutes to warm up. Then
pour half of the gelatin (which has been kept warm) into each
FIG. 69.
FIG. 69 a.
of the filters, replace the porcelain plates, and cover the wash-
boiler. In from 5 to 10 minutes the gelatin will have all filtered
through. Do not allow it to remain unnecessarily long. Agar
filter paper may be used instead of cotton flannel.
5. Distribute into test-tubes, 10 cc. per tube, filling from 90
to 100 tubes (for two weeks' tests), putting any surplus into ster-
Coli Colonies
c FIG. 696.
a. Smith Fermentation Tubes.
6. Dunham Fermentation /Tube.
c. Plate showing Typical Colonies.
d. Wolfhuegel Counting Apparatus.
ilized Erlenmyer flasks. Use the device of Fig. 69a for tubing.
Use all test-tubes of one size, as then 10 cc. of water can be put
into one and the same height marked on all the others with a
wax pencil.
6. Sterilize in the autoclave at 15 Ibs. (120 C.) for 15 minutes
after this pressure is reached. Remove immediately and set the
tubes in a pan of water to chill. Store in ice box which contains
a pan of water to keep atmosphere moist. Do not use any media
over two weeks old.
b. Nutrient Agar* (for 37 count) :
1. Add 3.6 grams of beef extract, 6 grams of peptone, and 15
grams of agar (dried for one-half hour at 105 C. before weighing)
to 1200 cc. of distilled water. Boil in an enameled pot until dis-
solved, then make up the loss th'rough evaporation, by adding
sufficient distilled water to bring the volume up to 1200 cc.
2. Titrate a 5-cc. sample, as directed for gelatin, and if the
reaction is not already between 0.5 and 1.5 per cent, acid, adjust
as directed for gelatin.
3. Cool to 45 C. by setting pot in cold water, then warm
until melted, without stirring.
4. Filter as directed for gelatin.
5. Distribute in test-tubes, 10 cc. to each tube, putting any
surplus in Erlenmyer flasks. (Required, 90 tubes.)
6. Sterilize in the autoclave at 15 Ibs. (120 C.) for 15 min-
utes after the pressure reaches 15 Ibs. Store in ice box in moist
c. Lactose Agar* (for 37 count and acid-forming bacteria) :
1. Carry out the first step as directed under b 1. (Nutrient
2. Titrate and adjust the reaction to neutral by adding normal
sodium hydroxid to the extent of 12 times the burette reading.
3. Cool and warm as under b 3.
4. Filter as before, and pour 1000 grams into a clean pot, dis-
carding any surplus.
5. Bring to boiling-point, remove from flame, and add 10
grams of lactose, stirring thoroughly until dissolved.
*Read over directions for gelatin if not already done.
G. Distribute in test-tubes, 10 cc. per tube. (Required, 90
7. Sterilize in the autoclave at 15 Ibs. (120 C.) for 15 min-
utes after the pressure reaches 15 Ibs. Have the autoclave
thoroughly heated, with the water at boiling-point before intro-
ducing the media.
A *
d. Litmus Solution (for lactose agar plates) :
1. Add 2 grams of Merck's pure reagent litmus (previously
powdered) to 100 cc. of distilled water, and boil for 5 minutes.
2. Distribute into cotton-plugged, sterilized test-tubes, 7 cc,
per tube. (Required 15 tubes.)
3. Sterilize in the autoclave for 5 minutes at 15 Ibs. (120 C.)
e. Lactose Broth * (for Coli test in fermentation tubes) :
1. Add 6 grams of beef extract and 10 grams of peptone to
2000 cc. of distilled water.
2. Heat slowly in a 3-quart pot until dissolved, reaching a
temperature of at least 65 C.
3. Make up lost weight, titrate a 5-cc. sample, and adjust the
reaction to neutral by adding normal sodium hydroxid to the
extent of 20 times the burette reading.
4. Cool to 25 C. and filter through agar filter paper.
5. Bring to boiling-point, remove from flame, and add 20
grams of lactose, stirring thoroughly until dissolved.
6. Distribute into fermentation-tubes as follows:
a. 80 Dunham tubes, cotton-plugged and sterilized. Fill
each tube about half full, allowing the inner tube to
float on top of the broth, open end down. It is im-
portant to fill Dunham tubes with broth boiling
hot, and to sterilize at once, otherwise air-bubbles
may appear in the inner tubes.
6. 16 Smith tubes, large size. Fill the closed arm com-
pletely, but only have enough broth in the bowl to
form an effective seal.
/. Dilution Bottles.
With the graduated cylinder, measure 101 cc. of distilled
water into each of 16 sterilized dilution bottles, and 90 cc. of
* Read over directions for gelatin if not already done.
distilled water into each of 32 sterilized dilution bottles, reinsert
the cotton plugs, and sterilize in the autoclave for 15 minutes at
15 Ibs. (120 C.). This is for Schedule C; for Schedule B only 16
of the 90 cc. dilutions are needed, for two weeks' tests.
(If test-tubes are used instead of dilution bottles, measure
out 9 cc. of distilled water per tube, which should be plugged
FIG. 70. Apparatus for Bacterial Tests.
Note tubes of sterile distilled water in basket, agar tubes warming in water
bath, sterile Petri dishes (those behind have porous earthenware covers),
fermentation tubes, sterile pipettes, and sample collecting bottles.
and sterilized as for media. In this case Schedule C will require
64 tubes and Schedule B, 48 tubes. Dilution bottles are prefer-
Testing Media. At least three tubes of each fresh batch of
media, whether agar, gelatin, or broth should be tested. This is
most conveniently done by making a duplicate test of the raw
water on both the new and the old media and comparing results,
which should be approximately the same as regards number of
colonies, vigor of growth, etc.
Collecting Samples. Great care is necessary in collecting
samples to get representative ones and to prevent contamination.
Raw water samples must, of course, be taken before any chemical
has been added. Usually the filtered water sample is taken from
the discharge main, that is, after chlorination, if such is used. It
is well to take the samples from water mains or pipes rather than
from basins or tanks, since the mixing action incident to flow
through pipes insures a representative sample, which is not the
case in quiescent water of basins or tanks. Therefore, it is rec-
ommended that the raw water sample be taken either from the
low-service pump suction or discharge, and the filtered water
sample from the high-service discharge main just as it leaves
the pumping station. In each case these should be tapped by
}/2-mch pipes provided with full-size bib cocks, and these should
be allowed to run full open for 10 minutes before taking the
samples. In removing the tin-foil or paper and opening the bottle,
FIG. 71. Plating Gelatin or Agar.
avoid touching the rim or mouth of same. While filling the
bottle hold the glass stopper by the top, carefully out of contact
with anything. In filling the bottle and replacing the stopper
the water must not be allowed to run from the fingers upon the
stopper or into the mouth of the bottle. Samples from basins,
tanks, rivers, etc., are generally taken about a foot below the
surface, the bottle pointing against the current, or in quiescent
water with a sweeping motion. For routine analyses fill the
bottle only half full, but where storage or transportation are
necessary, fill it completely, leaving a small air space only for
expansion. Routine samples should be plated at once. Where
transportation or storage is necessary the period should not exceed
6 hours for impure water or 12 hours for pure water, and during
storage the temperature shall be kept as near 10 C. as possible.
A note shall be made of the time and conditions of storage.
Plating on Gelatin and Agar (for bacterial counts). (The pro-
cedure is described for Schedule C, which is the most complete,
and the reader can easily make the necessary omissions for
Schedules A and B).
An hour before collecting the samples place 6 small and 1
large fermentation-tube in the autoclave or Arnold and heat to
drive off dissolved gases. Then after seeing that there are no
gas-bubbles in the tube, place them in the 37 incubator to temper
until ready to be inoculated.
Place 8 tubes of lactose agar (plain agar for Schedule A and
B), and 7 tubes of gelatin (omitted in A and B) vertically in the
small melting pot, and add water sufficient to submerge the media
in the tubes. Place pot on tripod over the Bunsen burner and
heat to about 65 until the media is entirely melted. Then allow
to cool and maintain at about 45 C. until used. Keep a ther-
mometer in the pot.
Set out 13 sterilized Petri dishes and mark them all with a
wax pencil with date, six "Raw," six "Filt.," three each of Raw
and Filt. "20" and the remainder "37," mark the last one
"Control." Then mark one each of the 20 and 37 Raw, "1,"
"1/10," "1/100." The "Filt." are all for 1 cc. samples.
Set out also one 101 cc. dilution bottle, marking same "1/100
R.," and one 90 cc. dilution bottle, marking it "1/10 R.," and
one 90 cc. dilution bottle for the filtered marked "1/10 F." Also
place handily the can of sterilized pipettes and the empty can
in which the used pipettes are to be placed immediately.
Remove the fermentation-tubes from the incubator, setting
three with the group of dishes arid dilution bottles for the
raw water, and three with the filtered group, marking them
"R. 1/100," "R. 1/10," "R. 1," and "F. 1/10," "F. 1," and
"F. 10" (the large one), respectively, and one "Control," to-
gether with date.
Flame the mouth of the " 1/100 R." dilution bottle, remove the
stopper, holding same between the second and third finger of the
left hand by the tuft, and refraining from touching it to anything.
Take a sterile 1 cc. pipette and, immersing the tip slightly below
the surface of the dilution water, draw off 1 cc., and introduce
it into the Petri dish marked "Control." Similarly introduce
a second pipetteful into the fermentation-tube marked "Control"
and discard the pipette.
Now take the raw sample and, after shaking vigorously at
least 25 times with a stroke of 12 inches., remove stopper care-
fully, and with a sterile 1 cc. pipette introduce 1 cc. of the sample
into each of the two Petri dishes marked, "Raw. 1", faising the
covers only far enough to admit the point of the pipette, and
also, with the same pipette, introduce 1 cc. of the sample into the
" 1/100 R." dilution bottle and into the Rl fermentation-tube
(replacing cotton stoppers*). Do not immerse the tip of the
pipette in the liquors inoculated and do not blow through it.
Now discard this pipette and place it in the empty can. Now
with a sterile 10 cc. pipette introduce 10 cc. of the sample into
the "1/10 R." dilution bottle.
Next take up the "1/100 R." dilution bottle and shake it
vigorously 25 times. Then, using a sterile 1 cc. pipette, intro-
duce 1 cc. of the dilution into each of the two Petri dishes marked
"Raw, 1/100" and into the fermentation-tube marked "R. 1/100."
Discard the pipette.
Then, take up the "1/10 R." dilution bottle and shake it
vigorously 25 times. Using a sterile 1 cc. pipette, introduce 1 cc.
of the dilution into each of the two Petri dishes marked "Raw
1/10" and into the fermentation-tube marked "R 1/10" with the
usual precautions.
Remove one of the gelatin tubes from the water bath, allow
it to cool slightly, then pass the cotton plug through the Bunsen
flame, and remove it. Flame the mouth of the tube and pour
the gelatin into one of the 20 Petri dishes, just raising the cover
far enough to admit the mouth of the tube. Then immediately
tilt the dish slightly back and forth so as to give the contents
a rotating motion, which will mix the water sample and gelatin
and spread the mixture evenly over the surface of the dish. Set
the dish on a level surface to cool and harden. Proceed similarly
with the other 20 Petri dishes.
To each of the 37 Petri dishes add 1 cc. of sterile litmus
solution, using a sterilized pipette. Then add to each dish the
contents of an agar tube (see that temperature is not over 45)
flaming the mouth of the tube as before, spread the agar evenly
over the dish, and allow it to harden as before.
Now mix sample and broth in each of the fermentation-tubes,
if of the Dunham type, by smartly tapping the side of the tube
several times, if of the Smith type, by tilting forward so that all
*The mouth of dilution bottle and fermentation-tube must be held in
the Bunsen flame before removing stopper, and stopper must be carefully
held by the tuft, without contact with anything until replaced, previous to
which it should again be passed through the flame.
the broth in the closed leg runs into the bowl, and then tilting
backward so that the closed leg is completely filled again.
Incubation. Put the gelatin plates into the 20 C. incubator
and incubate for 48 hours. Put the agar plates into the 37 C.
incubator and incubate for 24 hours. If glass-covered Petri dishes
should be used, invert them to prevent liquefaction. Put the
fermentation-tubes into the 37 C. incubator, also. At the end
FIG. 72. Plates from Incubator Ready to Be Counted.
Each spot on the plate is a colony, developed presumably from one bac-
terium. The left-hand plate is from a sample of polluted river water. The
right-hand plate is the same water after filtration. The board and lens are
used to facilitate counting.
of 24 hours examine the fermentation-tubes for gas formation
and make a record of the finding for each tube, as either :
a. Gas absent.
b. Gas less than 10 per cent, of closed arm of tube.
c. Gas more than 10 per cent, of closed arm of tube.
Remove the fermentation-tubes after 48 hours' incubation
and examine each tube again, recording the findings as was
done after 24 hours' incubation.
Counting and Examination. After removing the gelatin plates
count the colonies which have developed. Invert the Petri dishes
and place them on the black plate of the counting apparatus and
place the ruled counting plate on top, graduated side down.
Then count all of the colonies, using the tripod lens, unless there
are over 400, in which case discard the plate. Also discard plates
containing only a few colonies. About 200 colonies per plate give
the most accurate count. If the plate chosen is one of the dilu-
tions, say 1/10 cc., then the count must be multiplied by 10 to
give the number of bacteria per cc.; if 1/100 cc., then multiply
by 100. Study the shape and characteristics of the colonies and
try to associate them with river stage, seasonal conditions, oper-
ating difficulties, etc. Many typical forms will soon become famil-
iar and will indicate certain conditions affecting plant operation
just as significantly as the turbidity and chemical tests.
Count the agar plates in the same manner, recording separ-
ately the total counts and the red colonies.
Fermentation Tests. The purpose of the fermentation-tube
tests is to determine the presence of the Coli group of bacteria,
which are indicative of pollution. It is called a presumptive test
since it presumes that if gas is formed, B. coli are present, which
is generally but not always the case.
a. If more than 10 per cent, gas is formed in 24 hours or less,
then the test is considered as positive presumptive, and is indi-
cated on the record by a -j- in the column for the quantity tested.
b. If none or less than 10 per cent, gas is formed in 24 hours,
but gas is present in 48 hours, even in small amount, then the
result of the test is doubtful, and requires confirmation before an
entry can be made in the record.
c. If gas is entirely absent at the end of 48 hours, then the test
is considered as negative, and is indicated on the record by a in
the column for the quantity tested.
In the case of doubtful tests, with the platinum loop (after first
heating to redness in the Bunsen flame and allowing to cool),
take a loopf ul of the sediment in the bottom of the fermentation-
tube and streak this on a litmus-lactose-agar plate which has
previously been poured and allowed to harden thoroughly.
If typical colonlike red colonies have developed after incu-
bation at 37 C. for 24 hours, the test can be recorded as positive.
If no red colonies appear in 24 hours, return plates to the incu-
bator for another 24 hours. If no typical colonies have then
appeared, record the test as doubtful by means of a question-
mark, as only by a complete examination can a conclusive result
be reached in such a case.
Control Tests. The control plate and fermentation-tube
should be observed after the usual incubation period. These
should show no bacterial growths, and if they do, it indicates
that the apparatus and media used were not sterile, or that the
methods were defective. A record of the control tests should
be kept.
Boiling Out Old Cultures. Petri dishes, fermentation-tubes,
test-tubes, etc., should be boiled for one hour in the wash-boiler
provided therefor, in order to destroy the old cultures and dis-
solve the media. They should then be thoroughly rinsed and
cleaned in hot water containing a little soda, but without soap.
They are then ready to be placed in the cleaning fluid as previously
Taste and Odor. Tastes and odors are often caused by the
presence of diatoms, algae, or small animalcules in the water.
These tastes and odors are due to volatile oils given off by the
cells of these growths. A very small amount of these oils
causes a very appreciable taste, one part in ten million
being often detectable. Certain odors seem to occur at stated
seasons, some in spring and autumn, some in summer, others
in midwinter, due to the formation of minute plant growths
beneath the ice. Ground- and filtered-water supplies when
stored in reservoirs seem to be especially favorable to the
growth of algae, probably owing to the relatively large amount of
free carbonic acid which these waters contain. Covering the
reservoirs is an effective, although expensive, remedy. Treating
the water with copper sulphate is also good, one part of copper
sulphate to 2,000,000 of water destroying lower plant and animal
life in from two to four days. The proper amount of copper sul-
phate is placed in a gunny sack and dragged back and forth
through the water until it is dissolved. Aerators at the inlet to
the basin, and the chemical treatment of the water at the filter
plant so as to prevent the increase in CO 2, also help.
Dissolved gases such as hydrogen sulphid (H 2 S) and marsh
gas (CH 4 ) cause disagreeable odors which can be removed by
aeration. Odors often result from decomposing organic matter,
especially when the gases due to decomposition are confined under
ice in winter.
Most of the above tastes and odors can be removed by aera-
tion, followed by sedimentation and filtration, although swamp
waters sometimes have tastes which cannot be wholly removed.
Certain minerals cause tastes. Small amounts of oxygen,
carbonic acid, salt, etc., give water a pleasant taste; their absence
is noted in the " dead " taste of artificially distilled water. Salt
in excess of 250 parts per million of chlorine, causes a distinctly
briny taste. Iron is noticeable when it exceeds two parts per
million, and a high content of carbonates of lime and magnesium
imparts a distinct flavor and an apparent " heaviness " to the
Hypochlorite of lime, when used for sterilizing water, imparts
to it a taste and odor, especially when more than 6 to 8 pounds per
million gallons are used. It is especially noted in hot water a
fact which is true of most tastes and odors.
Turbidity. Turbidity is caused by the sediment which tne
surface runoff washes from the land and which is carried in sus-
pension in the stream or river. Naturally it is highest during a
flood, and an observer acquainted with the geology of a river basin
can tell from the color and appearance of the turbidity in what
part of the basin the rainfall causing the flood occurred. The
turbidity is composed of fine particles of silica or sand and of clay.
It is expressed most conveniently as parts per million of silica, al-
though this does not express correctly the amount of suspended
Suspended matter .
matter. The ratio, - T-TT , is called the "Turbidity
Coefficient," which generally runs from 0.4 to 0.6, but in-
creases with coarse sediment and decreases with fine. In alkaline
.waters (those containing carbonates or hydroxids of sodium and
potassuim) silica and alumina often occur in a minutely divided
or colloidal state, giving the water a smoky appearance, a form of
turbidity very difficult to remove.
Turbidity is very significant in indicating the amount of
chemical required for coagulation, as shown by Plates III and VI.
Filtered water should show no turbidity whatever, and in any
drinking water a turbidity of 5 or over will cause unfavorable
Color. Color is due to vegetable tannates and gallates, re-
sulting .from infusions of the leaves and bark of decaying vegeta-
tion, or to iron carried in solution in the form of acid carbonates
&nd sulphates, often combined with organic matter. Swamp water
is highly colored, due to the presence of decaying vegetation, peat
and muck, and the prolonged contact of these with the water.
Waters containing turbidity due to clay generally have very
low color, after the turbidity is removed, as the clay present
in the colloidal state has the power of removing coloring matter
from the water by a process known as " adsorption." For this
reason the turbid waters of the Mississippi Valley are practically
colorless, while the clear mountain streams of New England are
often very high in color.
Acid waters of swampy origin often have a black tinge, as the
acids in combination with the tannates and gallates present form a
natural ink. Iron sulphate gives to water a yellow cast, and waters
containing iron carbonates held in solution by C0 2 acquire a
very fine yellow turbidity when the CC>2 escapes, which is very
Color is undesirable, owing to the unpleasant appearance it
gives a water, and to the fact that it stains linen and vegetables,
and, in the case of iron, enamel ware and glass. Often irregularity
in the behavior of coagulants, or the failure of coagulation, has
been noticed with high color, but the reason is not yet well under-
stood.* The maximum color in a filtered water should be less
than 10 parts per million. The color will be found to decrease
during floods, owing to the greater dilution of the water, but it
sometimes happens that a river has a swampy tributary, a flood
on whose basin will flush out the swamps and cause a temporary
rise in color.
To remove color, the best results are obtained by coagulation
with alum, and filtration. It requires about 1 grain per gallon of
alum to effect a color reduction of 10 parts per million, but there
seems to be a residuum which is very difficult to remove, requiring
3 or 4 grains for each 10 parts of color. The portion so difficult to
remove is probably in true solution, the other being present as a
colloidal solution.
Alkalinity. Alkalinity is the property of a water due to the
presence of hydroxyl ions. It is caused by the hydroxids and car-
bonates of the alkalis (sodium and potassium), and by the hydrox-
ids, carbonates, and bicarbonates of the alkaline earths (calcium,
magnesium, and [occasionally] lithium). Of these the hydroxids of
calcium and magnesium are found only in filter effluents (through
improper operation), and the hydroxids of sodium and potassium
in waters of the Far West. Carbonates of soda are common in
many waters, and bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium are
almost universally present and in the majority of waters con-
* It is thought that the coloring matter forms films about the minute par-
ticles of incipient coagulum and prevents these from collecting into sizable
stitute at least fifty per cent of the mineral matter in solution.
Calcium and magnesium carbonates are only slightly soluble, and
are therefore found in small quantities only. If carbonic acid is
present it combines with the carbonates to form the highly
soluble bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium,
It is a common mistake to assume that alkalinity and " hard-
ness " are the same, for this can only be true when all the alkalinity
is due to bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium. These con-
stitute " temporary hardness," so called from the fact that they
are precipitated by heating the water, as the carbonic acid holding
them involution is then driven off. The sulphates, chlorids, and
nitrates of calcium and magnesium do not contribute to the
alkalinity of a water, yet they cause " permanent hardness," not
being precipitated by ordinary boiling, although if boiled under
pressure, as in generating steam for power purposes, they pre-
cipitate and form a hard scale in the boiler. Mineral acids also
cause hardness.
Popularly any water with which it is difficult to obtain a soap
lather is termed " hard." This difficulty arises .from the fact
that the salts of calcium and magnesium (and, to a small extent,
of iron, lithium, and zinc) form insoluble salts with soaps, which
form a scum on the sides of the containing vessel, and until the
calcium and magnesium salts are thus precipitated no lather re-
sults. Taking sodium stearate (NaCi8H 35 O 2 ) as a type of soap,
the reactions are as follows :
For temporary hardness:
For permanent hardness:
Na*SO 4
Alkalinity finds a practical use in water purification by its
reaction with alum (aluminum sulphate) to form a coagulant, as is
more fully explained in Chapter VI, and diagrammed on Plates
IV and V.
Potable waters should be alkaline at all times to the extent
of at least 10 parts per million, and a maximum alkalinity of not
over 75 is desirable in water supplies, to limit the sbap consuming
powers. For boiler-feed purposes an alkalinity of 100 or less grves
very little trouble because of soft scale.
Acidity. This test as usually run with erythrosin indicates
the acidity due to free sulphuric acid and the sulphates of iron and
aluminum. By using methyl orange as an indicator, sulphuric
acid only is indicated. The correction of acidity with lime and
soda ash is shown on Plates IV and V, and explained in Chapter
VI. Acid waters attack plumbing fixtures, piping, boilers, and
even the cast-iron impellers of centrifugal pumps and the interior
passages of plunger pumps. Ferrous sulphate, in particular, at-
tacks wrought iron vigorously. Acid waters will destroy patho-
genic bacteria such as B. coli, B. typhosus, and vegetative forms,
and such waters often seem quite sterile. Many bacteria, however,
form " spores " under adverse conditions and become active again
after the water is rendered alkaline by the lime or soda ash used in
coagulation, often to the surprise of the operator, the raw-water
counts being zero and the settled-water counts very high.
Free CO 2 . Carbonic acid is acquired by water in its passage
through the air and over and through the surface soil, being a
product of the decay and fermentation of vegetable and animal
matter. It is generally present during, or increased by, a rising
river, due to bayous, swamps, etc., containing stagnant water and
decaying vegetation, being flushed out. The indication of other
acids by this test and the correction to be made for such conditions
have been pointed out.
The faculty of CO 2 for rendering the almost insoluble carbon-
ates of calcium, magnesium, and iron soluble by entering into
combination with them has been remarked. The combination
does not seem to be a truly chemical one, as the CO 2 is readily
driven off and the normal carbonates precipitated, in the case of
calcium and magnesium, by heating, and, in the case of iron car-
bonates, by merely agitating or aerating the water. These bicar-
bonates are therefore generally indicated by chemical formulas as
follows: CaCO 3 ,H 2 CO 3 ; MgC0 3 ,H 2 C0 3 ; and FeC0 3 , H 2 CO 3 , the
commas indicating a loose or temporary type of combination.
The presence of free carbonic acid renders a water more favor-
able to the growth of algae and vegetable forms, it being an im-
portant source of food supply for plants.
In iron-lime coagulation, the CO 2 must be removed either by
the addition of sufficiently more lime (above that required to react
with the iron sulphate), or by aeration. The latter is generally
the cheaper, but to be effective the contact of the air with the
water must be intimate. Water falling in thin sheets is not very
effectively aerated, but by making it fall over successive steps,
being broken into drops at each step, due to the splashing, it is
possible to remove dissolved gases at the rate of 10 parts per
million per second of exposure in summer, and about half that
amount in winter. Where aerators are used, free CO 2 determina-
tions should be made before and after aeration to determine the
reduction, and the amount of lime ' used should be such as to
remove the free CO 2 left after aeration.
Aside from its effect on the process of coagulation, free CO2 has
a very decided corrosive action on service pipes. This corrosive
action is much more pronounced in the case of soft water than of
hard, as the latter forms a protective coating of calcium car-
bonate on the inside surface of the pipe. For this reason a small
amount of CO 2 (5 parts per million or less) is sometimes allowable
in a hard water, not subject to marked decreases in alkalinity
during floods, if it can be proven that there is no corrosive action
on pipes. Lead pipe is most easily dissolved, and as the lead re-
mains in solution in the water and is a cumulative poison, the use
of a water, rendered corrosive by CO 2 , is dangerous in such a pipe,
J^ part per million of lead being considered the danger limit.
Free C0 2 also dissolves and holds in solution zinc from the coating
of galvanized pipe, this being injurious to health, but not so dan-
gerous as lead, zinc not being cumulative (i.e., not remaining in the
system). Copper is also dissolved from brass pipe and is often a
source of complaint, as when soap is added to the water (es-
pecially if it is very clear) a blue tinge results, owing to the re-
action between the copper and the ammonia in the soap.
Water after treatment is free from carbonic acid if it reacts
pink with phenolphthalein on addition of a drop of ^ sodium car-
bonate. The proper amounts of soda and lime to use in removing
carbonic acid is taken up in connection with coagulation (Chapter
VI), and is shown on the diagrams, Plates IV, V, and VII.
Iron. Iron is present in water in the form of carbonate, ferric
sulphate, and ferrous sulphate. Most sands, gravels, and rocks
contain iron in the form of the oxid (Fe 2 O 3 ). Water containing
organic matter, coming in contact with this iron oxid in its passage
through the ground, deprives it of oxygen, in order to oxidize the
organic matter it contains, reducing the ferric oxid (Fe 2 O 3 ) to
ferrous oxid (FeO). The latter is combined with the carbonic acid
present in the water to form ferrous bicarbonate, which is carried in
solution. Wells drilled near a polluted river are generally high in
ferrous carbonates, and ground water supplies from subterranean
gravel deposits may or may not be high in iron. The amount
of iron in a water fluctuates, but if once present is not likely to de-
crease with consumption. Iron-containing waters are often clear
when first pumped from the ground, but on standing a brown
turbidity appears, as the water absorbs oxygen from the air, and as
the carbonic acid in the water escapes.
Waters containing more than 0.5 part per million of iron are
objectionable for domestic use, owing to the astringent taste, the
discoloring of linen and porcelain, and the deposits of iron oxid in
the mains, as the soluble carbonate oxidizes, which deposits ap-
pear at the faucets whenever the water in the mains is stirred up
(as during a fire) . A fungus, Crenothrix polyspora, grows in iron-
containing waters, using the soluble iron in its life processes. As
this organism requires no light, it will grow in the water mains,
causing a disagreeable taste and odor, and, after its death, the
sheath remains in the water as a brown, gelatinous precipitate.
Iron sulphate, both ferrous and ferric, is often present in water
containing coal-mine drainage, and when held in solution by, or
combined with, carbonic or organic acids, or with colloidal matter
is most difficult to remove. It is present if the water tested shows
iron and mineral acidity with erythrosin. Practically 1 part per
million of iron combines with 3 parts of mineral acidity as H 2 SO 4
to give 4 parts per million ferric sulphate. The amount of mineral
acidity used in this way cannot be greater than the difference be-
tween the acidity with erythrosin and with methyl orange, and
is less if aluminum sulphate is present. Iron sulphate has a
practical use in coagulation, as the addition of lime causes coagula-
tion to take place. This will be further taken up in Chapter VI.
Aeration is very valuable in removing soluble iron from ground
water and should be followed by sedimentation and filtration to
remove the precipitated oxid. Sometimes a satisfactory removal
cannot be accomplished in this way, and the use of lime and alum
must be resorted to.
The sulphate in mine waters is generally in both ferrous and
ferric form, but if the water is high in organic matter or for any
other reason is devoid of oxygen, it may be entirely in the ferrous
condition. The removal is accomplished as follows: To the raw
water add enough lime, a, to neutralize the free CO 2 present after
aeration (1 grain of lime per gallon to each 12 parts per million
CO2); b, to precipitate the iron sulphate as ferric hydroxid (re-
quiring 1 grain of lime per gallon to each 35 parts per million of
ferric sulphate); c, to provide an excess of lime of ^ grain per
gallon. If the water contains dissolved or colloidal organic matter
or manganese it may be necessary to increase the amount of lime
or even to add a coagulant. Aerate the water at entrance to
settling basin, and allow from 4 to 12 hours for sedimentation. A
long period of sedimentation is necessary in iron removal, other-
wise iron and calcium carbonate deposits will form in the filters.
Sedimentation should be followed by filtration in the usual manner.
Free Alum (A1 2 (SO 4 ) 3 ) in the Effluent. The logwood, test
gives indication of the presence of aluminum sulphate in the filtered
water, due to incomplete reaction with the alkalinity or lime
added to the raw water, and the consequent passing of the alum
through the filters in solution. This test is very delicate, but is
sometimes affected by abnormal conditions of the raw water. The
running of a blank known to contain aluminum sulphate prac-
tically eliminates any uncertainty. As a check, test the filtered
water for alkalinity with erythrosin. An alkaline reaction proves
that no alum is present, while an acid reaction shows the presence
of alum. Should the logwood test indicate the presence of alum,
while the filtrate is alkaline to erythrosin, it is highly probable
that minute particles of aluminum hydroxid are coming through
the filter in a colloidal form, due either to the sand being too coarse,
the " mat " on the filter being too thin, or too much lime or soda
ash, or too little alum (if the coagulation is poor) being used.
It is very important that no free aluminum sulphate be al-
lowed to get into the filtered water, owing to its corrosive and
(to a small extent) physiological effects. Positive tests in the fil-
trate maybe due: a, most often to not enough lime or soda ash being
used to combine with the alum in a water of low alkalinity; b, to
the filter beds being cracked or dirty, if the settled water is alkaline
to erythrosin; c, to the use of too much lime or, more often, soda
ash, with a turbid river water. When the filtered water is acid to
erythrosin, and the logwood test indicates free alum, lime or
soda ash should be increased so that the filtrate has a minimum
alkalinity of 10 parts per million. If the filtered water is alkaline
to erythrosin, and sufficient alkalinity is present in the raw water,
more alum should be added and care should be used to keep a
good unbroken mat on the filters: Condition " c " need cause
no alarm, the alum present being derived from the clay turbidity
of the raw water, some of which is reduced to the colloidal state
by the excessive use of lime or soda ash. In the colloidal state
(as Al2(OH) 6 ) it is neither corrosive nor physiologically harmful.
Free Iron (FeSO 4 ) in the Effluent. As with alum, this is in-
' dicated by the logwood test and verified by the acidity of the filtrate
to erythrosin. The remedies are to increase the amount of lime
used so that the settled water gives a faint pink reaction with
phenolphthalein and to wash the filters.
A. Raw Water Tests
The 20 C. Gelatin Count. The bacterial colonies developing
on the gelatin plates come from a variety of sources They in-
clude those native to natural waters, those washed in with the
drainage from fields, pastures, and woods, and those due to pollu-
tion by animal and human refuse. The count does not indicate
all the bacteria present, experiments by the author indicating
that often only 10 per cent, of those present grow on the gelatin
plate. However, the forms that do develop are very characteristic.
Normal unpolluted waters of lakes give not over about 200
bacteria per cubic centimeter on gelatin, and any numbers pres-
ent in excess of this may be taken to indicate contamination
by soil wash from fields, or the presence of sewage or putrefactive
forms. Even the surface drainage from fields, etc., cannot be
regarded as harmless, since it may include elements of human
pollution. In fact, a number of typhoid epidemics have occurred
during flood periods, when the factor of sewage pollution was
minimized by dilution.
Special attention should be given to the form, color, etc., of
the colonies, as familiarity with these is often of value in diag-
nosing the condition of the water.
The 37 C. Agar Count. This will usually be smaller than the
gelatin count as it particularly favors the type of bacteria grow-
ing at blood temperature, i.e., those present through human or
animal pollution. It therefore has considerable significance, es-
pecially in its relation to the gelatin count. In very pure waters
not only will the gelatin count be low, but the count on agar
will not exceed two or three bacteria per cubic centimeter. In the
ordinary run of raw waters, the agar count should be less than
10 per cent, of the gelatin count. In waters heavily polluted with
sewage the agar count will approach equality to the gelatin count
with increasing pollution.
Red Colonies on Litmus-Lactose- Agar. Here is another step
toward direct evidence of fecal pollution, since acid-forming col-
onies indicate the presence of one or more of the several groups of
bacteria whose native habitat is the intestines of warm-blooded
animals. Therefore, the presence of red colonies has great signifi-
cance as an indication of direct pollution.
Fermentation of Lactose Broth. This may be taken as positive
evidence of the presence of the colon group of bacilli, which are
normal inhabitants of the human intestines and therefore denote
direct pollution by human fecal matter. The colon bacillus does
not produce disease, but is akin in habitat and living conditions
to certain pathogenic bacteria, typhoid, cholera, etc., so that,
if it is present, it is quite possible that the bacteria of these dis-
eases may find their way into the water supply by the same route.
The significance of these tests is not as clean-cut as the above
would indicate, as there are exceptions to the rules, but the use
of the above interpretations errs on the side of safety.
The main purpose of the raw water tests is to serve as a basis
of comparison for the filtered water tests. Furthermore, they
serve as a record of raw water conditions, show the necessity for
filtration, and give valuable guidance in the operation of the
B. Filtered Water Tests
The 20 C. Gelatin Count. The count on gelatin should gen-
erally be less than 100 bacteria per cubic centimeter, except in the
case of turbid rivers, where it may run to 200, provided, however,
that the agar count and Coli determinations are satisfactory.
Much has been said against the percentage method of rating
filter efficiency. It is the actual number of bacteria in the fil-
tered water which is the index of potability, and therefore the
reader must not be misled by statements of high percentages of
raw water bacteria removed by filtration. However, some small
allowance must be made for the fact that when there are large
numbers of bacteria in the raw water, there will be a larger num-
ber in the filtered water, although the percentage removal will
be high, whereas, with a smaller number in the raw water, there
will be less in the filtered water, but a lower percentage removal.
This follows from operating conditions and not from any pecu-
liarity of the filtration process. Typical values are given in the
following table :
Bacteria per cc. Per Cent. Removed
Raw Filtered
100 35 to 55 55
500 70 to 100 84
1000 80 to 110 90
5000 120 to 160 97
10000 140 to 190 98.5
20000 150 to 200 99.4
30000 160 to 200 99.5
40000 170 to 210 99.55
50000 175 to 225 99.6
This shows the range which should be obtained in the gelatin
counts of the filtered water for various counts in the raw water,
and shows one way in which the raw water count may aid in inter-
preting the filtered water count.
The 87 C. Agar Count. This should be very small in the fil-
tered water, and generally below 10 per cc. While evidence is not
conclusive, it appears that the agar count should be about 10
per cent, or less of the gelatin count, in which case the values
would run from about 4 to 23 per cc., using the above table.
Where both gelatin and agar counts for the raw water are avail-
able, the ratio of the latter to the former can be obtained, and
this same ratio can be applied to the gelatin count of the filtered
water to give approximately what the agar count should be.
Red Colonies on Litmus-Lactose- Agar . Red colonies are very
significant in filtered water. There should never be more than
one or two on a plate, and such positive plates should not occur
more than once in ten times on the average. If any plate should
show more than three, or if the several plates made on the same
day should all show red colonies, or if these occurred with regu-
larity for several consecutive days, even in small numbers, every
effort should be made to increase the filtration efficiency by using
more coagulant, by more frequent washing, and by careful exam-
ination of filter-bed conditions, rate controllers, etc. In the mean-
time the dose of liquid chlorine should be increased as a temporary
Fermentation of Lactose Broth. This is a very significant test
in filtered water. For a direct interpretation of any one day's
result, at least 10 10 cc. tests would be necessary, whereas our
schedule calls for only one such test per day. However, even
if results could be obtained for each day's test, the interval of
incubation would bring them too late to act as a warning of
dangerous conditions. The filtration-plant operator must there-
fore use these tests as indication that the plant is delivering water
which is continuously satisfactory, and as a guide in establishing
operating conditions which will render him confident that there
can be no break or interruption in the good quality of the effluent.
Viewed in this light, the fermentation tests should be studied in
periods of 10 days, monthly, and annually. In the 10-day periods,
not more than 30 per cent, of the 10 cc. tests in any such period,
nor 10 per cent, of the 1 cc. tests should ever be positive. In the
monthly periods a similar proportion is allowable, while in the
annual period 40 per cent, of the 10 cc. tests, 5 per cent, of the
1 cc. tests, and 1 per cent, of the 1/10 cc. tests may be positive.
In addition, repeated positive tests in 10 cc. for more than 3
consecutive days, and in 1/10 or 1 cc. for 2 consecutive days, or
positive results in 1/10, 1, and 10 cc. on the same day should
be regarded as a warning calling for immediate remedial measures.
THE purposes of coagulation are to collect the fine suspended
matter in the water into clots or masses of a size which will readily
settle to the bottom of the sedimentation basins and to form a film
over the filter sand which will prevent even the finest suspended
particles from passing through. Coagulation also assists in re-
moving color, odors, and tastes from the water, as will be pres-
ently explained.
Description of the Process. The process of coagulation is
based on the fact that soluble salts of aluminum, iron (in both the
ferrous and ferric state), zinc, copper, and some other metals
react with solutions of the hydroxids, carbonates, and bicarbonates
of the alkalis and alkaline earths to form gelatinous precipitates
of the hydroxids of the metals. For economic reasons and be-
cause of the poisonous qualities of the salts of some of the other
metals, sulphate of aluminum or sulphate of iron are most
generally used, the required concentration of hydroxyl ions being
supplied by the salts of the alkaline earths naturally present in
water, or, in the absence of these in sufficient quantity, by the
addition of hydrated lime or soda ash.
When sulphate of aluminum or sulphate of iron (under proper
conditions) is added to water, the precipitate takes the form of
small flakes about the size of a pin-head, and white (with aluminum)
or greenish brown (with iron) in color. Due to their gelatinous
form, these flakes sink very slowly indeed, appear to the eye to
be floating in the water. As is commonly the case with reactions
between solutions in water, the precipitate tends to form about the
particles of silt, bacteria, etc., present, and in traveling through the
water, more silt becomes attached to the flakes of coagulum and
these unite, one with the other, until quite sizable masses are
formed, which either settle to the bottom of the sedimentation
basins, or are caught on the filter sand, being too large to pass
through the interstices between the grains. Such of the coagulum
as is carried over to the filters forms a gelatinous coating over the
surface of, and in the upper part of, the filter sand, which con-
stitutes the real filtering medium. Without proper coagulation,
filtration at the high rates used in the mechanical process would
be impossible, and its advantage, even with slow sand filters, is
becoming evident, as it enables them to operate at higher rates
and effects a more complete removal of organic matter.
Theory of Coagulation. Recent experiment and research in
this and allied lines of chemistry have brought to light some in-
teresting facts regarding coagulation. When aluminum sulphate
or a similar salt is added to water naturally alkaline or rendered so
artificially by the addition of lime or soda ash, a reaction takes
place, as a result of which an invisible jelly-like substance forms
throughout the water. Supposedly this has the structure of a very
open-meshed network or sponge. Under suitable conditions this
network contracts and breaks up into the flakes of coagulum al-
ready described. This change is called flocculation or coagulation.
In the present case this flocculation is brought about by the pres-
ence of an electrolyte, calcium sulphate, which is one of the by-
products of the reaction between aluminum or iron sulphate and
the hydroxyl ions present in the water. It may also occur through
the presence of fine clay or silica particles in the water, by me-
chanical agitation of the water or by allowing it to flow over
granular or glassy surfaces. The presence of organic matter or
vegetable emulsions in the water, or the presence of alkalis in
certain concentrations, will at times prevent or seriously retard
This network in contracting will envelope or entrap particles of
silt, bacteria, etc. The resulting flakes have a very fine sponge-
like structure, which enables them to absorb coloring matter and
gases in solution in the water. It is another peculiarity of this
coagulum that by its presence clay, silt, organic matter, etc., which
may be present in a very finely divided condition, are caused to
coagulate and precipitate.
The portion of the coagulum which is carried over on to the
filters forms over the sand a film or layer of gelatinous substance
perforated by very fine pores, through which water readily passes,
but which are impenetrable to fine suspended matter or even to
matter in pseudo-solution. This film on the filters also has an
absorptive action on the water passing through it, removing there-
from coloring matter and odors or tastes.
Chemicals Used in Coagulation. The chemicals used in the
process of coagulation are: aluminum sulphate, iron sulphate,
quicklime, hydrated lime, and soda ash. The properties and
characteristics of these chemicals, their use and their reactions in
water purification are described in the following paragraphs.
Aluminum Sulphate. Aluminum sulphate (Al 2 (SO 4 )3l8H 2 0),
commonly called " filter alum/ 7 in its purest commercial form con-
FIG. 73. Aluminum Sulphate and Coagulation.
sists of small lumps (J^ to 2J/2 inches in size), hard, having a greasy
feel and an opaque, greenish-white color. It should contain 51
per cent aluminum sulphate and 49 per cent water of hydration,
but owing to the process of manufacture the composition may
vary, and some authorities assign to the commercial product the
formula Al 2 (SO 4 )3l6H 2 0. Theoretically it should contain 15.3
per cent of water-soluble alumina (Al 2 Os), but it is generally speci-
fied to contain not less than 17 per cent, being known as " basic "
aluminum sulphate. It should not contain more than 0.5 per
cent of matter insoluble in cold distilled water. Impure " alum "
generally has a distinct brownish tinge. Aluminum sulphate may
be obtained in carload lots, or in barrels which weigh about 380
pounds gross.
Alum is used as a coagulant in conjunction with slaked lime,
soda ash, or the natural alkalinity of the raw water. The chemical
reactions are as follows:
1. Alum and lime,
Al 2 (S0 4 ) 3 +3Ca(OH) 2 = Al 2 (OH) 6 +3CaS0 4
2. Alum and soda ash,
3. Alum and alkalinity (as CaCO 3 ,H 2 C0 3 ),
In all three reactions the effective coagulum formed is aluminum
hydroxid (A1 2 (OH) 6 ), which appears as a flocculent precipitate.
In reactions 1 and 3, calcium sulphate (CaSO 4 ), and in reaction 2,
sodium sulphate (Na 2 SO 4 ), are formed and remain in solution.
Calcium sulphate causes permanent hardness and is objectionable,
especially in boiler-feed water, forming a very hard scale. The
increase in permanent hardness is 10.4 parts per million, or about
0.6 grain per gallon for each grain per gallon of aluminum sulphate
used. The sodium sulphate is unobjectionable in the amounts
present. In reactions 2 and 3, carbonic acid (CO 2 ) is an objection-
able by-product, especially in waters of low alkalinity, owing to its
corrosive action. Thus reaction 3, most commonly used because
cheapest, gives an effluent containing two objectionable con-
stituents, and reactions 1 and 2 an effluent containing one ob-
jectionable constituent. The ideal way, and the most expensive,
would be to use reaction 2, and add sufficient lime or soda ash to
neutralize the carbonic acid. This may be necessary in treating
waters of low alkalinity where the corrosive action of the carbonic
acid causes trouble, although it may be possible to remove part of
the C0 2 by reaeration after filtration. The carbonic acid also
gives the water an increased tendency toward algae growths,
which often become abundant when filtered water is stored in open
If sufficient alkalinity, natural or artificial, is not present to
react with the aluminum sulphate, basic sulphates will form.
These are soluble, so that no coagulation will appear under such
conditions. The reactions, using natural alkalinity, are:
Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 +CaC0 3 H 2 CO3 = Al 2 (S0 4 ) 2 (OH) 2 +CaSO 4 +2CO2
2Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 +3CaCO 3 H 2 CO 3 = Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 Al 2 (OH) 6 +3CaSO 4 +6C02
Al 2 (S04)3+2CaC0 3 H 2 C03 = Al 2 S0 4 (OH) 4 +2CaS04+4C0 2
Any one of these reactions may take place, depending on condi-
tions. This accounts for the difficulty of obtaining coagulation
sometimes met with, especially in winter, when the reactions are
slow and the coagulum formed would combine with the aluminum
sulphate still in solution. Under cold-weather conditions some of
the alum may pass through the filters in this soluble basic form, the
reaction being completed in the clear-water basin, causing the
formation of minute specks of coagulum in the filtrate. Using
more lime or soda ash will tend to remedy this condition, which is
most apt to occur when, jn addition to low temperature, the water
is low in alkalinity.
The presence of alkalis (sodium and potassium) in the water
may cause a failure to coagulate, the hydroxid forming as a colloidal
solution, which does not assist in clarifying the water and will pass
through the filters, giving the effluent a smoky appearance. A
decrease in lime or an increase in alum will assist in overcoming
" Alum " is very successful in removing color caused by the
tannates and gallates in swamp water. One grain per gallon of
aluminum sulphate will remove about 10 parts per million of color,
but this varies with different waters, the color being harder to re-
move in some cases than in others. It also removes organic
matter, as has been mentioned.
The amount of aluminum sulphate to use generally depends on
the turbidity of the raw water. With clear water a minimum of
0.3 grain per gallon should always be used, and it may be neces-
sary to increase this up to 2 grains per gallon, according to the
pollution of the stream, which in this case governs. With turbid
waters the suspended clay has considerable affinity for the organic
matter which causes pollution, removing much of it by absorptive
action, and the bacterial reduction is roughly proportional to the
reduction in turbidity, therefore the latter is used a*s a convenient
measure of the amount of coagulant required. As shown by
Plate III, the amount of aluminum sulphate required increases
with the turbidity, but less is generally required with coarse
turbidity than with fine. With very turbid waters, some of the
aluminum sulphate and aluminum hydroxid is absorbed by the
clay in suspension, and an additional allowance must be made for
this. No two waters have the same alum-turbidity ratio, and it is
recommended that each operator should determine by experiment
the most economic amount of chemical for different turbidities,
and plot a curve on Plate III covering the particular case of the
water he is treating.
The final test for the proper amount of aluminum sulphate to
use is of course the clarity of, and bacterial removal in, the filtrate.
The size of the flakes of coagulum should be about that of half a
pin-head. If the coagulated water appears clear or smoky, with no
flakes visible, more alum should be used, unless the alkalinity is
very close to a minimum required to decompose the alum being
used, in which case add more lime or soda ash. The smoky or
" pin-point " coagulation is most common in winter, owing to the
more sluggish action of the chemicals. If the flakes are large and
feathery, the amount of alum should be decreased.
The aluminum sulphate will react directly with the natural
alkalinity in the water if there is sufficient of the latter. Each
grain per gallon requires for complete reaction 10 parts per million
of natural alkalinity, as determined by the erythrosin test, and
there should be an excess of alkalinity of at least 10 parts over
that required by the alum. Any deficiency in alkalinity must be
corrected by adding lime or soda ash to the raw water, 0.35 grain
of lime or 0.5 grain of soda ash being required per grain of alum.
These relations are shown by Plate IV for quick and slaked
lime, and by Plate V for soda ash, used in conjunction with
aluminum sulphate. The lower margin gives the amount of lime
or soda ash required to supplement deficiencies in alkalinity. The
use of these charts in connection with Plate III is shown by the
following examples. It is recommended that the " medium "
curve on Plate III be used with a new water and to serve as a guide
in plotting the alum-turbidity curve, as mentioned above. In the
interests of economy, the operator should endeavor to use as little
coagulant as is consistent with good results.
Example 1. Analysis of raw water:
Turbidity, 800 parts per million
Alkalinity, 50 parts per million
Free CO 2 , part per million
On Plate III, left-hand margin, find turbidity 800. Follow the
horizontal line through this point to the right until it intersects
the " medium " curve. Follow the vertical line down from the
intersection and read 2.5 grains per gallon of aluminum sulphate
at the lower margin. To find the equivalent pounds per million
gallons follow up vertically from 2.5 grains to the intersection
with the line marked " Conversion Line-Grains per Gallon to
Pounds per Million Gallons," then horizontally to the right-hand
margin, where read 357 pounds. If three million gallons of raw
water are being pumped per day, the amount of alum required
will be 3X357, or 1,071 pounds per day. On Plate IV, find the
intersection of the 2.5 grain per gallon diagonal with the left-hand
margin and note that the minimum alkalinity required without
lime is 35. Therefore, an alkalinity of 50 is ample and no lime is
required. Following the horizontal line from alkalinity 35 to its
intersection with the line marked " Increase in CCV' then ver-
tically to the upper margin shows that the free carbonic acid in
the settled water as delivered to the filters will be increased 17
parts per million. The C0 2 in the filtered water will not be in-
creased that amount, as part of this gas will be liberated and
collect in the filters, due to the pressure in the sand being below
atmospheric. Following from the intersection of the 2.5 grain
diagonal with the horizontal line marked " No increase in CCV'
vertically upward to intersection with the line marked " Per-
manent Hardness," then horizontally to the right-hand margin,
read "Increase in Permanent Hardness as CaSO 4 " 26.25 parts
per million.
Example 2. Analysis of raw water:
Turbidity, 250 parts per million
Alkalinity, 20 parts per million
Free CC>2, 5 parts per million
On Plate III for turbidity 250, find alum required, 1.85 grains per
gallon, or 264 pounds per million gallons. On Plate IV, estimating
the point between the 1.5 grain per gallon and the 2 grain per gal-
lon diagonal at which 1.85 would come, follow this imaginary diag-
onal to the right until it intersects the horizontal line through 20
alkalinity. From this intersection follow vertically downward
until the horizontal line through " O " is reached, and then follow
the diagonal lines downward and toward the right until the hori-
zontal line through 5 on the " H 2 SO4 Acidity and Free CO2" scale is
reached. From this point follow vertically downward, and read lime
required as 0.55 grain per gallon. To get the result in pounds per
million gallons, follow vertically upward from 0.55 to the con-
version line, then to the right-hand margin, reading 79 pounds per
million gallons. In this case the increase in CO 2 due to the alum
reaction is 6.8 parts per million, obtained by following the 20
alkalinity line to the right until it intersects the " Increase in CO 2 "
line, then upward to the upper margin. The increase in permanent
hardness in this case is 19.5 parts per million.
Example 3. Analysis of raw water:
Turbidity, 500 parts per million
Alkalinity, 63 parts per million
Free CO 2 , 8 parts per million
Required that the treated water shall contain no Free C0 2 . On
Plate III, for turbidity 500, find alum required 2.0 grains per
gallon, or 286 pounds per million gallons, using the " medium "
curve. On Plate IV, follow the 2.0 grain per gallon diagonal down
to the horizontal line marked " Line for No Increase in C0 2 ."
Then continue along the 2-grain-per-gallon line downward and dia-
gonally to the right until it intersects the horizontal line through
8 on the " H 2 S0 4 Acidity and Free C0 2 " scale. Then vertically
downward to 1.1 grains per gallon on the lime scale, which is
equivalent to 157 pounds per million gallons. This will give a
water free from the corrosive action of carbonic acid. The in-
crease in permanent hardness will not be affected, being 21 parts
per million in this case.
Example 4. In mining regions the water is rendered acid by
the sulphuric acid, iron and aluminum sulphate from the mine
waste. Such a water gives a negative test for alkalinity as evi-
denced by the sample remaining white when erythrosin is added,
and is therefore titrated with sodium carbonate, the results being
recorded as " H 2 SO 4 Acidity." Such a water may analyze as
Turbidity, 3 parts per million
Alkalinity, part per million
H 2 SO4 acidity, 12 parts per million
Free CO 2 , 3 parts per million
On Plate III, for turbidity 3, find alum required 0.3 grain per
gallon, or 43 pounds per million gallons. On Plate IV, following a
proportional distance below the 0.5 grain per gallon line (the
lowest one), find the intersection with the horizontal line through
15 on the " H 2 S04 Acidity and Free CCV' scale, thence vertically
downward to lime required 0.86 grain per gallon, or 123 pounds
per million gallons. Note that the acidity and CO2 are added
(12+3 = 15), and considered together. If analyses show a con-
siderable amount of iron present in addition to the sulphuric acid,
a reduction in the amount of alum may be made, as will be ex-
plained later.
Aluminum sulphate is very soluble in water and solutions are
easily prepared. The required amount is weighed out and placed
in a perforated box over the solution tank, see Fig. 8, and hot
water is sprayed over it, which dissolves the alum and washes it
into the solution tank. Enough water is added to make up a
solution of proper strength, which is thoroughly mixed by means
of the revolving paddles in the solution tank. It is not necessary
to operate the paddles after the solution is made up. For amounts
of water required see Plate XI and page 168; see also the chapter
on general operation. The strength of solution used is generally
between 3 and 6 per cent. Alum may also be fed dry by means of
automatic scales, such as were described for lime in connection
with the Columbus plant. Under such conditions it is generally
necessary to crush it quite fine, generally to half -inch lumps or finer.
Lime. Quicklime or calcium oxid (CaO) is used with alu-
minum and ferrous sulphate in coagulation, furnishing the hydrox-
yl ions (OH'), necessary to the formation of ajuminum and iron
hydroxid (A1 2 (OH) 6 , and Fe(OH) 2 ). It is also used in water-
softening. In appearance it is a white, chalky substance, usually
in both lumps and powder. For convenience in handling it should
be specified to be crushed, so that no lumps exceed 2 inches in
largest dimension. If it is to be weighed out automatically, it
should preferably be crushed to % inch or smaller. Lime con-
tains a variable amount of impurities, depending on the region
from which the limestone from which it is prepared is obtained,
and the care used in burning. Some limes contain only 50 per
cent of water-soluble calcium oxid, but those used for coagulative
purposes generally run from 75 to 99 per cent. Unless the source
of supply is too remote, a high calcium lime should be obtained, as
it is more satisfactory to use, slaking more rapidly, reacting more
readily in solution, etc. A higher price (delivered at the plant)
is justified for a high calcium lime over that for a leaner one.
Thus if lime from one kiln analyzing 80 per cent CaO costs 24
cents per 100 pounds, and that from another analyzes 90 per cent
CaO, the latter is to be preferred at any price up to 9/8 of 24, or
27 cents.
Lime can be obtained in bags, barrels, or in bulk, by carload
lots. It should be fresh-burned when bought, as it deteriorates
with storage. For this reason, if bought in barrels or bags, large
quantities should not be kept on hand, as the carbonic acid in the
air will partially change it into calcium carbonate. In a moist
atmosphere it will slake, expanding in volume in so doing, and
bursting the containing package. In the larger plants it is stored
in air-tight concrete bins, which is undoubtedly the best method.
If possible it should be bought on a guaranteed percentage of
calcium oxid, a sample of each shipment being analyzed (see
Appendix A) . If the analysis falls below the guarantee a deduction
should be made; if it is above the guaranteed amount, a bonus
should be paid.
Quicklime must be slaked before use, by adding water to it,
thereby converting it into calcium hydroxid, the reaction being:
CaO+H 2 O = Ca(OH) 2
The slaking should be very carefully done, as on it depends the
success of the lime treatment. In large plants it is usually ac-
complished in iron tanks, the lime and water being mixed with
motor-driven rakes. In small plants an iron trough or slaking box
is used. It is well to use a minimum amount of water and to cover
the lime while slaking, allowing it to heat up during the process.
Also the lime, and water must be mixed so that every part thereof
comes in intimate contact with the water. Theoretically it takes
J^ as much water as lime, but practically about 4 times as much
water by weight as lime is required. The water used should be
as hot as possible, so that the temperature during slaking may be
high, if possible 200 Fahr. A 95 per cent lime requires about 15
to 30 minutes to slake thoroughly under optimum conditions, and
the leaner a lime is the longer it requires. If possible, the lime
for each shift should be slaked in the shift before.
The slaked lime is diluted with water and kept in solution
tanks, from which it is fed to the raw water through an orifice box.
At least four times as much water by weight as slaked lime is re-
quired to make a satisfactory dilution, and the water used in this
case should be as cold as possible, as calcium hydroxid is more
soluble in cold water.
Stirring paddles in the solution tanks must be kept going con-
stantly, in order to keep the lime in suspension. Owing to its
clogging nature, the orifice boxes and piping through which it
flows must be carefully watched and frequently cleaned to prevent
choking. If the lime solution is introduced into the raw water by
means of a single pipe, entering as a solid stream, much of it will
fall to the bottom and be lost. It is best introduced through a pipe
or grid with comparatively large perforation, say, % or % inch,
using a solution as dilute as possible.
Unless the above precautions as to proper storage, slaking, and
introduction are observed, a large loss will result, which may be as
much as 50 per cent. By proper handling this loss may be re-
duced to 10 or 15 per cent.
The use of an excess of lime should be avoided, as it renders the
water caustic. This is best done by keeping the dose of lime
within the limits dictated by the tests for free and half-bound
carbonic acid, and the amount required to react with the coagulant
used, as indicated by the Plates. The treated water can also be
tested for alkalinity with both phenolphthalein and erythrosin.
The alkalinity with the former indicator should not exceed half
of that with the latter. This does not necessarily mean that there
is no caustic alkalinity present, but indicates that lime is present
in correct quantity to react with all the bicarbonates, given suf-
ficient time for the completion of the reaction. Another test
for calcium hydroxid consists in adding a few drops of dilute silver
nitrate solution to a sample of water in a test tube. A grayish
brown precipitate indicates the presence of calcium hydroxid
(caustic alkalinity). This test is not reliable with waters con-
taining chlorids in appreciable quantities. *
Hydrated Lime. Hydrated lime (Ca(OH) 2 ) may be obtained
in paper bags of 40 pounds each, or in duck bags of 100 pounds
(a rebate is allowed on the bags) . It has several advantages over
quicklime. It need not be slaked, and the losses and danger from
improper slaking are thus avoided. It does not deteriorate in
storage. It is purer than most quicklimes. The accrued savings
from these several sources compensate for its greater weight, so
that it may be substituted in Plate IV without change. It may be
mixed directly in coagulant tanks and fed to the orifice boxes as an
emulsion, in which case the same precautions against clogging
as for quicklime must be observed. Or it may be fed in powdered
form into a stream of running water by means of a screw feed, the
stream, after receiving the lime, falling into a funnel and flowing
through a pipe into the raw-water main. The screw feed is driven
Faction Drive
- Screw Feed
Pipe to Raw Water
FIG. 74. Dry Chemical Feeding Device.
by a water motor through a friction drive which allows tor reg-
ulating the speed of the screw. Suitable reduction gearing is
provided for lowering the speed of the motor to that required for
the screw. The freedom from clogging and positiveness of feed
with this method are obvious. To prevent the lime in the hopper
from arching, a scraper attached to the screw shaft is added.
(Fig. 74.)*
Hydrated lime costs more than quicklime, owing to its in-
creased weight (caused by the water of hydration), which is 32
per cent greater than quicklime for the same amount of calcium
Soda Ash. This is anhydrous sodium carbonate (Na 2 C0 3 ).
It is a fine white powder and is generally obtainable in duck bags
of 100 pounds each (a rebate is allowed on the bags) . It should be
specified to contain 98 per cent pure sodium carbonate, and not
over 0.5 per cent insoluble matter.
It is used with alum in the same manner as lime and in the
proportions shown graphically by Plate V. It may also be used
for the removal of free CO2, and for acid correction. It has the
advantage of not increasing the permanent hardness of the water,
and is much easier to handle than lime, dissolving readily, not
requiring stirring in the coagulant tanks, and not clogging orifice
boxes or piping. By its use after-precipitation of calcium car-
bonate on the filter sand and in the mains is avoided an impor-
tant point. Used with alum in the proportions required for the
theoretic reaction, 0.5 grain per gallon per grain of aluminum sul-
phate, a small amount of free carbonic acid is produced, half as
much as when the alum reacts with the natural alkalinity. By
using equal amounts of soda ash and alum no free carbonic acid is
formed. Soda ash is very much used in small plants, owing to the
convenience in handling and because not such great care is re-
quired to use the exact proportions as with lime, also where the
settling capacity is limited, say, less than 4 to 6 hours, lime would
cause trouble by after-precipitation, while soda ash does not. Its
principal disadvantage is its cost, as more is required than of lime,
and its price is about three times as great. (See paragraph on
comparative costs.)
The following examples will explain the use of Plate V in de-
termining the amount of soda ash to use:
Example 1. Analysis of raw water:
Turbidity, 800 parts per million
Alkalinity, 50 parts per million
Free CC>2, part per million
South Pittsburgh Water Co.
As before, the amount of alum, as determined from Plate III, is
2.5 grains per gallon. Referring to Plate V, it will be seen that
for 2.5 grains an alkalinity of 35 is required, so that no soda ash
is needed. Referring to the line " Increase in CO 2 Using Natural
Alkalinity," this will be found to be 17 parts per million, as in
Example 1, under lime. The permanent hardness is not given,
but can be found from Plate IV. For 2.5 grains this is 26.25 parts
per million.
Example 2. Analysis of raw water:
Turbidity, 250 parts per million
Alkalinity, 20 parts per million
Free CO 2 , 5 parts per million
On Plate III, for turbidity 250, find alum required 1.85 grains per
gallon. On Plate V, estimating the point between the 1.5 grains
per gallon and the 2 grains per gallon diagonal at which 1.85
would come, follow this imaginary diagonal to the right until it
intersects the horizontal line through 20 alkalinity. From this
intersection follow down vertically to the horizontal, then diag-
onally to the right, paralleling the dashed lines marked " Lines
for Removal of CO 2 " until the horizontal line through 5 on the
" H 2 SO 4 Acidity and Free C0 2 " scale is reached. Following ver-
tically downward from this point, read 1.2 grains per gallon on the
soda-ash scale, which by the conversion line is found to be 172
pounds per million gallons. The increase in C0 2 due to the re-
action of the alum and natural alkalinity is 6.8 parts per million,
obtained by following the 20 alkalinity line to the right until it
intersects the line marked " Increase in C0 2 Using Natural
Alkalinity," then upward to the upper margin. Such a treat-
ment would be used where it is desired not to remove all the C0 2 ,
but to keep this below a certain amount, say 10 parts per million.
This is sometimes done for economic reasons, and is not very
objectionable if the water is fairly high in alkalinity.
Example 3. Analysis of raw water:
Turbidity, 500 parts per million
Alkalinity, 63 parts per million
Free CO 2 , 8 parts per million
Required that the treated water shall contain no CO 2 . On Plate
III, for turbidity 500, find alum required 2 grains per gallon. On
Plate V, follow the dashed line for 2 grains per gallon diagonally
to the right, then downward and again to the right, until it inter-
sects the horizontal line through 8 on the " H 2 SO 4 Acidity and
Free C0 2 " scale. Then vertically downward to the soda-ash scale,
reading 3.2 grains per gallon, which by the conversion scale is
found to be 458 pounds per million gallons.
Example 4. Analysis of raw water:
Turbidity, 3 parts per million
Alkalinity, part per million
H 2 SO4 acidity, 12 parts per million
On Plate III, for turbidity 3, find alum required 0.3 grain per
gallon. On Plate V, following a proportional distance below the
0.5 grain per gallon line (the lowest one) diagonally to the right,
then vertically downward and again to the right, paralleling the
solid diagonal lines marked " Lines for Removal of H 2 SO 4 ," until
the horizontal through 12 on the " H 2 S0 4 Acidity and Free CO 2 "
scale is intersected. Thence vertically downward, reading 0.93
grain per gallon on the soda scale. There would be a formation
of C0 2 using this amount of soda ash. If a CO 2 -free water is
desired use the dashed lines both for the alum and the acid, as in
Example III. If both CO 2 and sulphuric acid occur, add them
together, and use the dashed lines to secure a complete removal.
Soda ash may be dissolved and fed to the water in the same
manner as aluminum sulphate, using a dissolving box and solution
tank arranged as in Fig. 8. The solution should not exceed 5 per
cent in strength. Stirring is necessary only while making up the
solution. It may also be fed to the water by means of the device
described for use with hydrated lime, as well as with automatic
scales of the type used at the Columbus plant.
Ferrous Sulphate. Ferrous sulphate, in conjunction with lime,
is extensively used as a coagulant. The commercial product con-
sists of transparent green lumps, composed of the crystals of the
salt. It is quite pure, running from 95 per cent ferrous sulphate
upward. Its chemical formula is FeS0 4 ,7H 2 0, containing seven
molecules of water. On prolonged exposure to the air, the sur-
face is slightly oxidized, forming ferric sulphate and iron oxid.
A second form, known as " sugar of iron," is also used. This is
partially dehydrated, containing less than seven molecules of water
of crystallization, so that it contains over 100 per cent of ferrous
sulphate (FeSO 4 ,7H 2 0). It is quite pure, containing less than 1
per cent of foreign matter. In appearance it is granular, like sugar,
making it very convenient for use in dry feeding as described under
hydrated lime (see Fig. 74), the same type of apparatus being used.
Its advantages are that the cost of treatment is generally
cheaper than with alum, especially with very turbid waters, and
FIG. 75. Iron Sulphate and Coagulation.
that the coagulum or " flock " formed is of greater specific gravity
than in the case of alum, causing a more rapid sedimentation.
Also, the ferrous and ferric sulphate seem to have a direct germicidal
action to a certain extent. On the other hand, the use of lime is re-
quired at all times, with its concomitant danger of trouble from
after-precipitation, if it is not carefully gaged, due to the re-
action of the surplus with the bicarbonate alkalinity, the resulting
product, calcium carbonate, being slow to form and settle out.
It cannot well be used with colored swamp water, as the ferrous
sulphate forms complex soluble compounds with the organic
matter present, which often give the water a blackish tinge. It is
difficult to use with soft waters, as any surplus lime would make the
water caustic, also soft waters are very apt to be highly colored.
For these reasons this process has found its most extensive and sue-
cessful application to turbid waters of fairly high alkalinity, such
as those of the Mississippi and Missouri River valleys.
The reactions may be considered in two ways: if the lime is
added before the ferrous sulphate the two react directly:
FeSO 4 +Ca(OH) 2 = Fe(OH) 2 +CaSO 4
If the ferrous sulphate is added first, the reactions are more
complex. The sulphate reacts with the bicarbonates in the water,
forming a bicarbonate of iron, which stays in solution:
FeSO 4 +CaC0 3 H 2 C0 3 = FeC0 3 H 2 CO 3 +CaSO 4
This would oxidize and precipitate, but the reaction is slow and
the precipitate often forms in a finely divided state, so that lime
is added to complete the reaction:
FeCO 3 H 2 C0 3 +Ca(OH) 2 = Fe(OH) 2 +CaC0 3 H 2 CO 3
The effective coagulum is the ferrous hydroxid Fe(OH) 2 , a gelat-
inous precipitate. In its pure form this is white, slightly soluble,
giving the water a ferruginous taste. It is rapidly oxidized by the
dissolved oxygen in the water, according to the reaction,
4Fe(OH) 2 +2H 2 0+O 2 = 2Fe 2 (OH) 6
The ferric hydroxid formed (Fe 2 (OH) 6 ) is an insoluble gelatinous
precipitate of a brown color. In practice intermediate (ferro-
ferric) hydroxids of a green color are often formed, particularly if
some of the ferrous sulphate is oxidized to ferric before the lime
reacts with it. After precipitating, the ferro-ferric and ferric
hydroxids may be converted into iron oxids, by the splitting off
of the water of hydration:
these oxids forming a heavy silt varying in color from yellow to
brown, or almost black (due to the presence of dehydrated ferro-
ferric hydroxid) . The amount of dissolved oxygen required in the
water for these reactions is not large, 0.5 part per million being
required for each grain per gallon of ferrous sulphate. A normal
stream should contain at least 5 parts per million of dissolved
oxygen, even in midsummer, so that it would take care of 10 grains
per gallon of iron. A badly polluted stream might contain only
2 parts of oxygen during the same season, causing some trouble,
due to the solubility and taste of the unoxidized ferrous hydroxid.
Theoretically, the amount of lime required is 0.24 grain of 85
per cent CaO for each grain of ferrous sulphate. Practically the
minimum used is about 0.4 grain per grain of iron (see sources of
loss under " Lime "), and it is sometimes an advantage to in-
crease the lime, if sufficient alkalinity is present, as the resulting
calcium carbonate crystallizes about the ferric hydroxid and in-
creases its weight and rapidity of settling. The amount of calcium
sulphate formed is 8.44 parts per million for each grain per gallon
ferrous sulphate.
In addition to the coagulative effect, we have somewhat of the
" adsorptive " action toward dissolved matters, found in the case
of aluminum sulphate, and, in addition, ferric sulphate will pre-
cipitate nitrogenous organic matters in solution as non-putre-
factive compounds.
In practical operation, at least enough lime must be added to:
1st, combine with the iron sulphate; 2d, to remove any CO 2 that
may be present; 3d, to give a slight excess, 1 to 5 parts per million.
The treated water should be faintly pink with phenolphthalein.
The amount of lime used is generally increased with the turbidity.
Commencing with 0.4 grain for a practically clear water, the in-
crease would be such that the amounts of lime and ferrous sulphate-
would be equal for a turbidity of about 1,200, the lime increasing;
still farther for higher turbidities. These relations are diagrammed
on Plate VI, which shows the relations between the turbidity of
the water and the amounts of ferrous sulphate and lime, also giving;
a curve for converting grains per gallon of lime or sulphate to
pounds per million gallons, and another curve for converting
Hazen Reciprocal Turbidity to the United States Geological
Survey Standard, which will be found convenient in the older
plants, where the former standard may be in use. Of course the
amount of lime used must be governed by the bicarbonate al-
kalinity of the raw water, no more being used than can combine
with the bicarbonates and the ferrous sulphate.
The proper amounts of lime and iron under any given condi-
tions can be most readily determined from Plates VI and VII, as
illustrated in the following examples:
Example 1. Analysis of raw water:
Turbidity, 400 parts per million
Bicarbonates, 60 parts per million
Free C0 2 , 10 parts per million
On Plate VI, tracing to the right along the horizontal through 400
turbidity until the " Turbidity-Ferrous Sulphate Curve " is
reached, then vertically downward, read 1.83 on the lower scale,
" Ferrous Sulphate (FeS0 4 7H 2 O) in Grains per Gallon." In a
similar manner determine the corresponding amount of lime as
1.15 grains per gallon (on the lower scale). By means of the
" Conversion Line Grains per Gallon to Pounds per Million
Gallons," these are found to be equal to 262 and 165 pounds per
million gallons for ferrous sulphate and lime (85 per cent CaO or
95 per cent hydrate), respectively, reading the values from the
scale on the right margin. Note that both of these values are
approximate, varying with different waters, and that the operator,
when once familiar with the water he is treating, should vary from
these curves according to the dictates of his experience.
Referring to Plate VII, tracing horizontally to the right from
1.83 grains per gallon on the Iron Sulphate scale, and vertically
upward from 1.15 grains per gallon on the Lime scale, follow from
the intersection of these lines downward parallel to the diagonals
until the " Lime-Alkalinity Relation" line is reached, then
horizontally to the " Bicarbonate Alkalinity " scale on the right,
where read 15 parts per million as the required amount for this
relation of iron and lime. Therefore the bicarbonates in the water
(60 p.p.m.) are ample to react with the surplus of lime being used.
To find the total lime required, including that for CO 2 removal,
trace upward from 1.15 On the Lime scale to the horizontal, then
follow the diagonals downward and to the right until the horizon-
tal through 10 on the " H 2 SO 4 Acidity and Free C0 2 " scale is
reached, then vertically downward, reading 1.65 on the Lime scale.
By means of the conversion line this is found to equal 236 pounds
per million gallons. The increase in permanent hardness is found
by tracing horizontally to the right from 1.83 on the " Iron
Sulphate " scale until the line marked " Increase in Permanent
Hardness " is reached, then vertically upward to the " Permanent
Hardness " scale, where read 15.4 parts per million.
Example 2. Analysis of raw water:
Turbidity, 2,000 parts per million
Bicarbonates, 57 parts per million
Free CO 2 , 12 parts per million
From Plate VI, for a turbidity of 2,000, find the amount of ferrous
sulphate required to be 4 grains per gallon. It is evident that the
low bicarbonate alkalinity may limit the amount of lime which
can be used. To determine the maximum amount of lime allow-
able, refer to Plate VII. Find 57 on the " Bicarbonate Alkalinity "
scale and trace horizontally to the left until the " Lime- Alkalinity "
curve is reached, then proceed upward along the diagonal until on
the horizontal through 4 grains per gallon on the " Iron Sulphate "
scale. From this point drop vertically to the horizontal and
follow the diagonal for C0 2 correction. When on the horizontal
through 12 on the " H 2 SO 4 Acidity and Free C0 2 " scale, drop ver-
tically to the Lime scale, where read 4.05 grains per gallon of lime,
or by the conversion line, 580 pounds per million gallons. The
increase in permanent hardness for 4 grains per gallon of iron sul-
phate is found, from Plate VII, to be 33.7 parts per million.
In the case of a water containing no alkalinity and both H 2 S0 4
acidity and free CO2, use the minimum amount of lime to com-
bine with the ferrous sulphate, and, adding the H 2 SO 4 and CO 2
together, determine from the CO 2 diagonals the additional amount
of lime required to counteract these acidities.
As already said, an excess of lime should be carefully avoided,
as most of the troubles experienced with the iron and lime treat-
ment result from this cause.
In most waters it is found best to introduce the lime first, as
if the iron is added first, the bicarbonate of iron formed is not so
readily acted upon by the lime, or, at most, is reduced to a car-
bonate, which is apt to give a fine powdery sediment, very difficult
to settle out.
An excess of iron is most likely to result with acid water, and is
indicated by the logwood test on the settled water and by the fact
that the settled water is acid with erythrosin. The obvious
remedy is more lime.
A thorough mixing of the chemicals is most essential to the
success of this process, but it must not be too violent, as the
coagulum is very delicate. For the same reason the flow through
the settling basin should be unbroken, and the rate of filtration
lowered to 100 million gallons per acre per day.
Solutions of crystalline ferrous sulphate are made in a manner
precisely similar to that used for aluminum sulphate and with the
same arrangement of dissolving box and solution tank. Difficulty
js sometimes experienced due to the oxidation of the solution to the
ferric condition. This can be avoided to a large extent by pro-
viding covers for the tanks and reducing the stirring to a minimum.
Crystalline ferrous sulphate cannot be fed in the dry form, as to do
so would require that it be crushed to a small size. On being
crushed it becomes moist and cakes badly.
Sugar of iron may also be fed as a solution, but is particularly
adapted for use where a dry feed is desirable. It may be fed by
means of the device shown for hydrated lime, Fig. 74, or by mea-
surement through an orifice, since it will flow quite freely in the dry
state. . Solutions of iron sulphate should not be stronger than 6
per cent.
Natural Coagulation. Acid mine waters sometimes contain
natural sulphates of aluminum and iron, the latter being most
frequent. In such a case it is only necessary to add the proper
amount of lime to obtain a good coagulation, or, if not sufficient,
it may be supplemented with ferrous or aluminum sulphate. If
the amounts of iron and acidity (as H 2 SO 4 ) have been determined,
the equivalent coagulating value in terms of ferrous sulphate may
be found from Plate VIII, and the amount of alum or iron re-
quired may be reduced to this extent. This is illustrated by the
following examples:
Example 1.
Iron in raw water, 10 parts per million
Acidity of raw water, 25 parts per million
Amount alum being used, 4 grains per gallon
Follow the horizontal through 10 on the " Iron in Parts per
Million " scale to the right until the heavy diagonal line is reached.
Tracing from this point vertically upward, the coagulating value
may be read, and tracing downward and to the right, paralleling
the diagonal lines, gives the required acidity. In this case the
coagulating value is equivalent to 2.85 grains per gallon of ferrous
sulphate and the required acidity is 17.5 parts per million, which,
being less than the acidity of the raw water, is satisfactory. The
amount of alum which must be added to give a coagulant equiva-
lent of 4grainsper gallon is4.00 minus 2.85 or 1.15 grains per gallon.
Example 2. Suppose that in Example 1 the acidity had been
only 10 parts per million. In this case it would govern the coagulat-
ing value. The procedure would then consist in following the
diagonal upward from 10 on the " Required Acidity " scale to its
termination in the heavy line, then vertically upward to the upper
margin, where the coagulating value is found to be 1.62 grains per
Introduction of Chemicals. Very commonly the chemicals
used in coagulation are introduced through separate pipes into the
main leading from the raw-water pumps to the sedimentation
basin, and while this is moderately satisfactory under ordinary
conditions, it is often an advantage to apply the chemicals at some
other point, or at several points. If the raw water contains a large
amount of heavy sediment or clay, as during a flood, it would be
useless to introduce any chemicals before the water enters the
basin, as a portion of these would be absorbed by the clay and
the remainder carried down with the clay particles soon after
entering. In such a case it is advisable to let the heavy sus-
pended matter settle out in the first half of the basin without
coagulation, and apply the chemicals near the center of the basin,
using a perforated pipe extending across the basin. If the raw
water is very clear, so that no coagulation is required to assist in
removing the " turbidity " (the suspended matter being generally
gaged and known by this characteristic), and no organic matter is
present, the chemicals necessary to form the gelatinous " mat "
on the filters are best added as the water is leaving the sedimenta-
tion basin. For river waters and others subject to large fluctua-
tions in turbidity, provision should be made for the introduction of
chemicals into the raw- water main, across the center of the basin,
and at the outlet to same, and the point of introduction should be
varied with the condition of the raw water.
The chemicals should be thoroughly mixed with the raw water,
but violent agitation in mixing is to be avoided, as tending to
break up the flakes of coagulum. Sufficient mixture is generally
provided, where the chemicals enter the raw-water main one hun-
dred feet or more from the sedimentation basin, by the agitation
due to the flow through the pipe. At some plants especially
baffled mixing chambers are provided in connection with the
sedimentation basins. Mixture can be obtained across the center
of the basin by means of a baffle or submerged weir to contract the
area of flow at the point where the chemicals are introduced.
After the reaction has taken place, the flow of the water should be
as smooth as possible, as the flakes of coagulum are broken
up by violent agitation, such as occurs in aerating pipes or weirs.
The lines leading from the orifice box to the point of introducing
the chemicals into the water to be treated should be short and as
straight as possible. Relatively large-sized pipe should be used to
prevent clogging. For lime or soda-ash solutions black wrought-
iron pipe is very satisfactory. Galvanized pipe should be avoided.
For aluminum or iron sulphate as well as for hypochlorite solutions
standard weight lead pipe is fairly efficient. Bronze, rubber, or
fiber pipes are sometimes used. It is important that there be no
air traps in the coagulant lines. These should, if possible, have a
uniform downward grade toward the point of discharge, and near
the orifice box should connect into a vent pipe, to allow the air
entrapped with the solution to escape.
Comparison of Costs. On Plate IX have been plotted the
cost of each of the methods of treatment described, for various
amounts of coagulant, and also the cost of removing various
amounts of acids. The cost of chemicals includes freight, un-
loading and cartage, deterioration, and the rehandling in charging
the chemical tanks. The costs per hundred pounds used were:
aluminum sulphate, $1.10; ferrous sulphate, $0.70; lime, $0.35;
soda ash, $1.00. For large-sized plants these values could be re-
duced. From these curves it is evident that the iron and lime
treatment is cheapest, followed by alum and natural alkalinity,
alum and lime (sufficient to produce no CO 2 ), alum and soda ash,
while alum and soda ash (no C0 2 ) is most expensive. It is also
evident that by increasing the amount of lime used with the iron,
the cost of this process may rise above that of alum and lime.
The iron-lime treatment is slightly more effective for high tur-
bidities, a fact not brought out by these curves. For acid re-
moval, lime is by far the cheapest reagent.
Sterilization. While properly treated and filtered water is
practically free from bacteria, it has of late years become cus-
tomary to treat the filtrate with a germicide as an additional pre-
caution. Such treatment should be considered solely as an
added safeguard, and under no condition should reliance be placed
on it to the extent of neglecting any detail in the process of filtra-
tion. Bacterial counts of the filtrate should be made before
applying the germicide and the plant efficiency based on these.
Counts should also be made after sterilization to measure the
effectiveness of the agent used.
Hypochlorite of lime has been very extensively used for this
purpose. Liquid chlorine is coming into use. Sodium hypo-
chlorite, electrolytically prepared, and ultra-violet rays have been
used experimentally and show promise of future development;
ozone and copper sulphate have also been tried.
Hypochlorite of Lime. Hypochlorite of lime (CaCl 2 ,Ca(OCl) 2 ) ,
known commercially as " chlorid of lime " or " bleach," contains
about 70 per cent of a mixed salt (calcium chlorid and calcium
hypochlorite) , and 30 per cent of impurities, such as lime and
water of hydration. It is obtainable in canisters of from 100 to
750 pounds each. If kept exposed to the air, it loses strength
through absorption of water and volatilization.
It is soluble in water (about 1 part in 20), separating into its
two component salts:
CaCl 2 ,Ca(OCl) 2 = CaCl 2 +Ca(OCl) 2
The calcium chlorid is inactive, but the calcium hypochlorite
reacts with the free or half-bound carbonic acid in the water,
giving hypochlorous acid and calcium carbonate:
Ca(OCl) 2 +H 2 CO 3 = 2HOCl+CaC0 3
orCa(OCl) 2 +H2CO 3 CaCO 3 =
The hypochlorous acid is unstable, and readily gives up its oxygen
to organic matter:
2HOC1 = 2HC1+2O
This oxygen, being in the atomic or nascent state, is very active
and is the effective germicide. The hydrochloric acid (HC1)
formed reacts with the calcium carbonate (CaCO 3 ) formed in the
previous reaction, reverting it into carbonic acid again:
CaCO 3 +2HCl = H 2 C0 3 +CaCl 2
These reactions and the germicidal effect are also obtained in the
absence of carbonic acid, but more slowly. The time required
for the completion of the reaction is variable, being, under the best
conditions, about 30 minutes, but increasing as the temperature of
the water decreases and also being longer in waters containing only
half-bound carbonic acid than in those containing free carbonic
Through established (although illogical) commercial usage, the
oxidizing strength of the hypochlorite is measured in terms of
" available chlorine," that is, the amount of chlorine which be-
comes available on decomposing chlorid of lime with a strong acid.
This may be computed when the percentage of pure bleach is
known, as follows:
Available chlorine = 0. 56 X percentage of pure bleach. Thus
for the average commercial product containing 68 per cent
CaCl 2 ,Ca(OCl) 2 the " available chlorine" is 0.56X. 68 = 38 per
cent. Only half of the " available chlorine " is liberated by the
weak carbonic acid or 0.28 of the pure bleach or " calcium oxy-
chlorid." The actual oxygen liberated is 22.5 per cent of the
" available chlorine."
The amount of available chlorine required to sterilize the
water varies with the amount of organic matter present and with
the turbidity of the water. It is best determined by running bac-
terial counts on the treated water and using the minimum dose
that will insure a practically sterile water. In the absence of bac-
terial tests or as a check, the " Test for Excess of Hypochlorite of
Lime," in Chapter III, may be used. Generally J4 to Y^ P ar t
per million of available chlorine is sufficient, although sometimes
more is required. This is especially true if the water contains un-
oxidized organic matter or ferrous salts. In one instance it was
necessary to use 2 parts per million of available chlorine, any re-
duction being followed by an increase in the typhoid-fever rate.
Ordinarily so large an amount of hypo would have resulted in a
very strong taste in the water, but in this case the water was treated
before being delivered to a large impounding reservoir, the pro-
longed storage reducing the taste considerably. One part per
million available chlorine is equal to about 25 pounds of bleach
per million gallons. A very common dose is 8 pounds of bleach
per million gallons. For treating filtered water 5 pounds is often
Hypochlorite exerts a selective action on the bacteria in the
water, readily destroying such pathogenic species as B. typhosus",
the cholera spirillum, and the like, while the harmless spore-forming
varieties are affected to a much less extent.
The chlorid of lime is introduced into the water as a solution
in a manner similar to coagulants (see Figs. 10 and 11). As it
is not very soluble (about 1 part in 20 of water), a weak solution
should be used. This has the further advantages of decreasing
the corrosive action on piping and (in the case of small plants)
giving a quantity of solution large enough to be accurately mea-
sured by an orifice box of the usual type. For large plants a 2 per
cent solution may be used, for smaller plants a 1 or J/2 per cent
solution is more readily handled. It is often an advantage to make
up a stronger " stock " solution, containing about 6 per cent
of bleach (approximately 2 per cent " available " chlorine), and
dilute this as required to the standard strength.
In making up solutions care should be taken to use sufficient
water, as if made into a thick paste the bleach dissolves with
difficulty. Use at least 3^2 gallon of water per pound of bleach.
It should also be remembered that a large amount of sludge
is formed, and as part of the available chlorine is retained by this
an additional allowance must be made. The chlorine in the sludge
may be recovered by agitating the sludge in water and using this
water in mixing up a fresh batch, although the extra labor and
inconvenience involved hardly justify this procedure.
The apparatus used in preparing the solution generally con-
sists of a small mixing or " pasting " tank and two larger solution
tanks. The pasting tank is located above the solution tanks
(see Fig. 11), and is equipped with horizontal mixing paddles and
sometimes with rollers, motor driven, for grinding and mixing the
bleaching powder into a paste with water. Two screened over-
flows are provided near the top of the tank, one to each solution
tank, as well as a hose or water connection. The solution tanks
are provided with motor-driven stirring paddles and with piping
connections to the orifice boxes. These pipes should tap into the
tanks somewhat (6 to 9 inches) above the bottom to avoid the
sludge that accumulates on the bottom of the tanks. Ample
drain pipes should be provided to remove this sludge to a sewer.
The tanks are best made of concrete or iron and piping of pure
wrought iron (black) or lead. Orifice-box fittings are well made
of acid-proof bronze. Wood is readily attacked by the solutions,
and if used should be painted with asphaltum or mineral bitumi-
nous paint. The same is true of copper or ordinary brass.
The preparation of a solution is best illustrated by a concrete
example. Assume that it is desired to treat 5,000,000 gallons per
day with 0.4 part per million available chlorine, using 33J^ per
cent bleach (which may be taken as an average value where no
analyses are made). Referring to Plate X, and using the dashed
line labeled 0.4 part per million available chlorine, it will be seen
that 51 pounds of chlorid of lime per day are required. The
dashed line is so drawn as to compensate for the bleach lost in the
sludge, using a 1 per cent solution. Assuming a day's supply of 1 ,
per cent solution is to be made up in solution tank No. 1 (No. 2
being in use at the time), weigh out 51 pounds of bleach into the
pasting tank, add a small amount of water, and start the mixing
paddles. Slowly add water until the tank contains at least }/
gallon for each pound of bleach (or about 25 gallons, preferably
somewhat more) . Allow the paddles to mix the bleach into a paste
(which requires about 15 to 30 minutes), and in the meantime drain
tank No. 1 of sludge. Now, with the mixing paddles still in mo-
tion, turn a stream of water into the pasting tank so that the solu-
tion is slowly flushed into the solution tank through the overflow.
Each solution tank should be equipped with a float gage reading
directly the number of gallons in the tank. Allow the stream in
the pasting tank to continue until the paste is all flushed out and
the solution tank contains the amount of water necessary to make a
1 per cent solution. Referring to Plate XI (using the dashed line
to allow for loss in sludge), note that 51 pounds of chemical require
620 gallons of water to make a 1 per cent solution.
After the requisite amount of solution has been made up,
the stirrer in the solution tank is started and the whole thoroughly
and uniformly mixed. The solution is then allowed to settle for at
least one hour, and preferably longer, after which a sample is taken
off and tested for available chlorine as described in the chapter on
chemical tests. If a slight discrepancy is found it is generally
sufficient to adjust the orifice opening slightly and correct future
solutions accordingly. When tank No. 2 has run out, No. 1 may
now be put into service. Care must be taken not to disturb or
agitate the solution while the tank is in service, nor must it con-
tinue in service after the sludge line near the bottom is reached.
By adhering to the instructions here given, tastes in the treated
water can be largely avoided.
Plate XI can be used for any chemical solution. In deter-
mining the gallons of water for any strength of solution, use the
solid lines for clear solutions such as of aluminum or ferrous sul-
phate, and the dashed lines for solutions which leave a sludge
such as lime and hypochlorite. The heavy vertical lines give the
amount of solution which will discharge through circular orifices of
the sizes noted under 6 inches head in 24 hours. Never use a
quantity of solution less than will require an orifice of Y% inch
diameter (200 gallons per day), as this is about the practical
limitation in size.
The bleach may be applied to the raw, settled, or filtered water.
It is least effective applied to the raw water, and is difficult to
apply to the filtrate in such a manner as to get uniform distri-
bution, since it must generally be discharged into the individual
effluent pipes from the filters into the clear- water basin. Such a
distribution is readily obtained by applying it to the water in the
latter part of the settling basin by means of a perforated pipe. It
may thus be given 15 to 30 minutes for reaction before the water
reaches the filters. This has the added advantages that most
of the taste caused by the hypochlorite will be removed by adsorp-
tive action in the filters, as well as keeping the filter sand sterilized
and preventing " after-growths " of bacteria in the sand and
Water which has been treated with hypochlorite very often
has an unpleasant taste, suggestive of iodoform. There are
several possible reasons for this taste. Probably the action of the
hypochlorite on organic matter is partially accountable for it.
Since the rate of pumpage varies, whereas the solution of hypo is
generally applied uniformly, and since the solution itself may vary
in strength, due both to stratification and to variations in the
bleaching powder, the water is possibly overdosed at times. If
adequate storage is not given after treatment, the water may
reach the consumer before the reaction is complete, especially in
winter, when it is sluggish.
In general, taste may be reduced by automatically propor-
tioning the flow of hypo to the pumpage, by mixing the solutions
well to prevent stratification, by tests of the solution to determine
the available chlorine, and by storage after treatment sufficient for
the reaction to be completed (a minimum of 30 minutes). The
taste may be removed chemically by applying sodium thiosulphate
(Na^Oa, 5H 2 0), in amount half as much as the bleach, 15 to 30
minutes after the bleach has been added. This will remove the
taste completely, with no deleterious effect on the water, at an
additional cost of about half as much as the bleach. It can be
added as a dilute solution by means of a solution tank and orifice
box. The addition of the thiosulphate stops the germicidal
action of the bleach at once, which is the reason for adding it
sufficiently later to allow the bleach to destroy the bacteria.
Liquid Chlorine. Chlorine gas liquefied by pressure has re-
cently found application as a sterilizing reagent. Its germicidal
effect results from the same cause as does that of chlorid of lime,
namely, the liberation
of nascent oxygen in so-
lutions. The reactions
are as follows:
The hydrochloric acid
formed reacts with the
carbonates and bicar-
bonates in the water to
form chlorids and car-
bonic acid, thus:
2HCl4-CaCO 3 ,H 2 CO 3 ==
CaCl 2 +2H 2 C0 3
The reaction is simpler
than in the case of
chlorid of lime and pro-
ceeds readily without
the presence of carbonic
acid. As the gas is
practically pure, and is
therefore essentially 100
per cent " available
chlorine," only about
one-third as much is
required by weight as
of bleach. Thus, instead of 12 pounds per million gallons of
chlorid of lime, 4 pounds of the gas may be used, or instead of
5 pounds (in the case of filtered water), 1% pounds of the gas may
be substituted. Efficiency in operation may increase this ratio
to 1 to 5 or 6.
The commercial gas is 99.8 per cent pure chlorine and can be
purchased in steel cylinders 8 inches in diameter and 60 inches
Courtesy Electro-Bleaching Gas Company.
FIG. 76. Automatic Liquid Chlorine
high containing 100 pounds of chlorine. The pressure in the
cylinders varies with the temperature, ranging from 50 to 100
pounds per square inch.
The apparatus used for introducing the chlorine gas into the
water takes a variety of forms. One type is shown in Fig. 76.
Two cylinders of chlorine gas are connected through a manifold
into a single pipe. To this pipe is attached a gage to indicate the
initial pressure in the cylinders. The gas is then passed through
an automatic pressure-reducing valve which maintains a constant
pressure regardless of the decrease in quantity of gas in the cylin-
ders or variations of temperature. The gas then passes through a
second adjustable reducing valve by which any desired pressure
/may be maintained over an orifice plate in the pipe line. The
reducing valves perform the same function that the float valve
does in an orifice box measuring a chemical solution. The orifice
allows a constant quantity of gas to discharge through a pipe into
an absorption tower, through which a constant stream of water is
flowing. This water absorbs the gas and carries it to the water
supply to be treated. A second gage is generally provided to
measure the pressure on the orifice. Piping, valves, gages, etc.,
must be of special design and material to withstand the corrosive
action of the gas.
The convenience and simplicity of operation as compared to
chlorid of lime are obvious. The annoyance of dust and fumes is
done away with, and the floor space occupied is greatly reduced.
The cost per pound is about six times that of bleaching powder,
but as the strength is about three times as great, and as it can be
more effectively applied, the cost of chemical required is less than
2 to 1. Despite this fact, and in view of the decreasing cost of
liquid chlorine, it is finding much favor.
Sodium Hypochlorite. Sodium hypochlorite is obtained by
passing an electric current through a solution of common salt
(sodium chlorid). Its germicidal effect is the same as that of
calcium hypochlorite, resulting from the liberation of nascent
oxygen. The preparation of it is free from the disagreeable fea-
tures attending the use of bleaching powder, and there is no lime
sludge to dispose of. The process is comparatively new and not
well known in the water-works field, and the apparatus is still in
the formative stage. With electric current below 1J/2 cents per
kilowatt hour, and salt (second grade) at }/$ cent a pound or less,
this process should compete on favorable terms with either bleach-
ing powder or liquid chlorine.
The apparatus used is shown in Fig. 77. It consists essentially
of a tank for holding salt solution, an orifice box for measuring the
solution, and an electrolytic cell. Referring to Fig. 78, it is seen that
the cell consists of a soapstone or porcelain box, about 28 inches
Brine Solution Tank
Cell |
To Water Supply
FIG. 77. Apparatus for Electrolytic Preparation of Sodium Hypochlorite.
FIG. 78. Electrolytic Cell.
long, 12 inches wide, and 12 inches deep, having at each end a baffle
of the same material reaching nearly to the bottom. Between
these end baffles are spaced a number of carbon plates (in this case
23), which, together with the glass partitions above and below,
divide the cell into 24 compartments. Alternate partitions have
the glass baffles perforated with an opening above and below the
carbon, so that in passing through the cell the salt solution takes
the circuitous path indicated by the arrows. Current enters and
leaves the cell through two carbon electrodes, one at each end.
Of the intermediate carbons, one face acts as the positive and the
other as the negative pole, so that the whole device is really made
up of 24 cells in series.-
When a direct current is passed through these cells, and a
brine solution is fed into them, sodium is liberated at one pole and
chlorine at the other. The sodium combines with the water to
form sodium hydroxid and hydrogen. The sodium hydroxid
combines with the chlorine to form sodium hypochlorite. The
hydrogen gas escapes. The reaction may be represented by the
symbols :
NaCl+H 2 O = NaOCl+H 2
There are, however, several auxiliary reactions which decrease
the amount of sodium hypochlorite formed as well as increase
the current consumption. Among these are the oxidation of the
sodium hypochlorite to sodium chlorate, and its reduction to
.sodium chlorid by the liberated hydrogen.
Practically, the voltage required is about 4 volts per cell; for
instance, the apparatus described above would require a voltage of
24X4, or 96 volts, consequently the ordinary 110-volt current could
be used in connection with a rheostat. Theoretically it requires
1.23 kilowatt hours of current and 1.65 pounds of salt to produce
1 pound of available chlorine. However, as the best cells have an
energy efficiency of only about 25 per cent, and not more than 20
per cent of the chlorine present as chlorid is converted into hypo-
chlorite, it actually requires at least 5 amperes of current and over
8 pounds of salt per pound of available chlorine.
In practice, the salt is dissolved in water to a strength of about
a 10 per cent solution, and is fed gradually to the electrolyzer by
means of a siphon connection from the orifice box. The tem-
perature in the electrolyzer should be kept under 100 Fahr.
Lower temperatures give better results. The overflow from the
electrolyzer is fed into the water to be treated, either directly or
through an equalizing tank. The available chlorine in the effluent
of the electrolyzer is determined by the test for available chlorine
given in Chapter III, and is adjusted by regulating the orifice
Ultra-Violet Rays. The ultra-violet rays from an electric
mercury vapor lamp have a direct bactericidal action, not only on
bacteria in the active but also in the spore state, which resists
vigorous boiling. It is necessary that the lamp be enclosed in a
quartz tube, as ordinary glass is opaque to these rays. Also the
ry Lamp
Quartz Lens
Courtesy Scientific American.
FIG. 79. Ultra-Violet Ray Apparatus.
water must be brought close to the lamp, in order to make the
treatment effective, and the rays must be applied after nitration,
as any turbidity cuts them off very quickly. The water is run
through a cast-iron box, in the top of which is suspended a quartz
mercury arc lamp enclosed in a box with quartz sides, to prevent
the water striking the lamp, Fig. 79. The cast-iron box is baffled
so as to bring the water close to the lamp. An electrically operated
valve placed in the line ahead of the apparatus and in series with
the lamp serves to by-pass the water in case the lamp becomes in-
operative. A series of such apparatus is necessary, as each lamp can
only take care of about 150,000 gallons per day. This method has
been in use at Marseilles, France, since 1910. It has also been
employed in the United States in sterilizing bottled water. Its use
in large purification plants has been proposed, and it is probable
that, with more efficient apparatus, its application will become
practicable where electric current is cheap. It has the advantages
of being tasteless and easy of application.
Copper Sulphate. The use of copper sulphate for destroying
algae in reservoirs has been noted in Chapter V. It has also been
found that 10 parts per million of copper sulphate will kill typhoid
and colon bacilli. Attempts have been made to produce a mixed
salt of ferrous and copper sulphates containing about 1 per cent
of the latter. Such a coagulant was used with some success at
Raw Water Discharge
FIG. 80. Automatic Coagulant Control for a Small Plant
From "Apparatus for Water Purification Plants," by Thomas Fleming, Jr. Jour. Eng. Soc.
Penna., June, 1911.
FIG. 81. Coagulant Regulating Device at Monessen, Pa.
Marietta, O.,* where a bacterial efficiency of 99.33 per cent was
obtained. A small amount of copper was found in the effluent
of the niters, attributable to the brass strainers used.
Ozone. Ozone, produced electrolytically, has been used for
sterilizing water. Although it has been extensively experimented
with for a number of years, it has as yet found very little practi-
cal application and seems a less logical successor to chlorid of
lime than liquid chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, or ultra-violet
Automatic Regulation of Coagulation. One of the most useful
automatic devices with which any plant, large or small, can be
equipped is an apparatus for proportioning the amount of coagulant
solution to the varying raw-water flow. Any such device involves
a means for measuring the raw-water flow and some method of
having this affect one of several variables which control the flow of
the coagulant solution from the orifice box, namely, the area of
orifice opening, or the head over the orifice.
Fig. 80 shows a device of this nature, which has been success-
fully used in institutional and other small plants. The orifice box
is of the standard float-controlled type, being fed from a coagulant
solution tank in the usual manner. Instead of an orifice, the
outlet from the orifice box consists of a small brass tube nipple to
which a glass tube is attached by means of a short piece of rubber
hose, making a flexible joint. The glass tube is bent at the end,
and discharges into a funnel, whence the coagulant solution flows
through a pipe to the raw-water main. The raw water, on its way
to the settling basin, flows through a weir box, which is the re-
quired measuring device in this case. There is a float in this
weir box, and from it a wire or cord runs over pulleys and is
attached to the glass tube. When the flow of raw water decreases,
the water level in the weir box falls, and the float with it. This
exerts a pull on the wire and raises the glass tube, thereby de-
creasing the flow of coagulant. Similarly with an increased raw-
water pumpage the float rises, causing the end of the glass tube to
be lowered, thereby increasing the flow of coagulant.
Fig. 81 shows an automatic coagulant regulating device
suitable for a larger plant. In this case the apparatus is mounted
in a small house directly upon the coagulation basin, which hap-
* Engineering Record, LIU, p. 392.
pens to be a large round steel tank. The raw water is pumped
through the inlet pipe into a large box. In this it flows through a
perforated baffle and out through an orifice in the bottom of the
box. The coagulant orifice boxes are attached directly to the raw-
water orifice box, and are of rather deep proportion with glass
fronts. The coagulant solution is pumped from solution tanks
below up into the orifice boxes which are provided with over-
flows, the surplus pumpage overflowing and running back into
the solution tanks by gravity. These overflows have a telescoping
joint and are hung from cords passing over differential pulleys and
leading to a barrel float in the raw-water orifice box. An increase
in pumpage causes the water level in the raw-water orifice box to
FIG. 82. Coagulant Controller for a Large Plant.
rise, carrying the barrel float up with it. This, acting through the
counterweight and differential pulley, raises the overflow funnels,
and consequently the water level in the coagulant orifice boxes,
increasing the flow of coagulant solution.
Fig. 82 shows diagrammatically the principle of one of several
patented devices used in large filtration plants. The raw water is
measured by means of a Venturi meter or other constriction in the
pipe. The water levels at the inlet and at the throat of the tube
are carried to the float tubes A and B. Due to the increased veloc-
ity of the water through the throat, the water level in tube B is
lower than that in tube A by a distance h', which increases as the
flow through the meter increases. It is evident that under action
of the floats A and B alone the pivoted walking beam would be
tilted downward at the right-hand end. This causes the valve in
Courtesy of the Roberts Filter Manufacturing Co.
FIG. 83. Constant Feed Orifice Box.
the line from the solution tank to the float tube C to open, ad-
mitting coagulant solution until the upward force due to the
submergence of float C is sufficient to bring the walking beam
level. This closes the valve in the coagulant line. The water
level in tube C is communicated to the orifice box, the discharge
of which varies with this water level.
Fig. 83 shows an orifice box designed for use where the raw-
water pumpage is constant, which combines a number of useful
features. It consists of an enameled iron tank (1), containing a
float valve (3), fed from the coagulant solution tank through the
pipe and valve (2). The water level in the tank is maintained
at a constant height by the glass float (4). The orifice is an ad-
justable needle valve (5). The discharged solution falls into a
perforated cup (9), and from this into the funnel (6), which con-
nects to a pipe leading to the raw water. It will be noted that the
cup (9) is suspended from a spring. Any variation in the orifice
discharge, due either to the clogging of the orifice or to the failure
of the float valve to operate properly, causes the weight of this cup
to vary, thereby extending or contracting the spring and closing
the electrical contact (8). This causes the bell (12) to ring,
warning the operator that the orifice box is not acting properly.
The bell may be shut off by opening the switch (11) when the
orifice box is not in use. A drain (7) is provided, as well as a
flushing connection (10), to which a pressure pipe may be attached
for cleaning out the coagulant discharge line.
There are numerous other methods of accomplishing the same
results, all based on the principles above outlined.
IT is sometimes desirable to soften a water as well as filter it r
and for this purpose the mechanical filter plant is well adapted
with a few modifications. Essentially these modifications con-
sist of:
a. Larger sedimentation basins.
b. Facilities for mixing the lime with the water.
c. Increased facilities for handling lime and soda ash.
Larger sedimentation capacity is necessary to allow sufficient
time for the reaction between the lime and the bicarbonates in
the water, thereby avoiding to a large extent deposits of calcium
carbonate on the grains of the filter sand, and in the filter piping
and mains. The time for the reaction depends on the constituents
in the water, on the adequacy of mixing the lime with the water,
on the design and condition of the basins, and on the temperature.
A sedimentation period of from 10 to 12 hours fulfils average
conditions, although at times a period of 4 hours may be sufficient.
These periods are based on the total capacity of the basins. Water
containing large amounts of magnesium salts requires a longer
period for reaction. Generally the same is true of attempts to
soften waters which are not very hard to begin with.
The thorough mixture of the slaked lime with the water is
extremely important. This may be accomplished in several ways.
The lime emulsion may be added to the raw water shortly before it
reaches the mixing chamber. It should be introduced into the
raw-water main through several pipes entering at points a number
of feet apart, since the lime emulsion is not very soluble, and if
introduced at one point would sink to the bottom of the main and
badly choke same. The mixing chamber in this case is divided
by vertical baffles into compartments about 3 feet wide, causing
the water to travel up over one baffle and down under the next at
about 1 foot per second velocity. By providing mixing chambers
of this type of half an hour's capacity, a very thorough mixture of
the lime emulsion and the water is obtained, and the softening
reactions are greatly accelerated. Another method of accom-
plishing the same result is that described in connection with the
Columbus filtration plant (Chapter II). There the raw water is
divided into three parts. Twenty-five per cent of it is led to a
number of saturation chambers, where the total dosage of lime is
added to it, and it is thoroughly mixed by means of revolving
paddles. Another 25 per cent is dosed with soda ash in another
compartment. These two portions are then returned to the re-
maining 50 per cent of untreated water, and the whole is run
through a mixing chamber of the type already described.
The sedimentation basins, besides being of the capacity above
stated, should be so designed as to give the water a velocity of
from 2.5 to 3.0 feet per minute. They should be well baffled, so
as to prevent shortcircuiting of the water. There seems to be
some advantage in having a small amount of sludge present in such
a manner that the water passing through comes in contact with it,
as this seems to promote precipitation of the carbonates.
With water at a low temperature a longer sedimentation period
is required than with a warmer water, this following from the
laws of chemical reaction.
The need for larger lime and soda tanks, pipes, conveyers, and
storage facilities is evident, in that from five to ten times as much
of these chemicals must be handled as in ordinary filtration.
Methods of dry feeding such as were described in connection with
the Columbus plant become almost imperative in the larger in-
The meaning of the term " hardness," the constituents pro-
ducing this quality, and the properties imparted by their presence
to the water, have been discussed in the chapter on the " Inter-
pretation of Tests." The chemical constituents causing this
quality may be recapitulated in another manner, as shown on
following page.
The bicarbonates of calcium, magnesium, and iron constitute
temporary hardness, being removed by boiling or precipitated
by lime. The sulphates, chlorids, and nitrates (together with a
small residue of the normal carbonates) of calcium and magnesium
cause permanent hardness, not being removed by boiling, but
being precipitated as calcium and magnesium* carbonate upon the
* Magnesium carbonate is somewhat soluble, but is precipitated by
additional lime.
Bicarbonates of
Carbonates of
Hydroxids of
f Sulphates 1
Incrustants j Chlorids > of
f Sulphuric acid
I Sulphates of
Calcium (Ca)
Magnesium (Mg)
Iron (Fe)
\ Calcium
\ Magnesium
Iron (Fe)
Aluminum (Al)
addition of soda ash. Bicarbonate of iron occurs in some waters,
and may be considered as temporary hardness.
The question of the degree of hardness permissible is gne of
locality to a large extent. A central State water which passes
without comment would seem extremely hard to a visitor from
New England. Considering the economic aspect of the question
as regards soap consumption and the formation of boiler scale in
addition to the personal equation, it would seem that softening
may be regarded as unnecessary with water of a temporary hard-
ness from 75 to 100 parts per million or less, the exact value de-
pending somewhat on the additional permanent hardness present.
The value of permanent hardness at which softening may rationally
be considered is approximately 50 parts per million. In other
words, the question of water-softening may be profitably con-
templated when the total (temporary + permanent) hardness of a
water reaches 150 parts per million. On the other hand, it is neces-
sary to neutralize mineral-acid hardness, even when present only
in small amount, owing to its corrosive action. A few rivers re-
ceiving much mine drainage have a mineral acidity of over 20
parts per million.
There is a lower limit beyond which softening should not be
attempted. This may be placed at from 50 to 60 parts per mil-
lion. Due to limitations in the accuracy of applying the lime and
soda solutions, and vagaries in the reactions of softening, at-
tempts to work to a lower limit would result in caustic water at
times, and this would lead to trouble with after-precipitation, and
to complaints from the consumers, due to the greater hardness of
the caustic water, and to its objectionable taste. Small plants,
where regulation is not very efficient, had better limit themselves
to a total hardness of 75 in the effluent. It is questionable whether
extremely soft waters, even when naturally so, are as healthful as
waters containing more natural salts in solution (especially cal-
cium salts). Investigations seem to show that in regions with
fairly hard waters, the inhabitants are larger and less susceptible
to dental and bone diseases.* Researches made by Messrs. Olaf
Bergem and P. B. Hawk, University of Illinois, seem to show that
water rendered caustic by lime treatment has an inhibitive action
on the digestive processes. This applied particularly to water
containing magnesium hydroxid after treatment, and was. attri-
buted to the adsorptive action of this substance in colloidal form
on the saliva. This action is stronger the more recently the water
has been softened.
Reactions of Water- Softening. The reactions between the
lime and the bicarbonates in the water are as follows:
1. CO 2 +Ca(OH) 2 = CaC0 3 +H 2 O
2. CaCO 3 H 2 CO 3 +Ca(OH) 2 = 2CaCO 3 +*H 2 O
3. 2NaHCO 3 +Ca(OH) 2 = CaCO 3 +Na2CO 3 +2H 2 O
4. MgCO 3 H 2 C0 3 +2Ca(OH) 2 = 2CaCO 3 +Mg(OH) 2 +2H 2 O
The lime seems to attack the constituents of the water in the
order given. First the free carbonic acid is removed, then re-
spectively the bicarbonates of calcium, sodium, and magnesium.
Note that twice as much lime is used for precipitating the bicar-
bonate of magnesium, as the carbonate is soluble and must be
converted into the insoluble hydroxid. The precipitated calcium
carbonate is somewhat soluble (about 30 p. p.m.), so that it is im-
possible (as well as undesirable) to remove hardness entirely.
The removal of permanent hardness is accomplished by the
following reactions for calcium salts:
CaSO 4 )
CaCl, V +Na 2 CO 3 = 2NaCl } +CaCO 3
Ca(N0 3 ) 2 ) ( 2NaN0 3
*Berg, Biochemische Zeitechrift, v. 24, p. 282 (1910); v. 26, p. 204 (1910).
Rose, Deutsche Monatschrift f. Zahnheilkunde, 1904-1908.
The similar reactions for magnesium salts are:
MgSO< ) (Na 2 S0 4 )
MgCl 2 > + Na 2 C0 3 + Ca(OH) 2 = 4 2NaCl [ + CaC0 3 + Mg(OH) 2
Mg(N0 3 ) 2 ) ( 2NaN0 3 )
In neutralizing acid water the reactions are:
The sodium carbonate is added to remove the calcium sulphate
formed by the reaction of the acid or sulphate with the calcium
Special Tests in Water- Softening. The necessary tests to
determine the amounts of lime and soda ash required in water-
softening are:
1. Free carbonic acid.
2. Half -bound carbonic acid (44 per cent of the bicarbonates).
3. Total magnesium.
4. Incrustants.
The tests for free carbonic acid and bicarbonates were given in
detail in the chapter on tests. The tests for magnesium and
incrustants follow.
Total Magnesium: * Apparatus. Six-inch porcelain dish, one
25-cc. pipette, one 150-cc. measuring flask, Bunsen burner.
Reagents. ^ sulphuric acid, a clear, saturated solution of lime-
water, erythrosin, and phenolphthalein.
Procedure. The solution of lime-water is made by adding
pure calcium oxid to boiled distilled water in quantity sufficient
to leave a residue of undissolved lime after vigorous shaking.
Allow the solution to stand until all undissolved lime has settled out.
Test the strength of the lime-water by carefully measuring out
25 cc. and titrating with ^ sulphuric acid using phenolphthalein.
Determine the alkalinity to erythrosin of a sample of the water to
be tested. Take another 100-cc. sample of the water and pour
into a 6-inch porcelain dish. Add the same amount of ^ sul-
phuric acid as was used in the alkalinity test, which should make
it neutral to erythrosin. Boil down to a volume of 30 to 40 cc. to
expel the free, half-bound, and bound carbonic acid.
Introduce 25 cc. of clear saturated solution of the lime-water
into a 150-cc. measuring flask, glass-stoppered. While still hot,
* " Standard Methods of Water Analysis." A. P. H. Assoc.
transfer the contents of the porcelain dish to this flask, and rinse
the dish several times with hot distilled water, pouring the rinsings
into the flask, and make up the solution to about 2 cc. above the
150-cc. line in the flask. Mix well, stopper immediately, and
cool until the precipitated magnesium hydrate has completely
settled out. Pipette off 50 cc. of the clear solution, using care not
to disturb the precipitate, and run into a porcelain dish. Titrate
with JTJ; sulphuric acid to phenolphthalein until neutral.
If C represents the number of cc. of ^ sulphuric acid required
to neutralize 25 cc. of the lime-water, and N the number of cc. of
the same acid used in the final titration, then the magnesium
(Mg) in parts per million equals 2.4 (C-3N).
Incrustants.* Under this name are included the sulphates,
chlorids, and nitrates of lime and magnesium which cause per-
manent hardness.
Apparatus. 500 -cc. Jena glass Erlenmeyer flask, 200 -cc.
graduated flask, 100-cc. measuring glass, glass filter funnel and
filter paper, Bunsen burner.
Reagents, fo soda reagent (equal parts NaOH and Na 2 CO 3 ),
ft sulphuric acid, erythrosin, boiled distilled water.
Procedure. Measure 200 cc. of the water into the Jena glass
flask; boil 10 minutes to expel the carbonic acid and add 25 cc. of
the soda reagent. Boil down to 100 cc., cool, rinse into 200 cc.
graduated flask, and make up to 200 cc. with boiled distilled water.
Filter, rejecting the first 50 cc. and titrate 100 cc. of the filtrate,
using jj sulphuric acid and erythrosin. Take 25 cc. of the soda
reagent and titrate with ^ sulphuric acid and erythrosin. If
S = the cc.'s of jj sulphuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ) required to neutralize
25 cc. of soda reagent, and N = cubic centimeters of ^ sulphuric
acid (H 2 SO 4 ) required to neutralize the 100-cubic-centimeter
sample of the filtrate, the incrustants in parts per million (as
calcium carbonate) equal 12.5 (S-2N).
Treatment. From the above reactions it will be seen that
in order to remove the temporary hardness, it is necessary to add
enough lime to react with the carbonic acid, the bicarbonates, and
an additional amount for the magnesium salts, so that they may
be precipitated as magnesium hydroxid. Sodium bicarbonate
(Equation 3), while not causing hardness, must be removed, if
* " Standard Methods of Water Analysis." A. P. H. Assoc.
present, before the magnesium compounds will be attacked. The
amounts of 85-per-cent lime required for this purpose are :
10 varts per mt ttion of:
Free and half-bound COz 125 pounds
Magnesium (total) 224 pounds
The amount of 97-per-cent soda ash required to remove the
incrustants is:
in -nnrt* r>er -mHHnn nf- Require 97 per cent Na^COz in
10 parts per million of, pounds per million gallons:
Incrustants as CaCO 3 91 pounds
In neutralizing acid hardness (measured as H 2 S04), use the
following amounts:
10 parts per million of: Require per million gallons:
H 2 SO 4 (disregarding formation of CaSO 4 ) 56 pounds 85 per cent
To remove incrustants (CaSO 4 ) formed 94 pounds 97 per cent
Example 1. A typical " hard " water analyzing:
Turbidity, 150 parts per million
Free CO 2 , 10 parts per million
Erythrosin alkalinity, 150 parts per million
Phenolphthalein alkalinity, part per million
Incrustants, ^ 95 parts per million
Magnesium, 21 parts per million
Referring to Plate II, it is seen that all the alkalinity is in the
form of bicarbonates. The half-bound C0 2 therefore is 44 per
cent of 150 or 66 p.p.m. The alum required is found from Plate
III, using the medium curve, to be 1 grain per gallon, or 143 pounds
per million gallons. Referring to Plate IV, the amount of lime
required for no increase in CO 2 is .35 grain per gallon, or 50 pounds
per million gallons. The combined (free and half-bound) CO 2
is 10+66 = 76 parts per million.
The amount of lime required is:
To react with alum 50 pounds per million gallons
For free and half-bound CO 2
7.6X125 950 pounds per million gallons
For total magnesium 2.1X224 470 pounds per million gallons
Total lime (85 per cent CaO) = 1,470 pounds per million gallons
The amount of soda ash required is:
To react with incrustants
9.5X91 = 865 pounds per million gallons
Example 2. A typical acid-water analyzing:
Turbidity, 10 parts per million
Free CO 2 , 10 parts per million
H 2 S04 acidity, 22 parts per million
Iron, 1.5 parts per million
Incrustants, 81.4 parts per million
Magnesium, 6.7 parts per million
From Plate VI, a turbidity of 10 requires 0.4 grain per gallon of
ferrous sulphate. Referring to Plate VIII, it will be seen that the
iron present together with some of the acidity is just sufficient to
supply the coagulation required, so that no ferrous sulphate need
be added.
The lime required is:
For free CO 2 , 1 X 125 = 125 pounds per million gallons
For H 2 SO 4 acidity, 2.2 X 56 = 124 pounds per million gallons
For total magnesium, 0.67X224= 150 pounds per million gallons
Total lime (85 per cent CaO), 399 pounds per million gallons
The soda ash required is:
For H 2 SO 4 , acidity, 2.2X94= 207 pounds per million gallons
For incrustants, 8. 14 X 91 = 741 pounds per million gallons
Total soda ash (97 per cent), 948 pounds per million gallons
In these examples sufficient soda and lime have been added to
react with all the hardening constituents of the water. This is
not always desirable, as under many conditions it is more eco-
nomical to remove only part of these. For instance, if the water
contains a large amount of bicarbonates of calcium and sodium
and a relatively unimportant quantity of magnesium salts, the
last could not be removed until all the calcium and sodium bi-
)carbonates had been precipitated. This would mean that much
of the lime would be required to remove the sodium bicarbonate,
which is not objectionable. In such a case it might be more
economical to add only enough lime to react with the bicarbonate
of calcium.
To determine the most economical treatment, test the raw
water for free and half -bound carbonic acid, incrustants, and
magnesium, and compute the amounts of lime and soda ash needed
for their complete removal. Then take ten half-gallon bottles,
each containing a quart of the raw water, and add proportions of
lime and soda from one-tenth to the full amount required for
complete removal of hardening constituents. Shake well, and
allow to stand for 24 hours. Then analyze the contents of each
bottle for alkalinity and incrustants to determine the reduction in
hardness. In this way determine the proportions and amounts,
giving a maximum reduction with the use of a minimum of
Introduction of Coagulants. The point of introduction of
the coagulants (aluminum or iron sulphate) deserves special con-
sideration in water-softening. During the progress of the soften-
ing reaction, the final products, calcium carbonate and magnesium
hydroxid, are present in the water in quantities above the satura-
tion value. This follows because the water is always in contact
with precipitated calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxid, and
because of the tendency of these substances to form through the
reaction of the slaked lime and bicarbonates present in the water.
The result is that the water is a supersaturated solution of these
compounds, and furthermore contains them in a finely divided
state of incipient precipitation akin to a colloidal solution, which
gives to the water what may be called an artificial turbidity.
Anything which will destroy this condition of unstable equilibrium
and hasten precipitation will materially shorten the reaction
period of the softening process. Passing the water over cakes of
calcium carbonate or violently agitating the water (especially in
contact with sand) are two methods of bringing this about.
Better than either is the addition of a coagulant. It is found that
one grain of aluminum sulphate will reduce the alkalinity of lime-
treated water 30 parts per million, instead of 7 to 8, as the theoret-
ical reaction would indicate. This action is mechanical as well
as chemical. It is therefore advisable to add some coagulant to
the treated water as it leaves the mixing chamber. It sometimes
happens that the water becomes quite clear in the settling basins
before it reaches the filters. In that case, a small amount of
coagulant should be added to the water as it leaves the settling
basins, in order that there may be sufficient precipitate in the
water to form a good mat on the filters. It may be added that
magnesium hydroxid itself is a flocculent precipitate and acts as a
coagulant at times.
THE purposes of sedimentation are: a, to allow the suspended
and coagulated matter to settle out of the water; b to allow time
for the complete reactions of the coagulating chemicals; c, by (a)
and (6), to relieve the niters of a large amount of work (at least 80
per cent), and to reduce the washing of the filters to a minimum;
d, to act as an equalizing basin for the raw-water pumpage, thereby
keeping the load on the niters uniform.
The time required for the settling out of the suspended matter
is a variable quantity, depending chiefly on the size and specific
gravity of the suspended particles. To a less extent it is affected
by the nature of the particles, by the temperature of the water,
and by its chemical constituents. Where sedimentation is pre-
liminary to filtration a period of 2 to 6 hours is generally allowed.
Where coagulation and sedimentation constitute the final process
the period should be from one to three days.
The time for completion of reactions varies with the chemicals
used, their concentration, thoroughness of mixing, and the
natural qualities and temperature of the water. Alum and iron
reactions are quite rapid, rarely requiring more than 30 minutes,
but the reaction of lime with the bicarbonates of the water is slow,
and may require 12 hours.
With very turbid water the sedimentation is advantageously
divided into two stages: a, Plain sedimentation, to remove the
heavy suspended matter; 6, coagulation and sedimentation, to
remove the lighter suspended and colloidal matter. This point
and the application of the chemicals have been more fully con-
sidered in the chapter on Coagulation and Sterilization.
Much importance attaches to the proper baffling of a sedi-
mentation basin, in order to prevent the water from following
currents or short-cutting. It sometimes happens that through
improper baffling a basin designed to give four hours' sedimentation
is in reality allowing the water to pass through in half an hour.
The raw water, being drawn from near the bottom of a river or
lake, is always of maximum density. Assuming an unbaffled
basin or one of type shown in Fig. 84, and that it has been standing
full of water preliminary to starting, so that the water has been
warmed or cooled, according to season, in either case decreasing
FIG. 84.
its specific gravity, the raw water pumped into it on starting will
sink and flow along the bottom of the basin, due to its greater
density. This tendency to sink to the bottom of the basin is
FIG. 85.
increased where the water enters the basin by means of aerators,
as in Fig. 84, due to the downward velocity imparted thereby.
The water flowing along the bottom causes an upward displace-
ment of the lighter water in the basin and starts a current near the
surface toward the outlet. With no baffle in the basin the lighter
water would gradually be removed and a more uniform flow
result, but with the very common central baffle, the water would
form the currents shown, the heavier lines representing the most
rapid flow, and a large portion of the basin would be ineffective.
With warmer ground water the flow would be as in Fig. 85. This
is not as bad, as the quiescent water below receives the sediment
from the flowing stratum and allows it to settle, whereas in Fig.
84 the water tends to scour the sediment from the bottom and
carry it to the filters to a greater extent.
The persistence of currents once formed is very marked, even
after the difference in specific gravity or the initial velocity causing
them is removed. Thus the currents, formed in types of Figs. 84
FIG. 87.
loo o o
00 001
FIG. 88.
and 85, continue after the temperature of the water is equalized
throughout, as determined by a delicate thermometer. This
persistence is also shown in Fig. 86, showing the very common
manner of introducing the raw water into the settling basin by one
or more horizontal pipes. Eddy currents are set up thereby, as
shown. The introduction and withdrawal of the water should be
done with as little agitation or velocity as possible, either by
weirs, or grids of pipe with numerous openings.
Fig. 87 shows a satisfactory arrangement of baffles for a small
rectangular basin with aerator inlets. A splasher float is pro-
vided below the aerators to break the fall of the water. The baffles
at the quarter points prevent under-scour, and the central baffle
breaks up surface currents. The lower four feet act as a re-
ceiving basin for sediment settling out of the water above.
Fig. 88 shows a system of vertical baffles adapted for large
Every effort should be made to get the most work out of the
basin, by proper coagulation, baffling, and cleaning, as in this way
the expense of operating and washing the filters is reduced. Oc-
casional bacterial and turbidity tests of the influent and effluent
should be made, to determine the efficiency of sedimentation.
A properly operated basin should effect a removal of bacteria and
sediment of from 75 to 90 per cent. The efficiency depends on the
area and depth of the basin, as well as upon the turbidity and
amount of coagulation in the water. With the copious precipitates
obtained in water-softening, in conjunction with the large sedi-
mentation basins used, it is possible to get an average bacterial re-
moval of 98 per cent. The effluent from the basins should not be
entirely clear, but should have a visible coagulation corresponding
to a turbidity of from 25 to 35.
To obtain the best efficiency, the basins must be cleaned as
frequently as conditions require. Generally the time for cleaning
is indicated by a decrease in basin efficiency, due to some of the
settled silt and coagulant being swept up from the bottom and
carried over to the filters. In deep basins septic action may
start, evidenced on the surface by the appearance of gas bubbles
or pieces of black sludge. In warm climates the formation of
algae, slimes, or vegetative growths on the surface makes very fre-
quent cleaning necessary.
To clean a basin, it should be drained, and the accumulated
sludge swept or flushed with a fire hose into the sewer.
Routine of Operation. To operate a filter plant efficiently,
certain recurring portions of the work should follow a definite
schedule. The operations which can generally be so arranged are:
a. Making of tests.
b. Preparation of coagulant solutions.
c. Inspections of plant.
d. Washing of filters.
The basis of the routine should be the length of time during which
the men work, which is usually 8 or 12 hours, but may be a variable
quantity in the case of small plants, which are shut down daily
after pumping a certain required quantity of water.
Making of Tests. In plants which operate only a portion
of the day the tests are generally made before starting up in the
morning, and in some cases only the physical and chemical tests
are run, and weekly samples are taken and sent to a competent
bacteriologist for determination of the bacterial count and coli
in the effluent. A more rational procedure would be to take
the raw-water samples before starting, the settled-water samples
(at the outlet of the basins) after an interval equal to the actual
time required for the water to pass through the basins (determined
as described under Calibration), and the filtered-water samples
(from the effluent sample pumps) after an interval equal to the
actual time required for the water to pass through the filters and
connecting piping.
In plants running continuously samples are generally taken
and tests made sufficiently before the end of a shift so that the
results may be available for making up the solutions for the
coming shift. With variable raw-water conditions it may become
necessary to make tests at four- or even two-hour intervals, but
this is exceptional. In all cases there is an advantage in allowing
a proper time interval to elapse between the taking of raw-, settled-,
and filtered-water samples, so that the same " batch " of water
may be followed through the whole process.
The dosage, chemical and physical constitution of the water are
continually fluctuating about a mean value, which is itself varying
in a more uniform manner, so that the samples taken at even two-
hourly periods will probably depart considerably from average
conditions. In large plants where economic conditions warrant
the effort, it may be well to take samples half-hourly for limited
periods, so as to get composite results. A series of tests taken
close together, two or three times a year, and carefully studied
will often point to possible improvements in the methods of
applying chemicals and the coagulation process generally.
Preparation of Coagulant Solutions. From the tests and with
the aid of the charts explained in the chapter on Coagulation, it
is possible to compute the pounds of coagulant required per
million gallons. It still remains to ascertain the number of
million gallons ta be pumped. If the plant is not equipped with
automatic coagulant regulation, the engineer should be required to
inform the filter operator as to the rate at which he intends to
pump during the coming shift of 8 or 12 hours, and to maintain
this rate of pumping uniformly. If a departure from the fixed
rate becomes necessary during the shift, the pumping-station
engineer should be obliged to notify the filter-plant operator, so
that the latter can make the necessary adjustment of orifice boxes,
etc. This calls for means of measuring the rate of pumpage.
With direct-acting pumps this is most readily accomplished by
means of stroke counters; with centrifugal pumps, by means of
speed counters or tachometers. If either of these methods is
used, the pumps should be recalibrated frequently, as explained
under Calibration. Devices for the same purpose, which are less
liable to variation, are Venturi meters, pitometers, weirs, and ori-
fices. If possible, a permanent measuring device of one of these
types should be installed in the raw-water line, with indicators in
both the coagulant house and pumping station.
The amounts of chemicals, as determined from the tests and
pumpage, are carefully weighed out upon a platform scale, a
separate weighing box being maintained for each kind of chemical.
In large plants, where conveyers and other labor-saving apparatus
are used, automatic hopper or other special scales are often pro-
vided for the chemicals.
The most troublesome and wasteful chemical that must be
handled is quicklime. It requires considerable labor in slaking,
and the emulsion clogs pipes and is particularly troublesome in
the orifice boxes, much lime tending to settle out, due to the small
flow through the orifice. The losses result principally through
carbonization in storage, incomplete slaking, and the settling out
of the hydrate when applied as an emulsion to the raw water, due
to its small solubility (only the portion in solution takes any part
in the reaction with the alum or iron) . This loss may amount to
from 25 to 50 per cent. To reduce losses to a minimum, it is neces-
sary to secure high calcium lime and have it shipped to the plant,
where small amounts are used, in tight barrels; where large
amounts are used, in bulk, in tight box cars, with all openings
carefully closed, to prevent the entrance of air or moisture. Ar-
riving at the plant, if in barrels, it should be stored in a dry place;
if in bulk, in covered concrete bins, having a hopper bottom,
so that it may be withdrawn from underneath without the ad-
mission of air. It should then be weighed out as required, and
slaked in an iron slaking box, using about three times its volume
of hot water. The lime should be mixed with the water until
every part is moistened, but should not be stirred while slaking.
Covering the box to conserve the heat is advantageous. Two
slaking boxes and two solution tanks should be used, so as to
allow a batch to be slaked during the previous shift. The slaked
lime should be run through a strainer screen into the solution tank
-and diluted with water to an emulsion of the consistency of milk.
To keep a uniform concentration, the stirring paddles must be
kept in constant motion while the solution is being used. The
connection from the solution tank to the orifice box should be as
short and straight as possible, as it is here that the greatest con-
striction must necessarily occur. The orifice box should receive
frequent attention, to see that the lime does not settle therein and
the orifice does not clog. The discharge line from the orifice
box to the raw water should be as short and straight as possible.
The strength of solution should be kept constant, and changes in
treatment made by increasing or decreasing the orifice opening.
Thus, with a sliding orifice, assuming that approximately 2 grains
per gallon of lime are to be used, slake the proper amount, and
dilute with enough water to make an amount of emulsion that
will last just one shift (8 to 12 hours), with the orifice at a mid-
position. Then if, owing to a change in the raw water, 4 grains
per gallon are required, open the orifice twice as wide; if 1 grain is
required, close the orifice to half the initial width.
Alum, iron sulphate, and soda ash should be dissolved in warm
water and discharged into the respective solution tanks through
strainer screens. The solutions should have a strength of not over
6 per cent. The stirring paddles need only be run until the
Concentration of the solutions has become uniform. To prevent
oxidation of the iron solution, the tank should be covered and
stirring reduced to a minimum. The predetermined amounts of
coagulant should be used in making up solutions, and the amount of
water necessary to dilute to the customary strength added. Then
the orifice should be set to pass this amount of solution in 8 or 12
hours, as the case may be. Any sudden variation can be met by
opening or closing the orifice proportionately. The number of
gallons of water required to make a 6 per cent solution is two
times the pounds of coagulant; for a 3 per cent solution, 4 times
the pounds of coagulant.
Besides keeping the solutions of uniform strength, it is essential
that the orifice boxes operate properly. This involves keeping
a constant head over the orifices and keeping the orifices open to
full size. Small particles of sediment or coagulant lodging in the
seat of the float valve may prevent this from closing and result in
an increase in head over the orifice. Coagulant may lodge or
crystallize on the edges of the orifice and especially in the corners
and cause a marked variation in flow.
Hypochlorite of lime is relatively insoluble, and its resistance
to solution is increased by the fact that it tends to float on top of
the water. It is customary to mix the required amount in a
small tub provided with a revolving paddle, so that it can be
brought into intimate contact with the water, and then empty
this solution into a larger tank, where it is diluted with water to
about a 2 per cent solution. The fumes from the dry hypo are
very corrossive, especially to copper and brass, and it is well to
have as little as possible exposed to the air. The orifice box
should be made with as little brasswork as possible, hard rubber
forming a good substitute.
Duplication of tanks, orifice boxes, and piping is very essential
in this part of the plant, as with a breakdown in chemical treat-
ment a satisfactory effluent is not possible.
Regarding the storage of chemicals, that of lime has been con-
sidered. The remaining should be stored in a dry place con-
venient of access.
Ferrous sulphate, on exposure to air and moisture, oxidizes
on the surface, with the formation of ferric sulphate and hydroxid.
Therefore it should be stored in bins with a minimum exposure
of surface.
Inspection. Hourly inspections should be made of the orifice
boxes, to insure their feeding the coagulant regularly, and to guard
against stoppage. The solution tanks should be looked after
frequently, to see that the mixing paddles are in operation and
the solution is of uniform strength.
The same may be said with regard to examining the coagu-
lation of the raw water at the inlet to the settling basin and
on the filters. This is best done by collecting a sample of the
water in a clean, clear glass. The coagulation should be plainly
visible, of about half a pin-head in size, and flocculent. The
settled water should show a visible coagulation corresponding
to a turbidity of about 25 to 35. Should it be excessively turbid,
if aluminum sulphate is being used alone, increase the dose or
add about one-third as much lime; with a very turbid water, try
applying part of the coagulant at the center of the basin. The
excessive turbidity of the settled water may also be caused by
sediment being swept up from the bottom of the settling basin,
if it is not clean.
Acid waters or those containing ammonia, organic matter, or
alkalis in certain concentration give trouble with colloidal solu-
tions of the coagulant, especially in cold weather. Decreasing
the ratio of lime to alum or iron, or a considerable increase in the
amount of chemicals, is often effective with such trouble.
At weekly or bi-weekly intervals each filter should be examined.
This is best done just previous to washing the filter. The points
to be investigated are:
a. The condition of the sand.
b. The rate of washing and the process of washing.
c. The rate of filtration.
d. The operation of the effluent controller.
e. The operation of the loss of head gages.
The filter to be examined should be shut down and the water
level lowered below the sand line by opening the drain valve.
The general appearance of the Schmutzdecke should be noted, and
a sample of sand should be taken.
The filter should then be washed. During this process the
rate of washing should be measured as explained under " Calibra-
tion." Any unevenness in the wash distribution should be noted.
The sand should be lifted over the whole area of the filter bed.
This can be ascertained by thrusting a thin pole into the filter
sand, which should meet no obstruction until the gravel is reached.
A cup attached to a stick should be held so as to receive the over-
flow from the wash-water troughs, and the samples of water so
obtained should be examined for any sand which might be carried
After washing, the water should again be drawn down to
observe the effect. There should be no patches of mud left on the
filter sand, although a uniform, thin film of coagulum is not ob-
jectionable. The sand surface should be level and free from
bumps or hollows. There should be a mark placed on the side
of the filter tank at the sand line, and note should be taken as to
whether the sand is settling below this mark, which may be due to
the sand being washed away, or to settling in the under-drain
system. A sample of the sand should be taken and examined for
incrustation and change in effective size.
The rate of filtration can be checked as explained under
" Calibration." By taking this at intervals during a run the
working and accuracy of the rate controller can be checked. The
correctness of the loss-of-head gages can be ascertained by mea-
surements of the actual difference in level between the water on
the filter and in the effluent pipe.
In connection' with the other routine work, occasional turbidity
and bacterial tests of the settled water will shed light on the
efficiency both of the settling basin and filters. As much work as
possible should be thrown on the settling basin, as this prevents
clogging of the filters and reduces the amount of wash water re-
Operation of Filters. The ultimate efficiency of the plant de-
pends entirely on the care and proper manipulation of the filters,
no matter now perfect the coagulation or sedimentation. The
maintaining of a suitable rate of filtration is most important,
owing to the fact that the coagulant forms a gelatinous mat on
the surface and in the upper part of the sand, which forms the
real medium of filtration, and which is broken through by exces-
sive velocities of the water. The maximum rate with alum
Coagulation usually is 125,000,000 gallons per acre per day, with
iron, 100,000,000 gallons per acre per day, corresponding re-
spectively to 2.0 and 1.6 gallons per square foot per minute.
Generally the filter capacity is more than sufficient and a lower
rate can be adopted. The load should be distributed among
all the units equally, an important point, often neglected.
Each filter unit is provided with a rate controller on the
effluent outlet, the purpose of which is to maintain automatically
a constant rate of filtration regardless of loss of head. These
controllers are provided with an adjustment by which they may
be set to filter at any desired rate. If kept clean, and given the
care and attention required by any automatic device of this
character, they will function properly and do much toward
maintaining a uniform distribution of load among the units and
preventing the sudden breakings-through of the filter mats, with
the consequent pollution of the clear-water basin with raw water.
Too often they are neglected to a point where they cease to
operate, or are dismantled by the operator, rate control being at-
tempted by manipulating the effluent valves so as to maintain a
uniform loss-of-head reading or until the operator feels by some
unerring instinct that the right rate of flow is attained. This
practice cannot be too severely condemned, and the same can be
said of the very general tendency to deprecate other automatic
devices and gages about the plant, because they do not operate
from the start without attention. Such devices used about a
filter plant are very simple compared to those used successfully in
other work, and their inoperativeness reflects strongly on the
mechanical ability of. the attendant. In rate controllers, proper
care generally involves keeping bearings and sliding joints lubri-
cated arid free from incrustation, orifice openings clean and of
full size, and preventing air pockets.
Rate controllers should be calibrated occasionally to see that
they are correctly set. To do this, close the influent valve and
note the fall in water level over the whole area of the filter unit
in half a minute. Repeat several times and from the average
drop compute the quantity of water in cubic feet, which, multiplied
by 15, gives the rate in gallons per minute. Compare this with the
setting of the controller, which correct accordingly. Repeat for
various rates and for each filter unit. Check the regulation of
the controller by noting the rate, as above, with different heads
over the filter sand, or vary the head by throttling the effluent
Each filter is equipped with a loss-of-head gage, to measure the
friction loss through the mat, sand, gravel, and under-drain system.
When operating properly, this should be an index to the load dis-
tribution among the filters, as the loss of head should increase
uniformly for all, and to the time for washing the filter, which
should be done whenever the loss of head is not over 8 feet greater
than the initial loss of head, pertaining when the filter is put into
commission after washing. If any filter shows an excessive loss
of head as compared with the rest, under normal operating condi-
tions, it is a sign that the gravel or strainer system is clogged or
As generally constructed, the loss-of-head gage consists of two
float tubes, one connected with the raw water above the sand, the
other with the effluent pipe. The difference in the water levels
in these tubes is recorded on a dial by means of floats operating a
differential gear. The gage can be adjusted to read correctly by
measuring from the tops of the tubes the distance to each water
level, obtaining the difference in water levels by subtraction, and
setting the pointer of the gage to read correctly on the dial.
Gages which operate from the floats by means of wires or cords
are easily thrown out of adjustment and should be frequently
checked and reset if necessary.
The effluent pipe from each unit should be provided with a
sampling cock or pump, so that frequent individual samples can be
obtained for bacterial and turbidity tests. Any filter found giving
an inferior effluent should be shut down at once, and not used until
the cause of trouble has been found and corrected. If the water
in the clear-water basin appears cloudy, more alum or iron should
be used; if, with the iron treatment, it has a yellow tint, use more
lime. A porcelain plate placed in the bottom of the clear well and
observed from a dark place will accentuate any cloudiness or dis-
It is important that the sand and gravel be kept clean. This
can generally be accomplished by washing with sufficient water
and pressure. If the wash water is not uniformly distributed, as
will occur should some of the strainers become stopped up, certain
portions of the sand will accumulate filth indefinitely and become
breeding-places for bacteria. Similarly in a poorly designed or
operated filter, mossy growths will form in the gravel and under-
drains. Such conditions will manifest themselves on inspection of
the filter after washing by slimy, obviously unwashed, patches on
the sand surface, which should be followed up by digging into the
sand. Furthermore, the filtered water may contain bits of de-
cayed moss, or have a higher bacterial count than the settled water.
Under conditions of over-treatment with lime, calcium carbonate
will precipitate on the sand grains, causing them to grow in size
until they become ineffective for filtering purposes. Dirty sand
can be removed, washed, and replaced; sand coated with lime must
be replaced with new. Hard washing will remove a proportion of
the finer particles of sand, and it is advisable to keep on hand a
supply of finer sand and replenish the filters by spreading a thin
layer of this over the coarser sand. Clogged-up strainers can be
cleaned by immersing in dilute hydrochloric acid until the deposit
is dissolved and then washing to remove the surplus acid.
When a filter is operating, silt and coagulum are continually
collecting in the upper part of the sand, causing an increasing re-
sistance to the passage of water, until a point is reached at which
the pressure of water above the sand is not sufficient to force the
rated quantity through the filter. A vacuum is then formed
below the sand surface, as the water is running through the lower
part of the sand faster than it can pass through the clogged upper
portion under the water-head alone, and this vacuum aids in keep-
ing the filter up to its capacity. This decrease in pressure causes
dissolved gases to come out of solution and collect at the point
of maximum vacuum, forming a film of gas across the filter which
effectually stops the passage of water. This gas is partly air and
partly carbonic acid, and is further augmented by air drawn into
the filter through defective flanges and valve stems in the effluent
pipe. If the effluent pipe is closed, the air will rise to the surface
in large bubbles, breaking up the mat and forming passages
through the sand. The filter must then be washed before again
being placed in service.
There is a tendency for scum and foam to collect on the walls
of the filters near the water-line and on the wash-water troughs.
This is unsightly, and should be cleaned off frequently.
Washing Filters. The method of washing filters depends on
the design of the filter, which may be one of three types: the old
circular tank type, provided with revolving rakes for agitation;
the concrete unit provided with air agitation; or the most recent
" hard-wash " type.
a. Revolving-rake type :
1. Close influent valve and allow water to draw down to top
of troughs.
2. Close effluent valve.
3. Open sewer full wide.
4. Open wash-water valve very slowly.
5. While wash water is rising, allow agitating rakes to trail
backward slowly.
6. Start agitating rakes forward at 10 to 12 revolutions per
7. When filter is sufficiently washed, start agitator trailing
backward and slowly close wash- water valve.
8. Close sewer valve.
9. Open influent valve and allow water to come to normal
10. Open .effluent valve slightly and after about five, minutes
open fully.
b. Air-agitation type :
1. Close influent valve and allow water to draw down to
top of troughs.
2. Close effluent valve.
3. Open sewer fully.
4. Open air valve (keep air on about 3 minutes).
5. Close air valve and open wash water valve slowly.
6. When filter is sufficiently washed, slowly close wash-water
7. Close sewer valve.
8. Open influent valve and allow water to come to normal level.
9. Open effluent valve slightly and after about five minutes
c. Hard-wash type :
1. Close influent valve and allow water to draw down to top
of troughs.
2. Close effluent valve.
3. Open sewer fully.
4. Open wash-water valve slowly.
5. When filter is sufficiently washed, close wash-water valve
very slowly.
6. Close sewer valve.
7. Open influent valve and allow water to come to normal
8. Open effluent valve slightly and after about five minutes
As to rate of wash, this should be as high as possible without
washing away any sand. To test this, wash the filter thoroughly
clean, then with different openings of the wash valve, collect
samples of water from the wash troughs in large glass jars. Allow
these to stand and note whether any sand settles out. The
highest rate at which no sand appears should be used, and can be
conveniently gaged by the number of turns^the wash valve is
open. A pressure gage attached to the wash pipe as it enters the
filter furnishes a convenient method of measuring the rate of
Washing should be continued until all the heavy dirt is removed,
but not until the filter is perfectly clean, as it is desirable to have
a film of coagulant jelly about /i 6 inch thick over the entire sand
surface to form a mat when starting the filter, and to wash beyond
a certain stage requires an excessive amount of wash water. The
total time for washing is generally about 8 to 12 minutes per filter.
An inspection of the sand surface after washing forms a good
criterion of the rate, length, and distribution of wash. The sur-
face should be covered with a uniform film of jelly as above
mentioned. Removing this, the sand should be absolutely clean.
The presence of mud uniformly distributed would indicate too
short a period of washing or too low a rate. Mud near the sides
of the wash troughs denotes that these are too far apart and can be
partially remedied by a higher rate and longer period. Isolated
mud patches suggest stopped-up strainers, especially if the sand
beneath is not clean. Craters of sand are signs of water channels
due to vertical stratification, broken strainers, or air pipes. Mud-
balls occur with low rates of wash. These and other accumula-
tions of mud should be carefully removed with a long-handled
It is important that the wash valve be opened and especially
closed very slowly. This has the effect of leaving the sand
stratified horizontally in layers of increasing fineness upward, and
therefore in the best condition for filtering.
It is not best to wash all the filters in succession, but this
work should be divided proportionately among the shifts, as this
tends toward greater uniformity of the effluent and causes less
unbalancing of operating conditions. In small plants, say of three
units, washing one filter throws 50 per cent more water into each
of the others, which may disturb their operation, especially with
a small settling basin or poorly regulating controllers.
Clear- Water Basin. The clear-water basin should be kept
scrupulously clean. Hatchways leading into it should be tightly
covered; and if necessary to enter it while in use, great care should
be used to prevent its pollution in any way. If the pipe gallery is
of the open type, i.e., used as or connected with the clear- water
basin, the raw-water and sewer pipes should be inspected at least
weekly for leaks. The same holds for the fronts of the filter
tubs, if forming part of the walls of the clear-water basin.
Laboratory. It would seem almost needless to say that all
apparatus, reagents, etc., must be kept perfectly clean, and that
all tests must be made with scrupulous care, yet in these particulars
the grossest negligence is often found, especially in small plants.
The room and furniture should be kept free from dust to prevent
pollution of bacterial tests. Reagents should not be allowed to
grow stale and must be standardized frequently to insure their
correctness. This applies as well to distilled water, which often
contains traces of impurities. A good way to test reagents is to
run blank analyses with distilled water of known purity and
record the results. The stoppers of reagent bottles should never
be laid upon the desk, unless upon a clean paper, and the neck
and mouth of such bottles should be kept scrupulously clean, and
the mixing up stoppers avoided. The reagent should be added
very slowly with constant stirring. Glassware, except for bac-
terial tests, should always be wiped with a clean lintless towel just
before use. The work should be laid out so as to secure the
best economy of time. Thus if one test involves a lengthy filtra-
tion or boiling of the sample, another test can be run while this is
in progress. A note-book should be kept containing a dated
record of all tests and computations systematically and neatly
Calibration of Apparatus. In order to adjust the chemical
dosage properly, it is necessary that the means of measuring the
raw-water pumpage be accurate. Whether this be determined by
Venturi meter, weirs, stroke counter, or tachometer, the accuracy
of the device should be tested. If a stroke counter or tachometer
is used, the test should be repeated at intervals, as the slippage
factor of the pumps changes from time to time. This test is best
made by closing the outlet of the settling basin into which the
pumps deliver, and measuring the rise in water in the basin and
the number of revolutions made by the pumps discharging into the
basin, in a given time. Then from the area of the basin and
the rise in water level, the pumpage can be calculated in
cubic feet, and this quantity multiplied by 7.5 and divided
by the number of revolutions gives the gallons pumped per
Example. A reciprocating pump being tested delivers into a
basin 40 X 80 feet in plan. The duration of the test is 30 minutes,
the rise in the basin is 1.83 feet, the number of revolutions made
by the pump is 943 J^.
Area of basin = 40 X 80 = 3,200 sq. ft.
Volume pumped = 3200 X 1.83 = 5,850 cu. ft.
Gallons pumped = 5850 X 7.5 = 43,875 gallons
Gallons per revolution = 43875 -f- 943i = 46.502 gal. rev.
In testing centrifugal pumps, the rise should be one foot or less,
the water level in starting being six inches below that normally
carried in the basin, and, on stopping, six inches above normal level.
Centrifugal pumps should be tested at various speeds and a curve
showing the relation between speed and capacity should be plotted.
Venturi meters are tested in a similar manner, the computed
discharge in gallons being compared with the registered discharge
of the meter, the latter being corrected if a discrepancy develops.
The rate of nitration can be checked in a similar manner, by
closing the influent valve and measuring the drop in water level
for one minute. The area of the filter in square feet multiplied by
0.625 times the drop in inches gives the rate of filtration in gallons
per minute. By repeating this test with different losses of head
through the filter, the adjustment of the rate controllers can be
By a similar process the rate of washing can be obtained.
The solution tanks and orifice boxes should be calibrated. This
is done by first measuring the cubical contents of the tanks, and
multiplying this by 7.5 to obtain the capacity in gallons. Then,
with the orifice open to a certain mark, note how far the water
level in the solution tank drops in a given time. From this the
rating of the orifice can be obtained. The test should be repeated
for different orifice openings and a table or curve plotted giving
the rate of discharge of the orifice for different openings.
Besides making the above tests, the operator should measure
and compute the capacities of all the various units in the plant,
and make a permanent record of the results for reference. This
should include the ratings of all pumps, capacities of settling
basins, filters, clear-water basins, wash-water tank, solution
tanks, etc.
Organization. The organization of the force operating a
filtration plant depends principally on the size of the plant, to a
less extent on whether or not softening is attempted. Small
plants connected with public institutions or supplying villages
require only a portion of one man's time, who may also act as
pumping-station engineer or perform other duties. Plants in
small towns, which operate only part of each day, can be managed
by one man, with possibly the occasional help of several laborers
for cleaning and repairs. The same plant, so situated that, be-
cause of lack of storage facilities, it must be run continuously,
twenty-four hours per day, must obviously have at least one
man per shift.
In towns and cities of moderate size, say 20,000 to 60,000 in-
habitants, the force would generally consist of a chemist, assistant
chemist, three filter operators, three coagulant house operators,
and a janitor and utility man, in all nine men. The chemist
would have general supervision of the plant, besides making the
chemical and bacteriological determinations. The assistant
chemist would assist in the laboratory work and in keeping the
records, and would make the necessary tests in the absence of the
chemist. The duties of the filter men and the coagulant house
operators are obvious, there being one each of these per shift. In
smaller plants the two positions can be combined, thereby eliminat-
ing three men. The utility man will do janitorial work most of the
time, but should be ready to assist wherever required or to replace
any of the operators in emergency.
In plants of large size, there is not only a corresponding in-
crease in personnel, but, owing to the complex apparatus used,
skilled workmen are required. A superintendent is necessary,
who has entire charge of the plant. There should be at least one
chemist and one bacteriologist, either being capable of taking over
the other's work. In the absence of the superintendent, the
plant should be in charge of the chemist. There would probably
O 0\0\
Laborers x \
Coagulant House \ \ \
Filter House
tf o
Utility Men
FIG. 89. Organization Chart for a Large Filtration Plant.
be one foreman and one laborer in the coagulant house, and one
filter operator, in each shift. There should be at least one skilled
mechanic and electrician, and a foreman with several laborers to
look after any outside or repair work, such as cleaning basins, re-
placing filter sand, etc. A janitor, utility man, and a clerk will also
be required. Such an organization is shown by the chart,
Fig. 89.
Cost of Operation. Perhaps the largest single factor affecting
the cost of operation of filtration plants is the amount of coagulant
used. This varies with the quality of the raw water, and in-
creases greatly when the water is softened. The labor cost in-
creases with the size of plant from the smallest to plants of perhaps
10,000,000 gallons capacity, after which the cost per million
gallons decreases. Against the cost of filtering should be charged
the cost of pumping the water against the head lost in filtration,
which is generally from 10 to 15 feet. The following are typical
examples of the cost of filtration in plants of various sizes :
Example No. 1. Cost of Coagulation and Sedimentation at
St. Louis, Mo. The treatment consists of coagulation with lime
and iron sulphate, followed by sedimentation in large basins.
'The source of supply is the Mississippi River below the mouth of
the Missouri, consequently a very high turbidity prevails much of
the time. The average amounts of chemicals used in 1911 were
5.77 grains per gallon of lime and 2.70 grains per gallon of iron
Cost of Purification per Million Gallons (1910-1911)
Lime $1.967
Sulphate of iron 1 .969
Unloading 0.094
Operating amd maintenance (labor) . 378
Repairs 0.030
Water, coal, oil, etc 0.047
Light and power . 098
Water analyses (chemist's) 0. 172
Total.. $4.755
The average daily pumpage was about 86,000,000 gallons.
Example No. 2. Cost of Filtration at Harrisburg, Penna.
This is a standard type mechanical filtration plant. The pumpage
for 1911 averaged 8,205,684 gallons per day. The average amount
of coagulant used was 0.7 grain per gallon.
Cost of Purification per Million Gallons (1910-1911)
Coagulant $1 . 22
Fuel (low service) 0. 86
Supplies 0.28
Materials and repairs . 36
Oil and waste 0.07
Laboratory 0.43
Labor.. . 2.77
Total $5.99
Example No. 3. Cost of Filtration at a Typical Small Plant.
Daily pumpage, 2,000,000 gallons. Water slightly acid at times,
requiring the use of soda ash. Average amounts of coagulant
used 0.7 grain per gallon of alum, 0.5 grain per gallon of soda ash.
Cost of Purification per Million Gallons
Alum $1.25
Soda ash 86
Fuel (low service)* 73
Supplies, oil, and waste 42
Repairs 07
Labor.. . 2.00
Total $5.33
Example No. 4. Cost of Purification in a Large Softening
Plant. Daily pumpage, 50,000,000 gallons; lime used, 8 grains per
gallon; iron sulphate, 1 grain per gallon. Plant is equipped with
conveyers, automatic scales, and other labor-saving devices.
Cost of Purification per Million Gallons
Lime $2.71
Iron sulphate . 72
Labor 0.69
Material, supplies, and repairs 0.56
Laboratory 0. 12
Low-service pumpage * . 40
* Cost of pumping the additional head lost in the filtration plant.
Weather .
Hours pumped Amount pumped Gallons
Alum used Pounds Gr/Gal.
Lime used Pounds Gr/Gal.
Filters washed Time Minutes
Wash water used Gallons % of raw
Analyses: Raw water Filtered water
C0 2
FIG. 90. Daily Report Form for a Small Purification Plant.
Records and Statistics. The records to be kept depend
largely upon the size and purpose of the plant. Even in the small-
est plants a note-book should be kept in which results of analyses,
amounts of water pumped, and chemicals used should be recorded.
In any but institutional plants, a daily form similar to Fig. 90
should be filled out, preferably in duplicate, one copy being sent
to the water-works office for record and the other being kept on
file at the plant. It is convenient to keep these reports on paper
of some standard loose-leaf system. The operator should also
keep an accurate record of the time of men employed about the
plant, material received, and such events as cleaning the basins,
renewing filter sand, and the like.
In large plants, especially if municipally owned, more complete
records must be kept. These should include:
a. Laboratory note-books.
6. Diary.
c. Time and material-book.
d. Plant invoice and data.
e. Daily report.
/. Annual report.
The laboratory note-books should contain complete data,
computations, and results of all tests made in the laboratory.
These are best kept in chronological order in books of uniform size
and appearance. It may be well to have separate books for
physical and chemical water analyses, bacteriological analyses,
analyses of coagulants, etc., to prevent interference if several of
these are conducted at once, and to render the records more
The diary is best kept by the superintendent himself, and
should contain events of importance in sufficient detail to make it
a running history of the plant.
The time- and material-book should contain the time of all
employees and a record of all material received. This would con-
tain entries of the amounts and quality of coagulants received,
laboratory supplies, packing, oil, light, and steam used, etc.
A book should be kept giving a list of apparatus in the plant,
capacities of basins, filters, clear well, ratings of controllers, orifices,
etc., for ready reference.
A short form of daily report has already been given. Fig. 91
V Per Cent
x_ T
Z! ^
i s
"U "^
5 g
. i
Z 1
c =0
1 1
Water Pumped
Coagulants Used
Filters Washed
Wash Water Used t
-- 1
gives a more elaborate form for use in a large plant. This is
arranged to take care of a week's data. It should be made out
in duplicate, and with the copy sent to the head office should be
included a list of materials and supplies used, and a short account
of the week's occurrences at the plant.
The annual report should contain a summary of the year's
work. This should include average daily and total pumpages,
monthly average turbidity, bacterial count, x alkalinity, etc., in the
raw, settled, and filtered water; amounts of coagulants used as
minimum, average, and maximum monthly values in grains per
gallon, and as the total amounts consumed, percentage of wash
water used, and other pertinent data. It should also contain a
summarized statement of all expenditures, and the itemized cost
of filtration per million gallons. The history of the plant for the
last year should be briefly given, and the policy for the coming
year briefly outlined. In connection with the annual report, at-
tention is called to the form evolved by the committee on filter
operation of the New England Waterworks Association.
To care for the letters, bills, invoices, etc., received in -con-
nection with the operation of the plant, a filing system of the usual
type should be installed, and there should be the usual account-
books in which to enter financial transactions.
Automatic Records. Automatic recording devices are com-
ing into vogue in filtration plants. These record graphically,
on charts, the indications of meters and gages, and furnish a con-
tinuous record of their operation. They are generally attached to
the apparatus and furnish the data given in the following list :
Automatic Recorders
Apparatus Whereto Attached Data Recorded
a. Raw-water Venturi meter Raw water treated
b. Wash-water Venturi meter Wash water used
c. Wash-water main Wash-water pressure
d. Loss-of-head gages Loss of head in each filter
e. Effluent controllers Rate of filtration per filter
/. Clear-well gage Depth of water in clear well
g. Coagulant solution tanks Amount of solution used
h. Coagulant scales Amount of coagulant used
While all of these records have a certain value, the use of these
devices involves considerable care, and the accumulation of charts
soon becomes overwhelming. However, a limited number of
automatic recorders are of much value. This is particularly true
of the raw-water and wash-water meters. An automatic record
of the amounts of coagulant used would be very useful in correcting
irregularities of feeding same. This is quite readily accomplished
with the various methods of dry feeding described, or with auto-
matic scales, by having an electric contact close at each revolution
of the device (or every time the scale discharges) , and, by actuating
a solenoid, cause a mark to be made on a clock-driven chart. It
is less easily done where adjustments are made both in the strength
and amount of solution fed to the water. Continuous records of
loss of head, rate of filtration, etc., hardly seem necessary in a well-
regulated plant.
Electric Alarms and Intercommunication. In all nitration
plants there is need for certain electric or automatic alarms. In
the small plant it is highly desirable that a device be installed to
actuate an alarm in the filter building whenever the water level
in the settling basins reaches the point of overflow, as their over-
flowing results in a waste of water and coagulant. This is simply
arranged by means of a float in the settling basins which will close
a circuit and ring a bell in the filter building when the water
reaches a predetermined height. If the pumping station is
separated from the filter plant, a second bell, in series with the
first, should be placed there, so that the engineer may reduce the
speed of the pumps if the basins threaten to overflow. Similar
alarms should be placed on the clear well and the solution tanks,
the latter indicating when these have run down, so that they
may be replenished before becoming entirely empty.
In large plants there should be a system of intercommunicating
telephones between the superintendent's office, laboratory, filter
building, coagulant house, and pumping station. If the coagulant
house is at some distance from the superintendent's office, it may
be advisable to have instruments installed which will indicate the
operation of the orifice boxes and other coagulant devices therein.
Of course, the alarms on the settling basins' and clear well are even
more desirable in a large plant than in a small one, as the wastage
due to overflowing is correspondingly greater.
The Construction and Interpretation of Graphical Charts.
In filter-plant operation and records, graphical charts of a simple
type can sometimes be usefully employed. This is particularly
true when it is desired to record data wherein two variable quanti-
ties are dependent upon each other, as, for instance, the variation
in the turbidity or other quality of the water from day to day;
the variation in discharge of a pump at different speeds.
The paper on which such charts are constructed is ruled with
horizontal and vertical lines, evenly spaced. These lines are
generally arranged in multiples of ten, every tenth line being
heavier than the rest, and sometimes every fifth line is also made
slightly heavier for ease in reading. Such paper is obtainable,
ruled ready for use, at any scientific supply-house.
As an example of the use of this so-called " coordinate" paper,
let us suppose that a calibration test has been run on a centrifugal
FIG. 92.
pump, discharging against a constant head, in order to determine
the discharge in gallons per minute for different speeds. The
data obtained may be as follows:
Speed (in rev. per minute) Discharge (in gal. per minute)
a. 315 1,256
b. 329 1,312
c. 350 1,398
d. 366 1,460
e. 374 1,495
Taking a piece of coordinate paper, Fig. 92, a scale of speeds is
laid out horizontally along the lower margin. We will call one
of the left-hand vertical lines 300 (revolutions per minute),
and assuming each space between verticals to correspond to an
increase of two revolutions per minute, the next heavy vertical
line, ten spaces above the first, would be marked 320 revolutions
per minute, the following one 340, etc. In the same way a scale
of discharge capacity is laid off along the left margin, each space
between two horizontal lines corresponding to an increase in dis-
charge of ten gallons per minute. Thus starting with a discharge
of 1,300 (gallons per minute), at a heavy line near the bottom
of the sheet, the next heavy line would be 1,350, the next 1,400, etc.
We are now ready to plot the corresponding values determined
in the test. Taking the values (a), draw a light pencil line through
the vertical corresponding to 315 on the sheet, and another
similar line through the horizontal corresponding to 1,256. Where
the two lines intersect make a dot, which gives the point on the
chart representing the values for speed and discharge for the two
corresponding determinations (a). In a similar manner find
points for (6), (c), (d), and (e). A line drawn through these points
gives the relation between speeds and discharge for the centrifugal
pump, and has the advantage over the tabulated data that in-
termediate values, not determined by test, can be read off directly
from the line or " curve " on the chart. The line thus determined
is not always straight, but may be a curve taking a variety of
forms. Sometimes, too, the points determined do not lie on any
connected line or curve, which results from inaccuracies of the test.
In such cases a " curve " is generally drawn approaching the
points as closely as possible.
As another example, let it be desired to plot graphically the
turbidity of a water for successive days. Let the data be as
Date Turbidity (in parts per million)
Jan. 1, 1915. 75
Jan. 2, 1915 90
Jan. 3, 1915 116
Jan. 4, 1915 60
Jan. 5, 1915 88
Along the lower margin of a sheet of coordinate paper, Fig. 93, lay
off the time in days, allowing one space for each day. Vertically
along the left-hand margin lay off a'scale for turbidities, allowing
each space between horizontal lines to equal five parts per million.
Then plot the turbidities and corresponding dates, as was done in
the first case.
A daily graphical record of all the tests made at the plant, while
troublesome to make, is very instructive and presents the data
in much more comprehensible form than any number of report
sheets or monthly averages. A portion
of such a record is shown in Fig. 94.
Economy in Operation. It is of
course incumbent upon the operator
to conduct the plant as economically
as possible. Efforts toward this
end should be made in the following
directions :
a. Careful adjustment of amounts
of coagulants to the needs of the
b. Elimination of wastes in hand-
ling coagulants.
c. Prevention of overflow and leak-
age of water.
d. Regulation of wash water to
the requirements.
e. Reduction of loss of head
through plant to a minimum.
/. Profitable employment of labor.
g. Avoidance of waste in mate-
rials and supplies.
The problem of adjustment of
coagulants to the conditions of the water so as to obtain most eco-
nomical results is best attacked along the following line: A suffi-
cient length of time after making the tests and determining
upon the amount of coagulant to allow the effect to become
noticeable in the basins, a careful inspection is made of the
coagulation and the amount of coagulant is readjusted
in accordance with the rules already formulated. A sheet
of coordinate paper is then arranged, similar to Plate III,
with a turbidity scale along the left-hand margin, and a scale for
FIG. 93.
coagulant in grains per gallon along the lower margin. On this
a point is plotted each day, its position being determined by the
Grains per Gallon
Parts per Million
FIG. 94.
Lime ( Available CaO)
Iron Sulphate (Fe SO 4 7 H 2 O)
Alkalinity of Raw Water
Alkalinity of Filtered Water
Alkalinity of Filtered Water
with Phenolphthalein X 2
Turbidity of Raw Water
Turbidity of Filtered Water
value of the turbidity of the water and the grains of coagulant
used. After a period of six months there will be some 180 dots
on the sheet. For a given turbidity, there may be several dots,
owing to the fact that different amounts of coagulant were used
at different times. Presumably, under similar conditions, the
dot representing the minimum amount of coagulant for this
turbidity could have been used for the other cases where a similar
turbidity occurred, and this point can be marked heavily. Pro-
ceeding similarly for other turbidities, a series of heavy dots is
obtained through which a curve can be drawn, giving a turbidity-
coagulant relation for future use, subject, of course to correction as
more data are obtained. The economy in shifting the point of
application of the coagulant with turbid water has already been
The elimination of waste in the coagulant involves buying
this on specifications based on its chemical purity and checking
each shipment by an analysis. The shipments received should
always be checked as to weight. The care required in handling
and preparing solutions of lime and other coagulants has already
been considered.
There is often considerable wastage of coagulated and filtered
water in a filtration plant. That due to overflowing of the settling
basins can be largely prevented by a system of electric alarms,
as already described. There frequently occurs a pronounced
leakage due to partially closed drain valves in the settling basins
and clear well, the remedy for which is obvious; and due to leaks
in the walls and floors of these structures. Theoretically the raw
water pumped should equal the filtered water delivered, barring
slight losses in washing and the addition of coagulant solutions.
The raw-water pumpage can be accurately obtained from a Venturi
meter or closely approximated from the revolution counters of the
pumps. As modern effluent controllers are based on accurate
hydraulic principles, the amount of filtered water can be obtained
from the rate of filtration or from the revolution counters of the
.high-service pumps. If the wash water is taken directly from the
clear well due allowance must of course be made. If the amount
of water filtered is appreciably less than the amount of raw
water pumped, either leakage or wasteful operation is
The amount of wash water and rate of washing should be regu-
lated so as to give the best results. Filters need be washed only
when the loss of head indicates the necessity thereof, unless they
become air-bound. Often the amount of wash water used is in-
creased above that required, due to following a fixed schedule in
washing, regardless of the condition of the filter. However, the
coating and clogging of the sand due to insufficient washing may
ultimately incur a greater expense in its removal and replacement
than the cost of washing somewhat too frequently.
The effect of properly operating coagulating basins in reducing
the wash water required has already been mentioned.
The reduction of loss of head through the plant is accomplished
chiefly by keeping the clear well water level high. This reduces
the total head against which the high-service pumps must operate
and effects a reduction in fuel cost.
The profitable employment of labor and economy in materials
and supplies must be left to the executive and economic ability
of the man in charge of the plant.
General Remarks. The attitude of the public toward filtra-
tion in towns where a plant has just been installed is often one of
skepticism. This feeling is sometimes augmented through de-
rogatory statements made by doctors of the " old school," high-
school professors, and others who know nothing of the process, but
whose utterances carry weight because of their supposed scien-
tific attainments. For purely commercial reasons, venders of
bottled mineral waters, etc., will occasionally badly misquote
filter statistics. The best way to overcome this tendency is to keep
the plant at all times open to and in a presentable condition for
visitors, and to induce as many of the townspeople as possible to
come and see it. The working of the plant should be explained to
visitors, and it is well to have on hand diagrams which will assist
in explaining this clearly. In some large plants descriptive
pamphlets are given to visitors.
The operator should feel himself under moral responsibility
to furnish at all times a hygienically safe water, this duty
transcending all others. This is especially true because any
return from a pure to an impure water, ev:m for a short time, is
almost certain to be followed by an epidemic of intestinal disease
in the community, regardless of the fact that the same water had
been used with immunity for years before filtration was started.
Results in Parts per Million
Graphical Results for Tests of Alkalinity, Acidity, and Carbonic Acid.
Hazeu Reciprocal Turbidity
Aluminum Sulphate (ALg(SO A ) 3 18 H 2 O) Grains per Gallon
Amounts of Aluminum Sulphate Required for Various Turbidities.
StionBQ uoiiUH .io2 free water,
to remove carbonates from surface. Shake well and titrate 25 cc.
with normal hydrochloric acid, using methyl orange as an indica-
tor. Adjust by dilution until equal quantities of each solution
Sodium Hydroxid (^ = one-twentieth normal). Measure
out 50 cc. of the normal solution into a liter graduate and make up
to one liter with distilled water. Stopper graduate, shake well, and
transfer to reagent bottle.
Phenolphthalein (Indicator). Dissolve 1 gram of the powder
in 200 cc. of 50 per cent alcohol.
Erythrosin (Indicator). Dissolve ^ gram of the sodium salt
in one liter of distilled water.
Methyl Orange (Indicator). Dissolve 1 gram of the powder in
one liter of distilled water. This indicator reacts red with acids
and yellow with alkaline solutions.
Potassium Permanganate Solution. Dissolve 5 grams of
the pure crystals in a liter of distilled water.
Potassium Sulphocyanid Solution. Dissolve 20 grams of the
pure salt in a stoppered liter graduate with distilled water to the
liter mark. Shake thoroughly.
Soda Reagent. Using the normal solutions of sodium hy-
droxid and sodium carbonate described above, measure out 50 cc.
of each solution into a liter graduate and fill to the liter mark with
distilled water.
lodin Solution (^ = one-tenth normal). Dissolve 12.7 grams
of chemically pure iodin and 18 grams of chemically pure
potassium iodid in about 25 cubic centimeters of cold distilled
water, transfer to a liter graduate, rinsing dissolving vessel into
same repeatedly, and make up to one liter with distilled water.
Shake well and transfer to a dark-colored reagent bottle. Keep
in a dark, cool, place.
Alkaline Arsenite Solution (^ = one-tenth normal). Dis-
solve 4.95 grams of the purest sublimed arsenious oxid reduced
to powder in about 250 cc. of distilled water in a flask, and add
about 20 grams of pure sodium carbonate. The mixture needs
warming and shaking for some time in order to dissolve com-
pletely; when this is accomplished, it is diluted, cooled, and trans-
ferred to a liter graduate. The flask is rinsed several times into
the graduate, and the solution is made up to the liter mark.
Test the solution by putting 20 cc. into a beaker with a little
starch solution and titrate with the iodin solution, using a burette,
until the blue color appears. Exactly 20 cc. of iodin solution
should be required.
Starch Solution (Indicator). Mix one part of clean potato
starch with cold water into an emulsion, gradually pour in from
150 to 200 times its weight of boiling water, and boil several
minutes. Allow the solution to settle and use only the clear por-
tion, a few drops sufficing for each test. The solution may be
preserved by adding a few drops of chloroform and keeping it in a
stoppered bottle.
Starch Paper (Indicator). Mix a small amount of the starch
solution with a few drops of potassium iodid solution on a dish and
soak strips of pure filter paper therein. Use while still damp, as it
is then most sensitive.
Nessler Solution.* Dissolve 50 grams potassium iodid in a
minimum quantity of cold water. Add a saturated solution of
mercuric chlorid until a slight but permanent precipitate persists.
Add 400 cc. of 50 per cent solution of potassium hydrate, made
by dissolving the potassium hydrate and allowing it to clarify by
sedimentation before using. Dilute to one liter, allow to settle
and decant.
* " Standard Methods of Water Analysis," Am. Pub. H. Assoc.
Lime. All lime furnished under this contract shall be the best
quality of fresh-burned, fat lime, crushed or ground so that no
lumps shall be greater than 2 inches in any dimension.
The lime shall be delivered in tight box cars, loaded in bulk;
especial care shall be exercised to close all openings by which lime
might sift out, and to prevent the circulation of air and the
admission of moisture.
The lime shall be delivered at a uniform rate of not less than
40 tons per week, or at such increased rate, not to exceed 125 tons
per week, as shall be directed.
The percentage of water soluble calcium oxid in each car-load
lot of lime delivered will be determined jrom the analysis of a
composite sample collected on its arrival at the water-purification
For any car-load lot containing 88 per cent of water soluble
calcium oxid the city will pay to the contractor the price per ton
stated in the proposal.
It is hereby agreed that the city shall pay a bonus of 1J^ per
cent of the contract price per ton for each 1 per cent by which the
water soluble calcium oxid in any car-load lot delivered shall
exceed 88 per cent, and shall deduct a penalty of 1^ per cent of
the contract price per ton for each 1 per cent by which the water
soluble calcium oxid in any car-load lot shall be less than 88 per
If, in any car-load lot, the material as delivered shall contain
less than 82 per cent of water soluble unslacked calcium oxid, it
will be rejected and shall be removed by the contractor at his own
expense, and the cost of unloading the material from and reloading
into the car shall be deducted from the amount payable to the
contractor under the terms of this contract.
* Courtesy of Mr. Charles P. Hoover, chemist in charge.
The car-load lot as a unit will be used as the basis of accounting
for determining the amount payable to the contractor.
Soda Ash. The soda ash shall be that known as 58 per cent
light soda ash and shall contain not less than 98 per cent of pure
sodium carbonate. The material shall be in dry, powdered form,
shall contain no large lumps or large crystals, shall be free from
chips and other foreign matter, and not more than 0.5 per cent
shall be insoluble in cold distilled water.
The material shall be delivered at a uniform rate of not less than
20 tons per week, or at such increased rate, not exceeding 90 tons
per week, as shall be directed.
The soda ash shall be packed in duck sacks to be furnished by
the city, but the contractor shall furnish the twine. Each sack
shall contain not less than 98 nor more than 102 pounds of the
The contractor shall handle the bags with care, and for each
sack which is delivered to him in good condition, and which is
damaged, other than by ordinary wear and tear, or which is lost
and not returned to the city, the contractor shall pay the sum of
20 cents, the same to be deducted from the amounts payable to
him under this contract. Any bags received by the contractor in a
condition unsuitable for refilling shall be set aside and returned to
the city. The material shall not be packed when in condition to
damage the sacks.
Each car-load lot of material will be analyzed on delivery, and
the acceptance of the lot will be determined by the amount of pure
sodium carbonate and of insoluble matter shown by this analysis
to be present.
If the material in any lot shall contain less than 98 per cent of
pure sodium carbonate, or more than 0.5 per cent of insoluble
matter, it will be rejected, and shall be removed by the contractor
at his own expense, and the cost of unloading and reloading the
material shall be deducted from the amounts payable to the con-
tractor on this contract.
The car-load lot as a unit shall be the basis of accounting for
determining the amounts payable to the contractor.
Sulphate of Alumina. The material shall be that known as
basic sulphate of alumina, containing no free acid. It shall be
crushed into small lumps ranging in size from 0.5 inch to 2J/2
inches, and shall be free from chips and other foreign matter. It
shall contain not less than 17 per cent of available water soluble
alumina, A1 2 O3, and of this alumina content there shall be at least
3 per cent of its weight in excess of the amount theoretically re-
quired to combine with the sulphuric acid present. The material
shall contain not more than 0.5 per cent of matter insoluble in
cold distilled water.
Sulphate of alumina shall be shipped, unsacked, in tight box
cars; the cars shall be thoroughly cleaned before loading, the door
openings shall be boarded up to a suitable height, and all openings
by which the material might waste shall be carefully closed. 1
Each car-load lot of material will be analyzed, on delivery, and
the acceptance of the lot will be determined by the amount of
alumina and of insoluble matter shown by this analysis to be
If the material in any car-load lot as delivered fails to meet these
specifications it will be rejected and shall be removed by the con-
tractor at his own expense, and the cost of unloading and reloading
the material shall be deducted from the amounts payable to the
contractor under this contract.
The car-load lot as a unit shall be the basis of accounting for
determining the amounts payable to the contractor.
in Inches
per Minute
in Inches
per Minute
in Inches
per Minute
8 ^
Acidity, interpreting test for, 146
Adsorption, defined, 10
Agar count, interpretation, 150, 152
media, 133
Alarms, electric, 226
Algae, defined, 13
Alkalimetry, 109
Alkalinity, test for, 104
interpreting test for, 145
limiting values, 145
Alum, free, how remedied, 149
test for free, 115
Aluminum sulphate, described, 156
analysis of, 255
as a coagulant, 157
determining amount required,
examples, 159
specifications for, 264
Ammonia, free, 12
albuminoid, 12
Arnold sterilizer, 126
Arsenite solution, preparation of, 261
Autoclave, 125
Automatic recorders, 225
regulation of coagulants, 188
Bacteria, description, 13
diseases caused by, 13
in sewage, 13
Bacterial removal, percentage, 152
tests, apparatus required, 121
schedules for, 118
Bacteriological apparatus, preparing,
Baffles, 202, 203
Basins, cleaning, 204
Bicarbonates, determination from
test, 111
leach, 177
leaching powder, analysis of, 257
Brass, corrosion of, 11
Bronze, corrosion of, 11
Burrette, 99
Calibration of apparatus, 216
Carbonates, determination from test,
Carbonic acid, test for, 106
corrosive effect, 147
in acid water, 107, 109
interpreting test for, 146
in water, 8
Casserole, 100
Centimeter, 97, 98
Charts, drawing of, 226
Chlorine, available, 177
liquid, 182
Cleaning basins, when necessary, 204
glassware, 129
Clear-water basin, 46, 216
Coagulant, preparing solutions of, 206
Coagulants, analysis of, 255
Coagulating apparatus, 34
basins, 65
Coagulation, defined, 21
natural, 174
process, 154
theory, 155
Coli, significance of, 153
Collectors, filtered water, 40
Colloidal solution, defined, 5
Color, apparent, 10
interpreting test for, 143
in water, 10
standards, 103
test for, 103
Columbus, softening plant at, 74
Control tests, 141
Controllers, rate of filtration, 44
Counting bacterial colonies, 139
apparatus, 132
Conveyor, for lime at Columbus, 83
Copper sulphate, 186
Costs of coagulation, 176
of filtration, 220
Crenothrix, 7
Currents, in basins, 202
Desiccator, 255
Diffusion, 8
Dilution pottles, 134
Distilled water, 94
test for purity of, 258
Economy of operation, 229
Effective size of sand, defined, 23
Ejector, for sand, 28
Erythrosin, 105
preparation of, 260
Felspar, action of water on, 5
defined, 4
Fermentation tests, 140
interpretation, 151, 153
tubes, Smith, 132
Dunham, 132
Ferrous bicarbonate, 7
sulphate, analysis of, 256
as a coagulant, 169
corrosive effect, 148
described, 168
examples of use, 171
free, how remedied, 150
test for free, 115
Filters, details of Washington, 52, 53
operation of, 210
washing, 213
Filtration, mechanical, 31
slow sand, 22
theory of, 26
Fuller, George W., 90
Fungi, defined, 13
Gages, required for each filter, 47
Gallates, cause of color, 10
Gelatin count, interpretation, 150, 152
media, 130
Graduate, 98
Hardness, permanent, acquisition of, 6
temporary, acquisition of, 6
Hazen, Allen, 23
Head house, at Minneapolis, 66, 67
Hematite, 7
Hering, Rudolph, 90
Hoover, Charles P., 90
Hydrochloric acid, standard solu-
tions of, 260
Hydroxids, determination from test,
Hypochlorite of lime, 177
analysis of, 257
dissolving device, 39
dissolving device at Minneapolis,
preparation of, 179
test for excess, 116
Hypochlorite, sodium, 183
Incrustants, test for, 197
Incubation, 139
Incubator, 37 degree, 126
20 degree, 128
Indicators, action of, 121
Inspection of filter plant, 209
Interpretation, bacterial tests, 150
Introduction of chemicals, 175
lodin solution, preparation of, 261
Iowa City, iron removal plant, 90
Iron, distribution in nature, 7
free, in filter effluent, test for, 150
interpreting test for, 147
removal, 51
sugar of, 168
test for, 113
Laboratory, essential requirements,
requirements, 47
management of, 216
Lactose agar, 133
broth, 134
Lime, analysis of, 255
described, 162
dry feeding of, 165
hydrated, 164
slaking, 163, 206
specifications for, 253
Liter, 97, 98
Litmus-lactose-agar, 151, 152
Litmus solution, 134
Logwood test for alum, 115
Loss-of-head in slow sand filtration,,
Magnesium, test for, 196
Measuring bottle, 98
Mechanical filtration, 31
Media, preparing, 130
testing new, 135
Meter, 97, 98
Venturi 45, 76
Methane, presence in water, 9
Methyl orange, preparation of, 260
Metric system, 97, 98
Millimeter, 97, 98
Mine drainage, 11
Minneapolis, filters at, 62
Mixing tanks at Columbus, 76
Negative head, 33
Nessler solution, preparation of, 262
Nitrates, presence in water, 7
Nitrogen, presence in water, 9
Odor, designation, 100
test for, 100
Organization, 218
diagram, 219
Orifice box, constant feed, 190
described, 36
at Iowa City, 91
Oxygen in water, 8
solubility of, 9
Ozone, 188
Paper mill waste, 12
Permanganate solution, preparation
of, 251
Phenolphthalein, 106, 260
preparation of, 260
Pipette, 98
Plates, 233-253
Potassium permanganate solution,
preparation of, 261
sulphocyanid, preparation of, 261
Precipitation, source of water sup-
ply, 3
Primary waters defined, 5
Protozoa, 15
Raking slow-sand filters, 28
Rate controllers, adjustment of, 211
Rate of filtration, rapid sand, 31
slow sand, 25
Records, 223
automatic, 225
Red colonies, 151, 152
Regulator houses at Washington, 53
Runoff, defined, 3
Salt, least amount detected, 12
pollution by, 12
Samples, collecting, 135
Sand bins at Washington, 55
Scale, automatic, at Columbus, 85
Schmutzdecke, 26
Scioto River, 75
Scraping slow-sand filters, 28
Secondary waters, defined, 5
Sedimentation, 201
Settling basins, 33
at Columbus, 79
Sewage, source of pollution, 12
Slaking device at Minneapolis, 68
Soda ash, analysis of, 255
described, 166
examples, 167
specifications for, 264
uses of, 166
Soda reagent, preparation of, 261
Sodium carbonate, standard solutions
of, 258
hydroxid, normal solution, 260
hypochlorite, electrolytic prep-
aration of, 183
thiosulphate, 181
Softening water, 192
examples, 208
reactions of, 195
special tests, 196
Solution, standard, 258
for cleaning glassware, 129
Specifications for chemicals, 263
Sponges, fresh-water, 15
Starch paper, preparation of, 261
solution, preparation of, 261
Statistics, 223
Sterilization, 176
in slow-sand filtration, 30
Sterilizer, hot air, 123
Steam sterilizer, 126
Still, 94, 95
Storage bin, for lime, Columbus, 85
Strainers in collector pipes, 41, 43,
Sugar of iron, 168
analysis of, 256
Sulphuric acid, standard solutions
of, 259
Table, operating, for filters, 50
Tank, for air and water, 75
Tannates, cause of color, 10
Tannery waste, 12
Taste, interpreting test for, 142
test for, 100
Telephones, 226
Tests, frequency of, 205
list of essential, 93
Thallophytes, defined, 13
Torresdale, filters at, 58
Turbidity, test for, 100
bottle standards, 102
coefficient, 143
interpreting test for, 143
Turbidity, measurement of, 4
reciprocal, 101
rod for measuring, 101
table of, 101
Typhoid, reduction in, due to filtra-
tion, 19
Ultra-violet rays, 186
Uniformity coefficient of sand de-
fined, 23
Valves, controlling filters, 47
Venturi meter, 45, 76
Wash bottle, 94
Washer for sand, 28, 54
Washing filters, 213
rapid sand filters, 46
Washington, filtration plant, 51
Water, constituents of, 1, 2
distilled, 94
softening, 51, 192
typical, analyzed, 15
Weir table, 265
Wilkinsburg, filter plant at, 71
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