UC-NRLF SB 13D Tb2 mf. m& m mi*^ mm- m. ^M :'M »f»KElEY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LXBBAHY- SCSOOK mok £3« Extract from Ike Political Code. Section 2296. Books may be taken from the Library by the mkmbkrs of the Legislature, during the sessions thereof, and by other State officers at any time. Sec. 2298. The Controller, if notified by the Librarian that any officer has failed to return books taken by him within the time prescribed by the Rules, and after demand made, must not draw his warrant for the salary of such officer until the return is made, or three, times the value of the books, or of any injuries thereto, has been paid to the Librarian. Sec. 2299. Every person who injures or fails to return any book taken is liable to the Librarian in three times the value thereof. No person shall take or detain from the General Library more than two volumes at any one time, or for a longer period than two weeks. Books of reference shall not be taken from the Library at any time. — [Extract from the Rules. 4®=- The foregoing Regulations will be strictly enforced."©& J Finding List for Novels **■**,. •IN THE- MERCANTILE LIBRARY OF /PHILADELPHIA, *&• YW* PHILADELPHIA: PBI1TTED FOB T SI IE C O JVC IP _A. 3ST "5T . 1878. PREFATORY NOTE. More than a year ago the Novels in this Library were rearranged on a plan that differs, in im- portant respects, from any hitherto in use. The chief designs in making this change were to have all the books of each author in one place, and to make it easy to find any book without the aid of a catalogue. The books are arranged in alphabetical order, first by the names of the authors, then the books of each author by their titles. In numbering the books the usual class designation is dispensed with, as the peculiarity of the labels suff ciently marks the class, and instead of it there is placed on the label of each book a capital letter which is the initial of the author's surname. Thus the letter A is placed on all the books whose author's names begin with that letter, and they are placed on the shelves together ; and so of each of the other letters. Each of these groups or sections is numbered independently. At the right of the initial letter and on a line with it is placed a number which designates a group of authors whose names are nearly identical, and under this is placed the number which distinguishes the individual books. " How then shall I find a book of which I do not know the number? i.e. Pauline by Walford." A s the letter W is near the end of the alphabet, go toward the last of the cases containing novels, tcv aid the right, and look for the letter W. As few names beginning with W will come before Wal- ford, this will readily be found, it being no. 20. A little reflection will enable any one to decide approximately where in the novel department any author's works are to be looked for. Pcohs where authors are not known are placed in the general alphabetical arrangement by their title. The letter I, Q, V, X, and 7, are net errjJcyed to designate authors on account of liability to ertcr ir registering, ard hechs by anthers having these initios are plactd under J, P. V, W, and Y. JOHN EDMANDS, Librarian. GIFT LJ ALPHABETICAL Z73Z LIST OIB 1 3STO"\^EIL.S Aarhergs, the. Ilervev H 504, 10 Abaellino. Lewis L 555, 94 Abandoned. Verne V 380, 14 Abbey, the. Gore G 475, 4 Abbey lands. Rockstro. H GOO, 14 Abbey of Robs. Burke J3 948, 500 Abbey of Weyhill A 4, 30 Abbie Nott and other knots A 4, 50 Abbot, the. Scott S 214, 50 Abbotsford Irving J 240, 20 Abdallah. Laboulaye L 18, 9 Abednego. Gore G 475, 6 Abel Allnut. Morier M 852, 13 Abel Drake's Wife. '.Saunders. . .8 120, 15 Abelard and lleloise. Wight . . AV 500, 30 Abolition unveiled. James. .. J 340, 300 About old story-tellers. Mit- chell M720, is Above her station. Nathusius.N 110, 400 Above suspicion. Riddell 11 440, 15 Above tempest and tide. Ve- rena V 305, 250 Abraham Page, Esq. Holt. . . .II 730, 300 Abroad and at home. Pardoe. ..P 55, 11 Absent Lord of ltochefort= Lady Ernestine W 140,32 Absent man. AVebbe AV 244, (ion Absent, the Edgeworth E 100, 52 Accepted addresses. Sala S 60, 14 Accurate history of Crispin L 612, 12 Accursed race. Gaskell G 108, 56 Ace of clubs. Banim B 95, 206 Achille. Robinson R 625, 88 Achsah. Round R 840, 17 Acolyte, the. Fastre F 92, 17 Acquited. Smythies S 580, 25 Actions speak louder than AVords. Nccly N 230,10 Active service afloat = Three Comman- ders K 530,66 Actor's Daughter. Isolina T 260, 400 Actress of Padua. Smith S 560, 525 Ad majorem dei gloriam. Fullerton ' F868,59 Ada and Gertie. Gray G 655, 800 Ada Leigh, or ; the love" test. Egan . E 310, 4 Adam Rede. Lewes L 540, 20 Adam Blair. Loekhart L 785. 15 Adam Brown. Smith. . . 8 558, 800 Adam Buffi Jerrold J 612, 5 Adam Graeme of Mossgray. Oli- phant ...... O 170,20 'Adela, the Octoroon. IIosmer.H 810. 400 Adela Cathcart. MacDonald. . . .M 55, 20 Adelaide. Alexander A 450, 100 Adelaide Lindsay. Marsh M 410, 5 Adelaide AValdgrave. Smith . . .S 558, 910 Adele. Kavanagh K 80, 12 Adeline. Ilcighway II 420, 300 Adeline Mowbray. Opie O 250, 17 Adolphc Rcnouard. Ward .... AV 118, 700 Adrian. James and Field J 340, 139 Adopted daughter. Lew L 528, 400 Adopted heir. Pardoe P 55, 15 Admiral's daughters R 950, 60 Adirondack tales. Murray. . . . M 936, 500 Adrift in the ice-fields. Hall . . II 44, 200 Adrift in a boat. Kingston K 530, 4 Adrift with a vengeance. Cornwal- lis C 780, 40 Adventurers A 202, 1 Adventures. Aboard A 316, 10 Adventures in the moon V 205, 4 Adventures in the land of the Bebe- moth. Verne V 380,1 s Adventures of a bachelor. A 205 5 Adventures of a bank note A 205, 8 Adventures of a bashful Irishman. Deacon 1) 198,300 Adventures of a consul abroad. .Mon- ti .M 780, 300 Adventures of a brownie. Craik..C 850, 6 Adventures of a lire-screen. J3ache.l5 10, 5 I Adventures of aguinea=Chrysal.J 810, 15 j Adventures of a hackney coach . . A 205, 19 i Adventures of a little French boy= Jean Belin B 735. 7 ' Adventurers of a marquis: Dumas. D 884,2 ' Adventuresof a man of family. Len- nox L 412,600 i Adventures of a medical student. Douglas 1) 742, 700 Adventures of a naval olliccr ^Hur- ricane hurry K 530, 28 Adventures of a witch finder = Jane Seton G 618.22 Adventures of an attorney. Warren. AY 160, 28 Adventures of an attorney in search of practice. Stephen S 744, 200 Adventures of an Irish gentleman Millingen M 675, 500 Adventures of an Eton boy^Dick Rodney G 618,12 Adventures of Arabella =Female quixote L 412,12 441 Philadelphia Mercantile Library. Adventures of Barney Mahony. Cro- ker \ ...C 894,5 Adventures Bilberry Thurland. . A 205, 29 Adventures of Billy Bump. Good- rich G432, 4 Adventures of Captain Mago. C'ahun C 14, 200 Adventures of Captain O "Sullivan Maxwell M 490, 18 Adventures of Count D'Orvean . . A 205, 31 Adventures of Cousin Smooth. Adams , A 105, 1 Adventures oi' Dr. Brady. Russell It 952,750 Adventures George Maitland. ... A 205, 33 Adventures of David Simple. Field- ing F 250, 500 Adventures of Dr. Vandcr Bader. Carrenec C 140, GOO Adventures of JovialJaek Junker = Oil* to sea K 530, 42 Adventures of Major lloger Sherman Potter. Truestklc T 780, 25 Adventures of Major Gahagan. Thac- keray T 200, 90 and 92 Adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys. May he w and Cruikshank K 515, 39 Adventures of Mike Costigan.A 205, 35 Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. Bradley B 005, 10 Adventures of Mr. Greenfinch. Haw- kins H 830, 300 Adventures of Mr. Ledbury. Smith S558, 14 Adventures Owen Evans ^Catholic erusoc A 012, 10 Adventures of Peter Claus =German Gil Bias K 910,18 Adventures of lieuben Davidger. Greenwood G 730, 25 Adventures of Patrick O'Doiinoll . A 205,40 Adventures of lialph Reybridge. Linley L 000, 10 Adventures of Richard Pengelley™ At the south pole ~K 530, 8 Adventures of Robinson Playfellow. A 205,50 Adventures of Sidney Flint A 205, 54 Adventures of Terence McGrant. Peck P270, 300 Adventures of the widow wedded = Barnabys in America T 730, 101 Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Clem- ens C 540. 20 Adventures of the Merton family. Bowman B 608, 4 Adventures of the Caliph Ilaroun Alraschid. Manning M 340, 10 Adventures of Ulysses. Lamb. . . L 70, 7 Adventures of young Munchausen. Bennett.... B 312, :'.3 Advocate, the. Heavysege . . . . H 414, loo Aenone, slave life in Rome, Kip.K 560,25 Aesop Junior in America A 212. 35 Afar ill the forest. Traill T 630, 15 Affecting history of Louisa the wand- ering maniac A 215,13 Afloat and ashore. Cooper C 735. 5 Afloat in the forest. Reid It 300. I I Afraja. Muggc M 904, 200 African cruiser. Sadler S 17, -loo African crusoes. Lee L 205, 400 African wanderers. Lee L 205, 402 After Baxtow's death. Farron . . F 84 , 64 m I After dark. Collins C 000. 3 After long years. Daniel I) 48, 5 After long years. Halifax 11 40, 5( N ► After life. Sewell S 330, 2< I After many days. Fisher F 324, 9 After the night— day. Peard P 245, 13 After the storm. Arthur A 796, 5 After years. Bradley B 074, 500 Afterglow A 224. 5 Afternoon of single life =Sclf love . S 290, 21 > Afterwards A 224, 27 Against the stream. Charles. . . C 248, H Against the stream. Hatton.. .11 275, is Against the world. Haderman. .11 lit, 12 Against time. Shand S 348. 14 Against wind and tide. Parr. . . P lot, 12 Aganienticus. Tcnney T 180, 10 Agate stories A 235, 1 7 Agatha A 235,22 Agatha. liaise II 72, 20 Agatha Beaufort; or, family pride. ' A 235,30 Agatha's friendship =On dangerous ground M 790, 19 Agatha's husband. Craik C 850, 9 Age of chivalry. Bullfinch. ... 15 890, 715 Age of fable. Bullfinch B 890, 717 Aged rabbi. Ingemann v 3.1) 41 . 20 Agent of Broome Warren A 243). s Aggesden vicarage A 251, 100 Agincourt. James J 340, 20 Agnes. Abbott A 56, 2 Agnes. Oliphant O 1 70. 23 Agnes and Katie in service. . . .A 260, 100 Agnes de Mansfield. Grattan.. .G 030. 5 Amies Grey. Bronte 13 788, 1 Agnes Ilopetown. Oliphant O 170, 25 Amies Lee V 5.N 070. KM) Amies Mavnard \ 200. I ,o Agnes Moreville. Wilson. . . W 640, 800 Amies Morton A 260, 175 Agnes of Braunsberg. Sadfier. . . S20, 25 Amies of Sorrento. " Stowe 8 840, 14 Agnes Sorel. James J ."»4o. 22 Agnes Stanhope. Bemick K 330,45 Amies Wentworth. Palfrey P 25, I I Acnete and the merman. Bagges- eii v ID 41. 20 Agony point. Pyeroft P 890, 16 Ahmed Ibn Hemdem \ 3,05. 15 Aileen Ferers. WEorley M 860, lo Ailey Moore. Baptist H 102.4 Ahriee. Giberne G 212,94 Aims and obstacles. James J 340, 22 Philadelphia Mepc axtile Library. Ainslee stories. Weeks W 270, 16 Aladdin, the wonderful lamp A 336, 25 Alain family. Kan- K 20, 10 Alamance. ' Wiley W 530, 17 Alamontade. Zschokke. Y 350, 10 Alban. Huntington IT 970. 15 Albert Hastings'. Whitaker. . . W 830, 17 Albert Limbach. Langbein. . . .11 750, 10 Albert Lunel. Brougham 15 380, 7 Albinia • A 330,38 Alcestis A 371,21 A tchemist, the. Balzac B 90, 4 Alcove, the. Abbott V 8 . A 50, 28 Aldeane. Preston P 770, 200 Alderbrook. Judson ;;.-. J 940, 17 Aldershottana A 412, 400 Alec Forbes of Ilowglen. Macdon- ald M 55, 23 Aldersleigh. Reithmuller R 512, 25 Aleman Mateo v 1 R 750, 24 Alexander Menzikoff. Nieritz . . N 440, 10 Alexis the runaway. Parker P 75, 30 Allie Balzani. Minelli M 085, 15 Alethitheras. Travels by land and sen T 000, 19 Alflo Balzani. Minilli M 690, 100 Alfred Ha^art's household. Smith S 558, 60 Alfred Raymond A 405, 120 Alhambra, the. Irving J 240, 22 Alice ; or, the mysteries. Bulwer.B 004,5 Alice and her friends A 482, 25 Alice Brand. Riddle R 45(1, 10 Alice Dale's offers. Robinson . . R 025, X8 Alice Franklin. Ilowitt II sen, 20 Alice Harmon A 482, 45 Alice Learmont. Graik C 850, 1 1 Alice Lorraine. Blaekmore . . .3 468, 400 Alice Murray. Hoffman IT 035, 400 Alice Neville. Bowen. B 595, 400 Alice Rerason G 580, 50 Alice Seymour.. Grey G 775, 5 Alice Sherwin A 482, 75 A lice Tracy. ( 'urrier C 950, 700 Alice Vale. Waisbrooker W 5, 20 Alice Wade A 482, 90 Alice's adventures in wonderland. Dodgson D 500,200 Alicia Warlock. Collins C GOO, 7 Alida. Sedgwick S 254, 000 Alide. Lazarus L 240, 15 All aboard. Adams A 145, 2 All around the moon=From tbe earth to the moon V 380, 39 All around a palette. Champncy C 213 .705 All for him A 504, 117 All for her A 504, 1 10 All for money. Chellis C 310, 9 All for greed". A 504, 102 A 1 1 for love. Dupuy I) 94S. 4 All-hollow eve A 504 130 AU-bollows,eve of. IIartstonge.il 204. 25 All in the dark. LcFanu . . . .L 270, 7 A 1 1 in the wrong. Hook II 760, 20 All is not gold that glitters ^Fac- tory girl. B 055, 40 All semi's day. Ingemann. v 8. .D 41, 20 All wrong. Grifferi . G 817, in Allan Breck. Gleig G 322, 9 Allegories of life. Adams A 121, 50 Allen Bay. Stedman S 724, 400 Allen Prescott. Sedgwick S 254, 602 Alleuia battle A 530, 400 Allie Moore's lesson A 548, 100 All's not gold that glitters. Haven .II 314, 5 All worth abbey. Southworth.. .S 020, 12 A lmeria. Edgeworth E 160, 52 Almighty dollar A 555, 2oo Almost a heroine. Shcppard. .8 383, 3oo Almost a man. Frost F 840, 17 Almost a nun. Wright W 930, 40 Almost a priest. Wright W 930, 42 Almost a woman. Frost F 840 20 Almost faultless A 555, 300 Alone. Terhune T 190, 12 Alone in London. Smith S 558, 710 Alonzo and Mellissa. Jackson. ..T 320, 50 Alroy; a novel. Disraeli D 520, 4 Aloys. Auerbach A 915, 2) Althea Vernon. Leslie L 480, 5 Alton Locke. Kingsley K 51 2 j 5 Alvira. O'Reilly O 295, 90 Aluredus A 505, 300 Always in the way. Jeans J 520, 5 Alwyn's first wife'. Craik C 850, 77 Am I a sinner A 57 1 , 1 Amabel. Latimer L 172, 200 Amaury. Dumas T) 8,x4, 4 Amazon-, the. Dingclstedt D 505, 9 Ambassador's wife, (tore G 475, 8 Amber gods. Spoftbrd. S G7<>, 17 Ambrose and Eleanor A 571, GO Amelia. Fielding F 250, 10 Amelia Mansfield. Cottin C 812, 15 American baron. DeMille D 275, 4 American, the. .Tames J 340, 14o American cardinal. Leavitt . . . L 257. 300 American cruiser's own book. Lit- tle L 738, 10 American family Robinson. Belisle. B 202,20 American family Robinson. Reid R 300, If. American girl. Anderson A 01 8, .">< I American gun club. Verne V 380, 39 American nights entertainmeut. Greene G 715, 600 American Senator. Trollope T 730, 13 American owl. Johnson J 740, 74 American spv. Simms S 408, .",00 Among aliens. Trollope T 730, 228 Among strangers. Maine M 204, 2:', Among the brigands. DeMille. .D 275, Among the guerillas. Gilmore.G 27o, 12 Among the pines. Gilmorc G 270, 13 Among the squirrels. Denison. .D 304. 30 Among tbe Tartar tents. Bowman . B 608, 5 Amours of Pbillippe. Feuillet. .F 208, 7 Amphlett love-match v 5.X 070, 100 / Philadelphia Mercantile Library Amulet. Conscience C 700, 3 Amusements of a man of fashion Nugent N 730, 1G Amy Carr. Chesebro C 335, 5 Amy Deane. Townsend T 010, 14 Amy Denbrook. Wentz W 324, 30 Amy Garnet. Cox C 840, GOO Amy Herbert. Sewell 8 330, 24 Amy Paul. Jackson J 318, GO Amy Rivers. Grahame G 580, 40 Amy Stennett A 594, 810 Amy's new home >. A 594, 820 Amyas Leigh. Kingsley K 512, 24 Amymone. Lynn L 970, 10 Anabaptist, the. Van der Vclde. ;....; :....A^330, 85 Anastasuis. Hope II 785, 45 Anastatia A (108, loo Ancestress, the. Knorring. v 1. .D 41, 20 Ancient regime. James .1 340, 2G Anderida ; or, Briton and Saxon . A G12, 525 Andrea Dellin. Ileyse II 525, -100 Andreas Ilofer. Mumjt M 922, 12 Andrec de Taverncy. Dumas. . . .1) 884, G Andrew Howie : M 702, 28 Andrew Winpenny, memoirs of. M 508,21 Andy Luttrefl. Ucnison I) 304, 30 Anecdotes of a croat A G37, loo Anecdotes of the puritans A 637, 130 Annr's return. Iloermann II 628, 20 Angel and the demon. Arthur. . A 79G, 7 Angel children. Higgins II 540, 10 Angel of the household. Arthur. . A 796, 8 Angel of the iceberg. Todd. . . T 490, 13 Angela. Marsh M 410, 7 Angela Pisani. Snivthe S 578, 300 Angelo Sanmartino A 641 , 200 Angel\s sono-. Tayler T 110, 12 Angler, the. Irving J 240, 50 Anglo-Irish. Banim 15 95, 200 Anna Countess of Stolbcrg. Wcll- mer W 300. is Anna Clayton. Dimmick 1) 480, 400 Anna Clayton A G59, 100 Anna Hammer. Temme T 150, 23 Anna Ross. Kennedy K 312. 5 Anna; the daughter at home. ... A 659, 80 Anna-, the leech vendor. Glaubreeht. G 312,4 Anna's whim. Alcott A 380, 19 Annals of a baby. Stebbins S 720, 15 Annals of an eventful life. Dasent .1) 88,9 Annals of a quiet neighborhood. Macdonald M 55, 28 Annals of the parish. Gait G 30, 20 Annals of the poor. Richmond. 11 427, 500 Annals of the 29th century. ... A 659, 200 Anne Askew. Manning. M 340. 02 Anne Fnrness. Trollope T 730, 236 Anne Grey. Lister L 725, 20 Anne Severin. Craven C 876, 5 Anne of Geierstein. Scoti S 214. 53 Anne Warwick. ( raik C 8G0, 7 Annette. Howell H 850, 5 Annie Jennings. Gore G 475, 900 Annie Leslie. , A 677, 200 Annie Mason. Averill A 97 1 , 1 Annie's story A 077, 250 Announcements and three rooms.S SI 2, 125 Another man's wife. Hard. . II 2G7, 650 Another winter's tale S G44. so Ansermo of the crag— Three Ber- nices 15 755, 13 Antar; a Bcdoueen romance. A 095, so Ante bellum. Cook C 715, 400 Anteros ; a novel. Lawrence . . L 225, 20 Antidote to miseries of life. Corp. C 7S0. Goo Antifanatieism. Butt B 996, 5 Antiquary, the. Scott S 214, 55 Anti-speculator. Engel. . . v 4. II 750, 1G Antoine de Bonneval. Anderdon A 012, I". Antoinette. Denison I) 304 35 Antonia. Dudevan't I) 842, 5 Antonina. Collins C 000, 1 1 Antony Brade. Lowell I, 90s, in Antony Waymouth. Kingston . K 530, 6 Antony; deaf and dumb boy. ...A 704, 60 Ants, "the * A 710, 75 Apelles and his eontempories. G reenough G 720, 1 5 Apparition of Monsieur Bodry.N 670, loo Apparitionist, the. Schiller.'. .. It 750, 10 Arabella Stuart. .James, .J 340, 2s Arabesques, (i reenough G 7230, 20 Arabian day's entertainments. Ilauf II 300. loo Arabian nights entertainments . A 725. I Arabian tales A 725, lo Arbeit's school days. Hooper. . II 775, 25 Arcadia Pembroke's. Sidney. . . S 43.2, 16 Archibald Cameron ...'.A 743, loo Archibald Hamilton. Baarnhielm . I> 1,4 Archie Blake. Eiloart E 3,50, 7 Archie Lovell. Edwards E 210, 43 Archie's shadow. Peebles P 280, 13 Archy Moore, the white slave. Ilil- dreth II 504, 400 Argal, the silver devil A 753, loo Ariadne. DeLarame D 240, 5 Ariadne, Durand I) 960, 5 Aristobulus. Kavanagh K SO, Of. Aristocrat, the A 707, 125 Aristomenes. Higgins. II 540,4041 Ark of Elm island. Kellogg. . . K 23,0, 6 Arkansaw doctor. Battlehead. . li 150, IS Armadale. Collins C 660, 15 Armourer's daughter A 771, loo Arne ; Norwegian life. Bjornson \i 444, (i Arnold Delahaize ' A 780, 500 Arnold Lee. Bell P, 204. 10 Arnold at Saratoga. Peterson. . P 3,50, 15 Around a spring. Droz I) SI 2, 4 Around the world in eighty days. Verne .* V 380,59 Arrabiata; and other tales. Heyse Il525,4<»5 Arrah Neil. James J 340, 30 PmtAfcEtMTfA M'ETICAXTfT.E I.TTiti.vriY. Arrows iii the dark V 71)4, 411) Art and nature. Thornburv. ... .T 312, 10 Ail ; a dramatic tale. Reade. . . .11 208, L8 Art of suffering, Tardien T 75, 125 Art Maguire. Carleton C 12. 6 Artemus Ward, his travels. Browne. Ii 850,8 Artemus Ward in London. Browne; B 850, 12 Artemus Ward's panorama. Browne. B 850,14 Artemus Ward's works. Browne. B 850, 1") Arthur. Douglass D 742, 300 Arthur; or knight of our day. . A 796, 810 Arthur. Sue. ' 8 890,15 Arthur, Kino-. Malory M 290, 30 Arthur Arundel. Smith S 558, 800 Arthur Bonnicastle. Holland. H 085,20 Arthur Brown. Kellogg K 230, 8 Arthur Clenning. Flint V 412. 30 Arthur Clifford. Htibback II 904, 5 Article 47. Belot B 290, 4 Artist of Collingwood. NaCarriag.N 10,200 Artist and craftsman A 803, 100 Artist-wife. Ilowitt II 860, 22 Artiste. Grant (I CIS, 200 Artist's bride =Villcta Linden. . B3 22, 205 Artist's dream. Logan L B02, 10 Art ist 's love. Southworth S 020, 16 Artist's married life. Sehefer. . . S ISO, 14 Arundel. Cumberland C 932, 400 Arundel motto. Hay IT 345, 20 Arwed GylleSistierna. Velde.v 1 185,4 At Chrighton abbey. Braddon. . i> 055, S7 At her mercy. Sauzade S 140, 13 At liis gates. Oliphant O 170, 28 At Knights 'bridge J 42, IK At last. Terhmie T 190, 14 At lion's mouth. Chellis (' 310, II At odds. Tautphocus T KM). 15 At swords' points. Thomas. . . T 270, 20 At the altar. Buerstenbinder. . . 15 885, 10 At the back of the north wind. Mac- Donald M 55,30 At the bar. Collins C 040, 13 At the councillor's. .John J 720, 7 At the s|gn of the golden canister. P 1 04, 72 At the sign of the silver 11 agon. Fa r- jeon F 62, 8 At the south pole. Kingston. . . . K 530, X At the world's end. Edwards . . E 224, 45 Atala. Chateaubriand C 2S4, o Athaliah. Greene G 712, 7<»»» Athelings, the. Oliphant O 170. 30 Atherstone priory, ('onmyn. . . .(' 075, 7<>o Atherton and other tales." Mitford. M 736,20 Athol. Iligham II 552, 307 Atlantic tales A 895, 200 Atonement of Learn Dundas. Linton. L 075,9 Attache, the. Halliburton TT 38, 7 Attic philosopher in Paris. Souves- tre S 020, 14 Atticus. Ward W 120,51 Attila. James J 340, 32 Attorney, the. Irving J 235, 4uo AttractiVe man. Trollope T 730. loo Aubrey. Marsh M 410, 10 Aubrey Conyers. Stewart S 770, 300 Auburn Egbert. Tieek v 4.R 750, 10 Auckland isles Wrecked on a reef. U 180,25 Aufder hohe. Auerbach A 015, 70 August and Klive. Abbott A 50, 4 Augustine. Lcmercier L 370, 17 Aunt Annie's stories A 027, 100 Aunt Dinah's pledge. Chellis. .(' 310, 13 Aunt Eleanor's childhood. Ilrucc. B SOO, 500 Aunt Erancisca. Bernhard . v 2.1) 41, 2<> | Aunt Honor's keepsake. Sadlier .S 20, 28 Aunt Jane's hero. Prentiss P 750, 20 Aunt Jo's scrap bag. Alcott .... A 380, 3 Aunt Kipp. Alcott A 380, 20 Aunt Kitty's tales. Mcintosh. .. M 120,0 Aunt Margaret. Abbott ,.v0. A 56,28 Aunt Margaret's trouble. Trollope. T 730,235 Aunt Mattie. Ilazelton H 3,72, 300 Aunt Pattv's scrap-bag. Ilentz. II 470, 28 Aunt Phillis's cabin. Eastman. . K 40, 6 Aurelia. Quinton P 030, 25 Aurelian. Ware AY 134, 30 Aureola. Mackenzie M 152, 50 Aurora Floyd. Braddou B 055, 4 Austin Elliot. Kingslcv K 512. 300 Australian crusoes. llowerolt .11 b60, 14 Philadelphia ai ehcantile LtbrarY. Australian wanderers. Lee. . . .L 265,405 Author's daughter. Nowitt. . . .II 860, 24 Authorship. . A 955, 100 Autobiography. Clemens C 540, 5 Autobiography of a Cornish rector. Tregeiina. . T 667, 50 Autobiography of a female slave. Grif- fiths (f 885,600 Autobiography of a thief R 208, 23 Autobiography of a London detective. Waters....: W 180,15 Autobiography of a New England farm-house. Chamberlain.. .C 206,400 Autobiography of an Irish traveller . A 950,110 Autobiography of Jack Ketch. A 959, 100 Autocrat of the breakfast table. Holmes. II 720, 80 Automathes, a young nobleman. .C 80, 20 Automaton ear. McLandburgh. M 172,200 Autonous, history of . . II 615, 120 Autumn. Abbott A 56,49 Autumnal leaves. Child C &0O, 5 Avenger, the S812/25 Average boys' vacation. Deerfng ... ' I) 208, 500 Avery Clibun. Newell K 360, 10 Avondale. Clark C 515, 600 Away in the wilderness. Ballantyne. ..." B 7<>, 500 Ayesha, the maid of Kars. Morier. * M 852,23 Aylmers of Bally-Aylmer. Cfriffin. " G 820,45 Ayrshire legatees. Calt G SO, 20 Axel and Anna. Bremer 15 740 Azalea. ( 'lavton C 525, 400 Azarian. Spofford 8 670, 19 1 15. ( ). W. ( !.,» the. De Mille .... 1) 275, 15 Babes in the wood. De Mille. . . .1) 275, 10 Baboo, and other tales B 6, 5 Babv Bianea. Valentine V 230, 17 Bach and Beethoven. Barnard. . .B 127, 4 Bachelor Ben. Giles G 24S, 5 Bachelor of Salamanca. Le Sage L 460,7 Bachelor of the Albany. Savage. ,S 14S,20 Bachelor's sketch hook. White . . W 390, 500 Bachelor's story. Bunce B 916, 3 Back to the old home. Hay II 345, 22 Backbiting. Tonna T 520, 14 Backlog studies. Warner W 148, 200 Backward glances. Rowe II 865, 300 Bacon, Friar, history of. II 615, 300 Bad beginning B 20, 100 Bad speculation. Mayo. . M 522, 28 and 46 Baddington Peerage. Sala S 60, 18 Baffled. Coddard. G 360, 400 Baked head, and other tales 15 31, H00 linked meats of the funeral. Hat- pine II 72, 9 Bakhtya* Nameh B 52, 40 Balance of comfort. Boss R 8M), 350 Balcombe street mystery, v. s . X 07o, loo Baldearg O'Donnell. ('aiming C 04. 4 Balloon travels of Merry. (Good- rich (1432,6 Ballyblunder. Ballantyne 15 70, 503, Ballyshan castle by Shcelah B 78, 850 Ballyshan castle ^mother's request F 370, 20 Baltimore Gun Club. Verne. . . . V. 380, 311 Band of Six. Berry 15 3,54, 4 Bandit, the. Blanche B 489, 518 Bandit's bride. Stanhope S 702, 200 Bandolero. Reid R 300, 19 Banished man. Smith S 558, 260 Banished son. Ilentz II 470, 13 Banker's wife. Arthur A 796, lo Bankrupt, the. Bcrnhard . . . vol. 3. 1) 4 1 , 2( » Banks of the Boro. Kennedy. . . K 315, 400 Bar-rooms at Brantlv. Arthur. . A 796, 1 1 Bar sinister. Collins C. 640, 15 Barbara's history. Edwards E 210, 6 Barbarossa. Bolandcn 15 520, 43,5 Barber of Bantry. Griffin. ...... G 820, 45 Barber's Chair. .lerrold J 612, 7 Barbolain. Droz I) 812, s Barchester Towers. Trollope . . . T 730, 1 5 Barclays of Boston. Otis O, 400 13, Barefooted maiden. Auerbach . . . .A 915, 32 Barley Wood. Parker P 72, 550 Baroaby Budge. Dickens I) 420. 5 Barnabys in America. Trollope. T 730,101 Barney Mahoney. ( roker C 894, 5 Barny O'Reirdon. Reyband R 370, 17 Baron du Tan. Gomez CI 416, 13 Baron Crimbosh 15 135, 400 Baron M u n c h a us en's travels. Raspe 15 130, 19 Baronet's cross. Meeke M 536, 18 Baronet's sunbeam 15 13,5, 500 Barren honour. Lawrence L 225, 22 Barriers burned away. Roe R 712, 70 Barring ton. Lever/. R 120, 9 Bart Ridgeley. Ridel le R 450, 1 S Bartholomew Perigru 15 157, 200 Barton experiment. Ilabberton. . II 4. lo Basil ; or crossed path. Collins. C 660, 20 Basil Harrington B 170,200 Basil Marsden. Sargent S 120, 20 Basket of flowers. . 15 170, 250 Bastile, the. Hare II 204, 14 Bastile, chronicles of C 404, 300 Bastonnais, the. Lesperance. . . . L 485. 50 Bateman household. Sauzade. . . . S 140, 15 Bath-chairman's story. ( 'hurch . . C 410, 45 Bath characters. Ballet P 31 . 50(1 Batkin's Jefferson .Jones 1 860, 200 Batterary boys. (Tame of brag . . M 215. 2< > Battle-fields" of our fathers. Townsend T 610. 16 Battle of Dorking. Chesney. . . .(' 340, 404 Battle of Life. Dickens I) 420, s Battle of the hooks. Swift ...... S 960, 19 Battle summer. TerhuneK . . . T 190,25 Battles at home. Darling D. 71, 15 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Bay path. Holland II 685,241 Beacon lights. Arthur A 790, 13 Beacon lights. Cobden.. C 585, 6 Bear and forbear. Adams A 145, 3 Bear hunters of the Rocky moun- tains. Bowman B 606, 6 Hear king. Greenwood G 730, 30 Beaten paths. Grattan G 630, 8 Beatrice. Kavanagh K 80, 15 Beatrice. Sinclair S 480, 14 Beatrice Boville. De Larame D 240, 9 Beatrice Cenci. Gucrrazzi G 930, 9 Beatrice Tyldesley. Ainsworth. . A 321, 95 Beauchamp. James J 340, 34 Beauchampe. Simms 8 470, 30 Beauclercs, the. Clarke C 502, 5 Beaumarchais. Brachvogel B 648, 9 Beauties of brother Bull-us B^23,215 Beauties of German literature. . B 223, 230 Beautiful Edith B 223, 250 Beauties of faith B 223, 240 Beautiful fiend. Southworth S 020, 19 Beautiful Miss Barrington. Parr ..PI 04 13 Beautiful unknown. Kotzebue. .K 880, 25 Beautiful widow. Shelley S 370, 250 Beauty Talbot. Fitzgerald F 340, 5 Beauty and the beast. Taylor. .T 130, 60 Beauty of woman's faith B 223, 300 Bebec. Dc Larame '. D 240, 13 Bed-time stories. Moulton M 890, 30 Bede's charity. Smith S 558, 715 Bedford row conspiracy. Thackeray T 200, 9(1 Bee hunters. Ainiard A 310, 13 Beach BhuT. Bieknell B 410, 200 Beeeheroft. Yongc Y 100, 14 Beechnut. Abbott A 50, Beeehwood. Springer S 082, 13 Beggar of St. lioch. Fullerton . . F 808. 59 Beggar on horseback. Sauzade . . .S 140, 16 Beggars, the. Liefde L 590, 10 Behind the counter. Hacklander. .II 9, \X Behind the scenes. Bulwer. . . . B 904, 320 Behind the veil. Hamilton II 90, 25 Being a boy. AVarner AV 148, 204 Being somebody. Chase C 270, 4 Belford Regis. Mitford M 730, 23. Belforest. Manning M 340, 8 Belinda. Edgeworth E 100, 5 Belisarius. Marmontel M. 390, 10 Belle Brandon. Myers M 900, 20 Bella. St. John S 38, 3,00 Bella Donna. Dyce D 975, 200 Bella Trelawnv/ Smith S 558, 912 Bellah. Feuillet F 208, 20 Belle of the family. Grey ...... G 775, 1 o Belle of the Village. Mills. . . M 080, 15 Bellehood and Bondage. Stephens ' S 740, 13 Belmour JJ 284, 400 Below the surface. Elton E 450. 30 Belton estate. Trollope T 730. 17 Ben Blinker. AVise AV 700, 1 1 Ben Boland's garden B 300, 200 Ben Brace. Cliamier (' 21:;, 4 Ben Bradford's motto. Alger . . A 475, 00 Ben Burton. Kingston K 530, lo Ben Howard. Adams A 105, 2 Ben Milner\s wooing. Parr P 104, 15 Ben Sylvester's word. Yongc . . . Y loo, 10 Ben the luggage boy. Alger \ 475, 4 Benaiah. AVebb AV 244, 441 > Bending Willow. Fuller F 800, 25 Beneath the wheels. Notley. . . X 070, 13 Bencdiets and bachelors Grantlev Grange B 214, loo Benjamin B 312. loo Ben'-na-groieh T 50, 45 Benoni Blake, M. D. McLennan M 174. 300 Bensley B 334, 200 Bentley's miscellany, tales from . .T 50, 40 Beppo the conscript. Trollope . . T 730, 600 Berber. Mayo M 522, 600 Berenice B 3,40, 500 Berlin and Sans-souci. Mundt.M 922, 15 Bernard Lilc. Clemens C 53,5. :; Bernard's invention. Fisher. . . . F 324, 50 Bernthal. Mundt M 922, 1 7 Bertha. MaeCabe M 15, 20 Bertha and Lilly. Smith s 558, 420 Bertha Percy. Field F 240, 475 Bertha's cnagagcment. Stephens , S 740, 10 Bertie Bray B 361, 200 Bertie Lee B 361, 220 Bertie and his friends B .",01 , 190 Bertram Noel. May M 502, 20 Bertram Raymond, llarcourt II 170,200 Bertram family, Charles ( ' 248. 1 2 Bertrams, the. Trollope T 730, 19 Bessie. Kavanagh K 80, is Bessie Fairfax. Parr P 104, 45 Bessie Harrington's venture. Ma- thews. M 400.75 Bessie Lane's mistake B 376, 100 Bessie Lang Corkran C 765, 55 Bessie Morris' diary =.wedditig gar- ments " M 170. 22 Bessie's six lovers B 3,70. 120 Bessie Kane. AVood AV 770, 40 Best fellow in the Avorld. Wright .AV 930,45 Best of husbands. Sauzade S 140, 19 Betrothed, the. Manzoni M 352, 20 Betrothed, the. Scott S 214, 59 Betrothing, the. Tieck T 370, 15 Betsey : or caprices of fortune. . B 39(1, l'oo Betsey Bebbet. Holley II 702, 12 Betsey Jam; Ward, her book . B 3,90, 120 Better patrimony than gold. Martel : M 42<>. loo Betty's bright idea. Stowe S 840. 10 Between two tires B 3,90, 200 Beulah. AVilson AV 040, 13 Beverley. Walworth AV 100. 14 Beyminstre. Wallace AV 5o. 2 Beyond the breakers. Owen . . . O 440, 20 Philadelphia Mekcaxtile Library. Beyond these voices. Desart. .1) 345, loo < Bianca. Matmin M 475, 20 : Bianca Capello. Bulwer 15 DIM. 322 Biblicals; or Glenmoyle casfle.B 407, 200 | Big bear of Arkansas. Porter.. .P 602, 900 Big brother. Eggleston E 328, 7 Big night-cap letters. Barrow. . . .B 151, 3 Big tree, the 13 420, 200 Hill Arp, so called. Smith S 558, 242 Hill Arp's peace papers. Smith. S 558, 240 Billv Bump, adventures of. Good- rich G 432, 4 Hilly Grimes' favorite. Xowell. .X 710, 12 Binding the sheaves. Bobbins. . B 570, 13 Bird of passage. Le Fanu L 27o, 9 Birds of a feather. Bradley. . . . B669, 050 Birds of prey. Braddon H 055, lo Birth and education. Schwartz. .S 208, 13 Birth of pleasure. A-pUleius A 720, 2 Birthday present. Edgeworth. . . . E 160, 7 Birthright, the. Gore G 475, Bishop's flock M 440. 2 Hit of nature. Rhodes R 402, 75 Bit o' writin, Banim IB 95, 200 Hits of blarney. Mackenzie. . . M 156, 30 Bitter atonement. Clay C 525, 4 Bivouac, the. Maxwell M 400, 20 Bivouac and battle. Adams A 145,4 Black and blue. B 670, 100 Black band. Braddon H 055, 13 Blackberry jam. Mathews M 400, 32 Blackbird o'f Baden. Black. . . .15 450, 200 Black dwarf. Scott S 214, 02 Black forest village stories. Auer- bach A 015, 30 Black gauntlet. Schoolcraft S 104, 25 Black gown papers. Gallenga. . G 27, 10 Black ivory. Ballantync : t . .B 70, 506 Black moss B 454, 25 Black panther. Wraxall AV 000, 12 Black phantom. Shrimpton S 420, 10 Black prophet. Carleton C 128, 10 Hlacksheep. Yates Y 10, 14 Blacksmith and scholar. Collins C 050, 400 Blacksmith of Antwerp. Fullerton F 808, 50 Black spirits and white. Trollope T 730, 237 Black story. Fenn F 172, 400 Hlackwater chronicle. Kennedy K 312,31)7 Blackwood's mag., stories from. .S 812, 25 do tales from. . . T 50, 45 Hlade-o'-grass. Farjeon F 02, 10 Blakes and Flanagans. Sadlier..S 20. 34 Blanche Carey B 405, 15 Blanche Carrington's experience. Hosmer II 812. 35 Blanche Delamere. Johnstone. M 702^ 28 Blanche Gilroy. Hosmer II 812, 20 Blanche— her choice. Hopkinson II 801 . 300 Blanche Seymour H 405, 120 Blanche of Brandywine. Lippard.L 712, 7 Blanche the Huguenot. Anderson ....;. A 01 X, 02 Blanche's 'confirmation. Aguew A 271,2 Bleak house. Dickens. . . .' I) 420, lo Blemniertons, the. Nicholson. . N 415. 200 Blighted flower. Balleydicr H 7*. sou Blind Arthur. Strickland S 870, 250 Blind girl of Wittenberg. Wilclen- hahn W 522. loo Mind Lilias B 506, 14 Blind Tom B 500. is Mndpits. Taylor T 128, 135 Blithedale romance. Hawthorne II 330, 10 Blockade of Fhalsburg. Erckmanu- Chutrian. ........ .\ K 620, \ Jlockaderunners. Verne V 380, 35 Bloiuty and brunette. Burdett. . H 943, 9 Hood of the Sundons X 670, loo bloodstone. Macleod M 170, 300 Bloom and brier. Falconer F 32, lo Jloomfield. Warren W 158, 15 Blossoming of an aloe, lloey. II 630; 8 Blossoms of morality H 506, 325 Plotted out. Cudlip C 024. H Jlount family. Brown H 840, 600 Blount tempest. Bellew H 2*0. 5 Hue banner, Cahun C 14,205 Blue bell. Bramston H 700. :, Blue bell of Red-neap. Fan- F 104, 60 Blue belles of England. Trollope T 730, 102 Hue blood. Dande I) 30. 200 Bluc-eved witch. Egan E 310, Blue flag IB 506, 630 Hue jackets. Greey G 748, 400 Blue ribbon. Tabor T 4 s Hue ribbons. Drury I) 821 , 5 Blue stocking. Edwards F 310, 45 Blue-stocking hall. Loudon . L 850. 15 Bluebeard's keys. Thackeray . . T 2( )( >, 1 2 Bleuet, le=llenee and Frantz II 65, '•> Bluffton. Savage S 14s. 2 Bush roses. Morse M 869, loo Boar's head tavern, Irving .1 250, 50 Boarding out. Hale ^ II 30, 500 Boasting hector F 53,0, 10 Boat club, the. Adams A 145, 6 Job Burke's duel. Maginn T 50, 45 Bob Walker. Grahame G 580, 41 Bobbin boy. Thayer T 220, 10 Bodley family. Scndder S 220, 2o Jodleys telling stories. Scndder. .S 226, 17 Bohemians, the. Guenot a 910,16 Bohemians of London. Whitty. . W 43,0. 17 Boldheart the warrior. Pardon. . . . F 00. 13 Bond and free. Jollv -I 830, 7 Bond and free V 2. X II, 0. 1 on Bondman, the B 53,2. 830 Bonne mere Nannette. Farr. . . . F 104. 61 Bonny Jean. Abbott A 21.5 Bonny Kate. Fisher F 324 t 1 1 took of beauty. Landon L 104, 7 took of legends. ©'Sullivan . . . O 380, 12 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Book of St. Nicholas. Paulding. P 205, 14 Book of snobs. Thackeray. . . .T 200, 45 Book of stories. Summerly S 912, 14 Book of the Hudson. Irving. J 240, 27 Book of vagaries. Paulding. . . .P 205, 18 Boons and blessings. Hall H 56, 5 Border beagles. Simms S 470, 32 Border reminiscences. Marcy. .M 360, 13 Border rifles. Aimard A 316, 10 Border rover. Bennett B 322, 155 Border tales. Maxwell M 490, 22 Border war. Jones J 860, 30 Born and bred at sea. Kingston. K 530, 10 Born romp=Hila Dart M 915,18 Boscobel. Ainsworth A 321, 120 Boscobel v 8. N 670, 100 Boston boy. Henry H 450, 300 Boston common B 555, 800 Boston two hundred years ago.L 260, 200 Bosworth field B 555, 600 Both sides of the sea. Charles. .C .248, 37 Both sides of the street. Walker. W 30, 25 Bothwell. Grant G 618, 8 Boudoir cabal. Murray M 936, 30 Bound down. Fitch F 330, 7 Bound in honor. Trowbridge. .T 740, 23 Bound to John Company . BraddonB 655,17 Bound to rise. Alger A 475, 6 Bound to the wheel. Saunders. .S 126, 19 Bound to win. Smart S 546, 20 Bourbon lilies. Champney. . . .C 213, 708 Bowl of ''punch" B 600, 300 Bowl of punch=consequences . .D 925, 38 Box for the season. Clarke. . . .C 502, 8 Boxes, the v 8. T 50, 45 Boy cavaliers. Adams A 117, 2 Boy emigrants. Brooks B 814, 630 Boy farmers of Elm Island. Kellogg. K23o,i 1 Boy from Bramley. Townsend . T 610,18 Boy hunters. Reid R 300, 25 Boy of Mugby. Dickens D 420,80 Boy in grey. Kingsley K 512, 304 Boy Joe. Dickens D 420, 12 Boy of Mount Rhigi. Sedgwick. S 254, 23 Boy of principle. Cardell C 104. 5 Boy of spirit B 618, 80 Boy pilgrims. Bowman B 608, 7 Boy regiment, the. Harris. . . .H 230, 23 Boy scouts of 1814. Eggleston. .E 328, 9 Boy slaves. Reid £ 300,28 Boy tar. Reid R 300, 30 Boy voyagers. Bowman B 608, 9 Boy with an idea. Eiloart E 350, 30 Boy's book. Sigourney S 448, 17 Boy's story book B 618, 300 Boy's trip across plains. Preston . P 7 70, 204 Boy's kingdom F 657, 750 Boy's own story book B 618, 200 Boys at Chequasset. Whitney. .W 420, 17 Boys at Dr. Murray's. Bradley. B 674,502 Boys at home. Adams A 105, 4 Boys of Beechwood. Eiloart. .E 350, 31 Boys of Eaglewood. Guernsey . G 9 1 5 ,400 Boys of Grand Pre school. De Mille. D 275, 18 Boys of other countries. Taylor. T 130,62 Boys of the wilderness. Kellogg. K 230,69 Boyhood of great painters B 638, 200 Boyhood of Luther. Mayhew..M 515, 20 Boyne water. Banim B 95, 208 Bracebridge hall. Irving J 240, 29 Bragelonne. Dumas D 884, 13 Braggadocia. Tuthill T 880, 18 Brake up. Adams A i45> 7 Brakespeare. Lawrence L 225, 24 Brambletye house. Smith S 558, 802 Bramleighs of Bishop's folly. Lever. L 520, 11 Branksome Dene. Walmsley. . .W 60, 17 Brave and bold. Alger A 475 » 7 Brave Coucou driver v 6. N 670, 100 Brave hearts. Raymond R 180, 10 Brave lady. Craik, C 850, 19 Brave old salt. Adams A 1 45 » 8 Bravo, the. Cooper C 735, 6 Bravo of Venice. Lewis L 550, 94 Brazen gates. Smith S 560, 130 Bread, cheese & kisses. Farjeon. .F 62, 13 Bread and oranges. Warner. .W 150, 50 Bread upon the waters. Craik. C 850, 21 Bread-winners. Nickerson N 430, 10 Breaking a butterfly. Lawrence. L 225, 26 Breaking away. Adams A 145, 9 Breaking the rules. Chaplin. .C 232, 500 Bred in the bone. Sauzade. . . .S 140, 22 Brentford parsonage. Robbins .^570,17 Bressant. Hawthorne H 330, 20 Breughel brothers. Sternberg. .S 757, 50 Brewer's family. Ellis E 430, 5 Brewer's fortune. Chellis C 310, 16 I Brian O'Linn. Maxwell M 490, 23 j Briaridge problem. Capron. . .C 80, 615 ; Brick-dust. Pomeroy P 620, 12 1 Bridal eve. Southworth S 620, 22 ! Bridal of Dunamore. Roche. .R 650, 10 Bride of Lammermoor. Scott. .S 214, 65 Bride of Llewellyn . Southworth .8620,25 Bride of Omberg. Carlen C 120, 6 Bride of the wilderness. Bennett. 6322,154 Bride's fate. Southworth S 620, 27 I.O Philadelphia Mercantile Library Bridegroom of Barna v 12. T 50, 45 Bridge of glass. Robinson .... R 625 , 17 Bridget Storey's first charge. . . .A 243, 10 Brief honors. Scudder S 226, 600 Brigadier Frederick. Erckmann- Chatrian . E 620, 6 Brigaiid=Hans of Iceland. HugoH 930,15 Brigand captive. Normand.N 600, 129 Bright days. Howitt H 860, 26 Bright morning. Grant G 618, 204 Bright pictures from child life . B 755, 720 Bright side. Benjamin B 312, 175 Brilliant tales of London society.B 760,200 Brisee B 769, 6qq British recluse. Haywood. . . .H 364, 200 Brittany and La Vendee. Souvestre. Broad church. Davies D 136, 30 Broad outlines of long years in Australia. Jones.. J 855,500 Brockley moor. Lawson. . . .L 230, 500 Broken bonds. Smart. S 546, 21 Broken chains. Buerstenbinder . B 885, 15 Broken columns B 784, 500 Broken cup, the. Zschokke. . .B 223, 17 Broken engagement. Southworth. 8620,78 Broken heart. Irving J 240, 50 Broken to harness. Yates Y 10, 16 Broken toys. Steele S 728, 14 Brook Silverstone. Marshall. .M 420, 12 Brooke and Brooe farm. Martineau. v 1. M 440, 38 Brooks of Bridlemere. Melville . M 5 6o, 1 5 Brother and sister. Ellis E 430, 7 Brother clerks B 828, ioq Brother soldiers. Robinson. .R 627, 400 Brothers, the v 3. D 41, 20 Brothers' bet. Carlen C 120, 8 Brother's secret. Godwin G 370, 25 Brother's watchword B 828, 170 i Brothers and sisters. Bremer. . .B 740, 5 j Brought home. Smith S 558, 718 Brought to book. Spicer S 648, 6o | Brought to the front. Kellogg. K 230, 13 Brown man. Griffin G 820, 45 Brown, Jones and Robinson. Trollope. • T 730, 22 Brownslows, the. 01iphant...O 170,35 Brownrigg papers. Jerrold J 612, 9 Bruin. Reid R 300, 34 Bruna's revenge. Jolly. J 830, 8 Bruno. Abbott v 1. A 56, 28 Bryan Maurice. Mitchell. . . .M 722, 400 Bryanstone square. Radcliffe. .R 18, 100 Buccaneers, the. Jones J 865, 200 Buck Bradford. Adams. .... .A 145, 25 Bucklyn Shaig. Montgomery. M 774, 100 Budget of stories B 880, 700 Budget ; or moral and entertaining fragments B 880, 695 Budget of the Bubble family. Bulwer. C 9°4> 324 Budget of wit and humor. Valentine. V 230, 200 Buds from christmas boughs. Townsend. T 610, 20 Buffets. Doe D 5 75 , 7 Building upon sand. Lysaght. . .L 980, 9 Bulls and Jonathans. Paulding. .P 205, 23 Bunch of cherries. Kirton K 650, 9 Buncle, John, life of. Amory. .A 590,30 Bundle of sticks. Kirby K612, 7 Bunsby papers. Brougham. . . .B 830, 25 Burford cottage B 948, 200 Burgomaster's family. Walree . . W 80, 1 9 Burial of the first born. Alden. A 412, 250 Buried alone B 948, 250 Buried treasure. Fosdick F 614, 10 Buries; a bad boy. Robinson. R 625, 88 Burlesques. Thackeray T 200, 48 Burnt Njal. Dasent D 88, 36 Burrcliff. Trowbridge T 740, 25 Burying the hatchet. Kellogg. K 280, 15 Bascon the witty Spaniard P 920, 16 Bush boys. Reid R 300, 36 Bushrangers, the. Thomes. . . .T 290, 14 Business of pleasure. Yates. . . .Y 10, 10 Busy bees=M. Russel's school. .B 983, 10 Busy hands and patient hearts. Nieritz. N 440, 13 Busy moments of an idle woman. King. K 435, 700 Butterfly's gospel. Bremer B 740, 7 Buy an orange, sir? B 998,900 By and by. Maitland M 270, 10 By Celia's arbor. Besant and Rice. B372, 10 By his own might. Hillern. . . .H 575, 13 By no fault of their own. Telfer.T 145,30 By proxy. Sauzade S 140, 24 By still waters. Mayo M 522,20 By the king's command. Hugo.H 930, 26 By the river. Alcott A 380, 19 By the roadside. Freund F 776, 300 By the sea. Currier C 956, 705 Byrnes of Glengoulah. Nolan. .N 560, 25 By-gone days. Kugelgen. . . .K 915, 170 By-gone days in our village. . .B 999, 200 Ca Ira. Trammell T 640, 1 9 Cabin and parlor. Randolph. .R 82, 100 Philadelphia Mercantile Library ti Cabin book. Posti P 690, 1 25 Cabin boy's story. Maitland. ,M 270, 20 Cabin on the prairie. Pearson. P 260, 20 Cabinet. Opie et al O 250, 48 Cabinet minister. Gore G 475 , it Cadet button. Whittaker W 425, 20 Cadet life at West Point. Kinsman. K 545> 100 Caecilia Metella. Julia J 948, 75 Caesar Borgia. Robinson R 627, 90 Caged lion. Yonge Y 100, 18 Cakes and ale. Jerrold J 612, 11 Cakes and ale at Woodbine. Coffin. C 610, 400 Calavar. Bird B 436, 304 Calderon. Bulwer B 904, 18 Calderwood secret. Johnson. . .J 740, 60 Caleb Asher C 24, 15 Caleb Field. Oliphant 0170,38 Caleb in the country. Abbott. . . A 56, 8 Caleb in town. . Abbott A 56, 7 Caleb Krinkle. Coffin C 610, 8 Caleb Williams. Godwin G 370, 5 Caliph Haroun Alraschild. Manning. M 340, 10 Caliphs and Sultans. Hanley.H 144, 500 Callamura. Pleasants P 566, 13 Called to account. Cudlip. . . .C 924, 20 Callirhoe. Dudevant D 842, 290 Callista. Newman N 378, 500 Calvary of St. Sebastian. Macquoid. M 204, 45 Cambridge grisette. Vaughan.V 300, 190 Camelia lady, the. Dumas. . . .D 884, 125 Cameron pride. Holmes H 720, 9 Camilla. Barnard B 127, 6 Camilla. D'Arblay D 64, 6 Camilla's stratagem R 950, 60 Camille. Gasparin G 115, 80 Camoens.^ Tieck B 223, 17 Camors. Feuillet F 208, n Campbell ; or, the Scottish proba- tioner C 54, 900 Camping out. Stephen S 746, 210 Campion court. Worboise. . . .W 850, 14 Can the old love? Buddington.B 880,370 Can wrong be right? Hall H 56, 9 Can you forgive her? Trollope.T 430, 24 Canadian crusoes. Traill T 630, 18 Cancelled will. Dupuy O 948, 6 Candle lighted by the Lord. Ross.R 8 10, 355 Candy elephant. Dolliver. . . ,D 607, 15 Canoeing in Kanuckia Norton and Habberton N 640, 230 Canolles. Cooke C 730, 3 Cannon's clock v 10. N 670, ioo Cannon's daughters. Corbet. . . C 760, 30 Cannonbury Holt. W'orboise . W 850, 16 Canterbury bells C 75, 800 Canterbury tales. Lee L 260, 300 Canterbury tales. Lee L 265, 450 Cap and Bells. Helmore . . . H 440, 600 Cap sheaf, a fresh bundle. Hill.H 572,300 Capacity of Authomathes. ...... C 80, 20 Cape Cod and all along shore. Nord- hoff N 580, 12 Capel girls. Mayo M 522, 22 Captain Blake. Maxwell M 490, 16 Captain Brand. Wise W 700, 445 Captain Clutterbuck's champagne. C 85,600 Captain Dangerous. Sala S 60, 42 Captain Danton's daughters=Kate Danton. Fleming F 360, 38 Captain George Carleton. De Foe D 215,33 Captain Hatteras. Verne V 380, 62 Captain Herber . . . C 88, 100 Captain Jack the scout=01d Fort Duquesne. McKnight M 164,15 Captain Kidd. Campbell C 54, 600 Captain Mago. Cahun C 14, 200 Captain Master's children. Hood.H 750,50 Captain O'Sullivan. Maxwell. .M 490, 18 Captain of the guard. Grant. .G 618, 10 Captain Russel's watchword. Grosvenor. G 870, 8 Captain Sam. Eggleton E 328, 9 Captain Sam's company=Signal boys. ..... E 3 28 > *5 Captain Singleton. De Foe. . .D 215, 24 Captain Waltham. Scudder. . .S 226, 400 Captain W T aters and his bo'son . . S 940, 1 8 Captain's cabin. Jenkins J 565, 300 Captives of Abb's valley.. MooreM 792,650 Card-drawing. Griffin G 820, 30 Carders, the T 470, 20 Cardinal, the C 109, 25 Cardinal flower. Alden A 412, 252 Cardinal Pole. Ainsworth ....A 321, 121 Cardinal's daughter. Warfield.W 140, 17 Career of Puffer Hopkins. Matthews. M 458, 615 Caring for no man. Porter. . . .P 662, 65 Carita. Oliphant O 170, 39 Carl and Jocko. Abbott, .v 10. A 56, 28 Carl Bartlett. Erichson E 640, 5 Carl Krincken. Warner W 150, 120 Carl, the young emigrant. Arthur. A 796, 16 Carl W T erner. Simms . S 470, 34 Carleton, Capt. Geo. De Foe. D 215, 33 12 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Carleton Grange C 128, 600 Carlyon's year. Sauzade S 140, 25 Carmen's inheritance. Fisher.. F 324, 13 Caroline. Abbott A 56, 9 Caroline of Hapsburgh. Ashe. A 818, 40 Carr of Carlyon. Aide A 310, 2 Carrie Hamilton. Denison . . . . D 304, 40 Carrie's idol. Porter P 662, 170 Carry's confession. Robinson. R 625, 23 Carter quarterman Baker B 39, 850 Casella. Finley F31J, 5 Cash boy's trust. Mitchell. . . .M 718, 50 Casimir Maremma. Helps . . . . H 444, 30 Casper. Warner W 150, 112 Cassandra. LaCaprensill L 25, 13 Cassique of Kiawah. Simms. . .S 470, 36 Cast adrift. Arthur A 796, 18 Cast away in the cold. Hayes. H 360, 20 Cast up by the sea. Baker B 39, 600 Castaways. Reid R 300, 39 Caste. Jolly J 830, 9 Caste. Pike P 462, 20 Castle Avon. Marsh M 410 13 Castle builders. Yonge Y 100, 22 Castle builders C 164, 150 Castle Daly. Keary K 112, 7 Castle dangerous. Scott S 214, 68 Castle dismal. Simms S 470, 38 Castle martyr C 164, 175 Castle nowhere. Woolson. . . .W 840, 17 Castle of Ehrenstein. James. . .J 340, 38 Castle of Otranto. Walpole. . . W 70, 240 Same S 698, 350 Castle Rackrent. Edgeworth . . E 160, 13 Castle of Roussillon. Rochere.R 654, 30 Castle of Richmond. Trollope . T 730, 42 Castle Wafer. Wood. W 770, 42 Castle's heir. W T ood. W 770, 44 Castle in the air. Coffin C 610, 403 Castle in the air. Gore G 475, 13 Castles of Athlin. Radcliffe R 16, 14 Catharine. Thackery. ...T 200, 50 & 92 Catharine de Medicis. Costello. C 804, 300 Catharine Parr. Mundt M 922, 36 Catharine Volmar. Reynolds. .R 400, 25 Catharine's loves. Erckmann..E 620, 13 Catholic crusoe. Anderdon. . .A 612, 16 Catskill fairies. Johnson J 740, 38 Cavalier, the. James J 340, 40 Cavaliers, the. Bellemarre. . .B 277, 300 Cavaliers of England. Herbert. H 482, 20 Caverly family C 184, 19 Caxtons, the. Bulwer B 904, 20 Cecil. Gore G 475, 15 Cecil Castlemaine's gage. DeLarame. D 240, 19 Cecil Dreeme. Winthrop. . . .W 690, 20 Cecil Forrester. Sheridan . . . . S 386, 60 Cecila. D'Arblay D 64, 9 Cecilias, the. Argyle A 760, 3 Cecil's tryst. Sauzade S 140, 28 Cecy's recollections. Bramstone.B 709, 7 Cedardale. Arthur A 796, 20 Cedars, the. Cragin C845, 395 Celebrated jumping frog. Clemens. C 540, 8 Celebrated Perrot. Assollant. .A 862, 100 Cent per cent. Jerrold .J 615, 500 Centeola. Thompson T 300, 25 Centulle. Lawler L 212, 18 Cerise. Melville M 560, 18 Cesar Birotteau. Balzac B 90, 8 Cesarine Dietrich. Dudevant. . .D 842, 9 Chainbearer, the. Cooper C 735, 8 Chairolas. Bulwer B 904, 23 Chamber of death C 202, 5 Champions of freedom. Woodworth. W 820, 600 Chance acquaintance. Howells.H 854, 300 Chance child. Mayo M 522, 28 Chance for himself. Trowbridge. T 740, 27 Chance medley. Grattan G 630, 1 1 Chances and changes. Burdett.B 943, n Chandos. DeLarame D 240, 23 Change upon change. Faithful. .F 24, 13 Changed brides. Southworth . .S 620, 29 Changing base. Everett E 780, 7 Channings, the. Wood W 770, 46 Chanticleer. Matthews M 458, 600 Chapel of St. Mary C 230, 200 Chaplain with the children. Peirce. P 290, 17 Chaplet of pearls. Yonge . . . . Y 100, 25 Chapters in the life of Elsie Ellis. Bowman B 608, 242 Chapters of college romance. Butt. B990, 325 Chapters on churchyards. Southey. S 615, 150 Chapters on wives. Ellis E 430, 1 1 Character sketches. Macleod. .M 178, 30 Character sketches. Thackeray. T 200, 90 Characteristic sketches. Carleton. C 128, 12 Charcoal sketches. Neal N 170, 35 Clarenton. Lourdoueix L 870, 17 Charity C 242, 200 Charity and humor. Thackeray. T 200, 90 Charity Barnes C 242, 220 Philadelphia Mercantile Librarv 13 Charity Helstone. Brock B 775, 270 Charlemont. Simms. . . . S 470, 40 Charles Auchester. Sheppard.S 383, 305 Charles Chesterfield. Trollope.T 730, 103 Charles Hopewell. Patterson. P 168, 400 Charles Lever. Gresley G 760, 7 Charles Lysaght. Berton . . . .B 365, 260 Charles Middleton. Howitt. . . H 860, 55 Charles Norwood. Trowbridge. T 738, 300 Charles Observator. Sabin S 8, 25 Charles O'Malley. Lever L 520, 13 Charles Stennis. Ford F 560, 12 Charles Tyrrell. James J 340, 42 Charles Vavaseur. Smith S 558, 915 Charles Vincent C 248, 800 Charley and Eva Roberts' home. Thurston , T 350, 20 Charley Chalk C 260, 100 Charley Nugent. Maughan. . .M 482, 150 Charlie Bell. Kellogg K 230, 18 Charlie Codman's curse. Alger. .A 475, 8 Charlie Scott C 260, 200 Charlie Seymour. Sinclair S 486, 18 Charlie Thornhill. Clarke . . . .C 502, 12 Charlotte Ackerman. Muller. .M 906, 500 Charlotte Burney. McQuoid. . .M 204, 8 Charlotte Summers, history of. H 615, 150 Charlotte Temple. Rowson. . .R 870, 25 Charlotte's inheritance. Braddon. B655, 25 Charlton school, tales of T 50, 63 Charm of home. Thorp T 318, 200 Charmed sea, the. Martineau. .M 440, 7 Charming fellow. Trollope. . .T 730, 240 Charming widow. McQuoid. .M 204, 10 Charmione. Leatham L255, 100 Charms and counter-charms. Mcintosh. M 120, 11 Charybdis. Terhune T 190, 39 Charteris. Meline M 546, 300 Chasseur d'Afrique. Walmsley. .W 60, 20 Chaste as ice. Despard. . . . . .D 350, 450 Chatauqua girls at home. Alden. A 41 2, 200 Chateau dTf. Dumas D 884, 21 Chateau Frissac. Sikes . S 454, 20 Chateau Morville C 281, 200 Checkmate C 300, 19 Checkmate. Le Fanu L 270, 10 Chedayne of Kotono. Towner . T.600, 20 Cheerily, cheerily. Baker. . . . .B 39, 890 Chemist, the. Fenn F 172, 406 Chequered life C 320, 200 Cherry and violet. Manning. . M 340, 1 3 Cherry ripe. Mathers M 458, 300 Cherry stones. Adams A 140, 20 Chesterford and its people. . . .C 340, 500 Chesterleigh. Conyers C 706, 600 Chestnut hill, holidays at C 400, 65 Chetwyndes, the v 11. N 670, 100 Chevalier Casse-Cou. Boisgobey. B 520, 228 Chevalier d'Harmentel. Dumas. D 884, 22 Chevalier of maison rouge. Dumas. D 884, 24 Chevalier Pierpont, memoirs of.M 568, 35 Chevaliers of France. Herbert. H 482, 25 Cheveley. Bulwer B 904, 326 Chew alley. Davis D 166, 25 Chicot, the jester— Diana of Meridor. D 884, 32 Chiefs daughter C 355, 700 Chien d'or. Kirby K 612, 200 Child-angel. Hiscox H 608, 10 Child life. Whittier W 428, 300 Child-life in Europe. Watson. W 190, 14 Child Marian abroad. Round. R 840, 20 Child of chance C 360, 600 Child of fortune. MacKenna.M 148, 10 Child of the cavern. Verne. . .V 380, 20 Child of the island glen. Kellogg. K 230, 20 Child of thirty-six fathers C 360, 650 Child pictures. Dickens D 420, 13 Child-wife, the. Reid R 300, 14 Child -wife, the. Dickens. . . . .D 420, 42 Child's book of fairy tales C 370, 40 Child's warfare. Hewer H 520, 200 Childhood and youth. Tolstoi. T 512, 100 Childhood of King Erik Menved. Ingeman J 1 20, 40 Children of Amity court. Thurston. T350, 22 Children of Cloverley, the. . . ,C 370, 300 Children of light. (Jhesebro. . .C 335, 10 Children of nature. Desart. . .D 345, 105 Children of the abbey. Roche. R 650, r3 Children of the farm C 370, 350 Children of the new forest. Marryatt. M405, 7 Children of the valleys. Finley ^312,5 Children's bower. Digby D 455, 5 Children's garden. Catlow. . .C 170, 300 Children's Mirror. Bell B 264, 13 Children's pilgrim's progress — Coral and Christian. Barr B 138, 25 Children's treasure C 360, 500 Chillon. Willyams W 635, 18 Chimes, the. Dickens D 420, 15 Chimney corner series R 950, 60 14 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Chincapin Charlie. Eyster E 840, 9 Chinese boy. Hosmer H 812, 23 Chirping crickets. Thackeray. ,T 200, 13 Chit-chat C 375, 200 Chit-chat ; short tales C 375, 220 Chiushingura C 380, 100 Chloe Lankton. Richards R 412, 60 Choice medley C 390, 19 Choice of Paris. Benjamin.. .B 312, 220 Choisy. Story S 825, 18 Chollerton. . C 390, 500 Chris and Otho. Smith S 560, 132 Christian Gellert. Auerbach. . .A 915, 39 Christian life in England. Charles. C 248, 28 Christian martyrs. Webb. . . . W. 244, 442 Christian Melville C 400, 1 5 Christian physiologist. Griffin. G 820, 60 Christian's mistake. Craik. . . .C 850, 23 Christie Johnstone. Reade. . . .R 208, 13 Christie ; or, the way home. . . . C 400, 20 Christie's faith. Robinson . . . .R 625, 23 Christina North. Archer A 740, 3 Christine. Parr P 104, 72 Christmas. Irving J 250, 50 Christmas blossoms C 400, 30 Christmas books. Thackeray. .T 200, 53 Christmas cake. Broome B 825, 5 Christmas carol. Dickens D 420, 16 Christmas day C 400, 45 Christmas day. Irving J 240, 50 Christmas dinner. Irving J 240, 50 Christmas eve C 400, 50 Christmas eve. Brock B 775, 274 Christmas eve. Hale H 25, 6 Christmas eve. Irving J 240, 50 Christmas fairies. Clarke C 515, 7 Christmas festivities. Poole. . . .P 634, 13 Christmas gift , C 400, 600 Christmas greeting. Anderson. A 615, 200 Christmas guest. Southworth..S 620, 100 Christmas holidays at Chestnut Hill. C 400, 65 Christmas in England. Irving. .J 240, 32 Christmas in the desert. Edwards. E 224, 45 .Christmas in the olden time. Mills. -;;,. M68o, 18 .Christmas roses C 400, 70 Christmas shadows C 400, 80 Christmas sister. Harris H 230, 23 Christmas stocking. Johnson.. .J 740, 40 v Christmas stories. Dickens. . . .1) 420, 19 Christmas tales C 400, 90 Christmas tales. Harrison. . . H 240, 700 Christmas waits in Boston. Hale . H 25 , 17 Christmas wreath. Rodman. . .R 680, 20 Christopher Katydid. Heywood. H 5 1 2 , 55 Christopher Kenrick. Hatton.H 275, 20 Christus Judex. Roth R 820, 14 Chronicle of Ethelfled. Manning. M340, 15 Chronicle of the conquest of Grenada. Irving J 240, 35 Chronicle of the Fermors. Mahony. M 252, 400 Chronicles of Carlingford. Oliphant. O 170, 40 Chronicles of Cartaphilus. Hoffman. H 633, 400 Chronicles of Clovernook. Jerrold. J 612, 13 Chronicles of Cosy Nook. Hall.H 56, 11 Chronicles of golden friars. LeFanu. L 270, 12 Chronicles of Gotham. Paulding. P 205, 28 Chronicles of Ierne. Day. . . . D 188, 35 Chronicles of the bastile C 404, 300 Chronicles of the canongate. Scott. S 214,72,3 Chronicles of the Schonberg cotta family. Charles, C 248, 14 Chronicles of Waltham. Gleig.G322, 11 Chrysal. Johnstone J 810, 15 Chubbs, jr., a story for boys . .C 404, 700 Church and chapel. Robinson. R 625, 25 Church-clavering. Gresley . . . .G 760, 9 Cicely. Molesworth M 756, 18 Cicely; or, rose of Raby C 424, 7 Cinderella Erin C 424, 200 Cinnamon isle boy. Hutchings.H 985,200 Cinq-Mars. Vigny V 540, 20 Cipher. Austin .A 945, 221 Circe. White W 390, 18 Circle of blessing. Gatty G 120, 15 Circuit rider. Eggleston E 320, 7 Circumstance. Spofford S 670, 17 Citation of Shakespeare. Landor.L 107,400 Citizen of Prague. Howitt H 860, 24 Citoyenne Jacqueline. Keddie.K 150, 13 City of refuge. Thackeray. . . .T 200, ^3 City side. Belmont B 284, 235 City sparrows C 424, 800 Clackitts of Inglebrook hall. Prosser. P832, l6 Claiborne. Taylor T 1 28, 400 Clan-Albin. Johnstone J 810, 400 Clandestine marriage. Dupuy. .D 948, 8 Clara Delamaine. Cunningham. C 944, 28 Philadelphia Mercantile Library *5 Clara Fane.. . Costello C 804, 305 Clara Gazul. Wilson W 640, 500 Clara Harrington C 445, 300 Clara Howard. Brown . . .B 840, 9 Clara Levesque. Gilbert. ..... .G 230, 5 Clara Maynard. Kingston. . . .K 530, 12 Clara Moreland. Bennett. . . .B 322, 160 Clara; or, slave life. Hacklander.H 9, 20 Clara Stanley C 445 , 400 Clara Vaughan. Blackmore. .B 468, 406 Clara's amusements. Bache. ... .B 10, 7 Clarence. Sedgwick S 254, 26 Clarendon, Sir Henry, history o'f.H 612, 55 Clarice Adair. Randolph R 80, 30 Clarionet, etc. Carleton C 128, 15 Clarrisa. Bowman B 608, 1 1 Clarrissa Harlowe. Richardson. R 420, 34 Classic tales C518, 300 Claude Meadowleigh. Montague. M 771, 30 Claude Stock. Hook. ...... .H 760, 24 Claude, the colporteur. Manning. M 340, 17 Claudia. Douglas D 742, 5 Claudia. Tucker T 820, 12 Claudine Florine G 160, 25 Claudine, a swiss tale C 518, 800 Claverings, the. Trollope . . . .T 730, 28 Clayton's rangers — Quaker partisans. Williamson W 580, 18 Clelia. Scudery -. . . .S 229, 300 Clemency Franklin. Keary. . . .K 112, 9 Clement Falconer C 542, 200 Clement Lorimer. Reach R 200, 15 Clement Walton. Gresley G 760, 11 Clementina's mirror. Grahame.G 580, 47 Clergyman's wife. Ritchie R 540, 15 Clergyman's wife v 11. N 670, 100 Cleve Hall. Sewell : . . . .S 330, 26 Clevelands. Sheldon S 364, 18 Clever Jack. Bowman B 608, 13 Clever woman of the family. Yonge. Y 100, 28 Cliff-climbers. Reid. R 300, 45 Clifford castle. Mackey M 134, 13 Clifford family C 545, 600 Clifford Troup. Westmoreland. W 340, 18 Clifton Grey. Egan E 310, 9 Clifton picture. Coulson C 820, 9 Climbers, the C 5^50, 200 Climbing and sliding C 550, 250 Climbing the rope. Nowell. . .N 710, 17 Clinton forest. Davis D 166, 180 Clinton. Simonds S 475, 13 Clique of gold. Gaboriau G 12, 5 Clockmaker, the. Auerbach . .A 915, 42 Cloister and the hearth. Reade.R 208, 15 Clotilde. Pontmartin P 629, 100 Cloud on the heart. Roe R 712, 16 Cloud with golden border. Tatem . T 80, 1 4 Clouded happiness. Orsay. . .O 325, 250 Clouded in mystery. Bird . . . .B 436, 18 Cloudlesly. Godwin G 370, 7 Clouds after rain. Charles. . . X 248, 16 Clouds and sunshine. Reade. .R 208, 18 Clouds and sunshine C 565, 700 Cloven foot. Newell N 360, 18 Cloverly. Higham H552, 400 Clovernook. Cary C i4#, 7 Clovernook children. Cary.. . .C 148, 8 Club book; original tales C 554, 40 Clyde Wardleigh's promise. Nauman. N 130, 13 Clyffards of Clyffe. Sauzade. . . S 140, 32 Coberley hall. Hughes. H 917, 500 Cobwebs from an empty skull. Bierce. B 410,300 Cock and anchor R 370, 17 Coelebs in search of a wife. More. ...M 815, 13 Cola Monti. Craik C 850 28 Cold comfort. O'Farrall O 112, 10 Colleen Bawn= Collegians. Griffin. G820, 35 College life. Hewlett H 5 20, 500 College theatricals .T 50, 45 Collegians. Griffin G 820, 35 Colloquies of Edward Osborne. Man- ning M 340, 19 Colomba. Meremee M 620, 13 Col. Beynon's entanglement. Brad- • don B 655, 87 Col. Dacre. Jolly J 830 .13 Col. Dunwoddie, millionaire. .C 660, 500 Col. Floyd's wards. Terhune. .T 190, 25 Col. Fortescues daughter. Thynne. T 355> 4o Colonna the painter vi T 50, 45 Columella. Graves G 645, 400 Column of infamy. Manzoni. v 3. ••. M 352, 20 Colville family. Smedley S 554, 16 Comedy of terrors. DeMille. .D 275, 25 Cometh up as a flower. Broughton. B836, 7 Comfort Strong. Robbins R 5 70, 20 Comic Blackstone. Beckett. .B 231, 200 Comic English grammar C 665, 700 Comic sketches. Poole P 634, 18 Comical romance. Scarron . . . S 1 70, 700 i6 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Comin' thro' the rye. Mathers. M 458, 305 Coming home. Mackarness. . .M 125, 10 Coming home to roost. Grant G 610, 500 Coming wave. Adams A 145, 10 Commander of Malta. Sue. . . .S 890, 19 Commissioner, the. James. . . .J 340, 44 Commodore Rollingpin. Carter. C 140,800 Common sense. Doyle D 780, 200 Common sense. Newby N 344, 10 Common sense, life of L 612, 7 Commonplace. Rosetti R 815, 200 Compensation. Brewster B 744, 9 Compulsory marriage C 675, 200 Condensed novels. Harte. . . .H 256, 32 Cone cut corners. Abbott A 21, 30 Confederate chieftans. Sadlier. .S 20, 39 Confederates C 685, 700 Confession. Simms S 470, 42 Confessional, the. Winther. v 1. D 41, 20 Confessions of a Methodist. . . .C 685, 720 Confessions of a poet. Oscorn.O 345, 140 Confessions of a pretty woman. Pardoe. P55> 19 Confessions of a whitefbot. . . .C 685, 730 Confessions of a Thug. Taylor . T 1 30, 280 Confessions of an elderly gentleman. Blessington B 504, 3 Confessions of an elderly lady. Blessington B 504, 4 Confessions of Con Cregan. Lever. L520, 15 Confessions of Fitz Boodle. Thackeray. T 200, 55 Confessions of Gerald Estcourt. Church C 410, 20 Confessions Honour Delany . .C 685, 750 Confidences. Aide A 310, 3 Conflict=Cousin Stella. Jenkins. J 560, 5 Conformity. Tonna T 520, 17 Congo. Abbott. H. S. B. . v 12 A 56, 28 Congressman's Christmas dream. Hall. H 44, 12 Coningsby. Disraeli ^520, 7 Conistan Hall. Gresley G 760, 11 Conn-eda, story of S 830, 300 Connaught, legends of. .L 312,-200 Connells of castle connelL Gordon. G 460, 700 Con O'Regan. Sadlier S 20, 37 Conquered C 695, 200 Conquering and to conquer. Charles. C 248, 18 Conquest and self-conquest. Mcintosh. M 120, 13 Conquest of Grenada. Irving. .J 240, 35 Conquest of the heart C 695, 250 Conrad Blessington C 695, 300 Conrade Verner. Lee L 265, 50 Conscript, the. Dumas D 884, 26 Conscript, the. Erckmann-Chatrian. E 620, 9 Consequences. Dunning D 925, 38 Consistency. Tonna T 520, 19 Consolidator. DeFoe 0215,9 Conspirator. Dupuy D 948, 1 1 Conspirators=Chevalier d'Harmental. Dumas D 884, 22 Constable of the tower. Ainsworth. A 321, 122 Constance Alymer. Parker. . . .P 72, 400 Constance Sherwood. Fullerton. F868, 12 Constance and Edith C 700, 800 Constantine. Spencer S 644, 300 Consuelo. Dudevant D 842, 11 Contarini Fleming. Disraeli ... D 5 20, 8 Contentment better than wealth. Haven H 314, 8 Contraband. Melville M 560, 22 Convent and Manse. Conybeare. C 706, 500 Converts, a tale of the 19th century. C 700, 850 Convict, the. James J 340, 46 Conviction. Clarke C 498, 8 Convicts and their children. Auerbach. A 915, 44 Coombe abbey. Bunbury B 912, 5 Coopers, the. Haven H 314, 10 Coquette. Foster F 632, 20 Coquette. Norton N 640, 25 Cora Belmont C 754, 200 Cora Glencoe. Bragg B 703, 13 Cora Glenure=Tekel T 690, 200 Cora O'Kane, Winston W 685, 200 Cora and the doctor. Baker. . . .B 39, 16 Coral and Christian. Barr.. . .B 138, 400 Coral island. Ballantyne B 70, 5 10 Coralie. Eden E 120, 35 Cord and Creese. De Mille. . .D 275, 30 Corinne; or Italy. De Stael.D 350, 600 Cornhill stories. Thackeray. . .T 200, 17 Cornish rector. Tregenna. . . .T 660, 50 Coronation. Tenney T 180, 14 Corporal Bruce. Perry P 346, 400 Correction C 792, 20 Corry O'Lanus. Howard H 830, 25 Corse de Leon. James J 340, 48 Cosette. Hugo H 930, 24 Cossacks, the. Tolstoy T 5 1 2 , 50 Philadelphia Mercantile Library n ' Cost of Caergwyn. Hovvitt. . .H 860, 27 Coster Grew. Taylor T 128, 402 Cosy nook. Hall H 56, 11 Cottage by the lake. Claudius. C 519, 300 Cottage fireside. Duncan D 904, 6 Cottage on the cliff. Ward. .W 118, 160 Cottagers of Glenburnie. Hamilton. H 104, 15 Cotton lord. Glyn G 348, 7 Cotton stealing C817, 19 Could aught atone ? — Sister Anna. Boulter B 5 70, 25 Coulyng castle. Giberne G 212, 9 Count, the. C 820, 700 Count de Cronstadt. Reeve. . .R 260, 20 Count Hugo of Craenhove. Conscience. • C 700, 5 Count D'Orveau, adventures of . A 205, 31 Count Julian. Simms S 470, 44 Count Gleichen, history of. . .H 612, 200 Count Kostia. Cherbulieu C 325, 7 Count Mirabeau. Mundt. . . .M 922, 750 Count of Mansfeldt. Lavergne.L 195, 100 Count of Monte Cristo. DumasD 884, 28 Count Robert of Paris. Scott. .S 214, 75 Count Teleki C 820, 750 Counterfeit presentment. Howells. H854, 305 Counterparts. Sheppard S 383, 308 Countess de Bonneval. Fullerton.F868, 15 Countess de Charny. Dumas. .D 884, 29 Countess Faustina. Hahn-Hahn.H 21, 20 Countess Gisela. John J 720, n Coudtess Kate. Yonge Y 100, 30 Countess of Monte cristo. Du Buys. /. . D 828, 18 Countess of Rudolstadt. Dudevant. D842, 13 Country church. Irving J 240, 50 Country courtships. Beale. . . .B 205, 15 Country curate. Gleig G322, 13 Country gentleman. Horlock.H 804, 10 Country house — Villa on the Rhine. Auerbach A 915, 90 Country maidens. Bramston. .B 709, 11 Country merchant. Jones J 860, 35 Country neighborhood. Dupuy.D 948, 14 Country quarters. Blessington. .B 504, 5 Country stories. Parr P 104, 18 Coupon bonds. Trowbridge . .T 740, 29 Coorier of the Czar— Michael Strogoff. Verne V 380, 49 Court secrets. Thomson T 305 , 40 Courtdnay hall — Cabin and parlor. Randolph R 82, 100 Courtenay of Walreddon. Bray.B 720, 5 Courtesies of wedded. Baker. . .B 39, 18 Courtier of the days of Charles I. Gore G 745, 17 Courting and farming. Smith. .S 560, 135 Courtland C 830, 40 Courtship and marriage. Hentz.H 470, 15 Courtship in 1720 and i860. Smart. S546, 25 Cousin Carl. Bernhard. . . .v 1. D 41, 20 Cousin Clara. Wise W 700, 16 Cousin from IncHa. Craik. . . . C 860, 10 Cousin Geoffrey. Hook ..... H 760, 24 Cousin Harry, "Grey G 775, 17 Cousin in the hand — John C 120, 23 Cousin Jack C 830, 700 Cousin Lucy among the mountains. Abbott A 56, 10 Cousin Lucy at play. Abbott . . A 56, 11 Cousin Lucy at study. Abbott. .A 56, 12 Cousin Lucy on the sea shore. Abbott. A 56, 13 Cousin Lucy, stories told to. Abbott. I : A 56, 15 Cousin Lucy's conversations. Abbott. »..•• A56, 14 Cousin Mabel. Whately W 356, 17 Cousin Marshall. Martineau. .M 440, 38 Cousin Maude. Holmes H 720, 13 Cousin Nicholas. Barham B 109, 5 Cousin Paul, Glenn G 330, 9 Cousin Phillis. Gaskell G 108, 20 Cousin Regulus. Franklin F 720, 8 Cousin Stella. Jenkin J 560, 5 Cousin William. Hook H 760, 26 Cousins, the. Mcintosh M 120, 15 Cousins reconciled C 830, 770 Coward, the. Morford M 830, 12 Cox's diary. Thackeray T 200, 92 Crackers for Christmas. Hugesson. H 917, 52 Cradock Nowell. Blackmore . B 468, 10S Cramleigh college. Belcher. .B 260, 200 Cranford. Gaskell G 108, 22 Crater, the. Cooper C 735, 9 Cravens of Beech hall. Guise . G 940, 1 1 Cravens of Cravenscroft. Pigott.P 457,250 Crayon miscellany. Irving. . . .J 240, 37 Cray thorns. Hildeburn ij 560, 13 Creole orphans. Peacocke. . .P 240, 700 Cressida. Thomas T 268, 50 Cressy and Poictiers. Edgar. . . .E 150, 5 Crew of the Dolphin. Smith. .S 558, 722 Crew of the " Sam Weller," Habberton. H4, F2 i8 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Crichton. Ainsworth A 321, 123 Cricket on the hearth. Dickens. 1) 420, 19 Crim. con. Moriarty M 844, 18 Criminal. Schiller v 3. R 750, 16 Crimora ; or, love's cross. Ditson. D 53o, 5 Crimson bud of rose— Lonely Carlotta. Bewicke B 403, 300 Cringle and cross tree. Adams. A 145, 12 Cripple of Antioch. Charles. .C 248, 21 Cripps the carrier. Blackmore. B 468, 410 Cris Fairlie's boyhood. Eiloart.E 350, 35 Crispin and Crispianus L 612, 12 Crispin Ken C 891, 200 Critical reviews. Thackeray.. .T 200, 90 Crock of gold. Tupper T 840, 16 Crofton boys. Martineau . . . .M 440, 11 Cromwell Doolan. Levinge. .L 525, 400 Cromwell. Herbert H 482, 25 Cromwell in Ireland F 100, 350 Crooked elm C 900, 19 Crooked places. Mayo M 522, 24 Croppy. Banim B 95, 212 Cross above the crescent. Southgate. S 617, 250 Cross and crescent. Adams. . .A 145, 13 Cross and shamrock. Quigley.P 924, 100 Cross before the name=Bella Donna. Dyce D 975, 200 Cross in the desert. Tincker. .T 430, 45 Cross of Berny. Girardin. . . .G 280, 25 Cross of honor. Cudlip C 924, 15 Cross purposes. DeLeon . . . .D 250, 300 Crossed path. Collins C 660, 20 Crossing the quicksands. Cozzens. C 840, 800 Crotchett castle. Peacock . . . .P 240, 16 Crown from the spear. Hamilton. H 90, 30 Crown-harden. Fuller F 860, 50 Crown jewels. Moffett M 744, 500 Crown of a life C 910, 500 Crown ward. Boyd B 630, 2 Crucifix of Baden C 917, 18 Cruel as the grave. Southworth.S 620, 32 Cruel Jim C 917, 25 Crudest wrong of all C 917, 30 Cruikshank at home C 917, 200 Cruise of the Casco. Kellogg. K 230, 23 Cruise of the Dashaway N 716, 20 Cruise of the frolic. Kingston. K 530, 14 Cruise of the "humming bird." Hutton H 990, 13 Cruise of the Midge. Scott. . S 212, 500 Cruising in the last war. Peterson. P350. !4 Crust and the cake. Mayo. . . .M 522, 26 Cryptogram. De Mille D 275, 35 Crystalline. Shelton S 375, 13 Cuckoo clock. Molesworth. . .M 756, 21 Cudjo's cave. Trowbridge. . . .T 740, 32 Culm rock. Bradley B 674, 503 Cumberland statesman. Hofland. ^ H 640, 50 Cumworth house. Jolly J 830, 15 Cunning workmen. Alden. . .A 412, 203 Cup and the lip. Jewry J 675, 400 Curate and the rector. Strutt.S 880, 100 Curate in charge. Oliphant. . .O 170, 43 Curate of Cumberworth. Paget. P 20, 19 Curate of Elmwood. Pasquin.P 134, 11 Curate of Holycross C 956, 100 Curate of Linwood C 956, 120 Curate's discipline. Eiloart. . .E 350, 39 Cure for the blues. Taggart . ...T8, 20 Cure Manque. Courcillon C 820, 30 Curious stories=ghost stories . .G 190, 30 Curious stories about fairies. . .C 956, 200 Currer Lyle. Reeder R 250, 17 Curse of Clifton. Southworth. .S 620, 34 Curse of gold. Stephens S 746, 18 Cut adrift. Fonblanque F 512, 9 Cutter=Art of cutting friends. C 998, 200 Cyclopcedia of wit. Burton. .B 970, 700 Cyril Ashley. Tucker T 820, 15 Cyril Thornton. Hamilton. .H 104, 600 Cyrilla. Tautphceus T 100, 18 Czarina. Hofland H 640, 50 Dacia Singleton D 2, 18 Dahcotah. Eastman E 40, 10 Daily governess. Hall H56, 13 Daily governess. Smythies. . . .S 580, 32 Daisy. Warner W 150, 55 Daisy, or fairy spectacles D 15, 20 Daisy Brentwell. Hartt H 267, 655 Daisy Burns. Kavanagh \K 80, 20 Daisy chain. Yonge Y 100, 32 Daisy Nichol. Hardy H 188, 200 Daisy Thornton. Holmes. . . .H 720, 14 Daisy Travers. Samuels S 70, 20 Daisy Ward's work. McLain. .M 170, 13 Daisy's companions. O'Reilly. O 300, 14 Daisy's necklace. Aldrich A 435, 4 Dakota land. Hankins H 140, 300 Dallas Galbraith. Davis D 184, 9 Daltons, the. Lever L 520, 17 Dame Durden. Dickens D 420, 20 Dames of high state. Dewitt.D 372, 300 Damon and Delia D 35, 6o Q Damon and Pythias. Bernhart. .D 41, 2 Dan Drake's rhymes C 202, 2 2 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 19 Dan's treasure. Tempest T 160, 13 Danes sketched by themselves. . .D 41, 20 Danesbury house. Wood W 770, 47 Danger. Arthur A 796, 23 Dangerfield's rest. Sedley S 260, 15 Dangerous game. Vates Y 10, 23 Dangerous ground. Moore. . .M 790, 19 Dangerous guest. Jackson. . . .J 320, 300 Dangerous secret. Cudlip C 924, 20 Dangers of dining out. Ellis. .E 430, 13 Daniel Dennison. Hofland. . .H 640, 50 Daniel Deronda. Lewes L 540, 24 Sequel to. See Gwendolen. G 972, 40 Daniel Quorum. Pearse P 257, 400 Daniel Tracey's store D 48, 600 Dansany D 904, 60 Danvers papers. Yonge Y 100, 33 Darby Fegan's journey D 64, 200 Dare to be singular D 64, 400 Darien. Warburton W no, 17 Daring deeds, Borlase B 545 , 9 Dark colleen. Jay J 460, 25 Dark conspiracy. Fleming. . . .F 360, 49 Dark lady of Doona. Maxwell. M 490, 29 Dark night's work. Gaskell. . .G 108, 25 Dark secret. Fleming F 360, 20 Darkness and dawn. Grant. . .G 610, 13 Darkness and daylight. Holmes.H 720, 15 Darnley. James J 340, 50 Darrell Markham. Braddon. . .B 655, 28 Darryl gap. Townsend T 610, 23 Dashes at life. Willis W 600, 25 Daughter at home . . . . D 94, 300 Daughter of an Egyptian King. Ebers. • E 70, 17 Daughter of an empress. Mundt. M 922, 20 Daughter of Bohemia. Fisher. F 324, 16 Daughter of Heth. Black. . . .B 450, 800 Daughter* of night. Fullom. . .F 912, 15 Daughter of the regiment — Dora Darling. Austin A 945, 224 Daughter of Tyrconnell. Sadlier.S 20, 43 Daunton manor-house D 94, 500 Davault's mills. Jones J 855, 200 Davenels D 1 10, 20 Davenport Dunn. Lever L 520, 19 David Chantry. Wills W 630, 16 David Copperfield. Dickens. .D 420, 25 David Elginbrod. Macdonald .M 55, 36 David Lloyd's last will. Smith. ^558, 725 David Simple. Fielding F 256, 500 David Woodburn. Brandon. .B 714, 100 David's little lad. Mead M 530, 17 Dawn, Adams A 115, 18 Day after the holidays. Moncrieff. M 760, 6jo Day-dreams of a sleepless man. Scudamore S 224, 1 20 Day of my life at Eton D 188, 500 Day of reckoning v 1. N 670, 100 Day of small things. Manning. M 340, 23 Day's ride. Lever L 520, 21 Days and ways of cocked hats. Denison . . . . ; D 304, 45 Days at Seadown D 188, 600 Days of Bruce. Aguilar A 281, 4 Days of Knox D 188, 670 Days of my life. Oliphant . . .0 170, 45 Days of old D 188, 680 Days of shoddy. Morford. . . .M 830, 15 Days of yore. Keddie K 150, 18 Deacon Gibbs' enemy. Dunning. D 9 2 5> 4o Deacon Sims' prayer. Chellis.C 310, 18 Dead alive. Collins C 660, 25 Dead guest. Zschokke Y 350, 19 Dead letter. Victor V 500, 16 Dead man's dinner. Waugh . . W 208, 30 Dead marquise. Kip K 560, 28 Dead men's shoes. Haderman..H 16, 17 Braddon B 655, 30 Dead-sea fruit. Braddon B 655, 33 Dead secret. Collins C 660, 27 Dead sin. Mayo M 522, 28 Dead to the world. Baure B 185, 7 Dean of Coleraine. Prevost-d'Exiles. P780, 7 Dean's daughter. Gore G 475, 19 Dear girl. Fitzgerald F 340, 9 Dear Lady Disdain. McCarthy. M 22, 30 Death of Abel. Gessner G 190, 10 Death of an angel. Richter. . .B'223, 240 Death of Cicero B 840, 1 1 Death of the laird's Jock. Scott .'S 214, 75 Death shot, the. Reid R 300, 47 Debenham's vow. Edwards. . . .E 210, 9 Debit and credit. Freytag F 780, 9 Deborah's diary. Manning. . .M 340, 25 Deborah's drawer. O'Reilly. .O 300, 17 Decameron. Boccacio B517, 170 V1.R750, 19 Deceivers ever. Cameron C 34, 10 Decision. Hofland H 640, 52 De Clifford. Ward W 120, 53 De Courcy. Colville C 663, 40 De Cressy. Colville C 663, 42 Deep down. Ballantyne.-. •.-.-. -,-B 70^-512 Deep waters. Drury ...0821,9 Deephaven. Jewett Ji665, 10 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Deerbrook. Martineau M 440, 15 Deerbrook parsonage. Branthwayt. B 714, 5°° Deerings of Medbury. Townsend. T 610, 26 Deerslayer. Cooper C 735, 10 De Foix. Bray. B 720, 7 De Fromental S 290, 29 Delameres of Delamere court. D 230, 200 De la More. Moore M 792, 600 Delaplaine. Walworth W 100, 18 Delaune. Thompson T 298, 140 ^Delia's doctors. Creamer. . . .C 890, 200 De L'Orme. James ; J 340, 52 Delphine. De Stael D 350, 605 Demerara. Martineau. . . .v 4. M 440, 38 Demon of the north. Hugo. .H 930, 15 Dene Hollow. Wood W 770, 48 Denis Duval. Thackeray T 200, 58 Denise. Roberts R 608, 300 Dennes of Daundelyonn. Proby. P825, 15 Denouement D 304, 700 Denounced, the. Banim B 95, 215 De Profundis. Gilbert G 230, 7 Derry's Lake. Chase C 270, 35 Derwent. Mitchell M 720, 400 Derwentwater D 340, 200 Desert home. Reid R 300, 49 Desert sands. Spofford S 670, 17 Deserted House of Hawksworth . D 345,600 j Deserted mill. Llewellyn L 770, 10 Deserted ship. Cupples C 952, 200 Deserted wife. Southworth. . . .S 620, 36 Deserter, the. Tonna T 520, 25 Desk and debit. Adams A 145, 16 Desmond. Smith S 558, 263 Desperate remedies. Hardy. . . .H 190, 7 Destiny. Ferrier F 180, 500 Murphy M 933, 400 Desultoria D 360, 200 Detained in France. Giberne.G 212, 11 Dethroned heiress. Dupuy. . . .D 948, 17 De Vane. Hilliard H 578, 200 De Vere. Ward W 120, 55 Deverell D 370, 300 Devereux. Bulwer B 904, 25 Devil-puzzlers. Perkins P 330, 1 2 Devil upon two sticks. Le Sage.L 460, 10 Devil's pool. Dudevant . . D 842, 1 7 Devoted bride. Tucker T 820, 600 D'Eyncourts of Fairleigh. Skemp. 3515,350 Dialogues between two chimneys. Le Sage L 460, 10 Dialogues from Dickens. Fette. F 190, 10 Diamond and the pearl. Gore. G 475, 23 Diamond bracelet. Wood...W 770, 50 Diamond cross. Moore M 790, 15 Diamond cross. Phillips P 402, 40 Diamond cut diamond. Trollope T 730,605 Diamond on the hearth. James. J 344,200 Diamond rose. Keddie K 150, 23 Diamonds and spades. Friswell.F 825, n Diana. Warner W 150, 58 Diana Carew. Forrester F 5 78, 12 Diana Gay. Fitzgerald F 340, 1 1 Diana of Meridor. Dumas. . . .D 884,32 Diana's crescent. Manning.. .M 340, 27 Diane. Macquoid M 204, 15 Diary. Bremer B 740, 8 Diary of a blase. Marryat M 405, 9 Diarsofa desennuyee. Gore. G 475, 24 Diary of a detective. W r aters. W 180, 20 Diary of a judge. Addison. .... A 160, 4 Diary of a milliner. Woods . . W 812, 15 Diary of a novelist. Tabor T 4, 10 Diary of a physician. Warren. W 160, 38 Diary of a poor young gentlewoman. Nathusius N 116, 408 Diary of a poor young lady=Lowly ways L 908, 30 Diary of an old doctor. Maitland. M 270, 24 Diary of Lady Willoughby. Rath- bone R 140, 17 Diary of Mrs Kitty Trevylyan. Charles C 248, 24 Dick and his friend Fidus. Trow- bridge T 738, 304 Dick Boldhero. Goodrich G 432, 9 Dick Onslow. Kingston K 530, 16 Dick Rodney. Grant G 618, 12 Dick Whktington, life of L 612, 18 Dick Wilson. Comyn C 780, 500 Die Halligen. Roskowski . . . .R 800, 17 Dies borealis. Wilson W 640, 660 Digby Grand. Melville M 560, 25 Digby Heathcote. Kingston. .K 530, 18 Digging a grave with a wine glass. Hall H 56, 15 Dikes and Ditches. Adams. . . A 145, 18 Dilemma, the. Chesney C 340, 400 Dilemma of Phadrig. Griffin. G 820, 60 Dimitri Roudine. TurgenerT. T 854, 310 Dinah. Moore M 792, 65 Dinarbas. Knight K 765, 80 Dion and the Sibyls. Keon. . .K 360, 10 Discarded daughter. Southworth. S 620, 38 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 2; Discarded wife. Dupuy D 948, 19 Discipline . Brunton B 865 , 400 Discipline of life. Phelps P 368, 100 Discovery. Doherty D580, 150 Disgrace to the family. Jerrold.J 615,505 Disowned, the. Bulwer B 904, 28 Disputed inheritance. Hood. .H 750, 55 Disputed inheritance. Webster. W 250, 18 Dita. Majendie. M 273, 400 Diverting history of number Nip.D 530,500 Diving bell. Woodworth . . . .W 820, 12 Doctor Antonio. Ruffini R 900, 18 Doctor Austin's guests. Gilbert. G 230, 10 Doctor Birch. Thackeray . . . . T 200, 60 Doctor Brady. Russell R 950, 50 Doctor Goethe's courtship. . . .D 535, 100 Doctor Gordon in search of his children. Goulding G 540, 15 Doctor Harold's note book. Gas- coigne G 102 . 9 Dr. Howell's family . Talcott . . . T 45 , 80 Doctor Jacob. Edwards E 224, 30 Doctor Johns. Mitchell M 720, 20 Doctor Kemp D 535, 130 Doctor Marigold's prescription. Dick- ens D 420, 2 7 Doctor Middleton's daughter. Gregg. G 748, 650 Doctor Mills' marriage D 535, 200 Dr. Mortimer's patient. Bean. .B 205, 23 Dr. Muspratt's patients. Cook.C 715, 10 Doctor of Beau weir. Gilbert. . .G 230, 13 Doctor Oldham at Greystones. Henry. H450, 9 Doctor Thorne. Trollope T 730, 30 Doctor Tom. Payson P 220, 25 Doctor Van der Bader. Carrance. C 140, 20 Doctor Vandyke. Cooke C 730, 5 Dr. Wainwright's patient. Yates. Y 10, 25 Dr. Winner's love. Lee L 265, 52 Doctor's daughter. Clarke C 515, 9 Doctor's delemma. Smith. . . .S 558, 728 Doctor's little daughter. Meteyard. • M636, 15 Doctor's notebook R 950, 60 Doctor's wife. Braddon B 655, 36 Dodd family abroad. Lever. . .L 520, 24 Dodonas grove. Howell H 850, 11 Doestick's letters. Thomson. . .T 305, 30 Dog and his shadow. Francillon.F 692, 8 Dog Crusoe. Ballantyne B 70, 514 Dog fiend — Snarleyyow. Marryat. M 405, 57 I Doine. Murray M 936, 35 Doing and dreaming. Mayo. .M 522, 32 Doing his best. Trowbridge. . .T 740, 34 Doings of the Bodley family. Scudder. S 226, 20 Dolby and father D 593, 300 Dolgorucki and Menzikof. La Fontaine. L 40, 200 Doll world. O'Reilly O 300, 20 Dollars and cents. Warner. . .W 148, 15 Dolliver romance. Hawthorne . H 330, 42 Dolly. Burnett B 958, 300 Dolly Varden. Dickens D 420, 28 Dolly's resolutions D 607, 500 Dolores. Forrester F 578, 15 Domestic misery D 610, 200 Domestic stories. Craik C 850, 31 Domestic tales and allegories. More. M815, 17 Dominican, the. Williamson. W 580, 250 Dominie's legacy. Picken P 435, 20 Don Quixote. Cervantes C 188, 9 Dona Blanco of Navarre. Villoslada. V 590, 02 Donald Deane. Bradley. . ' . . .B 674, 506 Donald Lamont. Lauder M 702, 28 Don Estaban D 607, 35 Doom of Giallo. Boaden B 511, 7 Doom of the Griffiths. Gaskell.G 108, 56 Doomed, the. Hamilton H 87, 40 Door of escape. Reeves R 26, 300 Dora. Kavanagh K 80, 24 Dora Darling. Austin A 945, 224 Dora Deane. Holmes H 720, 18 Dorcas club. Adams . A 145, 20 Dorothea Waldegrave. Hahn..H2i, 18 Dorothy Fox. Parr P 104, 65 Dosia. Durand D 960, 8 Double house. Craik C 850, 15 Double marriage — White lies. Reade. R 208, 55 Double play. Everett E 780, 9 Double sacrifice. Daems D 15 , 10 Double story. Macdonald M 55, 36 Double wedding. Warfield. . . .W 140, 9 Doubleday's children. Cook..C 715, 13 Doubly false. Stephens S 746, 20 Douglas castle. Barrett K 410, 18 Douglas D'Arcy D 742, 900 Douglas family. Bell B 264, 17 Douglas farm. Bradley B 669, 655 Dove in the eagle's nest. Yonge.Y 100,35 Dovecote. Hill. H 572, 304 Dow's parent sermons. Paige. . .P 20, 25 Dower and curse. Ford F 560, 13 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Dower house. Cudlip C 924, 29 Dowerless. Reybaud R 370, 17 Down in a saloon. Walker. . . . W 30, 28 Down the Rhine. Adams A 14^, 23 Down die river. Adams A 145, 25 Down die river D 774, 10 Down die steps D 774, 25 Downward and upward D 774, 600 Dozen pairs of wedding gloves D 780, 500 Dreaded guest, Braddon B 655, 85 Dream-land. Chesebro C 335, 13 Dream life. Mitchell M 7 20, 23 Dream numbers. Trollope. . .T 730, 608 Dream of a life. Scott S 212, 120 Dreams and realities. Elliott. E 420, 600 Dred. Stowe S 840, 18 Drift from two shores. Harte. .H 256, 33 Drifted and sifted. McLaren. .M 172, 400 Drifted asunder. Douglas D 742, 7 Drifting about. Massett M 453, 50c Drifting and steering. Peebles. P 280, 15 Drinking fountain stories D 790, 400 Driven from the path. Smart. S 544. 180 Driven to sea. Cupples C 952,110 Drooping lily. Sherwood. . . . S 394, 450 Drummer boy. Trowbridge. . .T 740, 36 Duchemier D 835, 200 Duchess de la Valliere. Genlis..G 160, 6 Duchess of Trajetto. Manning . M 340, 29 Ducks' eggs in hen's nest=Thwarted # Montgomery M 775, 32 Duke's honour. Wilberforce.W 508, 100 Duke's motto. Feval F 225, 15 Dukesborough tales. Johnston. J 780, 400 Dumb boy of Fribourg. Nieritz . N 440, 18 Dumbleton common. Eden. . . .E 135, 3 Dun, the. Fdgeworth E 160, 52 Dunallan. Kennedy K 312, n Duncan Campbell. De Foe. . .D 215, 18 Dunce of the family=Charlie Thornhill. Clarke C 490, 450 Dunellan manse. Patterson. . . .P 170, 20 Durnton abbey. Trollope .. . .T 730, 610 Dutch pictures. Sala S 60, 23 Dutchman's fireside. Paulding. P 205, 32 Duty and inclination F) 970, 300 Dwarf, the. Berwick B 368, 200 Dwellers in Five sisters court. Scudder. S 226, 23 Dynevor terrace. Yonge Y 100, 37 Each and all. Andrews A 634 200 Eagle crag E 4, 16 Earl Strongbow E15, 300 Earl Whiting E 15, 400 Earl's cedars E 22, 500 Earl's Dene. Francillon F 692, 10 Earl's heirs. Wood W 7 70, 52 Earl's promise. Riddell R 440, 19 Early dawn. Charles C 248, 28 Early friendships. Copley. . .C 745, 400 Early struggles. Crawford. . . .C 884, 10 Earnestness. Tayler T no, 16 Earthly idols E 26, 400 East and west. Corkran C 765, 300 East Lynne. Wood W 770, 54 Eastbury. Drury D 821, n Easter offering. Bremer B 740, 15 Eastern fruit on western dishes. Locke. L 780, 13 Eastern tales. Caldcleugh C 20, 250 Eastford. Brooke B 806, 824 Easton and its inhabitants. Eden.E 135, 5 Easy Warren. Coggeshall C 620, 9 Ebb-tide. Fisher F 324, 19 Ebony idol E 80, 300 Ecce femina. Peck P 270, 150 Eccentricity. MacNally . . . .M 192, 300 Echoes from mist-land. Woodward. W818, 40 Echoes from the gun of 1861. Pike. P 460, 28 Echoes of a belle E no, 13 Echoing and re-echoing. Huntington. H 97 o, 8 Edelweiss. Auerbach A 915, 50 Eden in England. Tucker. . . .T 820, 18 Edgar Huntly, Brown B 840, 11 Edged tools. Robbins R 570, 25 Edith. Tuthill T 880, 20 Edith Lyle. Holmes H 720, 20 Edith Prescott. Marshall M 420, 15 Edith Vaughan's victory. Pierson. P 454, 3°° Edith Vavasour. Branscombe.B7i4, 240 Edith's ministry. McKeever. .M 140, 20 Edith's mistake=Left to herself. Stabler S 692, 400 Edma and Marguerite. Woiliez.W 728.19 Edmondo. Bresciani B 740, 835 Edmund E 1 70, 300 Edmund and lone. Rush . . . .R 940, 18 Edmund Dawn. Beebe B 240, 100 Edna Browning. Holmes . . . .H 720, 22 Edna Harrington E 1 75, 300 Edward. Moore M 790, 500 Edward and Miriam E 205, 300 Edward Lascelles S 175, 350 Edward Lee. Britts B 764, 432 Edward Morgan M 568, 21 Edward Vernon. Childe C 365, 7 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 2 3 Edward Willoughby. Ponsonby.P 625, 10 Edwin Drood. Dickens D 420, 56 Effie's prayer. Barlee B 1 18, 30 Effinghams E 240, 400 Eglantine. Tabor T 4, 12 Eight cousins. Alcott A 380, 5 Eighteen hundred and forty-four. English E 535, 400 Eighteen hundred and fifty-one. Mayhew M 515, 39 Eildon Manor E 340, 20 Eirene. Ames A 590, 5 Ekkoes from Kentucky. Locke. L 780, 9 El Fureidis. Cummins C 940, 5 Elbow-room. Clark C 470, 9 Elder park E 360, 300 Eider sister. James J 344, 210 Eleanor's three birthdays. M'Keever. M 140, 23 Eleanor's victory. Braddon. . .B 655, 38 Election E 360, 600 Elective affinities. Goethe . . . .G 375, 17 Electra. Jarnac J 430, 9 Elena. Comyn C 675, 710 Eleonora. Goethe G 375, 10 Eleonore. Rothehfels R 825, 250 Eli Perkins. Landon L 104, 18 Elia ; or, Spain fifty years ago. Bohl d'Arron, B 520, 9 Elinor Dryden's probation. Maequoid. M 240, 19 Elizabeth. Cottin C 812, 15 Elizabeth. Cottin S 698, 350 Elizabethines, the. Gore G 702, 28 Elkerton rectory. Pycroft. . . .P 890, 18 Ella. Simonds S 475, 16 Ella Norman. Murray M 935, 350 Ella of Garveloch. Martineau. • ..V4. M440, 38 Ella. Taylor T 128, 200 Ella's half sovereign E 370, 300 Ellen Clayton H 990, 15 Ellen De Vere. Smith S 558, 922 Ellen Lee. Perkins P 332, 400 Ellen Linn. Abbott A 56, 16 Ellen Middleton. Fullerton. . .F 868, 20 Ellen Mordaunt E 380, 400 Ellen Norbury. Bennett B 322, 164 Ellen Seymour. Shepherd. . . .S 378, 600 Ellen Story. Fawcett F 104, 15 Ellen Wareham. Pickering. . . .? 440, 14 Ellen Braye. Blackwell B 471, 200 Ellen, the teacher. Holland. .H 640, 56 Ellie. Cooke C 730, 9 Elmdale lyceum. Dyer D 975, 500 Elsie Dinsmore. Finley F 312, 7 Elsie Ellis. Bowman B 608, 42 Elsie Magoon. Gage G 22, 9 Elsie Venner. Holmes H 720, 85 Elsie's children. Finley F 312, 9 Elsie's girlhood. Finley F 312, 10 Elsie's girlhood. Sequel to. Finley. F312, 14 Elsie's married life. Daniel . . . . D 48, 1 1 Elsie's motherhood. Finley. . .F 312, 12 Elsie's womanhood. Finley. . .F 312, 14 Elsie's santa claus. Mathews. .M 460, 35 Elster's folly. Wood W 770, 58 Elyria. Whittlesey W 430, 27 Embroidered handkerchiefs Althea Vernon. Leslie L 480, 5 Emerald, the. Redenbacher . .R 230, 25 Emerald wreath. E 475, 200 Emigrant in search of a colony. Rowcroft R 360, 20 Emigrants, the. Seymour S 336, 16 Emigrant's mother E 490, 300 Emigrants of Ahadarra. Carleton. C 128, 18 Emilia Wyndham. Marsh. . . .M 410, 15 Emilie the peacemaker. Gelhart. G148, 15 Emily and Uncle Hanse E 495, 300 Emily Chester. Seemuller S 270, 13 Emily Grey E 495, 500 Emily May land. Cox C 840, 400 Emily Montague. Brooke B 800, 13 Emma. Austin A 945, 5 Emma Allen E 500, 100 Emma Alston E 500, 120 Emma Cavendish L 150, 22 Emma Parker E 500, 300 Empress, the. Bennett B 322, 300 Empress Josephine. Mundt. . .N 922, 24 Empty heart=Husks. Terhune.T 190, 25 Enchanted keys E 520, 200 Enchanted moccasins=Indian fairy book. Mathews. ......... M 458, 603 Enchanting and enchanted. Hacklander. H 9, 23 End of the world. Eggleston. .E 320, 9 Energy. Holland H 640, 58 English boy in Japan. Dalton. .D 35, 10 English channell. Abbott A 56, 18 English fireside. Miles M 680, 25 English governess. McCrindell.M 50, 400 English heiress P 145, 18 English homes in India E 540, 200 English in India. Ottley O 405, 65 English in Italy E 540, 310 24 Philadelphia Mercantile Library English rogue described. Head. . . H 380, 400 English scenes and English civilization. • •• E 540, 500 English tales and sketches. Crosland. C 906, 10 Enoch Crosby Spy unmasked. Barnum '.'....' . B 127, 500 Entanglements. Jolly J 830, 16 Entail, the. Gait . .G 30, 78 Enthusiasts, the. Ward, .v 3. W 120, 67 Eoline. Hentz H 479, 19 Eoneguski E 610, 15 Epicurean. Moore M 792, 300 Episodes in an obscure life. Rowe. R 865, 305 Episodes in the life of a musician. Edwards E 224, 45 Ereighda castle E 625, 200 Erema. Blackmore B 468, 415 Eric. Farrar F 84, 10 Erick Thorburn E 635, 390 Erling the bold. Ballantyne. . .B 70, 517 Erma's engagement E 650, 200 Ermina. Sherwood S 394, 5 Ernest Basil. Allan A 530, 5 Ernest Bracebridge. Kingston. K 530, £0 Ernest Maltravers. Bulwer. . . .B 904, 30 Earnest guest. Ford. ...... .F 560, 300 Ernest Vane. Cochrane C 592, 6 Ernestin E 665, 200 Ernestine. Blackwell B 471, 203 Ernie Elton. Eilvart. . . E 350, 41 Eros and Anteras. Campbell. .C 44, 550 Eros ; or, Miss Barbara's escape. E 675, 100 Errata. Neal N 1 70, 20 Erring yet noble. Reed R 240, 300 Ersilia. Poynter P 716, 50 Esperance. Lawrence L 225, 500 Esperanza. Bowman. '. B 608, 14 Essay on Irish bulls. Edge worth. E 160,60 Essay on justification. Edgeworth. E 160, 13 Estella. Edwards E 210, 50 Estelle Russell E 740, 300 Ester Reid. Alden A 412, 208 Esther Dudley's wooers. Daniel. D 48, 13 Esther Pennefather. Perry. . . .P 338, 30 Esther West. Craig C 845, 700 Ethan Allen and the lost children. Thompson T 300, 40 Ethel. James. J 340, 169 Ethel Mildmay's follies. Martin. M 432, 12 Ethel Somers. Smythe S578, 4 2 7 Ethel's book. Faber F 4, 9 Ethel's love-life. Sweat. ..... .S 945, 17 Ethel's trial. Guernsey ...... .G 918, 6 Ethelyn's mistake. Holmes. . :H 720, 28 Ethiopia H 425, 30 Eugene Aram. Bulwer B 904, 33 Eugenie. Butt . B 990, 13 Eugenie, the young laundress of the bastille. La Voye L 200, 150 Europeans in the east — Phaulcon the adventurer. Dalton D 35, 22 Eustace. Monro M 766, 18 Eustace diamonds, the. Trollope. . . . T 730, 32 Eutaw. Simms S 470, 46 Eutopia, humors of H 940, 28 Evan Dale. Keyes K 380, 13 Evan Harrington. Meredith. .M 604, 10 Eva's adventures in shadow land. Nauman N 130, 15 Eve of all-hallows. Hartstonge.H 267,300 Eveline. King K 435, 20 Evelyn Marston. Marsh M 410, 7 Evelyn's story. Worboise. . . .W 850, 17 Even betting. O'Farrell O 112, 18 Evening bell. Reinhold R 310, 14 Evening book. Kirkland K 630, 7 Evenings at Donaldson manor. Mcintosh M 1 20, 18 Evenings at Haddon hall E 770, 200 Evenings at the tea-table E 770, 300 Evenings at Woodlawn. Ellet.E4o5, 300 Evenings with the old story tellers. E 770, 500 Eventide. Afton A 224, 40 Everybody's providence. Reed. R 242, 300 Every day. Pike P 460, 30 Every day battles — Fighting the foe. F 260, 25 Every day experiences at Eton.D 188, 500 Every string broken. Hamilton . H 90, 35 Evil eye. Zarleton C 128, 20 Evil eye. Macquoid .• M 204, 22 Example : or, Family scenes. . E 825, 100 Examples of goodness E 825, 200 Excursion, the. Brooke B 800, 25 Exter hall. MacDonnell M 70, 595 Exile of Tadmor E 835, 400 Exiles, the. Reeve R 260, 20 Exiles in Babylon. Tucker. . . .T 820, 20 Expectant, the. Pickering 440, 16 Experiences of a goal chaplain. Neale. * N 180, 40 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 25 Expiated. Hamilton H 90, 30 Expiated. Prior P 816, 13 Expiation. Dorr D 645, 200 Expressman and the detective. Pinckerton P 510, 14 Extremes. Atkinson A 887, 8 Eye-witness E 838, 200 F. Grant & Co. Chaney C 224, 9 Fabiola. Wiseman W 712, 20 Fables. ^Esop A 212, 1 7-33 Bewick B 403, 1 80 Bierce B 410, 30 Corner C 765, 700 ' Goodrich G 432, 20 La Fontaine L 40, 210 * Pilpay P 470, 25 Prosser . . . . P 832, 20 Kalston R 50, 14 Saadi S 1,19 Fables and nursery readings F 12, 16 Faces for fortunes. Mayhew . . M 5 1 5 , 1 2 Faces in the fire F 15, 200 Fact and fiction. Child C 360, 9 Factory girl. Braddon B 655, 40 Faint, yet pursuing. Currier.. C 956, 700 Fair, but, not false. Campbell.. C 44, 19 Fair, fair with golden hair-Lil. Fether- stonhaugh F 185, 200 Fair god. Wallace W 50, 300 Fair Harvard. Washburn. . .W 170, 400 Fair in the fearless old fashion. Farmlet. : F65, 29 Fair Lilias. Kgan E 310, 13 Fair maid of Perth. Scott S 2 14, 75 Fair Margaret. Parr P 104, 67 Fair moralist. McCarthy . M 20, 100 Fair passions. Pigott-Carleton.P 455, 40 Fair play. Southworlh S 620, 40 Fair prospect v 3. D 41 , 20 Fair puritan. Herbert H 482, 30 Fair Rosamond. Miller M 670, 45 Fair Saxon. McCarthy M 22, 34 Fair to see. Lockhart L 785, 20 Fair women. Forrester F 5 78, 20 Fairchild family. Sherwood. . . .S 394, 8 Faire gospeller. Manning M 340, 62 Fairfax. Cooke C 730, 10 Fairies of our garden F 20, 150 Fairly-cum- forelands F 20, 300 Fairy Alice. Fitzgerald . . F .340, 15 Fairy book. Craik C 850, 38 Fairy bower F 20, 400 Fairy circles. Villamaria V 560, 30 Fairy fancies. Eden E 140, 200 Fairy fingers. Ritchie R 540, 18 Fairy guardians. Willoughby.W 620, 15 Fairy legends of Ireland. Croker. C 894,10 Fairy Mythology. Keightley. .K 190, 12 Fairy spectacle — Daisy D 15, 20 Fairy tales and legends. Abbott. v 10. A 56, 28 Adams, Falconshurst A 1 1 7, 3 Anderson. Danish legends. A615, 206 — Picture book A 615, 16 — Stories A 615,234 — Tales A 615, 242 — What the moon saw. A 615, 248 — Wood nymph. A 615, 27 Arabian days H 302, 15 Arabian nights A 725, 1 Arabian tales .T 330, 19 Arnason. Icelandic .... A 777,9 Arnold. Good counsels. A 780, 42 Arthur. Wonderful Stories. A 796, 170 Aulnoy A 921, 100 Aunt Fanny's stories .... A 915, 36 _ Austin. Moonfolk. . ..A 945, 230 Bache. American Wonderland. B 10, 100 - — Beckett. Hop o' my thumb 640,25 Blum. Seaside & fireside. B 507,20 Chaucer. Tales C 296, 9 Child's book C 370, 40 Choiseul. Return from fairies. C 390, 300 Christmas gift C 202, 22 Coleridge. Phantasmion. C 625,30 Costello. Holidays. . . .C 804, 10 Craik. Fairy book C 850, 38 Croker. Fairy legends.. C 894, 10 Crosland. Island of rainbow. C 906, 25 Curious stories C 956, 200 Daisy D 15, 20 D'Anois. Tales of the fairies. ...D 55 ,i8 De Morgan. On a pincushion. D 28415 Dodgson. Alice's adventures. D 540, 40 Dodgson. Through the looking glass D 540 45 Dulcken. One by one.D 864, 30 Dumas. Good lady. . .D 884, 56 Eden. Fairy fancies. .E 140, 200 Fairies of our garden. .. .F 12, 40 Frere. Old deccan days F 768, 20 26 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Fairytales. Grimm. Tales 18,4437 — 5 8 4o, 12 Grimm. Stray leaves .G 840, 25 Hall. Prince of the fair family. : .... H S 6,53 Hamilton. Fairies tales.H 90, 10 — History of mayflower. H8 7 ,2 5 Hawthorne. Wonder book. • r H 330, 70 Hepworth. Little gentleman. H 474, 13 Hitchcock. BookofAppin. H 612, 75 Home treasury. . ; H 736, 21 — r— Hood. Petsetilla's posy.. H 750, 72 Household stories H 820, 1 7 Hugessen. Crackers for Christmas. H917, 52 - — Higgledy piggledy.H 917, 55 — Moonshine H 917, 58 Pi^; cM m)w H 917, 62 — Tales at tea time. .H 917, 71 — Whispers H 917, 74 Hunt. Popular romances. H 950, 2 2 Jerrold. Story of madge. 1615,525 Johnson. Catskill fairies. J 740,62 Kavanagh. Pearl fountain. K 80, 10 Keary. Little wanderlin.K 112,32 Kennedy. Fireside stories K 3 1 2 , 5 2 Kennedy. Legendary fictions. K312, 54 Kingsley. The heroes. K 512, 15 Water babies K 5 1 2, 20 Kingsley. Boy in prey K 512 34 Laboulaye. Fairy tales of all nations Li8,i 3 — Finette L 18, 15 La Motte-Fouque. Undine.L8o,i7 Legends and traditionary stories. L 312, T 5 Lemon. Fairy tales L 380, 9 — Legends of number Nip... L380, 17 Little princess Narina. . .L 742, 31 Macdonald. At the back of the north wind M 55, 30 — Princess and goblin. M55, 57 Mace. Home fairy tales M 85,25 Magic ring M 230, 220 Magician's show-box M 230, 250 Maguire. Young prince Mari- gold M 250, 18 Fairy tales. Mathews. Indian fairy book M 458, 603 Mayhew. Good genius M 515, 23 Morley. Chicken market M858, 395 Musaus. Legends of Rubezahl M944, 15 Mystic bell M 970, 40 Naake. Slavonic tales N 2, 13 Nauman. Eva's adventures M 130, 15 Newman. Fairy tales. .N 380, 15 — Golden dawn N 380,20 O'Shaughnessy Toyland O 350, 30 O' Sullivan. Book of legends. O 380, 12 Palmer. Puss in boots. . .P 40, 25 Parke. Wonder-world stories. P67, 15 Parr. Tuflongbo P 104, 49 . Pennell. Family fairy tales P 310,19 People and fairies P 315, 26 Pinder. Fireside fairies. P 480, 17 Planch. Four and twenty tales. P 18,8336 Popular tales and romances P 6 40, 30 Prentis. Six little princesses. P 75o, 36 Prince of Argolis P 808, 9 Putlitz. What the wood whispers. P880, 9 Rainbows for children. . C 360, 27 Raymond. Man in the moon. R 180, 18 Roscoe. German novelists.R 750, 16 Ruskin. King of the golden river. R 94o, 25 Russian popular tales. . .R 950, 65 Seven autumn leaves. . . .S 320, 18 Scudder. Seven little people. S 226, 25 Smith. Mary and Hugo. S 560, 67 Souvestre. Popular legends of Brittany S 626, 58 Spofford. New England legends. S 670, 23 Smith. Brazen gates.. S 560, 130 Standard fairy tales S 698, 250 Stoddard. Town and country. S 800, 30 Strivelyne. Princess of Silverl and. ..S875, 19 Summerly. Book of stories. S 912,14 Tilton. Golden-haired Gertrude. T 412, 15 Thousand and one days.T 330, 19 Phjl\delphia Mercantile Library 27 Fairy tales. Thousand and one nights. A 725, 1 Tucker. Old friends. . .T 820, 50 Use of discipline V 160, 25 Villamaria. Fairy circles. ¥560,30 Violet V 620, 25 Wallace. Voices from the green- wood W 50, 40 Watson. Child-life in Europe. W 190, 14 Whately. Selected tales. W 356,30 Wildermuth. Ottalie's stories. W 524, 20 — — Woodward. Echoes from mist-land. W 812, 40 Woolsey. New year's bargain. W830, 13 — Nine little goslings. W 830, 25 Fairy tales and romances. Hamilton. H 87, 10 Fairy tales for grown folks. Thackeray. T 200, 19 Fairy tales from gold lands. Newman. N 380, 15 Faith and patience. Shepherd. S 380, 18 Faith Gartney's girlhood. Whitney. W 420, 20 Faith Unwin's Ordeal. Craik..C86o, 18 Faith White's letter book. Whiting. W415, 16 Faithful Eckart. Tieck v 4. R 750, 16 Faithful in least. Davis D 166, 35 Faithful Irishwoman. De Renzy D 3 2 2 , 300 Faithful Margaret. Ashmorc.A 830, 17 Faithful Ruth F 2 4, 600 Faithful unto death. Nieritz. .N 440, 22 Falcon family. Savage S 148, 25 Falconberg. Boyesen B 635, 8 Falconshurst. Adams . .A 117, 3 Falkenburg F 36, 200 Falkland. Bulwer B 904, 34 i Falkner Lyle. Lemon L 380, 11 I Fall illumined. Roe . R 71 2, 72 Fall of Damascus. Russell. . . .R 950, 13 Fall of man. White W 390, 450 Fall of the Crimea. Spencer. ,S 644, 304 Fall of the house of flint — Phantom Wed- ding. Southworth S 620, 10 1 Fallen angel. Dumas D 884, 45 Fallen fortunes. Sauzade S 140, 36 Fallen pride=Curse of clifton. South- wurth S 620, 34 I False and fair. Fenn F 172, 400 False colors. Cudlip. C 924, 35 False heir. James J 340, 60 False positions F 40, 390 False pride F 40, 400 Falsehood and truth T 520, 17 Falsely true Hoey H 630, 13 Fame and fortune. Alger A 475, 10 Familiar fables F 45 , 200 Cornor C 765, 700 Family at Heatherdale. Mackay . M 1 34, 1 8 Family doctor F 45, 300 Family doom. Southworth. . . .S 620, 42 Family fairy tales. Pennell. . . .P 310, 19 Family feud. Harder H 185, 300 Family in love. Craik C 850, 21 Family of Montorio=Fatal revenge. Maturim M 475> 35 Family pictures.- Manning. . . .M 340, 32 Family portrait. Ward W 118, 165 Family pride. Notley N 670, 18 Family pride=Agatha Beaufort. .A 243, 2 Family pride ; or palace and poor-house. F45>4Q5 Family records. Bury B 978, 9 Family secret. Andrews A 631, 6 Family secrets. Ellis E 430, 1 7 Family secrets F 45, 500 Family sepulchre. Lynch L 960, 20 Family tree. Fonblanque F 512, 11 Famine abroad v 7. N 690, 100 Famous history of Valentine. . .F 50, 550 Fan Feredin W 754, 58 Fanchon the cricket. Dudevant.D 842,19 Fancies of a whimsical man ... .F 54, 300 Fanny Meadows. Cooper. . . .C 735, 500 Fanny the flower girl. Bunbury.B 912, 8 Fanny's birth-day gift. Mathews M 460,37 Fantastic history of Pierrot. Assolant. A 862, 100 Fantine. Hugo H 930, 24 Fantoccini. Barrett B 147, 350 Far above rubies. Riddell. . . .R 440, 22 Far from the madding crowd. Hardy. H 190. IT Farce of life. Chichester C 355, 7 Fardarougha, the miser. CarletonC 128,22 Farewell tales. Hofland H 640, 60 Farina. Meredith M 604, 13 Farmer Bassett's romance. Holm. H 712, 15 Farmer Burt's seed. Boyd . . . B 630, 300 Farmer's daughter. Cameron . . .C 32, 7 Farmingdale. Thomas T 268, 130 Fashion and famine. Stephens. S 746, 22 Fashion and folly. Baker B 39, 23 Fashion and its votaries. Maberly . M 4, 1 1 28 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Fashionable dissipation. Victor. V 500, 20 Fashionable friend F 88. 300 Fashionable involvements. Gunning. G 972, 10 Fashionable life. Eastman E 40, 15 Fast friends. Trowbridge T 740, 38 Fast in the ice. Ballantyne. . .B 70, 520 Fast life. Taylor T 128, 550 Fast of St. Magdalen. Porter. P 660, 30 Fat contributor. Thackeray. . .T 200, 92 Fatal boots. Thackeray T 200, 92 Fatal chain v 2. D 41 , 20 Fatal cradle. Collins C 660, 55 Fatal error. Masterman ... .M 456, 500 Fatal marriage. Southworth. . .S 620, 44 Fatal marriages — The sisters. Cockton. * C 605, 13 Fatal revenge. Maturin M 475, 35 Fatal secret. Southworth S 620, 46 Fate, the. James 'S 340, 56 Fate of a year. Stredder. . . .S 863, 300 Fate of folly. Chichester C 355, 9 Fate of Sedley F 95, 200 Fate of Thorsghyll. Bird B 436, 28 Fated to be free. Ingelow J 112, it Father and daughter. Bremer. .B 740, 9 Father as he should be. Hofland . H 640,62 Father Brighthopes. Trowbridge T 740,40 Father Clement. Kennedy. . .K 312, 13 Father Connell. Banim B 95, 218 Father Darcy. Marsh M 410, 19 Father Fitz-Roy. Navy N 150, 12 Father Godfrey. F 100, 300 Father John F 100, 350 Father Merrill. Chellis C 310, 25 Father Muller. Hoffman H 635, 30 Father Thames and Father Rhine= River legends. Hugessen. . .H 917, 68 Father Tom and the pope. Ferguson. F 176, 297 Father Tom and the pope, .v 3. T 50, 45 Fathers and Sons. Tourgeneff.T854, 312 Faustina. Hahn-Hahn H 21, 20 Favorite scholar. Howitt H 860, 28 Favorite story book. Arnold. .A 780, 14 Faye Mar of Stormcliff. Pritchard. P 820, 250 Feather in Jack's cap. Parr. . .P 104. 72 Featherland. Fenn F 172, 423 Feats on the fiord. Martineau.M 440, 18 Felicia Edwards E 224, 35 Felicia. Crompton R 950,60 Felix Holt. Lewes L 540, 26 Felix Kent. Hoffman H 635, 410 Felon's reverie. v 1. D 41, 20 Female sensibility F 160, 20 Female Werter. Perrin P 343, 400 Femme de feu= Woman of fire . B 290, 15 Fenton's quest. Braddon B 655, 43 Ferdinand, Count Fathom. Smollet. S570, 17 Ferdinand Franck F 174, 400 Fern glen. Holt H 730, 400 Fern leaves. Parton P 128, 16 Fernando de Lemos. Gayarre.G 135, 200 Feme Fleming. Warfield. . . .W 140, 22 Fernyhurst court F 176, 800 Ferry boy. Trowbridge T 740, 42 Fettered for life. Blake B 484, 426 Few days in Athens. Wright. W 928, 500 Few out of thousands. Johnstone J 807, 12 Few words on social philosophy. T 50, 45 Fickle Flora. Davenport. . . .D no, 300 Fiddling Freddy. Floyd F 448, 10 Field and forest. Adams A 145, 30 Field of ice. Verne V 380, 28 Fielding, or society. Ward. . . ,W 120, 58 Fiery castle D 530, 15 Fife and Drum. Wraxall W 900, 18 Fifteen, days, Edward Colvil's journal. F 260, 13 Fifteen years. Robinson R 627, 705 Fifty years ago. Willard W 550, 20 Fight at Dame Europa's school. Pullen. P 845, 30c Fight for a wife. Black B 450, 824 Fight of faith. Hall H 56, 17 Fighting Joe. Adams A 145, 32 Fighting the flames. Ballantyne. B 70, 523 Fighting the foe F 265, 20c File No. 113. Gaboriau G 12, 10 Filippo Malincontri F 275, 30c Fine feathers do not make fine birds. Neely N 230, 14 Finette. Laboulaye: L 18, 15 Finger of fate. Reid R 300, 52 Finish to life. Egan E 310, 15 Finland family. Cornwall. . . .C 775, 30c Fior d'Aliza. Lamartine L 60, 13 Fire and flame. Schlicking. . . .S 200, 19 Fior di Limone. Jolly J 830, 8 Fire in the woods. De Mille. .D 275, 45 Fire ships — Ronald Morton. Kingston. K530, 24 Fireside fairies. Pindar P 480, 17 Fireside saints. Jerrold J 612, 17 Fireside stories F 316, 20c Fireside stories. Kennedy. . .K 3T5, 405 First and last. White W 390, 30c First and last crime. Morley. . .T 50, 45 Philadelphia Mercantile Library. 29 Eirst and last dinner S 812, 25 First and second marriages. Baker. B39, 18 First and true love. Dudevant.D 842, 21 First families of the Sierras. Miller. M 667, 150 First friendship. Jackson J 320, 304 First glass of wine. Mortimer. .H 56, 15 First impressions. Ellis E 430, 19 First little pet book. Barrow. . .B 151, 5 First love and last love. Grant. G 618, 13 First love is best. Dodge D 545, 15 First of June. Adams A 1 1 7, 4 First of the Knickerbockers. Myers. M 960, 25 Fisher boys. KeUogg K 230, 28 Fisher boy's motto — Go ahead. Fosdick F614, 37 Fisher maiden. Bjornsen B 444, 8 Fisherman nails N 640, 35 Fisherman of Auge. Macquoid. .M 204, 45 Fisherman's children F327, 400 Fisherman's daughter. Conscience. C 700, 10 Fishing girl — Fisher maiden. Bjorosen. B 444, 8 Fitz of Fitz ford. Bray B 720, 9 Fitz-boodle papers. Thackeray. T 200, 90 Fitzgeorge F 335, 400 Fitz Hugh St. Clair. Chapin.C 232, 100 Five days' entertainments. Palgrave. P 28, 150 Five hundred majority. Niles.N46o, 15 Five hundred pounds reward. .F 343, 300 Five weeks in a balloon. Verne .V 380, 3? Five years of it. Austin A 945, 16 Fixed stars ..¥ 346, 400 Flag lieutenant. Sadler S 1 7, 405 Flag of distress. Reid R 300, 55 Flag of truce. Warner W 150, 59 Flaminia F 352, 400 Fleetwood. Godwin G 370, 13 Flesh and spirit. Coulson C 820, 12 Fleur de lys N 670, 100 Fleurange. Craven C 876, 10 Flight to the paradise of fools. Johnston. J 810, 22 Flirtations in fashionable life. Sinclair. S 486, 20 Flitch of bacon. Ainsworth. .A 321, 126 Flittings of fancy. Sulivan. . . .S 902, 17 Floating beacon v 1. F. 50, 45 Floating city. Verne V 380, 35 [ Floating light. Ballantyne. . . .B 70, 525 Flood and field. Maxwell. . . .M 490, 32 Flora. Tucker T 820, 22 Flora Lyndsay. Moodie M 785, 15 Florence and John. Abbott. . . . A 56, 20 Florence betrayed. Azeglio . .A 983, 10 Florence Dombey. Dickens. .D 420, 33 Florence Egerton F 425, 200 Florence Erwin's three homes.F 425, 210 Florence Macarthy. Morgan. M 836, 25 Florence O'Neill. Stewart. . . .S 770, 23 Florence the beautiful. Cochran. C 592, 19 Florence's return. Abbott A 56, 21 Floreston. Dalby D 590, 300 Florine. Mac Cabe M 15, 25 Floss Silverthorn. Giberne. . . .G 212, 15 Flounced robe. McKeever. . ..M 140 25 Flower and the star. Linton. L 675, 600 Flower, fruit and thorn pieces.. Richter. R 43°> 3° Flower Garden. Sonvester. . . .S 626, 20 Flower of Kildalla. Murray.. M 935 352 Flower of the family. Prentiss. P 750, 22 Flush times of Alabama. Baldwin. B 51, 500 Flying horseman. Airriard. . . .A 316, 16 Flying Scud. Clark C 502, 15 Flying mail. Goldschmidt. . , G 402, 300 Foe in the household. Cheseboro. C 33, 16 Foggy night at Offord. Wood..W 770, 60 Follaton priory F 470, 23 Folle farine. De Larame D 240, 35 Follies of the age. Lourdoneix.L 870, 17 Fool of quality. Baoore B 806, 5 Foolish Zoe F 530, 16 Fools of fortune. Boyle B 649, 217 Footsteps behind him. Stewart. S 770, 810 Footsteps of blood D 607, 01 Footprints in the snow. Russell . R 950, 20 For a woman's sake. Phillips. .P 402, 35 For a woman's sake — Diana Carew. Forrester . . .F 578, 12 For better for worse. Fleming. F 360, 49 For better for worse. Yates. . . . Y 10, 28 For each and for all. Mertineau. v 3 . M440. 38 For each other ¥ 548, 15 For ever and ever. Church. . .C 400, 30 For her sake. Robinson R 625, 30 For lack of gold. Gibbon. . . .G 206, 1 1 Eor liberty's sake. Marsh. . . .M 410, 450 For love and life. Oliphant. ..O 170, 48 For summer afternoons. Woolsey. W 830, 26 For the king. Gibbon G 206, 13 Eor the king's dues. Fonals. . . .M 53,-S 3°. Philadelphia Mercantile Library For the master's sake. Holt. . .H 730, 9 For the old lover's sake F 548, 200 For very life. Marshall M420, 600 Forayers, the Simms . . S 470, 48 Forbidden fruit. Harklander. . .H 9, 25 Forbidden fruit. Harklander. N 670, 100 Ford family in Ireland F 560, 50 Foregone conclusion. Howells.H854, 310 Forest. Huntingdon ..H 970, 17 Forest and game law tales. Martinean. M 440, 20 Forest and shore, llsley J 30, 100 Forest of Melford. Duffield. . .D855, 22 Forest book. Kirkland K 630, 9 Forest days. James J 340, 62 Forest exiles. Reed R 300, 58 Forest Glen. Kellogg K 230, 31 Forest House. Erckmann-Chatrian. E 620, 13 Forest., jungle and prairie. Adams. A 140, 100 Forest-race romance v 8. F 50, 45 Forest tragedy. Mrs. Lippincott.L 715, 9 Forest voices. Putlitz P 870, 15 Foresters, the. Dumas D 884, 47 Foresters, the. Wilson W 640, 663 Forged will.=Orphan's trials. Ben- nett B 322, 168 Forgery, the. James J 340, 64 Forgiven at last. Haderman. ..H 16, 20 Forgotten by the world. Macquoid. .M 204, 26 Forlorn hope. Hall H 56, 19 Forlorn hope Yates Y 10, 30 Forsaken daughter F 581, 200 Fort Lafayette. Wood W 768, 140 Fortescue. Knowles K 820, 12 Fortune. Coulton C 820, 400 Fortune hunter. Ritchie R 540, 20 Fortune hunting extraordinary. .S 812, 25 Fortune Seeker. Southworth. . .S 620, 48 Fortune teller. Tonna T 520, 27 Fortunes of a partisan of '8i.=rCanoles. Cooke C 730, 3 Fortunes of Cyril Denham. Worboise. W850, 18 Fortunes of Francis Croft. St. John. S 38, 160 Fortunes of Glencore. Lever. L 520, 28 Fortunes of Herod Agrippa. Moss. ■ M878, 13 Fortunes of Maurice Cronin. Kenny. K 340, 20 Fortunes of Miss Follen. Talcott.T 45, 85 Fortunes of Nigel. Scott S 214, 79 Fortunes of the Colville family. Smed- !ey S 554, 16 Fortunes of the ranger. Kingston. K 530, 56 Fortunes of the Scattergood family. Smith S 558 16 Forty- five guardsman. Dumas. D 884, 49 Forward with the flag. Robinson. R 627,405 Foster brother F 635, 100 Foster brothers. Sauzade S 140, 38 Foster brothers of Doon, F 635, 200 Foul play. Reade and Boucicault. R 208, 65 Found and lost F 657, 200 Found dead. Sauzade S 140, 39 Foundations. Porter P 662, 300 Foundling of the wreck=Smuggler King S575, 13 Fountain Kloof. F 65 7, 400 Fountain of youth. Muller. .M 906, 250 Four and twenty fairy tales. Perrault. P338, 10 Four and what they did. Weeks. W 270, 20 Four girls at Chautauqua. Alden. A 412, 210 Four homes. Gasparin. G 1 15, 85 Four irrepressibles F 657, 700 Four-leaved clover. Holm. . .H 712, 15 Four-leaved shamrock. Laboulaye.L 18,9 Four oaks. Bellamy B 273 25 Four Sisters=Hertha B 740, 11 Four years at Maude chapel. Martin- eau. vol. 2 . , M 440, 20 Four years in a boys' college. Ander- son A 6 1 8, 30 Four years in a cave F 65 7, 750 Fourteen pet goslings F 665 ,300 Fourteen to four score. Jewett. .J 665, 20 Fox hunting. Stephens S 746, 215 Foxholme hall. Kingston K 530, 26 Fragments from John Bull . . . . F 684, 200 Framley parsonage. Trollopc.T 730, 35 Francesca Carrara. Landon. . .L 104, 13 Francesca's love. Pulleyne. . . .P 848, 20 Francis Croft, fortunes of. St. John. , S 40, 16 Frank. Edgeworth E 160, 23 Frank among the Rancheros. Fos- dick F 614, 13 Frank and Rufus. Trowbridge. T 738, 308 Frank at Don Corlo's Ranchero. Fos- dick F 614, 16 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 3* Frank Austin's Diamond F 705, 100 Frank before Vicksburg. Fosdick. F 614, 19 Frank Elliott. Challen C 194, 7 Frank Fairleigh. S medley S 554, 19 Frank Freeman's barber shop. Hall. • .. .H 44, 15 Frank in the mountains. Fosdick. F 614,23 Frank in the woods. Fosdick. .F 614, 28 Frank Manly. Trowbridge. . .T 740, 36 Frank Martin ; . .F 705, 200 Frank Mildmay. Marryat. . . .M 405, 14 Frank Nelson. Hanaford H 134, 10 Frank Nelson in the fore- castle. Fos- dick F 614, 28 Frank Netherton F 705, 250 Frank Oldfield. Wilson W 640, 850 Frank on a gun-boat. Fosdick. . F 6 1 4, 31 Frank on the lower Mississippi. Fos- dick F 614, 34 Frank on the prairie. Fosdick. .F 614, 35 Frank Orby F 705, 300 Frank the young naturalist. Fosdick. F 614, 36 Frank Warrington. Harris H 230, 9 Frank Wildman's adventures. Gers- tacker G184, 10 Frankenstein. Shelley S 370, 253 Franklin. Abbott vol. 4. A 56, 28 Fraser Miscellanies. Thackeray. T 200J 90 Fraternal magnanimity. Schiller. • vol. 3. R. 750, 16 Frau domina. Glumer G 345, 200 Freaks of fortune. Adams. . . .A 145, 34 Freaks of fortune. Jones J 860, ^^ Freaks on the fells. Ballantyne.B 70, 528 Fred and Jennie. Drinkwater. .D 794, 9 Fred and the gorillas. Miller. M 670, 47 Fred, Maria and me. Prentiss. P 750, 23 Fred's fresh start F 740, 200 Frederick Beaumont M 456, 209 Frederic Latimer F 740, 250 Frederick Montravers. Woodfall W 790,1 9 Frederick the great and his court. Mundt M 922, 28 Frederick the great and his family. Mundt M 922, 30 Frederick the great and his merchant =rMerchant of Berlin M 922, 47 Free lance. McCarthy M 20, 300 Free yet forging their own chains. * Roe R 712, 500 Freebooters, the. Aimard. . . .A 316, 17 French boy's story of Sedan — Valen- tine K 512, 60 French country family. De Wit.D 372, 50 Frenchman of two wives N 670, 100 French wines. Martineau . v 3. M 440, 38 Fresh leaves. Parton P 128, 18 Fresh leaves. Victor V 500, 23 Fretful girl F 772, 200 Friar Bacon, hist, of H 615, 300 Friarswood post office. Younge.Y 100,40 Friedel. Oertel O 65, 490 Friend Fritz. Frckmann=Chatrian. E 620, 15 Friend Karl. Robinson R 625, 88 Friend or foe. Adams A 117, 5 Friendly contributions. Fox . .F 672, 25 Friendly hands and kindly words. F 815,200 Friends and acquaintances. Row.R865,3io Friends and fortune. Drury. . .D 821,15 Friends and neighbors. Arthur. A 796, 29 Friendship. DeLarame F 240, 37 Friends of Bohemia. Whitty . . W 436, 1 7 Fright. Pickering P 440, 19 Fritz Harold. Myers M 960, 400 Froggy's little brother F 832, 200 From an island. Thackeray. . .T 200, 22 From birth to bridal. Day. .. .D 188, 45 From bondage to freed' m. Leslie.L 48o, 18 From Boston to Baltimore. Dall.D 26, 11 From dawn to day light. Beecher . .B 246, 6 F>om dreams to waking. Linton . L 675 , 13 From first to last N 670, 100 From four to fourteen. Harrison.H 240, 10 From fourteen to fourscore. Jewett. ' J 665, 200 From hand to mouth. Douglas.D 742, 1 1 From jest to earnest. Roe . . . . R 712, 74 F rom midnight to midnight. Collins. C 650, 400 From my youth up. Terhune. .T 90, 17 From Olympus to Hades. Forrester. F 578, 25 From out of the deeps. Christophers. C 402, 300 From Paris to the other world.F 832, 500 From the earth to the moon. Verne. , V 380, 39 From the clouds to the mountains. V 380, 25 Form thistles=grapes. Eiloart. E 350, 45 Fromont jeune et Risler Aine. Daudet. D 94, 20 Frozen deep. Collins C 660, 30 Fudge doings. Mitchell M 720, 28 Fugitive Countess. Wilkinson. W 540,250 Full proof of ministry. Norton . N 640,500 3 2 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Funny philosophers. Yellott. . .Y 60, 20 Fur country. Verne V 380,40 Furnished apartments. Drury. .D 821, 19 G. T. T. Hale H 25, 9 Gable-roofed house. Holmes. .H 720, 25 Gabled house. Bates B 1 75,450 Gables, the. Melville M 563, 200 Gabriel. Howitt H 860, 30 Gabriel Conroy. Harte H 256, 35 Gabriella Witherington. Lucas. L 924, 400 Gabrielle. Durand D 960,10 Gabrielle Andre. Baring-Gould . B 1 14, 20 Gaieties and gravities. Smith. S 558, 806 Gain of a loss. Piddington . . .P 452, 300 Galama. Liefde L 590, 10 Galatea. Florian F 430, 14 Gale Middleton. Smith S 558, 808 Galley slave. Zschokke Y 350, 28 Game of brag. Maddyn. . . .M 215, 300 Game of life. Ritchie R 540, 40 Gaol chaplain. Neale N 170, 40 Garden of women. Keddie. . .K 150, 25 Garden party. Parr P 104, 60 Gardenhurst. Steele S 728, 12 Garrett Van Horn. Sauzade. . .S 140, 16 Garstang grange. Trollope. .T 730, 615 Garth. Hawthorne H 330, 25 Gascoyne. Ballantyne B 70, 530 Gaspar, the gaucho. Reid. . . .R 300, 62 Gaspar Trenchard. Hemyng. .H 225, 19 Gaston Bligh. Lavenu L 190, 200 Gater ajar. Phelps P 370, 30 Gates wide open. Wood. . . . W 770, 220 Gaut Gurley. Thompson T 300, 35 Gavio'a. Bohl d'Arron B 520, 13 Gavroche. Hugo H 930, 13 Gayworthys. Whitney W 420, 23 Geier-Wally. Hillern H 575, 15 Gem of the mines. Frost. . . .F 836, 400 Gemini G 154, 300 Gemma. Trollope T 730, 618 Gems from fable-land. Bourne . B 575, 305 General, the Barrows B 151, 300 General Frankie. Lynn L 970, 15 General's daughter. Argyle. . . .A 760, 7 Generalship. Roy R 880 ,16 Geneva's shield. Blackburn . . . B 460, 20 Genevive. Carr C 140, 350 Genevieve=iChevalier of maison ronge. Dumas D 884, 24 Genius Goodfellow. Nodier. ..D884, 56 Geni, tales of Ridley R 512, 15 Gentianella. Randolph R 80, 35 Gentle and simple. Martinean . M 440, 20 Gentle hand. Arthur A 796, 170 Gentleman in black. Dalton. . D 35, 400 Gentleman in debt. Daunt. . . .D 94, 400 Gentleman Jim. Prentiss P 750, 25 Gentleman of the old school. James. J 34o, 66 Geoffrey Moncton. Moodie. . .M 785, 17 Geoffrey, the knight G 168, 200 Geoffrey the Lollard. Knevels.K 750, 35 Geoffrey's wife. Hope H 785, 34 George Barnwell. Surr S 930, 19 George Burley. Sargent S 120, 23 George Canterbury's will. Wood. W 770, 62 George Cardwell. Morgan. . . .M 834,500 George Cruikshank's omnibus. G 172, 200 George Desmond, History of. .H 615, 350 George Geith of Fencourt. Riddell. R 440, 24 George Lovell. Knowles K 820, 18 George Maitland, adventures of. A 205, ^^ George Morton and his sister. Trowbridge. T 738, 310 George Ready G 172, 275 Geo. Wilson and his friend. G 172, 300 Georgia scenes. Longstreet. . .L 822, 30 Georgie and Lizzie. Bell B 264, 20 Georgy King. Bruce B 860, 508 Georgy Sandon. Owen O 440, 14 Gerald Fitzgerald. Herbert. ..H 480, 600 Gerald Hastings G 177, 200 Gerald Marsdale. Carey C 112, 250 Gerald O'Donnell G 177, 250 Geraldine. Agnew A 271, 7 Geraldine Hamilton G i 77,400 Geraldine of Desmond. Crump. C 919, 80 Gerard's marriage. Theuriet. .T 250, 20 Gerda. Schwartz S 208, 1 7 Germaine. About A 81, 3 German baron's guest. Jongh.J 870, 100 German conquest of England. Chesney. C 340,404 German Fmigrants. Gerstacker.G 184, 35 German Gil Bias. Kuiegge. .K 915, 300 German novelists. Roscoe. . . .R 750, 16 German popular stories. Taylor. T 128, 120 German popular tales. Grimm. .G 840, 22 German romance. Carlyle. . . .C 136, 200 German tales. Auerbach A 915, 54 Geronimo. Herbert H 482, 400 Gertrude. Sewell S 330, 35 Gertrude. Trollope T 730, 104 Gertrude Lee G 187, 200 Gerty West. Griffith G 830, 600 Gervase Skinner. Hook H 760, 28 Gesta romanorum G 195, 300 Gesta romanorum, tales from. .G 195, 305 Phii.adfxphia Mercantile Library 33 Get money. Tuthill T 880, 24 Getting along G 198, 200 Ghost, the. O'Connor O 40, 600 Ghost hunter. Banim B 95, 220 Ghost seer. Schiller S 184, 200 Ghost stories G 202, 200 Ghost story. Mayo M 522, 28 Giannetto. , Majendie M 273, 410 Giant, the G 204, 200 Giant killer. Tucker T 820, 25 Gibraltar. Fenton F 1 70, 35 Gibraltar gallery. Abbott A 56, 28 Gideon's rock. Saunders S 128, 200 Gil Bias. Le Sage L 460, 13 Gil Talbot. Maillard M 261, 20 Gilbert Gresham G 230, 50 Gilbert Greyson's fortunes =Shifting for himself A 475, 45 Gilbert Gurney. Hook H 760, 30 Gilbert Harland. Barwell. . . .B 167, 400 Gilbert Massenger. Parr P 104, 22 Gilbert Rugge. Jackson J 320, 307 Gilbert's, the. Holmes H 720, 35 Gilbert Starr. Bradley B 674, 508 Gilberts last summer at Rainford. Bradley. B 674,510 Gilded age. Clemens and Warner. C 540, 10 Giles Oldham. Tucker T 820, 27 Ginx's baby. Jenkins J 5 65 , 305 Gipsy. James J 340, 68 Gipsy countess. Plunkett P 570, 12 Gipsy king. N & T v 1 1 . N 670, 100 Gipsy's prophecy. Southworth. .S 620, 50 Gipsy's warning. Dupuy D 948, 24 Giraffe hunters. Reed R 300, 64 Girl he left behind him. Jephson. • J 580, 10 Girl he married. Grant G 618, 15 Girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines. Clarke C 5 10, 7 Girls of Feversham. Church. .C 410, 35 Girl's romance. Robinson. . . .R 625, 34 Gisli the outlaw. Dasent D 88, 35 Giulio Malatesta. Trollope . .T 73a, 620 Gladiators, the. Melville M 560, 29 Glance at the island. Black. . .B 450, 814 Gleanings. Goddard G 360, 13 Gleanings from portfolio. Burnham. B 966, 300 Glen's creek. Holmes H f 20, 35 Glencoe parsonage. Porter. . . .P 660, 13 Glenmoyle castle=Biblicals. . .B 407, 200 Glenmutchkin railway. Aytoun. ••• T 50, 45 Glennair. Tatem T 80, 18 Glenns. McConnell M 40, 18 Glenwood. Cambridge C 30, 9 Glimpse of the world. SewelL.S 330, 38 Glimpses of home life. Embury. E 470, 10 Glimpses of pleasant homes. . .G 335, 300 Glimpses through G 335, 400 Glitter and gold. Field F 240, 200 Glory of the house of Israel. Strauss. S854, 20 Gloverson and his silent partners. Keeler K 1 70, 11 Go ahead. Fosdick F 614, 37 Goals and guerdons G 352, 200 Goddess of truth and justice=Fixed stars. ? 349> 4oo Godfrey Malvern. Miller M 670, 49 Godolphin. Bulwer B 904, 35 God's heroes. Gurney A 165, 19 Godson of a marquis. Theuriet. S 250, 23 Goethe and Schiller. Mundt. .M 922, 34 Going home. Martin M 432, 300 Going on a mission. Cobden. . ,C 585, 9 Going to the bad. Yates Y 10, 33 Going west. Adams A 145, 36 Gold and dross. Mayo M 522, 35 Gold and name. Schwartz . . . . S 208, 20 Gold brick. Stephens S 746, 24 Gold dust. Pomeroy. . . .- P 620, 15 Gold Elsie. John J 720, 15 Gold hunters' adventures. Thomes. • • ; T 29O, 17 Gold of Chickaree. Warner. W 150, 116 Gold robin. Putnam P 880, 14 Gold worshippers. Robinson. .R 627, 93 Golden butterfly. Besant and Rice. B372, 19 Golden calf. G 380, 100 Golden cap. Liefde L 590, 12 Golden dawn. Newman N 380, 20 Golden dog=Chien d'or. Kirby. K 612, 200 Golden fence G 380, 150 Golden fleece. Tucker T 820, 29 Golden grain. Farjeon F 62, 18 Golden grains from life's harvest. Arthur A 796, ^2 Golden haifc. Wraxall W 900, 20 Golden haired Gertrude. Tilton. T412, 15 Golden heart. Hood H 750, 60 Golden heart. Wright W 930, 47 34 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Golden hills G 380, 200 Golden keys G 380, 250 Golden ladder. Wright W 930, 850 Golden lion of Granpere. Trollope. T 73°> 37 Golden rule. Mackarness M 125, 13 Golden sands of Mexico. Croome. C 900, 400 Golden sorrow. Hoey H 630, 16 Golden tress. Boisgobey B 520, 232 Golden work. Hood H 750, 62 Goldmakers' village. Zschokke.Y 350, 30 Goldsmith's wife. Reybaud. . .R 370, 25 Goldsworthy family. Gilbert. .G 230, 15 Gomery of Montgomery. Washburn. W 168, 160 Gone like a shadow. Houston . H 822, 300 Good-bye stories. McKeever. .M 140, 28 " Good-bye sweetheart !" Broughton. B836, n Good fight of faith G 422, 300 Good for evil. Tucker. T 820, 32 Good-for-nothing. Mayhew. . . .T 50, 40 Good for nothing. Melville. . .M 560, 32 Good genius. Mayhew M 515, 33 Good grandmother. Hofland. .H 640, 64 Cxood hater. Braddon B 655, 85 Good in everything. Foot. . . .F 535, 12 Good investment. Flagg F 348, 300 Good lady Bertha. Dumas. . . .D 884, 56 Good luck. Buerstenbinder. . .B 885, 18 Good luck. Cobden C 585, 13 Good match. Perrier P 341, 40 Good measure. Erickson E 640, 10 Good men of modern date. Green. G 708, 15 Good old times. Ainsworth. .A 321, 129 Good old times. Kellogg K 230, ^^ Good old times. Manning. . . . M 340, 35 Good society. Grey G 775, 28 Good time coming. Arthur. . .A 796, 35 Good work. Chellis. . . . C 310, 28 Gooroo Simple. Forrester. . . .F 577, 10 Gordon Baldwin. Lindau. . . .L 640, 150 Gordon of Duncairn G 465, 500 Gorilla hunters. Ballantyne. . .B 70, 533 Gosau Smithy. Parr P 104, 67 Gospel in the Riviera. Wright. W 930, 50 Gossip. Morley M 858, 400 Gossip. Norton N 640, 28 Gossips of Riverton. Haven. . H 314, 14 Gottlieb Frey. Meritz M 625, 300 Governess, the. Blessington. . . .B 504, 7 Governess and her pupil G 555, 200 Governor's pardon. Baker. ... .B 39, 25 Gowrie; or, king's plot. James. J 340, 70 Grace and Clara G 560, 200 Grace Avery. Dunning D 925, 45 Grace Dermott G 560, 300 Grace Dudley. Peterson P 35°> 14 Grace Huntley. Hall H 56, 25 Grace Lee. Kavanagh K 80, 25 Grace Leslie G 560, 350 Grace Morton G 560, 375 Grace of Glenholme. Piatt. . .P 550, 17 Grace Owen's engagement, .v 4, T 50, 46 Grace Truman. Ford F 560, 305 Grace's fortune G 560,. 500 Gracie Amber. Denison D 304, 55 Graham and I=Our two lives. Warner. W 150, 48 Grahame. McConnell M 40, 14 Grahames, the. Whitehead. . .W 410, 19 Granby. Lister L 725, 25 Grandfather. Pickering P 440, 22 Grandfather's Nell G 590, 200 Grandmother G 590, 400 Grandmother and granddaughter. Esche S 820, 15 Grandmother Brown's school days. Cxiiernsey G 918, 40 Grandpa's house. Weeks W 270, 23 Grandpapa's arithmetic. Mace. M 85, 20 Grandpapa's presents. Cupples. C 952, 115 Grantley Grange. Beauchamp.B 214, 100 Grantley manor. Fullerton. . .F 868, 25 Granville de Vigne. De Larame. D 240, 42 Granville valley. Abbott A 56, 24 Grapes and thorns. Thicker. . .T 430, 30 Grasp your nettle. Linton. . . .L 675, 16 Grasshopper pop-gun. Barrow . . B 1 5 1 , 8 Grayworth. Hazelwood ... .H 372, 600 Graziella. Lamartine L 60, 18 Great battle year. Robinson . R 62 7, 408 Great dividable=Brief honors. S 226, 600 Great elm. Abbott v 9. A 56, 28 Great emergency. Ewing E 820, 5 Great empress. De Vers. . . .D 370, 200 Great expectations. Dickens. .D 420, 35 Great Hoggarty diamond. Thackeray. T 200, 85 Great iady. Van De wall V275, 250 Great match. Wells W 310, 25 Great mysteries and little plagues. Neal N 170, 24 Greatest is charity. Paull P 210, 18 Greatest plague of life. Mayhew. M515, 35 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 35 Greatest plague of life=Servant girl of the period. Chamberlain. . C 206, 9 Greatness and decline of Cesar Birotteau. Balzac B 90, 8 Greatnessin little things. Vernon . V 400, 20 Grecian stories. Hack H 7, 200 Greed's labor lost G 704, 300 Greek mythology. Wood. . .W 770, 120 Green gate. Wichert W 450, 25 Green mountain boys. Thompson. T 300,3 7 Green mountain girls. White. W 390, 25 Green pastures and piccadilly. Black. -..B 45°> 804 Greenwich men. Reynolds. . . .T 50, 40 Greenwood leaves. Lippincott . L 715,11 Gregory Hawkshaw G 750, 25 Greville. Gore G 475, 25 Grey abbey G 780, 95 Grey and gold. Worboise . . . . W 850, 20 Grey-bay mare. Leland L 360, 200 Grey house at Eardlestone. Worboise. W 850, 22 Grey house on the hill. Greene. G 715,60 Grey woman. Gaskell G 108, 30 Greymore G 780, 400 Greyslaer. Hoffman H 633, 300 Griffith Gaunt. Reade R 208, 28 Griffone. Napier v 1. N 106, 300 Griffone. Napier v 2. T 50, 40 Grimkie. Abbott A 56, 25 Gringe family, the v 11. N 670, 100 Ground and lofty tumbling. ...N 670, 100 Grumbler, the Pickering P 440, 25 Grummett's log G 880, 200 Gryll grange. Peacock P 240, 19 Guardian, the Carlen .C 120, 13 Guardian and ghost. Thompson. T 300, 40 Guardian angel. Holmes. . . . * H 720,87 Gude conceit o'oursels. . .v 8. N 670, 100 Gudrun. Letherbrow L 495, 200 Guild court. Macdonald M 55, 40 Guilford. Fraetas F 680, 15 Guilt and innocence. Schwartz. S 208, 23 Guilty or not guilty G 935, 300 Gulliver re vived=Munchausen..R 130, 19 Gulliver's travels. Swilt S 960, 16 Gulliver's reisen. Swift S 960, 161 Gunnar. Boyesen B 635, n Gurney married. Hook. . . ...H 730, 32 Gus Howard. Smith S 558, 918 Gustave. Taylor T ^28, 406 Gustave Adolf. Topelins T 535, 16 Gustavus Lindorn. Carlen C 20, 18 Guttta percha Willie. MacdonaldM 55, 43 Guy Carlton. Wise W 700,19 Guy Deverell. Le Fanu L 270, 15 Guy, Earl of Warwick N 525, 250 Guy Earlscourt's wife. Fleming.. F 360, 30 Guy Fawkes. Ainsworth. . . .A 321, 132 Guy Livingstone. Lawrence . . .L 225, 30 Guy Rivers. Elwes , . .E 460, 14 Guy Rivers. Simms. . . S 470, 50 Guy Mannering. Scott S 214, 83 Guy Vernon. Woulfe W 895, 50 Guy W T aterman. Saunders S 126, 22 Guzman of alfarache. Le Sage.L 460, 15 Gwen; or the cousins. Goodrich. G 424, 10 Gwendolen G 976, 40 Gwendoline's harvest. Sauzade.S 140, 46 Gypsey's sowing and reaping. Phelps. •••• - p 37o, 35 Gypsies of Danes' Dyke. Phillips. P 400, 506 Gypsy's cousin Joy. Phelps. . .P 370, 33 H — family. Bremer B 740, 19 Habermeister, the Schmid.. . .S 188, 30 Had you been in his place. Bates. B i75> 455 Hagar. Tabor T 4, 16 Hagar, a story of to-day. Cary..C 148, n Hagarene. Lawrence L 225, 32 Hajji Baba in Turkey. Morier.M 852, 15 Hajji Baba of Ispahan. Morier.M 852, 17 Half a dozen daughters. Masterman. M 456, 505 Half a life time ago. Gaskell. .G 108, 56 Half a million of money. Edwards. E 210, 15 Half brothers. Dumas D 884, 60 Half-brothers. Gaskell G 108, 56 Half round the world=Freaks of fortune. Adams A 145, 34 Half-sir. Griffin. G 820, 30 Hall and hamlet. Howitt H 860, 90 Hallig, the. Biernatzki B 415, 400 Halligen, die. Roskowska. . . .R 800, 17 Halves. Sauzade S 140, 49 Hamiltons, the. Gore G 475,27 Hammer and anvil. Spielhagen.S 650, 14 Hammer and rapier. Cooke. .C 730, 12 Hammersmith. Severance S 320, 50 Hamperton the financier. Farrow F 84,610 Hampton heights. Starbuck. ...S 708, 16 Hand and glove. Edwards . . . . E 210, 17 Hand and word. Griffin G 820, 45 Hand but not the heart. Arthur. A 796,39 Hand of Ethelberta. Hardy. .H 190, 17 Handel and Haydn. Barnard.. B 127, 10 Handel und wandel=Behind the counter. Hacklander .H 9, 18 3* Philadelphia Mercantile Library HandfasttostrangersMacKenna.M 148, 17 Handie. Abbott A 56, 27 Hands not hearts. Wilkinson. W 540, 19 Handsome is that handsome does. Bradley. B 669, 660 Handsome is that handsome does.Bouverie. B 57 5,i28 Handsome Lawrence. Dudevant.D 842, 23 Handy Andy. Lover L 890, 12 Hannah. Craik C 850, 45 Hannah Lee H 148, 300 Hannah Thurston. Taylor. . . .T 130, 65 Hans and his northern home. .H 160, 13 Hans of Iceland. Hugo H 930, 15 Hans Brinker. Dodge D 545, 100 " Hansford." Tucker. ..... .T 820, 600 Hanworth H 164, 300 Happiness H 167,400 Happy accident. Church C 410, 45 Happy boy. Bjornsen B 444, 10 Happy hours. Cherwell C 330, 11 Happy woman. Mayo M 522, 46 Haps and mishaps afloat and ashore. Norton and Haberton N 640, 230 Haps and mishaps of three average boys. Deering D 208, 305 Harbour bar. Phillips P 400, 620 Harcourt. Tottenham T 548, 13 Hard cash. Reade R 208, 50 Hard maple. Warner W 150, 118 Hard Scrabble. Kellogg K 230, 34 Hard times. Dickens D 420, 38 Hard to bear. Craik C 860, 19 Hardy and hunter. Ward. . .W 118, 500 Hargrave. Trollope T 730, 106 Harold. Bulwer B 904, 37 Haroum Alrachid=~ Oriental anecdotes. O 3°5>4o Harper's establishment. Abbott.A 56, 28 Harper's story books. Abbott. .A 56, 28 Harrington H 220, 18 Harrington. Edgeworth E 160, 25 Harrington girls— Faith and patience. S380, 18 Harry and his homes H 248, 10 Harry and Lucy. Edgeworth. E 160, 26 Harry Ashton. Smith S 558, 922 Harry Blount. Hamerton H 80, 10 Harry Coverdale's courtship. Smedley. S 554, 23 Harry Egerton. Tottenham. .T 548, 15 Harry Harson. Irving J 235, 405 Harry Heathcote. Trollope. . .T 730, 39 Harry Holbrooke. Roberts. .R 608, 500 Harry Lee H 248,20 Harry Maitland. Downs D 774, 400 Harry Muir. Oliphant O 170, 52 Harry Raymond's resolve. Alger. : A 475. 57 Harry's vacation. Richards. . . .R 412, 50 Hartley Norman. Hampden. .H 130, 25 Hartwell farm. Comins C 670, 9 Harvest of wild oats. Church. .C 410,38 Harvest of wild oats=Bound in honor. Trowbridge T 740, 23 Harveys. Kingsley K 512, 310 Harwood. Coulson C 820, 18 Hashheesh eater. Ludlow L 940, 10 Hassan Abdallah T 330, 19 Haste and waste. Adams A 1 45 , 38 Hatchie. Adams A 145, 39 Hathercourt. Molesworth. . . .M 756, 26 Hatty and Nellie H 284, 1 1 Hau Kiou Choaan, a Chinese history. H 288, 100 Haunted crust. Saunders. . . . S 128, 204 Haunted hearts. Cummins. . .C 940, 15 Haunted homestead. Southworth. S 620, 52 Haunted hotel. Collins C 660, 35 Haunted lives. Le Fanu L 270, 17 Haunted man. Dickens D 420, 19 Haunted merchant. Briggs. . .B 748, 24 Haunted rooms. Tucker T 820,35 Haunted tower. Wood W 770, 64 Hause des commerzienrathes. John. J 720, 7aL Haven children. Foster F 625, 300 Haven't time. Arthur A 796, 42 Hawks of Hawk hollow. Bird.B 436, 308 Hawkstone. Sewell 833*, 42 Hawksview. Parr P 104, 25 Hawthorndean. Thompson. ,T 298, 200 Hay-time to hopping. Martineau. M 440, 23 Hazel Combe. Houston. . . .H 822, 304 Hazel farm H 368, 300 He and I. Stebbins S 720, 18 He cometh not. Cudlip C 924, 49 He knew he was right.Trollope.T 730, 42 Head of the family. Craik C 850,48 Headland home. Lesdemier. . ..L465,2oo Headless horseman. Reid R 300, 67 Headlong hall. Peacock P 240, 21 Headsman. Cooper C 735, n Headsman T 50, 45 Healey. Fothergill F 645, 13 Heaps of money. Norris N 604, 30 Heart and cross. Oliphant O 170, 55 Heart break H 410, 9 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 37 Heart histories. Arthur A 796, 45 Heart-hungry. Westmoreland... W 340, 25 Heart of Mabel Ware H 410, 300 Heart of Mid Lothian. Scott... S 214, 87 Heart twice won. Van Loon .V 283, 75 Hearts and altars. Bell B 264, 480 Hearts and diamonds. Ramsay.. R 70, 10 Hearts and faces. Trowbridge.. T 740, 44 Hearts and hands. Fisher F 324, 25 Hearts and homes. Ellis .E 430, 24 Hearts are trumps. Blakiston..B 487, 500 Hearts of gold. Boyd B 630, 305 Hearts of steel. McHenry. . .M 112, 10 Hearts unveiled. Saymore. . . .S 160, 16 Heartsease. Yonge Y 100, 43 Heathendom in Christendom. Martineau. M 440, 20 Heathens of the heath. McDonnell. M 70, 600 Heathergate H 410, 500 Heavenward and earthward. McKeever. M 140, S3 Heavenward bound=;Heavenward led. Jones J 855, 150 Heavenward led. Jones J 855, 150 Heavy yokes. Haderman H 16, 25 Hebrew heroes. Tucker T 820,37 Hebrew tales. Hurwitz H 980, 11 Heckington. Gore G 475, 29 Hector Servadac. Verne V 380, 41 Hedged in. Phelps . .P 370, 38 Hedgehog letters. Jerrold J 612, 7 Heidelberg. James J 340, 72 Heidenmauer. Cooper... C 735, 12 Heights and depths. Scanland.S 167, 17 Heights of Eidelberg. Tatem. . . T 80, 23 Heir expectant H 425, 10 Heir of Charlton. Fleming . . . . F 360, 34 Heir of Dunspringmore. MacGowan. M 101, 300 Heir of Gaymount. Cooke. . .C 730, 14 Heir of Hardington v 10.N 670, 100 Heir of Malreward=Restored..R 340, 20 Heir of Redclyffe. Yonge. . . .Y 100, 45 Heir of Reddesmont H 425, 300 Heir of Wast Wayland. Howitt.H 860, 32 Heir to Ashley. Wood W 770, 67 Heiress, the. Stephens S 746, 26 Heiress in the family. Daniels. .D 48, 19 Heiress of Bellefont. Bennett. Ii 32 2, 175 Heiress of Haughton. Marsh. M 410, 21 Heiress of Kilgoran. Sadlier. . .S 20, 50 Heiress of Sweetwater=Aylesford. p 35°> l 9 Hekim Bashi. Sandwith S 102, 16 Held in bondage. De Larame.D 240, 42 Helen. Edgeworth B 160, 28 Helen and Arthur. Hentz. . .H 470, 23 Helen and her cousin H 430, 200 Helen and Olga. Manning. . .M 340, 37 Helen Erskine. Robinson. . .R 627, 375 Helen Ethinger. Whittlesey. .W 430, 30 Helen Felton's question. Wylde. W950, 18 Helen Gardner. Terhune. . . .T 190, 25 Helen Halsey. Simms. S 470, 52 Helen Lincoln. Capron C 80, 400 Helen Mulgrave . . . H 430, 400 Helen of the glen. Pollok. . .P 613, 300 Helen Tyrrel. Howard H 828, 800 Helen's babies. Habberton. . . .H 4, 15 Helena Mathewson v 5. N 670, 100 Helena's household. De Mille . D 275, 50 Helionde. Whiting W415, 200 Heloise. Robinson R 627, 708 Helyas, history of H 615, 375 Hemlock swamp. Whittlesey. W 430, 35 Hen-pecked husband. Scott. .S 212, 125 Henrietta of Bellgrave D 530, 15 Henrietta Temple. Disraeli. . ,D 520, 15 Henry and Henrietta. DufresneD 860, 600 Henry Clarendon. Comyn. .C 675, 500 Henry Courtland. Cline. . . .C 550, 500 Henry Curran H 458, 10 Henry Domville H 458, 13 Henry Dunbar. Braddon B 655, 47 Henry, earl of Moreland=Fool of quality. Brooke B 806, 5 Henry VIII and his court. Mundt. M 922, 36 Henry Esmond. Thackeray. .T 200, 60 Henry Masterton. James J 340, 74 Henry Milner. Sherwood. . . .8 394, 14 Henry Morris H 458, 20 Henry of Guise. James J 340, 76 Henry of Ofterdingen. Hardenberg. H 180, ii Henry Powers, (banker). Kimball. K 420, 1 2 Henry St. John, gentleman. Cooke. G 73°> l6 Henry Smeaton, a Jacobite. James. J 34o, 78 Henry Tripp. Lovechild L 885, 17 Henry Wood H 458, 25 Heptameron. Marguerite. . . .M 370, 10 Her dearest foe. Hector H 416, 20 Her face v 10. N 670, 100 Her face or her fortune=Jet. Edwards. •• E 210, 53 38 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Her face was her fortune. Robinson. R 625,38 Her father's name. Church. . .C 410, 39 Her first appearance. . . .v 11. N 670, 100 Her good name. Bouverie. .B 590, 340 Her husband's keeper. Daniel. .D 48, 22 Her lord and master. Church. C 410, 40 Her lovers. Clagett C 440, 300 Her majesty, the queen. Cooke. C 730, 18 Her mother's darling. Riddell . R 440, 27 Her sacrifice H 477, 200 Her title of honor. Parr P 104, 27 Herba parietis. Bayly B 190, 240 Herbert and Meggy. Howitt.H 860, 26 Herbert Carter's legacy. Alger. A 475, 16 Herbert Lovell, story of. Bouverie. B 575, 128 Herbert Milton . . . . H 485 , 300 Herbert Tracy H 485, 500 Here and hereafter. Pike. . . .P 460, 17 Hereditary bondsmen. Liefde. .L 590, 14 Hereditary goblet v 3. D 41, 20 Heretic. Lajetchnikoff L 50, 900 Hereward. Kingsley . K 512, 13 Heritage of Langdale. Hector. H 416, 25 Herman. Palfrey P 25, 13 Herman Agha. Palgrave P 28, 700 Hermit of Glenconella. McDonnell. M 70, 15 Hermit of Holcome. Chellis. .C 310, 32 Hermit of the rock. Sadlier. . .S 20, 53 Hermit's dell H 488, 20 Hero and other tales. Craik. .C 850, 50 Hero Car the w. Parr P 104, 69 Hero of Falcon's island. . . . . .H 494, 15 Hero of the pen. Buerstenbinder. B885, 25 Hero Trevelyan. Craik C 860, 20 Herod Agrippa. Moss M 878, 13 Heroes. Kingsley K512, 15 Heroes of Asgard. Keary. . . .K 112, 30 Heroes, tales of T 50, 68 Heroine. Barrett B 147, 300 Heroine of the confederacy. O'Connor. O 40,16 Heroine of Vesuvius. O'Reiley.O 300, 9 Heroines and their grandmothers. Thack- eray. ... . T 200, 33 Herr Sinclair. Storm v 3. D 41, 20 Hertha. Bremer B 740, 1 1 Hertha=four sisters. Bremer. ,B 740, 11 Hesper. Doten D 708, 19 Hesperus. Richter., R 430, 34 Hester Howard's temptation. Warfield. W 140, 25 Hester Kirton. Macquoid. . . .M 204, 28 Hester Morley's promise. Smith. S 558, 735 Hester Powers' girlhood— Judge not. • S383, 250 Hester Warwick. Custard. . .C 995, 200 Hester Wilmot, history of. . . .H 615, 390 Hetty. Kingsley K 512, 313 Hetty Homer. Bicknell . . . . B 410, 204 Hetty's hope H515, 200 Hetty's strange history H515, 250 Hever court. Arnold A 780, 62 Hibernian knights' entertainments. Ferguson F 1 76, 300 Hickathrift, Sir Thomas K 410, 18 Hidden chains. Church C 410, 45 Hidden depths. .H 535, 13 Hidden fire , H 535, 18 Hidden path. Terhune T 190, 19 Hidden perils. Hay H 345 , 27 Hidden power. Bunnett B 930, 200 Hidden sin H 535, 140 Hidden sin. Dupuy D 948, 29 Hide and seek. Collins C 660, 38 Higgledy-piggledy. Hugesson . . H 917,55 High art H 548, 13 High life inWashington.Lascelle L 140,400 High mills. Saunders S 128, 206 Higher law. Maitland M 270, 18 Highland parish. Macleod. . .M 178, 34 Highland widow. Scott S 214, 59 Highlanders of glen Ora. Grant. G 618, iS Highlands of Scotland. Maxwell. M 490, 36 Highlands of the city. Black . B 450, 814 Highways and byways. Grattan.G 630, 17 Hila Dart. Mumford M 915, 18 Hilary St. Ives. Ainsworth. .A 321, 134 Hildred, the daughter. Crosland.C 906, 15 Hill and the valley. Martineau. v 1. M 440, 38 Hill- side and border sketches=r Legends of the cheviots. Maxwell. . M 490, 38 Hills of the Shatemuc. Warner. W 150, 60 Hillsboro' farms. Cobb C 580, 20 Hillyarsand Burtons. Kingsley. K 5 12,318 Hilt to hilt. Cooke C 730, 20 Himself his worst enemy. Brotherhead. B828, 250 Hindoo tales , . . .H 584, 10 Hirell. Saunders S 126, 24 His grandmothers H 590, 200 His heart's desire . .H 590, 250 His inheritance. Trafton T 620, 16 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 39 His level best. Hale H 25, 13 His marriage vow. Corbin. . .C 760, 50 His natural life. Clarke C 502, 800 His own master. Trowbridge. .T 740, 46 His prison bars. Hopkins H 798, 40 His queen. Fisher F 320, 18 His two wives. Ames A 590, 8 His young wife. Smith S 560, 136 Historical legends and stories. D'Ar- lingcourt D 68, 100 Historical sketch of Robin Hood. Campbell C 54, 600 Historical sketch of the days of Napoleon. Mundt M 922, 24 Historical tales for young protestants. H 612, 9 Historical tales of Scotland. . . .H 612, 13 History of a crime. Hugo . . . H 930, 1 7 History of a flirt. Grey G 775, 32 History of a miracle v 8. N 670, 100 History of a pin H 615, 100 History of an adopted child. Jewsbury. J 680, 13 History of autonous H 615, 120 History of Charlotte Summers . H 615, 150 History of Count Gleischen. .H 615, 200 History of Decastro H 615, 225 History of Fanny Meadows. Cooper. C 735> 5°° History of friar Bacon H 615, 300 History of George Desmond. H 615, 350 History of Helyas H 615, 375 History of Henry, earl of Moreland. Brooke B 806, 5 History of Hester Wilmot. . .H 615, 390 History of Jack Connor H 615, 410 History of Jack the bean stalk . H 615, 415 History of Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy. H 615, 425 History of Lady Barton. Griffith. G 830, 200 History of Lady Julia Mandeville. H 615, 450 History of little Jack. Day. . .D 188, 37 History of Louisa. Griffiths . .G 408, 25 History of Lucy Neville H 615, 475 History of Martin. Swift S 960, 18 History of Miss Jenny Salisbury.R 405, 13 History of Mrs. Simpson='Tis all for the best \V 470, 20 History of Peggy Black H 615, 500 History of Rasselas. Johnson. J 735, 700 History of Rhedi. Mackenzie. M 152, 400 History of Robert Powell. Burnett B.961, 18 History of Samuel Titmarsh. Thackeray T 200, 90 History of Sir H. Clarendon.. H 615, 550 History of Sir Thomas Hickathrift. K 410, 18 History of Susan Price. Edgeworth E 160, 30 History of the May Flower. Hamilton ..H87, 25 History of the plague in London. De Foe D 215, 12 History of the seven wise masters of Rome. H615, 575 History of William Stephens. C 164, 150 Hitherto. Whitney W 420, 25 Hive of the bee hunter. Thorpe. T 320, 14 Hoary head. Abbott A 56, 29 Hobbies, the- Kavanagh K 80, 29 Hobson's choice. Cook C 715, 15 Hogan, M. P. ; a novel. Laffan. .L35, 20 Hohensteins. Spielhagen ... . . .S 650, 17 Holcombes, the. Magill M 236, 13 Holden with the cords. Woodruff. W 804, 1 6 Hole in the bag. Ballard B 78, 19 Hole in the pocket. Baker B 39, 28 Holiday house. Sinclair S 486, 23 Holiday stories. Broome B 825, 13 Holiday tales H 670, 13 Holidays at Roselands. Finley . F 312, 18 Holidays with hobgoblins. Costella C 804, 10 Holland tide. Griffin G 820, 45 Hollands, the. Townsend . . . .T 610, 29 Hollowdell grange. Fenn. . .F 172, 430 Hollyberries H 708, 13 Holmby house. Melville M 560, 35 Home, the. Bremer B 740, 13 Home ; or, the iron rule. Ellis. E 430, 27 Home again vn.N 670, 100 Home and its influence H 736, 5 Home and the priest. Volpc.V 710, 25 Home and the world. Rives. R548, 55° Home as found. Cooper C 735, 13 Home at Greylock. Prentiss. .P 750, 27 Home at Heatherbral H 736, 9 Home circle , H 736, 1 1 Home fairy tales. Mace M 85, 25 Home harmonies. Pomeroy. ..P 620, 17 Home heroes. Arthur A 796, 48 Home in South Africa H 736, 13 Home in the sea. Goodrich. .G 432, 13 Home in the valley. Carlen. .C 120,20 Home in the west=Ethelyn's mistake. Holmes H 720, 28 4o Philadelphia Mercantile Library Home influence. Aguilar A 281, 8 Home is home . . H 736, 15 Home life H 736, 1 7 Home life. Soule S 612, 13 Home life. Sewell . . .S 330, 45 Home life in New England— Peter and Polly. Greene G 708, 23 Home lights and shadows. Arthur A 796, 50 Home memories. Brock. . . .B 775, 280 Home mission. . . H 736, 18 Home mission. Arthur A 796, 52 Home narratives H 736, 19 Home nook. Douglas D 742, 13 Home pictures. Denison D 304, 60 Home scenes. Arthur A 796, 54 Home scenes. Aguilar A 281, 9 Home scenes, Stephens S 746, 700 Home stories. Grimm G 840, 20 Home stories. Haven H 314, 16 Home sunshine. Bell B 264, 23 Home tales. Hofland H 640, 66 Home treasury H 736, 21 Homer, stories from. Church. C 480, 50 Homes abroad. Martineau. v 3. M 440, 38 Homestead on the hillside. Holmes H 720, 35 Homeward bound. Cooper. . .C 735, 14 Homo sum. libers E 70, 20 Honest and earnest. Floyd . . .F 448, 15 Honest woman. Cherbuliez. . .C 325, 25 Honeymoon. Medina M 534, 200 Honor. Bulfinch B 890, 590 Honor Blake. Keatinge K 135, 300 Honor Bright H 740, 100 Honor May. Bartol B 161, 700 Honorable Miss Ferrard. Laffan. L 35> 2 5 Honour Delaney. Contessions of. C 685, 750 Hoods and masks, ^eresford. .B 341, 10 Hoosier mosaics. Thompson . T 300, 600 Hoosier school master. Eggleston E 320, 13 Hop garden H 780, 13 Hop o'my thumb P 40, 25 Hope and have. Adams A 145, 41 Hope Campbell. Bell B 264, 26 Hope Darrow. Townsend T 610, 32 Hope deferred. Pollard P 608, 14 Hope Leslie. Sedgwick S 254, 29 Hope Marshall. Laselle L 140, 400 Hope Meredith. Tabor T 4, 10 Hope on H 785, 600 Hope on ! Hope ever ! Howitt.H 860,35 Hopes and fears H 790, 1 1 Hopes and fears. Yonge Y 100, 48 Horace and May. Bell B 264, 28 Horace Templeton. Lever. . ..L 520, 30 Horace Walpole in love. Mahony M 252, 400 Horace Wilde. Mallary M 285, 300 Hornehurst rectory. Cusack . . .C 990,' 10 Horrors of Paris. Dumas D 884, 63 Horse shoe Robinson. Kennedy K 312, 400 Hortense. Genlis G 160, 25 Hortense, queen. Mundt M 922, 63 Hortons, the. Casseday C 152, 25 Hostages to fortune. Braddon.B 655, 50 Hot corn. Robinson ....... .R 627, 600 Hotel du petit St. Jean. Dempster D 290, 200 Hour and the man. Martineau . M 440, 25 House at the four ways.=Sherborne Dering D 322, 35 House by the church }ard. Le Fanu. L 270, 19 House by the works. Mayo. ..M 522, 37 House in Balfour street. Dimitry . D 480, 1 3 House in Piccadilly. Cudlip. .C 954, 52 House in the glen H 820, 10 House in town. Warner W 150, 63 House of cards. Hoey H 630, 18 House of Israel. Warner. . . . W 150, 108 House of Percival. Boyce. . ..B 621, 175 House of Ravenspur. Jamieson . J 380, 1 1. House of the seven gables. Hawthorne : H 330, 45 House of the two Barbels. Theuriet T 250, 28 House of Yorke. Thicker T 430, 35 House on the heights. McKeever M 140, 35 House on the hill H 820, 15 House on the moor. Oliphant . O 1 70, 5 7 House on wheels. Begon B 253, 15 House to let v 10. N 670, 100 Household angel in disguise. Baker B 39> 2 9 Household fairy. Bulwer. . . .B 904, 329 Household mysteries. Petit. . ..P 360, 17 Household of Sir Thomas More. Manning M 340, 39 Household puzzles. Alden. ..A 412, 213 Household stories. Busk B 980, 1 25 Household story of the American conflict. Robinson R 627, 400 How a bride was won. Gerstacker G 184, 20 Ph:iadf.lphia Mercantile Library 4i How Charles Roberts became a man. Thurston T 350, 25 How could he escape. Wright W930, 52 How could he help it. Roe. . .R 712, 23 How do I know H 824, 1 2 How Eva Roberts gained her education. Thurston T 350 27 How he did it. Dupuy D 948, 32 How he won her. South worth.. S 620, 54 How I became a governess. Howitt H 860,37 How I became a yoeman. Aytoun v 2.T 50, 40 How I managed my husband. Roy R880, 16 How it all happened. Parr. . . .P 104, 72 How poor men live=Little coin, much care. Howitt H 860, 41 How Rocquaine was tamed. Napier N 106, 300 How she was won W 140, 19 How the old love fared N 670, 100 How the seven little sisters prove their sisJterhood=Each and all. Andrews . .A 634, 200 How they made a man of him S 560, 180 How to make a pedigree, v. 4. .T 50, 46 How to make the. best of it. Bowman B 608, 15 How we raised our baby W 28, 300 How will it end. Hey wood. . H 525, 700 How will it end R 952, 700 Howard and his teacher. Baker. .B 39, 30 Howard Plunkett. Cornwallis.C 780, 43 Howie-glass, the merry jester. ..R 750, 16 Hubert. Abbott A 56, 30 Hubert Ellis. Davenant Duo, 13 Hubert Freeth's prosperity. Crosland C 906, 20 Hubert's wife. Lee L 265, 150 Hudson legends. Irving J 240, 42 Hudson's bay. Ballantyne. . . .B 70, 540 Hugh Bryan ; Irish rebel. . . . H 917, 200 Hugh Crichton's romance. Coleridge C 625, 18 Hugh Darner's last leger. Braddon B 655, 85 Hugh Melton. King K 440, 40 Hugh Worthington. Holmes. H f2o, 38 Hugh's vendetta. Fisher F 324, 50 Hugo Blanc, Griswold G 856, 10 Huguenot. James J 340, 80 Huguenot exiles H 940, 10 Huguenot family. Keddie. . . .K 150,30 Hulda. Stahr S 694, 5 ro Human follies. Noriac N 590, 15 Humming Bird, cruise of the. Hutton H 990, 13 Humorist. Hook H 760, 34 Humorist tales H 947, 400 Humors of Falconbridge. Kelley K 210, 13 Humours of Eutopia H 947, 400 Humphrey Dyot. Greenwood. G 730, ^^ Hunchback of Notre Dame. Hugo H 930, 18 Hungarian brothers. Porter. . .P 660, 32 Hungarian castle. Pardoe P 55, 23 Hungarian tales. Gore G 475, 33 Hungary, tales of. Pulszky . .P 852, 400 Hunted down. Dickens D 420, 80 Hunted to death H 960, 10 Hunter and Tom. Abbott A 56, 32 Hunter's feast. Reid R 300, 69 Hurrah for New England H 975, 10 Hurrah for the holidays. Stein and Koch. S740, 25 Hurree de Fontenay. Tylee. ..T 920, 20 Hurricane hurry. Kingston. . .K 530, 28 Husband hunter. Moriarty..M 844, 15 Husbands and homes. Terhune.T 190, 23 Husks. Terhune T 190, 25 Hutspot. Trower T 750, 19 Hyde Nugent H 990, 600 Hylton house. Scott S 212, 128 Hypatia. Kingsley K512, 17 Hyperion. Longfellow L 820, 1 2 I can because I ought=Margaret Cecil. Bell B 264, 39 I must keep the chimes going J 6, 10 I will be a gentleman. Tuthill.T 880, 26 I will be a sailor. Tuthill T 880, 28 I will be a soldier. Tuthill T 880, 30 Ice bound. Thornbury T 312, 23 Ice king. Laing L 50, 13 Ice maiden. Andersen A615, 210 Icelandic legends. Arnason...A 777,9 Ida Clifford. Montgomery. ..M 774, 150 Ida Craven. Cadell C 3, 300 Ida May. Pike P 462, 23 Ida Norman=Discipline of life. Phelps P 368, 100 Idalia. DeLarame. D 240, 48 Ideal attained. Farnham F 70, 10 Idle excursion. Clemens C 540, 13 Idle hands. Arthur A 796, 56 Idle hours employed J 12, 13 Idleness, or the double lesson. ..J 12, 150 Idleness and industry J 12, 180 42 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Idolatry. Hawthorne H 330, 28 Ierne. Trench T 670, 15 If, yes, and perhaps. Ha'e. . . .H 25, 17 Ike Partington. Shillaber. . . ..S 406, 15 Ildefonzo and Alberoni J 12, 200 Iliad of the east. Richardson . R 418, 300 I'll try. Baker B 39, 32 Illustrations of human life. Ward.Wi 20,60 Illustrations of lying. Opie. . ..O 250, 24 Illustrations of political economy. Martineau M 440, 27 Illustrations of Scripture precepts. Couriard C 825, 50 Im hause des commerzienrathes. John J 720, 7 aL Image of his father. Mayhew.M 515, 26 Immen-see. Storm S 820, 15 Imogen. Holt H 730, n Imogene. Egan E 310, 19 Impending sword. Yates Y 10, 37 Imposter, the v 3. J 35, 25 Improvisatore, the. Andersen. A 615, 212 Impulse and principle. Abbott . . A 2 1 , 5 In a cellar. Spofford S 670, 17 In a crucible. Pugh P 840, 16 In a glass darkly. LeFanu. . . .L 270, 22 In a winter city. DeLarame. ..D 240, 50 in bonds. Preston P 770, 208 In both worlds. Holcombe. . .H 664, 20 In change unchanged. Villari.V 580, 17 In doors and out. Adams A 145, 45 In duty bound J 42, 13 In exile. Stein S 740, 500 In exitu Israel. Baring- Gould.. B 114, 20 In extremes. Greenough G 720, 28 In his name. Hale H 25, 19 In honor bound. Gibbon G 206, 17 In lodgings at Knightsbridge . . .J 42, 180 In paradise. Heyse H525, 410 In quest J 42, 210 In school and out. Adams. . . .A 145, 47 In search of the castaways. Verne. V 380, 63 In silk attire. Black B 450, 808 In that state of life. Aide A- 310, 9 In the Camargue. Bowles B 602, 21 In the days of my youth. Edwards E 210, 20 In the dead of night J 42, 300 In the depths=Ishmael S 620, 58 In the eastern seas. Kingston. .K 530, 30 In the meshes. Duffel D 850, 7 In the midst of the North sea...R 800, 17 In the rapids. Hart H 252, 500 In the rocky mountains K 530, 31 In the wilds of Africa.Kingston.K 530, 32 In the world. Darling D 71, 20 In this world. Collins C 650, 304 In the year '13. Reuter R 350, 16 In trust. Douglas D 742, 15 Ina. Washburn W 1 70, 20 Incas, the. Marmontel M 390, 14 Incidents of real life V 360, 35 Incidents of social life. Zschokke Y350, 35 Independence. Alcott A 380, 19 Independence day J 65, 100 India. Southworth S 620, 56 Indian chief. Aimard A 316, 22 Indian fairy book. Mathews. M 458, 603 Indian revenge. Thompson. . .T 300, 40 Indiana. Dudevant D 842, 27 Inebriate's hut. Southworth. .S 620, 705 Inez. Wilson W 640, 1 7 Infants delight J 70, 200 Infelice. Wilson W 640, 19 Infernal quixote. Lucas L 924, 13 Infidelity. Relf R 320, 19 Influence. Anley A 648, 9 Influence. Brookfield B 810, 20 Influence. MacKarness M 125, 15 Influence— Isabel J 260, 18 Ingemisco. Rodney R 690, 25 Ingenue. Dumas D 884, 69 Inglenook. Carlton C 132, 200 Inglises. Robertson R612, 17 Ingoldsby legends, Barham. . . .B 109, 8 Ingraban. Freytag F 780, 20 Inheritance. Ferrier F 180, 502 Inheritance. Topffer T 540, 300 Initials. Tautphoeus T 100, 19 Injured husband H 364, 200 Injured innocence. McCausland.M 28, 16 Inn kitchen. Irving J 240, 50 Inn of the guardian angel. Segur. S 284, 600 Innisfoyle abbey. Moriarty. . ,M 844, 20 Innkeeper of Andermatt. . .v 2. T 50, 40 Innocent. Oliphant O 170, 60 Innocents from abroad T 60, 500 Inside ; a chronicle of secession. Baker. B 39, 860 Inside out. Francis F 700, 300 Inside the bar. Melville M 560, 45 Instructive rambles. Helme..H44o, 10 Insurgent chief. McHenry. . .M 112, 13 Insurgents J 14°? 2 °° Integrity. Holland H 640, 68 Interpreter. Melville M 560, 38 Interrupted wedding. Manning . M 340, 41 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 43 Into the highways. Davis. . . .D 166, 38 Into the light. Ogden O 120, 13 Inundation. Gore G 475, 35 Invasion. Griffin G 820, 50 Invasion of France in 1814. Frckmann- Chatrian E 620, 19 Involuntary experimentalist, v 12. T 50, 45 Ireland. Martineau M 440, 29 & 38 Ireland in the reign of Elizabeth=Geral- dine of Desmond. G 177, 450 Irene. Baer B 24, 9 Irene. Vingut V 600, 20 Irene Macgillicuddy v 1.T50, 46 Irene of Armonica. Baternan . . B 1 75 , 11 . Irish diamonds. Smith S 558, 875 Irish dragoon=rC. O'Malley . . .L 520, 13 Irish girl. Sedgwick S 254, 32 Irish guardian J 214, 10 Irish heirs. Lover L 890, 28 Irish life. Power P 714, 600 Irish police officer. Curtis. . .C 970, 600 Irish sketch book. Thackeray. .T 200, 73 Irish sketch book of 1842. Thackeray T 200, 92 Irish tales. Banim B 95, 22 8 Irish tourist. Taylor T 128, 150 Irish widow P 640, 15 Irish widow's son. O'Leary. . .O 160, 17 Irishman at home J 214, 150 Irishmen and Irishwomen J 214, 180 Irma. Vetter du Lys V 450, 45 Iron cousin. Clarke. . . , C 510, 9 Iron hand. Dumas D 884, 72 Iron horse. Ballantyne B 70, 543 Iron m»§kI3umas D 884, 73 Iron shroucT Mudford T 50, 45 Iron shroud S 812, 25 Ironthorpe. Trowbridge T 740, 48 Irreconcileable man. Langbein.R 750, 16 Irrelagh J 230, 100 Irvington stories. Dodge. . . .D 545, 105 Is he popenjoy ? Trollope . . . . T 730, 43 Is it true ? Craik C 850, 55 Is that all ? Preston P 770, 20 Isa, a pilgrimage. Chesebro. . .C 335,19 Isa Graeme's world J 260, 100 Isabel, or trials of the heart. . .J 260, 150 Isabel of Bavaria. Dumas. . . .D 884, 75 Isabel, or influence J 260, 180 Isabel, or sicily. Tuckerman. .T 630, 20 Isabel, the young wife. Jeaffreson. J 470, 10 Isabel's secret J 260, 200 Isabella. Carr C 140, 350 Isabella Gray J 260, 225 Isabella Orsini. Guerrazzi G 930,14 Iseulte. Dempster D 290, 210 Ishmael. Southworth S 620, 58 Ishmael the Yezidee. Webb.W 244, 445 Isis. St. John S 40, 30 Island home. Bowman B 608, 354 Island neighbors. Blackwell. . . .B 471, 7 Island of the rainbow. Crosland.C9o6, 25 Island pearl. Farjeon F 62, 25 Isle of Wight. Abbott A 56, 34 Isles of the sea. Adams A 145, 49 Isolina J 260, 400 Isora's child. Alcott A 375, 190 Isoult Barry. Holt H 730, 15 Israel Mort. Saunders S 126, 27 Israel Potter. Melville M 560, 80 It is never too late to mend. Reade. R 208, 30 It is not right. Lamb L 70, 300 It is the fashion. Auer A 912, 10 Italian, the. Radcliffe . .R 16, 18 Italian girl. Washburn W 170^ 25 Italian legends and sketches. Cum- mings . C 936, 300 Italian novelists. Bramieri.\'4. R 750, 19 Italian things as they are. Radcliffe. Italians. Elliott E 415, 400 Itinerant side. Babcock .B 1, 120 Ivan. Emery . E 485, 400 Ivan de Biron. Helps H 444, 35 Ivanhoe. Scott S 2 14, 90 Ivar; or, the Skjuts-boy. Carlen. G 120, 22 Ivors. Sewell S 330, 48 Ivory gates. Guernsey G 915, 407 Iza's story. O'Meara O 225, 300 Jack. Daudet D 94, 10 Jack Adams. Chamier C 213, 11 Jack and the bean-stalk. Thackeray. T 200, 12 Jack and the bean stalk H 615, 415 Jack and the tanner of Wymondham. Manning . . M 340, 43 Jack Ariel J 306, 13 Jack Connor, history of H 615, 410 Jack Datchett, the clerk J 306, 25 Jack Downing's letters. Davis. D 160, 300 Jack Downing's letters. Smith. S 560, 620 Jack Granger's cousin. Mathews. M 460, 80 Jack Hazard. Trowbridge. . . .T 740, 50 Jack Hinton. Lever L 520, 32 Jack Hopeton. Turner T 870, 500 Jack in the forecastle. Sleeper. .S530, 20 Jack Ketch, autobiography of . A 959, 100 Jack Malcolm's log. Chamier. C 213, 13 Jack of all trades. Parker P 75, 34 Jack of all trades. Reade. . . .R 208, 23 44 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Jack of the mill. Howitt. . . .H 860, 92 Jack O'Lantern J 306, 200 Jack Ray. Kidder K 390, 100 Jack Sheppard. Ainsworth. ..A 321, 136 Jack the chimney sweeper. Baker B 39, 34 Jack the conqueror. Bowen. .B 595, 400 Jack Thurlow and I. Russell . . . R 952, 700 Jack Tier. Cooper C 735, 15 Jack's kite. Johnson J 740, 45 Jack's sister. Havers H 322, 13 Jack's ward. Alger, A 475, 20 Jacob Faithful. Marryat M 405, 16 Jacqueline of Holland . Grattan . G 630, 1 9 Jacqueline Thayne's choice==One wo- man's two lovers. Townsend. T610, 49 Jacquerie. James J 340, 82 Jacques Bonneval. Manning. M 340,45 James Gordon's wife. Brock. B 775, 285 James Meetwell, a Scottish merchant. J 3 6o > I2 James Mountjoy. Roe R 712, 27 James Strathgeld, an autobiography. J 3 6o > J 4° James the second. Ainsworth. A 321, 137 Jamie Gordon J 360, 250 Jamie Woodford=Buy an orange sir ? B 998, 900 Jamie Noble J 360, 300 Jamie's Mittens K 370, 17 Jan of the windmill. Ewing. .E820, 13 Jane Bouverie. Sinclair S 486, 25 Jane Eyre. Bronte B 788, 10 Jane Lomax. Smith S 558, 810 Jane Seaton. Grant G 618, 22 Jane Sinclair. Carleton C 128, 25 Jane Talbot., Brown B 840, 13 Janet=Janet Doncaster, F no, 200 Janet Doncaster. Fawcett. . . ,F no, 200 Janet Mowbray. Grautoff. . . .G 640, n Janet Strong. Townsend T 610, 35 Janet's home. Keary K 112 13 Janet's love and service. Robertson. R612, 20 Janita's cross. Tabor T 4, 21 Japhet in search of a father. Marryat. M 405, 18 Jarga 1 . Hugo H 030, 20 Jasmine Leigh. Tytler T 940, 30 Jasper. Abbott A 56, 28 Jaufy the knight v n.G 160, 40 Jealous wife. Pardoe ^55? 2 4 Jealousy=Teverino. Dudevant.D842, 78 Jealousy of the dead. Lozano. V3. R 750, 24 Jeams's diary. Thackeray. .. .T 200, 75 Jean. Newman N 380, 25 Jean Belin. Brehat B 735, 7 Jean Jarousseau—Pastor of the desert. P 3 00 > T 5 Jean Valjean. Hugo H 930, 24 Jeanie's quiet life. Tabor T 4, 23 Jeanne Dupont. Macquoid. . .M 204, 45 Jefferson S. Batkins. Jones. ..J 860, 200 Jehan de Saintre. La Sale. . . . L 140, 15 Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy. . .H 615, 425 Jenny Bell. Fitzgerald F 340, 20 Jenny Carter. Bell . .B 264, 32 Jenny Merton. Robinson. . . . R 625, 88 Jenny Salisbury. Riccoboni. .R 405, 13 Jeremy Levis, sixty years of. . .S 510, 300 Jericho road. Habberton H 4, 20 Jerningham J 585, 200 Jerpoint. Mahony M 252, 405 jerry. Simonds S 475, 18 Jessamine. Terhune T 190, 27 Jessie. Simonds S 475, 20 Jessie Cameron. Butler B 985, 9 Jessie Carlton. Wise W 700, 22 Jessie Gordon J 640, 8 Jessie Trim. Farjeon F 62, 27 Jessie's flirtations. Curtis . . . .C 970, 800 Jessy Allen. Kennedy K 312, 15 Jest book. Lemon L 380, 18 Jesuit. Patrick P 155, 200 Jesuit, the. Spindler S 658, 13 Jesuitism and methodism J 645, 100 Jet ; her face or her fortune. Edwards. E 210, 53 Jettatrice. Craven C 876, 15 Jew, the. Spindler S 658, 15 Jewel of a girl J 650, 200 Jewess, the. Ogden O 120, 13 Jews of Capengate. Quinton. . P 930, 25 Jimmyjohns, the. Diaz D 410, 9 Joan. Broughton B 836, 15 Joan of Arc. Serle S 306, 15 Joanna darling. Townsend. . .T 610, 38 Joanna's inheritance. Marshall. M 420, 18 Job Tufton's rest. Balfour. . . .B 57, 700 Jocelyn's mistake. Spender. .S 646,300 Joe and the Howards. Newhall.N 365,200 Joe Hale's red stockings. Holm. H 712,15 Joe Witless J 705, 100 Joe Wilson's ghost. Banim. . .B 95, 220 Jo's doll. Johnson J 740, 47 Johannes Olaf. Wille W 560, 30 Johannes Schoreel. Pickler. . .B 223, 240 John. Carlen C 1 20, 23 John, a love story. Oliphant. .0 170, 63 John and I. Edwards. ...... .E 224, 38 Philadelphia. Mercantile Library 45 John-a-dreams J 730, 100 John and the demijohn. Wright. W 930, 57 John Andross. Davis. D 184, 14 John at home. Herbert H 482, 500 John Beedle's sleigh ride M 34, 12 John Brent. Winthrop W 690, 28 John Bull. Irving J 240, 50 John Bull, fragments from history of. F 684, 200 John Buncle, Life of. Amory. A 594, 330 John Chinaman. Dalton D 35, 13 John Dane J 730, 150 John de Lancaster. Cumberland. C 932,410 John Doe and Richard Roe. Gould. ..G525, 200 John Dorrien. Kavanagh K 80, 32 John Falk. Ewald E 812, 17 John Gay : Autumn. Abbott. . . A 56, 36 John Gay : Spring. Abbott A 56, 37 John Gay : Summer. Abbott. . ..A 56, 38 John Gay : Winter. Abbott. . . .A 56, 39 John Godfrey's fortune. Taylor.T 130,68 John Godsoe's legacy. Kellogg. .K 230, 36 John Greswold. Clive C 560, 1 1 John Guilderstring's sin. Richards. R412, 15 John Halifax. Craik C 850, 60 John Marston Hall. James. . . .J 340, 88 John Law. Ainsworth A 321, 139 John Jasper's secret. Morford.M 830, 20 John Manesty. Maginn M 244, 15 John Marchmont's legacy.. Braddon. £655,53 John Maribel. Deslonde D 350, 30 John Markenfield. Peacock. .P 238, 100 John Marten. Sherwood S 394, 18 John Milton and his times. Ring. R 534, 400 John Oakley's inheritanee=r=Luck & pluck. Alger A 475, 23 John O'Brien. Roddan R 670, 19 John of England. Curling. . .C 956, 400 John Paul's book. Webb W 244, 20 John Railton. Robson R 640,19 John Rintoul v 11. T 50, 45 John Smith's letters with " picters " to match S 730^ 300 John Thompson, blockhead. Parr. > P 104,72 John True. Abbott v 6. A*56, 28 John Ward's governess. Macgregor. M 105, 18 bhn Whopper the newsboy. Clark. C 470, 800 John Worthington's name. Benedict. B 308,8 Johnnie Dodge. Gardette 057,10 Johnny Ludlow J 730, 500 Johnny McKay J 730, 550 Johnson Manor. Kent K 348, 15 Jolly good times. Smith S 560, 350 Jonas a judge. Abbott . . A 56, 41 Jonas on a farm in summer. Abbott. A56, 4 2 Jonas on a farm in winter. Abbott. A 56,43 Jonas's stories. Abbott A 56,44 Jonathan. Tytler . T 940, 32 Jonathan Wild. Fielding F 256, 13 Jones's Journey to Paris J 865,700 Joseph and his friends. Taylor.. T 130, 70 Joseph Andrews. Fielding. . ..F 256, 13 Joseph Anstey. Henry H 450, 20 Joseph Balsamo=Memoirs of a physician. Dumas D 884,87 Joseph in the snow. Auerbach..A 915, 60 Joseph Noirel's revenge. Cherbuliez. C 3 2 5> 1 3 Joseph II and his court. Mundt.M 922, 39 Joseph the Jew. Johnson J 740, 50 Josh Billings: hissayings. Shaw.S 356, 18 Josh Billings on ice. Shaw. . . .S 356, 20 Joshua Davidson. Linton L 675, 27 Joshua Haggard's daughter. Braddon. , B6 55 , 5 8 Joshua Marvel, tarjeon. ...... .F 62, 30 Josiah Allen's wife. Holley. ..H 702, 12 Josiah Allen's wife as a P. A and P. J. Holley H 702, 9 Journal of a waiting gentlewoman. J 880, 200 Journey round my room. Maistre. M 267, 500 Journey to the centre of the earth. Verne. V 380, 42 Journey to the north pole. Verne. v 3 8 °> 44 Journey to the world underground. Holberg H 660, 100 Jovinian. Kingston K 530, 34 Joy after sorrow. Riddell R 440, 30 Joys and sorrows of home. Leland. L 360, 13 Judah's lion. Tonna T 520, 33 Judge Barnard's infantry. Noble. N520, i& Judge Justin. Abbott A 56, 28 Judge not. Sheppard S 383, 250 Judges pets. Johnson J 735, 200 • 4 6 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Judge's sons. Kendall K 305 , 200 jug-or-not. Wright W 930, 59 " Julia, the " Homblower. .H 804, 500 Julia deRoubigne. Mackenzie.. M 152, 405 Julia Reid. Alden A 412, 215 Julia Tremaine J 950, 200 Julian; or, scenes in Judea. Ware. W 134, 35 Julian Home. Farrer F 84, 13 Julie ; or, love and duty. Carlen. C 120, 24 Julienne. Normand N 600, 125 Juliet's guardian. Cameron C 34, 15 Juliette. Baker B 39, 36 Julie Arnouf. Webb W 244, 447 Julius. Tcepffer and Zschokke . . T 495 ,310 Julius the street boy. Alger. . .A 475, 21 Jumping frog. Clemens C 540, 8 Junior clerk. Hodder H 624, n Juno and Georgie. Abbott A 56, 46 Juno on a journey. Abbott. . . .A 56, 47 Jupiter's daughters. Jenkin J 560, 8 Just his luck J 965 , 80 Just married=Tom's wife T 60, 525 Justin Harley. Cooke C 730, 22 Justine's lovers J 965, 400 Justo Ucundono. Philalethes. .J 965, 600 Juthoo and his Sunday school. .J 970, 200 Juvenile days. Howitt H 860, 39 Juvenile keepsake J 975, 300 K. N. Pepper, and other condiments. Morris M 866, 17 Kaboosa. Snelling S 590, 20 Kalid and Kittie. Putnam P 880, 17 Kaloolah. Mayo M 522, 605 Kangaroo hunters. Bowman. ..B 608, 17 Karl Krinken. Warner W 150, 120 Kate Aylesford. Peterson P 350, 19 Kate Beaumont. De Forest. . .D 215, 40 Kate Byrne. Taylor T 130, 400 Kate Carlton. Wise W 700, 25 Kate Clarendon. Bennett. . . .B322, 180 Kate Coventry. Melville M 560, 40 Kate Danton. Fleming F 360, 38 Kate Devereux K40, 9 Kate Kennedy. Newby. . ■ . . . .N 344, 15 Kate Marstone K 40, 130 Kate O'Donohue. Lever L 520, 34 Kate Savage. Ford F 555,. 19 Kate Vinton. McKeever M 140, 57 Kate Weathers. Vaughan V 300, 15 Kate Weston. DeWitt D 372, 170 Katerfelto. Melville M 560, 42 Katharine Ashton. Sewell S 330, 50 Katharine Walton. Simms. . . .S 470, 54 Katherine and her sisters. Ponsonby P625, 16 Katherine Douglass. Coppard.C 745, 700 Katherine Earle. Trafton T 620, 19 Katherine Morris. Pike P 460, 19 Katherine Randolph=Self devotion. C 44, 125 Kathie Brande. Parr P 104, 30 Kathie's harvest days. Douglas. D 742, 19 Kathie's summer. Douglas. . ..D 742, 20 Kathleen K 40, 200 Kathleen. Burnett B 958, 310 Katie Johnstones cross K 40, 230 Katie Lawford's victory K 40, 250 Katie Seymour K 40, 280 Katie Stewart. Oliphant O 170, 65 Katie's work. Marshall M 420, 20 Katy and Jim. Mathews M 460, 85 Katy's Christmas. Johnson. . . .J 740, 55 Kavanagh. Longfellow L 820, 15 Keep a good heart. K 180, 100 Keeper's travels K 180, 200 Keeping house. Hale H 30, 505 Keeping up appearances. Arthur A 796, 58 Keightley hall. King K 435, 600 Kellys and O'Kellys. Trollope.T 730, 44 Kemptons, the K 295, 300 Kenelm Chillingly. Bulwer. ...B 904, 40 Kenilworth. Scott S 214, 94 Kenneth Forbes K 320, 15 Kenneth my king. Brock B 780, 13 Kenneth, the rear guard. Yonge. Y 100, 50 Kennett, story of. Taylor. . ..T 130, 72 Kenny. Taylor T 128, 410 Kentucky's love. King K 435, 610 Kester's evil eye v 3. N 670, 100 Kettle club K 370, 17 Khan's tale. Fraser F 732, 13 Kiana. Jarves J 435, 200 Kilcarran=Lil. Fetherstonhaugh. F 185, 200 Kihneny. Black B 450, 812 Kilrogan cottage. Despard. .D 350, 455 Kilverstone castle K 410, 18 King and countess. Fullom...F 712, 15 King and the minister. Reyes. R 750, 24 King and the cloister. Stewart. S 770, 305 King Arthur, Legends of D 312, 250 King Arthur and Knights of the Round table. Malory M 290, 30 King Bronde. Dias D 410, 11 King ' ' by the grace of God." Rodenberg. R675, 3°o Philadelphia Mercantile Library 47 King George's middy. Gilbert . G 230, 1 8 King of no-land. Farjeon F 62, 35 King of the golden river. Ruskin. R 945> 3°° King of the Hurons. Myers. .M 960, 28 King of the mountains. About. .A 81, 4 King Veric. Tupper S 320, 300 King's Baynard. Gifford. . . . .G 216, 29 King's beeches. Mackenna. . .M 148, 22 King's cope. Wallace W 50, 8 King's daughter. Alden A 412, 218 King's highway. James J 340, 84 King's mail. Holl H 676, 12 King's own. Marryat M 405, 20 Kingdom of Judah. Warner.. W 150, 64 Kingsconnell. Gordon G 460, 800 Kismet. Fletcher F 370, 600 Kissing the rod. Yates. . Y 10, 39 Kit Barn's adventures. Clarke . C 5 10, 11 Kit Kelvin's Kernel.. Canning. C 64, 200 Kitty. Edwards E 224, 40 Kitty Bourne K 704, 20 Kitty Brown. Phelps P 370, 16 Kitty Trevylan. Charles C 248, 24 Kitty's choice. Davis D 184, 16 Kitty's rival. Mostyn M 878, 17 Klosterheim. De Quincey. . .D 315, 200 Knave of hearts=Riddles of love. Blanchard B 489, 330 Knave of hearts. Hall. H 50, 100 Knaves and fools. Whitty. . . . W 436, 1 7 Knickerbocker sketch book. Clark. C 470, 400 Knickerbocker's New York. Irving. • J 240, 39 Knight of Gwynne. Lever. ...L 520, 36 Knight of Mauleon=Iron hand. Dumas. D 884, 72 Knight of the conquest=Calavar. Bird. B436, 3°4 Knight of the golden melice. Adams. A 121, 70 Knight of the nineteenth century. Roe. R 712, 77 Knight of the sheep. Griffin . . G 820, 45 Knight of to-day. Meade. . . .M 530, 18 Knights of the red cross. Shields. S 400, 20 Knights of the round table. Malory. M 290, 30 Knights of the Swan. Genlis. .G I60, 10 Knitting sale socks. Spofford. .S 670, 17 Knitting work. . Shillaber S 406, j 7 Know nothing K 810, 20 Known too late. Taylor T 128, 2.05 Kobbotozo. Cranch C 872, 4 Koningsmarke. Paulding P 205, 38 Krilof and his fables. Ralston. .R 50, 14 Kuzzilbash K 920, 15 L- family in Washington L 4, 5 La Beata. Trollope T 730, 625 Labor and live. Elliott E 420, 300 Labor and love L 10, 17 Labour stands on golden feet. Zschokke. Y 35°> 39 Labours of Hercules L21, 200 La Bruyere the less. Genlis. . .G 160, 15 Laconia. Scribner S 218, 140 Lacy diamonds. Coulson C 820, 23 Ladder of gold. Bell B 264, 485 Ladder of life. Edwards E 210, 30 Ladies of Beverhollow. Manning. M340, 47 Ladies of Lovel-Leigh. Marsh. M 410, 60 Lady Alice. Huntington H 970, 19 Lady Alice. Marshall M 420, 22 Lady Annabel* Stewart S 770, 308 Lady Anna. Trollope T 730, 46 Lady and priest. Maberly M 4, 18 Lady Ashleigh. Smith. . . . . . .S 528, 925 Lady Audley's secret. Braddon. B 655, 60 Lady Barton, history of. Griffith. G 830, 200 Lady Bell. Keddie K 150, 35 Lady Betty. Coleridge C 625, 20 Lady Betty's governess. Guernsey. G 918, 44 Lady bird. Fullerton F 868, 35 Lady Chesterfield's letters. Sala.S6o, 28 Lady Elizabeth Hill. Engel.\ r 4. R 750,16 Lady Ernestine. Warfield. . . .W 140, 32 Lady Green-satin. Chesney. .C 340, 450 Lady Hester. Yonge Y 100, 53 Lady Hetty L 32, 17 Lady in her own right. Marston. •••■• M 426, 13 Lady Julia Mandeville, history of. H 615, 450 Lady Judith. McCarthy M 22, 39 I^ady Lee's widowhood. Hamley. . H 112, 25 Lady Leighton. Gore G 475, 39 Lady Lisle. Braddon B 655, 63 Lady Livingston's legacy L 32, 190 Lady Louise. Clarges C 450, 200 Lady Mary. Taylor T no, 18 Lady Maud. Egan E 310, 23 Lady Moretonn's daughter. Eiloart E 350, 48 4 8 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Lady of Launay. Trollope. . ..T 730, 47 Lady of Lyndon. Blake B 484, 5 Lady of Milan. Thomson. . . .T 363, 16 Lady of Provence. Tucker. . .T 820, 39 Lady of the ice. De Mille. . . .D 275, 60 Lady of the isle. Southworth. .S 620, 60 Lady of the manor of Topcroft.L 32, 220 Lady of Winburne. King. . . .K 435, 25 Lady Rosamond's book. Guernsey. G918, 13 Lady Sefton's pride. Russell. .R 950, 22 Lady Silverdale's sweetheart. Black. B450, 814 Lady Superior. Pollard P 608, 18 Lady Sweetapple. Dasent D 88, 15 Lady's gift. Stanford S 700, 18 Lady's mile. Braddon B 655, 67 Lady's palfrey. Langbein.v4. R 750, 16 Laicus. Abbott A 62, 20 Laird of Norlaw. Oliphant. . .O 170, 67 Lake breezes. Adams A 145, 50 Lake-house. Stahr ?. .S 694, 512 Lakeshore. Souvestre ....... .S 626, 23 Lakeville. Healy H 404, 20 Lame Letty L 75, 200 Lamplighter. Cummins C 940, 19 Lamplighter's story. Dickens.. D 420, 45 Lancashire collier girl H 612, 35 Lancashire witches. Ainsworth.A 321, 142 Lances of Lin wood. Yonge. . . Y 100, 55 Land ahead. Fenn F 172, 450 Land and sea tales. Barker. . .B 118, 100 Land at last. Yates Y 10, 42 Land of the Behemoth. Verne . V 380, 1 8 Land of Kelt L 90, 15 Land of the sky. Fisher F 324, 33 Landhaus am Rhein. Auerbach. A 915, 90 Landlord of "The Sun." Gilbert G 230, 21 Landolin. Auerbach A 915, 65 Laneton parsonage. Sewell S 330, 54 Langham revels. Guernsey. . . .G 918, 46 Langley manor. Nevvby N 344, 19 Lapsed but not lost. Charles. .C 248, 32 Lapstone. Abbott v 10. A 56, 28 L'arrabiata and other tales. Heyse. H 525^405 Lascine. Youngman Y 1 75, 300 Last Athenian. Rydberg R 980, 25 Last baron of Crana. Banim. . . .B 95, 20 Last chronicle of Barset. Trollope. T 730, 45 Last days of a king.Hartmann.H 260, 300 Last days of Jerusalem. LaGrange.L 45, 300 Last days of Lee C 730, 30 Last days of Pompeii. Bulwer...B 904, 43 Last Ducherne. Burnett B 958, 12 Last earl of Desmond. Gibson. G 214, 75 Last house in C — street. Craik.C 850, 77 Last in the lease. Hall S 320, 30 Last inhabitants L 150, 150 Last king of Ulster L 150, 180 Last lord of the manor. Lavergne. L 204, 13 Last of his name. Perce P 320, 13 Last of the barons. Bulwer B 904, 44 Last of the cavaliers. Piddington.P 452, 305 Last of the Corbes. Wright. . . W 928, 600 Last of the Florida. Hale H 25, 17 Last of the foresters. Cooke. ..C 730, 25 Last of the Haddons. Newman. N 380, 27 Last of the Incas. Aimard. .. .A 316, 26 Last of the Mohicans. Cooper.C 735, 16 Last of the Mortimers. Oliphant.O 170, 69 Last of the old squires. Warter.W 165, 300 Last of the O'Mahony's L 150, 220 Last of the Plantagentes. Dasent. D 88, 18 Last of the Saxons L 150, 240 Last peer L 150, 260 Last penny. Arthur A 796, 60 Last Sunday-school lesson L 150, 280 Last voyage of the Resolute H 25, 17 Late for the train vol. 3..T 50, 46 Late laurels L 160, 13 Later years. Prime P 800, 16 Laughable stratagems L 180, 11 Laura and Lucy. Adams A 105, 6 Laura Clifford. Chase C 270, 26 Laura Erie L 185, 100 Laure; history of a blighted life.L 185,300 Laurel bush. Craik C 850, 68 Laurentia. Fullerton F 868, 40 Laurringtons. Trollope T 730, 1 10 Lavengro. Borrow B 550,9 Lavinia=One year. Carlen...C 120, 29 Lavinia. Ruffini R 900, 2 4 Law and the lady. Collins. . . .C 660, 45 Law unto herself. Davis D 184, 20 Lawrence's adventures. Trowbridge. T 74o,5i Lawrences. Turnbull T 860, 19 Lawrie Todd. Gait G 30, 35 Lawyer. Tuthill T 880, 44 Lawyer's in love. Neale N 180, 700 Lawyer's secret. Braddon B 655, 70 Lawyer's story. Maitland. . . .M 270, 26 Layman's story. Abbott A 62, 25 Lazarillo de Tormes. Mendoz.M 575, 20 Lazaro's legacy Hamley T 50, 45 Lazy tour of two idle apprentices. v 6. N 670, 100 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 49 Leaf from a drama=All wrong. Griffin. ... G 817, 10 Leaf in the storm. DeLarame.D 240, 58 Leah. Edwards £210,58 Leah Mordecai. , Abbott A 21, 50 Learn Dundas. .Linton L 675, 9 Lear of the steppe. TurgenerT..T 854, 828 Leather stocking and silk Cooke.C 730, 28 Leaves from a bachelor's book of life. Copcutt C 745, 20 Leaves from a family journal. Souvestre. S 626, 25 Leaves from a lost diary. Edwards. B 224,45 Leaves from Margaret Smith's journal. Whittier W 428, 305 Leaves from Sherwood forest. Phillips.. P 400, 508 Leaves from the '? Ave Maria. "=:Beauties of faith B 223, 230 Leaves from the book of human life. Arthur. A 796, 63 Leaves from the tree. Russell. R 952, 100 Le Bleuet=Renee and Franz. Fould. F 645, 20 Lebrun's lawsuit T 50, 45 Led astray. Feuillet F 208, 20 Led to the light. Uenison. . ..D 304, 70 Left, and never called for. . . .N 670, 100 Left on Labrador. Stephens.. S 746, 220 Left to herself. Stabler S 692, 400 Left to themselves. Smythies. .S 580, 38 Legend of Aubergne L 195, 100 Legend of Buddha. Beal B 205, 10 Legend of Dundrum castle L 312, 9 Legend of Gibraltar. Hamley vol.i T 50, 45 Legend of Montrose. Scott. . . .S 214, 96 Legend of my native town. . . . N 670, 100 Legend of Panama. Kingston. K 530, 52 Legend of sleepy hollow. Irving.. J 240, 50 Legend of the Rhine. Thackeray.. T 200, 48 Legendary fictions of Irish Celts. Ken- nedy K 315, 408 Legendary tales of the highlands. Lauder L 175, 200 Legends and records. Tayler. .T no, 20 legends and stories of Ireland. Lover. L 890, 20 Legends and traditionary stories. L 312,150 Legends from the Ramayana. Rich- ardson R # 42o, 30 Legends of Brittany. Souvestre. S 626, 28 Legends of Charlemagne. Bulfinch. B 890, 720 Legends of Connaught L 312, 200 Legends of fairy land. Bache. . .B 10, 8 Legends of King Arthur L 312, 250 Legends of my native town. N. & T. ,v 7. N 670, 100 Legends of New England. Gill. G 25 1,200 Legends of Number Nip. Lemon. L 380, 17 Legends of Rubezahl . Musaus . M 944, 1 5 Legends of savage life. Greenwood. G 73°, 35 Legends of the American revolution. L 712, 10 Legends of the Cheviots. Maxwell. • M 490, 38 Legends of the conquest of Spain. Irving J 240, 46 Legends of the flowers. Pindar . P 480, 19 Legends of the lakes. Croker.C 894, 15 Legends of the lintel. Dendy.D 300, 250 Legends of the Missouri. Hopewell. ••• H 795, i° Legends of the Waldenses. Windle. W660, 18 Legends of the wars in Ireland. Joyce. J 908, 10 Legends of the west. Hall . . . H 50, 300 Legends of Westmoreland=Once a year. C 560, 40 Legends of the White mountain. Scribner. S218, 140 Leighton court. Kingsley. . .K 512, 323 Leila at home. Tytler T 938, 52 Leila in England. Tytler T 938, 51 Leila ; or the island. Tytler. .T 938, 50 Leila; or the siege of Granada. Bulwer. B 904, 46 Lena, the silent woman. Wallace. W 50, 10 Lena Cameron. Grey G 775, 38 Lena Rivers. Holmes H 720, 40 Leoni Leoti. Bennett. B 322, 184 Leo. Cook C 715, 23 Leonard and Gertrude L 430, 10 Leonard and Margaret. Dudevatit. . . . ... . .D 824; 17 Leonora. Edgevvorth. ...... .E 160; 34 Leonora Casaloni. Trollope.T 730, 628 Leonora D'Orco. James J 340,86 Lescar, the Universalist. Grant. G 618, 215 Leslie Tyrrel. Craik. ....... C 860, 25 Less black than we,re painted. Sauzade. S 140, 50 Lessons for children. Barbauld.B 106, 5 Lessons in life. Arthur A 796, 65 Letta, the beggar girl=tSta!e bread. S 694, 20 Letter and the spirit . . . .L 502, 10 5° Philadelphia Mercantile Library Letter-bag of the great western. Hali- burton.. H 38, 13 Letters for literary ladies. Edgeworth. . E 160, 32 Letters from Altamont. Jenner. J 570,200 Letters from Mrs. Palmerstone. Hunter. H 965, TOO Letters of a young Irishwoman. L 502, 300 Letters of an Italian nun. Rousseau. , R 850, 20 Letters of J. Downing, major. Davis. D 160, 300 Letters of Major Jack Downing . S 560, 620 Lettice Eden. Holt H 730, 16 Lettice Lisle. Verney .V 390, 12 Letty's tramp. Alcott A 380, 19 Lewis Arundel. Smedley S 554, 25 Leyton Hall. Lemon L 380, 19 Liberators of Holland. Charles. C 248, 35 Liberia. Hale H 30, 510 Liberty tree. Hawthorne. . . .H 330, 47 Lichtenstein. Hauff. . . H 302, 18 Lichtensteins, the. Velde.v 2. V 330, 85 Lieutenant Messinger. Dennison. D 304, 72 Life and adventures of a country mer- chant. Jones J 860, 35 Life and adventures of an unfortunate author . L 612, 5 Life and adventures of common sense. L 612, 7 Life and adventures of Buscon, the witty Spaniard. Quevedo P 920, 16 Life and adventures of G. B. F. Bloom- fleld L612, 80 Life and adventures of Paul Plaintive. Mudford M 902, 10 Life and adventures of James Kelly O'Dwyer L 612, 90 Life and adventures of Sapskull L 612,100 Life and adventures of Socivizca. L 612, 120 Life and alone . . . . , L 612, no Life and achievements of Rob Roy Mac- gregor L 612, 120 Life and death L 612, 130 Life and history of a pilgrim. Wollas- ton W 746, 18 Life and its aims L612, 150 Life and its lessons. Hubback.H 904, 15 Life and its possibilities. Fitch. .F 330, 7 Life and opinions of Sir Richard Mai- bavers. Dillon D 470, 20 Life and reflections of Charles Observator Sabin S8,2 5 Life and times of Dick Whittington. L612, 180 Life at a northern university. Maclean. M 172, 600 Life before him L 612, 200 Life boat. Ballantyne B 70, 545 Life, extraordinary adventures, etc., of Capt. Neville Frowde L 612, 210 Life for a life. Craik C 850, 70 Life guardsman. Walmsley. . . . W 60, 30 Life here and there. Willis. .W 600, 28 Life in America= Wigwam and cabin. Simms S 470, 72 Life in Dalecarlia. Bremer.. . .B 740, 15 Life in Judea. Richards R412. 30 Life in narrow streets. Thompson. T 3°°> 45° Life in prairie land. Farnham. . F 70, 15 Life in the cloister L 612, 220 Life in the East Indies. Thomes.T 290, 23 Life in the factory=Up hill. . . .V 80, 30 Life in the west. Meeker M 536, 20 Life in the west ; or Moreton family. L 612, 250 Life in the wilds. Martineau.v i.M 440,38 Life in varied phases. Laing. . .L 50, 20 Life in Washington. Windle..W 660, 25 Life of A. Clenning. Flint. . . .F 412, 30 Life of a dragon fly. Dowling. D 765, 200 Life of a sailor. Chamier C 213, 20 Life of Jefferson Batkins.Jones. .J 860, 200 Life of John Buncle. Amory, .A 594, 330 Life of Mansie Wauch. Moir.M 752, 12 Life of Mr. Duncan Campbell. DeFoe. D 215, 18 Life of Mrs. C. Davies. DeFoe. D 215, 15 Life of Paddy O'Flarrity L 612, 320 Life of whitenose woodchuck..L 612, 340 Life on the circuit=Together. Boyd. B 630, 315 Life pictures. Arthur A 796, 67 Life pictures ; or by-gone scenes. L 612, 360 Life-problems=Margarethe. Juncker. J 955; 200 Life scenes in the old North State=Eye witness E 838, 200 Life sketches. Dumont D 892, 13 Life struggle. Pardoe ^55* 29 Life's aftermath. Marshall. . .M 420, 23 Life's assize. Riddell R 44°» 33 Life's discipline. Robinson. .R 627, 710 Life's lesson L 612, 380 Life's lessons. Gore. ....... .G 475, 41. Life's lottery=Life and itsaims.L 612,150 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 5 1 Life's progress L 612, 400 Life's promise to pay. Conway.C 706, 12 Life's secret. Wood W 770, 70 Life scenes in our village. Tyler. T 940, 575 Life's voyage. Daryl D 71, 305 Life's work as it is L 61 2, 420 Liffith Lank. Webb. . W 244, 22 Lifting the veil. MacLain. . . .M 170, 18 Light. Stryker S 885, 200 Light and darkness. Crowe. .C 910, 300 Light and shade. Baker B 39, 38 Light and shade. Drury D 821, 23 Light from the catacombs=Stars in a stormy night S 712, 15 Light from the cross. Lawrence. L225 ,10 Light on shadowed paths. Arthur. • -A 796, 69 Light through the clouds L 620, 80 Lightning express. Adams . . . . A 1 45 , 5 1 Like and unlike. Roe . .R 712, 29 Lights and shadows. Arthur. .A 796, 72 Lights and shadows of a pastor's life. Elliott E 420, 600 Lights and shadows of domestic life L 620, 300 Lights and shadows of English life. L 620, 310 Lights and shadows of Irish life. Hall. H56, 30 Lights and shadows of London life. Sauzade S 1 40, 5 1 Lights and shadows of Scottish life. Wil- son W 640, 665 Lights and shadows of Southern life. Peacock. . .'.' P 240, 35 Like father like son=Bred in the bone. Sauzade S 140, 22 Like unto like. Bonner B 541, 200 Lil. Fetherstonhaugh F 185, 200 Lili, the doctor's daughter. Bruce. B 860, 300 Lilian. Greenough G 720, 100 Lilian. Finley F 312, 14 Lilian Dalzell L 630, 13 Lilies from Lebanon. Graham . G 5 76,400 Lilies or thistledown. Mathews. M 460, 90 Lillian. Shrimpton S 420, 20 Lillian Gordon. Graham G 580, 50 Lillian's child L 630, 20 Lillian's golden hours. Meteyard. • M 636, 25 Lilian's penance L 630, 40 Lillieslea. Howitt H 860, 43 Lilliesleaf. Oliphant O 170, 72 Lillingstones of Lillingstone. Worboise. . W 850, 23 Lilliput, a new journey, L 633, 100 Lilliput lectures. Rands R 95, 400 Lilliput legends. Rands R 95, 402 Lily Gordon. Bell B 264, 35 Lily. King K 435, 704 Lily among flowers L 636, 200 Lily among thorns. Marshall. .M 420, 25 Lily and the cross. De Mille. .D 275, 65 Lily and the rose. Harwood.H 270, 300 Lily and the totem. Simms. . .S 470, 56 Lily Dawson. Crowe C 910, 310 Lily Huson. Gray G 655, 12 Lily of San Miniato. Hamilton. H 90, 34 Lily White. Goodwin G 448, 13 Lina Fernie v 10. N 670, 100 Linda ; or, the young pilot. Hentz. , H470, 25 Linda Tressell L 640, 1 2 Lindisfarn chase. Trollope. . .T 730,630 Linesman. Napier N 104, 200 Linked at last. Bunnett B 930, 205 Linked lives. Douglass D 742, 400 Links in Rebecca's life. Alden.A 412, 220 Linley Rochford. McCarthy. .M 22, 42 Linnet's trial. Smedley S 554, 348 Linny Lockwood. Crowe. . .C 910, 305 Linside farm. Moore M 790, 550 Linwood L 690, 10 Lion Ben of Elm island. Kellogg. ; K 2 3°> 40 Lion in the path. Saunders. . . .S 126, 30 Lion Jack. Barnum B 127, 530 Lion of Flanders. Conscience. C 700, 13 Lion's skin. Bernard. B 341, 260 Lionel Lincoln. Cooper C 735, 18 Lionel's revenge. Engelbach..E 530, 20 Liquidated. Lindau L 640, 154 Lisabee's love story. Edwards . E 224, 42 Lisette's castles in the air. Hoist. v 3. D41, 20 Lisette's venture. Gray G 660, 35 Lisimore. Crawford C 884, 15 Literary leisure L 730, 12 Literature on foot=My satchel and I. S718, 300 Little Alice. Soule S 612, 19 Little Agnes L 742, 10 Little barefoot. Auerbach. . . . A 915, 32 Little beauty. Grey G 775, 42 Little Ben. Bruce B 860, 510 Little Bessie, and how she kept the wolf from the door. L 742, 12 52 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Little Bessie. Franklin F 720, 17 Little Bobtail. Adams A 145, 53 Little Bo-Peep. ........ C 202, 2? Little boy's story. Gouraud. . .G 552, 12 Little Britain. Irving J 240, 50 Little brother. Ludlow L 940, 13 Little brothers and sisters. Marshall. M 420, 2 7 Little by little. Adams A 1 45 , 5 5 Little camp. Warner W 150, 65 Little child's pictures. L 742, 15 Little coin much care. Howitt.H 860, 44 Little Constancy's birthday. . .N 670, 100 Little dinner at Timmin's. Thackeray. T 200, 90 Little Don Quixote L 742, 1 7 Little Dorrit. Dickens D 420, 48 Little Duke. Yonge Y 100, 60 Little Ellie. Anderson A6i5,2i5 Little Fadette—Fanchon the cricket. Dudevant. .D 842, 19 Little folk life. Dodge D 540, 18 Little folks' letters. Emerson.. E 480, 300 Little Frank. . . . L 742, 19 Little friends at Glenwood. Mathews. M460, 39 Little gentleman in green. Hepworth. H 474, 13 Little girls' treasury. Brooks. . .B 814, 5 Little good-for-nothing. Daudet.D 94, 12 Little Gordon. Church C 410, 45 Little Guzzy. Habberton H 4, 22 Little gypsey. Sauvage' S 134, 17 Little Henry. Sherwood 8394,23 Little Hodge. Jenkins 1565,310 Little Huguenot v 7. N 670, 100 Little Jack, history of. Day. . .D 188, 37 Little Jakey. DeKroyft D 224, 75 Little Jehan de Saintre LaSale..L 140, 15 Little Joanna. Bellamy .B 273, 30 Little Joseph L 742, 21 Little Kate Kirby. Robinson.. R 625, 44 Little Kitty Brown. ... i ..... .L 742, 23 Little Leaven. Walker W 28, 405 Little lights alcng shore. Cobden . C 585 , 1 5 Little Louvre. Abbott v. 2 A 56, 28 Little Lucy's wonderful globe. Yonge. Y 100, 63 Little maid of Oxbow. NowelL.N 710, 23 little Mary. Phelps P 370, 18 Little men. Alcott A 380,8 Little messenger birds. Laing. . .L 50, 22 Little mill dam L 742, 27 Little mittens. Barrow, B 151, 11 Little Moorland princess. John.. J 720, 20 Little Mr. Bouncer. Bradley. .B 665, 15 Little Nan. Parr P 104, 67 Little Nell. Dickens. . D 420, 049 Little nineteenth century child. Seguin. S 284, 190 Little Paul. Abbott v. 12. A 56, 28 Little Paul. Dickens D 420, 49 Little Pedlington. Poole P 634, 20 Little Pierre L 742, 29 Liitle Priest. Breed B 730, 900 Little princess Navina L 742, 31 Little queen=Silent and true. Fleming. F3 6o > 55 Little ragamuffin. Greenwood.G 730, 38 Little rebel . . L 742, 33 Little red cloak. Bruce B 860, 512 Little savage. Marryat M 405, 21 Little scholars. Thackeray. . . .T 200, 33 Little Spaniard. Nowell N 710, 28 Little story-teller L 742, 35 Little sunshines holiday. Craik.C 850, 74 Little tales on great truths. Johnson. J 74o, 60 Little travels and roadside sketches. Thackeray T 200, 92 Little Walter's stories. Autumn. L 742, 37 Little Walter's stories. Spring. .L 742,38 Little Walter's stories. Summer. L 742, 39 Little Walter's stories. Winter. .L 742,40 Little wanderers. Wilberforce.W 510, 220 Little Wanderlin. Keary .K 112,32 Little Wide-awake. Barker B 118, 6 Little wife. Grey G 775, 44 Little women. Alcott A 380, 10 Little word no. Grosvenor G 870, 17 Little words L 742, 42 Live and learn. Baker . .B 39, 40 Live it down. Jeaffreson J 470, 13 Livelies, the Kellogg K 230, 800 Living link. DeMille D 275, 70 Living too fast. Adams A 145, 56 Livonian tales L 760, 13 Liza. Turgeneff T 854, 318 Lizzie Glenn. Arthur A 796, 75 Lizzie Leigh. Gaskell G 108, ^^ 'Lizzie Lorton Linton L 675, 18 Llanaly reefs. Verney V 390, 15 Lloyd Pennant. Neville N 325, 500 Lodore. Shelley S 370, 256 Lofty and lowly. Mcintosh . . . M 120, 22 Log of Com. Rollingpin C 140, 800 Log of the Arethusa. Macy. .M 212, 600 Log of the Fortuna. Lindley..L 655, 20 Loig Mead L 806, 2o Q Lois the witch. Gaskell ...... G 108, ^ 5 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 53 Lola. Griffiths G 835, 40 Lolly Dinks's doings. Stoddard.S 800, 17 London and its eccentricities. Banim. B95, 231 London antiques. Irving J 240, 50 London apprentice L 612, 120 London detective, autobiography of. Waters W 180, 15 London medical student. Smith. S 558, 17 London nights' entertainment. Ritchie. R 540,43 London's heart. Farjeon F 62, 39 Lone ranche. Reid R 300, 72 Lonely Carlotta. Bewick. . .B 403, 300 Lonely life. Blythe B 507, 300 Lonely ones. Heyse J 720, 22 Long ago. Cragin C 845,400 Long holidays. Ford F 555, 600 Long look house. Abbott A 51, 15 Long look ahead. Roe R 712, 32 Long summer's day. Simpson.S 482, 400 Long time ago. Orred O 320, 17 Longwoods of the Grange. Marsh. M 410, 25 Lonz Powers. Weir W 280, 15 Look to the end. Ellis E 430, 32 Look up L 825, 14 Looking around. Roe R 712, 35 Looking at life. Sala S 60, 32 Looking-glass for the mind. . ..L 825, 300 Loom and the lugger. Martineau. v 5. M440, 38 Lord and Lady Harcourt. Sinclair. S486, 27 Lord and master=Fettered for life. Blake. B 484, 426 Lord Bantam. Jenkins 1565,312 Lord Castleton's ward. Green. G 708, 20 Lord Erlistoun. Craik C 850, 77 Lord Falconberg's heir. Clarke. C 502, 18 Lord Fitzwarine. Horlock. ...H 804, 15 Lord Hope's choice. Stephens. S 746, 28 Lord Kilgobbin. Lever L 520, 38 Lord Latimer. Ponsonby P 625, 23 Lord Mayor of London. Ainsworth. • A 321, 143 Lord Montague's page. James. J 340,. 90 Lord Oakburn's daughters. Wood. W 770, 72 Lord of himself. Underwood . # .V 60, 20 Lord Roldan. Cunningham. ..C 944, 50 Lord Ulswater. Harwood. ..H 270, 610 Lord will provide. Randolph. R 82, 500 Lords and ladies. Marsh M 410, 62 Lords of Erith. Manners. ... M 325, 15 t/- Lorenzo Benoni. Ruffini R 900, Lorgnette. Mitchell M 720, Lorley and Reinhard. Auerbach. .. A 9 t 5 , 28 32 70 77 28 '5 75 Lorna Doone. Blackmore. . ,B 468, 420 Lorrimer Littlegood. Smedley.S 554, 28 Losing game, the. Russell. . .R 952, 150 Losing to win. Davies D 136, 200 Loss and gain. Haven H 314, 19 Loss and gain. Dunning D 925, 48 Loss and gain. Newmaii. . . .N 378, 505 Lost Alice v 8. N 670, 100 Lost among the wild men. Dalton. ••"• • D35, 15 Lost and saved. Norton N 640, 12 Lost and won. Craik C 860, 28 Lost and won=Two wives. Arthur. • • A 796, 147 Lost bank note. W r ood W 770, 74 Lost bride. Chatterton C 290, 5 10 Lost brooch L 835, 10 Lost children. Arthur A 796, Lost daughter. Hentz. H 470, Lost dispatch. Friedrich F 810, Lost for love. Braddon B 655, Lost heir of Linlithgow. South worth. S 620, 62 Lost heiress. Southworth S 620, 64 Lost in the fog. De Mille. . . .D 275, 75 Lost Lenore. Reid. R 300, 75 Lost life. Moore. . .M 790, 250 Lost light 1-835,15 Lost lilies. Marshall. M 420, 12 Lost love L 835, 18 Lost model. Hooper H 775, 15 Lost name. Le Fanu I- 270, 25 Lost nationalities of America. Walworth. • . W 100, 45 Lost ship. Neale N 180, 703 Lost Sir Massingberd. Sauzade. S 140, Lost tribes of Israel L 835, Lothair. Disraeli D 520, Lotta Schmidt. Trollope. . . ..T 730, Lottery of life. Blessington . . . B 504, Lottery of marriage. Trollope. T 730, 112 Lottie Darling. Jeaffreson. ... .J 470, 15 Lottie Eames .L 848, 15 Lottie Lonsdale. Worboise. . . W 850, 25 Louie's last term. Harris. . . ..H 230, 13 Louis' school days. May M 502, 24 Louis Sinclair. Wise. W 700, 28 Louisa. Helme H 440, 15 Louisa Mildmay. Kelly K 260, 200 Louisa of Prussia. Miindt. . ..M 922, 42 54 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Louisa the wandering maniac. .A 215, 13 Louise Elton. Herndon H 490, 15 Louise la Valliere. Dumas. . . .D 884, 80 Love afloat. Sheppard. .... .S 383, 400 Love after marriage. Hentz. .H 470, 30 Love and duty. Hubback . . . . H 904, 1 7 Love and duty=r Julie. Carlen.C 120, 24 Love and honour. Reyes, vol 3. R 750, 24 Love and humility. Disraeli.. . D 520, 60 Love and liberty. Dumas. . . . .D 884, 82 Love and madness . . ..L 880, 12 Love and mesmerism. Smith. S 558, 800 Love and money. Howitt. . ..H 860, 45 Love and money. Jones. ... ..J 860, 37 Love and valor. Hood H 750, 68 Love and virtue. McCarthy. . .M 22, 15 Love at first sight. Curling. . .C 956, 410 Love in idleness. Olney ......0212,20 Love in the Brazils .L 612, 12 Love in the nineteenth century.P 770, 28 Love, law and theology. Macdonald. • M 53, 40 Love magic. Tieck v 4. R 750, 16 Love me little, love me long. Reade. R 208, 35 Love or marriage. Black B 450, 818 IyOve that kills. Wills. .W 630, 19 Love that lived. Eiloart E 350, 50 Love works wonders. Clay. . .C 525, 16 Love's conflict. Church C 410, 50 Loved at last. Lemon L 380, 21 Lovells of Arden. Braddon. ...B 655, 80 Lover and husband. Arthur. ..A 796, 78 "Lover and husband. Gore. . . .G 475, 43 Lover hunt. Bernard B 341, 26 Lovers and thinkers. Gordon . G 460, 500 Lover's stratagem. Carlen. . . .C 120, 25 Lover's trials. Denison. . . . . . D 304, 73 Love's labor won. Southworth.S 620, 66 Love's matchless might. Hopkinson. . .H 801, 300 Love's progress. Gilman G 260, 13 Love's victory. P'arjeon F 62, 42 Low marriage. Craik C 850, 21 Lowly ways L 912, 200 Loyal L 915, 8 Loyal heart. Hoffmann H 635, 32 Loyal league=Chiushingura. .C 380, 100 Loyal to duty. Taylor T 130, 600 Loyal unto death= Loyal L915, 8 Loyalists L 915, 200 Lucas Garcia, and other stories. L 924, 700 Lucia. Douglas D 742, 24 Lucia Dare. Dorsey D 650, 600 Lucille. Ory O 330, 15 Lucius Davoren=Publicans and Sinners. Braddon B 655, 105 Luck and Pluck. Alger A 475, 23 Luck is every thing. Maxwell . M 490, 43 Luck of Barry Lyndon. Thackeray. T 2 100, 85 Luck of Ladysmede L 930, 1 2 Luck of roaring camp. Harte.H 256, 38 Lucky disappointment. Church. C410, 55, 45 Lucky leg .v 11. N 670, 100 Lucky penny. Hall H 56, 34 Lucretia, Bulwer. : . ..B 904, 48 Lucy Arlyn. Trowbridge T 740, 52 Lucy Boston ; or, woman's rights. L 935> 2 °° Lucy Crofton. Oliphant .O 170, 75 Lucy Fitzadam . . . L 935, 230 Lucy Forrester's triumph. McKeever. • M 140, 38 Lucy Howard's journal. Sigourney. S 448, 20 Lucy Maria. Diaz D 410, 15 Lucy Neville, history of . . . . ,.H 615, 475 Lucy Randolph .L 935, 250 Lucy Sanford. Arthur A 796, 80 Lucy Smith L 935 , 300 Lucy Temple. Rowson R 870, 25 Lulu. Walworth. W 100, 28 Lulu's novel. Vogel V 680, 19 Lunar observations L 948, 13 Luther, Martin, boyhood of. Mayhew. M 515, 20 Luttrell of Arran. Lever. . . . .L 520, 40 Luttrells, the. Williams W 570, 16 Luxima. Morgan. .M 836, 28 Luzette L 955, 200 Lydia. Crosland C 960, 30 Lydia. Geiger G 140, 17 Lydia. La Place L 130, 10 Lying, illustrations of. Opic.O 250, 24 Lynde Weiss. Throop T 340, 20 Lyndon hall v 7. N 670, 100 Lynx hunting. Stephens S 746, 223 M. or N.=Maud or Nina. Melville. M 560, 47 Mabel. Guernsey G 918, 15 Mabel Carrington. Grey G 775, 46 Mabel Clifton. Brierwood B 758, 13 Mabel Grant. Ballantyne B 70, 475 Mabel Hazard. Robbins R 570, 30 Mabel Heron, Peacock P 238, 104 Mabel Lee. Fisher F 324, 37 Mabel Trevor. Burbury B 938, 5 Mabel Vaughan. Cummins. ...C 940, 20 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 55 Mabel Walton. Mathews. . . .M 460, 42 Mabel Ware, heart of H 410, 13 Mabel's mistake. Stephens. . . .S 746, 30 Mabel's new year. Bradley. .B 669, 600 Mabel's progress. Trollope, .T 730, 248 Mabeldean. Gower G 558, 400 Macaria. Wilson. W 640, 25 MacCarthy More. Sadlier S 20, 57 Macdermots of Ballycoran. Trollope. T730, 52 Macdonald. M 62, 13 McDonalds, the. Peck P 270, 500 McDonner. Abbott A 56, 49 Macgregor, Rob Roy, life of. . .L 612, 12 Macleod of Dare. Black B 450, 820 Macmahon's country M 182, 300 Macpherson letters. Hills. . . .H 581, 45 Mad marriage. Collins. ..... .C 660, 55 Mad marriage. Fleming .F 360, 45 Mad's Christmas adventure P 104, 60 Madame. Benedict B 308, 10 Mad. de Barn veldt, mem. of...M 568, 25 Madame de Beaupre. Jenkin . J 560, 1 1 , 20 Madame de Fleury. Edgeworth . E 1 60, 52 Madame de Maintenon. Genlis.G 160, 6 Madame de Monferrato. Sartoris. S 124, 100 Madame Fontenoy. Roberts. R 608, 304 Madame Gerder's husband. Macquoid. M 204, 45 Madame Gosselin. Ulbach V 3, 15 Madame la Marquise. ....... ..M 215, 8 Madame de Stael. Boelte. . . .B 519, 200 Madame Th£rese. Erckmann — Chatrian. E 620, 24 Madcap Violet. Black. . . . . .B 450, 822 "Made in heaven." M 215, 350 Madeleine. Sandeau S 80, 1 7 Madeleine Graham. Robinson , R 62 7,< 98 Madeleine Trower's fortune. Parr.P 104,67 Madeline. Kavanagh, K 80, 34 Madeline Clare. Mayne. . . .M 518, 100 Madelon Hawley. Binder B 430, 7 Mademoiselle de Estanville. Chetwynd. C 345, 9 2 Mademoiselle de La Fayettee. Genlis. G 160, 19 Mademoiselle fifty millions. St. Mars. .S 49, 200 Mademoiselle Josephine's Fridays. Edwards E 224, 45 Mademoiselle Merquem. Dude van t. D 842, 40 Mademoiselle Mori. Roberts. R 608, 306 Madge, story of. Jerrold J 612, 47 Madonna Mary. Oliphant. . . .O 170, 79 Madrigal and other stories. Peard. • P 245, *3 Mae Maddon. Mason M 451, 400 Mag, a story of to-day M 222, 18 Maga's birthday .v 3. T 50, 46 Maga stories. M 222, 20 Magdalen and Raphael M 230, 12 Magdalen Hepburn. Oliphant . O 1 70, 82 Magdalen Stafford M 230, 180 Magdalen Wynyard. Beaumont B 220, 10 Magdalena. John J 720, 22 Maggie Miller, [with Dora Deane]. Holmes . . . H 720, 18 Maggie's golden motto— Ben Blinker. W 700, 14 Maggy's baby. Arthur. A 796, 83 Magic flower-pot. Mayo M 522, 37 Magic mirror. Gilbert ....... G 230, 23 Magic of kindness. Mayhew . . M 515, 37 Magic of love. Forrest-Grant . .F 5 75 , 20 Magic of wealth. Surr S 930, 21 Magic ring. M 230, 220 Magic valley. Keary K 1 12, 35 Magician's show box M 230, 250 Magnet stories. Mackarness et. al. M 125, 35 Mahratta tale=Tara. Taylor.. T 130, 83 Maid Ellice. Havers H 322, 15 Maid of honor. Bawr B 185, 300 Maid of Killeena. Black B 450, 824 Maid of Malines. Dudevant. .D 842, 17 Maid of Orleans. Robinson. R 627, 100 Maid of sker. Blackmore B 468, 425 Maid of Stralsund. Liefde. . . .L 590, 15 Maidee, the alchemist. Cannon C 75, 250 Maiden aunt. Smedley S 554, 350 Maiden of Judea. Hentz H 470, 28 Maiden sisters M 258, 13 Maiden widow. Southworth. . .S 620, 68 Mainstone's housekeeper. Meteyard. M 636, 27 Major Gahagan. Thackeray. . .T 200, 92 Major Jone's courtship. Thompson. T 300, 800 Major Moss. Hardman.B v n. T50, 45 Major Peter M 276, 20 Major Roger Sherman Potter. Trusedale. T 785, 25 Make or break. Adams A 145, 58 Make the best of it. Goodrich. G 432, 18 Making honey, Flint F 408, 200 Making merry. Thackeray. . . .T 200, 33 Malbone. Higginson H 544, 600 56 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Malbrook !-. . ;.M 280, 15 Malcolm. Macdonald M 55, 48 Malleville. Abbott .A 56, 50 Mallory girls. Guernsey G 915, 410 Mamma's bible stories, sequel to. S 302, 200 Mamma's return .M 306, 10 Mammon. Gore G 475 , 45 Man and the boy. M310, 15 Man and wife. Collins C 660, 50 Man as he is not. Bage B 28, 500 .Man-at-arms. James. ..J 340, 92 Man from Paradise. Anderson. v 1. D 41, 20 Man in black. James J 340, 94 Man in the Moon. Raymond.. R 180, 18 Man is love. M 310, 180 Man made of money. Jerrold.J 612, 19 Man of family. Lennox L 412, 20 Man of fashion. Nugent. . . . ..N 730, 16 Man of fashion. Plunkett P 5 7°, 17 Man of feeling. Mackenzie.. M 152, 405 Man of fortitude. Frere ...... .F 768, 13 Man of fortune. Fonblanque . . F 5 1 2, 19 Man of fortune. Gore G 475, 46 Man of honor. . ..M 310, 240 Man of honor. Eggleston . ... .E 328, 15 Man of the nineteenth century. Gresley. . G 760, 7 Man of the people. Howitt. ..H 860, 94 Man of the people. Erckman — Chatrian. .E 620, 26 Man of the world. North N 620, 20 Man who laughs. Hugo H 930, 26 Man who was not a Colonel. .M 310, 300 Man who was like Shakspeare. Black ..B450, 814 Man with five wives. Dumas. .D 884, 84 Man with the broken ear. About A81, 13 Man without a country. Hale..H 25, 17 Man's wrongs. Manton M 348, 200 Manchester strike. Martineau y 2. M 440, 38 Manfred Guerrazzi G 930, 17 Manners. ................ . ..M 330, 15 Manners of the day M 330, 120 Maneuvering. Edgeworth.v 2. E 160, 52 Manceuvering mother. Grey. .G 775, 48 Manolia ................... M 345 , 1 o Manor and the eyrie. Martineau. v 1. M 440, 20 Manor farm. Phillpotts. ..... .P 410, 16 Manor of Glenmore M 345, 100 Manse of Mastland. Kcetsveld.K 855, 100 Manse of Sunnyside. Phelps. ..P 370, 20 Mansfield park. Austen A 940, 9 Mansie Wauch. Moir M752, 12 Mantle of Elijah. Lee L 260, 280 Manuel Pereira. Adams A 105, 50 Manuscript man. Walshe . . .W 187, 250 Mapleton. Church.. C 408, 800 Mar's white witch. Douglas.. D 742, 450 Marble Faun. Hawthorne . . . . H 330, 49 Marble preacher. Clarke. . . . C.502, 600 Marcella. Knevels „ K 750, 40 Marchioness of Brinvilliers. Smith. S 558, 20 Marchmont of Redlands. Maine. M 264, 25 Marco Grim. Webb W 244, 448 Marcus. Simonds S 475, 24 Marcus Blair. Wright. ..... .W 928, 190 Marcus Warland. Hentz H 470, 33 Mardi. Melville M 560, 82 Margaret. Bright , , . B 755, 9 Margaret. Judd J 925, 15 Margaret. Tytler T 940, 36 Margaret and her bridesmaids. Marsh. M 410, 68 Margaret ; or, prejudice at home. M365, 15 Margaret at home. Walker. . .W 28, 410 Margaret Cecil. Bell B 264, 39 Margaret Chetwynd. Morley..M 860, 27 Margaret Denzil's history. Greenwood. G 728, 400 Margaret Hamilton. Newby...N 344, 24 Margaret Maitland. 01iphant..O 170, 85 Margarette MoncrierTe. Burdett. B 943, 15 Margaret Percival. Sewell. . . .S 330, 56 Margaret Percival in Amterica. Hale. H 30, 15 Margaret Roper. Stewar S 770, 25 Margaret Stourton M 365, 200 Margaret Torrington. Worboise. W 850, 29 Margaret Worthington. Olcott.O 140, 17 Margaret's engagement. . . . . .M 365, 300 Margaret's secret. Brock. . . .B 775, 290 Margarethe. Juncker J 955, 200 Margery Keith, Townsend. . .T 610, 42 Margravine. Craven.. . ... .....C.876, 600 Margret Howth. Davis. . . . . .D 184, 25 Marguerite ; or, two loves. Cirardin. . . .G 280, 17 Marguerite de Valois. Dumas. D 884, 85 Marguerite Kent. Wayne W 225, 2 D Marguerite's journal. M 370, ig Philadelphia Mercantile Library 57 Maria ; or, a Shandean journey . M 375, 18 Maria. Allanby, domestic misery of. D 604, 30 Maria Cheeseman M 375, 170 Maria's two vacations M 375, 190 Marian. Hall H 56, 38 Marian Elwood M 375, 230 Marian Grey, Holmes H 720, 46 Marian Rooke. Sedley S 260, 20 Marian Temple's work. Hogg. H 650, 400 Mariamne M 375, 250 Marianne Richards. Langbein.R 750, 16 Marie. Pushkin P 862, 13 Marie Antoinette and her sons. Mundt. • . : -- ; M 922, 45 Marie Courtenay N 670, 100 Marie Derville. DeWitt D 372, 55 Marier Sa fille=Marrying off a daughter. Durand D 960, 1 7 Marietta. Trollope T 730, 633 Marine ghost. Marryat T 50, 40 Marine's courtship, a T 50, 40 Marion Berkley. Comins C 670, 13 Marion Harvie M 385, 200 Marius. Hugo H 930, 24 Marjorie Bruce 's lovers. Patrick. P 155, 600 Marjorie Daw. Aldrick A 435, 11 Marjorie's quest. Gould G 530, 25 Marjory. Deane D 203, 10 Mark Brandon's wife. Lysaght . L 980, 20 Mark Gildersleeve. Sauzadc..S 140, 55 Mark Hurdlestone. Moodee. .M 785, 19 Mark Rowland. Sleeper S 530, 23 Mark Seaworth. Kingston. . . .K 530, 36 Mark, the match boy. Alger. .A 475, 25 Mark Twain's sketches. Clemens. C 540, 15 Market Harborough. Melville. M 560, 45 Marmaduke Herbert. Countess of Bless- ington B 504, 1 2 Marmaduke Merry. Kingston. K 530, 38 Marmorne M 390, 30 Maroon. Reid R 300, 78 Marooner's island. Goulding.G 540, 15 Marquis of Bretagne M 568, 13 Marquis of Letoriere M 395, 20 Marquis of Lossie. Macdonald. .M 55, 50 Marquis of Villemer. Dudevant.D 842,43 Marriage. Ferrier F 180, 505 Marriage, a lottery. Grey Q 775, 50 Marriage contract. Raikes R 35, 16 Marriage in high life. Feuillet.F 208, 22 Marriage in high life. Grey. .G 775, 52 Marriage of Moira Fergus. Black B 450, 828 Marriage of mystery. Cavendish. C 180, 7 Married. Newby N 344 26 Married against reason. Mackenzie. M 152, 60 Married and single. . Arthur. . . A 796, 84 Married at last. Cudlip C 924, 60 Married Belle. Smith S 560, 138 Married beneath him. Sauzade. .S 140, 58 Married for both worlds. Porter. P660, 18 Married in haste. Stephens. . .S 746, 32 Married in haste. Waxall. . . .W 900, 23 Married life. Arthur A 796, 85 Married, not mated. Cary. . . .C 148, 13 Married or single? Sedgwick. .S 254, 39 Marreid Shrew. Southworth. . .S 620, 96 Marrying by lot. Mortimer. .M 872, 15 Marrying for money. Daniel. . .D 48, 25 Marrying man. Smythies. ... .S 580, 40 Marrying off a daughter. Durand. D 960, 17 Marrying too late. Wood. . .W 770, 223 Marstons, the. Aide A 310, 11 Martha. Gilbert G 230, 24 Martin, history of. Swift S 960, 18 Martin and Nelly. Franklin. . .F 720, 22 Martin and the miller. Franklin. F 720, 24 Martin and the mountains. Franklin. F 720, 26 Martin Beck. Harris. ...... .H 225, 13 Martin Chuzzlewit. Dickens. .D 420, 50 Martin Merrivale. Trowbridge. T 740, 54 Martin Paz. Verne V 380, 5 Martin Pole. Saunders S 126, ^^ Martin Rattler. Ballantyne., .B 70, 550 Martin, the fondling. Sue S 890, 28 Martindales money M 436, 25 Martins of Cro' Martin. Lever. L 520, 43 Martyr of Carthage. Wilson. W 640, 200 Martyrdom of Theodora. Boyle. B 640, 700 Martyria. Mountford. . .. . . ...M 803, 600 Martyrs, the. Chateaubriand. .C 280, 10 Martyrs of Spain. Charles. . . . C 248, 35 Martyrs to circumstance. Yelverton. Y, 70, 25 Martyrs to fashion. Verey. . . .T 370, 30 Mary M 446, 15 Mary and Florence. Tytler. ..T 938, 56 Mary and Florence at sixteen. Tytler. T 938, 55 Mary and Hugo. Smith S 558, 425 I Mary Barton. Gaskell G 108, 40 i Mary Bell. Abbott A 56, 61 j Mary Brandegee. Peck P 270, 175 58 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Mary Bunyan. Ford F 560, 310 Mary Derwent. Stephens S 746, 34 Mary Elmer. Whitcher W 380, 25 Mary Erskine. Abbott A 56, 52 Mary Gay. Abbott. A 56, 60 Mary Granger. Leigh L 345, 200 Mary Gresley. Trollope T 730, 54 Mary Hollis. Schimmel S 184, 600 Mary Lee. Boyce B 62 1 , 45 Mary Leslie's trials. McKeever.M 140, 42 Mary Lindsay. Ponsonby P 625, 19 Mary Lindon M 446, 200 Mary Morris. Moore .M 790, 400 Mary of Burgundy. James. . . . J 340, 96 Mary of Lorraine. Grant. . . .G 618, 27 Mary Osborne. Abbott. A 56, 61 Mary Powell. Manning M 340, 49 Mary Seaham. Grey G 775, 54 Mary Stanley M 446, 300 Mascalbruni. Med win ... .v. 2. T 50, 40 Mask. Salorzano R 750, 24 Masks ; a recollection M 448, 100 Masque at Ludlow. Manning.. M 340, 52 Master. Denison D 304, 78 Master and pupil M 456, 100 Master builder. Lee L 260, 120 Master Humphrey's clock. Dickens. D 420, 52 Master Martin . B 223, 17 Master of Greylands. Wood.W 770, 78 Master of the hounds. Horlock.H 804, 18 Master passion. Grattan G 630, 21 Master passion M 456, 200 Master Tyll Owlglass. Murner . M 930, 1 5 Masters and workmen. Patterson. P i7°> 2 5 Master's house. Thorpe T 320, 18 Masterman Ready. Marryat. .M 405, 23 Matchmaking. Mitford M 730, 35 Mathieu Ropars. Young Y 1 60 19 Mathilda of Canossa. Bresciani. B 740, 840 Matilda Douglas—Doings in Maryland. D585, 600 Matilda Lonsdale. Adams. . . .A 105, 10 Matrimonial intelicities. Coffin. C 610, 410 Matrimonial vanity fair. Robinson. R 627, 104 Matthew Caraby. Abbott A 21, 34 Matthew Morrison. Whitehead. W 408, 600 Matthew Wald. Lockhart L 785, 15 Mattie; a stray. Robinson.. . .R 625, 46 Maud, a city autobiography . . . M 480, 1 2 Maud. Cousin Fanny M 480, 13 Maud Lindens' lovers. Garrett. G 85, 24 Maud Mainwaring. Griffith. ...G 830, 11 Maud Mansfield. Hood H 745, 400 Maud Mohan. Cudlip C 924, 65 Maud or Nina. Melville M 560, 47 Maud Skillicorne's penance. Jackson. J 3 2 °> 800 Maud's life work. White. . . .W 390, 350 Maude. Whately W 356, 20 Maude and Miriam. McKeever.M 140, 44 Maulevere's divorce. Robinson. R 627, 106 Mauprat. Dudevant D 842, 45 Maurice. Bechard B 231, 100 Maurice Cronin. Kenny K 340, 20 Maurice Dering. Lawrence. . .L 225, 34 Maurice Rhynhart. Listado. .L 722, 200 Maurice Tiernay. Lever. ..... L 5 20, 45 Max and his companions, v. 7.N 670, 100 Max Kromer. Smith. ...... .S 558, 740 Max Meredith. Townsend. . . .T 610, 45 Maxwell. Hook H 760, 40 Maxwell Drewitt. Riddell . . . . R 440, 36 May. Oliphant O 170, 88 May and December. Hubback.H 904,19 May and September. Walpole.W 70, 15 I May Bell. Newbury N 340, 1 5 1 May Coverly N 508, 10 May Dundas. Geldart G 148, 17 May flower, Hamilton H 87, 25 May flower. Stowe S 840, 20 May Martin. Thompson T 300, 40 May Templeton M 508, 150 May you like it. Tayler T 1 10, 24 May's garden M 508, 200 Mayor of Windgap. Banim. . .B 95, 234 Me ! July and August M 526, 15 Meadow brook. Holmes H 720, 48 Meadowleigh. Manning M 340, 54 Means and ends. Sedgwick. . .S 254, 42 Mechanic's bride. Cambridge. . C 30, 11 Medicastor and the mortgagee. M 530,200 Medusa. Sartoris S 124, 100 Meg Hartley's cure. Church. .C 410, 45 Meg, Jo., Beth and Amy. Alcott. A 380, 10 Meg of Elibank. Keddie K 150, 38 Mehaled and SedLL Dalberg . . . . D 2 1 , 9 Mehemet, the Kurd. Wells. .W 310, 17 Melbourne house. Warner. . .W 150, 68 Melchoir Gorles. Aitchenbie . A 32 1 , 200 Melinda the Caboceer. Skertchly. S 520, 40 Mellichampe. Simms S 470, 58 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 59 Melmoth, the wanderer. Maturin. • M475, T ° Melusina. Paton P 150, 14 Member for Paris. Murray. . .M 936, 39 Memoirs of Marquis of Bretagne. .-' ■ M568, 13 Memoirs of a cavalier. De Foe . D 215, 29 Memoirs of a femme de chambre. Bles- sington B 504, 14 Memoirs of a good for nothing. Eich- endorff. . . . . . E 335, 300 Memoirs of a griffin. Bellew. .B 280, 13 Memoirs of a Magdalen. Kelly. K 260, 200 Memoirs of a nullifier. : M 568, 20 Memoirs of a peeress. Bury. .B 978, 11 Memoirs of a physician. Dumas. J D 884, 87 Memoirs of a water drinker. Dunlap. D 920, 500 Memoirs of a young whig— Clement Falconer C 542, 200 Memoirs of Andrew Winpenny . M 568,21 Memoirs of Barry Lyndon=:Luck of Barry Lyndon T 200, 85 Memoirs of Dr. Blenkinsop. . . .M 568, 23 Memoirs of Mad. de Barne veldt. M 568,25 Memoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph. Sher- idan S 386, 23 Memoirs of modern philosophers. Ham- ilton . H 104, 25 Memoirs of several ladies. Amory. A 594 335 Memoirs of the Baron Du Tan. Gomez. Vi G 4i6, 13 Memoirs of the Baroness de Batteville. Leprince L 440, 10 Memoirs of the Chevalier Pierpoint. •••; • M568, 35 Memoirs of the year 2500. Hooper. H 775. 30 Memories. Miiller. . ...... . M 906, 200 Men are what women make them. Belot B 290, 13 Men of character. Jerrold. . . .J 612, 21 Men, women and ghosts. Phelps. •••••.••••• P 37 °' 4 $ Men s wives. Thackeray, ... .T 200, 90 Mentoria. Rowson R 870, 30 Mercedes of castile. Cooper. .C 735, 20 Merchant mechanic. Howe. .H 840, 15 Merchant of Antwerp. Conscience. C 700, 18 Merchant of Berlin. Mundt. .If 922, 47 Merchant's daughter. Hall. . . .H 56, 40 Merchant's daughter. Pickering. P 440,30 Merchant's wife M 592, 200 Mercy Philbrick's choice M 595, 25 Mere piece of mischief. Guernsey. G915) 412 Mere story M 600, 100 Meredith M 615, 100 Meredith. Blessington B 504, 16 Meridiana= Ad ventures in the land of the Behemoth. Verne V 380, 18 Merkland; or, self sacrifice. Oliphant. O 170, 93 Merry and wise. Durang D 960, 400 Merry England. Ainsworth. A 321, 146 Merry meeting bay. Scribner.S 218, 140 Merry mount. Motley M 886, 300 Merry tales of three wise men of Gotham. Paulding P 205, 43 Merton. Hook H 760, 42 Merton family. Bowman B 608, 4 Mervyn Clitheroe. Ainsworth. .A 321, 147 Message from the sea. Dickens.. D 420, 54 Messrs. Vanderput and Snoek.Martineau. vs- 44o, 3 8 Meta Gray. Mcintosh M 120, 25 Meta Holdenis. Cherbuliez. . .C 325, 16 Meta's faith. Tabor T 4, 25 Metempsychosis, the Macnish. .T 50, 45 Methodist, the Fletcher F 375, 25 Metropolites, the St. Clair S 28, 20 Mia and Charlie. Keary K 112, 15 Mice at play. Floyd F 448, 25 Michael Armstrong. Trollope.-T 730, 113 Michael Brand's wrong=Baffied. Goddard G 360, 400 Michael Rudolph. Dupuy. . . .D 948, 40 Michael Strogoff. Verne V 380, 49 Micheline. Bersier B 354, 500 Middle-aged lover. Fitzgerald.F 340, 28 Middlemarch. Lewes L 540, 28 Middleton Pomfret. Ainsworth.. A 321,149 Midnight spells L 612, 12 Midnight sun. Bremer B 740, 15 Midsummer and May. Spofford..S 670, 17 Midsummer eve. Hall H 56, 44 Midsummer rays. Pindar P 480, 23 Midsummer flowers. Howitt. .H 860, 47 Mignon. Forrester F 578, 35 Mignonette M 644, 20 Mike Costigan's adventures ofA. . .205, 35 Mike Marble. Woodworth. .W 820, 151 Mildmayes, the. North N 618, 300 Mildred. Holmes H 720, 49 Mildred Arkell. Wood W 770, 80 Mildred Keith. Finley F 312, 26 Mildred's wedding. Greenwood.G 730, 38 6o Philadelphia Mercantile Library Mildred's wedding. Notley. . .N 670, 20 Miles Tremenhere. Maillard...M 261, 25 Miles Wallingford. Cooper.. . .C 735, 21 Milesian chief. .M 660, 200 Mill agent. Denison D 304, 80 Mill and the tavern. Arthur. . . A 796, 86 Mill in the valley M 665, ico Mill on the floss. Lewes L 540, 30 Millbank. Holmes H 720, 50 Millenium hall. Scott S 212, 350 Miller of Angibault. . Dudevant.D 842, 47 Miller of Eamont bridge. Ware.W 132, 75 Miller of Silcott mill. Deslondc.D 350, 35 Miller's story of the war E 620, 28 Millicent M 675, 15 Millicent and her cousins. Bet.hill.B38 2, 40 Millicent Legh. Marshall. .. .M 420, 29 Million too much. Wright. .. .W 930, 63 Mills of the gods. Twells T 900,19 Mills of Tuxbury. Townsend . . T 6 1 o, 4 7 Milly. Guernsey G 918, 48 Milly Darrell. Braddon B 655, 85 Milly Hayden. Mayo M 522, 46 Milly's hero. Robinson R 625, 49 Milly's whims. Mathews M 460, 44 Minnie. Edgeworth E 160, 36 Mimic life. Ritchie R 540, 25 Mine, the Tucker T 820, 42 Mine is thine. Lockhart L 785, 25 Miner's daughter. Caddell C 3, 15 Minigo. Abbott v 11. A 56, 28 Ministering children. Charlesworth. C 256, 10 Minister's family. Ellis E 430, 37 Minister's family. Hetherington.H 512, 13 Minister's wife. Oliphant O 170, 94 Minister's wooing. Stowe S 840, 22 Ministry of life. Charlesworth . C 256, 13 Minna Monte. Cox C 840, 500 Minnie Grey. Smith S 558, 928 Minnie Hermon. Brown B 846, 650 Minnie's pet horse. Baker B 39, 42 Minstrel, the M 697, 20c Miracles of heavenly love. Tucker. • • ..T 820,45 Mirage. Fletcher F 370, 625 Miramiche.. Savage S 148, 450 Miranda. Collins . C 650, 405 Miranda. Elliott M 700, 200 Miriam. Terhune T 190, 29 Miriam Monfort. Warfie.ld. ..W 140, 35 Miriam the avenger^Missing bride. Southworth. .S 620. 72 Miriam's heritage. Calder. . . .C 20, 400 Miriam's marriage. McQuoid . M 204, 38 Mirk abbey. Sauzade S 140, 62 Mirror of friends. Reyes. .v 3. R 750, 24 Misadventures of Mr. Catlyne. Mahony. M 252,410 Miscellany of standard stories.. .M 702, 28 Mischiefs thanksgiving. Woolsey. W830, 20 Mischievous John F 530, 16 Misirables, les. Hugo H 930, 24 Misericordia. Linton L 675, 20 Miserimus. Reynold R 397, 600 Miser's daughter. Ainsworth..A 321, 151 Miser's heir. Myers M 960, 32 Mishaps of Ezekiel Pelter . . . . M 706, 200 Misrepresentation. Drury D 821, 28 Miss Angel. Thackeray T 200, 25 Miss Barbara's escape=Eros. .E 675, 100 Miss Biddy Frobisher. Manning. M 340, 56 Miss Carew. Edwards E 2 10, 33 Miss Cheriton's rival. Fisher.. .F 324, 50 Miss Ciceley's portrait. . . .v.n.N 670, 100 Miss Columbia's public school. M 710, 100 Miss Crespigny. Burnett B 958, 315 Miss Dorothy's charge. Benedict. B 308, 12 Miss Felicia. Mayo M 522, 46 Miss Ferrard. Laffan L 35, 25 Miss Forrester. Edwards E 210, 60 Miss Gilbert's career. Holland.. H 685, 28 MissHitchcock's wedding dress. M 710, 200 Miss Honeywood's lovers M 710, 220 Miss Mackenzie. Trollope T 730, 56 Miss Majoribanks. Oliphant. . .0 170, 95 Miss Misanthrope. McCarthy... M 22, 45 Miss Molly. Butt B 990, 1 5 Miss Moore. Craik C 860, 35 Miss Nancy's pilgrimage. Johnson. J 740,64 Miss Oona McQuarrie. Smith. S 558, 65 Miss or Mrs. Collins C 660, 55 Miss Patience Hathaway. Bradley. 6674,512 Miss Ravenel's conversion. DeForest. ... D 215, 48 Miss Roberts' for tune. Shepherd.. S 380, 23 Miss Rovel. Cherbuliez C 325, 18 Miss Slimmen's window. Peabody. . P 226, 300 Miss Thusa's spinning wheel=Helen and Arthur. Hentz. H 470, 23 Miss Van Kortland. Benedict.B 308, 13 Missing bride. Southworth. . . .S 620, 72 Mission, the Marryat M 405, 25 Mission of Black rifle. Kellogg. K 230, 43 Mission of death. Walworth. . W 100, 32 Missionary. Morgan .M 836, 32 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 61 Mississippi scenes. Cobb C 570, 18 Mistaken==story of four lives. Dunning. D9 2 5>5° Mistaken. Fuller . . . . F 860, 35 Mistress and maid. Craik C 850, 85 Mistress Judith. Tytler T 940, 38 Mistress Margery. Holt H 730, 17 Mists of the valley. Giberne. .G 212, 20 Misunderstood. Montgomery. M 775, 25 Mittens. Barrow B 151, 13 Moby-Dick. Melville . M 560, 84 Model mother M 737, 200 Model town. Pinkerton P 5 10, 18 Moderation. Hofland H 640, 70 Modern accomplishments. Sinclair. S 486, 29 Modern Chivalry M 740, 20 Modern Chivalry. Brackenridge.B 648, 300 Modern Cressida. Asheton. ..A 818, 45 Modern French life. Gore. ...G 475, 48 Modern Griselda. Edgeworth.E 160, 38 Modern incident in domestic life.M 740, 25 Modern Irish tales M 740,. 28 Modern Mephistopheles M 740, 30 Modern minister M 740,-33 Modern miracles. De Guavara. R 750, 24 Modern novelists of France. . ..M 740, 35 Modern philosophers. Hamilton. H 104, 25 Modern pilgrims. Wood....W 770, 228 Modern society. Sinclair S 486, 29 Modern society in Rome. Beste.B 376, 200 Modern story teller M 740, 40 Modern vassal. Wilmer. . . .W 635, 250 Mogul tales. Guellette G 904, 200 Mohammed ali. Mundt M 922, 49 Mohawk chief M 748, 600 Mohawk's friendship=Forest glen. K 230, 31 Mohicans of Paris. Dumas. . ..D 884, 89 Mohun. Cooke C 730, 30 Moira Fergus. Black B 450, 16 Mokeanna. Burnand ........ B 95 2 , no Moliere's plays, tales from. Lennard. L 405, 18 Molly and Kitty. Eschenbach.E 730, 15 Molly Bawn M 758, 400 Molly Maguires. Pinkerton. . . .P 510, 23 Molly Maguires=Twice defeated. Edwards v . . .E 224, 55 Molly's bible. Chellis C 310, 38 Monaldi. Allston. A 551, 13 Monarch of mincing lane. Black. ..< -. B450, 830 Monarchs of the main. Thornbury. T 312,. 25 Monastery, the. Scott S 214, 99 Money and music. Barnard. . . .B 127, 12 Money-bags and. titles. Sandeau . .S 80, 20 Money god. Quinton P 930, 28 Money lender. Gore G 475, 50 Money maker. Adams. ...... .A 145, 59 Money maker. Campbell C 44, 450 Money penny. Mathews. ...M 458, 610 Moneyed man. Smith S 558, 812 Monfort Hall=Miriam Monfort.Warfield. $ W 140, 35 Monikins. Cooper. C 735, 22 Monk, the Lewis. L 555, 100 Mona the vestal. Dorsey D 650, 40 Monk of the monastry of Yuste. • M 762, 200 Monkwood priory. Thomas.... T 270, 30 Monk's revenge. Spring S 675, 16 Monomaniac. Gilbert G 230, 25 Monsieur Antoine. Dudevant.D 842, 50 Monsieur Sylvestre. Dudevant.D 842, 52 Mons. Violet. Marryat M 405, 29 Montalban. Pacheco P 4, 9 Mon tanas. Hancock H137, 600 Montezuma. Maturin M 475, 24 Moods. Alcott A 380, 1 2 Moody Mike. Sewell. S 327, 100 Moonfolk. Austin A 945, 230 Moonshine. Hugesson H 917, 58 Moonstone. Collins C 660, 60 Moore's forge. Robbins R 570, 32 Mooriand Cottage. Gaskell. ..G 108, 43 Moors and the Fens. Riddell.R 440, 38 Mop and Frisk. Barrow B 151, 24 Mopsa, the fairy. Ingelow. . . . J 112, 15 Morag M 802, 19 Moral fables. Goodrich G 432, 20 Moral tales. Edge worth E 160, 39 Moral tales. Guizot G 948, 1 1 Moral tales. Marmontel M 390, 17 Moralist. Potter. . < . P 704, 14 Morals of Abou ben Adhem. Locke. L 780, 13 Morals of May fair, Edwards.E 210, 683 Mordaunt. Moore M 790, 503 Mordaunt hall. Marsh .M 410, 2$ More bed time stories. Moulton.M 890, 34 More mittens. Barrow B 151, 18 More than a match M 815, 40 More than she could bear. Bendbow. • • • .B 305, 12 Morgan and his men. Ford. .F 560, 315 Morgesons. Stoddard; ■. S 800, 19 Morley Ernstein. James J 340, 98 Morning glories. Alcott A 380, r 3 62 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Morning mists— Zina Y 330, 25 Mornings at Bow St. Wight. .W 500, 19 Mornton. Cullen C 932, 3 Morrisons, the. Hosmer H 812, 28 Mortgage d' Arthur. Malory. .M 290, 30 Mort. d' Arthur. Ranking. .. . R 120, 100 Mortimer's college life. May. .M 502, 26 Morton house. Fisher F 324, 45 Morton Lange. Andersen D 41, 20 Morton Montague. Mortimer. .M 872, 18 Mosaic worker's daughter. Capes. C 80, 200 Mose Evans. Baker. B 39, 865 Moss-side. Terhune T 190, 32 Mosses from an old manse. Hawthorne. •• H 33°> 5 1 Most pleasant history of Tom a Lincolne. Johnson J 735, 500 Most delectable history of Reynard the fox. M 875, 700 Motes in the sunbeam. Gatty. .G 120, 15 Moth and rust M 882, 100 Mother and her dying boy A 482, 45 Mother-in-law. Southworth . . . S 620, 74 Mother Michael and her cat. La Bedolierre. L 4, 10 Mother of Jacques. Macquoid.M 204, 45 Mother's favorite. Whitney. W 420, 500 Mother's mission, the M 882, 500 Mother's recompense. Aguilar.A 281, 13 Mother's request=Ballysham castle. F 31°> 20 Mother's rule. Arthur A 796, 88 Motherless. DeWitt D 372, 60 Motherless children. Baker B 39, 44 Mothers and daughters. Gore.G 475, 52 Mothers of England. Ellis. . . .E 430, 40 Mount Benedict. McCorry M 48,15 Mount Hope. Hollister H 705, 600 Mount Royal popular tales. . .M 893, 200 Mountain girl. Cheney C315, 15 Mountain Miller M 815, 27 Mountain refuge M 893, 300 Mourtray family. Hervey. . ,H 504, 200 Mozart. Rau R 160, 1 7 Mozart and Mendelsohn. Barnard, B 127, 14 Mr. and Mrs. Ashton. Marsh. M 410, 70 Mr. and Mrs. De Fontenoy. Braddon. B 655, 85 Mr. and Mrs. Falconbridge. Aide. A 310, 13 Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys. Mayhew and Cruikshank M 5 15, 30 Mr. Arle. Jolly J 830, 19 Mr. Brown's letters. Thackeray. T 200, 95 Mr. Christopher Katydid. Hey wood. H 525, 800 Mr. Frank, underground mail agent. M 895, 24 Mr. Ghim's dream M 895, 280 Mr. Hogarth's will. Spence. . .S 641, 20 Mr. John. Hamilton H 90, 35 Mr. Ledbury. Smith S 558, 14 Mr. Midshipman easy. Marryat . M 405 , 2 7 Mr. Miggs of Danbury. Bailey. B 24, 25 Mr. Montmorency's money. Worboise. W 850,334 Mr. Pearson v 8. N 670, 100 Mr. Pendleton's cup. Bradley. B 674, 514 Mr. Perkin's ball T 200, 53 Mr. Peter Crewitt. Denison. ..D 304, 82 Mr. Plausible Prate M 895 , 300 Mr. Rutherford's children. Warner. W 150, 123 Mr. Smith. Walford W 20, 25 Mr. Smith. Leslie L 480, 15 Mr. Sponge's sporting tour. Herbert. H 482,36 Mr. Stewart's intentions. Robinson. R625, 53 Mr. Vaughan's heir. Benedict.B 308, 14 Mr. Vernon M 895, 330 Mr. Wingard's ward. Parr. . . .P 104, 35 Mrs. Armytage. Gore. G 475, 53 Mrs. Arthur. Oliphant O 170, 97 Mrs. Badgery v 6. N 670, 100 Mrs. Ben. Darby. Collins. . . .C 640, 11 Mrs. Brown. Rose R 754, 280 Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures. Jerrold. • • • • J 612, 23 Mrs. Christian Davies. De Foe.D 215, 15 Mrs. Clarinda Singlehart. Manning. M 340, 70 Mrs. Clifford's marriage M 895, 350 Mrs. Dorothy Cope's recollections=The old looking-glass. Charlesworth. C 256, 15 Mrs. Gainsborough's diamonds. Haw- thorne H 330, 32 Mrs. Gerald's niece. Fullerton.F 868, 47 Mrs. Gordon's confession. Hamilton, H 90, 35 Mrs. Haliburton's troubles. Wo od. W 770, 82 Mrs. Inglesby's sister-in-law. . ..F 324, 19 Mrs. Jack. Trollope T 730, 252 Mrs. Limber's raffle. Butler.. B 985, 700 Mrs. Lirriper's legacy. Dickens. D 420, 19 Mrs. Lirriper's lodgings. Dickens. D 420, 19 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Mrs. Mainwaring's journal. Marshall. M 420, 32 Mrs. Marsh's help. Dana D 39, 100 Mrs. Mathews. Trollope. . . .T 730, 114 Mrs. Montague Jones. Nunn..N 750, 16 Mrs. Overtheway's remembrances. Ewing. E 820, 17 Mrs. Partington's life. Shillaber.S 406, 19 Mrs. Skaggs's husband. Harte. .H 256, 44 Mrs. Thome's guests. Capron.C8o, 610 Mrs. Washington Potts. Leslie. L 480, 15 Mud King's daughter. Anderson. A615, 217 Mugby junction. Dickens. . . .D 420, 19 Mummy. Loudon L 856, 20 Munchausen's travels. Raspe..Ri3o, 19 Mundus Alter, et idem. Hall..H 50, 400 Munster abbey. Leigh L 345, 500 Murder of the archbishop of Paris. v 5. N 67P, 100 Murderer's last night. Doubleday.T 50, 45 Murphy's master. Sauzade. . . .S 140, 65 Museum, the. Abbott. . . .v 6. A 56, 28 Musgrave. Gordon G 460, 805 Mussulman. Madden. . . .M 215, 15 Must it be ! Bauer B 185, 15 Mute singer. Ritchie R 540, 28 Mutterings and musings of an invalid. M 954, 200 My aunt Pontypool. James. . .J 340, 100 My awkward cousin M 957, 50 My blind sister V2. N 670, 100 My bonnie lass. Hamilton. . . .H 90, 33 My boy's second book. Tyttler.T 940,500 My boys— Aunt Jo's scrap bag. v 1. A 380, 3 My boyhood. Barkley B 118, 250 My brides. Nesbitt N 312, 300 My brother. P^llis E 430, 43 My brother and I. R 956, 100 My brother Robert v 3. N 670, 100 My brother's keeper. Warner.. W 148, 24 My brother's wife. Edwards. E 210, 136 My comrades M 957, 100 My confession M 957, 120 My country town v 1. N 670, 100 My cousin Maurice M 957, 140 My cousin Nicholas. Barham. ..B 109, 5 My cousin Renee E 224, 45 My cousin Smooth, adventures of . A 105, 1 My daughter Elinor. Benedict. B 308, 17 My double, and how he undid me. Hale. H 25, 17 My enemy's daughter. McCarthy.M 22,48 My English acquaintance T 50, 45 My first season. Reynolds. . .R 397, 100 My first voyage to southern seas. Kings- ton K530, 40 My girls. Alcott A 380, 3 My good for nothing brother. Jenings. J 555, 300 My grandma Gilbert M 746, 23 My grandparents. Mogridge.M 748, 200 My great-aunt's picture. Ingelow. J 112, 28 My hero. Forrester F 578, 40 My heroine M 95 7 , 200 My husband's crime. Housekeeper. H 820, 600 My intimate enemy. Ormirod. .O 307, 25 My intimate friend. Duncan. .D 900, 15 My Kalulu. Stanley S 704, 300 My lady M 957, 275 My lady Ludlow. Gaskell. . . .G 108, 45 My life. Maxwell M 490, 45 My little comer M 957, 280 My little girl. Besant and Rice.B 372, 25 My little lady. Poynter P 716, 55 My little love. Terhune T 190, 35 My little ward v 2. N 670, 100 My lost home v 7. N 670, 100 My love she's but a lassie. ... M 957, 290 My married life. Coffin C 610, 412 My mother and I. Craik C 850, 89 My neighbor's shoes. Tucker.. T 820, 47 My new home. Robbins R 570, 34 My niece M 95 7, 350 My novel. Bulwer B 904, 50 My opinions and Betsey Bobbets. Holley. H 702, 12 My own child. Church C 410, 65 My own story. Howitt H 860, 49 My play is study E 820, 25 My queen. Peard P 245, 13 My ride to the barbecue M 957, 400 My rococo watch. Alcott A 380, 19 My roses. French F 756, 17 My satchel and I. Stebbins. ..S 718, 300 My school-boy friends. Moncrieff. ....... M 760, 625 My sister Jeannie. Dudevant..D 842, 58 My sister Minnie. Daniel D 48, 35 My sister's confession. Braddon . B 655, 87 My son's wife. Jolly J 830, 20 My southern friends. Gilmore . G 2 70, 17 My story. Fisher F 324, 50 My story. McQuoid M 204, 40 My third book. Moulton M 890, 38 My thirty years out of the senate. Smith. S 560, 622 6 4 Philadelphia Mercantile Library My time. Burnand B 952, 113 My tourmaline. Holm H 712, 15 My two partners. v 11. N 670, 100 My uncle and the clockmaker. Howitt. H 860, 51 My uncle the curate. Savage... S 148, 30 My uncle Toby. Sterne S 760, 16 My vagabond days. Sulivan. . .S 902, 17 My village. Croker C 894, 20 My vacation at Long Branch=Seaweed. Webb W 244, 30 My wife and I. Stowe S 840, 24 My window V5. N 670, 100 My young Alcides.- Yonge. . ..Y 100, 65 Mynchin ..,.••••■" M 964, 200 Myra Gray. Clarke C 502, 22 Myra Sherwood's cross M 967, 400 Myrtis. Sigourney S 448, 23 Myrtle branch! M 970, 500 Myself, a romance of New England life. M 975, 100 Mysie's pardon. Hay H 340, 600 Mysteries of lifer=Light and darkness. C 910, 300 Mysteries of midnight. Braddon . B 65 5 , 1 3 Mysteries of Paris. Sue S 890, 34 Mysteries of Redgrave court. Smedley. S320, 30 Mysteries of three cities. Duganne. D 864, 11 Mysteries of Udolpho. Radcliffe. ...R 16,23 Mysterious beggar. Lemercier.L 370, 17 Mysterious guest. Dupuy I) 948, 45 Mysterious hermit M 975, 300 Mysterious marriage. Ward . . W 118,170 Mysterious parchment. Wakeman. W 10, 19 Mysterious penitent M 975, 450 Mysterious story book M 975, 500 Mystery. Wood W 770, 85 Mystery of -dark hollow. Southworth. , S 620, 75 Mystery of Edwin Drood. Dickens. D 420, 56 Mystery of Metropolisville. Eggleston. E 320, 25 Mystery of Orcival. Gaboriau..G 12, 20 Mystery of the black convent. L 612, 120 Mystery of the island. Kingsley.K 512,325 Mystery of the old organ L 502, 30 Mystic bell. . M 975, 700 Nabob, the. Daudet D 94, 13 Nabob at home N 10, 15 Nacoochee. Goulding G 540, 20 1 Nails driven home. Sargent. . .S 120, 28 J Nameless. Downing D 774, 300 J Nameless history=At the councillors. I J ohn J 720, 7 • Nan; a summer scene v 1. T 50, 46 j Nan Darrell. Pickering P 440, 33 j Nancy. Broughton B 836, 20 I Nanette. Tincker T 430, 45 Nanette and her lovers. Gwynne. G 980, 10 Nanny Davenport. Moore. .M 790, 450 Nanny's christmas N 50, 15 Nanon. Dumas D 884, 91 Nantle Ferry. Robinson R 625, 88 Nantucket idyl=Six to one. Bellamy. B 273, 10 Naomi. Lee .L 260, 200 Naomi. Webb W 244, 450 Naomi Torrente. Vingut V 600, 28 Napoleon and Bliicher. Mundt. M 922, 53 Napoleon and the queen of Prussia. M 922, 55 Narration of uncommon things. Willis. v 7. T 50, 45 Narrow escape. Cudlip C 924, 70 Nasby, diver's views. Locke. .L 780, 15 Natalie. Vale V 220, 19 Natchez, the. Chateaubriand. . C 284, 12 Nathalie. Kavanagh K 80, 36 National feeling N 112, 40 Natolean story-teller T 50, 45 Nature and art. Inchbald J 60, 10 Nature and human nature. Haliburton. H38, 15 Nature's nobleman. Tabor T 4, 27 Nautilus. Maffit M 220, 300 Naval annual. Marryat M 405, 46 Naval lieutenant. Armstrong.. A 774, 10 Naval life in the 19th century =Three lieutenants. Kingston K 530, 18 Naval officer=Frank Mildmay. Mar- ryat M 405, 14 Nazarine. Lippard L 712, 12 Near to nature's heart. Roe ... R 7 1 2, 80 Nearer and dearer. Bradley. . .B 665, 16 Nearer and dearer. Eysaght. . .L 980, 25 'Neath silver mask. O'Brien. . .O 12, 15 Ned Barlow, the miner=Dare to be sin- gular D 64, 400 Ned Musgrave. Hook H 760, 44 Ned Myers. Cooper C 735, 24 Ned Nevins, the newsboy. Morgan. . M 834, 300 Ned Rusheen. Cusack C 990, 15 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 65 Ned Turner. Grahame G 580, 56 Ned's motto. Robbins R 570, 36 Neighbor Jackwood. Trowbridge. T 740,56 Neighbors, the. Bremer B 740, 17 Neighbor's children. Myers. M 960, 407 Neighbor's children, sequel to. Myers. M 960, 408 Neighbor's wives. Trowbridge. T 740,58 Nellie Netterville N 250, 300 Nellie of Truro. Hornblower.H 804,504 Nellie Warren. Wise W 700, 32 Nellie's memories. Carey. . . .C 112, 10 Nellie and her boat. Franklin. F 720, 30 Nellie and her friends. Franklin. F 720, 32 Nelly Bracken. Bradford B 660, 7 Nelly Carew. Power P 714, 300 Nelly Kinnard's kingdom. Douglass. D 742, 35 Nelly Milton's housekeeping. May. M 498, 200 Nellie Nowlan. Hall H 56, 48 Nelly's first school days. Franklin. ' F 720, 34 Nelly's silver mine. Jackson. .J 320, 410 Nelly's visit. Franklin F 720, 36 Nelson Storer. Thayer T 220, 15 Nemesis. Terhune T 190, 37 Nemesis. . a v 1. N 670, 100 Nepenthe. . y N 280, 15 Nesbits, the/ N 312, 12 Nest hunters. Dalton D 35, 18 Netherton-on-sea N 320, 8 Nettie Gay N 320, 10 Never again. Mayo M522, 608 Never forgotten. Fitzgerald. .. F 340, 32 Never too late. Burdett B 943, 17 New Arabian knights' entertainment= Melusina. Paton P 150, 14 New boy at Style's v 5. N 670, 100 New commandment. Shaw. . . .S 356, 30 New covering to the velvet cushion. N 330, 15 New Don Quixote. Daudet. . . ,D 94, 15 New Eloisa N 330, 50 New England farmhouse. Chamberlain. C 206, 400 New England legends. Spofford.S 670,23 New England tale. Sedgwick. ,S 254,45 New England's chattels N 530, 60 New flower for children. Child. C 360,13 New Godiva. Hope H 785, 38 New gospel of peace. White. W 390,452 New grooves. Cudlip C 924, 73 New history of Sandford and Merton. Burnard B 952, 119 New home — who'll follow. Kirkland. K 630, 10 New landlord. Jokai J 820, 300 New lights. Sadlier :S 20, 63 New little mittens. Barrow. . . B 151, 20 New Magdalen. Collins C 660, 65 New mind v n. N 670, 100 New Orleans as I found it. Didymus. D 440, 700 New Orleans sketch book. . . .N 330, 100 New Paul and Virginia. Mallock . M 290, 23 New priest. Lowell L 908, 15 New purchase. Hall H 44, 20 New republic. Mallock M 290, 25 New Robinson Crusoe N 330, 150 New scholar N 330, 200 New story book. Howitt H 860, 53 New story book. Parton P 128, 24 New Timothy. Baker B 39, 870 New voyage round the world. De Foe. D 215, 35 New way to collect a bad debt. Thomp- son T 300, 40 New way to win a fortune. Dupuy. D 948, 49 New year's bargain. Woolsey. W 830, 23 New York. Lippard L 712, 14 New York boarding-houses. . . .G 960, 15 New York needle woman. Wright. W 930, 65 Newcomes, the. Thackeray. ..T 200, 98 Newlyn house N 370, 200 Newsboy. Smith S 558, 428 Newton Forster. Marryat. . . .M 405, 32 Next door. Thomson T 305, 44 Next generation. Maguire. . . .M 250, 15 Next of kin. Hall H 50, no Nibelungen lay=Echoes from mist-land. W 818, 40 Niccolo dei Lapi. Azeglio. . . . A 983, 10 Nicholas Dunks T 50, 45 Nicholas Minturn. Holland. .H 685, 30 Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens. .D 420, 58 Nick Hardy. Ludlow L 940, 400 Nick of the woods. Bird B 436, 312 Nick Whiffler. Robinson. . ..R 627, 200 Nicolai's marriage. Scharling. .S 178, 20 Nidworth. Prentiss P 750, 30 Night and morning. Bulwer. . .B 904, 53 Night at sea. Griffin G 820, 60 Night side of nature. Crowe.. C 910, 308 Night with the volunteers of Strathkinahan v 2. T50, 46 66 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Nightingale N 450, 13 Nile novel=Kismet K 370, 600 Nimport. Bynner B 999, 300 Nina. Bremer B 740, 19 Nina. Smith S 558, 510 Nina Gordon. Stowe S 840, 18 Nina's atonement. Fisher F 324, 50 Nina's experience=Sarcasm of destiny. Sherwood S 390, 15 Nine days' wonder. Aide. .. .A 310, 15 Nine little goslings. Woolsey.W 830, 25 Ninety-three. Hugo H 930, 30 Ninth of June v 2. N 670, 100 Nix's offering. Benning B 322, 700 No alternative. Cudlip C 924, 75 No appeal N 510, 9 No baby in the house. Dolliver.D 607, 19 No church. Robinson. ... . . ....R 625, 58 No fatherland. Oppen O 255, 300 No intentions. Church C410, 75 No lie thrives N 510, 130 No love lost. Randolph R 80, 37 No man's friend. Robinson. . .R 625, 55 No moss. Fosdick F 6 1 4, 40 No name. Collins C 660, 70 No sense like common sense . . Howitt. H860, 55 " No such word as fail." Haven H 314, 21 No thoroughfare. Dickens. . . .D 420, 19 Noble and renowned history of Guy, Earl of Warwick .N 525, 250 Noble convert N 525, 13 Noble life. Craik C 850, 92 Noble lord. Southworth S 620, 76 Noble purpose, nobly won. Manning. M 340, 58 Noble sister. Denison D 304, 84 Noble traytour N 525, 400 Noble woman. Stephens S 746, 36 Nobleman of '89. Quinton. . ..P 930, 30 Nobles and serfs=Merry England. A 321, 23 Noblesse oblige. Roberts. . . .R 608, 310 " Noblesse oblige." Keddie. ..K 150, 40 Nobly born. Worboise .W 850, 38 Nobly false. Allan A 530, 10 Nobody's child N 530, 400 Nobody's fortune. Yates Y 10, 45 Nobody's husband N 530, 500 Nocturnal minstrel. Sleath. . .S 528, 150 Nomades of the west. Huyghue . H 990,400 Nomads of the north. Mellin.M 554, 200 Nonsense. Pomeroy P 620, 19 Nor love, nor lands. Griffith . . G 830, 15 Nora. Ponsonby P 625, 21 Nora and Archibald Lee. Blagden. ...' V3. B476, 720 Nora Brady's vow. Dorsey . . . .D 650, 40 N®ra's love test. Hay H 345, 30 Nora's trial. N 570, 25 Norfolk and Hereford. James.. S 320, 30 Norica. Hagen H 21, 13 Norine's revenge. Fleming. ...F 360, 49 Norman Leslie. Fay F 130, 15 Norman Leslie. Hamilton. . ..H 87, 400 Norman's bridge. Marsh.. M 410, 32-19 Normans. Drury D 821, 31 Norseman's pilgrimage. Boyesen. B635, 17 Norsemen in the west. Ballantyne. ..B 70, 560 Norston's rest. Stephens S 746, 38 North and South. Gaskell G 108, 48 Northanger abbey. Austen. . ..A 940, 12 Northern lands. Adams A 145, 60 Northern lights N 630, 1 7 Northern roses. Ellis E 430, 45 Northwood. Hale H 30, 515 Norwegian stories N 645, 350 Norwood. Beecher B 246, 15 Nose of a notary. About A 81, 14 Not a changeling. Stewart. ...S 770, 312 Not a heroine. Brookfield. . . .B 810, 24 Not bread alone. Drinkwater.D 794, 13 Not dead yet. Jeaffreson J 470, 1 7 Not easily jealous N 650, 13 Not forsaken. Giberne G 212, 23 Not in their set. Lenzem. . . .L 417, 300 Not in vain. Greye G 780, 200 Not Lancelot nor another. Carr. . . . C 140, 300 Not proven. Cameron C 32, 200 Not too late N 650, 190 Not wisely but too well. Broughton. .B836, 24,7 Not without thorns. Molesworth. M 756, 29 " Nothing but leaves." McKeever. M 140, 47 Nothing but money. Arthur. . .A 796, 89 < < Nothing but the truth. ' ' Gilbert. . . . . G 230, 28 Nothing new. Craik. . . '. C 850, 05 Nothing venture, nothing have. Haven. H 314, 23 Notice to quit. Wills W 630, 25 Notre dame des sept douleurs. Parr. P 104, 7 2 " Notre Jean." Macquoid M 204, 45 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 67 Nourjahad, history of. Sheridan.S386,i9 Nourmahal. Quin P 928, 200 Nouvelles asiatiques. Gabineau. r.G355' IO ° Nouvellettes. Goldsmith and Griffiths. G 408, 25 Novel with two heroes. Graeme. G 562, 20 Novels and tales from household words. N 670, 100 Novels by eminent hands. Thackeray. T 200, 92 Novice of St. Dominick. Morgan. M 836, 35 Now and forever. Baker B 39, 36 Now and then. Warren. . . .. .W 160, 35 Now or never. Adams A 145, 62 Now or never. Edwards E 224, 48 Nowlands. Banim B 95, 237 Nubilia in search of a husband. Mud- ford M 902, 13 Number five, Hanbury terrace . N 670, 100 Number nip, diverting history. . D 530, 15 Number seventeen. Kingsley.K 512, 330 Nun, the. Deleon. D 250, 15 Nun's picture. Roche. ...... .R 650, 20 Nurse Grand's stories M 760, 13 Nut brown maids. Keddie. . ..K 150, 42 O. T. Andersen A 615, 221 Oak openings. Cooper C 735, 26 Oak staircase. Lee L 265, 100 Oak-mot. Baker B 39, 873 Oakfield. Arnold A 7.80, 75 Oakhurst O 4, 15 Oakland stories. Taylor . . . . .T 128, 406 Oakleigh Meascott. Howe. . .H 840, 13 Oakridge. Smith S 558, 890 Oakshaw. Coggeshall C 620, n Oakshot castle. Kingsley. . . .J£ 512, 332 Oakum pickings. Phillips. . . . .P 402, 55 Oberon's horn. Morley M 858, 406 Obi. Earle, E 18, 600 Object of life O 9, 200 O'Briens and O'Flahertys. Morgan. M836, 37 Occupations of a retired life. Mayo. • M 522, 41 Ocean born. Adams A 145, 64 Ocean waifs. Reid R 300, 83 Octavia. Porter , P 660, 38 Octoroon, the. Braddon. ... .5*655, 90 Odd couple. Oliphant O 170, 100 Odd fix. Robinson. . .. R 625, 88 Odd leaves. Tensas T 185, 200 Odd one. Payne P 216, 20 Odd or even. Whitney W 420, 28 Odd trump. Coulson C 820, 28 O'Donnel. Morgan M 836, 39 O'Donoghue. Lever L 520, 47 O'er moor and fen. Howell. . .H 850, 7 Off hand sketches. Arthur. . . . A 796, 90 Off land's end. Reid R 300, 700 Off on a comet ! Verne V 389,41 Off parade. McKenna M 148, 28 Off the roll. King K 440, 44 Off the skelligs. Ingelow. ....J 112, 18 Off to sea. Kingston K 530, 42 Off to the Geysers. Stephens. S 746, 228 Ogilvies. Craik. C 850, 98 0'Halloran=Insurgent chief. .M 112, 13 O'Hara. Ashworth A 849, 360 Olaf Thorlaksen. Oertel O 65, 495 Old and new. Hale H 25, 17 Old and new. Sadler S 20, 66 Old as the hills. Ford F 555, 23 Old barracks. Kelly K 260, 10 Old battle ground. Trowbridge.T 740,60 Old bell of independence. Watson. W 190, 20 Old chateau. McKeever M 140, 50 Old Chelsea Bunhouse. Manning. M 340, 60 Old coalpit. May. M 502, 28 Old countess. Hoefer H 626, 400 Old countess. Stephens S 746, 40 Old cross quarry. Grant. , , .G 610, 510 Old curiosity shop. Dickens. .D 420, 60 Old Deccan days. Frere F 768, 20 Old doctor. Irving J 235, 410 Old dominion. James J 340, 106 Old dower house. Grey G" 775 , 58 Old engagement. Day D 188, 25 Old English baron. Reeve. . .R 260, 25 Old English poetry, stories from. Rich- ardson R 420, 24 Old farm house. . Laing L 50, 24 Old farm house S 698 350 Old fashioned boy. Finley. . . .F 312, 30 Old fashioned girl. Alcott. . . . A 380, 15 Old flag O 150, 16 Old Flanders. Delepierre. . . D 250, 400 Old fort Duquesne. McKnight.M 164,15 Old friends. Tucker T 820, 50 Old friends and new acquaintances. Strickland S 870, 17 Old Fritz. Mundt M 922, 57 Old governess. . Hall .... .H 56^50 Old gray rosary. Dorsey D 650, 43 Old helmet. Warner » . . W 150, 70 Old Hilton's daughter. Jolly. . J 830, 8 68 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Old homestead. Stephens S 746, 42 Old horse shoe. Thayer T 220, 17 Old house by the Boyne. Sadlier S 20, 69 Old house by the river. Prime. P 800, 20 Old house in Crosby square. Holl H6 7 6, 15 Old house on briar hill. Meredith M 604, 25 Old Irish knight O 150, 22 Old Jordan's haunts=Buried treasure F 614, 10 Old Kensington. Thackeray. ..T 200, 27 Old landmarks and old laws. Martineau vi.M 440, 20 Old leaves. Wills W 630, 28 Old lieutenant. Macleod M 178, 37 Old log school house. Clark. .C 460, 11 Old London bridge. Rodwell.R 700, 15 Old looking-glass. Charlesworth .0256,15 Old maid of the family. Daniel . D 48, 40 Old Mam'selle's secret. John... J 720, 24 Old man's bride. Arthur A 796, 91 Old man's secret. Trollope. .T 730, 350 Old manor house O 150, 50 Old manor house. Smith. . . .S 558, 270 Old Margaret. Kingsley. . . .K 512, 336 Old Martin Boscawen's jest. Reeves and Read R 262, 700 Old memories. Melville. . . .M 563, 204 Old memories of the Stukeleys. O'Donnell O 50, 16 Old minor Canon. Neale N 180, 43 Old mirror. Mayo M 522, 28 and 46 Old Moll and little Agnes. Baker. B 39,46 Old monastery. Hacklander. . . .H 9, 28 Old Morgan at Panama. Inman. .T 50,40 Old mortality. Scott S 214, 104 Old Myddelton's money. Hay . H 345 ,35 Old oak chest. James J 340, 104 Old Olaf G 402, 300 Old parsonage O 150, 75 Old patroon. Maitland M 270, 28 Old plantation. Hungerford. .H 950, 12 Old prose stories. Ranking. .R 120, 100 Old red house. Grosvenor. . . .G 870, 20 Old red house among the mountains. Holmes H 720, 35 Old Rudderford hall. Braddon B655, 87, 85 Old sailor's story. Sargent. . . .S 120, 30 Old soldier's story. Thompson .-T3oo, 40 Old St. Ann's gateway, v 7. N 670, 100 Old St. Paul's. Ainsworth..A 321, 154 Old schoolfellows O 150, 100 Old Sir Douglas. Norton N 640, 17 Old slip warehouse. Denison. .D 304, 85 Old squires, the last of. Water W 180, 17 Old stone house. Alden A 412, 254 Old stone house. Woolson. . .W 840, 25 Old stone mansion. Peterson. .P 350, 24 Old story tellers. Mitchell. . .M 720, 18 Old Sunapee. Chellis C 310, 45 Old tales. Palmer P 40, 18 Old times in Ireland. Vereker.V 360,18 Old Trinity. Jones J 865, 400 Old Vicarage. Hubback H 904, 21 Old woman O 150, 165 Old woman who lived in a shoe. Douglas D 742, 38 Oldbury. Keary K 112, 18 Older than Adam O 155, 48 Old town fireside stories. Stowe. S 840, 28 Oldtown folks. Stowe S 840, 30 Olie; or, the old west room. O 165, 20 Olive. Craik C 850, 100 Olive Blake's good work. Jeaffreson J47°> 19 Olive branch O 200, 20 Olive Lacey. Argyle A 760, 15 Olive Varcoe. Notley N 670, 24 Oliver and the Jew. Dickens. .D 420, 62 Oliver Beaumont. Ponsonby. .P 625, 23 Oliver Ellis. Grant G 618, 30 Oliver of the mill. Charlesworth ..C256, 17 Oliver Twist. Dickens D 420, 61 Oliver Windham. Webb. . . .W 244, 453 Olivia Raleigh. Synge S 980, 25 Olivia's lover's O 200, 300 Olla Podrida. Marryat M 405, 34 Olympia. Francillon F 692, 13 Ombra. Oliphant O 1 70, 105 On a pincushion. De Morgan. D 284, 15 On both sides of the sea. Charles C248, 37 On 'change in Paris v. 2 N 670, 100 On credit. Wood W 770, 723 On dangerous ground. Moore. M 790, 19 On guard. Cudlip C 924, 80 On looking seedy O 230, 12 On the Amazons. Stephens S 746, 230 On the banks of the Amazon. Kingston K 530, 46 On the banks of the Delaware. Bland B 495, 500 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 69 On the brink. Vincent V 595, 230 On the church steps. Hallowell.A 818,45 On the edge of the storm. Roberts R 608, 312 On the eve. Turgeneff T 854, 322 On the heights. Auerbach. . . . A 915, 76 On the rock. Dungan D 915, 100 On the trail=Mission of black rifle. K 230, 43 On the way. Tucker . .T 820, 53 On time. Adams ,A 145, 66 On words best left unsaid. Sartoris S 124, 100 Once a year. Close. ...... ..C 565, 200 Once and forever O 230, 300 Once and forever=Bright morning. Grant G 618, 204 One against the world. Saunders, • S 126, 35 One-armed Hugh. Moffat. . .M 744, 100 One by herself. Balfour . .B 57,710 One by one. Dulcken D 870, 200 One Easter even O 230, 400 One fair woman. Miller. . . .M 667, 155 One foot on shore O 230, 425 One good turn. Neely N 230, 18 One happy winter. Robbins...R 570, 37 One hour a week ...O 230, 450 One in a thousand. James. . ..J 340, 108 One link in the chain O 230, 475 One new year's night. Mayo..M 522, 28 One night's mystery. Fleming. F 360, 52 One of the six hundred. Grant. G 618, 31 One of them. Lever L 520, 49 One of two. Friswell F 825, 19 One poor girl. Sikes S 454, 500 One summer. Howard H 830, 16 One thousand tales O 230, 500 One woman's two lovers. Townsend. - T 610, 49 One year, Carlen C 120, 29 One year. Peard P 245, 17 One year at our boarding school. Phelps. P368, 50 O'Neiles. Gard G 48, 15 Only a clod. Braddon B 655, 93 Only a fiddler. Andersen. . ..A 615, 220 Only a girl. Hillern H 575, 20 Only a pin. Martel M 429, 100 Only a woman. Morenos. . ..M ^25, 230 Only a woman's love. Desart.D 345, 115 Only an earl. Pisani P 520, 45 Only daughter O 235, 18 Only George. Brookfield B 810, 28 Only girls. Townsend T610, 52 Only herself. Cudlip C 924, 85 " Only me." V 100, 25 Only Ned. Drinkwater D 794, 15 Only one of her mother O 235, 150 Only son . .O 235, 200 Only temper. Newby N 344, 28 Only three weeks O 235, 250 Onward. Winscom W 680, 15 Open question. DeMille D 275, 80 Open sesame. Church C 410, 80 Open verdict. Braddon B 655, 95 Opening of a chestnut burr. Roe. R 712, 85 Operas, tales from. Pardon. . . .P 60, 20 Opportunities. Warner W 150, 73 Opportunity. Seemuller S 270, 15 Opposite neighbors O 260, 23 Opposite the jail. Denison. . . .D 304, 86 Oppressed captive O 265, 300 Ora, the lost wife. Spencer. . ..S 644, 18 Orange blossoms. Arthur A 796, 92 Ordeal, an v 1. N 670, 100 Ordeal for wives. Edwards. .F 221, 300 Oriental anecdotes O 305, 40 Oriental story book. Hauff. . .H 302, 20 Original fables. Prosser P 832, 20 Orkney Islands. Abbott A 56, 62 Orkney, the peacemaker. Abbott. v 10. A 56, 28 Orley farm. Trollope T 730, 58 Ormond. Brown B 840, 15 Ormond. Edgeworth. . E 160, 41 Orphan, the=Drooping lily. Sherwood. S 394, 45° Orphan and foundling. Leslie. .L 480, 20 Orphan boy. Loud L 852, 400 Orphan girl O 310, 17 Orphan of Geneva=Therese . .T 247,100 Orphan of Moscow. Woillez .^728,23 Orphan of the castle J 12, 20 Orphan of the old dominion. . . .O 310,20 Orphan of Waterloo. Blackford . B 464, 1 2 Orphans. Oliphant . .O 170, 107 Orphan girls. Peacock. ..... .P 240, 28 Orphan's trials=Forged will. Bennett. B322, 168 Orphan's home mittens. Barrow. B 151,22 Orphans of Glenbirkie O313, 2 3° Orphans of Glen elder. Robertson. R 612, 25 Orphans of Oldham. Stephens . S 746, 43 Orpheus C. Kerr papers. Newell. N 360,25 Orville college. Wood W 770, 88 Oscar. Simonds S 475, 28 Osceola, the Seminole. Reid. .R 300, 89 7o Philadelphia Mercantile Library Osrick. Sickelmore S 426, 17 O'Sullivan, Capt., adventures of. Maxwell. M 490, 1 8 Oswald Cray. Wood W 770, 90 Oswald Hastings. Knollys. . . . K 780, 20 Other folk's lives. Smedley. .S 554, 355 Other girls. Whitney W 420, 30 Other house. Higham 11552,410 Other people's children. Habberton H 4,23 Other people's money. Gaboriau.G 12,25 Ottalie's stories for little folks. Wilder- muth W 524, 20 Oudendale. Moncrief. . . . . .M 760, 630 Ought we to visit her? Edwards. E 210,64 Our coffee-room. Cotton.. . .C 812, 500 Our country home O 420, 15 Our Cousin Veronica. Latimer. L 172, 205 Our cousins in Ohio. Howitt..H 860, 57 Our detachment. King K 440, 48 Our family picture v 6. N 670, 100 Our first families. Koster K 860, 15 Our folks at home. Toliver. ..T 508, 17 Sequel. Toliver. ..... .T 508, 20 Our forefathers. Freytag F 780, 30 Our Fred. Finley F 312, ^^ Our Helen. Clarke C 515, 18 Our little Harry. Arthur A 796, 93 Our mess=Jack Hinton. Lever. L 520,32 Our mutual friend. Dickens. .D 420, 63 Our neighbors in the corner house. Arthur. A 796, 95 Our new crusade. Hale H 25, 25 Our new parish. Fourdrimer. .F 660, 15 Our new vicar. Monsell. . . .M 766, 700 Our own story. Bunbury B 912, 13 Our refugee household. Clack. C 440, 13 Our Sue. Woodworth W 820, 18 Our summer house O 420, 190 Our two lives. Warner W 148, 480 Our village. Mitford M 730, 28 Our world O 420, 230 Out from the shadows. Giles... G 248, 20 Out in the world. Arthur A 796, 97 Out of charity.. O 425, 13 Out of court. Hoey H 630, 25 Out of debt. Haven H 314, 25 Out of her sphere. Harbert. ..H 170, 13 Out of his head. Aldrich A 435, 15 Out of London. Hawthorne. .H 330, 31 Out of prison O 425, 180 Out of society. Pulleyne P 848, 23 Out of the cage. Owen O 440, 500 Out of the deep=Castle's heir. Wood. w 77o, 44 Out of the depths O 425, 240 Out of the depths=Self-raised.Southworth. S 620, 82 Out of the foam. Cooke C 730, 35 Out of the hurly-burly. Clark... C 470, 15 Out of the meshes O 425, 300 Out of the question. Howells.H 854, 315 Out of the silence. Thackeray.T 200, 33 Out of the wilderness. Chaplain. C 232, 510 Out of town. Coffin. ...... ...C 610, 416 Out west. Adams A 145, 67 Outbreak of French revolution. Erckman- Chatrian C 620, 34 Outcast. Adams A 105, 55 Outcast heir=Charles Vavasseur. Smith. S 558, 915 Outcasts. Braddon B 655, 100 Outlaw. Hall H 56, 51 Outlaw's daughter. Bennett. .B 322, 190 Qutpost, the. Austin A 945, 234 Outre Mer. Longfellow L820, 18 Outward bound. Adams A 145, 70 Over the cliffs. Chanter C 224, 700 Over yonder. John J 720, 26 Overcome O 430, 19 Overcoming. Churchill C 420, 11 Overdale. Worboise W 850, 39 Overland tales. Cliaord C 543, 13 Overland. DeForest D 215, 53 Ovingdean grange. Ainsworth. A 321, 155 Owde Bodle. Waugh W 208, 30 Owen, a waif. Robinson R 625, 60 Owen Evans, adventures. Anderdon. A 612, 16 Owen Gwynne's great work. Noel. N540, 20 Owen Tudor. Robinson. . . .R 627, no Owney and Owney-na-peak. Griffin. G 820, 45 Oxley. Bright B 755, 11 Pacha of many tales. Marryat..M 405, 36 Paddiana P 12, 20 Paddy Blake's echo. Wade. . . .T 50, 40 Paddy O'Flarrity, life of... . . .L 612, 320 Paddy's leisure hours.. P 12, 250 Page from the peerage P 17, 140 Pages in waiting. Yates Y 10, 48 Painter's dream. Fisher F 324, 50 Pair of blue eyes. Hardy H 190, 20 Palace and cottage. Adams. ..A 145, 72 Palaces and prisons. Stephens. S 746, 44 Palace and poor house=Family pride. F 45, 405 Palissy, the Huguenot potter. Brightwell. B 7 55>82 5 Palmario P 34, 1 7 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 7i Palmetto boys. Wright W 930, 68 Pamela. Richardson R 420, 40 Pamela's conduct in high life P 46, 13 Pandurang Hafi. Ottley O 405, 72 Panola. Dorsey. D 650, 610 Panthea. Hunt H 954, 400 Papa's own girl. Howland. . .H 875, 15 Papers from overlook house. Beasley. B 210, 300 Parables. Brock v 7. B 775, 300 Parables from the German. Krammacher. K 910, 16 Parables from nature. Gatty. .G 120, 15 Paradise row. Pardoe P 53, 35 Paragreens on a visit to Paris. Rumni. R900, 32 Paris five and thirty years since =Students quarter. Thackeray T 200, 123 Parent's assistant. Edgeworth..E 160, 43 Paris, the choice of. Benjamin. B 312, 22 Paris sketch book Thackeray.T 200, iqo Parish side. Elliott E 420, 610 Parisians. Bulwer B 904, 56 Parkwater. Wood W 770, 105 Parley's Present. Goodrich. ..G 432, 23 Parodies. Webb. W 244, 25 Parricide, the. Peacock P 240, 35 Parsonage of Mora. Bremer. . . B 740, 15 Parsons and widows. Hewlett. H 520,506 Parson's daughter. Hook. . . .H 760, 46 Parted lives. Spender S 646, 305 Parthenia. Lee L 260, 205 Parthenissa. Boyle B 640, 600 Partington hall=Spring ride. .S 675, 800 Partingtonian patchwork. Shillaber 8406,22 Partisan, the. Simms S 470, 60 Partisan leader. Tucker T 820, 5 Partners for life. Toulmin. . . .T 556, 20 Parvenu family. Fitzgerald. . .F 340, 35 Pascarel. Le Larame* D 240, 65 Pasha papers. Howe H 840, 600 Passages in the life of an English heiress. Miller . M 667, 500 Passing the portal. Victor V 500, 35 Passion and pedantry P 140, 15 Passion and principle. Grey. .G 775, 60 Passion and principle. Hook . H 760, 48 Passion in tatters. Cudlip C 924, 00 Passionate pilgrim. James. . . J 340, 150 Passionate pilgrim. Thurstan. .T 547, 150 Pastimes with my little friends. Bennett. B 322, 400 Pastor chief P 1 45 , 200 Pastor of the desert. Pelletan..P 300, 15 Pastor's fireside. Porter P 660, 500 Pastor's household. DuBose ... D 828, 13 Pastor's son=Spirit in prison. Guernsey. ••• . .....G915, 420 Pastorals of France. Wedmore. W 256, 35 Patagonian brothers v 7. N 678, 100 Patent sermons. Paige P 23, 250 Pathfinder. Cooper. C 735, 28 Patience. Hofland H 640, 72 Patience Caerhydon. Notley...N 670, 28 Patience Hart=straight forward. Lefroy. Patience Strong's outings. Whitney. W 420, 33 Patient waiting no loss. Haven. H 314,27 Patricia Kemball. Linton. . . .L 675, 22 Patriot and tory. Wright. . . .W 930, 70 Patriot boys. Gilmore G 270, 25 Patriotism at home P 160, 13 Patron king, the. Trollope. . . .T 50, 40 Patronage. Edgeworth E 160, 45 Patronage and friendship. Lee. L 260, 375 Patsy. Robinson R 627, 300 Pattie Durant. Clacy C 440, 150 Patty. Macquoid M 204, 44 Patty William's voyage P 175, 700 Patty's pranks. Johnson J 740, 68 Patty,s revenge. Dudevant D 842,1 7 Paul and Harry Fane P 190, 13 Paul and Virginia. Saint-Pierre . S 5 4, 17 Paul and Virginia. Saint-Pierre . S 698,350 Paul Ardenheim. Lippard. . . .L 712, 16 Paul Barton. Baker B 39, 48 Paul Blake. Elwes E 460, 25 Paul Clifford. Bulwer B 904, 57 Paul Fane. Willis W 600, 30 Paul Ferroll. Clive C 560, 15 Paul Gerrard. Kingston K 530, 48 Paul Gostelett's confessions. Lever. L 520, 500 Paul Massie. McCarthy M 22, 53 Paul Pendril P 190, 21 Paul Plaintive. Mudford M 902, 10 Paul Prescott's charge. Alger. A 475, 28 Paul, the peddler. Alger A 475, 30 Paul, the pope. Trollope. . . .T 730, 640 Paul Venner P 190, 240 Paul's courtship. Smith S 558, 743 Paula Monti. Sue S 890, 36 Pauline. Walford W 20, 28 Pauline Seward. Bryant B 868, 300 Pauline's trial. Courtney. . . .C 830, 450 Pausanius. Bulwer B 904,58 Paved with gold. Mayhe w ...^515,16 Pea-green taffeta. Hentz H470, 28 Peace papers, Bill Arp's. Smith. 8558,240 Peace campaign, of a cornet... .P 230, 14 72 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Pearl and emerald. Francillon. .F692, 15 Pearl fishing P 250, 20 Pearl fountain. Kavanagh K 80, 10 Pearl of Antioch. Bayle. . . .B 190, 132 Pearl of faith. Baker B 39, 50 Pearl of Orr's island. Stowe . . . S 840, 32 Pearl of the Andes. Aimard. .A 316, 30 Pearls. Escherbach and Franz E730, 18 Peasant and his landlord. Knorring .... ...K 785, 100 Peasant and prince. Martineau M 440, 3 2 Peasant boy Philosopher. Mayhew M 515, 29 Peasant life P 264, 300 Pebbles from Jordan. Graham G 576, 405 Peccavi. Wendler W 320, 25 Peculiar. Sargent S 120, 15 Peddler boy. Woodworth W 820, 20 Peep at my neighbours P 285, 14 Peep at " Number five." Phelps : P370, 23 Peep at the pilgrims. Cheney. .C 315, 125 Peep at the theatres P 285, 18 Peep behind the scenes. Walton . W 95 400 Peep o' day. Banim B 95, 240 Peeps from a belfry. Shelton. . . S 375, 19 Peeps into the human hive. Wynter W 970, 19 Peer's daughters. Bulwer. . . .B 904, 332 Peerless Cathleen. Agnew. ...A 267, 50 Peerless wife. Mackarness. . . .M 125, 18 Peg Wofnngton. Reade R 208, 38 Peggy Black, History of 615, 500 Pelham. Bulwer B 904, 62 Pemaquid. Prentiss P 750, 33 Pemberton. Peterson P 350, 300 Pemberton family. Marsh. . . .M 410, 75 Pen-Owen. Hook .^757,400 Penard castle. Cook C 715, 300 Pencil sketches. Leslie L 48, 13 Pendennis. Thackeray T 200, 105 Pennant family. Beale B 205, 18 Pennimans P 315, 18 Penruddock. Ward. V.2.W 120, 67 Penruddocke. Aide A 310, 16 Pentowan. Forfar F 570, 13 People and fairies P318, 200 People I have met. Willis. . ..W 600, 35 People of Bleaburn. Martineau. M 440, 42 Pequinillo. James J 340, no Percival Keene. Marryat M 405, 38 Percy. Scott S 212, 35 Percy Effingham. Cockton. ..C 605, 28 Percy Lockhart. Baxter B 185, 500 Percy Mallory. Hook H 757, 405 Percy Raydon. Leslie L 480, 22 Percys, the. Prentiss P 750, 35 Peregrine Pickle. Smollet. . . .S 570, 19 Perfect adonis. Harris H 230, 17 Perfect love caste th out fear. Washburn. W 170, 30 Perils of certain English prisoners. v N 670, 100 Perpetual curate, the. Oliphant . O 1 70,109 Perplexity. Mostyn M 878, 18 Persecuting governor. Kidder . K 390, 1 10 Persevere and prosper. Goodrich G 43 2 > 2 5 Persian and Turkish tales. Petis de la Croix P 356, 100 Persiles and Sigismunde. Cervantes. C 188, 13 Persis Clareton=Truth. Tayler.Tno, 30 Persuasion. Austen A 940, 15 Peruvian princess, letters of. Graffigny. G 570, 15 Perversion. Conybeare C 706, 510 Pet. Haweis H 325, 210 Pet circle. Putnam P 880, 20 Peter and Polly. Green G 712, 50 Peter Carradine. Chesebro. . .C 335, 25 Peter Claus. Kuigge K 915, 300 Peter Clinton. Wise W 700, 35 Peter Drake's dream. Howitt.H 860, 50 Peter Gott. Reynolds R 405, 500 Peter Lipp. Gouraud G 552, 18 Peter of the castle. Banim. . . .B 95, 242 Peter Pilgrim. Bird B 436, 315 Peter Schlemihl. Chamisso...C 213, 500 Peter Schlemihl in America. Wood. W 770, 230 Peter Simple. Marryat M 405, 40 Peter Trotman. Parr P 104, 72 Peter, the whaler. Kingston. .K 530, 50 Peter Wilkins. Pultock N 112, 15 Peter's strange story. Mills. .M 680, 300 Petite's romance. Martin M 432, 20 Petite Madelaine. Southey..v 3. T 50, 45 Petronel. Church C 410, 85 Petsetilla's posy. Hood H 750, 72 Peticoat government. Trollope T 730, 116 Petty annoyances of married life. Balzac. B 90, 16 Peveril of the peak. Scott. . .S 214, 106 Phantom of the forest. Bennet.tB 322, 192 Phantom ship. Marryat M 405, 43 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 73 Phantasmion. Coleridge. . . .C 625, 300 Phantastes. Macdonald M 55, 33 Phantom wedding. Southworth.S 620, 101 Pharisee, the M 878, 13 Phaulcon, the adventurer. Dalton. D 35> 2 ° Phemie Frost's experiences. Stephens. S 746, 46 Phemie Keller. Riddell R 440, 40 Phemie's temptation. Terhunc.T 190, 39 Phil, Rob and Louis. Deering.D 208, 305 Phil, the fiddler. Alger, A 475, 32 Philip. Thackeray T 200, 40 Philip and his garden. Tonna.T 520, 33 Philip Augustus. James J 340, 112 Philip Brantley. Powell P 712, 17 Philip Colville. Kennedy. . . .K 312, 18 Philip Earnscliffe. Edwards. . . .E 210 68 Philip Grey. Goodrich G 432, 27 Philip Nolan's friends. Hale. ..H 25, 29 Philip Oakover P 390, 13 Philip of Pokanoket. Irving. . .J 240, 50 Philip Paternoster P 390, 1 7 Philip Thaxter. Washburn. .W 168, 163 Philip and his garden. Tonna.T 520, 33 Philly and Kit. Chesebro C 335, 27 Philomina. Edwards E 224, 45 Philosophers of Foufouville. Freelance. F 732, 30 Philosopher's baby v 2. T 50, 46 Philosopher's pendulum. Lindau. L640, 150 Philosopher's stone P 416, 300 Philosophy in sport. Paris. . . .P 64, 200 Philothea. Child C 360, 1 7 Phineas Finn. Trollope T 730, 60 Phineas Redux. Trollope T 730, 62 Phcebe : girl and wife=Parvenu family. Fitzgerald F 340, 35 Phcebe Junior. Oliphant . . . . O 170, in Phoebe's mother. Meredith.. M 604, 200 Phcenixiana. Derby D 322, 22 Photographic pleasures. Bradley. B665, 18 Phyllis P420, 25 Physician's daughter L 150, 220 Physician's daughters. Nelson. N 260, 400 Physician's wife. Spangler. . .S 634, 400 Physiognomist P 423, 100 Physiology of New York boarding houses. Gunn G 960, 15 Piazza tales. Melville M 560, 86 Piccadilly. Oliphant O 168, 600 Picciola. Boniface . . . .^ B 536, 1 7 Picked up adrift. De faille. ...D 275, 87 Picnic papers. Dickens D 420, 95 Picnics P444, 55 Picnics. Hardy H 188, 300 Pickwick abroad. Reynolds. ..R 400, 35 Pickwick papers. Dickens. . . .D 420, 65 Picture. Minifies M 694, 200 Picture book. Andersen A 615, 224 Pictures, the. Tieck T 370, 15 Pictures across the channel. Macquoid. M 204, 45 Pictures in a mirror. Thomas. T 272, 500 Pictures of cottage life. Poole. P 634, 300 Pictures of country life. Cary.C 148, 15 Pictures of school life P 450, 15 Pictures of the French. Janin . J 395 ,110 Pictures of the olden time. Sears. S 240, 20 Pictures of the periods. Collier. C 635, 9 Pictures of the world. Ward. .W 120, 67 Pictures of truth P 450, 23 Piebald. Boyle B 640, 650 Piece of possible history. Hale ^25,17 Pierpont, memoirs of M 568, 35 Pierre. Melville M 560, 87 Pierre ar.d his family P 454, 100 Pigeon pie. Yonge Y 100, 67 Pilate and Herod. Stanley. . .S 704, 250 Pillar of fire. Ingraham J 130, 9 Pillars of the house. Yonge. ...Y 100, 68 Pilot, the. Cooper C 735, 30 Pilot and his wife. Lie L 580, 13 Pilgrim in many lands R 360, 18 Pilgrim street. Smith S 558, 745 Pilgrimage of grace. Emery. .E 485, 410 Pilgrims. Sears S 240, 20 Pilgrims of fashion. Cornwallis.C 780, 45 Pilgrims of the Rhine. Bulwer.B 904, 65 Pilgrims of the Thames. Egan.E 310, 30 Pilgrims of W r alsingham. Strickland. S 870, 19 Pillone. Bergsoe B341, 150 Pine needles. Warner W 150, 75 Piney-woods tavern. Hammitt.H 120, 15 Pink and white tyranny. Stowe . S 840, 34 Pinks and blues. Parker P 75> 37 Pioneer boy. Thayer T 220, 23 Pioneers. Ballantyne B 70, 564 Pioneers. Cooper C 735, 31 Pique. Notley N 670, 31 Pirate, the. Scott S 214, 108 Pirate and the three cutters. Marryat. M405, 46 Pirates of the prairies. Aimard.A 316, 32 Pirate's treasure. Kingston. ...K 530, 52 Place for everything. Haven.. H 314, 2^ 74 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Placid man P 525, 15 Placide. Genlis G 160, 22 Plague in London in 1665. DeFoe. D 215, 12 Plane and Plank. Adams A 145, 74 Plant hunters. Reid R 300, 92 Plantagenet P 540, 16 Planter, the P 543> 19 Planter life in Jamaica. Reid.R 300, 78 Planter's daughter. Dupuy D 948, 53 Planter's northern bride. Hentz.H 470, 39 Play and study. Baker B 39, 52 Play day book. Parton P 128, 27 Play hours and half holidays. Atkinson. A 887, 16 Played out. Cudlip C 924, 100 Playfellow, the. Hall H 56, 52 Playfellow, the. Martineau. ..M 440, 34 Playing for high stakes. Cudlip.C 924,103 Playing the mischief. DeForest. .D 215,57 Playing trades. Grey G 775, 90 Pleasant adventures of Guzman of Alfa- rache. Le Sage L 460, 15 Pleasant and grave history of Bartholo- mew Perigne B 157, 200 Pleasant history of frier Rush. .P 560, 15 Pleasant hours in foreign lands. P 560, 19 Pleasure, a holiday book P 568, 180 Plebiscite. Erckmann-Chat.rian.E620, 28 Pleasures of house-building. Mackenzie. M 152, 600 Pleasure, a holiday book P 568, 180 Plot in private life. Collins. . .C 660, 75 Pluck. Gardette G 57, 12 Plucked from the burning. Church. C410, 45 Plunder creek — 1783 T 50, 40 Plus and minus. Capron C 80, 615 Pneumanee. Cunningham. . .C 944, 297 Poacher, the. Marryat M 405, 49 Poachers , P 5 77, 280 Poet and merchant. Auerbach.A 915, 80 Poet and the breakfast table. Holmes. H 720, 89 Poet's dream P 585, 200 Poganuc people. Stowe S 840, 38 Point of honor. Edwards E 210, 70 Poison of asps. Church C 410, 100 Poisoned meal v 10. N 670, 100 Political history of the devil. De Foe. •■ D 215, 30 Political romance. Sterne S 760, 18 Polly Peablossom's wedding. Thompson. T 300, 804 Pomeroy abbey. Wood W 770, 92 Pompey the little. Coventry. C 835, 300 Ponce de Leon P 622, 100 Pond lily stories P 623, 100 Pontifical zouaves— Double sacrifice. Daems D 15, 10 Poor and proud. Adams A 145, 76 Poor boy's fortune. Kellogg. .K 230, 53 Poor Clare. Gaskell G 108, 56 Poor clerk. Sargent S 120, 33 Poor dear Chuquet. Macquoid.M 204, 45 Poor gentleman. Conscience.. C 700, 20 Poor humanity. Robinson. . . .R 625, 64 Poor Jack. Marryat M 405, 50 Poor match. Parr P 104, 38 Poor Miss Finch. Collins C 660, 80 Poor organ grinder. Woodworth.W 820,23 Poor Paddy's cabin P 640, 15 Poor rich man. Sedgwick S 254, 48 Poor scholar. Carleton C 128, 35 Poor white P 640, 18 Poor wood-cutter. Arthur. . . . A 796, 100 Pope's niece P 643, 100 Poplar grove. Copley C 745, 405 Poppies in the corn P 643, 250 Popping the question. Smythies. S 580, 42 Popping the question and other tales. P643, 280 Poplar house academy. Manning. M340, 64 Popular romances of the middle ages. Cox C 840, 25 Popular romances of west England. Hunt H 954, 405 Popular tales. Edgeworth..v 5. E 160, 47 Popular tales. Guizot G 948, 1 7 Popular tales. Martineau M 440, 35 Popular tales and romances of the north- ern nations P 643, 400 Popular tales and legends of the Irish peasantry. * Lover C 128, 40 Popular tales from the norse. Dasent. D88, 26 Popular tales of the west highlands. Campbell C 44, 500 Popular traditions. Gottschalck. V2. R 750, 16 Porcelain tower ; or, nine stories of China P 647, 300 Portent. Macdonald M 55, 55 Portrait. Riddle R 45 o> 2 ° Portraits of my married friends. P 680, 15 Positivism on an island=New Paul and Virginia. Mallock M 290, 23 Post of honor. Bickerctalk. . .B 409, 75 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 75 Posthumous papers P 690, 150 Postman's bag. Liefde L 590, 18 Potiphar papers. Curtis C 965, 400 Potter party. Llewellyn L 770 10 Pottleton legacy. Smith S 558, 22 Powder and gold. Schucking. .S 200, 24 Powell Vardray's life. Fisher. .F324, 50 Power's partner. Byrne B 999, 400 Prairie. Cooper C 735, 32 Prairie bird. Murray M 935, 200 Prairie crusoe P 730, 16 Prairie days. Sleight S 532, 75 Prairie flower. Aimard A 316, 34 Prairie flower. Bennett B322, 194 Prairies, tour on. Irving J 240, 55 Praise and principle. Mcintosh. M 120,27 Prank. Abbott v 2. A 56, 28 Preacher and king. Bungener. .B 925, 13 Precaution. Cooper . .. . . .C 735, 34 Precept upon precept. Mortimer. M 872,20 Precepts and practice. Hook. .H 760, 49 Preferment. Gore G 475, 55 Premature declaration of love. Hentz. H 470, 28 Premier and his wife .T 50, 45 Prenticeana. Prentice P 747, 300 Prescotts of Pamphillon. Parr.P 104, 69 Present problem. Bolton. . . .B 532, 411 Presentiment. Gore M 702, 28 President's daughters. Bremer. B 740, 25 Preston fight. Ainsworth. . . . A 321, 158 Pretension. Ellis E 430, 49 Pretty Miss Belle w. Havers. .H 322, 17 Pretty Mrs. Gaston. Cook... .C 730, 40 Pretty plate. Vincent V 595, 5°° Pretty Polly Pemberton.Barnett.B958, 320 Prey of the gods. Church. . .C 410, 108 Price of fame. Youatt. Y 150, 20 Pride and his prisoners. Tucker.T 820, 58 Pride and prejudice. -Austen... A 940, 16 Pride of Lexington. Seton. . ..S 312, 18 Pride of life. Scott S 212, 138 Pride or principle P 793, 20 Priest and nun. Wright W 930, 73 Priest's sister T 535, 20 Priest's turf-cutting day P 796, 200 Prime minister. Trollope T 730, 63 Pime minister. Kingston K 530, 54 Primrose path. Oiiphant. .. .0 170, 112 Prince and the peddler. Pickering. ?44o, 37 Prince, duke and page. Bulwer.B 904, 325 Prince Fan-Feredin W 754, 58 Prince of Brittany P 808, 130 Prince of darkness. Southworth..S 620, 78 Prince of Kashna. Kimball. ..K 420, 14 Prince of Orange P 808, 180 Prince of the Fair Family. Hall.. H 56, 53 Prince of the house of David. Ingraham. • J l 3°> *3 Prince Serebrenni. Tolstoy.. .T 512, 19 Prince Wolfang. Hoffmann. .H 635, 34 Princes, public men and pretty women. Dawson D 188, 15 Pride of the village. Irving — J 240, 50 Pride of the village. Jones. .J 855, 400 Princess, the. Morgan M 836, 42 Princess and the goblin. MacDonald. M55, 56 Princess of Brunswick. Zschokke. Y 350, 45 Princess of Silverland. St rivelyne.S 875, 19 Princess of Thule. Black B 450, 833 Princess of Viarna. Picton. . . P 447, 300 Princess Royal v 9. N 670, 100 Prisoner's child P 816, 18 Private life of a public nuisance. Greenwood G 73°> 39 Private Miles O'Relly. Halpine.H 72, 15 Private purse. Hall H 56, 54 Privateersman. Marryat M 405, 51 Problematic characters. Spielhagen. , S 650, 20 Prodigious adventure. Robles. V0I.3.R 750, 24 Profession is not principle. Kennedy. K 312, 20 Professions. Tayleure T 120, 17 Professor, the. Bronte B 788, 13 Professor at the breakfast table. Holmes. H 720, 90 Professor Pressensee. Cooke. . C 730, 43 Professor's wife. Macgregor...M 105, 22 Profile house. Cox C 840, 610 Progress. Dodge D 540, 10 Progress and prejudice. Gore.G 475, 57 Progress of vanity and virtue.. P 828, 300 Prophecy. Butler B 985, 20 Prosper. Cherbuliez C 325, 21 Protestant. Bray B 720, 11 Proud and lazy. Adams A 145, 77 Proud wife. Robinson R 625, 88 Providence illustrated. Schmid.S 188, 25 Provocations of Madame Palissy. Manning. M 340, 66 Provost, the. Gait G 30, 40 Provost of Paris. Browning... B 853, 700 Prudence Palfrey. Aldrich A 435, 16 Prue and I. Curtis C 965, 405 Prussian Spy. Valmont V 250, 40 7 6 Philadelphia Mercantile Library P's and q's. Ycnje Y ioo, 70 Psyche of to-day. Jenkin J.560, 15 Psyche's art. Alcott A 380, 20 Publican's and sinners. Braddon.B 655, 105 Puck. DeLarame .D 240, 70 Puddleford papers. Riley. . . .R 530, 17 Puffer Hopkins. Mathews. ..M 458, 615 Puffs and mysteries P 836, 300 Punch's complete letter writer. Jerrold. J 612, 25 Punch's letters to his son. Jerrold . J 6 1 1 , 25 Punch's prize novelists. Thackeray. T 200, 108 Pupil of the legion of honor. Enault. E 514, 16 Pure as snow=Chaste as ice. Despard. D350, 45 Purgatory of Peter the cruel. Greenwood. G 730, 40 Puritan and his daughter. Paulding. P205, 47 Puritan's grave. Scargill S 1 70, 400 Purple and fine linen. Fawcett.F 104, 20 Purple satin dress. Hentz H 470, 28 Puss cat mew. Hugesson H 917, 62 Puss in boots. Palmer P 40, 25 Put to the test. Chamberlain. ..C 206, 7 Put yourself in his place. Reade.R 208, 40 Pynnshurst. MacLeod M 176, 305 Quadd's odds. Lewis L 550, 12 Quadroon. Reid . . .R 300, 95 Quaker city. Lippard L712, j% Quaker partisans. Williamson. W 580, 18 Quarter race in Kentucky. Porter. P 662, 904 Quaker soldier. Jones J 860, 120 Quakers. Lester L 490, 150 Queechy. Warner W 150, 77 Queen Hortense. Mundt. . . .M 922, 63 Queen Krinaleen. Collins. ..C 650, 200 Queen Mab. Kavanagh K 80, 38 Queen mother. Costello . . . . C 804, 300 Queen of Connaught. Jay. . . .J 460, 40 Queen of Denmark. Gore. . ..G 475, 59 Queen of hearts. Collins C 660, 85 Queen of herself. King K 435, 30 Queen of Sheba. Aldrich A 435, 17 Queen of the county. Marsh .^410,78 Queen of the regiment. King.K 440, 50 Queen of the Savannah. Aimard. A 316,36 Queen Rhoda P 910, 20 Queen Tita's wager. Black . . .B 450, 824 Queen's favorite P 910, 25 Queen's Maries. Melville. . . .M 560, 52 Queen's necklace. Dumas. . . .D 884, 93 Queen's poisoner. Costello. ... C 804, 30 Queen's revenge. Collins C 660, 90 Queen's revenge v 5. N 670, 100 Queen's shilling. Griffiths. . . .G 835, 60 Queen's token. Hoey H 630, 8 Queens. Emery E 485, 200 Queer bonnets. Tuthill T 880, 35 Queer folks. Hugesson H 917, 65 Queen home in Rugby court. Noble . N 520, 20 Quentin Durward. Scott S 214, no Quentin Durward, the loser and the winner P 915, 140 Quest. Bates B 175, 400 Question of honor. Fisher. . . .F 324, 60 Question of honor. Monkhouse M 762, 600 Quiet heart. Oliphant O 170, 114 Quiet heart M 410, 41 Quiet husband. Pickering P 440, 40 Quiet life. Burnett B 958, 322 Quiet Miss Godolphin. Mayo.M 522, 44 Quinnebasset girls. Clarke. . . .C 515, 23 Quite alone. Sala S 60, 36 Quite alone M 410, 62 Quits. Tautphoeus T 100, 24 Quixstar. Taylor T 128, 140 Quodlibet. Kennedy K 312, 404 Rachel Cardingford's book. Boyd B 630, 310 Rachel Dyer. Neal N 170, 28 Rachel Gray. Kavanagh K 80, 40 Rachel Ray. Trollope T 730, 64 Rachel's secret. Tabor T 4, 29 Raff hall. Sulivan S 902, 20 Rag-picker; or, bond and free. . .R 24, 16 Ragged Dick. Alger, A 475, 34 Raid of Arnaboll v 4. .T 50, 46 Raids and romance of Morgan and his men. Ford F 560, 315 Rainbow stories. Wilbraham . W 5 1 3 , 300 Rainbows for children. Child . . C 360, 20 Rainbow's journey. Abbott. . . .A 56, 65 Ralf Skirlaugh. Peacock P 238, no Ralph and Bruno. ' Bramston. .B 709, 13 Ralph Darnell. Taylor T 130, 282 Ralph Reybridge. Linley. . . .L 660, 104 Ralph Seabrooke. Elwes E 460, 30 Ralph the bailiff. Braddon. . .B 655, 108 Ralph the heir. Trollope T 730, 66 Ralph Wilton's weird. Hector . . H 416, 35 Ram Dass. Felix F 140, 20 Ram Krishna punt R 60, 100 Ramble of Philo, and his man Sturdy R 60, 330 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 77 Rambles among the Alps. Abbott ^56,28 Rambles of a butterfly. Belscn . B 290, 400 Rambling recollections. Maxwell M 490,49 Rambling story. Clarke C510, 15 Ran away to sea. Reid R 300, 97 Ranald Bannerman's boyhood. Mac- donald. M 55, 60 Randolph. Neal N 170, 29 Randolph Gordon. De Larame . D 240, 80 Randolphs. Alden A 412, 230 Ranger and Crusader. Kingston . K 5 30, 5 6 Rangers and regulators of the Tanaha. Arrington A 794, 15 Rank and beauty R 105, 200 Ranthorpe. Lewes L 538, 600 Raoul de Bragelonne=Iron mask. Dumas . . . .D 884, 73 Rape of the gamp. Mason. .M 451, 150 Raphael. Lamartine L 60, 23 Rapids of Niagara. Warner. .W 150, 79 Rare good luck. Francillon. . .F 692, 20 Rasselas. Johnson J 735, 700 Rates and taxes. Hood H 750, 80 Rathlynn. AshwOrth A 845, 75 Rattlin the reefer. Marryat. ..M 405, 53 Ravellings. Cannon C 75, 15 Raven club papers. R 1 70, 16 Ravenscliffe. Marsh M 410, 37 Ravensdale R 175, 300 Ravenshoe. Kingsley K 512, 340 Raymond Bury. Keating K 130, 10 Raymond's heroine. . R 184, 200 Reading party T v 3. 50, 45 Ready-money Mortiboy. Besant and Rice B372, 30 Ready work for willing hands. Guern- sey G 918, 42 Real boys and girls. Bartlett. .B 161, 15 Real folks. Whitney W 420, 36 Real lady. Mayo M 522, 28 Real life G 475, 24 Real life. Bourdon B 575, 5 Real scenes in Irish life R 215, 300 Realmah. Helps H 444, 38 Reaping the whirlwind. Hay . .H 345, 38 Rebecca R 220. 20 Rebecca. Corbin C 760, 52 Rebecca. Rowson. R 870, 35 Rebecca and Rowena. Thackeray T 200, 1 10 Rebel conscript=Poor white. . .P/540, 18 Rebels R*22o, 30 Rebels. Child C 360, 23 Recantation. Kip K 560, 300 Recent confessions of an opium eater. v 1. T50, 46 Recess. Lee. L 265 , 45 2 Reclaimed, the M 310, 240 Recluse. Sullivan S 902, 700 Recluse of Norway* Porter. . .P 660, 40 Recluse of Rambouillet. Ory. .O330, 17 Recollections of a collegian. Crayon. C 884, 600 Recollections of a housekeeper. Packard. P 7> 13° Recollections of a policeman. Waters. W 180, 30 Recollections of a southern matron. Gilman G 260, 20 Recollections of childhood. Peacock. v 1.T50, 40 Recollections of Eton R 225, 15 Recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn. Kings- fey K512, 343 Recollections of Joseph Heywood Sar- toris S 124, 100 Recommended to mercy. Houston. H 822, 312 Recompense. Seymour S 336, 200 Record of a policeman. Waters.W 180, 30 Record of an obscure man. Putnam. P880, 250 Records of a good man's life. Tayler. T no, 26 Records of an unfashionable street=We and our neighbors. Stowe. .S 840, 46 Records of the Bubbleton parish.R2 28,250 Rector in search of a curate. Wilkinson. W 540, 600 Rector of Roxburgh. Hickling. H 530, 20 Rector of St. Bardolph's. Sheltun. s 375> 23 Rector of St. Mark's. .Holmes.H 720, 64 Rector's wife. Marsh M 410, 80 Rectory of Valehead. Evans.. E 760, 14 Red and white roses R 232, 100 Red as a rose is she. Broughton. B836, 28 Red book of Appin. Hitchcock. H 618, 200 Red court farm. Wood. . . . . .W 770, 94 Red cross. Adams .A 145, 78 Red doctor. Lafitte L 40, 10 Red Eric. Ballantyne B 70, 568 Red hand of the ford of the Dee. Kelly K 260, 500 Red hill tragedy. Southworth. . S 620, 79 Red house by the river. Douglas. D 742, 460 Red rover. Cooper C 735, 36 78 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Red shanty boys. Ludlow. . .L 940, 405 Red track. Aimard A 316, 38 Red velvet boddice. Hentz. ..H 470, 28 Redburn. Melville. .* M 560, 89 Redgauntlet. Scott S 2 14, 1 1 2 Redskins. Cooper C 735, 37 Redwood. Sedgwick S 254, 52 Reed shaken with the wind. Faithful. F 24, 15 Reel in a bottle. Cheever C 305, 10 Reflection. Hofland H 640, 74 Reformed reprobate R 270, 17 Refugee. Melville M 560 90 Refugee in America. Trollope.T 730, 118 Regent's daughter. Dumas D 884, 95 Regicide's daughter. Carpenter. C 140,200 Reginald Archer. Seemuller. . .S 270, 20 Reginald Dalton. Lockhart. . .L 785, 10 Reginald Du Bray R 275, 200 Reginald Hastings. Warburton.W 110,30 Reginald Hetherege. Kingsley.K 512,346 Reginald Lyle. Pardoe. P 55> 39 Regular service .R 280, 250 Reigning beanty. Chatterton.C 290, 520 Reigning belle. Stephens S 746, 48 Rejected wife. Stephens S 746, 50 Religion and its image R 325, 16 Religion at home. Williams . . W 5 70, 30 Religious courtship. De Foe. .D 215, 32 Reminiscences of an old draper. Ablett. A 74,8 Reminiscences of lonely hours. White. ........ ........ ?? W 390, 500 Remorse. Blanc B 489, 12 Remy St. Remy. Gildersleeve . G 240, 1 5 Rena. Hentz H 470, 41 Renee and Franz. Fould. . . .F 654, 600 Renshawe. Peck P 270, 190 Rent in a cloud. Lever L 520, 51 Renunciation. D'Arbly D 64, 18 Reparation. Fullerton F 868, 59 Republic of fools. Wieland. .W 480, 19 Rescued from Egypt. Tucker. T 820, 60 Resignation R 337, 170 Resolution. Roe R 712, 47 Rest and unrest. Bell B 264, 45 Restored=Heir of Malreward..R 340, 20 Restored to youth R 340, 25 Retribution. Southworth S 620, 80 Return of the fairies. Choiseul.C39o, 300 Return of the native. Hardy.. H 190, 22 Reuben Davidger. Greenwood. G 730, 25 Reuben Medlicott. Savage. . . .S 148, 35 Revelations of a police court interpreter. Jacobson J 325, 200 Revelations of a registry office. R 356, 120 Revelations of the dead alive. Banim. B 95, 248 Revenge R 360, 18 Revenge. James J 340, 114 Rev. Alfred Hoblush's statement. v 9. N 670, 100 Rev. Dr. Willoughby and his wine. Walker W 30, 42 Reverie. Johnston J 810, 22 Reveries of a bachelor. Mitchell. M 720, 35 Reynard the fox M 875, 700 Reynard the fox v 1. R 750, 16 Rhedi the hermit. Mackenzie. M 152, 400 Rhoda Thornton's girlhood. Pratt. ; P 740, 30 Rice corner. Holmes H 720, 35 Rich and humble. Adams. . . .A 145, 80 Rich and poor. Hosmer H 812, 35 Rich and rare. Blake B 484, 538 Rich husband. Riddell R 440, 45 Rich man's daughter. Adams .A 1 45 , 58 Rich Medway's two loves. Gardner. . G 60, 30 Richard Arnott's craze. Robinson. v 2, 3. R 625, 88 Richard Edney. Judd J 925, 20 Richard Hume. Sargent S 120, 38 Richard Hunter. Alger A475, IO Richard Hurdis. Simms S 470, 62 Richard the fearless. Yonge. ,.Y 100, 73 Richard Vandermarck. Harris. H 230, 20 Richelieu. James J 340, 116. Riches have wings. Arthur. , A 796, 105 Richie Barter T 50, 40 Riddles of love. Blanchard. .B 489, 330 Rides and reveries of ^sop Smith. Tupper T 840, 22 Ridgeway R 504, 1 7 Rienzi. Bulwer B 904, 68 Rifle rangers. Reid R 300, 99 Right and left. Newby N 344, 32 Right and wrong R 517, 200 Right at last. Davidson D 130, 100 Right at last. Gaskell G 108, 55 Right is might. Goodrich. . . .G 432, 30 Right minded woman. Trollope. T 73°. 354 Right one. Schwartz S 208, 28 Righted at last. Fuller . ..F 860, 47 Righted wrong. Yates Y 10, 50 Ring and the veil. St. John .... S 40, 32 Ring of Amasis. Bulwer B 904, 300 Rip Van Winkle. Irving J 240, 50 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 79 Ripley parsonage. Huntington. H 970, 10 Riquet a la houpe. Thackeray.T 200, 12 Rise and fall of the mustache. Burdette. B943, 430 Risen from the ranks. Alger. . ..A 475, 36 Rising in the world. Arthur. A 796, 108 Rising sun. Barrett B 147, 310 Rita; autobiography. Aide... A 310, 18 Rival beauties. Pardoe P 55, 42 Rival belles. Jones J 860, 42 Rival races. Sue S 890, 38 Rival volunteers. Howe H 840, 18 Rivals. Clemens C 535, 15 Rivals, the. Griffin G 820, 55 Riven bonds. Buerstenbinder. .B 885, 15 River legends. Hugessen H 917, 68 Riversdale. Bowen B 595, 400 Rivers of ice. Ballantyne B 70, 570 Rob of the bowl. Kennedy. .K 312, 408 Rob Roy. Grant G 618, 6 Rob Roy. Scott. S 214, 114 Robert R 604, 10 Robert Ainsleigh. Braddon B 655, 17 Robert Chetwynd's confession. Murray. M 935, 358 Robert Bruce. Reynolds R 400, 42 Robert Dalby R 604, 15 Robert Dawson R 604, 180 Robert Falconer. Macdonald. .M 55, 63 Robert Fulton. Hauch H 295, 300 Robert Graham. Hentz H 470, 44 Robert Greathouse. Swift S 960, 25 Robert Helmont. Daudet D 94, 18 Robert Linton. Robbins R 570, 38 Robert May R 604, 250 Robert Merry. Goodrich G432 ,6 Robert Mornay. Ferrer F 180, 150 Robert Morton. Rush R 940, 18 Robert Ord's atonement. Carey. C 112, 15 Robert Severne. Hammond. .H 126, 20 Robertses. Trollope. ." T 730, 120 Robin Gray. Gibbon G 206, 25 Robin Hood. Campbell C 54, 600 Robin Tremayne. Holt H 730, 19 Robinson Crusoe. De Foe. . ..D 215, 20 Robinson Crusoe. Adams. . . .A 145, 82 Robinson Crusoe's money. Wells. W 308, 1 20 Robinson Playfellow A 205, 50 Robinson the younger. Campe . C 60, 11 Rock ahead. Yates, Y 10, 52 Rock of the candle. Griffin. ..G 820, 45 Rockbourne. Weir W 280, 30 Rockingham. Jarnac. . . .J 430, 15 Rocky island. Wilberforce. .W 510, 225 Roddy's reality. Johnson. . . . J 735, 300 Roddy's romance. Johnson.. J 735, 302 Roderick Hudson. James. . . .J 340, 154 Roderick Random. Smollet. . .S 570, 23 Rodolphus. Abbott A 56, 66 Roelolph; or the banditte. ..... .J 12, 20 Roebuck. Russell R 950, 18 Roger de Coverley. Addison. A 165,19 Roger Kyffin's ward. Kingston. K 530, 58 Rogue's li r e v 1. N 670, 100 Roland Cashel. Lever L 520, 53 Roland Trevor K 720, 16 Roland York. Wood W 770, 96 Rolling stone. Dudevant D 842, 65 Rollo's correspondence. Abbott. A 56, 67 Romain Kalbris. Malot M 295, 400 Roman traitor. Herbert H 482, 40 Romance and reality. Landon.L 104, 15 Romance dust. Mayo M 522, 610 Romance of a poor young man. Feuillet. F 208, 30 Romance of a back street. Robinson. R625, 66 Romance of a Portmanteau. . . .L 502, 30 Romance of a summer day. Alcott. A 380, 1 9 Romance of Abelard and Heloise. Wight. W500, 30 Romance of an honest woman. Cherbuliez. • c 3 2 5> 2 5 Romance of an Irish Girl R 730, 20 Romance of Beausiencourt. Warfield. W 140, 38 Romance Cleaveside. Parsons. .P 120, 10 Romance of history =England. Neele. N 220, 25 France. Ritchie R 540, 45 India. Caunter C 176, 25 Italy. Macfarlane M 90, 15 Spain. Trueba T 770, 20 Romance of Royalty. Smith. .S 558, 940 Romance of student life abroad. Kimball. K 420, 17 Romance of the forest. Radcliffe.Ri6, 28 Romance of the harem. Pardoe. P 55, 42 Romance of the mummy. Gautier. • • G 130, 15 Romance of the ocean. Foley.F 462, 17 Romance of the ranks. Conolly.C 690, 600 Romance of the republic. Child C 360, 25 Romance of the revolution. Bunce. B 916, 10 Romance of the sea-serpent. Bachelder. B 174, 10 Romance of travel. Willis. . ..W 600, 38 Romances and realities. Barr..B 138, 12 8o Philadelphia Mercantile Library Romances of history. Neele. .N 220, 18 Romances of real life. Gore. .G 475, 61 Romances of the East. Gobineau. G 355, 100 Romances of the old town of Edinburg. Leighton L 350, 24 Romantic Belinda. Tuthill T 880, 40 Romantic breach of promise, vol. 6. N 670, 100 Romantic fiction. Lamotte-Fouque. L80, 13 Romantic legend of Sakya Buddha. Beal. • •.•••? 2 °3> 7oo Romantic passages in English history. Beverly. . , B 403, 10 Romantic tales. Craik C 850, 103 Romany Rye. Borrow B 550, 13 Rome and the abbey. Abbey. A 271, 18 Rome in the nineteenth century=Rule of the monk. Garibaldi G 65 , 300 Romeo and Juliet. Bandello. .M 568, 21 Romneys of Ridgemont. Eastman . E 30, 1 2 Romola- Lewes L 540, 32 Ronald Morton. Kingston. . .K 530, 24 Rookstone. Macquoid M 204, 46 Rookwood. Ainsworth A 321, 160 Ropes of sand. Hamilton H 90, 35 Rory O'More. Lover L 890, 22 Rosa of Linden castle R 740, n Rosa, the Parisian girl. Pressense.P 760, 15 Rosalie's pet. Mathews M 460, 50 Rosalind and Felicia R 740, 190 Rosaline Woodbridge. Jones.. J 855, 405 Rosamond. Edge worth E 160, 50 Rosamond. Holmes H 720, 56 Rosamond Fane. Lee L 265, 105 Rosamond Dayton. Gardner.. G 60, 500 Rosa's wish. Bell B 264, 49 Rose, the R 750, 280 Rose and her mission. Lynch L 960, 23 Rose and ring. Thackeray. . .W 200, 53 Rose and the Key. LeFanu...L 270, 28 Rose Clark. Parton P 128, 30 Rose D' Albert. James J. 340, 120 Rose Douglass. Whitehead. . W 408, 604 Rose-garden. Peard P 245, 19 Rose in bloom. Alcott A 380, 18 Rose in June. Oliphant O 170, 117 Rose Leblanc. Fullerton F 868, 55 Rose Mather. Holmes H 720, 58 Rose Morton's journal, April. .R 760, 20 February R 760, 21 January R 760, 22 March R 760, 23 May R 760, 24 Rose of Ashurst. Marsh M 410, 39 Rose of DeKama. VanLennep.V 280, 300 Roseof Disentis. Zschokke. ..Y 350, 49 Rose the lavender girl R 760, 380 Rose Turquand. Hopkins. ...H 798, 200 Rosemary. Fullerton F 868, 57 Rosemary. Huntington H 970, 21 Roses and thorns R 760, 400 Roseteague. Bray B 720, 13 Rosine. Melville M 560, 55 Rothery Selfert Olive O 205, 400 Rothmell. Denison D 304, 88 Roue, the Beazley B 229, 300 Rouge et noir. About A 81, 20 Rough and ready. Alger A 475, 38 Rough diamond. Mayo M 522, 46 Rough hewn. Day D 188, 48 Roughing it on the great lakes=Out west. Adams A 145, 67 Roughing it, with Alick Baillie. Stewart. S 770, 815 Round the block. Bouton B 582, 300 Round the Sofa. Gaskell G 108, 56 Round the world. Kingston.. .K 530, 60 Round about papers. Thackeray. T 200, 112 Round hearts. Harris H 230, 23 Rovings on land and sea. Davenport. Duo, 400 Roxobel. Sherwood S 394, 26 Roxy. Eggleston E 320, 30 Roy's wife. Melville M 560, 57 Royal captives. Yearsley Y 40, 19 Royal favorite. Gore G 475,65 Royal oak=Boscobel. Ainsworth. A 321, 120 Royal poet. Irving J 240, 50 Royal road to fortune. Miller. M 667, 250 Rubina R 890, 16 Ruby Adams R 895, 200 Ruby Duke. Potwin P 708, 250 Ruby Gray's strategy. Stephens. S 746, 52 Ruby's husband. Terhune T 190 42 Rufus and Rose. Alger A 475, 39 Ruined cities of Zuzu land. Walmsley. ... .W60, 35 Rule of the monk. Garibaldi. G 65, 300 Ruling the roast. Wood....W 770, 726 Rumor. Sheppard S 383, 320 Run to earth. Braddon B 655, no Runaway match. Wood W 770, 98 Running the blockade*. Thomes. T 290, 25 Running the gauntlet. Yates. . .Y 10, 54 Running to waste. Baker B 36, 400 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 81 Rupert Lawrence. McKeever.M 140, 53 Rural funerals. Irving J 240, 50 Rural life in America R 930, 19 Rural sketches. Miller M 670, 52 Rural tales. More. M 815, 20 Russ and Turcoman=Safar-Hadgi. Lubomirski L 920, 200 Russell. James. . J 340, 122 Russian bullet, etc R 956, 100 Russian folk tales. Ralston. . . .R 50, 20 Russian popular tales. Dietrich. D 448, 25 Ruth. Gaskell G 108, 58 Ruth Elmer, R 960, 18 Ruth Hall. Parton P 1 28, 34 Ruth in the garden. Edwards. E 224, 45 Ruth Maxwell. Blake B 484, 13 Ruth's sacrifice. Pearson P 260, 30 Rutherford. Fawcett F 104, 23 Rutilius and Lucius. Wilberforce.W 510, 16 Rutledge. Harris H 230, 28 Rybrent de Cruce. Head H 380, 390 Sable cloud. Adams A 129, 50 Sabrina Hackett. Ward W 120, 750 Sack of gold. Johnson J 740, 70 Sackville chase. Collins C 640, 20 Sackville St. Lawrence. Cornwallis. C 780, 48 Sacristan's household. Trollope.T 730, 258 Sad hour. Thackeray. ...... .T 200, ^^ Sad tales. Mellon M 550, 15 Saddler Muller's Wendel. Howitt. H 860, 61 Safar-Hagi. Lubomirski L 920, 200 Safely married. Jolly J 830, 25 Sailor boy. Adams A 145, 85 Sainclair, Gelis G 160, 25 Saint Alice. Tainsh T 20, 16 Saint Bartholomew's eve=Sister Rose. Holt H 730, 20 St. Beetha's. Worboise W 850, 40 Saint Cecilia. Manigaut M 320, 400 St. Clair. Morgan M 836, 45 St. Clair of the isles. Helmc.H 440, 18 St. Elmo. Wilson W 640, 28 St. George and St. Michael. MacDonald. M 55, 65 Saint Gildas. Kavanagh K 80, 44 St. Giles and St. James. Jerrold.J 612, 27 St. James's. Ainsworth A 321, 162 St. Jude's assistant=All for her . A 504, 1 10 Saint Kentigern. Hay H 540, 400 St. Knighton's keive". O'Donoghue. O 55, 200 St. Lawrence. Ward. . „ W 120, 60 St. Leger. Kimball. . K 420, 19 St. Leon. Godwin G 370, 20 St. Martin's eve. Wood W 77c, 102 St. Martin's summer. Brewster . .B 744, 15 St. Nicholas. Paulding P 205, 14 St. Olaves. Tabor. T 4, 32 St. Patrick S 52, 300 St. Peter's bride. Harper. . . .H 214, 400 St. Phillip's. Harris H 230, 30 St. Roche S 56, 300 St. Ronan's well. Scott S214, 116 St. Simon's niece. Benedict B 308, 20 St. Twelmo. Webb W 244, 28 St. Valentine's day. Scott S 214, 75 St. Winifred's. Farrar F 84, 20 Sakya Buddha, legend of. Beal. 203, 700 Salathiel. Croly C 894, 505 Salem. Castleton C 164, 300 Sally Williams. Cheney C 315, 15 Salmagundil. Irving J 240, 58 Salome and I. v 2 N 670, 100 Salt of the earth. Mayo. .... .M 522, 46 Salt of the'earth. Mayo M 522, 28 Salt water. Kingston K 530, 62 Salt-water bubbles. Sleeper. . . .S 530, 25 Salt-water Dick. Nowell N 710, 35 Salt with savor and without=Mrs. Thornes' guests. Capron. . ..C 80, 610 Salted with fire. Le Grange .... L 330, 1 2 Sam Lawson. Stowe S 840, 28 Sam Shirk. Devereux D 370, 400 Sam Slick in search of a wife=Wise saws. Haliburton H 38, 33 Sam Slick in Texas. Hammitt. .H 120, 15 Sam Weller, crew of. Habberton. H 4, 12 Sam's chance. Alger A 475, 42 Samantha at the Centennial=Josiah Allen's wife. Holley H 702, 9 Samuel Brohl and company. Cherbu- Jiez C 325, 28 Sancho. Cunningham C 944, 300 Sanctuary, the. Nichols N 410, 15 Sand-hills of Jutland. Andersen . A 6 1 5 , 230 Sandoval. Llanos L 767, 210 Sanford and Merton. Day. . . .D 188, 39 Sanford and Merton, new history of. Burnand B 952,119 Sans Merci. Lawrence L 225, 36 Sans Souci park. Tharmott. . . .T 210, 16 Sapelo. Goulding G 540, 25 Sapskull, Life of L 612, 100 Saratoga. Gleig G 322, 25 Sarcasm of Destiny. Sherwood . . S 390,15 Sarchedon. Melville M 560, 58 Sartaroe. Maitland M 270, 30 %2 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Satanella. Melville M 560, 60 Satanstoe. Cooper C 735, 39 Saturday Sterne. Reade R 208, 500 Savage beauty S 154, 17 Savage-club papers. Halliday . . . H 65 , 15 Saved by a woman S 157, 250 Saved from the wreck. Parr. . .P 104, 72 Saveeis expiation. Durand . . . . D 960, 25 Saving little; wasting much. v ii.N67o,ioo Saxe Holm's stories H 712, 15 Saxelford. May M 502, 30 Saxham Grange. Parr P 104, 67 Say and seal. Warner W 150, 90 Scalp hunters. Reid R 300, 102 Scandal. Bickford B 410, 80 Scapegoat. Pemberton P 304, 200 Scarlet letter. Hawthorne. . . .H 330, 53 "Scarlet stockings. Alcott A 380, 19 Scattered by the tempest=Kate Weathers. Vaughan V 300, 15 Scattered leaves. Jones J 860, 600 Scene painter's wife. Braddon. .6655,87 Scenes and sketches in legal life . S 175, 220 Scenes and sketches of a soldier's life in Ireland S 175, 250 Scenes from the life of a spinster. Yonge Y 100, 48 Scenes from the life of Edward Las- celles Gent S 175, 350 Scenes of clerical life. Lewes. . L 540, 34 Scenes of life. Watts W 200, 19 Sceptres and crowns. Warner ^150,92 Schinderhannes. Ritchie R 540, 48 Schonberg-cotta family. Charles . C 248, j 4 School and home S 194, 16 School boy. Abbott A 62, 8 School boy baronet. Greene. .G 715, 65 School boy days=Ernest Bracebridge Kingston K 530, 20 School days at Rugby. Hughes . H 920, 30 School for dreamers. Gwynne . .G 980, 15 School for fathers. Gwynne. . . G 980, 17 School for husbands. Bulwer . . B 904, 340 School of life. Howitt H 857, 15 Schoolboy honour. Adams. . .A 117, 10 Schoolmaster and his son. Caspari . C 1 5 2 , 9 Schoolmaster of Abbach. Oertel.O 65, 500 Schoolmaster's stories. Eggleston. E 320, 35 Schoolmaster's trunk. Diaz. ...D 410, 28 Schools and school masters. Dickens. D 420, 70 Schooner Mary Ann. Abbott.. .A 56, 68 Scotch wooing. Ayrton A 971, 25 Scotland, historical tales of. . . .H 612, 13 Scottish chiefs. Porter P 660, 504 Scottish orphans. Blackford. ..B 464, 14 Scouring of the white horse. Hughes H 920, 33 Scout, the. Simms S 470, 64 Scripture club. Habberton H 4, 25 Scripture precepts. Couriard. .C 825, 50 Scrope. Perkins P 330, 16 Scrubb Hollow Sunday school. .S 220, 250 Sea and shore. Adams A 145, 87 Sea and shore. Warfield W 140, 40 Seaboard parish. Macdonald. . .M 55, 68 Seacliff. De Forest D 215, 65 Sea drift. Rodney R 690, 35 Sea drifts. McLeod. M 176, 500 Sea gift. Fuller F 856, 300 Sea lions. Cooper C 735 , 41 Sea of ice. St. John S 40, 440 Sea shell island. Abbott A 2 1 , 5 Sea stories S 234, 1 70 Sealed packet. — Giulio Malatesta. Trollope T 730, 620 Seaforth. Montgomery M775,28 Search for ancestors=Chevalier Casse- Cou. Boisgobey B 520, 28 Search for the gral. Goddard.G 360, 410 Seaside and fireside fairies. Blum . B 507, 20 Season ticket. Haliburton H 38, 25 Seasons, the. La Motte-Fouque . . L 80, 10 Seaward, Sir Edward. Porter. . P 660, 55 Sea-weed, etc. Webb W 244, 30 Sea-wolf, the. S 234, 200 Second-cousin Sarah. Robinson ^625,69 Second funeral of Napoleon. Thackeray » T 200, 92 Second love S 246, 16 Second love. Trollope T 730, 130 Second love=Heart twice won . . V 283 , 75 Second marriage. Burdett. . . .B 943, 20 Second Mrs. Tillotson. Fitzgerald • F34°> 40 Second sight=The portent. Macdonald M55, 55 Second tale of a tub. Burnett.. B 961, 400 Second to none. Grant G 618, 32 Second wife. John J 720, 30 Secrecy S 249, 200 Secret chamber. T. B. .v 2 T50, 46 Secret drawer S 249, 300 Secret foe. Pickering P 440, 43 Secret of a life. Bell B 264, 375 Secret of happiness. Feydeau.F 230, 300 Secret ok the confessional. Lavergne L 195, 100 Secret of ihe island. Verne . . .V 380, 52 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 83 Secret of the sea. Speight. . . .S 638, 35 Secret witness. Ingemann.v 1. D 41, 20 Secrets of my office S 249, 400 Sedgeborough world. Farebrother . F 58,80 Sedgemoor. Richards R 412, 25 Seed of the church. Dickinson. .D 440,200 See-saw. Abati A 4, 1 Seed-time and harvest. Arthur . A 796, 1 10 Seed-time and harvest. Reuter . . R 350, 25 Seek and find. Adams A 145, 90 Seen and heard. Mayo M 522, 46 Seen and unseen S 275, 19 Seer, the. Heyse L 640, 154 Sefton hall. Caldbeck C 20, 11 Select fables from Gulistan. Saadi.S 1, 19 Select collection of novels. Croxall C 910, 600 Selected tales of the Genii. Whately » W356, 300 Self-control. Brunton B 865, 410 Self-devotion. Campbell C 44, 125 Self-love S 290, 20 Self-made. Welty W 316, 20 Self-made woman. Bucking- ham. B 875, 260 Self raised. Southworth S 620, 82 Selim S 295, 290 Selling lucky. Abbott A 56, 69 Selvaggio. Manning M 340, 68 Semi-attached couple. Eden. . . ,E 135, 15 Semi-detached house. Eden. . .E 135, 20 Sensation at Seasonville. Robinson . R 625, 88 Sense. Pomeroy P 620, 27 Sense and sensibility. Austen ... A 940, 1 9 Seola : a story S 298, 1 30 Seppeli, the Swiss boy S 300, 16 Septimus Felton. Hawthorne . . H 330, 55 Sequel to Mamma's Bible stories . S 302, 200 Serbian folk lore. Mijatories . . M 65 2, 15 Serfs daughter .S 304, 30 Sergeant Atkins. Donaldson . .D 620, 300 Servant girl of the period. Chamber- lain C 206, 9 Servants hall S 308, 100 Setting of the pearls=Fair passions. [ p 455> 40 Settler and the savage. Ballantyne. [ B 1°> 573 Settler in South Africa S 315, 250 Settlers in Canada. Marryat...M 405, 55 Seven autumn leaves S 320, 18 Seven daughters. Douglas D 742,40 Seven gray pilgrims S 320, 230 Seven hills. DeMille D 275, 95 Seven little people. Scudder. .S 226, 25 Seven marriages. Langbein. V4.R 750, 16 Seven poor travellers. Dickens D 420, 19 & 72 Seven sons of Mammon. Sala. . .S 60, 39 Seven stories. Fullerton F 868, 59 Seven stories. Mitchell M 720, 38 Seven tales by seven authors. .S 320, 300 Seven years. Kavanagh K 80, 46 Sevenoaks. Holland H 685, 35 Seventy-five Brook St. Fitzgerald. F 340, 43 Sexton's story. Waugh W 208, 25 Shabby genteel story. Thackeray. . T 200, 115 Shades of character. Woodroofe.W 800, 25 Shadow in the house. Saunders.S 126, 38 Shadow of Ashlydyat. Wood.. W 770, 104 Shadow of Moloch mountain. Austin. A 945 240 Shadow of the sword. Buchanan. B 870, 25 Shadowless men and v. 8. N 670, 100 Shadows cast before. Home.H 733, 300 Shadows on the snow. Farjeon.F 62, 50 Shadowy hand. Morgan. . . .M 834, 305 Shady side. Hubbell H 910, 300 Shahmah S 342, 19 Shaker lovers. Thompson. . . .T 300, 40 Shakespeare and his friends. Williams. W 570, 20 Shakespeare, tales from. Lamb..L 70, 12 Shakespeare's funeral. T. F. B. vol. 2.T 50, 46 Shamrock and thistle. Adams. A 145, 92 Shandy McGuire. Boyce B 621, 52 Shanty, the blacksmith. Sherwood. s 394, 29 Shaving of Shagpat M 604, 18 Shawl straps. Alcott. . . .vol. 2. A 380, 3 She hath done what she could. Reed. R 240, 18 She loved him madly. Borys.B 550, 425 She was young and he was old.S 360, 130 Sheek of Alexandria. Hauff. ,H 302, 25 Shell cove S 368, 100 Shellburn. Leighton L 350, 28 Shellworker, the ,8372, 700 Sheltern. Coningsby. C 690, 300 Shepherd of Salisbury plain. More. M 815, 27 Sheppard Lee. Bird B 436, 320 Shepperton manor. Neale. ..N 180, 400 Sherborne. Dering D 330, 100 Sherbrooke. Talcot .T 45, 90 Sherwood forest= Wager of battle. Herbert H 482, 44 &4 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Shifting for himself. Alger. ...A 475, 45 Shifting winds. Ballantyne. . ..B 70, 575 Shiloh. Woodruff W 804, 20 Shining hours. Moraine M 808, 20 Ship ahoy ! Fenn F 172, 485 Ships that never came in=Worth while. Capron C 80, 625 Ship-carpenter's family W 418, 600 Shipwreck. D'Ar^lay D 64, 25 Shipwrecked in the air. Verne. V 380, 55 Shipwrecked mariner's treasure. Etlar. V.2.D 41, 20 Shirley. Bronte B 788, 15 Shoemaker's daughters. Smith.S 558, 220 : Shoemaker's village. Rands . . .R 95 , 410 «Shoepac recollections=Walter March. Willcox W 560, 20 Shoes of fortune. Andersen. A 615, 232 Shooting stars. Alden A 41 2, 375 Shores of Vespuci S 412, 25 Short-comings. Eastman E 30, 15 Short stories. Dickens D 420, 74 Short stories and poems S 416, 300 Short stories for spare moments. S416, 350 Short tales. Schmid S 188, 28 Shoshie. Brittan B 764, 324 Shot. Sheridan S 386, 70 Shoulder-knot. Tefft T 140, 15 Shoulder straps. Morford M 830, 23 Show your passports. Hale. . ..H 25, 29 Shreds and patches. Kennedy. K 312, 300 Sibert's wold. Mackarness. . ..M 125, 22 Sibyl and Chysa. Warner. ..W 150, 130 Sibyl Monroe. Russell R 950, 38 Sibyl Spencer. Kent K 348, 30 Sicilian romance S 424, 300 Sick calls. Price .P 790, 13 Sickness and health of the people of Blea- burn. Martineau M 440, 42 Sidney Bellew. Francis F 696, 15 Sidney Bidulph. Sheridan S 386, 23 Sidney DeGrey. Wise W 700, 38 Sidney Elliott. Nauman N 130, 20 Sidney Flint, Adventures of.... .A 205, 54 Sidney Grey. Keary K 112, 21 Sidonia. Meinhold M 542, 15 Sidonie. Daudet D 94, 20 Siege of Florence. M'Carthy. .M 20, 310 Siege of Lichfield. Gresley. . .G 760, 20 Siege of Vienna. Pichler P 430, 17 Siege of Washington. Adams.. A 105, 60 Sights and insights. Whitney. W 420, 39 Sigismund Fatello v.8.T 50, 45 Sign of the silver flagon. Farjeon.F 62, 8 Signa. DeLarame D 240, 87 Signal boys. Eggleston E328, 15 Signal lights. Johnson. . . J 735 , 350 Signe's history. Thoresen. . . .T 310, 50 Signet of King Solomon. Arnold. A 780, 19 Signet ring. Liefde L 590, 20 Silas Barnstarke. Gwynne. . . .G 980, 20 Silas Marner. Lewes L 540, 36 Silas the conjuror. Greenwood. G 730* 45 Silcote of Silcotes. Kingsley.K 512, 350 Silent and true. Fleming F 360, 55 Silent partner. Phelps P 370, 48 Silent struggles. Stephens S 746, 54 Silent Tom. Edson E 180, n Silent witness. Yates Y 10, 58 Silk-attire. Black B 450, 808 Silver cord. Brooks B 818, 15 Silver dollar S 460, 20 Silver lake. Ballantyne B 70, 578 Silver pitchers. Alcott A 380, 19 Silver skates=Hans Brinker..D 545, 10c Silver threads. McKeever . . . . M 140, 55 Silver trumpet S 460, 250 Silvia. Kavanagh K 80, 48 Simon Suggs' adventures. Hooper. H 775, 2C Simple conversations on engineering. S 480, 16 Simple flower. Tonna T 520, 35 Simple story. Inchbald J 60, 15 Simple woman. Keddie K 150, 43 Simpleton. Reade R 208, 43 Simplicity and fascination. Beale.B 205, 20 Sin of a countess=Family doom. Southworth S 620, 42 Sin of a father v. 10. N 670, 10a Singlehurst manor. Worboise.W 850, 42 Singular creatures. Cupples. . C 952, 12c Sink or swim. Alger A 475, 48 Sins of the fathers. Braddon. .B 655, 85 Sintram. Lamotte Fonque. ..L 80, 1017 Sir Andrew Wylie. Gait G 30, 45 Sir Bartholomew Sapskull. . . .L 612, 100 Sir Bernard Gaston. Smith. .S 558, 935 Sir Brooke Fosbrooke. Lever. L 520, 55 Sir Charles Grandison. Richardson. R 420, 38 Sir Edward Graham. Sinclair. S 486, 37 Sir Edward Seaward. Porter. P 660, 508 Sir Everard's daughter. Jeaffreson. J 470, 25 Sir Frizzle Pumpkin S 600, 15CJ Sis Gibbie. Macdonald M 55, 69 Sir Gilbert S 500,1c; Sir Harry Hotspur. Trollope. .T 730, 68 Sir H. Clarendon H 615, 55 4oo Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life. Whitney W 420, 42 Summer driftwood. Porter. . . .P 62, 308 Summer-land . S 908, 23 Summer snow. Keddie K 150, 47 Summer stories. Richards.. . .R 412, 40 Summer's romance. .Healy. . .H 404, 35 Sun and shade S 920, 18 Sunbeam. Bruce B 860, 518 Sunbeam stories. Mackarness. .M 125, 24 Sunbeams and shadows. Mac- leod M 176, 310 Sunday chaplet. Tucker T 820, 72 Sunday echoes. Brock B 775, 300 Sunday's at Lovell. Audley. .S 922, 100 Sunken rocks. Pantuef. P 50, 40 Sunlight and shadow 8*924, 100 Sun-maid, the. Grant G 618, 225 Sunny bank. Terhune T 190, 45 Sunny days S 926, 100 Sunny-eyed Tim S 926, 125 Sunny hours. Eyster E 840, 15 Sunny path. Davis D 166, 45 Sunny Shores. Adams A 145, 100 Sunny Side. Phelps P 370, 20 Sunny South. Ingraham J 130, 15 Sun-rays from clear and clouded Skies S 928, 160 Sunset in Provence S 928, 200 Sunset Mountain. Porter P 660, 23 Sunset stories. Pike P 462, 28 Sunshine. McKeever M 140, 57 Sunshine and clouds. Bowman. B 608, 19 Sunshine and shadow. Newby.N 344, 45 Sunshine of Greystone. May.M 502, 34 Surgeon's daughter. Scott S 214, 72 Surly Tim. Burnett B 958, 325 Surry of Eagle's nest. Cooke.. C 730, 50 Survivors of the Chancellor. Verne V 380, 58 Susan Fielding. Edwards ; . . . .E 210, 79 Susan Hope. Crowe C 910, 312 Susan Lawton's escape. Holm, v 2. H 712, 15 Susan Price. Edgeworth E 160, 30 Sut Lovingood. Harris H 225, 500 Sutherland^, the. Harris H 230, 35 Suzanne de l'Orme S 938, 100 Swallow barn. Kennedy. . . .K 312, 410 Swedes in Prague. Pichler. . . .P 430, 19 Sweet Anne Page. Collins. . ..C 650, 412 Sweet clover. May M 498, 200 Sweethearts and wives. Arthur. A 796, 126 Sweethearts and wives. Power. P 714, 305 Swell life at sea. Gould G 530, 250 Swept and garnished S 950, 18 " Swingin round the circle." Locke L 780, 18 Swiss family Robinson. Wyss. .W 990, 20 Switch off. Adams . .A 145, 102 Sword and distaff. Simms S 470, 68 Sword and gown. Lawrence. . .L 225, 38 Sybaris and other homes. Hale.H 25, 35 Sybil. Disraeli D 520, 40 Sybil and Chryssa. Warner. .W 150, 130 Sybil Grey S 070, 20 Sybil Huntington. Dorr. . . .D 645, 210 Sybil Lennard. Grey G 775, 68 Sybil's second love. Kavanagh . . K 80, 50 I Sybil's way S 970, 25 I Sydenham S 975, 30 Sydney Stuart. Bell B 264, 55 Sydnie Adriance. Douglas. . ..D 742, 49 Sylvan Holt's daughter. Parr. .P 104, 40 Sylvester Sound. Cockton. . . .C 605, 21 Sylvesters. Edwards. E 224, 50 Sylvia. Parr P 104, 67 9° Philadelphia Mercantile Library Sylvia. Peard P 245, 13 Sylvia's burden. May M 498, 203 Sylvia's choice. Craik C 860, 50 Sylvia's lovers. Gaskell G 108, 64 Sylvia's world. King K 435, 710 Tactics. Gray G 655, 600 Tailor boy ...T12, 19 Take a peep. Cobden C 585, 18 Take care of number one. Goodrich / G 43 2 > 33 Take care of number one. Power • P 7M, 498 Taken at the flood. Braddon . B 655 , 135 Taken upon trust ■ T 30, 14 Taking of the bastile=Six years later Dumas D 884, 98 Talba, the. Brayl B 720, 15 Talbot and Vernon. McConnell M 40, 18 Tale of a nest T 50, 12 Tale of a tub. Swift S 960, 19 Tale of a tub revers'd T 50, 14 Tale of an old man's youth, v 8. N 670, 100 Tale of Grammarye. v 1 T 50, 40 Tale of Jutland. Blicher. v 1.. ..D 41, 20 Tale of real life. Burdette B 943, 9 Tale of the revolution. Goodrich. G 432, 37 Tale of the times T 50, 18 Tale of trials. Opie O 250, 30 Tale of two cities. Dickens. . . .D 420, 78 Tales and illustrations. Tonna..T 520, 37 Tales and sketches. Hogg. . . .H 650, 300 Tales and sketches. Miller. . .M 667, 300 Tales and sketches. Sedgwick. .S 254, 55 Tales and sketches of Christian life. Charles C 248, 40 Tales and souvenirs of a residence in Europe , T 50, 25 Tales and stories. Walsh W 85, 16 Tales and stories of Ireland. Carlton C 128, 40 Tales and stories of the Irish peasantry. Carlton C 128, 38 Tales and traditions of Hungary. Pulszky P 85 2 , 400 Tales at tea-time. Hugesson. . H 917, 71 Tales for all seasons. Wolfe rsberger. W 737, 160 Tales for cottagers. Leadbeater.L 250,13 Tales for leisure hours T 50, 30 Tales for the marines. Wise . W 700 448 Tales for the parlour T 50, 33 Tales for the young. Andersen. A 615, 242 Tales for travelers T 50, 38 Tales for young persons. More . M 8 1 5 , 2 8 Tales from Alsace. St. Hilairc.S 34, 25 Tales from " Bentley." T 50, 40 Tales from " Blackwood." T 50, 45 Tales from Chaucer C 296, 9 Tales from dreamland. Scudder.S 226,32 Tales from eastern lands. Grimm. G 840, 12 Tales from English history T 50, 48 Tales from Greek mythology. Cox. • C 840, 15 Tales from Moliere. Lennard..L 405, 18 Tales from real life. Arthur. .A 796, 123 Tales from Shakespeare. Lamb. L 70, 12 Tales from the diary of a sister of mercy. Brame B 705 , 20 Tales from the field. Asbjornsen. A 810, 25 Tales from the German T 50, 50 Tales from the German. Velde.V 330, 85 Tales from the operas. Pardon . P 60, 20 Tales from the Spanish T 50, 53 Tales from two hemispheres. Boyesen. B 635, 25 Tales illustrating church history. T 50, 55 Tales illustrative of the beatitudes. Pow- er P 714, 150 Tales illustrative of scripture. Brock. B 775, 300 Tales in political economy. Fawcett. F no, 225 Tales in prose. Howitt H 860, 7 1 Tales of a grandfather. Scott . S 2 1 4, 119 Tales of a rambler T 50, 58 Tales of a traveler. Irving. .. .J 240, 54 Tales of all countries. Trollope. T 73°» 74 Tales of an American landlord. .T 50, 57 Tales of ancient Greece. Cox.C 840, 17 Tales of Charlton school T 50, 63 Tales of civil wars. Adams A 117, 9 Tales of domestic life. Arthur. A 796, 124 Tales of European life T 50, 65 Tales of fashionable life. Edgeworth. E 160, 52 Tales of filial love. Barrau. .B 138, 600 Tales of Flemish life. Conscience. C 700, 25 Tales of heroes T 50, 68 Tales of horror=Ildefonse and Alberoni. J 12, 20 Tales of humor. Goodrich. . ,G 432, 38 Phil\delphia Mercantile Library 9' Tales of Ireland and the Irish. Mac Wal- ter M 208, 400 Tales of Jewish history. Moss.M 875,200 Tales of many lands. Tytler.T 940, 504 Tales of married life. Arthur. A 796, 126 Tales of my father T 50, 72 Tales of my landlord—Black dwarf. Scott S 214, 62 Tales of bride of Lammermoor.S 214, 65 Tales of Castle dangerous S 214, 68 | Tales of Count Robert of Paris. S 214, 75 I Tales of Heart of Mid Lothian. S 214, 87 Tales of legend of Montrose. . .S 214, 96 Tales of old mortality S 214, 104 Tales of naval adventure. Low. L 902, 70 Tales of old Flanders. Conscience. C 700, 5 Tales of old Japan. Mitford. .M 728, 40 Tales of other days. Ackerman.A 95, 13 Tales of Scottish peasantry. Duncan. D 904, 15 Tales of Sweden and the Norsemen. T50, 74 Tales of the Argonauts. Harte. H 256, 50 Tales of the beatitudes. Power. P716, 13 Tales of the borders. Wilson.W64o,7oo Tales of the caravanserai. Fraser. F 73 2 > J 3 Tales of the castle. Genlis. . .G 160, 27 Tales of the civil war. Adams. A 117, 14 Tales of the colonies. Rowcroft. R 860, 23 Tales of the covenanters. Pollok. P 613, 310 Tales of the crusades. Scott. .S 214, 120 Tales of the drama. Macauley.M 10, 15 Tales of the five senses. Griffin. G 820, 60 Tales of the genii. Morell. . .M 822, 16 Tales of the genii. Ridley. .R 508, 200 Tales of the gods. Cox C 840, 18 Tales of the good woman. Paulding. P 205, 50 Tales of the heart. Opie O 250, 34 Tales of the jury room. Griffin. G 820, 65 I Tales of the late revolutions. Bayley. B 190, 170 I Tales of the Manse. Hay. . .H 340, 400 Tales of the Munster festivals. 'Griffin. G 820, 70 Tales of the north riding. Yorke.Y 120, 19 Tales of the ocean. Sleeper. ..S 530, 28 Tales of the peerage. Dacre ... .D 8, 10 Tales of the Scottish peasantry. Duncan. D904> 15 Tales of the land. Goodrich. ..G 432, 39 Tales of the town. Bellairs...B 271, 100 Tales of the west T 50, 76 Tales of Thebes and Argos.Cox.C 840, 20 Tales of woman's trials. Hall. . .H 56, 60 Tales out of school. Stockton.. S 790, 18 Tales, romances, etc. Hood...H 750, 28 Tales round a winter hearth. Porter. I P 660, 512 Talis qualis. Griffin ...G 820, 65 Talisman, the T 60, 20 Talisman, the. Scott S 214, 123 Tall student. Brooks B 814, 213 Tallangetta. Howitt H 860, 96 Tallants of Barton. Hatton . . . H 275, 30 Talmon and Hadassah. Slight. S 536, 17 Tancred. Disraeli D 520, 45 Tangled skein. Fonblanque. . .F 512, 23 Tangles and tales. Mogridgc.M 748, 210 Tangletown letters T 70, 25 Tanglewood tales. Hawthorne. H 330, 61 Tapestried chamber. Scott.. . .S 214, 72 Taira. Taylor T 130, 283 Tartarin of Tarascon=New Don quixote. D94, 15 Tasso and Leonora. Manning. M 340, 74 Tattered Tom. Alger A 475, 58 Tattle. Hall H 56, 54 Tavern-keeper's victims. Arthur. A 796, 128 Tekel. Bragg B 690, 200 Telemachus. Fenelon F 170, 10 Tell-tale. Phelps P 370, 28 Temper and temperament.Ellis.E 430, 57 Temperance doctor. Chellis. .C 310, 50 Temperance tales. Arthur. ..A 796, 128 Temperance tales. Sargent.. .S 122, 300 Tempest and sunshine. Holmes. H 720, 60 Tempest-tossed. Tilton T 412, 19 Temple house. Stoddard S 800, 22 Temptation, the T 1 70, 19 Temptation and Triumph. Townsend. T610, 59 Ten cents. Chellis C 310, 51 Ten days in a French parsonage. Musgrave. M 948, 200 Ten nights in a bar room. Arthur. A 796, 130 Ten old maids. Smith S 560, 140 Ten thousand a year. Warren.. W 160, 40 Ten times one is ten. Hale. . .H 25, 38 Ten years among the mail bags. Hoi brook. H 664, 1 5 9 2 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Ten years later. =Bragelonne. Dumas. D884, 13 Ten years of a life time. Hosmer. H 812, 40 Tenant of Wildfell hall. Bronte.B 788, 5 Tenants of Malory. LeFanu . ..L 270, 30 Tender and true. McKeever..M 140, 60 Tennessean. Royall R 880, 280 Terence McGowan. Tottenham. T 548, 19 Terence McGrant. Peck. . . .P 270, 300 Terence O'Shanghnessy. . . v. 1. T 50, 40 Terrace roses. Gardner G 60, 33 Terres vierges. Turgeneff T 570, 30 I Terrible secret. Fleming F 360, 60 Terrible temptation. Reade. ..R 208, 47 Terribly strange bed. Collins.. C 660, 30 Tested. Gardner G 60, 35 Teverino. Dudevant D 842, 78 Thaddeus of Warsaw. Porter. .P 660, 510 Thalatta T 206, 17 Thankful Blossom. Harte. . . .H 256, 55 Thankfulness. Tayler T no, 28 Thanksgiving Party. Holmes.. H 720, 35 That awful boy ! T 215, 200 That boy of Norcott's. Lever.. L 520, 62 That convention. Welch. . . .W 290, 19 That girl of mine. Egan. E 308, 25 That g@od old time. Gordon.. G 460, 13 That horrid girl. T 215, 250 That husband of mine.Denison.D 304, 92 That lass O'Lowrie's. Burnett.B 958, 330 " That little Frenchman." Fenn. F i7 2 > 495 That lover of mine. Egan. . . .E 308, 30 That queer girl. Townsend. ..T 610, 62 That wife of mine. Denison . . D 304, 94 Thecla. Grange L 45, 310 Theda and the mountain T 230, 19 Their wedding journey. HowellsH 854, 320 Them boots. Gilbert G 230, 35 " Theo : " a love story. Burnett.B 958, 332 Theo. Leigh. Cudlip C 924, no Theobald. La Rochere L 135, 68 Theobald. Stilling S 780, 18 Theodora. McKeen M 138, 400 Theodora Phranza. Nealc.N 180, 404 Theophilus. Dodge D545, no There she blows ! Macy. ...M212, 600 Theresa. Craik C 860, 55 Theresa. Radecliffe R 18, 1 20 Therese, or, orphan of Geneva ..T 247, 100 They all do it. Bailey B 31, 250 They met by chance. Sikes. . . .S 454, 25 Thief in the night. Spofford. . . ,S 670, 30 Things common. Chellis C 310, 52 Thinking and acting T 260, 18 Thinking bayonet. Hosmer. .H 810, 500 Thinks I to myself. Nares N 112, 15 Thiodolf the Icelander. Lamotte Foque L 80, 1 3 Third little pet book. Barrow. .B 151, 24 Thirty- four years. Marchmont.M 356, 13 Thirty-nine men for one woman. Chevalier C 350, 10 This indenture. Hunt H 954, 15 This one thing I do. Porter. . .P 660, 25 This, that, and the other. Chandler C 220, 18 Thomas Wingfold. MacdonakL.M 55, 70 Thofnasina. Colville C 663, 50 Thorn fruit. Lanier L 125, 10 Thornberry abbey T 310, 600 Thornicroft's model. Beaumont. B 220,15 Thornton Hall. McKeen. . . .M 138, 404 Thorntons of Thornbury C 325, 600 Thorn well abbas. Lloyd L 770, 250 Thornycroft hall. Worboise. .W 850, 45 Thorpe. Mountford M 893, 605 Thorpe Regis. Peard P 245, 24 Thoughts on men and things. Cooke C 728, 84 Thousand a year. Bruce B 860, 520 Thousand and one days T 330, 19 Th'owd blanket W 208, 30 Three average boys. Deering.D 208, 305 Three beauties. Southworth. . . .S 620, 84 Three Bernices. Bright B 755, 13 Three brides. Durivage D 965, 200 Three brides. Young. Y 100, 81 Three brothers. Oliphant O 1 70, 1 32 Three clerks. Trollope T 730, 76 Three commanders. Kingston. K 530, 66 Three cousins. Maitland M 270, 34 Three cousins. Trollope. . . .T 730, 132 Three cripples . . T 335, 15 Three eras of a woman's life. Arthur A 796, 132 Three eras of a woman's life. Smith S 558, 400 Three feathers. Black B 450, 840 Three fingered Jack. Earle. . . .E 18, 600 Three generations. Emery. . .E 485, 503 Three flags.' Peard P 245, 10 Three girls. Butts B 998, 13 Three girls of the revolution. .T 335, 200 Three gold dollars. Abbott, v 7 . A 56, 28 Three guardsmen. Dumas. . .D 884, 102 Three homes. Farrar F 84, 25 Three hundred years ago. Kingston K 530, 76 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 93 Three lieutenants. Kingston. . .K 530, 68 Three little spades. Warner. .W 148, 30 Three Louisas. Edwards E 218, 25 Three midshipmen. Kingston. K 530, 69 Three months under the snow. Porchat. P 650, 20 Three musketeers=Three guardsmen. Dumas D 884, 102 Three opportunities T 335, 250 Three Oxonians. Usher V 170, 20 Three paths. Kavanagh K 80, 57 Three people. Alden A 412, 235 Three per cent, a month. Burdett B 943, 25 Three pines. Abbott A 56, 75 Three proverb stories. Alcott. .A 380, 20 Three scouts. Trowbridge. . . .T 740, 62 Three Spaniards. Walker W 28, 180 Three successful girls. Crouch.. C 910, 50 Three times dead. Braddon. ..B 655, 140 Three to one. Dasent D 88, 15 Three watches. Wills, W 630, ^^ Three wise men of Gotham. Paulding P 205, 43 Three years at Wolverton. . . .T 335, 350 Three years in a man trap. Arthur A 796, 134 Throne of David. Ingraham. ..J 130, 18 Throstlethwaite. Morley M 860, 40 Through a needle's eye. Smith. S 558, 750 Through by daylight. Adams. A 145, 103 Through fire and water. Talbot . T 40, 17 Through flood and flame T 340, 50 Through life. Richmond. . . .R 427, 100 Through night to light. Spielhagen S 650, 23 Through the looking-glass. Dodgson D 560, 210 Through thick and thin. Mery.M 630, 20 Through winding ways. Olney.O 212, 26 Thrown on the world. Clay. . .C 525, 27 Thrown together. Montgomery. M 775, 30 Thwarted. Montgomery M 775, 32 Tichborne romance. T 360, 17 Tickler among the thieves, v 12. T 50, 45 Ticonderoga. James J 340, 134 Tide of fate=Drifted asunder..!) 742, 7 Tide on the moaning bar. Burnett. .B 958, 322 Tiger hunters. Reid R 300, 105 Tiger lilies. Lanier L 125, 400 Tiger prince. Dalton . .D 35, 22 Tighe Lyfford T 406, 20 Tilbury Nogo. Melville M 560, 65 Tim DooUn T 420, 18 Timboo and Fanny. Abbott. v 3. A 56,28 Timboo and Joliba. Abbott, v 3. A 56,28 Time and tide. Roe R 712, 53 Time, the avenger. Marsh. . .M 410, 41 Tin box T 427, 100 Tin trumpet. Chatfield C 290, 200 Tiny Tim. Dickens D 420, 79 Tip Lewis and his lamp T 440, 19 Tip top. Tuthill T 880, 48 Tired of housekeeping. Arthur. A 796, 136 'Tis all for the best W 470, 20 'Tis all for the best H 612,' 35 Tit for tat. Smith S 560, 320 Titan. Richter R 430, 38 Titan Agonistes T 450, 19 Titania. Linden L 650, 1 1 Tithe proctor. Carleton C 128, 43 Titian. Mackenzie M 156, 35 Title hunting. Llewllyn L 770, 15 Tito's troubles. Robinson. . . .R 625, 88 To be or not to be. Andersen. A 615, 248 To Buddlecome and back. Burnand. B 952, 125 To-day. Kimball K 420, 24 To-day in Ireland T 470, 20 To love and to be loved. Roe..R 712, 55 To the bitter end. Braddon. B 655, 145 To the sun. Verne V 380, 41 Tobias Wilson. Clemens C 535, 19 Toby Witt. Engel V.4.R 750, 16 Together. Boyd B 630, 315 Together T 500, 20 Toilers and spinsters. Thackeray. • T 200, ^ Toilers of the sea. Hugo . . . . H 930, 39 Toiling and hoping. Marsh.. M 410, 420 Toinette. Tourjee T 580, 18 Told by the sea. Moore M 790, 28 Told in the twilight. Daryl. . .D 71, 300 Told in the twilight=Park water. W 770, 92 Tolla. About A 81, 25 Tom; a home story. Chaney. • C 224, 15 Tom a Lincolne. Johnson. . . . J 735, 500 Tom and Jerry. Egan E 310, 45 Tom Blinn's temperance society. Arthur. A 796, 138 Tom Brown at Oxford H 920, 35 Tom Brown at Rugby. Hughes. H 920, 30 Tom Bullekeley. Jephson J 580, 15 Tom Burke of "Ours." Lever.L52o, 64 Tom Chips. Diekenga D 445, 200 94 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Tom Cringle's log. Scott. . . .S 212, 510 Tom Crosbie. Lover L 890, 24 Tom Gillies. Gladstone G 304, 10 Tom Harding. Eyster E 840, 18 Tom Jones. Fielding F 256, 20 Tom Nevvcome. Fosdick F 614, 65 Tom Pippin's wedding. Pullen .P 845,310 Tom Racquet. Smedley S 554, 30 Tom Roper. Benjamin B 312, 230 Tom Sawyer. Clemens C 540, 20 Tom Somers in the army. Adams. A 145, 94 Tom Somers in the navy. Adams. A 145, 85 Tom Tiddler's ground Dickens. D 420, 19 & 80 Tom Tracy T 515, 18 Tom's wife. Tallman T 60, 525 Tommiebeg shootings Jeans. J 520, 10 Tommy Hickup. Parker P 75, 39 Tony Butler. Lever L 520, 66 Tony Starr's legacy. Robbins..R 570, 45 Too bright to last T 528, 18 Too late. Newman N 380, 35 Too much alone. Riddell R 440, 48 Too old. Etlar V.2..D 41, 20 Too rich. Streckfuss S 860, 13 Too soon. Macquoid M 204, 50 Too strange not to be true. Fullerton. F868, 65 Toole's warning vol. 3. T 470, 20 Topo. Brunefille B 863, 400 Tor hill. Smith S 558, 816 Torchlight. Olcott O 140, 25 Torres Vedras, Stories of S 812, 380 Tossed on the waves. Hodder.H 624, 15 Totemwell. Payson P 220, 30 Touch my honour. Griffin — G 820, 60 Tour of the world in eighty days=Around the world. Verne V 380, 59 Tour on the prairies. Irving. . J 240, 55 Tourville T 590, 20 Tower of Clanmalloch. ......... .T 595, 250 Tower of London. Ainsworth.A 321, 170 Tower of Percemont.Dudevant.D 842, 80 Town and country. Stoddard. S 800, 450 Town and country. Trollope.T 730, 134 Town and forest. Manning. . .M 340, 76 Town of the cascades. Banim.B 95, 255 Town-talk of Clyda T 615, 25 Toyland. O'Shaughnessy O 355, 30 Tracy's ambition. Griffin. . . .G 820, 55 Trading. Warner W 150, 98 Traditionary stories. Picken. . .P 435, 25 Traditions of Scottish life. Leighton. .' L 35°> 2 ° I Trail hunter. Aimard A 316, 48 Trail of the serpent. Braddon.B 655, 148 Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry- Tales and stories C 128, 38 Traits and traditions of Portugal. Pardoe. , P •'•;:*••:••: p 55. 54 1 raits ot American humour. Haliburton H 38, 28' Traits of Indian character. Irving. J 240, 50 Traits of nature. D'Arbiay. . . .D 64, 29 Traits of travel. Grattan G 630, 28 Transactions of the Logger ville literary society T 650, 25 Transcendental wild oats. Alcott. _ A 380, 19 Transformation=Marble Faun. Haw- thorne H 330, 49 Transfusion. Godwin G 370. 30 Trapper's daughter. Aimard. .A 316, 50 Trapper's niece T 655, 300 Trappers of Arkansas. Aimard. A 316, 51 Trappers of New York..Sirnms.S 468, 310 Travels before the flood T 660, 16 Travels by the sea and land. . . .T 660, 19 Travels of an American owl. Johnson. - J 74o, 74 1 ravels of Rolando. Bowman . B 608, 23 Treason at home. Greenough.G 720, 30 Treasure hunters. Fenn F 172, 500 Treasure of the Inca. Hoffman. H 635, 36 Treasure trove. Lover L 890, 28 Treasures of the seas. DeMille.D 275, 105 Trecothick bower. Roche. . . .R 650, 23 Tregarthen hall. Garland G 70, 25 Trelawney of Trelawne. Bray . B 720, 17 Tremaine. Ward. W 120, 69 Tressilian and his friends. Mackenzie. M 156, 37 Tre thill farm. Parr P 104, 60 Trevelyan. Scott S 212, 145 Trevlyn hold. Wood W 770, 106 Trevor court Paul P 210, 30 Trial, the Yonge Y 100, 82 Trial and self discipline T 680, 15 Trials and confessions of an American housekeeper T 680, 200 Trials and confessions of a housekeeper. Arthur A 796, 140 Trials of an heiress. Gifford. . .G 216, 35 Trials of Margaret Lyndsay. Wilson. W 640, 667 Trials of the heart. Bray B 720, 18 Tricotrin. DeLarame D 240, 100 Tried and tempted. Arthur. .A 796, 141 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 95 Tried and true T 680, 25 Tried and true. Spencer S 644, 24 Tried for her life. Southworth.S 620, 86 Tried friendship v. 10.N 670, 100 Tried in the fire. Blanchard..B 489, 222 Tried in the fire. Daniel D 48, 50 Trifles , . . .T 700, 19 Trifleton papers T 700, 230 Trippings in author land. Judson. J 94o, 20 Tristram Shandy. Sterne S 760, 14 Tritons. Bynner B 999, 305 Triumph over Midian. Tucker. T 820, 75 Triumphs of duty. Agnew. ...A 271, 20 Triumphs of time. Marsh ... M 410, 40 Triumvirate T 720, 25 Trodden down. Newby N 344, 40 Trotty book. Phelps P 370, 52 Trotty's wedding tour. Phelps. P 370, 54 Trouting. Franklin F 720, 40 Trouvaille. Fullerton F 868, 59 Truce of God. Miles M 660, 15 True and the false. Kingston . . K 530, 12 True as steel. Terhune T 190, 48 True heart's trials. Russell . . .R 952, 500 True hero. T 760, 18 True hero. Kingston K 530, 71 True heroism. Tucker T 820, 78 True history of Joshua Davidson. Lin- ton L 675, 27 True history of Zoa D 530, 15 True legend of a billiard club. Black. B450, 824 True love. Beauclerk B 214, 200 True love rewarded. Roe. . . .R 712, 57 True man. Stirling C 860, 19 True path. Arthur A 796, 142 True reformer T 760, 220 True riches. Arthur A 796, 143 True stories from history and biography. Hawthorne H 330, 6^ True stories of the days of Washington. T 760, 240 True to her trust. Havers. . . .H 322, 13 True to herself. Robinson .... R 625, 80 True to him ever. Rankin R 1 10, 28 True to the last. Roe R 712, 59 True to the last. Smythies. . . .S 580, 45 True womanhood. Neal N 170, 30 Truffle nephews. Power P714, 500 Truly noble. Chatelain C 290, 100 Trumps. Curtis C 965, 408 Trust. Herbert H 482, 550 Trust, the S 320, 30 Trust and trial. Howitt . .H 860, 73 Trust in God. Bell B 264, 59 Truth; or, Persis Clareton. Tayler T no, 30 Truth and fancy. Windle. . . .W 660, 29 Truth and trust T 790, 25 Truth-finder. Goodrich G 432, 43 Truth' in irons. v 9. N 670, 100 Truth is everything. Geldart..G 148, 23 Try again. Adams A 145, 104 Try and trust. Alger A 475, 59 Trying to be useful. Baker B 39, 56 Tubber derg. Carleton C 128, 47 Tuflongbo. Parr P 104, 49 Tufts of Heather. Waugh. . .W 208, 30 Turkish captive. Lehmanowsky . L 335 , 200 Turkish evening entertainments. Hemden A 305, 19 Turkish tales P 350, 30 Turning a new leaf. Robbins . . R 5 70,48 Turning of the tide. Kellogg. .K230, 60 Turning wheel. Cobden C 585, 20 Turns of fortune. Hall H 56, 63 Tutor's ward T 890, 16 Twelve nights in a hunter's camp=The General Barrows B 1 5 1 , 42 Twelve years with the children. Warren. W 160, 500 Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Verne . V 380, 60 Twenty years after. Dumas. .D 884, 107 Twenty years ago. Craik. . ..C 850, 115 Twenty years ago and now. Arthur A 796, 143 Twenty years in the church. Pycroft P 890, 20 Twice crowned. McKeever. .M 140, £2 Twice defeated. Edwards. . . .E 230, 300 Twice lost. Smedley S 554, 360 Twice married. Phileo P 380, 19 Twice sacrificed. Etlar. ...V3. D41, 20 Twice taken. Hall H 44, 210 Twice told tales. Hawthorne. H 330, 65 Twice tried. Courtney C 830, 400 Twilight stories. Boyd B 630, 525 Twin brothers of Nearda. Moss . M 8 7 5 , 200 Twin captains. Dumas D 884, 108 Twin heroes. Reed R 240, 25 Twin roses. Guernsey G 918, 56 Twin roses. Ritchie R 540, 30 Twin sisters. Sandham S 95, 300 Twine of way- side ivy. Casson. .C 160, 12 Twins, the. Tupper T 840, 28 Twisted link. Crow. C 910, 200 Twisted threads. Nauman N 130, 23 'Twixt cup and lip. Cameron. .C 34, 300 9 6 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Twixt hammer and anvil. Benedict B 308, 22 Two admirals. Cooper C 735, 48 Two apprentices. Howitt H 860, 75 Two aristocracies. Gore G 475, 72 Two Barbaras. Mortimer. . . .M 872, 25 Two baronesses. Andersen. .A 615, 250 Two baronets. Bury B 978, 15 Two boys. Mackenzie M 152, 20 Two boys. Wright W 930, 79 Two brides. Baldwin B 57, 400 Two brothers T 915, 17 Two brothers. Power P 714, 503 Two butlers of Kilkenny. VI...T50, 40 Two campaigns. Engelbach. ..E 530, 35 Two captains. La Motte-Fouque L 80, 6 & 10 Two Christmas celebrations. Parker • ? 75> S5o Two circuits. Crane C 872, 20 Two college friends. Loring. . .L 830, 12 Two college friends, v 1 N 670, 100 Two convicts. Gerstacker. . . .G 184, 30 Two daughters. Dickens D 420, 81 Two defaulters. Griffith G 830, 300 Two destinies. Collins C 660, 98 Two Dianas. Dumas D 884, 109 Two drovers. Scott S 214, 72 Two eras in Maude Rossi ter's life. Jolly J 830, 8 Two fair daughters. Fitzgerald. F 340, 48 Two families. Whitehead. . . .W 408, 606 Two family mothers. Schwartz. S 208, 36 Two fathers. Calpe C 27, 13 Two French marriages. Jenkin.J 560, 20 Two friends. Blessington B 504, 20 Two great captains. Robinson . R 625 , 135 Two guardians. Yonge Y 100, 85 Two hemispheres. Rupius R 920, 17 Two homes. Baker B 39,. 58 Two hundred years ago T 915, 230 Two idle apprentices. Dickens.. D 420, 90 Two idle apprentices, v 6. . . .N 670, 100 Two in a legion, v 7 N 670, 100 Two kisses. Smart S 546, 30 'Two knights. Sherwood S 394, 36 Two letters that crossed. Edwards E 224, 45 Two life-paths. Mundt. M 922, 69 Two lights T 915, 250 Two lilies. Kavanagh K 80, 56 Two little wooden shoes. De Larame D 240, 13 Two lives. Jerrold J 615, 525 Two lives. Mcintosh M 120, 29 Two lives in one. Gordon. . ..G 460, 15 Two marriages. Craik C850, 117 Two May-days T 915, 280 Two men. Stoddard S 800, 24 Two mottoes T 915, 300 Two pictures. Mcintosh M 120, 32 Two plunges for a pearl. Collins . C 650,415 Two rubies. Houston H 822, 316 Two sea-stories. Collins C 660/55 Two sides of a picture=Lady Alice. Marshall M 420, 22 Two sisters .T 915, 380 Two sisters. Southworth S 620, 88 Two story mittens. Barrow. . .B 151, 25 Two supercargoes. Kingston. .K 530, 74 Two tales of married life. Craik . C 860, 19 Two vocations. Charles C 248, 43 Two voyages T 915, 400 Two ways to matrimony F 40, 400 Two widows. Cudlip C 924, 115 Two winter days. Edwards. . . .E 224, 45 Two wives. Arthur A 796, 147 Two years ago. Kingsley K 5 1 2, 19 Two years of school life. Pressense . P 760, 18 Twofold life. Hillern H 575, 28 Tyll Owlglass. Murner M 930, 15 Tylney hall. Hood H 750, 30 Typhaines abbey. Gobineau . G 35 5 , no Uarda. Ebers E 70, 25 Ugly duck. Andersen A 615, 254 Ugly duckling. Andersen. . . .C 202, 22 Ugly side of nature. Paton. . . .P 150, 18 Ulrich. Hahn-Hahn H 21, 25 Ulster, last King of L 150, 18 Unawares. Peard P 245, 29 Unburied legs. Griffin G 820, 60 Unclaimed V 20, 19 Uncle Alick's Sabbath school. . .V 20, 23 Uncle Ben's New Year's gift. Arthur A 796, 149 Uncle Crotty's relations. Glyn. .G 348, 15 Uncle Horace. Hall H 56, 65 Uncle John. Melville M 560, 68 Uncle Nat V 20, 330 Uncle Paul's stories V 20, 380 1 Uncle Ralph. Colville C 663, 52 Uncle Sam's palace. Wellmont. • W 304, 250 Uncle Silas. Le Fanu L 270, 35 Uncle Tom at home. Adams.. A 105, 70 Uncle Tom's cabin. Stowe. . .S 840, 42 Uncommercial traveler. Dickens. , D 420, 82 Under a charm. Buerstenbinder . B 885,40 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 97 Under bowbells. Hollingshead H 705, 200 Under foot. Jeffreys J 545? 4°° Under gray walls. Doudney. .D 720, 20 Under lock and key. Speight. .S 638, 40 Und^r pressure. Pemberton. .P 304, 400 Under seal of confession. Beaumont. B 220, 18 Under the ban. Deleon D 250, 20 Under the cedars. Hatch H 273, 50 Under the earth. Hoffman. . .H 635, 38 Under the greenwood tree. Hardy. H iqo, 25 Under the lilacs. Alcott A 380, 22 Under the lime trees. V 40, 18 Under the limes. Archer A 740, 21 Under the microscope V 40, 250 Under the mountains. Peard..P 245, 13 Under the red dragon. Grant. G 618, ^^ Under the southern cross V 40, 300 Under the storks' nest. Katsch.K 60, 15 Under two flags. De Larame.D 240,105 Undercurrents. Kimball K 420, 26 Underground mail agent=Mr. Frank. M895, 24 Undine. Lamotte-Fouque. . .L 80, 10-17 Unfashionable wife V 70, 19 Unfortunate author, life of L 612, 5 Ungava. Ballantyne B 70, 590 Universal genius. Savage S 148, 38 Unkind word. Craik C 850, 120 Unloved one. Hofland H 640, 50 Unseen guide. V 80, 20 Until death us do part. Wilson. W640, 35 Until the day break. Bartlett.B 161, 300 Until the shadows flee away. . .V 85, 250 Up broadway. Ames A 5 8 7, 500 Up and down the world. Gray. G 660, 44 Up hill. Wood W 770, 735 Up hill V 90,300 Up stairs. Harrison H 240, 18 Up the Baltic. Adams A 145, 105 Up the ladder. Baker. . . B 39, 60 Up the river. Abbott A 56, 75 Up to fifteen V 100, 25 Uplands and lowlands. Porter.. P 662, 312 Upper ten thousand. Bristed. .B 764, 10 Ups and downs. Hale H 25, 42 Ups and downs. Lermont L 448,150 Ups and downs. Stone S"8o4, 22 Upside down. Parker P 75, 42 Upward and onward. Guernsey. G 918, 57 Urad; or the fair wanderer. .D 530, 500 Urbane and his friends. Prentiss. • P 75°» 42 Ursula. Sewell S 330, 62 Ursula's love story V 160, 17 Ursula's narrative. Yonge Y 100,53 Use of discipline V 165, 125 Use of sunshine. Knowles. .K 820, 600 Utter impossibility. Church. ..C 410, 45 Vagabond heroine. Edwards.. E 210, 84 Vale of cedars. Aguilar A 281, 22 Valentin. Kingsley K 512, 360 Valentine and Orson F 50, 550 Valentine Duval. Manning. ..M 340, 78 Valentine McClutchy. Carleton . C 1 28,48 Valentine, the countess. Bauer. B 185, 30 Valentine Vox. Cockton C 605, 30 Valerie. Marryat M 405, 59 Valerie Aylmer, Fisher. F 324, 70 Valerius. Lockhart L 785, 18 Valley farm. Peterson P 350, 14 Valley of a hundred fires=Rector's wife. Marsh M 410, 80 Valley of poppies. Hatton. . .H 275, 35 Value of Fostertown. Donelan. D 630, 15 Vampyre, the V 260, 20 Vancenza. Robinson R 627, 350 Vanderdecken's message. ,.vi.T 50, 45 Vanessa. Colville C 663, 55 Vanity fair. Thackeray T 200, 125 Vanquished. Scanland S 167, 22 Vara. Hornblower H 804, 510 Varieties of life V 290, 2a Vasconselos. Simms S 470, 70 Vashti. Wilson W 640, 35 Vassal, the. Jewry J 675, 410 Vassal! Morton. Parkman P 80, 18. Vathek. Beckford B 235, 40a Veil withdrawn. Craven C 876, 15 Velvet coat. Dumont D 892, 25 Velvet cushion. Cunningham . . C 944, 31a Vendetta V 340, 25 Venetia. Disraeli D 520, 47 Vera. Dempster D 290, 220 Verdant green. Bradley B 665, 10 Verena. Holt H 730, 2r Veritas vincit V 375, 140 Verner's pride. Wood W 770, no Verneyes, the. Smith S 558, 230 Vernon. Abbott v 9. A 56, 28 Vernon Grove. Glover G 340, 15 Veronica. Trollope T 730, 260 Veronica V 420, 23 Veronique. Church C 410, 130 Virtue rewarded. V 430, 350 9 8 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Very hard cash. Reade R 208, 50 Very simple story. Montgomery . M 775,35 Very successful. Bulwer B 904, 343 Very woman. O'Malley O 220, 25 Very young couple V 440, 25 Vessels of the sanctuary V 445, 350 Vesta Vane V 445, 500 Vestal. La Grange L 45, 312 Vicar of Bulhampton. Trollope.T 730, 78 Vicar of Roost. Paget P 20, 19 Vicar of Wakefield. Goldsmich . .G 408,20 Vicar of Wrexhill. Trollope . . T 730, 1 35 Vicar's daughter. Macdonald. . M 55, 73 Vice-president's daughter. Vingut. y 6oo, S3 Vicissitudes of a gentlewoman.. .V 460, 18 Vicissitudes of Bessie Fairfax. Parr . P 104,45 Vicissitudes of commerce V 460, 250 Vicissitudes of a life. James. .J 340, 136 Victim of excitement. Hentz. .H 470, 50 Victim of magicnl delusion T 800, 25 Victim of passion V 470, 18 Victims of society. Blessington. .B 504,23 Victoire. Ames A 590, 15 Victoire's faith. Macquoid M 204, 45 Victor and vanquished. Hay. .H 345,50 Victor Norman. Denison I) 304, 95 Victoria. Chesebro C 335, 30 Victoria; or, the heiress of Castleclhfe. Carleton C 124, 500 Victor's triumph. Southworth S 620, 90 Victory. Patterson P 168, 450 Victory Deane. Griffith G 830, 17 Victory of the vanquished. Charles C 248, 46 Victory stories. Tucker T 820, 80 Viga Glum's saga. Head. .... H 375, 13 Vigil of St. Laurence. Agnew. .A 271,22 Viking tales. Anderson .A 618, 44 Vikram and the vampire. Burton B 970, 400 Villa Eden. Anerbach A 915, 90 Villa on the Rhine. Auerbach . A 91 5 , 90 Village boys V 555, 200 Village idol. Mackarness. . . .M 125, 28 Village life in the west. Owen.O 440, 700 Village notary. Eotvos E 610, 20 Village on the cliff. Thackeray. T 200, 33 Village ruin. Griffin G 820, 45 Villeroi V. 585, 250 Villetta Linden. Bennett. . . .B 322, 205 Villette. Bronte B 788, 19 Vincenza. Robinson R 625, 103 Vincenzo. Ruffini R 900, 36 Vine and Olive. Adams A 145, 107 Vinegar hill, stones of. War ner.W 150,108 Vineta. Buerstenbinder B 885, 40 Vineyard laborers. Winscom. ,W 680, 20 Viola. Abbott v 12. A 56,28 Viola. Bennett B 322, 208 Violet ; or, the cross and crown. Mc- intosh M 1 20, 34 Violet. Paul P 1 78, 400 Violet ; a fairy story V 620, 25 Violet, the.. P 53, 35 Violet Fletcher's homework. ..V 620, 300 Violet Osborne. Ponsonby. . . .P 625, 28 Violet Vaughan. Worboise. ...W 850, 48 Virgin Queen. Smith S 558, 940 Virgin soil. Turgeneff T 854, 332 Virginia. Abbott v 3 A 56, 28 Virginia and Magdalen. Southworth S 620, 88 Virginia comedians. Cooke.. .C 730, 55 Virginia Graham. Jones J 855, 700 Virginians, the. Thackeray. .T 200, 130 Virginians in Texas. Baker. . .B 39, 876 Virtue rewarded V 430, 350 Virtuous criminal V 630, 25 Virtuous widow. Leprince . ... .L 440, 10 Visions of the world. Wyn. ..W 960, 20 Visit to grandpapa. Cahoone. . .C 14, 10 Visit to my discontented cousin. Moncrief M 760, 200 Visiting my relations. Kelty. ..K 290, 13 Viva. Forrester F 578, 50 Vivia. Southworth S 620, 92 Vivia. Wilford W 534, 300 Vivia perpetua. Maricourt. . .M 380, 13 Vivian. Edgeworth v. 2. E 160, 52 Vivian and his friends. Sargent. S 120, 42 Vivian Grey. Disraeli D 520, 49 Vivian romance. Collins. . . .C 650, 420 Vixen. Braddon B 655, 152 Vladimir and Catherine V 660, 25 Voices from the Greenwood. . . W 50, 400 Volunteers of '92. Erckmann-Chatrian. E 620, 24 Von Toodleburgs. Adams.... A 105, 75 Voyage of the Constance. Gillies.G255,3oo Voyage of the Lady. Kavanagh.K 80, 58 Voyage of the " Steadfast." Kingston. K530, 72 Voyage of the White Falcon. Hosmer. H 812, 46 Voyage round the world. De Foe. D 215, 35 Voyage round the world in search of the castaways. Verne V 380, 6$ Philadelphia Mercantile Library 99 Voyage to the moon. Tucker.. T 820, 82 Voyage of Paul Preston V 750, 20 Voyages and adventures of Captain Hat- tems. Verne V 380, 62 Vyviannes, the. Masterman..M 456, 500 Wacosuta. Richardson R. 420, 50 Wager of battle. Herbert. . . .H 482, 44 Wages of sin. Yates. Y 10, 60 Wags, the v. 7.T 50, 45 Wait and hope. Alger A 475, 60 Wait for the end. Lemon . . . .L 380, 24 Waiting for the verdict. Davis. D 184, 35 Waiting race. Yates Y 10, 62 Waking dream vol. i.D 41, 20 Walde Warren Bennett B 322, 175 Waldemar. Harrison H 240, 720 Waldemar Krone's youth. Evvald.E 812, 20 Waldfried. Auerbach A 915, 94 Waldorf family. Embury E 470, 1 1 Waldstein. Pichler P 430, 19 Walk among the Linden trees. .R 750, 16 Walks and talks. Atkinson. . . .A 887, 23 Walks from Eden. Warner.. W 150, 100 Wallace. Abbott A 56, 77 Wallace. Reynolds R 400, 47 Walt and Vult. Richter R 430, 40 Walter and Frank. Baker B 39, 62 Walter Ashwood. Mathews. .M 458, 450 Walter Blake's heroine W 90, 20 Walter Colyton. Smith S 558, 820 Walter Goring. Cudlip C 924, 125 Walter Lorimer. Sewell S 330, 64 Walter Macdonald. Pratt P 738, 400 Walter March. Wilcox W 557, 200 Walter Ogilby. Kinzie K 550, 200 Walter Sedley. Mayo M 522, 46 Walter Seyton W 90, 250 Walter Sherwood. Wise W 700, 41 Walter Thornley. Sedgwiek.S 254, 606 Walter's escape. Liefde L 590, 24 Walter's word, Sauzade S 140, 72 Waltham. Picken P 435, 30 Wanderer. Maitland M 270, 36 Wandering fires. Despard. . .D 350, 460 Wandering heir. Reade R 208, 53 Wandering Jew. Sue S 890, 40 Wandering Willie S 830, 350 Wanderings and fortunes of German emi- grants. Gerstaecker G 184, 35 Wanderings of a beauty. James. J 335, 300 Wanderings of a goldfinch. MaMullan. M 1 86, 400 Wanderings of Persiles C 188, 13 Wanderers. Kingston K 530, 82 Wanted — a home W 105, 60 Wanted — a pedigree. Finley..F 312, 38 War path. Jones J 860, 44 War tiger. Dalton D 35, 24 War trail. Reid R 300, 108 Ward, the. Trollope T 730, 142 Ward or wife W 125, 18 Warden. Trollope T 730, 80 Warleigh. Bray B 720, 20 Warm hearts in cold regions. Ede. E 120, 19 Warwick. Walworth W 100, 45 Was die Schwalbe Sang. Spielhagen. S 650, 28 a Was he successful. Kimball. ..K 420, 29 Was it he?=He and I. Stebbins. S 720, 18 Was she engaged. Collins. . .C 650, 205 Washed ashore. Kingston. . . .K 530, 73 Washerwoman's foundling, Gilbert. G 230, 38 Washington and his generals. . .L 712, 10 Washingtons, the. Simpkinson.S 478, 350 Watch and wait. Adams. . . .A 145, 108 Watch and ward. James J 340, 158 Watchman. Maitland M 270, 38 Watchman - Halfdan N.640, 35 Water-babies. Kingsley K 512, 20 Water cure. Craik , C 850, 77 Water drinker, memoirs of a. .D 920, 500 Water lily. Miller M 667, 510 Water waif. Bladen B 476, 9 Water witch. Cooper C 735, 49 Waterdale neighbors. McCarthy . M 2 2 , 5 7 J Waterloo. Erckmann-Chatrian.E 620, 45 Wauch Mansie, life of. Moir.M 752, 12 Watty Flaherty. McTeague.v 2.T 50, 40 Wave and the battle-field. Stewart. S 770, 500 Waverly. Scott S 214, 125 Waverly anecdotes. Scott. . . S 214, 127 Way down. East. Smith S 560, 626 Way marks W 220, 24 Way of the world. Adams. .,A 145, 109 Way to prosper. Arthur A 796, 150 Way to the pit. McKeever. . ,M 140, 65 W^ay we live now. Trollope. . ..T 730, 82 Ways of providence. Arthur. .A 796, 151 Ways of the hour. Cooper. . ..C 735, 50 Wayside cross. Milman ..... .M 685, 13 Wayward heart. Branthweyt.B 714, 510 We and our neighbors. Stowe. .S 840, 46 We four villagers. Fort F 584, 30 We girls. Whitney W 420, 45 Weal and woe in Garveloch. Martineau. v 4 M 440, 38 TOO Philadelphia Mercantile Library Wealth and welfare. Gotthelf. ..G 520, 15 Wealth and wine. Chellis C 310, 60 Wealth and worth. W 235, 16 Wearing of the green. Hall. . , .H 56, 58 Wearing the willow W 239, 200 Wearithorne. Rodney R 690, 30 Wearyful woman. Gait, v 3. . .T 50, 45 Weavers and Weft. Braddon . . B 65 5 , 155 Web of love. Trow.er T 750, 19 Wedding garments. McLain. ..M 170, 22 Wedding gloves D 774, 45 Wedding guest. Arthur A 7 96 ,155 Wedding guests. Hume H 944, 300 Wedding guests. Rothery. . .R 825, 700 Wee Davie. Macleod. ....... ,M 178, 42 Wee Donald . . . , W 260, 14 Wee wine. Cary C 112, 30 Weed with ill name. Sargent.. S 120, 50 Week in a French country house. Sartoris S 124, no Week with Mossoo. Ross R 810, 16 Week's delight W 275, 20 Weighed in the balance. St. John .S 40, 35 W T eird of the Winrams. Johnstone. M 702, 28 Well-authenticated rappings. v 8. N 670, 100 Well in the desert. Holt H 730, 23 Well spent hour. Follen F 474, 19 Wells in the desert. Challen. . . .C 194, 7 Wenderholme. Hamerton H 80, 20 Wensley. Quincy. P 928, 600 Wept of Wish-ton- wish. Cooper.C 735, 53 West, legends of. Hall H 44, 55 West*lawn. Holmes H 720, 64 Westbrook parsonage. McKeever M x 40, 68 Western characters. McConnell . M 40, 20 Western clearings. Kirkland. . .K 630, 15 Western lands. Gerstacker. . . .G 184, 40 Westminster abbey. Irving. J 240, 50 Westminster abbey. Robinson . R 6 2 7 , 115 Westminster night's dream. Mahony. M 252, 415 Westward ho ! Kingsley K512, 24 Westward ho ! Paulding P 205, 53 Wet wooing, v 7 T 50, 45 Wetherel affair. De Forest. . . .D 215, 75 Whaleman's adventures. Thomes. T 290, 35 What a boy ! Willis W 598, 400 What answer? Dickinson. . . .D 440, n What came afterwards. Arthur. A 796, 157 What can she do ? Roe R 7 1 2, 90 What can woman do. Arthur. A 796, 158 What he cost her. Sauzade. . . .S 140, 74 What I did with my fifty millions. Bagby B 28, 100 What I know about Ben Eccles. Holt. H 730, 310 What is this mystery. Braddon . B 65 5 , 1 60 What Katy did. Woolsey W 830, 30 What Katy did at school. Woolsey W830, 40 What makes me grow? W 348, 19 What might have been expected. Stockton S 790, 22 What money can't dp W 348, 25 What Mr. Burleigh could not see. v 9. N 670, 100 What not. Denison D 304, 100 What she came through. Keddie K 150, 50 "What she could." Warner. W 150, 102 What she did with her life. Theed T 240, 25 What the moon saw. Andersen. A 615, 258 What the swallow sang- Spielhagen S 650, 28 What the wood whispers. Putlitz.P 870, 15 What the world made them. Johnson J 74o, 76 What Tom Binks did. v 2 T 50, 40 What will he do with*it. Bulwer.B 904, 875 What will the world say ? Gibbon G 206, 30 What will the world say. Morenos M 825, 230 Wheat and tares. - t W 360, 1 7 Wheel of fortune. Baker B 39, 64 When I was a little girl. Tabor. .T 4, 35 Where there's a will, there's a way. Haven H314, 33 Which is the gentleman ? Smith. S 560,134 Which is the winner ? Clarke . . C 502, 30 Which is the wiser ? Howitt. .H 86o, 77 Which makes the man ? W 235, 16 Which shall it be? Hector. . .H 416, 40 Which sister? Mostyn M 878, 19 Which, the right or the left?. . W 366,250 Which wins? W 366, 300 While it was morning. To wnsend.T6 10,65 Whim, and its consequences. James J 34o, 138 Whimsical woman. Carlen. . .C 120, 30 Whimsicalities. Hood H .750., 35 Whispering pine. Kellogg. . . .K 230, 65 Whispers from fairy land. Hugesson H 917, 74 Whistler. Siraonds S 475, 30 Philvdelphia Mercantile Library White acre vs. Black acre W 400, 19 White and black lies. Baker. . .B 39, 66 White and black ribaumont. Yonge Y 100, 25 White and red. W T eeks W 270, 28 White as snow. Mayo M 522, 48 White cat. Thackeray T 200, 12 White chief. Reid R 300, 112 White chrysanthemum W 400, 250 White cockade. Grant G 618, 35 White cross and dove of pearls. . W 400,350 White elephant. Dalton D35, 25 White Falcon, voyage of. Hosmer. H 812, 46 White guantlet. Reid R 300, 115 White hoods. Bray B 720, 22 White-jacket. Melville M 560, 92 White lies. Opie 0250,38 White lies. Reade R 208, 55 White May and black June=Blue blood. Dande D 41, 15 White rock cove W 400, 440 White rose. Melville M 560, 70 White rose of Langley. Holt.H 730, 25 White scalper. Aimard A 316, 52 White wife. Bradley B 665, 20 Whiteboy, the. Hall H 56, 62 White boys J 214, 15 Whitefriars. Robinson R627, 118 Whitehall. Robinson R 627, 120 White ladies. Oliphant O 170, 138 Whitenose Woodchuck, life of. L 612, 340 Whittington, Dick, life of. L 612, 18 Who are happiest ? Arthur.. A 796, 160 "Who breaks-pays." Jenkin. .J 560, 24 Who is greatest? Arthur. . . . A 796, 163 Who shall be heir ? Pickering. .P 440, 49 Who shall be victor? Dupuy. .D 948, 60 Who was she ? Whittlesey. . . .W 430, 40 Who will win ? Cobden C 585, 25 Who won? Robbins R 570, 52 Who would have thought it ?. . . B 970, 800 Why did he marry her? Dupuy. 6948,63 Why did he not die ? Volckhausen V700, 25 Why don't Fido eat candy ? Murray • M 935' 3°° Why Paul Ferroll killed his wife. Clive. C 560, 20 Why she refused him W 442, 23 Wicked woman. Webb W 244, 25 Wicked woods of Tobereeville. Mulhol- land M 910, 200 Wickedest woman in New York. Webb. W 244,35 Wide of the mark. Houston . H 8 2 2 , 3 1 8 Wide, wide world. Warner... W 150, 104 Widow and her son. Irving. . .J 240, 50 Widow and marquess. Hook. .H 760, 50 Widow Barnaby. Trollope. .T 730, 145 Widow Bedott papers. Whitcher. W 380, 20 Widow Goldsmith's daughter. Smith. S 560, 142 Widow Lerouge. Gaboriau G 12, 40 Widow married. Trollope. ..T 730, 145 Widow Merand. Macquoid. .M 204, 45 Widow Rugby's husband. Hooper. H 775, 20 Widow Seymour. Baker B 39, 800 Widow Sylvani. Robinson. . . .R 625, 88 Widow Spriggins. Whitcher. W 380, 25 Widower. Smith S 560, 144 Widow's son. Southworth S 620, 94 Widow's son W 470, 20 Wieland. Brown B 840, 1 7 Wife, the W 490, 20 Wife, the. Irving J 240, 50 Wife and child. Whitty W 436, 20 Wife hunter. Moriarty M 844, 25 Wife of a vain man. Schwartz. S 208, 39 Wife's engagement ring. Arthur . A 796, 1 65 Wife's evidence. Wills W 630, 25 Wife's messengers. Horton. .H 807, 200 Wife's secret. Stephens S 746, 58 Wife's sister. Hubback H 904, 24 Wife's stratagem. Barrow B 151, 28 Wife's victory. Southworth S 620, 96 Wigwam and the cabin. Simms .8470,72 Wild as a hawk. Macquoid. . . .M 204, 10 Wild flower of Ravensworth. . . .E 224, 58 Wild flowers. .W 516, 20 Wild huntress. Reid R 300, 117 Wild Hyacinth. Randolph R 80, 38 Wild Ireland. Donbavand. . . .D 620, 400 Wild Irish-girl. Morgan. . . . .M 836, 50 Wild Jack. Hentz H 470, 13 Wild life. Reid R 300, 119 W T ild love. La Motte-Fouque ... L 80, 1 9 Wild man of the west. Ballantyne. B 70,595 Wild man of the woods. Berthet . B 361 , 100 Wild Nell. Moore. ...!... .M 790, 350 Wild oats. Wraxall W 900, 25 Wild riders of the plains. Cozzens. C 840, 810 Wild scenes. Bennett B322, 212 Wild southern scenes. Jones. . .J 860,. 46 Wild sports of the west. Maxwell. M 49°» 5 2 102 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Wild times. Caddell C 3, 20 Wild weather. Wood W 770, 740 Wild western scenes. Jones. . .J 860, 48 Wilderness. McHenry M 112, 30 Wildmoor. Burckett B 938, 250 Wilfred de Lisle W 534, 700 Wilfrid Cumbermede. Macdonald. ..M55, 75 Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship. Goethe. G 375. 25 Wilkins Wykler. Miller M 670, 40 Will, the. Pardoe S 320, 30 Will Adams. Dalton IJ) 35, 27 Will and work. Parker P 75, 42 Will Denbigh, nobleman W 545, 15 Will Foster. Giberne G 212, 29 Will of her own. Parr P 104, 72 Will she bear it? W 545, 300 Will Watch. Neale N 180, 710 William Bathurst. Hough. . . .H 816, 20 William Henry. Diaz D 410, 40 William Henry letters. Diaz. . .D 410, 41 William Mellish. Trollope. .T 730, 360 William Smudge's amendment. Robinson R 625 , 88 William Tell. Florian F 430, 18 William the conqueror. Napier.N 104, 15 Willie and Nellie W 590, 100 Willie and the mortgage. Abbott, v 1. A 56, 28 Willie the conqueror W 590, 190 Willing to die. Le Fanu L 270, 38 Willis the pilot W 610, 18 Will-o'the-wisp. Pleonnies. ..P 568, 700 Willoughby, Lady, diary of. Rathbone R i4°> 17 Willow-bend W 625, 100 Willow brook. Warner W 150, 106 Wilton of Cuthbert's. Adams.. .A 117, 18 Willy Collins. Harris H 230, 23 Willy Reilly. Carleton C 128, 50 Wiltshire tales. Aktrman A 330, 50 Win and wear. Robbins R 570, 55 Wind and whirlwind. Elliott. ..E 420, 25 Wind-spirit. Schlimpert. . . . . .S 188, 16 Windsor castle. Ainsworth. .A 321, 175 Wing and wing. 'Cooper C 735, 54 Winged lion. De Mille D 275, 115 Wings. Wetherill W 344, 500 Wings and stings. Tucker. . . .T 820, 84 Wings and webs W 673, 100 Wings of courage. Field. . . .F 240, 500 Winifred. Guernsey G918, 28 Winifred, of Nithsdale. Dacre. . .D 8, 15 Winifred Bertram. Charles. . . ,C 248, 48 Winifred's jewels. Bird B 436, 35 Winifred's wooing. Craik C 860, 60 Wirifride Jones, story of S 830, 380 Winkles. Jones J 860, 50 Winnie and I W 676,350 Winning his spurs. Kellogg. . .K 230, 67 Winning his way. Coffin C 610, 13 Winstowe. Adams A 1 2 1 , 140 Winter. Abbott A 56, 46 Winter evenings. Hack H 7, 210 Winter Fire. Porter P 660, 315 Winter in London. Surr S 930, 32 Winter lodge. Weir W 280, 20 Winter Story. Peard P 245, 34 Wintergreen. Goldschmidt. . .G 408, 13 Winthrops, the. Beckwith. . . .B 238, 75 Wise and otherwise. Alden. .A 412, 240 Wise saws. Haliburton H 38, 33 Wise saws and modern instances. Cooper.... .. C 735, 700 Wit bought. Goodrich G 432, 46 Wit and humor. Burton B 970, 18 Wit and humor. Prentice P 750, 13 Wit and humor. Smith S560, 125 Wit and humor. Valentine. . .V 230, 20 Witch of Meltonhill W 720, 200 Witch— Hampton Hall J 42, 18 With fate against him. Douglas. D 742, 53 With harp and crown. Besant. . B 372, 40 With the tide. Daryl D 71, 305 Withered fig tree. Myers. . . .M 960, 20 Within an ace. Jenkin J 560, 26 Within an inch ot his life. Gaboriau. ; •; G 12, 45 Within the maze. Wood. . . .W 770 112 Wives and daughters. Gaskell.G 108, 70 Wives and widows. Stephens. .S 746, 60 Wizard of the mountain. Gilbert. G 230, 40 Wolf at the door W 734, 8 Wolf-boy of China. Dalton.. . .1) 35, 13 Wolf Run. Kellogg K 230, 69 Wolfert's roost. Irving J 240, 56 Wolfgang, prince of Anhalt. . . H 635, 34 Wolfsden W 740, 20 Woman; or, Ida of Athens. . .M 836, 52 Woman against the world W 754, 18 Woman against woman. Church. C 410, 138 Woman, an enigma. Mcintosh. M 120, ^6 Woman as she ought to be. Stanford. S 700, 18 Woman at the wheel. Tobyn.T 480, 19 Woman hater. Reade R 208, 58 Woman I loved R 950, 6 o Woman in black. Sinclair S 486, 42 Woman in the case. Turner. . .T 870, 1 7 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 103 Woman in white. Collins. . .C 660, 100 Woman of business. Savage. . .S 148, 42 Woman of fire. Belot B 290, 15 Woman our angel. Roe R 712, 63 Woman to the rescue. Arthur. A 796, 167 Woman Zoe. Peck P 270, 150 Woman's devotion. Marsh M 410, 85 Woman's faith W 754, 335 Woman's faith W 754, 338 Woman's foibles=Man's wrongs. Manton. M 348, 200 Woman's friendship. Aguilar..A 281, 23 Woman's Kingdom. Craik. .C 850, 125 Woman's love. Rodwell R 700, 20 Woman's love. Smith. ..... .S 558, 942 Woman's love=Fort Ullan tragedy. F 5^4, 3°° Woman's ransom. Robinson.. R 625, 83 Woman's story. Hamilton. . . .H 90, 35 Woman's strategy W 754, 400 Woman's trials. Arthur A 796, 168 Woman's trials. O'Meara. . .O 225, 310 Woman's vengeance. Sauzadc.S 140, 76 Woman's whims. Boniface. . ..B 536, 28 Woman's wiles. Gardner G 60, 40 Woman's word. Townsend. . .T 610, 67 Woman's wrong. Eiloart E 350, 55 Women. Maturin M 475, 15 Won at last. Chatterton C 290, 525 Won by a head. Austin A 945, 2^ Won in a canter W 760, 48 Won-not-wooed. Sauzade. . . .S 140, 78 Wonder book. Hawthorne.. . .H 330, 70 Wonder stories. Andersen. ..A 615, 262 Wonder- world- stories. Parke... P 67, 15 Wonderful adventures of a pullman. Hale. H25, 9 Wonderful letter bag W 820, 28 Wonderful phials W 763, 500 Wonderful story of Gentle hand. Arthur. A 796, i^o Wonderful travels of Fan-Feredin. W 763,580 Wonderful woman. Fleming.. F 360, 68 Wondrous strange. Newby. . .N 344* 44 Wontus. Runkel R 912, 18 Wood Leighton. Howitt H 860, 79 Wood nymph. Andersen. ...A 615, 264 Wood rangers. Reid R 300, 122 Woodburn. Jeffrey J 540, 12 Woodburn grange. Howitt. . . H 860, 98 Woodcliff. McKeever M 140, 70 Woodcliff children. McKeever. M 140, 72 Woodcraft. Simms S 470, 68 Woodcutter of Lebanon. Macduff M 80,25 Woodleigh. Robinson R 625, 87 W T oodleigh stories. Adams A 1 1 7, 20 Woodreve manor. Dorsey D 650, 57 Woodruff. Veitch V 320, 25 Woodstock. Scott S 214, 130 Woodville W 815, 250 Wooed and married. Carey. . .C 112, 35 Wooing and warring. Kirk. .K 620, 250 Wooing of master Fox.Bulwer. .B 904, 78 Wooing o't. Hector H 416, 45 Word, the. Warner. . .W 150, 100, 108 Words and deeds W 860, 1 7 Words best left unsaid. Sartoris . S 126,10 Words for the wise. Arthur. .A 796, 172 Words of cheer. Arthur. ..,A 796, 173 Words of wisdom W 860, 230 Work. Alcott A 380, 23 Work-a-day briers W 865, 135 Work and wages. Howitt H 860, 81 Work and wages. Lyman , ... L 95 8, 400 Work and win. Adams A 145, no Work for autumn. Abbott A 56, 49 Work for spring. Abbott A 56, 47 Work for Summer. Abbott. . . . A 56, 48 Work for winter. Abbott A 56, 46 Work for the two great captains. Rob- inson R625, 135 Working and waiting. Brock. B 775, 310 World, the. Bindley B 430, 25 World of ice. Ballantyne B 70, 598 World of waters. Osborne O 350, 20 World to blame. Phillips P 402, 50 World well lost. Linton L 675, 29 World's verdict. Edwards E 2 10, 90 Worth, not wealth W 890, 16 Worth while. Capron C 80, 625 Wortlebank diary. Parr P 104. 52 Wounded Boy. Arthur A 796, 175 Woven of many threads. Hamilton. H 90, 40 Wrayford's ward. Robinson. . . R 625, 88 Wreath from Jessamin Lawn. . ,L 750, 20 Wreath of Indian stories T 820, 87 Wreck of the Chancellor. Verne. V 380,58 Wreck of the Golden Mary. Dickens. D 420, 19 Wreck of the Golden Mary . .v 3. N 6^0,100 Wreck of the "Grosvenor.". .R 952, 740 Wreck of the "Sybille." Eden.E 120, 35 Wrecked in port. Yates Y 10, 65 Wrecked, not lost. Dundas. . . .D 910, 100 Wrecked on a reef. Raynal. .R 180, 25 Wreckmaster W 920, 170 Wrong confessed. Bradley. . .B 669, 670 Wrong turning E 540, 200 io4 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Wuthering heights. Bronte. . . .B 788,24 Wyandotte. Cooper C 735, 56 Wych Hazel. Warner W 150, 135 Wycliffites. Mackay. M 134, 20 Wyider's hand. Le Fanu L 270, 40 Wyncote. Erskine. . . . E 712, 14 Wynville; or, Clubs and Coteries. W 980,25 Wyoming W 985, 300 Yacht Club. Adams A 145, 112 Yale College scrapes. Vose. . .V 740, 25 Yankee among the mermaids. Burton. B970, 705 Yankee among the milliners. Elmwood. E 445, 200 Yankee in London Y 4, 10 Yankee in London v i.Y 4,12 Yankee middy. Adams A 145, 115 Yankee slave-dealer Y 4, 130 Yankee Stories. Haliburton. . .H 38, 35 Yankey yarns. Haliburton H 38, 37 Yarndale Y 7, 250 Ye vampyres ! Y 35 , 40 Year after year. Clive C 560, 25 Year with Gerty West. Griffith. G830, 600 Year of child life. Cragin. . .C 845, 400 Year with Maggie and Emma. Mcintosh. • ••-. .....M 120, 45 Year with the Franklins. Cate.C 170, 60 Year worth living. Baker. . :...B 39, 878 Years ago. Lynch L 960, 25 Years and years ago v 8. N 670,100 Years that are told. Porter. . .P 662, 318 Yeast. Kingsley K 512, 28 Yellow flag. Yates Y 10, 70 Yellow frigate. Grant G 618,39 Yellow tiger v 5. N 670, 100 Yellowplush correspondence. Thackeray. T 200, 135 Yemassee. Simms S 470, 74 York and Lancaster Rose. Keary. K 1 1 2 , 2 4 Yorktown Y 130, 25 You know whom. Hartshorn. .H 264,15 Young America in Spain. Adams. A 145,107 Young artists Y 1 70, 15 Young astronomer Y 170, 190 Young Benjamin Franklin. Mayhew. M 515, 32 Young brave of the Delawares. .R 230,15 Young Brown. Murray M 936, 44 Young colonel. Thomas T 272, 40 Young countess. Trollope ... .T 730,148 Young crusoe. Harley H 208, 10 Young crusoe. Hofland H 640, 79 Young deliverers of Pleasant Cove. Kel- H r g- • • 1 • K 230, 72 Young detective. Parker P 75, 49 Young doctor. Conscience. . . .C 700,35 Young duke. Disraeli, D 520, 52 Young exiles. Bowman B 608, 26 Young fisherman of Cape Ann=Starry fla g A 145, 97 Young fisherman of Heligoland . Y 170,250 Young hearts and old heads. . .E 480, 300 Young husband. Grey G 775, 72 Young islanders. Taylor. . . .T 128, 500 Young lieutenant. Adams... ..A 145, 118 Young Llanero. Kingston. . . .K 530, 75 Young lord. Ponsonby P 625, 32 Young love. Trollope T 730, 150 Young Maruoners. Goulding.G 540, 30 Young middy. Armstrong . . . A 774, 15 Young moose hunters. Stephens. S746, 235 Young Munchausen. Bennett. B 322, 100 Young Musgrave. Oliphant. .0 170, 145 Young Nile Voyagers. Bowman . B 608, 28 Young Outlaw. Alger A 475, 62 Young parson Y 1 70, 400 Young patriot Y 170, 450 Young patroon. Myers M 960, 38 Young pilgrim. Hofland H 640, 80 Young Pilgrim. Tucker T 820, 90 Young pioneers. Pearson P 260, 23 Young prima donna. Grey. . . .G 775, 75 Young prince Marigold M 250, 18 Young Recruit. Nieritz N 440, 28 Young Sailor. Hughes H 925, 410 Young Sculptor. Ellis E 430, 17 Young sea captain. Thompson . T 300, 40 Young Singleton. Gwynne. ...G 980, 25 Young step-mother. Yonge. . .Y 100, 88 Young student. Guizot G 948, 20 Young surveyor. Trowbridge. ,T 740,64 Young Tom's grey hairs. Parr. .P 104, 72 Young trail hunters. Cozzens. .C 840,810 Young voyagers. Adams. . . . A 145, 120 Young voyageurs. Reid R 300, 125 Young wanderer's cave Y 170, 500 Young wife's story. Bowra. . .B 615, 260 Young wrecker. Bache B ic, 130 Youth and manhood of Cyril Thornton. Hamilton H 104, 600 Young yagers. Reid R 300, 127 Youth and womanhood of Helen Tyrrel. Howard H 828, 800 Youth of Jefferson. Cooke . . . . C 730, 65 Youth of Shakspeare. Williams . W 5 70, 28 Youth's diadem. Arnold A 780,42 Zaida. Kotzebue K 880, 25 Zaidee. Oliphant O 1 70, 150 Pseudonyms. °5 Zanita. Yelverton Y 70, 30 Zanoni. Bulwer B 904, 80 Zayde. Segrais S 280, 1 7 Zelda's fortune. Francillon. . .F 692, 25 Zelma. Franklin F 720, 45 Zeluco. Moore M 790, 506 Zenaida. Anderson A 618, 26 Zenobia. Ware W 134, 50 Zerah, the believing Jew Y 320, 18 Zerub Throop's experiment. Whitney. W 420,48 Zillah, the child medium Y 330, 20 Zina; or, morning mists Y 335, 25 Zoe. Jewsbury J 680, 18 Zoe ; or, the quadroon's triumph. Liver- more L 750, 15 Zoe's brand. Houston H 822, 320 Zoe's story Y 340, 25 Zohrab, the hostage. Morier. .M 852, 30 Zoophyte's revenge. Braddon. .B 655,85 List of Pseudonyms and 'Names changed by marriage, and foims of names not used as headings. Books are to be looked for under the name that stands at the right. A. Becket. Becket. A. L. O. E. Tucker, Miss C. Abbott, Rosa. Parker, R. Y. A. Adeler, Max. Clark, C. H. ^Esop, G. Washington. Lanigan, G. T. Ainslie, H. Maitland, E. Alexander, Mrs. Hector, Mrs. Arrom, C. Bohl de. Bohl d'Arrom, C. Artemus Ward. Browne, C. F. Bede, Cuthbert. Bradley, E. Bell, Acton. Bronte, Anne. Bell, Currer. Bronte, Charlotte. Bell, Ellis. Bronte, Emily. Benauly. Abbott, B. A. and L Bentzon, Th. Blanc, Mme Therese. Berger, E.. Sheppard, E. S. Billings, Josh. Shaw, H. W. Birch, Arnold. Banlett, Mrs. J. M. D. Boz. Dickens, C. Byr, Robert. Bayer, Karl R. von. Caballero, Fernan. Bohl de Arron. Carleton. Coffin, C. G. Carlton, Mrs. Pigott. PigottH. Carleton. Carriag, Baron Na. Na Carriag, Baron. Carroll, Lewis. Dodgson, C. L. Castlemon, H. C. Fosdick, Charles A. Caxton, Laura. Comins, Lizzie B. j Churne, W. Paget F. E. Churton, Henry. Tourjee, A. W. Clavers, Mrs. M. Kirkland, C. M. Clemmer, Mary. Ames, M. C. Clerke of Oxenforde. Kennedy, J. P. Clyde, Alton. Jeffreys, Sarah. Cole, M. Harris, Mrs. S. S. Coolidge, Susan. Woolsey, S. C. Consin Alice. Haven, Mrs. A. B. Cousin Kate. Bell, Cath. D. Cousin Virginia. Johnson V. W. Crayon, Geoffrey. Irving, W. Creyton, Paul. Trowbridge, J. T. Crowquill, Alfred. Forrester, A. H. Currer, Bell. Bronte, C. Curtiss, Percey. Cox, Mrs. W. N. Dash, la C'esse. Saint-Mars. De Genlis. Genlis. De Normand. Normand. De Pressense. Pressense. De Vingut. Vingut. De Wille. Wille. Derrick F. Notley, Mrs. Detlef, Carl.' Bauer, K. Dhu, Helen. Lester, C. E. Dod Grile. Bierce. Doesticks. Thomson, M. M. io6 Pseudonyms Douglas, Marion. Greene, Annie D. Dow, jr. Paige, E. F. Drille, Hearton. Gray, J. Fliot, George. Lewes, M. E. Elizabeth, Charlotte. Tonna, C. E. Faydette. Rodney, Mrs. M. R. L. . Fell, Archie. Capron, M. J. Fereal, V. de. Suberwick, Mme. Ferry, Gabriel. Bellemarre, Louis D. Filia. Dorsy, S. A. Forestier, Auber. Woodward, A. A. Forester, Fanny. Judson, E. C. Forester, Frank. Herbert, H. W. Forrest, Neil. Floyd, Cornelia. Fouque. La Motte-Fouque. Foxton, E. Palfrey S. Garrett. Edward and Ruth. Mayo, I. F. Gayford, Glance. Bradley, W. I. Gift, Theo. Havers, Dora. Graham, Ennis. Molesworth, Mrs. Grammont, Mrs. Hamilton A. Gray, Barry. Coffin, R. B. Gray, Ellis. Cragin, Louise T. Gray, Robertson. Raymond, R. W. Greville, Henry. Durand, Alice. Grile, Dod. Bierce. Griiin, A. Auersperg, A. A. von. Gushington, Angelina. Cooke, C. W. R. Haller,"Gustave. Fould, Madame Gustave. Harland, Marian. Terhune, M. V. H. Hay, Elzey. Andrews, Fanny. Hazlett. H. Tatem, Miss. Hogg, Cervantes. Barrett, E. S. Hope, A. R. Moncrieff, R. H. Izax, Ikabod. Stebbins, G. S. jinks, Jonathan. Taggart, H. L. Kerr, Orpheus C. Newell, R. H. Kingsford, Jane. Barnard, C. F. jr. Kirk, Eleanor. Ames, Eleanor. Kirke, Edmund. Gilmore, J. R. Lancewood, Lawrence. Wise, Daniel. Lander, Meta. Lawrence, Mrs, M. W. Lee, Holme. Parr, Miss. Lennox, M. Cook, M. L 4 Leo. Pemberton, Col. Leonard, A. Scanland, A. L. Leslie, Mrs. M. Baker, H. N. W. Lewald, F. Stahr, F. Lewald. Logan, Olive. Sikes, Mrs. Wirt. Lothrop, Amy. Warner, A. B. Lyndon. Bright, Matilda A. McKenzie, Christine. Duffel, Annie. Mannering, May. Nowell, H. P. H. Manners, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. W. C. March, Anne. W T oolson, Constance Fen- imore. March, Major. Wilcox, O. B. Mariotti, L. Gallenga, A. Marlitt, E. John, F. Martingale, Hawser. Sleeper, J. S. Marvel, Ik. Mitchell, D. G. Maurice, Jacques. Morris, Jas. W. May, Sophie. Clarke, R. S. Merry, Robert. Goodrich, S. G. Modet, Helen. Stryker, Helen. Morris, Peter. Lockhart, J. G. Mowatt, A. C. Ritchie, A. C. M. Miihlbach, L. Miindt, Mrs. C. M. Myrtle, Mrs. Harriet. Miller, Lydia Fal- coner. Myrtle, Lewis. Hill, G. C. Nasby, Petroleum V. Locke, D. R. North, Christopher. Wilson, John. Oakum, John. Phillips, Walter P. O'Hara family. Banim, M. and J. Optic Oliver. Adams, W. T. Otis Belle. Woods, C. H. "Ouida." De Larame, L. Page, Abraham. Holt, J. S. Palmer, Lynde. Peebles, M. L. Pansy. Alden, I. M. Paxton, Philip. Hammitt, S. A. Payne, James. Sauzade, John S. Pennot, Rev. Peter. Round, William M. F. Peppergrass, Paul. Boyce, J. Perch, Philemon. Johnston, R. M. Pine, Cuyler. Peck, Ellen. Planche, M. A. Mackarness, M : A. Prescott, H.'E. Spofford, Mrs. H. E. Prevost, Katherine. Olcott, E. M. Quod, John. Irving, J. T. Ramsey, Grace. Kathleen O'Meara. Regester, Seely. Victor, M. V. F. Reverie, Reginald. Mellon, G. Robert O' Lincoln. George Ready. Rowland-Skemp, Thomas. Skemp, T. Saint-Germain, J. T. de. Tardieu, Jules. Saintine, X. B. Boniface, X. B. Sam Slick. Haliburton, T. C. Sampleton, Samuel. Monti, Luigi. Sand, George. Dudevant, Mme. A. Sault, R. O. Swain, Chas. F. Savin, Una. Hepworth, Mrs. G. H. Saybrook, E. L. Ward, S. H. Scriber, Peter, Davis, Charles Aug. Scrutator, Horlock, K. W. Sealsfield, C. Postt, G. Searle, January. Phillips, G. S. Serials 107 Sheelah. Fletcher, A. Sherman, John. Willis, N. P. Silverpen. Mete yard, Eliza. Siogvolk, P. Mathews, A. Sketchley, Arthur. Rose, George. Sola. Anderson, O. S. L. Sommers, Jane R. Jones, Cornelia. Sophie May. Clarke, R. S. Stella. Cox, Mrs. P. I.. Stickney, Sarah. Ellis, S. S. Stolz, Madame de. Begon, F. Countess de. Stone, Ann. Haderman, R. Stradling, Matthew. Mahony, M. F. Stretton, Hesba. Smith, Hannah. Stretton, J. C. Marsh, Mrs. Swammerdam, M. G. Mudford, W. Talvi. Robinson, T. A. L. v. J. Taylor, Bayard. Taylor, J. B. Thomas, Annie. Cudlip, Mrs. P. Thomson, Gregg, W. Gregg, W. T. Thorne, P. Smith, Mary P. W. Thorpe, Kamba. Bellamy, Mrs. E. W. Titcomb, Timothy. Holland, J. G. Titmarsh, M. A. Thackeray, W. M. Trafford, F. G. Riddell, Mrs. J. H. Trois-etoilles. Murray, E. C. Grenville. Trusta, H. Phelps, Mrs. G. S. Twain, Mark. Clemens, S. L. Tourgueneff, Turgeneff. Tytler, Sarah. Keddie, Miss. Una Savin. Hepworth, Mrs. G. H. Valerio, Katherine. Washburn, K. S. Van Horn, W. O. Oertel, R. F. W. Van Truesdale, Pheleg, Adams, F. C. Vieux Moustache. Gordon C. Von Glumer, Claire. Glumer, C. von. Von Hillern, W. Hillern, W. von. Von Horn, W. O. Oertel, R. F. W. Von Oppen, Mme. I. J. Oppen, Mme. I. J. von. Walsingham, C. Howell, Mrs. F. Ward, Artemus. Browne, C. F. W T arner, Fannie. Bicknell, Mrs. C. P. Wentvvorth, May. Newman, Mrs. M. W. Werner, E. Buerstenbinder, Emilie. Wetherell, E. Warner, Susan. White, Mr. Thorn. Elliott, C. W. Widdemer, Irene. Hartt, I. W. Winthrop, Sophy. Shepherd, S. W. Witt. De Witt. Woodville, Jennie. Stabler, J. L. SEEIALS Army and Navy stories. Adams. The Soldier Boy A 145, 94 The Sailor Boy A 145, 85 The Young Lieutenant A 145, 118 The Yankee Middy A 145, 115 Fighting Joe A 145, 32 Brave Old Salt k . A 145, 8 August Stories. Abbott August and Elvie. A 56, 4 Hunter and Tom A 56, 32 Schooner Mary Ann A 56, 68 Granville Valley A 56, 24 Bectohtng Series. Cobden. Who Will Win C 585. 25 Going on a Mission C 5S5, 9 Turning Wheel C 585, 20 Good Luck C 585, 13 Take a Peep C 585, 18 B. O. W. Series. De Millc. TheB. O. W. C B 275, 15 Boys of Grand Pre School D 275, 18 Lost in a Fog D 275, 75 Fire in the Woods D 275, 45 Picked up Adrift D 275, 87 Treasures of the Sea D 275/ 105 io8 Serials Boat Club Series. Adams. The Boat Club A 145. G All Aboard A 145, 2 Try Again A 145, 104 Now or Never A 145, 62 Poor and Proud A 145, 76 Little by Little A 145, 55 Breakwater Series. Townsend. Boy from Bramley T 610, 18 Joanna Darling T 610, 38 Hope Darrow T 610, 32 Max Meredith's Millenium T 610, 45 Campaign Series. Alger. Frank's Campaign A 475, 12 ' Paul Prescott's Charge A 475, 28 . Charlie Codman's Cruise A 475, 8 Charley Roberts Series. Thurston. How C R Became a Man T 350, 25 How Eva R Gained Education. T 350, 27 Charley & Eva Roberts' Home-T 350, 20 Children of Amity Court T 350, 22 Elm Island Series. Kellogg. Lion Ben K 230, 40 Charlie Bell K 230, 18 . The Ark of Elm Island K 230, 6 Boy Farmers of Elm Island. . .K 230, 18 Young Ship Builders K 230, 79 Hard Scrabble K 230, 34 Florence Stories. Abbott. Florence and John A 56, 20 Grimkie A 56, 25 Orkney Islands A 56, 62 English Channel. A 56, 18 Isle ot Wight A 56, 34 Florence's Return A 56, 21 Franconia Stories. Abbott. Malleville A 56, 50 Wallace A 56, 77 Mary Erskine A 56, 52 Mary Bell A 56, 51 Beechnut A 56, 6 Rodolphus A 56, 66 Ellen Linn A 56, 16 Stuyvesant A 56, 72 Caroline ' A 56, 9 Agnes A 56, 2 Forest Glen Series. Kellogg. Sowed by the Wind K 230, 53 Wolf Run K 230, 69 Brought to the Front K 230, 13 Mission of Black Rifle K 230, 43 Forest Glen. K 230, 31 Glen Morris Stories. Wise. Guy Carlton W 700, 19 Dick Duncan W 700, 18 Jessie Carlton W 700, 22 Walter Sherwood W 700, 41 Kate Carlton W 700, 25 Gunboat Series. Fosdick. Frank the Young Naturalist. . .F 614, 36 Frank in the Woods F 614, 25 . Frank in the Mountains F 614, 23 Frank on a Gunboat F 614, 31 Frank before Vicksburg F 614, 19 Frank on the lower Mississippi. F 614, 34 Harper's Story Books. Abbott A 56, 28 Vol 1. Bruno ; Willie and the Mortgage ; The Straight Gate. Vol 2. The little Louvre ; Frank ;Emma- Vol 3. Virginia ; Timboo and Joliba ; Timboo and Fanny. Vol 4. The Harper establishment ; Frank- lin ; The Studio. Vol 5. The Story of Ancient History ; the Story of English History ; the Story of American History. Vol 6. John True ; Elfred ; The Museum. Vol 7. The Engineer ; Rambles Among the Alps ; The Three Gold Dollars. Vol 8. The Gibraltar gallery ; the alcove; Dialogues. Vol 9. The Great Elm ; Aunt Margaret ; Vernon. Vol 10. Carl and Jocko ; Lapstone ; Ork- ney the Peacemaker. Vol 11. Judge Justin ; Minigo ; Jasper. Vol 12. Congo ; Viola ; Little Paul. Helping Hand Series. No well. Climbing the Rope N 710, 17 • Billy Grimes' Favorite N 710, 12 Cruise of the Dashaway N 710, 20 Little Spaniard. N 710, 28 Salt Water Dick N 710, 35 Little Maid of Oxbow N 710, 23 Juno Stories. Abbott. Juno and Georgie A 56, 46 Mary Osborne A 56, 61 Juno on a Journey A 56, 47 Hubert A 56, 30 Lake Shore Series. Adams Through by Daylight A 145. 103 Lightning Express A 145, 51 On Time A 145, 66 Switch off A 145, 102 Brake up A 145, 7 Bear and Forbear A 145, 3 Serials 109 Leather Stocking Tales. Cooper. Deerslayer 735, 10 Last of the Mohicans C 735, 16 Pathfinder C 735. 28 Pioneers C 735, 31 Prairie C 735, 32 Lindendale Stories. Wise. Sidney De Gray W 700, 38 Nellie Warren. . W 700, 32 Louis Sinclair W 700, 28 Cousin Clara. W 700, 1G Peter Clinton. W 700, 35 Littlepage Manuscripts. Cooper. Satanstoe C 735, 39 Chainbearer C 735, 8 Redskins C 735, 37 Luck and Pluck Series. Alger. Luck and Pluck. A 475, 23 Sink or Swim A 475, 48 Strong and Steady A 475, 57 Strive and Succeed A 475, 55 Try and Trust A 475, 59 Bound to Rise A 475, 6 Risen from the Ranks A 475, 36 Herbert Carters' Legacy A 475, 16 Magnet Stories. Peebles. Drifting and Steering P 280, 15 One Day's Weaving P 280, 25 Archie's Shadow P 280, 13 John Jack , . .. P 280, 20 Our Young Yachter's Series. Stephens. Camping Out ' S 746, 210 Left on Labrador S 746, 2i0 Off to the Geysers S 746, 228 Lynx Hunting S 746, 2£3 Fox Hunting S 746, 215 On the Amazons S 746, 230 Pleasant Cove Series. Kellogg. Arthur Brown K 230, 8 Young Deliverers K 230, 72 Cruise of the Casco K 230, 23 Child of the Island Glen K 230, 20 John Godsoe's Legacy K 230, 36 Fisher Boys K 230, 28 Ragged Dick Series. Alger. Ragged Dick A 475. 34 Fame and Fortune I . A 475, 10 "Mark, the Match Boy A 475, 25 Rough and Ready A 475, 38 Ben the Luggage Boy A 475, 4 Rufus and Rose , .A 475, 39 Rainbow and Lucky Stories. Abbott. Handie A 56, 27 Rainbow's Journey A 56, 65 Selling Lucky. A 56, 69 Three Pines A 56, 75 Up the River A 56, 76 R.iinford Series. Bradley. Gilbert Starr B 674. 508 Gilbert's Last Summer B 674, 510 Riverdale Books. Adams. Young Voyagers A 145, 120 Robinson Crusoe, jr A 145, 82 Rocky Mountain Series. Fosdick. Frank Among the Rancheros. .F 614, 13. Frank at Don Carlos' Ranchero.F 614, 16 Frank in the Mountains F 614, 23 Rolling Stone Series. Fosdick. Tom Newcombe F 614, 65 Go Ahead F 614, 37 No Moss F 614, 40 Rosa Abbot Stories. Parker. Jack of all Trades P 75, 34 Alexis the Runaway P 75, 30 Tommy Hickup P 75, 39 Upside Down P 75, 42 Young Detective P 75, 49 Pinks and Blues P 75, 37 Sportsman's Club Series. Fosdick. Sportsman's club in the Saddle. F 614. 57 Sportsman's club Afloat F 614, 53 Sportsman's club Among the Trappers : F 614, 55 Starry Flag Series. Adams. The Starry Flag A 145, 97 Breaking Away A 145, 9 Freaks of Fortune A 145, 34 Seek and Find A 145, 90 Make or Break A 145, 58 Down the River A 145, 25 Tattered Tom Series. Alger. * Tattered Tom A 475, 58 Paul the Peddler A 475, 30 Phil the Fiddler A 475. 32 Slow and Sure A 475, 50 Julius, the Street Boy A 475, 21 Young Outlaw A 475, 62 Sam's Chance A 475, 42 Tone Masters. Barnard. Mozart and Mendelssohn B 127, 14 Handel and Haydn B 127, 10 Bach and Beethoven B 127, 4 Serials Upward and Onward Series. Adams. Field and Forest A 145, 30 Plane and Plank A 145, 74 Desk and Debit A 145, 16 Cringle and Crosstree A 145, 12 Bivouac and Battle. A 145, 4 Sea and Shore A 145, 87 Woodville Stories. Adams. Rich and Humble A 145, 80 In School and Out A 145, 47 Watch and Wait A 145, 108 Work and Win A 145, 110 Hope and Have A 145, 41 Haste and Waste A 145, 38 Whispering Pine Series. Kellogg. Spark of Genius K 280, 55 Sophomores of Radcliffe K 230, 50 Whispering Pine K 230, 05 Winning his Spurs K 230, 67 Turning of the Tide K 230, 60 Stout Heart K 230, 57 Win and Wear Series. Bobbins. Win and Wear II 570, 55 Tony Starr's Legacy R 570, 45 Faithful and True. R 570, 27 Ned's Motto R 570, 36 My New Home R 570, 34 Turning a New Leaf R 570, 48 Yacht Club Series. Adams. Little Bobtail A 145, 53 Yacht Club A 145, 112 Money Maker A 145, 50 Coming Wave A 145, 10 Dorcas Club A 145, 20 Ocean Born A 145, 64 Young America Abroad. Adams. Outward Bound A 145, 70 Shamrock and Thistle .A 145, 92 Red Cross A 145, 78 Dikes and Ditches A 145, 18 Palace and Cottage A 145, 72 Down the Rhine A 145, 23 Up the Baltic A 145, 105 Northern Lands A 145, 60 Cross and Crescent A 145, 13 Sunny Shores A 145, 100 Vine and Olive A 145, 107 Isles of the Sea A 145, 49 Young Dodge Club Series. De Mille. Among the Brigands D 275, 6 Seven Hills D 275, 95 Winged Lion D 275, 115 Young Trail Hunters Series. Cozzens. Young Trail Hunters C 840, 810 Crossing the Quicksands C 840, 80 CATALOGUE of BOOKS IN CLOSED CASES ON THE NORTH GALLERY -OF THE- MERCANTILE LIBRARY. ^lRRA_NQED by subjects PHILADELPHIA: DP^IiTTIEID IFOIR, this ggi^l^jl.ist^s: 7 1878. EXPLANATORY NOTE. A PROMINENT feature of this Library from its origin, and one to which it has owed much of its great success, has been its open cases! Members have always been allowed to go directly to the shelves and make their own selection of books. In this respect its management has been widely different from that of all other large libraries: the practice in these being to place the books out of reach of the readers and give them out only through an attendant. For some years a few books of special value or that were very liable to injury, have been placed in closed cases. These are books whose chief value is in their plates or other illustrations, those that are rare from the small number printed or the exhaustion of the edition, choice books that would be injured by promiscuous handling, and those that possessed some individual or other peculiarity. These books are not separated from the others for the purpose of keeping them away from the members, but to have them under especial care and to preserve them in good condition, so that those who have occasion to use them may have the full benefit of their use. These books are all accessible to the readers through an attendant, and the greater part of them may be taken out for home use. A few of them, designated on the catalogue by a * are limited to use in the building, unless special per- mission is obtained from the board to take them away. This catalogue has been printed to afford the members a knowledge of the books contained in these cases; and it is arranged by classes and subjects so as to afford a readier means of finding the books desired. The titles are made brief and no attempt has been made at bibliographical accuracy. Philadelphia, November, 1878. CATALOGUE Books marked with a * are not to be taken from the room without special permission from the Directors. COMMERCE— Class 1. Adams, J. Q. Reports on weights and measures. Wn., 1821, 8°. . 382 Aitken, R. General American Register for 1773. Ph., 1772, 12 . 415 Blake, J. A. Sea fisheries of Ireland. Waterford, 1868, 12 769 Cary, J. Trade of Ireland and Scotland. L., 1696, 12 682 Carey, M. Letters to directors of banks of Phila. Ph., 1816, 12 . 271 Child, J. New discourse of trade. L. 1698, 12 297 Collins, J. Irish cattel and fish. L., 1680, 8° 649 Cumberland,R. Essay on Jewish measures and weights. L., 1699,12° 725 Dormer, J. Usury explain'd. L., 1619^, 12° 885 Eckfeldt and DuBois. Manual of gold and silver coins. Ph., 1842,4° 522 Essay for lowering the gold and raising the silver coin. (No title) Sm.,4 785 Flags of maritime nations. Wn., 1873, 4 658 Gronovius, J. F. De Sestertiis seu subsecivorum pecuniae veteris li- bri IV. Lug. Batav., 1691, 8° 55 g Heath. Infallible counterfeit detector. B., 1866, 4 531 Hickcox, J. H. Account of American coinage. Albany, 1858, 8°. 860 History of bills of credit. Alb., 1866, 8° 325 Grant of the revenue of Ireland. Dub., 1696, f ° 556 Interest of England and the trade of Ireland. L., 1698, 8° 778 Letter from a gentleman in Ireland, in matter of trade. L., 167 7, 8° 777 Madden, F. W. Jewish coinage. L., 1864, 8° 760 Malynes, G. Lex mercatoria. L., 1636, 8° 549 Martin and Triibner. Current gold and silver coins. L., 1863, 8°. 326 Mischief of the tax upon coal. (No title page) 1698 ? 12° 737 O'Beirne, T. L. Reply to treasury pamphlet. L., 1785, 8° 671 Peacham, H. The worth of a penny, L., 1687, 12° 723 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Pratt J.T. Loan societies in England and Wales, to December 31,1867 527 Snelling, T. Coins of Great Britain, France and Ireland. L., 1823,4° 548 Subsidie granted to the king, of tonnage, etc. L., 1653, 12° 726 Treatise on taxes and contributions L., 1685, 8° 673 *Trent, William. Leger. 1703-8, Ms. Ph., f ° 517 LAW AND GOVERNMENT— Class 2. Act to permit exportation of Irish linen-cloth. An. 3, 4. Ann. Reg. . 1909 Actes of parliament. Henry VIII. L., 1540, fol 1911 Acts of parliament, 1656. L, 1657, f ° ., 1916 Acts of the General Assembly of Va. Richmond, 1803, 8° 2359 Ascham, A. Confusion and revolutions of governments. L.,1649,12 518 Asgill, J. Titles of lands. L., 1698, 12° '. . 1646 Barruel. Antichristian and Antisocial conspiracy. Lancaster, 181 2, 8°. 2296 Barry, J. Case of tenures. Dub., 1637, f °. 1904 Beacon, R. Solon his follie, or a politique discourse. Oxf., 1594,8°. . 532 Book of sundry justice workes. Ms. (No title page) 12° 1469 Brownlow, R. Declarations and pleadings in English. L., 1653,8°. 1856 Ceremonies of the degree of Mark Master Mason. £,1876,12° 2401 Ceremonies of the order of Knights of Rome. L., 1877, 12° 2403 Ceremonies of the Knights Templar. L., 1876, 16° 201 1 Ceremonies of the Holy Royal Arch. L., (nd) 12° 2402 Charter & laws of the province of Pa. & city of Ph. Ph. ,1742,1"° 1385 Coke, E. Book of entries. L., 1614, 8° 1402 Collection of statutes of Ireland. Dub., 1878, f ° 1925 Constitution of the several independent States of America. Ph., 1781, 12° 1347 Cours de droit civil elementaire. Ms., ( No title ) 8° 1231 Dermott, L. Ahiman rezon. Dub., 1780, 12° 2434 Dickinson, J. Letters from a Penn'a farmer. Ph., 1768, 12° 1159 Dugdale, W. Origines juridiciales. In the Savoy, 1671, f° 1917 Fiennes,N. Monarchy the best form of government. L., 1679, 12°. . 655 Friendly address to all Americans. Cork, 1775, 12° T 473 Harrison, G. L. Chapters on social science. Ph., 1877, 8° 2327 Lambard,W. Eirenarcha, or office of Justice of the Peace.^L. , 1 588, 1 2 ° 1 6or Mayhew, H. London labor and the London poor. L., 185 1, 4V 8° 786 Mayhew and Binny. Criminal prisons of London. L., 1862,8° 788 Mynsinger, J. Scholia in Institut. jur. civil. Basileae, 1580, 4 474 Norton, C. English laws for women. L., 1854, 12° 2123 Owen, T. Reports. L., 1656, f° 1926 Politics for the people. L., 1794-5, 2 v. 8° 1718 Powell, P. The attourneys academy. L., 1623, Sm., 4 2176 Rituals and illustrations of freemasonry. Shebbear, 1849, 12° 1982 Roberts, W. A treatise on the statutes of frauds. N. Y., 1807, 8°. 1200 Sharp, G. Distinction between manslaughter and murder. L., 1773, 12° I22 3 Smith, W. Comparative views of the constitutions of the several states. Fh., 1 796, 4° 2086 Statutes of the order of St. Patrick. Dub., 1809, 12° I 3^9 Washington's farewell address. Ph. ,1858,4° 1 102 Weems, M. L. Gods revenge against adultery. Bait., 1815,12°.. 1278 Philadelphia Mercantile Library TRIALS. Trial of Eugene Aram for murder. ( n. d. ) 12 241 Aaron Burr. Wn., 1867, 8° 1495 Fred. Calvert. L., 1768, f ° 1923 E.Coleman. L., 1768, f° 1918 Baron Delamere, for high treason. L., 1685, f °. . 481 G. Fitzgerald, ( No title. ) 12 1582 George Gordon. L., 1781, f ° « 496 John Hampden. L., 1719, f ° 1387 Rev. Wm. Hogan. Ph., 1822, 8° 1349 Robbers of bank of Penn'a. Ph., 1808,12° 1244 Ramsay vs. Nairne. Edin., 1833, 4° II01 Earl of Strafford. L., 1686, 8° 1932 Martelle & Hart. L., 1824, 12° 2038 Twenty-nine regicides. L., 1660, 8° 1550 Weeping Billy for murder. L., (1807 ?) 8 U 2084 Arguments for John Hampden. L., 1641, 12° 1581 Arraignment Edward Fitz Harris. L., 1681, f ° 1924 Blood's design against Buckingham. L., 1680, f ° 1422 Case of T. Dangerfield. L., 1680, f ° 1420 Case of Taffe. Dub., 1815, 8° 2028 Christopher Love. L., 165 1. 8° 2042 Confession of Countess of Strathmore. L., 1793, I2 ° 2064 History of the murder of Mr Weare, with the trial. L., 1824, 8°. . . 2038 Indictment of J Price. L., 1689, 8° 1819 Proceedings of peers and state trials. L., 1 743-53, f ° 1391 Proceedings of the prisoners in Fleet prison. Westminster., 1 729 f J . 1397 AGRICULTURE— Class 4. x\udot, L. E. Traite de le composition et de l'Ornement des Jardins. P., 1859, 8° 749 Child, R. Samuel Hartlib, his legacie. L., 1652, 12° 722 Cole, N. Royal parks and gardens of London. L., 1877, 12 .... 741 CurtisJ. Farm insects. E., i860, 8° 507 Grey, T. The complete horse-man and expert ferrier. L., 1864, 4 659 Doyle, M. The illustrated book of Domestic poultry. Ph., (n. d.) 8° 436 Hoffy, A. North American pomologist. Ph., i860, 4 505 Moore, D. Concise notices of British grasses. Dub., 1856, 4 536 Orchardist's Companion. Ph., 1841, 4 522 Tegetmeier, W. B. Poultry book. L. and N. Y., (n. d.) 8° 226 Wingfield and Johnson. Poultry book. L., 1853, 8° 503 Wright, L: Illustrated book of poultry. L., (n. d.) 8- 542 FINE ARTS— Class 5. *Art journal. L., 1841-1877, 4 ; . . . 618 Ashley, Alfred. Art of etching on copper. L., (n d.) ob 8°. . . . . 472 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Bemrose, Wm. Manual of wood carving. L., (n.d.) 8° 210 Browne, A. Ars pictoria. L., 1675, f ° 21 14 Carleton, Geo. W. Our artist in Cuba. N. Y., 1865, 12 385 Chemin de la Posterite. 2 vols. (N. t. p.) 475 Daelli, G. Relic of the Italian revolution of 1849. N.O.(n.d.) ob 4 . 748 Dublin exhibition catalogue, 1853. L., (n. d.) 4 . . 744 Dunlap,W. History of the arts of design in the U.S. N.Y.,1834,2 v.8° 5 Fairholt, F. W. Rambles of an archaeologist. L., 187 1, 8° 1874 Fergusson, J. Beauty in art. L., 1849, 8° 706 Feuchere, L. L'Art industriel. P., (n. d.) f ° 767 *Ficoronius, F. Dissertation de larvis scenicis et flguris comicis. Ro- mae, 1754, 4° 2126 Fine arts quarterly review. L., 1863-67, 5 v., 4 720 Flaxman, J. Outline designs for art studies. B., 1877, 12 2256 Foley, J. H. Works, with notes by Monkhouse. L., (n. d.) 4 . . . 2137 Gray, W. Social contrasts. L., (n. d.) ob 8°. 731 Gruner, L. Garden-pavilion of Buckingham palace. L., 1846, f °. 2101 Guizot, M. The fine arts. L., 1853, 8° 91 Hall, Mrs. S. C. Book of royalty. L., 1839, f ° ' 556 Hamerton, P. G. Etching and etchers. B., 1876, 8° 1953 The unknown river. B., 1872, 8° 142 Hamilton, W. Engravings from ancient vases. Naples, 1791,3 v. f° 687 Harvey, G. Primitive forest of America. N. Y., 1841, f ° 766 Hawkins, D. W. Old point lace and how to copy it. L., 1878, 12 2064 Hay, D. R. Science of beauty. Ed., 1856, 8° 184 Hayes, M. A. Prize outlines. Irish art union 1845. L., (n.d ) 5 2109 Hulme, F. Edward. Fret-cutting and wood-carving. L., 1877, f°. 2167 Humphreys, H. N. Ten centuries of art. L., 1852, 4 702 Ireland, J. Hogarth illustrated. L., 1793-8, 3 v. 8° 10 Jackson, J. Wood engraving. L., 1839, 8° 610 James, J. B. Sale catalogue of engravings. L., 1877, 8° *995 Jameson, Mrs. History of our Lord. L., 1864, 2 v. 8° 358- Sacred and legendary art. L., 1857, 2 v., 8° 98 Jarves, J. J. Art studies. N. Y., 1861, 8° 397 Keatinge, M. Eidometria. L , 181 2, ob f ° 562 King, C. W. Antique gems. L., i860, 8° 190 Knight, C. Gems or device book. L., (n. d. ) 8° 330 Labarte, M. Jules. Arts of the middle ages. L., 1855, 8° 83. Lacroix, P. Les arts au moyen age. P., 1869, 8° 42 Landon, C. P. Annales du musee. P., 1815, 4 vols, 8° 245 Lear, E. Book of nonsense. L., (n. d.) 4° 547 Lloyd, W. W. Christianity in the cartoons. L., 1865, 8° 406 Lockvvood, M. S. and Glaister, E. Art embroidery. L., 1878, 4 . 1284 Liibke, W. History of art. L., 1874, 2 v. 8° 1899 Same. N. Y., 1878, 2 v. 8° 1899a Marcenay de Ghuy. GEuvre. P., (n. d.) f ° 684 •Mariette, P. J. Traite des pierres gravees. P., 1750, 2 v. f ° 2I 34 *Montano, G. B. Scielta d'varii tempietti antichi. Roma, (n. d.) f° 587 More Irish melodies illustrated. (No imprint) ob 8° 1847 Morelli, J. Notizia d'opere di disegno. Bassano, 1800, 8° 1964 Moses, H. Outlines of Grecian costume. L. , 1833, ob 8° 649 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Museum Disneianum. L., 1849, 4 595 Nicholson, P. Encyclopaedia of art. N.. Y., 2 v. 4 725 Noch ein todtentanz. Miinchen, (n. d.) ob 4 2152 O'Neill, H. Fine arts of ancient Ireland. L., 1863, 8° 787 Ossian. Canti pensieri. Venezia, 181 7, ob f ° 516 Ottley, W. Y. History of engraving. L., 1816, 2 v. 4 632 Palliser, Mrs Bury. History of lace. L., 1865, 12 402 Palmer, E. Glyphography. L., (n. d.) 8° . 181 1 Pen and ink sketches of Yale Notables. St. Louis, 1872, 4 2093 Political alphabet . 1833 Porter. Studies from Moore's anacreon. (No title page) ob 4 2102 ^Portfolio, the. Vols. 7, 8. L., 1876, f ° 1456 Price, Sir Uvedale. On the picturesque. Ed., 1842, 8°. 149 Priolo, P. Illustrations from Ossian's poems. L., 1873, ob 4 . . . . 2077 Raczynski, A. Histoire de l'Art moderne en Allemagne. P., 1836- 1841, 3 v. 4 551 Ruskin, J. Aratra pentelici. L., 1872, 8° 1928 Lectures on Tuscan art. Kent, 1874, 8° 1933 Senefelder, A. Lithography. L., 1819, 4 2165 *Seroux d'Agincourt. History of art by its monuments. L., 1847, f ° 696 Smith, R. H. Expositions of Raphael's bible. L., 1868, 8° 306 ^Stereoscopic magazine. L., 1858, 8° 434 Thomas, J. Religious emblems. L., 1810, 4 1454 Tournament at Eglintoun castle. Aug. 30th, 1839. L., 1840, f°. 265 Twining, L. Symbols of christian art. L., 1852, 8° 707 Unedited antiquities of Attica. L., 181 7, f ° 2I 39 Wellington's shield. L., 1820, f ° 2106 Winckelmann, J. History of ancient art. B., 1856, 2 v. 8° 94 Woolnoth, T Facts and faces. L., 1854, 8° 636 Worlidge. Antique gems etched on copper. L., 1823, 4 . 2128 Wright, T. History of caricature and grotesque. L., 1865, 8°. . . . 192 ARCHITECTURE. American architect and building news. B., 1876-77, 4 V. 8 C 2161 Arnot,D.H. Gothic architecture applied to residences. N.Y.1851,4 2125 Bary, A. B. Design for the proposed centennial exhibition building. Ph., 1874, ob 4 2129 Barry, C. Traveller's club house. L., 1839, f ° ...... 575 Benjamin, A. Builder's guide. B., 1857, 4 572 Bicknell,A J. Detail, cottage & constructive architecture. N.Y., 1873,4° 503 Public buildings, with designs and details. N. Y., 1878, 4 . 2159 Bowler, G. Chapel and church architecture. B., 1856, f ° 621 Brandon, R. and J. A. Open timber roofs. L., 1849, 4° 603 Parish churches — Views and plans. L., 1858, 2 v. 8° 185 Brooks, S. H. Cottage and villa architecture. L., (n. d.) 4° 626 Brown, R. Domestic architecture. L., 1841, 4 565 Buckler, G. Churches of Essex. L., 1856, 8° 609 Buckler, J. C. Views of endowed grammar schools. L., 1827, 8'~. 718 Builder, the. L., 1860-78, f° 619 Carter, J. Specimens of Gothic architecture in England. L., 1824, 4 v., 12° 1998 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Carter, O. B. Church of St. John the Baptist, at Bishopstone. L. , 1845, 4° •• 21 n Chambers, W. Civil architecture. L., 1825, 2 v. 8° 724 Designs of Chinese buildings, etc. L., 1757, f° 576 Church architecture society papers. 1844 21 10 Clarke, C. Architectura ecclesiastica Londini. L., 1820, f° 754 Collis, J. The builder's portfolio of street architecture. L., 1837, 4 215 1 Coney, J. Beauties of continental architecture. L., (n. d.) f°. . . 686 Corner, S. Rural Churches. L , 1869, 4 . . 735 Croff, G. B. Progressive American architecture. N. Y., 1875,4°. 2103 Cubitt, J. Church design. L., 1879, 8° 1821 Dallaway, J. English architecture. L., 1806, 8° 35 1 Delagardette, C. M- Regies des cing ordes d'architecture de Vignole. P., 1786, Sm. 4 no Donaldson, Prof. Improved farm buildings. L., 185 1, 4 666 Dwyer, C. P. Church and school architecture. Buffalo, 1856, 8°.. 180 Eastlake, C. L. History of the Gothic revival. L. 1872, 8° 231 Examples of ecclesiastical and domestic structures. L., 1858, 8°. . . 682 Fergusson, James. Illustrated handbook of architecture. L., 1855, 2 v. 8° 82 Modern styles of architecture. L., 1862, '8° 220 . Palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis restored. L., 1851, 8°. .. 165 Rock cut temples of India. L., 1864, 8° 360 Foulston, J. Public buildings in England. L , 1838, 4° 662 Fox, Lady Mary, (ed.) The Country house, with designs. L., 1843,4° 568 Freart, R. Parallel of the ancient architecture with the modern. L., 1664, f° 2112 Gibbs, J. English gothic architecture. Manchester and L., 1855 f° 772 Godwin, G. Churches of London. L., 1838, 2 v. 8° 456 Goodwin, F. Domestic architecture. L., 1833, 4 752 Rural architecture. L., 1835, 2' v. 4 703 Hadfield, J. Architecture of England. L., 1848, 4 661 Handbook to the cathedrals of England. L., 1869-77, 6 v. 12°. . . . 194 Havell, R. Views of noblemen's seats. L., 1823 f° 688 Hill, A. Ardfert Cathedral. (No imprint.) 4 2132 — — Ancient Irish architecture. Cork, 1870, 2 v. 4 2130 History of Wymeswold church. L., (n. d.) 4 678 Holly, H. H. Country Seats, containing lithographic designs. N. Y., 1863. 8° 219 Hope, A. J. English cathedrals of the ninteenth century. L.,i86i,8° 206 Hope, T. An historical essay on architecture. L., 1835, 2 v. 8°. . 133 Hunt, T. F. Domestic architecture. L., 1841, 4 641 Designs for parsonage houses &c. L., 1841, 4 640 Tudor architecture. L., 1841, 4° 665 Hussey, E. C. National Cottage architecture. N. Y., 1874, 4°... . 555 *Jones, I. Designs. L., 1727, f° 690 Kendall, H. E. Designs for school houses. L., 1853, f° 746 Kendall, J. English gothic architecture. L.. 1818, 8° 569 King, R. J. Hand-book to the cathedrals of Wales. L., 1873, 12° 2 9 6 King, T. Shops fronts, and exterior doors. L., [etc] [n.d.Job 8°. 782 Lafever, hi. Architectural instructor. N. Y., 1856, 4° 608 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Lakey, C. D. Village and Country houses. N, Y., 1875, 4° 2 °99 Lang, W. B. Highland cottages near Boston. B., 1845, 4° 5 QI Langley, B, Ancient masonry. L., 1731., 2 v, f° 781 Lilbke, W. Ecclesiastical art in Germany. Edin., [etc] 1873, 8°. . 1850 Lugar, R. Country gentleman's architect. L., 1823, 4 753 Plans and views of buildings. L., 1823, 4 667 Mackenzie, F. and Pugin, A. Specimens gothic architecture. L., [n,d.]4° 2138 Middleton, C. Designs for gates., etc. [no imprint.] 8°. ...:... . 1879 Milton, T. Seats of the nobility in Ireland. L., 1783-87, ob 8°. ... 734 Modern cottage and villa architecture. L., [n. d.] ob 4 . . 732 Murphy, J. Church of Batalha. L., 1836, f° 541 Nash, J. Mansions of England. L., 1869, 4 659 Nicholson, P. Principles of architecture. L., 1848, 8° 109 The student's instructor in architecture. L., [n. d.] 8° 139 Owen, R. D. Public architecture. N. Y., 1849, 8° 7°5 Owen, S. The Thames — illustrations of seats, etc. L.,i8n,2v. 4 . 745 Palliser. Model homes. Bridgeport, (Conn.) 1878, 8° 2260 Papworth, J. B. Rural residences. L., 1832, 8° 502 Parker, C. Villa Rustica. L., 1848, 4 736 Parker, J. H. Glossary of terms in architecture. Oxf., 1840-41,3 v. 8° .'. 256 Plans for churches and parsonages. N. Y., 1853, ob f° 622 Pocock, W. F. Designs for churches and chapels. L., [n. d.] sm4° 757 Poole, G. A. Guide to York cathedral. York., 1840, 4 739 Potter, J. Ancient English architecture. L., 1848, 4 . 664 Prout, S. Studies of cottages and rural scenery. [L.,] 1816, ob 8°. 671 Views of rural cottages. L., 1821, 2 pts. ob 8° 672 Pugin, A.W. Principles of pointed or christian architecture L.,1853, 4° 2168 Pugin, A. and Britton, J. Public buildings of London. L., 1838,2 v. 8° .v :•;•"-. :•• 28 3 Raccolta oi istruzioni d'Architettura. Venezia, 1786, f°. .■ 542 Ricauti, T. J. Sketches for rustic work. L., 1842, 12 604 Richardson, G. New vitruvius britannicus. L., 1810, 2v. f° 689 Rickman, T. Architecture in England. Oxf., 1862, 8° .214 Riddell, J. Designs for country residences. Ph., 1861, oblong f°. . 627 Robinson, P. F. Domestic architecture in the Tudor style. L., 1837, 4° 624 Ornamental villas. L., 1827, 4 625 Robson, R. Practical masonry. L., [n. d.] 4 728 Rudiments of architecture. Edin., 1772, *4° 492 Shaw, E. Civil architecture. B., 1852, 4 55 Sloan, S. City and suburban architecture. Ph., 1859, 4 629 Constructive architecture. Ph., 1859, 8° 708 The model architect. Ph., 1868, 2v, 4 583 Street, G. E. Brick and marble in the middle ages. L., 1855, 8°.. 153 Stuart, R. A dictionary of architecture. Ph., 1851, 2 vols, 8° 58 Thompson, P. Designs for the new houses of parliament. L. .1836,4° 2 1 1 6 Thomson, J. Designs for cottages. L., [n. d.] 8 J 646 io Philadelphia Mercantile Library Traite des batiments. Leipzig., 1802, 8° 553 Trendall, E. W. Designs for cottages and Villas, L., 1831, 4 . . . . 494 Examples for roofs. L.. 1851, 4 676 Turner, A. A. Villas on the Hudson. N. Y., i860, f° 620 Turner, T. H. Domestic architecture in England. Oxf.,1851,4 v.8°. 166 Views of the buildings of Oxford. Oxf., 1824, 12 204 Viollet-le-duc, E. E. Discourses on architecture. B., 1875, 8°. . . . 1921 *Vitruvius, L. Idieci libri dell architettura. Venetia., 1567, 4 . . . 1955 Waistell, C. Designs for agricultural buildings. L., 1826, 4 . . . . . 500 Wickes, C. Villa architecture. L., 1862, 4 623 Wightwick, G. Palace of architecture. L., 1840, 8° 727 Wild, C. Cathedral church of Lincoln. L., 1837, 4 , 663 Twelve views of Canterbury cathedral. L., 1807, f° 2148 Young, J. Designs for shop fronts, porticoes, etc. L., 1843, 4°*- • 657 Young, W. Picturesque architectural studies. L., and N. J., 1872 4 2098 CERAMICS Birch, Samuel. History of ancient pottery. L.,1858, 2 vols, 8°. . . 164 Blashfield, J. M. Vases, statues, busts, from terra cottas. L., 1857, 4° 4i3 Elliott, C. W. Pottery and porcelain. N. Y., 1878, 8° 2013 Jacquemart, A. History of the Ceramic art. L., 1873, 8° 1828 Jewitt, L. Ceramic art of Great Britain. L., 1878, 2 v. 8° 2034 Marryat, J. Pottery and porcelain. L., 1857, 8° 95 Prime, W. C. Pottery and porcelain. N. Y., 1878, 8° 2012 Young, J. J., Ceramic art. N. Y., 1878, 8° 2259 DESIGN AND ORNAMENT. Boyce, A. P. Scrolls and ornaments, suitable for painters, designers, etc., B., 1878, 8° 2033 Dresser, C. Art of decorative design. L., 1862, 8° 504 Principles of decorative design. L., (nd) 4 2089 *Jones, O. Grammar of ornament. L., 1856, f °. 505 Julienne, E. Designs for bronzes, etc., (No title) ob f ° 784 Ornaments displayed for carvers. L., (n d) ob f ° 733 Scott, W. B. Ornamental designs for silver and gold work. L., (n d) f ° 499 Ware, W. R. Greek ornament. B., 1878, 8 C 2253 DRAWING. Andre, G. G. Draughtsman's handbook. L., and N. Y., 1874, 4°. 1880 Armengaud and Amouroux. Practical' draughtsman. Ph., 1863, 4 . 615 Barnard, G. Drawing from nature. L., 1865, 8° 726 Bell, C. The anatomy of expression. L., 1844, 8° J 16 Bell, J. Drawing Book. L., obi. 8° 5 2 9 Bradley, T. Geometrical drawing. L., 1861-62, 2 v ob. f° 2078 Chapman, J. G. American drawing book. N. Y. 1858. 4 599 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Cooke, G. Animals, after old masters. L., 1829, ob. 4 . 507 Davenport, R. Amateur's perspective. L., 1828-9, 4 7 68 >9 Delamotte, P. H. Art of Sketching from nature. L., 1871, 4 543 Drawing exercises. (No title page.) 4 680 Harding, J. D. Guide and companion. L., (n. d.) 8° 617 Lessons on trees. L., (n. d.) f°* 574 Hulme, F. E. Free hand ornaments. L., (n. d.) 8° 2040 Julien. Studies of heads. L., (n. d.) ob. 4 563 Studies of the human figure. (No title page.) ob 4 564 Maguire, T. H. Figure drawing. L., (n. d.) 4 2079 *Marolois, S. Perspective. La Haye, 161 4, ob. f° % 1907 Penley, A. Sketching from nature. L., (n. d.) f° 669 Prout, S. Studies of boats and coast scenery. L., (n. d.) 4 674 Salmon, W. Polygraphice, or art of drawing. L., 1672, 12 1934 Salvage, J. G. Anatomie du gladiateur. P., 181 2, f° 2 141 Sopwith, T. A treatise on isometrical drawing. L., 1858, 8° 124 Story, W. W. Human figure. L., 1866, 8° 788 Sutter, D. Theorie de la perspective. P., 1859, 4 571 Walker, A. Analysis of beauty. L., 1852, 8° 108 Walton, W. L. Amateur's drawing room. L., 1844, ob. 4 771 Woodward, G. E. Artistic drawing studies. N. Y., 1877, 4 2157 Worthen, W. E. Appleton's Cyclopedia of drawing. N. Y. ,1857, 8° 174 HOUSE DECORATION AND FURNITURE. Arrowsmith, H. W. and A. House decorator and painter's guide. L., 1840, 4 493 Ballantine. J. Ornamental art. . L., 1847, 4°*. 7 2 3 Beilefeld, C. F. Use of papier-mache ornaments in furniture, etc. L., 1850, 4 660 Brown, R. Drawing of Cabinet and upholstery furniture. L., 1835,4° 750 Cabinet of marquetry, buhl and inlaid woods. L., 1867, 4 647 Charles, R. Cabinet Maker, a journal of designs. L., 1868, f° 775 Church, W. A. Patterns of inlaid tiles. Wallingford, (etc.) 1745,8° 677 Church decorations; a practical manual. N. Y., 1875, 12° 1941 Cook, C. The house beautiful. N. Y., 1878, 8° 2014 Cundall, J. Examples of ornament. L., 1855, 4 658 Designs for table lamps, chandeliers, etc. (No title page.), 12°. . . . 656 Dolby, A. Church embroidery. L., 1867, 4 2262 Elliott, C. W. Book of American interiors. B., 1876, 8° 2127 Godwin, E. W. et al. Art furniture. L., 1877, 4 2065 Goldicutt, J. Ancient decorations from Pompeii. L., 1825, 8°. . . 207 Heaton, Ralph & Son. Designs # for brass work, with prices. Birm- ingham, 181 5, 2 v. ob. 4° 539 Jacquemart, A. History of furniture. L., 1878, 8° 2039 Jones, J. L. Historic furniture of Ireland. Dub., 1853, f° 2086 King, T. Upholstery work. L., 1831^°. . .. 2172 Little, A. Early New England interiors. B., 1878, ob. 4 2158 Oldham, T. Ancient Irish pavement tiles. Dub., (etc.) (n. d.) 4 . . . 560 Patterns of stamped ornaments. (No title.) 1 2 . 274 i2 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Pocock, W. F. Modern finishings for rooms. L., 1811,4° 37 Shaw, H. Specimens of tile pavements. L., 1858,4° 504 Soane, J. Description of house and museum. L., 1835, f° 591 SporTord, H. P. Art decorations applied to furniture. N.Y., 1878,8° 2019 ILLUMINATION, ALPHABETS, MONOGRAMS. Ames, D. T. Compendium of penmanship. N. Y., 1877, f° 2160 Book of ornament; — title pages, borders, etc. L., (n. d.) 4° 638 Bradley and Goodwin. Manual of illumination. L., (n. d.) 12°. . . 1900 Clark, J. Writing improved. L., 1 714, ob. 4 2083 Delamotte, F., Embroiderer's book of design. L., 1860,12° 524 Examples of modern alphabets. L., 1866, ob. 8° 525 Mediaeval alphabets and initials. L., 1894, 4° 522 Primer of illumination. L., i860, Sm. 4 523 Goldsmith, O. R. Gems of Penmanship. N. Y., 1845, ob. 4°. . . . 783 Jones, O. Initial letters. L., 1864, f° 695 Lillie, H. Monograms. L., (n. d.) 8° 637 *Monogram and alphabet album. N. Y.,(n. d.) 4 2090 Shaw, H. Art of illumination. L., 1866, 4° 268 Stephens, A. S. (ed.) Frank Leslie's portfolio of fancy needlework. N.Y., 1855,4° 2171 Sympson, S. New book of cyphers. L., (n. d.) 12° 478 Todd, J. H. Illuminations in ancient Irish manuscripts. L., 1869, 2107 Ward, M. Art of illuminating. L., (n. d.")4° 1990 Weale, J. Monograms, etc. L., (n. d.) 4° 694 Wyatt, M. D. History and practice of illuminating. L., 1861,12° 1813 MONUMENTS. Bartoli, P. S. Le antiche lucerne sepolcrali figurate. Roma, 1691,8° 2080 Antichi sepolcri. Roma, 1 704, f° 549 Blore, E. English monuments. (No title page.) 711 Monumental remains. L., (n. d.) 4 670 Clarkson's Monuments. L., (n. d.) f° 2094 *Fendt, T. Monumenta sepulcrorum. (n. p.) 1574, f° 2133 Gautier, S. Collection des viies et monumens. Amsterdam, 1725,4°. 1801 Maliphant, G. Designs for sepulchral monuments. L. , 1852, 4°. . . 653 Millingen, J. Ancient undited monuments. L., 1822,26,4° 737 Normand, L. Monuments funeraires. P., 1863, f° 552 Rogers, F. Designs for monuments, headstones, etc. L., (n. d.) f° 1840 Rousseau & Lasalle. Monuments funeraires du Pere-Lachaise. P. (n.d.)4° •' 643 Struthers, J. Designs for monuments, tombs, etc. Ph., 1852, f J . . . 644 Ungewitter, E. E. Entwiirfe zu grabsteinen. Leipzig, (n. d.) f°... 2155 Waring, J. B. Stone monuments, tumuli, etc. L., 1870, 4 2100 MUSIC. Anthems and services in manuscript. 3 v. 8° 1604 Arnold, S. Cathedral music. L., 1843, f ° 873 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 13 Calliope ; or, musical miscellany. L., (etc.) 1788, 8° 1389 Gill, W. H. Musical ladder. (No imprint) 107 1 Hogarth, G. Book of British song. L., (n. d.) 4 1 267 Lyre; or, New York musical journal, vol. 1. N.V.(etc) 1825, Sm.4 1433 Pepusch, Dr. Beggar's opera. L., obi., 8° 869 Porter, S. Cathedral music. Worcester, (n. d.) f ° 836 Westbrook, W. J. Ancient and modern fugues for the organ. L. ,(n.d.)4° 949 PAINTING AND SCULPTURE. Atkinson, J. B.(et al). English painters of the present day. L., 1871,4° 2164 Bartolius, P. S. Le pitture antiche. Roma, 1680, 4 683 Barnard, G. Landscape painting. L., 1858, 8° 169 Bartsch, A. Le peintre-graveur. Vienna 1818-67, 21 vols 236 Blanc, C. Grammar of painting and engraving. N. Y., 1874, 8°. . 300 Brigham, W. T. Cast catalogue of- antique sculpture. B., 1874, 4 540 Burnet, J. Composition in painting. L., 1836, 4 713 Education of the eye. L., 1839, 4 716 Portrait painting. L., i860, 4 710 Turner and his wOrks. L., 1859, 4 765 Canova, A. Works. L., 1849, 3 v. 8° 143 Crowe and Cavalcaselle. Early Flemish painters. L. , 1 85 7 , 1 2 ° 88 New history of painting in Italy. L., 1864-6, 3 vols, 8°. . . . 383 DafforneJ. British school of painting-Leslie and Maclise. L., 1875,4° 2104 Dallaway, J. Statuary and sculpture among the ancients. L., 1816,8° 2044 Ellis,G.A. Catalogue of pictures in Flanders and Holland. L., 1826, 12° 1980 Fielding, T. H. Theory of painting. L., 1835, 8° 756 Flaxman, J. Lectures ori sculpture. L., 1829, 8° 159 Hamilton, G. English school of painting and sculpture, h., 183 1,4V. 12° 301 Harris, M. System of colours. L., (n. d.) 4° 778 Hayter, C. Three primitive colours. L., 1830, 8° 761 Hervey, T. K. Illustrations of modern sculpture. L., 1834, 4 . . . 589 Hints on glass painting. Oxf., 1847, 2 v. 3 189 Hogarth, W. Analysis of beauty. L., 18 10, 8° 467 Howard, F. Ornamental window-glass. St. Helen's, Lancashire, 1850, 4 602 Ibbetson, J. C. Accidence of printing in oil. L., 1828, 4° 561 Kugler, F. T. History of painting — the German and Dutch schools. L., 1854, 2 vols 129 Landseer, E. Works, with life. L., 1869, 4 777 Leitch, R. P. Painting in neutral tint. L., (n. d.) ob 8° 2016 ' Sepia painting. L (n. d.) 8° . . / 2018 Water-colour painting. L., 1875, 8° 2017 Liibke, W. History of sculpture. L., 1872, 2 v. 8° 284 *Mander, C. Van. . Het Schilder-boeck. Haerlem, 1604, Sm. 4 . . 2255 Moses, H. Ancient vases from collection of Englefield. L., 1848,8° 509 Overbeck, J. Geschichte der Griechischen plastik. Leipzig, 1869- 1870, 2 v. 8° '. 2054 Perkins, C. C. Italian sculptors. L., 1868, 8° 518 Tuscan sculptors. L., 1864, 2 v. 8° .... 519 Phillips, G. F. Principles of effect and colour. L., (n. d.) 4° 570 i4 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Ralph, B. School of Raphael. L., (n. d.) 4 5 IO Redgrave, S. Water-colour paintings in the South Kensington museum L., 1877, 8° 2002 Reynolds, J. Discourses, with notes by Burnet. L., 1842, 4 704 Ritchie, L. Beauty's costume — Female figures. L., 1838, 4 1883 Robinson, J. C. Italian sculpture of the middle ages. L., 1862, 8°. . 454 Scott, W. B. British sculpture. L., 1871, 4 747 Sculture del pallazo della villa Borghese. Roma, 1796, 2 v. 8° 484 Sievier, R. W. Sculpture illustrations. L. , (n. d.) 4 485 Smith, R. H. Expositions of great pictures. L., 1863, 12 329 Stark, K. B. Niobe und die Niobiden. Leipzig, 1863, 8° 2053 Thiele, J. M. Thorwaldsen and his works. N. Y., 1869, 2 v. 4 . . 691 Vertue, G. Anecdotes of painting in England. Strawberry Hill, 1862-5 4 51 Visconti et Mongez. Iconographie Romaine. P., 1817-1826, 2 v.f° 2142 Warrington, Wm. History of stained glass. L., 1848, f ° . . 2169 Whiteford, S. T. Guide to porcelain painting. L , (n. d.) 12 . . . 2030 Wilkinson, J. G. On colour and taste. L., 1858, 8° 132 Wilson, H. Composition, light, shade and colour. L., 1851, 8°.. 60 r Winston, C. Glass painting. L., 1865, 8° 405 Study of painted glass. Oxf., 1849, 8° 182 Wornum, R. N. * Epochs of painting characterized. L., 1859, 12 . 66 PRINTS, GALLERIES, &c. Alexander, W. The eight beatitudes. L., (n. d.) ob 8° 673 American gallery of art. Ed. by J. Sartain. Phila., (1848) 4 . . . . 749 American tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones and Robinson. N.Y., 1872,4° 645 Anderson, A. Collection of engravings. M. Y., 1873, 8° 559 Armytage,S. Beautiful pictures of British artists. 1800-1870. L.,fn.d.)4° 585 Ancient gems from collections of Penry, et al. L., (n.d.) 8° 226 Barry, C. Illustrations of Westminster palace. L., 1849, 2 v. 4 . . 2149 Barry, J. Etchings from his original paintings. L., 1808, f ° 2147 Bell, J. Compositions from morning and evening prayer. L., 1844,4° 648 Bell,W.H. Quiddities of an Alaska trip. Portland, Oregon, 1873,0b 8° 425 Book of gems and cabinet of art. L., (n. d.) 4 . ...... 764 Bramley, H. R. Christmas carols. L., (n. d.) 8° 1 143 Bruin, C. Afbeeldingen van Steden Lusthoven, etc. (No imprint) 8° 252 Budgen, L. M. Live coals, or faces from the fire. L., 1867, 4 . . . 651 Burgess, I. H. Views in the north of Ireland. Armagh, (n. d.) f°. 2140 * Cabinet of paintings in Her Majesty's private collection. L.,(n.d.) 4 2166 Cattermole, R. Raphael's cartoons. L., 1845, 8° 348 Chattock, R.'S. Wensleydale, etchings with text. L., 1872, 4 . . . 544 Coesvelt, W. G. Collection of pictures. L., 1836, 4 2082 Conder,C. R. Pictorial scenes from pilgrim's progress. Ph., 1870, 8° 271 Copper plate magazine. 2 vol. L., ob 4 763 Corbaux F. Pearls of tire east. L., (n. d.) f° 5 73 Costumes in Shakespeare's Winter's tale and Henry^TII L. , (n d)ob 4 2 1 46 Crofton, Mrs. W. Eight views — landscape. L., (n. d.) f° 2095 Cruikshank, G. The bottle. Ph., (n. d.) ob 8° . . 654 Eighty-two illustrations. L., (n. d.) 4 '. 650 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Cruikshank, G. Myvsketch book. L., 1834, ob 8° 378 Darley, F, O. C. Composition in outline from Judd's Margaret. N. Y., 1865, ob 4 257 Diamond album, or the book of beauty. N. Y. (n. d.) 12 1829 Dore, G. Historical cartoons. L., (n. d.) 4 582 Douze vues de Waterloo, ob 4 515 Doyle, R. Foreign tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones and Robinson. L., (n. d.) 4 511 . Manners and customs of ye Englyshe. L., 1849, ob 4 508 Finden, E. Beauties of Moore. L., 1846, f ° 778 Tableaux. L., 1837-40, f° . ... 514 Fisher, Drawing room scrap book, 1837. L., (n. d.) 4 546 Flowers of loveliness. Forty groups of female figures. L., (n. d.) 4 698 Foster, B. Pictures of English landscape. L., 1862, 8° 481 Gallery of British engravings. L., (n. d.) 8° 270 Gallery of engravings, ed. by Wright et al. L., (n. d.) 4 vol. 4 . . . 512 Gallery of fine arts. L., (n. d.) 8° 269 Gallery of modern British artists. L., 1835, 2 v. 4 457 Gargiulo, R. Musee national de Naples. Naples, 1870, 4 v. 4 2091 Gathered lilies, L., (n. d.) ob 4 21 17 *Gelee Claude, C. Lorrain. Liber Veritatis. L., 1 777-1819, 3 v. f ° 586 Gems of British art. N. Y., 1856, 4 579 Gillow, G. Select engravings with notices of the painters. L., 18 18, 4 593 Hall, S. C. (Ed.) Gems of European art. L., 1846, 2 v. 4 2113 Heath, H. Caricature scrap-book (No imprint) ob 8° 655 Historic gallery of portraits and paintings. L., 4 V. 8° 486 * Hogarth, W. Works, L., 1824, 4 581 * Plates L.,f° 697 Hoppin, A. Carrot-pomade. N. Y., 1864, 4 450 Hay Fever. B., 1873, ob 4 2081 Ups and downs, on land and water. B., 1871, ob f ° 594 *Hugo, T. Impressions from Bewick's woodcuts. L., 1870, 4 . . . 550 Jump, Capt. R. Views in Calcutta. L., 1837, ob 8° 730 Konewka, P. Illustrations to Goethe's Faust. B.,1871,8 652 Landscape gallery of engravings. L., 1855, ob 4 762 Landscape illustrations of Scotland. (No imprint) 8° 780 Landseer, T. Carnivorous quadrupeds. L., 1823, ob 4 758 Leech, J. Etchings. L., (n. d.) 4 2097 Leighton, F. Illustrations from Cornhill magazine. L., 1867, f°. . 685 Linton, W.J. Thirty pictures^by deceased British artists. (n.d.)i86o,4° 2156 Maclise, D. Pictures, with descriptions by Dafforne. L., (n. d.) 4 . 506 Story of the Norman conquest. L., 1866, ob f° 548 Mathews, A. E. Gems of Rocky mountain scenery. N. Y., 1869, 4 779 Merveilles de l'art religieux. P., 1873, 8° 517 Moran's Landscape studies — Photographs, vols. 4-5 8° 479 Mulready, W. Pictures with descriptions by Dafforne. L.,(n.d.)4°. . . 558 National gallery of pictures. L., (n. d.) 2 v. 4 459 * Photographic views of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Bait. 1872,4° 2163 Picture gallery of British art. L., 1873, 4 2150 Plates in folio from 1 735. L. 697 Retzsch, M. Fancies, a series of subjects in outline. L., 1834, 4 . . 2145 16 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Sayers, J. Portraits of celebrated politicians. L., 1782-8, 4 1987 Scott, W. B. Gems of French art. L., 1871, 4 776 Gems of modern German art. L., 1873, Sm. 4°. 307 Spilsbury, J. Prints from antique gems. L., (n. d.) Sm. 4 590 Stephens, F. G. Flemish relics. L., 1866, 8° 90 Thomas, G. H. In memoriam; — engravings. L., (n. d.) 4 264 Turner,G.W. Homely scenes from great painters. L., (etc.) (n.d.) 4 751 Valpy, A. J. National gallery. L., (n. d.) 12 399 Views of Bournemouth. (No imprint) 12 232 Vues de Paris. (No imprint) ob 8° 740 Westall, W. Illustrations of the holy scriptures. L., (n. d.) 12 . . . 276 USEFUL ARTS— Class 6. Abbott, G. The mines of England. L., 1833, 8° 1 721 Anderson, F. Skylight and the dark room — Photography Ph., 1872,8° 803 Ashton,F.T. Art of designing cotton and woolen cloths. Ph., 1874,8° 1327 Baysius, L. Annotationes de re navali. Lutetiae, 1549, 8° 556 Boot and shoemaker's assistant. Manch. 1853, 8° 1006 Brisse, Alexander and Rotrou, Leon de. Draining of Lake Fucino. Rome, 1876, 2 v. 8° 1341 Brown, C. Patterns for wall papers. (N. t. p.) ob 4 1058 Buchanan. On mill work — Plates. L., 1841, 2 v. 8° 479 Burgh, N. P. Modern land and marine engines. L., 1864, f °. . . . 1041 Sugar machinery. L., 1863, 4 990 Bury, T. T. Coloured views on the Liverpool and Manchester rail- way. L., 1833, 4° 1036 Callon, J. Lectures on mining. L., 1876, 2 v. 8° 1288 Calvert, F. C. Dyeing and calico printing. Manchester, 1876, 8°. 1464 Canal navigation in Penna. Ph., 1 795, Sm. 4 1 1 1 1 Cassell. Illustrated exhibitor. L., (etc.) 1862, 4° 1064 Clegg, S. Treatise on coal gas. L., 1866, 4° 1012 Coffin and Savage. Ale ; in prose and verse. N. Y., 1866, 8° . . . . 1 175 Colburn, Z. Locomotive engineering. Glasgow, 1864, 4° 1032 Catalogue ©f Dublin international exhibition, 1865. L., 1866, 8°. . 1015 Eck, C. Traite de construction en poteries et fer. P., 1836, f °. . . 1059 The Engineer. L., 1 856-1877, f °.. 1021 Fordyce, W. History of coal and iron. L., i860, f ° 1022 Frontinus, S. J. De Aquaeductibus urbis Romae commentarius. Ba- tavia, 1722, 4 1061 Fulton, R. Torpedo war. N. Y., 1810, oblong, 4 597 Hall, S. C. (Ed.) Illustrated catalogue of the Paris Ex. L., 1868. 4 982 Hamley, E. B. Operations of war. E., 1866, 4° . . . 1013 Haupt, H. Military bridges. N. Y., 1864, 8° 627 Higgins, W.*M. House painter. L., 1841, 4° 1321 Hodge, P. R. The steam engine; its history. N. Y., 1841, f ° 1306 Holley, A. L. Railway practice. N. Y., 1861, 4 998 Humber, W. Record of modern engineering. L., 1864-8, 4.V., 4 °.. .1007 Industrial art : a monthly review. L., 1877, 4° 1281 Philadelphia Mercantile Library f*j> Kiernan, J. Hints on horse-shoeing. W'n., 1871, 4 1283 King, T. Illustrations of upholstery work. L., 1831, f ° 1318 Kohn, F. Iron and steel manufacture. L., 1868, f ° 977 Leigh, V. Surveying of lands. L., 1578, 8° 1242 Leslie, F. Fancy needlework. N. Y., 1855, 4 987 London Exhibition, 1862. Off. catalogue. L., 1862, 4 v., 8° 1003 .1851. Off. catalogue. L., 1851, 3 v., 8° 1005 Reports of the juries. L., 1852, 2 v., 8° 1004 McLaine,A. Improvements in construction of vessels. Belfast, 1864, 4 1338 Malthus, T. Artificial fireworks. L., 1629, 12 1561 Manufacturing establishments in the U. S. W'n., 1823, f ° 964 Military pyrotechny, for use at West Point. 1835 512 Molinos et Pronnier. Construction desponts metalliques. Atlas, P. 1857, f° . . ' 1286 Murray, A. & R. Ship-building and steam-ships. E., 1863, 4 . . . 1001 Paris Exhibition of 1862. Glasgow, 3 v., 4 981 * Patent Office— specifications and drawings of patents of U. S. P. O. W'n., 1671-78, 126 v., 8° 1300 * Subject — Index of patents, 1790-1873. W T 'n., 1874, 3 v., 8° 1299 * Index of patents for 1876. W'n., 1877, 8 ° 1300a Peale, W. Wooden bridges. Ph., 1 797, 12 105 Pellatt, A. Curiosities of glass making. L., 1849, 8° 5 21 Persoz, J. Traite de l'impression des tissus. P., 1846, 5 v., 8°. . . . 1666 Philadelphia photographer, 1 1 vols. Ph., 8° 912 Photographic world. Ph., 1871, 1872, 2 v., 8° 1205 Practical magazine, vols. 2 and 4. B., (L., print.) 2 v., 4 1320 Prout, M. P. Specimen of printing inks. N. Y., 1833, 12 1493 Rapier, R. C. Remunerative railways. L., 1878, 8° ^93 Remedies to take out spots and stains in silks. L., 1605, 12 1513 Reports on the manufacture of paper in Japan. L., 1871, 8° 1332 Riddell, R. Practical carpenter and joiner. Ph., 1874, 4 1074 Ringwalt, J. L. Encyclopedia of printing. Ph., 1871 466 Rocca, F. A. De campanis commentarius. Romae, 161 2, 8° 125^ Roscoe : S. Book of the Grand Junction Railway. L., (n. d.) 8°. . 1104, London and Birmingham railway. L., (n. d.) 8° 765 Russell, J. S. Modern naval architecture. L., (n. d.) 3 v., f °. . . . 131 7 Russell, W. H. Atlantic telegraph. L., (n. d.) 4 920. Savage, W. Preparation of printing ink. L., 1832, 8° 143& Scheliha, von. Treatise on coast defence. L., 1868, 8° 690 Scott, A. de C. Photo-zincography. L., 1862, 4 10 17 Scrap book relating to the R. R. and coal companies 1056 Sections of lines of railway in Ireland, (n. p. ), 1837, f ° 1331 Silliman, and Goodrich. World of art and industry. N. Y., 1854, 4 1024 Smeaton, J. Building of the Eddystone light-house. L., 1813, f°. 1075 Smyth, R. B. Gold fields of Victoria. Melbourne, 1869, 4 420 Soyer, A. Pantropheon. L., 1853, 8° •. . . . 221 Specimens of fancy turning. Ph., 1869, Sm. 4 419, Strickland, W. Reports on canals, railways, &c. Ph., 1826, f°. . . 1023 Stuart, C. B. Naval and mail steamers of the U. S. N.Y., 1853,4°. . 1025 Naval dry-docks of the U. S. N. Y., 1852, 4 1026 Thiollet. Serrurerie et fonte de fer. P., 1832, f° 1060, i8 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Tousard, L. de. American artillerist's companion. Ph. ,1808, 2 v. 8° 707 Truran, W. Iron manufacture. N. Y., 1863, 8° 430 *Uniform of the army of the U. S. Ph., 1851, 4 1027 *Uniform of cavalry in the British service. (No title page) f ° 131 4 ^Uniform of infantry in the British service. (No title page) f °. . . . 131 5 Union iron company of Buffalo. Description of the works. (No title page) f° 1319 Verrerie; (or, glass blowing). (No title) f ° 1282 Waller, W. Value of the mines of Sir. C. Price. L., 1698, 12 . . . 1448 Watts, I. etal. Ship-building, theoretical and practical. L.,i866,f°.. 1065 CHEMISTRY— Class 8. Funke, Dr. O. Physiological chemistry. L., 1853, 4 504 Muspratt, J. S. Chemistry. Glasgow, i860, 2 v. 8° 89 Paracelsus. Chemical transmutation. L.,1657, 12 121 Sandivogius, M. New light of alchymie. L., 1650,12° 236 Schellen, Dr. H. Spectrum analysis. L., (n. d.) 8° 144 NATURAL HISTORY— Class t Berwickshire naturalist's club. Editi., 1834, 5 v. 8° 1075 Browne, P. Civil and nat. hist, of Jamaica. L., 1789^° 1294 Cabinet of natural history. Ph., 1830-32, 2 v. 4 . 1235 Cooper and Suckley. Nat. his. of Washington territory. N. Y.,1859, 4 1265 Donovan, E. Naturalist's repository. L., 1823, 2 v. 8°. 1573 Fox, G. T. Synopsis of Newcastle museum. Newcastle, 1827, 8°. . 1622 Griffith and Henlrey. Micrographic dictionary. L., i860, 8° 928 Hooke, R. Micrographia. L., 1665, f ° 1321 Howitt, M. Pictures from nature. L., 1869, 12° 808 Jardine, SirW.(Ed.) Naturalist's library. Edin., 1839-56, 40 v. 12° 593"59 6 Journal of acad. Nat. Sci. of Phil. Ph., 1867-77, 4 1242 Lindner and Lachmann. Pictorial natural history. L., (n. d.) 8°. 1405 Mantell, G. A. Fossil remains. L., 1850, 4 1205 Michelet, J. The mountain. L., 1872, 8° 831 Michelet, Mme. J. Nature. L., 1872, 8° 832 Pliny. Natural! Historic L., 1601, f ° 1261 Pictorial beauties of nature. Ward, (n. d.) 4 884 Richardson, J. Museum of nat. history. Glasgow, (etc.) (n. d.) 2 v. 4 843 Prichard, J. C. Natural history of man. L., 1855, 2 v. 8° 608 BOTANY. Badham, C. D. Esculent funguses of England. L., 1847, 8° 3 Brereton, J. A. Florae Columbianae prodromus. Wn., 1830, 12 158 Curtis, W. Flora Londinensis. L., 1777, 3 v. f° 1237 Digby, K. Discours sur la vegetation des plantes. P., 1667, 12 .. 1466 Emmons, E. Agriculture of New York. Alb., 1846-56, 5 V. 4 . . . 1227 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 19 Gatty, A. British sea-weeds. L., 1863, 4 141 3 Grandville, J. J. Les fleurs animees. P., 1847, 2 v. 8° 138 Green, T. Universal herbal. Liverpool, 1820, 2 v. 4 1256 Grew, N. Anatomy of plants. L., 1682,1"°. 1213 Harvey, W. H. Nereis Australis. L., 1847, 8° , 1421 Phycologia Australica. L., 1858-1863, 5 v. 8° 1420 . Phycologia Britannica. L. , 1871, 4. v. 8° 1419 Heath, F. G. The Fern world. L., 1877, 12° 1424 Hibberd, S. The sea- weed collector. L., (n. d ) 12° 1453 Hooker, W. J. British ferns. L., 1861, 8° 1365 Muscologia Britannica. L., 1827, 8° 1364 Hulrae, F. E. Bards and blossoms. L., 1877, 8° 1475 Plants: growth and ornamental treatment. L., 1874, f°... 1322 Johnston and Croall. Nature printed British sea-weeds. L., 1859-60, 4V. 8° 5 r Lee, Mrs. R. Trees, plants and flowers. L., .1854, 8° 1447 Loudon, J. C. Arboretum et fruticetum Britannicum. L., 1844, 8 v. 8° 56 Lowe and Howard. Beautiful leaved plants. L., 1872, 8° 1442 Marshall, H. Arbustrum Americanum. Ph., 1785, 8° 134 Martin, J. H. Microscopic objects 1142 Martyn, T. Botanical plates. L., 1794, 12° ........ 1415 Meehan, T. Native flowers and ferns of the U. S. B., 1878, 8°. . ... i486 Michaux, F. A. Histoire des arbres forestiers de PAmerique. P,, 1810, 3 v. 8°. . . 1430 Resinous trees of North America. P-,1819, 3 v. 8° 121 7 Moore, T. British ferns. L., 1859, 2 v. 8° 63. Ocean flowers and their teachings. Bath., 1846, 8° 129 Pratt, A. Flowering plants of Great Britain. L., (n. d.) 6 v. 8°. . . 1445 Rattray's Botanical chart. L., (n. d.) 12° *374 Rich, O. Genera of American plants. Georgetown, 18 14, 12°. . . . 157 Riley, J. Catalogue of ferns. L., 1841, 8° 1372 Robin, C. C. Florula Ludoviciana. N. Y., 1817,12° 127 Shultz, B. Phytolacca decandra of Linnaeus. Ph., 1793, 12° 1461 The spirit of the woods. L., 1837, 8° 115 Stark, R. M. British mosses. L., 1854, 12° 1452 Sullivant, W. S. Icones muscorum. Camb., 1864, 8° 1236 Thornton, R. J. British flora. L., 1812, 2 v. 8°. 81 Torrey, J. Botany of New York. Alb., 1843, 2 v. 4° 1224 CONCHOLOGY. Binney, W. G. Terrestrial air-breathing mollusks of U. S. B , 185 1- 1859, 4 v. 8° 773 Brown, T. Fossil conchology. L., 1849, 4° I2 9 2 Sand and fresh water conchology. L., 1845, 8° 1557 Donovan, E. British shells. L., 1800-1804, 5 V. 8° 474 Jay, J. C. Catalogue of recent shells. N. Y., 1836, 8° 1648 Lea, I. Genus unio, Ph., 1^4-69, 13 v. 4° 1244 Orbigny, A. d'. Foramini feres fossiles. Paris, 1846,4° 1277 Philippi, Dr. R. A. Abbildungen und beschreibungen conchylien. Cassel, 1845, 4°... 1312 20 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Reeve, L. Elements of conchology. L., i860, 2 v. 8° 613 Roberts, M. Mollusca. L., 1851, 12 616 Sowerby, G. B. Conchological manual. L., 1852, 8° 633 Genera of shells. L., 2 v. 8° 732 Turton, W. Conchological dictionary. L., 1819, 8° 492 Wood, W. Catalogue of shells. L., 1828, 2 v. 8° 747 a General conchology. L., 1815, 8° 1650 ENTOMOLOGY. Adams, H. G. Beautiful butterflies. L., 1871, 12 85 2 Blackwall, J. Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland. L., 1 86 1 -64, 2 v. f ° 1 306 Brown, T. Book of butterflies. L., 1832-34, 3 V 12 895 Donovan, E. British insects. L., 1 792-1801, 5 v. 8° 1574 Entomological society of Phila. Proceedings. Ph., 1863-67, 5 v. 8° 889 Glossary to Say's entomology. (No title) 8° 1 168 Goldartius, J. Historia naturalis insectorum. Medisb. (n. d.) 12°. 1188 Natural history of insects. Perth, 1792, 8° 1623 Say, T. American entomology. Ph., 1824-28, 3 v. 8° 626 Complete writings. N. Y., 1859, 2 v. 8° 774 Shuckard, W. E> British coleoptera. L., 1861, 8° 733 Stephens, J. F. Illustrations of British entomology. L., 1828,4 v.8° 695 Trimble, J. P. Insect enemies of fruit and fruit trees. N. Y., 1865, 4 1234 Westwood, J. O. Arcana entomologica. L., 1845, 8° 734 Catalogue of orthopterous insects. Part I. L., 1859, 4 . . . 1309 Wood, J. G. Common moths of England. L., & N. Y., (n. d.) 12° 1628 GEOLOGY, PALAEONTOLOGY. Agassiz, L. Nouvelles etudes sur les glaciers. P., 1847, 8° 198 Beck, L. C. Mineralogy of New York. Albany, 1842, 4 1225 Billing, A. Science of gems. L., 1875, 8° 473 Boyle, R. Essay about gems. L., 1672, 12° 470 Ellis, J. Natural history of corallines. L., 1755,4° 1304 Emmons, E. Geology of New York. Albany, 1842, 8° 1226 Hall, J. Geology of New York. Albany, 1843, 8° 1226 . Palaeontology of New York. Alb., 1847-52, 2 v. 4 1228 Hayden,F. V, Geol. Survey of the Territories. Wa., 1876-8, 4 . . 1308 Hitchcock, C. H. Geology of New Hampshire. Concord, 1874,8° 1305 Hitchcock, E. Geology of Massachusetts. Northampton, 1 841, 2 v.4 . 1203 Geology of Vermont. Claremont, 1 861, 2 v. 4° 1201 Lesley, J. P. Surveys of iron, coal and oil in the U.S. Ph., 1874,8° 496 Martin, W. Extraneous fossils. L., 1809, 2 v. 8° ... , 395 Mather, W. W. Geology of New York. Alb., 1843, 4° 1226 Newbery, J. S. Geological survey of Ohio. Columbus, 1875, 8°. . 424 Oldham, T. Geological survey of India. Calcutta, 1859, 5 v. 8°.. 1231 Owen, D. D. Geological survey of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. Ph., 1852, 4° 1204 Ponton, M. The beginning. L., 1871, 16° 959 Powell, J. W. Geology of the Uinta mountains. Wn., 1876, 4°. . 1314 Rogers, H. D. Geology of Penna. Ph., 1858, 2 v. 4 1200 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Rominger, C. Geological survey of Michigan. N. Y., 1876, 8°. . . 1747 Sowerby, J. British mineralogy. L., 1804-1817, 5 v. 8° 432 Streeter, E. W. Precious stones and gems. L., 1877, 8° 1730 Vanuxem, L. Geology of New York. Albany, 1842, 8° 1226 Wheeler, G. M. Explorations and surveys west, of 100th meridian. Wn.,1875, 4° 13*0' Whitney, J. D. Geol. survey of California. Pr. Phil. 1866-69, 3 v. 1209 ORNITHOLOGY. Audubon, J. J. Birds of America. N. Y.. 1839, 4 V. 8° 838 Ornithological biography. Ph., 1832-1839, 5 v. 8° 1208 Baird, S. F. Birds of North America. Ph., i860, 2 v. 4 1193 North American land birds. B., 1874, 2 v. 8° 1291 Bonaparte, C. L. American Ornithology. Ph., 1825, 4 vols. f°. .. 1240 Cassin, J. Birds of America. Ph., 1856, 8° 1214 Donovan, E. British birds. L, 1794, 1795, 2 v. 8° 1537 Graves, G. Ovarium Britannicum. L., 1816, 8° . , 161 8 Jardine, W. Contributions to ornithology. Edin., 1848-50, 8°. . . 816 Jones, T. R. Cassell's book of birds. L., (n. d.) 4 vols. 8° 1649 *Latham, J. Synopsis of birds. L., 1781, 9 v. 4 1268 Lemaire, C. L. Histoire nat. des oiseaux. P., 1836, 8° 1533 Leeson, R. P. Histoire des colibris. P., (n. d.) 8° 1531 Histoire des oiseaux de paradis. P., 1835, 8° 1529 Histoire der oiseaux-mouches. P., 1829, 8° 1530 Histoire des trochilidees. P., 1831, 8° 1532 Macgillivray, W; History of British birds. L., 1837, 5 v. 8° 813 Martin, W. C. L. Humming-birds. L , 1852, 12 584 Morris, B. R. British game birds. L., (n. d.) 4 1313 Morris, F. O. British birds. L., (n. d.) 12 823 Mudie, R. British birds. L., 1853, 2 v. 12 : 588 Nuttall ornithological club, bulletin of. Cambridge, Mass., 1876, 8° 1807 Pennant, T. Genera of birds. L., 1781, 4 I2 95 Seely, P. J. British ornithology. Edin., (etc.) 1825, 8° 1646 Turnbull,W.P. Birds of E. Penna. and New Jersey. Glasgow, 1869, 8° 851 Tyas, R. Beautiful birds. L., 1868, 3 v. 12 845 Wolf, J. Feathered favourites. L., (etc.) 1854, 8° 1133 Wolf and Meyer. Histoire naturelle des oiseaux. Nuremberg, 1805, 2 v. (1. p.) f ° ; 1278 ZOOLOGY. Aristotle. Historia animalium. Venetiis, 1545, 8° 863 Audubon, J. J. Quadrupeds of North America. N. Y., 185 1-54, 3 v. 8° 1 293 Bingley, W. British quadrupeds. L., 1809, 8° 1677 Browne, P. A. Trichologia mammalium. Ph., 1853, 4 1202 Catton, C. Animals, in agua-tinta. L., 1788, f ° 1290 Church, J. Cabinet of quadrupeds. L., 1805, 2 v. 4 131 1 Cope, E. D. Vertebrata of the cretaceous formations of the west. Wn., 1875, 4 1308 Couch, J. Fishes of the British islands. L., 1868-1869, 4 V. 8°. . .. 1566 22 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Cuvier, Baron. Animal kingdom. — Annelida Crustacea and arachnida. L., 1833-4, 8°. ............ 1216 — Fishes. L., 1833-4, 8° 1215 Day, F. Fishes of Malabar. L., 1865, 4 1262 De Kay, J. Zoology of New York. Alb., 1842-4, 5 v. 4 1229 Donovan, E. British quadrupeds. L., 1820 1541a. Elliot,D.G. Life of wild animals, with designs by Wolf. N. Y.,1874, 4 1302 Gardens and menagerie of the Zoological Society. L., 1835, 2 v. 8° 1548 Goldsmith, O. Tommy Trip's history of beasts. L., 1867, Sm. 4°. 1159 Hitchcock, E. Ichnology of New England. B., 1858-1865, 2 v. 4 1323 •Holbrook, J.E. North American herpetology. Ph., 1836-1840, 4V. 4 1299 Home, E. Comparative anatomy. L., 1814-1828, 5 v. 8° 1289 Huxley and Hawkins. Comparative osteology. L., 1864, 4°. . . . . 1223 Jesse, G, R. History of the British dog. L., 1866, 2 v., 8° 717 Maclise, J. Comparative osteology. L., 1847, f ° 1239 Menabeni, A. Tratto del grand animale. Rimino, 1584,8° H74 Morton, S. G. Hippopatamus Liberiensis. Ph., 1849, f ° 1300 Observations on the eyes of animals. L., 1682, 8° 1613 Owen, R. Odontography. L., 1840-5, 2 v., 8° 1050 Pennant, T. History of quadrupeds. L., 1 781, 4 1301 —. — Synopsis of quadrupeds. Chester, 17 71, 8° 1627 Pritchard, A. Natural history of animalcules. L., 1835, 8° 15 18 Shaw, G. General zoology. L., 1800-1826, 30 v., 8° 81& Stephenson, J. Medical zoology and mineralogy. L., 1838, 8°. . . 1007 Topsell, E. History of four footed beasts. L., 1658, 8° 1280 Transactions of the zoological society of London. L., 1835, 3 v., 4 - 1269 Wood, W. Zoography, L., 1807, 3 v., 8° 804 MEDICINE— Class 10. Acton, W. Atlas of venerial diseases. L., 1841, 8° JSoy On the reproductive organs. P., 1865, 12° 572 Adams, R. Rheumatic gout. L., 1857, 8° 433 Agnew, D. H. Lacerations of the female perineum. Ph., 1873,8° 2076 Allen, C. On the teeth. Dub., 1687, 8°. 2474 Ashurst, J., jr. Principles of surgery. Ph., 1871, 8° 1171 Barbette, P., The practice of. L., 1675, 12 2586 *Bartholinus, T. Anatomia. Ludg. Batav., 1651,8°.. 1327 Barton, J. K. Pathology and treatment of syphilis. Dub., 1868, 8° 1966 Baumes, P. Maladies veneriennes. P., 1840, 8° 2027 Beck, T. R. Medical jurisprudence. Ph., i860, 2 v., 8° 270 Bedford, G. S. Principles and practice of obstetrics. N. Y., 1868, S J 1252 Bell, C. Anatomy of the brain. L., 1802, 4 1008 Engravings of the arteries. L., 1806, 8° 785 Bell, J. Bones, muscles and joints. Ph., 1816,4°.... *3 Bowditch, N. I. History of the Mass. general hospital. B., 1851,8°. 2544 Boyle, R. Specific medicines. L., 1685, 12° 1669 Brugis, T. Marrow of physicke. L., 1640, 8° 2313 Byford, W T . H. Theory and practice of obstetrics. N. Y., 1873, 8°. 32 Catlin, G. The breath of life. L., 1862, 8° 788 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 23 Cazeaux, P. Treatise on midwifery. Ph., 1868, 8° 2005 Churchill, F. Theory and practice of midwifery. Ph., 1848, 8°.. 1266 Cobbold, T. S. Entozoa: an introduction to helminthology. L., 1864, 8° . 2645 Code of health of the school of Salernum. Phil., 1870, 8° 1933 Collis, M. H. Cancer and tumours. L., 1864, 8° 2384 Connor, B. Evangelium medici. L., 1697, 12 2475 Cullerier, M. A. Atlas of venereal diseases. Ph., 1868, 4 1015 Cyclopedia of anatomy. L., 1835-59, 6 v., 8° 457 Davis, D. D. Operative midwifery. L., 1825, 4 1021 Denman, T. Aphorisms. Phil., 1818 1262 Deslandes, L. Manhood. B., 1845, 12 1181 Dermott, G. D. The arteries. L., 1841, f ° 1043 Dewey, G. O. On dyspepsia. L., 1865,8° 789 Dickinson, Wm. H. Pathology and treatment of albuminuria. N. Y., 1868, 8° 819 Elements of social science. L., 1864, 12° 35 Elwell, J. J. Malpractice and medical evidence. N. Y., 1866, 8°. 633 Erichsen, J. Science of surgery. Ph., i860, 8° 359 Favre. Anatomy of the liver. (No title page.) 18 15, 4 1045 Fletcher, J. On urine. L., 1623, 12° 2339 Flood, V. Anatomy and surgery of hernia. L., (etc.,) 1834, f °. . 105 1 Flower, W. H. Diagrams of the nerves. Ph., 1876, 4 . 1048 Fowler, O. S. Phrenological chart. N. Y., 1835 2392 Gardner, A. K. On sterility. N. Y., 1856, 8° , 1880 Gluge, G. Pathological histology. Ph., 1853, 4 434 Goddard, P. B. Plates of the arteries. Ph , 1839, 4 1024 Graham, S. Chastity. B., 1845, I2 ° • 1179 Graunt, J. Bills of mortality. L., 1676, 12° 2526 Gross, S. D. System of surgery. Ph., 1862, 2 v., 8° 255 Guerin, A. Chirurgie operatoire. P., 1855, 12° \ 2554 Hassall, A. H. Microscopic anatomy. N. Y.. 1869, 8° 892 Hewitt, G. Diseases of women. Ph., 1868, 8° 1952 Highmore, N. Case of a foetus. L., 1815. 4 929 *Hippocrates. Opera omnia. Francofurti, 1596, 12° I 397 Hodge, H. L. Obstetrics. Ph., 1864, 4 463 Hoffman, C. Longevity. N. Y., 1798, 12° 1971 House of office restored. L., 1726, 12° 2612 Hunter, W. Human gravid uterus. L., 1851, f ° 1032 Lavater, J. C. Physiognomy. L., 1789, 5 v., 4 1000 Lee, R. Lectures on midwifery. Ph., 1844, 8° 1275 Leidy, J. Human anatomy. Ph., 1861, 8° 361 Leishman, W. System of midwifery. Glasgow, 1873, 8° 2484 Longshore, J. S. System of obstetrics. Ph., 1868, 8° 1744 McClintock, A. H. Diseases of women. Dub., 1863, 8° 1624 ^Mackenzie. Midwifery, Ms. (No title page), 8° 1598 Maclise, J. Surgical anatomy. Ph., 1859, 4 462 Malgaigne, J. F. Traite des* fractures et des luxations. P., i847-'55, 2555 Maygrier, J. P. Midwifery illustrated. N. Y., 1836, 8° 640 Meadows, A. Manual of midwifery. Ph., 1871, 12° 977 *Medical notes, Ms. (No title page), 12° 2851 24 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Meigs, C. D. Practice of midwifery. Ph., 1838, 12° 161 2 Miller, J. Practice of surgery. Ph. 1853, 8° 314 Miller, V. The man-plant. L., 1752, 12 2065 Money, W. Vade mecum of morbid anatomy. L., 1843, 8° 1745 Morton, S. G. Crania Americana. Ph., 1839, 4 1016 Human anatomy. Ph., 1849, 8 ° 3 6 * Illustrations of pulmonary consumption. Ph., 1834, 8° 2205 Muckley, W. J. Student's manual of artistic anatomy. L., 1878, 12 2830 Murphy, E. W. Principles and practice of midwifery L., 1852, 8° 2172 Neligan, J. M. Cutaneous diseases. Ph., 1859, 4 461 * Paracelsus, A. T. Experiments and cures. L., 1596, 8° 2323 Parsons, J. Enquiry into the nature of hermaphrodites. L., 1749, 8° 1937 Pemberton, O. Clinical illustrations of cancer. L., 1867, 4° T °37 Playfair, W. S. Midwifery. Ph., 1876, 8° 2688 Pouchet, F. A. Theorie positive de 1' ovulation spontanee. P., 1847,8° 1689 Ramsbotham, F. H. Obstetric medecine and surgery. Ph., 1861,8° 388 Rayer, P. Diseases of the skin. Ph., 1845, 4° 5 2 9 *Rise and progress of the obstetric art, Ms., 8° 2799 Ryan, M. Aphorisms on parturition. L., 1837, 16° 2726 Manual of midwifery. L., 1841, 8° 2506 Sayre, L. A. Spinal disease and spinal curvature. L., 1878, 12°. . 2794 Simpson J. Y. Obstetric memoirs. Ph., 1855, 2 v., 8° 1165 Sims, J. M. Uterine surgery. N. Y., 1866, 8° 723 Smith, H. H. Anatomical atlas. Ph., 1859, 8° 1010 Principles of surgery. Ph., 1863, 2 vols ,8° 363 Smith, R. W. A treatise on neuroma. Dub., 1849, f° 1050 Tanner, T. H. Signs and diseases of pregnancy. Ph., 1868, 8°.. . 1632 Thomas, T. G. Diseases of women. Ph., 1868, 8° 804 Thompson, J. H. Columbia hospital for women. Wn., 1873, 4 . . 1035 Trail, R. T. Sexual physiology. N. Y., 1866, 12° 1277 Velpeau, Alf. A. L. M. Operative surgery. N. Y., 1847, 4 v -> 8°. 2209 Venner, T. The baths of Bathe. L., 1628, 12° 2 5 2 3 Walsh, N. C. Medical officer's vade-mecum. L., 1866, 12° 2449 Way to save wealth. L., 1697, 12° 2658 Welch, J. A. Treatise on ringworm. L., 1837, 12° 2684 Wells, T. S. Diseases of the ovaries. N. Y., 1873, 8° 731 Wistar, C. System of anatomy. Ph., 1858, 2 v., 8° 541 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY— Class ii. Boyle, R. Chymist's doctrine. L., 1675, 12° 736 Essays and experiments. L., 1673, 12° 613 Natural philosophy. L., 1691, 12° 681 Experiments of ye air. L., 1662, Sm. 4 602 Experiments on cold. L., 1683, 4 296 Hydrostatical Paradoxes. Oxford, 1666, 12° 624 Physiological essays. L., 1669, 4 . 683 Tracts. Oxf., 1671, 12 663 Usefulness of experimental philosophy. Oxf., 1664, 4 . .. . 676 Brown, J? H. Spectropia. L., 1864, 4 508 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 25 Fioravanti, L. Delia fisica. Venetia, 1582,8° 439 Galton, F. Meteorograpbica. L., 1863, ob., 8° r . . . 523 Glaisher, J. Travels in the air. L., 1871, 8° 27 Greg and Herschel. Charts of the meteor tracks. L.,1868, f ° . . . . 522 GuilJemin, A. Applications of physical forces, h., 1877, 8°. ..... 687 Gunter, E. Works. L., 1662, Sm., 4 626 Murphy, P. Meteorology. L., 1836, 8° . 493 Power, H. Experimental philosophy. L., 1664, Sm., 4 630 Quarterly journal of microscopical science. L., 1864-77, 15 v., 8°. 317 Reisch, G. Margarita philosophica. Basileae, 1535, 8° 383 Ridley, M. Treatise of magnetical bodies. L., 1613, 12° 633 Schott, C. Magia universalis. Herbipoli, 1657, 4 v., Sm., 4 . . . . 382 — — Mechanica hydraulica. Francofurt. 1657, 4 380 — i — Technica curiosa. (s. 1.), 1564, 2 v., 4 . . . .' 381 Snellen, H. Test-types. Utrecht, 1862, 8° 69 Turnor, H. Astra castra. L , 1865, 4 501 Zahn, R. P. F. J. Oculus artincialis teledioptricus sive telescopium. Herbipoli, 1685, f° , 548 ASTRONOMY— Class 12. Alfiaganus. Compilatio astronorum. Venetiis, 1488, 4 283 Blaeu, G. Institutio astronomica. Oxenise, 1665, 12° 291 Chauvenet, W. Great circle protractor. (No imprint), 4 187 Chilmead, J. . Treatise of globes. L., 1639, 12° 282 Flamsteed, J. Atlas coelestis. L., 1729, f ° 189 Gadbury, J. Ephemerides of the celestial motions. L., 1709, 3 v., 12 275 Galilei, G. De systemate mundi. Lug., 1641, 4 207 Guillemin, A. The heavens. L., 1872, 8° 157 Locke, D. R. Moon hoax. N. Y., 1859, 8° 31 Molyneaux, W. Dioptrica nova. L., 1692, 4 . ., 302 Nasmyth and Carpenter. The moon. L., 1874, 4 199 Norman, R. Safegard of saylers. L., 161 2, 4 276 Petavius, D. Uranologion. Lutetian Par., 1630, 8° 196 *Ptolemaeus, C. Omnia opera. Basileae, 1551, 8° 197 *Ruberti, F. Osservazioni de astrologia. Firenze, 1567, 8° 212 Stewart, A. Pocket almanac. Ph., 1768-9, 24 119 Wharton, G. Works. L., 1683, 8° 267 EDUCATION— Class 13. Bickham, G. Universal penman. L. , 1741, f ° 517 Correspondence relative to St. Columba's college. Dub., 1851,12° 441 Guide to Williams and Packard's penmanship. N. Y., 4 658 Guild, R. A. History of Brown University. Prov., 1867, 8° 661 Hawtrey, S. Reminiscence ofe. French Eton. L., 1867, 12° .... 627 Huber, V. A. English universities. L., 1843, 3 vols., 8° 118 Lossing, B. J. Vassar college, and its founder. N. Y., 1867, 8°. . 613 Lyte, H. C. M. History of Eton college. L., 1875, 8 ° • • 4 6 7 26 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Marsden, A. A university in Ireland. Dub., 1784, 8° 250 Saintomer. Graphometrie. P., f ° . . . 507 Welch, J. List of scholars of St. Peter's college, Westminster. L., 1788, 4 5*4 Williams and Packard. Gems of penmanship. N. Y., 1867, ob., 8° 343 Wilson, J. Memorabilia Cantabrigiae. L., 1803, 8° 438 MATHEMATICS— Class 14. Davies, C. Key to university arithmetic. N. Y., 1853, 12 251 Diophantus. Rerum arithmeticarum libri sex. Basilese,.i575> 8°. . 505 Hargrave, C. J. Algebraic equations. Dub., 1866, 8° 438 Jones, W. Solid geometry. L., 1787, 4 503 Records, R. Pathway to knowledge. L., 155 1, 12 323 Sacro Bosco, Joannes de. Sphaera. Antv.,1582, 12 432 La sfera. Firenze, 1579, 8° . 432a METAPHYSICS— Class 15, Apuleius, M. S. Metamorphoses. L., 1822, 8° 455 Aristotle. Politicorum libri VIII. Basileae, 1582, 8° 512 Boyle, R. Things above reason. L., 1681, 12 635 Bryskett, L. Discourse of civil life. L., 1606, 8°. 468 Cameron, C. H. The sublime and beautiful : and duelling. L., 1835, 8° 647 *Cours de philosophic Ms.,(n.d.) 2 v., 4 4 2 4 Diogenes Laertius. De vitis et dogmatibus clar. philos. libri x. Amst. 1692, 2 v., 4 . ... 515 Duns Scotus, J. Philosophicus antiquorum sapientia exquisitus. Barcinone, 1687, 2v. f ° 514 Erasmus, D. In praise of folly. L., (n. d.), 12 . 673 Essence of science. N. Y., 1859, 12 394 Ferrari, J. A. Philosophia peripatetica. Venetiae, 1704, 3 v., 4 .. 517 Horni'us, G. Historiae philosophicae libri vii. Lug. Batav., 1655, Sm., 4 653 Legrand, A. Institution of philosophy. L., 1694, f ° 508 Linze, D. Summa philosophise speculativae. P., 1670, 4 518 Monck, W. H. S. Space and vision. Dub., 1872, 8° 612 Nourse, T. Discourse upon man. L., 1686, 12 655 Pemble, W. A summe of morall philosophy. Oxf., 1632, 4 693 Plato. De rebus divinis dialogi. Cantab, 1683, 12 674 Poncius, J. Intiger philosophiae. Parisiis, 1649, f° 513 Reynolds, E. Treaties of the passions. L., 1650, 8° 631 Spinoza, B. De Renati des Cartes principiorum philosophiae. Amstel., 1663, 4 675 Tellez, B. Summa universae philosophiae. Laurentius, 1642, f°. . . 516 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 27 PERIODICALS— CLASS 17. Ackerman's Repository. L., 1809-27, 14 vis. 8° 1 The Atlas, for 1829, v. 4. (No title page), f ° 582 Boston Chronicle, v. 1. (No title), 1767-8, Sm., 4 551 Canadian Illustrated News. Montreal, 1870-75, 12 v. f ° 592 Columbian magazine. Ph., 1787-8, 2 v. 8° 363 Comic news. L., 1863, v. 1, f°. . . . 199 ♦Daily graphic. N. Y., 1873-78, 15 v, 8° 578 Diogones, hys lantern, vol. 1. N. Y., 1852, 4 563 Englishwoman's domestic magazine. L., 1869-78, 23 vols. 8° 31 Follet, le. (No title) P., 1846-49, 10 v. 8° 254 ♦Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper. N. Y., 1856-78, 28 vols. f°.. 214 Frank Leslie's lady's magazine. N. Y., 1864-72, 7 vols. 8° 506 *Fun. L., 1862-71, 14 vols. 4 211 Ghost of Watty Cox, July-Oct. 1866. (No title) 4 600 Gleason's Pictorial. B.^1853-1859, 17 v. 4 184 *The Graphic. L., 1870-77, 6v. f° 525 *Harper's bazar. N. Y., 1868-77, 4 v. f ° 522 ♦Harper's weekly. N. Y., 1857-77, 16 v, f ° 213 Hawaiian spectator. Honolulu, 1838-9, 2v. 8 ° 241 ♦Hearth and home. N. Y., 1868-71, 3\ T ,,f° 556 illuminated Magazine. L., 1843, 8° 511 illustrated Christian Weekly. N. Y., 1872-5, 4 v. P. . .• 555 *Illustrated London News. L., 1842-77, 56 vols., f ° 119 illustrated News. N. Y., 1853, vol. 1, f °. . . . . ... . . 562 Illustrated News of the World. Vol. 1, (no title page), 1858, f °. .. 546 •Illustrated Times. L., 1855-67, 19 vols., f °. 521 Ladies' diary : or, the woman's almanack. L., 1718, 12 261 Lady's monthly museum. L., 1800, 12 347 Log Cabin. Vol. 1. N. Y. and Albany, 1840, f ° 1098 Mirror of taste. Vol. 1, (no title page), 1832, f° 549 Nature and art. L., 1866-7, voL J > 8° 501 New York Gazette : or, weekly post-boy. N. Y., 1768-9, f °. 1205 Pennsylvania Chronicle. Ph., 1767, f ° 1019 Penna. Evening Post. Ph., 1775-77, Sm., 4 554 Penna. Gazette. Ph., 1753-70, 7 vols., f ° 1020 Penna. Magazine. Ph., 1775-76, 2 vols., 8°. ; .' * 391 •Pictorial World. L., 1874-77, 3 vols., f ° 599 ♦Punch. L., 1841-69, 42 vols , 4 118 Reynold's miscellany. L., 1859, 4°- • • • • 5°4 Southern Literary Messenger. Richmond, 1834-64, 36 vols., 8°. . . . . 102 *The Tomahawk. L., 1867-70, 6 vols., 4 553 *Vanity fair. L., 1873-78, 9 v. 4 559 *Vanity fair. N. Y., 1860-62,5 v - 4° 166 Warner. Almanacks. Ph., 1818-1820, 12 . . . . . . . 175 West-end gazette. L., 1868-71, 4 v. 4 189 Yankee notions. N. Y., 1852-53, 2 v. 8° 202 28 Philadelphia Mercantile Library NOVELS. Bayly, F. Herba parietis. L., 1650, 8° B. 190-240 Bewick, T. Select fables of Aisop and others. L., 187 1, 4 . . .B403 180 Boyle, Roger, Earl of Orrery. Parthenissa. L., 1676, 8° B640-600 Bradley, E. Photographic pleasures. L., 1855, 8° B665-18 Egan, P. Pilgrims of the Thames. L., 1838, 8° E3 10-30 Egan, P. In and out of London. L., (n. d.) 8° E310-15 Ghost stories. L., 1823, 12 G202-200 Hall, J. Mundus alter et idem. Francofurti, (n. d.) H50-400 Hall, Mrs. S. C. Prince of the fair family. Ph., (n. d.) 8 U H56-53 Howell, I. Dodona's grove. L., 1640, 8° H850-1 1 Irving, W. Hudson legends. N.Y., 1864, Sm 4 J240-42 Janin, T. Pictures of the French. L., 1840, 8° J395-110 Kavanagh, B. and J. Pearl fountain. N. Y., 1876, 8° K75-100 McDonnell W. Exeter hall. N. Y., 1869, 8° M70-595 — , — Heathens of the heath. N. Y., 1874, 12 M70-600 Quentin Durward, the loser and the winner. Alb., 1869, 12°. . . P915-140 Scarron, P. Comic romance. L., 1665, 12 Si 70-700 Scudery, M. de Clelia. L., 1678, 8° • S229-300 Vertue rewarded. L., 1693, 12 V430-350 GAMES, SPORTS— Class 20. Aiken, H. National sports. L., 1825, 8° 300 Allen, J. Modern riding for gentlemen. L., 1825, 8° 298 *■) — Modern riding for ladies. L., 1825, 8° 299 *Apperley, C.J. Sporting. L., 1838, 8° 604 Cavendish, W. System of hoFsemanship. L., 1743, f ° 607 Cellarius. Fashionable dancing. L., Sm 4 285 Clarke, Mrs. S. Ladies equestrian guide. L., (1857) 4 290 Cracks of the day. L., 1843, 8° 553 Crawley, Capt. Billiard book. L., 1866, 8° 171 Egan, P. Boxiana. L., 1823, 4 v. 8° 528 Ettenhard y Abarca, F. A. de. Diestro Italiano y Espanol. Madrid, 1695, 8° 593 Hansard, G. A. Book of Archery. L., 1841, 8° 670 Helm,H.T. American roadsters and trotting horses. Chicago, 1878, 8° 694 Herbert, H.W. Horse and horsemanship of the U. S. N. Y , 1855, 8° 367 Howitt, S. British sportsman. L., 1872, 4 609 *Mercurialis, Hieronymus. De arte Gymnastica. P., 1577, 8°.... 684 Merlin, R. Origine des cartes a jour. P., 1869, 4 601 Miles, H. D. Field sports. L., (n. d.) 2 v. 4 605 Mingaud. The noble game of billiards. L., 1830, f ° 196 Peters, J. G. Treatise on equitation. L., 1835, 8° 43 2 Rawstorne, L. Gamonia. L., 1837, 8° 45 2 Royal Fishings of Great Britain. L., 1661, 12 658 ♦Schuylkill fishing company. Memoirs. Ph., 1830, 8° 526 Scrope, W. Days and nights of salmon fishing. L., 1843, 8° 463 Singer, S. \V. History of playing cards. L., 1816, 4 600 Sportsman's cabinet. L., 1803, 1804, 2 v. 4 610 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 29 BIBLIOGRAPHY.— Class 21. Ames, J. Typographical antiquities. L., 1785-86, 3 v. 4 295 Arber, Ji. Transcript of the registers of the company of stationers of - London, 1554-1640 A. D. L., 1876, 4 v. 4 1508 Bachelin, A. Album de reliures. P., 1869-1872. 2 v. 4 1538 *Bale, J. Scriptorum illustrium catalogus. Basil, 1559, f °. ........ 1509 Bauschke, G. Illustrated postage stamp album. Leipzig, 1867, 4 . 291 Bennett, A. W. Search for a publisher. L., 1859, 8° 164 Berjeau.,.J. P. Bibliophile illustre. L., 1861-62, 12 • 150 Early printers' marks. L., 1866, 67, 8° 300 Bibliographic de l'amour, etc. P., 1871, 6 v. r2° 973 Bibliophile franchise. P., 1868, 9,4 V. 8° 677 Bibliotheca diabolica. N. Y., 1874, 8° . 1086 Blades, W. Life and topog. of Caxton. L., 1861-3, 2 v. 4 304 Bonaparte, L. L. Catalogue des ouvrages de linguistique Europeenne. L., 1858, 12 1180 Bragge, W. Bibliotheca Nicotiana. (N. p.) 1874, 12 1285 Bruilliot, F. Dictionnaire des monogrammes. Munich, 1832-4, 4 298 ^Buckingham, J. T. History of the Faustus association, — scrap-book. Alb., 1859, 12 . 1629 Burns calendar, bibliography and record of Burns relics. Kilmarnock, 1874, 8° 1523 Burton, W. E. Catalogue of library. N. Y., i860, 8° 892 Catalogue of discourses against popery. L., 1686, 4 1263 *Catalogus Graecorum librorum. Aug. Vind., 1575, 4 971 *Catal. of Merc. Lib. of Phil. Phil., 1828, 8° 487 ^Catalogue of topography. Ms. f ° 15 14 Catnach, J. Catnach press. L., (n. d.) 12° , 773 Chalmers, A. Catalogue of books with prices. Ms. L., 1808? 8°. 11 77 Cicognara, C. Catalogo ragionato dei libri d'arte e d'antichita. Pisa, 1 82 1, 2 v. 12 1611 Copy of an Irish MS 693 Cornell library — Dedication of building. Ithaca, N. Y., 1866, 12 . . 332 Deeth, S. G. Catalogue of books. N. Y., 1865, 8° 1165 Dibdin, T. F. Bibliographical Decameron. L., 18 17, 3 vols. 8°.. . 191 Bibliotheca Spenceriana. L., 1814-15, 4 v. 8° 641 Donnadieu, A. Catalogue of autograph letters. L., 1851, 4 1501 Drexel, J. W. Catalogue of musical library. Pt. I. Ph., 1869, 8° 635 Duchesne, A. Hist. Normanorum scriptores. Lut, 161 9, 8° 665 Early history of printing in America. N. Y., 1866, (1. p.) 8° 1274 Falkenstein, K. Geschichte der buchdruckerkunst. Leip., 1840, 4 309 Fowle, W. F. Catalogue of library. B., 1864, 8° 911 Fraxi, P. Index librorum prohibitorum. L., 1877, 4 1539 Fritsch, A. Tract, de typograph. etc. Jenae, 1675, 12 183 Fry, F. Bible, by Coverdale, 1535. L., 1867, 8° 181 Fry, J. Bibliographical memoranda. Bristol, 1816, 8° 178 Gray, J. E. Catalogue of pos^ge stamps. L., 1865, 12 1612 Letter on the management of British museum. L., 1849, 8°. . 1106 Green, S. A. Story of a famous book. B., 1871, 8° 1615 Grigg, J. W. Catalogue of library. Ph., (n. d.) (1. p.) 8° 1467 30 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Halliwell — Phillips, J. O. Catalogue of MSS. of the royal society. L., i860, 8° .' 1257 Catalogue of proclamations, broadsides,ballads, etc. L., 1851,4° 696 Catalogue of the Shakespeare study books. L., 1876, 8°.. . . 1395 Catalogue of the Warehouse library. L., 1876, 8° 1396 Hindley, C. Old book collector's miscellany. L., 187 1, 8° 711 Humphreys, H. N. History of the art of printing. L., 1867, f°. , 319 Masterpieces of early printers. L., 1870, f° 664 ""Johnson. Book of types, etc. Ph., 1865, 4 537 Jones, H. G. Bradford prayer book, 17 10. Ph., 1870, 12° 1641 Kennett, W. Bibliotheca Americana. L., 1713, Sm. 4 745 Koots, Historical account of the invention of paper. L., 1800, 8° 316 Lee, W. Chronological catalogue of the works of De Foe. (N. p.) 1869,8° 1543 List of a collection of bibles. L., 1872,12° 1063 Loftie, W. I, Century of bibles. L., 1872, 12° 788 London, W. Catalogue of vendible books. L., 1658, 8° 808 Major, R.H. Bibliography of the first letter of Columbus. L., 1872, 8° 765 Marthens, J. F. Typographical bibliography. Pittsburgh, 1875, 12° I0 39 Marvin, J. G. Legal bibliography. Ph., 1847, 8° 810 Millard, J. Plan for the better management of the British museum. L., 1836, 8° 1291 Miller, T. W. Hist, of the N. Hampshire gazette. N., 1872, 8°.. . 1220 Munsell, J. Bibliotheca Munselliana. Alb., 1872,8° 11 66 Neligan,W.C. Description of a rare French testament. Cork, 1861,12° 1214 Norton, C. B. Literary letter. N. Y., 1857-60, 8° 874 Ordway, G. W. Catalogue of library. N. Y., 1869, 12° 1623 Parkes, S. Account of literary journals. (No imprint) 8° 787 Pars, A. Index Batavicus. Luden, 1701, 4° 1266 Payne and Foss. Bibliotheca Grenvilliana. L., 18428, 3 v. 8°. . . 86 *Perkins, F. B. Check list for American local history. B., 1876, 8° 1647 Philips, J, D. Collectanea Glocestriensia. L., 1842, 8° I c>97 Philobiblion. Vols. 1,2. N. Y., 1862, 3. 4° 235 Price, F. C. Fac-similes of William Caxton. L., 1877, 4 15 12 *Pulleyn. Catalogue of books. L., 1657 ? 4 11 35 Reid, G. W. Catalogue of Cruikshank's works. L., 1871, 3 vols. 4 680 *Reniczky. Catalogue of books, MS. 2 vol. 4° 1030 Rhodius, J. Auctorum supposititiorum catalogus. Hamb.(n.d.) 4°. 1213 Robertson, J. Bibliotheca Robertsonia. L., 1802, 8° 1446 Roccha, A. Bib. apostolica vaticana. Romae, 1591, 4° 354 Sabin, J, Catalogue of the library of Edwin Forrest. Ph. ,1863, 8° 1610 Sammlung historisch-beruhmter autographen. Stuttgart, 1846,4°.., 1535 Savage, W. Decorative printing. L., 1822, 4° 1502 Shakespeare, W. Miscellaneous papers and legal instruments. L., 1 796, f ° 663 Smets, A. A. Catalogue raissonne. Savannah, 185 1, 8° 1007 *Sotheby, S. L. Principia typographica. L., 1858, 3 v., 4° 649 Spurious reprints of early books. Bost. 1865 ,4° 812 *Stainforth, J. T. Catalogue of library of female authors. Ms., 4° 1466 Stephens, J. F. Catalogue of entomological library. L., 1853, 4 . 1505 Stevens, H. American bibliographer. No. 1, 2. L., 1854, 8°... 1264 — — Catalogue of the Humboldt library. L., 1863, 8° 1496 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 3* Stevens, H. Historical nuggets. L., 1862, 2 v. 12 996 History of the Oxford Caxton memorial bible. L., 1878, 16 1627 , Photo-bibliography. L., 1878, 16 1628 Stewart, C. J. Catal. of library of Miss R. Carver. L., 1833, 8°. 1120 Tanner, T. Bibl. Britannico-Hibernica. L., 1748, f° 673 Tiffany, J. K. Philatelical library. St. Louis, 1874, 4 1088 Tite, W. Address to the society of antiquaries. L., 1862, 8° 729 Tooke, J. H. Catalogue of Library. L., 1813, 8° 1020 Trithemius. Liber de Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis. Basileae,i494, 4 . 99 Upcott, W. Original letters, manuscripts and state papers. (N. p.) 1836, 4° *5** Villiers, P. de. Signature of Gutenberg. L., 1878, 12 1625 *Westwood, J. O. Paleographia sacra pictoria. L., 1843-5,4° 535 Wilson, L. Catalogue of bibles in English. L., 1845, 8 ° II 3 I *Winsor, J, Bibliography of Shakespeare. B., 1876, f ° 1529 Young, C. G. Catalogue of the Arundel manuscripts. 8° 840 Catalogue of peerage of England. (N. p.) 1827, 12° 1284 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE— Class 22. Ahmad bin Abubekr. Ancient alphabets and hieroglyphics explained L., 1806, Sm., 4 .. 887 Autograph leaves of our country's authors. Bait., 1864, 8° 919 Beaton, J. Synonyma. L., 1647, 12° 1597 *Benezet, A. Penn. spelling book. Ph., 1779, 12° 1795 Bird, J. Grounds of grammar. Oxf., 1639, 12° 1958 Black, W. H. Onomasticon alphabeticum. Ms., 4 407 Blount, T. P. Remarks upon poetry. L., 1694, Sm., 4 2189 Boyle, R. Bentley's dissertations on Phalaris examined. L., 1698, 12° 928 Brissardiis,N. Cruento syllogismorum dialecticorum pugna. P. , (n.d. ) 1 2 ° 2276 Twistleton and Cabot. Handwriting of Junius. L., 1871, 4 958 Conrad D. A. Cryptographia. Lug. Batav., i739> 8 ° 259 *Cooper, T. Thesaurus linguae. L., 1584, 8° 562 Dixon, B. H. Surnames. B.,1855, 8° 318 Festus et Verrius. De verborum significatione libri xx. Amst.,1700, 1° 546 Gretserus, J. Institutionum linguae Graecae liber primus. Antverpiae, 1610, 12 2275 Grose, F. Classical dictionary of the vulgar tongue. L., 1823, 8°. 1989 Hager, J. Chinese characters. L., 1801, 4 889 Hale, H. Ethnography and philology of the U. S. expl. exped. Ph., 1846, 4 876 Hammer-Purgstall, F. J. von. Literaturgeschichte der Araber. Wien, 1850, 4 888 Hawkins, E. Papyri in hieroglyphic characters. L., 1843^° 579 *Holdeworth and Aldridge. Natural short hand. Ms., 4 367 Hunter, J. Connection of Bath with the literature of England. Bath, (etc.), 1853, (1. p.), 12 .. 2179 Johnson, B. English grammar. (No place), 1640, 8° 1668 Kelly. J. Scotish proverbs. L,, 1721, 8° 1368 Lacroix, P. Science and literature in the middle ages. L.. 1878, 8° 2380 32 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Lhuyd, E. Archaeolog : a Britannica.. Oxf, 1707, 'f° 568 Mabillon, J. De re diplomatica. Neapoli, 1789, 2 v.,f° 2125 Mazzoni, J. Delia difesa della comedia di Dante. Cesena, 1587- 1688, 2 v., 4 2194 *Miranus, D. C. C. Dictionarium. Ven., 1587, 4 1690 Paris, G. Plus anciens monuments. P., 1875, f ° 853 Perottus, N. Grammatica. (s. L), 1506, 4 . . 1673 Round games upon grammar. L., (n.. d.), 12° 352 Schott, A. Adagia proverbia Graecorum. Antverpiae, 1612,4°.... 877 Sebastianus de Matienzo. Commentationes in Virg'lii /Kneidem. Lugd., 1662,4° 1618 Shelton, T. Tachygraphy. L., 1674, 12° 232 Stokes, W. Goidilica. Calcutta, 1866, 8° 1990 Tafel, R. L. Laws of English orthography. N. Y., 1862, 8° 245 *Thomas Hibernicus. Flores doctorum. Antverpiae, 1558, 12° . 1239 Trumbull, J. H. Origin of M'Fingal. N. Y., 1868, 8° 1345 *Usher, F. Arabic and Italian dialogues. Ms. 12° 2171 Valentine, L. Nobility of life. L., 1869, 4° 1257 Vossius, G.I. Commentariorum rhetoricorum libri vi. Lugd. Batav., 1643, s m 4° 739 *Wailly, N. Elements de paleographie. P., 1838, 2 v. 4 2100 Walker, W. Dictionary of English and Latin idioms. L., 1680, 12° 2320- Waller, J. F. Pictures from English literature. L., (n. d.) Sm 4 . . 1265 Wilson, T. Arte of rhetorique. L., 1562, 12° 763 POETRY— Class 23. Alexander, W. Specimens, poetical and critical. L., 1867, 12°. . 3605 Allston, W. Sylphs of the season. B., 1813, 12° 1 786 Anderson, W. Landscape lyrics. L., 1838, 4° 2062 Anstey, C. Election ball in poetical letters. L., 1776, 4 2056 Familiar epistle to Bampfylde. Dub., 1777, 12° 3362 *Ariosto, L. Orlando Furioso, et Ruscelli. Venetia, 1558, 8 G ... 3262 Aristaenetus. Love epistles. .L., 1771, 12° 20 33 Art of dressing the hair. (No imprint.) 1312 Ball. T. Poems. Dub., (n. d.), 12°. ... . 2141 Bancroft, G. Poems. . Cambridge, 1823, 1.2 ° .,...,, 1691 Barr, M. Child's garland. L., (n. d.) Sm. 4 . . . 1 160 Bartholemy et Mery. Napoleon en Egypte. P., (n. 1.) 8° ...... . 2095 Bell, R. Art and song. Ph., 1868, 8° 1138 Blessington, Countess of. Belle of a season. L., 1840, 8°. 3280- Bonaparte, L. Charlemagne. L., 1814, 2 v., 4 3276 Book of favourite modern ballads. L., 1860, 8° 3499 Book of gems. L., 1853, 3 v., 8° 564 *Boswell, J. Verses spoken at Shakspeare's jubilee, Sept. 6th, 1769. MS. f° 2030 Branagan, T. Penitent tyrant. N.Y., 1807; .12° 3032 Browne, T. Poems. N. Y., 1801, 12° , . 2902 Browning, E. B. Lady Geraldine's courtship. N. Y., 1870., 12°. . 1761 Bryant, W. C. Forest hvmn. N. Y., i860, 8° 1495 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 33 Buchanan, R. North coast and other poems. L., 1868, 8° 1161 Wayside posies. L., 1867, 8° 810 Burger, G. A. Poems.. Edin., 1796, 4 1747 Bury, C. M. Three great sanctuaries of Tuscany. L., 1833, f°. . . 1322 Byron and Moore gallery. N. Y., 187 1, 4 2051 Callimachus. Birth of manly virtue. Dub., 1725, 12 2813 Christmas poems and picutres. N. Y., 1866, 8° 2374 Christmas with the poets, L., 1869, 12 1656 Churchyard, T. Misery of Flanders. Shrewsbury, 1876, 8°...... 3591 Combe, W. De syntax's tours. L., 12 223 Costello, L. S. Rose garden of Persia. L., 1845, 12 2390 Cotton, C. Poetical works. Dub., 1770, 12 2491 Cowper, W. History of John Gilpin. L., ( n. d.) 12 1762 Coxe, P. The social day. ' L., (etc.) 1823, 8° 2630 Cuffey, C, Political life of. L., (n. d.) 8° 1337 Dagley, R. Gems from the antique. L., 1822, 12 2501 ♦Dante Alighieri. Inferno, purgatorio and paradiso, with Dores illus-^» . m t trations, L., (n. d.) 2 v. 4 1308 Dedekindus, F. Grobianus. L., 1739, 8° 2502 Delitiae poetarum scotorum. Amsterdam, 1637,2 v.16 3 X 37 Denham, J. Destruction of Troy. L., 1656, 12 3609 Doyle, R. Fairy land. L., 1875, f° 2094 Drummond, W. Odin : a poem. L., 181 7, 4 1328 Dryden, J. Miscellany poems. L., 1684, 12 3036 Dublin mail. L., 1821, 12 2414 Edmund's lyre. Wn.. 1826, 8° 1950 Egan, P. Comic annual. L., (etc.) 1831, 12 2875 Epistle from Oberea, queen of Otaheite, to Joseph Banks, Esq. Dub., i774> 12 3365 Ernest ; or political regeneration. L., 1839, 12 2796 Flag-ends from the naval academy. N. Y., 1878, 8° 3641 Favourite English poems of modern times. L., 1862, 8° 1760 Fessenden, T. G. Democracy unveiled. B,, 1805, 8 ° %&& Finden. Gallery of the graces. L., 1834, 8° 1280- Flatman,T. Ode on the death of Thomas, earl of Ossory. L.,i68r,f° 2087 Flaxman, J. Composizioni cone. La Divina Commedia. Carls. 8°.. 1147 Illustrations of the Inferno of Dante. L., 1867, f° 1343 Fracastorius, H. Syphilis, Sive Morbus Gallicus. L., 1720, 4 . . . . 3275 Fragments of ancient poetry. Edin., 1760, 12 2144 Fruits from the garden and field. L., 1850, 8° 1559 Garth, S. The Dispensary — a poem. L., 1699, 8° 191 7 Gems of national poetry. L., 1688, 8° 1671 Gibbon, C. M. Illustrated charades. L., (n. d.) 4 3229 Gifford, E. Poems. L., 1843, I2 ° 3144 Godfrey, T. jr. Juvenile poems. Ph., 1765, 4 3277 Gordon, S. Flowers. Ph., 1865, 8° I7 o3 Grace, S. Grasagh aboe. L., 1839, 8° .'. 2290 Gratius, F. Cynegeticon. L., 1654, 12 2949 Greeks, the. L., 1817, 12 i4 I2 Gresset, M. Green-green. Dub., 1762, 12 2412 Griset, E. Grotesques. B., 1869, 4 x^j! 34 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Hall, S. C. Book of British ballads. L., 1853, 4° 1311 Harpel, O. H. Poets and poetry of printerdom. Cinn., 1875, 8°. 2888 Haslewood, J. Mirror for magistrates. L., 1815, 3 V. 4 2032 Hawks, F. L. Poems, hitherto uncollected. N. Y., 1873, 8 ° 3699 Heath, W. Life of a soldier. L., 1823, 8° 2050 Heywood, T. Hierarchie of the blessed angels. L., 1635, f°. . . . 1310 Hill, C. Poems and essays. L., 1868, 12 3000 Homer. Burlesque translation of the Iliad. L., 1797, 2 v. 8° 1187 Hood, T. Fairy realm. L., 1865, 4 1335 Miss Kilmansegg and her precious leg. L., [n. d.] 8° 1 794 Horace. Works. Trans, by C. Smart. L., 1870, 12 637 Houghton, Lord. Good-night and good-morning. B., 1872, 8°... 1510 Howell, T. Discourses. (No. title), '1581, 4° 2328 Ingelow, J. Songs of seven. B., 1866, 12 1824 Irish rendezvouz. L., 1689, 8° •. 21 15 Johnstone, J. Death song of Lodbroc. (n. p.) 1782, 12 2895 Juvenal. Tenth Satyr. L., 1687, 8° 3192 The wish : being the tenth satyr. Dub., 1675, 12 3196 Keats, J. Endymion. L., 1873, f ° 1344 Keese, J. Poets of America. N. Y., 1840,42, 2 v. 12° 1811 Laurel, the. A poem. L., 1685, 4 3 191 Leith Hill, a poem. (Title page made up.) 4 3274 Letter on divorce. Dub., 1747, 12 , 2185 Lines written at Jerpoint abbey. L., 1820, 8° 2143 Lloyd, H. Dramatic and miscellaneous poems. L., 1847, 2 v - I2 ° 34°7 McGreery, J. The press — a poem. Liverpool, 1803, 4 2072 MacGilla. Medie noctis consilium. (No place.) 1800, 16 3077 Mackay, C. Home affections. L., 1873, 8° 2184 Marvell, A. Miscellaneous poems. L., 1681, 8° 3273 Masque, the. L, (n. d.) 12 2303 Memorables of the Montgomeries. Glasgow, 1770, 8° 35°3 Microcosmus Philadelphicus. Two epistles to my cousin Tom in New York. Ph., 1825, 12 ; . 2441 Milton, J. L' Allegro. L., (n. d.) 12 1734 Paradisi amissi. Cantab., 1691, 8° 2653 Paradise lost, illust. by Dore. L., (n. d.) f ° 1336 Miss Milly Millefleur's career. N. Y., 1869, 4 1774 Mitford, J. Adventures of Johnny Newcomb. L,, 1819, 8° 2159 Modern poets of the nineteenth century. L., 1842, 12 11 36 Moore, F. Rebel rhymes and rhapsodies. N. Y., 1864, 12 ..... . 704 Moore, T. Paradise and the peri. L., (n. d.)4° 2101 Poetry and pictures. L., 1863, 8° 2777 Moore gallery. N. Y., (n. d.) 4 2048 Morris, G. P. Poems. N. Y., 1854, 8° 2157 Munford, W, Poems. Richmond, 1798, 8° 1722 Norton, A. Verses, (n. p.) 1853, 8° 3446 Nugae metricae. • Oxf., 1824, 4 2111 Nugae metricae, by Sir H. H. L., 1839, 12 3725 O'Looney, B. Poems by the Clare bards. Dub., 1863, 12 2763 O'Neil, J. The drunkard. L., 1842, 12 2876 Ovid. Metamorphosis, Englished. Oxf., 1632, 8° 3 2 59 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 35 Palmer, J. W. Folk songs. N. Y., 1867, 8° 1753 Paradise lost, or the great dragon cast oat. B., 1872, 12° 3010 Pen and pencil pictures from the poets. Edin., 1866, 8° 1968 Pendragon, the carpet knight. L., 1698, 12 3 x 3o Petrarch. Select sonnets. Dub., 1822, 4 2076 Phillips, J. Maronides, or Virgil travestie. L., 1672, 12 3365 Phillips, H. jr. Poems translated from the Spanish and German. Ph., 1878, 12° 3653 Piazza, W. Bona espugnata poema. Parma, 1694, 12 3462 Pictures of English life. L., 1865, 4 3288 Fiers Ploughman's vision and creed. L., 1856, 2 v 415 Pill to purge state melancholy. L., 1715, 16 3335 Poems. 1772-1811, (n. p.) 1849, 12°. 2874 Poems on affairs of state. L., 1689, 8° 2326 Poems on affairs of state, 1716. L., 1716, 4 v. 8° ? 939 Poetic garland. L., 1806, 12 2926 Poetical magazine, v. 2. L., 1810, 8° 184 Poetical miscellanies. (No title.) f ° 2071 Potts, Mrs. E. M. Moonshine. L., 1832-1835, 5 v. 8° 2806 Poetry of the woods. Ph., 1870, 12 x . 1158 Prendergast, G. L. Concordance to poetical works of Milton, Mad- ras, 1857, 4 1305 Quarles, F. Argalus and Parthenia. L., 1687, 12°- 2632 Quilliman, E. Dunluce castle. Lee Priory, 1814, 4 2065 Elegiac verses. Warwick, 181 7, 4 3269 Woodcuts and verses. Lee Priory, 1820, 4 3282 Roscommon, Earl of. Poems. L., 1714, 12 2913 Round of days. B., 1866, 4 3267 Rowe, N. Works. L., 1733, I2 ° 2984 Scarronnides, or Virgil travestie ; mock poem on Virgil's ^Enaeis. L.. 1691, 12 2965 Scotland— her songs and her scenery. L., 1868, 8° 1494 Select poems. L., 1 795, 8° 34 2 3 Shakespeare, W. Songs and sonnets. L., 1863, 12 1734 Spenser, E. Calendarium pastorale. L., 1653, 12 . . . . , 2430 II cavaliero della croce rossa. Napoli, 1826, 8° 2541 Spirit of praise. L., (n. d.) 8° ; 1281 Statius, P. P. Sylvarum libri V. Lugd.Batav., 1671,8° 1875 Stoddard, R. H. Loves and heroines of the poets. Ph., 1868, 8° 1342 Story, Enoch. Poems. Ph., 1786, 12° 1806 Street ballads. (No title) 4 2 1 1 2 Swifte, E. L. Homeric studies. (N. p.) 1868, 4 2885 Syntax. Dr. Wars of Wellington. L., 182 1, 4 2043 Tasso, T. La gerusalemme liberata. Genova, 161 7, Sm 4 3235 Tate, N. Elegy on archbishop of Canterbury. L., 1695, f ° 2088 Mausolaeum: funeral poem of Queen Mary. L., 1695, f°.. 2086 Miscellanea sacra. L., 1698, 12° 2635 On the sacred memory of our late sovereign. L., 1685, f °. . . 3251 Panacea; a poem upon tea. L., 1700, 12° 3201 Tennyson, A. The May queen. N. Y., 1869, 12° 1759 Thomas, J. Poetical descant. Winchester, Va., 181 6, 12° 1712 36 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Thornbury, W., Two centuries of song. N. Y., 1867, 12 1117 Tilton, T. The true church. Ph., 1867, 8° 1 154 Treasures of art. L. , (n. d.) 4 t 1 1 7 1 Trifles: (poems.) Dub., 1823, 4 21 14 Turnbull, W. B. Visions of Tundale. Edin., 1843, I2 ° 3*49 Virgilius Maro, P. /Eneid. Trans, by Dr. Giles. L., 1856, 12 .. 1449 ^Eneid. Trans, by R. Stanyhurst. Edin., 1836, 4 2042 Waller, H. Rump and dozen. L., (n. d.) 4 2044 Weir, H. Poetry of nature. L., 1868, 12 JI 59 West Point Tic Tacs. N. Y., 1878, 4 3701 Whitman, W. Leaves of grass. N. Y., 1867, 12 1111 Willmott, R. A. Poets of the nineteenth century. L., (n. d.) 12 . 1764 Wills, W. H. Poet's wit and humour. L., (n. d.) 8° 1137 DRAMA— Class 24 Addison, J. Cato, a tragedy. L., 181 1, 12 92S *Adelphi theatre, playbills. L., 1830, f ° 510 Amherst, J. H. Battle of Waterloo. L., 1824, 12 929 Barker, J. Alphabetical list of plays. L., 1814, 12 633 Barrey, L. Ram alley. L., 1636, 12 551 Bertellio, P. Theatrum urbium Italiearum. Venetiis, 1599, ob 8° 379 Chapman, G. Charles duke of Byron. L., 1625, 4 843 Cooke, E. Love's triumph. L., 1678, 12 ( 826 ♦Covent Garden, Playbills, 1 783-1835. L., 1783-1835, 34 v. 8°. . 507 Croker, J.W. Familiar epistles on the Irish stage. Dub., 1806, 12 440 Death of the Philaeni ; a drama. L., 1847, 8° 518 *Drury Lane, Play bills, 1801-1838. L., 1801 1838, 32 v. f ° 508 Egerton. Theatrical remembrancer. L., 1801, 2 v. 12 417 Fanshawe, R. II pastor fido. L., 1676, 12° 966 Fielding, H. Tom Thumb, altered by O'Hara. L., 1830, 16 -. . . 784 Fifth of November j an historical play. L., 1830, 8° 1023 Figaro in London, vols. 1,2. L., 1832, 33, 4° 497 Green, C. F. Legend of Shakspeare's crab-tree. L., 1857, 4 . . . . 506 Halliwell-PhillippsJ.O. Hand list of Shakespeare parcels. L.,1876, 8° 959 Illustrations of life of Shakespeare. L., 1874, &° 516 *Haymarket, Play bills 1812-1831. L., r8i2-i83i, 11 v. f° SP9 Hedelin, M. Whole art of the stage. L., 1684, 4 1049 Howard, E. Six days adventure. L., 1671, 4 829 Howard, F. Spirit of the plays of Shakespeare. L., 1833, 5 v. 8°. 871 *Ireland,J.N. New York stage from 1750-1860. N. Y.,1866,7, 2 v. 8° 383 Italian bride. Savannah, 1856, 12 94 1 Jameson, Mrs. Characteristics of women. B., (n. d.) 8° 207 . Shakespeare's characters of the intellect. N. Y., (n. d.) 8°.. 632 ■ Shakespeare's characters of the passions. N. Y., (n. d.) 8°. . 631 Jephson, R. Braganza, a tragedy. L., 1775, 8° 44 1 Mason, J. Mul.'easses the Turke. L., 1632, 12 255 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 37 Massinger, P. The virgin martyr. L., 1845, 12° 785 Messelreuter, J. Masquen Saal. Bayreuch, 1723, f ° 490 ♦Miscellaneous play bills, 1823-24. (No title) f ° 511 Molloy, G. The passion play. B., 1872, 8° 369 Plautus, M. A. Latinae comoediae. Lug. Batav., 1589, 16 . ..... 876 Porgeville. Les femmes de Shakespeare. P., i860, 2 v. 8° 223 Private theatre of Kilkenny. (No place) 1825, 4 505 Punch and Judy, illust. by Cruikshank. L., 1870, 12 421 Quinault, P.. Agrippa, king of Alba. L., 1675, Sm 4 688 Rawlins, T. " The rebellion. L., 1640, 8° 692 *Retzsch, M. Gallerie zu Shakspeare's dramatischen werken. I^ipzig, 1838-1846, 6 v. 4 493 * Illustrations of Goethe's Faust. L., 1843, ob 4 942 Rutter, J. Shepheards holy day. L., 1635, 12 267 Rymer. Short "view of tragedy. L., 1693, 12 393 Schiller, J. C. F. v. Fiesko — an historical tragedy. Dub., 1832, 8° 424 *Scrap-book of dramatic costumes. L., 1 801 -18 19, Sm 4 171 Shadwell, T. Amorous bigotte. L., 1690, 4 514 Poetry of witchcraft. Brixton Hill, 1853, 4 504 — — Squire of Alsatia. L., 1688, 8° . . . 553 Shakespeare, W. Comedies, histories and tragedies; photo, lith. fr. ed. 1623. f ° 500 Complete works, ed. Halliwell. L., (n. d.), 3 v., 8° 274 Plays, (ed. by Clarke; illust. by Selous.) L., (n. d.), 3 v., 8° 284 - Seven ages. L., 1840, 4 491 Tempest, the. N. Y., (n. d.), 8° 318 Gallery of engravings. L. and N. Y.. (n. d.), 8° 317 Gems. L., 1845,8° 456 Gems. L , (n. d.) 12°. 366 Shirley, J. St. P atrick, for Ireland. L., 1646, 12° 885 The trayto* ■ a tragedie. L., 1635, 12° 886 Steele, R. The dr ummer. L., 1716, 8° 794 Tallis. Dramatic magazine. L. and N. Y., 185 1, 8° 418 Tate, N. Brutus of Alba. L., 1678, 8° 678 The loyal general. L., 1680, 8° 677 Warren, M. Poems. B., 1790, 12° 263 Winter, W. Edwin Booth in twelve dramatic characters. B., 1872, 4 494 Young Scarron. Dub., 1752, 12° 588 GEOGRAPHY— Class 25. American Atlas on plan of Le Sage. Phil., 1822, f ° 356 ^American military pocket atlas. L. , 1 7 76. 8° 178 Apres de Mannevillette. East India pilot. L., 1802, f ° 352 Atlas Classica. Phil., 1831, 4 367 * Atlas of Philadelphia. Ph., 1874-75, 4 v., f° 397 * Atlas of the world, L. U. K. (No title page), 4 vols., f °. . 379 Philadelphia Mercantile Library *Atlas of twenty-eight maps. Amstelodami, 1688, f ° 402 Bachman, J. Panorama of the seat of war. N. Y., 1861, f ° 349 Beaufort, D. A. Map of Ireland. L., 1792 676 Bechler, G. R. Military map of the army of the Potomac. Phil., 1864 302 *Blaeu, W. Atlas magnus, sive geographia et cosmographia. Amst., 1659, 10 v., f° 403 Bradford and Goodrich. Universal illustrated atlas. B., 1846, f°., 365 Bradshaw's map of the railways of Great Britain. Manch., 1845, I2 ° 47 Carpenter, N. Geographie delineated. Oxf., 1635, 4 542 Cartes des itineraires et voiages modernes. Leide, (n. d.), ob., 4 416 Chaudet, A. Guide dans les theatres de Paris. P., (n. d.), 2 v., 8° 496 Chauchard. Map of Germany. L., 1800, f ° 383 Clark, M. Charts of the coast from Cape Breton to the Gulf of Mex • ico. (No title page), f ° 686 *Fac simile of Holme's map of Pennsilvania 334 Geographical dictionary. L., 1681, 12 481 •Historical map of Penn. Phil., 1875, 8° 587 *Hopkins, G. M. Atlas of Germantown. Ph., 1871, 4 678 * Atlas of West Philadelphia. Ph., 1872, 4 679 * Johnston, A. K. Physical atlas of natural phenomena. E.,1856, f° 371 Larkin, W. Survey map of Meath. Dub., 181 7, 12 423 Lavoisne. Complete genealogical and geograghical atlas. Ph., i82i,f° 355 Mackenzie, M. Maritime survey of Ireland. L., 1776, 2 vols., 4 354 Map of Ireland. 1837 346 *Map of the battle of Gettysburg. B., 1876 695 Martin, K. M. Illustrated atlas and modern history. L., (n. d.), f ° 372 Mercator et Hondius. Atlas. Amsterdam, 1636, 2 v., f ° 393 Morden, R. Geography rectified. L., 1680, 12 54° Maps of Great Britain. (No title page), f ° 37 6 Norie, J. W. Complete three channel pilot. L., 1814, f° 384 Philadelphia Census directory, 181 1. (No title) 1811, 12 14 1 *Philadelphia West End visiting directory. Ph., 1878, 16 605 Pinkerton, J. Modern atlas. Ph., 1818, F 3 86 Popple, H. Map of the British empire in America. (No imprint) f° 369 Porcacchius, T. Isole piu fomose del monde. Venetia, 1605, 8°. . 680 Preuss,C. Map of the road from Missouri to Oregon. Bait., 18 46, obi. f° 351 Railroad map of the southern states, 1862 348 Roux J. Recueil des principaux plans des ports, etc. (No imprint) ob.4 303 Set of plans and forts in America, reduced from actual surveys. ^ (N. p.) 1765,12° 5 8 ° Seywald, B. V. Wilt-spiegel. Korneuburg, 1672, 12° 529 *Smith, W. Atlas of ancient geography. L., 1874, f° 394 SpafarierT, L. Atlas of the gulf of Finland. St. Petersburg, 181 7, f° 353 *Speed, John. The most famous parts of the world. L., 1646, f°. 396 Stackhouse, T. Universal atlas. L., 1 790, f° 3 8 5 Stewart, K. J. Geography for beginners. Richmond, 1864, 12°. . . 172 Tanner, H. S. New universal atlas. Ph., 1843, 4° 3 6 ° Woolmanand Rose. Atlas of the N. J. coast. Ph., 1878, 4 701 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 39 AMERICAN HISTORY— Class 26a. Address of quakers to Washington. (N. p.) 1789, i6 c 2752 Albany zouave cadets to Rochester Union Blues. Albany, 1866, 4 . 865 Atherton, W. Defeat of the army under Gen. Winchester. Frank- fort, 1842, 12 1364 Atkinson, G. W. History of Kanawha Co., W.V. Charleston, 1876,8° 2929 Bartlett, W. H. History of the U. S. N. Y., 1856, 3 vols. 8° 450 Beyard and Lodowick. Journal of the late actions of the French at Canada. N. Y., 1868, 4 1220 Buchanan, E. Y. Sketch of Trinity Church, Oxford. Ph., 1857, 12° 2996 Burk, J. History of Virginia. Petersburg, 1810, 4 v. 8° 29 Burney, J. Buccanners of America. L., 1816, 4 1213 Campbell, J. W. History of Virginia. Ph., 181 3, 12° 35 Centennial anniversarv of the battle of Bunker hill, 1875. B., 1875, 8°... \ . 2548 Chronotype — an American memorial. N. Y., 1873, ^° 3°82 Clark, D. Proofs against Gen. Wilkinson. Ph., 1809, 8° 2421 Clark, O. S. The 116th reg. of volunteers. Buffalo, 1868, 12°. . . 2908 Colden, C. History of the Indian nations of Canada. L., 1755, 12° 1082 Constitution and ordinances of the city of Phila. Ph., 1790, 8°. . . 1408 Constitution of Legion of Honor of U. S. Phil., 1869, 12 .... 302 Crafts, W. A. The Southern rebellion. B., 1865,7, 2 v. 4 122 Crosby, S. Early coins of America. B., 1878, 4 I2 63 Davies, B. Account of the city of Phila. Ph., 1794, 12° 2232 Dawson, H. B. Battles of the U. S. N. Y., 1858, 2 v. 8° 1244 Delafield, J. Antiquities of America. N. Y., 1839, 4 245 Devens, C, jr. General Meade and the battle of Gettysburg. Morris- ania, 1873, 12° 3106" Dialogue between the ghost of Gen. Montgomery and an American delegate. N. Y., 1865, 8° 2559 Dickeson, M. W. Numismatical manual. Ph., 1859, 4 417 Ellis, G. E. Centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston. B., 1876. 8° 2641 Etting, F. M. Account of Independence Hall. B., 1876, 8° 2660 Exquemelin, A. O. History of the Bucaniers of America. L., 1699,8° 2553 Findley, W. Insurrection in western Penna. Ph., 1796, 8° 1392 Frame, R. Short description of Pensilvania. (n. p.) 1867, 12°.. . . 3100 *Gage, T. History of Guatemala. MS., 2 v. 12° 2469 Reyse door de Spaensche West Indien. Utrecht, 1682,4°. • • • 2368 Gillmore, Q. A. Operations against the defences of Charleston harbor. N., Y., 1865, 8° 1 594 Goodrich, F. B. The tribute book. N. Y., 1865, 8° 1208 Guernsey and Alden. Harper's Pictorial history of the rebellion. N, Y., 1866, 2 v. f° 1326 40 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Hamor, R. Present estate of Virginia. L., T685, f ° ( re P r I2 36 Hennepin, L. New discovery of America. L.. 1698, 8° 2887 Henry, J. J. Campaign against Quebec. Lancaster, 18 12, 12 °. . . 1391 Hough, F. B. Proceedings of a convention held at Boston, 1780. . Albany, 1867, 8° 1381 Hubbard, W. Present state of New England. L., 1677, 12 2443 Hubley, B. History of American Revolution. North. 1805,8°... 1401 Jones, C. C. Monumental remains of Georgia. Savannah, 186 1,8 ° 1382 ' Jones, D. Journal of visits to Indians in 1772, 1773. N.Y., 1865,8° 2263 Journal of the Senate and H. R. for 1789-91. 3 v. f° I 33 2 >3 Journals of the house of Representatives of Penna. Ph., 1782, f°. . . 1314 Keith, W. British Plantations in Am. L., 1738, 4 1199 Laet, J. de. Notae ad dissertationem H. Grotii de origine gentium Americanarum. Par., 1643., Sm. 8° 2450 Lamb, M. J. History of the city of New York. N. Y., 1877, 8 °- ■ I26 ° Lee, H. Memoirs of war in the south. Ph., 1812, 2 v. 8° 309 Lincoln, A., Tributes of the nations to. Wn., 1867, 4 . 995a Lossing, B. J. The American Centennary. Phila., 1876, 4 1256 *McKenney & Hall. Indian Tribes of North America. Ph., 1838, 3V.P. 1222 Madden, R. R. Island of Cuba. L., 1849, 12° 2527 Madison, J. Selections from private Correspondence. Wn., 1859,4° 947 Messages ot the President on the Mexican war. Wn., 1848, 8° . . . . 11 25 Munsell, J. Annals of Albany. Alb., 185 0-5 9, 10 v. 12° 2745 ♦Names of officers and Soldiers of the Revolutionary army, pensioned by acts of Congress, (n. p.) 1835, 7 v. 8° 1429 Neill, E. D. History of Minnesota. Ph., 1858, 4 377 News from New England, 1676, Alb., 1865, 8° 1467 O'Callaghan, E. B. (ed.) Journal of the voyage of the Sloop Mary. Alb., 1866, 12° . 2656 O'Callaghan, E. B. (ed.) Voyage of George Clarke, Esq. to America Alb., 1867, 12° 2657 Orderly Book of the American Army at Williamsburg, 1776. Rich- mond, i860, 8° 1387 Penn, Wm. Missive van Wm. Penn, 1684. Amsterdam, 1684, 8°. 2230 Philoponus, H. Nova typis transacta navigatio. (s. 1.) 1621, f°. . . 2520 Powell, J. W. Contributions to North American ethnology. W., 1877, 2 v. 4° 1258 Rawle, F. Ways and means for the inhabitants of Delaware to become rich. Ph., 1725, reprinted, 1878, 8° 2967 Receipts and exp. of the U. S. W. 1814,29, f° 1318 Reception by the union league to Geo. H. Boker, Dec. 22nd, 187 1. Ph., 1872, 8° 3°5 7 Reed and Cadwalder pamphlets, (n. p ) 1863, 8° 2449 ♦Regimental book 1st Penna. regiment, 1 782. MS. 8° I44& Reichel,W. C. Friedensthal and its stockaded mill. Nazareth, 187 7, 8° 2965 Relation du Greenland. P., 1663, 12° 2556 Remarks occasioned by the late conduct of Mr. Washington. Ph., 1797, 12° : I47 2 Reports of the commissioners of Central Park. N. Y., 8° 1067 Reports of the commissioners of Fairmount Park. Ph., 8° 105 2 Republican crisis. Alexandria, 1812, 8° v 241 1 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 41 Rochefort. Histoire des iles antilles de l'Amerique. Roterdam, 1665, 8° . : 2568 Schoolcraft, H. R. History of the Indian tribes of the U. S. Ph., 1851-7, 6 v. 4 314 Scipio's reflections on Monroe's view. B., 1798, 12° 1443 Sherman, W.T. Address delivered in N.Y., May 30,1878. Ph., 1878,12° 3126 Smith, J. History of Va. Rich., 1-819, 2 v. 8° l8 4 Snowden, J. R. National and miscellaneous medals. Ph., 1861, 8° 457 Soldier of Indiana in the war for the union. Indianapolis, 1864,8°. . 1006 Spencer, J. A. History of the U. S. N. Y., 1858, 3 v. 4° 509 Squier and Davis. Ancient monuments of the Mississippi valley. .N. Y., 1848, 4° 1202 Stevens, H. Historical and geographical notes. New Haven, 1869,8° 2252 Stiles, H.R. History of Brooklyn. Alb., 1869-70, 3 v. 8° 2257 Stille, C. J. The great central fair at Phila. Ph., 1864, 4° 1221 Stith, W. First discovery and settlement of Virginia. N.Y.,1865,8 1440 Stryker, W. S. Trenton one hundred years ago. Trenton, 1878,8° 3081 Swett, S. Bunker-hill battle. B., 1827, 8° 2404 Construction of Bunker-hill monument. Alb., 1864, 8°. . . . 2395 Tarleton, B. Campaigns of 1780, in the southern provinces of North America. L., 1787, 4° 200 Thomas, G. History of Pennsylvania and West New Jersey. N. Y., , 1848, 12° 1050 Tomes, R. Battles of America. N. Y., 1861, 3 v. 4 621 The war with the south. N. Y., 1867, 3 v. 4 1225 True and impartial state of Penn. Ph. 1759, 12° 1428 Ulster hist. soc. Collections of. Kingston, i860, 8° 3 5 8 Varnhagen, F. A. de. Le premier voyage de Amerigo Vespuci. Vi- enne, 1869, 12° , . . 1322 War for separation. Wn., 1872, 8° 2202 Washington, G. Speeches. B., 1796, 12° 753 Westcott, T. Historic mansions of Philadelphia. Ph., 1877, 8°. . . 2862 Names of persons who took the oath of allegiance. Ph., 1865,8° 1*240 Wilhelm, T. History of the eighth U. S. infantry. Printed at head- quarters, 1873, 2 v °k- 8° 3125 Wilkinson, J. Burr's conspiracy exposed. Wn., 1811, 8° 2422 Memoirs of my own times. Ph., 1816, 4 vols. 8° 2420 Wright, H. B. Sketches of Plymouth, Penna. Ph., 1873, 8° 1477 Yates and Moulton. History of New York. N. Y., 1824,26,2 v.8° 2405 CONFEDERATE STATES— GEN. GOV. A bill to provide transportation of troops, etc. (No title) 1863, .... 1650 Army regulations, 1862. Richmond, 1862, 12° : 1548 Constitution of. Richmond, 1861, 8° 1500 Memorial to the congress of, etc. Mobile, 1863, 8° 1660 Messages of the President. ' Richmond, 1863-4,8° 15 20,1 42 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Official correspondence between the agents of exchange. Richmond, 1864, 8° 1561 Official reports of battles. Richmond, 1862,-64, 8° 155 1 Operations of the army of northern Virginia, 1862. (N. p.) 2 v. 8° 1552 Orders of army, 1862-3. Columbia, 1864, 12 J 549 Ordnance manual. Richmond, 1863, 8° 1553 Public laws. Richmond, 1862-4, 8° ; 1502 Report of Attorney General. Richmond, 1864, 8° 1525 Report of commissioner of patents. Richmond, 1864, 8° 1529 Report of committee on affairs of the navy. Richmond, (n. d.) 8°. 1580 Report of the Postmaster General. Richmond, 1864, 8° 1533 Report of the Secretary of the Navy. Richmond, 1864, 8° 1575 Reports of the Secretary of the Treasury. Richmond, 1863, 4, 8°. . 1540 Report of the Secretary of war. Richmond, 1864, 8° 1550 Reports of committees on military affairs, etc. fNo title.) 1863, 8°. 1638 Statutes of the provisional government. Richmond, 1864, 8° 1501 Surgeon General's report. Raleigh, 1864, 8° . 1839 To the congress of the Confed. states. (No title.) 8° 1639 INDIVIDUAL STATES. Hurst, M. B. History of 14th Alabama regiment. Rich. 1863, 12 1902 Acts of Gen. Assembly of Georgia. Milledgeville, 1868, 8° . 1851 An. rep. of Adj. and Inspect. General of Geo. Milledgeville, 1864, 12 1854 Journal of the convention of Georgia. Milledgeville, 1861, 8° 1853 Georgia. Regulations for the Quartermaster's department. (Notitle)8° 1856 Report of committee on the financial operations of Georgia. Milledgeville, 1866, 8° 1855 Warren, K. J. History of the nth Georgia volunteers. Richmond, 1863, 8° 1858 Journal of convention of N. Carolina. Raleigh, 1862, 8° 1826 Journal of the Gen. Assembly of N. Carolina. Raleigh, 1861,4, 2 v. 8° 1827 Laws of North Carolina of 1862, 3. Raleigh, 1863, 8°. 1843 Legislative documents of N. C, 1861-63. Raleigh, (n. d.) 8° 1835 Report on public accounts of N. C. for 1864. (No title.) 8° 1839 Winston, P. H. Cases determined in supreme court of N. Carolina. Raleigh, 1864, 5,2 V. 8° 1850 Anderson, F. (et al.) Addresses before the Virginia state convention. Rich., 1868, 8° 1866 Acts of the assembly of Virginia. Richmond, 1861,2, 3 V. 8° 1862 Journal of the House of delegates of Va. Wheeling, 1861, 12 . . . . i860 Message of Gov. and documents of Va. Rich., 1862, 3, 8° 1861 Rules for the army of Virginia. Rich., 1861, 12 1865 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 43 ^EDUCATIONAL. Branson, L. First book in composition. Raleigh, 1863, 12 2002 Burrowes, J. F. Piano-forte primer. Richmond, 1864, 12 2099 Campbell and Dunn. Child's first book. Rich., 1864, 12 2013 Chaudron, A. de V. Spelling book. Mobile, 1865, 12 2017 _ Third reader. Mobile, 1864, 12 2016 Confederate first reader. Richmond, 1863, 12 2009 Johnson, L., Elementary arithmetic. Raleigh, 1864, 12 2071 Lander, S. Our own school arithmetic. Greensboro, 1863 2070 Leverett, C. E. Southern confederacy arithmetic. Augusta,i864, 12 2072 Moore, M. B. The dixie spelling book. Raleigh, 1864, 12 2004 Geographical reader. Raleigh, 1863, 4 2049 . Primary geography. Raleigh, 1864, 4 2050 Smith, R. C. English grammar, adapted to Confed. St. Richmond, 1864, 12 2037 Smythe, C. W. Elementary grammar. Greensboro. 1863, 12 .... 2031 Our own primary grammar. Greensboro, 1863, 12 2030 Sterling and Campbell. Our own first reader. Greensboro, 1862, 12 2010 Our own second reader. Greensboro, 1862, 12 201 1 Our own third reader. Greensboro, 1862, 12 2012 Virginia primer. Richmond, 1864, 12 2020 Virginia speller and reader. Richmond, 1865, 12° 2021 York, B. English grammar. Raleigh, 1862 8° 2041, 2 *MISCELLANEOUS • Army hymn book. Richmond, 1864, 12 ° 2000 Bagby, Dr. G. W. Letters of Mozis Addums to Billy Ivvins. Rich- mond, 1862, 8° 1950 Clarimonde. Rich., 1863, 12 195 1 Cross, Jos. Camp and field. Columbia, 1864, 2 v. 12 . 1901 Dabney, R. L. Memorial of J. T. Thornton. Richmond, 1864, 12 1907 Diary of the war for separation. Vicksburg, 1862, 8° 1889 Doggett, D. S. A nation's Ebenezer. Richmond, 1862, 12 2150 Edgeville, E. Castine. Raleigh, 1865, 12 195 1 Fowler, W. H. Guide for claiments of deceased soldiers. Rich., 1864, 12 1887 Fremantle, Lieut. Col. Three months in the southern states. Mobile, 1864, 12 1905 Lee, C. H. Judge advocates vade mecum. Richmond, 1864, 8°.. 1882 McCabe, J. D. jr. The Aid-de-camp. Richmond, 1863, 12 1950 Macleod,.G. H. P. Surgery of war in Crimea. Richmond, 1862, 12 2022 Mac Mahon, T. W. Cause and contrast. Richmond, 1862, 8°. . . . 1904 44 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Mangum, A. W. Myrtle leaves. Raleigh, 1864, 12 2200 Marginalia; or, gleanings from an army note-book. Columbia, 1864,8° 1906 Marmont, M. Spirit of military institutions. Columbia, 1864, 12°. 1876 Pollard,L.A. Eight months in prison and on parole. Rich., 1865, 8° 1900 Southern spy. Richmond, 1062, 12° 1899 Prisoner of war ; or five months among the Yankees. Richmond, 1865, 12° • • • • 1900 Quintard, C. T. Balm for the weary. Columbia, 1864, 12° 1909 Songs of love and liberty. Raleigh, 1864, 12° 1998 Southern zion songster. Raleigh, 1864. 12° 1999 Stiles, J. C. National rectitude ; an appeal to the Confed. States. Petersburg, 1863, 12° 1908 Temple and Trevor. Tannhauser. Mobile, 1863, 8° 1910 Warren, E. W. Nellie Norton. (No imprint.) 1950 Wilson, F. J. Sketches of Nassau. Raleigh, 1864, 12° . .*. 1925 TRAVELS IN AMERICA— Class 26b. Abert, J. W. Examination of New Mexico. (No imprint), 8°. . . . 1102 * Andrews, W. S. Illustrations of the West Indies. L., 2 vols. ob. 4 1012 Bartram, W. Description of East Florida. L,., 1769, 4 1153 Baerle, C. van. Brasilia. Amst., 1647, f ° 1035 Bowen, D. History of Phila. Ph., 1839, 8° 604a Brickell, J. Natural history of N. Carolina. Dub., 1843, 12 921 *Bryant, W. C. Picturesque America. N. Y., 1872,4, 2 v., 4 . ... 1023 Canadian handbook. Montreal, 1867, 12 1242 *Catherwood, F. View*in Central Ameiica. N. Y., 1844, f ° 1008 Catlin, G. O-kee-pa. Ph., 1867, 8° 675 Cook, C. New York central park. N. Y., 1869, 4 703 De Bry, T. Narrative of Le Moyne. B., 1875, 4 1037 Emory, W. H. Mexican boundary survey. W., 1857, 3 v., 4 . . . 1002 Expd. and surv. for R. R. to Pacific Ocean. W., 1854, 13 v., 4 . . 1001 Ferree, J. W. Falls of Niagara. N., Y., 1876, 12 1213 Gage, T. New Spanien. Leipzig, 1693, 4 988 New survey of the West Indias. L., 1648, f ° 1029 Nouvelle relation des voyages. Amst,, 1699, 2 v., 12 900 Gaussoin, E. Island of Navassa. Bait., 1866, 4 1020 *Gems of American scenery — White mountains. N., Y.. 1878, 12 1296 Gilliss, J. M. U. S, nav. expd. to southern hemisphere. Wn., 1855, 4 v. , 4 1000 Greatorex, E. Old New York. N.-Y., 1875, 4 . . . 1048 Hall, B. Forty etchings in North America. Edin., 1829, 4 1165 *Hariot, T. Admiranda narratio. Franc, 1590, 4 ....... 1033 Home book of the picturesque. N. Y., 1852, 4 789 Ives, J. C. Colorado river of the west. W., 1861, 4 1003 James, E. . Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains — maps. Ph., 1823, 4 72 Keller, F. Amazon and Maderia rivers. N. Y., 1874,4° 1025 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 45 King and Ivy. Harvard Col. and its surroundings. Camb., 1878, 12 1264 Kneeland, S. Yosemite valley and California. B., 1871, 8° 263 Lahontan, Baron. New voyages to N. Am. L., 1703, 2 v., 12 . .. 11 49 Landscape book. N. Y., 1868, 8° 829 La Roche foucault — Liancourt, F. A. F. de. Travels through the U. S, L , 1 799, 4 1005 Las Casas,B.de. Beshreibung der Indianishen landern. Anno, 1665, 4 . 1113 Narratio regionum Indicarum per hispanos devastatarum. Oppenh, 1614,4° 1 1 12 Macomb, J. N. Expedition from Santa Fe in 1859. Wn,, 1876, 4 1044 Magruder, H. R. Last year of the Mexican empire. Wiesbadan, 1874, 12° 996 Marcoy, P. Travels in South America. N. Y., 1875, 2 v., 8°. . . . 1026 Montanas, A. Beschryving van America. Amst., 1671, f ° 1039 Moore and Jones. Traveller's directory. Ph., 1802, 8° 846 *Oakes, W. White mountain scenery. B., 1848, f ° 1013 O'Reilly, B. Greenland and adjacent seas. L., 18 18, 4 1036 Ouseley, W. G. Views in South America. L., (n. d.), f ° 1024 Present state of Peru. L., 1805, 4 1007 Reports of the commissioners of Prospect Park, Brooklyn. Brooklyn, 1861, 5 v., 8° 847 Scenery of the Pacific railways and Colorado. N. Y., 1878, 8°. . . . 1287 Shinn, E. Century after. Ph., 1875, 4 1043 Simpson, J. H. Explorations across Utah in 1859. Wn., 1876, 4 1045 Sipes, W. B. Pennsylvania railroad ; its origin, etc. Ph., 1875, 8° 1183 Sketches in New Brunswick. (No title page) 1014 Sketches of the North river. N. Y., 1838, 12° 882 Views in Philadelphia. Ph., 1827, 8° 272 *Views of Philadelphia. (No title page), 4 1009 Willis, N. P. American scenery. L., 1840, 2 v., 4 1008 HISTORY OF EUROPE— Class 27a. ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND. Adderly, C. B. Letter to Disraeli on the relations of England with the colonies. L., 1862, 12 8 Akerman, J. Y. Remains of Pagan saxondom. L., 1855, 4 4040 Arms of the nobility. L., (n. d), 12 3819 Arms, sir-names, etc., of the peers. L., 1798, 12 43 1 7 Atticus, Lucius, Junius, (et. al.) Collection of letters. L., 1769 ->8° 662 Aubrey, W. H. S. History of England. L., (n. d.), 3 vols, 8°. . . 37 Authenticated tartans of the clans of Scotland. Mauchline, (n. d.)4° 1408 Bagshaw, E. Rights of the Crown, j^ 1660, 12 57 Blight, J. T. Ancient crosses. L., 1858, 8° 91 Boswell, H. Antiquities of England and Wales. E., (n. d.), f °. .. 5427 Brady, R. History of England. In the Savoy, 1685, f ° 4218 46 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Brandenbourgh, Prince. Letter to Richard, Lord protector. Hamb., 1669,4° _ 4344 Bristol, J. England and Scotland reunited. L., 1641, 12 113 Britton, J. History and antiquities of the cathedral church of Oxford. L., 1821, 4 5 392 Burke, J. B. Dictionary of the peerage. L., 1865, 8° 154 Extinct and dormant baronetcies. L., 1844, 8° 155 Historic lands of England. L., 1848, 8° 145 Illluminated heraldic illustrations. L., 1856, 8° 141 . Landed gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. L., 1868, 8°. . 153 Visitation of seats and arms. L., 1852-5, 4 v., 8° 158, 9 Burke, J. and J. B. Heraldic illustrations. L., 1844, 8° 140 Camden, W. Anglica, Hibernica, Normannica, Cambrica, a veteribus scripta. Franc, 1603, f ° . 4223 Reges etc. in Eccles. coll. Westm. sepulti. L., 1600, 4 191 Castlemain, Earl of. War bevveen the English and Dutch. In the Savoy, 1672, 12 212 Chamberlain, H. Hist, of London and Westminster. L., 1769, f° 4002 Charles II. Collection of his majestie's letters etc. L., 1660, 4 . . . 4905 Churchill, W. Remarks upon the lives of the Kings. L., 1675, f °. 4235 Clubs and societies of London. L., 1756, 12 . , 3838 Collection of orders, ordinances and declarations, 1 642-1 646. L., 1646, f ° 4249 Collection of papers relating to affairs in England. L., 1688, 8°. . . . 3812 Craik and Mac Farlaie. Pictorial history of England. L., 1849, 8 vols., 8° 296 Dancer, J. Civil wars of Great Britain and Ireland. Glasgow, 1664 ? 8° 322 Debates of the house of cjmmons. L., 1689, 12 4308 Declaration by the kings majesty to his subjects. Edin., 1650, 4 . . . 4945 Defence of the university of Oxford. Oxf., 1690, 4 4907 Duke of Wellington, anarchists, etc. L., 1830, 8° 4336 Duchesne, A. Hkt. d' angleterre, d' Escosse, et d' Irlande. P., 1666, 2 v., 8°. . 5437 Engelandisch memorial. Amst, 1649, 12 4346 England's new directory. (N. p.) 1647, 12 4339 English peerage. L., 1 790, 2 v. 4 4 io 3 *Erskine, T. Origin of the house of commons. MS. 8° ^6^ Exact and true relation in relieving the garrison of Lyme. L., 1644, 4 4320 Exact collection of all remonstrances, (etc.) L., 1643, 4 4307 Fairbairn, J. Crests of Great Britain and Ireland. Edin., 2 v. 8°. . 382 Faithful account of the present state of affairs. By E.C. L., 1690,12° 4950 Fisher,T. Collections historical/etc. , of Bedfordshire. L., 1812-36, 12° 4072 Five special orders of the lords and commons. L., 1642, 4 4321 Fellowes, W. D. Historical sketches of Charles I. L., 1828, 4 . . 390 Folkes, M. English coinage. L., (n. d.) Sm., 4 403 Fosbroke, T. D. British monachism. L., 1843, 8° 4 J 8 Full relation of the late treaty for peace. Oxf., 1645, 4 4971 Gaspey, T.' History of England. L., (n. d.), 3 vols., 8° 441 Godwin, F. Annales rerurri anglicarum L., 1628, 8° ' * * ' 455 Goldsmith, O. History of England in Hindoostanee. Delhi, 1844,8° 4934 Grazebrook, H. S. Heraldry of Smith. L., 1870, 8° 469 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 47 Grose, F. Antiquities of England and Wales. L., 1764, 2 v., f°. . 4012 Grundliche beschreibung der neuen regiments- verfassung in Engelland, (etc.) Schaffhausen, 165 7, 4 , . , , . 4260 Guizot, F. P. G. Histoire d'Angleterre. P., 1877, 2 v. 8° 494 Head, R. Floating island. (N. p.) 1673, 8° 3916 Hearne, T. Antiquities of Great Britain, vol. 1. L., 1786, f° 4248 Heath's historical annual. L., 1842, 8° 215 Hermannides, R Britannia magna. Amst., 1661, 12 542 His majesties' answer to the petition of parliament, presented June 17,1642. L., 1642, 4 4910 Historical dictionary of England and Wales. L., 1692, 12 4948 History of Kent. L., (n. d.) 12 4290 History of the late revolution. L., 1691, 8° 3845 History of the succession of the crown- L., 1981, f ° 5425 History of Westminster abbey. L., 1856, 4 4045 Hollinshead, R. Description of Scotland. (No title page.) 4 . . . . 4010 Horn, G. Rerum Britannicarum libri vii. Lug. Bat., 1648, 8°. . . . 570 Howard, J. J. Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica. L., 1868, 8°. 572 Humphreys, H. N. • Coinage of the British empire. L., 1854, 4 . . 594 Impartial historical narrative of events. L., 1823, f° 4050 Jewitt, L. English coins. L., (n. d.) 12 637 Johns and Nicolas. Naval and military heroes of Great Britain. L., i860, 12 639 Johnson, S. Abrogation of King James. L., 1692, 12 622 Johnston, T. B., et al. Clans of Scotland. L., 1872, 8° 1337 Junius and Draper. Political contest, first edition. L., (n. d.), 12 667 King and queens entertainment at Richmond. Oxf., 1636, 12 .... 4291 King James and the papists. L , 1689, 8° 4720 Kingdomes intelligencer. (No title), f 661-62, 4 4726 Knight and Lum!ey. Crests of the nobility. L., 1827, 4 5463 Le Grain, B. Decade du Henry le Grand. Rouen, 1633, 8° 4146 Letter to the Earl of Essex on papists. L., 1679, 4 . 4748 Leylande,J. Englandes antiquitees. L., 1549, (repr. 1750 ?) 12 . 728 Lodge, E. Illustrations of British history. L., 1791, 3 V. 4 4083 Long history of a certain lord lieutenant. (No place) 1772, 8°. . . . 4969 Looking-glass for England. L. , 1667, 4 4968 Ludlow, E. Letter to Dr. Hollingsworth. Amsterdam, 169 1, 8°. . 4938 Letter to Sir E. Seymour. Amsterdam, 1691, 8° 751 Manning, H. E. Letter to Earl Gray, (etc.) L., 1868, 12 1517 Martin, C. Civil costume of England. L., 1842, 4 4046 Melvil, Sir J. Memoires. L., 1683, 8° 4246 Memorable transactions in England. L., 1696, 12 3839 Memento for English protestants. L., 1680, 4 4347 Milton, J. Letters of state. L., 1694, 12 3507 Mountmorris, F. lord. Humble petition. (No title) 12 864 Neu-gerharnischte Gros Brittannien. Harnberg, 1690, 8° 3820 Newton, W. London in the olden time. L., 1855, f °. . . 4043 Nicolas, N. H. Letter to the duke of Wellington. L., 1830, 8°. . . 876 Nithsdale, W. Letter from. L., 1827, 8° 883 Northumberland's household book. L., 1827, 8° 4286 Parker, H. The generall junto. (N. p.) 1642, 8° 5433 48 Philadelphia Mercantile Library . Paul's church-yard. (No title page.) 1650, 8° 3805 *Perfect diurnal of passages in parliament. 1644-46. (No imprint), 8° 15 16 Petition for a new parliament. Amst., 1677, 8° 43 x 9 Petition of inhabitants of Southwark. (No title), 12 4310 Petition of parliament to his majestie at York, March 2^, 1842. L., 1642, r2° 4797 Petty, W. Growth of the city of London. L., 1683, 16 4924 Pettyt, W. Ancient right of the commons. L., 1680, 12 934 Philips, G. Interest of England in the preservation of Ireland. L., 1689, 8° * 935 Pictorial history of Lancaster. L., 1844, 8° 451 Plots, conspiracies, etc., of the enemies of the Romish religion. L., 1642, 4 4345 The politician discovered. L., 168 1,4° 43 2 9 Potter, T. R. Hist, of Charnwood forest. L., 1842, 4 . '4219 Prophecies of mother Shipton. L., 1641, 12 4254 Prynne,W. Antipathie of the English lordly prelacie. L., 1641,2 v. 8° 972 History of King John, Henry III and Edward I. L.,i67o,f°. 5456 Respublica, sive status regni Scotiae et Hiberniae. Lugd., Batav., 1627, 24 1398 Robertson, G. Reign of George III. L., (n. d.) 4 4239 *Rolls of parliament from 132& to 1362. MS. f ° 4128 Rush worth, J. Historical collections. L., 1659, 8 v. f ° 4092 Shaftesbury and Buckingham. Two speeches, etc. Amst., 1675, 4 1083 Sheringham, R. De anglorum gentis origine disceptatio. Cantab., 1670, 12 . 1081 Simpson, J. Y. British archaic scripturings. Ed., 1867, 8° 3546 Smith, C. H. Ancient costume of Great Britain and Ireland. L., 1813, f ° 4i54 Smith, T. De republica anglorum. L-igd. Batav., 1625 1094 Speed, John. England, Wale?, Scotland and Ireland. (N. p.), 1627, ob., 12° 1088 Stamford, Earl of. Lords and Commons petition. I,., 1642, r 2 . . 1089 Stephanius, S. J. Saxonis grcmatici historiae Danicae libri xvi. Sorce, 1645, f ° 4167 Stockdale, F. W. L. Sketch of Hastings, etc. L., 181 7, 8° 1087 Stone, Mrs. E. Chronicles of fashion. L., 1845, 8° JII 3 StruttJ. Dress and habits of the people of England. L.,1842,2 vols.4 4048 Regal and eccleciastical antiquities of England. L., 1842,4°.. 4047 Stuart, J. The book of Deer. Edin., 1869, 4 5429 Tatham, C. H. Description of the monument of Northampton. Greenwich, 1838, 8° .". 1124 True and exact history of succession of the crown. L., 1681, f° 5425 Taylor, J. etal. Pictorial history of Scotland. L., 1859, 2 v. 8°. . 1386 True state of the case of the commonwealth. L., 1654, 4 4293 Tuckett, J. Devonshire pedigrees. L., (n. d) 2 v. 4 n 63 Two letters from his majesty Charles II. L., 1660, f° 5435 Verstegan, R. Restitution of decayed intelligence. L., 1634, 8°. . 1188 Victories of Wellington, from drawings by Westall. L., 18 19, 4 . . . 4209 Wace, R. Chronicles of the Norman conquest. L., 1837, 2 v. 8°. 1189 Walkley, T. Catalogue of dukes, etc. of England. L., 1642, 12°.. 3822 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 49 Wellington's campaigns. P., (n. d.), f ° 4134 Wellwood, J. Answer to the late king James' declaration. L., 1689 8° 43*2 Wells, S. Revenue and expenditure of the United Kingdom. L., 1834, 8° ' 1204 Whittel, J. Account of wonderful providences. L., 1693, 12 . . . . 4955 Williams, Lt. Col. England's battles. L. and N. Y., (n. d.) 3 v., 8° 1229 Wishart, G. De rebus Caroli. (N. p.), 1647, 12 1395 Woodward, B. B. History of Wales. L., (n. d.) 2 v. 8° 1236 Wotton, H. Life of George Villers. L., 1642, 4 ... 4276 Wright, M. Account of Castlemaine's embassy to Innocent XI. L., 1688, f ° 5428 Wright, T. Roll of arms at seige of Caerlaverock. L.. 1864, 4 . . . 1012 IRELAND. Account of sessions of parliament in Ireland. L., 1693, 4 443& Account of the public affairs. L., 1679, 4 4752 Acts of parliament relating to Ireland. L., 1653-62, f° 545 2 Animadversions on the proposal for sending back the nobility and gentry of Ireland. L., 1690, 4 4764 Answer of a protestant gentleman in Ireland. L., 1689, 4 4754 Aphorisms relating to Ireland. L., 1689, 4 4756 Apology for the protestants of Ireland. L., 1689, 4 4755 Betham, W. Irish Antiquarian researches. Dub., 1826, 2 v., 8°. .. 1427 Borlace, E. Reflections on Castlehaven's memoirs. L., 1682, 12 . 4809 Buckley, R. Vindication of St. John Brodrick. (N. p.), 1690, 4 . 4442 Camden, W. Annales rerum anglicarum et Ilihernicarum regnante Elizabetha. L., 1615, 8° 4247 Character of the protestants of Ireland. L., 1689, 4 4758 Coffey, EL -A. Records of the sept Cobhthaigh. Dub., 1863, 8°. .. 4687 Coote, C. Letters to W. Lenthall. L., 1650, 4 5109 Crawford, Col. Ireland's ingratitude. L., 1643, 4 4749 Cromwell, O. Letter to the Hon. W. Lenthall. L., 1649, 4 4775 Curran, J. P. Letter to Hon. Henry Grattan. (No title.) 1810, 4 4584 Declaratie by de commissarissen, etc. L., 1653, 4 4455 Declaration concerning the rebellion in Ireland. L., 1643, 4 4372 Diary of the siege of Lymerick. L., 1692, 4 4765 Exact relation of the persecutions sustained by protestants of Killmare. L., 1689, 4 4762 Fac similes of public records of Ireland. (No title page), f ° 4214 Failures of Walker's siege of Deny. (No place), 1689, 4 . 4760 Ferguson and Vance. Tenure and improvement of land in Ireland. Dub., 1851, 8°...... ... 4467 Fourteen papers, etc. L., 1689, 4 4906 French, Nicholas. Unkinde desertor of loyall men. 1676, (reprint)i2° 5057 Gilbert, J. T. Fac similes of national Mss. of Ireland. Dub., 1874, f° 5443 Government of Ireland under Perrot. L., 1626, 12 4795 Graves, James. The church and shrine at St. Manchan. Dub., 1875,8° 4798 50 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Grose, F. Antiquities of Ireland. L., 1 791-1797, 2 v. 4 3997 Higgins, G. Celtic druids. L., 1829, 4 4022 Intrigues of the Romish party in Ireland, 1660-1689. L., 1690, 4 4564 Jamieson, John. Account of the ancient Culdees. Edin., 181 1, 4 . 4224 Journal of affairs in Ireland. L. , 1 690, 4 4440 Journal of parliament in Ireland.' L., 1689, 4 4753 Just and modest vindication of the protestants of Ireland. L., 1689, 4 4750 Kilkenny, archaeological society transactions. Dub., 1853-74, 11 v. ,8° 4360 Mervyn, A. Speech, delivered, 1662. Dub., 1663, 4 47,51 Narrative of the contested election of Down. Belfast, 1830, 8°. . . . 5064 Neligan, W. C. Account rf ancient glass beads. (Noplace). 1858,4° 4568 ^Newspaper cuttings relating to Ireland. (No title), 4 vols., 8°. . . . 5061 *Orange Lodge of Killymaddy, co. of Tyrone, 1798, Ms., 4 4723 Papist and protestant proprieties in Ireland. L., 1689, 4 4757 Particular deduction of the case of William Eyre. (No title) 1670? 4 4769 Petition of the lords and commons on journey into Ireland. L., 1642,4° 4796 Petrie, G. Ecclesiastical architecture of Ireland. Dub., 1845, 4°. . 1599 Plunket, O. The last speech. L., 1681, f° 5424 ♦Reeves, W. The Culdees :— Irish Ms. (No title) 4° 4228 . Irish ecclesiastical bell. Belfast, 1850, 4 4231 Rich, B. The Irish hubbub. L., 161 7, 12° 5060 Roch, P. True copy of a letter. L., 1641, 8° 3918 Shrewsbury, John, earl of. Letter to lord Brxley, etc. L., 1829, 8° 4585 Stanihurst, R. De rebus in Hibernia gestis libri iv. Antv., 1584,8° 1535 Transactions of king James in Ireland. L., 1690, 4° , 4761 True account of the present state of Ireland. L., 1689, 4° 4763 Wa'-ker, G. Vindication of account of siege of Derry. L., 1689, 4° 4749 Walsh, P. History of the Irish remonstrance. L., 1674, f ° 5449 ♦ Present state of Ireland. Original Ms., 4° 47 n Ware, J. Rerum Hebernicarum annales, Dub., 1664, f ° 54 1 * Works. Dub., 1739, 2 v., f ° 4071 Wright, T. Antiquities of Ireland. L., 1748, 4 4152 History of Ireland. L., (n. d.), 3 v., 8° 4021 CONTINENT. Account of Denmark in 169.2. L., 1694, 12° 2780 Akerman, J. Y. Ancient coins. L., 1846, 8° 3350 Catalogue of rare and unedited Roman coins. L.,1834,2 v.8° 2123 Ammianus Marcellinus. Rerum gestarum libri XVIII. Lug. Batav., 1693, 4 .• • • 2I2 7 Angeloni, F. L'historia Augusta da Giulio Cesare a Costantino. Roma, 1685, f° -.-...• 4 I <> Angouleme, le due d\ Memoires pour servir a l'histoire d' Henry III. P., 1667, 12° 3946 Antiquities Cote-d'or. Dijon, 1847, 4° • • 4 X 49 Barnevel's apology; or, Holland mysteries. (N. p.) 1618, 12° 2540 Batty, R. Campaign in the westeru Pyrenees. L., 1823, 4 4 2I 7 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 51 Belgii confederal respublica. Lugd. Batav., 1630, 16 2708 Bellorius, J. P. Adnotationes in XII priorum Caesarum numismata. Romae, 1 730, f° 4099 Bentivoglio, G. Opere, P., 1648, f° 4157 Birkbeck,W.L. Letter to Viscount Pal merston on Poland. L., 1864,8° 2878 Bizot, P. Histoire metalique de Hollande. Amsterdam, i£88, 12° 2544 Boniface, J. X. Myths of the Rhine. N. Y., 1875, 8° 2548 Boyse,S. Transactions of Europe from 1739-1745. Reading, 1747,8° 3370 Cesnola, L. P. di. Antiquities of Cyprus — jho o^raphed. L.,i873,f° 54^i . Cyprus; its ancient cities, tomts and temples. N.Y., 1878, 8° 3088 Clerisseau, C. Antiquities de la France. P., 1804, f° 4102 Croker,T.C. Ancient rings and personal ornaments, (n. p.) 1853, 4 3388 Davila, E. C. History of the civil wars in France. L.. 1758, 2 v. 4° 4029 Dent, A. Ruine of Rome. L., 1656, 12° 2194 Du Moulin, G. Histoire generale de Normandie. Rouen, 163 1, f° 4077 Engelhardt, C. Denmark in the early iron age. L., 1866, 4 4°37 Epitome rerum Germanicarum. (n. p.) 1643, 16°. 2707 Folieta, U. Historiae Genuensium libri xii. Gennae, 1585,8°... 4120 Fuertts y Biota, A de. Anti-manifesto. Flandes, 1643, 8° 2099 Godwyn, T. English exposition of the Romane antiquities. Oxf., 1614, 4 : : 2253 Goldast, M. de H. Rerum alamannicarum scriptores. Franc, 1661, f° 5458 Gorius,A.F. Monumentum sive Columbiarum libertorum et servorum Liviae Augustae. Horentiae, 1727, f ° 4098 Green, S. French pictures. L., 1878, 8° 2158 Guillim, J. Display of Heraldry. L., 1679, f °. 4°93 Gyraldo, L. G. De deis gentium historia. Basibae, 1548, f ° 4101 Helvetiorum respublica. Lugd. Batav., 1627, 16° 2499 Hewitt, J. Ancient armour and weapons. Oxf. 1855-60, 3 v., 8°. 3449 Histoire generale de France. (No title page.) 12° 1979 Historic, military and naval anecdotes. L., 18 19, 4° 545° Hibtory of Gibralter and its sieges, with photographs. L., 1870, Sm 4° 2101 Hugo, Herman. Siege of Breda. Louanii, 1627, 8° 2032 Illustrated record of events in the annals of Europe. L., 181 7, f °. . 4203 Inscriptions sur les monumens eriges a Waterloo. Bruxelles, (n. d.) Sm 4° 3933 Insignia of orders of knighthood. (No imprint ) 4° 4189 Jones, G. Battle of Waterloo. L., 1852, 8° 3959 Keller, F. Lake dwellings of Switzerland. L., 1878, 2 v. 8° 3459 Kemble, J. Horae ferales. L., 1863, 4° 4023 Lacroix, P. The eighteenth century. L., 1876, 8° 3476 . Manners, customs and dress of the middle ages. L.,1874, 8° 3474 Military and religious life in the middle ages. L., 1874, 8°. 3472 La Marche, O. de. Memoires. Lovain, 1645, 8° 3473 Legenda sanctorum. Argentine, 1479, f° 5459 Linguet. Memoirs of the Bastile. Dub., 1783, 8° 1781 Long, G. France and its revolutions. L., 1850, 8° 4027 Lumisden, A. Antiquities of Rome. L, 1797, 4° 4039 Machiavelli, N. • Histoire. Ferrari, 1587, 12°. 2341 Magny, E. de. NobilLire de Normandie. P., 1862, 8° 1796 Meyrick, S. R. Antient armour. L., 1842, 3 v. f°. 4049 52 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Miln, J. Excavations at Carnae, Brittany. Edin., 1877, 8° 1806 Mudford, W. Battle of Waterloo. L., 1817, 4 4026 Murphy, J. C. Arabian antiquities of Spain. L., (n. d.) f ° 4242 Mysteries of the old castles of France. L., (n. d.) 8° 1973 Nicolas, N. H. Orders of knighthood, L., 1842, 4 v., 4 4°73 Nilsson, S. Primitive inhabitants of Scandinavia. L., 1868, 8°. . . 281 1 Nolan, E. H. Hist, of the war against Russia. L., 1857, 2 v. R8°. 2958 Parker, J. H. The archaeology of Rome. Oxf. 1874-77, 8 v. 8°. . 2401 Political tracts. Amsterdam, 1694, f° 4226 Pontanus, J. J. Amstelodamensium historia. Amst., 161 1, f°.... 4095 Puffendorf, S. Present state of Germany. L., 1696, 12 2656 Rangabe, A. R. Greece ; her progress and present position. N. Y., 1867, 8° 3218 Respublica Romana. Lugd. Batav., 1626, 16 2532 Respublica sive status regni Poloniae etc. Lugd. Batav., 1642, 16 . 2709 Richardson, G. Of the state of Europe. Oxf. 1627, f ° 4188 Richelieu, Cardinal. Journal. P., 1649-1650, 12 1877 Rossi, G. B. de. Roma sotteranea. Roma, 1877, 5 v. 4 4089 *Rycaut, P. Manuscript collections out of Turkish history. 4 .... 3224 Sainsoury, J. Napoleon museum. L., 1845, 4 4°94 Sallustius, C. C. Belli Catilinarii et Jugurthini historiae. Edin., 1744, 12° 2453 Scaliger, J. De emendatione temporum. Genevae, 1629, f ° 4156 Silva,R.M. Catalogo real genealogico de Espafia. Madrid, 1639, 12 2061 Somner, G. Julii Caesaris portus iccius. Oxonii, 1694, 12 2472 Strada. F. History of the low-countrey warres. L., 1650, 8° 2683 Stuart and Revett. The antiquities of Athens. L., 1 762-1 794, 3 v. f ° 5434 Turquet, L. de M. General! historie of Spaine. L., 161 2, f ° 4225 Tyrrell, H. History of the Russian empire. L., (n. d.) 8° 2990 Vaugelas,L. de. Soixante vues des plus beaux palais, etc. (P. ,) (n.d.)8° 1946 Vertot, R. A. de. History of the knights of Malta. L., 1728, 2 v. f ° 4025 Wright, T. History of France. L., & N. Y., (n. d.) 4 v. 8° 415 8 Womankind in western Europe. L., 1869, 8° 3579 TRAVELS IN EUROPE— Class 27b. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Allom, T. Westmoreland illustrated. L., (n. d.) 4° I2 3& Angus, W. Seats of the nobility. (N. p.) 1787, ob 4 1561 Baines, T. Lancashire and Cheshire. L., (n. d.) 4 v. 4 1244 Barber. Guide to the isle of Wight. L., 1853, 12 . 1130 Bartlett and Beattie. Ports, harbors, etc., of Great Britain. L. ; 1842, 2 v. 4 1 216 Beattie, W. Caledonia illustrated. L., (n. d.) 2 v. 4 1241 Bennett, G. J. Tourist's guide through North Wales. L.,1838, 12 2074 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 53 Bicknell, W. I. Illustrated London. L., (n. d.) 12° 420 Black's guide to the English lakes. Edin., 1854, 12 1192 Boydell, J. and J. History of the river Thames L,, 1794-97, 2 v. 4 1331 *Brereton, W. Travels in Scotland and Ireland in MS. 1844, f °. . . 1309 Britton, J. Illustrations of Fonthill Abbey. L., 1823, 4 1246 Views of Bath and Bristol. L., 1829, 4 1289 Costello, L. S. Falls, lakes and mountains of North Wales. L.,1845, ■ Sq. 12 x 1884 Coyne, J. *. Scenery and antiquities of Ireland. L., (n. d.) 2 v, 4 1234 Dibdin, T F. Tour in the north of England. L., 1838, 2 v. 8°. . 1233 Doings in London. L., (n. d.) 8° n 72 Dublin delineated. Dub., 1831, 12 1642 Dugdale, T. Curiosities of Great Britain. L., (n. d.) 7 v. 8°. - . . 1575 Elmes, J. London in the nineteenth century. L., 1829, 2 v. 4 . . . 1321 Enault, L. Angleterre, Ecosse, Irlande. P., 1859, 8° 1821 Englefield, H. C. Description of the isle of Wight L., 1816, 4 . . 1254 Excursions in the county of Suffolk. L., 18 18, 2 v. 12 11 75 Fisher, J. Picturesque tour of Killarney. L., 1789, ob f ° 1334 Garnett, T. Tour through the highlands. L., 1800, 2 v. 4 1265 Gaspey, W. Tallis's illustrated London. L., (n. d.) 2 v. 12 988 Giles, J. A. History of Bampton. Bampton, 1848, 8° 1479 Hall, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Book of the Thames. L., 1859, 8°. .... 591 W eek at Killarney. L., 1865, 4 755 Heath, J. Twelve views illustrative of Scott's poems. L., (n. d.) f ° 1277 Helps, A. Leaves from journal of life in the highlands. L.,1868, 4 1236 Hill, G. Facts from Gweedore. Dub., 1846, 1847, 2 v. 8° 245 Holmes's great metropolis. L., (n. d.) 8° 1965 Howitt, W. and M. Ruined abbeys and castles of Great Britain. L., 1862.4, 2 v. 8°.. . .. 674 The Wye. L., 1863, 12 ...... 136 Hughes, T. Stranger's hand-book to Chester. Chester, 1856, 8°.. . 1712 Hughson, D. Walks through London. L., 1817, 2 v. 8° 1884 Hulbert, C. Picture of Shropshire. Providence grove, 1838, f °.. . 1220 Illustrations to poetical works of Scott. L., 1834, 8° 1534 James, H. Plans and photographs of Stonehenge. (N.p.) i867,(l.p.)4° 1324 Jewitt and Hall. Stately homes of England. L., 1874, 8° 1654 Jones' views of seats of noblemen. L., 1829, 2 v. 4 1227 Leighton, J. M. Swan's views from above the falls of Clyde. Glas- gow, (n. d.) 8° 843 Loftie, W. J. Views in Wicklow and Killarney. N. Y., 1875, 8 °«- x 974 London interiors. L., (n. d.) 4 1230 Londonderry, mapof. MS. additions. (Dub., 1832) folded 936 McDermott, E. M errie days of England. L., 1859, 4 1268 Malton, J. Views o, Dublin, ob f ° 1 293 Manning and Green. English pictures. L., (n. d.) 8° 2094 Mason, W. S. Survey of Tullaroan. Dub., 18 19, 8°. . n 95 Montagu, Capt.W. Ten views of scenery in Ireland. Dub., 1850,12° 2032 Morris, T. O. Ancestral hom^ of Britian. L., 1868, 4 1239 Najaf Koolee Meerza. Residence in England. (No imp.) 2 v. 12 .... . . 1122 Neale, J. P. Views of the seats of noblemen in England, etc. L., 1818 1829, 11 v., 8°. ........ 1759 54 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Old England. A pictorial museum. L., 1845, 2 vols., f ° 1292 Parry, I. D. Illustrations of Bedfordshire. L., 1837, 4 1325 Petrie, G. Ireland Illustrated. L., (n. d.,) 4 122& Pool and Cash. Views in the city of Dublin. Dub., 1780, of4°. ... 1283 Proctor, E. K. Belfast Scenery. L., 1832, of 4 ., *3°5 Redding, C. Illustrated itinerary of Cornwall. L., 1842, 8° 441 Reid, J. T. Art rambles in the Highlands. L., 1878, 8° 2097 Ritchie, L. Ireland, picturesque and romantic. L., 1837, 8° 90S Rose, T. Westmoreland, Cumberland, &c, ill. L., 'n. d.) 3 v., 4 .. 1252 Russell, W. H. Memorial of the marriage of the Prince of Wales. L., 1863, f ° , 3I , Sandby, P. Select views in England, Scotland and Ireland. L., 1778, ob 4 128a Shirley, E. P. English Deer Parks. L., 1867, 8° 1685 Skelton's antiquities of Bristol. (No imprint,) 4 1310* Sketch of the north bank of the Thames. L., 1825, 4 D 12 60 Stanfield, C. Coast scenery. L., 1836, 8° 1631 Stolberg and Stuart. Costume of the clans. Edin., (etc.,) 1845, f°. . . 1258. Thornbury, W. Old and new London. L., (n. d.) 4 v. 4 1341 Thornton, T. Sporting tour in England. L., 1804, 8° 1269 Tillotson, J. Album of Scottish scenery. L., (n. d.) 4 I 5 I 3 Beauties of English scenery. L., (n. d.) 8° 1 1 75 Ireland and its scenery. L., (n. d.) 4 680 Picturesque scenery in Wales. L., (n. d.) 4 15 14 Trip to Ireland. (N. p.) 1699, f ° 1314 Views in Dublin. (No title page,) 1828, f ° 1336 Views in Great Britain and Ireland. L , (n. d.) 5 v. ob 4 1287 Views in Ireland. Plates. (No title,) 8° 1434 View of London and Westminster; or, the town spy. L., 1725, 12 1691 Walker, G. Scottish scenery. L., 1807, 12 1307 Walpole, G. A. New British traveller. L., 1784, f ° 1285 Watts, W. Seats of the nobility and gentry. Chelsea, 1779, ob 4 471 Select views in Bath and Bristol. L., 1819, 4 1229 Westall, W. Great Britain Illustrated. L., 1830, 4 121 7 Wilson and Chambers. Land of Burns. Glasgow, 1840, 2 v., 4 . 801 Wright, G. N. Ancient and modern Dublin. L., 1821, 12 1067 Illustrations of Scotland and the Waverly Novels. L., (n. d.) 2 v. 4 1 240 Tours in Ireland. L., 1823, 12 1066 Ziller, M. Itinerarium magnae Briitanniae. Strasburg, 1634, 8°... . 1794 CONTINENTAL *Ald worth, R. Journal of a voyage thro' Switzerland. Ms., 1788, 12 . 1817 Allom, T. Views in the Tyrol. L., (n. d.) 4 1249 Anderson G. Tour through Normandy Newcastle, 1820, f° 1236 Angas, G. F. Ramble in Malta and Sicily. L., 1842, 8° 1913 Antiquarian and topographical cabinet. L., 1 807-11, 5 v. 8° 214 Antiquarian itinerary. L., 1815, 7 v. 8° 15 16 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 55 Atkinson and Walker. Manners, customs and amusements of the Russians. L. , 1803, 3 v. f ° , 1 250 Barre, L. Herculaneum et Pompeii. P., 1870, 7 v. 8° 1169 Bartlett, W. H. Gleanings on the overland route. L., 1864, 8°. . . 694 Pictures from Sicily. L., 1859, 8° 529 Batty, R. Views of the principal cities of Europe. L., 1832, 4 . . . . 1291 Beknopte beschrijving van dem Rhijn-stroom. Amst., 1796, 4 1279 Belgium and Nassau; or, the continental tourist. L., (n. d.) 8°. . . . 385 Bracebridge, Mrs. Sketch of Athens. L., 1839, 4 . 1320 Bradford, Wm. Sketches in Portugal and Spain. L., (n. d.) f °. . . . 559 Braunius, G. Urbium praecipuarum mundi theatrum quintum. (No imprint,) f ° 1338 Brewer, J. N. Account of various palaces. L., 1810, 4 1329 Carr, J. Descriptive travels in Spain and the Balearic Isles. L , 181 1,4° 1326 Cockburn, Major. Swiss Scenery. L., 1820, 4 1276 Costello, D. Piedmont and Italy Illustrated, L., (n. d.) 2 v., 4 . . 1304 Crull, J. Ancient and present state of Muscovy. L., 1698, 12 . . . . 1916 Dillon, F. Sketches in Maderia. L., 1850, f ° 1295 Dufferin, Lady. Lispings from low Latitudes. L., 1863, ob 4 1741 Dunbar, M. J. M. Art and nature under an Italian sky L., i860, 8° 160 Duval, A. Les fontaines de Paris. P., (n. d.) f ° 1305 Dyer, T. H. Ruins of Pompeii. L., 1867, 4 1225 Forbes, J. D. Norway and its glaciers. E., 1853, 8° 1212 Travels through the Alps of Savoy. E., 1845, 8° 1200 Gelland Gandy. Pompeiana. L., 1852, 8° 922 Herbert, Lady M. E. Impressions of Spain in 1866. L., 1867, 8°. 850 Here and there over the water. L., 1825, 4 T 334 Hills, R. Sketches in Flanders and Holland. L., 1816. 4 1299 Honan, M. B. Andalusian sketch book. L., 1837, 4 1337 Italian scenes, L., 1825, 8° 1282 Journal of a party of pleasure to Paris. L., 1802, 8° 1571 Lear, E. Journals of a landscape painter in Albania. L., 1852 8°. 1433 Linton, E. L. The lake country. L., 1864, 8° 869 *Mang'n, S. H. Journal through Spain and Portugal in 18 10. MS.12 191 7 Matthews, G. Rough notes of a " lark." Belfast, 1845, 12 1937 Mayhew, H. The Rhine. L., (etc.) 1856, 8° 868 Mercey,M. Histoire et description de Trente et Inspruck. P., 1855, 8° 1296 Mercier, J. J. Mountains and lakes of Switzerland and Italy. N. Y., 1871, 4° 13 06 Murphy, J. Travels in Portugal. L., 1795, 4 . 1264 Musgrave, G. M. By-roads and battle fields in Picardy. L., 1861, 8° 1210 Nisard, D. Histoire et description de Nimes. L., 1855, 8° 1297 Ormonde, Marquis of An autumn in Sicily. Dub., 1850, 8° 1483 Palmer and Forrester. Wanderings of a pen and pencil. L., 1846, 8° 121 1 Poppel, and Kurtz. Berlin and Potsdam. Munchen, (n. d.) 8° 1682 Pronti, D. Nuova raccolta di 100 vedutive antiche di Roma. Roma, n. d.) 4 °.. 1267 Pugin, A. Paris and its environs, L., 1833, f ° 1274 Rheinhardt. Swiss costumes. *L., 1822, 8° 1221 Ritchie, L. Traveling sketches on the Rhine. L., 1833, 12° 1494 5.6 Philadelphia Mercantile Likrary Roscoe, T. Tourist in France. L., 1834, 12° 1180 Tourist in Italy. L., 1831, 3 V., 12 1181 Tourist in Spain. L., 1837, 12 1179 Tourist in Spain and Morrocco. L , 1838, 1 2 1 184 Tourist in Switzerland and Italy. L., 1830, 8° 996 Schmidt, A. A. Wien, illust. Wien, 1847, 8° 987 Shepherd, T. H. Metropolitan improvements, L., 1827, 4 1257 Stapfer, P. A. Histoire et description de Berne. P., 1835, 8 ° I2 98 Stato presente degli antichi monumenti Siciliani. (N. p.) 1767, f°. . 1242 Sullivan, J. Diary of a tour to Constantinople. (N. p.) 1857, 4 . . 1263 Taine, H. A. Tour through the Pyrenees. N. Y., 1874, 8° 1528 Taylor, J. B. (Ed.) Picturesque Europe. N. Y., 1875, 4° 1340 Tennant, C. Tour on the continent. L., 1824, 2 v. 8° 1403 Thevenot, Mons. de. Travels into the Levant. L., 1687, 8°. .... . 1332 Turner, J. M. W. River scenery in France. L., 1857, 8° . . 986 Wall street bear in Europe. N. Y., 1855, 12 2093 Wells, N. A. Picturesque antiquities of Spain. L., 1846, 8° 1430 Wey, F. Rome. N. Y., 1873, 4° . 1301 HISTORY OF ASIA AND AFRICA— Class 28a. Ball, Chas. Indian mutiny. L., (n. d.) 2 v., 4 398 Eden, E. Portrait of the princes and people of India. L., 1844, f°.. 430 Getty, E. Notices of Chinese seals. Dub., 1850, sm., 4 158 Hale, C. R , (et al.) Report on the Rosetta Stone. Pu., 1858, 4 .. 160 Humbert, A. Japan and the Japanese illustrated. N., Y., 1874, 4 440 Josephus, F. De antiquitatibus Judaeorum libri x. L., 1528, 8°. . . 118 Journal of the Am. Oriental Society. N. Y., 185 1, 8° 1 78 Kaempfer, E. History of Japan. L., 1727, 8, 2 v. f ° 159 Lin-le. History of the Li-ping revolution. L., 1866, 2 v. 8° 234 Muspratt, R. F. L. Reminiscence of Egyt. Liverpool, 1866, Sq 12 290 Ogilly, J. Asia. L., 1673, f° 433 Pettigrew, T. J. History of Egyptian mummies. L., 1834, 4 403 Smith, G. Chaldaean account of the deluge. L., 1872, f° 431 Ussher, J. Disquisition touching Asia. Oxf, 1643, 4 275 Wilkinson, Sir G. Ancient Egyptians. L., 1847, 5 v. 8° 95 TRAVELS IN ASIA AND AFRICA— Class 28b. Baker, V. Clouds in the East. L., 1876, 8° 1014 Bartlett, W. H. Nile boat. N. Y., 185 1, 8° 146 Botta, M. Letters on the discoveries at Nineveh. L., 1850, 8°. . . . 729 Breton, M. China: its costumes, arts and manufactures. L., 1824, 2 v. 12 528 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 57 Clark, E. L. Daleth ; —Egypt illustrated. B., 1864, 8° 400 Croly, G. Holy-land, Syria etc. L., 1855, 4 V. 4 968 Egerton, F. Tour in the Holy land. L., 1842, 8° 737 Edwards, A. B. Thousand miles up the Nile. L., 1877, 4 971 Falkener, E. Ephesus, and the temple of Diana. L., 1862, 8° ... . 919 Fortavion, C. C. La guerre de Chine. P., 1862, ob 8° 934 From the Nile to the Jurdan. B., 1873, 8°. . 671 Fytche, Albert. Burma, past and present. L., 1878, 2 v., 8° 1016 Gell, W. Topography of Troy. L., 1804, f ° 923 Harris, W. C. Wild sports in Southern Africa. L., 1844, 8° 63 Hawks, F. L. Expedition of an American squadron to Japan, W., 1856, 3 v., 4 912 Herbert, T. Travels in Africa and Asia. L., 1677, f° 969 Hodgkin, T. Journey to Morocco. L., 1866, 8° 884 Indian Alps and how we crossed them. L., 1876, 7, 8° 850 Langdon, VV. B. Ciiina and the Chinese. L., 1843, 8° 727 Letters wrtten during residence at the Court of Tripoli. L., 18 19, 2 v., 8° 1005 Mason, G. H. Costume of China. L., 1800, 4 337 O'Brien, C. Views in Ceylon. L., 1864, f ° 949 Perkins, J. Eight years in Persia. And., 1843, 8° 122 Perring, J. E. The pyramids of Gizeh. L., 1839, j?. f ° 1000 Petermann, A. Expedition to Central Africa. L., 1854, f °. 956 Pierotti, E. Jerusalem explored. L., 1864, 2 v. 4 933 Pococke, R. Description of the East. L. , 1743-45, f ° 967 Price,W. Journal of the British embassy to Persia. L., (etc.) 1832, 4 947 Rousselet, L. India and its native princes. L., 187?, 4 970 Schliemann, H. Mycenae and Tiryns. N. Y., 1878, 8° 898 Scott, A. N. Sketches in India. L., 1862, 12 864 Silver, J. M. W. Japanese manners and customs. L., 1867, 4 . . . . 922 Sleeman, W. H. Ramble of an Indian official. L., 1844, 2 v., 8°. 527 Solvyns, B. Costumes of Hindostan. L., 1804, 8° 935 Tillotson, John. Picturesque scenery in India. L., (n. d) 4 640 Veitch, S. F. F. Views in central Abyssinia. L., 1868, ob 8° 641 Walsh, R. Turkish Empire illustrated. L., (n. d.) 2 v. 4 957 Wilson, C. W. Ordnance survey of Jerusalem. (N. p.) 1865, 2 v., f ° 948 Wood, J. T. Discoveries at Ephesus. L., 1877, 8° 889 Wright, G. N. Views of China. L., 1843, 2 v., 4 . . , 438 GENERAL HISTORY— Class 20a. Betham, W. Geneological tables of Sovereigns. L., 1795, f °. . . . . 444 Bouell, C. Manual of heraldry. L., 1863, 8° 175 Burke, B. Orders of knighthood of all nations, L., 1858, 8° 138 Fleetwood, G. Inscriptionum # antiquarium sylloge. L., 1691, 8° 574 Fosbroke, T. D. Encyclopedia of antiquities. L., 1843, 2 v - 8 °«- 26 4 Hinton, H. L. Select historical costumes. N. Y., 1868, 8° 503 History of the late war. Dub., 1 774, 8° 580 58 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Horn, G. Orbis imperans. Lug. Batav., 1668, 12 589 Inghirami,C. Ethruscarum antiquitatum fragmenta. Franc, 1637, f° 448 Jovius, P. Historiarum sui temporis libri xxxxv. Lutetiae, 1553, f ° 436 Keder, N. De Argento runis. Lipsiae, 1703, 4 612 Knight's heraldric illustrations L., (n. d.) 4 , . . . . 427 Las Cases. Le Sage's atlas. L., 1813, f ° 415 Lloid, L. Consent of time. L., 1590, Sm 4 630 Mexia, P. et al. Times store-house. L., 1619, f° 442 Munster, S. Bescreibung der ganzen Welt- Basel, 1628 f ° 439 Ortelius, A. Theatrum orbis terrarum. Antverpia, 1603, f ° 440 Pauquet. Modes et costumes historiques. P., (n. d.) 4 426 Patin. et Eggelingius. De Numismatibus. Bremse, 1681, 4 573 Polybius. History. L., 1602? f ° 412 Praelectiones academicae in schola histor. Camd. Oxon., 1692,8°... 554 Prime, W. C. Coins, medals and seals ancient and modern. N. Y., 1861, 12° 126 Prophesie that hath lyeh hid, above these 2000 years. L., 1610, 12°. 605 Quad, M. Enchiridion cosmographicum. Colin, 1604, 4 567 Rivius, T. Historia navalis antiqua. L., 1633, 12° 583 Sainthill, R. Numismatic and other crumbs. Cork, 1857, 8° 5634 Snowden, J. R. Ancient and modern coins. Ph. i860, 8° 121 Statuti e constitutione del l'ordine de cavalieri di Santo Stefano. Fir- enze, 1577, 8° 657 Todd, J. H. Historical tablets and medallions. L., 1827, 4 445 Ussher, J. Annals of the world. L., 1658, 4 418 Winstanley, W. Historical rarities. L., 1684, 12° 582 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS— Class 29b. Belcher, E. Last of the artic voyages. L., 1855, 2 v. 8° 153 Brees, S. C. Guide and description of New Zealand. L., (n. d.,) 8° 409 Pictorial illustration of New Zealand. L., 1847. f ° 531 Cook, J. Plates and atlas to Cook's voyages. (No imprint) f ° . . . . 510 Fleckno, R. Relation often years travells. L., (about 1654,) 12 . 673 Haacke, W. Collection of original voyages. L., 1699, 12 488 Harris J. Collections of voyages and travels. L., 1744, 8, 2 v. f °. 518 Linschoten, J. H. van. Histoire de la navigation. Amst., 1619, 12 541 Voyages into East and West Indies. L., 1598, f ° 540 McCormick,R. Boat expedition in search of Franklin. L., 1854, 4 543 Marryat, F. S. Borneo and the Indian Archipelago. L., 1848, 8°. 546 Meares, J. Voyages from China to America. L., 1790, 4 522 Montgomery, J. E. Cruise of Admiral Farragut. N. Y., 1869, 8°.. 291 Moss, E. L. Shores of the Polar Sea. L., 1878, f ° 556 Purchas, S. Purchas his pilgrimage. L., 1613, f ° 54 2 Recueil de voyages en Afrique et en l'Amerique. Paris, 1674, 4 . . . 457 Ussher, J. From London to Persepolis. L., 1865, 8° 218 White, J. Voyage to New South Wales. L., 1 790, 4 515 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 59 BIOGRAPHY— Class 30. Andreana. Hist, of Maj. John Andr£ Ph., 1865, f ° 2057 Arnauld, A. Veritable portrait de Guillaume Henry de Nassau. (No title page) 1689, 12 4664 Arrival of Douglas at Hamilton palace, Sept. 14, 1843. Glasgow, 1844, f° 2039 Balgarnie, R. Life of Sir Titus Salt. L., 1877, 12 4902 Barksdale, C. Remembrancer of excellent men. L., 1670, 12 ... 4063 Barnes, W. H. Hist, of the fortieth congress. N. Y., 1869, 2 v. 8° 2471 History of Forty-first Congress. N. Y., 1872. 8° 2625 Belloy, Marquis de. Christopher Columbus. L., 1878, 4 2167 ^Biographical encyclopedia of Penna. Ph., 1S74, 4 2127 Biographical magazine. L., 1794, 8° 2589 Biographical memoirs of George Washington. Barnard, Vt. 1813, 12 2788 Blaugdone, B. Account of the travels of. L., 1691, 16 4465 Bonaventura de Bottis,F. Vita del Giovanni Dunsio Scoto. Venetia, 1698,4° 4538 Book of the illustratious. L., 1845, 4 2146 Boswell, A. Breefe memorial of J. Spottiswood. Edin., 1811, 4 . . 2134 Brewer, J. N. Histrionic topography. L., 1818, 8° 4311 British gallery of contemporary portraits. L., 1822, 2 v. 4 2126 Brough, R. B. Life of Sir John FalstarT. L., 1858, 8° 990 Bryan, M. Dictionary of painters and engravers. L., 1853, 8°. . . . 1706 Bryant homestead book. N. Y. , 1870, 8° 2597 Brydges, Sir E. Brief character of Lord Rokeby. Kent, 181 7, 8°. 3892 Burke, J. Portrait gallery of distinguished females. L., 1833, 2 v. 8° 4107 Burnet, G. Life of Sir Mathew Hale. L., 1682, 24 4372 Burroughs, S. Life of, by himself. Otsego, 1810, 12 3752 Butler, Mrs. Memoir of Rev. Richard Butler. (Not pub.) 1863, 8°. 3377 Byrne. J. Life and sufferings of. L., (n. d.) 12 4490 Cabinet portrait gallery. L., 1845, 6 v. 12 : 3192 Calamy, E. Non-conformists memorial. L., 1775, 2 v. 8° 1623 *Canning, G. Newspaper cuttings relating to. 8° 39 1 4 Carrick, A. Ancient earldom of Carrie. Edin., 1857, 12 3385 Carson, Ann. History of. Ph., 1822, 12 2901 Cartoon portraits of men of the day. L., 1873, 4 2158 Caulfied, J. Portraits, memoirs and characters. L., 181 3, 3 v. 8°. . 80 Century of Queens. N. Y., 1872, 8° 3087 Chambers, R. Biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen. Glasg. 1854, 9 v. 8° 1695 Clarendon, Earl of, Characters of eminent men. L., 1793, 4 . . . . 2050 Cleave, E. Biographical cyclopaedia of homoeopathic physicians and surgeons. Ph , 1873, 8°. .". 4643 Collard, J. Life of J. M. Hobart. L., 1794, 2 v. 12 3986 Collas, A. Authors of England. L., 1838, 4 2076 6o Philadelphia Mercantile Library Corry, J. Life of George Washington. L.,(n. d.) 12° 3241 County biography, lives of eminent characters. L., (etc) 1820, 12 . 3912 Cunningham, G. G. History of England in the lives of Englishmen. L., 1853 8v. 8° 590 Cussack, M. F. Life of Daniel O'Connell. N. Y., (n. d.) 8° 2095 Davenport, R. A. Dictionary of biography. L., 1831, 12 1708 Davis, O. W. Sketch of F. F. Cavada. Ph., 1871, 8° 4614 Dawson, H. B. Life of Davis. (No imprint) 1865, 8° 49*6 Delaplaine, J. Repository of the lives and portraits of distinguished Americans. Ph., 1815, 4 2148 Donaldson, J. Agricultural biography. L., 1854, 8° 3269 Dowling, W. Poets and statesmen. L , 1856, 8° 3717 *Dunglison,R. Brief memorial of J. K. Kane, in raised letters. (No title) 2° 2062 Duyckinck, E. A. Fitz-Greene Halleck. N. Y., 1868, 8° 2151 . - National portrait gallery. N. Y., 1862, 2 v. 4 201 1 Egerton, W. Life of Mrs. A. Oldfield. L., 1731, 12 3150 Eminent persons of Great Britain. L., 1820, 12 3325 Epistolarium ; or, fasciculi of curious letters. Bruges, 1845-1850, 8° 3515 Everett, E. Memorial of, from the city of Boston. B., 1865, 8°. . . 683 Fairholt, F. W. Homes and works of English artists. L., 1873, 8°. 4850 Field,D.D. Brief memoirs of the class of 1802, Y. C. N. H..1863, 8° 4064 Fifty wonderful portraits, engraved by Cooper and Page. L., 1824, 4 2028 Foppens, J.F. Bibliotheca scriptores Belgica. Bruxelles, 1 739, 2 v. 4 21 16 Forrest, M. Women of the South. N. Y., 1861, 8° 1592 Friswell, J. H. Life portaits of Shakespeare. L., 1864. 8°. . 1978 Frothingham, O. B. Life of Gerritt Smith. N. Y., 1878, 12 4853 Gallery of British portraits. L., 1838, 4 . . 4618 *Geary, J. W. Memorial of. Ph., 1873, 4 349$ Genealogical collections concerning the surname of Baird. L., 1870,4° 2143 Genealogical mem. of the family of Sothern. L., 1871, 4 2145 Germano, G. Vita, gesti, e predittioni del S. Malachia. Napoli, 1670, 8° 4645 Gilchrist, A. Life of W. Blake. L., 1863, 2 v. 8° 1465 Goodrich, F. B. Court of Napoleon. Ph., 187 1,. 2666 Graves, J. Life and marriage of Duke of Ormonde. Dub., 1864,8°. 4527 Memoir of the Lady Fitzgerald .Dub., 1874, 8° 4528 Griswold, R. W. Republican Court. N. Y., 1855, 8° 2014 Hall, A. Quarrel between Hall and Mallerie. L., 1815, 4° 4399 Hansard, L. Biographical memoir of. 12° 2160 Harding, G. P. Portraits of illustrious persons. L., 1869, f °. 2090 Harrison, J. Biographical cabinet. L., 1823, 2 v. 8° 3872 Hart, W. H. Memorial of Nell Gwynne. L., 1868, 4 3894 Harvey, M. C. Memorial of. (N. p.) 1858, (?) 12° 4772 Hawkesworth, J. Life of Swift. Dub., 1755, 12° 3941 Hayne, T. Life and death of Luther. L., 1641, 4°. - . . . 4 668 Head, R. Jackson's recantation. L., 1674, 4° . . . 3749 Heaton, Mrs. C. W. Leonardo da Vinci and his works. L., 1874,8° 4932 Hicks, T. Eulogy on T. Crawford. N. Y., 1865, 4 . 2163. Higginson,S. Ten chapters in the life of John Hancock. N.Y.,i857,8° 4935 Hillard, G. S. Memoir of James Brown. B., 1856, 8°.. . : 4779 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 6i Hind, J. Merry life of. L., 1818, 8° 2630 Hinman, R. R. Names of puritan settlers. Hartford 1846, 8°. .... 3800 History of William of Orange. (N. P.) 1688, 12 - 4561 Hobbes, T. Vita. L., 1681, 12 • 4383 Holloway, L. C. Ladies of the White House. N. Y., 1870, 8°. . . . 2470 Homes of American statesmen. Utica. 1856, 8° 1524 Hough, F. B. American biographical notes. Alb., 1875, 8° 4625 Memorial of the death of Washington. Roxb., 1865, 2 v. 8°. 2153 Howard A. Biographical illustrations. L , 1830, 4 2100 Hunt, L. Byron and his contemporaries. L., 1828, 2 v. 8° 3302 Hypolitus, Earl of Douglas, History of. L., 1741, 12 459° Illustrations to Irving's Life of Washington. N. Y., 1859, 8° 857 Illust. London News; — funeral of Wellington. L., 1852, f °. ..... . 2139 Jacob, J. J. Life of Michael Cresapi Cinn. 1866, 4 3085 Jerdan, W. National portrait gallery. L., 1830-34, 5 v. 8° 2096 Johnson, S. Account of his life written by himself. L., 1805, 12 . 273 Johnson, W. Life of N. Greene. Charleston, 1822, 2 v. 4 2007 Jovius, P. Illustrium yirorum vitae. Florentiae, 1549, 12 . 2109 Jumel, Mme. E. B. Obituary. N. Y., 1865, 8° 4934 Keith, G. Falsehood and persecution in Sam. Jennings. L., 1694, 4 3952 Kidd, Captain. Full account of. L., 1701, 8° 4242 Kit-cat club. Memoirs of. L., 182 1, 4- 2034 Leake, S. M. Life of Sir John Leake. L., 1750, 8° 4°73 Lee, H. Observations on the writings of Jefferson. N. Y., 1832, 8° 316 Leigh, E. & H. Select and choyce observations. L., 1657, 12 . . . 4353 Lester, C. E. Gallery of illustrious Americans. N. Y., 1850, f °. . . 2056 Letters on memoirs of G. F. Staunton. L., 1857, 12 4044 Life and death of Major Clancie. L., 1680, 12* 4603 Life of F. A. Danican (Philidor). Ph., 1858, 8° m 3172 Life of Chritsopher Bernard Van Gale. L., 1680, 12 4616 Lincolniania. B., 1865, 8° 3188 Livingston, J. Portraits of eminent Americans. N.Y., 1853,3 v. 8° 45 Ir Lives of British reformers. Ph., (n. d.) 12 1473 Longacre, & Herring. National portrait gallery. Ph., 1836, 4 v. 8°. . 2027 Lyon, Patrick, Narrative of. Ph., 1799, 12 4576 Maclise, D. Gallery of illustrious literary characters. L., 1873, 4 . 2125 Maffitt, J. N. Life of, by himself. Lond., 1821, 12 374^ Malvezzi, V. Alcibiades and Corialanus. L., 1650, 12 4393 Marsden. W. Life and writings of. L., 1838, 4 2154 Maurier, Baron. Lives of the Princes of Orange L., 1693, 12 . . . 4619 Maxwell, W. H. Life of Wellington. L., 1852, 3 v. 8°/. 1136 Memoirs of R. T. Paine, by his parents. N. Y., 1852, 4 2120 Men of mark. L., 1876-78, 2 v. 4 2170 Meteyard, E. Life of Josiah Wedgwood. L., 1865-6, 2 v. 8° 1662 Meyer, J. Life of Antonio Allegre da Corregio. L., 1876, 8°. . . . 4931 Monumentum sepulcrale di Mauritii. Franco furti, 1637, f° 2I 57 Moore, F. Heroes and martyrs. N. Y., 1861, 4 2035 Morris, A. S. The Morris family tree. Ph., 1861 2026 Mrs. Gurney's apology. Ph., i860, 8° 2629 National gallery, the. L., 1844, 4° • • • 2I2 4 National portrait gallery, (with coloured plates). L., 1877, 4 2161 6a Philadelphia Mercantile Library Nepos. Life and death of Pomponius Alticus. L., 1677, 12 4351 Netherclift, F. Autograph miscellany. L., 1855, *" ° 2\di Nevin, A. Men of mark of Cumberland Valley. Ph., 1876, 8° 2150 Norton, Mrs. C. Letters, etc. (No imprint) 1836-41, 8° 4127 Oxberry, W. Dramatic biography. L., 1825-7, 6 v. 12 1299 Palmer, A. H. Genealogy of the Palmer family. L., 1872, 8°, . . . 2779 Parry family records. Ph., 1877, 12 4898 Passavant, J. D. Raphael of Urbino. L., 1872, 8° 2656 *Peterson, R. E. Review of G. W. Childs. (No imprint) 8° 4483 Pilkington, Mrs. L. Letter to Mrs. T C. Philips. L., (n. d.) 12 .. 4120 Plon, E. Life and works of B. Thorvaldsen. B., 1873, 12 3079 Porter, D. Memoir Com. David Porter. Alb., 1875, 8° , . , . . 4438 Portraits. (No title) 8° 3262 Portraits of distinguished clergymen. L,, 1800, 437 Prior, M. Memoirs by himself. L., 1722, 12 3742 Pulpit memorials. L., 1878, 8° . 4884 Ramkins, A. Memoirs of, by himself. Dub., 1741, 12 3933 Reed, W. B. Life of Esther De Berdt. Ph., 1853, 12 3785 Reeve, L. Portraits of men of eminence. L., 1863, 6 v. 4 3 I 9 ( > Riedesel, Mad. de. Letters and memoirs. N. ¥.,1827, 12 462 Scriverius, P. D. Erasmi vita. Lugd. Batav.. 1649, 12 4646 Segar and Penson. Pedigree of Sir Wm. Cole. (No place) 1870, f ° 2131 Shakespeare memorial. L., 1864, f ° 2029 Shea, J. G. Fallen brave. N. Y., 1861, 4 2015 Shedd, J. A. Famous painters and painting. B., 1876, 8°, 4385 Shirtliff, R. Oration on Washington. Walpole, 1800, 12 2999 Shore, Mrs. Jane. Life and death of. (No imprint) 12 4287 Simpson, H. Lives of eminent Philadelphians. Ph., 1859, 8° 1170 Sketches of men of mark. N. Y., 1871, (1 p.) 8° 2085 Smeeton, G. The Unique. L., 1824, 3 V. 12 4249 Smiles, D. Lives of Boulton and Watt. L , 1865, 8° 1760 Lives of engineers. L , 1861, 2, 3 v. 8° 1365 Smith, J. H. Major Andre. L., 1808, 8° 3663 Smith, Mary R. D. Recollections of La Maquis de Boissy and the Count de Waldeck. Ph., 1878, 12 493 8 Smith, R M. The Burlington Smiths. Ph., 1877, 4 21 71 Solly, N. N. Life of David Cox. L., 1873, 8° 3849 Some account of Lord Boringdon's accident. (No title page) 18 18, 4 21 10 Sparks, J. Memoirs of. (No title) 8° 3072 Spooner, S. Biog. History of the fine arts. N. Y. # 1867, 2 v. 8°.. . 2472 Steinman, G. S. Althorp memoirs. (N. p.,) 1869, 8° 4155 Stemmata Shireleiana. Westminister, 1873, 4 2144 Stephens, F. G. Memoirs of Sir Landseer. L., 1874, 8° 3875 Memorials of Mulready. L., 1867, 4 3526 Stiles, E. History of the three judges. Hart., 1794, 12 505 Swinburne, A. C. William Blake, a critical essay. L., 1868, 8°. . . 2382 Tate, N. Life of Lewis of Bourdon L., 1693, 12 4414 Taylor, W. C. National portrait gallery. L., (n. d.) 2 v. 4 2101 Thomas, L. B. Genealogical notes. Bait., 1877, 4 2168 Torsellinus, H. Historia dell 'origine e translatione della Santa Casa. Venetia, 1621, 12 4794 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 63 Tuckerman, H. T. Character and portraits of Washington. N. Y., 1859, 4 2023 Vale, G. Life of Thos. Paine. N. Y., 1853, 8° 2882 VerheidenJ. Praestantium aliquot theologorum effigies. Hagae,i6o2,f° 2136 Walmsley, E. Physiognomical portraits. L., 1822, 2 v. 8° 1945 Ware, T. Life and travels by himself. N. Y., 1839, 12 43 23 Washington, G. Fac simile of accounts. W. 1833, sm f ° 2025 Washingtoniana, The. Bait. 1800, rep. N. Y., f865, 8° 2722 Waverly f allery of female characters. N. Y., i860, 8° 3204 Wellington, Duke of. Obsequies. L., (n. d.) 12 4600 Wellington souvenir: a golden record. L., 1852, 12 4517 Wills, J. Lives of illustrious Irishmen. Dub., 1840-7, 6 v. 8°. . . . 749 Wilson, Mrs. C. B. Our actresses. L., 1844, 2 v. 12 3332 Wilson, H. Wonderful characters. L., 182 1, 3 v. 8° 2916 Winter, S. Life and death of. L., 1671, 16 4145 Wornum, R. N. Life and works of Holbein L., 1867, 8° 2019 Wyatt, T. Memoirs of generals and commanders. Ph., 1848, 8°.. 3539 Wynne, J. Memoirs of Major S. Ringgold. Bait. 1847, 8° 385 7 RELIGION— Class 32. Abbadie, J. Truth of Christian Religion. L., 1694, 8° 8575 Albertus a Sarthianus. Opera omnia. Romae, 1688, f ° 7850 Allen, W. Copiad' una lettera. Firenze, 1588, 8° 7460 Amharic epistles, (Eihiopic.) (No title) 4 4597 Anglus, P. Looking glass, for the quakers, L., 1689, 8° 4401 Antonius de Padua. Concordantiae morales sacorum bibliorum. Romae, 1624, 4° 8338 Apology for the protestants of France. L., 1680, 8° 7027 Aquila, P. de. Super quatuor libros sententiarum. Venetiis, 1601, 4 7184 Arnoldus, G. Fratrum sororum que appellatio inter Christianos. Franc, 1696. 8° 4669 Arsdekin, R. Theologia tripartita universa. Dilingae, 1694, f°. . . . 5789 Baber, H. H. Psalterium graecum e cod. Ms. Alexandrine L., 1812, f ° 2534 Bacheler and Owen. Discussion on the existence of God. N. Y., 1832, 1854, 2 v. 12 1566 Bale, J. Acta romanorum pontificum. Franc, 1567, 8° 7609 Second part of English votaries. L., 1551,12° 8625 Ball, E. C. The christian armor. N. Y., 1866, 4 3142 Barclay, R. Catechism. Ph., 1 773, 12° 4697 Barlow, W. Summe and substance of the Hampton court confer- ence. L., 1604, 12° 6455 Barnard, N. Penitent death of J. Atherton. Dub., 1641, 8° 5258 Barns et Bale. De vitis pontificum Romanorum. Lugd., 1615, 12°. . 8689 Barrow, I. Sermons. L., 1685, 12° . 8062 Bayly,A.(Ed.) Anthems used in his majesty's chapel royal. L., 1769, 8° 6994 64 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Beard, T. Theatre of God's judgments. L , 1631, 8° 5939 Beattie, W. The Waldenses. L., 1838, f ° 2071 Beccatelli, L. Vita Reginaldi Pole. L.J 1690, 8° 7490 Bedford, A. Scripture chronology. L., 1730, f° 5774 Behme, J. Aurora: that is, the Day-spring. L., 1656, 4 7746 Bekker, B. The world bewitch'd. L., 1695, 12° 9325 Beresford and Stephens. Correspondence. L., 1855, 8° 77io Beriayn, J. de. Doctrina Christiana. Pamplona, 1626, 12 75 40 Berjeau, J. P. Canticum canticorum. L., i860, f ° 35°* Bernard, N. Judgement of the arch-bishop of Aimagh. L., 1657,12° 7012 Bevendge, W. Sermons. L., 1690, 4 8372 Bible — Arabic text. 8° 4225 . Biblia: dat is d? gantsche H. Schrifture. Dortr., 1741, f°.. 9004 . Gaelic testament. Dun-Eudain, 1 767, 8° 7862 . Divinae Scripturae veteris novemque cmnia ed. Lonicerus, torn. I. Argent., 1526, 12° 7276 Novum Testamentum. Gr. andLat. ed. Beza. (N. p.) 1580, 8° 5898 * The Holy Bible, conteyning the Old Testament, and the New. London, Barker. i6n,f° 5747 The family expositor. Dundee, 1763, f° 5712 Brown's self-interpreting. N. Y., 1792, f ° 4975 with engravings by Fittler. L., 1795, 3 V. 8° 49 J 9 . Ph., 1798, 2v. f° , 4953 Ed. by D'Oyley and Mant. Camb., 1823, 3 v. 4 7806 Binning, H. Sinners sanctuary. L., 1670, 12° 3934 Blackburne, L. The unreasonableness of anger. L., 1694, 12°. . . 9282 Blondel, D. Treatise of the sibyls. L., 1661, 8° 4164 Bonaparte, L. Celtic hexapla : Song of Solomon. L.,1858, 4 .. 7260 Bonaventura, S. Itinerarius mentis in deum. (S. 1. et a.) 12° 8413 Bonifacius VIII liber vi decretalium. Antwerpiae, 1572, f ° 495 2 Boreman, R. The pattern of Christianity. L., 1663, 12° 9281 Boyle, R. Cogitationes de scipturae stylo. Ox., 1665, 16° 7149 Final causes of natural things. L., 1688, 8° 7369 Physico- theological considerations on the resurrection. L., 1675, 12° 79*4 . Same motives to the love of God. L., 1670, 12 7007a Wonderful prodigies. L., 1682, 12° 7002 Bramhall, J. Church of England defended. L., 1659, 12° 6461 . Just vindication of the church of England. L., 1654, 8°. . . . 6984 Replication to Chalcedon's survey. L., 1656, 12° 8933 Brerewood, E. Diversity of languages and religions. L., 1674, 12° 9509 Bridge, William. Truth of the times vindicated. L., 1643, 8°. . . . 5231 Bromley, T. Way to the Sabbath of rest. Gtn., 1759, 8° 6237 Brown, Geo. Reformation of the church of Ireland in the life of. Dub., 1681, 4 8328 Bulkeley, P. The gospel- covenant. L., 1646, 4 8043 Bunyan, J. Illustated polyglot Pilgrim's Progress. N. Y., 1876, 12° 34ac Burgus, A. G. de. Tractatus scholastico-morales. Erfurti, 1673, 4 8766 Burnet, G. Subjection for conscience sake, and other sermons. L., 1675, 4° 7676 Burnyeat, J. The truth exalted in the writings of. L., 1691, 8°. . . 8472 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 65 Butler, J. Date of the birth of Christ. L., 16 71, 12 ° 8532 Burrough and Howgil. Visitation of the rebellious nation of Ireland. L., 1656, 4 8862 Calvin, J. Epistolae et responsa. Geneva, 1585, f ° 5785 Harmonie upon the evangelists. L., 1610, 8° 347° Camfield, B. Discourses of episcopal confirmation. L., 1682, 12 . 7916 Campanus, I. A. Omnia opera. Mediolani, 1493, f ° 9010 Cane, J. V. Fiat lux. (N. p.) 1662, 12° 7971 Canice. Vita sancti Kannechi. Dub., 1853, 8° 9160 Carleton, C. Jurisdiction, regall, episcopall, papall. L., 1610, 8°. 3712 Carolan,N. Motives of conversion to the catholick faith. Dub. , 1 688, 4 7717 Castlemaine, Earl of. The catholique apology, with a reply to the answer, 3d. ed. (N. p.) 1674, 12° 8168 Reply to the answer of the catholique apology. (N.p.) 1668, 12 8169 *Catechism for youth, etc. Ph., 1 783, 12 9626 Catechism of the doctrines of the church of Rome, with an answer. L., t686, 12 8798 ^Catholic emancipation. Broadsides. Newcastle, 1829, 4 ° 7815 Cats and Farlie. Moral emblems. L., i860, 8° 2025 Cavellus, H. Duns Scoti theol. princ. in sentent. questiones. Ant. 1620, 2 v. f ° 5793 Duns Scoti questiones super libris Aristotelis de anima. Lugd., 1625, f° 9180 Chanler, I. Doctrines of glorious grace. B., 1744, 8° 4136 Church, H. Good man's treasury. L., T636, 12 4498 Churches of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely. Camb. 1845, 8°. 7779 Clarendon, Earl of. Brief view and survey of errors in Hobbes's Le- viathan. Oxon., 1676, 8° 8343 Clark, E. L. Inscriptions in the burial grounds of Christ Church, Phila. Ph., 1864, 12 8118 Clark, F. P raxis in curiis ecclesiasticis: ed Bladen. Dub., 1666, 4 8863 Cobbet, T. Discourse of prayer. L., 1657, 12 7978 Cole, W. Warharftige zeitunge von auffgang des evangelii. Gen., 1559. I2 ° 8765 Collection of letters and conferences. (No place) 1590, 12 7284 Confessions of faith — Baptist. Ph., 1743, I2 ° 5°57 Conrius, F. Tractatus de statu parovulorum sine baptismo. Lovanii, 1640, 4 ... 8690 Corbet, J. Ungirding of the Scottish armor. Dub., 1639,4° 7636 Cornthwaite, T. Sunday readings. L., 1867, 12° 7999 Cotton, J. Comentary on the epistle of John. L., 1658, f ° 6782 Doctrine of the Church. 1644, 12° 7977 Crellius, J. De uno deo patre libri duo. Racoviae, 1631, 8° 4652 Cressy, H. P. de. Exomologesis. P., 1647, 12° 7150 Dallie, J. De fidei ex scripturis demonstratione. Geneve, 1660, 12° 6934 Danson, T. The quakers folly. L., 1659, 12° 4782 Davis, A. J. Arabula. B., 1868, 12° 4319 Declaration by congregational sddetiesin London. L., 1647, 12°. . 6788 DeFoe, D. Occasional conformity of dissenters. Dub., 1698, 4 . . 8261 Dickson, D. Explanation of the epistle to the Hebrews. Dub., 1637, 12° 70IO 66 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Dickson, D. Expositio analytica omnium apostolicarum epistolarum. Glasg., 1645,8° 5144 Dionyius Syrus. History of our blessed Savior. Dub., 1695, 4 . .. . 9128 Directorum novitiorum ordinis Cartusiensis. (N. p.) 1676, 12° 8759 Dodwdell, H. Christianity not founded on argument. L., 1743, 12° 4720 Dissertationes in Irenaeum. Oxniae, 1689, 8° 7081 . Reply to Mr. Baxter. L., 1681, 12° 5662 Two letters of advice. Dub., 1672, 12° 7454 Dopping, A. Speech to his majesty, July, 7. L., 1690, f ° 7835 Downame, G. Lectures on the XV psalme. L., 1604, 8° 5851 Treatise concerning antichrist. L., 1603, 8° : 7620 Downame, J. Consolations for the afflicted, L., 1613, 8° 6765 Sermons. L., 1608, 8° 7565 Drake, S. G. Witchcraft delusion in New England. Rox., 1866, 3 v. 8° 1974 Du Bartas, G. de S. La sepmaine, ou creation du monde. N. p. , i593> 12° 6205 Duns Scotus, J. Aurea quarti sententiarum expositio. Parisiis, 5783 1497, f°. ' Scriptum super canticum canticorum Salomonis. Roma, 1664, f° 780J Scriptum in quartum librum sentententiarum P. Longobardi. Ven., 1480? f ° 5716 Dunton, J. Religion of a bookseller. L., (n. d.) 8° 18 Durham, W. Sermon preached 21st Nov. 1675. L., 1676, 8°. . . . 9283 Egan, A. The Romanists designs detected. L., 1674, 4 8282 ■ Book of rates used in the sin-custom house. L., 1674, 8° 8270 Eggleston, E. Christ in art. N. Y., 1875, 4 5782 English hexapla. L., 1841, 4 7825 Eusebius Pamphilus. Chronicon. Venetiis, 1483, 8° 6361 Extracts from various authors. L., 1868, 12° 75^9 Faber, F. P. Disputationes theologicae. Venet. 1629. 2 v. 8°.... 7813 Fergusson, J. Tree and serpent worship. L., 1868, 4 4951 Fitzsimon, H. The justification and exposition of the masse. (N. p.) 1611, 8° 8635 Flavel, J. Navigation spiritualized, L., 1665, 12° 7560 Ford, J. The necessity and dignity of marriage. L., 1735 >8°. . . . 2398 Form of Presbyterial church government. Ph., 1745, 12° 6950 Fox, G. Epistle to the royal priest-hood. L., 1660, 12° 5993 Fox, J. Acts and monuments of the church. L., (n. d.) R 8° 2010 Fragonard, T. Vie de Jesus Christ. P., 1840, 4 49 68 Franklin , J. Parables of our Lord, illustrated. Ph., (n. d.) 4 2120 Frassen, C. Scotus academicus, seu doct. subt. theologica dogmatica. P., 1672-3, 2 v. f ° 579i Freman, G. Golden remains. L., 1682, 12° 7968 Froude, J. A. Nemesis of faith. L., 1849, 12° 6441 Garvey, J. The conversion of Philip Corwine. Dub., 1681, 12°. . 8235 Gell, R. Essay on the English bible. L., 1659, f ° 7845 Gerberon, G. L'histoire de la robe sans couture de seigneur Jesus- Christ. (No imprint) 1677, 12° 6963 *Gibb, Adam. Antidote against a new heresy. Edin., 1777, 12°. . 9625 Godwin, F. Catalogue of the bishops of England. L., 1601, 8°.. . 8009 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 67 Golden thoughts from golden fountains. L., (n. d.) 8° 3168 Gordon, J. F. S, Kcclesiastical chronicle for Scotland. Glasgow, 1867, 4 v. 4 7808 Gratius, O. Fassiculus rerum expetendarurn ac fugiendarum. L., 1690, 2 v. f ° 579 2 Guide to devotion for use of the blind. B., 1846, 4 101 Hall, J. Honor of the married clergie. L., 1620, 12 7909 Works. L., 1634, f ° 5731 Harrisson, T. Spiritual logic. L.. 1658. 12 9260 Hessen-Darmstadtisches gesangbuch. Darms., (n. d.) 12 4693 Heylyn, P. Sermon preached in the Collegiate church of St. Peter. L., 1661, 12 9280 Historical collections of the church in Ireland. L., 1681, 8° 7080 History of the pope's nephews. L., 1673, 8° 5908 Hobbes, T. Questions concerning liberty. L., 1656, 8° 7233 Hoby, E. A letter to Mr. Theopilus Higgins. L., 1609, 12 8243 Holland, H. Commentaries upon the revelation of St. John. L., 1650, 8° 6785 Hommius, F. Disputationes theologicae. Ox., 1639, 12 8762 Hooker, T. Unbelievers preparing for Christ. L., 1638, 4 7941 Hopkins, E. The almost christian. L., 1693, 12 8138 Home, T. H. Landscape illustrations of scripture. L., 1836 1837, 8° 4625 Hospinianus, R. Monachis ; hoc est de origine et progressu mona- | chatus. Tiguri, 1609, f° 5768 Houston, G. Ecce homo. N. Y., 1827, 12 373& Hugo, H. Pia desideria. L., 1677, 32 7865 Huit, E. Prophecie of Daniel explained. L., 1643, 8° 8007 Hurd, VV. Religious rites of the world. L., (n. d.) f ° 4974 Ince, W. Lot's little one. L., 1640, 12? 8403 Is it right for a christian to marry two sisters. Dub., 1863, 12 . . . . 7891 *Isadorus Hisp. De sumno bono. Halber, 1522, f° 9181 Johnson, S. Purgatory proved by miracles. L., 1688, 8° 8174 Jones, H. Sermon at the funeral of Margetson. L., 1679, 12 . . . 8236 Judgment and doctrine of the clergy of the church of England. L., 1687, 8° 8267 Kearnaeus, B. Heliotropium. Lugduni, 1622, 8° 7357 *Keith, G. Truth advanced. (N. p.) 1694, 4 7868 Kcnnett, W. Thanksgiving sermon Sept. , 7. 1704. L., 1704, 4 .. 8366 King, P. Enquiry into the constitution of the primitive church. L., f 169I, 12° 8571 King, W. A second admonition to the dissenting inhabitants of !" Derry. Dub., 1695, 12 6623 Knox, A. Inquiry into the eucharistic symbols. Dub., 1824, 12 .. 5241 La Militiere, M. Victory of truth. Hague, 1654, 12 8973 Leigh, E. Treatise of the divine promises. L., 1650, 12 8048 Leslie, H. Discourse of praying. L., 1661, 12 8572 Lewin, T. Life and epistles of St. Paul. L., 1874, 2 v. 4 5 79 8 Lippelous, Z. Vitae sanctorum. Coloniae, 1616, 4 v. 12 8760 Lupton, D. Glory of their times or the lives of ye primitive fathers. L., 1640, 8°.. 3481 Lupus, C. Exhibitio ss. canonum stabilita. Lovanii, 1674, 12 . . . 8412 68 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Macqueen, J. Christian pilgrims conduct. L., 1699, 12° 8255 Magius, H. De eqimleo liber primus. Amstel., 16O4, 16°, 8800 Major, J. Magnum speculum exemplorum. Col. Agrip., 1701, 4 . 7219 Manganellis, F. L. Discursus praedicables super Duns Scoti cantica canticorum. Matriti, 1619, 4 7220 Marriage ceremonies of the world. L., 1 744, 12 7919 Marriott, W. B. Vestiarium christianum. L., 1868, 8° 7745 Matta, J. de. Triumphi Jesu Christi. Dub., 1652, 8° 7207 Mastrius, B. Disputationes theologicae. Venetiis, 1698, 4 v. f °. . . 9023 *Mather, R. Church government discussed L., 1643, 4 8159 Mauquin, G. De praedestinatione et gratia. Lutetia, 1650, 2 v. 8° 7208 Mauritius de Porta. Scriptum super senten. Duns Scoti. Venetiis, 1506, 2 v. f ° 7802 Moneta, J. P. Tractatas tres beneficiales. Col. Agrip., 1620, 8°. . 4653 Moore, J. Sermon preached 28th. May. L., 1682, 12 9278 More, H. Antidote against atheism. L., 1653, 12 7994 Morford, T. Baptist and independent churches. L., 1660, 12°. . . . 8165 Morris, T. Sermon at the funeral of Roger Boyle. L., 1681, 12 . . 8234 Mousseaux. R. G. de. Dieu et les dieux. P., 1854, 8° 4497 Muggleton, L. Acts of the witnesses of the spirit. L., 1699, 4 . . . 8335 Murder will out j or the king's letter. L., 1689, 4 8605 Mysterie of iniquity. L., 1643, 12 7371 New England primer. Hartfoid. 1843, I2 ° 1 7 8 7 Noris, H. de. Historia Pelagiana. Patvinum, 1677, f ° 5788 North, D. Ld. Light in the way to Paradise. L., 1682, 12 8003 Norton, J. Orthodox evangelist. L., 1657, 8° 6999 Occom, S. Sermon on the execution of Moses Paul. New Haven, (n. d.) 12 4248 O'Conner, B. Lumen orthodoxum. Bulsani, 1661, 12 8845 O'Kelly, E. De P. Theology for the people. L., 1855, 12° 8527 O'Leary. Essay on toleration. Ph., 1785, 12 7282 Ordo administrandi sacramenta. Tolosae, 1676, 24 8193 Ordo baptizandi. (No title page.) 1639, 24 81 75 Origenis contra Celsum libri VIII. Cantab, 1658, 4 781 1 Paget, J. Defence of church government. L., 1641, 4 6386 Pagitt, E. Christianographie. L., 1635, 4 7727 Paleotus, A. Jesu Christi crucifixi stigmata sacra sindoni impressa. Venetiis, 1606, f ° 7S48 Parry, E. David restored. Oxf., 1660, 8° 7005 Paxton, J. Illustrations of Paley's natural theology. Oxf., 1826, 8° 6180 Penn, W. Defence of a paper entitled gospel truths. Bristol, 1698, 12 8133 Pennington, I. Letter to friends in England. (No title page) 1666, 12 5934 Pennotus, G. Historia tripartita sacri ordinis clericorum canonicor- um. Romae, 1623, f ° 9001 Percival, A. P. Origines Hibernicae. Dub., 1849, 8° 7853 Perry, W. S. (Ed.) Papers relating to history of church in Massa- chusetts. (No place) 1873,4° 9014 . Papers relating to the history of the church in Virginia, (No place) 1870, 4 9° 21 Persecutions of the reformed churches in France. L., 1699, 12°. . . 6792 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 69 Pictorial history of the bible. L., 1835, 4 7822 PigotJ. Life of man symbolised by the months of the year. L.,1866, 4 2121 *Pilkington, M. The christian's comforter. MS., 1736, 4 8521 Pollini, G. Historia ecclesiastica. Roma, 1594, 8° 7809 Poncius, J. Theologiae cursus integer. Lugd., i67i,f° 90 11 Popes brief, the. L., 1643, 8° 7469 Porter, F. Securis evangelica ad haeresis radices posita. Romae, 1674, 8° 7356 Practices of the faithful. L., (n. d.) 16 7009 Prance, M. Horrid popish plot and the trial of the Jesuits. L.,1679, f° 7830 Presbyterian loyalty briefly demonstrated. (N. p.) 1680, 8° 5206 Preston, J. The new covenant ; or, saints portion. L., 1634, 8°. . 3480 Prynne, W. Unbishoping of Timothy and Titus. L., 1636, 8°. . . 7040 Psalter of David. L., 1691, 12 . 8569 *Quadragesimale de filio prodigo. (S. 1.) 1494, 12 3070 Quakers unmasked. L., 1691, 8° 4217 Rada, J. de. Controversiae theologicae inter S. Thomum et Scotum. Sala., 1586, 1599,2 v. f ° 7812 Raemundus, F. Historia memorabilis de ortu etc haeresum vi seculi. Col. Agr., 1655, 4 . • . • 8348 Rainoldes, J, Originall of Episcopacy. L., 1641. 4 7287 Reformatio legum ecclesiasticarum. L., 1640, 8° 3680 Rhind, W. C. Historical map of the Marian persecution. L., (no imprint) 2407 Rogers, T. The faith, doctrine and religion, professedin England. Camb., 1675, 4 . 7989 Rjyardus, J. H jmiliae per festivitates sanctorum. (No imprint) 12° 8763 Rutherfurd, S. Disputation against pretended liberty of conscience. L., 1649, 4 8858 Sacrae ecclesiae orationes. Argentinae, 15 16, 8° 7443 ■Sarnanus, C. Concilatio controversiarum quae in doct. S. Thomae et I. Scoti passim leguntur. Romae, 1589, 4 7810 Sanctorum patrum de gratia Christi et libero arbitrio dimicantium trias. (S. 1.) 1647, 4 9002 Seaton, A. Testimony of tender advice and counsel. (No title page.) 1688, 4 8463 Sedulius Scotus Hibern. In omnes epistolas Pauli collectaneuiru Basilece, 1528, f Q . 8309 In omnes Pauli epistolas annotations. Basileae, 1538, f °.. . 8308 Sermon on the Murther of Charles I. By P. M. Dub., 1671,12°.. 8404 Sermons etc. 1680 — 1 700, 8° 7654 Shepard, T. Clear sunshine of the gospel. N. Y., 1865, 4 . . . . . . 7227 The sincere convert. L., 1659, 12° 7086 — — The sound believer. L., 1645, 12°. 7983 ■ Works. L., 1648 — 1650, 3 v. 12° 7950 Sherlock, et al. Sermons. L., 1695, 4 7673 Sibthorp, C A friendly advertisement to pretended catholicks. Dub., 1622, 8° • 8405 Sicke men's salve. L., 1607, 8° 6025 Simonides, C. Fac-similes of portions of St. Mathew, epistles of St. James and Jude. L., 1861, P ■ 2006 70 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Sinnichius, J. Confessionistarum goliathismus profligatus. Lovanii, 1657, 4° 8337 Skipp, E. The world's wonder. L., 1655, 12° 8135 Smith, F. Growth and decay to godliness. L., 1660, 12° 7912 Smith, H. Collection of writings. L., 1683, 4 . .. 8042 Smith, H.B, Church of Christ in chronological tables. N. Y.,iS66, f ° 3500 *Smith, R. Detection detected. Lancaster, 1757, 12 9627 Some of the quakers contradictions. (No title page) 8° 4216 Some of the quakers principles and doctrines. L., 1693, 8° 4389 Spelman, H. De Sepultura. L., 1641,12° 7045 Spurstowe,W. England's patterne and duty. L., 1643, 8° 8315 Stan i hurst, G. Quotidiana christiani mil itis tessera. Col., 1673, 12° 9624 Stillingfleet, E. Doctrines of the church of Rom.?. S., 1686, 4 . . . . 8317 Origines Britannicae. L., 1685, t ° 9006 Syntagma thesium theologicarum in academia Salmuriensi disputata- rum. Sal., 1665, 4 7818 Taylor, J. Answer to the Ld Bp of Rochester. L , 1656, 16° 8530 Collection of offices or forms of prayer. L., 1690, 12° 8567 Collection of polemicall discourses. L., 1674, f ° 7843 Discourse concerning prayer extempore. L., 1646, 12° 8573 Discourse on confirmation. Dub., 1663, 4 7705 Dissuasive from popery. Dub., 1664, 4 7887 Doctrine and practice of repentance. L., 1655, 8° 6568 Doctor dubitantium : or rule of conscience. D., 1676, f°. . . 7805 Rules and advices to the clergy. L., 1663, 8° 7758 Sermon at funeral of John Bramhall. L., 1663, 8° 6517 State of man in this life. L., 1692, 16° 7559 Tennent, G. Discourses. Ph., 1745, 12° 599^ Necessity of holding fast the truth. B., 1743, 12° 599$ Sermon, Dec. 24, 1747. Ph., 1747, 12° 6246 Testimonie of antiquitie showing the ancient fayth. L., 1567, 12°. . 6484 Thorndike, H. Epiloque to tragedy of church, of England. L , 1659, f c 7847 Thoughts on the nature of war. Ph., 1 766, 12° 47° 2 Three holy kings. N. Y., 1868, 8° 3780 Tirinus, J. In Scripturam commentarius. Ant., 1668, f° 2075 Toland, J. An apology for. L., 1697, 12° 7046 Pantheisticon. Cosmopoli, 1 720, 8° 6862 Towgood, R. Disloyalty of language. Bristoll, 1643, 12° 5018 Tracts on popery. L., 1673 — 1690, Sm # , 4 7688 Tymme, T. A Godly exposition of the gospel of Mathew. L., 1559, 8° 2078 Usher, J. Body of divinitie. L., 1647, 8° 5781 Britannicarum ecclesiarum antiquitates. L., 1687, f ° 7826 Chronologia Sacra. Ox. , 1 660, 4 8935 Gotteschalci et praedestinatiae controversiae ab eo motae his- toria. Dub., 1631, 4 ... 8940 Immanuel, or Mystery of incarnation. L., 1638, 12° 8242 Of prelatical episcopacy. L., 1641, 4 8284 Opusculaduo. L., 1687, 12° . ... 8688 The power communicated by God to the Prince. L.,1688, 8° 8178 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 71 Usher, J. The prophecy of. L., 1637, 12 8265 Prophecys concerning the return of popery. L., 1682, 4 . . . 8285 Prophesies and predictions. L., 1678, 12 3856 The reduction of episcopacy, (n. p.) 1689, 8° 8218 Rights of primogeniture. L., 1648, Sm. 4 7555 Speedy conversion ; sermons. L., 1662, 8° 8546 Vorstius, J. De Hebraismis novi test, commentarius. Francof., 1705, 4° ; • 8 349 Wadding, L. Epitome annalium ordinisminorum. Romae, 1662,2V. f° 7814 Legatio de definienda controversial immaculatae conceptionis. Antv., 164T, f° 7849 Wadesworth & Bedell. Copies of certain letters. L., 1624, 8° 8949 Wading, P. Tractatus de incarnatione. Antwerpiae, 1636, 4 6724 Wake, W. Authority of christian princes. L., 1697, 8° 779 1 Discourse against purgatory. L., 1685, 4 8636 Discourse of the holy eucharist. L., 1688, 4 8639 Sermons and discourses. L., 1690, 8° 8160 Waller, W. Tragical history of Jetzer. L., 1679, f ° 7824 Warren, A. H. Arms of the episcopates of Great Britain and Ireland. L., 1868, 12 53°3 Watson, J. English martyrologe. (N. p.) 1608, 12 5240 Weekly pacquet of advice from Rome. L., 1679-1683, 2 v. 4 . . . . 7554 Wetenhall, E. Miseries of the clergy. In the Savoy, 1668, 4 8260 Wheelwright. J. Sermon. N. Y., 1867, 8° 4212 Whitefield, G. Some remarks on a pamphlet entitled, the enthusiasm of methodists, etc. Ph., 1749, 12 3443 Wilkins, A. Discourse concerning prayer. L., 1655, 12 79 2 4 Wilkins, J. Sermon preached 27th of Feb. 1670. L., 1670, 12 . . 9277 Willard, S. Lectures on the christian religion. B., 1726, f° 7819 Willet. A. General view of papistrie. L., 1600, 8° 2123 Williams, G. Celebration of divine service in an unknown tongue. L., 1685, 4 8638 Discovery of mysteries. (N. p.) 1643, 16 8513 Seven treatises. L., 1661, f° 7801 Williums, R, Experiments of spiritual life. Prov., 1863, 8° 4220 Wolseley, C. Case of divorce and re-marriage. L., 1673, 12 . . . . 7471 Yaribarne, J. Commentarii in quartum librum sententiarum I. Duns Scoti. Caesarang, 1614, 2 v. f ° 5800 MISCELLANY— Class 33, Adams, J. Q. Orations and addresses. B., 1836, 8° 2002 Addison, J. Essays contributed to the spectator. Gascan, 1864, 12 2995 The amaranth. L., 1839, 4* 1541 Anecdotes of impudence. L., 1827, 16 2696 Anniversary the, for 1829. L., 1829, 8° 1186 Armstrong, A. Banquet of jests. Edin., 1872, 8° 2276 72 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Asgill, J. Tracts. L., 1715, 12 . 2367 Bayly, T. H. Musings and prosings. Boulogne, 1833, 8° 3089 Bellamy, D. Ethic amusements. L., 1768, 4° 1524 Bierce. Fiends delight. L., (n. d.) 12 2312 Book of the world. Ph., 1853, 4 1705 Brackenridge, H. H. Gazette publications. Carlisle, 1806, 12 .. . . 896 Cabinet of modern art. L., 1836, 8° 2363 Carrion, A. Abstracts from companion to the grave. Dub., 1778, 12 2698 Cary, A. and P. From year to year. N. Y. (n. d.) 12° 813 The Josephine gallery. Ph. , 1864, 8° 1698 Caunter, J- H. Oriental annual. L., 1834-9, 6 v. 12 317 Cloud crystals. N. Y., 1865, 8° 843 Collier, J. Art of ingeniously tormenting. L., 1809,12° 1910 Compleat politician. L., 1656, 12° .>. . . . 31 Constitutions of the musaeum minerva. L., 1636, 12° 2374 Correspondence with the inhabitants of the moon. Cin., 1868, 4 .. 2278 Courtier's calling. L , 1675, I2 ° 2 549 *Curious matrimonial advertisements. MS., 1745-6, 12° 2425 ^Curiosities of street literature. L., 1871, 4 2 349 Cut and come again. Dub., 1816, 16. ° 2693 Death's doings. B., 1828, 2 v. 8° 1372 Delamer, Lord. Works. 3L, 1694, 12° 2710 Dennis, J. et al. Letters upon several occasions. L., 1696,12°... 3049 Duck, S. Poems and other pamphlets. Dub., 1 7 3 1 , 12 ..! 3*60 D'Urfey, T. Theory of the intelligible world. (N. p.) 1700, 12°. 2691 Festival of wit by G. K. Dub., 1 791, 12° 2405 Franklin, B. Miscellaneous pieces. L., 1779, 8° 2734 Gems of beauty. B., 185 1, 8° 1073 Gems of literature. N. Y., (n. d.) 4 859 Gessner, S. New Idvlles. L., 1776, R 8°. 1045 Golden gift. N. Y./186S, 4 806 Griffith, S. H. Literary reminiscences. L., i860, 12° 2 7 I 3 Guevara, A. de. Familiar epistles. L., 1541, 8°. . . 82 Hall, Mrs. S. C. Drawing room table book. L., (n. d.) 4 225 7 Halliweli, J. O. Sackful of newes. L., 1861 , 12° 2735 Hassard, J. R. G. Wreath of beauty. N. Y., 1864, 8° 1182 Hazlitt, W. C. Shakespeare jest books. L., 1864, 2 v. 12° 1373 Heath's book of beauty. L., 1833-1849, 6 v. 12° 1068 Heck, J. G. Inconographic encyclopaedia. N. Y., 1851, 6 v. 8°. . 1493 Herman, W. Dance of death. San Francisco, 1877, 12° 3 r 39 Hibernia fire engine company, No. 1. Ph., 1859, 4 11 81 Hill, T. Natural and artificial conclusions. L., 1670, 16° 302c Holiday book for Christmas and New Years. L , (n. d.) 8° 15 12 Howard, G. S. New royal encyclopaedia. L., (n. d.) 2 v. f° 1501 Illegal lovers. L., 1728, 12° 2956 James, G. P. R. Book of the passions. L., 1839, 8° 1074 * James, J. A. Common place book. MS. i8i8(?), 12° 3002 Janeway, J. Life and death of. L., 1783, 12° 1986 Keepsake. L., 1832-1849, 5 v. 8° 1048 Laurel leaves. R, 1876, 4 29 1 7 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 73 Ligan ; a collection of tales and essays. Ph., 1857, 12 2736 London Mathews. Ph., 1824, 12 1782 Lotos leaves, ed. by Brougham and Elderkin. B., 1875, 4 2490 Memoirs of a certain Irish dean. Dub., 1730, 12 2557 Metropolis, the. Dub., 1805, 12 2403 Montgomery, H. R. History, etc., of Isaac Bickerstaff. L.,1861, 12 1906 Neville, H. Parliament of ladies. L., 1647, 12 2684 ^Newspaper cuttings. 1769-73, 3 V. 4 15 13 ^Newspaper cuttings. 1838-1839, 4 1528 Ogle, G. Of legacy-hunting. Dub., 1737, 12 3166 Our daily fare. Ph., 1864, 4 , 11 79 Paine, T. Works. Ph., 1854, 3 v. 12 . . 1188 Person, S. Anatomical lecture of man. L., 1664, 12 ° 2718 Petrarch, F. Select sonnets. Dub., 1822, 4 2076 Petronius Arbiter. Works in prose and verse. L., 1736, 12 ro77 Pictures of society, grave and gay. L., 1866, 8° 1889 Pilkington, Mrs. Jests. L., 1764, 12 2401 Pleasures of human life. L., 1807, 1 2 2301 Political balance for 1754. L., 1754, 12 2953 Reed, W. Remains. I,., 1815,8° .. 2690 Roche, J. Critical and miscellaneous essays. Cork, 1850-51, 2 v.8° 3137 Roses aid holly. Ph., 1867, 8° 81 2, Saunders, R. Palmistry. L., 1664, 12° 2730 Sheridan, L. H. The diadem. L., (n. d.) 4 15 19 Shirly, J. Wars of Hungary, etc. Dub., 1685, 12° 2221 Smith and Watson. American historical and literary curiosities. N. Y., 1852, 2 v. 4 339 Spirit of the/air. N. Y., (n. d.) 4 1178 Steele, R. Discourse concerning old age. L., 1688, 12° 2711 Sterne, L. Yorick's jests; Dub., 1770, 12° 2695 L. et al. Seven letters. L., 1844, 12° 2540 Wadswort, J. Memoires, etc. L., 1679, 8° 2057 Wells, S. R. Wedlock. N. Y., 1869, 12° 386 Westmacott, C. M. The English spy. L., 1825, 2 v. 8° 80 Wright, C. Letters. Camb., 1878, 12° 3*3 2 FOREIGN LANGUAGES— Class 34. Abbadie, J. L'art de se connoitre soymeme. Rotterdam, 1692, 12° 6023 Apianus, P. Cosmographia. Antv., 1553, 8° 348 Arcq. P. A. de S. F. Lettres d'Osman. Const. ; 1756, 8° 623 7 Balzac, H. de. Les contes drolatiques. L., 1864, 12° 6020 Balzac, H. de (et al.) Scenes de la vie des Animaux. P., 1852, 8° 6105 Bede. Epistolae duae. Dub., 1664, 12 . 1214 Beling, P. Vindiciarum Cathfllicorum Hiberniae. P., 1670, 12 . . 235 Bembus, P. Epistolae, 1535, f ° 179 Bentivoglio, Card. Relationi varie fatti in tempo dei'e nuntiature di Fiandra. Col. 1629, S° 188 74 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Bescherelle, M. de. L'Armee esquisses et croquis militaires. (no im- print.) 8° 4863 Les beaux-ifcrts illustres. (No imprint.) 8° 4859 Les grands guerriers. P., 1854, 8° 4860 Histoire des ballons. (No imprint.) 8° 4862 Jeux chez tous les peuples du monde. (No imprint.) 8°.... 4861 Marins illustres. (No imprint.) 8° 4858 Mythologie Grecque et Romaine. (No imprint.) 8° 4857 Bodinus, J. De republica libri sex. Parisiis., 1586, 8° 183 Boitard, P. Jardin des plantes. P., (n. d.) 8° 4956 Boivin, L. Louise le modele. P., (n. d.) 8° 4671 Bonfadius, I. Annalium Genuensium. Papiae, 1586,8° 254 Bosschaert, W. Diatribai de primis veteris frisiae apostolis. Mechlin, 1650, 8° 1196 Brehat, A. de. Les Jeunes amours. P., 1861, 12° 3100 Brigidae, (B.) Revelationum liber quintus. MS. f° 178 Bruno, N. J. De Imaginum compositione. Francof., 1591, 12°... 11 14 Bussy-Rabutin, R. Histoire amoureuse des Gaules. P., 1857, 2 v. 12° 6261 Cabalistic or astrological work in Chinese. 12° 2981 Candidus, G. Commentarii de i fatti d'aquileia. Venetia, 1544, 12° 2618 Carve, T. Itinerarium. Moguntiae, 1639, 8° 234 Challamel, A. Histoire de Napoleon. (No title) 8° 4750 Chevalier, S. P. GEuvres choisies. P., 1848, 8° 5643 Chinese books, 6 v. 8° 2977 Cicero, M. T. Epistolae ad Atticum. Ven., 15 21, 8° 505 Opera. Lug., i55 J - I 555» 9 v. 16° 297 Opera omnia. Hamburg, 1618, 2 v. f ° 176 Cloquet, J. B. Nouveau traite de perspective. P., 1823, 4 4612 Dangers d'un amour illicite. L., 1789, 2 v. 12° 6281 Daniel, J. Confidences d'une sage-femme. P., 1868, 12° 4337 Dante Alighieri. La divina commedia. L., 1823, 24° 407 Domenichi, L. Facetie, motti et burle. Venetia, 1588, 8° 2604 Du Barri. Memoires. P., (n. d.) 2 v. 8° 475 x Ducrest, G. Memoires contemporains. P., (n, d.) 4 4800 Memoirs sur Josephine. P., (n. d.) 8° 4754 Dudevant, Mme. Les maitres mosa'istes. P., (n. d.) 8° 4948 Dumas, A. Capitaine Paul. (No title) 8° 4954 La dame aux camelias. P., 1858, 8° 5648 Olympe de cleves. (No title) 2 v. 4 4955 Dumortous, M. Conquetes de Louis XV. P., 1759, f ° 4971 Dupont, P. Chants et chansons francaises. P., 1855, 3 v. 8° 4432 Environs de Paris. P., (n. d.) 8° 4850 Erasmus, D. Adagiorum epitome. Amstel. 1650, 12° 1182 Euripides. Hippolytus chronatus, ed. Egerton. Oxonii, 1796, 4 . . 500 Feydeau, E. Daniel. E., 1859, 2 v. 12° 5303 Fanny. P., 1859, 12° 5302 Sylvie. P., 1861, 12° 53°4 Figuier, L. Vies des savants illustres. P., 1866, 8° 47 2 4 Fioravanti, L. II tesoro della vita humana. Venetia, 1582, 12°. . 2605 Fliegende blatter. Munich, 29 v. 4 47 2 7 Francaise peints par eux-memes. P., 1840 — 3, 8 v. R, 8° 495^,9 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 75 Frank Leslie's Illustrirte Zeitung. N. Y., 1859-60, f° 2476 Freegier, H. A. Des classes dangereuses. Brussels, 1840, 8° 4906 Giovanni, F. II pecorone. Milano, 1554, 12 2617 Giraldi Cinthio, G.B. Commentario dele cosse di Ferrari. Firenzi, 1556,8° 2603 , Le Fiamme. Vinecia, 1548, 12° 2608 Goldastius M. H. Paraeneticorum veterum pars I. Insulae, 1604,4° 1197 Gomara, F. L. de. Historia de Mexico. Anoen, 1554, 8° 49 Grotius, H. Philosophorum sententiae de fato. Amst., 1648, 12°. 327 Gruterus, J. Animadversiones in Senecae Opera, (no place.) 1595, 8° 1102 Guevara, A. de. Menosprecio de corte, y al abanca de alden. Barce- lona, 1613, 12° 66 Guinisius, Vincentius. Allocutiones gymnasticae. Herbipoli,i684,i2° 1201 Hamilton, A. Oeuvres. P., 1812, 3 v. 8° 6274 Hopperus, J. In jurisprudentiam isagoges ad filium libri VIII. Col., 1580, 12° 272 Horatius Flaccus. Opera. L., 1824, 24° 4°4 Opera, recen. Doering. Ox. 1831, 8° 241 Satira V, trad Ital. Parma, 1818, 4° 47° Hyginus, C. J. Opera quae hodie extant. Hamb., 1674, 12° 1188 ♦Illustrirte zeitung. Leipzig, 1374-77, 7 v - f ° 2 4^4 Kircherus, A. Prodromus coptus. Romae, 1636, 8° 11 12 ♦Kladderadatsch. Berlin, 4 v. 4 2483 Kock, H. de. Ses Amoureux de pierrefonds. P., (n. d.) 8° 4668 Andr6 le Savoyard. P. (n. d.) 4 4834 L'ane a M. Martin. N. Y., 1863, 8° 4801 Barbier de Paris. P., (n. d.) 4° 4759 Un bon enfant. P., (n. d.) 4° 4837 Le Cocu. P., (n. d.) 4° 4836 . Contes et chansons. P., (n. d.) 4° 4833 La demoiselle de cinquieme. P., 1857, 3 v. 12° 5145 L'enfants de ma fexrme, P., (n. d.) 4° 475 8 Les enfants du Boulevard. P., 1864, 12° 5150 La famine brailliard. P., 1861, 3 v. 12° 5147 Femme a trois visages. P., i860, 4 V. 12° 5 X 49 La femmes le mari et V amant. P-, (n. d.) 4° 4757 Les femmes de la bourse. Naumbourg, 1858,12° 5 T 5 2 La fille aus trois jupons. P. , 1 864, 12° 5 1 48 Frere Jacques. P., (n. d.) 4° 4802 i Georgette. P., (n. d.) 4° 475 2 La grande ville. P., 1844, 8° 6104 Gustave. P., (n. d.) 4° 47 6 4 La haine d'une femme. P., 1861, 12° 5153 L'homme de la nature. P., (n. d.) 4 . . : 477 2 Jean. P., (n. d.) 4° 4835 Jeune homme charmant. P., (n. d.) 4° 4773 Laitiere de montfermeil. (N. p.) 4° 47 6 ° Madeleine. P., (n. d.) 4° 47 6 * Maison blanche. P., (n. d.) 4° , . . . . 47^5 Le millionnaire. P., 1857, 3 V. 8° 5146 Mon voisin Raymond. P., (n. d.) 4° 4804 -jO Philadelphia Mercantile Library Kock, H. de. M. Choublanc. B., 1858, 3 v. 12 5144 M. Dupont. P., (n. d.) 4 4803 — — Moustache. P., (n. d.) 4 4762 Ni jamais ni toujours. P., (n. d.) 4 4771 Pucelle de Belleville. P., (n. d.) 4 4766 Soeur Anne. P., (n. d.) 4 4768 Tourlourou. P. (n. d.) 4 4767 Zizine. P., (n. d.) 4 4770 La Bedolliere, E. de. Nouveau Paris. P., (n. d.) 8° 4851 Lapointe, S. Amours d' un hercule. P., (n. d.) 8° 4682 Daniel le vagabond. P., (n. d.) 8° 4670 Las Cases, E. A. D. M. J. de. Memorial de Sainte Helene. P., (n. d.) 4 v. 4 4798 Latocnaye, M. de. Promenade d' un Francais dansl'Irlande. Dub., 1797, 8° 4815 Laurent, P. M. Histoire de Napoleon. P., 1839, 8° 4763 *Le Monde illustre. P., 1865-77, 4 V. 4 4992 Lespes, L, Livre de beaute. Keepsake pour, 1854, P., (n. d.) 8°. 4614 *L'illustration. P., 1845-78, 52 V. f° 4993 Lipsius, J. Monita et exampla politica. Lug. Batav., 1630, 16 . .. 1191 ^Locomotive, die. Ph., 1853, 2 v. 4 . 2478 Lycophron Clial. Alexandra; I. Meursins recon., ace. J. Scaligeri Versio. Lugd. Bat., 1597, 8° 11 22 Magasin pittoresque. P., 1871-6, 4 v. f ° 4880 Marguerite de Valois. Contes et Nouvelles. L., 1784, 8 v. 8°. . . . 5646 Medina, S. J. P. Obras en prosa y verso. Madrid, 1715, 8° 64 Memoires de la belle Gabrielle. P., (n. d.) 8° ! 4797 Meray, A. La amoreux de rimini. P., (n. d.) 8° 4683 Mery, J. Raphael et la fornarine. P., (n. d.) 8° 4681 Meyer's t/niversum. B., 1835-8, 2 v. ob.8° 49°9 Morinus, J. Antiquitates ecclesiae orientalis. L., 1682, 12 11 99 Nomesseius, N. Parnassus bicollis. Morguntiae, 1629, 12 n 87 Nordstern, A. V. Sinnbilder der Christen. Leipsig, 1818, 4 2482 Novarinus, A. Risus sardonicus. Lugd., 1639, 12 1209 Onosander. Strategicus. Heidelb., 1604, 8° 1208 Paul, S. Epistles in Chinese. 8° 2975 *Perrault, C. Contes. P., 1862, f° 5725 Petit courrier des dames. P., 1835-50, 28 v. 8° 4922 Petrarch, F. Translacion delos feyes triumfos. Sevilla. 1526, 8°. . 79 Pigault Lebrun, C. A. G. Adelaide de Meran. P., (n. d.) 4 4816 Angelique et Jeanneton. P. (n. d.) 4°- 4809 ■ 1 Barons de Felsh^im. P., (n. d.) 4 4808 La famille Luceval. P., (n. d.) 4 4813 Fanchette et Honorine. P., (n. d.) 4 4810 Folie espagnole. P., (n. d.) 4 4806 Garcon sanssouci. P., (n. d.) 4 4807 L'homme a projets. P., (n. d.) 4 481 1 ■ Jerome P., (n. d.) 4 4818 M. Botte. P., (n. d.) 4 4805 La Mouche. P. (n. d.) 4 4817 Piranesi, F. & P. Antiquites d'Herculanum. P., 1804-6 3 v. 4 . . 4975 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 77 Plato. Omnia opera. Basileae 1556, f ° 182 Porta, G. B. Fisionomia dell'huomo. Venetia, 1644, 4 2509 Portus, F. Commentarii in varia Xenophontis opuscala. (S. 1.) 1546, 8° 1194 Raevardus, Jacob. Opera quae reperiri potuerunt. Frankf. 1622, 8° 437 Ricard, A. Ainee et cadette. P., (n. d. ) 4 4824 Le careme de ma tante. P., (n. d.) 4 4820 _- Celui qu'on aime. P., (n. d.) 4 4829 . La diligence. P., (n. d.) 4 4826 Forcat libere. P., (n. d.) 4 48*7 La Grisette. P., (n. d.) 4 4822 — — Marchand de Coco. P., (n. d.) 4 4823 . Ni l'un ni l'autre. P., (n. d.) 4 4825 ■ — — Sage-femme. P., (n. d.) 4 4821 — — Statue de la vierge. P., 1839, 8° 4828 La Viveur. P., (n. d.) 4 481 9 Riego, M. del. Coleccion de poeticas espanolas. L., 1842,4° 77 Robert, C. Serfs et boyards. P. (n. d.) 2 v. 8° 4839 Rousseau, J. J. Julie, Mou la nouvelle Heloise. P., 1845, 8° 5633 Saint Elme, E. T. Memoires d' une contemporaine. P.,i828,8v.8° 4908 Sallustius. Historia et fragmenta. L., 1645, l6 ° 240 Schinz, H. R. Naturgeschichte. Zurich, 1824, 2 v. 4 2474 Schmid, C. Contes. P., (n. d) 8° 4872 Seneca, L. A. Que extant opera. Raphelengii, 1609. J2°*. 1192 Silhonette, la chronique de Paris. P., 1845, 6 4 4957 Simplicus. Commentarius in enchiridion Epicteti. Lug., Bat. 1640,4° 1121 Stendhal. La chartreuse de Parme. P., (n. d.) 4° 4942 Stephanus, H. Schediasmatum variorum. Par., 1578, 8° 1129 Sterne, L. Voyage sentimental. P., (n. d.) 8° 6140 Swift, J. Voyages de Gulliver. P., 1838, 2 v. 8° 4849 Sue, E. Enfans de l'amour. (No imprint) 8° 4842 - Juif errant. P., (n. d.) 4 4843 Mathilde. (No imprint) 4 4844 , . Sept peches capitaux. P., (No imprint) 6 v. 4° 4830 Tabourot, E. Bigarrures et touches. P., 1662, 2 v. 12° 6295 Terentius Afer, P. (Opera.) L., 1823, 32° 399 Touchard Lafosse, G. Chroniques de l'oeil-de-boeuf. P., 5 v. 4°. 4845 *Turba. De filosofi-chimica. MS 2580 "Usher, J. Veterum epistolarum hibern. Sylloge. Dub., 1632, 8°.. 1139 Venusti, A. M. Discorso Generate. Vinegia. 1562, 8° ... 2613 Victorius, P. Variae lectiones. Florent., 1569, 8° 1 179 Vidal, A. Maladies veneriennes. P., 1855, 8° 4896 Vorbilder fiir fabrikanten u. handwerker. Berlin, 1821-36. 3 v. f°.. 2475 Vossius, G. J. et al. Epistolae. Augustae Vindel, 1691^° 187 ^o- SEp/2 8 198 r Wm &&?&&(. .**M 0k \ 1 v;y- m 8/w* 'i*tit:m : Mt% a mm ■