LIBRARY OF THK University of California. Class -i Cl)e CuUor jFacgimtle Ceytg anil ^ir 3lo|)n tl)e priest [By JOHN HEYWOOD] Date of this the Earliest Known Edition^ I533 \_Pepys Collection, Magdalene College, Cambridge'\ Reproduced in Facsimile^ 1909 OF THE UNIVERSITY Of S^obn S^obn tbe Ibusbanb %lft Culior jTacgtmile Cert0 Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER foj)n f oftn tlje Ijusitjanti. anu ^it 3fo|)n tf)e priest [By JOHN HEYWOOD] 1533 Issued for Subscribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 16 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C: AND EDINBURGH MCMIX GENCTM_ OF THE UNIVERSITY V OF 3o\)m 3foi)an t\)t t)U0banl), Cgb l)i0 toift, anil ^iv 3ft)Sn t|)e priest [By JOHN HEYWOOD] T/)h is another of the plays attributed^ with some show of reason^ to yohn Heywood^ though there is no absolute certainty in the matter. The copy from which this facsimile is taken is in the Pepys Collection at Magdalene College^ Cambridge^ and has been reproduced through the courtesy of the College authorities. Only one other example is known to be extant: this is in the Bodleian Library^ Oxford. The year of printing appears in the colophon under the signature of William Rastell^ the judge^ a nephew on his mother s side of Sir Thomas More^ and a brother-in-law of yohn Hey wood himself Mr. R. B. Fleming reports that^ in comparison with the original^ the printing and general appearance of this facsimile is of the usual satisfactory character. The only specific '•^faults " occur through the ^'' rustiness''^ of the original; as ^ for example^ the blots on '^^ t* recto and verso, these being rather too dark in tint. The corner " mendings " on ^» tl» verso are likewise slightly too heavy ; while on 20* t* and IB* Ittt*, in each case recto and verso, the type shows through very strongly in the original. JOHN S. FARMER. 189308 ■'•^ mmn%ms^}m^'& C^ met? pla^ 6ibirt f6f Srff (JO a rfaddpngf ^f tf mff^f ^yhtm :aiu6onr ppg Str6 on otSe S>>^f Ib6ic6f ff fir t6 6f c aBowr ^t^^n m% t^fi^n )Dirt6r>OMcfaDp3SotfftotS6pr6rc >Duf 6f> (jo^gC fifob/Sf cr f$r comr 0oi«f JDrtf r6i6 inp fiouff /6p out rtiemrcuta'^vfc n)Dic6r bor$ not^fmg But rjo (inS co?nr ^oJi cannot make ecthepe^nat^ome 5£«f(0aJi55nfo0^SozrrL 0r ' ' S^^?^^^f«r«i««/6frf0frttofarrtff 3h5 S0r f0af^3 far/r0,c, Bof^r 6r Ift tjAv^y,^j& ' V^T^.^^?ny^pp ; ^^^ 5&iif ti) afBor turret m faptO 6<>P^ ®'^^f"<*^ Vf f 3 afniofl f nca(jf tHat 3) nr cat; jgff t6r 6f 6flM0uc of ouc 0f rtf rfSottWfi '3nbfrt3!r6rn*jftfirf*>^c<*sf^<'^<>^^^<' S , ^01 (0 tttflbf fomf pafff mr <»ni> fpottr 7D«t tf)m my %rU f<> <>f ^ <" ^of 6 f 6rt6f c crfoiee* /^gat 31 ff cf f6f Spft' »whf »tf Sf acf a frt0f i; )Dut j^f 1 31 nr Df not fot (o fett ntt^a ^o: 6r i(? 6e*r (joffrp f ^of «s 6^ C t?n( a6ri)f a S6K<' r^'f f^^ «»^ f^ O^y'mrfc M ncim c'^y^e boua^trt not fot| C5[)oSfif 3j f o:6f Df 6ec f 0a( (Bf t cf(? 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C®^^ff^*500aHenottiO6fbf6aff .CF^^^ C31f6fbo«o(fp06t/c6pbr/artDrarf )£>jauff anb f acf /aef one f 6a( Spcr f ronf pbf a$^»C3If:^^«^^6fpacpPr|)tfrflfpj3o0ai| X>pb nor fr 6f c «o% an9 (6an ^nS0puf6rca6fofu^on^pona6r9 ' ^ot So onb pai^ne /f6f Sofbr fonr 6f brf9 JCy8» Cdfot 0obbr fofee 31$Sii 3o6an/ bo (0f not bifpfrafr <^anp a tfmr 3 «tti f flf flt rtifr . 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C3I Sr^^ wf crrwf a ff caSr J (r ff j»ott pfap nf 3lf ^^^f (0^ Pf ^ ^^'l^^ wfi)e acra^ne .'STpB* C^'5<''f<^cff0OHJiotgonrf>f(oufoff0i6pfacf 3j 0aS %nr (6ou 6abbrff 6ei9 comr O0a^nr in ^ fpiic^ S?wr 6p cobbf foufr and 3) f6ua)f Do (6f cj^0gt 31 f^HfDf 6{d:rf0f> bnaafe6ef5ronj'06( 3I05»;» C:i(!^«r^0«««fw»p®pf^8t*ff^«<^0H>Fn0 3!f »^^P^"^ f^J^ ^^^0 ^^ <*^ ^^"^ M^W ^0rcrie«pio«fc6f/Q0if6efrfSfnoSfp{r«rt{ ;(5)em«ft nf i)f6 00 t6(»tf 6f bpuf ff D:pHrt$ C;©oS mfl j>fiec cuM^e map 3 ^ ^^^ •*> ^( roMC c6am6f c bote Sit6oMt on;> ff ij Ctt)0o 16 f 0f ce noSr r6flt Sof5e 0attr tnf i lD0fl(3io6an3Io0an/B6aencBf6Qir0(0r 4 3I0(i9» e.(^(itr(rttoteUfou(m(r Cpp Spff an§ 31 pwpf OH 0artrff 3nbehebffrj?f»OHSit0a^foHcmj>00e . eno(0o(0fln/B0pfo 3 Pf flf> po« (f ff mr/ie r0f Lf (in^ bj>(b(tpnr a): on)> mmptr 6f tSf ne ;>ou t%aynt in*% C3nf Be s .jm '■fx -j|^ii«i^'v5^i a-'*isSik*ta- ■■^^^^J^ TliirufcfcnfS6eivBuf6oftrfian5Sffr -: " > :g)aufonff(tiif/JlmoBit)6fi;nontotf / . -j. 2in$Brcouff 1 rr6ut2f $fc/itoBan9l0ri|i6rtfii^ fe6f 16 onrrcf wufi mf /mi5 ^at^ me it) ^att -^ SnSrrf reortgaCI bo/I CortfoiroucSfftj 3nD a(^r i)o/fo fmo f ou f^uc 6rt]r$ ySr^ J «wi Bottn6 to FOii a pfrfucf fF^»3I» iffcttiouti^fnhpflittnf^pnabufntutt ^mt of 6rc 6oi»r f6f f6ftr5 nor Br a crooS domnf 5Dw(ll f6airtf(rr6f »6at31 Bauf bofif^o0tti> rf o: f 6o( mrtff rr/f 6f antJ 3| Br fomff mr afoff ^«3 31 Do frf "Sppoij 6rr/m«nf' a tftne oiid ofr 'S'o p :ouf ^Jrc/j'fr coiifB 3 itf wf r f fpi> '2:6m fufcflnf/DpSaoieSif 6 6rtrB<»i| 31 363m (f r^r»t6<»t 10 t6f Vfi wcf 31 B^uf of np nr '^6anbf>5 6f fro6/flrt5 f owt 0ooD docfcf nf ^trt rf It pffrt|r f ou/f rtf mr r^f mattf t an5t6ft>fBflffBftBrrtfrott«Bb$fc fr«.J» C^lffiafTfefffBr/ButrBoumuffbrprffctet 5'5i*^»C^<*foit6«frv3!f6fl6fvorfrt • " «K^3i. 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' ■ «; '. ,v ;s ?? !r ..; ! ^.%r'.^.f," -'">>'{y»*'-,-" - i;'T ^ - ' v"' " l-?^'- - ;~. ' -'^' ' r^ ' KS9..^iij.-^frf,,^is --^'^J'^'^'i't-'my^ 3nb fro Srt0 a ^en0fawf/(? far r^oti flcf pjflpbf fn*% C^cfooi)ffoffrp/i6t0a(Bffl?(apbp ^N*!ifB. 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