LIBRARY UNIVERSIT* OP CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO Y* 0cMa5L>v n ^X^ooJLtNr^ O^i presented to the UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO by MRS. KENNETH N. BAKER / UBRARY university op CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO presen UNIVERS UNIVERSITY SAN MRS. KENIS / V rJL DICTIONARY GERMAN AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES: INDICATING TnE ACCENTUATION OF EVEKT GERMAN "WORD, CONTAINING SEVERAL HUNDRED GERMAN SYNONYMES, TOGETnER "WITH A CLASSIFICATION AND ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THB IRREGULAR VERBS, AND A LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. COMPILED FROM TIIE WORKS OP IIILPERT, FLU GEL, GEIEB, HETSE, AND OTHERS, BY G. J. ADLEK, A.M., 1IE1I3EB OF THE AMERICAN ORIENTAL AND OP THE AMEEICAN ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETIES, LATE PROFESSOR OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. lit &toa pitrts: L GERMAN AND ENGLISH.— II. ENGLISH AND GERMAN. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 549 & 551 BKOADWAY. 1874 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1848, by D. APPLETON k CO., la the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. PREFACE. In preparing this volume, our principal aim was to offer to the American student of the German a work which would embody all the valuable results of the most recent investiga- tions in German lexicography, and which might thus become not only a reliable guide for the practical acquisition of that language, but one which would not forsake him in the higher walks of his pursuits, to which its literary and scientific treasures would naturally invito him. The conviction that such a work was a desideratum, and one which claimed imme- diate attention, was first occasioned by the steadily increasing interest manifested in the study of the German, by such among us as covet a higher intellectual culture, as well as by those who are ambitious to be abreast with the times in all that concerns the interests of Learning, Science, Art and Philosophy. For who has been able to avoid observing, that in certain departments of literature and scisnee, the eyes of such as strove for pre-eminence have, in the old as well as in the cisat- lantic world, been directed towards Germany, whence they cannot conceal having derived both instruction and incentive for similar investigations ? Do not Philology, both compara- tive and special, the Science of Antiquity, the Archaeology of Art, and their various bran- ches, owe their present state of relative perfection — nay, some of them their very existence — to the patient assiduity, the candid and truth-loving spirit of German inquirers '? What historian has of late attempted to write the history of Rome or Greece, who has not reared his edifice on the ground explored by Niebuhr, Miiller, Boekh, and others ? Where has Specu- lative Philosophy found a fostering home, and, as the " Scicntia Scientiarum," asserted its controlling and harmonizing power over every department of human knowledge ? Nay, who can write now on any metaphysical subject without being familiar, and appearing either in harmony or conflict with the systems of men who have carried philosophical inquiry to its last results ? And are not the writings of Goethe, Schiller, Herder, Tieck, Jean Paul, and of other Coryphaei of German literature, either in the original or in translations, on the shelves of every library ? The history of German literature for the last century, the rapidity of its growth, the many illustrious names which, either simultaneously or in rapid succession, have added lasting honour to its pages, presents to us a fact, in the manifestations of national life, that may safely challenge a precedent in history ; a fact, however, recognized and open- ly avowed even by writers of rival nations. It is, therefore, no improbable presumption, judging from the present aspect of things, that the time will come (or is already at hand,) when the English mind will willingly submit to a reaction of the influence it once exerted over the German,* and thence receive the impulse, if not the clcmenis, of a higher literary and scientific life. * Those who arc at, nil acquainted wiili the history ef German literature, will remember that Bodmer, and hii school, in thru- opposition to Gottsched, ami French taste, received tin' weapons of their warfare ami Anal victory from English armo> lies. l!y holding up English authors as models of excellence, and by spreading In various ways the knowledge of their writings, ho not only succeeded in introducing a better taste, but actually became the forerunner of a new ami brighter pe- riod of Gorman literature. From his time the English influence is Btrikingl) visible, and at one time even assumed I ot an anglomania, Klopstock ami Leasing show it. How greal were the obligations of the choicest spirits of our golden iikc to Shakspeare, the English novelists and satirists, is manifest from their own acknowledgments and writin like wieland, Voss, Schlegel, ami Tieck, have vied with each other in rendering shakspeare a German classic, scott and Irving have been, and slill arc, among the favourite authors of the nation ; and there is hardly a writer of any note whodoes not flnd himself represented either in translations or re-publications. Can then any degree of interest manifested in the study of i he German among us be any thin 1 ,' more than a mere reciprocation of that sympathizing feeling and regard, so long and so willingly shown to writers o f the English tongue ? ix But this is not the place for recounting the development or comparative merits of either the German or the English languages or literatures, possessing as they do each its peculiar excellence and glory, and destined, as they seem by nature, to be rather the complement of one another than aught separate or distinct. Albion's Muse and Thuiskone are still on the race-ground, (where Klopstock left them,) " eagerly flying towards the crowning goal," and not even a seer's eye can descry, as yet, aught but " the dust billowing darker past the oak." We must leave it to future generations to decide the contest and award the crown, and hasten to give the reader a more minute account of the genesis and scope of the volume before him. Nearly all the Dictionaries published in Germany having been prepared with special refe- rence to the German student of the English, and being, on that account, incomplete in the German-English part, it was evidently our vocation to reverse the order for this side of the Atlantic, and to give the utmost possible completeness and perfection to the German part. This was the proper sphere of our labour. The English-German portion of this volume was, therefore, merely re-printed, under the auspices of the publishers, from the London Edi- tion of Fliigel's work, which was deemed sufficiently complete for all the purposes of the American student. In the preparation of the first, or German- English part, the volume published at London under the name of Flligel, but really compiled by Heimann, Feiling and Oxenford, was chosen as our basis, being at present the most complete and, in our opinion, the most ju- diciously prepared manual of the kind in England. This has been carefully revised, in many parts entirely re-arranged or re-written, and augmented by at least thirty thousand new words and articles, so that it will be found- that, of the eight hundred and fifty pages, which constitute its size, nearly one half are additions of our own. In this business of remould- ing and enlarging, the Editor has, in addition to availing himself of the materials which a long familiarity with the German classics had placed at his disposal, made free and diligent use of the best and most recent lexicographers, both German and German-English. The principal sources were Hilpert's large work, Grieb, Klittner and Nicholson, Campe,* Hein- sius and Heyse. The accentuation of the German words, first introduced by Heinsius, and not a little im- proved by Hilpert and his coadjutors, has also been adopted, and will be regarded as a most desirable and invaluable aid to the student. As foreign words, such, at least, as have not been completely germanized, generally differ in form, and often in pronunciation and inflection too, from such as are purely native, they have been designated by an asterisk. Another, and it is hoped not the least valuable, addition to the volume, are the syno- nyms, which we have given generally in an abridged, and, not unfrequently, in a new form, from Hilpert, who was the first that offered to the English student a selection from the rich store of Eberhard, Maass and Gruber. If, according to Jean Paul, "every good grammarian must, of necessity, be a partial philosopher, and only a philosopher could write the best grammar, "f it is still more true with regard to one who undertakes to analyze the nice distinctions subsisting between words of similar import. Germany has had the good fortune to receive a classical work in this department of lexicography ; one which almost exhausts the subject, and may well ask for its rival in any language, from a mind fully equal to all the demands in question.J There is, therefore, no need of any further apology for presenting to the student, in a condensed form, some of the results of such investigations, even though they should not strictly come within the scope of an ordinary lexicon. * SJiStterbudi ter bcutfd)en Spttidje. SBtranftattet unb b>ttw$gtg«6en fon 3c ft. Samp;. &rai!nfd)n>eig, 1807-1811. This is still in Bomc respects the moat comprehensive work in the language (in live volumes, quarto), containing according to the author's own account (4l, l J77 articles and words. The vocabulary of the purely German words is very lull, the definitions copious and logically arranged, and in many instances established by direct reference to classical authorities. Adelung's (gram* inatifcf)*frirtfd){S JBBtterbud), Efivjig, 1793-1801 (in four parts'), was the first German lexicon of classical authority and is by Borne still regarded as the "leader of the host." It contains, however, only 55,181 articles and words, and served as Ihe basis for Campe's more recent and more copious work. Heinsius' still later lt 3Solftbiiniticfyef 2B3rterbudj ter Deutfdjen Svrndie," is, as the title indicates, of a more popular character, designates the accentuation of words and contains a large collection of the most usual foreign terms. Heinsius says of his own labours: „2!Ja$ enbtid) tie O.ikiI.ii betriffr, am* benen id) a.efrl>i.u>fi, fo bate id; tat Snmie'fdjc UBBrretbud), ali bai Potffinntigfic iint ivortttidjfre miter ten borbnnbenen, eben fo jti ©cunbe gelegt, i>>ie Sanipc tti) Wbetung'fd)t, unb fotdjfS iibtrnQ mil Ubtlung unb toff-'" 93erid)tig« Soltnu a. It. vergtidjtn," t „3fbet gute 0>rammatifer ifl tin pavtieiler 'Pbitofoptj, nut nur tin ?pt)i(ofopt) nnirte Me befit ©rnmmntif fdnreibfti." X Eberhard (born 17?0; died 18i>9) was one of the moat distinguished philosophers of the eclectic school, and the author of various works on Philosophy, /Esthetics, Theology, &c, all of which exhibit him in the light of a clear and popular thinker and, at the Bame lime, of a pleasant and entertaining writer, lie assumed a decided and violent opposition to the new Bystemi Of Kant and his followers, which, however, proved unsuccessful. Of the motives which prompted him to undertake his acute and learned „93erfud) fine* ftUgmmmn bcutfrfjtn Criinonnimf," (G volumes, Halle, 1795-1802) he himself says naively enough' „&itl)flr'niloftn llnterfintuimien titer tie lliiteifilnefe ter finnvmpantten SJBrtet fofltcn mid) nil* ten ffbtevoden Sebietfti tee fliitofopbit ii «ine frtetlut).'ie ©egenb teii'elben binjiehen, n>o tie SBttracbtung nidu befovgen t.ivf, mit ihrm Stieifen in bit Strife irgenb tinti 6l)fl«n* ein jagteifen." His work was continued and augmented by Maass (in 12 vols., 1918-1821), and by Gruber (C vols., 1820-1830). In comparing the different German-English Dictionaries, it was found that all of them were deficient in their vocabulary of foreign words, which now act so important a part, not only in strictly scientific works, but also in the best classics, in the reviews, journals, news- papers, and even in the conversational language of ordinary life. This defect Ave en- deavoured to remedy by admitting all that was deemed valuable from the Jrcmbtoorterbucfict of Campe and Heyse ; concerning the latter of which it has justly been said, " that, i: of completeness and correctness, both in the enumeration and definition of foreign words, no similar work could be compared with it."* Though the Germans have boasted of then- language, that for every want both of science and of social life, it can, out of its own ex- haustless resources, supply an adequate expression, (and both Campe and Hevse have ac- tually sought altogether to banish all alien words, by proposing a variety of native equiva- lents for them,j still it is true that, for the last twenty years or more, the introduction »■{ foreign terms (often together with the thing designated) has been steadily increasing, and the Horatian "Nova fidaque nuper habebunt verba fidem, si Graco fonte cadunt, parce detorta," has found application not only to the classical, but also to a number of modern languages. Hence it comes, that in many of the sciences and arts, the Germans have even a double (as it were, a scholastic and a popular) terminology, c. g., in Chemistry, Medicine, and also in Philosophy. Their commercial expressions are mostly of Italian and French, their nautical terms and phrases of Dutch and Danish origin. It was, therefore, deemed a matter of the first importance to have in our vocabulary a strong representation of foreign and technical terms, the want of which, in ordinary lexicons, so often proves a source of in- finite embarrassment and vexation to the student ; and it is hoped that, in the terminology of Chemistry, Mineralogy, of the practical Arts, Commerce, Navigation, also of Rhetoric Grammar, Mythology (both Ancient and Northern,) Philosophy, &c, he will not often fail of finding the desired word. In addition to Campe and Heyse, we have, in this respect, derived materials from Krug's ,/Pfyi(ofci>r/tfif;e3 286rterbuc&," and from the latest edition of the ,,(S0n»erfattOH&*2ejrtfon.' J In the addenda to the Dictionary is given a full list of the usual abbreviations, which ia remodelled and enlarged from the one prefixed to each letter of the alphabet m Meissner's German-English Dictionary. In arranging the irregular verbs, we have added to the usual alphabetical list a table of classification, together with an enumeration of such verbs as belong to each of the different classes severally. The editor takes pleasure in expressing in this connection his obligations to his friends, Mr. E. A. Johnson, A.M., Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, and to Mr. C. S. Henry, D.D., Professor of Philosophy and History in the University of the city of New- York, for the free use of their libraries in consulting authorities, as well as for occasional hints respecting the plan and detail of the work. With regard to its typographical arrangement, it is but justice to the liberality of the pub- lishers to state, that they have shunned no expense to make its outward appearance as at- tractive to the eye as the art could make it ; and that, in this respect, it will suffer no disad- vantage in being compared with any thing of the kind. The accuracy of the printer too, in superintending the reading of the proofs, previous to the editor's last revises, deserves com- mendation, and, it is hoped, that, in point of correctness, the volume will leave little to be amended in a second edition. In reviewing his labours, and submitting their result to the public, the editor is fully aware, that the comparative philologist, or the philosophical inquirer into the origin, forma- * ..SvnSunttr attin oidnlMKn 28erfin U\\\H in Qlbfidn auf aSoDfrnnbigfiir, it-ie nuf inntm (8tna(1 in ridjtigir Jfngnbl nnt Iwffinbit \ Campe. Heyse, who in all In- grammatical mid lexicographical works exhibits so admirable a blending of the philosophical and historical methi medium course. Wo state the plan of his excellent Dictionary in his own words: ,, (Senior mi'inm nung na.1i fi>a tiffed K53rterfmd) n i ,1i t tin titminologiftbtg' SarhmSrtttbua) tinet 2Biffcnf<6aft, cttr gar fine OciaUSntyflopabit alia 25ifftnfa)af»n font obetjemais roerben; ti if) nid)t foiuol)! ten SadjgtUfjttw 5e fliniuitit SBifftnfdjafrtjiviigi, alt tit inn i-r torn grfammtrn gebilbeien ctor na>1j 2>iltuiig nnt iviciming ftrebenben JIkiIc tor 'iiaiien geroibinet. 6* fann nnt tarf taher nidji oil Stunflfpradjc wiffenfdjaftlidjet ftfergtbauN in ihrem ganjen llutfangei nufnefimen, fonbern mufi fid) ini Mllgtuitintn nuf Diejenigen am; frtuibtn Spradjen enlletjnten ctor atii btutfrhroi Stamnti fttmbattig gtbilbtttn SEBittet befdjrnnfen, rotbbi auf irgenb tinem EJegt aut ton engern Jtreifen beflimniter SJifftnfdjaften in tie roetteten M Stbin* iibergegnngen unt> eigemfjuin prestation gnvorben [Tnb. 94 barf mitbin frin Jrrnibreort nudfdilietrn, totiifti in bii Untgang4fprad)< bed gemtinen Stbtnt, fe nuc in tic affgemrini cemfdie 6n)iiftfi>rad)c nnt SlationaUSitrraiur Singang grfuuten bal im gefeffigen, ©efdjaftij obit ©en>erb«£«b»n gobraurfiiiii) ifl, bei c(afflfd)«n bemfdjen 6d)riftftelltrn obei to>!< r-'eueiefenen 2aaen\*rififieIIeni, in po(itifd)en 3eitungen obit fur bit aUgtiminc Bilbung nnt Unttitattung bered)nefen 3eiifd)rifien alloc itti eorfemmt Di ffnmbioBttit (jingigin, roelcfie letiglid) rinjilnm IBilftnfdjaftrn, jumal ton, bim SColHlibin uni tor aUgemeihrn ColNbitbung fimn ficl'cutcn, angebStin nnt anS tioiom r.ufu in bit brutfdpc llmgangfr unb S>» come 21, D. ft, (% $ ; £>, £>; 11, 11) ; c. g, 2lctcrrbei:, 3iberdjcn ; Defining, Cffnung ; Uebel, libel. 4. In diphthongs the accent is (ns in Greek) always placed over the last vowel ; e.g. Ollf, flii*. We also distinguish the long or broad sound, e. g. tilt, lllfirtctt, 2lllf, @30geil ; and the short or close sound, e. g. (SillfiinftC, billCUt, Ittcilt, v .!llifla = a,e, 2lu'6flud;t, iDJdtiSchcn. 5- Of foreign words, such as are derived from the I.atin or Greek, follow upon the whole the German pronunciatii accent; those, however, which are borrowed from the French, Italian, or other modern languages, generally retain theil original pronunciation, to which the accent is not intended tc be a sufficient guide. THE FOLLOWING TABLE EXHIBITS A LIST OF THE VOWELS WITH THEIR DIFFERENT ACCENTS 9I 5 % «. 91 ; ' ( a, a, a. a. a, a, a. ?. *. i; ft, fc i, e. ■ cv $ 5, 3 ; I 0, 6. • l it, li, u. ( II, II. Ul EXPLANATION OF THE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS DICTIONARY 8. T. anatomical term. abbr. abbreviated ; abbreviation. Ac. cant, academical cant term. Ac. T. academical term. adj. adjective. ado. adverb ; adverbially. affirm, affirmatively. /'. term in algebra. Am. American word or phrasa. r.n. analogous; analogously. angl. anglicism. arb. a word of arbitrary formation. Arch. T. architectural term. art. article. Ar. T. arithmetical term. Ast. T. astronomical term. Astrol. T. astrological term. aux. v. auxiliary verb. itanical term. barb, barbarous word or term. II lesQUe. I 1 . jr. a bad word. ")-. fk. Cambridge university phrafi cant (.cants.) cant term (cant terms) cant. * cant term used poetically lifer. Ck. T. chemical term. <". chronological term. loquial word or expression. collect, collectively. cent, commonly, tomp. comparative, tompos. compounds. Conch T term in conchology &nj. conjunction. ami. contemptuously, or marks a word of contempt. contr. contracted. cor. corrupted, corruptly ; corruption. d. defective. dim. diminutive; diminutively. Dram. Ph. dramatic phrase. e. g. for instance. el. elegantly. ellipt. elliptically. emph. emphatically. / substantive of the feminine gender. fam. (fam-s.) familiar word or expression [familiar tenrs fig- (figs) figuratively (figurative expressions). Fort, term in fortification. O. T. geometrical term. Gall, gallicism. gen. generally. Oeog. T. geographical term. (iiul. T. term in geology. Qerm. germanism, German, Oram. '/'■ grammatical term Gun. T. term in gunnery. ir. T. term in heraldry, hum. humorous; humorously. hyp. hyperbolically. A//, ichthyology. f. c. id est, that is. imp. impersonal; impersonally. imper. imperative moi id impr. improperly. incl. inelegant word or expression. indiv. individually. incor. incorrectly. inscp. (p'irtic.) inseparable (parllcls. int. interjection. ABBREVIATIONS. inter, interrogative. iron, ironically. ir. irregularly. joe. jocularly. I. p- less property. /. u little used. Latinism. L. Ph. law phrase lie. licentiously. L. T. law term. lit. literally. /.eg. T. term in Logic lud. ludicrously. m. substantive of the masculine gender. .Mat. T. mathematical term. Mech. T. mechanical term. Med. T. medical term. M. E. $■ M. T. mercantile expression. met. metaphorically. Met. T. meteorological term. m. p more properly. m. u. more usually. Mil. T. military term. Min. T. mineralogical cr miners' term. mod. {mods.) modern word or phrase (modern words, &cj. Mas. T. musical term. Myth. T. term in mythology. A". B. Jt'uta Bene. «. substantive of the neuter gender. n I. not legitimate (or unauthorized word). Worth. Myth. T. term in Northern mythology. JV. T. nautical term or term in navigation. neg. negatively. n. i. u. not in use. Opt. T. optical term. Ozf. Univ. cant, cant term used in the university of Oxford Pari. Ph. parliamentary phrase. paron. paronymous word or expression. part, participle. part. adj. participle adjective. part. perf. participle perfect. fart.pres. participle present part. s. participle substantive. partic. particle. yarticul. particularly. Ph. or Phil. T. philosophical term. Pharm. term in pharmacy. Phr. phrase. Phy. T. term in physics. pi. plural number. pleon. pleonastical ; pleonastically prep, preposition pres. present tense. pret. preterite. Print. Ph. printer's phrase. pron. pronoun. pron. adj. pronominal adjective. pron. pers. pronoun personal. pron. poss. pronoun possessive. pron. rel. pronoun relative. prop, properly. proe. (proc-s.) proverbial expression (proverbial expressions). provinc. provincialism. qd. or q. v. for quod vide, which sec. quest, questionable ; or a word of which the propriety is rutins doubtful. Rh. T. term in rhetoric resp. respectfully. rid. in ridicule. rom. term of romance. s. substantive. 5. pi. substantive plural. s. ting, substantive singular. S. T. term in surgery. s. v>. superfluous word. Sea Ezp. "i Sea lang. > sea expression, sea language, sea phrase. Sea PA. ) sing, singular, or word used in a riagular sense. sol. solemn. iM- portman's expression or ieim. sup. superlative. Syn. synonyms. T. (T-s.) technical term (technical terms) (in general). taut, tautological word or expression. Th. or Theol. T. theological term. tr. tropical expression. Trig. T. term in trigonometry. Typ. T. typographical term. uncer. uncertain word, of which the sense is not Cleat unus. not used. v. verb. v. a. verb active. v. d. verb defective. r. imp. verb impersonal. v. ir. verb irregular. v. n. verb neuter. v. reg. verb regular. v. refl. verb reflexive. vid. vide, see. vulg. vulgar word or expression. w. a. without authority. £ r f 1 d r n n g bet in btefem 2G5rrerhtrf)e ge&raucfyteit 316fi'trjmtgen. a. aue. b. boner, befferc b e f. beibuberS. b. h. bas be ty r. b. i. baS tft- b. v. bafi ridjtigerc b. f. SSorf) b. ft. ba§ ftblidjere (b. t. SBort). b c f. befectis, ntangclbaft. b t jjg I. bcpgleicben. b i in., bintiit. SSerfletnerungewort. fig., cigctttl. eigcntlid). 1 1 1 i p t. cUiptifcb. frauj. fiauicftfcb. gem. gcinciii, gemcuter, gemetttc, genmnc= go m. getDobttltd). gram, grammatifatifdj. gvtecb. griedjifdj. I at. lateiuifd). in. r.iit. hi o c a I. moraltfd). n. nad). n. ii. nicbt iibltrb n. g. nod) gemcincr. cb. ober. O € ft r. Deftrcid) £m Ceftvctdiifdjen). Sb9f ph^fifrf). port., 5J?ort. pnrtuflteftf<$, $prtt:giefc. t. ricbitgcr. r ege Int. reaetmSJig. f c& c 1 t., Scboiil. fdp'ottifdj, Sdjctttant f. g. fogcitanut. f V mi., Span, fpanifdb, . t>oit. D g (. acrglcicbc. \> c t b., Serb, verbuubcii, iSerbt'nbECfl fcetb. oetborben. ro. it. tvcitii} ubltit. to. ii. t. nxlcbes iibliricr tfi. \ it ». jurrjctlert. j. 33. jum Seifpiel. GERMAN-ENGLISH AND ENGLISH- GERMAN DICTIONARY. PART I. GERMAN-ENGLISH. StoS fl, a, A, first letter of the Alphabet ; prov. roer 91 fagt unit) anrb, U3 fagen, who begins with a thing must go on with it ; tch bill ba3 91 uttb ba3 D, I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end- ing. It is also used for |U, \\\X,, llllt, at, for ; as . baa $fllilb (I 1 £t)a= ler, at one dollar a pound. When double, as in 91 ill, .*3iUir, it is equivalent jo a. 5*i, a, the 91 modified (Umktlit), is sound- ed like the 8 nearly. The capital 9i is also written 91 C. 91 a cf) C tl, n. (-8) Aix la-Chapelle. 91 a f, m. (-C8 ; p/.-e) aak, (a kind of flat- bottomed lighter, employed on thelthine). 91 a I, m. (-C'J ; pi. -C) eel ; compos. — fceett, f. black currant; scab-wort, horse-heel, r/(/.9Uartttcci'e; — becrftraurf),m. black currant-bush; — fillip m. catching of eels ; — fett, ra. eel grease ; — gabel, — pjjrfe, /. — flecker, m. eel-spear; — f)«Uer, _ — faften, m. eel trunk, eel- pond; — fii'lVbc, /. black wild service- berry ! — tafler, n. bed of eels; — lege,/. — TOCfir, n. eel dam, eel-wear; — Vitltpe (— rnppe, — quappe, —mutter), /. it. cull; eel-pout, cony-fish, quab; — reltfc, /. a basket in which eels are caught, junket; — fh'Clf ( — fh'tcb ), m. black streak on the back of a horse: nut tiliem — , eel-backed; — tlucvrf)Clt, s. «»'. l'lnj. T. animalcules in vinegar and other acids, eels in vinegar. 9! a I e 11, v. n. (aux. f)itbetl) to catch ceis. 91 a p, v. JV°. T. mizen stay-sail. 91 a p e t*. f « 1 1, hi. .V. t. halliard of the mizen slay sail. 91 a r, m. (-($ ; pl.-C) bird of prey, eagle ; bic — WCthf, a kind of kite. Syn. 2tnr, ?f Mr r. P.nth mean large birds of prev. Rut ?(ar (originally synonym- bird") |i : ,«[„■ (from ofct ?f,ir, noble bird) That species which preys only upon living animals. 91 XV, f. a river. 91 a r g a it, n. (-c3) Argovie. 91 a r g a u c r, m. (-$ ; pi. — ) 9largatt= tfdl, adj. Argovien. 9larpit, m. 9laro!uMrirqcl, ,.;,/. 9lron. 9la«, n. (-fee; pi. Sifeifl I. food (for animals); -.carrion, carcass; 3. lure; Phr. ciit — ait bie 9lngel jlerfen, to bait a hook; compos. — blatter, /, carbuncle, plague-blister; — fliegc, /. dung-fly; — fveffenb, adj. carnivorous; — rjfter, vi. horse kite, carrion kite ; — flcvucb, — geftanf, m. cadaverous Ktnell : — gruBe, — flthlc, f. carrion pit; -baft, — ifl, uglv, dirty; — later, m. 1 Slbatt horse-beetle, blackfly; — friibe, /. car- rion crow ; — feite, /. flesh-side (of a skin; — pfjflrtje, /• stapeh'a; — UOflel, m. any bird that feeds on carrion (ravens, ice). Sun. ?t a i, 2 n 5 t r. Both designate the remain* of dead bodies, The former both of beaata and men, the latter of beasta oijy. 91 a f C it, v. I. a. T. to shave off to carry (as tanners do) ; IT. n. (mu. liabcit) to feed on carrion, on flesh, 91 a jj, vid. 91aS, 1. 91 b, partic. (now chirfiii m compounds and expressing : separation from, parti- cipation in ; duration, disinclination, and sometimes similitude ; it governs the dative case, and mokes the verbs to which it is prefixed govern tlie dative of the person) : of, off, from, fro, down ; — llllb Jit, to and fro, off and on, backward and forward ; ailf llllb — , up and down ; i§ltt — ! off with your hat! flirj — , abruptly, shortly ; U'Ctt — , far off; f)ie= »0 It flc()t — , M E. discount of. In compound verbs i b >i m r t r n, 10 alter a little; tc rlfn ^r rn, to uiRtfitbcrn, to change ^»> completely as to produce ■ new thing. 91 b a it b e r it n g, /. (pi. -en) i . tion : 2. Oram. T. declension; .1. /.. T. abolition. 91 b an g ft c n, 9'lbSngftigen, >■. i. ,-. i. to weary with anxiety, vex, torment, dis- tress; 2. to extort from; [I. refl. to be in great anxiety, to fret. 91 b a it g ft i g it it g, /. fretting, anxiety 9l b a r b c i t c it, v. I. a. 1. to work off, to wear out; 2. to fatigue; baS Wrfb* fie — , to rough-hew; eiu Scbift rem Strailbe — , to get a ship all from the ground) ; ein gcentcrtej 2*iff — , to push off the enemy, who attempt- ed to board; eilte 'ecbltlb — , to clear a by work; fcin £agcn>crf — , to workout, finish one's task; IT. rrfi. to overlabour, to work one's self weary. 91 b a r b t i t ii n g, /. i . working off; 2. working out ; 3. wearing out ; 4. clear- ing (a debt) by working; S. working one's self weary. 91 b ii r g C r It, v. I. a. to weary by vexs tion; II. re/, to be mortified. 91 b a r it t c n, ( .'ibcrntcn), v. a. to reap ; to carry away the harvest. 91 b art, /. (pt.-tri) l. a variety (of a species) ; 2. (in a bad sense) degenerate race or breed. 91 b a r t e it, ». n. (aux. frv>it"> to erate; to deviate; bet ©ofjtt ift rcn ben iugenben bed 83atetS abgeattet, the son has deviated from the virtues of the father, vid, 9liu°avten. 91 b a r t i g, adj. varying ; degenerate. 91 b a r t n n g, /. (pi. -en) degeneraUon, de-. iation ; vid. '.'ibai't. 9lbafci)crn, v. I a. to scour with B ihes; II. rrfi. fig. to fatigue, to harass -' If. /i bdfe n, ? „ „, , , , . , vl bafen, \ '••"■■V-/-t |,;, i'ot. to browse. 91 b ii ft e II, o. a. to cut off the branches 91 b a t b lit e It, v. a. T. to glow out, to redden in the fire. , ! l bat tit t, adv. exhausted ; de jected, sad. 91 b ii ^ C It, r. a. to eat away, to corrode, to remove by caustics. 91 b ii it g e I it, v. a. I . to ogle ; 2. to wir by ogliug; :i. Sp.T. to search the track with the 91 b ii it f; e r n, v. a. /.. T. to eject from t tenement '91 bba, m. Abba, father. 91 bbaif ell, I.O.M lake improporlT II. n. (aux babi'ii to finish baking; bcr 83dffer 6at abgebarfett, the i.aker ba< done baking ; ba« ©rob ift abgebacfen the crusi gi '- sep irate l from the crumb 91 b babe n, o. I. a. to bathe, w ,>-h. water , II. „. (aux. iMben'i to finish bathing. Sib bii6 eit, v. n. to foment (toast 1 thoroughly W>bi '. E e n, r. a. X. T. to mark with bea- - Jl b b a 1 g e It, r. I. a. 1. to skin, to flay ; 2- to thrash, drub : II. refl. ru/g. 1. to thump one another ; 0. to fatigue one's self or one another by wrestling. 21 b b a m f I it, v. c. r. to beat (skins). M b b a It g C It, r. a. to extort by fear, to gel by intimidation. 21 b bait fen, v. a. to remove sheaves from the barn. 21 b b a r b t e r e rt , r. a. vuig. to shave off. 21 b b a ft C IX, v. a. to strjp tlie bast off. Jlbbatiffin, + vid. Sbtiffln. 21 b b a U C It, v. a. 1. to remove a build- ing; 2. to finish a building; 3. Mm. T. 10 payoff with the produce of a mine. the expense of working it; bie3cd)e tft abgebaitcf, tlie pit has been carried to ■Mich a depth that the work cannot be carried on any longer. 21 b b a u m e it, v. n. Sp. T. to descend from a tree. 21 b b 5 1! m c It, r. a. T. to lake from the loom what is woven. 21 b b a it or t, m. (-c«,;i/.-e N } M. Aboard, 21 b b a u ft r e cf e, /. [pL -n) S stall. 21 b b a it U it g, /. T. tlie defraying tlie charges of a mine. 91 S be, ro. [pi. -Si abbe. 21 b b e e v e n, ». a. to pick or pluck off ■ 21 b b C f f b [ C rt, v. ir. a. to countermand, rse. ?i b b c b a 1 1 c it, v. ir. a. ben .§ut — , to keep off the hat. 2i b b eif « it, v. I. rr. a. to bite off; ftd) i>te?tagel — , to bite one's nails; ftd) »or Sacbcn bie 3unge — , prao. to laugh immoderatelv: cr bat allcr Sdjanbe ben Jtm abgebiffen, prov. he is past shame, dead to all sense of shame ; II. refl. to bite one another. 2i b b C i J C It, r. a. to take away with corrosives; abgcbeijte 23pIIe, mortling. 2i b I" c ! c nt in e it, r. *r. a. l. to partake of; 2. to get off. remove; 3. receive. 81 b b e I J 6 ll, ? r. a. ri. a. to countermand, disclaim. 31 b b e t e n, v. a. 1. to recount in prayer; 2. avert by praying, to pray against; ben Jtpi'ciiEranj — , to pray off the whole chaplet- 31 b b c 1 1 e I n, r. a. reinem etrea*) to beg of. to get by begging. 31 b b e 1 1 e n, v. I. a. to remove the bed; II. refl. to separate beds, to sleep asunder. 31 b b c n g e n, r. I. a. 3Ibbtegctt, r. ir i. to bend off, aside, or downwards; (of plants'! to lay; II. n. [aux. fetm) to turn away, aside. 21 b b C IV C g C n, r. a. to move away from. 21 b b e J it b I c n, o. a. to pay off, vid. 93e= tablen. 3'lbbieten, mi. tteberbieten, ?litf= btetcit. \\ b b 1 1 b, n. (-eS ; pi. -et) image ■ copy, picture, portrait. 9 3bN 2lbbtlbClt, v. a. to portray, to copy; fig. to describe ; lUcf) belli £ebcil — , to draw from life ; ill 21} ad) 3 — , to emboss in was. 21 b b i I fc ll n g, /. ( pi. -VC copy, repre- sentation, impression, portrait, imitation; treue - — en fcer Statue, true imitations of nature. 31 b b t m f e It, t> a. to rub with pumice. 21 b b 1 11 b C It, v. ir. a. 1. to unbind, loos- en ; 2. to take off; 3. T. to join (the timber-work of a building) ; eirt .ftalb — , to wean a calf: eiiten Cebfen ■ — , to geld a bull ; eill %a§ — , to new-hoop a cask ; eilte SBarje — , to wither a wart by tying it hard. 31 bb tit tUltg, /. the act of unbind- ing, &c. oia. ylb'btnben. 31 b b t fc m. (-MS ; pi. -ffe) l. biting of? bite ; 2. the thing bitten off- be§ Xtll- fds — , devil's bit (a plant). 31 b b i 1 1 f, /. (pi. -en) 1 . begging pardon : 2. apology; — tbun, to ask crave, beg pardon, to cry mercy ; etne brfCHtltcbe — tbltlt, to make honourable amends ; fcbrifrltcbe — , written apology. 2ibbttteit, v. ir. a. (einem ettoaS) 1. to apologize, to make excuses for; 2. to rain or obtain by begging. 31 b b 1 1 1 1 1 d), I. adj. pardonable ; H. adv. deprecatorily. 31 b b 1 1 1 [Si lv e t f e, \ ado. by way 3lbbtttungSroeife, J of an apology. 31 b 1 1 it f e tt, v. ir. I. a. to blow off, blow away (the dust from) ; eill £8UC$ — , to blow off the dust from a book; bte fitts ntMien — , Mil. T. to scale the cuns : bet SBadjtet blaftbte Stuiibcn ab, the night-watch sounds the hours (*'. c. upon a horn) ; H. n. Sp. T. (auz. babcit) 1. to sound the retreat, return home : 2. to sound for the last time : bcr SBadjtCE bat abgcblaTcn, the watch has sounded for the last time. 31 b b I a ffe n, o. n. [aux. fetin) to fade. 21 b b I a 1 1 e It, v a. (in husbandry) to pluck off leaves. 3lbblattern, e. n. [aux. fjaben) to lose the small-pox. 31 b b I ii 1 1 e r n, v. I. c. to strip of leaves ; to shiver off; to pull off; II. rrfl. to break into shivers, to exfoliate, to lose, drop the leaves. 2ibblattemb, adj. S. T. exfoliative. 3i b b I a 1 1 e r it n a, /. [pi. -en) s. T. ex- foliation; — Slllittel, 71. exfohative. 3lbblaiten, v. I. a. 1. to make blue (of linen); 2. mdg. to cudgel, to beat soundly; n. n. (aui. b. n. [aux. fevm) to keep off. 31 b b I e t cb C tt, v. I. a to bleach duly ; II. reg. Sr ir. n. [aux. feint) to fade off. 2i b b 1 1 cf e It, t>. n. [anx. babcit) Jlftn. T. to give a flash on the test ; 2. to leave off looking. 31 b b I i cf it n g, /. the appearance of silver on the test. /ibbltfeeit, r.n. i. {aux. baben) to cease lightening, glittering; 2. (aux. fr. v !t) to flash off (again); to miss fire of guns 3i b b 1 it b e n, v. n. 'aux. baben & fc>in) to drop the blossoms, to cease blooming. be out of blossom; to decay, fade, wither; bte SSSunte baben abgebliibf, t trees have done blossoming; bte gietlen babcit abgeblfltjt, the carna- tions are no longer in bloom. Hbbr 31bbluten, v. I. a. to alone f(.r b^ blood; II. c. rt. to cease bleeding, U shed all tlie blood. 91 b b I ii t b e n, v. a. to strip off tht blossoms, to ta!. n. (aux. baben) to lose tlie brown colour; btefet SBraten tft nid)t genug abgebraitnt, this meat is not roasted brown enough. 31bbraufcit, r.n. [aux. baben) to cease fermenting, roaring ; to cease storming. 31bbrecben, r. ir. I. a. i. to breaki break off; to pull down : 2. fg. to abate deduct, abridge ; 3. to detract ; f 111 \ — . to cut short ; cm •&ail& — , to pull down a house : bie Belie — , to strike the tents; cine Utfacbe som 3^11"? — • rulsr. to seek a pretext for a quarrel ; bte ©Itebet — , Mil. T. to form short linos out of long ones ; bie 93allcit — , 7"< p T. to knock off the balls; C tit altc^ S(t)tff — , to break up an old vi II. n. {aux. babeit) to break off; mil etnem alien llmgang — , to break with one ; rott ircllctt "bason — , let us leave off; III. refl. (ftd) Cttvas) to fcprive one's self of; tcb. faun ntir uicbtS — laffeit, I cannot allow any abatement ; abgebrccben, part. adj. abrupt; abge= bvbcbeitc Scuuer, broken siglis; abge» brpefceue Stitdc, broken pieces, frag- ments; abgclucd)ctie SBorte, broken words. 31 b b V C cb U n g, /. breaking, &.c. ; vid. 3lbbntcb. 31 b b r C n 11 e n, v. reg. I. a. to burn off, to burn witn fire ; t» burn away ; etne JtCtnone lt.f.TO. — , to fire, fire off (to dis- charge) a gun, &c. ; II. n. ir. {aux. \t\v.\) 1. to be burnt down, off; 2. to go off (as a cun 1 ; 3. to suffer damage by fire ; eilie spiftole niiift gefebwiab — , a pistol must so off quick (catch fire quick) ; bag 3imbfraitt ift abgebrannt, the r has flashed in the pan ; fte ftlli abgebrannt, they have lost their pro perty by fire. 9« bbrennen, n. 1. burning down ; 2 .V. T. breaming. *3l b b r e « i a t ft r, /. (pi. -en) abbreWa tion ; — fdirift, /. short-hand writing. *21 b b r e 9 i r e u, v. a. to abbreviate, abridge. 31 b b r t it g e It, r. ir. a. 1. to get off. to remove ; 2. to make to cease, to abolish, explode; 3. (eincit son ctn>a») to bring back, to lead away, to dissuade from . . . ; vr:t ciner Venning — ; to divert from an opinion: cr bat biefe uble ©e- ti'obttbctt abgebracbt, he has put an end to this bad practice ; rein rccb' ten '3I?ea,e — , to mislead, to lead the wrong way. 31 b b r f i"? C ! n o. I. a m crumble of? Sibta ?lbbr 2!ben II, reft, to crumble down; to lireak off in little fragments. Jibbrbcfelung, /. crumbling, dimi- nution. 21 b b X d e It, s. a. to break into small pieces, to crumble. 'ii bbxa ch, m. (-e8 ; pi. -bviicbc) l. da- nuge, detriment, hurt, loss; 2. abate- ment, deduction, discount ; 3. the thing broken off, fragment; — tiilltt, to injure, hurt ; to prejudice, derogate ; T. ' the stones by proper mean*; bcr 2lBabr= beit fines '3euflntffe3 — tbxut, to de- ntate from the truth of an evidence ; bCllt fiaitbel — tblin, to injure the trade; fid) felbft — U)un ait..., to pinch jtu'.'s self in..., to deprive one's self of. ?'l b b X it d) t g, «#. 1. shivering, brittle ; J. 7i;'. prejudicial, derogatory, detri- mental. 91 b b r ii b e n, v. a. to scald, to pa/boil ; tin -gillbtt — , to scald a fowl. }| b b X ii 1 1 e It, v. a. to roar out a song. 21 b b r it lit lit C it, v. I. a. to hum over (a tune) II. n. to grumble off. 31 b b r u tt f t c it, v. n. (aux. babcit) &». r. ase rutting; bat iiiilo Imt abgc= btunftct, the rutting season is over. VI b b f ii t c it, v. n. (aux. fyrtbcit) to cease hatching. 01 b b It b C tt, v. n. (aux. brtbcn) to take away the booths. ilbbuqeln, iron well. W b b U tl I C tt, i'. I. a. to wheedle out of; II. nfl. to -waste one's strength with women. 'J b b ii r ft e n, v. a. to brush off; to brush. 3i b b ii fj e tt, v. a. to expiate, atone for ; er bzt ci mit ©elbe abgefcufit, he has been fined for it. Jl b b it fi U it g, /. expiation, atonement, amends. 91 b b It 1 1 C V tt, v. ?i. to finish churning. 91 be, (Pronounce 9lbecc), n. 1. a be, al- phabet; 2. /jo-, the first rudiments, be- dngs; ttflcb bent — , alphabetically; — fcbiilcr, — fcfjufc, m. a scholar still in the alphabet. "VI b C a $ t 1 C I tt, v. n.vulir. to reprimand severely, to chide, scold. "'.'I b c i r i e 1 tt, b. a. 1 . to measure, deli- neate, frame (with the compasses) ; 2. fig. to be ridiculously nice ; fc 1 11 C ^Bd'te — , to speak one's words with ridiculous nicety. *[[ b C It t e t f e t e tt, v. a. to portray, ftd) — laffett, to sit for one's picture. *9l b C pi r e tt, v. a. to copy, transcribe. 91 b b a rt) e it, v. I. a. 1. to take off the roof, to unroof; 2. to give a sloping form, to direct obliquely ; II. reft, to run out in a slope. 91 b b « d) i g, adj. sloping, aslope. 9! b b tt cb It tt (J, /. ( pi. -en) 1. unroofing ; J. Mil. T. slope, slopeness, fall, descent, scarp, glacis. *.'i b b a 1, m. a Persian monk ; enthusiast 91 b b a in m c it, ». a. to dam up, to em- bank. 91 b b 5 lit m It It fl , /. 1. keeping water off by a dam ; 2. (=!£aittm) embankment 91 b b a in v f e n, v . «. (aux. feyn) to eva- pcrnte ; to cease stean 91 b bit mp fen, p. a. to can-,, to eva- porate. 9i b b rt lit fc f It It tt,, f. evaporation. 9lbbanfett, r. I. <;. to dismiss, dis- charge, discard, to divest of an office 'of an employment) ; C t It ,£>eei' 2r*tbil= tell — , to disband an army of soldiers; Ctn Scbiff — , J\~. T. to lay up a vessel ; Uir Strafe — , to cashier; II. n. (aux. babcrU to resign, abdicate, withdraw; to retire from service ; to dismiss an assembly with thanks; bet Vctcbc ■ — , to bold, deliver a funeral oration; ber ^dHUMcbtcr baiift ab, the night- watch calls for the last tune at the break of day. Syn. Xbtanttn,tlnXmtnitbttltctn. The latter is said chiefly, wnen the resigning or re- ■ of the post or office depends upon the ., "•nt'« own choice. 2(b6,inttn is suid also of the lowest offices. Of a charge or office one Bays nicfeerlrgfn/ of a service, abDantcn. 91 b b a it E it tt g, /. (pi. -en) l, dismission, discharge; 2. resignation, abdication: 3. funeral oration, sermon ; 4. last call of a night-watch in the morning. 91 b bar ben, ». nfl. ftct> or fetnent 3Jhinbe tttoas — , to pinch one's self, io starve one's body for. SI b b a 1 1 e It, v. a. T. to dry (malt, corn, &c.) 91 b b C cf C 1 It, v. a. to remove *« cover 91 b b C cf C It, v. a. 1. to clear (the table) ; •-'. to uncover; 3. to flay or flea, to skin. 51 b b e rf e r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) flsyer, vid. Sci)iitber ; — ieber, n. morion's hides. ?lbbecf eret, /. (pi. -en) l. flaying; 2. flaying-place ; 3. the flayer's dwell- ing-house. 91 b b e t cf) C tt, v. a. to separate with dikes, to inclose with dikes. 91 b b e t d) It tt g, /. the act of making dikes. *9l b b C r t f t f e It, i-. n. to talk nonsense ; to behave foolishly. *ii b b C r 1 1 C, m. (-tt; pi. -tt) an inhabitant of Abdera;>>. fool; — Iigtatlbc, m. im- plicit belief; — Itftmcf;, m. piece of folly. *9l b b c r It i f cb, adj. foolish, silly. *9( b b t C rt 1 1 ? It, /. resignation (of an of- fice), abdication ; giving up (of a claim). *9l b b t C t V C It, v. a. 1 . to relinquish, to give up, waive a right or claim; 2. to refuse, reject, exclude. 91 b b t cf C It, v. I. a. to make thick ; n. n. (aux. femt) to thicken. 91b bt el en, v. a. I. to separate by boards, to partition off; 2. to floor. 91 b b t c tt e n, v. a. 1. to serve for (a debt), to pay off by personal service ; S.provinc. to carry oil' the victuals from the table. 91 b b t It g C tt, v. ir. a. to abate in buying, to beat down. *'.'i b b 1 8 1> it 1 1 r e n, v. a. (einetn ctivae to contest, contradict, dispute. 91 b b Cf C It, v. a. Sp. T. to unwind. 31 b b tt tt C l It, v. I. a. to let roar (can- nons) ; to thunder forth; II. n. (aux. ba = ben) to cease thundering. 91 b b o V v c [ n, v. a. to sew don' double-stitch (a shoe). 91 bb PIT en, v.n. (aux. fctm) to dry away, dry up, to get dry and die away or to fall off; bcr ilbgcbtnitC 8et&, and (weaned) body 91 b b 8 1 r eit, c. a. to dry up, to make dry, to roast, to parch. 91 b b r n b. t, m . (-e8 ; pi. -able) r. tin- shavings ; pewter-chips. 91 b b r d tt g C It, v. a. to force away (Ctlteilt etB)fl8), to extort from. 9ibbrdttctt, vid, 9lbbroben. 91 b b r e cb f C I n, » «. 1. to separate by turning; 2. to turn off; 3. to finish turn- ing; 4. to turn. 91 b b r e b e n, o. a. to twist off. 91 b b V C f cf) C It, r. ir. a. 1. to thrasJi off: 2. to finish thrashing ; 3. to paj a by thrashing; i.fig. to uirash soundly 5. to concert, agree privately. 91 b b r 1 1 1 c it, vid. 9lbbvingen. 91bbringcit, (eincm erroaa to extort from, to wring from. !fl b b r t it g u n g, /. extortion, exaction 91 bt x o b e n, v. a. (eincm ctrra$, to get by threatening. 91bbrucf, m. (-8; pi. -briicfc) l. im pression (of a seal &c), copy (of a Stamp, mark ; eiit — in @t)p8, a ca-t ; 2. trigger (in fire-arms) ; 3. the ft >f pulling the trigger; 4. image; — i- ftttlige,/. stopper (in fire-arms). 91 b b r It cf e n, b. a. 1. to imprint, to make the stamp (upon a seal) ; 2. to print ; '■'•. to work oil' with a press. 91 b b r ii cf c H, r. a. I. to separate by pressing; 2. fig. (eiltcilt ettvaS.', to press out of, to squeeze from, to extort from, to screw out from ; 3. M T. to set sad, to put to sea ; 4. to fire, discharge (a gun) ; fig. eg witrbe tbnt ba« .§er$ ab= gebriieft fjaben, U'citn it. f. n., his heart would have burst, if, &,c. 91 b b It b e I tt, ?•. «. to thrum, play badly , to hum (a tune). 91 b b It tl E e 1 tt, t\ a. T. to change a light colour into a darker one. 91 b b 11 It ft C It, b. ft. (aux. fcyil) to evap- orate, to fly away. Jl b b it It |t C It, b. a. to make evaporate ; el in vapours. 9i b b It It ft U It g, 9lbbiillftlllig, /. evap- oration; — Miaul, n. vid, ©rcbirbau*. 91 b b It p f e n, ». a. to dry by tip; i 91 b e b C n e 11, c. a. to level, to make even 91b ccc, vid. 91 be. 91 b e cf c It, b. a. 1. to take off coi 2. to make corners. 9] begcti, ) 91 b c ii g c it, ) 9lbcicf)ftt, v. a. to measure (with a certain measure of that name), to gauge. 91 b e i f C r n, b. reft, to exhaust one's self by zealously doing somethii 91 b c i 1 e it, b. I. n. (aux. fcnr.i to hurry away; II. r. nfi. to exhaust one's self by hurrying. 91 b e t f e It, b. a. to clea' from ice. 91 b e 1 in o \cb, m. muik-seed. 91 b c 11 b, m. (-§ ; pi. -e) evening, eve : west, Occident; * decline of life; rttir bctt — , in the evening; btefctt — , heme — , this evening, to-night; ge- ttcnt — , last night, yesterday ei OOrgeftem— , the night before last; allc — e, every evening; gegeil — ge» (egen, situated in the west, occidental tH ift nocfj uicbt rtlici- SCage— , prm tcess is not yet assured ; tit bet 3 ag and) nod) fn laitg, bennod) Eomml bcr—, prav. the longesl daj m . an end; Jll — effeit, to sup; bet Kr- lige — , eve of a f t. ~ bfitme,/. marvel of Peru; — bl'l'b, «. supper, Bid, 9lbcttbcffcu; — bdiitnie= VUIKl, /. twfluthl ; — effeit, ft. supper . supping; — effenc-;eif, /. supper-time; —falter, m. night flutterer; — gcifeitP, /; « est : ■ — foft, /. supper ; evening m< ii ; — lanb, i.w. Ian, bcr, in. inhabitanl of the west; — western nations; — [Sltbtfd), adj. west- ern, westerly ; — niabl, n. supper ; baJ beilige — nuihl, communion, the Lord'* unit — mablgebcn, to attend the Lord's supper; bad— nuihl .iit'.-tbcileit, reid)ett,*to admmister the sacrament, bet -nnihUtncb, communion table; — lllrtbliCtt, /. supper; - lllrtlft, M ' fair; forestalling of a market a. to harrow off clear 2lber — nicer, n. * Atlantic ocean , — buntt, ui.. 1st. T. the true west; — 10th, «. — rbtbc, /. evening-red, evening shy ; — fegen, m. evening-prayers ; — feitc,/. west-side; western aspect; — fblttte, /. setting sun; — ftdnixbeit, n. good-night, serenade: — ti'ch, m. supper ; id) babe ten — tifdi bet i t^nt. I sap with him; — oiole, Bid. §Ra$t»iote ; — oogel, m. hawk-moth, sphynx, butterfly, papilion ; — yiHfcr,;^. western nations ; — tOCLttS, ,; o. westward; — lucitc, /. western amplitude ; — tvolf, m. hyena ; — jccbe, /. evening-score, (evening bout, even- ing club) ; — jcit, /. even-tide, evening- tide. tgn. a b t n S c f f f it, ?t b 1 11 1 m a f» H « i t, ?tbtnS. ui.ib I, .'(bt ncbro». 2(batfciTcn is the last meal of the day, that which is taken in the evening, tupptri 2fbcnbma$l lias become ob- solete in the sense of L'tbrncriTcn and is only used by the church to denote the Sacrament of the Lord's supper. 2Ibcncinablicit is a sup- per of a more lestive description. 2tbtitcbri>5 u the last meal ol the poorer classes, a frugal evening repast. 51 b C It S 1 1 d), adj. evening . . . ; western 5i b C 11 b §, adv. in the evening; bcittc — , this evening ; gcftcrlt — , last night. ')'. benteuer, n . (-§ ; pi. — ) adven- :ure. venture, odd (strange) accident ; ttllf — ailSgcbcit, to seek adventures ; Ctn — bcftcbdl, to encounter an ad- venture. !yn. Mbtnrmtr, 24 ta c br n hr it, 15 or fa 1 1, 3 u f a I I ,' the word 23cjcber.ncit lias the most extensive signification, denoting any event or occurrence in history or nature. AJorf.iil is an event which occur* to individuals; SufaQ an unforeseen and unexpected accident. Gin 2lbcn* UutT is a strange and extraordinary occurrence which happens to individual persons, and espe- cially connected with danger. ft b e it t e u c r e r, rid. 2lbeitfeurer. 51 b C It t C U C r I i d), adj. 1. adventurous, venturesome : 2. strange, wonderful ; cine — e @cfd)icf)tc, an odd story, a wild story ; cm — cr Sfteilfci), a strange person, an odd person. 51 b cute iter I id; f ett, /. {pi -en) 1. adventuresomeness ; 2. strangeness, oddity ; 3. strange thing. • 51 b e it t e It c r n, v. n. 1. to seek adven- tures ; 2. to venture. 51 b e It t C ll r C r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) adven- turer. ?l b C r, I. conj. but, however : II. adv. + again, once more ; — fbnjt, fonft — , or else; — glciiAlVPijl, however, ne- vertheless; iturF— , but now; fiber, aber! but alas: tie <;ad)e bat em—, prov. there is a clause to it; CS tft Ctrl - — tabci, there is some objection; er Oat intmcr ctn SBenn itnt> ctn — , he lias always some conditions. 41 b C r a d) t, /. + double-ban ; repeated excommunication. SI b C r b C It, o. a. to get by inheritance from. 51 b C r g I a ll b C, m. (-lt») superstition ; bigotry. 51 b e r g I d n b i g, flberglditbifd), 1. adj. superstitious, bigot, bigotted ; II. adv. superstitiously. 5i b er I c n n c it, v. w. a. (ciiicm etroaS) to pass a sentence against, to give a verdict against 5'l b e V lit a I i g, adj. second, iterated, re- peated. Jl b C V in a 1 5, adv. again, once more; anew. Jl b e V It, v. 71. wig. to contradict. fiber n a 111 e, vid. 2 diimpfnamc. 51 bcrntcn, vid. Olbdriitcn. $] b c r b c r it, ». a. (etnent ttWaS) to get by conquest. . R b C T r a ll t C, /. southern wood, vid. ^tabrcun. 4 2ibfa 51 b e r f a 1 1, /. second sowing. 51 be r fill 11, m. (-$) pertinacity, stub- bornness. .'1 b t V f 1 11 11 i (J, adj. stubborn. 21 b c r ixi i 1 1 c, m. (-n3) reluctance : ill-will. 5ibcrtvi§, m. (-(§) 1. over-wit, false wit ; 2. craziness ; 3. mock reasoning ; 4. conceitedness, presumption ; 5. ab- surdity. 5l b C r IX) i r) i g, adj. light-headed, crazy, foolish, conceited. Sun. 3 b c r ivi H i 3, Z5 a h n rr i s i a. ; the man who utters incongruous nonsense is called obcrir-iHia; one who has entirely lost the uee of his reason- ing faculties is ir.ihurru. ij . 51 b c f d) e r it, vid. 21bdfd)crn. 51 b c ff en, v. ir. 1. a. to eat off; ciitcn Jv'llpdKll — , to pick a bone; II. n {am. bilbcii) to rise from table : to finish eat- ing; foabcu fie abgcgcffcnY have they done dining or supping 1 51 b fit d) C I it, v. a. to fan away. 21 b f Ot ct) C II, o. a. 1. to divide into com- partments ; to partition ; 2. to class. 51 b f a d) It It fl, /. (pi. -Cll) 1. partition, compartment ; 2. distribution into classes. 2'lbfdbmcit (5ibfdbnen, 2'lbfdbeln), v. a. to take off the filaments (of beans, _&c). 51 6 f a| en, * vid. 5lbfangen. 51 b f a b r C It, v. ir. l.a.l. to break off by a carriage, to knock off or wear out by driving ; 2. to carry off", to drive for (a debt, &c); etlt $ilb — , to drive a wheel off; II. n. (aur. fci)ll) to set out to depart, set sail; vidg. to die; er ill ctbgcfabreit, he is gone ; Phr. cr ift libel abgcfabrcit, he w»s sadly disap- pointed; folcic Seibett fabren an ihm ab, jig. he is proof against such hard- ships. 5i b f a b r t, /. (/i/.-Clt) setting out, start- ing, departure, emigration ; — t'tt bie born- ©ee, otnng; — Spagge,/. flag of departure ; — 6gelb, «. JL. T. money paid at emigration; — sfcbllp, m gun- shot at departing. 31 b f a 1 1, 77i. (-S ; pi. -fa lie) i. falling off fall, declivity ; 2. rubbish, remains, waste ; 3. .M. E. deficiency, defect (in the weight); 4. ( — SOJt ctlicr 9Mi= gtOlt), apostasy, dissent ; 5. ( — SOU Ciller 'J^artCt 1 , desertion: 6. revolt ; 7. decay; 8. contrast; — ill Ciller Ubr, T. scapement; — OOtt treibc, silk waste; — alio ScifeitficcCVCtCll, soap- er's waste; — Srbbrc, /. waste-pipe, conduit-pipe; tit — fomilten, to de- cline, to go to decay. Syn. Jt b f ,i 1 1, CmpSmngl the former is the tldling oil", revolt of a part only, of one or more firovmces from the main body of the state ; the atter denotes an open insurrection. 21 b f a 1 1 C It, r. ir. 1. 7t. (flHj-.fcl)ll) 1 . to fall off"; 2. to decrease, decay ; 3. to dissent ; 4. to desert, revolt: »0tt ber Wcligtoii — , turn apostate : bic SBllcftjlOuett fal= U'lt ab, Tim. '/". the letters are broken; bic G'rje fallen ab, Min. T. the ores hold less metal ; baOPlt fiiflt llittt piel ab, riilg. it is an unprofitable business ; II. reft, (flcfj etWttSJ break off' in (by) falling. 2i b f a ll C II b, pc -t. adj. falling off &.C. vid. 5lbfalleit ; cid)t — , deciduous (said of plants). 51 b f d 1 1 i g, adj 1. falling off; 2. liable to falling off: 3. decaying ; 4. revolting ; 5. disapproving, denying, dissenting; — bcfdicibeil, to deny, refuse; cine — C Jtiifie, a shelving coast. 2ibn ,'i b f d 1 1 i g f C i t, /. 1. declivi'.y j 2..i^ apostasy. 51 b f a l J C n, v. a. T. 1. to clear away , 2. to cleanse with the shaving knife 3. to shave. 5lbfaiigcil, v. ir. a. 1. to catch: 2 Min.T. to support by beams and props. SEBaffer — , r. to turn oil'; cincit >§irf$ It. f. ». — , Sp. T. to kill a stag, &c 51 b f d r b C It, v. I. a. to dye, colour ; II n. (wax. baben) l. to lose colour, tu stain ; 2. to finish dyeing. 51 b f d f c I II, o. imp. to lose filaments. 51 b f a f er ll, ?•. I. a. to take vn fibree ; II. 7i. (avx. babcit) to lose fibres. 2ibfaf)eil, v. a, 1. to compose, draw up. write; 2. to sort, to separate; lib* gefafU in "Iluebriiffett u. f. ro., couched in terms, &x. 21bfaffer, m. (-8; pi.—) he thai writes or draws up; author. 21 bf af fit It 3, /. composing, drawir.12 up, writing. 51 b f a ft e II, v. I. a. to atone by fasting , II. rejL to exhaust one's strength by fasting. 2i b fa 11 1 e 11, v. n. [aux. fcl;n) to rot off, to putf.JV and fall oft'. 51 b f a 11 m e it, vid. 21bfd)dnmcn. 51 b f C d) t e 11, v. ir I a. to get by fighting, II. reft, to fatigue one's self with fighting 51 b f C b C r II, v. I. a. to pluck off the feathers ; 11. n. (aux. Ijabeil) to lose tba feathers. 51 b f C g C It, 71. a. to wipe off. to rub off, to sweep off; — be 3JJtttel, (n. i. u- Med. T. abstergent medicines. 51 b f C g ll It g,/. cleaning, clearing, will- ing off. 51 b f c i c r it, vid. 2!btncrcit. 51 b f C i I C 11, v. a. to file, file off, to di with a file. 2lbfeilid)t, 71. (-S) file-dust, «»V Scilfpanc. 51 b f c i I f d) e it, v. a. to buy, to get b* bargaining. 51 bf et 111 e n, vid. Slbfdumen. 51 b f e i 11 e ll, v. a. to refine (sugar, &c_ 51 b f e 11 ft c r it, vulg. vid. 2lii5fd;cltciL 51 b f C r t i g C ll, v. a. 1 . to dispatch, ex- pedite: 2. dismiss; flirj — ,fig. to niaki short work with one. 5ibfertigung, /. (pi. -en) 1. dis- patch, expedition, speed ; jig. 2. smart repartee; 3. refusal; — Sfcbcttt, m. .V. /■; declaration (entry) at the custom-olhce permit. 51 b f C f f C I II, v. a. to unfetter. 51 b f C 1 1 C It, d. a. to take off the fat. 21 bf end) ten, v. n. {aux. baben) to lose moisture. 51 b f C U C r II, v. I. a. to fire, fire off, to discharge; II. n. T. to ceo=;e firing, heating. 5ibficbcllt, v. a.T. to wear out by rubbing ; vulg. to scrape, to fiddle. 21 b f i e b c r It, v. I. a. T. to cut off the extremities of glass ; II. n. to lose the feathers. *5i b ftltrtre it, v. a. vid. 21bfcigc«. 21 b f i 1 5 c n, mdg. vid. 3lu8ft|elten. 51 b f i II b C It, 7-. ir. I. a. to content, sat- isfy ; cine i£od)ter — , to make a settle- ment on a daughter; abgcfutlfClICj^iltJ ber, children who have received their portions; abgcfuitbCltC ^liiqctl, appa- nae.-l princes: 11. rrjt. fid) 11IU jt« lltaitb — , to come to terms with one id) lt'cree mid) be«balb be: 3bneit-^ Slbfo l shall make ) »u an acknowledgment for that lyri. Zlbi intc n, H t f r i t S i a f n. A person is said to be abg/. -ett) 1. content- ing, satisfaction ; 2. agreeing with some- body; 3. clearing scores ; — Sgclber,s. pi. money paid to get clear of all demands ; _6quantum, n. — Sfumme, /. sum of acquittance. 9lbf trtgcrtt, v. a. 1. to reckon with the aid of the lingers ; 2. to play over (a tune). 91 b f i it tt C tt, v. a. T. to thin edges by beating. 21 b f t f d) £ tt, v. a. to empty a pond by fishing; fig. bft3 SBefU — , to take the best of a thing ; citient ctioag — , vulg. to trick one out of a thing. Si b f t tj C It, v. a T. to brush a wall. ?i b f I a cb C n , v. c. to level, to slope. Sibflattertt, v.l.n. {auz. fci;tt) to flutter a way ; II. v. rejl. to grow wea- ried by fluttering. S'l b f I ft U e tt, v. a. Min. T. to wash (ore) ; to rinse (linen). SI b f I a tt = f a jj, b. the tub in which washed ore is rewashed ; — t)crb, m. a platform upon which ore is washed. Si b f 1 1 d) t e tt, v. ir. a. to untwist. Si fc f l e ff e tt, D. n. (auz. fjaben) to stain by losing a colour. SI b f I e b C r It, v. a. T. to cleanse corn with a goosewing. 31 b f I C f) e 3, ». a. to obtain by imploring. K b f t eif dj e t ft n, n. (-8 ; p*. — ) t. scraper. Si b f I e t f d) e tt, v. I. a. to shave the re- maining flesh from the hides ; to pick the flesh from (a bone) ; to macerate. 31 b f 1 i e g e n, v. ir. n. (auz. feint) to fly off Si b f I i c js c it, v. ir. n. (auz. fctytt) to flow off to ebb, rundown; to empty, evacuate, discharge itself. SI b f 1 6 r) e tt, v. a. to catch or take away the fleas. Si b f I b \i e tt, v. a. to make to float, to float down a river ; to cause to flow away. 31 b f I 6 t e tt, v. a. to play an air on the flute. 9Jb flu (j, 771. (-e$; pi. -pge), flying away, departure (of migratory birds) ; — SOtt, m. place from which the flight is taken. SI b f I ti g e I tt, v. I. a. to deprive of ■-: II. 7i. {auz. feint) to fly off suddenly. Si b f la jj, 7«. (-ffcs ; pi. -fli'tffe) l. flow- ing off running down, discharge ; ebb ; -. sewer, gutter; — bc3 ®clfceS ttr.ct) ciitcm aiibertt Sanbe, drawing or send- il g money out of the country to other parts. Si b f o b c r it, vid. Slbfovbcvn. .! b f b I c tt, v. ii. (aux. habcr.), to have done foaling. Si b f o I g t n, r. 71. — laffett, i. to hand at one's request, to deliver, remit, yield ; ■-. to give up, to allow. 5'lbfolguttfj, /. delivering, delivery, remittance, handing. •Mho I tern, v. a. (cittern etivas) to 5lb for been, d, a. l. to call from ..., to call off or away, to recall ; 2. cittern tttOHi — , to ask one for a thing; to demand it -from one; 3. eittcit — , to abga cah one away , 4. CtroaS — laffett, to send for a thing ; cineilt Jtcd;ttU!tg — , to call one to account. S'lbforberung, /. (pi. -en) calling away, off; demanding, &.c. ; — eblicfc, pi. letters of recall. Si b f or in,/, (pi. -en) cast, model, mould. Si b f r lit e n, v. a. to form, mould, shape. Sibforf cben, v. a. (eittcm ctroaS) to search out ; vulg. to pump out. Si b f r a g e n, v. a. l. (eittcm ctroa*) to get out by questioning ; 2. to examine, inquire; fo fragt man tern Matter btc Jtiiltfie ab, proo. thus one gets out tilings of a fool. SI b f r C f f e tt, 73. ir. a. to browse, browse on, to feed upon, to consume, eat up ; ber ©rant frifit tt)trt ba3 Jpctj ab, grief breaks his heart. Si b frier ert, «. ir. n. (auz. feint) to be bitten or frozen off by cold. 81 b f r 6 b tt e tt, ) v. a. to pay off t- me- 31 b f r f) It C It, ([ nial services ; to v>er- furiii services due to the lord of the manor. Si 6 frft^ltUttg, /. the doing of com- pelled work. Si b f n cb^ t C I tt, v. a.vulg. to beat soundly. Si b f a g C tt, v. a. to smooth off. SI b f it b I c it, v. a. (eittcm etrea») to know by the touch. SI b f it l) r e, /. (y. -en) i. conveyance, carriage ; 2. transporting, removal, ex- portation. SI b f it l; r e t f e It, n. T. wire-drawing iron. 31 b f it \ X e n, v. a. 1. to lead off, away ; 2. carry down, away or out ; export ; 3. to abduce ; 4. M. E. to credit or to pass to the credit of any one's ac- count; 5. to expel; DPllt iBcrje — , to lead astray, to mislead ; 6. bte 5'Cltd)= tigfettdt — , to expel the humours; Uurcinigfcitcit auS bent Jvbrper — , to puree, cleanse, evacuate ; ». ciuc @C$Ulb «. f. \V. — , to pay off a debt, &c. Si b f ii b t e 11 b, part. Med. T. abluent, ab- stergent, aperient; — C 2)2ittcl gcbvatt= cbcit, to purge, take physic; — e SDBege, Jl. T. excretory passages; — C 9)?ll$fe[, ./?. 7'. muscles abducent, abductors. Slbfii I) rl at we rge, /. (pi. -it) a laxative electuary. SI b f it f) r lit 1 1 1 e (, n. (-« ; pi. — ) pur- gative. SI b f ii r) r it rt g, /. (pi. -en) 1. the lead- ing away, off, out; 2. carrying, convey- ing, exporting, &c. ; Med. T. abstersion ; — dllliitel, 7i. purgative. Si b f ii I) r to c g, m. (-e8 ; pi. -c) .;. t. excretory passage. SI b f ii 1 1 e n, v. a. to fill out, to pour out, to decant, to empty; to draw off SI b f It r ff) C It, o. a. to divide by furrows. Si b f it 1 1 e V It, tj. a. to feed, to give the last provender. SI b f ii 1 1 C r it tt g, /. feeding, &c. SI b g a b e,/. (pi. -It) 1. deliver,- ; 8. duty. tax, impost; 3. M. K. draft, bill of ex- change, assignment ; — ltive|c:t, n. sys- tem of the taxes or duties. SI b i\ ft b C I It, r. a. to remove, take away with a fork. Si b g a f f e tt, v. a. vulg. for abt'eben. SI b g a b r e it, v. ir. n. (aux. babcn) to cease fermenting. Si b g a n g, m. (-tt ; pL -gange) l. co- in - off exit, Bettin • ■ I i ff. de- parture : -. sale, market ; .■?. diminu- | tion: !. deduction; 5. want, deficiencj 5. shreds, chips, waste, refuse; 7. T\rp '/'.waste-paper; ill — ber SFlabrUHJ tonimeit, to lose customers; — an ct: IVHlS, want of . . . ; decay of ... ; — cuter Scibcsfriicbr, abortion, a riage ; — sloci\ n. an opening at lha in of a hive ; — srecbttung, /. M E. Die amount of tare. SI b g 5 it g t g, adj. 1. saleable, vei 2. going off, departing; 3. declining. SI b g a tt g I c t tt, n. (-e) si bg dug ling, m. (-9) pi. -c) .'ibgdngfel, n. (-8; pi.— ) 1, shreds, clippings; 3. Med. T. m riage, abortion. SI b g d r b c n, v. a. vid. ©dvben, vulg. to baste, beat. Sibgdffbcn, v. n. (aux. babcn) to cease fermenting. SI b g ii t C n, tj. a. to clear of weeds. Si b g a 1 1 e r tt, v. a. (cineni ctroa8) to get something out of one. 31 bg ante In, v. a. (etnem etoaJ) to obtain by juggling. si b g a it n c c tt, v. a. (etnem etroatS) to steal, defraud of. S'lbgebett, r. ir. I. a. 1. to deliver; -J. to give, to give up ; to render ; 3. to share with ; 4. to be good for ... ; .">. to serve as; cr roiirbc ciitcit gittcit SoU batcn — , he would make a good sol- dier; 6. to be fit for ; II. rcjt. mit ct= WaS' — , to deal in, to meddle with ; ltd) mit Jieblcittr.igcit — , to follow the business of a coal-porter ; ftcb in it etnem . — , to have intercom lie) with one ; ti rcifb etroaS — . fig. it is likely that something will oc- cur ; fam. ba roirb c« cincit ©hrm — , there will be a row ; ba nnicc- : gc — , there will be blows. Syn. 2t»arsen,3tbtitftrn. Thehtta er:illy u^^d in ppe.diin» of in ii) ^osr M Wtlfc nbaclitffrt, 1 hive d the money, and the book nbjracbtn. SI b g c b o t, 7i. rid. Slitfgcber. SI b g e b r o d) e it, pert. adj. broi.- terruptcd. SI b g e b v o di e n b c 1 1, /. abruptness. SI b g c b a n f t, part. adj. dl banded, vid. obbaitfeit. SI b g C b r f eb e It, part. adj. 1. trite ; 2. preconcerted. SI b g c b r o f d) c n b e 1 1, /. triteness. Si b g C f a It ( C i J m t, adj. arrant, craf- ty ; ettt — cr Scbclni, anarch-rogue, arrant knave ; — C S^oibcit, con malice. SI bfl ef la d) t, part. adj. flattem i SI b g C b C It, r. ir. I. a. 1. to wear out (by walking); 2. to measure by steps; II. ti. (aux. feint) 1. to go out, off, walk off, set OUt, to depart; 2. to sell I 3. get loose, come off; 4. to be abated, deducted, discounted; ">. to want, in want; C. to differ; 7. to end. C"me off, to wear off; Phr. IVCt'l C-5 bodj r!'ite bcrglcicbcti nicbt — foil, aim said that such things are Bure to Inp pen; mit Sobe — , to depart tl to die ; yon eincr ^<[d y c — , to bw to go ticiiu one's subject; OOn einci! anbern SKetnung — , to differ from one in opinion : bicooit fatlll tdi lt:dt — , 1 must ins:>t upon that ; btc Aavbi gebt itb, the - oil"; o gc- iH'tt ntir ") JlMlfr ab, l want. I five dollars ; bie Vcibc;-'"r!td'* i'.u- ab, Bhe miscarried; etwae" Don fei« ner Sorberung — [affeit, at : tdj loffe fcittcn feller bacon — , i wouU not i farthing of it: er Uv-t Urb nifbl? — , he does not di "y himaelf any thing Slb^e ii gcbt ihe place whence the person removed; s-fj- gi ten and Forrgffien, in refers v removal An'actor leaving the stage, flcfil .it 1 , but Uie eandle-snufler, gtpt Ivrg. $ortatfich i:u;iii.-s onward motion, not only in opposition bo b*,ng in a slate of rest, but also to going back. ':! b .1 1 t Q t II, v. a. coiit. to fiddle on. e £ jjel It, v. a. 1. to take oil" willi the scourge, 2. scourge soundly. 3! b g e i 5 e it, o. a. (etitent ctamS) to gel by avarice from: ftdj tttoai ■ — , tc starve one's self by avarice. 31 b i] C f it r j t, part. adj. shortened, abridged. 51 b g C I a It f C !t, adj. worn out ; ."If. E. due, payable, expired ; bic3ettift — /the tenn is expired ; metric Ubv ift — , my watch is down; — C ScpltQe, worn out shoes; cin — ev SBedjfelorief, a bill which is due ; vid. Slblailfcn. 31 b g C t e b t, adj. 1. decrepit ; worn out by age ; decayed ; faded ; 2. deceased, late. SI b g e I e b t f) e 1 t, /. decrepitude. SI b g e f e g e n, adj. distant, out of the way, retired ; bev — e ©pajtergCtttS, by- walk ; — er 33eiit, reposed, settled wine ; — fycif, /. distance, remoteness. 21 b g e t e i b t, adj. deceased, defunct 51 b g e I r> b C U, v. a. to vow not to do a thing. SI b g e 1 1 C it, v. a. to clear off a debt. Sib gem adit, part. adj. done, paid, settled; vid. Slblltacheit. S'l b g e lit e f f C It, adj. measure J. v Id. Slbmcffctt. SI b g e lit e f f e It f) e 1 1, /. exactness ; reg- ularity, formality. Siijeitetgt, adj. disinclined, unfavour- jibie. 31 b g C tl e t g 1 b e 1 1, /. aversion, disin- clination. 31 b g e n u fe f, adj. wom out. 5! b g e n it % t b e t f, /. attriteness. 51 b g C X b It e t e, m. (dec!, like an adj.) deputy, legate, delegate: commissa- ry; bet— etrtefi 33urgflecfctt§, bur- — llfilimner, /. chamber of depu- ties. Syn. Jtbgror »n« t r, Jtfie, e fa no tt; the lat- ter is an envcy sent by one prince or court to another on a particular occasion. The former is a delegate, deputed by a body of citizens, to act as their agent and representative. Si b g e f [ a 1 1 c t, part adj. flattened, levelled. S'lbgerbcn, v. a. t. 1. to tan, dress (hides) : 2. wig. to curry, cudgel, vid Slbpviigclit. SI b g e r C b C t, adj. concerted, agreed up- on; — CV UJwjjeil, according to agree- ment. SI b g e r e cb « e t, part adj. l.deducted ; 2. — htVPtt, without regard to, setting aside. Sib gcvif fell, peat. adj. torn off, vid. abreifen. 31 b g e r i 1 1 e n, part. adj. foundered, broken, vid. SlbvciteB. '( b g e f a g t, part adj. etrt — cr 3cir.i, a sworn, deadly enemy. !'l b g e f a It b t e, m. iff. {dec/, like an adj.) ;iiii'iassador; messenger; envoy; depu- ty: delegate: cill bcintltitcf — an emissary; Ct It gciftltcber — , a mis- sionary. Si b g e fa it g, m. (-c3 pi. -fangc) what is sung. ?i b g C f cb a b t, adj. thread bare, shabby. o 2lbge 31 b g C f cb a V V t C n. (deel. like an adj.) scrapings. 31 bgefdjtcbcn, adj. 1. separate ; 2. ; 3. retired, secluded ; bCV — C ©eifl, shade. 21 bgefriucbcnbcit, /. 1. retire- ment ; 2. closeness, secrecy ; 3. recess. 21 bgcfdllagcit, adj. 1. beaten off; blown, cut; pulled; fallen, abated; 2. nied, refused (vid. Slbfcblagcii) ; — e6 ~bft, windfall. ii b g e f d) 1 i f f e it, adj. polished, refined, polite, eid. Slbfi-bU-ifm VI b g C f rfl I i f f ell I) C i t, /. refinement, politeness, elegance of manners. 3i b g c f &, I o f f e it, pert. adj. conclu- ded, closed, shut. S'lbgcf cbut acf t, I. adj. insipid, taste- less ; flat, dull, absurd ; II. adv. insipidly absurdly. 91 b it c f cb in a if t b e i 1, /. insipidity, absurdity. 31 b g e f di D e c it, adj. shaved off, (vid. 3lbKbcfCll) ; — C 3BolIe, shear- ings. 31 bg ef ef) Clt, adj. 1. learned by see- ing: 2. without regard to; btC"P!t — , abstractedly from that point ; tDOrclltf — feliU, to be designed or aimed at; — bCtOOlt, bap ..., without mentioning that ...; vid. ?lbfef)en. 31 b g C f C f f C It, part. adj. alighted (from a horse). Si bgefortbert, part. adj. separated ; vid. Slbfonbern. Sibgefotteit, pirt. adj. boiled (fish, &ej. SI b g f f p cl It It t, part. adj. low-spirited ; weakened, enervated; slackened. 31 b g e f V « U it t b e 1 1, /. state of ex- haustion, enervation ; Med. T. atony. Si b g e ft a It b C It, port adj. stale, palled; dead (fish) ; vid. 2lbfict>en. 31 b g C ft P V b C It, adj. deceased, dead. rid. 3lbftcrbcit ; er tft bev ©efeflfdjaft gttttj — , he is absolutely lost fcr so- ciety. Sibgeftumvft, adj. 1. bluawl; 2. jig. dull. Si 6 g e ft It lit V f t fi e 1 1, j. dullness, ob- tusion. 31 b g e t b a It, adj. 1. put off taken away : 2. executed, beheaded, killed; 3. accom- modated; — e iScbulb, cleared debt Sibgettxgen, part. adj. 1. carried away, taken off; 2. taken or brought down : 3. worn out ; 4. paid off. 3ibg ctvc t Ctt, adj. resigned, retired, gone off; SOlt bcr^-Buiinc — , left the stage; vid. 31btVCteil. 31 b g e W a b r C n, v. a. Mih. T. to dis- charge (in the counter-book). Si b g c xo a 11 b t, part. adj. turned away or aside, averted, alienated. 31 b g e mi e fen, part. adj. reptdsed, re- buffed, denied, refused. 3ibgcn?titnett, (etnem tU XOClS) to win from, gain, get; Vhr. etnem ben SBcvtbetl — , to gain the advantage over one; ehieilt ben 33or« nig — , to get the better of one; cincr ^iicbe @cu"binrtif — , to get a taste for a thing; ciucm Scbiffe ben 2Stnb — , to gain the wind (the weather gage) of a ship: ft cb ntit SJJiibe — , with diffi- culty to prevail upon one's self. 31 b g c it' b b n c it, ?•. a. (einem, ftcb — ctunt?) to disaccustom, to wean, Jo break off a custom) : to leave off; etlt JEtttb — , aid. @nt»5^nen. 31 b g C J P q C It, adj. -l-Aivn off: abstract: ?lt\jr vid. ^Ibjkben; m.e. deducted, ~ tt ©ewtcbt, adjusted weight vibgejogenhe it, vid. 2lbgefc^te* bClllH'it. SJ b g t e r C ll, v. a. 1. to obtain by im- portunity ; 2. JV. T. to cheer off (away SibgtefiCtl, v. ir. a. 1. to pour off, ciear oil", to decant ; 2. T. to found, cast Si b g t c v e r, ?». (-» ; pi. — ) moulder, former. Si b g i e fi it it g, /. ( pi. — eu) l. pouring off, clearing off, decarung ; 2. founding, casting. SIB fl tft,/. L. T. tribute, tax, dun-. 31 b g t p f e I tt, t a. to top (a tree). Sibgtvven, v. a. (etnem etwaf) to coax out of one. 31 b g i 1 1 C r It, v. a. to separate l>y a railing. 31 b g I (1 11 5, m. (-e$) resplendence, re- flected splendour, reflection ; fig. image. Si b g I a 1 1 e tt, v. a. to polish (also to make smooth. 21 b g I C i d) C It, v. a. equal, equalize 2. to settle accounts, to audit ; vid SluSgleicbert. Sib gle id) flange,/, (pi. -a) r. ad- justing tool. 3'lbgletcbfetle,/. (pi. -n) t. equal- ling file Si b g 1 c t d) u it g § xo a a g e, /. (pi. -n) T. adjusting scale. 21 b g 1 e 1 1 e it, v. ir. *. (am. fet)it) to slip, glide off. Si b g I i m m e n, ». teg. &■ ir. (am. fei)n) to cease to glow. 21 b g I i f f A e tt, vid. 2lbgleiten. 21 b g I ii f> C It, v. I. a. 1. to make reBr that winch is worshipped u n deity but is not God; iSoBcnbilB the image ol a false god. 21 b g 5 tt e x, Slbgbtterev, m. (S;pi.—) idolater ; —tit, /. idolatress. 21 b g o 1 1 e r c i, /. idolatry ; — tceibeu, to worship idols. 21 b{] btt in,/, a female idol. Si b 8 5 1 1 i f d), I. adj. idolatrous : U adv. — ly. 21 b 8 r it b e It, v. ir. a. 1. to dig off; 2. to furnish with a trench ; 3. to separate by digging, to cut off by a ditch ; 4. to lead off by a ditch ; 5. to turn off the course of a stream ; 6. to pay a djlrt by digging. Si b g r a b u n g, /. digging off &x. 21 b g X ii lit e I it, ? v. reJL to pine away Si b g v a m c u, $ with grief. 21 b g V a f C It, v. a. to cut grass ; to graze. Si b g V a f ll It g, / grazing off. *31 b g r e g i v e it, v. a. to abgregate, to separate. 31 b ij r t i f C It, v. ir. a. to wear i constant touching; cin abgcjtiffencr •£>ut, a worn out hat. Si b g r e tt ; e tt, ». a. to fix the limits. Si b g r it rt b, m. (-eS ; p/.-grunbe) 'abyss, precipice, gulf; JV". T. eddy, whirlpool. Si b g X n V b C It v. a. 1. to prove to the bottom: 2. T. to make channels with a joiner's plane 2ibha Sbbr 3l&!ui ?I b g r a n b I i d) , adj. precipitous. Si 6 g x it tt c n, v. «. {mix. haben) to to be verdant. Si 6 1] it cf c it, v. I. a. (ciiicm etroas) to learn, discover) by peeping, spj ing ; ii ,-7/. to become tired by gazing. il 6 Q U tl ft, f- ill-will, disafl'ection, spite, . , vid. aRijiguuft. :l b o ii tt ft t g, «'/j. disaffected, unkind, spiteful, envious; wtf. SDZl^gUnfttg J tT tft mil" — , he bears me no good will. Mb U urge In, v. [. a. l. to cut the throat , 2. cilt ^teb — , to carol; II. n. to gurgle i\ b g ii r t e n, a. a. to ungird 91 b g it X t U tt g, /. ungirding. Qibgufj, m (-ffe«; pi. -itffe) l. pour- ing off, clearing off, decanting ; 2. cast- ing, founding; 3. cast, copy, 4. T. the lower part of a tobacco-pipe. 91 b g ii 1 e n, i'. a. to give the due portion, vid. a&ftttben. Slbflrt avert, o. I. a. T. to scrape off hair (from the hide) ; II. n. (ouz. habcit) to lose hair. 91 b f) rt b C It, v. ir. a. to have part of ; CI - will cttva-3 — , he comes in for a share ; ttlUaS — fill', to receive a punishment for; buffi* foU Cf fd)0rt etll'aS — , he will be sure to have his punishment for that ; belt .£>ut ■ — , to have the hat off. 91 b t» rt cf e rt, v. a. to chop off or down. Sihfjacfer, m. (-« ; y. —J he that cuts off. 91 b b a b e r it, v. a. (ciitcnt etn>a§) to extort by htigiousness. *i'l b fj a f t C It, jj. a. to unhook, unclasp. 9! b b abate, de duct, beat down ; n. to settle, (o accom- modate; ciiteit S'ticbcii u.f. n>. — , to negotiate a peace; 4. to treat of, dis- cuss ; etitctt Oegenftanb — , to treat of a subject, to discuss a matter. ?( b b rt It b C \\,.adv. not at hand , lost , — feint, not to be at hand ; — fonnncn, to be lo-t. 91 bb aublcr, jn. t-i\ /»'. — ) he that 91 b b rt It b I It It g, /. ;/. -Clt I . treaty, negotiation, transaction ; -J. treat cussion, lecture. 9lbbrtng, m. (-c«; /<'. -bangt) slope, declivity; bent; cilt jnber — . a cliff. steep precipice. 91 b b a it g e rt, ;•. ir. v. (axtx. babctt) l. to bang down; _. to hang at a distance; I), to hang from, to hang off; 4. I dine, slope; 5. VOrt CtltCllt or tttoai — , to depend on or upon . . .; Ca l)all;]t l>Clt mil rtb, it depends upon me. SI b b a it g e tt, v. a. to take-off to hang off; bte ©etmebte ctiier Hbv — , to take off the weights of a clock ; to stop the bellows (in forges). SI 6 b a it g e r, m. i -S;ph — ; n. i. «. de pendent. 91 b b ii i it g t g, adj. l. inclining, sloping ; ;.'. depending, dependent ; cut — cr 9. ; r= ben, a hanging ground. 91 b b a n g t g f c i t, /. ] . inclination downwards, declivity; 2. dependi 91 6 b angling, m. (-8; pi. -t lent. 91 bbaven, c/.f — , to behead one; flbgcbancn, part, cut down, &c. ; cin abgcbancitcr 83 go to fetch, to call for, to (i tch : .\'. T. to haul, to get off; idi null thtt — , I will go for him ; id) null Sit bti ,"\b» VCllt <8otet — , I « ill come for you to your father's; ter 9"i?agcit tvirbniicb — , image will come for me ; — Kn- fctl, to send for. VI b b I U rt g, /. fetching off, calling away, &C VI b b o 1 5, v. (-C?) T. chips of wood. VI b b o I \ e n, b. a. to cut down a i to root out a l VI b b 1 5 1 g, adj T. deficient (weak) in timber. Vibbovcbcrt, e a. (cittern ctn?a6) to learn by listening, to overhear. VI b b b r C It, )•. a. 1. to examine, to try, hear, to question; 3. to learn by bearing; 3. to reach with one's hearing ; 3 f " = gcit gegcit etnnnbet — , to confront wit- . toai boiit bit bir bason afc? what do you learn by bearing thai ! S«n. ttbfitirm, B«r bo un. JftbSrtn 'unly of witnesaaa, Btt^Srtn u «rell of the accused ns of witnesses. A. witn6M ia rcthorl when I ml is heard, be !• nbittbott when bis wbcle depot taken. *9i b b orreit ten, pi the abhorrers, (political party in England ■ *9l b b p v r t r c it, r. a. to detest, abhoc ; to intimidate. *9lb b c>r ttrcrt, v. a, to dissuade, dr liort from. 9ibbbvung, / bearing, trial, exami- nation. 91 b b It b, m. (-Ci' 1 1 . remains of a meal ; S cutting the cards at dealing) ; 3. Min. T. scoria, useless stuff of washed ore; — Fifte, /. .Vot. T. rake. VI b b it r c 1 it, b. a. to worry. 91 b b U 1 b, /. dislike. 91b b ii 1 fe,/. redress, remedy; — [eiitcrt, fdjaffeit, to give re dy, to pr II supply; ''"•* ©elttbtgungen Igcfefc-- %Ubta 31bfl Slbfo itcfte) — flt$Cll, to redress injuries by law. ribftiilflteb, rid. 2lbbclfttcft. 51 b b ii I fett, o. a. to take off the husk, .luc-luilfen. 3ibbwngern, r. I. n. (cur. feint) to be starved, famished ; n. refl. to starve - self. v; b b it p fen, r.n. (am. feim) to hop away. 91 b b it f A c !l, b. n. (auz. fcrj>tt) to glide away. 2i b b 11 ft C it, e. I. a. to cough away, out . II. rrjl. to exhaust one's self with coughing. 31 b b ii t c it, d. a. to graze : to feed. 81 6 b ii t r C it, v. a. Mm. T. to give up (neglect) a mine. 21 b b ii t It it g, /. feeding, grazing. 01 b t eft t, adj. T. turned, being the left or reversed side (among hatters). Dl ft t g a I I, /. Abigail. 31 6 IVX C rt, p. 71. (airi. feint) to deviate, to swerve. 21 birr U It g, f. (;>/. -crO deviation, ab- erration ; — bc§ ZifyttS, Phys. T. re- fraction. *2l b 1 1 u r t r e n, ». n. to be about to leave college. •21 b i tut ten t, m. (-en ; pi. -ett) he that leaves college or the university ; — Elt ' (Seamen, examination of such as are about to leave college. 2i b j a eft f c r tt, ». refl. v.ilg. to weary one's self by running. . • .". ,1 C It, v. I. a. 1. to over-drive, to weary with purcuing, over-ride, founder (a horse) ; 2. Jig. (eilteilt etttHts) to res- cue (retrieve, recover) something from one ; 3. to get by hunting, pursuing one ; Pkr. etiteiu eineii >2cftrccfett — , to strike one with a sudden fright; etlt cbgejagtcS -£ferb, a jaded horse; II. n. [aux. bdbcit) Sp. T. to finish hunting; ITI. refl. to fatigue one's self by any violent exertion. 51 b j a in m t r it, r. a. (cincm et\va$) to set from one by lamenting. 31 b j a It cb 1 1 11, v. a. to proclaim with a loud and cheering voice, to shout forth. 31 b j C eft C It, v. a. to unyoke. ►21 b jnb t c tr e n, v. «. l. t. vid. 3lb= nnecftett. *2lb jtlfireit, v. a. to deny with an oath, abjure. 3! b f a I b e it, v. «. (auz. t;aben) to dis- continue calving. 31 b f d 1 1 e It, r. a, 1. to cool ; 2. Jig. to slacken, relent. 51 b I a nt m C It, v. a. to comb off; to uncrest ; Mil. T. to shoot off the upper part of a wall. . a nt p fen, d. a. 1. (etitem etwafi) to get by fighting; 2. $p. T. to drive away by fighting (said of harts in the rutting season). H& I ante rt, v. a. to take off the cor- ners and edges. ''■} b f a It 5 e I It, v. a, to proclaim from the pulpit ; eilieit — , vulg to rebuke one. ii b f a p p e It, v. a. 1. to unhood (the hawk) ; 2. to cut off. chop off; IS. vulg. t 1 rebuke ; ba3 — (cCr 2lcftC It. f. U>;), abnodation. '/lb far gen, v. «. (ctnent ci*oa§) to deprive oy stinginess, to stint, j'l b f a r r e it, ?•. I. a. to remove with a cart : II. n. (aux. to go off in a cart. Sib fat t e It, v. a. to concert ; Ctrt ah- fltfjrtcter «§ani>el, a concerted game. 8 21 b f a ft C t C It, 7;. refl to exhaust one's strength by chastising or fasting- SlbloUf, m. (-e«; p?.-fciufe) buying, purchasing of; purchase. 31 b fail felt, v. a. 1. to buy, purchase of; 2. to redeem, to pay for; cine Sttafe, — , to buy one's self off a pun- ishment. 3i b f a it f c r, m . (-« ; pi. — ) aSfaufe? rtlt (pi. -lteil), purchaser, buyer. 21 b f d n f I i eft, adc. purchasable ; to be bought. 21 b f a it p e I n, o. a. (cincm ctoa§) fam. to get by cheating. '31 b I c f) I e it, v. a. 1. to cut the throat, to kill ; 2. T. to groove, channel. 9'lbf eft, r,/. dislike; cat 21bfef)rung. 21 b t e b r e n, v. I. a. 1 . to turn off^divert ; 2. to brush, to sweep ; II. refl. ftfft *?n etllCllI — , to turn away, to withdraw one's assistance. 31 b f e ft r e r, m. (-8 : pi. —) sweeper. 2'lbfeftrirH mi. Jecbvutr. 2i ft f e ft r n n ij (2Ibfel)r~, /. turning off; brushing ; sweeping. 21 ft f e i f t n, r. i>. a. (cincm ettoaS) vulg. I. to get by scolding ; 2. to scold ex- ceedingly. 21 b f e i I e rt, r. a. 1. to cleave, separate by means of a wedge; 2. (cincm etWttS), to buy something from one. 21 b f C 1 1 C r it, r. I. a. to press (wine) ; II. 71. (auz. ftabeit) to have done pressing. 21 b f e 1 1 C I it, v. a. 1. to unchain ; 2. to fasten the stitches duly (in hosiery). 21 b f C 1 1 e n, ». a. to unchain. 21 b f e it I e tt, vid. Slbpritgclu. 21 b f t eft e r rt, v. refl. to tire one's self by tittering. 31 b f t lit lit e tt, v. a. T. to chop off the chime (notch) of the stave3. Jibfinbetn, v. n. (am. ftaben) to cease child-bearing. 2ibfippeit, v. I. a. to cut off (the point or head of a nail' , II. v. 11. (aux. fc.Mt to glide off an edge. 21 b f i & 1 1 It, d. a. to tire one with tickling. 21 b f I Of fen, o. n. (aux. babeil) to gape, to be a jar. 21 b f 1 a f t e V n, v. a. to divide into fathoms. 21 b f I a Q c 11, v. a. (cincm et»a§) to get by a lawsuit. 21 b f 1 a nt in c r it, v. a. to take off wliat is fastened with cramp-irons. 21 b£ I a no,, m. (-c«; pi. -flange) 1. echo ; 2. dissonance. 21 b f I a p p C It, ». a, to let down the flaps. 2! Ml fit e It, r. I. a. to clear, clarify ; to decant ; II. refl. to clear off; become clear. 21 b f Idritll g, /. clarification, clarify- ing; decantation. 21 b f I a t f eft, m. (-eS ; pi. -e) cast, im- pression. 21 b 1 1 a t f eft c It, r.'n. T. 1 . to take a east, impression ; 2. to slap (a child). 21 b f I a 11 b e n, v. a. to pick off: pluck off;ba§Sieifd)»jcneinent Jtnocften— , to pick a bone. 2! b f 1 C cf C It, v. I. n. (aux. feint) to fall down ; II. a. to pour off. Jl biledf e rt, v. a. to copy in a daub- ing, botching manner. 21 b f 1 C t b e It, r. a. to partition ; Ctlt Milliliter — , to separate a room by a partition; fctC .?>>'* — , .V. T. to tale .-uF tiie se»vW 2lbf ic tblino,, /. 1. p-utiticaung; 2 partition ; 3. erection of a partilicn-wall 21 b f I c m nt c n, r. a. (cincm ct»a8) to pinch off, to squeeze off. 21 b f 1 t lit p e r It, v. a. to play badly (on a harpsichord, &c). 21 b f 1 p f C rt, v. a. to knock, beat off; fl?. i-ulg. cit'.Cll bevb — , to beat soundly 21 b f I § e It, v. a. to saw off a log. 21 b f It a b ft C r It, v. a. to nibble off. 21 b f n a cf c It, v. I. a. to crack off; II. 71. (auz. feint) to crack off. 21 b f rt cr[llft — , to come 01? a loser ; PPllt SSinbc — , JV. T. to come by the lee, to fall to leeward; sen feU item 3rpccfe It. f. tt). — , to get off from one's purpose, &c. ; — f PllllClt, to be able to get away; fpltiicn ©te li'Pb! eine SStertelflunbe — ? can you b3 spared for a quarter of an hour 1 21 b f P 111 lit C 11, n. 1. coming off; 2. pro ceeding, origin ; 3. agreement, accom- modation; ein — mit cinent treffen, to come to an agreement with one. 21 b f p m m e n f eft a f t, /. 1. offspring 2. descent, posterity. 51 b I lit lit liltg, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) descen- dant, offspring. SI b f p 111 m n i tl n (-ffe8 ;?/. -ffc 1 ment, accommodation. Mm. T. tl»6 branching out of the vein of ore. SI b f P p f C n, v. a. to top, to cut off the head. 21 b f P p p C I tt, r. a. to uncouple ti SI ft f V It C r It, v. a. to take off corns grains. 2;bfpfen, r. a. (cincm et»a8j to g« Slbfu by wheedling, coaxing, courting, fawn- ing. ri b f fl C it, v. a. to take away by tast- ing. 91 b i : d f t c n, vid. (Sntf vdftett. 91 b £ r a 1 1 e n, a. a. to claw off. SI b f r a lit e It, v. a. to remove, clear away. 51 b £ r d m p c I it, ». «. to comb (wool). 91 b £ r a m p C it, ». a. /' to take down the (lap. 91 b £ r d n E e I n, ) «. n (aux. fel)tt) to be Si b £ V a n £ e 11, $ weakened by long illness. 91 b f t d it f c tt, v rrfl. to pine away with grief, to grieve exceedingly. 91 b £ X a . a. T. to weed; to clear of weeds, 2ib£veifd)cr., v. I. a. Tijp. T. to cleanse ; II. refi. to grow hoarse by screaming. 91 b f r e i f e It, v. I. a. to divide by a cir- cle, to encircle ; II. n. (aux. fet)H) to fly off in a circular motion. 91 b £ r e i f e it b, adj. eccentrical. 91 b f f i C rf) C It, v. n. (aux. fetnt) to creep away. Si b Ir t e g e it, v. a. l. (f irtem e ttt>a8) to get by making war ; to obtain by arms ; (o remove ; 3. ttwaS VOU Cttter ^radie — , to get, to have a share ; fig. CtlVCtS — , to get a reprimand or a pun- ishment. Sb£ riigeltt, v. a. to copy in a scribbling manner. Si b f r b f ft) e II, v.. a. 1. prw. to fry ; 2. T. to purify (oil). 91 b £ X U 111 C t tt, v. I. a. to break off m crumbs; II. n. (am. felllt) to fall off in small pieces, to irumble off. Si b E V ii lit in t tt, v. La. to mane crooked towards i lie end; II. refi. to run crooked at the end. SibErufEen, v. a. to take away the crust. 9i b f ll ft C t It, v. a. 1 . to bowl off; 2. to count by means of balls. Si b E ii i> I C n, v. I. a. to cool, refresh : 2. quench; fig. to calm, appease; fctn 93?iiti)cbeii ait 3emanbcitt — , to vent one's spleen upon one ; U.rrfl. to conl one's self; bag — beS ©laftStltt Stu\)U ofcit, T. annealing. Si b E ii t) U f a ft, «. (-ffes ; pi. -fSffer) r. cooling vat. cooler ; — Vlllllf, /. T. cool- ing channel. Si b E it I) I n It ft, /. cooling, refreshing ; <"A. 7'. refrigeration; — Smittcl, n. re- frigerant. SI b E ii in in c r it, v. reft, to grieve, to pine away. Sib f rt, ) v.a.1. to proclaim, to 91 b E ii n b t il C It, \ make known ; to announci ; cut ©rautpaat — , to pub- lish the banns of matrimony; 2. /.. T. to give up, resign. ?i b £ it n b ft u n g, /. (pi. -en) t . pro- claiming, proclamation : 2. I banns : — elites 83tfc$ofe' ini (5ai - binal= collegium, preconization ; I!. /.. './'.resig- nation (of a claim). JibEuttfr,/. J. descent, family, origin. pedieree ; - accommodation, agreement ; tt tft 99K filltev — , he is well-born, of a good family: Sort Cblcr — , nobly extracted, gentle; mt gciltctlter — . ma low-born ; elite — itttt cintm treffen, to make (come to) an agreement with one. Si b £ ii p f e I n, ) cut off the tops ; SI b E ii p f C it, > to nip off Sj b £ U p p e n, > v. a. to take off tlie top, Si bEup fen, > to nip. SI b E it r $ e n, v. a. 1. to abridge, abbrevi- ate, shorten ; 2. to reduce ; to lessen, clip, cut short of; eg Idjit fid; lltcbt— , Mat. Exp. it is not reducible. 31 b E ii r j e r, m. (-S ■ pi. — ) abbreviator. 31 b E ii r j U n ft, /. (pi. -en) 1. abridge- ment, abbreviation, shortening; 2. re- duction, diminution; 3. shorthand; — ber fflviidje, reduction of fractions ; — $$etci)Cit, n. abbreviature. SibEitffen, v. a. vid. Slbbeqctt ; bte Straiten — , to kiss away the tears. St b I a cf) C n, v. rtfi. vulg. to laugh one's self out of breath ; to spUt one's side with laughing. *Sl b t a C 1 1 r C tt, v. a. B. T. to ablactate, to graft by approach. 31 b i a b e n, v. ir. a. to unloao discharge. SI b I a b e r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) urt*ider, dis- charger; — lo()It, m. fees for unloading. SibUfje, /. (pi. -n) 1. putting away, laying aside; 2. L. T. a compensation made by parents to children in lieu of their inheritance ; 3. a place of deposit. Si b I a ft e r, n. (-§ ; pi. — ) 1. alighting, putting up (at an inn) ; 2. stopping- place, rest ; 3. L. T. the privilege of the iiege-lord of reposing and refreshing himself in any place ; — ptflf}, m. M. T. place of transmission. 91 b I a ft e t It, v. a. to remove from a storehouse. SI b 1 a lit lit e It, ». n. (aux. fjabeit) to dis- continue yeaning. Slbtanbeit, SlbKinbett, v. n. (aux. feint) JV. T. to lift the anchor, to set sail, to depart. SI b I a u ft, adj. + vid. latiftltcl). 5lb la It ilClt, v. a. to reach; to fetch down; W Eitnit e» — , it is within his reach. Si b I d It (] e n, v. a. T. ] . to dig length- ways ; 2 to cut the proper length. 31 b I a f xt) e It, v. a. Sp. T. to mart oui a way through a forest 31 b [ a f<, m. (-fftS ; p/.-dffe) 1. letting off (a fluid), draining; drain; 2. sluice, floodgate ; 3. indulgence ; pardon ; re- mission; 4. intermission; 5. the cere- monies or festivities on days of indul- gence; cf)lte — (UlltevIiii'O, without intermission; compos. — bi'tcf, m. letter of indulgence ; — gelb, n. shrove- money; — Eanjellet (of the pope), /. penitentiary; - — fvant, — bantcf, m. selling of indulgences; ■ — Evdiner, m. seller of indulgences; — pfciintii, m. vid. — fjelb ; — pVCbifjer, m. preacher (seller) of indulgences ; — tvodje, /. week of corpus Christi day. SI 6 I a f f It, o. ir. I. a. ] . to drain, draw off; to i.'t off; ctitcn ©ratten — , to saigner a moat; c tit amb SBetn — , jo tap or broach a cask of wine; SEBtttl — , to rack wine ; 2. to leave, to sell ; 3. ctHMsS DOm SPtetfe — , to abate; 4. (Clltem ttllia'J) to give over, cede; 11. a. Ian i. l'libcit' to leave off, to cease, desist; »on ciucr 2arl)c — , to desist from a thing. Syn. 1. !fHa(ini,?tHrmn, Ultcrtllf f*«. U.l'.'rl.iMfii o ; 2:iiifi«5 not to prevent another'fl poueMion of a tiling; tfbtrttcn a Itury: cr n-lit ; .^hl.i'Tf'i i" to part v. 1 "':; I ■. miy .! uchanaje or hale and is only used of laisabla tUingg. 2. VHafftn, ttnl tllaff (■/ €!■ tjaltcn, HuffcSrfn, abfit^,,,. (lo ceate, leave off) sigtutiea to discontinue t« do what one has done hiUierto; li | (to forbear) does not compn i idea; Cinbaltrn in to atop nrith the intentioi of recommencing, nblJiTm does not Jetei a3 to eucb an intention ; ?(ufborrn bj I for a time at lea»t; Mfitfitn la to .J, that which we intended to do, or from a cl.i.u to which we believe ourselves enliUed. Siblaffunc], /. 1. the drawing off, draining ; 2. cession, riding ; 3. de sis ting. *Sl b I 1 1 9, 77!. (-eS ; pi. -t) Oram. T the ablative case. SI b I a 1 1 e tt, v. a. to take away the laths. Si b I a U b e n, v. a. to pluck off leaves, to unleave. Si b I a u c r e r, m. (-& ; pi. — ) lurker. SI b I a II e r n, v. a. 1. to lurk, tarry for ■ 2. (Ctlicitt ettuag) to obtain by watch- ing; bte ©elcgeubcit — , to watch for an opportunity. Slblauf, 77i. (-e«; pi. -Iduft) 1. run- ning off, flowing off; going off; 2. ei piration, end, event; 3. sink, gutter, ken- nel, drain, common sewer: 4. Arch. T cornice, talus ; — bc» 33Jeercg, ebb ebbing of the sea ; — eiiter Stift ex piration of a tenn ; — eiiKo SEediuie, M. E. time of payment, expiration : bet — nub Slnlauf cities ®aulenfc$afte«, Arch. T. apophyge; — vblue,/. (drain) waste-pipe ; — GplailEcit, pi. launching planks. SI b I a ii f e n, r. i>. I. n. (aux. felaa) l. to run (flow) down, run oil", go off; 2. to setoff; depart; 3. to cease moving; 4. to elapse, pass away to end ; to ex- pire; 5. JlX T. to fill due, to become due ; etu lartfeu, the watch is gone down: llL' Ifilb bit8 — V what will that end in ! gut obcr iibel — , to have a good or bad end ; II. a. 1. to run off; 2. to wear out by running; 3. to outrun; 4. (cintilt tt* XVdS) to obtain by running after, get the better of; eilietlt bett SRoitfl — , I the start of one, anticipate ; ftdj tit Corner — , vu/g. to sow one's wild oats; ba$ babe trf) Idngjl au bett <2diuf)en abgclaufeit, that I have known long ago; fid) bie .*>aifctt r.acb Ctoa3 — , to run off one's heels for a thing, to give one's self much trouble f>r attaining a thing; abkiufcilb 2Baf« fcr, A'. T. vid. (Sbbe; 1U. rrfi. to tire one's self by running. 31 b I d II f C r, Tji. (-« ; ;,/. —) that which runs off. SI b I a H ft C n, v. a. to wash out (rinte) the lye. 91 b I d it g tt e it, v. a. (einem ttiraiS) t« deny, disown, abnegate. SI b l d u g tt u it g,/. denying, disowning, abnegation; — Scit, m. oath of abne- gation. 31 b I a u f d) c it, r. a. ((titeiit eti9a«) to get or learn by listening; to lurk f>r, C t tt e it i5ortbcil — , to watch tot an ad vantage, opportunity. Slblaufcii, v. a. vulg. i. to take off lice; 2. fig. (((Rem etiva*.' to cheat, rob Sib I ant, m. (-c$; v >.. -e) Omm. 7 change or modification of a vowel. SI b I a U t C n, v. n. to be changed, mob fied (of vowels). Si b I d It t e X ll, r. a. to clarify, f.l'.er, re- fine ; purify ; Mitt. T. lo wash ore. Si b I e b C it, I. s. n. decease, death ; II. n 71. (aux. fclin) 1. to tlie (by degree* ; -. to become de Tepit. 91 b l C if C rt, c. a. to lick off able Sflbmc 8 b I C b e r ll, ». a. 1. to. skin ; 2. to cover with leather of Instruments) ; 3. to beat soundly, to drub. 21 b I c e r e n, v. a. to clear, empty. •21 6 1 e gat ( m. — eit ; pi. -cit) legate of the pope. *2l b I e g a r 1 5 it, /. banishment for one year. *l b 1 e g C It, v. I. a. I. to lay by or aside, to pull down, away, put off, take off; to ca*t off: 2. to leave off; 3. B. T. to propagate by layers (suckers! : Ctncil Sefud) — , to pay a visit; eiu ©cliibbe — , to make (take) a vow ; fcilt ®lau= ben sbefentttlltji — , to make one's con- n of faith ;9ledjCllfcbafr — , to ac- count for: Stecbilltug — , to give an ac- count : etneit (i'if — , to take an oath ; cill 3 c l'£[ n 'tJ — > t0 uear witness, to ie Ycinc .tv.irrert — , to lay out one's cards ; tin (altee) ^Ictb — , to leave (cast) off a coat ; fine iibte (3e= vppbltb'eit — , to leave off a bad habit; eineSJorm tic -idmft) — , Typ. T. to distribute the letters of a form ; EL n. blbeit) 1. to be delivered (of a ehiJd), to bring forth (also of animals) ; 2. JV. T. to put off the shore ; 3. obsl. to gr \v weak, to fade. 31 b I e g t T, m. (-C $ ; pi. • — ) layer ; scion ; pup, cub, &c; vid. Slbfenfer. 51 b I e g e f p a b it, m. (-ti\pl. -fr-abtte) Tfp. T. distributing rule. *21 b 1 c C[ l r e n, v. a. to send away ; to banish for one year. ?l b I e g U n a, f. laying down, off. aside, &c; vid.; 2lbiege'n; — ber 9ied)ituu- gen, rendering or giving up accounts ; gericbtlid)e — enter ^iedmung, audit. Jl b I e f) n, t.. (-6 ; pi. — ) appanage. U b 1 e b it e it, v. a. 1. to lean, turn aside ; 2. to decline, shift off, refuse, excuse one's self, repel. *yn. Xbltgntn, 3£ u I f $ ! a g t n, B«rMt. Krt. Wb siy cusfijKiacn when we bluntly re- * i proposition ; 2Cbltbiuu when some ground ra !or the rejection. ICtrbitten contains at the same tirae a request, that we may be ex- cusod for no*, accepting a proposition. 21 b i C b It U II .3 f. declining, refusal. 21 b I e i b e it, v. «. — to die. 21 b I e i b t g, adj.+ deaa ; — roerben, to crow lean. $1 b ( C t e T It, r. a. Jig. to drawl (a speecli. an air). Si b I e t b c n, r. ir. a. (etitein cranis) to borrow (from). Dl b I C i b it It g, /. borrowing. 21 b I e t H ett, v. a. to take off from the clothes line. Dl b [ C i ft e n, r. n. T. to take off from the last. S'l b I C 1 1 C It, r. a. I. to turn off, aside, divert, to lead away, to conduct ; 2. to derive, trace back; Phr. rOlrl Kd)lCtt 55?fi*e — , to mislead, misguide, seduce ; eilt U?ort — , to derive a word. ?! b I e 1 1 C r, m. (-« ; pi. — ) T. conduc- tor; conduitpipe, channel. L b 1 1 i 1 it It g,/. (p>. -ett) 1 . derivation of words. &c); 2. misleading, misguid- ing, seducing; 3. leading off. turning off; 4. conduit, channel; — Sgrabetl, m. drain : — efutlft, /. Gramm. T. etymolo- gy : — 6fi)lbe, f. a syllable affixed to a word, as ig, ifeb, beit U. f. tt. ?'l b I e It f e It, r. I. a. to turn off. aside ; to divert, avert ; JV. T. to sheer off (away) ; II. n. {auz. b.ibcn) to turn off, take another direction. liblenfung,/. (pi. -en)_the act of turninc off, fcc. ; — Saiigrirr, m. Mil. T. diversion 1U *2 b 1 e V f I e,/. blindnees ; self-delusion. Sib lent en, b. a. (einem ttxoai) to learn from by looking at, to imitate in. 21 b 1 C f C It, r. i>. a. 1. to read loud ; 2. to call over ; 3. to gather (fruits), to pluck off. pick off; 4. to wear out by much reading. 2'lblcfer, m. [-8] pi. — ) 1. gatherer; 2. reciter. % b I C % C It, r. rrfl. to refresh one's self. 2i b I c it g tt e it, vid. Slblaugitcn. 21 b 1 1 cb t e tt, v. a. to make light, clear. 21 b 1 1 e b c 1 n, v. 1. a. (einem etoaS) to get by caressing ; II. refl. to weaken one's self by much caressing. 2iblteben, v. I. a. Sp. T. to stop a hound in the scent ; to make him un- derstand that he is in the right track ; 2. rcfi. to weaken one's self by the pas- sion of love. s .'l b 1 1 C f e V tt, v. a. to deliver, consign. 2ib liefer ling, /. (pi. -en) delivery, delivering; — Spraittie, /. M. T. prime, premium ; — Sfdjeilt, m. certificate of delivery; — Stfit, /. (VPlt Skareit) term (time) of delivery; (30!t vstaatS^ DiiVterett) settUng-day. 31 b U e g e n, v. ir. 1. n. (aux. feim) 1. to be at a distance, to lie far off ; 2. to be worn out (off) by lying ; 3. (aux. fyabtri) to lie long enough ; 4. to settle, refine, clean ; II. refl. to loss by much lying ; ber .giunb liegtficr) tte'<§aare ab, the hound loses its hair by much lying ; III. a. to pay by lying (in prison.) *?lblt gurU' e It, v. a. to squander, _dis*ipate. 51 b I i f £ e I tt, v. a. to read lispingly. 2i b lifte It, r. a. to get by craft ; (f trtCI t c hn ae to trick one out of a thing. 21 b I b e II, v. a. L. T. to promise not to do a thing. 21 b I cf e n, v. a. 1. to entice away, to draw off ; 2. (eiltetn etWdS) to get by flat- tery, by fair words, by exciting, pleasing sensations ; cittern fettt ©cbetmititj— , to draw one's secret from one ; Ctlteilt |etlt @clb — , to coax one out of his money ; einem Sfjranen — , to draw tears from one. 21 b I (f e r n, ». a. 1. to loosen ; 2 [ei* nem ttiVilS) to get from by decrees. (l b I P b n e n, v. a. 1. to pay off; 2. to discharge, dismiss. 51 H r f d) e tt, v. a. Mm. T. to dig a pit to a small depth. 21 b I 5 f cb C tt, o. c. 1. to cool, quench, to extinguish; 2. to wipe off; •ficilf: — , to slacken lime. 01 1> I 5 f C n, e. I. a. 1. to loosen, untie, un- bind; 2. S. T. to cut off to amputate, to sever ; 3. to fire off. to discharge (a gun) , 4. cine Scbilbtvacbe — , to relieve guard; to set (the watch), (on board of ships) to spell the watch : 5. Med. T. to re- solve ; ablijfcnbe 3JHtteI, resolvents, pectorals; bte SDiititnfcbaft in ben Saufgraben — , to relieve trenches; eitt tpfatlb — , to redeem a pawn or pledge ; II. refl. 1. to grow loose, to come off, to drop off; to peel off; 2. to act alternately, relieve one another ; Itcb — mit einem, to change places with one. to alternate. 21 b I ft i I i cb, adj. what may be loosened ; redeemable. 21 b 1 5 f u n g, /. (pi. -en) 1. loosening. untying; 2. amputation: discharge; 3. relief, relieving, &.c. vid. OU'IiMeu. 21 b 1 5 I b C n, v. a. to v.nsnlder. 21 bin bent, r. c. vid. 21bbecfctt, ?tb= lebcrn 24 b I ft ^ C n, 0. ir. a. 1. to deny by lyiig; 2. (ciiiem ctiisi;) to get by lying. 3lb lug fen, r. n. vulg. 1. tolearnbj lurking ; 2. (cir.em ettras) to get bj roguery ; to swindle out of. 2i b ill a a I C It, v. a. to mark off. 21 b m cf) e It, v. a. 1. to take off, loosen untie ; 2. to regulate, settle, arrange , 3. to finish. 21 b m a d) 11 n g, /. settling, vid. Slbma* cbett; — be5 Sc^abena bet Stiffen, adjustment of the average. *2l b m a C e 1 1 r e It, c. a. to weary, tire out, harass. 21 b m a g e r it, v. n. (aux. fevm) to fau away, grow lean. 21 b m a g e r u it g, /. emaciation. 21 b lit ii 1) t tt, v. a. to mow, mow off, to cut down. 21 b lit ii b U K g, /. mowing, &c. 21 bin at) leu, v. a. 1. «>. to 6auA grinding (panic, abgemablen. ; 2 reg. (more properly, abmalcil), to paint ; take one's likeness ; describe, represent, depict (part, abgema(b)lt) ; eitten uadp bem Scben ■ — , to draw one from tin life. 21 b m a b n e it, v. a. (eincn you ct;r,i5 to dissuade from, to warn. 21 b m a b n u n g, /. (pi. -en) dissuasion , — C-'ibrcibcn, n. dissuasive letter. 21 b m ii E C I n, r. a. 1. to purchase ; 2. (tU lieiltCtaMs) to deduct; vid. Slbboi^tll'.. 21 b Ttt a tt g C I K, r. I. a. to mangle li- nen ; II. 71. (aux. baben) to have dona mangling. 21 b m ii r g e I n, v. a. to waste, wear out emaciate, macerate, enervate to harass. 21 1 nt a r f C r., r. a. to mark' 1 field, &c). 21 b m a r f t C It, v. a. to beat down (in a bargain). 2'lbntarfcB, m. (-cS; pi. -marftfe; marching off. march ; departure. 21 b m a c f dj i x e n, r. h. (auz. fe^ti to march off. to march ; to depart, decamp 21 b m a r t C r tt, r. a. 1. to torment tor- ture, worn-, plague, vex : 2. cir.em et=> 11M§) to extort from. 2l b nt a V, n. (-ffe*?) the measure after a thing; dimension. 21 b m a 1 1 e It, o. La. 1. to harass, tire out weary, fatigue ; 2. T. to dull (me- tals) ; II. refl. to exhaust one's sc'l'; weary one's self; to be exhausted. 21 b m a 1 1 It n g, /. (pi. -tn) harassing, tiring, weaning, weariness, lassitude, fatigue. 21 b m e nal)me, 15 f rfall. EtrfaH indicates sai h a degree of decay that the thing is no longer what it wan and cannot by any amend meat be restored to ita original state; ?It>i:,ihmf only such a degree of decline, that the thing does not cease to be what it was, nor is inca fable of being put into its former condition. 91 b It rt V b C tt, v. a. T. to cut the hair off hides, to cut the grain off leather and other substances. 9'lbnnrreit, v. a. (einem et»ct«) to pranks and tricks. 91bnctfcbeit, v. a. to take away by tealth something eatable. 9i b it e cf e n, v. a. l. (einem etiMS) to obtain by teazing one; 2. to tire by teazing. *'.'l b U C g rt 1 1 It, /. denial, refusal ; ab negation. *9l b it e g I r e n, v. a. to deny, refuse ; to abnegate. 91 b 11 e b m e n, «. tr. l.„. \. to take off, away, down : 2. to take ; 3. 8. T. to am putate; fbie .uitrteit) to cut; 4. to re ceive ; (eine SJiedmitUg) to receive (an account) ; 5. to gain, win from ; G. (flll8 CttSaS) to judge from, conclude; 7. to b -y from ; vhr. bie8 tft Icicbt nb^n» MCbllteil, this is very plain ; einem ctitcn C"'ib — , to take one's oath ; Ctlt ,^rtlb — , to wean a calf; fo «icl id) — Faint, fir aiiiht l perceive; II. v. (am. feDll) to diminish, to decrease, wane, decline, decay, to begin to fail, feine ,U raftc nebmen ab, his strength fails him , 2itpa incut ©efirbt lltntmt rtb, my eye-sight begins to fail. 91 b it C b m C r, m (-8 ; pi. — ) buyer, pur- chaser, employer, consumer, customer, chapman. 91 b 11 e I) m f C I, n. T. siftings of linseed. 91 b it C t g e ll, o. La. 1. to avert, to turn aside ; 2. to render averse ; II. rrfl. 1. to turn aside from ; 2. to incline, slope. 91 b ll e i g U n g, /. 1. declination ; 2. dis- inclinatii m, aversion, averscness, dislike ; bie ltrtturlicbe — , antipathy. 91 b 11 i cf C It, v. a. Hunt. T. to kill by cutting the neck. 91 b n t C fi C I tt, v. a. Min. T. to wear out. 91 6 tt t e f e tt, v. ir. a. L. T. to have the usufruct of an estate. 9j b It t e t C It, o. a. T. unrivet. 91 btlippt It, v. a. to taste a liquor. *9l b It 6 r nt, adj. abnormal, irregular, i pen. 91 b n i> t b i g e it, ». «. (cittern ttmaS) to i iree out from, to extort, to wring from; to elicit. *2l b 11 U t r e It, ». o. to deny or refuse by a nod. VI t> Tt ll t f cf) e n, v. a. to suck the juice from a sweetmeat 91 b n it fe c n, 2lbnufeen, ». r.a. 1. to use ; 2. to waste, to wear out ; 3. L. T. to have the use or the usufruct of; U.rcfl. to wear out by long usage. 91 b It ii & e r, m. (-fi J pi. — ) L. T. usu- fructuary. 9i b It It % 11 n g, /. wearing out. wasting ; JL. T. usufruct; — bev ©t^tfffigetltfs fcbrtftcit, JV. T. wear and tear ; — ber JCaue biivct) jn ftarfefi 9ieiben in ben ^cliifcit, burning in the hawses. 91 b i b e It, v. a. 1. to lay waste, cut down (a forest) ; 2. to deprive a forest of game. 91 b b b « n g, /. the laying entirely waste ; destruction of game. *9l b P I IV e Tt, v. a. L. T. to abolish (a law). *2l b r> 1 1 1 i It, /. L. T. abolition (of a law, &c.) ; — Sbxkf, m. mandate of abolition. *9t b lit i tt I V e It, ». a. to detest, abom- inate. *9l b I? it n e lit e tl t, n. (-8) subscripUon ; — Slifte, /. list of subscribers. *9l b o n n c n t, ?«. (-en ; pi. -en) sub- scriber. *9l b D It 111 r e It, v. a. $,- n. to subscribe ; to engage. s .'l b P V b It C It, v.a. 1. to send, depute, delegate , to constitute : 2. to recall, change a command. 91 b r b n e r, m. (-$ ; pi. — ) constituent 91 b V b n It 11 g, /. delegation, deputation. 91 b X g e I ll, v.a. to play off on the organ. \'i b r t, m. (-tS ; pi. -ixUx) 1. seques- tered spot; 2. necessary. 91 bit ttt U, v. a. to decide by the judg- ment of a court. •31 bottXtt It, o. n. Med. T. to miscarry. *2l b P r 1 1 » «, pi. abortives. *91 b 6 X t M 8, ?«. abortion, miscarriage. 91 b p rt ci) t C tt, ii. a. to farm, rent. 9ibpacf)tcr, m. (-8; pi. -pacfitcrf farmer. 91 b p rt cf e n, v. a. to unpack, unlade, un- load, discharge. *91 b p Q v t f e it, v. a. to ward off, to parry. 91 b p rt f cb C 11, v. c. to throw the dice. I 91 b p ttffett, v a. !. to nieasure. to fix, j iril^r to square, to proportion : 2. fig, to waft to watch, stay for; to link for: CtlVfli iibel — , to take one's time ill: Ugen, 91bplarfcn, v. a+ I. 'eu ncm ctlVrtS) to extort from, to g solicitations ; 2. (cineit or fid) — ) K) plague thoroughly, to tire, to fatigue. 91 b p I rt r v e n, v. a. to utter roaringly, to haul. 91 b p I rt 1 1 J n, v. a. to flatten. 91 b p 1 S 1 1 c n, v. I. a. to smootbe (with an iron); to iron; IT. n. (am. baber.; to have done smoothing. 91 b p I a 1 1 u n g, /. — ber (*rbe, Q e0 g. T. tlie oblateness of the earth. 91 b p I rt t} e It, n. (am. feijtt) to crack off 91 b p I rt $ e rt, v. a. 1. to make to crack off, rebound ; 2. Sp. T. to mark trees that have been sold. 91 b p I ii rt b C r n, v. a. to plunder one. 91 b p P cf) e It, v. a. 1. to knock oil': to thrash, beat; 2. (einem rtmofl to bully one out of a Uifng. 91 b p f (t 11 n e n, v.a. to announce with a trombone. 91 b p t fl g e It, r. a. 1. to coin, stamp ; to strike off; 2. fig. to represent, to copy, to stamp. $ opt alien, i. r. «. (w, fetm) to rebound, recoil ; II. s. n. rebound, 91 b p X rt 1 1 e It b, part. ailj. rebounding. 9ib:prrt Illlttg, /. recoiling rebound ing ; — 8nnnfct, angle of reflection. 9lb j)rnf fcf it, v. n. i. (awe b.tbon tc leavo off crackling; 2. (am. fe'.Ml tt crackle off. 91 b p x c b i g C U, v. rrfl. to tire one's set by pre.e 91 b p X C 1 1 C 11, o. a. to make rebound. 916 prefer) en, >• \. n. to fatigue bj pursuing; XL n. (am. fcl)lt) to • very quickly 9ibpreffcn, ?-. «. i. to separate bj pressim:. to squeeze olf: 2. to pn ficientiy; 3. (einem ehro8) to force, extort from one. 9lbprcffnng,/. 1. pressing; 2. ei action, extortion. 1) tlbp t$ C It, v. a. Mil. T. to dismount a piece of ordnance ; to take a cannon (tom the carriage. 21 b p r c» j e f f i i- c tt, v. a. (cittern cfnhtS) to get by litigation from. SJSptiigellt, v. a. to beat, cudgel soundly. Si b p l« f f e tt, b. o. vulg. ] . to buflfet, beat off; to Hay ; 2. Ch. T. vid. S3et$UJfett. Si b p U r J e I tt, v. n. (aux. f Ct;tt) to tumble down. S4 b p it ft e tt, u. a. vulg. to blow away (the dust). 31 b p It fe e It, v. a. 1. to clean, cleanse ; 2. to rub, polish, furbish ; cilt SPfetfc — , to rub down a horse ; ba§ Stcfyt — , to snuff the candle ; bte SallC — , JV. T. to clip off (the cable) ; Ctlteit VMCfcr — , vulg. to give a severe reprimand. 9i b q it a t e n, v. I. «. (etnem etroae") to rorment out of; ttlUtt — , to plague very much, to harass, to fatigue ; II. refl. to harass one's self very much. 8! b q U e r I e it, v. a. to beat up, to mill (chocolate). SI b q tt e t f d)t n, v. a. to crush off, to squeeze off. SibqUttfeit, v. a. Min. T. to purify gold-ore by means of quicksilver; to cool the silver after melting. 81 b q It i t ! e tt, v. a. to utter in a whin- ing, squeaking tone. * Ji b r a C a b a b r R, n. name of a Syrian divinity; a term of incantation used as a spell against fevers, &.C. abracadabra. 81 b r a d e r it, v. I. a. provine. to fatigue by hard labour ; II. refl. vulg. to fag one's self. SI b r a b e I it, v. o. T. to cut by means of a little wheel. SI b r ii b C V tt, v. a. to take off by a wheel. Si b r a f f, Slbrafff, n. (-C8) that which is taken away clandestinely (flour, &c). Si bra f fen, ?'. a. to snatch away; to take from the surface. Si b r a h a m, m. Abraham ; jig. ttt —8 (tcbojje ft&Clt, to enjoy wealth and af- fluence ; — obitUltt, m. Abraham's balm, chaste-tree. 91 b V a I) lit C It, v. a. 1. to fleet milk, to take off tlie cream ; to skim ; 2. to take off the frame from a picture, eilt @e= mdlbe — . 91 b r CI t It « 1, v. a. T. to separate fields by stripes on whi;'. the grass is suf- fered to grow. SJ b r ii II b C I It, ? v. a. 1. to take away SI b r ii It b e it, J the bordar, the edge (margin), ©elb — , to clip money ; 2. to border, edge duly. Si b r a it f t e tt, v. a. to take off the bor- der, edge. SI b r (t n f C M, v. a. to cut off the tendrils (of vuie, &c). Si b X a p p e tt, v. a. to pick (the grapes) oft the stock. 91 b r a f e n, v. a. 1. to graze, to browse the grass; 2. (ftneilt etroaS) to get by raging. *9l b X a f 1 n, /. M. T. abrasion. "'ii b r it f 1 1 e 3, r. a. to shave off. Sib raf peln, v. a. to rasp off; to wnoothe by rasping. Sibraffcln, v. n. (aux. fev/n) to go away with a great rattling. !i bra ib en, v. ir. I a. (etnem eitte iSacbe) to dissuade, warn ; advise against; II. n. (anr. babetO etttcm von ciner c ; etttcm fcitte ®eban« fen — , to try to know one's thoughts □y guessing. 13 Si D r a t f) u n g, /. diss taston ; advising against; — Sfdncibeit, n. dissuasive letter. Si b r a tt b e tt, vid. 9iaubcn. Si b r a It ft; C It, v. n. (aux. fci;tt) to eva- porate, exhale. SI b V ii It ri) C r It, v. a. to smoke thoroughly. Si b v a u d) f rf; a I e, /. (pi' -en) ch. t. a vessel for eTaporating (fluids, &c). SI b r a U f C It, e. I. a to pull or tear off; II. rccipr. to thrash one another soundly. Sib r a tint, m. (-e6) rubbish, trash; removing of wood cut down in a forest ; Min. T. shelf. Si b t a U m e It, v. a. to take away, to re- move, clear ; T. to remove the trees which are cut down, to clear a forest. 51 b r ii it m e r, m. (-« ; pi. — ) he that takes away, vid. Slbriiltmcit. Si b r a tt p C tt, v. a. to rid or clear of caterpillars. *2l b r d X a 8, m. Abraxas ; vid. Slbvaca- babra. Si b V e d) C it, v. a. to clear with the rake ; to rake oft'. Si b V e d) 1 1 tt g, n. (-$) what is taken fiom the surface of thrashed com. SI b V C d) n e tt, v. a. to discount, deduct, abate ; mitftltCltt — , to settle accounts, make up the account, reckon with one. Si b v e d> it u tt g, /. (pi. -en) 1. discount ; 2. settling accounts, reckoning with ; — Ij cnt enter "tben) to cease longing for the bull. Si b r i it b t g, adj. ba§ ©rob tft — , the crust of the bread is detached from the crumb; vid. 3ibgcbacf'en unter 91b=> bacfeit. SI b r I It g e I n, v. a. to detach from the rings. 31 bring en, v. I. a. 1. reg. to detach from the ring ; 2. ir. (CttlCllt etroaS) to get by wrestling ; 3. to twist or squeeze oft"; II. refl. to fatigue one's self by wrestling. Si b r i n n c ii, v. ir. «. (aux. feint) to run oft", run (flow) down. Si b r i fi, m. C-ffeS ; p/.-fle) draught, de- sign, delineation, sketch ; scheme, model ; plan; epitome (of history, &c). S( b I" 1 1 1, m. (-C§) departure on horseback. *3l b r P g I r C It, v. a. to abrogate, repeal abolish (a law). SI b r b t e tt, v. a. 1. to take away the reeds ; 2. to cover with reeds. 31 b r II e n, v. I. a. to roll away, roil off; to unroll, unfold; to calender suf ficiently ; II. n. (aux. fenlt) to roll down, to finish calendering, fitt 2,'atl fcbnell • — laffeit, to surge a cable. Si b r ft C II, v. n. (aux. fetyn) to rust off Si b r ft e n, v. a. to roast sufficiently. 31 b l' b t b e n, ». I. a. to make red ; n. ii {aux. fetjn) to lose the red colour. SI b r 1 1 C tt, v. n. to rot off (said oi corn). Sibia SI b r U if C n, p. a. to remove, to move off; bie $ukn — , to begin with a new line. 31 b x u b e r n, v.n. (aux. fevtu) to row off. Slbtuf, OT. (-ti) 1. proclamation; 2. calling away, recall. Sibrufen, 1. to call off; to recall; 2. to cry, proclaim; II. n. (aux. babul) to call for the last time ; Phr. eillCIt — lilffcit, to send for one; e8 ltifit fid) — , it is within call : III. rejl. to tire one's self by calling. til b x u f u n (3, /. (pi. -en) l. calling off, recall ; 2. proclamation ; — 8bl'ief, 771. order of recall ; — efrfjltfj, m. signal of recall. 9ibri'tfjrcn, v.a. to stir up, to beat; (5ier — , to heat up eggs. til b X U m Vein, v.n. (aux. fetytl) to drive off in a rumbling manner. *9l b X It in p I X C U, v. a. to break off; vid. 9lbbved)cit. 91 b X U tt b e Jt, ) v. a. to make round, to 91 b X it It b C n, ) round, rouiid off, finish off. 91 b x u p f c n, v. a. to pluck off. *9l 6 X lip t a, pi. sudden flashes of thought, sallies of wit *3l 6 X tt J> tt tt, /. breaking off; sudden stop (in music). til b V ii ft C n, v.a. to take down a scaffold. '31 b X U t T f e n, v. a. to besot, render bru- tal; O^rutfrt, besotted, rendered brut- ish; Slbruiinillil, / brutishness, stu- pidity. 91 b X U t f rf) C tt, v. v. (aux. feint) to glide down ; emit, to get off with disgrace ; vulg. to die. 91 bx&tttltt, v. a. to shake off. 31 b X ti 5 5 e tt, pi. Abruzzo mountains. 91 b f ti b e I tt, v. a. vulg. to cut off (with the sword or sabre); etttein belt Jtopf — , to behead one. 91b fade U, v.a. 1. 10 unload, to dis- burden ; 2. to divide into sacks ; eiuett (S'tel 1 — , to take the bag from the ass ; auf einent Ship" — , jv. r. to drop down a river with the tide. 91 b f ti e tt, v. a. I. T. to besprinkle a hide with unbolted meal; 2. vid. 53eftiett. 91 b f a e, / countermanding ; renun- ciation, defiance, challenge; — brief, tti. letter of renunciation or countermand- ing, &c. Si b f a g f tt, v. I. a. 1. to countermand ; counter/order; 2. refuse, decline, re- sign ; 3. to adjudicate, to pass sentence against; II. n. (aux. fjobeit) to give up, renounce, abjure; vid. (Sntfagett ; einctt SBefOfb, — laffett, to send an excuse. 91 b f ti fj en, v. a. to saw off. VI b fti j]iui(],/. savringoff. 91 b fa bit en, v. a. 10 skim, to take off the cream. Sib fa 1 jcrt.o. n. to salt. 91 b f a u b c n, v. «. to ungravel. 9ibfattellt, v. La. 1. to take off the saddle, tn unsaddle ; 2. to throw off, out of the saddle; II. n. (aux. fei;n) to dis- mount. ribfal}, m. (-rs, ;,/. -ftifce) 1. stop, pause, intermission : 2. sale, vent, mar- ket; 3. (on einem Serge) break, shelf; 4. (an ciiicnt SRoljre,) knot; 5. (an etner SPlauer) setue; 6. (an cuter JEreV^t it. f. W.) landing place ; 7. (ail (Edmbcit, (Stiefeln it. heel; 8. :ut einem 2icbe) Btaaza, staff; 9. (in SBerfen I cadence ; 10. (tit einem 33ncbe Obcr tilt Trilifc, break: — tit <5o»t= *dn n. f. to., paragraph [$]; tit 91 b-- ftifcen, intermittingly ; compos. — leber, n. heelband ; — erf, m. pegging-awl ; — pflorfe,/>'. heel-pegs; — Sweden, pi. hobnails ; Phr. eilt &UlS 0r)ttC — 01tS= triltfcil, lecrcit, to drink off at one draught. Slbftifeti], adj. intermissive ; Min. T. eilt — cr Dft a start or leap. 31 b f ti u b e V n, v. a. to cleanse, c'.win. 91 b f au f e It, v. ir. I. a. vulg. 1. to drink from the surface ; 2. to empty by drink- ing; 3. to out-drink one ; eitie 2rf)lllb — , to annul a debt by drinking ; II. rrjl. to ruin one's health by drinking. SI b f a U g C n, v. ir. a. 1. to suck off; 2. to weaken by sucking. SI b f ti U g e n, v. ir. a. 1. to give suck ; to suckle sufficiently ; 2. to wean ; 3. T. to ablactate, to inarch, graft by approach. si b f ti u f c 1 n, via. 3lower)en. Si b f a It f C n, v. I. a. to dash, blow off; n. n. (aux. fcl)lt) to rebound, fly off with a hissing noise. *3l b f C C f), 777. (-fff 3, pi. -ffc) Med. T. ab- scess ; compos. — lailjette, /. abscess- lancet. SI b f rf) a b e it, v. a. to scrape off, shave off, to scrape, shave, pare ; JV. T. to plane, crave (a ship) ; eilt abo,cfrf)ab= ttS Slid), a worn-out or threadbare cloth. SI b f d) a b f C \, n. (S) shavings, parings. Slbfctjacb,, m. check to the king and queen at the same time. si b f dj a d) e x n, ». a. vuig. (cincin et= toaS) to buy, purchase, barter from. SI b f d) a d) t C I It, v. a. to rub or polish with shave-grass. Si b f d) a f f en, v. a. 1. to discharge, dis- miss, discard, to remove ; 2. to give up keeping, keep no longer; 3. abolish, abrogate, remedy. Syn. K»fi)affcn, 3T»(icItcn. The latter is generally said of bad customs only ; obfdj.ittcn Both of good and inditlerent. Abuses are ab^t. frcut ami objtfAafft; useful and barmless prac- ticea merely ab^tfd;a(lt, not abjcfttllt. Si b f d) a f f U n fl, /. 1. discharging, dis- mission ; 2. abrogation, abolition ; 3. the keeping no longer, selling ; 4. reduction. Si b f 6) a f e n, v. a. ^V. T. to fleet or to shift a tackle. Sib frf) titer n, v. a. (einem ttwat) to get by jesting. SI b f d) ti I C It, v. a. T. to fleet a tackle, to shift. 31 b f d) ti I C n, v.a. to peel off, to peel ; pare, shell, bark (a tree), to blanch (an almond). Si bfd) a I lit en, v. a. T. to mark the trees by barking them, to blaze. 31 bfd) til 11 no,, /. peeling, paring, blanching, barking. Si b f d) a tt F, m. (-8) night-cup. SI b f di ti r f e n, b. a. T. to take away the sharp edges, to blunt ; 2. to form to an c dge : to sharpen ; 5j». T. to cut off. 31 b f d) a r X e it, v. a. to scrape or scratch off Sj b f d) a r r i d> t, ) ». (-8) vulg. shav- 91bfd)arrfci, \ togs. SI b f d) a t f C 11, r. a. to make a shade off...: to shadow out ; to adumbrate ; ettlC S(ierfon — , to take the shade of a person ; to take the outline sketch, &.c. Slbfdiattivcil, v. a. to adumbrate, shadow out, vid. Sdjattuen. Si b f di a 1 1 11 tt g, /. v i. -en) adumbra- tion, modiffcatii n. SlbfdnHe", ». a. l. to estimate, - + to depreciate. Sbfd) SI b ] d) ti % e r, m. (-8, /./ - l api rai«ei taier. 31 b f cf) ti ^ i g, direct the eve to, to aim at ; 2. (Ctneill f tll'ite, to learn a thing by looking with attention at one ; id; fann c8 nidit — , 1 cannot see it ; II. n. aux. i)ab(ll) to look Si b f ci; a u e r n, v. a. r. to partition off 31 b f d) a. u f e I n, v. a. to shovel off 3!bfd)anf eln, ». 1. a . to throw of? or with a swing; to make one fall from the balancing board ; II. rrft. to fatigue one's self by balancing. 31 b f d) a U lit, Tn. (-e8) scum, dross, Jig. refuse. 31 b f d) tin m en, v. a. to sewn, skim. Tup. T. to purify. Si b f d) ti U lit K M g, /. scumming, skim- ming. 31 b f d) e e r e n, cW. Slbfdierer. SI b f cr) e i b e 11, v. ir. L a. 1. to separate divide, part, (fid. Sd;cibcr.); 2. /.. v to give children their portion and to ex- clude them from all future preten SDietalle — , to refine metals : II. 71. (aux. fei)n) to depart; OOtt btX SStlt — , to depart this life, to die ; ba$ — , death, de cease. SI b f c() C i b C r, m. (-8, pi. — ) refiner. Si bfd) ciit, + i-iV/.Slbjilaiij. 31 b f d) 1 1 b U It 13, /. separating, parting si b f d> e 1 fern, v.n. + »o peel off. 31 b f rf) e 11 C It, o. I. a. to tear by strong ringing; II. n. (aux. fetilj) to become separated by concussion. Slbf rfjeitEeit, v. a. 1. to meas - liquor; 2. to pour out tile concluding draught 3lbfrf;crcit, r. ir. a. to shave off, to shave ; to shear, vid. Scbcrcn. Slbfrfjerjcn, r. a. (cincm ctivaJ) to get by joking. 31 b frf) e It, m. (-ti) horror, al horrence, detestation, abomination, an loathing;— »0retW«8 bat (11, to a thing ; etn — fct)Il, to be an abomina tion. 91 b f rf) e n rf; e tt, t-. a. to fright away, to scare off. Si b f cb, e u e r n, ». 1. a, to scour off, to clear away ; vulg. to reprimand ; II. rcjl. to wear out by scouring. 31 b f rf) e li 1 i rf\ I. adj. abominable, de- testable, horrid, horrible; atrocious; vulg. enormous, prodigious; II abominably, detestably, prodigiously etn — cr SKenfrf), an abandi med wretch. 31 b f eft c ii I i cb f c i t, (f. P i. -en) hor- riblencss, abominableness : atrocity, enormity; blackness; loathsomeness, abomination. Sib frf) id) tell, v. a. 1. to divide into rows; 2. vid. Slbfrfjetbeu. Sibfrfttdcit, b. a. to send off, to de- spatch. Si b f d) i d tt n g, /. sending off, despatch. 3! b f d» i c b c n, r. ir. I. a. to shove off. push off, move off; fig. ctn'crS veil ftrb — , to exonerate cue's self, to shift off; eillCll — , Sp. T. to knock dow n moro pins than another; II. n. (aux. babeir to lose the young teeth (appl ed to cattle and she 91 bfrbicb, m. (-tt; ;».'. -e' 1. dismia charge ; liberation 1 2. letters testimonial, certificate, lettei of apprenticeship ; 3. parting, depar- ture; 4. farewell, leave; 9trlr$8 — 12 3lbf* Hbfct) r«tec3 of the imperial die'.; compos. gatlbicttj, /.audience of leave; —8= facfltct). m. farewell visit. — Sbrief, to. letter of discharge, discharge ; letters tes- timonial ; farewell liters ; — SjjefcbenE, n. a present at parting, or given when dis- charging a servant, &c. ; — Sflej ltd), n re- signation; —«5fuf(, m. parting-kiss; — 8- nutbl, n. farewell-dinner ;_ — gprcbtgt, /. valedictory sermon;— 8fd)lltail8, m. valedictory dinner or supper; parting treat . — gtrituE, m. parting cup ; — flC* belt, to discharge, disband, (a servant, an army, &c.) ;— vCl'tatigett, to ask one's discharge, send one's resignation ; Fkr. butter bcr %\)x\x — Jicbmeit, to go away without bidding farewell; vulg. to take French leave. J'l b f d) i e f c r It, v. a. *■ refl. to split off; to peel off (in thin flakes). >>l b [ ri) t c ( e 11, v. a. (ciuem etvuaS) to learn a thing by secretly looking at. 81 b f cf) t C tt e It, v. a. 1. to provide with splints .'bands or clouts) ; to take off the splints ; 2.Mn.T. to measure out a mine. 8} b f ri) t c it e r, vid. 33}arffcf)cibcr. 21 b f d) i e fi e It, v. ir. I. a. to shoot off, to discharge, to let fly; cittcu 2?ogel — , to hit, to shoot down the popinjay: Ct bat etneit vecbteit SSogel dbgefefjoffen, iron, he has gained a mighty point; etlten — , to outshoot one ; II. n. (aux. babctt) 1. to finish shooting; 2. (aux. femt) to shoot down, slide or slip down ; 3. to slope, to fall rapidly; 4. T. to lose colour, to fade. 81 6 f d) 1 1 j) U tt g, /. shooting, discharg- .:,_'. &c. 21 b f cf) t f f e It, v. J. a. to ship, ship off; to carry away on board of a ship ; II. n. cur. fcVUl) to sail off, set sail. 81 fa f d) 1 1 b e r tt, v. a. to picture, paint, depict ; fig. to represent, describe. ?! b f cf) i t b c x xx xx g, /. painting ; fig. picture, description. 81 b f d> t tt b e It, v. ir. a. 1. to skin, flay, to strip off; 2. ff°-. to exhaust by hard labour; belt Saitllt — , to peel off the bark. 21 b f d) t r r e tt, v. a. to unharness. 21 faffJj I act) tClt, v.l. a. to kill, slay, butcher (animals for food) ; II. n. (aux. habett) to finish slaughtering. 91 b f d) I a cf e tt, v. a. to clean from dross. 21 b f ct) I a f f C tt, v. a. to slacken, relax. 2lbfcf)lag, m. (-eS; pi. -fefctage) 1: chips, fragments ; 2. rebound, rebound- ing ; 3. M. E. future account ; deduc- tion, abatement, diminution ; falling of the price ; 4. branches of trees that have been felled; 5. partition ; G. a fall, outlet (of a pond) ; 7. refusal, denial ; a uf , on account; in part of payment; f%r fig. e8 iff Ctlt grcfJCt — , it differs widely; 3lbfd)lagc, Typ. T. matrices; wmpos. — Sanlctt)e, money lent to be repaid by instalment ; — Sjahlutig, /. payment on account. 83bfd)Iagett, la. beat orT knock off cut or hew off; 2. (ciltCllt etroa8) to refuse, decline , 3. to break down, take down ; 4. to take an im- pression, pull, cast; beit Setitb—, to repel or repulse the enemy ; etlt «d)lO[i — , to unnail a lock ; bie Scgcl — , JV. T. to unbind the sails ; bit 33allett — , Typ. T. to knock off the balls; fctll gSajfet — , to make water; er bat ti TUllb abgcfd)lagert, he has given a flat refusal- IE,*, (aui. fetttt) to abate, to fall (in'price); bie .Raltc fcolcigt tib, the cold abates; bie .ftitb fcblagt ab, tlie cow gives less milk than before : 14 bte JTttgcl fcblagt ab, the ball deviates from its direction ; III. rrfi. to strike off, take a different direction. Syn. .'( t> I" i> 1 a fl < ii, 'Btxmtiatxn, Serfage!!. Uef&lagcii refers' to a wish or request: ftrfi ,,„ „J setirtijcru to the thing wished lor or requested. We say: I begged him to lend a hundred florins, but sny request he has ,it^t. MiI.imii (denied), and the hundred dorms he has Sermeigtrt or nerfngt (refused). It is less usual to say fcrf.»3tn a wish, rtrrociami a request. 31 b f cf; I a g e ro t f cf), m. (-c8 ; v i.-t) T. wisp of straw used for cleaning salt-pans. 21 bf cf) let gig, adj. denying, refusing; etnc — e StntWOrf, refusal, denial. 21 b f d) I a g I i d), adj. &> adv. on account, beforehand. 21 b f d) I a xxx rxx e it, v. a. to remove, clear of (mud) ; to wash. 21 b f cf) 1 ct it g e I n, v. rcfi. to flow off in curves, to meander. 21 b f ff) I Ct r f e tt, v. a. to wear off by walking, fid) bfeS&fSfce ctt bctt^ci;u= f)en — . 91 b f d) I e i tx) e tt, v. I. a. (etnea»/:'n?o8) to get by slyness ; U. n. (aux. fcV)lt) to sneak off, -withdraw; disappear; steal away; vid. 2Begfcf)leicbert. 9i b f cf) t e i f c tt, (from f djtef fc-u) v. I. ir. a. 1. to grind off; to blunt (a point) ; 2. to grind sufficiently ; 3. to smoothe, to po- lish ; 4. to whet, sharpen ; fig. fid) — , to improve one's manners ; II. (from fd)lcu fett) rra: a. 1. to wear out (by drag- ging, &c.) ; 2. to carry away on a sledge. 2ibfd)tetfer, m. (-8; pi.—) T. he who polishes (marble plates, &x.). 9lbfcf)fciffet, n. (-8) that wliidi falls off in grinding; shreds, parings. 2ibfd)letfllltg, /. 1. grinding off; grinding, sharpening; furbishing, pol- ishing; 2. (9lbfd)lcifuttg) wearing off; carrying away on a sledge. 91 b f cf) i e i ltt e tt, v. a. to rid of sliine, remove the slime. 81 b f cf) 1 e i f) e tt, v. ir. a. 1 . to wear out, vid. '.Hbuutjett ; 2. to pull down. 91 b f di I e m in e it, vid. 2fbfd)lammcit. 81 b f d) 1 C tt b C V tt, v. n. (aux. feS)tt) to saunter away or off. 91bfd)fenfcvn, v. a. to fling away, shake off. 91 b f cf) f e p P f ", v. I. a. vulg. to wear out by dragging ; to drag down ; to carry off clandestinely ; II. refl. to fatigue one's self by dragging. 9ibfd)tettbcrit, v. I. a. to throw off with a sling ; U. n. (aux. f(XJXX) to fly off. 91 b f cf) 1 i d) t C It, v. a. T. to smoothe off, to plane; to cleanse hides with the sleeking knife. 21 b f d) 1 1 e f) e It, ». ir. l.a.1. to unlock ; to unchain, to unfetter; 2. fig. to con- clude, to end ; 3. to lock, turn the key ; 4. cine Diccbltttug — , to balance, settle, close an account; II. n. (aux. bilbeit) Ubev, to decide upon, give an opin- ion ; fid) f Pit bet' SSelt — , to retire from the world. 21 b f d) 1 1 e ft e It b, adj. definitive. 21 b f d) I i e \s f t Ct), adv. definitively, pos- itively. 8ibfd)ticfjrtltg, /. unlocking; un- chaining, unfettering; 2. locking ; 3.baJ- ancing, closing accounts, vid. '.lb|clHUl). 81 b f d) 1 1 H 3 c r it, v. a. JV. 7'. to roll away the masts. 21 b f d) I it V f C It, v. n. (aux. fciltt) to slip away, off; to slide down. Si b f cb I it v f e n, c. a. to sip off. 8(bfd)fuf, m. (-ffc«; pi- -frt(iifff) conclusion, close ; — redlining, /. state- ment, balance of account 2ibfif) 81 b f ff) m a cf, m. (-C8) bad taste, smack, 8i b f cf) lit a b b C r It, v. a. to dauls tran- scribe negligently. 81 b f ct) lit 5 t) C tt, v. a. I. to blame, tcj reprobate ; 2. refl. to tire one's self with railing. Si b f d) m ci 1 c r it, v. a. (cittern etrcaS) to curtail. Si b f cf) m a r o ft e n, v. a. (ctitent etroa8) to get by parasitical tricks. 8ibfd)iitatjen, vvJg. v. I. a. to kis« much ; II. rccipr. to kiss one another. 2lbfd)lltattf Ctt, v. I. a. to eat up; IL n. (aux. i/abiXX) to finish rioting (ban- queuing). 81 b f d) m e cf e n, v. I. a. to taste, to know by tasting ; II. n. (aux. babeit) to have a bad taste. 81 b f d) lit C Cf C tt b, adj. tasting bad. Si b f d) m c i d) e 1 tt, v. a. (eiticm ettvaf) to obtain by flattering ; ev bat C8 llllt abgefd)ilieici;e[t, he has flattered ma out of it. 81 b f cf) m e i ft e it, wdg. for 9lbn>cvfert. Si b f d) lit C I J e tt, v. I. reg. a. 1. to melt off; 2. to melt sufficiently ; 3. to clarify by melting; EL tr. n. (aux.fc\)ri t0 melt off; to melt; (aux. f) a belt) to finish melting 81 b f d) 111 i e b e It, v. a. to finish by the forge. 81 b f cf) lit i e X e tt, v. I. a. 1. to copy quick and slovenly ; 2. to grease (a carriage) ; 3. fig. vulg. to thrash, beat, cudgel ; II. n. (aux. f)a8) to obtain by smirking and smiling. 81 b f d) nt ii & e it, v. n. (aux. f)abea) ic let. off' the dirt, to soil. Si b f cf) n a b c I n, v. refl. vulg. to kiss immoderately. 81 b f d) it a 1 1 e it, v. a. f cinent ctn?a8) to unbuckle, to take off after unbuckling. Si bfd)napp en, v.l. a. to snap off, shut, lock ; fig. to break off abruptly ; II. 7i. (aux. fct)lt) to snap, slip. 8lbfd)nattern, v. a. to utter in a chattering manner. 91 b f cf) rt a u % c tt, vid. <2d)ihiitfccn. 91 b f d) n c i b e It, v. ir. I. a. 1. to cut off to cut ; 2. to shorten by cutting ; to de- prive; to pare, clip; 3. to settle accounts (among cloth-makers) ; eilt @lteb — , S. T. to amputate ; bie ©clcgcitlictt — , to deprive of an opportunity, to prevent the occasion; jcbe SUtSfllldit —, to preclude any evasion; citlClll feme t s t)tt , to hurt (wound, blast) one's repu tation; 11. refl. to cease, stop, end; bte (Srge fd)ttcibeit fid) ab, Min.. r. the vein of ore ends suddenly ; III. n. (aux. l)abcit) to form a contrast, differ. Si b f d) tt e i b e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) he that cuts oil", cutter. 91 b f cf) n c i b I i n i e, /. (pi. -en) Typ. T cutting fine. 9ibfd)tteibuttg,/. cutting off &c. S. T. abscission. 91 b f d) it C i e tt, v. imp. to cease snowing 81 b f d) It C i t e I tt, v. a. (with gardeners) to lop, prune. S'i b f d) it C 1 1 C 11, v. I. a. to let fly (with a jerk), to snap, fling; II. n. (aux. \tX)XXl to spring oft', to snap. 21 b f cf) n e u 5 e tt, «. a. to snuff (a candle) to poll, top. 81 b f cb n i p p e n, libfdinippeht, SlbfitniVbcm. a. to clip oil chip off. Slbfd) Sibfcbntpyerttng, ) m. (-«; ciip- 8(bf rhtt tpfel, J pings. Ibfdjniit, m. (-««; K -e) 1. cut. catting; 2. .Mir. 7'. segment; .3. Mil. T. entrenchment, trench; 4. T. a pattern cut out ; 5. section, paragrapli (in a book] ; 0. stop, ctesura (in verse) ; 7. M. E. additional payment, balance paid in addition ; compos. — elillie, /. Ttfp.T cutting line ; — frfjettt, m. check; — 6= TOinfcl, in. Mat. T. angle of a segment. Slbfcftutttleitt, \n. (-«; pi. — ) 21 b f d) it i fc e I, J shred, chip, cut- ting, clipping, snipping. Si b f d) u t (j c 1 n, Slbfcb, nikcit, v. a. to cut oil*; to carve ; to pare. 91 b f dllt il r C ll, v. a. 1. to unstring ; to unlace ; 2. to measure out with the line; to lay out by the line ; 3. to sepa- rate witli a line; cillC 21)arje — , to string a wart. 21 b fet) it it r r c n, v. I. a. (cincm ctma«) to get (obtain) by begging ; II. n. (aux. fd)ll) to rattle, whiz oil" (said of spools). 21 b f d) 3 Vf * "' *'• * ,n scum, to scoop off, to take off; ttC jDiiict) — , to skim the milk. 91 b f ft) fj, m. (-ffe§) L. T. scot (tax) paid for removing from one jurisdiction to another; also a legacy tax ; — ".'fltd)= till, adj. liable to pay the said duty. 21 b f d) r a g e tl, v. a. to make oblique. 2ibfd)railtDtett, v. a. to scratch or tear otl*. 21 b f d) r a p C It, b. a. to scrape off, vid. ^Ibfrfmbcit. 21 b f rf) r a U b C It, v. a. to unscrew, screw off. 21 b f rt) r c rf e it, v. a. 1. (etrtcrt sort cuter 2arf)e) to deter, discourage from, fright from; ev [(ijjt fid) letfbt — , he is easily dispirited; 2. (cincm etTOaS) to frighten one out of a thing, to extort by terror; to sprinkle with a liquid any thing hot. 91 b f duct bett, B. ir. a. 1. to copy, transcribe, to write out; 2. M.E. to an- nul, annihilate ; to transfer, to credit, to carry to one's credit; tit ber 53anf — , to assign in banco; 3. to wear out by writing; 4. to pay a debt by writing; 5. to countermand, put oil*; riir. cine ftcber — , to dull or blunt, a pen (by writing) ;_ id) l;abe niir fa ft bie Atnger abgefdmeben, I have almost worn out my fingers by writing : cillCll STcrmtlt — , to put offa term; eineSumme — , to take out (to write off) a sum in the i ks; cinebBfeSdjulb— , to balance the account of a bad debt; cine SQe= JTcllung u.f. TO. — , to countermand by writing, to revoke; ClllC €(t}ulb — , i" paj off by writing. 91 b f rf) r c i b c g e b ii b r, f. {pi. -en) ) 91 b f d) r c i b c g e I b, n. (-eS ; pi. -er) \ copy money. 21 b f d) r e i b e r, m. (-« ; pi- — a tpier, copyist, transcriber. Slbfcbreibcrcf, /. {pi. -en) cmt. plagiarism. 91 b f rf) r c t b u it g, /. copying, tran scription. 2Ibfrf)reicn, v. ir. I. a. l. to cry out, to proclaim; to cry off; 2. (ciuein els Wa&) to get by crying; EI. rejL to tire one's self by crying; ba$ ,Kiitb TOil'D ft* Me ,^eble — , this child will kiU himself by crying ; ba magft bir bic jlebtc bavttacf) — , you may cry your- self to death. ?Ibfdiri t tCIl, to measure by steps, to pace ; U. it. ' ftvn to W)ta i it: fo virl trf) — Fann. foi 15 3tbfe Slbfo aught I can see or perceive ; etnem cillCit .^aiic-griff — , to catch a knack from one: id) tlvit aUeB, VL\\i id) ihm nut ait btn Qlugen — Eonnrc, i anti- cipated his wishes as much as possible. 91 b f e b e n, n. (-§) 1. looking away, &c; '2. T- the Bight npon the barrel of a gun or upon an optical or geometrical in- strument ; 3. fig. design, intention ; rid. 2U>ftdjt; fein — woKtuf baben obcr ricbtcn, to aim at a thing, to have it in view. 9! b f C i b C, /. Jlf. £. the refuse of silk. V'lbfcifcn, r.a. 1. to wash out the soap ; 2. to clean with soap. 9ibfcigen, vid. 9lbfeibcn. 91 6f eifl et It, o a. Min. T. 1. to measure the depth of a shaft with a plumb-line ; 2. to part silver from copper. 91 b f C i b C It, D. a. to filter, strain. 91 b f C t b U n g, f. filtration 9l.bfciit, i-td.3Ibfettn. 91 b f C i t e, /. (pi. -Jl) T. 1. the wing of an edifice ; 2. aisle (of a church) ; 3. re- verse (of a coin). 91 b f e i t e n, prep. + from one's side ; on the part of; — mcilier, for my part, as for me. 91 b f C 1 1 1 g, adj. aside, removed. 9i b f C ( t 8, cdr. aside, apart 91 b f C It b C tt, v. ir. &■ rcg. a. to send, send away, to despatch ; to discharge. 91 b f c n b e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) M e. des- patcher ; consignor, exporter, shipper. 9lbfenbung, /. (plur -en) sending, despatching ; conveyance, shipping ; — Stag, m. dny when any thing is des- patched. 91 b f c tt g e n, v. a. to singe, sear. 91 b f C It g U K g, /. singeing,searing. t5 b f C U t e tt, r. a, to lay. to set (a shoot); to lay plants; Sicbnt — , to provine; eincn '2cbad)t — , Min. suik a shaft. Si b f c n I C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) layer, shoot, sprig. 9i b f C r. f H tt g, /. laying, setting. 91 1 f Cfccn, r. I. a. 1. to set down, to throw off; put down ; to put off, to re- move ; 2. to intermit : 3. to depose, dis- miss, dethrone ; cashier (an officer) ; 4. T. to wean; 5. T. to contrast (colours, &c), to set off; 6. Jlf. E. to sell, dispose of; 7. to take, cut off, &c. Phr. eincit Scbranl gviirt — , T. to edge a chest with green ; 8. to deposit, lodge ; 9. to bring forth clandestinely ; II. n. (auz. bctben) 1. to stop, to make a short stop or pause : 2. Tijp. T. to finish com- posing: bet ©ang fcfet ab, Min. r. the vein fails or loses its direction ; V Pitt ^•tncC — , .V. T. to put to sea; 3. to differ from ; III. imp. to follow, to come to: cs wirb 2d)lagc babet— ,/ will come to blows ; fcfct ab ! Mil. T. recover arms '. 9i b f c % t i f rb, m. (-tt ; jrf. -e) a side- - 1 ; T. a table on which cloth is brushed. 91 bfe feting, /. fjrf. -en) deposing, deposition; degradation, removal; — be8 Orttb*, Cli. T. oxidation ; compos. — Sbcfret, — 8nvtbci\ n. sentence of deposition. i'lbfeuf sen, o refl. to weaken one's self by sighing. }'l b f t tt n, I. r. ir. ». to be off. away ; to be broken off; to be separated; 1 T. to he abolished; vfir ftnb 8urwny: UJK ftit'P 'to* rtcit ab. we 1« are still at a great distance , bet Stagcl tjt ab, the nail is oil"; II. J. ?;. absence, rid. Slbwcfenbcir. 91 b f i d> C I It, d. a. to cut (grass, &c.) with a sickle. 91 b f id) t.f. (pi. -en) 1. view, design, intention, purpose, aim, end ; 2. respect, regard ; in tcr — UHfl $11 fcbabClt, with a design to injuse ue ; e8 ift bet — gc= mill', it is in accordance with the inten- tion ; feine — crrcid)cn, to obtain one's end, to gain the point ; tn — atlf, in regard to ; with a view to ; in allcv — , in every respect ; in bcr namlU dieit — , with the same view. Syn. 31 Mi (fit, 3w«tf; Sntjwt*. He who consciously makes use of means to the at- tainment of an end has Ithiiiu, (an intention, design) ; hence the term always presupposes a rational being. Sirc.t (aim. end) and Entyvtcr, (final cause) is that lo which the design of a per- son or of the creator of a thing is directed, and may also he predicated of irrational beings and inanimate things. Thus the watch contains ten ^irc»t (the design) of pointing out the time; and man has this S 1 "'* (end) and this Jtbfiit (in- tention) both. The bee has the ^rperf (aim) to make honey, but not the abfid)t (conscious aim). 91 b f i d) t c n, o. a. to sift off. 91 b f i d) 1 1 1 d\ l.adj. designed, intended; intentional, premeditated ; \Lado. with a design, designedly, intentionally. 91 b f i d) t § 1 S, adj. unintentional, with- out design. 91 b f i d) t S I f i g f e i t, /. want cr ab- sence of design. 9ibftebtS»0l I, adv. full of design. 91 b f t ff C V tt, v. n. (anx. fettn) to trickle down. 91 b f i e b C It, v. a. to sift off with a sieve. 91 b t" t C d) e It, v. n. (auz. fettn) to lan- guish ; to consume, pine away (by sick- ness). 91bfiebeln, r. refl. to leave one's country and settle in another. 91 b f ieben.r. ir. seethe, boil, de- coct ; Ctncn Xxant — , to make a decoc- tion ; (5'iev — , to poach eggs. 91 6 fin fl e n, o. ir. a. to sing off recite, chant ; to carol ■ IT. refl. to fatigue one's self by singing ; TT1. n. (am. babeil) to finish singing, sing the last. 9lbfingnng, /. singing, caroDing, chanting. 9ibftllfcn, t-. ?;. (oar. fctttt) to sink down. 91 b ("intern, vid. 9lbftcfent. 9lbft'ntb, vid. Sevmutb. 91 b f i fe e It, r. ir. T. a. 1. to wear out by sitting': 2. cine 2d)u!b — , to pay off a debt by sitting in prison ; II. n. 1. (am. fc.Mt" to alight, dismount; 2. (am. ba- bcit) to sit out, away or at a distance ; III. rrfi. tn tire one's self by sitting. Aifob, wo\3l&fub. 91 b f o b I c n, ?•. v. Min. T to wear out (said of ropes). 2lbfoIb, m. (-tS) the last payment of a man discharged from his service. 91 b f P I b C It, v. a. to pay the full salary ; to pay a servant and discharge him. *9i b f 1 U t, adj. rk. 91 b f tt 1 11 b C I n, v. a. to take fr"in the spindle. 91 b f tt i " « '- It, v. ir. I. a. 1. to spin off 2. to pay off by spinning; cil'.C ScbuIS — , to spm off a debt ; II. n. (am. '■ _to finish spinning. 9ibfttifccn, r.a. l. to take off with a pointed instrument : -. to take off the 2lbfia point; 3. to point properly ; tin 3'Cbcr — , lo nib a pen. i\ b f p [ 1 1 1 C r II, v. i. a. to splint, splin- ter ; to break oil' in splinters ; II. n. (aaz. fetylt) to rebound in splinters. 9lbfpbttelu, b.o.1. (etnent etttctS) to obtain by gibing; 2. (eilieil DOll Ct= U)aS) to dissuade one by jeering. 9lbfpotten, v. a. l. (etnent ctroaS) to get by deriding ; 2. (eilicn) to ridicuJe. *i b f p x e d> e it, v. ir. I. a. (einem etroag) 1. to abjudicate, to give a sentence or verdict against ; 2. to refuse, deny ; P/ir. iaS ilebett — , to condemn or to sentence to death ; btC 2lcr$te habeil il)llt baS Mebeit abgefprocfyen, the physi- cians have give him up; ciltcnt allc .fpoffltUlig — , to bid one give over all • to take all hope from him ; II. n. Imbcit), 1. — iibrr, to decide hast- ily, to fore-judge ; 2. to dissent, id) babe ibllt battn llid;t — , I think he is right. 9ibfpred;cr, m. (-S; pi. — ) cent. overhasty decider, dogmatist 91 b f p X C d) C It b, ) mlj. positive, dog- 91 b f p r e d) c r i f ri), $ matical, magiste- rial, decisive. 91 b f p r c i 5 e n, v. a. T. to prop (with timber), to provide with props. 91 b fprengeit, v. I. a. to spring; to cause to break olf suddenly : to blow off with gunpowder; cm ^ufetfen— , to ride off a horse's shoe ; II. n. (auz. fetylt) to hurry away, gallop away. 91 b f p r i e fj e it, vid. Slbfproffui. 9i b f p X t It 0, e It, v. ir. I. n. (auz. fevjn) 1. to leap oir, from or down ; 2. to break, crack olF, fly off, come on"; 3. to quit suddenly ; fall off, to change suddenly ; bie S'U'be fpringt ab, the paint comes on"; fpvitigeil 3iC tlid)t ab, do not pre- varicate ; II. refi. to fatigue one's self by leaping. 91 b f p V i 11 \\ C 11 b, part. adj. fig. desul- tory, <•/«/. 9tbfpringcu. iibfpvtrjcn, v. 1. a. to squirt off, to knock down by an engine ; 11. n. (auz. fcpil) to come oil" in drops, spatter. 91 b f p V fi, m. (-ffefl ; ■/>/. -ffeil ) descend- ant, scion ; vid. 3lbfprbjHiti(j. 2ibfprof fen, ». n. * {au *. ffyr.) to descend. Si b f p x o fj I i ti (j, 77i. (-S ; pi. -c) off- spring, scion, descendant. -i b f p V U d), m. (-S ; pi. -fpriid)c) ad- judication; L. T. final sentence. 2ibfputng, m. (-cS; pt -fpriingc) I leap, leaping off bound, spring ; 2. fig. quitting, leaving; renunciation of a claim ; 3. what is broken or cracked off; 4. contrast, Phr. biefj ift jcitt grpficr — , here is a great falling off; — yoit %lb- Xtn, disparity of years; 3lbfpvuitge ci= lUS -§aTett ( Sp. T. doubles of a hare; — Stvinfel, m. Mat. T. angle of re- flection. 9( b f p ;; i c n, o. ir. a. to wind off from the spool ; to unspool. 21 b f p ii b 1 c v, vi. (-S ; P i. —) he that winds oil' yarn from the spool. 91 6 fp flic It, v. a. to wash; to rinse; to wash away. 91 b f p ii 1 t rf) t, v. (-S) hog-wash, dish- wash. 91 bfp tilling, /. washing, washing away 91 b ft able it, ». n. 1. to steel , to harden ; '-'. T. to try the dye. ?'l b fl a lit lit, m. (-CS ; jrf. -jtaillllic) race. stock, generation. 2 Sbfte 21 b fi a m m e n, v. n. (auz. fenn) to be derived ; to descend, come of. 21 b ft a m m U n g, /. (pi. -en) descent, de- rivation ; — stafcl, /. genealogical table. 51 b ft 3 ill lit C it, v. a. T. to separate from the trunk. 21 b ft ii in m I i it g, vid. Sihfontraling. 2lbftampeln, v.a.T. to stamp; to mark with stamped ornaments, 21 b ft a lit p f C n, v. L a. 1. to stamp off; to pound ; 2. to wear out, off, by stamping ; II. n. (auz. fyabeit) to have done stamp- ing; III. rcfl. to fatigue one's self by stamping. 21 b ft a n b, m. (-C« ; pi. -ftailbe) 1. dis- tance, interval between two objects (planets, &.c).; 2. fig. difference; con- tract; 3. 7,. T. cession, desisting ; — i- gelo, n. money paid to a person who desists from any claim; — Snuffling, /. T. apomecometry ; — SlDUttcl, m. rfst. T. angle of elongation. 21 b ft ti liber, m. (-S; pi.—) T. dead tree. 21 b ft ti it b i g, adj. r. ctbfttinbnjcS .foclj, dead (dry) wood. 21 b it a p e I n, v. a. to take down (from apile). 21 b ft a 1 1 c n, v. a. l. to pay, to dis- charge, give ; 2. to make, to render, to perform; 3. L. T. to endow, to portion : P3ettd)t — , to give account, to report; iHutE — , to pay, give, render thanks ; 3cilj]lUti — , to give testimony, bear witness ; eiltcit ©rufl — , to deliver a compliment. 21 b ft a 1 1 11 It g, /. paying, giving, ren- dering, &c. 21 b ft a U b, m. (-CS) dust flying off 2ibfitinben, (2lbfttiubcni, 2lbft5- bern), v. a. to dust. 21 b ft a it b e r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) dtu ter, he who (that which) dusts. 2'lbfttiubuug,/. dustin?. 2lbft tin p e it, v. a. to flog, sc soundly. 2lbftecf», comp. — etfen, m. r. spa cut turf with; sort of shovel ; — fltllbc, /. or — l)erb, m. JWin. T. pit for receiv- ing the metal let out of a t — llicffcr, n. butchering-knife;— pfllUJ, 7u. 'J', breasfptough. 21 b ft e d) c it, v. ir. I.o. bring down by a thrust; to stab, to pierce, to i to kill; 3. Ml. T. to escarp; 4. V. to engrave, mark out ; 5. Sp. T. to out- shoot; to trump one (at ca the ring with the lance fin running at the riiiL' 1 ; Phr. Ctlt 2dlU'Ctll or eillflll @c$tt)etne bte ,Ucblc — , to lull a Sttafen — , to cut green sods; ClllCll Jciili — , to drain m- dig off a pond; SEBetn — , to tap «/■ rack oil' wine : ciii allh^ei — , to copy out a model bj pricks upon a paper ; cin iaatx — , to mark the place for a camp; ciiicnt ben SBinb — , .v. T. to take the u ind ; fig. CillCll — , to outdo, surpass one; II. h. VU htlben) l.fig. to contrast, to set off; btefe Sarhen ftedjen gut ab, these iurs contrast well, set offwelJ ; C>lm = vafteve gegen einanber — maclen, to Bet off characters ; 2. (auz. fcl'it. .v. T. to set sail ; sheer off. 21 b ft e cb e it, «. (-S) l. killing, butcher- ing; -'. T. pitching of a field; 3. con- trast, &x. 21 b ft C fb C r, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) 1. excursion. ramble; fig. digression; 2. one who marks, kills, &.c. 21 b ft C (f, comp. — cit'cit, n. an iron i stake : — Itnie, /. line used in marking out a space ; — pf.lbl, m. pole or picket used in marking out a space. 21 b ft erf en, v. a. j. to unptu, -. ^.. ,,,ar» with sticks or poles : lo mark out, set out ; 3. to wean, take away (of ani- mals) ; Ctlt ^a.;jCV — , to mark a camp by fixing poles; oie @ranun — , to mark out the bounds. 21 b ft c be it, v. ir. I. ii. l. (auz. babtu> to stand off to stand far from . . . . ; J (auz. fctyll) to grow vapid, to get staUj (flat); to turn, pall (of wine : 3. to die (of fishes and trees), to perish, de- cay, fade; 4. fig. VOtt ctamS — , to from, to leave oil', to quit ; 5. CtltCtlt or 9QH cillCin — , not to as- sist one, to say he is in the wrong ; id) will yon ntcincr Seteerbung — , i will give over my suit ; OlM fehtCt 5orbCs rung — , to desist from one's claim ; oon einer ikueung — , to give up a posses- sion; aftgeftancenefl •^ol?, dead II. a. to yield, to resign, give up ; ltd CIl Sic mil 3brc Ubr ab, let me hai watch ; Ctll 2llltt — , to resign an office ; lll.reti. (fid) etodS) to wear oil" or out by standing, get tired with standing. 21 b ft C f) e n, 'it. desistmce, &c. vid the verb. 2lbftcf)Cnb, part. adj. rid. 2lbftet)e!l, B. T. expand 21 b ft C f) e r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) coder, a=- signer ; seller ; purchaser. 21 b ft e b I C It, v. ir. a. 1. to steal, to rob of; beni liebcit ®ott etc £age to play the idle fellow; 2. ciitcm et= UMC'- to learn a thing of one by stealth. 21 6 ft ct feu, r. I. a. T. to stiffen, starch ; to prop ; II. n. (auz. 1CS/K. to be- come stiff 21 b ft c i g e it, r. ir. [cut. fevm) n. to de- scend ; 2. to alight, to light; to put tip; to stop on the mad; '0CM11 SPfetbe, t>0in 2Uai1Clt — , to light from a horse, from a coach; DOtt etnent SBerge — , to de- scend a hill : Stiffen — , to step; btC abftcigenbe Sinie, fig. the descending line or lit 21 b ft c i g c b a u S, — ttnarticr, n. — topbitung,/ house of accomma lodging. 21 b ft c i g e t n, o. a. cincn — , to out- bid any one v at auction). 21 b ft e i g ii r. g, /. l. alighting, di 8. descension; bte gerabe — , JtL T riL'lit descension ; 3. dismounting. 21 b ft ciltC tl, r. a. to fix the boundaries by stones. 21 b fieint g e n, v. a. i , knock off with stones. 21 b ft C I I C It, B. a. 1. to put away : 8. I I bring out of use, to abolish; (ill K$OS% — , to repeal, abolish or abrogate a law etnen aftifibraud) — , to reform an abuse ; SBefc&tuerbcn — , to redress griev- ances; bad ©iee — , v. to gin its flavour 2i b ft e 1 1 c r, m. (-% ; pi. — ) 1. abolish er; 2. highly seasoned beer. 21 b ft el ! ling, /. l. abolishing; 2. put- ting away, &c. ; — Sntttttl, u. meuni of abolishing anything. 21 b ft C 111 111 C 11, o. n. T. to chisel off .'1 b ft e in p c I II, v. I. o, T to flourish op gild (a book) ; II. »• to finish stampinR. 21 b ftcp p en, c a. to quilt, 21 b ft c r b c it, r. ir. ii. [am. fc'.^n' i. to die; to go off, expire, to become extinct; to per I ecome insi r. liicitic (^1= tcvn ftnb mir n-br friib abgeftorbtn, I lost my parents when I was very young; ti lit lllir illl iblll Cttl few IT 21bftT guter B«uiib abgcftorben, I have lost in hiui a very good friend; fig. bet 23cit — , to withdraw from the world, to lose relish for or of pleasures; 3. .'. to become narrower and of a juality (of the vein). 51 b ft e r b C it, n. (-«) decease, death, &e. ?i b ft c it e r, /. rid. 'Slbjttglgelb. Si b ft C U E T n, o. I. a. to steer off; II. n. laiir. fetm) to leave the shore. 21 b ft i cfa, m. (-€« ; pi. -0 1. what is dug or cut off; -2. fig. contrast; set-off. Sibfttcbelrt, v. a. 1. to vex by sar- castic language ; 2. (etltcttt etroaS) to get a thing by means of sarcasm. 8i b ft t ti C it, v. a. to copy by embroidery. Si b ft t m lit C tt, r. I. a. 1. to vote against, to outvote; 2. to tune (an instrument) to lower its pitch ; II. n. (aux. habcn) I. to vote for decision, to put to the vote ; 2. to disagree, be of a different opinion ; 3. to be dissonant in sound. 31 b ft t m ill t g, adj. dissonant ; dissent- ing, discordant. Sibftimmung, /. (pi. -en) voting, division. SI b ft b e X tt, i>. a. to shake or sweep off. Sibftodiem, r. a. to separate by picking. SI b ft cf C tt, v. La. 1. to lay or set (car- nations, &c.) ; 2. to put young bees into a hive; II. n. (aux. fe*)lt) to rot off. 51 b ft b & C I it, v. a. to beat down (nuts) with a stick. 31 b ft b, n e it, v. refi. to iire with groan- ing. Si b ft p p e I tt, v. a. to glean (a field). »i b ft £ C It, v. ir. I. a. 1. to thrust off, knock off; to push off ; to break ; 2. T to chisel off. take off with the plane, to scrape off; bOS ©entd— , to break the neck ; es wirb tb,m ba§ £er$ — , jig. ii will break his heart ; ftd) btc ^orncv — , to sow one's wild oats ; eme©q)Ulo _, to pay a debt ; eme alte fRecfettunfl , to wipe off an old score ; Jtalbcr — • to wean calves : tit JUeiter — , to rub off the clothes ; tie 23ienen— . to kill the bees and take their honey ; tie 346. nt — , to lose the teeth ; II. n. {aux. babtn) to set sail; sent Saute—, to put ofl the shore ; 111. refi. to wear out, rub off. 31 b ft c j; c it b , part adj. repulsive, re sistmg. SI b ft o t t e r n , v. a. to deliver a speech in a stammering manner. *2lb ft r d C t , adj. abstract ; cilt — er JBeonjf, an abstract notion. *2lb ft r a c t i 5 n, / Log. T. abstraction ; — 80CTltl0'jCn, n. power or faculty of abstraction. *2I b ft r d C t U m, n. (-») abstract, ab- stract notion. Sibftrafen, >•• a. to punish, chastise properly, to correct. Sib ft rafting, /• (pl-tn) punishment, chastisement, correction. * 21 b ft T a B 1 1 e n, o. a. 1 • Log. T. to ab- stract; 2. to concede, yield up; son tma.% — , to give over, waive a thing, il b ft r a 6. 1 , m. (-ti pi- -«") reflected ray Si b ft t a b i e it, v. I. a. to reflect ; II. v- to be reflected. Hi. Slb-- mu }'lbfttabl«"3* rolnftl frruiigj»iiifel. ii fc ft r 5 u fc e «, '■• I- a- ,0 make free by a strugele; 11- refi. to lire of a struggle. 18 Si b ft r e b c E r a f t, /. (jpl. -frafre • Hlys. T centrifugal power. Si b ft r e b e It, ». n. to strive to get loose, away. Si b ft r e t ti) t n, v. ir. I. a. 1. to draw, roll, wipe offer away ; 2. to strike level ; 3. Sp. T. to try (a field for game); eitt icbecrmeffet — , to strap a razor; II. 7i. l. mix. babtn and fevm) to finish spawning ; 2. to quit the nest (of birds) 31 b ft r e t f b a r, adj. capable of being stripped off. SJ b ft r C t f C It, v. I. a. to strip off; etnen Qlat — , to skin an eel; etnen 5'U*§ I — , to flay a fox; II. n. (aux. ff^n) to roam, wander downwards ; to glance fas an arrow from a tree). Si b ft r e t f e I n, trid. Slbftrcifen. Si b ft r c t f c r, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) one who strips off; 2. vid. Slbfted^r. Si b ft t e it eit, v. ir. a. to deprive of . . . by a law-suit ; to obtain by litigation ; (ttttem etttttS)tO contest, to dispute; ttcfj laffe id) mir niefct — , I won't be disputed out of it, in this I will not yield. 2'i b ft r t ti, m. '-(■' ; pi. -e) T. the skim- ming, scum; litharge; that which is taken off: — bUi, n. skimmed lead. 21 b ft r i ci e rt, o. «• 1. to knit off (a needle) ; 2. to pay off by knitting ; fig. 3. to cut off, to untie ; 4. to steal a hound. SI b ft r t C g e I It, v. a. to curry, rub down a horse. Si b ft r D m e rt, v. I. a. 1. to float down a stream ; 2. to wash away ; IT. n. (aux. fern to be carried away by the stream ; to flow off rapidly. Si b ft r f f e tt, v. a, Jilin. T. to out by degrees. 2j b ft it cf e I tt, ) r. a. to break off in Si b ft it cf C 11, ) small particles. Si b ft U b t r e It, v. refi. to overstudy one's self. Si b ft U f e n, ». I. a. Mm. T. 1 . to break off (ore) ; 2. to separate or form into steps ; II. 7i. &■ refi. to be shaded, diver- sified (by gradation). Sib ft lifting, /. pi. -en) gradation, modification. Si b ft ft 1 p e It, r. a. to let down, turn down or over. Si b ft ii m p f c tt, SIbfttimpfen, v. 1. a. to stupify, to blunt, dull ; fig. n. refi. to get blunted, dull, stupified. SI b ft U r lit C tt, r. I. a. 1. to shake off by a storm; 2. (etnem ettra*) to get by violence ; II. n. 1. (aux. rj»tbeit) to leave off storming: 2. (aux. fe»n) to run off with violence. Sibftltn, m. (-e*; 7' / - — fliir^O preci- pice, steep ; rapid downfall fof the wa- ter). SI b ft ii V j C n, v. I. a. to precipitate ; to throw headlong : to take off the cover or lid; fid) ten .galS— , to break one's neck ; II. n. {aux. fcrilt) to fall headlong, down from a precipice. S'l b ft ii r 5 1 g, + adj. steep. 21 b ft U % C tt, 7j. a. to cut short to dor.!: : to crop; to clip; bie 9Bctume — , to top or lop the trees ; %V.ti) — , to sh.:ar cloth for the first time. SI b ft ii % e n, v. a. to prop (a ship on the stocks . Si 6 f U ti C rt, 7-. n. to search and ti,l;e ; tic •lumvcii oom 53tcr= i-uiiD fucbt cin Setb nb, Sp. E. the pointer quarters a field. >i f fit t, hi. f-C-5 ; pi. -fitbe) dfcoction, extract; apozem. Slbfubellt, ». a. to transcribe negn- gently, to copy in a daubing man- ner. SI b f 11 lit p f C It, v. a. to drain marshes. *3l b f li t b, adj. absurd, foolish. *3l b f U r b 1 1 d t, /. (-jl. -en) absurdity. Si b f ll V e n, v. a. to sweeten ; Ch. T. tc purify. 31 b t, m. (-e» ; pi. Slcbtc) abbot ; cin in- fultvtcr — , a mitred abbot: eilt ge= fiivftctcr — , an abbot sovereign, an abbot prince ; tt>tC ber — , ft) tie 3Jc01t I ti)t, prov. like abbot like monks ; ben VClteit laffen, prov. to be merry without constraint. Si b t a f e 1 it, v. -n. (aux. bjaben) wig. to have done dining. Si 6 t ttf eltt, v. a. 1. to wainscot ; 2. fig. to describe one's character with all its faults. Sib tale In, v. a. JV. T. to unrig, to dismantle ; btc 3)Jaftcn — , to strip the masts ; etne S'lottc — , to lay up a fleet. 31 b t a t e I U It g, /. unrigging, disman- tling. Si b't a ttbeltt, v. a. (cinem ettuas) to get by talking one over. SI b ta rt? Clt, v. ir. La. 1. to take away in dancing ; 2. to wear out by dancing ; II. ti. 1. (qui. baben) to leave off danc- ing ; 2. (aux. fe^tt) to go off dancing III. refi. to get tired by danciug. SI b t a 11 ti) C It, v. I. a. to clean by sub- merging ; II. n. (aux. fevm) to dive. Si b t a it m e I tt, v. n. (aux. ferm) to go off staggering. Sibtaufcf), 777. (-Co) trucking, ex- change. Sibtaitfdjen, v. a. (etnem etaaS) w exchange, to get by trucking ; to swap. 3'lb t a u fd) ung, f.(pi. -en) excharg- Slb'tet',/. (pl.-t\V 1. abbey; 2. ab- bacy. 31 b t e 1 1 1 tij, adj. belonging to an abbey. Sib ten fen, v. a. Min. T. eineti 2d ; ad)t — , to sink a shaft (pit). 3ibtf)auett, v. I. n. (aux. fctm) to thaw off; II. a. to make a thing thaw off. Slbtbeil, m. &-n. (-e«; pi. -e) share, appanage. 31 b t i) C 1 1 e n, v. a. 1. to divide, part, to graduate ; to share ; 2. to range, rank, order, dispose, set; classify; L. T. to pay off children; ttttt etnem — , to settle accounts with one. 31 b t b e 1 1 1 g e rt, v. a. to pay off children, to give them their share. Sib tb e t It g, ndj. having one's share. Si b t f, e 1 1 u n g, /. (pi. -en) l. division. part; partition; graduation; 2. shar ing.share; cine — SEaarcn, a parcel, lo. of° goods; compos. — SjCtcbeil, n. mark of separation; hyphen (=). SI b t b 5 tt, m. provin. true maiden hair (a plant). S'lb t bun, v. ir. a. Ltd take off. pull off; 2. to make up. to arrange : 3. to abolish ; 4. to kill ; to dispatch : to exe cute, put to death ; tS ntup glctcfi abgetljatt roertcn, it requires immedi ate dispatch. Sun. 2tf>ttjun, Bfittd tn, ® A li (f> t«n. 3fl>. "ibiin is used to (signify merely that an affair is fettled without anv reference to its having been previously disputed. Tins one can say not only tincn Sirtit oblbim, to settle a dispute, bnt also an accouut or deht. 2- c i : c a .- m and e^'i*!,!! refer to a disputed matter which is settled k; compromise. SI b t b ii r m t n, r. a to pull down a tow er or any tiling pi !e d « D ?»tr ab«v Slfrwa ?'l b 1 1 1 3 e n, d. a. + to hlot out, to ex- tinguish; ttltc <2d)ulb — , to clear a debt. ft b 1 1 f f t It, /. Cpt -»eil ) abbess. 31 b 1 1 1 d), «$f. belonging to an abbot. 316 tot) en, o.l a. (cittern etwo§l to jet by raging; II. ". (ii-* babcu ) to ci ase raging, roaring. 3J t L ; b t e It, v. a. 1. to kill ; x.'. Jig. 10 1 lur.t the sensations, desires. SI 6 t 5 b t lilt (J, /. (p^. — eit) deadening by degrees. 9i b t o n e tt, v. n. {mix. fyabctt) to be discordant. Si b t X a b, m. (-CS ; pi. -c) Mil. T. de- tachment. Si bt tab ett, v. n. (aux. fetytt) to trot of! ; to march off. Sib tra 3, pi. (-eS; pi. -nge) l. pay- ment, paying; 2. compensation, satis- faction, amends, reparation ; 3. what is carried off, taken away ; — tt)ltn, to make amends. 31 b t X a g C It, v. ir. l.a.1. to carry off take away, off; 2.towcarout (clothes) ; 3. to pay'; Vhr. till ©CbSube — , to pull down, to take down a building ; etlten SBetg — , to level or lower a hill; belt SEtfdJ — , to clear the table ; &d)ul= ben, ©teuetn it. f. w. — , to pay tavs, &c. ; 11. rrfi. to have done bearing fruit (of trees). Sj/ii. Xbtragtn, 33t}n$terl. ttbtrnjtn does not necessarily mean to pay in money, but also in any other ihing. 2it|ablcn properly ni(jnifies CO pay in money only. The farmer tm'jt fcinm •J.V1A1 ob (dun-barges his rent) by payment in kind or in money; «r btjabll ihn, when he pays it ill money. » S'l b t r a 3 U n 3, /. 1 . carrying off ; 2. pulling down, levelling ; 3. paying, pay- ment; acquitment, liquidation. Si b t x a it c r n, v. I. n. (aux. fyaben) to leave off mourning ; II. rcjl. to be over- whelmed with sadness. Si b t r ii u f e n, v. a. to water. Sibtr'iit fcltt, 7 v. n. (mix. feint) to 8'lbtrailfen, $ trickle, fall down in drops. Sibtretbcmiftel, n. (-8; /.n= KC, /. pasteboard-maker's drainer; — trP3, m. dropping-board ; gratings. Sibtvopfctn, SlbtriU'H-n, ». i. n. (aux. feint) to drop off, to drip, to trickle down : II. a. to make drip. sibtroijett, v. a. (etnetn ehvaS) to hector out of, to extort from. SI b t V it lit itt e V It, v. \. a. to strike off in pieces; II. n. (aux. \V.)n) to fall down in ruins. Sib tvu nip fen, v. a. einen — , or einem cine Jiartc — , to take a carl by a higher trump; vulg. to return a sharp answer. Si b t v ii it n t 3, adj. faithless, dfeli lyal, rebellious; recreant, apostatical ; — npei'ben, to desert, revolt; VHMt bcr Sftes ligton — li'cvbcit, to turn apostate, for- Bake religion; — lltad)Ctt, to draw off, away. 31 b t v it n it 1 3 f c 1 1, /. disloyalty, revolt, insurrection ; apostasy. Si b t v it p p e it, v. I. a. mh. T. to dismiss soldiers from duty; 11. n. (hut. feplt) to march oil" in troops. Sib tit mine in, ». 1. a. to break fa horse); to fatigue by overriding: II. rrfl. to fatigue one's self. Sib tun cbc it, v. a. to white • SI b t tt p f e It, v. «. to dry up, desiccate. SI b t It f ff) e n, v. a. T. to copy with In- dian ink. SI b t It t e It, v.l.a. to sound (the hours in the night) by a horn ; II. n. (aux. babeil; to call the last time (hour). *Sl b it n b i it j, /. rik from. SI b t c r e n, v. a. 1. to square ; to torni in squares; 2. .V. T. to veer, to ea e away SI b 1) i e r U n 3, /. squaring (a beam, tc). *.'i 6t> if it en, v. a. T. to estimate, rate (the measure of a tree, before it is fell- ed) ; to gauge (a cask). *.'! b S 1 1 r c 11, v. a. to outvote ; to vote Si b w a rb e n, v l «. to watch tor ; u. rrfl. to fatigue ouc's self by watching. Si b n> a d) f c n, v. n. (aux. fenn) 1. to get the full growth ; 2. to take another di- rection in growing. SI b \V (l d e 1 n, v. I. a. 1. to separate by shaking ; 2. vulg. to cudgel ; LI. n. (aux. fei)tt) to go off waddling. Si b W a 3 e, /. r/tys. r. the distance from the fulcrum to the pressure; mutual dif- ference of a depth and a !:• SI b n> a 8 e I U It ft, /. art of levelling. SI b tt 5 3 C It, ?•. ir. St rrg. a. to WC go j to level'; jig. fetne SBorte attf bcr 0olb-- ttfl3C — , to he extremely cautious, to weigh one's words. Si b to a 3 e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) lev. D SI b tt ci 3 u n 3, /. weighing, levelling. SibllMlf (MI, v.a.T. to full, to m,;i (cloth) ; vulg. to give a sound drul SI b tt a II e it, o. n. (aux. femt) i float down, (« fall down in ring!> the hair). Sibwaljctt, ?-.!. (i one's self by wandering. si 6 W a it f e it, ?-. «. (aux. femi) i off with an uncertain step; 2. to from the right way. SI b 11' it l* III e It, v. a. to warm till to heat. Si b tt a x it e n, v. a (eincit v on etoeJ) to warn ofl". SI broartett, ?•. a. I. to < for, wait for ; 2. to attend for; to nurse: etncil — , to nurse, wad up.m one; ct tt Cinif, ; entatt — , to attend on o ation ; id) fann ee nidit — , i cann my time to it . er fitint uiduc- — , he ia always in a hurry. SI b W ii r t 8, adr. (air. ,(.• gen.) d 'wnward, downwards; aside; — fal'VCH, .V. F. r off or offwara, to go di i Btream, i river. iy Slbwe S b tt a r t it tl g, /. waiting or staying for a thing ; attending, caring, nursing. .'! b tv a f cf) e tt, e. t>. a. to wash away, wash off or out; cleanse; cine Sdjuib — , to pay a debt by washing. ?1 b w a f rii f a f;, n. (-ffe8; pL -fJifcr) washing-tub. ?'l b W a fd) W a f f C V, n. hogwash, dish- wash. i\ b 10 a f cf) 11 it g, f (pi. -Clt) ablution, washing away, bathing. '/ibttaffertt, t>. a. 1. to water; to drain ; 2. elite <2d)ttelfe — , to build a threshold so that the water can flow from it. VI b tt a t f if c I It, v. n. (aux. fcim) to waddle off, away. 9i b nj e b e It, v. a. 1. to finish by weav- ing, to weave ; 2. to unwind. Oi bw C d) f c I tt, v. L a. 1. to change, ex- change ; 2. to make to succeed by turns; II. n. (aux, f)(tbcit) 1. to vary; 2. to alternate, to do or come by turns or alternately ; 3. to intermit ; to relieve ; ctticm eiit 2tiicf ©etc ■ — , to exchange a piece of money for one; cill £)ietjt= lltcttt — , to exchange or relieve a re- giment; mtt etnattber — , to relieve one another; bct§ gteBet tvcdifclt at, the fever intermits; ©litcf llltb Ultglucf lvcdifcht unmet mtt etnanber ab, good luck and misfortune come by turns. 51 b IV C rf) f C 1 It b, adj. # 1. changeable, variable ; 2. alternative ; periodic ; in- termitting, alternating. M b » e cf) f e I it n g, /. (pi. -en) change, exchange ; variety ; alternate, alterna- tive, alternation, alternity ; vicissitude ; jut — , for a change. !i b W t i e I tt, v. a. 1 . to fan, brush away ; ■J. (etttent Cttvas) to get by fawning. )i b tt C fj, m. (-eS ; pi. -e) by-way, by- i id, by-path; wrong way, the going astray or wrong ; bicetratte f)at vide — e, this road has many by-roads ; fig. GUT — c gci'rttbcn, to take bad courses; — C flicfyctt, to seek shifts, evasions. . I tj t g, adj. X- adv. having by-roads. 51 b iv e g § or 5tbtvcgi?, adv. out of the way. 51 b tv e g fa nt, af.j. ir adv. out of the way, devious. 3!broefjen, v. a. l. to Uw off. blow down ; 2. to fan, brush away or jCf-, 2. X. T. to cease blowing. 5! b ro c I) r, /. 1. fence ; 2. defence, ward- ing off, repulse ; — mtttel, n. pre- ventive. 5ibre cbreit, r. a. 1. to keep off; to hold off to hinder; 2. to ward off parry; avert, turn away; CV lii*;t fid) n:d)t — , he is not to be kept from it. H b tt e t cf) e it, (from ivelcf), soft) v. I. a. 1. to loosen by soaking or making soft; 2. to soften properly; II. n. (aux. fe s .m) to become soft and fall off. V J tt C t cf) e It, (from tVCicf)Cn, to depart) ». ir. 71. (aux. fct>It) 1. to deviate; to turn aside, away, off or from : to recede ; swerve, diverge, digress ; 2. to leave, forsake; 3. to varv, differ: 4. depart, pass fof time); Vh'r. bic DJia^itctitctbel tteicbt ab, the needle turns off from the pole; Son bet SSabvbeit — , to depart from truth; cr ivcidit bic»on fcincn Stltger bveit at, he will not abate an inch of it: ttir ttcicben von cinanber Oi, we differ widely ; i([S abgctticfjdte 5(ibr, the past year. !1 b tt f t cf) e n, n. (-6) diarrhcea, oose- 'ic>s of tho bowels. 20 Slbwe 31 b tt C t cb C H b, part. adj. asymmetrical, anomalous, &c. vid. 9lbttcicf)cn. 31 b tt C t i) It It g, /. (pi. -Clt) 1. devia- tion, declination; variation: digression; 2. anomaly ; — jttetW Silttcil, G. T. divergence of two lines ; compos. — S- COlltVafi, »i. declinator, azimuth-com- pass; — ofrciS, m. .1st. T. circle of de- clination; — ipmallaxt cittcv SSers tifalfliicbc, declination of a vertical plane; — Smeffct', — SjCtgcv, m. decli- nator. 31 b tt e i b C tt, v. a. to graze, feed ; Cine SBtcfe — , to feed on a meadow, to turn the cattle into a meadow. 31 b tt C i f C It, » a. to wind off a reel ; to reel off. 31 b IV e t tt C It, v La, I . to expiate by tears ; 2. (eittClll CtauVo) to obtain by weeping; II. refl. to weary one's self by weeping, to cry the eyes out. 31 b tt e t f C tt, v. ir. a. to refuse, to put off, to send back, rebuff; Jll. E. to pro- test (a bill) ; fig. to turn off: L. T. to nonsuit, to dismiss a cause ; bctlSctnb • — , to drive back the enemy. 31 b tt e t f e ft o cf, m. (-ti ; pi. -ftocfc) curbstone, corner-post. 3ibttCtfltltg, /. (pi. -Clt) refusal, putting off; turning off; A". T. the fly- ing aft of the vanes arising from the motion of the vessel; M. E. protest; ■ — sbefcbetb, m. rebuff. 31 b IV C t fj e n, v. 1. a. to whitewash ; to whiten; n. n. (aux. fjabeit) to lo^e the white colour. 31 b tt C 1 1 e, /. (pi. -Clt) distance. 31 b tt c I f en, v.-n. (aux. feint) to wither, fade and fall off; ./?"•. to pine away. 31 b tt e tt t V a r, adj. )o be averted, pre- vented. 31 b tt enbb a vfc it, /. possibility of being prevented, averted. 31 b tt C n b C It, v. reg. <$• ir. I. a. 1. to turn off away ; to ward off; to avert ; to pre- vent; 2. fg. to alienate; Jig. ba$ @C= llltiti) VonetlVuS — , to turn or divert one's mind from a thing; baS ttofle @ptt — ! God forbid i II. refl. to turn away from ; to leave, to abandon. 31 b IV C n b t g, adv. alienated ; faithless ; • — lltacfjcit, to alienate, estrange; to de- prive of. take away, seduce ; Ctttert Vint fciiicm Sorbabcn — macfjen, to turn or divert one from his purpose; er bat mtf ineine jvttnben — gcmad)t, he has got away my customers. S b tt C It b It It g, /. turning off; warding oft'; averting ; diverting ; changing. 31 b W C r f C It, r. ir. I. a, 1. to cast off, throw off throw down ; fling off; to knock off; to break down; "..fig. to leave a profit, bring in, yield ; 3. to sur- pass in throwing, throw more than another; II. n. (aux. fjitben) to have done breeding (of animals); bie <£>6fs ner — , to shed the horns ; CV bat lltid) abgettOtfen, he has cast more than I (at' dice); 3mige — , to whelp. 31 b to e r f it it g, /. casting off, &c. vid. 3lbtverfen. 3'lbttCfcnb, adj. absent: Ctlt VOlt fct= ncm 3lmte ober SSatevIanbe 3lbivefen= bet, absentee. 31 b IV e f C n b e 1 1, /. absence ; absence of mind; compos. — SvOVmUltb, m. I^.T. curator of an absentee. 3ibttettcn, v. a. (cinem ttwaS) to gain a thing by a wager. 31 b tt C 1 1 C V n, o. I. a. T. to cut slanting; II. n. (aux. baben) to cease thundering and lightening : fig. to cease scolding. 31 b tt C | e n, r. a. 1. to whet off, rub off to blunt ; 2. to sharpen, to whet. 31btticf)fen, v. a. 1. to polish will blacking; 2. vulg. to thrash, to cudgel. 31 b IV i cf C I It, v. a. to unwind, wind off. 31 b W i c g c it, vid. 3lbivagcit. 31 b xo i m m e r it, v. a. (cinem etwa«) ta pet by whining. 31 b tt i lit V C I It, v. a. to take down the pennon. 3l b tt i It b C, /. (;«. -It) T. reel. 31 b IV tit be It,, 1. to unwind, to wind off reel off, to untwist ; to bring down by means of a windlass. 31 b tt t It f e n, v. a. 1. to call off or warn by a nod ; 2. to deny by a nod. 31 b tt i n f c I it, v. I. a. (cinem etiva§) to get by lamenting ; It. refl. to harass one's self with lamentations. 31 b tt it b el It, v. a. 1. to tab*, off, loosen (a chord) ; 2. to warble. 3ib»itfcit, v.l.a. to work off; 9tr •Sailt — , to draw off the skin ; fcen Scig — , to knead well the dough ; II. 77. (aux. tiaben) to cease working. 31 b tt i f cf) C tt, v. a. to wipe off wrpe : to rub, to cleanse. 31 b tt if A) ex, m. (-§; pi.—) wipes ; a wiper, duster. 31 b tt if cfjhtmp en, m. (-1; pi. — ' dusting-cloth. 3ibttittern, v.l. a. (cinem ctttoS) to find out by the scent ; H. n. 1. (aux. bCifccit) to cease thundering; 2. (aux. fe\)ll) to fall off by wind and weather. 31 b W t ij C It, \ v. a. 1. to sharpen the 31 b iv t % t g e it, J wit; 2. to despatch one wittily. 31 b tt 1 f C it, v. a. T. to take off the wool. 31 b to u cfy e t n, ». a, (cinem ctiva?) to get by usury. 31 b IV it t b t g e It, v. a. fr refl. to bring down, to lower, lessen, degrade. 31 b W it r b t g U n g, /. abatement, re- duction ; degradation. 31 b tt U t f, 771. (-eS) offal ; throwing off; last throw (at dice). 31 b tt it r f C 1 It, v. a. 1. to cast more than another ; 2. (cillCllt etttos) to win at dice ; 3. to square. Slbttiirgen, v. a. to kill, butcher, throttle. 3! b tt it r g u ii g, /. killing, &c. 31 b IV It r J C I It, v. a. to loosen the roots from the soil. 31 b W it X l C 11, v. a. to season. 31 b tv it f cf; c it, v. n. (aux. feint) to slip away. Slbtviitben, r.l.n. (am. baben) to cease raging ; II. refl. to tire one's sclt by raging. 91 b r) f f t It t e ll, 7i. (-&) Abyssinia. 31 b li f f t It t C r, 7». (-$ ; pi. — ) Abys- sinian. 91 b 1) f f T It t f cf), adj. Abyssinian. 31 b ^ a cf) e r it, v. a.i. to plough off; 2. (cinem Ctivat?) to get by tricks. 31 b s a h I c it, v. a. to pay off; eincn — fig. to punish. 31 b 5 a I) I it n g, /. (pi. -en) paying ofl payment, liquidation. 31 b $ it b I Clt, r. a. to count out, fix bj numbers;.^. hlS faitlt id) llltr ait bCH ?vi;igcvit — , prov. I can readily con ceive this by my senses. 31 b 5 ii b I it H g, /. counting out, off. reck mi & b J a I) It e It, ». I. a. T. to take off with a toothed instrument; H. n. (auz. \). a. 1. to draw, draw off tap; 2. to bottle ; einen 2£jafferfud)= riiien — , to tap a dropsical person ; eiltClt — , fig. to cheat one impudently. Slbjapfev, m . (-«; pi.—) tapster; an instrument for tapping. SJJjajjfung, /. (pi. -en) drawing, bottling ; tapping ; Med. T. paracentesis. 51 b 5 dp p ( I It, v. refl. rulg. to die (an- swering to the English " kick the bucket "). i\ b { a f C r n, tj. rr#. to loosen the fibres. sibsauberit, v. a. (einem ctwaS) to . .-.ay by witchcraft. Jl b S (illlltC n, v. a. to take off the bridle, to unbridle. SI b 5 d U m U It g, /. unbridling. Slbjaunert, o. a. 1. to separate by a hedge, to fence in ; to enclose ; '-!. to deprive of a piece of land by drawing a fence. SI b J a it f C It, v. a. totpull off maul about. Si b ^ c rl) c it, v. refl. to make one'a self by drinking. Si b 5 C 1) 11 1 e n, v. a. 1 . to pay (give) the tithe ; 2, to levy tithes. Si b 5 c b r e it, v. I. a. to consume : by degrees; CtttC ay one's self by living i the debtor's costs; II. n. (auz. feipn) ir refl. to wear off, fall off, to !, pine away. t E) V e 11 b, part. ailj. consumptive, wasting. St b J e b r U n g, f. consumption, wasting, vid. SI it 3 ebruug. , l i b j t i d) c n, ?t. (-§ ; pi. — ) m irk or I distinction ; m tie. SibjetfJfnen, v. a. 1. to rnai J j, mark off; 2. to draw, design, detinea'5 make a sketch or de Si b J C t ft) It It n (\, f. (pi. -en) 1. drawing, designing, delineating; 2. design, delm- iketch; 3. the marking out. SI b | c r r c n, o. a. (cinrnt etroaS) to pull away from, to tear oir, to wrest or to from. Si b J e 1 1 e t It, v. a. T. to unwarp. >\ b J t e b = b I a f e, /. T. a still, alPinbic ; — ooaeu, in. Typ. r. (6eim SBtebers brucf) tympan sheet; — bfirjie, f. Typ. T. letter-brush; — eifctt, n. scraper; — feile,/. T. stretching Me;— flafdje,/. orbit (chemical vessel): • — leber, n. razor-strap; — mugfel, m. .1 T. ali- tor;. — pflug, m. draining plough; — ftcitt, m. hone ; — vermcgcit, «. PA, 7'. the power of abstraction; — jahl, /. subtrahend. SI d J I C b e It, o. ir. I. (i. 1 . to draw off, away ; if, takeoff; to strip off ilay (tie •VUlIt — ) ; 2.Cft. 7'. to distil, ruline ; 3. ttle ; 4. fig. to abstract; . r ) JMit 7'. to subtract; to deduct; E. to rebate, abate; SjOhnctl, 9JJai|- beltt — , to take off the skin or 3 of beans, almonds, peas, fee Me V-Htrtb son cittern — , to withdraw i ind, one's .. - tance from one : Phr. — (in ©ebanten abfonbern), to tract; etnen oon ffincin 33or§aben — . to turn one off from his put tin Stitcf 2)Jctall — , : and polish a piece of metal; cinut 2Icce £cict) — , to drain a pond; VOrt Kit §efett— , to rack off; dtrdutfr n. f. ro. — , to make extracts of herb-, fee, cincn 33 p fj e it . — , to take animpn a proof-sheet; cine Jtupfetplatte — , to ti.'aw off an impression; citt 2cbcr= meffer u. f. m. — , to set a razor; eilt 0)croid)t — , to size, adjust a weight; ftftgejOgene ©chv.ttfe, distdled waters; II. it. {aux. feVHt) 1. to withdraw, retire, march off, retreat ; to go off; 2. to leave (service) ; con ber 233ad)e — , to go off guard, to be relieved ; llttt SfbaitbC — , t i gel off with disgrace ; mtt cillCV [otts flCll l JJa|e — , be disappointed in one's design ; III. refl. T. to lose colour. Si b } t e b. e r, m. (-5 ; y. — ) one who draws off, departs, tec. Si l> j t C f) 11 It %, f. thawing off, &c. L. T. abstraction; — Socrmoflcn, n. faculty of abstraction. .'1 6 } t e ten, t». L n. (du. baben) auf ct= WaS — . to be aimed at, tend to ; to have in view; II. a. (the same meanings). SI b J i lit lit C r It, v. I. a. to square with an axe; II. n. (aux. baben) to leave off working as a carpenter. SI b J t r i C t n, v. a. to measure with the compasses; fig. to define precisely. /l 6 i i 1 1 e lUtt fl,/ Q,l. -en) measuring with the compasses. Sibsurf)t, /. ( P i. -jiiftjte) 1. common- sewer ; waste-well ; -2. the race, breed. Si b } iti], m. (-c8 ; pi. -jflge) l. retiring, retreating, marching off; going olf; -'. deduction, deducting abatement; con- duit, outlet, vent 3. T. layer (of a vine) ; 4. proof sheet ; 5. the leaving a place (of servants) ; 6. trigger (of a gun) ; chitc — (ttettO), clear; ohttc — aetmnnen, to clear; gum — 61a« fftt, Mil. T. to sound the retreat ; compos. — Sbogen, m. proof-sheet; — ffagfte, /. parting flag ; — Sftetb, n. duty paid by emigrants; — Satdbett, m. drain, watercourse; — g^vebtflf,/. fare- well sermon; — §fccf)t, n. ri^ht of gov- ernment to exact t.ivrs iVijn | emigrating or to deduct a part of pro perty sent abroad; — SfctjmauS, m. part- ing dinner; — ftfiltC, pi. sinkstones; • — § 5 it I> T, /. the number for subtraction. Si b 5 II p f C 11, o. a. to pluck or ptdl off. sibjwafieit, v. a. (cincnt thoaS) to nip off;fig. to pinch off; to squeeze out of. to extort Si&jmetleit, r . n (mix. tmbcit) tntf etwaS — , to aim at, tend to, to have in view. Sj b 5 U' i ff C It, v. a. to nip off pinch off StbjnMttflert, r. ir.a. (Cl'llCm CtUM.- to extort from, wring, wrest from. sibpv trnen, o. a. to wind offfl Si b jtt) 1 1 f rf) C V it, r. a to sing an air in a chirping manner. *Sl c a c i e. /. (pi. -n) acacia, locust ; bic bftUmartige — , wild tamarind; tic brettbtattvige — . white wild tammiTid. *Sl ca j nit it fi ,/. (p?.-nuffe) cashewnut *Sl C t C It t, m. (-efi ; pi. -C) accent ; em- phasis. *Sl C C C n t It a 1 1 9 n, /. accentuation. *SUf Clt tnirctl, v. a. to accentuate, *Sl C C C ^ t, in. (-ttpl. -C) M. F. accept- ance; acceptation; mit — verfebftt, to provide with acceptance ; 511m — fc acciptirt n'frbfit, to meet due honm — e Si>ccbfel, biiisacceptei. *2l C C e l' 1 1 r lilt ;t, f. .V. r.. acceptance vid. Sliincbmiitig, Slr.nabme. *Sle ccffift,7;i. (-en; y.-cn) an asp. rant fori *2l c c e f f i t, n. (-§ ; pi. -t) sec • premium. *2l C C tbe'lt J,n. perquisite ;3lccicf'n:icn, pi. perquisites, emoluments; — f.n Typ. T. perquisites. *Stcci«bar, adj. exciseable;— tfir, .,• liability to pay excise duty. *3lccifc, /. excise; — ncbmtn, anflc- gen, to excise; untcr — serfi under bond; compos. — beamtcrOT- — of* ficiant, m. excise officer; — einnebmer, 771. exciseman ; — jhtbe, /. excise-office ; — sCttct, tt!. excise-bill, permit. *S( C c [ i m a t i f t r e it, r. a. to acclimate ; part, acrltmatifirr, acclimated; 2lcch= ntatifirung, /. acclimatization. * St f f t d b e, /. Tup. T. brace. *S( f f ill m C b l r C n, v. a. M. E. to ac- commodate; befdjabigfe 2Daarnt — , to render merchantable injured goods; accommobut, madi *Sl c C lit p d g n e lit e n t, n. Mva. T. ac- companiment. *Sl c f m p a g it t v e n, v. a. Mva. T. to accompany. *S( c c p nt p a g ni ]i, m. (-en ; pi. -cr. accompanist *Si c c 6 r b, m. (-c3 ; pi. -c) 1 . Mu - . cord; 2. compact, agreement, contract *Sl C c r b I r C n, v. I. n. 1. Mug. T. to ac- cord ; 2. to agree, to compound or promise (with creditors) ; II. a. to make to agree ; to grant, consent to. *Slc cinifbeiir, m. (-6; pi. -t) man midwife. *Sl f f 11 ft) I V e It, c. n. to deliver, to do the office of a man-midwife. *Sl c f r c b 1 1 1 v c it, v. a. M. E. to 1 credit : to accredit. *Slff vc ft) l veil, v.n. M.E. to be at a stand. *3J c C 11 r d t, adj. S- adv. accurate, exaat *2l C C 11 r a t i ff C, /. accuracy, nicety, exactni *.'i CCUf att», 77!. (-e« ; pi. -e) Oram. T. ;ive. '.'! ri\ :.,'.ah : oli ! O : — \a ! yes indeed ! alas! *2l d) a f, (Slgat ), m, (-el ; pi. -el jet; i-imipos. — Eic|ct, m. sgyptilla; ber 'ieldntifcbc — , obsidian. SI d) fi t e n, Slcb^dtartig, adj. agaty. SI A 1 1 1 c f t c eti f c, /. ( /. /. -n ) . 1 T. 11 Ailulles. Sift)fc,/. (pi. -it' axle, axle-tree r. axis; pole; compos. — n* blceb, ;>. cramp iron, clout ; — nfuguilg, /. ./. T. trochodes; — nfittter, n bed ; — ngclb, v. wbeelage ; — nnagcl, >n. linch pin; — ni'ie.A — ttttttg, m. iron hi sphni 1 axle-nut; ■ — nftof?, m. hurter; Phr. tttoai Jltr — fortfdjflfftn, to transport by land carriage. S'lfbfcl,/. ' ex : bie —11 JUffen, to shrug the -boulders: 1 itate : Jig. viS BJtU ifl^ auf nteiiie — tiebntfit, that I "ill bi; for; auf bic teietuc — iicbmctt, 10 treat with levity, to 1 cincn fiber bic — anfchcii, to look with e auf bei= ben — 11 tragnt, to trim, 1 K tvdgt auf beibett —it, prov. he holds with the hounds and niM 91 2lcf)tb vith the hares; compos. — abet, /. A T. axillary vein; — baitb n. shoul- der-knot ; — ftcirt, ?!. shoulder-blade, shoulder-bone ; — ftcd, m. — ftucf, n. shoulder-piece of a shirt; — grubc,/. axilla, arm-pit, arm-hole; — bcmfr, «. • without sleeves; — fdjlliive, pi. shoulder-points; — trager, m.f.g. trim- mer, time-server, ambidexter, hypo- : — tragcrei,/. hypocrisy; arabi- dextrousness ; — fcobbel, /. shoulder- epaulette ; — jllJcn, n. shrug, shrugging. }i di f C n, t. a. to provide with axles, il cb t, q t, f. fp'. —eh) eight; mtt — en, with eight horses. fleet, /. care, attention; anf etroOj — gebeit, baben, to attend to ; to take care ; to pay attention ; to watch ; to mind: ails ber — laiTen, to forget, neg- ttaaS in — nebntcu, to take care of. to look to; fid) in — nebmen, to be on one's guard : to be cautious, careful : ftd) in — nebmctz MX, to beware of, guard against. c.„. «"$« Otbtn, 3ft nnbrn, Jfufmfr. 'ten, Sf obadjtc n. ^tufmcrtrn signifies merely to direct one'& thoughts to a thing in order to obtain a distmct perception of it. 3f*r atbtn cr b.ibrn join also Hie idea of paying with the e.esign of deriving pront from the ob- -I'rcbad>!fii implies a higher degree of ?**^ntion, a heedful, deliberate observation. X'n jtben is a single act, 21d>t fijbtit, a con- tinued state, »'l t, /. ontlawry, ban ; in bie — »er= fallen, to become an outlaw; in tie — ertlarcn, tbnn, to outlaw, ban ; to proscribe ; sou bcr — befreieu, to reclaim one's outlawry ; compos. — brief, in. document, letter of outlawins rr proscribing ; — lerflarung, /. pro- scription, act of outlawry. ?i ft) t B a r, adj. respectable, honourable, worshipful. tj ff) t h a r f e 1 1, /. dignit \ , respectability. 22 2id)ii 21 cite, adj. ber, bie, baJ, the eighth; jUm 2lcr/tcn, in the eighth place. 2id)tcl, h. (-$; pi. — ) eighth part. eighth; Mug. T. quaver; co/npos. — fc; in, — grcfiC, /. the octavo size ; — FtriS, m. octant"; — nctc, /. Mus. T. quaver. 21 ch t c I n, r. a. to divide into eight parts. 31 eft t C it, i'. I. a. 1. to regard ; to esteem, value ; 2. to take for, think, deem, con- sider ; also — fitr, vid. the meanings to 2Id)teit; fctn 2limbcn bcr ^crfon— , to have no regard to rank or person ; cv arhcr roebet (5'bre nod? Sdjanbe, he is past honour and shame ; II. v. (auz. pabClt) — ailf, or with tlie genit. 1. to mind, care for; Vl.rcfl. to observe. pay recard to, obey; ttonad) mart ftcf) yi — fyat, which is to be observed. $ * t, rid. Q6)t. 8 rb t e It, v. a. to outlaw, proscribe, ban ; ein ©cacfttcter, an outlaw. 21 di t e it S, adv. eighthly, in the eighth place. ?'; cbtenSroerfb, ? adj. &■ adr. ho- 2Idjten8rOUrbtg, i nourable, respect- able. 2i d t e r, m. ',-§ ) pi. — ) a thing con- sisting of eight parts ; a coin of eight ®rofd;cit c> :s 4?femuge. 2! d) t C l", adj. provinc. aft, behind ; ■ — ftiicf, n. the pieces of timber by which the planks at the stern of a vessel are fastened. 21 dt t C 1 1 e t, adj. of eight sorts. 21 eft t b C 1 1, /. genuineness ; authenticity ; legitimacy. 21 eft 1 1 §, adj. unmindful, careless ; neg- ligent. 21 di 1 1 o f t g f e i t, /. {pi. -en) unmind- fulness, carelessness, inattention, negli- gence. 2i cfi t \a m, adj. careful, heedful, mind- ful, attentive. Syn. Ztcgtfam, Xuf mertfam, Jibait: f,im. A person is said to be oufmfrlfjm when he directs his mind to a thing to com- prehend and retain it in his memory; aditfam when he does so with a view to profit by it ; he is bfb.itfetfam who deliberately resolves upon and weighs the consequences of an action. 21 dl t f a m t C i t, /. carefulness, mind- fulness, attention. 21 d) t U 11 g, /. 1 . esteem, regard, respect ; 2. attention ; b,abt — ! Mil. T. atten- tion ! an$ — fur SNimcn, in de- ference to the ladies; fllle — ttUS ben Olugcit fe£en, ,to lay aside all respect; fcine — tejeigett, to pay one's re- spects ; — anf etu?a§ geben, to attend to; — fjcgcil, to entertain or have re- spect : — SrOtbrtg, adj. disrespectful; — Sroert^, — *n;urbig, adj. respectable. 21 d) t it n g, /. (pi. -en) proscription, a'ldjtjeljn, adj. eighteen; — enber, m. a stag having eighteen branches at lus antlers. 24 d) 1 1 c b n e r, m. (-$ ; pi. — ) a person or thing to which the number eighteen is attached. 21 d 1 1 e b 11 1 C, adj. eighteenth ; ■ — ttS, adv. in the eighteenth place. 21 d) 1 5 1 g, adj. eighty, fourscore. 21 d) t i. t g e r, {-§ ; pi. — ) 1. a mem- ber of a company of eighty ; 2. octoge- narian ; 3. what was grown or had been made in 1TS0. 21 d) 1 5 i g i a l) X t g, adj. fourscore, eighty years old. 21 d) t J t g ]i C, adj. eightieth; — n$, adv. in the eightieth place. 21 dijigftct, 7t. (-§; pi.— ) eightieth part. § 21 ff 1 ; e n, v. n. 'am. baben' 10 groan, u sigh, sob. ?lcfclet. wa.3Heteij 2icfcr, m. (-1; pi. 2lder) 1. field ;scU; 2. acre. St/n. 3t(f«r, 5«!b, Sin). D.1118 signifies any portion of the solid surface of the earth and is contradistinction from that which consists ol water, without any re-ard to its agricultural properties, gvlc is productive land whether ed or not. H1S11 is land under actual tillage. 21 d C r - h a U, m. agriculture, husbandry, tillage ; belt —bail tetreffctlb, agricul- tural ; — baiter, m. husbandman, farmer ; — baubevidtt, m. agricultural report ; — baugefeltfdjaft, /. agricultural society ; — beet, n .piece of ground between two furrows, ridge ; — burger, ?«. inhabitant of a town, who practises agriculture ; — btftet, /. common thistle; — brcffcl,/. field-fare ; — felb, n. arablu field ; — goal, m. farm-horse ; — gclb, n. land-rent ; contribution of arable land ; money for ploughing; ■ — gcrdtbe, n. ploughing tools, farming utensils ; — gca ricfjt, it. court of agriculture ; — gefeft, 71. agrarian law; — grillbfraut, 71. meadow-scabious; — fof, m. farm, farmhouse ; — ftufttt, 71. partridge ; — Uette,/. prickly parsnip: — fnecftt, 771. ploughman, hind; — frctbf,/. rook; ■ — Ianb, 71. arable land; — Iattidi, m, corn-salad ; ■ — tobn, m. money paid for ploughing; — mann, i — Stnann, ^m. plougher, husbandman, tiller; — miire, /. plouglunare, jade; — mailfecbr, 71. mouse-ear, scorpion-gmss : — miiltJC, /. calamint; — fctattcrbfc, /. yellow vetchling; — falaf, 771. corn-salad; — fenf, hi. charlock : — ftltOU, m. Lon- don-pride ; • — fvavgcf, 771. pearl-wort : — ■ fteutr,/. land-tax : — n?at;e/. land-roD, roller; — rocg, fieldway ; — voefeu, 71. agriculture ; ■ — Iriltbe, /. corn-bind ; — jeit, /. plough-season; — 5Ct;g, 7<. ploughi'ng-tools ; — jiltS, m. rent paid for land. Syn. Miftrmann, £ an tirirt A, Jiuir. Jtrffrin^nn is he whose principal occupation a husbandry, he may reside in town or in the coun- try. £iincrrirtb, and 2^auer are those engaged in agriculture and live altogether in the country. irUiuer — , re- ceived payment, paid, contents received. *21 e q U i t, 71. lead (at billiards) ; — gc ben, to lead. *2t c q u i 1 1 1 r e it, r. a. M E. l. to ac quit, clear from, discharge ; 2. to pay cr answer a bill. *2l c r c n i f cb, 1 adj. &■ adv. .est. t *5H dt r it i f di, > acronic, acron *21chrcn:if'ttfdj, ) ical. *2l c r c ft i d) n, n. (-6) acrostic, *21ct, 7i!. (-cS; pi. -c) act *2'lctc,/. act; deed; bill; 5tcten, ;>-'. public papers, reports ; legal documents, acts • judicial acts, deeds, rolls; — nfam* mer, /. office of the rolls. , *2l C t e ft r, f-fl ; pi. -e) actor, player. *2i C t i C,.f. (pi. -n) share, stock, fundi; Snbabcr rnt — , stock-holder; compot. — nabfdmirt, m. coupon to the publio stocks ; — ngcfclf frhaft, /. joint-stock- company: ■ — ubanbel, m. stock-job bins :— u&anbler, m.stock-jobber : — n* tnbaber, m. stock-holder, share-holder — nmafter, m. stock-broker : — nfytel, 77!. stock-jobbery ; — llfpielcr, m. stock- jobber. *3I C 1 1 It a r, m. y -t ; pL — e) stock holder Wet •91 C », adj. active ; — Ijctnbel, to. ac- tive commerce ; export trade ; — fdmU bctl, pl.f. active or outstanding debts : — Uttb 3paf|i»fd)ulbcn, pi. assets and debts. * ,'i C t i » It m, n. Gram. T. active. *9I C t r t C e, /. (pi. -H) actress. * 91 C t It a r, m. (S ; y. -C) > actuary, •9Ut ttt S 1 1 U 8, m. (pi. -xii) $ clerk. * .'I c t II 8, m. public act. •Scujtif vid. 3lfuftif. 91 b a Ut, m. (-8) Adam ; compos. — Sfct- iic, /. Egyptian fig, sycamore. 31 b a m i t, m. (-en ; pi. -en) adamite. 91 b a in i 1 1 f d), ar//. adamitic. 9lbanfi3nie, /. ( P j. -n) B. T. sour- gourd. 9i b b C r, /. (pi. -n) wicked child. *3lbbU"CK, v.a. to add, to cast up, sum up. *9l b b 1 t 1 S n, /. (pi. -CH) addition. *9lbbteffe,/. (pi.-n) l. direction (of a letter) ; address ; 2. M. E. firm ; Phr. an bie — , to the care of ; — auf belt SJtotbfaH, address in case of need ; bcr SBrtef ift nic an feint — gelangt, the letter has never reached its desti- nation. *;>l b b r C ilb, '. ■ hi! statue. *9l b b a r i r C n, v. n. to adhere or cling to ; to espouse (a cause). *9l b b a f i tl, /. adherence; adhesion; — ^flfljjt, /. /,. T. a suit respecting a second marriage of one party of a di- vorced couple, or a proposal to re-unite. *9l b b a ft 0, adj. adhesive ; — pffaftcr, n. court plaster. *9i b {) i b l V C It, v. a. to employ, make I ,' ; consult.. *•}{ b b P V 1 1 V C It, v. a. to exhort, advise ; 9lbbpl'taticit, /. adbortation. *9l b i d V b V a, pi. n. things morally in- different. *,»i b JC C 1 1», n. (-$ J pi. -e) Oram. T. adject ft e. •,'lbicit or 9Ibicii, adieu, good-by; — fai]fn, to bid good-by. *9lbt»nct, m. (S;pl.-tn) assistant, substitute. *9(b jttltfltren, ».«. to give asanas sistant, to associate. •81 b j u t d it t, m. (-en ; pi. -en) adjutant, air] lb: camp. 91 b I e r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) eagle ; ein jnn: fjer — , an eaglet ; fitt cpppclfer — . an eagle with tv mpos. — dbn= Iicb, adj. aquiline; — Stt({tg ( adj. eagle eyed; — eile, /. eagle-speed ; ■ — eule,/ eagle-owl ; mit — fitttfl, eagle-winged , — ltafe,/. aquiline nose ; hooked nose; — fie in, m. eagle-stone, aitites. *3ibntiniftviren, v. a. to adminis- ter; 91bmiui|tratic!t,/. administratiun. •31 b 111 t V a I, m.(-8; pi. -ale) admi- ral: compos. — icbrtft, f. admiralship; • — fdinft tttacben, Sea. i:. to sail in com- pany with other ships ; — fdjiff, n. admi- ral-galley, admiral ship. *3l b in i r a I i t d t, /. (/,;. -en) admiral- ty, navy-office : — !Ji}cricbf, ?i. admiralty- court; — Siltfcllt, pi. Admiralty Islands (in the Pacific Ocean). 9) b ft 1 f, 9lbpl^b, to. Adolphus. 91 b C n i 8 b I u in c, /. b. t. pheasant's cm. e. *3ibrp tiren, v. «. to adopt *3lb0Vti«, adj. adopted, adoptive; — ftllb, n. an adopted child ; — yatcr, m. adoptive father. *9lbvcffc, Did. Sbbteffe. *3t b X i t f, adj. neat, smart. 91 b r i a tl S p C I, n. Hadrianople. 2lbriS tifd), adj. Adriatic; ba§ — e "l 1 ! KX, Adriatic sea ; bcr — C 33tcCtbU= fett, the gulf of the Adriatic. *9l br it tit r a, /. Jlf, e. direct. 31 b it I a r»f c 1 b f p a t b, m. moon *9I b it li r c n, v.a. to flatter,adulate, caress, *3IblilllbftlClt. d, o, to adumbrate, sli.nlo : a/so to outline, sketch. *9l b i It t, m. (-i) advent ; compos. SJftf — SvPijel, m. ember-goose; — Ijfit, / 31 b y c n t u r i n ft e t n, m. adventorin* '31 b » c x b i it m, n. (pi. -itm Oram, r *9l b '. v i !?, m. advice, notice, vid. 33e» fifi)t. *9l b r p c a t, m. (-en ; pi. -en) advocate, pleader, lawyer, council, counsellor; barrister-atiaw ; compos. — cn^cbubi ren, pi. lawyer's lees ; — tllfticicb, R. lawyer's trick. *9l b » C a t fi r, /. advocation, advo- cateship, advocacy. *3l b » C t r C n, v. n. to follow the law. to pracl 31 e, li'ords beginning villi the 31 modi- ,'le being here written *) occur in the same alphabetical order cs if their initial were 31. *'.'( e romcte r, m. Phys. T. aerometer. *€etomettle,/.aerometry. * H t X P It a li t i f, /. aeronautics. » 3 c r p ft d t, m. (-en ; p/.-en) air i ' VI c v ft d t i f, /. T. aerostatics. *3l ff at e, /. affair, matter, concern. 91 f f t, m. (-11 ; pi. -It) monkey, a , jackanapes; compos. — nart, /. t monkeys; habit of monkeys: — nbilb, 71. figure of an ape, monkey's face ; — n= brcb, n. B. T. monkey's bread ; — n,ie= ftd)t, 7i. ape's face; — nlicbc, f. blind partiality, especially of parents ti - children;— narfig, — nbaft, — niiiufji^, (dffifeb), adj. monkey-like, apish; adv. apishly; — nnafe, /. flat nose; — 11= Itafta, adj. flat-nosed; — nfpicf, — 11= tpcrf, Ti.apishness, apish tricks, foolery ; — llftetlt, 7/2. bezoar. *3lffcct, m. (-6;pl.-t) passion, affec- tion. *2« f f e c t i P it t p x c i S, m. M /■:. imagi- nary vali:?. *3l f f ec t!r*S, v.a. to affect : affcettrt part. adj. allected ; >a 1 - _n ^ awn ' chafl * of corn cr flax. *9i g c t f cb, adj. iEgean ; iai — e 2Reet, the jEgean sea. Sgetet, vid. 9lfelct. iS g c I b 1 J, ?i. (-ee) agalloch(um,. *31 g C it b e, / Th. T. agenda, liturgy ; .M. E. minute-book, tables. *9 till t, m. (-en ; pl.-til) agent factor, consignee; agent victualler (on board of shipsf; compos. — OH%tbVi^VtXt,pL com- mission fees, factorage, •flge'ntfcbafr, 9Igentur, /. agency, agentship. *'-! 3 8 * c 3 s *<"■ (-* i P 1 --^ aggregation, aggregate. *9lg lb t,f.JE.gis, shield of Pallas; Jig. ^shelter. 31 g i b i u S, m. Giles, (proper name). *-Jl g t P, 7i. Jlf. E. 6c. change ; agio. *a g t P t a g C, /. .V. £. stock-jobbing. *JH g t P t C ft r, m. (-8 ; y. -e) stock- jobber. *3l g i c 1 1 r c n, r. c. to stock-job. *31 3 I r C It, r. a. to act (a play! ; to mimic, ridicule. *Tl g I a ft C r, /. magpie, rid. (flfter. *3i g n a t, (-en ; pi. -ctt > J* T. relatka on the fatlier's side. 91 g n c 8, /. Agnes (proper name). *3l g tl p 8 c I r c it, v. a. to acknowledge, own (a signature, &c). *3l 3 n I C, /. agony. *3i g t af f c, /. (p/. -n) clasp. *3I g r c ft, m. (-e8) juice of wild grapes, verjuice. 91 g t cr, adv. X. T. aft, abaft. ^ g t ft e l n, m. (-8 ; p/. -C) amber, ri'ei. SSemftein. Slgiuut::,?!. (-8;) Egypt. 3 g i) p t e r, m. [-6 ; p/. — ) Egyptian. 31 g 1) p 1 1 f d), aelte— , a puncheon. 31 b m C It, r. a. to gage a cask. 9 hmcr, m. (-« J ?/. — ) gauger. 31 b lit i g, a^/j. containing an awm. 91 i m i tl g, /. A". T. draught. 31 b It, m. (-CH, pi. -cnl ancestor, grand- sire, forefather, cid. 3lhnbevv * 3lhucn ; compos. — fl'ilU, /. grandmother, ances- tress; — bcrr, m.grandsire, ancestor. 31 ft It b C n, r. a. to resent, revenge, punish. 9lbnben, v.-n.vid. 9tbnen. 91 b It b U n g, /. resentment, revenge, punishment, vengeance; rid. 9lbunng. 31 b II Ctt, r. a. &■ imp. with dat. to anti- cipate, have a presentiment : to fore- bode, guess ; CS abltet mtr, my heart forebodes; C5 abltet llliv UtdUj ©ItteS, my mind misgives me. 31 b n C tt, pi. ancestors, forefathers, pro- genitors; Cbeltge — , descents; OOtt vicrjCblt — , of fourteen descents; compos. ■ — probe,/, proof of nobility or gentility ; — reibe, /. line of ancestors ; — recbt, n. L. T. prerogative founded upon ancestry ; — flolj, m. pride of an- cestry ; adj. proud of ancestry. 9l b tt C 1 11, r. n. (dat. auz. bdben) to re- semble, to be like. 31 b It f t cf), crfj. (S- adr. like the ancestors. 91 b 11 1 1 *, adj. (eiltem) like^ resem- bling; agreeing, similar; bicii ft'ebt tbm — , this is like him. 31 b n 1 1 d) e it, v. I. n. (auz. baton) to resemble ; II. a. <$- rcjl. to make like. 3ibnltd)!ett, /. (pi. -Cll) likeness, resemblance ; similarity, analogy, agree- ment; compos. — sbcwctS, th. analogi- cal proof; — 5gcfc£, 7i. analogical law; — ^runb, to. analogical reason; — »= regei,/. analog}'. 91 b It U tl g, /. (pi. -CIt) foreboding, mis- giving, presentiment ; — c-'ocrnipgcn, faculty of presaging; — ssoll, adj. bodeful, presageful ; ■ — slo», adj. -with- out any presentiment or misgiving. 31 b V tt, (-$ ; pl.-i) maple, maple-tree ; compos. — jUCIer, maple sugar. .1 b P v It e It, adj. made of maple. 91 b r e, /. (pl.-n) ear of com &c. ; B. T. spike; Arch. T. entrance-hall of a house ; — It Icfen, to glean ; compos. — Il£vatt5, 7i). wreath consisting of ears of com; — If-fe, /• gleaning; — lefcr, m. gleaner. 31 b r c n, v. I. a. to glean ; + rid. 5Pflfi= gen ; II. rcjl. to ear, to shoot into tars. 91 1 d) C tl, v. a. to gauge, size, stamp. 91 1 cb C It, 7». gaging, admeasuring, stamp- ing, sizing. 91 1 cb c r, 9ltcbinciftcv, m. (-§ ; pi. —) gager, gauger ; adjuster. 91 l $ 111 a % n. standard. \[ i ge I b c c t e, rid. .^eibelbecre. 91 1 t"d\ Stfd}, adj. &■ adr. prorinc. ugly. hideous. *9lfabentie,/. (pi. -n) I. academy, university ; -. riding-house. *3l f a b I Ittile t, m. (-8 J pi. — ) aca- demician. *9lf abCitttf d>, adj. academical, aca- demic; ein— er ©firge* (Stntent), academic, academist. *9l f a b e in t ft, 77i. (-en ; pi. -en") aca- demist. *91 f a j a it u ji, rid. Slcajounufc *9l f dlt t b It ^, /. B. T. acanthus *9l f a t A I C f 1 1 f cb, adj. acatalectic. * 91 f a I b lU t fd), adj. not catholic, J» catholic. 91 f C I C i, /. 1. columbine (a plant) ; 2 bleak a Gsh] . *9l f m C, /. top of a tiling ; crisis (of a disease) ; pi. 9tfrrta, pimples in the face. *9l f I Q t ft (U &), m. acolyte, sort ol sexton in the ancient church. *9lfpt1)lcbCttCtt, pi. B. T. ac'oty- ledons. *9l f r P a ttl a, n. any thing pleasant In hear (a symphony, &c.) ; — ti'cb, adj. audible ; rational ; recondite, subtle ; — tifebe Sebrfcrm, /. method of ia- structing by lectures, lecturing. *9lfrpaft8, /. lecture, hterary dis- course. *9f f r P a t C r i U ttl, n. lecture-room. *9l t u ft t t,f. acoustics. 91 1 a b a ft e r, m. (-8) alabaster. Sllabaftetn, adj. 1. alabaster; 2. (as) white as alabaster. 911 a n C tt, pi. Alani. 31 1 A n t, 771. (-8 ; pi. -t) 1. chub, mullet, (a fish) ; 2. elecampane, horse-heel ; compos. — beerc, /. black currant; — tvettt, Tn. elecampane-wine. 31 1 a i i cb, mi. Alaric. *31 Id r tit, m. alarm, tumult ; rid. ?aritt ; tac- — Wort, AW. T. counter-parole; — U'CII, r. a. to alarm, disturb. *3l I a t i: r It, in. evergreen privet, ala- ternus. 91 1 a li n, 771. (-8 ; pi. -c) alum ; compes. — artig, — bii^tg, — tg, adj. aluminous ; — gar, adj. T. dressed with alum ; — tjiitte, /. alum-house; —ubicfer, 77i. alum-slate or shale; — fieber, m. alum-boiler; — fulpbat, m. sulphate of alumina ; — lPCVf, ti. alum-works. 9! I A li it C n, adj. of alum, alum. 31 [ a li It C It, r. a. T. to prepare with alum. 31 1 b an, 3Ilbann§, m. Alban. 91 lb an t etl, «. (-8) Albania, Albany. 91Jbanefe, Tn. (-n; pl.-n) Sllbaitc^ fifeb, adj. Albanian. 91 1 b e, 9llbc(e, 9llber, /. 1. white pop- lar tree ; 2. a white fish. 91 f b c, /. alb ; vid. 2)tefjf)cnib . ) n. c-eS ; pi.-ix) •91 1 i m C it t c tt g C I b, \ L. T. alimony. *2l 1 1 m C It t if C II, v. a. L. T. to main- tain, oid. UutcrljaUeit, Gntdbrcu. *2l 1 1 q U d n t C, / Mat. T. an aliquant number. *31 It qtJOte, /. Mat. T. an aliquot number. Silt J (IX i, 7/i. Adrianople red. 9 I f, 77i. (-c8 ; pi. -e) auk, alk, scout, murry-bird. *2l I f it I) e ft, n. alcahest, universal sol- vent. Sllfdmtflsfc latter, pi. alcanna leaves ; — 51, n. alcanna oil ; — Wittjcl, f. alcanna root. I'll tor art, ra.alcoran. *2ilfo»Ctt, m. (-8; pi.—) al':ove, bedchai 21 1 fit tit, 7H. AJcuin (a name st ran among the ancient Germans). 21 1 1, n. (-8) the universe. lilt (2lUcr, 2lllc, 9lUc8) I. a ,ij. all, eve- ry, any; — e betfe, both of them; fie — e, all of them ; fo ftttb ft'c — C, so are they all; — c ilJenfdlCII, all men, everybody; oor — fit Siitgcn, before every thing, in the first place ; — C Qiicif, ev.ry body, all the world; ailf — c SBetfe, every possible way; obitc — e Ur'ad'C, without any reason; }'/ir, mjt — et.@en>alt aufbtingen, to obtrude ibly upon one ; in — er (Silc, with •'''' i' 1 - ct ift bcr @egea= ftattb — ev metnet ©orgen, he is all my care; — C ,\abre, every year; e brct JEoge, every third day; mej — cS null, befommt ntdjtS, prov. all grasp, mi lo-se : — er Slnfang ift fc&tuer, prov. nning is difficult; ba$ iitadit — fS roicber gut, that makes amends for all; cr I)at — cS ocrlorcit, 1, lost .lis all ; uxntt bad — e8 itf, if thai ne all:— c flit ®ln«»t, *I. E. in solido; — ti tit —cat fc\ni, to be all in ail ■ Me unfer — ift oaf bem Svicle, our all is at stake ; II. ado. no more (at an end), aU gone; bcr 2Beilt ift alie, the wine is at an end; bal @clb ift alie, the money is spent; alie macpett, to ex- haust, dissipate; alie roerbeit, to be spent; in compos. — attcrfaitttt, adj. universally acknowledged; — bcfartllt, adj. notorious ; • — fcercitl, adv. already, vid. sOcreitl; —bit, ad*, there, + vid. S^a; — bieroeif, + tn&2BeU; — bort, vid. £>0rt J — Clltfd;cibcnb, adj. final; — erfrcuenb, adj. aU-cheering; — er= falter, m. all-sustainer ; — efammt, ado. alltogether; — frcege, ado. + everywhere ; always, in every way ; — emetic, adv.vulg. (just) now; — t: JCtr, adv. always, at every time; — ge= Bcr, to. all-giver; • — gebietettb, adj. all- commanding; — gegeitmart, /. omni- presence, ubiquity; — gegcitrodrtig, adj. omnipresent ; — gemad), ado. by degrees, gradually; — gcitligfant, adj. T/i. T. all-sufficient ; — gcrcdjt, adj. all- righteous ; bcr — gered)te, God ; — got= tcrci, /. (pi. -Ctt) pantheism ; — gcti.HtU tig, adj. omnipotent ; most powerful ; — gultig, adj. of universal validity, de- cisive in every case ; — giitig, adj. all- good ; — fjetl, 7i. a sovereign remedy ; — hmfdKltb, adj. aU-commanding ; — bter, adv. here, in this place, vid. £>icr; — jd[;rlicb, ado. anniversarily ; annually; adj. annual ; — mad)t, /. al- mightiness, omnipotence; — mdd)tig, adj. almighty, omnipotent; all power- ful ; — mdb'ig, adv. softly, gently ; grad- ually ; vid. Slilgemad) ; — mutter, /. * earth, nature; — mutter (Sfbc, all- bearing earth; ■ — fcl)C!lb, adj. all-see- ing; all viewing; — feitig, adj. versa- tile; vid, mclfettig; — feittgfeit, /. versatility; — tdgig, — t.tglicb, adj. * ado. daily, quotidian, every day; com- monplace, common; citt — tdgltrbcS ftieber, a quotidian ague ; ctrt — tdg= ftdjefi jllcib or— fagtflttb, an every day's coat; — tdglidjc 33ctracbtiiitgcit, rommonplace reflections; — tdgltd)= feit, /. (//. AU-eainta, All saints- day; btc3ctt um — bciligcit, all hai- lown, all hallow-tide ; — hciligcitbolj,. n. log-wood ; Brasil wood of All-saints bay; — bciligfl, adj. most holy, ba8 — beiligfte, the holy of holies; bet — t)5d)ftc, the most High; — licbft, adj. charming; extremely amiable; very engaging ; — matinol>tritifd), m. D. T. mandrake, ramson ; — lliafcn, 1. conj. + because, since, whereas ; I!. ado. in every way, quite ; — ineift, I. adj. most, most part ; II. adv. especially, particularly, chiefly; — ndcbft, hard by, close by, next door; — fct= leit, (it., baa <\c'ft— ), pi All souls; — feit8, adv. on every side, from all parts; — U)drt3, — recgen, ado. + everywhere, throughout ; — )ueli8= f I'CUllb, to. friend of every body. 21 1 1 e r I e t, v. (-8) hodge-podge. 21 1 1 g e lit e t rt, a. I. adj. universal, ge neral, common, public ; baj — t ©efte, the general good; cine — t Jivaittbctt, an i pidemic U disease ; eiu — e8 2JJitfcl, a sovereign remedy; tm 21 — Ctt, in general, generally; II. adv. universally, generally, &.c. ; compos — fdjrift, /. pasigraphy. 2'Ulgcntcillbcit,/. ]. universality, generahty ; 2. L. T. common. 21 1 1 b e i t, / sum of all unities, to- tality. •91 1 1 1 d n j, /. (pi. -en) alliance, conft- deracy, league. Sltoi ait 2nre *3l 1 1 i 3 a f i It, /. At. T. alligation. ■ *5tt 11 i git e It, v. a. to alligalo, mix. "SU 1 1 1 V C It, r. a. to ally ; allitrt, allied, united; b(E 2lllitrtClt, the allies. "2111 iteration, /. (pi. -cu) aUit- eration. HtlBb «■ affitoium, n. (-8 ; pi. -e) oitf. aUobtoIgut. SI 1 b { Si, ailj. L. T. allodial ; compos. — Cl'bc, m. heir to an allodial estate; — gut, n. freehold, free tenement, allo- dial estate ; allodium. 21 1 1 o it g c p c r it cf e, /. (y.-n) a long periwig. *2l 1 1 tt g 1 r C it, v. a. to lengthen, ex- tend. *$I I o p a t \), m. (-ct: ; pi. -en) Med. t. allopathist. *21 I i p p a 1 1) T e, /. Med. T. allopathy. *21 11 tt b I r e tt, v. n. to allude to ; taunt, quiz. *2(illtft0tt, /. allusion. *3I 1 1 U » { O t adj. aUuvial. *.'I [ [ it i D It, /. alluvion ; — 8red)t, n. light of appropriating the land formed 6y alluvial deposits. *22l H 2 tt t« lit, n. (-8) alluvium. *>3lltttable, /. (pZ. -Ctt) almade, (a small African canoe, formed of the bark of a tree). 21 1 lit a g r a, n. Spanish brown-red. 21 1 m ana d), m. (-8 ; pi. -e) almanac. 21 1 m ci n b e or 2ilmc'ttbe, /. (pi. -n) the common, common land. 21 1 lit a It b I tt t U b t tt, m. almandine. 21 1 lit C i, m. white tutty, paqjpholix. 21 1 m f C It, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) alms, cha- rity ; Utlt cilt — bittClt, to beg a cha- rity; — QC belt, to bestow a charity upon ; — famittcitt, to collect alms ; — bcttcffctlb, eleemosynary ; compos. — (llltt, 7i. alms-house, aimonry ; — biici/- fe, /. — faftetf, m. alms-box, poor's box : alms-cash, alms-chest; — gelb, n. cha- rity-money, poor-money; poor's tax; — gCHOffe, — mamt, m. alms-man; — pfleger, m. almoner; — ftodv 772. alrns-box. 21 illt f C tt t e r, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) ahnon- er, overseer. 21 1 o e, /. (pi. -tt) aloes ; mit — »er« fefct, aloetical ; — l>t>I%, 71, aloes wood, xylo-aloes ; ba8 SparobieS — f)Pl}, ca- lambac. 21 1 f e, (pi. -It) /. chad, shaj (a fish). 2'i 1 I) 8 or 2llol.)ftU8, (= £ubtttfl) «. Lewis. 21 \ p, I. m. (-C8 ; pi. -C) night-mare, in- cubus ; 2. /. mountain ; compos. — btit= (felt, 77. pressing of the night-mare ; — l)df)n, vid. 2luerfjcti)!i ; — mamt- cfjeit, n. hobgoblin; — lltattS, — vatte, /.marmot; — rabe, m. solitary spar- row ; hermit crow ; — fdjpfj, m. fairy- stone ; — jppf, 771. plica. 81 I V, /. (pl ; -en) mountain ; 2Upett, pi. the Alps; jenfeit8 bet — , transalpine; — bteffcttS bcr — , cisalpine ; — am* pfei", m. bastard rhubarb; — I; of, m. cowkeeper's farm ; — Ctlpaf), m. pass of the Alps; — etttoittter, 771. alpine winter. r 21 1 p 1) a, 71. alpha ;— Ultb DlttCga, the beginning and end, all in all. *?l I p l) a be t, 71. (-8 ; pi. -e) alphabet ; index , — illt Srucf, three and twenty printed sheets, quire ; — fcbjbffcr, 7'. letter-keyed locks. •.'1 1 p \> a b e t i f d), adj. alphabetical, tl 1 p i f eft, adj. alpine. 26 21 1 p 1 e V, m. (,-8 ; pi. — ) Alpine shep- herd. 2i 1 r a tt tt, m. (-C8 ; pi. -I \ mandrake (a plant). 21 Iran nc or SUlrfitte, /. (pl.-n) l priestess of the ancient Germans ; 2. sorceress, witch, hag. 21 1 8, conj. 1. than ; expressing a com- parison of inequality ; 2. as, in the ca- pacity of; 3'. when (relative conj. of time), to wit, namely ; 4. viz. such as ; 5. like J 6. but, except, besides ; bet .ftbiiia, son SJJraijIett — Gbnrfurft oon SrailbCttbltrg, the king of Prussia as elector of Brandenburg ; ft? TOtt) — eilte 9tpfc, (as) red as a rose ;' Cf fyattbelt — eitt vccfttfcfyaffencv SpMantt, he acts as an honest man; — Ctn Jpcib, like a he- ro; icf) fianb «or ibm — eitt anberer ©otiatl), I stood before him ike an- other Goliath ; ltid)t8 — , nothing but ; fie batfcineit3 f leici)tl)um — ibre £u= (jettb, she has no riches but her virtue ; lornof)! — , fowcI)l ... — auct;, as well . .. as; — Ob, — ttU'ltlt, as if; Ct tfl Jit jung, — ba^ er jcne8 rotffen folite, he is too young for knowing that; — bicfc8 gefrf>ll), when this happened; — bcttb, adv. directly, immediately, forthwith; — battlt, adv. then. 9iIfe,/.»iU Slbfc. 21 1 f e it, m. vid. aBcrmutf). 21 1 f P, I. adv. thus, so, so much, so far, in this manner (vid. ©p) ; id; Vtttttjte — , I was obliged to act thus ; II. conj. consequently ; therefore, then (vid. fpls]= licb) ; <2ie fyaben mix e8 — vevfprb= d)ett? you have promised it me then? lafi 11118 — , let us then ; — bclb, — fort, -t- vid. 2U8batb. 21 1 ft e r, vid. (Sifter. 21 1 1, adj. Sr ado. 1. old ; aged ; 2. ancient (of rights, &c.) ; 3. antique ; 4. stale, rusty; 5. ruinous, decayed: n)ie — tfl er V how old is he 7 er tfl 80 3af)rc — , he is eighty years old ; eitt — er ETiocf, an old coat ; — e Qebraitdje, old customs; CtttC — e 9)iobe, an old fashion ; an antique fashion ; iffleibltttg bet 2Utett, ancient dress ; »0t —Ctt 3ettctt, of old, in times of yore ; cine — e Sungfer, an old maid ; eitt — er , adj. elderly, oldish. •31liimnu8, m. (pi. — ttClt) pupil, scholar, seminarist. 31 1 1) f f c n f t a u t, n. (-eS ; pi. -f rciu- tct) mad-wort. 31 lit, (contraction of art bcm\ wi flit ; it precedes an adverb or predicate in the superlative degree ; as, flBt crftetl, fust, in the first piace ; am bcftClt, best ; Phr. am &bcit, alive. 31 m a b 6 i t c n b i x n e, /. (pi. -n) ama- dotto, amadot. *3l lit alga in a, Tt. C7i. T. amalgam. *31 mali] am a ttO ll, /. Ch. T. amal- gamation. *3lmalgamlrcn, v. a. cu. t. to amalgamate, amalgame. 31 m a 1 1 e, /. Amelia. *3T m « it U e It f 1 8, m. amanuensis, copy- ist, clerk. *3l m a X a ll t f), m. (-8 ; pi. -dt) ama- ranth ; live-everlasting. *3t marantic tt, adj. amaranthine. •31 marc lie,/, (pi. -n) Armenian cherry ; Armenian apricot. *3l m a 5 tt e, /. (pi. -n) amazon j J5£. virago ; compos. — -lltlcib, n. amazon riding-dress ; — llftcilt, in. Amazon-stone (a sort of green pebbles which are worn as amulets) ; — tlftrom, m. Ama- zon river. Si m b a cb 1 8 1 c 1) e tt, n. (-8) L. T. an olhcc, wherewith the liegelord invests 1 1 1 li a fief. 31 m b a r r t, /. (pi. -n) provinc. M. E. storehouse, warehouse. *3l m b a f f a b e, /. (pi. -n) embassy. *3l m b a f f a b C U r, m. (-8 ; p/. -e) em- bassador. •simbe, /. (pi. -n) two numbers (in ittery). 31 m b c t, via. 3lmbra. •81 in b i c it t, m. (-en ; pi. -en) one who solicits preferment or an office. •31 m b i g tt{ 1 8 t, /. ambiguity. •31 in b X r e It, v. n. to solicit, seek eagerly (an office). SI lit b % m. (-08 ; pi. -c) anvil ; A. T. incus; ciit yv-cifpitjigcr — , a rising anvil; — fcblllicb, m. blacksmith; — fiocf, m. anvil's stock. * .'lilt bra, m. 1. ambergris; 2. liquid am- ber; — tuft, vi. fragrance ; sweet per- fume ; — fugcf, muskball. 9'lmbrpo, 31 lilt refill 8, m. Ambrose. •31 m b r o ft a, /. ambrosia, vid. Plotters fpeifc ; compos. — flMllt, n. ambrosia ; — mailbcht, /. />/. ambrosine almonds. •31 m b r f t f rb, adj. ambrosial. •31 m b it 1 8 n c e, /. T. field-lazareth. '31 m b U 1 d It t, i. ndj. ambulant, wan- dering; '2,m.M. 7'. unlicensed broker. •31 m b U 1 1 r c it, v. 7i. to ambulate, walk about for pleasure. Slmetfe, f.(pl.-n) ant, emmet, pis- mire ; — nbitr, m. ant-bear ; armadillo ; — ttfreffer, m. ant-eater ; — nloroe, m. formica-leo ; — nfdltre, /. Ch. T. an acid distilled from ant-hills. •Amelioration /. vid. 9Jcrbcffe= rung. *3l m c 1 1 o x I r c n, 6. a. rid. 2>crbcffcnt. 31 lit C I f r n, m. a kind of spelt. 31 in e I m c H n. starch, vid. Stdrfe. *.'l lit C tl, amen, so be it. *3lmc'ttbemcitt, «. (-8; pi. -8) amendment 31 lit i X t f a, n. (-8) America. 31 lit IX if fint r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) Ame- rican ; amerifauifcf), adj. American. *3lmctf;i)ft,m. (-en; pi. -en) ame- thystj violet quartz; — etlfat'big, adj. amethystine. •31 metric, /. want of regularity or bj tnmetry. *3llltCtlbllrcn, v. a. to furnish (a 1 e). •31 m t a It t b, 1 m. (-e8 ; pi. -t) earth- •31 lit t d it t, J flax ; a stone from which the ancients made linen. *3l m i d tt t b o t b, m. (-cS ; pi. -e) Mn. T. stralstcin, crystallized asbestiform ami glassy actinolite. *, r lnttbam, vid. 31ntclmcbl, (Starfe. 3] m m a n it, m. (-C8 ;y.-mauncr) \ baii- 31 m nt e i ft c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 5 ur, justice ; chief-magistrate. 31 lit lit e, /. (pi. -n) (wet-)nurse ; compos. — nmdl)rcl)eil, 7i. nursery-tale ;—U]lubc, /. nursery. 3i m met, m. bull-wort; — faamen, m. ammers seed. Simmer, vid. Slmarcfle nub @plbam= incr. •31 lit mi! n t a f, m, (-8) ammoniac ; — flltmilti, gum-ammoniac. *3l m m o n i t, vid, Slmmcmslumt. 31 m m o it 6 b o r n, n. (-6 ; pi. -bonier) ammonite, comu-ammonis ; — Sinter, snake-stones. *31 lit m 11 It 1 1 1 C n, /. military stores or provisions, ammunition ; — 8fc{)tff, 71. store-ship. *31 lit rt e ft t C, /. (pi. -it) amnesty ; alls gemctltc — , general pardon; — , or — befret, n. act of oblivion. *3I in r, m. (-6 ; pi. Slmoref ten) Love, Cupid. *3lmorftfattPn, /. A. T. amortiza- tion; — 8caffe,/. — 8fott&, m. sinking fund. "Sllltprttflrcn, v. a. to annihilate, liquidate, redeem, sink. 9j Itt p C I, /. (pi. -It) lamp. Simpfer, 771. (-8) sorrel; vid. Salter^ ampfcr ; — Ivaut, n, dock. *3l m p I) t b t e n b a f t, adj. amphibious ; ba8 — e, amphibiousness. *3lmpblbie,/. ( P i.-n) ) *»31mi)l)tbtuitt, 71. (-8; pi. -btcn) J amphibious animal ; amphibium. *3l m p b t b i 1 1 1 1), m. (-en ; pi. -en) amphibiolite. *3lmpbtboIlC, /. P*. r. ambiguity. duplicity. *3l m p b t b D 1 1 f rb, adj. ambiguous, equivocal. *3( lit p b t b r d d), IB, amphibrach. ^SlmpbtctDcnen, pi. Amphictyons; betSrtatt) bet — , Ampnictyonie council, *31 m p b 1 f c t i, pl.Oeog.T. theAmphiscil. 5tmr * 31 m ) b 1 1 b e a t c r, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) an pbitheatre. * 31 m p b 1 1 b e a t r a I i f rb, a,i>. ampU theatrical. *S1 111 p l; i t r 1 1 t,f. Myth. r. Amphitrite. *ii 111 p h r a, /. ( pi. Slmpbcreit) am- phora, a large wine measure among the ancient Romans. *3lmpltfictren, v. a. to amplify, enlarge. *3lmpUtattDn, /. (pi. -en) amputa- tion ; compos. — Sbtnbe, /. S. T. cape- line ; — emctlcr, amputation-knife. *3l in p U 1 1 r e it, v. a. to amputate. 31 m f e, contract, of Slmcife. 31 ill f c I, /. (^.-n) ousel, blackbird; bit ttalicilifa)e — , solitary thrush. 3^1 m f i a, vid, Gmfig. 31 lit t, 71. (-e8 ; pi. Slcmtcr) 1. charge, em- ployment, office, place ; magistracy ; 2. board, court, council ; 3. administra- tion of a public domain ; domain ; 4. baiti wick, jurisdiction ; 5. mass, office, ser- vice ; 6. company, corporation, r id. 3n« nutlj] ; 7. business, concern, call ; compos. — bail6, 71. bailiffs house; office ; court; — 108, adj. without employment, out of office ; private, independent; — loftgfeit, /. being out of office ; — manu, m. fanner of crown domains ; justiciary ; bailill"; warden; steward; — mannilt, /. wile of a bailiff; — niannfcbaft,/. baili- wick ; jurisdiction (dignity) of a bailill"; — Salter, n. seniority in office ; — 8ar= belt, /. official duty ; — Sbaucr, 771. pea- sant attached to a public domain ; — t* bcfiubcvuitj], /. promotion to an office; — Sbcrtctjt, 771. official account ; report, despatch; — Sbcfebctb, m. decree of the bailill"; sentence; — Sbciverber, m. can- didate for an office ; — i-bejit'f, m. juris- diction ; district of a public domain ; — Sblatt, n. official gazette; — 8bote, 771. messenger; — 8brubcr, 771. colleague, partner; — 8bucb, n. court-roll; — Gbie^ tier, 771. beadle of a domain-judge; — 9? bcrf, n. village belonging to a public domain ; — Scrtrao,, m. office emolu- ments; rents of a domain; — 8foI(je,/. succession in office ; — Gfrobnc, /. ser- vice due to the public domain by the peasantry; soccage ; — Sgebiibr,/. ft-e due to an officer ; — Sgcbubrlirjj, adj. official ; — 8gefdlle, pi. the domain re- venues ; fees of office ; — 8o,cbiilfe, 7^. assistant, adjunct; — Bgenoffe, m. col- league^ associate, partner, substitute, joint commissioner ; — 8gefcbutt, 71 official duty, business : — 8geflfbt, 71 Jig. grave air, solemn air, frown ; — v; gctvalt, /. authority; — Sbaupttitanit, m. high constable of a district : bailiff; — 8JUll)]Cr, m. candidate ; —8= familicr, /. chamber of the domain , — 8llldjiig, adj. official, ministerial, pro- fessional ; — 8ricbtcr, 771. justice ; — 8» fdjbffcr, m. treasurer of a bailiwick ; auditor of tho revenues of a domain ; — 8ffbretbcr, m. bailiff's clerk, clerk "| the court ; — Sfttlbc,/. office : court ; — 8< tag,7rt. court day; — {tlidtiflfett,/. Ilw performance of official duty ; — Ssentfbs rung,/. official duty; bic — 8»erric^run« gen vcrfclicn, to officiate; — Boettteter, 771. substitute in otlice ; deputy: — Walter, m. bailiff's deputy, substitute, steward; — 8WCV>t\tt, m. administratof of any office (of a public domainl , -~8rogt, m, bailiff's substitute, steward . Ofa bailill"; tip-tall'; — fil'Pgtei, /. stewardship ; Vhr. ciit — V-eriXMitCll, bef Icibcn, eiuem — verftchen, to hold an office ; 6rtS — baltcil, to say 1 2fnal »aS ifl Utc&t beitieg —eg, that is no bu- siness of yours ; tt,Mg bciucS — eg tticbt tft, ba lafj beittcn SSomtfe, meddle not with what you have nothing to do withal M m 1 1 1 cfj, (ulj. official, ministerial ; — C SPetfOtt, magistrate. *5l mulatto It, /. emulation. *5i m It I if C it, v. a. to emulate, strive to excel. *31 mulct, re. (-CS ; pi. -0 amuTfit. *9ltttufdttt, a///, amusing, w'A &- go&licb. *3l m ii f I r e tt, w. a. <$■ rc/J. to amuse ; to enjoy one's self. il XI, I. prep. (ace. or dot.) at, in, on, by, to, towards, with, up, against; of; near; as far as, till; big—, up to, about ; — ciitem Drte roofjnen, to live at a place ; — meiner f C t, to. (-3 ; pi. -en) anchorite. *5In ad; rout 8 mug, m. {pi. -mm) anachronism. *9l n a g X Cl m m, re. (-8 ; pL -e) anagram. *21 it a t x c 6 u t i f cf;, adj. anacreont'e. *9l aaleltt n, pi. analects. *9I n s I o g l e, / {pi. -en) analogy. *9l u a I o g i f cf;, adj. analogous/ *% n a I f) f e, /. Mat. T. analysis. *9l it a I x) f I r e n, v. a. to analyse. *3lita I tj t if,/ analytics. ►91 n a I tj t 1 f rf), adj. analytic. 2d 21nb2 *5lttamotpr;of^/- (pi.-n) Opt. T. anamorphosis. *Jlnaita§, /. (pi.—) ananas, pine- apple ; — erbtcere, /. cone;— time,/, pine apple pear ; — l)au8, re. pinery; — VOgcl, m. humming bird. 51 u a it f e r it, v. a. J\T. T. to fasten t y anchors, to anchor *9l it a p a ft, to. i,-eg ; pi. -C) anapest. *5l n d p I; e r, /. (pi. -it) Rh. T. anaphora. 51 n a r t c 1 1 c n, v. a. 1. to join to by means of work ; 2. to oppose. *SH it a r cf; l e, /. anarchy. *% net r cf^ t f rf), adj. anarchical. 91 n a f t e U, v. n. (aux. fctylt) to become natural to, in. *9l n a 1 1) C m a, re. (pi. -C) anathema. *9l U a t f) e m a 1 1 f t V C tt, «. a. to ana- thematize. *5l It a 1 1; m C tt, u. a. to breathe at or upon. *9l n a 1 m T C, /. anatomy. *9lnatomtfcr, m. (-$;pl.—) ana- tomist. *3l it a 1 m l V e It, v. a. to anatomize, dissect. *2l n a 1 m i f cf), I. adj. anatomical ; II. adv. anatomically. 91 n d % e n, v. a. to begin to etch. 51 tt d U g e I It, v. a. to look at tenderly. 51 n t a cf e it, v. I. n. (aux. fei;n) to cling, cleave, stick ; II. a. to make to stick. 51 tt t a f) n e tt, v. a. to break a path. 9lntallen, v. reji. to clod to (of snow, &c). 51 n b a n n e n, v. a. to bewitch with. 91 n t a U, m. (-eg ; pi. -C) I. cultivation ; culture, improvements, improving; 2. settling, settlement ; 3. building, addi- tional building, addition ; superstructure. 9ltttautar, adj. capable of being tilled, cultivable. 9tntaucn, v. I. a. 1. to cultivate; 2. to build to, add to ; II. rrfi. to settle, to establish one's residence. 91 tt t a U C r, m. (-g ; pi. — ) cultivator, planter, colonist, improver. 91 n t a tt 1 1 cf;, adj. <$- adv. easily to be cultivated. 91 tt t e f C f; I C tt, v. ir. a. to enjoin, charge, dkect, command, bid, order, to give orders ; to recommend. 51 tt t e rt t tt tt, m. commencement, begin- ning ; tltt — ber SBelt, in the begin- ning (prime) of the world ; — beg Zo.- geg, dawn. 91 it t C I) a 1 1 e n, v. ir. a. to keep on (clothes, &c). 5llttei or 9llttci, adv. enclosed, an- nexed, withal ; — folgt, annexed you receive, I adjoin to this, vid. »§tertci. 51 It t C i B e It, v. ir. 1. a. to bite ; II. v. to bite a little, the first piece of, to take the bait. 91 U t C I a It g, m. (-eg) concern, regard.' 51 n t e I a n g e n, vid. Olnlangett. 51 n t e 1 1 e n, (vuig. 2lttte(fern), v. a. to bark at, yelp at. 51 n t e q u e nt e tt, v. I. a. to adapt, to accommodate ; II. rcfl. to accommodate one's self, act according to circum- stances. 51 n t e r a u m e tt, v. a. L. T. to fix or appoint (a stated time). 51 it berg, m. (-eg ; pi.-t) liiii, hillock. 51 tt t e t e tt, v. a. to adore, worship. 51 it t e t e tt t w it r b i g, vid. 9ltttctuuggs nntrbig. SnBo 9tntcter, m. (-8, pi --) adorei worshipper, admirer. 91 n t e t r a cf) t, vid. Setractt. 91 It t e t r C f f C It, v. ir. a. to belong to, to concern; tDdi mid) atttctvifft, a» far as I am concerned. 9ltttetvcffeitb, adj. belonging to, toueL''flg, concerning, as to, as for. 5itttctteltt, v. I. a. to beg, addresi begging; to importune; II. reft, to in- sinuate in a mean begging manner, 51 It t C t U H g, /. _ adoration, worship compns. ■ — gunivbig, adj. adorable ; — $= roiifbigfett, /. adorableness. 51 n t e 5 i 1 1 c it, v. a. L.T. vid. 9li:teraws men. 51 tt t i C g C tt, v. ir. a. to bend to ; to sub- join, annex. 51 tt t i e t C n, ?>. ir. I. a. to offer, proffer, tender; bem Sctnbe cine Sci;(acf;t — , to offer the enemy battle; II. v (aux. fatten) to bid first; III. rrfi. to offer, present one's self; vid. 9litcriucten. Syn. 31 n bit t en,?ln t r « gen, Crbiclcn, :tn. crbicttn. Grbictcn and nncrbicrcn are mid only of persons not of things. 2lnbictcu ar.ij Ttntragcn are used with reference to persona as well as to things. 2fnbicrcn can be used in speaking of weighty and important as well as ol unimportant tilings. Thus we say: St'"' 1 "^'' ein 2£mt anbicten (to oner any one an office oj situation), f«nt ^itaftc nnbictcn (to tender one's services), ein Ohio iOcin oiibicten (to oftel a glass of wine). Jtntrnjjcn, on the contrary U only used, when speaking of more importmt concerns, as: Cinc:n ctn 2fmt antraun (to proflw an appointment), frinc 3cd)"r jnr W)t antragen^ (to offer one's daughter in marriage). 51 n t i e t u u g, /. offer, offering. 91 n 1 1 1 b C It, v. I. a. to accustom, im- part; II. reft, fid; eitte Sentart — , tc accustom one's self, acquire a manner ol thinking. 91 tt 1 1 tt b e f a 1 1, re. weanling. 9ltttittbett, v. ir. a. I. to tie, fasten bind; 2. cilictt ■ — , (said of reapers, &c.) to ask for a present; 3. citteil an feinem ©ctuvtgtage, it. f. ». — , to make one a present on his birthday ; furj attgctuitbCrt fci)tt, to be irritable, to be pert, to grow easily angry ; lltit Ctitcm — , to engage with one in a quarrel or dispute ; ^tdltcr — , provinc. to wean calves ; CtttClt 33drett — , to contract a debt ; also to humbug one. 91 It 1 1 % m. (-ffcg ; pi. -ffe) bite ; break- fast, luncheon. 9inbUffett, vid. 91ittcllen. 51 It bid fen, v. ir. a. 1. to blow, blow against, upon ; to breathe at or upon ; 2. to put on lightly; 3. to announce by blowing the bugle-horn ; 4. to blow the first note. 51 It b I a 1 1 C n, v. a. Jlrck. T. to fasten, join (of beams). 51 It b I C ff C tt, v. a. to put out the tongun at one; to show one's teeth. 91 u b I i cf, to. (-eg ; pi. -c) look, view, aspect, sight; spectacle; tciltt crften — , at first sight ; citt crbdnultc&er — , a pitiful sight; bem offctttltdjett — t Sjjrcig gctctt, to expose publicly. 51 n b t i cf e tt, v. a. to look at, glance at, cast an eye upon ; JOrttig — , to frown. 51 tt t I i tt t e tt, v. I. re. to shine upon ; n. a. vid. SUtbltttjen. 5j n b I i tt ? e it, \ , , 21 nt litis ein, $«■«■*"#■ »° '«* *- 51 n b l i % c tt, v. a. to glance at, to dar, upon; to strike. 51 it t I b cf C tt, v. a. to bleat at ; to low at : fiofl — , to pass current; 2Bed)fel — , to negoeiate bills, eine £pd)tcr — , to dispose of, or to marry a daughter; cillClt 8 obit — , to settle b son; teb fyabe mein Qelb gut aitges bracbt, I have placed my money well ; bte Sebroeifibiiiibc — , Sp. T. to set the bloodhounds on the game ; WHS tft bet It — y what's your business? V03 (Mcridjt — , to denounce, to inform against one ; tt)0$I aitgcbrad)t, well applied; seasonable; eitt tit enter 2Jwuet angebrad)tcr Slltar, an altar constructed in a wall. Xorn. •-.'In et) » e, /. (pl.-n) anchovy; — btvne. /. anchovy-pear, *9t n c i e n n 1 1 a t,/. eldership, seniority V 9I tt C D r a ! once more : repeat ! Tin b, adn. vid. ivinge. Slnbe 21 nb a &>t,f. (pi. 7 tn) devotk*.; feme ■— liaben or serrtcbten, to say one's prayers, to attend one's devotion ; bte Stunbett bcr — , tlie hours of devo- tion ; compos. — Sbuct), 71. manual of devotion ; — 8ctfer, to. fervour of de- votion ; — 8I08, adj. undevout, irreve- rent ; — Sloftgfcit, /. undevoutness, irreverence ; — Sort, ra. place of devo- tion; — 8iibltti{(, /. exercise of devo- tion ; — 500ll, adj. devout. 21 n b a cb t C I C t, /. bigotry, false devo- tion ; hypocrisy. 21 n b a d) t e 1 it, v. n. to be over-pious ; to act the hypocrite. 21 n b it d) t C I It b, adj. over-pious, hypo- critical. 21 n b d d) 1 1 g, I. adj. devout ; devotion- al ; II. adv. devoutly, &c. 2J n b a d) 1 1 e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) devotee, devotionalist ; cont. canter. 21 it b d d) 1 1 e r i f cf), adj. bigot. 21 It b a I U ft C tt, n. Andalusia. 21 it b a IS f i e r, m.(-&; pi. — ) 21nbalu* fifd), adj. Andalusian. 21 tt b & at m e n, v. a. to stop, make to swell by means of dykes. 91 11 b ii m m C r It, v.n. to begin to dawn. 21 II b lit V f 8 B» "■ »• to slrik e against as steam or smoke. * .'I It b d it t C, .1/. T. andante. 21 n b a it e r n, v. n. vid. Pattern. 2lnbem, (rc-afyr) adj. true. 21 it b e n, pi. tlie Andes (of America). 21 n b C n t C It, re. (-8) remembrance, me- mory ; remembering ; token ; comme- moration ; keepsake ; einc8 — fetcril, to commemorate ; ba8 fd)lltert_cnbc — , grating remembrance; ba8 liijje — , love-toy; tit nod) CtlljU fvifdu'llt — , too green in remembrance; fd)teib = feliiicit — 8, of scribbling memory. 2htbcrbar, adj. alterable. 21 it bcr, adj. 1. second; 2. different; other; Phr. citteit £ag lint ben — n, every second (other) day ; eiu8 llllt ba8 — e, by turns; etnntat iibcr ba8 ■ — e, again and acain ; repeatedly; — cr Stanb, — e Sitten, change of station produces change of manners; iitadit ba8 — en n>cifi, col. I am not to be bubbled ; ba8 tft CtUHl8 — C8, that is a different thing, alters the case ; tem- pos. — let, ailj. of another kind ; — ItfilllS, adv. otherwise; — lttbeil8, adv. on the other hand ; — fet(8, adv. on the other side ; — U)Stt8; adv. — hJCtrtig, adj. in another place; else- where; — Wett, atlr. — tneitig, adj. in another place, at another time ; otherwise; done in another manner; further; — It'ettigc .guilfe emmrten, to expect assistance from another quarter. Sin beret, /. (pi. -en) change, al- teration (in an ill sense). 2l n b e r it, v. I. a. to alter, change ; II. rrfl. to change, alter ; to mend, to reform ; fig. to turn one's mind. 91 ttber 8, I. ni/i\ otherwise, differently, nn"ilier way, in another manner ; else : tttcht — , just so; to be sure; tlictlt — a(8, nothing but : trgcnbtvp — , somewhere else : — IVCtbCIt, to alter; fid) — befiiuieii, to change one's (own) mind ; II. conj. ttxnn — , n>P — , if. provided; tr-Cint — nirt)t, unless; ivenn Sit — ju .foflttfe finb, provided you be at home; — N>0, I. adv. else where, otherwhere, somewhere ei^e; U. 1. 71. I.. T. alibi ; — IVPbcr, ado. Sue! from elsewhere, from another place, — roobjlt, aiie. to another place. 2inbcrtf)alb, aig. ?»ie and a haff — -4>fuit&, one pound and a half. Jlltbcritng, /. (p/.-Cll) change, a> teration; eilte — treffcit, to make at alteration. 51 tt b e tt t C It, v. a. to declare by signs ; to notify, announce, intimate, declare ; to enjoin ; to signify. 91 It b e U t U II g, /. (pi. -etl) declaraUon, notification, intimati en; glance. 21 tl b i d) t e n, v. a. to impute, chargn with (falsely), put upon. 21 it b n n e r n, v.l.n. (aux. babcu $ fetylt) to thunder at ; to knock violent- ly ; to fall against with a thundering noise ; II. a. to address in a thundering voice, to stun. 21 it b r K, to. horehound (a plant) ; bev fdjroarjc or fttnfenbC — , black hore- hound. 21 tt b 5 r r C R, v. a. to dry (fruits, yet not thoroughly). 21 It b r r e n, v. n. (aux. fci>n) to dry upon and adhere to. 21 It b r a n g, to. (-C8) 1. Mcd.T. conges- tion ; B. crowd, press. 21 It b r d n (J C U, r. r.. to press or crowd against; ftd) an bie WroffClt — , to court importunately and meanly the fa- vour of the great. 21 n b r a u c n, v. a. vid. 2lnbrebut. 21 It b r i a 8, Andrew ; — frenj, 71. Pt. Andrew's cross, Scotch cross ; //. T. flanch ; — tnbcil, the order of St. An- drew ; — tag, m. St. Andrew's day. 2lllbr ed)fcln, !>. o. to turn on; to join by a turner's lathe ; to fit tight. 21 it b r e Ii e it, v. 1. a. to screw on ; etnerfl eillC 9la]t — ,/. to impose upon one, to tell one a fib ; bie SBailb — , JV. T. to set up the shrouds of the top-icast ; II. t». (aux. babcil) to begin to turn. *2l It b r i C It It e, /. kind of dress fo» women. 21 n b V 1 1 1 en, «. a. to tic to, twist on. 21 it b r i n g e n, j-. ir. n. (aux. fevm) to push against or forward ; to press on, to urge, to rush upon. 2lttbrtltgenb, adj. fig. moving, pa- thetic, pressing. *2l it b r g ij n, m. vid. 3iPttter. 21 it b r 1) C It, v. a. to threaten, menace with. 21 n b r f) U n g, /. threatening, menace threat. 2l*lb r lief, m. 1. the joining of one thin? tis v.'Vther b.y printing ; 2. the thing thus joined. 21 II b I'll cf C tt, r. a. to join by printing to print in addition to. 21ltbviiffc!I, v. 11. M press rl se io, til press against 91 It b tt f t C n, 7\ a. to exhale (fragrance) to send fragrance against. 91 tt b II n ft C It, 0. n. (an c fe&n] to striku against, settle (of str 2litbnpfen, r. a. to touch, (with a wet sponge, &c). 21 n b 11 r rb, adv. + thereby, enclosed. 21 tic i f c v it, ?■. a, to incite, to stimulate 21 11 c i g It t It, v. a. to appropriate. 21 tt C t II a it b e r, adv. together ; vid, Ptll- atlbcr : — fl'ianng, /. junction, joining. 2*inci8 or 2tneibe, /. A-ineid, Virgil's Epic. •21 it e f b B t e, /. (pi. -n) anecdote ; cdj — artig, anecdotical 29 autfo 21 n c I c I n, v. imp. ace. to disgust ; e8 cfclt mid) ait, it disgusts me. '21 tic lit lo 31c, /.the doctrine of winds. *21 tt e m o mi t c v, m. [-4 ; ;•'. — JV. T. wind-gage. •aiUllK'UC, /. (pi. -n) anemone, wind flower, pass-rose. *9lr.cmcfcH*, m. (-8; pi. -0 Pnys T. anemoscope. 91 rt C ltt p f e b 1 e rt, v. ir. a. to recom- mend to, vii ©mpfchlcn. 51 n e r b c, m. (-« ; pi. -n) I. L. T. the next heir ; II. n. hereditary portion. 91 it C r b C It, r. a. to impart, to transmit by inheritance; 2ln«iccrbt, inherited; hereditary ; aiigecrblC jfomfbcit, he- reditary disease 9! n C r b t e t e it,. t>. ir. a. to offer ; tender, md. @rbieten i : Slubictcn. SI n c r b t e t c rt, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) offer, ten- der; ciu — attnefjnteti, to close with an offer; bag — jut Qlbfdjworutto, etitcr Sotberung, wager of law. 91 it e r b U It (J, /. inheritance. *'}{ rt C T I C, /. ignorance, stupidity. 91 It C r f C It It b a r, adj. recognizable. 91 It C r f C It It C rt, v. ir. a. to acknowledge, to own : tlicbt — , to disown, to disavow ; tic ullage — , to plead guilty. Sine V tt n tt 1 1 1 d>, ad/, recognizable. SltterfcmttniiJ, n. <— ffe« ; y/.-ffe) acknowledgment, clear perception. 91 n c r f C tt nit tt (J, /. acknowledgment, recognition ; — iitelb, n. L. T. money paid by a tenant at the death of his landlord as an acknowledgment of his new lord, acknowledgment money. 91 K C r r t n g e tt, r. a. to acquire by toil. 91' II e t f d) a f f C It, I. v . a. to imprint by creating ; II. part. adj. imprinted by cre- ation, innate. 9. It C r f 6) I 1 d) C n, adj. surreptitiously acquired. 91 tt e r tt) g C rt, conj. + seeing, con- sidering, since, because. 91 It e r J i C f) C It, v . ir. a. 1. to inculcate by education ; 2. vid. Qlllfjicben. 91 n f ab e I n, r. a. vid. &nbi$ten. 91 rt f 5 d) c I it, v. a. to fan at. 91 tt f a d) c n, o. a. lit. &■ fig. to kindle ; to inflame. 91 rt f a b e I It, r. a. to string «o. 91 K f a b e it, v. n. + to begin. 91 r. f a b V b a r, adj. borvdable (qualified for landing). fil r. f a b r e tt, o. rr. I. r. to carry (bring) near, to, up ; to land ; , J .ttCR — , to ad- dress harshly, use roughly ; II. n. {auz. ' : H 1. to drive close to, to come close to; 2. to arrive; 3. .Win. T. to descend - haft, to co to work ; bie 5'Ictte fuhr CTl bio 3nfel an, the fleet put in at the Ida; tttt ctrr>a8 — , to drive against, to r in, strike- beat, or push against ; CV font mit ^Btcrcii angefabren, he came driving on with his coach and four. 9h:fabrfd>ad)r, /. (-eg; pR -c) T. a shaft which miners descend to go to their work. Hit fa I) rt, f. (j>!. -Ctt) landing place, rid. 2lnful)rr. Ilnfatl, m. (-C8; pi. -fSHe) attack, nss&ult, shock, onset, aggression ; — cincr .(vran'hcit, fit. paroxism. access; Ctn f lofeltcbcr — . a sadden shoes: : — Don Srbrocrmntb, fit of dejection, 9ln- fallc ant i^ielbcrre, perching^ticks 'on the fowling-floor) 30 3tofe 21 ttf alien, r.*r. 1. a. to attack, assault, assaU, invade, aggTess, fall upon; II.' n. (auz. \C.m) to fall against, to bounce; L. T. to faU to. S«n. Xaf a t leu, atitgrelf 'tm SiifBlInieoo- "vevs -he idea of a more sudden and violent at- tack than a^rtiftn. Whoever first injures or ases any violence tnwarda another jircirt Hit on (assaib him> The woif faat Wc £J).ii( an (at- tacks the 6heep). 3SI nf iUi g, adj. &■ adv. L.T.I, liable to inheritance ; 2. inherited, fallen to a person. 91 n f a II 8 r c d) t, 71. (-e8 ; pi. -c) right of inheriting (an estate). 3 tl fa 1 f * C It, v. a. 1. to adulterate ; 2. (cittern cttuai) to impute falsely. 91 it f B n 3, m. (-8 ; pi -fSttge;! 1. begin- ning, commencement ; 2. entrance ; 3. origin, element; 4. opening (of a cam- paign) ; — cer SEBelt, beginning of the world; — C«tc8 gcttSUijCl, opening of a campaign. 9lnfan3cn, r. ir. La. 1. to begin, commence ; 2. to undertake ; to go about ; 3 to do, act ; 4. to open ; 5. to pjan or aim at ; 6. to be of use ; einen getbgUg — , to open a campaign; 1 — JU ladjen, JU rcctneit, to fall a laughing, a weeping; tt>rc ilbranctt fi"3 crt au .H l flici"'C!t, her tears began to flow; id) iKty md)t, one i§ es nttt tbm— foil, I know not how to deal with him ; cr rocitJ ntdjr, ttte er e8 — fell, he does not know how to bring it about; II. n. (auz. baben) to begin, ordinate, take rise ; Phr. tt\t$ fell id) bamtt— ? what shall I do with it 7 eS tfl ntdbts mit ihnt anjnfanflen u. f. tt?., you can do nothing with him ; he is of no use; tt>a8 faitiic id) an? what shall 1 do 7 Nets ift tabet anjufanflen? what is to be done? C» »ar bavanf attacfangctt, tu it. f. vo., tlie plan was to. ike. ; c8 rear auf iitcitt 93cr= terben angefangen, my ruin was aimed g.t; ein ei3ene8 ^auSrocfcn — , to set up for one's self; Ctttetl ..gaitbcl — , to set up a business. Sun. Jt n f .1 n a t n, 3f n 6 c 1 1 n, » t 9 i n n f n, 3fn. atf) en. anpngen comprehends the idea of beHnnin* in to widest signification and is used in°re»ard to things that exist in time as well as to such as exist in space; as: er fina, an iu rtttn, he began to speak ; birr f.mat (tin Mrttran, his land commences here. Keginncn and onheben are used only when speaking of Uiings which exist in time and of actions. Hence it* pinntn denotes also to undertake 3fna.«bcit has the same signification as anfanjtn, but is gene- rally used only in familiar style. 91 it f S n 3 C r. to. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1. begin- ner: 2. novice, tyro ; 3. aggressor. ^Infangerct/. (pi. -ctt) the work or skill of a beginner. 91 tiffin git rf>, 1. adj. original, incipi- ent ; II. adv. in the beginning, at first 91 II f a It 3 8, adv. in the beginning, at first: gleid) — , at the very beginning; compos. — blldfiabc, m. initial-letter; capital; — gritllbe, p/. principles, rudi- ments, elements, beginnings ; — pUItft, 77i. point of beginning: ■ — fdjtllc,/. ele- mentary school ; — jetle, / initial line. 91 tt f fi r b e tt, r. a. to colour, to paint ; to adulterate by colouring (wine). 9lttfaffcn, r. a. lay hold of, to seize: to touch: 2. to set about; fam. or rceiRtic 2acbe bctm rerbtctt 6nbe (3tpfct anutM'Tcn, he knows how to set the right way about a thing. 91 nf a % b a r, adj. that which may be laid hold of, seizable. 91 n f a It I e tt, r. n. (axx. fenn, to begin to rot. 91 n fed) ten, r. ir. a. 1. to attack, ag- gress ; to combat (an opinion", , 2. to 2Intl tempt; 3. to concern; 4. to be the umtta with, trouble, disturb. 91 it f e d) t b a r, adj. liable to be called into question, controvertible. 91 it f e d) t u n g, /. (pi. -en) l. attacking opposition ; 2. temptation ; 3. disturb- ance, vexation ; — cr. baben, to mee; with or be exposed tc temptations, dis- .turbance. 91 n f e i I C n , v. a. 1. to begin filing ; 2. to file a point, &c. to. 91 it f C i I f d) C It, r. c to bargain, to ask the price. 91 n f C i tt b C n, v. a. to bear ill-will to- wards, to show enmity to. 91 n f e t tt b U n g, /. enmity, bearing ill- will, &x. 91 it f C r 1 1 g C n, v. a. to make ; to ar range; to manufacture; eittc Stfte — , to draw up a list ; L. T. to send to (an order). 91 it f e f f e I n, o. a. to fetter, chain to, lay in fetters. 91 tt f C 1 1 C n, v. a. to mix with grease . to fatten. 91 n f C U d) t e n, v. a. to moisten, wet. 9itifeud)tBtnftI, 77t (-6; pi.—) T. a brush for moistening 9lnfeud)tuit3 8 3i:ube / /. (pi. -n? T. pit for moistening paper rags. 91 n f e It e t n, v. I. a. 1. to set on fire, tn heat; 2./^-. to fire, animate, excite, en- courage ; 11. n. (auz. tjabeit) to begin firing. 91 tt f i 1 5 e it, b. a. T. to put the felt upon the block. 91 n f i r n i f f e n, r. a. to varnish (over). 91 Itf I a lit men, v. a. to burn a lute, to kindle, inflame. 9i n f la 1 1 et n, «. n. i. (us. anjjeflattetl foinillCltyto advance fluttering ; 2. (auz. nri; to strike against something ir fluttering. 91 It f I C fb t e n, v. ir. a. to twist to, to join by plaiting, to subjoin. 91 tt f I e cf f it, v. a. to mend, put a piece of leather on. 91 It f I C b, e n, v. a. to implore, entreat, beseech. 91 It f 1 e I) e t, 771. (-8 ; pi. — ) implorer. 91 n f I c % U tt g, /. (pi. -en) imploration, entreaty. 91 n f I e t f d) e n, v. a. to ahow the teeth, to growl at. 91 n f 1 1 d C n, v. a. to botch, sew on, to tack to, to patch up; fid) liberal! — , fig. to intrude one's self every where. 91 tt f I i e b, C n, v. ir. n. to have re- course to. 91 it f I i e 3 e n, v. ir. n. (auz. feint) l. u. fly near or against ; 2. B. T. to grow spontaneously (of trees) ; 3. Attn, T. to settle; rtltcjcftccicn foiltllteit, to como flying; Phr. Co' flicjt tt>llt a!lc8 0«, he easily succeeds in every thing. ittnfltefen, v. ir. n. (auz. fe»n) to flow to, to flow against; to run bv, to wash. 9lnf li> lien, v. a. to float to, on; ta settle by floating. 9htfIotiutt3,/. (pi. -en) floating to, alluvion ; — ered^t, n. L. T. right ol alluvion. 91 it f I it d) e n, v. a. to imprecate, to curse at. 91 it flu 3, 77i. (-e8;jrf.-Pge) LfligH sudden approach, soaring up ; 2. flush, tincture ; 3. smattering, smack ; 4. coj>. pice-wood, copse, underwood, growth. 9!nflu$, n. (-ffe8; ;>.. — fiiifTe^ tiu tittfu flowing against or near ; alluvion, that which is deposited. $ 11 f I »i ft e r it, ». a. to address in whis- pers. 9t it f I u 1 1) e n, v. n. (auz. fcfitl) (of wa- ters) to rush on, near, against. 91 It f I ft C It b, adj. enclosed, subjoined 31 11 f r b C r e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) clamor- ous creditor, dun. 91 It f r b e r tt, v. a. to claim, to call for, to dun, vid. 'tforbem. 9'mforberunft, /. (pi. -en) claim, pretence, demand ; — lllrtcfjctt aitf, to lay claim to. 91 It f r m e ll, v. a. to form, to impart. ?i It f r a g C, /. (pi. -It) 1. inquiry; 2. demand, question. 91 it f r a g e rt, v. n. (mix. f; abcn) to ask in going by, to inquire. 91 It f t CI (J e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) inquire/. 91 tt f r C f f C It, v. ir. I. a. 1. to eat (off), to gnaw ; 2. to canker ; to corrode ; U. nfl. to fill one's self with food ; to grow fat. 91 tt f r t c r C tt, v. n. [mix. feyilt) to freeze to ; to cling (stick) fast by freezing. 91 rt f r t f ft) C It, v. a. to refresh, to quick- en ; fig. to animate, encourage, en- liven, incite. 9lrtfrifcf)er, m. (-8) pi. — ) refiner (in for- 91 It f r t f C& f e tt, m. (-8 J pi. —) T. re- fining furnace. 91 tt f r i f cJ) U tt fj, /. refreshment ; fig. en- couragement, animation. 9infU(j,e, /. (pi. -rt) T. annexed leaf, ri-Jer; tit bcr — , enclosed. % tt f U ft e tt, v. a. to fit to (of cabinet makers). 91 R f it ft e tt, v. a. to add, annex, subjoin. 91 tt fit b [cit, d.I. a. 1. to feel, touch, handle; 2. eittem (etncr <2acf)e) et= U.UJ, to perceive by feeling ; II. rcfi. u, feel. 91 tt f U () r, /. conveyance to . . . 91 n f it b r b rt r, tuff, allegeable. 91 n f ii I) r c g c f b a f) it, m. Typ. T. 91 It f it I) X t tt, v. a. 1. to bring near, carry to; 2. to guide, conduct, to direct; 3. to lead, to command ; 4. to teach, in- struct; 5. to quote, cite ; 6. allege, ap- peal to; 7. fig. to abuse, to take one in, to cheat or trick one ; P/ir. CtttC Stelle — , to' quote a passage ; ffllfcfy — , to misquote; fcilt Dtcdit — , to plead one's right. 9lttfu()rer, m . (-8; P i. —) i. guide, (''inductor; 2. leader, commander, chief; 3. instructor, master; 4. deceiver; — ftcllc, /. office of a commander. 91 tt f ii i) v C V f t, /. (pi. -en) imposition, ption. 91 rt f ii b r ft c f to a T) tt, m. Tgp. T. teacher. 9li n f ii t) r u n ft, /. ( p i. -en) l. leading, command ; 2. direction, conduct; 3. in- struction; 4. citation, the quoting, quo- tation, allegation, allegement, adduction, assertion ; r>. cheat, deceit ; — Sjttcfactl, a. sign of quotation, inverted commas 1-1 91 n f ii lien, v. ir. a. to fill, to fill up, to niah, to store, stock. ilnfiilluttft, /. (pi, -en) filling, re- plenishment. 91 It f U It f C I tt, r a. to glitter at. towards. 9(ltfltvtb, /. (pi. -en) landing-place, wharf 31 it f it f; c n, v. n. (auz. babeit) to get a footing ; to light (of birds) tinge Ungate,/, (pi. -It) 1. declaration; statement ; estimate, specification ; 2. design, sketch, plan ; 3. account ; testi- mony ; 4. denunciation, information ; 5. data ; 6. M. E. giving goods in part of the ready money ; earnest money. 91 It ft CI b e I tt, v. a. to pitch with a fork ; fig. vulg. to seize, appropriate. 91 It ft Cl f f C tt, v. a. to gape, stare at . . . 91 it ft a f f e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) starer at, 91 tt ft it i) tt C tt, v. a. to yawn at, to stare at one yawning. 91 It ft a 1 1 e tt, v. a. to mix with bile ; to make bitter. 91 rt ft rt t 1 e tt, v. a. to bestow in marriage. 91 It ft rt 1 1 It It ft, /. giving in marriage ; fig. conjunction, union. 91 tt ft e rt r t C t, adj. innate. 91 tt g e b a it b e, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) Arch. t. a building attached to another. 91 It ft e B e 1 1 ft e, /. (pi. -It) M. T. mani- fest (of a ship's cargo). 91 tt ft C b C 1 1 e, 71. (-8) barking, yelping at. 91 It ft C b e rt, v. ir. I. a. I, to begin to give, to pay part (to secure a purchaser) ; 2. to declare, to state, specify ; 3. to de- sign, contrive, sketch, plan ; 4. to de- nounce, inform against one, charge ; 5. to lead, set (the fashion) ; f>. to pre- tend {vid. Dorgebert) ; vur. fctit Spiel — , to call one's game : bic 3»lbt"ltft8= uufabtftfctt ernes ©<$ufanerfl — , to strike a docket ; bett Son — , to give the tune, key ; fig. to lead, cet the fashion, tone ; WrtV rairb cr milt — (for rttlfrtttftCtt, tf)il!t) ? what will he do now? bte rtitftcftcbcttt (Sitmme, the sum stated or specified. II. 7t. (aux. I)fl- bcit) to deal first (at cards). - 9lttfteber, m. (-8; p!. — ) 1. author, inventor ; 2. denouncer, informer. ?l tt ft C b e t e i, f. (pi. -CIl) informing, the trade of informing. 9lttftebertfct), adj. 1 inventive ; ready ; 2. acting as an informer. 91 it ft e b e t e t, adj. adored. 9htgebtttbe, n. (-8; pi.—) present, gift, birtl'.day present. 9lttg <\ li cb, tadj. pretended; nominal; II. adv. r.ominally; rtttftebltcber 2JJa= fjen, in the manner proposed (stated, alluded to). 91 It ft C b ft C tt, part. adj. annexed. 91 it g C b r C n, adj. inborn, inbred, in- nate, hereditary. 91 It ft C b t, 7i. (-C8 ; pi. -e) offer, first bidding at an auction. 91 1! ft t b it r t, /. innate or hereditary quality. 91 tt ft c b c i b f it, v. ir. n. (generally used with laffcii) cittern e tract 8 — laffen, to bestow upon, to favour with, to grant. 9t tt ft e b c n f c it, vid, 9lttbcnfett. 91 It ft C f rt 1 1 f, 7i. T. L. contingent In- heritance. 91 It ft e f r C f f C tt, part. adi. Mai. T. can- ker-bit, carious, vid. Slnfteffen. 9Ittftebrt!tfte, 9!micbaitftfet, 9tnge= l)Cltfc, 71. pendant ; amulet. 91 It ft c f) ii U f e, n. aggregate ; heap, mass. 91 n ft e \) e tt, v. ir. I. a. 1. to approach ; to go towards, to make up; 2. etnett — itttt, to solicit, to entreat; 3. to address ; 4. to concern, to have to do with or re- lation to; to apply to one; to address, entreat, solicit one ; IL n. (. v>f fruits, tc. to rot, spoil; I'Ar.-bc8 91rtd)bor8 .i?Clltl gefjt rttt, the neighbours house takes fire, catches; er, fie it. f. ra. ftcbt n'irf) ttirbtS Cttt, he, she. &c. is nothing to me; raa8 flcfjt ba8 - 2ic it. f. ra. an ? what is that to you, fcc? ber 1'erlujt rairb raobt "P^ ctitftcbcit, the lose wi!l not be so great after all ; fo gcbt'8 ntdjt an, it cannot be done, will not do this way. 91 tt ft e 1} e n b, I. part. adj. commencing i mit — tr fflam, at dusk ; cin — er Scb/iiler, a young scholar ; II. concerning, as to, as for. 9iltget)ertb8, adv. in the beginning, at first. 91 It g e f) 1, n. (-8) property. 91 n ft e b, B r c n, v. n. {aux. baben) with dot 1. to belong, appertain : 2. to be related 91 It ft e b o 1 1 ft, 1. adj. dnt. 1. belonging to ;_ 2. related to ; II. s. 91 — C, relative ntetttc — en, my relatives, my relations, my kinsmen, my parentage. 9lngeifertt, v. a. to slaver, to ca- lumniate. 91 tt ft e i V C I tt, v. a. to scourge, whip on. 91 tt g e 1 1 a g t C, m. <$• /. dccl. like an adj. defendant, accused. 91 tt ft C f it It ft C 1 1, part. adj. artificial. 91 It ft e I,/, (pi. -tt) 1. hinge (of a door ; 2. angle, hook, fishing-hook ; 3. pole (of the earth): 4. any thing pointed; bie — tt tCT Stcriett, the stincs of bees ; the tongue of a sword blade; jrat|cbeu Sfjiir unb — ftctfttt, fin-, to be at a pinch; ttttt etttev ftofbcticn 9lngel fifebett, prov. to_ angle with a golden rod ; compos. — fi|d), 7/1. thornback. cut- fish ; — fifeber, 771. angler ; — brtf cit, m. fishing-hook; — frct8, m. polar cirK ; — puntt, ra. pole; — rutbe, /. an rod, spiller, fishing-rod ; — fd)nttr, /. angling-line, line ; — ftcrtt, m. pole star, north-star; — ractt, adv. wide open. 91 tt ft c I ct tt g c it, vid. 9litlrttiftcii, 91n« fommcit. 9lttftelb, n. (-C8; pi. -cr) earnest, earnest- money. 9lltftclegctt, adj. 1. adjacent, confi- ning, adjoining; 2. important, of con- sequence ; ftclj — fcpit Iflffctt, to take care of, to be very careful about, to take to heart; to have concern for, to take an interest. 9'lttftclegenbett,/. (/v.-nf cot business, affair, matter; innere - — cit, internal (domestic) affairs; rtlliUvitt: Jl — Cit, foreign affairs. S;m. Sit Attcgtiifjcit, OcfcMf tt. NW (from f^.ifffn) denotes noy buainem 01 pation in which any one in, or on^lit to been- g'f^d. Kngfttatntttl (frcm anftrgen, .im »>fr. jen lirgrn) nignitiea an a/Tiir or concern, wl,:< it 18 the object (or means of obtaining die objecO of one's wish or desire. 91 tt ft e I C ft e tt 1 1 i &), 1 . adj. of concern, urgent, solicitous, pressing; II with concern, concernedly, urgently pressingly. 9lngeler, vid. dingier. 9lltftcltCrt,/. 1 B. 7*. angelic* ;S.JIfiu T. angelot; railbe — , gent-wort; bit beevctttragenbe — , petty morel; 3. An gelica (pr. n.). 91 H ft C I n, v. a. to angle, to fish With a line; ttttt SlieftCtt — , to fly fish ; liarh Ctmci-S — , fig. to angle, to fish for. 91 It g C I b e It, v. a. to vow, promise, protest solemnly. 91 it ft c I o b u it g,/. (pi. -eiO ; 9lngel i ; b- ttin, it. (-ffe?; pi -ffe) row, protestation. CI 2!ng' Slncjft SInba -< H n g c I c I a t r i c, /. the worship of I *3l n g 1 i c i 8 m, m. (j>i. angels. *?l it g e I P I P 3 T c, /. the doctrine of angels and spirits. *3 It gel p ft a It i C, /. the appearance (visible manifestation) of angels. 21 n oel fa d) f e, m. (-n ; pi. -n) 9ln= gelfa^ftfc^, adj. Anglo-Saxon. , 91 n {J C lit C f f C 11, I. adj. conformable, suitable, fit ; II. adv. conformably, fitly ; answerably. 2liigentcffcnfteir, /. conformity, suitableness, fitness. 21 It g e n e ft lit, L adj. acceptable ; agree- able, pleasant, pleasing, grateful, wel- come; II. adv. agreeably, pleasantly; cin — cr ©crurf) u. f. ro., a sweet smell; fid) bet 3emanben— madden, to approve one's self to one. 21 It g C r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) 1. green, grass- plot ; mead ; pasture-ground ; 2. down ; 3. lay-stall; compos. — ftlume, f. daisy; ■ — fraut, n. knot-grass. 21 It 9 C r a U eft t, part. adj. smoked ; vid. 2ln'raud)cn. 21 n g e r I i it g, rid. (Sttgcvling. 21 it g e f eft t C p p, n. JV. T. sea-drag. 2lttgefct)CTt, I. adj. important, es- teemed, creditable, considered of con- sequence, of credit, of note, illustrious ; II. conj. seeing, considering. 21 it g e f e f f e It, adj. settled. 24 it g e f i eft t, n. (-§ ; pi. -cr) face,_ coun- tenance, visage, air, look, mien ; tin — , in the face, presence ; SOtt — JU — , face to face ; »Plt — , by sight ; — S bcr (Stabt, in the face of the town. 21 K g e f i eft 1 8, adv. in face (sight) of; en the spot, immediately. 21 It g C ft a lit m t, part. adj. hereditary, innate, natural. 21 It g C ft ft I C It, adj. furtively acquired, got by theft. 21 tt g e ro a it b t, pnrt. adj. applied, prac- tical; bte — e SUatftcmatif, practical mathematics. 21 tt g e to i It It C It, v. a. to win ; to acquire. 21 ii g e to i> ft 11 e It, v. a. to accustom to, inure, use. 21 it g e ro p ft it ft e 1 1, /. (pi. -en) habit. custom, usage, habitude, practice ; CU3 — , habitually. 21 n g e 10 ft it It rt g, /. assuefaction. 21 It g } a It b C r t, part. adj. spellbound, vid. 2ln$anbeni. 21 It g t e r C n, v. a. to stare at. 21 it g t C fj eit, v. ir. a. 1. to pour to, against, on ; to water ; 2. to broach a bottle; 3. to cast to, add by ending. founding; baS .Mlcibpafit, a.U rodrccS aiigegpffcn, the coat fits tight. 91 it gift, rid. 2liigclb. •21 it g i o g-r a J) b t e or 21ngioIpg!c, /. Mai. T. an.'. *2litg tofpcrmdttfdj, adj. B. T. angiospermatic. •91 It g i P t P 111 1 C, /. S. T. angiotomy. 91 11 g i 1 1 C It, v a. to coo at ; to allure. •jiitglaife, /. {pi. -it) an English dance. 91 it g I a tt 1, m. (— CS) glare or glitter cast on a body. 21 it g 1 a n \ c rt, v. n. (aux. ftafceni to re- flect against, glitter at 91 It g I e i d) C It, v. a. to assimilate. 21 n g I e i rfttt n g, /. assimilation. 21 it g I e 1 1 e n, ». n. (auz. ferm) to strike asrainst in gliding. 91 tt g I e t, m. (-3 ; p'. — N angler 32 21 n g I i c b e t n, v. a. to join with links *2l tt fl I i f O II i f eft, adj. English, Angli- can. 21 ng lint men, v. rcg. Sr ir.n. (am. fesit) to catch fire, to kindle, to begin to plow. *2l it g I i f t r e n, v. a. I. to anglicise ; 2. to dock a horse. 21 tt g I i t f d) c ii, vid. 9lnglcitcn. *3l It g t lit a It C, m. (-n jrf. -n) an ex- cessive admirer or imitator of the Eng- lish. *2l tt g I P m a n I C, /. anglomania. 91 n g I P % C n, v. a. vtdg. to stare at . . . with open eyes. 21 it g I it ft c n, v. n. (auz. ferin) to vjn a to glow. 21 n g r d tt $ e tt, vid. 9lttgtctijen. 2lngreifeit, v. ir. I. a. l. to handle, touch ; to get hold of, lay or take bold of, to lay hands on, to seize ; 2. to at- tack, assault, assail, charge, invade ; to insult ; 3. (in a general sense) to do ; 4. to exhaust, weaken, fatigue ; et= VUflS — , col. to undertake, set about; U. refl. strain, exert one's self; 2. jig. to do the utmost, be liberal ; Phr. t$ grctft fid) rocicb an, it feels soft. 21 tt g v e i f c n b, adj. offensive ; bcr — e £[)eil, the aggressor. 21 It g r C i f e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) aggressor, assailant. 21 It g r C i f It n g, /. the act of attacking, &c. rid. 2ltigveifeit ; — Stoeife, ado. of- fensively. 21 n g r e i it c n, v. a. to grin at. 21 n g r e n j e tt, v. n. (aux. ftaben) to border upon, to confine on or v\ ith, to adjoin; aitgrcnjCltb, part. adj. adjacent, contiguous. 21 n gtiff, (-C§; P 7.-e) 1. feel; 2. at- tack, assault, chanre ; 3. handle, vid. |$ri|f; — am Secret, Tgp. t. thumb piece; ben crftcit — auflljaltert, to stand the first brunt ; cillClt llCUClt — thlttt, to charge again; JUllt — blefctl, to sound the charge ; in compos. — &- biinbltiji, n. offensive alliancej — §= f ricg, m. offensive war ; — Stuaffeit, pi. weapons of offence ; — Srpcifc, adr. by way of attack; — SWCtfc JU JScrfe gcbeit, to keep one's self to the of- fensive. 21 n g r i it f c tt, v. a. to grin at. 21 n g r P 1 1 C It, v. a. to grumble, look an- grily at 91 n g V It It 5 C It, v. a. to grunt at. 21 n g ft, /. (pi. 9lltgfte) anguish ; anxi- ety, agony, pangs (of death) ; fear, ter- ror ; t'PV — fdircicrt, to scream out ; jrt — gtratbetl, to take alarm. 31 1! g ft, adv. fearful, alarming, anxious, uneasy ; lltir ift — , I am in fear, I am uneasy ; 1llir rturb — , I grow uneasy ; etnem — ntadlClI, to put one in ftar; compos. — CtTCgcltb, adj. alarming; — gebcut, — gefdu'ri, n. — mf, m. la- mentable outcry, howling ; cry of dis- tress, scream; — ruf bCa JiPbti?, scream of death : — mailtl, in. executioner ; — fdmjcif;, — tt'Ppfcit, m. cold sweat ; — »pll, adj. anxious, fearful; painful; — Itnb bctnge, very uneasy, terribly, frighten, d, 21 n g ft e n, vid 9lngfttgcit. 21 n g ft er, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) 1. a Swiss farthing ; 2. provine. a kind of buttle. 21 it g ft b a ft, adj. vid sftngflli*. en) an<,licism. 2l .1 g ft t g, I. adj. lull o:' anguish, ans ious ; II. — , or — lid), adv. oppressed with care, with anguish, anxiously, timid, cowardly. 21 n g ft i g C It, v. a. to alarm, strika with fear, anguish; to make uneasy ; fid) iibcv ctHM3 — , to fret about — 2l It g ft I i d), I. adj. 1. anxious, uneasy, timid, cowardly ; 2. careful ; II. adv. anxiously. 21 ii g ft I i cb f e i t, /. (pi. -en) 1. an* iousness ; anxiety ; timidity ; 2. solicj tude, care. 21 it g u cl c n, v. a. wig to look at. *2l n g u I d r, adj. angular. *21 it g U I U &. m Math. T. angle. *2l n g ii c t e, /. pi. -n) water-melon 21 n g ii r t e n, «. a. to gird, {fird about, aingnfL m. (-ts; pi. -uffe' ?rija» s poured against or added Dy *2ln gufturat l nb e angustura- bark. 21 nb. aben, v. ir.n. .ma. baben) to have on, wear ; ,5g. vidg. (tiiicm CtruaS) to get the start of, to do one harm, get at. 21 n b Cl cf c n, ». a. to begin to hack, to cut. 21 tt ft a f t e n, r~ n . (aux. b'tben) to stick to, to be attacri'jd to, to adhere to. 21 n ft d f t e rr, mi. Qlnfteften. 21 n % E g c i It, v. imp. to strike or boat at (of hail). 21 it t) d g C r n, v. a.l.xo deposit, float on 2. to gain from. 21 tt ft d { C I n, v. a. to clasp ; to hook on ; to fix with little hooks ; to catch with the claws. 21 11 ft a I C II, v. a. to hook on (to), to grapple. 21 H ft a I f t C X II, r, a to fix by the halter. 2'lnft all, m. (-e6) sound. 21 11 ft a 1 1 C It, v. n. (aux. ftaben) to sound against. 21 it ft a I fen, v. a. s P . T. ben Seitftunb ■ — , to tie the limehound to the cord. 21 n ft a 1 1, m. (-Cg) 1. the halting, stop- ping : 2. hold, support ; — fetl, n. JV. T vid. 9lnbaltcr ; — talje, /. JV. T. a rope used to hold a ship wliilst careened. 21 11 ft a 1 1 C n, v. ir. I. a. 1. to hold to ; to hold, stop ; to rein up, restrain, control ; to stay ; 2. Med. T. to astringe, constringe ; 3. to seize, detain, arrest (a debtor) ; ciltcn }U ettDOS — , to keep to, to admonish ; JUllt SBejaftlciI — , to dun ; H. n. (aux. ftabetl) 1. to take hold of, to keep fast, to stick to ; 2. to continue, last, persevere, hold on, keep on, persist in ; 3. to halt, to stop; 4. to apply for, to petition for, to sue for. to solicit, request: 5. to discontinue ; Phr inn ciu Bfrauenjimmet — , to ask for a lady, to court (woo, desire) her in mar- riage ; III. rcfl. to cling to, lay hold of. 21 11 ft a 1 1 C n, 7i. (-8) 1 . the clinging to ; 2. stopping ; 3. admonishing ; 4. solici- tation ; auf — ftcrauc-gcgebcn, publish- ed at request. 21 It ft a 1 1 e It b, adj. persevering, contin- uous, constant; eine — e Jtranfftett, a lasting disease. 21 n ft a 1 1 c r, m. (-5 ; pi. — ) 9lnftaU«* feil, n. JV. T. holdfast. 21ttft a 1 1 f ant, adj. persevering, con etant, uninterrupted. 31 n b a 1 1 f a lit t c i t, /. perseverance. 21 n ft a 1 1 it n g, /. holding, stopping, fcc. vid. 2lnbaltcit. 21 r. ft a m ill C t n, r. I. a. to produce ot fix by hammering; II. n. (aux. baftcitl m hammer at. »nbe 21 It B d rt b C n, adv. near, at hand. 51 n B a tt g, m. (-e8 ; pi. ~Bdnge) l. ap- pendix, addition, appendage ; 2. post- script ; 3. an annexed proviso, a condi- tional clause ; 4. adherents, party, fac- tion, sect ; band, set, gang ; bet — JU cincm Scftaittente, codicil. 91 n b a n g e n, ». :>. n. (Ullb — , to set on a dog. 21 It b C % C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) setter on, instigator, abettor, inciter. 91 it b C tj C r C t, (pi. -Ctt) inciting, setting, setting on, stirring up. 21 it 1) C It fb C I tt, v. a. falsely to attribute. 21 11 1) e U I C tt, v. a. to howl at. 91 tt be lit, +vid. .§eute. 21 tt b e X e n, v. a. to inflict by witchcraft, to bewitch. 21 11 b t e b, m. (-C8 ; pi. -e) T. the com- mencement of felling wood ; the place where wood is felled. 21 n b t f f C It, v. a. to hiss or to hoot at 21 n b h C, /. (pi. -n) risirg ground, high ground, hill : bic BeberrfcbdtbC — , com- manding ground. 21 tt b P I C tt, v. n. JV. T. to haul tight (the bowline, &c.) ; bie Stboten — , to haul aft the sheets. 21 n b 1 1 a It, n. (-8) tow-rope, hawser. 21 It b V e tt, v. a. 1. to hearken to, listen to, give ear to; 2. (cincm etttHt8) to perceive (by listening) ; Plir. ba8 bort ftcb) febott a\l, this is beautiful; ba$ idfjt ficb, — , this may be listened to, is worth hearing. 21 it I) i3 v u tt g,/. bearing. 2lnBofen, v. refl. Iml. to put on breeches. 21 tt b it >) f c n, v. 71. (aux. fe»n) to hop to j angcljiipft fommen, to come hopping near. 21 tt () It ft C tt, v. a. to cough at ; to give a hint by coughing. *9T n b i) b V I C, /. Ch. r. destitution of water. *2l it f) 1) b V t f cf), adj. Ch. T. anhydrous. *3J It () \) b r 1 1, m. C/i. T. anhydrous sul- phate of lime. *9Jlntgma, n. enigma; dttigiitatifcfi, adj. enigmatical, obscure; diugmati)u ten, v. n. to speak enigmatically or obscurely. *2lni'll, m. anil. *2llttlttab V erf i D tt, /. animadver- sion. *0( n t m d I C H I a, pi. animalcules. *2l It i m a I i e n, pi. 1. animal bodies; 2 animal food. *2l n t m a I i fa t i 5 n, /. animalizatjon ; — Sprocefi, m. process of animalization. •5S tt i m a 1 i f rf), adj. (tl)icfifcB) animal. *2l n t m a I i f i r e u, v. a. to animalize. *2l tt i lit a I i 8 m tt 8, m. animalism. *2lni m alit 3 1, /. vid. Sbierbeit. *2l n i m a 1 1 S n,f. vid. 93elebitttg. *2l n i nt C, n. gum anime. *2l n i m t r e n, v. a. vid. Sklcbcit, 2Iu= rct^ctt. *9t n t ttt D 8, adj. passionate ; lively angry ; hostile. *9l n i ITt D f i t d t, /. animosity. *21 It i 111 i f P, adv. Mu». T. animoso. *. r l tt i i, m. -cc-. anise : mit — »ur}ctt to cover with anise : rumpus. — ovfel, in. .-pice-apple; — braniltivcitl, m. anise-seed spirit or cordial, anisette' — 1)0[\, ii. anise-seed wood; — i}l, m anise-»eed oil • — JUtf cr,m. sugared anise. 21 It j rt g C tt, o, I. a. 1. to begin to chase ; 2. to unharbour the hart ; 3. to set on ; II. n. (aux. fern or rtiigcjagt foiiiinen, to rush on impetuously. 21 it jctjo, 2ltij.efct, 2lnjcfcunb, + vid. 3cfct. 21 tt j C cb C n, r. «. to yoke, couple undei • the yoke. 21 n f rt tit V f, 7/i. (-C8) struggling against. 21 n f d m p f c n (gegen), v. a. to struggle against, combat. 21 tt f rt 11 f, 77i. (-C8 ; pi. -frtltfc) buying ; purchase, acquisition ; earnest-money. 21 It f rt U f C 11, v. I. a. to buy, purchase ; II. rrfl. to buy lands, to settle at ur in a place. 21 It f C, /. a small peg (in a plough). 21 n f C, /. (pi. -n) 1. lake-trout : 2 prorinc. butter; — llbluiltc, /. vid. 9?ttttcrbltH me ; — nbutter, f. tn signifies merely "to in- form against," and does not, like antigen, in- clude the idea that the informant undertakes to produce proof of the guilt or that requires the punishmeQt of the offender. $ln£ldger, m. (-«; pi. — ) )accus- 91 n. £ I a g e r i n n, /. (pi. -en) 5 er, im- peacher, indicter. 5llt!lagetif.I.«. to slap at; u. a. to fix by beating. 91 n E I e b e n, v. i. a. to glue to, fix, paste ; II. n. (aux, fjabf n) to stick to, to adhere. 9JnElerfen, ) , . . » n E I e cf ft n, 5 r a t0 daub over > BOlU M 2lnfo 21 H £ l C t b C It, u. I. a. to put on clothes, to dress, attire ; II. reft, to dress. Sun. 2tniier>»n, Xntteioea, Hntegen. *5i4) aittlrirrii always signifies the putting on* of the entire clothing, to dress one's self. 3fn. lichrn and anttgrn are not only said of the whole but also of the several parts of which the dress is composed- Xnjitb>n properly ap- plies only to such articles as are drawn on to the body; anlrgcn to such only as are laid on; thus boots ani! stockings are Biigcpgfn (drawn on); a sword, buckles &c. are onge- (put on). As however those artielesof dress which are not uanogen as a covering, but were angelcgt, are for the most part or- namental, ttntegen has become tlie more ele- gant expression of the two, and is tjen used of such parts as are angrjogcit, when they are especially costly arl ornamental: Srautr cut. Ir.icn, to put on mourning; rr btiitt ffinf beften filtittr niigtlCjjt, he has put on his best clothes to-day. 21 It E I C t b e = f p t e 0, C I, m. dressing- glass, swinging-glass ; — 5 1 m lit C r, n. dressing-room; — jtntnicr ailf bcr <2d)aubiibltC,tiring-room; (in a clmrch) Uie vestry. 2inEletftern, v. a. to paste up, paste on. 21 n f I e lit m e It, b. a. to pinch or squeeze against. "illtElctten, v. reft, to stick to like a bur. 21 n f It Itt >tt C It, v. n. to climb up to. 21 n E 1 1 n g c I n, v. I. «. to ring the bell ; II. a. to intimate by ringing a bell. 21 n E 1 1 n 3 c n, 0. L «. (aux. baben) to accord in sound; to begin to sound, chime up; II. a. to produce a sound; btC ©Idfct — , to touch the glasses in drinking to the health of some one. 21 n E 1 1 X> y, m. a sort of turf. 2lnElopfcn, v.l.n. (aux. Ijaben) to knock, to rap at the door ; II. a. to fast- en by beating, hammering. 21 n f 1 V f e r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) knocker, clapper. 21 n En all en, v. a. to crack, strike against. 21 n E n C b C. I n, v. a. to fasten with gags. 21 nineteen, v. a. to produce or fix by pinching, to fasten with claws. 21 It En Op fen, v. a. to button, button to ; to fix by buttons. 21 tl E It it p f e tt, v. a. 1. to knit, knot, to tie to, to fasten with a knot : 2. to be- gin, enter into ; etlt ©efyrdef) — , to assume a discourse; 2>crbttlbltngen — , JIT. E. to enter into connexions, to commence a correspondence 21 n E n it r r e n, v. a. to growl at. 21 It £ C ib C t tt, v. a. to bring to the lure ; to allure, bait. 21 tt Jo XI et tt, v. n. (aux. baben) to roll to, against. 21 nfoiltlt tt, v. ir I. n. (aux. fctW) 1. to arrive; to come (at, to. on, up) : 2. to approach ; to advance ; 3. — (attf urith ace), to depend upon ; 4. to ob- tain a place : 5. to get married ; 6. WPbl, iibct, fdUMt — , to fare well, ill, etc.) ; 7. — babci, bet etner tgarbe, to meet with success; eS foittmt llltr febroer, bart, faucv or Ictrbt ait, it is hard or easy to me; f)tcr Eciltlltt C$ bloS ailf ©elb an, here is nothing re- quired but money; Cl foil llltr bavailf nifbt — , I shall not stick at this; C8 Ecnniit liur crof etne 3Spcbc m'rbr ait, I do not mind a week; (S baraitf — laffcn, to run the hazard, to risk, to venture : allcS auf baS ©liicf — Iaf= fett, to leave every thing to chance : eincm_ — , to get at one; icf) laffe eS aitf -2tC ■ — , I leave it to you, to your disposition. I rely upon your decision: bet mtr Epmmt cr (man u. f. w.) ba= mtt ntcfjt an, that will not do for me : Sinla bet etiter Sacfje gut or fdjlecfct — , to meet with good or ill success, tt fare well or ill; Wa$ tft tfjm angei Eommen (jUgeftofjen) ? what has be- fallen himl 3(£jt Eommt unvecbt an, you are mistaken ; II. a. to befall ; Phr ber Scblaf fain micf; an, I became sleepy or drowsy ; *g fam lllicp S'UVdbt, ©tfcrecfetl It. f.W. ait, I was seized o» struck with fear, terror, ice; (S him lltirf) ciltc S^llft an, I took a fancy to. Sun. Hntommfn, 3Cnlang«n, Cintrtf. fen. Kntaltgcn refers to the distance and to the way that a person or thing has to go over in order to be present at a certain place. 3(n» tommrn has simply reference to the place ol arrival. Crinlretjcn comprehends also Uie no- tion of arriving at the proper time and at tu« proper place. 21 n E t> in in c tt, n. (-§) arrival; bier tfi Eetit — , no access is to be had here. 21 it £0 m m ling, m. (-4\pl.-t) new comer, stranger, novice. 21 n E op f e it, v. a. T. to head (pins). 21 It f p f e r, m. (-9 ; pi.—) T. one wbc heads pins. 21 tt E p p e I tt, v. a. to couple. 21 tt 1 5 1 tt C tt, v. a, to bait, allure. 21 n E r a cb, $ e n, ». a. to croak at 2! n E r a 1 1 e n, v. I. a. to seize with claws ; II. reft, to cling to with claws. 2htEra^en, ) v. a. to scratch at, 21 n £ r i I e I tl, $ against 21 n f r e i b c It, y. a. to note with chalk • ciltc Dtccbltltng — , to score a reckon- ing. 21 It f r C i f d) e tt, o. a. to scieam at 2ln£reujeit, ». a. to mark with crosses. 21 n£ vied; en, (aux.ftm) ta creep up, to ; to crawl near : cont. to approach creeping; attge£vod;en Eom« men, cont. to draw near. 21 tt E u cE e n, vid. 2Ingucfen. 91 n £ it It b e tt, } v. a. to announce, 21 n £ U It b i g e n, £ declare, proclaim ; cftricg — , to announce or declare war ; bffeittlid) — , to publish, proclaim, pro- mulgate ; eiu <£cbaufpiel — , to give out a play. 2lltf iiltbtgcr, m. (-«; pi. — ) an- nouncer. 21 n £ ii n b t g u n g, /. (pi. -en) declara- tion, denunciation ; announcement ; proclamation; — tit einem ScifUtg* 1 blatte, advertisement. 21 It f n II f t, /. arrival, coming, advent. 21 It E it 11 fie I It, v. a. to fix or attach to by art. 21 n f it p pt I n, v. a. to couple ; einem Ctltc SPetfOH — , vu/g. to procure one a person in marriage. 21 it I d d) c I n, 21 it I a d) e it, 21 it I age, /. (pl.-K) 1. laying out; 2 pleasure ground, work ; 3. capital, stock ; 4. beginning, foundation ; 5 (natural) disposition, parts, talents ; 6 design, planning ; 7. improvement ; 8. any thing annexed ; Phr. gilte — • jit ctivaS baben, to have talents for, ev t>tt gnte — jur !Tid;t£iiitft, he has great talents for poetry ; tl' bat fciltC ■ — ba$lt, his talents do not lie that way: — , to put a child lo the breast; .£>anb — , to begin a work, be active ; eitten .^ltnb , to 2fnk chain a dog up ; fjapitaltcn, Oclber — , to put capital, sums out on in- terest ; c8 auf ctrcag — , to jjan, to aim at ; ttma$ ntit Clltem — , to con- cert, lay a plot; bte le&fe .fjattb _, put the finishing stroke to ; eS auf cill . s )tauf(t)d;en — , to be in a drinking mood ; fcic SBiinb — , JV". T. to fix the shrouds over the mast-head by tBeir eyes or collar; II. n. (auz. I)abcil) 1. to land, put on shore ; 2. to take aim ; vhr. jur ?anbung — , to be^ ready to to take in lading; lltit bent «(t)iffe — , to put in (into), to land ; III. rrfi. to stick to, settle on ; ftcf) ait cilt fewbs ItcfjcS <2d;iff — , to board, to grapple. Sm. Xnttflcn, CrridjUn, Srifttn, to found, establish An order is gefiifrtt, a ma- nufactory angtltgti an academy is trriAlft, as far as relates to the building of it, and grjtifi tft inasmuch, as the founder is immortalized thereby. ft ■ 1 e g e f d) I o % n. c-ffe« ; P i. -fd;(6f= fev) padlock. 9litfegefyatt, m. (-«; pi. -fofine) Typ. '/'. scale-board. 91 n I e g c ft c g, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) Typ. t. head-sides and foot-sticks. 91 It I e g It It g, /, putting on, laving out, vid. Slnlegen; — »on (iaptt.iltett, employment of capital, investment of funds. 51 U l C I) tt, n. (-8) loan. 91 tt I e f) It e, /. a thing to iean upon, back of a chair, &c. ^(3 \. e $ ll e "' "• l - a - t0 lear > against ; bif %t)iit — , to leave the door upon the latch ; II. rcfl. to lean, lie against. 91 n I e b t C n, v. a. to teach one, make fit for. 91 n I e t b e, /. ( P i. -n) loan ; 6jfentltd)c , — / government-loan. 91 n I e t f) e n, ». a. to borrow, raise a loan. 91 n I e t m c tt, v. a. to glue on. 91 it I c i t C, /. L. T. direction for inspect- 91 it I c 1 1 e n, v. a. 1. to guide, lead, con- duct ; 2. direct, instruct. 91 n letter, »,. (-«; p i. _) teader> guider, guide. 9iulettung, /. (^.-en) l. leading, guidance ; 2. direction, instruction ; 3. fig. opportunity, occasion, inducement; itarb — tbrer SBetnuitfr, as reason directs them. 91 It I e n f C n, v. a. to direct or drive to. 91 n I e r it c n, v. a. to get (knowledge) by learning. 91 it I e U A) t e It, v. a. to hold a candle to or for . . ; to direct light to, to cast light upon. 91 it 1 1 e g e it, v. ir. n. (auz. baben) i. to lie near or close to ; 2. to border, be adjacent, contiguous ; 3. fig. to concern ; 4. to fit well, sit close ; f>. eittcnt , to entreat, solicit ; to importune ; ftcb angclcgeit fegn laffen, to bestow care upon, to treat With earnest attention, to interest one's s*£f in, for ; .V /' < n>o liegt ba8 ecfoiff an* how winds the ship ? Ofitvart* — , to stand to the east ; feetDiirtS — , to stand otf, stand for the otling. 9lnltegen, n. (-8) I. the lying close to ; 2. concern, care, solicitude, wish. 91 it I i e g e it f) c 1 1, /. vid. 9lnliegen 2. 91 it 1 1 f p e I it, v. a. to address In a lisp- ing manner. 91 It I b C n, v. a. to praise, to extol. 91 tt I rf c it, p. a. to allure, entice, decoy, ?lnnte 91 1! I P fl C r, m. (-8 \pl.~) allure r, en ticer. 91 n I o cf u it g, /. ( P i. -enj aDaremew, enticement, invitation. 91 n I b C r It, r. n. (auz. fe^ll) to flars up (of fire). 91 n I 1 1) C n, v. a. to solder. 91 It I ii g e n, v. a. to belie, to calumniate, to impute falsely. 91 it I ii ft e r it, v. a. to excite an appetite or desire. 5J 11 1 It u c tt, v. n. -V. T. to go to wind- ward (to the weather-side) ; luo an ' luff! 91 n in a d) e tt, v. a.l. to fasten ; to bind or tie to, knit on ; 2. to adulterate, so- phisticate ; geiicr — , to make or kindle lire ; lltit 2Biijit fid; ttt entat. Iid;,-ii cdj.iBt*, Caisar seized the public trea- sures, and m.iBtf fi a. to approach, bring near. 91 n n a b it n g, ) f. (pi. -en) ap- $ tt it it b e v u it g, ) proach. 91 n n a b e r it n g 8=g r a b c :t, m. (-8 ; pi. -griibcil) Fort, trench of approach, parallel ; — trerfe, n. pi. approaches. 51 n It a t) lit e, /. taking, acceptance, ac- ceptation; 2. reception; 3. engaging; — flll egett itirfjt crfolgtev — , for non-acceptance. •21 n n 3 1 e n, pi. annals ; — fdircibcv or *3i II It a 1 1 ft, m. (-C11 ; pi. -e») annalist. 91 n It ii f f C It, v. o. to moisten a little, to wet *3t n tl 3 1 C It, pi. annates, first-fruits. 51 tt It e, tflttdjCH, Ann, Nancy (pr. n.). 51 n n c b ft, vid.Welft. 91 tl 11 e t) m 9 a r, adj. acceptable. 5i n rt C b lit t tl, v. ir. a. 1. to take, to take (to one's self) ; to accept ; to receive ; -.fig. to assume, suppose ; 3. to engage ; 4. to embrace (an opinion) : 5. to sub- scribe to, to grant; Phr. eittett 3Jtttvag ■ — , to accept an offer, to carry a mo- tion; cirten 22ed)fel tttcfit — , to re- fuse acceptance ; an jttltbcS ©ttttt — , to adopt; SBefltdlC — , to receive or to see company ; Jit (3) nab en — , to take into favour ; Ctlte & cftait ■ — , to assume a shape; Cine @eti>oi)ilf>eit — , to con- tract a habit; cine angeit9iitmene SreUltblid)fett, an assumed or affected affat-.ty; id) nel)ine btcfcn 2alj nicbt «U, 1 do not admit or grant this posi- 36 21nor tion : 2;e wcvbett fcas bod) ttidpt fiir G'rilfi — , I hope you will not take it in earnest; ilU au8gcmaci)t — , to take for granted; bic Salt ttillltllt bell 3d= gcr ail, Sp. T. the sow assaults the hunts- man ; II. refl. 1. {gen. of pcrs. or thing) to interest one's self in or for, to assist ; 2. (fid), mil- ettvas) to take, apply to one's self ; ba§ bra ltd; ft bu btv llidlt ttlljllliclimcit, you need not take that, i. e. apply it to yourself; fid) — lflf» Cll, to engage ; enlist (as a soldier). 21 n tt e I) m e n, n. (-8) acceptance ; —8* reertf), — Sunirbig, adj. worthy of ac- ceptance, acceptable. 21 n n e r) m e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) M. E. ac- cepter. 21 1 ' tt C h m 1 1 rb, adj. 1. acceptable, ad- missible ; 2. agreeable, pleasant, vid. 3lll= genefjm. 21 n it e f> m 1 1 ci> E e 1 1, /. { P i. -en) l. ac- ceptableness ; 2. pleasantness, sweet- ness; gracefulness, grace, charm; plea- sure, delight. S'jn. Jtnnt ^m[id>Ititf n, 0Ctii«. OCti)* re- fers m»re especially to the exterior 'natural beauties, which belong to a female person: by 3nncbm!ti;tcircn are generally understood such amiable qualities or agreeable accomplishments as she may have acquired by industry and art. 21 ll n e b, in u n g, /. acceptance, vid. 2ills n a hue. 21 n n e i g C n, v. I. a. to incline, lean to ; II. refl.. 1. to lean on, against; 2. to in- sinuate ; — be Siltteit, 6. T. conver- gent lines. 21 11 tt eft el n, v. a. to lace, to tie with points. 21 tt 11 e $ e 11, v. a t to wet, to moisten a little. 21 11 It t if e n, v. a. to nod at 21 11 tl t e t e It, v. a. to rivet to. *2l It n t f) 1 1 a 1 1 It, /. annihilation. *2llltttf) til V Ctt, v. a. to annihilate, destroy. 21 11 it t ft C it, v. a. to build a nest, to nestle. *3l It 1 9 e X f 3 r i e It, n. pi. anniversaries. 2i H tt d), adv. + as yet *2l it it o m in a t is tl, /. Rh. T. anno- mination, paronomasy. *2l K 11 D n C e, /. (pi. -It) advertisement. *2i It n 11 C t r C n, v. a. to advertise. •31 K tt 11 i t a t, /. (pi. -en) annuity. •3 nttulIationScIauf el, /. can- celling clause ; defeasance. •31 n n U 1 1 IV e n, v. a. to annul, to an- nihilate, to cancel, to abolish, to abro- gate, wtf.93ernid)ten, 3lbfd;arrcti. *3l n tt It 1 1 1 V tt n g, /. annulment. *3l It 9 9 liven, v. a. to make noble, to ennoble. *3l 11 9 b I i f f e 111 e tt t, n. (-$) nobilita- tion. 21 It 9 1) V C It, v. a. to provide with an eye or ring. 21 n 9 1 C II, v. a. to oil, paint with oil. *2l It Dm « ll C, /. (pi. -en) anomaly, irregularity. *9l It 9 Itt 5 I i f dl, adj. anomalous. •a it o n ij m, 31 n 9 n i) m t f cb, adj. anonymous, vid. Uitgcttannt; bie att9= ir.intc ©efeHfdiaft, M if L. E. anony- mous society. * vl II 111) lit It S, m. anonymous writer ; cont. nameless fellow. 21 n 9 r b 11 e n, v. a. 1. to bespeak, order ; 2. to dispose, regulate, arrange ; to con- duct ; etnen Sag — , to fix a day. 21 n 9 V b n C V, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1. director, arranger ; 2. compiler, editor. 2Uipr 21 it 9 v b tt U n g, /. (j>l. -en) ordering disposition, regulation, arrangemtrL ad justment, preparation. *3l n 9 V g 3 ll t f d), adj. inorganic, inasi mate. *2l 11 9 V g 1 8 111 It 8, m. inanimate or in organic nature. *3l ti 9 v g a n 9 1 9 g I e, /. doctrine d inanimate bodies especially minerals. •31 11 V lit 3 I, adj. irregular, abnor- mal. 2i n p a if C It, d. a. to lay hold of, to seize, catch, gripe, to attack. 21 tt 9 a p v e 11, o. a. to paste on. 91 It p a f f C n, v. l.a.l. to fit, suit ac- commodate, adapt, adjust; 2. to try on H. n. (aux. f eilll) to agree, fit. 2lnpaffenb, adj. fit suitable, con gruous. 2| 11 V a [fit It g, /.fitting, adaptation, &c. 21 11 p C t { i d), adj. A> ado. fit, suitable. 21 it p a i f d) e n, v. n. (aux. fe»;n) to splash or fall splashing against 21 n p a it f c n, c. n. (aux. baben) to drum at against. 21 11 p C 1 1 f d> e tt, v. a. to whip on. 31 it p f a b 1 c tt, v. a. to pale up, to prop. 21 II p f e t f e tt, v. ir. I. a. to whistle at ; to hiss at; II. n. vuJg. to approach whistling. 31 tl p f I A n J e n, v. a. to plant, cultivate. 31 ii p f 1 a n 5 e v, m. (-8 \pi. —) piantci, settler. 31 tl p f 1 a tt J It tt g, /. (pi. -eit) planting ; plantation ; — Ctt, pi. improvements. 21 n p f 1 9 ff e 11, v . a. to peg, to fasten with pegs or pins. 31 n p f I ii g C It, v. I.a.l. to begin plough- ing ; 2. to join by ploughing ; II. n. to drive against something in ploughing. 21npfl'9pf e II, v a. to inoculate (ol trees); fid) ben SJJagett — , to cram one's stomach. 21 n p t d) e n, v. a. to pitch to. 21 11 p i It f e 1 It, v. a. to paint, daub with a brush. 21 tt p t f f C 11, r. a. to piss against or on. 21 tt p 1 a p p e V tt, v. a. to address in a prattling manner. 21 it p I a ; V v e n, v. a. vulg. to bawl at. 3inplatfd)cn, v. n. (aux. fetm) to splash against. 31 n p 1 3 1 f d) C V It, v. n. (aux. fc*m) to fall against with a splash, to wet. Si tip I alien, v. c. (aux. feint) l. to strike against ; 2. to begin to crack. 31 tt p 9 d) C It, r. n. (aux. bvlbcn) to knock. knock at the door. 21 it p 9 1 1 c v tt, r. rt. (aux. baben) tu knock violently at the door. 21 It p 9 f a It It e n, c. a. to announce with the sound of a trumpet ; fig. to puff. 3i 11 p v a g e it, v. a. to fix by an impres- sion. 21 tt p V a 1 1, m. (-e8) bounding or flying against ; 2. a bruise, contusion. 21 tt p V a 1 1 eit, v. n. [aux. fet)tl) to bound against, to hurtle. 21 up raff cln, v. n. (am. fe\)tt) to crackle against (of fire). 2Inpvcb tgeit, v. a. met. 11 b C r It, v. a. to cover with pow- der. 91 II p ll ft C It, v. a. to blow (at). 91 11 p 11 %, m. (-C8) finery, dress ; the act of dressing. 91 It V 11 tj C It, v. I. a, to dress finely, to adorn ; II. rrfi. to deck one's self out, put on the best clothes. 91 it q it a E e it, v. a. to croak at. 91 tt n It a I lit C tt, v. a. to blow the fume '*r tobacco into one's face. 91 It CJ 11 C r ( C it, v. a. to beat up (mix) by by means of a twirling-etick. 91 tt f[ 11 c t f cf) C It, v. a. to squeeze against. 91 tt q u i cf e it, v. a. Mill. T. to amalga- mate. 91 It V a i 11 C It, v. n. to border upon. Si it r a E c tt, vid. 9Mcn. 91 ll V a lit lit C It, ? v. a. to fasten by ram- 91 u r a in nt c I ft, ) ming. 91 It r a 11 f C It, v. I. a. to fasten by means of tendrils ; II. rrjl. to cling to, twine round 91 tt t a f p C 1 It, v. a. to begin to rasp. 91 U r a f f C I It, v. a. to rattle at, against. 91 n r a 1 1) c it, p. ir. a. (ciitcm etivaS) to recommend to, to advise. 9,1 It r a t h, C It, 7i. ) advice, recommen- 91 ti r a t b u it g, /. J dation. 91 11 mil of) Cll, v. a. 1. to begin to smoke ; 2. to cover with smoke ; to season by smoking ; 3. to smoke a pipe for the fust time or to begin to smoke it: cine S)3feife — , to give a certain colour to a tobacco-pipe by smoking. 9li:a.cvaud't, adj. smoke-coloured. 91 It r a It cfj C V It, v. I. a. 1. to drive smoke or perfume against ; 2. to smoke a little ; II. n. {mil. tjabctt) to strike against mike). Slnraumen, vid. (Stiirauinen. 91 n r a it f d) e it, v. n. to rush on, against 91 It r e cf) C It, v. a. to rake towards or »st a thing. 9ltuecf)nen, v.a. 1. to charge, to put down to one's account; 2. to reckon, to rate; 3. (etiiein etroaS) to impute, attribute, ascribe. 91 11 V e cf) f, n. (-8) right, claim, title. 91 11 V c b t, f. (pi. -u) accosting ; address, , compos. — fall, m. Oram. t. vocative; —t(tg, m. Vi-int.Ph. dhy of address. 91 n r e b C It, v. a. to accost ; to address ; to ..peak to. to harangue; ciiicrt — urn, to beg of one, beg fur. 9T n r e i, C, /. + proposal, mention. 91 n r e 0, C It, r. a. 1. to urge on. to stir up ; 2. to touch upon ; anrjereatet SKafett, + as mentioned before; cine 2ad)C — , to suggest a thing, to mention. 91 n r C i] e V, in. (-8 ; pi. _) proposer, sug- 91 It r e 0. It e n, v. imp. to rain agamst a tif t a, ii it (j, /. (pi. -en) i. imitation ; 3tnm 2. suggestion, mentioning ; ttt — trill : fjett, to make mention of, avert to. 91 tt r e t b C tt, v. ir. a. 1. to begin to rub ; 2. to give (impart) by rubbing ; 3. to rub (against). 91 n V C 1 1) e It, v. I. a. 1 . to string ; to file on a string ; 2. to sew loosely ; II. Yn) 1. to begin to rust ; 2. to cling to (of rust). 91 It r 5 t f) C 1 It, v a. to mark with red. 91 tt r ii d) t 0,, 9lnviiditt^, adj. rather no- torious, disreputable ; tilt rjol)eit ®lilbe — , infamous, criminal. 91 ii v ii di t ft f e i t, 91n. iicfittcifeif,/. no- toriousness, ill 91 11V ii if e 11, i'. I. a. to bring near to; to approach, to draw near; II. v. (mix. icvn io come on. to advance. 91 it r it b c r tt, p. ». (mix. feint) to row to, or strike agaimt in rowing ; SVi lifer — , to row ashore. 31 It r II f, m. (-ti) call; summons; L T. action upon appeal. 91 II t It f C It, v. ir. a. 1. to call to ; 2. a invoke, to implore, to adjure ; 3. ,\IU. T. to challenge ; C t It Sdjtff — , to hail a ship; fig. ciltcit Utn 2d)ll&— , to call Upon one lor protection; CtllCIl JUin ^Cliiicit — f to call one to witness. 91 it r ll f c r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) l: one who calls to, invokes, &.c. ; 2. 1.. T. appellant. 9lnrnfllllfj, /. (pi. -en) invocation; L. T. appeal ; compos. — Sgcricfyt, v.. court of appeals. 91 it r ii f) m e n, r. o. (etnem cttvaS) to praise, commend. 91 It r ii f) V e n, v. a. 1. to touch, .handle ; 2 fg. to mention ; 3. to mix, temper. 9lnriif)rmtg, /. l. touch, touching, handling ; 2. mention ; 3. mixing, iitrumpeln, o. n, {aux. fc>;n) to rumble against, towards. 91 n r u fj c n, p. a. i. to cover with soot 2. to blacklead. 91 n r ii ftc It, v. I. a. to arm. prepare ; II ' reft, ( fid) — tu) to prepare for. 91 tt r ii ft U n fj, /. preparation. 91 It 8 (contract, of ait bag), vid. 91tt. >1 it [ a be I it, v. a. to cut roughly. 9! It | a cf e It, v. I. a. col. to seize, to lay hold of; II. reft. ciUg. to eat one'i till. 91 It f a C tt, v. a. to begin to sow ; to sow for the first time. 91 II f a i] e,/. declaration, intimation, no- tification, message; — Jfttel, m. do* of declaration. 91 11 f a C\ C It, v. a. 1. to say, repeat ; 2. to notify, declare, intimate ; to am* denounce; to bring word; cffcutltcf) — , to proclaim, publish, promulgate; cine 33evfammluna — , to can a i ing ; eitictt Oericf)t8tafl — , to appoint a day of appearing in a court; fief) — Utffctt, to send word; fa.jc an! speak! 91 tl f ii t It, v. a. to begin to saw, to saw a little. 91 it f a a, e r, ?«. (-3 ; pi. — ) msssenge* Buajkoner. 91 n f a a, ll d g, /. (pi. -tn) notification proclamation ; summoning. 9lnfa mine In, ». I. a. to collect to gether; II. reft, to accumulate. 91 It f ft f f ifl, adj. settled, established. 91 11 f ii f f t rt, f c i t, /. state of being estab lished, settlement. 91 it fa ^, m. (-e8 ; pi. -fcifte) l. ie\ crust: 2. putting to or upon; 3. ad- join,,! piece ; 4. mouth-piece (of a wind instrument); 5. onset, attack; G. rat* (in an account, &c.) ; 7. start, run; 8 disposition; — gtojse, /. M. T. the dif tial; — rcdutiitt.i, /. differential calculus; cincit — ncbllicit, to take a run, leap. 91 u f ii u ven, p.o. to Boura little, to mil « i t 1 1 leaven. 91 It fa life It, r. n-fl. to drink iinmo- aerately, swi :i one's self out, 9J It f a 11 0. C tt, P. ir. i- rcg. Into su.-k , ii tjbtt ©lufigel bat ft'i'b angefoacn, the leech has taken ; in. a iMbcn to begin to suck. 91 it )'ci it a, e r, ?«. (-8; pi. — ) sucking fish. 91 it f ii n f c I it, o. a. to toi ch, to fin 1 4 the wind). 37 2lnfdj W 11 fa 11 f C 11, v. n. to rush on ■ to buzz against. 51 It f d) a b C 11, v. a. to begin to scrape or rub, to bescrape. Jl 11 f d) a d) e r It, v. a. cont. to acquire by haggling, to buy. 51 it frfj a f f c it, i\l. a. (ctitcnt efttraS, uiiv, &c.) to purvey, provide for ; to get in, procure ; .1/. iC. to make provisions ; II. reft, to furnish one's self with, to pur- chase, buy; Pkr. fid) jtistel SBaareit — , to overstock one's self; ftC njplleit fid) 2Bageil Wlb $Pfe*be — > they are going to keep their carriage. 21 n f cfc a f f e n, v. ir. a. (cincm ettvas) to imprint on, upon, to; aitgcfdiaffctt, innate; @0tt bat bent SDIcilfehcit fcin (Sbenbilb angefdtaffeit, God lias created man in his own image. 51 n f d) a f f e r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) purveyor, furnisher, procurer, provider ; .1/. E. re- mitter. 31 It f d) a f f it It g, /. purveyance, provid- ing for, furnishing with ; JSI. E. remit- tance, provision. 21 it f d) a f t C II, ». a. to provide with a shaft; to stock (a gun). 21 It f d) it I ( It, v. a. to begin to peel or pare. 31 it f dj a II e it, v. n. (aux. I;abett) to strike against (of sound). 21 tt f d) a I m c tt, vid. 3httafd)en. 21 1! f dj a tt l C It, v. a. J\Iin. T. to dispose all for the working. 21 It f d) a r f C It, v. n. to graze upon, to touch superficially. 21 11 f d) a X V f It, v. a. 1. to rake close to ; to draw near by raking; 2. to scratch at, against ; 3. to begin to rake or scrape. 21 tt f d) a It e tt, v. a. 1. to look at, to view, behold, contemplate ; to gaze at ; 2. to perceive, apprehend by intuition. 2l>tfd)aitett, n. (-g) \ view, aspect; 21 tt fd) a tt It It g, /. j contemplation, intuition; bag 2lttfd)aUCtt ©OtteS tit Jf- m r 9Be It, Th. T. intuitive vision of God in the world to come ; compos. — S' "etlttogeit, n. power of _ intuition ; in- tuitive power ; — $U>i'tVbtg, adj. worthy of contemplation. 9,1 it f d) a it C it b, > adj. intuitive, con- 21 11 f d) a tt I i d), $ templative ; eitfc ait- frhaueitbe Chlemttnijj, an intuitive perception; ailf Ctttc — e 2lrt, intuitive- ly ; cine — e (SrEcimtniifj aller 2)tnge IjabClt, to see all things intuitively. 91 it f d) a 11 e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) looker on, beholder. 21 11 f d) a « f C I tt, v. a. to put to with a spade. ?l tt f (I) a It f e I It, b. a. iS- n. to rock, heave against. 21 11 f d) a U I i d) I e 1 1, /. the quality of being perceived intuitively. 21 it f d) a u m c it, v. n. (aux. fctyn) to foam against. 21 it fd)C ere 11, v.a. 1. to begin to shear; 2. to shear a little ; 3. T. to warp a rope. 21 n f d) e e x p f a b) I, m. (-c« ; pi. -Jjfafc le) T- ropemaker's rack for warping ropes. 21 n f d) e t It, m. (-eS) appearance, likeli- hood, probability ; tS tft aUcv — bajtt, there is every appearance of it ; allcilt — e Had), in all likeliness. 91 tt f d) e i It e tt, v. ir. I. a. to shine upon ; II. n. (aux. b,abeil) to appear, to have the appearance. Nnfcbetncnb, (2lnfd)ettittd)), part, adj. apparent, seeming. Slnfrf; 21 11 f d) C 1 1 C tl v a. 4 n. to ring the '•ell or tingle rt- 3ittfd)_crc, /. [pi. -it) T. warp; 2Ill= fcbcrpfabl m, warping-post. 21 It fd) eVClt, v. ir. a. 1. to shvar a little ; 2. 7'. to warp. 21 it f d) i cf e it, v. reft. ($a ettv£$) I. to prepare, to make arrangements ; 2. to dispose, oiler; 3. to begin, set about a thing; firf) albcrtt JUetnJCtS— , to be- have awkwardly, begin a tiling stupidly. 21 It f d) i C b C It, v. ir. I. a. to shove on, to push against; II. n. (aux habetl) to bowl first (at nine-pins). 21 it f d) i c b e tt f dj, m. (-e8 ; pi. -e) ta- ble consisting of several pieces that may be shot together. 2lnfd;icl>cr / m. (-3; pi. — ) 1. one who puts something to ; 2. beginner ; 3. what is put to (leaf of a table). 21 it f d) i C I C tt, v. a. to squint at, look asquint upon. 91 II f d) i e it e tt, v. a. to fix flat iron bars upon. 31 it f d) i e jj e it, v. ir. La. 1. to shoot, wound (by shooting) ; 2. to join ; 3. Tijp. T. to print to; etllC S'lhtte — , to try a gun; aiigefdjoffcit feplt, fam. to be in love ; to be tipsy ; to have a little touch of folly ; II. n. {aux. Ijobflt) 1. to shoot first ; 2. (fci)lt) to run against ; 3. to shoot forth (as water) ; 4 to be adjacent; 5. Ch. T. to crystallize, to shoot into crystals. 3ittfd)icf5}HitfcI, m . (-S; pi. —) T. gilding brush. 31 It f d) i f f C It, v. n. (aux. fctttO to ship to, approach (with a ship) ; art etlte JS'^ f el — , to touch at an island. 21ltfd)tlbett, v.a. T. (in gardening) to scutcheongraft. 2t n f d) i m m e I it, v. n. (aux. fetytt) to grow mouldy. 21 it f d) i m nt e r tt, v. n. (aux. babtn) to glimmer, shine or cast light upon faintly. 21 tt f d) i r r e It, v. a. to harness, to put on the harness. 31 it f d) I a g, m. (-eS ; pi. -fringe) 1. striking at, stroke ; 2. affixing, posting up ; 3. bill posted up ; 4. calculation, computation, rate ; 5. design, project, plan, plot, device ; C. advice, counsel ; 7. T. mill-clapper ; 8. Mas. T. stop ; 9. the place against which something strikes ; Phr. — CtttCV 5'liltte, butt-end of a gun; tin 91tifd)Iage, put up for sale ; tit — triltgett, to put to account, charge, mention ; eiltcn — Oltf ctmag 11iad)l'tt, to conspire against ; — fabett, m. thread used for basting ; — jettel, m. hand-bill posted up. 91 tt f d) 1 g e It, ». ir. La. 3. to strike at or upon, to knock at ; 2. to nail at (on), to fasten ; 3. to affix, post up (a bill) ; 4. to set out (put up) for sale ; 5. to rate, value, tax ; 6. to toll the bell ; Belter — , to strike fire ; bett £oit — , to give the key-note ; ettt @Ctt>ct)V — , to take aim at ; taS Segel — , JV. T. to bend a sail to its yard ; 33iiunte — , to mark trees that are to be hewn down ; II. n. (aux. feY)lt) to fall against, strike against, dash against ; III. (aux. t)abcit) 1. to begin to strike ; 2. to operate, take ef- fect; 3. to succeed well, to prosper; 4. to bark, eS roil! ttid)t§ ntcrjr bet ifjm . — , fig. he is past mending. 2infd)lagcr, m. (-8; pi. —) 1. he or that which strikes; 2. fig. projector, speculator; 3. Mas. T. jack. 21 n f rf) I a q { 13, \ ndj. inventive, inge- 91 Hi A; I a 3 1 1 ctv 5 ri nious, clever ; bet 5lnfcf) — e Jtopf, busy brain ; et tfl ctrt —tt ^Opf, he's an ingenious fellow. 21 It f d) I a nt nt C tt, r. I. a. to mire, tft fill with mud ; II. reft, to be choked up with mud, to get muddy. 21 11 f d) I a 11 b e r It, ». n. (aux. fetltt) ge- nerally with fcmmeit; attgefchlanbert I entnteit, to come trailing on. 31 It f d) I Sub et It, v. a. to fling against 91 tt f d) I e t d) c it, v. ir. n. attgefcbitdjcn foillilicit, to come on slowly, to come creeping. 91 it f d) I e i f e it, (from fdilei'fen) v. fr a. to begin to grind; to set an edge on; eitie ^p'fe e — / to grind to a point. 91 It f d) I C i f e It, (from fd)l ClfCtl) v. a. 1 to bring on a sledge ; to fasten by a knot 91 tt f d> I c m in e tt, vid. 91iifd)liiminen. 91 it f d) I e it I e r tt, v. a. to throw at, to splash at, to fling. 31 tt f d) I e V p e tt, v. a. to drag along. 31 it f d) I e it b e rn, vid. Slnfcfclaubern. 31 n f d) I t d) t e tt, v. a. r. to pile up ; to lay up smooth and even against a place 91 It f d) I i e fj e tt, v. ir. I. a. to chain to, fix with a lock ; II. reft, to follow ; be added; to add, annex: join; to en- close ; to join others ; fid) ettg — , to enter in a close connexion with; fit fd)loffettftd) cm bte9htfuhreratt, they joined the rebels ; III. n. (aux. Ijabclt) to nt close, tight. 91 It f d) I i C $ It 11 a, f. joining, &c. vid. 91itfd)lteSett. 91 tt f d) 1 1 n g e it, v. a. to fasten to with a string. 91 tt f d) 1 1 % C 11, r. a. to make a slit in a thing. 21 it f d) 1 ft e n, v. imp. (aux. baben) to hail against. 91 11 f d) I tt ft, m. (-ffcS ; pi. -fdiliiffc) I fit ; 2. thing annexed, enclosed ; 3 joining, accession. 21 nf d) m a it d) e it, v. a. to blow th« smoke against, to smoke. 31 n f d) m e rf e n, v. a. to taste, know from tasting. 31 It f d) in e t d) C I n, v. I. a. to persuade by flattering ; II. rcfl. to insinuate one'a self. 21 n f rf) nt e t fi e n, v. ir. vvig. 1. a. to knock at, strike at; to thrust, cast upon, fling at ; II. n. (aux. fyttbtll) to dasil against. 21 It f ct) lit e 1 5 C tt, v. I. a. 1. to begin to melt ; 2. to fasten by melting ; II. n. (aux. felni) to adhere by melting, to get melted. 21 it f d) m e 1 1 e r 11, v.n. 1. (out. ljaben) to peal against (of trumpets), to strike against violently, to dash against; 2 (aux. fetylt) to fall with a noise against. 3iltfd)11tt Cb ett, v. a. 1. to join by forging, to shut ; 2. to fetter, to chain to to clap up in irons. 21 11 f d) lit t e g e It, v. I. a. to bend to. press to, join closely ; II. reft, to stick close to ; to cling to ; Jig. to push into favour, to insinuate. 21 it fd) inter ett, v. a. 1. to daub, to scribble against, besmear; to adulterate (ivine, &c.); 2. wig. (etttem ettuaS) to trick a thing upon one ; fam. eittett — , to cheat one. 21 It f d) lit i tt f e tt, v. a. to paint ; deck with artificial colours. 9! It f rf) 111 1 % e It, v. a. 1. to strike with a whip lash ; 2. to daub, besmear. 91 11 f d) lit 1 1 C It. v. a. to look surly at 21nfd) ?! n f d) lit ii cf C n, v. a. . a. to peck at. 91 n f d) n a U e It, t>. a. to buckle on. 91 n f d) Tt 1 5 e tt, v. a. to smack at. 91 n f d} it a p p e tt, e. a. to snap at. 9infd)navdicn, 9ittfdniauf}cti, v. a. ruli'. to snarl at, growl at. 91 n f d) n a r d) e r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) vuig. snap-short. 91 11 f cfc It a r r C tt, v a. to address in a rattling tone. 91 n f d) n a 1 1 c rn, v. a. to cackle at. 91uf d)!ta lib en, t>.I. a. to snort at; to assail with angry words, to snub; II. n. tr. {aux. fct)tt) to approach snort- ing. 91 it f d) it e i b c m c f f e r, n. (-S ; pi. — ) carving knife. 9infd)HCibcn, v. ir. a, to give the first cut to, to cut, carve. 91 n f d) n e t e n, v. imp. to snow against. 91 n f cb n C 1 1 e n, v. I. a. to jerk against ; II. n. (auz. fc»lt) to fly against. 91 It f d) It i e p e I n, v. a. S,- rrfl. fam. to deck out. 91 n f d) n i 1 1 , 77i. (-e«) first cut, cut ; notch ; —bud), n. Mm. T. book of accounts ; fdjerc, /. small scissors (in glass- houses). 91 n f cb n t % c I tt, v. a. to cut to, produce by cutting. 91 nf d) nil f f C I n, 1 v. a. to smell at (as 91 nf djnobertt, ) dogs). 91 n f d) it ii r e n, v. a. 1. to lace, string ; 2. vuig. (eilteirt «ttoa$) to palm some- thing on one ; etttcit — , to put one to the rack. 91 It f d) It U r t e tt, v. a. 1. to purr at, to snarl at; 2. fam. to beg. ilnfcbobertt, v. a. to pile up like a stack. 91 tt f d) r a U b e It, r. a. to screw, screw on or up. 91 n f d? V e d C It, v. a. Sp. T. to frighten (by whistling at, &c). 9lnf djveib en, v. ir. a. l. to write down, put down; 2. (cincm etroaS) to put to one's account, charge in one's lull; ciuctt al6 2dnilbitcr — , M. E. to Bring one in one's books ; Phr. gilt bet ciucm angefdniebeit flct^cii, to be in favour with one. 91 n f d) r e t b e r, rn. (-« ; pi. — ) marker. 91 n f cb r c i b e t a f e I, /. ( P i. -tt) board, table ; memorandum-book. 9lnfd)reten, to cry, to call at ; fig. titteit nm jjulfe — , to call upon one for help. 91 n f rb r e 1 1 e n, 7'. n. {auz. feint, font* men) to approach with long steps, stalk to ; 2. (auz. babcil) to begin to stride. 91 n f d) r o t c, /. (pi. -tt) 7'. list, Belvage. 91 tt f cb r P t C it, r. a. T. 1. to roll near ; 2. to form the selvage. » n f d) ii b, m. (-e« ; ;afcn — , to make to a port, to touch at a port; cill ^d^iff — , to run aboard of a ship, to run foul of a ship. 91 11 f e g C 1 It It g, /. the makini to a port; "sailing near, &c. vid. 91llfegelll. 9lnf cb eit, r. ir. «. l. to look at, on, uiioii. to gee : '-'. to regard, to consider, respect ; 3. (cinent etivas> to pi something in one ; 4. e8 — ttUf, to aim at. have in view, Intend for ; 5. — llltt, to sutfi'r. let pa^s: 0. — fiir, bafi'tr, to hold, take for ; rhr. man ficbt thin ait, baft cr ein (5"v&fdnivFe ift, one m ?Infc by bi> appearance that he is an armnl rogue ; er ift bci 3c^e^llaIlll icobl angeftben, be is esteemed by • body; <£ie miiffen e^ npd) ciiiigc ;,>t! lit it — , you must let it past lor so,,.. -'time yet; man Hcbt itnn fci= ne ?Jptl) an, he does not appear to be in want ; laitger faun id) cs ntcbt mit — , I cannot stand it any longer ; id'ee/ — , to look with an evil eye, asquint, ctncit iibcr btc 9ldn"cl — , to sligU one; ciiien gcvabe — , to look full into one's face. 9lttfef)eit, 77. (-*) 1. sight, look, the looking ; 2. appearance ; 3. considera- tion, respect, consequence, credit, au- thority; Phr. beilt — liad), according to appearance; fid) ein — flcbeit, to give one's self airs; allcm — Had), to all appearance ; ein fd)lcdfc* — ge» toillllCIt, to begin to look very' ill i ein $Dlailll D01I grpf;CI1t — , a man of great authority, consequence ; er bat fetn — Derlpren, be has lost his authority; sor ©Pit gilt fein — ber -^erfpii, God has no respect to persons. 91 It f C b It 1 1 d), I. adj. considerable, re- spectable, eminent, handsome, of con- sequence, reputable ; II. adv. consider- ably, handsomely. 91 nfcbnltd)f eit, /. conslderabte- ness, conspicuousness, importance. 91 11 f C b It II g, /..the act of looking at ; consideration; tit — , in consideration of, in regard of, on account of; as tor, as to. Syn. 3n Mnffhiinf), I n 71 1> f i * t, i n S u infid)t would be proper. 1 did it in Jlbfidn (with a view) to Ins being JMttat provided tor ami 1 procured this for him ■■ JliiKhini.) (on account) of my friend'e inter- i. But I did it also in XlltflKhl (in r»- pard) to his family. ;~n Betraa>tun| contayt tt.e idea of greater reflection, 3 U Ji ' * I (in consideration) of his numerous family 1 took all possible pains to assist him. 91 It f C i d) C 11, r. a. wig. to bepiss. 9lltfcilcil, r. n. to tie up (with a cord). 91 it f c ii g e n, d, a. l. to Begin to singe, to Binge . '-' to burn a little. 91 11 f c n { C 1 II, v. a. to fasten with a lace 91 it f c fe = b I a 1 1, 7i. (-e« ; pi. -blatter Tup. T. flyleaf; — ftiidc finer Jtpppel belt straps. JlnfC^eit, v. I. a. I. to set, put to against, up ; to apply ; to join : S. t< s.w to; 3. to charge in a bill; 4. u. rate, tax; 5. to plant; 6. (with any in strument) to make the first stroke alow, &o.. to begin ; 7. to fix. appoint baS SReffet — , to give the Bret cut, be about to make an incision; tttoOU* te ben "X'pldi — , he was going to stab, &c; belt Sprtteil — , to begin to dig; filtCIl !Eag — , to fix a day ; tic ACcft — , to begin to write: tic CttbUttg cf- ncr .Rancnc — , Mil. T. to ram home bio SBanbtane — , .v. t. to Bet up u* shrouds; ^aitlllC— , to set. plant trees; 9tof) — , to gather rust; ivic bait bn mir ba£ angefefct ? ai what rate have you put it to me1 JUTti pfreiitltrben S3etfauf — . to put up fO* public sale; li. i). {aux. ImIhmi i. to make an onset; to run for a hap; 2. lo try: to begin; :i. to grow tat: 4. T. to conceive il Ii said especially of mares) ; lie leftten Itoeittta! all, they look two leaps, tried twice; HI. n/ 1. to deposite. stick to ; 2, to Betde, establish ; ba«— von 9Mn« men, Ch.T. efflortsconce, erBorescency Shift! 2lnfk> H w 1 C (} C r, 7n. (-1 ; p/. — ) driving bolt, drivebolt; — bet J't'atliNIC, ranuner, vid. (EtaiUpfCf. 51 H f C § U a i), /. 1 act of putting, apply- ing to, &c. ; 2. a thing set, joined, ap- pticd to, &c. 91 11 f C 11 f } C It, v. a. to sigh at. 91 11 f i d) I) a 1 1 C it, n. (-8) keeping the countenance, command of temper, for- bearance. 91 tl f i d) t, f. (pi. -Clt) 1. sight, prospect, view ; 2. opinion, insight; _ — VPlt bet ©ette, side-view ; bet — btcfcS, M. E. on receipt of th9 present; compos. — Ss fettc, /. fore-part, front; — 8tafel, /. table. 81 tt f i d) 1 1 fi, adv. having sight of a thing ; ClttC8 — WCfbCll, to get a sight of, to see. '71 a f i cf c r n, t>. n. (aux. fcptt) to settle u. 1" liquids that ooze or drop). 8tnfiebcl, n. (-8) province; small farm ; family estate. 91 a f i e b e I e t, f. (pi. -en) settlement. 91 a f i e fc e I a, v. reft, to settle. 91 n f i e b e 1 a n g, /. (pi. -en) settlement. 91 it f i e b e 11, v. a. to prepare by boding. 9laficblev, (-8) pi.—) settler, co- lonist. 91 n f t e g e I It, v. a. to fix with seal- ing-wax. 91 it f i 1 1 e It, v. a. Sp. T. to tether, attach to a strap. 81 11 f 1 11 g C a, v. ir. a. to welcome with a song. 21 It fi tt f e It, v. ir. n. to sink, fall against. 51 n f i a n e n, v. ir. a. (eiiicm etipaS) to impute, attribute; ftlllictt (£ie ttlir folctye 9ibftd)tea ja nicht an, pray do not impute such intentions to me ; syrian. with 3untat£)eR. Jl n f t tt It C It, n. \ synnn.with it a f t a it u it g, /. (pi. -en) y 3umu= tf)ung. Unfinttr a, v. ». (aux. fevm) Min. t. to settle, deposit. ?i It f t %, m. (-C8 ; pi. -C) L. T. settled abode, domicile ; landed estate ; — (tr= bl'it, /. Mm. T. beginning of the work in the mine. 9lllft&eit, (aux.fytibtri) to sit fast, to stick or cleave to ; to be settled. 91 It f i fe C V, m. (-« ; pi. — ) Min. T. one who begins the work in the mines. 91 It fob, m.vid Slllfub. 91 a f p a 1 1 c a, «. r. a. to split a little ; n. 11. (mix. fcpit) to split, begin to split. 91 n f p a 11 g e tt, v. a. to fasten with a clasp. 91 n f p a It tl, m. (-eS ; pi. -e) 1 . draught- cattle ; 2. L. T. statute-service to be performed by draught. 91 Itfp an licit, v. a. 1. to put the anises to ; 2. to strain, stretch ; Phr. Ct'llCll Jit ChimS — , to urge on, compel one ; die fcine Jtriifte —,fig. to strain every nerve ; bet! $l)pf — , to exert one's genius; ti tft aligcfpallllt, the horses are put to. 91 n f p a it it e v, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) /-. T. a who possesses draught cattle ; — gut, n. a farm the tenant of widen is obliged to keep draught-cattle for the service of the landlord. 91ttfpaa«ung, /. (pi. -en) 1. the putting the horses to ; 2. exertion, straining. 81 n f p e t C n, v ir. a. to spit at or upon, ttnfperte It, v. a. to fasten or fix to. 40 9Iltfpt(fca, v. a. 1. to 'aid; 2. fig. to fill (a purse 1 . 91 It f p t C 1 e It, v. I. n. {aux. IjaUtt) I. to play first; 2. (auf CtllHlS) to allude to; hint at; II. o. to lead; cillC %0Xht — , to lead a suit (at cards) ; Cllie Jf arte — , to lead a card. 91 11 f p t C I C It b, part. adj. allusory, allu- sive, hinting. 91 it fpt clang, /. (pi. -en) fig. allu- sion, hint. 91 11 f p i C fj e It, v. a. to spit ; to put upon the spit ; to pierce with a spear ; to impale. 91 11 f p t It it C It, v. ir. o.l. to spin toge- ther, to spin to ; 2. to begin to spin ; 3. Jig. to contrive, lay (a plot, conspi- racy) ; 4. to begin (a narrative) ; 5. to cause ; II. refi. to originate, begin. 91 It f p t fe C It, v. a. to point ; ttucber — , to new-point. 91 It f p 1 1 1 1 C rn, ». I. a. to splinter, be- gin to split ; II. n. (aux. ff IJIt) to splinter, shiver against. 9lltfp0 ritClt, v. a. 1. to clap (put) spurs to ; 2. to spur on ; to stir up. 91 n f p o v n a it g, /. (pi. -en) spurring on, incitement. 91 It f p ii 1 1 e I It, ? v. a. to address mock- 91afpotteil, J ingly, mock at. 91 a f p r a d) e, /. address, speech ; L. T. legal claim; bte ©cigc bat eine gute ■ — , the violin sounds easily. 91 it f p r a d) j i in in e v, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) parlour. 91 a f p v e cb, e a, v. ir. I. a. l. to accost, address; 2. Hunt.T. to call ; 3. L.T. to demand, claim ; 4. ./?,?•. to interest; 5. CU lien Uitt dWaS — , to beg of, ask for ; II. n. (aux. b^aben) l. bet einciit — , to call at one's house ; 2. Mus. T. to give (emit) a sound, to sound. 9lttfptCtt ett, v. a. 1. to spread against ; 2. to fix by spreading. 91 It f p t C i % C n, v. I. a. to fix by spread- ing out ; II. rcfl. to sprawl against. 91 tt f p t C tt g C n, v. I. a. 1, to begin to burst, blast ; 2. to make to strike against ; to drive against (by ex- plosion) ; 3. to sprinkle water ; II. tt. (aux. fellll) to ride against in full speed, rush on'; llltt bent ipferbc — , to run at, to gallop against. 91 n f p v i n g e tt, v. ir. n. I. (aux. fePn) 1. to begin to spring; 2. to bounce against, fly against; to crack, burst a little; II. (aux. l)abcit> to take the first leap. 9lnfpvi£cit, o.l. a. to besprinkle, to squirt at; lit it Stetl) — , to splash; II. n. (aux. fct;it) to splash, be dashed against. 9lufprudi, m. (-c8; pi. -fpriicbe) i. claim, pretension, demand, title ; — DOtt Scitcit bc8 StaateS, requisition; 2. address, act of speaking to ; — (lit ciitcit, auf etivaS ltiadictt or ttwai in — ticl)lltcit, to lay claim to; to de- mand ; anf etroaS — fyabtil, to have a title to ; Ct tft t'Oilet — , he behaves arrogantly; — fvet, adj. &■ adv. free from claims; — lo8, adj. A,- adv. unas- suming, unassumingly ; — vcicb, — »i>ll, adj. A- adv. pretending, assuming, full of pretensions ; — Stlage, /. /.. T. petitory action; — SlvappClt, v. the escutcheon of a country to which one lays claim. 9'lafpntebig, adj. <$• adv. 1. having claim or title ; 2. that which is claimed. 91 a f p V tl b C 1 11, v. I. a. to sputter at ; II. s. to bubble or spout against Slnffe 91 n f p t ii I) e it. v. n. (aux. fetin) to flj at in sparks. 91 uf prang, m. (-c8 pi. -fprungrj 1. leaping at ; 2. Med. T. scab, achor. 91 n f p a rf c ti, vid. 9lnfpcieii. 91 11 f p it I C It, v. a. T. to spin s thread to. 9lltfpulcit, v. I. n. (aux, fydllti) ta ripple against, wash ; II. a. to carry on deposit on, to wash at. 91 n f p it I it u g, /. (pi. -en) alluvion. 91 11 ft a cf) C I It, v. a. I. to fix by or at i thing; 2. Jig. to goad on. 91 it ft a 1) I e it, v. a. to provide with a steel point or edge. 91 11 ft a It,/, (pi. -Clt) 1. preparation, regulation, disposition, order, direction; 2. institution, establishment. 91 It f. a lit lit e 1 It, v. a. to address stam- mering. 91 It ft a Itt lit C 11, v. a. to leave by in- heritance ; to transmit ; (only vscd in the p. part.) 91 n ft a nt in c ti, vid. 9ltiftcmineit. 91 11 ft a 111 p f C II, «. c to ram, beal against. 9lllftatlb, m. (-8) 1. Sp. T. stand, stable stand ; catch ; 2. L. T. vacan- cies ; 3. fig. delay ; 4. good grace ; de- portment ; demeanour, decency ; 5. he- sitation, doubt; Phr. — licljllien, to pause, to doubt, to hesitate ; compos. — Sbvtcf, L. T. letter of respite (oJ grace) ; — Sucll, adj. graceful 91 It ft a lib i g, I. ailj. 1. decent, becom ing, respectable, seemly, proper ; 2 agreeable, pleasing ; II. adv. decently . conveniently ; respectably. Syn. 3( n (1 « n i i q, OB o f> I o n ft a n 8 i g, S A i if • I i J). A female oughc alwa.vs to be Jrcss*id, lid; to appear amongst a company of mourners in a gay dress. 2(iifr.inoiattit has its immut able Taws, ircblnnftnnftig has its rules, an* Sajiitliibttit frequently depends upon estab lished customs. 91 It ft a tt b i g I e i t, /. decency, respect- ability, becomingness, conveniency. 91 a ft ii tt g e I a, v. a. to prop up with sticks. 91 II ft a p e I n, ». a. to pile, store up ; angcfiapclt fomnicti, fam. to come stalking along. 91 11 ft a 1 1 e tt, ». a. to stare at, gaze at. 91 It ft a X X e V, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) starcr. 9Iltftdtt, prep. with. gen. (ait Stattj instead, in lieu, in the place of ; for. 91 it ft a it b e n, v. n. (aux. fci;it) to ge« covered with dust 91 II ft ii II b C It, v. a. to bedust, covei with dust. 91 tt ft a it it C It, v. a. to gaze at, stare at. 91 a ft a it it C 11 8 W e V t b» I adj. prodi- 91 II ft a 11 11 C It 8 W ii r b i g, i gious ; ad- mirable. 91 it ft a u tt e r, m. (-8 ; pi. —) starer. 91 it ft e d) b o () x e x, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) T piercer. 91 It ft C d) C II, v. ir. a. 1. to prick ; 2. to broach, pierce, tap ; 3. to fix, stitch tn ; 4. to open, begin to take from ; Phr. 01t= gcftod)cn femi, lud. to be tipsy; angei ftintcii fPllllltClI, fam. to come; fomill mil- nicbt bamit angeftodKit, do not take it into your bead to talk to me n| it; fommft bu Wiebet bamit ange> ftodici'.? do you come with thisagauil do vim talk like this apainl Sinilt 21n fir 3fota 81 n ft C cf a t m C 1, ?«. (-« ; jrf. — ) sham sleeves. 91 U ft C cf C ft t f f , n. (-(8 ; ;)/. -e) miasm, contagious transpiration. SI It ft C cf e It, o. a. to put on (the spit), 2. to pin, fasten ; 3. to infect, communi- cate, taint, poison ; 4. to light, set fire to; 1'hr. belt 3iiltg — , to put the ring on : cut .jpftltS — , to set fire to a house. Si It ft C fl C It b, part. adj. contagious, in- fectious, pestilential, catching. SI It ft t Cf f t C I, m. (-CS ; pi. -C) Min. T. pipe placed under the principal pump- cylinder to conduct water to it. 3J tt ft C cf It It g,/. 1. contagion, infection, communication ; 2. the putting on, fastening ; 3. the setting fire to ; — 8- ftoff, m. contagious matter. St It ft C I) C It, v. ir. n. (aux. I)«Bcn) 1. to stand near or close to, to be conti- guous; 2. (with dat.) to become, be- i, lit, suit ; 3. (with dat.) to please ; 4. to linger ; to doubt, hesitate, scruple ; r/ii fcaa ftcht mir tttctjt ait, I don't like it ; — irtffcrt, to forbear, wait, de- ti.y, defer. Jan. 3itfltt)en,fia)3c»tn!tii, fidjSffin. nen. A person who is undetermined (t«ht hutae nn (hesitates long) before he makes a purchase ; a timid person tcftnnt lid) Una.* (considers and doubts) because he is afraid of being cheated ; a prudent man bccrntt fid) Itinae (deliberates long), because lie considers whether it will be advan- tageous to bira. 91 a ft ci fell, v. a. to stiffen. 91 11 ft c i g e It, v. ir. n. {mii. feiltt) to rise, ascend, step up; angefitegeit fomntcii, to come stalking along. Si tt ft e 1 1 e tt, v. I. a. l. to place, put to or next; to apply ; 2. to place, employ, ap- point, instate; 3. to arrange, order, re- gulate, set about, begin, do, prepare, make ; 4. to contrive, plot ; fkr. Wtt bat ba8 Ctttgcftelft? who has contrived this ? who has been the author of it 1 SPevfucbe — , to make experiments ; SBetradjtUitgen — . to make reflections, to muse ; cine 83ergleicfiung — , to draw a parallel ; II. refi. 1. to behave, pretend, feign; 2. Sp. T. to lie in wait for ; fid) jantinevlid) — , to cut a depior- ogure; fief) nngefd)icft — , to set about a thing awkwardly; fid) frcnitb = ltd) — , to assume a kind manner, to feign, pretend -kindness ; fid) — a\8 pb . . . ., to do as if . . . . 91 It ft c I I e r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) employer. 9i It ft e 1 1 1 (J, adj. Sf adv. apt, aide, skil- ful. SJttftclltgf etf,/. aptilude. 91 It ft e It It H (J, /. 1 . ordering, arranging, '. place, situation. 91 n ft C 1U in e tt, v. a. to stem, push, press 01 it ft c r b f tt, v. ir. n, («»*. fcim) to de- volve by death (of an estate). 91 It ft e It C V tt, v. a. to steer towards. SI rt ft i di, m. (-8) i, the act of piercing cr broaching ; 2. (of fruit) the worm- bite. Si tt ft i cf) C III, v. n. to rally, jeer; (tllf CtllMi? — , to allude to sarcastically. 91 tt ft t tf C It, d. a. to embroider, stitch or sew to. 9JI tt ft t e b t It, r. ir. v. (aux. fflm) to drift, tie driven along against; to sweep against SI It ft i f f Cl It, v. a. to put on boots; bur fommt cr rtttgcftiefclt, 8!%. there he comes on. SI n ft t eve It, v. a. to stare at. H n ft t f t e tt, p. I. a. 1. to contrive, cause, raise, excite ; to do ; 2. etttett — , to induce to set on ; II. s. n. contriving, in- stigation: auf — eintger Un;nfvtebc= tttlt, by instigation of some malcontents. 91 tt ft i f t e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) ) contri- 91 It ft t f t e X t It tt, /. (pi. -ett) $ ver, au- thor, abettor, instigator, machinator. Si It ft t f t It tt g, /. (pi. -Clt) 1. contriving, causing ; 2. instigation. 91 tt ft t lit lit C it, v. a. 1. to strike up, be- gin (a hymn, lamentations, &c.) ; to sing ; 2. to tune. 91 tt ft t lit rtt U It g, /. 1 . the striking up, beginning ; 2. intonation, tuning. 91 It ft t tt f e 11, v. ir. a. to stink, to be of- fensive to one's nose. Sinftocfea, v. n. (aux. fer/tt) to get mouldy, musty. 91 tt ft 5 b, H e tt, v. a. to groan at. 91 it ft o I p e r rt, ■» n. (aux. fetyn) to stumble against; Ctttgeftolpert Eom= lltcit, to come stalking along. 91 a ft D p f C tt, v. a. to stuff, to fill. 91 it ft 6 r e H, v. a. to stir up (to), incite. sinftpfi, in. (-CS; P i. -flijfie) l. „stum- bllng; shock; 2. offence (vid. 2lrger= rtiff); 3. fit, access, paroxysm ; 4. hesi- tating, doubt; — geben, to give of- fence ; — nit eittent jtleibc, eking piece ; — tm 9tebett, stammering : — ltcl)mctt, 1. to hesitate ; 2. to be offend- ed, take umbrage; compos. — lliltlf, f. T. rentering. 91 It ft P f5 e a, t7. ir. I. a. 1. to kick, knock, push, thrust on or against; 2. to join, unite ; lltit3ciltrttlbeilt — , or bte @Ia= fer — , to touch the glasses in drinking the health of one ; tie 3 rt or fpltt= melt) to approach dancing. 91 a t a p p e a, v. n. (aux. fe$B) to 5roi>« against, knock against. *S'l U t a V f 1 1 f eft, adj. antarctic. 41 statf Sim 51nm> •ft n t I fl c n, v. a. 1. to touch, handle ; 2. fig. to a '.tack. 31 nt arm tin, v. n. (auz. feim) I. to tumble, reel against ; 2. to approach reeling. Olntc u. f. w.rid. (?nte. *21 n t C C C b C 11 8, m. or n. (pi. -tell) an- tecedent. *il it t e C e b i r C it, r. n. to antecede, have the preference. *2l n t C C C f f r, m. (-8 ; pi. —en) ante- cessor. ••Jlutcbatireit, v. a. to antedate (a letter). * :'. rt t c b 1 1 u » i a it c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) antediluvian. •Olntebiluotantfcf), adj. antedi- luvian. *0l II t C It, pi. door-posts, jambs. *0l n t e tt n e, /. sail-yard ; pi. — it, the feelers (of insects). "•01 11 1 e p c it li 1 1 1 lit a, f. antepenult. * lint I) a I, n. (-8; pi. -e) Hungarian wine-measure (35 gallons). SI r t b e i I, m. (-S ; pi. -e) 1. share, lot ; participation, portion ; snack ; fig. 2. sympathy, interest; — itelilltctt ait ei* iter 5ad)c; 1. to take a share in; to join ; 2. to take an interest in, interest one's self for; compos. — baber, m. par- ticipator ; shareholder : — Io8, adj. neu- tral ; indifferent ; — loftgfeit, /. neutral- ity ; — Itldfjig, adj. proportionate (to the share). *0l it t b c v e, /. (pi. -n) B. T. anther. ♦OlntljcfiS. /• blossom, blooming; blossom-time. *01 U t 1} 1 t 1 b, m. (-8 ; pi. -fit) antho- litc. *2l rt t b I D g I e, /. (pi. -eit) anthology. *-,'! nt^ologiu lit, n. (-8) the missal of the Greek church. *0l rt t b r a C T t, m. (-8) anthracite (coal). *01 It t f) X a X, m. (-e8) anthrax, ulcer. *,'[ n t i< v o p o I i f b, m. (-8 ; p/.-en) an- thropolite, petrified human body. *01 It t b V p I g 1 C, /. (pi. -Cn) an- thropology. •01 rt t b r o p o in o r p b i 8 m u 8, m. (?;. -men) anthropomorphism. *2ln t b r o p o mo xp 6 1 1 c n,p/.anthro- pomorpliites, those who attribute a hu- man form to the Divine Being. "ilntbvopopatfjlt.f. anthropopathy. •21 n t b r o p o p b a g, m. (-8 or -en ; pi. -en) cannibal ; pi. the anthropophagi. 21 n t b it ii, o. ir. a. l. to put on ; 2. (cittern etivas) to hurt by ; to do to ; 3. to show, offer; 4. inflict; Phr. f litem Sd)attbe — , to disgrace, bring disgrace upon one ; Strafe — , to inflict a punishment ; et= licit .P>afcit — , JV. T. to touch at a port: fid) 3n>attg — , to put one's self under constraint; ©eroalt — , to offer vio- lence ; fie b,at mir'8 angctban, she has bewitched me or done me hurt. ♦O'iltt id) rift, m. (-8; pl-txC) anti- christ. •flnticivdnbojabluitg, /. pay- ment previous to maturity, payment on account •91 tt t i C t $ a t {Sit,/, anticipation ; — 8= fdjeine, pi. a kind of paper money, trea- sury-notes. *0l rt t i C i p l r e tt, v. a. to anticif.tte. •OlrtticOitftttutiortell, adj. un- constitutional. •01 it t i b t U m, n. (-8 ; pi. -a) antidote. 21 rt t i e f c it, >•. a . X. T. to sound. 4.1 *01 n t i - C m it H 0, pi remedies against vomiting. •01 n t i = c p t 1 e p t i f cb , adj. anti-epileptic. *0l n t i f a n a t i f dl, adj. anti-fanatical. *0l It t i g a 1 1 i f d) , adj. anti-gallic, op- posed to the French. *yintigait?mcb,m.(-§; pl.-t) ug- ly, deformed person. *0l it 1 1 f, adj. old, antique, ancient. *0t n 1 1 { e, /. (pi. -rt) antique ; antiquity. *0l tt t i r r i 1 1 f, /. [pi. -en) reply to a critique. 01 rtti licit, pi. Antilles; btc flcirtCrt — , the smaller West India Islands ; — mecr, n. Carribean Sea. *0I n t i 1 c g t e, /. antilogy. *Sln 1 1 lipt,f. [pi. -n) antelope. •OlnttmepfjUifcf), adj. purifying the atmosphere. *0ltltimetdtbefi8, /. m.T. repe- tition c' \he same word in an opposite sense. *0lr. tiin n i ft e r i e 1 1, adj. artiminis- terial. *0l rt 1 1 lit It d r d) i f d), adj. ant^non- archicaU *0J n 1 1 lit It i it m, n. (-8) antimony. *Olntinomie, /. (pi. -en) contradic- tion in laws, antinomy. 51 rt t i 6 d) i e n, n. (-8) Antioch. * fl tt t i p dp i ft i f cb, adj. antipapistical. •Olntipatb, te,/. (pi. -en) antipathy. *2lnttpt^lo gifttf ct>, adj. antiphlo- gistic. *0l n t i p b 8 II a or Olittip&oiticn, pi. al- ternate chanting of choirs in cathedrals. *0l It t i p r) r 3 f e, /. Rh. T. antiphrasis- *2l rt 1 1 p § X d ft i f d), adj. antiphrasticaL *0t H t i p b e, m. [-It ; pi. -It) antipode. 21 n 1 1 p p e n, v. a. to touch with a point •Olntiqitar, m. (-9;pl.-t) 1. anti- quary, antiquarian ; 2. vender of second- hand books. *0lnttquafcbrift, /. (pi. -cn) Typ. T. Roman characters. •21 n t i q u i t a t, /. (pj. -en) antiquity. *2l n t i f c i i, pi. Oeog. T. antiscii. *0l rt t f ft e 8, m. ecclesiastical dignitary, superintendent "OinttfiropH /. (pi -tt) anti- strophe. *2l n t i t b, c f e, /. (pi. -n) antithesis. *2l It t i t § C t i f dp, arfj. antithetical *0l It 1 1 1 i) ^ U 8, m. antitype. *0I n t i C it e r i f d), adj. antaphrodisial, anti-venereal. 21 n 1 1 i fe, n. (-e8 ; ^ -e)_ face, coun- tenance, visage, vid. 2!ngefid)t ; — feite, /. front-side. Ollttobett, v.n. I. (auz. ferm) to ap- proach with a roaring noise ; II. (auz. babeit) to roar, thunder against 21 n t n, m. (-8) Anthony ; — 8feucr, St Anthony's fire, wild fire. 21 it 1 5 n e tt, v. n. (auz. baben) to begin to sound. Sin to fen, v.n. (auz. feint) to foam, roar against 21 n t r a b e it, r. n. (auz. ferm) to trot on ; aitgetrabt tontmen, to come trotting on, 2intrag, m. (-e8; pi. -trdge) offer, proposition, proposal, tender; motion (in the parliament) ; — fteller, m. mover. 21 rt t r a g e n, v. ir. I. a. l. to hear, cany, bring near : 2. to propose, offer, proffer, tender ; auf ctroa8 — , to desire that, &c. to make a motion ; II. n (an*. b(K ben) to move for. 21 It t r a U e II, o. a. to marry ; einem CtlU ^rau — , to wed. 21 11 1 1 d 11 f C 1 11, r. n. (auz. fe!)lt) to drop trickle upon or to. 21 it t r a u f e n, v. n. (auz. fenn) to drop strike against 2lrttreffen, v. ir. a. to meet with, catch, to find; Phr. anf frifdjet £ba! 1 — , to apprehend, catch in the act ; cill Scbiff auf ber See — , to fall in witk a ship. 21 11 1 r C t b e tt, v. ir. I.a.l. to drive on, near, push on ; 2. fig. eincn $U ttroaJ ■ — , to urge on, i»cite, actuate, impel ; EL n. (auz, fcr>n) 1. to float (of ice) ; 2. to come driving near, on. 21 it t r e i b er, TTi. (-8 ;y. — ) driver, in citer. 2lntreibltng, /.driving on;/^.urg- ing on. 21 n t X e t e n, v. ir. I. a. 1. to tread on ; 2 to begin ; einen — , fig. to accost, ad dress one, cinen lint ctroa8 — , fig- to beg a thing of one, to request ; cint 9ieife — , to set out ; ein 2lmt, eiit Out — , to enter upon an office, an estate ; II. n. (auz. feilrt) 1. to step close to ; 2 begin; er ift fdjoii angetretcii, he hai begun to officiate already. 21 tt t r e t U n g,/. treading on, vid. Olntr itt. Olntriefr, m. (-eS) 1. the drifting (against) ; 2. impulse, impulsion, incen- tive, incitement, urging; 3. motive, in- clination ; call; ber natiirlicbe — , in- stinct ; au8 eigenem — e, of one's own accord, spontaneously. 21 n t r i tt f e n, v. I. a. (auz. Ijafcen) to begin to drink, to drink first; II. refl. to fill one's self with drink, to get a little tipsy. 21 n t r i p p e 1 a, v «. (mux. feim) to trip near. 21 it tr itt, 77i. (-c8) 1. amble (of a horse); 2. beginning, commencement, entering, entrance, assuming of; 3 Typ. T. footstep; — eilter ifteife, set- ting out ; — bc8 2ebert8, outset of life ; compos. — SailbieitJ, /. the first audience of an ambassador; — 8ntat)i, n. — = fd?mait8, m. dinner given when a person assumes an office ; — 8prebigt, /. en- trance sermon ; — 8rebe, /. first address, speech- 21ntrocf it en, v. n. (am. fer;n) to be- gin to dry, to dry oix 2lntrommeln, v. v. x aber./ to begin to drum, to drum at against. 21 It t r m p C t e n, v. a. to trumpet at ; to publish by sound of trumpet 21 n t r 5 p f e I tt, ) vid. Olntrdufeln & 21 n t r o p f e n, $ Olntraufm 21 n t ii V f t K/ v. a. to touch with the fin- ger's end. 21 n t ii m m e I n, v. n (aux. f ettn) ort«n, etI^if^«^^, 35«iftBtn. We criri^trit (reply to or return) a speech, t compliment, &c. ; we crrricctrn also actions di rected to us, as a blow, &.c. ^Ve aniwor'n 2!n»a (swwer) only a question, reqoeat, ohjerCofi, &c. j5crffH*n is "to answer in a verbal coolest and generally implies the idea of heat or quickness. 51 n t to o r t ( t ch, adv. in reply. ?! It it b C It, v. a (fief) ettvag), to impart, acquire by practice. 91 n V e r I a It ft e tt, n. requisition. 91 tt V e rm rt f) I e it, p. a. to marry to. 91 it V e r f it cf; e tt, v. a. to try on. ittoerttaneit, ». a. (etttem cttvaS) to trust one with, to entrust to, to con- fide to; aitvertrauteg @ur, goods in trust. 9i n » e r tv a n b t, I. adj. 'with dot.) rela- "ted to ; II. s. duel, like mlj. relation, rela- tive, kinsman (woman), kindred ; vid. SBertvanbt. SJitoertvaitbtfctyafi, /. (pi. -en) kindred, relation, affinity, vid. 9Scr= tvanbtfcfjaft. 91 tt 3 e 1 1 e r rt, v. refl. to obtrude one's self on some one as if related to him. 9lttTOacf)g, in. (-t8) increment, in- crease, accretion, vid. 9lttTOltcf)$. 91 tt tv a cf) f e tt, v. ir. n. (mix. fetytO 1. to grow on or to, upon ; to stick to ; to grow up ; 2. to grow, increase ; to rise ; swell ; to accrue, accumulate ; bic ^rtltt iff ihjtt aitoeTOacbfcit, he is hide-bound. 91 tt to a cf e I it, v. n. {mix. fcvm subsl. (decl. like adj.) present, those present 91 tt TO C f e it b e i t, /. presence. 91 it to client, v. 7i. (aux. fiaocn) to rattle, thunder against (of the weath- er, &.C.). 91 It tv C t} e tl, t). a. to grind, to whet, to point by grinding. 91 It IV iff) fcit, v. a. 1. to black (boots, &c.) ; 2. to paste together by means of wax. 91 It tv i cf e I It, v. a. to roll to, connect with a reel. 2!nje 91 it TO i b e r tt, t\ a. to disgust, siv^ aver sion to; ba3 toibeil ihtt an, he u shocked at it. 91 11 TO i b C r tt b, pari. adj. disgusting, te- dious. 91 tt TO i e f) e r tl, v. a. to neigh at. 91 It TO i tt b e It, v. ir. a. to draw up or put to by means of a windlass 91 It TO ttl fell, v. a. to wink, beckon to ; J\". T. to ease off the sheets of tlia fore-stay sails and jib in order to go to windward. 91 tl TO i tt f e I tt, v. a. to moan, whine at 91 n TO i r b e I rt, v.I.a. to fasten by a turn-bolt; II. n. (aux. fet)n) to whir'., fly at, against. 91 tt TO i r f e It, v. a. to weave on. 91 n to t f cf) e tt, v. a. to wipe on a against. 91 It TO i 8 p e r tt, v. a. to address whisper- ing. 91 n to i 1 1 e r n, v. n. (aux. fentt), attoe* TOitterfeS (frj, flowers of minerals at tached to rocks by exhalation. 91 tt TO b « e It, v. n. (aux. f>abett) to livs next, live close by, to dwell near. 9intvof)ner/ m. (-8; pi.—) nea neighbour. 91nTO0rfeltt, c. I. a. to winnov* against; II. n. (aux. fci)tt) to begin tu winnow. 91 tt to ii rf) e rn, v. n. (aux. fetytt) to grow luxuriantly. 9inTOllfH m. (-feS; p/.-TOUc$fe) in- crease, growth; increment 91 11 TO ii 1) I e It, v. a. to begin to root up, to root up (of earth). 91 it TO ii it f tf) e tt, v. a. (etrtem clival tc wish one something, to wish that something may happen to one. 91 tt TO it tt f cf; it it fj, /. wishing, wish. 91 n TO ii rf, m. (-c3; pi. -TOiirfe) i throwing on, laying on; 2. deposit; 3 first throw ; 4. T. selvage (of cloth, 4tc.) 5. T. ekingpiece; — enter bailor rough-cast; — vor eincm Scfjloffe the grapple-iron before a padlock, c padlock. 91 it to fir f el n, r. 7i. (aux. fwbett) l. to throw the dice first; 2. to throw against. 91 it TO it r j e 1 it, v. n. (aux, feDit) to be rooted to (the ground), to strike root. 91 n TO ft 1 f) e «, v. n. l. (aux. f)abcn) to rage against; 2. (aux. fcvit) flltgeTOii* tbet fommeit, to approach in rage. 91 11 j a f) I, /. number, quantity, ma. titude. Sim. 2Tphci(jeu gcigt ait, bJJ5, his silence nroves Uiat, &c. 21 It J C i 0, C X, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1. inform- er ; 2. advertiser ; 3. Mat. T. exponent 51 it J C i g U tt g, /. (pi. -eit) the inform- ing, advertising, &c. 51 11 J e 1 1 C I, m. T. weft, woof. 51 11 5 e 1 1 e I n, v. a. 1. T. to warp, be- gin the weaving; 2. fig. to contrive, project, cause, do. 51 it J c 1 1 1 e r, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) author (of a plot), contriver; suborner. 21 it jette lung, /. (pi. -en) 1. the warping (of threads) ; 2. the causing, contriving. 51 n 5 i e I; c n, v. ir. I. a. 1. to draw, pull ; to begin to draw, pull, or give a rmll ; 2. to put on (clothes) ; 3. to draw in, imbibe (as a sponge) ; 4. to draw, attract (as the loadstone); 5. to draw tight, stretch ; 6. fig. to interest ; 7. ftd) etroaS — , to take something, apply it to one's self; 8. to quote, cite; 23ief) — , T. to breed, to bring up cattle ; etlte ©telle — , to cite, quote a pas- sage ; II. rcjl. to dress (one's self) ; III. n. I. (aux. I)a6cit) to draw, take effect (of glue and other things) ; 2. (aux. fctytt) to draw, march on, near; to en- ter, come into service; ber 9tagel Jtcbt ait, the nail draws or takes; t>, I. ailj. poignant, keen, of- fensive, abusive, satirical ; citt — fr iScfiet'J, a cutting joke; II. ado. offen- sively, injuriously. StBtfl 51 n j ii g 1 1 d) F e 1 1, /. ( v i. -en) poig- nancy, offensiveness ; abusive lan- guage. 51 tt J it It ben, v. a. to light, kindle; to set on fire. 51 II j U tt b C r, to. (-* ' -ol. — ) lamp- lighter. 5llt j it tt bUltg,/. kindling; Vh. T s.c cension. 5J n $ U }) f e n, v.' a. to pull, to begin to pull. 51 n 5 w a cf e n, ?>. a. fig. to assail with abusive language. 51 tt J tt) a It g e It, v. a. to squeeze or press against ; force on. 51 tt 5 tt) e cf e tt, v. a. to fasten With hob- nails (tacks), to nail on. 51 It } II) i cf e It, v. a. 1. to stretch ; 2. fig. to mock. 51 tt j tt) i tt g C rt, v. ir. a. to force upon, press upon. 51 tt J ft) i V tt e It, v. a. to twist to, on. 51 it J tt) 1 1 f d) e V tt, v. a. to twitter at. *5l o 1 8 b a r f e, /. ( pi. -n) iEolian harp. *2lBtteit, pi. an endless succession of ages, eternity. *21 It t b e tt, pi. the muses. *5l r t ft, n. (-8 ; pi. -e) aorist (tense in Greek Gr.) *2l p a a o g_e, /. Loir. t. apagoge ; apa- gogifc|e tsdj'lltfSfolge, argument from tlie falseness of the contrary. *5l p & 1 1 0, to. the farming or renting of governmental revenues ; 2lpa(tifiett or SlpaltiU'frt, pi. farmers of such re- venues. *5l p a tt a g C, /. (pi. -It) appanage. *2l p a tt a g t r e it, v. a. vid. 5Ibftube«. *2l p d V t, adj. & ado. apart, separate. *5I p CI r t e ltt e It t, n. (-8) apartment. *2l p a t C 1 t f d), adj. Log. T. false, cap- tious. *2l p a 1 1} I e, /. apathy. *2lpatit, to. (-e6) apatite (kind of phosphate of lime). 51 p C It II I n e It, pi. the Apennines. *5l p e p f I e, /. want of digestion. *2l p e r t U t, /. aperture. *2lpetriltfd), adj. B. T. wanting petals, apetalous. Slpfel, m. (-8; pi. 2lpfc0 apple; com- pos. — bled), n. apple-roaster ; — brci, in. — tttufi, n. apple-sauce, apple-mar- malade ; — gebadflte, n. apple-tart or pie; — gvait, adj. dapple-grey; — fSUs re, /. Ch. T. malic acid; brctl jlicfjtC — fdltve, pyromalic acid; — fd)illll1tcl, m. dapple-grey horse ; ■ — fd)ltitf, m. apple-slice ; — ftlte, /. orange ; — ftc= d)er, m. apple-corer ; — ftief, in. stalk of an apple; prov. ber — fdllt llid)t tt)eit ttOttt ©taintlie, like father, like son; tn eiiteit fauent — beifjeit, to make up one's mind to something dis- agreeable. 5't p f e I d) c n, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) little apple. 5ip fel = l)0£er, — matin, m. apple- monger ; — Eamnter, /, apple-loft ; — lefev, m. apple-squire; — tttoft, m. cider; —^aftete, /. apple-pie ; — \d)i- le, /. apple-paring ; — toi'tf, / apple- tart; — lvein, m. cider. *5l V 1 f) V i 8 m U 8, m. (pi. -men) aphor- ism. *2lpl)0rt'ftifd) adj. <$- adv. aphoris- tical, aphoristically. *2l p f) V b 1 1 e, /. Aphrodite, Venus. 5~i p t a p f e I, m. (-8 ; pi. -dpfel) choice Wuid of apple, pome-apple. ?Jttri *2l p C b ( f 1 1 f d), adj. <$- adv. apodictl* demonstrative, necessary ; apodictically demonstratively, necessarily. *5l p o i t e m c n t, n. (-8 ; pi. -e) wagei salary. *2l p P t C. 1 1) p f f, /. the apocalypse. *21p»f Cllijp tifd), adj. apocalyptic apocalyptical ; adv. apocalyptically. *2t potv f) p I) i f d), adj. apocryphal ; bt — CH 23iid)Cf, the apocrypha. *2l p 6 1 1 or Styolll), m. (-8) Apollo. *2l p 1 g C t i f d), adj. apologetic, apo- Iogetical ; adv. apologetically. *2l p o I o g I e, /. (pi. -en) apology. *2l p o I o g i ft, m. (-en ; pi. -en) apo logist. *2l p p I C f 1 1 f d), adj. Med. T. apo plectic, apoplectical. *2lvovler"te, /. (pi. -di) Med. i apoplexy. *'Xp ft a f I e, /. (pi. -en) apostacy. *2l p ft a t, m. (-en ; pi. -en) apostate. *2l»6ftel, m. (-8; pi. — ) apostle, compos. — amt, n. apostleship; — gt> fd)td)te, /. the Acts of the apostles' — Uvd)i,f. church of the apostles. *2l p o ft c in, vid. @efd;tt)iir ; compos — fraitt, n. scabious; — ri>8d)eit, n dandelion. *2l p ft 1 1 f d), I. adj. apostolical ; II adv. apostolically ; ber — e £egat, ab- legate. *21 p ft V p |, m. (-68 J pi. -e) Gram.T apostrophe. *2l p ft r p f; tv e tt, v. a. to apostro- phize. *2l p t f) C I e, /. (pi. -It) apothecary'! shop. *2l p t f) i I C f, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) apothe- cary, pharmacopolist ; compos. — blld), dispensatory, pharmacopoeia ; — ge« ftiid)t, n. troy-weight; — tcillttnifj, / pharmacology ; — futtft, /. pharmacy ; — tOpf, in. gallipot ; — Vuaaveil, pi. drugs *2l p 1 1) e f e, /. (pi -It) apotheosis, deification. *2l p p a i f i r e It, v. a. to appease. *2l p p a V a t, m. (-e8 ; pi. -e) apparatus 51 p p e I b i) r C It, m.provinc maple tree. *2l p p e 1 1, m. (-8) call, recall. * 21 p p e 1 1 rin t, to. (-en ; pi. -en) l. t. appellant. *2l v ^ c 1 1 a t, m. (-c8; pi. -ett) L. t appellee. *2l p p e 1 1 a 1 1 o n, /. {pi. -en)/,, t. ap- peal; compos. — Iget'idjt, n. court of appeals ; — Silage, /. action upon ap- peal ; — 8ratt), to. counsellor of appeals ; — 6fd)rift, /. appellatory libel. *%ppcll\Vttl,v.a.L.T. to appeal, interpose an appeal. *5H> p e 1 1 1, to. (-68) appetite ; ttWaS flit belt — tietniteit, to take a provocative. *2l W C 1 1 1 1 1 d), adj. exciting the ap- petite, nice, delicate. *5i p p i f d), adj. Appian ; bte — e » fool's errand ; — Hfltr, to. A\ rll's-foivl Urbe April fool ; one easily made a fool of. tompos. — rf geil, ra. shower, passing rain. *21pftbe, /. (/)/. -n) Jist. T. apsis, pi. apsides; — ItUlttC, /. line of the apsides. 91 p Q 1 t e tt, m. (-5) ; Apulia, Puglia. *3lpi)rtt, m. (/'/. -0 Mia. T. rubellit. *9l q u a m a x I n, I. subst. m. (-8 ; pi. -t ) Mm. T. aquamarine, beryl; II. adj. sea-green. "91 q It a tint a, n. or f. aquatint. *9l q it ft t D r, m. (-8) equator (®(cid)Cr). *?l quay i t, n. (-C8 ; p/. -e) aqua^ vita;. *-Jl q 11 i b t ft d It t, adj*. equidistant ; 5tqut= biftailtt, /. Mat. T. parallel line. •91 q i: ! I a t C V a [, adj. Mat. T. equi- lateral. *% q 11 i [ t b v i it m, n. (-8) equilibrium . * Ji q 11 i 1 1 X i ft, m. (-Clt ; pi. -Ctl) rope- dancer. *9l q it i n 6 c t i u m, n. (-8 ; pf. -tien) <*1uinox. *2l q 11 1 n P C 1 1 fl 1, adj. equinoctial ; — fltinnc, . ;;/. equinoctial storms ; — ItlllC, /. rid. Equator. *9J[ q It t p P 1 ! C n t, adj. equipollent. *9J[ q 11 1 p P 1 1 C tt j, /. equipollence. •3\qtt itn t, /• »«. SiUigfcit. *9I q u i t fl n i e n, n. (-8) Aquitania. *9I q U i » a 1 C it t, n. (-8) equivalent *9l q U t » a 1 C n J, /. equality of worth, equivalence; — pOXltdt,/. M T. equal- ity of currency or rates of exchange between two places. •2{ q U t a 1 1 r C it, v. n. to be of equal worth, to be equivalent. *2l q u t » 6-f or (Squbpqite, adj. equivo- cal, vid. Swetbeurtg, Spppeffmntg. •21 r v. a. to Bospect, mis 91 vg ro 5 f) n ett, S trust. 91 r g tt) b f) it i g or 9lvgucfteit, fam. to tell a fib. to delude ; Phr. tt\va$ auS bem — fcftutteltt, to do a tiling offhand. SI r lit e It, v. a. to provide with arms (only used in the past, part.) ; fltrjge= annt, short armed ; langgearint U.f.TO., long-armed, &.c. 91 X lit f It i e n, n. (-8) Armenia. Slrme'nter, m. (-8; pi. — ) Slrme* nifd), adj. Armenian. *2l v mire n, vid. 3?ewaffnen. St rm 1 1 ft), I. ajlj. poor, miserable ; II. ado. poorly. Si tin t i cb f e i t, /. poorness, poverty, misery. 21 V 131 f clifl, I. adj. poor, needy; pal- try, wretched; frivolous; pitiable ; mi- serable ; II. adv. poorly, &c. 91 r m f e I i g I e i t, /. 0''- -*n) poorness ; wretchedness. 31 r lit It t b, f. 1. poverty, want; penury ; 2. eid. btc Slrmeit ; — tfmt weft, proo. poverty is a sharp weapon. i\ x it t c, vid. finite tt. f. w. SI X ItC II, 8. a. + to earn, acquire. •Sltontfl, n aroma; 2lromdtifdj, adj. aromatic, aroniatical. 51 r o n, oid. Strum * 9Iaron. *% x q u e b u f a b e, /. arquebwsade. •Stroll eb life,/, (pi. -n) arquebuse, hand-gun. *2l r q it c b ft f i e r, m. (-« ; pi. — ) ar- quebusier. Slrrageiticit, n. (-8) Arragon. St Tragi? liter, m. (-8; pi. — ) Arra- gonian. St r r a g it i f eft, adj. Arragonese. *9t r r d II g e m e It t, n. (-8, pi. -«) ar- rangement. *Slrrangtren, v. I. i. to arrange, order; II. refl. to come to an agreement, to compound (with creditors). 9'lrraitfcftilbfrote, /. arrau (on the Orinoco). *2l r r C ft, m. (-e8 ; pi. -e) arrest, at- tachment, seizure, prison; 3entatlbe8 ©liter lllit — belegctt, to attach one's goods ; — auf bie "©liter eine$ 3rem= belt, L. T. foreign attachment. *2lrreftdnr, m. (-en ; pi. -en) pri- soner. *Slrretircn, v. a. to arrest, attach, seize. *9lrrierbaitn, m. vid. «<5ccrbann. *2lrriergar be, /. (pi. -n) rear- guard. *9t V X i m d g e, /. M. E. stowage. *2l r r 9 d ll t, adj. arrogant. 2irfrft, (-e8; pi. Stvfcbc) wig. arse, fundament ; compos. — baric,/, buttock; — fufi m. coot, didapper, dabchick ; — Icbcr, 7i. miner's breech-leather. *3l r f e It a I, n. (-e8 ; pi. -e) arsenal, ar- moury, vid. 3eiigftau8. *SU'feniE, m. arsenic; — fie8, arseni- cal pyrites ; — ritbilt, m. realgar. *2lrfeuif dli fd), adj. arsenical. Sirt, /. + the ploughing, arable land. 21 r t, /. (pi. -en) 1 species, kind, race, breed ; the natural or essential quality or kind of any thing ; 2. sort, nature, property, temper, complexion, way, form, frame ; quality ; 3. propriety, manners, suitableness; Phr. tX ift ein guter 2)Jann nadi fcincr — , he is a good fel- low in his way ; tit bcr — bteibetl, to be like one's own stock ; ctltS ber — fct)tagen, to degenerate : e8 bnt feine — , it is not seemly ; aitf alle — liitb SScifc, every possible way ; er tiat fc{= ItC — , he has no manners ; bte — ei= nc8 3ctt»orte8, Oram. T. mode. Syn. 3f r t, 215 e i f c. 2B, ift denotes the manner of existing or being: mod,?. 3(rt is Uie tiling it- self considered m regard to tlie peculiar cha- racter, which distinguishes it from others: spe- cies. Slrtbar, adj. arable; — macben, to cultivate, manure. 21 r t b e g r i f f, m. the idea of kind, specific character. *2l r t c f d c t, v. (-e8 ; pi. -en) artificial production, work of art 91 r t e n, v. I. a. to impart, transmit a quality or nature ; II. ji. (auz. f)abcn) 1. to take after, to resemble, imitate ; 2. to thrive, prosper, succeed. *2( r t er t e, (pi. -n) A. T. artery. *2l r t i f i C i C I J, adj. A> adv. artificial. 2] r t f e I b, n. (-e8 ; pi. -er) arable field. 21 r t i g, I. adj. 1. (in compos.) of tlie na- ture or kind of; 2. polite ; 3. pretty, comely, fine, clever, spruce, genteel, agreeable ; ILadv. prettily, cleverly ; po- litely, &x. ; ftcb — auffuhretI,to behave one's self well ; — taitJCIt, to dance cleverly. 2lrtigftit, f. (pi. -en) 1. politeness, courtesy; 2.prettiness, comeliness, een- tility, fii encss, agreeableness ; er tbt Sjicte — en for, he tells her manj sweet things. "21 r t i I e 1, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) article, part head ; charge, entry, item ; — brief, m. the statutes for the navy. *2l r t i f It I a ti It, /. articulation. •21 r t i f it 1 1 r c n, v. a. to articulate. *9l r t i 1 1 e ric, /. artillery, ordnance compos. — pAXf, m. train ; — }Ug, m train of artillery. *2lr title rift, m. (-en ; pi. -en) ar ti!lery-man. 91 r t i f cb ff e, /. (pi. -eit) artichoke. *2I rti ft, m. (-en ; pi. -en) artist. *9l r tt ft i f ft), adj. <$• adv. artistical, ar tistic. 21 rti id), tuW.9Irtig, *2l r 1 1 a t f l C,/. 1 . the abuse of an offica or profession to mere mercenary par poses, service for a living ; 2. adoixion of the host 21 r t U n g, /. modification. 21 rum, m. arum (a plant). 21 r J e It, ) v. a. + to cure, to re-tore 21 r J t e n, $ to health. 2lr}cnet, /. (pi. -en) medicine, phy sic ; eine berodbrte — , a specific ; eitu bcrjftdl'feilbe — , a cordial ; compos — bereiter, m. apothecary ; — bcrcU tuitg, — bereitung8fiiuft," f. pharma- cy ; — bercitUlig$bud>, — biict), n. dis- pensatory; — getebrfamfeit, — fitnbe, — tllllft," — rotffellffbaft, /. physic, me dicine; — fugel,/. bolus; — fllllbe, j pharmacology; — IabeU, m. apotheca rj''s shop : — lltittel, n. remedy, medi cament ; dltfkvlid)e — mittet, medicine applied externally; ti'tf)leubc — mittet, refrigerants ; ftdrfcitbe — lllittel, to nics; — tranf, m. potion; — ».'evfcbrei= bung,/. — jcttet, m. medical prescrip- tion ; — roaare, / drug ; — roefen, v every thing relating to pharmacy. 21 r J C n e \ e It, v. a. -t- to physic, to take physic 2'lrjt, m. (-ti; pi. $t|td physician, doctor; compos. — gebiibr,/. — tobii, m. physician's fee. 21 r $ 1 1 1 cf)> adj. A> adv. relating to m proceeding from a physician ; medical . — C o3ulfc,/.the assistance of a phy sician. 21 8, vid. 9tfj. 21 f a f i5 b i t a, /. vid. Seufefebtetf. 91 f ant, m.(-tS\ pi. -C) benjamin, .'a gum) ; ftiltfcnber — , asafffitida. *9l8b'eft, m. (-e8) asbest, asbestos, — ai'tig, adj. asbestine. *2l f c a r t b e n, pi. Zooi. T. the ascaridei (intestinal worms). *9l f e e n b C It t e It, pi. ascendents ; an cestors. *2l f C e n b \ X C n, v. a. to rise, ascend. *9lfce tif, /. ascetics. *9lfcc tif er, m. (-8; pi. — ) ascetic *2l f C C t i f eft, adj. ascetic. 91 f eft, m. (-c8 ; pi. 2tfrbe) basin, bowl, pot; compos. — fucften, vi. pot cake ■ — laucft, vi. scallion, leek, shallot 21 f fft e, / {pi. -x0 1. grayling (a Bsh) 2. B. T. vid. dfcftC. 91 f eft e, f. ashes ; beifie, glimmeitbe — , embers'; in — Icgen, 511 — i'cibren« lien, to reduce to ashes; — llbvocel 01 — VUttct, /. Cinderella: domestic drudge ; — ttfarbeit, adj. ash-coloured, ashy, compos. — Itfltcbcit, m. — llbrob v. cake baked under hot ashes; — ll» fat J, v. alkali: kelp: — ntltrft, r. lva cloth ; — Jtefter, m. turmalin. m ft | d) C r It, v. I. a. 1. to burn or re- duce to ashes (commonly eilldfcbem) ; 2. to noil in ashes ; 3. to strew with ashes; IL nfl. to fatigue, exhaust one's self. 2t f cb e tin 1 1 1 It 4 */ /• Ash-wednes day. '.'I f d) q r a U, n. adj. ash-colour, vid. Vlfcheufarbtn. 2Ifcf>bu&it, n (-e8; K -biifmer) neep. 51 f cb t cb t, adj. .ike ashes. 21 f cb i (J/ «//. full of ashes, ashy. 21 f cb it U r j, m. (-e8) dittany. 21 $ C U I dp, m. (-C8) ^Esculapius. \>i f C 1 t or 2tffii, pl. Geog. T. the ascii. *!l f e, m. (-tt : pl.-n) demigod (in north- ern mythology). 51 ft a, 2lften, n. (-8) Asia. 3lfidr, (-tn, pi. -en) 2Iftdtifcb, adj. Asiatic. •'.'I f r lit d 1 1 f cb, adj. incorporeal. ♦21 f 6 m a t P It, n. (-8) incorporeal be- ing, spirit. fifBp, m. (-8) ^sop. 21 f p t f cb, l.-i)M. E. partner; fcer tt>trf ttcf>C — , acting partner. *2t f f c 1 1 r e n, v. a. to associate, to" go into partnership. *2l f f n d n 5, /. (pl. -en) assonance. *2t f f r t i m c it t, * (-8 ; pi. -c) .1/. e. assortment. *2l f f r 1 1 r C n, 7j. a. to assort, to fur- nish with all sorts of goods. 21 fs U it g, 2ijjling,/. feeding ; food. 21 f f I) r t en, n. (-8) Assyria. 21 f ff) r t e r, m. (-8; pi. — ) 21ffttrifcb, adj. Assyrian. 21 ft, TO. (-e8 ; pl. 2tfte) 1. bough, branch ; 2. knot, vid. .Rnorren ; cin f (etner — , twig, sprig ; 3. Jig. arm, branch ; compos. — lod), n. knot-hole ; — 108, adj. branchless; — tt>crf, ti. ramage. 21 ft e r, /. {pl. -n) China-aster, star-wort. *2l ft C r i 8 C U 8, 771. asterisk (*). * 21 ft eu8m eit, pl. asterisms, constel- lations. *2t ft e r i t, m. (-e8 ; pl. -en) asterite. *21 ft e r i b e n, pl. asteroides. *Sl ft c r m i t e r, m. (-6 ; pl. — ) astero- meter. *2tftbente,/. debility. *2l ft ]) ( tt t f d;, adj. <$- , I. adj. atheistical ; R adv. atheistically. 21 tb t m, m. (-8/ breath, breathing, re spiratinn ; spirit; — bplctt, fcijopfeit, ta$ r «n. Muf* btboltcn signifies merelv, not to throw away, not to destroy a thing. aufbrnMbrni implies a certain care bestowed in order to prevent a thing being lost or destroyed. 3lu'fbeijien, v. ir. a. to crack, to open by biting. 31 li f b e t j C It, 8. a. to open by corro sives. 3liifbcllcn, v. I. n. (aux. haktn) to bark ; II. a. to wake by barking. 31 U f b e r e 1 1 e It, o. a. Min. T. to pre- pare. 31 11 f b C r ft C tt, ». ir. n. (aux. ffi)lt) to burst, chap, chink, gape, split, crack. 31 li f b c 1 1 e n, v. a. to put up a bed. 31 ii f b e ro a b r e it, 0. a. to keep, save, preserve ; reserve. 3ltifbcroab, rer, to. (-§; pi. — ) one who lays up. 31 u'fb Croat) rung, /. preservation, conservation. 31 li f b t C g C It, v. ir. a. to bend up, lift up 31 li f b i C t C It, v. ir. a. 1. to bid, call in, call up, raise up ; summon (by public order), summon up; 2. to exert; 3. to give notice (that a thing is to cease) ; 4. to proclaim, bid the bans ; 5. to re- prove, abuse ; alleS — , to make every effort, exertion; bag gatt$e Sailb — , to raise the country in a mass. 3liifbtnben, 0. ir. a. 1. to tie up, fasten ; 2. to untie, unbind, loosen ; 3. (cincm etroa^) fig. to impose upon one ; bte Segel — , to hand the sails. 31 ii f b I ii I; e n, v. I. a. to puff up, swell ; II. refl. fig. to puff one's self up. 31 li f,b I a f) u it g, /. (pi. -en) puffing, swelling. 91 li f b lafen, 1. to blow up; 2 to blow; to open by blowins : 3. to call up, forth by blowing ; jum n) to be gin to bloom, to blossom. 91 li f b ft r e It. v. a. 1, to bore open ; 2. "ire again. 91 li f b j C n, v. a. JV. T. to buoy up. 91 li f b P r g C It, V. a. to borrow, to col- lect by borrowing. 91 li f b r g t r, m. (-8 ; pi, — ) borrower. 9lu'fbof, md. Slufgebot. 91 li f b t a n b e n, v. n. (aux. fci)tt) to surge, foam up. 91 a f b r a f f e it, ». a. JV. T. vid. Srajfett. 91 if f b r a t c It, ». i>. a. to mast afresh. 91 u f b r a u d) e it, vid. S3erbvaud)eit. 91 li f b V a it e It, ». a. to consume by brewing. 91 n' f b r a it f c it, v. n. (auz. ftaben) l. to rush up, to begin to roar, to roar; to foam up ; 2. fig. to fly into a violent passion. 9Iiifbred)en, a. 1. to break open, break up ; to open ; 2. Hunt. T. to eviscerate ; II. ?i. {auz. feVul) 1. to burst open, to open ; 2. to break up, depart, decamp. 91 li f b r C d) U n g, /. opening, breaking up. 91 li f b r e i t e It, v. a. to spread, stretch out, display ; ba$ (5r$ — , to clean the ore. 91 li f b r C It It C It, v. I. rtg. a. to burn up, consume (wood) ; cilt 3cid)eit — , to brand : II. ir. n. {auz. fcDtt) 1. to burn up suddenly ; S. fig, to be excited to sudden anger; 3. Sp. T. »jtf\2lbbrcttlteit. !l ii f b r i it g c It, v. ir. a. 1. to raise, get up, introduce ; 2. to rear, bring up - children, cattle, trees, &c.) ; 3. to pro- e, allege, vid. SOorbrtugeit ; 4. to start, broach; ">. .v. T. to bring in a prize; cilt ^cftiff — , to bring up a ; ®elb — , to raise money ; (SoU batcit, Snippet! — , to levy men ; @C- brainftc, HDtobeit — , to introduce cus- toms, aew fashions; cittctt — , firr. to provoke, irritate one ; eiltcit Jtranfcit — , to restore a patient. 51 ii f b r i it g c r, m, (-8 ; pi. — ) .v. T. captor. Jl ii f b r p b c I it, v. n. (a,u. fcv>tt) to bubble up. 91 li f b r It eft, m. (-e8) breaking up ; set- tin;; out decamping, departure ; Sp. T. tbe opening and eviscerating; — cincr 9»vmcc, decampment, move of an army. 91 U f b V it I) C It, v. a. to soak in boiling water. 91 ii f b t4 tic It, v. I. n. {aux. ftabcit) to raise a lowing or roaring; II. a. to wake by roaring. 91 li f b r it in m e n, v.n.vid.%xfbtuUttt. K ii f b v ii ft c it, v. refi. fig. to strut ; to make one's self look big. 91 ii f b ub e ii, v. i. 7i. {aux. ftabe it) to put up booths or stalls; II. a. to lay out for Bala 91 it f b ii g e I tt, v. a. to pass over again with the smoothing-iron. 9liifbiift!tcn, v. a. Min. T. to erect > Ids. aufbfltbeit, v. a. (etiient et»a8) to burden ;fi«. to impose; to charge with, to impute. 91 li f b ii r ft C It, v. a. I . to brush up ; 2. to bru -ii 91 li f b a m C n, r. a. to crown (a man at draughts). 11 li f i 9 lit 111 C U, v. a. to dam up : etitcn 4 2luf> map — , to swell a river by means of a dam, 91 lif bit m merit, v. n. (auz. femi) to dawn open; to rise with a faint gleam. 91 ii fb a in m cvn, n . 9lufbainmcrutig, /. dawn, first rise, opening. Kiifbamtofett, v. n. (auz. feint) to rise up in smoke, steam (vapour). 91 ii fb c if c it, v. a. i. to uncover, dis- cover, bare; fig. to detect, disclose, ex- pos 2. toll the tab! . cover over. 91 li f b C cf It It g, /. uncovering, &c. 91 ii f b C t (ft C It, 7j. a. to make the water in a pond rise. 91 u'f bid) ten, v.a. (cittern etttal) to attribute falsely. 91 lif b t e It e tt, v. La, to wait upon ; to serve up a meal ; II. n, (auz. ftabcit) to service. 91 lifbt it g en, >•. ir. a. to bind to a master; cincii Scftrling — , to bind an apprentice. 91 li f b t tt g 11 It g, /. binding an appren- tice. 91 u f b P if C 11, v. a. Sp. T. to wind up. 91 ii f b o n n e r n, v. I. n. {auz. feint) l . to thunder, make a great noise; 2. to open with a thundering noise ; II. a. to awake or rouse by thundering. 91 li f b P p V e I It, r. a. T. to sew the sole to the upper leather. 91 ii f b o r r e tt, v. n. {auz. fevm) to dry (upon). 91 ii f b 5 r r e it, 0. a. to dry (fruit). 91 It f btSttfl, e tt, r. I. a. to push open : II. rrfl. (fid) ciliein) to obtrude one's self. 9ltifbrtften, o.a. 1. to untwist; 2. to twist to, \<> screwto; ettte Scftranbe — , to unscrew; bte 'Jitfftteit ciuc3 SaiteS — , JY. T. to unstrand a rope. 9liifbvc fcften, 1. to thrash out all slieaves ; 2. to break open by much thrashing. 91 ti f b r i c f e I n, v. a. to untwist. 91 li f b V t tt jl e 11, 0. ir. I. a. to obtrude on, tour.;,, upon; 11. /■..'/. BuZ.9lufbrangeif. 91 ii f b r i it g c r, m. {-$ ; pi. — ) ob- truder. 91 ii f b r i n g I i eft, I. adj. obtruding : II. adv. obtrudingly; — cv iSeife, in an Obtrusive manner. 91 li f b r i 11 g It It g, /. obtrusion, forci-ng upon. 91 li f b r It if CJt, 0. a. to impress, stamp, print; eill -ricgcl — , to put the seal td, 91 li f b r ii cf C tt, ». a. to open, break up. 91 li f b 11 cf e tt, o. n. {aux. fcitll) to rise a little, raise one's self imperceptibly. 91 ii f b it f t e 11, v. a. (auz. fenn) to rise (of fragrance, odour). 91 11 f b 11 11 i 11 g, /. A*. T. land-fall ; loom- ing of the land. 9! rif b 11 it f en, v. n. (auz. fen it) to be swelled up (pulled up). 91 li f b II tt ft C tt, r. n. (auz. fcilll) to rise like steam, vapour. 91 11 f b it It ft C it, 0. 0, 10 make ste vapour to rise, to make to evaporate. 91 lif bltyf eit, v. a. to stop, dry up (with tow, &c.). Stiffens Bit, V. a. .V. 1\ to bear up, away, round. 91 li f C f) (j C It, 0. a, to take up or open by the harrow. 91 II f C i 11 a it b e r, a. delay, stop, hindrance; 3.. v. T. demurrage; id) babt fcitteit fcftcit — , 1 1 : compos. — Sfai'te, tificate (permit) of residence ; — *Crt. m. placi ; — ;cir, /. 1 residence in a place. Of the vcrls begriming u-ith a 11 f = e r it is to lie observed that by the ruli tkeu are separable, but are 00/11 used in the rable forma; as: a\8 matt ihirt btefe Strafe aufevlcgte, when this punishment was imposed upon him. 91 lif crbauctt, r. a. l. to erect; 2. fig. to edify. 91 life* 6 a 11 U dt, adj. edifying. 91u'fcrlcgeit, v. a. (eiiiem etival) 1. to lay one und' r : 2. fig. to award; to impose ; 3. to enjoin. 9liifcrfteftert,,,. [aux. frtptt) to rise up. lo rise from the dead. 91 li f C r ft e ft It It g, /. resurrection ; — «» tag, m. day of resurrection. 91 lifer wad) ctt, v. n. {avefatd to awake again. 91 iff crrocef ctt, 0. a. to 1 91 ii f c r ir c d c r, m . (-8 ; pi. —) be that 'in the dead; our Saviour. 91 lifer iv c J ling,/, resascitation. 91 li f C r 5 i C f) C It, v. ir. a. to bring up ; tc rear, nurse up, 91 ii fe r }t e b a it g, /. the bringing up, rearing. 91 ii f e f f e 11, v. ir. a. to eat up, to con- Biime. 91 li f fa tft C 1 II, r. a. to fan (the fire) ; to open by fanning. 9hiffac!)cit, via. 9Infad)cit. 91 ii f f a b c 1 tt, ? string, thread , 91 uf fab men, tj to baste ; gown; 2. to unravel, untwist 91 li ff fl ft r e It, 0. ir. I. a. to drive open ; II. «. {aux. fcllll) 1, to ascend, mount, ri.-e; 2. .\". T. to inn upon; .'I. fig, to fly out in a passion; 4. to fly u\ open by filing. 51 li f f c u cb t c It, r. a. to moisten again. 51 li f f i it b c b u d), n. (-cfl ; pi.-Sua)eti repertory. Sliif fillbf r., a. 1. to find out; 2. to find up. 51 li f f t II b U U g,/. discovery, finding out. Sliif f t mi ffc it, <•.«. to new-varnish. Sliiff ifdjcit, v. a. Jig. l. to fish up, pick up ; 2. intercept. Sltifftadcra, v. n. (a«x. fe^tt) to rise with quick and transient flame. Stuff tarn men, ». «. (aux-fetyn) 1. to flame up, forth ; 2. to break out into a (lame. 31 lif flat tent, ». n. {auz. fciin) to flutter upwards. 51 ti f f I C dj t e it, u. ir. a. 1 • to twist up ; to plait, to braid up; 2. to untwist, to unbraid, unplait. 51 li f f I C I) e II, 7i. n. (mix. fjabcit) to pray up to, to implore. 51 lif f I id Clt, v. a. 1. to vamp up; 2. to put a patch upon. 51 ttfftiegC It, v. ir. n. {mix. fcttlt) 1. to fly up, to start ; to perch ; to soar ; 2. fig. to fly open; tjodj — , to take a high flight; — laffcit, to let fly, to blow up with gunpowder. 51 11 f f 1 1 C t) C It, v. n. (aux. fdllt) to flee upward. SI li f f I i m nt e V It, v. n. (aux. fciinj *.o glimmer up. 51 ti f f I (5 e It, v. a. to convey up by floating. 51 li f f I t C tt, v. a. &■ n. to perform, play on the flute ; to rouse from sleep by fluting. SI ti f f I It fl, m. (-§) the flying, soaring up. SI ti f f lit t e it, via. Sliifvocllett. 21 li f f o v b c r c r, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) sum- moner 51 lif forbe rtt, v. a, 1. to summon, to challenge ; 2. to invite, ask, call upon. 51 li f f V b C r It, v. a. to move upwards. Stlifforbcmng, /. (pi. -en) sum- mons, challenge, &c. ; — Sfcfcvcibcrt, n. summons. 51 li f f r lit e It, v. a. T. to put upon the form ; to turn up, cock (a hat). 51 li f f r a g e n, v. ir. a. vid. (Srfragen. 51 lif freffert, a. 1. to devour, eat up ; 2. T. to corrode. 51 lif frier en, vid. Slnfricrctt. 5i li f f r i f ft) e n, v. a. to refresh, renew, revive ; fig. to encourage. 51 li f f ii g e It, v. a. to join to. 5lliffiil)rbar, adj. what may be acted. 51 li f f ii f) r C n, v. I. a. 1 . to raise, set up, to erect; to build up ; 2. to give, repre- sent, perform (plays); 3. to lead; 4. to bring, carry near, up ; 5. M. E. to charge, note down, enter; bic 3B(tcf)e — , to mount guard ; II. rrjl. ti i or conduct one's self. i! lif fiit) rung, /. (pi. -en) 1. erect- ing, building; 2. behaviour, conduct; 3. representation (of a play) ; 4. lead- ing up. aXtiffullc II, v. a. to fill up again. Stiiffuufetn, v.n. l. (mix. JjaBett) to emit a transient spark; 2. (aux. feVHl) to sparkle. •X li f f a r ft) e v » a. to fur.ow. Unfe .'I li f f It ji e It, v. n. to stand on one's feet. .'1 li f f ii 1 1 e r It, v. a. I . to spend, con- sume food; 2. to breed up, bring up, feed ; 3. to fatten. 51 liffufier 11, v. a. Arch. T. to face. 51 li f g b C, /. {pt.-n) 1. problem, ques- tion, i roposing; 2. theme; task; 3 sur- render (of the town) ; 4. resignation of an othce) ; giving up (one's right) nnter — , JU. E. with advice; taut — , as advised. 31 lif gab C tit, v. a. 1. to pick up, to take up with a fork ; 2. fig to fish up, pick up. 51 ii f g a cf e r it, v. a. to rouse from sleep by cackling. 51 li f g it f f C It, v. n. (mix. babctt) to look (stare) upward. 31 li f g ii I) tt e It, v. n. to gape open ; to yawn aloud. 51 lif g a I) r c it, v. ir. n. (mix. babett A,- fetttt) to rise by fermentation; fig. to fly out in a passion. 51 ii f g a it g, m. (-eS ; pi. -gauge) 1. rising, rise (of the sun, &c.) ; 2. ascent, elevation ; 3. fig. east, orient ; 4. con- sumption, spending. 51 ii f g a 1 1 c r it, v. a. to pick up, find out. 51 li f a, cb C It, v. ir. a. to deliver; sur- render, yield, cease ; 2. to leave olf; to give up, abandon; cilt 31 lit t — , to lay down, resign an office; 3. (ciltcilt Ct= tOaS) to set one a task, &c; eilie S't'a= go, Cttt'9t(ttt)fel — , to propose a ques- tion, a riddle ; cine 53efaitittfd>ift — , to drop an acquaintance. 51 li f g C b C r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) he fiat de- livers, proposes, &C, vid. vrrli. 51 lif geb la feu, part. adj. swollen, blown; fig. haughty, proud, elated, pulled up. 51 li f g c b t a f C It t) C 1 1, /. jig. haughti- ness, insolence, arrogance, inflation. 31 li f g e b t, n. (-8) 1. public call, sum- mons; 2. — SBerlobter, the bans. 51 li f g C b r a ct) t, part. adj. 1. irritated, angry; 2. taken, captured; ein — e8 (£d)iff, ship brought up as a prize, prize. 31iifgebtttgc, n. (-8; pi. — ) the binding and money paid for an ap- prentice. 51 li f g C b r C I) t, part. adj. rid. STufbtts f>ett ; ba8— c (5'iibc eiiicj SaueS, fag- end of a rope. 5lli'fgebunfcn, part. adj. 1. bloated; 2. fig. conce'ted, puffed up, inflated. 31 ii f g eg ti en e, n. (-it) what is pro- posed, problem, task, &c. 31 li f g C f) C It, v. ir. I. n. [aux. fell It) 1. to rise, mount; 2. to shoot, come up, come forth; to bud, to blossom; .'1. to open, to break; 4- to get loose; 5. to be spent, to get consumed; 6. .Ir. ']'. to remain naugbt; 7. to heave, swell, rise (said of the dough); fig. ti gebt mir ein i!id)t auf, or mir gcf)eu bie 3lugeit auf, I begin to see clear; tit geuer, in Sftauin — , to be consumed by fire; baf Slktter gctjt auf, it thaws; ev la|it fehv »tel — , he spends a great deal ; cine dtcdinuttg — laffen, to strike a balance, to balance; rocd)= felfcitige ©r^ulben — loffett, to set oft" mutual debts; II. rrjl. jam. fid; bic SiiflC — , to walk one's feet sore. Slufgeten, v. a. jv. t. to brail up, to I clue up a sail. I SI lif get tart, part. adj. enlightened, I civilized, intelligent, liberal. 3lufh 3lufgc Etartfjc it, /. light, civiliia tion. Sliifgetb, n. (-e«; pi. -er) l. agio, change, exchange, balance ; 2. en- listing money. 51 li f g C I C g t, part. adj. disposed, in good or bad humour: vid. 5lllflcgC!l; cilt — Co -Sduff, ship in ordinary. 51 li f g C I C i t C 11, v. a. to guide or lead up. 51 ii f g e r a u in t, port. adj. fig. good. humoured ; of good cheer. Syn. 3f u f fl « r S u m X, S u fr i «. Xufgfrifumt ^frcm (uifi.iumcn, t. ir. a. to pour upon; to atluse ; to infuse. 51 lifg tiiu^en, v. n. (auz. Iiaben & fellll) to shine, (lame up with splendour. 51 li f g t C 1 1 C tt, v . ir. n. 1 (aux. fetyJt) to 31 lifg It tfdjen, v. n. 3 glide against. 3liifgt tin men, v. n. (aux. fei)tt) to gleam, glimmer up (again). 31 ii f g 1 ti C it, v. n. to stare up. 31 li f g t it l) C It, v. n. (aux. fet}1l) to g ; :m up (again). 51 ii f g r a b e it, i-. ir. a. to dig up, to break ground, to open. 51 li f g r a f e It, v. a. to graze, browse up. 5Iiifgrauen, v. v. (aux. baben) to dawn, break the gloom. 51 li f g r e t f en, v. ir. a. to seize, to lay hold of; to pick up. 31 lif gr ti n Clt, v. n. 1. to become green ; 2. fig. to revive. 31 li f g It if e It, v. n. provinc. to look up. 3tiifgiirten, v. a. l. to gird up, tuck up ; 2. to ungird. 31 It f git 5, m. (-ffcS ; pi. -giiffc) pouring upon; infusion; affusion ; — tlncvdett, v. infusory worm. 31 li f 1) a b C 1t, v. ir. a. 1 . to have on ; to be loaded with ; 2. to have open or opened. 31 lif f) a ff C tt, r. a. to cut up, to open ; to hoe, grub; lltit bcilt 'Scbltabcl — . to pick, peck. 31 lift) iift en, vid. 51ufbcftcn. 51 ii f b ii f e 1 tt, r. a. to unhook. 31 lift) a I en, 3Iiifbaftcfu, v. a. 1. m unclasp, unhook; 2. to hangup, fasten by a hook. 51 lif I) a lie 11, r. n. (aux. f)abcit) .to resound. 31 ii f b a t f c it, v. a. (etnent ttwai) l. to put upon one's shoulders, load one: with , 2. fig. to impute to, charge with, put upon one. 51 li ft) a 1 1, m. (-9) stopping, delay ; T. steppage; Sp. T. stop; eilt balbcr — , half a stop. SI ii f b a 1 1 e n, o. ir I. a. stop, hinder, keep back, delay, detain, keep off"; 2. to uphold, support: 3. to hold open (ft»l receiving something, the hands. &e ) 5fufh EL rrfi. to stay ; to sojourn, live ; itch bet einer ©ac^e — , to dwell upon ; ftcb iibcv Scmattb or etwaS — , •%•. to mock, to find fault with, to criticize. lyn. V. ii flatten, fjimmni. $tiniiun ei;- i. fiefl to stop or impede .u.y motion already commenced; ouffnucu, to hinder <»r prevent nay actiou or motion whether alread nrnof.e.g. S<6 frirlt meinf Jnrrtntil lungcauf, niiiiVm lit nbtr rinmiil dii.Kfm.ini batten iu fiitf,cii/ Iwtttte i4> ibrtn Strom nidit inirorr brimiicn, I restrained u\y teara long, but niter :nced flowing, I could not stop the H ii f h a 1 1 c r, m. (-8 ; />/. — ) on instru- ment for stopping; .\". V. rulieving-rope. 31 u f b a 1 1 c v c l, /. col. fault-finding. 81 ii f b altung, f. stopping, hindering ; hindrance; staying, &c vid. 3lufnaltcu. ?J it f h am lit e t it, v. I. a. 1. to hammer on ; 1. ciitcit — , to wake one by hammer- ing ; II. n. (aux. l)Clbi\l) to hammer upon. 31 it f i> a. it g e b a n b, n. (-e8 ; //. -bau= ^c.'i . /. T. suspensory ligament. 81 ii f 1) a u g e b o b c it, m. (-8 ; pi. -bo= bcif 'l'ijp. T. hanging room, drying place. Slltfljangen, v. a. to hang up; to hang, suspend; (cinciit etxoat oulff. to t < - 1 1 one a fib, 91 li f [) arte It, v. a. to rake up. 31 u f b d V t e It, v. a. T. to give the ne- igto the ropes. 31 lif bafdjCH, v. a. to snatch, catch, pick up. 91 uf 1) a 8pel", <•• a. I. to reel; 2. to finish reeling; 3. to raise up ; fid) \V\t- bet' — , vu/g. to rise slowly from tlie ground or to recover from an illness. 21 ii f f) a u b c n, v. a. to put a cap on. 91 lift) a ltd) en, ». I. a. to breathe, blow open; 11. n. {mix, baben) to breathe up. SI lif ha licit, b. ir. a. 1. to cut, hew, break open or anew; 2. to strike upon ; 3. to finish cutting ; mit bet finite — , to cock the match. 3liifl)dufc(u, c.n. to form into small 91 li f () d It f C It, v. a. e> refi. to heap up ; to accm i to hoard up. 91 li f 1) a 11 fit It g, /. accumulation. 31 li f h I b C tt, v. ir. a. 1. to raise, lift, take up ; 2. capture ; 3. to lay ii reserve, save, spare ; 4. to annul, to abolish, abro 5. to break up, raise ; fid) gcgcitfcitig — , to cancel, I Btroy each other; eine SSetagetung — , to raise a siege ; tic Eafet — , to finish dinner, to retire from dinner; belt Sttett II. f. tt). — , to end, finish the rrel ; cincu ©rod) — , Mat. T. to clear a fraction ; aufgefefyoben ifl nidit aufgchobcu, prov. forbearance is no acquittance. i'yn. 3u f f> c b t ii , Jt ii f 1. 1 h in t u , It ci f r i d>. icn. Bfan niinmt «uf (takes up) that which la ' the ground or ativ thine "I'' 1 ' 1 ' .'.'.'.in hchr imj position. .Wan riiUICtauf, that which is to stand upright ?l ii fb c b c it, n. lifting up, tec vid. Stufs htben ; »fel —8 oon eiuer 2adic ma= ttcit, to make great bustle about the HuffjeBer, ,„. {-t\ ,,-.—) T . an in- strument for lifting up. Rliflje buttfj,/. raisin::: abolition, &C; — bcr opoftie, elevation of the — cincv .Stlage, non suit ; — cine* gjj betfontmtffe i pas. — flocte boo ^anbet«»erfe^r8, non- i"t ; — -.-bcfchl, ,„. man date of nullification; — 9gertf$t, u. eourt of cassation. B ufbcf I cl n b, ii. to unhook. ?t li f heft e ii, b. a. i to Din up, to fasten ; to fix to ; t_- tie t;p ; to upon; 2. to undo, unhook; %.fig. ,ci= ncnt tttOdi) to impose upon one. SS li f () C 1 1 C V It, b. I. o. 1. to make clear; 2. Jig. to cheer up ; il.refl. 1. to clear up : 1-fig. to erful. Sliift) etteru tt g 8 nt 1 1 1 e f, n. (-§ ; pi. — means ol cheering up, d it 3llif()ClfctI, v. ir. n. (mix. b>lbctt) with dat. 1. to help up : 2. .1 support; assist; encourage. 3ltifl)clfcr, m. (-8; p/. — ) he that succours; 7'. an instrument (common- ly a string or cord) for raising one's self in bed. 31 lif be licit, r. I. n. to brighten up, enlighten, to illumine; II. refl. to clear up. 31 li f f) e 11 it ng, /. (;,'. -cit) the clear- ing, Sec. 31 li f fi en f C It, v. a. to hang up ; vid. 3lltfbdh\}Clt. Stlif 1)C fee II, v. a. « Birup. to start; fig. to stir up to incite instigate ; eiiten tiubcr belt ante en — , tosei one against the other. 3liifbcijcr, m. (-8; pi. — ) inciter, alienor, instigator. 31 li f b C ii it it J, /. fjrf. -C1I) instigation. 3lliff)Clt(eit, B. I. H. (a»r. b,tbcii) to set up or begin how ling : II. a. to wake one by bowling. 31 lift) in, wtf. igjinauf. 3liif b tffcn, o. a. .v. T. to li list, to haul up; tie 3Jiac8fegcl fiitb aufge= bint, the top-sails are a trip ; tcv 3ln£ev ift aufiicfuiit, the anchor is a we ?liifbocf en, ^liifbucfcii, v. I. a. {tU ltCllt etttXlS) to take or put up back; to put in heaps; II. n. {aux. b.i = ben) to cling to or ban.' one's self up in one in order to be carried. 31 iff hobcit, v. a, T. to set off (a painting). Sliifljo I en, b. a. to fetch up; .v. r. to haul up ; to bring a ship to the wind. .'I ii f 60 1 c r, w. (-3 ; pi. — ) .v. T. — be8 StagfegelS, halliard of a stay-sail; — ber 2titcfpfovtcn, port-tackle; — be89Jacf8, barrel-trusB; — be8 Seftttt: bvobfS, girtline to haul up the mizen brails; — (lit etltent SuHett, relieving tackle on the mast of a bulk: — cut ci= Item .Uicllicbtcr, relieving tackle; — tcv SReefeit, martinets. 3liif li preticn, 3liif bin-en, v. n. {mix. Inibcn) to listen, to hearken attentively. 3liif (1 Li re it, B.n.(ai«8, habcitM. disconlinue. desisl ; to end; — {\l VC = ten, 1 eaking ; — 511 wh = leu, to slop payment 3liifhiia.c(n, b. a, to raise u 1 like a bill. 3liiffiiil ft, f. aid, helping up. 31 lit (1 iil I en, v. a. to uncover, to re- veal. 3hif bit b fen, c ,,. {aux. fenit] to frisk, skip, bop. leap, jump up, bound. 3! ii f (1 it ft e 11, b. 1. ». {aux. 6«6en to 1 loud; II. a. l. to bring up by ig : 2. to wak: i>y coughing. 31 ii f j a 1} t it, b. a. to start, rouse, scare up: to drive away; ciiien •$irfrf) — , to uriharbour a hart: ciltctl ^itfb» — , to unkennel a fox: tie Cttcf — , to vent the oiler: ten &./. 3liifjammevtt. 31 lif M a p p c, /. ' /,/. -n.> the Hap cof a fi' 1 1 the facing of a coat). 31 li f E I a p p C It, r. a. to put up the f. ildo, 31 liffl a VClt, B.I.O. 1. to clear up; 2. fig. to illustrate, explain ; to enlighten ; ir up. Stuff liter, m. (-3; ;,/._) en ener, illumin etrer. 3litfEI«ircvet',/. m ning. Stuff tatting, m.(-6;^.-e - enlightener. 31 lift I ii rung,/. 1. clearing up, i ' enlightening ofthe mind; . — •Miichr, — tiMitb, /. 1 ment 31 tiff fat f di c n, b. r. n. I XV. : . '"CM!) — auf, to fall clashing upon; II. a. to rouse by era iking of a whip. 31 ii f f 1 a 11 b c it, v. /1. to pick up. 91 ii file ben, Slu'fffeiben v. I, a, to paste upon, to lime ; 11. n. tux, haber* k to. Stuff (ei fttv 11, B.a, to past 31 ii f f If 1 1 et It, '( 0. n. (our. fenn; to 31 iff flint men, S ciimb up. 31 liffl i" gd II, b. n. to wale by ring- ing a boll. 31 uff (in fen, v. a. to unlatch, 31 ii f E I i v v c 11, b. n. {aux. fcrm' t,. ape. uiili a rattling noise 51 liffl oi' fen. b. i. a. to o pc - n i T 51 2luff knocking; II. 11. [aux. r>lbcit' to knock upon. il li f £ I 5 p p e I it, r. a. to consume all the thread (in making la 21 li f 1 11 a cf C It, r. a. to crack open. 21 It f {n all C It, r. I. n. (aux. f CVtlt) to : up with a report ; II. a, to let go up ; to rouse by a report. 21 11 f E tt a tt t it, d. 7i. (aux. fcijn) to open with a creaking noise. 2! ii f f n a fi c r n, vid. 2Iuff natrcrn. 2ltif f nattcrn, v. n. (aux. fepn) to crackle up. 21 A f f n a U p e I It, t?. a, to pick open, to open with difliculty. 91 li f £ It C b C I It, v. a. 1. to fasten by a gag or short piece of wood ; 2. to undo, to ungag. 21 li f £ It e t p e It, r. a. to open with a pair of pincers, to pinch open. 21 li f f it i cf c tt, v. a, to break open. Si ii f £ 11 1 C it, v. a. to wear holes into by kneeling. 31 ii f E n t fi c r it, vid. Qluffititttcni. 31 liffnopfcn, v. a. 1. to unbutton; 2. to button up. CI it f £ It ii V f C It, r. a. 1. to tie up, to ln:!g ; 2. to untie, loosen. .< lif f D d) e It, c. I. a. to boil up, to boil again : to warm up; II. it. (nux. babeil) to boil up; bubble up; cr Eocbt kic^t ailf, fig. his blood is soon up. 3( li f £ I 1 cr li, v. a. to roll upon. 31 ttf 1 m nt e it, r. t>. n. (aur. fevm) l . to get up ; 2. to grow up, to bs brought; up : 3. to recover : to get well ; 4. fig. to thrive, rise, advance, get on (in the world) ; 5. to come into vogue. 21 li f £ m m C It, n. (-8) recovery from sickness. 21 ii f E 5 m m 1 1 it g, m. vid. C?mpor= Ednunltttg. 21 lif tonne it, v. ir. n. (aa. fyabtn) to be able to rise, get up. 21 ii f £ o p f e II, v. a. to put the head (to a pin). 21 lif f Ppp el 11, D. a. to uncouple (hounds). 21 li f £ ft C It, consume by tasting. 21 li f £ x a ct) c n, v. n. (aux. fevm) to fly up with a tremendous report, noise. ?liiffrad> ten, v.n. (aux. baben) to groan, croak. 21 ii f £ r a b e it, v. I. n. (aux. babeii) to set up a crowing ; II. a. to rouse by crowing. 21 ii f f r a 1 1 c n, vid. Sluff tafeen. Vi '.: f I t d lit e It, v. a. &■ n. to arrange, put in order (for sale). 21 lif ft 5 111 pd". "• «■ T. to card all the stock of wool ; to card again. 21 li f £ x a m p c n, v. a. to loosen (cramp irons). 21 ii f f r 5 m p e it, e. a. to cock (a hat). 21 li f E r a (j e n, v. a. to scratch open, up ; Juctl — , to nap cloth; to raise the nap of cloth ; leict)t — , to tease ; to card. vi li f £ r a u f c I n, v. I. a. to curl up, crisp, frizzle ; II. n. to shrink into ring- lets, curl. 51 lif fretfd) en, o. Ln. (aux. ha ben to set up a screaming ; II. a. to rouse with screaming. 2liif£rcmpen, vid. 2litf£rainpcit. 21 u f £ r c u } e it, vid. 2In£icujcn. H ii f f r i e d) e n, r . n. «> {aux. fevm) »o crawl (upwards). 2ttijl 21 tl f f t i C g C It, v. a. mdg. 1. to open ; 2. to get on, up. open. 21 lif Ertmp en, r. u. .v. t. to keep % mist the sun. 21 ;i f f r i § e I n, ». a. ij'J. 2IiiEri^elit. 21 li f f r ii lit lit t it, r. a. to turn upwards in a crooked way. 21 U f I X ii p p C I It, r. rtfi. to get up with difficulty (like a cripple). 21 li f E ii n b e tt, 1 v. a. (etnem ettuaS) 21 li f £ ii It b t g C n, J I . to give warning ; 2. to retract, recant, recall ; 3. to re- nounce ; to break with one; cilt M(l- pitcl — , to recall a capital ; vid. 2lllf= fagot, Sim. Muffngtn, Xuf (li nt ig«n. KuflUnti, gfn seenw to be used generally in a more solemn style and of more important concerns than auffi?gtn, and especially of written con- tracts or agreements. A lodging is aufq.faat, - a sum of money standing out at interest auj: gtliintigl. 21 it f E it n b C g it it g, /. (pi. -en) warn- ing (to quit a lodging, situation, &c.) ; dismission; — sbrief, m. — efdiveibcn, v. letter of warning (to quit). 21 ti f £ U tt ft, /. recovery ; vid. 2Illf£om= men. 21 lif Itt 4) « t, v. 7t. (aux. babcil) to break out into a laugh. 21 ii f [ a b c n, o. ir. a. (einciit etiuaS) to lade, load upon, charge with. 21 li f I a C c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) loader, packer. 21 It flag C, /. (pi. -n) 1. edition ; 2. im- post, tax, assessment, duty ; 3. collec- tion (of money) ; 4. vulg. meeting, club, conventicle ; cine ftJirfe — , a large iniprasslcr. ; Itette — , reimpression ; cine gcric£)t[td)e — , summons ; cineir — tbuil, to issue a writ agar.-*, crs. 21 li f 1 a It g C n, v. a. to reach, carry up. 21 lif I anger, pi. jr. T. futtocks; — bcr Jiaijiporcn, futtock-riders ; bcr= fcrrte — , top-timbers. 21 ti f I a r m e it, v. a. to wake up by a noise. 21 li f I a f f e it, v. ir. a. to let get up ; tc loosen ; eine (STjgrube — , Mm. T. to abandon a mine ; incor. to leave open. 21 ii f 1 a ft c n, v. a. vid. 2lnf£aren. 21 li f I a It e t e r, tn. (-§ J pi. — ) waylay- er, spy. 2i ii f i a it c r n, o. n. (aux. baben) etnem — , to waylay one ; to watch , to he in wait, ambush ; to spy. 21 ii f I a it f, m. (-§ ; pi. -laufe) l. fig. increase ; 2. rout, uproar, tumult. 21 li f I a II f e It, v. ir. I. a. to make open or sore by running ; II. n. (aux. fepn) 1. to swell, to rise ; 2. to increase, run up to (of costs and interest) ; 3. A*. T. to run a-ground; bill "Soli — faffelt, .V. T. to man the yards ; 4. to shoot, bud. 2liiflaufcr, m. (-§; pi. — ) .v. r. younker, sailor-boy. 3! ti f 1 a u f e r, m. C-S ; pi. — ) a sort of high raised cake. 21 ti f 1 a u f eb r it, d. I. n. (aux. ktbcit) to watch, listen to ; II. a. to catch by listen- ing. 21 li f I a 11 1 C II, v. a. to wake up by ring- ing the bells. 3i ii f 1 a s i r c n, v. a. .V. T. to sail up a river by playing to windward and tack- ing. 21 lif I tit It, v. n. [aux. fevm) to revive, to return to life. 21 1! f i e d C n, r. a. to lick up. 21 li f 1 e g e n, o. a. 1. to put on, lay on, to apply ; 2 to impose, lay on (taxes, 2lufui &c); 3. to enjoin; ftc tegt anf ti* paints; Stillu^ivcigcit — , to im,o-* silence; ciltetll eiltett 6'iB — , to tender an oath to one ; ^emailC'Cm cine 2Jcv= btltbitepEeit — , to lay one under an ob- ligation ; cine Strafe — , to inflict a punishment, to fine ; rilie ^Bllfje — , to enjoin a penance ; Ctlicnt Saitbe Stattbs fcpa^UItg — , to put a country under contribution : citt (Sefcpii^ — , to mount a cannon ; cut '23ltdl — , to reprint, publish a book ; eitt SfbifT — , JV. T. to lay up : ttojll aufgclfftt fc.Mt, to ba disposed to ; aufgelegt jefin, to be in good humour; nicbt au'gcle.jt U'vtt, to be in ill humour, out of humour ; ACtt — , ruig. to grow fat ; ftct) — gcgrn, vid. 2lufleb,neii, fid;. 21 ii f [ c g u n g, /. imposition. 21 li f I e b n e It, v. rcfl. 1. to lean, rest upon ; 2. Sp. T. to prance ; fig. fid) gc= geil ^cmailb — , to oppose, resist one, to be refractory, to rise against one. 21 li f 1 C i b C It, p.«r. a. to borrow up (all) 21 lif 1 1 1 III C II, d. a. to glue upon. ^1 li f I C f e 11, v. ir. a. to pick up, gather 21 it f 1 e u d) t e n, v. n. (aux. tjaben) tc shine, flash up, rise resplendent, 21 ii f I i c g e n, v. ir. I. n. (aux. Eiabcn to lie, lean, rest upon; fig. to be out o. place (said of servants) ; II. rcfl. to ge . sore by lying or keeping the bed. 21 li f 1 cf C It, v. a. to allure up. 21 li f ( ff C r It, v. a. to break or mouldet the ground ; to loosen the soil ; to shake. 21 ii f I o b e r n, r. n. (aux. fevm) to flash up, blaze up, to flare. 21 li fl 5 f f el It, o. a. 1 to take up with the spoon ; 2. to eat up. 2J liflo 6 bat, 2ltips(idj, adj. dissolv- able, sc'.ub'e. resolvable. 21iifli)$bar£eit, 2liifIoe(itf>feir, ; dissolubility, resolvability. 21 li f 1 5 f C lit i 1 1 e I, n. (-8) dissolvent. 2llif(bfcn, v.a.&refl. 1. to looser, unloose, untie, open ; 2. to dissolve, to resolve ; 3. to solve, decipher, to un- riddle ; 4. to analyze. 21 lif lofting, /. (pi. -Ctt) 1. the un- doing, loosening ; 2. fig. dissolution; 2 solution: 4. T. analysis; compos. — 3C-C- Eref, «. decree of dissolution ; — SEltltfi. /. analytics ; — slerjrc, /. Log.T. analy- sis; — 3lllittei, n. solvent, dissolvent. 21 lift 5 tf)Clt, v. a. 1. to solder, solder upon ; 2. to unsolder. 21 li f I ii f t e It, v. a. to lift up ; to air by lifting up. 2liif!iigcn, v. a, (etnem ctroa») i. to impute falsely ; 2. to tell one a ; hood. 21 ii f I ii p f e n, v. a. to lift up. 21 li f m a cb C tl, u. I. a. to open, undo ; II nfl. 1. to get up, to rise; 2. to dispose one's self, to set out. 21 li f m a b I e It, v. a. to grind all (part. aufgemaglen). 21 li f 111 a i) It C 11, r. a. to exhort, en- courage; to summon. 31 lif nt a Ic tt, ». a. (part, aufgemalt) l. cilt ©eincilbe — , to refresh, to toucr. up a painting, to new-paint; 2. to con- sume all the colour. 21 li f lit a it g e I n, v. a. to mangle agaia 21 li f lit r f d), m. (-C8) marching up. 21 li f nt a x f ct) i r e it, o. n. (aux. f cur. to march up, to march. 2lliflltafi, n. (-(3) what is ever anJ above the measure. 21 li fill a ft c 11. c. a. to fatten frattle, Sfufh Slifmaiicr tt, v. a. to mure, to build with brick. •U li f m C t fi C I It, v. a. ^ . to open with a chisel; 2. to produce with the chisel. 51 ti f m e It g f e I, n. (-8 ; pl. — ) medley. SI ti if lit e X f C It, 'v. I. a. to mark, note, put down ; II. n. (aux. ()abctt) to attend, mind, mark, heed ; to give ear to, to listen. 81 li f m e r £ C r, m. (-§ ; pl. — ) observer ; listener. 51 1! f m e r f f a m, I. adj. attentive ; mind- ful; 11. adv. attentively; mindfully ; — Iitad)eit auf tttoai, to remind, put in mind, driw the attention to. ?liifnu:ffamfeit, /. (pi. -en) at- tention , attentiveness ; mindfulness; mit gcfpanutet — , with eager atten- tion. 51 li f me f f ett, to measure and put up (in the granary). 51 li f m t f djj C n, v. a. to mix again, shuffle (the cards). 31 li f m u it t e r e r, m. (S ; pi. — ) checr- er, encourager. 91 It f lit U tt t C r tt, v. I. a. I. to awake, rouse; 2. Jig. to enliven ; cheer up; :i. — JU CtluaS, to encourage, animate, incite; II. n-ji. to brisk one's self up. 3Iiifmuutcnttig, /. l. rousing; 2. Jig. encouragement, incitement, anima- vacity ; cheering up. 51 li f m it it % C tt, t;. a. to coin all (the gold, &c.) ?l li f lit It r r e It, p. a. to wake by grum- bling. 31 li f in it f f c tt, v. 7i. (mix. iHibcit) used only eiiipt. cr ntufj auf (i. «. ftchcu he must get up; c$ units auf (». e.gegeffen luerbctt) it must be eaten up. S li f in U t l)C It, v. n. to animate, prompt. SI li f in It fc e It, v. a. vu/g. 1. to dress up ; .to mock; 3. to upbraid, reproach. 51 li f It a. g C I n, v. a. to nail upon. 91 lif 11 (t qe tt, v. a. 1. to consume by gnawing ; 2. to gnaw open. 51 li f n if) C tt, v. a. 1 . to sew on ; 2. to ae by sewing. Hit f» 0. 1 me,/. 1. taking up, reception; admittance, admission; 2. jig, improve- ment, prosperity ; — an Jtittbes" 2tatt, adoption; tit — foiltmcil, to thrive, per; to gain credit ; to come into fashion: til — bl'ittqcit. to forward, pro- mote -, eiue freuubiirhe — ift bic beftc iu-nnrthumi, welcome is the best cheer; M E-*. — bcreitctt, to pay due honour; tit — fepn, to be in favour; compos. — = liljcitt, m. certificate of admission. !llifuafllU$fiif)tg, adj. qualified for -sion. SliifnabmSfdbJgfcir, /. a bility, eligibility. 51 li f it a h m i to itt b I q, adj. worthy of ■ admitted, S li f it e I) lit e it, v. ir. Lo.1. to take up, pick up ; take ; 2. G. T. to survey, mea- sure ; 3. to harbour ; 4. to receive : 5, to put upon paper, make a design; ®clb —, to borrow, take up (raise) money; eiue Wcdiituuq — , to audit an accoum ; an AitnbcS £u[i, the m's yeoman. 21 ti f p e i t f d) c it, v. a. to whip up. 21 ii f p f ii I) I e it, v. a. to put on a paling, 2Ilifp feif Clt, v. I. a. to wake by blowing a pipe; U. n. (aux. haben) to play upon a pipe; eiltnn beftiinbig' — , ru'g.prov. to be always at one's service. 21 II f p f I a tt j« It, p. a. Jig. to plant up ; eilie jtailOItC — , to mount or place a cannon. 21 li f p f I 5 if e It, v. a. to fasten with pegs. 21 ii f p f ( ii g c it, v. a. to plough up. 21 11 f p fr p f c 11, 7'. a. to ingraft 21 ti f p i d> C It, v. a. to fasten with pitch. 21 li f p i (fc 11, v. a. to peck, pick up, open. 21 iff p i 11 f e 1 11, v. a. to put on with a brush; to new-brush. 21 li f p [ ii 1 1 C II, r. n. to iron again- to smoothe with a pressing-iron. 21 ti f p I a (j e it, 0. n . (avx. feint) to burst open, to crack. 21 li f p I d $ C It, r. a. to cause to burst 21 11' f p 1 a 11 b c t tt, r. a. to wake by talking. 21lifp od) Clt, v.a. to knock open, up. 21lifpoI tcr II, o. a. to wake with great noise. 91 ii f p P fa it it c it, c a. to rouse by the Bound of a true 21 lif p r d i\ C It, p. a. to imprint, in ilu'fpralten, <•. ,,. (avx, unit) to ,iounc^ up, to rebound, to lurst, U oj a. 21 li f p V Bf f« n, v. a. to squander . , 21 li f p r C I [ c 11, r. a. to jerk, toss up 21 it f p r c f f c it, p. a. to press open ; to press against 31 li f p t % c It, p. a. Ovn. T. to a piece of onii 21tifpraffeln, v. n. (auz. feiin) to crackle up. 21 li f p r B e It, I p. a, to trv on (» 21 11 f p v b i r e n, J bat, & 'Jllifpriigcllt, v. a. to make rise by cudgelling. 21 li f p It b C r n, v. a. to new powder. .'! ii f p it lit p c II, p. a. to heave, pump up ; L'. fig. to borrow. 21 li f p 11 ft C n, v. a. to blow up. 21 li f p tt tj, m (-C8) adorning ; ornament ; dress, dnery, attire. 91 li f p U fc C It, v. a. to adorn ; to dress, trim : to clean ; to brush ;:p. 21 ii fcpial in cit, p. «. {aux. fct)n) to rise as steam or vapour. 21 ltf qUellC It, r. I. rrg. a. to swell, soak up ; II. ir. v. (aux. [cut to spring up, 10 well ; to swell Up, to rise. 21 ii f q u e 1 1 u n g,/. springing up, swell- ing. 21 li f (JU e 1 1 e it, v a. to beat up with a ' -tiek. 21 li f q U C t ]d) t it, v.a. to squeeze open. 21 It fq Utile rt, v. ir. n. (aux. fcvilt) to swell up, to rise, bubble up. 21 11 f r d b e I n, p. a. to wind on a reel. 21 li f r a f f C It, v. I. a. to rake up, to gather indiscriminately j to truss op; jiff, to pick up; II. rrfi. to rise quickly, to take to one's heels ; to get up after an illness. 21 ii f t a q c it, p. n. (an c bcbcif to over- top, rise high. 91 ii f ra lit lit C ( it, . p. a. 1. to ram. to 21 lif raill lit C it, $ drive with \. 2. to open by nimn 21 li f V a 11 f C II, v. n. to creep, climb up (as vines, tendrils, &c). 21 lif va fen, i a ben) to start up like a maniac ; to roar up. 21 li ft a f fc I II, p. I. a. to wake up by a fetytt) to open with a rattling. Sltif r a lichen, v. L a. to consum ag : ll. a. (aux. babcu ,\ • to rise like smoke. 21 lif ra udi cvn, v.a, to season, dry up in smoke. 91 li ft it 11 h c it, ?-. a. to roughen a sur (the nap of c 21 lif r d it nt c It, 1. to pm in to arrange ; to rem re ; take away. 21 ii f r 5 it m c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) T square pointed peg | 21 ii f v a in" die 11, p. n. (ate*. K'.mi) j. m rush up, resound : 2. to fly 1 21 lifted) en, .-. a. to rake together, \i\x 21iifrcd)itc it. • a, I. to balani counts : '.'. pi L •.'liifi'il-iio:!. 21 li fterf) t, a '<■. I. upright, 01 itageous, in — Cl'haltc::, 1, to : ecu — ftci'cubc-^ Sdbtff, an upright ship ; n«»/*w. — b.iltitttq, r. maintaining, maintenance ; — baiter, in. supporter. 21 ti f C c if c it, v. c to lilt \\\i. hold up , bic Cbvcu — , to prick up tii N 3lufr fliiffcbcu, v. a. (einem ctiuaS) to upon by persuasion. 9 u f V C g C II, v. «■ to rouse, stir up ; to erect ; to agitate. 91 li f l ege r, m. (-8 ; jrf. — ) agitat >r. 91 li freg U it g, /. {pi- -«t) stirring, tu- mult ; agitation. "(riff cite it, a. 1. to rub open, gall, fret; 2. to grind (colours) ; 3. to grate (bread); 4. fig. to destroy, to ep away, to extirpate, ruin; Cttl JEjhJj — , t. to nap a cloth. 91 ti f t e t b e r, ™. (-8 ; pi- — ) an in_ strument for scraping (rubbing). "liifvcibuttg, /. destruction (of an army) ; vid. 2iufmbctt. 91 li f r C t d) C 11, v. a. to hand up. 21 li f V C 1 (l C 11, o.o. to string (pearls, &c). 91 li f v C i f; C It, v. ir. I. o. 1: to tear open, up; to burst, slit, cut. rend; 2. to sketch, draw ; II. b. faux. fc«it) to gape, burst, split ; ftlte 'Jialit — , to rip up a seam; ■.,„ Hufr»<6ten, 5rc(tcn. In speaking of a person who had lost a trilling sum ol money, one would say that lie tried lhn in Iroftfii (to console him) but not mif;unij>lrii. On the other hand, a mother who laboured , ,wn with grief at the loss of an only child, /.,. should try tr|tniuiifl (dissimulation). I d„ not ' act oufriibtia when I pretend to I ink what I do not, nor rcMid; (honestly, Curly) when I conceal my thoughts from one who has a right to he acquainted with them, lien I give him to understand the reverse of what 1 know to be the truth. Sllifrtcfyttgfett, /. sincerity, can- dour, genuineness, artlessness. -.'1 li f r t e C 1 It, v. a. to unbolt. 'J! lifrtttflCl 11, V. I. a. 1. to turn up in ringlets; 2. to put rings on ; II. b icome undone (of rings or ringlets). ill li f V i 11 (1 C II, V. ir. I. a. vid. SJufrtlt* gelll ; IL rcjl. to struggle (upwards). Hiifrifi, m. (-ffeS; p?.-ffc)i. sketch, draught, design; elevation (of a church, &c.) ; 2. chink, gap. ?l li f V t tj e It, v. a. to chap, slit, rend. DllifvbdKitt, vA.n. (aux. baben) to groan, sigh loud ; II. a. to wake up by groans. W li f V cf e It, v. a. tc tie (flax, &c.) to the distaff. 54 31 lift 8 five n, p.o. to open a choked pipe or tube, 31 li f toll e it, v. I. o.d> rrfl. 1 . to roll up ; 2. unrol; II. n. {aux. ft'llll) to roll up, be drawn up. •il lifvpftctt, v. n. {aux. fcV>n) to rust up in. 21 li f V 8 ft C tl, i. a. to roast, toast again. 31 li f t il if e 11, v. 1. 9L {aux. fell it) to move upward; H.a.fg. (cillCllt et»(iS) to re- proach, upbraid one with. % li f r It b C 1 11, v. a. to stir up. 21 li f V U b C V It, v. n. {mix. fctttt) 1. to row upwards or against; 2. to run aground. Slliftuf, m. (-«8) calling up; summons; interpellation. ?llifrilfcit, 0.0. to call up, to summon, to bid one rise; jlim 3« tt 3 CK — i t0 cal1 to witness. ?l li f V U () C 11, v. n. to rest, repose upon. ?l li f V It I) r, m. (-CS) uproar, sedition, insurrection, mutiny, rebellion, tumult; CtUCll — ClTCfjClt, to cause (make, raise, excite) an uproar ; cillCtt — ftilicit, to appease a tumult; ciucit — bantpfen, toquasha rebellion; fctltSIut ift ill!— , his blood is up ; compos. — SCtCIf, /. L.T. riot act ; — fltd)t, /. seditious temper; — fiidlttfj, ooj". seditious; — fttftCV, in. agitator. 21 li f V ii () V C it, v. a. 1. to stir, to stir up {jig.) ; 2. cont. to mention again. 21 li f r it t) V C f, m. {-$ ; pi. — ) rebel, mu- tineer. 31 ii f r ii f) r c r t f A), } I. oa>'. seditious, 21 liffiiljrtfrf), in. J mutinous, rebel- lious ; tumultuous ; — e SSottSberoeaun* gcit, factious tumults; — C ectfrtftClt, inflammatory libels; II. ado. seditiously, mutinously, &c. 21 li f r 11 11 5 C 1 it, v. a. 1. to wrinkle up ; 2. to smoothe wrinkles. 21 ii f r it V f e it, v. a. t. etncit §ut — , to rub a hat with the sealskin. 21 li f cuff el n, vid. 2litfriirteln. 2llifVUtfd)CU, v. n. {aux. fci)lt) to slide against anything. 21 li f r ii 1 1 C ( II, v. a. to shake up ; to rouse by shaking. SllifS, {abbr.for CUtf ba3) vid. 2luf. 21 li f f ii b e I It, v. a. to cut open with a sabre. 21 li f f a if C 11, v. a. 1. to take up a sack ; 2. {fig.) (einein etroaS) to burden with. 2i li f fa c it, v. a. (ctWttS — aitf) to sow upon. 3lltffagett, v. a. 1. to say, recite (a lesson) ; 2. to unsay, countermand ; :i. to give warning ; to give notice to quit ; 4. (ctltcilt ettvnS) to renounce, to re- sign; ol)HC Ottftufagen, without previ- ous notice. 21 li f f ii g C It, v. a. 1. to saw open ; 2. to saw the whole. 21 li f f a tb C 11, v. a. to put ointment on. 21 li f f a 1 5 c li, o. a. to salt again. 2liif fa mute III, v. a. to gather, pick up; to collect. 21 li f f a ill nt I C r, m. (-8 ; pi.— ) gather- er, collector. Slliffaffig, a ij. refractory, hostile, averse. 21 li f f Cl 1 1 C ( 11, v. a. to saddle ; fig. to burden with. 2lliff. to take heed. 2lriffd)aiicrn, vid. 3luffd)dubent. 21 li f f d) a U f C I It, v. a. to throw or take up with a spade. 21 ii f f d) ii u in c n, v. n. {aux. riflku; to foam up, to froth. 21 ii f f d) c e V C tt, v. a. JV. T. to coil up (a rope). 2l li f f d) C i It e tt, v. ir. n. to shine upon 2lliffd)clleit, v. a. to wake up by ringing a bell. 21 li f f d) c it d) C n, v. a. to scare away ; to rouse ; vid. 2lllfjageit. 21 li f f d) C U C V It, v. a. 1. to scour every- thing; 2. to fret with scouring. 21 li f f d) i d) t C tt, v. a. to pile up in strata ; i§J)lj — , to range timber. 2tiiffd)t'tfeit, vid. 2lufpitt}crt- 21 li f f d) i e b b a r, adj. that may be de- ferred. 2lliffd)tCbClt, v. ir. a. I. to push open; 2. to defer, delay, adjourn, pro- long, prorogue, postpone; CtlUOS t'Otl Ctiieilt Sage Jlim ailbcnt — , to pro- crastinate ; bad Scnftev — , to lift the sash. Syn. Mnffi>i»b«n, •Btr i Bflerii. A thiujl 'is wnBatrl (delayed) when it a not do sufficient dispatch or against some sp ' time; it is nuf.,cf*ol.n, (put oil") when it is post noned till some more convenient lut ire time A iouniev is MT\Vgttt on account of some bu- siness unexpectedly intervening, and auMrcV-" btn till such business shail he finished 21 ii f f d) i c b e v t n g, m. (-c3 ; v i -d umbrella-runner. 2liiffd)tcbltitg, m. (-§; pi. -0 Arch. T. chantlate. 2lliffd)icbltltg, /• delay, adjourn ment, respite; — Sfnftcm, «. system c4 procrastination. 3lHff V II f fA) tclcil, B. n. {an/. KltClt) to Sipiillt up. ?tllffrf)tcncn, v. a. to fasfen witli icon bands. SI li f f d) i C jj C It, v. ir. I. a. to shoot i, up; ciu 2au — , to coil; [I. «. aux, feint) 1. to shoot, shoot up; 2. to startup; to rush ir, rise up; 3. to thrive; biditaufgefd) /{fen, thick sprung. 3liiffd;iffeit, v.n. (aux. fetytt) auf divas, — , to strike upon, run aground. 91 if f f d) i in m c r It, v. n. {aux. f;at>cn) to glimmer up. •>\ ii ffd) in be it, v.refl. (fid), mir) to tear one's skin. 9i li f f d) i r V C It, u. a. to put the harness 91 li f f d) I a b b e I n, v.a. to lap up greed- ily ; to lap up all (of dogs). 91lif fdjiacf CI1, v. n. (aux, feint) to i ntirely reduced to slags. 51 »' f f A) I a 3, m. c-es ; ?/. -f*Wge) i. turning up (of a card, &c.) ; -'. the striking upon ; 3. auction, public sale; -1. Mas. T. arsis; 5. a young growth of wood; — beim fEactfdjlacjen, rais- hand; — am $rmef, cuff; Huffdjlage an bic kernel Jefeen, to a pair of sleeves ; — nit -rticfcllt, ■ of boots; — ant .OutC, the cock of a hat ; — cittcr SBaare, the rising i:i price. H li f f d) 1 a i\ C It, v. ir. I. a. 1. to put up, ip, turnup; 2. to open (suddenly) ; tt, break open; 3. to fasten, fix by striking; 4. ciit 0c$clt — , to pitch a tent ; cin 5aa,cr — , to raise or pitch a camp; to camp; eillC SBllbC ■ — , to put up a booth or stall; ciltClt .5llt — , :-. tcck a hat; ein JTIcib, cine .Unrtc U. f. W. — , to turn up a coat, a card, fee.; .UnrtClt — , wig. to draw cards; bic SDauen — , cine 5J}tef|e — , Tm>. r. to knock up; to put up ; fcillC 3.i>o()llUlia, an cincm Drte — , to establish, settle ii a place ; bie 3lugen — , to open one's eyes ; ciit Okladucr — , to i out into a roar of laughter ; bent $Pferbe_bte .fpufetfen — , to shoe the li irse ; fid) bcit ,Uopf — , to brute s's head; eitt 9Jud)— , to open a book; bltttblttlgs' — , to open at a venture; eiuc >2tcUe — , to look for a passage; kill Tail—, to unlay; bic $)ud)ten cU lies' .i'aitC'j— , to unstranda top i ; li. n. icint. 1 to spring up, turn up; M E.fig. to rise (in price). Sluffdjlagesjjof j, n. r. board; — fdhtUKl, f. T. Una! ! I, ladle hoard; — tifd), m. folding table. 8J li f f d) I am men, rrid. 5itiffd)lentnieii. 81 ii f fd) 1 5 n g e 1 it, r. r,ji. to wind up- ward in a serpentine course (of a path . Huff$tecfen,wA3tuf[i! leicvit, rid. C5iitfd)[ctcrit. 51 li f f d) I c i f e it, o. I. ir. a. t> i grind, cut mi ; II. rqf\ to drag on, up, to bring up Sliif f chic mm en, v.a. I. to deposit raid : -. i" squander (one's fortune), M li f f rfl 1 C U b C r 11, i-. I. u.i fling, 1 brow up wiib a sling; II. n. (mix. fennj to mnke against, upon, upwards. 91 li f f d) [ i d) t c it, ri,i. 9luffdiid)fe;t. tl ii f f d) I i e fj C It, v. ir. I a. 1. to unlock, open; 2. fig. to unfold, disclose, unrid die; fig. ciucm fcin .t>cr; — , to open one's heart to one; U.njL to open, bud. » ii f f A) I i e f e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) he that ' unlocks. 51 li f f d) ( t It 0. e it, o. ir. a. 1 . to swallow up; -J. o fasten up with a loop, 2!«ff 51 11 f fd) I l Q C II, ;_•. a. to rip up : to split. X'l li f f d) 1 11 d) 5 C 11, 0. n. {aux. Kibcit, to sob. ,»l li f fd) [ 11 cf C II, b. a. to swallow up. "h li f f ri; I ii B f c n, r. n. (aux. |>»n t i slip up. 3lu'ffdj [fit fen, b. a. to sip up. 31 ii f f d) 1 it !"•, m. c— ffeS ; p/. -fitliiffe) l. opening; '-'. _/i^-. unfolding, disclosure, explanation; — jiebcit liber, to infirm; to tell the particulars. "tt li f f d) lit n 11 dl C 11, o. a. to smoke up all. '.'llif fd) ma life It, v. a. to eat up ail, devour. 51 ii f f d) m c i d> c I ii, v. I. a, (cinem ct= UHlS) to flatter, coax oni thing; u.nji. (fid) cincm) to flatter one's self into the good graces of one. 31 ii f f d) m c i is c n, o. i>. a. wig. to throw upon ; to strike open, fling open. il ii f f d) lit c 1 5 C It, r. I. r^g-. a. to melt open, again, up; to fasten by melt- ing, to cast; II. ir. n. (aux. fciMU to melt, ' i on. 51 ii f f d) m e 1 1 e r n, v. r. a. l . to open with a crash ; 2. to dash up; II. n fcintj to dash against, to fall upon with the greatest vehemence; to yield a mighty sound. "tt It f fd) 111 i C b C It, r. a. 1. to forge on ; 2. to consume by forging. 31 li f f d) 111 i C t C It, ■;•. a. 1. to smear on. spread upon; 2. to consume by smear- ing; (etttem eftnae] wig. to cheat one into a bargain. 31 li f f cf) lit i 11 E C II, v. a. ij- re/, to paint again, put on rouge. 31 li f fd) lit V C 11, o. a. to stew again. 31 li f f d) 111 ii cf C It, b. a. & refi. to adorn ; dress up. 31 ii f f cb n a 6 e I it, b. a. to take, eat up with the l" ak. 31 ii f f d) n all e tt, b. a. 1 . to buckle up, to ii'' mi ; '.'. in unbuckle. 3liiffd)na»»en, ». i. a. to snap, snatch, catchup; II. n. (aux. feim) to spring up, to fly up. 31 ii f f d) it n v A) c it, B . I. n. {aux. baben) in snore aloud; II. o. to wake by snor- ing. 31 ii f f d} tt a 1 1 C v it, b. I. v. to commence cackling; II, a. to wake by cackling or prattling. 31 li f f d) it n It b C it, v. n. I. reg. (aux. h\- beni to snort aloud ; II. jr. (aux, ft^)n) in start up snorting. 9(iiffd)itcibcn, v. ir. I. a. 1 to cut up, to cut; to cut open; to rip up; 2. to notch, mark by cutting; II. n. (aux. hlbi'i!/ swagger, brag, boast, talk big. 31 li f f A) It C i b C r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) swag gerer, boaster. 91 u f f d) n e i b c r c f, /. (pi. -en) swag- gering, bragging. ■il it f f d) n e t b e r i fd), „,//. $ adv. swag- gerish, boasting, 51 li f f dl II C i e It, -. rmp. to snow upon. 31 li f f A) 11 C i t e i It, v. a. T. to cut, to prune. 51 li f f cf) tt C 1 1 C n, v. I. a. to throw with a jerk, to jerk up; II. n. (aux. fcnil) to s|niiiL r . snap up. 51 li f f d) 11 i C (i C 1 11, d, o. to dress up. 91 li ffd) It i p p C t tl, v. a. to cut up into little pieces. 51 II f f dl II lUbC. It, v. a. to jerk up with the fingi a«ff .'l ii f f di n i t f, ,„. ( -c* ; pi. -e) cut , «ru 31iifi'dinii>cln, | v.a. to cui 31 n f f di n i ij c :i, ^ upon. .'Iiiffdutiiffcln, b. o. to find Mil' li .'liit f dm up fen, v. a. to snuff up. 31 ii f fd) n ii re n, b. a. l. to unj , untie; 2. tolace, fasten with stringa, 9lnf i" di it ii r r c it, >-. i. n. untwist, become undone; II. a. I up with a rattle. 51 ll f f di e be r It, v. a. to cock up, to pile up, to put up in stacks. 31 u ffd) o cf en, v.a. to put heaps. 51 li f fd) OHC 11, D, a. to beautify anew. do up. 31 li f f d) ii to f C 11, ?•. a. to take up u .tli a ladle or scoop. ilu'ffdjoffen, b. n. (aux. U'.iii to shoot up, to sprout. 31 It ffd) f 1 1 It ii, m. (-5 J ;«T. -C) shoot, sprout. sprig; fig stripling ;amt. upstart 31 n ffd)r amine tt, b. a. to a mark by a scratch. 51 ti ffd) van Ecu, v.a. laj waj s and pile up. 51iif fd) ran be n, u. n. l. to upon ; 2. to screw up; 3. to unscrew. 91 ii f f cf) v c cf c ii, b. I. a. rtg. to frighten up, to rouse; II. 71. rr, (atu. fetonj t'i start up. 51 li f f d) r C i, m. (-Ci) shriek, scream. 31 li f f A) r C i b C ll, b, ir. o. to write down, to note, enter, record. 31 ii f f d) v e t c it, v. ir. 1. n. (aux. Ijaben) to cry aloud, to cry out. ! shriek; II. a to awake with crying. 91 ii f f d) r c i t e it, b. ir. w. march on. 91 11' ffd) rid en, r. o. .v. T. bie dta» belarilli] — , to surge at the capstan. 91iif fdivift,/. (/,/. -en) l. din superscription, address; 2 boxes, tc.) ; 3. inscription. 91 ii f f d) r t e 11, b. rr. 1. to roll up (from ;i cellar) ; 2 T. to make a hole or .-in 91 U f f A) X t e r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) l. a dray- man ; -J. 7'. a kind of auger. 91 li f f cf) v u it b c 11, v. 71. (aux. febn) tt crack, to chap (of the hands). 91 11' ffd) 11b, m. (-e«) delay, adjoum- ment, respite ; Buspense; compos.' — 6= befef)t, m, reprieve: — c-bvief, m. let- ters of respite; bte Sadje fetbti Eetneu — , the business cannot be delayed. 91u'f f d)it Item, b. a. to take, put upon the shoulder. 9liiffd)ii Vtocn, v. a. to throw with the B] 91 ii f f cf) ii r c it, v. a. to stir up, to poke. 31 It ffd) fit j t n, p. a. to tuck up, trust up.' 91 lif f cbn ft, vi. (-fft-y shoi ting up. 91 li f f di ii ffe I It, v. a. to dish up, serve up, serve In; ciiicnt, nt ir 11. f. iv. — , ■ one. 31ltffd)fitteln, b. a. to shake, shake up; to rouse from b1 91 lif fd) ii t t Clt, r. a. to heap up, ac- cumulate; to board UP; to I, iy up in ' ' "t're up; ^lll'JCr , to pill powder on the pan. 91iiffdiii tterit, ,•. n. (aux. fv.m tg start up. 91 11 f f cb ii 1} e n, d. a. t. to dam up the water. 55 Staff Staff Slufft )l ii f f d) » a m m c it, r. a. to swell up. 9 it f f cl) tisinjcn, o. a. to tuck up a tail. . f f A » ii r m c it, r. n. (auz. fei;n) to swarm up. Sliiffdmiirjeit, r. a. to blacken afresh. SI ii f f cfi n> a fc e n, r. a. (cincnt etroaS) to persuade one to take a tiling; to press upon by talking. Sliif fdjtpcben, v. n. (auz. feint) to soar up. 2i U f f d) » ef el n, v. a. 1. to dip again into sulphur ; 2. to expose again to the fames of sulphur. SI ii f f d) w e t fe tt, vid. 2luffdntMit$en. 21 li f |" dj tt) C t fj C tt, r. a. to weld on. 51 li f f d) nj e I g e It, v. a. to squander, to consume in debauchery. ?! ii f f dj) n.' c II e n, v. I. «, to swell, to swell up : to tumefy ; II. n. ir. (auz. 1eV)tt) to swell, distend. 91 li f f d) tt) C lit m e, /. landing-place for \ wood. f $ W e lit lit e It, r. e. to bring up by floating, to deposit. 3lliffd)t»enf ett, v. a. to brandish, il lurish. 2lliffd)n>t!tgett, v. ir. a. (S- refl. to swing up. to soar, to soar up. 21 ii f f d) to i r r e n, ». n. (auz. feim) 1. to buzz up ; to fly open with a whizzing noise. 21 li f f d) tt) 5 r e It, v. a. to certify (again) upon oath. Jlliffd) Wling, m. (-e3) soaring up, flight Huff eg el II, r. n. to sail up fa river) ; to sail on, to strike against (a sand-bank, fccJ. Stiff el) en, t>. ir. n. (auz. baben) to look up. 21 li f f C b C tt, n. (-§) looking up ; fig.— mad)Ctt, to make a noise ; to make a show, a figure. 3lliffeber, m. (-8; pi. — ) overseer, inspector, surveyor, steward ; warden, guardian ; — Witt, n. — jtclic, /. the office of an inspector. il li f fe b It c it, d. rcfl. to long to get up. 21 li f f e i jj C tt, o. a. to pour upon in straining. 2ltiffetit, vid. 2luf feint. 21 ii f f e i fen, ». a. .v. t. bie ,ftabela= rtit^ — , to nip the cable. ii li f f e tt b e tt, v. a. to send up. il lif fettge tt, v. a. to burn a mark upon. i! li f f C ft b rviele — , to stake ; -Jpornet ■ — , prov. to cuckold; fetltctt .itei'f — , prao. to be obstinate ; tic -Jlccbnung — , to draw the bill ; »o cast the account ; Ii. n. (auz. baben) Sp. T. to bite the crib; (of stags) to get new antlers; III. rrfi. to mount, to get on horseback ; \cb irtfer etlicn — , to rise against one, to be refractory. Jlu'ffeftev, m. (-§; pi. — ) one who puts up, &c. Hiiffeufjen, b. ». (auz. baben) to heave a sigh; ticf — , to heave a deep sigh. !l li f f C H tt, r. ir. n. (aux. fetyn) 1. to be up ; 2. to be open : 3. to be spent, con- sumed ; lrobl — , to be well, m good spirits. 21 li f f t $* /. inspection, survey, caic ; control ; tutorage. 21 ii f f t C c C II, v. ir. I. a. to boil, stew again, up, urgently; II. h. (auz. baben) to boil, bubble up. 21 iff ft e gel tt, v. a. to unseal. 21 tiff in gen, u. ir. I. ,7. to awake by crin ging ; II. jj. (auz. Klbett) to sing to ; to sing out 21 Uf ft ft, m. (-e§) 1. the mounting ; 2. + the muster of cavalry. 2ltifftften, r.jV.l. 7i. (auz. baben) 1. to sit up ; 2. to sit fast ; perch : 2. (aux. feint) to mount, take horse : eiltcm auf- gefcffcit t'cmt, fig. to bear ill will to one ; II. rcfl. fid) etiras — , to get sore by sitting. 21 li f f i ft ft a tt g C, /. roost perch. 21 tiff alien, v. 7i. (auz. Robert) effpf cal, only in a far phrases ; as, tt?it§ f IX id) beiiit fo fpiit atlf ? why am I to stay up so late ? »«§ baben 2tC fo friif) aufgcfolit ? why had you to rise so early ! 21 ii f f o r r c It, v. a. JV. T. to lash up the hammocks. 21 li f f p it h e tt, v. a. to spy out to spy. 21 li f f p a 1 1 C It, ?-._I. a. to split cleave, rive; II. n. (auz. feint) to split chink, chap, burst; {part of the art, anf^efpaU tCt, and of the ncut. auf.jefpal tCll . 51 it f f V a n g c it y v a. to fasten upon with a clasp. 21 It f f P a tt It e tt, r. a. to stretch, to strain: tin ®e$elt — , to pitch a tent : etner. S3ogClt — , to bend a bow : cill 'Jt(% — , to pitch a net; ten .guthlt tin ciltcr glintc — , to cock a gun; btc ©egel — , to hoist hoist the sails : alle Segel — , to veer out all the sail ; _2aitC!t_— -, to draw, put on chords; geliltJcrc 2ai= ten — , to draw in, lower one's tone. 2Ilif fpitr en, v. a. to save, to layby, to reserve, keep in store, to spare ; jig. to delay. 2liif fpcidiern, v. a. to lay up in granaries. 21 li f t" P e i e tt, t». a. to spit upon. 21 li f f p e i I e r n, v. a. T. to skewer. 21 li f f p C i f C It, v. a. to eat up, consume. 21 li f f p e 1 1 C tt, v. a. to cause to cleave or split. il ii f f p e r r e it, o. a. to open wide ; iaS 3RauI — ,to gape ; liitt tent Sic= trid) — , to pick a lock, to open with the picklock, il ii f f p i e I c n, v. a. (ciuem ctroa§) to play to one, play to the dance, to strike up," play on ; nxm bog ©lucf auffptclt, tcr bat (lilt tattgett, proo. he dances well, to whom fortune pipes. 21 li f f P i e ji C It, r. a. 1. to spit, to pieros igh : 2. to lift up what is put on a spit or pike. 21 li f f P i n b e I tt, o. «. to put on the spindle. 21 II f f p i 11 It e It, r ir. I. a. to spin up ; ii. rrji. fid), ntir tic ginger — , to spin one's fingers sore. 21 u f f p i ft c n, r. a. (bie Dbven'; to prick up the ears. ii li f f p I C i l5 C It, r. a. to cleave, split il liffvltttet It, v. I. a. to openforcibly so that the spuxfters fly aho* ; U. n. (auz. fci)tt) to fly up in splint3rs. 21 ii f f p r c i t e it, > n. <;. to stretch out 21 li f f p te i ) e tt 5 spread out ; fid) flufs fpteijeil, to sprawl one's self out 21 li f f p X C It (} C 11, D. a. 1. to break up. il ii f f Jj a n b e n, \ v. a. il n f f p u n b e tt, J casi to force open, to burst open; 2. n spring; to blowup; 3. fig. to rouse, to put in motion. 21 ii f f pr i e § c it, o. ir. ) n. (auz. feint) ii li f f p r f f C It, v. reg. $ to sprout, shoot up. 21 lif f p 1 1 tt g t It, v. ir. ii. (auz. fet)tt) I. to spring, bounce up; to startup; 2. to fly open; to burst; 3. to crack (ol chesnuts); 4. to sparkle; to mantle, cast sparks (as wine in the glass) ; 5. to chap. 21 u f f p r i ft c n, ?-. I. a. 1. to blow up (water), to squirt up ; 2. to open with a syringe; II. n. (auz. feint) to squirt fly up. Sltiffprofjling, m. (-e*; pi. -t sprout burgeon, young bud ; fig. strip ling; cont. upstart. 81 U f f p t U bC 1 H, r.l.n. [a u r. feint' to bubble, boil up; er fpriibclr ieidn aur, fig. his blood is soon up; IL a. to throw up (water). 31 ii f f p r ii I) e n, v. I. n. (auz. fe»n) to sparkle up, emit sparks ; II. a. to make fly up as spaiits. 21 li f f p r u tt g, m. (-e5 ; pi. -fpriinge) the leap up, &.C. vid. the verb. 21 li f f p It cf C n, v. a. to spit upon. 21 li f f p U I C tt, v. a. to wind upon the spool. 21 ttff p ii 1 e n, v. a. to wash. to unbung, (a cask). 21 lif fpiir en, v. a. to trace out, spy out; to smell out; »0lt f'ieueitt — , ta request (Hunt T.). 21 ii f fl a d) e 1 n, v. a. l. to take up with any pointed instrument ; 2. stir up, goad up. 21 it f ft a f f i r e n, v. a. T. to fit up, ac- coutre. 21 ii f fl a 11 e n, r. a. to put up (into U» stable) for fattening. 91 ii f fl ii m m e it, o. a. to prop up. 21 li f fl a lit p f C It, v. I. a. to fix by stamp- ing ; II. 7i. (auz. babeit) to stamp upon the ground. 51 It f fl rt Tt b, m. (-eS; pi. -ftiillbe) stir- ring, rising ; fig. commotion, uproar, re- volt insurrection, tumult 21 ii f fl a p c I tt, v. a. to pile up, to heap up, to stack up. 21 li f ft it r r e n, d. n. (auz. baben) 1. to rise up, above ; 2. to stare up. 21 li f ft ii U b e It, v. a. to make to rise (aa dust). 31 ii f il a u b e n, ^ v. n. (auz. fenn) to 21 li f fit e b C It, S rise, fly up as dust. 21 li f fl ii It 6 « tt, v a. to rouse, start, scare up. 21 ii f fl a u cb e n, v. a. i . to knock, push against some hard body; 2. AtiidjJ — , to put flax up for drying; Staffer — , to dam up water. 21 lif fta tin en, ». n. (auz. baben) to look up with astonishment 21 li f fl e d) C tt, o. ir. 0.1. to pick, pierce open, to cut open ; to open by a punc ture; 2. to reach up what is put on a pointed instrument; T. fine JiUpfet; pKltte — , to retouch a copperplate ; fig ,'cilicitt etttHlS) to take one up: fit SJBott — ) to lay hold of a word: .V T-s. befm 2i- ; illbC — , to work to wind ward ; fid) belt StUCRR — , to become broken backed; jroet %aat — , to tie two ropes tnjetlier: ^3'tlien UV.i ^diptett — , to give up tacks ami sheets; eiitein ben Sd>i»itren — , aj to tell one an unpleasant tn-tb Steffi il ii f ft c cb c r, 7u. (-*; ;)?. — ) y?/?-. c»w. fault-finder ; informer. St li f ft erf C It, v. a. 1. to put upon, to set up : to fix; 2. to pin up; btc jylaggc tin Sd)(tll — , .v. T. to hoist the Bag with a waft; ntit aufgeftctftcnt Sajo- uct, with fixed bayonet 31 u'ffterfttabci, /. (pi. -tt) a large pin fur pinning up a dress, &c. ?t u f fte b c tt, v. ir. n. i. (ai/i. baben) i. to stand (firm) upon ; 2. to stand open ; Ii. (aux. feint) to rise, fret U p, stand up; v. v. to right; you ciucr .Kvanfbcit — , to recovery tutbev — , to rise against, revolt; btC SSbget ftcf)CU ailf, sp. T. the fowls fly up. 21 li f ft C t f C It, v. a. 1. to stiffen ; 2. to cock up. 31 ii f ft e 1 1| c H o rf, m. (-eS ; pi. -blorfc) horseblock. 91 ii f ft e i g c n, v. ir. n. (aux. fctjn) to mount, rise, ascend, get up, arise ; auf- uiid abftctgcu, to"" step or get up and down. M li f ft c i g e It, n. (-«) mounting, rising ; i ; .7.7. '/' ascension; — bet 2Thtf= ter, Med. T. mother-fit, hysterical pas- sion. 91 i_i f ft C t g c H b, adj. ascending : — c ?tnie, ascending line; ci it 33criiMiibtcv ter — Clt Millie, ascendant. ?! li f ft e i fl It It g, /. ascension ; gcrabc — , fd);cfe — , Ast. Ts. right ascen- sion, oblique ascension; — Stutters fdncb, m.Ast. T. ascensional difference. Klifftell Clt, v. a. to set up; to lay; to put up : to shelve; eiiteit SBetoefc — , to bring forward, adduce a proof; et'tte ©e^auphtltg — , to make an assertion; etttC 5rt!fc — , to lay a trap ; flfj CtltClt ffiriiiibfiife — , to lay down as a prin- ciple ; etilCtt 3eugcit — , to bring a witness; tUclje — , to spread nets. 21 lif ft em lit Clt, v. a. ir reft, to lean against ; to prop up, Mtifftcmpctlt, v. a. to stamp on, upon. il li f ft C p p C It, o. o. T. to fasten upon by quilting, to quilt. 31 li f ft C II C r It, v. n. (aux. fel)lt) to steer upward. •il lif fit die I It, r. a. to open or take up by pricking. 21 ii f ft t rf c it, v. a. to embroider upon. Kufjtie&eit, vid. Sfofftaubett. SlliffttCVClt, o. n. {auz. f)a&Clt) to stare up, auffliftett, vid. SlnjKftat. 2liifftimmcn, v. a. to set higher (in flufflBoettt,^. Shtfftituoertt. 3liifftobttcn, r.\.„.(a„x. baben) to groan aloud; II. a. to wake up by groaning. WufftOpfeit, r. a. to stop on, stop again, afresh, Hu'ffloppeltt, v. a. to scrape 'to- gether, pick up. fl li f ft 5 r e it, r. a. to stir up ; to disturb, itartle. 8 lif ft on, 7«. (-eS) provinc. l. attack, fit of sickness ; 2. + quarrel, dia SI lif ftotiCtt, r. ir. \.a. 1. to push.Jcick, thrust open ; 2. to push up, kick Up ; 3. to wound by pushing against ; li. n. (aux. feint) I. (,, rise ,.,,, t ,, ferment, to become acid ; 2. to be pushed up- ward ; 3. to occur, meet with, come acrois; .v. r. to run aground; 4. '/'»,-. T. to knock up ; bit .£ntut — , to gall, a»ff fret the skin ; rtllf Ctll'aS — , to run, strike upon; ciucm — , to meet with, to light on; ti ftoftt mir cine (5cic= (jertfjeit auf, I meet with an oppor- tunity. 31 ti f ft ^ e tt, n. l. pushing open; 2. meeting, encounter ; — beS Sftrts flCttiS, rising of the stomach, eructation; heartburning. 21 li f ft 5 V t g, adj. + 1. vapid, fiat, sour; 2. sick ; 3. hostile. 21u'fftrafj[crt, r. n. (aux. baben) to rise with a splendour (transiently). 2ltifftrauben, v . n . to stand erect, bristle up. 21 li f ft r a It 6 C It, 7.. a. i- reffl. to bristle up, to stand on end. 2Iu'fftreberr, v. n. (aux. feint) 1. to strive upwards, to aspire, «jar up ; 2. to rise high. 21 ii f ft v e b c it b, part. adj. aspiring, &c. 21 ii f ft r e b u it g, /. (pi. -en) aspiring ; effort. 21 ii f ft r e rf c it, v. a. to stretch up. 2lu'fftrcirb, m. (-(■} ; v i. -c) public sale, auction ; — cifcil, n. T. tool for shearing cloth. 21 li f ft V C t ci; C ( n, v. a. to rub gently, to stroke. 21 li f ft r C t rfjC it, v. ir. a. 1. to spread, lay on ; to draw upwards ; to strike up ; 2. T. to shear cloth against the grain. 31 ti f ft r c t f c t it, v.a. to fold back, to turn up ; tuck up. 21 li f ft V C t f C It, v. I. a. to draw up, turn, tuck up ; 2. to tear or wound ; II. n. (aux. betben) to strike,,, touch upon the surface of; ftrf) bic 2lnnet — , to tuck up one's sleeves; fid) bic .§aut — , to tear one's skin. 21 lif ft ret ten, r. a. to rouse from sleep by a loud dispute. 21 lif ft veil Clt, v. a. to strew upon, sprinkle on. 21 ii f ft x t A, m. r-S ; pi. -c) 1. a stroke upwards on an instrument ; 2. public auction. 21 li f ft r t rf C It, v. a. untwist (ropes) ; 2. to consume in knitting. 21 ii f ft 1 1 e llu'f trait fen, u. n. (fi«-r fer>..) to pour, to gush down. 51 ii f t r e d e n, e. a. to draw up. Iliiftr cffcn, r. n. (auz. babcif hit upon something, to strike upon; 2. to find up: mail tvifft ibu sot arbt Ubr ltidjt auf, one does not find him up before eight o'clock. fl li f t V C t b C It, v. ir. I. a. 1. to drive up: to blow up, to swell; 2. to drive upon ; to fasten on; 3. col. to raise ; to limit nut. find (with some difficulty) ; vilt iBilo — , Sp. T. to unharbour, dis- lodge, drive up. rouse, start a deer ; Ct= tteil ,'dafm TOtebcr — , to recover a hare; ©clb — , to raise money; 93olE • — , to levy, raise, press, force soldiers; II. tt. (auz. fe'.Ml) .V. T. to run aground. 51 li f t r C t b 1 t cf), adj. what can be pro- cured. ?! li f 1 r C It 11 e It, v. a. to unstitch, rip up, cut up. Jl li f t r f t C tt, v. iV.I. a. 1. to tread open ; 'J. to tread on ; II. (auz. fellll) to step frrth; to make one's appearance, to enter (as orator), to mount the pulpit ; llttt ctTOa3 — , to come forth with . . . ; JU ScmanbcS ©ttllftcil — , to appear for one ; cr tvttt IctjV, fanft auf, fig. he acts cautiously. 21 li f t r t C f C 11, v n. (auz. fcV>Il) to drip or drop upon, on. 91 lif triefellt, v. a. to untwist, un- twine. ?! li f tr t ft, bi. (pi. -Cll) way for cattle (in marshy countries). 01 li f 1 1 t It f 1 tt, v. ir. a. to drink up. Oliiftrttt, m. (-6; pi. -c) 1. treading on ; 2. step (before a door, &c), ascent ; 3. appearing, entering, mounting; 4. fig. scene, sight; — tit CtilCllt 2dau= fvicle, scene; — an ciucv jvlltfdie, step of a coach ; — bait!, /. T. treadle of a lacemaker's loom. 01 liftro duett, v. a. £ ». ipux. fcyit) to dry up. 91 li f t X d it it it g, /. the drying upon or up. 01 li f t r 111 111 1 1 It, v.a.l. to beat up ; 2. to wake by the drum. 51 li f t r lit p C t C It, v. a. I. to awake by the trumpet; to give a sign for de- camping. 01 li f t r 5 p f el n, vid. Otuftrattfe lit. 01 It f 1 1 p f e It, v. n. (auz. fctytt) to drop upon (on). 91 li f t r p f e it, v. a. to pour upon in small drops. 3t it f trot ten, v. n. (auz. ferm) to trot up a hill. 01 li f t r it bcit,s.a. to make muddy. 01 li f t r it nt p f c n, v. n. (auz. tjabeu) l. to play a trump ; 2. fig. to upbraid. 01 li f t It d) C n, v. a. A". T. to furl the sails. 91 li f t it 11 f C tt, o. a. to eat up sauce by dipping bread into it. Oliif tit pfctt, v. La. 1. to take up, wipe ; II. n. (auz. fcrjlt) to touch upon. 21 lift lifebelt, v. a. to touch up (of drawings). 01 li f t U t e It, v. a. to awake by blowing a horn. Oliif iu adicn, v. n. (auz. fetytt) to awake ; to be roused. 81 lif to a d) fe n, v. ir. n. (am. feijn) to grow up. 51 li f TO a 0, C U, ». refl. to venture to rise. 51 lif to a g eit, v. a. weigh; 2. to draw up; to lift up; fig. cillC Sa<$e lllit ®Olo — , to balance, makeequal in value to gold. 01 li f TO a b 1 C it, v. a. to draw Cat cards). 01 li f to a I 1, m. BiiSlttfrodHitng. 01 li f to alien, v. n. (auz. feint) J . to bubble, to boil up; 2. to wave, to rage (of the sea) ; 3. fig. to effervesce. 01 ii f to a 1 1 c it, n. — be 3 2)iccrc3, swell of the sea. 51 li f TO ii 1 1 e it, v. a. 1. to boil a little ; 2. to range in heaps. 01 lif TO allUttjt, /. [pi. -eit) 1. bub- bling up ; 2. ebullition ; 3. effervescence; 4. emotion. 01 li f TO a 1 5 C It, v. a. to put upon rollers. 01 li f TO a I J e 11, ?•. n. 1 . to roll upon or up ■wards; 2. (cillClll CtTOaS) to lay upon one's shoulders. 01 li f TO a It b, to. (-e3) 1. expense, spend- ing; 2. expensiveness ; gt'OJieU — ttttts chen. to live high; compos. — 3gcfcfc, 7i. statute against immoderate luxury. 01 lif to arm Clt, v. a. to warm up; to cook up ; fig. to bring again (on the tapis) ; to repeat over again. 51 li f TO a r t C = fj C I b, n. — lefjlt, m. wait- er's fee. OIiifTOartctt, v.n. (mix. Ijaoen) (eU Item — ) to wait, to wait upon (on), to attend, serve ; bet £tfdie — , to wait at table; farm id) bailttt — ? do you choose if? id) TOill gleid) bamit — , you shall have it immediately; ciueilt oft' — , to dance attendance ; ber >£>mtb faun — , the dog can beg. 01 li f TO arte r, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) waiter, sen-ant ; attendant. 01 ii f TO a r t e r i it it, /. (pi. -en) woman- servant, waiting-woman, maid. 01 lif TO fift 3, adv. upward, upwards; belt Slllfi — , up the stream; — $tef)Cr, m. .1. T. adducent muscle. OIlifTOartfailt, adj. ready to serve, attentive. 01 li f TO a V t It tt fl, /. (pi. -eit) 1 . waiting. serving; attendance; 2. visit; eilieilt feinc — machcii, to wait upon one, to pay one's respects. 01 ii f TO a f cf>, 77i. (-cS) I the dishes, &c. OltifTOiifcpe, /. ) which are to be washed after dinner. Ohifroctfcpcrt, v. ir. a. 1. to wash away, up; 2. to wash, cleanse: 3. to consume hy washing ; fid tic .fjhiltbc — , to wash one's hands sore. OIiifTOafdcrtitn, /. (j>l.-tn) scul- lion ; scullery-maid. 51 li f TO a f d) TO a f f e r, n. dish-water. 51 lif TOCfccn, v. ir. a. 1. to unweave, unravel ; 2. to consume by weaving. 0! ii f to e d) f e I, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) M. E. rechange; agio, vid. Oluffjelb. OIlif TO echftllt, v. a. to buy up (and thereby bring out of circulation). 01 li f TO e d e 11, v. a. 1. to nwake, rouse ; to call up ; 2. to call to life ; to enliven, to cheer up. 91 ii f to c d e r, m. (-3 ; p.. — ) l. one who wakes, awakener ; 2. alarm-clock. 51 li f TO e f) C n, v. L a. 1. to blow up ; 2. to blow open ; II. Tt. (auz. feiitl) to rise (of the wind). 51 li f TO C t d) C rt, v. I. a. 1 . to soften. mollify ; 2. to moisten, wet, soak : 3. to open by mollifying; U.K. {auz. fti>lt) to get softened and thence to open. 51 li f TO C i f C n, v. a, to reel on. 51 lif TO t i lie n, v. I. a. to awake by crying; II. n. (auz. babel!) to begin crying, weep aloud 51 lif toe i f en, v. ir. a. to sluw f ■ rtlv produce, exhibit; present. 51 li f TO C i f> C ll, v. a. to whitewash anew 01 li f 10 C 1 I C 11, ». a. to dry (of fruit). 91 li f TO C 11 b C II, v. rcg. &■ ir. a. to spend to bestow upon, to employ. 51 ii freer fen, v. ir. I. a. l. to throw open, fling open; 2. to throw up ; casi up; to turn up; Scbauni, iMafcn — , to rise in scum, in bubbles : bie iS'l'bt — , to throw up the ground : eineil ©ra» ben — , to dig a ditch ; eiucit Samm tt. f. TO. — , to cast up, raise a bank ; aufgeroorfene Stp^ett, pouting lips; einc aufgeroorfene s ?tafe, a cocked-up nose ; Ctlieit jgtVetfel ■ — , to raise a doubt; etllC Siagc — , to start a ques- tion; II. refl. ftct) — jU . ., to set up for..; to usurp authority; er TOarf fid) 511m SchtcbSrtcntcr auf, he as- sumed the place of arbitrator ; fid) 0,es gen Sentaitbcn — , to rise up against one. 51 li f TO e 1 1 C r n, v. * mdg. to thunder or rouse one out of sx»p. 91 ii fro id) fen, v. a. Sr r,fl. to polish up; er ift fieute feljr aitfamu'dft, he is very smart to-day; eilieilt — , vulg. to treat, entertain sumptuously. 51 li f TO t d C 1 It, v. a. 1. to wind up, wind upon ; to turn up (the hair, &c.) ; 2. to unfold, unwrap, unwind ; 3. to un- swaddle, unswathe (a child). 5IufroicgeIct,/. (pi. -en) the stir ring up, the desire of raising up the people. 51 lif TO i eg c! It, v. a. to sth- up, stir; to excite, instigate; b«3 9JolE — , to raise up the people. 91 lif to teg clung, /. (pi. -en) stir- ring up, instigation. 51 li f TO t C g C It, v. ir. a. outweigh ; 2. to raise up (by some mechanical contrivance). 51 ii f to t e g I e r, m, (-3 ; pi. — ) author of a sedition, mutineer, instigator ; agi- tator; — OOlf, 71. mutineers. 91 li f 10 t C g 1 C V i f d), adj. mutinous, se- ditious. 9liifroief)ern, e. 1. «. (auz. baben) I. to neigh ; 2. to laugh immoderately ; II. a. to awake by neighing. 51 lif TO i lit 111 cm, v. a. lo awake by moaning. 51 li f TO t n b C I n, v. a to unswathe. OIiifTOinben, v. ir. La. 1. to wind up ; to hoist up, pull up , 2. .V. T. to ground; belt Olllfcr — , to weigh an- chor, to purchase the anchor; II. rrjl. to rise winding. 51 li f TO t It f e 11, v. a. to make one rise by a sign. 51 li f TO i tt f C I n, v. ». «■ a. 1 • to utter a moaning sound, to whine ; 2. to awake hy moaning. 51 ii f to i p p e it, vid. ©tppen. Otiifroirbeltt, v. I. a. 1. to open by turning the window-button; 2. to raise, whirl up; II. 77. (auz. fevm) to rise (in a rotary motion). Ollif TO iff en, r. a. 1. to work 2. to unweave, unravel : 3. to consume b> weaving ; ben J'eig — , r. to knead th» dough; Ctlt 2BUs — , S)n. T. to draw 01 embowel a deer. 01 li f TO t r r e tt, v. a. to disentangle. 01 li f TO i f d) C It, 0. a. to wipe away (up) 01 lif TO ttt cm, !-. a. to find out b, smelling. 01 li f to d c tt, vid. Olufrodett. Sufs H li f W g e It, v. 71. (car. fyflben) to rise in waves, to swell. 5'i li f m I b C II, t>. o. to erect in the shape of a vault. 51 li f \V 1 f C It, i'. a. to raise in the shape of clouds. 51 li f ro i) 1 f e It, j>.tv_#. to rise like clouds; to lower (of the sky). '.Hit fro o licit, v. n. (for flllfftcbctl wollcn) to wish to get up. 2!tifroud)cm, v. n. (aux. feint) to grow up luxuriantly. 9i 11 fro It A) t C II, v. a. to raise by a lever. 21 li f ro ii h I C n, v. a. to turn up, to dig up. to root; lo wallow up, open. 91 ii ftt it x f, m. (-eg; pi. -roiirfe) cast, earth thrown out (dug out). '.'I li f ro ii V f e I It, v. a. to throw the dice upon something. 81 li f roil r g e tt, v. a. cut the thront of every thing; 2. fig. to consume with greediness, to devour. Slllfjrt f) le It, v. a. to count, number, enumerate, reckon up; @eib — , to pay down money. 91 li f 5 a 11 E e it, v. a. to wake by quarrel- ling. 91 li f 5 5 V f C I H, v. a. to bring up with ach fondness. VI li fjauBettt, t>. a. to open or affix with a charm. 51 li f 5 S 11 lit C it, v. a. to bridle (a horse) ; 2. to truss (a fowl). 2i li f ; a 11 f C It, v. a. to pull up or open. 51 li f 5 C d) e It, v. a. to consume by drink- ■ 5! It f } C b) V C II, v. a. to consume ; to waste ; to eat up ; to absorb. 51 ii Helming, /. consumption; the tning; expenditure. 51 li f j e I d) 11 C 11, v. a. to note, write (lou n, pen down, to book ; to record, to annotate ; to make an inventory of. . . 51 it f t e i d) u u it g 8 b u d), n. (-eS ; v i. -biid'er) note-book. 91 ii n c i g c ii, v. a. to show forth, to t. produce. 51 li f J C t V C 11, v. a. raise by wor- rying : -'. to open by pulling. 51 li f j i C f) s o v it rf e , /. (pi. -rt) draw- : — hammer, m. hammer used out metal ; — led), ?i. key- > & watches). 51 II f j i c h c It, v. ir. I. a. 1. to draw, draw raw open; 2. 7'. to warp ; 3. to bring up (children) ; to breed, raise tie, &c); 4. fig. to delay, retard; wind up; cm a!jn ait eiiter ftliate — , to cock a run ; CUteu ©Ogen— , to bend a bow; eiiicn ■i-iuMtcit — , to weigh a ducat ; jum {.ante — , fig. to ask to dance ; prov. (inbcvc ober gelinbcre Saitcn — , to draw in, yield; f inert mit etumS — , to rally, jeer, banter, baffle, fop ; to pass a joke upon one: II. 71. (aux. fcilll) mount guard ; to go upon guard ; to march ; to draw up ; 2. to appear, to fin Sturm jicht ouf, a Btorm draws near; aufjJfjOfleU fpllimcil, col. to come with, to produce, to bring forth. Sliifiicber, m . (-9; pi. — ) he that draws up ; ./. T. adducent muscle. nitfjieJjeteC, /. (pi.-tn) m » llf J t crcn, 1-. a to dress up, rig. trim. Siuijc 91 ii f } t f d) c 11, v. 71. (a„x. fclitt) to rush up with a hissing noise. 51 li f $ t tie r it, v. 71. (aux. feint) to rise trembling. 91 11 f 5 it if c it, r. 71. (nor. brtben) to ri*e (in convulsions). 51 li f 5 11 g, m. (-C8 ; pi. -jfijjf) 1. draw- ing, &c. vid, 2liifiichcn ; 2. r. warp (of weavers) ; beam (of a balance) ; a crane ; 3. mounting; parade ; 4. pro- cession ; 5. appearance, show, equi- page ; train, slate, pomp ; l">. art 'of a play) ; 7. + delay ; — 5 u ^fcrec, cavalcade. 51 li f 5 ii g 1 i A), adj. occasioning delay. 51 ii f |u Q Si x fief e, vid. Sufetebfcrfiefe. 5liif;itvfcn, v. a. to pull or pluck open ; to ravel out. 51 ii f 5 ii v it c 11, 0. ii. (««/. iV.iit s,- fjakn) to start up in anger. 21 li f 5 11) ii it fj C It, v. a. press upon ; 2. to press open. '»( li F J W e'. T. Bpeculnm oculi; — nfvtrtdje, /. language of the eyes; — nfpro)|e, 2lugfproffe, m. brow-antler; — llftctlt, m. white cop perns; eye-stone; — llftevlt, m. pupil m. fir. pet, favourite; vid. Sfttgilpfel; — ntriefcit, 7i. lippitude; — ntrcft, m. eye-bright, euphrasy (a plant) ; — lt = oerbiiufehiitg, /. Jlfed T. achlys; — it=> roeiffcr, n.vid. — nmittci ; — iiroai"ei-= fitrbt, /. bydrophthalmia; — urocb, n. sore eyes; — nrocibe, /. delight of the eyes; — liroeite, /. reach eye-shot; — tiroimpcr, /. eye-huh ; — nroillf, m. eye-wink; — Illvinfel, m. corner of the eye ; — nroblfdjeit, 77. Med. T. nubecula; — nronr$cf, /. vale- rian; dandelion; — ll^lblt, m. eye- tooth ; — njaubcv, m, fascination ; — XU JClige, m. eye (ocular)-witness ; — ll» Jeilijllift, 71. ocular testimony. 51 II 3 C I It, v. I. a. to inoculate, ingraft , II. 7t. (aux. f)rtbcn) to ogle. 91 II gel It, 7i. ogling; inoculating; baS — mit bent ©djtfbe, scute! ing. 21 it gen, 0. «. (aux. baben) 1. Sp. T. u. look about; 2. to bud (of plants, S •91 it g I rt $, 771. Augias, king of Ella ; — > (tali, ro. fig. a difficult and unpleasant task. 51 11 g i cf) f, adj. eye-sp itted, o< ciliated. . 91 it g 1 g, adj. l : blinj— -> f leill— , pink eyed. * .'1 1! rt 1 1, in. Jlfin. T. pyroxene : bcr l?ri8; matffdje — fl-Mlb, withamite. ^\ it g 1 c i 11, 71. (-8 ; pi. — ) little eye. 21 ii g 1 c r, m. (-* ; pi. — ) ogler ; flat terer. *2! 11 g 111 C tl f, 71. I. Gram. T. augment 2. addition, Inc ♦31 1! g 111 e tl t rt t i ij n, /. augmentation 59 ?rs$ m$t %m '91 u g m e it t a 1 1 s u m, n. (-8 ; pl.-va.'} Oram. T. augmentative word, the con- Terse of a diminutive. * H u ^ m entire it, r. a. to augment, increase, add. 91 11 1] 8 i it t g, n. Augsburgh ; SJUjjSBttts gtfeb, adj. of Augsburgh. *51 ii g it r, m. (-8 ; pi. -en) augur. * .21 U jjilr tit lit, n. (-S; yJ. -tCIt) au- gury, omen. 51 li (J It ft, m. (-S) 1. Augustus ; brtS 3cit= alter bed — , Augustan age; 2. Qluglifl tr- — ntonat, m. August; — Opfcl, m. summer white caville; — t)flfer, hi. hasty oats ; — firfd)C, /. a sour cherry, agriot; — fctyetn, '»■ harvest-moon; — * fd)UMntnt, m. the yellow agaric. 91 U 3 li ft C, /. Augusta (name of women). 5tu 13 It ft 1 II or 9ltiguftilt, m. (-8) Austin; bet liciliije — / St. Augustin. ?l It g U ft I It C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) Austin friar ; bte — tint, /. Austin nun ; — flo= ftcr, n. monastery of Austin friars or nuns ; — Pl'bClt, m. order of Austin friars. •Olurtfcl, /. (pl.-\\) auricula, bears- ear. •21 It tipi jj in C it t, n. (-8) orpiment, vp.Uow arsenic. *?I it t C X a, /.* aurora, morning-twilight. *5l it r 5 x f a r ft c, /. pink-colour. $1 li 8, I. prep, with dot. out of, from, of; by; through ; on, upon ; for; in; — bent ©raften jicften, to draw out of the ditch ; — ber Scftcibe, from the scabbard; — bet JftmtBbte fomilteit, to come from the play ; — SJonboit, from London ; — bcr 3TJobe, out of fashion ; — bcm <£>0tiffenf)Ctt, out of ignorance ; WitS foil id) — bir marften ? wliat shall I think of you 1 — cyolb, ©iloet it. f. ro. »cr- fertigt, made of gold, silver, &c. ; — eincr iganb in bic anberc, from hand to hand ; cr nnirbe — iinfcrcr 2)r.itte gciviif)[t, he was chosen from among us; — bet alten Samilie dl., of the ancient family of N.; — nidftS llUfb ltid)tS, of nothing comes notliing ; — toad fut SPlacbt, by what authority ; id) rociit es — Grfaftntng, I know it by experience ; id) fcftc — bcm ©ttefe, I see by the letter; man fiefft — fci= neilt Setvagen, one sees by his be- haviour; cr tabctt iftn — §a$, he blames him through hatred ; — inelcit Ul'fadlCtt, from various causes ; — ftlo= fjcilt iuTbad)te, upon mere suspicion; — 2RangeI an ©elbe, for want of money; — ©eftotfam gegen Sic, in obedience to you ; — beni Snncrftcn be8 .Picr$C!lS, from the inmost soul; — ftetet -Oatlb, off hand ; II. adv. 1. over, to, at an end ; out ; ended ; past ; 2. (denotes motion from aut of a place, froin) ; VOtt fiauS — , radically, ori- ginally; er fcijricb mir »oti SPartS — , he wrote me from Paris : hike lllicft — , hear me out : — tlllb ciltgeftcit, to go out and in; Saftr — , Sa'hr cin, from one year to another; — fc\>H, to be out. over, to be at an end, finished : tie oiircftc ift — , church is over : bte 3eit ift — , ibe time is over, expired, passed : eS ift — mil inlll, it is all over with him , er ivcifj meter — ncrii ein, lie does not know how to help himself; feilte_9lligcit fillb — , his eyes are out; icb bin — , 1 am up. In Verbs compounded vitk (t It 5, the accent lies on ItUS, and they are se- ftrable. CO 91 li 8 a d) 5 e It, v. I. a. to groan forth or out (one's life); II. n. (a«x.l)abcit) to leave otf groaning. 01 li 6 a tfe t It, ». a. to plough up or out. 01 li 8 ii lb c t it, o. a. to pluck the veins out. 51 li » a if f C it, v. a. to mock, deride. 9] '.i 8 a it 55 C I it, 0. a. to empty by angling. 01 li 8 a It t ID V t C It, v. a. to deliver, surrender. 91 ii 8 a r e 1 1 e n, v. I. a. 1 . to work out ; to perfect, complete ; finish ; 3. to compose, elaborate (a book, &c.) ; 4. Sp. T. to bleed a hound ; II. n. (aux. fjaften) to leave olT working. Syn. Ttuiaibtittn, Sc$Cll)U — , to break out tootli ; 2. fig. to work out of favour, si supplant in the favour of. 5lu8ftcijClt, v. a. to purify or taka out, remove by caustics or corrosives. 91 li « ft C 1 f C r 11, 1: n. to stop scolding or quarrelling. 31 118 bell en, ». n. (aux. ftaftcn) to leave oil" barking. 91 li 8 ft C r ft C 11, v. ir. n. (aux. fel)ll) to burst forth, out. 91 li 8 ft e f d) C i b C II, provinc. for 9lu$=> fteiingcit. 91 ii 8 ft c f rf) i c b, m. (-e8 ; pi. -c) provinc. that which is reserved, condi tion, reservation. 5lii8ftcffercr, m. (-8; pi. — ) re- pairer, one who mends. 9lli8fteffent, o. a. to mend, repair, refit ; (-fiicfett) to patch, botch. 91 li 8 ft e f f C t U It g,/. (pi. -Clt) mending, reparation, &c. ; compos. — dfoftctl, pi. costs of repair, mendings. 91 It 8 ft C t e It, i'. I. a. to pray to the end; II. n. (aux. rjatcit) to finish praying. 91 n'8b e ttett, v. a. 1. to fit out with beds ; 2. to take out the beds. 91 li 8 ft e It a e n, v. 1. a. to bend, bow ; II n. (aux. ftaftcn) cincr v^acfte — , to evade, avoid. 91 li 8 ft e It I e It, v. a, to beat out promi nences in metals. 91 li 8 ft C It 1 C, /. profit, gain, share, dividend. 91 li 8 ft C 11 1 C I It, v. a. to bolt (flour) ; cillCll — , Jig. to drain one's purse, to fleece. 91 li i.'ft Clt tctt, v. a. Jtftn. T. to gain, find (in a mine). 91 li8 ft Cjaftlcil, r. a. 1. to pay, to make up a payment : 2. to (pay the wages and) discharge. 51 li 8 ft i C g C n, o. ir. I. «. to turn out, !o bend, bow ; II. n. (aux. ftaftcit) eiltcm or »0t eiltem — , to turn reins, to turn aside, to turn out of the way ; 3c = manbcS jSnigcn — , to elude one'i questions. 51 li 8 ft i C t C tt, v. ir. a. 1. to offer, to set to sale ; 2. to outbid ; 3. to give no- tice to quit (on the part of the landlord). 91 li 8 ft i I b ft a r, adj. . 71. (awe. feu it) 1. to stay out, to tarry ; to fail : not to come out or forth ; 2. to be left out ; 3. to stop, discontinue, leave off; niUet= UMe — , to delay a thing; ber 4- ; n'£ filcibt ibnt aits, bis pulse stops; ba£ rjtebet ift ifim ouSflcoUeben, the fever has left him; ba8 @flb blcibt ibm au£, his money does not come. 95 li £ b 1 C I b C II, n. (-£) staying out, non-appearance, non-arrival; ba£ — bet 3afiiunfl, failing in tlie payment; boi »wf«6ltdje — »or ©ericbt, con- (empt of court, default of appearance. % li £ b 1 C i d) C 11, u. I. a. to bleach out ; II. n. (aux. babcu) to finish bleaching ; to grow pale, to fade. 21 li 6 b 1 e i e It, v. a. to fill with lead. 31 li £ b I tcf, m. (-8 ; pl. -C) a look into f out. JliiSbit,, m. (-e£; pl. -C) flash of lightning. 8i li i b 1 i 1? e It, v. n. to cease lightning. 91 li £ b I i (j u n 3, /. wtf. 2lu£blifc. 21 li £ b I f C II, v. a. <$• 7i. to utter in a bleating tone; to stop bleating. 21 ii £ 6 1 Q fj c it, v. n. (aux. baben) i. to cease to bloom or to blossom ; 2. to fade, decay. 91 ii £ b I ii t e n, 7). I. n. (mix. babcu) 1. to bleed ; ~. to cease bleeding; II. a. fein Sebert — , to die. 91 li £ b 6 b C It, 7J. a. T. to put a bottom in. 91 11 £ b fi t C It, v. a. to plank, board. 91 li £ b fi V C It, v. a. to bore out. 91 li £ b r fj C It, v. a to lend out. 91 li £ b r a cf C tl, o. a. T. to turn out, re- ject. 91 li £ b r a t C It, t. ir. I. a. roast out ; '-'.to roast sufficiently ; II. v. (aux. fcl)tt) be well roasted; 2. to run out in masting. 91 li fi b r a It d) e It, v. a. 1. to consume ; 2. + to use no more. 21 li -j b r a It e tl, v. La. 1. to brew well ; •J. to take out by brewing; II. 71. (aux. bilbcit) to cease brewing. 21 ii£b rau fen, v. n.(aux. fiaben) 1. to cease roaring; ~. to be past ferment- ing ; «u£gebt■• become known; in iSfirdiieit — ,fig. lUTOt into tears; ill cilt ©eldcbter — -, to burst out into laughter; in Gut* }iia8 — , to be diffuse, to enter into d fi/rv Hulbrtitfn, Berbrtitfn. T.rrbrti. icn u t 1 expand or spread a thine (Ml tbec n er ;i ^-r.Minr IJmce. 3tu». »»»»fil baa reference to a greater number of Sltitil) plare« wliirb a tbinj ocmp>s. Tlnn we say indiacriminately: £rr l»mi(f> bal fid) in tan fl.inifii dimmer nnsqcbrcirct and rrrbrcitct (the smell baa spread over tlie wbole room), the for- mer referring to the dilferent parts of the room where the smell ia perceived, the latter to the spot whence it proceeded. We may therefore also say: rlnf aiisg/bmtctr Qttlrhrfamttil (ex- tensive learning), fin an«j.ebifitftfr IVi'bm (widespread fame); but not: tine Drrbrritctc e>cl fcil — , to release a dog from the leash 91 li £ b p 11 it e r 11, v. imp. &■ n. to main an end of thundering; e8 1'dt tttttgt bonncrt, it has done thune 91li£bcrrcil, i-. n. (ana. ft^tt) dry up, to parch, scorch ; 8, to waste away, pine away; to grow lean ; bet SDiCttfCf turret ganj 0U8, this man wastes away 21 li £ b 6tt C II, d. 1. to dry up, to paich scorch. tl li 8b t d II ij C 11, r. a. force nut. til ;!lu$e 3to$f Sluef !l li g bt? d) f C [ It, o. n. 1. to hollow out by turning; 2. fig. to elaborate, to adorn artificially. 51 li i S b X C f) C tt, v. a. 1 . to wring or wrest out (of the hand) ; 2. T. to turn out; ftcb — , fig. to shift off; cincit Sedjet — , to hollow out a cup by turning. 31 tiSbrefcfyett, t>. ?'r. I. a. to thrash out; II. n. (aux. fyabcit) to cease thrashing. 51 ii s b x i c f e I n, vid. SfoSfabeltt. ?l l! S b X t It 8 C It, c. ir. re. (aux. \t\)Xl) to press, to urge out of a place. 51 ti S b r {) e It, v. n. to stop threatening. 31 ii s b v o in mete it, via. Slustromyes ten. 3llisbVltcf, m. (-C«; p*. -brftcfe) ex- pression; bet ycraltctC — , archaism; compos. — flvf, /. manner of ex- pression; — Sfiillc,»/. expressiveness; —leer, — log, adj. void of expression; — §50U, adj. expressive. 31 li S b V It (f e tt, v. I. a. 1. to express ; 2. to print, imprint; II. re. (aux. babeit) to finish printing; (msgebrtufte S'orm, Typ. T. the form worked oft"; III. refi. to express one's thoughts, one's self. 51 li 3 b riiff Ctt, v. a. 1. to press out; to squeeze out ; 2. fig. to express. 51 lis br lie! ltd), I. ad/, express, ex- plicit, positive, categorical, designed, purposed; II. adv. expressly, explicitly. 31 ii S b r ii cf I i d) t e t t, /. explicitness. 31 liSb Utcf faitt, adj. S,- ado. expres- sive; expressively. St it S b V U f cf), m. (-CS) the act of thrashing out; that which is thrashed out. 31 It S b ttf t e tt, v. re. (aux. fe^tt) to ex- hale, evaporate. 51 li S b ii f t C It, v. a. to exhale, to spread odours. 51 li S b It I b e It, v. I. a. to endure, suffer ; II. re. (aux. bitbeil) to suffer to the end ; Cf I) at ClUSgebulbet, his sufferings are ended. 31 li S b it it ft, m. (-CS) the vapour, per- spiration. 31 li S b it It ft b a r, adj. that may be evaporated. 81 li I b it u ft e it, v. 71. (aux. fh)it) to evaporate. 51 It S b ii It ft C It, v. a. to perspire, tran- spire. 31 li S b ii It ft U It g, /. (pi. —Ctt) evapora- tion ; perspiration, transpiration; — §« lltcffer, m. T. evaporometer. 91 it 3 C cf e It, v. a. to cut out in angles. S( 11 S C g g C It, v. a. to harrow out. 31 li S C 1 1 e It, v. re. to hie, hurry out. 51 It S C t It dlt b« V, adv. asunder, divided ; compos. — bt'tligcit, v. a. to separate; — fltegett, v. re. to fly asunder, scatter: — gcbett, v. re. to come undone, asun- der; — fctJClt, v. a. to explain; fid) — fct$eil,!o arrange one's self with ...; to separate, to dissolve partnership; — feeling, f. 1. detailed statement, ex- planation; 2. arrangement, settlement; . — UHlTClt, v. a. to disentangle : — jie= ricit, v. ir. a. to draw asunder ; to stretch, lengthen. H ii S e t f e tt, v. a. 1. to get out of the ice ; 2. to clear of the ice. Jlti Set tern, v.n.x. (aux. baben) to cease festering ; 2. (aux. fet)tt) to run out in the shape of matter. f li S e m V f t n b e tt, o. ir. a. s- re. to ■ease feeling. 3ll*er— , prefix to verbs; -what, has been said of 3lltfer — , applies also to it. SlliScrfeitttClt, v. ir. a. to know thoroughly. 31 ii S c r 1 1 c f c it, + vid. Grttniblcn. 31 li S e r 1 f> v C it, adj. chosen, selected. 31 ii s c r t ii b. x e it, only used in 3Iti»cr- fobrctt. 31 ii S e r I e f e n, ». ir. a. to select. 3lliSerlcfeit, adj. exquisite, select, choice, excellent. 31 li S C r I e f C tt f) C 1 1, / selectness. 31 lis em ten, v . n . to finish the harvest. 31 ti S e r f eb a 11 e it, vid. (Jrfdjallctt. 91 ii S e r f e b c it, v. ir. a. (fid), miv et= WaS) to mark out, to choose, select, to pick out. 31 li 8 e X f t It it e it, v. ir. a. to contrive, invent, devise. 91 li S C X tt) ii b I e It, v. a. to elect, choose, make choice of; bie 9luScn»abltetl, the elect. 31 ii S e x 5 a Jj I e tt, v. I. a. i . to tell all that is in one's knowledge ; 2. to finish the tale ; II. rcfl. to tell every thing one knows. 51 li S C f f e it, v. ir. I. a. to eat out ; II. re. (aux. l)abeit) to dine, take one's meals out. 31 li S f a (J) e It, v. a. to provide with shelves. 91 li S f a d) f C V it, v. a. to propagate (a vine), to provinc. 91 li S f a b e I tt, v. a. to unthread, to un- weave, unravel. 91 li S f a b, r e tt, v. ir. I. a. 1. to hollow or mar (the road) by carriages ; 2. to ex- port ; 3. to drive out, take out for a ride; II. re. (aux. fcl)tt) 1. to go out, or to ride about or abroad in a coach ; to set out in a carriage, to drive out ; 2. fig. to set out in a hurry ; 3. to slip, slide; 4. to breakout; 5. Min. 7'. to get out of the pit; ant iKStpet — , to rise in blisters; to grow scurfy; CV ift tin ©eftdjtc auSjjefabreit, he has pimples in the face. 9i liS fa bvt, /. (pi. -Ctt) 1. riding abroad, &c. vid. 3lll§fill)VCtt ', 2. door- way ; gateway, outgate ; 3. Min. T. getting out of the pit. 91 lis fait, m. (-e§; pi. -falle) l. falling out; attack; 2. pass (in fencing); 3. Mil. T. sally; 4. fig. result; 5. M. K. abatement, deficiency; — ciltcr ltllteiT= neb,utuni], result; citteit — tljnn, to make a sally; belt — ailSbaltcit, to stand the sally; — or — Spfoirtc, /. sally-port. 91 US fall C It, b. ir. I. v. (aux. fetttt) 1. to fall out; to lose (the hair); to shed (teeth); CS fflUt attberS (MS, it takes a different turn; bie <2ad)C ficl auS, imc id) eS tiuinfd;te, the thing fell out to my mind ; gilt — , to succeed ; 2. to make a pass (in fencing) ; 3. Mil. T. to sally forth, sally out, to issue ; 4. Ii. T. to degenerate (of flowers) ; 5. fig.VO prove, to fall out, to issue: II. 'njl. 1. to dislocate by falling ; fid) bie 9ld)fcl — to put out one's shoulder by falling. 71 lis fall en, n. (-S) falling out ; result, issue J vid. the verb ; bag — bit ipOl jf V, a: T. flaring ; baS — ber .Oaavc, foxes' evil. 91 li§ fait en, v. a. to unfold. 91 ti 8 f 4 1 J C tt, v. a. T. 1. to fold up (the sheets of a book) ; 2. to rabbet. 91 li S f a n a, t tt, v. ir . «. to empty bj catching, to fish out. 91 li S f a r b e tt, v. a. to dye, stain. 91 ii s f a f e tt or 9lu'Sfafevn, v. a. lj. if adv. discoveral le 91 it's fiv tt iff en, v. a. to varnish ii 9ltisf lacfent, ». ». 1. (aux. Itaben) to flake, flutter to the last part ; 2. ()ottbetf, emanation from God ; compos. — lcf)ve, /. doctrine of emanation. 21 li 8 f I It 1 1), /. outlet, flowing off or out fof tea 2lii8f In tljen, v. w. (aux. fei;n) to stream ou\ 91.; if- \i en, v. n. (aux. tjabcit) to leave off foaling. 21 li»f olrjeit, v.n. (only with lftffcit) to deliver, give up. 21 liSf p pen, v. a. to quiz, make a tool of one. 21 li 8 f o v b c r e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) chal- lenger ; defier. 21 li 8 f r b C V It, v. a. to challenge, defy, provoke; £rumpf — , to play trump, to trump out. 9lii8f Bvbcnt, v. a. Min. T. to get out or up. Slu'Sfc-rberung, /. (pi. -ett) chal- defiance; compos. — sbvicf, m. Challenge. 21 li i f I m C It, v. a. to form a thing in parts; to execute in perfection. 21 li 8f Ot f d) c it, v. a. to inquire after ; irch, spy, find out; cincit — , to pump or sound one; U)v wollt miff) — , you come to feel mc. SliiSfovfd)iuift, /. (pi. -en) in- quiring, fcc. vid. 2lu8forfd)en. 21 u g f r ltd) t, f. (pi. -in) freight out or ouu\ ards. ftageit, p. I. a. 1. to question, examine, interrogate, to query; 2. to out (by inquiring) ; 11. njl. to be tired by questioning. Bu8ftageret, /, (pi. -en) muck ion ing W li « f r a it fen, >•. I. a . w fringe ; li. r,'ji. vid. Susfafelit. a li i 6 f r t f f e n, v. ir. 1. a. 1. to eat out ; 2. fig. to consume; to ruin; 3. to hollow ; II nfl. to feed and get fat by it. ?lugg 5l,t* 5 9llt#frtcreit, (OUT. fC'.Mt) 1. to freeze up ; 2. to lose in good: quality by the frost : II. n. (aux. ImIh'U) to leave off freezing. 21 li 8 f V t ]d) C it, v. a. to refresh inside ; to purge. 21 lis f nd) t el it, v. a. to beat soundly. .'[ lifif it!) I c it, v. a. l. to find out by touch; 2. fig. to feel one. 21 u'ef iibrb at, adj. practicable, per- formable. 2lii8fiifjrbftvf ci t, /. practicability, 9lll'8fllbr, /. export, exportation; — Itl'ib G'iltfllbr, export and import; com- pos. — artifel, pi. export goods ; — tc= Clarattott,/, cocket, hill of sufferance ; -*-bftllbcl, -,n. export trade ; — ,oll, m. duty on exportation, export-duty. 21 lis fit b rett, v. a. I, to lead out; 2. to export (goods N ; 3. Med. T. to eva cuate, purge; 4. fig to perform, finish, e\< cute, accomplish ; Ctll>ft8 fd)rift- lid) — , fig. to make in writing; CtltC (rftdie — , to carry on, prosecute a subject ; fciii9?iu-babcii — , to execute one's designs : citien ( s "lltl'dlilfi llid't — , to fall hack from a resolution : tu) fftttn C8 lltd)t — , I cannot aflbrd it. 91 ii 8 f ii 1) r c n 8 ro c r t b, adj. worthy of being executed or accomplished. 91ii8fiibrltd), I. adj. large, ample, full, detailed, complete; prolix; — e lUftdu-id.teit, full advic ss M. E.) ; II. adv. at large, amply, in detail 91 n'8 fiio r It d)fet t, /. exae. or de- tailed account, fulness, completeness, prolixity. 91 ti 8 f ii b v n n g, /. 1 . leading oui ; 2. performance, execution; If. '/'. de- duction; tit — bringen, to put into practice, to execute, to accomplish ; — 8» gang, m. ■■!. T. excretory ; — S»eg, m. .7. T. excretory duet, emunctoiv ; — 8- mui'btg, vid. 2lu8ful)ven8rccrtt). 21 ii8 fit lie it, v. a. ]. to fin up. to stuff; 2. to empty, draw off; SentailbCo 3tcl- Ie — , to supply one's place. 91 ii 8 f ii linn g, /. filling, tc vid. MuSs fulleti; — Sbaiib, h. .7. T. ligament; — SWOtf, n. Oram. T. expletive. 9lttSfitnf eltt, r. n. 1. (aux. Ijaliett) to cease to glimmer ; 2. (aux. fci)n) to glimmer out, forth. 91 ti 8 f it r d) ? it, ». a. to furrow. 21 li gf Utte V n, n.a. to fur. line (cli ithes) ; cilt Vorf) lllit 9J?efftng — , to line an aperture with brass. 21 11 8 ffi tit X It, v. a. 1 . to fodder up ; 2. to feed, fatten; 3. to empty by feeding. 91 lis f It 1 1 e r n n g, f. 1 . lining furring ; 2. jv. r. bic — bet Stttrfpfotten, haif- ports ; btC — bcS ©angfrtUS, whelps. 21 ii S g a b c, /. (pi. -it) 1. giving out ; 2. edition (of a hook) ; 3. spending, issue of money, expense, expenditure, dis- bursement; compos. — bud), n. of expi nses ; — gelb, it, pocket money; — redlining, /. account of ex- penditures; — vcr^eidniifi, n. list of expenditures or of the several succes- sive editions of a book. 21 li<6 g a b C I It, B. a. to take out with a fork. 21 ii 6 ii ft f f C n, v. n. to cease gaping. iiiSgal)nen, v. n. (aux.^dbtn) to have done yawning. 21 li s g a b r c it, v. ir. n. l. (aux. fettn) to rise by fermentation ; 2, [aux. bft s ben) to ferment sufficiently; c8 bat aiu'ijcfjobveit, it has done fermen a liS gftll en, c. a. to take out the gall [of a fish). KitS gang, m. (-eS; pi. -g«Rg( i going out, ' -s; 2. fig. end, issue, e\ ■• . >n ; 3. I. Tit. T. procession (of th I ; ei= nCU iJUtcit — ncl)lltClt, to turn out well ; . — c-fcit, «. festival i f tl ■ commemorating their departure out of Egypt; — c-lcbvc, f. Th. T. the doctrine of the procession of the Hi Ij Ghost; — - bfotte,/ out gate ; — sftiuf, n. .l/u--. T. finale; — 8$oll, hi. duty ^n exportation. Sim. Xutifattg, lErftlg. KulgnnJ Bignifiw ■ ■ i ol nriei of actions, without reference to a cause. Grtolfl, dqpotofl the is>ue n->t merely a» an event, but as the result of some pi - cause. We nude a journey w other respects, turne' I. But if one by lin; Inn improred his health, his journey l™ had tinea aliitfiidjra s reenh). A dieeaee had ^ melancholy issue (tr.iuri^ra 3(u«j.>n.i) ; the patient remedy having been emjiloyed without eflect (chnt inks); bft8 I'D; fltngSroort — , to give the parole; cine Jpditoi' — , to marry, endow a daughter; etotiS fiir bft8 Sci'iit'.]e — , to pa something for one's own; If. red. to exhaust one's means by expenses, to spend one's money. aiiSgeBett, n, baS — etnes 3a^b= IjunbeS, sp. t. lappice. 3luSgeBet,tn.(-S; pi.— distributer, disburser; steward: yeoman of the pantry; — »0tt fftlfd)en ^tiinjen, ut- tercr of counterfeited coins. SluSgebettn it, /. (pi. -en) house- keeper, cateress. 91 li 8 g C b t, n. (-CSJ the first bidding. 91 li 8 0. C b t C It, part. adj. rid. 91lt«5 bictcit; — c iU'tcfc, .v. r.. offered paper. 21 liSge brftudu-n, p. a. to n by using, to spend. SlliSgCOutt, /. (-en,' fig, i. birth, production; '-'. abortion; iclt'ftnic HlCltfd)lidlC — Clt, strange is> human birth. 9tti8g erfen, o. a. 4> ». 1. to deride; 2 to cease deriding; 3. to cease playing the coxcomb. 31 lis g e b t en t, vid. SfuSbtenen. 91 li S ft, C b 1 11 ft, C, 7i. (-t ! condi- tion. 2lli8ft,CbClt, r. ir. 1. felJO) 1 to go oul to pro- ceed (of the 1 come or fall out ; I to fail; to end: 5 I • ! 6 to fade (of colon: lire. &c); 8. to be i nil q. to be spent; 10. to be verified, ful filled 11. to fei mi dough (ported; Kl. — von, On; — ftltf, to termi- nate in, to end in; ouf cttvftj — , to go in pursuit of something; to ha\ - e is view; to tenri to; K'er — , in set no fflins; frti — , to pay nothing ; im^C; flraff — , to come off unpunished; eU neit SBcfchl — laffen, to iss forth an order; baS ®efefc jjefct btt»on a;!-?, the law sets forth in its preamble ; bad ®cl& geht mir an-?, f am out of money; bte ©ebull) (je§t ihm auS, his patience forsakes him; IL a. 1. to find out bv walking : 2. to measure 1>; es gety allefi fiber micb au8, .fa. every thing comes upon me; aUSflejjangen iV.Mt ypit SJaaren), to be sold; au8* jcheilccS ©eroicfyt, .U £. delivery weight; ci:t SSBtlfcptet — , Sp. start game; citlCll ©Cltg — , Mm. T. to search veins of ore. I?l li S cj C t ii c I it, d. a. to scourge soundly. SI ii$ «}CtVu, »'• «■ ( tcIt ^Cobad) to pluck off the superfluous leaves of the tobacco-plants. 51 li 8 g e 1 « f f C tt, I. adj. extravagant, wanton, petulant, ungovernable ; un- restrained, wild ; II. adv. extravagant- ly, &c. 51 li 8 g e I a f f e n h e i t, /. (-en) extra- vagance, wantonness; petulance. 51 li 8 g e I C 1 1 C It, v. a. to escort out of a place. 51 li 8 g e in a cb t, adj. decided, certain, settled ; plain. 51 li 8 g C n t C j; C It, o. a. to enjoy to the end. 51 li 8 g e n P lit lit C It, adv. with ace. ex- cept, excepted. 51 li 8 g e r t e it, v. a. 1. to tan fully ; 2. jig. to beat, to thrash soundly. 31 li 3 g C f cb i C b C n, adj. .1. T. seereti- tious, otd. QJuSfcbetben. 51 US a ef p t et J t, part. adj. rid. 9IuS= fpretjen ; nut — eu Sujjen geben, to go straddUng. 51 li 3 g c f p v c n g c, n. (-3 ; pi. — ) re- port, rumour. 5ill3gcf llfbt, adj. ><• «fo. exquisite, choice; bal — cjie 23ergniigen, the choicest pleasure ; .W. E. of prime quality. 5lli8geilbClt, v. a. $■ n. 1. to lavish, squander ; 2. to leave off lavishing. 91 ti 8 g e n> a cb f c n, iu core (of apples, &.c.) 91ti8grol leit, v. n. (oux. baben) to leave off being in an ill humour. 91 US g r it b el tt, v. a. to investigate, to find out by meditating upon, to dive into. 91 li 6 g r it ll b e It, o. a. to cut out with a plane or chisel ; to dive into, to fathom, sound, sift, vid. ficgriillbcit. 91 li 8 g V it n C n, o. n. to cease to be verdant. 91 ii 3 g it cf , m. .v. T. look-out. 91 li 3 g II cf e It, v. I. n. to look out : II. rcfi. td) b&bt mir bie 91ngcit au3ge= gucft, I have stared my eyes out. 91 u'S g urge I it, ». a. to get out, to clean by garghng. 91 li 3 g U r r C It, v. ?». to cease cooing. 91 li 3 g It fj, m. (-ffe3 ; pi. — guffe) pour- ing out, effusion ; gutter, sink, outlet, conduit ; — Idle, /. T. ladle (in met- alurgy) ; — pfiilllld)en, n. ingot-mould. 91iieb«). 91 ii 3 b a in m e r it, v. a. to beat out with the hammer. 5l it 8 b a it b e 1 it, ». a. & n. 1. to con elude a bargain ; 2. to stop trading. 91 ii » h fi n b t g e it, v. a. (ciiient etnxtS) to hand over, deliver. 91 li 8 b a it g, m. (-e8) placard ; — am ©emolbe, show. 31 ti 8 ban gen, ». i>. n. (aux. baben) to hang, hang out; hiec hangt nicbl Btel m-$, fig. no great profit is to be made there. 91 ii 3 b fi 11 g C it, v. a. to hang out ; ciitt fylagge — , to set up a tiau'. 9t ii 3 I) a it g c = b g e it, m. Typ. T proof-shee*; — fcbilft, n. 1. signboard; shop-bill ; 2. Jig: show. 51 li S E) fit e 11, v. a. to free from hair. 9lli8 bar 1c It, v. a. to clear with a rake. 91 li 3 b fi * in C It, v. refit, to cease jfriev- tag. 91 li 3 b a r n e n, v. I. n. to make water ; II. a. to let or bring out. 91 u'8 barren, v. n. {aux. babcu) to persevere, be constant, stand fast. 91 li 3 b ii r t C It, v. a. to harden com- pletely. 9ltiSbafpcln, v. a. $ ■ n. to reel out, to cease reeling. 91 li 8 b a f p C n, v. a. to unhinge (a door, &c). 31 li 3 b a ll, m. (-e3) 1. glade ; 2. hew- ing, cutting. 91 li 3 b a 11 cb, m. (-C3) the act of breath- ing out ; breath, fume. 91 li8bftlicbcit, o. n. to breathe out, forth, exhale ; belt C^>CI fi — , to breathe one's last. 91 li 3 b rt ll c "' "■ "■• a - J - t0 new out ! -■ to carve, cut out : to engrave ; 3. to whip, scource; cillClt SBaUOt — , to lop a tr.e ; Sftuttte — , to clear away ; cilietl 21>alt> — , to thin a wood ; Stbcfe — , to grub or root out stumps 91 ii 3 h fi ll t e ll, v. a. to skin, ri tp of! the hide. 9lliSbebeil, v. ir. a. 1. to heave c-fl to lift out, take out ; 2. to unhinge (windows, &c.) ; 3. draw out (with the crane or syphon) ; 4. to pick out, se- lect; 5. to recruit, levy; 6. to warn (of a clock) ; ben tebittcit 2)2ann — , to decimate ; 9tecrutcn — , to levy men. 91 li 3 b e b C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) T. ratch. 9lii8bebefpaf)it, m. (-3) Typ. T. setting-rule. 91 li 3 1) e d) C 1 n, v. a. 1. to hatchel out ; 2. to scandalize, to censure. 9lliSbecfcil, v. a, 1. to hatch, brood; 2. to contrive, devise, beget, 91 li 8 b e i I C it, v. I. a._ to heal or cure perfectly; II. n. (aux. fciin) to be healed. 51 li 3 b C i m i f d), adj. foreign, alien. 91 li 8 1) C i t C r It, v. a. to clear up ; vid 3luf[)citcm. 91 ti 8 b. C i 5 e It, v. a. to warm thoroughly 9lii3belfeit, v. ir. tt. (aux. babcii/ to help out, supply with, aid, ass:=t ; etnem mit ®elb — , to accommodate one with money; tcf» failil 3hlten — , I can fit you; er Ijtlft mir oft ail3, he frequently supplies n:e. 91 li 8 h e 1 1 C It, v. a. to clear up, vid, SlufbeUen. 91 li 8 b C lit lit C It, v. a. to untrig, take away the hemming chain. 9lii8hcrrfrben, v.n. (our. baben) to role, reign to the end j fie fatten ou«= gehtttfegt, their dominion was at ;.n end. 31 U 8 ^ « ft eit, v. a. to hunt out (With dogs . aiis^enlen wiSte^sngen. 9tiiebci:d)cttt, v. n. to cease dis- ■embling. 91 lie belt em, v. a. prowne. J. to let, to lure; 2. to obtain by paying higher 31 li 8b t 11 1 C II, v. n. (aux. fatjCll) Sr refl. to liave done howling. 31 lie- bieb, m. (-ti) l.that which is bewn or cut out; 2. T. piece of new coin broken off for an assay ; — inetjj« I, 7/i. hewing-chiseL •>l li e fu u f c n, v.n. 1. to limp out or 'abroad; 2. to cease limping. 91 li e I) b e t It, v. a. to plane off, cut out. 9lii8bocf en, v. a. to beget by much sitting. 31 li 8 1) o f f e it, v. n. (flux, baben) to give up hoping. 91 u 8 t) B b I C It. "• "• t0 hollow, excavate, to delve, undermine; T. ©fittlett • ,. (lute ; (Sifctt —, to groove. 9ln*boblnna,, /• (!>'■ - flt) excava- lyatiou; T. Muting, channel; —en &C8 AlufillfCV*, excavations, frets. VI li 6 bbb it e tt, v.a. to mock, deride; to abuse, insult. 51 lis bote it * 5lti8l)ijfern, v.a. to re- tail. SI li S b 1 C tt, v. I. a. to learn by cun- ning inquiries; eiitett — , to pump, sift ii. v. {mix, baben) l.toliftupthe arm for striking; to take a run (in leap- ing) : »ett — , fig- to begin far oil, to Lte, to use prolixity. Sliiebotcr, m. (-8; $.— ) ■*-. T. a sort of cable;— berSBltnbe, the sprit- sail halliards;— be8 Jttiisere, the tack _ be8 ,Hlii«cvbaumc8, tiie top-rope of the jib-boom; — btf|abe* bournes, gin line; — tor iscbtebs blinbe, the bowsprit topsail halliards; bee loin'eepe, girt-lino of the stay- tackles. 91 ii e b o 1 j e it, ». a. cincit 23alb — , to thin .i 91 tie fiord) en, v. a. 1. to learn by hearkening, listening; 2. to inquire iffllj 91 ii 8 f) 6 r e tt, v. n. (aux. tniben) to hear io the end. 91 ii 8 b it b, m. (-e8) levy (of soldiers), ".'hiebillfe, /. 1. assistance; helping i sim't. r„i. ©efeetf 91 ii e b ii 1 1 e tt, vid. (gntptten. 91 li e t) " I l"e tt, o. a- to unhusk, peel, 91 li 8 I, It 11 g C r tt, r. «. to famish, starve ; to Bubdue by hunger; au8 u efmnn«t starved. 91 ii e b u n > c tt, v. a. mdg. to scold, chide, rebuke, reprimand, abuse. 9lu*biipfen, v.n. 1. (««/. femi) to spring, leap out; 2. (aux. fjabcit) to oease springing. 91 ti 8 b it ft c It, v. I. a. to cough up ; II. n. ■aui. babeti) to cease to cough. 91 li 8 f)ii t C It, v.a.Sr,n. 1. to graze; 2. to cease to watch. 5!U£*f Jliieiaaen, ». i. «. to drive out. throw out; eincm ben 3ln(}jlf6)tt>eijj — , to press one hard, close; II. n. 1. (oux. felon) to go out on fcprseback ve- hemently; 2. (aux. baben) to leave off hunting; er bat mtffleiflflt, he has done hunting. 91 li 8 j a m mern, v. n. (aux. fjaben) to leave off lamenting. 9lii8)aten, ™U 9ln8a,atcr. 91 ii8 j and) ? c it, v. I. a. to proclaim with a shouting noise; II. n. {aux. DO* bctt) to have done shouting. 91 li e j d) e It, v. a. to unyoke. 91 li 8 j n 8 e t n, v. n. (ma. baben) to fin- ish one's exultations or carou 91 lief albeit, v.n. (aux. baben) to cease calving, to have done calving. 91 ti 8 f ii I b e r tt, v. n. to cease frisking 91 ii e f a 1 1 c tt, v. n. (aux. feint) to cool thoroughly. 91 tU fa m me fa mm, m. (-ti; pi. -famine) T. great comb. 91 ii jE am men, v. a. to comb, comb out. 91 lief amp fen, v. I. a. to fight out; 11. ji. (aux. babetl) to cms.- wrestling, fighting. 91 ii 8 f a v b a t f d) e tt, v. a. vulg. to whip soundly, to scourge. 9f ii 8 f a r jj e n, v. n. to cease to be par- simonious. 91 ii e E a r r e it, v. a. ir n. l . to cart out or away; 2. to cease carting. 91 li 8 t aft tit it, v. refl. to cease chas- tizing one's body. 91 lie faucn, v. a. to champ up, chew; JV. T. to unseam the oakum. 9llie£aufcit, v.a. 1. to buy out; 2. anticipate in buying; 3. fig. to use, employ well. 91 li e f e 0, C I it, v. I. a. 1. to play for any thing at ninepins; 2. to dislocate the bone of the foreleg (said of horses); II. n. to cease playing at nine-pins. 91 lief eb ten, v. a. r. to channel, flute. 91 li e £ C b t U tt g, /. T. channel (of a column). 91 ii e f e b r e n, v. a. 1 . to sweep clear ; to brush ; etn ©ebtff — , t0 swab - 91 li e f e b r i d) t, ) , g) svvec]lings . 91 u 8 f e b r t ft, i 9ltiefeifcit, i-/,/. 9h;*fd)elteii. 9ltief eilcn, v.I. a. to provide with wedges; /cm. to cudgel; O. n ,v /r/f. to run out in a wedge. 9liiefetmcn, v. n. I. [aux. fevut) to germinate, shoot out; 2. (aux. baben) to cease getting germs. 91 li e f C I 1 C It, v. a. to lade out. 91 li e f C 1 1 C r It, v. a. to press grapes. 91 ii e £ e r b e n, ». «. to notch. 91 li e f C l' 11 C tt, V. a, to take kernels out of the shell. 91 it 8f e r tt it it (J, /• enucleation. 91 li 8 f C f f C 1 tt, v- I. «■ to form in the shape of a kettle ; II. ><■ Mn. T. to as- sume the shape of a kettle. 91 lief etjern, v. a. T. to mato in order to apply coins or wedges, 91 ii e f c it d) t u, v. n. to cease panting. 91 lief e nl en, v. a. to beat soundly with a club, to cudgel. 91 lief id) cm, v. n. to cease tittering. 91 ii e f t c I c it, «. a. to produce feathers or (pulls (of birds'; to provide with iplills. 91 lief ittCtt, v. a. to till With cement 91 li e E I it!
  • mw* '•"- Ucittt). 91 lief 1 eibitito,, /. undressinj 91 lief leiftcr tt, v. a. to paste inside. Sliief f tito. cln, v. I. a. to publish by ringing a bell ; E. "• (aux. baben t chide, to cease ringing. 91 ii e 1 1 i ii r) e n, f • < v - "• ("" x - v aDtn to cease sounding. 91 li e f f B f e It, o. a. to beat out ; CIIKIU bae gelt, ben Jiocf — , to beat soundly. Sliief lit it el n, v. a. to find out by ruminating; to dive into. Sliief neb etn, ». a. to ungag, to un clsain, set free. 91 li e f It C t e tt, v c. to knead fully. SI ii e f it t e n, p. I.e. i . to hollow out by kneeling ; 2. to kneel a certain time ; 11. „. (aux. babett) to leave offkni 91 lief nt rf d)cn, v. «• to gnash out. SI lie fit ill e r n, v. n. to cease crackling. 91 li S t tt 5 V f t It, v. a. to unbutton and take out. 9liieftutrrcit, v. 7,. (aux. baben) to have done growling. 91 li e f b C r it, v. a. to take out of a basket. 91 li e f d) C 11, r. I. a. 1. to boil out : 2. to boil sufficiently; 3 to clear bj in"- li n. 1. v™-"-- f c " n) '" '""' ovcr o7a'wayi -■ ('"'^ baben | 0U«fleli)O>1 babClt, to have dime boiling 31 u e f 1 1 C r It, v.n. 1 . to roll to the end ; 2. to cease rolling ; 3. to cast the staggers. SI li e f 111 111 C It, p. ir. n. [aux. fc.Ml ) 1 toe b out; 2. get out. abroad; I discovered; :t. to break (col fire) ; i.fig. to suffice ; to make do, ha\ i enough; 5. to succeed satisfactorily; to agree, live peace ibly; mit fteicm ©elbe wetbe t4 niebt — , Uuf > will not be sufficient; tdi null fCbOJI mit ibm — , 1 shall agree with him well enough. Am. lilltaam, J(, I ,i n n t n- 1 r t « n. Tha l„tter it »wd ol any ti. ■-• ■> " ■ ; " ' knowledga ol ' ! ' °*}* of u "' which araa intanded to ha kepi ^-ret 91 u'» E nt nt e n, ii '- i. L- uingotit 2 He competency, BubsiBtence; :t -< •■ f« n —»««"«. to have wherewithal to live; lent flU' t c >3 _ baben, t" enjoy competency, ,,,",„. W eii off; mit eurti ift tein — , ii,,.,,. is no dealing with you; etn — treffen, to find ways and m ,>1 u i I 111 HI 1 1 ft), adj. jirovinc. afford ing a Rubaistl nee. U II u 8 f b 11 n C U, o. ir. v. to be able to i.'1't. go out. 21 li S f V \> C 1 It, v. a. to uncouple. '.'I li g 1 5 V 11 C It, ». a. to pick or take out tlie "rains. 31 li S toft it, v. I. tt/I. to caress one's fill ; II. n. to stop caressing. 31 li 8 £ ft £ 11, v. a. to taste ; to select by tasting ; to cons-jme by tasting. 2Ili8£riicf; JCll, v. La. to croak out; H. «. faux. t>abcu) to leave off croaking. SS U 6 1 1 a e ll, v. a. to cause (a wall) to project. 31 li 8 f V ii b C It, e. I. o. to announce by crowing ; II. n. (oua. baben) to leave off crowing. 31 li 8 f x it m c n, v. La.1. to display, lay out upon a stall, expose to sale ; 2. to rummage up, out ; 3. fig. to display ; cr fritnttc alte fettle ($)elcr)vfainfett ailS, he made an ostentatious display of his learning; II. n. (auz. bitbeit) to have done rummaging, searching. 21 li 8 f V ii m p C I it, v. a. to card (wool). 31 li 5 I r a ll f C I tl, v. n. to cease to be sickly. 21 li 8 f V fl tl f C it, v. n. to cease to be ill or sick. 21 li 8 £ X ii tl f e n, v. I. a. to grieve or vex one to death ; II. refl. 1 - to vex one's self to death ; 2. to leave off vexing one's self. 31 ii 3 £ x ii t f cf) e it, v. a. wig. bic ©cine — , to spread out the legs, to straddle. 91 II § f r a ^ C tl, v. I. a. 1. to scratch, scrape out; to raze, erase (writings); II. v.fam. (auz. fcMt) to bolt, run away. 91 iief raufeeif e it, n. (~6\pi.—) T. pricking teeth, pricking iron. 31 li 8 E X a it t e tl, v. a. to weed, hoe. 21 lis E X C b f e n, v. a. to clear of craw- fish. 21 li 8 f r e t f d) C It, v. La. to shrill out or forth ; II. 7i. to cease to shrill. 31 ii 8 t r t e cf) c n, v. ir. n. (aux. fevm) creep forth (out of). 31 li S E X t C g C tt, 7j. a. to get off or out (as boots, &.c). 21 ii S f x t c g e tt, e. n. {auz. Ijabeit) to terminate the war. 21 li 8 f X t (j C I It, r. a. to scratch out to erase. 21 li 8 f X b f e It, o. a. to take out the core. 21 li 8 f r ii cf e tt, v. a. to take out (bread) with an oven-rake. 21 li 8 f X ii lit e I tt, v. a. . to crumble, strew about. 21 liS £ It (i C I It, v. a. to ballot for. 21 ti 8 f it f) I e tt, v. n. {auz. fctylt) to cool thoroughly. 21 li 8 f ii m m C r tt, v. n. A> refi. to cease grieving. 21 ii 8 f u rt b e n, 2luSfunt>ia,«t, vid. 2InS= fnnbfcf)itftcn. 21 ti 8 f ii tt b e rt, 21u8f iinbigen, v. a. to proclaim, publish by authority. 9lii«£ unbfdiitf t ctt, v. a. to spy, scout ; to discover ; to reconnoitre, descry. 31 li 8 f It tl f t, /. 1. information, intelli- gence; 2. -f subsistence, &c. vid, 3lll8= fommctt; compos. — Smittcl, n. expe- dient. ?lli Sfilltft eln, v. a. to contrive ur execute with too much skill or art. *2lii8fiiren, r/d. jlurcn. 91 ii S f it f f c it, v. n. (auz. b)abcn) to bave done kissing. 66 3lii«lacf)clit, v. n. (auz. babcn) tt, have done smiling. 21 li 8 I a d) C It, v. I. a. to laugh at, to le ; II. v. (aux. filbert) to cease to laugh; au8iielact)t ivcrccil, to be laughed at ; fict) — , to laugh to one's bean's content. 21 ii 8 1 a d) c tt 8 » e r t f>, adj. ridiculous. 31 li 8 1 tt b e Jt, ?-. ir. a. to unload, dis- charge ; cilt Schiff — , to lighten a vessel; tc debark; cilt 0enxf)V — , to draw the charge out of a gun. 21li8l to start from a place; rtltf 23ciltC — , to cruise; bie 2>pltc tttcr)t regclntflftg — , to narrow (Sp. T.) ; II. reft, to wear out or to grow wider by friction ; col. to take sufficient exercise by running about ; III. a. Min. T. to remove further. 21 ii 8 I a It f e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1 . runnel errand-boy ; 2. shoot, sprout. 21 li 8 f ii U f t f d), adj. addicted to running out. 31 li8 I rtltf till ft, /. (pi. -WW running out,&c. vid. 3luMaitf. 21 liS I, 7-. a. 1. to wash in 'ye, to penetrate with lye; 2. to clear of lyo: Sfllj — , to get Hie salt out of; 3. to soak. 2Ili8lflllfd)Cn, v. a. to find oil, discover by watching 21 liS I flllf Ctt, v. a. 1. to clear of lice; 2. cinctt — , to rob, plunder one. 21 li 6 I rt It t, m. (-eg) final sound. 2IliSlrtUtC!t, v. n. (auz. I)rtbcn) to cease to sound ; to end in. 21 li 8 1 ii It t C n, v. I. a. to proclaim (the end of a thing) by ringing the bells; II. ■ 77. (auz. fyrtbctl) to cease to ring the bells. 31 li S I ii It t C t It, o. a. T. to clear, to thin (a forest). 31 ii 3 1 e b e rt, 7j. ti. (auz. finben) to finish one's life ; bit l.mft rtUSrtdebt, you are a dead man. 21 ti 8 I C cf) j e It, 7j. ti. to cease to be dry or thirsty. 21 li 8 I e cf e n, v. I. a. to lick up, out, lap up ; II. 7i. (auz. fcYltt) to run (drop out), to leak. 21 It 8 ( e b C r n, v. a. 1. T. to line wnfc leather; to leather; 2. to beat, to drub 2liiSlcevetl, v. a. to empty, to ex- crete, to evacuate. 21 ii S 1 e e r u n g, /. (pi. -en) emptying , evacuation ; voidance ; — gilii.ttel, u. Med. T. an evacuant. 2lii8leger)ol8, n. 21uS(cgcfiiib*cH, pi. T. veneers. 2t ti 8 i e g C tt, o. a. 1. to lay out ; 2. T to inlay, to veneer ; 3. to lay out for show, expose to view, display; 4. fig to explain, expound, construe, interpret ; Ctrt Scfjiff — , to lay out a vessel upon the road ; Jill' «d)rtU — , fig. to display ; ®elb — , to advance, disburse money ; @elb rtltf 3tnfcit — , to put out money to interest; rtttSgelcgtc 2Ivbcit, inlaying, veneering; CtlVrtS Jltllt 53cftcit — , to put the best construction upon a thing ; STvaumc — , to interpret dreams. Syn. Jt u i I« 8 e it, « rt I if rr n, Stunn. Both uudlfgtii anil crtlorrit denote: to explain of m;ike clear what is obscure; the former, how- ever, refers only to tfca signs, the latter, to their signification or to the thing itself. In speaking of the construction of a passage we would use ntiok^cn; of the sense ol an obscure passage, trtl.ucii. Z>cuttn is to construe in a certain way, to point at something. We savof one: Cr fiat unfer i5iiuf*inti$cn i>W arfcutfl (he has put a bad construction on our silence), regarded it as a sign of coldness or enmity. 21 li S I e g C r, 777. (-8 ; pi. —) explainer, interpreter, expounder j — bcrSefrtbn auf ©cjrmacffdjtffeti, jv. t. a small boom to extend the bottom of a kind o. ringtail in smacks. 21 it S 1 c g c r e t, /. (pi. -ctt) coat, hair- splitting interpretation. 21 ii 8 1 c g e 1 1 f ct), 77t. (-c8 ; pi. -c) stall, bench for sale. 21 li Si eg ting, /.(?.'. -en) l. laying out; 2. fig. advancing, disbursing; 3 inlaying; veneering; 4. explanation, interpretation, exposition, construction , bic blicf)ftiib[id)e — , the literal inter- pretation ; compos. — gfunbe, — Sfitnft, — Snuffcnfcbflfr, science of interpreta- tion; — SWCtfe, ado byway of inter pretation. 21 u'Slc bit en, vid 2ln8letben. 3l»« 3lu6m 31U60 .'I ii 8 ( C I) r C it, v. a. to keep in appren- ticeship till the time fixed expiree. 21 ii 6 1 c i b e n, v. ir. «. (am. bubctt) to suffer to the end ; to cease suffering. 31 ti 8 I c i 1) c n, v. ir. a. to lend out, to put out; @c(b or.f Siufctl — , to put out money at in'erprf. Kudlei|er, m. (-8 ! V 1 - — ? lender. t! li 6 I e II f l II, o. «. (aui. fjabcn) to turn out HliSlcritCtt, r. «. ffluz. fjdljett) to ac- complish the time of apprenticeship, to serve one's time ; fig. to cease [earn- ing; to finish learning; ail8ijeleillt baben, to be out of one's time (as an apprentice): tilt iUt8;ic(cviltcv Scbctlf, a cunning blade, an arrant knave. 3lu8lefe, vid. 2lu8»ah[. 21 it 8 I C f c tt, v. ir. a. 1. to elect, select, pick out, choose; 2. to finish reading; Cttl iillrfl — , to peruse, read a book through; tic 3u>icbelfifd)C — , ■]',/,,. T. to [lick up the pie. 2lli8(cfuit(], /. 1. choosing, picking out, &c. ; 2, perusing. 21 It « leu chtcit, v. n. l.'to light any one out of a place ; 2. fig. to turn out of doors ; 3. to cease to light. 31 li 8 I C U C It , v. a. T. to unload (by means of a boom and tackle). 31 li 8 I i d) t C tt, b. a. Sp. T. to clear ; ei= ttett SBalb — , to clear a forest, to make it thin. SluSltefern, v. a. (ciiicin chuas) to deliver, deliver over. 21 li 8 1 t C f C r 11 It (J,/, [pi. -Clt) delivery ; compos. — 8li|te , /. '/'. list of those hi luses to which a bookseller's agent is authorized to deliver publications; — 8= vettViU], m. cartel. 31 ii 8 1 i e i] c it, v. ir. I. n. (am. babcii) to lie long enough ; II. a. to lose by lying; to improve by lying, ft ti 8 1 1 c g c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) jv. T. guardship, revenue cutter, outrigger. 21 ti 8 I d) C It, v. a. 1. .Win. T. to draw out of the earth ; 2, Arch, to provide with a Ik pie. 21 li 8 I d) C V It, v. a. to provide with or make holes. 2lli8locfctt, v. a. 1. to allure fcrth ; x). to worm something out of one. 3] li 8 I b C V It, v. n. (aur. fctylt) to cease (laming. 2lli8lijff cllt, v. a. to empty with 3lii$lohctt, vid. 3lu6»rennen. 3lii8lobncit, > 31 ti 8 1 6 h it c it, 5 "■ "• t0 W the wa 6 es - 21 ti 8 t f C it, d. a. to draw out by lot ; to raffle for or out. 2lli8lootf Clt, B.O.JV: T. to pilot out of a harbour. 31 li 8 1 i? f fb C II, r. I. reg. a. to extinguish, ich, put' out; to expunge; II. ir. n. (tiux. feMt) 1. to lie extinguished, to go out; 2. fig. to die. 31 li 8 1 5 f $ e r, m . (-8 ; P i. —) i . one who extinguishes ; -'. extinguisher (of b candle sticl 31 ii 8 1 B f cf) 1 i d). adj. quenchable. 3lli8lofd)ltdlfeif, /. quenchable- 31 li 8 I f Clt, v. a. 1. to loosen, vid. 26= fc'l I --.AV- to pay for one; to release, ransom, redeem, deliver; :t. to replevy, to redeem, recover a pawn). H ii 8 1 o f it n (j, /. (pi -en) i. releasing, redeeming, deliverance; 2. ransom, re- nlevin. 21 li 8 I ii f t C It, v. a. to air; cilt 3imt1tCV — , to let the air into a room, to air a room. 21 li 8 m a cf> c tt, r. «. 1. to make out; 2. to put out; to take out, get on.; to shell [cbesnuts, peas, &c); to blanch (al- monds) ; 3. fig. to find out ; 4. to amount to, to constitute, come to ; 5. to make up, to finish, etui, decide; 6. to fix, de- termine; 7. to matter, be of conse- quence; bic 3ad)e ntit bent Xcijen — , to decide the matter by the sword; ci; item cincit ITicnft, ciit Quartier It. f. W. — , to procure one an office, a lodging, &.c. ; cilt @fl!t$c8 — , to make up, to constitute ; etu\t8 llttt ciltcm — , to make up, to settle a thing with one; cS macfjt ntcf)t8 an8, 'tis no matter; fliiS.iemadlf, determined, decided, cer- tain ; irf) ncbiiic c8 aU auBttetnarbt an, I take it for granted; cv ift bcr au8qc= uiad)fc|lc Srf;elm, he is the rogue; cine au-^cmadne @r$n»iU> fitd)t, a confirmed consumption. 21 ii 8 m a a, c it, vid. 3Jbmagem. 31 li 8 lit a h C It, o. a. to mow partly. 21 li 8 m able it, o. ir. I. a. (pan. ai\S- ncnuhli'lli to grind out; II. ,i. (am. babcitj to have done grinding. 21 li 6 Jtl fl Ult, ) B. a. (part. AViSQt- 21 li 8 in a I) I c tt,+ S malt) l. to paint, to colour ; 2. to finish a picture. 21 li 8 lit a f C I tt, l>. a. to sell by retail. 21 li 8 lit a It fl c I It, v. a. to mangle pro- perly. 2t ii 8 m a it it, vid. 3(it8biir^cr. 31 ii § m a r ii e ( it, vid. 2Ju8mer(teltt. 21 ii 8 m a r f e tt, v. a. to mark out. 31 ii 8 in a v f c r, ?». (-8 ; pi. — ) one who owns property in a town to which he does not belong. 21 ti 8 lit it V f t C It, v. 7i. to cease hig- gling. 21 ii 8 m a r f d), m. (-c8 ; pi. -marfdjc) inarching out. 21 ii 8 m a x f d) t r e n, v. n. (aux. fevm) to march out. 21 li 8 lit a X t e r it, ». a. to torture out. 51 ii 8 in 5r ) e it, vid. 3lu8merjen. 31 li 8 lit S ft C It, v. a. to fatten, cram. 21 ii 8 in a t r a )j c n, v. a. r. to stuff with hair (a chair, &c). 31 li 8 lit a U C r It, ». a. to wall up, to line with stones. 31 ii 8 in a u f e it, 3(u8mau'fcrn, ». i. a . to pick one's pocket ; II. n. to cease steal- ing; III. rrfi. to have done mewing (of birds). 31 ii 8 m c cf cr it, p. ,,. (aur. fyaben) to leave off bleating. 31 ii 8 m ei J el tt, ». a. to chisel out ; to chisel off; to carve. 31 it 8 me If c it, milk out, drain by milking. 31 li 8 lit e r a, C I n, ». a. to enervate, ex- haust; to emaciate. 31 ti 8 lit e r f e It, v. a. to mark out ; to find out. 31 li 8 lit C n C tt, r. a. to cast off, reject ; to cull : ba8 — ber Uttbcfattntcit au8 citlCC ©tficiung, Mat '/'.exterminating the unknown quantities of an equation. 31 li8 lit C f f e It, v. ir. n. 1. to measure out; to Burvey (afield) ; 2. to sell by measure; cilt ®rf)tff — , to gauge a ship. 31 lift in c f f c r, m. (-8 \pl.— ) measurer, surveyor. 31 u'8 nt c ffung,/. (/»,'. -en) asuring, measurement, survey; tic — - cit;c8 Scf;lffe8 liclMiicn. totaKe the be 31 ii 8m eft en r << to ia« one's quantity of the Hour in lieu cA payment. *3l li 8 in c it b I i v c it, } v. a. to funjUh a + 31 ii 8m i> bcl n, jj '"•""■ 2lii8mic tbcit, r. a. l. (ctira; out for lure ; 2. (CillCIl) to eject (by raising the rent) ; 3. to find 3Iu'8mtnbetn, ». a. to give to tito lowest bid li r (said of a job). 31 ii 8 in i ft C it, d. a. to cast the dung out. . the stable. 31 li 8 111 i 1 1 C [ tt, v. a. to find out, to as- certain; settle, fix. *21 ti 8 m 5 b I e r, m. (-8 ; pi. —) he that furnishes a room ; seller of furniture. 31 ti i lit o b e I it, v. a. to model pro perly. 31 li 8 lit f C It, v. a. to rid of moss. 31 ii 8 nt ii n b C n, v. rrfi. to discharge. 31 li 8 lit ii it b it u ;], /. (pi. -Clt) mouth of a river. 31li8 lit lilt J Clt, 0.0. to coin. 31 li 8 in u r tit c I n, o. ,,. (ou«. Ktbcnj to iff grumbling. 31 li8llli'tf fctt, v. v. (aur. (vifrcil) elliptic (flefjert u. f. ft), being under- stood) ; ft llilifj ail8, he must go out. 31u'8mufier tt, v. a. l. to r< tier; -'. tru^. to dress up, vid ^.'utjen. 31 li 8 11 II ;} C 11, b. a. to gnaw out ; to gnaw to the end. 21 li 8 n ii b C It, v. a. to embroider. 31 lie it a hue, /. ( P l. -it) exception; 21u8nabm8lo8, adj. without exception ; ■ — Smeife, ailr. by way of exception. 31 ii 8 n a vv c n, v. n. (am. baben) to leave off acting foolishly. 31 li 8 It it \d) C It, B. a. to sip, eat it taks out by stealth. 31 ii 8 it c be I it, v. imp. to cease being misty. 31 li 8 It C cf C II, o. n. to leave off rallying. 3lii8it cbm cit, b. ir. La. I. to take out; to choose, take up (commodities) : 2. jig. to i sci pi : eitten auMi — , to embowel (a fish) ; fciiicr. au8genont» men, nobody excepted ; li. nji. to dis- tinguish one's self, to make a figure, t« look (well, ill). 3l li 8 it c b in c ii b, I. part. mlj. exci extraordinary; 11. adv. exceedingly, ad- mirably. 31 ii 8 it i eft u, b. il ,am. babcif to cease n idding. 31 lijiticfj e it, b. I. n. to bring up by sneezing; II. n. (aux. babcn to have dine sneezing. 31 li 8 11 i V P C It, v. a. to sip up, out. .'liu'iiittfdicit, vulg. vid. 3lu8faus gen, VI li i 5 b f C H, b, fl. to free (a boat) from water. 31 li 8 B teit, b. n. to oil (the in "01 ii § p ad) ten, r.a. I. to dislodge by offering «r asking a higher rent; 2. nd SOerpaeBten. 31 11 8 p a cf C It, b. a. to unpack, to opea (a pack). 31 ti 8 p a if c r, m. (-8 ; /-/. — ) unpackei 31 li 8 p 9 V P C "' ''■ "■ t" 1'iie u tth paste- board. •91 ii 8 v n riven, r. a. io parry, ward off 31 ii 8 p a f 4 e n, p. a. to tn..- first (m 31 ii 8 p a t \'d> e n, b. a. tc stop soundly 3lu'8paitf Clt, b. a. I. to drum out 2 to beat soundly. 3iu$£ 5Utfr Jlii S i>« uf rf)cn, p. a.Jhn.T. to beat small, to clear of dross. 91 lisp et ten, r. «. JV. r to sound. 31 ti 8 l? c i t f cb c n, o. a. (ciucm et»a6) to whip out, scourge. 21 li § V C II C tt, V. a. proline, to peel. 91 ii 8 p c I j e n, »■ *• t0 beat sound 'y- 51 it S p f ci i> X C It, v. a. to set with pales. 21 ti § V f S " b c "» "■ a - t0 disUai " ; t0 seize for debt. RliSljfonber, m. (-8; pi.— ) dis- trainer. !l ti 8 v ffi n b u n g, /. (pi. -«d ^ ress ' seizure ; execution. 51 li 3 p f a r r e n, v. a. to take from cne parish and attach to another. 51 li 8 p f e l f e It, v. ir. I. a. to hiss ; Cttt ©tucf , to condemn a play; II. n. (our Ijafeeit) to have done whistling; — emcrtb, adj. deserving to be hissed. SI UjS)p f C t f e r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) one who hisses. 9IuSpfUn en, n& aSet^ffanjen. 51 ii § p f la ft e t rt, «. a. to pave. 9lii3pflocf dt, jj. a. to provide with pegs. 91 ii 8 p f I it ci C tt, u. a. to pluck up. SI U 8 p f I fl tt C it, o. I. a- t° plough up ; II. b. (auz. haben) to cease ploughing. 51 lisp f UttbClt, v. a. to sell by the pound. 51 It 8 p f ii % C tt, v. a. Mm. T. to dip out, draw up. ^ 21 ii8 piemen, v. a. to pitch. *3luf pt'eiett, pi. auspices. SI it $ p t cf C it, v. a. to peck cut. 9lli3pillfelll, v. a. to paint (the in side). 51 li 8 p i P C tt, v. n. to cease piping. SI li 8 p I a g e It, v. a. *■ refl. to torture out, to torment. 91 ii 8 p I a p p e r n, v. a. vuig. vid. Slttfi* planbertt. SlliSplatten, v. a. to pave with flat stones. SI li 8 p I a 1 1 e It, v. a. to iron. 3lii8plafccn, v. n. (aux. (jaben) to burst out or asunder. 31 it 8 p I ii % e tt, v. a. to cause to burst. 91 li 8 p I a u b e r it, v. I. a. to blab out ; cin ©eficimnin — , to let outs secret ; II. refl. to prattle, talk to one's heart's content ; III. n. to have done prattling. 51 ii 3 p I tt m p e n, vid. 91u3pumpctt. 51 it 8 p 1 ii n b e t tt, v. a. to plunder, pil- lage, ransack; eilteil — , to strip one. 31 ii gplunbetun g, /. {.pi. -en) the pillaging, ransacking. 21 li 8 p d) e tt, v. a. to beat (clothes, skins, &c.) ; 2. fig. to explode, to hiss in actor off the stage). 51 li 8 p U r e H, v. a. to polish, burnish, brighten. \\ ii 5 p I ft e t tt, v. a. to quilt, to pro- ride with stuffed seats. 51 ii 8 p o 1 1 e r n, vid. 2lu3tokn. 5lii8pofaunett, v. a. fig. to trumpet forth, to divulge ; to blazon. !lu8prctgen, v. a. 1. to coin; 2. to imprint well ; to stamp distinctly. 51 ii 8 p r a b 1 e n, v. I. n. (aux. tjaktt) to have done boasting, bragging ; II. a. V tell by boasting. 31 li I 4> r a f f e tt, v.n. to cease revelling il ii 8 p x e b i g e n, v. n. {aux. bakn) to have done preaching. flu3prcffcn, v. a. to press out 68 squeeze out ; extort ; fig. to draw (tears, sighs)., } trythoro ughly. 51 u 8 p r it r c n, J 51 ii 8 p r it g c [ n, v. a. to cudgel. 51 ii 8 p tt b C r It, v.a. to powder thorough- ly ; to empty by powdering. 21 It 8 p M f f e n, v. a. to thump (out). 51 li 8 p It m p C It, v. a. to pump out. + 51 ii 8 p U Jl f t i r C tt, v. a. to point out. 51 li 8 p tt H f d) e tt, v. n. to stop drinking punch. 51 li 8 p U ft e tt, v. a. to blow out. 21 li 8 ; tt fc, m. {-to) dressing. Si li 6 p U tj e It, v. a. 1. to clean, polish ; 2. to dress, trim, adorn; bttS ^id)t — , to snuff out the candle ; ©fettltte — , to prune trees; Ctncit Jig. miig. to re- bate, reprimand one ; ClU 3imincv — , to fit up a room. 21 li 8 p It % C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) dresser ; fig. reproof, reprimand. 2lii3quafen, v. n. (aux. bakn) to leave off croaking. 2lii8 qua I en, v. I. a. (etnem ctiva3) to torture something out of one ; II. refl. to finish tormenting one's self. 21 ti8 qtt aim en, v. n. (aux. §aktt)to cease smoking. *5l li 8 q tt a r 1 1 r e tt, v. a. to change the quarters (of soldiers). 21 li 8 q tt c t f d) e It, v. a. to squeeze out. 51 li 8 r ci b e I tt, — retben, — rcibern, — = raibett, o. a. to sift out, get out by sifting. *2l It 8 1 a b i r e tt, v. a. to raze, erase, to scratch out with the knife. 21 li 8 X a f f C tt, v. a. Print. T. to raff out. 31 li 8 r a I) lit e It, v. a. to unframe. Slli8raminClI, v. a. to strengthen with piles. 21 li 8 r a n b c n, 21u8ranbcrn, ». a. l. to furnish with a carved border : 2 to emarginate; au8gcraitberte flatter ("Oil S^ffansen), emarginated leaves. 21 li 8 X a tt b U tt g, /. 1 - furnishing with a carved border ; 2. margin, herder. *2l ii 8 r a n g i r e n, v. a. tc cast out, to sort. 21 ii8 ran fen, v. n. (aux. fevtn) to spread out lis tendrils (said of a vine). 21 li 8 r a p p 1 1 tt, v. n. 1. to cease mak- ing a noise ; 2. to cease to rave. 51 li 8 X a f C tt, v. n. (aux. l)CtbeH) to cease to rage 2lii8raffcln, ». w. (aux. baben) to cease to rattle. 21 li 8 r a jl e n, v. n. (aux. fjakrt) to rest. 21 li 8 r a n b e it, v. I. a. to rob ; II. n. (am. l)abcn) to cease robbing. 51 li 8 r a It dl e tt, v. I. a. to smoke out (cine ^Jfetfe, a pipe); $itcf»e— , to unharbour foxes by means of smoke; II. n. (mix. l)abert) to cease to smoke ; to evaporate. 2lli8raud)em, v. a. to perfume, fu- migate ; to smoke dry (meal). 21 ii 8 r a u f c n, v. a. to pluck out, pull out. 21 li 8 r ci It ttt C tt, v. a. to remove, empty, evacuate ; cill 3tmmcr — , to clear a room ; cin £ictu3 — , to gut a house. 21 li 8 r a U p C It, v. a. to rid of cater- pillars. 21 li 8 r ii It 8 p C r n, v. a. 5- refl. to hawk, hem. 21 ii 8 r c cb c tt, v. a. to clear with a rake. 53uer 21 li 8 r c d) it C tt, b. a. to calculau reckon. 51 ii 8 v c cb n c r, m. (-8 ; pi — ^computet 51 it 8 r e d) n tt n g, /. (pi. -« ) caicuia tion. 21 ii S r e d> t e it, v. v. (aux. Ijabctt) to cease to quarrel, litigate. 2lli8recf Clt, v. a. Sr refl. to stretch, distend. SltiSrcbC,/. (pl.-V.) 1. + utternnc-% pronunciation ; 2. fig. evasion, shift. subterfuge, excuse, pretence. Syn. Zixtxtit, 3t u * f I u * t, C " • f f "' e '; p„, The funner two nlways denote tha. the erounila adduced are false or msufficient ; when the hitter is used, the grounds ot excuse may be good and sufficient. 3lu'Srcbett, v. I. n. (aux. bctbcit) to have done speaking ; to finish (one's speech) ; laffctt <5tC mid) — , let me speak out; II. a. 1. to utter, express; 2 (cillCllt etroaS) to dissuade one from something ; III. refl. 1. to excuse one's self, to use evasions ; 2. to say all one knows; to spend, exhaust one's self in speaking. 51 li 8 x e g n e it, v. I. imp. cS bat au8gcvcg= net, it has done raining ; II. a. to wash out. 2ltisrcbben, v. a. JV. T. to rig, fit out a ship. 2liiSrer)ber, vid. Dicbbcv. 21 li 8 r e b b U It g, /. 1. rigging a vessel ; 2. the rigging. 21 ii 8 v e i b c b D I h "• — f»P* c *' m - T burnishing stick. 21 li 8 r C t b e tt, r. ir. I. a. to rub out, off or away ; II. n. (aux. baben) to I finish rubbing. 2lti8reid)en, v. n. (aux. Ijaten) « suffice. 21 ti 8 X C i f e tt, v. n. to ripen fully. 21 li 8 r C 1 1) e tt, jj. a. to range out, to sort out. 51 li 8 r C i m e tt, v. n. to close a rhyme, cease rhyming. 91 ii 8 r e i n i g e it, v. a. to clean, cleanse, purge. 31 ii 8 r c i f c n, r. I. ti. {auz. fcim) to set out; to depart; II. (aux. tjabctt) to have done travelling. 51 li 8 r C i £ C It, v. ir. I. a. to pull out ; tear out. ; to draw out; II. n. {aux. }e\)W I. fig. to run away, to desert; to take to one's heels ; 2. to tear, burst ; 3. to be exhausted (one's patience) ; 4. to break loose (of horses). 21 li 8 r C 1 15 C t, 771. (-8 ; pi. —) deserter : fugitive. 91 U 8 X C i {i e r C t, /. (frequent) desertion. 21 ii 8 r c i t e it, v. ir. I. n. {aux. ] eijn w ride out, take a ride; II. a. (cilt $ferfc), to air (a horse) ; eincn 3taum — , to ride over a space. 51 li 8 r C i t e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) out-rider , messenger, attendant. 51 ii gtenle it, v. a. (cittern or ftrb cin i (JHicb) to sprain, wrench, to dislocate. I 51 ii 8 r c n tt c n, v. ir. n. (aux. fepn) 1. to run out ; 2. to start from ; 3. (aux. babcit) to cease running. 91 li 8 V C It b It tt g, /. JV. T. sea-stores. 21 ti 8 r c u t c n, a. v. to root out. 9lii8rbebcit,i-M. 9IuSref)bett. 21 ti 8 v i) c b w n g 8 E p ft c n, pi. outfit ot a ship. 21 li 3 r t d) t « It, v. a. 1. to do, perform, execute, effect, deliver; 2. to furnish the expense of; 3. to make straight : to turn outwards; 4. Mn. T. eittCll ©onfl to discover a passage : 5. Sp. T. W track out ; banut tit ti nicbt OXiSgt 3u$r rtdjfet, that is not sufficient, will not do ; mit itjiit tinmen ;n) to cease groaning. 51 II 8 tO b e tt, v. a. 1. to root out ; 2. to clear and make arable. 91 it S r o ^ r c it, v. a. to provide walls with reed (that the lime may stick). % lift Ode It, v. a. 1. to roll out; 2 to unroll, to take out of a roll. 91 li8 1 ft C It, v. n. {aux. fflMt) to be rust-eaten, 91 li S r 5 ft C It, v. a. to roast thoroughly. 2lllSVD ttctt, v. a. to exterminate, ex- ite, destroy. SliiSrottbar, adj. extirpable. 91 if fit Otter, m. (-S : pi. — ) extirpator, exterminator, confound, r. 2tli8ro thing, /. extirpation, exter- .nination; — Sfvicg, m. war of ex- lermfnation. SlriSrii if en, b. n. (aux. mm) to march out: to move out; au8 fan SSaget — , ■o decamp. 51 II f r tt f , m. (-eS) 1. cry; outcry; ex- clamation ; ■-'. proclamation ; 3. auction, public sale. H li S t Uf e It, r. ir. I. a. to call out ; 2. to proclaim; milt jt<tft — , to claim king; II. „. (aux. b\tbflt) to cry 1 >ud, exclaim, atifirttfer, ™. (-«; pi. _) i. crier| proelaimer, bell-man; 8. hawker. i'. to exhaust ; draw, drain : to im- poverish; to weaken; C t tt Jttltb — laffcn, to let a child suck his fill ; II. ». {aur. t)abfit) to cease suckling. 21 lis fang fit, „. i. „. to suckle suf- ficiently ; if. v. [aux. ImIh'ii) to leave off suckling. 91 ii 8 f a it g f r, ,». (-8 ; pi. — ) eont. fig. oppri'ssor; blood-sucker j /.'. T. para- sitical plant. 91 It S f a 11 g f r f f, /. the oppression, draining to impoverishment. 91 lis fa it m f R,«.I.a. to hem entirely; II. rt. to finish hemming, 91 lis fan f fdt, ) v. n. {aux. babfiO to 91 li 8 f a It ft 9, ) cease blowing. ?(ll$f to scrape out. 21 u S f d) a b it, erase. 91 lis fd) ad) t r tt, ,-. H to eeaae chaf- fering. 2lltSfd)ad)tc[it, r. a. I. to scrape the inside with sliaving-grass ; '_'. to take out of a box. 21 ii 8 f d) a f f c n, r. a. to turn out, chase out, remove. 2lu'8fd)aften, v. a. K. T. to pierce a ship for a given number of guns. 21 lis f chafer it, v.n. (aux. 6,aben) tc have done playing, romping. 2ltt'8ffbalett / v . a. r. to line wiUi boards. 21 ii 3 f d) fi I e it, v. a. to shell, peel, blanch ; fillfll — , fig. vulg. to strip one. 21u'6fcfjaden, v. n. (aux. Ijabcu) to cease (of sound). 21 U S f d) a 1 lit f n, r. a, s P . T. to mark out (trees). 2(jiS f di a in f tt, p. nil. to be ashamed; fid) tie Jlltgett — , to be quite ashamed 91 n'S fd) a ttb tn, vid, 2lnSfd)iiiun'cn. 21 li 8 f d) a It f, m. (-fS) retail of liquor. 21 li 8 f d) ii X f t tt, v. a. T. to cut out 21 li 8 f d) a r r C n, v. a. to rake out, to scrape out; to dig up; t)tttteit — , rulg to kick out a hind-leg; ettten — , to in- sult one by scraping with the feet. 91li§fd)arttn, ». a. T. to notch, in- ither). 21ii8fd)attctt, >«.«. to shade (in 21iiSfd)atttren, > painting). 21 ii 8 f ri) a n t n, r. ». (aux. babfit; to look out 2lll'8f did It fcln, d. a. to throw cut With the shovel. 21 ii 9 f d) a 11 f f I It, *, I. a. to throw 5ut of a swing ; II. n. (aux. babfll) to leave offsvt inging. 91 ii» fdwiumf it, b. I. a. 1. to throw as froth, foam; 2. fig. to utter in a foaming passion; II. n. (aux. ba* ben) 1. to cease foaming ; 2. to cease raging. 21 li S f d) etbe ll, b. I. rtg. a. to separate ; rete ; II. ir. „. [our. fci)it) to part, to walk off to withdraw, to de- part. 21 li 8 f i) etbe ll, n. (-8) secretion. 91 li 8 i"d) f i it f it, ,-. ir. I. it. (aux. ba» belt) to erase shinimr ; II. a. to outshine. 21 ii 8f d) e d e n, v . a. to publish by the sound of a bell. 21 li S f d> f 1 1 1 It, v. ir I. a. to chide, scold, abuse, reprove ; ll. w. {aur. Iu- bfn) to have .1 scolding. 2ln'sf t if c it, t-. a to send out 91 li 8 idi I f b f It, 7-. ir. i.a. 1. to shove, push out; 2. T. to draw the bread ODj of the oven) ; tinrr. Hid) — . to draw out a table; 3. to finish, end ago II. n. (aux. babe it) to throw U r play fir*i 69 ' aitfj !I li S f cb t C 1 1 It, p. n. to squint out ; to cease squinting. Jlu'jfob i cue It, p. a. to furnish with . •' .-ft i c ii = ft r c 1 1, n. (-eS ; pi. -er) Tup. T. imposing-board ; — ftctit, j stone. 31 li 8 f Cb i C f C It, p. j>. I. a. 1. to shoot cast out ; to sort (commodi- ties) ; 3. A". T. to unballast ; to keep pace with the sun (or the wind) ; 4. , to impose; 5. to clear (cincit SSali ; 6. to play for by shooting; ten SBctllafi — , to unballast; er febop brei ©uinccit CI II S, he rejected three guineas; II. it. {/hit. feint) to shoot up, bud ; aitbcrS — , to impose anew (Ti/p. T.). ?l if § Trf> i e % c it, n. shooting out, &c. ; md. SuSfcbiejjen ; — bes iSerftcoens, .A'. T. the rake of the stem. 31 ii 8 f $ t e | er, m. (-8 ; jf. — ) 6ne who sorts (paper, &c). ?l liSf duff Ctt, c. La. to disembark, land, discharge, lighten a ship ; II. n. term) 4- refi. to set sail, leave the Inn 1. VI li 8 frft i f fit It t in m e r it, v . n (am. ftabcit) to cease glimmering. 31 ii 8 f cb i lit p f e It, p. I. a. to scold, to abuse; II. s. (auz. bafteil) to leave off scolding. S li 6 f cb t nb e ll, p. ir. a. pu/,o\ I. to flay, strip ; 2. to harass to excess. 91 ii c- nil i r r c it, v. a. to unliarness. 9 li x ; " d) I a d) t e It, r. a. to clear, gut (of iiilwi animals) ; to cut up for sale. 3 li 8 f cb I a cf C n, v. a. Min. T. to sepa- rate the dross from the metal. 31 ii 8 f cb I a f e n, p. i>. i. n. (awr. fcaben) to sleep enough; to sleep away ; n. a. belt Dtaufcb — , to sleep one's self sober. 9 ii * feb I a g, tti. (-eS) 1. first blow ; 2. _/?»■. result, turn, decision, turning of the scale ; the budding (of trees) ; 4. the lining (of a carriage, &c); 5. event, success; eill — ^apeteit, a set Df tapestry; — sort Ciller 2?age, bias, turning, overweight; ailf bcr i6aut, breaking out, pimples, pustules, tetter; bee — beiin 31ftftimmeit, casting-vote: cincr &ad>t belt — geben, to decide isiness; to turn the scale; etitem ,»tricg belt— gefteit, to determine the event of a war; ben — tftnn (im 23all= U'tclel, to give service; c — fd)llppig, adj. B. T. scaly ; — SftCber >i. Med. T. an eruptive fever. tl lis feb la (ten, I. to beat out, dash out; 2. to turn up, to face; 3. to keep off, parry ; 5. to line or finish the inside of anything ; cilt 3tmilter mitSiapeten — , to hang a room with tapestry; lltit -papier — , to paper; 5. ttwaS — , fis. to refuse, decline, reject; II. n. (auz. ftabett) 1. to begin to strike ; to give the first blow. throw ; to attack ; to begin the quarrel ; 2. to kick, wince, fling out (of horses) ; 3. to turn, to bias i of the scale) ; 4. to strike full (of the clock) ; 5. to cease striking ; to have done singing (of birds) ; 6. to bud ; to put forth shoots ; 7. to give (of walls) ; 8. fig. — fiir, to turn out. prove; bic Stalk febtagt an ben SEBanben aus, the frost crystallizes the walls; am ■Storpcr — , to break out; ausqefcblas 70 gen fttjtt, to have eruptions on the skin; ill tffaillllteil — , to breakout in flames; oortbtilbaft fill Semanbcii — , to turn to one's advantage. 31 ii 6 f eft I a m m e n, p. a. to clear of mod. 31 lie- febtampen, ? p. a. to sip up, '..'liilfdilappeit, } empty. 31 li 6 fd) 1 a U di c it, v. a. to cleanse (of water pipes). H ii 8 f d) [ e cf c n, vid. 2Iu8lerfeit. 31 ii 8 f di I c i d) c n, p. ir. i. n. (ouz. to sneak out ; II. a. to seek, sneak about aiiSfdjIcifeit, v. I. ir. a. 1. to grind out, whet out ; 2. to get out by grinding ; 3. to grind sufficiently ; 4. to grind hollow ; II. reg. a. to carry out on a sledge ; III. rrfi. to wear out by friction. ?lu'8fcfe lei in en, v. a. to clear of slime. 31 ii Sf d» I e in m e n, v. I. a. to clear of mud ; II. n. to cease feasting or revel- ling. 31 ii Sfdjleitbern, v. n. Coax, felllt) to saunter out. 31 ii 8 f d) I c it ! c r it, v. a. to fling out. 3 ;: 8 f eft I c p p C n, p. a. to drag out 31 ii » f A) I c n b e r n, p. I. a. to throw, knock with a sling; ciltem em 3llK]e — , to knock out one's eye ; II. n. (auz. fell It) to swerve from the path or orbit 31 llgfcb I i d) t e It, p. a. T. to straighten, beat out. Slriefcbltef egelb, n. (-8) money paid to the gaoler. 31 li 8 f d) 1 1 e f e It, v. ir. I. a. 1. to shut out ; 2. fig. to debar, exclude, excom- municate; 3. Tup. T. to justify; 4. to loosen, unfetter ; n. rcfl. to secede, to separate one's self. Ji li Sfcbliefjlidj, L adj. exclusive ; II. adv. exclusively. 31 li 8 fd) He fin n 3, /. (pi. -en) ex- clusion, exception ; — en, Tup. T. jus- tifies ; compos. — 8frtft, /. L. T. term of exclusion : — 8o,cfet?, n. law of exclu- sion ; — srecfrt, n. the right of exclusion; — Sivcife, adv. by way of exclusion. 3Iit'8fcb[ingen, v. ir. a. 1. to eat or swallow up greedily ; 2. (from 2dj>lllt= ge, noose) to disentangle. 31 li § f d) I i n g e r tt, v. «. to cease roll- ing (said of a ship). 31 li 8 f d) 1 |5 e n, v. imp. to cease hail- ing. 31 iisfcf>tiidt$en, v . n. (am. baton) to cease sobbing. 31 li 8f eft 1 11 if e It, v. a. to empty (a glass, &c.) with great haste. 31 ii 8 f di 1 n m in e r n, r. n. to slumber one's fill ; to finish one's slumber. 31 ii 8 f cb I it p f e n, ». v. (am. feiin) to slip (out) ; to creep forth (out of). 31 ii8 f cb I iir f en, v. a. to sip up, sup up. 3lli8fd)Iuf, m. (-ffc8) exclusion, exemption; cr ftat Ct'tte 2tuSf(blU^=, after fcine SBablftimme, he has an exclusive, but not an elective vote ; — = nxife. adv. by way of exclusion. 31 ii 5 f dt m a cb t c n, v. n. (am. baften) to cease or finish pining. 31 lis fob ma ben, vid. 31n5fd)clten. 31 ii 8 f di m a I e n, v. I. a. to chide, check, scold, reproact • II. n. (aux. \)/. -c) sucker. 91 li S f rf? 1 C tt, v. a. to husk (peas, &c). 31 iisfrf)ratoctt, o. La. to rub out, ipeout, to erase ; bic JTabelgarue — , .V. T. to untwist the ends of the strands ; II. n. to make a log. 31 ii 8 f d) v a it b e tt, ». a. to screw out, to unscrew. 31 ii8fcbreibcn, v. ir. I. a. 1. to write out, to copy, transcribe, to pirate ; 2. to finish (in writing) ; 3. to write in full : 4. to call, assemble, appoint, ivoke by writing; cincit Saiibfag — , to convocate, summon, call in the s ; ciit — ber Surft, convocating prince ; ciitett 93«6taft — , to appoint a day of fasti ng ; StClIOVlt — ;, to im- pose, lay on taxes ; (tll&jcfdjrtebf It, in words at full length ; II. n. (mix. bilbett) to cease writing ; III. r/Jl. to write one's self out. ?IliSfduetbett, n.(-i) proclamation. fluSfduetbcr, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) copy- ist, plagiarist, pirate. ?ln8fcbretberet, /. (pi. -m) pla- giarism. 91 ii 8 f rf) r e i b u tt g, /. ( pi. -en) con- vocation, proclamation. 2IliSfd)rCtCtt, v. ir. I. a. 1. to cry out, proclaim ; 2. (eiltcit fill Chva8) to cry one out, report one to be ; II. n. habcu) cry aloud, exclaim; 2. to cease crying; Hl.refi. to cry one's ■elf hoarse ; to cry one's fill. 91 li * f d) r e 1 1 C It, p. ir. I. n. (mi r. foil it) 1. to step out, aside ; 2. to exceed ; II. ure with steps. 9lii8frf)rcituitg, /. excess, trans- gression. 31 li 8 f d) 1 1) p f C It, v. I. a. to get out by cupping : to crop (wheat) here and there : It. to cease cupping. 3(iisfduot, w./.3Iii*fi-bn>fititg. 91 li 6 f cb r e t e it, v. a. 1. to eat out ; 2. to pull out of (.he cellar. 31 li 8 fdjrotuttg,/ pulling or rolling '■ask). 31 ii 8 fob it f) crt, e.0. to take off the shoes. 31 ii 8 f di it to to e it, r. a. to push out. 31 ii « f cb ii to p o n, o, a. vid. 3(uc-frfiau= ftltt. 91 ii« frf) five it, r. a. T. to draw the dross out of the furnace. 31 ii 8 fob ii r f e it, old. 9in8grabcit. 31 ii 8 f cb u r r c it, , /,/. 3lu8g'cilcit. »l ii 8 f d) it f=, m. (-ffo8 ; pi. -febiiffe) l . refuse, trash, outcast : 2. the second sort of hemp ; 3. committee ; 4. militia, train- bands; — bc8 lltttcrhautV?, commit i ifthe House of Commons ; oin a([- fjtmcitior — a committee of the whole 3lu$f house ; compos. — bogen, m. — toatoier, n. outside sheet, outside paper; — nXUire, /. refuse. 31 ii 8 f d) ii 1 1 c I it, p. a. to shake out. 31 li 8 f ch it 1 1 C It, r. a. 1 . to pour out. to empty ; 2. to fill up (a ditch. &c.) ; 3. fig. to give plentifully ; foilt §«J — , fig. to open or disclose one's heart; ba8 .ftiltb niit bent i'abe — , to reject the good together with the bad ; fid) »or £arf)cit, — , to split with laughing. 3lii8fd)maiif Cll, v. a. to rinse, to wash out. 31 ii 8 f rf) » 5 r o n, v. ir. n. 1. {aux. feint) to (ester out or to lose by suppuration ; 2. (aux. habcu) to cease festering. 31 ii 8 frf) W ix r m c it, p. ». l . (aux. ba= bcit) to finish swarming; 2. (aiu. feint to swarm out. 21 ii 8 f cb n> ii r j c it, v. a. to smuggle out. 31 li 8 f d) tt? a t} II, v. I. a. to blab out, ri port; Ultbefonneil — , to blunder out; (oillCllt ttXOaS) to talk one out of a thing; H. n. (aux. bftben) to cease to prattli:; III. nil to talk, prattle one's self out, have nothing more to talk. 31 li 8 f d) \V C f C I It, p. a. to clear or sea- son with sulphur. 21 ii 8 f d) m c i f, m. (-c8 ; pl.-t) the devi- ation, digression, &c. vid. llmfdniH'if. 21 li 8 f cb to o i f C tt, p. I. n. 'am. babou I I . to be prolix ; to deviate, digress, swerve : 2. to commit excesses, to lead a disso lute life ; II. a. to cut, turn, curve. 21 li 8 f d) to C t f C tt b, part. adj. extrava- gant, dissolute, licentious, debauched. 31 ii 8 f dnt> c i f [ t ii fj, m . (-8 ; pi. -c) rake, libertine. 21 li 8 f rf) it? C t f 11 tt g, /. (pi. -CU) 1 . ex- travagance, excess, debauch ; 2. digres- sion ; 3. the curvature, curve ; — S- tttlS, iii. .Lit. T. circle of excursion. 31 ii 8 f rf> to c i t! c it. v. a. r. i . to purify by heating; 2. Sp. T. to bleed, let the bl i "1 out. 21 ii 8 f rf) w e I g e it, u. ». (on* ^abeit) to cease rioting. 31 li 6 f rf) well c it, p. ir. a. (aux, fetoit) to swell out. 31li8frf)lt'Cntme!t, v. a. to water. wash out. 31 ll'8 frf) me It ECU, p. a. to rinse (a glass, &.c). 21 li 8 f A) W i lit lit It, p. ir. ii. to swim out; to cease to swim. 21 li 8 f rf) to t it g e n, v. ir. I. . to swing ; to winnow, fan; II. n. (aux. K'.ill 1 to swing out, cease swinging, turning. 21 ii 8 frf) m i r r c it, p. «. l . (aux. b.t ton'' to cease llyitiL'. swarming; 2. (auz. fo'.nt' to fly up, whiz up. 2(li8frf)ivi IjClt. p. I. a. 1. to exude. exudate : 8. jig. to forget; II. n. 1. (aur. fei)tt) to sweat out, perspire; 2. (mu. bcibcu) to cease perspiring, 21 li 8 f rf) to'i r C It, r. ir. v. to swear to the end: to finish swearing; eiltcit (Mf — , to take an oath. H&iftS eltt,r>. a.&rrft. to take out of the purse ; to empty. 31 li8fcgcllt, ?-. I. v. (our. foDit) to sail out of; -V. T. to keep aloof from ; m linn or fiir ieii) an?, be is in a bad way; bio ganjt Ulatut ilclit buftov an?,' all - wears a lowering countenance : 08 fioht re.lltClifit illl8, it looks like ram; el ficht jamiiierlirf) aui, it makes a sorry appearance. 31 li 8 f C b e 11, n. (-8) face, appearance. 2ln'8f ebc lib, part. adj. ithel, luohi — , sickly, healthy looking; ivcit — t Spiatte, i .,■ i. signs. 3ttie fo ib cit, ,-. a. to filtrati -Dttvrf)fciheit. 91 It 8 f e t Ht C n, p. a. to clarify honey. 2lu8fcttt, aid. 2liiefc!)tt. 31 ii v< c R, adr. out, without, abroad, ant of doors; 90R — hcv, from without ; — bletben, to stay out; ma8 — ift, outward, exterior; cottpos. — bdfc^ilRg^ /. Fart. T. counterscarp; — bilig, ». anything that is outside or on tb — grahon, m. Sbrt. t. avant- fosse; — iMfcit, m. outport; — linie, /. outer line, outline ; — febeilt, i ward appearance; — feblag, m. oht- field; — fcite, /. outside; — roal Fort. T. exterior rampart ; — tl'illlb, /. outer line; — lvelf, /. externa! jective world; — lDCrf, v. outwork. fence ; — nm'fc, ;)/. outworks, detached pieces; flcino yot'fpringoiifo — ivertt, spurs (fort. T.). 21 li 6 f C II b C II, v. a. to send out. abroad. 3lii8feitgcit, v. a. to singe on the inside, consumu. 31 li for, I. prrfi. 1. with genitive, SUt of- without : outs dative, a. be- sides, beside : /?. out of without, except ; — bent 4">(iufe, out of doors, abroad; — Stenft, out of place, service; — bet ;Uit, oul - ficb, out of one's senses : — lid) fc.Mi, to be beside one's self; — 2cbiili-cii, — ( v )ofahr, prop, out of debts, out of danger; II. cept, unless, save; — • tafi, except that, save that; — 1V01I1I, unless; e8 faint ltiibt fom, — 5ic fprorfion von ci ncm 2lnbem, it cannoi be, unless you speak of another; compos. • — aillt= lirf', i ll, private ; - — ^C!lt, m!r. moreover, besides, above, over and above; — chclirii, adj. not born in wedlock; — eurotoaifeb", adj. not Euro pean; — gerirfitlirft, ^'.extrajudicial; — halh, l.prrp. without, out of beyond: — balb M «§aufe8, without doors ; •-'. adr. abroad : outwardly, externally; — = prbcutlid), I. adj. extraordinary; extraordinarily; " — fillllliih, . - i- persensual; — lvoli. .mun- dane: — mefentlirf), ntial, nt, accidental. 31 li h C r, adj. outward. r>uter, utter; ex- treme ; ba8 — e, oul • nice: exterior, exteriority; ba8 — c cinel .sohiffo'", looming of a ship. 31 li f r 1 i t'h, I. adj. exterior, external outer, outward; II. ailv. outwardly, ex ternally, exteriorly. 31 ip* orlti-bfett, /. {pl.-ttl) extei nality. 31 li fi e V n, ?-. [. n. 1 to utter, advance »: 2. to shc.A-. discover; '"etiitt C"'illfltl)l — , to exert one's inil . 71 nu*f U. rctf 1. to appear; 2. to declare, to express one's sell' or one's opinion. Jl li jj c r ft, ado. extremely, exceedingly. jliifjcvft, «. of utmost, extreme; Ottf baS — C, to the Utmost; Kr — c ©tab or ta8 — c, extreme, ex- tremity; feht — e8 thin, todo one's 'ittiiost, to do one's best; ttllf baS — t g-'. —Ctt") utterance, ex- pression; deliverance; indication, in- timation. 91 li 8 f C % C It, r. I. a. 1. to set out, put out; to expose; 2. to line, face, set villi or in ; 3. to appoint, settle upon; 4. an cuter Sacbe or an etnem ct= l»a§ — , to find fault with, to censure, blame : j. to disembark, land ; 6. to put I fer, to stop; 7. cilieit — , L. T. to : Saume — , to transplant trees; S3 aarcil — , to take out goods : etc 2 c= gel — , to set the sails; mit Duabcv= itetnen — , to line with freestones; mit SJJfdbjen — , to face with posts; C tit jJtltb — , to expose a child; ciucn ^rciS — , to set on, fix a price; ciltClt 33ogeit — , Ti/p. T. to finish setting a 1 composiDg) ; auf movgett — , to procrastinate; etttcnt CtllM? int le'etctt ©Wen — , to bequeath ; bie 3'lhuiUJ , to suspend (stop) payment; II. n. baben) to pause, stop; to discon- tinue; baran ift m<$t8 auSjufefeen, re is notliing exceptionable in it ; ■efi. to expose one's self; to give 1 ad (at billiards), to lead; bag HuSgefefete, auSgefefcteS @elb, aiiow- AUSgefefete £d)ult>, deferred debt (in Holland) ; baS — bcr «cgcl, booming of the sails. RlUfefeeftofc m. (-eS) the lead (at billiards). :uisf cljltitg, m. (-8; pi. — e) child exposed. Jt It 8 f e tt f 1 1 Jt, v. I. a. to utter with a r :2h; tt. n. (aux. babett) to have done sighing; Jig. to die. 31 U S f C i) tt, v. ir. v. (am. fe»n) 1. to be out abroad or absent ; 2. to be emp- •.;•: 3. — mtt, to be at an end, to be .-.11 over, &c. (vid. 3lu8) ; e8 ift OUfl mit t hilt, it is all over with him. Jju§ftd)t, /. (pl.-tri) 1. view, pros- pect: 2. /in-, expectation, aspect; bfl» 3 bat tic — auf ten 5'luji, tins house faces the river; compos. — 8= hills, n. belvedere ; — 8v»ad)e,/. look- out watch. U II 3 fid) ten, ) v. a. to sift, to win- Mu'Sfiebett, \ now. .. li g f i if C X It, o. n. (aux. feim) to trickle (ooze) out. a ii 8 f i c d) e it, r. n. (am. fjaben) to cease being sickly. S ti § fi eb € n, v. ir. I, a. to boil out ; to purify by seething; II. n. 1. {am. Knit) to boil out; 2 {am. t)abcn) to cease boiling. J! ii 8 f i e a e It, v.n. (aMz.babcil) to com- plete the victory. BUS fitt gCK, V. ir. I. a. to sin?, out; to sing to the end; U. n. (am. baben to cease singing. 'I US f i It 11 e 11, c. ir. a. to contrive, de- vise, imagine, invent. H li S f tut c T n, vid. SJuSftcfetn. gfifcen, v. ir I. i. (am.hahtn) to sit out, to sit or tic- outside of the House; ELa. to sit o„t, to hold out; U-illC jeif — • to hold out the time; lltit SBJaaren — . to keep a stall. 2Utff 31 ii 8 f o b n b a v, adj. o," ado. cxpiable, reconcilable. 31 li I f 5 b n C 11, o. a. *■ rfll to appease, expiate, to reconcile; fid) — lllit, to be reconciled with (or to). 91 li 8 f b b It I i d), adj. reconcilable. Slu'S fo bit llllil, /. (pi. -eU) reconci- liation ; atonement, expiation. SI ii S f ii lit lit e r n, o. a. to expose to the sun, to air and dry by the sun. SI li S f It b e r It, v. a. to separate, pick out. Si li SfOUUe It, v. a. to sun sufficiently: to air. 31 li 6 f r C tt, v. a. to deprive of juice or sap, to dry, dry up. SI ii S f o r g c it, o. n. (aHj.babcn; to leave off caring, to quiet one's self. 31 ii 8 f o r t e it, ) 3l.iSf rttven,S" a - tosort ' nwtch - SI li S f p ii h, e tt, o. a. to spy, to search out, find out. 31 li S f p a i) C r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) spy, emis- sary. SI u S f p ii b e r c f, /. com. spying SI li § f p ii f) It It g, /. spying, searcl SI ll'S f V « 1 1 en, v. I. a. to split jut; II. n. to split and fall out; to to the end; to have done splitting. 91 li S f p a It n, m. (-C5) stage, place of changing horses ; baiting-place. SlliSfpaUltClt, v. a. 1. to strain, stretch, spread ; 2. to stop, put up, bait ($fcvbe being understood) ; bte §jtrtge* — ( to distend the fingers ; bie 5pfcrbe — , to take the horses out of the coach, &c, to unharness them ; bte ^2cgei — , to crow the sails. SI li S f p it r eit, v. a. to save, reserve; bie gigurcil — , T. to save a place for figures in a landscape. Slii-jfp afjett, v. 7i. (am. babett) to leave off joking. 31 ii S f p a J t c r c it, v. n. (aux. fevm) to go out for a walk. Si ii S f p e t d) e r n, v. r.ii>< is the pronunciation which distinguishes a ui.ilerL The Low-German i'.'unc.irl (dialect, idiom) js distinguished from the High German not on'jr by peculiar words, construction, &c, but also by its 2iurad>c. We rriy recognize th« •?.Vmic.irr in the writings of an author whcee 2iue|~pra$c we have never Leard. Slii»fpred)ett, ». ir. I a. to pro- nounce, utter, speak out ; to express ; to accent ; II. rejl. 1. to exhaust one's self in speaking, have nothing more to say ; 2. to expicss one's sentiments, ex plain one's self; III. n. (am. fjabett) to speak to the end, speak out, to finish speaking. 31 It 8 f p r C d) C r e i, /. bad pronuncia tion. 9lliSfprcd)Itd), adj. ulterable, es pressible. 91 li Sfjpretteit, ) v. a. ffen. 9i ii 8 f p r i n g e it, v. ir. I. n. i . {aux. ft km) to fly off, burst out; 2. {aux. l>abctt) to cease leaping; II. a. A> rejl. to put out of joint dislocate, (fid), mil" ben gup it. f. n>.) ; bev Slnfer fprtngt au8, the anchor starts. SliiSfprtfcen, v. I. a. 1. to spout, sputter out ; 2. to put out by an engine (teller U. f. W.) ; 3. S. T. to squirt. syringe; to inject; II. n. (am. feV)ll) to sputter forth. 91 li S f p x i % n n g, /. (pi. -en) injectio.-i. 91 ii S f p r o f f c it, v. n. (aux. fe^n) to sprout shoot forth, to burgeon. SI li 8 f p r b fj I i n g, m. (-e8 ; pL -r) shoot, sprout SliiSfprud), m. (-eS; y. -f priirb c) decision, judgment, sentence; — bC9 ^RicpUXS, doom, award; — eilKO 6d)iebSrtd)terS, arbitrage ; — ter @efd)roornen, verdict: fid; ben— btfi < cease haunting ; 2. Jin-, to have done carrying on one's tri.-ks: c? bat ftuS* gefpurft tit feinem ,Jtopfe> lis ma.j fancies are over Sfctffi i\ U 8 f p U I C tt, o. a. to spool to the end ; to finish spooling. 31 li 8 f p ii I C It, v. a. to clean, rinse, wash. 2liUfpii(ftocf, m. (-c8; ;»/. -fib cfc) r. washing-trough (among fullers). 51 li 6 f p ii 11 b C it, o. a. 7". to line with boards. 21 li 8 f p ii r C It, v. a. to trace out, spy ; to track, find out. 31 ii 8 f p it V e r, m. (-8 ; /)/. — ) spy VI u s f p ti r e t e i, /. com. spying. •iliiSftaff ircn, v. a. 1. to dress, equip ; to furnish with ; to decorate ; 2. to trim, garnish, border, edge, lace (clothes). •3lii8ftaffircr, m. (-8; pi.—) 1. a person that garnishes, decorates ; trim- ming-maker; 2. JV. T. rigger. *3l ii 8 ft a f f t r it It fj, /. dressing, cquip- garnishing. S li § ft a t C It, c. a. T. to furnish with wooden stakes, where the empty space is to lie filled up with clay or bricks. 21 it 8 ft a 1 1 C It, v. a. to take out of the Biablea 31 li 8 ft a lit lit c I it, v. I. a. to stammer out; 11. n. (aux. babcil) to cease stam- mering. 31 ii 8 ft ii m m c tt, vid. 2lu8ftciunteit. 31 ti 8 ft a lit p f C It, v. I. a. to stamp out, beat out; to pound; II. 71. (aux. l)Clbcil) to leave o!F stamping. 21 ii « ft a it b, m. (-c8 ; pi. -ftciitbc) ar- ream : out-standing debt. 21 li « ft it tt b C r, m. (-8; pi.—) sort of hive. 9lli8 ft cittbtg, adj. out-sUinding. VI it 8 ft 5 it f c v n, v. a. vulg. 1 . to ferret, rummage ; 2. to fill with stink. 21 li 8 ft a V 1 C 1 it, v. a. to remove from a warehouse. 2iii8ftarvcn, v. n {mix. Itaben) to leave off staring, to stare out. SI li 8 ft A 1 1 C It, v. a. 1. to give in dowry, V> endow, portion, marry (a daughter) ; to establish (a son); to settle; 2. fig. to endow, gift; cincit OJcvbrccbcr. — , to deliver up a criminal. 31 li 8 ft a 1 1 U It g, /. ( pi. -Clt) 1 . dowry, portion; establishment; 2. the being endowed, gifted. 21 li 6 ft 5 tt b e it, v. a. to beat out the dust, to dust. 31 ii 8 ft ii u b c r it, vid. 2(tt8ftitbevn. 31 li 8 ft a u V e It, v. a. to whip, scourge publi il li 8 ft e cfc, C It, v. ir. a. 1. to dig, prick, cutout; i.'. 7'. to carve; 3. fig. to drink out, draw out, empty ; 4. to mark out by pricking or pointing; ciltClll bic 2lligetl — , to put out one's eyes; CU 1ICU —to surpass, overtake or supplant one : Stoifcetl — , to pierce. 21 ti 8 ft e d) c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) .v. t. I used for a bowsprit in Bmall rl li 8 it C of C tt, r. a. to set up, hang, put out; bic ;$Ullj}c — to loll out one's tongue 8 li 8 ft C [) C It, V. ir. T. n. (mix. fcWt) ] . o stand out" »o stand in an open place ; 2. to stand owing; id) babe ©elb or iccfciilbcn — , I have monej or debts owing me; lltit Sffiaaten — , to keep a shop or stall; II. a. to stand, endure, Buffer, bear; fciuc ^itfcrc — , fig. to lerve one's time; fcitic Sefcvjcifjre — , to serve one's apprenticeship; fittctt — , la suffer endure one; — be (Melbcv, money lent out; — be 2d)ulbCIt, out- standing debts. 21 It' 8 ft e fc I C tt, v. a. to clear (by steal- ing), plunder. 2(ii8ftcfiltcb, adj. &■ ado. tolerable, supportable. 2Iii8ftetfcn, v. a. to stiffen; T. to stay, to prop. 31 li 8 ft C t g C It, v. ir. n. (aux. fci)tt) to step out, alight ; to disembark. 31 li 8 ft C i It C n, v. a. 1. to line or mark with stones; 2. to take the stones out, to unkernel. 31 li 8 ft C II ett, v. a. 1. to put out; to post; 2. to set (a sentry, &.c.) ; 3. to ex- pose, lay out, exhibit ; 4. to draw, give (a bill of exchange, fee.) ; 5. fig. to de- lay, put off; 6. (etn>Cl8 nJOVail) to cri- ticize, censure, find fault with ; Jlllll SBcrfrtllf — , to expose for sale; JUt ©rBflU — , to exhibit; cine Obltfl0= ttOft — , to enter into bond. 31 li 8 ft C 1 1 e r, m. (-8 ; pi. —) drawer, giver (of a bill); recognisor. 31 ii 8 ft c Hung, /. {pi. -en) 1. putting out; exhibition; 2. drawing (of a l. 11 of exchange, &c); — Clt lltacfccn, to criticise, find fault with ; Bfftntltcfce — , — ctuf bent granger, public exposure in the pillory; compos. — 8f(l(ll, m. ex- hibition-room ; — 8tag, m. the date of a bill, &c. 31 li 8 ft C lit lit C n, v. a. T. to take away with the chisel. 31 li 8 ft e ill p e I it, v. a. to stamp pro- perly. 31 li 8 ft C p p C n, v. a. to quilt, stitch. 31ii8ftcrben, v. ir. n. (am. femt) to die away; to become extinct; to be extinguished (depopulated, desolated) ; bic Stabt tft ttrie auSgcftorben, the town is quiet as a grave. 2( li 8 ft C U c r, /. portion, dowry, dotal gift. 31 li 6 ft C tt C r It, v. I. a. to give in dowry, to endow, establish, to give a portion; vid. 2ltt8ftatten ; II. n. (aux. feint) to steer out of a place. 21 ii 8 ft i eft, m. f-e-3 ; pi. -c) vid. 2IttS= bniib, 2lu8utaf)(. 21 li 8 ft t d) C I it, v. a. to jeer, deride. 21 li 8 ft t cf e It, v. a. to adorn with em- broidery. 31 ii 8 ft t e 6 e tt, v. ir. n. (aur. feint) to fly out like dust. 31 ti 8 ft t C f e I It, v. I. a. to take off the boots ; II. n. vulg. to get out. 31 li 8 ft i e v c it, vid. 21u8ilarvcn. 3! ii 8 fit lien, vid. (Stiffen. 21 li 6 ft t lit lit e It, v. 1. a to tune tho- roughly ; II. n. (aui. fjabctt) to finish tuning. 21 li 8 ft ii b e V it, ?•. a. 1 . to search out ; 2. to drive, hunt out ; 3 to dust out. 31 ii 8 ft d) e V n, v. a. to pick (the teeth). 21 ti 8 ft tf C It, r. a. to root up, grub up ; cilt Stfllf Saitb8 — , to clear a field of the stubs. 3ltiSfioffcit. v. a. to make rich or abundant. 31 li 8 ft it It It e It, e. I. a to utter with a groan; II. n. (aux. (tabeit) to cease groaning. 31 li * ft p f C It, ,: a. to stuff, fill, cram. 2Xli8ftoppetlt, i\ a. 1. to remove stubble ; 2. fig, to scrape up, pick out. up, 31 li 8 ft D r e n, 0. a. to disturb, to search, rummage, ferret. 31 ii 8 ft f>, m. (-ffc8) 1. thrust, pass, :-iu ft allonge in fencing) ; 2. chargi of coarse powder ,in fireworks) ; com- pos. — bebel, m. T. straight-bl bookbinders.. 31 li 8 ft fj C It, ». ir. I. a. 1. to push out thrust out, throw out, turn out ; to ex- pel; II. fig. to utter (vulg. rap out) oaths, blasphemies, &c; 3. to clear; thrust, tic Q)iar«fcgcl — , .v r. to set out the topsails; etiten (Ecufjct — , to heave a sigh; bent Sajfe ben 2Ji>cC!i — , to spoil a thing all at once ; II. n. (aux. bctbcit) to push first; to make a pass. 31 li 6 ft tiling, /. I. thrusting out; 2. expulsion ; 3. utterance. 21 li 8 ft 1 1 C t n, v. a. to stammer, stut- ter out. 31 ii 8 ft r a fc I e n, v. a. &■ n. (aux. fcabeit) to beam forth ; to radiate, emit. 31 li 8 ft r e cf c it, 0. a. ft nfl. to stretch out, forth; to distend, extend ; bil8 l*i» fctl — , T. to draw out the iron. 31 li 8 ft V e cf m U 8 I e I, m. A. T. ex- tensor. 31 li 8 ft r C 1 cfc e n, v. ir. J. a. 1 . to strike out, blot, cross out ; to expunge ; 2. to smooth down ; 3. to whip or scourge out ; 4. to paint the inside ; to fill up crevices; II. n. (aux. fc.Mt) 1. to stroll out, roam about ; 2. to run fast 31 ti 8 ft r e t cfc = e i f e n, n. (-8 ; pi. — 1 softening-boards (of cloth-shearers) ; — fcile,/. equalling-file. 31 li 8 ft r e t f e I II, v. a. to draw off (the husk, skin, &.c), to strip. 31 ii 8 ft re if en, v. n. (am. fcitn) u make an excursion, to rove, to straggle 21 li 8 ft X C 1 1 C II, r. ir. I. a. to fig] I to finish by disputing ; II. n. (am. Kt> belt) to finish contending, disputing. 31 ii 8 ft r c 11 e it, 0. a. to strew, spread, scatter ; to disseminate. Zl ii 8 ft r i cfc, m. (-c8) blotting out. 21 li 8 ft r t cf e It, v. a. ll to fly buzz about. 21 11 of iif;en, v. a. to sweeten. 21 ii ft, m. [-ii ; pi -c N efbemernn ■■ 73 m$t Saisr 2!ui5tt> Jl U 8 t a f C t it, v. n. to rise from table. It U 8 1 5 f el It, ». a. to wainscot. 51 li 8 t a g C tt, a. n. to cease to be light ; eS f)at a'llSgctagt, the day is over. 51 lis tan be lit, v. n. (auz. baben) to leave off playing, trilling. 51 li 8 t a It? C It, v. I. a. to dance out ; n. n. (auz. baben) to leave off dancing. *2l ti 8 t a p C $ i e r c it, v. a. to hang with tapestry; llltt papier — , to paper. 31 li 8 t a p p e It, v. a. to grope, to search for in the dark. 31 li 3 t a ft e It, v. a. to examine or dis- cover by the touch. 21 ii 3 1 a n d) e n, v. n. (auz. baben) to cease diving ; (auz. fcijll) to emerge aftgr diving. 2lii3taumeltt, v. n. (auz. fetyn) to stagger out. 2lli8taitfcb, m. (-t$) pl.-t) inter- change, barter. 51 li 3 t a 11 f d) e tt, rc. a. 1. to exchange ; 2. to interchange. 21 li 8 1 e p p 1 cb e It, v. a. to carpet. 91 lifter,/. (pL-tl) oyster; martttivfe — it, pickled oysters ; compos. — bilttf, /. bed of oysters ; — fdttger, m. tirma (a bird: ; — llfifdjcr, m. dredger ; — XI- fifdjerci, /. the dredging; ■ — llletd), m. spat; — licffel, /. the wrinkled actinia ; — ttlieij, n. dredge ; — tlfrii= llier, m. oyster-man ; — (tt)fd)ate, /. oyster-shell ; — llfcfeiiffcl, /. oyster-dish ; — ftcilt, in. ostracite; — OOgel, m. oyster-catcher. *5l it ft eve, adj. austere, severe. *3lu fieri tat,/, (pi. -en) austerity, severity. 51 ii 3 1 i) a u e n, v. n. (auz. fevin) to thaw out. 51 li 3 t b C C r e It, v. a. to tar the inside. 51 li 3 1 1) C 1 1 e 11, v. a. to distribute, spend, dispense, deal, carve, give out ; to di- vide; ba3 2lbcilbmabt — , to admin- ister the sacrament. 51 li 8 1 1) C i I U It g, /. (pi. -eit) distri- bution ; administration. 2lli3tf)lin, 1. to put off; to put out (a candle) ; ®elb auf Stttfeit — , to put out money at interest ; ci= neit bejafjtten <2d)utbpofteit im 23u= die — , to discharge, strikeout. 31 li § 1 1 e f C n, v. a. to deepen ; ait?ge= tieft, concave. 51 li 3 1 1 1 g e tt, v. a. to destroy ; exter- minate, efface ; to obliterate. 51 li 8 1 1 1 g it n g, /. destruction, exter- mination, obliteration. 51 1(8 tip pett, v. a. to take out by tipping. 21 ti 8 1 o b e n, v. I. n. (auz. baben) to cease, leave off raging; to spend one's rage ; II. a. to vent in a rage. Si li 8 1 1 1 e n, v. n. to cease being noisy, riotous. 91 ii 8 1 5 n e it, v. n. (auz. baben) to cease, die away (of sound). 21 li 8 to nit eit, v. a. Mm. T. to line with boards (the shaft of a mine). 21 ii 8 1 o r f e I it, v. n. 1. (aux. feiin) to stagger out of a place ; 2. (auz. fyabeil) to cease staggering. 91 lis to few, vid. 2ln8tokn. 51 ii 8 1 r a b c n, v. n. 1 (aux fer>n) to trot out; cin^ferb — laffew, to let a horse trot out ; 2. (auz. baben) to cease trotting. Jl ii 8 1 r a g, m. (-e8 ; pi. -tnigO i. the cirryins out; 2. issue, enu decision ; 3. 74 arbitrage ; accommodation ; oor — bet 2vicbe, whilst the cause is pending; bi3 jit — ber Saebe, till the matter is decided. SBuetragalinftait j, /. 2Iiistrag»= gevid)t, n. a court deciding doubtful matters between the sovereigns of the German confederation. 2lliStragen, v. ir. I. a. 1. to carry out ; to distribute ; 2. to wear out ; to wear the proper time ; 3. to decide, to determine ; 4. to blab, report ; eillCtt — , to tell tales of one, to defame one ; II. n. (auz. fjabeit) 1. to amount to; to matter ; 2. to cease, leave off bearing ; etit SBaum, ber auSgetragctt l)at, a tree past bearing. 3lu'8tr(igev, m. (-8; pi—) 1. let- ter-carrier; distributor; 2. he who spreads a report. 31 u 8 1 r a g e r e i, /. 1. tattling ; 2. tale, report. 2lriStragcriitn, /. (pi. -en) cont. prattling woman 21 li 3 t r a g e ft e lit +. C I, m. T. an iron pestle of a stamping-mill. 2luStraglirb, vid. (Sinfraglid). 31 11 ft r a 1 1 C n, n. (-8) Australia. 3Iuftralifd), adj. Australian. 3lii8 trailer n, vid. 2luStri(lcrn. *2I 11 ft r a I f a It b, m. Sydney earth. 21 ii 8 1 r a m p e I it, v. a. to stamp out (with the foot). 21 llStrdttle It, v. a. to empty by wa- tering. 21 lis trait em, v. n. (auz. baben) to mourn the due time ; to cease mourn- ing. 21 ii 8 1 r a it f e I it, v.n.1. (auz. feint) to trickle out; 2. (auz. tyabeit) to cease trickling. 21 li S t r a U f e it, vid. prcc. verb. 21 ii 8 1 r d u m e n, v. n. (auz. baben) to cease dreaming. 31 li S t r e 1 b C It, v. ir. a. to drive out, to expel, to cast out, to eject: baS 93icf) — , to drive out the cattle : SeilfeJ — , to cast out devils ; fceit @cb, Wetfi — > to cause sweating. 31 li 8 t r e i b e It b, part. adj. expulsive ; eilte — e J?l - aft fyabtll, to have an ex- pulsive virtue. 31 li S t r e i b 11 It g, /. expulsion, driving out. 31 ii 8 1 r e n n e n, v. a. to rip up, to take out ; ba8 Butter — , to take out the lining. 51 li 8 t r C t e n, v. ir. I.a.l. to tread out ; 2. to widen, to make hollow, to wear (by treading) ; II. n. (auz. feV)ll) 1. to leave, quit ; to retire, resign ; to come forth ; to step out ; 2. to swell ; to over- flow, to break out of the banks; 3. Med. T. to extravasate ; 4. fig. to ab- scond, drop out, escape. 31 ii 8 1 r e t U It g, /. (pi. -en) the tread- ing out, &c; vid. 3lu8tritt. 3lii8trieb, vid. !£vicb. 31 lis trie fen, v. ir. n. (auz. fcl)n) to trickle or run out. 31 ii 8 1 r i 11 e m, v. n. (aux. I)abcn) to cease shaking, quavering. 21 li 8 t r i It f e tt, v. ir. I. a. to drink off, drink out, drink up ; II. n. (auz. f)abeil) to leave off drinking. 51 li 8 1 r i 1 1, m. (-e8 ; pi. -e) l. stepping out ; leaving, quitting, resigning ; 2. fig. running away ; absconding (of a debtor) ; 3. secession ; 4. step ; 5. ba.- cony, porch ; 6. Jlst. T. egress, emer- sion (of the moon, &c.) ; — Sbpjjen, m Jlst. T arc of vision. 51 ii8 trod n en, v. I. a to dry up; cittcit £eid) ■ — , to drain or draw a pond; II. n. (auz. fci;lt)todry up, be- come quite dry. SlliStrodltltlig /. desiccation, ex- siccation. 51 li 8 1 r b e I ll, v. a. to sell ^second hand). 31 lis trout me I It, v. a. \. to drum about (out) ; to publish by the drum ; 2. to condemn by stamping the feet ; Ct bat eS in ter ganjen©tabt auSgetroin j lltclt, fig. he has cried it about the whole town. 51 li 8 t f lit p e t e It, v. a. to publish by sound of trumpet ;fig. to trumpet about. 31 ii 8 1 r b p f e I n, ) v. v. l. (am. fc^u) to 2lliStropfen, 3 trickle out, distil; 2. (auz. baben) to cease trickling. 21 lis trot ten, vid, 21uStraben. 2lii8trofcen, v. n. (auz. babeni to cease being obstinate. 31 lis trump fen, v. a. to play oui trumps, to trump. 31 lis tit mm el it, v. n. (auz. babeii; . ir. H li 3 to rt I \ C n, v. I. a. to roll out ; II. n. (auz. l)abcn) to finish a waltz. 81 tig Want felt, v. a. vulg. to drub, cudgel. 81 ti 3 w a it b c I it, vid. 9Iu8waiibcnt. 51 li 8 w a n b c t c r, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) emi- grant yilijWattbCVn, V. n. I. {mix. fftylt) to set out, depart ; to emigrate; 2. (auz. babeil) to travel over; to finish one's travels. 91 ii 8 to a n b c r it n g, f. (pi. _ -en) emi- gration, expatriation ; — 8gctft, m. spirit of emigration ; — §l'fd)t, n. right of emigration ; — 3flld)i, /. mania of emi- gration. 91 li g jo a nl e n, v. n. (auz. fetjtt) to walk out tottering. 91 li 3 W a It tt e tt, v. a. to cleanse by win- nowing. 91 li 8 W 3 X lit C rt, v. a. 1. to warm tho- roughly ; 2. T. to anneal. 91 li swatmcr, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) one who anneals. 91 li § W 3 nit f C n, m. T. nealing fur- 91 li 8 W a V t C tt, v. a. to wait to the end. 91 li 8 W 3 r 1 1 g, ailj. foreign ; outward ; abroad ; C I It — Cf Jvl'ieg, a foreign war ; — e Staatspavicve, foreign funds ; cin — Cl' Tvvcilllb, a friend, a correspondent abroad. 91 li 8 to 3 V t 8, ado. outwards ; from with- out ; abroad ; — fe feeil, to turn out. 91 ii 8 to a f cb e n, v. ir. I. a. to wash, wash out; II. (auz. (jabeit) to cease washing. 31 li 8 to 3 f f e V n, v. a. to water, freshen, to soak. 91 ii 8 to 3 f f e r u it g 8 1 i n i e, /. jv. T. water line, Ioadwater-Iine. 91 li 8 to C I) e n, v. a. if b. to finish weav- ing ; to cease weaving. 91 li 8 to C d) f C t, m. (-8) change, ex- change. 91 li 3 to C d) f e t it, ». a. to exchange, to change. 91iiStocdjfelung, /. (pi. -en) ex- change; change; compos. — gucrtrag, m. cartel. 91 li 8 to e b C I it, v. a. to fan, put out. 91 li 8 W C g, m. (-e8 ; pi. -e) 1. outlet, way out; opening; 2. fig. way, expedient; Shift, evasion, subterfuge ; — e fiubflt, to 5nd shifts. 91 li 8 to e f) e n, v. I. a. to blow out ; H. tyabfll) to cease blowing. 51 li 8 to f I d) f 11, v. I. a. 1. to soak tho- lv; 2. to get out by soaking and iningj II. n. (auz. fttylt) to fall out from being soaked. 51 11 -J to C t d) C It, v. ir. n. (auz. fcilll) (ciucm or wx eincin or finer i£a= die) 1. to evade, shun, avoid; 2. to turn out, aside ; 3. to give way, to slip; •1. Mas. T. to make a transition from key to another ; eilie — be 9ltlt; toort, an evasive answer. 81 ii 3 w c i d) n it (j, /. i. evading, turning But, kc 2. JSIus. T transition; 3. rfst. T. ilion. 91 li 8 to e t b C «, v. a. to gut, bowel, em- bowel, draw; cine SSiefc — , togra a meadow, drive the cattle on. Jl li 8 to e i f e It, v. n. to cease reeling 91 li 3 to e t n C It, v. I. a. if rrfl. to weep out, to utter in weeping; to weep one's self tut ; fid) bic 91ugen — , to cry out one's eyes; II n \aux. Inibfll) to cease weeping 91 li 8 W e t 8, m. (-ff 8 ; pi. -fe) statement, tenor, purport, contents, substance ; ar- gument. 51 li8 W C tf CH, v. ir.l.a. l.tO banish, exile ; to turn out; 2. fig. to show ; to prove ; to decide ; bic Beit toirt> cj — , time will show it ; bie £bat wetfet e8 ail8, the very deed speaks it, proves it; toie e3 bie ©efefee — , according to the tenor of the laws; II. rrfl. (ficb — als) to prove one's self to be; ba3 toil'b ftcf) — , we shall sec. 91 li S to C i f U n fj,/. (pi. -en) banishing; turning out; purport, tenor; proof. 51 ii 8 to c i jj c it, v. a. to whiten, white- wash. 9t li 8 to e i t e b o f s, n. (-eS ; pi. -$5U JCV) T. stretching-stick. 91 li 3 to C i t C It, v. a. to widen, enlarge ; to stretch. 91 li 8 W C It b t g, adj. $r adv. outer, out- ward ; outside : fig. — Itnttlt, to learn by heart; — foititen, toiffett li. f. to., to know by heart. 91 li 8 to f V b f II, v. ir. rt. (auz. fcdlftt) to leave off courting or enlistinj. 9lii8toevben, v . ir. n. (a»c, frtw) vulg. to end. 51ii3toerfctt, v. ir. I. a. I. to throw out (up), cast out, expel ; JV. T. to throw overboard ; 2. to cast out, spit (blood, &c.) ; 3. to reject (bad money) ; Sener — , to vomit fire ; cin Spferb — > to geld a horse ; ciltcrt ^afeit — , to gut a hare ; elite Slllttine — ;, to draw out or to put aside a sum ; f ilieilt C tit ©ebalt — , to appoint one a salary; bflt 51llfvr — , to cast anchor; eilt sypot — , to hoist out a boat; bn8 *!otlj — , to heave the lead; II. n. (auz. iHlbcit) 1. to throw out, outward; to step (of a horse) ; 2. to throw first, to begin; Wft Wirft att8? who has the first throw (at dice) ? 9lii8wcttern, v. n. (aux. bafcen) to leave off thundering, storming. 91 li 8 to£ fe C It, jj. a. 1. to whet ofT; 2. fig. fillClt^d)inipf— , to revenge anaffront; tine <2d;arte — , to obliterate a fault. 9Iii8totd)fen, ». a. l. to line with wax ; 2. fig. to thrash soundly. 91 li 8 to i cf C I It, o. a. to unfold, unwrap, disentangle, extricate; to unswaddle (a child). 51 ii g to i e g e n, vid. 51u3to3gcn. 51 ii 3 w i m nt e v tt, v. n. (auz. baben) to cease moaning, whimpering. 9t li 8 W i It b C I it, v. a. to unswathe. 91 li 8 to i tt ben, v. ir. a. 1 . to wring out ; 2. to draw out with a windlass; 3. (C"!= lient ft»a3) to wring or wrest from one. 51 ii 8 w i n f c I It, vid, 9{it8toimntfrn. 51 li 8 to t It t f V It, v. I. a. to winter ; II. ti. (auz. ffi)lt) to perish in winter. 51ii8totpfcllt, v. a. to cut -the tops off (trees). 91 li 8 to t p p f tt, v. a. to pick out, select (by means of scales). 91 li 8 to i r f t it, v. I. a. 1. to work out ; 2. to embowel; draw; 3. fig. to effect, procure, obtain; be 11 .£llf cilte8 5)jfcr= bc8 — , to pare a horse's hoof; bflt Sfig — , to knead the dough ; bflt .Oivfd) — , to uncase the hart; bei tU Item ttwaS — , to obtain something from one; II. n. (auz. babeil) 1. to work, operate sufficiently ; 2. to cease working, weaving. 51 li 8 to i r r C tt, v. a. to untwist, unravel. 5Ili8totf 4 ett, v. a. to wipe out, to efface; Mil. '/'. to sponge (the guns): fig. (cimm cttoa3) to punish one, u tak* revenge upon. 91 n 3 to i f d; c r, m. (-8 ; P i. — ) vu i g reprimand. 51 ii 8 to i ip e I n, v. it. to cea»c wb Ing, 91 li 8 to i 1 1 e r It, v . L a. 1. to air ; i.fy to smell, hunt out, to gel scent of ; H ti. (auz. fci)lt) 1. to get decomposed U exposure to the air; 2. (auz. babeil) to cease thundering. 5lii.8totticrung, /. i.scentit &c; 2. decomposition by exposure to the air; 3. .Mia. T. vapours promoting decomposition. 91 ii 8 to i fe e I it, v. n. (auz. f) aben) u leave off playing the wit. 51 li 8 to i fe C 11, v. a. to make witty, cun ning; eilt au8getoifeter 33uxfd)e, a cun- ning fellow, knave. 91 li 8 » 6 I b e tt, v. a. to vault, arch. 91 u 8 to 5 I b It It g. /. 1. vaulting, arch- ing ; 2. arch, vault, 91 li 8 to 51 f e It, v. I. a. to overspread with clouds; II. n. to clear up. 91 ii Swollen, v. n. (aux. baben) to wish out, viz. to wish to go out. 91 li 8 W U ci) c r n, t>. n. 1. to grow out luxuriantly ; 2. to cease to take usury. 91 ii 8 to u cf> 8, m. (-wud)ft8 ; />/. -toiid)= fe) sprouting ; efflorescence ; excres- cence ; humpback. 5lliSWuhIett, v. a. to grub up; to rout; to undermine. 51 li 8 to II It b c I It, v. -. n. to cease being afraid. 51 li 8 j a b I e it, v. a. to pay, issue ; to pay out. 51 li 8 5 3 b I C tt, r. I. a. 1. to count out ; to tell ; 2. to sell by the mm ber [by retail) • II. ti. (auz. babftl) to count to the end ; to cease counting, telling. 51 li 8 J a 1) 1 C r, m, (-8 ; ;;/. — ) paymaster, cashier. 91 li 3 ] a f) 1 U tt ft, /. (/. I. a. to empty by drink- ing, feasting ; II. n. (auz. bapen) to finish carousing. 21 li 8 J e t) n t C it, v. a. 1. to decimate ; 2. to tithe. 91 li S 5 e (j 11 1 C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) tither. ?J li § j C b r C It, v. I. o. to consume ; to exhaust, drain; fig. (ciltctt) to drain one, take everything lie possesses ; II. «. (auz. feint) tt rcfl. to pine away, lan- guish, waste, become enervated. 21 li 8 5 e b r C ft b, part. adj. consumptive ; einc — e jlranflctt, a consumption. 21 li 8 J C b 1" ll it g,/. consumption. 21 1! 8 J e t 6) tt C It, v. I. a. 1 . to mark out, note out ; 2. to distinguish ; to show respect : 3. to finish a draught, a design ; frtc 2. I) t e,/. (pi. -en) au- tobiography. *2l tt t o d) i r, m. vid. (SetojrmBrber. *2l U 1 d) t b 6 11 C It, pi. the aborigines of a country. *21 U 1 Cl5 S e, /. a pot whiih shuts of its own accord ; papin-digester. *2I U t b = b a - f t, n. auto-da-f^, act of faith. *21 11 1 b i e I C, /. the power or authority of judging one's self. *2I u t o b t b d f t, 7)i. (-en ; pi. -en) one who is self-taught. *2l It t b i b a X i e, /. self-culture, self- acquired learning. *2l It t g 11 f I e, /. self-knowledge, self- examination. *2l u t o g r a p b, m. (-en pi. -er.) t. copying-machine. *2lutpgrdp fit f d), adj. autographic. *21 u t o (j x a p b u nt, n. (-8 ; pi. -r [• a or -yhcnj autograph, autography. *21 it ( o f r d t, m. (-en ; pi. -eu) autocrej — tfch, adj. autocraLc. *2l U t o f r rt 1 1 C, /. ( pi. -en) autocracy *2I u t o m d t, m. (-en ; pi. -en) auto maton. *2l it 1 m d t i f d), adj. automatical. *2I ll 1 it P nt l C, /. autonomy, freedom of the will. *2I It t } p i ft I e, /. internal credibility (of the scriptures). *2I u t p V r P f p i f d>, adj. £■ adv. in person, personally. *2lu topfic, /. 1. self-observation- 2. post-mortem examination. *2llitpr, m. (-8; pi. -Cll) author; compos. — fchdft, authorship. *2I II t P r t f a 1 1 D n, /. authorisation. *21ittpriftreit, v. a. to authorize, empower ; to justify. *2l u t p r 1 1 d t, /. (pi. -en) authority. *2l U t P f d) C b i d 6 nt a t a, pi. extempo- raneous attempts, impromptus. *2l U t P f d) e b i d ft, m. improvisator ; ■ — ifd), adj. &■ adv. extemporaneous, impromptu. 21 It tt) C h ! int. vulg. oh ! alas ! *2l U X 1 1 1 a r, adj. auxiliary ; — HcttCt or — eontp'8, pi. .If. T. auxiliary books (to the ledger) ; — truppen, pi. auxili- aries; — tt)Prt, 7i. Gram. T. auxiliary. *2( !) (t I, m. JI. E. surety for pavment, bail. *21 a 1 1 1 e tt, t-. a. J\T. E. to bail, to stand security for. *2I » (t n C C, /. (pi. -It) M. E. money ad- vanced, advance; mit — yevfaiifcn, to sell with profit. *9l B atl CltC n, v. a. &,■ n. to adrance, promote, prefer. *2I d n C e lit C n t, n. preferment. *21» nntgarbe, /. (pi. -n) Jim. T. vanguard, van. *2i t> a n t f c e tt e, /. (pi. -n) front of the stage. *2l s a n t it r I r e n, v. n. M. e. to giv# money on bottomry. *2I » C It 1 r f dj i f f, n. M. E. freebooter, smuggler. 21 parte, md.§ %aie •91 y i f e it, pi. advices, newspapers. •31 Iff r e It, v. a. M. K. to advise ; tt* ncn 31>cd)fel — , to advise of a bill. •91 U 1 ft 0, adv. M. E. at sight. *'2l SOCattDn, /. recall, asking or de- manding back. . *% i) C a 1 r i a, pi. letters of revoca- tion, by which subjects are called upon to leave the service of other princes. ♦ilOOUlven, v. a. to avow, confess ; 690Utl't, part. a/lj. acknowledged. SI r c, oft Slcbfe. •Olr in It, 77i. c-cS; pi. -e) Mn. T. tiiumer-stone. *.'! r i nt, n. (-6 ; pi. -c) axiom. *i\ x i o in e t e r , m. (-8 ; pi. — ) jv. T. tell-tale of the tiller. ! /lrt, /. {pi. 2lrtc) axe, hatchet; compos. — I)f(llt, m. helve of an axe. 1'i v Jljen, ^uttg, rid. 21&, &c. •21 5 C V C I C, /. B. T. a sort of small medlars, azerole. *.'l 5 i 111 U t f), n. Jlst. T. azimuth ; com- pos. — alufjr, / azimuth dial; — SljWs tcl, m. azimuth-compass. •31 jBr e It, pi. the Azores, the Western Manas. •;'( \ t, n. (-C8) Chcm. T. azote, nitrogen gas, ','1 \ t i f ft), adj. containing or belong ing to azote. *3J l ii V, m. (-8) lapis lazuli, azure stone. *^I J ft r It, ailj. azure, azured. 33, 6, B, the second letter of the al- phabet ; Mas. T. B flat. © a or 33 a b ! exclamation of con- tempt. 3} 3, baa, the lowing of a sheep. S3aafe, vid. 53afe. S3 a J I, m. Baal ; fig. idol ; cojvpos. — = Vfaffe, m. worshipper of the idol Baal ; runt, a wicked priest. 83 a a v, vid. 33ar ; 33aarc, vid. 33af)re. S3 a b b C [ C t, /. (pi. -Clt) vu'g. babbling, chattering. S3 d b b e I e r, m. (-8 ; ;crn. S3 fib el, oid. 33abi;lon. ' 8 &h i rf> C, /. lap-dog, pet-dog. •SBdMIliatb, m. vid. 33aooeler, Sefyttctfcet. •33abtUiren, »«. 53abbe!n. •Sabine II, pi. brown Russian cat's 'kins. *83 tt BtOlen, jri. toys, playthings. ••^ a b lifebelt, pi. kind of Turkish over-shoes, S3 a b 9 I n, n. (-8) Babylon. S3 a b » I n i f d), adj. Babylonian, Ba- bylonish. * 33a cc a (aur eat, n . bachelorship; mreate. *33accalaiiveu bachelor. '33 a c cb a n a I t e It, pi. bacchanals. •S3 a c cf)d n t, m. (-en ; pi. -en) baccha- nalian. *23 a c cb d it 1 1 f cf>, odj. bacchica.. •Sdc^UB, m. Bacchus; conpos. — « TC|t, "• bacchanals ; — lteb, n. baccha- nalian song . —ftab, m. thyrsus. m. (pi. -reen) 33 d cf), tt!. f-eS ; nt. -33 3*0 brook, riv uiet; flctite 33drf>e macben groiic Slii|ff< pruv. little brooks coming to- gether make livers, li'-'ht pains make heavy purses: compos. — biltfc,/. water bulrush; — buitfJC, /. brooklime (a plant); — fal)Vt, f. gutter made by a waterflood, cartway washed out by torrents, rain or snow-water-ravine ; — fovcllc, /. brook-trout; — (j0lun= bcr, 771. water-cider ; guelder-rose ; — - bllllb, to. terrier, dog-badger ; — frcb8, 77i. crawfish; — freffe, /. water-cresses; — lltiiltJC, /. water mint, calamint ; — ftel^c, — tttnfel/. wagtail ; bte weife — ftcljC, water-wagtail ; — trogilliu fcbel, /. solid mactra; — If afferfabcit, to. river conferva ; — recibc, /. osier, water-willow. 33 d rf) c, /. (pi. -n) Sp. T. wild sow. 33 d cb C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) wild boar (of two years). 33 d C^ C r H, prov. inc. rid. SSdvmcn. *33aciUdvieil, pi. a sort of infu- soria. 3* d cf, I. s. n. (-c8 ; pi. -e) l. A*, r. forecastle ; berth ; mess ; 2. T. a wooden vessel ; II. adv. back ; btc — Clt bc8 33ucjfpvict3, bees; — licontb, aback; compos. — borb, 77(. larboard; — boi'b= fcitc, /. larboard side; — Sllictfter, m. master of a mess; — ftccjSlimfe, adv. on the quarter; — §tt)ad)C, /. larboard watch ; — Sivillb, 771. quartering wind. Compos. 33«trWpfer, m. — bint, /. dried apple or pear; — brctt, n. board used for baking; — ftfd), m. fish for trying; — QClb, n.bakage; —bait*, 77. — ftltbc, /.bakehouse; — obft, v. dried fruit; — = ofctt, 777. oven ; — pfatlRe,/. firyisg pan : — rdbcfictt, n. jagging iron ; — fcbcui: fel, /. peel; — fdlllffcl, /. botch, bin; — fkiit, vi. brick: fcuerfcjtc — nciitc jinn v ilu|[cj]cit bcr Sicbcivcrfc, lumps for fireworks; — tl'OO,, 771. kneading- trough, hutch, brake ; — lV*Cl'f, n, pastry ; — JUtS, »7i. furnage. 33dcfc, /. S3dcfcit, m. (-§; pi. — ) 1. cheek; 2. buttock: 3. the butt end of a gon; mit cingcfalkncn — , hollow- cheeked; bic — it cities ©efdfjeg, but- tocks; compos. — tlbait, ra. whiskers; — ll)iri'tbrf)Cll, it. dimple (in the cheeks) ; — Ilfttocbcil, 77i. cheek bone, jaw-bone; — muSM, f.jl. T. buccinator ; — licrvc, / A. T. branch of the inferior maxillary nerves; — ltcfc, n.Jl. T. a ganglion formed by a branch of the facial nerve: — = VuUabcr, /. buccal vein; — llftrricb, m. box on the ear; — tltafcbc, /.the bag which some animals have in their mouths; — ntticb, ». muffler; — luahn, 771. cheek-tooth, grinder; — jabllbriifc, /. A. T. molar gland. 53dffen, v. ir. I. n. (our. babciO to bake ; II. a. (reg. rrrrpt the part, ficbacf Cll I to bake, to dry ; ilt ciltcr SPfllRltC — , to fry ; Dbft — , to dry fruit ; 3'C4,clftciltC — , to burn tiles. 33 d cf e r, 771. (-3 ; pi. — ) baker : compn*. — burfch, — befell, — fiicrfit, m. jour neyman baker; — i^CU'ett or — banb= ftJtvf, 7!. bakers' trade ; — fctjabc, / black-beetle, cockroach. S3 d cf e r e t, / (pi. -en) bakehouse. 53d (fill, adj. having cheeks (only used in compos.) as, rotbbdcf tij, rosy cheeked, &c. 33 d cb f e n, v. a. .v. r. bic jTattoncn — , to bowse U»! guns. Bab, 7!. (-c«; P i. S3dter) bath; r«- pes. — canftalt, /. bathing riacc, estab- lijhmer.t ; — carjt, m. physician in a wa- tering place; — ttVt,f. use of mineral rs ; — fflafr, m. one that fttt quents a watering place ; — cbau«, ,t bagnio ; — ttappt, f. bath cr\|): oil case cap; — Clltciftcr, re/. ©abet; — cmuttcr, / midwife; — <= J>l« w/ 771. bathing place ; — crcifc /.jour ney to a watering [ilace ; — cfcbijf, n floating bath ; — cftllbe, /. bagnio, bath- ing room; — CIIMI11IC, / bathing tub; — cfdjroailtm, m. common sponge ; — C» toanil, adj. of a temperature to hatha in; — erocirme, / temperature for bathing ; — Cidf,/. the season for bath- ing 'watering) places; Phr. Ctlicm eill fcbliiitmcS — jubcrcitcn, to prepare something disagreeable for one ; bill — auStragen miiffctt, prov. to suffer for fanother) ; ba3 Jlinb mit bdlt — t ailSfcbiittcrt, to throw away the good togo'-ber with the bad ; f illCin ba« — fogncn, to disappoint one's best hope« with evil. 33 d b e n, v. I. a. to bathe, lave ; II. n. &■ rrjl. (auz. i>abctt) to bathe, use baths. 33 fib 1 11, n. (-5) Baden, a Grand-Duchy ; — nBttbtit, 7i. a watering place in Baden. 3? a b C n C r, ? m. (-« ; pi. — ) inhabi- S3abcnfcr, J tant of Baden. 33aber, m. (-8; pi. —) i. bagnio- keeper ; 2. surgeon, cupper ; barber ; — fjffcll, TO. barber's journeyman. 33abcrct, / (pi. -eil) 1. bagnio; 2 cupper's shop. •S3 a b {fin, m. (-8) badiane, Indian anise seed. 33 ab t f cb, adj. belonging to Baden. 33 a f feb Clt, 7!. (-8; pi. — ) th« clergy man's band. 33affcn, ) • , , 33 a f f - e it S "' "' ■'"''"'"""• to ,,ark ' *33 a g a t c 1 1 e n, (pi. — ) trifles. •Sagateltfcfulben, pi. small debt* •©aggfige, /. baggage; compos — famine* (bcr SJcatrofen), /. slop room. S3 d g g c r, 777. (-8 ; /,/. — ) he that clears out mud or peat ; ■ — llict|tcv, 7,1 one who superintends the cleaning of a port; — yrabnten, nt. JV. T. large lighter employed in cleaning a port. S3 d g g C r n, ». a. to clear out mud or peat. 33 5 b C It, 7-. a. 1. to foment; 2. to toast. S3 3 b m i 1 1 c 1, 7i. (-8 ; pi — ) fomenta- tion. S3 a bit,/, (pi. -en) 1. pathway, road; career, course ; 8. .'1st. V. orbit : trajec- tory (of a comet, &c.) ; 3. plane ; Phr. bic — brccbcn, to beat a path; fig. ti the ice; aiif bic — brtngen, to raise, start; — b03 91mbo|5e8, thee of tii'' anvil; compos. — bvecber m. way- maker ; ■ — enfc^lctgel, m. great ham- mer 1 in forges); — hebi'In, <■ a T. to plane the bead of a cash ; — 108, adj pathless, trackless. 33 9 b 11 cit, i\ 77. 1. to beat a path, make way, make level; 2. facilitate ; CtltCllI ben SBeg — ju, to put one on the wa» for. remove obstacles. 33 a b n i g, adj. having level surfaces. 33fif)te, / (pi. -11 barrow; biei hearse. S3abrtncb, n. (-<:i\ pi -ttubti hearse-cloth, pall. 33 3 h it V g,/. pi. -en) foatsntation. •S3 a i, / (pi. -Clt) bay ; —faff, n. bay salt. 33a I c r, m. '-11 ; p/. -it) Bavarian. 33 a I e V i f *, S'airiffb, adj. Bavarian 33 a I C r 11, n. (-8) Bavaria. 77 ►SB a 1 1 a i I b V C d) C It, v. n. Sp. T. to cease barking. S3 ttt I e II, v. a. Hunt. T. to bark. S3 a i £ c li t b, n. (-8) Bairut, town in Bavaria. *33 (if f e V 8, pi. kisses, kind of cakes. 53 a 15c it, vid. S3ei}en. *23 tt j ttb C X C It, pJ. Indian dancing-girls, public prostitutes. *SajdiJO, m. (-8; pi. -8) buffoon of rope-dancers. *33 a j tic t, ?i. f-S ; p/. -te) bayonet ; bat — nuf Mo ©eroe&t aiiffcfcen, to fix the bayonet; compos. ■ — f)ul)Ctt, s. pi. bavonet-sockets. SatwiSBttff. 'S3 5 f C, /. (p/. -tt) JV 7\ beacon, sea- mark, buoy; — tt CWtci) teit, to put up beacons ; compos. — ttgclb, n. beaconage. S3 d I e I, + to. (-8 ; pJ. — ) stick, cudgel. S3 (if el j (1 U, m. (-ti\pl. -e) dried salt codfish ; compos. • — ftfdjcr, m. banker. 93 a E C tt, v. a. proline, to beat. •33 a lab tit, m. (-8; p*. -8) ballet- dancer. *33ttl 5 It C f, /. equipoise. *33alancter, m. (-8; pi. -8) scaie- beam, walking beam (of an engine). *33 a I a It Ct t e tt, ». a. & n. to poise, bal- ance. •S3 ttl artCtr *Iun ft, /. art of balan- cuiir ; — lltafdn'tlC,/. pumping machine; — ftrtltgc, /. rope dancer's pole. *33 a I Ct tt C It, pi. sea-acorns. '33 a I a tt 1 1, m. (-8 ; pi. -en) petrified sea-acorn. •33 d I a 1 1 0, m. (-8) worthless fellow, blackguard. *23 a I tut 1 1 r e It, v. n. to stammer, speak confusedly. 83 d I dj C, /. (pi. -tt) a kind of fish found in the lake of Constance. *33 a I C tt, m. (-8 ; pi. -C) balcony. 93 d It, adv. 1. soon, early; 2. almost; easily; id) wave — geftorben, I was like to die ; — fo, — fo, now so, then otherwise : — , — , at one time and another; now — now; — f)ier, — ba, now here, now there. •S3 a I b a cfj I tt, m. (-8 ; pi. -t) canopy ; cloth of state. 33 d I b C r, m. .Myth. T. son of Odin and Frigga, the Apollo of the Norsemen. S3 d I b (\ X C t 8, m. provinc. groundsel. S3 ft I b i (J, adj. speedy. *33 d I b X i (t It, m. (-8) valerian, cai>on's tail (a plant) ; ber. (jriecbjfdje — , Jacob's ladder. 33 d I b It i It, m. (-8) Baldwin. 93 a [ e a r C It, pi. the Balearic Isles. S3 ate St t f d), adj. Balearic. •S3 a I c ft e r, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) cross-bow. 93 d If], to. (-C8; pi. SSTfje) 1. skin; case; 2. husk, shell; 3. cont. child, brat; body of a doll; 4. — or 93 l(tfc= — , bellows ; bCf f fettle — , little brat, bev bid'e — , paunch. 33 d I g C It, v. njl. to tomp, to wrestle, fight." 93 a I {J e It, v. refl. to cast the skin. 33 d 1 (J C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) wrestler, boxer. 93 a I g e r e i, /. ( pi. -en) wrestling, fight- ing, fight, scuffle, romping. 93 d I g c t v c t e r, m. (-c8 ; pi. — ) beilow- treader. '33 a I ift a x It 8, m. ci jss-bowman. 79 ©Olf 33 d I j C, /. (pi. -It) JV. T. half tub. 33d I felt, m. (-8; pi. — ) 1. beam, rafter; 2. //. T. pale, chevron; 3. (in husbandry) the land between two furrows; the loft of a ham ; 4. Tijp. T. crosspiece ; — ber Jtubbriicfc, JV. T. orlop beams; compos. — batlb, 71. T. swallow's tail, cramp; — feller, m. raf- tered cellar ; — fopf, m. headpiece of a beam, Corbet ; — IVCff, n. beams and rafters of a building. 93 d II, m. (-e8 ; pi. -33dtte) 1 . ball, globe ; 2. ball, dancing; 3. Sp. T. barking; — fvidett, fcblagcn, to drive a ball ; to play at tennis; compos. ■ — foi'lllig, adj. round, spherical ; — b, adj. Baltic. *93 a I It ft X a b C, /. (pi. -it) balustrade. 9^ d 1 5, /. coupling time of large birds, &c 33 d 1 5 e n, v. n. [aux. I;abcn) to couple. (of birds and cats.) 33 d 1 5 e r, man's name ; contract, oj SSaltfjofar. *93 a m b e c i a b e, 93ambotfd)idbt, /. T. a picture of low life. 33 d 111 b u 8 v c \) x, 71. (-e8 ; pi. -e) ban boo; compos. — Jlicfcr, m m. tabasheer. 93 dm in c, 93c'mme,/. (pi. -n) provinc a slice of bread. 93 d m m e I, /. (pi. -it) tassel. 33 d in m e I n, vid. 93aumcltt. 33 d tit 8, 7/i. (-feS ; pJ.-fe) saddle-cushion. 33 d lit f e n, o. a. T. to beat. *33 a n a n e, /. (pi. -n) banana (mu»a pnradisiaca). *'S d it c a I, via. Caitfal. *33dttco, vid. 93attf. 33 a n b, I. n. (-ti ; pi. 93ditber) 1. rik band, band, string, fillet, bandage; 2 ligament (in the human frame) ; 3 hoop ; II. m. (-ti ; pi. 93dltbc) 1. vol- ume ; 2. binding ; III. 71. (-C8 ; pi. -t) 1. tie, bond ; 2. fetter, chain ; compos. — » bhtme, /. artificial flower; — cifeit, 71, hoop-iron ; — fifd), 771. ribband fish ; — s (JVaS, b. ribband-grass : — fctte, / timber-chain, brace; — tttadjCl', — wix* tcr, m. ribband-weaver, tape maker ; — natter,/, ribband-snake ; — fdjlctft, /. loop of ribbands ; — ftrcif, m. 1 . H. T. bend; 2. topknot; — treffe, /. worsted lace; — VOaai'Clt, pi. small ware ; — VOeicC, /. osier, wicker ; water- willow ; — VOltl'llt, m. solitary worm, tape-worm. *33 a It b a fj C, /. (pi -It) bandage, fillet *33 a it b a g t r c n, v. a. to apply a bandage, bind up. *33 a It b a a, t ft, m. (-eit ; pi. -Clt) bandage- maker. 33 d It b rf) e It, n. (-8 J pi. — ) smalJ ribband ; small volume. 33 d It b C, /. (pi. -n) 1. gang, set, band : 2. binding ; 3. cushion of a billiard-table; plattt — , platband. *33 a n b e 1 1 C r, 71. (-8 \pl. -e) bandoleer, shoulder-belt. 93 d It b C X e t d), adj. voluminous. 33 d It b i (J, adj. <$• adv. striped. 33 d it b i g, adj. tameable, tame ; — lit tt- d)Clt, to tame. 93dllbifjcn, v. a. to tame, break, restrain. 33 d n b i 11 e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) subduer, conqueror, one who tames, breaks in. 33 d It b i 0, It n g, /. taming, breaking in. 93 a it bit, m. (-en; pi. -en) bandit, pi. banditti. 33 d it g, ) adj. (S- adv. anxious, uneasy 1 33 d tt g C, J fearful ; timid; Ct3 ift (limb! lltir — Itm . . . INK . . . , I am afraid of...; cittern — madjen, 'o make one afraid of. 93 an gel, vid. 33engel. 93 d it g e n, v. n. Sr imp. (out. baben) to be afraid ; lltir baitgt ba'OOf, I am afraid of encountering, facing it ; ibnt bang! MX ber 3llfunft, he is afraid of On future 33aim 8dr ©arm 33 d u a, t q f c i t, / anxiousness, anxiety, fearfulness. 93 ft n ft an f, it. (-eg) hemlock. S3 d It ft, It A), arfn. anxiously. 83 ft it g 1 1 d; f e 1 1, f. apprehension, anxi- ety. 83dnqmutb, /. w£ Sanfligfeif. 93 d u j e r, n. (-8) .V. T. half deck. 83 d It E, /. I. (/>/. 83ft life) I. bench, form ; seat ; bank ; 2. stall, stand ; 3. lathe (of turners, coopers, &.C.) ; II. (pi 93ftllfett) bank, public banks ; ciltCH $lir — bailCtt, fig. mdg. to backbite ; (tuf bic [anqe — frfjiebcit, pruv. to delay; bllfd) bic — , fig. indiscriminately; upon an average ; Welter in ber — fteften babeu, to be a creditor on the bank-books; »pll Ctttcv — ftbhalten, JV. T-s. to take a good berth ; — am i&OrtjOttt, a cloudy hori- zon; — ait enter 93nifrn>cbr, ban- quette ; compos. — ttctte,/. M. E-s. bank- stork; share in bank-stock; — (ICttO* nijt, to, stock-holder in a bank ; — aqcilt, m. bank agent; — (tfJtO, n. discount paid at a bank: — affiqiiftttPiicit, pi. checks, drills; — bl'lldl, m. bankruptcy; — bti't= d)tfl, adj. — briidltqe, m. bankrupt; — = briidiiq VPCi'bUl, to become bankrupt; — COtltO, 7i. bank account ; — eifcit, n. iron band, cramp iron; — qCl'idlt, n. commercial court ; — qpuDfrncurgftctU VtttXtttt, m. deputy governor of the bank ; — flatter, — hen - , m. banker ; ir of the bank; — Ijftitt liter, to. T. locksmith's hammer ; — Iiobcf, in. 7'. great plane; — t)0t'lt, n. rising anvii: — metfcl, m. chisel; — lllfU ftcr, m. master tradesman (especial- ly of the bakers) ; — lltcffer, n. cleaver; —note, /. — petrel, m, bank-note; — npteil, pi. paper-currency; — btOCUa Tft, f. full power for the transaction of bank business; — fcfiladltcit, n. butch- ering and selling the meat in public stalls : — fdu'fllibc, /. vice for a bench ; — ^iu-J, to. stallage. 33 (I 11 f a I d m t, n. (-eg) (in Austria) bancal ding to the cusMms in general the stamp-duty and the ta- il monopolies of salt and tobacco). B li it f d) C It, ) n. (S ; pi. — ) small 83 d It f le i It, S bench. Sdnfetfanger, m . (-g; pi. — ) i. ballad Binger, itinerant singer; 2. a bad 1 1 •89 a It f e f 6 1 t, adj. .?- ado. bankrupt ; — mcrbeil, — IttflCtien, to become bankrupt, to break, fail. •83 a n f e 1 6 1 1, to. (-e« ; v l. -c) bank- ruptcy, breaking? failing: citt n idler — , a fraudulent bankruptcy; — OTlarttttfl, /. declaration of bank- ruptcy. •83 a nle r o ttlr e 1, m, (-§ ; pi. — ) bankrupt. "3 a it E c r p 1 1 1 r = m a it b a f, ». statute Of haul, 1 53 d ij fort, ni. (-«; pi -e) bastard, •©anlett, „. (-eg; r i. -c) banquet, least •8 a it f i 1 1 e, /. (,,/. -n) Mil. T. ban- •©anfettlren, «,. n . (aw, hftbcit) to banquet. ►SHnfojettel, m. (-«;,,/._) bank- billet (formerly a government money- paper in Austria). 33 d n II, m. (-eg) 1. ban ; excommunica- tion ; interdict; proscription; 2. juris- nn : territory; 3. + coercion; com- pos, —flitch, w. anathema ; — for ft, m. « I fenced in for game; — qttf,' „. ; — ivaare, /. contraband goods ; — EeU ttv, f. common wine-press (belonging to the manor, of which all the vassals are obliged to make use); — llicile,/. precinct, boundary; — lllitMc, /. com- mon mill ; — PTClt, m. common oven ; — fpvud), to. exorcism, excommunica- tion; — ftcilt, m. landmark; — ftnibl, to. thunder of excommunication; — = OOat,— Watt, in. field watch ; vid.$$[VX= fd)i"it} ; — naffer, n. forbidden river. 83 It U It e It, v. a. to banish, expel, trid. 83etbannen; ©etfler — , i. to ru*,-, conjure; 2. to lay spirits. 93 d it 11 C r, m. (-« ; pi — ) banner ; militia, vid. ?aiieftuvm and Sanbtveljr, compos. — ()Cn 4 , m. banneret ; justice of peace (in former times a nobleman who maintained a number of retainers). ♦33 a n a it c r p it t e, vid. 83anterott. *93an que t, vid. 93aitEet. *93 a It q It I e r, m. (-§ ; pi. -e) banker ; compos.^ — hauler, pi. banking houses; - — ptOBtftPlt,/. bankers' provision. 93dllfCor SJdltje, /. (pi. -It) bam, a large basket. 93 d ii f e u, to. (-5 ; pi. — ) first stomach in ruminating animals. 83 ft rt ft It, v. a. to put, pile up (in the barn). 93 ;t r, an obsolete radicil word irliirk is used only in compounds, and expresses, I. bearing, bringing, producing, &.C. as fnidjt— > bauE— , u. f. ». ; n. sus- ceptibility, possibility, &c; as tu'Ctlll — , bettf— . 93 ft r. adj. X- ado. 1. in cash; 2. bare, naked, destitute ; .') impr. pure, unmix- ed; — @ctb, ready money; flllltbci't Xflfttet' — , hundred dollars in cash ; — beja^Ieit, to pay ready money ; — cr Cfl'tl'ftq, proceeds in cash, net pro- ceeds ; compos. — Cl3, n. ice not covered with snow; ■ — fvpfl, m. black-frost; — fllfi, adi>. barefoot; — ffificr, m. bare- footed friar; — fii^'i'!, «"'/• barefooted; — §aUpr, adj. bareheaded; — fefcaft,/. cash, ready money; fig. property; — fcbctlEler, m. sansculotte ; — fcit= bltng,/. M. E. consignment in specie; — labJUUQ, / payment in cash. 93dr, m. (-en; pi -en) 1. bear; 2. r. rammer; 3. fig. tlam ; eill jlllhjer — , a cub, whelp; ber gvp^e unb flciite — , Ast. T. the greater bear and the lesser bear; einett — en aubiltben, fig. to contract debts; etlteit — eit ftllfbill: belt, to Ham ; . — Bet^tjJ, adj. quarrel- some ; compos. — eilbcttSa - , m. bear- dog, bull dog; — Cllfaitq, 7/1. bear catch- ing : — Cllfctf, n. bear's grease ; — Clt= fctidiel, m. spicknel; — cufiibrer, m. bear-leader: — CllbafV /. bear bailing, bear bunting; — eitbaut, f. bear's skin; fig. auf ber — enbaut lie.-jcu, to bo idle; — Cllbdltter, to. idler, coward; — Cll= bduterei, /. idleness, cowardice ; — cu= bi'ltCV, m. Ast. T. Bootes ; — CllflailC, /. bear's foot, aeaiuhus; — CllfPtb, m. bear's dung; .Min.T. BCUm or dross; — eilpbrlctlt, v. bear's ear, auricula; — eiirailVe, /. cankerlly; — cnfdmtaU, n. bear's grease ; — enfafee, /. paw, blank ursine: — entrOJJp, m. bear's breech; — eutraiibe, f. strawberi [Arbutus L.)\ — fcttifel, to. spicknel; — lappen, m. earth-moss (a plant); — lat|d)eit, ;i/. cow hair slippers; . — = mau$, vid aJhtrmeltbter; — motte,/. bear-fly; — niiiff, m bear's skin muff; — fftltifel, in. bear's ear, sanirle (a plant) ; — rinube, bear-bind ; — lviufel, m. periwinkle (a plant) ; — IVltt'j, /. bear's wort, spicknel (a plant). | 93 a r, to. (-eg ; pi -e) JMii 7. dam. •83 a r a d e, Carafe, f. ( pi. -nj MB, 7 barrack, lint. •89 at afltC u, r. n. to Uve in bar •JBardttlf,/. (///.-li) lamb's skin. •83aratttrle, SBatattrte,/. m. e barratry. •83 a r a 1 1 1 r c n, o. n. M. /:. to baiter *83 ft r ft 1 1 C m. M. A', barter. 3ar bfibl'S, n. Barbados. *33 ft rb at, m. (-en ; ;,/. -en) l. barba- rian; 2. barb; compos. — eilbeer, n. bar- barian army: — Clljpd', ?i. barbarian yoke; — eilfd)ll'drillC, pi swarms of barbarians; — eiiftamili, to. tribe of barbarians. 9^ r b ft r ft, /. Barbara (a proper name). •33 ft r b ft r c t, /. I. Barbary, (a cou. try) ; 2. fig. barbarity. *93ftfbnrcgfen, pi. the barbariaa republics in Africa. *83 ft V b ft r t f d), I. adj. barbarous, bar- barian ; II. adv. barbarously; — Vi SPferb, barb. •83 arb fttigmug, m. (/i/.-men) ha>- bazism. 33 d r b c, /. (pi -it) barbel (a fish). 93 ft r b c r, m. (-« ; pi. — ) barb. *93ftrbicr, m. (-g; pi-e) barber; compos. — becfen, n. shaving bason; — ijcfell, m. barber's-man ; — llie||cr, n. razor ; — febceve, /. barber's s< — [tube, /.barber's shop; — jeitg, n. shaving case. •83 ft r b t v e it a- 93arbiereii, v. a. l. to shave ; 2._/i>. to shave, CD 83 tj v cb c it t, m. (-5 ; pi. -e) fustian ; feiitcr (gefppcrter) — , dimity. 33 ft v d) cute U, adj. made of fustian. •89 d V b C, m. (-11 ; pi -11) bard, scald ; — ngefang, m. bardic soiiL': — nbaiit, m.fig. collection of choice poems ; — II* t hunt, 71. bardism. *93 ft r b i e f , n. war-song of the ancient Germans. 93 ft X b ft ii J ! smash! (imitative of sound). 93 ft V C, /. (pi -It) 1. unprepared whale- bone ; 2. A". T. wave, billow ; 3. a place overgrown with copse. 33 5 X C 11, 771. (-g) a soft touch on the organ. 93 dec it, v. n. (auz. babeit) .sp. T. to rut (of bears). •33 ate tt| n. bonnet, cap; compos. — El'ftin, to. hosiery, haberdashery ; — frftincr, to. haberdasher. 93 ft r (j, Bfitfj, to. (pi 835rge, 9?orgt) i anow-hog. 83 S r b a it b f, 93ai'bdiiptt,j, adj. tr a In. bare-headed. 83 art nit, /. (pi. -en) she-1 •83 ft r i t P n, m. (-g ; pi. -e) ban-tone. 33fft!o»f, 83fitf5ppg, adj. ir adv. 33 ft r E ft f f e, / (/7i -It) N. T. the long- boat. 93 ft r I c, /. (/./. -it) bark; bie flrincr* — , barge, lighter, compos. — llEfthlt, to canoe. 83 arf ilnett, p/. a: t. yuffl 83 6 r m e,/.barm, yeast ; compos. 33ftnit' brob, 71. bread with yeast; — teljj, m. dough with yeast 33 d r nt c ii, v r. (our. baben v ta lament, pi mi. 83 ft r m h i r t i q, adj. merciful, w mpas- sionate ; pitiful, cbaritalile — e 9.h'B> TO SSafe brr, brothers of charity; — S($tiJC= ftcrn, sisters of charity. IB a r lit t) C V 5 i 15 f C 1 t, /. mercy, enm- passdan; pity, tenderness, charity; (lit ®otte8 — Detjlroeifeln, to despond (Th.T). SB a r ill It 1 1 C l\ /. (pi. -muttCti matrice ; womb, uterus. SB (i v it, m. (-C3 ; pi. -c) crib, manger. SB d r 11 a b fl 8, m. Barnabas. 58 fl V II all t C V, pi. Barnabites. *93 fl to f, «<(/'■ baroque, quaint. *SB a V 6 t p C V I C lt,p;. ragged pearls. *33 V lit f t C r, m. (-3 ; p/. — ) barome- ter ; compos. — Vof)VC, /. barometer tube ; " — ftittlb, m. height of the ther- mometer. *SB fl r Oil e t r t f d), adj. barometrical. •93 a VO it, n». (-8 ", pi- -*) baron. SB a r B it d) e n, n. (-8 ;pi. — ) cunt, little baron. •93 a v 5 it inn* SBaroncffe, /. fjrf. -en, -ll) baroness. *33 rt r o n I c, SBaronef, /. (pi. -ctt) barony. *93 fl r It t ft V C IX, v. a. to make one a baron. SB ft V X C, /. (pi. -It) bar ; ingot. *S8 att 1 C r C, /. ( pi. -It) barrier. SBdvS, SBdvfcb, m. (-CS; p/.-C) perch; berfish. SBdvfcb, adj. harsh, sharp, tart; pee- vish, froward, snappish ; — tf)ltn, to look sullen. SB d V t, m. (-C3 ; pi. SBdvte) 1. beard ; 2. barb, wattle (of a cock) ; 3. ward, key-bit; — illlt Sd)ijf, JV*. T. foul ship ; belt — febcrett, to cut the beard; bcr — etlteS jtOltteteit, beams of a comet; fidi itnt beS JEatfers' — ftvetten, P r»v. to dispute about trifles ; tit bCIl — mitr* lltcltt, to mumble inwardly, speak in a low voice : cittern ctrofl3 tit belt — ffl= gelt or njevfeit, to tell one something plainly, to throw into one's teeth ; fl'Ct U»11t — t, fig. with frankness, ingenious- ly; cittern eiiicn — mad'cu, prov. to put a trick upon one -.compos. — ftfd), m. vid. SBarbej — geter, m. goiden-vui- ture ; — gcvftc, /. rice-barley ; — f lilppc, /. pincer, nippers ; — frflljer, to. cont. barber ; — lc-3, adj. beardless ; — 11tef= fer, 7i. razor ; — ttcife, J", sweet-william ; — tlltis, /. filbert; — VtttJCV, — fcjjcrev, 7/i. shaver, barber ; — ftci'lt, to. comet ; — ttXlcb/S, n. cerate or pomatum for the moustaches; — vOgd, m. wattlebird; — rscijcit, to. red-eared bearded-wheat. SB d r t e, /. (pi -it) 1. beard of a whale ; 2. broad-axe. SB fl r t C 1 it, v. a. 7'. to give the first shearing (to cloth). SB dtt cltlld), n, cloth of the first shearing. SB d r t he \, 93aVtfjoIomatl8 ( m. Bartho- lomew (a proper name). SB d r 1 1 g, adj. bearded. SB d v t f d) C, (/ pi. -tt) a piece of wood serving as rudder on rafts. SB (ir li t frf) e, (pl.-t\) provinc. barouche. *S8cm-io= bege, burrow ; itltf belt — (or %i-\t- 11110.8 — ) fcmitlClt, to _ be condemned to the public works; till — C Itcgeit, to kennel (said of foxes) ; compos — flillt, n. board of works; building- court; — rtttfcbjiig, to. estimate ; — (irf, /. structure ; architecture, style ; — illlf= feber, m. superintendent of a buildins; — bill - , adj. arable; — bcbitrf, — ftfff, to. — Seitg, 7i. building materials; — bes anabtflimg, /. building privileges ; — s beiltlltfll, n. architectural monument; — -btenjt, to. — froi)lte, /. service im- posed upon vassals and subjects in as- sisting at buildings; — fdlltg, adj. iut, /. Jl. T. peritoneum; bie fctte — battt cilicr @01l8, apron'of a goose ; — IMht. f. A. T. gastrography ; — nerbenfroitf, adj. hypochondriac ; — llCfycitfrattf* bcit, f. byoochondria : — plil8iibcr, / S3iiuni 9* ©eba eoeliac artery; — rtbnct, m. ventrilo- ?' uist ; — fdmitt, in. ga s t roto m y ; — = orge, /. belly-care ; — ftid), m. S.T. paracentesis ; — ftiicf , n. J\'. T. floor- timber; naval timber; — ftiiifc bci' JtatUMthrcit, futtock-riders ; — UMffcr= furfjt, /. dropsy in the belly, ascites ; — rocb, 7i. belly-ache; — nmriiUT, pl. ascarides; — jiff f[, m. double com- passes, 53 . — , to raise (corn, wheat, &c.) ; II. n. if rejl. (am. babcil) to rise high, overtop ; our rtWttS — , fin. to rely on; luobl gcbaut, we. 1 shaped, well made ; flltf bon Saub — , to build upon sand, rest one's hopes upon nothing. Ba tier, m. (-§; pl. -it) 1. peasant, countryman, farmer; 2. T. knave, pawn; 3. builder; 4. n. (-§; pi. — ) rid. SQogelbauev ; :,. j\r. t. lower transom; fill grobcr — , clown, boor, rustic : cr gebt iimc bcr — tit ben Jbiirilt, ;m/;\ he goes like a bear to the stake : tS tft fc t it itieffev baa 1 febdrfer frfiicrt, ale menu bet — jimt (jbefc lit a nil tut lb, prov. no man looks to be accounted more than a beggar mount- i I: compos. — brob, n. coarse bread; — floret, — lummel, in. wig. churl, r ; — birilC, /. country-girl ; — = frail,/, country-woman; peasant's wife ; — OUt, n. farm, copy-hold ; — b\lft, adj. r d. 83fiuerif($ ; — bof, m. farm house ; — bunb, m. cur, mastiff; — biittc, /. ige; — fnerftt, m. farmer's man, ; — McutC, pl. — DOlf, n. country- ■ : — IlUlilb,/. fanner's maid ; — s mabfben, n. country-girl : — ttfnopfjm. JV. T. single-knot; — nfd)enfe, /. «| lage alehouse ; — nfcnf, m. carlock; candy-tuft (/imt y.J ; — nftattb, m. — nfrb.ift, / peasantry; —flatting,/. JV. T. foxes made of nine rope-yarns ; — Jinann, hi. countryman; — fpl'ild>C, untry-dialect ; — ftolj, m, clown- ish pride, upstart pride; — 1,'OlF, vi!. — vlcutf. © fiu'et inn, /.(/,/. -en)w* Sauer» frau. ofiu er 1 1 dl, adj. rustic ; clownish, bi iOr- ish; baS— eSBefcn, rusticity; fill — tS 3.3 f nebmen affcctiicn, to affect clown- ish manners. 33 a lib in if, f. ( p l. -n) mountain- ebony (Bauhin 33 a fi in, m . (-c3; p/. 33diimc) l.tree; '.'. T. beam; bar; ben — cvfcnnt mail an ben grua)ten, prov. b tree is known by the fruit; compos. — ad'at, «,. JbTin. 7*. dendrachates ; — ameije, /. horse- ant; — .irfni, a/lj. arboreous, arbor at; — bobnc, /. ;>>. r. anag connarus; —fa If, m. tree-falcon ; — = Mm, m. poly pody ; oak-fern ; — frafi, m. ranker ; — gamanber, m. germander- Bum, j.) ; — gang, w. avenue of trees; —gaits', f. brent- ; tic fdunrtfdic — , barnacle bird; — garten, m. orchard ; — gfirts net, m. arborist; — gfirtneret, f. cul lure or trees ; — gclaitbfr, n, espalier ; — flVUVVC,/. clump of trees ; — [uidVf, m. woodpecker; — bcifr, f. hedge-row; — OlWe, /. lopping knife; — bo*, adj. as high as a tree ; Ctlt — bobber Mtrl, a strapping fellow; — bolber, m. elder; — f ab it, m. canoe; — fltnbe, /.dendro- logy ; — lau5, /. tree-louse ; — letter, /. tree-ladder, double ladder ; — luilije, /. lung-wort; — ntarbcr, m. pine-martin ; — mc)|cr, 1. m. an instrument for mea- suring trees; 2. n. gardening (pruning) knife : — lltbrber, m. climbing stall'tree ; —Ullff, /. walnut ; — mmipbc, /. hama- dryad; — BI, 7i. olive-oil, sweet oil; — pfhlftcr, 7i. grafting wax ; — I'illbc,/. bark, rind ; — fiiije, /. tree-saw ; —- fd)Cl'C, /. stock-shears ; — fctlilil, m. T. foliage ; trees (in drawing); — fcbhllliic, / dryophid, tree-snake ; — fcmile, /. nursery-garden, seed-plot; — fdmMinnt, 77i. agaric ; — ftamilt, m. trunk of a tree ; — ftiit'f, adj. fir. exceedingly Btrong; — jlet'n, m. dendrites; — ftruilf, m. trunk of a tree; — talje, /. JV. T. mainboom tackle ; — tail, 71. A*. T. - warp; — umfd)iittcf, adj. shaded by trees ; — Wattlo, n. mummy ; — s ftanje, /. nying-bug; — WO lie, /. cot- ton; — mollett, adj. of cotton; — \vv\- lenarftg, adj. cottonous, cottony; — = WoIIengam, n. cotton-yarn; — wol= lenfrtopf, m. twist-button; — ujoUe= fratJCtt, ;;/. cotton-cards; — lini!lcn= |5ffanje,/. cotton-tree ; — ttJoUcnjUUi'it, m. cotton-thread; — Jtlrfjt, /. nursery of trees. 33 a li lit a 11 tt 3 b I) I e, /.a celebrated cavern in the Hart/, mountains. 33afime(it or JBdmmeln, >-. ». r,,„r. baben) to bob, dangle ; icb werbe bidt UOd; — fcJ)ClI, viUir. I shall see you hanged. 33 a u m e n, v. n. (am. babeu) Sp. T. to fly or leap upon a tree. 33 a ft lit e tt, v. I. a. 1. to provide, fasten, with a tree or large pole ; 2. to put on the beam (said of weavers) ; II. reft, to prance (as horses) ; to kick up one's heels. 33 fi fl lit t fb f, adj. i- ado. tree-like. 33 a um ti], adj. (.- adv. planted with trees. ©aufloarl fSPau'Jbacf), m. (-«; pi. -bacfe) a person with thick puffed cheeks. 33 a li § b a cf e tt, ». n. to vaunt, talk big. 33 a li « b a cf t g, ai'j. plump-meed ; purled. 33au'fd), 7M. (-e3; pi. ©fiufdje) pad, bolster ;_ bunch, bundle, tuft; roll, lump; tn — llltb 33ogctt, in the lump; cine Sibling in — nnb 33ogen ycvfaufcit, to sell a cargo before the hatches are lifted; — iibtllid), adj. resembling a pad ; — iivmct, m. a sleeve made with pads; — filltf, m. purchase in the lump. 33 fi 11' f d) d) c n, n. (-« \jd. —) litiie pad ; 8. v. dossil; — »ou Setnwanbfaptrn, plumage. 83 a u f6 e n, SBaufctr, ». n. (am. baben) II, bunch out. 33aiifrbtg, adj. It a,!,-, bunchy. 33 a life, /. (pl. -n) v. a sketch. 33 a li fe n, ». n. to form a bunch. S3 a fi ;, inter, bang ! ©aOjen, v. n. (avz. biibfii) to fall with a banging 83 9 i a n, u«j, SfSaoian. 83 fl V C II, v. rcfl. to box, cuff. 3* (i v e r, m. (-« ; pl. — ) boxer, pugUist 83 iii', rid. 3'ai. 83 a fj e t it. f. to. rid. 83ater. 83 a'.HMic'f, rid. 83a]onet. <8e, fin unaccented and insrparable prefix to rerbi ; the intransitire rmu Compounded with it become generally transitive. 33 e a b f fb t e b e n, v. refi. to take leave 83eapft$ttgen, v. «. to h view, to aim at. 33cd di tc 11, r. n. to mind, consider; t« take notice of. 83 e a cB 1 1 n i m e 1 1 b, ? adj. worth] 33edd)tung8n)firbtg, ^ of notice 83 e a a)) en, ». «. to grcan for. 33 e d cf e rn, v. a. to plough, mi. 33 c a b c r ii, r. a, to famish with veins ,- to ornament with something like m ins, 83 e a f f C II, v. a. to cheat by mockery 33 C d lit b C r II, v. a. to perfume with ambergris, to amber ; bcilllbftt, part. "'(/■ fig. ambrosial. 33 e d m t f t e , SSerfmte, m. deci. like adj. (civil) oflicer, functionary; fin 8Seamfeter, one invested with, holding an orlice or a commission. 33 c din ten, v. a. to invest with an office ; to commission; bcailttct, in the commission. 33 e a n g ft t g e n >c- ^caiigften, - cause anxiety, uneasiness, to frighten. 33 e a it g ft t git it g, /. anxiety, un- easiness, anguish of mind. 33 e d n 1 1 i 1} C II, v. a. to look, gaze at. 33edntragen, v. a. to motion for. 83edntroorten, ?•. a. to an reply ; tvtebei — , to rejoin. 33 C d II t n? r t\ i cf), adj. answerable. 33e dn tmortniig, /. (pi. -en) an- swering, reply; repartee; rejoinder. 33edrbcitbav, adj. what may b« worked or treated of. 83 ear bet t en, ;•. a. to work at, to treat, to elaborate, labour; to manu- facture, to cultivate; ctlien — , fig. to prepare one; vulg. to belabour one. 93edrbetter, m. (-«; pi. — ) one (borates something. 33cdrbcttung, /. treating, working 83 c d r g w b it c n, v. a. to suspect. 33 dirt en, v. a. to till, cultivate. 33 c li f d) e tt, b. «. to sprinkle w ith ashes. *33 c a t r i r, 33caf rice, /. Beatrice (wo man's ns 33eaiifftd)ttgcn, v. a. to inspect, control. 33eau'f ftdjttgcv, m . (-6; pi.—) inspector, overseer. 33caiif ftditignng, /. inspection. control. 33 c c ii f t r a g e it, r. a. to a imm cbsrge; beauftragt, commissioned. 83 c a ii f tt fi g e r, m. (-4 ; pl. — ) con sliluent. 33 c ii ii f t r a g t e, m. dccl. like adj. ho who is commissioned, agent, deputy, factor. 33 c a ii g c I n, v. a. to ogle. 33 can gen, ?•. a. to gaze at, insj 33 c a ii g c n f d) c i n i g c it, p. a. to n spi ■''. to take a \ iew of. 33 1 a n g c n f di c t n i g n n g, /. i;.i. -en) ocular inspection. 33 e 5 ii g 1 c r, m. (-i ; pl. — ) ogler. 3' cb a fen, o. a. JV. T. to put out bpoys: to ]>ie\ ide Vi ith mirks. 33f bdlf illll f II, r. a. to balm, em 83 e b ii n b et it, p. a. to decorate e* cover v. ith ribbons, Si £cte SSebi SBefcu C b a r t C II, v. a. to furnish with a beard. 23c (alien, v. a. to build upon; to cultivate. S3 C b d li lit C It, v. a. to cover, plant over with trees. Q3e b en, ox. (am. f>aben) vor or urn, to quake, shake, tremble, fine — be '(Stimilte, a tremulous voice. 83c"ber, m . (-§; pi. — ) or 93 ebc 5113, Mas. T. tremour (in organs). 83 e b 1 1 b C tit, v. a. to hang or cover with pictures. 93 e b t n b e n, v. a. to tie upon. 83ebf Opfdjen, n. (-&\pl.—) man- darine. S3 e b I a 1 1 e r n, v. a. to cover with leaves. S3 C b I C d) e n, v. a. to cover with tin ; fig. to lace. S3 C b I it m C It, v. a. to embellish or cover with flowers. 93 C b t ft t e n, v. a. to sully with blood. S3 e b I) I C n, v. a. to lay out, furnish with boards or planks. S3 c b r it lit C n, v. a. to border. 33 C b r i I [ e it, v. a. to put spectacles on one. 93 C b r it (f C n, v. a. to furnish with a bridge. 93 e b r ft t C It, v. a. to sit over brooding ; to hatch. 93 C b U n g, /. shaking, palpitation, beat- ing. 93 e b it r b e It, v. a. to burden, charge. 33ebu'fd)en, v. a. to tuft; bebufd)f, part. adj. bushy. *33 e e a f f i n e, /. (pi. -n) snipe. S3 c d) e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) cup, goblet, bowl, chalice; compos. — fd)roamm, in. cup-mushroom ; — fDiel, n. juggler's tricks with goblets; — fliirjer, m. coll. hard drinker. 93 c A) e r n, v. n. (auz. fiaben) coil, to tipple, tope. 93c den, 7i. (-%; pi— ) basin, a. t. pelvis ; Mus. T. cymbal ; compos. — - fcbldger, m. brazier ; cymbal-player. S3e'cf cr, vid. 33dder. 83 e b d d) e it, v. a. to roof. 93 C b d A) t, m. (-C§) consideration, de- liberation, foresight, prudence ; tttlt — rebett, to speak considerately. S3 cb debt, 93ebdd)tig, S3ebdci>tltd), 33cbdcb / tfam, I. adj. considerate, cir- cumspect, sober, discreet ; H adv. con- siderately, &c. S3ebdd)'tigf eir, S3cbdd)ttid)feif, 33ebdd)tfantfett, /. considerateness, ad- visedncss, circumspectness, deliberate- ness. S3 C b d d) It It g, /. roofing, covering with a roof. S3 e ban Jen, v. rrfl. (fid) — fur) 1. to thank ; 2. to decline, to refuse. 83 e b a r e n, v. n. jv. r. to fail calm, to becalm. 83ebdrf, m. (-e§) the requisite, ne- cessary, supply ; vid. 33cbiirfuiti ; junt — , for the occasion. 83 e b c ii e r 1 1 ct), 93ebaiiern» = rcertb, — roiirbig, adj. deplorable, lamentable, melancholy. Be baiter it, v. a. pity, deplore, bewail, mourn for ; 2. to regret, repent. 93 ". b i cf C I It, v. a. to furnish with a lid or cover. 53 C b C cf c It, z. a. 1. to cover; 2. to shelter, protect, secure ; 3. .1/. /'. i i -emit, to make remittances, to make 82 provision for ; 4. to cover, copulate (of stag's 1 : fids — , to put on t ne's hat; bcr bebeeffe SBtjJ, .Mi'. T. th; covered way. 33 C b C d 11 It g, /. 1. covering : fin. se- curity ; 2. M. E. provision; niilitdri= frfje — .escort, convoy, guard; bic — tinc-i sterile?, occultation of a star. 93 e be II, vid. 33ebcll. 93 e b C n f C It, v. ir. I. a. 1. to consider ; to mind, examine, weigh, reflect upon ; 2. eiilcit — , to care for, not to forget ; feine ©efunbijeit — , to mind one's health; eincn im 2"efiamcnte — , to provide for one, to bequeath ; Ollf et= tt)a§ bcbad)t fclllt, to reflect upon, to think of; to mind, to take care of; II. refi. to advise with one's self; to hesitate ; Jig. to take care of his own advantage ; ftcf) anber§ — ,_to change one's mind, fid) CtltcS 33ci,ierit — •, to bethink one's self better. Syn. StStn tn, &zn>iintn, &t1)tr\igtn. *OTaii btccrttt (we consider well) all the ar- guments for or against an undertaking, from the fear that an error might expose ua to 6-jme danger. As, however, there may be many arguments for or against the advantage, feasibility, &c of a resolution, wjich are of greater "or less weight, fo eriraat man fit (we weigh them) in order to ascertain their re- spective importance. 33ffKriiqfn is to consider or balance with lively or deep feelings ofinterest. 33 C b C tt f e 11, n. (S) 1. consideration ; 2. hesitation ; scruple; 3. opinion, ad- vice; — tngen, to doubt, hesitate; fid) ein — iiber etrcaS lrmcbeit, to scruple at . . .; ettt — Ctnfjrlcit, to ask an advice ; cr afs Ot)ne alieS — , he scrupled not to eat Syn. Stbtnttn, Smtifti. Srociftt denotes merely the fluctuation of the mind respecting the truth of a thing. Slit 3roriftl become iicttn.- tta as soon as they constitute arguments against the advantage, feasibility, &c. of a thing and afford matter for further thought or consi- deration. 93 e b i n f f r t ft, /. vid. SSebcnf $ett. 93 e b C n 1 1 1 cb, I. adj. doubtful, scru- pulous, suspicious ; hazardous ; cri- tical: II. adv. doubtfully, &c. © e b c u f 1 1 d> I e 1 1, /. (pi. -en) doubt- fulness, scrupulousness, scruple, nicety, irresolution, timidity. 93 C b C It f 5 e t t, /. time for considering ; respite, delay, leisure. 93 e b C It t C It, ». a. 1. to inform, give to understand ; to set right ; to enjoin, to direct ; 2. to signify, mean, denote ; 3. to forebode, presage, portend ; 4. to be of consequence, to matter, import ; e§ fyatntcfyt^U — , 'tis of no consequence. 93 C b C li t e U b, I. adj. considerable, im- portant ; II. adv. considerably, &.C. 93 C b e li t f a HI, I. adj. significant, full of meaning; II. adv. significantly. 93ebetitfantf e 1 1, /. significance; importance, consequence. 93 cb e ii tun g, /. (pi. -en) l. significa- tion, meaning; 2. foreboding, si^n; 3. consequence; — §to§, — §[ccr, adj. in- considerable, insignificant ; void of meaning; — SfcbtttCr, — s'.'oil, adj. full of meaning. 93 C b t C I e n, v. a. to board, floor. S3 C b t C tt e n, v. La. to serve, attend ; eilt Sltltt — , to fill an office ; tOttS bt~ bicnt cr ? what is his employment ■? etneilt beticilt fcillt, to be one's coun- sel, to work for one ; eilt Okfcbiifc — , to serve a piece ; bte tfarbetl — , to follow suit (at cards); II. refi. 1. to help one's self; 2. fid) Ctlicr Sacije— , to make use of a thing. SSebtcner, m. (-8; pi. — ) waiter, servant. 93ebtetlfien, v. a. to furnish one employment or an office; ciiieirt bc= btcnitet feint, to be in one's servic« bcr iicbicnftCtC, m. public officer. 93cbtCitte, m. dec/, like adj. servant attendant; officer; compos. — llflcip, ;i servant's livery ; — ftubc, /. — Jtmmer, 7i. sen-ant's room. 93 e b t C it U II g, /. 1. service, attendance ; 2. servants, domestics; 3. office, em- ployment, place. 93 C b i n g, m. (-tS ; pi. -V + condition, Bid, 93ebtngung. 93 e b i n g C It, v. I. ir. a. to settle terms, contract, stipulate, to agree for (the price) ; II. reg. to limit, make condi- tional, to postulate. 93 e b t it g n t is, n. Hfe8 ; pi. -ffe) condi- tion, postulate. 93 C b l It g t, adj. conditionary, condi- tional ; — e yinnat)mc, ja e. partia acceptance, acceptance for part ; vid verb. 93ebtrtgung, /. (pi. -en) condition, clause ; terms, stipulation ; unter f Ct= tier — , not upon any terms ; biefe — en fiub febr bart, these terms are very hard; — Sweile adv. upon condition ; in a qualified sense. *93 e b I a m i t, m. (-en ; pi. -en) bedia mite, fool. 33 c be men, v. a. 1. to cover with thorns ; 2. fig. to make thorny, weari- some. 33 C b r a n g e n, v. a. to press hard : tn oppress, distress, to grieve, afflict, vex . bebrdngt, distressed. 33 e b r a n g e r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) oppressor. 33ebrdngntf?, /. (-ffc«; pi. -ffe) grievance, affliction, pressure, distress, embarrassment 33 c b r d it g it n g, / (pi. -en) oppres- sion, pressure, affliction, grievance vexation. 33 ebr diien,* 93eircr)cn, v. a. tc threaten. 33 C b r C d) f C I it, r. a. to shape by means of a lathe; to turn a little. 33 e b r C f) 1 1 A), adj. threatening. 33 e b r B f) u n g, /. (pi. -en) threaten ing, commination. 33 c b r ii cf e n, v. a. to print upon, to fil with printing. 33 C b r ii cf e II, v. a. to oppress, distress 93 c b r ii cf e r, m. (-5 ; pi. — ) oppressor 33ebriicfung, /. (pi. -en) oppression, persecution. 33 c b ii f t c it 93cbiinften, b. a. tc cover with vapour or smoke. 93 Cb Up fen, v. a. to let fall gentlv (into the water). 93 C b it r f C n, v. ir. n. arftig. fiirftig de- notes in the most general sense wanting, destitute ; bttiirftig is limited to something de- finite, and is therefore invariably joined with t needed i ^r Strain) Hfutml Mtftla an 2tUtm onf fit 2P<" "" i ?>>""" '(* « 6 " [orainlii^tn tift'il' frintr Citcru brtiirftig, man I into the world destitute ol every thing mid tlierefore needs the fostering care of his 8 efc ft t f 1 1 fl 1 1 i t, f. indigence, dis- rverty. 8 eb if f f el It, v. a. wig. to make drunk. 53 e b li % C It, v. a. vulg. to confound, rid. ©ejlurien. 3> e C cf e II, d. a. to provide with corners. 33 C i g C tt, 53cc'ggen, v. a. to harrow (a 33 cell re it, v. a. (mit or burd) et= 'I',!") to Iionour. 53ecibcn, ©ccibigert, v. a. i. to con- firm by oath, to take an oath of; 2. to administer an oath; cine SjuSfoge — , to declare upon an oath ; eilicrt — , to ir one, bind one by oath; becibirtte ShlSfftge, evidence upon oath ; 6e= cicigtc iViiiflcr, sworn brokers. © e c i b i g u u g, f. (pi. -en) taking an binding by oath. 53eet'fcttt, v. refl. to endeavour, to be zealous, for, of ; to take pains; fid) fiir cincit — , to enter warmly into i ne's interests. 53 c C I f( c 11 f cfo a f t c n, v. a. to qualify, furnish with qualifications. 53 e C 1 t C 11, v. a. eitt, m. grape- wino. 03 C C V e It, ,-.,: to strip of berries. SB tet Jt t:, v. a. i.i cover with Drasa t, n. (-e«; pi. -e bed (in a gar- baS fdjmole — , platband. I e, /. ( pi. -tt) beet. i to divide into bed Rcfc 53efacveln, v.c. to fan. 8 C f a cti f C It, v. a. to provine. 33 c f a I) t jt e n, v. a. tc enable, fit. 53 efdfjigung, /. authorization, &.c. rill. verb. 53 C f S () r b a r, adj. fit fir passage, prac- ticable, navigable. ii C f a t) r e n, v. a. I. ir. 1. to navigate, cross, frequent, use; 2. to carry to, cover with ; II. rrg. + to fear, to be afraid of; eilte ©rube — , Mm. T. to get into a mine ; Ctlt «fpitUS — , provine. to take possession of a house ; eincil JCtt — l)abeit, Sea Vh. to be a good pilot for a certain place; — ■ 8olE, veteran sailors. 53 c f a f) V It 11 fj, /. navigation. 53 C f d I b e 1 11, v. a. to flounce. 53 C f d 1 1 c it, v. ir. a. A- impart, to befall, attack; e3 bat ifm elite XranfbcU — , lie has been taken ill ; UOtt cillClU Sturme — n>crbcii, to meet with a storm. 8efdl]Ctt, o, a. to provide with a groove or rabbet. 53 C f d It (3 e tt, v. ir. a. 1. to enclose, sur- round; 2. to contain, comprehend; 3. to be taken with, to be involved. 53 e f Ct tt g e tt, adj. disconcerted, con- fused, embarrassed ; — fe^lt, to be biassed, partial, prejudiced. Sefdttjjettfjeit, /. confusion, em- barrassment. 53 c f d f f e It, v. I. a. 1. to touch ; 2. to compass, comprehend; II. rrjl. ltd) nut eittCV &ad)t — , to meddle with; to ■ • in, to trouble one's self with. 5>n. Mrfaffen, Xiatttn. brfafit fi* nid>t mit .ift (does not engage in a tiling) wh&n one considers it Uio trouble- some or dangerous ; man fliM flip niiftt b.imit ab (does not meddle with it), when it is deemed to be beneath one's notice. 8ef Cd) tell, V. ir a. to attack, assault; to fight. ©e fib em, oia\ ©eflebern. 33 C f C b, b C tt, v. I. a. to make war upon ; to declare war; II. refl. to be in a state of conflict. 33efef)I, m. (-e§; pi. -C) command, order, charge, commission, injunction, precept; ttut-j ifl (ftcfjt) juSh.reitt— ? what is your pleasure? btS itltf H'ci= tweit — , till further order; bcr gc= lidHlicfje ■ — , warrant ; compos. — = flflggc,/. commodore's flag; — jfiu'nt, /. Gram. T. imperative mood; — iba- ber, m. commander, chief; — §bilbe- Vtfcfl, a/7/', imperious, imperative ; — §= voeife, add. i. by way of command; -. Oram. T. imperatively. 8 e f e b I e it, o. ir. a. (cincm ctma-S) to command ; bid, order, charge ; tOOii — <2ie? what do you «le~ire ? ll'tc 2ic — , as you please ; ©Ott be fin) leu, adieu. ©Cfe^lenb, p^rt. adj. imperative. 8 c f e 1) I c r t f ri', 8efe^l8fja6erife§, I. adj. vulg. imperious, dictatorial, haughty ; II. ado. imperiously. 8 C f I % W (J t tt, v. a. to command (an army). 53 c f c i I e tt, r. a. to file at ; to furbish by filing. 8 e f el If $ e tt, v. a. to cheapen. 8 e f eC n b C tt, v. a. to persecute, treat hostilely. 53 ef eft en,, v. a. l. to fasten, attach strengthen; 2. to fortify; eitt XciU — , to belace (JV. T.). ^ c f c ft i g e r, m. (-5 ! pi- —) fastener, fortifier. 33 e f c ft t g tt n g, /. ( /,/. -tm ] . butt n in-' : 2. furtifviii;:, munition, cotnp^3 — gfllttft, /. foriitication; — Sjjfiif;!, -n palisade ; — ^a'CrEe, pi. defences. 53 e f c ft tt e n, vid. 8efcjttgeit. 33 e feud) ten, r. a. to wet, m water. 53 efeii cutting, /. wetting, &c. 53cfeticrn, v. a. fig. to fire, beat animate. 33efiebern, v. I. a. to feather, tc furnish with plumage ; II. refl. to get feathers. 53eflCberf, part. adj. feathered. 53 ef (it bett, v ir. I. a. to find, judge, to think, esteem; fdjulbig befttnben ttXrbCU, to be found guilty; II. refl. to be; fid) roof)l or iibet — , to be well or ill ; rt>ic — @te fid)? how do you do ? Sie — fid) h>d) n>rbl 'i I hope you are well 1 bie ^ad)t befinbet ficb antcv^, the thing is otherwise, the cas« is ditlerent. 53 e f i It b e n, n. (-8) 1. state of health ; 2. the being in place ; 3. opinion, esti- mation. 53 ef illb Iter), adj. to be found (pre- sent), effective, real; irgenbtVO — fci)tt, to be somewhere. 53 ef iltft et n, ».a. to obscuic carken. 53 eft r it if fen, v. a. to vamiah over 8efff$ett, r. a. to fish in. 53 ef Id lit m e It, v. a. to touch or pro- vide with a Maine. 53cflcd)tcu, r. a. to cover with any(^ing plaited. 53 cf tccfen, v. a. 1. to blot, spot, stain, defile; 2. fig. to pollute, contaminate, defile, sully; 3cmanbc« gutctt Stamen — , to injure one's reputation; <2d)llbe — , to heelpiece. ©eftecfuttfj, /. l. blotting, spotting, &c. 2. fig contamination, pollution. 53 e f 1 c t fi c it, v. ir. refl. ©effei^tgerr, s reg.rrfl. (fid) cilter Sildtc) to apply to, to attend to, to study, endeavour; to bestow pains upon a thing ; to apply erne's self to a tiling. ©eflefftgltn g, /. studiouaness, ap- plication. 53 ef tt'lf Ctt, v. a. to patch, mend. 33 ef It eg CU, to fly upon, to light upon ; tcffogeit, part. Hunt. T. fledged. 5Ufhcf;eit, r. ; r . a. to flow at, on, against; mit 8lltt bcfloffcu, stained \\ it 1 1 bio d. 33 c f I i f f e n, a-Jj. studious, assiduous, diligent, devoted, intent; bet 5i>iffett = fdr.'.fti'it — feint, to study: to practise auf etnm-S — femt, to be intent upon . . . ; bCf ©pOtfamfett — , to be given to parsimony; cilt 53cft;ffciicr, a stir- dent ; one who practises. 33cflt'ffeiti) eit,/. stodi Biduity. 5* cf It f f en tt i eft, adv. assiduously, studiously. 53 c flit tern, v. a. to furnish tritli spangles or any thing that gli 33 C f 1 fj r e tt, v. a. to cover witJi crape 53 cf 1 fi g el tt, r. a.1. to add winn to; 8. JS?. to hasten, accelerate; eittctt 3Piilt — , to cut a lane through a forest ; it-- fliigclt, winged. 8 c f I fi g c I it It g, /. 1. providing with wings ; '-'■ win 8 c f I it t b e it, r. a. to wash (of the s«a % i3 e f & I g c n, r. a. to follow, obey; tit SSefr allgemetu Befotgter. OHuitbfafc, s. maxim generally followed. B e f 6 [genes to e v t b, — tourbig, «fr". .-,• adc. worthy of being followed, obeyed. i5 e f 6 1 g 11 1! g, f. obeying, following. BefSrberet m. (-$ ; pi. — ) fur- therer, forwarder; promoter, patron. 23 e f 6 r b e r It d), a,//, furthering, con- ducive, forwarding, serviceable; $11 3c= manbeS 33erecrbeit — , accessary to one's ruin. S3 C f r b e r It, v. a. 1. to further, forward, accelerate; 2. to promote, advance, prefer. 33 c f r b e r till g, /. (pi. -en) further- ance ; advancement, promotion, pre- ferment; encouragement; compos. — S~ alter, ?!. seniority ; — Sllttttcl, n. means to forward or promote. 8 t f V d d) t C It, v. a. to freight, load. SB e f X 0. cf) t e X, m. (-i ; pi. — ) freighter. 33 C f r d d) t ll ll g,/. freighting, affreight- ment. S3 e f r a g e it, v. I. a. (um or titer) to ask, examine, interrogate, question; SOU SiCUCilt — , to re-interrogate ; II. rrfl. to inquire, consult. 33cfrdgenbc, (-n; pi.-n), 33efra= gcr, (-3 ; pi. — ) m. examiner, inquirer. 83 e f 1 5 g t e, m decl. like adj. the per- son examined. 53 e f X a g It ll g, /. questioning ; exami- nation, interrogation, inquiry. SB e f X d It f e It, v. a. to befringe. SBcfrci'cn, ». a. (etnen, eineit au?, VOlt etUMi) to free, deliver, reScue. exempt, acquit; to disencumber; to rid of, clear of; fid) WJ> etu\l3 — , to get rid of. Sgn. Bef r t ien, € t 5 f e«, 1 1 1 1 1 n. 3C»t- *trn signifies to deliver from an impending or approaching evil ; befrcirn and trieitn. from one actually present Of a sick person reco- vering from a dangerous illness we may say : r t r ?l r*t h.ibc ibn qcrcttct (the physician has saved him), although he has not yet entirely freed (befrcit) him from the disease. Sicllm is also used of things, hut befrcint only of living crea- ture-, and trlofen of persons only. S3 e f v e i e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) deliverer, liberator. '•3 e f r c i it it g, /. {pi. -en) deliverance, affranchisement; rescue, release, dis- charge ; immunity ; compos. — Sgelb, n. ,■ 85fegelb. SB C f t C m b e It, v. a. imp. to appear strange, to surprise, b(t8 befrentbet mid), I wonder at that, or I am sur- prised at it. S3 e f r e m b c n b, SBefrcntbIi<$, adj. strange, odd, surprising. SBefrCffett, v. ir. a. to bite, gnaw at. V C f r C li It b e It, v. I. a. to befriend; favour ; to make a friend : II. reft, to be or become friends; befreiHlbCt, friendly, allied; mit cincm bcfrcimbct fctilt, to bo the friend of or related to one; fid) mit Seiliailb — , to enter into friendship or relationship with one by nmriage, &c). ©efreuttbete, drcl. like adj. asso- ciate, friend, kinsman, relation. 53 e f r e iinb ti n g, /. (pi. -en) befriend- ing, alliance; relation, affinity. Be fret) en, vid. SBefreftn. 15 c f r T c b t g e u &■ 33efrTebcn, v. a. l . to content, satisfy (a creditor) ; 2. to ase, assuage, allay, calm; eilt .^illb — , to quiet a child ; 3. to fence in. enclose. Bef r Tebigun g, /. (pi. -en) 1. con. tentins, satisfying, satisfaction, pa} • ment ; appeasing, &.c. ; 2. fence, en- closure. 64 JSege $<# 8 ( f r le X t 11, 0. n. (c::z. fevtn) to be frozen over. 55 e f r S b ll e It, v.a.1. to impose socage- service, compulsory labour ; 2. provmc. to put under arrest 3>cfnid) ten, v. a. to fructify, fer- tilize ; to impregnate. SB c f r li d) t tt n g, /. (pi. -en) fructi- fication ; fecundation, impregnation. 33 e f fl g C It, v. a. to authorize ; to entitle. SB ef U g Jt 1 1, /. {pi. -ffe) right, com- petence, privilege, authority. 33 C f ii g t, adj. authorized ; legal, legi- timate ; entitled: competent; — 10)lt, to be entitled ; eilt — er3citge, a com- petent witness. Syn. Sefuqt, SWr*$ti«t. Whoever can do an action without any one's having a right to prevent him or ohlige him to the contrary, is brrt^iiji (has a right) to act thus; if he has le- gal grounds fur doing so, he is befugt (authorized). 33 e f ii b I C It, v. a. to feel, touch, handle ; to fumble, to examine by feeling. 33 e f li 11 b, 77i. (-C») 1. state, condition in which a thing is found ; 2. result ; compos. — bei'tdlt, m. report: — btld), 7i. inventory ; journal. 33 C f li X ft) C 11, v. a. to furrow. 33 C f li r fJ) t e It, v. a. to fear, apprehend. 33 e f ii r $ t n i v, n. {-})(-S ; pi. -ffe) fear, object of apprehension. 33 e f ll r d) t It ti g, /. apprehension, fear. S3 e g 5 li C I tt, v. a. to hold with a fork. 33 e g a b c tt, v. a. (etnen mit erroaS) to endow, to bestow upon ;, en- dowed, gifted. 33 C g a b U it g, /. endowment ; donation, gin. 33cgdffcn, v. a. wig. to gape at. 33cgdffer, m. (-1; pi. — ) gaper. 33 e g d b n C It, ». a. to yawn at. 33 e g a n g c I n, v. reji. to splash, soil, bespatter. 33 e g a it g n i f;, v. (-ffcS ; pi. -ffe) ce- lebration, solemnization. 33 C g d 1 1 e it, v. rrfl. to couple, copulate, match ; to tread (of birds). 33 C g d 1 1 it it g, f. (pi. -eit) coition, co- pulation; ■ — Strteb, hi. sexual instinct; — § J e i t, /. coupling season; B. T. time of fecundation. 33 C g a it f e 1 n, v. a. to dazzle by jug- glery, to humbug. 33 C g C" b C It, o. ir. ret. 1. to repair, be- take one's self, resort, go to ; 2. to happen, come to pass ; 3. fid) cilier lS(tfj)C — , to renounce (claims); to resign, forego ; fid) JUt vtufyt — , to compose one's self to sleep; fid) in ©cfabr — , to hazard, venture oil's self into danger; fid) tit belt @{}es ftailb — , to marry; fid) ftltf bte ^Ittdjt — , to betake one's self to flight ; fid) tintcr <£d)ii^ — , to put one's self under protection; fid) ait$ bcr ©tobt — , to leave the town ; fid) tit eilt >§au6 — , to enter a house; fid) fcU lie? 3ierf)iC» — , to forego one's right; e» begab fid) b,lK, it happened that, &c; begieb bid; an bein ®cbct, fail to thy prayers. 33 c g c b cube i t, /. (pi. -en) 33egob= Itif;, ?). (-ffe§; pi. -ffe) adventure, event, occurrence. 33 c g i g 11 e 11, ?•. n. (aux. fe'.in) with dot. 1. to meet, to light upon; 2. fig. to happen, to meet with, befall ; 3. to prevent, anticipate ; 4. to treat; receive ; 3emanbeS 3v»eifeltt — , to prevent, obviate one's doubts; eincm (gilt or ld!ed)t) — , tci treat or receive um well or ill. Sun. Bfgrflncn, 3 u fumtiit r«ff en. Tin latter, as is implied by its derivation, signifies merely a coming toother without any r^:e- rence to the direction in which the p.pproacl is made; SSf.qraiun is to come together from opposite or different directions. Two persons setting out from the same place, may ti* oc another place, where they will )afammcntrtjfrn | setting out from diH'erent parts, th,-y nisi agree on a third place wliere they will tiaan ti-r brgrgncn (meet each other). SB e g ^g tit ft /. .y 71. (-fifes; ;>'. -ffe| occurrence, event, accident ; lvibl'igt — ffe, adversities. 33 eg c g 11 11 it g, /. (pi. -en) 1. meeting; 2. treatment ; reception. SB eg i b e it, v. ir. I. a. 1 . to visit, walk over; to inspect : 2. jig. to celebrate, solemnize, to keep ; 3. to do, commit, perpetrate; II. rrfl. to couple; to co- habit. 33cgebr, v. (-8) + desire, vid. 33e* gel)VClt ; M. E. call, demand, request, inquiry. 33 e g f f) r C n, 7). a. 1. to desire, wish; to covet; 2. to demand, crave : llfld) et» nj(l5 — , to long for, yearn after; HimL T. to couple; begepft, JIT. E. in de mand, in request. 33 C 3 C f) r e tl, n. (S) desire, demand, request, longing; pretension; flllfjlbr —, by yourdesire; — Swertb, — sivitr* big, adj. worthy of desire, desirable. 33 e g f b r [ i d), I. adj. covetous, inordi- nately desirous ; II. adv. greedily. SB e g e 'b r 1 i d) f e i t, /. covetousness greediness. 33 C g e ^ r u it g, /. desire, longing for ; compos. — SHdge, /. /,. T. petitory ac- tion, suit; — flr>3, adj. Sr adv. without desires ; — Itricb, m. appetency ; — t* DCCIttDgeit, 71. appetitive faculty. 33 c g i b It It g, /. (pi. -Clt) 1. celebra- tion ; 2. commission, perpetration ; — 3= fiinbe, /. sin of commission. SB e g elf tX It, o. a. 1. to drivel, slaver ; 2. to calumniate. SB eg ef I e tt, t\ a. to manure. 33 e g e I ft e r e r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) inspirer. 33 e get ft cm, ». a. to inspire with; to animate, fill with enthusiasm ; be* getjtert, inspired ; in ecstasy. 33 C g e I ft C r ll it g, /. inspiration ; ani- mation; enthusiasm; — BvOll, adj J'- m!r. full of enthusiasm, inspired. 33 e g C t J C tt, v. a. to envy, grudge. 33 egter, 33egterbe, /. (;// -It) desire ; passion, eagerness ; lust, concupiscence SBeglCTtg, I. adj. desirous, caser, greedy ; covetous ; lustful : II. adv. eagerly, greedily, &c. : Ttitcf) Ctn\t3 — ■ lit ad) en, to set agog for . . . 33 c g I c r i g ! e i t, /. greed. : ness, avidity, eagerness. 33 C g I C V I i d), adj. addicted to desires. 33 e g I C fi e It, r. ir. a. to water, sprinkle, wet. moisten, bathe, soak: ITttt 33Iei — , to pour lead upon ; bctt 33ratcn mit 33utier it. f. to. — , to baste ; mit begoffener Sflaft, prov. disappointed addle-pated, tipsy. 33cgiei*cr, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) 1. one who waters, &x. ; 2. watering-pot. 33 e g i f t c n, v. a. to endow (a daughter) *33eglne, SBeg^tite, /. (pi. -n) 1 be guine (a nun); 2. a kind of coif; 1 reeve. 33 e g i n n, m. (-eS) 1 . beginning, origin 2. proceeding, doing. SBegtttnett, !•. tr. 1. ti. (out. baben to b : n ; to originate: II. 0. 1. to com mence, begin; 2 t^do, undert?kp 2*ear tPcati Feba SBeg f tt 11 C II, ?:. !-&) doing, action, proceeding. 33 e g f p f c 11, b. «. to plaster over. 23 C (\ t 1 1 C r It, v. a. to provide with a grate. S3 e g 1 5 it j c it, ». a. to shed splendour over . . ; to Illumine. SBeglafcit, v. a. to furnish with glasses ; to glaze ; to ogle with an eye- 33 e g I a it e it, SBeglaubtgen, . l a. l. to attest, a ve r, confirm, authenticate; e. accredit; cine bcgtaitbtgtc v .'lb= fd)rift, authenticated copy, attested copy; II. rcfl. to prove one's self to be, to legitimate one's self. 25cglaubtgt, SBegtaiibt, pan. adj. authentic, authentical ; credible. 8 eg la lib t g It tt g, /. attestation, authen- ticity, testimony, credentials; compos. — Saint, n. the office of notary ; — %- tit', m. L. T. attestation by oath ; — $s fdvctit, to. certificate; — ^ fit) v c i 6 c tt , n. credentials, creditive, letters of accredi- tation. SBeglcit, m. &■ v. f-ci) vid. 33eg(el= tuitg ; ampot. — 8fd)cttt, .v. /;. lit, pass-bill. 33 C g [ C 1 1 C It, iv a. 1 . to accompany, go along with, attend ; 2. to conduct ; convoy; 3. i?^. to follow. 33 c g I e i t e r, m. (-3 ; pi. —) attendant, conductor, guide ; companion; — t tt it , /. ( pl. -fit) conductress, female com- panion SBeg lei tfd)aft, /. + vid. 23cg[cU tllllil. 33 C gleitfttttT'.UC, /. («rf. -:i) ac- companying voice. Sfleglcttuttg, /. (pi. -en) accom- panying; conduct, escort, convoy; procession, retinue ; Mas. T. accom- paniment; compos. — Sfttnunc, /. vid. 23cgleitftiminc. 2UgliCb CVlt, v. a. to provide with limbs. SBegliebetung, /. limbing. 33 C g 1 6 1} c it, o. a. to stare, glare at. 25 egllicfcit, ». a. to bless, prosper, make happy; beg Hi (ft, blessed, pros- perous, i BeglildJer, m. (-*; P i.—) he that , benefactor. 23 e g t ii dj f c tt g c n, vid. SBeglurJen. i III if Wttttfdjen, v. a. to con- gratulate. SB C g ll d b b C r n, v. a. vidg. to gnaw. ' tub t gen, + SBegnfiben, v. a. i. I udon fa malefactor) ; 2. to favour, nit favours. 21 e g ttfibi g t r, ,«. (-8 ; pl . _) he who pardons, &.c. Oegnfibi gun j,/. (jrf.-tn)!. pardon- ing, pardon ; 2. favour, grace ; compos. — srcuit, r. right of pardoning. 83 c g it ii g e n, v. rrjl. to be contented, to acquiesce. 21 e g n ii g I i rb, ) adj. easy to be con- 25 e g it u a | a in, J tented, moderate • ©emigfam. BfgnBgfamfett, /. moderation, com. Hi, i 25 c g t d bhd u, •■. a. rulg. to touch, 2'cgrdbcn, a. ,<• re fl. to burr, inter; fin. to hide, retire. ©cgrabnifl «.(-jfe«; ,d. -ffc) i. burial, funeral, interment, phsei epulclire, grave; compos. — frier.' /. obsequies, funeral ; — gebiibi, ". — ~ foftctt, pl, funeral expenses ; — Iteb, n. funeral hymn, dirge ; — ort, — pla§, m. burying | 33egrdii5en, vid. 23cgve!t$eit. SBegrfifeit, v. I. a. 1. to cover with grass; 2. to graze; begrafct, grassy ; II. rrjl. to graze, to feed upon grass. 33egraiien, v. n. (auz. fetttt) to get grey, aged; only in the partic. begVilllt. 23 e g r e t f e tt, ». t >. a . l. to feel, touch, handle ; to grope, fumble ; 2. tit or lilts tCf fid) — , to include, comprehend, contain; 3. to understand, conceive, apprehend ; fid) — , to understand or recollect one's self; fcbttctl — , to be quick of apprehension; in or iibcr Ct= *)«& begtiffen ftan, to be at or about a tiling ; ottf citicr Steife bcgvtffcn fciin, to be on a journey. 23 c g v e t f I i d), I. adj. conceivable, in- telligible: If. ado. conceivably; matt foititte Unit nid)t — martjeit, he could not be brought to comprehend. 23cgrct'fltrr)f eit, /. conceivable Intelligibility. 25 eg ret fun gsf raft, /. power of apprehension. 33egrcn$ert, v. a. border, bound ; 2. to confine, circumscribe, limit ©egtenjer, m. (-3 ; pl. — ) limiter. 93 efl r I Jt J t, part. adj. I. limited ; 2. short sighted. SB e r I tt j it it g, /. (;;/. -en) limitation, border. 33 C g V l f f, m. (-C5 ;/;/.-C) 1. conception ; notion, idea; 2. extent, space, circum- ference; 3. comprehension, contents; bcr falfd)c — , misconception; Ct It fltv= ^cr — , abridgement, abstract, epitome ; lit! — e feint or fte()C!t, to be about, to be upon the point; compos. — saiigabc or — sbcftiinmillig,/. definition; — §= fait, n. Log. TV category; — Sgefellung, /, association of conceptions; — 89er= rocd)fe[U!tg,/. the confounding of con- ceptions. B C g r ii 6 e I n, v. a. fig. to ruminate ; to criticize. 23cgni Itbcit, ?\ a. 1. to prove, to make good; to confirm; to verify; 2. in found. 33 e g r ii n b e r, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) founder. SB e g r ii it b n it g, /. or 2kgnintmitl, ». (-ffes ; pl. -ffc) 1. founding, foundation ; 2. proof, confirmation. 23 e g r ii It e It, v. a. &,- rcjl. to cover with green; to become green; begnint, part. ailj. verdant. S3 C g V U fi e It, ». », to greet, salute, hail ; eiucit nut ttXOai —,fig. to ask, to cn- treat SB c g r u % it it g, /. (pi. -en) greeting, salutation, balling; compos. — Sfoi'lltd, /. phrase of salutation; — gfrhllfi, m. salute ; — SlVOl't, n. term of salutation. SB e g ii if c n, v. a. mdg. to behold, look at •83 eg Ul ite,/. vid. 2'eguie, SB I g II tt ft i g C It, u.a. to favour, gratify ; '" promote, forward, ©eg Unfit get, „,. {-4; pl. — ) fa- vourer ; abettor. SB c g d it ft i g it it g, /. (pl. -eit) favour. 2Ugn vten, ». .to gird. SB l g D t a d) t e It, v. a. to give one's opinion 2Ugiitarfltung, /. opinion of a committee, or of experienced persons. 2' eg ii ten, , .,„..... 2'egiitigeit, J' - "'" • Befanrrigcjt. Qegutetn, o. a. \a bestow rii-he« wealth, to enrich. 23 e gut erf, I. adj. wealthy, opulent, rich ; fLs.decl. like adj. tic 23cgutcrten the wealthy. SB c b a art n, o. f. a. to cover with hair II. refl. to get hair. 33 e f) a b C It, v. I. a. provmc. to maintain , p; II. rcjl. to behave. 33 e f) d cf e tt, »•. a. to hew ; to prune ; to lop ; to hoe ; to grub ; to dig about 33 e i) d b c r n, t. a. rid. ^aberit, SB c b d f t c it, r. a. 'ciueii mit etrcaeV to afflict, inflict, infect with ; to tinge. SB C b d f I C t, adj. burdened, afflicted, possessed; tainted; m it 5duilccn — , aded) with debts; mit Saftent — , subject to vices; mit cillft JiiMiiflieit — , affected with a disease. SB 1% fig el It, v. a. to cover with hail. 23 e i) il g C It, v. n. Sf imp. with dot to please, to suit, afibrd comfort; e« bc= biigt ibm gar nid;t, he does not like it at all. 23 c b a g e n, «. (-«) delight, comfort, pleasure; — on CtlVilS fttlben, to de- light in something ; rid. 23cvgitligen, SSofyigefau'cu. 23 e t)dg I id), I. adj. pli comfortable, agrceabl* ; II. ado. com- fortably. 25 c b a g t i d) f c 1 1, /. comfi irtableness, ease. 25 C b file tt, v. a. to provide with I 33 C b d I f t e r it, r. a. to halter (a horse" SB c b d ( t, m. (-eS) +for a)?eiiiiiitg. 23c()dltbar, adj. what may be re tained (in the mernorj'). 23 C b d 1 1 e 11, v. ir. a. to keep, ret possession or memory) ; illt Gicbdrbf; lllll — , to keep in remembrance; bet ltd) — , to keep to one's self; to keep secret; eitt — CJ" Sd)tff, a from danger; — e O'litcr conditioned; hence llH^blbebaltClt, adj. safe, in good condition. 23cfjdlter, m. (-8; pl.—) l. con- servatory; 2. reservoir; 3. fish-pond, 4. pantry. 33 e b a It n i fi, n. (- ffc 8 ; pl -ffc) con servatory : magazine ; room. 58er)dl tfant, adj. 1. retentive, tena- cious; 2. lasting, durable. 23cbdltflll1lf Cit,/. reteliliv | 23 ef) dnt mem, c . a. to hammer. SB o b d n b c I it, o. a. 1. to handle, man- age; 2. in treat, use; 3. to bargain for; to cheapen, to agree for the price; 4. to contract for. 2^ c b d it b t g c it, vid, ^inbdnbtgen. SBe^dttoIuttg, If. (pl. -en) manage- ment, treatment, u- bar- gaining. 23cbdng, 7». (-cj; pl. -bdiigc) i. Hunt. T. the large cars (of a dog ; 2. hanging; compos. — Sjett, /. Sp. I', the time When stags lose llieir hair. SB c b d it g c n, adj. I. hung with ; 2. h;iv ing large 25 C b ,l n g c ll, b. a. I. to bans with ; ! Hunt. T. to attack. I game) : to tie a hound and lead him , ftrb mit ttmai —, fig. oulg. to tn with... vid. SBefajfeh. 23ebattg»"cl, n. -?- P >. — i. thai with which one decks himself; 2. ta pestry. 25 e b d v e rt, o. a. rid. SBer)aarcn. 25 c bd rn c n, . make wate< upon ©cbe S3ei fdei\> 8 C b d r It t f ifi C II, 0. a, to dies; with a breast-plate or armour. MX Clt, D. 71. (m/r. bitbcit) 1 tinue, persevere; fllif CtrcaS — , to persist in . . ., to insist upon ; auf cincr i^iCtltuug — , to stand to an opinion ; auf fitter Siigc — , to face out a lie ; let ciitcm or ctlVrtS — , to keep stead last, to wait. 5.1 C i) d X r 1 1 d), l.adj. persevering stead- fast, constant, firm, continuing; II. ado. constantly, perseveringly. !B c b ci r r 1 1 cb f c 1 1, f. _perseverance, constancy ; compos. — 3|Wlt, i:>. spirit of perseverance. SB r f) d r f c6 e it, b. 7i. {aux. fel)n) to har- dea, grow hard. t!3 C harden, v. a. to cover with resin. 33e !j a li b e It, v. a. to cover with, put on a cap. S3 C b a li d) C It, t?. a. to breathe upon. 55 C b a fi C It, v. a. to hew, cut, form by cutting; to lop; T. to try, seek. 33 C b 5 li f el It, ?. P. a- to form into or i li f C It, ) surround with little heaps. 53 C f) it it p t b a r, a/i/'. <$• adv. maintain • B C b a fi p t C It, v. a. 1. to assert, affirm ; 2. to maintain, defend, support ; tlCld? cincr Scbladjt bas %db — , to keep the field after a battle; jit Dtel — , to overshoot one's self; II. refl. to stand one's ground; to hold out. 53 C b a ftp t U It fj, (/. pi. -Clt) assertion, maintaining ; holding out S3 e b a ii feu, v. a. to lodge ; fid) — , to settle. 5? e b a a f C It, v. a. to case (a watch), &c. 93 c b a ri f lttt g, /. (j>i. -en) lodging, house, habitation. 83 C b d li t e It, v. a. to provide or cover with a skin, hide. 53 C b C f t e tt, v. a. to fasten with pins or hooks. 53 eb e If, m. (-e» ; pi. -f) excuse, shift, pretext ; expedient. 33 el) elf e tt, o. ir. ri^. 1. to make shift ; to pnt up with, to make do ; 2. to resort to ; ftd) lllit Sitgcit — , to get off by lies; fid) fummcrlid) — mitffeit, to have but a scanty allowance. 53 C b E I f I i d), adj. serving as an ex- pedient or excuse. 23fbelligcit &■ §8 c I) "c 1 1 e n, v. a. to molest, importune. 83 e be I [ i g u it g, /. molestation, trouble. 5 5 e b C I m t It, v. a. to provide with a helmet. 83 c b c m b c n, v. a. to shirt ; fid) — , to put on a shift or shirt. *33 t* b C lit t, 71. Behemoth. JPfbeit, m. B. T. spattling poppy; behen ; compos. — Itltp, /. oil-nut ; — (mtlj)baum, m. horse-radish-tree; smooth bonduc: — wiu'jci, /. root of the smooth bonduc. 53 e b e II b, 23ebcnbC, I. adj. handy, agile, nimble, dexterous; II. adc. nimbly, quickly. 23 c b e it b i g I e t t,f. nimbleness, quick- ness, agility, dexterity. 33 e b e n r c it, vid. 23cbdrtgett. 33 c b, c r b e r g e n, v. a. to harbour, lodge. 53 e b c r r f d) c n, r. a. l. to rule, gov- ern ; to sway ; to domineer ; 2. to command ; ltd) — , to be master of one's self, of one's passions. 83 c b e r v f eb e r, m. (-$ ; pi. — ) ruler, governor, master; monarch. 55 c b c r r f d) c r i it tt, /. (j>!. -tit) mis- trr-s. 33 e b e r r f d) U It g, /. domination, gov- ernment, sway. 83 c b c r $ e tt, v. a. only used in 23eljerjt. 53 e b c r 5 i g e It, v. a. to take to heart, to mind ; to weigh, consider. 53 e b C r } i g II tl g, /. the taking to heart ; compos. — SltJCrtf), adj. worth taking to heart 53 C b e X j t, I. adj. courageous ; II. adv. courageously. 53ebcrjff)cif, /. courage, spirit 53 e b C % e It, o. a. Hunt. T. 1. to bait ; 2. to break-in dogs. 53 e b) e li Cb C I tt, v. a. to deceive by hy- pocrisy. 53 t b e li I C It, v. a. to bewail, bemoan. 23 e b. C r e It, v. a. to bewitch. 53 C b t 111 lit e 1 1, pjrt. adj. fam. tipsy. 53 e f) i It b e r it, v. a. to hinder. 53 1 b tt c r, 53ef)iterid), 33c~l;nert, m. (-3) vulg. basket. 53 C b b C I It, ii. a. to plane, to polish. 23 e b C b) tt I ii cf) e I It, v. a. to mock, ridi- cule. 23ef)6Ifett, part. adj. dexterous, cle- ver, ingenious. 33 e f) 6 1 5 C n, v. I. a. T. 1. to furnish with wood (an oven) ; 2. to nurse (the young) wood in a forest; 3. to fell wood; II. refl. to be covered with wood ; to run into wood. 23ebcl$itttg§gercd)tigr'cit, /. the liberty of cutting wood in a forest 23 C b. r, 71. appurtenance, vid, 3ubc()or. 23 e 1) 6 X d) C It, v. a. to listen (clandes- tinely), overhear (insidiously). 23ef)6rd>er, 771. (-«; pi.—) listener, eaves-dropper. 23 e b) 6 r b e, /. (pi. -It) 1. competence, province, court, authority, jurisdiction, magistrate ; 2. impr. appurtenance ; compos. — ttOrgatligmit-J, m. organiza- tion of the authorities. 23cborig, adj. belonging, competent, vid. Oebbrig. 23 t b f C It, v. a. to clothe in trousers, breeches. 23 C b fi f, m. (-C§) behoof, behalf; JU meirtcm — , in my behalf; — $ cincr <2ild)e, in behalf of a thing. 23 e b u f e It, v. a. to provide with hoofs. 53 e b, ft ft, part. adj. hoofed. 23 C f) fi g C 1 It, v. a. to cover with hil- locks; "befjligeit, part. adj. hilly. 23 e b ii 1 f 1 i d), adj. serviceable, useful ; auxiliary, conducible ; — f el ) n , to as- sist, abet. 55 e b ii 1 1 c it, v. a. vid. 23erljiiHeit. 23 C b, ii : I f e tt, v. a. to cover with husks. 23 C f) ii V f C tt, v. a. to jump upon. 23 ef) fi ten, v. a. 1. to guard, preserve, keep, watch, save ; 2. to drive cattle upon a field or meadow for grazing ; ©ott bebiite ! God forbid ! 23e{jiite ! no ! no ! 23 Critter, 771. (-5; pi. — ) guardian, protector. 23 e b) ft t f a m, I. adj. heedfu., circum- spect cautious; IT. adr. circumspectly; cautiously, vid. 23ebad)tfilltt. 23 C b fi t f a 111 f C i t, /. needfulness, cir- cumspection, caution, care, discretion , gVQpe — , scrupulousness. 23 1 i, I. prrp. with dat. near, at, alca'_ at the house of, with, by, on, upon, tn in ; present at ; in the presence of; IL adv. about nearly, almost; — bCV .Rir* cbc, near the church; — ber <§itllb, at hand: — £tfcbe fifcett, to be at table; — bcr 3lafd)C ftfcett, to be engaged ai the bottle; — .Qofe lebcrt, to live at court; — btefet 'Juubrid):, at thi* news ; id) b,abt t eiit ®clb — mir, 1 have no money about me ; — eilieilt ivot)itcit, licgeit, ftebett u. f. tc., to live, lie, stand, &c. with one ; — 3b= itctt serlicre id) bie ©ebulb, you put me beside my patience; — jettert, in time, by tunes; bcbalt bOB — bir, keep it about you; baS ift — ttjllt Ct= iterlei, that is all one with him; — of= fciicm Senftcr, with the window open; bie Sd;lad)t — Seiptig, the battle oi Leipsic ; icb) fag — tbllt, I sat close by him ; — bu^^t SRatttt, near a hun dred men; — Sdlifenb, near a thou sand ; Ctnctt — bet .ghtttb ttf bmt tt. tn take one by the hand ; — Pitlltlf n Itentteit, to call by one's name ; — @Du ffbworeit, to swear by God ; — lltcillC! Seele, by my soul; — Seibe nid)t, by no means; — Sidltf, by candle-light — mcilier G'bre, upon my honour ; — mciiter Seltgfcit, as I hope to be saved ; — 2ebett£ jtrctfe, upon (under) pain of death ; IttcibClt 2 ie fid) — ibllt, aimounce. address your-elf to lum ; ltd) — 3emanbem bebanfen, to render tlianks to one ; — eilteitt finflopfflt, to knock at one's door; — eiltcm a\ii- b^itlteit, to stand by one; er bat Ittid) — feller uttb pfennig bejab^It, he has paid me to the last farthing ; — Sitge, in the day-time ; — 9t(ld)t, in the ni^lit ; — fetlteit Scbjcitctt, in his life-time; — 3itbren feitt, to be in years; — SimiCIl fein, to be in one's right senses; — fid) blcibctt, to keep one's temper; tticbt — SScvftailbe fflw, to be beside one's self; — aUt bcni, for all that ; — ©elegcitbcit, occasionally ; — (Scire, aside; — bent SStnbe fe= gclu (balten), to sail with a scant wind or close to the wind ; btd)t — lit 23iltbe fcgcllt, to sail close hauled; cr UMVD fid) — fed)§ 23ocbcn bafclbft aufbaU ten, he will stay there about six week? TXe simple verbs compounded with bet arc separable. 53 C i d ft, adj. col. hard by, close by. 23 e i a it I c r, m. (-8 ; p!. —) kec'ge kedger. 23ciarbciter, m. (-3;;./. — ) help- mate, assistant. 23 c t b c b, a 1 1 e tt, r. ?r. a. to k< ep keep on, retain ; preserve. 23 C t b C by a 1 1 U It g, /. keeping, rctiin ing. 23 c i b i e g C It, v. ir. a. to join, subjoin, annex, enclose (a letter). 23 e t b i It b e tt, v. ir. a. to bind «o, tie to 23 e i b I a 1 1, ?i. (-eS ; pi. -blatter) ga zelte extraordinary, supplement. 23 C i b t e, 771. (-It ; pi. -ll) by-mes- senger. 23cibrilt geil, r. ir. a. 1. to brinj near, forward, bring in, bring forth, to produce ; 2. (eilteitt CtwaS) to admin- ister, give one something (without hia perceiving it) ; 3. to make understand, to teach, impart; to influence with; cittcil 23etvei3 — , to adduce a proof, ©ift — , to poison: Jccillttlltfj — , to teach, instruct, instil knowledge : £rofl — , to convey comfort ; cittern aiird)l U. f. tO. — , to inspire one wjth fea/; cincm ciiien Sdilag <2to? — , u give, fetch one a blow a thrust; nst''» SBcif 23ei? Sein |cr — > to retrieve, &e. : CV bat ibm cine fcljr nacbtbeilige jKehtunfl »on bit* beigcbradif, be baa given blm a very unfavourable opinion of you. ©eibt ittgilttff, /. bringing in, pro- ducing, vid. SBetbrtngen. 83ctcbt, 53eicfiie, /. confession; jUt — gcben, to confess, to make con- ionj cincm — fi&cn, — bbven, to confess one; compos. — ganger, m. or — f i itb, n. penitent ; — gclb, n. or —- pfennig, m. confessor's fees ; — fd)cill or — jelfef, m. certificate of confession, shrove-ticket ; — ftul)(, m. confessional, confessionary ; confession-cliair; — s tag, m. confession-day ; — »atcr, m. confessor. 53 e t d) t e n, v. a. to confess. 53 e l d) t C X, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) more com. bcr, bie 53cid)tenbe, one who confesses, penitent. 93 e i d) 1 i g c r, m. (-$ ; pi. — ) confi- • Wuit ; confessor. SB e lb C, adj. either; pi. both; two; genit.invtt, of both; dot. bcibett, to both (persons); beibCj, both (things), either; iltcilte —U ©cr)tt)ejtetn, both my sisters ; uur — , both of us ; fcincr VOtt — « ( neither of the two; id) null bit — 8 tjcbeit, I will give you both ; man roup — S tf)im, you must do the one and the other; — 8, Robert nnb !£Bb, both life rind death ; — 8, SJcttHs ncr Ultb 215cibcr, both men and wo- 93eibcrlei, adj. both, of both, of either (sort, species). 53 e t b e r f e 1 1 i g, a*/;, of, on both sides, reciprocal, mutual. SciberfeitS, adv. on both sides, both; mutually; fie — , both of them. 53 c i b e r n> a n b, /. M. E. linsey-wool- sey. S3 t t b i 11 g, n. additional thing ; procinc. /.. T, by-court 53 C l b I C b i g, adj. amphibious. iUtbrcijen, l.v.a, JV. T. to bring to ; II. 5. n. coming to. 23 Ct bUtcfe It, v. a. to print to, print with ; to annex. 83 e i b r it iilfc 53 c i g c I e i t, n. (-8) (additional) escort. 83 C i g C It a It It t, part. adj. surnamed. 53 e i g c f dj m a rf or 53eifd;ma(f, m. (-8) tang, after-taste. 53 C t g C f e 11 e n, v. a. <$• rejl. to asso- ciate, join. SB e i g c t b a tt, adj. provinc. devoted, vid. ©emogen. 53et'gicpcn, vid. 3ugief;eit. 53ciglicb, n. (-e8; pi. -er) l. addi- tional member ; 2. .'lrch. T. one of the smaller mouldings. 53efguf, n. (-e8; y.-gitter) a small estate which is attached to a larger. 53 e i fj d It b e tt, adv. procinc. at hand. 53eif)fr, adv. at the side, by the side of; fig, Htit — , by the way, by the by, 5} ei bo I en, v. a. l. to fetch, bring near ; 2 jV. 7'. to tally or haul aft the sheets. 53cih iilfc, /. help, aid, assistance, succour; — ait ©elb, subsidy. SBelftnb, ». (-c-J; pl.~n) bastard. SBeff irdje,/. (;)/.-n) church attached to the parish church. 53 c i f 1 a it g, m. (-eS; pi. -flange) double tone, sound. 53 e i f n e cb. f, m, (-S ; pi. -c) helper to B servant 5U i f o di, r. (-C'5 ; pi. -fod;c) under cook. 53 ci f o m in c n, ». ir, n. [aux. fciut) l. (einetn or einet ©ad)e) to come at, get at, Jig. to reach; to equal, match : '-' to be enclosed, annexed; idt faun ihnt nidU — , I cannot get at trim; bievtit tommen uur ben Suten ttid't bci, in this article we do not equal the ancients; biejj fomnit jcnciit lti^^r bet, this falls sho-t of that; Ktiiout Scbaben — , to repair one's loss; ftd) — la||C!t, to dare, pn 53 e i f o m in c n b, pr.rt adj. annexed eneloe SB elf rattf, v. f-e8; ;,/. -frauti-. niture of a salad. SB el t r ei«, m. (-e8 ; pi. -e) conccntrw circle. SB el I, » : (-8 ; pi. -C) hatchet, axe ; com- pos. — fetttg, aiij. ,\". T. ready built all to the rigging; — fbvmig, adj. having the form of a hatchet; — fraitt. Vetch, axe-wort; — VflatlJC, /. securi- — flctlt, m. Silui. ; ofite; — trfiget, m. lictor; — ttutvjel, /. common blue iris. 23 c 1 1 a g e,/. (pi. -cit) additamem at; (letter) enclosed, enclosure deposit; — blatt, n. vid. 53ciblatt. 53cilager, «. f-8; pi. — ) consum raation of marriage^ spouaata, nuptial. SB ellSnb e r, m. vid. SBlimenlanbet. SBellaffen, vid. Sntaffett. £8 c 1 1 a ft, /. (;-/. -en) by-freight 53et'laufen, e. ir. v. (aux. feitn) to run by the side of. 99 e i I d it f e r, m. (-e8 ; ;>/. — ) foot-boy, understrapper; petty SB c i I d it f i g, adj. A- adv. 1 . by the way, besides, by the by ; 2. about, vid. Htt» gefabr. _ 53ef Ibt tef, m. register of a ship, great bill of sale, SB el I e g e It, v. L a. 1. to lay by ; 2. to enclose, adjoin ; 3. to adjust commodate; 4. fig. (ciltcnt tftM8) to attribute, impute, give; einett 2trcit — , to compose a difference ; citicnt cilKtt Stamen — , to give one a name ; cilt Scbiff — , JV. T. to bring to a to lay ber by the lee; ft ». I. JV. T. to come to; 2. jig. (ciltcnt) to do ons right to assent to one's opinion. 53 e i I e g It It g, /. 1. addition ; 2. jig. at- trilMitiim. imputing; 3. accommodation, composition, arrangement; — c-lVCvt, ■n. Gram. '/'. adjective: — eivbrtlicb, adv. b (jectively. 53cil cib, n. (-ti cittern feitt — bejeigen, to condole with one; compos. — Sbejcigcr, m. condoler; — i- bejeigung, /. condolence; — efebreia ben, a. letters of condolence. SB ell iegett, v. ir. n. (ana. baben) l. to lie with or in: 2. JV T. to lie to; DOt Tov nnb XaM — , to try a hull er under bare poles; — bc8 vrducibctt, enclosed letter ; the annexed. SBellfe or — lafel, /. truck-table; queck-board; eompos. — fviel, m. trucks. SB elm, contract, cf bet (bcv>) bent. iUimagb, /. (pi. -magbe) - maid. SB e i nt a it it, m. (-e8 ; pi. -manner ) ci SB elm en gen, d. a. to admix £8 c t nt c f f c tt, r. ir. n. (eii'.cm ctira-3, to attribute, impute, to charge with, lay to; ©lauben — , to believe, to ftiv* credit. SB c i nt c f f u it g,/. imputation, attribut- ing. 5> ci in if di en, r. a. to mix with; to admix. SB c i in i f d^ it n g, /. ( pi. -en) admixture. 8eln, n. (-e8; p/. -e)leg; bone; Cta nem em— jlelten « untetfrilagen, to trip one up, to give one a foil ; fig. nt supplani one ; anf tic — c bringen, ci* itc Slrmee, to raise an army; — Mini bcr, tn bring up children : ficb aitf bit ^e luadu-ii, to rtart; ^tctit nnb — fcbivorcit, to swear most solemnly; el 87 }ch or btbtgt m« bur<$ SKarf unb — , I feel it most acutely; it makes the • i impression upon me; ctiientauf t>ic _c hclfcn, to raise, assist one; compos. — abet,/, crural vein; — at)tt= Itch, adj. Sf adv. resembling a bone or a leg, osseous; — aitjug, to. small clothes, stockings, fee; — arbcitcr, m. worker in bone ; — afd)C, /. bone-ashes ; — bluvtie, /. marsh-marigold; — brc= riicr, m. ospray (a bird) ; — hudWOS, n yellow niarsh-anthericum ; — bind), m. breaking of a leg ; — bvcrftelcr, m. turner in bone ; — biirre, adj. mdg. ex- ceedingly meagre ; — encugiltig, /. os- sification ; — faille,/. — ftaf, m. caries; — feile, /. bone file, S. T. rugine; — ~ Serine, — fjeriift, n. skeleton; — ' bantifd), to. cuishes, greaves; • — bart, adj. as hard as a bone; — JjaUS, n. charnel-house; bone-house; — fyaitt,/. A. T. periosteum; — I)eii, n. bone- binder; comfrey; - — t)0l;, n. privet; honey-suckle; — fletber, pi. trowsers, breeches; small-clothes; — IttOpf, m. bone-knot; — fvcb8, ra. cancer; — lilbe, /. .S. T. commander; splinter; ■ — lo8, adj. boneless; — r5E)VC, /. & T. glos- socom (surgical instrument) ; ■ — XV.' filing,/, vid. — fdjtene ; — fagc, /. bone- saw ; — fcfjellcit, pi. fetters, shackles ; — fd)teiie, /. splint, greave, cuish ; — - frf)imU"5, 71. bone-black; — fpath, m. bone-snavin; — tOMUXl, pi. bone-toys; — rocll, n. osteocolla (a plant). 33 C t it ft f) e Sf 53ciltftb, ado. almost, tear, nearly, much, about ; e8 tit — 3cit, it is almost time ; — jeblt %\i>XC, near upon ten years; id) recite — gc= fiorbcil, I was like to die; id) f)fttte eg — ycvgeffcit, I had like to have for- got it: cr ware — uerlovcit gewefen, lie nad like to have been lost; C8 tft — baffdbe, it is much the same thing. 23 e i 11 a lit C, m. (-118 ; pi. -It) surname, nickname. S3 e I tt d) e It, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) ossicle, a small bone. 23 ei neb en, 23einebft, 33etne6enft, ndo. near. 53 e I n e r rt, adj. made of bone. 23 e t It e rs, m. A. T. accessory nerve. 33 c t n t d) t, adj. as hard as bone. 53 C lit i g, adj. bony ; in compos, legged. 53 e i V b It C It, v. a. to adjoin, co-or- dinate. 53 c i V a if C It, v. a. to pack by. 53 Clpfcrb, re. (-e3; pi. -c) horse in reserve, by-horse, led horse. 8 e f p f I i d) t e it, v. n. (aux. fjaben) (cillCllt) to assent to, to agree with, to approve ; 3ehtanbeS 3Jieiiinttg — , to be of one's opinion. 23 e t V rt t f), m. (-eS) 1. advice; 2.' (pi. -ratfye) auditor ; — etl, v. a. to assist with advice. 23 e i r ft t b i ft, adj. capable f>f giving advice; eitlCltt '— fci)lt, vid. Sei* r«tbcn. 33 c i r C cf; 11 e it, v. a. to add in reckon- ing. 23 e t v e i f) C it, v. a. to range, put in ranks. 23 C i V ii cf C It, v. I. a. to move or place nearer; to add; II. n. to move or sit nearer. 53 C = i V X C It, v. a to mislead, confuse. 33 c t f ci nt m c tt, adv. together ; nidit — beftebeu fbititen, fig. to be incon- sistent, incompatible. SSeifag, m. c— ffeS ; P i. -ffen) l. a mall farmer who has not land enough 83 25ctf to keep a horse ; 2. a juryman ; 3. one who does not enjoy the privileges of a i itizen. 23etfa& vi. (-es; pz.-fafee) apposi- tion. 53 c t f d) a f f e it, v. a. to procure. 23 c i f d) t c fj e n, v. ir. a. to contribute. 53 e i f d) i f f. n. (-e8 ; pi. -c) cock-boat. 53 C i f d) I a f, m. (-8) lying with, coha bitation. copulation ; bCl llltcl)Clid)e — , concubinage. 53 c i f d) I a f c it, vid. 23cfd)Iafcn. 23cifd)lafcr, m. (-8; pi.— ) bed- fellow. 53 c t f d) 1 a f e r i tt tt, /. (pi. -en) con- cubine ; bed-fellow. 53 e t f d) I a g, m. (-e«) 1. false coin ; 2. Jud. bastard ; 3. T. flight of steps to a house. 53 c i f d) 1 a g c rt, r. ?>. L ?t. (a«i. fcijn) to assent to, to be of one's party ; II. a. to add, superadd ; cillflt 53vttf — ; to enclose a letter. 23 e t f dj I a g it rt g, /. addition. 53 c i f d) ( i e p e it, v. ir. a. + to lock up ; fig. to enclose, add, annex. 23 e t f d) I u % m. (-ffeS ; ^.-fdjliiffe) (letters) enclosed, enclosure. 23 e i f d) I ii f f e t, m. (-S ; pi. — ) by-key ; picklock. 23 eifebmacf, m. (-?) tang, vid. 23et= gcfd)iitacf. 23 ei f d) m e 1 5 e it, ». a. to melt in with, to add by melting. 23 e f f d) t e i b C It, I. ?>. ir. a. to write to, note to, add ; to write on the margin ; II. s. n. (-§) writ or letter joined to the principal one. 23 e t f d) r e i b e r, m. (-i\pi.—) as- sistant clerk, under-clerk. 23 C i f d) V t f t, f. (pi. -en) annotation, marginal note. 53 e t f d) ii f f C I, /. by-dish, plate. 23eifd)ui to. (-ffeS; pi. -fdiuffe) contribution, share. 53etfd)i'ttteit, v. a. to add by pour- ing, to pour to. 53 e t f e g c 1, n. (-8 ; pi. —) JV. r. by- sail, drabbler. 23 c t f c i n, 23cifei)it, "• (-8) presence ; tin; — be» . . ., in the presence of ... ; ofjtlC ntcill — , without being present. 33 C i f ci t, SetfeltS, adv. asdde, apart; — tbllll, to remove ; Jiff. etW x i n g e it, v. h n. {out. feftn', (cillClll) to hasten to one's assistance; to succour, relieve. 23 Clfi, in compos. — fcccrc, /. Id dian pepper; — fliege, /. stinging fly: — Eof)l, in. beet (Beta, L.) ; • — totb, m. basket put to horse's or dog's mouth; — riibc, vid. 33eete; — jaljn, m. cutting-tooth; — jaiige, /. a pair oi nippers, pincers, tweezers. 23et'f3cl, Tt. (-8; pi. — ) an iron wedge ; —lw(,f.vid. 23crbcri8beeve. 23 C t fi C It, v. ir. I. «. (aux. I)abcil) 1. (ItilCfa etnent or Cttua8) to bite, snap at ; (rtltf Ctma8) to bite (on) ; 2. to bite, smart, itch ; fid) (mir) mif bie 3»nge (^ippCIt) — , to suppress with difficulty one's laughter; llllt fid) — ,to snap, growl at, be quarrelsome ; in CtttCtt fa u em Slpfel — , to make up one's mind to something disagreeable ; ill8 divaS — , vulg. to die ; II. a. to bite, gnaw ; ITf.rc/Z. to bite one's self or each other; fid) uitt ettlKVJ — , to quarrel, fight for. 23 C i fj C It b, part. adj. biting : jiff, sharp, smart, pungent: elite — C fedivcituirt, a keen style ; etltC — C 2lrt fid) auSjUs briiefcit, a pungent rajinner of speech. 23 C t fj C f, 7H. (-8 ; pi. — ) biter ; quar- reller. 23 C i ft i ft, adj. biting, quarrelsome. 23 c i fj f c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) Ich. cobitis, loche. 33 C i ft a n b, ra. (-CS) 1. assistance, suc- cour; 2. assistant, helper; — »0r ®C- rid)t, counsel ; — kiftctl, to give assis- tance. 53 C i ft ft It b C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) assis- tant, bystander. 23 c i ft a it b i g, adj. assisting. 53 C l ft C d) C H, v. a. JV. T. to sail close- hauled. 53 e i ft e cf e 11, r. a. 1 . to put by (m one's pocket) ; 2. to imprison. 23eift ef) ctt, v. ir. n. (aux. rjaben) (CUtem) 1. to stand by ; 2. fig. to assist, help, succour, relieve ; to back; llttl Sroft — , to comfort; in bcr @£burt — ,to put to bed (a woman) ; alle &egcl — laffcn, to let all sails out. 53cfftcljenbe, dccl. like adj. bystand- ers. 23 e t ft e f) e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) l. one who assists; second, bottle-holder; 2. by- stander. 53ct'fteitcr, /. (pi. -n) contribution, subsidy, collection, alms. 23 cift eitcril, v. a. to contribute; to concur to a collection. 23 e i ft tin m c tt, v. n. (aux. fjaben) fct» item) 1. to agree with one; 2. to join in ; to assent to, to consent to. 23 e i ft i m m e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) assent«». 23 C i ft t nt nt U ll g,/. assent, consent. 23 C t ft p f e 11, v. a. to add by stuffins», stuff to. 23 C t ft r i d), m. (-C8 ; pi. -e) comma. 23ct'ftroiit, m. (-e8; .pi. 33eijft5int) arm of a river. 23 C t ft ii cf, v. (-(S ; pi. -e) the additional piece belonging to another. 53eite, /. pro/vine, respite. 23 e i t C It, v. 7i. provinc. to abide, wait 33ettBnn, e d. Suei'tfjen. «c« Sefc ajcfn SO e 1 1 i f d), m. (-H ; ;. ir. a. to collect; to gather, exact; <2abe.l) /»•. fcuicr 2ad)c) to assist at; to be pre- sent at ; (ciner SPerfoit) to lie with, ohabit with. 58 c t ro o i) it e r, to. (-8 ; pi. — ) one Who is present, Stcvid. 33ctropr)!tett. SB c t ro o I) it II It g,/. (pi. -ctt) presence ; chclid)e — , cohabitation. SB l ro It C It, v. 7i. CtllCltt — , (fam.) to wish to get at one. tt) V f, n. (-C8 ; pi. -roih'lCr) Gram. T. adjective, epithet. S3 e iro b r t Et ef), ado. adjectlvely. -8 C i \ a I) ( C It, v. a. tc contribute. s -0ei'$d()len, v. a. to annumerate, number amongst. B e 1 1 » b v ii f) c, /. or — roaffer, n. liquor in which any thing is soaked or ma- ed; — ('".tub, m. dog used in hawking ; — f raft, /. corrosive quali- ty : — fllfe, /. — tcillte, /. tan vat ; — - mtttel, n. corrosives ; — DOgel, in. hawk, falcon ; — TOUtJ,/. pasque flower. BeTje,/ \.s P .T. baiting, hawking; ^.'.7'. maceration, corrosion j 3. corro- aquarortla; — bcr 8cbetgcrl»et, B e( J e i * « :i, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) by-note ; countermark ; //. T. rebatement, at- tnlint.'. 93 c 1 5 c i dE> n c rt, v. a. to note down. 50ei } et'teit, adv. betimes,* in good time, tarly, sosn, in time. 50 C t J C It, v. a. 1. to macerate, to soak, i rode, fret; 2. to etch; 3. to bait; awk. 18 etj I m in e r, »«. Sfce&enjtmmer. Befjoll, m. (-c8; ;,/. -jBtte) addi- tional duty. Ccfjtigct, m. (-«; ;,/._) | c ft ^ 58 C j a g C It, d. a. to chase, hunt, sport (in a place}. 58 C j S f) e II, v. a. to affirm, assert, to answer in the affirmative; rocv fd)rocigt, bejaijt, prov. silence gives consent. 33 c j a t) e it b, part. adj. affirmative ; — c, in. aflirmer. 58 c j a I) I i d), adj. affirmable ; ado. af- lirniatively. 8 ej S % X t, adj. aged 58 C j a ij U It g, /. {pi. -ett) affirmation, assertion ; — Sfafe, m. affirmative pro- position; — 8roei|c, ado. affirmatively. 58 e j d 111 Itt C r n, v. a. to bewail, lament. v 43 c j d m in e v it 8 = ro c r 1 1), — roiir= big, adj. deplorable, lamentable ; — = roiirbtgfett, /. deplorableness. 58 C J (l ii A) J C n, v. a. to rejoice at, exult in, triumph in. 58 C j 6 rf) e It, v. a. to put in the yoke. 58 C j ii 6 e 1 It, v. a. to shout, exult t or over. 93 C E d I f c It, v. a. to cover with 1 rne. 58 c I d I m c 11, o. 7i. {auz. fei;n) jv. r. to becalm. 58 c t d I u e r tt, vulg. vid. (Srbrccfyen. 58 C I d lit p e n, u. a. to enclose with a hedge or ditch. 58 C t d lit p f C It, 77. a. to combat, attack, fight with, to oppose ; to subdue, con- trol. 58 e E d n n t, adj. known, acquainted, familiar; allgciltcilt — , notorious; etroa8 — ntarficn, to publish ; cittern ctroa8 or eiitcit mit etroa8 — madjcit, to make acquainted with, to acquaint with; to declare, notify ; id) roiU2ie lliit tt)irt — tnadKit, I'll introduce you to him ; cine ©ad)e — mad;cit, to publish a thing , — roci'bcil, to get acquainted. 58 C E d It It t e, m. <&■ /. dcd. like adj. ac- quaintance. 58 e E d tt It t fj e 1 1, /. notoriety. 58 e E d n n 1 1 1 d), 58c£dittttcnnajicit, ado. as is known, as you know. 58 C E d It It t in a d) ll It g, /. {pi. -Clt) ad- vertisement, publication, notification, proclamation, promulgation ; compel. — Sam t, 7i. intelligence-oilice. 58c£dlttttfrf)aft, /. {pi. -Clt) ac- quaintance, connexion. 83 C f d It t e It, v. a. to fringe, border. ' 58 e E d p p C 11, 7). a. to top (a tree, a boot) ; to cope (a wall) ; to hood (a falcon). E9 e E c () r o a r, adj. convertible, to be converted. 58c£c'f)reit, v. I. a. to convert; U. rcfi. to amend, change for the better. 58 C E C I) X C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) con- verter. 58 C E 1 1) X t e, m. iy /. dcd. like adj. con vert. 58 C f C h X it 11 g, /. (pi. -en) conversion ; compos. — Sflllflalt, /. missionary so- ciety ; — Slrotc, m. missionary ; — 8= eifer, m. proselytism; — 8gctfl, m. a proselyting spirit; — iSgefdllbtC, m. missionary ; — 8gcfailbtfdntft, /. mis- sion; — 8fud)t, /. vid. — Safer ; — 8= lycfcit, 7t. all that concerns missions. 50 C £ C f I e It, t». a. to fasten with wedges. SB e! el m c tt, v. n. s,- r ,ji. {am. feijn) to get germs, to germ. S&ftennen, v. w. a. 1. to confess, own, acknowledge ; -. Sp. T. to follow suite (at cards) ; (ten ju finer SRetigton, ju eiuev Jluuft it. f. ro. — , to profess a religion, an art. (if, ; cine n. (pi. -fie) affliction, grief, sorrow, pain, trouble, solicitude, concern. 53 f f ii m lit e r t, adj. afflicted, grieved, anxious, concerned. 53 c fit It be it, v.a. 1. L. T. to depose, give evidence upon oath ; 2. to prove, demonstrate, manifest. ©efiiffett, v. a. to kiss much and often. 5* C I ii cfi b (I V, adj. ridicuious, laughable. 90 83 c I ii d) C 1 It, v. a. to smile at. 53 el (id) t It, v. a. I. to deride, vid. 93cr= lad)cn; 2. to laugh at. Syn. $ 1 1 a $ t ii, if u < (g. to molest, trouble, impor- tune, annoy. 53 c 1 ri ft t g tt tl g, /. (pi. -Ctl) molesta- tion, vexation ; burden. 53 e I ri 1 1 e It, v. a. to lath. 53 C I ri 1 1 It It g, /. lathing. 33el. a. to provide with leather (the hammer of a piano, &x.) 53eUg, m. (-e8; pi. -e) 1. written or authentic proof; 2. note, receipt ; 3. I.. T. voucher, deed, document ; — C, au- thenticated papers (documents) ; — = fefceirt, m. — JCttcl, to. L. T. voucher. 53 e I i g e, n. (-$ ; pi. — ) border, facing (of a garment). 53 C I C g e tl, v. a. 1. to lay over, on, over- lay, cover with ; 2. to bring in notes, receipts ; to support by documents and vouchers; 3. to cover, bine (said of certain animals); 4. to border, lace; bcr -£cjtgft bclcgt bte Sttite, the stal- lion covers the mare ; cilt opritlS lltit (Solbafcit — , to quarter soldiers in a house; ciltClt $[riij_ — , to pre-occupy, secure a place; ntit Strrifc-—, to in- flict a punishment upon ; Itttt SrtgO* belt — , to lay on duties, to impose taxes; lltit -,'lncft — , to arrest: cill Srilt — , T. to belay a rope; llltt S'iuth — , to execrate. 53 C 1c g e tl, part. adj. situated. 53 C I i g f) 6 1 3 e r, pi. JV. T. belaying pins, cleats, &c. 53 C t C I) lit C tt, v. a. to loam. 53 C I C I) tt C It, r. a. L. T. to enfeoff, in- vest; ntit Jttrfbcitgutcrn — , to im- propriate. 53 C It I) tt C r, to. (-8 ; pi. — ) fcoffer. 53 C 1 1 b tt t C, m. dec!, like adj. feoffee. 53 C It f) it U It g, /. {pi. -Clt) investiture, feoffment. 53clCb / ren, v.a. (ctttctt iibcr crmitS) 6- rejl. 1. to inform, instruct : to advise, apprise; 2. (ciltctt or fid) eincS SHtU bent or 53cffcv)l) to correct, set right. 53 C I c f) r C r, m. (-5 ; pi. — ) instructor. 53 C I C 5 () r tt It g, /. (pi. -ett) l. informa- tion, instruction, advice ; 2. correction, setting right. 53 C I C t b C It, v. a. to provide with a belly, make corpulent 53clefbt, part. adj. corpulent, bulky, — f)Cit, /. corpulency, plumpness. 53 C I C t b t g Clt, v. a. to offend, to insult, injure ; to disoblige : grob — , to affront, outrage* bie Siajcftiit — , to be guilty of high-treason. 53 C I C t b t g C r, m. (-8 J pi. —) offender, injurer, insulter ; — tint,/, offendress. 53 C I C t b t g t C, to. «S- /. dccl. like adj. ot fended, injured. 53 el e ib tg u tig, f.(pi. —en") offence, injury, wrong; gvobe — , outrage, af front 53 e 1 c t b en, vid. 33ctcbncn. Sefl 43 C I C l lit e n, v. a. to cover with glue, to glue on. 53 C I C l fl e IT, v. a, to furnish with ledges. 83 e I e T t e rtt, v. a. Mm, T. to furnish with ladders. 83c lent mem, v. a. provinc. 1. to cause encumbrance ; 2. to dupe. SQcIe'mmerung, /. „v: r. encum- brance, lumber. *39 c I em nt t, m. (-cit ; pi. -en) belem- nites, finger-stone. S3 e le f C \\,pnrt. adj. well read, versed in books; er tjt fcl/t bclefert, he is well read ; ■ — ()ett, /. the being well read, possession of much reading. 83 e I e li d) t e n, v. a. 1. to illuminate, to light at; 2. fig. to examine; to view closely ; 3. to bring the light to some- thing in order to see it the better; 4. to put the light to a picture. 83 e I e li d) t e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) l . one who illumines, &.C. ; 2. illustrator. 83 e I e u d) t u rt g, /. (pi. -en) illumina- tion; viewing closely, examination. 33clfercr, m. (-8; pi. — ) i.yeiper (dog) ; 2. snarler; — t lilt, /. a shrew. 83 elf e tit, v.n. (aKz.babeit) 1. to yelp, to cry, bawl; 2. to grumble, quarrel, scold. 83 1 If} { e It, n. (-8) Belgium. 93 c I g i c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) Belgian. 93 C I (1 i f d), adj. Belgic, Belgian. 93 i I g X a b, n. (-8) Belgrade. 93 ell extent, v. a. to furnish with candles or lights. 83 e I T e b a it g c I n, v. a. to ogle. 83 e I T e b e n, v. I. a. 1. to like, to wish, to choose ; 2. to think proper, resolve ; — cme *93elletvt'fltfcb, adj. belonging to the belles-lettres. 93 c I If; a m m e I, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) vuig. bell wether. 93cIIf)cnne, /. (pi. -n) common coot. 93 e ID ben, v. a. to praise, to mention with honour. 93 C 1 b It n g,/. commendation ; compos. — 8brief, m. — Sfdireibcn, n. com datory letter; —SpttU, m. the second best premium. 93 c I o d) e n, v. a. Sp. T. to bore holes (in trees). 93 C 1 b " b a r, adj. <$• adv. worthy of reward, remunerate. 83 e IB ^n en, ». a. (einen fiit etmal) to reward, recompense, remunerate, requite. 93 e 1 b n e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) rewarder, remunerator. 93 C I D f) n U n g, /. ( v r. -en) reward, re- compense, remuneration. k ^ C I t, m. (-C8) Belt (the name of two straits In Denmark). 83 C I ft g C II, v. a. provinc. to view closely. 93 C I ft g e 11, v. ir. a. to belie, deceive by falsehood. 93 e I li g f e it, v. a. vulg. to cozen, cheat 33eliifttgen, v. I. a. (einen mit or ait efroaS) to divert, delight, recreate; ir. 77/?. (fid) mit or an ctn>as) to divert one's self, to enjoy one's self. 93 C I li ft t g C r, m. (-8 ; pi. —) diverter, merry-maker. 93 e I li ft t g u n g, /. {pi. -en) diversion, delight, sport. *93 C I v e b ( t C, n. belvidere. 93 e 1 5 e it, vid, $t\\i\\. 93 C I J lit C t f e, /. (pi. -n) long-tailed tit- mouse, mountain titmouse, wine-tapper. 33 e m a a I e n, v. a. to mark. 3^ e m dd) tig en, v. rrji. (fid) cinet <2ad)c) 1. to seize, master, to take pos- session of; 2. to usurp. 93 e lit d) t i g U it g, /. 1. seizing, seisin ; 2. usurpation. 93 C lit 5 b it t, adj. maned. 93 c m a £ c I n, v. a. to bespot. 93 C ma I C It, v. a. 1. to paint over, to be- paint ; 2. T. to mark. 93 e itt d 1 1 e It, v. a. r. to mould a piece of timber. 93 e m d n n C It, ». a. to man, equip. 93 e m d it n It n g, /. manning, equipage. 93 C m d n t C I It, t\ a. fig. to cloak, palli- ate, colour. S;/n. ScmffntMn, 9 cf $Vn tgfn. »»• ntKntttn eiKmli.-a merely to conceal, to rlnak is bail inannction; ^ff^oni^cn, to give it a specious appearance. 93 e m d it t c I n it g, /. (pi. -en) cloak- ing, palliation. 93 e m d ft C It, ». a. to furnish with masts. to mast. 93 e lit d ft C t, part. adj. masted. 93 c in a li e r n, v. a. to wall, to enclose. 93 c m a u' I f o t b c n, v. a. to muzzle. 93 e m a u' 1 f di c 1 1 c it, v. a. to dowse. 93 e lit d U f d) e It, v. a. $■ rrjl. to bedaub, bedash. 93 C in (t li f C It, v. a. wig. to pilfer from. 93 C m C' I) I e n, v. a. 6 rcfl. to besprinkle with meal or flour. 93cntc!fclit, v.a. to chisel. 83 f in e I ft e r n, o. a. & rrfi. (fidS eiiiev Sad^t) to master, seize; to vanquish, CfHfl conquer; to make one's F*lf mai ter of. Si/n. e I * » t m 1 1 (1 ' r n, 2 i A t> , m a * t i Ofn. The latter sierillies Umiff t/, »-l „,t« eignifiCT) fid; ttmatyign, v.i-1. governing ur making one's self master of. 93cmclbeit, v.a. to mention; bemcU tcr, part. adj. mentioned, aforesaid ; bo- ntelbctet i)ui|;ci!, as aforesaid. 93cinc'ngen, v. rrfi. (ficb mit ettoaej to meddle with. 93 C m C r f b a r, oa>". observable, percep- tible ; — feit, /. perceptibility. 93emcrfcn, v. a. to mark, not) serve, perceive; bcilicrtt ll'ie Ultten, as noted below. 93 enter fenStoc rtb, \adj. wonb 93 e m C t f e n 8 to it r b i g, 5 remarking, deserving notice. 93 e m e r f e r, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) remarker. 93 em Crf lid), adj. It adv. sensible, observable, perceptible ; — mad)Clt, to obsen r e, remark. 93 C lit C r f U It g, /. (pi. -en) remark, ob- servation, notice ; notbigc — itcbincn, to take due note; compos. — 8gabe, tal- ent for observing ; — Sgcift, m, an observing mind ; — 8tocrtl|, — stvitrbio, adj. ij- ado. worthy of observation. 93 c in f ft C n, v. a. to manure. 93 C m 1 1 1 e i b C It, v. a. to commiserate pity. 93em(ttelt, adj. in easy circum- stances. 93 e m b e I n, v. a. to furnish (a room). 93 e lit b I e r, m. (-8 ; P l. —) upholsterer. 93 erne bent, r. a. of which only th4 part, bemobert, covered with mould, mouldy. 93 e m f C U, v. a. to cover with moss. 93 e m o o fe t or 93emoort, part. mossy, moss-grown; covered with moss. 93 C lit Or te In, v. a. to plaster, cover with mortar ; to rough-cast. 93 em ft be it, v. I. a. (ctnctt mit or turd) cnuaS) to trouble ; li. rrjl. ( ft eh lint cttoa8 fiir 3cmanb) to take trouble about a thing for one, to give one's sell trouble, to take pains, to endeavour, la- bour, strive ; toollen Siefid) ttirtn bcr* citt — ? won't you please to step in? bf* miiht fetllt, to take pains, to endeavour. 93 e m ft I) e n, n. (-§) 93emribung, /. i v i. -Cll) trouble, pains, endeavour; — Sge* bii[)r, /. commission. 33emiifiigen, \ . 93cmiifftgcn, J «• •• + 1° obhge. 93 C lit U t b) i g C it, ». a. to inspire wiih courage. 93cndd)b a ren, ». nfi. to lrcomt one's neighbour ; beuadibavt, part. c<;j neighbouring. 93 e li d d> r i d> t en, 9^ciiddin'd)tigen, » a. (einen OOnttoaS) to Inform, send word, give notice ; to apprize. 93cndd)rid) tiger, m. (-8; pi.— ) informer, advertiser. 93 c it d d) r i d) t i g u n g, / (pi. -en) in formation, advice; compos. — 8|d)rci. bell, letter of advice. 93 e n d d) t e it, v. a. to benight ; bcnid)« ttt, part. adj. benighted; gloomy; tene brous. 93 C 11 d d t b C i I i g e it, o. a. to prejudice. injure, detract from. 3U!iddthci[igitng, /. (pi. - adv. mannerly, civil. 33enel)ittfd;ere, /. T. cutter (in mints). © e tt et b e it, v. a. (citten um civt>a8 or roegen etnev <:ac^e, also etiiem etvoaS) to envy, grudge. 93 c it e i b e n 8 = vu e r 1 1), — nnirbig, adj. enviable. 23 e It i tt It e tt, v. ir. a. to name, call ; to denominate ; to nominate. iB e tt C It tt tt tt g, /. (pi. -ett) naming; appellation, nomination ; denomination. 53 e n i to e it f e tt n, v. n. jv. r. to be be- neaped. SB e It C % e It, v. a. to wet, moisten. S3 e tt g at e it, «. (-8) ; SBettgfiUfdj, adj. Bengal. SB e tt g el, m (-8 J pi.—) wig. 1- cudgel, club; 2. Typ. T. bar; 3. ^. clown, lubber; compos. — fcftft adj. vulg. rude, ill-mannered; 7V/>. T-* — flW, »n. head or small part of the bar; — fcnCl* be, /. wooden handle of the bar. SB e tt g e I e t, /. [pi. -en) wig. coarse- ness, clownishness. SBengel^aft, adj. & adv. ill-bred, clownish. 93 c tt i (f f n, u. u r i//f. to nod at. SB c n I cm e it, v. a. + via, SBenetmett. 93 C H i C f; C It, r. a. vulg. to confirm by sneezing ; to sneeze at SB i it i (I ttt t ", m. (-8) 1. Benjamin ; 2. «i'd. SBenjOe ; — bailllt, m. benjamin, spice-busl;.; — IjilVJ, 7t. gum benjamin, benzoin. 93 C It t V P C 11, 0.0, (iif)ttn, TO a t, r n ct> in c n. The "lalter sifnilien simply to perceive or to receive impressions of outward objects through the me- dium of the senses: b»6ci$ttn conveys, in ad- dition to this, the idea of peculiar attention : to observe in order to discover something in the object. 93 e C b a fb t C f, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) observer. 93eCbad)t failt, adj. observing, ob- servant. 93ci5bacf)tltttg, /. (pi. -ett) obser- vation, observance ; Had) ttttfevev ge- ItaitcftClt — , to the best of our obser- vation; compos. —Satt, f. manner of observing ; — 8gal'C, /. talent of obser- vat j on; — §getft,m. an observing mind; — Sheer, n. army of observation. SB e D b r e t, adj. eared ; B. T. auriculate. 93 e 3 f e it, v. a. to oil, anoint. 93 e 6 r b C r It, v. a. to order, command. 93 e to d rf e tt, v. a. to load with luggage, vid, SBelaben; ntit 9luftrdgen — , to saddle with commissions. 93 e to d 1 lit e tt, v. a. to furnish or adom with palms. 93 C tt d tt J e r tt, v. a. to dress in ar- mour. 93 e to d to to e it, v. a. to cover with paste. 93 e to a a r c it, v. rcfi. to couple. 83 c it g e I it, club. 02 . a. to ks;-ck off with a 93 e to c cb e tt, ? v. a. to pitch, smear 93 c to i d) e n, $ with pitch ; ftcb — , to daub one's clothes with pitch. 93 C to C I J e n, v. a. to cover with fur. 93etocrletl, v. a. * 1. to adorn with "pearls; 2. Jig. to cover with dew-drops. SB e to f d I) I C tt, v. a. to empale ; to prop. 93 e to f c f f c r it, v. a. to pepper. 93 C to f e t f C n, v. ir. a. to pipe at. 93 C p f e r d) C R,. v. a. to manure land by penning up sheep on it. 93 t to f I d n 5 c It, v. a. to plant over. 93 c to f I d ft e r it, v.a.X. to plaster over ; 2. to pave. SB e tt f 1 6 cf e It, v. a. to mark or fur- n ; sh with t"'- r< - SB e to f I it cf c tt, v. a. to pluck. Sera 93 c to f 1 ft g c it, v. a. to [ lough. 93 C to f ft C It, v. a. to furnish with posts 93 c to f r c V f e tt, v. a. to cork. 93 c to f r iinb e it, v. a. to bestow a be- nefice upon. 53 e to ((fen, «. a. to pick. 93 c tot ltfctlt, v. a. to paint. 93 C to I f f C It, v. a. vulg. to bepiss. 33 e to I d tl t C tt, v. a. to line, lay, covei with planks. 93 C to I Ct 1 1 C It, v. a. to iron, smooth. 93 C to I d 1 1 C 11, v. a. to plate. 93 c to I a ti b e r n, v. a. to talk over. 93 C V C 1 1 ft C V It, o. a. to quilt, wad ; to bolster. 93 C !p V d g C It, v. a. to stamp or impress with ("lit . . .). 93 C to V C f f C tt, v. a. to impress, imprint 93 C to fi b e V It, ». a. to powder. 93 C to 11 It 1 1 C It, v. a. to dot, point. 93 c to ti r to e r it, \ v. a. 1 . to dress in 93 C to li r to 11 r It, J purple ; 2. to colouf with purple. 93 C to fi ft e It, v. a. to blow repeatedly upon. *93 c q n a v t ir e n, SBequdrtett, v. a. to quarter (soldiers) ; eiltClt— , to quarter soldiers upon one. 93 e q It t Itt, I. adj. (with dot) convenient, fit, commodious, easy, comfortable, ant, proper, opportune ; ma die it ^itc C§ lid) . — , make yourself comfortable ; C8 ■ baben, to be at one's ease; — n>Ot) licit, to be well accommodated; II adv. conveniently, &c. ; compos. — Iflbe, /. set of drawers. 93 eq It CMtteit, v. I. a. to accommo- date ; II. rcfi. to accommodate one's self;' (ltad) or $U etWitS) to accommo- date one's self, yield, condescend to ; to conform to . . ; to comply with, fol- low, submit; fid) Had) bcr 3ett— , to serve the time ; III. imp. with dat. it pleases. • 93 e q it c in t i cf), adj. vid. 93eqncm. 93cqitcntltd)fctr, /. (pi. -eit) J convenience, commodiousness, ease comfort; 2. col. necessary-house; com- p 0S _ — gfiutjt, m. close-stool. 93cqitc : mltttg, m. (-8; pi. -e) an indolent person. 93 c q it f cf e it, v. a. to silver (a looking- glass). SB C V a I) lit e tt, v. a. 1. to frame ; 2. /_.. T. to appoint, fix. 93 e r at U C It, v. a, to furnish with boundaries. 93 e r d It b C I n, v. a. to furnish with a small edge or margin. 93crdnbcti, (93evanbcni), «. a. ti furnish with a rim (margin). SBerdttfett, v. a. to cover with ten drils (of a vine). 93 C r d to to C It, v. a. T. to rough-cast (a wall). SBerafett, r. n. (oua fettn) to g* turf, to be grown over with turf. 93 c r d 8 to C I tt, v. a. to rasp at. 93 e V a t \) e tt, v. ir. I. a. 1. + to give a dowry (vid. SlllSftattClt) J 2. to give advice, assist; ®ott beratbe curb ! God help you! r/ ( /.93cvatbfdilagctf II. rcfi. fid) — ttttt . . . , to commune with ; to consult, consider. 93 e ratljcr, m. (-8; pi.— ) counsel- lor, adviser. SB et 8 1 H$ la S c n - "•"■ ^" r - T,at ' en ' ,v nil. to consult, confer, delibeiat« '3crc advise, debate : c3 mirb iifcer bie 2a= rf)c bcvar!'i"d)tagr, the affair is under consideration. IB c v a t is f if lag ung, 93erfftb>itg, /. (pi. -crt) consultati m, deliberation, debatemcnt, conference. 93 era fib en, ».Lfl.(etrtemctne 3acf)c) to rob, plunder; to bereave; to de- prive ; bcr JtiTite — , to deprive cf the crown ; bcc 93cuTecfjte — , to disfran- chise ; II. reft. (ft<$ cillCC Sccfje) to deprive one's self of. 53 c rail bung, /. (pi. -en) robbing, deprivation. 53 C r a ii d) C tt, ) v. a. to .smoke, fu- 53 c r S fi d) e v tt, $ migate ; mit wor)ls riecfjenben Sctdjen — , to perfume; vit iBcibraucb, — , to incense. S3 C V a ll cf) t, part. adj. smoky, smoked, blackened by smoke. 93 e x a ii f c n, v . a . to pluck. 93 e r a ii m e it, vid. Sltibcraumcu. 93 era it me it, v. a. 1. to clear away, remove ; 2. Sp. T. to line (of wild boars). 93 e r a a f di c it, v. I. «. to intoxicate; II. reft, to get drunk. 93 e r (t li f cf) t, part. adj. drunk. 93trbcr, m. vid. 93avber. Setter is, (SBer&crfSle, 33er6ertty) /. — baum, m. — firaud), m. — ftaube, /. barberry-tree, pipperidge-bush ; — = bcei'e, /. barberry. 93 i t cf) t o I b, 93a'tbofb, m. Berthold. 53 C X C cf) C 11, v. a. to rake over. 93 e r i cf) C it b a r, adj. calculable. 93 e X C cf) n C tt, v. a. 1. to calculate, com- pute; to cast up an account; to esti- mate at ; 2. (ciliem ctroaS) to account to one for . . . ; to put to one's account ; fid) ltlit ciltcm — , to settle accounts with one; frembe SDliittje auf etu= beimtfcfje — , to reduce money ; mail f>tt bevcdjliet, it has been computed. 93 e r e d) n e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) computer, calculator. 93 e r e cf) n ii n j}, /. (pi. -cit) calculation, computation ; settlement, liquidation. 93ered) ten, 33erecfjtigett, v. a. (cincn 511 etroaS) to entitle, to give aright; to authorize ; bcrccbttgt fcnil, to be entitled. 53 ere be 11, v. 1. a. (cittcit ju cfivaS) 1. to persuade ; 2. (ctucit eiiier 2adje or WDtt ctlVctS) to make believe ; to convince; 3. to speak of a thing; (ttliett) to talk ill of one, backbite ; (etTOflS) to find fault with ; II. rrjl. to persuade one's self; to concert; ftrf> rait 3em e x t b, — univbig, adj. worthy of repentance. 93 e r e li It It g, /. repentance, regret. 93 C V g, m. (-C'5 ; pi. -C) mountain, mount; bill; rotv finb nod) nidit iibcv ben — , .fiir- tirprov. all is not yel over; bintcr ben? — e b>tlfon, prov. to be reserved, to dissemble; bie <§, n bastard senna; — el iter, /. Scrg the great sf i . -ike; — efvieb, m. noun tain parsley ; . — ereniit. m. solitary sparrow, hermit (a bird ; — foB, m the fall of a hill or of a mine; — « fdfCtn, m. mountain cock ; . — fertto, adj. sickly, broken down ; — feftlltig, /. mountain-fort; — flad)8, m. amian- thus, earth flax; — fillf, m. brambling ; — ffccfeil, m. a small mountain town ; — fleii'd), n. Mm. T. mountain-leather; — fieibcit, /. the right of mining ; the privileges of a mountain town , — gang, m. metallic vein, vein of ore- — gebraucf), m. custom among m — n^egeilb, /. mountainous country ; — - geift, m. — ntanttcbcit, n. mountain- goblin ;_ — gelb, n. yellow ochre; — » — geiioji, m. partner in a mine ; — * gcridit, n. court of mines, bergmote ; — i',ift, ?(. arsenic; — gipfef, m. moun- tain summit; — grclt, m. ridge; — = gtiin, n. mountain green, chrysocol ; ba8 feinfle — , Olympian green ; — = gilt, 7i. mineral ; — l)albe, /. declivity ; Mm. T. heap of earth thrown out of a mine; — f)afelE>ttf)U, n. pout; — bai'.er, vid. 93evgmann; — ■ftauptntann, m. intendant, surveyor of mines; — billl^ beevc, /. bilberry; — bbbc, /. mountain- summit ; — goiter, pi. .V. T. \ ba^ gro§e — jjolj, main-wale; — bnbn, 7i. woodcock, wild hen ; — bllllb, m Min. T. a small cart or wagon ; — - — junge, 77i. miner's boy; — tappt,f, miner's cap; — fa^e, /. ocelot; — = fctte, /. chain of mountains : — fluff, /. chasm, precipice ; — tliaVVC, m. miner ; — fnappfdjaft, /. corporation or meeting of miners ; — foblc, /, fossil-coal; — forf, m. — letcr, — s pctyitx, 7i. mountain leather, rock-cork fossil cork ; — fv'.lftall, m. rock-crystal , — fiinmtcl, m. mountain lasarwon — fllpVe, /. top of a mountain ; — •- failb, n. hilly country; — utllftf}, img to the manner — Icbcr, n. 1. miner's apron; 2. a kind of asbest; — Icluie, /. slope; — litic, /. martagon ; — maim, in. miner; — mamtcben, vid. — gcijf ; — = mSntllfd), adj. relating to miners; — meifter, m. surveyor of the mines; — meliffc,/. mountain-balm : —1111111,1', /. /;. T. calamint; bie flcinc — = tnunje, wild basil ; — It cl f C, /. a kind of wild cloves; — Utymbbc, /. Oread; — bl, ti. petrol, petroleum, bitumen; — Orbltlllig, /. regulation for the mines ; — p c cf> , v. asphaltum, Jew's pitch; — pOlet, 7h. mountain-german- d"r; — prebigt,/. sermon preachi miners ; Chi [si — ratb, Tii. council of lor of mines; — rattc, vid. ^JlttTltltU tbier; — ved)t, n. right of opening a mine; laws or statutes of the mines; — rotb, 71. red ochre; — ridncr, 771 judge or magistrate set ovei the min ers; — viiffeii (— fattel), m. ride a hill; — fal«, ii. mineral salt rock- salt; — fd)lofi, ii. mountain castle; — a fd)hlfbt, /. strait between hills: — « fdiiicpfe, r. woodcock; — fcbi'ttr, ..■■ Scotch Highlander; — fdncibcv, m eterk of the mines; — filmic, /. school for miners; — fduiliT, m. one win studies mining; — |C0,CJt, m. rich duce of the mines ; — iriec, /. I a mountain; — ftabt, /. town upon a hill, inining-town; — It raw, / moun- Itin-road; ihe road er district bi Darmstadt and Heidelberg (in German) — ftufen, pi. minerals; — fintt, /. n puirn 'ii .■ peculiar to miners; — tbecr, ■ Bar! — iiblicf), adj. usual anion- m --niiter, i-i/.'— ab; — vitrtof, m im 03 Sen Serf 5. mi ave vitriol, sulphate; — NPgt, "'• ''<<'• — vtdUcr; — »ol£, r, mountaineers; — tvad)3, n. Blate-coal, common black coal; — tvarr-citt, m. assayer of the mines; — IDtibC, /. 1. mountain-pas- ture ; 2. mountain-willow ; — UHU'f, it, mine; ctii — werE ftttbtfl niad)cn (evrc= gen), Mm. T. to discover a mine; — roetftf unbe, /. metallurgy; — n>erf8« Pltnbtge, m. metallurgist; — TOCfett, n. mining, every tiling that relates to min- ing; — WCttCl", n. damps in the mines; — jefittte, m. tlie tithe from the pro- duction of the mines: — JtegC, /. vid. — bocf; — tililt, n. grain tin; — jtll= ttobcv, m. natural cinnabar. C C r g a 111 a 8 £ C It, pi. Geo*. T. the in- habitants of Bergamo in Italy. 'Bcrgaiita8£a, SergaradSque, /. an Italian peasant's dance. *23 e r g a m 6 1 1 e, /. ( pi. -it) bergamot, bergamot-pear ; compos. — ttol, n. es- sence of bergamots. 23 e r g e g e I b, ti. SBcrgelc-fut, m. 23er; gttttg,/. salvage. 93 C V Q C It, v. ir. a. 1. to save, to put in security, to recover ; 2. to conceal ; ftd) — »0r, to save one's self against, to flee from ; cittern tttOHS — , to con- ceal from one ; bte Scgcl — , JV. T. to take in the sails; ciltigc SOU ten Se- gcht — , to shorten sail. 23 C V g e It, n. (-8) Bergen (town in Nor- way) ; 33erger=ftfc&, m. kind of cod- fish ; — tfjl'ait, m. sort of train-oil. SB C r g C r, to. (-8 ; pi. — ) salver ; lighter. 23 C t g i cf) t, adj. mountain-like. S3 C X g t g, adj. mountainous, hilly. *23 e x g m a it i t, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) Min. r. paranthine. 23 C r g U it g, /. JV. T. salvage. S3 e v i d) t, m. (-e8 ; pi. -c) 1. account, relation, a report : 2. notice, advice, in- formation ; — abftatteit or er flatten, to give an account, to bring in a report, to hand in a statement; L. T. to re- port; bet falfd)C — , misinformation, false report; pt)«C reeiteven — , without further advice; compos. — obflftttcr, — crftattcr, m. reporter, relator; — ah- ftattuug, — crftattung, /. report, re- lation; — mitfug, adj. Sr ado. in the form of or according to account; — = flcller, m. vid. — abflotter ; — jettel, ■m. official report, bulletin. SB ett r6 tc n, v. a. (einem etroa8) l. to inform of; to acquaint with, give notice of, advertise, give intelligence, to report; 2. to order, arrange, prepare; 3. (eiltett) to inform one ; cincn 3aU felt ' — , Sp. T. to hawk. S3 C r i d) 1 1 g e It, v. a. I. to set right, adjust; to rectify, correct ; 2. to settle, pay; etllC 3ad)e — , to settle, to make up an affair; cine DlecMtuug, <£d)ltlb — , to pay a bill, a debt. 23 e X I d) 1 1 g C X, to. (-8 J pi. — ) cor- rector, reader. 23 e r i d) 1 i g u n g, /. ( pi. -en) rectifi- cation, emendation, correction ; — Ct= ncr9icd}ttling, settlement; compos. — 8= bugeit, 7«. Tijp. T. proof-sheet. 53 e r I C d) C tt, v. ir. a. to smell at. 23 e X \ e f C I It, ) v. a. to chamfer, flute, 23 e r I e f c tt, ) groove. 23 e r t c f e 1 u n g, /. Arch. T. fluting. 23 Ct teg e 1 It, v. a. to furnish with rails. 23 CV tem en, ». n. to provide with leather straps. IB C X l e f C I It, v. a. to ripple over. 04 23 erf 11, wiSBertyH. 83 e r i it b e It, b. a. crrufcii has the most general "i^niliciiliol ami is used both in a good and bad sense. Ii signifies merely that a tiling is generally knows and much talked of. ariltfiliue — , violent accidents ; average. SB C f d) d f f C It, i). rcg. & ir. a. + to cre- ate ; to constitute. S8cfd)df f Clt, adj. tempered, quali- fied, conditioned, constituted, circum stanced; bteSadjeijl fo — , the mat- ter is nf thi> nature. 83 e f rf) d f f c ttb f 1 t, f. (pi. -Clt) nature, quality, state, temper; condition, con- stitution, disposition ; naff) — bff Uiu= ftdubc, according to the nature of cir- cumstances; rumpus. — Sroort, n. ad- verb. 83 f f d) d f t r It, ». a. to furnish with a shaft or stock ; to stock (a gun). ©eft SB C f d) d f i 1 i\ C tt, v. a. to t usy, empli .y. engage, occupy, to keep busy ; befd)df= ttgr, part. adj. bu>y ; occupied, en- gaged. '■Be fdja'fttgung, /. (pi. -fii) busi- ness, occupation, employment. 23cfd)dlcH, v. a. to furnish with a shell or cover; SDicffcr — , to put handles to the knives. 33 e f d) d I C tt, v. a. 1. to peel, pare, de- corticate; 2. to cover (of stallions). SB e f d) a 1 C r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) 1. stallion ; 2. groom. SB e f d) d [ = E n c d) t, m. groom ; — jeit, f. horsing time. SB f f d) d nt C tt, v. a. to shame, to con- found; bcfff)dttlt, part. adj. ashamed. SB c f d; a m it n g, /. (pi. -en) shaming, confounding, confusion. 53 e f fb d it j c n, vid. SBcrfd)att$eH. SB e f d) ri 1 1 e n, t a. to shade, over- shadow, cloud 33cfd)ri(}eu, r. a. to assess; tax, to charge with taxes. 83 e f C&ri fc U tt g, /. (pi. -eit) assessment, ta.\it:L,'. SBeffbaiibar, adj. what may be i iew ed. SB C f d) a fi Clt, v. a. to look at, to view, behold; to inspect, contemplate; bc= fdiatlfllb, part. adj. contemplative. 83 e f d) a ii e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) viewer, looker on; visitor (of a ship), searcher. SB ef fb a li 1 1 fb, ailj. intuitive, contem- plative; baS — e *cben, contemplative life. SBef d)dumen, v. a. to cover with foam, to foam against. SSeffbauuug, /. (pi. -en) looking, viewing, contemplation. SBefcf)fcren, vid. SBeffbcrcit. SBef d)Cib, m. (-eS; p/.-e) 1. order; 2. answer, return ; 3. knowledge, in- formation, experience; 4. /.. T. sen- tence, decree; bcr vOtKiuftgc — , inter- locution ; eittcnt — fagett laffen, to send one word, to let one know; bt'J Clllf lVfitfVrt — , till further orders, pro- visionally ; llttt bctn — baft, on con- dition that, &c; — um tt\V<[$ roiffeit, to know a thing, to have intelligence of it ; VOIt etlvaS — gebcit, to give infor- mation of. . .; id) ivctfj bier fciiicn — , I am a stranger here ; — tl)lltt, to pledge one. V B c f it c i b c n, v. ir. i. a. ( f titcm ef = etraaS) to allot, assign ; 2. tincii it b c v etwafl or cutcc 2ad)e — , to inform; eiitfit njobtit — , to appoint one to.. etifljufetnem 3tcgtntciite befdpteben, he is ordered to join his regiment; II. refi. to be contented, to listen to reason, to acquiesce, td) Iil||C mid) — , I am open to conviction. ii ef ebctbcit, I. adj. modest, di moderate; II. adv. modestly, dis- creetly. 33 e f d) C 1 b C tt b C t t, /. modesty, discre- tion, discreetness. ii e f d) c t it t it, d. ir. a. to shine upon. ii of diet it e it, iiffcbciiiigfit, v. a. to attest, certify; to prove, verity. ii ef dieting ung, BSefdjtfnUttg, /. i///. -Clt) attestation, certificate, hand- writingj acquittance, receipt, voucher. ii c f d) e ( f e it, b. ir. a. vulg. I. to be- shite ; U.fig. to cheat 33 e f rb c i f; e r, m. (S ; pi. — ) a cheat ; — ei, /. Did, 33etritgerft. 23 f f di c 1 1 c n, r. a. to attach bells to (cows, &.C.). SBefcS) *cf djcnfc it, e.a. (eiiteumit etira*) to present \\ il b entoC 33 f f d) c u f u it g, /. ry. -eu) donatior gift. iiefdjc'r, a. ■ gift. iiefdicrrn, ,-. I. ir. a. to shave; rj iicfd)ctcii, wy. a. (fiitfin etirae) to give, grant, bestow Upon, to make a present, to give a christma»bcx 23 f f d) c r u it g, /. shaving. 23efd)Crung,/. l. giving, bestowing; giving a Christmas box ; 2. chrietmas- box; 3. fig. vulg. work, business; eitte fd)iJne— , a line business this; ba \t- bflt Voir bic — , there it is ; there ii the mischief. SBeffbiff CM, v. a. send for; 2. tc manage, take care, to attend to prepare, to mix in due proportion (metals, &.C.) ; 4. Hunt. T. to impref.'- nate; 5. 4- to bury, inter; baS 83tttj — , to take care of, to feed (the cattle; ; belt s ,'lcfer — , to manure (plough) the field ; baS Silbef — , to put the ; quantity of alloy to the silver. 23cffbtcf ungSregel, /. Max. T rule of alligation. SBcftbielea, v. a. to squint at; to leer upon. 23efcf) iencn, o. a. to provide with banda 23 r f d) t c f? e n, p. ir. I. a. 1. to cannon- ade, bombard, to fire upon ; to try h gun by firing it; II. n. (aux. fet)It tc get covered. 23 f f rb ( f f b a r, adj. navigable. 23 ef d) t f f en, v. a. to navigate, sai over, cross SBeffbilbeil, d a. to furnish with a shield. © C f d) f If t It, t\ n. (auz. fei)tl) to overgrow with reeds. 23 e f cb 1 1 f t, part. adj. reeded, 23 e f d) t m in c I it, v. n. (auz. fenn) to get mouldy, to grow hoary. SB efd) (lit liter It, o, a. to cause to glitter. SB C f d) f lit ]> f t tt, r. a. 1. to asperse. R insult; 2. defame, disgrace, dishonour, injure. 23cfd)iiiU'fcr, m. (-8; pi.—) in- sulter, nbuser. SB c f d) i m B f it tt g, /. (pi. -en) afTront. aspersion, insult, outrage ; disgrace. 23 ef rbt'libcl it, v. a. to cover with shingles. 23 C f tf; l It b e 11, v. ir. I. a. + to skin. flay, strip, fleece ; II. refi. to tear one'» skin. 23 f f fb t V lit f It, d. a, to shelter, cover proa ct iiefd; inner, m. (-8; pL -* tector, defender. 23 C f d) i r lit U It g, /. defence, pro tection. 33 e f d) I ri b b c r it, oulg. vid. 83egetfras SBefdjtSfen, v. ir. a. to lie with, m get with child ; CtlVaS — , fig. to sleep upon a thing. 23 c f fb I a f it n (J, /. lying with, getting With child. SB efdJI 5 3, »' (-** I /''• -fcbldgr^ l. nn ornament of any kind, clasp, hold, fer rei, guard, border, cover; 2. mould mouldy o ndition; 3. A. T. seizure, ar rest, attachment ; 4. .V. V. embargo, in — iifbntcn, toarraat, strain ; to tal of; -r fbtttt in — nelMitcit auf @djiff« — legen] to lay an nnbargo ups'ii Bhi| s; ri'.t ft as Icrncr — , iron work: — cinco $fcr= brt, shoeing; cow;'..--. — benbfel, — = binbfel, *.Jf. v. furling line;— legnng, . — Botnoaltung, /. sequestration; — - Icinc, /. .V. T. clew-garnet; — luigcl, m.stud': — liablllC, /. arrest, seizure; — Stctfcbcit, pi. farrier's pouches; — 8= vcnvc'cv, m. sequestrator; — jangen, pi. farrier's .tongs; — jCiig, ;i. farrier's tools. t? c 1'di [ a g c, n. -i ; pi. — ) rid. i'c= fd-Uv Beffilfiflen, D. ft-. I. a. 1. to line, cover; 2. to mark; 3. to tip, tag; to put iron-work to, to clout ; 4. to strike (something) repeatedly; 5. L. T. to o„;, ^tm.-ii • Ufcrbe — . to shoe ; nut Stfd) seize, attach ; Miferbe — , to shoe ; nut [tin, Sweden u. f. w. — , to stud with nails, &c. : JUT 3iC'-'te — , to stud ; mtt Sebet U. f. ». — , to cover with leather, &cj ©aufcolj —, to square; etn SRab — , to case a wheel; Cincit -iJJUtj — , to secure a place; tic Sea gel — , JV. T. to furl the sails ; (tile [ a g C n, part. adj. 1. well shoed ; ■J fe. versed, experienced, skilled ; tn ciiier Sadje gut — femt, to be a good hand at, to have a sound knowledge of. 23 c f cf> I a lit lit C It, 7 r. a. to bemire, be- 93 e f cb I e m m c n, 5 spatter with mud. 23 C f d) I C t cb e n, v. ir. a. to steal upon ; to creep on (upon) ; to surprise, de- ceive, cheat, to take in. 23efeb Icier it, v. a. to veil. 23 c f Ci) I C t f C 11, r. ir. a. 1. to whet or seta little : 2. to glide or slip upon. S3 t f d) [ C l f C It, r. a. to adorn with hows of ribands. 23 cf cb Icim en, r. a. to cove: with siime. 83 c f dj I c li it t g c tt, r. .-.. to accelerate, hasten, dispatch, forward, quicken 23 efeb I ciint gent, part. adj. acce- lerative. 23 C f Cb 1 e li 11 1 g It It g, /. {pi. -CIl) ac- celeration, hastening, dispatch, speed. 23efcbluf;en, r. ir. a. 1. to close, conclude, end, finish ; 2. to determine, decree, resolve upon; 3. to lock up; bet fid) — , to purpose; etWOS Itlti etnanbet — , to agree upon ...; fine befcblofJene3ftbebe, jv. r. a road pro- I from the reigning winds, and the swell of the sea. 23 c f cb 1 1 C f; e X, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) house- keeper, caterer, steward ; — ittlt, /. (p/. -ltClt) housekeeper, cateress. 23cfcblingcil r v. ir. a. to entwine, enclose in a net, captivate. 23 C f d) I C f f e tt, part. adj. decreed, de- termined. DutSefcfcliefsen. 23 e f d) If f; t, pari. adj. covered with hail. 23cf cblotcn, v. a. to furnish with dikes or drains. Befd)lMfj,fn.(-ffc8; pi. -fo)li close, end, conclusion; 2. determina- tion, resolution, decree ; 3. {without pi.) locking up ; JUtn — , in fine, finally, at last- itlttcr tCllt — , under lock and key; iVdliiffe cuter Jttrcfcwwets fa inm In it a, canons of a council; com- pos — imbmc, /. conclusion, determi- nation, di c 23 c f rii m d ii tS e it, o. a. mtlg. to be- smoke. 23 e f cb in a ti f e it, r. a. \. to go a feast- ing ; 2. vulg. to sponge upon one. © C f cb lit e t fi e It, r. (V. n. 1 . to throw at : to blow upon .'said of fiiesi ; 3. to dirty. 06 25 e fob ml even, v. a. 1. to lay on, to spread upon, to do over ; 2. to grease, besmear, foul, bedaub ; to dabble ; ba8 SPapiet — , to scrawl ; scribble. 23 e f cb m i tj C It, r. a. to soil, dirt, stain; fg. ScmaitecS gutcn Stamen — , to e\^t an aspersion upon one. 23 e f cb lit li 11 J c I It, v. a. to smirk at. 23 c f d ill li (j c it, v. a. to bedaub, foul, soil. 23 C f d} n CI r d) C It, v. a. to snore or snort at. 23 c f cb it a ti ten, i 5 c fcbnaiifcn, md. Sefdjnophern. 23 ef d) tt ti b e n, v. ir. a. 1. to clip ; to cut short; 2. to circumcise; SBaUttlC — , to trim, lop, top; SBeinpcfe— ,to prune ; 3Micbcr — , to cut open books; eiiicm tie glugel — , Jig. to clip one's wings; tie ©elcgcnbctt u. f. ». — , to cut oil" one's opportunity; ciilClll fctite Sefotbung — , to lessen one's wages; befdmittctKo ©elt, clipped money. 23cfcblteitC = banf, /. T. dressing- bench; — bvett, n. T. riulet (of a book- binder) ; — eifen, — meffer, n. edgetool ; — bobci, m. T. plough-knife; — prep, /. cutting-press (of book-binders). 23 e f cb it e i t c v, m. [-3 ; pi. — ) clipper. 23 e f cb n e i t u n g, /. clipping, fcc. ; cir- cumcision. 23 C f d) it C i C It, v. a. to snow upon, cover with snow. 23 C f d) It e 1 1 e t It, t. a. to lop (trees) md. Sefd&netben. 23 e f cb tt C 1 1 C ll, ». a. 1. to jerk against, at ; 2. to trepan, insnare, cheat. 23 c f 4 n i p v e n or aSefc^m'ppeln, 0.0. to clip, pare ; to cut. 23efd)ni^eln, }v. a. to carve, to 23 C f cb 1! t i C tt, J adorn by carving devices. S3 e '"cbit 5 $p et it, Sefc^niippern, ©e= fdutlirrelll, v. a. rndg. to snuffle at, smell at 23 e f d) It li t e It, v. a. to put string round, to tie. 23 e f cb 6 d C It, r. a. to tax (according to scores). 23efd)C!ttgctt, Sefdicucit, v. a. to colour, palliate, excuse. 23 c f d) I' it i g u tt g, /. (pi. -en) colour- ing, palliation. 23 C f d) f; e It, r. a. to furnish with points; ciit lang befdjovter died, a long-skirted coat. 23 C f cb r a it f C It, r. a. to confine, bound, limit, stint, restrain, circumscribe; ]id) Clltf CtllM-3 — , to restrict one's self to a j thing; to be satisfied with; ciu bc= fdrdilEtC-5 ;licdt, a restricted right ; eilt beftftronlter. Ropf, a short sighted person. Sun. auf^rSnlcn, S c 8 rf n ; tn.The former adds to the notion of limiting or bounding, which is common to both these voids, that ol restraining within certain limits, ol preventing further increase or extension. S't,iKn;cn is merely to fix the furthest point of extension. Our view is ttcfdjrantt (confined) by a which prevents our haW.g a more extensive view; a line is btami-,t (terminated) by the points which determine its extent. 23 c f d) r a n ! e r, m. (-6 ; pi- —) he or that which restrains, limits, &c 23cffbrdltf tbett, /. narrowness, weakness (of inteUact) ; — UltKVCV SBegriffe, poorness of our conceptions. 23 c f cb r a ii f it 11 g, /. ( pi. -en) limita- tion, restriction. 23 e f d) r c t b e it, r. <■ a. 1 . to describe , 2. to fill with writing; bcfdjvcibcitbr part. adj. descriptive. S?cfrf) 23 e f d r c t b c r, m. (-$ ; pi. — ) d» scriber. 23 e fdj v c f b I i di, adj. $■ adv. describaV.e, 23 I f $ i" C i b U it g,/. (pi. -Clt) description. 23 e f d^ r c i c n, v. ir. cry about something; 2. to talk ill of ; to bring into evil report ; 3. to bewitch, enchant. 23 e f cb v e t E r a u t , n. blue-flowered flea bane. 23 c f d) r c i t e n, v. ir. a. to walk on ; to I r, on. 23 e fdU'Otcit, v. a. to clip (with a large instrument). 23 c f d) x ii m p f c it, v. n. [am. [ettn) to shrink, shrivel. 23cfdriiiitcn, r. n. (am. fevm) to open in chinks. 23 e f d) u I; e n, v. a. to shoe. 23 cfcbil baling, /. shoeing; shoes. 23 e f d) ii 1 1 1 g e n, r. a. (cincS 3?erbre= d)CH6j to charge with, to accuse of, to impute to. 23 e f d) ti 1 1 1 g cr, m. (-S ; pi. — ) ac cuser. 23 C f cb li 1 1 1 g t e, m. decl. like adj. de fendant, accused. 23 c f d) ii i 1 1 g u n g,/. (p/.-cu) charge accusation, imputation. 23 c f d) ii m m e I tt, v. a. vulg. to take in. cheat. 23 c f cb li V P f n » »■ «• !- to cover witl1 Ecales; 2./^-. vulg. to impose upon ; to rob. 25cfcbtipp ett, u. a. to tlirow upon with a shovel 23cfdiiirfcit, r. a. Mm. T. ©ana — , to find a lode. 23 e f d) ii r \ C ll, v. a. to provide with an apron; be'"d)UV$t, aproned. 23 c f d) ii 1 1 c it, d. a. 1. to throw or cas* on, to ccver with ; 2. jig. to provide plentifully. 23 e f cb li Ij C ll, v. a. 1. to guard, protect, defend, shelter; 2. to enclose, fence in. 23 e f cb it tj c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) guardian, defender, protector. 23cf cbiifcctimt, /. (pi. -en) pro- tectress, defendress. 23 e f d) li | it n g, /. protection, defence. 23 e [4 warn me it, vid. 8ef^»a»« men. 23 e f d) lv a it g c r it, v. a, to get with child, f/J.^cbifdiigern. 23 e f di » a it 5 e n, vid. <§4»fin|e«. 23 C f d) W a V 5 e ll, v. a. to blacken, be- daub, soil. 25 C f d) W d tj C tt, v. a. 1 . to talk over , lo persuade ; 2. to speak ill cf a person, to slander. 23 c f * W If el it, ma. Sdiirefeht. 23 c f d) \V C i f C It, v. a. to provide with a tail. 23 C f cb W c i f; c tt, v. a. to cover with sweat; Sp. T. to cover with blood. 23cfd;iv/cmmcm, md. iibcvfc^ivcms men. 23 e f cb to i X, \ f. (pi. -n) 1. molesta- 23 c f cb n? c r t e, ytion, trouble, fatigtie, hardship; annoyance; 2. grievance, complaint : 3. clog ; incumbrance: 4. dis- order, malady; — iiber etTOOS fithrcit, to complain of; compos. — fltbrcr, m fiituevillll,/. L. T. complainant : — = fdvift,/. bill of complaint; — 91)11,0$ full of hardships, laborious, toilsome. 23 cf ebweren, v. I. a. 1. (etroaS) tc load, charge, to clog; to burden; 2 (ciltctt) to trouble, be troublesome to, incommode ; to molest, importune, in ©efls lumber; bt'cfc ©pttft befd)Wert ben 9)iagen, this food is a clog to tM stomach; bai papier—, Tgp. T. to load the paper; EL refi. fid) fiber ettoOi — , to complain of; fid) 6*i cincm — , to in;ik(; complaints to one. © e f d) to exit d), (! c r n t jj, »«. 33efc$toerbe. S3 cfebroe rung, /. (?/. -en) loading, &c. »■/id)tigcr, m . (-§; pi. — he or that which stills, stiller. 23 c f d) to i d) t 1 g u it g, /. hushing up ; compos. — sgclb, ?i. hush-money. © e f cb to i n g e n, v. a. to wing ; fig. to accelerate. S8efcr)winguna,, /. l. winging, feathering; 2. wings. S3 cf d) toi 1} e n, wet with sweat. 03 C f d) 11) r C 11, u. />. a. 1 . to take one's oath upon, toconfirm by oath ; to swear to ; •-'. to conjure, call up (spirit?), to ex- orcise : is. fig. to conjure, adjure, im- plore, entreat. C f d) to V C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) conjurer, exorcist. ©efdjmoritng, /. (pi. -en) l. the confirmation by oath; 2. conjuration, exorcism; — feforincf, /. incantation; adjuration. S3 C ft C If It, v. a. 1. to animate ; 2. fin-. to enliven, quicken ; bcfcclt, part. adj. having a soul, animated; inspired. 18 ef it I C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) he o>- that which animates. S3 C ft I 1 It n g, /. animation. BcfCgctn, v. a. 1. to sail upon, sail to; 2. to furnish with sails; tilt ©d)iff — , to join a ship at sea. B C f C [) C n, v. ir. a. to look on, at, to view, to take a view of: to behold ; lit — , to examine, search into; ltd) illl Spiegel — , to behold one's self ,r. roenn man c8bci2id;te beficbf, it' one examines it closely. IScfcfttii, Scfi^tifltn, Vrtrcf). icn. :^cfelicn signifies to look at, inspect a I to gam a more iDtimate knowledge rijjtii conveys the notion of a more tbe inspection is made for I discovering the real state of the 'JVtraijHn denotes a still gre itei . a careful contemplation of tUe object. 53 e f c b c it 6 to e r t b, adj. worth © C f c fj it C 11, o. a. to string (a bow). © c f e id) c it, o. a. vvlg. to be] Bef Cifcn, v. a. to soap. Bcfcilcil, v. a. to provide, furnish with i 03 e f e i t e n, v. a. to furnish with to Hank. © ef e 1 1 1 g C n, v. a. to obviate, to re- alties, &.c.) ; to settle (quar- rels, tc). © C f f i t i g 11 n g, /. obviating, i ing (of difficulties). ©e f c 1 ig Clt, v. a. to bless ; I happy. 8 eff It g e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) blesser. © I fC 111 C r, m. JV. T. spring steel yard. © i f < oiu fyanifefyer — , ,■ brush to scrub the ship's bottom under water ; tteitc — tcbrcit gut, prov. a di n liro. in -■.'. eeps ■ — butter, a maker ; — flad)-^, m. summer- ; goose foot ; — - fiu'lllig, ailj. having the form of a im : — frt, the chambers ai : bci'cljt fet>rt, JV. T. to be em- : i be lined with shipping. © e f c % - f d» 1 a g c I, — ftofcl, m. (-« ; pi. — ) T. pavier's beater, rammer; — = teidj, /'.•. [-t$ ; pi. -t) store pond. 33 c f c § c r, m. r-S ; pi. — ) paver, trim- mer, &c. ©efc'ljnng, /. (pi. -en) l. trim lacing, &e. ; "-'. appointment to o exercise of patronage ; 3. the taking pos '-sion of, occupation ; compos. — 6= vcdit ». right of patronage. ©cfciif'jcn, o. n. to sigh at, moan, d | 83 c fid) t, nt. ituf — , JU. E. up © C f i d) t i i\ C It, o. a. to inspect, take a view of; to sun i y ; I ©cf id) tiger, m. (-§; pi. — ) in- spector, searcher, surveyor. © e f i d) t i g it it g, /. {pi. -en) inspec- tion, viewing, survey; compos. — !?gc = bithvcit, pi. searcher's (survi yor's B es. ©cfiebe it, v. a to bestrew or be- sprinkle eve. © C f i C b C n C n, v. a. L. T. to hear in the presence of seven witni © C f i C g b a V, adj. conquerable. © C f I C g e 1 11, r. a. to seal, to put one's Si al to ; fig. : ©eftegelun g, .< ifirma- tion by seal. © cf tegen, i inquish, throw. ©Cfl e g C V, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) conqueror, \ anqulsher. ©cf tcglidi, a '. 'iu'fiegtrtr. ©cfi'c g nn g, /. the act of a ©Cfl 1 b C V It, r. a. to silver. © c f i n g C 11, r. ir. a. to sing, cell © cfi n n c n, v. ir. reft. i . I ftc$ anf et- toai or finer Sad leel rem .i. 1 ' r; i try to re ollect ; 2. ' 5?ffo ; lid) anberd — , to china* mind; l'id) cilICo ©( cincs Unbtru — , to i at, m ©c ft n n it i: a; •->. leration, deliberation ; toifbet >ut — [Dm men, tn recover compos. — sfrufr, /.power of r. tion; — Slofl, i one's senses, >n-* a considerate, ra.-h. ©cfl VP t, part adj. - akin, related, ©c r i 15 , m. i m; in — nch= men, to tak cup.ite ; ill ben — fcfjt'lt, to put int'7 '-. einen au3 ton — i"c= l>cn or freiben, to dispossess one; ,) — nebmer, m. occupant ; — flanb, m. state of possession; .1/. /; active property; — ftdlltsflrtgc, /. /.. T. pos n ; — tlutlll, n. (-6 ] pi. -tb/Umet) possession, property. © C f i 1} C n, d. ir. a. 1. to possess, to be v ; -J. to sit upon; tic diet u'nt befeffen, tbe hen i upon lb i (the] are rotten). ©cfi (5 c v, m. (-$ ; pi. — ) SBcfifecrtnn, /. (71/. -Cil proprietor; owner, occupier, ©efffeungj easion, estate. © C f 6 rf C II, 0. a. to furnish with © C ffl f f Cil, p:rt. adj. drunk, tipsy. Old ©etruufeit ; — bctt, rid. irniifcnbel* © e f : M c 11, v. a. to sole. ©efolben, ». «. i. to pay, to give 1; 2. to keep in pay. 83 ef 6T b 11 n g, /. ( pi. -Cil) salary, pay ©cfont nt Cl'll, v. a. pro 1 vegetables, 1 © c f 6n b t V, 1 liar ; peculiar, 2. singular, strange, Soitberixir, ©C f : lib CVhett,/. 1 pl.-tU) 1. particu- larity; peculiarity, singularity,' strange- 2. ;)/. details. SefonberS, adv. 1. in particular, ee- pai :ularly, 1 SBor jfiglidp ; 3. much, in a high degree. © c f6 it 11 c 11, part. adj. in possession ot 1.1 'nt ii fac 1 thoughtfiil, circumspect, prudent. ©C f6n llCll, 1: a. to shine upoi sun) ; befonnf. Bunny. © cfiMincn bci t, f. consideratencsa, litfulness; r Uection, conscious- ni se ; prt sence of mind ; circa tion, di cretion. © C ffi C g C it, r. a. I. tO take care of; to 1. manage, to ba afraid of, to apprehend, fi ir; fit, ur.t wtoeflen etwoS beforgt feyn, to be fearful of, ai b ftwj cincit ©riefrocebfel — , to manage, ctnen3Iuf> © c }■: v g c r, m. (-« '• /''• — ^ ni: " commii © e f c t fl I i d), adj. 1 . fearful : appi B ive : 2 hi mled. © c f v g 1 i d) F c i t, /. fearfulness ; un •il.'.e (fe) 1. care 'J 7 Seff . intendence, management; - f ur, a\ prehension, misgiving; — OOU, adj. 1. apprehensive, fearful ; 2. causing a;>- prehension ur fear. i> c f o v g f a in, ««//. a- n. 1 . * • anxious; ->. fur etttttS — fcptt, to take care of, look to. fc3 C f c x g u it g, /. 1. care, management, commission; 2. execution, doing of a commission, &c. ; compos. — SjjeOUiJs I'Cti, pi. Chai iMl'MtUtCII, v. a. 1. to span; 2. to put horses to ; .'1. to string [an instru- 53 C f p C I C It, d. ir. a. to spit, vomit upon. 53 e f p e i I c r n, o. a. vid. Speilent. 53 C f p i cf C II, v. I. a. to lard ; II. refi. fig. wig. to enrich one's self. 53 C fp I C g e I It, p. I. a. to furnish with looking-glasses ; II. refl. to behold one's s If or to look at one's se^fina glass; fig. to take an example. SB e f p If C t it, v. a. JV. T. to nail with filling nails (the sheathing). 53 e f p l n tt C It, v. ir. a. to spin over ; to cover with web. SB C f p i $ t, port. adj. 1. pointed ; 2. fig. tipsy. B C f p 1 1 C fj C It, v. a. to shingle. i ; f p 6 r !t C It, v. a. to provide with spurs. Befpdtteltt, ? o. a. to sneer at, mock, 23 C f pott C U, $ criticize. Befp te d) en, r. :>. a. 1. to bespeak, to settle, agree upon ; 2. to conjure, charm with words; 3. to blame, de- fame ; ftdj mit Seinanbem — , to have a parley with one, to confer, deliberate with one. 03 f f p VC d) C r, m. (-3 \pl. — ) conjurer, charmer. Befprecfcung, /. (pi. -en) l. be- speaking; 2. act of deliberating, con- ference, parley ; 3. adjuring, incanta- tion, bewitching. BefpteTtett, Befpretjen, v. a. to spread over, cover. B C f p V t It g C It, ». a. to sprinkle, be- sprinkle, to strew upon. 53 C f p r E It I C I It, v. a. to speckle, be- speckle. Befprt'ngen, ». ir. a. l. to leap upon ; 2. to cover (said of certain ani- mals). 53efprifcen, ». a. to squirt at, be- sprinkle; ill it JvOtf) — , to bespatter, splash. 83 e f p r ft b C I It, v. a. to bubble against, to sputter over. SSefpruf) eit, v. a. to get covered with sparks. 53 C f p li , n. rent : — gttt, n. property which is fanned or let: — bevr, m. landlord; — Ipi, adj. mutable, inconstant ; — IttAtttt, m. — - tnbabet, m. Bid. 53eftdnber; — miiU ler, in. mill-tenant; — rolle, /. vid. — = blld) ; — ftttcf, n. — tbctl, m. element, constituent part, ingredient : — vcv= ttftg, m. lease ; — slvci fe, adv. by lease; — luefett, n. subsistence, essence ; — * $ett, /. lease. '13 e ft d tt b C r, m. (-$ ; pt — ) tenant, farmer, renter. 53 e ft a tt b i g, I. adj. 1. constant, con- tinual, firm, stable, steady, durable, last- ing; 2. sure, certain, invariable, stan- dard; — e sSaluta, (regular) standard, certain price ; II. adc. constantly, con- tinually, steadily. 33 C ft d It b t g E C 1 1, /. constancy, steadi- ness, perseverance ; firmness; continu- ance, duration. Beflnnbtgltd), adv. vid. 5BeftSn= big, 11. 53 e ji >i it b it c r, vid. i'eftanber. S3 c ft a it g c I it, p. a, to furnish with poles, to stake. B t ft at I e tt, r. a. to confirm, corro- borate, strengthen. B t fi d r f 11 It g, /. confirmation, corro- m. B e fi o t et Sr Beflflttet, m. (-* ; pi. — ) M. E. conveyor, vid. ©iitetbefiatet. B t fi a 1 1 g C It, ». I. a. to confirm, cor- rate; to ratify, sanction: to as- n : fiu ©efe^, loel^iee ciit frii= bevee- ©efe^ beft&ttgt, declaratory law; gertdjtltd) — , to legalize by oath; II. refi. to prove one's self, itself to ■ ! B e ft d 1 1 g u n g, /. (pi. -en) confir- i ; ratification, authorization, sanction , compos. — Slttrunbe, /. L. %$ 7'. inspeximus; — iurtbcil, ;. coufir A judgment. C ft d t t C 11, r. a. 1. M. E to convc) (goods) . 2. to bury, inter ; 3. provinc to portion a daughter. B e ft a 1 1 c r, m. (-4 ; pi. — ) M f.. vid Befiatet. Befldttung, /. (pi. -v.i) l. ccn 2. burial, interment; 3. marrying, matching. B c fi a ii b c it, v. n. (aux. fcvm) to In- come dusty. B C it 3 It b C tt, v. a. to cover with dust Befrau'bt, part. adj. covered with dust, &c. ; mealy. B e fi d li b C n, v. r.fl. to form a stalk. B C fi d li It C It, v. a, to gaze or stare at 53 c ft b i c t c it b c, m. (-n ; pi. -it' highest bidder. B i fi c, jber, bic, baS) adj. (sup. of gut, good), best ; bcr cvftc, bcr — , the first the best, the first that comes, any one ; rote time id) am — n ? what course had I best take? iidd) iitetiient — it 55i'"= fett, to the best of my knowledge ; tcf) bdlrc CC> fur bad—, I think it best: etwaS auf ba§ — beuten, to put the best construction upon a thing; bit — 11 faiicbtc, the finest fruits; tit ben —11 odbveit, in the prime of life; bcr — '?3icufd) you ber SSelt, the best na- tured man in the world ; intercede; JlllJt — It rfl= tben, to advise for the best; JUllt — It gebeit, to spend; relate, treat; lticbt viel Ulllt — 11 babcit, to have not much to spend ; to be poor ; eillCIt JlllTt — n bdbtll, to make sport of one, to rally one, banter; llteilt — X, dear Sir; lltciltc — , dear Madam; — 2?cd)icl, first-rate bills. B e fi C dj - b a r, adj. bribable : — bvabt, m. T. stitching thread; — lldbt, /. 7'. a flat seam ; — Cl't, 7n.a sort of awl. B C ft C d) C 11, v . ir. a. 1. to stitch, daru, seam, border ; 2. fig. to bribe, corrupt. B e ft C d) 1 1 d), atlj. corruptible, brib- able. 53 C ft C fb I i d) I C i t, /. corruptibility. B e ft e cb u it g, /. (pi. -en) con bribery ; compos. — »|V>flcilt, n. system of corruption. 53efte'cf, n. (-C3; pl.-t) 1. case; £,. knife and fork ; 3. a point marked upon a map; JV". T-s. the situation of a ship as pricked on a nautical chart; scheme of a ship; bd» — Iltdfbcn, to pick tli ■ chart : lltit E>Cin — "OVdllS fciMt, to be astern of one's reckoning; lltit bent — juviicf feint, to run a-head of one's reckoning; — etncS a$) to consist in; (auf etiter 2a-- cbe) to insist upon, to persist in, U maintain something ; (aux. fepil) ob solete, to stand still, to coagulate (o> fluids'; II. a. 1. to suffer, undergo ; i to overcome ; to stand against, l« resist : 3. to rent, farm ; eilt Mentetter, fine 0efat)t — , to overcome, i counter, to conquer; beflefjettbe 93r Ct= fe, M. E. ruling price. © e ft t f) C r, m. (-§ ; p'. — ) renter, far- iiii*i-, lessee, tenant. 5< eftc I) (Clt, In rob ; tic \\\- D'Jlii) — , to break bulk. 53 C ft C I) I It It Q, /. stealing, robbing. 8 C ft e I) U 11 1], /. farming, renting. 53 c ft c i f C it, i>. a. to make firm or ob- stinate. 53 c ft c 1 g e it, v. ir. a. 1. to get up, to no 1 , mount, to step upon (into); 2. in : cover (said of certain animals) ; filt 4$fcrb — < t0 bestride, mount a horse; cilt 2d)iff — , to go on board a ship : cine fiance — , to Bcale a wall; bt'c j?attjel — , to mount the pulpit; etnen93aum — - to climb. © c ft C I it C it, v. a. to set with stones. 53eftc licit, v. a. 1. (CttuaS to order, bespeak, give oulers for; 2. to deliver letter, message, &c.) ; to execute, ■ i ; 3. (CtttClt Wofjttt) to appoint one to a meeting ; 4. (eiltCIt JU CtllMS) to appoint one to perform something (an : .">. to till, sow (of a field) ; G. (cine Sadie mit etwaW to fill a thing Willi something; to plai'e. put in order ; einctt ®i'itfi — , to give one' pliments; fcitt .£>au» or feme 5l3irth= fdjilft — , to manage one's domestic affairs. 53 Cft C tier, m. (-3 pi. — ) M. E. committer. 53 c ft i f I u it g, f. (pi. -cn) 1. bespeak- ing : order; commission; 2. appoint- ment; 3. disposition ; 4. delivering; 5. tilling, sowing; C. management; — %- blld), n. M. E. order-book. 83 e ft i 11 J e t 1, /. T. the time of work- ing (cultivating) the ground. 33 C ft C 111 V e I »/ v. a. to stamp. 53 eft en 8, ado. in the best manner, best. 83 e ft C \) \) C tt, v.a. to quilt, stitch. 33 C ft c r It e tt, v. a. to cover, stud with stars; beftcntt, part. adj. beset with stars, starry ; cilt — CC .£>crr, a gentle- man decorated with the badge of an order. 53 eft Client, v. a. to lay on duties, taxes. S3 e ft e li C r 11 It a, f. ( pi. — Clt) taxation ; bivefte, illbtrette — , direct, indirect taxation; — eiltCS ©C^iffeS, art of steering a vessel; compos. — 8l'ecf)f, n. right of taxation. 53 C fl ij c X e it e It, adj. A> adv. best sit- SQ i ft fj (i n li t, n. r-ti ; pi. -Ijau^ter) L. I L^auptfaU. *93 c ft i a I i f ob, adj. bestial, beastly. " "i3 c ft t • 1 1 i tat, /. beastlin 83 e ft t (f C It, v. a. to embroider. •93 C (t i t,f. !pl.-\\) beast, brute ; compos. — novtifl, adj. bestial. BBefltebeit, ?•. «. «■ v. ?•/,/. 53eftan= bcit, 93eftaubett. 53 e ft i C f e ( it, c «. «S- rrjl. to put. b< lots on. S3 e ft I el Ctt, v.a. to furnish with a handle. 53 C ft l C r C It, r. a. to stare or gaze on. S3 l ft i m m b a r, adj. determinable, de- finable ; ascertainable. 53 c ft i mm en, ■•. I. o. 1. to fix, deter- 2. (einen or tint 3a= rbe >tt ettvaS to intend for: to ■ : Befh I 3. eiltcit 511 tttoat) to induce ■k4. ( — fiir) to intend, allot to ; ^cilicm L*cfn.u3/ to design something for I aside ; 11. refi. to determine, 1 ; upon, fix one's own sentr. 53 c fit miner, m. (-8 ; pi.—) one who determines; definer. 93 C ft illl lit t, part. adj. fixed, appointed ; di 1 rinined, &.C. precise. 53e ftimmtbeif,/. i.pre tainty; 3. determination ; mit — »er= fidjCl'lt, to assure positively. 83 e ft i m m 11 n g, /. ( P i. -en) 1. fixing ; determining; 2. destination, end tiny; 3. definition; compos. — 6bc= grtff, m. a defining notion; — Siirimb, m. motive; — Scut, m. place oi nation ; — §tt>crr, n. adverb, particle. 33 c ft i r it f , adj. oid. Beftetnt. 93 e \t m e g I i d\ adv. as well as pos- sible 83 c ft 6 1 1 n, re/. 93eftfluben. 5W* ftocfc n, ». ,,. [aux. fei>n) or rrji. to get a stem [of plants . 83 e ft !$}> fell!, v. a. to cork. i3 c ft fie n, 1. to knock against ; to hurt ; 2. T. to plane. 83 e ft B f; = f c i I e,/. planing file ; — bo-- bel, m. smoothing-plane ; — jeug, n. 7'. dressing-bench. 53eftrafcit, v. a. to punish, to chas- tise; to correct; mtt SBotteil — , to reprimand, reprove, rebuke, chide. 33 e ft c a f c r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) punisher. 5.3cftrafnitfV /. {pi. -en) punish- ment, chastisement, censure, check, re- proof, rebuke', reprehension ; Mime. 53 Cft rati I Cll, ». a, to beam, shine upon, illuminate, irradiate: to cast rays on. 53 C ft r a f) I It It 1], /. irradiation. 83 e ft V d It b C It, v. a. to visit in ships. i* e ft V e b C tt, v. r powder. 83eftrt<5eltt ( v. a. to mark with small strokes. 83 C ft V l if C II, r. n. lo ens-, entrap. 53eftrfcfcr, ■ -5; ; ,/. _, mismw : rirf u it j, /. (pi. -en, . mg, ^'-. 8« firicmcii, v.a i . tripe. 83 t ft t C t) C It, v. a. to cover with itch. 83 C ft r 3 111 t II, o. a. to flow over, u. wash. 83 eft li if cit, v.a. to furnish with cannon. 33 C ft li cf li It (J, /. .V. T. the number ol cannon with which a shii> is furn 83 l }'t » t 111 C n, v. a. to storm, attack, ill ; mtt 'illicit — , to imp with entreat 53 c ft ti r in c r, n. (-S ; /,/. — ) a • lant. 93 c ft it t m it n (}, / (pi. -en) storming, assaulting. 33cftiirjcit, v. a. fig. toperflex, stun, surprise, amaze, confound, terrify; be = Itilt^t, part. adj. amazed, per: stunned. 33 C ft li r \ It it g, , consternation, alarm. confusion, perpjrxity, amazement, sur- iUflid), m. (-C«; pi. -c) visit; fre- quentiiii; ; company; — al'ftatlClt, madu'ii, to pay a visit; campus. — -. citticife, /. a species of ant [L. formica migratoria) ; — fartc, /. visiting card ; — fncdu, m. 8p. T. a huntsman going in quest Of game. 53 C f ll d) e it, v. a. to visit, see ; to fre- quent ; Sp. T. to trace, track. Syn. Jti fu$ e n, M it f rrartrn. »it in a friendly manner, to ke*p ■ interchai^e of civilities an e f fi b e I u i! i], /. contamination, ing, &c 33 e t it b c t it, v. a. to blame, censure, criticize. 83 eta f C I It, v. «. to wain 53 c t a j] c It, c. La, l. to appoint a day; ehtetl — , to cite or summon any one to appear in court on a certain day; ■j. to date (a letter, tec) ; II. n. to be- come or fall due, to expire ; bttflgt, part. adj. 1. aged, stricken in years ; 2. due, payable; cill — Cr 5i3cd)fcl, .If. E. a bill payable. 83 e t ,i a, U II g, /. date (of a letter, &c.) 83 e to f e 1 n, r. «. .v. r. i . to rig. to lit with tackling ; 2. to whip the end of a rope. 83 1 15 lei it II g, /. rigging of a ship. 5' et dig C it, d. a. to soil with tallow 83 C t d v V C It, v. a. to handle, touch, grope. 83 e t d ft c it, r. «. to feel, finger, touch, 33etdftett, «. SBetdftung, /. 1. act ; 2. contact. 93etuiibett, v. a. I. to deafen; to stun, din; to benumb: 2. fig, to con found, amaze, astonish. 83 et 50 Bttttg, /. 1. deafening; J^. stunning; -'■ confusion, astonishment stupefaction; — Jntttttl, n. narc 53 c t a li in e I It, t a. to make dii giddy. 83 C tare tt, 0. a. to tax. im 834 1 = b v !i b c r m. d — bneb, a. prayer-book; ■ — fabrir, m : — fabvt, / pilgrimage; — ge« nuicb, ;,. — famiuer, /. — faal, m. — - Rube, /. — jimmer, «. oratory 99" 23err llnfe,/. prayer-bell; — baltc,/. chapel; — bftlt£, h. oratory, house of prayer ; — iVbivcftcr, /. devotee, bigot; —fo It lt= tag, At. Rogation Sunday; — ftuljl, m. new; — ftunbc, /. 1. liour for prayers ; 2. prayers at church; — ftitttbcilbttd), n. breviary; — tag, m. fast-day; — n?pd)C, /. rogation week. B f t i ic © 4 b e, /. (j>/. -n) prorinc. 1 . prayer, request ; 2. voluntary service rendered to the lord of the manor. '33 1 1 e, /. 1. beet ; 2. Sp. T. beast (at : — nxrbClt, to beast, to be beasted. Bfte t, m. 1. .V. T. chisel ; 2. B. T> betle, betel. 8 : t cit, v. I. «. to say a prayer ; fc tit IMebct — , to say one's prayers; bfttS SBftteWinfet — , to say the Lord's prayer; II. n. (aux. I)ftben) to pray; Unit cttiuiS) to pray for; »or Wtb ttftd) JEifdje — , to say grace. 5B C t C r, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) one who prays. Sett), vid. 83ieneril) adv. beggarly, men- dicant; — brief, m. licence to beg; begging letter, beggarly supplic — broe, n. beggar's livelihood ; — bm= ber, m. professed mendicant; — bnbc, m. beggar-boy; — fran, /. — rocib, n. beggar-woman ; — fiirft, to. a beggarly prince; — gelb,?;. — lobit,7/t. a niggardly reward; — l)aft, adj. <$■ adv. beggarly; — fjailbrocrf, it. the occupation i pinj,'; — ^etberge,/. beggar's inn; — = norbjcit, /. beggarly wedding ; — (jof* fdXt, f. beggarly pride; — jubr, m. a poor jew ; — jllltgc, m. — ftiabc, to. vid. — bttbc ; — fbllig, vi. a poor king; — * Jaufc, pl.B. T. hedge-parsley, meadow- iaffron; — klttc, pl. beggars, men- licants; — m ode. beggarly. 33 C 1 1 H !t g, /. + (pi. -Ctt) 1. bedding ; 3. T. platform; 53cttiingett, JV. T. :\ ays. 8 C t It d) C It, v. a. to cover with cl ith. SB C t it It die n, v. a. to parget. U>C t it |) f e t it, ) v. a. to dot, mark with Set lip fen, ) dots. C e t ii p f e n, v. a. to tip. 53 c tli fd)eit, v. a. to paint with In- dian-ink. 53 i % e, /. vid. 3>cr ; c 53 C li d) C, /. (pi. -It) bucking; compos. — fa ft, H.— ftltnje, — tonne,/, bucking tub. 53 Clid) C It. v. a. to buck (linen). 53 c Itg C, /. + ( pi. -It) bend, bow. SB eiia, emit'SEcl, ?n. (-5;;//.-tt) flexor. Bcitgett, v.l. a. 1. to bend, bow; 2. Jig t> humble, to grieve, afflict, depress, ify; II. nfl. to bend, bow. '"cunt", tticgen. The latter signifies tn, to incline firom a atraigbt I direction. The former is t.> bend from b ereel or perpendicular line, to incline dowu- M.. lower. B c ii g c r, ,n. vid. 53cugemuSfet g fattt/arfj. pliant, flexible tractable. iBeu'gfamfett./. flexibiilry, piii ^ettt 33eiiguiig, /. pl. -en bending, bowing : bend 53 c ii I e, /. (pi. -it, boil, bump, swell- ing; bie oenertfrbe ---, bubo; tie — in metaUenen ©efafien« boss. 53ctilig, adj. 6- adv. full of protuber- ances, lumps or dints. SB e s li nt ft a 11 b C It/ v. a. to circumstan- tiate, detail. 5.1 C - 11 U r 11 b t g C It, v. a. to disquiet, disturb, trouble, alarm, to make un SB c - ti n r u b i g u n g, /. ( pi. -en) in- qui tude; disturbing, &x. vid. 53citnril= bigen. 53 C = 11 V h a r C It, v. a. to cultivate. 53 c - ii r f u it b c it, v. a. 1. to attest with records; to authenticate, verify ; 2. .for. to prove, show, display; beiirfutlcet, recorded, registered. 53 C = l"l V f tt 11 b C a 111 t, n. notarial office. 53 C » ft V £ 11 11 b C r, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) notary, notary p SSe = urfunbigu it g, /. ( pi. -en) au- ation, verification. 53 C = U r I a U t C It, r. I. a. to give leave ; to give a holiday; II. njt. to take to withdraw. 53 c = ft r I a u b u it g, /. furloughing. 53 c - ii r t b e i I e it, v. a. 1. to judge, criticize; -. b> estimate. 33 e - ii v t f) e i I e r, m. (-§ ; pi —) judge, discerner, reviewer, critic. 53 c = ii r t b c i I n it (J, /. 0<'.-cn) the act of judging, judgment; critical i nation; review: compos. — if raft, /. judgment, discernment 53 e ii r t f d) i f f, «. f-efl ; pi. -e) li- censed (commissioned; ship; — -idliffcr, m. captain of such a ship ; — frbiffabrt, /. navigation with a SBeurtfchiff. 53 elite,/. 1. booty, spoil, prey; II. (pl. -n) a large trough; wooden bee-hive. 53 e li t C I, m. (-9 ; pl. — ) 1. bag, purse ; jig. money; 2. batter, beater; 3. T. a large chisel; the bolter (of a mill); ten — fpiefcu, fig. to fill the purse; aui feinein etgetten — Icben, to live at one's own expense ; compos. — = anil, m. T. the arm of the bolter ; — = bilaill, m. musk in bags (cods); — = fafi, n. T. a cask with a leather covering that draws together like a purse ; — fillll, adj. unwilling to part with money; — fotltttg, adj. purse- shaped; — -gan8, /. pelican; — gam, — liefj, a. purse net; — bcrr, m. purse- bearer; — Hammer, / bolting-house; — fafteit, m. bolting-hutch; — frcbS; to, purse-crab; — niciic, /. pcnduline titmouse, mountain-titmouse; — pc= rficfe, / bag-wig; — rattc, / opossum; — fe^neiber, m. cut purse; — fd)tici= bci'fraut, n. shepherd's purse ; — ; fitniir, /. purse-string ; — ficb, n. bott- ing sieve, bolter; — flotj, m. purse- pride; aJj. .\- adv. purse proud; — 5 tbicr, ?(. opossum ; — ludi, n. 1 1 II ing cloth ; — tiicbniadu'r, m. bolting cloth maker. SB e ii telig, adj. baggy, ba SBeiiteln, p. i. a. to bolt, sift; to beat (flax) ; II. njl. to bag; to wrinkle. 5'ciitCll, p. a. 1. t ake booty; 2. T. to iiii a hive \\ ith bees. SB C li t C It = b 11 1 g, m. * ild honey ; — = — Icim, w. bi S8 c ii t e f it d) t i g, adj. greedy for 1 SB c ii t b c ie, / T. mallet, beater. 53 1 ittle r, n. (-S; pi. — i plover, leather breeches maker. 5Bcr»5 53ctitncr, m, (-&; pi _) one whe keeps bees. 93 c o c jt i g c ii, n,i. 53cfeftigen. ©esfigten, r.a. to provide with a bailiff or curator. 53 C U 1 f C r tt v. a. to people, populate. 53coc if criing, /. population; —4= liftc, /. census; — eftaltb, m. state of the population. SB t\>i 1 1 m a d) ti gc n, d. a. to a i/.e, empower. SB e V 6 11 m S di tiger, m. (-J ; pi. — ) constituent, warm; SB c 9 o 1 1 m a d) t i g t f, m. decl. like adj. I. attorney; :.'. plenipotentiary; 3. .1/. . authorized agent. 53 C C I i 111 a d) t i g U n g, /. authoriza- tion ; letter of attorney. SB C r, adv. 1 . before ; •-'. in compos, near, impending (only in. bcocrjtcbcil, cn, p. a. I. to qualify; -.'. to give the preference, prefer. 33 c VD (i d) C It, t'. a. to watch, guard. S8erodd)fen, v. t>. i. «. ;««/. fe^u) to grow; to be over-grown; II. u. to cover with, overgrow with. SBerOftf fnett, r. n. to arm: provide with any protectory or assisting instru- ment: mit bcivaffnctcr $au)t, with open : SB c to a f f n u n g, / ( pl. -en) arming, armament. 3^ c w a g c ii, vid, '.'Ibivagen. 53 C VO a b V C It, v. n. to keep, po - — for, tn guard from ©Ott bc- UMbrc, God forbid. 8m. *f»,)b:ta, « :i fb.-mnnrr n, X t r ■ ,1. ,i S rt it, 3luf»cbni. Kuftcotn - merely to put u Uiing mto a place where Buffer iiiinry. ^,A h.iht cincn i'ritf fi'r.if.en^ oufgrbi that I have laid it in a pl u ,• wl ere 1 ■ . igain. ae B t IB 3 b v Jl n j, /. keeping ; compos. — -;niittcl, n. preservative. £8 c iv 3 b v U it a, /. verifying i irj ing ; proof; confirmation. 2? E IB bib 1 11, r. a. to overgrow with 23 f ID (i I b C t, ;*irr. adj. woody, over- grown with wood. S3 eiBd 1 1 icduc n, 0. a. prm rough-hew, square. 23 C IB d 1 I C It, r. a. 1. to liii: (ho; '2. to visit on foot. 23 c IB a I t i g c it, v a. to get the better due. 23 e ft) ft I ) e It, r. a. to level with a rol- ler, to roll. 23 c n) d 11 b c r n, o. «. to visit wan- dering ; bciBanbert, adj. fig-, versed, experienced, skilled. S3 C IB d 11 b e r it, v. a. to furnish with drapery, 23 e IB d it b t, adj. conditioned., circum- stanced, natored, tempered; bet fo — ctt llmftdllbcn, this being the case, under the existing circumstances. S3 C W d 11 b 1 11 i K /. (pi. -flfe) condition, state, case; c» bat bamit cin gait} on= betel — , the case is quite different; H itrf) — , according to (exigencies) ; l'..ld> — bet HniftdllbC, as the circum- stances will admit or require. S3 e IB d 11 13 C II, v. a. JV. T. to fish a mast or yard. 23 en) dp pit en, ?■/,/. SBewaffnen. 23 C IB a ffe r it, 0. a. to irrigate, water. 23 C IB i b e I it, v. a. 1. to wag at (said of dogs) ; 2. to fan. 23 C1B i g b A r, adj. movable; — fcit, /. movableness, mobility. © » IB C g C 11, v. I. reg. a. &■ rrjl. 1. to stir, move; to agitate, shake ; 2. fig. to 1 -■ . excite, stir; 3. to move, affect. touch, oid. JRiihrctt ; 4. fid) — , to take exercise ; to trouble one's self; II. ir. ciucn 511 etlBdS — , to induce, engage. 23 cro eg emus! el, m. a. t. mota- tory muscle. 23 c IB f g c r, m. (-4 ; pi. — ) mover, nent. 23 c ib i g g r 11 it b, m.(-t§ ; pi. -gritnbe) motive, impulse. 23 e IB i g £ r a f t, /. moving force or 83in?fglid\ I. adj. 1. movable; 2. /jr. moving, affecting ; 3. variable : — t ©liter, movables, persona! goods and chattels; II. adv. movable ; J%r. mov- ingly: — bitten, to beg earnestly. 23 C IB C 13 1 1 dl f C 1 1, f. movableness ; fig. power of moving; variation, va- riability. 23 C IB f g It t fj, n. (-ffc§ J pi. -ffc) Bid. Olutrieb. (8e weg fa nt, —fcit, vid. 33ciBcglid),&c. S3 eiBCgnng, /. (pi. -fit) 1. 1 movement ; 2. fi e r, m, :-"• , pi. — ) enter tainer. 23 e IB ir t b f d» a f t c n, r. a. to manage to conduct the economy of a place. 23 c ib t r t b f d) a f i c v, m. (-§ ; pi. — ' manager. 2> c IB i r t b It 11 g, /. (pi. -en) entertain- ment, reception, treat, accommodation 23ciBt'ttbnm, n. (-9', pi. -tbiimer.- jointure, widowhood. 23 e ib 1 1 1 \) u m e n, v. a. to provide witi a jointure. 23 ClBt'^cIll, v. a. to treat with lig: I wit. 23c)Bi:bnbar, adj. habitable, inhabit- able ; convenient, comfortable ; — fcit, /. habitableness. 23 C IB l 1 b II C«, v. a. to inhabit. 23 e ib 1) n e r, 771. (-9 ; pL — ) ^eiBfbnej I'itllt, /. (///. -etl) inhabitant, habitant ; lodger, occupier. 23 e IB 5 b 11 U K g, /. inhabiting. 23 e IB 6 IB e It, o. a. to vault. 23 C IB 8lf 8 It, r. a. to cloud, obscure. 23 i IB 6 1 1 C 11, v. a. to cover with wool. 23 C IB r f C I ll, b. a. to cover by shovel- ling. 23 c ib ii b 1 e n, v. a. JV. T. to woold. 23 e ib li it b c r c r, m. (-9 ; pi. — ) admirer 23 e IB li 11 b e r ll, v. a. to admire. 23 c ib ii 11 b e r 11 8 ib e r t b, > adj. ad 23 c ib 11 n b e v n 9 » ii r b i g. 5 mirable, wonderful, marvellous. 23 C IB li 11 b C r ll ll g, /. admiration ; mti — Ct'fiillt, struck with admiration compos. — eiDurbigfett, /. admirableness, 23 C IB lit f, 771. (-eS) mortar, plastering. 23 C IB li r J C 1 It, v. n. (aui. fciMl) to gel roots, strike root 23 c IB ii v 5 e n, oid. SButjtn. 23 C IB li f» t, adj. (tcith gen.) known: con- scious of; aware of; bte — e Sarhe, Hie matter in question; |id) nicbrj SBSfel — , conscious of no crime : fid) (mir) einer Sacbe — felin, to 1 lect a thing; compos. — WS, adj. with- out knowledge, unconscious : — 1 fcit, /. unconsciousness; — K'BIt, n. 1 consciousness; 2. knowledge: inciitcni — fcim, with my know! 23 e IB li fj t, m. provine. knowledge. *23 C i), m. (-'6 ; pi. -9) Bey, Turkish magistrate. 23 e i) 11. f. tb., vid. 93et. 23 C 5 d (f C It, v. a. to provide with dentali or teeth. 23 C 5 a b 1 b a r, adj. payable. 23 enable n, v. a. (ctnem rhvaf a» etlten) to pay, discharge, satisfy ; Ctlien SBecbfel ■ — , to honour a bill of ex- change; er fann nirbt mebr — , lie if insolvent ; fid' bqablt macbcii, to take one's due: to pay one's self; bei /. -on) l. the act of charming; 2. enchantment, spell, witchcraft, fascination. S3 e j 5 il m c rt, ». a. to bridle, »»<£ 3d uiucrt. Q5e 5 d ti tt e it, vid. Umjauneit. © c ^ t di C it, v. a. to make drunk, vid. SSetrttifett. £8 e 5 f [ d) il It, «. a. to mark, sign, de- iiiii-; gcitail — , to point out; to give exact direction; lllit SlccCltfctt — , to C3 C 5 C t cf) It U tig, /. (pi. -011) marking, ling; signing; — SjCttfl, m. label. S e } e t gett, n. vid. ©cfragett. C3 c ^ f igett, v. I. a. (cittern dwa§) l. to allow, do ; 2. to express ; II. rrjl. to behave one's self. ©ejecting, /. (pi. -*n) showing. doing, demonstration. © 5 C i h Cli, v. ir. a. to charge with, 63 eje V t e I tt, v. a. to sceptre ; bc^cp - tcvte ??comuo$eit, sceptred monarchs. © o 5 c 1 1 e I tt, «. a. to label, to ticket. © e $ e ti g C tt, v. a. to attest, bear wit- ness; to certify, to testify; to declare. © e $ e li g u tig, /. (pi. -fit) attes i testifying, fee ; — itit>, m. oath of at- testation. ©051 d) t, m. vid. QJcjicbtigung. © C $ i d) tell, ? v. 17. to charge with, 95e ji d) tig ctt, J to ace 1 © e j l dj 1 1 ft Utt ft> /. (p/. -Oil) charge, -niion, imputation. © c ? to f) t tt, ?j. jr. <7. 1. (rait ttwaQ) to over, to cover; 2. (etrvr.8, eitt 45a«8, 2ager it. f. tt.), to take of; move to; 3. to visit, frequent ; ■I. to draw, receive payment; ">. (citte Garfio anf cttvaS) to refer a thing to inn/; to appeal to; Ctttc SBioltltC It. f. tO. — , to string a violin, &c; fcaS ©Ctt — , to furnish the bed with clean linen; cine SSofmuttg — , to enter a •; mtt .Hvicg — , (better: uber« jicbcit) to wage war ; bic ©leiijeti — , to visit the frontiers; CttlCtl SPofttlt, Dvt It. f. h). — , to occupy; CtllCll ©t' bait — , to receive a salary ; M. Exps. bie SKeffetl — , to frequent the fairs; SBaarett, ©elbet u. f. w. — , to draw ; cilicit SEBecfjfel — , to draw upon; gegettfeittg — , to counterdraw; bet .tSimmct ift &e*ogett, the sky is clouded, overcasi ; bet iBejOftene, M. v.. drawee ; — be gfirttSrter, relative pronouns; 1. rrjl. (firf) aitf tttoaS) to relate, refer to, allude to. © c $ i c f> c r, m. (-3 ; pi. "-) .v. r.. drawer. ©C \\i%\\$,aAj. relative. © c J i e b. u n g,/. (pi. -on) 1 . covering ; .'ing; 2. entering, drawing :t. ./^.reference; vid. ©c I I C It, v. n. to aim at, lie I ject of. © c \ 1 f f c v it, r. a . to mark with ciphers ; bcr bcjiffCVtC ©at), Mus. T. the figured bass. © c 5 1 m m c v n, v. a. to hew © C 5 i r f, 7/7. (-05 ; pi. -0) circuit, com- pass, district, range; compos. — eantt, n. jurisdiction of a district ; — j^cvidit, 71. district court; — 8\)5ft, pi. district court-: . — Sridjter, m. district judge ; — fd;il(f, /. district-school, ©c^irf e n, vid. ©egrenjon. *©f iPflt, 7«. (-5) bezoar, bezoar-stone ; — tnittcf, 71. bezoardic ; — ffiltl'l . zoardic acid. ©ejOgene, m (-it; pi. -n) m v.. drawn'. © e 5 c t \ it, v. a. to impose 1 © c ; it di t i 1] c it, vid. ©cu'd)ttgcn. SB e J U(J e t tt, v. a. to sugar. 23c 5 fig, 77i. (-e8; pi. -jfifte) rei reference; nittfi- — lialimc <\n\, with respect to, respecting; cin — ©aiten, n Bet of strings; compos. — SciXlWtU fUttft, /. M E. order; • — Sfpcfcil, />/. .1/. I., petty charges. © \ ft g I i di, adj. relative, referring to. © J \V a Cf C tt, v. a. to pinch off, cut off. © 5 to do It, 7-. 77. 1. to aim at, to have in view ; 2. to set with small nails; to peg, tack. 33 eg We (fun ft, /. aiming. © C 5 IV C I f C I b a V, adj. questionable ; doubtful. © J IV C I f C ( 11, v. a. to doubt, to ques- tion. © \ 5 lv i tt ft b a v, adj. conquerable. © } lv ing c it, v. ir. a. to overcome, susdue, vanquish, conquer. © 5 to i 11 g 1 1 d), adj. conquerable, su- © C 5 IV I tt g It It g, /. subduing, con- quering, &.c. 23 e } tt l ft C It, v. a. to dispute, bring into litigation. © l b C I, /. (pl.-ti) Ilible, Scripture ; — in ntchrcrnt Spradpew, p compos. — (lUSbritu, 717. scriptural ezpres- sion; — BUSft abe, /.edition of the I — auslcgcr, — crfldrcv, m. interpreter of the Bible; — (tuSlegutig, — et'tl.i= rung,; 1 1 vers- ed m the Bible ; — tcttttcv, m. biblical schoiar; — ffiintnifi, — funbe,/. bib lical knowledge :_ — lobvc, /. scriptural doctrine ; — UUtftft, ral ; — = fvVildlf, /. scriptural language ; — = fvvudi, m. scriptural sentenci ; — ftct= [t,f. passage from the Bible ; — lvevf, 7i. a polyglot Bible, a commentary on the Bible ; — UHHtivctfcr, 777. con- cordance. ©tb or, ?«. (-§; pi. — ) beaw tor; compos. — bittt, 1/7. den or hole of a beaVer ; — baitm, m. magnolia ; — - OlltO,/. — OOgfl, »'■ dun diver ; — f skin; — fftt, 71. beaver's grease; — = geil, 77. castoreum ; — biliir, n. hair of a beaver; — but, m. beaver bat; — = Ree, in. bog bean, marsh trefoil : — = fcblvStlje, pi. T. flal tiles; — ttittcber, m. dundiver, spcrling fowl; •— tt(till= men, pi. beaver's womb; — tourj, /. birth wort, © i b c c 11 c 1 1 e, vid. 1?iiitVt'neIIe. *© i b I i g 11 f i e, /. (pi. -ett) bibliog- nosy, *© ihl{ Oft r S V b, 771. (-on ; //.'. -on) bib liograptK r. S?icn *©tblipgr,ivbio, /. ( P i.-n) ba liograpby. *©iblicgvdv bifrb, adj graphical. *© i b 1 1 m S 11 e, 711. -n ; P i. -n bib liomaniac. *© i b 1 i in a It I c, / bibliomania. *© t b i i e t b f, /. (pi -fit) library. *©tblic' tbcf iiv, 771. (-«; ; ,/. -c librarian. © t b t i f fb, ai'j. biblical, scriptural. *©iblift, m. (-on; ;,/. -en scrip turist *23 i B I ( fti f, / biblical knowledge. ©id bee re, vid. .»>cibclbccre. ©t'cfc Crieff, /. (pi. -11) pickaxs compos. — Ibiliibc,/. head; ©icfclbdvtng, vid. ^tcfclf- a tt rtj ir $5 if clearing. © i cf c tt, vid. $icfcn. © f if I a It b, 777. scouring sand. *© t CO tt C d V, adj. concave On sides. *© i C P It » C r, adj. convex on 1 :b sides. *© 1 C 6 r It tt, pi. bicornous animals. ©icbcv, adj. 1. upright, useful ; true, righteous, just, honourable : - brave : compos. — (jerj, n. upright heart ; — bcriiit, adj. right-hearted, good-heart- ed; — hit,/. — jtiut, 771. hoi rity; — lttillt!!, 771. man of honour man, worthy ; — ntannifdj, — ftnntg, aiij. &■ adv. honest, noble-minded ous ; — ttefeit, n. an honest, upright eiia- racter. ©teg bar, adj. flexible, pliant. ©logo, /. (77/. -It) curve; vid. SBcitftt ©iogefalf, m. (-tt) Oram. T. © 1 g c I it 11. f. iv., vid. Stigcln It. •'. to © i c g c it, ?-. i>. La. 1. to bend, curve ; -.' (.:■• n. T. to decline ; II. bend; ficb fdMitiegcn nnb — , fig. u and crouch, to criiiL'i' ; 111. 71 (mix. fetyit) to bend, be bi di ; .. ntitf; biogen obet bredjeit, it must bend or bo © 1 e g 111 it s f c I, 771. (-6 ; pi. -11) A. T. flexor, I Sicg fa 111, adj. 1. pliant, flexible, S3 t e ft fa 111 f c i t, /. pliantness, flexi- bility, supp] ©i eg tllig, /. 1. bend, curve; 2. de- clension. SBtegjan-fte, /. (p>.-w pliers. © i e 1, m. (-efl ; pi. -e) r. Bcafli ©icla b b' bi 0, / the name of a 11 on the Brocken. ©ICltO, /. (pi. -1!) bee; compos. —V ban, 177. keeping of I s; — nbe^anb* lung,/, mans -: — nbcu= to, vid. — nftoif ; — nbrob, 77. bread; — nfalf, n tzard, — nfdnjer, — nfreffet, ■ — itfafjer, m. vesa I - in , — llflng, in. quantity of bees kept at any place ; — nhOTj, n. — nfirt, 771. bive- — ltfawe, f. B cap worn by those «i bo h tve to do v« ith 1 : — tt^ flee, m • i ;.inu' white trefoil; — lt= f5nigiiut, /■ queen bee; — tifcrb, —nflocf, in. bee-hive; — ttntann, — nmciftcr, — mniter, — iiuvivte bee master : — ltllicifo, /. blue titUJ — nfvedit, — Rioolf, hi. enter; — ttfronb, m.( — liban^, ,,. —n-. biittO, — ltntottcr, /.) apiary ; — nloabe,/ hone) comb; — n» lvatbv, n 1 as' u.i\ : — tttteifer 103 •giaci Sift Stub —nfbniginn,/. mother-bee ; — njudjt, /. keeping of bees ; rearing of bees. •93 t C 1! It 3 I, adj. biennial. •43 t i u it i u m, h. (-c- J a period of two years. 53 ; c r, n. (-eS ; ;>/. -c' beeT ; nnge* bopfteS _, ale; — fd)enfeit, I an alehouse; r»d£. JU — e gebctt, to go to the ale-house; compus. — ablllldv — arttg, «all ; cilicit — - ball niadicit, to put a ball in ; ctucu — ball fprengen, to spring a ball; — ftccf, m. billiard-stick, cue. 93 tlfc,/. (pi. -n) l. T. pickaxe to sharpen millstones; 2. vid 33tUi;rl= ball ; 3. buttocks (of a si *S3 ill i t, n. (-8 ; pi. -C) bUlet, note ; ticket. 53 1 1 1 1 g, I. adj. 1. equitable, fair, just, right, reasonable ; 2. low, cheap ; II ado., justly, reasonably, &x. ; Ctlt — ' er Ubeffd>lag,^a moderate computa- tion : — er 3Jtapeit, justly, fairly. S3 i llig e n, «. a. 1. to approve of; 2. to grant, allow. SSiKigfeit,/. equity, reasonableness, fairness, moderation, cheapness ; compos. — ggeri$t, n. court of equity. 93 i 1 1 1 g U n g, /. approbation, approval 33 i 1 1 1 n g, m. (-e§ ; pi. -e) a kind oj whiting (fish). 33 1 1 1 1 e n, /. {pi -en) billion. "'Billon, m. clipped money._ base cr bad money; compos. — golb, — lllber, n gold or silver which contains more than one half alloy. *33 1 1 1 n d g C, /. trade in debased en clipped money. *33 til ttlt e n, r. n. to deal in coun- terfeited money. SBilfe, /. SBlifenlraut, n. henbane; SBil %, v,d. Spilj. 33 i mm el,/, (pi -n) provmc. shivu- sounding little bell. 33 i m m C I It, r. a. to tingle J to ring to set the bells a-ringing. 33 (in feu, v. a. to rub with pumice- stone. 33 1 m § ft C i tt, m. (-Cb ; pi. -C) pumice ; — pulger, n. pounce. *33 t n a r, ) adj. binary, double, ol *33 ina v ifeb, ) two parts. 93inb, in comp. — able, /. Dodkin — art, /. halbert; — Ctfeit, ». V. iron pipe (in glass-houses) for conveying the melted glass: — fabcit, m. pack-thread string: — ejevte, — tvcitc, — boU, ». — riegel,m. t. rail; ^me?i fer, n. planer; — pfennig, m, earnest- money; — ricmcii, m. strap, latchei — ftcif, m. /■/./. ^nebel; — recvf, ,1 . T. lattice-work: --Wliritt, •« I Hake, gourd worm. Sittf 8 i l! b (, f. (pi. -II) hand, fillet, binding, sliilg, string, tie; cravat, stock, neck- : bcu x'lnn in cincr — tragen, to carry one's arm in a sling; compos. — balfxn, vi. Arch. T. girder; archi- trave; — fair, m. fat lime ; — mailCl',/. partition-wall ; — llicffcr, n. T. adze ; — niitlcl, v. cement; Med. T. aggluti- nant; — fdjttalle,/. stock-buckle ; — = fcfccibt, /. sheath (for tlio ad/.e) ; — fdjliiffet vi. key of St. Peter; — = ftfill, vi. binding stone ; — ftvirf), m. hyphen; — tDPCt, n. Gram. T. con- junction; Log. T. copula ; ba8 jertl)ci= leilbc — HSPvr, disjunctive conjunction; — jcicbcit, n. T. hyphen; — jeilfl, n. surgeon's case ; — Jtecjct, m. Arch. T. pilaster-brick. 53 ill be II, v. ir. I. a. 1. to bind, tie, wind, i mt; -.Jig. to tie up; to restrain: 3. to oblige; 4. to fetter ; @arbeil — , to bind sheaves; SBcfetl — , to make brooms; 23alklt — , to pack bales; Saffet — , to hoop casks; til (Sifctt i\cbuubcit, hooped with iron; geSunbeit feint, to be bound, obliged to; bie flebuttbeite 5iebe, verses; bic un= ocbunbene 3lebe, prose ; ciitcnt tttoaS auf bic Sftafe — , vulg. to affix by a lie ; to tell one a fib ; II. reft, (fid) CM tttDCl§) to bind one's self to, make one's sell' dependent upon. 83 l II b e r, vt. (-§ ; pi. — ) binder, tier ; provinc. cooper. ©(ttbfcl, a. JV. T. lashing; Dbeit— itt SffiaiXbinauer, lashing of the shrouds and slays. 23 i II b It It 3, / (pi. -Cll) 1. binding ; band ; Mus. T. ligature ; ~.fg. connexion , 3. Med. '/'. agglutination; compos. — 8- mtttcl, v. cement. 23 1 II C t ) d\ m. (-C?) provinc. spinage. £3 t It e t ! V a ll i, n. mercury; H8 yc= rcilllivcilbc — , dog's mercury. "sBittU'eit, v. a. to read mass twice a day, ©f lilt eit, prep, within; — flrfjt %<\* (\C\\, within a week; in compos. ■ — = bcirb, m. inner dam (dyke); — flClDiifs H'l', ii. waters of the continent, inland- water; — tjctfetl, m. basin of a port; — ()rtllbc(, m home-trade, inland-trade; — Unb, v. inland, interior; — lallbtl', m. I. inhabitant of the interior; ~. a small vessel navigating inland rivers; — Itillbifrb, adj. internal ; — lanbfdlitft, — prppill§, /. inland province ; — IitU= TCI!, v. n. JV". T. to sail into a harbour wriver; — Icf)Clt, n. inland-feoff; — = lid'tcv, in. A". T. lighter; — nicer, n. nd sea; — fd)iffal)l't, /. internal -ation ; — frfjOOt, ii. .V.T.thc tackof a studding-sail; — fee, m. inland-lake; — jtevCU, — PPl'fteOCtt, m. A". T. apron ; — jcit, /. interval; — Jpll, m. inland duty. »33 i ii 6 c u I u in, 23iiiPcnIartcicffpp, n. le : ilesi opo. •SB i u p m t u in, n . (-8 ; pi. -ien) Mat. T. a binomial quantity. '83 I II 6 m i f dj, adj. Mat. T binomial. ©tuff,/. (;./. -11) rush; bent grass; compos. — ltbilliuc, /. flowering rush; — Itbllfdi, in. rush bed ; — ttfjVag, n. rush-grass; reedgrass; — nEPl'b, vi. Junket; — lllidltcr, /)/. rush candles; — Iimatfcn, pi. rush mats; — llt'Cllff,/. a weel made of rushes; — nfcibe, /. B.T. many-spiked cotton-grass; — 11= ititblf, ;)/. rush chairs. 23 in ft d)t, adj. like rushes. 93 l II f i 3, ailj. full of rushes, rushy ma *33ioavap b. in. (-en; pL -en ■iier. *89 i o 3 r a p b I c, /. [pi. — cu biography. "23 i o 3 r a p b i fdi, adj. bii graphical *23 i p 1 p 3 t e, /. the science of life, biology. *23 tpfppb If, /. the philosophy of life, practical wisdom. *23iy — avfcl, m. musk apple; — blllllte, /. sweet sultan ; — gerild), in. of musk: ■ — fatje, ,/". civet-cat; — fltPyf, in. — flljel, /. musk I all, po- I mander; — tno«pe,/.— !raut,« crowfoot; — ESmei abel-musk; — mcloiic, .,• — nicven, pi. musk in cods ; — ratte — ta(jc, /. — tbicr, n. musk musk-rat; — rofe, /. musk 23 i 8 c a l? a, n. Biscay. 83 i i di e n, n. little bit, | 23ipcben. 23 1 f d; o f, m. (-f« ; pi. -23ifd;5fc) i ! ■ — sf>ut, — Siniitje, /. mitre; — £mz\u tel, in. pallium; — 6|lab, m. cro-ier. 83 if cf) 9 f It cb, adj. episcopal. *23 t 8 C U 1 1, n. biscuit. *23 1 f e c 1 1 B n, /. bisection. 23 i 8 b c r, 23ii(> ; r, adv. hitherto, till now 23 1 8 b i ' r i 3, adj. what has been hitherto, made hitherto. 23t8mutb, vid. 23i-5nintb. *23tfon, m. (-«; pi. -8) buflklo, hi- rer flcine — , zebu. ^i}t, m. (— ffc3 ; ?/.-ffe) biting, bite, 23 1 ii d) c n,_ 7i. (-S ; pi. — ) ( the oVrunu- tirr of 33iS) little bit; a little; eiit — 23rob, a bit of bread; lyavtet eiu — , stay a moment. 83iff en, «.(-*: pi.—) bit, morsel; einen — effen, to eat a little; compos. — TOeifc, ado. by bits. 23 i f I i 3, adj. biting, rabid, fierce, nrnr- dacious. 23 i jit it, v. n. [aux. baben) tincnt — , to whist. 23 is t bum, n. (-t«; pi. -tbiiine. 1 bishopric, see; compos. — vvenvet'er, m. vicar of a bishopric. •93 ijtnrT, m. s.T. bi 23 is X0 C lie It, adv. sometimes, now and then. 23 1 1 1, in compos. — brief, m. petitionary letter; — i t t It lit t It 8, «<(/'. bituminous. SB t ij C I it, i-. ;;. to be stimulating to the ti mgue. *53 i 9 d I 9 C It, y. bivalves. *53 1 9 P U a f, nt. (-3 ; pi -i) bivouac ; — ireit, v. n. to bivouac. *33 t 5 d r r, adj. strange, odd ; — CVlC, /. strangeness, oddity. 53 I d d), adj. plain ; compos. — fclb, n. plain, open field; — froft, in. black- frost ; — mat, n. T. dross of metal ; — lltalcit, v. a. T. to paint black on. white. SBtddje, /. (pi. -n) cart-tnt S? I d cf f i f d), m. (-eg ; >'. -c) cuttle- fish ; codling. SB Idf f e It, o. n, (auz. filbert) to bark. 03 [ d ft C It, r. T. a. to blow up, to swell ; 11. v. (auz. i)abcil) to cause flatulency ; G'rbfcil — , pease are flatulent ; lit. rrfl. to Mow up, puff" up, swell ; ftcf) tint etWilS — , to be elated with a tiling. 53 t d ft e It b, part. adj. flatulent, windy. 53 I d ft f it eft t, /. flatulency. 53 I d ft f ii rf) t 1 g, adj. flatulent. S ( d f) 11 It f!, /. (pi. -Clt) wind; windi- ness, flatulence : HJ2tttc( gegett — en, carminative ; lltit — Clt ftcbdftct, fla- tuous. 23 Idf Clt, v. n. (aux. ftat'Clt) to burn (with much smoke). 53 I a I C r, + m. (-8 ; pi. — ) flat can- dlestick ; sconce. SStafertg or SBIaftg, adj. <$■ adv. 1. burning ; 2. smoky. ►SBIaindMe, adj. vid. JEabelbaft, 3tfafltcf). * 53 [ a in e, /. blame, disgrace, disrepute. *53 I a lit t V e It, v. a. to slander, defame, disgrace. 53 I due a, SBIdnfa,/. Blanch, Blanche. 53 ( d 11 f, adj. 1. blank, white ; bright, polished, clean; 2. naked, bare; Cttt — CV T'C gClt, a drawn sword ; compos. — 1)0= tel, pi. jointers; — Ieber, ?;. slr.-k leather; — fcf>ctf, n. busk; — ftpfjflt= flflil, pi. glass-sleekers eictnfettt, ». n. (aux. f.aftcn) to skirmish. •58 ( a it f c t f , SBlanquet, n. (-§ ; P i. -c) blank charter (letter, bond), carte blanche. *53 ( a n E p, adj. M. K. in — traffiren, to draw in blank; ttt — acceptireit, to accept in blank or without funds at hand ; tit — itlbpfftrcit, to endorse in blank ; tit — laffelt, 1. to leave void ; 2. tn leave in blank; compos. — CVCbit, m. credit in blank, open credit. fBItts" oft c it, n. (-5 ; pi. —) pustule ; small blister: campus. — dillllifft, adj. vesicular ; — frail t, n. common bladder- wort. SBlftfe, /. (pi. -ll) 1. bladder; 2. Typ. T. iron pr*; boiler, copper; 3. bubble; 4. blister; 5 pimple; G. ($ltm 11)6 S31af} Tiuiutrctt) alembic, still; compel. ■ — bci.Q, m. (a pair of) bellows: — = balgrphre, /. the nnz'z'le of apair of bellows; — balgtrctcr, m. organ-blower ; — Dflp, vi. fagot, bassoon; — fifd\ m. bottle-nosed whale; — ftprit, ?i. born; — iitftntmenf, «. wind-instrument;—* lAUter, m. Oram. T. a hissing labial ; — Ipfft, «. mouth-piece ; — roftr, n. 1. blow-pipe ; 2. shooting trunk ; — = ttuuf, n. 1. blast-furnace; 2. bellows (of an organ) ; — n>Cl - f$Clia, n. Mus. T. wind-instrument ; — liampfcr, m. blad- der-dock; — lldhltlid), adj. B. T. vesi- cular, vesiculous, vesiculate ; ■ — Itttts tti], adj. A. T. folliculous ; — lltatt, m. balloon ; — Itlniltllt, m. bladder-senna, bastard-senna : — ltftnicft, m. S.T. cysto- cele; — itciltjunlMtltg, /. cystitis, an inflammation of the bladder ; ■ — ltgilttrj, m. A. T. cystic duct; — ItfJVtC*, in. gravel ; — agtttttb, m. the bottom of the bladder; — ttftalS, m. the neck of the biadder : — ltftelm, — llftltt, m. Ch. T. helm; — irfafer, m. cantharis (pi. can- tharides), Spanish fly ; — ttfpftl, m. Span- ish rocket ; — llfppf, m. Ch. T. helm ; — Itfmiltpf, m. Med. T. a spasm in the bladder ; — nfrailt, n. vid. 53ld§cf)cn= fvaut; — nlebergang, m. a. r.cysthe- patic duct ; — llpffiutlU], /. 1. A. T. the lower orifice of the ureter ; 2. S. T. cys- totomy ; lithotomy ; — Itpflafkr, n. blister, blistering-plaster, vesicatory, vesicant; nut — npflaftcr betegen, to blister, to vesicate ; — livdltmci:, m. S. T. scoop; — nfcMaftabcr, /. the cvstic artery; — ltfrfntttt, m. S. T. lithotomy ; jitin — nfciinttte fjcftiirii], lithotomic; — ltfcttlta, /. bladder-senna; — llftahl, m. common steel ; — llftctlt, in. the stone in the bladder : a calculus in the bladder; — nfietttfaureS ©atj, Ch. T. lithiate; — ltficittfdttre, /. Uthicacid; — iiftciiifcftncibcr, m . lithotomist ; — tt= fttdl, m. S. T. cystotomy ; — Itfiraitcft, m. vid. — nbaum; — ytufall, m.Jied. T. exocystus : — 11$icftcit, n. vesi- cation ; — Itjicftcitb, adj. blistering. 53 [ a f C tt, v. ir. a. if n. (aux. ftatflt) to blow, to sound ; give signal ; bCV SEBtnb t'ldfct, the wind blows; tic STPlllpefe — , to sound the trumpet: fct'c %['Ht — , to play upon the flute; Sarin — , to sound an alarm; jltin Siurfyuije — , to sound the retreat ; Jltr SEttfel — , to ring the dinner-bell, give the signal to go to table ; bag Idjit fid) llicftt — , that cannot be done in a twinkling ; id) UHU"= be ihm, tjjr it. f. to. ttwaS — , I shall take good care not to do it; eiltfllt tit bic Clu'en — , to whisper in one's ear; mttetnem in ciit^pnt —, to act in concert with one. 53 Ufc It, n. blowing. 53 1 d f C r, in. (-§ ; pi. — ) blower ; in- strument for blowing. SB I Sft dj t, adj. like blisters. 53 I a f t (t, adj. full of blistero. SBlaftUi, m. Blase. *53 I il f P It t V e n, ». a. to blazon. •SBIafottlrl U n ft, /. blazonry, her- aldry. *53Iafpnfft, m . (-en; pi. -en) bia- zoner. *53 1 a $ p ft e m I e,/. (pt.-tn) blasphemy. *S8 I a S p ft C in 1 r C It, ». a, * n. to blas- pheme. *53 1 a 5 p ft ( m i f rft, adj St adv. blasphe- mous. 53 I d f), adj. pale, wan ; baS — ftfatt, blue-bice : ba8 — jjviilt, green-bice; tltg — TPtftc fpiclcilb, white, lightly Hushed with red. S5Iar SB ( a ffe,/ (pi. -Ctt' paleness, wanness — an bet £>tmt etnes SPfcvbcS u. f. tv, blaze, star, white spot. SBIdffen,«.wA@rbIaffen. 53 \ dfi ft it ftn, n . (-eS; pi. -ftiiftnerl SBlafltng, m. moor-hen. SB I d 1 1, n. (-eS ; pi. SBlatter) 1. leaf, P i. leaves; 2. A. 7'. blade, membrane, aid. 531dttcftcit ; 3. T. (with weavers sley ; 4. journal, pamphlet; 5. (an Ct'llCllt ;)ipife H. f. tt>.) skirt, lappet, breadth; 6. Mil einer ©age n. f. to.) blade: — ct'nca Sil'dlCg, board of a table ; i. ; ffilltlute SBISttet, newspapers;^. ba» — ftat ft'd) fjemcilbCf, the tables are turned; ftcf fciii — oox bai il'uinl iit-ftmcn, vulg. to be plain-spoken, plain-dealing ; compos. — dftillid), adj. resembling a leaf; — 0!tfa$, in. B. T. stipule, stipula : — atige, n.— fltpfpe,/. leaf-bud; — bc= jcicftititiii], /. Typ. T. signature; — » ftlci, n. sheet-lead ; — cHfit, n. sheet- iron; — fcbcrd)Cit, v. b. t. plumule, plume ; — floft, —, m. Zool. T. kermes ; — fpimta, adj. having the form of a leaf;. — gplb, n. gold-leaf. + leaf gold, foliated gold ; — ftalter, m. Typ. T. retinaculum ; — ftiTlltcftcil, n. B. T. strap, sheath; — ftiifer, m. Tijp. T.catch-word ; — ttffen, — tiiffen, «. T. cushion ; — = fllpfci", n. sheet-copper; — lilftnt, adj. shoulder-shotten ; strained in the shoul- der; ■ — lailg, /. plant-louse, puceron; — toS, adj. leafless; — ntarftcr, ra.reed- niaker; — lltctall, ?i. sheet-metal; — ran* })e, f. a caterpillar feeding on leaves ; — retdj, adj. leafy; — fcftcibc,/. B. T. sheath; — feitc, /. page; — fctjCf, m. reed-maker : — filter, n. silver-leaf, leaf- silver : — ftifl, tn. B. T. leafstalk, petiole ; — Itdttbia,, adj. petiolar, petiolarv ; — = Sergotbung, gilding with gold-leaf; — Oerftl&erung, /. silvering with sUver- leaf ; — tt)etfe, ado. in leaves, leaf by leaf; — rPCllbcr, m. — ^eirftfll, ?,. a tas sel (for books); — IPcfpf ; /. saw-fly; — jiltlt, n. I. tin-leaf, leaf-tin, 2. tin- foil. 53 I a 1 1 eft c n, n. (S ; pi. — ) ] . sma i: leaf; 2. A. T. membrane (of the brain). 53 I d 1 1 C K, v. a. to leaf; to clear of su- perfluous leaves. SB Id tter,/. (pi. -It) blister: pock; bit — H, pi. the small pox: bie — it Jict (Sdjvpciite, measles; bic — n *er Scbaafe, rot; compos. — grnbe, vid. — narfte ; — mafeit, pi. marks of the smallpox; — ItMtftg, vid. — imfftii^; — Iiarfte,/. pock-mark: — mtvftii], adj. marked with the small-pox; . — nftpf^, v. guaiacum, lignum vit;p ; — ntm» pfltin],/. inoculation of the small-pox: — fief It, m. variolite. 53 1 d 1 1 e r, pi. in compos. — attfafe, — = anftattfj, m. vid. SBIattanfafc ; — erbe, / Ch. T. acetate of potash ; —fall, m. fall of the leaf, autumn; — fjeftaifenes, n pufipaste ; flaky crust ; blistering ; — « getft, v. a yellowish green : folio-mort — fpftle, /. slate-coal'; — Io§, adj. leaf less: athyllous; — lliageii, m. tripe; — frijreantm, m. agaric; — fpatft, m foliacious spar; ■ — fhtnb, m. foliation. ; . — ftcilt, in. foliated stone_: — tabat, n>. tobacco in leaves : - — tctfj, vid. — e|C barfeneS ; — tretben, n. ]eafma ; — tnn genb, adj. foliferous; — 9pII, adj. A adv. leafy: — VOCtfc, adr. vid. SBIatt* wetfe ; — voeifcr, m. index; — un-rf, n foliage; —IVlieftg, ?n. foliation; — :ep» lit ft, m. foliated zeolite. SBtftttertg, ulj. 1. leaved, leafy; 2 laminated. SBldttem, ?> ». (aux. faben) to i av»: tlu siiiall-nox S3Iei © I d 1 1 ( r n, v. I. a. to turn over the leaves (of a book) ; II. njl. to come off in blisters. £3 I ft fi, I. adj. blue ; ciitcn braun itnb — fchlaa,cit, to beat one black and blue; mit cincm — cit Sluge bason fommm, to come off with little hurt, injury ; bci* — C SRoXltaa, Saint Monday; ba3 — C mt beu spftaumen or Xrauben, the bloom; IT. arfw. blucly; compos. — a- fcertg, «(//. blue-veined; — ftUft,C, ?j. per- son with blue eyes; — ftltflif], adj. blue- eyed ; — bftrt, m. blue-beard ; — bcerc, /. bilberry; — blCUTJ, ?!. blue lead ore ; — fftrbc, /. blue colour; blue-glass; stone-blue, smalt ; — fiU'ber, to. dyer in blue ;— flecftg, adj. blue-spotted; — flfis gel, m. pine-creeper; — fllfj, to. lanner, lanner-hawk; ber Heine— fuf,lanneret; — ijcabcrr,^//. blue-veined; — gel'lumf, adj. blue-flowered; — gcfauert, adj. — 18 Sftlfl, CA.7'.prussiate; — gefaitei's Wei td iSiftn, prussiate of iron ;"— alft>3, n. blue-glass ; — grftit, adj. livid ; — hulj, n. logwood, Campeachy wood ; — fcbl = elicit, n. blue-throated warbler; — tol)l, TO. red-cabbage; — friibc, /. rook; — = fttpe,/. blue-vat; — metfe,/. titmouse; turn tit; — mui}C,/.#. r. blue-bonnet ; ' — I'OCf, to. person wearing a blue coat; —fSure, /. Ch. T. Prussic acid; — = fdierfe, /. flea-bitten-gray horse; — - fd,Hlltmcl, m. dapple-gray horse ; — jVftiiri, m. Min. T. cyanite ; — fpntf), m. azure spar; — fpcd)t, Jn . nut-hatch, wood-cracker ; — ftctlt, m. litmus ; — ftrUltlpf, m.fig. spy, accuser, inform- er; — jtemer, to. the fieldfare. 53 [ft U, n. f— CS) blue, blueness ; tu8 — e (billCtlt), in the air, without aim or definite object; iitS — e biuciitrcoeii, to talk without thinking; iltS — e fc^ie= tint, to shoot at haphazard. 53 1 ft fi C, /. blue colour ; blueness ; blue starch. 53 ( a li e (, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) beetle, batlet, SB ( n ii e it (SBlaiien), v . I. a. to dye bine, wash blue ; 11. n. ■$■ rrfi. (aur. t>abetl) to prow blue ; to appear blue. S ( ft fi C it, v. a. 1. to beat with a beetle ; 2. to beat blue ; 3. Jig-, to beat, drub. 53 1 ft fi 1 1 ch, adj. bluish. SIS filing, to. (-c8; P /. -e; / c ;,, whiting. Bled), w. (-e«; P J. -e) plate, tin; roeijjcS — , tinplate ; flarfeS — , double- plate ; JU — fdjlagen, to plate ; compo*. — ftlt$|chllfj, m. waster (.1/. 7'.); — = (jammer, to. — (jiitte, /. tin-forge; * hftitbc,— fftwc,— mi'ifec,/. tin-cap, hel- inel : — muu$c, /. a thin sort of coin ; — idH'CVC,/. shears for cutting tin, plate- shears; — fcblftiicr, — febmibt, to. tin- worker; tin-man; — fcbloj), n. plate- lock; — Wftare, /. tin goods; —Jinn, vid. 53l«ttjtnn. B led; en, v. n. (aux. fiaben) vulg. to ,»ay; to bleed; fr lltllfj (trttg — , he has to pay nicely (for it). 53 1 c dj c v it a> 33led)en, adj. of tin, plate- iron ; cin — cr SJcucbtcr, a tin candle- stick. B3 1 e d) II C V, m. (-8 ; ;,/. — ) lamp-ma- ker. 5* I c'.f c it, v. a. bte Sa^ne, 3uuge — , i" show the teeth, tongue; IS I C i, «. (-C8) lead ; Spul»er Ittlb — , powder and shot: llltt — aitSlegtn (futtern it. f. ».), to lead : — in Safeln, sheet-lend; cbromfaiircS — , chro- »ate of lead; fo&ienfaureS — , car- bonate of lead; iiiohibbftitfaurca — , luo'vbdate oflead ; pboSpfowfaureo , phosphate of lead; falvcfcrfaitrc« — , nitrate oflead; liua,cfattia,tlij — , Mll = reS— , nitrate of lead with e\ oxygen; faljfaitvcS — , mnrial lead, corneous lead-ore : amptg. — ilboi', /.lode oflead; — ftttfd)liM, m, Ch. r.the Shooting Of lead into crystals ; — avbnt, /. plumbery; — ftrbcitcr, — qtcfjiT, m. plumber; — avtift, adj. plumbeous, resembling lead ; — ftfiiV, . — bergwerf, n. lead-mines; — blus men, pi. (lowers of lead ; — bccfcr, to. plummer, plumber, worker in lead; — bVUfe, /.lead-crystal ;—cr^, n. lead- on-; plumbagin; fjelb — cvj, yellow lead ore ; nvitit — cr?, green phosphate Of lead ; ttmjf — .erj, white lead-ore; — crjlttftc, pi. solid blacklead pencils ; — erUtegel, m. blacklead crucible; — efftrt, m. vinegar of lead; — forte (bC5 ©effdjtS), /. lividness ; — fftrbcit, adj. leaden ; livid ; — feber, rid. — fiift; — -flClb, ii. yellow lead, massicot; — s fllarij, m. potter's ore; lead glance; — - Qlai, v. lead glass ; — fjlftttc, /. litharge ; , — Qaltt'g, or/j. containing lead ; — buttt', f. lead-works; — fftlf, m . oxyd oflead- — fcl)ld)Clt, n. blue-breast; — fcffd, m'. lead-bucket: — fhllllpcit, m. lump of lead; — Eolif, /. colic frequent among plumbers; — I5nlg, m. Ch. T. regulus oflead; —fr(l]Xt,n lead-wort; — 'loth, n. plumb, plummet ; — millbe, /. pig- lead ; — Od)cr, m. ochre of lead ; — rob, n. (— -wtnbe, /. —jug, m.) r. vice; — = rftltdi, m. T. flight ; — Xtd)t, adj. per- pendicular; — VCd)r, n. pencil-case; — robve, /. leaden-pipe; — VOtf), 1. adj. saturnine-red; 2. *. n. redlflad; — = ffbftum, to. plumbagin; — fcfjtcfcr, m. lead slate; — fcblftcfe, /. dross of lead- — fcbltur, /. plumb-line; — fbftfb, m. white lead-ore; votbev — f\\\tb, red lead-ore; bunflcr —tyatf}, black lead- ore; — fliff, to. lead pencil; — fltft- f Utter, — ftifirol;r, n. pencil case; —, bttltOl, m. Cli. T. sulphate oflead; —Wftfle, /. plumb, level ; — tttttf, n. white lead ; — linnbe, /. T. vice ; - tiMirf, m. plummet ; — jucfcr, to, sugar oflead; — jiigc,;^. r. glaziers' vices. 5.1 let ben, v . ir. n. [am. fei;n) u followed by a nominative; 1. to con- tinue, be, remain ; 2. to remain, abide, stay, rest, stand ; 3. to stay out ; 4. to rest, to be left; 5. to perish, .to be killed; to be lost; ftebett — , fl^ett— , to stop, continue standing, sitting ; gefllllb II. f. W. — , to continue or re- main in health, &c; fjclftffen — , to keep one's temper; — bci etroftS, bft= bet, likewise with the, n-oiit. to abide by, to stand by; bci ^cntftitbcm — , to abide with a person ; bctilt £riu= feu — , to stick to the bottle ; betUl fflUCMlaben — , to adhere to the letter ; eS blctbt babet! agreed! ouf bem spiafec— , in ber ®d)lod)t— -, to be killed on the spot, in battle ; Metb lllir SOtltSetbe, stand off; cr blctbt febr IftUqc, he stays awav a long while ; (3 bleibt ibnt fciu SBittel, he has no way left ; Jit ^ailfc — , to stay at home, to keep in ; juriicf — , to stay behind; verfdnvtca,eu _, to remain secret ; etlVftS — Iftffeit, to leave alone or undone, leave off forbear, discon- tinue, omit; bftS foil cr W0$l — Iaf» feu, I will take care that he shall not doit; lv o finb ivir Irfcfbin (ftchcu) geblteben? where did we leave off (stop) the other day? baS ©cjtjf tft geblteben, the ship has been lost: bier tit lllcillCS— 5 nid)t, here is no abiding for me. "iMcidi, adj. pale; feint, faded; wan; compos. — fftrttg, adj. livid; — fftlj, mm I '.' r ' r - ,: ' — flfttt —1 flatte, /. — VlftlJ, m. bl.acbini: place —peine, pi. sandel-brich*j — I'mtr, / — twaffer, « ehing liquor; — Waferfurbt,' / macy. S;,n. Ulei* S| a j. That i, „;,, to ^ Hag, wliii -l, htu sultered only a par- nation ofita natural .-olour, so UiatUie i- u etill distinguishable. It is i used in composition to denote a piiier shade of any colour, as: 3Slsltrcit,m. born blind; — = fclllc, /. charcoal not sufficiently burnt; — fd)lcid;C, /. blind-worm; slow-worm. 23 I i It b C, m. el, vi. a chisel fastened in a block; — tlAgel, m. a strong peg ; — tab, n. a wheel formed out of one block; —VOllc, — fdicibc, /. block- sheave, pnlly; — fdge, /. pit saw; — = fd)iff, n. raft, float of limber; — tallbc, /. ring clove; — WagCU, ?». a large cart; — VDCrf, ?i. .V. T. the blocks of a ship; — ^iltlt, n. block-tin. *33 i cf a b C, /. blockade, blocking up. 33 1 6 cf C 11, v. a. to put on the block. *83 lo d?ireil,7j. weak eyes; Cttt — V 3>Cvftailb, a weak under- standing : II. ado. bashfully. 33 I i b t g f C i t, /. 1. weakness of eye or understanding; purblindness ; 2. basbfulness, shamefacedness, shyness, dillidence. 33 1 b f i cf) t i g, adj. dim sighted ; short- sighted; — frit, /. stupidity; dim-sight- edness. 33 lo b f t tl tt, m. 33lobftllltigEcit, /. weak- ness of mind; imbecility, silliness; 33lobfittltig, adj. weak of mind, silly, simple, stupid. 33 1 1) m, 77t. (-eS; pi. -c) Sp. t. place of meeting of stags when they are in heat. 93 13 1 e It, v. v. {am. fjabeit) to bleat ; to low, to bellow. 33 I 6 It b, adj. fair, light-coloured, light- brown, flaxen; — gclocff, — fyaarig, ■ — fopfig, — locftg, adj. S,- adv. having light coloured hair, fair-haired ; — = fopf, 7/i. a fair-haired man or woman. 33 I 6 tt b d) C it, B. (-8 ; pi. — ) a fair- haired little girl. 33 1 0! '.be, jji. & f. (pi. -it) 1. a person of fair hair and complexion ; 2. blond-lace. 93 1 6 it b fj c 1 1, /. fair-hairedness. *33lonbilte, /. {pi. -it) fair woman with light hair. *33lOttbU-i, adj. M. E. worked in the manner of French blcnd-lace. 93 1 0$, I. adj. 1. naked, bare; 2. mere, nothing but ; 3. destitute, unprotected ; exposed, unfurnished with, wanting : cin — er 5)egeii, drawn sword; auf bee ■ — en (Stbe licgcn, to lie on the bare ground ; Jtacf t Ullb — , bare and naked; mit — Clt i\ufiCtt, barefooted; lltit or tilt — Clt it'Opfe, bareheaded, uncovered; ltlltcr bem —Clt cfoilltmcl, in the open air ; fig. ftd) — gcbcit, — ftcllcil, to lay one's self open, to ex- pose one's self; mit — Clt o^aitbcil, fig. empty handed; C8 {ft citt — CV -.'IvgroOrjtl, it is a mere suspicion ; — C 9B6vtC, bare words ; II. ado. merely, only, barely, solely. 33 I fi C, /. (pi. -tl) 1. nakedness, bare- ness ; indigence ; 2. unprotected part ; 3. fig. weak side ; 4. a naked or un- covered place (in a wood, upon a fur, &c.) ; cilie — gebett, to lay une's self open (in fencing); citlC — bccfcil, Sp. T. to hit a blot. 33 IB f; c it, r. vid. ©ntblofen. 33 1 fi I ill g, m. 1. a very indigent per- son ; 2. a skin or hide stripped of its hair. 53 1 1 1 1 IV 11 C, /. skinner's wool. 53 1 u he it, v. ji. (oikc. baku) to bloom, blossom, flower, blow ; jig. to flourish. 33 1 li h C 11 b, part. adj. blooming, flourish- ing; in blossoms; florid; ba8 — C 3lltCV, flower of age, prime of life. 33 I ii I) C 5 e i t, /. flowering-time. 53 1 u m d) c it, 71. (-8 ; pi. — ) dinin. cf 93lume, floweret 33 I fi lit C, /. (pi. -It) 1. flower ; 2. Sp. T. tail, white spot, single ; 3. the finest part of certain substances ; compos. — Itbail, 7ii. the cultivation of flowers; — llbcdlCC, m. calix, cup (of a flower) ; • — llbCCt, 71. bed of flowers ; — tt= biabC, /. festoon ; — tlbiltfc, /. water violet, blooming rush; — llblatt, n. petal; — ntlatllo8, adj. B. T. apeta- S5(ut lous ; — nbrcmfe, /. humble-bee ; « - rfc brett, ?i. shelf for flower-pots ; —11= biifd)Cl, 7r. corymbus; — tlbcrfe, /. li. T. perianth ; — ItCVbC, /. garden-mould ; — llfavbig, adj. flower-coloured, varie- gated ; — ttfelb, 7i. flowery field ; a piece of ground destined for flowers ; — tlpor, 7ii. — llflliv, /. a field covered with flowers ; the time of blowing ; — 11= fmuib, — tifeimcr, — iijichcr, m. florist; — ligartetf, m. flower-garden; —11= (jfirtner, m. florist; — itgcbange, — »- gcituubc, 7i. — itfcttc, — rtfrbitUT, / festoon, garland, wreath of flowers ; — ngcf d)ivr, 7i. flower-pot ; — ligcftell, 71. flower-stand: — ltgcunidiv, n. flower- plant; — ItflOttttttt, /. the goddess oi flowers; — tifclch, — nbcdier, m. calix, cup, bell of a flower; — lltoht, m. cauli flower; — llforb, m. Arch. T. corbel, — ItEvailS, 7ii. garland, wreath of flowers; — nflttlft, /. the art of cultivating flowers ; — lliefc,/. gathering of flowers ; fig. anthology; — lllicbhabcr, in.tlorisf; — ttlliakv, m. flower-painter: — timet)!, 7t. flower-dust, pollen : — UlltPliat, 7;;. flower-month; ■ — ttltclfe, /. pink, car- nation; — HOVbCit, 711. the name of a Society of poets (founded 1C44); — tt = rcieb, I. n. floral kingdom; II. adj. bloomy, flower-bearing ; — JtVpfjV, n. Indian cane ; — llfailie, m. flower- seed; — nfcfjcibe, /. B. T. snathe, — Ilfd)CVbe, 711. flower-pot; — il|>cd)i, m. humming-bud; — llfpi'iicbc, /. lan- guage of flowers ; — ttftaitb, m: pollen ; — nfteiigel, m. stalk, spindle; — nftiel, 711. B. T. peduncle; — nfticlftatibig, adj. pedunculate ; — liftocf, 711. flowers, plants; — llftvailf;, 711. nosegay; — 11= ftiicf, 71. flower-plot (in a garden) ; — liftiiife, pi. spots of flowers; — tt= tbee, 711. flower-tea, imperial tea; — 11= topf, 7)1. flower-pot; — lllthv, /. horo- loge consisting of flowers ; — tlDDU, adj. abounding in flowers; — ■llVPCvf, ». festoons, flower-work; — lljapfett, m. B. T. catkin: — li$Clf, /. flowering season; — njichev, in. florist; — lt= Jltdlt, /. cultivation of flowers; — li= jwtebel, /. buib. §3 1 u in c I it, D.71. (aux. baben) l. to visit the flowers (said of bees) ; 2. tc speak or write flowery. 33 I U lit C It, v. a. to print or adorn with flowers (of silks, &c). *33 1 it m e v d it t, adj. of a pale blue colour 33 I fi lit t d) t, adj. like flowers. 33 t fi lit i g, adj. florid, flowery, bloomy. *33 1 1! lit t V C It, o. a. to deck or adorn with flowers. *53 1 11 m i ft, 7ii. (-en; pi. -en) florist *93 I U 111 l ft i f, /. the science of flowers, 33 I U f C, /. (j>l. -tl) lighthouse ; compos. — ttgclb, 71. light-money, beaconage. 33 I fit, 71. (-C8) 1. blood; 2..i?rr._fanfily, race; 3. (of plants) sap; — Ulffcit, to let blood, bleed; bil8 — ftilJcit, to stop or stanch the blood; fcilt — ift i« 2i?allin;g, his blood is up; ui — fc.r)llH11tliiel!b, deluged in blood; fig. er {ft litem Stetfdj nub — , he ja my flesh and blood ; bis Ollf8 — pei= ntgetl, to toi-ment almost to death; feme Jpanbc mit — bcflecfcit, to stain one's hands with blood ; cilt jllltgc8 , vulg. a young person, a youth , a spark; compos. — achat, m. blood- acate ; — aif CV, m. field of blood ; — = aber, /. blood-vessel, vein; — ill'lll, adj. ruin, miserably porn-; — aitgc, ?i. blood-shot eye ; — ausamvf, m. ex- pectoration of blood: — bat. 71. blood thed, slaughter, massacre, butchery ma — baillt, + m. penal judicature; — fce- Pccft, — bcfpn&t, adj. blood-stained; — behalter, m. — gefflfc »■ blood- vessel; — bereihutg, — tqeiigung, /. sanguification; — blame, /. blood- flower ; — brcdjCll, it. tlie vomiting of blood j — biibttc, /. scaffold (for execution) ; — turft, m. thirst lor blood ; — bitrftii}, adj. bloodthirsty; — egef, m. leech, fig. blood-sucker; — fartf, /. dark red, crimson ; — fitvt ijj, vid. — = VOtb; — fillf, to. bullfinch, red-finch; — flagge,/. JV. T. 1. flag of defiance, red flag ; 2. sudden squall of wind ; — flujt, m. Med. T. bloody-flux J hemor- rhage ; monthly courses ; hemorrhoides, piles; — frcmb, adj. vulg. quite a wranger ; — gang, to. 1. + consan- guinity; 2. vid. — fluji, — jjefafj, n. blood-vessel; — acfaplcfjrc, /. Med. T. angiology; — QClJ), n. price of blood; — iierict)t, n. tribunal judging of life tnd death ; — 3 C r XI ft, n. scaffold, vid. — biit)!ic; — (jcfcfyauir, n. phlegmon, ambury, abscess ;_ — flier,/, sanguinary disposition : — gitrtjj, ailj. bloody-minded, — gterigfeit, /. bloody-mindedneas ; — = bailflilig, m. red-pole, lesser red-pole ; — = bavucil, n. the voiding of blood with urine; — bodijcit, the night of Saint Bartholomew ; — M>, n. bl todwood, Ni- caragua-wood; — bllltb, n. bloodhound, tyrant; -Mfttl, vid. — cgcl ; _— Jung, adj. vulg. very young ; — ftMtit, n. sanguinary; — laffeit, n. blood-letting; — lailf, m. 1. the circulation of the blood; 2. bloody-flux, dysentery; — = laUi]C, /. Ch. T. lixivium of blood ; — lccv, — log, adj. bloodless; — mill, ?i. a red mole; — ntflffe, /. mass of blood ; — imp, /. red-filbert ; — Vfttftdj, in. nectarine ; — rctebfc /. revenge for bloodshed; — rSflV"., •* avenger of bloodshed; — rcitiu/jcnt, ad;', purifying the blood- — mntgung, /. l. purifi- cation of (he blood ; 2. a remedy of the san.e ; — riebter, vi. judge of life and death; — VOtf), adj. blood-red, line; — riiuftio,, adj. Weeding, .; — falter, adj. vulg. very toil- vary hard; «3 fid) — fflUtr roerbClt lCl|)cn, prov. to labour tooth and nidi; — fftuger, m. blood-sucker, lire; — fdjaribe, /. incest; — = fd)ciltber, m. incestuous person; — = fdjaitberifd), I. adj. incestuous; II. ado. incestuously ; — fd> lecbt, adj. vulg. extremely bad; — frfmlb, /. capital crime ; — fefjvrjamm, m. trimmed agaric; — fdmwrcit, m. vid. 33lutges fibiiMiv ; — fcitrbf, /. red-water (dis- ease among sheep) ; — Sfrcunb, in. kinsman : — - Afrcilllbiutt, /. kinswoman ; — Sfrcitltbfcfyaft, /. consanguinity ;; — = ficb, n. .1. T. parenchyma ; — fpciett, ». spitting of Mood; — fyitr, /. track of blood; — (liitte, /. the place of bloodshed ; — ftetrt, m. blood-stone ; •nangam se; — ftilleilb, part, ndj.blood- Htcpping, styptic ; — thciU'beit, n. guinous particle; — Stroyfeit, m. drop of blood ; — ftui'j, to. henw rrhage ; — = ftltbl, m. chair upon a scaffold; — S= Derwailbtc, m. &-f. a person related by blood; — g»crrOAUbtfct)aft, /. consan- guinity; — that, /- murder ; — lllltlauf, m. circulation of the blood ; — -liythcil, n. sentence of death; — »ergtef;ett, n. blood shedding, slaughter, carnage — = warm, adj. blood-hot; — marine, /. Dlood heat ; — maffer, n. .0. T. lymph ; ichor, serum : — maffergefaije, pl.A. T. serous vessels ; — maffertgfeit, /. sero- sity ; — rceitig, adj. very little ; — voolU', f. fell-wool; — VOUl'ft,/. black-pudding, — nmr}, /. tormentil, ashweed, septfoil ; — iCblttC, m. tithe paid of cattle; — = 23ofce jeiii-tc, m. martyr; — jmartg, m. Med. T. tenesmus. 93 lute it, v. n. (aux. baben) 1. to bleed ; 2. to die a violent death : 3. fig. to suf- fer; to pay for; bito ^crj bllttct mil', fig. my heart bleeds within me, S3 [ il t e, \ f. (pi. -It) 1 . blossom, bloom, 23 1 it 1 1> C, ) flower ;2.^. bloom, flower; 3. Med. T. courses ; tit ber — fciiiev 3ilbt'C, in the prime of his age ; cum/his. — Itauge, n. — itfnolpe, /. flower-bud, germ; blooming: — llbolbifl, adj. B. T. un.bellated , — Itftvlllb, m. A". T. in- florescence; — -nftanbtg, adj. B. T. flo- ral; — Itftailb, in. pollen ; — lllhciU', pi. B. T. attire ; — "jcit, /. the time of blooming; — limcf'Cf, m. conserve. SDluttg, I. adj. bloody, gory, covered with blood; cruel; U.adv. bloodily. 93 I ft 1 1 (J, in compos, bloodu'l. 93 5, /. (pi. -cu 1 JV. T. a sudden sQuall of wind; mit— en ven;ufd)tc3 SQSetter, squally weather. SobartSfltafl, « (-f §) bobannia {n plant). 936bcrci tc, / (/:ii marjoram, salsify (a plant) ; — :-bcutcl, m. provinc. 1. ig; 2. vulg. antique custom; c\l prejudice; — cbeiitlff, m. pedant; — ibfiitelei,/. pedantry; — C-Miftcl, /. buckthorn; — Sbont, m. goal's thorn; — ggcrud), m. goatish smell ; — ?l)Dfit, n. 1. goat's horn; 2. ;m Instru made of a goat's horn; baS — Jboi'll blafdt, to sound alarm ; cillClt ttld — S- Ijurit jajctt, to frighten one out of his wits; — gpintpilU'lk", /. burned saxi- frage : — fpVlttUJ, m. goat's lea]), capriox.. 93 b cf d) c 11, n. (-'3 ; pi. — ) kid. 93 6cfctt, v. 11. (aux. baben) 1. to lust after the he-goat; 2. ^V. T. to pitch or sound; to heave up and down; 3. (of ahorse) to bend down the _ neck and fling out behind; — or MUnfcllI, to smell like a goat. 93i3iftrf)t, adj. like a ram; smelling like a goat. 93 6 cf iot, adj. 1. lustful after the he goat, rutting ; 2. smelling like a goat, goatish. 93lH-ftfch, a dj. goatish; lewd. SB D b e ti, m. (-$ ; p'. ©8ben) 1. ground, soil; 2. bottom (of a tub, &c.) ; 3. floor ; -i. loft, garret; 5; bam; ©tunbunb— , tty, territory; auf etgentltt ©ruilb nub — , on my, his, &c grounds, terri- tory su ©runb unb — geljen, 1 1 entirely mined; jm — bciicfen, t 1 (1; roentg — m-l-mcn, Sp. F.. to 55ccje beat the dust (of horses'' ; bcr.t ben — auffiojjen, to spoil a thii . tirely ; IB — mit iblll ! down with him ; mit fdimalcm — , narrow-bott mit slattern — , flat-bottomed; «« — bkcb, n. tin-plate bottoms: — btflmc, /. dwarf kidney-bean ; — eule, /. barn- owl; — fclb, — ftiicf, n. T. breech (of a cannon ; — fcilftcr, ?i. dormar window ; — fries, m. T. breech-mouldings (of a cannon) ; — j}cfd)PJJ, 7(. ground floor ; — ^cfert, pi. dregs or lees; — bflj, n. beading; — fommet, /. garret; — = fllVfcr, n. copper bottoms; — li>cf>, n. — lllfC, /. luthern; — [08, adj. bottom- less ; —matte, /. floor-mat ; — nufeung, /. improvement of the soil ; — planfen pi. .v. T. exterior and interior planfer Oi the ship's bottom; —pVttltyt, f. JV. T. bilge-pump; — rah, n. T. centre-wbei I . — fajf, /. cooper's saw ; — 1»t^, m. bot- rounds, sediment, lees, dregs ; — * fchict)t, /. the lowest layer (of sand, &c.) ; — febraube, /. T. turrel : — foe, in. lake of Constance ; — ftcilt, m, T. '_« d iter cr ^ed (in a mill), under mill- stone; — flute, /. garret; — ftutf, r. T. heading staff, bottom piece, si ' torn; — teig, 77J. undercrust ; — tbiiv, /. loft-door, garret-door; — treppr, /. g*arret-staircase ; — jicber, m. J pert turrel; S. T. terebra or pi — JUlS, m.\. ground-rent ; 2. loft rent. 93 b lit C ll, v. a. 1. T. tO bottom or head (a cask) ; 2. M. K. to insure vessels. 93obmeret, /. (;>;.-eit) .v. T. bot tomry; gross adventure ; (MclJ auf — ati;-thuit or iiiifucbmcn, to advan take money upon a ship's bottom : com pos. — bvtef, m. letters or bill of bot- tomry; — geber, m. advancer of mo- ney on bottomry; — licbnicv, in. bor- rower on bottomry. 93 i> f i ft, m. (-eS ; pi -e) puff 1 93 15 g C n, m. (-§;;'/• — ) 1. bow (my thing bent or curved) ; 2. arch, vault; 3. fiddle-stick; 4. sheet (of paper : ill SBaufd) unb — , in the lump ; I'd' 3lu§ macbt titten — , the river takes a turn; compos.— bc$eid)ttung, / — ;ciebeu, ». Print. T. signature; — blMu'fl", IB. — ' bvillc, /. drill; — bad>, / — beef e,/. vaulted ceiling; — falu't, /. purchase in the lump ; — -ftnjtet, ;i bay (bow) window; — fi|d), »«._ arc fish; — jWdje, /. convexity; — form, f. 7'. folio; — fOrmtg, adj. bavii form of a bow, cur • ; — ~ fitln'Cllb, adj. bearing or using a bow ; — gang, m, covered walk, archway, ; — gewolve, "■ an arched vault ; — grSfe,/. foUo; — Italic. /. at — laube, /. arched arbour or bower; — lillie, /. circular line ; — rolle, /. v. lintel of a door-post; — viuie, c/,/. — fonnuv, — -rfinbung, /. curva- ture of a vault ; — f^ietjcil, n. Bh with the bow; archery; — fe^lup, m T. key-stone; — fdmft, m. bow-shot; arched shot; — fdunltvcilc iiiucvbvilb — frimfiiveite, within b iw- gQOt; — febiiije, m. archer, bow-man; — febno, /. bow string; — fiMimcr, m. 1. a rack for a cross-bow : 2. an archer ; — fptegcl, m-arch d 'j — ~ fprung, m. T. pannade; — ftvib, m. bow-staff; — ftelluiM, .'' arcade; — ^ ftridi, in. the drawing of tin b ■ ■■ • m the strings of a violin; — tbur, /. an arched i 1 ir; — Wetfe, adj.Srado arch- ets; — WOlbUng,/. arch i M ,_, ; — ;,ihl, /. number of sheets (ol a book' ; — jirfel, n. bow-com s, dividera SDgener, SBOgenmadjer, m. ;-5 pi. — ) bow-maker. q?otf 53enn SSorr <8 S g i ;], «.//'. arched, bent. Sogf^meb, ,.„/. SBugfjjviet S3 B j) I, B. (-fSj pl.-t provinc. hide of land. 83 B rile,/, {pi. -It) 1. (thick) plank, hoard; 2. howl; — ltgclb, «. (=2tailb = gelb) stallage ; — nfajc, /. pit saw. 93 ll I C It, ». a. to plank, board. 3331) me, m. (-tt; ;i/. -it) S33&mmn, /. (/aubcilbvcflcl. 93 I) lit t f rf», adj. Bohemian; ba3 ftltb thill — C SBl'fer, prey, that is Greek to him; — e fritter, Bohemian brethren, Moravians. 53 b it dj e it, 93ob / nleitt, n. (-8 ; p£ —3 a little bean. SB e b ll, m,vid. 33oben. 83of)ltC, /. (p/. -It) l.bean; 2. % T. the mark in the teeth of horses, by which the ace of a horse may be known; Suvfifcbe — , SEelfcbe — , French bean, kidney-bean; compos. — libitum, m. bean-trefoil, nettle-tree ; --liegcl, — Ittgci, m. a mida ; — Iter j, 71. pisiform clay-iron-stone; — uljulfe, /. Iiusk of beans; —taper,/, bean-caper (a tree); — ttfetllt, — litem, — ttfd)llp, ra. black stain on the teeth of horses; — Itfrailt, n. bean tressel; savory; — tt= ftattgc, /. prop for beans; wig. lud. may-pole ; — llftrot), n. bean-straw. 93 B b It C It, v. a. to rub, polish with wax. SB B b It s a X t, f. T. smoothing-axe ; — = bitl'ftc, /. rubbing-brush; — KlppCtt, m. rubbing-clout; — jClig, n. polish- ing-tools. 33 f) It r) rt f t, m. (-tt '. P'- -n) bungler, interloper, vid. 93fufd)Cr. 33 fl V, 7/j. (-e§; pi. -0 auger; vid. 93obl'Cr; compos. — bailf, /. boring- frame ; — blltlltc,/. B.T. glycine ; — ci= felt, n. T. bit(e) ; — fiihrcr, m. T. guide ; — fvdfecr, m. Mm. T. scoop; — labe, /. vid. 93obrbailf ; ■ — Iod), ?i. bore, auger- hole ; — 1 5ff tl, to. scooping-iron ; — = mchl, n. bore-dust; — lltllfdiet, /. pholas; terebratula; Dcvfictncvtc — = mufdict, fossil terebratula, terebratnlite ; — pfvicnt, m. priming-iron, priming- wire: — )d)llticb, 7/i. gimlet-maker; — franc, pi. bore-chips ; — fptjje, /. bit, bite; —flange, /. rod; — roitrnt, m. borer, terebelKa; — jCUg, n. boring- tools. 9'' b X e It, v. a. to bore, drill, perforate ; ciu ©cfyiff in ben ®ruub — , to sink a vessel. 93 i f) t e n, 71. (-8) boring, terebration. 33 B b r C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1 . bore ; 2. borer, gimlet, piercer, perforator; etlt atofer — , auger; — fur fjimmets I CUte, broad awls. 53 o t, hi. (-c8) baize. 9i oi Ctt, adj. made of baize. Sfoiar, hi. (-Clt; pi. -CU) bojar. S3 6 j C, /. JV. T. buoy. S3 o j c r, 7ii. (-8 ; pi. — ) a vessel em- ployed for laying the buoys. Soitcitte, /. Soifetl, n. JV. T. buoy- rope. 9^ t f a 1 5, 7i. (-e8) bay-salt. 83 o f a I, 333fet, SSofetn, vid. in 33. S13 6 l b, adj. + bold (only used in com pos. as Xrunfcitbolb it. f. ».). 83 ft cine, /. {pi. -n) JV. T. bow- line. 53 Si fen, ,-. vid. 33l&reit. no ©ell, 9361% adj. 1. brittle; hard, stiff; 2. round; bulbous, globular. S3 cite, /. {pi. -it) 936lteu, m. (pi. — ) bulb ; ball ; compos. — i]CUMd)8, n. bul- baceous plant. 93 Oiler, ?ii. (-8) a block on board a ship round which the ropes are slung. 93 6 1 1 C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) small gun (cannon). S3 61 lent, > ». 7i. (mtr. Ktben) to 93 li 1 1 e X it, ) rumple, roll. 93 6 1 1 1 d; t, adj. bulbous, vid. 93otl. 93 6 1 1 w e r f, n. (-c8 ; pi. -c) bulwark, bastion ; compos. ■ — 8ot)r, n. 'f. orillon ; — 6fd)tlb, 7ii. — 8ltu'l)rc, /. counter- guard ; — SttMllfcl, in. T. flanked angle. 93 6 1 1 w u r » /. vid. SoUfiif^c. 93 o t o a, n e f c v, 7n. (-8 ; pi. — ) Bo- lognese ; compos. — t)ltnb, 7«. spaniel ; — fpatf), — ficilt, m. Bolognese-spar. *93 ttt 8. m. bole; Sp. T. chew-ball; 9lrmettifd)er — , bole Armeniac. 93 6 1 j c, m. vid. stater. 93 6 1 j e it, 7i. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1. bolt, arrow for the cross-bow; 2. a strong iron nail or peg ; 3. the heater (a piece of iron) ; 4. a prop (used in mines) ; btC — Dei's fdncfnui, bie ciu aitbevcr gcbrcijt l»at, fir. vulg. to be another's cat's paw ; y?llc8 jit — bvet)Ctt, Jig. to misinter- pret all one says; compos. — bobl'Cr, to. T. bolt-auger; — fd)loft, n. cylin- drical padlock ; — trcibcr, m. bolt- driver. S3 6 1 j fl C l" e long-boat; compos. — 8attfct", m. grapnel, grapling; — sci^cullnimcr, 7K. barge- master; — 8t)afen, m. boat-hook ; — 8- fuccbt, — gijcfell, to. boatsman, sea man.sailor ; — 8h\lbbcr,p/. MT. gripea ; — ilclltc, pi. sailors, mariners ; — §s lliaitll, in. boatswain; boatsman, sailor; barger; — 8manttSJ>fcifc, /. boat- swain's call ; — fetl, n. boat's rope ; — 8tait, 7i. fast ; — Walter, m. keeper of the boat. 93 tie it, 7i. (-8) Bceotia. 93 o 1 1 e r, m. (-8 ; ;;/. — ) Boeotian ; Jig. stupid fellow. *33 5 1 * V, m. Cfi. T. borax ; compos. — blci, 71. borate of lead ; — cifcit, n. borate of iron; — fatjc, pi. borates; ■ — falter, adj. Ch. T. — faitrcS Sal;, borate; — -faureS Matron, borate of soda; — = fdlive, /. boracid acid. *93 r a j 1 1, m. (-C8) borate of mag- nesia, boracite. 93 orb, ra. c V w. (-c8; pi. -c) i.jv. T. board; 2. border, brim ; 3. neat, shelf' fjoljCl' — Cilic8 (£d)iffe8, the weather- side ; an — fctylt, to bg on board ; an — gefjett, to go on board of a ship; an — leijeil, to board, to lay a-board; citt <£d)ifT att — tvcibcil, to fall aboard of a ship ; — ail ■ — , alongside; M. E-s. am — ijevfatlfcit, to sell free on board ; am — tlOtivr, quoted on board; compos. — fluid', Mi main anchor ; — Doll, adj. brim-full. 93 or be, vid. SBorte. 33 i3 r b C, /. {pi. -It) a fertile plain. *93orbctl, 7i. (-8; pi. -e) brothel. S36tbeit, } v. a. to border, edge, *93 V b i r c tt, J lace, trim. 93 6 r b c it b a m c, m. (-n ; pi. -u) a shrub of Ethiopia. *33 o r b lr c r, ?«. (-8 ; pi. — ) em broiderer. *93 o r b l ;• u it g, /. ( pi. -en) lacing, edging. *33 r C S 1 1 f d), adj. boreal, northerc *93 3 r C a 8, to. Boreas, northwind. 93 6 v e t f d), vid, S3orrago. 93 org, 77i. (-c8;p;. -e) l. gelded hog; 2. borrowing; credit, trust, tick; auf — , upon credit, upon tick ; compos. — lltaillt, 7/t. borrower; • — SlUCtfc, adv. on credit, by way of loan. 93 6 r g, to. (-C8) JV. T. preventer; compos, — bvaffctt,^/. preventer-braces; — xaa, f. spare-yard; — flag, ?t. preventer- stay; — ftenge, /. spare top-mast ; — - iimnbtait, n. swifter. 93 6 1' g C It, v. a. 1. to borrow, to take (goods) on credit; 2. to lend, to give on credit; — ntacr)t forgen, prov. he that goes borrowing, goes sorrowing. 936rgcr, m. (-8;^. — ) borrower. 936rfe, /. 1. bark; 2. scab; timpos — Ilfdfer, 7ii. bark-scarab. 93 6 r 11, in. (-c8 ; pi. -e) * spring, well, fountain; vid. 93nillItClt. 93 or lie ll, 93onten, v. a. provinc. to water. *93 f It I X e ll, v. a. to confine, bound limit; boi'ttil'i, part. adj. shallow narrow. *93orrdgo, 93erragcn, 93orrctfd), m borage (Borago, L..) «ogc 33 o r 8, m. (-fefi ; pi. -fe) perch. JBoreborferavfel/ »'• (-*»' ?*• -iipftl) apple of Borsdorf. *9UU'fc, /■ (pl. -ID 1. purse; 2. cx- i . — nbfatt, n. list of — ugcfdjaftc, pl. exchange- business; — uhalic. /. exchange-hall; — ncn'Mtitiig, /. exchange regulations; — llfpielcv, m. stock-jobber. 23 6 r ft, m. (-C8 ; pi. -C) burst, chink, rent, aid. 3ttjj. SB 6 t ft 0, /. (pl. -It) bristle ; zompos. — narrig, adj. bristly, setaceous; — Itbarr, m. a bristly beard; — Ilbe = fell, m. hair-broom ; — llblatt, n. li. T. a bristle shaped leaf; — llfSnilig, adj. bristle-shaped; — P.fd'S, n. common mat-grass; — W'tfcl, '«• a painting- brush made of bristles. 93 6 r ft C It, v. refl. to bristle, to stand up. SBorfttg, adj. bristly. 53 6 vt, vid. 93orb. 33 V t,/. provinc. vid. Sicibe. 33 6vtc, /. (pi. -It) border; galloon, lace; compos. — narbcit, /. — nnxrf, n. lace-maker's work ; — uniadier, — ItWtrfer, m. lace-maker. 33 B 1 1 e I ll, v. a. to border. SB 0* C t C It, v. a. to lace. SB it j e it, v. vid. 93urjcltt. SBBsarf, /. n. i. u. vid. SBBSarttfls feit. 33 fJ 8 a r 1 1 g, adj. malignant, infectious ; ill-natured, bad, wicked; — e Sieter, malignant fevers. 23 o 8 a r 1 1 g I e i t, /. malignity, malig- nancy; ill-nature, wickedness, 23ofrf)eit, v. a. to slope. 13 d f d) U It (J, /. (/,/. -en) JKtf. T. scarp, slope, tains. 83ofc, l. adj. 1. bad, ill, evil; wicked; 2. irritable, passionate; quarrelsome; , angry; :i. noxious, hurtful; 4. dis- graceful ; .">. son; ; — 2Qegc, bad roads; jig. wicked ways; Cttl — t 9LimC, bad reputation; Cltt — t -JcatT, a ma- licious fool: — Siifte, peccant hu- mours, — 3lugcit, sore eyes; eilt — r 3*lf)"/ an aching tooth; — ©eifter, evil spirits; bcr — fteiitb, devil; bat — 3Sefcil, epilepsy; — i'c.iti, to be angry (auf eincit, with one; fiber etroaS, at something); etitett — marten, to make one angry; fict> — ftcllett, to feign anger; — aits|chcit, to have an angry favour; C8 lttd)t — meiltcn, to intend no harm; II. adv. ill, evil, wickedly, &c. ©3f C, Lot. devil; IT. n. evil, ill ; flit* — m fommt oft ©utee", good times comes of evil ; C8 ift llid)t8 — Ku'illt, there is no barm in it. S3 8 f e n> i eft t, m, (-e8 ; pi. -e or -er) villain, miscreant, reprobate. 33 8 f) a f t, I. adj. malicious, wick,-!, mischievous; ill-natured; spiteful; II. adv. maliciously, &c. S3 OS [)C it, /. 1. wickedness, malice, mnlignity; ill nature; spitefulness ; villany, flagitiousness ; 2. anser : au8 — , from spiie; compos. — 6fiinbe, /. T/i. T. sin of malice. 33 8 I) e r J t q, adj. if adv. bad-hearted, ill natured. 33 8 li eft, aio.maliciously, malignantly, 33 o 8 it i a £ c, m. (-n ; pi. -it) S86«nter, m. (-8; pi. — ) 33o8uifcb, adj. Bos- nian. 9^ 5 8 It i e It, n. (-8) Dosnia. B66el, (SBfigfuget) /. (pi. -it) the bowl used in playing at nine-pins;] Sracf) compos. — DAT; It, /. — plafc, *»■ lowhng- path, bowling green. 33 6 fj C I It or SBfiffeltt, v. n. [am., babcu, to play at nine pins. SB of fen; SBeffeln, SBofftren, v. a. to emboss (in wax 1 . 93B8ftltntg, adj. evil-minded. *93 o f f i r c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) one who embosses. *93offtrarteif, /. (pi. -Clt) em- bossment. 33 f f t r C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) embosser. 93 8 wi I 1 i g, adj. malevolent. 33 5 8 ro i I 1 i g f e 1 t, /. malevolence. 33 t, n. (-e8 ; pi. -c) 1. + proline, com- mand ; 2. bidding, ofTer. *23o tantf, /. botany. *33 o t a it 1 1 c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) bo- tanist. *33 tatt t f d), adj. botanic, botanical. *33 o t ebint. SB ca b u c n it SBraftnten, o. n. (am. ba= ten) Sp.T. to lust after the boar, to brim. SB v fife,/, vid. SRetSfiolj. 33 r a nt, m. (-e8 ; pi. -c) I . av. I, i 2. -f brim, vid. SBiame J 3. aid i-'iabllt ; compos. X. 'is — fegel, n. topsail ; — * fcgclfubite, /. loomgale ; — ma ft, m — flange,/ top-gallant mast *93rainatrieftcr, (-5; pi. — ) 93radnitanc, Sflramlne, m. -n ; pi.-n) brahmin. *S8 r ci m d r t a 8, m. (-c8 ; terer, boaster, braggart, bully. ♦SBramartafiren, o. «. (too. ta> ten) to bluster, brag. 9^ r S m c, 93rame, /. + brim ; purlieu. SB tame, SBtdmfe, SBtdmfen, vid. SSremfc, 33rcnt|\n. *S8 r a m I u i fa), adj. brahminical. •SB rami It 1 8 lit (u 8), m. brahminism. 9^ t a m Hug, m. (-c6 ; pl. -c) sort oi yellow bunting (a bird). SB c S m v a a, SBrfimrat, /. (pl. -n or -en) JV. T. main yard. *93rdnebc, /. branch, sc ment (of science, &c). 3^ r vi n b, m. (-e8 ; pl SBtanbe l .burning fire; combustion: 2. brand, firebrand; fire-wood; 3. .Mid. ,v s. T. c n >. gan- grene, mortification; burn, bun scalding; 4. buming-place ; 5. Otm. ']'. the dirt or soil left in a gun bj fire; 6. T. a batch of things u hich are prepan I by burning (such as tiles ; eilt grojjft —, conflagration ; ill — Qctat^en, to take fire; III — fterfen, to set on fire. to sel Ore to ; nad^ — rtea)eit, to rmell burning'; eiiicu ■ (5fa)tn, to quench a fire : fig. ber Ealfe — , sphacelus, morti- i .tor bct'.;c — , gangrene; — int ©etreibC ll. f. »., blast, blight ; ct it — 3iegel, Joi'fo, as many i ii at one beating ol I — OfCT, ' ■ '. /'■ ihac ■■ i ii, cm ry; — affecuranj, vid 5euer< i ti Srag oerftdjertutfl ; — bettler, m. a person who begs in consequence of liaving 1 ii a sufferer by fire ; — Milfc, /. — - blatter,/ Mister • — beef, m. — etfen, «. andiron, vid. Aenerbecf ; — brief, m, attestation of loss by fire; incendiary letter; — cape, /. fire-insurance office ; — fas, n. T. 'thundering barrel j — fcft, adj. tire-proof; — fiebcr, n. inflammatory fever: ■ — fled, m. a barren piece of land; — flcrfcit, in. mark of burning ; — fill ft, ?«. lava : —fact.', m. Sp. T. sor- rel horse ; • — gaffe, / a space between houses to prevent the communication offire ; — gforfe, /. lire bell, vid crtltrnu fllocTe; — bafen, vid. Seuerbafen, — s Wtn, h. blighted corn ; — lugel,/. fire- ban; carcass ; — lattirb, m. vid. £>llflat= riri; — letter, vid. Jcmrlciter; — = maal, ■ — Ittavf, h. brand, mark burnt in. stigma; — matter,/. a strong fire-proof wall; stone-wall; brie k- wall ; — llieife, /. coal-mouse ; — epfcr, »<• burnt-offer- ing; — Drbnung,/. the laws and reg- ulations in case of tire: — pfubi, m. burning-stake; — probe, /. fire-test; — vafctcil, ;/.-ii) Sunt. r. paw (of a bear . S3 v a f i 1 \ t b ( v n. Jamaica wood. S3 r aft I i a it c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) SBra* filtaucrilllt, /. (pl.-ttl) Brazilian. S3 r a f i 1 t a It i f d\ adj. Brazilian. 23 r a f 1 1 1 c it, ii. (-8) Brazils ; compos. — belj, n. Brazilian wood ; fca3 Ctll tt 1= lifrbe — belt, Braziletto wood. 03 r d !•', m. (-ffeS) rubbish. II J 3?rau SBrdffc, /. (■;.,'. -n) .V. T. brace (of the yards) ; bie fjrejklt — It, main braces. SBrdffen, m. (-8; pi. — ) bream (a fish). SBrdffen, o. a. .v. r. to brace: bie Staaen ins SBterfant — , to square the yards ; aitf belt SSutb — , to bring to 93 r d f fen fa r it, m. quilt-wort. ^B r d t, in compos. — itil(, m. spitch-cork, eel ; ■ — be if, in. jack frame ; — fifd 1 , m. frying fish ; — cfcit, in. frying oven : — bfanne, /. frying pan; — vef»re, /. frying-tube : — ve)t, m. brander; grid- iron; — fpiefi, ?n. stiit, broacher; cant, for sword; — fv til, n. JV. T. windlass; — trommel, /. cradle-spit: — IVUVft, /. sausage. 33r (it en, v. rtg. a. <$• ir. n. (mix. (st: ben) to roast; t it bet - bfanne — , to fry; aitf bent SRofte — , to broil; to prill; tin Dfen — , to bake; an ber (senile — , to burn, parch, scorch. 5? r d t e tt, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) roast meat ; ben — anfrctfen, to spit a piece of meat; belt — tintlVCttbcn, to turn the spit ; ben — begiefjeit, bctrepfen, to baste the roasting meat ; belt — VIC- d)en, Jig. tO smell a rat; compos. — = feff, n. fat of roast meat, kitchen-stuff; — metfter, m. head-cook; — pfanne, /. dripping-pan : — red;, m. joe. ho- liday coat; — fduiffet, /. dish for serving up roast meat; — Iptifcv, m. a larder; — IvetlbCV, in. turnspit; kitchen-jack. k o f d t Uil C, /. (pi. -It) bass-viol. v i5 v a t f di i ft, m. (-en ; pi. -en! vi iiist SB rati el, ^ J - Srejel. SBraif, in compos. — bcveditia.t, adj. licensed to brew : — botttdv m. brew- ing-coop, vat ; — fitd), n brewing line : — get'dtQ, v. brewing implement : — = gerer^tigfeit, /. — veitt, n. right of brewing; — fiauS, n, vid. SBvaueret ; — bcrr, — metfter, m. brewer ; — tn= nitltg, /. brewers' corporation; ■ — Eef= fel, m. — bfitllHC, /. brewer's copper ; brewing furnace ; — I tiedjt, in. brewer's man ; drayman ; — fltfi", /. brewer's tub; . — Ofbnung, /. regulation for brewing; — fdicnfe,/. beerhouse: — = mefeit, n. brewing business ; — ivirtb, m. brewer. k S3 v ci ii cb, m. C-e8 ;pl. SBrdudje) custom, vid. @ebraud). 53 r a ti d) b a r, adj. fit for use ; useful, serviceable. SB r a ti di b a r f c t f, /. usefulness. iiraiietien, v. I. a. i. to want rieed; to be in want of: tel) brandie @etb, 1 want money; Ste — ej lltdit (U fagen, you need not tell it; roojtl — Ste SlQettt, what do you want wine fori man brand't }idi iud)t jU UMtn- beril, it is not to be wondered at : 2. to use, make use of, to employ, vid. ©e= braiU'bcit ; II. imp. with the genit. to want, to require; UVi3 blM'.tcbt tS tveitcrer gCUgitiffe, there are no other witnesses required: e8 braiicbie etclcr ?Jiiibe, it required much trouble. St/n. Srau^tn, Q)cbr. I. a. to make brown; II. refl. to grow brown. S3 r 3 ti n 1 1 d\ adj. brownish. S3 r a ii n f cb W c i g, n. (-4 1 Brunswick ; — er, m. — erillll,/. native of Brunswick ; — CI", — i|d), adj. from or belonging to Brunswick. 23 r a li '°, m. bustle, tumult ; only used with ©auS, as tit EanS unb — lebcit, to revel and riot; — bablt, m. rufif.'a bird); — fepf, m. vid. SBraufelobf. 33 r a li f d) e, /. (pi. -ll) bump, bruise. SB r a li f e, /. (pi. -It) 1. fermentation ; 2. rose of the watering-pot ; — bcutel, — fepf/ m. a hot-headed, boisterous fellow; — erbe, /. — tbeil, m. bitu- minous red clay; — UHllb, m. boisterous youth, spark. ih- a life it, v. v. (otra. baben) 1. to rush, roar (of the wind and sea) ; 2. to hum. buzz (in the cars) ; 3. to snort, snuffle (of horses) ; 4. to ferment, froth (of liquor) ; 5. Jig. to be impetuous, be gin to display impetuosity ; tie,3lI{|Cllb braufet, youth is impetuous. S3 r a li f C It b, part. adj. roaring ; bois- terous ; impetuous. 33 r a lit,/, (pi. S3rante) bride, one who is betrothed, destined bride; tver baS ©litdE tat, fiibrt bie — hum.proo. fortune gains the bride; — tit .£>a,t- reil, small fennel-flower; compos. — = bett, n. bride-bed, marriage-bed : — = fitbrcr, m. bride's-man : — fiibrcrinii,/. bride's maid; — gerittb, n. linen, Ate. which a bride brings; — ijefctenF, n. bridal present; nuptial present; -— bail?, n. bride's habitation (bouse , — juttajcr, /. bride's maid; — fjcmarb, n. — laminer, /. wedding-chamber — fletb, ti. bridal dress, wedding-gown, nuptial garment; — frail', m. bridal wreath; — tl\% m. nuptial kiss: — - '.elite, ;;/. bride and bridegroom ; — Iwb, «. bridal-hymn, wedd;ng-song, epithala 53rcd) 23rcni 23rcr ■lium ; — lltfl^l, n. nuptial enter- tainment, wedding-feast; — lltcfff, /. music before tlie wedding-ceremony; the ceremony itself; — mutter,/, ma- ker of the bride-bed ; — nad)t, /. wed- ding night ; — pclj, *"• tne fee P a '^ t0 a man who brings about a match ; — - ring, n. wedding-ring; — fdjofe, m »uiij, 7.-1. weuauig-ring; — |umi\ in. dower, dowry, portion ; Jltm — fdbltjc gehorig, dotal; — fdbui, /. auf bie — fdiou geben, to go and look for a wife ; — fchmucf, — pufc, — -ftaar, 771. tiu[jtial ornament ; — ftatlb, m. the state of being engaged; — fupVC, /. caudle ; little feast before the wedding ; meats, cakes, &c. sent to the guests after the marriage-day ; — tag, m. bri- dal-day, wedding-day; affiance (be- trothing) day ; — roagett, m. wedding- ooach: — vucrbuitg,/. match-making; — rocrbcr, in. match-maker. 8 X a. U 1 1 a a m, m. {-$ ; pi. -e) bride- groom ; a man who is betrothed. Bt U t 1 i d), adj. bridal, nuptial. 53 r a 0, I. adj. 1. brave ; 2. good, honest ; 3. beautiful, excellent; 4. joe. doughty; II. ado. bravely, well ; joe. doughtily. *33 r a y a b C, /. {pi. -11) bravado, hector- ing. 53 r d V f) C 1 1, /. uprightness, probity. *33raytfftmo, far, bravely, well- done! *SraP0, l.m. (-3; pi. -8) an Italian bandit; 2. fat, well-done ! nobly! ♦53 r a tf ll r, /. valour, bravery; com- pos. ' — One, /. Mus. T. aria di bravura. 53 rare, /. vid. .gofc. 8rccl), fa compos. — arjttct, /. emetic; — bar, adj. frangible, brittle; Opt. T. refrangible ; — barfcit, /. frangibleness, brittleness; Opt. T. refrangibility ; — = taunt, m. T. large hand-spike; — = bob lie, /. common white or Dutch kidney-bean ; — fieber, n. a fever at- tended With vomiting; — Ctfcil, n. 1. crowbar; p. chisel; — mittcl, n. eme- tic; — llllft, /. vomic-nut; liarbadoes nut; — pillc, /. emetic pill; — puis Ser, n. emetic powder; — pllllft, m. Opt. T. point of refraction ; — ftaitgc, /. crowbar ; — trailf, m. vomitory po- tion ; — Uttrioi, in. vomitory vitriol; — rocibe, /. crack-willow; — weti!, in. emetic wine; — tttcillfteilt, m. eme- tic tartar; — njtltbe,/. IS. T. fly honey- suckle ; — toitrj, /. ipecacuanha; — = jeiti], n. tools to break open. 8 r C d) e, /. {pi. -tt) T. tool for break- ing flax or hemp. 8 re cb en, v. ir. a. &■ n. {aux. feint) i. to break; to sever; 2. to pluck oil*, gather (fruits, flowers, &c.) ; 3. to fold (paper, &c.) ; 4. Opt. T. to refract ; 5. to grind, bruise (malt) ; 6. jig. to break, appear, dawn ; 7. fir. to break, act con- trary to ; bie $ferbe — bte3«bne, the horses lose their teeth; bie 8flljn — , oid. 53ahu; bag ©tillfdweigen — , to break silence; bie (*I)C — , to com- mit adultery ; ntit cineilt — , to break with one; einet glofdje bengals—, mil*, to crack a bottle; bie (Sonne bvidjt burd) bie Sffiolfen, the sun breaks through the clouds; bog fietj bfid)t mir, my heart breaks: bie '.'!ll = flen — ibllt, his eyes grow dim ; (]ts bredKlte Sffiorte, broken words; ge= brcdn-iieS Tcutfrfi, broke,, German; fine gcbrod>eiie3ali(, fraction ; II. rtfl. 1. to break, be interrupted ; 2. Opt. T. ft>be refracted; .1. to break, sin the waves); 4. Med. T. to come to a crisis; .">. to break (of the clouds) ; 6. to change (of the weather) ; 7. to vomit 8 bog SBcttcr bricbt fid), the « breaks; bcr23eiitu. f. w. bricbt (id), the wine changes its colour. 53 r c rf) er, tti. (-g ; pi _) cracker ; he who breaks. 8 r t dj C X U 4, 1 adj. — , to put the drag to a wheel. 8ten It, i'« compos. — arbeit, /. refining (of silver); —bar, adj. combustible; burnable; — barfcit, /. combustible- — Haft, /.alembic; — bimbcf, 7i. fire-bavin; — cifen, «. brandiron, cautery ; curlins imn ; firing-iron ; mark- ing-iron; — ('(la?, i,. bunu'ng-glasB; — = bang, il distillery, casting-house, forge ; — bcflll, m. the top of the still ; — !hTi\ 7/i. hearth; — boli, n, fin u I, fuel; — folbcn, m. alembic, still ; — front, ». mullen, woolblade; — linie, f. .i/. ; ,. T. 1. caustic curve ; 2. parabola: ; luff,/, inflammable air; — material, n. fuel; — meffer, n. cauting-iron; — - mit= tel, n. caustic, cautery; — lieffcl, /. stinging nettle; — oft it, m. burning- oven, kiln; —'(A, n. lamp-oil; — pofme, /.species of caryota; — pfonne, /'. crucible, melting-pot ; —pUXltt, m. Opt. t. focus ; — yunftfiobflonb, m. Opt. r. focal distance ; — raum, m. focal s] — U'tcgcl, 7/i. burning reflector; ■ — = Hahl, in. German-steel, shear-steel ; = UOrf, m. Ch.T. phlogiston ; fl'oi V011 — = fluff, dephlogisticated ; — flojflebrc, f system of the phlogiston; — ftofflicb, adj. phlogistic ; — nxiic, / Opt. T distance; — tvillb, m. Syrian wind sirocco; — jeiig, n. distilling-tool. 53 re line it, o. i. ir. n. I. {aux. baben) to burn; scorch, parch (of the sui to sting (of nettles); to burn, he pepper); II. reg. a. 1. to burn ; 2, to roast (coffee, meal, &c J ; 3. to distil, draw by distillation ; 4. ff. T. to caute- rize : 5. to brand (sheep, cask--, g Jteblcn— , to make charcoal; Jlol! — , to burn lime; jll 9l|'die — , to re duce to ashes, to cinders; cill Sdjiff ■ — , .v. 7". t.> bream a ship; bcr 2oa brcilllt mid), I have the heart burn ing. 8 r i it il i u b, part adj. fig. burning; pungent, smart; cine — c SBufte, a scorching de erl ; — e SlUgen, • ling eyes. 8 re niter, «.(-«; pi.—) i. distiller, 2, brick-maker. ^reitttcrci,/. (,,/. -en; distillery. 53 rente, f.{ P i. -n) ? sort o! 5.h- e it t e n, ,,,. (-§ ; pl.—)$ wooden 8 r i n t g n it -5, oid 8oumflon«. 8 r c it 5 c ( tt, iv /,. {aux. baben tosmel or taste of burning. 8 re'ttjli d), adj. having a burnt smell or taste. ♦•■iWcfrfu,/. I pi. -ii Mil. T. brea-h. gai;: — battcn'e, /. battering train ; — fcbiefcn, to batter a breach, 53 r c ft e it, v. provinc. oid 53rcd'en. 8 te fl b off, adj. I. + invalid; 2 maimed, broken. 8 r c 1 1, n. {-tt : p: -er) i. board, plank, 2. -in It': 3. counting board, abacu draught board, a pair of i tl am— efttjen, • • greal influence: bei Jemoflt einen Stein ini — habcn, to be it —bourn, ■ 1 13 Erie SSrtn 8roC tree (it for cutting planks; — blocf, — ' tlolj, m, a log which is to be cut into boards ; — boble, /• sawed plank ; — - (er,Md), n. board roof; — erfaftcn, m. board trunk; — «crfd)lag, m. or — cr= Want, /. board partition ; — enocrf, n. any thing made*of boards; — fiebct, — gcige, /. small pocket fiddle; — fyol), n. log of wood which is to be cut into boards; — muble, /. saw-mill; — lttt* gel, m. hoard nail : — fiige, /■ pit-saw ; — ■febnricer, m. sawyer ; — fptcfer, m. spike-nail: — fpicl, n. 1. came at tables, at draughts ; 2. draught board, tables, draughts : — ftcill, (at draughts) ; — cr £\ld), n. roof of planks. 53 r e t d g It e, /. Bretagne or Britanny. 33 r e 1 1 C r it, adj. made of boards or planks. S3 X 1 1 1 1 r It, v. a. to board, plank. S3 J l 1 1 i d) t, adj. like a board ; stiff S3 r e ti f) a t) n, vid. 33roil)a:t. *33 r e C, n ( pi. -3) 1. brief, writ ; 2. Mis. T. "Ma — , aUa-breve. *33 r C » C 1, n. (-3 ; pi. -6) patent ; brevet *33 r e 9 e t ir e it, v. a. to grant a brevet *33 r c s t a r t u in, n. (-3 ; pi. -rien) ) *33 fe » 1 e r, 71. {-3 ; jtf. -e) J breviary. *33 r e » ft C r 1 1, to. (-§) Jlfin. T. brew- sterite. 23reij, rW. 33rci. S8 r b J e I, /. (jrf. -It) 1. cracknel; 2. handcuffs. S&xidt, f. {pi. -It) 1. lamprey; 2. a small board ; 3. round wooden plate ; — ttEiife, m. a square cheese dried on small boards. *33riffl(c), /. bricolle, bricoil (of a tennis or billiard-ball). 83 1 i C f, m. (-e3 ; pi. -C) letter, epistle ; written document, paper; .1/. E. bill of exchange, draught; 33ricfchcit, n. note; CtU CtfcntO" — , M. A,- L. E. letter of respite: Ctrl — 91abeltt, a paper of pins; cilt — Sabacf, a packet of to- bacco; compos. — abel, m. patent nobili- ty ; — auffctjrift, f. address, direction of a letter; — befdjtoem, m. letter- presser ; — bciltel, m. mail-bag : — bote, m. letter-carrier (bearer) ; — bud), n. letter-book; letter copy-book; — fellcU felt, n. mad ; budget ; — fotjtt, /. epis- tolary style ; anything in the shape of 1 letter; — gcbtd)t, n. epistolary poem; — gclo, n. postage ; — getoolbe, n. ar- chives ; — baiter, to. letter-presser ; — ' faftcu, to. letter-box; — malct, m. painter of cards; — nabel, /. paper- pin, sheet-pin; — papier, n. letter-paper; — portO, n. postage ; — poft, /• mail ; — pteffe, /. letter-press; — facf, to. budget; — fdjaftctt, pi. letters, deeds, documents; — febeiee, /. cover of a letter; — f ci) r e i b C Eltn ft, /. the art of letter-writing; — ftellcr, m. letter- writer; letter-book; JIT. £._drawerof a bill of exchange; — ftretcber (^al\- bctlt), m. paper-folder ; — ftt)l, m. epis- tolary style; — tabacf, m. tobacco in packets; — tafefye,/. letter-case, pocket- book; — taubc, /. carrier-pigeon: — = lifd), m. draw-table ; — ttttgW, m. letter- bearer, letter-carrier; postman; — tt(U gcrgcbiilfc, to. assistant letter-carrier ; — unifcblag, m. rid. — fdjctbe; — = tt5Cd)fel, m. (epistolary) correspondence; — rOCcbfellt, v. n. insep. (am. baben ) to correspond, exchange letters ; — tt>ed)3= lev, m. correspondent; — JtrCcl, m. sheet compasses. 8 r i e f t e t it, n. (-3 ; pi. — ) little letter, note, bill. 114 33 r i e f 1 1 ci), I. adj. epistolary, written ; II. adr. by letters, in writing. *33 r t >} a b C,/ (pi. -\V MO. T. brigade; — general, m. general of brigade. *33ttgdbier, m. Mil. T. brigadier- general. ♦33 x i g a nt I n e, /. [pi. -cit) .v. T. bri- gantine. *J8 tig g, f.(pl.-t) JV. T. brig. Sttgitte, /.Bridget *i^ 1 1 lid II t, 1. adj. brilliant ; 2. s. m. (-Clt ; pi. -etl) brilliant, diamond. *33 r t II t a It 1 1 V e n, v. a. to cut a dia- mond into angles. 33 till C, /. (jrf. -It) 1. spectacles; 2. fig. seat in the privy: CtUClll CtltC — auffc|ctt or —it Derfaufett/ fig. to bubble, gull, deceive one; compos. — lt= flitter, — uftitteval, n. spectacle-case ; — ItcjlaS, n. spectacle-glass; — ttHta= cber, m. spectacle-maker ; — Ittiafe, /. Jamaica goat-sucker (a bird) ; — Jiriltgc, pi. spectacle-frames ; — ttrofyr, n. tele- scope ; — Itfcbhlltje, /. crowned serpent hooded snake, spectacle-snake; — 11- fcblcifci", m. spectacle-glass cutter; — 11= feitf, to. buckler-mustard ; — ItJtrEet, m. T. callipers. *33 1 1 1 1 1 r C It, v. n. to sparkle, glitter. 33 1 1 11 g C It, v. ir. a. to bring, carry, convey ; to take, to bear; ©elc-, 33ricfe 11. f. n?. — , to bring money, letters, fcc; ©tetne \W§\1\ — , to carry stones to a place ; (Diitcr njof)tlt — , to convey goods to..; Ct!t Ctltaitber — , to set to- gether : c inert mtt Semattbem tit 33c= f aniltfcfyaft — > to get one acquainted widi a person: Semciubeti naeb .hair'c — , to take, »ee, conduct one home: 5riict)te — , to bear fruits. N. B. Tkis verb has a variety cf meanings accord- ing to the adrerbs accompanying it , as, eineit babttt — , to induce, prevail upon one ; (3 Wttt, bpet) — , to succeed in a hiah degree, attain eminence; ft= Xoa3 nil ficb, — , to acquire a thing, get possession; etltC Uodjter ail belt 3Jlantt — , fam. to marry, dispose of a daughter; c§ bringt if)in vBcbvtitbe, (5'hre U. f. »., it reflects disgrace, honour, &c. upon him ; Ctl'.CIt aitf;= QlU^crfte — , to provoke one in the highest degree ; to bring one in the greatest embarrassment ; Cttrnt» t?or ftctj — , to get on in the world, acquire pro- perty; ctrocts aufbte S3a^n(aufd %& Vet) — , to bring on the tapis; eilieit $U (j'breit — , to bring, raise one to honours ; Clllf tic Scite — , to put out of the way, to conceal; cr bringt c3 $U ttict)t§, lie does not get on in life; CUlf, ail CtroaS — , to bring to, reduce to ; eilteit Ottf Ct»aS — , to make one think of; CtllClt JU etlnilo — , to bring one to, induce, engage to, to prevail with (upon) one for a thing; id) foitnte tbtt ntd}t baf)iu — , bafj CV . ., I could not prevail upon himto..&c. : an ben 33ettelfiab — , to bring to poverty ; CtttniS an iDiamt — , to dispose of, to get rid of; Ullt Ct= WaS — , to deprive of, defraud ; cincit UlttS Sebcit — , to kill, murder one ; Ct= lien nnt baS Setntge — , to rob one of his property; er tft urn OUIcS gebtad)t morbeit, he has lost all; ticruitter — , to bring down; to lower, to degrade; to derogate from; Ultter btc ?Cltte — , to circulate, make known ; lllttcr Sact) — , to shelter ; to provide for, procure a place for; etroaS ouf ciiten — , to lay to one's charge ; man foitlltc llicbtS auf tblt — , nothing could be proved against him; cinen urn feinen gntcit 9caillCll — , to blast one's reputation ; .0 derogate from a man's honour; tt- .o,i-3 aiB eiiiciit bevanS — , to pum» oat of one ; cincit ttttebct m fid) felbjt — , to br ng one to his senses again bie Umftcttibe — csfomit ficb,j:ircum- stances require it; etWa§ ;ur 2prad)e — , to broach a subject ; cilt ipferb ill ©aQopp — , to put a horse to gallop; }U Salle — , to assist in the ruin or undoing of; fctlt itbttt bodi — , to attain old age; JU SBege (<:tailbe) — , to bring about, to effect accomplish »om Seben mm £obc — , to put to death, to execute ; Sciltailbcil auf fcilte , m. (-e8 ; pi. 53riicf)e) l. breach, rupture (also ./?"•.) ; 2. Mat. T. fraction; 3. S. T. fracture, breaking; hernia, rupture ; 4. T. crack, flaw ; fold ; 5. m. <$• n. moor, marsh, bog, fen ; — bet @e= fcfte, infringement of the laws ; ttt bie 33ruclie fallen, fommeit, jig. to fail, to lose ; mtt etltem — e befjftf tef, hernious ; compos. — Cttjt, m. licrnia-curer, rupturc- curer; — baub, n. s. T. truss; — bad), n. curved roof; — borf, n. a village situated in a boggy country ; — btofjel, ©rub /. greater reed-sparrow ; — fafftg, adj. 1. L. T. + finable ; 2. provinc. decay- ing, ruinous ; — frci, adj. M. E. free from breakage ; — flOlb, n. virgin gold ; — flMUt, n. rupture-wort, sanicle; — = fupfer, n. shrutPcopper ; — meffiltrt,, v. brass shruff; — Ort, m. breach; — = pf(aftcr r n. liernia-plaster; — fafe, m. detached sentence, aphorism; — |il(j= artti^, adj. A- adv. aphoristicfal) : — = fcbieitc, — fcfjtnbel, /. a t. splint ; — = fefjuetber, vid. — avjt ; — fdmcine, ./'. bog-enipe; — ftlber, n. broken plate; — fteitt, in. quarry-stone ; — iturf, n. fragment; — fiucfwctfe, adv. fragmen- tarily; — roaffer, n. bog-water; — 11'cU be, /. willow growing in marshy ground. 5Uiicf)e, (53viid;tc), /. + L. r. i. crime ; 2. fine. 53 x it d; e n (53viicf;tcn), v. a. + 1.. r. to fine, amerce. S3 V II cf) i fj, adj. 1 . full of breaks or holes ; 2. brittle, fragile. 53 r li d) t g, adj. boggy, marshy. 5'riicfe, /. (pi. -n) I. bridge; 2. eat- folding, vid. ®eriift ; 3. Typ. T. till, shelves; CtllC — fdlla^eit, i bridge; compos. — nbalfcil, — libitum, m. — r.rutlje, /. the horizontal beam of a bridge ; — llbitll, m. building of bridges ; — Itbogeit, m. arch of a bridge ; — ltbOPt, w. pontoon ; — Kijclailbcr, n. rails of a bridge ; — ll^elb, n. — ItloU, — lipfeitnio,, in. bridge-toll ; — ltJ0<$, n. cross-beams or piles of a wooden bridge; — nfopf, m. — nfcfjattje, /. Mil. T. tflte-de-pont; — nlelutc, /. ihe rails along a bridge ; — lltlteijtev, ?«. he that superintends and takes the toll for bridges; — llpfcif CI", m. pier; — lt= fd)i'cibev, m. receiver of the bridge- toll ; — ItUhige,/. patent weigh-machine ; — HJOlI, m. bridge-toll. 33 r it cf C tt, v. a. to bridge; to furnish with a bridge. 93 r it cf It tt g, /. wooden floor of a stable. © t fib el, m. vid. 53robeI. 83 r fi b el tt, ». n. to bubble. 83 v u b c r, 77i. (-8 ; pi. 53riiber) brother; friar; iTtctit (etb(ict)cr — , my own bro- ther; fo oicl iff c8 tititcv ©riibern tl'crtfi, fam. that's very cheap, that is a low estimation, a bargain ; compos. — = OCtttb, n. connection between brothers and friends; — filtb, n. brother's child ; — fltfj, m. fraternal kiss; — lllPl'b, — a lltprbCV, m.— inih'bcrtlltl, /. fratricide ; — 8fobn, m. nephew; — 8tod)ter, / niece ; — 8tVCtb, n. sister-in-law ; — UOlf, n. allied nation. ©rubcrdjeit, v. (-8; pi. — ) little brother ; fig. fellow. 53 r u b C r fj C lit C i 11 b C, /. the fraternity ofthe Moravians. 53 r U b e X 1 1 cf), I. adj. brotherly, frater- nal ; II. adv. fraternally ; ■ — feit, /. fra- ternal behaviour, fraternity. 53 r fi b e X n, v. rrfl. to call one another brother, to treat in a brotherly manner. 53 V fi b C r f cf) a f t, /. brotherhood, fra- ternity, fellowship. 53 r ii (>, g c, n. Bruges. 53 r U f), in. compos. — CfJ, ?i. sort of yel- low copper-ore ; — faji, n. scalding tub ; — bctfi, —worm, adj. scalding-hot, boiling-hot ; fig. bran-new ; • — ttiipfrbcit, j:. saucer; — pfcinncijctt, w. qauce pan; — toaffcr, n. water used for scalding. 53 r fi Ii e, /. (pi. -it) sauce, broth ; ttt bet — ftccfeit, fig.\a be in a pretty pickle, to be involved in a bad affair. 35run 53 t fi f) e n, p. a. to scald ; to lip in boil ma water. 53 rub I, m (-eS; pi.-t) + a aautbj place overgrown with bushes. 53 r fi h it c, /. (pi. -n) JV. r. the lowew >nk of aflat-bottomed boat. 83 1 111 I, m. (-e6) roaring; — od)8, m bull ; ./iV. clamorous fellow. 83r d I le tt, 0. n. (aux. f)aben) to roar to bellow, low. 5* r ii 1 1 c n b t n g, m. a bull one year old 53 r ii nt m, m compos, —bar, — bnrt, m fig. growler, grumbler; — bafl, m. I full organ; 2. base-viol; — eifctt, v. jew's-harp ; Jig. grumbling person; — ' Stege, f. bluebottle-fly ; — Fatcv, m. pib- cat; — freifef, m. fizgig, humming-top, cineit — freifel briiinnieit Kiffeit, tc hum a top; — pd)fc, m. bull, parish bull ; — DOgel, in. humming-bird. 53 r ii m m e ii, «. n. (aux. fyaUn) i. to bel- low, low, hum ; to buzz ; to snarl ; 2. fig to grumble, growl, quarrel ; ill ben 83fttt — -, fam. to grumble to one's self; eilt gtebC&tn — , to hum a tune; njftS bvuntmt er n'icber ? what is he grum- bling again? 53 r ii m m e r, m. (-8 ; pi — ) l. bull ; 2. fin-, grumbler, growler 53 r ii m m i g, i^riimmifd), adv. peevish, querulous. 53 r it n C fj i lb C,/. Brunehilde (name of women). *53 r it it c 1 1 c,/. vid. 53riittelle. *5? r It It C 1 1, adj. brownish. *53 r U n C 1 1 C,/. (pi. -n) brunette. * 53 r ii n t X e It, v. a. to make brown ; to polish. 53 r li tl f t, f. rut, rutting (of red gam. ; brim (of the wild boar) ; ber .Oirfcfj rrttt in or fliif bie — , the stag is going to rut; ill bet — fet)n, to be in the rut, brim; eitgel, m. pump- handle ; — fell, 11. well-rope ; — flange, /. well-pole ; — ftllbe,/. reservoir: build- ing raised over wells; ■ — ivaftcv, n. spring water, pump-water ; — jeit, /. season for using tlie waters. fc> V li It It C It, v. a. T. to soak (parch- ment) in lime-water. B r li n it q u c 1 1, m. (-c» ; pi. -c) SBrunnquelle, /. (pi. -tt) spring of a well, fountain head. 35 r li II ft, /. ( pi. 23l'Ullfte) 1. fire, confla- gration : 2. fig. heat, ardour, fervency : 3. concupiscence, lust; 4. rut, vid. 23ninft ; compos. — jeit, vid. SSrunfts jeifc 25 t li II ft t g, I. adj. 1. hot, inflamed, ardent; 2. fervent, devout; 3. in heat, in the rut; II. adv. ardently, fervently; — foil, /. ardent passion, ardour. Btunjen, mdg. vid. .guuiicit. Btfiffel, 7i. (-8) Brussels. 8 V lift, (j>>. Scfifte) 1. breast, chest; bosom ; 2. stays, bodice ; 90lt ber — eiltuuibllClt, to wean; fid) til fcte — tvcrfcit, /am. to assume airs of author- ity, consequence ; compos. — ittCV, /. thoracic vein, mamillary vein ; — ai'J= net,/, pectoral ; — balfant, m. pectoral balm ; — baitb, n. lace or string for stays ; — bailllt, 7?!. weaver's beam, yarn-beam ; — bccre, /.jujube ; — beitt,, n. — fltC'Cben, m. breast-bone; — be= flemmuiig,/ narrowness in the chest; — befeferoevbe, /. complaint on the ehest; — bilb, n. half-length likeness; bust; — blittt, 7i. breast-plate (of a horse) ; — blutobet, / A. T. mam- mary vein ; — bobrcr, m. breast-bore ; • — bitgcl, in. back and collar; mo- nitor; — briifc,/. A. T. thymus; sweet- bread (of the calf) ; — bi'iifeitfeblag= abet, f.A. 7*. thyiR3» artery; — men, 7i. busk ; — entJUlU>«7S0, /. inflamma- tion in the chest; ■ — ejfeitj, /. pectoral essence; — fell, n. diaphragm; — ftCs ber, 7i. asthmatic fever; — finite,/, pec- toral fin ; — flccf, m. stomacher ; leather apron; plastron (in fencing); — gang, m. A. T. pectoral (thoracic) duct (conduit); — gefafi, n. pectoral vessel; — gcfd)Voiiv, ?i. pectoral sore, empyema; — t)anu)d), m. breast-plate, corselet, cuirass; — biiblc, /. cavity of the chest : — fcrlt, 7/1. breast, brisket ; — flcib, v. breast-cloth, vid. SBcilfttafe; — = f Ppcltt, T. pi. pole-pieces ; — Erailf= {jeit, f. disease of the chest, lunss ; — fraufe,/fri,i;— fudjett, m.— EiicbeU cbetl, 7i. pectoral cake, lozenge; — laij, rs. doublet; stomacher; breast-cloth; — letcr, 7i. leather apron ; — leblie, f. breast-work, parapet: railing on a bridge; — leib, m. vid. Seibcbcn ; — = maucr, /. parapet; — mild), /. Pharm. pectoral emulsion ; — lltittel, n. pec- toral medicine; — milSfcl, m. A. T. pectoral muscle; — nabel, /. breast- pin: — ItCrSC, m. thoracic nerve; — = pftaftcr, h. plaster; — piilen, pi. pec- toral pills; — platte, / breast-plate; poitrel (of a horse) ; — piilyer, n. pectoral-powder; — pltmpC, /. breast- glass: ■ — vcilligetlc, adj. expectorant; — reiitigung, /. expectoration ; — rte= gel, 7ft. T. rail: — vicmeii, m. poitral; — faft, 7». pectoral syrup, lahoch; — = fdjt'le, 7i. breast-plate; poitrel (of the 11G Sitbt pontiff) — fdltitgaber, / A. T. thoracic artery ; — fcblcier, m. nun's stomacher; — )A 1 C i fe , /. breast-knot ; — f cb life, m . bosom of a shirt; — Itrcif, in. tucker; — ftiirf, ii. 1. breast, brisket ; 2. breast- plate, corselet; 3. plastron (in fencing) ; 4. breast-piece, half-length-picture ; — - tf'Ce, 7«. pectoral tea; — tratlf, m. pec- toral potion, decoction for the chest : — tlTpfcil, pi. pectoral drops; — tueb, 7i. under-waistcoat ; — IttaillS, n. doub- let; — njavje,/. nipple, teat; — tvaffcr, n. pectoral water; water collected in the chest; — n?affci'flld)t, /. dropsy in the chest; — U)cb, n. — fduncv^, 7«. pain in the chest ; — n?ef)rc, /. breast-work, parapet, rampart; — tt)crf, 7i. breast-work; vu/g. breast; — Jlicf cr, 7ii. barley-sugar ; — SlingcitbciumnsFel, 7«. A. T. the sterno-hyoeides. $8 r ii ft d) c tt, n. (-8;?/. — ) 1. little breast; 2. chin-cloth, breast-cloth ; gorget. 23 t II ft e It, 7i. reft, to hold up one's head ; to show airs, be proud ; )icf) llttt ctivaS — , to boast of. S3 X It ft t g, adj (only used in compos.) breasted, chested. S8 r 1! ft U It g, /. (pi. -Cll) 1. parapet; 2. A*. T. the diminution of a vessel at the stem and stern. 23 V fi t, f. brood, hatching, fry, spawn, (of fishes) ; the young of all kinds of animals; cont. brats, children; compos. — bicite, / drone; — Ct, 71. egg for hatching; — beitne, /. brood-hen; — = Ofett, m. hatching-oven ; — febeibe, /. the comb in a beehive, which con- tains the young brood ; — 3 C ^>/- brood- ing-time ; — $cllc, /. the cell in a bee- hive, in which the young bees are lodged; — jlincbcf, /. a small flower- bulb. *i8 r It t a I, adj. brutal, brutish. *35ru tal if ireit, 0.0. *■ n. to act like a brute. ; to treat in a brutal manner. *25 r tt t a I i t a t, /. brutality. *s8vil t e fci veil, r. n. to become degraded, brutal. 23 V ft t e tt, v. 71. (auv. babflt) to brood, hatch, (also fig.) to cover the eggs ; tilt — ferut, to sit hatching, being hatched ; iiber eineii ©egenftanb — , to brood over a subject 23 V U t i g, adj. broody ; rotten ; addled. *23 r li 1 1 P, adv. M E. gross ; compos. • — cimtitl)llie, / gross amount of re- ceipts ; — geUMCbt, 71. brute-weight; clough. 23 ft or 5pft! a sign to impose silence, or stop a person. 23ube, 711. (-It; pi. -It) 1. knave, villain ; 2. provine. boy, lad ; 3. knave at cards; eill befer — , a bad boy; ampos. — tieifiel, /. — ftSngel, m. fuller's thistle, teazel: — tlftft, m. B. T. puck-ball; — nftreid),7n. — nftiirf, n. 23iiberci, / knavery, roguery, villxny. 23 ii b b c I n, v. n. [am. baben) provine. to bubble. 23 lib ber n, 0. vid. 3tttcrn. 23 u b e n * 23.1bclit, v. n. (aur. baben) to act as a knave or a profligate. 23 ii b cb c it «■ 23.1blcin, «. (-8 ; pi.— ) baby, little boy. 23 ii b c r c i, vid. Subc. 23 fi b i It It, / a bad woman. ©fibifd) I. adj. knavish, roguish, villainous — er ©ci'e, villainously; II. adv. knavishly, roguishly. S3itct)e *© 11 c a it t e r, m. (-8 ; pi. -c) bucanier, *J8U Cent ttU'r, m. buccntaur. *23licepi)allt§, 771. Bucephalus. 23 fid), n. (-C'S; pi. 23iid)cr), 2. without pi. quire; JU — bfiligetl, iiiy — eintragen, m. k. to book; ein — ^ernuSgeben (vcrlegcn) to publish a book; eiii — Son neiiem auflegeti, to reprint; — I)illtcil, to keep book - ciu — ^.'apiev, a quire of papei . eill — mit fiebcit Siegellt, a seven- sealed book, a mystery ; in com pos. — itbcf, in. parchment nobility , — ii)d)C, /. rid. this and other compos under 23ucbe; — biuber, m. book binder ; — biltbcrgolt, 71. gold-leaf; — binterbobcl, m. plough knife; — = billecvfpahlte, pi. scale-hoards; — = — bnicfev, m. printer; — brtiefcvct, / printing-house, printing-orlice ; — = bntiferfvivbe, /. printer's ink: — = bl'lltfergefeUe, 711. journeyman-printer; — cnidci'fllllft, /. art "of printing, typography; — frildcvlcifte, /. bor- der ; — bniCiCVprcffe, /. printing-press, letter-press; — vriirfcvfdmwje, / printing-ink; — bruefcrftpef, 7». vig- nette, printer's flower, border ; tail- piece ; — bvud'enveetftatte, / print- ing-house ; printing-shop ; — fiH'lllilt, 71. size ; — fiii)UT, vid. — hiU ter ; — futtcval, n. book-case ; — ge= lebrfamfeit, /. book-learning; — 1)>\{- teit, n. bookkeeping : — bitltci", m. book- keeper; — luilicret, /. bookkeeping; bookkeeper's office ; — battling, / book- keeping ; cinfadje — baltuug single entry; hU'lH'Ire — kilning, double entry; — llilllbcl, tii. bookselling; ■ — = banbler, ?». bookseller; — Inint levftrat- }C, / leger (containing the running ac- counts of booksellers); — -banMun.}, /. bookseller's shop and trade ; — ((tbttt, 771. bookseller's shop ; — leiiniMlte, / book-linen; - — ntacfierci, / cont. book- making; — f dill lb,/ book-debt. 23 11 cb a r C l, /. Bockharia (a country) 23 fi di e (SSfidie), /. (pi. -n) rn compos 23 lid) ; beech ; compos. — itntpfcr, m wood sorrel ; — ciffbc, /. also 93lld)> baitut, 7ft. vid. @fcbe; — baumen, adj. of beech; — Ctrfjel, /. beech-acorn; — Cltgitltg, in, an avenue of beecli trees; — eilbililt, — TOOlb, m. beech grove; — Clllilt^, n, tract of land where beeches grow ; — bp[$, 71. beech- wood ; — efd)e, / white-beech ; — = ftllf, 711. chaffinch; — ntavber, 711. pine- martin; — lltitft, / feeding of pigs on beech-acorns; — 51/ n. oil extracted from beech-acorns; — f fblimntllt, 711 a species of boletus; — lvei^eit, m. buck- wheat; — IVtnbe,/. black buck-wheat. 23 fid) Cll or 23rid;Cll, adj. of beech, beechen. 23 fi cb c 11, v. a. M. E. to book ; gleid;* fotinig — , to note in conformity. 23 fi d) c v,pi. books ; compos. — ciitffcbcr or — bcambver, m. librarian; — be- fcbrCtber, m. bibliographer; — bc= fc^retbung, / bibliography; — bovf, — bl'Ctt, 71. shelf, set of shelves (for books); — cenfur,/. rid.Qtnhw; — = bieb, m. plagiary: — biebftitbl, m. pla giarism ; — gcftell, it. shelves; — balle. /. library; — l)attbcf, 771. book trade , selling of second-hand books; — bailee Icr, 711. book-seller ; seller of second- hand books ; — Fenner, 7«. bibliographer ; — fcitntnifi, — fiiube, /. bibliography; — llitvr, 7H. bibliomaniac; — (Jill, w library-hall; — fillUlltlllitg, /. library; — fd)it£, 711. library ; — fcbilll, / ceiv sure; — fd)CIUitint, 11. censorship; — * fdmuer. 7«. censor — fdjrauf, 771. boot ease; — fpiMrfic, /. written language ; — fuebf, — nutth,/ bibliomania ; — tvot>= Ier, ot. second-hand bookseller; — oer= Icihcr, in. proprietor of a circulating library; ■ — OCrjeiO^Ittp, v. catalogue of hooks; — IDlirilt, in. — Idtti, /. book- worm; — simmer, n.vid. — foal. 83 II d) l) a It b I C r, vid. the compos, of 23lld). 93 lid) £ b a it m, m. box, box-tree. S3 li d) S b a it lit C It, adj. boxen. 03 li d) S b r tt, m. (-8) box-thorn. S3 ii d) f C, /. (pi. -It) 1. box ; pot ; jar ; 2. rifle ; rifle-barrel ; '■!. wheel-cap ; 4. A*. T. pipe; compos. — llOofytcr, m. gun-borer; — ttfikmuj, adj. having the form of a box ; — llf Utter, n. gun-case ; — llftigci, /. bullet, ball ; — llhiuf, m. — tirofyr, ti. rifle-barrel; — nmadicr, m. gunsmith, gunmaker; — Hlltcificr, m. gunner, master-gunner; — llfcicr", m. gun-case; — ufd;vtfr, 77i. gun-stock; — nfdjdftev, in. gun-stock maker, armourer; — n= fc&Jlticb, m. gunsmith ; — ttfdjujj, in. gunshot; cincit — nfdjuff ivcir, within the reach of a gun-shot; — Itfdjttfee, m. arqucbusier; gunner; — itfpailtier, in. gun- charger; — lllDartcr, m. keeper of the armory. 85 lief) f C It, v. I. a. to box (a wheel) ; II. 71. to shoot with a rifle. *23 tt cti ft r c 11, vid, SBuflftreit. S3 ii d) ft a b c, (23itd)ftab) m. (-11 ; pi. -n) letter, character ; type; cill groficr. — , a capital letter; — It DerfciJCII, to ana- grammatize ; compos. — naitfafy, m. Oram. T. paragoge ; — Itai'dlC, /. species of ark-shell; — llfolge,/. the alphabet; — itfetuUitif),— nieijve, /. knowledge of letters and their pronunciation; — 11= tX&mtV, m. cont. literalist; — tU'atbfel, It. riddle where letters are added or taken away, rebus; — nvedjCJlfllltft,/. alge- bra; — livcdjlter, m. algebraist; — tt= recanting, /. algebra, algebraic reck- oning ; — ltfdjvtft, /. writing in letters (as opposed to hieroglyphics) ; — llfpic= Unci,/, transposition of letters, names, &c. : — tute, /. the tiger stamper ; — 11= OCVfcljlllig, /. Gram. T. metathesis; anagram; — n$al)f, /. algebraic num- ber ; alphabet. S3 it dj ft a 6 e I it, v. n. (aux. fjaben) to slick to the literal sense ; to be a stick- ler for the literal meaning of words. S3 it d) ft a b c I c (,/. vid. aBovigriibeici. 03 it d) ft a b c it, OJiicfrftabircti, v. a. to spell. 03 it d) ft a b T X b U (ft, n. spelling-book. 23 it d) ft a b 1 1 d), I. adj. literal ; II. adv. literally. 53 li d) t, /. tp>. -Cti) 1. inlet, creek, rove, bay; 'J. provinc. little hut, shed; DO II flctllCf— CU,creeky. 23ltcfc[, 1. 771. (-8; ;,;. — ) bunch, hump; humpback; vulg. hack; 2. /. '/ C,y buck-ashes. Biicfeltg, adj. hunch-backed, crook- backed ; err, btc — C, hunchback. 03 11 rf e [ t ch t, adj in the shape of a humpback. 03 li rf C ( It, v. a. £ n. to stud ; to make a crooked back. 93 il rf C It, v. rcfl. to sloop ; to bow DM fillCllt, to one). S3 ii if linn, >«■ (-c«; pi. -r) 1. /am. ; cincit — liiadH-ii, to make a bow: 2. red herring, bloatcf. Mil 83fibc, j , P i. -u) booth, stall, shop; compos. — Itgclf, n. — i:;il|j, m. stall- age; — Itftattb, m. stall, stand. 03 ft b c I u. f. »., vid. Spubel. *23libgef, 71. budget; — mfijjtg, adj. conformable to the stipulations of the budget; — fa ft, m. an appropriation made in the budget. 85 ii b It C r, in. (-§ ; pi. — ) keeper of a stall, cottager. fi3fibtf)Ctf, it. provinc. in chattels of a peasant. 85iiffel, m. (-S; pi.—) l.buflklo; 2. coarse thick coat; 3. ./;»•. blockhead; compos. — l)3, m. hullalo-bull ; — fd;laiigc, /. bullal.isi.UK-: — afovf, m.ftg. viUg: blockhead; — SfopftfJ, adj. fg. vtdg. thick-headed ; — WailtmS, n. butr. S3 li f f el II, v. n. (aux. babctt) vulg. to drudge. *03 li f f C f, 11. sideboard ; sideboard table. 85 ug, 7n. (-c«; v i. Q3u;]c) l. 6 bow, bent; 2. shoulder (of animals) ; 'i. withers (of horses) ; joint, ham, hough; 4. jr. T. bow; mit bem — gcgcit ciit= antcf laufcii, to run foul of each other ; compos. — (tttreV, m. bow-anchor, bower; — bailber, pi. JV. T. fore-hooks; — bolj, n. hawse-piece; — Uu)ltt, adj. (of horses)_ splajed, wither-wrung; JV. TVs. — fprict, 7i. bow-sprit; — fprictg= flag, m. bob-stay ; — ftattgc, /. foremast ; — ftiicr,?!. 1. bow-piece; shoulder knight-head; bollard-timber; bow-chase; gun placed in the how of a ship ; 2. shoulder-piece (of an animal). 85 u gel, m. (-S; pi.—) Q3iigc, f.{ P i. -It) bow, bent piece of wood ; anj of wood or metal that is bent; bow; stirrup; (ant Wcircpvc), throat-band; (am Segengefajje), bow of a sv hilt; compos. - bl'Ctt, n. T. sleeve- board; — bobitc, /. Sp. y;. gin. smre, springe, noose; — Ctftlt, 7(. tailor's goose; flat-iron; — feft, adj.Sr a I c n, v. n. (aux. babcit) l.umctiic s 4.H'r|oit — , to court, woo a person; — tint Sob, CSbve ii. f. »., to court praise, honour, &c. ; 2. to coquet, to play the coquet; to have illicit inter- course. 03 ii () I C r, m. (S ; pi. — ) lover, para- mour. 23 U () I C r C f, /. (;;.'. -Clt) coquetry, illicit inii rcourse. S3 fi 6 let in tt, /. (pi. -en) SBu^lf^wea ftcr, /. (pi. -it i unchaste f iuet 23 fi b I c r i f d), 33unb 95 a ii I f r a u I, «. stinking goose-foov stinking blite. S3 fl b ( 1 i c b, n a wanton - 23 fi b I \d) a fl, /. (;,/. -en) love-io- trigue, alfair. SDllbHC, /. (pi -n) I. scalT soatfold; gallery; 2. stage, scene; '.I .V T. quay; compos. — nbcflctblliig. — 1! = bccoration, — tiDcrjieruitg,/. decora- tion of the stage, scenery; — nborftela lung, / stage-representation; — i^icb= tcr, in. stage-poet : — gott, m. deus ex macnina; — tibclb, m. hero of the stage; — Itbdcimt, / stage-heroine; — limakr, m. scene-painter; — lli!U= Ierei, /. scene-paintint; : — RRl&§tg, adj. theatrical ; — Jtlttciiter, m. .V. T. quay-master; — nfticfef, m. buskin; — Iiwattb, /. side-scene; — tirocrf, n. — nivcrfiitciftcr, ru machinist. 23 ft b 11 c 11, d. o. to board. 23 ii b nlo cb, n. (-c5 ; pi. -lodicr) Mm. T. hollow in shafts for the stemples. 23 it I) X e, /. (pi. -tl) provinc. pillow-case. 23 fi I) r C It = f a ll t C, /. nun's lace ; — » JCUg, 7i. ticking. S3 ii I) It, m. vid. Uf)lt. 85utfe,/. (pl.-n) jv. t. b 23 ii j e, vid. 93ojc. 23iijcn, r. a. x. T. mit ^laufcrt — , to plank a ship. 23 iifc it, v. vid. S3citci)Ctt. *23ltf6lifd), adj. bucolic; — e @t» btd)tc, pastoral poems, bucolics. *23u[b0«, adj. bulbous. *S3lilb«8, m. bulb. 23 11 1 g a V i e It, n. (-e) Bulgaria. S3 li I g a r, m. (-eit ; pi. -en) Bulgarian. 23 li 1 g C, /. (pi, -It) T. reservoir made of leal ; 23 li t g enf a n ft, /. the art of raising j 03ulgcii or leather-i 23 ll I i 11 e, 23.llill, /. JV. T. bowline. 23 li ( [ t,m.(-u; pi. -l\.)b\l\\; compos. — It* f.llb, n. bull-calf, male calf; 93lllJ> od)8, bull; gelded bull; — auirj,/ vid. SolUttKbc. 85 ii If c, /. (pi. -n) 1. a seal of wax or metal, affixed to public documents; fig public document ; decree published by the pope ; 2. JV. T. flat boat ; pontoon ; bottle ; compos. — nbeitier, m. bull-dog; — llblld), n. bullary: — llf)a&, /.bull baiting; — Itfd)Vift, /. bullantic; — uftali, hi. .\*. 7'. manger. *S3 lille t i II, n. (pi. -'%) bulletin. 23 lilt, Q3iiltcit or 23iittcii, m. (-8; pi. —etl jiniriiic. 1. a knoll of( grass or reed and rusiies; 2. va- rious plants growing w nli at the tops or roots of plants ; pj<£ Jvlldltcl. 23 li 1 1 C, /. (pi. -tl) heap of peat. 03liltfacf, in. provinc sir. 23 It lit lit, a word imitative of the 23 lint nit ii, 23innmc(ii, vid. S3im= imin. 93 linn', fat. bounce! — ging bit ibiir, vulg. bounce went the door. 93u'nb, I. n. (-t8',pl. 85tTHbe) bunch, . cut (of hay, &c); II. m (pi. 23iinbe) I. band, tie, ban- dage, the Btringa at the binding of a bonk; 2. fig- (without pi.) league, union; alliance, confederacy, treaty, compact, ; : agreement ; ^cr beutfcfae — , man Confederation ; bcr altt mib tcr nnic — , the Old and the Nen 11? fdixvti Testament, covenant ; fccr tiirfiffbc — , turban ; compos. — briid)tg, adj. breaking the covenant, faithless ; — = UCJ, m. Typ. T. gutter-sid' - 6 It 11 b C 1,. n. (-8 ; pi. — ) bundle, bunch, truss; packet. 13 ii It b f 8, {gen. of 5?ltltb) in compos. of or belonging to a confederacy, espe- cially the German; — actc, /. act of the German Confederacy ; — angelc- genbeit,/. federal affair; — OXthiv, n. archives of the confederacy ; — briber, — freunb, —genofc — oetroanbte, m. confederate, ally; — contingent, n. troops which anyone state of the con- federacy is bound to furnish ; — birec= TOrtUltt, n. federal directory (in Switzer- land) ; — fettling, /. fortress belonging to the confederacy ; — fitrfi, m. a prince- member of the confederacy; — gematj, — miisig, adj. i$- adv. conformable to the confederacy; — genr>ffenfd>tft, /. league, alliance, participation in a league; — gcriebt, n. tribunal of confe- derates; bvi» beutfefje — fchicbsgcrieht, great Gennan court of arbitration ; — = gefefe, n. law of a confederacy ; — ge= fctjlief), adj. cS- adv. according to the laws of a confederacy; — geroalt, /. power of the confederacy; — (mtt) = glicb, n. member of a confederacy; — beer, n. army of a confederacy ; — biilfe, /. mutual support of the con- federate states; — fail$let, /. office of a confederacy ; — faff?//- treasury of a confederacy ; — f ricg, m. war of a con- federacy; — labf, /. ark of the cov- enant; — liucbte, /. pi. federate powers ; — uiafiig, adj. federative, fe- deral ; — VCCf)t, n. federal right ; the federal laws; — regtcruttg, /. federal government ; — tag, m. (i(X beiltfcbe) the German diet; — truppen, pi. federal troops; — Detetlt, m. league ; — - oerfainmTung, /. vtd. —tag ; — »et« tvag, m. federal compact, treaty or al- liance; — senistnbt, 047. confederate, allied ; bcr — serroanbte, vid. — bru= bet; — I'blfcr, 71. pi. federate nations; — jiveef, to. the object of a confe- deracy. 33 it It big, adj. 1. binding, valid, law- ful ; 2. convincing, conclusive ; 3. con- cise, brief. SB II n b t g f e t 1, f. 1. validity ; 2. con- ciseness, brevity. 83 11 it b it c r, md. 53nnbc8genpffe. 53 ii tt b tt i t}, n. (— ffcS ; pi. -ffe) alliance, league, confederacy, covenant, agree- ment, pact. 93liltge, /. (pl.-n) prorinc. 1. drum; 2. basket for catching fish ; 3. bundle, meat-case, pouch. 53 lilt gen, v. n. {aui. baben) prorinc. to give a hollow sound, to drum. Stint, n. vid. Spelt. 8 tint, adj. 1, variegated, party-co- loured, gay-coloured ; coloured ; 2. motley, mixed, checkered ; 3. jig. con- fused; fig. etllC — C Stcibc, a checkered line, motley row; CI' lltadlt e$ JU — , he goes too far ; he is too bad : C8 gtltg — ber, there were stran;e goings on ; compos. — farbig, adj. variegated, of various colours ; — flecfig, — - ne= ftccft, adj. spotted, speckled; — fdjecfig, adj. variegated, checkered, party-co- loured, pied; — firetfxg, adj. having party-coloured stripes : — UJCff, vid. 3iatid)u>crf. 18 ii 115 en or 53iin,ef, m. (-8; pi. — ) T. punch, puncheon, puncher. ►33 lit a I, to. (-8) a sort cf woolen ituff. 6 li t b e, /. (pi. -It) 1. burden, charge ; 113 25iir<' 55ufd) -ftabl, a sort of steel in 2. load ; bars. .S'.'/n. SDrfer, C a ft. 2'Urct is a burden »rm by some living power, u e. by animals or mom especially by men. Any heavy weight, L;>rre or supported by any body whatever, is called fin* VMft. Thus we say: a wagon breaks down under its fiafi-, but not under its 2 adv. burlesque, lu- dicrous, jocular. 53 ii r f <$) t, contr. 53n'rfef), to. (-11 ; pl.-n) 1. fellow, companion ; 2. apprentice, boy, lad, youth ; 3. student (at the uni- versity) ; cin lufttger — , a jolly dog; compos. — nleben, n. single life or the life of a student called 53lirfr})e ; — XI' fefmft,/. — n»emtt,m. Burschenschaft (an association of all the German stu dents as opposed to Sailblmanilff^aft;. 53 it r f d) eb, e n, n. dimin. of 53urfrbe. S3 ii r f cb (SSutf^e), /. SBitrfi+>en, n vid. 53trfc^ e. 53 ii r ft e, /. (pi. -tt) brush ; compos. — n» binber, m. brush-maker; — ItlSfet, m. anthribos (an insect) ; — npftailje, /. B. T. carthamus, bastard saffron. 53i'irfien, v. a. to brush; einem bea Jlovf — , vulg. to give one a severe reprimand. 53 li r 1 1 g, vid. ©cbiirtig ; only in com- pos. 53iirjel, (also ^iirjel) the short tail of some animals, as stags, &c. ; rump, dock; bobtail; croup; ventlet; compos — banni, m. somerset; eincit — ma* C^en, fd;tcfieit, to make a Somerset; — boi'lt, to. a plant bearing a prickly fruit : — frant, ?t. garden purslain ; — * irtann, m. — niannrben, ?t. little turn bling puppet, tumbler. 33 At 5 el n, i\ 71. (aux. baben) to carrj the tail upwards (of horses). 53 ii r 5 e 1 it, v n. (am. feiMi) to tumble 53iifcf), to. (-e8; ? /.53ufrbe) 1. thicket, copse; bush; 2. tuft, bunch ; flltf betl — fdjlageit (tto^ftn),fig. vulg. to fee. one's pulse ; to beat about the bush'; compos. — an/C, to. orang-outang; — = ameife, /. wood-ant; — ampfer, m. wood sorrel ; — bobne, /. dwarf bean , — elfter, /. the great strike; — eille, / thicket owl; — faferlaf, m. gigantic moth of South America; — bclj, it. under-wood : — blimmcl, /. a speciea of bee; — fleVV er < m - footpr.d; — » — fobl, to borecole; — lailbe,/. ar- bour: — «iail8, /. the rockcavy; — * flMttne, /. bird-catching spider; — * iveice, /. osier-\yillow ; — ItttI, n thicket, copsewood. 53 ii f rb e I, m. (-8 ; pi. —) tuft (of hair, &x.) ; bunch, truss, wisp (of straw, &c.) ; cluster (of grapes, &c.) ; compos. — at' tig, — formtg, adj. in the shape of a tuft; — tragcilb, adj. corymbiferoua ; S8urt (Sou ($amb — ttetfe, adv. in tufts ; by the bunch, &c. Bfif rfu 1 1 g, adj. corymbiated, tufted. SSlifdlidjt, adj. likS a bush; tufted, woolly. 23 ii f d) i g, adj. bushy. S3 fife, /. (pi. -XX) provinc. fine hair (of cats, &c). S3 life, S3iiife,/. (pi. -xx) jv. T. small boat, herring buss. 53 fife it, m. (-5; pi. — ) 1. bosom, breast, fig. heart ; 2. bay, gulf; compos. — freitllb, vi. bosom-friend, intimate, confident; — IKtbcl, /. breast-pin; — - ring, tn. breast-ring; — fraufe, /. — ' ftreif, m. frill, tucker ; — ftillbe, /. dar- ling (favourite) sin ; — tud), n. neckcloth. S3 fi f), in compos. — MX, m. buzzard; — - tit rb, n, penitential; — fddig, adj. -f- finable, punishable; — fevtig, adj. pen- itent, contrite, sorrowful ; — ferttgfeit, /.penitence, repentance, condition; — - fjebet, n. penitential prayer; fast-day's prayer; • — fleroanb, n. penitentials ; — = barb, rid. S3ufj«at ; — prebtger, m. an admonisher to penitence; ■ — prcbtgt,/. sermon of repentance; fast-day's ser- mon; - ^>fVllnt, m. penitential psalm ; — tag, m. fast day ; — tcrt, m. text for a fast-day's sermon ; — fbtdtten, pi. tears of repentance ; — iibutig, /. ex- ercise of penance. S3 fi fj e, /. 1 . penance, penitence, repen- tance; 2. atonement; satisfaction; compensation ; 3. fine, punishment ; amercement; amendment; — thttit, to do penance, to repent; tit Siicf llltb Qlfrfte — tblllt, to do penance in sack- cloth and ashes ; — erlegcit, to pay a fine. SBfifs en, v. I. n. (aux. bflben) fi'tr et= rOGS — , to pay for, atone for, suffer for, expiate; II. a. + to mend, repair; to fine, amerce ; bie ?itcf en — lltuffett, proti. to suffer for another's faults; eiltett (Scfiabeu —, to pay, repair, restore a damage ; fcitte ?ttft — , to satisfy one's desire. 53 it f; c tt b e, to. 33 it fs e r i it tt, /. (pi. -en) ) penitent. 53 it fi U tt g, /. (pi. -en) expiation, atone- ment. *33 it ft e, /. ( v i. -n) bust. 33titt or 53u'ttig, adj. provinc. short and thick; stumpy, coarse, ill bred, un- couth. S3 ii 1 1 e, 53iittc, /. ( pi, -n) i. wooden vessel, tub. coop ; little half-tub ; 2. — or S3lltfftfrf), m. bret, burt, flounder. S3 it 1 1 e I, /. vid, glafcbe. S3 ft t 1 e I, in. (-8 ; pi.— ) beadle ; jailer; bailitr. S3 ii 1 1 c I e f, /. ( P i. -en) jail, gaol. 83 litter, /. 1. butter; 2. gum; com- pos. — afntlirfi, — artig, adj. buttery, like butter; — biilltllte, — fd)tlttte, /. — ftolie,/. slice of bread ami batter; — bitlt, /. butter pear; — blutlie, /. buttercup ; — brevet, /. butter-crack- nel; — brpb, vid. — bdmme; — briibe, /. butter-sauce; — biicbfe or — bo|e, /. butter-pot; — filft, v. butter-vat: churn ; — fTabClt. m. butter-cake ; — s fltege, /. — ypget, m. a large white moth ; — gebadcticS, n. — fnefien, m. light pastry cakes; — bpfe, / butter tub, butter firkin ; — lltttdi, / butter- milk; — ftedier, m. butter knife; — s ftfllllVei, — ftBjjel, m. churn start"; — = ftcllc, /. butter-cake; — ftrtefcel, m, fritter; — tct'g, m. pufT paste; — tPVf, ft. butter pot ; — WCif, m. butter-roll ; butter-cake ; — »pget, vid. — fltege ; — tvcich, adj. soft as butter; — UUir,, /. B. T. butter wort. 33u'ttevig, S3iittcnid)t, adj. but- tery. S3 ii 1 1 e r n, ?>. a. , vid. S3tttte. SB ii 1 1 tt C V, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) cooper, vid. 335ttcbcr. 33 ii 1 1 f I) I e,/. (pi. -n) sole (a fish). 33u'l$, m. (-eg; pi.-t) SBmJen, m. (-S; pi. — ) provinr. point, tip : — atlt i'ichfc, snuff;-, nm Dbftcur tin @c [dry five, core, eye. 53u't$tg, adj. proline, conl. little, stumpy. 33 li fc f p f, m. (-eS) bottle-nosed whale. *33u'r or Sjiirbattm, vid. S3itdjSfcaum. *33 u j \ r c n, vid. 33itgfifctt. *S3 \-) f f o It t f), m. (-e«) byssolite. *33ljf fltS, 33tifftt^, to. byssus, asbestus. 33 l) J a n t In C r, m. (-$ ; pi. — ) Byzan- tine ; bezant (coin). 33 \) J a It 1 1 tt t f d), adj. Byzantine. 53 X) J d n J, n. Byzantium; Constanti- nople. <$. (?, e, C, the third letter of the Alpha- bet. This letter is found in pure Gcr- tcords only in composition with X) or t, cicrpt in a few proper names. Ssfdjlitffcl, m. Mus. T. C clef, key of C. *C?abaIe, /. (pl.-n) cabal; intrigue. *6 a b d n C, /. (pi. -It) cabin (of a ship) ; hut. *Sd&r>(lIa, /. cabala. *C? a b b a 1 1 ft, m. (-en; pi. -en) ca- balist *(S a b a I f ft i f d), adj. cabalistic, caba- listical. *£abilte't(t), n. (-e«; pi. -C) ca- binet; cabin; closet; compos. — Sb(' fchl/ TO. government-order; — 5llliltt= fler, w. cabinet-minister, privy minister, — Graff), m. cabinet-council : privy-coun- sellor ; — sfcf)rctber, — sfeeretar, m. private secretary; — Sltcgcl, ?i. privy- seal, cabinet-seal ; — § ft ii cf , n. cabinct- piece, *(5 d b t a g e, /. coasting-trade, ca- botage. ♦GabPttreit, v. n. to be engaged in a coasting-trade. *f5ctbrtcle, /. [pi. -it) high leap, caper. *f5abriole't(f\ it. (-tS; pi. -e) ca- briolet: gig; cab; cnmjios. — filbtcr, — tutfdjet, vi. cab-driver. *C»dcabn / 7H. (-'8; pi. -c) cockatoo. *(5rieap, (5dcctd>cctif cf>, adj. Med. T. cachectic. *f5itd)CVTe, /. caehew. HfadlPlong, vi. (-e$) quartz-agate, cacholong. *P act It a, f5aci(ie, /. Cecilia, Cecily. " 6 fl c o d) c in t c, /. cacochymy. *C> fl C P b d m p it, (-81 m. an evil spirit *l* a e p p b p n t e, /. (/./. -tn) Mus. r. cacophony. \oiK. .•/»)/ vnnl vol inserted under 0> must lir looked for under Si or 3- •C a b fi '.> e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) coti** cadaver; — 08, adj. cadaverous. *(? a b C It 5,/ (pi. - en) Mus. T. cadence fall. *(fabc't(t), m. (.—en ; /-/. -en) cadet compos. ■ — enban8, n. military-school (Sftbtr, n. Cadi/.. *<£abucirat, /. aid. fiinffiUigfett Kabuf, adj. vid. .OtnfaUt.]. *(5afe'tier, m. (-8; pi. -8) keepe of a coffee-house. •Sd ft ait, «. (-(i: pi. -c) caftan. *V>a jit te, /. vid. Jtajiite. ♦Galabdffe, /. (pi. -n) calabash; — Itbailllt, m. calabash-tree. ©aid 1 f e It, n. (-8) Calabria. (Sat dh tier, m. (-8; pi. — ) fJalar bvcfc, m. (-n ; ;//.-n) Calabrian, Ca labrese. *C? a I a in d n f, m. (-8) calamanco. *<5 a I am t ta t, f. (pi. -en) calamity. distress. •So Ic d n r, m, (-en ; /;/. -en) beiiows- blower, organ blower. *fialciniren, v. a. a. t. to c«i- cine, calcinate ; ca(cillii'tc3 3> 11 't or 33iei, putty powder. *©a I ciitir = p f en, m. calcar; — ■■ ticgcl, vi. calcinatory. •gdlctunt, w. (-a) Ch. T. calcium. *<5 Ctlcil i, m. (-8) calculus; — atipn, /. calculation; — trctt, v. a. to calculate, ■ — fitor, 771. calculator *@dlecut, pr. name, Calcutta; — tn — tfd)C .Oablt, m. turkey ; turkey- cock ; bic — tfd)e .^CltltC, turkey-hen. 0? a 1 C b P It i e tt, n. (-8) Caledonia. (falcbenier, to. (-8; 7);.—) (5a= lebOnifcb, adj. Caledonian. *C5 a I C ttb C It, pi. calends. *(> ali'f d)e, /. (pi. -xx) calash. *(fdtibat, v. celibacy. *6al!ber, m. (-8; pi.—) Gun. r. calibre; bore of a gun; dispart. *<& tt U B t It e It, V. a. Gun. T. to dispart. *(£ d [ i C P, to. (-'8 ; pi. -8) calico. Olalifprilicit, ». (-*) California. 6 ®'tli« fornifch, adj. Califbmian. *(5 alive II, B. v. M. E. to lose in weight. *@ a tl i g r a ^ b, m. (-en ; pi. -en man; — u\ /. cal(l)igrapby, penman- ship; — ifd), adj. calligraphic. '(fa 11B 8, adj. $■ adv. callous, hard, indurated. *0f a I in iv en, v. a. Med. T. to calm, still, (juiet. *(f a 1 lit li ff, m. (-8) sort of hair-doth *(5dlomcl, 71. (-8) calomel. *& a I V t lit c' t e V, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) ca- lorimeter. *0lalPtte, /. (pi. -xx) calotte (smaJ cap worn by priest- . '(f a I nmn 1 e, /. (pi. -n) /.. r. ca- lumny. *0f a 1 It lit It i 3 8, adj. calumnious. •(fa I It m 11 irctl, v. a. I.. T to ca- lumniate. *(f it I y i it t'8 tit It 8, m. Calvinism. *(f a [ i it i ft, m. (-en J ;>/. -en) cal- vinist ; — ifd), «'(/'. calvinistical. *(f a nt a j c fi g c ill a I be, n. T. cameo, brooch. *ff a ntb i .1 1 v e d*t, ». vid iffied)feltecj>t *(fdmbip, m. v -Y vid SSJecbfel. 11 y (5amt *G a lit b 1 r ? K, v. n. to deal in notes or lulls of exchange. »G a m b i ft, »«. (-en ; pi. -en) banker, cambist. »G n in b e ij a it u fi, /• (p/.-niiffe) Cam- bodia nut *G d m b v a i, GdmbriE, m. r« ; p/ -8) cambric. *G a m c ; c, /. (p/. -n) cameo *€ lit C I t e, /. (pi. -t) camelia 'a plant). *G a 111 C 1 6 t, m. camelot ; camlet *G a ill crab, m. (-8 «■ -c« '- &■ ~ en) com- rade, fellow ; compos. — febilft,/. fellow- ship ; society. *G a ill c v a I, c//'. financial, relating to political economy ; compos. — facfyc, /. husiness relating to the finances : — = rocfeit, 71. finances; — tviffcttfrbaft, /. science of finances. 'Same tali ft m. (-en; pi. -en) financier. *C'J dmt lie, Gamut, GattttfoT, vid. Siamilk, &c. 'G a nt lit c r i d), n. Cambray. *6 ft 111 p d i] it C, /. campagne, expedi- tion. 1 G a m p c f d) e tj o 1 5, ». (-eS) log- wood. *G d 111 p b C r, 777. (-§) camphire : compos. — fleift, »«. camphorated spirits of wine ; — falj, 7i. camphorate; — fitUVC,/. cam- plinric acid. • -(> ampiren, v. n. (mix. IiaberO to camp, encamp, to sit down. \> a It a b a, n. Canada. 3 a n a b c it f e r, 777. (-8 ; pi. — ) native or inhabitant of Canada, Canadian. E a It S b t f cb, adj. Canadian. "(Sattai 1 U, /. {pi. -Clt) rascalion; rabble, mob. *G a n a I, m. (-eg ; pi. Gandtc) 1. canal ; 2. British channel. *G d 11 a p C C, n. (-'I ; pi. -8) canopy ; couch; sofa, settee. G a 11 5 r i C It, adj. relating to the Cana- ry-Islands (used in composition) ; com- pos. — jjva°, 77. Canary-grass; — becfc, aviary; — feet, m. canary; — SOfjel, 771. Canary-bird; — 5 l, ^ er ' m - Canary-sugar. Ganavten or C?aitavifci;c 3fnfeln, ^/. 1 1 v-Islands. G a n a v i c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) Gatta= tilfb, ndj. Canarian. *(5 a it d ft c r, vid. Anafler. * G a it b c I a b e r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) clw 3- delier. *Gan bcUncf er, Gdtibi8;ucr , cr, .*. (-8) sugar-candy. (5.i It b t it, 7!. Candia (the modem name of ancient Crete). gd tt b t e t, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) Candiot. ns'anbtbat, 777. (-eiU- -8; pi. -en) candidate. *Gatlbtt, 771. (-8) pleonaste (a min- eral:. *G a n i C t, 771. (-8) cinnamon. *G d n it c f a f, EdtmaoajS, m. (-ffel) canvass. *G anneltte tt, 0. a. to channel, flute (a column 1 . '<§ a it it c I £ c b 1 e, /. (p/. -n) cannel- coal. M5 a n it t b a I, m. r r cn ; pi. -en) canni- bal, man-eater; — i\d),adj. cruel, san- guinary, ferocious; — t8mu8, m. can- nibalism. Vote. .Iny word not inserted under G mutt be looked far under St or 3- 120 dapt *G a 11 f, 71. (p.'.-n or -8) canoe. *G S It P It, 771. (-8 ; p.'. -C or -C8) canon (of the church) ; canon or catch (in music). *6 Cl tt It t C a t, 71. (-CS ; p.'. -e) canonry, canonship; prebend. *SanBntcu8, m. (pi. (Jaitottiei) canon ; prebendary. *G a no lit C,/. canonrv, vut Gaitottt= cat. *Q aiU 1 ltiffb, I. adj. canonical: N. adv. canonically; td8 — C dltd)t, canon law. * G a n It t f l X C ll, v. a. to canonize, saint. *6 a It tt i f l r ll It a,, /. (pi. -Clt) canoni- zation. *6 a n n i f f i n tt, /. (77/. -en) canoness. *G a tt O n t jt, m. (-Clt; pi. -Ctt) can- onist. *(5 a 11 1 ate,/, (pi- -tt) cantata. *@ a tt t b a r I b C tt, pi. cantharides. *GanttlIe,/. (pi. -11) purl. *@antBtt,m. (-8; pi.-C) canton, quar- ter. *(! a It 1 n a 1 - r a t b, m. cantonal coun- cil ; — reojeruttg, /. cantonal govern- ment (in Switzerland). *6a It t tt XX e tt, u. n. to be quartered, to canton. *<5 a tt 1 tt U U tt 9, /. (pi -Ctt) Mil. T. 771. cantonment *K d tt t o r, 771. (-8 ; pii -en) chorister. *S a It 1 V e I, /. [pi. -en) 1. the dwell- ing-house of the chanter ; 2. a party or a class of the choristers in a public school. ♦Gap, 77. (-8) cape; — bet gutett ■goffttltno,, Cape of Good Hope ; btc — jiabt,/. Cape town; compos. — lt)citt, 77i. Constantia wine. *6 a p C 1 1 a tt, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) chaplain ; — CI, /. chaplainship ; chaplain's house ; — fielle, /. chaplaincy. *6 a p C It e, /. (pi. -tt) chapel ; 2. musi- cal band or choir; 3. Ch. T. cupel. *($ a p C 1 1 1 r e It, I. v. a. to refine (gold or silver) ; II. s. n. cupellation. *6 ap c tt m e t ft e r, 777. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1. conductor of a band; 2. organist. ♦Gaper, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) commander of a privateer ; corsair, pirate ; — or — febiff, n. privateer; — 'brief, 771. letter of marque; — gaftcrt, /. the crew of a privateer. *G a p e r Cl,/. (pi. -Ctt) privateering. *G a p C r tt, 77. a. to seize (suddenly and cunningly), take, catch. Gdpettltgcr, m. (-8; pi. — ) de- scendant of Hugh Capet, Capetian. *G a p 1 1 a t, 1. 7i. (-8 ; pi. -ten) 1. capi- tal, principal ; stock, fund ; 2. Arch. T. (pi. -dter) capital; chapiter, cap, II. adj. capital ; compos. — bllC$jlabc, 771. capital letter; — COlttO, n. — recbttuttfj, /. stock-account; — serbvecfyett, 71. capital crime. *Ga p 1 1 a I d) e n, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) small capital. *G a p 1 1 a 1 1 f I r e It, v. a. to fund, con- vert into capital. *G a p 1 1 a 1 1 ft, m.(-cn ; pi. -en) capital- ist, stockholder. *Gmpos. — => fttlf, m. the cardinal (a bird) ; — pltllf 10, m. pi. cardinal points; — 8bttlllie, / cardinal flower ; — Sunirbe,/: cardinal- B hip; — tltgcilb, /. cardinal virtue; — a jablcit, pi. cardinal numbers. *G a r b t e I b e,/ (pi. -tt) G t t. cardioid. *G a r b b c n e b i c t e it E r a 11 1, 71. (-8t holy thistle. *G a r b ft 8 £ E e r, m. (-8) JS" r. car tridge-box. *G a V e f f e, /. (pi. -") wig. caress. *fi at e f f It t XI, v. a. mdg. to caress ; M r.iurt V G a r f i 1. 771 (-s) cauli lower. m •Gar (jab or, m. (-4; pl. -e) ■»■ c supercargo. •6 at t C « t U r, /. (pl. -en) caricature. ,: 6 a r 1 5 8, adj. : a f ill 0, n. (-'8 ; pi. -8) 1. casino (a game at cards) ; 2. house of enter- tainment. ed8 per, m. Jasper. (5 ddpert e, m. Jack-pudding CdSptfdl, adj. Caspian; ba8 — e SDJeer, Caspian sea. •<§ a 8 »; n e t, n. (-'8 ; pl.-i) head piece, helmet, casque, •edffa, / M. E. ready money, cash; Note. Any word vnt imtrrtcd under e wujI be looked J'or under <5v or 3. gebe jn — , in cash, cashed; — teftanb, m. balance in cash; — bticfe, 71. cash- book; — COlttO, n. cash account. •(SaffattDlt, /. cassation; compos. ■ — Sflcricbtsfjof, m. court of ca (in France). *edffe, /. (pl. -tt) 1. chest; 2. cash, ready money ; fcet — fcl)lt, to be in cash; compos. — llbeailltC, m. officer of the revenue; — liaitiVClfllltfl, /. —11= fdjcilt, m. treasury-bill, exchequer- bill ; — nbicb, 771. — htctntfl, — nbicb* fta()[, 771. embezzler, embezzlement. *e a f f e r 6 1 e, /. (pl. -n) stewpan. *e d f f t a, edffie, /. D.T. cassia ; compos. — rinbe, /. cassia-bark ; — viM)l'C, /. cassia-stick. *eaffier, m. (-8; pi. -e) Cajftrer, 77i. (-8 ; pl. — ) cashier, treasurer. *eaf fireit, v. a. 1. to get in money; 2. to cashier; to cassate ; eilien Dfft* jicv — f to break an officer ; 3. to destroy, annihilate, annul. *6affirnng, /. (pi. -en) cassation. *e a ft a fl tt C 1 1 e, /. (pl. -tl) Castanet. *e a ft 'c 1 1, Tt. (-e8 ; pi. -e) castle. *e a ft C 1 1 a It, m. (-8 ; pl. -e) castellan. *S a fl e 1 1 a H e t, /. (pl. -Clt) castellany. eafliliditcr, m. (-8; pl.— ) Cas- tilian. eaftllten, n. Castilia. 6afHltf4 adj. Castilian. *eaft3r, m. (-8) castor, beaver; com- pos, — Ijut, m. beaver-hat; — Clint, 7i. M. T. castoreum. *e a ft rat, m. (-en; pi. -en) eunuch. *e a ft I' U" C It, v. a. to castrate, emas- culate. *eaftrtUtttfl, /. castration. *e a f 11 a 1 1 C tt, pl. casualties. *e a f n a li t a t, /. (pi. -en) casualty. *(ldfnav, 77i. (-8; pl.-t) cassowary (a bird). *e a fni ft, 77i. (-en; pt -en) casuist; —if, /. casuistry ; — if el), adj. casu- istical. *6 d f fl r, /. Oram. T. caisura. eatalDttien, n. Catalonia. eatalOitier, m. (-8; pl. — ) ea=> talDllifd), n///. Catalonian. *e a u f a I i t a t, /. Ph. T. causality. •e a ii ft e r t it m, ? n. (-8 ; pi. -vien) a *e a ll t c' V t U lit, i cautery, cauter. ♦6 a li ft i C a, ;?/. Jl/aZ. T. caustics. ♦Sail fttC it St, /. causticity. *e a li ft i f ct), adj. caustic, caustical. *6 a U t C 1, /. precaution. •(SatlttSn, /. (pl. -en) security, bail; — ftellcit, to give bail. *ea»alcdbC, /. cavalcade. *ea»alier, m. (-8; pl. -e) horse- man ; knight, cavalier, chevalier ; gentle- man, nobleman. *e a 1) a 1 1 e r i C, /. cavalry, horse. *ea»allerift, m, (-eit; pl. -en) horseman, cavalier. * *e en fur, /.(/ P er cenL •(Sen taut, m. (-8 ; pi. -en) Myth. t. centaur. *6entifDlie, /. (pl.-n) centifoiious rose. *e CJt titer, m. (-8; pl. — ) quintal, hundred-weight. *e C tt t r fl I, I. adj. (in compos.) central ; II. adv. centrally; —ifatioit, /^con- centration; simplification; • — t)ircil, v. a. to concentrate, simplify ; — itat, /. centrality. *e C 11 1 X i = f 11 fl a I, adj. Phy. T. centri- fugal; — pftdl, adj. centripetal. ♦ecntrlren, v.a. to centre, ecutriv> niafft;ilte,/. Opt. T. centre-lathe. *ec'ntrum, n. centre, vid. 2)2ittel» punft. *e C tt t It p 1 1 r e It, v. a. to centuple. *e c tt t u r i e, /. (pl. -n) l century ; 2. a company of a hundred, century. *eenturio, m. (-8; p/.-nen) cen turion. *e e r d f i tt, 71. (-8) cerasin. *e c r a it n i a n f i n t c r, m. (-8) via*- ous tubes (a fossil). *6 c r a u tt 1 1, vid. 2J2eteovftcitt. *e C r C Ut tt i a I, n. (-6) book of cere monies. *e C r e lit It t d r i ll 8, m. master of th« ceremonies. *e c r c m tt I c, /. (pl. -1l) ceremony , empos.— itmcifter, m. la/.Ccvciuouia' riu8. *ee rcmOlticll, *. (-8) ceremonial. *S e v e lit It i C 8, adj. >S- adv. ceremo- nious, formal. *ecrcrtt, m. (-8) cerium-ore, cerit. *e c r e 6, /. Ceres. ►eetttt, 71. (-8) cerium allanite; — * ftctn, vid. Ccrerit. •8 t V i U m, 71. (-8) cerium. ♦e'ertapartic, /. M. E. charter- party. ♦Ccrtificat, n. (-c«; pl.-t) eertift cate . — if it,/, certifl ♦6 e r t i f i c t r c n, r. a. to certify. *e«t»eIfit»Utfl, / (;./. -n-iivftf) l.ram sausage. •6e8, 71. .v«.!. cetacious animals, •fictlu, 7i. (-S) Ch. T. cetin; — fanveS 2al\, cetic acid; — faure, /. Ch. r. cetic acid. *fibabafic,/.fibabafiu, m. (-8) cha- basite. *S b a. b r a a u c, /. (pi -n) saddle-cloth, caparison. r <5 b a ,j r I it, in !•/(/. ©chagrin. *fi b J In C, /. chain (in dancing). *6 $ ttlf e, /. (.pi. -n) a carriage. *(§ 1' a [ceb C it, m. (-Sip/ -e) chalcedony. OlulM.1, «. (-8) Chaldea; Efjafc baer, m.J[-S; p/. — ) Chaldean; (5bal= baifcb, adj. Chaldaic. *(Sbalfograpf), m. (-en; p/. -en) chalcographer; — le, /.chalcography; ■ — tld), adj. chalcographic. *fi b a I E o 1 1 1 b, m. (-C5 ; p/. -en) Mm. T. micacious uranite. *(f f) d 1 It, m. (-8) shalloon. *S jj a I o u p e, /. (jrf. -tt) a sloop. *fi b a lit a be, /. J/tf. T. chamade, parley. '6 b a m a I e o tt, n. (-8 ; p/.-S) chameleon. *<5 b a nt a r i r e tt, s. a. to daub or lace over. ►6 b a m v o >3 n f< /■ ETjantydgnei, m. Champ;iign. *(J b a nt p i g tt 11 , 771. champinion, mushroom. *G i) 0. tt, m. (-8 ; p/. -e) klian. *6 i) a 1, n. chaos. *G f) ae t i f cb, a<7/". chaotic. *G b a r S b e, /. (pi. -n) charade. ♦Character, )m. (-8; pZ. -e) 1. • (i b a v ci £ t e r, $ character ; 2. temper, humour, disposition ; 3. title, dignity ; compos. > — lofigfett, /. want of prin- ciple ; — $ltg, m. feature. ►fib. at act eti five It, v. a. to cha- racterize. *G f) a r a C t C r t ft t t, /. characteristic. 'Gbaracterijitfcb, I. adj. cha- racteristical ; characteristic ; II. adv. characteristically. *G f; a v f v e 1 1 a g, m. (-c$ ; pi. -e) Good Friday. *G f) ii r g e , /. charge ; load, burden ; office ; — blafcn, to sound the charge. *Gbarge = b'affatre8, vuvid.©t- fcbdftstrager. *G b a r g t r e n, v. a. s,- n. to charge. *G ij a r 1 1 e, /. (pi. -en) charitab.e insti- tution, hospital. *6 bar it inn en, pi. Myth. t. the Graces. *Gf) atiuart, n. (-'8; pi. -8) mock- music. *G i) ii r I a t a It, m. (-8 ; pi. -t) charla- tan, quack, mountebank, mock doctor. *G b a r l a t a n e r I e, /. (pi. -n) charla- tanry. * b V l jt C n f) e i t, /. Christendom. *fj i) V t jt e n^ e e r, n. (-8 ; pi. -e) Chris- tian host or army. *(Sb rifteiltfjum, n. f-eS) Chris- tianity. *6 b r i ft t a tt, m. Christian. *6 b r t fi i a it a, f. Christiana. *fibrtftlicb, I. adj. Christian; It. adv. christianly. *fj t) rt it p b, 77i. Christopher; — 8but, m. — sEraut, n. B. T. herb Christopher; vetch *6b tift US, 77i. Christ. *6 b V m, n. (-S) chrome ; — blet, n chromate of lead; — Ctfenftciit, m. oxi- dulated iron ; — orfcr, 771. oxide o< chrome; — faure, /. Ch. T. chromic acid; — faureS Salj, chromate. *d fy r m a t i f, /. chromatic, science of colour. *6 b r in a t i f cb, adj. Mas. cbronographer; — le, /. cbronography ; — ifeb, adj. chronographical. *G b r it 1 e g, 771, (-en ; pi. -en) chro- nologer ; chronologist ; — le, /. chro- nology; — \]d), I. adj. chronological; II. adv. chronogically. * no meter, %. (-8; pi. — ) time-keeper, chronometer. *G f) XI) f a 1 1 t,f. chrysalis, vid. ^HVpf. ♦fibrnfoberijll, \m. (-§; pi. -e) *fJbrl)f Opal, J chn'soberill. *e b r t) f 1 i t b, m. (-8 &■ -en ; pi. -en) chrysolite. *fibrii fo praS, 771 (-fc8 ;p/.-ft) chry- soprasus, prase. 6 b fi r, /. + vid. Jviir. *(5 b § 111 i c n 9, C^brintftt, ». (-4 ; m ( — ) chemist QEftr *($t)\)\n\C,f. chemistry. *K & \) m t f d;, I. a-//, chemical ; II. adv. chemically. •(£ t 6 i b C, /. (/>/. -It) Cyprus raisin. 'GtCfibe, /. (pi. -It) balm-cricket or locust. *K t d; D v i e, /. (p/. -n) succory ; — n= fll'tig, «(//. cichoraceous. *(*icero, to. 1. Cicero; 2./. — or—? fcbrift, /. '/';//». T. pica; — tctttifd;, «'//. Ciceronian. "CtcerBne, to. (-8) Cicerone. •Ci c i 8 b e a t, n. ? , cn ■ • , . •Cfciffccflm, m. J ("« "cisbeism. *C i C 1 8 b e 0, m. cicisbeo. *6 lb C r, to. (-8) cider ; — (Ipfel, m. eleot. *.0lUctl9ifd), adj. tt adv. collec- tive. *6 It t g e, /. (pi. -n) colleague, asso- ciate, fellow, companion, partner. ♦Collegia 1, adj. collegia!, collegi- ate; — or Coliegiatftrd;e, /. collegiate church. *S 1 1 e g i a I i f d}, adj. collegial. *ColIegiat, m. (-e8; pi. -e) col- legian, collegiate. *C o II e" g i u m, n. (-8 ; p;. CoIIegten) 3 . college; 2. lecture; 3. board, commis- sion ; — lefeit, to read lectures ; 6ol» legtenbruber, m. fellow-collegian. *C II e 1 1, n. (-e§ ; pi. -e) collar ; buff jerkin. ♦CoIIibUen, v. n. L. T. to collide. *fj 6 1 1 i e r, ». (-8 ; y. -8) a collar. *CotI iftDit,/. (pi. -en) collision. *(S ii 1 1 n, n. (Selinifd;, r/,/. .*( Bte. *C 1 1 U b 1 1 e It, v. n. L.T. to act ir concert, to collude. *CoIlufiDlt, /. collusion. ♦CollllfDvifcf;, adj. collusory. col lusive. *C I it t a I s a lit t, 7i. colonial office — milliftcr, m. minister for the colo nial affairs; — polt'tif, /.colonial poj cy; — ftyfteilt, 7i. colonial system; — * lintaven, /;/. M. V- colonial produce. *C I n I r, /. (/-/. -n) colony. *C I n i f a t i It, /. colonization. *C o 1 o n i ft, to. (-en ; pi. -en) colonic, planter. *C 1 It tt a b e, /. (/,/. -1l N colonnade. *6 I It It e, /. (pi. -n) column, line 123 (5c mm (Jems (5cnc *$ 1 1 » I> 3 ii i u in, ». (-8) colophony, • IS I q .1 1 It t C, /. (/)/. -tt) coloquin- tida; bitter-apple, bitter-gourd. *(5 1 V a t a t C It, pi. Mus. T. collora- tures. • (1 t V 1 V t it, v. a. T. to co.our. *(S o 1 o r i ft, m. (-cit ; pi. -en) r. coiourist *<5olOtit, n. (-8) r. colouring. £ C I li lit b t C It, ». Columbia. Solum iter, m. (-§; pi. — ) So* Iltmbtfd), adj. Columbian. *6 p I ii m 6 1 1, m. (-6 ; pi. -c) „Vi,i. r. tantalum. »(S P I li lit it C,/. (/>'. -Tl)T>jp. r.column : page; compos. — ltllUlfi, n. scale, rule; — ttfcjjttur, /. pago-cord; — Ittitcl, m. running-title; — lltriiger, 771. bearer; — llincifc, adv. in columns. *d P I u r, m. (pi. -en) Ast. T. colure. *(5 P lit 6 t n It e It, ». a. to combine. «6ombtnattB It, /. [pi. -en) combi- nation. *CJ omit a t, n. (-C8 ; pi. -e) county (in Hungary). *©Otttltteit,yJ. comitia. *G m 111 a it b d it t, jn. (-en ; pi. -en) commander. f (J p nt in a tt b l r c It, v. a. to command. *6 m in a nb i 1 5 r, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) .tt .E. sleeping partner. *(5onim anbite, / (pi. -n) m e. brand) establishment; dormant partner- ship. *($. P lit lit a It b 0, n. (-8) command ; em — So lb (t tett, a detachment of soldiers; — pfeife,/. JV". T. boatswain's whistle ; — ftitb, nt. the staff of com- mand. *G P lit lit i it b e, /. (benefice in) com- mendam ; commandry. ►Sommenfutab el, adj. commes- surable, commensurate. ►So mmenfutabtltiat, /. com- mensurability. *<5 lit lit e tt 1 5 r, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) com- mentary, comment. MS m nt e it t a 1 r, m. (-8 ; pi. -en) commentator. *(§ p nt in c it t h ft r, fjomtfjiir, m. ( 7 8 ; pi. -c) commander of an order; — CI,/. (pi. -en) commandery. *(3 nt nt c it 1 1 r c 11, d. a. vid. 9l>.!f Iigen, (Srtiurei:. Commerce, Goittlttcn, m. com- merce; compos. — ieucollcgtuin, n. college of commerce ; — icnratl), nt. counsellor of commerce. '(Sommilt 1 0, m. {pi. -nen) Ac. T. fellow-student. *d P lit lit i 9, m. (— ; pi. — ) merchant's clerk. «■(! lit lit t f a r i a t, n. (-8 ; pi. -e) com- missariat ; commissaryship. »(5ommtffariu8 (p/.-ffarictt\ dents miffar, m. (-8; pi. -e) commissary; commissioner, delegate, deputy. *(S lit lit i 9/ in compos. — brpb, v. am- munition-bread; — fyemben, — fernthe, — ftritlllpfc, pi. shirts, shoes, stockings for soldiers. ►d P lit lit t f f t S n, /. (pi. -en) commis- sion; committee, court of delegates; compos. — Sitrtifcl, >j/. goods in commis- sion; — Sbcridlt, m. report of the com- mission; — Sgebu^r, /. commission; . — sliflllbcl, m. commission business; — Sioaaren, pi. goods on commission. .Vote. Jlny word not inserted under d must be looked for under it or 3- 124 *domiuiffionar, m. (-8; pi. -e) commissioner. *dontmitte, n. (-8; pl-8) com- mittee. * d P lit lit 9 b C, /. (pi. -&> chest of drapers. *6Plltl1tPb or, m. (-8; pk -C) com- modore. *d m m u n a I g a x b c, /. militia of a town. *d m nt it n a I g a r b i ft, m. (-en ; pi. -en) militia-man. *(§ lit nt U tt e, /. community. * d p m m tt it i c d it t, m. (-en ; pi. -en) communicant. *d P lit m It It t C S t , 7?. (-8 ; pi. -C) something communicated or imparted. *S 0111 lit lttt ietr eil, v. I. a. to admin- ister the sacrament; II. ?i. (oui. ha= belt) to communicate, receive the sacrament. *(§ lit lit II It 1 It,/, communion, sacra- ment. *fj rat b i e, /. vid. jtpinpbte. *@ lit p d C t, adj. &■ adv. compact, sohd, dense, firm. *Sont pag ntc, f. (pi. -n) 1. com- pany ; 2. partnership ; association. *S 5 in p c g n n, m. (-8 ; pi. -8) JU". je. partner, associate. *S P nt V rt r , m. Orcrru 7". com- parative. *<5 nt p a r c n t, m. (-er. ; ?;/. -en) 1,. T. one who is present, in cemt "SJinp ariren, v.n.L T. to r>\z\zz one's appearance in court ; (Jompctri- t'.iv., f. appearance in court. *(£ p in p fi, m. (— ffe3 ; pi. -ffe) compass ; — I)au8cf)eit, n. cempass-bos; — rofc, /. tho card of the compass; — fltid;-, rr.. point of the compass. *S m p en b i at t f e|, ©ompenbto 8, adj. short, compendious. *(1 m p c n b i u m, n. (-8 ; pi -peubien) compendium; compos. — trttfdjretber, ??;. abridger. *G P 111 p C it \ it b 1 1 i It C I I, adj. conditional. *6 o it b i 1 1 o it t r e n, v. n. (aux. fcaben) to serve, to be employed (in a house) ; COllt'itioilU't, adj. conditioned, in a certain state. *(S n b 1 t r, m. (A ; pi. -Cn) con- fectioner; ■ — Voaare.:,pJ. confectionary, pastry, sweet-meats. *6onbtt0te(, /. (pi. -en) confec- tioner's shop. I (5 onbole'nj, /. condolence. *K It b 1 I X e It, v. n. to condole. *<£ tt b tt a. 1 1 tt, /. L. T. donation. *@6 lib f, m. (-8 ;pZ.-8) condor (a bird). *@ o n b tt c t e It r (citteS SpoftveagcnS), m. (-8 ; pi. -c) guard. *6 o n t ti c t o » m. (-8 ; p/. -en) PAy. T. conductor. *(? It b 11 i t e, /. conduct, deportment. *(5 tt f e C t, n. (-C3) comfit, confec- tionary ; sweet-meats. »(S it f e r e n j, /. (pi. -en) conference. *Po lifer IV en, 17. I. a. to confer (a title, &c.) ; II. n. to confer, consult. *(5 It f C f f t 11, /. confession, creed. *Sonfirmdnb, m. (-eit ; pi. -en) who is confirmed, one who com- munis for the first time at the Lord's *(5 H f i v lit a 1 1 it, /. confirmation *K tl f t V lit I r e tt, v. a. to confirm. •Confiscation,/, (pi. -cn) con- fiscation, seizure. ' 6 It f i 8 C I r C 11, v. a. to confiscate. •Confiture, /. (pi. -u) confiture, confection. * 6 n flic t, m. (-C8 ; pi. -e) confiict. *(5 o nf o b c rati o it, /. (p?. -en) con- federacy. •fionfijbertvte, m. decl. like ailj Confederate. *(5 11 f 6 r in, adj. conform, conform- able ; — tttion, /. conformation, con- formity ; — IfCIt, v. reft, to comply With, conform ; — ift, m. conformist ; ■ — ttdt, /. conformity. £ it f r a t c V, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) brother (of a society) ; — nitdt,/. confraternity. Note. Any word not inserted under (S must be looked for under & or 3- Gonj *(5 n f v n t a t i n, f. E. T. con- frontation. *(5oitfv01lt IV e tt, v. a. O confront. *Goitfu8, adj. confused, disconcerted. *&onfufiDn, /. confusion, pertur- bation. «G6itger = 2tai, m. (-c8; pi. -e) conger-eel. *6 tt (J C ft i It, /. congestion (of the blood). *(£ o it g r e ft, m. (-ffe8 ;?/. -ffc) congress. *CS tt ft, f It C it t, adj. S,- ado. congruent, agreeing, coinciding (in geometry). *(5oitgruc'lt$, /. congruence, agree- ment. *fj DltgtUlrClt, v. n. to he in con gruity, to agree, coincide. •<53nif$, vid. Jenifer;. *G o n j e c t ii r, /. ( pi. -cn) conjecture. *6 11 j U j] a t t It, /. (pi. -C:i) Gram. T. conjugation. *6 II j It fl t f e n, v. a. to conjugate. *6 II j It It C 1 1 11, /. .lot. Sr Gram. T. conjunction. *(5 tt j 11 it C t ii r, /. conjuncture, junc- ture of times. *fJott jurat ion, /. (pi. -en) con- spiracy. *<50nnt»e'nj, /. (pi. -en) conni- vance. */. -n) 1. .ireh. t. console ; 2. pier-table. *f5onf oli birctt, v. a. to consoli date (a public debt) ; COllfoIiMtte Com Staatepaviere, consolidated stocky consols. *(S n f 1 8, *. pi. M. E. consols. *(S0 n f ltd It t, m. (-C11 ; pi. — CIl) con- sonant. *Gonfondn$, /. Mui. T. concord. *(S o n f o n 1 1 e n, ». ?t. Mus. r. to be consonant. "Go nfor ten, pi. Z. T. associates, accomplices. *G6nftabel, m. (-6; pi.—) con- stable. *6 6 it ft a b I e r, m. (-3 ; 7)/.—) .v. r gunner; — failllltcr, /. gun-room. *(5 n ft d n t i a, /. Constantia. *(5 11 ft a n 1 1 it, 771. Constantine. 6 11 ft a n t i n p C 1, n. (-8) Con- stantinople. ($ 11 ft a n t i n p I i t a it i f 6), adj. Constantinopolitan. (5, 6 n ft a n j, m. Constance. (5 it ft d 11 J e, / Constance. *(S on tie Hat ion, /. Ast. t. con- stellation. ^(ionftititTren, v. a. to constitute, fix ; to appoint. *(§ It ft 1 1 It t if n, /. (/(.'. -CU) consti- tution ; — Stnafjig, 04?'. constitutional. *(i It ft i t U t i It C I I, cdj. consti- tutional. *Ponft ntC ttOtt, /. (pi. -en) con- struction. *(? It ft r II t r C It, r. a. to construe. *G n f it b ft a it t i a I i t d t, /. Th. T consuhstantiality. *<5 it f u 6 ft a tt t i a t i 9 it, f. n. T consubstantiation. * 6 P it f It b ft a It 1 1 C 1 1, adj consub BtantiaL *@6nfnl, m. (-&; pi.-n) consul. *<5 11 f tt I a r, m. (-8 ; pi. -c) 6on- fularifd), adj. consular. *SonfuIat, ». (-&; pt-e) con sulate. consulship. *(5onfulent ( m. (-en ; v i. -cn: counsel, advocate. ♦SonfultatiDn, /. consultation. *6 It f U I 1 1 f C It, v. a. to consult. *(501lfll 111 Ire It, v. a. to consume, spend. *C|ott[,m (-« j co tion . *doui unit ton, /. i •8 it fit m t i f n 3 = a c c i f c, — ftcu» er, /. excise or tax imposed on article* of consumption. *fj0 lltagioS, adj. contagious. *(S it t a ij i 11 111, n. (-6 ; pi. -icu) cou tagion. ♦GOtttdnt, adj. ready ; adv. in ready money, cash in hand: compos. — bud), 71. cash-book; — (jefdjafte, ;>/. cash- business. *(5 6n t Cffc i, 71. -f- portrait, likeness, picture, counterfeit. *C It t i 11 1 11 1, 71. (-C6 J j '. -e) con- tinent. Continent fit, adj contincmaij — ft)ftcin, ti. — fpervc, / continental system. *6 it t i it g c it t, ». (-«« '. p/. -e) co«- tingent; share, contributary quota, *6 6 It t 0, 71. or m. (-'8 ;/>/. -8 or Pcittt) .V. 7'. account! credit; — i^cbcii, tn give credit: a — , on account; _ OTi — bitch, n. account-book; — cour« raitt, m. account-current ; — fill to, vi pro forma account; — falbo, m. ba lance account. 125 done @orr 'gen tor, n. wd Eomptoit. *(5 C ; It 1 1 a b ft 11 b, ) a n I a, /. (pl. -Id) Log. T. copula. *S o t) u I a 1 1 B it, /. vid. framing. *SopltUren, v. a. to unite in mar- riage, to marry. *G 6 q It C 1 1 C 1, adj. coquelicot, of the colour of wild poppy. *(5oqUet, adj. coquettish, coquet. * 6 q It C 1 1 6, /. (pl. -U) coquette ; co- quet, flirt. *6 o q u e 1 1 e r t e, /. (pl. -n) coquetry, flirtation. *6 q U C 1 1 If e n, v. a. to coquet, flirt. *(5 o r a lit, adv. before ; — ncl)'.r.C.1, vulg. to take to task. *Gorbievit, to. Min. T. cordierite. iolite. 6 r b t II C V C It, pl. the Andes, Cor- dilleras. * E X b B n, m. (-8 ; pl. -e) line of troops. *6 or bit att, m. (-8) cordovan, cord- wain, Spanish leather ; — mact>CV, .«. cordwainer. *6 o x i d n b e r, to. vid. ^ortanber. *(§. o r tt c t (t), to. (-C8 ; pi. -e) Mil. t. cornet. *6oritc'tte, / (p/.-n) comet (a head dress). fiorttroailtS, .»• Cornwall. *(5oroUavtum, ». (-8; pl. -«en) io"-. T. corollary. *(1 o r p o r d I, m. (-8 ; pl. -ale) cor- poral. ^eorporattBtt, /. (pi. -en) corpo- ration, body corporate. *(S r p It I Cit t, adj. corpulent. *6 r p It I C It 5, /. corpulency, corpu- lence. *g 6 r p 11 8, to. or v. (pl. -pora) 1. body ; vulg. belly; 2. — SttttS, body of laws, digest ; 3. Typ. T. long primer. *&orteet, adj. correct, free from error, right; — t>Ctt, /. correctness. *govrecttBn8t)«n8, n. (-(S; pi. -l)dufcr) penitentiary. * (S o r r C C t 1, m. (-8 ; pi. -en) reader, reviser ; corrector. *(5 o r r c c t u v, /. (pi. -cit) or -bo» gen, m. proof sheet — jange, /. T pincers ; — jcichcit, n. T. sign of cor- rection. *(5orvctdl, n. (-8; pl.-U\) corre- lative things. *fi V f C I a t i B It, /. correlation. *6o rtelatt », adj. correlative. *6 o r r c f p o tt b e n t, to. (-ett ; pi. -en) correspondent. *fiorrcf pott bC It 5, /. correspon- dence. *fJorrefponbireit, v. n. (aux. b«* belt) to correspond. *S t r t g I r e n, v. a. to correct, revise. *(5 o xx o f i o, (-8 ; pi. -e) £ «■ cor- *G o r r o f t » u m, (-$ ; pi. -»a) i rosive. *6orrofl», adj. . n. (aux. fetttt) du/^. to die miserably. *G t i p tt, m. (-8) thick crape. *G C 1 1 i)l It It b $1 e 1 1 b i, cut and long tall, tag-rag. *G ret tit, m. (-8; pi. -8) cretin. *G r i b a r, Gritaviu8, m. {pi. -e, -vtcit) bankrupt. *Gv tilt tit a l, adj. L. T. criminal; compos. — CI lit f , — gct'tcbt, n. criminal court; — COber, m. criminal code; — - projCf), in. trial of a criminal case ; — rcd)f, ii. criminal law; — fad)C, /. criminal case ; — »CVfat)VCtt, n. crim- inal prosecution. G r i 111 nt, /. the Crimea. *G xi i 8 p t f, m. rutile, sphene. *G r t 8 p t tt a b e It, pi. presents made at the expense of others. *G r It p a b C, /. (pi. -It) _croupade. •Groufabf, ? . i , „-, . •Grit fab e, \* ^ pL ~«) crusade. *G r u c i f i r, n. (-eg ; pi. -e) crucifix. *Gltbfbe, /. (pi. -tt) cubebs. *Gllbif, adj. vid. jlubif. •G U I lit t It a 1 1 n, /. culmination. *G it I m t n I r e tt, v. n. (aux. babe it) Ast. T. to culminate. *G 11 1 1 i « I V e It, v. a. to cultivate, improve. ♦Gultfir, /. culture; cultivation, ci- vilization. *G li I t It 8, m. worship ; divine service. *G U p e 1 1 a 1 1 n, /. Ch. T. cupellation. *G u p i I I e, /. (pi. -it) cupel. •G U p I b 0, m. (-8) Cupid. *G ft r, /. (pi. -en) cure ; — aaft, m. visitor of a waterThg-piace ; — Ott, in. watering place ; — fcblttieb, m. far- rier. •GurateM, /. L. T. guardianship, trusteeship. •Gut « tor, m. (-8; pi. -en) L. t. trustee, guardian; assignee; — en ber SJJaffc, assignees of the estate of a bankrupt. *G 11 V C ft lit a, GufCltinei, /. D. T. tur- meric. Giirb, for Gourab, m. Conrad. *G i: r t a I ft \) {, m. (-8) law-style, offi- cial style. *G tt r i r c n, b. a. to cure. *G It V r t Jl b e, /. choristers of the church chanting in procession through the streets; procession of the young chor- isters singing plain-chant through the streets. *Gurv cub alter, Guvrctibfrf)iilcv, m. Note. Jlny word not inserted under G must be looked for under il or 3- 3^abe (-8j/tf. — ) a school-boy ol the sing- ing processions, chorister. "Gltrrctlt, adj. current; — ge(b, n. current money ; — c]Kuibii]Cr, vi. cred- itor in account current; — frfjfift, /. current hand-writing; — fdjulb,/. loose debt, running debt. *Gltrft», adj. Tirp. T. italics; compos. — fc^rifr, /. italic type. *Gurfu8, m. course. *GttrfiItfcf), adj. curule. *G lift 8, to. (pi. Guftoben) l. trustee (especially in a great library) ; i.\ Typ. T. catch-word, direction-word. *G litter, m. (-8; pi. --) cutter (a vessel). ♦Gtyauc, /. {pi -11) B. T. blue- bottle. *G \) a li ft i n, n. (-8) Ch. T. cyanogen. ^G^flotbat, adj. Mat. T. cycloidal. *G t) 1 1 1 b e, /. (pi. -n) Mat. T. cycloid. *G V) 1 1 lit C t r t e, /. cyclometry. *G \) 1 1 p C, m. (-tt ; pi. -tt) Cyclop. *G 1) f I It 8, m. ( pi. Gl)feln) cycle. *G tt [ i II b C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) cylinder ; — lthr, /. horizontal watch. *Gtt It'ltbrtfcf), adj. cylindric, cylin- drical. *G l) I i tt b r o t b, n. (-c» ; pi. -c) Mat cylindroid. *G v) lit b C t, /. (pi. -tt) cymbal. *G r) tt i f e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) cynic. *Gt]lttfd), adj. cynical. *G 1) n t 8 lit U 8, 77i. cynicalness. *Gl)J>er, 1. m. M. E. Cyprus; 2. /. Cyprus-plum ; 3. — or — f af}?, /. Cyprian cat, cyparet. 'Gtjpcrn, n. Cyprus; compos. — f)oI$, 7i. prince-wood ; — njctlt, m. Cyprus wine. *G \) tt r'c f f e, /. (pi. -n) cypress : — lt= bailllt, m. Cypress-tree ; — lllliiffe, pi. cypress-cones; — Ilftta(;ite, pi. T. cy- press-shingles. *Gljyrtan, n. Cyprian. *G tt V r t It, m. (-8) Min. T. idocrase. *Gf) tt f U8, m. cytisus (a plant). *G $ a r, in. (-8 or -en ; pi. -en) czar. *G j a r i II II, /. ( pi. -en) czarina. 2>, b, D, the fourth letter of the Al- phabet. IB a, I. ado. 1. there; here, present ; 2. then, at that time; Ivcr tft — ? who is there? — tft er, there he is; bier ftaitb tcb, bit ftaitbcft — , here I stood, you there; V00 — ? where? lttO bcillt — 't where then? XOtX — bat, he that has; brt8 Jlillb tft — , the child is there; UJCllU id) — nod) Icbe, if I am then alive ; tt.Hl3 IttCVvC id) Clft — cntttftiibeu, menu id) . . ., what shall 1 feel then, when I . . .; [a, — lvil'b man Unit akid) aufworten, ay, there they will be directly at his Krvice; II. conj. when, ns ; since, I ause ; while, whilst, whereas; — id) ibl! fab, when I saw him ; — brdi, — nun, since, since indeed; — btrtfleflen, — fiMlft, whereas; — WO, where ; bit KulMt, — bit bod) Ebrauctt vciijtcf;cti folltcft, you laugh where you should shed tears; jU ciuer;V'it— > at a time, when. 35 a a 1, ». .v. r. pump-dale. 2> a b c i it SSabei, afi g eg e tt a- JD.igegcn, i . «ei= ntgetptttdjts — , his merit is great, yours is nothing to it; tit gibft mtr ©elb, id) gebe bit' SBcifll'eit — , you give me money, I give you goods in exchange; was geben Ste mtr — ? what do you give me in return; — fyaltCtt, tocompare, confront; to contract. *2> a g it c v r c o t ij p, n. (-8 ; pi. -c) daguerreotype. * 2> a g u c r v c o t li pi v e n, v. a. & n. to take a daguerreotype like-ness. 2) a ban gen, to hang there, to hang at a fixed place. 2) it 1) C ( lit, adv. at home, in one's native place, country. 2) 3 b C V, Titbcv,, I. adv. 1. thence, from thence ; along ; 2. from that reason, from that circumstance ; out of tiiat ; (the accent lies on the second syllable of bcbci' in compos.) — geben, to walk along; it genet rote efn Settler — , he makes a beggarly appearance; — fpllt= men, to come from thence, to draw near: — ratlfd)en, to rush on, along; — fd)lcid)nt, to sneak along ; — ,$iel)Cll, to draw on, along ; II. conj. therefore. •3 a b l r o, + vid. 2>at)cv. 2) S 1) e V It lit, adv. thereabouts. 2) a b i e v, vid. .§ter. 2> a f) i 11, adv. 1. thither, there, to it ; along, on : so far ; 2. 2\lt)in,_ away, down; gone; over, past; bt§ — , hitherto: fiibvt biefev 2Scg — 'i does this road lead to if! (tile feme <£pvge tft — gcrictltci, all his care is bent that way; — bl'iltgctt, to carry a thing thither ; fig-, to obtain, prevail upon, succeed so far, er bat mid) — gebvaobt, he has (so far) prevailed upon me ; — fatjVClt, to go or drive along; — f(tl= ten, to fall down; — ffieften, to flow down, to glide along; fete 3?it flct>t • — rote It. f. 1U., time passes along like, &c; — gelangen, to attain; — fyaben, to have got one's reward, share ; — font- men, to come so far ; e§ ift — mit ibjn gef'Pinincn, ball it. f. ro., it is come so far with him, that, &c; — fei)lt, to be gone, to be lost; — ftnfctt, to sink down, to swoon away; — ftellctt, fig. to be uncertain; — gcftcllt fcDll laffcit, to leave undecided ; — ftct'bctt, to die away, to drop off; — gegett, adv. on the contrary, vid. 2)agc'gen, ,§tngegen; — U)ftl't8, ado. thitherward, that way. 2) a I) 1 tl t C It, adv. behind, behind there. 2> « f t )J It fll 1) p bit,} f. the art »2) a 1 1 1) 1 i o g v a p ait,) of cutting gems, dactyliography. *2> a f t \) I i o 1 1) c f, /. (pi. -en) dactyli- otheca, collection of rings or of casts of gems. *2>alt§Hf ft), adj. dactylic. *2> a f 1 1) I P I o g t e, ) f. the art of *2> a f 1 1) t P It lit t e, $ numbering or conversing with the fingers, dactylology. *2> « 1 1 X) I P lit a it 1 1 e, /. dactylomancy *2) d f 1 \) I (U 8) m. (j>l. -Vlleil) dactyle. 2) a I b C It, pi. JV. T. pales in a harbour, pollards. 2) a 1 C It, v. n. JV. T. to sink, set, go down, (said of the sun). 2) a I i C g C It, v. ir. n. to lie in a certain place. 2) a I m a 1 1 c it, n. (-S) Dalmatia. 2) a I lit Stte V, m. (-3 ; pi. —) native of Dalmatia. 2) a I lit a t i f cf), adj. Dalmatic. 2) a m it 1 i g, adj. at, of that time, then ; bcr — C Jt'bllig, the then reigning king. 2) it 111 a 1 8, ado. then, at that time. *2> a m a 8 C e It C r, adj. damask ; com- pos. — fltnge, /. damask blade ; — = ^flilltnte, /. damask-plum, damascene ; — Vpfc, /. damask-rose; — fiibel, m. damaskin; — ftabl, m. Damascus steel; ■ — tl'illlbe,/. damask grape. *2) fl lit a 8 C I V e It, v. a. to damask, to damaskeen. *2) m a 8 CTr e V, m. (S ; pi.—) damask- worker. 2> a mdSCttS, 2)amd§f, n. Damascus. *2>amdft, m. (-eS) damask; fcibenev — , damask silk. *2> m Cl ft C n, adj. damask ; — e3 2a= fcljeitg, damask luble-linen. 2)d m, in compos. — TJodf, m. — geift, /. dappled buck; — I>tvfct), m. buck; — birfd)t'ltf), /. dappled doe; bcr tHT= fd)ttitteitc— i)irfcb, halfer; — bivfel)tc= ber, n. buck-skin ; — tbici", n. doe ; — = roilbpl'Ct, n. fallow-deer. 2)ambrett, £>antenbvett, n. (-8) draught-board, pair of tables; compos. — b I lime, /. common fritillary, che- quered lily. 2) a lit e, /. (pi. -11) 1 . lady, gentlewo- man ; '-. queen (at cards) ; king (at draughts) ; — fpiclcn, bie — jicbeti, to plav at draughts ; tit bie — fpiltmen, to get a crown; einctt <2tein jltr — lltad)ett, to crown (to king) a. man; — 11 VOIt Stanbc, ladies of quality; compos. — llbjlt, m. lady's bonnet; cil". italtenifd)Cl' — llbttt, Leghorn bonnet ; — npllfe, in. woman's attire ; . — ltfattet, in. paddle for ladies, side-saddle ; — lt= fptcX, n. draughts ; draught-board ; — lt= fietn,m. man at draughts; — ltroeit,/. the fair sex. 2) 5 m i f d) or 2)amlid), adj. wig. dull, heavy, drowsy; crazy; ba3 — c 2Sc= fen, drowsiness. £>amtt Si- 3>am(t, 1. adv. therewith, with it, this, that, by it, by that ; — licit er feiite Seinbcubcvroiinbcit, therewith he has conquered his foes; IMS Implicit <2ie — fctgett? what do you mean by it? mtr bcvaiiS — ! out with it! — tft eS llpd) llidjt PPl'bei, that is not yet the end of the matter; C§ ift attS ■ — , there is an end of it ; II. conj. that ; in order £amp to, to; — nict)t, lest; — «« nid)t ge> ftobtctt roevbe, for fear it might be sto- len'; — (Sie nirbt'J uerlteren, lest you should lose any thing. 2>d in tit, m. (-eS ; pi. 2)amme) 1. dam, bank, dyke, mole, mound; pier; 2. garth, ware ; 3. — (or — tUCg, m.) cause- way, causey; A. A. T. perinsBum ; ctncit — aitfrocrfcil, to cast up a dyke ; compos. — lu'lld), m. rupture of a dam; — Ct8, n. bay-ice ; — Cl'be, /. mould ; black- earth ; T. upper earth; rptbe — CVbe, abraum ; — mcifter, m. dyke-reeve. 2> il HI lit C n, v.l.a. 1. to dam (in), to stop by means of a dyke ; jig. to curb : II. n. (aux. babeit) 1. to dam ; 2. to riot, revel. 2» Cl 111 lit C r g I it cf, n. (-8) dawninj happiness or fortune. 2) d m lit c X e 1 1, adj. crepuscular, cre- pusculous 2) a lit m e r t g, adj. twilight ; dusky, dim. 2> d m in e v 1 1 d) t, n. (-e8) twilight, crepuscule. 2» d m m e x it, v. n. (aux. batcn) to grow or be twilight ; to grow dusky ; to spread a twilight; eilte— be c£J0ffltlltig, a faint hope. 2) d m lit e V It n g,/. twilight, crepuscule, gray ; dusk, duskiness ; compos. iDtOVgeita — , /. morning-twilight, dawn; 5lbeilb= —,/. evening-twilight; — 8f-attcr, —8= OOflel, m. hawk-moth, sphynx; —8* fret8, m. crepuscular circle; — 8tid)t, n. twilight, crepuscule; — 8jeit,/. time of the crepuscule. *2) a mil if ted nt, m. (-en; pi. -en) hurter, trespasser, offender. *2>aitttttftCtrctt, v. a. to injure, prejudice, do harm. *2)3mon, m. (-8; pi. -Clt) demon; bie £c()rcit ppii ben — en, demonology *2) ft 111 b tt i f d), adj. demonlikc, demoni- ac, demoniacal. *2> ft m o n 1 a t r I c, /. worship of de mons. *2> ft lit P It 1 g t e, /. demonology. *2> ft 111 11 lit a g "l C, /. witchcraft, sor- cery. *2> ft m P n m a It 1 1 e, /. divination by demons. 2>dmpf, m. (-e8; pi. Satnpfc) l. steam, vapour, smoke, fume, reek, damp ; 2. Med. T. asthma, pursiness, pursiveness; broken-wind (of horses) ; ba8 SPferb bat ben — , the horse is broken-winded ; 2>ftmpfc ail CtluaS ge= bettlaffctt, to fumigate; compos. — ailf= Ibfllltg, /. Ch. T. solution by vapour; — bab, n. vapour-bath, fomentation; — Inilg, m. fumigating bellows ; — beci'C, /. water-elder, Guelder rose ; — bopt, steam-boat, steamer ; — CUr, /. fumiga- tion; — erjeuger, m. T. generator; — = flinte, /. steam-gun ; — gctriebe, n. vid. — ntafebitte ; — geroebr, n. steam-gun ; — feffel, m. boiler; — fpf)le,/. smoking coal; — fl'Clft, steam-power; ■ — fltgct, /. ffiolipile ; ■ — lorf^, n. smoke-hole ; — » mafrbilte,/. ( — rocvf, n.) steam-engine ; — llteffcv, m. T. elaterometer ; — VX\U U\,ji. Med. T. palliative; — ltliible, / steam-mill; — llllbcllt, pi. sort of small dumplings; — vbbve, /• steam-pipe_; i — paifetb00t,m. steam packet; — fdjiff, n. steamboat, steamer: — febiffabvt, / steam-navigation ; — fdjiffilbl'tc-lillie,/. steam-navigation line ; ■ — OCIJtit, n steam-valve; — «Cl'bittbltttg, f. steam communication : — IPagcit, m. steam carriage ; — lvebefinbl, m. power-loom £anf Ccint pfctt, v. I. n. laux. f)akn) to fame, steam, reek, exhale, evaporate; H. a. <:«';■■ to smoke, wd. S£ai«» »' au - cbtr:- f> a rtt V f e It, v. a. i. to damp, suffocate ; 2. to quench, smother, suppress, extin- guish, put out, subdue ; 3. to deafen, muffle (a musical instrument) ; 4. tp stew; tea Staub — , to lay the dust; ttirf)t ill — , quenchless. fen. S«»M in, 6 til Wn CXmpftn pi^-ai- degree any motion or ;Use it to cease alto- in t.iinvfcn force is used and resistance lies to abate, to lessen n ; Slid •ether. In 6«'mt,. iupposed; M ©tiBln maybe ertected also by Wail Ki.npft tmon 2f», [puts down a tumult) bymenaces or lone ; man ippeases it) by exhortation, promises, D , in vft tint J*tilicrtt (suppresses a de- lire) by r.-i-tar- it, mi as gradually to extirpate a; man (tint |ie (appeases it) by gratification. tamyfer, m . (-8; pi- — ) l. ex- tinguisher; 2. Jtfus. r. mute, damper ; 3. T. carriage-stopper. 2» d m V f i «],"'//'■ asthmatical, asthmatic ; broken winded (of horses). S d 1" V f V f ll n " c ' /• (P L _n) stew-pan. 2) d m V f H " fS- /• damping, smothering, n lishmcnt, quenching, suffocation. jBffntf vie I, -•»/. 2>amenfpicl. 2) a u a d) t »iel, abev e8 ift aucf> — , it does not cost much, but it is accordingly. *2) a It a i b C It, y. DanaMes. Siitte, m. (-tt; pi. -tt) 1. Dane; 2. Danish horse. 3) ait i b e U, ndu. near it, next to it, by the side of it, cloie by it, be gieid) — , hard by. S) 3 it C 111 a It 1 C b C r, ado. on the ground ; down ; — foilllUClt, to be delivered of a child ; — licgcn, to be subdued (broken, de- stroyed) ; to languish ; fvaitl — liegeit, lick in bed; — fd)lagcit, to beat Jig. to dispirit, discourage. J) u It t e I, m. (-8) Daniel. S) ant It It, /. (pi. -en) Danish woman. 2> a U t [ d), adj. Danish. S)duf, m. (-e8; pi. -fagungen) /. l. thanks; acknowledgment, gratitude ; 2. reward; — beim 2nvnicvcn, — fagen, to give thanks ; — abftatten, to return tlianks, to thank; cilicm et= toa8 — roiffcit, to take a thing kindly of one; mit — .gratefully; O)0tt fell — ! thank Cod! God he praised; C8 cincnt jit — e madjen, to give satisfac- tion, to do at one's liking; — llllb S£vanf, fiddler's pay (fare) ; compos. — - Bkbreffe, — fdmft,/. address of thanks; — flltilV, in. altar for thank-offering; — * begicvig, adj. desirous to be thankful, grateful; — Dcfltffflt, adj. studious to be grateful; — feft, n. rejoicings, thanksgiving; — gcbet, n. prayer of thanksgiving; — Hcb, n. thanksgiving- •ong; — (tyfer, n. thank-offering ; — s prebtgt, /. thanksgiving-sermon ; _— = tag, m. thanksgiving-day ; — wgejfett, adj. ungrateful; — VCVpfl t cb tct, adj. bound in gratitude ; — Wiivbtg, adj. thankworthy. S) ii n f b it V, I, adj. thankful, grateful ; II, adv. thankfully, gratefully. Ddllfbavf cit, /. gratitude, thank- fulness, ackm iwledgment, I) Zata 2) a ti f e ft, v. a. <$■ n. (aux. babcit) (cinem CtlUitg; 1. to return thanks, to thank ; -'. to return a salutation ; 3. to decline any offer; iff) gvnfJte ibn, abev cv banfte mil" nici)t, I greeted him, hut he did not return it. 3) d nlen 6 tO e 1 1 b, adj. thankworthy. S)iin£fagung, /. (pi. -en thanks- giving, tlianks; compos. — S|r()t'cibcit, n. letter of acknowledgment; — *ge= fUtlbbett,/. grace-cup. 2) lilt II, I. adv. of time, then, at that time; H. of sequence, then, there — UtlO linillll, now and thou : felbft — , even then; crft mui|eit U'iv lcv= licit, — VCbCll, first we must learn. then talk. 2) d It It C 11, odr. is alwiys preceded by the preposition WXt] XUMt — , tltence, from thence. *3) « " " 0, to. (-8) M E. damage, logs. 2) d n J t g, m. (-8) Dantzic. *2) (I D 11 V i t, m. .Vin. T. nal tourmalin. ' 2> d p b II C, /. Myth, it B. T. Daphne ; *2> a p b n 1 1, m. (-e8) petrified laurel- loaf. 2) 5 V, in compos. I. for ba J II. thence ; verbs compounded with it arc separ- 2> a V It o> 2)ill'dn, adv. thereon, thereat, about it. at it, by it. near it ; ttabc — , hard by, close to ; — tbllt Cf rt>ol)I, he does, acts well in this; — fen it, to he about it. to be one's turn: — beilfcit, to think of it; tt U'ili llifbt gct'lt — , he does not like this business ; tcb filililtc ibil— , I knew him thereby or by it; — EoillutClt, to come to it; ttttn fomnte id) — , now it is my turn; — Itegert, to signify, to concern ; C^ Iteot llid)t8 — , it manors not; it is of no consequence; — cvfcillicn, to know by; ee ift ntc^tS — flelegen, it is no matter; — llliiffeit, to I liged, to he forced to submit or to do; — fefecii, to hazard, to venture; bet CtllCllt gilt — fevtll, to be in favour with ono; CV ift cifrig — , he is hard at it; icb ivcif; nicbt, line id) — bin, I know not what to think of it: ^stc ftnb Ullfcd)t — , you are mistaken; cv ift iibel — , he is badly off; ti ift ntd)t8 — , there is no truth in it; it is good for nothing; llid)t — ivrMiCll, to refuse, decline, reject. 2) Cir a U f A> 35orauf, adv. 1. thereon ; thereupon; upon it, that, on it; at that, to that, it, of that; 2. after that; after- wards; then; Ste foiuicu ftd) — vev= lilffcil, you may rely upon it; — gebt cv ebeit au8, that is what he aims at : cv brtngt — , he insists a\ it; icb fdntHU'C — , I lake niy oath mi it; gc= VilbC — Jit, directly towards it; C8 ftebt bev Jlovf — , it ' s a capital of- fence; — fommen, to call to mind, to remember; etwafi — gcbcn, to an earnest; — geben, to die, | to be spout, exhausted, wasted; viel — gebcu laffcn, to Bpcnd high; e8 — Hageit, to venture, hazard it ; — bant CV, lie reckons upon that; ClltC ©tltttbC — , an hour after; bc8 SRotgenS — , the next morning. 25 ar a ii f g e 1 b, ». earnest money. 2) a van 8 4> 2)avaii8, adv. therefrom, thence ; from this, out of this; of it, of this; efl ift nid)M — geworben, it ,. all come to nothing; tdj) macbe nttr nidit8 — , I do not mind it ; I do noil care aboutit :buniadiftciucOViiHMMibcit— , you make a custom of it ; t8 fann niduo — tverbeit, it cannot be done, granted ; Xarm — Faun tcb nicbt Dug rocrtcn, I mi make nothing of it, cannot under stand it. 2) a v a ii f; e n, + rid. 2)vaiificn. 2) a vb en, d. pi. [aux. babctt) la want, to Btarve, famish. 2) d r b e p f a v r c, /. a living that yieldi Bcaroely the necessary sustenance. 2> a v b i c t c u, r. ir. a. 4- reft, to preseat, offer, tender, proffi r. 2) a V b V i 11 f) C II, v. ir. a. to present, iirim: in, offer, render. 2)ar bvinguiig, /. offering. *2> a v b a u a r i a t, «. -es ; r !.-< L.T. l.ftraud in measure, weight, &.c; 2. usurious trade in corn. *3) a v b a n a r i u 8, m. com speculator, usurious dealer in corn. 2)a v banc I leu, pi. the Dardanelles. 2) a vein .',■ 2)avciii, (eontr. 2>vcui , adv. thereinto, into it or that; — gc= ben, to give into the bargain; lidt — fugen, fdiidcu, to reconcile, accom- modate one's self to a thing; — tBtU ligcu, to consent to; bintevbvein [au> fen, to run after; fid) — legen, to in- terpose, interfere, mediate; — VCfClt, to interrupt ; — fdlageu, to stri random); fich — lllifdiCll, to meddle Willi a thing; — fcbcit, ' into ; to animadvert. 2>dvgcbeit, v. ir. a. to oiler up, ex.- p — : to give. 2) .i v bait c It, e. ir. a. to reach forth, hold forth. 2>dviit, f . jMvin, adv. therein, in it. that, this; id) ttabc mid) — gcivvt, I have been mistaken in that, 2) a viu nc n, adv. (eontr. bvii;nca v within. 2) a r 1 a g c, /. (>,. -n") something laid down: money laid down; payment; deposit. 2) a r I c g c ii, v. a. l . to lay down ; S fig. to show, dem mstrate; to explain. 2>dvlcg 11 11 g. /. 1. laying down; 2 statement. 2) S v 1 e b e it, n. (-S ; pi. —) .D.tvUibc, /. (pi. -11 loan. 2) il V 1 e i b C 11, p. ir. r. to lend. 2) a v 1 c i b c v, m. (-t : pi. —) lender. 2) a r 1 c i b u n g, 2).ivlcbiinitg, /. lend inL', loan. 2)dvm, in. r-e8; pi. S)3rme) gut: .-/ T-s. bet gtofie — , colon; u'v lang« — , ileum; 2)avinc, pi. intestines, how- els: compos. — bab, n. clyster; — banb> UMivm, in. intestinal tape .. rm ; — « bcin, a. .1. T. haunch-bone; — bciti* bbucv, in. .1. T. the cresi i f the I i : — betnfritmmmtg, moi I i! riure; — beinnui-.lcl, m. iliac muscle; — bciiihtlaga;: :. iliac artery; — bcivcgu;:.-, tic motion; — bviub ture of the intestines; - -briife,/ •-' r. tinal "land; —entjflllbnng, /.en- teritis; — fell, ti. peritoneum ; — gidjt, /. iliac pas-ion, colic achej — gidUlviiut, a. v — bant, f. peritoneum; — fnoojen, «, eld —bcin; - -Icl.i ; — nabt, f. .1 T — nel'., n-caul, kell ; — vnbv, rid :'inbr; — faite,/. gutstring, catgut; — fajtn;» inadn-r, m. catgut-spinner; — iang= abev, f. J!. T. tocteous vessel ; — (cb adv. on that account, on account of that circum- stance. 55 art) ben (contr. 55rtbcn) atefien, v. ir. a. to lend, advance (money). 35 fi r ft C 11 b a V, adj. that may be repre- sented. 25 d r ft c 1 1 C it, v. a. 25ariiber, (contr. 25rii= bei'J adv. over that, it ; thereon, thereof, about that, beyond that, concerning that, on account of that; in the mean time : above, upwards, more ; — tft Cr recg, lie is above it, that does not move him; fid) — marten, to go about it; mad)e nut nid)t gar jit Iange — , dwell not too long thereon; — gebt lltcbti?, there is nothing above it: noth- ing is superior to this; fid) — fveiien, to rejoice at a tiling; tS gcf)t allco brillltcr Ullb — , all goes topsy-turvy ; bet SBerfttffft ftarb — , the author died during it; jreci Sabl'C llttb — , two years and upwards; e§ tft fcbiMt cilt i- tCftcl — , it is already a quarter past. bar urn «> 25anim [emtr. 35ru'm), a 2)aru'nter (contr. 2>tlinter), adv. thereunder; under that, under it ; by n, by that; below it. less; among that ; — leibet fcinc (5 'igcnliebc, thereby suffers his self love ; tie)} tft bad 33 eft e — , this is the best among them; CS tft fcilt Ulltcrfcbicb — , there is no difference among them ; — K'.m, to be of the number; vcut jnjei Safjren Itnb — , of two years and below ; — farm id) efi nicbt gcbeit, for less I can- not give it; reae flicfct cr — ? what is his view in it. 2) a r re a g C It, v. ir. a. to weigh to. 2) a r re e i f c n, ». ir. a. to exhibit, show forth. 2) a V re t tf e It, v. ir. a. to throw before the face of a person; vid. ^ilirecrfcn, SSortoerfen. 35 a r j a b I e n, d. a. to pay down. 2) a X J a b I C It, v. a. to count or pay- down. 2) a r 5 c i g c tt, v. a. to produce, exhibit, display. 2) a r 5 re i f d) c tt, vid. 3> a li C r I 3, adj. perishable, transient, ephemeral. 35 a ii e r tt, v. n. (aux. Ijaben) to last, continue, to hold out, endure, star:d ; (S bauerte nid)t Iange, fo fab id) ihn Fommen, it was not long,, before I saw him come; bfefe 31ft Slpfcl tancvt llid)t, this kind of apples will not keep. Syn. S5 .1 u c r n, 35 S f) r t n. Sanctll sigaifies, to remain in existence, to continue in the snme state without perishing; it also implies tbat the cause of a thing's endurance is contained in itself, i.e. in the durability of the material of which it is made, ^ou*™ may refer to objects themscives, but ir.T&rcn is on!y said »> changes, the consecutive number of v^:rh constitutes the measure of time, or of eta'x* and conditions, the length of which is mea- sured by the changes going on nrmnd "i.e— Thus we say: the Egyptian pyramids hepi endured to the present day ( tuo duf t« • $ a b ret unO bant rl rntfy ifflmrr fi>rt). 35 a li C V 11, v. a. impers. to make to cause to pity; to grieve; Cj bflUCll mid;, I am sorry for it: fi bat mict pft gcbauert, I have often regretted it ; lag t>icf) tic Jioftcn itid^t — , do noi grudge the expense; bn baiicrft micb, I pity_ you; fciu Sfrbrcdu'ii baueri iblt ltid)t, he is not sorry for his crime Syn. ©a u t m, 9er« uf n, fee r Dr i 1 6 «n. SI grrrurt mid) differs from ti fr-iucrt and ti r*r. Frifgt mid), in referring merely to sonietlnaj! which is past and for which we feel ourselves to blame. Cr* c.iucr: mid;, may be said m something that has happened acrjii Thus we say: mid) rjautrt tit $t'a (I grieve Rn the time) which I have been obliged to 6] in any business, and mid) flfrcut (rout) bic ^cil (I regret the time) which I have carelessJy thrown away. Qi percricgt mid) den higher degree of sorrow or vexation. 2) a ii I i d), adj. vid. SSerbauticfi. 35 a lint, m. ?-t§; pi. 2)aitmc) tliumb ; compos. — traft, /. bandscrew, jack, — fd)lop n. thumb baglock. . 35a-u'mcn, w. (-§ ; pi. — ) thumb; einem tic — frbrauben, to put one's thumb into a thumb-screw; eillCllt tC!l — aufbrfld; en, jig. to keep a tight hand over one: compos. — brcbcr, m. vulg^ flatterer, pickthank ; — flapper, /. Cas- tanet, snapper; — ring, m. thumb-ring ' — febrattbe, / — ftOff, m. thumb-screw 35 a ii m 1 1 n g, m. (-e8 ; pi. -c. tiiuirJ> stall ; /«-. Tom thumb. 2) a li it e,/. (pi. -n) down, vid. 3laum= febcr. *35 a ii p I) i n, m. (-$ ; pi. -6) dauphiv, eldest son of the king of France. 25 a lire it, vid Salient. 35 a ii 8, n. (-fee- ; pi. 35anfer) ac« ; w — ! the dickens '. fudje I £e6c Tecfc £ccp 5) a li II It g, f. + digestion , compos. — 8= faff, m. chyle. 5 d » i b, m. (-8) David ; — Sgerjle, /. — Sfont, «. a variety of the spring barley 2) a»6n, adn. thereof, thcre- from, of that, of it ; from that, from ii ; whereof; by this, by it; oil* away; n?a$ babe id) — ? what do I get by it? e8 iff nid)t Wett — , it is not far o.T; iff) meif* ciit Stcb — ju ftngeit, 1 could tell a tale of it; — bleibcn, v. ir. a. to forbear ; — bl'iltgCtt", to pre- serve, save; — eilcit, to haste away ; — fliefjeit, to fly on*, away ; — (ie= hen, to go off; — • t)elfett, to help out; to rid of; — tjorcn, to hear of ; — biipfcit, to leap off or away ; — ■ fylfcbcil, to slip oil*, flutter away ; — jai]Cl!, to turn out of doors; — font = men, to come off, get off; — lanfcti, to run off, run away ; fid) — ntadicit, to get away, take to one's heels ; — miiffftt, to be obliged to go off; — reiten, to ride away or off; — fd*[eU Cl)01l, to sneak off, steal away ; — fiprengelt, to ride off at full speed; — fprinflflt, to run off, escape ; — Iraben, to trot off; • — tragett, to carry off, away ; fig. to get, obtain ; — jielieil, to draw off; to retreat, retire. CftO Of ir 2)a90r, ado. before that, before it; for that, for it; from that, from it ; at it, of it ; er ftcbt j\t — , be stands before it; id) fyabc eincit QlbfcfKU — , I have a horror of it ; — fi'lVfbte id) mtd) Itifht, I am not afraid of it; lliitC bid) — , take heed of it ; — bcflfttc Ull8 ©Oft ! God forbid! thiUUber &r JDatUlbcr, adv. aeainst that, against it; — Ijafrc id) ttid)t8, I have no objection ; bafiir Ullb — fheitett, to dispute pro and con ; Cf fefete fid) — ■, he opposed it. $5 S,- JDajU, I. adv. thereto; to that, to it ; for that, for it ; for that purpose, to that end; at that; [I. conj. besides, moreover; — foiwnt, add to this: — fontmett, to come by, obtain; ivie finb t f d) c n f it It f t, f. 1 . interven- tion, interposition, interference; 2. in- terruption ; bctDaffilcte — , armed in- nion. 2) a * n) i f d) e n I i e g c n b, adj. inter- jacent. *3) e ball ire it, v. a. M r.. to un- pack. »3)cbdttc, /. [pi. -n) debate, dis- suasion. *S)eBattTrt It, v. n. to debate. k 2)cbct, n. .)/./:. debit; Sic itctjen tilt — . you are on ihe debtor-side. *2) C b 1 t, HI .1/. K. Bale, vent, market. *3) e b i t a n f, m. (-en ; pi. -enj M. k. tradesman, dealer. *3) c b i 1 1 r e it, ». a M. E. to debit >o sell, disp *2) b i t o r, m, (-3 ; pi. -en) debtor. *£> c ! b i t u m, n. (-8 ; pi. -to) debi. *3) e I f t r C It, v. a. Mil. r. to raise the siege of a town or port. 2) c b or a, /. (-'8 or -crcn8) Deborah. *2) C b ii t, n. the beginning of or first appearance in any capacity or pro- fession. *?) cbii fir eit, v. n. to make one's first appearance in any c?.pacity or pro- fession. *3) C C d b C, /. (pi. -tt) decade. *S> e C a I lr e It, ». n. M E. to lose in weight *S)CCaliteV, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) deca- litre. *S) C C d t 0, n. (-3) M E. deficiency in weight. *£>CCamcf CV, m. (-8; pi. — ) de- cameter. *S)ccdn, (-« ; pi. -c) 2)cd).iiif, m . (-en ; pi. -en) dean. *2)ecanfit, «. f-e«; pi.~t) Secanei, Sediaitei, /. {pi. -Cll) deanery, dean- ship. *2*) e c a f i f t v c it, o. a. r. to sponge cloth, to hotpress ch ■tli. * 2) C C e m b C V, m. (-8) December. *S)CCCm»ir, (-8; p/.-Clt) decemvir; — at, n. (-c8) decemvirate. *2) ec c it n i it in, n. (-§ ; pi. — cennien) decennary, period of ten years. *2) e c c n t, adj. St ado. decent, proper. *25eCCll5, /. decency, propriety, innd- esty. 2> c d) e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) dicker ; cin — ^dltte, dicker (last) of hides. *2) c d) i f f r e it r, m. (-8 ; pi. -8) deci- pberer. *JD cd) iffrtren, ». a. to decipher. *3) c c i b c tt t, /. oid. 5!bnabmc, S3cr= fall. *2) e c i b I r c it, v. a. Sr n. to decide, adjust; dismiss; becibil'Cllb, part. adj. decisive ; bCCicirt, p.irt. adj. decided, re- golute. *2)eci g cam :i «-(-«; pi. -e) decigram. *2) C c i i 1 1 c r, ?i. (-8 ; pi.— ) decilitre. *3) C C i lit d I, fl///. in ampos. decimal; — bviidi, m. decimal-fraction; — ft)ftem, n. decimal system; — jaf>f, /. decimal number. *2) c c t in e, /. (jrf. -tt) Mus. T. tenth. *2) C C i m I v e n, e. a. to decimate. *2)ecifion, /. 2)ccifiint, n.i.. y\ de- cision, sentence. *2) e c i f t y, adj. decisive, final : compos. — ftilltine, /. decisive vote. 3)0 if, w. (-08; ;.;.-e) JV. T.deck; oid, Setbeef; compos. — 6err, it. feather- covering; coverlet; — fcrmcn, /d)e ciner Jvancne, apron of a gun ; — cinc8 %J>pftS f pot lid ; a — bdnber, />/. f j)//i. T. joints; — bcebcr, m. covered goblet ; — gia8, n. glass with a lid; — faintf,/. — fni;V m. tan kard; — fieb, n. a sieve with a double bottom, whereof the undermost is im- pervious; — ftnt)(, m. Tup. T. gallows 3) cf C It, r. a. I, to cover ; I M. /■.'. to reimburse, put in cash: ben Jifrfi — , to lay the cloth: fig. er ifl jjinlmtglid} gebecft, be has sufficient security ; oilien ilH'it'X — , to answer a bill. 3) c d c r, 7.i. (-8 ; pi. — ) he that c decker. 3)o'ditng,/. covering, protection, JV. E. reimbursement ; remittance, pro- vision: — ■ in $anben fjaben, covered. *2) eel a ma tor, tti. (-8;/-/. -on de claimer, reciter; Seelantatorif, livery; ^eclailtatcium, 7). public entertainment, at which poems, &c. are recited. *2) e c I a m a t i r i f d), adj. <$■ adv. de clamatory, *3) C C 1 a lit l r C It, v. a. to declaim, re- cite, deliver. *2) eel fir a ti vtt, /. (p;.-en) M. e declaration, bill of entry. *D c c I a r t r e tt, v. a. M E. to goods at the custom-house. *D c c I i tt a b c I, adj. Oram. T. declii *3)cclinatiDn, /. (p/.-en) l. Oram T. declension ; 2. Jist. T. declination. *X> c c 1 i it a 1 1" r i n m, n. (-8 ; pi. -rto or — rictt) 7*. declinator. *3)ecltnat9rtfc$, adj. deviating declining, leaning. •Seclinfren, 7-. I. a. Oram. r. \« decline ; II. n. to deviate. *3)ec6ct, ti. (-e«; pl.-e) decoctore, decoction. *X) e c o c t i D n,/. decoction. *3)ecollireit, r. a. to decapitate, ♦decolor Ire tt, 7-. a. <■ n. to lour ; to fade ; grow pale. *2> e c o in V o it i b c I, adj. vid. Borlto.' bar, 3ovfctjlid). *rccoinponirc n, o. a, to decom pose. *3) C C in V f i t i iUt,/. decomposition *2> ccon tenanctreit, v. a. to countenance, intimidate. *3)e corcttiDn, /. (pi. -en) d tionj ornament, ""^ocortrcn/ v. a. to decorate, em hellish, adorn. *2) C cor f, 71. -V. E. deduction, aliate ment. *r e c o r 1 1 v e It, r a, .1/ E. to deduct abate, discount. •!*DecD X U tit, »■ -4 deconun, decency •JDecottraglreit, r. a. to disheart .■ii. discourage, * T e t o 11 o r t i r e n, ,-. a. to lake oil the envelop,- (of a letter •Decouorirett, • r; u £ejr : 2 C C r c b i 1 1 V C 11, v. a to bring into discredit, to decry. ►S.e C t e m C it t, n. (-CS ; pi. -c) decre- ment. *2> C C V C » C C It b 0, adv. Mas. T. de- crescendo. •Sec v I t, n. (-f8; pi. -c) decree, bit — .licit, decretals (of the popes). *5) t C C C 1 1 X t tt, v. a. to decree, order *5>ebt tdltt, w. (-Clt ; pi. -Clt) dedica- tor. *2> e b t C tt tiitt, f. (pi- -en) dedication. * r c b i C T r C it, r. a. to dedicate. * 3) C b It C l V C It, v. a. to deduce. *3) C b tt C 1 1 9 rt,/. (pi. -Ctt) T. deduction, Did Becort. *2 Ikf c c t, 1. adj. defective ; Tijp. T. im- perfect ; II. s. m. (-CS ; pi. -C) defect, deficiency ; Typ. T-s. imperfection ; compos. — bOijClt, m. imperfect sheet; — fatten, m. Print. T. case of imper- fections ; ■ — legal, n. the frame for the cases of imperfections ; — jettel, m. list of imperfections. *2 cf CC tire it, v. a. M. E. to purge (an account). * 2 C f C C t i 9 (t, s. pi. defective verbs. *2>cf cnbc'nb, m. (-en; pi. -en) L. T. defendant. *2cfcnbc'nr, m. (-cn; pi. -in) vid. 2cfenfor. *2efcnbiren, vid. SScrt^ctbtgen. •2cfettfis, adj. defensive; btc — c, /. Mil. T. defensive. »2cfenfor, m. (-§; pi. -en) L. T. pleader, advocate. * 2 c f e r c n t, m. (-e:t ; pi. -en) L. T. 1. one who demands an oatli of another, puts him under oath ; 2. an informer. *2 c f C r l V C It, v.a. 1. to inform against ; 2. to demand, ask, require (an oath) ; 3. to defer, yield, grant. •Deficit, n. (-§ ; pi. -e) deficience, deficit. •2) eft tie, n. (-§; pi. -n) .w. r. defile. *S t f i ( I r C it, i\ n. Mil. T. to file off, to detile. *2 C f 1 1*. U C tt, v. a. Log. T. to define ; tlicbt Jtt — , indefinable. *3>ef initio it, /. ( pi. -en) Log. r. definition. *2 C f t n 1 1 1 9, ah: — flaite, /. flat side of a sword; — i]cf,if;, n. hilt of a sword ; — jjckllf, n. — [Opbel, /. belt, hangers of a sword; — jjeflirr, n. clash of swords; — gvirf, jh. sword-hilt; — b.ifcti, m. sword hook; — f liltije, /. blade of a sword ; — Enopf, m. pommel; fig. cilt alter bCUtfcbCV — fllOpf, a good old fellow, an honest blade ; — frailt, n. great burr-reed ; — = CjlUlfie, /. sword-tassel (or knot) ; — = fiteicc,/. scabbard, sheath ; — fdjmtbt, vi. sword-cutler ; — fticb, 711. stab of a sword ; — ftorf, m. sword-stick, sword- cane. *3) e g C It C r a 1 1 iMt, /. degeneracy, de- generateness. *3) C 0, C 11 C f I r C It, v. n. to degenerate, deteriorate. *3) C g 1 11 b If C It, v. a. to peel, to flay. *3) C 0, 1 It t tr en, v. a. to swallow up, devour. *2) C g r a b a 1 13 It, /. degradation. *3) cgrabtr Clt, 0.0. to degrade (an officer, &c). *3)e git if Ir en, v. a. to disguise, conceal. 3) 1 1) It b a r, adj. extensible, ductile. flexible, malleable. 2) C I) n b a r f C 1 1, /. extensibility, duc- tility, malleability, dilatability. 2) e t) It C It, i\ a. .v refl. to extend, stretch ; to produce (of a line) ; to distend ; to lengthen;/^, to last long; bte 2B5ts ter — , to drawl one's words. 2)cf)ii!)ol5, n. (-cS; pi. -biMjcv) stretch. 25 C b it U Jt g, /. 1. extending, stretching, extension, widening ; 2. Gram. T. dia- stole ; — Sjetctjett, 71, sign of producing a syllable, circumflex. 25 C i CT>, m. (-e§ ; pi. -e) dike, pier of earth, dam, bank ; compos. • — ailtt, 7(. dike-office ; — aitfer, m. the ground or foundation upon which a dike is built; — bruci), vi. breach of a dike ; — flrdfe, m. dike-grave, dike-reeve ; — fol 0C, /. cat's tail, reed-mace ; — lllCtfkr, 771. dike-master ; — ltad)bai', 777. dike-neigh- bour; — pfltctjf, /. charge of keeping a dike in repair; — pfjicfytig, adj. ob- liged to keep a dike in repair : — redlt, 71. dike-laws ; — l'id)tei", m. dike-judge; — fcf)atA, vi. L. T. dike-contribution ; — fenan, /. dike-visitation ; — fdjlcufe, / dike sluice, Watergate in a dike ; — * f cf) iS , vi. L. T. dike contribution; — = fcbuljc, m. sveveyor of a dike ; — = lifer, n. dike-b,»jjc; ■ — serlag, 7«. dike- advance; — UJCg, vi. dike-way. dike-path ; — JVimng, 771. dike-judicature. 2 C 1 et) C it, v. a. to raise up a dike ; to mend a dike. 2 e t el) e r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) ditcher ; compos. — loljn, n. ditcher's wages. 2eiebfel, /. (pi. -n) 1. addice, chip- axe ; 2. pole (of a carriage 1 , beam, thill, shafts ; compos. — blcct), n. pole- plate, beam-plate ; — liagcl, m. thill-pin ; — pfcrb, v. thill horse ; —ring, m. thill- ring; — fdinaUc, /. pole-piece buckle. *2eiftCtrctI, v. a. to deify, exalt. 2 e t n, gc n. of 2n ; of thee ; tcb er= bavmc mid) — , I pity thee. 2eitt, 2c(ne, 2cin, pnm.poss. 1. thy; 2. for bcr, btc, baS 2eimgc, thine ; c* tft — , it is thine; tft bici xBltcf) — ? is this book thine 1 2 e i 1: c, bcr, bic, baS ; 2cincr, 2cinc, ©etneS, vid. 2cintgc. xemo 2 c i n C r, gm. of 2u ; of thee ; »(l b.lben — ertDat)nt, we have men tioned tln^j. 2 c nt c t h a lb e n, 2einettt)egen, urn 2ctncniHllcn, for thy sake, in thy be half, on thy account. 2 C i n i g C, bCf, bic, bOfi, pron. poss thine; i\U' — , thy property: tbltC bad — , do what is thine, do thy duty, btc — n, thy family. 2 C t It i n g, /. Sea r. swell of the sea 2 cut fen, ». v. (aux. baben) Jv; J to go (fall) astern. 2 C t f f C I, /. (pi. -it) T. axe, addice. *S) et & nt u t, vi. 2ciftcrci, /. deism. *2 c t ft, m. (-en ; pi. -en), deist. *2cifttfct), adj. deistical. *2cJ Grebere, M. E. warrantee — ftctjeit, to stand surety. *2 c I e g a t, m (-en ; pi. -en) delegate *2 e I e g a t i D it, /. (pi. -en) delegation , assignment (of a debt). ' *2 e I C g ir e It, v. a. to delegate. *2 C I i C 5 1, I. adj. delicate ; delicious ; nice ; dainty ; II. adv. deliciously ; nicely *2 e 1 1 C a t C f f e, /. (pi. -it) delicacy nicety, daintiness; pi. delicacies; dain ties. *2 C I i It q It C It t, m. (-dt ; pi. -C11) de- linquent; — tltn, female delinquent. *2 C 1 1 r t U m, n. (-§) delirium. *2 c I p hi it, m. (-§ ; pl.-t) dolphin ; bcr rUCtfiC — , sea-beluga. *2 C I p h i it a t, 71. (-C8) Dauphiny (j». France). *2clta, h. (-§) 1. the Greek Iettet rf : 2. the Delta (of Egypt) : compos — = fiu'lltig, adj. deltoid, triangular; — •> lltuefcl, in. the deltoid muscle. 2 em, art. vid. 2cr; — fe«. nine t but lrollc, be it as it may; eS tft ait — llltt ltn8, now we are come to that point ; Co ift Ittcbtl ail — , there is no truth in it. *2cmagog, m. (-en; pi. -en) de- magogue, popular leader; — tlrii, ad demagogical. *2 c ma n t, 771. (-cn ; jk. -en) diamond , — arttg, adj. adamantine; compos. — = baitP,7?.a diamond necklace, a diamond bracelet, a necklace, &C, of brilliants ; — hort, — pulser, n. diamond-dust, diamond powder : — f.irbc,/. a diamond colour ; — fbrnttg, adj. diamonded , — geroidjt, n. carat; — gt'ttbe, /. dia- mond-mine ; — fcttc, /. diamond chain, — fteS, m. adamantine spar : — fllOpf, m. diamond button ; — ltatel, /. dia- mond pin ; — rtttg, 711. diamond ring; — fcMcifcn, n. t the grinding of monds; — fdjletfer, m, diamond-cutter; ■ — fd)illlicf, 7;i. a set of diamonds or bril- liants; jewels; — frljlictbcn, n. the cutting of diamonds; — fchneitcr, m. diamond-cutter; — fpilth, 771. corundum: — ftilllb, m. diamond-dust ; — IVCrf, 77 diamond-mine. *2 e m ante It, adj. adamantine. *2 C m a r I a 1 1 n, /. demarcation : — j — C-li'.UC, /. line of demarcation. 2 e nt a t,, 777. (-ts ; pi. -c) provinc. as much land as may In: mowsd in one day. 2 cm 11 ad?, conj. tlierefore, tlien, n.- cordingly. 2 C m n a di ft, adv. shortly, in a little time : thereupon. 2 e m b n g c n cf> t ct 2cn!Jbiiev,;rh- tor, 2en!i'nigeari)tct, r rcp. noiwit> standing £enf Tevo Xcro '£ C 111 t f C I ( C, /. 'pi. -8 or -it) a miss, maiden lady. -S C lit f t a t, m. (_— Ctl ; pi. -CU) de- mocrat. *Demof ratlc, /. {pi. -n) demo- cracy. *2)emo£rat t fd>, adj.Sr ado. demo- cratical, democratically. *2> C lit 1 1 r C It, v. a. to demolish, destroy, raze. - C lit 11 fl 1 1 r e n, v. a. to demon- strate. *2>einontiren, v . a . mm. t. l. to unhorse ; 2. to silence a battery. •J till 1 al t f t V e tt, v. a. 1. to demo- ralize ; 2. J\IU. T. to dishearten, dispirit. Sclltutr), /. 1. humility, humbleness, lowliness, meekness ; 2. proline, thyme ; compos. — Vflan$e, /• humble plant; — 8'joll, adj. humble, lowly, submis- sive. S> e lit ii t f) t (}, I. adj. humble, submis- sive, prostrate, lowly ; II. adv. humbly, submissively ; — bitten, to supplicate. 55 1 lit ii 1 1) i g C it, v. I. a. to humble, to subdue (the enemy); II. njl. to humble one's self, to submit. ©e'mutljtgfetf, + vid. 2)emutt). S ( in ii t f) t g it n g, /. ( pi. -ctl) humi- liation, abasement, prostration ; morti- fication. Sj C" It, art. accus. masc. $• dut. pi. of 2)Cl'. •Sena r, m. (-C8 ; pi. -e) denier. *D e n b r 1 1, m. (-en ; pi. -en) dendrite. © ( tt e It, dat. pi. of Set" pron. £ i n g C I, m. {-§ ; pi. — ) pruritic, seam of dfrt. 5) c" tt g C ( It, v. a. to sharpen a scythe or sickle by means of a hammer. 5) C It f, in compos. — (Ut, /. mind, dis- position ; — bar, I. adj. imaginable ; to be thought of; II. ado. imagin- ably; — bat'fett, /. capability of being imagined or conceived; — bilb, n. de- vice; idea; — btob, n. Th. T. show- bread; — bud), ?i. memorandum-book, roll; — fl'ci[;ctr,/. freedom of thought; liberty of the press ; — fraft, /. faculty of thinking, cogitative or intellectual power; — icfyte, /. logic; — UUTrtl, ii. monument; mcwjral, memory; gum — lliaal, in remembrance ; — Utilise, /. medal ; — ricbtig, adj. logical ; — VtC= men, m. phylactery (among the Jews) ; — tllig, m. ring serving as a token of remembrance ; — faille, /. monumental column, monument, statue; — fdirift, f. inscription; memorial, memoir; re- cord; — fprud), hi. sentence, maxim; motto; apophthegm; — fprucj) ftltf et= nent 3linge, posy ; etn Sammlcr von ■ — fvti'tdicn, apophthegmatist ; — = fpruchmd), adj. sententious ; — fprucn8= tteifc, adv. apophthegmatical ; — flfilt, n. monumental stone, monument : — - ftoff, m. n..i.ter for thought; — ftiirf, n. memoriaV; - — tenipd, m m leum ; — iibtina, /. exercise in think- ing : — uufahig, mij incapable of thinking; — VCrillogctt, n. vid. — -- fcflft; — W8, m. remarkable verse; tommemoratory verse; ■ — ivcifc, /. -rd. — art; — wiffenfehaff,/. vid. — « ichrc; — tvott n. a maxim, sen tence; — voiirbig, I. adj. memorable, notable; II. ado. memorably; — roiir- ktgfeit, /. memorableness; me rable occurrence event, thing) ; — loih'big= fciteit,/)/. memoirs; — jeicbcn, n token of remembrance, monument; — t,cit,/. epoch; — jcttrl, m. I. memorandum- paper ; 2. phylactery (among the Jews) ; 3- fig- punishment, chastisement; 4. disagreeable remembrance. 2) c n £ c n, v. ir. L n. 1. to think of ( — Olt) ; 2. to reflect ; to intend ; 3. to re- member, mind ; 4. (ailf etam8) to mind ; to reflect upon ; to contrive ; 5. (SDH) to think of, have an opinion of; (ctlicr Sarbc) (genit) to remember; UHH'ail — Ste? what are you thinking of? rOO — <2ief)tlt? what do you think? — Sie? imagine! bin unb ber — , to revolve in one's mind; benf an miff) ! remember me ! er bCltft flllf feittc SRebC he is meditating his speech ; ei* bCltft ivcg^llblcibcn, he has a mind to stay away ; II. a. to imagine, fancy. 2) C II f C n, v. (-&) thinking, cogitation ; speculation. 2) C 11 E e It b, pnrt. adj. cogitative, think- ing: etlt — ei SBefeit, a rational being; etn — « JtOpf, a thinking man. X) C it f C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) thinker, rea- soner, speculator. 2) C It f e r C t, /. superficial thinking. 2) c'n H e r, tn. (-8 ; pi. — ) coat, super- ficial thinker. 2) e n f u n a, 8 a 1 1, /. (pi. -en) mind, manner of thinking. 2) e tt f 5 e 1 1 c I, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) vid. under 2)cnf. 2) e tt in a r f, provinc. vid. Salbrt'an. 35 C 11 It, conj. for, then; than; — er (jlailbt, for he believes; fl) JvoHcit »tl — fort, let us then set out ; c8 fc» — baf!, unless, if, provided ; Ct bc^lble llltd) — , unless he pays what he owes me ; nicht8, — @olb, nothing but gi 'Id ; wcr ift veidjer, — cv? who is richer than he ? 2) C 11 11 ij r a 8, provinc. vid. SSegctiitt. 2) i n it o rfy, conj. yet, notwithstanding, however, nevertheless. *25 c it t t'fl, m. (-en ; pi. -en) dentist *25 c nn it c i a it t, ?*. (-en ; pi. -en) /.. T. accuser, informer. *25 c n u n c i 5 1, m. (-en ; pi -en) L. T. the accused or denounced per- son. *2> C it ll tt C i a t i 9 IT, /. /,. T. denuncia- tion, accusation. *2)C It It lie l" re It, t. a. L. T. to de- nounce, inform against. *2> e p a r t c in e it t, n. (-8) department ; baS — ber inncvn Wngelcgcitlmtcit, home department. *2) C V e n b C n t, adj. S,- adr. dependent. *2> C p C It b C 11 J, /. dependence. *2> e v e f d) c,/. (pi. -n) despatch. *£) e p I) 1 g t fl i f ff;, adj. uninflamma- ble. *2> e p b [ o g i fl i f i r e n, p a, Ca. T. to dephlogisticate ; beptjlogtfltfirte Snft, dephlogisticated air. *S) e $ o ne* n t, m. (-en ; pi. -en) depo- nent ; witness, *Depcnivcn, p. a, l. to depi se testimony; 2. to deposit (for sate keep- ing). T c V p v t a t if it,/. deportation, trans- portation. *? C V V 1 1 r C It, v. a. to deport, trans- port. *Jcp of itar, m. (-8;/./. -c) .: tory, trustee, *2> c v o f i t n m, a. (pi. 3>e))o{tten) de- posit, trust ; compos. • — engclfer, p signed money; — Cllfd;eilt, , n . < of a deposit, *3>e>df, v. ;-8; /./. -?: di ■ • •9D e V u tat, n. -fc ; pl.-t. allowance — boI$, n. fire-bote. *r cpii taticn, /. (pL -en tion. *2) e p ll 1 1 r e n, v. a. to depute. *2> e p U 1 1 V t f, m, drrl. like adj. . • compos. — iifaniiiier, /. ehambi deputies. 2> e r, ble, ba'8, 1, art. the ; ll.pron. d\ tin's, ; [ll.pron. rd. who, which, that : (gen. m. ting, betfen ; gt n bcrcn ; gen, pi. bcrcr or reie:: pi. benen ; roa8 iviffcit bie nid>t ! what do they not know ! tiifbt ber 9ieirbt, bcnit ber fann nic Unrcdit babcit, not the rich man. fbi be can never be in tha wrong; filtb bJ8 tic ilWinncrV are the men? bie 5per<"cit tic Xn lifbtl, the person 'whom) you love; — Sftarr — ! fool that he is! — ber 5)« von Swtgfeit bifl! thou that an everlasting ! *2) c r a it g t r e n, r. a. to put out or order, d< 2) C r b, I. adj. compact, firm, snl.stnn tial; solid, hard, hardy; dowi stout, sound; rude, coarse; rough, tough, uncouth ; vehemi 1 1 in strong terms; 11. adr. compactly, soundly, &c; 3ciliailbctl — aitepni- gclll, to beat one soundly. 2) c r b c r 5, n. (-c8) .Via. T. peh 2)cvbbcit, /. compactness firmness, solidity; sturdiness; — eit, nardv 2)crcttlfl, adr. once, one day. upon some future day; in the future. 2> C V C I It fl i g, adj. future. Sere it, rid. 2>cr. 2) f r c n t b a 1 b c it, 2>$rentn>egen, mn 2)Ct'ClttroiUcil, pron. ,\- prep, for ■ for her sake, for their sake, on whose account, on their account. 2) e r c r, pron, of th< m, of these, i f 2)C r g c ft a 1 1, adr. such, of SUCH a na- ture, kind: in such a maimer, so; — finb audi tic iibvigen Singe, same kind are the re>batb. *2)Crit tVClI, p. a. to deride. »2>erifibn, /.derision. *2) eti'J&t a, pi. derived wards di riva lives. *2)ert«ati en, /. Oram, r. d tion. *25erisireii, <•. a. Oram, T to derive 2urjciiigc, 2)Iejenige 25a8jen{ge, pron. iemonstr. he, that: — ivcUtcr, lie who; JDtejentgcn, ;/ they, ll 2)cvtci, pa. SJerglctdjen. 2> c r in a I e i ll ft, + rid. 2)cn;inft. 2) er in a I cu, ado. at present, this time, now, actually 2h v in a 1 i a, ictual. 2> i" v in a f; C ll, ado. in such a manner, so much; to such a di 2VVP, /"'"" /"'•"'•■•'■ "f your. yniirs- Dis u itb persons of & rcir.t ?}\>\\{i 133 £e3o flat babcn - SDiiniitcni bcfoblen, his majesty lus ordered his ministers. D i v p f> a 1 1> c ii, S^vpivcgcn, + r/./. 3>eSroegen. S>$r f el 6 c , JDicfetric, S.iffelbc or MtT\t[])tf Scc^pron. demonstr. ilie same, lie, she, it ; that; ebcti — , 0(111} — , the very same ; bd8 ift ciit fdjonefi -§0113, met ift bet SSeftfeer beffelben ? this is j tine house, who is the possessor of it > In ceremonious language 2) i e 1 C I - b C It often = -rtC, you ; as : h>«8 bc= fcbloit 2>iefel6en? what is your plea- sure ; 3) o v vo c g c it, + vid. SKSroegen. 3 c x\v c i 1 c, 2> c cm c i 1 c it, adv. + Sr wig. in the mean time, W e r W t f cb, »«. (-efi ; pi. -c) dervise! 2) C 6, art. Sr pron. gen. of S)CV, art. 2) I S, .Mus. T. D flat. *S) e s c c it b i n t, m. (-rit ; pfa-en) L. T. descendant. *2)e8ceitbe'nj, /. (pi.- -en) l. t. offspring, progeny, issue. *2)e8ceitbirett, v. n. to proceed as progeny, to descend. *35 eS C f 11 f 1 It, /. Ast. T. descension. 2 C ( C, /. {pi. -\\) proline, a small wooden box. 2) e' f C lit, m. (-5 ; pi. -() stillion. •2) C f C r t C ft r, m. (-8 ; pl.-t) runaway, deserter, runagate, renegade. *2)cferttren, v. n. 'aux. fci)tt) to desert, to run away. © i S f a\ 1 8 * JDe'f fttHS, adv. in this or in wliich case ; on that account, there- fore. 2>c 8gIctcbctt(S- 5)ef glcicbcn, I. adj. as, such as, the like, rid. Sergleitbett ; II. covj. likewise, as, also ; fo tvphl cr, al8 fie, — fein Safer, he, as well as she, as also his father. 2) eg I) a lb, SJesbalbett, adv. <$■ conj. therefore, vid. ScSSJCgcit. *25eftberatiy, adj. Gram. T. desid- erative. *2) e f t b tx a t (« m), n. (-5 ; pi. -to) desideratum. *2)eftberiVCll, tj. a. to desire, long for, miss. *2>efta,ll e f t a it a 1 1 It, /. designation. *S C f t g n a 1 1 », adj. designative. *2) C f i Q It I X e It, v. a. to designate ; ap- point; assign. *2) e 8 1 it t e r c f f t r c n, r. «. vid, 9Ib= finbeit, Sntfcbfibigen ; SDeeirttevefftvr, part. adj. disinterested. *2)efiftircit, v. ii. to desist, resign, waive ; to cease. £> i 8 lit a It It, 77i. (-8 ; pi. -c) musk-rat, vid. Sifamratte. ' 2) e f 1 d It f, adj. saddening, dejecting ; tedious. '2>cfo I at, adj. desolate, solitary, ken. *2> C f I a 1 1 P It, /. desolation. *2) cf oltrett, v. a. to desolate, lay waste , to grieve or offend deeply ; 2)e= foltff, desolate ; cheerless, disconsolate. ►D efiOI f] a 11 1 ft X C It, o. a. to disorganize. »2K3oriettttrett, v. a. to confuse; to throw into disorder or confusion. >2> c $ o r ii b a t i c n, /. Ch. T. deoxi- dation. •2)e«orV)btVCn, v. a. Ch.T.Xo de- oxidize. 134 £esu 'Trfvc'ct, m . (-i) nd. 33ewit&tung, 5diiiiipf. *2)cf vectTren, r. a. to slight, show disrespect *3> c f V e c 1 1 v It rfi, adj. 4- adv. dis- respectful, conte'»ptuous. ♦SJef^Crfit, adj. Sr adr. desperate, hopeless. *2) ef p C t « 1 1 11, /. desper.Uon. *S> C f p C V l V C It. B. 7i. to despair. *2) e f p II f a t i it, /. desponsation. *S>e8^>Bt, 7K. (-m; pi. -eit) despot, tyrant. *S) e S !p 1 i t, f. (pi. -en) the power of a despot, despotism. *2) e8 4>Sttf dj, I. adj. despotic, despo- tical; II. adc. arbitrarily, despoticall}'. *2) c § p P 1 1 f I r e n, 7j. a. cffiitatcur, m. (-&; pl.-S) de- signer (of a work of art). *2) C f f i It i r C It, v. a. to design, sketch, draw. *JDefltIIatefir # m, (-85 p!.-t) dis- tiller. *2> cfltltatton, 3>efitQTrung, /. (pi. -Clt) Ch. T. distillation; btC ltprf)nialt= f ( C — , cohobation. *2HfHllir = aVprtrat, m. distilling apparatus; — bUtff, /. alembic; — = bclm, to. the head of a still; — Eolbeit, m. retort, alembic ; — Illltft, /. art of dis- tilling ; — pfett, m. furnace for dis- tilling ; — ftubc, /. laboratory, still. *2) C ft t II 1 1 C It, v. a. to distil, ab- stract ; tI0cf)lltal8 — , to cohobate. *2) C ft t It a 1 1 D It, /. destination. *2) e ft t it f C, /. destiny ; fate, fortune. *2>eftiitlrcil, v. a. to destine, de- vote, appoint. *2> C ft 1 1 U a b e I, adj. deposable, re- movable. *2) eft tt II U'Cit, v. a. to depose, re- move from office. *2) C ft 1 1 It 1 1 C It, /. deposition, removal from office. 2)cftp, adv. before a degr. of compar. the ; jc mebv — beffer, tlie more the better; — beffer, so much the better: tcb trat naber, tint t hit — bcr|er ju VU'rfiebctl, I drew nearer to hear hiir. the better. *2KfivUCtt'beI, adj. destructible. *2>eftrUCttbtlttat, /. destructi- bility. *2)eftriicticn, /. destruction. *2) C ft r 11 1 r C It, ». a. to destroy, over- throw. *2) e ft V "it C t f », adj. destructive. *2)cfu r ti3 r t f ct), adj. desultory. *2> e § 11 ,t " V e it 5 a. to disunite, se- parate Xfiir J) H to e J e 11, S)e'fro e t a cb tr e it, v. a. Mil. r. to detach *? etviduit en t, 77. (pi. -8) d* (achment, detached body. *2) it ax I, 7(. (pi. -8) 1. particulars i.'. retail ; compos. — bcvtd)l, m. detailed statement ; — Klllbcl, ;«. retail-business — laitbler, m. retailer. *3) e t « i 1 1 1 1 e n, D. o, 1 . to particula- rize, detail ; 2. to retail. *2> C t a 1 1 1 1 r U n g,/.particularization *5) e t e tt He n, > b. a. to detain, keep, *2 C tilt T r C It, ) retain. *2) e t C tt t i It, /. detention ; po» session ; imprisonment ; compos — 8- bail8, n. prison. *2) c t e v i o v I x e tt, v. a. to deteriorate *2> c t c v m i n a b e I, adj. nd. 33 1 • fttmmbar. *2?ctevintiiab ilitat, /. deter minability. *2) C t C v ill i 11 a t i It,/, determination. *2) e t er 111 i II a 1 1 S, adj. determinative, *2) e t C r nt i it I r e it, ?-. a. to deter- mine ; 2)ctcnililtivt, determined ; re solute. *2) e t e I" lit t It i 8 lit ll 8, 771. fatalism. *£) e t c r m i it 1 ft, m. (-en ; pi. -en necessitarian. *S) et eft b e I, adj. detestabte. *2) e te ft t r C It, ». a. to detest. *5)e t B V » tt tf 1 1 e n, o. a. to dethrone *S e 1 n I r e 11, vid. S^t'licnlrcit. *2>ctrac tii It, /. deduction; d? traction. *2> e t r al) t r e n, v. a. to take off, de duct; to defame, detract. *2> f t r nt p I r C II, v. a. to undeceive 2) e ii b e, /. (pi. -n) + theft. ' 2" e ii cb t c n, vid. 2>anditcit. 2) e n't, m. (-cS ; pi. -c) 1. doit (a smai: coin) ; 2. fig. trifle. 2) elite, provinc. rid. SMife. 2) elite I, pi. T. wedges which are driven into the end of a tree nail to swell it ; compos. — etfett, 7?. iron-wedge to make an opening in the head of a tree- nail to receive small wooden wedges. 2) e It t C I C I, /. (pi. -eit) a striving al a forced and absurd interpretation. 2) C ti t e I II, r. a. to explain or interpret triflingly, vainly. 2) e it t c it, v. 1. 7i. (aux. Krbcn) — mif, point to, beckon; 2. to indicate, prognosticate; II. a. 1. to explain, ex- pound, interpret: apply (a mei to something ; cine Sacbe auf etivai — , to apply the meaning of one thing to another. 2) e li t C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) interpreter (especially in compos, as :) 2raill)t — , interpreter of dreams. *2> c u t c r g a lit I e, /. deuterogamy, second marriage. *2 C It t C X It 1? ill i it lit, n. (-8) 1 : ronomy. *2>eitteroff Pplc, /. deuteros second sight. 2)eutlifb, I. adj. ckar, plain, disl perspicuous; intelligible, open; U.adv clearly, plainly, distinctly : — jVrecben to articulate; bie — C 9ll|gfVrci(bc, ar ticuiation ; er briicft fidi — au8, h. conveys his meaning in plain words D C li t li cf) f e i f, /. clearness, dis- tinctness, plainness, perspicuity, in- telligibility. £> C li t f cf), «(//'. German ; be V — C i' 11 lie, the German Confederation ; — C .(jeiTNl, knights of the Teutonic order ; — l)crftll3, fig. in plain terms ; — ill fageit, to be candid. 55 C li t f d) C, n. the German language. 35 C li t fd) f, bcr, bif, decl. like adj. the nan; tx ift fin alter 25cutfd)er, rul. he is an lionest, straightforward fellow. 35 C U t f d) f) t i t, f. the quality of being I in, German fashion ; Germanism. 5) e li t f <$ 1 a It b, n. (-8) Germany. S e li t f d) m c i ft c x, or 4?od)= imb rciit|d)lltciftcr, m. {pi.—) master of tile Teutonic order; bi!8 <§od)= nub — tt)lllll, mastership of the Teutonic order. 25 c li t f d; t t) it m, it. (-3) vid. 2>cittfrf> in- it. S) e tt t f {§ t r) tt lit e I e {, /. teutomania. S5ciitfd;tl)umler, m {S;pi.~) teutomane. S> C li t tt It (J, /. {pi. -en) interpretation ; explanation; finer <5«cbe fine fa l f ci) e — iicbeit, to put a bad construction upon a tiling. 55 e li t U !'. ij 6 9 C 1 (, adj. ominous. •25 « v « I 9 a 1 1 tt, /. reduction of coin ; compos. — StabcUc,/. table of reduction. *25 e ft I » t r e it, v. a. to reduce the value of coin. 55 i » e n t c r, n. Daintry (a town). *2> C » C ft l X C It, v. a. to divest, to devest (of »^ ecclesiastical feolf &.C.). *2> C e ft i t li t, /. the taking away of a feoffi *2)e»toti01t, /. 1. deviatior.; going astray ; 2. «V. T. saUing out of one's *2>e»tf*, /. {pi. -It) device, motto. •25 e v c u i t, m. (-« ; pi. -en) juv». 7'. cvavelile. ' 25 e U D I, (ii//. devout, pious ; respect- ful, tenable. *2) C V I) 1 1 It, /. devotion. ' 2) c i i o g r a p f; i f cf), adj. written frcia left to right. '2>efctcvitftt, /. dexterity. •2>tabi3ltfd;, adj. diabolical. '2nftbelpl)ifd), adj. B. T. diadel- pbous. '2) i a b c I V I) t a, />/. B. T. diadelphia. »25 t ft b i nt, n. {-tS ; pi. -e) diadem, tiara, crown. *3> i a b i t,f. Mat. T. binary arithmetic. ♦2) I ft 8 ( l) p t e It, y/. diaglyphic figures (in sculpture, &c). *35 i ft i] 11 f e, /. J!f«d. r. diagnosis, diagnostic. *S>ia8tt0fttfr$, adj. \- adv. diag- QOStiC. *3) i ft (J tlft f, «/. -e) dialogue; ciiteii — hcilteit, to hold a dialogue. *S> t « I fj t f d>, adj. colloquial. *35 1 ft m 6 n t, m, (-en; pL -en] dia- mond; bcr rofyc — , u-ait; bcr — tcr @lftfer, diamond pencil ; ctil i)[ftit;lo= fer — , p. cloudy diamond; ciucii — ■ iwillftllttrcil, to cut a diamond into angles; compos. — citnjiibe,/. diamond- mine; — eilftftllb, m. diamond-powder ; — )cf)[eifer, m. diamond cutter; — - fdjnuicf, in. jewel, set of diamonds; — fdn-ift, /. Typ. T. diamond-letter; — fpfttf) r m. diamond (adamantine) spar; — (ircutfj, m. a tuft of diamonds. *S) i a m ft n t e it, adj. diamond, dia- mantine, of diamonds. *25 ift meter, m. (-«J diameter, vid. 2)iird)ineffcr. *25 i ft lit 1 1 X i f d), I. adj. diametrical ; II. adi: diametrically. *2)iftllft. /. (-'5 or -mi) Diana. *2>ift iltb rift, pi. B. r. diandria. *25 i ft u b r i f d), adj. B. T. diandrian. *2)iftpftf0 1!, n. (-«) Mus. T. dia- pason. *25 i ft V 5 x ft n m ft, n. (-3 ; pi. -to or -men) vid. gwerdjfeU. *25 i ft r e f i 8, f. Gram. T. diaeresis. *2) t ft V I tl lit, ». diary, traveller's me- morandum book. *2)iftrrr;oe, vid. 25nrd>fft(i. ♦Sjiat,/. diet, regimen; bie fft(fd)C — , misdiet ; iiftd) bcr — Icbcn, to diet. *2> i ft t c it, Siftteiujclber, pi. allowance. *2) i ft t C t i f d), adj. dietary, dietetical. *35 t tt tB tt t f A), adj. „V„ S . T. diatonic. *2> t ft t r I b C, /. {]>l. -tt) diatribe. *2) i f ft ft ixiu nt, 7i. (-8 ; pi. -ten) local court, board. 2) t d>, pron. ace. sing, of 35ll. *25 i d) t lit I C, /. dichotomy. 25id)t, I. adj. tight, dense, close, com- pact, sohd, massy; fin — cr :Vftlc, a (thick) forest; — f ©Utlfte, impervious vapours; bte — fit 2d)ftttfll, the thickness of sliades: eilt — C8 3 cf 1 i ff, a tight ship ; II. adv. close ; — ft!!, ftuf, close by, hard at; — nit Ctllftilbcr, close together; — ftllt'i'oecll bin, close to the ground; — VOV lllfilicn Sflltaenj close to my eyes; JV. T-s; — iH'illt SBtnbe, a-hoid; bait gang — 6etm SBtnbe, k. en her as near she will lie; — ftit bcr Jliifte btnfeo.eln, to i. land; compos. — biifdu.], adj. busby; — eifeit, b, T. calking-iron ; —hams mer, m. calker's hammer; — itafyttg, adj. close-seamed; — yerivorreii, adj. closely intertangled. 25id)tftvt, /. (pi.-cw) style of a poem, species of poetry. 2>id)te. vid. Slid) tint. 2) i d) t c ( e f, /. (pi. -en) CU ut. \ ■ liiL'. poem. 2) 1 d) t e It, 2>id;tlHftdKlt, o. a. to make close, tight ; to condense ; to calk, rive'. up. 2> icf> t c it mef fer, ,». (-8) an in- strument for measuring the density of Quids, 2) id) ten, v. a. Sr n. 1. to meditate, think, mu:«; on; 2. to write pi 3. to invent, devise, contrive. 25 1 rf) t e r, to. (-5 ; ,,/. — ) poet, bard ; compos. — ftti'fti]f, /. talenl for poetry —bent, — briinu, —quell, „,. ,i„. Pierian Bpring, Hippocrene ; — fnior, tl. poetiC lire : — flll.1, IB. flight Of Dili gination; — freioett,/ poi tic li — ftftbe,/. — acift, ,«. oid. — anlage; — (tott, m. Apollo; — fllut^, /. p rapture, ecstasy, enthusiasm; — grille, /. poetical whim, reverie ; — lillii, m. poetaster;— J>f«b, — top, — idii'ttl;cit, /. poetic beaut; tri-ftd'c, /. poetical langu .- —self b. cont. the i 25id)terci, /. (jrf.-eu) mock ■ try. 2)id)tcrinn,/. ,,/.-m poetess, poa 2) id) t cr t fd), I a,-j. poetical, ; If. adv. poetii 25id)tbeit, StdptigFett, /. ... ilidity. 2) id) tf rft f t, /. power of con:, vers s, imagination. 25 i d) t f tl it b e, /. poetics. 2}td)tfuitft, /.poetry, poeticart 2) i cf) t ( c I) x c, f. vid. 2>id)tfni!bc. 2) id) tit iu], /. ' ( V i. -en l. poetry; 2. invention; compos. — sari, /. aid. 25id)tftvt; — Jgabe, f. vid. 25:*» tcr.iftbc; — «Fraff, f. vid. ©tr^tfraftj — slcbrc, /. vid. 2)td)tlcbvc; - mogeit, h. imagination. 25 iff, I. adj. 1. thick, big, corpulent; 2. swollen; 3. volumii .«fttl ccr — c, Charles the Fat; — >:i Sein, swollen leg; tic — e ! blubber lip; — c ll'iild), curdli bft3 — C (illbe, butt-end; II. adv. I bigly; — tbnn, ml. to brag; in ■ ■ — ftnniij, adj. having thick arms ; — = tftrfiil, adj. blob cheeked; — POI I hi 'ii ; — Kiiid'ift,, — a UMiiftiii, adj. paunch belli) d — bet tx, a. thigh ; —bfllUt, i — ffti'bcn, pi. T. thick colours; to. stone curlew; _ — bftlfiij, adj. thick- necked; — bftlltii], adj. thick coated callous; fig. insensible; — Fopf, to thick skull, blockhead; — foppftj thick skulled, chubby ; — leibig, corpulent, big bellied: — Icibi.ifcif, / corpulency: — lippift,, adj. bl lipped; — ntftiif, n. blubber-lip; — = mild), / curdled milk: — muttje, / medal; — liaftfl, adj. thick-nosed; — = mtbel, / macaroni; — Brifl, adj.baxd of hearing: — filltiii, adj. thick-rii —tube,/, rooi ; — fdjalig, adj. thick shelled ; — tftll, . — tbiifi", ra, braggard; — tbuerci, /. i g; — tndi, b. swanskin; — wul= btjj, adj. thickly grown \\ — {trfef, m. calliper COM 2)iif e, /. thickness, bigness, volumin- ousness. 25 left glet iff. thickn SXlfiflt, b. --• thick, thicket 25 iff It fb, ad rather thick, rather fat, thickish. 2)tduit(i, iv/.25iifiijt. ^ if tat, r, (-e«; p/.-e) dictate; rule; dictation. *25 i c t ft t p r, hi. (-« ; pi. -en i dictator. *25ictftte ft fd), adj. diet tatory. *25ictfttfii', /. (K-fii) dictatorship, dicta tu re, *2)ictiLMt,/. diction, styto. *2> tc tt tMift r, tio«. ary. *25icttvei!, r. a. to dictate. *25ibft f tif, /. art of iiisli *25ibft t t if Cy, adj. didactical. 2) i f, / ace. pi. e/-Ccr. 25ieb, m. {-t3 ; pi. -el thief, r flicker, pilferer; bcr (jefeb,! giarist; compos. — rSbfttlbf, — fSrOfte, /. band or gang of thieves; — espa>< men, ib. thiii's thumb — csfSnaer, « llnef-catcher ; — eSflenofl, — eSgefcll, m. tliief s accomplice; — c8ge|idu, n, hanging-face; — eSgeftllbel, — efbOlf, it. a brood < >t" thieves ; — CSglnef,^. undeserved good luck, windfall; — C8= flUt, n. stolen goods: —tSlttttttlt, f. dark lantern ; — c8pfeifc,/. dog-whistle ; — eSppffi — c8fniff, m. thievish trick ; — eSvotte, /. gang of thieves; — C8= fdjlfiffel, m. pick-lock; — c8fprad;e, /. rani: — ftahl, m. theft; ftcittcv — = ft.lbl, larceny ; ber gelebrte — ftahl, plagiarism; — 8nnrtb, m. harbourer of thieves. 25 i c b C r C I, /. (pi. -en) theft, thievery. 55iebinit,/. (pi. -en) thief. S5 l C b i f d), I. a, T keep him for the laugh ; et btertt mir in biefev ©arbe all Slnroalt, he is my counsel in that affair ; $11 — , at your service; bdS foil llttv jttr 2Sav= nung — , this shall be a warning to me ; e8 foil mir juv 9kchnrbt — , I take it for good advice. S> t C It C V, vi. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1. servant, valet; 2. minister; 3. varlet, vid. QA' fdlCf; compos. — fdjaft, /. household, household servants, domestics, attend- ants; — tradjt,/. — flcib, n. servant's dress, livery. D t C tl r i It It, /. (pi. -Clt) servant. 2) I e It I i d), I. adj. convenient, service- able, useful, expedient, good, fit, proper, conducive ; wholesome ; II. ado. con- veniently, &c. ; fitt — r>altett, to tluuk fit. S I C It t i d) 1 1 i f , /. usefulne v con- veniency. 5) unfa nt, rid. 2Mcnlid). S) I C It ft, m. (-e8 ; pi. -t) 1 . service ; 2. place, charge, office, employment; 3. villanage; 4. worship; — tbnn, K'iftClI, Cl'Wcifett, to do, render; show service ; belt — habeit, to be in wait- ing; ill — gehcit, to go to service ; tit —Clt bet ciiicnt ftcl)Crt, to be in one's service; bev frf)tt)ete — , hard duty; Mil. T. ciucn — fucficn, to look out for a place; ben — ctuffagen, to give warning; compos. — alter, n. eldership, seniority; — ancfbicteit, n. offer (ten- der) of service; — bar, adj. obliged to serve, liable, subject, tributary; — bate Oetjier, ministering spirits; — forfeit, f. servitude, bondage, vassalage; — b(- fltffeit, adj. officious, serviceable, ad- dicted; — bcfliffcubett, / officious- ness, serviceableness, addictedness ; —bote, m. servant, domestic ; — brief, xti. testimonial of service; appoint- ment, patent; — butter, in. comrade, fellow-servant; — Ctt>, m_ oath of of- fice (of allegiance) ; — eifer, m. otli- ciousness; zeal; — cntlaffniig,/. dis- 130 Stf mission from service; — Crtuetltlig, /. proffer of service ; — ffifytjj, adj. tit for service; .v. T. seaworthy; — fdhige ^laiiufdnifr in cinem jjpeere, effective men in an army; — fctt)tge <&ttltUtt, able-bodied seamen; ■ — fevtig, 1. adj. serviceable, officious, kind, obliging; D. ado. serviceable, officiously; — |Cl"= tbifctt, /. officiousness, readiness to oblige; — fl'ci, adj. exempt or free from service; — fvcitnblirh, adj. kind and officious; — gebiilfe, m. adjutant, assistant ; — gclb, n. money paid in lieu of service; — ft?nofj, m. fellow- servant; — gcrcrfifig'feif, /. — vedit, «. right to another's services ; — baft, aid. — pflid)tig ; — bfVV, m. master, lord, principal; — fletb, n. — flcibllltg, /. livery; uniform; — fliedlt, m. serving man, man-servant; — leiftlllig, f. ser- vice, rendering of a service ; — fcittc, pi. vid. — mann ; — Io()lt, m. hire, wages; — Io8, adj. out of service; — = mftbefiett, n. servant-girl ; — lltagb, /. maid-servant; — lltaillt, m. vassal, feu- datory, socman, dependant ; — ^fett= nifj, m. earnest; — pflid)t, /. liable- ness to services ; — pflidHio,, — fcblll= big, adj. bound to do service; ■ — trcne, /. faithfulness; loyalty; — tlllfiibig, adj. invalid, superannuated; disabled; unfit for service ; — Vet'trctei', m. sub- stitute ; — Oolf, n. servants, menials; — roidig, adj. ready to serve, addicted; — JCtt, /. time spent in service ; — = Jnjattg, m. right of exacting certain services. 2) t C It ft a g, ra. (-8) Tuesday. 3 1 c n ft I i d), vid* SMenlich ,<- 35lenft= fertig. 3) ten filing, m. (-§; pi.-t) cont. servant. 35 1 e it t e lb a ti m, m. (-9 ; ;>/. -tannic) cornel-tree. 3)teittifcf), m. (-C«; pi. -e) dumb- waiter. 35 I C 8, pron. demonstr., for 3)iefc$, this ; — fallS. ado. in this case; — faUig, — fallfig, adj. relating to this case ; — jiifjfig, adj. of this year; — Dial, ado. this time, at present, for the pre- sent, now; — Icttig/ adj. on this side ; — feit8, ado. on this side; — feit8 tcs> SlnffeS, on this side of the river. 35 t C f C lit It a dl, conj. therefore, conse- quently, in consequence of this. 35tefcr, 35tefc,_35tefc8 or 35ie8, pwi. demonstr. this ; biefc, pi. these; btefet tft e8 or biefeS tft bev Srtann, von wcldicm id) fpradi, this is the man I spoke of; belt vievtett biefc8, on the fourth instant; VOX biefcilt, before now ; in former days. 35Icfcvlci, adj. i$- ado. of this kind. 35 1 e f c r vo e g e tt, vid. 35c8rocgctt. 35tete, vid. 35iite. 3) t e 1 1) a n f e, m. (-nS ; pi. -n) prov. a measure equal to two bushels (at Nu- remberg). 35 1 e t r i d), m. (-S ; pi. -e) i . Theodor- ic; 2. pick-lock. 35 te Wet I, -f I. conj. because, vid. 23eil; ll. adv. during, as long as; while. • , 35 if f CI in (it i tt, /. defamation. *35 i f f a m a t o v, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) de- famer. calumniator. *35 i f f a lit \Xt tt, v. a. to defame, ca- lumniate. *35 i f f c r c n t i a I r e d) ntt n g, /. Mat. T. differential calculus, fluxions; bie — bcttcffcilb, lluxionary. *35iffcfCl15, /. (pi. -eit) difference. *a>tfferenjUen, v. a. Mat. t. te differentiate. *35 i f f c v I r e n, v. n. to differ. *35 i f f C f f i n, /. abnegation by oath. *35 i g C V If C 11, v. a. Ch. T. to softua and prepare by heat, to digest. *35 i g c v I r o f e it, m. (-8 ; pi. -bfcnj Ch. r. athanor; bcr ^aviniani|"d)f 35igCfirtOV'f, digester. *35 i g C ft i It, /. digestion. *35igcftn\ n. (-8; pi.-t) vid. 2?er« bauungSmittet. *35ilemma, n. (-8) dilemma. *35 i I e 1 1 d n t, m. (-en ; pi. -en) lover amateur. *35 i I C 1 1 U It 1 1 8 m (U 8), m. amateur- ship. *35 1 1 i g e tt e c, /. (pi. -n) stagecoach. 35 1 1 1, m. or 35l'lle, /. dill (r. plant). 35 i 1 1 e, /. (pi. -n) r. socket, nozzle ; — an eincm Scud)tcr, nozzle of a candlestick. *35imitttttiv(nm), n. (-8; ;>/.-» a or -»C) Oram. T. a diminutive. *35tminutty, adj. diminutive, little, nice. *35 i m i f f iO It,/, dismission, discharge 35 t tt g, n. (-e8 ; pi. -e) 1 . thing ; 2. + court of judges; law-suit; Wfl8 i|t baS fiir ein — , what is this? latj ba8 — blcibcn, let it alone; *>or alien — en, before all, first of all, first and foremost ; principally; fig. gtltcr — C ffHtt, to b« of good cheer; tfb f)i\bt fjvofje — e t>0V, I have a great game to play; com- pos. — brief, m. M. E. contract for de- livery ; — pfennig, m. earnest money ; — pflid)ttg, adj. subject to a court ; — ftdtte, /. seat of justice. 35 1 n g e I d) c n, n. (-6 ; pi. — ) littta thing. 35 i It g C V d) C It, pi. little things. 35 i It g C It, v. ir. I. n. (auz. billif It) ?C bargain for, agree upon; to discuss; II. a. 1. to hire; to bribe; 2. to eroplcj for wages ; to engage. 35 1 It g I i Ct), adj. L. T. real, belonging to things. 35ittfel, m. (-8) spelt; amelcorn, compos. — gei'fte, /. great barley ; — > mcbl, ?i. spelt-flour; — frelje, /. per- ennial darnel. 35 in flag, vid. 35i'cnftag. 3) i nte, it. f. w. f vid. 3infe, u f. w. *35 i C c 8, 35iocc'fe,/. ( pi. -n) diocese *35 i b c c f a n, m. (-e8 ; pi. -e) diocesan *35 i It i) 8, 777. Denis, Dionysius. *35 i 6 y> t c v I i n c a f, 77. alidade. *35 i 6 p t V t f, /. Ph. T. dioptrics *35 i 6 \) t V i f d), adj. dioptrical. *35 i 8 f fi r C ll, pi. the Dioscuri. *3) i p b t b 6 n g, m. (-5 ; pi. -e) rid 55ovvellaut. *35 i p I o m, 7!. (-8 ; pi. -e) diploma patent *3) i p I o m d t, 35iplomdtifcr, m. * plomatist. *35 i p l m a 1 1 C, /. diplomacy *35 i p t o m a t i f d), adj. diplomatic. *35iptam, 7/j. dittany (a plant); b?t falfdiC — , bastard dittany 35 1 r, pron. to thee. *35 i V C c t, I. adj. direct ; U adv. di- rectly; M.JE. at first hand; — e W)> gabeil, assessed taxes; --CI i^flllbel, direct trade. *35ivec tibn, /. (p/.~tn) direction; management. £tjte •55 t V t C 1 r, m. (-8 ; pi. -etl) director, manager, master; bead-master of a school; ^Of bcr — Ctt, court of di- rectors. 35 i V e C to V t It ltt, n. (-8 ; ^.-ictt) di- rectory. *35 i V C C t V I C C, f. (j>l. -It) manageress. *35 t r t () 1 1 C It, v. a. to direct, ma- nage, rule. *35 t r i a, t r c n b, part. adj. directing. 35 t V tt C, /. (pi. -it) maid, maiden, lass ; cont. wench, hussy. *35t8, n. Mus. T. D sharp (in the diatonic scale). '35 t 8 C d It t, m. Mus. T. descant ; com- pos. — bvatfdic,/. treble-viol ; — boboc, /.treble-oboe; — faite, /. treble-string; — fdtigcv (SMScattttft), m. treble-singer ; soprano-treble; — ftimilte, /. treble- voice. *35i8catttt'ft, vid. ©iecant. *25 i 8 c t p 1 1 It, /. (pi. -en) 1. disci- |/line ; 2. science or art. *S) 1 8 C t p It tt Tt e tt, v. a. to discipline. *35 i 8 C It t IV C It, c. a. M. E. to dis- count. *35i8C0tttO, h. JK /;. discount; com- pos. — bflllf, /. bank of discount ; — = caffe, /. office of discount *35 1 8 C r C tt D It 8 t ft (J C, pi. M. E. days of grace. *3) t § C H V I r e it, v. n. to discourse, converse. *35t8ClivS, m. (-fe«; pi. -fe) dis- course, conversation. *35t8cn8 (iSurffcfietbe), m. discus, quoit. *35i8cttfft0tt,/. (pi. -Clt) 1. debate, discussion ; 2. M. E. scrutiny. *3) 1 8 C u t IV t It, v. a. to discuss, debate, argue. *£>i«f)av mottle, /. (>;. — Ctl) dishar- mony, discord. *3)tSf)anit01ttfcf), adj. tff Oil licit, r.n. to discord. *35iftdll$, /. (pi. -eil) distance. fcl'ftcl, /. (pi. -it) thistle; biefjetk — , distaff-thistle; bic ftcmctlte — , way thistle : bte nM>flf5pftge — , woolly- beaded thistle; bio »ierltc$e — , welted thistle ; bte cmjlifdje — , nslancholy £l>Ct thistle; compos. — falter, m. painted lady : — ftitf, m. greenfinch : siskin ; — between, n. rid. — fchucrfe ; — fopf, m. knob (knot) of a thistle : — Ol'fccil, m. order of the thistle ; — fd)ltccfc ( /. small prickle-whelk ; — roollc,/. thistle- down. *35t8t^dtt, to. (-8) disthene (a min- eral). *D t fi t A) o it, n. (-8 ; P i. -&)*. or -cfcen) distich. *35 1 ft t II t v e it, vid. 35eptH{ren. *35 1 8 1 o h t v e it or 35ctonIrcn, v. a. Mus. T. to go out of tune, to jar (singi-ng or playing). *3)t fluff, to. (-8; pi. -e) district, vid. iQcjtvf. *35tt^l)vdmbe, /. (pi. -it) T. Ji- tbyratnb, ditbyrainbic. *35tt&«vdmbtfd), adj. r. dithy- rambic. *35l»Cllt, m. (-8) 1. divan, oriental court of justice ; 2. sofa. *35 t 9 e V i] C n j, /. (pi. -Clt) divergence. *35 1 9 e V f( l V C It, v.n. to diverge. *35 1 9 C V 8, adj. M. E. sundry ; — fe jtUttfcettf SJaaten tl. f. W., sundries. *3) t 9 e V f 1 tt, /. diversion. *3) 1 9 e v t i in e n t o, n. (-8) Mus. T. divertimento. *35 t»ettivcn, vid. £3eTu(Mgen. *35 1 9 i b c n b, m. (-eg ; pi. -en) Ar. T. dividend. *3)t 9 t be It be, /. (pi. -11) ME. div- idend, share of interest. *3)t9tbiveit, v. a. to divide. *35 1 9 1 f t i n, /. (;^.-en) At. * .mi. T. division ; bic l)M( — , Mil. T. half-file. *2>t0lf0V, m. (-8; pl.-ttl) Ar. T. divisor. 35 6 b b c v, to. (-8 ; pi. — ) .v. r. buoy. 355 be I, m. (-8; pi. — ) r. l. peg, plug, pin; 2. provinc. darnel ; 3. a kind of fish (Cyprinus dobula, Linn.). 35 b C I tt, v. a. T. to join (the bottom pieces of a tub) with pegs (pins). 35 b e V t fj, adj. provinc. sultry. 55 6 d), cojy. yet, however, notwithstand- ing, nevertheless, for all that; but; at least ; I pray, I hope ; \a — , yes, yes; Itcitt — , no, no; Ittdjt — , by no means ; luU'C — , pray bear me; C8 ift — W0f)I ttidlt8 838fW? 'tis nothing ill, I hope) fVuttcit Sic — fommcit! O that .you could come! IBlvfltttt — bilS llid)t 90V, do not upbraid me with that. 35 6 dl t, m. (-CS ; pi. -C) wick ; compos. — gCU'tt, n. wick yarn. 35 6 ffc, /. (pi. -n) 1. bulMog; 2. rail, baluster, little pillar ; 3. Mus. T. jack ; 4. plug, peg; 5. M. E. skein; 0. baby, doll J T. headdress; 8. T. T-s. dock, dockyard; basin of a port; bic — mtt ftluththiiveit, dry-dock; bie — obnc ft[utt)tf)iirc!i, wet-dock ; — bev 25rcd)§[cv, mandrel ; compos. — ltfjC= biibv, /. — llf(Clb, n. dock duty; — lis ficldllbcr, ?i. balustrade- — Itfcibe, /. sleeve-silk. 25ocfcit, v. I. a. wind up into a skein; to bottom; to roll together; 2. JV. T. to dock; II. n. (mix. l)«bcit) to play with a doll, to make dolls. *35 C C n t, m. (-ctl \pl.-t\l) instructor, tutor (in a college). * 35 Ctt C It, v. a. &■ v. to teach, lecture on ; to instruct. *35 C t e V II, v. a. rulg. to doctor. *25 6 c t o v, to. (-6 ; pi. -en) doctor. Tom *£ o c 1 1 r d n b, vi. —en ; pi -cu, can didate fol the doctorav. *35 o c t o v a t, n. 556ctovh)urbf, j doctorate, doctorship ; bas — crhalteit, to receive t'je doctor's degree, to be ad- milted a doctor. "Doctor inn, /. (pi. -cu, 6 spouse ; ductress. *35oetvtndv, m. [-9; pi.-* doctrinary, doctrinist. *35octvtlte, /. (pi. -n) doctrine, learning, tenet. * 35 c U lit i tl t, n. (-C8 ; jrf. -e) docu- ni'iit. *25 o c it m c it 1 1 v c It, <-. a. to prove by document. 35 i b, m. (-en *, pi. -en) procinc. god- father, godmother. 35 6 fl 1, n. (-8 ; pi. -t) JV. T. Dutch dogger, doggerboat *35e)ic '». (-if. ;'-;: rl jej compos. — liauiibo, /. d 25onfJ c,/- (pfc-n) bull-dog, riiSocfe. 35 6ggev, vid. 55ojjtoot. 35 6 (] J c v it, d a. to fish in a dogger boat *356gma, n. (p/.55ogmen) dogjna. *35 fj m d t i f, /. the positive divinity. *35 o jj m d t i f c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) dog matist *35 g lit d t i f d\ a,!}, dogmatical. *35 o fj in a 1 1 f t v c it, p. ». to dogmatize. 55 bic, /. (pl.-n) 1. chough, daw, jackdaw, jay; 2. drain, ditch, - sink ; compos. — ltltC|t, m. rookery. 35 b 11 C, /. (pi. -tt) gin, noose, s prinea (for catching birds) ; compos. — llfitnfj, to. noosing of blackbirds: — llftctii, — Itfh'id), m. the line i. ""fcicn the springes are set. 35 6 1 d), m. (-C8 ; pi. -e; dagger, pon Sard, dirk; bet Heme — , Btiletto; mil eiitcm — c evftecben, to poniard, stab-, compos. — bctvcbl't, adj. armed with a dagger; — fovmig, adj. Like a dag- ger; —Hinge,/, dagger-blade — ft.ib, — ftocf, tn. dart-slick, dart-cane, Jacob's stall"; — fticf), — ftoft, m. stab (with a poniard) ; fciuc SBovte l"inb — ftirhe, he speaks daggers. 35 6 I b C, /. (/>/. -ll) Jl. T. umbel ; top tit — 11, umbellaled; compos. — llblll* me, /. umbelliferous dower; — lltlM: fjCllb, adj. umbelliferous ; — ntraubc, / corymbus: — ntvaubcit tvagenb, nilj corymbiferous ; mit — ntraiibcn be= fctjt, corymbialed. 35 6 1 b cf e, /. white hellebore. 35 6 I I C, /. ( /)/. -11) dent, hollow. *35 6 1 nt a it, to. (-8 ; pl.-t) doliman. 35 6lmetfd>, cut 35elmcti'dH-r. 35olmctfd)Ci!, ». a. to interpret m foreign language). 35 6 1 in c t f d) c v, to. (-8 ; ;-/. — ) inte r- preter ; dragoman. 35 6 1 in c 1 1 d) u n g, /. (pi. -en pretation. *35olontit, m. (-cu ; pi. -en) Do lomite. * 35 i'in, m. (-C8 \ pi. -e 1 dome, cu|, cathedral: compos. — fapttil, n. chap- ter- , — bcdjiint, m.dean of a cathedra] — frail, /. canom'ss; — bcvv, m. canon prebendary; ■ — hcrrlid\ adj. canonical capitular; — Firdie, /. cathedral; — ■> fintcr, m. sexton of a cathedral : — ■ pfaff, m. 1. cent canon; 2. bullfinch; alp, m — pfarret, — vrc> t i.^ev, m. pastor of a cathedral or roi legiate church; — pvot|t, m. pr 137 rent: Serf £ofte a cathedral ; — yvotftci, /. office tr dignity of a provost; — pvobftlicfc, adj. belonging to or vested in provosts of cathedrals ; — ftift, 7i. cathedral, chapter. '3)0 mane, /. (pi. ~tC domain, de- mesne; — beS J^SltigS, crown land; compos. — ligilt, v. domain; — ltfrtilt = HUT,/, office of domains; — Jtratf), vi. counsellor appointed for the domains ; — ItVeVUMltiT, m, manager of domains. *$) 111 C ft t f, m. (-ett ; pi. -en) servant, domestic. *3> o m t c ell ft*, >«. (-eS ; pi. -en) young canon. *3)omictl(tnm), n. (-8; pi. -ten) domicil. *S) 111 t C i 1 1 r e n, v. a. M. E. to domi- ciliate. ►5)0111 tttdnte,/.JI/«s. T. dominant, tile fifth of Hie fundamental tone. ' 3) o m t n i c S n e r, m. (-8 ; pi. —\do- rninican, predicant; compos. ■ — Hofter, n. monastery of dominican friars; — = lllblld), m. dominican friar; — tltlt, — s HOnne,/. dominican nun ; — OlbClt, m. the order of dominicans. *3) 111 1 11 IV C 11, v. a. iy n. to domineer, lord it. *2) lit i 1! 0, m. Sf n. domino. *3) 111 i t, m. (pl.~ttl) Mn.T. trachyte. *5)6n, m. 1. the Don (a river); 2. (pi. -8) don (Spanish title). ►2)0 11 St, vi. (-$;pl.-t) Latin gram- mar, accidence ; compos. — fd)llit}er, m. a grammatical blunder. *2) o it 1 1 S r, m. (-$; pz.-c) z,. r. donee. *JD 11 a t tB n, /. donation. *2)onattft, m (-en; pi. -er) do- natist. ♦Senator, m. (-6; pi. -en) z,. r. donor. 2) n a It, f. Danube ; compos. — fabvt,/. voyage on the Danube ; — ftvnbel, pi. the whirlpools in the Danube. 2) n ft It V0 C r 1 1) , n. Gcog. T. Dona wert. 2)8 ne, vid. 5)5$ne. 2) 5 n f a d>, n. (-e8 ; y. -fddiev) Jt//n. r. the distance between two traverses in a hading-shaft. 2) 3 n \) o 1 5, n. (-e8 ; pi. -boljcr) JHm. T. a traverse in a hading-shaft. 2) n if d), c'. — ) thunder; »0m — gcrtif)ft or getfOffeit, thun- derstruck; compos. — art, f.vid. — feil; — boblte, /. — traitt, n. orpine; — = biifbfc, /. blunderbuss, large pistol ; — gcro[[, n. rumbling of thunder; — s gott, m. Jove the thunderer; — Eetl, m. thunderbolt, lightning; ■ — vebe, /. ground-ivy ; — feblag, m. thunder-clap ; — ftetll, m. thunder-stone, thunderbolt ; — ftctlie, pi. ceraunia; — ft i mine, /. thundering voice ; — ftrafjl, to. flash of lightning, thunderbolt; — Wetter, n. thundering, thundering weather, tem- pest, storm ; — VOettCV ! vaJg. zounds ! by thunder! — VOOlfe,/. thunder-cloud ; — VOOft, n. terrifying word, dreadful sentence. J) 5 It 11 e r e r, ?it. (-8 ; pi. — ) thunderer. So niter it, v. n. (mix. fjaben) to thunder; fig. to fulminate. £> 6 11 net 11, n. thundering, fulmination. 55 It 11 C r 11 \ part. adj. thundering ; thunderous. 133 3) 6 1! n er8t a (J, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) Thurs- day ; bet griillC — , Maundy-Thursday. 2) o o b 8 I) o f t b 1 o if , m. (-eS) JV. T. deadblock. 5) o o b 8 in a it n § a u g e, n. JV. r. dead- eye. 2) 6 \> c, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) JV. T. dobb. S> 6p V el or 2?lipbel, to. a coin (= i Kreutzer). 2) ov \> e I, in compos. — abler, m. double eagle; eagle with two necks; fig. the German empire; — billlb, n, doubie- , ribbon; — bed;er m. dice-box; — bier, n. double-beer, strong beer; — bcil= tig, adj. ambiguous, equivocal ; — = ehe, /. bigamy; — fiillte, /. double- barrelled gun; — fligC, /. Mus. 7'. counterfugue ; — ganger, vi. double- sighted man; — gefang, m. duet? — ; gctge, /. viole d'ainour; — ; gvifftg» adj. double lianded; etlt — gvtTftgeS 9tll= ber, double-headed paddle; — Jjftfen, vi. a large rifle; — feerjtg, ailj. double- hearted, false, deceitful ; — hcrjtgfctt, /. double-mmdedness, falsehood; — = filllt, n. double chin ; — latlf, m. dou- ble-barrelled gun ; — lant, — laitter, m. diphthong ; — lebig, ailj. ampliibious ; —pOVter, m. brown stout ; — VUUCt, vi. colon; — filig, m. hand-in-hand ring; '— fafc,m. T. double; >— fc^atttg, adj. having two shadows; bte — fchartigcit SSolfer, amphiscii; — fel)Iag, 1. m. T. spondee; 2. Mus. T. beat; — fttllt, m. ambiguity ; amphiboly, equivocalness, equivoque; — ftllltig, I. adj. ambiguous, equivocal ; II. ado. ambiguously ; — = ftltlltgfett, /. ambiguity ; — fpatt), to. Iceland crystal; — flctn, m. doublet; — ftiicf, n. duplicate; — titffet, to. double-taffety ; — llfo, v. M. E. double- usances;' — jiiligig, adj. double-tongued; — juttgtgfett, /. deceitful talk, deceitful- ness ; ■ — ji'tnglcr, m. ambiguous talker, deceitful person. 3)6pV clev, to. (-8; pi. — ) ]. one who plays at dice or cards ; a cheat ; 2. T. doubling-iron. 3)0}>l)clljctt, /. doubleness, dupli- city. 2)6pV , fi n / »•!■ "■ 1- t0 double, vid. Sci'bOppelll ', 2. provinc. to sole, furnish with soles; II. ??. (aux. fjabcll) to play (at dice) ; to clieat. 3) p V C 1 1, I. adj. double, twofold ; II. ado double, doubly ; twice ; in compo- sition it ansxeers to the English fold, as : bt'Ct — , threefold; compos. — bri'ttbct= Kg, adj.B. T. biternate ; — geftcbert, adj. B. T. bipennate ; — gepadvt, adj. B. T. bigeminate ; — flOffirilllb, adj. double- convex ; — f)0()h'nitb, ailj. double-con- cave. *3) \}pi 0, adv. Mus. T. doppio, double. 2) r d It t, to. calf's snout (a plant). 3) 8 r cf) c 11, ?i. Doll, Dolly, vid. 2>oro= tf;c«. 2)6rf, 7t. (-eS; pi. Sorfer) village, hamlet; ailfbem— e lt'Odlieit, to live in the country; ba8 fillb t[)11t luUjllli^ fcflC 3) Offer, prov. these are strange things to him, 'tis all Greek to him ; compos. — OCtlgel, m. vulg. country-put ; — beroofiner, m. villager; . — ftur, • — = mat!, /. circuit of a village ; — pfar= V cr, vi. country-parson ; — red)t, v. rights of a village ; — firl)tcr, — llict)tcr, — fcf;llltneift,_ — fcrmljC, m. country- judge; — fctjaft,/. village ; inhabitants of a village, villagers; — fehciifi',/. coun- try-inn; — fcfntlmctftcr, m. school- master of a village ; — fpradje, /. rustic language. © r f cf) C II, n. (-$ ; pi. — ) small village hninlet. 2)0rf if d), adj. villatic. 3)0rflirl), adj. pertaining to a vjllaga, rustic. 3) d f f 11 C f, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) villager. 2) V t C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) Dorian. *2) VtVC 11, v. a. to gild ; to cover ovei coat. 3)8vtSf djnecfe, /. [pi. -n) sea- lemon. 3)8vtff[l, adj. Dorian, Doric; — ( ll'hlltbavf, Doric dialect; — e -rprari)-- eigciibcit, doricism; — er ^In-bnicf, dorism; — C >edlllcil0vb!lllltg, Doric order. *3) v t 8 in U S, to. (pi. -men doricism, dorism. 3) 6 v n, m. (-eg ; pi. -en Sr ©toner) i. thorn, prickle ; 2. spike, tongue, catch (of a buckle) ; 3. T. prick-punch ; — ittt 2illge, eye-sore ; a thorn in the eye ; compos. — apfct, vid. <£techavfel ; — fcaum, vi. coral-tree; — tntfrf), — - ftraitcf), m. thorn, brake, brier ; — bltttc, /.roundel (a fish) ; — cibcebfe, /. a kind of lizard ; — Cllfjecfe, / hedge of thorns ; quickhedge; — CliEfOlie, /. crown ol thorns ; thorny shell ; — [)ai, m. thorn- hound (a fish); ■ — VOifie, ?«. thomback; — fi"t)(ofi, 7!. pipe-keyed lock ; — ft Off, m, brier-stick; — fd)1V>Ctlt, vid. Stad)fU fd)iocin. 2) 6 V It C it, adj. of thorns, thorny. 2) 6 r lit ft; t, adj. like thorns; bte — C SKertte, thorny shell. 2) 6 V n t g, adj. thorny, briery, spiny, prickly. 2) V t f; C a, / Dorothy. 2) owe, »id.3)avre. 3) 6 r V C 11, v. n. (am. fellll) to become dry, to dry. 2) r V C 11, v. a. to dry, to make dry, to bake. 2) o v r in a b e, /. (pi. ~vD dracuncu- lus. 3) o v v f n d> t, vid. 2)ar f fitrfjt. 3)0 vfd), m. (-<:$', pi. -t) haddock (s fish). *2) 6 v f e 1 1 1 n, to. M. e. dorsetteen. 3)6vt, to. vid. 2vcfpe, Soldi. 2)6 r t or 3)6vtcn, adv. there, in that place, yon, yonder; — bvobeil, there above, up there ; — lievcitt, in there ; — lieflllll, there about: — liinblird), through that place ; — I)tliaitf, up there; — f)iitau8, — bevan8, out there; — tnntuiter, fliltab, down there; VOlt — au8, thence, from thence; — bev, aiir. thence ; from thence; — tjin, adj thither, that way; bi8 — bin, thitherto; — binvodvttf, ado. thitherwards, that way. 2)6rttg, adj. of that p' ; »c-c, there; nteinc bovtigen 3'remtbe, my friends there. 2)6rtr ed) t, n. (-e8) Doit. 2)oSd)ctt, 7i. (-8; pi. — ) a littla (snuff-)box. 2)8fe, / (pi. -It) box, snuff-box; com- pos. — nbcifel, 7«. lid of a box; ■ — n« ftiilf, 7i. painting upon a snuff-box. 3) Off,/ (pi. -n) T. wooden vessel, tub. *3)cft 8, / dose. *3)0fftren, ». a. Fort, to slojiei escarp. 3) 6 ft, to. (-e8) \ organy, wild marjo- 3) 6 ft C 11, ra. (-8) ) rain (a plant) ; cow pos. — frailt, n. organy ; hemp rgri- mony. £ran Txcb Tret "55 t a t i It. /. dotation, endowment. *2) 1 1 1 e It, c. a. to endow (a col- lege &c). 55 6 1 1 c r, m. (-§ ; pi- — ) *■ y° ]k of an 2. .B. T. dodder ; darnel ; thorn- »pple; compos. — bluitte, /. buttercup, marigold ; — cjclb, a/lj. as yellow as yolk, yolk-coloured ; — fl'rtUf, n. — = fame, m. gold of pleasure; — pOV= ccllane, /. salt-speckled cowry ; — « fd)licrfc, /. yolk-nerite ; — Wcibe, /. yellow willow. 55 6 t t e V i d) f, adj. resembling yolk. 556ttcrtg, adj. containing yolk. *55 o n a n e, /. (pl. -it) custom-house. •2) o it a it t e v, m . (-i ; p/. -«) custom- house officer. •55 It b I C 1 1 C, /. (p/. -tt) a double piece or copy, duplicate. *55oitblIvett, v. a. to double. *35 o it b 1 1 r f d) r t 1 t, m. (-ed ; y. -c) Mil. T. quick march. ©tad}*, m. (-tt; y. -it) wSDrdd&eit, (-d ; pi. — ) 1 . dragon ; 2. horned snake, cerastes ; 3. fig. termagant ; 4. JV. T. drag : 5. kite ; ber flctl'.C — , dragonet: bcv fliegcnbe— , bolis, fire-ball; einctt —It fitegen laffeit, to fly a kite; com- pos. — ndnfcv, m. drag; — nfifd), m, sea- ii, dragon-fish; — Itfopf, m. Arch. * li. T. dragon's head; — tlpflattje,/. dragon plant, dragon-tree ; — ttfd)lattge, /. ){. T. winged-dragon; — in»UV{, /. dragon's wort. * 55 r d d) lit e, /. {pi. -tt) drachm ; dram. ••55 v d g o m a n, m. (-§ ; pi. -e) dra- goman, interpreter. »55 v a g tt a b e, /. (pi. -It) dragonade. *55 r a g it c r, m . (-% ; pl. — ) dragoon ; compos. — fi| d), m. sordid dragonet. *35 v it 3 ii tt, m. tarragon (a plant) — s C||i : ), m. tarragon-vinegar. 55 r a b t, ? m. (-ed ; pi. -e <$- 55rdtbc) 55 r a t b, J 1. wire ; 2. thread ; — jic= ben, to wire-draw; compos. — avbcit, /. filigrane, fiUagree ; — biltlf, /. r. wire drawing ; — bllttJIC, /. marsh-ma- rigold; — fttUc,/. wire-trap; — fcttftcr, n. window covered with wire ; — for= men, pi. wire moulds; — flitter, 71. wire-trellis, wire-work; — T)cmb, n. mail, coat of net-work; — fliltFc, /. wire gauge ; — fltgct, /. crossbar-shot ; — ma)?, n. — mcffcr, m. iron-gauge; — miibtc,/. wire-drawing mill; — of)r= riltgc, pi. ear-wires; — pllppe, /. pup- pet: — fcberc, /. shears; — fcf)leife, — fdllittge, /. eye; — fd)lte^en. S'taiif/ vid, 55aranf. 55ratifgc[b, n. vid. 31nfgclb. 55 r a ti S, vid. 55arau«. 55rdtifd;en, v. n. (aux. babetti to shower; tS regiiet, baj) tS braufdjt, it showers down. 55 r a li p e It, adv. without, out of doors, abroad. 55 r c d) f e I b a it F, /. (pi. -ocmfe) lathe, turning lathe. 55rcri;fclmiii;le, /. (pi. -n) turner's mill. 5) r C fy f e I n, p. a. to turn on a lathe, to turn. 55rcd)§Ier, m . (-«; pl. — ) turner; compos. — ai'bcit, /. turnery ; — bllbc, /. — labClt, m. turner's shop ; — lvaaie, /. turnery-ware. 55 r C cf, m. (-e8) d*. dirt, mire, mud ; filth, dung; compos. — Fdfcr, m. muck-worm; mire beetle ; — VP$fI, m. mud-sucker. 55 r C cf t g, I. adj. vulg. dirty, muddy ; — madjen, to dirty, bemire ; II. adv. dirtily. 53reg, m. (-eS; pl. -e) jv. r. drag; compos. — tail, 71. mooring rope of a boat ; drag-rope. 55 r c g g c it, v. a. T. to drag, to sweep the bottom. 55reb, m compos. — baljtt, /. l. a roundabout ; 2. rope-walk • — bflttf, /. lathe, turning lathe ; — baffe, /. JV. T. swivel-gun; — baitllt, m. turnpike, turn- stile, JV. T. crab-bar; — bc-gcit, m. drill-bow ; — britcfe, /. turn-bridge ; — ci|Ctl, n. — jtabl m. turner's chisel; eilt bol)k3 — Ctfctl, turning gouge; — bald, m. wry neck, emmet-hunter (a bird) ; — flobctt, 777. T. fusee-clamp ferrule; ■ — fl'ablt, m. T. crane; — - frailftjcif, /. giddiness (of sheep) : — » frcitj, 71. turnpike, turnstile ; — labc, /. T. pewterer's turning wheel ; — = crget, /. barrel organ ; — VfaM m - laying-pole; — ^mtf t, 771. turning point, pole; — rab, 77. turning wheel; twist- ing wheel ; — voile,/, ferrule (of the watchmakers); — fdjeibc, /. potter's wheel ; diamond-cutter's wheel ; drill- box ; — feffel, 711. vid. — ftubf ; — = fpdfjtte, pl. turnings or shavings (of iron. &c.) ; — fptcgcl, 777. swim: ^'las.s ; — fliff, m. T. arbour ; — fliftftitble, ar- bor-stands ; — flocf, 777. turning-stafl" (of potters) ; — flit I) I, in. turning-chair ; music-stool; T. turn-bench; — ttfdj, 771 dumb waiter ; — tVUtfel, 777. totum. ^rfl^eit, 77. a. to turn; fid) — , to turn, to revolve; ciltCllt CtlvaS alio ber £(tttb — , to wind, wrest a thing out of one's hand; cincit Stvtcf — , to twist a rope ; tilt Jtrcifc — , to turn in a circle. 55 re be nb, aij. turning; dizzy, giddy. 55 re ber, m. (-$; pl. — ) 1. turner; winch ; laying booss : 6d; 2. Mum. 7 a German dance or glow waits. 35reberct, /. cant, turning chicane. 55vebliitg, m. (-*%", pi. -0 r. 1 spring-wheel ; ban. I!.; of a wh( dizzy sheep. 55' ref, I. adj. three; aller gittcn Xingt ntiilieit — (i'.mi, prov. numbi t is always fortunate; II. *. / (at cards); compos. — adUell 9 . .!/«.•,-. T. time or measure of three quavers; — b(Ulb, It three band fiai; — beinig, adj. three-legged, three-foot- ed; — blatr, 7i. trefoil; — blattevtg, adj. trifoliate; li. T. tripetalou- bllllltig, adj. B. T. three-flowered; — = biinb, 77i. — ofintmfl, 71. triple-alli- ance; — becfer, 7«. .\: r. threedecker; hid. three-cornered hat; — boppelf, vid. 55vetfadi; — bvabf, w. strong linen, ticking _ (formed of three threads) ; — Hflfyttg, adj. of three twisted thread- ; — ccf, 71. triangle ; bie SerjM von belt — Ctl, trigonometry; — ed: '■, triangular, three-cornered; — eiltig, adj. triune; — cilligfeir, f. trinity, bev an tie — etiiigfcit ©laubenbr, trinitarian; — fitff), adj. tlir. triple, triplicate; — fdebcvtg, adj. li. T. tliree-ceUed ; — fad)beit, /. triplicity ; — faltt'g, adj. threefold, triune ; — 3 fafftflfetf, vid. 55rcicittigfett; — fal* tigfcitSblttme, /. beart's-ease, pansy; —falttglettSfllocfdjen, v. mareh-violct ; — fllfj, 771. tripod, trevet; brand iron; cresset; — ftiffig, adj. three: bipedal ; — flcfang, —fang, m.— fptel, 71. Mus. T. trio; — gcflaltct, adj. in- form; — I)cit,/. triad; — berr. — berrs fd)cr, m. triumvir; — f)ervfd)aft, /. tri- umvirate ; — jdbrig, adj. triennial, three years old; — fatllig, adj. vid. — fct» tig ; — fiang, m. Mas. T triad;— fab,!, 771. common buckbean; marsh-b — fbpftl. adj. three-beaded; — froiie, r. the triple crown (of the pope) ; — f iifi^, adj. three hooped ; — lappig, adj. threo- lobed ; — lant, — lautcr, m. triphthong ; — Icibig, adj. tricorporeal ; — lit ill, ado thrice, three times; ■ — liuilig, adj. re peated three times ; — lliafler, 7/1. ship with three masts ; joe. three cornered hat; — lllOltatlid), adj. once in three months; — pfiilltcr, 771. three pounder ; — Vfi'Hbig, adj. of three pounds; — = rcim, m. triplet; — rtppig. adj. Jl. ']\ three-nerved; — rbfjrig, adj. tritistuln- ry; — VllbCVtg, adj. provided With three rows of oars; — viiberigc 0\iicere, trireme; — f($KtQ, m. 8p. T. ambling place (of a horse) ; three-stroke : — = fd)lit}, ra. Arch. T. triglyph : — fitnci= big, adj. three-edged; — ]titift,adj. tri- lateral;!?. T. three -edged; — Hfeig, adj. having three seats, three-seated; — = fyaltig, adj. tritid;— fvannig, adj. with a team of three, yoked with three hor- Bes; — fladu'I, 771. T. an instrument with three points or pricks; — fttlll = lllig, adj. .Mus. T. for three v parts; — ftlbig, adj. trisy llabical ; — = tdgig, adj. la.-ting three days, three days old. alternating every third day ; bad — tagtge fyteber, tertian ague ; — j tbeiltg, adj. tripartite ; /.'. '/'. three-cleft, three-parted; — tbeiliing-Hirfcl, m. tri secting compass; — DtVCIIt, m. : alliance; — DtCT teltact, tn. Mas. T. time or measure of three crotchets; ■ — ttJfft, vi. point where three roads meet ; — IB8U beret, /. marriage with three wives; — mitifelltg, adj. triangular; — :acf. m trident ; —jatftg, —Jtnftfl, ad;, tl forked; — U'bn, adj. thirteen; — ;cb> tier, 7/:. meml 1 ncil or com 139 Trill Xrcm Tutcf mission of thirteen; — ',cf)llte, c'j. thirteenth; |Ultt — jebuteu, in tne Uiirteentli place ; — ^titEig, adj. thi?e- fbrfced ; — gotltj), adj. three-inched ; cont. little: ■ — liiugig, adj. three-tongued ; — sircirdt-tct, in. Mus. T. time or mea- sure of three minims. 2 s r c i c r, m. (-§ ; pl. — ) a quarter of a ©rofcben. 2> r C l C r [ C t, adj. of three different kinds. 25 r C i I i It g, m. (-CS ; pi. -e) I. a num- ber of three : -'.a small coin, half-penny ; 3. Hie third part of a whole; -4. tripla.- ris (a tree). £> r CI fd\ m. (-C»; pl.—Z) a fallow mead* 25 re in, rontr. farcin. S r e i % X g, adj. thirty. 25 r c i f; i g c r, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) 1. a man of thirty years; 2. member of a coun- cil or commission of thirty ; 3. a thing consisting of thirty parts ; 4. something produced in the year 1830 (as wine) ; — tUH, / a female thirty years old. 25 r e i (j i g e t 1 e t, adj. of thirty different kinds. £) r C l fi i g ft C, adj. thirtieth. 2) rcifrigftct, n. (-»; pi. — ) the tliirtieth part. Srclft, adj. bold; confident; auda- cious, courageous; forward; — 1110= d)CH, to embolden, encourage. £';,n. 2> r c i ft, fi ii ff n. Both denote that qual- ity of mind which enables men to encounter danger with firmness. Sutrn, however, implies a greater degree of boldness and is opposed to fearful or cowardly ; ?rtift, conveys the idea 'of assurance merely, and is opposed to basliful or tim'.d. 35 r CI fit gfe tt, /. boldness; confi- dence ; assurance ; audaciousness ; for- wardness. £ re lie, rid. 25rittid); "ErcTIbobrer, md. 2:rilIbobrcr. 25rc'fd\ in compos. — bide, /. barn- floor, thrashing-floor; — flcgel, m. flail ; — mcifchine,/. thrashing-machine ; — = fCllUC, /. thrashing-floor; — rectgeit, m. thrashing-cart; — Secjnfe, m. thrashing tithe; — jeit, /. the usual time for thrashing. £ r i f cb CU, v. ir. a. to thrash, to thresh. 25 r c f d) C r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) thrasher ; compos. — lobU, 77i. wages paid for thrashing ; — ftrtllb, m. the dust from thrashing ; chaff. JDrfSbcn, n. (-5) Dresden. 25 r ? § b e n e r, adj. of or from Dresden. Sre'ffc, rid, Sreffe. *25ref fit CU, v. a. to dress, break-in. teach ; (with perriwig makers) to fasten the hair to the net. *25rcffiir, /. training, breaking (of animals). 25rTebradjen, v. a. to trifaiiow. 25 r T e f cf), adj. provinc. fallow. 25 1 1 1 f cb e tt, v. a, protinc. to fallow S T I e f € (, m. (-§ J pi. — ) provinc. top ; roller, swivel. S) tl t f t t\X, v. a. to whirl ; to turn ; rid. Slufbriefeftt. 2) r i ft, to. (-cS ; pi. -e) l. JV. r. drift, floating substance ; 2. T. iron hoop covered with a net of cords used in dyiii2. 25 lit I, in compos. — bogett, 777. drill- bow; — k*brcr, m. drill; — ftfeb, m. electrical eel ; • — bciuscbcn, n. pillory; — mctftcr, m. + officer (sergeant) that drills the soldiers, drill-sergeant ; — ' plotfc, m. ■[■ place, where soldiers are trained; — Icigc, /■ hack-saw; — s ftctltgc, f. drill-stock. 140 2) r 1 1 [ C n, r. a. 1. to turn ; 2. to drill, bore ; 3. J^. to drill, exercise (sol- diers) ; 4. to pester, importune ; 5. .V. T. to track or tow a ship by a rope with a single block. 2) v i U C r, 771. (-S ; pi. — ) teaser, bore. 2) r f I U cb, m. {-$; pi. -Z) tick, tick- ing, huckaback. 25 r i I I i d) C U, adj. made of ticking. 2) r i 1 1 i U g, 771. (-§ ; pi. -e) 1. T. spring- wheel ; handle of a wheel ; 2. three- twin child, triplet ; also. — Sgcburf, / — Sfinb, n.\compos. — sfebcibe,/. rundle; — SftOCf/ 7n. pin; — erolk, /. arbour. 25 rut, vid. 2\uin. 2) r i n g e n, r. »>. I. n. (aus. feint) (in) to rush in ; to press, press forward ; to penetrate, pierce; to enter by force; tit ben ©eift eineS Sicbfcrs ■ — , to enter into the spirit of a poet ; tit Ctnc 2tab£ — , to enter a town by force; febr in cittctt — , to press (urge) on very much ; nuf (5£rect§ — , to insist upon, to press a thing: II. a. to urge, force; SOU ber ?C0fb ge= bruugen, urged by necessity. 2>rtngenb, I. adj. pressing, urgent, cogent ; Ctll — C3 ®efd)aft, an instant business ; — e Sitte, instance ; II. adv. in a pressing manner. X> r i n g li ch, adj. urgent X) v i it g I i d; t e i t, f. (pi. -ett) urgency, emergency. 2)fifd)cl, rid. 2>refdif[egeL 2>rftte, adj. third; jebcr — 2\tg, every third day; JUttt — it 37cale, for the third time ; bte — §attb, Jf. T. sea-yoke. 2)rtttel, n. (-5; pi. — ) Srittbcif, 71. (pi. -t) third. 2) r l £ t e I n, v. a. to divide into three parts. 25 r i f £ c I ft u cf, (-e§ ; pi. -e") 2)n'tfel, 71. third part of a dollar, half a florin. 25 r i £ £ t n S, adj. thirdly. 25 r 1 f £ t) a I b, adj. two and a half. 2) r f f f I C & f, adj. antepenult, third from the end. 25rt t t\> Ct f nitric-, adj. Gram. T. impersonal (of verbs). 25 vt ttfd)cin, m. (-es) full mccn. 25r6b, nid. S)arob. 2) t C b e 11, adv. there, above, up there, up stairs ; on high, in heaven. *2) r c g u e n, 2) r g u z x 1 e e n, pi. drugs, grocery-wares. *25ro3utrieb)anbiung, /. drug- shop. *2) r c g u c £ t, m. (-§ ; pi. -e) drugget. *2> r g u i ft, m. (-en ; pi. -en) spicer, grocer. 25rbbcit, r.Ti. ^-o. to threat, threaten, menace ; to denunciate, (ciltCITt mil tttoai or cinent clival); ben 6in< fturj — , to menace ruin. 2) 1 b C U b, part. adj. <$- adv. threaten- ing, denunciatory. 25 r B f) c r, 771. (-8 ; pi. — ) tbreatener. 2) I B b It C, /. ( pi. -n) drone. 25 v 8 b n e n, o. n. (aux. baben) to roar, groan ; to quake ; to tinkle. 25 r B b U n g, /. [pi -en) threat, threat- ening, menace. 2) r B b re r f, n. f-e« ; pi. -c) threat- ening speech, threat. 25 r i 1 1 i g, I. adj. droll, merry : face- tious, ludicrous, odd: ein — ev 3Jctnfd), a droll fellow: Ctlt — Ct (iillfall, drol- lery ; II. adv. drolly, ludicrously, &c. *25 r P m C b a r, n. [-4 ; pi. -C) dromedary. 25 1 m ling, m. (-» ; pi. -e) t. tin urn, 25 r o m m c f e, /. (pi. -n) tn mptu rid, Xrompctc. 25 1* c in m e 1 c 11, 0. a. A- it. md. 2rnn> pefen. 25 con en, vid. 25r5t)nen, 2) r 1: n £ c, m. (-n ; pi. -n) the dodo (a bird). 25 r i5 *, ii. (-ffcJ) -V. T. dregs of bad tar. 25 r c f d) e 1, 771. vid. 25re febfiegei. *25 r C f d) f e, /. (pi. -n) drosk (a kind of Russian carriage). 25r£ffct, /. ( p l. -n) 1. Adam's apple; throat, throttle; 2. thrush, throstle (a (bird); compos. — itber, /. .). T. jugular vein : — bctlt, n. J}. T. collarbone ; — ~ bcerfirctucb, 771. water elder. 25 reft, 771. (-e§; pl.-Z) upper bailiff; high bailiff. 25roftei,/. (pl. -en) jurisdiction or house of a high bailiff. 2) t ii b e tt, adv. on that side. 25 x u b e r, vid. 25arubcr. 25 1 li cf, 771. (-CS ; pl. -e) I. compression, pressure ; 2. T. spring ; 3. print, print- ing, stamp ; proof (among printers) ; 4. JVC. E. depression (of prices) ; 5. fig. pressure ; oppression : — Ktif ber .^itnb, squeeze ; — ber 2d)recre, gravitation ; — eiue3 (9cre5lbe§, flying out or spreading of a vault ; in ben — gebcit, to put in print; eincit — ab^icben, Ti/p. T-s. to pull off a proof; compos. — bcrirbjigcr, m. corrector; — bertd)= £igung, /. correction; — be'erger, „,. editor of any printed work; — bud' = \tabt, 77i. type; — crhtltbmfi, /. licence to prim a book; — febier, in. typogra- phical error, erratum ; ■ — fcrtig, adj. ready for the press; — form, /. print- form; — t)cbel, 771. T. a lever which acts downwards by pressure; — J-tbt, 71. the year in which a book is printed ; — f often, pl. expenses of printing: — * lappd;en, — wlftercben, n . pledget; — orf, 771. the place at which a book is printed, imprint; — papier, 71. printing- paper: — pUlltpe, /. T. forcing pump; — febrift, /. book printed, publication, types, print; ■ — fteillpel, m. piston; -—* ftange,/. r. forcer; — serbot, n. p'» hibition to publish a book ; — reerf, 1. flypress ; — JCtltge, /. T. pincers. 25 r li ff e U, v. a. to print ; to stamp ; — laffctt, to put in print. 2) 1 1! if C tt, v. I. a. 1. to press, squeeze ; 2. to pinch (said of shoes ; 3. fig. to oppress, vex, afflict: 4. to depress ; tzt battel bas -$ferb gebriirff, the saddle has galled the horse : cs frriitfl mid; till SJfagetl, I liave pains in my stomach; ber 2llp bat ibu gefnicfr, he has had the night-mare; t\t? 5tc= gel — CfUf ..., to put the seal to...; an feine 23ruit — , to press against one's breast; II. n. (auz. r)ctbeu) 1. Phys. T. to gravitate ; 2. to oppress, ] III. rejl. 1. to get injured, hurt, sore, by pressure ; 2. vulg. to depart (claudes tinely). 25 r liefer, 771. (-3; pl. — ) printer; pressman; compos. — CU'bcif, /. work; — bctllcu, m. printing ball ; — * forte, — febroarje, /. printing ink (printer's ink) ; — lobn, 71. printer's wares; money paid for printing: — = preffe, /.printing-press; — febrtft, / type ; — simmer, it. press-room. 25 r ii cf e r, m. (-§ ; pl. — ) Inn I the latch) : trigger (of a gun" : t-CIt — jieben, to pull the trigger ; . V T ■ Turfni £ump Xiimi untcrm Jtrabnbalfen, supporter of the cat-head; — in bcr ^iiiftctt, knee on the chain-wales; — itntcr ben t)(iiftcit, supporter under the chain-wales. S)rucfcrci, /. (pi. -en) 1. art of printing; 2. printing-house. £) V li (f f e It, v. n. vulg. to tarry, hesitate, waver. S> r u b, vi. (-en ; pi. —en) ftritbe, /. (pi. -It) 1. wizard; witch; 2. night-mare; compos. — CltbauiU, m. a tree under which wizards are said to meet; — Ctt= bentel, m. puff-ball ; — enfu£, to. pen- tagram (a magic sign) ; — Cttfltp or — Ctt= fl'iltlt, n. provinc. common club-moss, wolf's claw; — Cttftiicf, n. a certain piece of the shoulder of beef. 3) ni f f c I, /. (pi. -It) provinc. cluster, clump, group. S> r it t b C, m. (-n ; pi. -It) 1. + god; 2. druid ; li. wizard. J) r li m, rid. ©arum. S r li m J3 c lb c c r e, provinc. rid. .£>ci= belbeere. 2) r ii u t c it, adv. (for ba untcn or bort UlltClt) there below, below. 2) v li n t e x, rid. Sarunter. 2) v ii f cf) e, /. (pi. -n) turbot, eelpout. 2) r ii f d) I i 1! g, m. (-C8 ; pi. -C) common mushroom, champignon. 2) r ii f C, /. {pi. -tt) 1 . glanders, strangles (a disease of horses); 2. crystallized piece of ore ; ore decayed by the weather ; 3. Druse ; — Itfobalt, vt. Min. T. drusy cobalt. Stiife, /. (pi. -it) gland; caruncle, kernel ; fleillC — , glandule ; bic — fcer pjferbe, strangles; bie — ii an bcr defile bev SPferbe, vives; compos. — ttbcfd)vct= bung,/, adenography; — ngefd)TOulft, /. swelling of the glands; — nfr3vild)Cll, pi. muscous follicles; — tlfrattfbcit, /. disease of the glands; — ltlcbrc, /. adenology; — ttycrbavtitng, /. scir- rhosity ; — njt rglitbf rung, /. adenot- omy. 2) r ft f C tt, pi. 1. lees, dregs ; 2. husks. 2>Vitftd)t, adj. 1. (in minerals) re- sembling superficial crystallization; (of ore) decayed or hollowed by the weather ; 2. affected by the glanders. 2> t ii f i g, adj. having the strangles. 2) r ii f i g, adj. glandulous. 2>r ii d awt r $, /. (pi. -fin) bulbous, crowfoot; water-drop wort, wild parsley. *2> r \) S b C, /. (pi. -n) Myth. T. Dryad. 2) R, pron. thou. *2> U S I (t i), m. (-ti ; pl.-t) Oram. T. the dual number. *2> it alii m it 9, m. dualism, duality. *2> It a I i ft t f A), adj. dualistic. *2) It a I i t a t, /. duality. 2) ii b b a m m c r, m. (-9 ; pi.— ) r. great hammer moved by water. *2>nblcttc, vid. ©ouWette. 2 It 6 1 1 II, ii. (-9) Dublin ; — Ct, m. — f = 1" tit It, /. native or inhabitant of Dublin; — cr, adj. of or from Dublin. *2) n b 1 3 it e, /. (pi. -n) doubloon. *2)UCSten, m. (-3; pi. — ) ducat; compos. — gplb, n. the purest gold; — vovduil, n. mouse-ear (a plant). 2) li dl t, /. (pi -en) A". T. 1. a strand ; -. a thwart. 2) ii cf b a I b c tt, pi. JV. T. poles in a Stiffen, v. rtjl. 1. to duck, stoop; 2. fig. to accommodate one's self to cir- cuinstances; to humble one's self, J) li d m a U f f 6 m. (-« ; pi. — ) fawn- ing sharper, dissembler, sneaker hypo- critical fellow. 2) ii cr" ft e i n, m. (-tS; ;>/. -e) l. caik- tulT; 2. sort of beer. 2) H b C I b C i, n. (-9) trilling talk, prattle ; a trifle. 2) U b e I C i, /. (pi. -en) piping or sing- ing badly. 2>iibeter, ©Abler, to. (-9; pi. — ) bad singer or player; poetaster. 2)iibe[ = f aftcn, m. barrel-organ; — maun, to. (2?ublcr, pi. — ) mlg. Bag- piper ; — facf, m. bagpipe — farf * pfetfer, to. bagpiper. 2) U b C I It, v. a. to play on the bag- pipe ; cont. to play badly on the flute, &c, to sing badly. *2> It C I f, to. (-(9 ; pi. -C) duel. *2) u e 11 d n t, to. (-en ; pi. -en) duellist. *2> u e 1 1 1 r e n, v. rcfl. to duel, to fight a duel. *2) " 1 1 1, n. (-9 ; />/. -e) Mus.T. duetto. 2) it ft, to. (-eS ; y. SMifte) l. vapour, exhalemenf, exhalation ; 2. scent, fra- grancy ; — bruch, in.coltiness (of trees) ; — gCTOiJlf, n. haze : — ftlMllfb, m. diosma (a plant); — TOO Iff, /. thin or hazy- cloud. 23 lif ten, p. n. (avx. tyaben) to exhale, give odour, fragrance. 2) ii f t C It, o. a. to exhale, emit moisture ; to scent, emit scent (said of flowers). 2) li f t C It b, ) adj. 1. vaporous, misty; 2) li f it g, 5 -• scenting, fragrant, odorous. 2) li f i n g, /. A". T. dip of the horizon. 2» li I b b a f, adj. tolerable, sufferable, allowable. 2) li I b f It, v. a. I. to bear with patience, abide; endure; S. to tolerate, suffer. Syn. Gulden, 2fn. Pcifci denotes mere- ly, to permit, to ->i!]'.-r, not to re--y.t, without specifying whether the thing tolerated is an evil or not X'uii'ni always supposes that the thing borne or surtereil, voluntarily or invol- untarily, ia an evil or misfortune, an. I is felt ns such, fiulbfn is saul only of tnen and beasts; Seiorn sJso of inanimate objects. 2) ti I b e r, m. (-9 ; pi. — ) sufferer. 2) It I b fa lit, adj. enduring; tolerant. 2)iilbfamff it, ©u'lbling, /. tolera- tion, tolerance. 2) li 1 1 C It, pi. A". T. tholes or tholepins. 2) lilt, m.(-t9;pl.-t) provinc. fair, mark It. 2) li lit ill, adj. dull, stupid, blockish ; silly, foolish, nonsensical, idiotical; fin — ft Stveidl, a silly trick; — (9 3 cl, 3' nonsense; — tinidu'it, to stupify pas. — bftrt, m. dunce, simpleton; — ■ breift, adj. stupidly bold; fool-hardy, — breiftigfeit, /. fool-hardiness, fat wardness; — bcit, /. dulness, stupidity. blockishness ; — ficitcn, foolish tricks; — fopf, m. block-head, dullhead, donee, lackwif — fOpfig, adj. stupid ;— fppftgs fcit, / rapidity; — fii^n, adj. fool- bardy. 2) ti m in 1 1 n g, m. (-(9 ; pi -e) sim- pleton, automaton. 2> ii m ni r t a n, m. (-9 ; pi. -f ) i . mtg, stupid fellow; 2. fleawort (a plant). 2) ii in |3 e I tt, v. n. JV. T. to heave and set. 2) li m V f, adj. I. damp, moist; musty, vid. ©uinpftg; 2. dull, hollow, di sound ; Ctll — -c^ Sd'TOfigcn, a silence. 2Milltpfcl, n. (-«; pi. — ) pool, puddle. 2) It lit V fe It, m. asthma, pursiness, 2) ii in V f bett /. Insensibility, stupor. 2)limpftg, adj. 1. damp. iii> musty, mouldy. 25 it nt p f i g f e i t,/. dampn- S> it m p f I a cf) t c r, /. Min. r. i sure of four ells. 2)iimpffinu, m. '-9 stupid or senseless state, stupefaction. 2) iinc, /. (pi. -n) vid. 2aunc. 2) ii n f, /. (;;/.-u) down (8 large open plain) ; compos. — Itgrae, ». cotton- grass ; — Itbalnt, to. sea reed grass, — nrofe, /. Scotch rose. 2) li It g, m. vid. 2)iingcr j compos — gabfl, /. dung-fork; — t&fft, m. mack-worm; — (age, /. — baufcit, m. dung-hill ; — ftiittc, /. dang-heap. 2) ling en, v. a. to dung, nmnu.e, muck. 2) ti It g e II, ti. stcrcoration. 2) II tl g C r, m. (-t) dung, manure muck; — ftbf, /. garden-mould. 2) u n g r a 9, n. cotton-gi 2)Uttguitg / /. dunging, manuring, stereo ration. 2) li II ff I, adj. 1. dark; dusk, dusky, gloomy, murky, cloudy ; overcast ; -. opaque ; 3. fig. dim ; dark, obscure ambiguous, intricate, abstruse ; mystic, mystical, mysterious; — TOCVtnt, to grow dusky; — e Segrifff, c ideas; ClltC — ;C 9Jltcf CVlIt ilCVllll-V a faint recollection; int — n Icbcn, vid. Suns fclbeit; bie 3'avbcn — cr macben, to deepen the colours; compos. — au= gig, adj. having dark eyes; — blau, adj. dark-blue ; — bmilll, a j. dun ; — fai'big, dark-coloured ; — g'clb, adj tawny; — grau, adj. dark-grey; — = baavig, adj. dark-haired; — flar, adj. dark and clear; clan: obscure ; — = lid;t, 7i. twilight, crepuscule; — ntanit, m. (-cs; pi. -manner) an advocate for keeping the people in ignorance member of the old school ; — rotb, adj murrey. Si/n. fOun Itlf It ntfM tlid). sense, f* ,, ji («- [^ implies i light, and unfeiitli.b only part:nl ob^<- indistinctness, eo in a ficuraJ is Silld to be fatlfcl, wli:i li ifl be perf.-ci.'y incomprabi le, unrcailid^ that winch bj not perfectly clear or intelligible. 2) ii it f c I, ti. (-9) Siinfclbeif, /. dark- ness; duskishnesa ; dimness; obscur- ity; opacity; in bcr — bcit Icbcn, to live in obscurity. 2) li 11 f C I, ni. (-9) 1. prejudice ; fancy ; caprice; whim; 2. Belf-conceit, pre- sumption; arrogance; — Nlbcit, onceited; campus. — I\ift, — Doll, ' rogant, conceited. 2)iiufelii, ?-. n. (avx. hibcn to darken, to grow dusky: fig, I > grow dim ; to cloud. 2) ti n f c it, r. i. n. (out. baben) with Ou dit. to seem; appear; fie Niiitrc mit fdu ; tt, I thought b i I tlMU, toai itf gut biinfr, do what • proper to you; ll. nrt. . to fancy, Im fid) — laffcn; lap btcb iiirbt flug — •, don't fancy yours f wise; in imp. with ace. c'i blillft lllt'd) or lllid) biitift, methinks, it » ems to n*. 2)li Itf trd)Clt, h. Dunkirk. 2) ii ii f I i u g, m. (-9 ; pi. -e) ur or conci iti >1 2)iillll, adj, thin, slender, small, lean clear; vulg. scarce: ba3 ( s \ib it! — , money i -t9 '•!'[« small beer; — nmrbcit, eid, 8Serbun= ttcii ; compos. — In'irttg, adj. thin ! . — band', m carp — baudug, adj. thin-bellied; — bl.U> tcrig, odf. thin-leaved, tenuifolious; — ■ 14) Surd) Surd) Turd) baarig, adj. thin-haired ; — balfifl, a/j. slim uecked ; — Iniutifl, adj. thin- skinned; ■ — lcibifl, adj. thin-bodied; — lippig, adj. thin-lipped ; — t'hvig, adj. having a quick ear; — fnjfllig, adj. thin-shelled; — ftctu, m. ligh .-diamond; — tltd), n. lawn. Suttne, /. (pi. -It) thinness; slen- derness; tic — n, iiio Hanks; tie — bet Vllfl, rareness of the air. 55 11 it it e it, vid. aSerbunnen. 35 li It 11 U II g, /. flank, thinness. 3>lill 8, m. (pi. -fc) dunce. 1) 11 11 f C II, v. ir. n. (aux. fclllt) to swell, to be pulled up ; to get blotched, bloated; gcbllllfcit, part. adj. bloated. 55 lin ft, m. (-c8; pi. 35iinfte) 1. va- pour, damp, steam; 2. small-shot, fowl- ing-shot; 3. prouinc. fine flour, fine dust : .fig. cincm ctitcn blaiicn — »omwd;Ctt, to mystify (vulg. humbug) one ; compos. — bilb, ' — gebilbe, n. form of mist ; Jig. phantasy, vision ; — bab, vid. 35aiiipfbab; — fltitfe, /. fowling-piece; — gviibd)Cll, n. pore; — frct8, m. atmosphere ; — fltflel, /. a:oIipile ; — lorb,, m. air-hole ; — lltft, /. Ch. T. gas. 35 li It ft C It, v. n. {auz. f)aklt) to va- pour, steam, smoke. 35 ii n ft c it, v. a. to stew, vid. 55dmpfcit. ID li It ft i (J, adj. vaporous, vaporish ; full of steam, damp. *35 li 0, n. (-'8 ; pi. -8) Mus. T. duett. *25 u o b c c t m a I m a jj, n. (-c8 ; pi.-t) duodecimal measure. *25 u o b e c t m a I r c cb tt u n g, /. cal- culation .by duodecimals. e 25 it ob cct ma I ft) ft em, n. (-8; pi. -c) the system of dividing the unit into twelve equal parts. *35 it o b e c t m e, /. (pi. -n) Mus. t. an interval of twelve diatonic intervals. *35 U D b 1 1, n. duodecimo ; half sheet of twelves : compos. — banb, m. duodecimo volume ; — fitl'ft, m. a petty prince ; — lltdlllicfyeit, n. hop-o'-my-thumb. *25 U b C XX U lit, n. (-6) A. T. duo- denum. "Siiobramj, n. (-$; pi. -8) a melodiam in which only two persons act. 25 li p C t f e tt, n. T. nail-driver. 55 ii p f e it, vid. Sitpfen, Sjipfeit. *55 11 p 1 1 C a t, n. (-C8 ; pi. -e) dupli- cate. *55 u p I i c a 1 1 5 n, ? /. (pi. -en) dupii- *35 U p 1 1 C a t fl r, ) cation. *55 Up I 1 C 1 1 a t, /. duplicity. ••55 U p 1 1 C t r C 11, v. a. to duplicate ; L. T. to rejoin. *25 It p 1 1 f, /■ ( V 1 - — ««) £. T. rejoinder. *35 U p 1 1 V C It, v. a. to double (a sum of money). * 55 up 1 1 1 « m a f d) i it e, /. twister ; compos. — fdjl'ttt, m. quick pace. ••35 li p I u m, it. (-8 ; pi. -pla or -plcn) double. *35 ii r, adj. indecl. Mas. T. sharp, major. £) li r d), I. prep, (with theacc.) 1. through ; by, by means of; owing to; in con- sequence of; 2. throughout, during, long; — bte Stabt rcifeit, to pass through the town; — belt Strom fcfyvoilltinclt, to swim across the river; — flerrcpte Okfctsc, by just laws ; — 3f)>tll 5Bciftatlb, with your assistance; -— bte SJSoft, by the post; — tl)lt bill trf) gii'tCi'itd), ilirough him I am happv; has gait je 3al)t — , thnughout ti.o whole year; belt £afl — l)a!t er fid) 142 Oeritcdt, in day-time lie keeps himself concealed ; IF. adv. 1. through, through- out; 2. finished, worn out; bic educate thoroughly ; to perfect. 25 ii v d) b i I b e v 11 <$■ _ 25i;vd)bilberti, v. a separ. <$■ insepar C t II ii3lld) — , to turn over all the pictures in a book. J)lird; b lafcit, » ir. a. separ. 1. to blow, play over (a piece of music) ; to blow through, to perflate; 2. 55ui'Cp* blafeit, insefhr. to blow through. 2)UVd) bid t tem, v. a. insepar. to turn over the leaves ; to peruse, run over (hastily and superficially). 55 ii v d) b 1 d 11 c 11, vid. 55uvd;priige(it. 55 ii v d)bli if, m. (-e8 ; pi. -c) glance or peep through ; penetration. 55 lit' d) b 1 1 (f C It, v. n. (aux. babcit) se- par. to peep (glance, gleam) through ; to pierce, transpire. 25urd)bliif e 11, c. a. insepar. to pe- netrate with one's look; to look through. 55iird)blinf cit, ». n. (aux. I;abeit) separ. to gleam through. 55 It t d) b I i ij C It, v. a. insepar. to flash through. 55 li r d) b b V C It, v. a. separ. I. to pierce ; to bore through, to perforate ; Ctll <&d)iff — , to sink a vessel ; 2. 35lird)bot)rcit, fg. insepar. to pene- trate, pierce through. 55lird)bof)fUUg, /. perforation. 55 li r d) b r a t C li, v. ir. a. separ. to ro«3l through or thoroughly. 55 li r d) b r a it f e n, v. I. n. (aux. femt) separ. to roar through ; II. 35lirrf>braii= fell, a. insepar. same meaning. - 55 li r d) b X e d) C It, V. ir. I. separ. a. 1 . to break through, open by violence ; II n. (auz. fcl)lt) to break through, force one's way through. 25 U t'd)b VCd; etl, v. a. insepar. i. fi pierce, break through ; 2. to perforate artificially ; biird)brod)cnc Jlvbett, pierced work, net-work. 55iird)brcnnen, v. ir. n. (aur..i)^ ben) 1. separ. to bum through ; 2. 55uvd)bvClIUClt, insepar. to glow through, fill with a glow. 55 li V d) b V i It fl e II, v. ir. a. separ. 1. to get, bring, carry, lead, or run through ; '2. Jig. to spend, squander; lavish, dis- sipate ; fid) cbrlid) — , to get honestly through the world, to get an honest living; cr bat fetit gattjeS 3Serm5ge« bhtd)gebrad;t, he has spent all his estate. 55 li i" d) b r i it g c r, m, (-8 ; pi. — ) spendthrift, vid. QScrfdjIUCltbcr. 55 li vd)b vihf el it, v. n. separ. to crumble through. 55 ii r d; b r 11 d), m. (-e8 ; ;;/. -bi'iidie) 1. breaking through ; 2. breach ; 3. diarrhoea; 4. network, filligree-work. 55 li V d) b r ii I) C It, v. a. separ. to scald through. 55 U V d; b V ii 1 1 C It, v. a. insepar. to nil with roaring. 55iivd)bvummc 11, v. a. 1. separ. to hum through; 2. 35iircbbnininmt, (insepar.) to fill with humming or n larhig 55 11 V d) b V ft 1 1 It, v. a. insepar. to paM musingly (the day, the night, &c). 55 li V d) b It d) ft a b i V C It, v. a. separ. in spell through. 35 ii t d) b it v \t e it, ». a. separ. to bruafc thoroughly ; fg. to reprimand severe** 55 ii v d) b u v 5 c 1 it, v. n. {/jx fer>u! separ. to tumble through. 35 u r d) b d dl t ? well weighed contrived £urd) Ciit^biimmcr It, v. I. n, separ. to dawn through ; IL 23urd)bcimmcrit, v. n. insepar. to saunter through (the streets, &c). 33 U r rf) b d mp f t tt, v. I. fl. inscpnr. to fill with vapours (fume, smoke) ; II. 3)iird)bamvfeit, n. (aux. f)Ctbcn) to pe- netrate as smoke. S3 li r rf) b a It C I - It, a. a. scpnr. to last ; ten aisilitcr — , to winter (of plants). 23 ii r rf) b e it I e tt 4- 23iti'd)bcitfert, v. ir. a. separ. S,- insepar. to consider in all parts; to perpend, ponder, weigh, reflect upon, to run over in one's mind. S3 li r rfj b i C tt C It, v. a. separ. to go through in service. 5) It V rf) b C I d) e It, v. a. insepar. to stab through (with a dagger). S3 II r d) b LMt It e V It, v. a. insepar. to thunder through. 25 li r rf) b r r e tt, v. a. separ. to dry thoroughly. 5) ii r dj b r ii tt g e tt, v. a. separ. to press through, to get through the crowd; II. refl. to push forward, to elbow one's way. S3 li V d) b V C f rf) e It, v. ir. a. separ. 1. to thrash through ; 2. fam. to beat soundly. 33iird)bringeit, v. ir. I. n. (aux. fc'.MU separ. to get through, press through, to penetrate, pierce (also fig.) ; to pervade ; to permeate ; to prevail; to succeed ; II. 2burd)bviltgcit, p. a. insepar. to penetrate ; to fill with. 53 ti r d) b V i it g C n b, part. adj. pene- trating, piercing, penetrative, keen, sharp; perrnarient; Cltt ■ — tt 9Sct"= ftaito, a siiarp understanding ; fine — t «§t$e, an intense heat; tine — cftiilte, a sharp (biting) cold. 5) ii r d) b r i n g 1 i ch, adj. penetrable. 53 li X dj b X t tt flli ($f e X t, f. penetra- bility, perviousness. 53 li r d) b r i ll g It It ij, /. penetration. S3 li r rf) b r ii cf e it, v. a. l. separ. to squeeze through, press through; 2.. to gall, wound, hurt (a horse). 53 It X rf) b li f 1 1 It, v. a. insepar. to fill with perfume. S3 U r rf; b 11 f t C rt, v. a. insepar. to per- fume. S3 ii x rf) b n n ft e n, v. n. {aux. baben) separ. to transpire. 5) II t rf) b ii It ft e n, v. a. insepcr. to fill with odour or vapour. DlitdjbUrfe It, v. ir. n. separ. {aux. fjte • belt) e/ti/i. to be permitted to pass. S> li X fy e t 1 f tt, v. n. {aux. fel)!t) separ. to hasten, hurry through. 5) It V rf) e 1 1 e 11/ v. a. insepar. same meaning. 53 li r rf) c i m em, v. n. t. to burn through (of charcoal). S3itrd)etndttbev, adv. confusedly, pell-mell. 53 ii r rf) c i t e v n, v. n. to suppurate or fester through and through. 53 li X rf) f ii b C 1 n, v. a. separ. to thread. 53 ii r rf) f a () v e n, v. ir. I. n. {aux. fci>n) separ. 1 . to pass nr ride nr drive through ; -to run through; II. a. 1. separ. to wear through by driving, to cut up a road by driving much upon it; 2. 3)nrdifdhveit, insepar, a. to shoot through. 53 ii r eft f a br t, f. ( pi. -en) passage ; thoroughfare; opening: gate, gateway ; iunm I; rumpus. — 8$oII,ih. passage-toll. 53 li x ch f c 1 1, m. {-ti) diarrhoea, loose- ness. iMitttfftUen, » ir. I. n. {aux. fcilll) £urd) separ. 1. to fall through ; 2. fig. to fail, to succeed ill, to be disappointed or re- jected ; 3. to get a blank in a lottery ; bad Stud ficl Ntrrfi, the piece was damned; bcilll iUlllotircil — , to be black-balled; — laffcit, to I to reject ; II. refl. to wound one's self by falling. Turd) 1- ep search, Investigation, 2) U X rf) f d [ t C It, v. a. insepar. to lay in folds, to fold. 23 lircf) faille, /. a disease in the pastern of horses. 2) li r rf) fit II I C It, v. n. (aux. K'.)!t) se- par. to rot through. 33 li r rf) f C rf) t C II, v. ir. I. a. scpnr. fig. to carry, defend one's cause of opinion ; II. refl. to fight one's way through, to get out of a scrape. S3 li r rf) f C ft C It, v. a. separ. 1 . to sweep ; ~.fig. to chastise, rebuke; vulg. to cudgel. 23 li r rf) f e i I e It, v. a. separ. to file through. 23 li r rf) f e U rf) t C tt, v. a. separ. to wet (moisten) thoroughly, to soak. 25 II f d) f C It e V It, v. a. insepar. 1. to heat thoroughly ; 2. to shoot through ; S.fig. to animate. 2) li V d) f t C b e I tt, v. a. separ. contempt. to play through (on the violin, &c). 23 li X rf) f i It b e It, v. ir. refl. separ. to find one's way through. 2) 11 r rf) f t n f( C r It, v. a. insepar. to finger, to work through. 23ur rfjfifcfjeit, ». a. msepar. to fish thoroughly (a pond). 2) urd) fid m men. e. & insepar to Hash through ; to animate. 23 it r rf) f 1 d 1 1 e r it, •» i. n. (aux. feint) insepar. to flutter (hover) through; II. 23lil'd)flattcrit, a. separ. same meaning. 2) It r rf) f I C rf) t C n, v. ir. a. insepar. to interlace, interweave, entwine. 23lird)fltegeit, separ. to fly through (on wings) ; II. 5>Urrf)fltC= fieit, insepar. 1. tolly through; 2. to peruse hastily. 23 ii r rf) f 1 1 e f) e n, ». ir. i. n. (aux. feini) separ. to fly (run) through; II. 53lirrf)= fIicl)Clt, a. insepar. the same mi 23 li V rf) ft t C B C It, v. ir. I. n. (aur. fclMl) separ. to flow through ; II. 53lird)= fllcfj'CII, a. insepar. same meaning. 2> ii r rf) f 1 i m m e t it, v. n. I. faux. fm= b(U) separ. to glitter through : II. Eltrd)= ftilttmertt, «. insepar. to fill with a glimmering light. 2)iivd)fli3f5en, ». a. separ. to float through. 2) U t rf) f 13 t e !!, O. a. ins, par. to fill with flute-like sounds. 23iird)flitrf)f, / night through a place. 2) ii v rf) f I ii rf) t e it, ». n. (aux. fci)ii) sc- p:r. to run (hurry) through, 2) ii v rf) f 1 U I], m. (-c« ; pi. -fltifjc) fly- ing through. S)ur4flufj, m. (-ffel; ;>/. -ffiiffe) flowing through. 2) u v rf) f I li ft e r it, tj. a. insep r. b i ii.1 with whispering. 23 ii r cf) f I n 1 1) c n, v. n. {aux. ftyn) I. »gwn*. to flow through; II. 53iii'difliir then, a. msepar. to fill with water, to flow through. 23 ti rcfjfevf dun, o. o. rn«j»3r. to examine «r investigate thoroughly; to inquire into strictly, to scrutinize se- riously, tn dive into, to Bearch into. 23 n x cl) f e r f d) u it cj, /. ( ,-,'. — eti quisuion, scrutiny. 23iirrf)fracicit, ,-. i. „. ,,,,,.. to agk one after an ! one'i Way by asking. 23iirrfi freffen Sr Sut^freffen, r.,v. i- a. in r . to gnaw through, to corrode; II. refl. separ. fig; I smell-feast, to live upon the catch. 23iird)fricrcn £■ Xiirrfm-.crcn, - ir. n. separ. A- ins, par. to freeze entirely, to chill; id) bin 13.1115 tnvdurcrcii, ] am chilled all over. 23 1! r rf) f r e b It C It, >: a. insepar. to spend (a day, &c.) in performing 1 Of the manor. 2) ii r rf) f U rf) t e 1 it, v. a. sep r. to cud- gel, beat soundly. 2iirrf)fuf)lcit, v. a. separ. to feel through. 2>iivrffuf)f, /. passage, transit, roughfare; compos. — iMiibel, st trade with transit-goods ; — joll, m. transit- duty. 23 ii r rf) f U f) r c it, p. a. separ. 1 . to carry through, to lead through; 'i.fig. to bring to an issue ; to accomplish. 23 11 r rf) f li r d) c It, 0. a. insep tr. to mark with furrows, to furrow, entrench. 23 It t: d) f li 1 1 C V II, v. a. msepar. to line throughout. 23it'rd)futterit, v. a. , thoroughly; bell iiiilltcf — , to keep over the winter. 23iird)rtctffeit, ». ». (aux. i-atcn) se par. to gape through. 23 it r rf) 1] d 1) it c it, e. a. insep tr. to yawn or gape incessantly, to ; tea the time with yawning. 3; ii r rf) g a t> x c n, v ir. n. (aux. fei>n) separ. to ferment sufficii 33 it r cf) g a 1 1 c n, 0. a. to till with gall, to embitter. 23 ii r rf) g a it g, 771. (-cs ; pi. -giinge) I. passing through, passage ; 2. gate, pas- sage, thoroughfare; . g i e f( c n, b. ir. a. ^^ar. to pour !i. to filter, percolate, strain. 2 li r di g i c (j n It g, /. percolation, fil- tration, straining through. 2 ii r cf) g I d it ; c it, r. n. (ai/x. fiaben) to shine through. 2 ii r cf) g I c i t c tt, v. ir. n. (am. fctjn) separ. to glide through. 2 li r d) g 1 1 m m C ll, v. ir. n. separ. to glimmer through. $ li v d) g I t 1 f d) c n, r. «. (am. fesm) ^-f/jz.-. to slide through. 2 li r d) g 1 C % C It, v. a. separ. to stare through. 5) ii v di g t ii b c it, b. I. ». (oax. f)a= b Cll i separ. to glow through; n. a. sepjr. 1. to make red hot ; 2. 2lird)= glubeit, insepar. to inflame; jfo-. to inspire. 53 lit cf) g V H 6 C It, v. ir. I. a. separ. 1. to dig through ; fig. to pierce ; 2. 2lircfigrdbcit, insepar. to pierce, to open ; II. reft, separ. to dig one's way. 2 It X di g 1 8 m C I II, ? v. a. insepar. to 5) u r d) g i a m e it, J pass ar spend timei peevishly, sorrowfully. 2 ii r di g r a f e it, o. a. insep. to walk over grazing, to graze. 2 ii r cf) g r c i f c u, o. !>. I. n. (aitz. fjtts bell) sepjr. 1. to pass through with the hand ; 2. fig. to proceed without ce- remony ; to act decidedly ; to use au- thority ; to take vigorous measures ; 3. to succeed, prevail ; II. a. to wear out with handling. 2 li X d) g X C i f C It b, part adj. effectual, energetic. 2tircf)griff, m. (-e§; pi. -c) a grasping by putting the hand through an opening. SMtvdjjjruBellt, v. a. insepar. to scrutinize, search into ; to muse upon. 2 U X d) g V d It b C It, v. a. insepar. to fathom out, vid. Grgriiitbcn. 2 li x d) g u cf c it, ». I. n. (awr. babm) separ. to peep through, look through ; II. Surdigiidfcil, a. insepar. to look over, search. 2 ii x d) g u y, m. (-ffe8 ; p7. -giiffe) l. pouring through ; 2. percolation, filtra- tion : 3. gutter ; sink ; 4. strainer, co- lander, filter. 2 li X d> I) a d C 11, 0. a. separ. to cut through. 2 li X d) ft Ct g C I it, v. imp. separ. to pe- netrate as hail. Snirdifjctfen, v . a . separ. to hook throi,_ 2 li r d) b a If t et It, v. reft, separ. to struggle through difficulties ; to get through with labour. 2 ii x cf) b a II c it, v. I. n. (am. baben) separ. to sound through ; II. a. insepar. 2ufd'bdllcii, to fill with sound. 2 11 V dl b d lit ill cm, B. a. separ. T. to work a tiling thoroughly with the ham- mer ; to wear through (perforate) by hammering ; id) babe mid) enbtief) burchgchdntiiicrr, fig. at last I have got to the end of this hammering work. 141 Surd) r ii r di barf e it fett, v.l.n. (««*. felm) separ. 1 . to skip, jump through ; II. 2ltrd)blipfeit, a. insepar. the same ■meaning. 2iircf) f)uf d;en, r. n. (am. fciitt) separ. to pass quickly through, to glide through ; to escape (silently), to steal away. 2 11 r d) i r re tt, v. a. insepar. to wan- der, ramble, range, rove, err or stray through. 2lir d) j ag Clt, O. I. a. srpar. 1. to hunt, pursue through ; 2. n. (am. bit» belt) to pass through in bunting; [with fevm) to hasten through; 11. 2ltvdij,l= geit, a. insepar. to hunt over; through; to gallop over. 2 U r d) j d lit m C r tt, v. a. insepar. to lament or cry through (the night, &c). 2> it r di j a li dj ; e it , b. a. insepar. to pass in shouting and noise. 2) II r d) j fi b C I It, v. a. insepar. to pass revelling, rioting or jubilating (the nisrht, &c). 3>lird) ftticil, v. a. separ. .V. T. U shift the mizzen. 2 II 1" d) f il 1 1 C II, v. a. insepar. to {n n- etrate with cold. 2 li 1' d) t d lit V f C tl, b. I. a. separ. 1 . to fight out ; 2. fig. to carry one's poir. ; II. reft, to fight one's way. 2 li r it t d lit lit C tt, v. a. separ. to comb (hair). 2iird)f dncit or Surdifdiicit, ?•. a. separ. or i?tsepar. to chew sufficiently ; fig. to chew, ruminate. 2 li r d) t C I) X C tt, v. a. separ. to sweep through an aperture. 2 li r d) f C 1 1 C r It, B. a. separ. to press (grapes, &c.) throughout 2 It V d) t C tl It C It, a, a. insepar. to know thorouglily. 2 li r d) f C It d) C ll, B. I. «. separ. to go or walk through panting; ii. 2imt = teild)Ctt, B. c. insepar. Vie same mean- ing. 2 " T Cf) f I S r e tl, r. a. separ. to filter, percolate. 2 li r d; f I e m m c it, o. ,;. ,;• rcJL to squeeze through. 2 ii r d) f I e 1 1 c r n, > r. I. n. (am. femt) 2 ii r d) 1 1 i m in e tt, 3 separ. to climb through ; II. 2lirchflettcnt, a. insepar. to climb all over. 2 it r d) f I i n g c it, v. ir. i. n. (am. ha* ten) separ. to sound through ; II. 2urcb- fliligcn, a. insepar. to fill with sound. 2 li r d) 1 1 C X> f C tt, v. a. separ. 1. to beat through ; 2. vilg. to beat soundly, to drub. 5) it r cf) J n e i c it 4'- 2nrdif nctcn, v. a. separ. or insepar. to knead well or thoroughly. 2 iir d)t cdicit it 2iird!fccBcit, c. a. separ. or irtsepar. '.o boil well, through. 2 lit d)f ollerit, a. a. separ. to roll through. 2 li r d) f lit 111 C It, v. ir. n. (am. fctllt) separ. to come through, get through ; fig. to come off, get off, to get out of dif- ficulties; e§ tft fdnvcr burcbjufoni: lltcit, it is difficult to proceed. 2 ii r di f 5 n n c it, v. ir. v. 'am. baben sepnr. ellip. to be able to pass : ti \\t fo nn-ir, bap cin SHtagen tuvd) fann, it is wide enough to adim't a carriage. 2 li r cf) ! P ft C 11, v. a. separ. to taste things one after the other. 2 It t Cf) f r d di \ C It, r. a. insepar. to fil! with hoarse cries; bcr o'iabc blll'd)= frddSjt bilS PbC ©Clltdlier, the raven fills the ruined walls with his dismal cry. 2 ii r di f r d m vein A- 2iircf)frdm: ^clll, b. a. separ. or insepar. to cord thoroughly. 2 li f dl f r a tj C tt, r. a. £■ reft, separ. to scratch through. 2 ii r d) f r d ti f e I n 4- 2iircbEidiifcIn, v. a. separ. or insepar. to curl throughout or thoroughly, to move over by curling. 2 11 r dl f r e l f C It, v. a. insepar. to pas* through in a circular motion ; to sweep (through the air). 2 It r d) f r C li J e It, r. a. insepar. to cross ; fid) — , to cut each other crossways, to intersect 2 ii r d) f r e li 5 tl it g,/. crossuig.thwati ing 2 li r d) f r i e d) C n, r. ir. I. n. separ. to creep through ; lI.2ltrcbfriCcf)Clt, a. in- separ. to creep through every part of search. 2 li r d) f 1' i C g C 11, v. a. sepir. vulg. 1 to get through ; 2. to cairy one's point twvd) 5>ll'rcf)f Uijcltt, v. a separ. to bowl through. 55 It r eft 1 d eft e tt, ». fl. inscpar. to fill with laughter. 25 it r d) I a n c\ c n, vid. 25urd)reicfteit. 55 tt r dl 1 d It g e It, v. a. separ. Min. T. to dig a lode in its length. 55 11 V d; [ a r lit C It, v. a. inscpar to fill with «r spend in noise. £iird;ta9, «. (— ffeS ; pi. -Idffe) i. rig through; passage; 2. sieve, J) li r d) I a f f C It, ». jr. n. sc/wr. 1 . to let pass, to sutler to pass ; 2. to let through ; to pass through, to strain, percolate, filter. S5iird)laud)f,/. (p/.-en) highness; 5filte — , hi* (serene) highness; 3ft I* — bic Sitfftilttt, her highness the prin- 35 » r eft I a » eft 1 1 a, (35urcftlauc6ftgft), «r//. 1. -f- renowned, celebrated : 2. most high, most serene ; august; ber — ftc r > u l it, his most serene highness ; Cllt — CS >§ilU§, an illustrious (august) bouse. 35 ii r di [ a u d; 1 1 fj f c i t , vid. S5urcft* lattdir. 35 It r di t a li C r tt, v. a. inscpar. to pass or epend lurking. 35 ii r eft I a ii f, m. (-eg ; pi. -laitfe) l. running through ; passage ; 2. diarrhoea, vid. 5)urd;fall. 3) ii v d) I a u f e n, u. z>. I. r>. (aux. feint) iv/wr. to run through; II. 25lird)laiifcil, a. insepar. 1. to run through, wear out; 2. to run from one end to the other; Cllt Q3licft — , to peruse a book hastily ; to hasten through. r li r d) [ d u t e r tt b 55itrc!bldufern, v . a. separ. or insepar. to strain through ; to purify thoroughly 55 li r eft I c ft e tt £ 25nrd)[cfte n, v. a. se- per or inscpar. to live over, to pass. 3) It V Cil ( C 1 1 C It, v. a. separ. to lead through. 5) li V dl [ c r it C It, p. «. to learn thorough- ly, to the end. 3) ii r eft ( e f c it $■ 25nrcftlefett, v. ir. a. separ. or insepar. to read over, to peruse, go through. 3) ii r d) I c fit it ft, /. perusing, perusal. 3) 11 V d) I e li eft t C it, v. r. a. insepar. to light through ; II. S5lireft[cilcbtCtl, re. (am. ftaftcit) separ. to shine through, transpire. 35 11 rdU t'd) ten, v. a. insepar. to il- lumine. 35 li V d) 1 1 C f( C tt, v. ir. refl. separ. to fret «r gall by lying upon ; to gall one's skin by lying too long on it. 35 ii v di I o eft e It, v. a. to make a hole ■plough. 3) 11 V d) I d) f V It, v a. insepar. to make holes through ; to perforate, punch. 35 II r d) ( d) C r f, part. adj. full of holes, ited, pierced. 35 ii r d) I o b e r tt, v. v. (aux. ftaften) sc- i'ir. to break through (said of flames). J) It V dl t ii f t C It, v. a. inscpar. to give Mr, to .'iir. ventilate. 35 li r dl lit ft, e It, v. ir. refl. separ. to make One's way by lying. 35 li v dl 111 a (tt( It, v. a. separ. fig. to finish, accomplish ; to go through, ex- perience; cr bat tie! bnrdia,cntad)r, be has gone through a great deal. 35 ii v eft m ci r f eft, m. (-CS ; pi. -rmtr* Idle marching through, passage. 10 35 ii r di in a r f eft t r e rt, v . n. (aux. fctitt) separ. to march through. 25 11 r eft m a li C V It, v. a. insepar. to wall all over. 35 li r d) nt C t jS C I tt, v. a. separ. to chisel through. 25 ii r d) m c t ft cr it, v. a. separ. to cri- ticize. 25 ii r d) nt c n fj f it, p. a. I . separ. to mingle or mil thoroughly; 2. 35iireft= metlfjett, insepar. to mix up with. 25iird)iitcffen, v. ir. a. I. separ. to measure through; 2. ©Urcfomeffeit, /'«- separ. to measure throughout, every part of it; fig. to walk oi er. 25 li r d) lit C f f C V, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) dia- meter; bet Kllbc — , semi diameter. 25 ii v d) nt t f d) c n, b. a. aid. 25iirci)mcii* ftClt. 25 ii v d) in t ft e n .<,- Tnrcftmiitcn, v. a. separ. .'. insepar. to manure throughout, thoroughly. 25 it t d) nt ii h e n, b. refl. separ. to help through Willi labour and dilliculty. 25 lit eft murine In 4- 35itrd;miirmcln, »•. re. if a. si par. or insepar. to murmur through; to run or flow through mur- muring. 25iif dimiiffcit, v. n, (aux. ftaften) separ. ellip. to be obliged to pass through : id) inujj bim-ft, 1 must go through it. over it; cr liuif) bamit buvdi,». he is obliged to finish the matter. 25 ii t d) in it ft c r tt, 55urd)mu'ftern, ». a. separ. or inscpar. to review all over; fig. vulg. to criticize ; ClUc SStrtfcl — , vidg. to search into every corner. 25ltrd)ltdd)tClt / v. a. inscpar. * to darken, fill with darkness. 25 li r d) 11 a 3 C 1 tt, b. a. to nail through. 25 it r d) it a a, c it <$■ 25iivd)iiafjcn, v. a. insepar. or separ. to gnaw or nibble through ; fig. to gnaw at. 25 li X d) II d f) C tt, r. a. separ. 1. to S6W through; 2. SMlVcftltdftcit, v. a. insepar. to quilt. 25 it X d) It d r ft C It, v. a. inscpar. to cover all over with scars. 3) u reft naff en, 55ufd)itc'f^cn, v. I. a. inscpar. to wet thoroughly ; to moisten, wet all over; II. 2)livd)UdffCll, n. separ. (aux. ftafteit) to let the wet through. 25 11 r d) It e ft C I It, v. a. inscpar. to fill with mist. 25 lir dill eft ntClt, v. ir. a. separ. to canvass, examine; cilicn — , to cen- sure one. 25 U r dl B t C It, v. a. insepar. to oil thoroughly. 25ltvd)Lirtcrn, ». «. inscpar. Min,T. to hole, cut. 25' li r d; p af f ire It, v. a. separ. to pass through, 25 ii r eft v a £/ m. (-ffc« ; pi. -^affe) narrow pass, defile. 25 ii r eft p a t f d; e tt, ». i. v . s, P ;r . to splash through (said of water); II. a. to slap soundly. 25 ii x eft l> c i t f eft c n, v. a. s>-p„ r . to whip soundly ; fig. vulg. to go through, run over. 25 u r d) \> f if f e t n, r. a. insepar. to season thoroughly \\ ith pepper. 25iirdipfcifcit fy Tureftpfeifcii, »•. ir. I. a. separ. or insepar. to whistle through, from beginning to end ; II. 7/ . (aux. babeit separ. to penetrate whis- tling. 35 II V di X> f t d tt 5 C 11, B. a. insepar. to plant all over. £urd) 25 II r eft*.' f [ d ft C nt, r. a. insepar. U pave all over. 25 ii r di V f 1 u a, c u & X urdivflmvn, r a. separ. or jnsepar. to plough through all over. 25 It V dl p i dl C It, b. a. inscpar. to cove* with pitch. 25 ii r eft p i rf c ii, b. a. separ. to pecs through. 25 ii v di p t Ifj em, b. i. «. '«»/. bairn) separ. to wander through; II. Sard's pttrttrit, a. insepar. to wander over, 25 li r dl p I il 'J C It, ?•. rtfi. separ. to get through with difficulty. 25 ii r di p I a p \> c r n .v £urdipldpycrn, v. a. separ. or insepar. to pass or in prattling. 25 it r eft p I a ii b e r n, r. a. mscpat. to pass in talking. 25 it r eft p I mi b c r n, p. «. nuqwr to sack. 25 li r eft p o eft e n, ;•. a. sep v. :>ha T. to wa-li (ore) ; fig. to drub soundly. 25iivdipra ffc lit, r. I. ,.. , pass through rattling; IL 35urd)prflf= )c!lt, a. insepar. to fill with a rattling 35 It r eft p r d f f C It, O. a. insepar. 'o spend one's fortune (in debauc! to pass in revelry. 25 lir eft pr cf fen, through, squeeze through. 25iirdipritfjcln, beat soundly. 25iird;p nbcrit e,- 55urdbpiibern, v. a. separ. Sr insepar. to powder all over. 25 ii r d) q it d 1 c It, r. refl, separ. u. gel through (laboriously or With 25 iir d)q ne tf cftcn, b. press or squeeze through. 25 ii r di r a b c r it, v. a. .< , through, to run through a 25 tt r d> r d b C V It, c o. insep tr. to crush by a wheel ; to jolt about, fatigue. 25iirdiraa,cii, r. ». , through an aperture. 25 ii r di t a ii f e It, b. I. n. separ. to ramp through; II. rittitrdltreil, a. insepar to entwitn: by ramping. 25u'vdirau it, r.\.». (aux. '"cioil to run through furiously; II. luvdu.i* fell, a. insepar. to pass in raging, frenzy. 25 ii r eft. x a & p 1 1 it, b. a. si par. to rasp throughout ; to break by ra 25 li r di x d ffc I tt, o. a. insepar. to rattle through. 25 ii rri; rand) en, v. I. ». mj fume or smoke through ; II. Tllldud.'- d)CIt, a. insepar. to Gil with fui smoke. 25 ii r d) r a n eft c r tt >v T iivd)rdOefteni, v. a. srpnr. or insepar. to smoke tho roughly ; to perfume, fumigate. 25 ii r di r a it f d) c n, v. I. n. (aux. ft\)\\ ) to rush, rustic through; H rilftfts rau'feften, a. insepar. to fili wi;h ;•. iiiL' n> ii T iir dive die tt A- Titrrfu'cVbcit, d i si par. a- insepar. to rake thoroughly. 25 ii r eft r e eft u e it, v. a. separ. to count, /• through ; to examine an ace. unit. 55 iir eft r eel it ( It, b. 1 • • par. to ram through; II. Tiireftrcfjiicii, a. .»• separ, to wel through. 25 ii r eft r c i ft c it, o. ir. r c it n e n, ». «y. £ m i. n. Owi. K'.Uli scpar. to run iVou^h; II. I'llvd;; chttten, jig. insepat. to run through; to run all over. 25 li V d) v i c cb e It, ». ir. -i f °jw to sme'J through. ©ttfcbvt efeln, v. I. n. r«««. fctyit) scpar. to rill through, to gl.'t>. through with soft murmurs ; to purl; II fOnrd)* ticfcllt, a. insepar. the same meaning. 25 ii r d) r t f f c I it, rid. S5urc§l;euScJn. 25 li xd) v t it it c u &■ S5itrd)vutiicii, ». »v. n. (aai. fct)lt) scpar. &■ a. insepar. to run, flow, leak through. 25 li r d) X t ft, m. (— ffcS) breach. 25 li X d) X 1 1 t, m. (-C8) riding through ; passage on horseback. 25 ii r d) x t tj c rt &■ 25urdjrtl$ett, ». a. i»- separ. Sr scpar. to scratch through. 25iivd)voIlcn & 25urd)r6llett, u. «. (auz. feVjlt) separ. <$• a. insepar. to roll through. 25 li V d) X f rt) e It, v. a. Jl/m. T. to make stream-works, to make conduits across the rock. 35 U X d) X 6 ft e tt v. n. insepar. to rust all over. 25 li V d) X 5 ft C Jt v. a. separ. to toast thoroughly. 25 li X d) X it of e n, v. n. (aux. fctytt) separ. Mil. T. to march through. 25 ii v d) x u b e r tt, v. I. n. (otre. f cmt) separ. to row through; II. S5ttrd)ni= bCVlt, a. insepar. to row over, navigate. 25 It V d) X ii t) C tt, v. a. insepar. to pass or spend resting. 25 li V d) r it f) tit e tt, v. a. separ. to praise all in succession. 25 li V d) X it f) t C tt, v. a. separ. to stir up thoroughly. 35 ii x d) x tt t f d) c rt, v. n. {aux. fei)ti) scpar. to slide through. 25 tt r d) X it 1 1 C I It, ■». a. insepar. to shake thoroughly or through. 25 livcbfdb eltt, v. a. separ. to cut through with a sabre. 25 It V d) f d C tt, v. a. insepar. to sow all over. £iird)fdgen $■ ©urr^fagett, v. a. scpar. or insepar. to saw through. 55 ii r d) «, contract, of bitrd) ba8. 55 livdjf alien * ©nrdjfdljctt, „. a . sc;. a. insepar. to pass sleeping. 25 ii r d) f d) I a g, m.(-e6 ;p/.-fcb(d ! i,c) l. opening; 2. strainer, colander: tiller: .1. T. punch, puncheon ; piercer ; bCV — tilt 33rau()aitfe, hose; compos. — hammer, 7ii. T. a strong hammer to make holes with ; — mctjjel, m. T. chisel to make holes with; — febeeve, /. card maker's shears; — tltd), )(. filtering-cloth. 25 li V d) f d) I ft g t (J, adj. Mia. r. open- ing upon another gallery. 25 li V d) f d) I a g C It, v. ir. I. a. scpar. 1 . to beat through ; to break through ; to pierce ; 2. to strain, percolate, to pass through a sieve, to filter; II. ?t. (aux. babcit) to get through; to penetrate (of dampness) ; to wet through ; Med.T. to loosen, operate ; to blot (of paper) ; papier, ba>3 lltd)t bltvd)fd)Kigt, paper that bears ink; III. reft, to break through the enemy, to cut. (fight) one's way through. 25 It r cb f d) t d n g C I tt, v. La. insepar. to wind through, to meander through ; II. T-ircbfd)lattgeiit, refl. separ. same meaning. 25 ii r d) f d) I c i d) e it, v. ir. I. n. (aux. Surd) fevm) ir reft, separ. to sneak, slink steal through; to go through vtnper ceived ; II. £ltvd)fii)lct'd)cit, a. insepar same meaning. 25 li r d) f d) I C t f e tt, v. a. I. ir. scpar. to grind or whet through; II. reg. a. to carry through on a sledge; irag through. 25 it r ri) f d) I C it b c V it, ». a. insepur, to to saunter through. 25lird)fcbleppClt, v . I. a. scpar. to drag through ; II. refl. to get laboriously through (the world, &c ). 25lifd)fd)(cubCnt, v. a. scpar. to lling through. 25 ii r d) f d) 1 1 it g e it ■$- ^uvcbfdilitt= gctt, v. ir. a. separ. or insepar. to inter- lace, entwine; sling through. 25iivd)fd)ltijctt ir S5iivcbfrf>iiljcit, v. a. separ. or insepar. to slit, split through. 25 urd)fcb dimmer n, v. a. insepar. to pass (an hour, &c.) slumbering. 25 ii x d) f rfi 1 it p f e n, ». I. n. (aux. fenn) separ. to slip, slide, creep or get through ; II. Suvrbfdjllipfeit, a. insepar. same meaning. 25 It X d) f d) lit d d) t C It, v. a. insepar. to languish (long years, &c). 25 ii r d) f d) m a r o ? c tt, ». I. a . separ to spend or pass (time) in sponging on others; II. refl. to get one's living by sponging on others. 25iird) fd) ma ucb en, ». 1. a . *■ n. separ. to smoke through: to be smoked thoroughly ; II. Siirrffcbmaiicben, v. a. insepar. 1. to apply smoke to, to fumi- gate • 2. to spend or pass (time) in smoking. 25iird)fcbm elicit, v.a scpar melt through. 25 it r d) fct) nt c 1 1 e r n, v. La. 1. w«.«ep.w to fill with a shrill sound, blasts of a trumpet, &c. ; 2. separ. to dash through : II. n. scpar. (aux. fetyn) to penetrate with a crashing noise. 25 li V d) f d) ttt t e b e rt, v. a. to break by forging, to forge all ; to fc ge tho roughly. 25 ti r d) f d; m t e g e tt, o. refl. separ. to shift one's self through. 25 ii r d) f d) m t c r c n 4- 25uvd)fd)ntfe- VCIt, v.a. insepar. to smear all; to smear through or thoroughly : fig. to drub. 25livrf) fdinaiibeit, v. a. insepar. to to run through snorting. 25u'vd)fd;netbett <$■ 25itvd)fd)tiet= belt, v. ir. a. separ. or insepar. to cut througli, to cut ; to divide by cutting to cross one another (of roads) ; to intersect (of lines) ; to saw through ; c3 buvrf)fd)tutt miv bag ^erj, it pierced my very heart. 25 It V d) f d) 1t C l C 1t, v. imp. scpar. to snow through. 25 li r d) f d) It e 1 1 e tt, jj. a. S- n. scpar. to jerk through, to fillip through 25iird) fd)itttr, m. (-eS; pl.-tt l cutting through, cut; 2. intersection 3. medium, mean proportion, average: — etlte^ ©cbdttbeS, section of a building; tilt • — , on an average, oik with the other; compos. — 3anftd)t, /. profile^ — SntcfifUllft, /. stereotomy; — gprei?, m. average orice ; — Spllllf;, m. point of intersection ; — Sfeilttc, ./ Jllat. T. secant; — flllltllte, /. average sum, medial sum: — Sfftta, /. average tare; ■ — Syerbftltlttfi, n. average m mean proportion; — 8jal)l, /. me.Hl mean number. £urcfe r 11 r d) f rf) 6 f f C It, part, ailj inter- leaved, vid. 2)iU'd)fcl;icfJClt. t) li r d) f d) It it f f el It, v. a. separ. to snuffle one by one ; fig. to examine one by one. 25 lircbfd; vain m cit, v. a. separ. to make sore by scratching. T. uvd) fdjrcicn, 2)iivd)fdjrcicit, ». it a. separ. or insepar. to cry through ; ■ii (ill with cries. © ii r d) f cb v e i t e n, ». tr. i. n. («»:<. fetttl) separ. to stride, stalk through ; II. 2)UVCbfd)VeitCll, a. insepar. to stride, ivalk over. 55 li V d) f cf) It jj, m. (— ffc§) 7'. woof; — , or — lillicit, pl.Tijp.T. leads, space- lines, interlines, scape rules. !D li r d) f d; ii 1 1 e I It, o. a. separ. to shake (i i ,i,i if. shake up well ; to shake through. 5) li r d) f d) it 1 1 C It, v. a. separ. to pour through. Dll r dl fd) ii tte t It, v. a. insepar. to vehemently. Diirdjfdjroiinneit, v. l. n. (aux. fettll) separ. to swarm, rove through; II. 2)UVd)fd)ttUVim'tt, a. insepar. 1. to swarm over, through ; to pass revelling (the night). Slirdjf d) HjdfcCH, V a. insepar. to chattering, talking. 2>tivrf)fd)ittefelit if 2)itvd)fdiivc= fdlt, v. a. separ. or insepar. to im- pregnate with sulphur thoroughly. S It X d) f d) IV) e l f C It, ». a. insepar. to rove, stroll or range about, to wander all over. 5) li r th f d) tt) e t fj e It, v. I. a. separ. to hammer (iron), to forge it throughout; II. n. to percolate, ooze out. 5iittf)fcf)tt>clgeit <$- $nrdifdKl= gtll, v. a. separ. or insepar. to pass or spend in revelry or banqueting. © li r d) f d) tt) i m m e tt, v. ir. r. n. (aux. fettll) separ. to swim through; 2. 2)UVcb,fd)tt.Ull1lllClt, a . insepar. to pass, cross swimming. 25 li r d) f d) tt) t It g C tt, «. z>. I. a. sr/>ar. I. to swing through; 2. to winnow, fan i throughout; 3. to swingle tho- roughly (flax) ; II. refl. to swfng through. 55 U V d) f d) tt) t r V C It, v. a. insepar. 1 . iuzz through; 2. to fill with chirping or with sharp sounds ; to whiz through. D li V d) f d) tt) t % C It, v. I. n. (aux. fcttlt) to sweat through ; II. a. same r.n.inill'J. X iird)fegcltt, c I. n. (aux. fetttt) r to sail through; II. 3)livd)fegcl!l, o, insepar. to sail over, navigate. J ii r d) f c Ij e it, v. ir. I. n. (am. baben) . to see through ; II. a. to look III. ©IU-d)fcl)Cn, a. insepar. to rate ; to glance over ; to review, 5 ii r ct) f c b b a r, adj. capable of being hrough or examined. djfcfjev, m. (-§; pi. — ) exa- i, reviewer. 5)iird)fetfett fcifcn, v. a. to soap one by one, to soap all over or throughout. Diird)feiljen, 55iivd)fctgctt, v. a. tepar. to filter, filtrate, strain, percolate. 55iircf)fetf)er, m. (-8; pi.—) I. a on that filters ; 2. a filter, strainer. 55iird)fetbuitg, ifciirdjfetgtittg, /. ( /''. -tit) filtration, percolation. 5) u t d! f c i it, v. vid. JDurcfcfetttt. 2 li V d) f C U b C It, v. reg. S,- ir. a. separ. end through. I drrf)fett gelt, o. a. separ. to singe throughout. Turd) 25 ii r ri) f c fe c ::, v. I. n. (aux. b, aben) se- par. to break through, burst through, to gallop through ; If. a. CttttaS — , to effectuate, achieve one's design ; fetlt 5>orbabcit — , to carry one's point. 2) li r d) f e fc U n g,/. prosecution, carry- ing one's point. 25 It r d) f e It f J C It, ». a. insepar. to pass in sighs. 25 li V d) f C t) tt, v. ir. n. separ. ] . to be through, to have passed through ; CI' ift gliitflid) btird), he came off safe ; 2. to be worn through (said of shoes). 55iivcf)ftd) r, /. (pl.-t\\) 1. looking through ; 2. looking over, revision, in- spection ; jit 3f)vcv gefdUigctt — , for your kind inspection; compos. — 5btlb, n. a transparent picture, transparency ; — ilcbxt, /. dioptrics. 55 li r d) f i d) t i g, adj. limpid, dia- phanous, transparent. 55 ii r d) f i d) t i g f c t r, /. diaphaneity, pellucidity, transparency, clearness, limpidness. Siirdifirfcr ft, 55iivdifititcrit, v. ». (aux. H'ttlt) separ. to trickle through. 25 li r d) f i C b C It, v. a. separ. to sift, to make run through a si 1 s\ e. 55 li r d) f t It g e It, ?•. ir. a. separ. to sing to the end, to sing over. 25u'rrf) f tnfeit, v. ir. n. {aux. fetttt) separ. to sink, fall through. 2) 11 r d) f i II It C tt, v. ir. a. separ. to spend musingly or in deep thoughts. 55 ii r ct) f i tt t c r it, vid. 3)urdjflrf cnt. 2) li X d) f i £ C It, r. ir. a. separ. to wear out by sitting upon ; to wound by sitting ; 2)ltrd)fitjflt, insepar. to pass sitting. ©lir d) fo Hen, v. n. ellip. (aux. ba= bell) separ. to be under the necessity of passing through. 25 It X d)f lilt C fl, v. a. insepar. to sun, bask. 2) 11 V d) f 6 X g C tt, v. a. insepar. to spend with cares. 2) 11 r d) f p d !j C It, v. a. insepar. to spy through, search into, examine tho- roughly. 25 ii r cb, f tt a 1 1 c it * 25itvd)fpd[tcn, v. a. separ. or insepar. to split in two. S> li r d) f V C i C It, v. ir. a. scj>ar. to spit through. 2) 11 r d) f4> ( (f C It, B. a. insepar. to lard all over; fig. to interlard. 25 li rd)f tt tele it, v. a.separ. 1. to play, act over ; 2. to pass playing ; 3. to prac- tise on a musical instrument ; 4. to hurt one's fingers by playing too long on a musical instrument; 5. to perform a musical piece thoroughly ; cilIC iKoIlc — , to support a part. 2 1 ii v d) f tt t e it e tt Sr 3)urdif>kf;c!t, v. a. separ. or insepar. to piarce with a spear. 55 ii v d) f )) o r it c n, o. a. separ. to urge or spur through. 2) ii r d) f tt o 1 1 c n, r. a. separ. to treat with scorn ; to deride one by one. 2> li r d) f tt r e d) e It, v. ir. a. separ. 1 . to speak through an aperture or instru- ment; 2. to discuss, reason sufficiently. 2) ii v cb, f tt v e tt g e it, v. 1. «. (aux. fcttit) separ. to gallop through, to pass through at lull speed; II. «. 1. to make to burst, to burst; 2. 2)uvd)|>rcttgcit, tnsepar. to gallop over. 2) it v d) f tt r i it g c it, v. ir. n. (aux. fevn) sqiar. to leap through or across 25 ii r dj f V r t (j c it A- iDurcfcfprifcen, o. a. separ. or insepar. ta squirt through. Turd) T lir rbf prof fen, ». ,, ,epa, ma ft^lt) to sprout through 2)iird)fttviib c hi v. \ «. [aux. uvu, separ. A- II. 35livdn"prfltcill, a. insepar to bubble through. 25 ii r ct; f V r ii t) e n, v.n. separ. to spark or sparkle through. 25 tt r d) f tt ii f e it, v.a. insepar. to haunt : b.18 ^laitS ift tlivd)fttllft, the whole house is haunted. 2) U r d) f tt » r C ll, v. a. insepar. I search through. 25 u r d) ft a d) e I tt, v. a. } . separ. tc goad through ; to wound by a goad . S ni.<: par. to prick thoroughly. 2 U x d) ft d 1) I e It, v. a. insepar. to steel throughout 35 ii r d) ft a in tt f cit tird)ftdubClt, v. a. 1. separ. tc drive through as dust ; to dust tfal out • to powder (one's hair) : 2. J)uvd)= ftdiJPClt, insepar. to dust all over: to hurry through (a place) raising a dust. 25 It r Ct) ft d li b e X It, v. a. insepar. to rummage. 25 li r d) ft d It tt e It, v.a. 1. to whip, beat with rods ; 2. to drive through flogging. 2) li V d) ft C ct) e tt, v. ir. a. separ. 1. to run through, transfix, to prick : to pounce; fig. to dig through ; ilitt cineui CtU'ili — , finr. to concert, connive. jointly; 2. 25UVcf)ftccr)Ctl, /».-,. pierce, cut through. 25 lir d) fled) cr, m. (-§; pi. — r a piercer. 55 li f d) ft e d) e r c t, /. (pi- -en) fig. in- trigue, secret practice, joint contriv- ance. 25lird)ftvcfcn, r. a. separ. to put through. 25 ii r d) ft c f> I e n, reJL separ. to steal through or away, to get through un perceived. 2) ti r d) it c i g c it, o. fr, I. n. (ouz. fc.'ii separ. to step through, to get in thi- ll. I)Urd;ftetgen, a. insepar. to stride stalk over. 25 ii rd) ft c 1 1 c n, p. a. separ. Sp. T. to encompass a thicket with nets. 53 it r di ft i b tt c it, o. a. msepar to stick, to quilt. 25iivd)ftcitcrn, r. [. n. separ feV)ll) to ateer through ; n. Xuvdjfteii- Cl'lt, a. insepar. to steer through. 25 ii r cb ft t d), m. (-c^; p/.-e) act of piercing or of cutting through ; cut. in- trenchment, aperture. 55 H r d) fti d; C 1 it, c o, msepor. to prich all over. 55 liv d) ftt cf eit, c. a. 1. separ. to em braider through or thoroughly; 2 25lirdiftfdcil, insepar. to embroider all over. 25 li r d) ft t c b c tt, vid. 2iud>ft>itibctt. 2 s ii r d) ft i in m c it, ». a. separ. to tune all successively; to (i#ie thoroughly.' 55 It r d) ftt 11 fClt, 0. ir. a. insepar. to fill with stink. T 11 x dj fl3 b C V It, r. a. aid. Xitvcbftdii" i'oni. 2 lit' di tt i cb C v 11, r. a. insepar. 1. to prickth ri I forwaidly 11? 55 U r d) ft e b It C It, o. a. insepar. to pass or spend groaning. 55 li r d> ft p f e It, r. c. sg>ar. to put through (a hole). 55 11 r d) ft r e !t, r. a. insep ir. to rum- mage, stir. £) ii r cf; ft fj c it, v. ir. a. 1. separ. to thrust or push th-ough ; 2. 25lircbj!o= petl, insepar. to stab through. 25tird)ft otter it 6- 25iirdjft6ttern, c. a. separ. or insepar. to stammer through, read through stammering. 55 ii r d) ft r a f) I e it, v. I. n. (aux. fjaben) separ. to radiate through; II. 25Ul'd) = ur.iblcit, a. insepar. to penetrate with rays, nil with rays. 25 li r d) ft r C $• 25urd)ftrciten, v. ir. a. separ. or insepar. to carry a mat- ter through ; to cut one's way through ; to pass or spend (time) in contention. 55 li r d) ft r e li e It, v a. separ. to strew through. 55 li X d) ft r t d), m. (-e§) 1. blotting out; cross ; 2. passage (of the birds). 55 li r d) ft r t e 3 e 1 tt, v. a. separ. to curry (a horse) thoroughly ; fig. to chide. 55 li r d> ft r 6 in e 11 &■ 2)urd)ftr:men, v. n. {auz. rutbcil) separ. •$• a. insepar. to stream or run through. 55iirdjfttomurt 3, /. ipi. -en) per- fusion. a) li r d) ft u b t r e it, v. a. to study through, to spend or pass (time) in study; bie 'Jtac&t — , to lucubrate. D It r d) ft it r lit e It, v. a. insepar. to rage, rush through. 55 li r cf) ft ii r ; e n, v. I. a. separ. to thrust through, to push through with vehemence ; II. 7J. (mix. fevm) to be precipitated through, to fall through. 55 11 r d) f ft d) C It, v. a. insepar. to search through, to rake into. 55 it r d) f d) e r, m. '-» ; pi. — ) searcher. £> it r d) f ft d) it tt 3, /. (pi. -en) search- ing; compos. — ercdjt, n. right of search. J>Utd>fumtnen, d. a. insepar. to hum through. 55 U r cb fu f- C It, r. a. insepat. to sweeten thoroughly, to ed llcorate. 2) U V d) t d It b C I It, v. a. insepar. to pass (one's time) in trifles. 55 tird) tan 5 c 11, v. I. a. 1. separ. to wear out by dancing ; to dance through, from beginning to end; 2. 25urdn.iu= jett, insepar. to pass in dancing ; II. n. (auz. fcait) separ. to dance through. 2) li r di t a p e n, v. I. n. separ. i through an aperture ; II. 25urd)tdppcu, a. insepir. to grope throughout 25 11 r d) t d ft C It, r. a. insepar. to handle apd feel all over. D lird) tan me In, v. n. (««.-. form; separ. to go reeling through, to stagger through. £lird)tb alien, r. imp. separ. to thaw through. 35 ii r cb t o b c it, v. I. n. (am. fcr>n) separ. to rase through ; II. 25llTcr)tobcn, 118 £urd) a. insepar. to rage through ; to pass i rairin::. 25 ii r d> t c it c it, r. I. n. (auz. balm) srpar. to resound through ; II. 25ltrd)- tclieit, a. insepar. to fill with sound. 55 II f d) 1 f e It, v. a. insepar. to fill with roaring; ber Sturm burcbtof't ben SSalb, the storm roars through the forest. 55 u r d) tr a b e n . o. separ. to carry through. 2)lircbtrdIIern, v. a. 1. separ. to hum (a tune) from beginning to end ; 2. 25ltvd)tr,tficnt, insepar. to wander over (a place) humming tunes. 25 li r di t r a in V c 1 tt <$• 25urd)trdm= pcllt, v. a. separ. or insepar. to trample thoroughly ; to wear out by trampling. 25 It r d) t X a li C r n, v. a. insepar. to pass mourning. 55uvcr)traiifeln &■ 25'.ird)traitfen, v. n. (auz. feVUl) separ. to drop through. 25 u r d) t r ii ii nt e n, v. a. insepar. to pass dreaming. 55 11 r d) t r e f f e n, v. ir. n. separ. to hit through. 25 li r d) t r e t b e It, v. ir. a. 1. separ. to drive through ; 2. insepar. of which onJy the pirtidp. blirdltriebcit, cunning, &c. vid. below. 55 li r d) t r e t e n, v. ir. I. a. separ. to wear out or to tread holes into ; II. n. (auz. fcnit; to tread through. 55 ii r d) t r t dj t e r n, v. a. separ. to pour through a funnel. 25 ii r d) t r t e b, m. (-eS ; pi. -e) act of driving through ; passage of cattle. 25 n r d) t r i e b c n, adj. cunning, crafty, practised, artful. 25ltrdi t rtebenf) cif,/. cunningness, craftiness. 55iird)trtefen, 2)iird)rrppfelit, 25lird)trppfen, v. n. (auz. fc^ll) separ. to drip, drop or trickle through. 25 iird)t filler it, v. a. 1. separ. to trill, quaver from beginning to end ; 2. 25ltrd)trfUent, insepar. to walk through (a place) quavering. 25iird)trtnf en, v. ir. n. l. sepir. to drink one by one, tc drink to the end ; 2. 25tird)triltfen, a. insepar. to pass or spend (time) in drinking. 25 ii r d\ t r i p i 1 c I n * S5urdjtrtppelK, v. a. &■ n, separ. or insepir. to trip through. 55iird)trocfiten s,- 25itt\tfri:diten, v. a. A- n. separ. or insepar. to dry tho- roughly. 55 li r d) it b e tt, v. a. separ. to exercise from beginning to end. 55' U r d; 10 d d) e tt, v. a. insepar. to pass waking. 55 li r d) 10 a di 8, ». (-feS) roundleaved hare's-ear; honey-suckle; perriwinkle. 55 ii r d) to a d} fen, r. ;>. I. n. (aux. nvv. | separ. to grow through; I!. 25urdl = rodd)fen, a. insepar. to intergrow, be streaked. 55 it r di '.0 d (ft f C n, part. adj. streaked ; — C3 S'fetfd), marbled meat 25 li X d) n) a i] e n, v. ref. separ to ven- ture through. 55 li r d) to d g e It, v. a. separ. to weigh things, one alter the other. 5? li r d) ro a 1 1 e n, v. a. separ. l. to full or mill thoroughly; 2. fig. xulg. to thrash, beat bang. £urct) 35 U r d) Xi d ■ I C n, v. a. * insepar. i wander thr )ugh ; 2. pervade. 25iird>rpa llfahrten, r. n. (em H". , !l) separ. to wander through. 55 11 r d) XO d I t C It, v. a. insepar. to ru!« over. 55 ii r di n? a 1 5 e it, v. I. 71. (auz. fc*.i'i] separ. to waltz through : II. a. to make a hole by rolling; III. 25iirdm\ti$cr., a. insepar. to waltz through. 25 lird) ro d IjClt, !•. a. separ. to rcH through an aperture or space. 25 lirrb roam fen, v. n. separ. fig. to line one's jacket to thrash. 25 U r d) 10 d H b C I n, v. a. insepar. to walk, go or pass through. 55 ii r d) w a it b c r it, v. I. n. (auz. Kvn 1 separ. to wander through; H. 25ltrd)= lodllbent, a. insepar. to wander over ::■: all directions. 55 ii r cb, ro a it f e n, v.n. (aux. ferm) st par. to stagger, reel through. 25 It r dj tt) d r m e H, v. n. insepar. to warm through, thoroughly. 55 ii v d) ro a f d) e it, v. a. wash through. 25ltrd) lodffciT., r. a. insepar. to water or soak thoroughly, to irrigate. 55tird;roaten &■ 25itrd)rodtcn, v. a. insepar. &■ n. separ. (auz. feOll) to ford, to wade through. 55 u r ct *0 e" b e 1:, 0. a. insepar. to in- terweave 55 ii r d) ro e 3, m. (-c§; j~. -e) road; passage, thoroughfare. 55 li r d) ro e 3, ado. absolutely, through- out 55 ii r d) ro e f) e it, o. I. n. (auz. i separ. 1. to blow through; 2. to perflate ; II. SltrcfjVOCfy Cit, a. insepir. same mean ing. S5iird)roetd)ett S- 25urd)roeidseH, v. I. a. separ. or insepar. to soak, steep or macerate thoroughly ; II. n. (aux. fCDtt) separ. same meaning. 25iircbroetbeni- 25ttrtf)a'eibc!t, r. a. separ or. insepar. to pasture all over. 25 11 r d) rt> e I It e n, ». a. insepar. to spend in tears. 55 li r d) ro C t f C It, v. ir. a. separ. to show the way through ; to lead through. 55 li r d) 10 C r f C It, r. ir. a. separ. to cast or throw through. 55 it r d) ro e ij e :t, r. to whei through; to wear through by whetting 25 u'rd) xoid) f en, v. a. separ. 1. to blacken, polish; 2.Jig. to thrash, beat 55 urd)roimmclii, v. a. s-j> crowd or swarm through. 55 it r rb 10 i m m e r n, v. a. insepar. pass lamenting (whimpering). 55 ii r d) xo t it b c it ir 25itrd)iin'ttte:t, o, ir. I. a separ. to wind through ; in- separ. to entwine ; II. refl. to get clear through: to struggle through, to get through difliculties. 25 U r d) 10 t n f e I It, v. a. insepar to pasi moaning, whining. 55urd) to in tern, ». a. ii:<,pir. to winter. 25 ur cbioirbeln, 7;. a. i.isepar^ to whirl through ; fig. to resound through 55 li r d) XOl X f C It, v. a. 1 . separ. to work knead thoroughly ; 2. 25iird)n.nrfca insepar. to interweave. 25 it r d) xei f d) e n, v.n. (aux fer, par. to slip or sUde through, to e 55 lir d)TO i tt cm, r. n. insepar T. to intermix with substances solved by the action of air 2>iirf Tare 3bc« £ II X 4) to I 6 6 11, b. a. insepar. to vi .ii i .'c arch throughout. £ li C rf) mode It, v. ir. n. scpnr. to purpose or attempt to pass through. S) It r rf) to U I) I C It, v. I. a. insepar. to root thoroughly, to grub through; to rummage ; U.JDltrcbtoUljlett, reft, separ. to grub, make one's way through. J) li r rf) to it 11 f rf) e It, v. n. separ. to wish to get through. Diivcbwurf, m. (-cS; pi. -rourfe) 1. the act of casting through ; 2. scene, srreen. J) li x d) to ii x g e it, v. a. separ. 1. to swallow down with difficulty ; 2. to slay or destroy thoroughly. J) It V d) to li X j C I tl, v. a. insepar. to root throughout, to penetrate with roots. S) ' 1 X d) XO 11 V 5 1 it, v. a. insepar. to season all over, to fill with perfume. 2) U V rf) to it t X) e It, o. a. insepar. to rage Borough. £) ii v d) 5 ii fj I e It, ». a. to count over. © It r d) J d It t e It, w. a. insepar. to pass or spend (time) in quarrelling. S3 ii r A) 5 a u f c it a> 2>urrf)5aiifen, v. a. separ or insepar. to touse thoroughly. £) It r A) l C A) e tt, «. a. insepar. to pass (time) drinking. 3 li r d) J C t rf) It e It, a. a. separ. to draw (a figure) through transparent paper ; to trace. 3) ii r d) j c i A) it it it g, /. (/>;. -en) act of tracing ; compos. — Sp\tpier, n. tracing paper. S3 li x d) j e i ij e it, vid. Surrfjtoeifeit. S) li r d; 5 C r r e It, v. a. separ. to drag or pull through. 3) li V rf) U e () e It, v. i>. I. a. separ. 1. to draw, pull through; to run through (of threads) ; 2. fig. to censure, criticize, one; II. n. (aut. fei)tt) to pass, march through ; III. 23lirrf)$ie()ett, a . insepar. 1. to draw through, interweave, mix ; 2. to march, wander through in all di- rection-;. E li t rf) } t e I e It, v. a. to aim through. S3ii x d) $ i f A) c it <$- 33iircb$ifd)eit, «. a. ;• <$- n. s»pir. to hiss through, pass through with a hissing noise. 5) It V rf) J ( 1 1 e r It, u. a. insepar. to tremble, shiver through. 5) li r rf) 5 d, ?n. (-e8 ; p/.-joile) transit- duty. 53 II C d) J It cE e tl, v. a. insepar. to flash through. 33 111 - d) J li rf C V tt, o. a. insepar. to sugar thoroughly. 5) ii r rf) j tt i], m. {-ii ; /-/. — § ii 3 c ) passing through, passage ; marching; Arch. T. an' hit rave, masterbcam, dormant. S li t rf) J U p f e It, v. a. separ. to pull or -pluck through. Siivd) t,to. jr. n. {aux. illicit) <$■ aux. 1. to be permitted, to be allowed ; 2. to ueed, to want; 3. to be able, possible, can, may ; 4. to dare ; 5. to have reason, u ; time c8, toenn bit barfft, do it if you dare; barf fie foiltnteit ? is alio permitted to come'! barf id) fra = Belt? may I ask! toCllll tdj fo fajjet! barf, rf 1 may say so ; C» biirfte lvobl gefd)cl)eu, it might well happen; bu barfjl Xi llltr forbettt, you need only ask for it ; er btttf ttUC rebett, he needs only to speak; XZ tiirfte cilt ^cicfctCo fcillt, perhaps it would not be a dif- ficult matter; Sic — tlirflt fllaubeil, you must not believe ; er barf jirf) bat'= iiber nid)t wunbent, he must not wonder at it; Sie — itur befefrfen, you have only to command. 3) It X f t i (t, I. adj. needy, indigent, poor ; fig. insufficient, inadequate, poor; cillC — e 2llt3flurf)t, a poor excuse ; If. adc. needily, poorly. 33 ii V f 1 1 g f e 1 1, /. neediness, indigence, poverty; scantiness, imperfection, poor- ness. 53 li f r, adj. 1. dry, arid ; dried, withered ; 2. Jig. lean, meagre ; 3. barren, sterile ; 4. unadorned, blunt; Cttt — er Bi^i'l, a dead bough ; ettOOS lltit — Clt 2Bor= ICtt fagcit, fig. to speak one's mind freely ; — toerbcit, to dry ; compos. — = daunt, — tntfd), ?rc. xerophita (from Ma- dagascar) ; — leibig, a/lj. lean, meagre ; — litJbeit, pi. maggots (a disease of children), — ofeit, vid. 3)arrofctt ; — = furfH, vid. 5)arrfud;t ; — tours, /. flea- bane. Syn. JDiirr, Sroif en. ©iirr ditTers from tro= tffii in being applied to bodies wbich are des- titute of the moisture which forms the fluid part of animal substances. Cine troctcne Jn-iiiS, 13 one wliicli is not wet or damp, cine biirrt, one which no longer contains the juices in- dispensable to life. Sroifencr S.111& is merely Buch as is not wet, carrcr i5an& sucli a-s posseses no nutritive moisture fur plants, on which nothing can vegetate. 33 ii r r e, /. 1. aridity, dryness ; drought ; 2. sterility, leanness. 33 li X ft, 1. m. (-e^ thirst ; strong desire ; 2. /. + boldness, rashness: • — babcit, to be thirsty; ben — ftilieii, lofdjett, to quench one's thirst ; compos. — - brail;}, m. vehement desire for drinking ; — natter, — frhjange,/. dipsas (sort of serpent). 33 ii r ft e tt 4- 33 ii r ft e it, v. n. (aur. iu- fceit) to thirst, to be thirsty ; \A) bllffte or eg blirftct lltirf), I am thirsty; fig. Itarf) Chva-i — , to thirst for or after, to long for. 33lirfti;], adj. 1. thirsty, athirst. dry; 2. fig. eager, desirous; etlt — er 33 W= btr, a tippler. 33 ii r ft 1 13 f e 1 1, /. thirstiness. 33 li V ft t (J d rf), a Ij b adc. thirsty, eager, desirous. 53 it (el, /. Sp. T. the female of small birds ; vulg. box on the ear. 33lifel or 3)liffcl, m. (-S) vulg. diz- ziness, giddiness. 53 ii fe I i g» adj. vulg. dizzy, giddy. 33 ft f C I It, v. n. bilfdig fcl)lt, to be giddy. 53 tiff C,/. JV. T. untarred oakum. 33 li ft, m. (-X$) dust, dirt, mean and trilling thing. 33 lifter, adj. gloomy, dull, dusky; cloudy; fig. .sullen, sad: mournful; — = Halt, adj. being of a dull blue; — flar, adj. T. Clare-obscure ; — t'Oti), adj. murrey. 53 ii ft e r f c 1 1 «■ 33iiftcrbcit,/. darkness, gloominess, obscurity, duskiness. 33 ii ft e r i 1 11 g, m. (-ef ; pi. -c) vid. gtnftertttifl. 33 lifter it, v. -n. {aux. baben) to grow dusky ; to lour, look sullen. 33 it t rfl C It, n. (-§; pi.— ) 1. a small coin; 2. 5M[td)C11, cornet, compos. — = bl'ClHV, —trainer, m. cont. grocer. 3) ii t d) e u to e i f e, adv. in small comets, by small quantities. 33 flte, /. {pi. -11) the small rough whelk. 33 ii t e, /. pi. -11) comet , sompoi, — rt< etcher, m. petty shop-keaper ; — for, luig, adj. having the form of a cornel, cunical. 33 ft t e I e i f e it, a. (-6 ; pi. — ) a conical smoothing-iron. 33 U t e lit, v. a. provinc. to fold, plait, pucker. 33 ii t c it, 33iiteti, vid. JEuten. 33 it t C 11 b a 11 lit, »i mammee-tree. 33 u t c 11 f d) it e cf e, /. aid. Dutf. 33 u'^b ruber, m. (-8; pi. -briber) companion, intimate, crony. 33 li \} C It, ) o. a. St nfi. to call one or 33 ii 5 C it, \ each other " Hunt." 33 ii fe c it b, n. (-c» ; pi. -e) dozen ; jro5lf — , a gmss; — toetic, ado. by the dozen ; by dozen-. *3)U it in U t r, m. (-» ; pi. -C) duumvir. *33 it U in 3 t r u t, n. (-el ; pi. -c) du- umvirate. 33ii»cn, v. a. JV. T. bic SRuberptttuc [UDUXirtl — , to put the hi weather; baa 2rf)iff bltvd; tCll ^li]tltb — , to put the helm a-lee. 33 ii to a f , m. provinc. Bhave-grass, pewter grass. 35 to CI 1 1 n. (-C») X. T. mop. 3) to d 1 I C It, v. a. JV. T. to mop. 3) to d r r e I it, ». n. .X. T. to be variable (of the wind). 53 tt) 0. X 3, adv. Sea lang. athwart; — biird) bic ^ce fegetn, to Bail a the setting of the sea ; compos. — baU fell, m. cross beam. 33toei(, 53 w ei ten, vid. 33:va!I, 33toailctt. *33 \) it a m t f, /. dynamics. *33 1) n a lit i f rf), adj. dynamical. *53 \) It a lit 1 .3 i e, /. doctrine of dy- namics. *33 1) it d ft, vi. (-cit ; pi. -en) dynast, feudal lord. *33 X) 11 a ft i c, ./'. (pi. -n) dynasty. *33 1) n d ft i f rb, adj. dynastical. *33 1) p h \) f i t e it, pi. Dyophysites (sect of christians). *33 I) iS cb 1 1 e, /. Med. T. disordered state of the gall. *33 11 9 rf) 1) i 1 c, /. Med. T. diseased state of the chyle. *33 X) f C It t C r 1 C, /. dysentery. *33 1) § I x a f t e, /. Med. T. dyscrasy. *33 1) « I a i i c, I , , , *3)i)«pl)Dnte,r'' ] -" |l " ,l >- *3V.) fobii, m. {-i secies of coal). *2> i) 8 1 1) rf) i e, /. misfortune, bad luck. *33 1) g u r i e, /. M i T. flysury ©. (S, e, B, the fifth letter of the Alphabet. (§, n. {in music) the third note of the diatonic, scale, E natural; — IDnr, key major of E; — SDxOll, key m~lnor of r.. (v b b a n f e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) jv: r. an anchor made use of at low water. (5- b be,./', ebb. ebbing ; bte ntebrtge — , neap, neap-tide; — Ultb Alntb, tide, ebb and flow, ebb-tide and flood-tide ; — = line AliitlMiu'tfcr, thalassometer. ®Boert, v. a. {aux. baben 1 to ebb, to fluctuate; to fall down, run. down ; c* ebbt, tii talis. tvben or (Iben, I. adj. 1. even, plain, level, Hal ; -. precise, exact : 3. pretty; fair ; 11- adv. 1. evenly ; 2. uj accurately ; even, just ; — jc{t, jnst 140 ©f now . — bamalS, just then ; ',_ T. even-threaded; — falls, ado. also, too, likewise; ■ — l)ett,/. evenness; — jjol}, it. ebony, prince's wood; — map, n. symmetry, proportion, harmony; — s mdjiig, 1. adj. symmetrical, proportion- ate, equal; II. adv. proportionally, equally: — lldcbtc, pi. nights of equal length; — ndditig, — ttdebtttch, adj. equinoctial; — foftjj, adj. Mm. T. b irizontal ; — Wett, — reeitig, adj. pa- rallel; — wcfeithc it, /. sameness, iden- tity : — teucr, + vid. Sfluntener ; — - Seitig, i-/./. ©leicbjcitig. {% bene $■ (Sbne, /. (pi. -n) plain, g !• c 11 C it S- (I bncit, v. a. to even, level, plane. & b C it C r, 7*. (-8 ; pi. — ) evener, leve'Jsr. (jbcnifi m. (-en; pi. -en) ebonist, cabinet-maker. £ b t x. >». (-8 ; pi. — ) 1. boar, wild boar ; 8. .v. t. vid. Giver; 3. + a sort of heavy gun ; 4. provinc. borer ; compos. — cfd)C, /. service-tree ; mountain- ash; — btrfd), m. Indian-hog, baby roussa, boar-stag; — rautc,/. — rci8, n. southern- wood; — fd)loeht, 7i. boar ; — sbcerc, /. service-berry; — ttjurj, /. southern- wood , cat line-thistle. 6; b C V fj a X b, m. (-6) Everanl ($ b e r I) a r b t it e, /. Everardina. *(S6 tout ten, ;;/. Ebionites (sect of Christians). *(§ b I It t V e n, v. a. to blind, mislead. *(5 b U 1 1 1 1 i It, /. ebullition. (i b r 5 e r, m. viiL ^ebrder. 6 b X i f rf), m. provinc. southern-wood. *d c a i I 1 c = a r b e i t, /. (pi. -en) the staining of porcelain resembling scales. •C? c c c n tv i f cb, vid. (Smtttvifd). *(S c c I e f i d \l, (-en ; pi. -en) \ *(Scclcfidfticit8, (— ; ;;/. -ci) $ m. 1. ecclesiastic; 2. Ecclesiasticus. *(§ C C I C f i d ft i f d), adj. ecclesiastical. *@ d) i n 1 1, m. (-8 ; pi. -en) jew's stone. *!'"' rb lltUS, 7ii. sea-apple (a tree from Cochin-china). *M+ 0, n. (-3) echo; Cltt — gc&eit, to re-echo, resound. & dl t, adj. 1. genuine, pure, lawful, real ; ■J. durable, lasting, fast. (5 dj t b e t 1, /. genuineness, lawfulness, real or pure quality. 6 d) t i (] C «. v. a. to legitimate. tv d) t in a % n. vid. G id)maf>. S if, in compos — flOfel, m. calville ; — ' btttt, /.Indian mulberry ; — bcfchldgc, 7i. corner-clips ; — bvett, n. corner- board; — haul, v. corner-house; — = bom, n. small rough whelk; — lliciftcf, m. ridge-mortice ; — pfciler, — ftdn= 150 bet", »i. — f.llllc, /. corner pillar ; — s Vfetlcr, m. (on citier (iiiifahvt), stcne- stud; — fdiranf, m. comer-cupboard; — fpomn, m. corner-rafter ; — ftcbcv, A- — Cltftobcr, m. porter (waiting in the streets for work) ; — fitlbe, /. — = jimmer, n. comer-room ; — ft c i n , hi. cornerstone ; — ftiicf, n. corner-piece; — tluirnt, T7i. pavilion; — tbor, v. corner-gate; — 5 it fj II, m. corner-tooth; — jiegel, m. header ; — jicrrc, /. corner- tower. Gcf, 7i. i/i campo.*. SM'ciecf, triangle; SStetecf, square ; Stcbgecf, hexagon, &.c. IB d a r b, Scfart, dcIEjarf, m (i) Eccard (name of men). dffbett or ISlbCft, 771. (-8) Egbert. 6 (f ?, /. (;)/. -It) 1. comer, angle, nook ; edge; 2. jig. wig. short space, short distance; a little way ; 00n alien — it Uttb @nben In-r, from all parts. (S & e It, r. a. to edge, border. <§ if e r, /. vid. Sicbef. © if t ;], I. adj. cornered, angular ; II. adv. cornerwise ; — $erbved;ctt, to crankle. *® elect if, fieltVfc, vid. «.... *tl C f d f e, /. (pi. -n) a Scotch dance. (S b a lit, 71. (-8) Edam (town in Hol- land). *(§ b b a, f. the Edda. dbel, I. adj. 1. noble; 2. jig. ge- nerous, noble, magnanimous; 3. pre- cious, excellent ; 4. honoured; H?pbl = or borfy — gcboven, most honoured ; ll.adv. nobly ; compos. ■ — billlie, — fttlU, /. nobleman's lady, lady; — beilfcnb, — gcfittllt, part. adj. noble-minded ; — - fi'dlltetlt, 7t. unmarried lady of noble rank ; — geftetlt, 71. vid. — ftcttl ; — = V)of, m. nobleman's mansion in the country, manor-house, country-seat ; — Fnabe, m. page ; — fncd)t, m. squire ; — leberftaut, n. noble-liverwort; — = Icutc, pi. noblemen, nobles ; — maint, tn nobleman; — ntdltnt|cb, adj.Q- adv. belonging to a nobleman, noblemanlike ; — inarbet, m. pmemartin ; — inntf', m. noble mind, _ generosity, magna- nimity ; — miitbti], I. adj. noble, ge- nerous ; II. adv. nobly, generously ; — - ItUll, 7)i. generosity, liberality ; — fins llig, adj. generous, liberal ; — fiettl, 711. precious stone, jewel ; — flcillbi11l= bel, in. the trade of a jeweler ; — fteill= fitleifcv, — fteiin'duieibcr, m. lapidary; • — fteff^m. brocade; — ftolj, adj. of a noble pride; ■ — that,/, noble action; ■ — taitlic, /. silver-leaved fir-tree. d b C I i n g, m. (-e8 ; pi. -e) nobleman, a follower of the aristocracy. S b e I It, o. a. to ennoble. 6' b e It, ?i. (-8) Eden, paradise. *@ b t C t, 71. (-el ; pi. -e) edict, de- cree, proclamation. 5 b i 11 b 11 r g, n. Edinburgh ; — er, 771. — Ct'illll, /. citizen or native of Edin- burgh ; — er, adj. of or from Edin- burgh. *($ b i it g ton it, m. (-en; pi. -en) Mm. T. edingtonit *(5' b I r C n, v. a. to edit, publish (a book). *(§ c 1 1 i n, / (pi. -en) edition. •d b 1 1 r, 7)1. (-8 ; pi. -en) editor, pub- lisher. d tie, m (-it ; pi. -n) vid. dbel. @ b ill 11 It b, 771. (-8) Edmund. 6 btlilVb, ))i. Edward. *@blt c a t i B it, /. vid. C?'r$tcbi!ng. *(§ b u c a 1 r, in. vid. (Fr$teber. *S b n c t v c n, vid. (Srjie^en. *(5 f f e c t, m. (-c8 ; p.: -ci vid. (frfola SBitfung. *(?ffi'C ten, j '- effects, goods, chattel^ furniture, utensils; .1/. E. slate-papers, - ; compos. — klltbcl, m. ,M. K business in the stock-exchanges ; — * fjdttbler, m. M. K. stock-jobber. *(■> f f e C t i 0, adj. M. E. real, in specio *( v f fcctlllrcil, v. a. to effectuate. *( v f f C ill 1 11 1 r C It, v. a. to effeminate. *(5 f f e X C f c C 11 5, /. effervescence. *@ffetOefc!ten, r\ n. to effer \ ■ see. *G F, f i ct r en, Bid, Senrirfen. *(S f f lore f C I It j, /. efflorescence. *(§ f flo v e fc 1 v c 11, vid. ^lusffblagen, ■.'lufbliibeit. *@.gfit, adj. ir adv. vid. ©leicf) ; ba# tft mir gaiij — , it is all one to me. *G?g -- fonnigfeit. Cpge, /. vid. Gggc. @ g e I, m. (-8 ; p/. — ) leech, vid. £Muf=> cgel ; — h'aitt, n. money-wort. G g e n, vid. ©gge it. 6gcr, 1. 7». (-8; p/. — ) narrower; TL 7). Egra, a town ; III. /. a river in Bo- hemia. (Igge//. harrow; compos. — bill felt, 7)i. harrow-beam; — Pflug, 771. sort of. great harrow; — fdlfittclt, m, harrow- sledge; — jabit, — liiifcn, hi. tooth of a harrow. (|gge It, v. a. to harrow *(5'gtb e, vid. Sglbe. G g 1 11 b a X b, ©giitbart, m. (-8) a nanw of men. *(v ghl It tine, /. (pi. -tt) eglantine, wild rose. S g lit it t, 7)i. (-8) Egmont (name of men). (S g ki p t c it, gglj^tier, vid. ?iii . . . *@ g 1 f I X e tt, v. n. to egotize. *(§ g 1 8 lit U 8, 771. egotism. *(5goift, Til. (-en; pi. -en) egotirt, selfish person. *6" g 1 ft i f d), a///, egoistical, selfish. (§ "b C, 6" b, coi'j- <$■ «'''"• 1- ere, before; formerly; 2. rather; — er fain, beloie he came ; (Slier, compar. sooner ; J< ebcr jc licber, the sooner the better; id) toollte ebcr fterben, 1 would rather die : (*bcfh\ sup. first, ntit cbefter ©clcgenbctt, by the opportunity ; am — ftcit, soonest ; 01 cum/His. — bent, — beffen, ado. formerly, before now, ere now, heretofore, ol old. in old times; — ftellS, adv. shortly, very soon, with the first opportunity; — gefteni, adv. before yesterday, the day before yesterday; — ntolig, adj. former, old; ■ — inal8, adv. formerly, in former times, of old. 4' be,/, (pi. -it) matrimony, wedlock; marriage: til bcr — gcbl>rc!t, legi- timate; cine — ftiften, fdiltciicit, to settle, conclude a marriage; co — biltlb, 71. conjugal knot; — belt, «. marriage-bed ; — bl'Ccbcil, I. v. n. to commit adultery ; II. s. n. adultery ; — brecber, adulterer; — brccbcrci, / adultery; — brcc^'Cl'illlt, / adul ■ — brecbetifeb, I. adj. adulterous; II adv. adulterously ; — bvild), 771. adul tery ; ■ — bvucl) begeben, to coram* adultery ; — briidug, a, adultery : — bllllb, m. — bunblltf/ « matrimonial engagement ; — feil'i. » <5bre <5hrl iaarriago-hater ; — frau, / lawful wife, •pouse, consort; — freubcil, pi. con- nubial joys ; — fricbe, m. matrimonial unanimity ; — jjittto, in. husband, spou- t — gattiiui, /. wife, spouse, consort; — gclt>, n. dower, dowry; — geliibbC, n. marriage-vow: — gciltabl, — ge= utabltint, vid. WciuabI, ©emabliun; — gcitop, »'• — gCIIOffiltn, /. consort, , . — gcictj, v. marriage-law; — ' gliuf, n. connubial happiness; — flOtt, in. the god of marriage, Hymen ; — « gui'tel, 7/1. provinc. champinion, musb- roora ; — haft, f. L. T. 1. lawful hin- drance; 2. allodium (in Switzerland and Bavaria); Sntfdjulbigung lvcgeit — = tiafr, essoin; _ — baft vovfctufjcit, to essoin ; — batftc, /. col. the better halt", vid. — gattiltli; — bait, m. provinc. ser- vant, bondman, domestic ; — berr, ?«. spouse, lord; — leiblict), adj. law- ful, legitimate ; — IcittC, pi. married people : — lv3, adj. single, unmarried ; -wfigtett, /. celibacy;. — lujtig, adj. desirous to marry; — mattu, m, hus- band; — Ol'blUllig, / matrimonial Sta- tutes; — paar, h. married couple; — - pactcit, ;;/. l. t marriage articles; — pt'iH'ltrator, m. matrimonial agent; — vccbt, >i. matrimonial statutes; — = tacbc, /. marriage-matter; matrimonial cause; — fct)atj, m. l. fig. consort, spouse, mate; 2. provinc. dower, dowry : — ffheibcub, adj. divorcive; — fenci; bUltg, /. divorce ; — fcgen, in. fig. conju- gal blessing, children ; — ftatlb, m. matri- monial state, matrimony, wedlock; ill bCtt — ftanb ti'Cten,to marry, to enter upon wedlock; — ftcucr, /. dower, dowry; — (lifter, m. match maker; —ftiftllltg, f. match making ; marriage-contract or settlement, — teufel, m. fig. disturber of matrimonial happiness; *Asmodni; — trcnuung, /. divorce ; — wrlobmjj, ii. betrothing, affiance; — vcrtrag, m. marriage-contract ; — Weib, n. wife, spouse; — lverbfT, m. courter, suitor; — javter, m. a contract on which a marriage is founded ; — JWtft, m. ma- trimonial ditferences. G belief), adj. matrimonial, conjugal; bic — C -4>fl'«)t, conjugal duty ; flic — et'flavcit, to legitimate. (? I) C I i ct) C It, v. a. to marry, ft () e r, vid. (§l)t. (S I) t X U, adj. brazen, of brass, of copper; jig. brazen faced ; mit — fit SupCIt, brazen-footed; ba3 — C 3cttatter, the brazen age. (S t) e ft e, vid. ©be. (§ b f ft C U S, ado. shortly, very soon, with the first opportunity. Pblc, vid. (SUe. 6 ij r, m. + and joe. master ; in compos. abridged for (Sfjrc; — abfebueiber, m. calumniator, slanderer; — abfcbtieirC; td,/. calumny, slander; — attgrcifeilb, adj. injurious, slanderous ; — bar, I. ,., , entitled to honour, honourable, honest; decent; modest, grave ; II. adv. honestly ; decently; modestly; — barfett,/. ho- nesty ; decency ; modesty ; propriety of conduct; — bcgicvbe, f. amtition, desire of honour ; — begterig, I. adj. ambitious, greedy of honour ; II. adr. ambitiously ; — blll'ft, m. strong ambi- tion, eager desire after honour ; — iX- bictig, adj. I. reverent, reverential, re- spectful, dutiful; II. adv. reverently, respectfully, dutifully; . — crbiettgfcif,/. reverence, respectfulness; — cvbtetltug, /. reverence, respect, veneration, de- ference, homage; vid. Syn. [.; fciuc — = eriietung bejetgert, to pay deference ; — UU'cJjr, /, veneration, reverence ; awe: — fitrcii r ct'tiflPii ert, to awe ; — - furrbt gebictenb, awful; — futrhtSs i)0ll, adj. respectful ; — gefutjf, n. sense of honour, point of honour; ■ — gcit, m. ambition; vid.Syn.Il.; — geijig, Ladj. ambitious, aspiriiiL'. covetous of honour ; II. ado. ambitiously ; — gicrig, a sirous of honour; — Itcbc, /. love for honour,. true ambition : — licbcilb, adj. loving honour; fill — licbciibcv SDiatM, a man of honour; — lo?, I. adj. void of honour, dishonourable, disreputable, in- famous ; IL adv. dishonestly, dishonour- ably; infamously ; vid. Syn. III. ; — le>ftg= f tit,/. dishonesty, infamousness, infamy; — fant, I. adj. honourable, respectable; If. «'/c. honourably : — fuKlf}, m, (in feudal law) relief; — frfliifeig, adj. obliged to pay a relief; — fucbt, /. immoderate ambition; — fucfytig, I. adj. very ambi- tious; n. adv. ambitiously ; — »ergef« felt, adj. unmindful of honour, d able, vile ; — lvibrig, adj. contrary to honour, dishonourable, disgraceful ; — = lvuveCll, /. reverence (used as a title) ; (Sir. — iviirbcit, your reverence, reve- rend sir; — lviirbig, adj. venerab verend, respectable ; febr — ivut'ciaer SDlciftcr oom sj'nbj! most worshipful master! (with freemasons); — wiir; bigfeit, /. venerableness, respectability. Syn. I. CbrcrbictiMn, Crbrfurdit. Chr, furdit is :t feeling of Rdmiration <>r r mingled with awe and inspired by the con- ■ oieas of our own insignificancy and littleness. Chrc rbif t u iiv| is not an internal emotion, but merely an ait of respect or obeisance. S;/n. II. ff-tKgfi;, Xuf)m»t3itrtt, tiJ. Cfyrc, Xu6m. Si/n. III. CbrloiS, II n r r> r f i d>. The man is unc^rlirf), who is undeserving of any respect nr este.-m; be is cbrloP / who js | branded with infamy, or who is destitute of all feeling of honour. The swindler is unrfir, lid) inasmueh as he arts dishonestly, but not necessarily cnrlotS, until his dishonest actions r are publicly known. (5 ij X C, /. (pi. -It) honour, reputation; rank ; glory ; cineilt — cvmcifcil or be= jcigcu, to do honour to one ; ciucm allc — ailtbltlt, to treat one with great respect ; uiibcflctfte — , unsullied honour; l'/ir. alk — It UUMUMlU'CU laffcit, to pay due honour to (a bill of exchange) ; ciucm bic Icrjtc — etroeU )C1I, to do the funeral honours '.o one; gPttlicbe — tt envcifcit, to pay divine honours; $u grpficit — ii erbobcu lvcr= belt, to be raised to great honour; ct= ucm bic — laffcit, to yield the prefer n . ihe precedency to one; jlir — gcvcidbeit, to be an honour; to redound to "tie's honour; iff) U'CVbC bic — ba= belt, I shall do myself the honour; ftrJj cine — bflrauS machcit, to be proud of: in — tt batten, to honour ; hi — u lebcit or fetylt, to be in great esteem, reputation; bci — it blcibcn, io preserve one's honour (reputation) ; e rivais — tt balbcv tbitii, to do a thing for th< of honour: Oltf llieinc or bti mcillCV — , on my honour; mit — tt, in alien — u, without 'any disregard to honour; eiu .Uuf) in — , an innocent Idas ; 3 y t SBott tit — ii, with due deferen you, with your leave; mil — 11 s;ii incl= belt, co/. with (or saving) your revei mit —it loSfommen, to come off with credit: ^cmaube3 in alien — it geben= feu, to mention one honourably. A'i/n. Vlllig, honourable amends; — feft, n///'. honourable ; — frdllletlt, n. jnaid of honour at courts) : — gebatbtntp, «. monument; — gefolge, n. re!.-. honour; — gelag, «. feast, banquet; — * gefdienf, n. present, gift of honour , — grabmal, n. cenotaph, mausoleum ; — grab, m, honorary degree ; — banbel, rU. — facfje; — bolb, m. herald jpCtoL , — fleib, n. festival gown, coat eremony, robe of honour, state- dress; — trait}, m, wreath or crown oi honour ; — frolic,/, crown of glory : — = IffttOtt, /. legion of honour in France); — [pblt, in. honourable reward : salary ; — luge, /. officious lie ; — niabl monument; 2. feast, entertainment, banquet in honour of; — maun, ?« man of honour; worthy man ; — !tlit= glieb, n. honorary member; — name, rid. — titel ; — \HlQt, m. page of honour, —pfennig, ra. 1. (better 3)enFinutiie) coin struck in honour of a person ; 2. money saved with a view to some oc- casion, where honour is concerned ; — Jjforfe, /. triumphal arch; — V rc '*. m. tbiellen, speedwell, broomlime (a plant) ; — iMlllff, m. point (pique) ol honour; — l'liubet, m. defamer, vid — = fefiartber ; — rebc, /. speech Ctf>= ftorr, vi. 2>\ T. albumen ; — DOflel, dl sooty tern. G i (I, inter), (expressive of joy or irony) hey '. (St be, /. (pi. -n) yew, yew-tree. (5 i b C tt, adj. yewen, of yew. Gib ifd), m. (-eg) compos. — fraiir, w. — rourj, /. march-mallow, althea ; — = fa ft, m. the juice of althea; — fdlbe, /. dialthea. G I A) e tt, Gileiit, n. (-« ; pi. — ) dim. little egg. (£"tcr, pi. eggs; compos. — apfel, to. I— vffattje, — ftaube, /.) egg-plant, large fruited nightshade ; — tecber, in. egg-cup ; — brob, n. a sort of bread, made of eggs and milk ; — triii;e, /. egg-sauce; — bottiT, m. yelk or yolk; — flabcit, vid. — fud)ctt ; —grille, /. the finest quality of buckwheat groats, — flar, ?j. giaire, vid. Girociti ; — fttfe, »>. custard; — telle,/, egg slice ; — ttefcg, m. female of the crawfish, crawfish with eggs ; — flld)CH, in. omelet, pan- cake ; — [egctlb, adj. oviparous ; — = letfte, /. Arch. T. a carving on the - of buildings; — litlie, /. ellipsis, ellipse; — ibffcl, TO. egg-spoon; — - VflillintC, /. egg-plum, magnum bonum ; — piatj, m. omelet ; — rabllt, m. custard ; — flocf, m. ovary ; — ft Off baitb, n. A. T. ligament of the ovary ; — -fllppe,/. egg-soup ; • — tatlj, m. sort of dance through several ranges of eggs with covered eyes ; — VOCttl, in. egg-wine. Sid), in compos. — apfei, m. oak-apple, gall, gall nut ; — taunt, m. vid. Gidie ; — elk, /. standard yard ; — gctiibr, /. gauger's fee; — grunb, m. vale of oaks; — (jofj, n. grove ot" oaks; oak- wood; — born, — jjorndjeu, v. — = fa^e, /. squirrel ; baS ftbirtfe^e — = born, calabar ; — l;ornaffc, oi. tama- rind ; — tcbf> adj. covered with oaks; — vital', n. gauge, standard, vid. s ilid)= ntaf ; — niaft, vid. Gidnintaft; — = flab, m. rid. — mafi; — trait be, /. oak-berry ; — voalb, in. wood of oaks, grove of oaks. gldje, /. (pi. -n) 1. oak. oak tree; 2. gauge, standard, vid. 3ltC$majj. Gld) C 1, /. (pi. -n) 1. acorn ; 2. gland; S.colour in cards; — It tragenb, glan- diferous; compos. — briife, /. A. T. gland of the nut of the petiis ; — fin's lltig, adj. having the form of an acorn; — flatten, m. nursery of oaks: — bafer, m. species of oats; — ftattji m. wreath of oak-leaves; — nutft, /. niast of acorns, feeding on acorns, J 52 mast; pannage; — nulls', /. garden- squirrel ; — jdiau'iu, h. acorned pig. G l A) C It, adj. of oak, oaken ; compos. — faiTClt, m. oak-fern ; — fyolj, it. oak- wood, oaken-timber; oftillbifctcg — = boli, rose-chestnut; — flol}, m. oak- block ; — lltiftfl, /. mistletoe ; — IttOOg, v. wall-moss; — yi($, m. — traubc, / oak-leather; — rillbc, /. oak-bark; — * fcbroainm, m. oak-agaric; — JWcig, ot. oaken-bough. G l d) C U, v. a. to gauge, vid. 5ltd)Clt. Gld;cr, vid. 2lid;er *■ 2ltc§maj». (Sib, in. (-t§\ pi. -e) oath; citlCU — leifteu, fd; win-en or ablcgen, to take one's oath; ciucu — abitcbntcu, to take another man's oath; to bind by an oath ; bcr — bcr S.'rcue, the oath of allegiance ; Scmailbcit lit — neb= men, to put one to his oath; ct it flCjWlingciicr — , oath extorted by violence; cin falfdicr — , false oath, perjury; ben — Jlifdiicbcn, to adjure, to tender an oath; eiltCU falfd)CU — fcbUHU'Cit, to perjure one's self; com- pos. — britcb, vi. oath-breaking; per- jury; — brudjtg, adj. guilty of per- jury, perjured, forsworn; ■ — brilbcr, m. sworn brother ; — eSfotmcl, /. formu- lary of an oath ; — Cglciftuiifl, /. the taking an oath; ■ — gcitofj, in. confe- derate, associate, ally; — gcuoffeit= jcbaft, /. confederation, confederacy, league ; ■ — gcuof|tfd), adj. associated by an oath, leagued together; — l)aft, adj. + sworn; — |d;n.Utr, m. swear- ing an oath; oath, — vcrgeffcit, adj. vid. — btiicbtg, (S t b a lit, m. (~tS ; pl.-t) son-in-law. Gibe d) f C, /. (pi. -n) lizard ; compos. — tlfcfoUJdUJ, in. B. T. lizard-tail: — U= ftcill, in. lizard-stone; — nfifdj, m. lizard-fish, licertus. Giber, m. (-S ; pi. — ) (—gang, /. — - VOgcf, in.) eider-duck; compos. — buneit, pi. eider-down. G t b 1 t A}, adv. iC- adj. by oath, upon or with an oath; in the form of an oath: — ■ ailiSfageit, to declare upon oath ; \i&) — vervfl'd)tct baben, to lie under an oath ; citt — C$ j&eUflnij}, affidavit; ■ — crl)arteit, to make affidavit. G i f C f, m. (-§) zeal, ardour, warmth, eagerness, heat; passion, wrath; emu- lation; bcr itbevtriebcue — , over-earn- estness; officiousness; compos. — Oeiji, to. — fltd)t, /. jealousy, envy : — fiid)- telci, m. petty jealousy ; — fmiStdll, o. n. to indulge in jealousy ; — fud)ttg, I. adj. jealous; envious; II. adv. jealously ; 1 — fit ci; 1 1 C l", m. a person that indulges in petty jealousy. G i f c r e r, to. (-S ; pi. — ) zealot. G i f C r It, v. v. (am. fcillt) to be zealous ; to speak or act with zeal ; to vie ; to be jealous (envious), to be angry (at, iibcr thlhVi, with one, llitt ciucill) ; gegen etWaS ■ — , to declaim against, de- nounce. G i f r i g, I. nrf/' zealous, ardent, warm, eager, passionate ; + angry ; II. adv. zealously, ardently, &c. ; ftci) £scillitlt= bc§ — anuebmett, to interest one's self warmly for one. G t g e, m. (pi. -tt) + vid. Gfgner. Gig Clt, I. adj. I. own; self, proper, peculiar (with dat.) ; 2. singular, parti- cular; 3. accurate, exact, nice; 4. strange, odd, whimsical; lltit lltetltcr — en -Oattb, with my own hand ; et tat cut —Co fails', he has a house of his own; — C SeUte, bondmen; I'D It meinem — en, out of my own ; cr 6e= filjt lltdlt'J —e8, lie has nothing of his ©ge own; fctu — cr .jpert rotreen, to «a up for one's self; fcilt — et^Ctt fctnt, to be one's own master or self-de- pendent; — cr SHJtlle, will of one*i own: — eg*Sob, self-praise; — C il ! cd); )d, .1/. /-.'. bills of exchange draw» upon one's self; flit — C Oicdntuitg, for one's own account; — C 33ebeU= tuugctt bcr SBottet, proper meanings of words; jig; — feijtt, to be peculiar: b0§ t[t tblll — , that is peculiar to liiin ; fid) CtlvaS 511 — madicu, to make r. thing one's own; — cr ( — tbuniliriw) Sluobrucf etner 5;u\id)C, idiom; — c pjhtnbatt, peculiar dialect, id ift febr — , he is very nice ; cr tit cin — et OJJ.lltU, he is a whimsical man; fa ift bod; — , it is strange ; II. ade. properly, peculiarly, &c. ; compos, self; — an(id)t, /. 1. personal observation, autopsy ; 2. view or opinion of one's own ; — artig, adj. of a particular kind : • — bchovii], adj. vid. Setteigeii ; —bo- te, in. an express; ■ — biilltcl, m. sell- conceit, self-sufficiency, presumption ; — gc()6l'tg, adj. belonging to, own; — - . eroalf, /. self-assumed power or au- thority ;—giet,/. egotism; — gicrni.n.y egotistical; — gut, n. freehold estate. allodium ; — gutgertc, m. heir to al- lodial land; — f)aubci, m. business for one's own account; — Sjftnbig, u,ij. •>, adv. in or with own one's hand ; au- tograph ; cin — |anbtfleg ed>rctbfi!, an autograph letter; — licit,/, property, peculiarity, particularity ; whim, oddity; singularity; _ — tcit ctiier Sprarbc, idiom ; — bcitSlOOrr, n. Gram. T. ad- jective ; — b;citlid), adj. characteristic; — letbifl, adj. — feibige .UtMirfbcit, Med. T. idiopathy; — licbe, / self-love, self-liking; ■ — lot, re. — rilbllt, m. self- praise ; — iobucr, m. Min. T. a private person that undertakes the working of mines at his own expense ; ■ — lltadit, /. arbitrary power ; despotism; — mart)-. tig, I. adj. arbitrary, absolute, despot ical : II. adv. arbitrarily ; fict — ntdd>- ttg ^ccdit ycrfd;affen," to take the law into one's own hand; — lllitlct, ?;. Med. T. specific; — munbtfl, adj. by- word of mouth, oral; — name, in proper name ; ■ — mjij, in. self interest, selfishness; - — tuifetg, I. adj. interested, selfish; II. adv. selfishly ; — lit'tljigfeit, /. self interestedness; . — ttUfelOg, adj. disinterested; — Vtdjtcrlid), adj. judgin" in one's own cause ; — VII bill, m. self- praise; — | thrift, /. autograph. G I g e it c it, vid. Gtguen. G i g e u c r, vid. (Signer. G I g C 11 $, adv. 1. expressly, puqiosely , 2. peculiarly, especially. Gigcnfctaft, /. (pi. -en) l. pro perty, attribute, mark, nature : 2. ca pacity, character, quality: cine gbttli= ebe — , a divine attribute ; SOU gittea — en, well qualified; compos. — gtVDft, n. adjective; — SjCtcbclI, n mark oi distinction. Glgcnfdiafteit, v.n. (am. feint) tu have qualities or qualifications. G I g e It f i 11 II, m. (-tS) stubbomnc.'Si, caprice, wilfulness, obstinacy- Gig en fin it ig, I. adj. stubborn, ca- pricious, wilful, obstinate ; II. otic. stubbornly, &.c. Glgenfud)t, / egotism. G I g e n f ii d; t i g, adj. egotistic. G I g C n t fj a. t i g, I. adj. self-acting II. adv. same meaning. Gi gent t II lit, n. (-g) own. properly — in 93an!action, bank stock: i pos. — gberr. m. proprietor, lord rn the manor ; — &Vid)t, n. right of pos- session. G i gent b ii m c r, m . (-6 ; pi. — ) owner, proprietor. G ig en t burner in it, /. (pi. -en) proprietress. Slgentbii m 1 i d>, r. a#. own. proper. peculiar; II. adv. peculiarly; cilt (i)ut — ittt )id) brtligctt, to acquire the pro- perty of an estate; — • jligcpVClt, to be one's own property. Gigcntbii ml tcbfe it, /. {pi. -ctt) peculiarity, property. G I (\ C It 1 1 1 d), I. adj. proper, true, pre- cise exact, real ; man roetji bic — ctt Umfiaitbe nod) Ittdjt, the real circum- Minces are not known yet ; II. ado. pro- perly speaking, exactly, properly ; truly ; was foil bag — bebeufen V what is il meaning of this 1 @ l g c it » 1 1 1 1, m. (-rt5) self-will, wil- fulness. g l g C It 10 i I [j g, I. adj. wilful, arbi- trary ; 11. ado. wilfully, arbitrarily. @ [genwtlligfett, /. via. Gigcn^ kettle. G l g II C It, v. I. n. faiti. babcit) 1. to be one's own; 2. to liecome, fit, be- !i ive ; 5ie ftnb nicbt baju geetgncr, you arc not qualified for it ; II. refl. fid) — jll, to be qualified for, adapted to, to be fit for. ©igiietV m. (-8; pi.—) owner, pro- prietor. Gtlanb, n. (-ce; pi. — e or -tdnber) island; compos. — glltcer, n. au archi- pelago. gild it be r, m. (-g; pi.—) Gildiu bertun,/. (pi. -en) islander, native of an island. S I Id n b t f d), adj. belonging to an is- land. G I I, incompos. — bete, m. (-en ; pl.-m) ourier; — botfcf)aftlid), adj. £■ ado. by a courier-express; — fertig, I. adj. hasty, hastening, speedy; precipitant; II. "dr. hastily, &c. ; — fertigfeit, /. Hastiness, speediness; precipitation; — ftng, m. a speedy flight ; — geroobltf^ adj. accustomed to haste ; — martYb, — jug, m. forced march; — poft, f. — roagen, in. stage-coach, diligence; ■—pojtmtcr, m. anestafet; — lueilett, v. v. {aur.. fenit) not to proceed too hastily or rashly; — jug, m . forced march. Gl'lc, /. haste, speed, dispatch; grofje — , hurry; ill bet grbfjtCIl — , i n a hurry, post-haste. SV'i. Citr, $afr. £it f originates from ex- ternal merely, £,ft always from intern I ones, person is rilifl, who lias not much in which to accomplish a thing; he is ha. (li>l, who frmn an inward restless ardour does •very thing iu a hurry. PUcii, v. I. n. (auz. fcim) l. to hasten, make haste, to hurry, make sp I ; to hie; -'. (with babcit! to pass quickly fly, hurry; — lltit 3BeilC, prcv. festina lente ; II. refl. to make haste. tUenb, adj. a> „d n . Gifenbg, ode. tweedy quick ; hastily, speedily, in haste. Qilfcontr. Glf, adj. eleven; compos. — ed, T. hendecagon; — evict, adj. eleven sorts; — fad), adj. eleven- fold; — jdhrig, adj. of eleven years; llial, ado. eleven times; — te, adi eleventh; baS -re LDJal, eleventh time: — let, n. eleventh part; — ten-', ado. for the eleventh ; — tebalb ad? «u and a half. 6t Ug, I.aaj.fcasty, speedy, dispWhful; Utn6 eiut I — feiin, to be hasty, in baste ; II. ado. ' hastily, speedily, iy.i. eillj/ Citr'trtia, $afti 8 . Each of these words i something in a short time. Bui he is tiiij,, who baa do! mui h time left, and i motive for performing much in a short space of time. Err Cilf.rtiae actually (l ■•'- much in a short time, is quick in perfa not as Srr l;.ifno«, whose motions arc acce- lerated by an inward restless impulse, but be- b the circumstances are urgent, Cilfcrtld can be said of persons only, tiligalsool One may ask a person who is writing a letter] 2Barum fin9 Git fo rilftrtigl and the answer may he: Ecr Mrlff ifr tllia, i. ,. it must he speedily at the place of its decimation. ® I m c r, m. (-g ; pi.— ) i pail, bucket ; 2. rundlet, kilderkin; cut halbcr , firkin; compos. — Ecfte, /. bucket-chain ; — fuitft, /. T. sort of waterwork with buckets ; — Weife, ado. kr» raiUl'uI, by the pail. G l lit C r i g, adj. containing a pailful. Gill, I. art. a, an; n. adj. num. one; I jig. some, any ; one and the same, same; fie unUincit tit —cm Jpaufe, they live in one and the same house; jJOlt — er ©r&fje, of the same size ; — lit — cm fort, continually, incessantly ; — 6iccf0 _ fclbft, Tully himself; bCV,' bte, baS cine, pi. bie eincit, adj. pron. the one ; bag cine Jpaufl ift Itc'll, tag ailbCl'C alt, one house is new, the other old; \\\, (Sin, ado. in, within, into; auer Aelb — , across the fields; eg voolltc il)in nidit — , jig. he could not understand it; 3abr ail», 3al;r— , every year, all the year round. (5 I It, before verbs stands for is ; verbs this compounded are separable, eill having the accent. (fin a cfern, v. a, to plough in (the dung). (5 1 11 a It b C r, ado. one another, each other; ait — , together, to one another, upon one another; bei — , together, with one another ; bUrfb — , confusedly, promiscuously, higgledy-piggledy ; aHcr= bailb burrf) — , miscellaneous matters ; nacf) — , one after another, successively : Ilcbcit — , by each other, at the side of each other; fict) — »crfprccr)cil, to engage mutually; iibcr — , over- one another; von or aug — gebcit, oott or aitg — brtngert, to separate. <§ i n d it g ft i g c It, v. a. to force in by earnest entreaties, to frighten into (food, &x.) ; to intimidate. @ttt anient, ». n . {am. baben) to throw in the anchor. <§ i It a It t W r t C It, v. a. to hand over, deliver. Gin a rb cite it, „. refl. (fid) in cine Sacbe) to make one's self thoroughly acquainted with a business or em- ployment (Sfnatnttfl, adj. one-armed. (M'ndnttcu, vid. ©tnerrtfen. B' l' It a V t C 11, v. n. {aux. fcilll) 1. to be innate (implanted); 2. to inhere. \ " { ] r * ' $' "''J- °f °ne kind, species. (5' i II d f d) C r It, v.a.l. to burn to ashes ; to lay in ashes; 2. to steep in ashes; to cover With ashes; 3. C/j. T. to calcine. fiindfd)eriiitg, /. laying in ashes, burning into ashes, incineration. 0" in a tbmcit, v. a. to breathe in, to draw air, to inhale, inspire. (5'titatbmcn,*. Gtiiatbmim,],/. re- spiration. ($ i n a (j c II, o. a. to etrh in, upon. ©fnoujjeln, Bid. 6tntmpf«n. Gtnd it gig, adj. one-eyed. (S 1 n b a if, m. [-ii ; pi. _e) prcoinc. sort of pastry 6 In bacf en, adj. ,. (S't n barf en, v. , r . „. to bake in. (i" tub alien, r. a. to pack ii. ; Gin balf amir en, (imbalf,;;: a. to embalm. S t n b a 1 f a m i r e r, m. (-§ ; pi. — embalm' r. G i it b a I f a m i r u it g, /. embalmii g G t n b a n b, m . (-eg ; v :. -bdnbe) bind ing ; cover. G tub a linen, v. a. to confine, re- strict within limits. G tit batl fen, r. a. T. to lay up<(the sheaves) in the barn. Gt'nban, m (-e«) efnge^Sube, n. (-§) T. a pilework or fence made on the bank of a river, to prevent the en- croachment of the water. G i n b a U e It, «. I. a. to build one thing within another ; II. refl. to build in a place, to form a settlement in a place. G t n b c b t ii g e n, P . ,v. a . to stipulate. G t n b e c r e, /. ( P i. -n) b. t. true-love, vid. 22olrgbccre. G ip b e c re it, v. a. r. to furnish the springes with berries of the service-tree (among fowlers). G t it b c f c f; I c n, o. ,v. a. (eincm cl-- tOaS) to force in by commands. Gt'ltbcgrcifcit, to contain. encompass. Gt liberal ten, v. ir. a. (eincm ct-- U'ag) to keep back, to withhold, to detain. G i n b c b a 1 1 n n g g t- C rb t, n. (-c;; j /. T. the right of detainer. G in b c t fj e it, v. ir. i. n . (aux. baben i to bite into; Jtg. to penetrate; lire/!. to fix with the teeth, bite in. 6 l II b C 1 5 C II, v. a. to mortify (meat) to etch (characters). Gt'ltbcfcitllCII, v. ir. a. to confess. to own. Gin be! o in men, v. ir. a. to get m; to take, pet possession of. Ginbcrirb tc it, ,-. „. to report. Gt'nbcrilfcit, v. ir. a. to convene, convoke. G i n b C t C It, r. a. to lull asleep by praying. Gfttbcttcllt, v. I. a. to gather by begging ; II. refl. fig. to insinuate one''- self by begging; to come in or get ad- mission to by begging. Gi'nbctten, v. a. <$■ refl. to take, procure a bed or lodging. Gi n b en d) c n, v. a. to put into ! buck (linen, &c). G i It b C U g CIl, r. a. to bend inward ; to turn in. Gilt be life lit, v. a. to put into a purse; 0db — , to pocket or | money. ( G i n b t c g c it, o. ir. I. „ n n (aux. ba-. I bell) III. refl. to bend, turn in. G i it b c 5 i r f e It, p. a. to to r district. G f n b 1 1 b C It, i-. a. ,v refl. ( fiib, dat) to imagine, fan lievc; cr rooute nit'f allcrlet — , would make me beh'eve many thi bafi famt id) nttr — , that I can I imagine; fid) »tel — , to be cono ume (upon.... anf etirag ■ ft btlbet fldj tu oiel etn, be thinks too much of himself; er btlbet \id\ cilt, eiti flroget SWann ,n fevit, he fancies himself a great man. Efnbtlber, ■>. (-«; ,,/.._) fanciful or fantastic pens a. 153 (5mb Grinfc ginbitbcrif d>, OSiiibilbifcf), ag. conceited, gittbtlbling, >«. (-8; ^- -e> con- crite ! "tub. @ 1 11 b t 1 b 11 n g, /. (pi. -en) imagina- tion, fancy, conceit, thought, idea; CtllC blojje — , a mere fancy, conceit; til fce r — !>pvbailbcit, imaginary; compos. — Sfraft, /. imagination; — SElMllf, an;', sick in conceit merely; — Erailf- licit. /. imaginary sickness. ®in5inbeflelb, n. (-e«; pi- -«) pregsnt made to a godcluld at the christening. (St'ltb tlttC It, v. ir. a. 1. to bind in, to tie up or on; 2. fig. (eiuciu etroa8) to enjoin, charge one with; Ctlt S -J3llrt) _, to hind a book; JV. T-s. tie ©egd — , to furl the sails ; to clew. @ i u h t h b it a b e I, /. {pi. -it) bookbind- er's needle. 6 1 it b 1 1 i C It, o. ir. a. to gather by begging ; fid) — , to get admission by begging. CJ t It b i 1 1 C r It, v. a. to make bitter by steeping in a bitter substance. (ffltblafClV v. ir. a. 1. to breathe into, blow into ; 2. to blow down ; 3. fig. (ciitcm ctwaS) to prompt one. to whisper in one's ear. (5 i n b I a f c r, m. (-8 ; pZ. — ) prompter, whisperer. (SittMafung, /• (p*. -««) blowing in; blowing down; fig. prompting, whispering. (5 1 it b I d f e x e if. (pi.-tn) (malicious) suggestions. g l it b U 1 1, n. (-C8) one-biade, adder's tongue (a plant). @ til b l a 1 1 1 X t (J, adj. B. T. monope- talous. (Stttbt aiteit, v. a. T to dress the blue vat C? t it b I a It e It, v. a. 1. to make blue ; 2. fig. (cillCltt ettua8) to beat something into one. Of i It b t e n b e It, > v. a. Arch.T. to place ($■ i ; n b 1 1 it b c it, \ int0 a niche J t0 fur " nish with a recess. 01 t it b 1 1 cf C It, v. n. to cast a look into. (Stnblocf en, v. a. to put into the stocks. (v Ul bill lit tg, adj. having but one flower. (S t it b o f c I n, vid. (Sinpofelit. OS i it b t) X C It, v. I. a. to bore a hole ; II. rrfl. to penetrate by boring, make one's way. 01 t It b f) r t g, adj. T. having but one bore. (5 1 11 b V b C tt, c. a. to put on board a ship. (vtubraten, v. ir. n. (o«i.fei)tt) to shrink in roasting. (g t It b f a U e tt, v. a. to put in brewing ; to brew beforehand. 01 i tl b V C d) C n, v. ir. I. a. to break down, pull down; to break open; II. n. (aw*, feijtt) 1. to break, to give way; 2 to break in, into (a house) ; 3. fig. to hogin, to approach; einc —be ©cfabr, an imminent danger; bie Scgcl — , to flat in; bet i^Pbcn brad) etn, the floor gave way; 9tduber bvadjcit in ba8 fiattS CUt, robbers broke into the house ; bie jtad)t brtdjt ein, night is approach- ing- bic .Ualtc bvicht cin, the cold begins. 6 t 11 b X f It n e It, ». ir. I. a. to brand, to bum in; SJctf&eit . n. 1 . to bring in, to carry home; 2. to yield profit, to return, bring in ; 3. to bring as dowry ; ba$ (.Mctrcibc — , to get in the corn, etroaS roiebcr — , to make tip ibf some- thing; to compensate: tiugdu'acbtcc- ©ut, vid. 6'iin3cbvad;tc. (5 i It b V cf C, /. (pi. -it) a crumb (in milk, &c). Oi t It b X cf C it, v. a. 1. to crumble (bread) into; 2./^. vulg. to commit a fault; (cillCllt ctllHVo) prov. to lay a Hung into one's dish; UHiS man cinadn'ocft f}, I. adj. impressive, af- fecting ; II. ado. impressively. 01 i tt b r i it g 1 i cb. f e i t, f. impressiva- ness. 0i i It b V 11 Cf, ?n. (-C8; p*.-bru c i t, f. 1. simpleness: 9 simplicity. 01 i It f db C 1 It, v. a. to tlucnd a needfo, to thread; fig. Ctttc <£ad)t feitl — . to bring about, manage, contrive .-ut- fully, dextrouslv. Gutf ©nf (Siuij 6 t n f ft fj X C It, v. »r. I. a. 1. to carry in, bring in (corn, &x.) ; 2. to run down (with a wagon, coach, &c.) ; JJJferbe — , to manage (train, dress) boreea for drawing; 11. v. (nut. fcvut) to drive in, to enter ; Mm. T. to de- scend the mine. (S 1 n f a f) x e r, m. (-8 ; K — ) Mm. T. an officer who superintends several mines. (S 1 It f a f) X t, f. (j>l.-( It) 1 . driving in ; ranee, entry; 2. descent into a mine ; 3. gateway. S" i it fa I (, m. (-t$ ; pi. -falle) i . fall- ing in; falling down; downfall, ruin, fall; 2. fig. invasion ; inroad, irruption ; 3. idea, thought, fancy ; 4. Opt. T. incidence, incidency; cilt IufHget — , a funny idea; eitt IDltltbcrlicb'er. — , a whim, freak, oddity: albenie (Sitt= falle, silly fancies; ber — art belt <2d)(aguf)reit, T. detent; compos. — = fjafen, m. T. detent (in musical clocks) ; — Itltte, /. Meek. T. line of incidence ; cathete of incidence; — fd)ltalle, /. T. detent (in repeaters); — sloth, » Phys. T. axis of incidence; —s Villi ft, m. point of incidence ;_ — Sjtiityc, /. sine of incidence ; — IDtllfef, in. angle of incidence. (Sinfal (en, v. ir. n. (am. feijtt) 1. to fall in or .into, to fall down or to ruin, decay; to sink; 2. to make in- roads, to invade ; 3. to come on, to happen, to break in ; 4. (with dnt.) to fall or come into the mind, to occur; 5. Mus. T. to fall in with, to join ; 6. to fall upon, to catch (said of an in- strument or contrivance) ; 7. to in- terrupt (in speech) ; ba fa U t llltr belli! tfnjrtS cilt, something just occurs to me; Cf rebel, rote C§ t()llt CtltfaUt, he speaks what comes uppermost in his snind ; fig. cittgefaflette Slugeit, ©a* tfcit, hollow eyes, cheeks; e» ftefgar= fltjj SBcttcr cilt, we fell into foul weather ; fid) — laffcit, to think of, to take into one's head. (S t tt f a [ I e r, m. (-8 ; pi. —) t. small piece of slate used in slating a roof. (S i tt f ii I f i g, ailj. ruinous, tottering. (flllfalt, f. 1. simplicity ; 2. sil- liness; fillbildje — / simplicity of a child; compos. — Spiltfcl, in. simpleton, ninny, booby, (S t It f a f 1 C It, ) v. a. to lay into small (S 1 It f a t t C I II, J folds, to fold, plait. <5 1 tt f a 1 1 1 g, I. adj. 1. simple, plain ; 2. silly ; II. adv. simply, sillily. (Sinfafttgtett, /. 1. simplicity; 2. silliness. (St tt f tt I j e It, v. a. T. to rabbet, to fold. (Si it fan gen, v. ir. I. o. 1. to catch, to apprehend; 2. to fill in (with a shovel, &c.) ; 3. fig. to shut up, en- close ; II. n. (okj. fjabcit) Sp. T. to catch, lay hold (with the fangs). (Siitf a u rj ef cf> aufel, /. (pi.-n) r. a wooden shovel (used in metallurgy). (S '. it f in V 6 t g, ailj. of one colour ; one- coloured, plain. CSinfarbigfeif, /. being of one colour only. (Stnfafs = battb, n. riband used (br bordering a garment ; — trc||c, /, trim- ming silver or gold-lace. ilSi n f a f f c tt, ?•. a. 1. to enclose, to enchase, encompass, border; to lace, edge; 2. to put in (casks, sacks, &.c.) ; to put in frame; irtit «VtfeciI — , to trim with luces ; in cinnt SRafjrrteit — , to set in a frame ; (5"b clftcilic — , to set jewels. fj t tt f a f f C r, m. (-S J pi- — T. stone- setter. (S tit fa ff ling, /. (pi. -en) 1. en- closing, enclosure ; 2. border, trim- ming; 3. framing; 4. setting (of jewels). (S f n f a u I e it, v. n. (aux. ferni) to rot inward. (S i It f C fj 111 C It, v. a. to put to mast, to agist ; to send (drive) pigs into the pas- ture ground. (Si it f C f) 111 It II g,/. agistage, agistment. (S l tl f C 1 1 C It, v. a. to file into. (Silt feffe 111, v. a. to put in irons. (Silt fe tteit, v. a. to anoint (smear) With fat or grease. (S t It f C 11 d) t e It, v. a. to soak, steep, wet, moisten. (St it feu cm, v. n. {nut. f)abcn) to make a large fire. (St'ltf teb Cilt, v. a. I. to learn by fiddling repeatedly; 2. to fiddle asleep. (5 1 11 f i rt b C tt, v. ir. rcfl. to come, ap- pear, arrive; to be present. (St llf led) tcil, v. ir. a. 1. to plait (hair); 2. to interlace, intertwist, inter- twine; 3. fig. to put in, interlard (a narrative). (? i It f I C d) t tt 11 g, /. vid. verb. @ l It f 1 e t f d) e It, v. a. to embody in flesh, to incarnate; only in tlic partie. cingcfletfd)t. @ i 11 f f t if C tt, v. a. to patch in ; to put in, to foist in ; fig. to insert, interline. (? i 11 f f I e g e 11, «. ir. n. (nut. feillt) to fly in. ©tttfltefjeil, (aux. fc'.lll) to flow into; jig. to influence; lit i t — laffeil, to make casual mention of. (Sl'nf I of) bar, adj. infusible. fil'ttf t 5fj dt, v. a. to instil, infuse; fur. to infuse, instil, imbue; aJJutfj It. f. 11). — , to inspire with courage, &c. ; citt 33cr!aiigeii u. f. »i\ — , to excite a desire ; tr'rige S3cgi'irte — , to instil wrong ideas. (§ i it f 1 5 ft it it g, /. (pi. -en) instil lation, infusion. ® I tt f \ 5 1 e It, V. a. 1. to learn by fluting repeatedly ; 2. to lull asleep by (luting. (f t II f I U g, m. (-ee) flying in ; — or — lod), n. the aperture of a dove-cote. (5' in flit gel to,, adj. having but one fnld or wing. (§ i It f I II tl m. (-ffcS ; pi. -ftiiffc) flowing into, influx, influxion ; fig. influence, power, interest ; — aitf ctlvaS fitt* petit, to exert influence ; compos. — ' rciit, adj. influential. (Stnflttflecit, v. a. (cincm etwaS) to whisper to, to insinuate, to suggest. IS i tt f I ii ft e r it it g, /. ( pi. -en) sug- gestion, innuendo. (S f n f o b e r it, > o. a. to rail In (debts), (§ i 11 f l' b C r It, J to demand payment. @ i tt f or b c r it it g, /. ( pi. -en) calling in. (3 i tt f r ill, /. ( pi. -en) the sains form ; vid. Uniform. (5iltf6rmig, I. adj. uniform; mo- notonous ; II. ado. uniformly. CS l It f ii V lit t g f C 1 1, /. I. uniformity ; 2. monotrsiy. (S i It f r e t C It, v. refl. 1 . to enter a fa- 1 1 1 i I >" by marriage; 2. to become a member of a corporation. Ci' 1 tt f r C f f C 11, v. ir. I. a. vn'g. to_ cat up; fin. to swallow, devour; fcincn lltlttnllctt — , to devour one's vexation ; Bitter? 33orn>urfe — > to %waiiow up bitter reproaches ; II. refl. to penetrate by corroding, to eat on '« way n;'0 III. n. (out. babcib to eat into. fiinfrtct en, (Sinfricbigcit, r . a. it in, fence in, ( ; (Sfnfrtetc tt, v. ir. n . (aux. k>.mi t, freeze in, to freeze fast ; cingefroren, part. adj. ice-bound, frozen ; CI t tt f r ltt lit c 1 it, v. refl. to insinuate one's self by affixted piety. (* i it f n g c li, / iv a. to join together, to IS i It f it i] C H, ^ dovetail, enchase ; fig. to insert. (5 i 11 f il g U U g, / insertion, joining to or into. CSt'nfiifjr, (dfnfiifirc), /. (pi. -en) import, importation, bringing in at corn, &.c.) ; compos. — artifef, — waa- I'CIt, pi. imported soods, articles of im- portation; — banbel, m. [mport-trade ; — lifte, /. statement of the imi- tations; contents of a ship's carg.- ; — $oll, 77i. duty of entry. (Slitfiihrbar, adj. importable. CS i tt f ii f) r b a x t e i t, /. the quality of being importable or of a being intro- duced. OS t'ltf iiljr C It, r. a. I. to im;>orl (goods); 2. to show in or into, to lead in, to usher in, to introduce ; 3. to in troduce, establish (customs, &.c." ; tit Citl yllltt — , to instal. invest, inau- gurate ; 3cniailbcil retenb — , to cite one's own words; bcr citigcfubrte (Mklllbe, the established faith. (Slnf iif)rer, m. (-3; pi.—) in- troducer. (St It fit f) r t, /. (pi. -en) place of in- gress, inlet, entrance. (S i It f ii I) X It tt g, /. 1 . importation ; 2 introduction ; 3. installation. (Stllfiillctt, v. a. to fill up, pour in; to barrel up. (Stufiitlnrtg,/. ( P :. -en) filling up, pouring in, &c. OSf 11 f ltr cf) c II, v. a. to make furrows in, to furrow. (S t It f 11 r 1 1), f. 1 . gateway ; 2. landing- place. (S I It f ii fj i g, adj. one-footed. (Sittfiltt CHI, v. a. to enclose, en- velop, cover. (Sittgabe, /. (pi. -Il) delivery, pre- sentation, memorial presented. (Sin gang, OT. (-e3; pi. -gauge) i. going in, entering; entrance, entry; 2. mouth ; 3. importation, entering (o, goods) ; 4. M. K. payment, getting in ; 5. introduction, entrance, preface, preamble; prologue; beginning, ex- ordium ; 6, fig. bearing ; — bcr i'lcffc, introit; Had) — , M. E. on payment, on receipt ; fcillC ©itttll fanbetl fci- iicii — , his requests found no bearing; compos. — SbellarattOtt,/. bill of entry ; — efai)tte,/. sp. t. slot of i entrance of a wood ; — Sgelb, n. _ — S= pttiS, m. entrance money : — epforte, /. entrance ; — Srcbc, /. pro! — fdiliiffcl, m. introductory key ; — Sj tbor, n, — tbiir, f. door or gate of en- trance; entry; — SftUCT, n overture — SjOtl, m. duty Of entry. (S ( tt g a li g S, adv. provinc on en- tering; at the beginning. (Slngeofiu, n. (-8) aid. (Sinoau. (g( It .1 C b C It, B. ir. a. cillCllt Cttt'OSI 1. to give or administer [physic); 3 fig. to prompt, suggest; 3. to deliver, exhibit, present: cine Stfttfchrfft bei eillClH — , to present a petition to . . . (jcgen 3emaitben cine Jtfagc --•, t.-. 155 £mg prefer a bill against any one , t« lay a complaint against one. Stn (} C rj e t, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) prompter. giirgeb t Ibct, part. adj. 1. imagi- nary, chimerical ; 2. conceited, proud, presumptuous. (J i It 3 C b t tt b C, n. (-§ ; jrf. — ) present given to a godchild at his christening (Siltgebogrlt, part. adj. turned in, incurvated, heat, inclined ; Ctlie — t 'Uafc, crooked nose. e 1 1, /. confine- ment ; fig. narrowness. (S I It g C f C f f e tt, part. adj. settled, es- tablished, residentiary. 6 t It g C f C f f C tt C, m. decl. like adj. settled man, inhabitant (Singe ft 5 it b n i fs, n. (-ffcS ; pi. -ffe) avowal, confession, admission. 6' i tt g e ft C t) e It, v. ir. a. to confess ; to grant; allow, admit, avow ; eittgcftatl^ better 2J2ajjett/ declaredly; as ad- mitted. (5 1 tt g e ft r t d) C It, part. adj. Mas. T. note of the treble, signed with one stroke; — e Octaue, /. third octave. (Itngeteufelf, adj. wig. devilish. (? i tt g e W C b e, n. (-§ ; pi. — ) 1. some- thing interwoven; 2. episode. (5" i tt g C 11) e i b e, pi. entrails, intestines, bowels; }lt belt — 11 gc[)6rig, visceral; compos. — (ci)re, /. splanchnology, en- terology ; — ttcr», m. splanchnic nerve ; — fdjlagciber, /. A. T. celiac artery; — tmirtlt, vi. tape-worm. (SiligeWet^te, m.Srf. decl. like adj. one who is initiated, adept. (5 1 ti g e w o b. n e it, v. n. (aux. fcl;n) to get accustomed to a place. (S i It g e W b, U C It, v. a. <$• rejl. to ac- custom to a place or thing; (ctltcill CtlintS) to make one used to a thing. (§ t It g e n) U r J C 1 1, part. adj. deep- rooted ; fig. inveterate. © i tt g C tt) U r $ e 1 1 f) e 1 1, /. inveteracy. (S t tl g e J g e It, adj. fig. retired, soli- tary. 6" i tt g C 5 g C It tj e 1 1, '/. retirement, retiredness, solitariness. (5 1 tt g i e fj e tt, v. ir. a. to pour in, into ; to cast in; to fasten in by means of a melted substance (such as lead) ; Ctll i£tiicf Cnfett lltit SBlej — , to cramp in a piece of iron with lead. (v i it g i 1 1 C r it, v. a. to enclose with a railing or iron bars. (Singlet ten, (aux. feijit) to slide in, to glide in. d i It g 1 1 C r (C r), m. (-§ ; pi. — ) uni- tarian. (f l it g tt 1 1 e v e i, ? /. creed of the (S \ It g 1 1 & 1 e I) X e, ^ unitarians, uni- tarianism. (St It grab Cn, v. ir. a. 1. to dig in, inter, hide in the ground; 2. Jig. to in- trench ; 3. to engrave, cut in. (S t it g r e t f c it, v. ir. 71. (aux. baben) 1. to ca'.ch in; to grasp; 2. to exert power or influence ; to interfere ; ge= UHlltf-int — , to interfere with main forr.e'. bet .£ltltb graft CUt, the dog dinb follows well the track; Jig. tit 3tltian> bc3 3(editc — , to invade another's pri- vileges; cittern in fettt Oliut — , to in- trench upon one's office; in 3eiuanbe4 SBegriffe — ( to coincide with one's notions, 6 l It g t C t f i g, adj. 7'. measurable with a span (said of young trees). (£' i it g r e it 5 e it, ». a. to enclose in limits, set bounds. (Sin griff, m. (-eS; y. -c) catching upon, seizure; catch; fig. encroach- ment, invasion, usurpation : forcible in- terference; in 3«in i 11 g ii r t e ( n, ) v. a. to confine jn a (Stltg it r t C n, $ girdle or bandage. ©iiigufj, m. (-ffcS; /^.-giiffe) mfu sion, instillation, pouring in ; potion, drink (given to horses) ; '/'. jet : ingot compos. — t[ltCVd)Clt, n. a worm of the infusory order. (S t it I; a ff e n, v. I. a. to cut down, up ; II. n. (aur. babcn) to cut into. (g t nlj a f t e 1 it, (Sinfjaf eln, v. a. to hook in, clasp, catch, claw. (S i It I) a g C I it, v. imp. to break by hai.- stones (windows, &c). (S i tt f) a g e n, ». a. vid. (Sinbegeit. 6' i It I) a t e n, ». a. to hook in ; to fasten with a hook ; JV. T. to shift (change) a sail. (S i it I) ii 1 1 i g, adj. vid. (5'tttbcHtg. (S i n I) ii 1 1 1 g i e i t, /. vid. (Sinljcuig* fcit. @ i n b_rt 1 1, 77i. (-eS) 1. stop, check ; et=> iter Sadje — tl)uu, to stop, check, to put a stop to a thing ; 2. JMiu 7'. pause , 3. L. T. inhibition. (Siltfjal te tt, v. ir. I. a. to keep in, detain; to stop, check; II. n. (aux. bu = belt) to discontinue, pause, leave off; bait eilt ! stay there ! desist! lltit bet 33ejal)luttg — , to stop payment. (S i n f) ii lit lit e I'rt, v. a. to hammer into ; fig. (einetlt ttwai) to beat into. (S i It I) a n b e I n, v. a. to purchase, buy ; to put into a bargain. (S I n I) ii tt b t g, adj. Sr adv. one-handed. (Siniiinbigcn, 7!.«. (ciitcm cttvaS) to hand over, to deliver. (Sfnfyiinbiguttg, /. (pi. 7 en) deli- very, handing over; — sfdjettt, m. Ill of delivery, receipt. (S f It t) it tt g e It, v. a. to hang in ; put in (to hinges, &c), to hinge. © t tt I) ii tt 3 e 5 i x f c f, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) T. watchmaker's compasses. (S i It b ii 11 g i g, adj. hanging down on one side. (S i tt t) a f d) ett, v. «. to snatch, seize (Silt^aild) Ctt, v. a. 1. to breathe In, into ; to inspire ; 2. to inhale ; 3.^"-. to instil, to inculcate. (S i It & a U C tt, v. ir. I. a. 1 . to hew in. to cut in; 2. to open; e5 1 C i f cf) — , to cut meat in order to salt t , 11. n. (aux. bvt= ben) to cut into \the enemy). (S i It ^ ii U f C It, 7) a. to heap in. (S t n t) a It t g, ? adj. that which may be (S I tt I) ii u t g, ) cut but once ; — e iSte^ felt, meadows that are mowed bul once. (§. I n t) ii It f i g, adj. B. T. moncecian. (S i it r> ii u § I e r, m . (-« ; pi. — ) B. T monoecian plant. (S i It I) C b e n, v. ir. a. 1 . to heave or put into (hinges) ; 2. Typ. T. to put a font I into the press, to impose a form tgml) (S l n b C f i C It, v. a. to sew in, to stitch in ; to sou' together, to stitch. (S i tt () C g e II, v. a. to fence in. (5 i H b t g II 11 (J, /- fencing in ; ence, enclosuro. S 1 11 I) C i 1 C II, V. n. o> ». (aux. feS/Ml) to heal up in a wound. (5 i It I) C i lit t It, v. a. units, to domes- licate; to naturalize. (■> i it li c i in i f d), adj. domestic, native ; f EJJflailjert/ indigenous plants; — nud)C!t, to naturalize. (S i u b e i in f c it, v. a. provinc. to house, inn (corn, tec). (? i ii fj c i r a t b c n, v. n (aux. babem $■ rrft. to marry into, to get into by marriage. (S i n b C i f, /. (pi. -tit) unity, unit ; one- ness, monade ; compos. — el'egviff, m. idea of unity; — debve, /. doctrine of tiie monades; — Suoll, adj. exhibiting throughout unity or concord. (S'lltt)et$Clt, v. l.n. (aux. baben) to light a fire : Ctltem — ,fig. to cause one anxiety or fear ; II. a. to heat. \§i V I) e t j t r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) one who attends to heating rooms. © t It f) e t J It tt g, /. heating. (Sin lit If en, v. ir. n. (aux. fjafcen) {with dat.) to help, to prompt ; to as- sisl the memory. 6" t tt I) C I f e V, m. (-$ J pi. — ) promp- ter. @ l n b C I f U It g, /. prompting. (Slttbcllig, I. adj. unanimous; har- monious ; in unison ; II. ado. unani- mously, by common consent. (Silt belli g Ecit, /. unanimity, har tnony ; common consent. Pin|eitiilttn, v. a. 1. to put on the drag-chain: ~. to shackle, to hamper in. (S I it b C it f C 1 i g, adj. having one han- dle (ear). (S i It b e 11 f C It, v. a. to hang in, up. (S 1 it [) £ r, adv. along : — fltbttt, v. ir. n. to go on, along ; evbanitlid) — gc!)Clt, to go miserably clothed, to go ragged ; — gleitcit, v. ir. n. to glide along; — = yrimgcit, — prnnftn, v. n. to prance along; — fd)fCitClt, v. ir. n. to stride along ; — ftoljctt, — ftoljii'Cll, v. n. (aux. fcl)ll) to strut along; — tvctctt, (inir. fctylt) to step (walk) along; — IVflllteit, v.n. to totter along; — jic= licit, v. ir.n. (aux. fctylt) to move on or along. © i it 1) c v t fl c n, v. a. vid. (Sittevntcit. (S i It I) e lj C it, w. o. to dress, train, break- in (a dog for hunting). (S t tt b C U d) C I It, v. rrjl. to insinuate one's self by hypocrisy. (S i n f) e u c r tt, v. vid. (Sintniclbctt. (S i 11 f) b i g, adj. having but one testi- cle. (5 i It b I C It, v. a. 1. to go to meet ; 2. lo overtake, to outrun ; 3. to fetch ; fig. 3tmanben im Strnen — , to overtake one in learning; fctC (gtilltlltCU — , to collect the votes; Sftaefyrtdit — , to get intelligence; StlttattbeS (SttnvillU a, ling — , to obtain one's consent. (S i u b o I e v, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) bcr — beS JtliiOCIfS, JV. T. inhaler, inhauler. (5i It b 1 1 a I j C, /. -V. T. a cable used to hold a vessel whilst careened. (SUlborn, m. (-t$',pl.-f)bvntC) 1. uni- corn; 2. — or — ftfd), m. the sea-uni- corn, narvval ; 3. — or — fiifer, m. a (pedes of beetle (Scarabotus hercules) : 4 a oiual! anvil. dmf (Sinborntg, adj. unicornous, one- homed. ($ t n b o % c I it, r. vid. Q iiifcbrumvfcrt. f§ i II b It f i cj, adj. whole-hoofed, solid- ungulous. (5 i It b ii I I C 11, v. a. to wrap up, en- wrap envelop, to veil. (5 t n t g, adj. it adv. 1 . + one, only, sole, rid. (?illjtg, 5UJctlt; 2. united, agree- ing, living in concord, living on friendly terms; — felMt, — lucrbcn, to agrte ; — tuevbctl iibcr..., to agree upon; — macben, to unite. ($ i 11 1 g C tt, v. f. a. to unite, to make to agree ; II. rrjl. to agree, to come to terms. ($ x n t g e r, clnigc, c;itigc-5, pi. cinigc, pron. some, any; cini^c cnfctbcn, some of them; Ol)HC Ctlligctt id)>lbcit, without any loss or detriment, C*ttt(Jtt= ntafjtll, in some measure, in some de- gree. Syn. Cinl^f, Ctli**, TOnn((if. TO.m^t "denotes an indeterminate of pel tlnns;^ ; not all, but many; Cinint and Citidjt rnnv.y an idea of a smaller number; more than two, but not many. C? t it i g f C i t, /. unity ; unanimity, union, concord, harmony, agreement. (5 i nig I id), vid. @tn$tg. 6'ttl tgitttg, /. union, agreement; vid. T^cvciiiiguug ; compos. — 8bud), «. Th. T. book of concord ; — Sformcl,/. form or articles of concord; — *pilllft, m. point of agreement or concord. G?f II tin \> fell, v. a. to inoculate; ci= 11C111 JiillbC tic ipoefcit — , to inocu- late a child. Cv t It i lit p f tl H g» /• inoculation. © l It j a g C 11, O.I n. (aux. fCMt) to gal- lop in ; IL a. to chase in, to drive in ; 2. to dress for hunting; ClltCllt ftlircbt — , to frighten one ; eincn .§ltllb — , to dress a dog for hunting. (J' i tt j a b r i jj, adj. of one year, one year old. (5'ilt j dl C tt, b. a. to put to the yoke. (§ i it £ a cb c I it, o. mdg. for (Sin^tijtn. (5 i 11 f a I f C It, v. a. T. to lay in lime, to join with lime. ($ (nl o m m, in. (-4 ; ;»'. -faininc) t. a flat tenon. (S i it f a in m c tt, v. a. 1. to join by combing; 2. to join by a tenon. 6i it f a in lit C r It, v. a. 1. to enclose or confine in a small room; 2. to unite (lands, &c.) to the pope's domain; bflS — , incameration. (§ i n E a p p c it, v. a. rid. 5?cvfdppcit. (S i it t a V ft i i g, adj. n. T. unicapsu- lar. (5 i ii ? itv v c ii, v. a. to cart into a ( s "iu f a f f cit, ? v. a. to call in (col- (Sttlf aff tftJt, Jlect) money that is due. (Si ii f a fl c f it, r. a. to enclose in a box or chest; to enshrine. (Silt fa ii c tt, C5 lit fatten, v. a. to feed with something previously chewed;J^\ (eiiicnt cttoiiJ) to inculcate (by taking much pains). (Sin fit u f, m. (-«8; /-'.-fiiiifc) buying, purchase; fie vcvflcbt ben — , she un- derstands marketing; compos. — BDUCp, ?!. purchase-account; — Sgclb, n. pur- chase-money; — BpttiS, in. .)/. /.'. first cost, prime cost; — fcvcdiniuig, /. ac i i Is purchased, bill "t'cost. (Sill filll fen, r. I. a, to buy, pur- chase ; to provide (victual market : n rtfl. (ft* — in with buy a place in. (5tnf (5 1 n f a it f c r, m. (- & ; pi. —'. purchas- er ; purveyor ; caterer. (SiltEccp, /. pi. -C .V. T. notch or channel. (S i II I e C f t It, v. a. A*. T. to score. CSC tt t » 1)1 r, /. (/'/. -tD T. cbanni low: fute (in a column . (S i II f C l) I C It, '•• a. to channel, flute. (S i n f C t) I fl C i It, m. (-C* ; ;//. -C) pan tile, gutter-tile. (S i 11 f C 1) r, /. 1. putting up at an inn ; 2. inn, resort, accommodation. (S i n f t f) r e it, v. n. (aux. fe»n) to put up it an inn), to turn in, to alight. (Sin Ec tic it, v. a. to drive in, fasten with wedges. (S { n f 1 11 t r tt, iv n . to put in a cellar, to lay in ; ciligcfellert, part. adj. cellared up. (S i 11 E t r b e n, r. a. to indent notch : lo crimp (fish). (S i tt £ e r I C t II, ». a. to imprison, in- carcerate, to confine in a dungeon. (S i n f 1 1 E c r it n g, /. (pi. —en) impri- sonment, confinement, incarceration. (S I n E e r n t g, adj. Ii. T. monoriyre- nous. (* i 11 E e 1 1 e I It, ? v. a. to fasten a chain (Siltf C 1 1 C It, J that has got l to put the hook into the loop. (Si n Ecu I c it, d a. to beat in with a club. (S i 11 £i 11 b C It, D. a. t" adopt (a child). (S i It f i It b C r, n. pi. children of d. beds. (S i it E t n b f d; a f t, /. (pi. -en) /.. T. the equalization of property of children by different marriages ; the adoption of a child. (5 i 11 E i 1 1 e It, v. a. to cement in. (S i tt f I a g e It, ». a. to sue for (a del' ) at law. (S t It £ I a m lit e r It, v. a. 1. to cramp, lo fasten with cramp-irons; 2. to insert a word or sentence in crotchets or ets; to enclose. (S ill filing, 77i. (-C8) unison, conso- nence, accord, harmony; ill — fUt)tn lit tt . . . ., to be consonant with. (S i II f I ii II g i g, adj. unisonous, harmo- nious. (Siltf I a V V tti, r. I. 7i. (aux. ft! clap together; II. a. to fold, to shut. (S i it f I a p p i g, «'(/• X^. 7'. univalve, uni valvular. (S i 11 f I a f f 1 11, 7J. a. to classify. (S i It f I it 11 i g, adj. having one olaw. @ i n E I e b e li, glue, stick, pai (S i It f te i b C n, v. «. I. to invest, to in stitute in an office, to invest; to five the cowl ; 3, to give a certain appear- ance or turn, to dri BS. (Sinf letb an g, /. (pi. -en , clothing; investiture \fig. dress or form of a thing (S ill f I eifl evil, <■ into. (£ ittf le in in en, ■ in r pinch in. Gt'ttf lettevn, t ft^ll if climb into. ( v inf 1 i Itfjtlt, ■ : 'belt & fe'.in to | cord, t" be unisonant. (Si nf lilt f C II, r- \.a. to put in or fast en the latch; 11 ■■ utu Ivn I catch th i itch; itcJlMire fliitft ntrbl tcd ,f cin, the latch of that door d -inn v. ell. (f i it f I P p t C ft, i- a. i i beat or knock 5" ©Itf (£i«l gtnl BinfneBeln, ». a. to gag in ; t. to put a rope in the sockets, to fasten it by a wooden roller. (SiltMt e ip en, v. L a. to pinch in ; ir. n. (am. |C'.Mt r«/g. to stop at an inn ; to frequent an inn. (S i n E it e t e it, v. a. to knead in, to work together. d l tl f tt i if C II, o. I. a. to fold over or to crick; II. as (aux. fc'.llt) to break down. 6 i It £ It t e t n, v. a. 1. to make hollow, wear out by kneeling ; 2. to break or crush with one's knees. (? i tt £ It 6 p f C It, t-. a. to button in. ® { It f U « p f C tt, ?j. a. to tie in with a knot ; to tie up ; fig. to enjoin. P I It f It it 1 1 C It, v. a. provinc. aid. @tlt= ftrtcfen. (S i It f b C r tt, v. a. provinc. to basket. (S t It £ d) C II, v. I. a. to boil down ; to inspissate by boiling ; II. n. (aux. fcV)H) io boil away ; to grow thictt (to be in- spissated) by boiling. (St'ltf of fcrtt, v. a. 1. to put into a trunk ; 2. fig. to incarcerate. S info m in c n, v. ir. n. (aux. fettn) l. to come in (of revenue, interest, &c.) ; 2. fig. to sue, apply to, present a peti- tion to ; 3. to come into one's mind, into one's head; ba8 lilt) bir ltid)t — , don't fancy that; mit eincr jtlage gegeit Scinailbett — , to bring an action against one ; bagegcil — , to protest against. (S I It f m m C It, n. (-8) income, reve- nue, rent; produce, proceeds; — citlCl' •fttl'dje, temporalities of a church. Sinf ommlittg, m. (-c8; pi. -c) stranger ; — 8fd)eilt, m. T. embolism. (St it £ o p p c I tt, vid. (Sinfrtebcn. (S i tl £ b r l> C n, o. a. to put into baskets ; to hive bees, (finforit, n. (-8) a species of spelt having one grain above the other. (S i It E b X p C r It, v. a. to incorporate. (S t n £ x a rf) c tt, v. n. (aux. fet)n) to crash, to fall or tumble down with a crash. (S i 11 E r a 11 C n, v. n. S- rrjl. to fix, strike the claws in. (§ t'ttfra 111 C n, v. I. a. to put up dis- played wares ; II. it. (aux. f)Ctbttt) to shut the shop, to fail. (? i 11 E r a & C n, v. a. to scratch into (on). (S i It £ r e 1 1 C It, v. a. to encircle, environ, surround. (5 i it E r i e d) c it, u. ir. n. (aux. fettn) l. to creep into ; 2. to shrink, shrivel up. (S i n f r t e g e n, w'd. (Sinbef ommctt. (S i 11 E r t lit p C 11, v. n. JV. T. to slacken i f the wind). (5 1 11 £ r 1 1 C I n, v. a. to scrawl into (on). (S i 11 £ r it in m C 1 tt, v. a. to crumb into fas bread into milk). (SinEr it lit lttett, v. a. to bend ro- wan N, to incurvate. (5 i it £ It C[ c I n, ». I. a. to break by bowl- ing; II. rrjl. to roll one's self into a ball (as the hedge-hog). IS' i It f U It f t, /. (no pi.) coming in, ar- rival. @ i It £ it tt f t C, pi. revenues, rents, fruits. (S 1 11 £ it r 5 C It, v. a. T. to reduce, short- en; (among painters) to foreshorten. '.§ i It f it r $ U tt g, /. I. reduction, short- ening; warping; 3. fore-shortening (in painting); compos. — 8leitte,/. JV.7'.warp. ©{ttfUf ten, v. a. to cowl. 135 9 t' It I a b C 11, r. ir. a. 1. to lade in, load in ; 2. to invite, bid. (5't n I ab eit b, part. adj. inviting, at- tractive. 0" i 1! I a b C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1. inviter ; 2. one who loads goods. (§ i it I a b it n g, /. ( pi. -en) 1 . lading in ; 2. invitation ; comptt . — 8fitl'te, /. — 8= JCttcl, m. invitation-card; — 8pfalm, m. invitatory psalm (the 95th) ; — 8= fcBteibeit, n. letter of invitation ; — 8= fd)l'iff, /. program. (S i It I a g C, /. (pi. -n) 1. laying in ; 2. (letter, &c.) enclosed ; 3. stake (at play) ; money deposited ; capital ad- vanced, share. (S in lager, n. (-8) 1. lodging; quar- ters ; 2. the permission of taking up a lodging or quarters ; 3. + the stay which a debtor makes in a place, which he must not leave, till he has satisfied the creditor; 4. M E. ware- house, magazine ; compos. — gelb, n. quarter-money. (§ i tt I a g e r tl, v. a. 1. to quarter, lodge ; 2. to warehouse, to store. (§ t It I a 1 1 C It, v. I. a. to lull asleep ; II. n. to fall in with a faltering tongue. (£ i n I a tt b t f ef;, adj. vid. Sttlanbifcl;. (Sin I a it gen, ». vid. @inm$etu6- Slnlangen. @ t tt I a p p c it, v. it. (aux. fei;n) r. to be caught in the pallets (said of a clock). (Si ii lap pig, adj. B. T. monocotyle- donous, monocotyle. ■ (St It lap, in. (— ffcS) letting in; ad- mission ; compos. — gelb, n. — pl'eto, in. money paid for admission; — farte, /. — jettel, m. ticket of admission ; — - flappe, /. — ftO^cl, m. T. valve (in a machine). (Stnlaf fen, ». ir. I. a. 1. to let in, ad- mit ; 2. T. to set into a groove, put in, fix: to sink in; to mortise ; Itictjt — U'Pfleit, to deny admittance; II. rrjl. fid) ill or aitf Ctroa8 — , to enter, en- gage, embark, join : to enter into an explanation ; fid) mit Ctltm8 — , to meddle with; tit laffe mid) baranf llicfit eill, I will not have any thing to do with it ; I cannot subscribe to those terms; fid) mit Scmanbem ticf — , to go a great length with one. vf Itt la f f It tig, /. letting in, entering, &c. ; admission. (S 1 It 1 1[ It b e It, v. a. to furnish or co- ver with leaves. (S tit I a It f, m. (-eS) coming in, enter- ing, arrival. (S t tt I a It f C tt, v. ir. n. (aux. fei)lt) 1 . to come in, enter, arrive ; 2. to come to hand ; to pour or drop in ;■ 3. to shrink (of cloth, paper, &c.) ; in cinett .ftflfcil — , to sail (to put up) into a harbour ; tu touch -at, to call at a port. CS t n I a it g e it, v. a. to wash in lye. (S i tt I ii It t e 11, v. a. to announce by ringing the town-bells. (Stnlege = bctfcl, m. Typ. T. inner- tympan; — gabel, /. clasp-fork; — - gelb,?!. 1. entrance-money; 2. M. F. capital advanced; — I)clj, n. T. veneer; — Ibffel, ?«. clasp-spoon; — mcffer, v. clasp-knife ; — ftll f>T, m. folding-cliair. (S i It 1 e g e n, v. I. a. 3 . to lay in, put in ; enclose; 2. to fold up, to turn inwards; 3. to lay up or purchase (goods) ; 4. to salt, pickle; to preserve; 5. to quarter (soldiers); 6. T. to inlay, checker; 7. fg. to gain, earn; 8. to put away goods, shut up, close shop; ben '^peer — , to couch the spear; tit 3nder — ^ to preserve with sugar ; (Muvfeit — , K pickle cucumbers ; 8'letfd) — , to salt or pickle meat; 9icbcit — , to provinc, lay or set vines; CUt gUteS SBOrt or tfr lie Aiifbittc fiir ettten — , to int< solicit, put in a word for one; (5'brc, Sdwitbc mit eiltCllt — , to get honour, disgrace by...; Ctllijclc.^rc 'ilvbcit, inlaid workimanship) ; ^voteft — , to enter protest (Sfnlcgcr, m. (-8; pi. — ) 1. pro- vine, layer, shoot; 2. inlayer; 3. folding-knife, clasp-knife ; 4. he that puts in, &.c. vid. (Siiilcgen, (5 i It I C g It 11 g, /. laying in, &c. vid (Siiilcgen. Gilll C ()retl, v. a. to impart, in- culcate (by instruction). (Sinletbcn, % vid. (Siitycrlciben. gilt let em, o. 4. to lull to sleep (by bad music or a loj.j-winded story). G 1 11 1 C i in e n, v. a. to glue in. (Silt lei ten, v. a. 1. to lead in, guide in ; to introduce ; 2. jig. to contrive, bring about, manage ; cittlciteilb, pari adj. introductory, exordial. CSt'nlct timg, /. (pi. -en) introduc- tion ; preliminary arrangement ; jUr — bteiicnb, introductory, preliminary; compos. ■ — SplttlEl, m. preliminary ar- ticle ; — sfpicl, 7i. Mus. T. overture, prelude. (S i It I e It £ e It, v. I a. to restore to iU right situation, to set into joint ; II. n (aux. fyabett) 1. to turn in, bend in : tc turn back ; 2. fig. to return to the pu.- pose; to come back to one's ohiev> 3. to mend, reform. (5: i n 1 c r tt e n, ». a to learn, get bj heart. (S'inlc f en, v. ir. a. to get in; gatliei in ; to take up. (Siltlefer, ix. (-8; pi. — ) gatherer, gleaner. CStnlcud) ten, v.n. (aux. IjaBen) j? «. to be evident or obvious; etlllcud)tetlb, part. adj. obvious, evident. (S t tt I i e b e n, v. rrjl. (unusual) to in sinuate one's self into favour. (5 itt liefer 11. v. a. to deliver, makf over, transmit. (S i n 1 1 c f e r u n g, /. (pi. -en) delivery (Si n I i e g e n, v. ir. n. (aux. fc»n) to lie in a place, to be quartered, to lodge. (S i n I i e g e r, m. (-8 ; pi. —) lodger. Ri it I ie g en k,part. adj. vid. Snliegenb. (Mit lilig, in. (-C8; /j/.—) a single thing. Sttllipptg, adj. 1. having but om lip; 2. B. T. unilabiate. (Sin It 8 pe In, v. a. (etnem etroaS) to whisper to; to suggest, insinuate. (v i It I d) C tt, v. a. to bore a hole into, to hole (a post &c). (Si tllb f f C In, ». a. 1. to take by spoons ; 2. to administer with a spoon. *6 tit t g i r e tl, v. a. to lodge, quarter, house ; fid) — , to take up one's quar- ters. StnlBf eil, v. a. to redeem, recover; to ransom; ciltClt 3Bed)fel — , to take up a bill. ( 5f un. ir. I. a. to measure into ; II. reft, to diminish by being measured. G t tt lit i e t fj e n, v. I. a. to take a lodg- ing for somebody ; II. rrfi. to take a lodging. IS 1 11 lit i f d) e It, v. I. a. to intermix, in- termingle, blend; II. rejl. to intermeddle, interfere. (5 i tt m u m tn e I tt, Gt'ttniuiitiitcn, v. a. to muffle up, to wrap up. 6 1 tt m fi n b e tt, v. n. 1 . to discharge, empty into, disembogue ; 2. Jl. T. to in- osculate. 6 i tt nt ti it b 11 tt a, /. I . discharging (of rivers), disemboguement ; 2. A. T. an- astomosis ; tempos. — StDtttlcI, m. angle of disemboguement. Gittiniitt$en, v. a. to coin. IS i n m n ft e r n, v. a. to enrol G l it nt U t fy, /. £ m. agreement, unan- imity. Gitt mil ti) Ctt, v. a. fr rcfl. to be ad- mitted or sue for admission into a cor- porate body. G 1 11 lit it t f) i 0,, I. adj. unanimous ; by- concert; II. adv. unanimously. 6 1 It m it t f) t g f e 1 1, /. unanimity ; con- cord. G ut in ii 1 1) i g I i d), adj. s,- adc vid. (5 iit= iniitf)ig. G i tt tt a g e I tt, v. a. to fasten with naUs. G i tt It a g e It, v. reft, to gnaw into. G t It tt al)eit, v. a. 1. to sew up, tc stitch in ; 2. to draw, make shorter. G I tt tt a f) m e, /. (pi. -n) 1. taking ; re- ceiving ; receipt, income, revenue ; re- ceiver's office ; talcing possession of (a town, &c.) ; 2. taking in ; — = tttlb ?llt» = gabebud), book of receipts and expen- ditures. (§ f It It S f f C It, v. a. to wet thoroughly. G i it It e b e [ It, v. a. to cover with fog in- nest. Gin ttcf) lit eil, v. ir. a. 1. to take in; '.o take, receive ; 2. to capture, occupy ; to take possession of; 3.fg. to captivate, charm ; to interest ; 4. to take medi- cine; 5. to possess, fill ; ciitett flfaunt — , to fill a space; ba? 3JZtttag8ma|l — to dine; ba§3l'"bftitif — , to break- fast ; JV. T-s. blC Segct — , to furl the sails; cine tabling ©titer — , to take in a cargo; ciltCl't 3veillbcit in feill .£>ait8 — , to receive a stranger Into one's house; Ctlt gattjeS <6atl8 — , tn occupy a whole house; (StciiCftt — , to collect the taxes; CV Itilltlltt IHCl ctit, he haa a large income ; Jig. cittc3 aitbetlt £_tclk — , to succeed t i one's place; s=d)nnnbcl itimiut meiitcii ,U0pf Ctlt, my head is seized by gid- ; ben JtOpf — , tn disturb the bead; cittctt bttvd) ^cvcbfaiiifcit — , tn charm, tn prepossess by force of eloquence:; lllt't ^OVUl'tlu'tloil — , to prejudice; (jegen oeiitanbcn — , to prejudice against one; fiif Sciliailbcit — , to prepossess in nne's favour : V011 ehixiS ctit.icitomntcit fcs»n or fidt — [affett, to be taken with ; to be preju- d i by: »ont incise eitigenominftt, taken with avarice; Don ftiii t'clbft eingenommert, conceited, seifcon- ceiled, G i tl It C h lit C tt b, part. ndj. fi L r. taking, iil'; captivating; interesting; — c SPcaitterett, engaging manners. ©HP Ginne b, ntc: _; reviver collector, gatherer excise officer; receiver of tolls. G i n tt c b m c r c i, /. l. the function of a collector ; 2. office or house of a col- lector. G t H II e f> m II II g, /. taking in ; taking , m '. iHititcbntitt. Ginticfcen, v. a. to dip in a liquid madefy, moisten, wet Gittnicf en, v. «. (aux. ftyn) to fan asleep. IS i tt tt t C t C It, r. a. to rivet, clinch. G i n ii i ft c tt, Ginitiftcltt, r. reft, to build to nest ; fig. to nestle ; fid) — , vulg. to insinuate one's self. Gittttotf)tgen, v. a. i. to press to take ; 2. to ask to step in. G i n 6 b c, /. ( ;;/. -it) desert, wilderness solitude, desolate place. Syn. CtnSt*, IDliftf, 23il»nie. iJincN is a place uninliahited l*y liter, in beia|Qi, but not oecesai inly uninliahitable. IBi^mft ■ that is uncultivated and nainhabitM, bet m>y by industry and art, be ran Ii ■ZS ii ft* is a bract of land not only net rolti rated or inhabited, but frum tlie htenlity of the soil or other causes incapuble of becon G i tt 6 f) V t g, adj. having but one ear. G i It I e It, v. a. to oil. Gtttpatf ett, ». a. to pack up: Sl\ia = rcn — , to put up goods; fig. vulg. — ntuffeit/ to be obliged to give way cr be silent. G t tt p a (f 11 II g, /. packing up. G i it p a I m e n, v. a. .v. r. to haul in (a rope). G t It p a. t i C r C It, v. «. to envelop ir paper. G i Up a pp e ll, », a. to paste in. St'itpafd)cn, v. a. to srciifgV. iii colour, to run goods. Gt'itpaf fen, . i. a . to fit into, II. n. (auz. fjabeit) to fit. Gt'ttpafftrctt, v. n. to pass in, enter G i n p a it E c n, vid. Ginfdilagctt. Gin V-ctrfdieit, ?-. a. fig. (ctncm et^ roa8J to inculcate, beat (whip) into. G t tt V C I J C it, v. a. 1 . to inoculate (trees) to imp ; 2. to wrap up in fur. G t It p e V f 6 It t g, adj. consisting of one person only. G i it p c r f b it I i rb, adj. b dr. ona person only being pr. G i It p f ii b ( C It, ?-. a. to impale, to en close with pales. Ginp fatten, o. a. to assign to a parish, to unite with a parish; cittge= Vfarvtc Tbrfcr, villages belongii parish ; blC GiltgcvfafftCIt, parish- ioners. Sfit^feffettt, o. c. to - IS i It p f C r dl C tl, v. a. to pen ; to coop up. Gin p fto tt i, c it, r. a. to plant ; fig. to implant, instil, inculcate; etltgepflanjt, part. adj. implanted, innate, inveterate. (S t tt p f [ a ii 5 it it g, /. implantation, in- culcation. (Mil p flfl ft e I'll, r. o. 1- to n\ in a pavement; 2. to i nclosi ^^ ith a ■ l ; in p f I iuf c n, d. n. to fasten with pegs. Si II V fl it dc It, o, -;. to rather into (a basket. &c). IS in p fl fig en, v. a. to plough in, to plough down. IS t II l» f v l 1 p t C tt, 9. n. I . to ingraft ; t« : •.'. to stuii; tn cram with. IS i n p f it it b c r, m. t-t ; /-/. — > one 159 Cftnr U t It p f ii It 1 1 g, adj. of one pound. E 1 II p f i'l tj C II, B. B. .1/,'/!. T. tO SCOOp Lhe water w itfa a mug and draw it up. 5 i H p t ch e n, r. a. to fasten with pitch, to pitch in. Sin V tig t r it, r. a. (aa fciMt) to walk in like a pilgrim. G i it p I rt cf c u, o. a. JV. r. |>a« nub -fJBavicr hiittcr tic ©pirferljaut — , to apply the sheathing-hair to a ship's bottom. (§ inpla ttb t v n, v. a. (eincm etroaS) to talk something into a person ; to lull to sleep by talking. Ginplitmpen, r. n. (auz fcini) to plump into water. G t it p di C H, v. a. to break open (a door, &c). G i it p E e I It, ». a. to pickle, to salt ii i tt p r ii C( e It, tj. a. to Impress, imprint, stamp ; (eiltCllt etrort8) fig. to inculcate, enjoin, impress. Giuprnffeln, v. n. (auz. ferm) to fall down crashing. Gtupr ebtgen, v. a. to instn by preaching, inculcate. (St'ltp teffen, v. a. to press, squeeze or cram in. Gfnprobcn, ? b. a. 1. to try to G i tt p r o b i r c n, J put one thing into another ; 2. to repeat for experiment or improvement, to rehearse. Gfnpritgetn, ». a. (eincm etoaS) vulg. to beat into. (Hitpllbertt, x. a. to powder tho- roughly. (St'upump Ctt, v. a, to pump in. gtnpurtlttg, adj. 1. having bur. one point ; 2. having a common centre, concentric. @ i It p II p p e It, r. refi. to change into a chrysalis. *6itiquarttreit, v. a. to quarter, lodge, billet (soldiers). *Ginquartirung, /. (pi. -en) quartering ; soldiers quartered. G t rt qu e 1 1 C tt, v. a. to soak, steep. G t'n q U e r I e tt, v. a. to twirl, to beat in. G t rt q It e t f $ e n, v. a. to squeeze in. Ginraffcit, r. a. to take up (hastily and irregularly). G'tltrafym eit, v. a. to frame, put in a frame, gin ret mm en, (jmrammeln, r. a. to ram in stones or pales, to drive stakes into the ground. *Gintan g t ren, v. a. 1. to arrange in a series or row ; 2. to enrol (sol- diers). G t n r a t % c n, v. rid. ncn. Gtnrcbc, /. (pi. -n) objection; re- monstrance, reclamation; fciite — ! no replying ! Ginreben, r.\.a. (dncm etrcaS) to persuade to, to talk over, to talk one into thing; i'llltb, — , to encourage; II. n. {auz. fjrtbeil) to interrupt; to con- tradict, oppose; to remonstrate; rctc irttr tticbt cin ! do not interrupt me ! er Iajjt fid) nicbt gent — , he does not like opposition. Ginrcffen, r. a. JV. T. to clew, to brail up, to reef the sails. *nid)t cingerid)tct, he is not yet properly settled ; 2. to arrange one's self according to one's circumstances. G t n r t di t e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) disposer, contriver ; S. T. bone-setter. G t n r i d) t it n g, /. ( pi. -en) contri- vance ; disposition, regulation, arrange- ment, ordering, managing, &c. vid. (iimicbtcn. einf G t n 1 1 C g C I II, o. a. &■ refi. to bolt, shul up. G t n r i f f c it, vid, Giureffcn. G l It 1 1 tt fl e ( n, r. I. a. to curl the hai ) to fit with a small ring ; II. refi. to curl coil in. G t it V t II q C tt, v. a. to surround with a ring, encircle. Gtnrinncn, v. ir. n. (auz.fetm) to leak into a space or opening. G t rt r i fi, m. (-ffe8 ; pi. — ffe) rent, fissure, slit, tear. Gittritt, m. (-ti) entrance on horse- back, riding in. Gilt tt fee It, v. a. to scratch into; to cut in. G t It V b x t g. adj. having but one pipe. Gilt vol I C1I, ?•. n. to r^ll up in; to enrol; cine einqcrplltc Jbiofpc, n. T. an involuted bud; tcr Gingctollle, a man enrolled for service. G t It r II U n g, /. 1. the act of rolling in ; 2. enrolment ; 3. something rolled up, roll. Gtnr often, v.n. (auz. femt) to rust in, to grow rusty. Gtnritcfcn, r. L a. to insert, to put in ; to interline ; to put into the public prints, to advertise ; II. n. (auz. ic.i;i to enter, come in, inarch into ; to suc- ceed to a place, to take possession of. G t n r il cf f e I, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) insertion, advertisement. Gilt ruffling,/. 1. entering, &c. ; 2 insertion, advertisement ; compos. — 8= gebu(>rcit, pi. money paid for an ad- vertisement. G t n r u b e r n, v. n. (auz. fetjn) to row into (a place). G t n r it f e it, v. i>: a. to call in. G i n r ii b, t e n, v. i :; ids, ben ; '5 ict — , to beat eggs. glnrungeln, v. n. (auz. fcini) w wrinkle, shrink. G t n X U f C n, r. a. to cover with soot. Gintuttel n, v. a. to shake in (into). Gin 8, 1, num. one (rid. Gincr) ; e* in nttr ailc8 • — , it is all one to me ; — in ")}ptb, one thing is needful; — tnS antere gevcdjncf, one with another, at an average; II. subst. f. bie Gilt?, the number one ; III. a/lr. of the same opinion; agreed ; — fettlt, — roevtcu, to agree upon; — fptclcit, vulg. to play a little. G in f a a t, /. seed-corn. G i n fa cf C I It, v. a. to pocket, hoard, treasure, lay up. Gittf rt cfetl, r.a. to sack, to put into a baa. G i 11 f ii C n, r. a. to sow into. G t n fa g e, /. (pi. -n) prevme. md Giurcirc. j S t n f a g C n, r. o. 1. to prompt, suggest • 2. (eincm ctreal) to dictate ; provirx. for 2£iberrctcn. G" (nf a g e n, v. a. to cut with a saw. to saw into. G I tl f rt 1 1 1 g, adj. having but one string- Gt'ufrtlbcil, r. a. to anoint, to era balm. (5 i II f rt 1 b 11 It g, /. anointing, &c. G i n f rt 1 5 en, v. ir. a. to salt, pickle to corn. GtnfrtI$Hng, /. (pi. -en) salting, pickling, curing, corning. Gtnfrtm, 1. adj. solitary, alone, re- @nf tired, recluse, desolate; single; II. adv. solitarily. fm. & i " f i in, U I I 1 i n. ?(H«in expresses mere- ly Mie state of being alone, not baring cop* pany, without any reference to the duration of this state. Cinfom to applied to one who usually lives in solitude, or who is remote from all society. (Tiiif.iin, therefore, always greater seclusion from society. 6 i it f a m i a>, adj. having one seed. Min'amf cif, /. (pi. -en) solitude, solitariness, loneliness, secrecy ; privacy. 6 111 f a 111 ( t d), adj. A> adv. provinc. ,■„!. ©infant. g t n f a m in c 1 n, v. a. to gather in, collect ; to lay up, acquire. (i i it fa m m I e r, m. (~i ; pi. — ) gath- erer, collector. (v l it fit lit lit 1 11 n a,, f. (pi -fit gather- ing, collecting ; laying up. gill fa It fl, m. Mus. T. solo. (j ( 11 fa V g C It, v. a. to coffin. Sfnfaffe, m. (-n; y. -n) l. r. mortise ; -. vid. 3ltfafj. (v t u f a fe, m. r-c« ; ;>/. -fitfce) l. putting in; 2. deposit, stake; 3. pledge, pawn ; 4. set (of boxes, &.c.) ; 5. paragraph, ad- vertisement in a newspaper; 0. re- oir, small pond; compos. — bed)cr, m. a cup which fits into another cup: — cifcil, n. T. hold-last; — gcicidlt, ». cup-weight ; weights in nests or sets, a set of weights ; — fdlitdltcllt, pi. nest fetes ; ■ — tcicb, w. small iish-pond. 6 i n f a 11 C n, v. a. vidg. to bemire. 6 1 11 f a H C r n, v. a. 1 to sour, leaven ; 2. to put. in vinegar ; to pickle. § t It f it 11 f f 11/ v. ir. a. to drink in, swallow. 6 1 ll f a It fj e -Cli e r, /. A. T. absorbent vessel ; — gefitf;, n. B. T. lymphatic vessel; Jl. T. absorbent; — mittel, n. Med. T. absorbent; — -rof)rc, /. lym- phatic vessel. * iv lit f a It (1 C n, I. v. ir. a. to suck in ; to absorb ; fig. to imbibe ; II. s. n. imbibi- tion. ' i 11 f a U g C f, m. (-$ ; pi. — ) imbiber. (S i it f a it lit C It, v. a. to hem, border, edge. E 1 II fa 11 \i 1 tt, v. I. n. (out. fevjn) to enter or penetrate with a low, rus- tling sound; II. a. to lull asleep by gentle freezes. (StnfiUtfcn, v. n. {aux. fflllt) to enter (oaring or blustering. Kt It f cb a 6 e n, v. a. to scrape into. (Sl'nfrbadjertt, v. a. to purchase by chaffering or haggling. IS t n f ft) a d) t C I tl, v. a. to put into a box; to enclose, encase. <5 l it f d) a f f e it, v. a. to buy, cater. 6lnfd)alig, adj. univalve (said of Ihells). P t 11 f ct) a 1 1 C tt, v. a. to intercalate ; to interpolate; to insert, interline; Clll etngefdjilltfter Jag, an intercalary day. f d) at t It it 0,, /. (pi- -en) intercala- tion; insertion; compos. — SjCtd)Clt, n. 6 i tt f d) it II J e n, v. a. to fortify, entrench, ensconce. 8(nfcbavfen, I. v. a. to sharpen, whet; (ctiicm etloaS) to inculcate, enjoin; II. s. ». inculcation. *yn. einfiiiirftn, Ciurriigrn. Cinpr.V. aeii signifies n press something on the mind in order that it may be retained in the memory; tiufiftarfrn is, to urge something on the mintl so ns to nunc it to action or in- cite it to the fulfilment of duties. We en i tvour ciii;i!|'r.Mnt (impress) upon the me mory of n child tl"' words of ii I which it is required to learn, but we - fm (enforce) on its mind rules for its con- tact, obedience to its pai ent -. 11 G I n f d) a r r C It, . . a. to scratch in, to bury; to cover; fid) — , to earth (of badgers). G 1 n f cb a i t 1 g, adj. casting tin- on one side only; beteroscian. (5 t tt f d) 4t It till, r. a. to bring into shelter or under a shed. G t It f d) a It f C ( It, a. o. to [nit in with a shovel. Ginf diaufcln, v. a. to rock into sleep. Ginf cbeibcit, v. o. to sheath (a sword) ; to enclose as in a sheath. G t It f d) e n E C tt, v. a. to pour in? out ; to fill; Jig. to pour out the welcome-cup; ettUll Kitten iiscitl — , to tell one the plain truth. G t n f cb c r t g, vid. eiitfchiiru,. S i it f d) C 11 C r tt, v. a. to bring into the barn. (5t 11 f du dl t Clt, v. a. to put into a layer, stratum. Gtllf dl t d) ttg, adj. having one layer or stratum; provinc. solitary, desolate. G i It f d) t rf C It , o. a. to send in, to present. G t It f dl t C "p C = C f f C It, p!. entremets, side dishes; — Icifte, /. T. clamp ;— jet- d)cn, ii. parenthesis ( ). G i it f d) i c I) e tt, i>. tr. a. to pul or push into; to put in. insert; ctiicu Jag — , to intercalate; cine ^tdlc — , to in- terpolate. GinfrfjiebfCi, ». (-$; pi, — ) in- sertion, parenthesis, (S t it f 65 1 e b it n g, /. (pl.-trii putting in, insertion; intercalation; interpolation. G t It f d) tt f» C It, c. tr. I. a. to shoot in; to shoot down; to destroy by fire arms or artillery; CtltC Alilltc II. f. ». — , to try a {.'tin; to season a gun; (®clb) — , to pay in (money), deposit; II. reft, to exercise one's self in shooting; practise shooting. Gilt f d) i f fe it, . . r. a. to bring, put on board; to ship, embark; 1 1 . rrfi. to go on board; to embark; to sail from. (Ml! f d)if fling, /. (pi. -en) embark- ing, embarkation, shipping. G i n f cb i I b c r ii, r. a, ^\\U\\ —, to paint calico (as opposed to printing). G i it f cb i r V e II, v. a. to put into har- ness, to harm is. G i It f rf) I a eb t C tt, ». a. to kill for the use of the house. G i it f d) 1 a f c it, h, ir. n. (avx. fciMi) 1. to fall asleep ; -. fig. to die away, to die an easy death; ii. to be asleep (of tbe feet, fee.); -l. to be dropped gradu ally; — (affctt, to let a thing fall into disuse; ccr Aitf; ift miv tingcfiftlafeit, my fool is asli ep; tit" Sadje ift ganj .eingefdjlafen, the thing has quite dropped. Glnfd)lafcvig, Ginfd)(afn'g, adj. single (said of ' Gill f di 1 afevit, o.a. I. to lull to sleep, to make sleepy; 2. fig. to lull to to lull into security. Ginfdi liif ernb, part. soporific, somniferous, @ i n f $ 1 a f« r ii ii g, /. lulling to sleep; tempos. — ijntittd, n. soporific, narcotic. GinfeBIag, m . (-8; pi. -fcfilSge) i. driving into; '-.'. wrapping up; cover, n rapper ; :i. the enclosed : turning in ; -i. T. weft, woof; .">. m i:. coopering, coo pei ige 'i the cask or barrels) ; cartage, porterage; storing, housing; 6. fig. advii lion I giving on«'s hand in token of confinnati Cinf various things put into wine o : its colour or strength; - gnt. G i n f d) 1 a g c = m t f \ e r , n. riasp knife; — feibe, /. shoot-silk ; — ti:it\ ■ dressing cloth. G t n f di 1 a g e n, ,-. ,,-. I. ». i . to strike in, beatin,drive a nail, fee); 2. to break in, to knock down in; 3. to wrap pack up ; 4. to turn in, o\ tailors and scam--; put in into a soup, fee : G ' threads in, to woof; ftcfj ben Jlo»f — , to beat one's brains out; Sift beat eggs; fig. oictvcicc — , to sa.-k com; ^a^bbiuibc — , to put hounds to kennel with somebody; cillill SBHtf — , to enclose a letter; ben iticill • — , to improve wine in colour tr strength; he '.Hl'lllC — , to cross one's arms: ci = licit iljcg — , to take a road; fig. to take a course; cine JJcbeneart — , to a manner of life; II. n. (tin/. ImI'CII) 1. to clasp hands (as a I ik agreement); 2. to dig in, to break ground; 3. to strike (as ugl e l fig. to belong to; to have reference to ; to concern (with in iV ace.) ; S to take well; to yield a good crop; ii (irit/i fciUl to sink in (-Of COlOl « ; 7 to take, to catch (of diseases) ; llidU — , to miscarry ; frfllag fin ! give me band upon it: bag Spiel ffhtug ihin till, the play was in his favour; ll>ldl ciitent Xad}fc — , Hunt. T. to dig a barjger. @ f ii id) ISfjer, m. (-1 ; pi. —) i. he who drives in; 2. a miner thai d ore. (m n f cb 1 ii g t g, adj. belonging to a business, fee): — e SSefyot'bcn, com petent authoritiea ^ ■ t ii f d) 1 c i cb e n, v. ir. n. (aux. jeotl ) ot rrfi. to sneak, slide, steal, Creep in or into; fig. to creep in, steal into; to in- sinuate; fid) bei Semanbem — , to st :il icre'ep) into one's favour: C? Kl = ben fid) alier^anb 65fe @ei»obnbei« ten citigefd'lu'ben, all kinds of bad customs have crept in. (§ i l! f rb 1 C : cb II 11 g, /. creeping, steal- ing in, &c. Gin f d) 1 ci cr n, p. a, to veil to wrap a veil round. G i II f d) I C t f C II, r. a. 1. to bring in upon a sledge ; 2, to drag in ; 3. to smuggle. i^ i n f d) [ c i f c n, v. ir. a. to grind, eul in, on (a glass, fee). @ t n f di 1 c p \> en, b a. to drag in; to smuggle in, import; cillC JilMllfbcif — , to bring a diseaa into a co IS i n f d) 1 c it b e r n, r. a. to break by throw ing (from a si @ i ii f d) 1 i e ft e n, >-. ir. La. 1. to lock, lock in, lock up; to conl n close, encompass, surround; :i I elude, comprise; 4. Mil. T. to block up, to surround; Semanben anf ^cities Ih'ii» — , to lock one up for lil i; eiiui: 83rtef — , to enclose a Ii i r; tint ©telle tn eiiier Stfertft — , to include in crotchets, to put in fcbltejjen Ste mice in .Mu- ®ebet cin, remember me in \ H- n. e, to ;it, to catch. (^ i ti f d) 1 i e \i 1 1 d\ in a I % t v o g, m. (-1) r. oiiing- trough. g i n f d) m a u d) e it, b. a. to fumigate. lv t tl f d) m C t d) e I It, ». reft, to insin- uate n) l . to step in, stride in ; 2. fig. (L. T.) to interfere. ginfd)VCttltng, /. (legal) inter- ference, interposition. ginfd)rotcn, v. a. to put into a cellar. ginfdmtmpfeti, v. n. (aux. feint) to shrink, wrinkle, shrivel ; to dry up ; mctit Scittel ifi eiugcfdn-iiinpft, jig. my purse is empty. ginfdjub, m. (-el; y.-fdnibc) l. putting in ; 2. leaf of a table, &c. ginf d;ud)tent, v. a. to intimidate, overawe. g i n f d) ii d; t e v it it g, /. ( pi. -en) in- timidation. g i tl f d) tt I C tt, v. a. Sp. T. to break-m (a horse). g I tt f cf) it p p C 11, v. a. to shovel in. g inf d) iir e n, vid. (5iuf)Ct;ett. gtitfdjiirig, n 'lj. 1. once shorn (of sheep) ; 2. vid. gtltmiibbig. g i n f d) ii r 5 e n, v. a. T. (with saddlers) to thread (a needle). g i n f d) it $, m. (-ffel ; P i. -f d>iiffe) M K. capital advanced, payment on ac- count, deposit, allotment, share ; — Ict= ftctt, to pay a deposit, to advance a sum ; to pay in. giltf dliif fclll, v. a. to put into a dish, to dish. gl'nf d)U ft etn, n. a. 6- n. (aux. ba= (ginf ben) mdg. to lose, to be ruined, bccoir.f a bankrupt, g 1 It fd) ii 1 1 C It, v. a. 1. to pour in ; in etttClt >2ad It. f. tl). — , to shoot into a sack, &c. ; 2. to pound (cattle). g i it f di k ci r in e n, v. n. (aux. feint) tr enter swarming, g i tt f d) W it r 5 C tt, v. a. 1. to blacken all over ; fig. to soil, sully ; 2. to smuggle in, to run g >nd*. g i it f di 10 ii r j c v, w. (-1 ; ///. — I smuggler, g t n f d) 10 a % c tt, v. I. c ( etnem et= tea§) to persuade, to make one believe to talk a person into a thing; II. reft to ingratiate one's self witli one. g ( 11 f d) tt c f C I II, e. a. to saturate with the smoke of sulphur, to sulphurate. g i It f d) tt C 1 1 e tt, v. I. rcg. a. to swell (the water by means of a sluice) ; II. ir. v. (aux. fentt) to enter swelling ; to swell, be swollen, g i tt f d) W c m m C it, v. a. to cause to float in. g i it f d) tte it f en, v. n. mi. t. to wheel inward. (y i tt f d) tt i m m e n, v. ir. n. (aux. feint) to swim in. 5 t it f d) tt i tt b c n, ». ir. n. (aux. fcs;n) vid. gtitfdjvuiiipfeit. Ginfd) m in gen, v. ir. a. to swing into; to swing asleep. g i tt f e d e [ ft, vulg. rid. gitifarfcitt. 6 t It f e g e 1 tt, v. n. (aux. feiltl) to sail in ; to sail down. g t n f C g n e It, ?-. a. 1 . to bless, to give the benediction ; 2. to confirm ; 3. to consecrate. g i tt f e g n it it g, /. (pi. -en) l. Messii g benediction, consecration ; 2. confirms tion; — cincl '>8rautpaare5, nuptia benediction. g i n f e f) e it, c. ir. I. n. (aux. fiaben) tc lock into ; II. a. 1. fig. to understand : conceive, to get an insight into, have skill in ; 2. to look over, examine : i(i febe bie 2J!bgltd)feit eitt, 1 am sensible of the possibility. g i tl f C {) e tt, n. (-S) insight ; judgnif nt. g i n f e i f t It, v. a. to lather (the beard) ; to soap (linen). g t n f C 1 1 1 g, I. adj. of one side ; one- sided; partial; one-sided, defective; Cttt — el Urtbeti, a partial sentence, judgment ; Cttt — er 2JZettfd), a man of a limited judgment, one who takes partial views of things ; II. adv. par- tially. g i n f e 1 1 i g I C t f, /. partiality ; a nar- row, limited view or judgment of things. ginfenben, v. ir. a. to send in, to remit, transmit. g i It f e 11 b C r, m. (-1 ; pi. — ) remitter conveyor. g t tt f e tt b U n g, /. (pi. -Ctt) sending in, transmitting. ginfengCft, v. a. to singe (suffi- ciently). g i 11 f C n I e n, v. a. 1. to sink into ; 2 to inter, bury ; 3. to plant, set in the earth. ginfenler, 771. (-1; pi. —) layer, set, slip. ginfcitf ung, /. (pi. -en) sinking into; bie — jwtfefcen jwei 33crgfpt» fcen, depression between two summits. ginfer, to. (-§; pi. — ) the numbet one; unit; pi. the numbers from on« to ten. ©nf 6 t J. f i lj C H, v. a. 1. to put in or into ; 2. to set, plant (trees, &c.) ; 3. to im- prison ; 4. to institute, establish: to ap- point ; 5. to set, stake ; fcilt SebCH, feme (gfjre — > to stake one's life, honour; ftcb — , to take one's place (in a car- riage, &c.) ; tClS Soot — , JV. 7'. to hoist the boat and to take it on board; fig. ciu SPfanb — , to pawn, pledge, give in pledge; irt cut /,'liut — , to instal, invest; ill bCll SBcflfe — , to put nit, possession; mieber — , to restore, nsinstal, reinstate; CtUClt JUlIt Srben , to appoint, constitute one heir; btc cilhjcfcljtcit 3aftC!t, the appointed fasts. g (it f C I* C X, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) one who establishes, appoints, &.e. g in f e % 1 t u g,m. (-8 ; pJ.-e) set, twig, slip. ginfefegeroicH «. m») to seethe down ; II. a. to inspissate. Sinfiebler, m. (-t;pl. — ) 1. hermit, anchorite, anachorete, recluse; 2. her- mit-crow, wood crow ; compos. — freb£, m. wrong-hair (genus of crabs) ; — = IcIh'11, n. hermit's life, life of a recluse •§ t n f t e b I c r e i, /. eta. (Stitfiebclei. 5 I n f i C b I C r i f rf), I. adj. hermitical, anachoretical, recluse ; solitary, retired ; 11. ad v. bermitically. 6 in f t e g e 1 it, v. a. to seal up. glnf i 1 b cr, (Stnfitbig, vid. (Sinftls bcr, (Sinfylbig. % \ 11 f i It g C It, tj._ ir. I. a. to sing (lull) asleep; It. rrfl. fid) — , to acquire rea- diness, perfection in singing. (5 i It f i It f C tt, v. ir. n. (aux. fetylt) to sink in, give way. P i 11 f i It t C V It, v. 71. (aux. fciltt) to pe- netrate by drops. g ( n f t fc e It, v. ir. I. n. (aux. babcit) 1 . to stay at home ; 2. (mix. fcttlt) pro- rate, to step into (a coach, &c.) ; II. a. to press down by sitting on. Sin f i$ if}, adj. of one seat only, for one person. (Sin i ma I t, adv. once (of the past and future). (SlnfoI)Iig, adj. having but one sole. Sinf ommcrn, v. a. (aux. femt) to inure to heat in summer. gittfpatteit, v a. T. to furnish with pressing-cards Sin* (S i a f V tt it n e n, v. a. to put the horses to; 2. to encase, o put in (a frame). (5 1 n f p d n n c v, m. (-§ ; pi — ) 1. lader ; 2. (Sutfpdlllicr, one-horse carriage or the person keeping it. (Slltfpdltltig, adj. drawn by one horse only; — fal)VCtt, to drive with one horse ; fig. eill — tt Sett, a bed Cor a single person. @ i 1! ffo S II It if} C, m. dccl. like adj. Min. T. he that works or builds a mine by himself. (St'ltfV Ctrbertt, v. a. to lay in; to store (goods in the warehouse (St'nfpeljig, adj. B.T. univalve. (Silt fp err en, i a. to lock up. shut up, pen up; confiuo • to imprison: to cage. (St itf p err Ultf], /. locking up, con- fining, fee. (Sinf piclc 11, v. I. a. to lull asleep ;by music) ; II. rrfl. to play frequently (upon a musical instrument), to attain precision; nicht cingcfpiclt fefttt, to be not sufficiently practised in con- jointly performing a piece of music or poetry. (Silt fp in UClt, v.V I.O. to insert by spinning; to spin in; II. rrfl. to spin something round one's self (as a cater- pillar). (Siltfprad)C, /. (pi. -It) objection; protest; L. T. exception; — tblltt, to protest. (St'tlfpfcd) Clt, v.irA.a. (CtllCllt Ct= toctS) to instil, inculcate by words, to influence with ; 3Jiutt) — , to encour- age, inspirit; SEroft — , to comfort; II. n. (aux. babcn) to contradict, op- pose, to protest against; to interrupt in speaking; bet Scmanbcm — , to call on ; to give a call. (S i n f p v e d; e t, m. (-S ; pi. — ) /.. T. exceptor, one who makes exceplions. 15' i 11 f p V C It ft C n, v. I. a. 1. to be- sprinkle, sprinkle; 2. to burst open, to break in ; 11. n. (aux. fct)ll) to gallop in. (Sittfptittgeit, v. ir. n. (aux. fctylt) 1. to leap in ; to catch with the spring (said of locks) ; 2. fig. to bend, turn in. (Silt f p 1 1 ft e 11, V. a. to inject, squirt in, itnmit. (Sinfvrtfctutn.,/. {pi. -en) injection. (Sinfin'ttcf), m . (-tt; pi. -fpvitdic) /.. T. protestation against (a marriage, &c.) ; — tl)lllt, to protest against. (5' i tl f p rn b C I It, v. I. n. to enter bub- bling; II. a. to wet bubbling. (Sinfpviittfi, vi. (-t; pi. -fbrfingc) 1. a leap into a place; 2. tlie place itself. (§ l II f V t i'l fi C I i d), ) adj. Sp. T. having (S i It f p r i'l ft i f}, ) but one antler (said of a stag). (S i rt f p iilt b e tl, v. a. to bung (a cask). (Stnft, adv. once, one day, one time; at a future time. (Mllftabeit, v a. T. to dress (hides) with hot water. (Si n ft a I I Clt, v. a. to put into the stable ; to harbour. Gtnftantmif}, adj. having but one stem ; made out of one stem. (§ i it ft a lit V f e 11, v. a. to ram in, stamp in. (S i It ft (l It b, m. J.. T. entrance upon an office; entrance upon any right or privilege; — )}cbcn, to pay the custom or duty : compos. — Sf(elb, ". i paid on entering an office; — £i}C= 3infl recbtifjfeit, /. — Svcdit, n. right c entering upon, taki:. ■ jf. IS in fid nf et n, v. a. to on with stink (S i tt ft a u b e it, v. n. (aux. feim) to h« covered or filled with dust. CS i n ft a u b c tt, v. a. to cover with dust @ 1 11 ft a u e 11, v. a. to stow in &c). (M!iftcd)bof}cn, vi. (-«; pi. — ) 'l\jp. T. tympan-sheet. @ i It ft e d) C II, v. ir. a. 1. to pierce ; 2 to trump (at cards); 3. T. to prick; 4. bie ikantfoblc — , to sew the overleather to the second boIc : 5. .V T. fccmdrtS — , to stand out to sea. (Si lifted ett, v. a. 1. to pocket, put into the pocket ; 2. to put up (the sword) ; 3. to imprison ; to chip up in prison; &-. vuig. eiueu 2d)impf — , to put up with, pocket an affront. @ t 11 ft C Cf f Ci) it> e T t, n. (-tt) T. sword- shaped piece of wood (with book- binders). (S i It ft C I) Clt, v. ir. n. 1. (aux. fe"n) to stand in; to enter; to enter into mi- litary service as a substitute; 2. (aux ruibcii) fflr ctrcas — , to answer for. to become security; tit eincil .H.llli — , to enter into the rights of a pur chaser; ill bic 9)iictl)e — , to take possession of a house. (Sinftebcr, vi. (-§; pi. — ) l. one who stands in, becomes surety, &x. 2. Mil. T. substitute. 15 i It ft C b I e 11, v. ir. refl. to steal in, to enter privately. (S in fie i gen, v. tr. n. (oweftyn to step in, get into (a carriage, boat, &.c.) (S i 11 ft C t tt C It, 7j. a. to line or face with stone. (S fit ft ell e It, r.I. a. 1. to put up ; in put into, set into; U. fig. to lea discontinue; to stop; 3. suspend, put off, to interrupt; 4. to abolish; to do away with; btC SilblllllfjCll — , to stop payment; II. rrfl. to make one'f appearance, come (at the lime ap- pointed) ; fid) u'icber — , to return, come back again. 15 i n ft c 1 1 it it fj, /. putting into; fg. leaving off, &c vid. (5'inftcllcn ; — bcr getnbfeligfeiten, cessation of hos- tilities; — bcr 3 rt b' uu g» stopping or suspension of payment. (S 1 11 ft e 111 lit C 11, v. a. to work with an axe or chisel on the inside of a thing. Stnft en, (Sinfiens, vid. (Sinfi. (Sin fit delt, v. a. to embroider in or upon. @ i it ft i c b e ti, vid. (Sinftdnbcn. IS 1 1! ft i g, adj. future, that is to be. (m n ft i nt men, v. n. (aux. babcit) l to accord in tune; 2. to chime in; to join in; 3. fig. to agree, consent, coincide in opinion; to be unanimous; to give a vote of agreement. (S t n ft i m m i g, I. adj. i . ol <"• f « one voice ; 2. fig. unanimous ; — fctylt/ to agree; II. adv. fig. unani- mously. (S tnftimmigf ci t, / unanimity agreement gfllftnttttS, adv. vid gtnSinds. @ tn ft 6 cf I g, adj. of one story (a house). lv f II ft P P f t II, v. a. to stuff, cram in. @ 1 11 ft r t n, r. a. to destroy by stir ring up. ('■in ft o fie u, l. to thrust in push in, drive in; to ram in, stam( in; 2. to break; knock in. 163 Stttt (gint Simp IS; i n ft r a b I e it, ». ». to : earn 'mo a place, gtnftreirbcn, v. ir. a. 1. to put into ; 2. to rub into (a salve) ; 3. tc take up and pocket (money) ; 4. to catch (larks in a net) ; Ittit bcr (Jfile — , T. to make cuts or strokes with a tile ; V'lllc^ — •, to sweep stakes. (S i it ft r e i cb, f e t I e, /. (pi. -it) cut- ting-file. IS i it ft r e 1 t e it, v. ir. a. (ctitcnt ttwciS) to drive something into one by dis- puting. 15 I It ft r C It C tt, v. a. 1. to strew into, scatter into ; 2. Jig. to intersperse. Ig t Jt fl t e tt it n g, /. ( pi. -en) intersper- sjon ; scattering into. gtnftrid;, to. (-eS; pi. -e) 1. tak- ing in, &c. vid. ginftreidjen; 2. ward /p{ a lock). g itlftrtrf'ett, ,-. a . 1. to knit into; 2. vid. aSerftrtcfeit, g in ft r bin en, v. n. (aux. fcttn) to stream into. (5 t it ft it d e 1 It, ? v. a. to sew a piece (5' i It ft it d e It, ) into (a coat, &c). *(§ i n ft 11 b i r e It, o. a. to study well, to master, con. giitfturinen, v. I. n. (aux. fetyn) to rush in (with violence) ; alleS Ultgliicf ftiirmt auf mid) ettt, all the misfor- tune assails me ; II. a. to overthrow ; to destroy. g i it ftu r }, m. (-e§ ; ?/. -fturje) faihng down : ruin, fall. Gittft itrjeit, v. I. a. to break down violently ; to shatter in ; II. n. [aux. fettn) 1 . to fall down, tumble do\vn ; fall to ruin ; to shatter in ; 2. — auf, to rush in upon. G i u ft it § e it, v. a. to lop, crop, clip, g t II ft lt> C i 1 e tt, adv. in the mean time, for a while; provisionally; temporarily. G i 11 ft 11) C i 1 1 g, adj. temporary, provi- sional, in the interim. (J- 1 It f U b C I It, ». a. to soil, dirty. g i It fit in p f e n, v. a. T. to wet thoroughly (clay in making brick). (S t 11 f tt f e tt, ». a. to sweeten thoroughly. g tit filter, m. (-9; pi. — ) monosyl- lable. G 1 n f tt I b t g, adj. monosyllabic ; Ctlt — C'o 3.3 OVt, a monosyllable. g I It t ii gig, adj. of one day, lasting^but one day, ephemeral; ba§ — ( Sufect, ephemera. g i ii t a g 9 f 1 1 e g e , /. gmtagStljier, n. insect living but one day. g i it t a g 9 nut r m, m. (-c3 ; pi. -roiir= met) ephemeron-worm. 6 Intern 5, m. (-c»; y. — tanjc) solo dance. g 1 11 1 a tt 5 e tt, v. I. a. to knock in (in dancing) ; II. refl. to exercise one's self in a dance. g t It t a f d) C It, v. a. T. to bag (raw silk). (5' i It t Ct It d> C tt, b. a. to dip into ; to im- merse: bie .ftanbe in Slut — , to em- brue one's hands in blood. G i n t a u d) e r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) dipper, diver. giittaudif effel, m. (-8; pi.—) T. copper-vessel used for sizing paper. g { It t a 11 rf) it n g, /. dipping into ; im- mersion. 6 i It t a U f d), m. (-(9) exchange. gintaufdjeit, i. a. to barter, truck, exchange (gegex or) 1G4 g I n t a It f d) it It g, /. bartering, &c. vid. gintaufd)cii. g t It t C t g C It, v. a. to make dough (of flour) ; to mix dough with leaven. gt'lttf)e(c)rett, v. a. JV. T. to tar (ropes, &c). (MtttJ)cilcri, v. a. to divide; distri- bute ; to regulate, dispose ; tit glaffcit — , to class. gtntf)eiltg, adj. consisting but of one part. g i it t b e i I u n g, /. ( P i. -en) division ; distribution ; arrangement, classifica- tion, g 1 It 1 1) It tt, v. ir. a vulg. to put in, vid. giiilegen. g i n t h ii r c n, », a. r. to shingle (the sweeps of a wind-mill), g I U 1 1) ii f lit C n, v. a. provinc. to imprison, g into U f It, v. n. to be in unison ; to join in; to accord. g tit to tt i fl, adj. of one tone ; having always the same tone ; monotonous, g t It t i? tt t g f e 1 1, /. monotony, g f It t n tt C n, v. a. to put into casks ; to ton (beer, &c). g t n t v a b e it, v. n. (auz. feint) to trot in. gin trad) i, / 1. unanimity; unity, agreement ; 2. concord, harmony ; — 9- fivdie, /. a church used alternately by Catholics and Protestants. g I It t V ad) 1 1 g, I. adj. concordant, un- animous, harmonious; living in harmo- ny; peaceable; II. ado. concordantly, unanimously. g I It t r a d) 1 1 q ! C i t, /. concordance, unaniraousness. g i it t v a g, m. (-t9) 1. T. woof, weft ; 2. prejudice, damage, harm, loss, detri- ment ; — tbuit, to prejudice, to be pre- judicial or detrimental, to derogate, in- fringe; SentanbeS Oierfyteit — tluin, to detract from one's right; cJ tbllt 3l)fCr g^re tcinen — , 'tis no dispar- agement to your honour. g t It t r a g C it, v. ir. a. 1. to carry in; to gather in (of bees, &x.) ; 2. T. to work in the woof ; 3. Jig. to enter, register; 4. to yield (profit), to bring in, make a return; sict — , to be profitable, advan- tageous or lucrative ; ettt ,*3aitbel, bet rocnig eilttragt, an unprofitable trade. g I n t r a g C t, m. (-9 ; pi. — ) book- keeper, registrar. g t n t r a g 1 1 d), I. adj. profitable, lucra- tive ; II. adv. profitably. g t tt t r a g 1 1 d) E e 1 1, /. profitableness. g i tt t r ii II E C It, v. a. to soak, im- pregnate, drench; bit3 mill id) ihm — , vulg. I '11 serve him out for that g t It t r it It f C I It, v. a. to drop in ; to infuse by drops. gt'ntreff en, v. ir. n. (aux. feint) l. to arrive, come in ; 2. to agree, coincide with ; 3. to happen, to be fulfilled, to fallout: to be realized ; lltcinc 4?0ffs itung traf llidft cin,I was disappointed. g ( n t r e t 6 e n, r. ir. a. 1. to drive into ; to drive home (of cattle) ; 2. fig. to col- lect, gather, call in (money, &c.) ; ^duilbctt — , M. E. to get cashed, to enforce payment. g t u t r e i b c r, m. (-9 ; pi. —) ezacter (of debts, &c.) ; driver in. g t n t r C i H i dl, adj. that may be ob- tained from a debtor, recoverable. g t it t r C i i 1! tt g, /. exaction (of debts) ; driving in. g t It t V e t e tt, «. ir. I. a. 1. to tread in, stamp, trample into (down) ; '*. to '.>ren\ by treading; II. n. (aux. fcillt) 1, H enter, step in; 2. fig. to enter (upon an office) f 3. to appear, come in ; 4. tc commence, begin; 5. to happen; tc occur; bie 5'lutf) tritt cilt, the tide begins to rise. g t tt t X C t U It g, /. treading, &c. gtittrtd) tern, v. a. l. to pour inte with a funnel; 2. fig. (eilteut tttoai) to drum something into a person's head. g t n t f i It f e It, r. ir. a. to drink ; fig to imbibe. g t'lttrt tt, m. (-e8) 1. entry, entrance, entering (upon an office) ; 2. begin- ning, commencement, appearance (of spring, &.C.) ; compos. — Bbillet, v. vid. — SEartc,/.; — Sfat)tg, adj. capable of entering (a society, &c), admissible ; — Sgclb, n. entrance-money ; — SEatte, /. — sfdjeilt, — Sjettci, m. ticket of ad- mission; — Sjimmer, n. parlour ; ante- chamber. g i tt t r o d it c n, v. n. (aux. feint) l. to dry in ; 2. to dry up, diminish. g i It t f d It It It g,/. drying in or up. gin trijpfeln, ). ..r:,.,,.-.. gtntropfett, U.Mlnttau* giittrcpfclung, ) TCin> g t it t U tt f e, /. sauce. g t tt t U It E e n, v. a. to dip in. g in tiif- \t V, v. n. to touch with a point, to tip in. g t It it b C It, v. a. i- refl. to practise, exercise. g t n u n g, /. (pi. -en) union. gitt»erletb C tt, v. a. to incorporate, to embody (ciltcr <&Cld)t ettuaa) some- thing with a tiling. g : t tt 9 e r I e i b It tt g, /. incorporation embodying. gtIt9Crncl)ittCtt, «• (-*) gO°d un derstanding, harmony, agreement. g i n 9 e r ft a tt b, vid. Sittserftanbntp. gilioerftanben fci)lt, to under- stand one another, to agree (about, bariiber). g t n 9 e r ft a it b t g e tt, v. a. for in gin= serftatiMiitJ bringcit, to bring to an understanding. g t n 9 e r ft a n b n t $, n. (-ffeS ; pi.-fte) agreement, understanding ; union oi sentiments. gt'lPOCrftebf tt, v. ir. refl. fid) mil ciitcm — or eiit'oerftattbcit font, to agree with one ; to be in a proper un- derstanding. g i n 9 c r 19 a d) f e n, v. n. (aux. feiin! ta grow together, coalesce. g t n 9 e 1 1 e r tt, v. refl. to get connected or familiar with any one ; become a cousin. gllt9icrctl, v. a. to enclose in a square. g i tt 9 i e r It n g, /. quadrature. g t It 19 a d) f e It, v. ir. n. (aux. feint) to grow into or in. g t It V9 a g e, /. M E. loss (in the weight) by weighing out: ettt ^fiuib — auf ben gentner reebnen, to reckon one pound loss in the hundred. g t tt 19 ii g C It, v. reg. S- ir. I. a. to weigh and put in ; to weigh down ; II. refl. to diminish by being weighed. g i It W a I E e tt, v. a. T. to get in by full- ing ; to full close. g i 11 19 a 1 J e It, v. a. to press in b) rolling. Etttroalge It. ». a. to roll into (a place) to break by rolling against. <5ttt» H t n IV a It b, m. (-«S; ///.-ttjanbf) ob- jection ; pretext. gin man b ever, ;n. (S; pl.-r) im- migrant. G t » m a tt b c r It, v. n. (aux feim) 1 to enter a country, to immigrate; 2. to Mop at an inn. feiitmaitbertttig,/. (pi. -en) immi- gration, a wandering in. G t It tt) d r t §, ado. inward, inwards ; — fcbvcil, to turn inwards; — fcf]- rutt.J, — mcltbltltg, /. introversion; bie — fcr)vung ber 3lugettliebcvr)aare, tri- chiasis (disease of tlie eye-lashes) ; — = Jtet)cr, m. .1. T. adductor oculi. (fin mdff erit, v. a. to steep, soak, lay in water. (jl'nu) eljeit, v. a. to weave into; in- reave; ciltgCtDfbi, part. ailj. in- oven. (5 i It u) e cfy f e I tt, v. a. to change ; £tl= eateit — , to buy ducats. G I n tt) C b C n, v. a. to blow in, to blow down. G I tt It) e t b i g, adj. U. T. monogynian ; eine — c -^ftattjc, a monogyn. G l It tt) C i rf) C It, v. a. to soak, macerate. G i It It) C t d) It It g, /. soaking, macera- tion. Gl'tt tt)etr)ett, tj. n. 1. to consecrate; 2. (ciltetl itt ttXOaS) to initiate, inaugu- rate ; to ordain ; jam. to u^e a thing for the first time. Ginnm jjung, /. (pi. -en) l.conse- cration; consecration, dedication (of a church, &c.) ; 2. initiation ; 3. ordaining ; inauguration; compos. — dfctCV, /. I. in- augural ceremony or solemnity, initia- tory rites ; 2. baptism ; — Sfeft, n. in- augural feast; — slteb, n. inaugural vong or hymn ; — SttVcbigf, — Grebe, f. inaugural sermon or speech ; — £fci)rift, /. (at universities) inaugural disserta- tion ; — Stag, m. day of consecration or inauguration. G in m e i f c tt, v. ir. a. l. fig. to instal, introduce ; 2. to show into. Stnmelfett, ». n. (aux. fevm) l. to fade, decay ; 2. to diminish by drying up. 6 in ro en ben, v. reg. & ir. a. i. to object, to oppose ; 2. to reply; bagcgett Idjit fief) ittefotS — , there can be no of)jection to that. G i it m c tt b n ii g, f. (pi. -en) objection, exception, reply; id) mill fcinc — en, I will have no objections: — Clt lilt tc r= ttmrfen, exceptionable; cine gerid)tli = d)C — , non ability (an exception taken against the plaintiff). G I It m e r fett, v. ir. a. 1. to throw in ; to break ; 2. to throw down ; 3. fig. to 61 timet fit ttft, /. throwing in or down, breaking. 6' 1 n tt) C (J e tt, v. a. to whet on, into. i d) f C tt, v. a. 1. to rub with wax, x; 2. to blacken (boots); 3./"-. lo leach 'instil) by blows. tt) i if C 1 It, ?'. a. to wrap up, inwrap; i" swathe, swaddle (a child). t ii ft) i (f c I n tt g, /. ( pi. -en) inwrap- ping, A.c.; swathing. 1 i U tt! i e g C It, v. a. 1. to rock (a child) p ; 2. mi. GinwSgen. 6 i n w i It i g e n, v. n. {aux. rjakn) (in etttjag) 1. to consent to, to assent ; 2. I . rant, ngree. 6 i it iv i 1 [ i g u n g, /. consent, asse it, -i"ii, approbation, rottt bclit, v.a. to swath* swaddle. Sinj (Jinj G i tt tt) t tt b e tt, v. ir. a. to win: in to entwine. 6 tit mi n tern, v. r. a. to keep till winter ; II. n. (aux. fc'.Mt) to get accus- tomed to the winter ; III. rcfl. to ac- commodate one's self to winter ; to pre- pare for winter. Silt miff Clt, «. I. a. to work in, in- terweave, interlace; II. n. (auz. liabctl) to exert influence (upon, atl-f ), to affect, eingcmh'fi, part. adj. inwrought. Sittmtrfuitg, /. (pi. -en) 1. inter- weaving, interlacing; ".fig. influence. S i tt tt) i r: C It, v. a. to entangle (thread, &c.), to confuse. Ptltmi fd)eit, v. I. a. to soil in rub- bing; IL n. (aux. ff'.Mt) to slip into a place. G i it m 1 1 f e r n, v. n. (aux. fet>n) Mn. T. (of minerals) to be acted on by vapours. G i it m 5 d) e tt 1 I i cfj, adj. of one week. G lit tt) bd) t g, adj. lasting one week. G t it m o I) it e tt, v. I. n. (auz. feint ) j rrjl. to settle, make one's self at home ; II. (aux. babeit) for imvohtten, 1. to inhabit, be a native of; 2. fig. to in- here, be inherent. (S tit m c I) tt e r, m. (-% ; pi. — ) St'ttroofj* ltcvinn, /. (y.-cii 1 inhabitant; compos. — fifjaft,/. the inhabitants collectively. S i tt tt) I b C It, v. a. to vault or arch in. (St'ttmb I tt It, v. a. to envelop in a cloud. (i'iltmo 1 1 Ctt, v. n. (dliptically) to intend (strive, endeavour) to enter a place ; Phr. baS mill llliv tlid)t ctn, viz. ciligc[)Ctt, I cannot understand that. @ i n m ii d) f i g, adj. n. r. having but one joint, of one joint. G t tt tt) ii t) I C il, d. I. a. to wallow, rout up or bury in the ground ; II. rrjl. to dig one's self in. (S t tt tt) U r f, m. ( -CS ; pi. -miivfc) objec- tion, exception; eincit — niad)eit, to make (raise) an objection, to object. G i n tt) ii r g e It, ». a. to swallow greed- ily, to gorge, glut. G i n m u r 5 e I tt, v. n. (aux. fenn) l . to root, take root, strike root; --fig. to be rooted: to be inveterate; biefc SEReU ntuig tft bet ifynt feft etngerontjelt, this opinion is fast rooted in his mind. G i tt tt) U V J e I It H g, /. rooting, taking root. Gin j act en, ». a. to indent. Glttjarjl, /. Gram. T. the singular number. G i it s a h I e n, v. a. to pay in. G i it ^ a h 1 e n, ?\ «. to count in ; to in- clude; biefj ntit etngeja^U, this in- cluded, reckoning with llns. G t tt s a ft n c tt, Ginjalitiett, v. a. to dovetail, indent. G i tt j a i) n it it a., Gittsdfuiiittg,/. inden- tation, dovetailing. G i it § d n g el tt, v. a. to take with pincers or nippers. Gtttjapfcn, ?-. a. 1. to tap in, draw out into ; 2. T. to mortise. Gin jaubcrtt, v. a to instil by witchcraft. G i tt 5 d U lit C tt, v. a. to bridle in. G i it j d u it e 11, v. a. to enclose (with a hedge), fence in. GOt&dll llUlig, /. fjrf -Clt) fencing, enclosure, be GJttje^tg, adj. having '.''it "ne toe. monodactj lous G i tt 5 e n r e it, v. «. (««r. bafren'. ^- r^ to diminish, to waste; ber 3Bcttt aU\ Sdffcrtt jebrtt eilt, wine kept in woo,; loses in quantity. G i It J e t d) tt C It, v. a. 6- rrjl. I. to draw upon; -.fig. to enter, write down, in scribe. Gittjcidiititng, /. (pi. -en) enter- ing, writing down. @ i ii j e I, in compos. — bing, — roe fen, h. a being unique in its kind, an indi- vidual ; — glieb, n. single or individual member; — Icbeit, n. the isolated life of an individual; — lcibetlb, adj. idio- pathic; > — leibcnbeif, / idiopatfay; ■ — (lt)beif, /. singleness, individuality; — beiren, details; — ftimme, /. solo- Toice: — 'Jcrfattf, m. retail-selling; — yerfdufer, m. retailer; — wefenheir, /. individuality. G 1 11 J C I tt, I. adj. single ; individual ; iso- lated ; M E. one fold ; Ctll — C* .Cuing, a single or isolated house; Ctll — Ct -Diattn, a single man ; eitt — eS 25>e= fett, an individual; single being: — tt OWIb, small money ; eitt — ft .*>atlb = fdiui), an unmatched glove ; ills — e gehcil, to enter into particulars; bie —Ctt ^UllftC, minutes; II. adv. singly, one by one; cr lebt — , he lives by himself; — ycrfrtllfeit, to sell by retail. G l tt }. i e I) e It, v. ir. I. a. 1. to draw in, into ; ? to call in, to collect (outstand- ing money) ; 3. T. to put in (a new beam) ; 4. to draw in, absorb ; 5. to discontinue, suppress (an office/; ii. /.. T. to confiscate, sfiize; 7. to arrest, apprehend, imprison ; 8. Tup. T. to indent; 9./"-. to take, draw in, to make narrower or less ; 10. „V. T. to furl the sails) ; yjadmdit — , to pet ligence; iibcrali Grfiitibigiitig — , to get intelligence in all places; II. u. (aux. fettll) 1. to enter; to make i tie's entrance ; 2. to move into a house ; 3. to be imbibed, to soak in ; III. rrjl. 1. to shrink ; to retire (from the world) ; 2 to reduce one's expenses of living. ( ,; l tt 1 1 « ft tt tt g, /. 1 . drawing in ; taking in, &c. ; vid. (5 tlt$ici)Ctt ; 2. suppression ; 3. confiscation ; 4. Jlrck. T. tapering (of a wall) ; diminution (of a column ; scotia, trochil (part of the base). Gtlt jig, adj. only, single, alone, but one; singular, unparalleled) unprece- dented: eitt — er (Soft, an only God; — tit fcillCV '.%!, the only one of its kind ; bag — C, n, the only tiling ; ber, bif — C, the only one, the only person; — lllto alleitt, only and solely. G t n } i g I c i t, /. the quality of I one, oneness. G i it j i n g e I n, vid. It mangel it. G t it 5 1 f dt c I n, u, a. (cittern clival) to w bisper into one's ear ; to prompt se- cretly. G i tt 5 o g I i it g, «. i. «. m. (-tt ; pi. -t) i il settler, native; compos. — 1 : rect)f, 7i. right possessed by a native. GittJOllig, adj. one inch long or thick. vM tt 1 11 cf C r tl, v. a. to sugar over : t« preserve in sugar. G i It J It g, m. (-el ; /'/. — ji'u^c) 1. entry, entrance- 'J. V. pulling in a beam) cittctt ofr'cutlidicii — fallen, to mak< a public entry; compos. — iS|dll)taU6, vi. house-warming. G i 11 , It It ft C It, r. n. to incorporate. associate. Gittjmdngett, e, a. to force into leeze in. wedge ill : fig tc confine, constrain. «jf ©f< 6 t It j TO C t 3 e It, r. a. to engraft a twig of one tree on another St'njmtngen, v. i>. a . (ciucm ct= »08J to force upon, to force to take. git UUC, a -//.oval. G i §, n. (-fe3) ice; ice-cream : fig. beart- ss, apathy; CtttCIt aufS — ffi&s VCIt, cunningly to bring one into danger pr embarrassment ; to bring one into a dilemma; Sea Es. »om — c etltge* fdjloffeit, ice-bound : — , open ice; ba8 — fangt an 511 geben, the ice begins to break ; compos. — fts cbar, m. uncoloured agate; — illautl, m. rhomboidal alum-stone ; — apfel, m. a kind of small apple; — I'M bit,/, icy way, passage upon ice; slide; — Ktltf, /. bank, (island) of ice; — bar, m. polar bear; — berljcr, m. ice-cup; — bebceft, adj. covered with ice, fro- zen; — becre, /. snow-berry; — beilt, n. hip-bone ; — b er (?> '"• glacier, moun- tain of ice; iceberg; — b trite, /. winter-pear; — boff, — t'rec^cr, — = yf.tbl, — pftlter, m. starling (of a bridge), ice-breaker ; — bnicE), m. break- ing (thawing) of the ice; — cute, /. long-tailed duck; — CMtg, tb. concen- trated vinegar; — fafyrt, /. skating; — fclD, n. field (plain) of ice ; — fi| d), 7/i. a kind of whale living in frozen seas; — ft>d)Crei, /. fishing under the ice; — fret, adj. clear; — freie Sec, clear water; — gang, m - driving or floating of ice ; _ — gebirge, n. ice- mountains; — gcriillt, adj. icy ; frigid; — gcgeno, /. frozen region ; — aeftace, n. frozen shore ; — jrau, adj. hoary, ased ; — griff/ m - calkin, calker (of a horse-shoe) ; — ciritbe, /. — feller, tti. ice-house, ice-pit; — Eatt, adj. as cold as ice, frozen ; — Ealte, /. frostiness : — feffel, 771. pan or copper-vessel for cooling liquor in ice ; — Eibitj, 771. spot- ted plover; —fluff, /. frost-cleft (of trees); — fliiftig, ad/, frost-cleft; — = El'.Utt, 7i. ice-plant; — lauf, m. skating; — lltfer, 71. frozen sea, northern ocean ; — pUtlEt, 771. freezing-point (on the thermometer) ; — I'iflee, /. ice-crust; — fd)otle, /. flake, piece of ice ; — = fd)u|, 771. skate, vid. 3d>littfd)ub. ; — = i~i\Uh, 771. ice-spar; — IPOl'U, m. frost- nail, ice-spur; — fpricfieti or — fprfia pelt, 771. Sp.T. brow-antler; sur-antler; — taucber, m. northern diver ; — SO.jel, 771. halcyon, king-fisher; — roermutl), 771. silky wormwood ; — TOinb, 771. frosty wind, chilly breeze; — $acfeit, — $a= pfeit, 771. icicle; — jucfer, m. white sugar-candy. §i\t It, v. a. 1. to break the ice ; to >"ce ; 2. to shoe (a horse). g i f e It, n. (-8) iron ; Ch. T. nnrs ; gc= tiegeiteS — , native iron; rof)e3 — , pig-iron; rotr>briicr)tac5 — , red-short iron ; faltbrud)ige3 — , cold-short iron ; aefdjnitteneg — , slit-iron; arfenif= iaut'cS — , arseniate of iron ; Circuit; foutefl — , chromate of iron; fob= lciiKiurCa — ,carbonate of iron; orul= faure$ — , humboldit; pI)03pl)orfau= rC3 — , phosphate of iron, blue iron- ore ; ba3 — fdjmieben, roeil or fo [attge a warm tft, prov. to strike the iron while it is hot ; S^otf) brtrfct — , necessity knows no law; — lit Stb, 7?. oligist iron; — pecberj, 71. pitchy iron-ore ; — ptatte,/. iron-plate ; biiuite — ptattcit, sheet-iron; — probe, /. iron-test; fire-ordeal; — rafym, m. iron-glimmer ; — toft, tti. iron -- puration, suppurative. G i t C t i d) t, adj. like matter. (? 1 1 C V t g, adj. purulent, mattery. G iter it, v. 71. (aui. ^abett) to suppu- rate, fester ; to discharge matter ; Sum — brittgeu, to bring to suppu- rate (S. T.). G it e VUltg, /. (;i'.-Clt) festering, mat- tering, suppuration; compos. — SUltttcl, 71. suppurative. GltD e t fs, 77. the white of an egg *G j a C U I a 1 1 it, /. ejaculation. *G j a c u 1 1 r c rt, v. a. vid. Qlusfpi'ifccii. *G j C c 1 1 n, /. L. T. ejection. *GitCtretl, v. a. L. T. to disseize, eject (a tenant). Gfe, /. (pi. -It) provint. 1. oak; 2 sort of boat. GEel, (GfeU- Gcfel) m. (-8) 1. nau seousness, loathing, loathsomeness; S Qlrf Aistaste, disgust; 3. fig. aversion, sur- feit; — yenufadicil, to disgust, to sho;k; to turn the stomach; compos. — name, m. nick-name, mock-name. 5 Eel, ndj. 1. nauseous, loathsome ; 2. disgustful, distasteful ; nauseating, loath- ing; 3. fig. fastidious, nice, scrupulous; 4. delicate (of colours). Sfeljjaft, I. adj. disgusting, loath- some, nauseous ; If. adv. disgtstingly. IfjflfttgEett, /. (pi. -eit) loath- iss, disgustfulness. (£ felt g, adj. S,- ado. vulg. vid. QUI. (S E el II, r. I. n. (aux. fiabcil) to loathe, disgust, to nauseate; mil - cEclt ba'JOr, I loathe it ; II. imp. (both with the dat. of the person) ; Hi. rrft. (fid) yor et= XOaS) to loathe, be disgusted. *S E I e 1 1 t C I 8 tit It 8, in. eclecticism. *g EI 1 £ 1 i £ e r, m. (-8 ; pi. —) eclectic. *<§ f 1 C £ 1 1 f rf>, adj. eclectic. ♦(SEllpfe, /. (p/. -it) .1st. T. eclipse (of the moon, &c). •® f 1 1 p f 1 1 e It, v. a. to eclipse. *'• f h'ptif, /. jist. T. ecliptic. *!> f If p 1 1 f d), <*//. ^«. r. ecliptic. '(v flea, e, /. (/>/. -n) eclogue. •6 f ftdf e, /. (pi. -it) ecstasy, rapture, trans: "! v f ]t dti f d), adj. ecstatical, ecstatic. *6 taborTren, u. «. vid. 3lu8 U,f.(pl. -n) Gram. J™, ellipsis , O. T. ellipse. *vSIliVfoibe, /. (pi.-n)o. T.ri •SIH^ttf^, I. adj. ,; tical ; II. adv. elliptically. mitaljt, f. vid. Sltie. 1 1 m 8 f c u c r, ti. vid. .^clenenfeiicr. (\lvifec,(i5lbvilje, Slbwtffe, tMcrirr., (SIterfe), /. (^/. -n) minnow (a fish), (S'lfntl 7i. Alsace ;.(v|hlffcv, m. an in- habitant of—; dlfaffer, lllfafpfd), adj. Alsatian, of or i 1 1 (Slfe, /. Alice. (5lfe, (dip),/, (/i/.-n) I. pros pie, alder; 2./«r3Uofir; ,„,-., batim, in. loto-tree, service tree : — - beeie, /. fruit of the lote tree, (lifter, /. ( P i. -n) pie, mag] compo.-. — auge, Ti. com (on th< —bourn, in. for 6rle. (Silent, pi. vid. jiltcni. dltifl, w. wd. 3lti8. *<>.Il>fd t r unite, /. (-'8, -««) Emily HMlttltCllt, adj. & adv. eminent, dis- tinguished, •6 in i it e it if (pl.-cn) eminence (a title) HMiiir, m. (-«; y.-e) Emir, Tut kish prince. dmmertlng, m . ;-f« ,,/. _«j t 16" hammer, loriot, witwal, woo,l- wall ; 2. the grub of the cockchafer ; 3. provinc. Morello cherry. g nt p f s li e it, + & * mi. gmpfangen. Slltpfdlig, m. (-C8) 1. receipt; 2. reception; l)Pr •— ; , previous to re- ceipt; compos. — Sailjeigc, /. acknow- ledgment (of a letter) ; — uebmiitig, /. receipt, reception ; — fdpcilt, m. re- ceipt, acquittance. te*nb fdlt gelt, v. h La. to receive, take ; ciltcil — , to receive, to wel- come one ; II. n. (aux. tjabett) to con- ceive ; to become pregnant. 6 lit p f a n g c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) receiver, consignee .1/. £.). Si nt P f a U 'J 1 1 d), adj. susceptible, sen- ',l It 0. I i cf) E C i i, /. susceptibility. I ; m P fa It i] H t fj, f. conception. ; nt p r'e b 1, m. vid. giltpfebluitg. g m p f C b I b a r, adj. reconimenilable. 1J lit p f C b 1 C It, o. jr. I. a. to recommend, commend : II. r'jl. to take leave : td) cmpfcblc mid) 3bllClt, farewell, adieu, your servant. !5 nt p f ^ b I C U § TO e r f f>, adj. to be re- commended. g m p f e b I c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) re- commender. bmpfebl uttg, /. (pi. -en) recom- mendation, commendation : expression of regard; compliments; tttvtcbctt mpfinbelet, /. (y. -en) affec- '.v^:v. or show of sensibility ; senti- mentality. gmpft'itbeln, v. n (aur. baben) to play the sentimental, to affect sensi- bility. g m p f t n b C n, v. ir. a. to feel ; to per- ceive, to be sensible of; to experience ; itbcl — , to take ill, as an offence. g lit p f i It b e It, n. (-8) feeling, sensation. @ m p f f n b I e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) —inn, /. one who is over-sensitive, sentimen- talist. g 111 p f l n b 1 1 d), I. adj. 1. sensible ; 2. irritable, sensitive, touchy, easily affected, sore ; 3. fig. nice, resenting, pettish; bie Sclctbiauttg roar if) in febr — , he felt the offence deeply; bad i'~t feine — fie ©ette, tint's his mo sible part ; II. ado. irritably, sensitively. ',' ntpfiltbliebf eif, /. sensibility, sensitiveness, irritability. 6 m p f i It b I i 11 fl, m. sentimentalist, sentimental fool. (5 m p f i n b It i fj, f. {pi. -ffe) sen- timent, feeling. C? Itt P f i It b f a nt, adj. ] . delicate (in feeling or sentiment, also in taste) feeling, sensible, susceptible ; 2. senti- mental. 15 nt p f i It b f a in f C 1 t, /. 1 . sentimenta- Uty : 2. sensibility, susceptibility (for «nder emotions). £ nt p f t n b it it g, /. (pi. -en) feeling ; sensation; sense; perception; compos. — 8eigcilhett, /. idiosyncrasy; — 8fS= bio,foit, /. sensitive faculty; — 8ge= bicfot, v. lyric poem ; — 8fraft, /. power of sensation, sensitive power ; 1GS flteb — Slant, m. — Sropl't, n. interjection ; ■ — slcS, adj. void of sensation feel- ing), unfeeling, apathetic; — c>lofia,= fctt, /. insensibility ; — sfdhllier, m. shudder caused by particular sensa- tions; — StObteilb, adj. destroying (deadening) feeling or sentiment; — 3- PCl'lllbgeit, n. sensitive faculty, power of perception (sensation) ; — ssoll, adj. it adv. full of feeling; feelingly. ♦Smpbafc, &mj>r)aft8, /. Rh. T. emphasis. *(5mp ()d tifd), adj. If ado. empha- tic(al). *g lit p trie, gmpiriE, /. empiricism. *©lltpiriEcr, m. (-8; pi. — ) em- piric. *® lit p t r i f d), I. adj. empirical ; II. adv. empirically. g ill p D r, adv. on high, up, upwards, aloft. This adverb is compounded with ■numerous verbs expressive of direction upwards or raising ; U'rf) — arbcttCIt, to work one's way up, to rise ; — bringeit, to raise; — bclfen, to help up; — Eoillllteit, 1. to get up (in the world) ; 2. fig. to rise, thrive ; come tin : spring up; fiob — fcfcroiitgen, — ftvebcit, to soar aloft; to aspire to; ein — firebenber (ikift, ah aspiring genius; — ftciijClt, to rise; — trcU ben, 1. to drive upward; 2. Ch. T. to sublimate; ba$ — tl'cibctl, sublimation; compos. — Eil'dje, /. church gallery ; aisle; — EbllimlilhJ, m. upstart. (5" lit per Clt, v. I. a. to stir up; to agitate ; to raise, revolt; II. refi. to rebel, revolt, mutiny, rise against. § 111 p r e II b, part, adj revolting. (S m pore r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) mutineer, revolter, rebel, insurgent. g m p r C r i f d), I. adj. seditious, mu- tinous, tumultuous; II. adv. sediti *@ m p o r i u in, m. (-8 ; pi. — ten) emporium. Glllporuit g, /. (pi. -Clt) 1. rising, agitation, tumult (of the elements ; 2. sedition, mutiny, rebellion, revolt, in- surrection ; compos. — Sgeift, m. sedi- tiousness. dmfe, vid. SImetfe. g ill f i g, I. adj. assiduous, industrious, diligent; active, busy, eager, earnest; II. ailr. assiduously, &c. ; earnestly. 05' 111 f i g f C i t f f. activity, assiduity, in- dustry, diligence ; eagerness, earnest- ness. g in ft gltd), adv. busily, assiduously. *g it (ill a g c^ /. (pi. -en) Oram. t. enallege. *v* n c a ii ft i t" d), adj. vid. gnfaiiftifejj, *lS n C p 1 1 p a b I C, /. (pi. -n) encyclo- p.i dia. *0 n Ci) E t e pab i f d), adj. encyclo- psdian. *g n c *.) E I o p a b i ft, in. (—cit ; pi. -en) encyclopedist gtlb, in compos. — abficfit, /. final design, final view, end; — ■bcU'bcib, m. vid. — urtbcil ; — biutftabe, m. final letter; — fall, m. Oram. T. case; • — = gefcbroiltbigfetf, /. terminal velocity; — ffirjung, /. Oram. T. apocope; — - Id8, adj. endless, boundless; — 10Jtg= Ecir, /. infinitude; — puiiEt, m. ex- treme point; — VCbe, /, epilogue; — = leillt, m. rhyme at the end of a verse : — t'riiaft, /. end, issue; fctlte — fctblft crvcid)Clt, to come to an end ; — = fpifce, extremity, extreme ; — Iprild), m. final sentence or judgment : last sentence (of a discourse; ; — fluff, n. final piece; — ftylbe, /. final syllable — Urfacbe, /. final cause ; — iirtheil, n. decisive or definitive sentence; — * Dertrag, m. definitive treaty; — W Eiiruing, /. vid. — Eiirning ; — jcile /. last line (of a page) ; — JCtt, J final term; — jici, n. final aim; — i ^rocif, m. end, aim, purpose, scope design, intention. & n b d) c n, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) dimin. ofgnbe (In be, n. (-8; pl.-n) l. end: limit; close; fig. death; 2. aim, main design . 3. Sp. T. antler ; ba» aufu'i'ftc — , the (last) extremity ; JU - — , at the end, and to the end; am — , after all; jit — geben, ein — ticbmcn, to end, JIl — briltgeit, to finish, terminate, bring about; an alien Drtcii unb — 11, everywhere ; Jit bem — , to the end (that), to that purpose : com- pos. — SggnanHter, m. the undersigned. *fi II b e lit i f d), adj. 4- adv. endemic, en- demical; eine — e Jlranfbett, an en- demic disease. IS it be it, (Snbigen, v. I. a. l. to end, finish, terminate, conclude ; 2. T. to furnish with a point or em ; II. n, (aux. fiabeit) $■ refl. to end, conclude, to cease ; to be over. g It b C r, m. Sp. T. a stag having ant- lers ; vscd principally in compos, as 3n)ait5igcnber, m. a stag having twenty brandies. gnbig, adj. $■ adv. having an end (chiefly in wmpos.) as, Jtvei — , having two ends. g It b i g tl It g, /. ending, finishing, ter- mination, conclusion. (>• II b i D i e, /. (pi. -en) endive. (S II b I i d), I. adj. finite ; limited ; final, last ; II. adv. at last, in fine, finally, in the end, at length, after all ; when all is done, when all conies to all. (| tl b 1 1 d) E C i t, /. finiteness, finitude. 15' lib ling, m. (-8; pi. -t) final syl- lable. *gnboffiren, vid, Snbofftren. (Inbltltg, /. (pi. -en) ending, terrui nation (of a word). *6itergie, /. energj'. *0' It C r g i f rl), I. adj. energetical ; II. adr> energetically. *g 'it c r yi r c it, v. a. vid. P ntnci'fcn, i5ittfraftcn. *gnfilircn, v. a. vid. ginfabeln. 3lurcil)en. g It g, in compos. — bdlldug, adj. narrow- bellied ; — briiftig, adj. asthrnatical, short-breathed, short-winded ; — brii- ftigfcti, /. asthma, dyspnoea; — bcv= Jig, adj. narrow-minded, illiberal; — = b'.'i'UgEcit, /. narrow-mindedness; — ■- pa(5, »77. narrow pass. *(5'Jt get g eiltCU t, n. (-$; p/.-S) en- gagement. *g 1! (1 (I g l r C It, v. I. a. fam. or to engage, prevail upon, persuade; to enlist (a soldier) ; 11. refl. to engage promise, offer. gng St dttge, I. adj. narrow; eV>se, tight, strait; small: C!tl — X 93aft 3Beg, narrow pass, defile ; —r Sltoon, asthma; tit — er iSerivabrung HPtt, to be a close prisoner; bcr — l'C ?Ilt?- fdMtH, select committee; II. adv. nar rowly, tightly, closely, close; — JU« faiumcti jiebeit, to straiten, contract tiL'btly (closely). g-nge, /. (?;'. -n) narrowness, strait- ness. closeness, tghtness: narrow place, narrow passage fig: straits, difficulty, embarrassment, dilemma ■ eillCtt U "Sttnu He — tveibcn, to drive one into straits. In gel, m. (-8; P'- — ) i- ™s el : 2 - /Wi. angel-fish, skate ; fig. an endearing^ tzpression in compos, as — relit, = fetle U. f. to., angei-pure, angel-soul, fcc • compos. — brtf, «. open bed with- eut bed-posts; — b(nnid)Ctt, n. moun- tain everlasting, cudweed, cat's-foot; — brob, n. — fvcifc, /. angelical food, manna; — frfcfcc •"<• angel-fish, monk, fuller-skate; — (8)geftalt, /• angelic figure; — fltetdj, «>. to deliver a woman ; von eiiicnt Sohnc eiitbiuiben tverbett, to be delivered of a eon. @ ii t b i H b tt 1! g, /. (/'/• -eil) releasing, gntc absolving; deliverance; accouiftemen confinement; i Ittjlalt, lying-in hospital; — einjiriimciUC, p. obstetric instruments ; —31 stetric art, midwifery; — Sjaitge J cbsTetric pincers. (j it t b I fif C n, r. ir. a. to deprive by blow mg. (.5 n t b I d 1 1 c r n, t-. a. to unleave, strip of leaves. @ n t b 1 b e tt, r. rrfl. 1 . to divest one's self of shame or modesty; to dare; to be so bold as to ; 2. to be bashful. (5'lltblofien, ». a. 1. to bare, de- nude, denudate ; to uncover (the head) ; 2. fig. to deprive, strip of; belt Xegeit — /to draw the sword ; UOtt 33c»ol)= jicm — , to dispeople; C It t b i f ; t VOll .., bare of.., destitute of..; id) bin eben jefct ganj entblbfjt, I am just now with any money; fid) bell JiOpf, belt ©llfen U. f. XO. — , to uncover one's head, bosom, &c. (S it t b I o fi u tt g,/. 1. baring; denodntioa, nudation; 2. uncovering; 3. depri- vation, being destitute of. (5 it t bin be», ». ». (mix. fevn) * «o spring up in blossom, to blossom. (5 lltbliitbett, v. a. to deprive ot the blosBoma CS K t b r d It tt t, part. adj. fig. incensed, inflamed. (Sittbraiifett, v. n. Cobs fe^.m) to roar from, to escape (with roaring, rushing). (5 it t b r c d) e it, v. ir. refi. ^ . ( udi einet Sacbe) to forbear, attain fiom ; 2. to break loose from. (§ it tb x c it tt bare it, ». a. Ch. T. to de phlogislicate. g it tb re ii lie ii, v. ir. I. «. (aux. ftfyil) fig. to inflame, incense; kindle, burn; II. a.fig. to kindle, fj It t b ii t b e It, v. «• to disburden, un- burden. &ntr$ett, n. (-8; ;-/•—) uttia duct, duckling. Q tt tb d ril C It, r. a. to unroof, uncover *v5 ii t b a in o it i f t r c 11, v. a. to exorcise, cast out a demon. (Jntbdmpfett, v . *. (aux. fetin) to rise, proceed from (said of steam, m^t, &c). (5; 11 1 1> d ttt V f C n, v. a. to free from va- pours, to cause to evaporate. (v n t b d l»l e It, v. a. to disbowel (birds, &c). (S K t b C (f b a r, atlj. discoverable. (S it t b C (f C I It, v. a. to divest of the lid. LMl t b c cf e It, v.a. fif. I. todif detect ; to descry ; 2. to disclose, reveal, open; fieb Seittantcnt — , to make one's self known to somebody ; eiiieni feilt lOei'J — , to open one's mind to another; 89 (Sittf £mrt (Suth iblcr, — ubalndif, — itftofjer, m. duck-eagle; — lltitfbfC/ /. duck-gun; — It fail;], m. decoying of ducks; — \l- 0X08, rt. painted-lady grass; — ItgVUtt, n. — ttgrii^C,/. duck-meat, duck weed ; — ttjiigb, /. duck-shooing ; — UttlU= frfu' [,/. barnacle ; — llpfuhl, m. duck- pond; — ItVllf, m . Sp. T. call; — 11= fdu\ig, m. ,■,;. — njagb; — iifdjuaOcf, m. duck-muscel ; sand-gaper. Entire II, v. a. 1. to dishonour, dis- grace, to ill-grade ; 2. to profane ; to ra- vish. (v It t f b X C It b, part. culj. degrading, dis- graceful. G n t C f) X C r, m. (-§; pi. — ) disgracer, dishonourer ; ravisher. Glttc' titling, /. (pi. -Clt) dishonour- ing; degradation; defamation; ravish- ing; compos. — 6lirtf)Ct(, n. L.T. sen- tence of defamation. G it t e i g n c it, v. a. (cincn eincr So= cl)C) to deprive of property. 5 It telle It, »■ «• (<»<*. feint) 1. to hasten away (from) ; to pass rapidly ; 2. (ei= Item — ), to escape from . . . (§ It t f I f C 11, v. n. to free from ice 15 it t c r = b C i I, n. .Y. Ts. pole-axe : — = bafeit, m. grapnel, grapple ; — pief'e, /. boarding-pike, half-pike. G It t C X b C rt, v. a. to disinherit. 6 Uteri? X, m. {-$ ; pi. — ) disheritor. GlltcrbUlig, /. exheredation ; — u= rccbr, n. right of exheredation. 5 n tf t b e It, i-. a. to clear of earth. Glttttid), m. (-8; pi. -e) drake; cill totbev — , mallard. 6 It t C r It, r. a. JV. T. to grapple a ship, to board. (intern, n. Gnterung, /. (pl.-m) grappling, boarding. 6' it t f d ft) C r It, ». «. to deprive of com- partments. Gtttfdbcitl, v. a. u, unthread (a needle). G tt t f a b r e rt, ». ?v. n. (aws. fityn) i . to fly off, to slip off; 2. fig-, (etnem etnms) to escape, slip out; to drop ; ti etttfilbr ibm citl 3Bort, a word escaped him: fid) — laffen, to let slip. G It t f a 1 [ C It, v. ir. n. (aux. felni) 1. to drop, fall from, out; 2. Jig: to slip, escape out of memory; bilS Sd^tvct't etttft'cl utcitter «£jattb, the sword fell out of my hand; bilS tft lttir — , it has escaped my memory ; C§ etltfiel iljllt bet -3Jhirh, his courage failed him. Qsttf fdttett, v. a. $ refi. 1. to unfold, discover, display, develop ; 2. to smooth, become smooth. Glttfdttllltg, /. unfolding, display development. IS tt t f X b C tl, v. I. rcfl. to change co- lour, grow pale ; II. a. to deprive of the colour, change colour: bet 2d)rcdcilt= fdrbte ihlt, he turned pale with terror. I?' tt t f ci V b t, part. adj. discoloured, pale. Glltfdferit, v. a. to strip of fibres or st lines; to string (beans). &tttf critert, v. I. a. to remove, pat away; II. rrfl. to withdraw; fig. fid) — Don...., do deviate from to leave, to turn from. S tt t f C r tt t, part. adj. distant, remote ; ftd) — rmltcit, to keep at a distance; cmfeine — c 9Irt \\\ sefftcliett gebctt, to give to understand in a roundabout way, to hint at. £ n t ft r n It tt g, /. (pi. -en) 1. removal ; 2. departure ; separation ; withdraw- ing; 3. distance, remoteness; fid) ilt 170 bet gcKn-igtn — htlrctt, to keep at proper distance ; comjios — ftl'ilft, /. r/ti/s. T. centrifugal force. 6»tfeffel«, IB. {-§; pi.—) de- liverer. G tt t f C f f C I tt, ». a. to unfetter, to un- shackle ; fig. to free (from prejudices, &c). G tt t f C ft t g C tt, o. a. to deprive of for- tifications. G It I f 1 1 1 C rt, c. a. to divest of fat or grease. Gtttf febem, v. a. to unplume. (?' It t f I d lit m e It, v. I. a. to inflame ; II. n. (auz. fcl)lt) to be inflamed. © It t f Id m lit It U g, /. inflaming. (Stt tf Id ttCtlt, v. n. (auz. feV)lt) to flutter from. G It t f 1 1 d) t C It, v. ir. a. to unplait, to extricate, disentangle from. G It t f I C I f d) C It, v. a. to strip of flesh. Glttfletfd)t, part. adj. fleshless. Gntfiiegen, v. ir. n. (aux. fe«n, with, dot.) to fly away (on wings) ; to pass away quickly. G It t f 1 1 C f) e tt, v. ir. n. (auz. fciUI, with dot.) to flee, run away, escape, get off. Glttf llcfiCtl, v. ir. n. (aux. feint, with dat.) to flow from, trickle down. Gutfliidjtcrt, v. n. (auz. fcVjn) to evade, escape. Gntflftgeltt, v. a. to deprive of wings. Gntfrdd) ten, v. a. to unload. Gntfrembctt, v. a. (etnem etteaS ilt. Glttbdltcil, v. ir. 1. a. to contain, comprehend, hold, include ; II. refi. (ftii) ciltcr ^ild)e) to abstain from forbear, help, refrain ; iib foitJtte mid) be§ SiidjcnS uid;t — , l could noi forbear laughing ; — b, containing, in- cluding. Gntf)dltfant, I. adj. abstemious, abstinent, continent, sober, temperate; II. adv. abstemiously, continently. Glltf)dltfamf eit, /. abstemious- ness, continence, abstinence, sober- ness, discretion. G 11 1 b d 1 1 U n g, /. abstinence, for- bearance. (§ n t b d 1 1 C tt, unharden, soften (§ It 1 1) S t j C It. v. a. to deprive of resin. (J 11 tt; a lip tett, v. a. to behead, de- capitate. ($ n t b n u V t u tl g, /. (pi. -en) behead ing, decapitation. (5 It 1 1) d It t e 11, v. a. to skin, flay. G tt t b d li 1 11 tt g, /. excoriation. Gilt I) el) eil, 1. to take away, lift from; 2. fig. (etnen tiiier Sad.e) to exempt from, dispense with, deliver from ; etnev ?ajt — , to ease of a bur- den; eitteS 5tlltteS — , to dismiss of as employment. G II t b 2 U t g C It, v. a. to unhallow, pro- fane ; to violate. G ii f li c 1 1 i g e r, m. (-S pi. — ) pro faner. G it t b e i 1 1 g it it g,- /. i pi. -en) profana tion ; violation. G It t ft C I lit C Tt, v. a. to divest of On helmet. <5ittf (5nrm (Sntr C It t b t 1! f C 11, p. n. (am. fttytl) to limp away. 6 11 t f) 6 I } e 11, v. a. to deprive of wood. (>' It t I) U t g C It, B. a. to clear (wax) of honey. (§ it t li ll f C 11, » a. to unsole (a horse), (i it t b u 1 1 C ll, v. a. to unveil, disclose, reveal. (? It t () li I f C It, v. a. to husk ; to shell. @ tt t $ li tit v c 1 it, v. n. (. ?>. ». (ojkb. feiiu) to escape, get off; nut gcuaiiST SJlotb — , to make a narrow escape. (Slttfllttgett, v a. to deprive of royalty. (S'lltf 6ppel:i, v. a. to uncouple (S It t f 6 r p e r It, ». a. to free from the body, to disembody, to divest of the body. (S It t £ 6 V p C r t, part. adj. disembodied. @ It t f V a f i C It, v. a. to debilitate, ener- vate, enfeeble; weaken; cine a o 1 1) c = rung — , ciitcn S3e»etS — , to invali- date a eonsequence, a proof. Ss/n. em It iff tig tit, 6 cf> ro « it e n. A thing 8 reduced in strength or lb re a eitbei by li.';,,,; deprired of ita inherent properties of igth or hy suffering a diminution of the de- jjr.-e of power which till now it has been aide to exert. In the first instance it is said to be cult Iritftrr, in the second g«fdjn>a<$t. Sdjroifdjtn is therefore said only of the strength or force, fullriiftrn of the thing possessing it- When the fun e of :''\nn or water is impeded, it is said to he acf.liir.i*t, but not rnllr.iflrl, the inherent qualities of water or steam remaining still the Cr II t £ r d f t C t, part. adj. exhausted, de- bilitated. OhitEra'f rung,/. (/,,. -en) debilita- tion, enervation; fatigue, exhaustion, weariness. Gittfrdnjett, v. a. to strip of a wreath. (Sittf ratffelit, v. a. to uncurl.0 ^IttfviCCbeit, v. ir. 71. (flui-.fc^tll to creep away, escape. (S 11 1 f r tt C It, v. a. to uncrown, de- throne. (S It t f li f f C 11, v. a. to kiss off. @ tt 1 1 fi b C It, v. ir. a. to disburden, un- load, discharge, exonerate. (5 it t ( a b It it g, /. exoneration ; dis- charge ; eruption. 6' It 1 1 d It g, ailv. (with arc. after the subst., (t-gen. A/ dat. before it) along. (? It 1 1 A V « e 11, v. a. to unmask. (Stttldtver, m. (-g ; pi. — ) un- masker. (5 11 1 1 d 1 II It g, /. unmasking. (Stttldf fett, ». ir. a. I, to dismiss, give leave, discharge ; 2. (CtttClt ciltcr iSacbc) to absolve, release; emanci- pate ; bev $flirl)t — , to discharge from duty; CtHCg (StbCg — , to absolve of an oath; ypnt ©eridjtc volJig — , L. T. dismissed without a day. (S It 1 1 d f f 11 It g, /. (pi. -dt) leave, dis- missal, discharge ; release; — (lllg bcr baterlidjen u. f. to. ©eroalt, emanci- pation; compos. — gatteft, — gteugttif, 7i. certificate of leave; — §fd)ieitu'i!, 7i. (in diplomacy) recredentials. (S it 1 1 d ft c it, v. a. (cineit eincr Sarljc) to disburden, discharge, disencumber, unloaiP . I. a. to set free, (cilieit etlier isafl)c) deliver, release from, to discharge ; to exempt ; fcifl 0CU)t|)ert ' — , to dischargt, one's con- science ; II. rrfl. 1. to acquit one's self of a thing ; 2. to discharge or perform one's duty. (§ ll 1 1 f; b t g ll tt g,/. deliverance, release, acquitment ; riddance. (5 11 1 1 C e r C tt, v. a. to empty, deprive of contents. fl It 1 1 i g C tt, adj. remote, distant, far off. © ll 1 1 C g C 11 () e t f, /. distance, remote- ness. (5 it tic" bite it, v. a. (cfivitg ijoit 3c= maitb, aiiiS cincr (Sacbe — ) to bor- row ; to derive ; take from. S It 1 11$ tt t V, m. (-g ; pi. — ) bor- rower. (5 II 1 1 f-f) ttll tig, /. (pi. -Cll) borrow- ing, loan. (g II 1 1 C I b C 11, f. a. to kill, slay, murder ; fid) fclbft — , to make away with one's self. (£' it 1 1 e t b u tt g, /. {pi. -en) killing, &c, homicide. 6' It 1 1 C lb Cll, v. I, a. to make disagree- able ; 11 «. (auz. fcl)lt) to become dis- agreeable. @ ii 1 1 e t b e it, », ir. vid. (?nt[ebueit. @ It 1 1 ettt 11, v. a. to lead astray. (intlt'cbtftoffcit, v. a. l.u. Clt. T. to dcphlogisticate. fi' 11 1 1 C if C It, v.a.l. to draw away ; 2. to allure away (by (lattery, enticement, blandishment); :i. (cincnt tttoai) to elicit. (S It 1 1 D b C r It, v. «. (auz. fe\11l) to flash up, blaze up. (? It t 111 d n It e It, ». «. 1. to castrate, un- man ; 2. emasculate, lo make eiTeiri nate ; to enervate. (S it t m d n it t, part. adj. emasculate. Silt mdlt 11 It ltg, /. castration, ui manning, enervation. (S ii t m d r f e n, v. a. to enervate. d' 11 1 m d r t e til, v. a. to extort by lb rack. CS n t nt d g f e n, v. vid. flnttarycii. (S It t nt d ft C 11, v. a. to unmast, dismast take out the masts ; to unrig. (S 11 1 lit C n f d) e n, r. a. to divest of hu inanity, of the dignity of man ; to bru talize. fin tllicnfcfct, part adj. inhuman brutish, brutalized. ($ ii t m li m m c n, v. rid. ©ttflatveit. (i ii t nt ii n \ e it, t7. a. to cry down (or call in) coin. (5 it t m it r m e 1 it, v. n. (auz. fetyn) to flow out murmuringly. f£ it t m ii t b c «, G it t m fi t b t g e n, ». a. to discourage, disanimate, dishearten, dispirit. (f It t lit fi t b t g U II g, /. discouragement despondency, fi' n t It a g C I n, 77. a. to open by drawing the nail, fi' It t n >i f C n, tt. a. I. u. to deprive ol the nose. fi It t It C b C 1 11, 77. a. to free from mist, to clear. fi it t ii 1 1) nt e it, v. ir. a. l. (cinem cN HKlg) to take from, get from, dravt from, borrow; 2. jig. (ctltCIt CtlKt ©0* cbc) to deliver or free from; 3. (lid) CtlUilo) to understand,^ conclude, con- ceive ; cinen iUorfcbufi nnf einen — , to draw upon one ; ivif ftUllliClt bat's ailg — , hence we could conclude. fintnM) titer, m. (-g; pi. —) M. K. taker of a bill. fi 11 1 It C r » e n, 77. a. to enervate ; ent* licrvt, part. adj. enervated, weakened. fi n t it e V » 11 n g, /. enervation. *fi it t o nt 1 g, m. (-en ; pi. -en) ento- mologist *fi it 1 lit 1 g I e, /. entomology. * (S 11 1 lit 1 g i f d), adj. entomolo- gical. fi n t p a a r e H, 77. a. /. a. to separate a pair or couple. fi ll t V d it } C r tt, 77. a. to strip of a coat of mail. fi it t V f 1 1 d) t e 11, v. a. to exempt from duty. fi It t V f I it Cf C It, 77. a. vid. m. u. w, SQBeg* Vfliiden. 6" It tpfrrjVfetl, v. a . to uncork (a bottle). (§ ii t v 6 1 1 e r n, ». 7i. (auz. fe v n) to fatt from with great noise, fi It t V t C f f C It, p. a. to squeeze from, out of; fig. to exact. filltpliV V C1 '/ »■ rrfl. to burst tho cocoon, fi' it t V ii v V e r n, v. a. to strip of the purple, to dethrone. fi it t q u d I in e n, ?•. b. (auz. feytt) to rise in vapour or smoke. fi it t q it c 1 1 c n, ?7. ir. ii. ( II, D. ir. n. (only in the in- finit.) to do without, to shirt; cincr "2art)C 111* l h t — "Milieu, not to be able to dispense with a thing. (jut id tb f c 1 it, d. a. to unriddle, de- cypher, unraveL (S ii t v a a f c u, v. a. vid. SluSraufett. (5 it t r a it m e it, p. a. vid. SBegtdumen. CS" it t r a ii f d) e it, * «. n. (aux. feint) to rush from. *@ It t r C d) a t. m. (-» ; pi. -«) a cross- caper; ciucii — fd;(agcn, to cut a caper. ♦15 it t r C c, it. (-8 ; pi. -£) 1. entry ; 2. entrance -money; compos.' — blUct, n. ticket of admission. (S 11 1 r C : g C I It, v. a. to make irregular, to disorder. @ it tret lie it, v. ir. a. (cincnt ctmaS) to snatch away, tear from, rescue, de- liver from; ber 05 c r ^ c f ft it [; c i t — , to rescue from oblivion. (5 It t V f >' :t It g, /. rescuing, snatching away. 6" tl t r e t t e tl, v. ir. n. (aux. fcilrt) to escape on horse-back. (S tl t r c it it e it, v. ir. n. (aux. feint) to escape by running away. *P it t r c p r c tt e u r, m. (-« ; pi. -") vid. Hntentebmcr. *@ n t r c p r t f e or (Siifrcprife, /. (pi -u) aid. UittcrilcbutUtig. *d It t r e f I, m. Arch. T. intersole. 15/ n t r i d), m. vid. (Sittertd). (S It tv i d) t e It, u. a. to pay, discharge (what is dueJ. /. -en'/ indem- niiication, amends; reimbursement; compos. — Gforbcrnng, /. claim of in- demnity; — Sgelb, a. — gfumtne, / sum paid by way of indemnity; — i- ftd)erl)eit,/. L. T. indemnity. (S tl t f d) d 1 1 C It, v. ir. n. (aux fetylt) to sound from. (S tt t f rfl d r e It, »•• a. it refl. to disperse, disband. @ttt fd)dttcit, v. a. to deprive of shadow. (5 n t f ft) d lime it, v. n. [aux. fei)ti) to issue foamingly. (5" It t f d) C t b, m. (-C " ; pi. -C) provinc. vid. (S'tttfd)cibuitg. (S tt t f d) C l b b a r, adj. decidable. (S It t f dl e I b C It, v. ir. I. a. 1. to decide, determinate ; to pass judgment, sen- tence ; 2. to arbitrate, adjust ; II. rcjl. (fid; — liter) to decide, make up one's mind, resolve upon ; to be decided. (Stttf d) C tbC lib, part. arij. decisive, determinate, definitive, final; — C 3lut= WOl't, final answer. (? tt t fd) C I b It It g, /. (pi. -etl) deciding; decision, determination ; deeAve sen- tence; compos. — "ilttgcitbliif, m. deci- sive motive, crisis; — §Ctb, m. decisory oath ; — Sgrilllb, m. motive ; ground of deciding; — S^Uttft, m. — gjet^ett, n. — S^llftattb, m. crisis, critical point; — "fttlltllie, /. casting vote; — Stag, m. critical, decisive day. (& it t f d) c u d) c it, v. a vid. m. ii. 93cr= fd)cud)eit. @ It tfd) it be It, I. part. adj. decided; It. ado. decidedly. (Stttfrf)iebcitf)eit / /. resoluteness, confidence. (5'tttf d) IC fell, v. ir. n. (aux. fci)ll) to shoot from ; to fall rapidly from. (5 n t f d) 1 f f e tt, v. a. & n. to ship off. (? tl t f d) X V X C It, v. a. to unharness. (S It t f d) t 5 f C It, v. ir. n. (aux. fel)tt) 1. to fall asleep; 2._/«r. to expire, die. (S tt t f ef) I d g e tt, v. ir. rcjl. (fid) eittcr i£ad)C) to get rid of, forbear, forget; fid) ber ©Orgell — , to banish cares. (§ It t f d) I e i d) C tl, v. ir. n. (auz. fei)lt) to escape, to steal from. (f it t f d) I C i C V tt, v. a. to unveil, reveal (also ji«.). (S- it t f d) { C i lit C tt, ». a. to free from slime. @ It t f d) t C li b C r tt, u. a. to fling away. (5n tfd)tid)tcit, v. a. to free from starch. fi'it t f d) lie lien, v. ir. I. «. to unlock; disclose; II. nfi. to resolve upon, to determine. (Sit tfel) lie filing, /. (pi. -en) re- solving, resolution, determination. (5 It t f A) I i tt g C It, v. a. to take out of the noose. (§ it t f rl) I ' f f e it, part. adj. _ i . deter- mined; 2. resolute; vid. Cnufcbjie'eit. (Slttfd) 16 ffeit I) ci t, /. resolute- ness, determination; courage. (S tt t f dj . li nt m e r tt, v. n. (mix. feim) 1. to fall into slumber; 2. to die gently. (5 n t f d) I it p f e it, v. n. (mix. feim) (with dot.) to slip out of or from, to glide out of, to escape. (S it t f en t ii fi, m. (-ffeS ; pi. -fdifiiffe) resolution; ciacti — faff«n, to take a resolution. (S"tt tfd)mii A) el it, v a. to obtain by flattery. (5 It t f d) 111 ti cf C II, v. a. to d; rest ol ornament. (5 It t f dm fi X C It, v. a. to unlace, untie (S it t f rf) o p f e it, v. a. to dip or draw out. E It t f dl U h C 11, v. a. to strip of shoes <§ u t f d) li I b b a r, «llifbeit — , to plead sickness; C3 Idflt ftd) ttidjt— ,it admits of no excuse; — <2ic ! I beg your pardon. (§■ n t f d) ii I b i g it tt g, /. ( pi. -en) ex- cuse, apology; id; nchjiic bie — i m m e it, v. ir. n. (rtMi-.fcint) to swim off; to escape from by swim- ming. C5' n t f d) id i n b e it, v. ir. n. (aux. 1. to disappear; 2. to vanish (quickly). @ 11 t f d) tV t It g C tt, v. ir. rcfl. to fly away, soar above. © It t f d) ID t r X C II, v. n. (anx. fci)lt) 10 whiz, buzz from. (Sutfeelt, part. adj. (of S'lttfcetcn I. u.) dead, lifeless. .Cintfegelit, v. n. (aux. feiin) to sai. away or off. (5 It t f C \) C tt, v. ir. refl. proline, to be ashamed, to fear. (5 It t f e' It b e It, v. ir. a. to send off, from, let fly, jerk (an arrow). (Slttfe (}bar, adj. removable, what may be relieved (a fortress). C? tt t f c ft e n, v. I. a. (cinctt eittcr <&<\d>c) 1. to displace ; remove, dismiss one from his office, to suspend ; 2. Mil. T to relieve, succour (a fortress) ; be! throne" — , to dethrone; II. rcfl. (VOX eilter Sadie) 1. to shudder at, to lit shocked ; 2. amazed at ; 3. to be ter rifled. (Sit t fe'ft CH, ». 1. amazement, terror 2. horror, shuddering. (Slttfctjttd), I. adj. terrible, horrible, horrid, frightful, shocking; astonishing II. ado. terribly, &c. (Slttfcftltd)fcit, /. terribleness, (rightfulness. (S It t f C ft 11 tl g, /. (pi. -en) 1. removal, dismissal ; 2. relieving, succouring of a fortress. (" tt t f i C g C 1 11, v. a. to unseal, open. (Sltt fl'ltf Clt, v. ir. ti. (aux. fel)lt) to drop from ; to sink (gradually) down ; c3 citifinft ntir ber 3)hitt), my courage fails me. (S n t f t n n c n, v. ir. rcfl. (fid) riiict ^ad^c) to remember, recollect. (5' It t f t n It 1 1 d; ' n, v. a. to free from raise above the (sensual) earthly. @ntfl 6 11 1 f t t f I t rf) C 11, v. a. to demoralize. G u 1 1" i 1 1 1 i rf) U II (V /. demoralization. ©ittfoI)iteti, ©iitfiibiictt, vid. 2luS= fobltCH. 6' It t fij It It C 11 o. a. to deprive of sun- shine. © It t f p d It It C II, v. a. to unbend (a bow, &c). © II t f p C r r C It, v. a. to relieve, succour (a besieged place). © 11 1 f V 1 11 H C It, v. ir. I. a. vid. ?lft= fptttUCIl ; If- rrfl. to arise; to originate in; hOWti Cllt'fpaillt ftcb cilt $tOgej), thence a lawsuit arose; C$ eiltfpuntt fid) cill Sttctt, there fell out a quarrel. © 11 1 f p r c d) e n, v. ir. n. (aux. babctl) inth dot. to answer, correspond to. © tt t f p r I e § C It, v. ir. n. {aux. fct)ll) to ipring, sprout forth ; 2. fig. to descend. © 1! t f p vi It 3 e tt, t>. ir. n. (aux. fet)tt) 1. to spring or run away, to escape ; 2. to spring, take rise (said of rivers, &.C.); 3. fig. to spring, arise; 4. come from, proceed, descend. G it t f p V f f C It, part. adj. descended. © IttfplTlbcdt, v. n. (aux. fe*)tt) to flow or buret from. IS ii t f p r ii b c ii, ?•. n. (ni(r. fev?it) to fly from, spit forth (of sparks). ©tit fpr liltn Ctt, pirt. adj. escaped; arisen; vid. Gittfprittgcit. gntftdlten,B«z.@ntfieUen. © It t ft d 1 1 C t., part. adj. disfigured, de- formed. © It t fl d Itt lit e tt, v. n. (aux. fefttl) to de- scend from. ©lttftdnbe tt, part. adj. arisen, vid. ©ntftchctt. © It t fl d U g C I n, v. a. to deprive of the stalk. © n t fl a ii b e tt, v. a. vid. 9lbftdubcit. © tt t fl t f) C tt, v. ir. n. (aux. fct)1l) 1. to arise, spring, begin, originate in; pro- ceed, take rise ; 2. to be formed by or of; 3. to break out; 4. to want, fail. ©nt ft chert, 7i. (-«) ©ntftetyma, /. arising, beginning, origin. © tt t fl C A) I e n, v. ir. a. to steal away from. © tt t fl 61) u tt a S a v t or ©ntftcbititg8= TOcife, /. the nature or manner of ihe beginning or origin. G 11 1 ft C 1 g e tt, v. ir. n. (aux. fei)tl) to rise from ; come forth. P It t ft C tit fit, v. a. to frue from stones. 6 II t ft C U C It, v. a. to disfigure, deform, deface. © tt t ft Hit, part. adj. disfigured. @ It t fl C 11 II It g, /. (pi. -en) disfigur- ing, disfigurement. © It t ft C r b C It, Z). ir. n. vid. m. u. ic. Slbflerben. G ti t fl I e b t tt, v. ir. n. (aux. fcnn) to fall oil' as dust; to rise as dust (from). G 11 t ft ] C f c 1 II, v. a. to strip of boots ; Clltfticflit, part. adj. unbootcd. I s " it t ft l c I e It, u. a. to strip of the stalk or stalks. G ti t fl v a b I e it, v. n. (aux. fet>nj to radiate from G 11 1 ft r i rf c tl, ?•. a. to untie, disengage, unfasten. ( s " 11 t fl V 3 Hie It, V. 77. (aux. fe»n) to flow, gusli down (from). (§ It t ft It V lit C II, v. I. «. to tear vio- lently away from; II. n. (aux. fetylt) to rush away (out or from). 8 It t fl It r J l' II, (,. ,,. (a„r. fctMl) to Siinsj rush away from, to fall down from, t: be precipitated. ©n t f ii b n e tt, o. vid. Gntfb'hncit. © It t f it it b i g e It, ». a. to clear from *m, to purify, sanctify, absolve. © tt t f li II b i 3 U It 3, /. clearing from sin; expiation. © it 1 1 a ii rf) c tt, v. v. (aux. fevm) to emerge © n 1 1 d li f rf) C It, v. a. to disabuse, un- deceive. G tt 1 1 b if It C It, o. « to dethrone, depose. © it 1 1 b v D it c r, 7/!. (-8 ; pi. — ) de- throner. ©ItttbtBnua 3,/. (pi. -eit) dethrone- ment. © II 1 1 tt e tt, v. n. (aux. fetltt) to sound from, flow frcvi (of sound). ©ttttraiifelti in, n. [aux. fcttn) to ©llttropfellt, J trickle out from. © It 1 1 r 6 V f C ", v. n. (aux. fct)lt) to drop down or out from. © It t U b J 1 8 e tl, r. a. vidg, to save, spare ; aid. ©rubttgCtl ; etttubtigf feint (eittcr Sarf;e), to be dispensed with, to do without. © 11 1 y 6 I f e r It, v. a, to depopulate. © II 1 1! 1 1 C r It It 3, /. depopulation. © it t ro d rf) f C II, V. ir. ti. (aux. fctMi) fig. fetttet -cvtrfiC dot.) to outgrow ; bcr SiJutlie — fetMl, to L« QBomd the age of correction. © It t W d f f It C 11, p. a. to u.sarm. G it t tt d f f ii c ti b e, ©ittrodffiief, (n. i. u.) m. disarmer. © II t >t> a f f II It It 3, /. ( pi. -CI1) disarming. © II t TO d b V C 11, !•. a. 1. L. T. to eject (from possession) ; 2. to depreciate (a coin). © It t TO d h r f rf) a f t, /. /,. r. eviction, ejection. © H t TO i I b C 11, 7-. a. to cut down the forests. © 11 1 TO d It C 11, o. n. (aux. fct)ll) to flow from. © tt t to d 11 e n, Sntrodnbeln, Gsntrodtte bent, 7). 7i. (aux. fc.itt) * to wander from, begin a pilgrimage from. © 11 1 TO d f f e r tt, v. a. to drain ; Ck. T. to distil, to dephlegmate. © a t to d f f e r u tt 8, /. (pi. -en) ch. T. dephlegmation. © It t TO t b C r, conj. either ; — bicfj obcr W.9, either this or that; — VctbcS= Obet ©etftcS ilblttnVClt, exercises either of body or of mind. ©lltTOcf)ett, n.I. a. to blow off or away from ; 11. 7(. (aux. fcl)lt) to blow, breathe from. © it t to e b v c n, v. I. a. for Giitroaff ttcn ; II. njl. (with genit) for (JfTOCbveil, to guard against, to rid one's self of. © ii t to e i b e tt, o. «. to unsex, nnwoman. © ii t to e t rf) c it, b. ir. 7i. (aux. font ! 1 . to give way, to disappear; ~~. to run away, escape, abscond. © II t It,' ( ( rf) ii n 3, /. (pi. -cu) escape, absconding. G it t to c t b c it, b. a. to profane, dese- crate, pollute ; to defile, violate. d ti t to e t f) e r, m. (-* ; pi. — ) polluter. G n t to c t h u it 3, /. ( pi. —ctt) pr, irana- tion, desecration. G 11 t TO C i I e It, v. a. to free froji, ennui, to divert @ ii t TO e I !e it, iv ii. '.7ii r. fcPtt) to fade or wither and fall off © it t tt c ii b t it, iv reg. & ir. a. to purloin, steal. ettg G n t to c it b e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) pur thief ©tit TO Ctt bllttg, /. (p'.-ui) pur'oin ing, stealing. © n t ro c r b c tt, v. ti. + for 3tufbBten or 55crlicrcn. 6'ltt TO Crf etl, v. ir. a. 1. to design, project, plan, contrive, devise ; 2. to trace out; sketch, delineate, chalk; tcb, — , to make a rough sketch ; fpifia ne — , to make plans; />ricfcfi*artifel — , to draw up articles of peace. © tt t TO C r f e r, m. (-$ ; pi. — ) designer projector, planner. © II t TO C r t b C II, B. a. to depreciate undervalue. G ttttoettftt, part. adj. freed from storms. Gil tTO t'rfeltt, v. a. b rrfl. to unfold, unrol ; develop; _/i>. to unfold, evolve, clear, explain, solve; to display, lay open (in a well-arranged manner). G tt t TO t rf e 1 11 tl 3, /. ( pi. -CI1) 1 . un- folding, development ; L'. explanation ; 3. evolution; 4. T. catastrophe; de- nouement; compos. — Mcbre, /. the doctrine of evolution (in the theory of generation). G It t TO i I b C r It, r. a. to civilize. G It | TO i m III e 1 11, v. n. (aux. fci)lt) to issue forth in swarms or cr< G It t TO f tt b e tl, v. ir. a. te rcfi. ( CtllCllt Cf = TOa8) to wrest from, wrest out of; to struggle forth. % \\ t TO i tt F e It, v. a. to beckon away. @ II t TO 1 r b e 1 It, v. a. <<- n. to whirl ofl or away. © II t TO t r r e It, v. a. to disentangle, ex- tricate, rescue from confusion. Gttt TOUT UH8, /. extrication from confusion. GtttTOifcbeit, v . n. (aux. fcl)tl) to escape, to slip off, steal away. GntTODbiteit, v. n. (aux. feipn) cincr Sad)c — , to lose the custom of .. . ; to get out of practice ; cincr viilfhe CItt= TOobltt fel)H, to have lost the habit or practice of. glttttubnett,*.* fctitctt eittcr 2>i= etc) to disuse, to disaccustom; t> wean; bet Sd)tad)tctt cittTObbr.r, disused to combats. Syn. C 11 1 rp n b n , n, V b t\tnVbnt n. The former appliofl to inwimi, t!ie lattai To outward iCtionfl. ,ii> b.ihe mii) ttt S.)b.: n 1/ t*igr»ilied that 1 DO .onger find ajiy plea pure in nmokinff tobacco. I hi' m\ Belt to do witliout it, it is no kinder ■■■ of desire to me; id) babe mir ^a« Sabaitraudjca a b A< i» SS n I, I have broken myself of tha pructice of smoking. (§ It t TO 3 b II It tt 3, /. weaning. v ; 11 t TOC If Ctt, iv a. <<• rijl. to un cloud; clear up. 6 tt t TO li V b C 11, r. a. to strip of ho nours or rank, to degrade. (S 11 t tt It C big e II, iv a. tr rrfl. to de- grade ; to strip of dignity : I S it t TO ti r b i 3 U 11 3, /. (pi. -en) de- gradation (moral). IS 11 1 tt ii r f, m. (-e8 ; pi. -TOiirfe) pro ject, design, plan; sketch, scheme, draught, delineation; ber Clftc — , 7. rough draught ; rumpus. — tinirfiCr, m schemer, speculator. fj tl t TO li r < C I II, iv . I. a. fig. to with draw, to take from, to deprive of (Ct= oemetwae); u.rcji. (fin ciner 2a= (be, dat.) to shun, avoid ; fid) belli ®e« borfamc — , to tlirow _ off obedience ; fid) fewer ©cfculbtflfeit — , to avoid one's duty. g it 1 5 !e b c it, n. ®n tjlcfmng, /. (j* T cn) withdrawing; deprivation; — ciltcg i>erntdobti!tffc$, L. T. ademption: bas Sntjte&en bet gteu)etten wife SSots VCd)tC(ciltcr Stabt), disfranchisement ; — bet ©taatSbe^ofttett, removal of the public deposits (from a bank, &c). fi it f t i f f c t b a r, «#. explicable. IS tt t ) t f fere r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) de- cipherer. 5 it t j t f f C V It, v. c. to decipher, un- ravel, explain. 6 ft t j i f f l V U tl g, /. deciphering, ex- planation. r 5 n t J U tf C It, ». a. to ravish, put in ecstasy, to transport, entrance; Ctlt= yitft, part adj. ravished, transported. (5' It t j 11 rf C It, 71. (-8) \ ecstasy, rapture, gn t J ii dE It it (J, /. £ transport, en- thusiasm. l ; ' l*. t } fi g f I It, u. a. /"-. to unbridle : Cltt= gligelt, part. adj. unbridled, licentious. \S It t J II It b b a f, «(■(/. inflammable. fi It t J It tt b b a V £ C i t,/. inflammability. fi n t J ii 11 b C It, e. I. «• 1. to set on fire ; ii. fig. to kindle, inflame, incense ; II. rcfi.Va kindle, catch tire ; to be inflamed. fi It t J ti tt b I i d), adj. inflammable. fi ll t $ ii ll b U It g, /. (pi. —CU) 1. kindling, setting on fire ; 2. inflammation ; Ch.T. adustion ; compos.— Sficbcr,7i. — SfrartE= licit, /. inflammatory fever or disease. g tt t } ID C t, adv. asunder, in twain, in two; fig. broken, torn;. — fallen, to fall in pieces. It is used in composi- tion with many verbs, but retains its meaning. g 11 1 J ID CtC It, v. I. a to disunite, to set at variance ; II. rcji. to fall out with one another. *fi n D e I 6 p p c » /• (P ! - -$> envelope. •g tt»i T i \\S,pl. environs; vid. UllU JCflCttb. *o u » o s; c, 7n. (-'$ ; pi. -8) vid. ®c= fanbtet, ilbgefanbter. 6ttjtart, 7H. B.T. gentian, fell-wort; bet gelbc — , bitterwort *&0$, f. Aurora. *g p d £ t e, /. (pi. -tt) Ast. T. epact *fi p (till e 1 1 e, / ( ;>/. -tt) epaulet G'peif", »«. (-S) provinc. common maple. Mi: p E tt tt} C f t §, /. Oram. T. epenthesis. •S p b C 111 i V C, /. (th". -n) day-fly, ephe- mera; any thing perishable or transient, •lip bent crib c it, pi. ephemerides; newspapers. *li p b c lit i t" t f d>, «$'. ephemeral ; di- urnal. gpbefcr, to. (-«; ?/.— ) fipbefifeb, «//. Ephesian. b p 1) C it, m. (-8) ivy ; in compos. — ctr= tig, adj. resembling ivy ; B. T. he- dtraceous ; — gcratlEc, n. clasping ivy ; — t)at$, 71. gum hede-Te; — imuEc, /. ivy-branch. •g p ») o r a t, n. (-8 ; pi. -c) epboralty. *g p t) o r (it 8), m. ( /;/. gDbercn) cphor, 174 *@ V I C Q Eel. 771. (pi. —) .-1st. T. epi- cycle. v p i c t) 1 1 t b C, /. (j>l, -11) G. T. epi- cycloid. *gptbcmte,/. (pi. -It) ."./ begin to burn, to kindle. G r b r It 1 1 C It, v.a, to obtain by bell (5 r brut en, r. vid. lirgriibcln. (irbfebaft, /. heritage, inheritance; etne reiebe — tbuit, to have a lar^e sum of money left; compos. — Slllfl'U" /. — SvermSgen, n. mass of property to be divided among the h-irs : — SStts fiiger, m. testator; — e'.'crfttguiig, /. nient, will. (irb fd)af tlid\ adj. relating or per taining to an inheri'ance. Stbfe, /. (pl.-n) pea; burd)getr;e* bene, buvdigcfdjivigeiic — n, pudding ; pease-soup. Grbfeit, pi. peas; compos. — biiu, m. cultivation of peas ; — bcuuit, m. acacia ; — bct'lt, n. A. T. pisiform os; — beet, n. bed of peas; — bici, n. pease pud- ding; — brcb, n pease-bread; — fits btfl, adj. having the colour of | — fOtmtg, adj. pisiform; — UKhl, n. flour of peas; — fchale, — fdjote, / pease-shell, pease-cod : — ftein, m. pi- solite, pease-stone; — ih'C-b, n. pease bolt, pease-haulm; — fnpye, — bniie, /. pease-porridge or soup; — 5'lblcr, »«. cont. cotquean. grbS* or grbfenfette, /. a gold chain the links of which are Of the form of a pea. (rrbfiblcit, v.a. to gain by love- intrigues. Srbdmmern, v. «. (aux. fc«n) to begin to dawn. Grbdntpf en, ». n, {aux. fenn) to steam or vapour vehemently. S t b d 1 6 t It, v. a. to obtain by suffer- ing privation. (Sl'b, rn compos. — odjfe, /. axis of the earth; — apfcf, m. earth apple ; po- tato ; truffle ; sow-bread, earth-puff: — Ott, /. earth, mould; — iirtig, adj. earthy; — ilTtifcbofc, /. sow earth-puff; — babn, /. orbit of the earth: — billl, m. terrestrial g — bonf, /. 1. Mil. T. bag of eartli (used for protection); 2. Fort, ban- quette; — batbeugei, m. Hungarian I veil (a plant) ; — billl, m. I ing under ground; — bcbcil, v. earth, quake; — bccravfcf, w. calville; — = beerbailtn, m. arbute, strawberry-tree ; — bcci'C, /. strawberry; — bccvflcc, m. — beetftitut, n. strawberry- trefoil ; — = befebreibenb, adj. geographical; — * befdjreiber, »«. geographer : _ — bc« fdiveibung, /. geography: — bier.e, / a species of large under ground, humble-bee; — bllblHtfl formation of the earth: — bilbuiig*= leluc, /. geogony; — bint, f. earth- puif b otato; ■ — OObtlt, m. earth, globe, ground, sofl ; — bogen, rn • ucii in ii . i iun iition of a building ; — bc-bvev, in. T. borer, Bcooping-iron ; — brattb, m. sir terraneous fire; — > btttger, m. * inhabitant of the earth ; — batnm, »«• earth dam; — blird)> nteffer, m. diameter of the earth ; — eicbel, f. r„i Srbnuf; — enge, ./ ir:. (Jrb Isthmus; n -ck or strait of bind ; — * etthcii, m. ground-ivy, alehoof; — er= fdiiilternb, pirt. adj. earth shaking; — truljiirti'rcr, m. name given to Nej* tune; — erfdmttcning, /. vibration of the earth, vid. grbbebeu: — fabl, aiij. earth-coloured, gray ; — fall, 771. sinking of the earth; — f«ube, /. earth-colour, earthy colour; — filtbtjj* adj. earthy; — feme, /. T. apogee; — fern* XDVfC, n. terrestrial telescope; — fc)t, adj. firm in its place, permanent ; — = feuet, n. subterraneous fire; — fett, n. — f)arj ; — flncfee, /. surface of the earth; — ftact)8, m. earth-flax ; — = flob, m. spring tail; — galle, f. provinc. 1. centaury; 2. moist region or spot on the earth ; — ganS, /. birgander ; — gcborcit, adj. * earthly, mortal; bcr — geborene, man ; — gcflugel, n. land- fowl; ■ — geift m. spirit of the eartli ; gnome ; — gclb, n. yellow ochre ; — -s geiVbnucf, m. earthy taste; — gcfd^Op, n. groundfloor ; — gcftalt, /. figure of the earth ; — ge flint, n. the earth ; — = getiimmef, — gcunihl, n. the throng and bustle of men on earth ; • — ge= tV(id}§, n. vegetable growing on land (opposed to a water plant) ; — glet= rficr, m. equator; — grille, /. an in- sect eating the root of corn; — grttb= ling, m. truffle: — gvutl, n. sap earth, verditet ; — giirtcC »*• belt of the earth, zone ; — gtit, n. sort of tobacco ; — balblltcffcr. m. semi diameter of the earth; — l)«lttg, adj. containing earth, earthy ; — t>arj, n. asphalt, bitumen ; — fjavjtg, adj. bituminous ; — bafc, 7«. the jerboa (a quadruped) ; ■ — brtUe, /". .Min. T. pitcher ; — baufen, m. heap of earth: — l)0hlc, /. cavern: — $)Q* jjfeit, m. St. John's wort; — bligel, in. elevation of land, knoll ; — favte, /. oid. Sanbfarte; — feuntnif, /. geo- scopy; — flofi, m. clod; — flllft, /. chasm in the earth ; ■ — fltolletl, m. riil. — nnfj ; — fobalt, m. terreous co- balt; — fof)[e, /. earth-coal; — fi5r= per, in. terrestrial body ; — tXtlS, m. sphere of the earth ; terrestrial globe ; — fligel, /. terrestrial globe, sphere ; — funbe, /. geography ; — funbige, m. [decl. like adj.) geographer; — Eltlt* big, adj. having a knowledge of geo- graphy, versed in geography; — fuitb= lid), adj. geographical; — litge, /. vid. — fd)icbt; — liltte, /. ground-line (in painting and drawing) ; — mamtcben, n. elf, dwarf spi ite; — tttafl, /.worms and insects considered as meat for pigs : — ntiUlS, /. field-mouse ; — lltcf= fer, m. geometrician; — mcfifiinft, /. geometry; — ntittclpultftig, adj. geo- centric; — WOOS, n. club-moss; — - morcbel, /. trubs; — mibe, /. .1st. T. perigee ; — naturbeubrcibitng, / phy- sical geography: — lUtfj, /. earth-nut, <>ig-nut; — pbevfltid;c, /. surface of the earth ; — iJl, n. petroleum ; — = pedl, n. bitumen, compact mineral pitch; — ped)ig, adj- bituminous; — = pot, in. pole of the earthy — raurfi, m. fumitory (a plant) ; — rcidj, n. 1. the whole surface of the earth ; 2. earth; ground, soil; — n)|C, /. Burnet- rose; — tube, /. turnip-rooted cab- bage ; sow-bread ; — ritcf Ctt, 7«. eleva- tion of land, ridge of hills; — facf, m. Mil. T. earth-bag; — faft, m. mineral juices (such as petroleum and as- phaltes) ; — ffllj, n. saltpetre ; — fttttb, m. sand found on land (opposed to sea and river sand) ; — fiiutc, /. terreous acid: — febaber, m. miner's si-raper; — febaf, n. the lama : — febcibe, / disk of the earth: — fdncbt, /. stra- tum, laj'er ol earth; — fdiiltfrote, /. 176 grfci land tortoise : — fcbmicblcitt, n. wood- louse ; — Utlicrfc, /. shell-snail : — = fcbrMlc, /. clod, glebe; — fcbrcctlbe,/. sand-martin; — fdnuailtin, m. mush- room, champignon; — icbnjiirj, n. earth- black; — fobnjein, n. great anteater; — fpitllie, /. field-spider; — fpi^C, /. vid. — jfinge; — ftofi, m. shock of an earthquake ; — ftrid), m. zone ; bcr heifie — ftrid), torrid zone; bie gc= mafjigten, bie fatten — ftvicbe, tem- perate, frigid zones; — flur$, m. fall of earth ; — toffet, /. vid, Jlartoffcl ; — tovf, m. species of turf, peat; — = itmfd)ijftv, or — umfcgler, n. circum- navigator of the globe; — umfcgclung oi — umfdiiffung, /. circumnavigation of the globe ; — yicvtcl, n. quarter of the globe ; — ft\lf)rfager, m. geomancer; — ttCtfyrfflgerei, /. geomancy; — wall, m. terrace, rampart of earth ; — Waitb, /. earthen wall ; — VOaxtS, adv. towards the earth, ground ; — HH'icC, /. dwarf willow; — U'cibraild), ?«. ground-pine, (a plant); — U'cijcn, m. purple cow- wheat: — ttnnbe, /.toad-flax, tluellin; — UMlttcI, m. corner of the earth ; — ' Wolf, m. water rat; — tVliriU, in. earth- worm; — jcifel, n. vid. ^antfler; — = Jtl'fcl, m. circle upon the terrestrial globe; — gunge, /. neck of land, (frb f, /. (pi. -11) I. eartli, ground, dust; 2. soil; clay; 3. planet; as bk — n unfeveS ©onnengeboubeS, the planets of the (our) solar system; flllf — It, on earth ; alive ; lentttifdie — , Turkey earth ; UlltCV bet — bcfilttlidi, un- derground ; JU — lltacbcit, to reduce to earth, dust ; jll — Werbew, to be reduced to dust; Itncbcr Jll — \vn- teit, to return to dust; bcr — gleid; ntiicbett, to level with the dust ; compos. — ltblirger, ?». a mortal, man ; — U- frettbe, /. earthly and transient joy; — ltgllidf, 7j. earthly happiness; — tt= gott, in. god of this world, mighty ruler; — Illcben, n. life in this world ; — 1t= IcibCll, n. suffering of this world ; — 11= HOtb, /. misery in this world ; — 11= rttnb, 7i. vid. (fvbball; — vttaiib, m. vanities of this world ; — Utrannt, m. this dream, i. e. our life upon earth; — untf}nt, m. earthly glory; — nfobtt, m. son of the earth, mortal; — Il|orge, /. earthly care ; — Hroallctl, n. mortal pilgrimage; — itroallcr, m. * pilgrim on earth, man: — llUMinit, in. ground- \vorm ; jig. man. ijrbeii, adj. vid. Srben. (I r b C it f) fl f t, G r b () a f t, adj. earthy, terreous. (Srbettfba V, adj. cogitable, imagin- able. (Srbc'nfClt, ?•. ir.a. 1. to excogitate, contrive, devise, invent; 2. to feign. (SrbCTtE li cil, adj. imaginable. (Srbc'lt fling, /. excogitation, inven- tion, device. (I r b C tl W a X t £, adv. towards the earth, ground. (5: [ b f li t b a r, adj. interpretable. 1?' r b C li t C It, v. a. to interpret. Gvbid;t & (gtbtg, adj. earthy, ter- reous ; — rtcdjen, to smell of earth. Gr bi d) teit, v. I. a. to feign, invent, devise, forge; II. refi. (fid) 9tubm It. f. W.) to acquire by writing poetry; crcidUet, part. adj. fictitious; feigned; cftid)tctcc 2Jtafjen, feignedij-. (s r b t rf) t e V, in. (-§ ; pi. — ) one who invents, &c. inventor. G r bidi tn ng, /. fabricating, invent- ing; fiction, invention, fabrication, coinage. @rfo (Srbienen, v. a. (fid) etwa*) 10 gei by servinL'. Btb i g, adj. earthy. E t b 6 Id) e II, o. a. to stab. (§ X b 11 11 C f 11, v. 7i. (auz. Ijilbcil) to be gin to thunder. grbCu-ren, vid. SScvborrcn. (£■ r b v 5 il e it, vid. (?vbro!)cn. Srbrctftcit, v. refi. to dare, to be bold enough to; btttf id) llliff) — I may I presume 1 6 V b r C f d) C II, v. a. to gain by thrashing G r b r b e It, v. a. to extort by threats. (Srbr6b»«n» »■ *■ ( aui - ^aben) tr> begin to sound, to roar, to quake. 6 r b r 6 f f et n, v. a. to throttle, strangle. choke, sutfocate. G r bvo f f e lu n g, /. (p/.-cn) throttling strangulation. G t b r ii cf e n, v. a. to press to death, to choke, stifle ; to crush, bruise. G X b V ii cf U n g, /. stifling, crushing. Grbutbett, v. a. to suffer, endure, bear, tolerate. G r b li I b e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) sufferer. Gr bill bung, /. suffering, enduring, bearing. Grbiinfcln, v. n. {auz. fesjn) tc grow dark, darken. G r b ii r fi e it, v. n. {mix. fciin) to grow thirsty ; provinc. to die with thirst. *G X C b U 8, to. Myth. T. the infernal re gions. G X C t f C r n, v. rrfi. to fall into a passion ; to grow warm. Gl'Cigncn, v. rcjl. to happen, arrive, chance, come to pass: babci evcigttC* tcit fid) lad)Cl'licbe £>tttge, it was at- tended with some ridiculous circum- stances. G r c i g u i fi, n. '- ff c S ; ;<'. -ffc) event, occurrence ; compos. — Vcicb, adj. event ful. Greignun g, /. (pi. -en) happening. event; compos. — sfall, th. case ol emergency. G r e i I e tl, v. a. to overtake, fetch up ; to befal (suddenly). G r e i I U n g, /. overtaking. *G x c m 1 1, 77i. (-en ; pi. -en) hermit *0 r c m i t A g e, /. (pi. -tl) 1. hermi- tage ; 2. Hermitage (the wine so called) G r e r b e n, v. a. to inherit. G r C xi U U g, /. inheriting. Gr fab el it, vid. Sab cln. G r fa d) e n, v. a. vid. m. u. w. 2luffad)e«. G X f a b r C it, v. ir. a. \. I. u. to acquire or overtake by driving (shipping) , 2. /. u. to kill by driving over ; most used jig. 1. to learn, hear ; 2. to experience, suffer, go through ; 3. to learn, know from experience. Grfiibven, part. adj. experienced, having (much) experience, expert, skilled, skilful, versed, practised; in ©efc&Sften — felMt, to be well vers-'d in business. G V f a b !•' e n b e t f, /. expertness, prae tice, skill, experience. G V f S b r 11 tl g, /. (pi. -en) experience knowledge, practice; ill — blingen, to learn; au5 — Ctt gefd)fpft, e mental ; compos. — Sarjt, m. empiric ; — Sbegtiff, in. idea derived from expe-- rience ; — 8bewci8, 771. argument de rived from experience; — 8fm8, 777. sphere of experience ; — ffllllbc,/. em- piricism ; — 8I08, adj. unexperienced, — gl'liafStg, adj. empirical; — 8r(id) Srfo idj rich in experience; — Sfitjj, m. principle derived from experience ; — S~ feelenruiibe, — Sfeelenletjre. /. psy- chology built upon facts and expe- rience ; — Sroetfe, m empirical philo- sopher ; — groefeit, n. amt. empiricism; — etuiffcn, n. — Sroiffcnfcbaft,/. empi- rical knowledge. i X f d 1 1 e n, v. ir. a. to kill by falling upon ; fid) — , to be killed by a fall. Ivrfdffcit, v. a. 1. to lay hold on (suddenly), to grasp ; 2. fig. to com- prehend. g t f C A) t b a l", adj. obtainable by fight- ing. (5 v f C d) t e tt, v. ir. a. to fight, to get by fighting ; ben " r f i c b c I n, v. a. , m. supplementa- ry oath. 6' V 0, d It 5 C tt, v. a. I. to mend, repair ; 2. make up ; to supply ; to complete ; ba« ftiehlcnbc — , t0 make up for defi- ciency. (S r g a n 5 C It b, port. atlj. supplying, sup- plementary. (f r g a n J e r, m. {-8 ; pi. — ) repairer, restorer. (?r gdltj ting, /. {pi. -cit) redinte- gration ; supplement ; complement ; bic— beS SofKtrttbntUg, mu. T. anti- logarithm; — bcrabgegaugcitcit Spfers be, remounting {Mil. T.) ; compos. — 8- banb, 7«. supplementary volume ; — s= bcgcil, m. Typ. T. imperfect sheet; — SCVCbtt, Tit. 7;io" : r g c b c n b e i t,/. devotion, attachment ; devotedness, addktedncss, submil fidelity; adherence, loyalty ; 'JClfidiCl'll Sie ibit mciner — , present my respects to him. (j r g c b tt i f), n. (-ffc8 ; ;,/. -ffe) result; Mat. T. product. (St g£ b U II g, /. submission, r' tion ; surrender ; compos. — Slliarfcb,, v Mil. T. chamade; — 'sjeidjen, ?». signal of surrender. P' rg C g n e 11, v. n. L. T. to repry. @ r g C I) C it, v. ir. I. n. (auz. fciui) 1. to come out, be published, issued; 9. to befall, happen to one (itber ciiicu ) ; :; to come to pass, fill out; C5 Cl'gilig hli5 llnbcil itber ib,n, sentence was ; upon him; C3 crgiug ciil fSfoti, an edict was promulgated; — laffcn, i,i issue; 0Ud)t — laffen, to do ju etroaa iibcr ficb — laffen, to bear. suffer patiently; II. 7771/7. to go. fare with ; to become of; U'Obl — , to thrive; 1TMC UnifCC tS ©tt — ^V what would betide thee ? III. rrfl. to lake the exercise of walking; to walk ; I V a. -f 1. to overtake, reach ; ■_'. ( |'lfb et ttat) to gain, earn by walking [as 1 messenger). Is ( 9 C b 11 11 g, /. walk fir amusement or exercise; compos. — epiut}, 7«. prome- nade. (Srget'gcn, «. a. (ficb ctivaS) to get by playing on the violin. l*rgct'icn, v. a. (fid) ctwae) to get by avarice. I* t g c 1 b c n, v. n. {aux. feint) to become yellow. 6' r g c ij c it it. f. to., rid. Ptgiitjcu. @ r g 1 c b i g, adj. yielding, produc rich, fertile. ©tflUbigfeit, /. richness, 1 • tiveness. (S r g t c ;; c it, t-. ir. 1. a. to pom out; effuse; also fig. II. I. to flow, run over; 2. to discharge; empty or disembogue itself; 3. fig, to break nut, forth (Into tears, fcej ; fid' ttl ?0» bCiH'l'bcbllligcit — , to pour forth «n comlums. @ rg (e filing,/, {pi. -cr. ing; 2. pouring Ibrth, effusioa ; nitbiv I s " r g i r v c 11, p. a. (ficb tttOdS) to gel by cooing. @rg [dnj t it, 0. •• ■ b.tben) t» begin to shine, burst forth 111 splex.duur. 6' r g I i nt 111 e 11, v. n. {aux. fci;n) tc up. (5'rgl iljei'it, 0. *. [an*. fciMi) to been, mmer or twinkle. (5 rg 1 11 b c It, v. L o. to 1 II. 11. (a*S, fc'MI tO gll v @ C (J C fe b a v, adj si sj ptible of amuse roeut 177 « cSlucnt _ to take to flight; b«« $« Warner _, cont. to betake one's self to one s heels. (Srgrctfung, /. seizure, apprehen- sion, taking; seizing. fir a vim men, v. n, (o«x. feMi) to chafe grow furious; cvgnmmt (MiSfe* (Kit, to show a fierce countenance, to look grim, fjrgrbjievn, o. n. *• rcfl. to grow larger, to expand, dilate. (? r a r 5 b « I tt, v. a. to find out by mi- nute and persevering investigation; to search out. (?r or Ultbett, v. a. 1-to fathom, ex- plore, sound ; 1 fig- to penetrate, fathom. (5 r a r it n b e r, m. (-« ; &■ — > one wh0 fathoms or explores. (SrgVi'inbUci), adj. fathomable, pe- netrable. (S r a v ill b 1 1 cb I C i t, /. capability of being fathomed or comprehended. g V g 1 11 U b U tl fl, /. fathoming, sound- ing. C? v g t ft n e it, v. n. (aux. fetyn) to grow verdant. fjr grift, m. C-ffeS - , ^- -9 u f(0 effu " sion. © r I) a b C it, a$ 1. elevated, high, lofty ; " firr sublime, exalted ; eminent : noble, august; raised above; fiber 9lnbere raised above others; CI' tft UOCV die Salfcbhcit — , he is above all falsehood ; fiber feitt ed)icf|al - su- perior to one's fate; -»»*«** relievo; embossment; _e 3lvb t no* then, to emboss; $. a. L to get by hoeing or hewing; 2. to hew or chop through, ©rbabevit, t>. a. to gain by alterca- tion or contention. receive letters; II. rrfl. to maintain one's position, sta- tion, &c. ; to live, subsist on ; to sup- port one's self; fid; till ^reife — , to continue steady in price. (S r b ct 1 1 e n 8 = » c r 1 1), — ttriirbig, adj. worthy of being kept or preserved. @ r h d'l t e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) CSvfmlt-.^ viuil, f. (pi. -til) preserver, maintainer. (grfodltung,/. preservation, conser- vation, maintenance, support; obtain- ing, receiving, receipt; compos. — 8= brtUctt, pi. conservers of the sight. g r I) a lit lit C V It, ». a. 1. to shape with a hammer ; 2. to get or acquire by ham- mering. e r b d tt b 1 1 it, o. a. (fid) etttjaS) 1. to purchase, buy ; 2. to acquire by trade. (5 x I) a tl g e it, v. rcfl. to hang one's self. fjvl)dvrcu, v. a- 1. to expect (with patiencs); 2. to obtain by patient wait- ing. (Sv'bdvf d) ett, *. n. ("» •(* '"" cm ^"'"^ crbbbct mortffl, the house has been raised one ' story. The s^une di.-tmct.on » observed in the figurative sense of tl.ese word'- '"'".„ Bnv- b" «.".i-l hot ifm in ten ?(^l|l.ii^ erbO" b cn t |„. (^ l,;n elevated him to the rank ol :i nobleman; fa «.""0 ''" i! "" /''"" ^^""S « r b o b c t, the king has mcrea-sed his salary. (5 v b t b I i dl, adj. important, weighty, material, cogent, considerate. @ V 1) C b 1 1 d) t e 1 1, /. importance, con- sequence, weightiness, considerable- 6rl)6 @ v fi c b n i fi, "■ ("f «S ; /-. . -fTO ■»*»■ T - old slags, @ V b C b U tl g, /• ( pi en) 1- rairin S- ele- vation, txaltation, promotion, ad\nncfc- ment; 2. receiving, collecting; 3. ris- ing ground ; compos. — Surf, /. modt of collection (of taxes), fjrbctratbett, v. a. (fid) cttva8) w obwin by marriage. (S r 1) C t f d) C tt, v. a. to render necessary, to require, demand. (S V b e 1 1 e r C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) cheercr firbettertt, v. I. a. 1. to brighten up ; cheer, make serene ; 2. to gladden ; eiltC SUlifldjt — , to enliven a prospect; II. rrfl. 1. to clear up; 2. Jig. to beconw cheerful. g-rbeiteutng,/. (p*.-cn) l. cheer- ing up, amusement ; 2. serenity, clearing up. (S r b Cl ^b a r, adj. that may be heated g r I) e i J e it, v. a. to heat (thoroughly.) (5 r b C 1 1 e tt, v. I. a. to fill with light, to clear up, make clear ; illuminate, enlighten, light up ; to clarify (sugar) ; II. n. (aux. baben) to become clear evident; to appear; bavau8 CVbcIU, by that appears, becomes clear, evident. (Srbcllfeffel, m. (-8; pi. — ) pan used in clarifying sugar. fir be Hung, £. illuminating, lighting up. CS v be it fen, vid. (Srbangcn. (Srbc nebcin, v. a. (fid) eti»a8) 1. to obtain by hypocrisy ; 2. to profess, (as a hypocrite does), to put on. @ r b C It d) e 1 1, part. adj. put on, feigned. (S- v f) e li I C n, v. a. to obtain by howl- ing or crying. (5 r b C r C It, v a. to get by witchcraft. (5 x b i fe C n, v. I. a. to heat, make hot : II. rcfl. 1. to grow, be hot, to overheat one's self ; 2. to be inflamed, heated ; 3. to be incensed, to grow angry '< — } * SJJHttel, inflammatories; evbltjt, heat- ed, hot. (SrbifeUlig, /• heating; overheating one's self; heat. © V b B b e n, part. ndj. elevated, raised ; extolled, &c. vid. @t&ebctt ir (5cbabeit. (f:rl)6ffen, v. a. 1. to expect, hope for ; 2. (fid) et»a«) to get by hoping. firbBbcn, v. a. 1. to raise, heighten, erect; 2. fig. to elevate, exalt, extol; 3. to raise, enhance ; advance (the price) ; 4. to heighten, increase. (S x () b U n g, /. (pi. -en) 1. raising ; 2. elevation; exaltation; 3. enhancing; _ be8 SEBaUS, surtout (Fort. T.) ; — «» winfci, m. angle of elevation (of a can- non). CS' x bb t C 11, v. I. rcfl. to respire, breathe, to rest ; 2. to recover, grow well ; 3. to come to one's self again, to recover, (from a swoon) ; 4. to recreate one^i self; take recreation; to amuse: ,11* roegett fcincS ecbabenS (or feme* ScpabenS or oon einent Scbabctt) — an . . , to repair or retrieve a loss by ..'with ...; <• n. to become cool ; to cool, refrigerate. Cf r f ll h n e It, r. rrfl. to dare, presume, have the boldness. Cf r f ft 111 111 e r It, v. a. to save by living poorly. Cfrflitlben, ?•. a. to search, explore. to reconnoitre, vid. SlllSfunbfdiaften. S 1 1 iin b tfl e it, b. nfl. (fid) nad) einem or etllHlS) to inquire, nsk after, about one, &c., of one, (bei cilieiu); fid) — laffeit, to cause inquiry to be made. Cf r f u' it b i g u it g, /. ( pi. -en) inquiry search; —en iibe'r etroaS ciii,ie!'cu, to make inquiries after, to into. C*rf u'nb f eft a f t c ii, a. a. vid. 3lu«« funbfehoften. (S r f it n ft el it, v. a. to feign, affect; crtuilftelt, part. atlj. artificial ; feigned. ( s "r fun ft el u it g, / I ffecta tion. Cfrf up \> el it, v. 71. to gel by pan derisni. (f r I d h C tt, r. a. S- rrfl. to refresh. Cf rid hin en, d. «. («■* feiMi) to lame. Cf r I a n g b a r, adj. attainable. Cf r I d II g c II, v. a. 1 . to reach ; fg. U attain ; -'. to obtain, acquire. a. to lengthen, pre ong. 179 @ r I A ii g e it, ) v. a. (vrlaug eru. S loi &u Srln Srmit S t Id It (J et, m. (-« J pi. — ) obta.ner. li v 1 d 11 g U n g, /. reaching ; attain- ment ; obtaining, &c. t>& firlaugen. (Srldfi, to. (-ffc8 ; p/. -ffc) 1. remis- sion, abatement ; pardon ; indulgence ; 2. decree; bffcntlicbe (ivlrtffc, public acts; compos. — brief, to. letter of dis- pensation ; ■ — gelb, money paid for dispensation; — jabx", n. jubilee (among the .lews) ; — rcd)t, n. — fd;ein,OT. — = fiiubc, /. vid. firlaffuug8 = recbt, &c. I5'vldffc!l, v. ir. a. (cittCllt ttWili or etntn etnet ©a<$e) 1. to remit; 2. to release, fite, exempt from, acquit of; ;t. to issue, to publish (proclama- tions, tic.) ; einent bie (Strafe — , to pardon one; eincii bc8 9lrrcfte8 — , to set one free; ber Seibcigeilfcbaft — , to enfranchise. (i r I d jj I i cb, adj. remissible, dispen- sable, pardonable, venial. fi' r l d fj 1 1 eb f e 1 1, /. dispensableness, venialness. (irldffltltg, /.issuing; releasing, &c. vid. (grlaffen; — ber £eibctgen« febaff, enfranchisement; compos. — 8= redjl, n. right of dispensation; — 8= febeitt, m. certificate of remission ; — Sfiittbe, /. venial sin. (3? t 1 & ft b e ft, d. o. to permit, give leave, to allow, license ; mart erlaube iittr, I beg leave, may I be allowed; — <2ie mil", give me leave. (S r I a U b tt t fi, /. permission, leave ; L. T. license ; Utn — bitten, to beg leave; lllit 3l)rer — , with your per- mission ; under your favour ; compos. — brief, m. license, letters patent ; — = brief, — febcttt, m. M. E. permit, li- cense ; bill of sufferance. P" r I a ft B t, part. adj. permitted, allowed, lawful, innocent; CS tft tbltt — , he is permitted; — e 23crgniigert, permitted (i. c. innocent) amusements. fi r I a It cb t, I. adj. illustrious ; high, noble, most h>j.3urable ; II. s. /. lord- ship (of a count, earl) ; (Sure — , your highness, lordship. @ X I tt. U et tt, v. a. 1. to obtain or learn by lying in wait (by lurking, watching, spying) ; 2. to watch for ; fine ©de= QCllbett — , to watch the opportunity (favourable moment). tie, /. (pl.-ttt) alder; compos. — tt= baum, -m. alder-tree; — nfinf, m. siskin; — llbolj, n. alder-wood; — llfoittg or firlEoiltg, m. an evil spirit in the Northern mythology ; — Hivalb, m. alder- plot, alder-grove. t? r I £ b e It, v. a. 1. to live to sue ; 2. to experience; id) IttCrbC nie bell Xcift — , I shall never see the day; er bat met UngtficI erlebt, lie has experienced many misfortunes ; Sl'CUbC ait CtttNlS — , to experience joy, satisfaction from. Krlebtttft, n. (-ffeSi pi. -ffc) oc- currence, event ; ivibrtge — ffc, ad- versities. GfrldfctQCrt, v. a. to em,)ty, to free, release, deliver, set free, to acquit, dis- charge ; to vacate; eine (Siefle tin 180 vparliantctttc — , to vacate a place in Parliament; ©cfd)dftc — , to dispatch business; erlcbigt fe\)H, to be dis- charged of business; vacant (said of an office); bie erlebigte ©telle, vacancy. (S v I i b t g u It (1,, /. (pi. -Clt) 1. release ; 2. discharge ; 3. vacancy ; — • ber ©C* fcfc.'.fte, dispatch of business; com- pos. — 8fcb eilt, m. note of acquittance, receipt. fir I eg Clt, v. a. 1 to slay, kill; 2. to pay down, deposit. (SrUgttng, /. 1. killing; 2. paying down. 6" r 1 1 fj V C n, v. a. to acquire by teach- ing ; to effect by teaching. ©rlet'cbtem, v. I. a. (cittern, fid) CtlVil8) to lighten, ease, disburden, to facilitate, alleviate, lessen ; II. refi. to ease nature ; to make easy to one's self. (§ r I e i cb t e r it n g, /. ( pi. -en) light- ening, easing ; ease, alleviation, relief; compos. — Slllittd, n. means of relief, alleviation. @ r I e t b e It, v. ir. a. to suffer, bear, tolerate, sustain, abide, endure. fi r I e f b l i cb, adj. vid. Setbltcb. IS r I C tt, adj. made of alder. (5 1 1 C r It b a r, adj. that may be learned. (5 r I C t U C tt, v. a. to learn ; to make one's own by learning, acquire. (? 1 1 1 X It U tt Q, f. learning, acquisition. (§ X I e f e tt, v. ir. a. 1. to choose, select, elect ; 2. to acquire by lecturing. (S r 1 e li cb t C n, v. a. 1. to impart light ; to illumine, illuminate, light ; 2. fig. to enlighten, illumine; eirt crlciicf)tcter 3J?anrt, an enlightened man; eilt cr= leiiebtetcr ^crftanb, an enlightened understanding. (Srleticb tltltg, /. illumination; en- lightening. (S r 1 1 e g e tt, v. ir. n. (aux. fcl)tt or $0.: belt) to succumb, sink under; Ulltcr eincr Saft or eiuer £aft — , to sink under a burden; bent ©ram — , to die of grief. ©tit 11 ber tt, ». a. to soften, mitigate. (? r 1 1 ft C 11, v. a. to obtain by artifice. (g r 1 1 o n t g, to. vid. fJrlenEonig. @ r I S g C tt, part. adj. false, fabricated, forged. (S r I f e tt, r ». a. to get, obtain by (Jrlofett, j lot. Pr 13 8, m. (-ffS) money got, produce, net proceeds. ©rlcfcbeit, (aux. fe^tt) 1. to go out ; Jig. to be extinguished ; 2. to expire ; to become extinct, die ; mit ttjm erlifcbt bie gamilic, with him the family will be extinct; crlofcfyctt, part. adj. extinguished, expired ; extinct; faint; bet tbnt ift aHe ©cbanrtKrlos feben, he is dead to all sense of shame ; II. a. wins, for 31uSlr5fcbcn. (Srt6fct)tllig, /. expiration; extinc- tion. (5 r 1 f C n, v. a. 1 . to redeem, release, ransom, rescue, save, free, deliver; 2. to get by selling goods; to convert goods into money, ©rtofer, m. (-S; pi. — / redeemer, saviour; liberator. C?r IB f It 11 g, /. redemption, salvation; deliverance ; enfranchisement ; compos. — SftUltbe, /. hour of deliverance ; — Ss Wcrf, n. work of redemption. C?rln'd)fen s,- (5rlfigfcn, vid. @r= liftcn. (8 X 1 ft g C it, ». ir. a. 1 . to invent (false- hoods), to fabricate, forge ; 2. (fid) ft« tXHlS) to get by lying. @r I lift en, firliiftigcit, v. a. wig. u divert, delight, vid. Q3ciuftigcil. (5 r I it ft i g tt it g, /. (pi. -en) diversion, rejoicing, delight, amusement, recre at ion. (S r in d d) e tt, ». a. vid. Cnfcbaungcn. ($ x m a d) 1 1 g e rt, v. I. a. to authorize invest with power; II. rcfl. provinc. fot SBemdcbtigeu, to dare, presume. (S r in d d) t i g it it g, /. (pi. -en) i . full power, authorization; 2. usurpation. fi' r in a b I C It, v. a. to grind to the end, to acquire by grinding (in the mill). fi r m a b it c n, ». a. (ciiictt ju ctroaS) to exhort, admonish. firms biter, m. (-8; pi. — ) ad- monisher. fi' r lit a () It It n g, /. ( pi. —Clt) exhorta- tion, admonition ; compos. — Srcbc, /. admonitory discourse, hortatory speech, exhortation; — Sfdjrcibett, n. horta- tory letter. fi r nt d n g e I n, v. n. {aux. I;abcn) to fail, want, to be wanting, deficient; (eincr <2ad;e, gen) to be in want of, be without ; tcb linrbe nid)t — , I shall not fail, I shall not be deficient; c8 an llid)t8 — laffcit, to spare nothing, fi r m d it g e l U It g, /. want, deficiency, default; ilt — bcffctt, for want ol which ; in default whereof. fi r nt d it n c n , ». rtfi. to mnAin strength ; to take, recover couisje, to pluck up a good heart, fi r in d r t e r it, v. a. to extort. fi'rmd fjt'3 Clt, v. a. 1. to moderate, abate, lessen, limit ; 2. to consller. judge. firmdfJi3Ung, /. 1. abatement, U mitation ; 2. consideration. (5 r m d 1 1 C it, v. I. a. to weary, tire, fa- tigue ; II. n. [aux. feV)ll) to grow tired, faint, fatigued. fi r nt d 1 1 U 11 3, /. lassitude, weariness, exhaustion. fi r lit C t § C I tt, v. a. to chisel through ; to acquire by chiselling. 4 r m e I, ra. vid. Strntel. fi r lit C I b e It, b. a. -f to mention, quote firmeffert, v. ir. a. 1. to measure, fathom ; 2. Jig. to judge, consider, weigh, estimate ; conjecture ; 3. to in fer, conclude; barauS mogcit "fcie baS Ubrtge — , thence you may infer the rest. firmeff Ctt, n. (-8) judgment, estima- tion, opinion; HU'inc8 — 8, according to my judgment; in my estimation. fi r lit C f) 1 i d), adj. 1 . measurable ; i conceivable. fi' r lit C li d) C I It, v. a. to assassinate. (S r m ( 1 b C r It, v. a. to moderate. fi' r lit i 1 1 C I It, v. a. to ascertain, to dis- cover, to find out. firmtttelmtg, / (pi. -en) ascer taining, inquiry. fi X m r b C It, v. a. to murder ; lltcucb' lcrifd) — , to assassinate. (S r lit 6 r b It tt g, /. (pi. -Clt) murdering murder, assassination. firm fib en, v. I. a. to tire, weary fatigue, become troublesome; II. :i (aux. fel)ll) to be or get tired, fi r lit fi b 1 1 cb, adj. fatigable. (§ X nt fi b It n g, /. tiring, fatigue, wca i i ness, lassitude. fi f 111 fi f) C It, v. a. to obtain Dv troubll or pains. <5rttt 6 t m it n t e r It/ ». a. 1 • to rouse, awake ; 2. fig. to animate, encourage, excite (eiiicil JU ttXOaS) ; 3 to exhilarate, cheer. 6 r m it tt t c r u it c . f. ( pi. -en) rousing ; fa. animation, encouragement, exci- tation. G r m it t f) t g c n *• Grntutijen, ». I. a. lo encourage ; II. refl. to take courage. (S t mil t b\ (J U tt 8. / encouragement. grit a I) en, v. a. (fid) etroctS) to ac- quire (gain) by r«cdle-work. Grnctbr ert, v. I. a. 1. to nourish, feed, foster; 2. maintain, keep, support; II. refl. to maintain one's self, to gain one's livelihood, live (by.., son etlttilS) ; fid) son Scinanbem — laften, to de- pend upon somebody for one's mainte- nance. <§ t II a f) t C r, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) maintainor, supporter, nourisher. G V It d b VII It g, /. nourishing, main- tenance, support, subsistence ; compos. — 8art. /. means or method of main- tenance; — SgcfctjSft. n. nutrition; — SfUUCC, /. Med. T. dietetics. 6 r lit t c, Gnibtcn, md. Gnite, Written. G t it c it n b a v, adj. denominable. ■rite u it c n, v. *-. a. (cincn 511 etwas, tUlll — ) 1. to nominate, appoint, name; 2 to create; tic ®cfd)roor= JtCtt — , to impannel a jury. KR( it it C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) one who Laminates or appoints. G X It C It tl U It 3, /. (pi. -eit) appointing, appointment, nomination, creation ; ,, l ,„ ! ,„s. — sbvief, m.— SVLVttttibt,/. letter itment; commission; — 6red)t, n. power of nomination. erne lien, Grneuern, v. I. a. 1. to renew, renovate, to repair; (also fig.); 2. to revive, recommence ; II. refl. to be renewed, revived, recommenced. G r n c li c r c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) renewer. ©me linn 3 ' 011 in earnest t ill a U C tit — , in good earnest ; — bratld)en, to use .everity; mtt — 1V0 btiitcrf)Ct fciilt, to pursue a thing earnestly (zealously). dtnft, GrnfUjafi, ^vnjt»oH, 1. adj. earnest, serious, grave, stern, demure ; II. ado. earnestly, seriously, gravely. ©mftbaftigfctt,/. earnestness, se- Kousness, gravity, sternness; demure- ness. ©Tit filter), I. ad;', earnest, fervent, ar- dent, eager ; 11. adv. earnestly, ardently, fervently, eagerly. (J r II ft 1 1 d) f e 1 1, /. earnestness. £ r 11 1 e, /. ( pi. -it) harvest, crop ; gath- ering ; also fig. ; compos. — btettft, m, — = frohne,/. service to be rendered to the Isrdof the manor at harvest-time; — = ferittt, pi. holidays at harvest time . — fcfr, — maf)l n. — frfjmauS, m. feast of ingathering, harvest-home ; — ge= rdthfrbaff, /. harvest-implements; — - gbtttnil, /. Ceres ; — f rail j, m. harvest- wreath, harvest-garland ; — licb, n. harvest-song; — nionat, m. harvest- month, August; — prebigt, /. thanks- giving sermon ; — reif/ ailj. ripe for the harvest ; — tag, m. harvest-day ; — - roagtlt, m. harvest cart; gaily decorat- ed harvest-waggon ; — Wetter, n. har- vest-weather ; — jett, /. harvest time. (5' T 11 tell, v. a. to reap, gather; bie gviichte fetner 9lrbeit — , to reap the fruits of one's labour ; tXUC CV fact, ivilb CI' — , prov. as lie sows, he must reap. (S Tit t e r, to. (-8 ; pi. — ) a reaper, harvester. G r b e r e r, m. (-8; ///. — ) conqueror. G r b C r n, v. a. 1. to conquer ; to over- come; to take (by force of arms) ; 2. fig. to gait, mtt (Sturm—, to take by storm ; itidit 51! — , impregi HMCbCV — , to reconquer. Syn. Crobrrn, einnromen. The latter signifies in general : to take possession of a tlnng. The former implies a taking by force of what belongs to an enemy. A stranger niinmt c i 11 (occupies) as many rooms in an mil ;i- be has need of and as are nssigned to him by the landlord; a general t rob ert (con- quers) a country or city which he tak.--- in tlie name of hia sovereign or country by force of arms. (f v b e v tt it g, /. (pi. -ett) conquering, taking ; conquest ; compos. — Sbegterbf, — Sltcbe, /. desire or love of conquest ; — Sgterig, atij. rid. — fiidjtig ; — sfrieg, m. war undertaken for the sake of con- quest; — Splatl, m. scheme of conquest; — §fltd)t, /. thirst after conquest ; — 8« fiifbttg, adj. eager for conquest; till — 8fiid)ttgeS 2)Jabd)cii, a coquette, flirt. @TOf f it C11, » I. a. 1. to open; 2. 'cilU'lll etiuaS) fig. to lay open, to discover, disclose, make known, reveal ; 3 . to open, begin ; 4 ben '"-Brtll — , 10 open the ball, to lead the dance; II. refl. to open. present itself; to make known one's heart, &c. ; CUtC OJi'lcgCltbcit CVi^ffllCt fifb, an opportunity presents itself. (froffnung, /. (pi. -en) opening, beginning; overture; intelligence, com- munication; compos. — iH'CbC, /. pro- logue, opening speech ; — 6ftucf, n. overture. (§. v 6r t C T tl, v. a. to discuss, sift, decide, clear up; Ct tie (Vrage — , to agitato a question; bic Sad)e lai"'t fid) — , the subject is open to discussion; <5trei= ttgfcitcit — , to settle disputes. (§ r ii r t e r u n g, /. (pi. -en) discussion, debate ; decision ; explanation, clear- ing up. *d T 8, m. Myth. T. Love, Cupid. *(§ r t i \d\ adj. erotic, erotical. C? r ]> d cb t C 11, v. a. to rent, farm. (S r p d d e n, tj. a. to seize, take hold of. (5 r V d f f e It, v. a. to watcli and seize. (5 Xp e I, m. (-8 ; pi. — provinc. drake. (5'Tpfet f ett, ». a. to call by whistling , to get or acquire by whistling. (§rpf Ingen, v. a. to get or earn by ploughing. (f r p t d) t, adj. intent upon, greedy after ; bent upon, eager; gall} — illlf Ctlt>a8 fciin, to be mad for (of, after, upon) a thing; (tuf feinc SJiciituiig — feyn, to be headstrong. Gr plan, en, v. a. (ftrb ctlua8) to get by drudgery. (Sr plii 11 be rn, ». a. to get by pfl- laging. (v v p 6 rfi c n, r. a. to get by force 'ob- stinac] . (5rre (5' r p r d f f ( 1 11, t>. «■ (avx. f( .111 1 to crackle. (S rp r t b t g C n, v. a. to accomplish by preaching ; lo acquire or win by prea.".h- ing. (§ r p r C f f C tl, v. a. to exact, extort ; tc press out of. G'fprcffer, m. (-8; pi. — ) extor- tioner, extorter. Grprcf fintg, /. [pi. -en) extortion.. exaction. (5'rprobcit, (5"rpviifcn, ?•. a. to try, prove, to put to iho lest ; Crpl'Obt, part. adj. tested, tried, ,S&rn, CTrprcbrn, 2Wrry riding; ir. U overtake on horseback. G r r c it n e it, v. ir. «. to get or overtake by running. G r r c 1 1 b a r, adj. that may be saved G T r C 1 1 C 11, r. a to save, rescue, deliver G x x c ; 1 1 e r, m. (-8 ; /)/. — ) deUvt r t r saviour. @ r C i 1 1 II n g, /. saving, deliverance delivery. 181 (Srfcf) €rjtf) Srfc g r v t d) t e n, i>. a. I . to erect, build ap ; 2. to establish, institute, make, set up , thKll ©Mtb — , to make a covenant g r r i cb t u n g, / ! erection ; 2. estab- lishment g r r in g b a r, adj. that may be obtained by exertions. em it a en, v. fr. «. i. to gam by wrestling; ».*. to obtain by tod and labour (by great efforts) ; ten $tet8— , to carry the prize. gtvingnng, /. obtaining, carrying of anything by efforts. g t r 3 t f) c tt, b. n. («k ft** t0 rcdden - blush, colour. g v r 3 t be It, «. ewot^Unfl, /. redden- ing, blushing, colouring. g v v ubex n, »■ a - t0 reacn bT P addUn s. rowing. 6 r r ii f b a r, adj. within call, g r r U f C tl, v. ir. a. to reach with call- in. b. (on*. fe»») to begin to roar or bluster (as wind). g r f cb d cb C r n, r. a. vulg. to gain by- buying and seUing, to gain by fraudulent traffic. gtfdjdffen, v. W a. to create, pro- mice. g v i cb d f f c r, m. (-9 ; pi. — ) creator. gjfc^dffnn ft, /.creation. (5 v f cb d I e t n, v. a. to get by joking or grf-cbdllen, v. v n. (on*, fetynj l. - ,und, resound, ring ; 2. Jig. to spread abr>>:. 1. g v f d) d v v C it, b. a. to scrape together, hoard up. g r [ cb S r t C rt, c. a. Jlfm. T. to explore by digging. s v f cb a u b e r n, \ ». *■ (am- fetyn) to g r f cb a li e r It, $ shudder, be seized with horror. g r f d) a U e It, v. a. to see, to perceive. @ r f cb e t n e tt, v. ir. n. (am. fetyn) i. to appear, to make one's appearance, come in sight; to arrive; 2. to appear, to be clear (evident, manifest, plain,' ; SOT @cvid)t — , to answer in law. g r l $ e i It U n ft, /. (pl- -en) 1. appear- ance; 2. apparition (of a ghost); 3 vision; i.Phy. T. phenomenon. meteor it bat —en, he has Unaginary sights; Ueteavisionary;ba6$effbet— ghrtftt, epiphany, twelfth-night ; compos. — flel)^ 182 re, f. Vh. T. transcendental idealism; gfebtet, m. expounder of transcen- dental idealism-, — Sfucbttft, adj. vi- aionary; — SjOttbetet, /. catoptrics, phantasmagoria. SVn. CrfArinuna, © /• relaxation, un- stringing, flagging. (? v f cb I Q ft C n, o. tr. a. to slay, kill, to strike to death. g v f rft I a p p e n, old. (?vfcb(arrcn. firfctyleicbcn, v. ir. a. (ucb etroctl) to obtain by sneaking; to catch by surprise ; to steal upon or into. grfdjleic^ttttft,/. (pl. -en) subrep- tion, sneaking (into). (S r f cb 1 e i f e n, v. ir. I. a. to acquire by grinding; to get through grinding; K. (irfctyUifcn, reg. a. to drag to the end. ($-rfcblcpvett, »■ a - t0 raove with difficulty or labour, to drag g r. f cb 1 C li b e r H, ». a- to reach with a sling-stone. ©rf cbiicben, sa//. adj. surreptitious; got by sneaking; via. ©rfcbletcbcu. gtffjjliefbar, adj that may be opened. gvfdjlteiJcn, v. ir. a. ir rcJL 1. to open, disclose ; 2. to conclude, infer. (S r f d) m e cf e it, o. a. to learn by tast- grfcbmetcbcln, v. a, (f!*et»a«) to obtain by flattery (coaxing), (yvfcbmollcit, v. a. to learn by pouting, (fvfcbndppe"' v. a. 1. to catch (with open mouth) ; 2. to catch up, snap up. gtfe^nuffeln, v. a. to find out by the smell, to smell out. grff^cpfbcu, vid. (frfcbopflid). @jft|iJl)fen # v. I. a. l.todrain; 2. fin- to exhaust spend; II. rcjl. to ex- haust one's self, one's subject t. e. to say every thing that may be said (5- r f cb 6 V f I t d\ adj. exhaustible. g t f $ 8 p f t ^ e i t, /. suite of being ex- hausted, exhaustion. g v f cb Cp f U n g, /. exhaustion. grfeboffen, part. adj. killed by Bhooting, vid. fivfcbicf;cn. (5rfcbvCCtett, v. I. n. ir.(aiu. feiMt) to be terrified, to be frightened, to be Btructs with fear ; tt etfdjral, al» er mid) fal\ he was confounded at the sight of me , Ma. reg. to frighten, ter rify, strike with terroi ; III rr,t to be struck with fear, terror. g r f d) v C if C r, m. (-3 ; pl.— ) affrighter grfejjveef iicb, I. adj. frightful, ter rible, horrible ; vulg. stupendous, ex traordinary ; II. adv. frightfully, terribly (y v f d) t e & It $ I e 1 1, f. frightfulnes*, dreadfulness. gtfdjrecfntfj, n. (-if«»; p'.-fTe: fright, terror. g r f cb v e t b e n, v. ir a. ( itd) et»a«l to get by writing, g r f d) r e i e tt, v. ir. a. to reach with crying. g r f d) r e 1 1 e Jt, v. ir. a. to reach with one step, to reach, grfcbrocf ell, paH. adj. affrighted, terrified; timorous. gi-fcbr6cfen{>eir, /. fright, terror. g V f d) r 5 1 e n, v. a. Min. T. to discover or reach by digging. Cirfdnirfcn, v. a. etnen ©ang — , to open or discover a vein by digging (JUin. T.). g r f d) it tt el tt, v. a. to shake thorough- ly, to effect by shaking, g r f cb ii 1 1 e ;■ e v, m. (-9 ; pl. — ) one who shakes. grf d)iittem, v. I. a. to shake; to toss, to affect strongly ; II. n. (auz. fetyll) to quake, tremble, shake, g v f cb ii 1 1 e x u n g, /. (pl. -en) shaking, quaking; commotion, concussion. grfebrodeben. v. n. (am. fetyn) to grow weak, grfebrodnnen, v. a. 1. to get by enthusiasm ; 2. to get or obtain by re- very. grfd)»di}cn, v. a. (ftcb etn>a9) to get by prattling. g r f d) re e b e it, v. a. to reach by flying. g r f d) re e 1 1 c n, v. ir. n.{aux. fetyn) to swell, be inflated. grfd)r»e'ren, v . a . 1 . to make heavy 2. to aggravate; 3. (etltem itwts) tc render difficult (laborious). g r f cb re f x n t %, n. (-ff e« ; pi. -ffe) diffi culty, obstacle. grfd)reernng, /. making, heavy difficult aggravation, grfcbreimincii, v. ir. a. to reac swimming. grfebwingen, v. ir. a. i. «. soar up to: 2. Jig. to afford; furmili. raise; id) faun tic llitfoften ntdit 1 cannot afford the charges. g r f d) re i It g I i d), adj. that may be afforded, attainable, furnishable. grf dire in git ng, /. fig. affording. raising. grfd)roit$en, v. a. to obtain bv sweating or hard labour. g X f i ft el n, v. a. to reach Bailing g r f c b e n, v. ir. a. 1. to see, perceive to descry; to distinguish ; 2. Old) et= recti) to choose, elect: 3. to observe. watch, avail one's self of; fig- }t\M d C tt — ©elegenbeit— , to watch the proper time ; etnen nicbt - Fbnnen, not to be able to bear the sight of one grfe)f)lten, v. a. to long for, har.kci after; trfelint, part. adj. wished for. (yrfc'r)bar, adj reparable. gtfc'feett, v. a. 1. to supply, retrieve, repair, restore, make up, make good recover ; to make amends, to compen sate ; 2. (ciitcm etrectS) to reirnbuw refund : to indemnify one for ; etnf 11 — ®rft w> fill one's place, i. e. to suit it as well : as, cr trictjt fciitcn 23orgdngcr nid)f, In- id nol equal to bis predecessor. V- CrfcKtn, Crfimttn. Crrfl.itttn may either mean : to restore or return a tiling in its original state or to indemnify by means of an alert; the signification of rrfcBtn is limited to tlie latter sense and the equivalent is called [„fij:i.. A thief who has stolen a horse, must, if it he uninjured, restore it to the owner (ti! VKtMrcrfiatKiO j hut if he has injured it so as to be no lon"er serviceable, he must make good the damage' (frit 6<$o»«ri «r|t.ilf(ii) either by supplying one of equal value (cdNirdS, Bag rr ibn rvfrst) or by paying the worth ol the horse. (f r f i t} 1 i til, adj. reparable, retriev- able, rec ivera 6 1 f i r} 1 1 d) I e t t,f. capability of being supplied, retrieved, compensated. (§• r f C rj It 11 g, /. supplying ; reparation, compensation, amends, reimbursement. gtfeiifjen, v. I. a. (fid) ctiimS) to wish for or obtain by sighing ; II. n. [aux. babcit) to fetch a sigh. f* r f i eft 1 1 i eft, adj. visible, perceptible ; evident, manifest; baranS tft — , by this appears. (5tfid)tlid)fctt, /. perceptibility. 6 1 ft* g e n, v. a. (cttuaS A> fid; etwaS) to obtain by victory. ©rft'ngett, v . ir.a. (ftrft etwaS) to get by Binging. Grfiutctt, rid. 2infcii. (5 r f i It It C It, »;. ir.a. to devise, contrive ; to invent, fabricate. (Jr ft niter, vi. (-8; pi. — ) deviser, contriver. (Stffltltltrn, adj. imaginable; Ollf allc — C SBetfe, in every possible manner. G r f 1 % C It, v. ir. I. a. (fid) cttua») to get or contract by sitting ; II. n. provinc. to sit, to be bent upon a thing. © t f 6 1 : e It, part. adj. fabricated, forget. (5"r f 6 V CI * rt. v. a. to obtain by care (anxiety! . (? r f p a fj C It, v. a. to descry, espy. @t f p d 11 It C n, v. a. to span, to reach by the span. (S X f v A 1 6 1% v . a. to spare, save. grfpfimtrJ, /■ (/''■ — ffe) savings; fine — ■ metctjen, to make a saving. Btf £ 8 X VLtl fj, /. sparing, saving. Br fp Tele it, v. a. (fid) e.nxtf) to get by playing. ©rfpiefJCtt, ». a. to kill with the spear. (S r j p t tt it e rt, ». tr. a. (fid) e trociS) to get r 1 C fj 1 i d) f e t 1, /. use, advan- tage. C?:fp rtltge It, v. ir. a. to reach in Isaping. S 3rf $ it r t It, v. a. to spy out, find out. 6' tfl,, I. adj. first; prime, head ; bet — e, ir: befte, the first that may happen to come, i. e. any one ; fitrS — e, tUin — 11, in the first place; II. ado. 1. first, at first; 2. before ; 3. not be- fore, only; not till; 4. no more than; 5 no farther than, only to; id) bin — (grfK geftent angctinitnicii, I arriveo only yesterday; tt bat — Mod) CtllMiS 511 bcfoigeit, lie has to do something be- fore (first) ; billlll — , but then ; — fedjjebu 3at)ve alt, but sixteen years old ; ivcini cr mtr — bier toavt ! if he were only here! bit folltcft il)lt — l)LH'Cll! you should hear him! compos. — enpiimit, — gcbad)t, — gcmclbct, — gettanitt, adj. first mentioned. (5 r ft d lit p felt. v. a. to break by stamp- ing. (5'rftdrf C It, v. a. to invigorate, add new strength. (5 X ft d V £ C It, B. H. {am. fclllt) to grow Btrong; be invigorated. (5 r ft a x x c it, r. I. n. {avx feint) to "row stiff; II. a. to benumb, numb ; to stiffen, chill. (Srfhirvcit, v. (-5) (Srfidmtug, /. numbness; stiffness; torpidity. d' t ft ii 1 1 C rt, v. a. to compensate, repay, retrieve, make up, make good; ^3c= ridlt — , to report, bring in a report (S r ft d 1 1 1 i d), adj. retrievable. (& X ftd tt It II g, /. compensation, resti- tution ; delivery of report. (J r ft a ii it c it, v. n. (mtr. fell 11) to be astonished, surprised, amazed. @t ft a linen, n. (-«) (Srftatinung, /. astonishment, amazement; ilt — fetjeil, to amaze, astonish. (g r ft a ii tt e it § to e r t v), ©rftatincn^ tttuvbiti, adj. marvellous, astonishing. (5 v ft a ii tt I i d), I. adj. l. astonishing, amazing; surprising; 2. stupendous; 3. strange, wonderful ; II. adv. ama- zingly, wonderfully. 6' X ft C d) e II, v. ir. a. to stab, run through with a sword, to poniard. (5 r ft id) Ultg, /. stabbing. (S •ftCf) C tt, v. ir. I. n. (aux. fellll) 1. to rise, arise ; originate ; 2. to be renewed ; II. a. to buy at an auction; tvicber — , to buy in, to repurchase (at auc- tions). (S t ft C f) it It g,/. 1. resurrection, renewal ; 2. purchasing. 6 r ft C I) I ell, v. ir.a. to get (acquire) by stealing. Grfteigeil, (•. i>. «. to climb up, as- cend, mount; to scale. (It ft et gen, n. (ivftet'gung, /. climb- ing, ascending ; scaling. (5 r ft e t g I i d), adj. what may be climb- ed, scaled ; accessible. (S r ft C l It C II, 0. n. (aux. fcV)!l) to become petrified. (I r ft C It ■% aili:. firstly, in the first place. (5 x ft e r b e 11, v. ir. n. (auz. fenn) 1. to die, become extinct ; 2. jig. to die away, become insensible ; to fade. lis r ft c x e r, compzr. of lirfter, the former. (5 X ft C li C X It, v. a. to reach by steering. llrftgcborcit, adj. first-born, pri- mogenial. iMftgebttrt, /. (pi. —en) 1. the state of being born first ; 2. thi born child or animal ; 3. — or — 8= vcd)t, n. the rit-'ht of primogeniture, primogenitureship, birthright. Grftiefen, r. a. 4> n. (aux. fcmO to choke, smother, suffocate, stiile (a/so fg.) ; (in or an etipaS — , with) cute v. v mpeniini. — , to suppress B rebellion; ieb crftide »p« SEButb, 1 choke with rage. {* X l't I cf U It g, /. choking, suffocation, stifling. (5rto ti r ft i g f 1 1 f, /. primity, priority . am pos. — *lirtf)cil, n. judgment of prioritj of debts. (S r ft t II e n, r. a. to succeed in stopping or stilling; iiV$ i^lllt — , to staunch the blood. (I'vftinten, r. ir. h. [aux. fern) /. u to become stnikiiu. gt^Iid), adv. first, firstly. drfiltng, m. yt$\ pi. -t firei first fruits; compos. — c-bhuue, ..•' fiow.r; — c-fhinni, vi. firs the chin; — sflt| ; , m. first kiss; — C= lamill, n. firstling of a sheep; — i m. eldest son; — 8tod)tet,/.el t'r; — ^ycrfuct), m. first experiment or trial. d rft m a It n, m. head-wortotian. r-" rftOppe III, r. a. to SCI (irfterben, part. ojIj. extinct. _' fished, faded, discoloured; — C ©licber, benumbed limbs. lj X ft fj C It, r. a. 1. to reach thr 2. to break or kill by thrusting. @ v ft V C b C n, v. a. 1. to try, to obtain; 2.(ftdjetTO ». a. G r t r i 11 e r it, J by si ® X tX dill t tt, v. a. to drown. Gl'trdttFuitg, <". drowning. (S X tt 5 U tit e tt, r. a. to dream, i. e. to form in a dream or by the fancy, some- thing imaginary into something real. @ r t X ft li lit t, part. adj. chimerical, ima- ginary. (5 r t V C t e It, o. ir. a. to tread or trample to death. & r t r i n f e tt, ». i>. n. (am. fei;n) to be drowned. G r t tt' It f It It g, /. drowning. ttr trot fill, v. a. 1. to acquire by dealing in second-hand articles ; 2. to purchase. 6 r t r 6 rtt lit e I It, v. a. to earn (also to awake) by drumming. (£" V t 1" i} C It, v. a. to get by obstinacy, defiance. (§ r ft b C It, v. a. to acquire by practice. G X ti b X t 13 e It, v. a. to save, lay by. , Gnlbrtgitng, /. saving. *G r it b 1 1 i it, /. learning, erudition. @ r C, /. (pi. -It) bitter-vetch ; compos. — llioiirgcv, m. broom-rape (a plant). 5 r tt) ft d) C tt, ». rt. (am. fctllt) to awake, be roused; bcr £ag enoadjt, the day breaks. '5 r 10 d d) f C tt, v. ir. n. (am. feint) 1. to grow; to grow up; 2. Jig. to arise, spring, proceed from ; to accrue; ($11 rttTMS) to rise to; bet barillls — be 33ort$et(, the profit accruing from thence. i" r tt) d dl f e tt, part. adj. of ripe years, full-grown. S r IV d cb f C It e, jn. dccl. like adj. adult. (Srn)dfbfettf)ctt, /. adultness, pu- berty. Grtoagett, ». ir. a. fig. to weigh, nonder, consider, perpend, reflect upon, deliberate, discuss ; id) to ill ti — , I will think of it tS r 1*0 d g It tt g, /. considering, reflec- tion ; tit — , in consideration, in re- gard of; tit — Jtef-CIt, to take into (under) consideration. (5 r ID able tt, v. a. to choose, elect. g v to d 1) I c r, i. (-« ; pi — ) chooser, '& r 10 a f) 1 11 tl g, /. choosing, election. Domination. 184 <2mt>e G_r lodbneit, v. a. (ctioag &■ eincv ^ftcbe, gen. — ) to mention. G r IV a b 11 It 11 g, /. mention ; — tblllt, to mention, to make mention of. IS v IV d b X C II, i: rcfl. to become (prove) true. G r rr d 1 1 e It, v. I. n. (am. feint) to boil up, heave up ; II. a. to reach by wandering as a pilgrim. Gr w dub em, v. a. (fid) chocis) to get (acquire) by travelling (on foot) ; to reacli by travelling (on foot). 6rit) drnt en, t». «. (am„ fctyn) to grow warm, be warmed. IS r W & t lit C it, v. a. to warm ; to heat. (5: C IV d r 111 It It g, /. warming, heating. G r to T t e It, v. a. to expect, to stay for; to await; ba3 IftfJt fid; llidjt — , that is not to be expected. G no d r 1 1 1 d), adj. expectable. Grtodv tit tig, /. (pi. -en) expecta- tion ; expectance ; anticipation ; ilt — cilice SBeffevn, in expectation of some- thing better. G r 10 d V t U II g i 1 1, adj. full of ex- pectation or hope. (Sr ft) fite n, o. a. to reach by wading. (5 r IV C cf b a X, adj. that may be wakened or excited. d v IV i if C n, b. a. 1 . to waken, awaken, rouse (from sleep) ; 2. to resuscitate (from the dead) ; 3. fig: to animate, excite, stir up ; 4. to breed, raise, cause, create, occasion. G r 10 C if 1 i d), adj. exciting devotion, edifying. (y r to e cf m i 1 1 c I, «. (-$ ; pi. — ) in- centive. (5 no C cf 11 It g, /. awaking, rousing ; resuscitation ; animation, incitation ; encouragement, excitation. 6 r to e i) x c n, v. rcfl. (fid) eiiter <£&fyt) to keep off, to defend one's self from, against; to resist. (S r 10 C t rfi b a r, aJj. that may be soft- ened, soaked. (S r to C I d) e It, v. a. 1. to soften, mollify ; 2. fig. to soften, intenerate ; move, touch; er wctrb bis ju Slirdncit cv= lvcid^t, lie was moved to tears. (5: v lv c i d) I i &), vid. @rt»etd)b«r. (I V to C i cb 11 tl g, /. softening, &c. rid. (invetdlCll; compos. — Smttrci, n. Med. T. emollient. (SrlOCinClt, v. a. to obtain by weep- ing. © r to C i 9, 77i. (-C§ ; ;•/. -e) proof, result, @ V1V C t f C 11, v. ir. I. a. 1. to show, do, reader; 2. to prove, vid. Setoeifctt; II. i-$. to prove, prove one's self. @ r IV Cl § 1 i cb, adj. demonstrable, ca- pable of proof. (S no e t S I i cb t e i t, /, demonstrable- nesa (5'viveifnit g, /. showing, &c. vid. (Jvivcifcn. (5 r to e i t c r c r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) enlarger. vSmtettetn, v. I. a. I. to enlarge, widen, extend ; 2. fig. to enlarge, am- pliate, amplificate, amplify ; 3. dilate ; 4. to aggrandize ; II. reft, to get or grow large ; to expand, enlarge itself. (S r to e 1 1 e X U it q, /. (pi. -Cll) enlarge- ment, extension; amplification: ag- grandizement ; compos. — Sltl'tbcti, n. Ph. T. synthetic judgment (J r 10 C 1 1', m. (-(8) acquisition, pain, pro- fit, business (by which a livelihood is earned); compos. ■ — fihig, adj. capable of earning in- acquiring ; — flctf'ig, •2*3 — tllfttg, adj. inlustrious; — loS, adjj without the capacity or means to ac quire: — (cbtllc, /. school of industry — C-flcif;, m," industry; — Slllitrel, a • — Squcile, /. means, source cf in- dustry, i. e. of making a living; — &* fianb, 7-1. the productive class of the people ; ■ — Sjtocig, m. branch of in- dustiy. (S r 10 C r b C tt, t>. ir. a. to acquire, earn, get, gain. (invcrber, m.(-§; pi. — ) Srtoct* bcritlll, /. (pi. -Cll) acquirer. Grivcvbut^, v . (—{fed ; pi. -ffc) acquisition ; earning. G$ m> Ctrl- fa lit, adj. industrious. (Srtoetbfamlett, /. industriouji ress. S ! r tl) e r i ll It g, /. acquiring, &.c. vid. (Sl'locrbeit ; acquisition. GrtOCrfett, c. ir. a. to reach or kiB by throwing. G no C 1 1 C tt, v. a. to gain by wagering or betting. GrlOlbcrit, lv. a. 1. to return, re- G VtO l C b e r it, J quite ; 2. to return, answer, reply. G v iv I b c r u it g, ) f. ( v i. -en) l. re- Gnoteb eruiig, 3 turn; 2. retalia- tion ; 3. answer, reply ; ill — , in reply to . . .; compos. — Sfctjrift, /. rejoinder (L. T.). G X to I C f tt, part. adj. rendered, shown. G r 10 1 1 b Cll, v. n. (am. fellll) to grow wild. G r to t lit lit e r It, » a. to get by whim- pering or whining. G r 10 1 11 b c n, ». ir. I. a. + to sarn, Re- quire; to effect; II. rcfl. to harj '.be audacity, to dare; III. n. ]>rovinc. 1. to be wanting; 2. to desist. Gr lv lit fen, w. a. I to reach beckon- ing or nodding; 2. to give a hint to approach. G v iv i r f c it, v. vid. SluSioirFeii. G no i f cb e it, v. wig. for Gr!M!"cbeii. G 1 10 1 1 1 e r It, v. a. to discover by tlw scent; fig. to spy out. G no i % e I n, v. a. to get by witticism* G V 10 6 X b t n, part. adj. acquired. 6 r 10 fi d) e r It, v. a. to get by usury. G no ft n f cb e n, »•. a. to wish for ; ?r» rviillfcbf, part. adj. wished for. G no U r f e 1 It, v. a. to win at dice. GrtOiirgen, v. I. a. to strangle, throttle, choke; II. n. (am. fcpll) ta choke (of — an). G X IV ii r g It tt g, / strangulation ; kill- ing, &.c. vid. Gnoiirgcn. Gr j or Gvj, ti. (-e»; pi. -c) ore: me- tal; brass, bronze; compos. — abgabc, /. Min. T. due, lot; — ftbfV, /. me- tallic vein, branch ; — Otbcit, /. work made of metal; — avbfitcr, m. workei hi metal ; — art, /. species of on- — arttrt, adj. metallic, brassy; — Ctrl!; get Jttieg, brassy pyriies; — nnto, flowers of zinc; — at-.T.e, ti. oie founci in the form of small grains: — bi(t>, n bronze statue or bust; — Millfctlb, adj shining like metal; — bhlltlC, /.span marcasite : — bl'ttcb, m. a mine: — ■ blllfe, /. metallic group, ore in a group, crystallized ore; — far&C, /. bra lour; — 9cr, m. T. one who stamps ore; — pvobe, /. test of ore, assay ; — tcicf), adj. rich in ore, abounding with metal ; — = feba ll lit, m. scoria, 6cum; — frf)cibc= Flllift, / docimacy, metallurgy; — = febciben, n. sorting of ores; — fd)fi= tier, m. one who sorts ores; — fcbicbf, /. Jlin. T. shift; quantity of ore in one shift ; — febtieb, m. T. slich; — - — fd)ut'fei', m. Min. T. searcher; — = fcbio'cr, adj. heavy like ore; — ftufe,/. piece of ore, mineral; — frog, m. T. washing trough; — tropfeil, to. ore in form of drops; — fvum, n. Mm. T. rib, string; — Wage, /. balance for weighing ore ; — loatlb, /. great mass of ore; — loerf, n. work made of metal, el'}, in compos, arch, arrant; chief, high, first, great; very, extremely, ex- ceeding, excessively ; — amt, n. + high office ; — fcanneramf, «. office of the imperial standard-bearer: — battner- bcrr, m. standard-bearer of the empire, — bifefoof, m. archbishop ; — bifcjjofs Iicb, adj. archiepiscopal ; — bt6tbuitt, n. archbishopric; — bbferotcbt, — bube, to. arrant-villain; — bieb, m. arrant-thief; — bllimit, adj. extremely (monstrously) stupid; — Cligcl, m. archangel; — = feillb, m. arch-enemy, archfiend; — fail!, ai/j. excessively lazy : — gaitner, m. tl.orough blackleg, gambler ; — fjcrjog, w. archduke ; — beqocitnit, / arch- duchess; — bcrjOglicib, adj. archducal; — bcrjogtfjttm, n. archdukedom ; — jiu be, m. arch-usurer; — fvimmever, to. lord high chamberlain ; — fattier, m. lord high chancellor; — faitjlenoiirbe, /. nity of high chancellor; — fatf)0= lifeb, adj. high catholic; — Fefjcr, to. arcirheretic, heresiarch; — fefjeret, / heresiarchy ; — ftcbeiiicb, adj. extreme- ly dissolute or loose; — liigner, m. ar- rant liar, arch-liar;— marffball, to. lord high marshal of the empire ; — mat's ffhallamt,n.. office of the lord high mar- shal ; — ntarfcbaUsrourbe, /. dignity of lord high marshal ; — 'Jirr, vi. arrant fool; — pfnfcber, m. through bungler ; — pl'ieftcr, m. high priest ; — -- febafcllicifter, m. lord high treasurer ; — ffbelm, to. arrant knave ; — ffhu(= flfrf>S, m. arrant pedant ; — febui'fe, m. thorough knave; — fpieicr, m. profess- ed gamester; — ftaatefaiuler, m. chief chancellor of the state ; — ft iff, n. arch- bishopric ;_ —fhlfce* , ?;t. thorough dandy; — tol\>tl, m. most stupid block- head; — ( rudifcf;, m. arch-sewer ; ■ — = Safer, m. patriarch ; — satcrltcb, adj. patriarchal; — voiivbc, / the highest dignity in its kind ; — jailbevcr, m. arch-magician. 6 r J vi b I b a r, adj. that may be narrated. 6rj3l)Ibarfeit, /. the being quali- fied for narration. BrjSftlen, v. a. to tell, relate, nar- rate, recount; fctllCrt tcbcil8lauf — , to tell the story of one's life ; — be O'cbtrbic, narrative poems. 6 r J a b I e r, m . (-8; pi. — ) teller, re- lator, narrator. 6 t * a b I U It g, /. (pi. -en) narration, G r j C cb e It, c. a. to get by drinking. (S r $ e I fi e It, v. I. a. 40 show, render, do; to confer; ©efaUigt'citcn — , to confer favours upon, to oblige ; II. rrJL to show, prove one's self. G r 5 e t g u n g, /. ( P i. -en) doing, show- G r $ c n or Gvjcit, adj. vid. (Sf)crn. (5 V 5 c II, v. a. vulg. to address one by Gr, he. Svfeiigbnr, ailj. producible. G r 5 e li g c it, v. a. 1. to beget, generate, engender, procreate; 2. to produce (corn, &c). Grjeiiger, m. (-8; pi. — ) genitor, father, producer; compos. — Iailb, n. one's fatherland. G r 5 c li g c r i it it, /. (pi. -en) female parent, mother. 6 r j c it g n i ft, n. (-ffc3 ; pi. -ffe) pro- duction, product, produce. G r 5 C li g t e, m. $■ /. dad. like an adj. offspring, child. G r J e li g U n g, / begetting, generation, procreation, production; compos. — 6fvt= btgfcit,/. producibility, procreativeness. G r j I C I) e It, v. ir. a. 1. to bring up, to educate ; '2. pruvinc. to draw away, move. Syn. Sififiin, Xuftriitftt n^ruhicttn. Jtuf^irhcn dillers IViitii crjic^Cn and niiftr;i. a. to force, en- force, obtain by force ; to extort ; bovtaiu — , to enforce obedience. | (S r ; w i n g u 11 g, / enforcement ; *i tortion. 6' r 1 to u n g c n, part. adj. fciced, ; ut on; affected; cill — c» ^vicbcln, a forced smile. G $ or G8, pron. I. third sinn-. v. it. so cr ift — , it is he ; jctit tu er fcfti gliieflicf), ivtrb er — abee imrncr k^n ': at present he is very happy, but will be always be so 1 — VCgtlCl, it rams: Q indef. there, they; — finb Jriaimcr, they are men; — gibt itUU, there are people; — flopft 3ematib, is somebody knocking; — fpicle, ivcr ba Hull, let play w ho will ; indef. be fore a verb in the passive voice, as : — ronrbe gcfpiclt, getanit, gefungen U. f. iv., there was playing dai singing, &.C. ; as an 1 — iu bic 3iebe son bem neuen iliiiiijtcrinm the conversation is about the new minis- try. — fe^bcilil, unless, except, pro- vided. G S, JI/1/5. T. E flat. 6' f d i a S, m. Isaiah. Gfait, to. Esau. *G Scab re,/. ( P i. -n) squadron (01 a fleet). *(§ 8 C a b r C n, f.(pl.~Sor -eiO squa- dron (body of cavalry) ; compos. — 8* cbef, m. captain of a squadron. *G8caIdbe, /. (pi. -11) .Mil. T. es- calade. *G'8caIabfrctl, v. a. to escalade, scale (a wall). •@3Ca}>dfce, /. (pi. -n) Sp. T. es- capade. *G § c vi r V e, / (pi. -it) fbrt. T. escarp. (a 1 A), in compos. — blail, n. a kind of blue ; — bvimit, vid. Gffbe ; — lanrb, m. bastard dittany ; — vbfel, n. wild ha w- t tree. G'fcbe, / \pi.-u) ash. ash-tree. G f ii; C ll, t*Jj. ashen, of ash. G f d; e r t fe, / (pfc -en) the fruit of the wild service. *G8c6rte, / (pl.-ll) escort, guard. *G 8 C 1 1 i r t ll, v. a. to escort Gfcl, to. (-8; pi. — ) 1. ass, donkey; 2. T. easel, horse ; bcr bblra-leaved sumach ; — becber, m. cup peziza (a mushroom) ; — bvatcit, to. roast-meat seasoned with vinegar ; — ' trailer, m. vinegar manufacturer; — « brailCVCi, / vinegar manufactory ; — - flUrfe, /. pickled gherkin ; — tjatlbel, m. vinegar-trade ; — tjattbler, m. vinegar- seller ; — befen, pi. vinegar dregs ; — = bOtttfl, m. oxvmel ; —mutter, /. mother of vinegar: — rofe,/. the red rose ; folj, n. acetate of potash ; — faucr, adj. acid as vinegar ; -—faiirc, /. Ch. T. acid of vinegar ; — ftebtr, m. rid. — braucr ; — ftcbevei, /. vid. — brauc= tct - — hlttle, f. vinegar sauce ; — WClfs fer,'"- oxycrate; — jUcfer — ftoruto, vi. oxysaccharum. gf, in compos, —bar, adj. eatable; _ bar!eit, /. edibleness; — better, otet,/. appetite, gluttony, — fafta= ntc, f. chesnut; — {orb, m. basket of provisions; • — loffet, m. table-spoon; (.lift, /. appetite; — lllftig, adj. dis- posed to eat ; — faat, m. dining-room; ijlube , /■ dining-parlour — ftltttbe, /. dinner or supper-time; — tilfcl, /. —ttfch, to. dining-table ; — UHaye, /. food, victuals, eatables; — $nt, /. dinner-time ; supper time ; — juumer, ji. dining-room. *& ft a f f e 1 1 e, /. ( pi. -n) an estafet- gjl^et, /. (-3) Esther. •@ ft take,/. (pl.-V.) estrade. g fir tct), n. (-8; pl. .-«) stone-floor flooring ; compos. — flctlt, to. clinker. •Stabltrcit, v. a. <&■ rejl. to estab- lish, settle, set up a business. •(StabUffcmcttt, n. (-8;p*.-S) establishment, settlement. ♦(Stage,/, (pl. -") floor, story (of a house). tfJtatrUtt, m. (-8; pl -ior-t) ta- miny, tammy •fjtdtotoe, /. (pl. -XI) etappe, resting- place (for troops). *(Stat, m. 1-4] pl.-S) l. account, loll statement list : 2. state ; compos. — 8= ratb, — siuiuifter, ?«. counsellor, min- ister of state. *S t b t f, /. ethics ; — CV, m. writer on ethics, ethologist. • (I ■ I h i f (t, ailj. ethic. *£tbttifcb, adj. heathenish, pagan, ethnic. *(§ t b U i I C r, to. (-8 ; pl. — ) heathen, pagan, ethnic. ♦(Stbnogratob, ,n. (-en; pi. -en) ethnographer. *(§ t b it o jj r a to b t c, /• description of nations. * (S 1 b 11 g : .1 to b t f cb, adj. ethnogra- phical. *($ t b It 1 cj I e, /. ethnology. etiquette, /. 1. etiquette; 2. (pl. -XL) label (affixed to a bottle &c). (| 1 1 i A), adj. pron. vow only in pl. — C, some, any; — SBovte, a few words; — 2)?al, several times. dtm a b 1, n. (-§) JV. r. day's work. (5 t r ii V t f cb, adj. Etruscan. (gtfeb, /. Adige (a river). @ 1 1 C r, to. (-§ ; pl. — ) provinc. boun- daries of a place or village. *@ t it b C, /. (pl.-Xl) study (of an artist). *&tttt, ». (-8; p'. -8) case, box, etui. dtroa, (Stroait, adv. 1. perhaps; per- adventure ; 2. about, nearly ; 3. at some time or other ; + somewhere. (I t n> a (it) i g, adj. eventual, that may happen to be ; bie — en Soften, the expenses that may be incurred. @ tU) a 8, I. pron. something, somewhat ; II. adj. some, any ; — SWUe8, some news; — ®Utc3, something good; taS ifl — SUlbeteS, that's a dilferent thing ; icb anil bir — fageit, I will tell you what; tit — , in some re- spects or measure ; ttm — , in some de- gree ; CVgtlt — bet tbm, he is in high esteem with him, has much influence ; fie bilbcit ficb — cilt, they are rather conceited ; III. adv. a little ; cr tft — roeitfebwetftg, he is rather prohx. dtrocicber^ciU (Sittiger. life en, mi Sifeea *<§ 1 1) m o 1 3 g, to. .-» : ; pi- -en) ety- mologist. *(g t \) lit I g l e, /. etymology. *(§ 1 1) lit 18 gi f cb, ailj. etymological *@ t $ tn t \ •} g i f ir e it, v. n. to ety mologize. *^t«mon, ■». v -8) etymoii (Sit cb, pron. ace. &■ dat.pcrs. Sr rcf. you, to you ; yourselves, to yourselves. *(5 U cb a ri [tie, /. Lord's supper, eu- cliarist *C? u cb a V t ft t f cb, adj. eucharistic. *@ U b S m tt 1 8 m U 8, m. ) eudsemor- *(? It b S lit It 1 g I v, /. J ism ; doc- trine of happiness. *(S ub a mo it (ft, to. (-en; pz.-en) an advocate of euda?monism. *6-ubtaIi}t, m. (-8; pl. -C) Min. T. eudialyte. *@ Ub i tit 1 1 et, to. (-8 . pl. — ) eu- diometer. *($ it b i lit e t r t e, /. eudiometry. *(iub t oute trifeb, adj. eudiome- trical. (S li C r, pron. pcrs. gen, of you. (S ii e r, (Sucre, Euet, pl. Gucre, poss. pron. your; ."cr, bie, ba8 (5lKVC,yours. giierer, b'tiere, SitereS, poss. pron. absol. yours. dram (S ii erf titSi ©iiterfeit8 ( ue. tro« your part or side. giiertbalbeii, (?nrcutbalbcu, ©ti- rctmegeu, (SiiretixnUcn, adv. for youi sake, on your account, in your behalf (v u .] I tt, m. Eugenie, /. Eugene. *g ii f a i r i t, m. (-8 ; pl. — e) eucairite. *® Ull 8 8, m. euclase, species or emerald. (5-lile, /. (pl. -tt) owl, owlet; com- pos. — tlfllicbt,/. dusk of the evening ; — iiftuq, m. secret flight; — itiuiegei, to. merry jester, wag; — llfptcgel8« ftveieb, to. merry-trick. •IS It m C It t b C It, pl. .Vi/lh. T. eume nides, furies. *@iinu$, m. (-en; pi. -en) eunuch. *g u p b e m i 8 m (u 8), to. (-8 ; pi. -en) lih. T. euphemism. *6 u B b o tt \ e, /. ( pl. -en) euphony. *IS U p b 3 tt i f (b, adj. S,- adv. euphonic. *Q u to I) 6 r b i e, /. ( pi. -n) £■ T. spurge, euphorbia; — ttbavj, «. euphorbium. 5 tt to 1 1 fit, m. (-8) Euphrates. (S ii r i g e, (bcr, bie, ba8) pron poss. absol. yours. (Sit VOto a, n. (-8or-en8) Europe. (S u r o to a e r, m. (-8 ; pi. —) <5w»* toacvtltlt,/. (pl. -en) European. 6 U r to (it f C§, arfj. European. <§ it to 1} r 6 f to tt C, /. Myth. T. Euphro- syne. *(§. li r U 6, m. eurus, east wind. *S it r b to t b lit t e, /. eurythmy, symmetry. (Sliter, n. (-8; pl. —) udder, dug. 6 li t e V tt, v. n. (aia. babett) to have full udders. @ it t C r to e, /. Myth T. Euterpe. g S a, /. Eve. *@»angeitfcb, adj. 1 . evangelical ; 2. protestant. Lutheran. ♦lyangelift, to. (-en; pi. -en) evangelist. *g » a n g e I i u m, n. (-8 ; p/.-ien) gospel. *d » e it 8 = f t n b, n. — sfobn, m. fiiia cr son of Eve; — Stocbter,/. dau.hter of Eve, a woman of the world. *g»ibe'ttt, adj. evident. *g»ibc'ttj, /. evidence; perspicuity. *§ 9 o c t r e it, b. a. vid. aufrufett, 2?or* laben ; ©efcbrooien. *fS9 0CattDn, /. L. T. evocation. «®»ocatotittm, n. (-8; pi. -ia or -icil) L. T. writ of summons. *@9 0lutiClt, /. (pl. -Clt) evolution. g ro, aifrr. /<»• Sure ; K». ©Jajcfiat, your majesty. I » C r, m. (-8 ; pi.—) JV. T. wherry-boat d ito i g, I. adj. eternal, everlasting, per- petual; e8 tft — Scbabc, it is a great pity ; II. adv. eternally, everlastingly, perpetually; very. @ -ivigen, v. t-w. 33eren?tgcu. d tt) t g g V it It, n. (-§) evergreen ; peri winkle. droiqfeit, /. eternity, everlasting- ness; 901t — )U — , tn fllle — , world without end, to all eternity; tn - Utcbt, never. grotglicb, adv. + vid. (swig. *® X a lit e It, n. examine, examination, trial, proof. *Gramindnb, m. (;>/. -en) e» minant; probationer. *(Sramindnt, (-m\pi -f) \m.exa. *g X a «t i n a t o v, (-8 ; pl- -en j J mnee probator. t% x a m i it a t i o n 8 c o m m i f f i o n , /. committee of examination. *tS I a lit t It i X e tt, v. a. to examine, try, prove. •IS X a It i m t r e tt, v. a. to exanimate ; dishearten. Hi'ldrd), m. (-eit; pi. -CIt) exarch. Hi X a r d> a t, n. (-8 ; p/. -e) exarchate. *lS X a U b t, Sunday before Whitsuntide. *@ X C C II e It t, adj. <$- adv. excellent *d X C C I [ C it 5, /. (pi -eit) excellence, excellency. *, adj. eccentrical. *%Xttpti$n,f. L. T. exception, de- fence. *(SlCerptrCtt, v. a. to excerpt. *QsXt'tXpt, n. (-C8; pi. -e) excerpt; compos. — eitbud), n. commonplace book. ♦(Srccfj, m. (-ffe$; pi. -ffe) excess, violence, outrage. *6 X C t p J t « It, u. n. £. r. to except ; object. *(S X C I U b I r e it, v. a. to exclude. V X C I U f 1 3 n, f. exclusion. •6 r f 1 It f i », ) adj. exclusive ; •6 X Cltt ft » t f d), i at/u. exclusively. *(SlC0lltl1tunica tion, /. excom- munication. *tS X C lit lit U tt t C t r c It, v. a. to ex- communicate. *IS X C X e I1t e tt t C, p/. excrements, alvine discharges. *(S J C X t 8 C C it }, /. excrescence. *(S X C X C 1 1 D It, /. excretion. •6 X C f C 1 r t f d), adj. S,- adv. excretory. *iS X C U 1 p t r C tt, ». a. to exculpate. *© X C It V f ton, /. (Sx Clirfu8, m. ex- cursion, ramble, journey. *iv r c li v f U 8, (Srcu'r8, m. excursus, fuller exposition of some point. *(£ V C C It t t 9 It, /. Mas. Sr L. T. exe- cution. *l* x e c u 1 1 y, a.-//. * ado. executive. *o xcciitor, ?n. (-8; pi. -eit) i. uxe- cutioner; 2. executor (of a will). *i* X e g c f C, /. (pi. -tt) exegesis. *6* e 8 C t, m. (-CIt ; pi. -eit) interpret- er (of the scriptures). *". exemplary ; II. adv. exemplarily ; — lebcit, to live exemplarily. *(S x i m (p) t, m. (-en; pi. -en) one who is exempted, an exempt. ' I S r e q it c n t, m. (-en ; pi. -en) bailiff *l v r ( q it t C It, pi. obsequies, masses for the deceased. *ii r e q it i r e It, v. a. to execute. MS r c ; C t r en, v. a. to exercise; to drill ; ;o practise. *l? r e r c I r = f it n ft, /. tactics ; — meifter, m. drill-sergeant ; — plilfo, m. parade- ground. •IS X e r c 1 1 1 it in, n. ( pi. (vrevcitten) ex- ercise ; specimen (of scholars or pu- pils). ♦(Srercftteniitctftev, m. (-8; pi. — ) Mil. T. master of exercises. •SrfMblveit, v . a. l. r. to exhibit, present. (JtXTO *b\;ftf, experimental chemistry or physics. *S r p c v t in c it 1 1 r c it, ». H . to experi- ment •6 X V ' l V C It, o. a. to expiate. *SlV It cation, /. explication, expla- nation. MMplietrcn, v. a. 1. to unfold, ex- plicate, ex|)lain ; 2. to finish. *l5rViObfreit, v. n. to explode. *S X p I r a t i it, /. exploration. *lr X p 1 o r I r e it, o. a. to explore. •S r p I o f t o it, /. (pi. -en) explosion. *, m. table on which hat- ters and clothiers break wool or fur ; — * UH't|e, adj. by compartments, by divi- sions; — Wet'f, n. T. bay of joists; space between two beams ; frame- work, panel-work; — UMffeit, n. knowl- edge required for a particular branch of a profession or business; — tui|jcn: fd)aft, /. science of a branch. g d (ft C 1, m. vid. gttd&et. g A c£) C I It, g d 6) C X It, v. a. S,- refi. to fan. gdcftcil, v. a. 1. to form into com- partments ; 2. to fan. to stir. g Cl cb c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) fan ; compos. — aloe, /. fan-alves; — falter, m. pte- rophore (a species of butterfly) ; — = fOtmig, adj. fan-shaped ; — palmC, /. wine-palm ; fan-palm ; — fiat, m. fan- stick. g d et) C V t jj, ndj. containing partitions or cells; cellular. g d eft I e i It, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) small com- partment. g a d) felt, v. a. provinc.for Qlnbouen. g d d) f C r, IB. (-8 J pi. — ) seedling, layer, shoot, "3 d C i t, n. J\I. on ijutcr — , a good- looking man. *g a 5 o n n i r t, adj. figured ; — c 3Baa= reil, figured, fancy articles. *3 a C f i lit i I C, 7J. facsimile. *3 a C 1 1 It, /. (pi. -Ctt) faction, party. *S' d C 1 1 f cb, adj. effective, real, in fact. *S d C t X, m. (-§ ; pi. -Clt) Ar. $■ M. E. factor ; manager, agent, consignee ; workmaster, overseer ; foreman ; fac- totum. *3 a C 1 X C t, /. ( pi. -Ctt) factory, fac- torship, factorage. *5 « C t B t U lit, n. (-8) factotum. *3 d C t U lit, n. (pi. SrtCta) fact, matter of fact. *Sf(t C t U V, /. (/;/. -dt) M E. invoice ; — bllfb, n. invoice book. *?5 « CU 1 15 1, f. (pi. -Ctt) faculty ; bie tfeeologtfcbe — , the faculty of divin- ity. *g a CUlt i It, m. (-C1I ; pi. -Clt) mem- ber of the faculty. *S d b C, adj. stale, flat, dull, insipid. % d b C I £ X it It t, n. common meadow- saflron. % d b C 1 H, v. I. a. to thread (a needle) ; II. rcfl. to come out (of threads). gab en, m. (-&; P l— * gdben) l. thread ; a/so Jig. 2. fathom, cord (of wood) ; .§olj ju — fcblaflcrt, to cord wood ; compos. — britrf), m. slipping, gliding or running thread ; — bvciccf, in. Jlst.T. reticule ; — flecbte, /. species of lichen; — fitert,e, /. species of lantern-fly; — foriltii], adj. thread- shaped ; filiform ; — fjerabe , — 2 vecbt, adj. according to the thread, straight ; — flOib, n. gold-thread ; — = fUM§, n. B.T. manisurus; — baiter, m. bent wire on silk reels; — bot$, n. log- wood; — flee, m. nonsuch; — itacft, adj. stark naked ; — nilbcllt, pi. vermi- celli ; — fcbeiltifj, — ftcbtio,, adj. thread- bare; — filter, n. silver-thread; — ' tveife, adv. by threads, in single threads ; — UXl\i, n. oakum ; — tOUtltt, m. dra- cunculus ; guinea-worm ; water-worm. g d b c r t g, gdbigt, gdbig.gdbcnig, adj. filaceous ; in compos, threaded. g a b l) C i t, /. flatness, insipidity, dul- ness. "5 d b lit C tl, o. a. to string (beans, &c). *g a g 6 1 1, m. (-C§; pi. -e) bassoon. *g « g 1 1 i ft, m. (-Clt ; pi. -Clt) player on the bassoon. gdI)C,/. {pi. -tt) Hunt.T. the bitch, and female of all quadruped beasts of prey. 3 d 1) C It, r. ir. a. + A- * to catch, take, seize ; to be of effect. gd b i g, adj. able, capable, apt, fit; sus- ceptible ; — macbcit, to enable, fit ; — {U Ctiva», fit for or capable of a thing. g d b t g f C i t, f. ( pi. -Clt) ability, ca- pacity; faculty, talent; — Clt, pi. abil- ities, parts. g d b I, adj. fallow; fawn coloured ; dun- coloured; tawny; pale; faded; compos. — Ct J, — fllpfcvcrj, n. grey copper-ore containing silver; — fat'tc, /. fawn- colour; — Icbcr, ?i. dressirj ..'des; — = ftctlt, m. grey-slate. g d b I b C i t, /. quality ul being fallow &x. ♦g a li I u b " i t, m. (-& ; pi. -en) JHln, 1 fablunite, autoinalite. gab it be It, v. a. 1. to inform against; 2. anf cineii (ctarnS), to endeavour to seize a criminal or recover stolen goods. g d b n b r t cb, m. vid. gdbuvidj. g d I) it, in compos. — fliicbtig, deserting one's colours ; cill — fliirbttgcr, a de- serter; — jllltfct", m. ensign-bearer; — •• Icbeit, w. sort cf fee which was granted in presenting a banner; — ffbnticb, m. farrier of a squadron, blacksmith. gdbltc, /. (pi. -tt) ]. colours, ensign. banner, standard; flag; 2. Jig. company, squadron; 3. beard (of a quill) ; 4. Sp. T. the tail of a hare or squirrel; 5. a net for catching larks ; 6. vane (of a weathercock) ; 7. prorinc. the reckon- ing at an alehouse; compos. — llfntter, 7i. case, sheath for the colours; — njiut» fcr, vid. gdbnrtcb ; — nntarfeb, »>. Mil T. the tune or march which is struck up when the colours are lodged; — H=- fenmieb, m. vid. gabnfcbmtcb ; — in fd)llb, 771. colour-sheath ; — llffbtVCllfcr, — llfd)H)tnger, m. one who waves the banner; — Jtftaitgc, /. ensign-staff; — H» ftocf, ts. ensign-staff; colour-stand; — lltl'dger, n. colour-bearer; ensign; — Itwacbc, /. Mil. T. field-guard, stand- ard-guard; — tliucife, adv. by squadrons or companies, g d I) H I e i n, n. (-§ ; pi. — ) 1. a small flag; 2. _/>"-. company of soldiers, troop of horsemen. g d b n r i cb, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) ensign. gdbr,/. vid. Ocfaljr. gdbl', in compos. ■ — bdfut, / track tor vessels ; — bit ft), n. journal of the mines; — gang, 7». carriage-way ; — = gelb, n. carriage, fare; — gelcife, — - glct^, ?!. — letfc, /.track of a carriage, rut; — gilt, 71. movable goods; — fap= £C,/. miner's cap; — tlllltlltct, m. horse- collar ; — futtel, /. argonauta (a shell- fish) ; — Icber, ?t. leather apron (used by miners); — ))oft, /. post- wagon: — feffel, — frttbl, m. rolling-chair; — = ftraf C, /. high-road ; — Umffcr, 71. na- vigable water, track, course, channel, fair-way; — tDtft, m. cartway; car- riage-way; ■ — UHltb, m. fair wind : — = JClig, ?i. vessel (of any kind), barque, boat. g d b rb ft r, adj. 1. fit for passage, prac- ticable, navigable ; 2. transportable. g d b 1' b ft r t C i t, /. practicable!!*- r.( roads); navigableness. g a b r b e it, v. vid. ©efdbfbcn. g d b r, 771 compos. ■ — beftdllbci', w. one who holds a ferry by lease ; — gelb, n fare, ferriage; — gcrccbtigfcif,' /. the right of having a fer.-v; ■ — l)crr, 771. ferry-owner; — fftbtt, m. wherry ; — * {licdlt, m. servant of a ferry-man ; — * leutc, pi. ferry-men ; people employed at the ferry; • — lltantt, m. ferry-man — mcifter, 777. master of a ferry-boat' — i?dcbtct', 777. lessee of a ferry; — - f eft iff, 7i. ferry, ferry-boat (with masl and sails); — |cil, 77. ferry-rope; — JtsU, m. toll paid at the ferry. g dl) V e, /. (pi. -n) furrow, track. g d 1) r e, f. (pi. -It) ferry, ferry-boat ; in eiltcr — Ubetfefceil, to ferry over. g d b r C I, v. ir. I. a. 1. to drive, to row ; 2. to carry, convey; II. n. (aux. fevn) 1. to move quickly, to run, slip; to slide, start, rush ; to pass ; 2. to movt from one place to another; to go, de nccnd, ascend ; to travel, depart ; ride, to go in a carriage, in a boat or ship ; to row, Bail, navigate ; 3.fig. to proceed; to do well or ill ; to happen; to live; mit ber ^anb — tit . . ., to run, put or glide one's band into .. .; CIU§ bCV ipatlfe — , to slip out of the hand; <\U$ belli 3p, e tte — , to start up from one's bed; QClt fiilttmel — / to ascend to heaven; jui' .6olle — , to descend, to go to hell; ju Semanbem — , to drive to one'* house; trie — , to ride astray; fpa jtc= VClt — •, to take an airing (in a coach, tec.) ; firfl ntube — , to be tired with riding; fiber cincu glufi — > to go pass or cross a river; tins tCV £(IUt — , to be beside one's self with impatience; au3 bent .<5afen — , to clear the port: fiber cittcu 2Jleerbufen — , to shoot a gulf; gcgctt belt SBittb — , to sail against the wind; fahrc ju, Rlltfrf)Ct'! drive on, coachman! — [often, to let go, fly ; fig. to let slip; to part with, give up ; to leave, forsake, Ion; to neglect; cine 0)e= iconthcti, cut SBortu. f. to. — Iaf= Hit, to let slip an opportunity, a word, tec. ; fig. bit I'd) ben iftopf — , to be 1 with a whim; Semanbem buvd) bcu ©tun or fiber bai 2Jlaul — , to snap one up, to contradict one, to give one a smart reply ; babei fal;rt cr am beftett, he has the best of the bargain; fabre WO&l! farewell! III. refl. to drive one's self, itself; ft rb llti'lbe — , to tire one's self by driving or going in a carnage, tec. ; ber Skrtnt fdhrt flit (JH t, the carriage goes easy ; IV. impers. C* fdbvt fid) gut, augenebm it. f. to. tit btefeilt SBagen It. f. to., it is pleasant, agreeable to go in this carriage. gab vc lib, part. adj. of gabrcn, i. going, riding, tec. (vid. gabreit) ; 2. vagrant: travelling; — e $abe, mov- ables; bie — e ^oft, mail coach, stage- coach (opposed to the horse-mail) ; etlt — CT Slitter, a knight-errant; Ctlt — CV ©cbolaft, a travelling scholar. g a b r e n E r a u f, n. old. garttfraut, g a f) r e r, m. (-8 J pl. — ) driver. gab via f ft jj, I. adj. inattentive (to business and duty) ; negligent, careless, 9Upit>e; II. adc. negligently, carelessly, supinely. ga^tlufftgfett,/. inattention, dis- regard, negligence, carelessness. g a 1) v I '°, adj. free from danger, not dangerous, g a b V l f i (1 E C i f, /. the quality of being free from danger, gal; x n i ft, /. (pl. -ffe) movables. g a l) r t, /. (pl. -Clt) 1. passage, journey, turn ; 2. voyage, course, way (of a ship); navigation; 3. load, cart-load; 4. way, road; compos. — lliaft, v. — = mejfer, m. .v. t. log; — fcbetiM, m. — flange, / side-piece of a miner's ladder; — fjH'Offe, /. round of a miner's ladder. g S I) r t e, /. (%•> -tt) track, mark, foiling: ber Jjjunb fcbroanEt attf bee — , the bound beats up and down; jig. tit bCC — bletbcn, to keep one's game; compos. — nlaut or gabvtlaut, m. Sp. T. bab- bling, giving tongue. 8 S f) 1 1 it e r e cb t, adj. Sp. T. well ac quointed with the tracks of game. 8 d b r u tt a,, /. Min. T. foot-way. *gaic'itce, n. delft- ware, delf. 8 aim, gaimen, rid gebm, gebmctt %M m galfcb, n. Bunt. T. blood (of a deer) ; compos. — l)Ullb, 771. blood-hound. g a I b, adj. fallow, pale, faded ; pale yellow, cream coloured. g d 1 b C, m. tuf tt= lua§ — , to fall upon, hit upon; nadja beilt e^ fdllt, according as it shall happen ; an or anf etlten - upon, to descend to one : aIle-5 in'r= mogen fa lit auf feinen SReffett, the whole estate devolves upon Ins nephew; bcfdwcvlidi, jur Saft — , to be tn some, burdensome ; €S fa lit lllir febn'er, leid)t 11. f. li'., it is difficult, easy 1 1 me; C8 fdllt tltS Diotbc, it inclines to red; c3 fdllt titS SpSoelbftftt, it par- takes of vulgarity; CtlV.tS D0OI SPteife — laffcit, to abate something ; Cltt .foatlbcUfuiltS fdllt, a house of com- merce fails, breaks ; filieit greililb — laffen, to forsake a Mend; bcu UJhttb, baa ^erj — laffen, to 1. se courage; JV. Ts. tCli 5cbiff fdllt OCT* Eelut, the ship casta the wrong way til Vi'C — , to make lee way. to drivt (fall) to leeward; —III! — ttli ©Oot man the boat ! gd 11 C It, 71. 1. falling, fall ; decline, re duction, depressii n (of prici s ; baJ ©tetgen unb — , fluctuation; -■/'. jv T. halliards. A allc It, D. a. 1. to fell, cut or he\» down (wood); 2. fig. to kill; to ruin, 3. to ptss (sentence or judgment 1 JV. 7'. to cast (anchor) ; 5. JKm. 7'. to sink (a shaft > : 0. Clt. T. to precipitate , cine fenfrcebte i-'iuie — , to draw a perpendicular line (O. T. ; tilt llrlbtil — , to pronounce a sentence, to judgs of. g d 1 1 = f i 1 b e r n. C*. T. precipitated silver; — iraiTcv, n. Ck, T. precipitant g d I 1 C It b, part. adj. falling ; Ste — « Suebt, the foUing-aickni >->. ep lepsy. 5 all t fl, adj. due. payable : in tonpoM inclined, ready to fall; as, OOUfallid. It. f. IV. '89 gaft 'gall intent, gaUtffement, «. (-8; pl. -C) „V. /.'. failure, insolvency, break- ing, bankruptcy. 8 It 11 1 V C II, v. n. (mi r. bftbett) to fail, become a bankrupt ; cull, to break. -a aid' t, m. (-en ; pi. -en) a bankrupt, broken merchant; — ctn"(Ci*tc^t, n. court of bankruptcy ; — cinuaffo, /. general mass of a bankrupt's estate. 5 ft I ( 8, adv. in case. 8 a 1 1 u n g, /. felling, &c. vid. gallcn. *8 a t fa r i u 8, m. (pi. -vien) L. t. fal- sifier, forger, counterfeiter. 3 ft I f eft, I. adj. 1. false, sham, wrong ; S falsified, counterfeit, spurious, ficti- tious, adulterated, forged ; 3. treacher- ous, malicious, vicious; 4. provinc. angrv, cross; — t SDiUtltC, base or adulterated coin; eilt — er (Stettt, a spurious stone ; — C SBecbfel, forged or counterfeit bills of exchange ; — e 3!ao.4,e fujjren, to carry false colours; — Wcrfcett, to become cross, angry; II. adv. falsely, wrong, incorrectly, &c. ; uicine Utjv get)t — , my watch goes wrong : — fingeit, to sing out of tune ; — anfubreit, to misquote ; — bfti"ftei= len, to misrepresent; — macfyctt, to ir- ritate, to make cross; compos. • — gldll= bio,, a
  • rlh re .-iv,-h a diploma of no- bihty, » not of noble Brtmrl b - ■ . luldren are, tboogh not of noble Kbtunfl, still less of noble Keflamniuna and noble ol.iinm. 2 t a in in e, / vid. ^tiifee. 2 taut m ci ft 11, h. {-4; pi. — ) t chisel. 2 t a 111 melt r, m. Did. Stammler. S td til in c 1 11, p. «. if n . (.:„!. baben) to stammer, stutter, hammer In shak- ing; to lisp ; fig. to falter; pronounce, in a faltering 1 Sim. Sto mm 1 In, St* I tern, C,ii(««. Slattern impUes an interruption or break, and 593 Stan ^r t iji ■ir tongue, vorJs only , tiierelore, it may be rendereJ by " t< (-3) stammering lief. s. repetition of words or syllable! ~-c- in;ed bv a painful feeling oi exertion oc irt cl tlie person so speaking. It arises f irom a natural defect or from .in »• • late babiL It is, therefore, ■ our "to stutter." eraminttn and Baurn . imply an imperfect utterance w, ompanyinj; defects of (lolltr- giiildren 1.1J01 or framincdi, wher ■'•• : I : i trained, utu . . or incorrectly ; fuimnci ■ ;ts our " to si; leu .- tlie stronger wor.l of the two, e-.; the higher degee. Hence it is sometimes our "to mutter '" . ianguftj is . 5 r « in m c ! it, stuttering, Ate. 5 1 dm men, ». n. (aux. fciin) to come, spring, originate, descend from or of. 3 t a m m c it, v. vid. 2temmctt. 1 a m m c t c r, m. vid. ©tommter. Stdmmern, o. vid. Stammeln & 2tottcvtt. 2 t d lit lit f) a f t, I. adj. robust, strong, stout, lusty, vigorous ; II. adv. strongly, stoutly, lustily. 2 t d 111 111 [) a f 1 1 g F e 1 t, f. robustness, strength, stoutness, vigour. 2 ta in in i d) f, «•//. »td. ©tammfjaft. stem ; ir. 2 ta mm t g, I. adj. 1. havin -• A?- strong, bulky, robust, stout ; mgly, bulkily. © t d m 111 1 a I e t f, /. vid. 2tdinmf)df= tigfeit. © t d IK m I e r, to. (-§ ; jrf. — ) stam- merer, stutterer. S t d lit 111 I i It ft, m. (-Ca ; ;*.'. -t) de- scendant ; derivative. 2 t (i lit lit 1 1 It (5, m. (-8 ; ;>/. -C) cob- bler"s thimble. ©' t (1 lit p C (, TO. vid. 2tcmpcl. 2 t a m p f 1 "/ v. a. rid. -stentpedt. 2 1 d m p c it, v. vid. Stampfeit. 2 t d 111 p * "/ v. a. to stamp, strike, punch. Sj d m to c v .v 2 t d m p c r, m. vid. ©tampfer. 2 td lit p fe ( /■ (pi- -It) 1. stamping ; 2. stamper, pestle, pounder, ©tdlltpfeit, v.a.&n. (aux. buibill) 1. lo stamp, pound, bray, beat; cruslh b,uise; 2. JV. T. to pitch, sond ; flllf ba« ®ilt — , JV. r. to pitch a-ste"n ; niit belt S'iipfll — , to stamp-, to wince (said of horses). S t d 111 p f C 11, n. (-S) stamping, &c, pestillation. 2 t d 111 p f C r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) 1. stamper, beater, rammer, pounder; 2. JV. T. pitcher ; rammer. 2 t d 111 p f of 2 Umpfcit, in compos. — = bail, m. 1. building of mud or clay- walls by stamping the layers ; 2. mode of bililding in such a manner; — biidiie, /. a wooden mortar ; — Cifett, 7t. iron pestle ; — erbe, /. stamped earth or mud ; — gaittj, m. crushing mill ; — - bamiltci', m. T. stamp-hammer; — s biV.i-3, n. a stamping-house ; — flotj, m. rammer; pile-driver of a pile-engine; — miihje, /. stamping-mill, knocking- mill; — perle,/. seed-pearl; — [titg.m. JV '/'. second preventer-stay ; — |tct>Cll, m. JV. T. stem right down upon the keel; — trpg, m. beating trough, stamp ing trough, chopping trough ; — UH'vf, n. vid. — UUlt)(e ; — jUffer, TO. pounded sugar. 2 t d m p f r c 1 t c n, v. n. JV. T. to pitch at anchor. *® t a m p i 1 1 e, /. vid. 2fempc(. 2 t d ll b, vi. f-f 6 ; pi. 2tdltbe) 1. stand ; standing ; standing-place, position , at- 594 titude; 2. shooting-box, the place from winch a shooter takes Ins ami, when shooting at the target; 3. stall, pew: 4.jiis- state, condition, station, situation, case : ■"> steadiness, firmness ; 6 rank. class, order, quality; 7. stand, jack, horse, Ate.; 8. state, deputy {gener. in pi.) ; 9- Hunt. T. legs of birds; — Imltcu, to keep ground : fig. to Mand_out. to be constant: belt ^tliniKIl tee 2d)icffaly — bieteil, to weather the gales of hard fortune : lllit fttDtto jll — C fontllieil, or Jll — e bltllgeil, to bring about, to compass, accomplish, achieve, bring lo pass; jll — e Eomitieit, to be achieved, accomplished, brought about; belt — fitter 2arfie feinten, to know how matters stand: ilt gilteilt — e, in a good condition; roieber in ben BDtigen — fcljen, to restore, re-establish; im — C fel)lt, to be able; ittebt im — e fepit, to he unable; ilt — fefccn, to enable; auyer — feljeit, to disenable ; feilieill — e i;einaj5 (ebeit, to live up to one's condition; eilt i'laillt UOlt — f, a man of rank, of quality ; — bet ^pflVs tctcil, state of parties; bie 2tdllbe be» 3ieirf)s, the states of the empire; compos. — KtlT meter, ». stationary ba- rometer; — bauilt, vi. spring-treebar; — bilb, n. statue; — blocf, m. JV 7'. knight-head of the gears; — - fciidife, .;'. rifle for target-shootmc; — fefi, adj. .V adv.finn ; firmly ; — gebfiljr, /. — iielb, n. stallage, stall-money ; — frit liter, m stall-keeper, retailer at a stall: — l(l s ijev, n. eid. — quarlter ; — lef)re, / statics ; — lillie, f. station-line, line of station; — mutlMil, adj. + firm, con- stant ; — CUT, — plal}, in. station, stand ing-place, stand; Ctlieil tiutcit —Oft l)abeu, to be well stationed ; — pfevb, ;/. relay-horse, fresh horse; — pllllft, m. point of view, station; — CJll»it*= tier, n. fixed quarters; fein — adr. worthy of one's state, of one's standinsin society ; — = jeicbitung, /. vid. — vijj. *2 ta ii bd r te, /. (pi. -ti) standard, banner; compo.s. — lljlttlfcr, — lltfd = fttr, m. standard-bearer, guidon ; — 11 = t'i J .u\ in. so;; — jtailjje, /. shaft of the standard, lance of tlie pennon. 2 t d n b d) e it, n. _ (-S ; pi. — ) sere- nade; eiit — bviibieii, to serenade; ein — cvlultcn, to be serenaded. 2 t d it b e, /, i pi. -11 water-tub. 2 t d it b e - e v ii f f it u ti jj, /. opening of the diet, of the chambers; — Imu-3, n . — faal, m. house, hall or assembly room of the diet. &c ; — »eibaittlllll= geit, pi. the debates of the diet, of the chambers ; —aerfflininlllltfl, /. assem- bling or assembly of the states or chambers ; (the diet of Germany). 2 t d ii b c v, m. {-9 ; pi. — ) Jv". T. broad pendant ; traverse horse ; — et = \U$ 3)re^reepS, runner, dawn haul of a tie ; compos, — hoi}, n. slick or stock of the broad pendant. S t & It b e r, m. (-§ \pl.—) I • water tub; 2. pillar, post ; scantling in a par- tition ; 3 lar^-e square box with fish :n a fish-pond; 4. capital lent on mort- StdltbeS of @taitb, in compos — ' atel, m. nobility of rank ; — ftbbbiir.j, /. elevation of rank ; — f Villi, ./'. womai of quality, of condiiion ; — flcbiifyr, / what is due to rank ; Had) — (jeOUOt, according to one's rank ; — gleifhbeit, / equality of rank; — geiTiap, — illds fii;1, I. adj. conformable or agreeable to one's rank; II. arfn. conformablv m one's rank; — gcilliiB lebetl, to live, in character; — t)eiT, m. 1. a gentleman ; 2. a mediatised prince ; 3. a tiaron ; — = bevrtid), adj. relating to a mediatised prince, &c; — heiTldiaft, /. the qual- ity of a mediatised prince ; dynasty ; lordship; barony; the dominions of a mediatised prince: — peit'oil, /. person of quality, of rank; — miblig, adj. o> ado. contrary to one's rank. 2 t d 11 b f) a f t, I. adj. constant, firm, stable, steady, steadfast, resolute ; II. ado. constantly, firmly, steadily, reso- lutely, steadfastly. 2 t d ii b h a f t i a, f c i t, /. constancyi firmness, stability, steadfastness, steadi- ness, resoluteness, resolution. 2 1 fill bifl, adj. 1. continual, fixed, settled, constant ; stationary ; 2. pro- vine, confessing, vid. (Deftdltbig J 3. standing (used in composition). 2 t d lib i f &), adj. belonging to the slates of an empire ; bie — ell ©C- ved)tfiiiltcil, privileges of the states. 2 t d tt"b 1 i 11 g 8, adv. + standing. @ t d it b f d) a f t, /• ' • quality of a member of the states ; 2. states (col- lectively). 2 t d ii g e, /. (pi. -It) I pole ; perch ; stake; stick; 2. bar; 3. curb-bit of a bridle ; 4. Hunt. T. brush, drag (« foxes ; eineiit bie — batten, fig. »o countenance one, to keep a person vo check ; to be one's match ; bei ber — iv.lteit, or blcibeil, not to forsake on*, to persevere ; bie —it am .t;->iv|~d)ge* tveih, Hunt. T. branches of a stag's hmn ; compos. — nblei. n. bar-lead; — iibofme, /. »id. ^tdiiiielbohite ;— n* bokev, m. auger; — lltuiHc, /. temple- spectacles; — llburfte, /. hair broom on a pole ; — lieijeit, n. 1. iron bars ; square iron bar; 2. trap for wolves or foxes ; 3. iron on the cross bar of an engine, to which tlie poles are fastened ; — It* erbfe, /. vid. ©tSngelerbfe ; — nfeber, /. spring of the lock of tire-arms; — 11= gebijj, n cannon-bit; — ligttter, n. iron crate : — Itgolb, n. gold in ingots ; — Its fnaitev, m. canaster in rolls; — lifngel, /. bar shot; — llfltltft, /. Jtfiit. T. wa- ter-engine that raises the water out of a great depth : — llflipfer, n. bar- copper: — nhltevne, f. lantern fastened on a pole ; — llleiltllMllb, /• diaper linen, figured linen; — iiiiugttet, m. bar-magnet; — liquart, m. scapiforni hyaline quartz: — lipfcvb, n thiller, thill- horse, shaft-horse, rod horse : — HP"= mabe,/ pomatum in roils; — it r edit, ». provinc. auction-law, right of subhasta tion; — Itrege, /. Sp. T. perch for the decoy; —inciter, m. sledge-driver ; con- ductor of an ammunition wagon : ~ n ' fdlpeter, m. roll saltpetre: —n''dlL>rl, 771. scapiforni short; — nfcbmefel, r«. roll- brimstonc, cane-brimstone; — ll|llber, Ti. silver ingots ; — nftitbt, m. bar-steei; blistered steel ; — lttabaf, m. tobacco in carrots: — Itjaitllt, m. cannon, cannon- bit . — litebcittc, 77i. tithes of vetches and similar field-fruits; — ttjittlt, n. bar- t j n . — ttjirfel, m. beam-coinpassf» ; Itjiviebel, /. the Welsh onion 2 t d it g e, /. vid. ©tenge. 2 t d n g e I, /. vulg. vid. 2tua,K et d it a. e 1, to. (-«} ) rid. Stengel t C tdnfieln, o. $ 3tcii;jc!i!. S tan ig lau», m. Stanislaus. Stan f, ?B . (-e«) + stencli, stink, rankness. Stan for, m. (-8; pt. —) wig. l- stiDker; 2.fig. ferreter; :(. quarrelsome person, trouble-feast, make bale. St Sit I ere f,/. (pi -en) wife-, i. stink ; x.».jv>\ quarrel, row; 3. ferreting. S ta ll f evii], adj. fusty. 8 t a n f e r it, ». n. (aux. (jaben) bw^. i . to give a slink ; 2. fin-, to snuff; sun-!! It; tu ferret, rummage; 3. to quarrel. *©' t a it it i Of, 7i . (-«) tin foil, leaf-tin. »@ tdll If, / (,,/.-M) 1, stanza; 2. T. mould of steel or brass for embossed work; compos. — nbiinieii, m. stamp, staniping-punch ; — ltbailliner, m. 7'. heavy hammer to beat on a stamp or die with; — liftcmpel, ra. T. stamp for embossed work. ©tape \,m. (-8) 1. pile, heap: 2. staple, empory, warehouse, magazine; mart; 3. .V. T. stocks or rather slips for ship- building; 4. provine. stake ; anfbeilt — , on the stocks; ciit Scbtjf bom — laffen, to launch a ship, compos. — = blOif, to. stocks; — (]crcd)ti,]fcit, /. — verfit, n. staple-right, or privilege ; -f- privilege of holding fairs; — = flUt, n. Staple-goods, staple commodity; — fjanbef, m. staple-trade : — l;»f,, n. 1. piled wood ; 2, aid. — biocf ; —foil, to. JV. T. wedge of the slocks: — nrt, to. 1. place where wood is piled or heaped up ; '-'. staple place or town ; — plafc, m. slaple, mart, emporium ; — rerht, n. staple-laws; staple-right; — [tabf, f. staple town; — itmavc, /. staple-corn modity; goods under the operation of the sla pie-law. © t a p C I b a r, adj. subject to Hie staple- bwa ; that may be stapled. 2 tap elbarfci t, /. i. quality of that which may be piled or heaped' up ; 2. of that which is subject to the laws of staple. st <3 i a r f, I mlj. l. stiff, motionless ; numb, benumbed ; 2. unbending, inflexible, ob- stinate, Btiffnecked ; 3. fixed staring; tm —Of ©Kef, a lived look; Cttt — cr 'Hill, a mod iiiiihI : ^.n\ — Por Semjnnberung, thunderstruck with amazement; 11. ado. stiffly ; flu rigidly; obstinately; fixedly; — a'tifchen, 'to stare at or upon ; compos. — iinqiQ, adj. Sr ado. with lived eves: — bltllb stark-blind: — blinthett, f. utter blind ness: — tOpf, m. I. stubborn person: 2 stubborn header mind: — Kpftfl, l adj. heady, headstrong, stubborn obsl II ado. < stubbornly, obstinately; — =' Eopftflfett, ,\ obstinateness, stuhhorn- neis; — franivf, m tetanus spasm with rigidity, tonical spasm; — (einiiMiib, f. buckram; — (Hill, to stubbornness: — = liiinis3. I. adj. stubborn, obstinate ; II aio. etui boruly obstinately ; — fud)t, / etat num'cJnesB, torpor, catalwpay; — fnefcj li.l, adj. affected with tho cat — tObt, adj. stone-dead, quite dead : — « Soil/ adj. fig. dead-drunk, stark-drunk top heavy. v.,.,. sun, e:tif. etcif (tiar) P •peaking V «p(i • l are firm wl,i, 1: »,r^ origiiw.'lv llui.l ; ;n„i . .'u. I, fluid«, «rh upon attempting to l jenJ tliem ; tli ■ inrettnl into ice, ii Mid i„ be i I lj breaks, a/bea auothei i is attempted to be given to Us particles. S tcttve,/. ri i. Starrheit. S t a rrcit, v.*. >tn.^oben) i m numbed to stiffen ; 2/^. to stare ; t prominent ; 3. t > stop, to be stoppe I ; BOt «h(te — , to be chilled with bofl ©Int ftdivet mil- in ben abern, my blood runs cold; ru\r. — t>Cll to bristle with . .; to be o\ © td r r h e i t, / i. stiffness : numbed state ; 3. fig. inflexibility, obstinacy. ©tdrria, adj. stiff; fig. oid. ijpatsftarnj. 5 tarviii feit, j -.-„! ©tarrhctt. &tat, l.ailj constant; fixed unmov- ed^ continual, stable, firm ; II. a,/ ly ; continually, constantly, lirinly. '© (atari feb, adj S- m tarrying, slowly progressing. State, / (pl.-tt) place, stand; rid. ©tdtle; +f, s . constancy, firmness. *S t a t it, in. (-8 ; pi. —) gtater (coin). '2 td th mi f, / science of wei| 1 1 idii B. statics. © t d t i ;], I. adj. 1. restive ; 2. continual constant; ein — (S '4>feit>, a restiv« : II. adv. restively; continually constantly. © td t i ;i c It, p. (i. to make fast or firm to slrengthen, consolidate, harden. ©faff fjf t it,f. I, restiveness; 2. con Btancy, stability, continuity, continuous- nesa ; bie — ber Ef)ei(e, (he continu- ity of the parts; bat ©efefi ber — , the law of continuity ; 3. restiveness (of a h ree *©tdtif, /. statics. •StattSn, /. (|rf.-eii), ■ place for changing horses, relay, i!. station ; 3. office, berth, | quart - t ,1 t i It d r, a lj. d> ado. stationary. *@ tattonar, m. 1. stationary person ; - cl rgyinan's assistant *5 t a t i p it i r c n, p. vii ?lniie!lcii. *5 f atto e, adj. rid. ^nmfhafr. *Std tffd), adj. statical ©tdt if eft, adj. oid. @tdfi0. *©tat i |t, m. (-en;/./, -ea) i. mute d in a pla] ; -' oid. Sfatiptifet. *S t a t i ft it, f. 1 statistics, kuo« of states, political science ; S. relating to that science. *Stat(fttfcb, adj. 4- adv. statistical, statistically, *2 f attft if er, m. (-«; pi. — ) a politician. *2 t a t i o, ii. (-8 ; p.'. -e) r fool of ai or machine, or of any n matical instrument 2 t d t 8, oid ©let*. 2 tatt. f place, stead; eine bCeibetlbe — , abode, lodging, dwelling-place; letlM bleiOenbe — boben, to have not where to lay one's head; fig, — hdheii, — ftllben, to have place, to take place : to diowed; Scmanbefl ~l>itte — ftuben faffed, to gram one's pett- lion; StmaubH ( s "riiMhniin.i — fiij. :.9:. en laffiit, to let one's admonishing have place, room, or ingression ; ail metnet — , in my stead, in my room ; eincl — vcrtvctcn, to represent one ; »ptt — en gehcn, to succeed, speed, prosper; yt —Cll feiltmcit, to be useful, of use; to serve one's turn; to assist, to stand in good siead ; to answer one's purpose. 2 t d 1 1, prep, (xcith.gen) instead, in lieu ; — feiltCl', instead of him. 2 t a t t e, f. place, stead, room ; Ct gonut mi? tie — llid)r, it spites him to see me above ground; bie genjeibtc — , sacred ground, sanctuary ; fettle bleibent'e — fyabeit, to have no fixed, settled abode; compos. — gelt, " Did. 2ta!tt,]elt' ; — lol, abj. without a place of abode. Bf d 1 1 h a f t, I. adj. l.admittable, allow- able ; 2. lawful, legal ; II. ado. lawfully, legally. & t A 1 1 $ ttf 1 1 g F 1 1 1, f. admissibility ; lawfulness. 2 t d 1 1 f) a 1 1 e r, m. (-1 ; p!. — ) 1. gov- ernor, vicegerent, lieutenant ; 2. Stadt- holder (in Holland); compos. — Unil'DC, /. dignity, office of governor. S t a 1 1 b a 1 1 c r e t, /. (pi. -en) l. gov- ernment ; 2. habitation of a governor. S t d 1 1 b a 1 t C r i ll It, /. {pi. -Clt) gov- erness. 3 t d 1 1 b a 1 1 C V [ i d), adj. relating or pertaining to a governor, &c. ; vice- regal. 2 t d 1 1 b a i t e r it, ». n. (nut. babeit; to be, play governor or vicegerent. 2 1 d 1 1 b, a 1 1 e r f d) a f t, f. {pi. -en) I. government, vicegerency. lieuten- ancy ; 2. dignity of a governor. 2 t d 1 1 It d), I. adj. 1. stately, magni- ficent, splendid ; pompous, superb, grand, elegant; 2. distinguished, excellent, im- portant considerable; 3. seeming; spe- cious; cilt — et iUialtlt, a portly man ; mtt — eil Segelll, with portly sail; II. ado. 1. stately, magnificently, splen- didly, excellently ; 2. seemingly. 2 t d t t 1 1 d) E e t f, /. portliness, magni ficence, splendour. *S tat lie,/, {pi. -tt) statue: — y.i Sup/ pedestrian statue; — JU ffcftxbt, equestrian stane ; compos. — lnailHCV, m. statuary marble. *2 t a t It l r C lt ; D. a. to maintain, affirm ; to lay down; Cllt QBetfpiel — , to set an example. *2 1 a t ft r, /. stature, size ; eitt SJiami Don lait.ter — , a tall man. *© t S t U 3, m. state, statement, inven- tory. *2 t a t U t, n. (-Cl ; ///. -en) statute, in- stitution, regulat ion ; compos. — Cllblicb, 71. — enfainmlllllfj, / collection of stat- utes; — enrecpt, «. statute-law. *2 tat II tart frf), adj. according to the statutes, legal, lawful. G> t a a, 2 t a it C, /. stagnant, still or standing water; compos. — tetd), ». flood- dike, flood bank: — f)l'l$. n. JV. T. wood for ,r trimming; ballast; — = fid, m. .V. T. wedge for stowing or trimming; — auffer, m. water that is raised or swoln by damming up. St a lib, ;«. (-C3) 1. dust; powder: ~-f-S dust obscurity, low condition: 3 fi?. body (of man), man: OOller — feim, to be bedusted ; — macbfii, — er= re^en, to raise dust; ju — macbeii, to pulverize : reduce 10 powder : jig. Ct= rtcit aul t-em — c erbeben, to raise one jp out of the dust; fid) aul bent — e 596 lltad)eit, fam. to be off; to run away. to abscond; cincm — in bie ^lugcn ftreuett, to deceive one ; bcicbtcr 0- bcfeelter — ,jig. *man ; unempfinbJidjet — , senseless dust corpse ; tilt — C fried)en, fid) tin — e Frammen, to crouch in the dust; CtllClt ill belt — tretett, to tread underfoot; compos. — ' aftermOOS, n. powder-moss; — arbcit, /. dust-work, shearing-work ; embossed papering or paper-hangings • — avt'.g, adj. dust-like, pulverulent; — tad), m. torrent tumbling down from a great height; — betcrft, adj. dust-covered, bedusted; — bchdltcv, m. — bcbdltiti?, n. B.T. anther, vid. — beilfct ; — befell, m. duster; — beiltel, — fplbctt, m. B. T. pendent : tip ; — bereobtltr, m. * man; — bliitb,e, /. male flower; — bo= bctl, m. loft of boards in a mill, where the mill dust is caught ; — brant 1 , m. mildew, blasting; — bui'fte, /. dust-brush; — = brilic, /. goggiers; — bedel, m. the false case (of a watch) ; — Cfbc, /. mould, dusty earth ; — fad), n. vid. — = beiltel; — faben, pi. B. T. stamina; — fabenfbrmig, adj. B. T. stamini- form ; — fetev, /. down, flue; — fege, /. a dust sieve ; — fted)tc, /. farinaceous, powdery, hoary lichen; — flttgel, m. powdered wing (of insects) ; — fliiije= liij, adj. having powdered wings; — - gcborcil, adj. mortal ; base-born ; — - gefilfi, n. anther ; — gefd)led)t, n. * mankind ; — gcfdjlliaif, m. a taste of dust, like dust; — ijcmdd)!, — gercebe, n. rid. — lllPCl ; — b,aaf, n. down : — baitf, m. male hemp; — (jttllt, /. membrane of the anther; — btigel, m. heap of dust : — bi'Ulc, /. * human body; — f(linnt,'m. dandriff-comb ; — s fapfel,/ md—btuhl; — mantel, m. blouse; — ntebt, n. flour-dust; — = inOOd, n. powder-moss ; — Vcgcn, m. dri7./.li:i2. misting rain; — lailteil, m. seed powder (of flowers) ; — failb, m. very fine sand; — fcbaMl'.im, m. puff- ball; puck-fist; — )ieb/ n. dust-sieve; — fobn, m.*man; — trctcl, 771. dust- ing-whisk, dusting-brush; — roffl, 771. B. T. pistil; — ivirbel, m. whirling cloud of dust; — Wolfe, / dust-cloud. 2 t d li b d) e n, n. (-1 ; pi. — ) mote. atom. S t a u 6 c it, v. imp. cl ftanit, it is d isty. St ail (en, r. a. 1. to dust, to raise dust ; 2. to powder ; 3. to dust, to 1 away the dust ; hi! £>oar ntit 5?UbCl — , to powder one's hair; cilie 3cid>nung, ein JWuiter. — , to pounce a design; ©etreibe — , to winnow corn. 2 t d li b C r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) 1. duster, 2. — , or Stilllberb/Unb, m. starter, fleet-hound, terrier, harrier, venting dog. S t a 11 b e r, 77;. (-3 ; pi. — ) puff-ball. £ 1 5 U 6 et ll, v. La. 1. to sweep away the dust: 2. jig. to start raise, chase, beat up: 3. to turn, drive out or away ; [L imp. 1. to snow ; to drift (of snow) ; 2. to drizzle ; III. n. (auz. tjilben) to search, smell about, rummage. Stau'btg, adj. dusty; covered with dust. 2 t a li b t g f e i t, /. dustiness. © t a li fb, m. (-fl ; pi. -C) toss ;jolt ; cuff. Stand), Stauc^et, 771. provinc. ehon and narrow muff. Staud)e, /. (pi. -11) 1. tossing, jogging ; sousing ; 2. provinc. truss, bundle of flax. 2 tail d) Cll, r. a. 1. to toss, jog. jolt ; to souse ; to shake ; 2. to dam, stem : 3. to put, stanJ up (flax, &c.) ; cincil an tie SJaub — , to push one ngainsi the wall; SBaaren tu en gap ;r - > to stow or press goods into a cask ; fid; bie <§allb — ■, to sprain one's hand. 2 t a it rii c 11 r ii dj c v, pi. Appenzei cambrics. 2 t a li d) It 1: g, /. tossing, jolting sousing. £ t a ii d) m c g c r, m. .v. r. ceiling abrAt the floor-heads. Stahi cb\ ange, /. (pi. -n) T. pair of large tongs, to hold the iron-bars with, when they are forged. © t a 11 b C, /. {pi. -II) 1. shrub, bush , plant with a stalk ; 2. perennial her- baceous plant ; 3. a head (of lettuce) ; compos. — nai'fel, m. john-apple ; — 11= anig, adj. shrubby, frutescent; — Its beere, /. vid. «£>eitclbcere ; —nbotter, m. shrubby dodder; — nfoilltig, adj. B. T. shrub-formed, bush-formed ; — 3 s gebfifd), n. coppice, copse, wood of dwarf-trees ; — ngeiodd)!, 71. plant growing like a lettuce ; under-shrub ; — nhctcrid;, m. rid. — ntotter ; —11= bevfett, m. the wild hop; — ttUce, 5/1. the shrubby trefoil; — nfovaile, /. isls; — nforn, 77. — nroggen, 771. com or rye that grows in tufts; — nfalat, Hi headed lettuce, cabbage lettuce ; — lt= felletie, m. cellery. 2 t d lib d) e it, ». (-1 ; pi. — ) little shrub. 2 : a lib C it, v. n (auz. b.lh-ll) to grow in stalks, like plants ; to shoot into stalk. ©taiibicf)t .a.JV. r. 1. to stow: .. u dam, stem. 2 t a ii c r, m. (-1 ; pi. — } Jf. T stower ; compos. — lpi)tt, 771. stowage. 2 1 a ii f, 771. (-e6 ; pi. -e) provinc. cuj,, vessel. 2 1 s ii n e n, v. n. (aux. Kibeu) . , fiber tttoaS, to be astonished, amazed, sur- prised, to stare, wonder; — b betvad^ = tCU, to regard anything with amaze- ment, with astonishment; tin — tei ©cjtcbt, a face of amazement, a sur- prised air. © t a U It C It, m. (-1) astonishment, amazement, surprise, wonder. ©tafinen6 = roertlj <$- — wurbig, adj. astonishing, wonderful. 2 t a 1: V b e f e 11, m. (-1 ; pi. — ) rod. scourge (with which malefactors are scourged by the hangman) ; belt — be= fommen, to be whipped with rods. 2 1 a li p f/ /• 1. rod, scourge (for scotirg ing malefactors) ; 2. punishment of beiiu scourged ; 3. jig. provinc. epidemic dis- ease ; einen \\\x — fd;lagcn, to scourge publicly. 2 t a ii V e ll, 7;. a. to flog, whip, scourge (publicly malefactors). 2 t a li p c n f d) I a g, ™ (-cl ; pi.-\d)la- gc) flogging, whipping, punishment ol being scourged publicly by the hang man. 2 t a 11 JJ c tn, d. Bid. ©tdubcrn. © t d ii J) f5 11 1 e,/. .pi. -n) whipping post *© t a 11 r 1 d t c r, 771. (-« ; pi. — ) oae who worships the cross. *© t a 11 r I i t b, re. (-en ; ;.'. -en) staurolite. *S t a u r p n c r e 11, pi. cross bearer* in processions). © t ail U 11 g, /. stowing. Stfioe, /. {pi. -n) provinc. stove; JV T. stave; compos. — tlfdde, pi. bags fil' ed with langrel or bolts and staves *@ tcattf,?H.(-c§;;(/.-f).V(».7'..-'' atite. * 2 t c a t o ill, re. (-8) Med. T. sleatoma. § tc it) e It, v. ir. a. rrfi. .<- n. (am. JjabciU I. to sting, prick, puncture ; 2. to pierce, thrust, stick, stab; 3. to cut, engrave; vic= fett Ueifolgett, to pursue publicly by warrant of ca[)tion; — crbfe, /. pea which requires to be sticked ; — flllfi, m. catarrhous disorder, which some- times causes suffocation, ra'iling in tiie throat ; — foi'ftei", + a deputy forester ; — gant, n. T. fowling net. partridge- net; — bttftcn, vi. cough tending to suffocation ; — fic(, m. T. small pipe in a pump, in which the sucker is fa — ftel, vi. J\lin. T. barrel or bll plied under the pump; — Erauf, *.■. wild orach; — loiter, /. sort of nets tied to small stairs and pitched at the side of the toils; — (curhter, m . candlestick stuck into the wall ; — lltrffiT, knife; — lllltfctiel, /. pinna; — UObel, /pin: —liafclbiiitfc,/ pin-case; — = nabclfiffflt, n. pincushion; — iiagcl, vi. peg, pin, bolt; — lie |}, n. vid. — = gavn ; —ptde, /. suppository ; — reiS, n. layer, shoot; — rube, /. naphew (a very small turnip), Swedish turnip ; — = riibeufeiii, m. rape-cole wort ; — |d)iin= Vfeit. «l. epidemic cough in the head ; — JTOtebel, / bulb to be planted. © t C cf e tt, v. I. re jr. a. 1. to stick ; 0. to put, set i into, on, or upon) ; 3. to fix at ; 4. to set, plant; eilttaiS Jll fid) — , to put something into one's pocket ; to put up something; .*3ailbeit — , to make head dresses ; SPftt&U ill bie (Sl'be — , to set pales in the ground; in SBranb — , to set fire to; ein %it] —, to set an aim, a mark; fig. to set bounds; ben S8raten an ben (Spief; — , to spit the meat; eincit SBuvnt an tie Sltlfltl — , to bait the hook with a worm; eillCllt (twai — , col. to tell rr inform one secretly; ettXCllt etn)OS ill bie ^aub — , to slip something into one's hand : fig, to tip one's eiueit ins ©efaitgntjS (ins \!odil — , to Clap up one in prison : flu) ill 'JiOtb — , to get into trouble; fiit in Sd)ltt- beit — , to run into debts; fid) in .Ki:= fteit — , to put one's self to expenses; ©clb in etiuas — , vttlg. to lay out money forsomething; II. ©tccfeit, ir.®.n (oaz. l)abcn; I. to be, remain; u. to slick; Stick last; 3. fig. to be involved in ; 4. vvlg. to be hidden; — blciben, to sti.-k fast, be at a stand : bcr Skgeii ftcd'te or ftaE in bein Sc^Iamme, the wagon stuck in the mire; beit*£d)h"lf= fel — laffeil, to leave the key in the lock; tief in 2diulbcn — , to be in debt over head and ears; il]t ©efctllg - uiije — , to be clapt up in [)rison. to be imprisoned ; nulg.XDQ babt ilir fo fottge gefteCtt; where did you stay so long ! eincit in ber SRotl) — (affui, to aban- don one at time of need; id) llH'ifi uicbt, toai ibiii int itopfe ftedt, i know not what whim possesses him; eg flecft ein i'ctniii babinter, th some cheat in it; tt fti'ift banuitei', he is at the bottom of it; ill — , or tllS — geiatlieit, to stop, slay, be at a Btand, to cease. @ ted] C 11, in. (-(5 ; pi. —1 stick ; stair: cane; ami[ios. — beitl, ?t a Bpindli grasshopper-leg; — biiittti, m, bundle etel) of twigs or rods; tlie fasces; — fliectjt, n. jailer's assistant ; — fi.r.::. gigantic fennel ; — pfet'b, n. I I bone, 2./V hobi.y. fancy ;un ."ii'tcv b.u feill — l>ftrb, every man his his whim or his hobby bOITC ; — VCllCf, IB. One ulin a stick : fig one wi. hobby; — roft, n. vid. — |>ftrb; — - fdjmnmnt, m. baciUary sponge; — = ftl'iid), vi. a stroke with a stick, cane h ■ : — ti'cibel, m. + bum-bailiff; -- jatllt, m, fence of sticks; d @ t c if ling, m. oid. 5rccfrc!c. 5 t c cf p u in p e, / jv. T. hand-pump. 3 teffen, m. (-j, Stephen. ©tc'ft, m. (-ci; pi. -e. T. I pin ; vid. Stiff. Steg, m. (-ti; P /.-c i. •.■ small bridge : 2. path ; 3. .V. 7 board of a boat ; 4. bridge 'of a n. instrument) : .">. Typ. T. furnitun sides and footstickl Iflttfle — , r 6. tr.: x | id\ lviiti ive= bet 3Bcg nod) — , i don'i to find the nay; compos. — faftcn, m. — rati)/ n. Print. T. the furnitun — leblte, /. railing or balustra.:. foot-bridge. *S tcganograpbte, / s- graphy. *S teganograp bif*. tulj. relating to steganography. S t c g e - b c v e t f c r, m. pruritic, sut ■ veyor of the high-ways ; — febliT, m. sweeper of boards and plai i, i *2 t e (j n e ( i f d\ adj. Med. T. stegnotic ©fcgvctf, m. (-8) + stirrup ; fig. (Olt bent — , extempore ; 0U8 bent — rebeil, to extemporize ; etii 93et8, cine SRcbC ailC- tcill — , an impromptu, an ex- — bidUll', vi. ex temnore-poet, improvisator; — bicb = lung,/ — gcbidu, n. an improvisation, impromptu. to te greif lev, m. tid. 2i: biditcr. 2 t e g f v e n ;, n. (-efl ; pi. I 3 to b a n f d) en, n. vid. ©tebinauitd'oii. Stc () en, v. ir. n. (out. baben, i ft\)X\ I. to siand : 2. to be ; 3 to 4. Hunt T. to set; 5. — flir ettDd ansu ir, I for; 0. to be- come, tit, i . ., eiiii'ii; ; 7. fid; — , (gut, fdjjedjt i badly off; lie — fich gut babei, it answers tie-ir purpose very well; Ctuf bem ^Juiitte — , ecitu ©efjrife — ju, to be On the point of..; eillCllt — , 1 rid one's ground, make bead ngainst; 2. tn answer, 6 mi, fciiicn iWinit — , to be as sood as any man ; to stand one's ground : SC&ilbWae^C — , to be on guard, stand sentinel : babei — , to stand by ; — bll'ibClt, tO stop, stand - I ■ Btand; maintain one's ground; fig. bfl etivas — bteibeit, to bcvaii'S — or bevpoi' — , i to jet, jutiy; efi ftef>t gcfdjrtebeit, written; tons' ftcbt in bcr ;V'innia : what contains -a.- tin i i was ftclu in .'sht'itt E ienj is at yot i anf bem Spi — , to stand upon the bi Ink, to bi a-going; ill bee i'li'iuiiii.i, in ten t N, c bailfcil — , to be of opinion ; tn ,,itrd': — , to be in fear, be apprehensive ; tilt Rlveifel — , to doubt, question; ini a3erb«cf)le — , to I; tt ftet)( jii gtauben, |u crwarten, i i ; Had) ct;va« — n eroi machin u cii'.iiii nacb bem Seben — , to attempt 597 <5tei em ®fcl ■ man's life ; bet jcmaiibcni bit 3af)ve — , to be bound apprentice to somebody, to serve one's time; id) ftcl)C S&rieu boffir, I warranl you ; fitv ben ©<$a= t> c 11 — , to stand the loss, to make pood Ihe damage; — hflbeu bet .. , to have money lodging with..; latit bag — , let it alone ; Vlllcg — HUb Kegel! faffett, to leave or give up all; jU — fOllllUCII, to come to. cost; &d)lllb, consolidated debt, consols; — t Qjallltrt, certain price; JV. T-s. — (8 Xauxotvt, standing rigging, dead ropes ; — tt 2l>illb, settled wind. 2 t 1 % 1 1 a g e it, 7n. (-§ ; pi. — ) straight collar. 3 t C b 1 b rt V, adj. that may be stolen. 2 t C |i [ C It, ?■. ir. a. to steal, pilfer ; rob ; (ciiicnt ctroag) to steal; fid) bauott — , Jig to steal away; er ftiehjt roic et!t .'Kafac, his fingers are lime twigs; tic Segtl — ciininber bcit 2Binb, jv. T. the sails overleap (becalm) each other. S til) 1 1 It, n. (-6) stealing, pilfering, rob- bing. Stealer, m (-8 ; pi. — ) stealer, thief; bCV $t$\tV ift ft) gilt al$ bCV — , prui). the stealer and his bagholder are equally guilty. 2 t c 1) I e v i f cfi, adj. (i. «.) aid. 2)k= btfeb. S t c b in ii n it rf) c n, v. cork-tumbler. 5 t cicrinarf, /. Styria. 6 f c i c v m a v f c v, ?«. (-6 ; pi. — ) ©tcicrmarfevinn, /. (pi. -en) Styrian. § t e i c r in a v f i f cf), adj. Styrian. B t C 1 f, I. adj. I. stiff; 2. firm, rigid ; 3 hard, unmoved, inflexible; 4. fir. stiff, pedantic; tin — (8 (Sompltnicttf, a stiff compliment; tin — n 2JJenfd), a still" fellow; U. adv. stiffly ; fig. firmly; rigidly ; — fie gefit'egen, that is strained or screwed up to the highest pitch; — llllb fallen, rising and falling, fluctuation (of the price) ; nuf bag — gebeil, going to a rise (said of auctions, &.c); veer fytid) fieigt, fdllt leidlf, prov. hasty climbers have sudden falls. © t C i g e It, n. (-8) rising, &c , vid. verb. © t e i g c r, m. (-8 ; pi. —) 1. climber, ascender; 2. Min. 'J', leader, surveyor. © t e t g c v a b, v. vid. ©teigras. © t c i g e v c i f, 77i. vid. ©fegveif. ©telgetev, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) enhancer ; auctioneer. © t C I g C V 11, v. a. 1. to raise, enhance, increase ; 2. to raise the price ; 3. to buy in (at auction) ; 4. cillCU — , to make any one bid more ; 5. Oram. T. to raise to n higher degree; to compare. <& t C t g C V U 11 g, /. (pi, -Clt) 1. raising, enhancing; 2. auction; 3. gradation, climax; 4. Oram. T. forming the degree of comparison; campus. — 6gvflb, m. — gflltfe, /. Oram. T. degree of com- parison. B tet'g tt It g, /. rising, mounting. ©tCll, I. adj. steep, steepy ; 11. ad\ steeply ; compos. — liobcl, in. jack-plane — Obv, 7i. (I. m.) a pricked up ear 5 2 fig. a proud or haughty man ; — Viab, in. * arduous path; — pfahl, w. nprighi post ; — VCfbt, adj. rid. ©Cllfvcdlt J — - VOCg, 771. a steep way ; arduous path. 2 t C 1 1 C, ©tcilbftt, /. steepincss ; steej place. © t C I I C It, 77. a. iS- rrfl. to raise up sleep perpendicularly ; to rear. ©tein, m. (-eg ; pi. -c) I. stone, rock 3. Med. T. stone, gravel; 3. M. I'., stona twenty or twenty-two pounds , 4. chess man, draught-man ; 5. stone, kernel ; \\\ — rocvbeit, to petrify ; fill foftba= ver — , a precious stone ; bcil — l\l- beit, to be troubled with the stone ; bcil — fd)llcibeit, to rut for the stone ; fig bev — bev SQetfen, the philosi stone ; — Ollf bCllt ^Cl'JClI, weight on the mind, anxiety, embarrassment ; cille — e au§ bem SOcge raitnicn, toiemo^ all hindrances ; — beg 2lnftof fg, stnni- hiing-block; citicit — imeb cinent n.'fr= fell, to throw a stone at on^. to ac one ; mit cinent — jroci SBflrfe tbim. to make two casts with one stone, to do two things at once ; compos. — = abCV, /. rocky vein ; — ablev, vi o- pray. golden eagle, stone-hawk ; — nlalllt, in. stone-alum, rock-alum ; — ntt, mj. wig. very old or aged; — nillfet, /. yellow, gilded thrush ; — arbeitCV, jb. worker in stones ; stone polisher ; — s avt, /. species of stone ; — at'tig, adj. stonelike, stony ; - — a l" f t ij f e 1 1", /. stone- like nature ; — flVjf, in. operator for the stone; — flffe.' /. the oniscus ar- madillo; — flllflofcllb, adj. Med. 7'. sax- ifragous, Hthontriptic ; — atifloftuig, /. dissolution of the stone; — ailflo = fltliggmittel, 7i. a hthontriptic. ; — = nilf|d)vift, /. inscription upon stone: — aitftCV,/. rock-oyster ; thorny oyster ; — hud), vi. rocky brook; — balbvian, m. rock-valerian; — ball, m. stone- ball; stone-bullet; — bavl'C, /. —bciv= bcil, in. the barbel, barbot; — fcdU, m building with stone; — bctfcv, m. 1 suck stone, stone-grig (a fish) ; 2. strm" smickle (a bird) ; — befcbretbltlig, f. description of stones, I'tholngy ; — - befebnievilltg, /. trouble with the sfor.e ; — bicfev, m. vid. — betfiev 2. ; —bi!i>, 71. statue ; — blatter, / sort of spu rious small pox ; — blltinc, /. stotio (lower; — bliitbe, /. byssolife ; —* bocf, ni. 1. wild goat; Jlsl. V. Capri- corn; 2. stone-pincer (a shell-fish) ; — - bobeit, vi. stony soil or laud; — bob> Vei", m. stone-bore ; — bvailb, vi. mildew, blight ; — bred), m. stone-break, saxi- frage (a plant) ; — bvcebcnb, adj. vid. — ailfiofcttb; — bvcrbev, m. qunrry- man ; — bl'ticb, m. quarry, stone pit ; — briide, /. stone-bridge ; — blld)C, / horn beam ; plane-tree, maple ; — bull, m. — biitte, /. tuiliot; —butter,/, yel- low and soft alum ; — baillllt, m. dike built of stone, pier, mole; — battel, /. pholas, pierce-stone ; sea-date ; — bl'ifb, 7ii. dam partially formed of stone ; — « bof)(e, /. Alpine jackdaw ; — brcber, m. the turn-stone, sea dotterel ; — * broffel, /. yellow inrush ; — briicf, m. ]. lithograplly ; 2. lithographic print ; — a bvilrfev, m. lithographer; — t'Mtcfcrct,/ 1. lithography, art of engraving in stonn; 2. lithographic, printing office ; — bljft, /. strangles in horses ; — btllicn, pi. eider-down ; - — ci, n. flints dug in along with a meer-stone ; - — e t d^ e, /. holm oak. scarlet oak. evergreen oak ; — », /. lithigenesy; — etn (?.rn Sfd tppicb, >" B. T. bubon ; — ergeitgHttg, f . 7i/«/. v. lithiaais; lithogenesy ; — = cfdK, /. ash tree ■ — Clllc, /. brown owlet ; church owl, bum-owl ; — falf, m. stone hawk; — farbc, /. stone co- lour; — favu, in. stone-fern, spleen- wort ; — finf, m. vid. — beifjer '>. ; — ' fifd), in. 1. cod-fish; 2. petrified fish; — flad;3, m. amianthus, asbestos ; — - flffhte, /. water liverwort, oyster- green ; rock lichen ; — fletfdpe, /. blue- hreast; — fovelle, /. river trout; — = fijrutig, wlj. in the shape of a stone, stone-like ; — frc||eub, adj. lithophagous; — frcffer, m. the stone-piercer; — - ft'Udlt, /. 1. stone-fruit, drupaceous fruit ; 2. fossil fruit, lithocarp ; — = frudHartig, adj. U. T. drupaceous ; — flld)>3, m. while fo.v, mountain fox, stone fox ; — fiiilffitigerfraut, n. tor- nrentil-cinquefoil ; — jJflU. '«• kestrel; — (jolle, /. windgall; — geier, m. vid. — fa If; — gtifh /. chamois; — ge= fdlivv. ,i. vid.— -flUtj — ^efrfjuf}, «. vid. — ftiicf 2, ; — gffchroiiiji, /. scirrhus, hard swelling ; — genNitbg, n. — fovalle, i lithophyte, stone-coral; — gvaitb, - gran?, — arteS, m. gravel; — grube, /. vid. — bnid) ; — gritu, n. mountain- green; — gnuib, m. stony ground; — grttnbcl, /. hk. (thorny) loche, loach ; — giiu|el, in. B. T. creeping groundsel j eomfrey ; — gut, n. earthen ware, stone ware, crockery (-ware); gelbl'S — gut, yellow ware, queen's ware: eitgli; frbtS — gut, (lint-ware: — hammer, is, stone hammer ; — f)ailblcr, m. a dealer in (precious) stones, lapidary ; — ba lifting, m. mountain linnet, com- mon grey linnet; — y&tt, adj. (as) hard as Btone ; — !)iU'U, /.hardness of stone ; — baue, /. vid. iki'gfyauc ; — bauer, m. stone-cutter; stone-mason ; — IjtUU ererbeit, — baucvei, /.stone-cutting; — bjllfeil, m. heap of stones; — btr» \< t f. graymil, gremil, stone-crop; — = (501113, in. sugar-honey, old hardened honey ; — tllfd)l'ift, /. lapidary inscrip- tion ; — falf, m. lime of stones; — = ftlUIIK, m. Min. 7' rocky side-wall; — = favailldlC, /. yellow (or gold) corassine ; — lalje, /. pole-cat ; — Mil}, m vid. — = rule ; — fenner, m. lithologist, lapidary ; — fcuutuiii, — fuube, /. litbology, knowledge of stones; — fitt, m. litho- colla ; — fU'C, m. melilot-clover, hart- trefoil, lote ; — fltppe, /. (stone or stony) cliff; — fluff, /. chink, cleft, gap in rocks; — fohk, /. pit-coal, fossil coal, sea-coal; gevciuigte — fobte, coke ; — fohleitbevgnm'f, ». — foblen= grube, /. coal-mine, coal pit, coalery, colliery, coal work ; — fobleugcbirgc, fuOeoi.T. carboniferous group; — - fobjengraber, m. collier: — Fo £i I c ti = perb, n. coal-pitch; — foblenfcblaffeit, /. pi. cinders, dross of pit-coals ; — = fobleittbct'i', m. coal-tar; — fcllf, / Mad. T. Btone colic ; — foraUe, f. vid. — geu.ui1) 3 ; — toft, /. Min. r. (large) chest for pounded (stamped) ore; — * flMltfv, in. a calculous person; — = fl'ailf, 71. 1. vid. — bred); -2. weld or mold, rock-moss; — freibe, /. hard chalk ; — fveffe, / naked-stalked candy- tuft, rock- (or shepherd's) cress; rock- ci esses, alpine ladies smock; stone- cress(es) ; the rock pepperwort; — = fl'Syfe, /. T. ram's head ; — fntg, m. a stone-jug in- jar, Btone-bottle ; — = Tuitntel, in. sermountain, seseli ; — = fuitbf, /. vid. — feuntuift s — Eunbige, m. vitL — feitttCV; — flipfer, 111. stone- copper, shot-copper; — Idfltj /.layer w stratum of stones; — leiili, to. vid. — hit; — lerrbe, /.the lesser crested 'ark ; — liubc, / mock-privet, mock- willow, pseudo-Santa I iui ; — malrrei. /. (art of; painting on stone ; — lllflrs bcr, in. rock-marten ; — marl, n. stone- marrow, lithomarge, lithomarga, agaric mineral ; — utehl, n. Btone-dnat ; — utci = pel, m. stone cutter's chisel; — liurgcl, m. argillaceous marl ; — inejj, m. vid. — = (jailer; — mifpel, /. wild quince; — = IHOOS, n. water-liverwort, oyster . rock-moss; — HUU'fer, >« % mortar from winch stones are thrown ; — llUH'Ui, 711. hard mortar, cement ; at — muitje,/. cat-mint, the common rep: — nuifcbel, /. vid. —■battel ; uerftei = nertc — iintfobel, pholadite; — uelfe, /, little wild (link, the Deptford pink ; —niitl,/. thick-shelled nut; — obfi, n. stone-fruit ; — 51, n. naphtha, rock-oil, petrol cum; ; — ped), 11. fossil tar, stone-pitch, RsphaJt(um), jew — Veitfdte, /. leh bearded eel; —pes terlein, n. — pimptneQe, parsley, goat's parsley ; — Pfeffef, in. bum.' stone crop, wall-pepper, prick- madam; — pflaiije, /. lithophitej plant growing on stones; \\i — pflaitjeu gefjiu'ig, litbophytic, lithophytous : — = j)fTafter, n. Btone-pavement ; — picfer, in. the armed, the pogge ; Bid. — bcifh'f ; — platte, /. slab ; — = plll'.'er, it. Mid.T. powder for the stone ; — auettbel, m. corn thyme or basil ; — = tilbe, m. mountain raven ; — Vailte, /. wall-rue. white maiden hair : — vegeit, m. shower of stones; — rctd), nilj. 1. full of stones, abounding with stones, stony; 2. jig. very rich ; mighty rich ; — t'etd), 71. mineral kingdom; — riff, n. .\'. T. reef; — V'pd)C, in. rock ray, the thorn back ; — t'ufe, / rock rose, cistus; — n>tj, m. vid. — brufe ; — votbel, ;«. rock-thrush; the greater red-start ; — * fiige, /.stone or marble saw; — fat}, n. mineral salt, rock-salt, sal gem ; — = faljfJVllbe, / mineral salt-mine; — ffls 11IC, 7ii. H. T. officinal or common gromwell, stone-crop, gremil; — fani 111 = lung,/, collection of stones; — fauger, 7ii. hh. suck-stone; — faiU'O, f.Ck.T. lithic acid; bl'l'lt>lid)tC — faitVC, pyio- lithic acid; — fd)icht, / vid. — lage; — fd)(eifcv, m, Btone polisher, polisher of stones; — ffhjcilbcr, f, sling to throw st.mes with; — fd'ina&cr, m. wheat-ear, white-tail, fallow-smith; ber flctne — ftfiinfifeer, si (ter) ; ber fjrofie — frf;irtafeer, the whin chat ; — frbmerk, /. ich. t. thorny loach ; — fcbllU'r$eit, m, pi pains of the stone, stone-colic ; — = fitjlialle, /. buckle set with (precious) stones; — fd)ltccfc, /.the triton ; — = fd)!ieitefuuft, / glyptic, the art of cut- ting stones; — fd;iicteeit, 11. the art of cutting stones, glyptic; S. T. lithoto- my; — fd):tcibCV, vi. lapidary; x. 1\ lithotomist; — fdjuitt, m. S. T. litho- tomy ; 511111 — febuitt gel)ijrig, lithoto- mic ; — |d;rift, /. lapidary inscription ; uncial (etter(s), uncial (s) ; Stut einer — fd)r,ft, lapidary style; — fcijrpf, ?i. i<- m. stone-chips, stone-cuttings (or filings) ; — fd)iual6f, / swift ; — ff = fcer, m. paver; T. setter; — fefcci'= lOt)!!, m. money paid for paving: — = flitter, m, stalactite ; — fmivgel, m. stone-emery; — ftiicf, w. 1. a stone; -. pederero; — tafel, /. stone- table, table of stone; slab; — tcpr, m earthen pot ; — tl'agcr, m. conchylo- phorous top-shell ; — iibei'jlig, m. in- crustation, a coating of Btone ; — 1> c i" - bdrtuug, / atony concretion; — 1»« gel, ?n. cashes bod, crax pauxi; — = Umfpnuig, ,11. .in!i. t. bossage; — ~- UMtu-fager, m. lithomancer ; — roaljrs fagerei, /. lithomancy; — ivaljrr, m. ringed ..,• collared) plover, thick kne .1 plover. Norfolk-plover, stone curlew ; — tiMitb, /. stone-wall : — « tVOTje, / wart-stone, mammillary stone; — UH'g, m. a pave. i way; — « roeb, ». vid. — fduitirten ; — num in. a superior Franconian wint : — i tverf, it, stone-work; pebbles for a grotto; — U'iife, /. wild licorice; — « milbpret, n. rock-deer; — liuirf, m. tone's throw ; betnal't c t licit — Wurf, about a sti ne's 1 ■-• 2. 111 it — nurfeit tbttcit, to — UMii'v / oak fern, polypody; — 5 }auge, f. (mason's) iron long — frdpfe ; — gelger, m. T. graver : — • jeviualincr, m. 8 T. lithontriptor, litbo- iritor; — -jermalmung, /. s. 1 Iripty, lithotrity; — leug, n, aid. — » gut; tngtifcbffl — jflig, flint-ware; — jtege, /. aid — getjj; — jucfel rid. — l)01ltg. ©teiiicrit (©tctiten), adj. Btoi . — 1 SBaljen, roiling 5 telit t d) t, stony, resembling hard. @ t e t It i g, adj. stony, stone, of stone. S t el tt t g ( 11, V. n. to stone, lapidate. @ t c I it t g e r, m. (-$ ; pi. —) stoner. 2 t c i 11 i g 11 n g, /. stoning, lapid Stelttf dj, adj Styrian. &tti$f m. (-C§) buttocks, rump; — bciu, a. .1. t. the 1 — bctubattb, m. coccygean ligameni ; — beinborit, ». horn of the 1 — beiitfitC'tcit, m. coccygean ganglion; — betttf rummer, ai J. l\ the - coccygean muscle ; — bfiituuisfet, m. ji. T. the sacra in muscle ; — betttfcblagaber, /, ./. 1 artery; — fijtel, / tistula of the — floffe, /. anal fin ; — fufl, m. crested grebe ; car-goose. *3 t c I e, /. (pi. -n) vid. ©ante, 5trc= bepfcilci- ; ©rabfaule. ©tell, 71. (-c«; pi. -f) T. stand, frame; eilt — (Sfgef, A". T. complete suit of sails. 2 t e 1 1 of 2 telle £ 2teIIeu, in . — ad)|e, /. provme. frame or stand to place any thing on ; — botlicb, m. 1 _■ vat ; — btebein, «. ap ment, rr^n-.-rons; — falle, /. sb — fefer, / stop-spring, stay-spring : — = flitgcl, IB, Hunt. T. lane in a ; - where the nets are pitched for catch ing game ; — gavit, b. stalker ; — \\va- b 1" it, ib. Sp, T. ditch into wbi staves of an airy are laid; — l)0lj, a trendle (in a mill) ; — bbltd'e;:. 7'. bird trap; — jOflb, / — jagfll. ». hunt or chase in which the came i- driven Into nets; — liudu '.'. I cart wright, wheel-wrighl ; — iia.\cl, m poll bolt of a carriage ; — ptU\f. V. peg on the top of a Ibwlcr's airy- stall'; — platj, fb. p — Mb, B. T. ward of a watch ; Wheel ; — 1'icgcl, IB. T. ling bolt; — hteibe, •'■ I plate of a watch; — fr&raitbe, / a ing screw; — rertretenb, adj. supply- ing the place of .■« '■.■ Buccedaneous ; — vcvtretci - , n. deputy, representative; provy; substitute; — veitretung. / substitution; deputyship : repn - lion; — bogef, m. decoy-bird; — tDB> grit, m. stage-coach ; — JCttrl, m pmrinr. check ; — $iife(, m ♦©tell Sg e, /. vid. ®eftell, @etSft. *'»/>:.-. 0/ 2 tell. 5 tede, /. CpJ. -"» 1 place, room, utand ; spot ; 2. situation, Btati in ; 3. place, ■ -ill' d, employment ; duly; 4. pa ;ige of a book) ; l»t$t •>»" »W — fomntcu, not to stir; uiebt uoit ber — ! don't budge ! nilf bet — , on the spot, immediately; tint 8 — tefom* llietl, to succeed one; tilliS — erfc= (Kit, to supply one's place; CttieS — pertrefen, to represent one; to supply one's place, to stand in one's room ; illt beffett — , instead (or in lieu) of that ; weitn id) ait Sftter — ware, if 1 was in your case. 5 t Hie It, v. I. a. 1. to put. place, set (upright), post; to station; 2. to ar- range, regulate, set in order, arraign ; 3. to set right (a watch, &c.) ; 4. to furnish, supply (troops, &c.) ; 2 it miiffcil t8 — , you must make it to stand upright; ciiten ntt ben ganger — , to pillory one ; belt All ft — , to fix one's foot ; tit ©ttefaet — , to rank ; 9lt§t — , to pitch or spread nets; ifecfoltltijen — , to lay snares; 3i>act)C!l — , to set sentries : CtllC Ulu' — , to set a watch; eineit SBiirgen — , to find bail; ^tn- jU'lt — , to bring in or produce wit- nesses ; eillClt «£>int?rf)att — , to lay an ambush; ttt-3 3Bcrf — , to put in execution, to execute, effect ; tool' Sills gen — , to represent, to expose to one's view; ailf bie SJJl'Obe — , to put to the test; jufrieben — , to content; jut i)iebc — , to call to account; fret — , to leave a free choice; bitl)ilt geftedt fci)tt (tlffetl, to leave in doubt, to leave undecided; (tttf 5Re<§tumg — , to place to account; einem itad) bent Scbeit — , to attempt one's life; bit <2egcl iitad) bev 3fitcr)tung bee SBtnbeS) — , to trim the sails; II, rrfl. 1. to place, or rank one's self; 2. to present one's self, to appear; 3. Jig. to feign, affect, dissemble; to behave, act (as if . ., al-3 ob . .) ; fid) toot ben JEtfco — , to go up to the table ; IT ftell t ft'a) ItUt fo, he does but feign; fid) frailf, toll — , to feign sickness, madness; fid) Urtgeoetfctg — , to show anger, be angry; fid) eiltfiil= ttfj — , to look simple ; CI' fhilt fid) out bajlt, he has a fine way of doing it; fid) Jill" SBefrre — , to offer resistance, to resist; ftch yifrtebeit — , to be satis- fied; fid) toor @erid)t — , to answer in law, to stand to trial; fid) ailf bic Slljje — ( to get up on one's feet. §5 t e He tt, n. (-8) putting, setting, &c. 2 t C I I C It = r t (J i ft C I', n. list of quo- tations; — fammlllltg, /. collections of quotations; — ivei|e, ado. in some places, here and there. G teller, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) regulator, setter. "5 t i' I i i a, "'(/• °"'ll ul compos. ?lllfte(= lig, 11. f. to. S telling, /. (pi. -en) jv. r. stage, platform. »S tell ton at, n. (-t8) I.. T. stel- lionate, fraud. 'Stclllt, vi. (-C8; pi. -C) Min. T. stellite. S tellung, /. (pi. -en) J. setting, put ling; ii. situation, position; .'J. J)st. T. constellation; 4. posture, attitude; 5. furnishing (of troops) ; 0. producing (of witnesses or bail) ; 7. arrangement, dis- position. S>in. @t the most graceful StcQung lor a tree, eo- hinin or tower Hence ©If Rung is "situation, posture or attitude" and StanD "position." *S tele a v a p b 1 e, /. stelography, art of writing on a column or pillar. ©te'lje, /. (/-/.-it) 1. stilt; 2. wooden leu; — It, stilts, scutches; ailf — 11 gt* ben, to go upon stilts ; Jig. to be bom- bastic; compos. — Itgaitg, m. walking on stilts; — uganger, — uKuifer, m. one walking (or dancing 1 on suits; — 11= fdn'ttf, in. great stride ; — llfticfel, in. buskin. S t C 1 J b C i II, n. Ste'fjfuf, m. wooden- leg. 2 t i I ; n e v, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) viJ. (Steljcngfiiigcr. *S t c nt 111 a, ?(. (-8 ; pi. -ta) v iJ. (Staininbaum, ?U)ittntafeI. *S t cm 111 a t ogvavJ) t e, /. science of genealogy. 2 tc ill ilt= art, /. large-axe, twy-bill; —betel, — beutel, m. — etfett, jv. T. chisel; — Jebei", n. welt, inside leather of a hoot; — leifte, /. cross-piece (of the ladder of a wagon:) — Ctttg, m. cobbler's thimble. 5 1 1 nt 111 e, /. viii. Stii^e. © tClll 111 e It, v. I. a. 1 to cut, fell (trees) ; -. to work with the axe or chisel ; 3. to stem, dam (water) ; 4. to prop, put firmly against; Jig. to bear up against; 11. refl. to resist, oppose (|id) gcgnt etroaS — ). StemilteV, m. (-8; pi. — ) l. one who dams, props, supports, &c. ; '2. jV.V. the pole of the capstern. '. T. pistil ; compos. — abaabe, /. stamp duty ; — (tilt t, v. stamp-office ; — art, /. 77. marking iron, wood-axe; — bogeit, vi. stamped sheet of paper ; — boljeit, in. staitiiiL'-bnit: — etfett, n. stamping-iron ; — gcluibr, .f. — gelb, n. stamp-duty ; — (jammer, m. hammer to stamp with ; — failllliet', /. stamp-of- fice ; — paptcr, n. stamped paper ; — = rcd)t, n. right of stamps; — frfjueiper, vi stamp-cutter; — tare, /. stamp-duty; — nmai'C, /. stamped goods. 2 t c nt v c 1 e r, m. md. ©templer. 2 t C ill p C 1 11, o. 11. to stamp ; to seal ; eilU'll — , jig. to gain over; to instruct beforehand. t, f. caterpillar of the stalks; — tva= geilb, nilj. caulescent, cauiiferous. <£tcr StCttgel It, v. I. «. to stake, prop tu> to put poles to hops II. n. iaux. %&' ten) shooting into ->r getting stalks. *Stenoa ra V h, m. (-en; pi. -en, stenographer. *2 t e It g r a p I) t' C, /. stenography. *S t e it p fj r d p I) t f cl), adj. d> adv. steu ographic(al), stenographically. *2 ten tor, m. (-8) Stentor; emnjuu — ftilllllte,/. Stentorian voice. *2 t e 11 1 r i f d), adj. Stentorian ; eint — e 2tilllllie, a Stentorian voice. 2 t e it 5 e I, m. (-8) Stanislaus. 2 t e p f) a 11, m. (-§) Stephen ; compoi — 8t6riter, pi. lice-bane, louse-wort ; — Sfrailt, v. sorcerer's weed ; — Sfteitl, m. kind of a white agate with red veins. 2 t e p b a II t e, > /. (-«S) Stephania, 2 t c p b a 11 i .1 e, J Btephany. 2 t C p p of 2tepp\tt, in compos. — I'Ctt, n. mattress; — beeff, /. quilt, quilted cover; — becfenbiinbler, — becfenma= d)er, in. quilt-maker, counterpane-ma- ker; — bi'abr, vi. — gam, n. quilting thread ; — Itabel, /. quilting needle ; — = ltal)t, /. quilted seam ; — feibe, /. stitch- ing silk, gross silk ; — ftid), m. quilting stitch ; — Jiuil'lt, m. quilting thread. StCppe, /. (pi. -tt) desert; heath; steppe, down ; prairie ; — llbillier, — 11 = beiiuibtier, ». inhabitant of a steppe or prairie; — llf'.;d)S, m. desert-fox; — 11= fillje, /. wild mountain-cat; — tllerd)e, /. the Tartarian lark; — lliuiefe, /. prairie, savannah ; — inuoff, 777. wolf nl the steppes; prairie-wolf; — ll{ttgc, /. the beardless ibex. 2 t i p p e tt, v. a. to quilt, stitch. Stepper, m. (-8 ; pi. — ' a quiltcr. 2tcpperet, /. (pi. -en) quilting; quilted work. S t C r b t, f. provinc. ]. dying, death ; 2. pest ; (mortal) distemper (of cattle). S 1 1' r b t = 1 1 1, n. death-bed ; — blicf, m. look of one dying ; — caffe, /. fund for those who are left; — brilff, /. + plague-ulcer ; — fall, 771. death, decease ; J.. T. right of taking away the best piece of cattle after the death of the tenant; — flecfen, m. spot seen upon the body of a deceased person soon af- ter death; — C\iM, n. prayer read to the dying, prayer of one dying ; — a f= bitltfe, in. thought of death ; dying thought ; — <\cfo. v. funeral expenses ; — gcriift, n. scafibld, pall, &c. ; — a c= fang, ?». 1. hymn or song on death ; 2. funeral hymn or chant; 3. dying song or strain; — fjefctjt C^> tC, /. history 01 one's last moments ; — aettjallber, pi. grave-clothes; — gloffe, /. funeral bell : — f)fllt8, 77. house in which any person has died ; — fjeillb, n. shroud, winding- sheet ; — f)Crr, m. lord of the manor to whom belongs the best piece af cattle after the death of his tenant; — llllblt, n. madge-howlet ; — jal)r, ?j. year of a person's death ; — faffe, /. a fund for the relict, life-assurance; — ftffetl, n. dying pillow; — fittel, m. — fletb,n. shroud; — lieb, 77. burying song, funeral hymn; dirge; — lifte, /. list (bill) ot mortality; — luft, /. desire of death, longing or wish to die; — lllftlg, 11,/j. inclined, ready to die; — t'egtftfl', 11. vid. — lifte ; — ftunbe, /. dying moment, last dying hour; — 1&\, m. day of a per- son's death ; — ton, in. dying accent; — totogel, m. Bohemian scatterer (a bird) ; — liullia, adj. ready or willing to die; — n)Od)e, /. week in which any one died; — Wolle,/. mortling; — jeit, /. lime of death ; time to die: — let* ©tei tt\, m. rid. Siobfcnfcbctu ■ — ginimer, n. death-chamber, ©tcr ben, ».»r. I n. (obx. fevii I decease, expire, depart; All ciiut Jtraufbcit, SBunbe — , to die of a sick- ness, nif a wound; — sot ^uuger U. f. \v., to die from hunger, &.<;. ; fiber CtUJilS — , to die during . .; ilUf ttWili — , to die in . . , to seal l>y one's death; also with genit. cities' failftett ftobCS — ; to die peaceably, to have an easy de- parture ; er roitb roO&J — , lie is like to die ; II. a. + to make die, destroy. £ t C r b C tt, s. n. dying ; death ; compos. — -3--aiU}|t, I. s. /. agony of death , Jl. i './/. .\- «.//•. /am mortally afraid ; (i tft ib'iu — attgft, or —bau^c, he is in very great fear, is mortally afraid ; — tl'ailf, a //'. dangerously ill, like to die ; — mii= i>>, adj. worn out with fatigue; — uoff), / dying agony; — fcele, /. fam. living s-nd ; cr beleibiget t'eittc — fcele, he never offends a living soul ; — lwcr), — = iibcl, adv. es roltrbe ibnt — iveh, he felt i] lite ill, deadly sick ; — ltfort, n. fam. earthly word. £ t C I b C 11 b, part. adj. dying ; fig. fad- ing, declining ; bag — e 3»ibr, the de- ; lining year; bits' — c Xlaitb, * the falling leaves. 6 t e t I 1 cb, I. adj. mortal ; II. bob. mortally; — yediebt, desperately in love ; — lltacbeit, to mortalize. £ t C C b I I d) t, s. dccl. like adj. mortal man. e.'Cl' b I t d) e, n. the mortal part of man, the body. 2tcrblttf)feif, /. mortality. £ f c v b 1 1 ii g, vi. (-cs ; pi. -c) l. starveling ; child which dies soon after its birth; 2. mortal being; 3. dead animal; compos. — Siucllc, /. mottling. *<3 1 e r c o r t r e n, v. vid. £>iiugcii, iBemifteu; ©terceration, /. stereo- ration. «<5tere Ograpf) te, /, T. stereo- graphy. *£ t c r c o g x a p t) i f cfe, adj. r. ste- reographical. «<5ter CO metric, /. G. T. stereo- metry. *@ t e t e lit 1 1 X t f d), adj. <$ adv. ster- no metrical. *C? t e r C t ill 1 1 , f. O. T. stereo- l.uny. » ($ t C C C t i) p C tt, pi. Tijp. T. stereo- types ; bie Jiunft mit — \u brurfen, (tcreotypngraphy ; SiCl'fcrtiger OOlt — , iitereotyper, f <3 t C r C t 1) p t C, /. Print. T. stereo- type-printing. *© t e I" C t i) p i f, /. the act of stereo- typing, '3 t eico t»p t vett, v. a. to - type; eillC ftc Vi'O t VpiltC VllUgabc, a stereotype-edition. *£ t C V C t i) p i f d), adj. Tijp. r. ste- reotypical. *£teri[, ad}. <$■ orf». sterile, wA 11 iu frud)tbar, 55urr; ©clialUe;. *£ t er t I it a t, f. sterility. ©t evict, m. (-$; pi. -c) sturgeon (n fish). •Sterling, m. (-«) sterling; ciu ^Jfllltb — , a pound sterling. 6 1 C r tt, m. (-C8 ; pl.-t) 1 . star ; * planet ; world; 2. JV. '/'. stern, poop of a ship ; 3. pupil (of the eye) ; 4. '/'»;>. 7 '. star, asterisk; vvlg. b'ic — C frl)liait}ett fid), Lhe stars shoot; fig. tx f>at lvebcr — ltod) ©litff, he is disastrous, unfor- >^ »»» tunate ; tit ben — en lefett, to read the stars: b'vi Jit t C It — Clt Crl)cbCtt, to extol' to the skies ; ampos. ■ — abler, n. golden eagle; — all, n. universe; — - Qllbeter, m. worshipper of the stars; — illltij, in. stellated anise, Indian anise, badtane ; — npfel, r«. star-apple ; — av= tig, adj. v id. —for in i,i ; — b.ibti, /. orbit of a star; — baunt, m. star-tree; — fceftbreibHItg, /. description of the stars; — bilb, /(.constellation. — bile be8 SJbttrfrtifcS, sign of the zodiac; —Blillb, od/. stone-blind ; — = blunte, /. China aster; star of Beth- lehem; stitch-wort; — bithltc, f. rid. — worte; — bu&en, m. r.-d. — fd)niiv= Ven; —catalog, ?«. vid. — regifter; — beuter, m. astrologer; — bcutctuiiu, — beuterci, — -beutiiitg, /. asti — beuterci freibeit, to astrologize ; •— beuter ifrb, adj. astrological; — bteiter, m. worshipper of tlie .-tars; — bietlft, nt. worshipping of the stars; — ttftcl, /. slarthi-ile; — banc, /. eider-down; — Cibcdjfc, /. stellion ; —fell, n. film over the pupil of the eye: — fetter, n. .-tar (in fire works; ; — pgnr, .''. as- terism ; — fifd), m. star fish ; — rkcbte, /. stellar lichen ; — fotlttig, adj. stel- lated; — fotfilici', in. astronomer; as- trologer; — ftnnj, m. motion of the stars; — gebaube 4-— gcfilee, n. solar system; constellation; * universe; — = getuolbe, n, starry vault: — gruppe, /.cluster of stars; — gUffer, m. cont. star gazer; —bell, adj. star-light ; — = !>tinutcl, m. firmament; starry sky; — fjtyactutr;, m. star-hyarintl-. ; — jahv, n. siderial year; — failimer, /. star- chamber (in English history) ; — f\ir= tC, /. chart of constellations ; — fc- gcl, to. hollow cone, representing the starry firmament; — fciHter, m. — = fenutnifi, /. V UL — fwibige, — fittibe; — flax, vid. —bell; — fiee, m. star- trefoil ; — ftUMlleit, /)/. astroits, star- stones; — traut, It. star-wort; — = finite, /. astrorjomv; — Eunbtge, »i. astronomer ; — EuVblS', m. starry gourd; — lebciflMllt, n. true wood-roof, row : spurry ; — lebve, /. rid. — fltltCe J — lid)t, n. star-light; — llietotlC,/ starred melon; — mold', m. vid, — citcdifc ; —111005, /(.starred moss; — p0tjeUai1= febnerfc, /. star-cowry; — pulH", — = fconauje, — fdjttupvc, /■ — imv, m. vulg. star-shoot, falling-star ; — IMfcte, /star-rocket; — regifter, n. catalogue of stars; — veiber, m. bittour; — rod;c, m. star-ray; — tofjr, n. telescope ; — = fiante, / star-redoubt, star-fort; — = fdjotl, m. treraolite; — fel>er, 7«. l. astronomer, astrologer; 2. Btar-gazer (a fish) ; — ftcill, /«_ astroit, star si. me (a petrifact) ; — (tor, to. the si sturgeon; — [hvM, m. ray of star-light: — fitcijer, m. telescope; — tilfel, /. astronomical table; — tag, m. sidereal day ; — tvarte, /. observatory ; — roei* fe, m rid. — lunbtge; — roiffenfefiaft, / rid. — futlbC ; — icit, /. sidereal time. Stcrudicii, (Stcrnlein, v.(-S; pi. — ) little star, starrulet; Tijp. 7'. asterisk. ad,, ster- nutative. S t e t j, -lti 1. plough tail, handle; 2. tail, rump : compos. — fcildic, /. — lritrill, m. a distemper among cattle by which the tails are affected, tail worm. £ 1 C r } C i, m. (-$,■ stalk ; pruritic, little person. Sterjett, /-.//. provine. to ramble ,'oiter, rove, wander, run about. £ tft, Stltig, /•;., 2t,iiig. "2 tetboff op, /,. (-e«; pi. -e T. stethoscope. •£ tetboff op ic, /. the ezplori the chest by means oil;,. auscultation, &tttt, adv. continually, always, ever; compos. — liHibvciic, adj everlasting. © t c ii c r, //. (-« ; pi. — ) .V. T. ru.ld.-r. helm ; — in See ' the helm a-lee : luff! baa — an SBacfborb ! port the helm ! uber — gcbcn, to go a-stern, to falla-stern; compos, ^b.iiini, ©teuerungSftaitge ; — borb, n. star- board; — borbsioadu', / starboard- watch; — bbx?, m. little river-perch; — brucfc,/ seal of the Bteersman ; — = cube, n. Btem, poop, aft; — feber, / taii-f.-ather (of birds) ; — flii.]cl, m. .v. T. dog-vanes, featb — fnfi, to. the antenna- foot ; — bol;, n. belin- piece ; — foiupaft, vi. steering com- pass ; — lafttjl, adj. too much by the slern; — malt,/, rudder-mould; — = maun, to. pilot, Bteersman, steer-mate; — maimefunft, /. art of conduct steering a ship, navarchy ; — niaaf, m. second mate: — Itagel, to slay pin. linch-pin ; — rab, n, wheel of the helm, steering-wheel; — recp, ». wbeel-rope, tiller rope ; rudder , — ruber, n helm ; — febote, /. jv: r mizzen-duct ; — ftaa* ge, /. whip-staff; — t.ilje, /. belm- tackle, Ste It er, / [pi. -ll) I. contribution ; 2. tax, assessment, impost, cround rent ; 3. + aid, help, assistance ; I. protection ; jur — bei SBnprbeit, m compliance with truth; etne — auefcpreibeii, to make an assessment; to raise contri- butions (money); cine — ciiitveibei!, to gather, collect, receive taxes : com- pos. — aillt, ?/. court of aids, ofl assessment, board of lazes, custom- otiicc; — antage, / tax, duty; — an* febiag, vi. assessment of taxes; r.u.-: — beanttc, ?«. commissioner of taxes; — bebiente, m. exciseman; — be'cbl, m. money-edict ; — betbeiluiig, / vid — anfd)lag; — bud), ». book in which the taxes are entered : — collegium, n. court of aids; — Cbict, « ed taxation ; — ciuucbmcr, — eititreiber, m. collector, receiver of taws; — er» bebuitg, / levying of uixes; — er« la'";, m. remission of taxes; — feci, adj. scot free, exempt i. im taxes or duty; — fretbeit, /.exemption from taxes or duty; — flip, m nJ. — dU* febiag; — jelb, » i. tax-money; 9 good money .in SaXOO] : — faUIIUCt /.exchequer, board of contributions, — faffc, f. cash of the taxes: — fuff< (in £odifcii), bank; — fafitrcr, M tlUI ©tifi) jashier of the taxes; — foril, n. corn paid in lieu ofa tax : — fteiG, m. juris- diction of an exchequer, treasury- district; — khcil, n. Bef liable to be taxed, to be levied on; — orbnunfl,/. regulation of taxes and rates; — pfltcf)= tii]. adj. obliged to pay taxes; — pfltdjttQfeif, f. liability to be 'axed or assessed; — preffet, »"- collector for irrears of taxes : —tat?, m. counsellor of the taxes, of the court of aids ; — = TCilifter, n. —VOilC, /. tax-register, list pf duties; — M)C,/. tax affair, matter concerning the taxes; — fammler, m. tax-collector; — fafc, m. rate ;— fchcin, m.receipt for the taxes; bill of the taxes (ill ©arhfcit, bank-bill) ; — fd)VCt= ber, m. clerk of the tax-office; on the tax-department ; —flube, /. tax-receiv- ing-office; — tag, m. tax-day; — UlTt* laqc, /. assessment of taxes; — bei'= rodltcr, — vcrroefcr, ik. administrator of taxes; — VUCJVlt, n. system of taxes and rates ; — jvlhlcr, ik. tax payer; — * JCttfl'ci^, m. fin Roman chronology) in- diction ; — JCttd, m. bill of tax, tax- ticket. 6 t e li e V b a r, adj. taxable ; liable to tax or duty ; tributary. 6 1 e ii c r b a r f c i t, /. liability of being rated or taxed. © t c ti c v c v, m. vid. ©tcnerntcinn. ©tetter it. v. a.s-n. (aux. ljaben) l. to steer, pilot ; 2. to pay taxes, to con- tribute; :i. {with dat) to check, put a stop to; prevent, hinder, restrain; 4. provinc to prop; help, aid, support; aufefWClS — , to be intent upon; fid) Ollf etlVitS — , vulg. to lean upon, rest upon ; {li etmaS — , to contribute to. »V". Sitiitrn, 25fbrcn (cintr Sadje). ' rhe .trmer originally eiju'r.-ilent to 3iid;tiacu, m^des mire tu the rigli' of settms celain li=its to a thing or psrsi js, the latter more to the means adopted fur checking an evil. God ftoutrl bem ©iillBrr (tlie sinner), ;. e. causes or enduces him to turn aside, restrains him from the path of sin; we must rocbrcii (check, put a stop to) the idleness of a child, Did. •JUfrtrebrtn. Hence the former seems to he **to restrain, to repress" and the hitter "to guard against, to ward off." 5 tCli eriltl fj, /. steering; contribu- tion ; checking ; compos. — SjtflUgf, f: JSlin. T. the rod which serves to re- gulate the lifting of a column of water. & tc » e it, m. JV. T. Corbel: — , stem ; prow-post; opiiltcr — , stern-post. ©tCDCtl, <3tC»eiiett, v.n.JV. 7'. to be under weigh. ©tckjertna v f, ©teijermarfer, adv. like a step-mother, cruel, cruelly ; — fd)ll>flrt,cr, m. step-brother-in-law; — fdjlbefter, /. step-sister: — fpfjlt, m. step-son, son-in law ; — tOft)tCl', /. step- daughter; — bater, mi. stepfather, father in-law. Syn. Stlefonlfr, 1> f I f a tea t« r, Sti.f. in ii t It r, '}tf 1< Af niii lltr. These worJ» correspond exactly to step-father and fostef fither, stepmother and foster-mother. ©tie fel, m. (-8; pi. — S—n) l.boot, 2. T. tube, case, vessel; 3. joe. manner, way, train; fpiiuifobc — , vid. ®pa* nifd); feinen guteit — laufen, tvins fen, it. f. ro., to run, drink as well as any one; — ill Ciller s 4>Ulllpr, sucker, embolus; compos. — flblillj, m. boot- heel; — ansiehev, m.boot hook; — bflltb, ?). boot-strap; — blorf, m. boot-tree, — boof, ik. boot-horse ; — brctt, — tioij, n. boot-tree: — bhvftc, /. blacking- brush ; — cvbfen, pi. peas for planting ; — formift, ailj. boot-formed ; — fufi, "i 1. shoe of the boot; 2. good foot for a boot; — fllfSblott, k. T. the upper leather of the shoe ofa boot; — futtrr, h. boot-lining : — ijcftoll, n. vid. • — * breft; — bafen, ?«. boot-hook; — = fapve, /. top of a boot; — fncd)f, ra. bootjack; — folbdl, ih. lower pump- box with flaunch ; — tfbtt, n. boot leather; — lciftdl, IK. boot-last: — ' lltadlOf, ik. boot-maker; — ntallfd)Cfte, /. a linen boot-top: — lltat), n. Iioot- measure; — miiltbung, / T. bore ol the working-barrel (in hydraulics) ; — = llOIIIie, / nun of the third order of St Francis; — V^fcer, ik. shoe-black ; boot cleaner; — (lit aft, ik. — qitajte, / tassel of a Hessian boot; — riciltcit, ik. leather thong for tying the boot at the top ; — rbljre, f.T. barrel, main : — fd)(tft, m leg of a boot; — fitlialle, /.boot buckle; — fdmvirje, / blacking ; — • ftnilltpf, m. boot-stocking; — jtltlpe, f ,„•,/, _fappe; — nndife,/ blacking, yoifbfcv, ih. one who blacks booU ; —jiobev, ik. vid. — fnedjt. *© ttefelcttf, / (pi. -It) spatter- dashes. ©tiefcln, ?•. a. 4 rcfl. pui or (one's) boots; bev ficfticfcltc ,«ater, puss in boots; 2. ^ohlU'H, (Jvbfeit — , (/. it.) to stick or prop beans or peas, &c ©tie felting, / r. the propping o4 the. vine. <£ttf em eta ©tie a,, m. Bid. ©tetfl. »fer, m. taurobolium ; — fchilti, m. shield covered with a bull's hide ; — ■= fillll, m.fig. hull-headedness, stubborn- ness; Bid. Starrftitit. 2 1 1 c v, I. nJj. staring ; II. adn. staringly ; oid, Starr. 2 t \ t V e It, v. n. {am. f)abeit) to stare, ook amazed. 2 ti e r c it, v. ha, to cover the cow; 11 n. to long for the bull. @ tier ft tl it, m. vid. @ tan-fin n. 2 lift, m. (-(•$; p/.-t) i- tack, tag; pin, peg; 2. style, pencil, crayon; stump; compos. — Munte,/. /; /' albuca ; —favbe, /. (=SPafteIIfar6e) pastil, pastel; — geiltiilbe, «. crayon-painting or drawing; ■ — fllMcit, in. T, knot in marble) ; — tod), n. tag-hole, rivel hole (with painters), point hole ; — niadjer, vi. a maker of tags, brails, studs, Ate; — Illilkvct, /. 1. painting in crayon ; 2. mosaic painting; — }cid)lllllig,/ pencil- drawing, crayon sketch. 6 1 i f t, n. (-c3 ; pi. -e A> -er) l. (cha- ritable) foundation; monastery; chap- ter ; 2. + covenant ; :ompos. oid. 2tift3. 2 t i f t e [ II, v. a. provinc. to mark with points or dots, to dot. 2 t if ten, v. a. I. to found, establish, institute; 2. to be the author of; to cause, excite; to make; llltglucf — , to breed mischief-, A mi I It fit) .lit — , to make friendship; ciltCtl CrbCll — , to create an order. Stiffen, v. a. to tack. 2tlfter, m. 1-5: pi. — ) founder; author. 2 t i f t e r i ll it, /. 'pi. -en) foundress. 2 ft f t f j dl, ) adj. belonging to a faun- is ti ft I i dp, $ dation or chapter. 2 t i f t $ = a 111 t, n. chapter court ; ca- nonicate; — aintniaun, m. bailiff of a chapter; vidame; — baiter, m. peasant, tenant of a chapter ; — bcailltc, m rid- — nmfmatut; — blume, /. albuca; bastard aCEtr of Bethlehem; — bvicf, m, letter or document of foundation ; — = burger, m. citizen subject to a chapter; — bairn - , — fian,/. — fraulein, n cano- ness ; — bedvtiit, m. dean of the chapter; — borf, m village belonging to a chapter; — gvbaube, «. chapterhouse ; — genti'i= nc .\- — fteinetllbe, /. community of a chapter; — i]CHDfj, hi . -f member of a chapter, capitular ; fellow ; diocesan ; — Cjlifb, n. vid. — geitojj; — ^ltt, 7i. properly of a chapter, college, &c. ; — s (jitter, pi. revenue of a foundation ; teinporalia; — bouptilinnil, m. bailiir of the chapter; — baiiptiitaitiifcbaft, /. bailiwick of the chapter; vidamy ; — = battS, n. chapterhouse; house I ing to any pious foundation ; — Ihtv, vi. canon dignitary ; — l)iittc, /. taber- nacle of tesiimony or of covenant ; — = lUtlflfer, /. nun ; — failjler, m, chan- cellor of tin; jurisdiction of a cathedral church ; — firdie, /. collegiate church ; cathedral; — llliifu'fj, adj. capable of being chosen a canon; — niit^iict, n. member of a chapter; — pfatre, /. living, curacy of a collegiate church ; — pf liner, m. parson of a collegiate church; — pfeilltii], m. monastical rents; — Vfriillbe, /. prebend; — = V'.'0Vit, m. provostof a collegiate church ; — reflierimfl, /. government of a chapter ; — frbule,/. foundation school ; school attached to a chapter; — ftaM, /. city or town under the jurisdiction of a chapter ; — ftilltb, m. state of a terri- tory subject to a chapter or bishopric ; — ftcllc, /. canonicate; prebendary; fellowship; — [tube, /.chapter-room; — till], 7«. day of the assembly of ca lions'; — Verfantinlungi /. meeting of a chapter; — ucniniltcr, m. steward of a religious community; church stew- ard, college-steward ; — wol/iuiua,, / oid, — bauS. 2 1 1 f t u it g, /. {pi, -cit) 1. foundation ; establishment, institution ; -. founding ; causing, making; eine fremme — , a pious legacy ; compos. — Sbtief, m vid, 2 lift a brief; — efeier, /. — flfeft, n. celebration of founding; — S|)Ut, n. estate of a foundation ; — Sfilpitill, it, capital or stock of a foundation ; — 6= jahr, n, year of foundation; — Stag, 7;i. anniversary ; — dlirftlttbe, /, docu- ment of foundation; — iSaHM'tC, pi. words of) consecration; — e-jeit, /. time of foundation. *2 1 1 g m a, 7i. {-'& ; ;)/. -to) stigma. •©tigmott flreu, « a. to stigmatize; ©ttgiltatifattDn, /. the act of stigma- tizing. •Stigmeolog! c, /. ac :?ntuatioa »2 t il, it. f. iv.. Bid. Styl, it. f. U). *o t i I b e, /. ( pi. -it) /.'. T. stilbe. •St libit, m, [pi. -\\\i Min T. sU bite; compos. — fvatb, 771. BUlbite-spar. •Stilett, 71. (-e3; pi. -e) stiletu pocket-dagger. ©till (2lille), I. adj. I. still, silent, hushed; S. quiet, calm; peaceable; 3 dull, inanimate, stagnant said of 1 — ftebeit, fiyCit, liegen, to stand snii, sit still, lie still ; — ffbivciijen, to 1 « silent, bold one's tongue; }U etiviie — frbiueigcit, to say nothing ; pass un- noticed, take no notice of; — balteil, . stay, pause, make a Mop ; tr. keep still, to submit quietly ; — e ! — e ! silence! peace ! be quiet! I ill — en, , privately, by on. ' — c I'lfer, the Pacific Ocean ; bet — el Ulad)t, m the dead of night; eitt — t^ 8ebetl ftitjrert, to had a quiet or retired life; c in — er -A'ii-ii'"d\ a still or - man ; ci it — c8 ®ebft, a mental prayer ; bee — c Jretl ' 1 iv ; bte — t 2l3od)C, the holy week ; bit — fJI (Makers; — t 2'Jaffer Rllb Hcf, froo. still waters are deep; 11. ado. Stilly quietly, calmly. St ill = am me, /. wet-nurse; — be= llliicft, adj. * happy in secret, enjoying a quiet bliss; — entjitfft, adj. * secretly enchanted; — flote, /. T. BOfl fiul dulciaoa (in organs ; — frieblidj), adj. serenely calm; — gctacf, n. 7*. fourth stop (in organs) ; — better, adj. serene and tranquil ; — lager, 771. quarantine, cantonment; — k'beil, 71. 1. quiet, re- tired or lowly life ; 'J. a subject in Dutch paintings; — llie||e, /. low mass ; — = liititel, 71. rid, ©tiUungsmtttcI ; — = fall, 77. anodyne salt ; — fduvcifjcit, 71. silence; lit 1 1 — fcbivei^en tibei^ebeit, to pass over in silence ; — )dilVi'io,e!l einbtubtll, to enjoin secrecy ; — febwet* geitb, I. part adj. silent, tacit ; — fdMVcU ejenb oerVfltdjtet fe'.ui, to be un tacit obligation; cine — fd}tt)tigenbt SBebtngUttg, an implied condition, con dition in law ; 11. adv. silently, laciily; — flaub, 171. standing still, stand, stop. cessation; — ftantealter, m. ag consistence, of full growth; — » ft.intcflagge, /. flag of truce; — fle= bene, adj. stagnant; — tiMit:. watchman. *©tillatiDtt, /. the falling in drops, oozing ; distillation. 2 1 1 1 1 f , /. 1. stillness, silence, quiet ncss, calm, calmness; 2. tranquillity ; It. modest retirement; bie — bei - X<3, calm of the sea ; ill bcr — , sih nt- |y; secretly; without noise or formati- in bee — leben, to live privately, to had a retired life; ill bet - ber 9laC>H in the dead Of niL'ht;_— Mil J^ailbel, dulness of trade; e« "betfiel it 11 18 cine — , we were becalmed. 2 ti I I C It, v. a. still, calm, appease. allay: to stop, Btay; 2. to nu suckle a child ; 3. to silence ; cittCIl 2lufrilbr — , to compose an uproar ; tie Sdjmerjen — , to a assuage, mitigate the pain; ben .1.11111 = ger — , 10 lay or appease the stomach ; bCIl S'llVft — to quench the thirst 2 t i ( I C It b, ywf.. adj. lenitive, allaying, ©tiller, in. (-8 ; pi. — ) quieter, calmer, appeaser. 3 til I bei f, /. oid, 2tille. StUlUtlg, /. 1. stopping, st.ixiiiL-, Btanching; 2. siiliim.*. appeasing, s-c; 3. suckling; compos. — Slllittel, n. a sedative remedy, anod] »e. *2 tilv lie-fiber 1 1. m. (-«; pi. ~t) .Mm. T. stilpnosiderije. Ii03 etiu s^ttr etccf 6 1 l m 1U b C r, adj. that may be tuned or brought to accord. S t i m m b a r f c i t, /. possibility of being tuned. 5 t i m m = b c r e cf> 1 1 g t, <«# entitled to vote; — bl'abf, m. T. stop wire (in organs ; — fSJHfl, na>'. r/feife, /. wooden life or flute ; — tccbt, n. right of votini ; — ritje, /. A. T. glottis ; — - rifceubaitb, n. .1. T. ligament of the glottis; — ri'ocucecfct, m. A. T. epiglot- : — fdjluffel, m. T. tuning-key ; — KScr, m. a tuning-instrument ; — = ftocf, /«. v^d. — ^C 1 5 ; — till], m. voting- day ; poiWay. 6 t i nt in e, /. (pi. -tt) 1. voice ; fig. sound, tune ; 2. Mas. T. part ; notes ; sound-post (in violins) ; 3. voice, vote, suffrage; right of voting; btc Diet — tt, the four parts of vocal music ; -iltj Ulli> — babeu, to have a seat and vole: nicbt bet — , not in voice ; bie tnncre — , the inward voice : ft'tlte — gebcil, to vote ; tie —It fa milte I It, to collect the votes, bie ofTCntlidje — , public opinion, public judgment ; compos. — 11= ti;d\ n. 1. Jlfus.r. (=5JJartttUt) parti- tion, score; 2. poll-book; register of - : — llfiibter, ra. leader, director (in singing' ; — ugeber, m. voter; elec- tor : — ngcbllltg. /. voting, polling ; — lt= llicbl'bcit, / majority, plurality of votes ; — ttmtllberbett, / minority (of votes: ; — tipvufuiig,/. vid. — nuntcrfuc&UHtj ; — r.Ulltlltlcr, m. one who collects the : — itfantntluitg, /. collecting of tlie votes; scrutiny; — nfcMiifjcl, m. Mux. T. the key, clef; — llftcht, — n= ftrbtc, — ItuntClfucbuiig, /. scrutiny; ■ — UJjMcr, 7ji. teller, counter of votes; — ntdblitllJ,, /. counting of votes. E 1 1 in Itt e II, p. I. a. 1. to tune, attune ; 2. fig. to dispose, induce to ; + to ap- . Sx; etiieu ft;: ttroaS — , to dis- pose one to something ; fid) JU ttivaS — , to hrins one's mind to a thing; gut gfftilltmi fe'.ill. to l>e in a good humour ; ill CtnMS geftillllllt \V.)a, to be inclined, sedfor; II. ». (auz. haben) l. to be in tune, accord ; 2. fig. to agree, ac- cord, congrue ; 3. to vote ; llttt or JU Ct;iv.3 — , to agree with. 2 t i lit lit C It, n. (-S) tuning ; voting. 2 t i in m e r, m. (-« ; pi. — ) 1. tuner ; 2. tuning hammer ; 3. voter 2 ! i lit nt i g, adj. of or for so many voices (in compos.). 6 t i 111 lit 11 n g, /. 1. tuning; tune; 2. voting; 3. disposition, frame of mind, humour; bie ftntltlid)? — i pub- lic mind, voice or feeling ; bie — tlidpt baltett, not to keep tune (Mas.E.). *2tilltu!lt§, m. (pi -It) stimulus; md, 2tad)ct, 2pern, Dicij, JErteb. f 2 till! It lire n, r. a. to stimulate goad, spur on, incite; ■ — be 3?Jittcl, stimulants, vid. Qlcijmtftel J 2timula= tun, f. stimulation. 2 t i u g c I. m. Hunt. T. wreath, tan* of a wild boar. Stinf, m (-cS; p/.-e)tlie stink (a species of lizard). Stint of Sttnfen, in compos. — nafi, n. stinking carrion; — apfcibaum, in. 604 garlic-pear-tree; — afailt, m. asafcetida: — baUDt, 77i stinking bean-trefoil; — blll= me, /. velvet-flower: — bocf, T7i. stink- ing he-goat; — camillc, /. may-weed; — faul, adj. vu.'g. very lazy ; — flif JC, /. Stinking fly ; — l)tlbu, m. provnic. lapwing; — bat!, „. vid, — afailt; — - fafcr, 771. buprestis; — Ealf, 7.1. bitumin- ous marlite ; — fofjl, m. skunk-weed : ■ — Ercffe, /. narrow -leaved dittander, wild cress; — loci), 71. vulg. dirty phace, stinking hole; — ratte, /. — tiucv, 71. pole-cat; — fdjroamnt, 7/1. stinnnorn; — ItCUl, m. stinking-stone, hog-stone (Lapis suiltus) ; — tOpfi m, stink-pot ; fig. stinkard; — Wttb, ». Sp. T stinking animals (foxes, badgers, &c.) ; ■ — Jtnf, 7i. fetid zink; — jittliobef, 771. fetid cin- nabar. 2 t i II E e ll, o. ir. 7?. (aux. babeu) to stink (of . , uadl CtllM? ; + to be in disgrace ; cr ftiuEt fciH - ^aulbeit, he is a great sluggard; tt ftiltft bor .*3offal)rt, he stinks of pride ; e§ fttllft micb alt, I loath it 2 till fell, 77. (-§) stinking. S If life lib, part. a/. — ) stinker, stinkard. &ti\\ t, Stinj, m. (-e» ; pi. -c) smelt. *cr 1 1 p a t i U, /. 1. stoppage, conden- sation ; 2. a crowd, crowded retinue. *2 ttpenb i artu S, m. vid. 1. 2i\z- lie;; 2. ©tipejtbiat. *@ 1 1 p e tt b t a t, m. (-ell ; pi. -eit) ex- hibitioner, stipendiary; (in English uni- versities) scholar. *© tip enbtunt, m. (-8; pi. 2iipei;= bia JS- 2til>Cllfcteil) I. foundation, exhi- bition, scholarship ; 2. pension, stipend, wages. 2 t i ]> p c ( f o r in, /. [pi. -en) T. dot- ting-block. S tt pp e 1 1 (J, adj. $,■ adv. provinc. dap- pled, spotted, speckled. 2 t i p p e it, v. a. &■ ?i. (auz. fjaben) l. to steep, dip ; 2. to mark, dot, point. *2 t i p u I d n f, 777. (-en ; pi. -en) one who stipulates. *<3 1 1 p it 1 a t i It, /. stipulation. *S 1 1 S)U Ittt :;, o. a. to stipulate ; vid. 3J.u6bebii!o,en. © t i r It (2 time), /. >'. -eH) front, fore- head ; fig. face, insolence ; fig. etllC barte, eiferne — babeu, to be brazen faced or obstinate; ev til fjitjig bor bet — , he is easily provoked ; f llieill btc — bieten, to make head against one, to cope with one, to resist; btc — bod) tragen, to be proud; bie — einc» Set* ge8, top of a mountain ; bie — nil!* }eln, to knit the brow ; C» itcbt .\\('[- iunt an cer — geftbrieben, rottS cr int i^etjcu bat, you tannot read a man's heart upon his face : lit i t bei" — btttct) bie33aiie vcmicn tvoQen, fig. to persist obstinately on one's will ; compos. — - baiib, ii. frontlet, head-band ; — bcill, n. forehead-bone; — befcbldgc, n. front- piece, frontlet ; — billbe, /. frontlet, bandeau; diadem; — Matt, — blecb, n plate of metal, worn on the forehead: — fdf, 7i. .Irch. T. upper tympan ; — - gcgctlb, /.place about the forehead; — gefcbineibe, rt. ornaments for the fore- bi ad; — baar, n. fore-locks ; toupet; — - bb[)le, /. frontal cavity; — born, 7J. Irontal horn ; — biigcl, — bcfcr, m. bump in the forehead ; .•?. T. frontal bumps; — Eamill, m. crest of the fore- head; — flicbc!, — veiM, m. + frontal (instrument cf torture) ; — franfbett, / mad-staggers (of horses) ; — ErailU", J toupet; — Ipcfe, /. fore-lock; — Ic3 adj. fig. barefaced, shameless; — matter /. 7'. principal wall of a refining furnace , projecting wall; — ludllribctt, v. — - lliuefd, 7«. frontal muscle ; — plattc, /. facing, frontlet; — rab, n. cog-wheel: — tiltgcl, m. Gun. T. cross-rail, chiel rail (of a cannon stock) ; — vieiucu, m front-stall, frontal ; — tunjlet, m. .i. T. corrugant muscle; — ffblagarci - ,/. .-?. T frnnlal vein ; — fcbltalle, /. buckle ol the bandeau; — fcbltcllcr, m. fillip on the forehead ; — fcbneppc, /. peak of a lady's morning coif; — fcite, /. fapade; — fpangC, /. buckle or clasp worn fol ornament on the forehead ; — ftiicf, ?!. frontlet, front-piece, forehead-piece ; — t^eil, m. vid. — ftiicf ; — tlltb, 7! frontlet (for horses of a mourning coach) ; — liv.ttt, /. fronton (of a build' ing : — ivarie, /. a wart in th.- head; — llMffel, 771. curl-paper for the front-hair; — roillfet, 7«. angle of the temple ; — JlVCl'g, in. .1. T. branch o( the frontal nerve. 2 t i V li, /. (pi. -tn 1 sea-swallow. <3 1 i v n e n, o. 77. (i. uj gegen cir.en or ctnv.o — , to face, front, stand opposite. 2 t i r It t g, adj. having a forehead, faced, principally in compos. 2 t c b e it £ r a U t, n. (-eS) S.T. stoebe. 2 1 b e r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) 1. shower (of rain), snowstorm: 2. vi>l. ©tdllber; compos. — WCtttr, a. weather when snow or rain is drifted by the wind. 2 1 b C r t g, ailj. flying about like dust or fine snow. 2 t C b C r It, v. I. a. to start, raise, beat up. chase, drive; II. n. (aux. baben) 1. to fly like dust, to blow about like dust; 2. (of snow) to be driven or drifted in very fine particles ; 3. to be on the hunt ; 4. to rummage. 2 1 is b I ?, 71. (-c3 ; pi. -Ijoljer) T. plug (of a refining-furnace). 2 1 b 1 1 n g, m. (-e§ ; pi. -e) a species of mushroom. *2 t c di a b i u nt e,/. 2ti.\f asfraut, n. French lavender, stoechados, cassidony *© t d) d ft i f, /. the doctrine of prob- ability. *2 1 rb d u i f d\ adj. vid, Thuhnci^ licb, SBabytfrbetulid). 2 1 6 di e v, m. (-S ; pi. — ) picker, tootb- picker. 2 t e cb c r 11, v. tt. Sr »■ [aux. baben) to prick, poke ; to pick ; bie 3db ne — , to pick the teeth. *<5 1 5 dj 1 fl lite, /. the formation or origin of elementary matter. * 1 5 cb 1 in e t r t e, /. t. stoichio- metry, doctrine of cliemical pro- portions. * © t 5 cb i lit C f r i f cfl, adj. relating to stoichiometry ; — C 3 4l ^'» chemical equivalent. Stocf, m. (-eS; pi. 2t?cfc) 1. stick, staff; walking-stick; cano ; 2. trunk, stock, stem ; tree ; plant ; stump ; 3. block ; 4. bee-hive ; 5. stocks, block- house ; G. story (of a house: ; T. Typ. T. tail-piece; ink-block; ink-slice; 8. sill; 0. fur. vulg. blockhead, stupid fellow; 10. stock; capital; — citteg .Onto-?, block: bet — turn SUmofen, ; 1 . ir's box ; iibcr — nut 2tciit fprtn* gen, to leap over hedge and ditch: cincit .*3ut fiber ben — fcblagec, ta uut a hat upon the block ; compos. — ' Stccf Sto etcr tax, — asiev, ?«. hobby, Hack eagle, ln.mitain eagle; — cilt, adj. very old, old as Methusalem ; — ambofl, m. stock- anvil; — aillCtfe, /. the migratory ant; — amfel,/. tin; nug-ouscl; — atbcirev, m, a string-twister ; — banb, », cane- ribbon, cane-string; — banbcfcen, n. top-knot; — befrblag, vi. mountings of a cane; — bcfcit, m, broom with a stick ; — bejtfcer, m. M. E. (I. it.) stock- holder; — btlP, ?i. + statue; — blillb, adj. stone-blind ; —, m. arch of a vault; — bovine, — bfittf, 11. f. n).,7«. downright Bohemian, Briton, John Hull, &.c. ; — rfgeil, m. sword cane ; — bllinin, adj. thick-headed ; stupid in the highest degree ; — bliufcl, adj. vid. — fittftcr ; — biirr, adj. very dry ; very lean or meagre ; — •elite, /. stock-duck ; — = ffbfe, /. wild pea ; — t'VJ, n. ore in masses, in great jumps; — eille, /. c-?ot ; — falf, w. saker ; — faulc, /. rottenness on the stem ; — febcr,/. head- quill in a goose-wing ; — ftebel, — flCtflC, '. small fiddle, kit; — jtllf, m. linnet; — ftllltcr, adj. very dark; pitch dark; — fifdi, m. stock-fish; cod-fish; jig. I'm/-/, blockhead; — ftfrbfai'..], m. cod fishing; — ff fdf>fJiiigcr, m. cod fisher: — fieri, m. fusting-stain ; — flccfio,, adj. fusty ; — fremb, adj. entirely unacquain- ted, quite strange ; — getge, / pocket- violin, kit, rebeck ; — gelefjrt, adj. very teamed, pedantic ; — gut, n. l. hereditary estate; 2. landed property when cleared from timber ; — Ijauieil, m. a landing- net; • — bane, /. a line (for clearing, &c ) ; — biiiibler, m. cane-man; — = pailS, n. block house ; — Ijolj, "■ fire- wood made of the stumps and roots, stump wood; — jobbev, — btofcr, m. vid. ©torf 8reifer ; — jobberei, /. stock- jobbing; — Jllbe, m. downright jew ; — = ftel, m. pinion ; — flicd)t, m. jailer's assistant; — fllOpf, m. cane head ; — =■ freitf, /. hard chalk ; — dicf, m. stick- lac ; — [amp?, /. socket lamp ; — lfls tenic, — leiifhte, /. cresset-light ; — * mafler,™. stockbroker; — mane d)cu fit II, adj. stock-still ; — llieiftcr, m. gaoler, keeper of a prison ; — meffer; n. crooked vine knife ; — lU0l'tt)cI, /. ear-moril ; — liacft, adj. stark-naked ; — nan - , »«. arrant fool ; jester ; — ol)fe, /*. cane-eye, stick eye; — petftbilft, n. counting-house seal ; — preffe, /. large press used by bookbinders; — priU a,el, pi, cudgelling, bastinado; ev toer= iient — priigel, be deserves a caning ; — ratlin, m. T. piece of ground which has been cleared of slumps and trees, and convened into cultivated land ; — = Kfjifter, n, stock-book ; —voile, /. r. stock-roll (of wire-drawers) ; — rofe, f. rose-mallow, rose-poplar; — fd)fii, n. log of wood of the trunk, near the root ; — |djcere, /. large shears, fixed with one end in a block; — frflilliiiil. m. beating with the stick; Cl'lU'lt — ffjjiU ling bcfommcii, to be beaten with a stick; to receive the bastinado; — » fdiirin, in umbrella used as a walking stick; — fd)lafl, in. stroke with a Btjck; — fd)lCiiio, pl. Hogging; — feblange, /. stall' snake, scytale ; — fcfomipfru, m. rheum, stopping in the: head ; — fdirau= be,/, screw on the chops of a vice ; — * fpule, /. oid. — feber ; — ftctf, I. adj. very stiff; II. adv. obstinately ; — ft ill, adj. stock-still, motionless; — fh'eicft, vid. — fdjlag; — Sreiter, m. stock-job her; — Sreiterei, /. stock-jobbing ; — = tar.b, adj. quite deaf; — roadie,/, guard of the prisoners; prison-duty; prison: — roerf, «. story, floor ; b.i3 untcrfte — »erf, the ground-floor; — tabu, m. 1. wisdom-tooth; 2. cheek-tooth, grinder, molar to. til ; — jiril.O/,/. stick- ferrule. Syn. I. Stocf, Stub, ett.ftn. The two former correspond to the Englii vid. $irr tO if II 11 (1, /. (pi. -riO I. stagnation ; cessation; stopping; •.'.hesitation; 3. interruption. 3 t6f f, m.(-(i \pl.-t) I. matter; sub- stance ; subject matter; 2. subject; X material ; 4. stuff; silk stuff; compns. — baltiii, adj. material, substantial ; — balttjjfeif, / materiality; substan- tiality ; — lOi?, adj. immaterial, incorpn- ral ; ./;>. worthless; — loflilfeit, /. im- materiality, incorporality ; — name, m. name of matter, concrete noun; —- oerroanbtfdjaft, /. affinity of matter, material affinity ; — niOtt, «. vid. — - name. *3 t o f f(l a, e, / M. T. barrels, boxes (for dry articles). @t6 f fen, adj. consisting of stuff 3 to f ft a,, adj. material. 3 t o f f ( i di, a ij. 4> ado. (/. «.) material, bodily. 3 to b lie u, v. I. n. (n„T. baben) to groan : IL a. to utter with ;i groan. S t Bp II e it, n. (S) groaning, groan. 3 tohveii, vid. 3toven. *3 toict Sin US, m, stoicism. *<& t o t f e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) stoic. •3t0tfff), I. adj. stoic, stoical - II. ado. stoically. of Roman ladie« . -J. the st.,Uj or stoa *3 toll] eb ii h re n, pi. surplice feci *3 toltbi tdf, /. oid. aibtrnprit, Tiiiiunbeit. 2 1 6 1 1 e, /. >'. -n) Stollen, m. (-« ; pl. — ) 1. prop; post, foot (of tfa . baluster ; iron boohs ; -. cake, butter-cake, rnii ; nig; 3. Jlfot T. slulm. stream-work; horizontal works of a mine; Stoll, gallery ; i.vrurm Of bread ; 5. the prominent part of a ;ne ; compos. 3 1 6 1 1 e ii = a n a, a b e, /. Mm. T. the manner of heading and Ip ding a gallery ; — avbeif, / the working of the gang- way, gateway, tc; — arbeiter, m. a miner who mine-proprietor ; — teufe, / d a gallery from the daylight ; — V0'.IIC = tier, 77i. inspector of the mine gallery ; — UMgeit, T7i. a cart for ; timber of a gallery; — Waffer, n. watei flowing in the drains of a eall.r. — tveife, adv. from gallery to gallery, by i ..'ways. 3 toll en, v. n. T. to furnish with posts, props or hooks: to provide a horse shoe with kieii.s. to tough - fStfillner, m. (-s ; pi. — ) pn of a mine. 3 tolp, 77i. (-e3; pl -c i 3 t ol vcr, 77i. (-8; pl.—) stuml jig, 1. hinder; compos. — flicb'?, m stumbler ; — gang, m. walk a stumbler, of a trip 3 t o 1 v c r e r, 771. (-8 ; /./. — ) stumbler. 3 1 6 1 v 1' r ii a 11 fj, 7«. stumbling . 3 t I p e r i d) t, adj. rough, so as to oc- casion stumbling. 3 1 1 pel It, 0. ». (mi'. fe'.Mi t ble, trip : fig I blunder ; ba8 tsar Org geflolutrt, that was an cgre- gii hi-; blunder, 3 to 1 pern, v. (-8) stumbling, trip ping. 3 1 1 V r t a 11, ia. [-9] mdg. stumbler; blundei sr. 3 t 6 1 j. I. adj. proud, haughty, arm- gant ; prrsuniptu.ui> : -f- splendid, magnificent ; auf etu\i8 — fetiu, to he proud of B thing, to pride rule's self in. upon a thing; II. adv. proudly, haughti- ly, arrogantly; compos. — teltg, adj. ex tremely self conceited, proud, or vain ar a pea-cock COj £ t 6 1 5, 7N. (-e8) pride ; haughtiness, arrogance. Sto(}en $■ '©toljYren, ?-. n. (auz, habeiu to he proud., flaunt, strut. *© 1 ( 5 I r e t, m. (-8 ; pt — ) beau, spark ; proud fop. © t 6 I $ f r rt H t, re. (-e8) dodder, hell- 1 weed, devil's guts. ♦2 t d m a d) a I e, n. (-'8 ; /''• Stoma: | djalttll) Med. T. a stomachic. *© 1 111 a ch a 1 1 r p f c it, pi. stomach- ic drops. *2 t ma di ir e it, v. n. to have a weak or diseased stomach. *© t lit (} V a p £) i e, /. r. description of the mouth. © t it e II, vid. EtofjIlClt. © 1 6 p f 0/ ©forfeit, »« compos. — an= fcr, m. rid. ^fliditaufer; — arjenct, /. astringent medicine ; — far be, _ /. colour fur repairing a picture ; — ft|d), m. sucking fish, remora; — QCtnt, n. darning-yarn, darning-cotton; — f)aar, ». stuffing-hair; — jjttber, — lappeit, to, rags to stop holes up; — meificl, m. JV. 7'. caulking-iron ; — llieffer, n. 7'. knive for stopping the seams of the staves with ; — 11100s, m. moss for stopping any thing ; — lltUSfel, m. A. T. up obturator muscle ; — ttilbef, /. darning needle, worsted needle; — = liatf), /.darn; — fegcl, re. drift sail ; — tvad)8, re. hive-dross, bee-glue ; — = Wfijfer, pi. JV. T. stop-water; — werg, ». oakum for caulking. S t p f e I, rei (-8 ; pi. — ) stopper, cork ; fig. vu/g. short stumpy person. St Op fell, r.a. 1. to fill, stuff; to cram; 2. to quilt; 3. 10 darn, mend, stop a hole ; 4. to fine-draw ; 5. to obstruct, constipate; eilte jJJfeife — , to fill a pipe ; eilte Souteille — , to cork a bottle ; eiltem belt 'DJilUlb — , to stop one's mouth, to check one's talk. E t 6 p f e 11, re. (-8) filling, stuffing, darn- ing, fine drawing. E t p f e 11 b, part. adj. stopping, astrin- gent, styptic. Stopfer, m. (-8; pi. — ) stopper; cork ; tobacco stopper. © t p f e r e i, /. darning, stopping up. S t 6pf cr inn,/, (pi. -en) damer. E 1 6 p f it n g, /. stoppage. E top pel, /. (pi. -n) 1. stubble; 2. young feathers ; compos. — duel', m. — felb, n. stubble-field ; — bart, m. a scrubby beard : — b'.ltter, /. August- butter; — bad), ti. thatch-roof; — fe= ber, / quill-stumps on the skin of a plucked goose : — g'.Ul'S, /. stubble- goose ; — gcbidjt, n. compiled, patched poem, rhapsody ; — gTi. -en) cont. patch- ing, compilation. S 1 6 p p C I t fj, adj. full of stubbles. EtOppeill, v. a. to glean; fig. to patch together, compile. 2 1 p P e n, b. > V. T. 3cit or ©ejeit — , to stem the tide. E t 6 p p l r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) JV. 7*. stop- per. *2 t p p t It e, /. .«.'. -n) quick match, lui.t. 006 eto$ £ 1 6 p p I C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) gleaner ; fig. compiler. £tOpp»evjeit eiuen — geben, /am. etog to constrain one's self; — Ciller M.3* ItOUC, breech of a gun ; cill — Slctctl, a packet of papers, pile of documents - compos. — aar, m. kite ; — art, /. twy- bili; — bcivcgillig, /. protrusive mo- tion; — bocf, m. (battering) ram: — = begeit, m. thrusling-sword; rapier: foil; — cifcit, 71. stamp-iron; foil; — fcilc, /. paring file : — gain, re. old rope-yarn; bif Eege 1 oufg — gam fctjen, Sea Pkr. to stow or furl the sails with rope yarns; — gebet, n. short and hurried praye:, ejaculatory prayer: — gen)ei)r, n. thrust- ing weapon : — Ijerb, m. J\tin. T. a huddle; — fyofrel, m. cooper's jointer; — 1'Olj, re. wooden pestle ; wood in piles v heaps ; — failte, /. edge, skirt, hem , A* 7'. girds round about a ship; — U- gelbubit, /. — fegelfpiel, re. a portable table for nine-pins; — fcil, m. wedge between the keel and the ways ; — - Rampe, /. JV. T. cleat, kevel;"— tlin= ge, /. thrust-blade; — folbcil, m. 1. miner's bat or beater ; 2. mace (at bil- liards) ; — labe, /. joiner's plough; re- batting-plane ; — lilllje, /. fish-spear, harpoon; — [flppett, m. JV. T. top- lining; — matte, /. JV. T. mat, panch; — mau8, /. field-mouse; — ineoe, /. brown gull, arctic bird ; — lllbv|cr, m. mortar (for a pestle) ; — Iiaf)t, / a mode of sewing by which pieces are neatly joined together; — perlen, pi. seed-pearls; — riemeil, Jlf. T. jolting strap, clieck-braces ; — ring, m. nave- ring; — fage, /. hand-saw; — feufjcr m. pious ejaculation ; — talje, / J\ r . T. rolling-tackle ; — tl'Og, m. pounding- trough, chopping trough; — bogel, m. bird of prey; — lueife, adv. by starts, by fits ; by shocks ; — roeif, re. 7*. scapement, escapement ; — llMllb, m. JV. T. sudden and violent squall of wind ; — tuiilfel, ?«. T. angle of percussion.of the momentum. £tb"f3el, m. (-8; pi.—) 1. pestle, pounder, beater ; 2. beetle, rammer. £ to fjeil, v. ir. I. a. 1. to thrust, push, knock ; to hit, strike; to kick; to butt; 2. to pound, stamp, bruise, heat ; 3. to put to, join: jtufailtmet! — , to join; ctiient ba8 SKefter, ben S'oid) in tie syrilft — , to run a knife, a dagger into one's breast; eillCll ill8 2Bilffcr — , to plunge one into the water; eiltcil $fabl ill bit' (5'rbe — , to drive a pile into the ground; Cttt Fpflaftcf ebcit — , to ram down a paving; liber bdl <€>er — , to pulverize ; @elb jiifammeu — , to collect money, to make up a sum of money; CttlCIt tJOl 1 belt JflPpf — , to give offence to a person ; fig. S)01I ftcb — , to chase, turn away; to reject; fciu Sffieib von fid) — , to re- pudiate or divorce one's wife; If rrjl, to hurt one's self; ftd) ail ettvaS — , jyr. to stick, hesitate, scruple at; to take offence at; barait ftofit e8 fid), there h the rub; e8 ftofjt fid) nod) ait etma8, there is somo hindrance to it yet ; III. re. (aux. babeit Sr fepn) 1. to push against; to strike against; to strike. touch; 2. to pounce (said of birds of prey); 3. 10 recoil (said of guns) ; 4. to blow (a horn or trumpet) ; 5. to meet unexpectedly (aitf . .) ; C. (ail . .) to he contiguous, to abut, confine, border upon; 7. to join, unite (ill . .) (said of soldiers); ail or ailf Ctipa8— , tn dash, run or hit against ; tie Wfiferei ftiefi cvft cinige Sage bavattf 511m 4J>eetC, the cavalry did not join the army till a few days after; llltt belli jtoyff till bit ilfailCl' — , to dash or hit lhn head against the wall; nut bem glttJI 111 ttltHlo — , to stumble against ; Med. '/'. stra- *© trnbo ft t a t, /. $ bismus, squint- ing. * 2 t r a b 1 1 i f cb, ad/, r. squinting, ©trdcf, odj I. strait; 2. J^. hasty, sturdy; — CtS <5llj)c3, immediately. 2 t r d cf [ i d), I. «<■//. sudden, speedy ; precise; II. adv. speedily; immediately ; precisely, strictly. SttdcfS, adv. straight, straightways, uutright, immediately; feitt (Siltfcblufi tone — ftcfntjt, ll(; took an instanta- neous resolution. S 1 1 8 f - (1 tit t, n oflice of correction, of punishment; —, /. imposi- tion (at schools; ; — befeb,!, m. order for punishment; — bud), n. book in which the lines are entered ; — hcfvci= Uiift, /. liberation from punishment; full pardon, amnesty; — beifpict, n. a public example; — bltif, m. an admoni- tory or menacing look; — biltb|C, /. box for fines;, — clnufcf, /. penal clause ; — colonic, /. convict-colony ; — bifbtfl", m. a salyrical poet, salyrisl ; — bieilft, m, convict-service: ; — tltftcl, 77i. avenging angel; — crltl|)uilft, /.re mission of punishment; — eticfter, m. person who pays a line ,,r forfeit ; — ft* Icidltminn. /. mitigation of a punish- ment or line; — fall, m. case in which a penalty is indicted; — fnllift, adj punishable, guilty, culpable, finable ; — = Tallin, UHHceil, to incur a penally; — s fiiUtgftit, /. punishableness; — ferttfl, ,1,7/. ready lo punish; - — f l"C tin it, / ex- emption from punishment; an sty; — (jebot, 7i. order accompanied with a menace of punishment; — (Jflb, u. fine, amercement; forfeit; — flcuofi, m. fel- low-culprit; fellow-convict; — ftCVCd) = tiftftit,/. penal justice; right of punish- ing or lining; — ftCl'idlr, n. 1. punish ing, chastisement, judgment; 2. court, tribunal of punishment; — oefang, m, — ftCbicfyt, 7i. a satirical poem, satire; — ftcfci}, n. penal law; — ftcfetjbiuh, n. pennl code; — fiifft, 771. punitive war; — lo3, I. adj. 1 exempt from punish- ment, unpunished; 2. undeserving of punishment, guiltless, innocent ; II. adv. without being punished; with impuni- ty; — lOHftftit, / impunity, exemption from punishment; innocence; — rvv\'.= ti'l, 71. means of punishment; — pTebU ftiT, in reprehender; censurer. moralizer ; — prebtgt>/.castigatory sermon ; severe lecture; cincm cute — pvcciftt batten, to read one a severe lecture; — l'cd)t, 77. l. right of punishment; 2. penal Justice; — vebe, f.vid. — prcbtflt; — = vcfttftcr, 71. register of punishments and fines; ■ — vid)tci', in. the judge who punishes; crown judge; recorder; — - VUlbC, /. scourge, rod, birch; — filty, m. forfeit (at games) ; — fd)id)t, /. .1/777. '1'. compulsory work assigned as a punishment; — febrtff, /. satirical writ- ing: — fuiltlUC, /. penal sum. penally; — tnft, nt. day of punishment; — iibcl, 71 punishment (considered as an evil ; — UVtl)Cil, 71. punitory renu no demnation ; — fOUrbift, adj. punisl — vouvbiftfeif, /. punishaWem - <2> t rfif bar, I. adj. guilty, punis liable to punishment, ci iminal, culpable ; II. adv. guiltily, culpably. 2 traf bar f c i r, /. guilt, culpability. punishableness. (Strafe, /. (/,/. -ll) 1. punisl nt. punition, correction, chastisement, cas- tigation, penalty ; 2, fine, mulct, ai mem; bet — bc-3 . . , upon pain of .. ; bet fdnocven —it, una penalties; ntic 5111' — , to punish me. for my penance: ■ — UibCtl, to undergo a punishment; bic — evlaffflt, to remit the penalty, punishment ; (SitattOtl bci — , subpoena. Syn. Blnift, Buif, 3 Ii it) tigiing. Sugl is ilie iiidciuTiiii.-.iiioii, re[iantiiun, itmendfl wbiuli a person who ban tl"ii« wrons or who bad committed an injury has to make either by reimbunement or other mode; !buf;< ia ire atoaemenl ; every oilier - whicli he has to undergo lor the < > wrong committed is the" Straff c. i. | or punishment ; when the parly th il tlie punuhmenl haB the intentii n the reformation of the party punished, in that . iae Uie 3tr.if< ia a -nJ»ii.vm^ or i n:ent. Some Struftii may I the same time. They are Strafcil/ as the deserved and proportionate < a crime; they are ^uJmuvimoi as a mi improvement. The 3ccf^flra|C a|nl:i nient) ran lor tins reason I"- ";► snjil^unj, lor in tins l.le no reformation can be effected by it. 2 tea fen, v. a. 1. to punish, chastise, castigate, lo inflict a punishment ; 2 to reprove, rebuke; iiiu Vcbeu — , to inflict punishment of life; nil ©tlb or inn ®elb — , to fine, amerce; init SBortett — , to rebuke, blame ; cillCll SUftft! — , to give one the lie. 2 t v n f C 11, n. (-6) punishing, &c. Strfifer, m. (-6; pi.—) punishet chastiser. Strctff, I. adj. 1. stretched, extended, dense, close, tight, strait; 2. fig. full; pregnant; c t ii — Ci3 2eil, a tight rope; Cilt — Cf SeUtel, a full purse ; — inn = dll'll, to straiten, stretch, make tight : II. ado. straitly, close ; — nnlicftcii. to lii, Bit close; compos. — fctCV, _/'. T, a stiff-spring; boll stay; — feil, n. a rope. 2 tfdffcu, p. a. old. 2tvnff nnidien. Sttdffheit, /. st i.i i m-d in >s, slrait- ne-s, tightness. ictfaflidi, I. adj. 1. reprehensible, blameable*, wrong ; faulty; 2. culpable, punishable; criminal; .'). + stint, severe ; II «,,',•, blameablv, repreheiisi bly. 2 t f.if li di f c i f, f. i -. punishableness, S tra f litl g, vi. (-c«; pi. -c) culprit, offender, 2 tfUef, m.(-C«; pl.-(\\ I. beam, ray (of light ; ■-'. lightning, flash of light- ning; .'I. Hash of water, water spout 4. 7'. spoke of a wheel ; T j frog of • horse's loot; b IS. '/' spoke; 7. + arrow; cin fcbucUer — , glance; — cit febic* VCIt or roerfeU, to dart beams;; com- /-„.. — deer, /. vein of the frog of a - foot; — Heme, /. zincum galena; — boitnerftritt, — feil, ■unite, rid. X" DltllCV ftcill ; — -bUs blcttc, /. Couch, t. e sunbeam; — > fcucr, n. jet of light a blazing bulit ; — * flilUlltCr, i7i. Mriateil mica; — ftipS, m. fibrous gypsum, English talc; — ftlint» mer, >«. aid, — fiiinimt; — loVf, ■ Ji. T. ihe distaff-thistle; — forb, m. /'. the radiated macira ; — = lllllfdui ,/. scallop cockle; — C11UU?, in. fibrous quartz; — icl'f, n end of the )..-: |d)0fl, 777. radiated schorl; — fh'iu, m. ptomoaa -, stralstein Min T ; — = (ireirf), m. vrooinc Hash of ligbl — OCIIII?, Conch. T. the cross-cockle ; —wetter, it ttnenotttci ; — ruiirjtl,/. the lily encrinite. 2tfal;I, m. (-C*; pi. -e) prmrine. 1 comb; 2. Conch. T. bid. 2 tiahl'.'CUUS. S t v3 b I e n, r. n provntc to comb (the hair. Mix, otc. ; to curry a horse); fig. lid) — , to rig w s self 2 t f n b 1 c n, r. a. tt n. (r.xr. bnbe.:) to beam, radiate, cast forth rays. 2 t v n b I c ii = n it ft c f i di t, — anttitj * w. radiant face: — a»bcft, «, fasci- cular asbestos: — ItUftC, n. * a beaming, fiery eye ; — blume, /. a flower with rays ; — Mlttflter, /. JI. T. the ciliary vein of the face) ; — brca)cub, adj. re- fracting; — bredjuitft, /. refraction (ol the rays of ligbl ; — blll'dicl, 177. Opt '/'.pencil of rays, optical pencil; lu- minous tuft; — foniiift, adj. radiated rayed; — gtaitj, tn. radiance; — ftU'- U't, 771. * galaxy; — IjdUpt, 71. * ra ; — fCftCt, 771. cone ur pencil of rays- — tovper, in. 1. radiating body; 2. A V. the ciliary body ; — frailj, m. — - ft'OIIC, /. a sparkling crown; glory nimbus, crown of glory; — lo3, adj rayle-s, beamless, without rays; — : n«r», 777. A. T. Ciliary nerve ; — piufcl, 771 pencil of rays; — reid 1 , adj. radiant, coruscating; — fopcitl, m. radiating light, sheen ; glory ofsainl ; — fdjlafl 5 Ober,/. A. T. ciliary artery; — fytA* ttv, 771. Opt. T. prism ; — thieve, pi. the cchinodermata; — ivcvfcn, n. irra- 2 t c it b i c 11 b, adj. radiant, shining. 2 t f a b 1 i d) t, adj. like rays or beams. 5 1 tS t) I i ft, adj radiant, radiated : — C ,7,-ftcftl'ilMlC 83 lllllieit, radiated flowers. S tt fi h 1 11 II ft, /. (/;/. -CI1) radiation. r t v a b u, 771. (-tt ; pi. -!) ) skein. 2 I v it b II e, / 5 hank (of any twisl . © t f d I; II t) a It f, vi. (-(&) undressed hemp, @ t I'd fen, 7-. <7. -troke; 71,/. itt'eidielii. '2 trd lcto, 7.1. .1/ E ■ I 'l ; erftlcicb, Ucbeccitifuitfi. *2 t v a I j i v c ti, r. a. M. /.'. to settle amicably, lo .1 * 2 t v a in U, m. (-6) sort of fine canvas for tapestry-work. 2 t r d 111 nt, n // rid 2 It nrT. S train 9 tin, •■■ « (ok* baben) to kick. S tram pf en, » » [aux. baben) 10 stamp, 2 t r d It b, 771 {-tt) strand, beach ; shore. itllf evil — liiuft'll, lo stiand. drive oa G')7 Strfi ,he strarw. *«f bttl — roerfctt, to throw upon the beacb; compos. — barS, m. sea-percli ; — fifcfa, in. fish caught on the beach; — ftfdierei, /. fishing on the beach; — gcrerbtigfeit, /. juris- diction over stranded goods; — SlUt, 71. stranded goods, flotsam ; — jftger, m. arctic gull, dung-hunter ; — lainille, /. sea shore camomile; — Fohl, m. sea- ca l e . — tcabbt, f. the common crab; — fraitt, ?i. any littoral herb; — fl'cfff, /. sea-bunias, sea-rocket; — Iilttb, n. shore, coast, strand; — laufcr, m. strand snipe, sanderling ; — lliufchct, /. spoon- shell; — pfttfer, m. ringed plover, col- lared plover; — t'cchf, n. 1. strand-right, sborage, law respecting stranded goods ; 2. right of appropriating such goods; — VCltCV, Bi. 1. long legged plover; 2. land-waiter, tide-waiter; officer that has the inspection of the shore ; 3. one of the preventive service on horseback ; — vicbtfV, m. arbitrator of averages; — riebgraS, n. arrow-headed grass ; — VOjJsjeit, m. the sea lime-grass; — - rpfjr, ?i. sea-rush ; — fcbleidnr, m. Conch. T. triton littoreus ; — fcbllCpfe, /. the common sandpiper; — fd) lltcv, m. Cunck. T. the littoral nerite; — fentfe,/ B. T. round rooted sea-club- rush ; — fparget, m. sea-asparagus ; — ftein, m. shingle ; — fccnimlter, m. clerk for the revenue arising from amber; — OOflt, in. sworn officer that has the inspection of the dikes along the low shores; — tuarbc, /. shore- watch, preventive ; preventive men ; — NJCl'inittb, m sea-wormwood ; — = luillbe, /.sea-bindweed; sea-colewort. 3 t V Cl 11 b C It, v. n. (mix. fclW) to be thrown upon the beach, to strand, run aground; to suffer shipwreck ; filt gc= ftrailbt'tcS @djiff, a ship a-shore, a stranded vessel. tr t V d It b It tt (J, /. (pi. -Cll) act of being drifted to the beach or stranded. Strang, m. (-eS; pi. Strange) l. rope, cord ; trace ; 2. fig. punishment of being hanged, halter ; 3. string, skein ; glint — C t>crilVtl)Ct!t Werbett, to be con- demned to be hanged ; mtt bent — e vom Scbcit jnnt £obc gebraebt rcer= ben, to be hanged; ben — »erbiencn, to deserve being hanged ; an (Stliem — e Jtefoeit, fig. to act in concert ; Cttt — 3tiMcbe(u, a rope of onions; bit ©trftiige am SBaaett, traces; roenn alle Strange reificit, fig. when the worst comes to the worst ; compos. — = hafetl, m. trace-hook ; — leber, n. trace- leather. S t r an g e I, m. strangles, vid. fSrfife. S t r d n g c I b i r n, /. (pi. -en) choak- pear. S t r d n g c I n, r. «. vid. Stranguftren. © tr an g e n , ». «. (/. «.) l. to tie with a string ; 2. to strangle. S 1 1 d 11 g r i It g, m. (-t8 ; pi. -e) trace- ring. *3 t r a It g It 1 1 r e 11, v. a. to strangle ; MS — or bie Strangulation, stran- gulation. *S t r a it g It r t e, / Med. T. strangury. *S t r a p d J e, /. (pi. -It) fatigue, hard- ship, toil; bie —n bc« .JUtegeS, the hardships of war. *S t r a p a J If C ll, ?>. a. to overtire, harass, fatiguo ; fam. to knock ar do up ; Ctne gignr — , to overload, daub or murder a figure. *Strapa jtr ftetb, h. (-ce) a work- ing-dress. *3 t r d fi, m. T. straz. 003 <&tva S 1 1& b ll t (J, ii. (-«) Rtrasburg. Strafie, /. (pi. — it) 1. way; road, highway; 2. street; 3. narrow pass ; si rait, straight, frith; fliif freicr — , in the open street ; bie — POIl ©tbrds tar, the straits of Gibraltar; gel) betite — ! go your way! get you gone! compos. S t r d \i e it = a r b e i t, /. work in the high roads or streets; — avbcitcr, m. man working on the high roads or streets ; — anfi'eher, — bcrcitcr, m. sur- veyor of the highways, street-ward; — bait in. making of roads or streets; — bclcildltlllig,/. lighting of the streets ; — bicb, m. pickpocket ; — t(tt, f. corner of a street; — faljrcr, in. sailor that navigates the straits ; — fegtr, ;«. scav- enger; — gelfit, n. escort, save-con- duct; — gcjlltbcl, n. mob, vagrants, vagabonds; — jniige, m. little vagabond, boy in the streets: — vallb, m — l*iitt= beret, /. highway-robbery ; — riiltbcr (— plaifcr, — fcfjftnber +), m.higliway- man; — ranberiffb, adj. Sr ado. in the manner of, wby highwaymen ; — n'd)t, n. protection claimed and enjoyed on the high road; — fverruttg, /. closing, barricading of the streets ; — tl)iirr, /. street-door; — joll, m. passage-toll. *@ t r a t d r cb, m. vid. .gieevftibrer, (ScltbeiT. *3 1 r a t e g c m, n. (-8 ; pi. -e) vid. .UviegSlift', .ftitiiftgriff. *S t r a t e g I e, ~if. generalship, stra- * S t v a t e g C t i f, > tegics, strategetics, ♦©trategif, ) strategy. *S t r a t e g e t i f A), ) adj. strategic, *& t V a 1 1 fl i f C§, 5 strategical. "S t r a t i f i C If C ll, v. a. T. to stratify ; vid. Scbid)ten, 2luffc$tc§ten ; Stra= tificatioit, /.stratification. *S t r a 1 g r a p b t c, /. stratography. "S t V a 1 1 1* a t i e, /. stratocracy, mi- litary government. *S trot D n i f, /. vid. JtrtegSf itnft. *S t r d t n m, n. (-8 ; pi. Strata) stratum, vid. Scbid)t, Sager. S trafce,/. vid. Strojjc. mailbel, /. the dwarf almond-tree; — = incite, /. bushy orach ; — XOVtt, v. shrubs, bushes, underwood. S t r a ti d) c I it, v. n. (mix. feint $,• has belt) 1. to stumble, make a false atop ; 2. fig. to fail ; to fall. Sun. e t r o u d; 1 1 n, S t o I p t r n, ?r u s 1 1 i t f n. 'One gleitet ani upon a nmoo.h and slippery ^ir face, one ftotporl and ftrniidKlt (>tn trips) upon uneven ground, from not raising the f>ot high enough, so as to avoid the im- pediment; upon ice it is easy to aiiigtcittn. eiolpmi (stumbling, tripping) is easily avoided by looking before one nud l>v stepping ueyont that which might he kicked against ©trnm + combat; dispute ; strife ; brt3 roar eitt barter — , that was a hard struggle ; coinpon. — anaiiaS, in. the pine-apple; — ai'tig, adj. 1. resembling a bush, bunch or nosegay ; 2. of the ostrich family or genus; — asbcfl, 771. asbest in bunches or knots; — beci'e, /. Alpine currant; — billbcrillll, /. flower-girl; — bliiine, /. 1. a thyrsal. umbelliferous flower; 2. flower (in figured stuffs); — ft, 71. ostrich-egg; — elite,/, the tufted (luck; — frier, /. ostrich feather ; — fillf, 771. tufted finch ; — bllbtl, n. ruff (a bird) ; — magett, 777. fig. stomach that is apt to digest any thing; — nteife, / copped or crested titmouse ; — rabe, 771. tufted rook : — * fpci'liltg, 771. crested sparrow ; — fteitl= flad):S, 771. clustery asbestos; — tau* fher, 771. 1. crested grebe ; 2. goosander, merganser, — vocjel, 771. 1. a crested bird ; 2. vid. — 2. S t r ft li (j ct; e n, 71. (-S ; p/. — ) nosegay. S t r d ii |5 e r m ft b rb e n, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) a flower-girl. ©trdufiertopf, tti. (-c§ ; pi. -topf ?) bow pot. S t r d 5 5 e, /. ( pi. -tt) M. T. 1. waste- book, day-book ; 2. waste-silk ; compos. — ltgai'll, n. spun waste-silk; — Bs ftaillin, 771. carded waste-silk; Strebe, /. (pi. -ll) 1. shore, prop, stay, buttress; 2. fig. counter-effort, opposition, resistance; compos. — Dflts felt, 777. buttress, prop; post ; — baile, — bolj, ti. shore, buttress, stay ; — bo= gelt, 7/1. arch, pillar, supporting arch of a vault ; — f raft, / power or effort of stretching or expanding; — ntaiter,/ Arch. T. counterfort ; — pfat)l, m. stay, prop; — pfeiler, 771. buttress, spur, prop, stay; pier; — ftattgc, /. stay, supporter; — ftiifee, /. prop, stay, sup- porter. St re ben, v. n. (au X . 1) t v e i it e n, v.n.provinc. to rove aboul to ramble. 2 t r e i 11 c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1. tramp nd ; 2. a sporting dog broken in. © t r e i t, 7/1. (-ti) I. combat, fight; •: war ; 3. quarrel, dispute, 1 tention, debate, conflict, strife ; 4. liti gatioo, process, law-suit, controversy 111 — iicratecn, to begin a quarrel n te ; cineii — fd)lid)tc^ to com pose a quarrel, to decide a control 1 nod) im — c licgcn, to lie in abeyance till l)itjiger — , a sharp contest; eon pes, — AObailbllllig, /. polemic U or essay, disputation; — ail, .;'. battle axe ; — begier, — begierbe, / di longing i'or combat ; 7'. C ness; — beil, ?/. vid. — art ; — bede, m quarrelsome person, wrangler; — fcv= tljl, adj. ready, prepared lor thi bat ; — fl'agf, /. question, matter o1 dispute; controversy; point of contro versy; bie — fraje ftcllcn, to Btute the question; — gcift, 7/1. 1. disposition to quarrel; pugnacity; 2. a 1 fellow brawler, disputer ; — (jetlO fellow-combatant, — gc- fpv.ld), ?i. disputation; — gtllltb, in ground of the argument or controvi — fjaljn, m, ruff (a bud 1 ; — banimel. m. vnlg. cunt. rill, —boli I — iMllllllCr, axe, mallet; — bailbcl, m. law suit, litigation ; — hailbfctlllb, in In glove; gauntlet; — bengft, m. 1 horse, courser; — blibn, //. reeve; — » folbeil, m. club for fighting; whirlbal ; — EvaftC, ;-.'. active force.; —fllll: Ij. skilled in light ; — fllllft, /. art of disputing, art of debating; — - l.iur, m race, competitory course; — = Icbicr, m. d putant; — 1 1 1 ft, /. disputing, quarrel- some disposition; — luUt.i, . ihs posed, ready for, desirous of fighting; litigious; — inuthia,, adj. contentious, litigious, quarrelsome: — IHIItHo.fott, ■ quarrelsome disposition; — Vllllft, 711 matter in question; point of dispute . controverted point : — 1'iiC, /. di dispute; — rebllfr, 771. disputant; — » rtrbter, m. eid. SriebenSncfctet ; —•- ridiieranit, it, office of a county 01 magistrate: — roll, n war-horse, char ger; — farbe, /. matter in dispute, law- Mot ; — f.idn'ii, ///. litigioi — I'alj, in. controversy; — fdmev'e. / ruff (a bird), vid, — bubu ; — fitrifl, : — • fudit, /. litigi versy. quarrelsome tempai ; — fftdjtig, I. adj. litigious; disputatious, polemical. II , — tag, in. da> ■■' fight, day of battle; — tecclr.iie ./'. po lemic the. -I gy : — fioillig,/ disputation — iuiMhi ; i, d; — -iv>iffc. I poo : — lUflQfll, w. war-charint, car — li'c; ' nti lusty, litigiously by way of disputation cr d< etre 5 m etro Ctrcit, £tvcitn>iitfcii, m. periwinkle (a plant! St ret (bar, adj. 1. fit for batt.e o.- lighting; able; 2. warlike, martial, va- liant, stout; 3. actionable; disputed; d'.t — cr i§tlb/ a valiant hero. £ t r c 1 1 b a r f t i r, /. fitness for war or light ; warlikeness. 6 1 ret t e tt, d. ir. n. (aux. babcil) <$• r*- cifr. 1 to li^lit, combat, militate; 2. to struggle, contend; 3. dispute, quarrel, ■:,'. contest, litigate, controvert, debate or strive with one ; 4. to be at variance, to disagree, to be opposed to ; Hilt cni'rtS — , to contend for ; to quar- rel about ; iibcv CtluaS — , to dispute ; bag ftreitet nut tcr gefiuibeu SBer= nitttft, that is repugnant to common sense. £ t r e 1 1 e It, n. (-§) fighting, combating ; disputing, quarrelling, &c. £ t v C 1 1 e l! e, part. adj. contending ; — C OBartden, contending parties; tie — C Jvitcbc, the church militant. Strctter, m. (-$; pi. — ) 1 com- batant, fighter; warrior; champion;-, quarreller; disputant. £ t r e 1 1 b a f t, adj. of a martial or war- like temper. St vet tig, I. adj. 1. contending; 2. liiicated ; disputable, questionable, con- troverted, doubtful ; tie — e @(td)e,the matter in question; bie £acf>e ijt Itirri) WX peridot — , the suit is still pend- ing ; — itbev tttoai njevben, to be at variance about a thing ; Ctltcin CtUMs — lltadlCIt, to contest, dispute some- tliing, to call in question; II. cdc. litigi- ously, disputably, questionably. Streittgfeit,/. (pi. -en) dispute, difference, quarrel, wrangle, variance, litigation, controversy. £ t r c i 1 1 i cb, adj. rid. £tvc ttig. ► £ t V C 1 1 ft e, m. (-It ; pi. -It) one of the life-guards of the Emperor of Russia. S tie it c, /. (pi. -it) or Strcnrocvf, n. (-C§ ; pi. -e) gutter (in salterns). £ t V C It g, I. adj. 1. rough, sharp, harsh ; 2. strict, rigorous-; 3. austere, severe, rigid, hard ; 4. + tight, strong ; 5. Min. T. hard to be melted, brittle ; eitie — C Jliilte, a biting, nipping or sharp cold ; cut — cr ©eberfam, a strict obedience; cin — cr §crr, a severe master, ctlt — Co Urtbcit, a hard, severe sentence; II. ode. roughly, harshly; strictly; aus- terely, severely, rigidly; C3 febmedt — , it tastes harshly; — "lit cilient bcrfilbrrit, to act with severity towards one ; to be severe upon one. S t r C 11 g c, /. 1. roughness, harshness ; sharpness; 2. severity; strictness; aus- terity, rigidity, rigour, sternness; ltttt — VCVfabveil, to proceed with strict- ness. Bit CH(J e I, m. (-$) 1. B. T. wild an- gelica ; 2. mdg. aid. ©rbllllpfeit. © t r C 11 g C It, ». a. (I. «.) to stretch, strain ;fig. ftrft — , to strain every nerve, exert one's self; tCll .Rampf — , to fight to the last. © t r e 11 (1 f 1 it f f t fl, adj. T. hard to be inelti .1. £ t r C 11 g f I it f f i g F C 1 1, /. stiffness to melt. £ t r C 11 g f r lit lit, adj as:etic ; strict. £j v c n g i g f c i t, / aid. (m. u. w.) Strcnge. £ t r c n g [ i n g, m. (-efl ; pi. -c) (n. I u.) precisian, person of rigid principles. B t r c n g t a b a f, m. (-&) ba i tobacco (for cigars) 610 £ t r C n fe I, m. a-gropodium (a plant). *£ t r c II It t til t, /. strenuousness. £ t V C S, /. (pi. -Cll) litter ; bed of straw : -. — Man, h. strewing smalt ; — * Etiitpfe, /. sas l-l"<\ ; sugar-box, dredger ; — gabel, /. litter-fork; — gtaitj, m. powder-brass : — gilt, n. + land held in joint-fee; — barfe, f. — barren, m. rid — verticil ; — mc()l, n. dredging-meal or flour; — lMllPcr, v. powder intended to be sprinkled ; —verticil/ m. rake ; — - fvlllb, m. writing-sand; — filllbbudjfe, /. sand-box; — ftrol), n. litter, bed straw; — tapctc, /. — VOCff, n. hang- ings; papering embossed ; — jucfer, m. jiowdered sugar. Stveilen, v. a. strew, scatter, sprinkle ; to dredge ; 2. fig. to dissemi- nate, spread, scatter ; tent SBtefje — , to make a litter; Somen — , to strew seed. £ t V C ft 1 1 11 g, m. (-C-? ; ;>.'. -c) litter. nltlig), a dis- appointment; in cilteill — C, continual- ly ; ceil — balteit, to stand the touch; i i keep in the line ; ciltcm eilicit — buvdj bie Jicdimuig marben,^. to dis- appoint, thwart, frustrate one; Ctll — SiUrbc?, a tract of kind ; VCUCf h'll — , against the grain (alsofg.) ; etc £rt)ne= Vfc flllf tent — C, Hunt. Phr. the snipe at walk ; Ctlt — SAliepfen, a walk of snipes; cilieil — fv.bcit, fig. to be a little tipsy; fie bat CitlClI — »Dlt @0« qilttterie, fig. she has a touch of the co- quette : compos. — bbl'S, m. the red-band- ed perch ; — brett, n. smoothing-board ; — forillig, adj. formed like a streak or stripe; linear; — geivitter, n. a partial or passing storm ; — beufrSrccfe, /. wandering grasshopper; — bol$, n. brush-wood ; — ftel, m. hardened quill ; — EOlllpajj, m. mariner's compass; — = Jtflbyt, /. loop-stitch ; — VUtttft, m. semico- lon; — rcgcil, m. partial rain ; transient shower; — farfcbe, /. perched serge; — fc^tltbcl, /. shingle plastered over with loam: — ftcin, m. basalt; — tafel, /. loxodromic tables ; — tailbc, /. migra- tory pigeon; — OOgel, m. bird of pas- sage : — self, n. nomad people : — = tueife, adv. by dashes, by strokes, by lines; by flights or flocks; — JfllUI, m. hurdled hedge in rivers; — jeit, /. lime of migration for birds of pass £ t r t rii c 1 d> e it, n. rug. liuie stroke. @tvt'd)clb I « me, /. e. r. i. any streaked flower; 2. the Canary bell- flower. £ t r i cb c I li, ». a. to streak, to mark with streaks or stripes. <& 1 1 {$ I in g, m. (-« ; pi. -e) a ram- bler, wanderer (/. u). £ t r i d, m. (-C§ ; pi. -e) 1. cord, rope, string; 2. line, halter; 3. snare; lit 1 1 bem — c ermurgen, to strangle ■. jum — C benirtbcileil, to condemn to be hanged; 3eiitaiicem — c legeit, to lay snares for one ; compos. — aufgabe, /. .Mat. T. the funicular or catenarian pro blem ; — bailetg, adj. Hunt. T. broker, in to the leash (said of hounds) ; — flvaS. n, heath mat-grass; — gitrtel, m. rope girdle; — hunt, m. leash dog ; — Iciter, /. ladder of ropes, corded ladder ; — li= llic, /. .Vat. T. funicular or catenarian curve; — Itttlfdje, / mesh, rope-springe, snare; — lltafebiite, /. any funicular machine; — matte, /. rope mat ; — = fcfiub, m. rope-shoe ; — oerbej, n. .X. T. netting used on board of ships, against boarders; — WCff, n. cordage, ropes, tackling ; — JCIig, n. rope-harness, rope-traces. £tricf of Stricfeu, in compos. — or* Beit, f. knitting work ; — baiif, /. bench for knitting on; — baiuinvolic, /. knitting-cotton; — bctttcl, vi. knitting bag; — brett, n. knitting-pin; — gavu, n. knitting yarn ; — faftdteit, n. knitting- box ; — llUtjtcr, n. pattern to knit from ; — llttbel, /. knitting needle ; — pCl'lc, /. smalt bugle ; — (cbcice, /. frame for knitting-needles ; — fcbulc, /. knitting- school ; — ficcf, ?n. knitting stick for nets; — jivillltpf, m. stocking being knitted; knitted stocking: — ftlibl, m. loom, frame to knit stockings, &.C. ; — = flunbe,/. lesson in knitting; — U>olIc, /. knitting worsted; — $etig, n. knitting- implements, necessaries fur knitting; — jivint, in. knitting yarn. £ tvtdeit, v. a. A- v. (aux. t}abcu) to knit, net ; fig. rid. Scftricfeil. £ t r i cf c n, n. ( -S) knitting. © t r i rf e r, m, (-§ ; pi. — ) £tn(fcriiiti, /. (pi. -Cll) knitter. £ t v t ef c r c i, /. (j' : - - C!l ) knit-work ; knitting. £ 1 1 ■ i cf C V I I) It, m. (-tS) knittage. *@tt{ct, adj. vid. ©tveng ©enau, ^iiuftlid). *£ t r i c t u r, /. stricture. £trtcfc, /. (pi -it) vrovine. stripe, strap. ©tVtegel, f. (pi. -It) 1. curry-comb, horse comb : 2. T. tap, bung. £ t V t C g C 1 11, v. a. 1 . to curry (a horse) , 2. fig. to censure, backbite ; 3. to vex, plague, oppress ; i. vulg. to beat, cudgel. £triegler, m. (-3; pi. — ) 1. one who curries; 2. one who censures, severe critic. £ t r I C tit C, /. (]>l. -n) stripe, streak, weal, mark, scar. ©trie in c n, o. a. to stripe. £ t V I C 111 i g, a'//', striped ; wealy ; — feblagen, to weal. £ t V t C? C, /. (pi. -It) provinc. stripe. SttlefeitfjOlj, n. (-C5) dwarf- cherry, bush-cherry. © t v t'c 5 c t, m. ;-8 ; pi. — ) Sr f- (pi- -n) a kind of long cake or bread ; stick (ol barlev-sugar). £ triple, /. (pi. -Il) strap; provinc string. ©trtppe It, v. a. to strap. £ 1 1' i p p C r J, .i. (-&) striated shining lead ore. £ t r i p p f C, /. cat-o'-nine tails. £ t r C b C I, m (-S) provinc cone o( pines ; compos. — bOVIt, m. artichoke ; — formifl, adj. strobiliform ; — tcpf, m rough head, bristly head ; fig. fool, per- verse, obstinate fellow; — fteni, m hair-star, comet ; — tailbc, /. the tut bit. *£ trefc,/. md. £trpybf- £ t r c b, n. C-«8) straw ; citt $tto £tro Srru — bccfeu, to thatch a house ; er Iie,]t auf bent — , lie is dead; lecreS — tl'Cfd)Clt, prov. to waste, lose one's la- bour : compos. — ai'beit, /. straw-work ; — CtC&Cttl'l'/ ra. workman in straw ; — = billtb, n. twist of straw, straw band ; — bctf, n. straw-bed; paillasse; — = binber, in. Btraw-binder, sheaf-b i — binnie,/. l. everlasting, xerantheuie large amarantli ; 2. artificial flowe. made of straw; — bobeit, ra. straw- loft ; — biicfliiuj, m. red-herring packed in straw ; — billlb, m. truss of straw ; — butter, /. butter made when the cattle feed on straw ; — bitcb, n, thatch- ed roof, thatch; * cottage; — becfe, /. lay (cover) of straw; straw-mat ; — = becfer, m. thatcher ; — fai'bc, /. straw- colour ; — favbeil, — fai'otfj, adj. straw coloured ; — feilcit, pi. M. K. riles packed up in straw; — feuet,ji. straw- fire ; — ftebet, /. rebeck ; — ffafd)e, /. flask, bottle with straw round it ; — - flitter, n. 1. feeding on slraw ; '_'. case, lining of straw ; — gefledjt, n. straw plaiting; — (J?16» adj. yellow as straw, straw-coloured ; — Iialin, m, straw, halm ; — fjilllbrl, m. dealing in straw ; — fymtblci', ra. dealer in straw ; — = billlf, m. yellow hemp; — ()iiubc, /. straw-bonnel ; — baufcit, m. heap of straw; — l)0dl}eit, /. straw-wedding ise the bride who had previously ost her virtue wore a straw crown at the nuptials); — f)llt, m. straw-hat or Donnet; — biitte, /. thatch, thatched cot; — jllllfei', m. cont. country squire; — fopf, in. fig. rant, silly person, block- head ; — fihbdjett, n. straw basket ; — fmilj, m. straw wreath, straw crown i'a mock ornament, formerly put on the head of such women, at their marriage, as had previously lost their virtue) ; —late, /. .v. r. splint; — labcrt, ra. straw-shop ; — lager, n. straw-bed ; pallet; — lltaiUt, m. 1, man of straw, scare crow ; 2. dummy (in whist) ; — - matte-, /. straw-mat; — niatrafce. /. straw mattress; paillasse ; — meffer, v. straw knife, chaff knife ; — lllift, m. manure consisting of straw litter; — = papier, n straw-paper; — pevle, /. vid. — fd)incij; — filif, m. sack filled with straw ; straw-bed, pad of slraw ; — - fdblllbc, /. truss, or wisp of straw ; — = fdlilteli., ra, straw bugle; — fdjlliicev, in, 1. chopper of straw ; 2. shad, mother nf herrings; — fell, n. straw-rope ; — = fit}, m. straw-bottom ; — teller, ra. Straw-dish, dish-mat, wicker-stand; — - tUiliire, /. straw goods; — toeibe, /. sweel willow; — Weill, ra, vin de pai lie ; — UMfcfo, w. wisp of straw; — WtttlPe, /. mock-widow; — voittltter, »•. mock- widow cr : — roittroer fum, to pi.-emi to be a widower; — roiirm, m. caddis, cadew. St I'D b e t II, adj. of straw, straw-built; fig. insipid, dull. 3 t V 9 b i g, adj. strawy. S tr 1 g t r o f) v, n. (-eS ; /».'. -c) (with sugar-boilers) cane ti ash. 3 t r 5 i « t b ii 1 1 c, / (/)/. -it) r. hut for the cane trash. 3 tr 6 I (be It, v. n. provine. to stroll about S t v o I rt) c v, m. (S ; pi —) or StrtMdl, m. {-tt ; pi. -t) provine. va- grant, vagabond. Strom, ra. (-e3; pi. h ; — brctf, ii a Blocking mould ; — fabvif, /. stock- ing manufacture or fabric ; — fabri= taut, m stocking-maker or weaver; — flicfer, m._ — flirferiiiit, / stocking- li r : — form/ /. Blocking leg i — - iMllbil, m. stocking trade- — Klllbler, in. busier : — bpfen, /)/. stocking breech- es; — litiiiiufiictiir, /. 1. stocking- manufactory, hosiery ; 2. stockins-man- ufacture; — ftriefer, m. — f»ricfe= rittlt, / knitter of stock, ngs : — ftris rferiuaare, /. hosiery; — aubcr, m. i stocking-weaver; 2. siskin ; — u>cbe = ret, /. stocking manufactory ; — t»lt» fei, m. frame-work-knitter, stocking- manufacturer ; — lU'rferftnbl, m. stock- frame; — 'Ul'idltCl'/ m. stocking- 3 t r n in p f e (, ra, .«,- h. {-i ; p.'. — ) little stump cr stub. @ t f li 111 P f e It, r. a. to lop, stump, trun- cate, to furnish with Blockings. 3 t v ii ill V f I i It >]. ra. (-* ; pL -e) stock- ing without a foot, Bpatterdashes. g tv ii nb (i li.i, '» (-'; pi--*) B. T. the grass leaved plantain 3 t r it n f, ra. {-tt ; pi. StrflnW stuu^ trunk, stock, stem, stalk. 3 t riin fef, / oid 3trnii!e. Strtiltt, vi. dun::, dirt; compos. — » j>i ( ]er, m. arctic gull, dung-hunter. 3 t C ti n ? e, /. {pi. -IV ovig. emit. -Int. 3 t v it p f e, /. pL -11) scab (a disorder in the feet of ti 3 t V tt P f C II, r. I. a. to strip ; II. n. pro fine, to corrugate, get wrinkled Clt vstlltf £ritcf gtuf B 1 r if v f i 3, adj. 1:1,1. 3uuypig. 2 t v n v V, «■•//. (/. u.) /or ©trupVifl ; rumpus. — bavt, m. 1. a bushy, scrubby beard ; 2. a man with such a beard ; — l)Ctar, it. bristly, staring hair: — fa* Irtf, m. the curled dock ; — tallbe, /.the turbit. Bttvipift, f. (pi. -11 ) 1. scab; 2. strap of leather. © t V U P |) C tt, v. 11. to bristle, be rough or ragged ; to look ghastly. S t v li p p i g, adj. bristly, rough ; rug- ged. *<3 t V h d) It 1 11, «. (-«) Med. T. strych- nine. 2 t li b b C, m. (-It ; ;i/. -It) provinc. stump. © t ti b b C It f a lit lit C r, /. a promon- tory on the island of Rugen. Stiibdjcn, n. (-«; pi.—) l. littles room, chamber ; 2. gallon, stoop. •S t fi b e, /. (/)/. -tt) 1. room, chamber, apartment ; 2. dwelling-room, sitting- room, parlour ; — tmb Jtamilter, sit- ting-room and bed-room ; compos. — 11= it we It, m. private confinement in one's own room ; — OTl'cft f)ilbcit, to have one's room for prison; — ItbavoilU'tcv, m. chamber-barometer ; — llbcfeil, m. chamber broom ; — llbltvfd)C, m. fellow- Jodger, chamber-fellow, chum, comrade ; — llberf e, /. ceiling ; — tlbiele, / floor ; — Ilflicge, /. fly, house-fly; — ligclc()V= t(, m, closet scholar, book-man ; — lt= jeiltcillfcbaft, /. community of lodging; — HflEttOf, — llfjcfeU, m. vid. — ltbtlV= •dje;— nhaft, f.vid. — narrejt; — n= Iniiev, m. calefactor; — ttberb, m. fire- place in a room ; — ll()0(fer, m. cont. recluse, sedentary, one always sitting at home; — llfaillllier, /. bed-chamber; — lllliabdjCIt, n. &■ — niltagb, / cham- bermaid, housemaid ; — nofcu, m. stove ; — lUU'gel, /. small chamber-organ ; — 11= I'fiilofopb, in. closet-reasoner ; — 11= fdjabc, /. black-beetle; — lifted^ adj. sickly from want of exercise ; — UtiljCl', m. vid. — ttbocfev; — iififcerlcben, n. sedentary life ; — tltfjfit, /. door; — 11= Ufjr, /. chamber-clock ; — Hjtllg, m. chamber-rent. tyn. Stubr, finmmtr, 3lmmir,8imn*, <5 a ,i I, 5" l " t. ©tuberi are those parts of the house, which are usually and mostly occupied, and in northern climates containing each a stove or tire-place for warming the apartment in cold weather. A hammer is not usually used as a sitting-room, and is therefore not gene- rally furnished with a stove, viil. @u)laftam» nur, Aiciccrtuimncr, eptifetanittltr. In sii|ie rior dwelling houses, thoie iindsome and convenient rooms, which are fit.j»j up for one's usual occupation, are called dimmer, and in a higher style @)cinaa) 1 Bid, echlofgtmiich. A © is a spacious and wide 3iimncr, only in- tended for company. Jlur Is that space, which is at the entrance of a house, hetween the ^hm mcr, and which is also sometimes cslled the 'U0rfo.1l. Hence Stntif is a sitting; oom or parlour, Saimnci chamber, dimmer room. 0)t. mad; apartment, 3,n\i drawing room, and ,y[nr the anteroom, when not on the ground floor, lor then it is the hall. 5 tub en. v vid. Stieben. 6 tii bcr, m. (-& ; pi. — ) i. stiver (small coin) : 3. fillip; Semanbein eU ueit — (jfljen, to fiiiip. • 3 1 11 c c a t fi r, ) /. (pi. -en) stucco- KS t li rf a 1' b C i t, 5 work, stucco. *S>tttCC0, m. (-'«) > stucco, mit — f& t li if, i«. (-c«) S iibcrjicbeu, to stucco. *St li cf a rbe t ter, m. (-5; pi. — ) worker in stucco. Etticf, n. (-eS : pi. -e) ]. piece, pan. bit; fragment ; 2. piece; musical enter tainment, air. tune; 3 Jig. trick, arti- fice ; 4. article, point ; 5. piece piece of ardnnnce cannon : til — c frbneiben, to Kit in pieces ; tilt — £ucb, 3? "A «J2 11. f. II}., a piece of cloth, of stuff, &.<•.; au3 ciufin — e, of one piece ; nad) bent — e vevfaufcn, to sell by retail ; Cllt — (Selb, piece of money, sum of money ; jcbrt — Dfbfcil, ten head of oxen; fcrl)8 — ©Klfff, si: v. glasses ; ill Viiicit — Cll, in many points, in many particulars; ill cilicnt — e foi't, contin- ually ; au§ or bon fvcieii — en, of one's own accord; (JVPffC — e attf ci= llcil fyflltcit, to make much of one, to hold one in high esteem ; compos. — fll'= btit, /. work by the piece or job ; — * bctt, n. — bettutifj, /. Ghm. T. plat- form ; — fufi, n. butt, cask of fifteen kilderkins ; — foillt, /. mould of a gun ; — gcftell, n. Gun. T. carriage of a can- non ; — giC§CV, m. founder of great guns; — gteiia'ci,/. gun-foundery ; — = gilt, n. gun-metal ; — fjiitcr, pi. piece- goods ; — fxuiptlliaitll, m. captain of the artillery; — t)llfc, /. piece of ground of thirty acres ; — jltllfct', m. ensign of the artillery; — failllUCV,/. chamber of a gun ; — frtTt'Ctl, m. carriage of a gun ; — feller, m. casemate ; — fliefbt, m. soldier of the train ; gun-carrier ; — = Eo^le, /. pit coal; — fl'eibe, /. hard chalk ; — Fllgel, /. cannon-ball, bullet, shot ; — label', m. he that loads the cannon; cannon-rammer; — IflbllllfJ, / charge of a piece of ordnance ; — = lafctte, /. carriage of a cannon; — = lieutenant, m. lieutenant of the artil- lery; — liuic, / Typ. T. brass-rule; — ltteijtcr, m. gunner ; — llietall, ?i. gun-metal; — lltobe!, nuvid. — fotltl; — Iteffel, / wood-staehys, hedge-nettle ; — pcrlc, /. round pearl; — pftU'b, n. artillery-horse; — pfortf, /. port, port- hole ; — plllOcr, n. cannon-powder, gunpowder ; — C|UCtbf Cltlt, m. gunner's quadrant; — t'ictltev, m. pointer of a cannon; — rict)tlUUJ, /. mounting of a piece of ordnance, levelling a cannon ; — villf), m. ferril ; — fafje, /. great saw ; — fdjlljj, m. cannon shot; — ftaillpfct, m. cannon-rammer; — t>crjcid}lli)), n. inventory of the pieces (of ordnance) ; — »ifitivev, m. gun-searcher ; — mftgett, ;h. artillery-wagon ; — Wall, m. battery ; — iUiil'ter, m. keeper of a storehouse or arsenal ; — l!)eife,«dy. by retail, by pieces, by parcels, piecemeal ; — llH'tfc OU'falU fen, to retail, sell by retail; — ttxife evjableu, anfiibren, to particularize; — meife verjeiebnen, angeben, auffiib= ten, to specify ; — U'erf, n. piece-work ; itn[ierfect work; fragmentary know- ledge ; uufer SBiffen tft — toerf, our knowledge is fragmentary ; — Wifcfjev, 7«. manikin, drag, sponge ; — japfeii, m. bung or stopple of a cannon ; — jug, m. train of artillery. *S tu dat ilva r be it, f.vid. 2tueca= tur. (Stiicfd)eit, n. (-8; pi — ) i. small piece, morsel, fritter ; 2. fig. tune, air ; 3. trick. S t ii cf e I = in c f f e r, m . chopping- knife, chopper; — fdiete, /. T. shears (in the mint) ; — fffjicfer, vi. piece of slate ; — titfel, / chopping-table or board. © t li cf e 1 It, v. a. ]. to cut into small pieces ; 2. to patch up. © t it ff e It, v. a. 1. to cut in pieces ; 2 to piece, patch. © t it cf e r, m. (-S ; pi. —) piecer. ® t li cf i g, adj. consisting of pieces, in pieces m. ©tuff, Staff*!, &tab. 6fufr and SMfici (oriifcaHy identical) always allude to lit or depth; one saye the vSt.ifftln or Siujin before a house, in a cellar, ,Vc. l!tr,ii> means a definite quantity of any tiling in sci- esttfic language. Thus icircleare termed oir.i«, an,l a circle is divided into «»•.-.(; (degrees) and not into Stufcn (steps). A thermometer, a gauge, dec ^'- similarly di »ll»J by (Srjcc. £ t ii f = Cl fc It, 7i. Min. T. s. iron for notching the r3ck ; — ei"J, it. I. shoad, pure ore ; Si. rubbly oxyd of iron ; — = profce, /. essay of an ore : — fd)lid), m. huddled slilick ; — tOtXt, it. 1. place for stamping the shoad; 2. rid. — = erj, I. 2 til f Clt,'t). a. to cut steps : Min. T. to beat ; citlCll Sera, — , to make- terraces on a mountain, to cut steps in ; vid. S6fhtfen. Stuff, m. -f dust. 6 t ll I) I, m. (-C8 ; pi. ©table) 1. chair ; stool ; seat ; 2. pew ; 3. T. loom ; frame ; 4. timber of a roof; 5. seat, see (of a spiritual lord or prince) ; (i. T. belfry ; bee pap ftlicbe — , apostolical see; ten — »or tic £t)iive fcfccit, I. todimiss, discharge; 2. to quit abruptly; fid) tnufdjcit Jivci Stable fefccti, provinc between two stools to come to the ground ; JV. T-s. — Ct'tlCo gt«fjel3, spindle or Staff of a vane; — cillCJ ■UiflfU'S, a foot which supports a mast ; tempos. — (U"nt, m. arm of a chair ; — = bull, m. stool-hall (a game) ; — beefcit, a. chair-pan, closestool-pan ; — beiu, n. — flit?, m. leg of a chair; — bilibei", m. chair mender; — becfe, /. vid. — fappe ; — feter, /. St. Peter's day ; — flcd)tCV, m. one that makes straw bottoms for chairs, chair-man, cbair-bottomer ; — = gait;], m. stool ; — fjclb, it. pew rent ; — = gciiofj, m. dependent on a jurisdiction'. ■ — aui'te, pi. girth-webbing for chairs; — i)CVl-, m. lord justice ; — fflppe, f. chair cover; — fiffcil, n. chair-cushion; — fmilt, ?i. rest harrow, canmock ; — = k()lte, /. back of a chair; — nmdier, m. chair-maker ; — tuigcl, m. chair nail ; — rtd)ter, m. judge, presidentofa tribu- nal (especially in Hungary) ; — rolle, /. chair caster ; — fiillle, /. leg of a large chair ; Arch. T. post under a ridge-piece of timber; — fcbttttcil, in. small hand sledge ; — |CJ)t'cibcv, m. clerk or regis- trar in a court of justice ; — fctvct', '«• — fefcertnit, /. pew-opener ; — fit}, »». chair-seat, bottom of a chair ; — libel's §Ug, m. chair-cover; — Jrtpfdieil, n suppository ; — jivcing, m. tenesmus, obstruction. ©tiiMrfjett, v. (-8 ; pi.—) 1. little chair ; 2. A". T. flag-staff at the mast- heads. § t ii I) I W C i f) e n h It V g, n. (-8) Bel- grade. ©tiiljl", m. t-it; pL-t) stone-perch, chub. Stftf, m. (-8) Vid. ©tlltf. 2 t ll f e, /. (p/.-It) provmc. stump of a tree ; heap. 6hi«pe, ©tiiipe, /. (id. -n) l. top (of a boot); 2. pulley-piece ; brim of a hat; 3. pot-lid; compos. — iifttefcJ, pi. top-boots. <5 t ll I ; C tt, v. a. I. to cover, put the lid on ; 2. to cock (a hat) ; 3. to turn the upside down; to turn up; to tilt. ©til lp = l) "i- (-8 ; pi.—) he who turns up, tilts. &c. 2 t II lit lit, adj dumb, mure ; fr shy : — lUCl'ent, to grow dumb ; — = lllildicit, to strike dumb ; fig. — C ^lld) = ftflben, mute loiters: — t Sdjuepfe, jack-snipe; — U'ie ciit 3ild), prorrine. as mute as a (ish. Syn. (Stumm, i5t>rnd^Io«. Stciinm (dumli) is that which utters no sound ; fprad'lo* (speechless) merely lhat whi.'h cannot speak (as someuines man). Therefore all s ehould not be said to be naturally fhimnv but )'?r.i.!i!ca. For some, as different birds of son", utter man3 varied n .n'i j or notee, only rcrflummcii (are or become dumb) under peculini circumstaDcea, Id thu aense certain animals alone (f. g. fishes) are GOBI] ftumm. (3 1 li m in f, in. A- f. (pi. -in mute, dumb : compos. ■ — llijlocfi', /. the hand-bell of a dumb person. St it in me I, ©tilmmel, m, (-8; pi. — ) Stump, end, remnant; short pipe, @ t li in nt c I f r, m. (-8 ; pi. —J muti- lator, defacer, maimer (I. «.). <3 t II lit 111 C [ II, p. a, to mutilate, maim ; eid. SSerftummeln. c I it, v. vid. ©fumpern. S t it m p e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) bungler, botcher, boggier, bad hand. @ t ii lit p C V f i, /. ( pi. -Cll) bungling. bungled piece of work; bolchery, patch- ery. 2 t u in p c r ft a f t, ©tiimpermagig, adj. ignorant, superficial, unskilful, stu- pid. 2 t ii in pern, v. a. *> n. (out. habeit) to bungle, huddle, to do a thing superfi- cially and imperfectly. ©ttintpf, m. (-r8 ; pi. @tumpfe) l. Stump, trunk, end; 2. screw; lit it — unb 2ticl (iitSrotten, prov. to root out, extirpate, destroy root and branch. ©tlintpf, adj. I. blunt, dull: obtuse; 2, fig. dull, stupid, insipid; 3. infirm, weak; -1. Stumpy, slmrt; worn out; — ■ inadicii, to blunt, dull, obtund ; bte 3Stjne — liiadicu, to set one's teeth on edge ; cilt — Cl" SBillfd, an Ob- tuse angle; etti — cr Seller, a: t. a bad sailor ; compos. — Cffti), otlj. obtuse-angled; —cube, n. l. Mum end ; 2. Conch. T. blunted tellina ; — fctle,/. blunt file; — fllfi, m. chile foot; — ffipMfli adj. club-footed; — = gaffe, /. vid. Sacfgaffe; — grafl, n. apluda; — balnr, m. the short round oat; — fuu'lt, ii. Cinc/i. T. blunted whelk : — filtlte, /. blunt edge or bevel ; — fanttft, adj. blunt-edged; — fffltf, m. truncated cone: — fopf, '«■ a flat-head (also fig.); — fopfiiv adj. flat-beaded; fig. stupid, son ; — tJpftflfetr, /. stupi- dity ; — inifc, /. I, flat nose, cocked up (turned up) nose; 2. person with such a nose ; — lUlfiit,, adj. flat-nose,!, goal nosed; — vedniiiiii],/ M. E. b — idlllHUH, m, docked tail, bobtail; crop-tailed (dock-tailed) horse; — = fd)tt)Oltjen, e. a. to dock fa horse) : to curtail a dog); — fd^wStljtg, o*'. dock- tailed, docked, curtailed; — ftltlt, m. stupidity ; — ftltnii^, adj. stupid : — - ftllHtgfetf, /. stupidity ; — lviiifcl vi. angle; — tOtttfelig, adj. obtuse- angled 'angular.'; — Jillut, m stump of a tooth. 2 t ii m p f cb C 11, n. 1-6 ; pi — ) rid. ©tUlllpf; rilt — 2ic$f, a bit or end o' ©tti in pf en. "'• iU ciltcr ( i|i'nf lidlCIt — , in a good hour; bci Itiit6tgetl — It, by snare hours »t leisure; Eetne gefunbe— t",i-- beit, to be continually ailing ; belle — It, lucid intervals ; — II batten, — it fleben, to give lessons; compos. — tlbfl'id)t, m. bulletin ; — llbhlfcr, m. watchman (who blows the hours) ; — llblltlltc,/. the changeable rose; — tlbctc, m. 1. messenger who starts every hour oral certain hours; 2, slave who bad charge of the clepsydra ; — nluctt, n. A". T. traverse board (of the pilot) : — lifiibvcrinii, /. Myth. T. one of Hie Hours; — it fit V , in. T. horary foot (with clock makers' ; — Iljjcbcr, — H= baiter, m. private teacher ; — n^cbcf, «. horary prayer; — Itfjebttr, pi. i. horn- : — ItflloS, n hour-glass; * hour: — llfretS, m Ast T. horary circle ; — n= frcilv irOSS ; — llLllld,, adr. for hours ; — Itlflttf, m. revolution of the hours or time; — Itlcbl'Cr, in. master who charges by the hour; — nliuic, /. Min. T. meridian ; T. gnomonic hue ; — HllMlfe, /, ticket er cai : lesson; - lllinifl, « 1. the measuring time er distance by hours; 8. — n- nivMN, ,i. — meffer, n. borometer : — ti= lltcffllltil, /. horometry; — Iltob, h hour-wheel, plate-wheel; — Itrttl hour circle, horary circle ; — lll'llfcr, in. man that calls the hours, watchman ; — tlfltnb, m. sand for the hour . — iifano,, m. hour chant : the canoni- cal hour chanted; — nfjule, f. cylin- drical dial; — nuhcibc, / Min. T compasses; — iif*l.i,i, m the striking Of the hour (by the clock); "lit bent — 1lfd) fOinmen, to come punctu- ally to the hour; — llfebllb, m. .hi. T. third part of the length Of a pendulum, which performs its swinging ina s — itfetger, m. clock, watch; — luliib, In. T. the gnomonic staff; — titartl, /. l. Ast a. .v. T. the gnomonic table ■ 2. prospectus, list of lessons; — nubv, / clock lhat marks the hours only ; — 11» Uerlfinbifjfr, m. I. an automaton that announces the hour; 2. vid. — ItbptC, 2 ; — ltvcrieidMiifi, » vid. — ntaul, 2 ; — Ittneift, adv. hourly, by the hour — tttnetfer, n, i. a clock, watch; 9 vid, — njetger; — njeijer, m. hour hand; dial; horoscope; — Itjtrfel, n Ast. T. horary circle. 613 etur :tw £t»$ 5 til 11 be It, 'i.a, divide into hours; 2. to fix the time ; to respite. 5 i ii It b t g, adj. lasting one or more hours. © t it It blf 1 8/ ti. (-8) little short hour ; fcill — tfl gcfOlltlllCll, his hour is come. © t li tt b 1 1 rb, adj. if adv. hourly, every hour. o t li 11 b It It (J, /. L. T. respite. 3 t It 11 J C, /. (pi. -II) tub. © t ii p a x f d), tti. £. r. trifid bident. *©tuJ>ef — , tbis startled me. gtlifeigfett, /. {I. u.l 1. aslonish- incnt ; 2. stubbornness. 6 t li ft I i d), adj. vulg. sulden, at once. E t II ft p 11 II f t, m KtA tinier compos, of ©tiift. @ t u a f d) e v b e, /. (pi. -n— ) JV. V. hook and butt *S t f) (J i f d). aaj'. stygian. *2ti)l, m. (-e») 1. style (in archi- tecture, painting, writing); 2. Chron. T. style ; alter, ItOltCV — , old, new style ; vid. sijn. 2d)teibavt. *©tr)lett, n. vid. ©tiletfc *2 t» I if ire it, ». n. to write, pen, embody one's thoughts; ev fttylifirt gilt, he has a good style. *©tt)lifT, m. (-en; pi. -en) writer, penman, pen; ct ift etll gutec — -, be writes well, has a good style. *©tttll ftif, /. theory of style or writing. *>3 t 1) I i ft I f d/, adj. relating or per- taining to style. *2 ti) lit, m. (-t$; pi. -c) stylite. ' 2 t \) 1 o b a t C, vi. (-it ; pi. -n) ^«A. 7*. stylobate, pedestal. *@t»log[6ffifd), adj. if ad». •'■ V. belonging to the stylo-glossus muscle. *@ t » I o b » o I b i f dj, •*#• * <«*»■ -*■ 7'. stylohyoidean. *@ t l; I I b t f d), a 1} fl r 1) II (J t f d), adj. &■ ado. A. T. stylopharyngeal *\3 1 r> nt p I) a I i b e n, pi. Myth. t. the stymphalides. « 2 t ii m p fi a 1 1 b i f d), on)'.-— c SStfgel, vid. ©tDiupbalibcn. *2 t V) v t i f d), o#. jim. r. styptic. *2 1 1) r, 7«. (-e«) Myth. T. Styx. *®Udbfl, Sudbe, /. faculty of per- suasion ; sweetness of language. *S It fl f V i e tl, /w". means of persuasion, arguments. *©U (t fB t i f d), ai//. iS' ad<7. suasory, persuasive. *2 11 b a 1 1 C V It, m. (-Clt ; p/. -ett) sub- altern, inferior; compos. — offtjicr, vi. subaltern ; — pcvfpllflte, ». the interior clerks in government or public offices. *© u b a 1 1 c t u a t i it, /. subaiter- nation. *3 it bait em t tat, /. the state of being a subaltern, of subalternation. *2 11 b d V fl t C It, pi. copper coins silvered over. ••3 ii b b a %, m. T. vid. lltttc vtaft. •©tibcontccto r, m. (-8 ; pi -en) master of the third or fourth grade in a gymnasium or grammar-school. *-2> II b C 11 1 V a I) l r C it, u. a. to con- tract after a former contract. *'2 It b C U t a 11, arfj. subcutaneous. ♦2 II b b C 1 C g d t, m. (-Clt ; ;»/. -Clt) subdelegate. *©ubbe legation, /. subdelega tion. *S n b b e I c g I v t tt, ». a. to subdele- gate. + 2 ii b b t a f p it, m. -■?;;■ -•-' >■''■ •© u b b t a f o n a t,n. c-efl ; y. -e) sub- deaconsliip. *2 11 b b i » i b i r e 11, r>. a. &■ n. to sub- divide. *2 11 b b i t> i f i P It, /. subdivision. *2 11 b b It C I V C 11, v. a. to subduce, sub- duct. * 2 11 b b I! C t i U II, /. subduction. *2 u b e r a t, «. (-e3 ; pi. -e) oi. r. suberate. *2 11 b C V 3 S, adj. Ch. T. suberic, su- berous. *2 u b b a ft a t i S ti, / (pi.-en auction. *© 11 b () a ft 1 1 C 11, ». a. to sell by auction. ♦Subject, n. (-CS ; ;,/. -C) 1. /,<<■'. A (ir:m. T. subject [of a 2, 1'iiiL'J'. person, man, the "I go, me;" 3. coot, fellow, creature; C t It fd;lcct)te8 — , blackguard, scamp. *©Ub|eCt [», ) adj. Sr aiir *<3ubje c tibi f d), \ jective, inward, personal. *@ it bj e c t ifl ii, / vid. UiitcniKvfitii.i ; 2. 'I'h. T. self-interrogation. *2 ti b [ ectt b i t a t, /. subjectivity. *2 11 b j 11 g ft I = £ 11, m. a subordinate tone. *2 ii b j u It c t i B it, /. subjunction. * 2 11 b j it 11 c t i 0, I. «'//. subjoining : subjoined ; II. s. m. (-S) Gram. T. sub- junctive mood. *2 it bjungtre it, v. a. to subjoin. *2 u b 1 c u d nt, ?«. (-en ; pi. -en) helper, assistant, adjunct. *2 it b I e a a t i n, /. relief, assistance. * 2 it b I i in t v g e f d ft, «. (-e3 ; pi. -e) fA. 7'. sublimatory. * 2 It b Ii 111 IV 11 It g, \f. Ch. T. sublima- *@ ubliina tiDu, i tion. *2 11 b 1 i 111 i t a t, /. sublimity, the sub- lime. *3 u b 1 i it g it a (, adj. sublingual. *2 u b I P c i v e it, v. a. T. to sublet, un- derlet, rent again; 2llblpCillteit, /. (==\Hftcnnicthc)umlerleUing,subletting. *2 11 b 1 11 tt a V i f dl, adj. sublunary. *2 u b nt a v i it, ) ,. . <2ub..iaviiiifcbJ' J ' / -' su,,mar,ne - *2 it b in l v give tl, v. a. vid. UlltCf: taiutcn, SSerfeiifen. 1 © 11 b lit e V f i 11, /. submersion. *®ub in in t fit t v c it, r. n. to a serve, abet; 2llblliiiliittMtieii, /. I. as- sisting, abetting j 2. wd. Untevfdpleif. *© ub m i fj, adj. vid. Itntcvuuivfig, @e[)pvfani, (grgebeit, 2)ciitittl)ig. • 2 II b ill ( f f iB It, /. submission. *2 11 b lit i t t l V C II, r. rrtl. ( fid) — 1, vid 2id> Uutcvivcvfeii, 5)emutl)igett, Svgeben. *2 It b It P V lit a II i 11 i C, /. G T. sub- normal, Bubperpendicular line. *<3 it b P f f t c i ,i (, m. vid. 2 tcl!bcvtvc= ter. *2 ub e vb i tin ti?it, /. subordina- tion. *2 ub pvb i n iv en, v. a. to subor- dinate ; fubotbiitivt dinate. 'Suborn ten, ». a. t-. §u**t> ©ubornatiBn, /. subornation. * 2 II '0 P X t) b, ji. (-i) Ch. T sut-oxyd. *© lib pripr, nt, M ; ;/ -e prior. *2iibvectov, m. (-»; pi. -en) sub rector. *- scription; compos. — 6, adj. & ado. sub- stantive, substantively. *2 it b fid n t, / ,"'. -en) Bubstance. *2 n b ft 1 1 fit I in i e, /. ( pi. -n) r the In; the style of a sun- dial. 2 it oftit a tt e n, v. «. to subsi 2 ti b ft i t ft t, m. (-en ; pi. -en) sub stitute; assistant. *2ubftitutioii, /. substitu nomination of a *2 u bit vat, ji. [-ti; pi. -e) <2n bftiMlitm, ■■ ■-•: ■'■ -to j Bubstratum, vid Sd)id>t, Sage, C'viinb^ [age. »@ub f n mi ven, v. a Sr subsume a m\ rel ' in ler; to inter to refer and apply th rsal and vice \. rsa ; 9. to Bume. * 11 b t i I i f a t i ll, / subtiliziition. 615 ouche *S UB t i 1 1 f It Ht, o. n. to subtilize. '2 it b t i I i t a t, /. (pi. -cit) subtilty. 'Subtract! [Ml, /. (pi. -CIl) sub- traction. 'Subtract! D, adj. thet may be sub tracted. *2:tbtvabcnbc, m. (p/.-n) Ar. T. subtrahend. ♦ 2 It b t x a b I X C It, o. a. to subtract. *2 It b urban 11 lit, n. (~V, an estate near a city, in the suburbs. *2 ti b 9 a ferfi5n,/. subversion. *2 11 b 1? C r f l r>, arf;'. subversive. *2 u b 9 e r 1 1 r e it, r. «. to subvert. * 2 It C C d b C, /. .1/. T. succade. *SttCCeban, adj. succedaneous, sub- sequent ; substitutional. i 2 it c c e b a n c n nt, n. (-8) succe- daneum, substitute. *3 ticccbtrett, v. n. einem — , to succeed, follow fas a prince, &c). *S It C C C f f i It. /. succession, vid, 9lacbfolge, (Srbfolge; compos. —8= far)t(t. aHj.mi. (Stbfabtfl ; — Sfrteg, m. vid. ©cbfofgefrieg ; — Spuloer, n. .fa- poison administered to obtain a suc- cession or inheritance; — Sbcrititg, m. contract relating to succession. *SuCCefftv, adj. iS- ado. successive, successively. *2 u c c i it a t, n. (-c8 ; pi. -e) c%. T. succinate. *S u c c t it c t, a#. »& J?ur$, ©cbrdttgt, .vcovuidit. *SFncctn it, nt. (-f§; pt-e) JKtB, t 1 . succinite. f 2 it e c it nt be it s = a e ( b, «. (-e6) z,. 7*. fine for a groundless appeal. *5> It C C It lit b l r C It, e. v. to succumb, suffer a defeat, to lose a suit at law. ' <2> it c c n I e n t, adj. vid. Saf tig, 9iabr= baft, jtrdfttg. *®ttccuUn», /. vid. Safttgfeit, ?tabrbaftta,fcit. *@licClir5, m. J\IH.T. succour, as- sistance. *SttCCUtfaIen, pi. churches at- tached to another, chapels of ease. *SltCCltf flU' tfeb, adj. shaking or pushing upwards, producing a violent concussion from belo» (said of an earthquake). *3 It b ft 1 1 It lit, n. rid. Sc&ttKtfjtudj. S ft i) t, f. (pi. -n) search, quest ; Sp. T. tracking ; smell, nose. S fi c6 - c t f e it, n, (-8) S. T. probe; — bunb, m. hound that runs by scent; — uabef, /. vid. — etfett ; — err, m. Min. T. drift, sub-way : — robre, /. .•1st. T. the finder (small telescope) : — r5 brebcit, v. vid. — cifcit ; — flo!= I'.'tl, m jtfi'B. T. new stoll made for the purpose of discovering the ore-vein; — tail, ». -V. T. drag-rope. S ft cr) e it, ». a. <$■ n. r„„ r . baben) 1. to seek, search, look for, to be in quest of, be in search of: 2. to endeavour; to attempt, to try ; 3. to design, to aim • nt : 4. to be busy, to do, to have to do ; rua3 bait bit biet sit — ? what business have you here ? what are you looking for h-re? f turn? baritttter — , to intend hv: ?lii3fTiicl)te — , to use shifts; cr fsrfct ttwci'i barin, he glories ic it ; fun ©liief Jit marbcii — , to try one's fortune; retch Jti roerbett — , to en- deavour lo grow rich; Ctll fjeflifbtcr Olui-cnicf, afar-fetched expression, 2 ft cb c It, n. (-8) seeking, searching, looking for, 2 ii cb e 1', m. (-8; pi. — ) 1, seeker, searcher ; 2. T. probe. S ft d) .3 [ a 8, n. (-cS ; pi. -atafcv) searching-glass, magnilier, microscope. •5 li ft) t, / 1. passion, inordinate desire; mania; -. + malady, sickness, dis- temper ; 3. plague ; bie faUeilbC — , epilepsy; bic (jelbe — .jaundice. 2 it eb tig, L adj. 1. su[ipurative, causing suppuration ; ". healing with difficulty; 3. diseased, distempered, sickly, valetudinary, c'razy ; 4. mor- bific, morbifical; II. ado. morbifically, suppuratively. S It cb 1 1 l'a U t, n. (-Co) galega, goat's rue. S il d) tl i It J, m. (-C8 ; pi. -t) an invalid, chronic patient ; poor sickly creature. 5 uc, m. (-c8 ; pi. -e ■$■ Siibe) 1. seething, boiling, brewing; -. as much as is brewed or made. ©fib, ra. (-C8) I. South; 2. South- wind ; — 5UIU Often, South by East ; — $11111 JBeftCIl, South by West: com- pos. — afiifa, — aften, —amenta, — beiU|"d)(aub, it. f. to., n. South-Africa, Asia, America. Germany, &c. ; — afri= tatter, — bClttfchC, It. f. »., m. inhab- itant of the South of Africa, Germany, to. ; —ofttfantfd), — bcittfd; it. f. »., adj. if ado. belonging to the South of Africa, Germany, &c; — fi'iifbte, /. tropic fruits; — gegettb, /. southern region, country; — filtlte, — tllfte, /. JV. T. southern shore ; — lailb, ?i. south- ern country ; — Ifinber, m. inhabitant of a southern country; — Idllbt)d;, adj. be- longingto (orof ) a southern country ; — = lidU. H.southern light, aurora australis ; — llteer, n. 1. a southern sea ; 2. the South sea : — oft, m. South East; — oft jUm OftCU, South East by East; — = ofterfoillte, /. .N". T. nine o'clock in the forenoon; — bftltit, adj. South East: — pel, m. South-pole; — Vllllft, m. the BOUth; — fee, South-sea; — fabir-eft, a : ic adv. South West by South; — = thin', n. South gate ; — ItHliJ, m. rid. — failte ; — warts, ««. vid. ch. t. 2d)roc* *2iilvbur, 5 fel. *S u I f u r t b, «. (-8 ; pi- -0 Ci. r. sulphuret. *2 11 If 11 r If Clt, ». a. Ch. T. to sul- phurate; SltlflU'atteit, /. sulphuration. *2 It I f U r 3 8, ) adj. Sr adv. Ch. T. Blil- *2ulpbnrc8, $ phurous, sulphuric. 2 li 1 1 a, /. M E. Spanish honeysuckle *2u'ltan, m. (-8; pi. -c) 1. Sultan 2. purple water-hen ; compos. — SblllllR. /. sweet centaury, Sultan-flower: — •- taltd, /. Sultana date , — emiaubel, /. Sultan's almond. ►Sultan a t, v. (-6 ; pi. -e) sultanry. *Slilt«ltf, /. (pi. -\\) i. sultana (a war-ship); 2. an ottoman; 3. sultana 'a coinj ; 4. (kind of raisin) sultana. ' 3 li ', 1 a It t tl 11, /. ( pi. -Clt) Sultana. Slili/, Glll$C, /. (/''. -tl) brine; saltern; any tiling pickled; brawn. & it I J e It, a. a. to pickle, salt, corn. © li 1 5 e r, m. (-§ ; /, I adj. summary ; II. tulr. summarily; — c Siediiiiing, sum- mary account ; — C SllttWOl't, sum- mary answer; — ci'yihlen, to relate summarily ; — cnt|d)cibcii, to pass .summary judgment. 2 ii nt itir, /. (pi. -u) sum ; btc native — , total, totality ; bie — ciitcr dhd)- llltlli], amount of a reckoning. Slim men, v a. <$■ it. (aux. babcu) to sum. G limine it, v. n. (aux. r)nbcn) to hum, buz;;. £ li 8t lit C V, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) provinc. 1. bee hive ; -. simmer. "2 It lit lit T V C It, B. a. to sum, cast up an account. *2ii m in 1 1 it n g, ) f. summing up, <@ U 111 m a t i B It, $ casting up (of an account), addition. 2 lint m E re t fc (, m (-8; p*. — ) humming-top. S ii m nt do g e I, m. (-§ ; p'. -«5gel) humming bird ; honey sucker. 2 li lit p f, m. (-Co ; /(/. 2iilllpfc) swamp, pool, slough, bog, fen, marsh, moor ; compos. — aitbOl'lt, vi. aquatic liore- hound ; — batbriau, n. marsh-valerian ; — bcei'C, f. moss-buTr, whortleberry; — Otltfe, /. bog-rush, marsh-rush ; — = bitfe, /. dwarf birch-tree ; — blunie, / a marsh (lower; — bobCll, m. marshy ground; — bOttCV, m. marsh-marigold ; —cute, /. moor duck; — Cppid), m. narrow-leaved water-parsnep ; — ci'bc, /. boggy soil ; — CVJ, n. bog ore, mea- dow iron-ore; — euphovbie, /. marsh- spurge; — fid)te, — ficfev, /. marsh- pine', swamp-pine; — flafrhcubaum, m. the allegator apple-tree, cork-wood ; — - gogeitb, /. low land, boggy country, marsh: — gvaben, m. marshy ditch ; — ftVltbe, f. marshy or boggy pit; — = Ita'bidHfvaiit, n. marsh hawk-weed; — l)al)iH - nfut), m. l. the lesser spear wort ; -. the marsh crow-foot; — !'il|\', hi. hare of the ti-tis or marshes ; — = !)eibe, /. marshy heath, moor; marsh- rosemary; — fauiicitfvaiif, n. marsh- horsetail ; — fid, m. T. lowest pipe of a pump; — flee, m marsh-clover, aqua- tic clover; — fvcb$, vi. pnml lobster; — freitlfraitt, n. marsh rag wort ; — = fvoteitfrant, n. the soft rush; — ladle, ;'. slough, pool; — lanb, v. moor-land ; — UHujmaut, ?i. red rattle; — lct'd)C, /". the marsh lark ; — lod), n. bog, quag- nun'. slough ; — lllft,/. 1. marshy airor atmosphere; 2. inflammaflb air, carbu- rettedhydrogen ; — man?,/, marsh-ral ; — ihetfe, /. marsh-titmouse; — moor, m. moor, fen; — nabcl, m. — itabcU ©Ultf) f rant, n. marsh-pcnnywo-Ji ; — otter. /. small otter; — pfKlllU, /.any I'lint growing in bogs arid marshes ; — platt= Ct'bte, /. marsh tare, marsh chickling- vetch ; — povfd), 77i. wild rosemary, marsh-Ietum; — pvcijjclbeeve,/. marsh bilberry; — rattc, /. vul. — 111.111$; — vailf:, /. water cresses ; — VCip, «i. marsh-rice ; — l'icb, 77. marsh-club rush ; — voile, /. Conch. T. Midas' ears; — * falainaitber, m. newt, water-eft; — = fcblailtllt, in. 1. marsh-mud; 2. mud of the huddle ; — fchlKpfe, /. the - — fdjiueiii, 7f. the capivard or waterdog ; — fdirocvtel, m. />'. r. the water gladiole ; — femfe, — fenbe, /. md. — biufe; — = filge, /. milk parsley; — fpavf, m. English marsh saxifrage ; — taiuavic-fe, /. marsh tamarisk ; — telllllllfchcl, /. marsh-tellina ; — toi'f, m. turf cut in marshy grounds ; — VOjicI, m. bird in- habiting bogs and marshes, morass-bird, wader; — UMf)cr, n. water from bogs; boggy water; — ivcibe, /. osprey; — = llH'tf, ». Mm. T. tin-ore pounded to a fine >lime ; — VoidV, /. marsh tare ; — = Voitfc, f. a swampy meadow; — autflll, in. marsh worm. 2 it ill b f ( It, p. //. {aux f^rii I. to sink into a bog ; 2. to stagnate, stand still. 2. li Hi \> fi d) t, mlj. bog-like ; boggy. ". Sr adv. suj>er- cilious. ; 2 up e ret It of it at, /. supercilious- ness. *2 11 p c v c 111 i 11 c 11 1, adj. supereminent *& 11 p c v c 111 i R c 11 -,, /. superenu- *© 11 p c v c v fj a tiO n, / t/i.t. super erogation; compos. — Stoerft, ;./. work* of supererogation. *2 11 p e v c v .] a 1 1 0, adj. .C- «.. ■alive; — luilbdll, ../- t»UPCVCV0= glreit, 7-, n. 1 ite, do mors than duly requires. * 2 11 p c v f c i it, adj. &■ adr. superfine. *2 11 p c v f i c i c 1 1, adj. .S- adc. Btiper- ficial. *2 ll p C V f t a t i II, /. superfetation *2 iipc v gel c h 1 t, over learned, having too much learning. *2 11 p c r i 11 b ii c t, n. (-ti ; pi - 1 I an additional tax, extra impost. *2 11 p c r i n t c 11 b c*n t, m. (-en ; pi -eil) superintendent (a dignitary in the Lutheran church). *2 It p c v i 11 1 c 11 b c it t fi r, /. (pi. -cm 1. superin tendency; flignitj of a super- intendent; -.'.abode of a superintendent ♦Superior, m. (S;pi.-t) —inn, /.superior (in convents, i.cj. *S It p CV t V i t d t, f. superiority. *2 11 p e V i V C It, v. 11. .I- 71. to transcend, excel ; I * 2 II p C V f I 11 g, adj. S- ade. ovei I pert. ' 2 11 p e v f 1 11 g b c i t, / conceited wis dom, pen motion. 6)7 £uw eitfld) £#b '€ 11 p 1 v I a t i », m. [-S ; /./. -e) Gram. 7\ superlative degree. '5 u p C * it 'i t u t a 1 1 3 in 11 i, m. bu- pernaturalism. *©n V et n a t u v a 1 t ft, m. (-en ; yi. -en) supernaturalist. *3 n p c v u u in c r S v, s. j«. 4- ai//. su- pernumerary. *3 II p C V p X t C It, pi. paintings or or- naments over doors. * 3 It p C V p f t t ! 11, /. superposition. *© it p c t p v o p x t i D it, /. Buper- proportion. * 3 up c I p u r fl a t i it, /. superpur- gation. *3 11 p C X X C t> t f i 11, /. additional re- vision. *© it p c t f cv i p f i o it, /. vid. \kbtx- fcftvfft, Sluffcbrift. *5 It p C X fl X It C t i It, /. superstruc- tion. *@ u p e r t a x a, f. M. e. supenare. *S U p t r tt) I fe t fl, orfj. overwitty, false- ly witty. *5 u p t n u m, n. (-8 ; pZ. ©upina) Gram. '/'. supine. 5 li p p eft c U, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) potage. ©lippC, /. (pi. -n) soup, potage, por- ridge, broiii; tic — uerfdumen, ^-. to lose one's dinner, supper; ill bei' — ftccfeit, to be in a sad pickle; lit tie — f«lUlt, to fall into the mire; Sent ft 11= bCIH tie — Oi'l fatten, to disappoint one; Ctlie — cillbvoefcit, to prepare some- thing (disagreeable) ; bte — nnSeffeit miiffeit, to he obliged to suffer for ; bte 10= tfte — , wig. blond; compos. — lieffei', m. one who is fond of soup; — llfl'Cllllb, m. 1. an amateur of soup, one partial to soup ; 2. fig. parasite, spunger ; — 11= f';:ur.bfcftaft, /. cupboard love; — lt= Hofj, vi. — nflojjcfcen, re. fore'd ball in soup ; — llfocft, m. a good hand at soup- making; a maker of soup; — llh'dlltiT, pi. potage herbs; — llloffel, m. soup- ladle, table spoon; — llltilpf, m. porrin- ger, tureen, soup dish ; — llfcftdlcftcil, re. porringer; — nfeftllitteftcil, n. sippet; — nftftinteb,m. cont. cook; — llfeftiiffel, /. vid. — tlliapf ; — ntcifel, /. solid broth, portable soup; soup in cakes; — lltcl= ler, m. soup-plate; — Itt^l'lillf, /. soup- tureen ; — lltopf, m. sou> >ot. S li p p i eft f, ©lippifl, adj. soup-like, broth-like. *Supplcittc'n t, ?1 . (-eg; pi. -c) supplement. *3 u p p I c m c tt t a x - a x t i f c I, m. supplementary article (to a treaty) ; — = crcbit, ire. supplementary (additional) cre- dit. *3 U p p I C t D v i f eft , adj. >$• adv. supple- tory, supplemental. ♦Supplicant, m. (-en; pi. -en) petitioner) requester. *3 U p p H C a t i It, /. supplication ; a day of thanksgiving (among the ancient Romans). *3 11 p p I i C t X e it, a. re. to petition, sue, request. *3 n p p I i f, /. (pi. -en) petition. *3 li p p 1 1 r e 11, v. a. to supply vid. G'l'= gdtticn, (grfe&en, <§tnjubenfen. *3 up p on iveit, v. a. 1. to put or place under; 2. to suppose, think, pre- suppose ; 3. to substitute, change. *3 U p p f i t tO tt, /. supposition. *© n p p V C f f t It, /. suppression. '© u p p r i m ir c r;, ». a. to suppress. *@ it p p u v a 1 1 o, n. (-e§ ; pi. -c) Med. T suppurative. S18 *2. n ppn v ivc n, v. u. rid. (Sttcrii, ©cftroarenj §Up}>WfltiBn,/.suppuration. '3 It pVC 111 a t, ». (-c«) supremacy, (especially of the pope over the bish- ops) . *© u V v e in ct tie, /. vid. ©upvemat. *3 tiv eftd vge. /. vid, Uefterlabung. *, adj. Sr adv. suspensive. *3 it 8p e n f o v t n in, re. (-8 ; pi. 3u8= pCIlfoi'ieilJ suspensory, truss. *2 11 8 p t C t 8, adj. vid. 5ln}Wb[)llifeft, 3Jitptrauifcb. 3 ft ft, I. adj. sweet, also jig. ; — C8 2Bftf= fev, fresh water; ■ — C8 ffll'Db, unleav- ened bread ; — e Slitter, fresh butter ; — e 3 one, sweet sounds ; cilt — Co ^erreften, a beau, spark ; II. adv. sweet- ly ; compos. — ftpfel, m. sweet apple, sweeting; — ftpfclbftllllt, m. sweet-ap- ple-tree; — bftft, m. B. T. the common spurge olive : — bl'icffftcit, n. billet- doux; — bvbtcfteit, n. sweet biscuit; — etbe, /. Jlfin. T. glucine; — fftl'tt, m. common polypody; — fibtC, /.soft flute (in organs) ; — fteiT, m. — ftevveftett, ». an effeminate dandy, jessamy ; — 1)0 (j, n. licorice; — yotjfftft, m. licorice-juice; — ftoljiviefe, /. glycine; — fil'ffftc, /. sweet cherry, black-heart; — fldpfcr= Hnfl, m. sweet dapperling (an apple) ; — flee, m. sainfoin; — manbelol, n. oil of sweet almonds ; — niftiil, u a sweet tooth; — teii], 7ii. unleavened dough; — roaffereetftceeit, pi. lamantines; — = tvaffevfalf, m. (in geology) upper fresh water formation; — TOftffevftrtcft, m. fresh shot (in the sea). 2> 3 f) eft C It, 71. 1. sweetheart ; 2. sugar- pXnu. © fl p C, /. sweetness. © ii jj e I e t, /. (pi. -en) fulsome point. inss ; flattery; sweet things. 3 u (I e 1 It, v. n. to be disagreably sweet. 3 n fi c n, v. a. ir «. (auz. ftftftcn) w sweeten, soften. © ii fj e r c 1, /. (pi. -Cll) sweet things delicacy, daintybit. 3 U fj i fj f e 1 1, /. (pi. -eil) sweetness, sweet; — Clt, dainties; sweet words. ©fifi I tcft, adj. 1. sweetish ; 2. sickly. 3 fi fi f i eft f e i t, /. sweetisbness. 3 fi fi 1 i It (J, vi. (-eS ; pi. -0 fop, cox- comb. *© ll ft C It t ft 1 1 11, /. sustentation, sus- tenance. +3 n ft e it 1 1 r e it, ?'. a. vid. Unterftftl" ten, UuterfHifcen, dniiiftrcn, SBerfot* gen. © fi ft C r, /. provinc. vid. ©cftivcficr. 3 li t t e r, m. (-8 ; ;./. — ) the sea-ad- der, little pipe-fish. ©titterftng, 771. (-e8 ; pi. -f riiije) a long stone-pitcher. *3 tl t fi V, /. (pi. -Cll) T. suture. *3 It 5 C V ft tt, 771. (-8 ; pi. -c) suzerain *3 U 5 C X ft tl t t ii t, /. quality of a su- zerain or feudal lord. 3 to ei 11 ft 1 1 b C, /. a name of women. © XO d n to JO 1 1, m. Swantowit (a god of the Sclavonians of old). 3 iu c b c 11 b r g i d tt c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1. Svvedenborgian ; ".fig. ghost- seer, fanatic. *© 113 C [ t, ) adj. S,- adv. easy, free, bold. *&DClt, J (in painting). *S XO t C C It t, 771. sweet-scented tabaeco *© 1) ft ft V 1 1, 771. (-Clt ; pi. -Cll) sybarite, voluptuary. *3 1) ft ft r 1 1 i f eft, adj. sybaritical. *Si)etlit, 771. (-eS; pi. -e) syenite; compos. — pOVpftl)!', 711. syenite porphyry ; — fefticfer, m. schistous porphyry. *3 \) e n i t i f eft, adj. eyenitic. *© t)1 m d 11 1, hi. (-en ; pi. -en) a sy- comant (among the Ancients). *3 X) I lit ft 11 1 1 C, /. sycomancy. *3 X) f 111 ft n 1 1 f eft, adj. £ adv. per- taining to sycomancy. *S \) i in x c, m. (-n ; pi. -11) tin sycamore. *© 9 1 p ft d 11 1, hi. (-en ; pi. -en) sy- cophant. *3 X) i p ft ft it t i e, /. sycophancy. *S X) 1 p ft d 11 1 i f eft, adj. sycophantic. *2\) I b e, /. (pi. -it) syllable ; bie »0f= leijte — , the penultima ; bie bvittiefcte — , the ante penultima ; luittcit angc= fjeingte — , paragogical syllable; — U fteeiieit, to be extremely minute about words; compos. — llbilll, m. the forma- tion of syllables; — llfftli, 771. rhythm; — llflilllber, vi. a verbal critic, petty critic ; — tlfurjUlig, f. T. systole ; — ll* Icinge, /. 0? — nmftg, nj. quantity, pro- sody, metre; — tllttdfjig, adj. ir ado conformable to the quantity ; — llllicf> fUIig, /. prosody; — ltl'dtl)fc[, v. cha radej — nftefftii', 771. minate and trilling critic ; — nftceftcvci,/. contention about trifles, logomachy; — njitfftevifJt), adj hypercritical, over-capticus at syllable! or mere words ; — lltritf, 711. vid. — tt» fall; — lpjcrlftiigcnuig, /. Gram. T augment; diastole; — lUUClTe, adv. b} syllables, syllabirally ; — lljeit, /. quan- tity, vid. — nmafj. © i) I b c n, v a (i. v.i bic SGBBttet — , to articulate the words. «»m» ejjno Za'ia *3plbev, m. (-8; pi.—) articulator of words il. «.). *@ p II) t g, adj. in compos, of so many syllables. *S p U a b I v b u rp, «. (-e8 ; pi.-biidjcv) primer, horn book. *>3 p I ( a b i v c It, v. a. £ ». (aux. paben) tosyllable, spell. ' 3 i; 1 1 a b i f d), a#. syllabic. "SpK abllb, n. syllabub. *& 9 1 le p f e, /. (pA -it) f?ra>«. 7'. syl- lepsis. « : 2 p I I o g t f f v e it, v. n. to syllogize. ♦Syllogism it 8, jh. (— ; ///. 2»U l0gi8llieii) Log. T. syllogism. *S p 1 1 ft i ft i f, /. '£ the doctrine of tlie syllogism. *@ p 1 1 g t ft i f C§, orfj. syllogistical, syllogistic. *2plpl)e fr Spippnx, /■ (p*- -«) sylph. *@ p I b a n, m. (-efl ; pi. -c) .Vyi/i. 7'. Sylvan us. "Stylo a tier), n, (-c8j JHin. r. syi- vanite. *2 1) 1 a 11 e l\ m. (-(8;pl. — ) a parti- cular kind of grape. *2 p I b a it i t, m. uid. (Sptbaneq. *@ p 1 u e ft c v, m. out. ©ifoejier. *2 1) lit b 8 I, n. (-e8 ; pi. -C) symbol. *>S p lit b I i f, /. knowledge of sym- bols, symbolism. *2 p in b o 1 1 f a t i o it, /. symboliza- lion. *3 p lit b i i f d), I. adj. symbolical; II adv. symbolically. *@piu b o lif iv c il, v. a. to symbo- lize. *© p lit b [ i 8 111 It 8, m. symbolism. *2 p in b o I o g ie, /. .MM. T. symbology. *2 l) m b 1 g t f d), adj. &,- adv. sym- bolngical. *Spm b I oh, )n. (-8; pi. -Ma) *& 1) HI b I It 111, ) symbol, type. *2 p ill Ht C t V t C, /. symmetry. *S p lit 111 e t v i f d), I. adj. symmetrical ; II. ado. symmetrically. *S p lit HI C t V t f it C It, ». a. to make symmetrical, to symmetrize. *® p in p a t () c t i f cb, I. o. syra- phonious, harmonious. *2 i) 111 p I) il ft 8, /. Med. T. symphysis. *2 1) 111 p I) 1) t i f d), adj if adv. grow- ing together, promoting the growing to gether. '3 vi in » i c f o in e t e r, v. (-8 ; pi. — ) ']' sympiesometer. *St)mp legate ii, pi. Oeof. r. the Symplegades. *@ l) in p o f i d v di, m. (-en ; / c s in o g v a p I; t e, /. .i/t./. r. syndesmography. *3 p il b e 8 in o 1 o g I e, /. Med. T. syn- desmology. *<3 p n b e 8 in o t o in i e, /. Med. T. syndesmotomy. *@ P It b I f a t, n. (-C8 ; pi. -e; syndi- cate, syndicship. *2 p it b t f 11 8, m. (id. ©pilbici) syndic, recorder. *3 p 11 C b V 1 11 111, n. (-8 ; pi. -bl'ieil) tlie Sanhedrim. '3 ty lief b d) e, /. (pi. -Il) /;.';. r. sy- necdoche, comprehension. **3 11 II C V g C t i f d), adj. T. synergetic. co-operating. *3 11 11 C V gi 8 111 11 8, in. Theol. T. the doctrine of the free co-operation of man in the work of his salvation. *3 p II C vgt ft, m. (-CIt ; ;>/.-eil) Thcol. T. synergist; — tfd), adj. synergistic. : 3 b ii g en ef ie, /. (pi. -n) n. r. syngenesia. *2 p It g e It C f i f di, 04?. P ft C in, 71. (-(8 ; pl. -r) system ; ei* pt)tlofopf)ifd}eS — , system of philoso phy; compos. — fabvifiiiit, — niodiev m. cont. system maker ; — fl'dlllCV, m system monger. *2 p ft C lit d t t f C V, m. (-8 ; pl. — ) matist, systematizer, *@pftemdttfcb, I. adj systematic, systematical; II. «/. -c; tobacco; — ra lichen, to Bmoke tobacco; — i'vir.« lien, to roll tobacco; compos. — fctfcfye, /. tobai — 8ban, m. culture of tobacco; — 8bailCV, m. tobacco- planter ; — 8beUe, — c-bviibe, /tobao-'v . infusion of tobacco; — 8bc;ittl 7,j tobacco-pouch; ■ — 8blatt. 71. tobacco leaf; — 8blci, n. 1 — 8> bilcbfe, /. tobacco box; — 8coUegium, Ml^ ZM Zabc Zafc «. vid. — §ftefeUf($aft ; — Sbaiwpr, '" k>baceo-smoke ; — SfcOfe. /. I. snuff box; 2. tobacco-box; — Sbuiiji, m. 10 bacco-smoke: — scrnte, /. tobaceo- crop; — SfaBrtf, /• tobacco manu- factory ; — Sftlp", » tobacco-cask ; — S- ftlb, n. tobacco field ; — Sfteilltb, m. lover of tobacco, of smoking ; — 8 f ei f c tt b ii d) f c , /. box for pipes; — 8pfeifeilfoi'lll, / 1. firm nf a pipe ; 2. pipe-mould; — 8pfcifeit= faften, m. pipe-box; — 8pfeifeurdlt= liter, or — SraUlJtCr, m. pipe-pick ; — 8s pfctfeiirobr, n, shank of a tobacco- pipe : — Spfeifeittboil, vi. pipe-clay: — SpjfaUje, /. tobacco-plant ; — 8= pflattJUng, /. tobacco plantation; — %- mud}, m. smoke of tobacco ; — Stalls d)ei', or — 8 fd) lit author, m, smoker; — Sl'fftif,/. administration of tobacco ; — 8l'cibc, /. machine for pulverizing tobacco; — Stoljt, it. the tube of a tobacco-pipe ; — fptltltCf, m. tobacco- dresser ; — 8jtilttge, /. carrot of tobac- co ; — $jieilge(, m. tobacco-stalk ; — 8= flopfcv, m. tobacco stopper ; — 8titfd}C, f. tobacco-pouch ; — »tellevd)nt, it. to- bacco-dish ; — 8t0pf, m. tobacco-pot; — StUUrft,/. roll of tobacco ; — Sjiltts UltV, n. smoking.-room. 'X ab al it, /. sort of drum (among the negros). •=£ a 6 d v r d, m. vid. 1. Xabbcrt ; 2. SRaittcI, Uebervocf. ' X a b a fcf> t r, } m. (-e8 ; pi. -e) ta- *£ it b d r i r, J basheer (sort of cane- juice). *X a b a 1 t c v e, /. vid. £abarf8bofe. *Z ii b b e V t, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) + tabard, a herald's coat. *% abcltt, f. (pi. -U) wliite poplar- tree. M a b C ( lav t C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) let- ter-carrier, postman. *£, adj. 4> ado. in tables, in form of tables, tabular. *X a b C I 1 e, /. ( /;/. -It) table, index, synopsis, *X a b e V tt ff f C I, v. (Si tabernacle ; vid. Saci'antcutsbauSc&eri. *X a b C V tt C, /. (pi. -It) provinc. tavern, wine-shop. *Z a b i v it c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) tavern- keeper, vintner. VJ a b c f c I v c tt, r. j(. vid. 3luf-trocfitcn, 2lbjc[)ic'.i, 2lbfaQfn. *X a b t It, Xabinttt, n. M. E. tabby. *X 0. b i C b ' f) 6 t C, /. table d'h6te. "SciMeait, ». vid. ©cmalbc, 23ilt 33frjeidnutj ; — yi»ant, a tableau. GJO *X a b I c t f, n. vid. XnkuUtt. ■ I' a b 1 1 1 1 1 1 i t, f. wainscotting cabinet maker's work. Xabor, n. (-8) Ocog. T. Tabor. X a b Of it fit, pi. the followers of John llnss, Taborites. %ab jle i tt, ?«. (-e8 ; pi. -n) JiKn. 7'. tibstein. *X abul a v a fa, /. tabula rasa. *X a b u I a t, it. (-e8 ; /$■ adv. censurable, blamable. i- a b c 1 b a v f c i4, /. blamableness. Xabclct, /. (/;/. -en) fault-finding, malicious criticism. Sab elf) a ft, I. adj. 1. faulty, blam- able, reprovable, reprehensible, censur- able ; 2. vid. Siabelfucbttg ; II. adv faultily, blamably. :J abclb crbricp= licMafitg. *X a b t f 1 1 a t, /. vid. (5fclrtaftig!eit. Ucbevlaftigfcit. Sable V, in. (-8; pi. — ) fault-finder, blamer, censurer, reprehender, critic, carper. JCfifel,/. (pi. -V) 1. plate or table (of marble, &c.) ; black board, slate; tablet; 2. table, board; dining table; Jig. din- ner ; 3. register, roll, index ; 4. cake (of chocolate, &c.) ; ilbct — , during (at! dinner; bet — , at table or dinner ; of= feilC — baltctt, to dine publicly, to keep open table ; to be exceedingly hospit- able ; compos. — apfel, 771. dessert-apple ; — avtig, adj. Jliiu T. tabular, lamellar, laminar ; — flUffil|, vi. table-service ; — betg, 711. Table Mountain (in South- Africa) ; — beftcrf, «. knife, fork, and spoon; — biet, n, table-beer, small-beer; — bitlt, /. dessert-pear: the prince's pear; — blet, «. sheet-lead; — brot, 71 household bread ; — beffer, IB. butler; — bcmailt, vi. table-diamond; — biuiCf, m. 1. gentleman waiter ; 2. room for the dishes taken from the king's table — elite, /. scaup; — fdbtg, adj. 6> adv. entitled to a seat at the table of a prince; — felfeit, m. table-rock; — - fifd), m. the large-scaled chaetodon; — fBtmig, adj. tabular; — freubeit, pL pleasures of the table ; — gelb, n. ge- nerally in pi. — gelber, income, allow- ance of a prince or ncbleman ; 11101, y for Ihe table of such a personage ; — * geniiicb, ?t. dining room; — gefebirr, 71 table-plate; — gla8, «. flat glass in plates, plate-glass; — gfoffe, f. I bell; — gritllb, m. the ground-line [\n painting,. &c); —gilt, 71. domain: viJEafft (vuig. Sajfent), m. taffeta, thin silk stuff sarsenet; compos. — rtpfel, in. satin-apple; — banb, n. taf- feta ribband ;— blailtCIt,/)/. silk How its: — fletb, 11. taffeta dress: — Icbcr, n. Brussels leather: — nuiatci, m. sarsi inel mantle; — pflafter, n plaster of taffeta; — fptegci, m. — ftfCifeit, pi. rays of taffeta; — tad), n. tail'eta neckerchief; — rocber, to. taffeta-weaver. *X d f f e t c it, adj. taffety. *Xdf f i a, Zajin, m. rid. SRatafta. Kafl, m. (-C3 ; ;./. -e) 1. day; 2. light of day, open air; ber aftroilOlltifcbe — , noctidial day; ti voirb — , it dawns, the day breaks or appears; lltit aillui' = rbcitbent — t, with day-break; heller, lifbter — , broad day, broad day light : biefen — , this day. to day, this very day; hie oaf ben tjeutigen — , to this day ; ta uiifcni £agen, in our days; —far — , day by day ; 1)011— e 5a— e, from day to day; (ilk* — e, every day ; cilieit — Ultt belt ftllbent, every other day; rwork; —fatter, n. ration (of I or fodder) ; — gang, in. Min. T. vein at the surface ; —flam, it. raffle net ; — ge» biilibc, n, Min. T. building above ground ; — gtbiinge, n. .v,». T. vein just below the surface ; — gclb, ». or — gelbcr, pi. daily allowance ,,f money (grante 1 ta a person employed on official business, for his daily expenses) ; — flafl. f. ■ getjfinge ; — FobJe, /. coal found at the surface ; — fin-*, m tst A Geoff. T. diurnal circle; - 1,111,], adv for Wh-le ,];|y s ; 1 01 fill II,], f. rrl —\i\ = tjang; — learbtr, /. eye-bright a laac ; — . .ie, f. day lily; — Lrb, , sky-light; — lob tt, m. ,v n: daily pay | — lob'ier, m. day-labourer; workman — lobllffiUbeit, /. labourer's work — lobliei'brob, n. workman's bread; — loblierlebeil, n. life of a day-labour- er; — Ibblieril, v. v. fam. to work as E day labourer; — ll'.ft, /. Min. T. ail from the surface; — lllilbb, /. what U d in one day ; — !11illfd\ . march; — llCft, n. rid. — flaril ; — - VOitcr, m. Mm T. day stamper ; — = i)0(l, /. daily post or mail; — pumpe, /. Jim. T. pump at tie- surface ; — * rcrhliung, /. daily account. — rc;-,i = fter, n. nd. —barb; — reife, /. a (day's) journey ; — rofdje, /. .Min. T- trench at the surface; — nuibe, /. Mil. T. day's round ; — filing,/, diet, meeting; — frhicbt, /. Min. 'J', air- shafl : — fdiid't, f. Min T. daj — fd}idltcr, to. day-miner; — htlor, m. 1. sleep in the day tune ; 2 pasque- flower; — fdjlfifer, in. night-raven goatsucker a bird.; rell-mouse; — = fdM,ii]ii', iii. nightingflle thai sti day; — UlniU'ltcrliil,], — DOfleT, m rid. —falter ; — frhrift, journal published every day ; — fignal, n. rid — jeicben ; — flollen, m T. shall leading to the surface; — = llMCbc, /. day-watch ; — rodbler, m jig. one superstitious in the cboice i ; — llMrlcrci, / superstition re- days ; — waffer, n. .i/i«. r. which penetrates into a mine fj upper strata; — lOClf, 71 day's work; daily task ; — IVCl'fetl, r. n. to work as a day-labourer ; — llH'rFiT, m. min, labourer; — lVCrffdnd't, /. Min. T. quantity of ore extracted at . — ttnrfUltfj, /. JIfm. T. 1. worll by day ; 2. ore lying near the surface ; — rourjel, /. root penetrating to the surface ; — $eid)flt, ». .V. '/' sicnr.l made in the daytime; — 5eif, /. 1. tune of the day ; 2. term, instalment ; — jtrfel, m. .-1st. T. day-ci Sag e i, m. (-§) rope's end i' i ing a person). X vi c\ c I a, r. n. provmt to beat, drub. 3 5(J en, r. I imp. to grow lisht, tc dawn; eS tiii]ct, the day is breaking; it becomes light ; II. a. ,\- ». 1. + to summon ; to bring before the court ; 2. to meet ; assemble. Sag e $ = a n bra dt, m. day break; — aagabe, / date : — bc'ebi, m. .1/ T. order of the day ; — bete, m. * nger of day ; — courS, m .v T. course of today ; — facfel, — ffamine, /. * sun ; — getiiiifc, m, day-thought; — gtaitj, m. splendour or brightn — i]oft. m. * the g 'I of day, Pbrehus ;'— belle, /. the light of day; — Ittlige, /. I. length of the d space of a day ; — lend 1 ;;, •'. • the lamp of the day, ihe sun; —, «. day-light; — orbllUlig, f. order of the ,1 ij : ti ifj jeljt an oet — orbiiung, it is now a prevalent custom ; — fditill, m. Ijglit or bri ; — ■ ftuilbe, / hour of the day; — tr.iaat m. day-dream; — wetfe, / 1. mannei of passing a day ; - i" 1 1 dy - tune ol the day;— jeit,/. day lime ; \J 'rnb-r — jiit, at early morn. J a ,] i g, adj. in compos. JWet— a. f. u., of two days, &c. T,ii]tfrf), adj. (I- " '< changing witi ty, dirlerenl to c":y from j ■ day. J ,1 i] 1 I fb, adj. •{■ ndr. daily, every riat quotidian ; diurnal, i a g 0, m. (-«) Tago 'river). 621 Zali ►£ a 1 1 1 t,f. 1. the cut (of a coat) ; 0. form or shape (of the body) ; 3. the shuffling and cutting of cards ; 4. T. the cutting and preparing of (coins) for the mill. l Z a i 1 1 c ft r, m. 1. vid. Srbucitcr ; 2. banker (in the game of pharaon). •SCaillanberTe,/ cutlery. *Z a t 1 t Ir e tt v. a. T. to shuffle and cut cards. * X a i 1 I 6 tt, m. sort of land-tax. * J a f a in a f) a f, m. (-8) tacamahac. Safe,/. O/. -UJ tid. 3ccfc. 5.' a f e I, n. (-8 ; p/. -n) JV. r. tackle : enmpos. — age, /. rigging of a ship ; $U fcbivcre — age fii^VCll, to be over-rig- ped ; — gam, n. tarred twine ; — t)u= feu, m. cleat ; — mctftcr, m. rigger, boatswain; — tail, n. vid. SdnffSfetl ; — roerf, n. tackle, tackling, rigging- shrowds; rising; faoS — roerf ber 3}iaftetl, standing-rigging; taS— roerf ber *icgel, running-rigging. £ a f C I C t, /. 1. the act of rigging ; 2. vid. XaUlmtf. SCfi t e I e r, m. (-8 ; p.'. — ) mi £af* Icr. £ a f C ( rt, u. n. .V. 7". to rig ; prorinc. to soil, stain. % a I « I It, n. f-e) .V. T. rigging. Xatltv, Xsfclmcijter, »«. (-eS ; ;>£. — ) rigger. *£df t, m. rid. iEilCfc *£ a f t if,/. Mil. T. tactics. * £ d f 1 1 f e v, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) tactician. *2\i f t i f cf>, adj. tactical, relating to tactics. *3 a I B f f t U S, m. Mijth. T. Talassius. *%alapo\ 11, m. (-C8 ; pi. -e) 1. a Sia- mese priest ; 2. species of monkey. ♦Xalar, /n. (-e8 ; pi. -e) robe, gown. Sale, /. {pi -tt) provinc. jackdaw. 'X alt IX t, n. (-CS ; p/.-e) 1. talent ; 2. talent, endowment, ability ; 3. accom- plishment; eiit 3ft aim sou gropen — eit, a man of great talents; fe tit — Iwrgvabcil, to bury one's talents; com- pos. — Col, adj. &■ adv. without talents ; — SOU, adj. A- ado. accomplished, able. gitied, talented. Edlg, m. Sr n. (-C8) tallow; snot; compos. — artig, adj tallowy; — baiim, m. tallow-tree ; — becre, /. the seeds of the tallow tree; — becreilbaitllt, m. rid. — billim ; — bobelt, m. tallow-cake ; — fcrob, n. tallow-cake : — blP'cb, m. Dutch myrtle; — brufer. p.". .1. T. sebaceous glands ; — gcftC$f, n. cont. vul«. pale face, tallow-face ; — gricbeit, pi. suet-grav«-s; — KiuHer, m. tallow- chandler; — lailtpc, / lamp supplied with tallow; — lictlt, n. tallow-candle ; — lummef, m. cont uncouth fellow; — pfanne, / tallow-copper ; — preffe, /. tallow-press; — ftciu, m. rid. 5pecf= fletii; — tict'.e or — butte, /. taiiow- tub; — tO»f, m a cruet ; — tvefter, m. residuum of tallow ; — tl°lfi)tcr, m. sort of funnel (of candle makers! ; — 'tog, tti. mould. Z d I g e it, v. a. &■ n. inui. babcu) l. to tallow; to smear witJi tallow; 2. to yield tallow. Z d I g t cb t, adj. tallow-like, suety. Set I gig, adj. of tallow, tallowish, suety. ►X a I i n t frf\ adj. L. T. relating to the law of retaliation, retaliatory. *% a I i J n * f ;■) ft c a?, k. L. T. system of iiiHliiliiin 63S Zanb 'S 5. 1 ii lit a 11 II, m. (-8 ; pi. -t talis- man. *X a I i 8 m aunt f d>, adj. S- ado. taiis- mannic, magical. 1 d 1 j e, / (pi. -\0 .\". T. long tackle ; compos. — rCCJ), ji. laniard. X d [ j e It, v. a. to furnish with tackle. 2 d I f , 7/1. (-e§ ; pi. t) talc, isinglass ; compos. — Ortig, adj. like talc, talcose, talcky ; — erte, / talcose earth ; magne- sia ; — fc(8, 77i. laminar talc, steatite ; — glimmer, 7«. laminar talc; — el, n. oil of talc ; — feb/icfev, 77i. indurated talc, talcose slate; — 'Pair, m. magne- sian spail" . — ftettl, tti. talc, Venice talc ; — UMUfcl, tti. cubic talc. *Z d 1 lit U b, tti. (-8) talmud. *X d I m U b t f cb, a>lj. talmudical. *X a ( m u b i ft, m. ;-en ; pi. -eu) tal- mudist. *X a I 6 It, tti. talon (at cards). *%&l?atftb, tti. (-e8; pi. -e) cont. twig, clumsy, awkward fellow. *Xalu8, tti. vid. find$el; SButfel; SSbbarbung. *XaIutireit, v. a. vid. Slbbaebcn, Soft^en. *X a ill a it b 11, tti, (-8) the ant-eater. *£amattnbe, / (pi. -ID tamarind; compos. — ttbaum, 77i. tamarind tree ; — ltmavf, ii. pulp of the tamarind. *Z a lit a r i 6 f e, /. (pi. -tt) tamarisk : compos. — Itbailllt, 771. vid. — ; — H= [)0lj, n. tamarisk-wood. * J a It! b It r, tti. (-8 ; pi -e) drummer. *Z a ill b It r Tit, n. (-8 ; pi -e) 1. tam- borine ; 2. tambour (frame in which a particular species of embroidery is wrought) ; compos. — ItabCi, / tam- bour-needle ; — febtdger, m. tabourer; — fltcfer, 77i. tambourer. *Z am b our ire it, v. a &■ n. to em broider. X a m g r a 8, n. fostail-grass. *S 8 111 i 8, t;i. Jlf. E. tammy. I d ill P, tti. (-eS ; pi. -e) jV. T. short piece of rope. X a lit P e 11, o. a. .V. T. to beat with a rope's end. *2 a in po litre n, r. rid. 3"Vfropfeu. *JE a ll a r U 8, m. 1 . Gcog. T. l\xnarus : 2. Jig. vid. Uittcrroclt. Za 11 b, ?n. (-e*) 1. trifle, toy ; 2. + idle talk, prattle ; nonsense. Z d tl b C, /. a claw, hook. JCfi 11 b e I C X, f. (pi. -eil) trifling, toy- ing, toyishness ; playfulness. Sdnbeler, tti. (-8; pi.—) £anble= ttnn, /. pi. -eit) playful person ; trifler, dandier. Sdubelfiaft, SAinbelig, i. adj. toy- in^, toyish, playful, trifling; 11. air. trifling 2' (i It b e 1 6 a f t i g f e i t, / playfulness ; trifling disposition. Z a ti b e 1 - £ r a m, or — marft, m. pro- line, place where frippery is sold, rag- fair; — pUppe, /. puppet; doll; — = fefyfirje, / short apron; — ftoifeben, n. beau's little stick; — irerf, n. trifles, baubles, toys; — lOOfbc, / first week after marriage, honey-moon ; — JCtf, /. time passei in toying or trifling. l.inb eln r 7i. (nui. babett) l. to toy, trifle, play ; 2. to dandle, lounie, tarry : mtt eilKllt jtillte — , to dandle, play with a child. Z d 11 b C I n, ti. (-8) toying, trifling ; dandling, tarrying. Z d n b I e r, iti. vid Sdnbeler. *£ a it gar it, ) *X a n a g r a, ) Zam *XdX\ f fi it a, > /. Jforth. Myth. T. nam« 'Si a m fa u a, J of a goddess. i a 11 g, Til. fucus, sea-weed, sea-wrack compos. — afebe, / kelp. i. the tansaru i» bird). S a n g e, / vid. ^aiitijapfen. Z d U g e I, / (pi. -It) pointed and needle- like leaf of a pine, fir, and similar trees, compos. — h l> 1 5 , H. wood of the pine, o' fir kinu, wood with pointed and needle- like leaves; — 111008, n. the lycopo- dium; — fh'Clt, / a litter of the leaves of the pine, &.c. Sdngetn, v. vid. 3)engeln. *Z a. it g c n t, m. (-en ; pi. -en) Mus. T. jack. *Z a n g i n t e, / (pi. -it) g. t. tangent *2 a n g e n t i a I f r a f t, / r. tangen tial force. *Z a n g i b e f, adj. tangible. *Z a It g t b 1 1 1 1 d t, / tangibility. * Z a it g i r c it, v. a. vid. 1 . Serufjren 2. ©nVdbtieu. Sanger, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) fir or pine grove, or forest, Z a tt t X C b, 771. a name of men. Sdnn of Sanne, in compos. — apfel, 77i. cone of a fir; — bufebel, 771. top of a fir ; — eicf)e r /. holly, evergreen oak ; — flfip< /■ — &itfd>, Tii. fallow-buck, fallow-deer, vid. 2)ailll)ilfcf) ; — pitfcr, 771. prorinc. woodpecker ; — lOllb, ti. vid, 2)amrotlb ; — japfeit, 771. fir-nut, cone of firs, pine-nut, strobile; — japfenci, 11. Arch. T. mould; — japfeuinotte, / moth of the pine-cone; — javfeilftein, 771. petrified fir-cone. Z d it n e, /. (pi. -n) fir, fir-tree ; fdjCatif IPte eilie — , as slender as a fir-tree; compos. — UOpfel, m. fir cone ; — 11= baUlll, m. fir-tree; — Itblatter, /. blad- der containing the resin of the rir: — 11 = borf, 771. Capricorn beetle : — ttbl'ett, ». fir-plank or deal ; — liclftcr, / — llfjc= bev, 771. — nfrdfje, /. nut-cracker: — n = finf, hi. the brambling ; — nfSvintg, adj. & adv. fir-shaped ; — llgebiilj, 71. a fir wood ; — ligruilb, m. fir-cround ; — 11= bain, tti. fir-grove; — lfbarj, 71. resin of firs ; — llbol}, ti. fir-wood, deal ; — W- biigel. m. fir-bill, hill covered with firs; — nforallilte, / articulated coralline, — llirtarber, m. pine-martin ; — lliuetss cbeil, 71. golden-crested wren; — llliuiff, /. cole titmouse, colemouse : — nita= ti lit, pi. the needle-like leaves of the fir-tree ; — Iipapagei, tti. prorinc. cross- bill (a bird) ; — Itpahlie, / the small white palm-tree; — llp0)t, / wild rose- mary : — faugcr, m. kerincs of the fir- tree; — Ilfcbioamilt, 771. agaric of the fir; — llfproffe, / fir-bud: — ItllHllb, 771. fir-wood, forest of fir-trees; — ltroc= beli 771. shave-grass ; — lljapfeil, 771. cone of firs. 2 dull el, 71. (-8) a species of shave- grass. Z a 11 11 e n, adj. of fir; cine — e Zltk deal-board. £ d it It t ft) t, 71. (-C8 ; pi. -c) nursery ot fir trees; fir-grove. *Z a n It Tit, 7t. (-8) Ch. T. tannin. *X d 11 1 a I e r j, 71. Sautalit, m. M*. T tantalum. *Sail t d Iif cb, adj. like Tantalus, r« sembling the torments of Tantalus. * £ a tt t a I i f i r c it, v. a. to tantalize. *£ d R t a I u m, n. vid. Sauralevj. *S d 11 1 a I tt 8, v.. Tantalus. *X'dn te, /. (j>i. -n) aunt. Zayc l X ft tl t i t 111 C, /. share, portion. £ftltj, /«. (-f»; pl.Xanit) 1. dance; 8.^. fight, brawl, row; 3. sport; belt — ftllffllbfett. to lead tlie dance; Jtlllt — ftufforbertt, to invite to dance; mtt ftlt belt — lttuffeil,.'eilc — , to dance on the rope; provs. llftd) 3entftnbef Hjfctfe — , to dance after one's pipe, to come to "He's terms; baSiflbiesBraitf, 11111 toefdje man tftiijf, that's the cream of the business. X ft It J e It, 71. (-«) dancing ; bft>3 — ift mil' DCrgftttjJCll, my dancing days are over. X ft u j c r, in. (-« ; pi. — ) SEdnjei'trtn, /. {pi. -Cll) dancer; partner. X ft 11 5 1 v t.f ft), adj. 4> ado. like a darcc. SCd'nj erlirb, adj. fam. inclined to; C3 i|"t 1111V llitl)t — JU QJJllth/?, 1 am in no humour for dancing. *X ft p ft ft, c, 71. vid. ©etofe, Sarin, ®c= tiimmel. *X ft p ft a, t v e it, v. vid. Sdrmcit, %cU tent. *X ft p C t It f i S, ) f. Ilk. T. the low- *X ft p t It of e, $ ering or softening of expressions, *Za pet, 71. (-Cu)-f- carpet; ctlDftS ft'.lfl — bttliQfll, to bring in, introduce a topic of conversation ; ftltf bent — C fei)ll, to be upon the tapis. Sftpcte, /. (pi. -It) tapet, tapestry. hanging; (jetuttEte — tt, Arras hang- ings; mit — H tocejkrrti, to line with tapestry; compos. ■ — itboile, /. paper- border; — nfabriF, /. tapestry or paper- hanging manufactory ; — llbftllbei, m. tapestry-business; — tibiiiiblcr, m. pa- per-hanger; — lifi'ftitt, n. verticilled il- le.cebrum, knot-grass ; — llleitte, /. room-border; moulding; — uniadicr, m. i-i,/. — nuurfer; — iiiiaft,ei, m, small nail, lack ; — IlpftptCl', ?i. paper for rooms; — ntbiir, /. Arras-door; — lt= roirfrr, m. tapestry maker. X a p e je r e i, ./'. [pi. -cit) hangings, tapestry; gewirfte — , Arras. *Xa p C^ivett, v. a. to line or hang w ith tapestry ; to paper. Xart *Tftpe}trC tt, n. (-6) lining or hang- ing with tapestry, papering. 1 X ft p e J l V C r, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) uphol- sterer ; paper-hanger ; compos. — beit= tel, — (jammer, 111. upholsterer's chisel, hammer. *Z ft p e \ I v = ii ft b e [,/. tapestry needle ; — ttftijcl, 771. tack, small nail ; — lvaave, /. upholstery. X a p f e r, I. adj. I. valiant, brave, stout, valorous, courageous, strenuous, gal lant, redoubted; 2 firm, good; able; eilt —Co SPfei'b, a mettlesome horse ; IL adr. valiantly, bravely, stoutly ; fam. — • ftlbeiteil, to work strenuously; fid) — tUebrett, to defend one's self stout- ly ; — tlillfeil, to drink hard. X ft p f e l E e i t, / valour, bravery, stoutness, courage, strenuousness, vi- gour. *X ft p i V, 7«. (-5 ; ;;/. - e tapir an Ameri- can quadruped ■ *X ft p ire It, i). a. to comb, curl or friz- zle (the hair). *X ft p i f f c r i e, /. vid. lapcjevei. Xftpp, 7». Seippc, /. (/-/. -11) wig. fist ; paw ; blow, kick. £ft p pen, v. 71. (mix. bftbett) to fumble; to waik in an awkward man- ner; ini Sinftei'ii — , to grope about in the dark. Xiipp e it, ji. (-$) groping, fumbling. Xftpp cnftc i it, m, lyncuris, belem- niles. X A : p p e v, hi. (-9 ; /-/. — ) a fumbler, boggier. X ft p p t I d\ I. adj. awkward, clumsy ; II. adv. awkwardly, clumsily. X ft p p 8, in. (-eS ; pi. -e) wig. awkward fellow, blockhead, *.Xfti - ft, JJbara, /. .1/. /;. tare; bcr 9iftd)lftP fill' bte — , abatement or al- lowance for tare; comjius. — I'CdjllItlli], /. the amount of tare. *%&v atari, m. (-e§; pi. -cj the moth (insect). *X ft r ft it t, m. (-«) B. T a species of plant allied to the gentian. • J A r dtlte I, /. (pi. -U) tarantula ; compos. — bif;, — ftidi, m. bite of Ibe tarantula; — lt'eb, n. vid. iftvantelle ; — taut, — uuniiit, m . vid. XaniXDUtt). < X ft V ft II t C I 1 e, /. ( pi. -11) the taran- tella (turn and d *X ft c ft ti t i 18 m 11 i, 711. st. Vims's dance. *X a t b 1 r e it, ». vid. 35gem, . Sr n. .1/. /: to tare ; tftiirtc SJaareit, tared goods. Xa (UK II, pi. .V. 7'. quarter-pieces of a ship. *Xfti'i3ef, 7i. (-cS) a game at cards so called, tarot ; compos. — Eftrte, /. ta rot- card ; — fftfteiiiiiftdicf, — Eafteiibdnb= Iff, 111. maker of ur dealer in tarot- cards; — fpicl, 71. pack of tarot cards. *.Ia ra ff tvt, adj. checkered (said of cards). *X ax} l j i f di, adj. Tarpeian. *Xft f V ft iJ, 711. trass stone. *.i.ftf fo 111 ft v lit or, m. (-&) Jim. T. hard Tuscan marble. J ft v t ft a, 1 i ft, hi. (-'.j) a character in the Neapolitan comedy. z^ *Xi r t a n, 771. (-8 ; pi. -( . Scotch t*i» tan cloth. ♦Jartftiie, /. (/,/. -n) .v. r. tartnnt - ; in the Mediterranean/. STftrtftr, Til. Xavtatei, f.vid. £afat, latarei. *X ft r t ft r t fire tt, v. a. to clean with tartar; to tartaric. *X at t a v 1 1 1, 1 , ,., .,. , -1 ftitf ft te, l** *- r- tartrate. *XdrtitrU«, ■. Myth. '/'.Tartarus; hell. * i ft r 1 i It f, /. thin slice of (buttered) bread Xftl'tfrfje, /. '/-/. -11) targe, target; — It tl'iiijcr, m. targeteer. - X ft f 1 ii f f, m. (-e« ; pi -c) a consu- mate hypocrite. + J ft r 1 ii f f e r ic, / hypocrisy, formal- ity and false pretension in matters of 'I a r 1 ii f f i f Tt f it, r. 77. to act the part of a hypocrite or formalist. ' I ti f 1 11 f f c I, 2di- tiiffel, / (pi. -11 1 truffle ; 8. potato. J ft f ft) C, /. 1 pi. -It pocket, pouch, scrip ; .V. T. fur or furring; various ibm^s u Hie form of a pouch or pod ; tit bie — ftecfeu, to pocket, pouch, to put the pocket ; fig. |o embezzle; ftti-3 b cr — IP'olen, 10 play Ii gerdemain, to jug- gle; Cl'll ©tiicfdifll aiI3 bet — , a jug- gling trick; compos. — llbllfb, 11. | •book; vade mecum; lull wallet ; alma- nac; — Iteadi, h. roof made sloping on one side; — uccifcl, m. a top; — rt = bieb, 7ii. pick pocket ; — llbillteilfftfj, 71. pocket-ink-case : — Itfeger, m. /i — ubieb ; — ufciiiftlfttj, n. — ibi.ucfer, i7i. pocket-telescope ; — iifonuat, n, pocket size ; — llfutter, n. pocket lining- — ligcle, 11 pocket money; — Eatetitcr, in. pocket almanac: — IlEftllllll, m. | comb;— nfelle,/. T. asmall ladle ;—na ftftppe, /. pocket-flap; — nfoiiipafi, m. pocket-compasses; — nfiMiit, 71 shep- herd's purse (a plant ; — llffebS, »u. punger, crab; — iilfttcnie, — nlnidue, /.folding pocket-lantern; — iiniftTer, 71 pocket-knife, clasp knife ; — nnttftO* ffop, 11. pocket-microscope; — lipuffcr, 771. pocket pistol, pop gun ; — llfflbe, /. pocket grater ; — nfnieft,e(, 771. pocket- mirror; — lllpicl, 11. ju_-gle, juggling, Bleighl of hand; — lllpiflir, m ju| conjurer, vid Syn.j — iMpielcrbetber, in. — itfpielffbiid'i'e, f. juggler's box ; — Itfptelrrei, / jugglery, juggling ; —11= fpicleeftretdi, ,„. — ttfpitlerjtucf, n. juggling-trick ; — Hindi, ». pocket-hand- ef; — iiiti'f, / watch; — nivor= tfiburii, it pocket diCtii nary. Syn. J ,11'^t n f pic If r, 0> .1 .1 I I < r. A J.i. iJunfpicirr perfomn ln> i'.-hn with other 1 > iuKci (in Preach imgleur) originally per- tbem prilicipalli will hil botlj : the' word now ilr*noies a ,l slitni con ur.-r," ko Ural a denominate the {atyrnfairler .in arti.t, the W.tulit[ tequei hire, id 11 "juggler," the former • " ennjurer.'' Xa' Mb c 1 f f ft 11 t, n, cassw X ft fd) 1c i 11, h. little 1 X ft f d) II C f, 111. (-$ ; pL — J trunk maker ; wallet maker, puree maker; rompoj. — = ftfbfif, /. — bailblOiff, 11. work, trade of a trunk maker. X ft f f, /. (pi. -n provmc milk pail. X a I i ft,, adj. provinc quiet. 5 ft K n. (-ffe«; pi. -ffe) 1. heap co- corn sheave.- ; J. I arn. loft, *3 ft 1 1 e, /. (pL -It cup and saucer, cup; dish; etlie — od'ofolftle, a dish of chocolate. *X ft ffe It, p. a. to slock, put up, bear up. 6J3 2it«t 'audi iaug •Sdffet, m. -S; /'. — jiic -.\ho heaps up. *.i ftf f 1 1 te, /. tlie lasses or cnis an armour). *Z a fl a t n r, /. {pi. -en) .vus. r. keys (of a harpsichord, &c £ d ft b a V, ao)'. touchable, palpable. X d ft b a v f c i t, /. palpability. £dffc, /. fpt-tt) key. stop-tangent; rompos. — nbtetf, n. touch-board ; — it= inurnment, n. Mus. T. instrument with It . : — nleiter, /. guide ; — ipdiivfliis, n. the extremity of the keys ; — llVOCVf, n. a keyed instrument 2 d U ( It, r. a. * n. 0«r. bflben) to touch, feel ; to grope, fumble. 2 d ft e r, in. (-S ; pi. — N 1. feeler, anten- na; 2. — , or — til'fel, m. crooked com- passes of a turner. £dft = bflf e 11, vi. cant hook; — fells :' Sangente. Si d ft I i It g § , adv. groping along. Z a t Ot, m. (-fit; pi. -Cll) 1. Tatar: 2. impr. Gipsy. Bohemian ; 3.aTartar horse : compos. — CnfjOtbe, /.a horde of Tartars. £ fl t fl t e t, /. Tatary : bit frimifcbe — , the Crimea. JErttSrtfd), adj. A> adv. Tartar. Tarta- ric; — tS SPf«ri), n Tartar horse; — t§ Sanim, a Tartarearttftmb. * la t ill Oil a^C, ?i. ferretting about, gossipping. *Xatill»tttre It, D. ti. to sniff or fer : ret about, to thrust one's nose every where ; to gossip. * i fl 1 n 11 1 r e It, b. n. 1. to grope about, feel one's way ; J. to work with an un- certain, timid hand of a painter). i d t f (t e, /. ( pi. -lt' : box. slap. I ri t f cb el e r, n. (-§ ; pi. — ) whee- d!er. flatterer. i.t nebcin, b.o. to stroke, caress. Xfltfcbcit, v. <;. to paw, feel. gr?.sp. handle roughly. Z dttft, £ At t e, m. (in infantile lan- guage) father ; dad, daddy. ♦Xaftuwtreit, ) , ,„„„„ *Xflttottirc.t,r'- fl ' ,,,attca £ dfc = b fl r, m. a bear ; — flip, m. 1. a paw ; 2. an animal with paws ; 3. fig. vulg. a person with large hands. £ d fc C, /. (pi. -tl) paw, claw ; cunt. hand: vid. Syn. .Vflfliie ; compos. — 11= forillig, atlj. resembling a paw. Z fl ft, n. (-C •? ; pi. -e) cord, rope, tow ; cabie ; compos. ■ — flllfer, m. tow-anchor ; — cube, n. junk; — Iflllge, /. cable's length ; — lilt.], m. puddings of the yards; — tverf, n. cordage; tackling. £ aft b, mlj 1. deaf; 2. fig. deaf, unfeel- ine; 3. weak: 4. empty; 5. barren, sterile : — lllfldcn, to deaf, deafen : lllit —en Cbrni anberen, to turn a deaf ear to; cine — C Jtoble, a dead coal. etltC — e Uilift, an empty nut ; — er •Safer, haver grass, wild oats ; — ffl OejtCtlt, deads, dead heaps (of stone, minerals) ; eonrpos. — Mb, n. Mm. T. soil sterile in ore; — fifrb, m. .he torpedo; — gcvfte, /. /;.'/'. 1. the tgilops; 2. field fox-tail : -1'ill'tr, — = bfltet, m. 1. oat-grass: 2. darnel: — = rble, /.pit-coal; — fovn, — frant, n darnel; — llffffl, /. blind (dead) nettle ; — VPflgen, m. shave grass, horse-tail ; — fdnuflmm, m common puff-ball; — = ftuittm. adj. deaf and dumb ; — ftUlltmC, m. cv- /. the deaf t.Jid dumb ; — ftllllt* ,nen=anftalt, /. (or = inftitiit, n.) asy- iiini or institution for the deaf und dumb , — fhtlJtmeniefjm, m. teacher C24 ol Ihe ileal" and cninib; — UMITUt, in. vni SoUwunn. %, 5 li b cb c n, n, (-' ; pi. —) little dove, young pigeon, llicill — ! my dear! my love! my duck! :Tfliibe, /. (pi. -It) dove, pigeon; cii'.c wilce — , stock-dove; compos. — n* opffl, "i. red pigeon-apple : — lMU.ic, n. dove's eye ; — lll'Ceie, /. dew-berry : — nbobite, /. pigeon-bean; —net, n. pigeon's egg; — Itcillfitlt, /. inno- cence of doves; — ItCl'bfo, /. pigeon- pea: — nffllf, m. pigeon-hawk, kite: — r.Ktvbc, /. columbine-colour; — 11= fflrben, or — llfarbtfj, adj. dove-co- loured; — llffug, m. 1 flight of a pi- geon ; 2. a flight (flock) of pigeons : — llflljj, 77i pigeon-foot (a plant) ; — 11 = gcicv, — nbobiitt, m. rid. — nfalt ; — llbalS, m. T. the neck of a dove ; 2. the hawk moth, sphinx : — llhfllrfarbf, /. vid. — llfarbe; — ftbalftg, adj. dove- necked, dove-coloured ; — llbflltS, ti. dove-house, pigeon house ; — nbri't, 71 pigeon-heart. cowardice; — llfct'bcl, — llfropf, 771. fumitory (a plant) ; — It: font, 71. perennial darnel, ray grass : — tlfrcillt, 71. round leaved crane's bill ; — lllteb, 71. vervain ; — Itlorb, ». pigeon hole (in a dove-cot"; — ltlteft, ?i. ] i- geon's or dove's nest : — ltpvrcit, in. the order of the dove ; ■ — llpfliir, 71. a pair of pigeons-. — nfflfiete, /. pigeon-pie: — ltVOrf, 77i. horse-tail, shave-grass ; — 11 = fcbUlit, 771. dove-cot. columbary ; — 11= frbllflbel, m. pigeon's bill ; long stalked crane's bill; — llfcbluftllj, m. I. pi- geon's tail; 2. the moro-sphinx; — 11= flint, m. dove-like simplicity ; — ltlllt= fdjlllb, /. innocence of a dove; — 11= 6ogf, — lirofirtet, 771. one who has the care of pigeons; — ttjdrtlicbfeit, / dove-like tenderness ; — tltchlltc, m. tithe of pigeons; — fljUCpt, / the breeding of pigeons. £ fl u b c I m a 11 e r, /. (pi. -11) r. the lining of a ditch, exterior wall. 2 5 Q b e it, v. a. {1. 7i.) vid. SSetfliibon ; Uuferbrucfeit. Za liber, Xdiibcr 0;- ftdiibetirb, m. (-•:■; pi. — ) cock-pigeon. Z d ti b c r 1 1 it g, vu vid. Sflitblittg. Z fl U b f) C i t, /. deafness. Z ii li b t n n, /. (pi. -en) hen pigeon. Z fl li b I e V, 771. (-5 ; pi. — ) I. pigeon- fancier ; 2. one who tends pigeons. £ ii li b i 1 11 g, m. (-ti ; pi. -e) B. T. red agaric. Z fl li b it e v, m. vid. Xfliibcr.rogt. Z a ii cii e 11, >-. i. n. (am. bflbeit) 1. to dive, duck, dip ; 2. fig. to mix ; to retire, disappear ; II. n. & rtfl. 1. to dip ; 2./«-. to plunge, strike fin) : to disappear : tie ©ontte tflticfct fid) tit6 3}ieer, the sun laves itself in the sea. S,n. lauiitn, ?unlcn. Both words are ori- ginally one nn-1 tlie same, only the former is the more select word of the two; Mmhcn has a stroller meaning, and denotes the immersion of a greater body into a more considerable fluid in ' ' ia only -aid of small bodies, which are put into a slight quantity of fluid, and not always quite penetrated by it % fl li cb 1 11, n. ducking, diving, dipping; steeping. £aucb=enfe, /. ,-i.i £cturber 2. ; — = gaits, /. goosander; — bllbll, v. water- hen: — Kfer, ib. vid. SBajfcrfSfet; — fcbivflii, m. bittern; — ftflnge, /. T. sort of pestle to smooth hides with. Smicber, 771. (-§; pi.—) 1. diver, plunger; 2. diver, plungeon, didapper, arsefoot : moor-hen ; compos. — gflllS, /. cormorant ; — glecfe, /. diving-bell ; — = bllbn, 71. sea-lien : — fibife, wi. 7-iV/. — = gflll* — fbllig, m. kingfisher; northern dive: — funft> /. art of diving: — « mewe, /. vid. — bnbit; — fcfiiff, n. diving-ship; — tflllbe, /. Greenland-pi- geon. £ fl ii rb e v I c i it, n. (-8; pi.—) ba* f.lVtCHutc — , the cartesian diver. Z fl fi C It, v. a. T. to dress skins. 2 fl fl e r, 771. (-S ; pi. — ) skin-dresser. SSoTlfsacf, 771. act of baptizing; — • flint, n. ministry of baptism : — bcifeu, 71. baptismal bason ; — brief, tti. ont — fob fin ; — bninncit, 771. vid. — ftf in ; — bllfb, 71. parish register, records ol baptism : — bllltb, in. covenant of bap- tism : — CflVflle, /. baptistery: — ffffll, 7i. rid. — ffb lit Alls ; — formej, /. form of baptism; — gebt'flllfb, 7/1. usage, ens. torn of baptism; — gcbiibr, /. — gclb, 71. christening-fee : — gelfibbC, n. bap tismal vow ; — gefcbeilf, 77. christening present; — gefiniitc, 771.11V. 3Bieber= tnufer ; — gtiatre,/. rn. r. divine mercy vouchsafed in baptism; — bfllltlllllg, /. act of baptism ; — be lilt, a. baptismal robe : — ffllllte, /. christening ewer ; — filtb, 71. infant that is (to be) bap- tized : — f ifffll, it, christening-cushion ; — flfir, 71. christening-gown: — lift, 71. baptismal hymn : — lllflbl, 71. vid. — frbnionS; — name, 7». christian- namc ; — ^rttbf, I m. 1. godfather; 2. godson (/. «.) ; XL /. 1. godmother ; 2. goddaughter (/. u.)<, — pfennig, 7.1. christening-present; — Vfre, /. dis- course delivered at a baptism ; — repJ? fter, 71. vid. — bitfb; — iebettt, m. ceni ficate of baptism ; — Idiilling, m. vid — gefebenf; — fcbmnuS, m. christen ing feast : — ffblllllff, 771. baptismal dress; — ftfttt, 771. J. font, ba[ • x!. Jim. T. steatite, soap-stone; — tag. 771. day of christening ; — tllfb, 71. clott with which the child is covered after baptism; — Better, vi. vid, — patf)e ; — IVflfffr, 71. baptismal water; — JCttfl, 771. vid. — ffbettl J — JCtlg, 71. christening dress ; - — JCltije, 771. sponsor at a baptism, godfather. X fl Q f e, /. (pi. -n) baptism, christening ; bic — Devrifbten, to christen, baptize ; bic — cntvfflitgcn, to be christened, baptized; jllV — bl'tltgcn, to bring to the font; Alls ber — l}cbeit, to stand godfather, godmother. Z fl fife It, d. a. 1. to dip, baptize; 2. to christen ; to name, christen by tlie name of . . ; 3. fig. to name, dub ; bf It SScill — , fig. to baptize or adulterale wine ; cilieil 'Difltl'Offtl — , to duck a sailor. Z aft f C It, 71. baptizing, christening. £aufer, in. (-§; pi. — ) baptizer: 3obaniteS ber — , John the Baptist. Z A l~l f I i it fl, m. (-CS ; pi. -e) one who is being or is to be baptized or chns tened. Z A ft fl e It, v. n. (aui. f)flbf It) to be good, be fit for, be proper, be of use ; f $ fflligt llifbtS, (511 lltitto), that is good for "nothing; baS tAiigt nid:t jnr&a^e, that is impertinent, foreitm to the mat- ter ; eS tAiigt iriehtfl nifbr, it is worn out, spent, wasted, decayed : tr tflltgt nirbt li'ingcr tit bie SBelt, be is no longer a man for this world. S»n. Soufltn, 5! u a t n, Outfcnn. Tl."* words correspond eiartly to the EnelMl " lo be fit, tn be useful, to be good (lor some- thing)." e. g. fine 3(r;nri iff fluj fur (or «e£"fl I - Jiflifr, a medicine is good for (nr against) the fever: tine ivr f ' r tanflt, taugl nia)l imfu turn 3d'rfi^cn, a pen is tit. is no longer fit for writing: mcfii mini 6ift ! r i : r- nufil ju mitt, what is the use of this? it is of no use tbi anything. Z fl fi gc it tcb ts, rn. (pi. -e) good-for nothing fellow. Xan\ £augliri>, 1 adj. go(;d%tit, able, apt, proper, convenient ; II. «te. fiUy, aptly, properly, conveniently. X a ii g 1 1 rf) f e 1 t, f. fitness, ability, apt- ness, propriety, convenientness. X a it g v it 8, n. ( e8) common wheat- grass, dog's grass, quick-grass, couch- grass. X a fi lit e 1, m. (-8) I. reeling, wavering, staggering; -. giddiness ; 3. fig intoxi- cation, ecstasy ; 4. tumult, passion ; compos. — bcd)ev, — felrb, m. fig. in- toxicating cup; beit — bedjer ber:20oU til ft leeveil, to plunge into voluptuous pleasure ; — ft f ci> , m. dolphin ; — (jetft, m. spirit causing giddiness; fig. mania ; — gla8, ?i. tumbler ; — ffifci", m. whirl- ing-dun, water-flea ; — Eerbet, m. small cow-parsley; — lold), m. darnel; — = taubc, /. (sort of pigeon) tumbler. £auiUCtig, I. adj. reeling, giddy, staggering; 11. adv. giddily. X a fi m c 1 it, v. n. (aux. Imbcn £ fe»n) ]. to reel, stagger; 2. to be giddy, in- toxicated with. 2; a ft m t C X, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) one who reels, tumbler. X a fi p e I, /. (pi. -It) square fishing-net for carps. X il fi V 1 A), m. (-S ; pi. -C) a russet-pippin. X a fi V t C 11, n. (-6) {or X<\\\X\&, n.) Oeog. T. Tauria. *£aitril teit, pi. the taurilia (sacri- fices in honour of Rhea and Cybele). Xnnx ifcf), adj. Tauric; bte — e.galbs ttifel, tbe Tauric Chersonese (Crimea). *X a II V f 6 II a, /.a sort of glue. *X a u x o m a ch i e, /. bull-flgbt *X a u x o p b a g, m. (-tit ; pi. -en) buii- devourer. £ a ti 8, m<£ fDflUS. SEaiifd), m. (-e8) exchange, truck, barter; eitlClt — lliadjeit or treffeil, to make an exchange, to barter; compos. — banbcl, m. bailer, exchange, truck ; — l>illbki, m. broker ; — lltft, /. fond- ness of exchange or of bartering ; — - Inftig, adj. given to exchange or barter; — fecvtrag, •;;;. treaty or compact of harter; — nxife, ado. by way of ex- change. E a li f d) b a r, adj. exchangeable. E d li f d) b a v f e i f, /. deceivableness. X a ti f A) e it, v. n. (mix. I)aben) *■ a. to exchange, truck, barter ; gegen ettua* • -, to exchange for; id) tflltfche llidjt nitt tfjili, I won't change situations with him. %'i\ li f d) e it, o. I. a. 1. to illude, delude, deceive, cheat; '-'. to disappoint; II. refi. to be deceived ; to be (see one's self) disappointed. IE d li f A) e it b, adj. &■ adv. delusive, cal- culated to delude ; like ; natural, natur- ally ; eine — e ?lel)lidifeit, a striking resemblance; ein — c8 £piel, natural acting, like nature ; — liarbmaebcil, to copy, imitate to nature. X a ii f d) e v, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) barterer. X d it f d; e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) deceiver, delnder. % a u f A) c v e t, /. exchange, exchang- ing. £aiifd)evc(, /. {pi. -en) deceit, il- lusion. Xii iff ebnn g,/ (pi. -en) 1. illusion, delusion ; 2. disappointment £aiif enb, Ladj. thousand; — SDJaiW, a thousand men; — nnb eine -iRacfef, thousand and one (Arabian) nights ; li n. (-e8 ',/)/. -e) thousand; compos. 40 Xato — lining, mlj. having n thousand anna; — bein, a. 1..V. i". rack; -. multipedc; — beinig, adj having a thousand legs, thousand-legged; — blatt, n. milfoil, yarrow; — bldttcrig, adj. thousand- leaved ; — b["er, n. all flower- water; — erf, n. T. chilingon, chilia> dron : — erf ig, adj. '/'. chiliagonal ; — ffl($, — fdlttg, adj. thousand fold; — urbig, adj. of a thousand colours ; — forinig, adj. of a thousand different tonus; — = fnf), in. milleped, scolopendra; — fii= ^ig, mi/, having a thousand feel ; — = gillbenfl'illlt, n. centaury; — jiibvtg, adj. of a thousand years, millenial; bo3 — jaluige 3icid), millennium; — fno- teil, ?/i. knot L'r.'iss ; — fpril, u. rupture- wort; — fiill)tler, m. cunning man, conjurer, a man skilled in many dif- ferent thiiiL's; — null, adv. a thousand times; — nuUig, adj. a thousand times happening or repeated ; — pfuitbtQ, adj. of a thousand pounds weight; — = fduMt it — fdiblldietl, n. pansy, ama- ranth; — IVCife, adc. by thousands ; — = jiingig, «(//. having a thousand toi Xaiifenber, m. (-8; pi. — ) thou- sand, figure marking the thousands. X a li f C It b C V 1 C i, adj. a thousand dif- ferent. X a iff en but a (, adv. a thousand times; — billtfeit, to give One a thou- sand thanks; — Ulttfcilb, a million. JCoiifenbjle, adj. thousandth; bas tueiti bev — nidit, you will rarely find one that knows it ; "bil« .&nnbCVt|"tc ill bnS — mifdjeit, werfen, to huddle or confound all together, to go on without end *X a It t a C t & lit It 8, m. Ilh. T. a faulty repetition of the same sound in several consecutive syllables. *£aiit o cbi-one, f. or 2'antpd)ifni= tifd)e (Slllbe, Q. T. a species of curve line, tautochrone. *X a it t o d; v u i f d), adj. rid. 0Jleid;= irittg. *X a n t p d) r o n t S nt n 8, m. aid. ©leidneitigfcit. *Xan t p I ogie, /. (pi. -n tautology. *X a II t 1 g i f d), adj. tautological. *£(lll t o ill e trie, /. uniformity of measure, old, ©leit^inof. *.i a n t p h o it ie, /. tautophony. *X a y e liv c it, v. a. vid. SQpfeln, Spvcnfelii. *SE«t>erne, /. vid. Xahtxnt. *% (i v, SCare, Xrixuf&aum, m. (-t$ ; pi. Save, SaruSbaume) yew. Mavator, m. (-3; pi. -en) taxer; valuer. *.X A V e, /. (pi. -It) 1. set price or rate, assize ; 2. tax, impost, duty; ttxoai inn bte — ei'i>cben, to buy a thing ni the set price ; etuniS niit —it belegen, to levy a tax on something. *X a X e It, Caviien, ?•. a. to tax, rate, appraise ; to fix the price. •5Cor id x d\ in. vid. Selbljatiptmann. *% a x i a r A\i e, /. office of a general or commander. *Xarib er ntie, /. r. taxidermy. *i ario 1 p gte, "If. taxonomy, law *.J ^1 vi oil oni ie, ) of order or classifi cation. *X a v i r c r, m. (S ; pi. — ) taxer, ap- praiser. •JE a x i r n n g, duration, /. {pi. — c 1 1 taxation, estimate, appraisement. *Xi X o rb it n it g, /. (pi. -en) regula- tion of assize, tarilF; scale of fees in law-courts, See. ; — viobe, /. .Mm r X d r t a n n e, /. ( pi. -n) silver-leaved fir-tree. X d |, m. proline, duty for wine and beel sold by retail. * X (t J 1 1 te, /. (p!. -n) yellow daffodil. *X ( cbne m a to tl)f f, /. collection of works of art; place for such a col lection. *£ erf) it if, /. science of technical terms; aid. tin .utinitfertigffit, JtuitfUeferr, ©eivcrbtljaiigleit. *£ i A) n i f e r, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) one who practises or is versed in the lech nicalities of any art. 3 duiifdj, "dj. technical; — I *ilu8briirfe, technical terms or ex- pression-. *% e $ n o g I f) v t)> m - a (preciout curiously or artfully cut *X e d) II P 1 P gi C, /. technology. *J e di n 1 £ g i f fb, adj. technological + T e d) II P p r d g ll i P ll, n. (-8; an ar- tistic sport or play, em of a very artificial and difficult measure. J i rf c I b P I) 11 C, /. (pi. -ll) broad-bean X C rf 1) I J, n. (-C8) tack wood, Indian oak ■ i ' e C t ii r, /. cover (of a seal, phial. &c). *XebCUllt, 71. (-8) Te-deum. XttXB, f. (vl. -tti) .V. T. goggle; — rn 511 ben Jtliifen, hawse-plugs T e e r t f rb e, /. house-plug. Ccgel, m. (-8) proline, mail. *X e g i v e 11, v. vid. Scvbcrfen, i'er- bcinilidien. ►5 e g n 111 c 11 1, n. (-8) vid. Terfe ; •OilUt. X e i a n f e r, m. (-« ; pi. —) .v. T. small bower-anchor; bell — auSlVCTfCll, la moor across; compos. — tail,;; bower- cable. iCUUlf e V II, v. n. to mo( 1 by the head. X e t rf), m. (-e8 ; pi. -e) pond ; einen — unlearn, to make, dig a p md ; eineit — ilisiebeil, to drain a pond; cilieil — (mil -vintfii) bi'U'tcn, to store a pond ; ber — son S8et^f8b(i, the pool ofBethesda; compos. — binfe, /. bul- rush ; —fiber, /. reed-grass ; — fen= rfi'l, m. water-milfoil ; — fe lifter, n opening in a pond to let off the water ; — fi'"eb, '"■ pond fish ; — fi|du' = vei, /. pond-fishing; — fotellf, / | trout: — gitter, n. grate of a — gnibcr, m. pond-digger; — larpfeil, m. pond carp; — folbe, /. cat" reed mace ; — lilie, /. water-lily ; sweet-flag; — nieifter, nt pond-master; dike-master; — liuifeh'l, /. swan- muscle; — vedien, m. large mke o» harrow for cleaning ponds; — fcflftt" fe, /. sluice of a pond: — fdlKllllllI, m. mud of a pond ; — ffblicrfe, /. — piibtr, m. r,d. — fa)lenfc; — tvan- ;e, /. pond-bug : — WOfftr, n | w ,. ltt . r; —mirtpfebaft, / management ofa pond ; — javfen, »'• lock ; — jms, ;;;. rent paid fOI a pond. X e f cb e t, « (-8 ; ;;/ — ) water con- duit, eonduifrpipe. J ti At el 11, c a tog) to inoculate, bud. J 1 1 g, m. (-ed ; oi. -e) d ben — fttUtnt, to leaven, to ferment the dough; ben — fncten, to knead the ii • igh; >■ •"/"-• — bint, /.overripe pear; — fiMfce, — jd'avve, / scraper- B28 £efl -■mobl, 11. morphew; — Itteffer, ». doughknn'e ; — nuiltc, /. trough, tray; — rab, — vatcbctt, v. jagging-iron ; — '".tiiffcl, /. dongh-board; — fpci|e, prepared from flour. £etg, «•;'. mellow, over-ripe. % tig 1 d) t, adj. dough-like. i c ui i 13, adj. doughy. ■Jet 11 t, m. vid. govk ; ©efft&fSfarbe, .gout. *X C i It t fi l" f, /. 1. colour, complexion, tincture ; 2. fig. superficial knowledge. *X e t It g tri e, } f. procreation, ' 4 1 'f it p l e, J generation of children. *Xtl ttoHotiTe, /. /.. T. vid. Jcin= tesmovt ; jiinbermorb. *S C f t 6 11 t f, f. the art of ornamenting wooden or metallic vessels with pic- tures. *Xt\amOtttn, pi. .1rc\. T. figures of men supporting entablatures, tela- mones. * X e 1 e 3 r a p b, m. (-en ; pi. -en) te- legraph ; compos. — enlinie, /. line of telegraphs. *X e I e (3 r a p I) t e, /. telegraphy. *X e 1 e 3 r S p f) i f rb, adj. £,■ adc. I»y the telegraph, telegraphic. *S e I e I a I 1 e, ) /. the (art of *Xel epf)0 11 te, V speaking to a *Se 1c p b fit f IP, J great distance (by means of a speaking-trumpet}. * X C I e nt d 5), m. (-§) Telemachus. *JEe I e 1 3, w. (-en ; />/. -en) tcieo- logist- *£ c I e 1 (J I e, /. teleology *S C I C 1 i3 g t f d), arfj. J[- ado. teleo- logical. *:X C I C p b 1 e, /. B. T. wild purslain. *£elcpf) i\ rb, adj. <$■ adc. S. T. te- lephian. 'X e 1 C f l e, /. .l/i/i. T. sapphire, telesia, *X e I e f f p, n. (-6 ; pi. -e) telescope. *Scleffoptfch, adj. telescopic, te- lescopical. *Xele'§ma, n. vid. 1. SSoflenbuttg, SBeifje ; 2. 3aubenntttei. *X e I e § p b r U 8, in. Myth. T. Te- lesphorus (god of convalescence). telle, /. (pi. -It) small deepening on a surface. teller, m. (-«; pi. — ) plate; etn f)5ljemer — , trencher, wooden plate; compos. — apfel, m. flattened apple ; — = brett, 7i. plate-drainer; — tecfcl, m. plate-cover ; — eifcit, n. sort of trap with an iron plate ; — forinig, adj. plate-shaped; B. T. urceolate ; — bail!' mer, m. T. flattening-hammer; — fjatts be, /. vid. — ittiifce ; — buf, m . flat hoof: — bllftg, adj. A- adv. having flat hoofs; — fltecbt, in. dumb waiter; — = Fore, m. plate-basket; — lecfer, m. pa- rasite, spunger; — mnfrbol, /. lampin; — llti'lfee, /. trencher-cap, flat cap; — * Itafe, /. flat nose ; — recbcit, m. rails, rack for plates ; — ring, m. wicker- rtand for plates; — riibe, /. round rooted turnip; — fcbleder, m. wig. rid. — lecfer; — fdmecfc, f. species '/: ijcbiegeneS — , native tei- £epip n. Mir lurium. *X c 1 I H i i fob, adj. telluric, terrestrial. *X el luvi Sum 8, m.1. the earth con siderrd as a whole) ; the natural forces of the earth ; S. animal magnetism. *X c 1 1 fi r i u m, n. (-S) T. tellurion. ♦Sell u i, f. Myth. t. vid. (Svc-e, ®aa. *iCllMl, /. the lyre of the ancient northern minstrels. •Jniictiir, adj. rid. Uubefoitucn, S3erroegen, greet), Sollfiibn. *Xemcvitdt, /. vid. UnBefonnm« lu-it, 9Serroegen|eif, SoUfiihn^eit. X C 111 11 1 ^, /. ( ;>/. -Cll) provinc. prison. *Xe.mpe f n. (-8) Tempe ; fig. beauti- ful country. Xtmptt, m. (-$; pi. — ) temple; church ; fig. nature ; compos. — brtU, m. 1. construction of a temple; 2. temple-building : religious pile; — b;e= net", m. priest ; officer of the temple ; — tieilll, m. divine worship, service; — gewbtbe, n. vault of a temple: — = balle, /. portico of a temple ; — b(Ul§, "temple; — ben', — rittCV, m. knight- templar ; — bcrrctipitcn, m. vid. — rr= ben ; — berrentvadjt, /. costume of the templars; — f>evrt (cf), adj. &■ adv. belonging to the templars; Jn the manner of the. templars; — f)of, m. 1. court of a temple; 2. dwelling of the templars ; — crDClt, m. the order of the Temple or of St. John; — idldlU bet, m. one guilty of sacrilege ; — = fcblaf, nt. sleeping in the temple (among the ancients); — n>ci()e, /. conse- cration of a temple ; — jinllC, /. pin- nacle. *£ e m v e v a - in a I e r e i, /. — bilber, pi. T. a particular kind of paintings ■lours of which are mixed with the milky juice of young fig sprouts and the yolk of eggs\ distemper. *X e m v c r a in i n t, n. ( 7 eS ; pi. -c) temper; temperament; bte met' — t, (ba§ rbolertfrbe, fangninif^e, pfjXeg- inatifcjje nr.b inelane^olifche,) the four temperaments (the bilious, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholy) ; btel — l\tb'.:t, fam. to be disposed to sensual indulgence ; compos. — $fcl)ler, 771. con- stitutional fault. ♦S'emverdr. 5, / vid. 3Jitt^ig!eit, 3R«p«8ung. * X e lit p e r a t ii r, /. temperature of the air; Mus. 7'. temperament. *X£ m p e t - ^ a f e tt, — ofen, m. r. cooling furnace (in glass-houses). *X e 111 p C r I V C It, v. «. to temper, neal. *X c nt p c r i v = in e f f e r, n. (-8) pallet- knife ; — pll(ver, n. Med. T. sedative powder. *T e m p e (i, /. 1. vid, Secfiurm ; ltn= geuullcr; 2. pi. Sempefia'S (in paint- ing) storm -pieces, sea-pieces. *X e lit p e ft 1 1, adj. seasonable, in a proper or suitable time, timous. *XcinpIv e tl, )•. a. ME. to fix a certain term, grant a delay, prolong; baS — , orStcmpining, /. prolongation. i X C 111 P I C f, m. (-§ ; pi. —) knight- I templar. (-«) oil of the of fresh-water shell ; — fcbrailf, m. ! JE t ill pi t tt 8 1, 11. china cupboard ; — tllfh, — tiictlletlt, \ mountain-pine, n. napkin ; — warmer, m. plate- j warmer; — roitbel, m. the limpet. ft c 1 (tit e (Sc'Ilmnfcijel), /. Conch. T. 1 tellina 'X C I ( i n i t C n, pi. petrified tellinas. •tell u r, 71. (-c« ; pi. -e) or — tnrtoK, G26 X i m p 0, 71. (-'« ; pi. Xtmpi &■ £Eem= pOS) Jkftis. T. time, measure ; Mil, T. movement ; a — / vu/l'. in the nick of time; ba3 — becbilfbteit, to keep tune, the measures (of a dance) ; also fig. to watch one's time, to seize the favourable moment. *XeillpOr#., adj. 1. vid, 3 ci 'f'^ SQcltlid); 2. -J. T. temporal. *% C 111 p r S 1 1 e 11, pt. temporals n temporalities (of the clergy). *X C lit p r d r, adj. temporary. *X e m p r c 1 1, adj. vid. Seitgeinaft 3etfltc|, SBeltlirb. *X ( lit p 0t t f t V C It, r. n. fam. to tem- porize ; SCentportfation, /. tempori- zation. *% e ill 11 1 C 11 t, adj. reeling, drunken. *X cm II I C 11 5, /. intoxication, reeling. *X e tt a f 1 1 a t, /. tenacity. *X e It a 1 1 I e, /. Fort. T. tenaille. *% e tt tt 1 1 1 Ir t It, v. a. to point in the shape of a wedge; vid. 3n>icfen. *X e tt a 1 1 1 6 II, m. (-S) Fort. T. tenall- lon. *X e tt d f e I, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) Typ.r. viso rium, retinaculum; baS — (Ulfjiccfctt, to put on the visorium. *X e tt b C It j, /. ( pi. -en) tendence, ten- dency. *.i en b t n C i, adj. tendinous, sinewy. *Tenbircn, r. a. «V ». vid. 5)el)iieii, ©pnniteit ; ©treben, Svacbtcii; 53c= jwecfen. *X c n b r e, n. ein — fur Semanbcu babcil, to be tenderly inclined towards any one. ♦Xette'brto, m. vid. gtafterltttfl ; Setruger. X e tt C r t f f a, n. ( -«) Teneriffe (also a sort of wine). *% C 11 c' § Itt 11 ?, 771. Med. T. tenesmus, rid. Stufjljivaitg. Sen 3 c In, v. vid, ©engeln. *X t it tt a tt tt t, m. (-es ; pi. -e) Mi*. T. tennantite. I £ it 11 1, /. {pi. -It) floor, tirashing- floor, barn-floor ; compos. — gi'il3, n. knotgrass; — llllietftCl - , 771. head- thrasher; — 11 pat f die,/, or — nfrhlds gel, m. beetle used in making floors. *JCettBr, in. (-§ ; pi. -e) tenor; fig. tenor-singer ; bet' bebe — , upper tenor; btr tiefe — , counter-tenor; compos. — geige, /. viola, tenor ; — ftiinnte, /. tenor-voice. *X e tt 1 i ft, to. (-CU ; pi. -en) tenor- singer. *Xt II fi b 11, /. tension. *X c 11 1 a in c a, ii. vid. ^ri'tfung, tytobt. *X e tt 1 1 1 e tt, v. vid. ^viifen ; 35cta= fteit; aSerfucbeit. *Senu i t a 1, /. tenuity. *X e n 11 1 a, Semite, /. Mus. T. rest, pause. *X i II 5 13 11 e, /. sort of poetical combat ; kind of poem. *X e p i b d r i u m, n. (-3) tepid bath. *Sephroit, m. (-6) tephroit (a mineral). X C p p t ct), 771. (-C» ; pi. -e) carpet ; tapestry; cover for a table ; lllit eiiiem — bebeff eit, to carpet : compos. — ar* beif, /. tapestry; — batlb, n. carpet- binding; — befavj, m. carpet-binding; — befen, m. carpet broom ; — biene, /. bee, that lives solitary and builds a carpet-like nest: — becfe, /. carpet- cover; — fabl'ifailt, m. carpet-manu- facturer; — bditclcv, )■>. dealer in car- pets and covers; — frdllltf, 771. |,ediai that deals in covers; — madiet", 771. vid. — Weber ; — lltaillt, m. one who sells table-covers; — lltotte, /. carpet-moth; — nagel, m. carpet-tack; — fticftr, m. — ftirferilltl, f. tapestry-worker; — < tvebcr or — Witter, m. carpet-manufa: gerr turer; — nurfcrei, /. 1. manufactory of carpets; ii. the art of manufacturing carpets. £c>y irfuit, v. oid. SEapejtren. 2 c V P i rf) c r, vid. Sflpejirer. £ c r u 1 1 e, /. (pi. -11 ) turbot (a fish). teratologic, /• tlie doctrine of miracles. *%t X a 1 1 D g i f c6, «'•!/• relating to the doctrine of miracles. •Xcratof topic, /. the seeing of wonders. *JE e v e e r 6 n, m. (-8 ; p/. -8 a mendicant friar. * Z e V 111 i It a 1 1 3 It, /. termination. *3l t V 111 t It e t, /. district where the mendicant friars are allowed to beg. *£ C v lit i It I V e II, v. n. to go a-begging. *J c r nt t n t r e v, ( m. (-8 ; vl. — ) a *Z t X lit i JI a I i t X, ) mendicant friar. *Z C V lit i 11 t 8 lit U 8, in. Th. T. doc- trine of the terminists, Calvinism. Mevmiuijt, m. (-ett; pi. -en) ter- minist. *Xcillt i It ologie, /. technical lan- guage, terminology. *:A.evminolBgifcb, adj. relating to terminology or technical terms. M' i r m t it u 8, m. .Myth. T. Terminus. ♦Scv nt it, v. (-en; pi.-eit) termes,ter mites (kind y great ant in America). *jE e r u 5 r, reifacb, (yebritt. *Xc V It e, /. (/)/. -U) ternion. 'X cv pen tin (Xerpciitbitt), m. (-8) turpentine; compos. — arttjj, adj tere binthine; — baunt, m. turpentine-tree; — ftvuifi, m. turpentine-varnish; — = gcift, m. spirit (essence) of turpentine; — 61, ». turpentine-oil. *Z e V V b t*0 It, 7i. (-8) name of a mu- sical instrument. \T c v p f i d) o v e, /■ -V////(. v. Terpsi chore. *'.X c X V (I i It, n. (-8) -Vi7. 7'. ground. •2) C v r d i" f c, /. {pi. -it) terrace pos. — nformtg, adj. <£■ adv. in the form of a terrace, in terraces, ■iCevraffltett, ». a. J. to terrace, make into a terrace ; 2. to throw to the ground. *% C X X a f f 1 1 e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) work- man at fortifications, pioneer. Seft *X e t C I I e, /. r. terre ppnericai magnet. *Z e r r C ft r i f (f\ adj. terrestrial, oid *Z e r V l tl C, /. ''p/. -It) bowl, tureen: compos. — nlbjfel, 7,1. tureen ladle. *Z e r r 1 1 o v i a I = v e d) t, ?(. '-« ; pi. -c territorial privilege ; sovereignly ; — = ftyftem, n. territorial system cles. history opposed to episcojiacy). *Z e r r i t D r i it nt, «. (-8 ; pi. Scrrtto= rit'lt) territory. ♦Servo ri8mu8, m, terrorism •JEerrortftr en, v. a. to nil with terror, to frighten. *Z e v v o v i ft, 77i. (-en ; pi. -en) terrorist *Z e V V V 1 ft i f d), adj. terrible, frightful. *Z i X t i a, /. 1. the third form or class (in a school) ; 2. M. K. — or — ivcd} = fcl, m. third of exchange; 3. Typ.T. the great primer. *£cvttait, m. (-e§; pi. -t) Mu».T- third; bOppcltei - — , double thirds *% e 1 1 i 5n e r, m. (-8 ; p/. — ) scholar of the third class. •JCertianfteber, n. (-8) tertian ague. *Z e V 1 1 a r, a«. (-eS) filth ; dandritr. 'X i ft, m. Ch T. test ; — , w compos. — = atte, /. test-act (in England) ; — nfdie, /.cupel-ashes; — fie, m. /,. T. test; test oath; belt —etc fdiiiHU'cit, to take the te-t ; — FOVtt, 71. a grain of silver attached to the cupel; — EUflef, /. T. sleeking-ball; — Vfanne, — fd)uffrt, /. eu] i l-pan. •I e ft il C C C 11, pi. teslaces, testaceous animals. *X e ft a m e it t, 7i. (-Ca ; pl.-t) l les ni , -j. will, last will; fin — ma= rilfll, to make one's last will, one's tes- tament ; bo8 — nnidn-ii, ./,v. to prepare for death; tilt mfiltbticbefl — , nuncu- pating will ; obue — fterbeil, to die in- testate; fetit — tuiberrufen, to coun tnd one's will; fin — Umftofien, to annul, abolish a wul; bfto attc itiir' nenc — , the old and new Testament ; compos. — beilage, /. codicil: — cvbe, 77i. testamentary heir; — erSffllUltfl, | opening, proving of a will: — falfdjer, m forger of a will; — maeber, m testa tor; — niacbei'inn, /. testatrix; —8= Xeurf) auSri.ttet m. vU. — <»oQfbe a will, — Sclaufi L »' testament trj cla cil ; — eerbe, m. — aetbtiiii, /. — cvbe; — Seroffming, /. opening wiii: — Suiiterfcbiebuiifl, /. forgi a will: — SoerffiflUiia, / tei tion; -8oollftrccfi'r,_ — 5coIl = u,l'fi', m. executor; — 8ivfi!C ad win ; — Sjeuge, m. witness to a will. *X C ft a 111 e It t fir t f ch, a ij. S,- adr \B» tamentary, by will. I e ft a in c n t c r, nt oid. Xcftatov. *Z f ft ,1 IU : It t I i d), adj. testamentary 'Z f ft a 1 1 v, m. [-4 ; pi. -en) testator ♦X e ft A tor i f cb, adj. according to the will of the testator, ordered by him. 'X C ft a t V i V, /. testatrix. *X c ft i f i c l v c ll, v. a. to attest, vui. grbfirten, Sewetfen; XcftificatiDit,/ testification. *X e ft i i e 1, ni. (-8 ; pi. -iu testicle. *X e ft i in o n i vi 1 e 8, pi r. testirconiak, certificate. 'XcftiiiuMiinnt, 7i. (-8; ;,/. -nita) testimony. *X e ft 1 1 c n, d. 7i. {mix. baben) l. to leave a « ill ; - to testify ; cv ift ^t= ftorben, ohue \n — , he died v. making a u ill. •X e ft i v c f, 77i. (-8 ; pi. —) —inn, /. L.T. testator, testatrix. +X Z ft It, in. (-8 ; pi. -c) tester. I (an old silver coin). *X e ft fi b 0, /. 1. Mil. Sr Med. T tudo; 2. oid. halite, Sttber. Xctc, / oid. tt\>vf; Spifte ; — iim- dlClt, to show opposition, bid defi eiii Xetc=a;Xete, a tete a tet«;, inter view. *X 1 1 b « 8, /. Myth. T. Tethys. ♦X e t r aiib V ll, «. (-8) O.T. tetraha>droa 'Xct vacb 6 vb, ii. (-cej Mils. T. te- Irachord. •XetragiJn, n. (-c8; pi. -c) r. te- tragon, quadrilateral. *X e t r a g ll o in c t v t e, /. tetrago- nometry. *X c t v (i in e t c v, m. (-8) T. tetra- meler. ♦Xetretnbri a, pi. B. v. tetrandrian plants. *Xct V .1 petal! f dl, ) adj. n. T. te- *X c t v a v b '•' ' I i f Wi i trapetalous, tetraphyiious, oid. SSierblattertg. ♦X c t v a V v b c ii, p.'. quadrupeds. ♦X c t v a V o b i e, /. r. tetrapody, series nf four feel in i *X c t r a v o b o I i t b, m. ;-e« ; pi. -eu) i dite. *X c t v a p 1 1 r i e n, pt z«rf. '/'. u trapterians *Xetrapt?rtf '• i 7". te- traspern *X C t V d ft I di It, in. (-8) 7'. tetrastich. I f t V fl ft ij I II, 71. (-8) .tfr-.A. T. to- trastyle. ►Xetra fi) 1 1 a b o n, ». (-8) tetrtsyl 1 tbic word. I c ucbcl, riJ. Xeicb'l. I c li f c, /. (pi. -II; Mn. V. depth, deep- ness. t e ii f t i, m. (-« ; pi. — ) devil ; cilt tinner — , a poor fellow ; »om — be= feffeu, possessed of the devil; cr fia^t belt — bariiad), lie does not care a straw about it ; cr ttetf) tnt — baoon, lie knows nothing of it ; ei ter — ! the devil! ber — niib feiite ©rogmutter, the devil and his dam ; bcr tyinfdlbc— , a>e devil upon two sticks; eg ift urn fcfg — g ill nxrbett, 'tis enough to drive one mad; ev tyat bell — iin gettyf, the devil is in him ; bcr — tettct itylt, he is possessed; bev — ift log, hell is broke loose; rcitet dirty bet — ? is the devil in yon 1 are you mad 1 111 1 1 — g @C= malt, in spite of one's teeth ; bell — Olid) ! tmtg. the devil a bit ! ev gtcbt bent — JU rflttycit nilf, he knows one point more limn the devil ; bag tyeifit betm — $ut SBetrtyte gctycu, prpo. the devil rebukes sin; felbji bev — ift (jut, weuu man itym 511 SBiUen ttyut, prov the devil himself is good when he is pleased; compos, bff fiU'tcftl (tyc — , or bag favteftauifrtyc SEeufeletyeit. n. the Cartesian devilkin ; — llldjjig, adj. «i- adv. devilish ; devilishly. X C li f e I rty e li, n. (-« ; pi. — ) imp, little devil. £e life let, / (pi. -en) 1. agency of the devil; 2. devilishness, diabolical- ness; devilish trick; 3. intricate, troublesome business. Xt ii f c I ty a f t, adj. vid. JEeufelifd). X e li f e 1 i f rty, Sciiflifrty, 1. adj. devil- ish, diabolical ; eillC — C (SiftltMlllfl. a devilish device ; feiite — e .ipenlirtyfeit, lud. his devilship ; II. ado. devilishly, diabolically. £ C li f C 1 It, o. n. to act like a devil, to exercise witchcraft. £eiifcl3'eutfcty. X e ii t f rty c I, m. vid. Seufet. Xttti, 71. Oeog. T. theTexel. *X e y t, m. (-eg; pi. -e) 1. text; 2. Mus. T. words ; 3. Typ. T. double pica ; uur weiter iin — e ! go on : ciiicnt belt — lefeit, to read one a lecture; com- p 0S- — lliatiig, adj. $■ adv. conformable (according) to the text, textual ; — = fctyl'ift, /. text-hand; Typ. T. double pica; — "erftiillbivje, 771. textuist; — = nJOrte, pi. words of the original. *X e X t it f, /. texture. X c f) a u f e r, w. vid. Xtianlvc. X I) a b b a 11 8, ib. Thaddteus (man s name). X ty ell 71. (-eg ; pi. 2'iv'iler, also Xbalt) dale, vale, valley ; liber SBei'fl Ullb — , over hills and dales; compos. — CIV.S, adv. out of the valley ; — tarty, 771. rivu- let flowing through the valley ; — be- reotylier, m. inhabitant of a valley; — = bil'tie, /. sort of sourish pear; — blirtye, /. red beech ; —ein, —eillWarW, adv. into the valley; — fabrt, /. journey through the valley; — flllB, m. river through valleys; — gefnilUje, n. sloping, shelving (of a mountain or hill) ; — - (jruilb, 771. bottom of a valley, valley ; —haia. — tyftnge, /. vid. — getyauge ; — tymigio,, adj. sloping; — leilie, pi. in- habitants of a valley; — lilte, /. May- flower, lily of the valley ; — lailf, — = Weg, 771. track, course of a valley ; — = fee, 771. lake situated in a valley ; — = ftabt, /. town situated in a valley ; — = ftroill, hi river flowing through a val- ley ; — UPjjt, ib, provinc. bailiff set over a valley ; — lviirtg, adv towards the val- ley; — tveg, in. road through (direction along) the valley ; — Weill, m. wine grown in a valley; — lDOtyliei', m. vid. — be mob iter. .X ty a i, n. (-eS) salt-works, saltern ; campos. — beaillte, m. orlicer employed in salt-works; — ijeriitt, «. jurisdiction of the salt-works; — flllt, 71. ground adjoining the salt-works; — bang, m. tribunal of the salt-works; — leilte, pi. salt-makers; — OVbllUllfl, /.regulation concerning the salt-works.- — t>P0,t, 711. constable of the salt works *Z ty d I a lit 11 g, 711. B. T. thalamus. *Jt b a 1 a f f {rati e,/ empire of the sea. *X tyalaffomlte r, m. r. thaiasso- X li a 1 e r, m. (-« ; pi. —) dollar ; <&p& e-ieg— , dollar in specie ; Uleifbg— , rix dollar; .nVCltdt— , crown dollar; fifty emeu (ctyoueit — yerbieueu, to earn or Sthau gain considerable sums; comjiot. — • ftiirf, n. a dollar. X ty a 1 c r, 771. (-g ; pi. —) -\- inhabitanl of a valley. X ty a 1 e v rty c n, b. (-$ ; pi. — ) dim. joe for Styaler; eiu tyunbevt— , a hundrec dollars. *X ty d 1 i a, f. Myth. T. Thalia. *X ty d n, 777. (-eg ; pi. -e) thane. *X ty a it a 1 1 g l e, /. doctrine of the nature and the causes of death, thana- tology. X ty d 11 C n, v. a. .V. T. to tan (the sails). *X ty d p f t e, /. ( pi. -it; C. r. thapsia. *X ty d x a, f. vid. Xaxa. £tydt, /. (pi. -en) deed, action, act, fact ; tine (jrofje — , an exploit, achieve- ment, feat; grpfic — eu uerrtctyten, to achieve great actions; ftllf fl'ifrtyer — , in the deed, doing, in the fact, in the very act ; ill bev — , indeed, in fact ; bte — geftetyeit. to confess the fact, to confess one's self guilty ; bie — (dltg= lien, to deny the charge ; eillflll llltt Stall) Ullb — tyetftetyen, to advise and help one efficaciously; ei' tyflt (fi'ttyrt) ben Stamen mit bev — , his doing answers his name ; compos. — bcgtfr, /. desire of signalizing one's self or of achieving great exploits ; — beftatlb, ib. matter of the fact ; — bcllH'ig, m. proof by the fact, active proof; — = tyailbhlng, /. fact, violent deed; — = fvaft, /. energy ; — fltllbiij, adj. known by the fact ; notorious ; — fuitbigfcit, /. notoriety ; — fartye, /. fact, matter ol fact ; — fdrtylirty, adj. founded on fact. X ty d t e It, v. a. + to do. X ty d t C n of £tyat, in compos. — bl'ailfl, 771. desire of actions or acting ; — log, I. adj. inactive, indolent, idle ; II. adv. inac- tively, indolently ; — reirty * — BpU, adj. rich, abounding in deeds, active. Styater, m. r-g ; pi. — ) Xtyatertnn, /. (pi. -eu) doer, author; perpetrator, guilty person. £tydtig, I. adj. 1. active, busied; 2. effective, actual : efficacious ; eg llKirtyt ityll — , it sets him at work ; II. ado. actively, efficaciously. Smn Stjiitig, 33 ttrif 6f<"»- SSKIighit («c- liviiy) ia the employment of one's slrengili even without nnv regnrJ to any definite object ; JStlrukfamtcil (industry) is that a. -nvitv which is brought into play by a i-ertain ohject and in sooth only the one object of improving one's circumstances. Children are living (ac. tive), but their activity is no Mttrirtfaintcit. The citizens of many towns are bclrubfaiu (industrious). X ty 8t t g f e 1 1, /. activity ; actuality, efficacy. X ty S t I i rty, I. adj. 1. founded upon fact; actual in fact or deed ; 2. violent ; II. ado. violently. X I) a 1 1 i tb t e t t, /. (pL -Cll) violence, act of violence 2,'ty nii, 771. (-eg) dew; eg fa lit — , it dews; — ber "illigeil, * tears; cmnpos. — beere, /'. hind-berry, dew berry ; — = brfeurtytet, — benefct, — bcpcrlt, adj. dew-besprinkled, dew-impearled ; —be* bait, »,. + vid. — baltaiif ; — bpgeu, ib. rainbow formed by the rays of the sun being reflected when the dew evapo rates; — eift'lt, n. iron for melting t lie j ce ; crbe, ./. upper soil, top-mould; — fliege, /. dew-fly; — flvos, n, grass covered with dew; — tyilttallf, m. — "■ rpfe, /. common lady's mantle, lion's paw, bear's foot ; —mate, / dew- worm ; — meffev, n. T. drosometer; — regeit, m. drizzling-rain ; — fflftt, / sowing while the dew iii yet oh the ground; — fctyinmicrilb, adj. * dew burning; — fftylao,, rt. dew fallen :iew 2 bee Hunt. T. foiling of a deer found on tlie dew ; — fdjlogig, adj. bedewed; dewy ; — fcbimrre, /. promnc landrail ; — = tropfcn, m. — tioofcbctt, «. dew-drop ; — soil, adj. covered with dew ; — = voaffcc, n. dew-water; snow or ice- water ; — Wetter, n. tliaw, thawing weather ; — rotnb, m. thaw-wind ; — = lvolfc, f. cloud that produces or fore- bodes dew ; — ttJlirjel, /. horizontal root (of vines). Shaft en, v. imp. to dew; e§ tfcauet, it dews. Sfjaiien, v. n. (aux. babcn) to thaw; e8 thaaef, it thaws. X () a U e It, n. (-8) dewing ; thawing. % h a ft f i f d), m. vid. £hunftfrf). 7. b a ft t cb t, adj. like dew, dewy. Xbaitia,, adj. dewy; c8 ijt — , 'tis dewy. *X \) a It lit a t [ (\ I C, f. doctrine of wonders or miracles. *X hattltt at 10 i] if dl, adj. relating to the doctrine of wonders. *X bait ma to ma rhtc, /. an attack cti miracles. *X b <• « m <• * v H 1 ' "'• T thaumathrope (an optical toy). *X b a u m a t tl r g, m. (-en ; pi. -en) worker of miracles. *£ b a u m a t it v 13 1 c, /. thaumaturgy. *£ baum at urg if cb, 04/. a> ado. thaumaturgic(al). *X b c a 3 b 3, ™. (-en ; pi. -en) ex- orciser, conjurer (of the gods). 'Xf)CagOgiC, /. the summoning or conjuring up of gods. •Xbcanbtifd;, adj. Th. T. thc- andric *Xi>«(int\)v », m. w*. ©ottmcufeb. *Xbeait the op if, /. Th. T. incar- nation (of the Deity). •Xbc anthropologic, / n. T. doctrine of the union of God and man (in Christ). •Xl) cater, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) theatre, stage ; compos. — billet, n. ticket; — - bicbter, ra. stage-writer, dramatic poet; — eilCCtor, ra. manager of a theatre ; — belb, m. 1. dramatic hero, a star; 2. a strutting, ranting actor — f affivcr, m, treasurer to a theatre ; — Icbctt, n theatrical life or profession ; — 1 03c, /. box (in a theatre) ; — malcr, m. scene-painter ; — Vrintcfftmt, /. stage- princess; — routine, /.stage-practice; — fdnoauf, m. mock-play; — fctji if t= jlclU'r, in. dramatic author, play-writer ; — ftrcid), ra. stage trick ; — fti'icf , n, piece for tlie stage, play; — ft!)l, m. theatrical style ; — wefen, n. theatricals, the theatre ; — jcttcl, m. play-lull. 'X b c a t in c v, m, (-8 ; pi. — ) Theatine (monk) ; — inn, — noiittc, /. Theatine nun. •SCfieOttfiUfd), I. adj. theatrical, Bcenic, ecenical; IL adv. 'theatrically ; — C8 SBcfclt, JWaitiereil, stage-like airs, mien, manners; bftS — t XaUJCU, the ballet; — e Acclamation, theatrical declamation. '£ 1) c b a i 8, re. Ocog. T. Thebaid. X b c b a n e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) Theban. X f) c b a n i f cb, adj. <$■ ado. Thetwn, 5£ b C b e U, n. (-8) Thebes. X b C e , m. (-3 ; pi. — , both of two syl- lables) tea: griincr — , green tea; bran- ner — or Xhceboe, Bohea tea. black tea compos. — aufguf?, — artiger 9Iuffl«8. infusion of tlie nature of tea; — ball. m. tea with dancing ; — battllt, m. r Ztyi IV* ,,lant; — blatt, re. tea leaf ; — blei, — = bled), re. tea-lead ; — bltinte, /. 1. the flower of tea; l -'. pi. — blumcii, impe- rial tea ; — brctf, n. tea board, tea tray ; — biicbfe,/. tea-canister-, — ©08 (bu 'g. — bub),m. Bohea (tea); — flefelifdjoft, /. company to tea, company of tea- drinkcr.s; — failllC, /. tea-pot; — Kfl* cbflt, n. tea-caddy ; tea chest ; — feffel, m. tea-kettle; — EoVfdjClt, n. tea-cup, vid, —taffc ; — frailt, re. tea of Para- guay ; — fucben, m. tia-cake ; — U'ffcl. m. tea-spoon ; — mafcbtttc, /. tea urn ; — putoer, 7(. tea-powder; — fcbale,_/ — fcbalcben, n. tea-dish, vid. —taffc; — fcbaufclcbcn, n. caddy epoon, caddy- shell; — ficb, n. tea-strainer : — taffc, /.tea-cup and saucer; — tiffb, nt. tea- board, tea-table; — topf, m, b — trittfer, ™. — trinferiuu, /_ tea- drinker ; — linte,/. tea urn ; — roaffd,/. tea wafer ; — loaffcr, n. {.tea water; 9. bad, weak tea, slop; — jcug,?! tea X\)itx, m.&n. (-8) 1. tar; 2. grease for carriages ; compos.- — aufgufi, 1 sion oftar; —brennen, n. distillation of tar; — brcnucr, m. tar burner. 01 makes tar ; — - bicnucvci, /. manufac- tory of tar ; — biicbfc, /. tar or grease- box ; — bOffc, /. dock; — effeilj, /. es- sence of tar; — fitifc, m. T. a tar, old sailor ; — gallc, /. tar-gall ; — flcift, m spirit of tar; — (jrube, /.tar-pit; — = befen, pi. dregs of pitch and tar; — s blitte, f. tar hut; — fclk, / tar ladle ; — feffel, m. tar-kettle ; — frttUt, n. — ■ Itclfc, /. viscous silene; — ofcil, m. tar kiln, pitch-kiln ; — pittfcf, — qUdfl, ra. tar-link, black link, pitch-mop; — = quelle, /. spring of mineral tar; — - fant>, m. viscous sand ; — fcbroclcr, m. — frbroclcvei, /. vid. — brenncr, —- breuuerei ; — tonne, /. tar-barrel ; — = roaffcr, 71. tar water; — ll'Cfct, 7/1. tar- ring brush ; — Werg, n. tarred tow. X 1) c c r e it, 17. a. to tar. Xfyt Cf Clt, ti. (-8) tarring. X beer id) t, adj. tar-like. X () 1* c v i 3. adj. tarry. X b c ib i 3 c n, + v. vid. SBert^cibijjen. JC^etbiitfl. Xheibung. /. ,y -c;f + 1. term; - agreement; 3. speech in de- fence of a person ; talking, little tattle. Xf)Ct(, ra frrt. (-C8; pi. -e) 1. part, share, portion ; deal; 2. part, tome, vo- lume; 3. party; 4. Min. T. the thirty- second part of a mine ; tilt gvofu'r — , cut gutet — , a great deal, a good deal : CV tjat fcitl — bcfommeit, he has re- ceived his share or due; gtOpeU — 8, in a great measure ; gvofjtClt — 8, for the most [iart; jllllt — , in part, partly; — OH CtUMS liabctt, to have a share, to share, participate; — (in ctUMS ltcl) = UlClt, to lake part, to partake, partici- pate; to take an interest in a thin::. '■"> feel sympathy; cr b'lt fciitcit — , be is provided for ; his business is done ; he is dispatched; j(U — rocvKit, to fail to ope's lot or share; bcibc — t, both parties ; id) incittCJ —8, I f>r my part, as for me ; icf) haltC C8 lllit fcillClll — . 1 side with neither of them; e8 foil feirt — ju flirj fornmen, it shall turn to neither of the parties' prejudice ; compos. — begviff, 777. partial notion or idea; — cifcil, n. Mitt. T. cutting iron ; — 3Cltof;, — ()itber, m. sharer, partaker, participator; — bafeu, ra. T. bloom- hook; — meffer, 71. 1. a hanger .used by chamois-hunters); 2. Mm. T. cut- ting iron ; — imbmc, — nebmung, /. participation, share ; interest, sympathy ; — iicbtucub, adj. participating, sympa- thizing; — HCbmcr. m. jiartaker. parti- cipant, sharer, part-owner ; one that sympathizes; — iichntcr citiee EBttbrt* riicu?, accomplice ; — nebmung* d pr. .1/ /.'. share; — tif;, m. T. di' of the radii: — toft, «. prtnrine. pack : — fdjeibe, /. I. T. platfonn i - division [in watchmaking/: :i. '/'. in- strumenl for graduating a semi circle — febiUinfl, is. L. T. Inheritance — fdiulcfebct'uc, pi. partial obligations; — n,>cbr, /. '/'.discharge-dike; — roct'C, ado. in part, partial, partially ■ — ;.,'.!, /. —tablcr, ra. Mat. T MtbhtiKi, f. payment in part . — jetdjen, a. put ibciluugSjcidjen ; — jirfel, 77i. dividers. S'm. 3b«it, etiirf, Wntbtit. A If a OODBlitUCM ''part' 1 of a whole and -imilaf to it; ■ BtUd (|u«:e) i« one si«sle tln»r bc " UOn liifilier thing. >«l • I that part or piece oT any thing, o\er whu-li r;j;M or on winch I right a .i.^uicl him (portion, Bl.arc). X h C i 1 b a V, «''/- tlie ' riieiss ( |iver ' n Ilun gary). • I b e i ft, 771. Bid. Oflft. *-J bet>Muu8, ra. vid. Tci8iu:i8. 5 be fab an in, m. (-c8 , ;>.'. -bamnr) teak. £ b i t a b ( »,, 77. ,-e8) teak wood Xbeo *Xb?U, f. md. Bfitfcfe, ©e&ftltitip, iEafrfre, Jiapfel. S t) I f ( tl, /. Thecla (a female name). l Xb tin a, «. (-«; pf.-tft) thema, theme (of a discourse, of a piece of niUBic) ; also subject ; essay (at school).' » i b C ill t 8, f. Myth. T. Themis. i [) i m f c, /. Ocog. T. the Thames. • E b i b a t b, n. (-C8) Theobald, Ti- bald. *X 1} 1 B fl 1, >«. Theobul (name of men). • X b C P b t C C f , /. (pl. -It) theodicy. Mhcoboltr, m. (-(&; pl. -e) r. theodolite,. " t be i r, m. (-S) Theodore. ■ i he P b V a, /. (-8 or -eitS) Theodora. i h C P b V t ft), i». Theodoric. *X fjeobOftllS, jn. Theodosius. *.2 I) c (J U f I f, /. knowledge of God, of divine things. *X t) e p g It t C, /. (pi. -11 ) theogony. *X 1) C f I C 8, m. Theocles. X b e t X a t t C, /. (/)/.-ll) theocracy. *X I) C £ V ft 1 1 f ft), adj. theocratic, thec- cratical. *X I) e o I a t r i c, /. vid. OottcSbietifi, ©Pitc8vevel)vung. *X b C P I f V f l f, /. divine inspiration. *£ t) C 1 jt, m. (-eil ; pl. -Cll) theolo- gian, divine. *X fj e 1 g I e, /. theology, divinity. *X f) C I g i f ft), I. adj. tlieological ; li. «dw. theologically. *2 b e I g t f 1 V e It, v. n. to discourse very learnedly on tlieology ; to act the part of the divine. • £ 1) e o ( p g ii m cup n, n. (-8 ; pi. —-- melt a) Th. T. essay on a theological subject. 1 1 h e p ill a d) I e, /. Myth. T. theo- machy. • £ b e p nt ft g t f cb, «d/. theomagical. *.X i) e P 111 a tl t C, /. divine mania, pre- tended inspiration. *X b E o m a it 1 1 e, /. theomancy. *X t) eomdnttS, m. thedmantist. " X b f i5 11 C, f. name of women. *X be pit P Ut te, /. divine legislation, divine law. *£t)eopf)fln i a, f. (-'» or -nienS) Theophania. *X b e p p b a it I e, /. theophany. *X l) C P P b « it t, m. C— Cll ; pi. -ett) one who boasts of divine revelations. *X % e o p Ij i 1 o ti 1 1) v D p, m. (-en ; pi. -ett) theophilanthropist. *SC [) e p p h i I a n 1 1) v p p t e, /. theo- philantbropy. *X b e p p b i I a n t b v p p i 8 m n 8, ?«• theophilantliropism. *X i) e p p b 1 1 a n t h v B p i f d), odj. * adv. theophilanthropical. *X I) e 6 p b i I u 8, m. Theophilus. • X f) e P p I) V It, m. Thcophron. ' i I) e P p I'd ft t f, /. representation of the divinity by images, vid. tyU\\t\t. *% b e P p tt C u ft l e, /. divine enthu- siasm, inspiration. •Xbeovbc, /. (pi. -n) ^fiw. T. theorbo. *Xf)tBxitlttt, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) theo- retic, theorist. "X b e f i m, n. (-8 ; pi. -C) theorem. "X f) C X C 111 d t i f ft), adj. consisting of ineorems. *% b. e v & t « f d), I. adj. theoretic, theo- 030 2M retical ; II. adu. theoretically, in specu- lation. *X l) e P V t f, /■ (pi. -Cll) theory. *X t; e p f D p I), m. (-en ; pi. -en) theo- sophist. *X l)X f P p h I C, /. (pi. -11) theoso- phism, theosopby. *JE f) H) f 8 $ f) t f ft), oil", theosophical. *X^e0VCttie, /. the entertaining of the gods (among the ancients 1 , hospital- ity shown them. Xb? V, m. vid. Xbm. *X b ( x a p e ti t, m. (-en ; pi. -cu) the- rapeutist. *£ b c v a v c ii t i f, Xtjcvaple, /. thera- peutics. *X b C v a p C li 1 1 f ft), adj. therapeutic. X b C x b U 1 1, m. (-C8 ; pi. -C) turbut (a fish). SMre it. v. vid. S;f;eerett. S: f) e r C f C, /. (-Il8) Theresa. *X b t X i a f, m. (-§) treacle, theriac ; compos. — 80uft)fe, /. theriac-bo.\ : — 8= tl'dllter, m. vender of theriac ; — St'lMltt, 11. valerian, setwall ; — tOflffet, n. treacle- water. *X b t x i a f ft 1 1 f A), adj. theriacal X b) c X i f P p e I, n. (-8) Theriosopel (town in Hungary). * X b ( X 111 ft {, adj. thermal. *X b C V 111 e It, pi. warm baths (of the ancient Romans) ; thermal springs, wa- tering places, spas. *X b C x in i b P r, m. (-8) thermidor (11th month in the French republican calendar). *X b e x nt e t e f t v t c 1 1 a t, f. T- thermoelectricity. *X [) e r nt e l"e E t v t f ft), I adj. ther- *X b e x m p e 1 c i t x t f fb, S moelec- tric. *X b e r 111 P g i ll, n. (-8) calorie, vid. SSJdtmeftoff. *S ^ e r 111 p t a m p c, /. (pi. -it) ther- molamp. *.i b e v nt p 111 c t c r, it. (-8 ; pi. — ) P/1//3. 7 1 . thermometer. *X be vino pi? I ft, n. 2'f)CvmopijIeii, pl. Thermopyla?. *X I) e x m f f p, ?i. (-e8 ; pl. -e) thermoscope. *X ^ ev f 1 1 e 8, 7/i. Thersites; jig. a dis- agreeable, quarrelsome fellow. *% {) efautlre n, v. a. to gather trea- sures, hoard up. % X f) e f a ll V It 8, m. thesaurus. *X b t f d i 8, /. Thcseid (a poem). *X t) e f Ctf ft), ad;', i- odo. relating to Theseus. *X \) C f C tl 8, m. Theseus. *%%i\\i or SljCfe, /. (pl.Xi)t\t'S or Sljefett) thesis. *X(;e8nt op t) pvten, pi. festival in honour of Demeter (among the Athe- nians). *X t) e 8 m 1 1) c t, vi. (-en ; pi. -en) a legislator, law giver. X b e f f ft 1 i e it, ?!. (-8) Thessaly. 2; t) e f f ft 1 1 c v, m. (-8 ; 7;/. — ) Tiiessa- lian. X b C f f ft I i f ft), adj. $■ ado. Thessa- lian. X t) C f f a 1 11 1 fb, 7t. (-8) Thessalo- nica. X t) ef fa I ij liter, m. (-8; pi. — ) Thessalonian. X^cffnlDlttfff), adj. bade. Thes- salonian. Stbie *Xt)Cti(,f. summary or epil n.c of theses or doctrines. *X\)i t i i, f. Myth. T. Thetis. *X b it IS, f. * ocean, sea. *X t)C tifcty, adj. & ad». after the man ner of theses or doctrines, positive. £[) flier, I. adj. l.dear; costly, ex- pensive; ~-fg. dear, beloved, precious sacred ; 3. + great, strong ; btC — C ;V'it, deartli, famine ; febr — , exceedingly dear, exorbitant; ift) Ijaftc C8 — It* |(thlt, it costs me very dear; infill — er Bveililb ! my dear friend ! roie_ — tft bilS V what does that cost? bil8 fell iijm — }ii fteljen fpmmen, fig. I'll make him smart for it; t)Pfl) Itllb — ffbttHU'Ctt, to take a solemn oath, fig. ; t)0fb 1111b — serftctievit, to assure so. lemnly; bet 3lllcni, 1VH8 lltiv — tit, by every thing that is sacred to me : III ?etp$ig tft — C8 SPflajUr, it is dear liv- ing at Leipsic ; II. ado. dearly, at a high rate. X b e ii e r b a it f, 777. (-8) I.Theuerdank (the Emperor Maximilian 1.) ; title of a German poem; 2. Typ. T. the Tliuuer- dank characters. X b t ti e re, Strive, Sfieiicviing A Stieiiritttg, /. 1. dearness; 2. dearth, famine, scarcity, — bc8 ©etreibeS, dearness of corn. *X I) c ti r g, 771. (-en ; pl. -en) gimst- seer; magician. *X i) C It r g t e, /. theurgy. *X b ( li r g i f ft), adj. thenrgical. X I) l f tt C n f) P I j, 71. (-C 8) cedar-wood. XbltX, n. (-C8; pl. -f) 1. animal; beast ; brute ; quadruped; 2. -f-mute; 3. Hunt. T. deer, hind, doe ; compos. — (il)ltlicf), adj. like an animal or brute; — ctnbetcr, m. — attbetevintt, /. worshipper of animals ; — (lllbetmtg, /. worshipping of animals; ^ — ttl't, /. species of animals; ■ — (ll'tig, a,ij. nd — ftbnlift) ; — ttrjcncifmibf, — nrjeneis Iftjve, /. veterinary science; — CttgP= lieifuilft, /. veterinary art ; — OVJCltets fftllllf, /. veterinary school ; — (tt'lt,m. farrier, veterinary surgeon ; — b( ffbvei- bltltg, /. zoography; — bifbftftlt, m. zooliphite, zoomophite ; — bilbung, / formation of animals; — Wlllltf, /. animal flower ; — btf Iter, m. rid. — (i\\- beter; — biettft, m. worshipping of animals; — ftei|ft), 77. flesh of animals; — gill'teit, vi. park, menagerie ; zoolo- gical garden; — gftl'tltci", m. parker; — gattllltg, /.genus of animals; — = geffftjt, 77. combat of beasts ; — geilicil^ be, 77. painting or picture of animals ; — geffhjette, /. history of animals : zoography; — geftitit, /. form of an animal; — t)t!U8, 77. menagerie; — = f)eil, v. treacle ; — ffltlier, m. zoologist ; — tlilffe, /. class of animals; — txaft, f. animal power; — tvei8, m. .d.-t. 7' zodiac ; — fvct§Iift;f, n. zodiacal light : — Eniibc <$- — le^ve, /. zoology; — = Icinbaiini, m. cornel-tree ; — niaievei, /. painting of animals ; — lliigeleilt, 71. Deptford-pink ; — pflatlie, /. animal plant, zoophyte; bie yevfteiiievte — = pflanje, /. zoophy tolite ; — pflanjcii' lebVC, /. zoophytology ; — Jp ft a it j c it =■ ftein, m. zoophytolite ; — auiilei', m tormentor of animals ; — fjuiilcvet^ / cruelty to annuals ; — veirb, 77. animal kingdom; — filllb, ?«. gravel: — fftlllc, / zoophoric column ; ■ — fftllVf, /. Ch T. zoonic acid ; — frt)t'llbf V, 771. flayci , fig. tormentor of animals; — ft It It, m animal sense; — fpctfe, /. I. food foi animals; 2. animal food ; — fpvaft?e, / language of animals; — ftfill, m. ani Shon 3: bra mal stone; gooiite; — (limine, /. voice of animals: — floff, w. animal sub- stance; —fluff, n. oid. — genuilte; — berebrer, m. — '.'miming, /. turf. — aubefer, — an be tu iii}; — n>5vter, m. keeper of a menagerie ; — roclf, /. animal world ; — lucfeii, n. animal nature, animal . character ; — voolf, m. panther; — jerglteberer, m. zootomist; — lergtieberung, — jergitebeniiigsfun= tc or *let)te,f. zootomy. lyn. 3 hit r, 3J it b. The term 8f«> is limited to dom It is, however, far mi ire tb inthe E »lish" cattle," which merely implies oxen and horses; vid, $fbfrsify > , ?u.)piff), -.'.ViiftiMch, kEill.ui'tl'Kb, A'nitrit!) u. f. iu. The ant i.s considered an industrious Sbirr and the heea prudent Shier. Hence the term "animal" is not the full equivalent for 2&i«r ; for although all living things are animale in contradistinction to vegetables. &c., the word cannot he used incommon life for an inse t, i birJ t ora fish, &c,bu1 these words must be substituted for the Germ in -ir/irr as the context may require. X b 1 1 x ti) t u, B (-1 ; pi. — ) animal- cule. £ l> 10 X I) C i t, f animal nature, animal character; ! i £ IllCC ifeb, I. adj. animal ; brutish, beastly, bestial; tie — e SBiirme, ani- mal heat; If. adv. brutishly, bestially. Siin. S Bi e r I fdj, B i f 6 i f <6, B ratal. Jbit . rihfi in man is every thing that he has in com- men vita other an mats. This is not opposed to the prerogatives of his reasoning nature, and does not exclude them. That which is .1 to them, is oit&ifd). Every gratification 'i i >i.n|'dj(of tlie ani- in it. bul that indulgence which by its violation of nature's laws or by its extreme excess degrades nrni from the rank o by Ins reason, that is sirbifd) (brutal, bestial). brutal is an epithet of the coarsest Sty. £ b f m i « ", m. vid XbiMiu'an. *Z k, I It e 11 6. 1 J, It sort, of fragrant wood (found in Africa). *X b i n i], n. (-■$) -f popular assembly ; tribunal court. X t) LMU it 8, m. Thomas; compos. — = baum, m. St. Thomas's tree; — bobnc, /. a species of the acacia ; — infel, /. Otog. T. i8land Of .^t. Thomas; — s fomiMg, m. Lero-Sunday; — tag, in St. Thomas's day; — jiicfcr, m. sugar. *£fj out (ft en, pi. the followers of Thomas Aquinas. Xb on, m. f-cS) clay; scrKivfffcr — , indurated clay; compos. — art, /. 1. sort of clay ; 2. quality of clay ; — av= ttg, ailj. clayish, clayey ; — atlftcr, / oyster found in clayey soils ; — billlf, /. bed of clay; — befrblag, m. coat or cover of clay; —bile, n. image or figure of clay ; — bl'illlf, m wire used for cutting clay; — cifcuftcin, m, at le ; — ovbc, f. clay, argillaceous earth ; — P!l llr ' /■ figure; — flt'cu-, /. earthen-ware tile or brick; — flolle, /. argillaceous gall; — gebilb, n. oid. — bile ; — gefafi, — ; gefdnvr, n, clay-vessel; — gvnbe, /. clay pit; — gi'llllf, / clayey soil; — fll = gel, /. clay-pellet ; — totiib, n. clay- land; — merge!, m. marl; — ntiible, f. mill for preparing clay ; — poi'Ubnr, m, argillaceous porphyry; — fanbftettt, m. argillaci 9 sand-stone; — fdiabc, f. ri."i, m. p >r- ter : — frbllty, m shutting of the gat< a : — fitliifffl, //;. key of the gate; — = fdm'ibcr, m. gate clerk. 1 town 1 : — fd)roal6e, /. a ies of swallow; — fcbroelle, /. threshhold of a gate ; — fperve, ■ — fdilnfi ; — fperrgelb, «. admission a have been closed ; — ftnbe, /. gate-keeper's lodge; — = Wadpe, ./'. gate-watch ; — tuarter, m gate-keeper ; ■ — meg, m. gateway, avenue; — locif, adv. very wide; — = tveite, / proper width for a gate ; — = jcllcl, it ticket (given at a gate); — 50II, m. toll, duly paid at the gate. % b D r, m. (-§) Thor (a deity of the northern mythology) ; — tiig, m.-\-vid. SJonnevStflg. *Aj b r il, /". the Mosaic law, penlateuch (in use in the Jewish synagogues). *i h b V il v, m. 1. Med. T. thorax ; 3. oid Svujrfjavnifd). Z b b r c t b t, f. Mn. T. thorina. X b 5 r b c i f, /. (/;/. -en) 1. folly ; foolish- illiness ; -. foolish action or trick. X b X i d) t, [. adj. foolish, silly ; II. ado. foolishly. E b 5 x i n it, /. (pi. -en) vid. £(jor, »». 'I b t i f, a. (-C*) Mm. T. thorite. +Zb Sr tUllt, n. (-8) thorium. JEPrl t d>, adj. oid. J[>bvid)l. t. I in. Thoth [an Egyptian di *X i) it li t, J vinity). XI) u a c t en, n. (-8) Tbracia. SI b v ,1 c t c f, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) :lbi\.cifd), adj. Thracian. X b v a n, m. (-c8) I. train oil. blubber; •-'. proeinc. mildew, blast ; compos. — = bvfttner, m. train-oil boiler; — biciinc= let,/, place where blubber is boiled; — = cidicr, in. gauger of train oil casks; — -- tat':, 11. train oil tub; — fifdi, in. blubber fsh ; — gcilld), in smell of train oil ; — = bevb, m. fire pi ice for melting bin I — biittc /. oid. — orenncrei ; — juficu, m. — leber, n. leather dressed in train- oil; — fotfceret, /. out — brennevet; — fetfe, /. black soap ; — fffber, m. — = ftebcrei, / ,n(//'. wet with tears; — llplinft,»i. .]./: lachrymal point ; — It* quelle, /. fig. spring or source of I — nfaif, m. A. T. lachrymatory vessel near the i j es, which contains the tears); — nfacfbllttabcr, /. vein of tha lachrymatory bag; — llfdjiagabtr, lachrymal artery; — nfdnviinun, m. ■ species of the mushroom; — nftrom, 171. flood of tears; — lltbal, u.fig \ of tears, the earth ; — ItDOfl, fin. lamentable ; — nmarje,/. — nroarj; dicn, 7i lachrymal caruncle; — nroar= jennuaroat^fung,/ v. encanthis ; — n- mnffer, n. oid. — nfeurbtigfeit ; — n= roeibe, / weeping willow; — invcvtb, — itroitrbig, anj. [i. u.) lam . S;/n. J b n n i, ^jbr«. Ihrint denotes every trickling drop; $ittir< only one, trli from the source of pain, ^.ib invariably a moral sense, m ly have l.r." wise a purely physical one. flows only from motives of benevolence. £ht»: i« \ one", r ir '' is the only word in ! £ b v a it e, /. (/)o-n) prooinc. droni bee hive) ; compos. — libra; drones; — niociftr, m. king of the drones. lb van en, o. n. (atu.|aben to run with tears; to weep; bet SQetuftocf tbviitit, the vine dn S>/n, $ f) r.i a i n, -Or i u< ii. tbl rops il'»w. ZBrinen is i who sheds the M - and expression of men the Sbriiiicu of the eyes ■ cause whatever, e. f. from smoke, cold ,vc. Hence Sbranc't may he ^iveu hi *• I SBcInru hy "to weep." Xb v a n en, n. running, droppir chrymation. X b X li It C 11 b, part, mlj. tears ; dropping (with dew) , Hilt — til 91ugen, with tears in om X b x a n i d) t, adj. n tin-oil. tasting or smelling of train X b X a it i g, adj. containing train-oil; fat) gre X b v a n t g, adj. [1. « ) weeping, in '.2 b x a t" i\ ■ man \fig. oid. SJJrabJer, ©rogfpredjer. *X b x a t" D ii i f di, adj. vt i. '^rablcnkb, ©ro^fpredjerifeb. *X b x I n i, pi lamentail m *T b t c n b 1 1, f. \ - mg of laments) i X b x l n of i o n, n, J I *.i bvcfo r, *. -f«; pL -c kh, ,i in the wall . ■ i bvo in b U8, m. Med. V thtotnl J b v i n, in. ( -e3 ; ;>/. -c .,• -en) i t;:n Zl)m »'irone ; 2. * angel ; flHf belt — fcfjcit. to unthrone; »oni — e ftofjeil, to dethrone; c/mpus. — beftcigilllg, /. accession to the throne (crown) ; — bttottbtt, m. suitoi, pretender to the throne ; — bc= ll'Crbllltg, /. claim, pretension s> the throne ; — erbe, m. prince hereditary, heir apparent; — erbilW, /. heiress ap- parent ; — Cl'lebigUtlg, /. vacancy of the throns • .-igal vacancy ; ■ — folgc, /. suc- ces»i>:; — folgeorbiiung, /. order of succession ; — fOlgCF, m. successor ; — = gefangung, /. vid. — kfteigung ; — = glailj, m. splendour of the throne; — = bintmel, m. canopy; — vaub, m. usur- pation; — rauber, m. usurper; — fa af, m. hali of the throne ; — ftij, m. throne ; — fluff//, step of the throne ; — roerber, ?«. vid. — betoerber; — jimmer, n. throne-room. £ b X It f tt, v. n. (mix. fyabtU) to sit on 9 throne ; to be enthroned, sit. X f) U e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) doer. I X M g 5, pi. the Thugs (a fraternity of robbers in India). *£t)ui8 fo it, m. oid. Xutafo. 'X r) ll I C, /. Tlmle, a fabulous island of the North. X % Sit er), a#. * flrfr. r/,/. Xbuuiidj. ^ t) It 111, it. + power, dominion. X b U m C I, in. (-8) thyme. £ b it nt e r ft e i tt, m . (-08 ; pi. -c) thumer-stone. £ bit mb err, £(;iimpfaffc, & c ., oid j/rufer 3)LMlt. fc S b tt m m t nt, «. oid. Uiim. is i) It It, 0. i>. I. a. 1. to do, perform, to make; 2. to put, to pour; ll. n. (auz. babeil) to pretend to be, to affect to be ; recbt, tt)oljl, libel — , to do right, well, ill; el ift Jit — tint . ., it depends ..: ti tit barum 511 — , bag eie ... it de- pends upon your. . ; C8 ift lltir barum Jll — , it is of importance to me ; my only aim is; Cl ift 11UC Itpdj Hilt CtlU'lt 3Ko= lint Jtt — , it is but for a month; ti ift barum gctban, it is done for, it is lost; S ie — U'Obl barail, you do well there- in: batDtbet — , to act against; fcilt 23efte3 — , to do one's best; 53lljje — , to repent; filtett Scbllfj — , to shoot once ; eilicit Xximt — , to take a draught; ciltctt Jvttall — , to give a crack ; eilicit ©atlg — , to take a walk : etnett Sprung — , to take a leap ; ci= r.tlt jjebltritt — , to make a false step, a slip ; citieit @ib, ciucu tgftbrour — , to swear, to take an oath ; JUJelbUHg — , to make mention ; SBibetflanb — , to make head, to resist ; gut — , to « of use, to benefit; to stay in a placj (of servants) ; to behave properly ; fritt crobit tbut nirgcubS gut, his son does rot stay in any place ; bal tblir lltdjt gut, that will not do ; ciitcm etroaS JUlil ^offetl (jttllt Sdnil'Cj — , to serve one a trick, to plague one; JU — babcil, to have business ; lit 1 1 etwaS jit — babeit, to have to do or to deal with ; 111 1 1 ct = net SPerfoit JU — b,abcn, to be con- nected with a woman ; ber ?iai)lC tlutt llid)t8 jttr ®act)e, the name does no- thing to the purpose or point; $11 — gebett, to cut out work for one. to set one to do, to employ one ; JU roiffcu — , to inform, give notice, send word ; fid) — laffeit, to be feasible, practicable; mat bamit — i what do with it i bag SPfetb ttt belt Stall — , to put or bring Uie horse into the stable; blobe — ,to behave one's self bashfully ; to act silli- ly; — aU Ob, alS roeilll, to make as if one wore, to pretend, counterfeit, feign. bole — , to pretend X) be angr* ir.;8 63J babe idi gctlMii? what have) com- mitted 1 III. impers. to matter, to be : ti tbut llid)t», it does not matter; ti tbllt mir Jttdjtg, it does not hurt me; baS tbut lliditl, that does not signify; tS tbut iJJott), it is necessary, there is need of; the affair is pressing, 5. 9 ll It, n. (-S) doing, performing; con- duct, action ; beilt — HUD SBrfen, your ways, your way of acting; ta8 ftnb bie b'Vitdjte beitieS —8, these are the fruits of your actions ; feill — UUb Saffelt, his actions. .tbfinfifd) (Tbiimt nr 5^iinnftfa» oi. f-e8; pi. -Cll) tunny-fish. %f) U It I t d), I. adj. feasible, achievable, practicable ; II. ode. feasibly. X f) u It I i d) f C t r, /. feasibility, feasible- ness, practicableness. Xbur (. -Cll) door; etttcm bie — yor bet 9la(te,/. chink of a door ; — frnUTCn, — (tans ber, m. door-post; — ftel)Cf, m. vid. — biiter; — fteilt, 7/«. corner stone; — = fttH-f, hi. vid. — VfoftC; — flocfe, pi. Mm. T. uprights; — ftfitf, m. door- cord ; — Ititcf, n. painting over a door ; — itiil'J, in. head-piece of a door ; — = ti'Jvt j, vt. door-curtain ; — yer£lci= btlltg, /. boards which cover the door- — Diuliailg, in door-curtain ; — roavrer, m. vid. —biiter. Ztjpm Z b u r e I r 0" I; r c, / {pi. - a) pipe suth valve. X l)U r e 11, v. n. (1. u.) to furnish with a door or doors, X b It r g a It, m. (-8) Thurgovia. X f) it r g a u c r, ;,,. (-8 ; pi. — ) —tun, /. Thurgovian. X I) ti r g a ui f d), adj. b adv. Thurg> vian ; — e SSciue, Thurgan wines. X b u r i it g e it, n. (-8) Thuringia. X % u t i n g e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) Thurin- gian ; ber — SBolb, the forest o. Thuringia. X T) it t i It g i f ft), adj. Thuringian. Xbiirni, m. (-e8; pi. Xbiirnie) l. tower ; 2. steeple, spire ; 3. prison, dungeon; 4. (at chess) rook, castle: ber babtylonifrbe —, tower of Babel; eiitcn in ben — roerfeu, to put one in prison; compos. — bait, m. building oi a tower ; — bad), v. roof of a tower ; — becfer, m. slater of a tower ; — eu(f , /. screech owl; — faline, /. — fabiu cbeil, n. 1. flag of a castle ; 2. vane, weather-cock; — fait, m castrel, slan- nel, windhover; — fcilficr, n. wind- hover; — ft|d), m. pollard, gudgeon; — fbmiig, adj. in the form of a tower or steeple; turreted; — geliiutC, v. 1, the (set of) bells of a tower; '-' ringing of the bells of a tower; — ge= fcoojj, n. floor or platform of a tower; — glOife,/. 1. bell of a tower; 2. B. T. pyramidal bellflower ; — b flu -/ "• house with a tower ; steeple house ; — berr, in. vid. — ineiftet; — iicd), adj. very high, towering ; — pf) c > /. height of a tower; — 1)0X11, n. Conch, spiral whelk ; — biiter, m. keeper of a tower : jailer ; — fllODf, jk. steeple-knob : — fbnig, to. vid. 3iiv, /. door of a tower ; — triiger, m. sea- camel (a fish) ; — treppe, /. tower- steps: — uf)l"/ /. clock of a steeple; — yediefi, v. "dungeon; — road>e, /. guard, sentinel in a tower; — VCiitbtcr, — tvarr, — roarier, m . vid. Xbiinncr ; — jilllte, /. pinnacle or battlement of a tower. X I) li r lit d) c ll, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) turret. X \) i; r nt e tt, p. i. rrfi. o[eti, to fetch a deep sigh ; — It ■jpajli inve- terate hatred; citt — e8 9iotb, a dark red; ill — Cll QScCuUtfcit ftebcil, fitjcit, IC'.lit, lo be in deep thoughts; ba8 — C Qh'bcllc bcr .(putlbf, deepness of the cry (Hunt. T.) ; II. adv. deeply; lowly: profoundly; fid) — lichen, to bend lowly; — ftllUrfljjett, to imprint deep- ly ; — Had) ©iibClt, low to the south ; — tvaitent, to be in deep mourning; campus. — ilU{Jt$, adj. hollow-eyed; — = bcivaitbcrt, adj. deep-read ; deep-skill- ed ; —Halt, adj. dark blue; — bitcf , in. Iienetration, sharp-sightedness; — bdl= fctlo, adj. penetrating, profound ; — = bt'llfcr, in. profound thinker; — ftfrfo, vi. (I. u.) deep water fish; — flattj, in. the drawing of water (of a vessel); cilt iscbtffcottfouiib fo »iel 3»U —gang, a ^hip that draws so many Inches wa- ter; — gebiicft, adj. low-bowing; — ge= bctlb, adj. JV. T. deep drawing; — gru- big, adj. full of small cavities, spunge- ous; — gtttUbtg, adj. deep (said of ports, &c.) ; — bftittiitef, m. T. hammer to work upon a stamp; — ()ClT, bi. jntr- vine, water-bailiff"; —loth, n. JV. T. deep sea-lead ; — "(bitting, /. A". V statute concerning the clearing of a harbour; — CUttb, adj. concave; — * fcbftftig, ailj. T. Of the low warp; — = fcbaUCt', in. B penetrating, profound mind 'J. u.) ; — f$uffel( /■ deep dish, soup terrine ; — finil, in. — filllltgfcit, /. 1. thoughtfulness; reverie (7. v.); 2. penetration t profoundness ; — ftlllltg, I adj. 1. pensive, thoughtful; engaged in deep thought; 2. penetrative, profound ; 3. melancholy (I. u.) ; II. ado. pensively, profoundly ; — ftimiliia,, adj. deep- mouthed : — toitetlb, adj. deep sound- ing. X I e f, ii. (-c8 ; ;>/. -c) the deepest part (of a lake, &c). Xtcfc, /. (pi. -tt) depth; deepness, pro- foundness, profundity, deep; cine gntnbtofe — , bottomless depth, abyss, bottomless pit; til bcr — begrftbcit, buried in the deep; — bc§ XoitcS, deepness of sound ; — bc8 ,*3cv$Cll8, bottom of the heart ; tit bcr »«rbOt= zus gcilfictt — bc8 23ftlfcc8, in the deepest recess of the forest; JV" T-*. — beS viKlicntecf8, height between decks; — it, soundings : compos. — llllicffcr, 7H. 1, that which measures ir sounds any thing deep ; 2. S. T. probe. X IC f C It, v. a. to dei'pen. XU'fer, m. (-«; pi. —) that which deepens, deepener (/. «.). XiCflet, m. (-8; pi. — ) skillet; sauce- pan; crucible; Tup. T. platen; bltvcb ten — u cl)en, T. to pass through the crucible ; compos. — bl'ci, m. — lltllp, it. pap or frumenty made in a skillet ; — * yvobe, /. T. trial by the crucible ; — = tfcoit, m potter's earth or clay; — jrttt= flC,/. T. pinchers for taking the cruci- ble out of the furnace. JEtCltC, /. (pi. -tt) prouinc. tub, rund- let. *£ i c v c c, /. tierce (a liquid measure). *X i C r 8 = 6 1 it f, m. the tiers-c-tat, com- monalty. Xificr, Xt'ejcr, m. (-8; pi.—) tiger; spoiled or speckled animal; compos. — = ftrtifl, adj. tiger-like, Uke a tiger; — = blirf, m. tiger's look ; grim look ; — bltt= lllC, /. tiger flower (of China) ; — bob = lie, /. speckled bean ; — beef C, /. horse- cloth of tiger-skin ; — tllbktt, n. Couch. T. species of the chama ; — Cfj, it. speckled ore ; — fai'btrt, — ffetflg, adj. spotted, speckled: — fell, n. — hilllt, /. tiger-skin ; — fllfj, in. tiger's foot (a plant) ; — ljunb, m. tiger-dog, spotted dog, Dalmatian dog ; — tltt8, in. spotted polecat; — filfec, /. 1. panther; 2. tiger- cat, tortoise shell-cat ; — f (aUC, /. tiger's claw; — incite, /. tiger-butterfly; — = liatcl,/. Conch. T. spotted screw-shell ; — pcl$, in. tiger's skin; — pfevb, ". 1. spotted horse ; 2. zebra ; — yorjclkne, f. tiger-shell ; — reiser, m. tiger heron (of South-America) ; — frbllCifc, — tll= tC, /. tiger stamper; — tbier, n. tiger; — UMllliC, /. pear tree puceron ; — = U'cibiteit, ?t. tigress; — ttJOlf, in 1. ti ger-wolf; 2. spotted hyena ; — tvutb, /. fury of a tiger; — JUllfle, /. 1. tiger's tongue; 2. Couch. T. a s|iecies of the tellina. X\ g c r, m. rid. dttjrt^. Z i g e r i it it, /. (pi. -n) tigress. X i (J e r i f cfe, adj. tiger- like. X I <\ C V It, v. a. to speckle, spot. XifjrtS, m. Ocoff. T. the Tigris. Xit;lb a r, adj. extinguishable, redeem- able. X i ( (1 b a r F C i t, /. quality of being re deemable, redeeraaM X i I (\ C II, r. a. 1 lo blot out ; 2. to eradicate, efface, extinguish ; 3. to pay, annul; cine ©cfcttft) — , to pay, dis- charge, sink a debt. .?.'„!. 3 i 1 8 c n, 15 « r t i t <( t it, =5 f t ft 8 r f n, 1( u t. rolltn, 3J trni$tt n. ?(u»rollcn corresponds exactly to the English, to root out, extirpate, emdiuftts, and 'I>rriiif, — Sfribttiwl, *. court of cassation (in France); — 8ffbcill, m. certificate of redemption ; — 5 ft cf ( m. sinking-fund. X 1 1 1 C, /. (pi. -tt) socket ; prouinc \ Xfllett, v. n. provinc. to dig; bat Scbiff t ill t, .v. T. it is a sharp-bot- tomed ship. *X tut t b i td t, /. tiiii X i m m e v ft t cb, n. JV. T. Uove-hitch ; — mit etucni luorfd^lage, clove-hitch with a round turn. *X i m o f r a t i c, /. timocracy. ♦XiniPii, m. I. Timon; 2. fig. nl -Dtcnfitcnbaffcr. *Ximfntfc>, adj. vid. fDiurrifd), 5DiCttfcbcHfciiibticb. X X lit 8 t f) e It 8, m. Timothy ; M — graS, n. cat's-tail g Xiinp^al)ii, m. (-c«; ;//. -en) the coot. *X t It C t f: r, /. (///. -Cll) tincture ; in- fusion. Sine, /. dim. Xiiirbcn, n. (/aw. aMr. for Cibviftinc , Christine; little Chriss. Xi tt g e (, m. JV. T. fi I Hug-piece. *X i n g I r e it, v. a. to tincture, ' *Xinfa(, m. (-8) tJncal, pi* 5catvrn. Xl'llte, /. (pi. -U) 1. ink; 2. (with artists) tint, tincture ; bie balbcil — II, the middle tinctures ; ill bef — fitJClt. fig. to be in a sad pickle: compos. — 11- beeve, /. fragrant cherry: fruit of the buckthorn; — Itbccvftrancb, m. buck- thorn: — nfafi, ti. inkhorn: inkstand; — iififd?, 771. cuttle-fish;— r.fifitHlnvari. 71. sepia; — nflafdic, /. ink-bol — llflCCf, — llflccf, — llficcf8, 711. ink- blot; — nj)(a8, 7i. ink-glass; — nbcrrt, 7i. inkhorn; — Itflccffer, m. blotter, dauber of paper : — llfrug, ™. ink- pitcher; — iiinarbcv, — nocrferttger, »/i. ink-maker ; — Ilplllver, 71 ink- powder ; — incccpt, 11- — HoorfcBriff, f. receipt for making ink; — nfrgtoarj, adj. .«• ado. black as ink; — llftcd'cv, m. ink horn : — iltbicr, n. — llil'ltrill, 771. vid. — nfiicb; — invciii, m Tent-wine (from Alicante). X t II t i d) I, adj. like ink, inky. X tit t i g« adj. Inky, soiled with ink. *Xinto, Xt'ntnxiit, n. oid iiutctt' wetn. *X i 11 it 8 b a it lit, 111. name of a tree itinus occidet a i f I ft e i it, in. (-cl ; pi. -0 vid. XvTfU ftciit. £ t p J>, 771. gentle touch with a pointcv thing, tap. X lp V e it, r. I 17. to touch gent! II. 71. to play a certain game at card, loo. I i V V f »' "• (-*> a certain game 01 hazard, loo. It V PCV, m. (-8; pi. — ) one who touches with the tip of his linger. *X t q It e 1 1 r t, adj. speckled, BJ variegated ♦Ztrfib C, /. 'pi. -11 tirade. *X t r a i 1 1 e fi r, m. (-8 ; pi. -t) sharp shooter, rifle-man. *I 1 1 ft { 1 1 It e It, r. 71. 1 . to shoot. Did, ^U'inFiiii; •-*. It. E. to do businesi by drawing fictitious I *I i cd 11 it, in. nd. X'.irann. p *Xtrdf;, in. (-ffc8; pi. -ffe) net foi taking birds at night. *Zi Vtl ff licit, 0. a. to catch (birds' with a net 633 Zi\d) Zobe 1 1S if i a 8, m. Tiresias (a celebrated prophet at Tfc •■■I 1 1- d, m. (-8 ; pi. -ncii) vid. Se&rfing ; Siecrut. *X t V P C i 11 i U 1U, n. (-8) 1. the first military service, first expedition; 2. time of apprenticeship ; 3. text-book for beginners; 4. first essay or trial. *X I r"o i r, m. vid. ©cbubfabe. I iv ft, vid. Xijroi. r Xt faite, /. (^ -It) tisane, diet-drink, gruel. X 1 f d), m. (-CS ; 7;/ -C) 1 . table ; board; 2. fig. dinner, board ; ftm — t ftfcen, to Bit at table ; 511 — e bitteit, to invite to a dinner or supper; frcieit — brtbcil bet . . , to board free with . . ; belt — terfeil, to lay the cloth; fid) JU — t fefcei'., to sit down at table; tout — e flUffteben, to rise from the table; er fiiljvt CtlU'lt guten — , he keeps a good table ; fiber — e, bci — C, at table ; WO l>lt cr fciltCU — ? where does lie board 7 ©CttcS — , the Lord's table, the Lord's supper; bet — C betcit, to say grace; Semcmben nuter ben — triu* hit, to drink one down; V>Cll — Hllb tJActt febeiten, to divorce from bed^and l)oard : compos'. — auf)alj, m. vid. 4.a = felduffafc ; — btfcavf, m. set of. things wanted at a table ; — bcill, re. leg (of a table) ; — beftccf, ?i. knife and fork; — bett, 11. 1. table-couch; 2. bedstead; — bier, n. table-beer; — Matt, n. table- top, table ; — bltvfcb, ire. boarder ; — - biirftc,/. table-brush; — bCtf e, /. table- cover; — bCffer, m. waiter; butler; — ccfe, /. edge of a table ; — flafd)C, /. decanter ; — f&rmig, adj. having the form of a table, tabular; — freitltb, m. table-friend, parasite ; — flilltjjer, m. boarder, pensioner : — flaltgeV batten, to keep boarders; — O/lft. m. guest; — - gebct, n. grace; — flCcecf, n. table-linen, cover; — gefrtjl, n. vessel for the table ; — fjelb, n. board wages ; — rt,CUo9, m. fellow-boarder, companion for board ; mess-mate ; — genoffenfebaft, /. fellow- ship at table; — gevdtl), — gefefcirr, n. furniture for the table ; plate, glass, &c. ; — flCfaiJi], m. table-song, con- vivial air ; — a,cfcllfd)afr,/. table, com- pany at table; boarders; — gefprctcb, n. table-talk ; discourse 3.*. table ; — (je« {tell, n. trestle ; — glbcfe, /. table-bell ; — fanue, /. table-tankard ; — fafteil, m. drawer (of a table) ; — fbl'b, m. basket for the table furniture; — lanipe, /. table-lamp; — lel)cn, re. fief appropri- ated to the maintaining of a prince's table ; — ItOb, re. vid. — gefClttg ; — = ltttie, /. mensal line (in the hand) ; — = Htattc,/. table-mat; — meffer, ». table- knife;— tylattt.f.vid — blatt;— vcre./. vid. — gefpracb ; — voile, /. table-caster ; — febicbev, m. table-fastener ; — febnitps t>ev, m. table catcher, brass-snap; — = febvitube, /.table-screw, table-vice ; — - fegeil, TO. grace ; — ftollcit, m. vid. — flip ; — teppttp, m. table-cover; — tVUIlf, m. table-drink" — tiicb, n. table-cloth; — = itbr,/. table-clock; — untcvbaUuug,/. conversation at table; — V0d|d)e, /. table linen ; — lvcilt, m. table-wine, small-wine : — jett, /. table-time, dinner- time; — jeug, "table-linen; — }lld)t, /. good breeding requisite at table. 1 1 f d) en, i). n. (mi/. b«ben) l. to serve the table, to prepare the table ; 3. to sit at table.; to dine, sup, feast. It f d) er, m. vid. Xifcbfcv. X i f d) e r e f, /. vid. Xifcblerei. X i f A) c r n, v. vid. Xifdjlern. I t f A) I e V, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) joiner ; ■„?- C34 1 work, 71. to make joiner's month of the of the binet-maker ; compos.— albeit,/, joiner's work, joinery; — bailf, /. joiner's bench ; — gcfcll, m. journeyman joiner; — bailblbCVf, 71. joiner's trade ; — b0= bel, m. joiner's plane: — tilt, m. putty; - — let iit, m. glue; — uerbaub, in. pieces of joinery ; — luerfjettg, n. joiner's tools. X i f d) 1 c v c t, /. (pi. -en) joiner cabinet work. Xtfcblcru, work. *X i f d) r i, m. the Br civil year of the Jews. *X i f I p h It C, /. .Myth. T. three Curies. *X 1 1 a it, m. (-$ ; pi. -en) 1. Titan ; 2. vid Xttanium ; campus. - — ct feit, «. volcanic sand, sandy magnetic iron-ore; — ctj, n. nitiie : b.TJ prtSmatifebe — = erg, bet Xitanit, sphene, titanite ; — = falf, to. oxidized acicular titanium; — = faub, m. oxidized ferriferous granulated titanium; — [d)i.U'[, m. titanitic short. *XttantU-in, «. titanium (a newly discovered metal). *X t t a 11 1 t, 711. (-eS ; pi. -C) Mill. T. titanite. Xf t el or Xitel, 111. {-§ ■ pi. — ) 1. title ; 2. fig. pretext, cloke ; claim ; 3. + title ; eillCll — fiibreit, to have, hear a title; compos. — bi(t\ 7i. frontispiece (of a book) ; — btibd&en, 7i. vignette, bead- piece ; — bifd)l>f, 7ii. titular bishop; —blatt, n. title page ; — blattdn'it, re. title (on the back of a book) ; — bogen, m. title-sheet ; - — bud), «• court-calen- dar; the red book (in England'; — bltd)= ftabe, m. capital letter; — furft, m. titular prince ; — Jflflb, /. mania for titles ; — = faifi'V, — fontg, m. titular emperor, king ; — flivfev, re. frontispiece ; — log, adj. titleless: — Haw, m. one who has a ridiculous fondness for titles ; — vatb, vi. titular counsellor; — Vetd), adj. rich in titles ; — fllfbt, /. fondness or mania for titles; — fud)tio.,_ adj. having a mania for titles; — Otgnctfr, /. head-" piece of a book; — wcife, ado. accord ing to the titles; — lvefcil, re. titles whatever relates to them. Xttet 11, vid. Xituttreit. *X i t i 11 a 1 1 11, /. titillation. *X i t It t d V, ? adj. titular ; compos. — = *X i t It I 3 V, jj btfebof, m. titular bish- op; — blld), n. 1. title-book; 2. book containing the titles of persons, court- calendar, red book. *X i t It ( a t ft V, f. titling, titles. *X i t II I 1 V e It, v. a. &■ rrjl. to title ; to call ; to style one's self. *X itu 1 veil, n. (-§) titling. *X t tit ( 1*111 a 11 1 e, /. rage or mania for titles. X i t It 8, m. Titus ; compos. — fbpf, m. a Titus head; ,/i.g- short frizzled hair. *X 111 C f I S, f. dram. T. tmesis. *Z a ft, 711. (-Co ; pi. -C) toast. X B 6 a P, m. vid. Xalmf. X C b e f f a It t, 71. lesser hemlock, fool's parsley ; darnel. X b e I, n. (in Switzerland) valley. Xbben, v. re. (aiir. babeti) to storm, rage, roar; to rant, bluster; bie SBttlbO — , the wind- are roaring, howling ; baS -DtCCf tbbt, the sea is roaring. X b C It, re. (-8) raging, roaring. X S b C 11 b, part adj. raging, tempestuous, boisterous; ein — er 'Stub, a violent, boisterous wind; ba$ — e SJlttV, t!;e raging, tempestuous, angry sea. Mus. T. toccata. X D b e v, 711. (-S ; pi. — ) blusterer, not* person. X b C V 1 cb, )«. field brome-grass ; nn nual darnel-grass. X S b b a fe r, m. vid. Xobcfvaut. X o b t a 8, m. Toby; compos. — fifeb, m. sand-eel. X b 1 It, m. M. E. tabby (sort of silk stuff). X S b f U cb t, /. insanity, madness. *X c cd t «, ) . *Xoccatina, y' *X e C a t i 1 1 C, ) n. backgammon (3 *Xoccabill e, J game). Xoeb t, »i rid. Todit. X 6 (iter, /. (pi. XiJdjter) daughter- compos. — bailf, /. branch bank ; — flllb» re. daughter's child, grandchild ; — » tivrbe, /.filial church, chapel of ease ; — (alli>, re. colony; — laile-ifd), adj. colonial; — licbe, /. filial love; — * matin, m. son-in-law; — pfarre,/ pre- cinct of a chapel of ease ; — reebt, 11 daughter's right, title, due ; — fff/flff, /. daughtership; — fobll, m, daughter's son, grandson ; — fpvad'.O, /. daughtei (language), derived language; — ftflaf, m. colony; — ftafct, /. colony town. X 3d) t e v = a 11 ft aU, — fcbule, f. la- dies' school ; — fircbe, /. chapel 01 case; —loge, /. filial lodge. X 8 cb t e r it c it, 1 n. (-8 ; pi. — ) littlo X A) t C r I C t It, J daughter. X i) cb t e r I i A), wlj.S.- adv. like a daugh- ter, daughterly. X b A) t C v f eft a f t, /. quality of daugh- ter. Xocfet, n. (-S; pi. — ) JV. T. tackle with one pulley. *X cf I r e n, «. a. T. to paint with bold touches. £ D b, m. (-eS ; * ;'/. -c) death ; decease, departure; bCV fcbn>«rje — , the plague ; mit — abgeben, to die, expire, depart this life; mit bem — c rtngen, to be at the point of death; cine? ttati'tr- Iid)eit — e8 ftevbeit, to die a natural death ; Jinn — c tHTiivtbetleii^ to sen- tence or condemn to die ; rtltf ben — • fi§eit, to be imprisoned for some capital crime, to sit upon life and death ; bfl" — ftebt bafiiuf, it is capital, itisdeath ; anf ben — liegen, feaitf femi, to be a-dying; oufSeben unb — forbem, to challenge a man to mortal combat; bil bift ein ,^tllb be3 — e8, you are a dead man; ftrb ut — e (tobt) fallen, to die of a fall ; f(fb JU — C btutfil, to Mt ed to death; ftd) JU — e lad>en, to die with laughing; fid) jll — e grcimen, to die of grief; icb tvtlt bei3 — cS fei'll (bill be« — e8), U'Clttl . . , let me die il . .; his i|t in t r bie in ben — jBtoibet, I have an antipathy against it; com;»n.». — cibnlidi, adj. death-like ; ein — al)it = lieier ©djfaf, a death-like sleep: — = bett, n. death-bed; — blall, — btcid), adj. pale as death : deadly pale ; — = bringenb, adj. mortiferous, mortal ; — = fall, IB. right of heriot; — fallity . ndj subject to the right of heriot , — if&Sr, /. mortal feud; — feillb, I. m. mortal (n emy ; II. adj. indccl. mortally inimical ; er ift mit' — feinb, lie is my mortal enPmy ; — feinbfdjflft, /. deadly, mortal enmity; — geborett, adj. dead-born; — Imfi, m. deadly hatred; — failf, m. /. T. purchase in perpetuity; — fvanf, adj sick unto death, dangerously ill ; — * lltiibC, adj. extremely tired, tired to death; — pfttcbtig, adj. vid. — fftllig: — fcblag, m vid. Xobtfcblag ; — fomit. in. oath to put any one to death; — ■• (lldyr, /. + swoon; — fiillte, /. deadly or mortal sin ; — DcrfillltCIlt, adj. death boding; — tO&tbift, adj. deserving of death. £DbcS = 5 b t, wlj. dead ; jig. dead, dull, life- less; — macben, to kill; — »eitfd)en, to whip to death ; ftd) — fallen, to die sf a fall; |td) — frctieii, to die away in rapture : — lucberfalleit, to fall down ' ! ''' l(| ; ftft) — ftcflfll, to counterfeit death : /,. v.tie — e .t>inb, morj-m i n ; ait Me — c ,£aub serfaufcit, to amor- Xott use; — ea Jtapiral, dead stock; tas — e 3Reer, the Dead 8ea; .v. "/'-.*. ben ©trom — fejeln, to stem the tide in sailing; bie ©egel — aufd)lagcit, to bend the sails close to their yards ; fill anberefl Scbiff — foufen ober — fe= geln, to outsail aship; baS— eSQerl ewes' SfbiffH dead works, upper works ; — eS SBaffer, dead water ; neap-tide : compos. — Map, — fcillb, &.c , vid. Sobblajj, Totfeint, u. f. ». X o b t e, m. Srf. ded. like adj. a dead <>r deceased person ; n. that which is dead; bit — II. pi. the dead; tie 8t» bcutigctt nub tic — it, the quick and the dead ; t>ClS ;)£cid; bCC —It, the realms of death ; compos. JED b t e Its a ff er, m. burying-ground ; church-yard;— alleiit, adj quite g — aillt, n. service or mass for the dead : requiem; — aiiieigc, /.— an;eiger, m register of the dead necrology ; — afcije, /. ashes of the dead ; — bttbre, / (-^ = bflllin, m) bier, hearse; — bcg^ligilif;, n. funeral ; — belli, a. bone of the deal ; — bcll'coiiitg, /. voluntary contribution of a guild for the burials of the poor ; — bentaii,/. rii. — fdiau ; — befdjauer, m vid. — fdMiicr : — bcfcijivorcr, m,ne- cromancer; — befd)n)6tuttg, /. necro- mancy; — bctt, n. death-bed ; — bilt, n. picture of the dead; — bitter, m. person tint invites to a funeral; — - blajj, -bleidi, adj. deadly pale; — - blSjfe, /. paleness of the dead; — Mils me, /. Sower with which a grave is adorned er strewed ; provine. marigold; — bvilcb, m. dead scab ; — bud), n. obi- tuary ; — Cvfd)cillUlig, / apparition of the dead; colour of deatli ; — CVlVCif Cf, 7n. awakener of the dead (Christ); — eillr, /. screech-owl ; — facfel, /. fu- neral-torch ; — farbe,/. colour or pale- ness of death; — ffltbeil or — favbig, adj. of the colour of a corpse; — feiev, /. solemnity in honour of the dead ; tie — fetcr begebeil, to perform exequies; — feft, n »w.— feiev; — flagge, /. flag put up when any person of rank is dead on board of ship; — fk'if, m. spot ap- pearing on a corpse soon after death; — ftCffig, adj. having livid or gangren- ous spots; — fliege, /. gold-bead fly; — ftufi, m. Myth. T. Btya : —frail, /. Bid. — lvafebetiiin; — gebcine, } ,i. bones of dead persons ; — gebef, n. prayer for the dead ; — gef,ille, )>!. L. T. us; — gefedjf, 7i. combat in hon- our of one deceased (among the an- cient-) ; — gelaute, n. death-knell ; — = geleit, n. escort of a funeral ; accom- panying a funeral ; — gcratb, necessary to a funeral; — gerippe, n skeleton ; — ijcniffo, 7/1. smell of the dead or of a corpse; — genifte, n fold on which a corpse is exposed to view; — gefaitg, m. dirge, funeral an- them ; — gefidlf, w. death-like coun- tenance; — gefyrad), ». dialogue of the dead ; — geroClbe, n. vid. — gruft ; — glocfe, /. funeral bell; — gf.ibcr, ,„. burier, grave-digger, sexton; — gruff, /. vault for depositing the dead, crypt ; — griin, n. winter-green, ivy, peri- winkle; —bant,/ hand of the dead, colli death-like hand; — kill?, v. l. Of mourning, Of death ; 2. * the coffin, tomb ; — bemt, n . — fittel, m. — fleit, ji. shroud, winding-sheet; — = fait, adj. cold like a corpse ; — ffage, ./'. lamentation for the dead ; dirge ; — = fuodn-ii, m. vid.— trill; — fopf, m. 1. death's head {also a butterfly) ; 2. C/t. T. caput mortuum; :i. kind of monkey ; — tOl'per, in. dead body, corpse ; — ' fiaiUpf, 771. tetanus; — frail j, for the dead; — IfOHf, 77. periwinkle; —late,/ vid — fatg; -lager, n. bed or couch of a dead person ; — lcucf)fe. / funeral lantern; — liet, n. 1 or anthem ; — liftc, / obituary bill of mortality ; — mabl, 71 meal at'a ; — ntttrfd), 771. funeral ; — » mufif, / fun. rai music ; — III / oid. — griin ; — Opfer, offered to ihe dead ; funeral sacrifice; — Orgel, / gun moved upon a cart 01 carriage ; — rcjiftcr, ,1. oid, — liftc : — > rcid), 7i. realm of the dead; — ricbler. 777. judge of the dead ; — rilfi'ril!!'., J * doom's-day-trumpct; — falbcr, m. em balmer; — falbuiig, / embalm.: the dead; — fauger, „,. funeral singer. — farg, m. vid. Satfl ; — fd)a : Of a dead bo :y. coroner's in- quest; — f, w. coroner; — fctein, tb; — fdiifrcr, at. n; — fdiUif a- — fitliimmer, 777. death-like sleep ; the eternal sleep ol the dead ; — ftili, adj. as silent as the grave; — ftilte, / di silence of death; in ter — ftille ber 9fttd)t, in the dead of nighl ; — tan}, 777. dance ol death; — topf, 777. — iinic, /. funeral urn; — tragcr. ra. —tilth, n.vidixU dieutragcr, Srirbentntb; — irfcr, / death watch (a beetle); — VOgcl, m. screech-owl; — UMfbe, / guard 0- watch with a corpse, lich-wake ; — - nrngeit, m. hearse ; — lvafdicrinii, / vid. 8rid)enfratt; —welt, / cut — = re'rt-i); — roiirm, 771. canker in the mouth; — jabl,/ mortality, number of dead; — jettel, m. vid — lifte ; — jtlfl, 771. funeral proci £ ob ten, v. a. St 71. {nut. fiaben) to kill, put to death, slay; to door commit murder;/?, feilt gleifdj — , to mo* tify one's flesh; Ouciffilber — , to fix (kill) mercury, tic Jcit — , to wa-^ta (kill) the time. % D o t e n 1) a f t, adj. &■ adv. death-like, cadaverous. X b 1 1 i ch, adj. S- adv. vid. 5 etliit. Xd b ti i d) f e i t,/ vid. ^otliAfeif. !£ b t f d) la d, 771. (-c« ; ; v. -fcbl.ige) I. manslaughter; 2. murder, homicide. JEDbtfrblager, 777. (-«; pi. — ) 1, person guilty of manslaughter, man- slayer; 9. homicide, murd S B I 1 11 It (J, / killing : fig. mortification. :Iof, Xoffttin, m. (-ea; pt.-i) tuff; tophus fa loose cab-: : rem- jws. — artig, adj. tufaceous; — erte, / tufaceous earth ; — falf, 771. tuface- ous limestone. X Uf f el, 771. (-§) Christopher ; fig. block- head. ♦JEOflfl,/. (pi. S'pgrn) toga. * ' ll (1 f > / provine. flame, blaze (0/ si caw). *% 9 1 1 e 1 1 t,j table; tie — llMiti'II, ii make One's toilet, to dress; compos. — llfafteil, 771. dressing-case, dressing box; — ulcudi= ter, 771. toilet-candlestick; — nfvicgcl, 771. dressing glass. *X f a i e r, 771. (-•) Tockay-wfne. Sole, / (pi. -II) underground canal. *X 1 f r d II t, adj. tolerant. *X 1 c r d 11 ^, / toleration ; compos. — » ebicf, 71. edict of toleration ; — fiiftem, 71. tolerating system. *% 1 er i r C II, v. a. to tolerate, vil Tulreii. X 6 1 gat, 71. (-d; pi. -t) .v. T. ths whip staff of the rudder or helm. Toll, I. adj. 1. mad, frantic; 0. fig infuriated; raging; 3. nonsen 635 Zon Zcnn £*tf strtnge, whimsical; — cr SKeufrf), mailman; tin — cr Jtopf, a madcap, hot-lieaded man ; cill — cr Sarin, stunning, confused noise; bcr — e ^o* bcl, tlie mail, infuriated populace ; — mad)Cll, lo mad, madden, to make mad ; — ivcrbcu, to run mad ; — e8 ■jjciia, fcbrcatjen, to talk nonsense ; c'l' — e8 Uutcrucbmcit, an extravagant, or strange undertaking; cilt — C8 S3ctra= geit, a nonsensical behaviour; — ctuf CttimS fctyll, to Lie mad after, or about a tiling; II. ado. madly, franticly ; strangely ; nonsensically ; extravagant- ly, to madness ; compos. — apfel, in. mad' apple;— beerc, /. — Matt, n. vid.— liv fd)C ; — bode, /. a species of hellebore ; — brcift, adj. fool-hardy, overdaring ; — = l) J1I8, n. house for madmen, mad-house ; bedlam; — bau8lcr, m. bedlamite ; — = ferbcl, m. hemlock; — ftrfche,/. berry of the deadly night-shade; — fopf, m. madcap, mad-brain, hot-spur ; — = lijpftg, adj. mad headed; — iorner, pi. India berries; — fraut, n. mad-wort (hemlock, deadly nightshade, henbane) ; — fitbjt, I. adj. fool-hardy, temerarious; audacious, rash ; II. adv. fool-hardily ; rashly, vid. Syn. ; — fiil)ubcit, /. fool- hardiness, temerity ; rashness; — (die, /. water-lily ; — Vilfcb, n. M. E. stuff of Arras; — riibc, /. white briony or jalap; — fttlit, m. — ftlliltgfcit,/. mad- ness; — fining, adj. mad; — nwrm, m. a worm which dogs are said to have under the tongue, and which, if not taken away, is said to subject them to mad- ness; bcu — nwritt tjaben, fig. to be mad. <;/'!. 2 o 1 1 1 ii f> it, 'Ccrmtgcn, Ucrmrffrn. He that is Mrmcfttn (presumptuous) confides in an erroneous and too high an estimate of his own powers. Asmrcflcn (rash, venturesome) and lt>U = iiirjn (fool-hardy) are epithets for any individual, ■who ventures too much, who despises danger, because he estimates it too slightingly. Soutuim. frcit (fool hardiness) is a greater degree of 'licr» wtgenfytlt (rashness). £ 6 I I e, I. to. deal, like adj. madman, <$■/. madwoman: 11./. vid,XoUl)(lt. tolfe,/. vid. £>r>lbc. £61 1 e n (Xuflcrn), v. n. (am. Oaten) to rage, to be distracted, play the mad- man. £ 6116 « it, f. (pi. -en) 1. madness, frenzy; 2, rage, fury ; 3. mad trick, eccentricity ; ill — i]Crat§cn, to fall mad, run distracted. E 6 I p a t f A), m. shoe made of horse hair (which in winter is worn over other shoes) ; provinc. vuJg. blockhead., X 6 I pe I, to. (-6; pi. — ) 1. blockhead, clown, churl, awkward fellow ; 2. + stump of a tree, log, block; compos. — = jafjre, pi. age when one is apt to com- mit absurdities or blunders. £ 5 I p e I e f, /. (pi. -eit) coarse, un- mannerly behaviour, doltishness, awk- wardness. X o I p e I b, a f t, adj. vid. Solpifd). %,$ I V e I It, v. n. (auz. Ijabctt) to be- have in a clumsy and ill-bred manner, to blunder. XiHptffi, I. adj. doltish, awkward, dull, blockish ; II. adv. doltishly, awk- wardly, blockishly; vid. Syn. Jplllllip. f£B I U s 6 a t f a lit, to. balsam of Tolu ; — bailllt, m. Tolu-tree. *X 6 in a b a tt> t, in. (-8) tomahawk. 5£ 6 m barf, m. (-8) torr.sac, pinch- beck ; compos. — Mid), n. tombac- plates. *£i5muS (£i?iit), m. vid. 1. 23aub, J£Oeit ; 2. Scbuitf. ?Bn,tB.(-C8j p?.S5ne) 1. sound, tune, tone ; 2. strain ; 3. tune, melody ; 4. 63G accent, tone; stress; 5. fig. tone, fashion; 0. (in painting) shade, tint; bcr l)albi — , semi-tone; bcr bartc — , sharp key; bcr lveicbe — , hat key; mclottfrbc !E8ne, melodious sounds; belt — frfjwacbCK, to deaden the sound ; Jiff, belt — aitgcbcn, to lead, to set the fashion ; ill etllCllt IjPpcu — C VC = bCll, to speak in a high strain : bcr giltC, feillC — , politeness; Cl'll Wltmtt POlt gutettt — C, a fashionable man, a well bred man; compos. — abftailb, to. in- terval; —ad)tt,fJ\Ius.T. quaver; — « ath ( cbcr, m. leader of the tone or fasuion ; — art, / J\Ius. T. tone, key ; barte, lvcirt)e — art, (£ur, SOJoll) major, minor key or mode ; — fall, m. cadence; — folgc,/. — gang, to series or succession of tones ; tune, melody ; — fiil)VUIig, /. modulation; — fllf}, m. metre ; — gcbci", to. vid. — aiujcber ; — gcratl), n.vid. — wevf jeiia, ; — f unbe, /. vid. — fllllft ; — funbtd, adj. versed, skilled in music; — htllft, /. music; — fiillfilcr, to. musician; — fuilfUe = rifd), — fiittftltcfj, adj. musical; — - Fuiiftfdjulf,/. school of music: — Ief)= VC, /. acoustics; — letter, /. Mas. T. scale, diatotiic scale ; — lod), it. sound- hole (of a flute) ; — loS, adj. toneless, soundless ; — (off <2l)lbctt, unaccented syllables ; Ctlie — lofc StillllHC, a feeble, lifeless voice; — lllrtjj, n. 1. Mus.T. measure, time ; 2. Oram. T. quantity ; — llU'iftcr, m. musician, virtuoso ; — = lltcfU'V, to. tonometer, monochord ; — meffung, /. Oram. T. prosodv ; — VCt= be, /. vid. — folge *■ — letter ; — -. \a%, m. vid. — fefcung; — frbliig, m. cadence; — fcbjiiffcl, m. key; — = fd) lift, /. musical notes; — fefeer, m. composer; — feeling, /.composition; — fvjlbc, /. accented or accentuated syl- lable; — fttllt, to. talent for music ; — = fpait, m. cylinder (in organs) ; — fptel, 11. music, concert; — fpiclev, to. mu- sician, player; — fpved;itltg,/. vid. — = tneffang ; — \1ild, n. musical piece, tune ; — f t> I b e , /. accented syllable ; — lxraubeniltg, / change of tone or accent; — ucrf) iff en f chaff, /. science of music; — \t'\d)t\\,n. accent; note ; mil — jeirbcit ueifebeit, to ac- centuate; er lueif; bte — geidjen nid)t JU fe^CU, he does not understand ac- centuation. *% It a b 1 1 1 a, / popular air or song (in Spain). *X 6 n C a,f. I. (or — bobne,/.) the frag- rant fruit of an American plant ; 2. a Spanish snuff. X 6 n e H, v. I. a. 1 . to tune ; to sound ; 2. fig. to express; to sing ; 3. to cause by sound ; to give sound to ; II. n. (aicx. babcil) to sound, tune. £6n C It, n. (-8) sounding, tuning. *% D It t C a, /. Mus. T. tom'ca. *Xi5nifd), adj. tonic. *% 6 n f a b o l; it e, /. (pi. -it) Tonquin bean. *Z It It a g C, /. S,- n. JV. r. tonnage. X 6 It It d) C It, 7i. (-5 ; pi. — ) small cask, keg. S6nne, /. (pl.-'X) I. tun ; cask ; barrel ; 2. weight of two thousand pounds, ton: cine — 93ier, a barrel of beer ; cine — ©olbcS, a tun or barrel of gold, a sum of a hundred thousand dollars ; etn Sd)iff yon 100 — n, von 400 —it, a ship of 100, of 400 tons burden : com- pos. — nbanb, n. cask-hoop; — uband), in. middle of a cask; — ribfteit, m. short heading; — nbrje, /. JV". 7'. casli used for a buoy, buoy, beacon; — ubo» jt'V, in. JV. 7'. sort of Flemish boat ; — llbiidlilig, m. red herring ; — llbur» tcv, /. barrel-butter ; — ufad), «. Min.T bay of joists; — nfifd), m. barrelled fish; — rtfijnittft,, adj. in the form of a cask; --llfuicbr,/. freight by the ton ; — ligebalt, w. tonnage, burden, port nl a vessel: bcr — itgeljalt bicfc§2d)iffV3 t ft 100 $aft, this ship's burden is Kill tons ; — ngclb, n. tonnage ; — ligcvipp, n. old iron hoops; — ligcunilbe, n._ Jlrcli. T. vault, resembling the interior of a hollow cylinder; — halving, m. barrelled herring ; — lt[)ecbt, m, barrelled pike, salted jack ; — llUUlg, n. tonnage ; — lintiiblc, /. spiral pump, Archimedes' screw ; — nped), n. tun-pitch ; — It* veif, m. cask-hoop; — 11 fa at, /. Riga sowing linseed in barrel; — llftcibe, pi. tun-staves, barrel-staves; — lUVaare, /. barrelled goods; — IMH'ife, ado. by tuns, by barrels. *X S 11 I g i C, / doctrine of sound, acoustics. *X tl lit C t e t, to. (-8 ; pi. — ) Jlin. T. tonometer. *X Jl ltl C t V I e, /. the measuring ol sounds or tones. *X P n f fi V, / tonsure, shaven crown. *5£onfUVtren, ». a. to shave the crown. *X It 1 1 it C, /. (pi. -n) tontine ; com- pos. — Htt)etltiefjmer, m. person inter- ested in a tontine. *£oprirdi, m. (-en; pi. -en) toparch. *X o y a v cb I e, /. toparcby. *X p ii r d) i f d), adj. relating or belong- ing to a toparchy. *X p Ci §, to. (-e£ ; pi. -e) topaz ; com- pos. — fel§, in. topaz-rock ; — flicgcils OCgel, m. topaz, cohbri or humming- bird ; — flnp, m. 1. artificial topaz; 2. crystal resembling the topaz; — fl'ty 3 ftalle, pi. Bohemian crystals. *X o p a i o I i t b, m. i-8 ; pi. -c) topa zolite. X o p e n a it t,/. jv. T. lift, vid. Sopve= naut. Xopf, to. (-e8; pi. Scpfe) I pot; 2. top, whirligig; ein papiiiiauifcbev — , Papin's digester; compos. — flfdjC, /. potashes; — bl'ctt, n. kitchen-rack, pot- hoard; —butter, /. crock butter ; — = bedel, m. pot lid; — glafllf, / potter's varnish ; — gtlrfei", m. curious, pry- ing person; — fafe, m. sort ot cheese kept in pots ; — f ud)Cn, to. sort of high raised cake; — Icrfer, in. cont. lick-pot ; — majorau, m. pot-majoram ; — marft, m. pot-market, pot-fair; — = nafdjer, m. vid. — lerfer ; — uelfe, /. pink growing in a pot; — bit?, w. handle of a pot; — papier, n. paper for putting around pots ; — pflaitte, f: — flenjadjS, n. plant growing in a pot ; ■ — l'0|tlIC, / jar-raisin: — fd)fl'be, /. pot sherd : — = fd)hede, /. topsy-turvy-snail: — ftetn, to. pot stone (Lapis ollaris); — ftilVJC, / cover-lid. X6pfd;eii, n. (-i;pl. — ) pipkin. !£ 6 p f e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) potter ; compos, — at'bcit, /. — gut, n. i>otter's work — erbe, / potter's earth ; — tx\, n potter's ore; — bailbrucrf, n. potter't trade ; — lltobcll, n. potter's form or mould ; — Pfcit, to. potter': oven: — * fd;cibe, / potler's wheel; — fcbltrj, in, potter's apron ; — thott :n. potter's clay ; — luaftre, /. potter's ware, pot- tery, loam-ware; — — irci'f ftatt, /. pol Zcxf ter s workshop ; — JfUJ, k. earthen ware. £ o p f e r e t, /. (pi. -eiti pottery. 2 p f e r It, adj. vulg. earthen, clayey. £ 6 V f e It, m. curds. *£ p i I, f. I. the assigning of the proper place ; 2. Ilk. T. the an of ap- plying arguments to oratorical purposes ; also doctrine of common places or ar- guments; 3. Oram. T. order or arrange- ment of words in a sentence. '£6p t feb, adj. topical. «.£ 6 p I) ft c t it, m. vid. £offtctn. *X o p o g r a p i), m. (-en ; ^/. -en) topographer. *X o p o g r a p b. t e, /. (pi. -n) topo- graphy. *.£ p o g r a p 1; t f d), adj. topographic, topographical. .A, p p, int. wig. done ! agreed ! well ! £6pp, m. (-c«; pi. -e) # JV. T. top, head «• upper end ; — cillfg 2)iilftCiS ur finer ©tdilfje, head of a mast; fin ftumpfcr — ', top gallant-mast with a stump head ; Ulit i)iai'$|"egelll ill bell — fcgellt, to sail with the top-sails atrip; »or — unb £afcl trcibcii, to ■cud under bare poles; campus. — (Hlfs [anger, m. JV. T. top-timbers ; — bvcu= I1C1I, or — fcucr, 7i. fum. Castor and Pollux ; — parMiue, /. or. — reep, n . back-stays ; — l'df, m. main mast-tackle; — fcbilliug, m. earnest-money; — = Icfylittflt, in. ropemaker's sledge; — = frbuecfe, /. a species of the trumpet- shell ; — ffflel, n. JV. T. top sail ; — = fcitte, /. gunwale rail ; — ftailecr, m. broad-pennant. X 6 p p e f), H. (-8 ; pi. -e) toupee ; com- pos. — eifcn, n. toupee-iron. £ Op p e i, 7i. provinc. small top, crest. £ p p e I n, v. a. provinc. to provide with a top or crest. £ p p e n, v. a. JV. r. to top or to peek up a yard. I o p p e n d n t, m. .v. r. lift ; fpanifcr)c — 8, standing lifts of the sprit-sail- yards. *£orailCr, / a rough, unwrought coral. lorbroaf f erl) ulju, «. (-e«; pi. -l)ul)HCl') the razor-bill. *£ 6 V ci) C It C J, m, barnacles, twitch for horses. *£ X e b r, m. (-8) a bull lighter on horseback. 'Xovefllim, n. (-8) T. sculpture, carving or turning (in wood, ivory, &.c, among the ancients). *£ o r e it m a t o g r a p I; I e, /. toreu- matography. *£orefit, »• '-en; pi. -en) carver, sculptor, vff. S&tibner, SBtIbfd)Rtfeer. *X r e fl t i f, /. the art of sculpture or carving in wood, ivory, &.c. (among the ancients). *£ X e fl 1 1 f d), adj. T. toreutic, carved, sculptured. £6rf, in. (-C8; pi. -e) turf, dry turf, clod, peat; — ftccf)cii, to cut peat; tempos. — dl'tig, adj. like turf or peat ; — rtfcfae, / peat-ashes; — baiter, vi. peasant who cuts and sells turf; — = binfc, /. dwarf-bulrush ; — bobetl, m. turf-ground : turf loft ; — bl'PCfciI, vi. lump of turf or peat; — erbc, /. turfy toil; — fcucr, n. peat (ire; — fuiei'lllig, .'. heating with peat; — fnber, n.load of turf; — gvdbcr, in. turf digger; — grd = beret,/, turf digging; — gra«, 7i. 13. T. indromeda; — gvube, /. turf pit; — = Xott gvnnb, m. turbary, peat-bog ; — beite, /. turfy heath; marsh-heath ; — J)ifee, /. turf heat; — fifle, /. turf-box, peat- chest; — fof)le, /. peat-coal; — fcrb, in. turf or peat-basket ; — lallb, n. turf- country; — llll)rtbe, /.Dutch myrtle; — lllOOr, m. or n. peat moor, turf-field ; — mood, 71. alpine moss, sphagnum ; — mull, 77i. or 7i. turf-dust ; — licb, 7«. turfy pink leaved carex; — fofjlen, pi. peat cut into bricks ; — ftcrbcr, m . turf- cuttcr ; turfing spade ; — jtid), m. — = (terpen, n. digging of turf; — ftiicf, n piece of turf; — -trdger, to. turf or peat- carrier; — Weibertd), m. mareh-epi- lobium. £i3rfen, v. a. etntn 21cfer — , to manure with turf and wood-ashes. Xoxttl, 771. provinc. wine-press. X 6 r f e I It, v. 71. {auz. fcVHt) vuJg. to reel, stagger, tumble. *X X m e It 1 1 1 1, /. tormcntil, scptfoil, asbweed. *X o x m e rt 1 1 x e n, v. a. vid. Wlaxhxn, ^einigeu, Oudlett. *.Xnvndbo, 77i. (-■«;;;/.-«) tornado, oid. Drfart, £6rn()0lj, n. JV". T. raft. £orttifter, m. [-8; pi. — ) soldier's knapsack X 6 r it t a u, 71. (-es ; pi. -e) A r . r. cables fastened to the fore-part of a ship on the stocks, when preparing to be launched, and which are cut with hatchets in the moment the ship is to go off. *X r 8, adj. fleshy, muscular. *X r f 1 1 d t, / quality of being fleshy, muscular. *X r p 1 b e, adj. torpid. *£orptbitdr, /. torpidity. *% V qU « tS tt, m. (-8) name of an astronomical instrument. \J n vi] in vcu, 7'. a. vid. i. rrotu'ii, jivuminen ; '>. ^Jartcm, goltern. *X r r C f a C 1 1 It, / T. torrefaclion. *% o r r i c i\ 1 1 f d>, adj. r. — c 3ibbie, — e Seere, torricellian tube, vacuum. X 6 r f fb C, /. (pi. -XI) provinc. 1. a kind of turnip; "J. stalk ; 3. torch. £6rfcbeit, m. (-8) stem, stalk, stump (of a plant). X 6 r f ct e n t r d g c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) torch bearer, *% V f 1 8 11, / torsion. *X r ( 0, 7n. T. a torso ; especially that of Hercules in the Vatican. i V t. 7«. vii/rr. wtoul', vexation, mis- chief, injury; t>ad bill niir nieleii — getlian, that has dune me much injury. XbrtdKU, n. (-8; pi.—) tartlet. 2'orie,/. (pi. -ll) tart; rnmpns. —n= tipfel, m. lart apple ; — llbdcfer, m, tart- baker, pastry-cook; — nbled', ». baking pan ; — llform, / form of a tart or for making tarts; — llpf.lltlh', / baking- pan, petty pan; — llioUe, /. paste iron, jagger ; — Ilteig, hi. fine paste for tarts *X f t U 5 8, adj. tortuous. *£ r t fl r, /. ( v l. -en) torture, rack ; einem nlle — en autbun, to torment one in every way. *£or», in. {pi, X0Xl(8) tory. *£orr)«mu8, m. toryism. Xi f e it, o. 7i. (mix. biibeii) to roar, to rage (of the element. X 8 f a n a, n. C-S) Tuscany. £o*faner, m. (-8; P i. — ) —inn, /. Tuscan. Uracil £o«faili id). a>lj. Tiisan; lit —f Sflulenorbnung, the Tuscan order. ♦Xoft, Tii. (-el; pi. -e) I. toast; 2 top; compos. — geftcll, n. toast-rack. *X t d I, I. adj. total, complete : II. adv totally, completely; compos. — bilail}, / .1/ K. filial balance: — cillMllif, m. im pression produced by an object as e whole ; — fill jteritiji /. total eclipse ; — = fllllt lite,/, total, sum tola I. *X t a I e, 7i. total, totality. *Xo til 1 ttdf, /. totality. *X C II C d It, 711. toucan. *X It rf) d 11 t, adj. moving, touching; vid. iHiibrcnb, 33en>cglicb. *.£ o ji d) I r f n, ». a. vid. 1. 'Jlnriibreii, SBeritbrcn, v 2lnt,n1en ; ». Oicifcn ; '^c= letnani; :3. Jdibnn, iUivegeu (junt 2ttitlcio). *X a I U f e, n. Toulouse. *X II p C C, £oupCt, 7i. toupet. toupee ; compos. — failtlll, in. toupee-comb. *X U p t r e n, r. a. to toupee. *Xour,/. (pi. -en) 1. tour; 2. tete. *$, d u t i \l, tii. (-en ; P i. -en) tourist. *X o it r m a 1 1 It, in. rid £urmaliit *X o li r n e f o I, n. oid, ©onneiiblume. *X o u r lit r e n, v. a. to turn around. about ; to surround 'the enemy) ; vid, Tielu-ii, SGBenbetti Umfdjlageu. *X o u r n u r e, /. vid. SBenbung, (5e= roanbtljett. *X X i c u m, 71. (-8 ; pi. -e.i) poison (for anointing arrows . "Sort fob c'n brou, 71. (-«) B. T toxidendron. *X x i f 1 g i e, /. toxicology. £rab, m. (-el) trot; eiueit — geheu, reitcn, to trot; fid» in — fetjen, to get into a trot ; ftiufer, fiirjer, fanfrer — , strong, short, easy trot ; ill yolleill — , at full trot; cowpis. — ganger, m. trotter. X X d b, in. (-(8) vertigo (disease in sheep). *X x a b d n t, ?n. (-eu ; pi. -en) satel- lite; halberdier, life-guardsman; bie titer — eu tts Siipiterg, 1 of Jupiter; compos. —, 711. captain of the life-guardsmen ; — Clt= fpieff, m. halberd, battle axe. X x a b c n, c. n. (am. l)abcn) to trot i£ t 9 b e r, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) trotter. Xrdber, pi. ground malt, malt dust ; grains, husks; compos. — bier, 71. small beer; — grubc,/. ground-mall-pit. *X. x a c a f f c r 1 e, /. vid. 9teof erct ; Oualertt. *X X a C a f fl r C It, v. a. S- n. to rally lease, banter; cause disturbance. *Jvace, /. vid. l.Spur; 2. llm- rift ; 3. 3rid)nung. * i fact V e It, v. a. to trace, vid. 'Jib* jiutiicn. Sntroerfen, 31bft«dtn. *£ v act r = let ne, — fdjriur, /. r. line useil in marking out a spa e *5Ct a d) e d I, adj. .1. T tracheal. *X x a rb e 1 m i t,f. S. T. tracheotomy. X X d cf) t, / ( pi. -en) 1 . carriage, load ; S ae ol dishes j 3 costume, dress; bit jeftige — , the present costume or fashion; cine — ^nigct, a sound thrashing; tie i^ibilbtc — elite* X'UferJ, yearly crop of field. Jtniu( (ilre-u) it th» babit or nraent iualfi ?r.i^i, Ilia oiffemrt kind of the ssmo nccordnig to :' .V1/11. Jr.iAt, ?tf|u t "i- dinner,! it-.c of the samo rc form. Tim m«y r.liu; to tin f of ;b« in- diTidual; it it equin : iiom," T..« 'li >iav f mure '.'am me aniuji ,\..\:p). Tb« liJT £rag tr.i^it attire) of widows was inrmerly dif- ferent from the sralj: "'"other women. t rd dj t c n, v. n. (-jut. t^abett) (naci ftroaS) m make efforts ; to endeavour, strive; to drive at; to aspire after; eiiiein nadj bent 8e5en — , to attempt one's life. £ r d d) t c n, n. (-8) I. effort, endeavour, Btriving, aim, aspiring ; 2. pursuit ; fetll gaitieS — gent nut anf diciditbum, all his thoughts are bent on riches. X X d cf) t C r, m. (-8 ; ;»/. — ) candidate, aspirer. J£idd)tgar it, n. (-eS) drag-net, draw-net. JEr ad) tig, a-//, bearing; big with young, pregnant; 2. provinc. fertile; — loevbcil, to get big, become preg- nant. X r d d) t t g f C i f, /. pregnancy ; state of being big with young. *X X a d) \) p I) lit i,f. a rough, hoarse voice. *X X a d) l) t, m. (-(■$) Min. T. trachyte. *X X a C t ft b e I, adj. tractable. *X x a. c t a m i n t, «. (-c§ ; pi. -e) l . treatment ; 2. treat, entertainment ; 3. allowance, pay. *X X a C t a t, m. (-eS ; pi. -C) 1. treaty ; negotiation ; 2. tract, treatise. *X V a C 1 1 V e it, b. a. 1. to treat, behave towards, eutSSeljatlbeln : 2. + to ne- gotiate, vid. llnterbaiibelu ; 3. to treat, regale, entertain, fillCIt bod) — , to feast any one, vid. --in'rotl'then. *£r«Ct8rta, /. G. T. tractory, tractrix. % X a b C, /. proline, rut, track. •iErabftcn, >■. vid. Ueberliefem, Uebergeben ; SBortragen. *X vab i 1 1 on, /. (j>i. -en) tradition, vid. Uebergabe; Ucbcrlie ferung ; Sage. *£rabt tionell, \ ...... *£rabttH>, 5 ■*• tradltwnal - *X r a b it c I r e it, v. a. vid. l. igfuuber fuhrcii; '2. Ueberfefcen, Uf berttagen ; 8. ©urdiberbelit. •JCrabuctie it, /. 1. the act of bringing or leading across ; also of de- livering ; 2. translation, transmission ; c»mpos~ , — slebre, /. (£vabuciatti8= mils!, m.) the doctrine of the transmis- sion of soul from parents to children. *iEraftf, m. (-*) vid. «£>anbel, 33er= t'cbr, ©eroerbe. *Xxa f i t a it t, m. (-en ; pi -en) one who is engaged in traffic, who sells goods of his own manufacture. "Xr aft five ll, v. a. b n. to trade, traffic, sell. £rag of SErageit, in compos, —altar, m. portable altar ; — auge, n. fruit-bud ; — babve, /. litter; — balfen, m. beam; post, transom ; — baitb, n. strap, car- rying girth; truss; — bailllt, m. shaft, carrying-pole. Utter-bar; — bett, n. por- table bed, litter ; baldachine ; palanquin ; — bciitcl, m. T. vid. — banb ; — bilb, n. Arch. T. caryntis ; — btllbe, /. T. sling; — bocf, m. prop, trestle; — bob= ret, m borer: — bltct)?, /. beech-tree; — butte, — biitte, /. dorser, hod ; — ct= foil, ?(. supporter of a water-spout ; — - C t cf, m. pack-ass; — bail8, n. vid. — - facf; — bebel, m. Mcch. T. lever: — = btinUiet, m. portable canopy; — Ijolj, n. — a|t, m fruit-branch; shoot (of a vine); — Eiffcit, ». infants' cushion; ■— fllOSpc, / gem; — foro, m. hamper, portable basket ; — orgel,/. hamd-organ; — Vft-'tlCf, m. supporting pillar; — pfo= ZvaQ ftcil, m. post (in a wall) ; — pla^, m. portage (between two rivers) ; — I'err n. frame on which any thing is carried, carrying frame ; — vicillCll, m. ridge- band ; main-braces (of a coach) ; — = ttlig, — villfeit, m. ring which bears or supports any thing; circular pad of straw (or any othei material) which is put on the head under any weight that is to be carried; — facf, m. matrix (of animals) ; — fattel, m. pack saddle ; — [dale,/, pillar, supporter; — fit) a f , «. ewe-sheep ; — fell, it. rope by means of which any thing is carried ;_ — Icffcl, — ftllhl, m. sedan chair : — tVviljC, /. portable fire-engine; — ftdntpcl, m. short post or puncheon used in mines ; — fh'in, m. Arch. T. summer j — ftetl! (etlieS 93ogeit8), summer : moulding [Arch. T.) ; — ftcmpcl, m. Min. T. post. puncheon; — ftiilje, /. prop ; — jett, /. bearing time (of animals); — JtOCtfJ, m. fruit branch. *£r agdn t b, n. ) (-«) n. r. *X x a g a f d it t b, m- ) tragacanth ; ©Uinilli- — , gum tragacanth ; compos. nrbetf,/. sort of comfits, sweetmeats. X rfig bat, I. adj. 1. portable; 2. fruit-bearing, fruitful ; capable of bear- ing, fertile; 3. (I u.) big with young ; II. adv. portably, fruitfully. Irfigoarfett, /. 1 . portableness ; 2. capacity of bearing, fertility ; 3. port (of a ship). X X a g f, /. frame on which anything is carried, litter ; yoke or bar, by which pails are carried. Xrdge = b abve, — batten, it. f. h)., vid. Zvag=babre, — balfen, u. f. to. Zvdge, I. adj. I. inert, inactive, idle, indolent, lazy, slothful ; 2. sluggish, slow, tardy, dull; II. adv. inactively, inertly. lazily, slowly, slothfully. X x 5 g e it, ». I. a. &■ n. (auz. babcn) l. to bear, carry; 2. to wear; 3. to be big with young; 4. to produce; 5. to yield or give profit; 6. to bear, endure, suffer; 7. to bear, support ; 8. to carry, reach (of the sight or guns); berilllt — , to carry about; bet fid) — , to carry about one; ficb iiacb J^aufe — laffeit, to be carried home: Jig. gtud)te — , to bear fruits; eitieu 1>egen, ctucu 3iorf, u.f.iv — , to wear a ssvord, a coat ; bie fii)- ften — , to bear the charges; bcu Void gentbe — , to carry one's self upright, t>at>01t — , to carry away; belt Stefl babOlt — , to carry the day; etn.m-3 ill ettt s A^!ld) — , to enter in a book; %?~ inailbeS 9tamen — , to carry one's name; ben SUJautel nad) bent SEBinbe — (hdligeit), to know which way the wind blows; to temporize; fllif beibeit 9ld)feln — , to act the double-dealer; bi • Stafe bod) — , to carry one's nose hi., i, to be proud: @Orge — , to take care of; cin Serlangen — , to have a desire ; 3«>?ifel< SBcbenfetl — , to doubt, hesitate, scruple ; llieilte Silts gelt — llicht |0 Wet't, my eyes do not see so far; II. rcfl. 1. to have a certain mode of dress, to dress; 2. to wear, last; biefeS Xneb frfigt ftd) gut, tins cloth wears well; fiii) lltit Ctiuag — , to car- ry about with one ; to have in the mind. Xl'dgeit, n. (-§) bearing; carrying; wcaiing; enduring, &c, vid. the verb. Xrager (Xrdger), m. (-«: pi.—) l. bearer, carrier, porter; 2. holder, bearer (of a bill cf exchange) ; 3. Arch. T. beam, post, pillar; summer-tree; compos. — - loblt, m. porterage, portage; — muSfcI, m. .7. T. atloid muscle. £ram X v a g e r e i, f. {pi -en) frequent ia? rying (of news). X x a g er i n it, /. [pi. -en) Arch. T. pil- lar in the form of a female figure, Ca- ryatis. X r d g f d b i g f e i f, /. port (of a ship) ; capacity of bearing. Zrdg()cif, /. laziness, idleness, dul ness, indolence, sluggishness, slothful- ness, slowness, tardiness; cumpos. — 8- f raff, /. vis inertia'. *X r d g i f e r, m. (-8 ; pi — ) tragedian- tragic poet. *X v a g i f o m t f d), adj. tragi-comical. *X v a g i E o nt b i e, / [pi. -n) tragi- comedy. *Xfdgtfd), I. adj. tragic, tragical ; II. adv. tragically; biefer 5d)an|>icler ifi ftai'f till — Clt, this actor is excellent in tragedy; — e 33egebcii(;c;t, tragica'. event. X x d jj f v aft, /. vid XrSgbeifSfraff. X v a g i i d), adj. vid. Svtrdglid). X rag ling, m. [-t§; pi -c) idler, sluggard. *X x a g 5 b e, m. vid. Xragifer. *X x a g o b i d n t, m. com. vid Xvagifcv *X r a g B b i C, /. [pi. -tt) tragedy ; com' pos. — ubid)ter, — nfebveiber, m. tragic poet; — nfpiclci', m. — nfpielcviiui, /. tragic actor, actress, tragedian. *X X a g p f) ll i e, /. goat-like sound of the voice, bleating. *X r a g o p o g o n, m. (-§) b. r. trago- pogon. X rd gu tt g, /. vid. Xrageit, s. n. X r a g m e x f, n. (-c8 ; pi -e) Min. T roof of the water conduits. X rdb n, m. vid. Xbvan. X V a I b, n. provinc. corn. *Xrail le, Xrdlje, /. (pi. -it) trellis, lattice; compos. — VOCif, n, lattice-work. *X X a i tt, m. train (of artillery), also train of cars (on railroads) ; vid. n/so @ffol* ge, ©efobleppe, Xvofi; ©ebjenbrian j cumpos. — offtjier, m. train-officer. *X r a i 11 1 r C It, i\ a. 1 . to draw, drag ; 2. to delay, put off, protract; 3. to train, break (a horse, &c). *Xvait, m. (-8; pi. -8) 1. feature; trait ; 2. trick. *X rait c, m. vid. abb^anblitng, Scbvift. *X x a i t e u r, m . (-8 ; pi. -$) vid. ©aft> auftl), ©arfocb. I taj a tt, m. (-8) Trajan ; compos. — S- fdllle, /. Trajan's pillar Koine). X X a J d It i f a), adj. .<• adv. of Trajan. •XrajectSrie, /. Mat. T. trajectory (species of curve). X r d U er rt, v. «. <$• «. (auz. I;aben) to trill, hum a tune. X x d 1 1 10 C r f, n. balustrade. X X i lit, m. (-e8 ; pi. -e) + beam, largo piece of wood ; trave, rafter, joist; com- pos. — bailllt, vi. Min. T. main-beam; — faille, /. Min. T prop or stay of the main beam; — fcibe, /. wool-silk. X r d 111 C I, m. (-8 ; pi — ) provinc. club, cudgel, leaver, pole, stick. X r a lit e 1 1! C tj, n. traJiel, drag net. *X r a in t it e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) a sort of grape and the wine made of it. *X r a nt t r e it, ». vid Sintragen ; Qhu fdbelit, 3lntcttein. *X r a nt o it t a ti e, /. the north-wind (in Italy); north-star «r pole; bie — betlieren, to loss one's courst!, jig. u be at a loss what to do. Zxan l V a 111 p, m. (-C8 ; pi. -e) tramp, licavy tread. X V d 111 p C, /. (pi -It) pole for pushing er stamping. 31 r a m p e 1, ra. (-3 ; p/. — ) awkward or clumsy person; compos. — tbjier, n. dromedary. X x d in p c 1 n, r. n. (aux. fcaben) to trample ; to stamp. X r d lit p C 11, d. 7t. {.ana. babcil) to tramp, to stamp. X V d 111 p t e V, m. (-8 ; ]>l. — ) one who stamps with liis feet. X vd it, m vid. Xbvatt. *Xrattd)ce, /. (pi. -n) Fort. r. trench ; compos. — avbci':V, m. pioneer; — fa(Jf, /. trench-cavalier; — aud)t, /. guard of the trenches. *X V a 11 d) 1 V = b V t t i, v. trencher ; — llie|)CV, n. carving-knife. *X V « 11 d) IV C It, v. a. to carve, cut up ; r„i. SBotleqen, jjerfcbneiben. X r d it b e 1 c r, Xvdublev, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) triller, dawdler. X v d it b c I n, d, ». (aux. fjabeu) vulg. ij toy, trifle, tarry. 7 rdnf, in (-rt; jrf. Xvdiife) l. drink, (leverage, liquor; 2. potion, decoction; 3pci|f UltS — , meat and drink; com- ios. — f\l|i, n. tub or barrel for cattle to drink out of: — jjelb, n. fee. vid. Xrtllf= flelb ; — fubi'l, m. vid. — fa tl I — cvfer, h. drink-offering, libation; — finite, /. wooden channel or gutter, used for watering cattle ; — [teller, /. tax or ex- cise on any liquor; tunnage, maltage ; ■— tonne, /. swill-tub (in which the washings f >r swine are collected). X v d it f d) e it, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) l. physical drink ; - iron, poison. X V a 11 f ?, /. watering place, watering; $UV — fiibfCU, to lead to water. X I* d 11 f t II, v. a. 1. to give to drink : to water : to suckle ; '-'. to water (plants, &.C.) ; 3. to steep, soak, saturate. X V d H f f r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) one who gives to drink ; moislener. I I'd 11 f sf a ft, n. watering lull ; — qebifi, n. slabbering bit; — l)?rb, ™ floor for taking buds at iheir watering-places ; — villiie, /, — tVOji, m. watering trough. *X v a it q ii i I 1 i 1 d f, / aid. 3tulic, tEtillc, Weliiffeiihcit. *X V a II 8 a C t, m. ) transaction, *I r a it 6 a c t i D it, / \ Bid. also 9lu8q!cid)iitiq, SJeifjIeid), Ucbcvein= tunfr. ♦XraitSdcto r, m. (-5 ; pi. -en) vid. Itntcvbdiwler, ScbifbSinattn. *Xr an 8 alpiu t f dj, a#. Trans *I r an i a tl i in at iO It, /. transmi- gration of souls. *X r a u8 a t Id it t i feb, adj. Trans atlantic. *X r a II f C C 11 b i ll t, adj. vid. XlMll8= fcetibenr. *X v a n f cf> i v b v c t f, «. Xrani"d)Tv= veil, o.a Xraiifcblrmeffer, n.vid. Xrau= d)ivbvetf, u. f. ft), ♦X V It 8 C I a 1 1 U It, /. translation. ♦XranScorporatiOn, /. vid ©eelemuanbci'iiitg. 'X r a ii 8 b a u fi b i f d», orff. (situate] id the Danube. *X v a n * e 1 c m e it t a t i it, /. trans- clemcntation. *I r a it 8 f c v I r e n, ». a. l. .u /:. to transfer; 8. to translate, vid. 93trfc|}cit, Zran *X t an S fi a u rati : it, /. figuration (of Christ). *X t a ii 8 f i q n r i r c n, o. a. vid. Set* nmiueln, SJetflareu. *X r a u 8 f o r in i r e it, e a vid. ltut= bilbett, Umwanbeln, fQemanbtln; Xran8formarii5n, /. transformation, vid. SBenoanblung. *% r a It 8 f U 11 b t V C 11, v. a. 10 pour from one vessel into another, to trans- fuse. *X V il 11 8 f ll f I t II, /. transfusion. *X v a ii 8 3 v e b i t c it, v. vid. llcber= fdu'citeu. *X r a tl 8 q r e f f i It, /. transgression. *% V A n f i r - "■ to trans- act, vid. §8erf)anbe(n, UcbcrX V a n 8 m art ll, adj. transmarine. *X V a ll 8 111 i q V IV C It, v. n. to trans- migrate, emigrate; Xvail8llliqvaticil, /. emigration; transmigration (of souls). *X v an 8 m i f f t b c 1, «§'. transmis- sible. *X v a n S m i f f i b i 1 1 1 a t, /. trans- missibility. *X V a 11 8 m i f f i D ll, /. transmission. *% x a n t m i 1 1 1 r t n, v. a. vid. llebev= febtcftrt, llcbcvlicfcvii, Uebcilaffcn. *X X a It 8 lit II t a It, adj. being beyond or over the mountains; transalpine. *X x a n 8 in it i S 6 1 1, Bo>'. eii 23ct= finberticb, SJanbcftnr. 5 t a ii 8 in ii t a b i 1 i f a f, /. vid. in'idiiteihdifeit, SSJanbelbarfeit. *X V a ll 8 111 11 t l V C It, v. n. to trans mute, m'd 33evvoanb«ln, Umnjanbi-ln, 3Bed)felil; XvauSmutatiDit, /. trane- mutatioa. *X v a u 8 p a b a it i f eb, «1' = pftanjcn, Serfe^en ; XranSpIantatiOii/ 8cr»flanjuiig, SBecfe^ung. ' J v a u 8 p o ii i r c it, v. a. to trans- pose; vid. iu'vfeVjen, Ucbevfeljcit. • 5 v a II t P 6 v t, m. (-f 8 ; pi. -C) 1 . trans- poit; 2. .V. /; invoice continued ; X — (btt bovtqeit Scite), brought over; compos. — fofteii, pi. charges of trans- port; — fd)iff, ii. transport, transport- ship; — VerbillMlIiq, /. conveyance by portage. *X v a u 8 p o v t c ii v, m. (-6 ; pi. -e) Xraf transporter; protractor (a instrument). ♦Xraniportireit, v. a. to r.n» port, bring over. * X v a ll 8 » V 1 1 V U it q. /. transport- ing, bringing over. *X x a it 8 p o f i I i c n, / .Vu*. r. transposition. *X v a n 8 r b c n a n i f eft, adj. situated beycr.d the Rhine. *X X a It 8 C C it b C n f, } adj. a it i f d\ adj. .\- adv Transylvanian, belonging to Transylva- nia. *X x a p c 5, n (-c8 ; pi. -e) Xvapc'iiimt, (pi. -till) Mat T. lra| ezium, *X t a p c j i e c v o ii, n. (-8) Min. T. trape/.ihedron. ►3 v a P C \ 1 b, 11. l-ti ; pi. -C) .l/a«. T. trapezoid. X X d p p. m. (-C3 ; pi. -t) basalt ; fom- pos. — povpbm-, in. trachyte ; — fanr* jteitt, in. trap-sandstone; ■ — tup;, m basaltic tuff; — limcfe, /. stratiform rock, wacke. 2 X a p P, I iBtpat! palter; II. m. (-C5) loud pattering step. X. r d p p c, /. (pi. -ll) fooLstep, footprint J rap pc, m. (-it; pi. -n) bustard rump,**. — Itbutbft/ /. long gun used foi shooting bustards. Xx dppe lit, v n. to trample. Xvdppcit, r I. 1,. oiu biibeit to tread noisily, to walk stamping, to stamp ; II 11. provine. to catch. X V a p p C it, h. (-9) stamping will) the feet, £ r d p p q a 11 8, m. pii IrapPC m. *Xxa ppiflc 11, pi. Trappists (order <■/ monks .Trap feu, r. Bid. Iiappni. *.X v a q 11 ir e 11, r. lima. T. rid Um?' ftelliit, Xreiben. X t'd c-p, in. (-C8) darnel. *X r d }', ib. tarras 1 - *X v a f f d 11 1 a Irajfc'nt, m. (-en ; r i. -Clt } M !'■ drawer of a bill. • X r a f f .1 f, m, (-en ; pi. -til M. E drawee. 639 or ivm •trail Straw 2rdf fe l, m. via. Erop. •JCrofffrett, v.n. (CV ©fllbO — , to draw per appoint; fill frafftl'tet 2Bcd>fel, bill of exchange, draft ; ta8 — , draft, drawing. VErafftrcr, m. (-8; pi. — ) vid. Sraffaut. £rit tf cben, «. n. provinc. to talk, blab, gossip, chatter. *2 rdtte, /. (pi. -n) draught, bill of exchange ; compos. — ltbltct), n. ex- change-book. *X X a t t it V C 1 1 C, /. small bill of ex- change. X X A II., /. -f- marriage-ceremony. Eraii of SErauen, in compos. — aU tar, m. marriage altar; — brief, — = fchctll, to. certificate of marriage ; — = grbiihr, /. — gelb, n. marriage fee; — licb, n. nuptial hymn, song ; — re= if,/, address of the clergyman to the persons married by him ; — villi], m. wedding ring: — fd)iltf, m. + dowry, portion; — fcftcitl, m, 1. certificate of marriage ; 2. marriage-license ; — = tifeb, m. table at which the marriage- benediction is pronounced. £ r it li b e, /. {pi -It) cluster, bunch of grapes ; grape ; — lllcff It, to gather grapes; compos. — liabfall, m. husks; — liacfoaf, m, agate in the form of grapes ; — ualillltt, m. botryoid alum ; — llillCf, /. long : leaved aloe ; — napfel, vi. pome apple ; — llttrttg, adj. grape- like, clustered; — tmugc, n. Med. T. staphyloma : ■ — llhllg, in. vid. — 11= billfc ; — llluiim, vi. sea grape; — 11- beerc, /. grape, dewberry; — tlbllti, n. * juice of grapes, wine, red wine ; — nbobrer, m. wimble; — ttbrdnie, /. small bramble-berry; — Itblttte, /. I. vat; 2. vinedresser's dorser ; — liei= cbe,/. evergreen-oak, holley ; — UCt'bfe, /.Angola pea; — Iter J, n. arsenicated lead; — llfat'll, m. flowering fern; — 11= flH'llttg, adj. clustery, grape like, bo- tryoid; — uganianber, m . vid, — it= Eraut ; — ngebirge, b. vine-hills; — n= gefcbwulft, /. grape-swelling; —tigott, in. Bacchus ; — ubagel, m. grape-shot; — tlhailf, / A. T. uveous coat, the third tunic of the eye ; — llbpluilbcr, to. red berried elder; — tlbiigel, m. vine- clad hill;— llbiilfe, /.grape-skin; — 11= ^tttKttltbf,/. cluster-flowered hyacinth ; — iifafer, m. Btaphilinus ; — ufamnt, m. grape-stalk ; — llferil, m. grape- stone ; — iifirfd)C, /. grape-cherry ; — tlforaUillC,/. sea-grapes; — ltfratij, to. garlands of grapes : — llfmut, n, B. T. goosefoot; ambrosia ; — ItlatlVfl'gc, /. confection of grapes ; — nlefe, /. vintage; grape-gathering; — nlefer, m. — lllcfcriltlt, /. vintager; — lllllltfi, n. confection of grapes; — Jtnacblefer, m. grape-gleaner; — lltlllfj,/ nut grow- ing in a cluster; — llpcriide, /. wig with several rows of curls behind ; — liretd), adj. abounding in grapes; — II fit ft/ m. juice of grapes, wine ; — 11= fcbllfi, to. grape-shot ; — llftetlgcl,— lt= ftid, m. grape-staik; — It ft Ocf , m. vine; — lltl'Ctcr, m. treader of grapes; ■ — 11= boll, adj. covered with grapes; — 11= tUftllb, f. wall covered with grape-vines ; — liiveijcu, m. Smyrna-wheat;— ttjeit, / vintage ; — ltjiuetg, m. vine-branch, vine-leaves. £ r it li i e I = e r b f C, / peas in bunch- es; — gcbont, n.Sp.T. trocbinfts of the deer; — ufirfebe, /. vid. 2raubeufir= febe. i- r a li b i g, adj. clustered, clustery. 6-ic X x it li hi i it, udj. cluster-like. S r it li b r t C f, to. (-C6 ; pi. -e-} 1. cre- dentials; 2. vid. under 55T V it It . X r a li cf) b o h r e r, m. rid. £rauben= bohrer. .A, X a It fit, v. I. a. to marry, join in mar- riage; fid) — Iilffeit, to be married; II. n. (nice, babeil) (cillCllt—), to trust, confide, have confidence in ; illif Ct= VOil 3 — , to trust in or to a thing ; id) traue ifittt nirbf, I don't trust him ; ftd) — , 1. (,lat) fam. to trust one's self, to dare, venture, to be bold enough ; 2. (ace.) to dare to go (to a place, feci ; id) traiie mid) nid;t tveg, oufS 15'iiS, tl. f. W., I dare not go away, on the ice, &.c. Xx a lie n, h. oid. framing. X X a li e r, /. 1. mourning; 2. sorrow, grief, affliction; 3. black, mourning; — Ciller SBttttOe, widow's weeds ; tie — tliigett, ill — gebett, to be in mourn- ing, wear mourning; — atilegcn, to put on mourning ; compos. — ailfage, / notice given by the court-authorities, that the court goes into mourning ; — ctiifitger, m. rid. Scidn-itbittev; — = biUIllt, m. sad tree; — begilltgilifl, n. funeral ; — bile, n. emblem of mourn- ing ; emblem of sadness; — bitlbC, / mourning-band ; — blicf, to. mournful look: — DOt, 7ii. mourning-baize; — = betfdlitft, /. sad, mournful tidings; — = bvti'O m. 1. letter of condolence ; 2. letter announcing a person's death; — biiblie, / scaffold ; * earth ; — becfc, /. mourning-housings (of a horse) ; — = begeil, ??i. mourning-sword ; — cute, /. sea duck; — effcit, v. vid. — lltitl)!; — fadei, / funeral torch; — fit bite,/, black flag (at a funeral) ; — fall, m. 1. death, decease; 2. mournful case or accident; — f eft, 71. funeral feast; — = flov, m. mourning-crape; — gebei'bc,/. mournful, sad gesture, expression of sadness; — gcbitllEe, to. lugubrious, dismal thought; — gcbirbt, n. mourn- ing poem ; funeral poem, elegy, monody ; plaintive poem; — gcfplge, 71. followers of a funeral; — gefiif)!, 71. sad feeling ; — geift, 7ii. melancholy mind; — ge= Iiillt, 71. tolling of the church bells for the death of a person ; — gcicit, n. ac- companiment, followers of a funeral ; — gepvange, n. funeral pomp: — ge= riift, n. stately tomb; — gefilttg, 'm. mourning-song, dirge: — gefd)id)tf, /. mournful tale: — Qefcfjret, b. lamenta- tion, doleful cries ; — gefldif, n, mourn- ful countenance; — geiVitllb, 7i. mourn- ing costume, dress or apparel ; — llitll = be, / mourning (widow's) cap ; — = thing, 71. house of mourning ; — but, m. mourning hat ; — jrtf)r, 71. mourn- ing year; — faftcil, m. cotfin : — flage, / lamentatisn ; — flcib, 71. — flciblllig, / black, mourning-suit ; — flltfcbe, /. mourning coach ; — taut, m. lugu- brious sound, mournful accent; — = letlern, pi black letters; — leitte, ;tt%, m. mourn- ing-dress ; — refc, /. mourning-sermon, funeral speech; —ring, m. mourning- ring; — |cbleier, m, mourning-veil; — fdirtttllf/ / mourning buckle ; — = fpicl, 71. tragedy; — fpiclitrtig, adj tragic; — fpielbiittcr, 711. tragic poet; — tlicb, n. mourning-cloth; — volt, adj. mournful ; — IVitgeit, m. funeral car ; — lveibe, /. weeping willow; — tvoctje, / week of mourning ; — jcicteit, it mark or sign of mourning: — (i".f, / mourning time; — jug, 7n. funeral pro cession. Sraiicm, v. n. (tux. babni) 1. tc mourn, grieve, lament, to be afflicted; 2. to be in mourning ; lllll einett — , to mourn for one ; ttef — , to be in deep mourning. X X a li C r It, n. (-81 mourning. X x a li e V It b e, to. ,$• / decl. like adj. mourner. X X a U f = b a It nt, m. T. tree standing on the confines of a forest; — bot)l'er, m. vid. £raubcnbpf)rer ; —bach, n. — = platte, /. Arch. T. coping of a wall, drip; — fajj, n. water-butt; — bafcu, 771. rafter-foot; — frilllt, m. vid. StO'pfo Eratlt; — leifte, /. coping (of a window frame; ; — llilg, adj. dripping wet : recbf, 7i. L. T. gutter-right ; — riuue /. house-gutter; — l'5brc, /. gutter-pipe; — ftcilt, 7h. 1. gutter-stone ; 2. vid. S'ropffteiu ; — ltHlffer, n. rain-water ; — wetu, 771. droppings; — jiegcl, vi. eaves-tile. JE r a u f C, /. (pi. -It) 1. the water run- ning from a roof; 2. eaves, gutter; ail8 bent 9Jcgcu tit tie — fommcii, pror. to fall out of the frying-pan into the fire. X x i'i u f c I it, v. n. (am. babctt) S,- a. to drop, drip, trickle. X X it U f C I tt, 71. (-8) dropping, drijphi^, trickling. £raufen, (Staufen), v. a. $■ n. (am. bilbeil) 1. to letdown in drops, to shower (down) ; 2. to drop, fall, rua, drip. X X a li 1 i d\ I. adj. I. familiar, intimate, cordial ; 2. comfortable, snug, cozy : II. ado. intimately, cordially ; comfortably, snugly. X X a li I i eft t e i t, /. 1. cordiality, inti- macy; 2. comfortableness. *X X a U I i 8 lit It 8, 771. T. traulism, stam- mering repetition. Xxa ll lit, m. (-eS ; pi. SEraUllte) drcara ; Jig. fancy, reverie 5 b,t8 tft mir (ibm, uT f. ».) uicbt iin — e ciiigcfallcu, that never entered my (his, &c.) head ; litciti — tft auSgegattgert, my dream has come to pass; Jig. eillCll! illl8 belli — e belfeil/ to give an explanation ; to undeceive, disabuse one; SJl'illlllte (tub tUcilHC, proo. there is some reality in dreams; compos. — ail8lcger, to. inter- preter of dreams: — auelcguitg, /. in- terpretation of dreams; — bilb, H. vi- sion (in a dream) ; fig. dream-like vi- sion, phantom, illusion; — blld, 71. dream book; — beuter, to. interpreter of dreams; oneirocritic; — bcilteret, — beittttnil, /. interpretation of dreams ; — beuterifdi, odj. oneirocritical, inter- pretative of dreams; — erfabrcii, adj. skilled in interpreting dreams ; — CTs fiillt, adj. full of dreams or illusions , — gebilee S, — geficbt, n. phantom; vi- sion ; — gefebledtt, «. * mankind; — = flPtt, 771. god of dreams. Morpheus; — = born, 71. — febuede, /. Conch, mouse- shell : — 90H, adj. full of dreams, frui'- ful in dreams; — llH'tt, /. realm oi dreams. *X r a 11 111 CI t i f a, pi Med. T. traumatics Zvcd %rei Jtvpt •Xrflti in a 1 1 fd', adj. traumatic, vul nerary. X x a il m e n, v. a. it n. (aux fcaben) 1. to dream ; 2. fig. to fancy, imagine ; to lakt into one's head ; id) tlftlimte, or eS trdumte mir, or mir tiftitmfe, i dreamed; id) giftllbe, bU traumft, 1 believe you are dreaming ; fid) — lflf- f c "» fig- to imagine, fancy ; ba8 f>atte td> mir llic — Iflffeil, that never would havB entered my head. 5" rft u lit e It, n. (-§) dreaming. 2, V S Q lit C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) dreamer, visionary ; cilt phtlofopbifcfccv — , a visionary philosopher. £ rait me ret, /. (pi. -Ctl) dreaming, reverie, chimera, fancy, vision. X r S ft m c r t f d) ( £rftfimf)ftft), I. adj. as in a dream, dreamlike ; given to dreaming, fanciful, chimerical ; Ct it — cr iDfcitfd), a visionary; II. ado. dream- ingly ; chimerically. X X ft ft It, int. indeed ! forsooth ! truly ! ilraflte r, in. (-§ ; pi. — ) mourner, one who grieves, who is afflicted. SraflriiJ, L adj. 1. sad, heavy, sor- rowful, aggrieved, melancholy, pensive, mournful, doleful ; 2. wretched, miser- able ; II. ado. sadly, heavily, sorrowfully, mournfully, pensively; wretchedly, mi- serably. Svftiir igf ei t, /. 1. sadness, heavi- ness, grief, sorrow, sorrowfulness, dole- fulness ; 2. melancholy, pensiveness. Srciiifdjeit, v. n. (aux. baben) to pour down; to rain hard, pelt; (9 rtjjs lift, bftp eS tvftllfd)t, the rain is pouring down. 3 mitt, adj. 1. dear, beloved; — cr, — cftci' Sreitltb, dear, dearest friend; 2. cozy, snug; citt — CS *plft&d)Clt, a snug place. X r ft ii t d) e tt, SvfttUcl, dim. n. beloved object ; sweetheart. X X ft ii U 11 (V /. (pi. -Cll) nuptial cere- moay, marrying, blessing of a marriage, joining, uniting; rlftd) bcr — , when the ceremony is over ; compos. — Sblld), n. marriage-register ; — Sfoften, pi. fees (expenses) of marrying ; — Grebe, /. ad- dress of the clergyman to the persons married; — fifebcin, m. marriage-certi- ficate; — 6tft(J, m. marriage-day. *X v ft o ft b e, vid. Xxavt, 1. *X X ft » ft t (I C II, pi. hard work, great exertions. *X X ft » ft i I 1 1 X f II, B, 7i. to work hard, toil. Xraoe, Xxciwe, f. (pi. -it) 1. jv. T. hard work ; 2. thunder gust ; 3. Trave f.i river, 1 . Xxa »e it, Srfiroen, ». a. jv. r. to press cotton or wool. *X x ft » c v f e, /. vid. XrftiiSscrfe . *X v a » e v f t e r c, /. vid. DuerfliStc. *X X ft » e r f i r C n, v. a. eivfttl) — , to marry ; tine 2Sftl)[ — , to make a choice ; eilien Scrgleid) — , to make an agreement ; bie redlte 3 c 't — i to come in the very nick of lime. Xl'Cffeitb, part. I. adj. striking; ap- propriate ; suitable ; II. ado. strikingly, appropriately. Stiffen, 7i. (-«" ; pi.—) 1. battle, fight, combat, engagement, action ; '-'.di- vision of an army; in compos. 5Jiittel=, .jpillUr^tveffeil, centre, rear of an army engaged in battle ; eilt — lieferil, to join battle ; (3 flllf eilt — flllfoilimeil laffett, to risk a battle. X 1 1 ff e r, 77i. (-S ; pi —) prize ; — llllb JliclClI, prizes and blanks ; Utele — bftbflt, to be fortunate ; eilh'll —[)t"II, to draw a prize. X X t f f I i eft, I. aiij. excellent, eminent, admirable, choice, exquisite; eilie — t ©elegeilbeit, arare opportunity; ILadv. excellently, exquisitely ; capitally. X r C f f I i cb f e i t, /. excellence, chcice- ness. ♦Xreffle, ». vid. SEteff, n. ». 3; X e i b = ft m b 9, m. case stake ; — = ftllfev, vi. driving anchor ; — ftfdif, /. cupel ashes ; — beet, n. hot bed ; — = blfttt, 7i. liare foot ; — bortCIt, 771. T. bcw-drill; • — boljeit, m. JV. T. square- bolt; — brief, TTi. defamatory letter; — ; biihlie, /. T. fascine-work to direct the course of the water ; — blltte, /. — fflf), n. soaking trough (of tanners) ; — t'\i, 71. loose Boating ice ; — eifeit, n. cooper's driver ; — cr}, m. Min. T. ore extracted by machine ; — fftrbf, /. T. soaking (with tanners); — fftrbcitft,rilbe, / tan- pit; — flftril, a small net; — hftltinur, Til. vid Xrcibibftmnier ; — §au9, n. hothouse; — l)ftii*fnid)t, /.hothouse- fruit ; — tjcvb, m. T. refining-hearth or stove; — bevv, m, proprietor of a re- finery ; — l)U(}, 71. vid. Srcibcbolj ; — : jaflb, /. chase where the game is driven to certain places, where it may be easily shot, track; — jft^CIl, n. nil. — jftab ; — fftfteii, m. vid. —beet; — fell, m 1 . — fin, i7i. • 1 1111 1 ■ sing ; — fiuiict, //,' ; — = ffftllt, 71. paluia t'lir^ti ; — filbcl, Bl forcing tub (for plants) ; — fun ft, /. Min. T. machine for extracting the ore; — Iftiib, 71. Sea E. cape fly-away; — - IftlliJC, / hot mixture of ooze and water ; — Icute, pi. people employed in driving the (.''ime; — niittfl, «. I. incentive j 3 Med T. evacuant ; — lltlUfcl, M A. T. accelerator; — HftVf. '" refining pan ; — rfcil, 771. reflning-furnace ; — = pfdl, 71. mass of pitch for embOGC — Vflicbt, /. obligation to drive the game; — pUlvff, 11 dia|ihoretic or su- dorific powder; — r.if, », T. bellows wheel; watch-pinion; eid. Jiritbrob; — fftllb, m sbilimg saml; — fd'Clbf, / T. cupel, coppel. test ; — ffbuiir, _/ . cord ; — fd)l»cfcl, m. raw or mineral sulphur; — fegel, 71. driver ; — ft.icre 1 ., 771. goad ; — flange, / pole which moves any thing ; — [toff, m. '/'. cog : — ftofj, 711 .1//11. T. extremity of a mine-well . — UH'il, m. road for cattle ; drift way . — lvcvf, ». vid. Xriebtven; — jeug, n. 1. wreck; filth deposited by water . 2. tunnel net X x c i b e = b c c t, n. hot-bed ; — biintcn, in. chasing chisel ; — Knunicr, m. chas in!: hammer; — b,ftU§, 71. both — f)Clb, 77i. T. refining hearth: — but, 771. top of a refining hearth ; — boh, n wood floating down rivers; rolling-pin (for kitchen use) ; T. cooper's driver ; — pfcib, 71. stalking horse ; — fftllb, »/< drilling sand ; — UUllb, hi. drift wind. Srcibeil, v. I. a. 1. to drive; 2. to turn, move; to put in motion; 3. to carry on, practise, exercise; to do; 4. V. to chase, emboss ; 5 fio. to press urge; C. to force (in gardening) ; 7..1//". T. to separate, refine ; 8. to make to rise, swell (of dough, &,c.) ; 9. S/>. T. to drive game together within a certain district; 10. to shoot forth; cill ©C= UHVbc, ©Cfd)ftft, It. f. U'. — , to carry on, exercise, practise a tra • Spoffen — , to jest; ctiiMff |u bod JU lin'it — , to carry a thing too far ; itt bie Aludit — , to put to flight; in bie (5'lige — , to press hard, reduce to straits ; flllfS Sufjerjfc — , BD carry, bring to extriims: belt §f$H)cifj — , to cause perspiration; Scberj mit ctiraS — , to joke with, make sport of; flctricbcnc Slrbeit, embossed work ; cistf Sach« — , to force, accelerate a thing ; tVIC niftii'o tveibt, fo gcbt'4, set well and you w ill fare well ; II. rrfl. fid) (bcrillll umber — , to rove, roam, idle about, U'P ireibt er fid) limber? where la be to be met with ? where Is be wandering about 7 III. 71. (am. bftbeil llllb fc'.Mt 1. to drift, drive, Iloat ; 2. to shoot forth, grow fast ; to sprout; fbllc 5cgcl — . to scud under bare poles; cill -ribirf trteb aUfUM, a vessel ran foul Oi I Sreiben, n. (-«) driving ; m di lings, &.c , vid. vtrb. Sl'Ciber, m. (-8; pi. — ) 1. driver. 2. drover; 3. person that beats up game, beater; 4. taskmaster. X ' v c i b e r c i, /. (jd. -en) driving, for cing, urging. X x c i b I i n g. 771. (-t9 ; pi -c) i. i~ pin wheel, ■-'. i' ! — C, bees taken from over full hives and lodged in others. Xx elbel 11, vid. Srcilen. X veil, 71. (-C3; pi -e .\- r. tow-line or a rope to track a boat. i r e 1 1 c n, 0. a. JY T. to track a boal ,.;■ suiai, vessel by a 1 J r e 1 1 e r, m. [-9 ; pi. — ) tower, on* who lows. Gil £rcp irelfcbaf, m. vid. JEtefrfcar'. •£ v c i 1 1 c. f. SrctHiS, n. SEvetUage,/ ■>& Witter, ©ittcrmerf; ©attengelfinber. *% V C lit a, B. (-8) Gram. T. ditcresis. '.I v e in (i it b 0, adv. Mas. T. tremando. <% v e m b I e a v 8, pi. shake-is, quakers. IrJintl, in. provinc. vu/g. cudgel, club. X r C 111 HI C II, v. a. to sleek, smooth £ V e ill lit e V, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) smoother, polisher. X f C in lit f p f, m. (-eS) stopple for forming the howl of a pipe. •Ire ill 1( t t), m. (-8 ; pi. -e) tre- molite. X v C lit p C I, m. (-8) Min. T. prop. £ r C 111 f C, /. (pi. -tt) provinc. corn- flower. *£ v e in u I d u f , m. (-en ; ;>/. -en) j\ius. V. trill, quaver. 2^emutati0n, /. trembling, tre- mulous motion. *.E t e m u I f r c n, v. n. ( ning. *X v e p t) I it e, /. S. T. a small sort of trepan, trephine. *£rep it tr en, v. «. to tremble, quiver, be afraid ; .Ivepibatioil, /. tre- pidation. E VC p p e, /. (pi. -II) stairtase, stairs, a pair of stairs ; flight (of steps); JV. T. ladder; eitte blinte, gc()etine — , blind, Xvct private 6tairs; Jlt'ei — it bpcti, two pair of stairs high; bie — btiutiif gelieu, to go up stairs ; — ()ituib geheit, to go down stairs; jur — t)iniiuter H'etrVtl, to kick down stairs; compos. — tUlbjVtl}, m. larding place ; — nlmcfe, /. vid. — u= luanre ; — nbait, m. construction of a staircase ; — llballlll, m. spindle of a winding staircase ; — Itfiu'lltig, adj. in the form of a staircase, rising ; Mil. T. en echelons ; — ligel)dllfe, n. vid. — 11= I)illl3; — ligelviue'cr, n banister; — 11= billtB, n. staircase, well; — lifted, m. conglomerate sulphureous iron ; — lt= Hailipe, /. JV. T. clinch, ladder-hook; — lilebne, / balusters ; — nmrtiier, /. staircase wall ; — UllUlfttel, /. spiral shell ; — lirttum, m. well-hole ; — 11 = ru^c, /. vid. — uabfafc ; — nfpittbcl, /. spindle of a staircase ; — ltftctltge, /. stair-rod ; — ttfteilt, m. stair-stone; — 11= teppict), m. staircase-carpet; — ntbtlt'lll, m. steeple with a winding staircase ; — ntoange, /. T. stair-spindle. *Z V e f rt) d f, n. a certain game at cards. *X X C f ct) d I e It, v. a. vulg. to beat, cudgel. *X X C fV tt, m. (or bie X'vefeit, pi.) pro- vinc. counter (in a shop). *JEtefBr, m. (-CS ; pi. -e) treasury; compos. — fdjctll, in. assignment upon the treasury, treasury-bill, treasury-note. *Xve fOvier, m. (-8 ; pi. -8) vid. SrihiiMiteiftcv, 9ieiitntciftcv. *X refortre n, ». a. to collect or gather a treasure, to amass. X X C 8 p e, /. (pi. -It) cockle, 'are, darnel. *Xx~C f f e, /. (pi. -n) lace, galoon ; llttt —it befe^ett, to lace; compos. — ngolb, n. burnt gold-lace; — ll^tlt, m. galnon- hat ; — ttmufee, /. galoon-cap ; — llixcf, m. laced coat. *X v e f f t v = i a it I /. — ftocf , m. r. wig-block. *X V e f f I r e II, ». a. to plait (hair) ; kaS — , plaiting, weaving. *X x e f f t v c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) } plaiter, *!Eref fcilr, m. (-6; pi. -8) J weaver (of hair). X X C ft e V, pi. grounds, husks (of grapes) ; compos. — flfctK, /■ weed-ashes ; — - blMltntll'Ciu, m. wine-brandy ; — [;ilt, m. hat (of grapes); — fei'lli)l, m. grape- stone-oil; ■ — fit rljeil, m. cake of grape- skins; — Weill, m. bad wine, after- wine ; ciderktn. SvctClt, v. ir. I. n. (nux. fepn) 1. to tread ; to step ; 2. to enter (in, in or upon) ; to go ; bee <2aft ift in bie SSSttltte getrctcit, the sap has entered the trees; alt b<\8 Snifter—, to step to the window ; l)itieilt — , to walk in, step in, to enter : tliiher — , to approach, draw near ; ill 3Menfte, in eiiicit Dl - = ben, in bcu (S'ljeftaub, it. f. \v. — , to enter into service, into an order, into the conjugal state, &c. ; illS 2J?ittel — , to interpose, mediate, act the mediator; anf 3emattbc8 feeite — , to side with one, to go over to one's party; ail eilICo ©telle — , to get one's place, to suc- ceed one; tit SciiianbeS 3 u (1 ft ap feit — , to tread into, follow one's foot- steps; $11 uaf)e — , to offend, inontify; to wrong, disparage ; II. a. 1. to tread, trample; 2. to tread cover (of birds) ; <£ic !;abeu niiei; ant bcu guS gctrc= tell, you have trodden on my toot ; bie SBStge (SUalfcn) — , to blow the bel- lows of an organ ; ba§ §}$ ft after — , to loiter, to walk the streets; lllltcv bie SufSe, or lllit giifsett — , to trample un- der one's feet; ftrf) citlCtl 3j0nt ilt belt Sufi — , to run a thorn into one's foot. Xveteit, n. (-8) treading: trampling. Zvto Xxi ■ ter, m. (-8; pi. — ) treader. X c 1 1 of S'reteu, in compos. — gvube, / — p!a£, m. T. kneading-ground (witt- tile-makers); — tjfivfc. /. rake fir set- ting peas, &c; — j)a8pel, m. wheel- capstan; — fllCfljt, m. treader ; — fltfc, /. treading vat; — lltiifjle, /. tread-mill; — 1Mb, n. crane-wheel, treading-wheel ; — fcbeiltel, m. treadle; — ftdtte, — = ftllbe, /. 7'. kneading-room ; — ftocf, m. vat for cleaning the skins: — tl'OiJ, m. fulling trough ; — Jllbei', m. vid. — = fufe. X X t It, I ailj. faithful ; trusty : honest ; loyal; true; — e, loyal subjects; Jig. eitt — ?8 ©cbadjtuifi, a tenacious memory; II. adv. faithfully- honestly, loyally; trustily ; conscien- tiously ; compos. — blatt, n. moon wort ; — breeder, m. — brcehcriiut, /. perfidi- ous person, perjurer; — bruet>, m. vio lation (infraction), breach of faith ; — = britetjtg, adj. fakhlesa, perfidious; dis- loyal ; — briicbigfeit, / vid. — foftgteit ; — Cib, m. oath of fidelity; — Ctfl'ig, adj. zealous; — ergeben, ado. devoted, attached, faithful, loyal ; — gcftlllllllig, /. loyalty ; — tjei'jig. I. adj. true-hearted, confident, cordial; simple-hearted; il ailv. true-heartedly, confidently, cor- dially; simply, naively; — tjevjigfeit, /. true heartedness, confidence, cordiality, heartiness; simple-heartedness; — \o3 I. adj. faithless, perfidious, disloyal, treacherous, false; II. adr. faithlessly, perfidiously, disloyally, treacherously, falsely ; vid. Syn. ; — Itffigfeit,/ faithless- ness, perlidiousness, disloyalty, treacher- ousness, falsehood ; — lUUttj, m. -}- trueness ; loyalty; — ft II II, m. loyalty; — vCVCillt, adj. faithfully united, Syn. S r t ii t o«, tt n g 1 1 1 1 u. These words ba»s exactly the same general anil relative inenaing that u failhless" (^rfuto») aod "untrue" (U«. gftr/.— ) 7! tri- Ijnmeter. *£ v I b r a dj i) 8, m. (pi. -djen) r. tri- brach. *X x i b it t r e it, r. vid. 1. SBcitcqcit, 3ueioncit, SBeunUiaen ; 2. Stnfen geben. ♦XvibulrttiBtt, /. tribulation, oft, Slnfcdjtuug, Sebrucfung, *X r i b U I ir f n, d. a. tjh/V. to vex, tor- ment. *£ r i b ri 1 1 o tt, n. (-«) & r. sort of forceps (for extracting bullets out of wounds). *X r i b ft tt, m. (-dt ; pi. -fit) tribune. *Xx t 6 U It a I, n. (-8 ; ; . *JE r i c o t a fl e, /. $ tlic *X X t C V) C I C, m. a French carriage with three wheels. *Xx tb ft f t f) ( i f dp, adj. having three lingers or toes. *X X i b e tt 8, -I r i b t it t, £ v i b i n t, ) Sricnt, \ "• <" /. JIM. r. trichia- ote. m. trident. Oco"'. 7' Trent. ) -itnt, X x i b c n t in e r, m. (-rf ; pi. f. inhabitant of Trent. X 1 1 b C U t ill t f rb, adj. of or belonging to Trent; ba8 — e Goiiciiiuilt, the council of Tridentum. ♦Sri bltn lit, n. (-8) 1. space of three days; 2. prayer of three days (in the Komish church). £rtcb, m. (-CS; pi. -e) 1. driving, drift, drifting; 2. place where can I. - is driven, pasture ; 3. right of pasture ; 4. drove, herd; 5. T. machinery, motion, movement, spring ; C. fg: instinct, im- pulse, bent, inclination; 7. young shoots, sprouts; 8. lovt, inclination; Cllt8 Ct = griirm — e, of one's own accord; — jUllt i'aferlailct, love for one's coun- try; compos. — Cirttfl, adj. done by in- stinct; — bmfyf, m. pinion-wire; — - feber, /. (moving) spring ; fig. motive ; incitement; — feilf, /. pinion-file ; — = gnmb, m.vid. — feber, fig.-, — r>am= liter, m. T. indenting-hammer; — i)0lj, n. wood that shoots with vigour or lux- uriance; — fiU'lUT, pi. caper spurge; — {raft, /. mechanical power ; produc- tive power ; — llta§, v. T. pinion gauge ; — liuipij], adj. conformable to instinct ; — rab, 71. spring-wheel; — rcd)t, n. right of pasture; — fonb, m. quicksand, drifting sand: — ffhcibf, f. cocsing- disk (of watch-makers) ; — fdwcfci, m. torrefied sulphur ; — jtilb, — ftocf, in, 7'. axle ; — ftfti)!, m. 7*. pinion-wire ; — - jtccfni, m. arm (tooth-work of a ma- chine) ; — ItJCi't, n. machine] machine- ry, mechanism ; springs of a machine ; — lvcrtmiifjicj, adj. mechanical. Xxltitl, vi. T. driver ; turning-staff. Sricbfailt, adj. ears. X x i i n t, ri. (-8) vid. Sribcitt. XxltX, 7i. (-6) Triers, Treves. Xtieter, m. (-3; pi. — ) —inn, / a native or inhabitant of Trier or Trei es. Xx lev i f d), adj. tr ado. Of or belong- ing to Treves or Trier. X X i C ft, n. (-8) Trieste. X x i c ft c r, Svicftiiter, m. (-8 ; pi. —) — ill!!, /. Triestine, inhabitant of Trieste. I vie iter, pi. vid. £r!ftcr. *SE t i e tf t i 8, f. (pi. Xttetertett) i . space of three years; 2. festival occur- ring every three years. *£vittcrifd), adj. (bretjlfif)r(td)) taking place every three years. »3 r folium, n. vid. £rfit'att Jllcf. t x i f t, /. (pi. -cil) 1. passage of (for) the cattle ; 9, pasturage, common ; 3 drove, herd; 4. vid. Xxitb ; compos — Clllliciltcr, in. inspector of pastures, — fl'CI, adj. free for cattle to go on ; — fide, » money paid for pasturage ; — ofrfdjtiflfeit, /._— xtA)t, n righi of pasturage: — fdjaffr, m shepherd oi a (lock in pasture; — fit ill, m. passage- boundary ; pasture boundary. Xtifttt, pi. Sea. E. wreck or what- ever is found floating on the sea. JEtiftifJ, 1. ailj. 1. firr. substantial ; urgent, cogent, valid, important; con- vincing; 2. drifting, a-drift ; — t ©liilltC, cogent reasons; II. adv. co- gently; importantly; in a convincing manner. .X V t f t i g f f t f, /. validity ; cogency ; convincingness, *X X \ g a, f. carriage with a team of three b *X r i f} a 111 l e, /. trigamy. *% X i gd ft ti f d;, adj. having three bellies. *X X I ij I 1) \> b, m. (-CH J pl.-i II) .Irch. T. triglyph. *X X i f[ D it (II 111), 77. (-8; O. T. trigon, triangle. *£ria,oitifcb, adj. a. r. trigonal, triangular. *X x i g o it c ( ( c, /. (jd. -n) trigonella *X v i 8 o it in e t r t f, /. O. T. trigo- try; fjf rabtiiitftf, cbtiif, fpbavt» fd)C — , rectilineal, plane, spherical trigonometry. *X x i 8 o n o in c t x i f d), I. adj. a. T. trigonometrical ; II. adv. trigonometn- cally, by trigonometry. *X x i 8 1) » i e it, pi. B. T. trigyns. *Xvifoloit, 71. (-8) a poem having three different metres. t Xi F t r ft t, m. rid. XricftiMcf. ♦trilateral, adj. T. tri Lateral. X x i 1 1 = b o b r c r, m. a dnii ; — tra v» VC /. lesser bustard. Sri I lev, 771. (-8; pi—) I. shake, trill, quaver; J. charlock; eilieit — fd)(aft,flt, to trill, shake, quaver : com- pos. — IftUf, 77i. trill, trilling; bOppfU tcr — Iftllf, double cadence; — fettf, /. quavering, trill ; — fpuing, m. caper (in dancing). Xx i 1 1 f v ii. c. n. am. babcit: to trill, quaver, shake. X rill i d), iviUiiM,, m. vid. riillid) & (Drilling. *XX i 1 1 i 5 n, /. (pi. -fll) trillion ; com- pos. — theildnit, n trillionth particle. *Xxl\ I 0, m. vid. XXVXVC. *I t i 1 6 ( t, m. (-en ; vl. -en; trilobita (a kind of petrified insect 1 . *3 r i 1 8 tf, / trilogy *Xx i I 8 fl X i p b, m. (-8) a three- fold riddle or enigma. *X x i in c it c r, 71. (-8 ; pi. — ) a period of three months *X x i in e t e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) T. a poetical line consisting of three mea- sures ..c si\ feet, trimeter. ■ I r i in o t V b i f ds adj. A- adv. T triform *X X i lit V V b i 8 11! II 8, mi. friformity X r i II tb C It, XvWlt, f. abbr. JorStaW)^ vine, (Catherine, Kate. *Z x i it i t S r i c r, m. (-4; pi. — ) triid tanan. 643 »Xttnitd \,f. trinity. *Ir til 1 t fit I 8 » f eft n Trinity Sun- day ; — ferteil, pi. sort of vacation for the clergy form Trinity Sunday till Michaelmas. X X i It f b a X, adj. drinkable, potable. I r I it ! b a r f f i t, f. drinkableness, potableness. Sit fit I of XxilxUw, in compos. — be= cber, m. goblet, drinking-cup ; — bru= ccr, m. one who is fond of drinking ; tippler; — but C, /. wineshop, ale- house ; — fahlie, /. provinc. score (of what any one has called for) ; — fcft, ■ — gcliig, n. bacchanalian revel, drink- ing-bout : — gaft, m. drinking-customer ; — gcfdf)rte, ra. bottle-companion ; — = gefajj, n. drinking-vessel ; — gelt, n. fee to servants, drink-money, glove- money, gratification ; — gcitD§, m bottle companion; — 8 fr "' "'■ c '" 33ruber — egent, one fond of the bottle ; — gcfang, m. drinking-song, glee ; wassail ; — gcfcf)itf, n. drinking- vessel ; — gefcll, 7/1. fellow-drinker, fellow tippler ; — gcff Ufdtjaft, /. drink- ing-bout company of tipplers ; — fllilS/ n. drinking-giass, glass; — golb, n. potable gold ; — f)tlll8, n. tap house, ale-house, tavern ; — X)0XXX, n. drink- ing horn ; — Iteb, 7i. drinking-song, catch ; — I lift, /. love of drinking; — = lllliefcl, m. J3. T. adductor oculi ; — = fdfll, m. drinking-room ; wassailing- hall ; — fcbale,/. drinking cup; goblet; — fpl'licb, m. toast, sentiment ; — ftllbf, /.drinking-room; — fuct)t, /. drinking or tippling-propensity ; — fucfytig, adj. fond of drink, addicted to drinking; — - tOpf, m - drinking-pot ; — tvcg, m. drinking-trough (for animais) ; — tt6g= cbcil, n. water-glass (for birds) ; — = rCil.Uf, /. drinkable ; — ftaffci - , n. drinkable water. X M n f e It, it. ir. a. &■ n. (aux. bflbeil) to drink ; * to absorb, inhale ; $11 — gcbcit, to give to drink ; jcntilllbcS, or auf etnefl @efunb$ei( — , or auf jemanbeS 3Soblfevm— , to drink one's health ; ge m — , to love drinking ; fa-. ben SBviniiien — , to drink the waters; ba8 papier tttllft, the paper sinks. Xttltf C 11, 7i. (-8) drinking; compos. — 8nitt, adj. tired of donning; — 8* luei'tb, adj, worth drinking. t r i n f e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) drinker. X U It I C X I i cb, adj. fam. inclined to drink, in a ti'nking mood; mil' ift llicfct — (Jtt SJJullje), I an. not in a drinking mood. *X x i it S ni i f cb, adj. Mat, T Jinoraial *Xxi itCnii U lit, 7i. (-8) Mat. T. a trinomial quantity. *X X t 0, 7i. (-8) Mus. T. trio. *X r i b I U 8, to. coin of three oboles. *X X i 1 f, /. Mas. T. trio), three notes of the same value. 'X r i 1 C 1 1, n. (-e8 ; pi. -C) a poem of eight verses, triolet. *X V ton e 11, pi. .1st. T. the greater Bear, Charles's wain. KErtpurttt, adj. vid. Svtitbcilig, 2>reifacb. *X r i p a r t i t i n./. tripartit : on. •Sri pel, Ztipptl, to. (-8) tripoli, trepoly (sort of earth) ; rotten stone ; compos. — erbfi /. vid. Zxipci : — = febtefer, m polishing-shist ; — ftetll, m tripoly-stone. *Zr(pf!, adj $■ adv treble, triple; 644 Srtf compos. — illllrtllj, /. triple alliance , — « toft, to. triple-time. *2 r t p e t d I, adj. B. T. vid. ^xiu bldttevtg. *2 rip bait, m. — or pri8matiftf)cr — fpatb, triphane. *X r i p X) t b o n g, m. (-cS ; pi. -e) triph- thong. *X r I p I) 1 1) 6 11 g t f ST), adj. triphthon- gal. ♦2; r i p f) 1) 1 1 i f $, adj. B. T. triphj 1- lous. *X r i p 1 i c a t, «. (-8 ; pi. -e) L. T. surrejoinder, triplicate document. *Xx i p I tC I X e 11, v. a. to triple. *JEr ip licit Ot ; . triplicity. *X r i V 1 1 f, /■ (pi- —CIl) surrejoinder. *X X t \> 1 1 r e n, v. a. to treble ; — b, part. adj. T. triplarrt. *Xtt^litfarteri, pi tarot-cards. *X X i p 1 i t, m. (-cS ; pi. -c) Mm. T. triplite. *X x i \> in a b ci m, tXripfsSKobame)/. B. T. trip-madam (an herb). *X t ip 6 b e, I m. (pi. Xl'ipobcil) tripod, *X r t v u 8, J vid. Sheifujj. X r 1 V 1 1 8 ?i. Geoff. T. Tripoli. X r i y o 1 i e r, I. to. (-8 ; pi. —) native or inhabitant of Tripolis ; II. adj. of or belonging to Tripolis (in Syria). Xrtpolitciner, m. (-S ; pi. — ) — - tint, /.inhabitant of Tripolis ^in Africa), Tripolitan. £rivo li tanifeb, adj. 4- ads. of or from Tripolis, Tripolitan. *X x i p o t a g e, / or 7i. vid. 1 . 9fti f cb= inafcb, ©cmciigfcl ; 2. 9tanfe, Jtniffe. £tlpp, ». (-8) mock-velvet, fustian; compos. — fommet, m. shag, tuft taf- feta. Xxip p eln, v. a. (auz. baben) to trip, to take many and short steps. X X X p p C 1 II, 7i. (-8) tripping. X X i p p e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) gonorrhoea, clap. X X i p p I C r, to. (-8 ; pi. — ) tripper. X X i p p f Cb XV C f e I, m. (-8) torrefied sulphur. *Xtip tmfeb, adj. >$■ adv. three- winged. *Xriptcr^gtf tb. «£..$■ ado. three- finned. *S rip t i f cb, adj. brought about by friction, by rubbing. ♦Xl'ip flbt II in, n. (-8) a festive dance in ancient Rome. *Xrtrcmcit, pi. triremes, Grecian galleys. *X x i f d> df, vid. Xxt\i)(il. *% X i f e C t iB It, /. T. trisection. *X r i f C n C t t, 7i. (-C8 ; pi. -C) trisenet *Xrife tt, n. trcdrille (a game at cards). *X X i 8 % a. 3 I tt, ) n. trisagion, the *Xri8bd3iunt, ) "Holy" in the Greek church. *Xrt8mcgifl(uS), to. Myth. T. epithet of Mercury. *X X X 8 m It 8, to. Med. T. trismus ; lockjaw. *Xrifpdfioit, n. (-8) T. trispaston (machine consisting of three pulleys). *5C r t f v e r nt i f cb, adj. b. t. tri- spermous. X X X f f C, /. (pi. -It) JV. T. brace ; — n bev Sliribe utib Scbiclblinbf, sprit- sail braces. ■LV'X) Xri|"|?lt, .0. n, -\: T. to Drace 'JjJ spiitsail, and sprit-top-sail. *Xrift, adj. rid. Sraurig, Settubt, Siiificr, 5)iifter. *X X X fl t cb It, 71. (-8) a stanza oj three lines. *X x x ft r p b o it, n. (-8) a poem o! three stanzas or strophes. *%x i f i) Uribi f cb, adj. vid. 2>reif«I= big- *X X X f ij 1 1 a b it lit, 7i. (-8) a trisyl- lable. *X x i t c X it e, /. Tijp. T. three sheets stuck in one another, marked with ine letter. *X x 1 1 b C t 8 m (it 8), m. tritlieism. *X X i t b C X ft, in. (-en ; pi. -Cll) tritheist tritheite. *Xx'x t bet fit f cb, aOX — , step by (after) step ; eilieil ftllfcben — tbyUIl, to make a false step (a faux pas) , mit bebut; fa in em — , with cautious step ; 3e = maiibeS — e bflaucrit. to watch one's motions ; compos. — brctt, — bolj, n. T. pedal (of an organ), step (of a wheel. &c.) ; — Clfeil, 7i. trap (for animals ; — baife,/. pedal harp; — rab, n. vid. Sretrab ; ©)>initrab. X X X 1 1 i t II g, 77i. (-8 ; ;i/. -C) step, footboard. *£rtturiren, v. vid. Tvefcben, 3ermalmeu, 3e r veibeii ; Saturation, / trituration. *X x i li m p b, m. (-c8 ; pl.-t) triumph ; cillCIl — balteil, to celebrate a triumph : compos. — bogeit, m. triumphal arc!) ; — cinjltg, m. triumphal entry ; — gc= ^idltge, 7i triumphal pomp; — beer, it. triumphant army ; — tlcib, n. trium- phal dress or robe ; — frcne, / trium- phal crown ; — lie b, 71. song of triumph ; — Vfcnte, / triumphal arch; — faille, / triumphal column ; — tag, m. day of triumph; — thor, n. triumphal gate or entrance ; — tbtOlt, m. triumphal throne : — lvageil, to. triumphal car ; — jiel'be, /triumphal ornament, — = jeicbelt, ti. sign of triumph, trophy ; — - jug, m. triumphal procession. *Xr iumvbStoi', to. vid. 2riuin= pk'xxtx. *2rtump btren, Tj.Ti. (avx. baben) to triumph; ilbev bic gcillbe — , to triumph over the enemy. *X X i II ill p t) t r e n, n. (-8) triumphing. *X X I II m p b X X e It b, part. I. adj triumphant, triumphing; II. adv. trium- phantly, triumphingly. *X x t u m p t) x x e r, to. (-8 ; pi. — ) triumpher. *X X X li 111 to i r, to. (-8 ; pi. -n) trium vir. *X x x xx m » i r a t, w. (-eS ; pi. -e.' triumvirate. *X X i U 111 t> i r a 1, adj. triumviral. *X V i U I a I, adj. $■ adv. trivial ; trifling inconsiderable j worthless ; compos fd)itle, / lower school, country- school. *X X i t a 1 1 8 ill e n, pi. trivia!, stale, trite things or sayings. *X x x v i a I i t a t, / triviality. *2rtt)ium, n. (-8) (in the midilh Xrcfc ugea) the first three liberal arts (Gram- mar, Rhetoric, Logic) trivium. •Xrocar, SEwiBir, or Xroi8cart, m. (-8) S. 7'. trocar (surgical instrument). •X X o c a x t r c r, v. a. S. T. to tap (a dropsical person) with the trocar. *X X d) a i f d), adj. T. trochaic. *Xr O rf) d It t C" r, m. (-8) ^. T. tro- chanter. •X v o rf> S u 8, m. (— ; pi. £ro($aen) trochee. •X r o d) i I i t c it, Xrodn'ten, p/. troch- lites ; trochites (marine petrifactions). *X X d) t 8 f e It, pi. trochisks, kind of lozenges. *X x 6 d) ( c a, f. vid. 2Biitbc, 5Mlc. *X x o d) o I b e, /. e«. fJtif lotbe. •X r o d) o in c t e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 7'. trochometer. •XtOcbOtif, /.doctrine of (treatise on) circular motion. X X 6 d, n. billiard. Xrocfen, I. adj. 1. dry, arid; 2. bar- ren, arid; fig. dry, uninteresting; prosy, dull; 3.^. cold, dry; 4. fig. barren, cuing no milk (of cows) ; — Clt S'U= pes, dry-shod; ciu — cr (gmpfang, a frigid welcome; tine — t (STjabluita, a dull tale ; bie — e 9GBahibcif, the olain truth; cilt —CI 2)icitfd), 1. a matter-of-fact man, a prosy fellow; 2. i dry cunning fellow; _ elite — e 3d)rcibarf, a dry style; tin Xrocfe= ■leit fcillt, to be under shelter, in secu- tity ; — e8 3)2aji, dry measure ; II. adn. drily, aridly ; fig. dully, frigidly ; plain- ly ; drily, slyly; — cibrctbcit, to dry- rul) ; compos. — bccnueilt, m. vid. — * tuciit ; — bctt, v. — faftett, m. T. dry- ing-room ; — bobCtt, m. drying loft ; — brett, n. T. horse (for drying linen); — ffltbe, /. dry colour, crayons; — * fetter, n. T. sheet-iron fire (in forges); — jienidlbe, n. crayon painting ; — $C= j ftdl, it. T. drying stand; — f)au8, n.\ drying-house; — b cr b, m. drying- ground; — fantllter, /.hanging-room; — (eitte, /. vid. — frhitiir ; — lod), n. charging hole (in mines) ; — malcr, m. [lainter in crayon ; — Iltafcret, /. cray- on-painting ; — Ofett, m. drying-room ; — p ft after, n. desiccative plaster ; — = platte, /. laundress'-iron ; — pla<}, m. drying place, drying yard, tenter- ground ; — podjlucrf, n. T. stamping- mill ; — plllucr, h. desiccative powder ; — tilbcit, pi. a sort of turnip ; — faal, w. drying-room ; — fd)lttlC, /. drying- line ; — fduailf, m. drying-room (of .: mfectioners) ; — fpctcijcr, m. drying- loft ; — ftartiie, /. tenter ; — roeilt, m. (Hungarian) wine, prepared from grapes nearly dried. X t 6 if e It C, n. the dry, dryness ; G'.:f8 — brittftett, to put on the dry (land) ; feitt @d)dfct)eu tu8 — briugctt, to feather one's nest. £r6cfcnbctt> /• 1. dryness, aridity ; 2. fig. barrenness ; 3. dulness ; frigi- dity. Xr6b 1 — ugcfCbmetter, n. vid.— nfdmuttcrit ; — nacn)51b(, 7t. Arch. T. trumpet arcb ; — Itfiirbi8, m. trumpet-gourd ; — ltntferb, 71. trumpeter's (gray) horse ; — = ftiidd)eit, 71. air for the trumpet, air played on the trumpet. *X X It a, 71. (-8) Mi*. T. carbonate of soda, trona. *£ f i ll C, /. .V. T. a small, light ( *Xx it ct it t x e 11, r. a. to truncate, vid. v :ibftnmpfcii, iBerftuininelu, 'i'c= fcbneibeii. *X V [> p C, 111. (-It ; pi- -11) ft*. T. tr..;..- Xr6pf, m. [-tt\ /'■'• ECtSpft) cant ninny, simpleton, dunce, blockhead. X v p f = a rfj a t, m. Btalactirbrm agate , bab, n. dropping-batb, iboweMHUli, -bcrilftciu, Tii. amber; — brett, 11 Drainer ; — fojifbcti, n. trickhr fcucr, 11. fire-shower : — 0,kl*, 11 Duich tears; — bar<. n. r.-sin in drops; — fraut, 11. wall pellitory, wall-wort; — filbel, in. — fllfc, /. drlppi, c tub ; — « lacf, m. drop lac; — narjiffenlilte, / variegated daffodil \ — Uttfc. / — Uttftj 645 Srort %te$ &riib idj. vid. Xl'iffimfc ; — lhlfi, adj. drip- ping wet; — pfamie, /. dripping-pan; — rcflett, ro. rain falling in drops; — * rittnc, /. gutter, trench; — fdimcfcl, m. rid. X'rippfrbivefel ; — ficiu, ro.sta.lac tites; filtering-stone; — ftcilUU'tiq, adj. stalaetitic; — tfO J, m. reservoir of graduation (in salterns) ; — vitriol, ro. virgin vitriol ; — UHllttie, /. tap-tub; — = Weill, ro. droppings ; — RMU't, /. drop- wort, common polypody ; — tapfcll, m. T. cock-peg ; unpressed cider ; — jibCV, ro. — jillll/ ». pine tin dropping from a tin mine. £r6pfb(ir, adj. liquid, fluid. Sropf b civ if i t, / liquidity, fluid- ness. J t tf f cl; t II, n. (-6 ; pi. — ) little drop, droplet. XvOpfeltt, v. a. Sr n. {mix. ()abcn) to fall in small drops, to drop, drip, trickle ; to fall in scanty drops (of rain). £ V i) p f e I H, n. (-6) dropping, dripping ; scanty rain. X r 6 p f e tt, v. a. Sr n. (mix. fjaben) to drop, drip, trickle, run. X V 6 p f e It, n. (-6) dropping. X V 6 p f e 11, ro. (-8 ; pi. — ) drop ; com- pos. — fail, m. drip, eaves, gutter ; — ~ l)\lft, adj. silly, ninny like, miserable, contemptible ; — l)(lftigfeit, /. silliness, contemptible fellow's character or be- haviour; — lueife, ado. by drops. ♦Xropljae, Xvopbee, /. 'vl. -u) trophy. *X X p b I fj I e, /. doctrine of nu- trition, dietetics. *Z X V f) 11 i f d), adj. Trophonian ; — C .£)bt)te, a frightful cave with a narrow entrance. ro. Myth. T. Tro- (— ; pi. Sropici) * X r o p b o n i u 8, phonius. *X X 9 t C It 8, m vid. 2Beubefrei8. * X v 6 p i f s> o g e I, m. (-8 ; pi. -v5g?I) tropic-bird. 'XrOpifd), adj. 1. tropic, tropical; 2. figurative. * I r p f g I e, /. Rh. T. tropology. * I v o p o I o g i f d). adj. tr ado. Rh. r. tropological, figurative, varied by tropes. *X r 6 p « 8, m. vid. Srope. *%X ttri>(tli dj. He is untrofl. li,^, who is not to be comforted. He is ti'tffrluo, who is deprived of consolation, whether by the excessive violence of his grief or by the circum- stance that no adequate reasons for consolation liave been given; "comfortless" is sometimes used in this sense, nutvtffrlidj is "inconsolable." X X ft b (1 C, adj. comfortable, consolable. % X ft b a r f e i t, /. consolableness. i£ r ft e 11, v. I. a. to comfort, console ; II. rejl. to comfort, console one's self, to take comfort (fid) 111 1 1 ftflXlS, also fid; cinev ©ad;e — ) ; vid. ©etvbftcn. •Xroftetl, n. (-8) comforting, con- soling. X X ft e r, ro. (-8 ; pi. — ) comforter, consoler ; Tk. T. the Holy Ghost. % X ft I i fb, I adj. 1 . consolabb, con- solatory ; comfortable ; 2. confident ; 3. vulg. agreeable, pleasant ; II. ado. com- fortably, consolably, consolatorily. X X ft 1 i ct> f e i t, /. consolableness. Xx 3 jt I in {j, m. (-e 8 ; pi. -e) sort of apple. X X ft 11 It g, /. (pi. -eil) consolation, comfort. Xt 1 1, m (-6) trot ; ben — vcitcu, to tmt; bit8 3Jfevb tit ben — feijeu, to put a horse into a trot; compos. ■ — ganger, ro. trotter. *X X 1 1 a b e, /. a short ride or drive. X V 6 1 1 = b (t U 111, m. prouinc. cross-bar of a wine-press; — flted)t, m. provinc. Header; — llteiftel', m. provinc. master of the treaders. X V 6 1 1 C, /. (pi. -11 ) provinc. wine-press. Xrottel, /. vid. Irobfcel. Xvbttt It, v. I. a. provinc. to tread (wine); to stamp, pound; II. n. (aux. fotyn) — , or Xvottiren, to trot. 2 V 1 1 C f, m. (.-6 ; pi. — ) trotter. *X v o 1 1 1 v e n, v. vid. Srotten, X ra= bcu. X r ^, m. (-e8) 1. defiance, scorn, dis- dain, spite ; 2. daring, boldness ; 3. fro- wardness, stubbornness, obstinacy ; re- fractoriness ; 4. insolence, haughtiness ; — bidet!, to set at defiance, to brave ; — bent, bcr fich miberfefct, wo to him that opposes; bit" Jllllt — , in spite of you, irr spite of your teeth; compos. — * (lltge, n. proud, menacing eye ; - — btc= tell, n. boast, threat; — biillbllift, n. of- fensive alliance ; — geficbt, n. haughty look, menacing countenance ; — fopf, to. 1. stubborn fellow ; 2. stubbornness ; — fbpfiq, adj. stubborn, obstinate ; — • fopfigfeit, /. stubbornness, obstinacy; — lllillll, n. vulg. mouth expressive of disdain ; — rebe, /. menacing or dis- da jful speech ; — ftcin, wi. T. copper stone : — HJrtffc, /. offensive weapon ; — llHlltel, ro. boudoir. £rr3&, prep. I. with gen. in defiance of in spite of, notwithstanding; — beiKlt, in spite of that; — ciHer (SiniueiibuiP gen, in spile of all objections; II. with dat. as well, as good, as much, &c. ; as any one, equal to any ; er fprirf)t — ft» licilt OU'li'llVteil, he vies with any learn- ed man in conversation; er Killft — eilient (SPferbe ll. f. to.), he runs equal to, as fast as any one (to any horse, &c). 5£r6fcen, v. «. (awe baben) (with dat.) 1. to dare, brave, defy J 2. to he froward, refractory, insolent, obstinate, perverse ; (lltf ctlVaS — , to confide in, to be proud, to boast of; lllit eineill — , to be angry with one. X X 6 % e 11, n. (-8) daring, braving, &.C. ; vid. verb. Xxi%t X, ro. (I. w.) one who bids defi- ance, insolent person. Srcfeig, 1. adj. defying, insolent, dar- ing, braving ; froward, refractory ; per* verse; II. ado. insolently, daringly ; fro- wardly, with defiance. X X 6 % i g f e i t, /. defiance ; stubborn- ness ; insolency. X x o (j i g I i cb, adj. vid. £ro&ig. *X X li b a b ll r, ro. (-8 ; pi. -6) trou- badour. *X X li b I e, ro. trouble, disorder ; insup rection. *X x o u b 1 1 r c it, v. a. vid. XviiUn ; 58euiirubigeii, Vlengftigeti, ©tSren. *X x o ft = DJ a b a in e, n. (-6) trolmy dames (a game\ "Zroiif fcau, m. vid. Slu^ftattiuij}, DJiitgift. *X X tl o e X X e, m. (-'6 ; pi. -8) North French poet of the middle ages, trou vere. *X X i) = & C 10 i cb t, n. (-5) troy- weight. Xv a b SU g X g, adj. dim-eyed, dark- sighted. Svfi be, I. adj. 1. troubled, muddy thick; 2. lowering, cloudy, gloomy; overcast; 3. dull; dim, dark; 4. fig. no! cheerful, gloomy, sad. dull, melancholy; ill! —It ift gilt fifebeil, prou. there if good fishing in troubled waters ; 11. adv. dimly ; dully, sadly ; gloomily. X X il b e I, ro. (-6) nulg. trouble, disturb- ance, tumult, bustle. X X ii b C It, v. a. <$• rejl. 1. to trouble, mud- dy, make muddy or thick ; 2. to grow gloomy, cloud; 3. to dim; to dull; 4. fitr. to make gloomy ; to sadden ; bet cpimnirl triibt fid), the heaven lowers ; er, fie, it. f. n). fieljt (tii8, al8 fininte er, fie, fcin SBoffet — , he, she looks as if lie, she could not say boo to a goose. X X ii b C r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) one who dis- turbs, &c. ; vid. Xxubctt. X X U 1 i d), adj. $■ ado. somewhat dis- turbed. X V U b f a 1, /. (iUn times are hard, calamitous; II. adt. calamitously, sorrowfully, miserably sadly. Xritbfetigfeit, /. (pi. -en) M Xri'tbfai. i^rum £rut Zixb t v ii b f tint, m (-$) XitibHtntigfeir, /. Badness, pensiveness, direction of mind, heaviness, melancholy. X X ii b f i It 11 1 g, I ailj. sad, pensive, de- jected ; melancholy ; IT. ado. sadly, pen- sively, dejectedly. X r tict) f e ft, m. (-ffen ; pl. -ffen) a no- bleman, whose hereditary office it is, upon cftur, n. false hair ; — \iS, adj. unde- signing. artless; harmless, inoffensive; — ll'ftgfeit, /. artlessness; — fa<}, to. fallacious proposition ; — fdjfufi, m. pa- rallogism, sophism, fallacy; . — ftllll, m. deceitful mind; — fptel, n. deceptive game: — ftpft, m. feint 'in fencing); — y II, adj. deceitful, full of fraud or it; — DOrftcQutljJ, /. deceitful or false idea; — tterf, a. deception, illu- sion. Xr lift oar, adj. . Stiimpf; 3. SSfirfel, v .'ll= mofeufiocf. X rti 11 f, m. (-ti) 1. drinking; 2. draught, gulp : 3. drink, potion, liquor; bCIlt — t ergeben, given to drinking; auf ct'ueit — , at one draught or gulp ; ettieit — $11 Otel ll)!tll, to take a cup loo much; to get tipsy. X r ii it f e I b c c r e, /. ( pi. -u) b. t. streaked bilberry. X X ti It f C tt, adj. drunk, drunken, fud- dled ; tipsy; Jig. intoxicated, elated (vox or ben, with) ; — roerben, to grow drunk, fuddled ; — lliacheil, to fuddle, make drunk ; Jig. to intoxicate ; compos. — bolb, (+ — fdiliutt) m . drunkard, fuddle-cap, tippler ; — Hicijeit, 171, darnel. X v tt n f e it r) e i t, /. drunkenness ; in- toxication, al.-o Jig. ; state of intoxica- tion. X x ti it f f t e i, adj. rid. 3ed)fiei. X nip i>. m. (-ti; pi. -e) troop band, gang; flock, herd, flight ; ein — SJletter, troop Of burse; compos. — IV c t = fe, adv. in troops, in flocks, Xru'ppe, /. (pi. -n) compani troop) Of players; cillC iHU'llllniciuMIbi' — , a company of strolling players. X vup v e I, «i. small troop. X V li p \> C II, ;■!. forces, troops : — Ivet'J ben, to levy troops;* — marfrfctren lafs fen, tn sel the troops in march. Xni |'d) e, /. (/)/. -n) provinc. eel pout, cony-fish. £rii f el, /. + thrush. Sniff el, ) . . . . Xniffel, \ /•<»<-'«;<' *X v U f i D ii, / trusion, act of thrusting or pushing. 'X vn t a tOr eil, pi. Hungarian poi ts of that name. Xvfi tt, f. (pi. -II) provinc witch. X v fi 1 1; a b u, m. ;-e« ; pi. -{>a(,Mie) tur- key, turkey t r ft t ft a 1) n eb t n, ». ( -« : _) Ui i key-pouIL X x ft t h t n it e, /. turkey-bsj. X r fi t fi it b It e r, pL turkey-birds. .X r fi 1 1 e v w o d; e, /. provinc. I moon. Xnl tfdjaft, /. {pi. -en) + love friendship. Svn'tfrbel, / ( P i. -it) — d>en, n plump or jolly lass or woman X x ii %, Tn. vid, Xrof}. Xv iifc= b it nbni % u offensive alii ance ; — llltb 2d)ll(j=biilttlli9, v. Of fensive and defensive alliance X X li ft tt h f f e, /. (pi. -II) arms of cf fence. *.X f djdt I e, m. (pi. -tt saic i kind o, mployed on the Dai ♦Xfehai fi|"i, to. (pL -en) eaic-man (in Austria). *X f el) d f 0, m. (-'« ; ;,/. -8} soldier's cap *ifl b a, /. 1. a sort of trumpet the ancient Romans) ; -'. T. tb Btachian tube; '.(. mi. Spraebroftr. *X It b C V e U 1 O i, adj. tuberculous. *X it b c r f e I, /. ( pi. -n) tubercle. "Tit 6 er OS, adj. tuberou , rig, Jlnollig, Scaitb. ♦XubcrDfe, /. ( P l. -n) tubi *X it b e xo f i t a t, /. tuberosity. X fi b i u g e it, n. [-») Tubingen (towr. in Wirtemberg). Mllb EpOre, /. tubi pore. * X it b i p or i t e it, pl. petrified tubi- pores. *Xubn lavie, /. sort of zoophile. *X lib li lit, hi. (-$; pi. -e) tubular fossil i a petrifact). *Xfibll#, to. {pl. -Bllffe) an tube, telescope. Xfid), 7i. (-ti; pl. Xiiirev i. drap; linen; 2. kerchief, handkerchief; neckcloth; cloth; pi. Xudjf, different sort of cloth, cloths; — beveiten, to dress cloth : inetirtes — , m ted cloth: — roalfen, to full cloth; Tiieber tut 3iigb, toils, hays; compos. — avbeirer, in. vid. — bereiter; —air, /. • ■Hi ; Struiit^fe nait — - art luridjten, to m - —-■ lirttg, adj. like cloth; milled; — bailer.. in. bnle of cloth; — baitin, m. beam, roller ; — bciuflciber, /,/. , es, cloth trowsers; — bct'ettcf, m. cloth- dresser, cropper; — bereituiifj,/ ing of cloth; — blan, «. wash blue; — bleicbe,_ /._ bleaching : cloth; — fabn'f, /. cloth manufactory ; — fabnfant, m. cloth-raai — farter, to. cloth-dyer; — friftn rid. —van be v; — gejvolbe, shop; — gta8, Ti. cloth-prover, i microscope i — bafeit, m. -iMiie. / vid - I .' be!, to. cloth-trade; — -I'.';:. tier, cloth-men haul, drap I . —I itllblling, /. l. cloth trade ; -'. ui —ban?, m. cloth hail ; — bofen, cloth trowsers; ■ — fleit, n. i — Eliappe,77i. clothier's journej man ; — laten, m. cloth shop, draper's shop; — -- Inger, n. cloth warehouse ; — lappen, to cloth rag ; — ntaebet', m cl cloth-weaver, cloth-maker; — in.ui e vet. f making, manufacturing of cloth; — niadHTiieivevf, ». — mad erinr. — inadjerjunft, / dmpi rs' — inacbergefeUe, m clotbier'i journeyman ; — lliadU'l'lMlltlVei f. clothier's trade; — lliadieniteifte;, master clothier; — iitanttt, to. . doak; — inaniifaetur, r. cloth manu 647 Xugc facturc — mifrcffcp, ». n.i. — gla8; — nabel, /. neckerchief-pin. shirt-pin; — preffr, /.cloth-press; — rabntcn, n. frame for cloth-dressing, tenter: — = rafch, in. cloth-fashes; — raahcr, m. : : — ratilt, m. milled ratteen : — = ring, m. handkerchief-runner; — rocf, vi. cloth coat ; cloth dress ; — farfcbe, /. niilled serge ; — fd)au, f. inspection of clot), ; — fdjete,/. cloth-shears, twitch- ers ; — ferterer, m. cloth-shearer ; — = fctf rcrbiifjlc, /. strong and stiff brush ; — I'djrctc, /. list of cloth; — uaate,/. cloths, drapery; — roalEc, /. fulling of cloth; — malfcr, m. fuller; — Ittcber, m. cloth weaver; — roeberet,/. cloth-manu- factory ; — tlH'jte, /. cloth waistcoat. iftcbcl, — djeit, n. (S',pl. — ) small pocket-handkerchief, small piece of linen. £ ft d) e 11, a/lj. of cloth. £ it d) 1 t g, I. adj. 1. apt, fit, able, capa- ble, qualified, proper ; 2. solid, good, great, large, strong: jil etn>a8 — , fit for : fine — ( 3JJaf)CjCtt, a hearty re- past: II. ode. 1. aptly, fitly, ably, pro- perly ; 2. much, hard ; well, soundly ; — trillfflt, to drink hard, deep, .'./n. tiid)tifl, Snutm, Cttfd)i tp.16). 0>cid;itfl (skilful) is only used when ng of living, trquctn of inanimate things or objects, and Iud)ti4 of both. Siidptij, how- ever, is distinguished from flrfdjutt in this, that it is predicated of that which has strength enough to accomplish much ar.d to the pur- pose without soon getticg tred or unservice- able; it is "capital, able bodied, sound, stanch," aud the like. A carriage that is comfortable i r in one word "convenient," is called brqunn. 3-iidj t t(J f Ctt, /. 1. aptness, fitness, ability, ableness, qualification, capa- _'. solidity, solidness. ^ 11 d?. m. nid. ncit ward. ~L ii if «,f. (pi. -It) malice, insidiousness, artfulness, knavery, spite ; prank, trick, ill office, ill turn ; ail8 — , out of spite ; Semcinbem ciuc — fpielcu, to serve one a trick; to put a trick upon one ; eiitent tic — It »ertretbeit, to cure one of his spiteful tricks or spite ; cillC — auf 3 cmaiis baben, evig. to have a spite against one ; compos. — bolb, m. + malicious person; — Ipiel/ "• + ma- licious trick. £ li cf t f cb, I. adj. malignant, malicious ; insidious, knavish, artful, spiteful ; ftUf etnett — fcin, vulg. to ha\-e a spite against one ; II. ado. maliciously, ma- lignantly, spitefully, artfully. £ ii d; m 5 it f'e r, m. (-8 — ) sullen fellow, vid. Emrfmdufer. X li b C r, m. (-8) tether. X ft b e r It, v. a. to tether. £ ii f, Eiifjiein, m. vid. Scf. £ ii g C It b, /. (pi. -ell) virtue ; compos. — atc(, in. nobility acquired by virtue ; — arm, adj. poor in virtues, that has but few virtues; — balm, /• path of virtue ; — begabt, adj. endowed with virtue, with virtuous qualities; — bile, «. image or model of virtue ; — bllllltc, ;". sweet maudlin ; — bllllC', m. alliance of students in Germany, so called ; — = blirtfe I, m. conceit of one's own virtues ; display of them : — cifer, m. zeal for virtue; — evmabltllttg, /. moral dis- course, parenesis ; — fcitlb, m. enemy to virtue ; — frCilltb, DC. friend of virlue : — forfdicr, m, moralist; — gefiibl, rt. sense of virtue ; — gefcl}, n. moral law: — b,elt>, m. hero in virtue; — beud)[er, m. sanctified hypocrite ; — {ranter, m. one wlio makes a display of his vir- tues: — Eroue, /. crown of virtue : — = lebctl, n virtuous life, life of virtue; — lebre, f. morais- ethics; — lebrer, 648 £umm m. moralist; — (ebrig, adj. moral ; — - Itcbf, /. love of virtue; — Icbll, m. reward of virtue; — lo8, adj. without virtue; — pftlb, m. path of virtue; — * preciger, m. moralizer: — reid), ailj. very virtuous; — rcij, m. cbarm of vir- tue, motive to virtue ; — rilf, m. repu- tation for virtue; — rilbm, in. fame arising from virtue ; — falbet, ?n. com- mon sage ; — ffbciil, in. appearance of virtue ; — fd)llle, /. school of virtue ; — fcrniMtJcr, n. one who is constantly talking of virtue; — fteg, m. victory of virtue ; — fillll, m. vid. — geftif)l ; — = — fpiegct, m.fig. mirror of virtue ; — = R of the gods in the nor- *X U i it 0, ) thern mythology). *X U t S I £ It f, /. epithet of tha German muse (by Klopstock). *% ii E a It, m. (-S) the toucan (bird of South America). *X li 1 b c ii b, m. vid. Durban. *£ulipane, f. + or * for Sttlpe (?• r.l *X It I i p m a li I e, /. tulipomania. *X li II, 7». M E. net, net-work, net-lace ; compos. — ipifceil, pi. point net. X li 1 1 C, /. (pi. -11) jackdaw. JCu (( C, /. T. socket. % U 1 1 1 U 9, m. Tully. X ii 1 V e. /. (pi- -n) tulip : compos. — n= art, /. 1. nature of the tulip; 2. species of tulip ; — Itfirttg, adj. like tulips ; — 11= auSitellung, /. tulip-eshibition ; — 11= baillll, m. tulip tree; — nbfCt, n. bed of tulips; — ltbtrilC, /. tulip-pear; — 11= MiUt, n. tuliivleafj_— llblltmc, /. ebony bignonia; — Ilcvcfffl, /. the baltimore; — Itflor, /. blooming or field of tulips ; — llliebbaber, in. amateur of tulips; — 11= liebbabftei,/. taste or passion for tulips; — timailS, /. tulip- mouse ; — llfdjllCffc, /. the tulip Species of theconus) ; — 11= ftfill, 77i. tulip-stone; — Itflicbt, or — 11= WlUb, /. tulip madness; — lljivicbel, /. bulb ol" a tulip. *Xlilllbe, /. l. tomb (in Roman churches) ; 2. pit, hole. *X urn era fti[Mi,) umefaction _ *S iimcl cc it 5, y *X It 111 c f c 1 V t 11, r. 71. rid. Sdjrecllf 11. 2 li lit 111 e I, m. diz/.iness, giddiness, tu- mult. X it m m c I b a n f, /. .\". 7'. bench for sitting or sleeping on. X li m m c 1 b a tt m, m, {-t8 : pi. -bSii= lltf) .I/in. T. I. axle-tree of the wind- lass . ■-'. .V. T. beam of the capstan. X li ill 111 C I ft) C It, 71. a small drinking cup. S 11 m 111 C I II, r. I. 71. 1. to hustle, make a noise: 2. vid, Jaitmellt; II. a. to bustle, eive much exercise ; to exercise; citl -}>fcrt> — , to tumble, manage a horse ; III. rcjU to bustle, hurry ; to Xunf make haste ; jtrb lllit ciltcill Ijcvtlltt — . to wrestle, scuffle with one. Slilll 111C [pla»J, «• (-•*) I. riding place; wrestling-place; 2. scene of ac- tion ; place of warlike preparations; place of exercise ; 3. alarm post, rendez- vous. X li lit lit C I f A 1 1 1 1, 771. T. a particular saddle, put on horses when they are broken in. X li m 111 e I f. a a b e, /. (pi. -n) tumbler (a pigeon). X ii lit lit 1 e r, ? 771. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1 . jockey ; X U 1 111 lit 1 1 r, $ one who breaks in a horse ; 2. dolphin; 3. tumbler v a g - X it m in I c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) tumbler ; porpoise. *X u 111 b r, 771. vid. ©rfdjrcitffr. 2 11 lit pel, 771. (-§; pi. — ) 1. pond, pool ; 2. hearth-pit ; compos. — fteill, m, liearth-pit-stone ; — ftliff, 71. hearth-pi:. X ii m p r) 1 5, 7i. Min. T. vid. 2oimcn= brU. *X n lit li 1 1, to. (-e§ ; pi. -C) tumult ; up- roar; noise, confusion; eillftl — crvc= gen, jtillcil, to excite, appease a tumult. *£ u mult 11 fi 11 1, 771. (-en ; pi. -en 1 disturber of the peace, rioter. *£uitt Ul 1 11 fit i f (b, I. adj. tumultuary ; tumultuous; II. adv. tumultuary, in a hurry. *Xu mu( til iren, v. n. to excite a tumult, make a disturbance. *£ fl 11 A, f. tuna (an American tree). Xlindje, /. (pi. -ll) 1. whitewash, lime wash ; lime washing ; 2. parget, plaster. 2 li 11 d) C n, v. a. 1. to whitewash, lime wash ; 2. to plaster, parget X li It d) C 11, 71. (-8) pargeting ; white- washing, lime-washing. Xiutcbet, 771. (-8; pi. — ) pargetei, plasterer; compos. — fltbett, /. white- washer's work ; — gevitfl, n. plasterer's scaffolding; — pinfel, 771. whitewash brush. .Xliltfbsftirbe, /. ptistering-colour ; — f libel, 771. hod ; — pinfel, m. white- washer's brush; — fdjeibe, /. white- washer's pallet; — topf, m. while- washer's pot ; — ivevf, 71. whitewash- ing, daubing. X ii 11 d) c r e t, /. r'im. ^ . whitewashing ; 2. daubing, bad painting. X ii n d) n ll g. /• vid. Siiitdicn, 5 n. Snuffer,) 771. (-8 ; pi. — ) — inn, /. Suitifcr, 5 native or inhabitant ol Tunis, Tunisian. X 11 U e 1 f C r, illllffiffr), 1 adj. Tunisian. X 11 11 1 f e r, Suillfifd), ) of i>r from Tu- nis. X ii ll g e I, mi. (-8 ; pi. — ) B. T. cleat-cr ; groundsel. X ii 11 g fi e i it. Til. (-e8 ; pi. -c) Min. T. tungsten ; compos. — mctall,?j. tungsten; — farter, adj. tungstenic; — fa it 1 c Sal* je.tungstates;— fanre,/.tungstenicacid. Sung n f e, tti. (-11 ; pL -«3 Tungoooe. *XuntEa, /. (pi. Suniftn) tunic. Sfllti8, 71. Oeog. T. Tunis; compot — blliniC, /. Indian-pink or rose. X 11 n i f e f, 771. (-8 ; pi. — ) —inn, /. ai inhabitant of Tunis. X It 11 1 f t f d), adj. of or from Tunis (th< town). X li U f , "•• fleece. 3; li tt f e, /. (pi- -U) 1 sauce ; 2. pit of cavity, serving the purpose of a cellar compos. — navfdjen (iiiiifn.irffbtn) sauce dish, sauce-boat. £urf 2; .i tt E c 11, v. a. 10 dip, steep. £ ii n f s f 1 m, /. ( pi. -en) dippiag- model or frame; — ftibale, /. — fd)uf* fclrbcit, n. sauce-boat ; — fdiuittc, /. tllill slice of bread (for dipping into some sauce). *£ it u ft us tic ft, n. (-e«; pi. -tfl eatable bird's nest. *£ ii u it e 1, n. (-g ; pi. — ) tunnel. Xiipf=b alien, ?«. — ballpen, n. bung, plug, stopple. £ it V f e I, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) Xiipfcldjett, n - (S ; j//\ — ) point, tittle, dot, spot ; com- poi. — fai'tt, in. B. T. polypody, tarta- rean iamb; mfinttltcber, n>ciblid)cr — ftll'll, male, female fern; — lllillci', vi. film, miniature-painter. X It p f C I i (J, adj. spotted, full of points. X II p f C I It, v. a. to make points, to spot. £ ti p f e tt, £iipfcu, v. a. &■ n. (aux. fja* ben) to tip; to touch. £ li p b. ft C t it, m. vid. Xof. *X ii x b a n, m. (-g ; pi. -e) turban ; belt — UCbmell, to turn Mahomedan. *X ur b an t f it t, adj. turbaned, wear ing a turban. '•X it v b a t i $ u, /. vid. Stoning, SBcr= urittuttg, SBeeintracbtigung. *£uvbator, 7/i. vid. Sttucr, Uuvu()= ftiftcr. £ li V b C, m. (,-g) elecampane, liorse- hee!. *X li V b C f), n. (pi. -g) oriental tombs or monuments (especially of the Turkish emperors), *Xuvb t ii if, m. (-cit ; pi. -ett) turbi- rtite, turbite. *£ u t b i v t it, ». ?•/of, the Porte; — e SJjCbitcil, French beans, kidney-beans; — eg (Sam, spun cotton dyed in Tur- key red; — et 2Bcijcn, —eg Jtont, maize, Indian corn ; — e ©lll'fc, cu- cumber; — e £rtllbe, Turkey pigeon; —Cg papier, marbled paper. X ii v f i fi, m. '-eg ; pi -e) turquois, Xuxt calaite ; compos. — Mail, adj. turquois- blue X U r f lit a II C, m. (-It ; pi. -It) Turko- man. £ u r f o m a it i c n, n. [-4) Turkomanfa, * X 11 r f p b i f, m. (-g ; pi. -C) a friend of the Turks. *X u r f o p o I e u, pi. cflspring of parents of whom the man is a Turk, and the woman a Greek. *X it r lupin, m. vid. ^offeurcifjer, ©cfjrualjcr. *X u r (up in a be, /. vid. SBiijelci, SPoffettretfterei. •SCtt tt up i ntr t u, »-. «. &• «. put. 33i= fcclit, SPoffeu veifjcn; 'Jlufjic()cii,Bcp= pen. *X 11 V lit a I 1 11, m. (-g ; /il)ii3' "'(/- ad- missible to a tournament; — (jeleit, n. safe-conduct for the tournament; — = geilO§, m. nobleman whose ancestors have jousted at tournaments; — l)elb, m. a great filter, hero in the lists ; — - l)iU'tttftt), vi. knight's harness at a tour- nament; — f>clnt, m. helmet for the tournament ; — bof, m. tilting-court, tilting-yard; — Faiupf, m. joust, combat in the lists; — fiiniij, ?«. vid, — vicbtet"; — fSnijjiltn, /. the Queen of beauty at a tournament; — fritflen, i«. vid. — fiiftlllli}; — IaitjC /. tilting lance; — llliiliij], adj. Sr adr. according to the laws or regulations of tourna- ment; like a tournament; — OrbntlttQ, /. regulations for a tournament (for tournaments) ; — PfCfb, n war steed for the tournament; — pl'tl}, "'■ place of tournament; tilt yard ; — pl'cig, vt. rid. — bauE; — reitueu, n, tilting, course in the lists; — vid)tfv, m. um- pire, arbiter, marshal of the lists; — = voft, v. rid. — pfcrt ; — riiihiiui, / armour for a tournament; — frt)ilb, vi. tilling shield; — fcbraitfeit, pi. lists; — ipi*'i. b. tilting match, tournament; — fpiefi, m. vid. — Irtllje; — bCflt, m. vid. — vidjter; — ruaffeu, pi. courteous arms; — JCUj, *• horse's armour at a tournament. *X u vni e re ii, r. n. (inn. baben) to tilt, joust; to hold a tournament ; Jig. ruli;. to make a noise. *X it V It i e C C r, m. (-g ; ;,/. — ) person that tilts at a tournament, tilter. X linttpfe, /. (;-/. -itj j. turnip; a. licet root. £ li V II f II It ft, /. gymnastics. £ li v u I e b r c r $ £iinimei|ter, m. (-g ; pi. — ) teacher in gymnastics. £lirilplfl5, m. (-e«) place for gym- nastic exercises. £ ii r it ii b u it g, /. ( P t. -en) gymnastic exercise. *X li V ll 11 g, i/i. /,. T. rotation. X li r t C I, /. ( ,//. -11) or compos. — t01l= be, /.turtle-dove, turtle; pigeon; dim. — rbeu, or — tiiubcben, «. little turtle- dove ; fie (tcbeit fid) U'ic jtoet — taub= dieu, they love each other like two turtle-doves; — taubcii^vaii, mij if adv. T. dove coloured ; — ta It be lltv c i b d)C II , 7i. the female turtle-dove. £«w° £itfd), vi. (-eg; pi. -e) flourish C4 trumpets). X ii f cb, 7/i. ;-cg ; pL -c £iifcbe, /. ; pt — II J Indian ink, China ink, bister. £ lif d) e li, v. a. 1. to draw with Indue ink, to paint with water-colours; tc tinge; 2. vid. 33ertufd)en. X ii fd; c it, n. (-6) drawing with Indian ink. £ it f d) e r e i, /. (/-/. -en) oulg. umler- lmnd-work. X ii f dj - f a v b e, /. water-coloura ; — * fviftdint, a. ink-case; box with colours; — piufcl, 7/1. ink-brush; — ''cbivarj, I. adj. & adv. black as an Indian ink; U s. n. Indian ink. lamp-black. *£u g cu I a u u in, n [-8) Tusculanum (Cicero's villa near Tusculum ; .' quiet retreat of a scholar ur statesman. *£ it t a n c g, £iitCiiCg, m. (-6) Mm. T. tutenag. Xfite, £nte, /.(;-/. -n paper-corned paper-coiiin ; tic i)llillCI'\te — , buttt-r- fly-shell ; compos. — nfdrmtfli adj. in the form of a comet; — itfd;iierfe, /. cornet. £ ft t c b c e r c, ./'. pi -Jl red bilberry. *£utel, /. (pi. -en) /,. T. tutelage) guardianship, vid. 33ormuiibfd)aft ; uii-- Itt' fcitlCV — , under his guardianship. *£ U t el fi V, adj. tutelary. £ fi t e It, r. a. & a- i«/i r - lo blow upon a horn. £ ii t () V It, 71. vidg. (watchman's) horn. £ fi t C r, m. (-g; pi. — ) fain, conater, watchman, cowherd winding his horn. *£ t i e, /. tutty. *£utor, 7». (-g; pi. -en) l. »ul©t* febiiter, 33otmuub ; -'. tutor. . £ it t f d) C, /. (;//. -II, 1 provmc sauce. £ li t f (I) e II, «. 7/. proi-iuc. to dip. £iftte, /.»»i3t6e. £ it 1 1 e 11, v. n. to suck at the breast, &C, *£li tt i, B. Mas. T. lutli. £ \v d I d), ib. (-e») £'. T. field-broom- grass, rye drank. £nncl, 7/i. (-C$; pi. -C) Jv: 7'. pitch- mop. *£U)ift, m. M. H. twi^t. *£ r) d) e, / vid. 1. ©efdjicf, ©liicf ; 2. ©liirfsijcltinii. *£^gcv, 7«. vid. £igcr. *£ \) 111 p rt ll it i £, f. .)/- d. T. tympanitis, '£ \i lit p vl 11 1 1 i f d), adj. tympanitic. '£ inn pa n li lit, n (-3)1 a drum; 0. .7. T. tympanum (of the ear) ; 3. a sort of niche. « £ >.i u b a r i b c It, pi. Mytk. T. Tynda- rides. *£ppcii. pi. letti ra *£Vpftlefi«, /. vid. ^Icubuiig, S8Itnb6ett *£t)pl)l o tr op be ii in, «. H inrt > tution for the blind. *£ppf)i)ii, 7/1. (-g) i Typhon (an evil demon among the Egyptians}; -'. ty- phoon. *£ » p b Og, adj. —tt AU'bcr, typhus. *% rj p bug, m. Md. T typhus. •£f)pif, /. vid, !&J»OlO(Jte, *£ijpifd>, adj. typic, typical. *£ \) p g v if p b, m. l-ta ; pi. -C.t) ty- pographer. *£ i) p ] r «i p 1^ : e, /. typography, *£\)pO.*rdpbil"u>, I. adj. typogra. pineal; ii. adv. typographically. *£ li p o f o u i f di, adj. vid. JtegelfSr* mifl. S4» libel ttbev Ubcr l l i> v fit 1 1). '«■ i-ftii K -w) 'y- polit«. *X S) p o 1 8 fl, m. (-cit ; pf. -fit) one who is versed in types, one wlio discourses on them. *X i) V I fl 1 C, /. 7'A. 7'. the doctrine of types (in the Bible', typology. *X \) V lit e t V I f, /. typomelry. *X I) J> D m 1 1 r t f d), adj. typometrical. *X» d o the t, ?h. vM. ©efcer. «X 1) p 11 8, m. (— ; pi. Xt)pCll) type, vid. SBHb, Sorbilb, aftufter. *2 i) V, ?n. JVurrA. Ji;««A. T. the god cf war and son of Odin. *X«) r ft It It, m. (-eit J pi. -on) tyrant ; compos. — enmorb, — eitntijrber, m. tyrannicide. *Xv)XCl 11 11 C 1, /. (pi. -etl) tyranny. "X 1) tannic I b, m. (-8) tyrannicide. *X 1) V d It It t f d), I. adj. tyrannic, tyran- nical, tyrannous ; II. ado. tyrannically. *X 1) V CI 11 It t f If f II, v. a. <$■ n. {aux. l)lt= bflt) to tyrannize. 1 1) r C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) Tyrian. SI i) r t f C^J, adj. Tyrian. X 1) V B I, 7i. (-«) Tyrol. I i) r B 1 e r, m. (-S ; p/. — ) XtyrtU'rinn, /. (pi. -en) Tyrolese. "X 1) r It C it n f, /. a Tyrolese song. Z 1) x B 1 1 f d), X\)t'olerifd), adj. Tyrolese. *X \)Xta It 8, m. Tyrtaeus. Z I) X 11 8, ?i. Tyre. *X § f cf) d cf o, m. vid. X \d)ato. Xsfrf)crper, m . (-8; pi. —) r. miner's knife. It. U, It, U, u, the twenty-first letter of the alphabet. U, it, the It modified (fi, llf). The ca- pital U u commonly expressed by two let- ters, viz. : lie J i«t for the convenience of the accent, one character (ll) J°s here em- ployed. U b f I, adj «• ado. 1. evil, ill, bad, badly : 2. wrong, wrongly, amiss; 3. sick, ill; sickly; fill iiblfr OK-fctjiltatf, an ill, or bad taste; lib le iKctfjregeln, wrong measures; — fet)tt, tuerben, with did. to feel ill or sick ; f8 ift lllir — , I am ill, not well, indisposed ; 1 am qualmish ; CS UMlVbe llltV — , I felt sick; — , adj. ill look ing; — bfft'llbfll, ». indisposition ; — = beuten, v. a. to interpret ill; — goilllff, m. vid. — wollet ; — f lang, — (nut, ?«. cacophony, dissonance ; — IiUtlltg, adj. £Ut of humour; — IrtUtltfjfcit, /. ill- humour; — felHt, u. indisposition; bad 650 state, situation ; — jfcllic, m. 1. evil, misfortune; inconvenience; 2. impro- priety, fault; —ti)immd — bev (Srbe ift, as far as heaven is above the earth; — bie SBriicfe fpvingeit, reiten, to leap, ride over the bridge ; — btt8 3'fl fdjifficn, to overshoot the mark ; — bvci SSocbetl, above, more than three weeks; i>icf; gel)t — lltcitlt JMfte, this is above my strength ; l)flltf — ■ bret 3Bod;tlt, this day three weeks (hence) ; — ffiltcm @rabe, on his grave; — bflll BJlttXt, beyond the sea; — «§fl!S llllb ,Uopf, headlong, precipitantly; bt8 — btf Df)Veil, up to the ears; — bie iDJiljJeit, beyond measure; — Xifd;e, — ber 5J?abjjfit, — bent Spiele, it. f. to., at table, during dinner, at play, during the play, &c. ; — bflll ©Cjjrei&eil, while writ- ing; — bent Sefeit, while reading; — bie Siilbjtett, J. concerning the meal; 2. on account of the meal ; — brt8 <2pif I, It. f. 11)., on account of the play, forplaying they neglected, &c. ; — fc titer .Kranrljeit fcergafj ev baa jn tfiitit, his illness made him forget that; — iiu\".8 (adjcil, to laugh at; ftd) — tttOdS fi-futn, wnnbevn, n. f. n>., to rejoice at, wonder at, &c; — ftllM8 ftffitflt, jaufen, rebel!, to dispute, quarrel, talk about something; cine (2di)lllb — bie attbevc macjjen, to contract debts on debts; SBl'tefe — SBltefc, letter upon letter; eineii Xag — ben anbtnt, one day after another; fin 3Jirtl — baS an= beve, quick in succession, repeatedly; — fiik'll fomnten, to come upon one; to chastise one, to punish one; — fill: (lllbtr, one upon another, over one an- other; — ©troiburg imd; Sp«rt8 reU ff 11, to go by way of Strasburg to Paris ; — tf a 1 1 E> i]f bfll, to go into the country ; — etroag gebieten, to dispose of; — ber Xbat ergvetfen, to take in the fact; er tft — bit jtinberjcifive fjin= nib", he is past childhood ; id) bin — bie Steugtet'be Weg, I am prist curiosity ; id) ginrj qner — ba8 Selb, I walked across the field : — i)Jad)t, during the night time; — fitttfjig ffilt, to be turn- ed of fifiy; — fltv; Peer laili], sooner or later ; f8 fjfbt nifbts — @efunb= bfit, there is untiling like good health ; SEugenb geljt — nllc$, virtve is above all things; — ba8 flllijf Jttllb '. oh, the sensible child ! II. adn. (standing oftn the substantives) 1. for, during; t ftl ©omnter — , for the, or during sum- mer; bit grtll$t %Ut — , during the whole time; 2. over; t8 (tel)t fllifS bllltt — , every thing, all is in great confusion ; — llllb — , all over; quite, thoroughly. Verbs compounded with libel' arc mostly inseparable; those used separably will bi marked. Vid. Note to S>ttfd)._ The general meanings if llbfl' are I. over, above ; super..; passing over; II. surpassing, excelling; overtopping; frequently it adds intensity to the meaning. 11 b e r d rf f r n, v. a. « n. also separ. to plough over ; to plough over again. 11 b e X a I \, llbcrdll, adv. everywhere, all over, throughout ; — ! .V. T. all hands high ! Uberdntroorte it, ». a. to deliver, surrender. ii b e r d n t U) p r t e r, 771. (-8 ; pi. — ) deliverer. U b e r d tt t W r t It ll g, /. deliverance, surrender. ll b e r d r b e i t e n, v. I. refi. to over- work one's self; to overlabour one's self ; II. a. to do over again, to revise, touch up; fillflt Slllffafe — , to retouch an essay. U b e r d r m c I, m. (-% ; pi — ) sleeve worn over something ; sham sleeve. ll b C r a r t, f. ploughing over. It b e X a li 8, ado. extremely, exceedingly, excessively. 11 b c r b a I g, m. (-cS ; y.-b.ilge) lud. upper coat. ll b C r b n ll, m. (-tS) superstructure. It b e r b a fi e tt, v. I a. also separ. libers baueit, to superstruct, build over, raise above ; II. refi. to exceed one's means by building ; tiberbiUiet, part, adj ovei- built. ll b C r b C I) fl ( t e tl , v. jr. a. separ. I to keep on ; 2. to have left, to reserve. U b e r b e i tt, n. (-fS ; pi. -e) a bony excrescence, wen ; splent, spa v in (ol horses). ll b e r b e t it f 1 e i b f r, pi. vil ltber= fjofen. It b e r b e i pen, v. refi. fid) — , to over- bite one's self; to strain one's jaws in biting. U b e x b c f fe r it, v. a. via. 9?erbcffcrti. U b e x b e 1 1, n. (-t8; pi -en) covering bed, cover. It b e v 6 r 11 g f n & Ubvrbtc ^cii, ». a. 1. to bend too much; 2. separ. Ubci'= bfltgf 11, to bend over. fl b f v b e » o I f e r n, o. vid. Ubet'f &1- ffrn. It b e v b t e t e it, v. >r. I. a. l. to out m, 1 , to over-bid ; 2. to ask too much ; et iibfi'bietet feint S35a«reit, he asks too much for his commodities; II. refi. to bill too much ; to bid more than one intended. It b f r b I f t C I, 7n. {-$ ; pi. — ) out- bidder. It b f V b 1 1 b * it, v. a. to civilize beyond the just measure ; to over-refine. ilbtrbinbf, fi [pi. -n) s. T. over bandage, upper bandage, liypodesis. U b f r b t 11 b f 11 if i'tbfVbtllbclt, p. ir. a. also separ. to bind, tie over, to wrap; nmvnif Xiid)fr — , to apply warm nap- kins. lib erb i nbu It g, /. binding, tieing over. Ubcr liber fl 6 C r b I 3 f e It, v. 1. a. to blow over ; to play over (on a wind instrument) ; II. njl. to hurt one's self by blowing (sounding, playing) too much. It b e r b I d 1 1 e r n, v. a. ] . to overlook in turning over; 2. to turn over (the leaves of a book). It b C r b t C fb e It, v. a. to cover with plate. fl b c r b t c t b e n, ». ir. n. (a»x. fcmt) generally separ. to be left, to remain ; bte Ubcvbltebciieit, those left behind. ft b e r b I c i b f c I, n. (-8 ; pi. —) rest, remainder, remnant; residue, relic; wreck. U b e r b I e i C It, ». a. to cover with lead. U b C V b ( t cf, m. (-eg) survey. U b C V b 1 t cf C 11, v. a. to survey, look over, to glance over. It b C V b I ft fj C tt, v. rrjl. (of a tree or plant] to blossom, blow more than is in proportion to its strength. it b c v b I ii I) t, adj. covered with flowers or blossoms. 11 b C r b 5 f e, adj. very wicked. U b C V b t, n. (-f 8) advance, outbid- ding. ft b e r b V a It b, m. (-tS) over-standard- fineness of silver. it b C V b V C d) e It, v. a. Min. T. to break ; to surpass the field of a mine. it b C V b V ( 1 1, «(//'. exceedingly broad or large, It bcrbtelte It, ». a. separ. to spread over, cover over. It b e V b V C tt tt C It, ». a. r. to over-refine (silver, &x ). it 6 e r b V t tt g C tt, v. ir. a. J . to deliver, bring, carry, convey (letters, news, &x.) ; 2. Ubcvbviltgetl, scp. to get over, bring over, bear over. ft b e f b V i tt 9 C r, m. (-8 ; ;>/. — ) de- liverer, bearer (etlteg 33rtefc8 It. f. IU., of a letter, &.c.) ; — bicfe8, bearer of this. U b e r b r t It g It It (J, /. delivering, de- livery. U b C r b V it if t tt, v. a. to cover with a bridge, to bridge, it b C V b r II I I t II, v. a. _to outroar. tl b c r b ii cf e tt, v. vid Ubcrbeugeii. ft b e v b ii v b e, /. vid Uberlaft. U b C V b ii V b e tt, v. a. to over-burden, to overload. ft b c v b ii v 5 c I it, llbevbiirjeJn, v. rrji. to tumble over. it b e r c o in p ( c t, adj. >v ado. vid Ubev= . jaMici. It b er b a d), n. (-e8 ; ;>/. -bddjev) shed, pent bouse, shelter, fence. It b C V b d d) t It, v. a. to cover with a ^roof. it b c r b a 8, aa>. vid. Ubevbicfi. Ubei'b a lie V 11, d. a. to outlast. 11 b e r b e cf e, / (/>/. -ll) coverlet ; upper cover, it b c v b c cf c 11, 7). a. 1 . {also sep ir. flber= becfetl) to cover over, lay over ; 9. to cover ; to make a ceiling. it b C I b C cf It It fj, /. covering over. tlberbem, adv. besides; moreover. It b e v b c' it f e it, ». ir. a. to reflect upon, think on, consider, turn over in ones thoughts; to meditate; reiftidj fibers bitebt, well thought on. ll b e V b C It f It it g, /. reflection, consi- deration; meditating, meditation. U b e r b t C fi, acd, satiated; weary; disgusted ; eitler iil : die — fct)lt, tverbeil, to be, become tiled of, to have enough of; ber 2Selt — , weary of the world. flberbviif ftgfeif, /. vid. ttber= bvufi. U b e r b ii tt g e 11, v. a. 1 . to spread ma- nure over something; 2. to manure too much. tt ber bit It f el It, v. a to cover with darkness. it b c r c cf, itberccf", ado. vvlg. diagonal- ly, across, it b eve If) tt en, v. a. I.. T. to assign, transfer, set over. it b e r e I fl tt e r, m. (-8 ; pi — ) L. T. assignor. It b e V C l fl It ll It fj, /. (pi. -en) L. T. as- signment, transfer. ll b e V C 1 1 e It, v. I. a. 1. to overtake ; to reach; to surprise ; 2. to over hasten, precipitate, hurry ; II. rcjl. to hurry too much, precipitate ; to do in a hurry ; to commit an error from hurry; to be hasty; — ©te fid) nichf, do not hurry. U b C V C i I t, 1. adj. overhasty, precipi- tate, rash ; II. adv. overhastily, precipi- tately. lib e r C t 1 11 It (J, /. (pi. -Clt) 1. precipi- tation, hurry, over-hastening ; hasti- ness; thoughtlessness ; 2. error commit- ted from hurry ; CtllS — tf)lin, facjett, to do, say without thinking. It b e r C 1 11, ado. in accordance ; con- formably, agreeably ; — tPittilicil, to agree ; to make, come to an agreement ; — ftimillCIl, — treffeil, to agree, ac- cord; to correspond; Ittcrit — ftillt = men, to disagree, dissent, differ. it b c V C i It d 11 b e r, adv. one upon an- other, one over another; — gchcil, fOlltlltCtl, to go, come over, to meet. it b c v e i it d ii b e v f c fj u n g, /. put- ting "ne thing upon another, superpo- sition. ii b e v c i tt f o m in ltd), Uberein= [iillftlict), adj. conventional, stipulated. iibeveinf oinni en, I. v. vid under Ubcr ; II. ». n. agreement tt b c v c i n £ o m in n i fl iibeveinf unft, /. agreement, conformity. ft be re in ft int men, v. vid under itbcvciit. ft b e v e t ii ft t in in c n b, Ubevciiiftim = mig, I. '"'/'. conformable, agreeing, ao conlant, harmonious, consonant ; II. ado. in accordance or conformity ; liar moniously, consonantly. ft b e v e i it ft i in in n n g, /. conformity ; agreement, accord, accordance ; con- sonance, harmony; in — bi'ingen, to reconcile. it b e v e i n t v e f f c It, I. p. vid. ma\ r itbcvciit ; II. s. n. agreement, under- standing it b e V C 1 f e 11, v. a. to cover with ice. fl b i V f t f e It, ?i. (-8 ; pi. — ) T. crow's- bill U6cr ll b i v i in v • f u n g n i fj, /. super eon ception. ft b e V C r J e ll, v. a to cover with bronz« or a bronze colour, ll b e r c f f C it, v. ir. rll> to fly over. U b C V f 1 i C fl C II, V. ir. n. sep. (ana feJJH) to flow over, overflow. I U b C V f I i e fj e It, h. overflowing. I It b c r f I ii g e I it, 0. a. m. T. x- fa. to 651 liber outwing, outflank, turn ; fig- to sur- pass. S b e r f ( it g c I u it g, /. outflanking. fiber flup, m. (-ffeS) 1. superfluity, abundance, affluence, plenty, super- abundance, profusion ; 2. overflow ; in- undation ; - baben m . . , ^ abound, superabound in or with . . ; *>WHI«t lanb bat etitcit — an eolbatcn, Ger- many abounds with soldiers; till — C, JUIll — C, in abundance. b e r f I it f f t fl, ladj.l. abundant, af- fluent, plentiful, superabundant, pro- fuse; 2. superfluous, too much; use- less ; 3- (*■ «■) overflowing ; II. adv. su- pt-rfluouslv, abundantly; plentifully, su- perabundantly, exuberantly, profusely. [! b e r f I it f f t 3 f C 1 1, /. superfluous- ness; abundance; vid. Uberflup. il b e V f I U t i), f. overflowing (of a river). ft b c r f I ft t b c n. v. a. to overflow, ovorrtoat; rid. Ubciftl OntClt. ftberfraebt, /. overfreight, over- weight, overload, surcharge ; bte|cr ©Us tettotfflen bat jelnt geutnet — , tins roadwagon has an 0%-erload of 10 cwt. ft b C V f r d ft) t C n, t>. a. to over freight. Uberfrcffett, v. ir. rcfl. to over-eat one's self, to eat to brutal excess. ft b c r f 1 1 c r e tt, v. ir. n. (o«i. fetyn) to freeze over. ft b C r f r D X C It, part. adj. frozen over. II b e r f r it cb t b a r, adj over-fruitful. U b C V f X U d) t U II 3. /• (l>l. -e«l) super- conception, super-fiBtation. ftbetfurjt c, /. Bid. iibcvfabvt. [l b e X f U b, r C tt, ». a. 1. (separ.) to lead, conduct over ; to transport, to carry, convey, or ferry over ; 2. ftfcevfubren, insepar. Jig. to convince, bring round or over to one's side; to convict; alien cillC'S SstbtedjtnS — , to convict one of a crime. gun. llcfxrfunrcn, Ueocrr«&c«, Uettr. 'i,ii<«, Ucteri«uflcn. We may "*"«««■ at, i (convince) and UtcmtM (persuade) even oursekes of any thing, but can only utnmcifcn (prove guilty) and H*«rfabren (convict) an other ; we ran. however, only ubrr,.u 9 .n t > substantial proofs we can also dmtta (talk overt by the semblance of proof. We al.o SbnLn any one of universal truisms and natural events'; but we Ufcetiwifcn and utru ilifictn another only of facts and indeed only ot such, which are free act*, and of which he is himself the author, whereas on the oilier land we utcrttugen and likcrrcten others of the truth nr incorrectness of any thing. Lastly, cue person can also HbttMBgtn and """«"" some one else, tliat he has done something mod, but one can libnmtifen and UbrrfUtjrcp another only of the wrong, that he has pre,.. ously done, and in short, one uocrfiibrt (con- futes) him, when he has hitherto denied it. ft 6 C V f U r) r C U b, part. adj. convict ive, criminating, ftberfiibrte, m. if J. ded. like adj. one who is convicted, criminal ; convict. ft b C V f ft b V It n g, f.fig- conviction. L I b e V f it tl e, /. superabundance. il b C X f 11 1 1 e It, v. I. a. to over-fill ; to over-stock ; to surfeit ; to over-cloy ; II re*, to surfeit one's self; to overload the stomach; ben Wlattt nut SBoaten — , to glut the market. ft b C V f ii 1 1 1, part. adj. overloaded, sur- feited, glutted ; overstocked, ft b e r f li ( ( It n 3, /. overfilling ; over- loading the stomach, surfeiting, surfeit. It b C r f li 1 1 C r 11, v. a. to over-feed, ft b c V f ii 1 1 C v 11 11 3. /• over-feeding. Ubergabc, /. surrender; delivery, yielding up. U b e v 3 a b S * b c b i it 3 u it 3 c n, pi. Mil. T. terms of surrender or capitu- lation ; — vcrtrag, — vergleich, m. Mil. T. capitulation. 652 Uber Ufrer ft b C V 3 d b V C ll,j\ ir. I. refl. to ferment too much; II. Ubcrgdbren, »■ MP W. (auz. fc\)ll) to run over in fermenting. ft b erg a 11 g, m. (-e«; pi. -ga«3«) 1. passing or going over, passage; 2. go- ing over, desertion ; 3. Jig transition ; turn, change ; compos. — Sgcbtl'gf, r- —IgcbirgSart, /.transition-rocks; — 3- falfftetlt, m. transition calcary rock ; — Srecf)t, ». right of passage ; — *l_rbtc= fet, m. transition-slate; — gthonfdjtC= for, m. transition-schist ; — Strap/ m. Min. T. transition-trap. 11 b e r g d n g e r, m. vid. Uberlaufw. Ubctgdltgiici?, adj. (*.*■) passable, fordable. ftbci'gdttcrit, v. a. to cover with a grate or lattice-work : to cover with something reticulated, ft b c r g a ii f e I it, v. a. to out-juggle, it 6 c r fl a it ti e v n, v. a. to cheat ft b e V g c b C It, v. ir. I. a. to surrender, deliver, give up, yield up ; to commit; belt SlanintCtt — , to commit to the flames ; II. refl. to vomit. ft b e X g C b C It, n. (-S) vomiting. ft b C V g C b C r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) deliverer. ft bevgebof, n. (-eS) out-bidding. ft b e r g C b it b I*/ f- supererogation ft b C V g e b it b f 1 1 fb, adj. supereroga- tory, more than due. ftbcrgebltng, /. surrendering, deli- very, yielding up ; rid. ftbcrgcbclt. ft b e f g C f d I 1 t g, adj. too courteous. ftbergebett, v. ir. La. 1. to pass over; to run over, look over, peruse, revise; 2. to overlook ;_to omit, pass by; to pass (over); II. Ubcrgcl)Cn, n. (auz. fel)ll) scpar. 1. to go or pass over ; 2 to overflow, run over; 3. to turn, change, to transcend ; btc 3lltgcu gc= licit thill iibel - , the tears come into his eves; Jltm %(inH — , to desert; j« cittcv aitbcnt iReUgion — , to change religion ; tit gSultltg — , to rot, to turn putrid ; III. refl. to walk too much, over- walk one's self. ft b C t g e b e II b, part. adj. transitive. lib erg C bung, /. 1. passing over; 2. overlooking ; omission ; 3. perusal, revision. II b c v g c 1 b, it. (-eS ; pi. -xx) overplus (of nioney). ftbcrgclcbvt, adj. over learned; Jam. crack-brained. U b C r g C ll ll g, adj. more than sufficient, more than one's fill. ft b C f g C f cb d f t i g, adj. over-busy. U b e V fl C W d 6) S, 11. (-CS ; pl.-x) pro- tuberance. U b C X g C «3 a 1 1 1 g, adj. most powerful. ftbCVgeWtcH n. (-Cl) 1. over- weight; 2.JiV. ascendency, superiority, preponderance ; baS — haltcil, to be over-weight. ft b C r g C TO i d) t i g, adj. over- weight. il b e V fl C IV i 11 It, to. (-eS) surplus gain. ftbcrgiC Ben, O. ir. a. 1. to pour upon ; to do over ; lltit 3«tf"' — . to candy over; 2. llbergtefiat, separ. to pour over, spill. ft b C r g t C fi c It, n. (-6) transfusion, pouring over, ft b C r g I C (5 It It g, /. pouring over ; vid. ftbevgiifi. ft b c r g t p f c tt, v. a. vid. Ubcyg^pK"- ftb erg it tern, b «. vid ftbcrgat= tern. ftb erg tan J en, v. a. to out-Iuetre, out-shine, fig. to eclipse It t e r g ( a f c n, ) v. a. to gUwr ftb erg la fire 11, S vitrify. iibeiglafuug/ /. glazing. ft b e v 3 1 d 11 b i g, adj. byperorthpdox ft b e r 3 I d tt b i fl t e i t, /. hyperortho doxy. ft b t r 3 1 ii d 1 1 cb, adj. most happy; overhappy. ft b C r g ( U b e It, v. a. to surpass in glow ii b C r g It d b t g, adj. most gracious ; too gracious. ft b e r g c I b c 11, v. a. to gild, over-gild tic ergo I bun g, /. gilding. ft b e t g & 1 1 1 i ,*b, adj. more than di- vine. it b C r g X ft f e ll, v. : efl. to get, be cover- ed with grass. liber gre if en, v. ir. a. l.fig. to en- croach, vid. (Stngreifen; 2. Mas. r. rid. ilbcrfpringen. Uber grtff, m. (-CS; pi. -e) en- croaching, encroachment. ft b C r g V f , I. adj. over-great, huge, immense, colossal ; II. adv. hugely, im- mensely. ft berg re p evn, ». «. vid. 23ergri3* f'cnt. ll b e f fl It r t, m. (-eS ; pi. -f) surcingle, llbergufi, m. (-ff««5 &• -$$*> pouring over, doing over ; plastering ; crust (of sugar, &c. on pastry). ft b e r g ll t, adj. extremely good, good to excess. ft b e r g i) p f C ll, v. a. to parget, plaster, _cover with gypsum. ll b c r b a I b, ado. rid. Cberbalb. it b e r I) d n b, ado. only used in — neb = men, to increase (too much), to^gain, grow (upon) ; to prevail ; baS tfv tier nabm mcbr llllb niel)r — , the fire in- creased rapidly, went on increasing ; ba§ SBaffcr ntmmt — , the watei rises high ; compos. — lUblllCit, n. — * ltcbmuiig,/. increase, excess. ll b e r b a n g, m. (-«« ; pi- -bdnge) 1 jutty, jutting over, prefecture ; 2. cur- tain ; canopy; cover; compos. — Sbatt, 771. a jutty. ft b C r f) ft U g C ll, V. ir. n. separ. (avx babett) to bang over; to overhang; to jut out, jutty, project. ll b e r b d 11 g c 11. "■ "• J- 5f 7"""- ,0 lian s over, cover over; 2. UberbailflCIl, in- scpar. to hang, cover all over, ft b C X b d 11 g f C (, n. (-« ; pi- —1 sur- plusage. ft b e V b dt f e It, v. a. to harrow, rake lightly ft b e r t) d r f cb e it, v. n. (am. fetyn) to form a crust, to crust (of wounds). ft b C r b d r f cb It tl g, /. incrustation. ft b e r b dr t e It, v. a. T. to over-harden, to temper too highly. ft b C X b d li f e It, v. a. to load, overload, overcharge; overwhelm; nut ®C* febdften — , to overwhelm with busi- ness ; mit aOSohltbatcn — , to heap benefits upon one, to load one With kindness. ft b e r b d li f t, adj. loaded, overwhelm- ed • heaped up. accumulated ; llltt ©efchdftcn — feljlt, to have an im- mense deal of business to do. ft bcrbd lifttng, /. accumulation overwhelming load. ftberbanig, adj. T. fit to be felled. ft b c V b a It p t, adv. , generally, is general; altogether; tct) lltccbtc — UtCbt . ., I should not altoceter like . Ubcv Ubev liber tt £> c r beb en, v. ir. i. a. i. fig. to exempt, dispense, excuse from; eillClt tiller Siicbe — , to spare, save one a thin?, excuse him from; — Sic mid) tiefcr 5}. I. a. to pass over, skip, omit; II. Ubtri)Upffn, n. separ. (aux. fei)tt) to skip over, jump over. tt b e r b n t e It, v. a. to pasture over, to feed off". Ubertrbifcb, ailj. above the earth ; fig. superterrestrial, celestial, superna- tural, spiritual. 11 b e V j a fl b b It, cdj. Hunt. T. great, old. ttberjagen, v. I. a. 1. to founder, nver-ride ; 2. to outrun, overtake ; Ctll vjjferb — , to break the; wind of a horse ; II. llbcrjiigen, n. separ. (aux. fei)ti) to pass, hurry over. lib C r j (i b rig, adj. more than a year old ; superannuated ; too old. U e b e r j a b r t, adj. extremely old ; de- crepit. ft b C r j ii b C [ ll, v. a. to cheat (like a cunning Jew). ll b f r f d I f e tt, v. a. to plaster, parget, to cover with lime. It b e r f a li f e it, v. rtfi. to over-buy, buy r too much or dear. ll b e r f e b r, /. ) — be 8 ®etreibe$, 11 b e V f C b r e tt, n. ) the winnowing of corn. U b e r 1 1 b r c n, v. a. to sweep over, pass over. fi b e r f t V V < «> o. a. a- ». to tip over, tilt over. U b C 1° f t t t C It, v. a. to cement over. Ubetflnffen, v. n. separ. (aux. ba= bell) to lap, hang over. ll b e r f I a. f t e r i g, adj. (said of trees) yielding more than one cord. U b c r fl e t b e n it Ubcvf lebett, v. a. to paste over ; to glue over, ll b e r fl e t b, n. (-8 ; pi. -tr) dress or garment worn over another covering ; upper-garment, upper-coat ; panel work. U b C r f 1 e i t e 11, r. a. to cover ; vid SBefleiben. it b e r f ( e t b it n g, /. jv. r. side plunks of a ship. UberfUifter It, v. a. to paste over. Uberf letter tt, llbcrf limine", v. n. separ. (aux. fe))lt) to ovcrclimb. U b e v f I it g, adj. over/wise ; saucy ; bcr — e, over-wise, would-be-wise. U b c r f 1 11 g b e i t, /. fool's wisdom, conceitedneas. U b e r f n 6 r p e I it, v. rcfi. on einem Scbiff in8 anbere — , to shift from one ship to another; ftd) — , or fid) bell iliageil — , to clog, to overload oncj's stomach. liber la bung, /. (pi. -en) 1. over- loading, overcharging ; 2. surfeiting, surfeit. fl b c r 1 a g e, /. impost. llberlanb, ». (-e8) country on the other side (of a river, &c). 11 b e v I a n g, adj. ,C adv. over-long, too long, extremely long. ll b e r I a 11 g, adj. + over and above ; remaining. 11 b e r I it 11 g C n, ». I. n. separ. to reach out the hand over_»r beyond ; to make a long arm ; II. Ubcrl.iugeit, d. a. to surpass in length, to pass beyond. ll b e r I a f, m. (— fpeS> the rest, what remains. U b e r I d f f e 11, v . ir. «. & reji. 1. to leave, give up; to commit to; to yield up to ; resign ; to sell ; 2. to make over, cede; 3. Uberlaffen, + frwlg to leave (a rest) ; to let pass over ; |Ut 5J)iietl)e — , to lease ; fid) bent Jiitui= met — , to abandon one's self to sor- row ; fid) be r 5d)ivcrniutb — , to give way to melancholy; id) ii b e r 1 a ff e e8 Sbrer 2BifIfiibr, 1 leave it to your iiscretion; fid) felbft — fei)n, to be left to one's own self. It b e r I a 1 » e r, m. (-8 ; pi. --. cedt*. yielder. it b e r 1 d f f U 11 g, /. leaving, y icldinl up, giving up, ceding, cession. ll b e r I a jt, /. (pi. -en) surcharge ; fig. trouble, molestation, vexation, impor- tunity; jur — gereid;eu, to prove troublesome to. It ber Id ft eit, v. a. to overbad; to over-burden. b e r I a fl i g, adj. overloaded ; ein --e8 Sd)iff. an overloaded ship. ll b e r I d jt i g, I. adj. fig. troublesome, importunate, tiresome, wearisome; tin — et iDJctlfd), a troublesome 2'iest; II. ado. troublesomely, importunately. lie ber a fit gen, v. a. vid. 3kld= fligen. ll b erla fiigf e i t, /. imponunate- ness, importunity. U b C r 1 .)ll) 1. to run over, flow over; 2. to run, rat, desert; JlllU ?)(itttt — , to go over to the enemy, to de-ert ; II. fibir= lillifeil, a. insrpar. 1. to run down; 2 to outrun; 3. to intrude upon, to im- portune ; 4 to peruse, run over ; eilien mit bent S'egen — , to attack one sword in hand; Jig eilieil — , to trouble, or pester one with visits, to importune one; e8 iibcrlduft mid) ein Sfbaucr, I am seized with a shuddering fit; eilt 93lld) — , to run over a book, to peruse a book superficially. fl b e v I d 11 f e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) liber - Kiufeiinil, /. (/)/. -en) deserter, run- away; turnback, apostate. ii b e r I a ii f d) c n, 0. a. to take by sur prise. 11 b C r I il u t, adj. &■ ado. over loud, very loud : too loud ; too noisy ; eilt — C3 ©elficbter, a horse laughter ; — Kldieil, to set up a roar of laughter. 11 b e r I C b e II. >• a. to survive, out- live ; feilieit 9iUf — , to outlive one'* fame. it b C r ( C b C It b e, m. dccl. like adj. sur- vivor, outliver, over liver. Itbcrlcbcm, v. a. to cover with leather. ll b e r I c g e n, v. I. a. separ. to lay over to lay upon a thing ; bil8 SJillbtt Ctet ©teuer — , j\r. r. to shift the helm; II. iibcrlcgcu, huep I. to lay on ton urn -Ii, to over-burden ; 2. fig. to turr Over in one's mind, to think upon, tn reflect upon, weigh, consider, del* berate; reifltd) — , to consider well mit cinent ettVii8 — , to deliberate, consult with one about something. 11 b C r lege It, adj. superior, sur; (in number, strength, skill, power) ; — fel'll, to be superior to, to outdo, excel, surpass ; eillCllt — fc'.ill, to be superior to one. 11 b e r I c g c n b e i If. superior strength, superiority, ascendency, pre-eminence. It b e r I c 1 g f a nt, I. adj. considerate ; meditative, thinking, reflecting, prudent, circumspect; II. adv. considerately. it b e r I c g f a m f e i t, /. considerate nrss, llbcvle'gt, I. adj. well weighed or considered, considerate; II. adv. con ■jderately. Uberfcgung, /. eonaiiemtion ; do liberation; Rtlection \ ibne — , in considerately; compoa. — fcfl'dft J power, faculty of reflection. 653 tibcv Uber Ubct i* b t V I ( i, ado -f more than enough ; superfluously ; remaining. Uber (vim en, v. a. 1. rid. ?luflci= men; 2. (fibcrlcimcn), to glue over, do over with glue. EUerlciten, v. a. (cineit) to lend one over or across ; — bCu 3ctttt)0Vt, Oram. T. a transitive veil). ft b c v I e r it c n, v. «, 1. fcittc Section, U. f. IV. — , to repeat one's lesson over to one's self, to learn it by heart; 2. eittClt — , to outlearn any one, to learn faster and better. It b C V I e f C It, v. ir. a. I. to read over, run over, peruse ; 2. to overlook in reading ; 3*nt/. -en) calcu lation, computation. It b C V r e d' t, ado. more than right, right in an extraordinary degree. 11 b e v v e d) t g I a n b i g, adj. hyperor thodox. 11 b c v v e cb t g I d it b i g f e i t, f. by perorthodoxy. ft b C V V C b C 11, v. a. to persuade ; Sbr roevbet mid) beffen nie — , you shall never persuade me of it; eiliett }H CtUM'5 — , to persuade to, talk one into a thing. ft b C V V C b C It'b, adj. persuasive. ftbevveber, m. (-«; pi. — ) per- suader. # it b e v v I b n it g, /. {pi -en) persuasion ; compos. — Ggctbc, — Sfrtlft,/ power o( persuasion ; — Sgntllb, m. persuasive reason, ground or motive of persuasion — Sfllltft, /. art of persuasion ; «.!» quence. vid. 3?crcbfaillfcit. ft b e r v c g n e it, v. a. vid. 33ercgue». \Xbcv Uberreilf), adj. very rich, too rich, exuberant ; eilte — K Spbantafie, an over-fruitful fancy, imagination. ft b e r r e I it) e It, 0. 1, a. to present, give, deliver; 2. to band over; II. flbevrci= tbeil, n. sc/iar. (auz. (jilbcil) to reach over ; to overreach. U b c v r c i d) I i d), adj. ,c- ado. super- abundant lib err c id) una., /. presenting, de- livery. II b C f V e t f, adj. over-ripe ; too ripe. It b C rr e i f t, f. over-ripeness, too great maturity. It b c v r c 1 fen, v. I. n. to become too ripe, to ripen too much; II. a. to make over-ripe, to ripen too much. It b C f C c l f C It, v. n. to get covered with hoar-frost. li berrelfe it, v. a. to hoop (casks, &c ) ft per re (ten, ». ir. 1. «, 1. to run down rilling; 2. to out-ride; 3. to ride too hard, over-ride ; 4. provinc. to in- spect on horseback (roads, &c); eilt 'l-fcvf — , to founder (break the wind of) a horse; it. Qberreitett, n. scpar. H".1U' 10 ride over. ll b C I V cite r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) provinc. horse patrol (on high roads, &.c J, pre- ventive man. 11 b C r r e t J, m. (-($) to great, excessive irritation, excitement or sensibility. UberreijbCI r, adj. too excitable or sensible. 11 b C V V C t j b a r I et t, f. excessive ir- ritableness or sensibility. It b c r v c i j e tt, llbcvrci jen, v. a. to over-excite, over irritate. II b c r r e i tt g, /. the exciting to ex aid. Ubeieij. U b C r r c tt It C It, v. ir. I. a. T. to knock down by running against, to run down, run over; '-'. outrun; 3. to run beyond (the mark) : II. ilbermilKlt, n. separ. (aur. feVHl) to run over. il b e r r e ft, m. (-c8 ; pi. -C) remains ; rest, remainder, remnant, residue; )ctite ivcifcbcil — e, his mortal remains. 11 b c r r b e i tt e r, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) —nut, /. a native or inhabitant of the trans or ultra-Rhenish provinces, aTransrhena- nian. fl b e r r fj e i n i fd), adj. transrhenane, trans or ultra-Rhenish, ft betrfnbe It, b. njl. to form a crust or bark. it b C r V t II b II tt fj, /. incrustation. 11 b C r r t II It C tt, v. ir. n. scpar. (aur. fetyll) to run over, over-flow. ii 6 c v r (f, m. (-c& ; pi. -rbcfe) great- cnat. surtout; ber furjc — , frock-coat. ft b e v v 6 ft e tt, v. n. to rust over, to get rusty all over. fl b c r r ii cf §, adv. over the back ; back- wards. U b e r riini V e 1 n, v. a. to surprise, unawares (.1 fortress, the cne- roy). It b e r v ii in p c I it it g, /. (pi. -en) the taking by surprise, seizing upon una- wares. U b C C V ii f> c It, b. a. to blacken or cover With snot. IJ b c v 8, amtr. of fiber bad/ rid. Ube r. It b e r f 8 e it, ?-. a. l, to sow over ; ^v. to strew over, cover with; 2. to over- sow, to sow too much. U 6 e C f a U n g , /. sowing over ; over- no wing. Ufcr ftb Ct fdl |f II, v. ir. a. to salt tco much, oversalt. U bcr fdttbCtt, 0. a. to cover with sand. fiber fa ft, adj. full, glutted, sur- feited. li b c r f d 1 1 1 g e n, v. a. to over-fill ; to surfeit ; T. to over-saturate. It b C r f d t 1 1 g t, adj. oversaliated ; over- saturated. II b e r f d t 1 1 fl U It fl, /. fulness ; satie- ty, surfeit; over-saturation; satiation, cramming ; Ch. T. hypersaturation. It bcr fa (j, m. (-ti; /?/. -f.ifec) l. rid. ■Jlnffafc; 2. Arch. T. attic; 3. JV. T. rid. ©tcngc. U b C r f a 11 C r n, b. a. to make too acid, oversour. U b e r f a li f e II, v. ir. reji. to drink too much, ll b C r f cf) a f f ll It g, /. At.*T. transport, conveyance. U b C r f cb d 1 1 e 11, v. a. to surpass in sound, to drown; ibre StilltlllC fiber* fdjallte altc aitccril, her voice sounded above, surpassed all the others, lib erf char, /. (pi. -en) JUin. T un- worked portion between two contiguous mines. It b c r l d) a r f, adj. oversharp, too sharp, it b e v f cf) d 1 1 e 11, v. a. to overehade, overshadow, obum'nrate. ft b e r f cb d 1 1 u it g, /. (/>/. -en) over- shadowing, overshading, obumbration. lib erfebrifcett, b. a. to over-tax, to tax too heavily. U b e r f cf) d $ e tt, v. a. to overrate ; to over-estimate. U b e r f tf) d ft It It g, /. over-taxing. U b e r f cb d § 11 11 g, /. over-estimation, over-rating. It b c r f cf) a ft bar, adj. that may be surveyed or overlooked. U b er f cf) a fie It, ». I. a. overlook ; to survey ; 11 UbcrfdntUCtl, n. scpar. (auz. babctl) to look over, ft b c r f d) a ft ll n g, /. looking over ; surveying, survey. U b c r f cb a ii in e it, v. I. a. to cover with foam : ll. Ubcrfchdiimcn, «. scpar. ha belt ) to foam over; to over- flow foaming. lib erf cfjeibe, /. (,,/. -n) upper (second) sheath. ll b c r f cb e i it e It, <•. ir. a. l. to shine upon, to shine all over ; 2. to outshine. ll b c r f cf) c it f e it, v. rcfi. ftcb — , (fain.) to give more than one can af- ford, to give beyond one's means; fid) llid)t lcid)t — , not be to over generous. iibcrfd)creii, v. ir. «. i. to clip wool); to give the first shearing (to <'!"!h ! ; 'J. to shave over. il be t f d) t cf e It, v. a. to send over, remit. il b C r f d) i cf ll n g, /. sending over, re- mitting. llbcvf d) t Cbcil, r. ,r. a. An. 1. to shove over it across: 'J. to push tOO far, to overshoot; to shove along, push along. ftberfd)tcfjen, r . La. I. to over- shoot, to miss; 2. to overshoot, pass; :i. to reach, range (of guns, with regard to a place) ; 4. to count over agaiu ; 11. rfJLfam. to tumble over, capsize: m UbcrfcbicfiCIl, srpur. a. It. I. (aur. fi'.Ml to shoot, fall over; 2. faux, babcii Uber or measure more; &. a. ts .vld bc/oni a stated number, to superadd. Uberfrbtffe It, r. I. a. scpar. to ship, transport, pass over 'in ships • n. n. scpar. (auz. lettn) to sail, go, cross, pass over; III. llbcrfcbtrfcit, n uisrpar.ut navigate, sail over: ettte 2J?eerenge — , _to navigate at strait. U b c r f cf) i nt m e I it, v. n. to grow mouldy all over. ll b e r f cf) 1 d cf) 1 1 g, adj. T. overshot (of ^wheels). ll b e r f d) I a g, m. (-e« ; pi. -fdjlage) 1. turn to one side, inclination; 2. band, cuff, facing ; 3. estimate ; compu- tation, calculation ; 4. S. T. poultice, cataplasm; ciitcn — nuicben, I up ; suppute, calculate ; S. T. to poul- _tice. U b C r f cb 1 a g C It, r. ir. a. s(par. I. n. (auz. fetin) 1. to turn over, incline ; 2. to tumble, fall over (on the back) ; II. a. ]. to turn over, throw over ; 2. to put on, apply (a. poultice, &c.) ; 3. to strike over;_/9. llbcvfdllagcil, insrpir. I. n. (auz. fevjil) 1. to turn, grow mouldy or flat; togetcovered with mould ; 2. to grow, get moderately warm ; — la^Cll, to let a thing get a little warm, let the chill go off; II. a. 1. to beat too much, to beat so as to make timid (Sp. T.) ; 2. 1 1 turn over, to miss, overlook; 3. to compute, calculate, estimate (roughly) ; 4. to turn over in one's mind, consider ; III. rcfl. to tumble over or backwards ; to capsize. ft berfef) tagung,/. l. tumbling. fall- ing over; 2. computation ; ?•/./. llbcr= jd)Uc[. U b e t f cf) l d lit 111 C 11, d. a. to cover with mire or mud. U b e r f tf) I C l d) C tt, ?•. ir. a. to surprise by stealth, steal upon. It b C r f d) I C l C r It, B . «. to veil ; to hide, wrap up. ll b e r f cb 1 c i f e it, b. I a. 1. to draw over or across in a sled»e ; 2. to cross over in a sledge; II. itbcvj'djlcifcn, r. ir. a. to slide over < r . Uberfcblcntm en, b. oid Uber= fdjldinmen. ft b C r f cb I id) t e tt, v. a to smooth over, to plane over, lib erf if) ft it gen, v. fr.«, 1. (with seamstresses to whip; 2, Uberfdylttt* gen, to tie or sling over; feint ©udjft iibcrgefcblmigcii, with his rifle slung over his shoulder, ll b e r f d) I ii tf e it, v. reJL to swallow too fast, to choke. 11 b c r f cb in e i f; c n, b. ir. a. rid. Uber= luerfen. fl b e r f d) in t c be n, b. o, chim^ — , tc firge over Bometbing. It be r fd) nit eve it, b.o. i. to besmear, daub; 2, llbcilVlMlltereil, srpjr. spread over. fiber fdjn alien, !•. a. ttpar. t.-> buckle, strap over. ft b e r f if) tt a b b e n, b, n. scpar. (auz. felin) to snap, jerk over, slip over: fig. mUg. to become crazy, to become crack-brained; cr iil libcrgcfcbnawt, his brains are turned ft b e r f cb it c i c n, p. ». uuz. feiMt v> cet, be covered \\ ilh snow. ll b t v f d) li c 1 1 c n, v. a. fig. to over- reach, cheat fl b c r f cb it ii r c n, »• a 1. to tie over with lace, w cord; 2. to measure wi'h a line, or cord. R55 liber liber ft b t r f A) U ii V U II fl. / covering with lace. A b e X f d) r C i b C It, v. ir. a. 1. to super- scribe, inscribe, title ; to head ; 2. to direct; cillCIt ©rtef— , to put the direc- tion upon a letter; 3. Uber|lbKlbeiI, scpar. to transcribe ; 4. (/. it.) to write word, announce. ft b e V f d) r c i b ti II fl. f. superscribing, titling ; transcribing. H b e r f d) V C i C It, v. ir. I. a. to outcry, out-roar ; II. reft, to cry one's self out of breath ; fid) llid)t — , to moderate one's voice. ft b e V f d) X C 1 1 C It, v. ir. I. a. fig. to transgress, exceed ; to violate, overstep ; cillCIt Scfcbl — , to transgress an order; belt Qrebit — , to outrun the credit; II Ubcrfd)rctt{tt, n. separ. (mix. ffttlt) to step over. ft ber fd) re it u tig. /• 1. transgres- sion, violation, extravagation ; 2. step- ping over. il b e r f Cfor e i t It It g, /. running of a verse into another line. U6 erfd) rift, /. (,»/. -Clt) J. super- scription, title, inscription ; 2. direction (of a letter), heading. Uberfc&ritt, m. (-cS ; pi. -t) vid. Ubertritt. U b e r f d) it b, m. (-e8 ; pi. -e) gaioshe, clog. U b c r f d) ii I b c t, adj. vid. 33evfd)iilbf t. llberfd)itfi, m. (-ffeS; ^/. -fc^iiffe) overplus, surplus ; residue ; — (lit @flb It. f. W.i surplus money, &c. ; Arek. T. projecture ; bCV — bf3 9)»it= tctiTjallS, Fort. T. complement of the curtain. U b e r f d) ii f f i 0, adj. 1 . T. projecting, jutting over; 2. over, surplus; — fS '©fib/ surplus money, it b C r f d) U 1 1, m. (-C8) T. coating or cope of the cxtrados. ii b C r f d) ft 1 1 C It, v. a. I. separ. 1. to spill, over-fill ; 2. to pour over ; .3. to throw upon, to pour upon; II. UDfts fd)iittClt, insepar. to cover ; fig. to heap upon, load, overwhelm (with benefits, nut 2Bof)lti?aten). U b e V f d) ii 1 1 U It g, /. 1. spilling, over- filling; 2. covering; 3. heaping upon, overwhelming. II b e r f d) tt) a II, m. (-ii) superabun- dance, overflow. Uberfd)tt)(ttig, m. (-ti) + abun- dance; rid. itbcrfliifj. it b f r f d) w rt n g c r n, ». a. to super- fcetate ; to over-impregnate ; to charge or imprcgate too much: bte Sltft tfl tibevfd)roaitgert »on fcbSblirSen Suit* fiftt, the atmosphere is charged with noxious vapours, ft b f r f d) n) (i n fl f r n it g, /. superfce- tation; over-impregnation. U b e r f d) W (i It g U d), I. adj. 1. super- abundant, abundant, plenteous ; exceed- ing, fin _cr ftbflflllfj, an overflow- in" plenty; 2. too high-flowing, trans- cendental ; bcr — e Stun ber 2>fitt= fd)ftl, the transcendentalism of the German (as other nations call it) ; II. ado. superabundantly, exceedingly; abundantly, plenteously. llbtrfrr)rodnglid)f eit, /. super- abundance, an overflowing (of feeling, &e.) ; transcendentalism. it b t r f d) xo a n f, m. vid. ftberfcfiivang. ft b C r f fb XO ft n f f rt, v. n. separ. (aux. fel)tl)l. to run over ; 2. to tilt, to tumble over. 656 itbcrfcbiud n f I id), oid. liter; fdjnjaiigUd). it b e r f d) xo ci fe fit, vid. u&erveben. Ubf rfrf) wt llf,/. lintel. Ob e r J d) tt) el I f II, v. ir. n. separ. (aux. l)(lbfll) to swell over. ft b f r f d) XO t 111 lit f 11, o. a. to over- flow, to inundate, deluge ; to overrun. i'l b f r f d) xo i in in ii it g, /. (pi. -f ") inundation, overflowing, deluge. II b f r f d) «) f ii g 1 i d), adj. llbt x- fd)n)finglid). II b e r f d) TO t r, «<(/'. too heavy ; ./?"-. ex- tremely difficult. It b f r f d) iu i nt nt f it , i'l b c v \d) roi m -- lllflt, v. ir. n. scpar. (aux. ffl)ll) i- a. in- separ. to swim over, fl b t r f f f t f d), adj. transmarine, trans- atlantic. Ubf fff g flit, v. I. scpar. n. (aux. fttttl) £,■ a. \, to traverse sailing, to sail over ; 2. to run a-ground, run foul of a ship; II itberfcgtlll, a. insepar. to outsail ; tilt ■Sdjiff — , JV. T. to beat a ship ; to over-set, overrun a ship ; to run foul of a ship. U b C r f f g f 1 11 It g, / sailing over, running foul of; outsailing. ft b f r f e I) b a r, adj. that may be reach- ed with the eye. It b f f f c b e II, v. ir. a. 1. to look over, survey, overlook ; 2. to overlook, miss, lose ;' 3. Jig- to look over, peruse, run over; 4. to survey, muster, review; eillC @f gfllb — , to survey, command ; £„, — roerbfit, to escape notice ; fiitfit — , to pass by one ; to be superior to one ; ftllfllt CtlttitB" — , not to notice, to let a thing pass without reproving the person, to forbear. i'l b fv r f e I) f r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) over- iooKer ; overseer. ft b f V f C I) 11 it g, /. over looking, ne- glect, mistake ; review, revisal. U b f r f f 1 1 g, adj. most happy. It b trfCltbf 11, v. reg. U&er liter liber which we jump; :i. Up. V. a tln;i_' thai snaps over ; gin, noose. U b C V ft ft (J, JV. T. I. 7/1. over-stay, upper- stay; IL adv. about ship. ft b C r ft il It b i g, a ! J, ailj. over proud. ft b J V ft 6 V f f II, r. a. to fill too tight, to overfill (a tobacco-pipe, &x.) ; eilte ®flll3 — , to oven-ram a goose ; to stop up, dam (holes). 42 11 br rfl d pen, a.. a. I. *ep r tn puwh, knock over; 2. ftberftflpeil, insepar. T. to depilate, take away the hair, ft b C r ft r a f) ( C It, v. a. 1. to emit rays upon, to shine upon; 2. to outshine, surpass in brightness, ft b C V ft X C i d) C It, v. ir. a. 1. to spread over, do over, to paint over ; 2. to cross out; to wash ; lltit Del — , to oil; 3. ftberftreirfjeit, to put, spread over (se- par). It b C r ft V e t f e ll, v. a. it n. 1. separ. to draw on or over, to put on; 3lcniicl — , to put on sleeves ; 2. ftbcrftmfcil, insepar. to streak (in any direction). ft b e r ft r. e i 1 e n, v. a. to vanquish. ft b c v ft r e u e li, ?-. a. l. r separ. to strew over, sprinkle over ; 2. Ubcrftrciieil, to powder over, cover (insepar.). U bet ft rich el It, - v. a. to draw small lines or streaks over anything ; to hatch or stripe all over. It b e r ft r i cf C It, v. a. to cover with something knitted or netted. ft b e r ft r i cf 11 ll <}, /. the covering with net work. ft b C X ft t 111, m. (I. u.) multitude; over- flow. ft b C r ft V "t en, v. I. n. to overflow, in- undate; II. llberftrPnten, «, separ. (aux. fe\)lt) to run over, to flow over; Jig. to flock over; to abound. ft b e r ft t o nt it it G, /. overflowing, in- undation. 11 b C X ft r U 111 V f, m. overstocking, over- all. ft b C V ft It b l X e n, v. I. rejl. to study too much ; to overstudy one's self; II. a. 1. to study over, think on ; 2. to outstrip, surpass one in some study. 11 b e X ft it ( \> C It, v. a. separ. to turn up or over, to put over ; to tilt over. 11 b e v ft ii x j e it, r. I. n. separ. (aux. iV.nt) to over-set, turn topsy-turvy ; II. liber; ftiJrjfn, reft, insepar. to tumble topsy- turvy ; III. a. separ. to put over ; to tilt over. ll b Cl'f it 9/ O' 1 ]- over-sweet. ll b C r tftf el 11, r. n. to wainscot, board. ll b 1 1 tof el ii 11 0,, /. wainscotting. ft be V tail 5 Oil, O. refl, to over dance one's self. *ll b c X t a V a,/. M. T. sur tara. 'll b e x ta t, /. uberty, fruitfolness, abun- dance. ft be V t a ube 11, r. a. to drown wnli noise, to stun, deafen, dir.g; bit Stilll = me feines ©ewiifenj — , to stifle, si- lence the voice of one's conscience. ll b e v t a ii b n II 13, /. stunning, dinning. ll b e v t b e 11 e r, mlj. 4> ado. over dear, too dear ; exorbitant, exorbitantly. ft b e V 1 1) e li C r II, v. a to ask too much for, to overcharge the price. ft ber t b eiievu 11 g, /. overcharging (in price). ll b e r 1 1) V 1 11, u. a. to fool one into a thing, to persuade to something fbo]i8h. 11 b e v 1 1) 11 11, v. a. separ. vuig. to do over. ll b er t b ii 1", /. upper door, second (double) door. llbevtoll, adj. worse than mad, out- rageously mad, mail as a March hare, ft b e r to 1 pel it, ?•. a. vn/g. to put a cheat upon; to overreach, bamboozle, dupe. ft b e r 1 1? ( p e 1 U It fl, /. cheating, duping one. It b e r t b m e 11, ?•. n. to overz^ci drown. ft ber frag, m. (-e3 ; pi. -tr.igc) !. carrying over, transfer, transport; bet — citler SSedjtmttg, the posting of an account; 2. the sum thus carried ovei or posted. ft b e r t r a g b a X, adj. transferable, trans- missible. ftbertragbarf eit, / quality ol being transferable, transmissibility. ft b e r t v a a c n, 0. ir. a, [einem tttoat 1. to charge, commission one with, lo give one the charge of; -'. tn upon one; 3. (in etne mime Spradje! to translate ; 4. auf eiiieu — . to tran- ter, make over; eilieill eilt SHlttt — , to confer upon one an office ; ft lien — , to pay for somebody ; 5 to sufli-r. bear (/. u.) ; 0. UbeitragCIl, *r;«ir to carry over, transport ; M. T. to earn bring forward it b e r t r a g e r, >«. {-i ; pi. — ) trans l.ttor; .1/. K. endorser of a bill. il b e r t v a g n 11 a,,/- 1. charging, charge 2. translating-, 3 conferring ; transport inu'-. 4. transport, transferring; M, F. endorsement of a bill of exchange. ft b e r t r c f f b a r, adj., that may be excelled. ft b e v t x c f f ( It, d. ir a. fig. to surpass, excel, exceed; ciltClt til etivaa — , to surpass one in, to he superior to one iti something; an 2i>ilj — , to outwit; nil ©pitjluibcrci — , to outknave; ini ®u ben — , to outgo, to outwalk ; tin Sau- fctl — , to outrun ; 'Jllit'S — b, superemi- nent, transcendent; vid. St/n. llbevftei- 1 gen. It b C r t V C f f C V, m. (/. u.) one who excels. ftbertreff(id), mij...s,- adv. mxrpam ing, excellent; vid. ftbettreffbot t .^ or lief ft id). it e b c r t v c i b e n, *. i>. a. 1 . 10 ovei drive ; 2. fig. to exaggerate, exceed, car- ry too far; to overdo; to over-act; feille 91 Oil e — , to overact one's part; 3. llbcrlieibcil, separ. to drive over; 4. t /1 T. to force over ; to distil, il b e x t v c i b e r, n. (I. «.) one who ex- aggcrates. ft b e r t v e i b 11 n g, /. (/,/. -en) over- driving; fig. excess, exaggeration; over-acting. il b e v t r e t e 11, v. ir I. n. (aux. fcvni ; srpnr.) 1. to step over; to pass over; to tread over; 2. to run over; 3 ($11 einem, 511 einer SPartei), to join, to go over (to a party); er iit $lir fatbolU frfjeii .Wirdif iibergeireteu, be has turn- ed a Roman Catholic ; II. a to tread, turn over (of shoes); III. ftbeitvcton, a. insepar. fig. to act contrary to. to in- fringe; to transgress, trespass; vie Qireil' jen — , to overstep the bounds. ft b e v t r it t x, m. (-S ; pi. —) trans- gressor, trespasser, offender, infringer. il b e r t r c t U it g, f. {pL -em trans- gression, trespass, offsnee, infringa ment; compos. — 6fall, m. ini — Malle, in case of transgression, Of infringe- ment. U b c v 1 r i e b, m. (,-ti ; ;><• -e) vid ftbeitrift. ft b e r t x 1 e b e n, I. pari adj. e\agge rated, excessive, immoderate; ll. adv excessively. ft b e v t r i f t, f. driving cattle over a held; pasture walk fill cattle. it b I r t r i 11 f c 11, 9. ir. rrfl. to over G57 UBer liter dri_jk one's self, to drink too deep, I fuddle. tU C r t x t 1 f, to. (-e8 ; pi- -f) joining, turning, going over to a party, change. Uttevtr lint inert, adj. * wreck-en- cumbered. ft b e r t V li in p f e It, v. a. to overtrump (at cards). U b C V ( li II cf) C 11, v. a. to parget, plaster, 1 wash ;./?«•• t0 gloss over. ft b C V t li p f e I H, v. a. to dot (letters in u i iling, &c). ilhf vycvf ci licit, 1 i'. a. toover- 11 b C V e V f C t It C V tt, ] fine, over- refine. Ubev&erfetnerUItfJ, /. over re- finement ft b C V P til f C V It, v. a. to over-populate. ft b C X » 6 ( f e t t, part. adj. over popu- lated, too populous. ft b C X P U I C V U tt (J, /. excess of pop- ulation. It b C V b 1 1, adj. over-full, too full, su- perabundant. It C b C V P [ I J a t) 1 1 g, adj. supernu- merary. U b e V t) 6 V tf> C 1 1 C It, v. a. to over- reach, defraud, take in, cheat, bubble. ftbeviuu'tbetluncj, /. (pi. -en) over reaching, defrauding, cheat, trick, fraud, imposture. ft b C V to d cb C II, v. rejl. to exhaust one's strength by waking too long, to wake too long so as not to be able to go to sleep. iberrotfdjfen, v. ir. I. «. to out- grow, to overgrow ; lllit Ullfl'Ctut — , overgrown with weeds; II. UbcrTOCtcf;-- fcit, n. separ. (auz. fcl)lt) to grow over. ft b e v XO a g C It, v. a. to weigh over ; vkt, Ubcniuegeii. it b C f ID d I ! t It; v. a. to full, new-full. .1 b C V TO a 1 1 C 11, V. I. n. scpar. (auz. \(\}\\) to flow, gush over, to boil over; fig. to overflow; II. ftbcnucillcit, a. in separ. to overflow. it b e t W a 1 1 It tt g, /. overflowing, over- boiling; efTervescence. U b C r TO a 1 1 1 g C n, v. a. to overcome, overpower, overmatch, subdue, van- quish, suppress. ft b c ni) ci 1 1 1 g c r, m. (-8 ; ;>i. — ) subduer, vanquisher ; conqueror, ft b C V TO ci 1 t i g ll tt fl, /. overcoming, over[)owering, subduing, vanquishing. U b C v n> ci t J e it, v. a. to roll (smooth with a roller). ft b C V TO (i t j e tt, v. a. scpar. to roll over, [l b e X TO a 11 b C r tt, v. n. separ. (am. feptli to transmigrate. ft b C r 19 a ll E C It, v. n. to totter over, to reel or stagger across, ft b C V TO (i X lit e tt, v. a. to warm too much: to warm or heat the surface or top. ft b e V TO (i V t 8, adv. upwards. It b C VTOClffern, v. a. to water, put under water. It b C V tV CI t C tt, 7j. n. separ. (aux. fcpll) to ford over, to walk across, ft b c r to c b c it, b. a. * tu weave over, to cover. ft b C V TO C t 3, v.. (l.u ) proof, argument. It b C V TO C i f C, adj. overwise. ft b evrocifeit, v. ir. a. convince, convict, attaint; CtltClt cil!C8 S3cubte= (Jtttg — , to attaint or convict one of a crime; 2. Qbetroeiff tt, separ. (l.u) to shove over; to assign, vid. l illlTOCl|CU. U & « r TO C i 8 I • d), adj. convincible. 058 U b c v xo e i f u it g, /. (pi. -en) 1 . attaint- ing, convicting, conviction; 2. assign ( ment. It b C v TO c i jj e n, ». «. to wliiten over, whitewash. tt b C V TO C t Jj 11 11 g, f. whitening, white- Washing. II b C V TO C 1 t 1 1 d), adj. supramundane, vid. Itbcrivbifcf). ft b e v to c ii b li cf) 4- UbcrTOc'nblitigS, adj. T. whipped, overcast (of a seam). ft b C V TO C V f C It, v. ir. I. a. separ. to throw over, cast over; eilicit SJicitltcl — , to throw a cloak over; CtltClt ©tcilt — , to throw a stone over ; H. ftbeVTOCffcit, rejl. insepar- fig. fid; mit cilicnt — , to fall out with one. ft b C r tt) C r f tt tt g, /. falling out, quar- relling. ft b e V TO C 1 1 b, m. over value. fl b C r TO t ct) 1 1 g, adj. 1. over-weight ; 2. fig. outweighing, preponderating, over- poising. II b e V TO t ct) 1 1 g t* C 1 1, f. the being over-weight, preponderance. ft b e v to i cf c I tt £ tlberrcicfetii, v. a. (also separ.) to roll or fold over a thing, to wrap up; to wrap over; to envelop completely, vid. (S'ilinMCfdll, UlllTOi-- cfelu. tt b C V TO t d C I U tt Q, /. wrapping up, envelloping. tt b C r TO I C g e It, v. ir. a. to outweigh, preponderate, overpoise, out-balance; fig. to surpass, exceed. ft b C X IX t C g C It b, adj. preponderating ; predominant ; surpassing, overruling. tt b C X TO i It b C It, V. ir. a. S,' rejl. 1. to vanquish, surmount, conquer, subdue, overcome, overpower, overmatch ; 2. UbCiVmilbCll, (also separ.) te wind over or upon something, ft b c v to i tt b c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) ttbet- JBinberintt, /. (pi. -Clt) vanquisher, victor, conqueror, subduer. ft b C X TO t tt b 1 1 cf), I. adj. superable, surmountable, conquerable, vincible ; II. ado. conquerably, superably, vin- cibly ; surmountably. U b C r TO t tt b I i cf; f c i t, f. superable- ness, vineibility. tt b c r to i ii b ! i tt g 8 tt a b t,f- (/-'.-tuif)= t<) whipstitch-seam, wiiipped seam. tt 6 C X TO i It b It 11 g, /. vanquishing, vic- tory (over), subduing (of one's passions); resignation; C8 cvfovbci't »tcl, C8 gc= bolt Vtci — b;lJU, it requires much seit' command, resignation. ft b c x tt) inter it, v. I. «. (aux. babctt) to pass the winter ; II. a. to keep through the winter (plants, &c). ftb c rTO iut e r ttitg, /. wintering; keeping through the winter. ft b c r to t &, in. (-c8) l. over-wit, exces- sive or extravagant wit; '-. rid. \'lbcrtvi§. tt b c r TO i (j i g, o^.overwitty, over-wise. ft b C r TO g C It, v. I. a. tp overflow, to cover with waves ; II. lUnumpgcit, n. scpar. {aux. fl'VUl) to flow over. ft b c r to 6' ( b c it, Ubcrauilben, ». a. to cover with a vault, to overarch, to arch over, ft 6 e r TO C I f t It, v. a. to cloud over, to obscure, over cast, tt b C r TO fi d) C r It, v. a. to surpass in usury ; fig. to cover with a luxuriant growth. U b e r TO It cb 8, m. (-C8) over growth, ft b e r TO ll cb t, /. fig. too great weight, preponderance. liter ft b C r TO ii t. b C tt C, m. S,- f. decl. like adj. one who is conquered, vanquished, subdued. t'j b C r TO li X b i g C It, v. a. to over-value over-rate. Ubcrwitrf, m. (-c8 ; pi. -Wfirft] what is thrown over something; light loose garment; T. instrument for draw- ing teeth ; JV. T. projecting part at the stern. U b C r TO ii r j C tt, v a. to spice, season too much. U b e r J a I; I, /. number of excess, sur plus. ft b e f j a t) I b a X, adj. that may be counted over, countable. ft b C r 5 a b I C tt, v. a. insepar. to pay over (too much). fiberjatjlcn, Qbergoblctt, o. a. l. to count over, tell over ; 2. fid) — , to count wrong, vid. 93er$af)len. ft b e r } ci t) I i g, adj. above a stated number, overplus ; supernumerary ; Ct= TOCtS — C8 @elb, some odd money ; bic 9icgtilteiitcr fittb — , the regiments have more lhan their full complement of men ; Ctlt — e8 ©licb ill eillCf ®e= fellfcbaft, a supernumerary member of a club. fl b C V J ci f) It g f e i t, /. the being over a certain number ; supernumerariness. ft b C V J a I) ( 11 11 g, /. counting over, te'.'ing over. ft 1 1 X j a t) it, m. (-8 ; pi. -jStjne) tooth grown over another tooth, projecting tooth; wolfs tooth (said of horses). fl b e r } a x t &■ tlberjartltd), (/. u.) adj. extremely delicate or tender. ft b Ct J a ii be fit, v. a. to cover a? if by magic. ft b c r J e 1 1 i g, adj. over ripe. ft b e r 5 e 1 1 i g e n, v. a: to force, >o bring to premature ripeness. ft b C X 5 C i t t g t C 1 1, /. premature ripe- ness. ft b C r 5 C i 1 1 g ll tt g, /. the bringing to premature ripeness. flberjeitg, ». vid. Dberjeitg. ft b e v 5 e ii g e n, v. a. 1. to convince ; 2. to convict, attaint ; id) bill bctPOtl ltber= JCligt, I am convinced, assured, or persuaded of it; ciltell cilU'8 23erbrc = d)Clt8 — , to convict or attaint one of a crime. ft b C r t C li g C It b, I. adj. convincing ; convictive ; II. adv. convincingly. ft b e v 5 e li g It tt g, /. I. convincing ; conviction ; persuasion ; 2. convicting, attainting. ft b C v 5 1 e I) c it, v. ir. La. 1 . to do over, to cover, deck, line ; 2. fig. to visit . to travel over; lllit ©ctbC — , tc gimp; lllit Oolb, 11. f. TO. — , tc overlay with gold, &c. ; lllit 3'«cflT — , to candy, ice; iibcrjpgeitc Wlm= belit, candied almonds; fill Sett—, to put fresh linen over a bed; fig. eill gflflb lltit ^vrieg — , to invade, infest a country, to wage war against it; 3 tlbcrjic'beit, (separ.) to put over, draw over; II. r^fi. to gel covered j fief) mil SBolfeit — , to he overcast, oveiclcud ed; III. ftbci'jicbcil, n. separ. (aux. fet)tt) to pass over ; to travel over, ft b e V 5 1 C b C it, n. (-$) covering, put* ting, drawing over ; vid. the verb. fl b C f J i C f) b f C It, ;;/. over alls. ft b e V J i C b It It g, /. covering ; vid itbcqiebeit, s. n. 4- ftberjug. ft bet l i it r. e n, v. a. to tin over, «3: over with pewter. Ufa ft 6 f r 5 i It It tt 11 q, /. tinning over. U b C r I It if C 1 11, v. j. lo do over with sugar, to sugar over, candy, it b e v 5 ii cf c r tt n q, / sugaring over, candying liber jug, m. (-e8 ; pi. -jfige) I. case; coat K (over a thing), cover ; 2. ige ; rid. iibcrqaitq ; — cincei .*Six= ttS, hat cover; — cilieS 53ctte8, case of a feather-bed 11 b e r J 11) c V d), arfc. across, transverse- ly, athwart, askance, awry, obliquely. It b c r j tot it q C it, v. a. + to over- Ci ■mi-. 'It b t C a t i It, /. ubication. *lt b ietdt, / ubiety. U b I i cf), adj. usual, customary, used, in use ; Itifbt lltehr — , out of use, ob- solete ; ba8 — e, the custom ; costume (With painters); brtS — e bcobad)U'll, to observe the costume; qcqeit ba8 — C SClftofietl, to violate, neglect the evistom (costume). U 6 I t d) f e 1 1, /. customariness ; cus- tom, use. *lt b t q 11 1 1 a f, /. ubiquity, omnipre- sence. *U b i q u t tff t i t v, m. vid. ttbiqtiitift. *lt b i q it 1 1 i ft, } m. (-ctt ; pi. -eti) *lt b t q it i ft, 5 ubiquist U b l" i q, ««. iid. ©traitbuogel ; — tuattje, / water bug ; — IVCJbC, / the osier ; — ivol'ltcr, m. dweller on the bank of a river or on the coast of a sea. U I) ! liu ! exclamation of awe. *tt b I S It, ib. (-Ctt ; p/.-nt) lancer. fl[)[e, / {pi. -It) provinc. I. owl; 2. hair-broom. U b V, / (pi. -Ctt) 1. clock; watch; 2 hour ; IUtC»teI — tft Ci ''. what o'clock is it? bte — tft a&flelcmfcn, the watch is down ; bie — atlf'tt'bcit, to wind up the watch; tie — ftellett, to regulate the watch ; Bier — , four o'clock ; tlild) lltciltcr — tft tt fttllf, it is five by my watch ; It lit fed) 6 — , at six o'clock ; compos. — bflttb, 11. watch-string; — = bovb, m. JV: T. traverse board ; — CIU tunft, / horometry ; — febcr, / watch spring; — flitter, h. watch rase; — qc= battqc, — gebattqfef, n. trinkets of a watch; — qcljiiltfc, n. case to a watch : — fjcftell, b. watcli-stand; — qctricbe, n. pinion of a watch; ■ — qeividlt, n clock-weight; — jjlflS, b. watch-glass; — qlocfe, / watch-bell; — bctfett, m. watch hook ; — halter, in. watch holder : — [jammer, m. watch-hammer; — fap= fel, / watch case; — faftctl, m. clock- case; — faftcitf'aitqcr, ?«. hook for hanging a time-piece on; — fctlc, / watch-chain ; — ftobcit, m, clock pul- ley ; — Utacber, m. clock-maker, watch- maker ; — ntad)crbol)vcr, m. drill for making watch-keys; — lliadUTqcvath, n. watch-tools ; — lltadievEttllft./ watch making; clock making; — VlitttC, / dial-plate of a watch ; — tab, n. watch- wheel, clock-wheel ; — voljre,/ bore of a key ; — facfdjCH, n. vid. — = ta|ct>. ; — fattb, IB. hourglass sand : — fdjluffel, ib. watch-key ; — fd)Vatlf, m. clock case ; — fdjl'aube, / waich- Bcrew ; — icbvuertqef, m. pendulum ; — - tafel, / face of a dial; — tafdjc, / watch-pocket, fob ; — trommel, / T. cylinder; — U'cifer, m. vid, — jeiqer ; — ivcrf, 71. works of a watch ; clock- work; — jetfler, ib. dial, hand ; — jett, / clock-time (as distinguished from solar and sidereal time). 11 b v e n ft c 1 1 e r, m (-« ; pi. — ) dock- setti .-. fl l) It, IB. (-'& J pi. -&) largest kind of owl, horn-owl. 'It i ft i 1 1, m. (-'§; pi. -S) a species of ape. *U i t I e '. -C) prorinc fitcliet, pole- cat. II I ill, m, i-ej; moulder, rot. It I lit, b. (-8) Geog. T. Dim (a town). 11 1 111 b a urn, in. vid. IHme. U Im c, / (pl.-n) {a'so Hint, TTi ) ilU meiibaitm, 7«. (-e8 ; pt. -baiimc) ehn, elm-tree; — ntit qlattett iMatlcrtt, witch-elm' compim. — tiboU, n. elm, elm-wood ; — ttlati8, / the aphis of the elm: — lipflatijuitq, / — liivaltrbeu, a. elm-plantation, elm-grove ; — nfdU- qet', «/. kerincs of the elm : — ltfd)ilb= lans, / the coccus of the elm; — 11 = auntie, / bug of the elm. llllltc, / (pi -It) provinc. salamander. U 1 in c 11, v. n. faux, babcit) to rot, moulder. U I lit C It, adj. of elm. it I m e r, 1. m. (-8 ; pi. — ) — tun, / inhabitant Of I'lm; XL adj. of or from Ulm. *U I ill ill, n. (-8) Cli. T. ulmine. *U I it a,/ vid. 1. eilcttboqcii ; 2. (Sflf. *ltlopl) 1) Hi fd), adj. having curled leaves. 11 ( V i A), m. (prop, n.) Ulric It I v 1 1 e, /. (prop. 71.) Ulrica *U 1 1 i ill a t, n. (-C8 ; pi. -e) ultimate, ultimatum. 'il 1 1 i lit It lit, 11. (-8) the last, final, utmost *il 1 1 1 9, ib. (-'8 ; /«". -8) an ultra, one who adopts extremes, extravagant no- tions; /a compos. — liberate, m. an ui- tra-liberal; — maritt, b. ultramarine; — mottardjift, — vo^ahit, m. ultra- royalist; — montdn(ifdj), adj. ultra- montane; popish; — tr.OUtctncr, nt. ad- vocate of the power and infallibility pope, ultramootanist ; — ntoitta: ItiSmilS, m. ultramontanism ; — nioit* taitontaiite, / the ultramontane mania; — muitbctn, adj. ultramundane ; — te>0» Iutioildr8, pi. ultrarevolutionists; — = ferotle, m. a servile person, parasite, *lt 1 1 r a c i 8 111 11 8, ) *lt 1 1 r a i S in 11 8, S ♦It I i) f fc8, ib. n> il 111' U till, m. (-C8; /)/. -HHilllier be!l\ -worm. II lit, I. prep, with ace. about; r.oar, round; at; for: — ben .f"u(->, the neck: \ic ftattbeil — thit bejiim, they stood about bun; — bte ©tab! benint qckii, to walk round about the town ; ftd) — trwiS flreifeit, to have a dispute about something ; eiitent — ben 611I8 fallen, to embrace or \\n^ one : eiiieil log — ben anccni, 1 third day, — ivcldic 3etl / at what — wolf Ubr, at twelve :k; — djJittcmatbt, at midnight ; iuii — bat anbeve, alternately, by turns; tVK fhbtS — Clldl '. bow is it with you I c8 ift ein foftlicbefl ^ing 659 in. ultraism. Umbi Llmtr Umfe — tie (9efuilbbci;, as to tiealUl n is a precious thing; e$ ift — fcilic Sifts tting 511 tbiut, his preservation is the object; — \£>iilfe rufeit, to cry Tor help; — etwaS anbalrcti, to sue for; — etnjaS fomnicii, to loose a tiling ; — ttvaai fpieleii, to play for; in con- junction with IV i lien, for the sake, on account of; — ©CttcS ivillcil, for Go d's sake ; with a degree of com- ., by; — fincn ganicn >Ropf grofier, taller by a whole head ; — brei %ell bvciter, broader by three inches; cr berrerifcnete fid) — jehit :il\ller, he was out of his-calcul;ition by ten dollars:— fo mcbr, — fo »icl mcbr, — bcflo mcbr, the more, so much the more; — fo bid be|ter, so much the better ; II. conj. before the in- finitive of a verb, — $U, in order to, to; — 3t)ncn }U jeigcil, in order to show you; — vcicf) 511 nxrbcit, to grow rich; III. adr. 1 about : 2. past, out, at an end: eS i|l tint 3)}eife — , it is a mile about: tie SBpcbe ifl — , the week is past; hl5 3'lhr ift — , the year is over, is past; ber J'crillilt tft — , the term is expired; fettle 3eit ill — , his time is over; roeilll C§ — Uttb ■ — fcullllU, when all comes to all ; l'cd)t» — ! Mil. T. to the right about ! IV. In combination with verbs (also substantives A- adverbs) Ullt signifies, 1. change, alteration or doing over again, repetition, turning; 2. bringing to an end, put an end to ; over and down fre- quently answer to it; 3. round, surround- ing, enclosing ; the verbs are separable, but in the latter sense they are mostly inseparable and will be marked as such. ilmacferii, v. a. 1. to plough up; 2. to plough, break down. II in a dfe t it n g, /. ploughing up. 11 m ii II b C r It, r. a. to alter, change ; to reform ; — (affcit, to have or get al- tered, vid. Syn. SlbiillbCVlt. Ulltiinbc v U it g, f. changing ; change, alteration, reformation. 11 m ttt b ei te It, v. a. 1. to make again, remodel, retouch ; to work anew, to do afresh ; to change, alter ; 2. work up, turn up. Uinar b c t tung, /. (pi. -en) l. re- touching, remodelling, remaking; 2. working up-, turning up. U 111 a vc n, d. a. to plough up. U lit d r m t It, v. a. insep. to embrace, hug; to clasp or enfold in one's arms. U ttt a v in 11 It g, /. (pi. -enj embracing, embrace. 11 in b a II e tt. v. a. 1. to build anew, re- build; 2. Ulllbaiten, insepar.) to sur- round with (buildings). II lit b e b a 1 t e ll, r. ir. a. to keep on. *Ulllbc lid tett, pi. «. T. umbellate flowers *lt lltbcl Ic. /. B. T. umbel. *llnibcv, m. Umfcerertc, /.umber (a kind of mould, clay); lllit — fiivbcil. to colour with umber, to umber ; com- pos. — ftfd), m. umber, grayling; — t>0= gel, j«. iniiiier. ll ill b C t t f ll, v. a to change beds ; to put into another bed. (l in b e a fl 1 n, •> ,.. ir. I. a. to twist il ill b i C g e II, \ round, bend (round 1 , turn, turn round or up; ciu •■iUatr, cine jtarte — , to double down; II n. Unit. r>abeu) to turn round (a corner, &.c). X ttt b i e g f d) i C It e, /. head of a gun- carriage. 01.0 11 in b i c g 11 n g, /. bending U°um^. turning up. ll ill b i 1 b C II, r. a. to remodel, trans- form, alter, metamorphose, to reform (manners, &.c). 11 in b i 1 b it 11 g, /. (pi. -en) remodelling. reforming, transformation, metamor- phosis. *ll mb 1 1 1 ca(, aJj. A. T. umbilical. •lint b i licit, m. (-eS; pi. -c) the helicite. ••"Umbilicus, m. vid.1. Vlabti; 2. 2)iittch;iiiiEt-; gocufi. ll ill b i 11 b t It, v. ir. a. 1. to bind, tie round ; to put on ; 2. rebind, bind again : tic Scburje — , to put the apron on; bie SBaitbtaue — , JV. T. to fleet the shrouds, to overhaul the shrouds; 3. Ulltbillbctt, (insepar.) to tie round, sur- round with. U lit b i 11 b 11 n g, /. binding or tying round; rebinding. ll 111 b 1 a f C 11, v. ir. a. I. to overturn by blowing, to blow down; 2. lllllblafeit, (insepar.) to blow upon from all sides. ll nt b 1 ii 1 1 C r II, v. a. to turn over a leaf. ll in b i i cf c n, v. vid. Unifcbeu. 11 lit b I ft f) C 11, d. a. to bloom, blossom round, surround (by flowers, &c). *ll lit b C fl, /. umber, ll 111 b V a f f C It, r. «. Jf. T. to brace at the other side. U lit b T fl 11 f C 11, D. a. insepar. to roar, howl round, ll 111 b 1 C d) C II, r. it, a. 1. to break down ; 2. to break £ntl« — , to wring one's neck ofl"; il. reft, to turn on an axis, rotate, revolve; to turn round ; alle3 bvefyt fid) Hill, every thing goes round il in b r e b e r, m. (-$ ; pi. —) Jl. T. rotator; bie — , A. T. trochanters, ll ill b r C b U 11 fl, /. turning round ; ro- tation, revolution (of the earth, &c.) ; compos. — Srtd)ie, /. axis of rotation; — Jpiltlft, m. centre of rotation. U ill bv 11 cf e n, v. a. to reprint; filKIt SBOQCII — , to reprint a sheet; t>ai — , re impression. 11 in b r ii cf c ti, v. a. to press or push i own. ll ill b v ll cf u II g, /. reprinting. 11 111 b li f t C H, r. a. insepar. to surrur.d with perfume, ll lit e g g e It, ». a. to turn up with the harrow. U 111 C It b b a r, adj. (I. u.) declinable. il in e n b e f o r nt, /. ( pi. -en) Gram. T. declension ; bteft'8 ^auptiuort gebl nad) bev erften — , this substantive is of the first declension. ll 111 e it b e II, p. a. Oram. T. to decline. il 111 e 11 b I i cf>, adj. Oram. T. declinable. il men bun g, /. (pi. -ett) Oram. t. declension ; declination. U 111 f d t> e It, v. a. insepar. * to em- brace ; to encircle. il ttt fa I) re it, v. ir. i. n. (mix. fcttn) 1. to take a round about way, go the longest way (in a carriage) ; 2. to run, break down in driving over a thing ; II. Umfdrjren, a. (insepar.) 1. to drive, go round ; to sail round, circumnavi- gate ; to double ; 2. to evade, avoid (a toll, &c) by driving, going round about, ll ill f a b r t, /. 1 . round about way ; 2 circuit- tour; ber sBtfcbof bat bie — in fciiiem Spvcngel gefjalten, the bishop has made the tour or circuit o( his diocese; 3. fine, relief. It lit f d b r It It g, /. sailing round, mak- ing a voyage round, circumnavigation. il m fall, m. c-e3; pl.-fiiUt) 1. fall, tumble ; 2. distemper among cattle. il in f a 1 1 e n, ». ir. n. (am. fcrm) l. to fall down ; 2. (of animals) to die ; — ivolleil, to be ready to fall. U 111 fang, m. (-C§) circuit; circum- ference ; perimeter ; fig. extent ; com pass; reach; ittt — ber Jtircbe, within the precincts of the church ; compos. — Millie, /. periphery. U m ftf tt g e It, r. a. insepar. 1. to em- brace ; 2. to encircle, surround. 11 lit f ii I b C II, v. a. to dye again, anew, il 111 f ii r b It tt g, /. dyeing again. Ll 111 f Ct f f C It, r. a. 1. T. to reset (jewels) ; 2. Utttfdffen, (insepar.) to clasp round, embrace ; 3. fig. to com- prehend, comprise ; 4. (I. w.) to sur- round, encompass; 5. to span (with the arms); cill — beS SBfatt, B. T. an nm- plexicaule. stem clasping leaf; bev 'ill = le§ — be ijpimmel, the all-surrounding, .ill encircling sky; feilt MBe8 # — let ©cifl, his all grasping mind ; feilt -.11= US — ber '-JMtcf, his a!l-penetrating look; ein utel — bev ©egeiiftaub, an extensive, copious subject. ll nt f a f fit u g,/. I. setting anew, re- setting; 2. (llinfdffung), embracing, embrace ; compos. — C ; lliaUCV, /. enclo- sure-wall, close wall. It 111 f I d t t C f It, D. a. insepar. to flutter or hover about ; to flow round, ll ill f I C cb t C It, r. ir. a. l..(in.ispar.) to twisl round or about; 2. Uttiffcchteil, (separ.) to twist, plait anew. U in flecb tung &■ llinficd)titng, / the plaiting w twisting round or anow 11 111 f t i C g C II, D. ir. a. (insepar.) to fly round. It 111 fllC 8 Clt, v. ir. a. (insepar.) tc flow round, run round, to sunound baS 3Beet uniflicfit bie 3nfcl, the se; encompasses the island, ll 111 f 19 1 1 It, r. a. insepar. to enwra, with gauze or crape ; fig. to veil. ll ill f lute n. v. a, insepar. to flow round or about, ll in for lit e n, r. n. to ren»Jel ; to trans form, reform, new-mould. Umge ( l til f r m U H g, /. remodelling ; trans- formation, reforming. 11 lit frag C, /. inquiry round, by turns ; — baitf 11, to inquire round, in turn-: ; tit ct'ncr 3iatb6tmfainmhing — (>al= ten, to put to the vote in a deliberative assembly. U III f r a g C It, v. n. [mix. babctt) to in- quire round. U lit fit 1) re It, v. a. to lead about, lead a round about way. ll lit fit licit, v. a. to fill, pour out of one vessel into another, to transfuse. It 111 f ill 1 It It g, /. the filling or pouring into another vessel. II m f li It f C I 11, v. a. (insepar.) to glitter round, surround with the splendour of... 11 111 gaffe 11, v. rrfl. &■ n. (am. babctt) to stare, to gaze about, 11 lit gang, nt. (-(51 1. intercourse, com rncrce ; converse, conversation ; com- pany; 2. going round, round, rotation ; 3. procession ; 4. round about way ; 5. passage, gallery round a building ; lllit ett.Cllt — babctt, to converse with one, hold intercourse with him; eilte 2>pra = cbc and tem — c Icvticn, to learn a lan- guage by conversation, through inter- course with those who speak it ; C t It fcierl idler — , procession; — II ill fill .fiircbfmcl, parochial circuit: — be§ Piabeg, circumrotation ; fig. id) frilllte c5 ttidjt — en ha ben, I could not help it: tempos. — efyrache, /. language of conversation ; colloquial language ; — 8= (age, pi. pang days ; — fiiuoche,/. gang- week, rogation-week. Syn. Urn a a ii a, B « f a it n t f <$ a f t. For 3r. UiinfiJiaft (acquaintance) a very alight ami re- mote connexion, even amongst the absent, may suffice. For UinA.iiiA (iutimacy, familiarity) a closer one is requisite, and indeed between per- sons wlio are olten in each other's society, and who visit each other for the purpose of enjoying tha pleasure which tnat »oc:ely mutually af fords. U in g d n g c t, m. (t. u.) he who makes a circuit. U lit g ii it g ( t d>, [. adj. bociabfe, conver- sive, conversable ; li. ado. conversably, sociably. U nt g d tt g 1 1 cf) I e i t, f. conversable. ness, sociability. ll m g d f It C 11, v. a. {insepar.) 1. to sur- round with nets; 2. fig. to ensnare; Midlife unigaviitctt ibn 0011 alien Sets 'ett, intrigues from every quarter held him in toils. 11 nt g a ft f c 1 it, v. a. (insepar.) to sport, dance, play round something; 3rvliri)» fcl imtgaufclten mitt, will o'-the-wisps danced phantastically about me. II lit g C b e II, v. ir. a I. (inscpnr.) to sur- round, encompass, environ ; to enclose ; 2. lliitgcbeit, puton, putround (a cloak, &cj ; .1. to give, deal again (at cards); ciiKIlt ben i)i\llltcl — , to belp one on with his cloak; lllit $c= ftunoCmerfen — , to circumvallate ; nut eiitcm 3aune — , to enclose with a hedge. 11 111 g e b o g e it, part. rid. llinbiegcit. il m g e b v a cb t, part. rid. Itntbeingcn. ll in g e b r e rf) e tt, part rid. ltnibrc= (ben. U 111 g t b 11 It g, /. ( ,,/. -en) 1. environs, neighbourhood, surrounding country ; 2. (surrounding) company, Hie objects or persons round one; feinc — en taugen lttd)tS, he is surrounded, or he keeps company with bad people; bie — €11, the scenery round, environs. '.1 m g c b r e b r, pan. vid. Umbv-cbeti. ft m g cf a 1 1 e it, pan. v ,d. Unifalleii. Umgl 11 ill g C g C ll b, /. environs, surrounding country. It nt g e g r a b e it, part rid. Umgvabcti. ll in g e b a n g e, ,,. rid. ©change, -JIn= gobdttge. 11 in g c 1) d it g t, put. rid. Itiiibdngcn. ll in g c b au e it, part. vid. Um&auctt. U 111 g e t) b a r, adj. that may be cone round or evaded ; bicfer kartell £ ft — , one can go quite around this garden. U 111 g C b C It, v. ir. I. n. (aux. fel)ll) 1. to go round, go about, revolve, circu- late; 2. to go a round about way ; 3. fig. to haunt; 4 "Hit ;u - ntailccntj to have intercourse with, to associate with ; 5. (lllit cilteill) to deal with, treat one ; G. (mit ctunis or auf efaaij to be occu- pied with, to have to do wilh; to de- sign, intend; ntit Vitgen — , to deal in falsehoods; et Weifl bainit iinimgcbcn, In- knows how to handle, treal it; mit il'iLH'b — , to meditate murder; id) roeifj mit ibnt uiiijitgehcit, i know how to treat him ; ill biefi'llt .£uilfc fjebl to nut, tins bouse is haunted; id) bin ci = we tDicife timgegaitgen, i came a mile about ; II. lllligebcit,' a. (insepar.) 1. to go round about a thing; 2. to avoid, to evade, elude; to turn ; ten Acillb — , to turn the enemy i bad ©efefe, etne Stage — , to elude a law, evade a question. lllligcbcitb, part. adj. going ; prevalent, epidemic; mit — et SPoft, by return of post. il in gc bung, /. (jrf.-en)l.circuition, going round; 2. Itmgebnitg, evasion. elusion; omission; mit — allce na» bent UlllftdlloC, setting aside all parti- culars ; lllit — alter ltiiiftditblid)fei= ten, putting aside all formalities. 11 in g e f e b r t, part. adj. invereed ; in- verted ; ein — ctS Setbalttttfj, Mat T. an inverse ratio or proportion ; vid. Umfefjren. Syn. ltingt(tf>rt, Etrffbrt. Uin^rtrr)rt (reversed) is opposed to the previous posture, whether that may have been a right or one; Bcrltbrt, (un side down, wrong aide out) however, ia used in contradistinction to that Which is the right one. If I hold in my hand the picture of a man in such a way, that the head is beneath, then some one can say to me, you must hold it uin«.rlr! Umbangen, ?•. ,.• i to hang round or about ; to put on ; 2. to hang at another place; to hang anew, rehang; :t. ltinb,iiigcit, hang round on all Bid il nt b ,1 11 g t it a), n . (-($ ; pi. -ludn-r) Bhawl. It m b arte t, adj. case-hardened. tint b a 11 die it, t>. a. 1. to breathe down . 2. ItntbaudHit, (insepar.) to surround With the breath or fragrance. ll lit b a li C 11, B. ir. a. to fell, hew down, cut down, it lit b a 11 11 It g, /. felling, hewing down. U lit b e f t c 11, v. a. 1. to fasten round ; 2. to restitch, stitch up anew, differ- ently. It 111 I) C r, adv. around, about, round about : — fcbailCtl, febcit, to I. Ok about ; — laitfcn, ftrcidjcn, fiijiveifcit, licbeit, to rove, ramble, range, stroll, wander; ftei — fcbweifcil, to roam at large; — « ftcbett, to stand about, &c. JV. B. This word is very g ymously inth .*2>ciuitt ; but it should be remarked that, strictly Spi it means "about in any direction.' whereas .{^Ctlltn means a circular mo- tion ; feir writers, however, obst rrc this distinct/: m. The compounds with lllltbci" are nu- merous, especially in participles, but then do not require explanation, as t'toj wilt be easily translated by taking the two words separate';/. Ulllbc'l'liegcnb, part. adj. lying about, scattered about. II lit be VI ic 1)C lib, part. adj. roving, rambling; ambulatory. It 111 b 1 II, ndr. only used in — f ?lincn ; ifb [attll nicbt — , 1 cannot forbear, I 661 ilmfr Unite -Hmrfl cannot but; I cannot help; id) babe nirijt — gefonnt t9 ju thim, I could not help doing it. Ilmlj ovdj cit, v. n. (aux. fjabeti) to make inquiries) to listen about. 11 m b li I I C 11, v. a. [insepar.) to veil, envelop, wrap round. U lit f) til 111 Hi], /. veiling, wrapping round. Itin t)l'l V f e »' '■• * insepar. to frisk, skip about. Urn j aiirt) jen, Umjubeln, o. a. (m- separ.) to surround with shouts, exul- tations. U lit i V V C ll, v. a. (insepar.) to rove about, round. It in f a 1 f a t e r it, v. a. jv. r. to new- caulk. II 111 I C I) X, f. turning back, return ; fig. conversion ; subversion. U 111 f e f) V & a V, «r//\ ir adv. that may be turned, turned around, returned ; Ctrt — ev feal}, (in Logic) a convertible proposition. Urn fef) veil, v. I. n. (awz. fevm) to turn round ; to turn back ; to return ; fig. to mend, reform, become converted ; II. a.krefl. 1. to turn, turn round or about ; 2. turn upside down ; to invert ; to turn over ; 3. fig. to pervert, put in confusion, change ; 4. to overturn, overthrow, subvert, evert ; to waste ; lay waste ; Cltieil — , fig. to change a person's mind, make him alter his mind ; C3 fel)Vt ft d} Um, tilings are turned (the other way) ; UUC matt fine .£>atlb 11111= fet)ft, in the turn of the hand; CtllC 3ie= gici'ltlig — , to subvert a government. (l 111 fe() nittg, /. 1. turning, turning round or over; turning upside down; -.overturning, laying waste, subversion, eversion ; 3. inversion ; 4. Log. T. con- version; bie — bef ©leidningeit, Mat. '/'. the conversion of equations; bie — eincS SkeotbeS, Mas. T. the reversion of , -in accord ; — CtlteS ©taatfS, revo- lution cfa state ; eiite gemattige — bev ^Dilige, a great revolution in affairs. U m f i p v e n, v. a. & n. (aux. feVm) to tilt over, turn over; to fall on one side. It in f I d f t e r it, o. a. (insepar.) to fathom, to embrace with both one's arms. It ill f Idf teviing, /. the spanning with one's arms. It lit f 1 d 111 111 e V 11, v. a. (insepar.) to embrace with clasped hands or claws ; to clasp in one's arms ; to grasp ; to cling to. It lit f 1 d lit 111 e r It It g, /. grasping or clasping in one's arms. It in f 1 e t be tt, o. rejl. Sr a. 1. to dress anew, to put on oilier clothes; to change one's dress ; 2. Uiliflcibeit, (in- separ.) to hang round, decorate; vid. SSevfleiben. (l Ut f 1 C i b it 11 g, /. 1 . new-dressing, changing one's dross; 2. transfor- mation, travesty. 11 ltt f 111 111 f 11, O. ir. 71. (our. ft'iMl) 1. to perish, die ; Dot 1 igutiget, Jtdlte — , to starve with liunger, cold; ill bev Sd)!ad)t — , to die, be slain, fall in liattle ; cU'llb — , to die, perish miserably ; 2. to spoil (from not being used). It ill f V d 1 1 e ll, v. a. (insepar.) to grasp with the claws or talons. it 111 I V 'i 111 V t ll, v a. to bend, tuck up. It lit f V a 11 J C It, v. a. (insepar.) to wreath, crown ; 31)1' llltt Mofeil 11111= trdllJh'S .£hllipi, her head decked or wreathed with roses. £62 U nt frets, m. (-eS ; ;■/. -e) 1. circle, circuit, circumference; extent; 2. Mat. T. periphery, perimeter; jVUfi "£*) t C t = kit illt — e, two miles round; bicfe ©rabt bat bvei Sfunbeit int — e, this city is three leagues in circuit. tt 111 t X elf en, 0. a. (insepar.) 1. to re- volve, turn round, wheel or circle around ; bie ©eftinic — bie (Svbe, the stars course or move around (apparent- ly) the earth ; 2. to enclose, encompass, include. tt lit f V I C rf) e tt, v. a. (insepar ) to creep, sneak round. ll lit I V i e g C ll, v. a. vulg. to be able to get on. U in Ir limine It, ?'. a. to double over or down ; to bend, turn the edge of. 11 111 1 a b e It, v. ir. a. 1. to lade again, relade ; to reload ; 2. to lade on another carriage, or vessel, to shift the lading or cargo. 11 m tabling, /. (p/.-u\) lading g, /. turning round or back. It 111 1 e li efc. 1 1 It, o. I. a. (insepar.) to sur- round or clrcumfusc with light; II. v. (llmkvitten) separ. to light round or up (fov looking after any thing). 11 111 It e g e tt, v. ir. I. n. to lie flat on the ground ; to lie about, to environ ; ll. Itinlicgeit, a. vid. Umlagern. 11 111 1 i e g e 11 b, adj. circumjacent ; sur- rounding ; bie — e @egenb, the envi- rons, the neighbourhood, the surround' ing country. ll in nt a d) e it, v. a. vvJg. to put on ; to new-make; to change, alter. ll in nt d i) e it, v. a. l. to mow, cut down : 2. Ulltlltafjen, (insepar.) to mow round on all sides. It 111 111 a 11 e X n, v. a. (insepar ) to surround by a wall or walls ; to surround with brickwork. ll mine f fen, e. ir. a. 1. to measure again ; 2.1llltl)U'ffcil, insepar. to measure round, to measure the circumference of. 11 111 lit e f f 11 ll g, /. measuring again. U lit 111 b e I It, B. a. to remodel, vid. Ultt= bilben. U ill m ii tt 5 e It, v. a. to recoin, new- coin ; baS — , the recoinage (of bul- lion, &.C.). U 111 11 d d) t e n, o, a. * (insepar.) to sur- round with darkness; feilie illigcn fitlb ltlllliad)tef, his eyes are veiled in night, he is blind ; feittC Silllie fillb 111111104= let, his senses are wrapped in deep night, his reason is obscured. ll 111 11 a f) e It, v. a. 1. to sew again; 2. Umitaf)en (insepar.) to hem, sew t round. ll in it a mil it g, /. (». «'. «.) Oram. T- metonymy. 11 ill 11 e b e I n, «. ir. a. (insepar.) to sur- round with a mist, to dim, darken, cloud 1 ein itmncbcIteS 8anb, a foggy land ; fig. bie Seibenfdjaftcn — bie SBernmtfr, passions obscure, cloud, dim the reason. U 111 11 f b e 1 11 ll g, /. clouding, surround- ing with mist, ll lit It C f) lit e tt, e. ir. a. to take round, put on. It lit 11 i e t C 11, v. a. to bend the point ot a nail, to rivet, clinch. 11 111 p a cf C ll, v. a. to repack, new pack . to pack all round, to surround with bales, ll ill V a tf tt it g, /. (pi. -en) repacking. It lit p d It 5 C V ll, v. a. (insepar.) to cover with a coat of mail. It 111 p f d 1; I C 11/ 7'. a. (insepar.) in palli sade, surround with pales. It 111 V f I a It J e It, v. a. plant again, new-plant; to transplant; 2 lllllffldlt: jett, (insepar.) to surround, to plant round ; eiite Saufce mil Stuaien — . to plant flowers all around an arbour, ein mit SSumen ninpflansfev Scicb, a pond planted round with trees. 11 lit p f I a n J it it g, /. transplantation replanting. 11 in V f 1 a ft e r it, b. a. l. to new-paw 3 Itllipfhifh'vn, (insepar.) to nave round Umfn llmfcb 111!!;* C08 gaits' ifl Utnvfiiljlfrt, the house i3 paved .'ill around. it 111 p fl ii ft C II, v. a. to plough up. LI m p V i] C It, v. a. to new coin, recoin. II m V V S B It » fiV /• (;''• - fl,J recoining, reroinage. 11 m p Y d f f C I H, t>. a. (insepar.) to crackle round. II m p It r 5 C 1 It, v. n. to topple over, mnke a somerset. U nt q u o 1 1 i t e it, v. a. mil r. SoT= batett — , to change soldiers' quarters, to shift their quarters. U lit ft It C r I C tl, v. a. to beat up. U 111 Y d 11 b C Y tt, 9. a. to change the rim or edge ; to surround with a rim or edge. 11 lit V d It f C 11, v. a. (insepar.) to surround with tendrils, grow round. 11 111 V d f f e 1 It, v. a. (insepar.) to rattle, clash round. ll 111 r d It ill C It, v. a. to displace, to place elsewhere or otherwise. Ulltl'Ctfc, /. (pi. -tl) 1. a travelling about, tour; 2. a circuit (of a judge in England); 3. a circuitous journey. II lit r C l f C tl, v. I. a. (insepar ) to travel round; to circumnavigate; ll.lllllYciH'tl. R. (aux. fei)Il) (separ.) to go about; I'telc 2Jieilcil — , to go many miles out of one's way. U lit Y e i fi C tt, v. ir. a. to pull down, break down, to demolish, destroy; to pull about. U ill Y C i t C It, u. ir. La. 1. to ride down, to run over with a; 2. UllU'OltCtt, (insepar.) to ride round ; II. n. (aux. fcl)lt) to ride about, to ride so much out of one's way. il 111 Y C 11 11 e tt, v. ir. a. 1. to run down, overthrow running ; 'J. ItllllTUlKlt, (m- separ.) to run round. 11 lit Y t C f e I tl, v. n. to ooze, trickle, purl, drip around. 11 lit Y I n b e It, v. a. (insepar.) to surround with a bark or crust. It tit y t ti ft c I u, v. vid. llimin.jnt. U 111 Y i tt ft C tl, v. a. (insepar.) to sur- round (on all Bides), encompass; t>ou 2 dime id) lent immngt fctyti, to be be- set with flatterers; vid. Syn. llllljinftclll. U lit Y i It ft 11 It ft, /. the being surrounded, surrounding, encompassing. Uiv.ftji, vi. (-flee; pi. -ffe) outline, sketch, contour, adumbration; belt — eiltCY Sigttt lliadpetl, to make (trace or draw) the outline ur contour of a figure. U lit Y t 1 1, m. (-c$) 1. round, circuit (on horseback); 2. a circuitous ride. U lit Y 1 1 t it, n. I. a. Sen. (a,, r. febu) to roll round, to revolve ; II. Ullliollcil, a. (inse- par.) to surround with a rolling noise. U til Y It b C Y 11, u. a. 1. to Upset by rowing against; 2. UlllYflbCYlt, (insepar. to row around (an island . II lit Y ft 1) Y C II, v. a. to stir up. U 111 Y it l)f U It ft,/, stirring up. II 111 V* XI t tel tl, v a. to ..hake up. U tit S, contr for llllt ba° ; cilllltal — (tit* beie, every other turn, alternately. ll tit f a cf c it, v. a. to put into othet U m f a cf it it ft,/, putting into othi U 111 fa ft C It, b. a. vulg. to tell round. U lit fa ft C It, v. a. 1. to saw down ; 2. UlllfdftCIt, (insepar.) to saw all round. tt nt f a 1 5 e it, v . a . to salt afresh. U lllf a ttc lit, ,.. Lo. to chance the raddle; II. ». (a,,x. haT>Clt) fig. to shift, niter, change one's profession" religion, U in f a t t c 1 it II ft, / 1. changing the saddle ; -'. fig. changing one's profession, sentiments, il 111 fa %, m. (~t$) 1. sale ; 2. truck, ex- chance, barter; compos. — YCd)t, n. vid Uinfd)Uift$red)f. U 111 f d li f e I tt, v. a. (insepar.) lo blow round (of breezes) ; cill fu()leS Siiftdjctl limfdiifelte UtlS, a cool breeze whisper- ed (played, rustled) around us. 11 lit fa li fc It, v. a. (insepar.) to roar, howl round. Ulllfdiaffeil, v. ir. a. to transform. new-model, remodel, change, convert ; metamorphose ; CY ift tote miifte= fcbaffeil, he is like a new man. U lit f d) a f f 11 II ft, /. transformation. 11 111 f cb d It J C it, r. „ insepar) to a it, /. vid. Itmfdiaiiiiitft. 11 lit f d) a It C It, v. reft. $■ n. (aux Ixtbv.l to look about, look back, look round. il lit fd) a life lit, v. a. to turn up or about with a shovel. il lit f d) a 1! It It ft, /. looking round or about. 11 Ul \d) d ft lit e It, o. a. (insepar.) to sur- round with foam. Umfcbetrt, m. (-ee) i. .ist. r vid. >§of; 2.a glory, vid. >£>etliftcnfd)ein. tl lltf d) cillC II, a. (insepar.) to sun- mud with light, shine round. II 111 f d) C Y e lt,_ v. a. 1 . to shear, nap again ; 2 Ulltfd'CYCl!, t'i shear or shave all around, round about. 11 111 f d> i d) t C II, v. a. to pile afresh, il m fd) i d) ti ft, adj. 4- ado. in layers, alternately, one after the other. 11 lit f ft) i Cf e It, r. a. wig. to send rt miii]. il m f cb i c |1 e it, v. I. n. (aux. fe^n) jv. T. to shift (said of tho wind) ; II. a. to shool down, knock down by shooting. It lit f d) i f f C It, v I. a. 1. (insepar.) to sad round, circumnavigate; bic itnit — .to circumnavigate the world ; 2. ilnt = fdlifft'lt, (separ.) to put goods into an other ship ; II. n. (aux. fe»n) to sail.go round, out of one's way. ilmfcfjlaft, m .(-t8; p/.-fc$(aa.( i change, turn, turning, alteration ; 2. band, facing, cuiT, collar, cape ; :i ■ covering, envelope, wrapper; -I S. /. cataplasm, poultice, fomentation ; 5. provmc. sale ; barter; compos. — Mu\ — bclll'CY, hi. wimble, centrebit; — ci= fen, n. T. anvil for curling the rim or bum ; — gl'ecBf, h. J\l. £. U lc ri - lit of a town to unship and reship (to unload and reload) goods passing through it. U m f d) 1 a,i cit, ,-. ,,-. I a. i. to beat; to turn over; to knock over; to turn over or up (the collar, Sec.) ; to turn up (a card; ; 3. to wrap up. put round ; 4. to put mi or round ; to poultice, apply a cataplasm; 5. provine. to exchange, truck; C. vid. ttlllprdftCll ; tl'lte Jtillte — , to face a card ; IT. n. (aux. fe^B 1. irned with vehemence, ta fall over with violence ; lo unset, faB down, 2. fig. to- turn ("sour, lad, &.C.), change (suddenly J ; to degenerate, grow worse; 3. to change, turn, veer rounii (of the wind). il m f cb I a g 1 1 it d), n. (-c« ; pi. -ti' d)CY) wrapper, shawl. It in f cb 1 e t d) e n ,<- ilinfd)Icidicn, r , r a. to sneak, or slink round about. It lit f d) I C l C Y ll, r. a. (insepar.) V cover, siirrounii wuh a veil; tit STIacbt ttntfd)lcicrt ben £aft, the night over veils the day. It 111 f d) I e i e Y 11 n ft, /. veiling, sur- rounding with a veil. It 111 f d) I i C C It, v. ir. a. to enclose, en- 9, surround; to embrace. U in f d) lie fjitn g, /. enclosing closure. illll fd) I iltft Clt, v . ir. a. 1. to slinc wrap, wind, twine, twist round 2. \hr\- idilillfteil, (insepar.) fig. to embrace Closely, to clasp round cling to; He l)iel = ten einaitber feft iiiiifd)lniiftcit, thej remained fast locked in each other'.- arma il in f d) I i n ft u n ft s- llnifcblitifttittft. ;. 1. twisting, swinging round; 2. embrace, clinging to. il 111 f d) lit e t fj f II, u. a. X- n. vulg. t knock down ; to overturn, upset. ililtf d) m el} en, v. a. 1. to melt again; to refound, convert by melting, new- cast; -.fig. to new-mould, to reform. 11 lit f d) 111 C I j ll It ft, /. remoulding, re melting. il in f d> m e 1 1 e y it, v. a. . v n. (aux. fel)ll) to dash down; to overturn with great vehemence. il in fd) inter; en, v. a. l. to rel forge anew; 2. Umfcbmiebcit, in to forge round, weld round, il nt f cb nt t e ft e tt, j.. refl. vid. Sd)inie= fteu (fid) inn etuniS). It 111 f d) 111 i C Y c II, v. a. to smear round (on all sidesK ll lit f d) 11 all e ll, o. a. I. to buckle on round ; 2. to buckle otherwise, il lit f cj) ll a I I It 11 ft, /. buckling on , - round, it 111 fcblt ci be It, !•. ir. a. 1. to cul down ; 2. to cut, carve all round. il ntf d) ii lit- en, o. a. l. to lace, round; 2 to lace again, io new lace ; 3. lllllfdltlitYCII, (insepar.) to lace or cord on all sides. It ill f rf) r a it fen, 7- ,■ , ,, ,) i surround Willi bounds ; to confini row in; vid. (S'illfd)Ydllfcil. iltu febte t belt, r. ir. a. ]. lo i, to write again, new -write ; 2. llllt; |d)YCiben, (insepar.) to write round \v:ih tt mini; ; :t, to pnraphrasi 4. to circumscribe ; Ct'lIC •.VilllIJC — to write a motto i n on a coin; citt XiciccF niit cinciit Jrrtifi — , to describe a circle around a triangle. II ntfeb r ci b ti ti ft, / pi. -en cumscription ; circuml i uCon, phrase. illll frit rift, / ,,'. -cm l. inscription (round n coin,fcc ,m 3«ffyrift. It in f d) ii r e It, u a. to stir, rake up. II ill fdtll tje ll, n a. insepar.) to ginl uiih an U nt f cb fit If I it, P . ..-. to shake about tO i.i . iliiifcbiitte lntift, / ghaking. G63 Umji I 111 f d) il t t e 11, r «. 1. to pour or shoot into another vessel; 2. to pour or cast a thing in a different manner; 3. to spill ; to overturn ; 4 to mix by pouring one thing into another; 5. Itntfrfpil ttetl, [insepar to threw round about, to heap up round about. II in f eb ii 1 1 u 11 g, /. pouring again, or pouring into another vessel 11 lit f d) It) & r 111 C It, v. a. (insepar.) to swarm, buzz round.' It ltt f d) It* e b e It, 'v. a. (insepar.) to hover, float round; eilt 3lblet 11111 = fcbiuebte btefeti hchett ge(fen, an eagle swept, sailed round this lofty rock: fig. bciterc ©etanfeu umfdjivebcit feineii @eifl, cheering thoughts hover round (glide across) liis mind. il in f d> ro c i e it, v. n. .v. T. to swing round (at anchor) ; to wear or ware. il ill f d) 10 e t f, m. (-eS ; pi. -C) round- about way, also fig. compass of words, verbosity, circumlocution, digression ; bit I'd) — C, circuitously, indirectly, by indirect ways or means; pt)lie — V, without circumlocution, witho :: aarns i.r fetches, to the point. II m f di w e t f c ii, v. i. n. [on, la&ett t- fcill ) to make a round about way ; il. UlllfcblKifeit, a. (insepar.) <\- n. to roam, rove about il in f d) r» e it f e n, v. a. 4- n. to turn round ; to veer round. It 111 f d? n> i 111 lit C It, r. ir. a. (insepar.) to swim, float round. il lit f d) ID 1 11 ij e 11, p. ir. a. cv refi. to swing, move round; to revolve, turn round. II in fd) If t r r e It, v. a. (insepar.) to buzz round. il ltt f d) IU It n fj, m. (-e§) rotation, re- volution; chance, turn; fig. bit fcbliclle — feineS 5d;i(ffalS, the sudden change of his fate; compos. — spilllft, m. centre of rotation. II m f e g e I n, v. I. n. (am. feint) to sail, make a round-about way; IL a. 1. to sail aground, run foul, sink (another ship ; -'. Ulllfegelll, (insepar.) to sail round, circumnavigate ; eill 3Sot'i]cbu"= ge — , to double a cape. U lit f t h e 11, ;•. ir. refi. 1. to look back, look about ; 2. fig. to look about one's self, view, inspect ; fid) an einem Cite — , to take a view of a place; i)itv faint man ftch recbt — , here is a wide prospect of view ; fid) til ter "Self — , (o see the world; fid) in inidjcru — , to peruse or turn over many books ; itd) nacJj etmas — , to look out for, to look f >r. II III f e % b a r, adj. (I. u ) ve* ^ble. con- vertible : btcft aSerfdjreibung ift in ba.ireS @tlb — , this bond is convert- ible into ready money, .tmfcfceit, r. a. i- refi. 1. to put, set otherwise, shift places, transrx transplant; 2. to sell; to exchange, hatter; 3. T. to compose again: A Hills epurj to set or plant round about, to surround ; 5. (fid)) to change. m. tlmi'aii, Saiif&tii, 10c Af*l« : Urn. oh, Saufd), 35rd)fct.* (barter) is a nutual alienation of things of every kind. Um = xn f exchange) is ti.e Saufd) of such things a3 -«. iroperly mercantile objects and which are parted with bv une merchant to another. iT5ri> = fetn ifi merely the exchanging of* changing one kind of coin for another, and which may be done by persons who are not merchants. U 111 f e § It n g, /. I. transposition, trans- poses : 2. selling, exchanging; rid SSerfffeuug a- Umfdfc. [1 m f i d) c I n, b. a. to ".ut down with a sickle. 6G4 Unfi II lit f i d) g r e i f e II, n. progress ; spread- ing, growing upon. il 111 f i d) t, /. 1. lookirfg about ; fig cir- cumspection, precaution ; 2 vid '}lU[s ficbt ; compos. — bite, m. — genialbe, n. panorama. U 111 f i cb t i g, lllllfid)t»ypll, ailj. cir- cumspect, precautious. il in f i d) t i g f e i t, Untft$tlt$fett, /. circumspection, precaution. ilntft nfen, v. ir. *. (am. fci)ii) to sink down, to swoon away. 11 111 f I circumstantiality, particularity ; minute ness ; ceremoniousness. U 111 ft a U e 11, r. a. .V. T. to slow again; to rummage the hold, to alter or shift the stowage in the ho!d. 11 ill ft e d) C 11, r. ir. a. to turn up, rum mage, stir with a fork. U in ft e d) II It g, /. turning up, stirring. U 111 ft e cf C It, v. a. 1. to pin otherwise, to pin round : to change ; to sticU round; 2. Ulltftc'ifftt, (insepar.) to en- compass with something stuck round. II 111 |t e b e It, r. ir. n. only used in part i\ 111 ft C f) e It b, I part. adj. standing about, around or by, surrounding ; II. s. bie ltmftfl)cnbcn, by-standers. . U 111 ft e II e 11, v. a. 1. to transpose. change places, place in a different manner ; 2. Umftclleil, (insepar.) to surround, beset; l»ir IBOlIeit UtlS — , let us change grounds; lllit Sicbtern — , to set about with candles ; eineil SBalb lllit ^lerJCll — , to beset, encom- pass a wood with nets. il m ft e II It II g, /. (pi -en) transposi- tion; besetting, surrounding (with nets, &c). il m fi e m p e 1 n, v. a. to re-stamp, new-stamp. il m ft e u e r n, v. a. Jr. T. to steei round. il lit ft i (f e II, v. a. to embroider around; 2. Ulllftideil, embroider all round. il 111 jt i 111 111 e 11, r. I. a. 1. to give an- other tune ; to new-ttrae : 2. fig. eineil — , to make one alter his sentiments ; ce ift grtnj iinigeftimnit, he is quite altered; II. n. (auz. babeil) to vote in succession, vote all round. U 111 ft i lit 111 U 11 g, /. 1. voting aU round ; 2. changing the tone ; 3. alter- ation of sentiments. II ill ft 6 b C r It, v. a. wig. to rummage about. 11 111 jt r e 11, v. a. to turn over, nun- mage, search about, to turn topsy-turvy U 111 ft jj e 11, v. ir. a. 1. to overthrow, overturn; 2. to knock down ; 3. fig. to abolish, revoke, annul, invalidate, sub- vert, reverse. il 111 ft 5 fj 1 i fb, adj. lhat may be over- turned, invalidated, or annulled. il ill ft o fj II n g, /. overthrowing : fig. abolishing, annulling; — filie5 lll'theilS, reversion or reversal of a judgment 11 lit fi r a b I f It, r. a. (insepar.) to sur- round with rays, to shine round. It lit ft r S b 1 11 tl g, /. the being sur- rounded with rays, halo, nimbus. II 111 ft V C i d) C 11, v. ir. a. ] . to spread again ; to spread in a different manner; 2. to spread around ; 3. Ulltftrei* cben, (insepar.) to spread round about. il lit ft V e II C 11, v. a.1. to strew about or round; 2. Umilreiifll, to strew all round; fein 8. ir. a. {iiisc par) to grow round about, to cover. 11 in iv (id) fe it, part adj. surrounded (niif, by); eiii iliit ©ebiifdj — ei- Icid), a pond surrounded (grown around') with bushes. II lit ID ii I belt, v.u. (insepar.) to surround with a forest. It lit ID illlllul hit ftcb iniijOi]cii, the sky is overcast it 111 ji cb en, h. UtttjirJtuiia., /.remo- val of lodgings; vid. the rcrb. tl 111 5 i 11 i\ e 1 ft, v. a. (insepar.) to en- circle, surround on all >vk-< ; fine %t- jtUltfl — , to encompass <»r beleager a fortress; 2)icbe — , to close round robbers. Si/n. U m ; i n gc In, It m n t b t n, U taring rn. A person is umgrbrn (tumnndci) 1, otbera, ev.-n if the circle U not n-i completely clo»ed. When the king appears at the court, he is untflraru bj i le l uimingr (encircled), still lees umjiitgcli ; r,.r the) only stand beliind him and on l>r,tlt sides. Moreover iinijrticit is said nlsoofa circle, thai consists of inanimate things. Tlie sun and the moon are sometimes umgibra l | which is called a halo. Hut thai which ia am. ringr, is shut in on all sides and into a perfect We therefore untrinatN aoroethia*;, thai it may have DO l to the same. Umtingrtn is to close aomerbinj in more narrowly, to obstruct the eyre^s anc to be able to attack it from a ►liort distance. Umringrn, therefore, may either ha*e a fr.endly or a hostile object in I igcte (tc environ, encompass) only a lioaUie one. It 111 \ i II 1] C 1 11 II (]. / encircling, sur- rounding. It in 5 ir E, m. rid. Umfrcifl. U ut j n c\, m. (-tt ; pi. -jiiflf) 1. going or wandering about; procession; S. curtains ; 3. change of dress, or re- sidence. 11 II, fl particle -which is prefixed to sub- stantives, adjectives, adverbs, mid uhj participle past ; it has a negative or in- verting pniccr, and has always the ac- cent. The English particles un, in, dis. er, not, generally have the corresponding meaning. il 11 9 bit It b e r 1 i rf), I. adj. unalterable,, immutable ; II. adv. unalterably, im mutably. It 11a b iin b e r li rf) f e t t, / unaiter nbleness, immutability. 11 n a b b i 1 b 1 i rfi, adj. Irrepresentable. il II a b b t t 1 1 i d), adj. unpardonable, inexcusable. il 11 a b b r ii d) i g, adj. I.. T. not pre judicial to. il 11 a b b ii ft I i ri>, adj. inexp 11 ii a b fj eb e 1 1 It, adj. unatoncd, unr» paired. II It ft b 0, eb { lb e t, adj. unrepresented. 11 II il b i\ t b i f f C II, adj not bitten off It. 'I', not oi.tuse, not truncate. 11 11 ,1 b it, C b v dj e 11, adj. not brakes off. (105 Una* llnan n it struck otV, inabfltbrucft imprinted. (l n a b A e f tx t i a t, « ■■//' not dispatch- ed, not settled; that remains to he done. l'l it a b fl e f 1 b t v t, adj. unasked, un- demanded; unrequired, uncalled for. l'l n a b g c b a a r t, a<&\ with the hair on (unskinned). II u fl b g e b a it e it, adj. not cut off. U n a b g c f) a u t e t, o j. unskinned, not yet having cast the slough. U it a b g c b o 1 f e n, adj. unalteviated. U ii a b g e E ii r $ t, adj. unabridged. U ll a b g e £ d) i, adj. uncooked, not donp, raw. l'l 11 a b fl e I 6 f d) t, adj. unquenched, un- extinguished. U n fl b g C lit fl dl f, adj. unfinished, un- cleared, unliquidated, unsettled, unpaid. 11 It a b g C It ii 1$ t, adj. not worn out. U n fl b g e X t d) t C t, adj. not managed, not trained up. U 11 fl b g e f dj a f f t, adj. uncancelled, unabolished. (l n a b g e f dj n i 1 1 e ii, adj. not cut off. U It a b g C f 11 b C r t, adj. not separated. il it a b g c f p a n it t, adj. lajj tie -£fcr= be — , don't take the horses out of the harness U n abgefv onue u, adj. not spun out or off. U it a b g o t r fl g c n, mi/, unacquitted ; not worn off. lil tl it b g C tt a l! b t, adj. not turned off. U it a b b ii " g t 8' !• °<&'- independent ; II. arfe. independently. U It a b I) ii 11 g f e i t, /. independence. U it a b b c t f I i d), ilttflblyiilflicb, I. adj. irremediable, past remedy, desperate; 11. adv. irremediably, desperately. U It a b 1 a f f t g, I. adj. continual, inces- sant, uninterrupted, unremitting, as- siduous; II. adv. continually, inces- santly, indesinently. il It a blaffiglet t, /. continuance, uninterrupted succession, assiduity. i\ It fl b ( a fj 1 1 dj, adj. not to be remitted. U 11 a b I C g I t d), adj. not to be remov- ed, lea or abandoned ; — e ®e(bcr, moneys not demandable, not due. UnabloSltcb, adj. unredeemable (said a mortgage). U tl fl b in C fj I i d), adj incommensurable, il n a b f e I) b a r, adj. extending farther than the eye can reach ; im.neasurable, unbounded ; fg. beyond the reach of the mind, incalculable, il it a b f e b b fl v E c t 1, /. immeasurable- ness, unboundedness ; fig. incalculable- ncss. il n a b f c I) 1 i cb, adj. rid. Unabfer)bor. il It a b f i cb t 1 i dl, I. adj. undesigned ; unintentional ; II. adv. undesignedly, unintentionally, without design. "Hi II il b f I bi V t, adj. not concluded or brought about, not settled. 11 11 a b f It b e V f i d}, I. adj. Separable ; II. adv. inseparably. il n a b t V fl g b CI X, adj. not f ayable, ir- recoverable (of a debt). it ll A b t r C t b 1 1 cb, adj. not to be repel- led, driven off; inevitable. ll ll fl b to C i § I i cb, adj. that cannot be refused, referred back. U it a b to e it b b a r, adj. that cannot be warded off, or everted, inevitable ; — C$ SSertcrbc.l, inevitable ruin. fiGC U n it cb, t, /. oid. lliicuinuiinfcir. 11 tt adit, tdj.vid. llitccbt. II it a d; t f a in, I. adj. inadvertent, inat- tentive ; unmindful, careless, negligent- II. adv. inadvertently, inattentively, un- mindfully, carelessly, negligently. II It fl cb t f fl lit £ C i t, /. inadvertency, inattention, carelessness, negligence, supineness. 11 n ad) t u ii g, /. rid. 9lid)tad)tuug. lilt a be I, m. (/. «.) 1. ignobleness; 2. the classes not noble, middling classes, lower orders. il It « b C li g, adj. not noble ; ignoble ; cilt — tX, a commoner, plebeian, il It A I) tt I i cb, I. adj. unlike, dissimilar ; II. adc. unlikely, il It (i b 11 1 i d) f C 1 t, /. unlikeness, dissi- milarity, dissimilitude, il It fl 1 1 e 11 b, ) adj. not growing old, U tl flit e X U b, ) exempt from se- nescence. II It ii 1 1 e r I i d), adj. if adc. unlike a parent. il n fl it b fl d) t, /. (/. u.) indevotion. U It fl It b ii dl 1 t g, I. adj. not devout ; in- attentive ; II. adv. undevoutly, inatten- tively, il It fl 11 f C d) t b fl V, adj. not to be affect- ed, undisturbable ; that may not be dis- puted, indisputable. Ult flit f lib rbflV, adj. 1. not capable of being quoted, or cited (of a passage in a book) ; 2. not to be led by the nose or humbugged. U 11 fl It g C b fl II t, adj. uncultivated. U it a n g e b « ll t b e i t, /. incultivation, inculture. ilnangcbtff eit, adj. ungnawed, un- bitten, untasted. illtaltgebote ll, adj. unoffered, un- tendered. U it fl II g e b V d) C 11, adj. not yet inva- ded, attacked, cut, eaten, tasted, &.C. ; whole, entire. II 11 fl 11 g C f fl U g e tl, adj. not yet com- menced. Il n a i g e f c i tt b e t, adj. ben 3cbcv= ntflilK — , not hated by any one. JJ t it It g e f cb t C It, adj. not affected, *not disturbed, not disputed, undisputed ; unmolested. U tl fl II g C f il f) X t, adj. uncited, not quoted, unmentioned. il 11 CI It g C f it 1 1 1, adj. unreplenished. U It fl 11 g C g r t f f C 11, adj. unassailed. il n fl ii g t f) 6 X i g c, '«■ * /• decl - uke adj. alien, stranger, il 11 fl It g C b P V t adj. unheard, unlisten- ed or unattended to. U n a il g c E I fl g t, adj. unarraigned, not accused, il It fl RflcHetb C t, adj. undressed, in an undress. il n n ii g c E ii ii b i g f, adj. A- adv. with- out being (previously) advertised or announced. il It fl 11 g C I t g f, adj. I. not put at inter- est, dead (said of money) ; 2. not laid out (of a garden). il li fl 11 g C tit C I b C t, adv. without being (previously) announced. 11 n fl it g e m c f f e n, I. adj. improper, unsuitable; inadequate; incompatible; II. adv. inadequately. ilitflitgcmcf f cube it, /. unsuit- ableness. unbecomingness, in.-.c'aquate- ness. Unan U it a n g C 11 C I) ill, I. adj unpleasant displeasing, disagreeable ; II. adv. dis- agreeably, unpleasantly ; t«3 — f, tin unpleasantness (of. . ). il ll fl ll g c V f I " H 5 1/ "dj. uncultivated. illlflligcrcd;ilCt, adj. not count- ed in. ihifliigercbct, adj. without being spoken to or addressed. il tt (l n g e r ii b X t, adj. untouched. U 11 fl 11 g e f d) fl f f t. adj- unbought, not purchased, unfurnished, not procured. il 11 a 11 g C f C b C "/ I- <" hy - ll0t lookod upon, disregarded ; unregarded ; II. prep. notwithstanding ; disregarding, setting aside. U 11 fl 11 g C fl C (f t, adj. uninfected. U 11 (1 II g t fl e 11 t, adj. unemployed, un- placed. il 11 fl 11 g e t fl fl C t, adj. untouched ; un- attached, unmolested. il II fl It g C to CI 11 b t, adj. unemployed. il 11 fl It g f 5 C i g t, adj. unadvertised ; not announced. U tl (in g C J g C It, adj. undressed ; w itb oi t being put on. il ll fl ll g C 5 ii ll b r t, adj. not kindled, unlighted. il tt n ii g r t i f b fl v, lliuingveifiicb, adj . untouchable, unexpugnable, unassail- able, not to be attacked. * 11 rt a « i in, adj. rid. ©iniiiiitbig, ©in* ftimntig, dintnicbtig. *lt tt a it i m i t a t, /. vid. fiinbcnig!ett, fituigEc-tt, fiiiittacbt. ll tt a It £ 1 fl g b a r, adj. unimpeachable, il ll a It lit fl fi v tl b, adj. unassuming, il it a it ii e rj m b a r, lliiaintct>mlid>, I. adj. 1 ■ not acceptable ; 2. disagree able; 11. adv. unacceptably ; disagree ably. iltianiiebmbatEctt, / non-ac- ceptibility. Unannefpnlicbfctt, /. (^.-eu) i disagreeableness, unpleasantness; — Clt, disagreeable things or words ; 2. unac ceptableness. il It tt fa f ft g, adj. not settled, nol domesticated. il ll fl it f d) fl n b fl r, > adj. 1. invisible, i imperceptible; ilnfltifcbfliiltcb, 2. not clear, not easily understood. il n fl 11 f e l) 1 1 d), adj. not to be seen, terrible to behold or to be gazed at. Una life!) Il I id), f">j- 1. inconsider- able, insignificant, mean; 2. uncomely, ill-formed, ill-shaped, mean looking. 11 it a n f e f> it 1 1 rfj E c i t, y: (pi. -en) i inconsiderableness, insignificance ; 2 uncomeliness. il It fl It fl ii 11 b i g, I- adj. improper, in- decent, unseemly, uncomely, unbecom ' ing, unbeseeming, indecorous ; II. ado indecently ; unseemlily, unbecomingly ; improperly. iluaiiflfliibigEett, /. &rf.-en) i indecencv, impropriety, indecorum, un- becomingness ; 2. —en, unbecoming, indecent actions, impropnet,es. il It fl 11 fl C 1 1 i g. adj. awkward, without tact, uncouth, unskilful, ungainly, un- handy, clumsy. il it fl 11 fl C 1 1 i g E C 1 1, /. want of tact ; awkwardness, ungainliness; uncouth- ness, ungainliness illlflllftiifiig, '• <"'J- tliat does not shock, inoffensive; U. adv. inoffen- sively. ll 11 atlftB&iflfM t, f. inoffensivenrss Unau ft n a u t a ft b a t, adj. that may not Je touched. U It A ll VD e II b b a r, adj. inapplicable. U notttnunb b avt t i f, f. inappli- cability. U 11 U ft t, adj. not dressed, not trimmed up. il It a ll f g e V a ll lit f, adj. 1. disarranged, disordered, deranged; 2. jig. (=■ flicbt auffleraumt) — fenn, to be out of sorts, cross, ll It a tl f g e r t f f C It, adj. not torn open ; — ff Sailtmf, shorn velvet. 11 it a it f gc frf) ob e it, adj. not post poned, without delay. 11 ti a ii f g c iv e cf t, adj. anawakened, not awake. U it 01 u f ft a 1 1 b ot r, ilnotiif ftotltfotm, adj. not to be stopped; incessant, continual. il tt ot ti f ft ot 1 1 f a m f e i r, /. the not admitting of being stopped. Unci uf ftc b I i cb, adj. 1. not to be kept or preserved ; 2. elite — e 93frbtltb= licbfcif, an indispensible engagement U 11 a 11 f ft V I i (f), I. adj. incessant, con- tinual, perpetual, everlasting; If. ado- incessantly, continually; perpetually. tl it a it f ft o x 1 1 eft f e i r, /. perpetuoue- ncss, incessantness. ftnaufloSbft v * UnotisflBiMieb, !. adj. indissolvable, indissoluble, inextri- cable; [I. adv. in.lissolubly, inextricably, $ tt a u f I D 8 b a r f e i t A- ilnanf (Bel icb= frit, f. indissolubility; inextricablencss. Unau il u a u f in tttf a in, i. a ;j. inattentive ; II. ado. inattentively. il tt 01 ll f ill e f f f a lit f i t, f. inatten- tion, inattentiveness, non-attention. U II a It f X t d) 1 1 g, adj. insincere, hypo- critical, dissembling, false. il It a It f r t d) t i g f e 1 1, f. insincerity, dissimulation. il n ci u f f d) i c b b a r, ilitotnffcbieblicb, adj. not to be delayed, urgent, pressing. il It it U f t f e i b I i eft, adj. not procura- ble, unattainable, not attainable. il n a tl 8 b t 1 b ( i oft, adj. 1. not cultiva- ble or perfectible ; 2. inexpressible, un- representable. il it a u 8 b I e i b 1 1 ct), I. adj. not failing to come or happen, infallible, certain, sure ; II. ado. infallibly, certainly. illlOIUSbteibl t of) f ei f, /. infalli- bility, certainty of occurring. il it a it 8 b e ft tt b a r, adj. inductile, not extensile or extensible. ll tl a It 8 b e tl f 1 1 eft, adj. unimaginable, inconceivable, irrepresentable. U il a u 8 b e tl t b a r, adj. inexplicable, unexplainable. il it 01 11 8 b r it d ti d), adj. inexpressible. il it 01 ll 8 f i It b b a r, adj. indiscoverable. 11 it a u 8 f o v f cb b ct r, > ad j, i ns cruta- il It a It 8 f V f d; I i d), S ble, impene- trable. il tt a ll 8 f r f d) b a X f e i t, /. inscru- tability, impenetrability. il It it 11 8 f ii ft r b a r, adj. impracticable ; that cannot be carried out or completed. il it a ii § f ii ft r b a r f e i r, /. impractica- bleness. il ii a ti 8 f ii ft v li rb, I. adj. incomplete, not detailed ; II. ado. incompletely, not detailed. il n a It 8 f ft ft r I i oft f C i t, /. incomplete- ness, want of detail. il It it ll 8 g C it V b C i t e t, adj. unfinished, not accomplished. il ll (lUSflebacf t a,adj. not well baked, underdone. il 11 a 11 8 g C b a U C t, ailj. (said of the inside of buildings) unfinished. U It a U 8 g e b i I b C t, adj. uncultivated, unimproved (of the mind). > il tt a 11 8 g C b V a ll ll t, adj. not thoroughly burned through. il tl a tt 8 g e b r a t e it, adj. underdone (of roasted or fried meat). 11 ii a ii 8 g e f e g t, adj. unswept il It a II 8 g e f e X t i g t, adj. unsent, un- despatcbed (of a letter, &c). il a a it 8 g e f ii ft r t, adj. not executed, not carried out. il ii a ii 8 g e f ii 1 1 f, adj. not filled up ; unsupplied; blank. il it anSgcgebe it, adj. — (8 ©elb, money that has not been expended. il it a ii 6 g e g I i rb c tt ifrfinaue'geinctdjr, adj. still in question, undecided, unde- termined ; questionable, ll n a u 8 g e f I e i b c f, adj. not un- I, with one's clothes on. 11 tt 01 it 3 g c f d; t, adj. not done enough, underdone, rare, ilitaitage lie ftett, adj. unlent, not put out (of money, &.c). U ll a ll « g e V a d t, adj. not yet un- packed. il tt a U 8 (J e V 1 a 11 b C V t, adj. not talked Of, not yet divulged. il 11 a tl 8 g e p U ft t, adj. uncleaned. llnhe ll n a u a g e r a u m f, adj. n t yet emptied, cleared, il it a u 8 g e f cb. I o f f e it, adj. unex eluded. ll It a 11 « g e f d) ft i 1 1 e 11, adj. B. T. un- divided, entire (of leaves). il it a II 8 g e f C ft f, I. adj. continual, not discontinued, uninterrupted, undelayed ; II. adr. continually, uninterruptedly, without interruption. il tt a U 8 g C f p a n It t, adj. without being unharnessed or unyoked, il n a ii s g e f u n g e tt, adj. not sung to the end, not sung out ; not worn out. still fresh (of the voice), il tt C. 11 8 g e j a ft I t, adj. not paid out, unpaid, il it a ii e I ii foft b a r, ilitoiiirio'\-blid\ I. adj. indelible, inextinguishable, quench- less ; — e ^illtC, indelible ink ; II. adv. indelibly. il it a ii 8 1 5 f ob b a x f e i f, ilitauSlofcr)* liobfeil, /. indelibleness, inextinguish- ableness. il It a It 8 I 6 8 1 i Ot), adj. unredeemable, past redemption. U It a 11 8 ltt C j5 b a V, adj. Mat. T. incom- mensurable. il it a it 8 m e ^ b a r f e t f, /. .Vat. T. incommensurableness. il It a ll 8 f ft It I i cb, adj. inexpiable. il tt a it 8 f p r e ob I i d) or Ur.auSfprcd)* liob, I. adj. ineffable, unspeakable, inex- pressible, unutterable ; II. ado. ineffably, unspeakably, inexpressibly, unutterably. il ii a ii 6 f p r e dj I i d) f f t f or UitaitS* fprccblicbfetf, /. ineffableness, inex- pressibleness. il It a it § ft e ft I i rb, 1. adj. insupportable, intolerable, not to be borne; II. ado. in- supportably, intolerably. il It oi ll 8 ft c ft I i d) f e i f, /. insupporta- bleness, intolerableness. ll II a II 8 t i 1 g b a r, adj. that cannot be effaced or eradicated 11 it ot it 8 W C t ob ! i d\ adj. inevitable. ll It b ii It b i g, I. i^omitable, unman- ageable, ungovernable, untractable; I! ado. indomitably, ungovernably, un- tractably ; wig. very, immoderately. ll It b it 11 b i g f e i t, /. indomitableness, unruliness, untractal Ii ll ti b a x b i r t, adj. unshaved. il ii b a v in ft e v 5 1 g, I. adj. unmerciful, merciless, remorseless; II. ado. un- mercifully, mercilessly. il ii b a r in ft c r j i g f e 1 1, f. unmerci- fulness, merciiessness, remorselessness il n b ii r 1 1 g, adj. beardless. il it b ii v 1 1 g f e 1 1, /. beardlessni 11 It b a 11, m. 1. inculturc, incultivation , 2. uncultivated earth beneath the mould il It b it It I i oft, adj. 1. void of culture, uncultivated, untitled, fallow; 2. out ol repair. ll 11 b C a d) t e t, adj. unnoticed, disre- garded, il II b it lit t C t, adj. having no office, private. il it b C ot it t VO r f C t, adj. unanswered ; — (oiffoti, to have unanswered or with- out an answer. il n b e a tt t n> o r 1 1 i rb, I. adj. that can- not In; answered, unanswerable; 11. e 1 f I i dj, adj. vid, Unbcbiilf= Unbeljcvvfcbbar, Unbebevrfcr; not be ruled i bat,) , 1 1 i cb, 5 r adj. unsway- able ; that can- ll n b C a e B 1 1 i if adj 1. incapable of U H b C b t X 5 1 3 t. adj. without having UllliCjlciiuuu, nry. 1. 1 1 „„ t , oi ,iprprf it. not having taken it to being desin d, asked, claimed, required; 2. _T or Ullbc3Cbvt3, adj. undesiring. \\ It b e 3 C f) V t, adj. unsolicited, un asked. 11 It be 31 CV i 3, i adj. undesirous 11 11 b C 3 t e V 1 1 d), S unsolicitous. i\ n b e 3 I C 1 1 C t, adj. unattended plcte. 1. 11 1. v a , v . . . ., ..-j- U 11 b e C r b t, adj. destitute of a legiti- U it b C 3 I it ff C tl b, adj. infelicitous, mate heir, childless, issueless. unpropitious. inauspicious. U t! b C C V b t 3 t, adj. not interred ; with- ft n b e 3 I it cf t, adj. not favoured (with), out a burial \X ll b C f i\ I) t 3 1, adj. without being duly qualified, not qualified. il It bef a brbar, adj. impassable, im- practicable, impervious (of a road or way). ll tt b C f 0. b X e tt, adj. trackless ; un- beaten : not navigated before; JV. T. — SJolt unexperienced sailors. U rt b e f . il n b c 3 v c i f 1 1 d\ I. adj. mcompre • hensible, inconceivable; II adv. incom- prehensibly, inconceivably, il It b c 3 V C t f I i cb f C 1 1, /. incompre- hensibility, inconceivableness. il tt b e 3 r C It 5 b a V, adj. not to be cir- cumscribed with limits; boundless, il It b C 3 V C H 5 f , adj. unbounded, unli mited. U tt b C 3 X C It J t Ij e 1 1, /. unbounded ness, boundlessness ll tl b C 3 V i f f C It, adj. not (yet) con- ceived or understood. I'l ll b C 3 r ii It b e t, adj. unfounded, groundless. ftttfcegtUJit, adj. not saluted, unsa- luted. , I U n b e ft ft t c r t, idj not rich, not U 11 b C T t C b c x t, adj. not winged, not w ^^» ' barbed tl 11 b C f I C cf t, I. adj. without spot or I U It b t & a t, adj. unmasked. Ll II e 1 a ft 1 11 b, adj. not burthening or loading, Ii It b e I il ft e t, adj. unloaded, unladen, free. U tt b C 1 a 11 b t, adj. having no foliage, leatless II 11 b C I C b f, adj. lifeless, inanimate : jig. dull, apathetic. 11 11 b C 1 e b t f) e i f, /. inanimateness ; jig. dulness, apatheticalness, apathy. U It b C t C q b il t, adj. that cannot be made pood, that cannot be proved. it 11 b C 1 e t) r C ll b, adj. uninstructive. It it b C 1 C !) r t, adj. not instructed ; not learned. it It b f 1 C t b t, adj. lean, thin, not stout or fleshy. it U b C 1 f 1 b 1 1] f, adj. not offended. it 11 b C t C f C II, adj. not read in books, unlettered ; unlearned, illiterate. It ii b e I c f e it I; e i t, /. want of reading, illiterateness. il It b C I c 11 cb t e t, adj. not lighted, da rk. 11 tt b C 1 i C b f II, n. (-8) dissatisfaction, displeasure. it 11 b C I i e b (J, adj. unpleasant. U It b I i C ii , adj. not loved, not loved or liked, unpopular. it It b C I fl C 11, adj. nnbelied. it It b C 1 1; It b a r, adj. not to be re- garded. ll 11 b C I f) 11 t, adj. unrewarded, unre- compensed. it tl b e 111 a ll tl t, adj. unmanned (of ships). It It b C 111 il fl c f, adj. having no masts. it tl b e 111 C V f b il r, I. adj. impercepti- ble, that cannot be noticed ; II. ado. im- perceptibly. il 11 b f 111 C V t b a r f C t f, /. impercepti- bility. U ii be in e r I Ii dj, adj. ilnbcntcrflicb= fcit, / bi3, Itiilu'ma'fHaiw'-UubciiKff-- bavfeit. 11 It b C 111 C r ( t, adj. unnoticed, unob- served, not regarded; CI" flillij — »0t» flDCr, he passed unheeded by. U It b e ill 1 1 1 e 1 1, adj. not wealthy, poor U It b C in ii b t, adj. without trouble. U It b c il vl m t, adj. having no name. U II b fllitn ll t, adj. not told ; anon) - mous; Mat. T. indefinite. it ll b C It e b lit e It, n. (-*) (/. u.) miscon duct. il It b e it e b Hi I i dj, adj. unmannered. 11 ll b C 11 e i b e t, adj. not envied. Uii bene n ttb a r, ) ,. . , lliibeitfiiitticb,r''J notnama,,,e - it ll b e It e fj t, aj not weticd, dry. It 11 b e 11 111 lit e tt, adj. unforbidden. permitted; ti blcibt ityltt — , be is at liberty regarding it, he is under no re- striction as to that; baS 9icci)t blcibt Itli — , the (that) right is still ours: tie Stcifycit blcibt 3 v »e" — > >' ou are f u "y at liberty. 11 11 b e 11 6 t \) i q f, adj. not in need of. It It b C 11 ii <> t, adj. not used, not availed of; id) lief; b'iefe ©eleqcnbcit — , 1 did not avail myself of this opportunity. U 11 b C q 11 e tit, I. adj. 1. incommodious, inconvenient, uncomfortable ; uneasy ; 2. unseasonable, unfit ; 11. adv. incom- modiously, inconveniently, unseason- ably, uneasily, uncomfortably. 11 u b e q u e in li cb, adj. rid. Unbequcm. il it b e q u e m I i cb f e 1 1, /. (pi. -en) l. incommodiousness, incommodity, in- conveniency, uncomfortableness ; un- easiness ; 2. unseasonablencss. it It b e r a t f) C It, adj. 1. destitute of ad- vice ; 2. + not endowed, not married. ll n b c r e d) e ii b a r, adj. not comput- able, incalculable. it tl b c v C d) C 11 battel t, f. incalcul- ableness. it ll b e r C d) It C t, adj. not yet calculated or computed. U 11 b e V e d) t i (J t, adj. not entitled to ; without being authorised. llilbcvcbet, adj. without talking a thing over, uncriticised. 11 II b C t e b t, ) adj. 1. not eloquent ; il 11 b C V C b f a lit, ) 2. taciturn. il it b e r e b f a in f e i t, f. (i. «.) l. want of eloquence ; 2. taciturnity. il ii b e r e i i b a v, adj impassable, in- vious, where one cniinot travel. 11 11 b C r C i t e t, adj. not travelled over, unvisited untrodden, unexplored. 11 It be V C i t, Ultbcvcitct, adj. unprepar- ed, not ready. It ii b c r c i t f d) it f t, /. unpreparedness. il u b e r c i t iu i 1 1 i q, adj. not ready, unwilling. It ii b c v c i t id i 1 1 i 13 f e i t, / want of zeal, unwillingness. illlberid) tifl t, adj. not corrected; unsettled; unpaid [of aceounts). 11 11 b c r i 1 1 e it, adj. 1. unmanaged, not broken in ; 2. unhorsed, without a horse or horses, il It b C 1 11 f C It, adj. 1. not called for, of ficious, meddling; 2. (.'. u.) without a calling or vocation. it 11 b c r 11 b i (5 1, adj. not tranquillized, not calmed. 11 tl b C V ii b 111 t, adj. not renowned, not famous, not celebrated, obscure. it II b C V ii b r b a r, adj. intangible, in- lactibte, il It b C V ii b r t, adj untouched ; fg. un- noticed. it nb cfii 11ft i;i t, adj. unpacified, un- appeased. U 11 b C f fb il b C t, adv. with the pen with out prejudice, without detriment ; fei = lie r (ilue — , without detractir.g from his honour. il n b e f d) a b t g t, adj. unhmi ; safe, sound; ml Sgn. 2d)aclo§. 11 11 b e f d) ii f 1 1 (\ t, adj. disengaged, nn( busy, unemployed, unengaged, idle. il II b e f d) a 1 1 e t, adj. unshaded, un- wed. il It b e f d) a ft t, adj. untaxed ; having no contributions to pay. il 11 b e f cb e i b, m. + stupidity, igno- rance. U 11 b e f d) e i b e 11, I. adj. wanting in modesty, impudent, immodest, indis- creet, insolent; rude, unpolished; II. aile. impudenlly, rudely, immodestly, in- discreetly. il n b e f cb e i b e n b e i t, /. want of mo- desty, impudence, immodesty, indiscre- tion, rudeness, coars 1 Unbef djenft, adj. ungifted. it it b e f d) i e ll e ll, adj. not shone on (by the sun). i'l n b e f cb i f f b a r, adj. not navigable. 11 11 b c f d) i f f t, adj. unnavigated. iln befd) i nipft, adj. without abused nr insulted. 11 lib cf d) i r 111 t, adj. unscreened, un- protected. it ll b C f d) I a f) C 11, adj. unshoe ! not versed, unskilled 11 11 b e f cb 111 11 t} t, adj. unsoiled. il 11 b e f d) n i 1 1 e it, adj. 1 . uneircum- cised ; 2. (of trees) not lopped, topped. o»- pruned; (of money) not clippe paper) not cut smooth. il n b e f cb n 1 1 1 c 11 b c 1 1, /. uneircum- cision. ll 11 b c f cb o 1 1 C it, I. adj. unbtamed un blamable, blameless ; irreproai unim|ieachable, unexceptionable; II. ado unblamably, blamelessly. ll It be f cb. r e n, adj. unshorn, un- shaven, unshaveil. il it b c f cb r a 11 f b a r, Unbefdjra n h \\d), adj. UHmitable. U n b e f cb r a n f t, adj. unb'mite hounded, uncircum- il it b C f cb r ii It f t b e t t, /. unbound cdness; absole: 11 n b e f cb r e t b b a r, ) I. adj. inde il it b e f cb r c i b i i d), 5 scribabl yond description ; inexpressible ; II. adv inexpressibly, indescribably, beyond the power of description. il 11 b e f d) r e t b I i d) f e i t, /, inde Bcribableness, inexprcssibli n it ti b c f cb v i e b e 11, adj. 1. not writtei 11k ; •-'. undescribed. iln b e f cb r i ee 11, adj. i. not <\ not defamed ; 2. uncharmed, unen- chanted. 11 II b C f cb II b t, n.ij. unshod. il It b e f d) ii I t, adj not defended, un- protected. il 11 b C f d) 1U C r 1 i cb, adj. not trouble- some. il tl b C f Q> 10 C r t, I. adj. unmoleste.l, not charged, not clogged, not burdened with anything; unincumbered (with debts); II. ads, without molestation; mean efl — jefebeben fomi, if it be noi troublesome to you, if it causes no in- convenience ; rcicbeii <3ie mtr — bie» felt Xcilcr, (stiff) hand mo that plate if it is not troubling you too much. 11 II b C f c e I t, adj. inanimate ; lifeless. 11 11 b e f e b e n, adj. unseen, not ex amine, I ; itlVJilJ — filllfcil, to buy a pij o a [Mike. 669 Utile Utile Uttbe jtttefefcf, adj. unoccur.ed; free: cine — e g telle, a vacant, unoccupied place (or office) ; — er •'ont, a brimless hat; — c ©tafct, ^hztjubc, a city, height not occupied. ll 11 o f f i e g 5 a r, iliibcfteglia), adj. in- vincible, unconquerable. II n b c f i c g I i cb f c i t\ /. invincible- ness. 11 n b e f i C g t, adj. unconquered. il n b C f 1 H (J b a r, adj. incapable of being sung. U n b e f 1 It It e It, n. (-*) want of re- flection, temerity (I. «.). U It b C f b t t, adj. un.=o!ed. U n b e f o 1 fc e t, adj. having no pay. 11 n b e f o tt it e it, I. adj. thoughtless, unadvised, imprudent, indiscreet, incon- siderate ; rash ; foolish ; it. ado. unad- visedly, imprudently, indiscreetly, incon- siderately, rashly ; — retell, to talk lightly. U ». b e f It n e ll 6, C t f, /. (pi. -en) im- prudence, indiscretion, inconsideration, thoughtlessness; rashness. U n b e f II 11 t, adj. not sunned, not sunny. It II b e f r g I t cb, adj. 1. careless, in- different, inapprehensive ; 2. of no con- cern, not to be feared. U it b e f o r jj tt t p, /. vid. ltiibc'"or^t= heir. II it b C f D V g t, I. a ij. 1. unfulfilled, not done, undone : 2. careless, easy, uncon- cerned, regardless ; fte fbllltCll tf 6n?e= gen — fetlll, you may make your mind easy on that point ; II. adc. carelessly, unconcernedly. U n b e f o r g t b c 1 1, /. unconcerned- ness, ease. UltBefferlt cb, adj. incorrigible, re- claimless. ilnbefferltrflfetf, f. incorrigibi- lity. II It b C ft a tt b, m. (-(§) inconstancy, changeableness, {instability, unsteadi- ness, levity, fickleness; fcer — bes ©|fi= ffe3, changeability of fortune. II ll b e ft a II i t g, I. adj. inconstant, changeable, unstable, unsteady, fickle, variable, mutable; II. adv. inconstantly, unsteadily, fickly, changeably, mutably. SV>i. Unit (tin big, ISt ra* ttrt i a), IB an. Ietmur$ig. (mutable, change- able) is an epithet for a person or tiling that often and easily changes, or for arching in h can be changed. Fashici i3 "•rliji, a man is rtrauccrliJ), &c The proportion be'ween the sides ol" a triangle is called Tcr.iiifcriiJ) and not unbc|tj'ntig. The former, therefore, points more to the suscepti- bility of undergoing change and is not always implies more a defect of constancy in the state or relation once entered inlo, and is always a fault, c. g. tin unbcfMn. ti.'cr (inconstant) man; untjcfl-.tiirntu (fickle) weather. 35dnlclmtit(ig (irresolute) c*n na- turally be only used of persons. A man is rlmiilfiia, when li« often changes his thought", his choice, his resolves before the execution of them ta, w-lien he often changes his will or plans after having conmenced tlie execution of tbem. Tlie ERSanfrlmiftbigf can- not direct his choice to any object u t!i f.rm Ti,e lI't^ffr.-nLi^e and Btronfeerlidjc does not long reman constant to the choice he Ins already made; the former cannot make a be- ginning, the latter cannot persevere. !I ll b efinnbtgfet t, f. inconstancy, chanieableness, unsteadiness, fickleness, mutableness, mutability. 11 It b e ft a t t C t. adj. unburied. II nbeftattgt, a«j. unconfirmed. U n b e ft e ch b a x ,c- ilitbcftccblicb, I. a j not to be bribed, incorruptible ; II. ado. inorruplibty. U it b e ft e cfc 1 i ci> f e 1 1, /. incorrcp- tibler. firn ll it b c ft e b e n b, adj aid ttnbcftanbta,. U it b c ft e i g b a r, ilnbeftfiglid), adj. not to be ascended or climbed ; inac- cessible. ll 11 b e ft e I I t, adj. I. unbespoken, not ordered; 2. not tilled, not cultivated. ll It b e ft e r It t, adj. starless. Ll II b e ft t e g e It, adj. Itat has never yet been ascended or climbed. U 11 b C ft t lit lit bar, adj. indetermina- ble. U It b C ft t lit in f, I. adj. 1. indeterminate, undetermined, indefinite ; undefined ; 3. uncertain, doubtful ; fca3 — e ©e= fcMecbtSrporf, Gran. T. the indefinite article; bie — e 2lvt or 5 flit, Gram. T. the infinitive; — e Slllfgabe, Mat. T. indeterminate problem : — C 23egrjf> fe, vague ideas; auf elite — e SBeife, in a vague manner; II. ado. indetermi- nately, indefinitely ; uncertainly. II it b e ft i m m t f) e t r, /. (pi. -en) I. uncertainty ; 2. indetermination, want of precision, vagueness ; 3. irresolution. LI 11 b e ft d) C It, adj. not bribed, uncor- rupted. Hub eft raft, I. adj. unpunished; II. adc. with impunity. it 11 b e ft r e i I b a r, I. adj. incontestible ; indisputable ; II. adv. indisputably. ll n b e ft r e i t b a r f e 1 1, /. incontes- tibility, indisputablencss. II It b C )t r i ff t, adj. unensnared, unen- tangled, uncaughL Ll It b C ft r i 1 1 e It, adj. uncontested, un- disputed, not contended for. II It b e ft it r m t, adj. unassailed. ilnbe fitch, m . (-e§) fcer— fcer j?ir= che, non-attendance, neglect of divine worship (/. u.) ll 11 b e f It cb t, adj. not visited, unfre- quented. Ll 11 ", " ; U fc C I t, adj. not soiled, uncon- tarr nated. ll II b e f 11 It g e n, adj. unsung ; not ce- lebrated (in poetry). ll It b e t a g f, adj. not far gone in years. II 11 b e t f) a U t, adj. unbedewed. LlnbetbyOtt, adj. undeceived, not de- luded, unbeguiled. U tt b C t \) X a n t, adj. ] . unwept, unla- mented ; 2. unbedewed with tears. ll 11 b e t i t C I f, adj. having no title. Ll II b C t tl t, adj. not accented, unac- cented. ll 11 b C t r a d) t b a r, adj. not to be re- garded, seen or considered. U II b e t r a d) t C f, adj. unnoticed. H n b c t r a d) 1 1 i rb, I. adj. inconsider- able; II. adv. inconsiderably. H It b C t r a d) 1 1 i cb I e , f. inconsider- ahleness. U II b e t r a U e r t, adj. unmounted for, undeplored, unbewailed. ll 11 b C t r C t e It, adj. 1. unbeaten, un- trodden ; 2. not startled, not uneasy. ll 11 b C t r t e b e It, adj. 1 . not carried on (of a trade, &x.) ; 2. where no cattle is driven, ungrazed. LI 11 b e t r t C b f a m, adj. not industri- ictive, lazy, indolent. ll n b e t r i c b f a m f e i t, /. sluggish- ness, inactivity, indolence, idleness. Ultbetroffe :t, adj. not astonished or startled, unembarrassed. II It b e t r g e It, adj. without being de- ceived or cheated. ll n b C tr ii b t, adj. not afflicted not sor- ry, not sorrowful, not sad. ll it b c t r it g ( t cr), I. adj. not to be de ceived ; undeceivable, undeceiving ; cot delusive; ad. llltttuglid) ; II. adv. . ua- deceivably, undeceivingly. it ii b e t r ii g I i d) t e i f, /. undeceiva biiity; rid. ltntriiglid)fcit. It ll b e U g f a m, adj. firm, inflexible. U tt b e II r I a U b t, adj. without havina leave of absence ; not being on leave of absence. II n b C 5 1 f er t, adj. not populated, de serted ; thinly populated. it it b e y c 1 1 m a d) t i g t, adj. not au thorized or empowered, ll it b C W a d) t, adj. unguarded, noi guarded. U It b e ro a f f it e t, adj. unarmed ; B. T. without thorns ; inermous, inerm ; id! — e vlltge, the unaided eye. H II b e ro it ^ r I i d). adj. that cannot be averred, not verifiable. U ll b e ro a r) r I i d), adj. that will not keep, not preservable. Ll n b e lint b r t, adj. unguarded. Ll II b C DJ ii f) r t, adj. not tried, not proved, not demonstrated. it it b c ro a it b e 1 1. adj. vid. ltnberre= ten, 1. Ullbero a llbert, adj. 1. untrodden, unfrequented ; 2. not versed (in), unac quainted with, unskilled. it ii b e ro e g b a r, adj. ilnbeioegbarfcit. /. vid. Itiibewcglirb^-Uiibciocglicbfeil ii it b e ro e g 1 1 cb, I. adj. fised ; immov able ; motionless ; inflexible ; — e ©ii= let', immovables; II. adv. immovably, inflexibly. il ii b e ro e g I i rb f e i f, /. immobility, iinmovableness, immovability ; in flexibility. Ll tt b e 10 e g t, adj. unmoved. ii 11 b e ro e I) r t, adj. unarmed, defence- less; destitute of natural defence. ll It b e to C i b f, adj. having no wife, un married. it It b C 10 C t It f, adj. unlamented, un bewailed. Ll It b e » e i S b it r, > adj. incapable ol ll II b e 10 e i S I i rb, > being proved. ll It b e m t C f e II, adj. not proved, thai remains to be proved il n b e ro t r f b a r, adj. infeasible, im- practicable. II ll b e ro i r f t, adj. unexecuted, unper formed, undone. ll 11 b e IV) b n b a r, adj. uninhabitable il ii b c ro o fj n b a r f e i f, /. uninha bitableness. Ll n b e ro b 11 1, adj. uninhabited. U no e XO 5 1 ! t, adj. cloudless, unclouded Lj n b e ro 5 1 f t b c i t, /. uncloudedness Ll 11 b C ro r b e It, adj. unsolicited. 11 r. b e ro 11 it fc e r t, adj. unadmired. il n b e JO U j5 t, adj. {with dat.) 1. un- known; 2. ignorant of; unconscious tuS ilt inir — , that is unknown tome; (6 ift mir nid)t§ toeiugcr a\i — , i know it very well. U 11 b e IP U § t b e t f, / want of knowl- edge, want of privity; unconscious- ness. il n b e 5 a b I b a X, adj. that cannot tx paid, unpayable, unrequitable. illtbejarjlf, adj. unpaid. il n b e j a b m b a r, adj. untamable indomitable; uncurbable. 11 ii b e j a b m b a r f e 1 1, /. indomitable Uufcu Unbi Untu fl n D e J a h m t, adj. untamed, unbridled. il n b t 5 a f) 111 1 1) C i t, /. unbridledness ; licentiousness. U u b c 5 a u b c r t, adj. unbewitclied, not enchanted. II II b e } e t dj tt e t, adj. not marked. II lib fje II 8 t, adj. unwitnessed; un- attested, not proved. 2 11 b € j t e I) lid;, adj. without reference to; irrelative; absolute; bet* — e 3l\llll)t, absolute space. tlttbejogen, adj. 1. not laken in possession, uninhabited; 2. Mus.T. un- Btrung, not furnished with strings. LI it b t J ivj c i f e I b a r, (Unbf jwetfticfc), n«//. indubitable. UltbejtOetfeU, I. adj. not doubted, undoubted; indubitable; II. adv. indu- bitably; l'l n b e j ro t it g b it t £ Uitbcjrotngltd), I. adj. inconquerable, insuperable, invin- cible ; impregnable ; II. adv. uncon- querably, insuperably, invincibly. il II b f 5 to t II 3 [ I d) E e t t, f. invin- cibleness, insuperablcness. il It b C J 10 U II g C It, adj. unvanquished, unsubdued, opconquered. 11 II b i b I i f ft), adj. not in conformity with the scriptures, not biblical, un- BCriptural; heretical. il nb icfjf ant, I, adj. inflexible, un- pliant, unbending; bie SBabrbeit ift — , truth is unbending; II. adv. in- flexibly. il 11 b i C a, fa in f C I f, /. inflexibility, pjmpliantness. U It b 1 1 b, v. (-(§ ; /;/. -XX) provinc monster, disgusting figure ; delusive fi- gure or vision. II it b i t b b a r, (ilubifbfani) adj. that cannot be fashioned or formed, or cul- tivated 'ot the mind). il 11 b i lb t, [pi. -It) injury, rid. Utlbill. il It b i I b I i d), adj. not figurative, real, literal. U rt 6 (I (,/. unfairness, injustice ; injury. Ii It b i 1 1 i fl, I. adj. contrary to reason and equity ; inequitable, unreasonable, un- fair, unjust; ciit — c. iftenfdp, an un- reasonable man (fellow); II. ado. un- reasonably, inequitably, unjustly, un- fairly. II !t b 1 1 I t g f C i t , f. unreasonableness, unfairness, injustice; (pi. -fit) un- reasonable act or action. illlb lit t.ifl, adj. blo-xlless. II It b V a It cfc, in. 1. bad use, bad custom ; 8, disuse ; obsoleteness. U II b r ii II d) 1 1 cfc, adj. unused, unusual, obsolete. 11 ti b v a u f I i cfc, adj. not befitting (be- coming) a bride. II n bray, adj. 1. dishonest, disingen- uous, illiberal, uncandid ; 2. not coma geous, not brave. II ti b f a o h c i t, /. disingenuousness, il liberality, want of candour ; want of bravery. il it b r i t ( t f d), adj. not British, anti- _ British, not English. U 11 b X a U d) b a r, I. adj. of no use, useless, unserviceable ; II. adv. useless- ly, unserviceahly. U it b v a it d) bavttit, f. uselessness, inutility ; unserviceableness. U It b V t It n 6 (I r, adj. that cannot burn ; incombustible. il tl b C li b e r 1 1 d), adj. & ado. unbro- therly. 11 t5 b il H M' g, adj. inconclo'' -. il it b ii n b i 8 f c i f, /. nnconcluding- ness. il ti b ii r 8 c r ( i cfc, adj. £ adv. unlike a (good) citizen. il 11 b 11 fj f C X 1 1 8, I. adj. impenitent ; II. adv. impenitently. U II b II fj f t r t i 8 f C 1 1, / impenitence, impenitency; ill — ftcrbcit, to die mi penitently. il 11 d) ft ft, m (-C11 ; pi. -Clt, infidel, un- christian. il 11 cfc r i ft I i cfc, I. adj. unchristian ; fig. cruel ; II. ado. in an unchristian man- ner ;fig. cruelly. il ti cfc x i ji I i cfc E e i t,/. unenristianness. *ltitcial = 23ucfcfiabc u, pi. r. un cial letters. *U II C i It it V i U S, m. sort of tape-worm. "Unci oil. adj. rid. llnbbflicfc, llugc= bilbct, dM). *it 11 C i 1 1 t f i V t, adj. uncivilized. *UncttOn, f.vid. Salbung, Celling, ficilifluiig. *il II C U 1 1 i i r f, adj. uncultivated, un- refined. *U 11 C II I 1 11 X, f. want of or re- finement. il It b, covj. and; — llicfcf, nor; bcr — ber, such a man ; ba — ba, at such a place. II n b a 11 f, m. (-C3 1 ingratitude, ungrate- fulness, unthankfulness. illlba ttf bar, I. adj. ingrateful, un- grateful, unthankful; II. ado. ingratc- fully, ungratefully, u.ithankfully il II b a It f b a r E C i t, /. ingratitude, un- gratefulness, unthankfulness. 11 n b arft e 1 1 bar, adj. irrepresent- able, unrepresentable. 11 ltb a tier, /. (I. u.i instability, incon- stancy, mutability. U it b a a c r 1) (i f f, ( ilitbaitcfbar, Un> baucrnb) aij. not durable, undurable. illlbebltb ar, adj. that cannot be stretched ; not ductile. 11 u bent b a r, adj. & "dr. beyond the imagination, unimaginable, imimagined. iliibenEbartc i t, /. unimaginable ness. ilnbc ttEcnb, adj. unthinking, thought- less. U n b e n f I i cfc, i. adj. immemorial, out of mind ; VOX — fl! ^ettCtt, time out of mind; II. ado. immemorially. n b e n f I i cfc f c i t, /. immemorial- ness. II it b c n E to ii r b t g. adj. immemorable. II It b C U t b a f, adj. inexplicable, not to be interpreted. U it b c u 1 1 i cfc, I. adj. 1 . indistinct ; not clear ; inarticulate ; 2. not easy to be comprehended or understood ; unintelli- gible ; II. ado. indistinctly, not clearly, inarticulately ; unintelligibly. il ttbett tit d)fc it, f. indistinctness, inarticulateness ; unintelligibleness. illlb Cltt fa), I adj. 1. bad or incor- rect German; not German; 2. fig. un- intelligible ; II. adv. incorrectly (in German); fig. unintelligibly. il 11 b f II t f cfc I) C i t, /. the being con- trary to the genius of the German, in correctness il It b i d) t c r i f cfc, I. adj. not poetical, unpoi tical ; 11. adv. unpoetically. II ltb ten I i d), I. adj. 1. unserviceable, unfit, amiss, improper, inconvenient : - unwholesome, unhealthy ; — jUt S(l= d)C, from tha purpose; II. adv. unser viceably, unfitly, improperly, ir lonveni ently. U ubieuiicfcEci t, / 1. unsemce- . inconveniency ; 2 unwholesomeness. il it b I C 11 it, nt. (-X$) 'I. u.) disservice bad service. II II b i C 11 ft b a r, adj. unfit for servicci disabled, invalid. il 11 b i C 11 ft b a r Ec i t, f. disability, in validity. il ii b i e it ft f er t i Q (frnbirnftoiflig), l adj. inoflicious. disobliging, unwilling ; unfriendly; II. ado. inotliciously, dis- obligingly il n b i e ii ft f c r t i g E e i t, /. inoflki- ousness, disobligingness; unwillingness. *ll n b \ It f, /. (pi. -n) Undine (a water- spirit). 11 II b i It 8, v. '-(S ; pi. -f) 1. nonentity, nothing; chimera; 2. monster; 3. chaos. *ll It b i S C i p ! i II i r t, adj. undisci- plined. *ll n b tl I a t i C 1 11, /. undulation. ♦11 ItbulfltDtif cfc, adj undulatory vid. SBeUenformig. II tt b It I b b a X, adj. intolerable, intoler- ant ; vid Unbertrctglicb. 11 lib 11 (b fa nt, adj. intolerant U ii b it I b f a nt E c i t, f. intolerance, in- toleration. 11 11 b It l b 11 n g, /. (/. u.) intolerance, in- toleration. *U II b It I ! f C II, v. n. to undulate. *U It b II I i i 111 U S, m. undulatory ma tion, ebullition. "U It b II 1 1 ft e II, pi. a class of painters, who adopt the undulating line as the symbol of the Beautiful in their ait. il u b it v d) a v b e i t c t, adj. not well worked out, not completed, incomplete. il It b it r cfc b a cfc t, adj. not well thought of, crude. il it b il f cfc b r i n 8 b a r, ) I. adj. impen- il u b it r d) b r i it 8 I i d), \ etrablc, im- permeable, im : inscrutable; eilt — c5 ®chcimiltfi, an impenetrable secret; IL adv. impenetrably. il tt b it r d) b f i It g I i cfc f c i t, /. im- penetrability, impermeability ; impervi i D ti b it t d) f ii f) v b a r, adj. l. aid. Un> aiivfiibvbar ; 2. unmaintainable, unsus tainable (of a proposition). il it b it r cfc 8 a it 8 I ' d), adj. that cannot be passed through. il it b u r cfc f cfc a u b a r, adj. that cannoi be seen through, impenetn 11 11 b It f cfc f d) a 11 1 1 d), adj. not tran- spicuous, not translucent, Impenetrable to the eye ; fig. inscrutable, impenetra ble, mysteri il it b u r cfc f d) a it t, adj. not seen through, not penetrated il It b tt V d) f d) C i It C tt b, adj. not shin- ing through, not translucent il It b 11 V d) f cfc C i II 1 I d), adj. not trans- parent (diaphanous or pellucid), iinper- to light. il it b it r cfc f cfc i ff t, adj ciit —el SWttt, a sea not y< I unuavigated sea. U it b 11 X in f C b b a r, adj. impenetrable to the ej 11 it b It V d) f i cfc t i g, a !j. untransparent. il it b u r cfc f i cfc i g E c i t, /. opnc iiy opaqueness. «7> Unci ft u b u r ch f ii d> t, a ij unsearchcd. 11 n b 11 r it n> a d) f c u, adj. n. r. imper- foliate. Hue belt, I. adj uneven, unequal, not level, rugged, rough; fy. geir nicht — , not at all amiss, not bad, tolerably good ; feill — ft iWllfd), a pretty tolerable man ; bets' t ft Ilid)t — , that is not amiss; II ado. unevenly, ruggediy. II n c b e u b U r 1 t g, adj. of unequal birth. 11 II e b e II f) C I f, /. (pi. -CIl) unevenness, ruggedness ; inequality. U It e b e It ill a t>, n. (-CS) asymmetry, disproportion. II It C b C It 11! a tl i g, adj. asymmetrical, not symmetrical, disproportionate. Ultcdjf, adj. not genuine, counterfeit, false, spurious ; adulterated ; prorinc. illegitimate ; bnstard ; — er 3}lCtmCinf, Sillbin 11. f. ro., mock diamond, ruby,&c. U 11 C d) 1 1) i t t, f. the non genuineness, spuriousness. ll 11 C b C I, I. adj. ignoble ; base ; mean ; low; II adv. ignobly, basely, meanly. il n e b e I b e t f, /. (pi. -enj ignobleness ; an ignoble act (/. u ). II n e b e I b e r i i g, adj. not of a noble or generous heart. U n C b e I f i n n i g, adj. (/. u.) not nobie- minded. II 11 e b e, /. concubinage, illicit cohabita- tion, state of adultery. lllte Ijeltrf) Sr Uliebltrf), I. adj. illegiti- mate, natural ; illicit ; bie — e ©eblll't, illegitimacy; illegitimate birth ; bcr — e 'in'ifitlaf, concubinage; — e jtiltber, natural children, bastards ; II. adv. ille- gitimately, naturally ; in adultery. 11 It e b e I i 11 g, m. (-§ ; pi. -e) bastard. I! It C 1) V b av, I. adj. 1. contrary to good manners, unbecoming, immodest, inde- cent : i!. dishonourable, disgraceful : II. ado. unbecomingly, indecently ; dishon- ourably. tl 11 e f) r b a V f e i t, f. 1. unbecoming- ness, indecency, want of modesty ; 2. dishonourableness, disgracefulness. II 11 C b e e, /. dishonour, disgrace, dis- credit, disreputation, disrepute. II 11 C f) V e 11 [) « f t. adj. dishonourable. II 11 C I) f e r b i e t i g, I. adj. irreverent, disrespectful, undutifu!; II. ado. irrever- ently, disrespectfully, undutifully. U it e b v e r b i e t i g f e t f, /. irrever- entness, want of respect, unrespectfui- ness, undutifulness. 11 ii c b v f ii r eh t i g, adj. vid. U:tc^vcr= bietig. 11 11 C f) r I t ft), I. adj. dishonest ; dishon- ourable, disgraceful, infamous, ignomi- nious; IL adv. dishonestly; dishonour- ably, infamously, ignominiously. II 11 C f) V I i A) f e i f, /. dishonesty ; dis- honourableness, disgrace, infamy, igno- miny. U II C f) r 1 t e b e tl b, adj. indifferent to the sentiments of honour. II nef)rvu ii r big, adj. not venerable, not reverend, unrespectable. 11 n e t b g e n b f f i f d), adj. not of the Swiss Confederation, not federal. ll tt e t b 1 I dl, adj. without oath, unsworn. U It e t f f t g, adj. not zealous, impassion- ate. U 11 C i g e tl, adj. not peculiar, not proper, not (exclusively) appertaining to. llneigtnlicbtg, adj. not conceited, not egotistical. 672 Unci 11 It e t g e It ll It tj, m. K l. a.) disinterested- ness. ll II C i g e 11 It ii %'\ g, I. adj. disinterest- ed, not selfish ; II. ado. disinterestedly. U It C i g e It 11 ii fc i g f C i I, f. disinterest- edness. tl tl e I g e It f t It It i g, adj. not obstinate, not contumaceous, open to conviction. 11 n e i g e n f ii eh t t g, adj. not egotisti- cal, liberal, disinterested. Ij tt e i g e tt t f> it m li eh, adj. vid. llitcigen. U 11 e t g e n 1 1 i d), I. adj. not literal ; figurative; tilt — eit (Sitttie, in the figurative sense ; improper; II. ado. not literally ; figuratively ; improperly. 11 It e t g e 1! 1 1 t d) f C 1 1, /. figurative sense, ligurativeness ; impropriety. 11 11 e 1 11 b C g r i f f e n, adj. not included. U 11 e t II g C b It 11 b e ll, adj. unbound, in sheets. 11 It C i It g C b C 11 f, adj. [with gen.) un- mindful, regardless ; forgetful of. ll it c t ii g e b e it f e n, n. (-$) oblivion, amnesty. U 11 e i 11 g e b It 11 g e It, adj not included in the stipulation. ll 11 e 1 11 g e e V It t C t, adj. not harvested, not gathered in. ll 11 C 1 11 g e l) « 11 b 1 g t, adj. undelivered. U It e t It g e b e t } t, adj. unheated, with- out a lire or stove. ll it C i 11 g e Ij 1 t, edj. not overtaken. ll 11 e i It g C 1 1 e t b C t, adj. not invested. tl n e t n g e I a b e it, adj. without being invited, uninvited. tl II C i it g e ( b f C t, adj. unredeemed (of a pledge). U ll e i n g e lit a eh t, adj. not preserved or tickled, fresh. \\ n e i n g c n o in m e n, adj. 1. unpre- possessed ; unprejudiced ; free , 2. un- taken. (l 11 e 1 11 g e p CI cf t, adj. not put up, un- packed. ll 11 C 1 11 g e f it I J e It, adj. not yet salted, pickled. ll It eingefd) tf ft, adj. not yet em- barked or shipped. tl ii e t n g c f eh r a n f t, adj. unlimited, unrestricted. ll n c i n g e f eb r t c b e it, adj. not yet entered. tl it c i it g e f e g n e f, adj. not having yet received the benediction. Ll II C i 11 g e t b C I 1 1, adj. not yet di- vided, not arranged. ll It e t It g e ii b t, adj. not exercised, not drilled. 11 11 C i ll g e \V e t t) t, adj. not consecrated. U 11 e t n g e tl) 11 r } e I t, adj. that has not yet taken root ; fig. not inveterate. ll ttetligejnun t, adj. not fenced in. ll ll e i It t g, I. adj. disagreeing, discord- ing, disunited, living in discord ; — 1110 = ebctl, to set at variance, at odds; mit einem — roerbett, to fall out with one, to quarrel ; fte ftllb — , they have quarrelled; II. ado. in discord, at vari- ance ; — lebeit, to live m disharmony together. U 11 C i 11 i g f e i t, /. (p!. -en) disharmony, disunion, discord, disagreement, vari- ance, dissension ; — ftifteil, to cause disunion, to make quarrels. UntitlS, ado. at variance; llltt fid) fclbft — fetW, to be at variance with one's own mind ; vid. Ulietllig. ll n e i n f i ch t i g, ndj. without penetra- tion or sagacity. Uncu ll It e t n f i eh 1 1 1 d), adj. (I. «J not to be seen; unfathomable, impenetrable. ll 11 e i 11 ft i 111 ill i g. adj. dissonant, dis- cordant, unharmonious, incongruous, disagreeing. ll n e t it t x ii eh t i g, adj. <£- ado at dij- cord; vid. llneiiiig. 11 n c t it t r ii g I i eh, I. adj. not lucra tive, unprofitable ; II. ado. unprofitably 11 11 C i 11 1 r e i b I t ch, adj. that cannot be got in. 11 it e i it « c r 1 e i b I i A), adj. that can- not be incorporated or embodied. U it C i n U e V I e i 6 t, adj. not embodied, not incorporated. tl 11 e i 11 1> e x ft a it b e n, adj. not (quitel agreed, at misunderstanding. »U It el CI ft if eh, adj. inelastic. *U II e I c 1 1 X t f eh, adj. not electrical, non-electric, llnemp ffl ngcil, adj. that has or have not been received. 11 It e in p f a it g I i ch, alj. not susceptible (fill; . . of), unsusceptible. il n e m p f d n g It eh f e i t, /. unsusccp ability. ll ll C lit p f t tl b b a r, I. adj. impercsp tible ; insensible ; II. ado. impercepti bly; insensibly. ilnentp finbbarf et t, /. imper- ceptibility. Unempftltblid), I. adj. insensible, indifferent, unfeeling; cold ;' II. ado. in- sensibly, indifferently. llitempfin b lid) fc it, /. insensi- bility, indifference. It ll em V f t It bf a lit, adj. not sensitbc , vid. Uucntpfiublich. ll It e lit p f t It b f a m f e 1 1, /. insensi- bility. U It e lit p f i tl b It It g, /. want of sen- timent or of sensibility. ll ll e lit p f It n b e ll, adj. unfelt. Uttc'ltblich, I. adj. infinite, endless; eternal; II. ado. infinitely, endlessly, without end ; vulg. excessively* fine — fleilieOrbjje, an infinitesimal quan- tity. ll n C ll b 1 1 d) e, I. m. (gen. -It) the In- finite, God; II. n. that which is infinite ; illS — , ad infinitum ; bie WllCllpfe be$ — n, the infinitesimal calculus; bie Xbcilbarfcit bee 2J?otciie in8 — , the infinitesimal divisibility of matter. It n C n b 1 1 eb I e t t, f. infinity ; infinite ness, endlessness ; eternity. ll n e II g I t f d), adj. un-English, ami- English ; not John-Bullish. \\ It e 11 1 b e fj 1 1 i ch, I. adj. necessary, needful, indispensable ; ti ift it) lit — , he cannot do without it; II .adv. ne- cessarily, needfully, indispensably. U n e n t b c b r ( i d) f e i t, /. necessity, needfulness, indispensableness. It n e n t b e cf b a r, > adj. undiscover- il n e n t b e Cf I i d), J able, impenetra- ble, mysterious. It It Ctt t b C cf t, adj. undiscovered, un- seen; unexplored. lilt C It tcfj r t, adj. undishonoured. il It e It t f a 11 e It, adj. not forgotten. it It e 11 t f I i C b b a I*, adj. inevitable. U It f II t f I fj C It, adj. not escaped, no' fled. il It e n t f ii b r b a r, adj. not to be car- ried off", unremovable. il n e n t f ii f) r t, adj. not carried off", un removed Ihier CO, Uncut* U it e it t fl e I geltlict), which see. U n e It t g C 1 1 1 t d), ailj. loffen. 11 It C It 1 f d) tt I b b a V, adj. inexcusable, tl U C It t f d) It 1 b i 9 t, adj. unexcused, un- pardoned, tl U C 11 1 f t f} b a V, adj. not removable. 11 it e it t f C 1} It d), adj. (I. u.) 1. not horrible; 2. vid. UllClltfc&bav. il tt C It t f C & t, adj. without being re- lieved (of a fortress). tl il C tt t f t f g e 1 1, adj. unbroken (of a seal). tl it C II t f i It 11 1 i d), adj. out of mind, immemorial, not to be remembered, tl It e tt t ft e I 1 t, adj. undisfigured, unde- faccd. tl It f It t ID C 1 1) t, adj. unprofaned, un- polluted. U 11 C It t It) t cf C 1 t, adj. undeveloped ; not unfolded, not unravelled, unex- panded. tl tt e II t W i V V b a V, adj. inextricable, tl It e tt t j i f f C X b a X, adj. undecipher- able. II It C tl 1 5 i f f f r t, adj. undeciphcred. tl tl e il t } ii n b c t, adj. not inflamed ; Jiff, not excited (by). tl 11 C V a cf) t C t, adv. notwithstanding ; vid. Ungectdjtet. tl It C rb a VlltC It b, adj. pitiless un- merciful. tl n c v b a tt e u b, adj. unedifying. tl it e V b a 11 1 i cf), adj. not edifying ; /iff. barren, dry. tl n C V b a It t, adj. unedified ; unbuilt. UltevbetCIt, adj. not obtained by entreaty, not asked for, unbidden. tllievbi 1 1 li d), I. adj. inexorable, in- flexible, not to be prevailed Upon, un- relenting; II. adv. inexorably, inflexibly. il 11 e V b 1 1 1 1 i d) f C i t, /. inexorablc- ness, unrelenting spirit. Uticvblicfr, adj. unperceived, un- espied, unobserved. II 11 C V b t t 9, adj. unready, Unwilling. 11 n C V b V dj C It, adj. unbroken. U tl e v b a d) t, adj. unimagined, not found out, not thought of. 43 Uner 11 ii e it e it f I id'/ «dj. II n e v b i d) t c t, adj. not feigned ur in- vented, real, tl II e V b U I b 1 1 cf), adj. intolerable. UnevfCtf)VC!t, adj. inexperienced. without having any experience ; cr itt tit bicfev 2ad)C nod) — , he is yet a novice in this affair, tl It C V f a t)V e It t) C 1 1, /. inexperience, ignorance, tl n e V f t tt b b a V, ) adj. not to be ta- ll It erf tnb ltd), ) vented, discovered, undiscoverable. tl it e v f i il b e v t f cf), ) adj. uninven- tl tier ft ub fain, ) tive. II 11 C V f V b e V 1 i cf), adj. unnecessary. 11 it c v f o v b e v t, adj. undemandej, un- required, not requisite, tl It C V f V f d) b it V, ) 1. adj. uninvesti- tl It e V f V f d) 1 i d), ) gable, inscrut- able, unsearchable, not to he found out, most hidden ; II. adc. inscrutably, un- searchably. tl II e V f V f d) 1 i d) f e i t. /. inscrutable- ness, unsearchableness, impenetrablo- ness. tl Itcvf Off d) t, adj. unscrutini/.ed; unexplored, hidden. 11 it e V f V it 9 b a V, 1 adj. not yielding tl tt e V f V a 9 1 1 cf), J any information, eluding all investigation, bafliing all in- quiry, il tt C V f V e It f, adj. unrejoiced, unglad- dened. It II e V f V C It 1 1 d), adj. unjoy ful, dis- agreeable, unpleasing. tl It e V f V t f cf) t, adj. unrefreshed. 11 II e V f ii 1 1 f, adj. unaccomplished, un- fulfilled ; — t ©elilbbe, unpaid vows; cin niicrfulltcg U>erfvrcd)cn, an un- performed promise, tl tt e V f II It b e It, adj. uninvented, undis- covered, tiller gait J I id), adj. that cannot be supplied, not to be compensali l tl it e v 9 a it } 1 i d) f C 1 1, /. the quality of not admitting to be supplied, non '"111 pensability. tl tt e V 9 i ( b t 9, odj. unyielding, unpro- filable. tl It e V 8 t e b t 9 f C i 1, /. unprofitable- ness, barrenness, tl It e v g % b a v, tlncvgbrjlid), adj. that cannot be delighted; that does not de- light. tl a e v 9 v e i f b ci r, Unergreiflid), adj. that cannot be seized, tl 11 e v 9 v i f f c n, adj. unseized, un- caugbt; Jig. unmoved, untouched, tl tl ( V 9 V 11 II b C f, adj. unfathomed. 11 it e v 9 v ii it b b a v, i 1. adj. unfathom- line rgrunblicfM able; impen- etrable, inscrutable ; eillC — V unfathomable depth; II. ado. unfathom- ably ; inscrutably. 11 It f t g V ii lib 1 1 d) f e t f, /. unfathom ableness ; inscrutableness ; impenetra- bility, tl 11 Z V 1) a b e V t, adj. obtained without d spute, peaceably obtained. tin erf) a ft b ar, lad/. * not savable, tl 11 e v I) a ( t ( i d), ) not preservable. 11 it c v b c b 1 1 d), I. adj; inconsiderable, unimportant, trifling; II. adc. inconsid- erably, &.C. 11 II e r 1) e b I i cf) f e 1 1, /. inconsiderable ness, unimportance. Uucr U it t r b t i j b a r, .. 7 incapable of htln/i heated. tl n e v t) c H b a r f e i t, /. incapacity a being )i line v b et \ t, adj. unhi ati 1 tl It e V 1) e l l f, adj. unilluniined, not lit up, unlit, tl it e v I) 5 V b a r, adj. that cannot be heard or listened to. illterbbrt, I. adj. 1. unprecedented, unheard, never heard of: -'. n't granted, fciltC SBtttt tlicb — , his request found no hearing ; — Ictffcn, not to listen to : II. adv. excessively, extremely, tl n ert 11 it c vl i cb, adj. not to be called to mind ; eg iff lllir — , I don'f remember it. Unerfrimyf oar, i a d]|. c in — « tl n e V f a in p f 1 1 cb, J € l«g, a victory not to be gained. 11 11 e r f a II It t, adj. not recognized ; un- known. tlnerf a it 11 1 b. c i t, / state of not being known or recognized, incognito. tl 11 e V f it 11 f b it V, aa>'. not purchasable. tl il e V f e II 11 b ft V, adj. that cannot be recognized, undiscernible. tl 11 e V f C II II t I i d), I. adj. 1. that ran not be known or discerned, undiscern ible; 9.fg. ungrateful; II. adv. ungrate- fully. tl 11 c v f e tt n t ( i d) f e 1 1, /. i. impog- sibility of being recognized ; undiscern- ibility; 2. jig. insensibility to favours received, ingratitude. tl 11 e v f c tt it t it i fj, /. vid. lliievfettitt' (id)fcif. Utter Hat bar, iliuvflarlid), i. adj. inexplicable, unaccountable ; II. adv. in- explicably, unaccountably. tl 11 c v f la x b a x f c 1 1, tliievf Kivltdi 1 feit, /. inexplicableness, unaccounuible- ness. tl 11 C V f ii 11 ft e i t, adj. unalTected, na- tural. tl It c V ! a It 9 b a r, adj. unattainable. 11 11 c V 1 a It 9 b a r f e t t, /. unattain- ableness. tl It C V 1 a 11 9 t, adj. unattained. 11 it e v 1 a f f c it, adj. unremitted ; unfor- given. tl 11 c v 1 it fj b a r, Utteriafjlid), i. adj that cannot be remitted or pardoned, irremia- sible, indispensable; IL ado. uremia- sibly, indispensably. tl IK v 1 it f f Clt, adj. 1. not dispensed with, not exempted from; '-. unpar- doned, unforgiven. 11 tt C V I ci ii 1 1 cb t e i t, /. liremissible- ness ; indispensableness. tt it c r I it tt b 1 1 ft), adj. inadmissible, not allowable. tl 11 C V I it It b t, adj. not permitted, unal- lowed ; unlawful, illicit. 11 11 c r I ci 11 1 e v t, udi. unillustrated. till erl e i b It d), oa>'. intolerable, in supportable. tl tl C V I e V It b it V, idj. that cannot be learned. tl It e V 1 C f II t, adj. that has ar have not yet been learned liner I end) tC t, adj. unenlightened; dark, il 11 c r 1 c f d) c 11, adj. unextinguished, unquenched; fig. " .ii'aded, not deadened »'• flown, tl n c r I 6 feb I i d). adj. 1. unextinguish- able, unquenchable ; -'. hat, said (of co lours). 073 Utter Uner Uttfo fttterlijfcf)!, adj. unextinguished, un- quencted. il 11 C r I 6 f C f, adj. unredeemed, not saved. U n c r I o S I i cfi, adj. unsalable. U n c r m a 1 1 e t, adj. unfatigued, un- tired ; lively, fresh. il 11 C V lit C f f C 11, adj. unmeasured, im- mense ; infinite. il It e V lit C fj I i cf), I. adj. immeasurable, unmeasurable, immense, boundless ; vast ; 11. ado. immeasurably, immense- ly, vastly. il 11 e V ill e f) I i cf) f C I 1, /. unmeasur- ableness, imuiensurability ; immensity, vastness. il it c v in ii b b a x, adj. vid. Unermiibltd;. il n C r lit it fc C t, adj. unwearied, untired, not fatigued. il It C r 111 ii b I i cf), I. adj. indefatigable; II. adv. indefatigably. il U e V lit ii b I t cf) t C i t, f. indefatiga- bleness. Il n C V b C r It cf), adj. impregnable. U tt € r b e r t, adj. unconquered. II 11 C r ii f f 11 C f , adj. unopened. U 11 e r 6 r I C r t, adj. unexplained ; un- decided, undetermined, unsettled, unre- solved. il n c v c| it i cf c n b &■ iliterqitt'dKct), I. a'lj. uncomfortable, not refreshing, un- refresliing; II. ado. without refreshing. II it e r C[ 11 1 cf t, adj. unrefreshed, unre- vived, unrelieved. II tl C I" r C t cf) b fl V, ) adj. unattainable ; il It f r r e t d) I i cfj, 3 inaccessible \fig. in- finitely distant. it it e v r e i cfc, b a x f c i t, / unattaim- bleness. U It C r V f t d; t, adj. unattained, not reached. il II e V V C 1 1 b a V, I. adj. that cannot he saved, irretrievable ; II. adv. irre- trievably. II tt e r V t n (t b a V, adj. not obtainable, not procurable, not acquirable. U It e r f ii 1 1 1 fj t, adj. unsatiated, un- satisfied. dnerfattltd), 1. adj. insatiable, greedy ; 11 adv. insatiably, greedily. il II C V f ii 1 1 1 i dj f e t t, /. insatiableness, greediness, insatiable avidity. U 11 C X f d) a f f e It, adj. uncreated, in- create. it it c v f d) b p f b a x, vid. ttnerfcf)opf= ltd). il 11 C V f d) o p f I i d), I. adj. inexhaust- ible ; 11. adv. inexhaustibly. it it e v f d) o p f 1 1 ri) f e 1 1, /. inexhaust- ibleness. Unerfd)bpff, adj. inexhausted, un- spent. il n e r f cf) t e d I i cf), adj. (I. u.) not terrible. U n e v f d) r e cf f, adj. not frightened ; vid. lliierfdn'otfen. U V C V f d) t d f n, I. adj. intrepid, fear- loss, dauntless, undaunted, unappalled, bold, fearless; unterrified ; II. adv. in- trepidly, undauntedly, boldly. it tt e r f cb r o d e tt b e t 1, f. intrepidi- ty, undauntedness, dauntlessness, bold- ness. J 11 e V f d; V t e tl, adj. Mia. T. not worked. it It C r f cf) ii 1 1 e r 1 1 cf), 1 . adj. immov- able, unshaken, not to he shaken ; fig. constant, firm, steady, intrepid; II. adv. unmovably ; intrepidly, firmly. C74 IJ n c r f cf; ii 1 1 c r 1 i d; f c i t, /. intre- pidity, firmness, it It C r f cf) ii 1 1 C r f, adj. unshaken, firm, undeterred, unperturbed, undisturbed. il It C V f cf; ID I 11 f( I i d), I. adj. not to be afforded, unattainable, exorbitant; — c 9luflagett, exorbitant impositions; II. adv. exorbitantly, excessively. U it C v f e f) C n, adj. unseen, undiscover- ed, unremarked, unespied, undescried. II II C r f C b 1 1 d), adj. unperceivable, not obvious, not discoverable. II tl e r f C f) II I, adj. uncoveted, not longed for, not ardently desired. it It C V f e fc b a V, ) I. adj. irreparable, not il It C r f e fc 1 1 cf), ) to he restored ; irre- coverable ; irretrievable ; II. adv. irre- parahly. U it e r f c fc b a v f c i t, ) f. irreparable- il n e r f c fc 1 1 d> f e 1 1, ' ness- II It f V f i II 11 I i a), adj. inconceivable, unimaginable. U 11 C X f p a 1) t , adj. unseen, undescried. it It C X f p r t C f> 1 1 d), adj. unprofitable. il 11 C t f p r t e fj 1 t d; I e i t , f. unprofit- ableness. it n c V ft a 1 1 1 i cf), adj. that cannot be restituted. it it e r ft c t g b a x, ilnerfteiglicf), adj. inaccessible, unscalable. il It e V ft C i fl I i cf) f C 1 I, /. inaccessi- bility. II It C X ft t C g c 11, adj. unsealed, not yet climbed. It It C r f U d) t, I. adj. undesired ; II adv. of one's proper accord. il n e r t U p p t, adj. uncaught. U II e V t r ci g I i d), I. adj. intolerable, in- supportable, insufferable; II. adv. in- tolerably, insnpportably, insufferably. U tt e V t V ci g I i d) f C i t, /. intolerable- ness, insupportableness. II It C V t r a g fa 111, adj. yielding nothing or but little, unproductive. il 11 C X 10 a Cf) f e n, adj. not full grown ; young. II n e v lb ci b it t, adj. unmentioned, un- spoken (of), unremembered ; — Klfjcil, to pass over in silence. it n 1 1*10 a I' I C t, I. adj. unexpected, un- aware, unforseen, sudden ; II. ado. un- expectedly. it 11 e V lb a X I C t f) C t f, /. unexpected- a f, > adj. 1. d i cf), J awake ; fficult to fig. not ipathetical ; 11 n e v w e d b a v, U n e x to e . no mannerliness. ll it g c b e f f e r t, adj. unimproved ; un converted ; uncorrected. ll 11 g C b C t CIt, adj. unasked, unbidden, uninvited; intruding; eiu — cr @ait, fin. an importunate fellow. 11 11 g C b e ll g t, adj. unbent, not bowed down, uncurbed. ll II g e b e ll t C I t, adj. not bolted, coarse (of flour). 11 It g e b i I b C t, adj. 1. uneducated, un- cultivated, uncivilized, impolite ; 2. un- formed, in embryo. 11 it g c b i r g i g, adj. not mountainous, U it g c b I a 1 1 c r t, adj. (i. u.) who has not yet had the small por. 11 II g C b 1 e t d) t, adj. not bleached, net whitened; — er $\vivn, unbleached thread. ll n g c b f tt, adj. unbent. 11 tt g e b r C ll, adj. unborn, in embryo. il ii g c b o t, n. (-e$) rid, 3)Hiigcbot. ll n g e b r a n n t, adj. unbumt 11 n g c b r a t c it, adj. not roasted. 11 n g c 6 V a ll rb, m. (-C«y want of use, disuse. 11 it g C 6 x 8 11 di I i eft, I. adj. not in use unusual ; II. adv. unusually. il ii g i- b r a n d) I i d; f e i t, /. unusual- ness; desuetude. il ll g C 6 r a ll d> t, adj. that has not yet been used, unused il It g e b r e It ll t, adj. not burned, not roasted, 11 11 g e b r tft e It, adj. unbroken, whole 11 11 g f b ii b r, /. indecorum, indecency, impropriety; jilt — , indecorously, in- decently, unbecomingly; exceedingly. il it g e b it h r e ti b, ilitgcbiibrlicft, I. adj. indecorous, indecent, improper ; unlit ; unseeming, unseemly, unbecom- ing, unmannerly : unreasonable ; un- like ; cine — C Stltnbf, an unseason- able hour; II. adv. indecorously, inde- cently, unscemingly, unbecomingly ; improperly, unduly. il n g e b ii b r 1 i d) f e i t, /. i . indeco- rum ; impropriety; indecency, unseem- tiness; 2 ;/ adv. without being hindered, not hindered, not stop- ped, unpreventsd. il ll g e b b c 1 1, I. adj. not planed ; fig unpolished, rough, clownish, coarse, rus- tic ; ein — cr"2)iiitfcb, a clown; H adv. clownishly, coarsely, llttgtbof ft, adj. not looked for, un- hoped for. II It g e b 1 1, adj. unsent for. U !l'g e b PV f r, adj. prepared without any hops, ll 11 g C b r (b t, adj. unheard, unlisten- ed to ; disobeyed. UligcbPl'tg, I. adj. undue, impertt nent, improper ; not belonging to ; II adv. unduly, improperly, il It g C b P r t g f C t t, /. undueness ; im- propriety, iltigeborfa lit, I. adj. disobedient; contumacious; II. adv. disobediently. U 11 g e b r f a lit, m. (-§) disobedience; L. T. default; tit bte Strafe tee — $ berfalleit, to incur a default, il tl g e b r f a lit f e i t, /. disobedience, undutifulnees. il it g e b i? r t, adj. unheard, il 11 g C b It b C 1 1, adj. undisturbed, not vexed. 11 ll g c b U f t, adj. without hoofs. 11 n g e b ii t e t, adj. not guarded, il n g e i m V f t, alj. not grafted ; not inoculated. II 11 g e i ft, m. (1. M.) evil-mindedness. U n g e i ft t g, adj. spiritless ; weak ; no( bright, unwitty; also material, coarse. Ungetftttcb, I. adj. 1. not spiritual secular; 2. fig. unholy, profane; II adv. secularly ; profanely, il 11 g e t ft I t rb f e 1 1, f. secularity ; un holiness, profaneness. U 11 g e f it lit 111 t, adj. uncombed. U It g e f a II il t, adj. unknown, unrecog nized. 11 ngef a It C t, adj. unchewed. 11 It g e f a 11 f t, adj. unbought. Ungefleibet, adj. undressed, un- clothed, ll It g e f fb f, adj. unboiled. Ungef&ee r t, adj. antwiiled. 11 ngef r ii It f t, adj. unvexed, not griev- ed, unalilicted. il It g e f r B It t, adj. not crowned. 11 It g C f r ii m 111 t, alj. uncrooked, un bent. 11 ngef it It ft e 1 1, I. adj. artless, natural, unaffected ; etite — e ©dneibarr, an unaffected style; ba3— e SBefcit biefe.3 SRabefceitS, the artlessness or simplicity of this maid; II. adv. unaffectedly, art- lessly, naively. il 11 g e I a b e It, adj. I uninvited ; 2 not charged. il n g c 1 a u f i g, adj. not fluent, not easy. 11 11 g e I ii 11 1 e r t, adj. unclarified, un- refined. U n g c 1 b, n. f-ti ; pi. -er) provinc. tax, duty, excise ; tonn.ige ; casual expense additionil co*t ; -V. 7". small average, hat monev and other expenses. Unge ft it deleft, adj. unlicked; ciu — ct Q3cif, fig. an unlicked cub. 11 lig C I C g C 11, I. a4/.l. inconvenient, unseasonable, incommodious, impor- tune; 2. inconveniently, situated; jilt — eil 3 e it» unseasonably; er failt liltr gait; — , he came to me at a very un- seasonable, inconvenient time ; II. ado. unseasonably, inconveniently, incom- modiously, importunely. U ;t g e I e g e n f) e t f, /. 1. inconvenien- cy, inconvenience, incommodily, im- portunity, unsuasonableness ; 2. (pi. -eil) trouble, vexation: eiliein — lltatfjeit, to incommode, incommodate, importune one. il n g e I e g c it 1 1 1 d), adv. vid. ltngc= legott. U it g e 1 e g t, adj. not yet laid (of eggs) ; ftcb tun — e (?icr bcfuiitntcrii, jn-oo. to interfere, meddle in other people's matters. ling clef) rig, I. adj. intiocihte, in- docile, unteacliable ; U.adu. indocibly. il it g c [ e I) r i g f e i t, /. indocility, in- docibleness. It n g e 1 e Ij v f a in, adj. vid. Ungelefjrig. II ngel ef)r f am t ct t, /. l. indocility; 8. illiteracy, want of education. Utigctefjrt, I. adj. deficient in learn- ing or scholarship ; illiterate, unlettered, unlearned; II. adv. illiterately; show- ing the ignorance of. It II g e I e I) r f I, m. dec!, like adj. illiter- ate, unlearned man. U 11 g C I C f) f t f) C 1 1, / iltiterateness, ignorance. U n g e ( e t lit t, adj. not sized. U It g C ( C 1 1 C t, adj. unguided, unac- companied. U it g e I e n f, ititgefctiffaiii, I. adj. 1. in- flexible, not supple ; 2. unhandy, un- wieldy, still", awkward ; 3. untractable ; stubborn, obstinate ; II. ado. unwield- ily, stiffly, clumsily; untractably. U it g c I e n 1 1) c 1 1, ilttgelctiffamfctr, /. 1. unwieldiness ; clumsiness; 2. stiff- ness ; untractablencss, stubbornness, obstinacy. 11 It g e t C r It t, adj. unlearned, unlearnt. II Itg elefc It, adj. I. unread; 2. not tucked. U n g C I i C b t, adj. unloved, uncher- ished. llngclobt, adj. l. unpraisod, unap- plauded ; -'. unpromised. II it g e I o rf t, adj. not curled, not in ringlets. U n g e t 6 f ti) t, adj. unquenched, un- extinguished ; unslacked ; — tt Jtitlf, unslacked lime, quicklime. ll It g C I i) f C f, adj. not redeemed ; not discharged, 11 it g C I 5 t I) C t, adj. not soldered, llltgclofct, adj. undrawn for (by lot). ling el ii f tc t, adj. unaired. It tt g c 1 1 c it b, adj. (i. u.) not current ; vid. UiigtiUig. Ungeiltaff), n. (-tt) toil, hardship, fatigue, calamity ; trouble; evil ; vexa- tion, affliction. 11 It g C lit d cfj I t ft), I. adj. toilsome, ca- lamitous, uneasy, inconvenient, incom- modious, uncomfortable ; II. ado. ca- lamitously; uneasily, inconveniently, in- commodiously, uncomfortably. ling em 5 rf)t t djfeit, /. l. uneasi- ness, inconvenience, inconvenieney, in- commodity, incommodiousness ; 2. (pi. -til) trouble oalainity, hardship. Unge U it g C ill il rf) t, adj. unmade. 11 it g C lit a f) it t, adj. unasked (of payment). Ungcnt a f ett, adj. unspotted, not dappled. II it g cm fife ( t, adj. not bargained for, without having bartered for it. Uligc 111 a I J t, adj. prepared without any malt. 11 II g C lit a n g e ( t, adj. 1. uncalendered, unmangled ; 2. not missed or wanted. II 11 g C 111 a ji, I. adj. disproportionate ; incommensurate; incongruous, undue; II. adv. disproportionately; unduly. It it g C ill o ; 9 f) e 1 1, /. disproportionate- ness ; disproportion ; incongruity. It it g e m a fi i g f, adj. not moderated, not tempered. It 11 g C 111 C 1 11, I. adj. uncommon ; rare, extraordinary, exceeding; II. ado. un- commonly, extraordinarily, exceedingly. It It g C lit C ( b e t, adj. not mentioned ; not announced. 11 11 g C III C 11 g t, adj. nnminglcd, unmixed. Huge 111 C iff, «./■' unobserved, unre marked. llitgcm cf fen, adj. 1. not measured; unmeasured; ".jig. unbounded, unli- mited, absolute. II 11 g C 111 1 f d) t, adj. unmixed, unadul- terated, unalloyed, undrugged. il it g c in i ji b x a u d; t, adj. vid. Unmij^ bi\iiift)t. il 11 g c ill ii il \ t, adj. uncoined ; — tt @olb, Silbcr, bullion. il II g e lit ii 1 1) I i d), adj. 1. void of feel- ing or heart, having no soul ; 2. baS ijt mil" — , that is not to my mind (to my liking) ; f)ier ift tt — , one does not feel comfortable here. It 11 g C 11 it b C 1 1, adj. navelless ; having no nombril. It II g C It ii I) e t, adj. unseamed, unsewed. il n g e it a m t, adj. vid. llngciiannf. II 11 g C 11 a It n t, I. adj. unnamed, name- less, anonymous; II. ado. anonymously. 11 n g e It a n 11 1 f) e i t, /. anony mousness. 11 It g II a f e f, adj. noseless ; jig. not snubbed. 11 II g C It a It, I. adj. not exact or precise, inexact; II. ado. not exactly. il It g C It a II i g f C i t, f. want of exact- ness or precision, inexactness. il il g c it c h in t g t, adj. not sanctioned or ratified. il tt g c n e t g t, I. adj. disaffected, disaf- fectionate, unfriendly, disinclined ; un- willing; id) bin nidjt — 511 glaubcn, 1 am not indisposed to believe ; II. ado. dis- aflectedly, disaiTectionately, unwillingly. 11 it g c 11 e i g t f) e i t, /. disaffection, dis- affectedness, unwillingness, disinclina- tion; ill-will, averseness. U It g C II e f C II, adj. uncured, not re-es ablished. llligc II C 1} t, adj. not wetted or moist- ened, dry. il 11 g C II i C fi b a r, adj. unfit for enjoy- ment; not eatable or drinkable; nut re- lishing. It II () 1 11 i C ji b a r f C t f, /. unfitness for enjoyment (of eating and drinking). *U n g e n i v t, adj. «i d t, adj. unpacked. It it g t p f 1 a 11 5 1, adj. unplanted. It 11 g e p f I a ft e r t, adj. un;»ved. 11 It g C p f 1 C g f, adj. untended. 11 11 g C p f t ii g t, adj. unploughed. II ii g e V t >t g t, adj. unplagaed. U It g C p I ii II b C f t, adj. unransacked. 11 It g ip t fi g t, adj. uncoined. II It g C p V C fi t, adj. unpressed. U II g C V t i e f C ll, adj. unpraised, un _ extolled. It II g c p r ii f t, adj. untried, unexamined It II g Cpllfjf, 007, untrimmed, un- dressed. 11 ll g e r id) f, adj. unrevenged, un- avenged. ll It g e t ft C, adj. not straight, uneven ; odd; cine — Btnie, a curve; cine — 3<5^'i ''in odd number; gciate Obcr — fptelen, to play at even and odd. ihtgeva tt) en, adj. 1. stinted, that have failed, misgrown, spoiled (of fruit, &c) ; 2. (of children) ill-bred, spoiled, forlorn, abandoned, degenerated; 3. (/. «.) unadvised, ill advised. 11 It g e f a II ft) e r t, adj. unsmoked. not roomy spac ious, close, con- fined, cramped. tt n g e r c di c t, adj. unrated, not raked up. il it g c r c d) ll C t, I. adj. not counted ; 11 i| included, not including; II. ado. exclusively of; alltt bicfed — , not- withstanding all this. ll 11 g e r c d) t, I. adj. unjust, unrighteous, wrongful ; II. ado. unjustly, un righteously, wrongfully. ll n g c r c d) t i g f c i f, /. (/,/. -en) in justice, wrongfulness; unrighteousness llngcvcbct, adj. not spoken, not I 10 or touched upon. ll 11 g e V e g C ( t, adj. not regulated, irre- : inordinate. U 11 gc VC t 111 f, I. adj. not rhymed; 2. fig, absurd ; preposterous, inc ihltuous, extravagant ; — e Serfe, blank 1 — tt 3 ci, g' nonsense; II. ado. ab- Burdly, incongruously, extravagantly. U ii g c v c i m t b c i t, /. 1 . absurdity ; incongruity, extravagance; 2. (/)/. -en) absurd, prep isterous things, n insi il 11 g c r e 1 11 i g t, a cleansed. 11 it g v t i f t t, adj. untravclled. il it g c v i d) t c t, adj. 1 . undirected, unpointed ; - unjudged. untried, il 11 g r r i e b c it, adj. nrt ground (of colour), il it g c r i n n b a r, adj. which cannoi curdle or coagulate. 11 It g C r i p V t, adj. unribbed, without n!s: /;. t. — c ^Matter, caves with out nerves. 677 . •' a •' • • •< —v- • 1,1 11 g e v a it in, ) adj. U 11 g c 1' (i 11 111 1 g, J spac ilnae J II g C ft t ten, adj. that bos or Have not yet been ridden. II it 3 cm, adv. unwillingly, with re- uctancy, reluctantly, with displeasure, against the grain; id) fff)C — , I am sorry to find. 6'vn. Unjirn, llnroi I Is, Un frctmilfig. When a man compels himself to do any thing that is disagreeable to another, he does it 11114ml and uilioiuig | he simply does that MlfftlloiQia,, to which tie has been compelled by others. We olten do something frtiroidig (spontaneously, voluntarily), that we never- theless do unijrrit (not readily) and itnraiHia, (unwillingly). Uim-iJia is distinguished from ungmi by this, that we do unfltrn what is excessively disagreeable to us, but iiinpiuict, ■what we detest, and with such a degree of annoyance or repugnance, as. to betray it by our behaviour. When any one does any thing imotrn (not cheerfully), it is disagreeable to bun, even if he does not allow it to he per- ceived; when he does any thing utinriQio, (re- luctantly, with repugnance), other persona can perceive it by bid looks, gestures and words. 11 11 g C X P d) C It, adj. 1. unrevenged, vid. llligeriid)t ; 2. unsmelt, not scented. II It fj C r I I f, adj. unrolled ; — C (Sevfte, unprepared barley 11 It g C r C It n e It, adj. uncurdled. il n 8 C r j> ft e f, adj. not roasted or toasted. U II g e r It f C tt, od?. uncalled, unbidden. U II g C V ii (J t, adj. uncensured, uncriti- cized. II 11 g e r ii 1) r t, adj. untouched ; un- moved. U it g e v it It J e 1 1, adj. unwrinkled. II n g C r 11 V f t, ailj. nnplucked ; Jig. un- pigeoned. II II g C T ii ft C t, adj. unarmed, unpre- pared, not garnished. II it g C f ii C f, adj. unsown. 11 it g e f a g t, adj. unsaid. il It g e f a I j e 11, adj. unsalted, un- seasoned ; fig. insipid. U 11 g e f a I J C 11 f) C i t, /. insipidity. U II g e f tt 1 t e ( t, adj. without saddle, unsaddled. 11 It g e f ii 1 1 i g ?, adj. not satiated. 11 tl g e f ii It e r f, adj. unleavened. II It gef iilim t, 1. adj. 1. immediate; prompt ; 2. unhemmed, without a seam ; IL ado. promptly, immediately, without delay. 11 It g e f tf> a f f e tt, adj. uncreated. U It g C f A) ii f t e t, adj. without a shaft ur stock. ll It g C f cb ii f t i g, adj. unoccupied, at leisure, disengaged. U 11 g e f d) ii f t i g f e i t, /. idleness, leisure, inactivity. 11 11 g c f cf) ii fc f, adj. 1. unprized, not honoured or valued ; 2. untaxed, un- assessed. llll gcfd) ii I t, ailj. not peeled, not pared. II 11 g C f d) f I) C II, adj. undone ; — lltu= d)Clt, to undo ; — iDiinfcbeit, to wish a thing were not done. 11 11 g e f d) C t) U d), adj. {I u.) impossible. ll tt g C f d) e t b e t,adj. unsheathed, with- out a sheath. 11 It g C f d) C i t, I. at!j. injudicious, im- prudent, silly, foolish ; II. adv. im- prudently, foolishly. ilrtfjefdjeitljett, /. imprudence, silliness, foolishness. (l it g C f d) c It C r f, adj. unscoured. 11 It g C f cf) C it t, I. adj. 1. not afraid, un- daunted, intrepid, bold ; withiMit fear or shame ; 2. improp. vid. llligcfdjcit ; II. adc. intrepidly, boldly; withovt any shame ; irreverently. C78 Unge 11 It g C f ft) i d) t C t, adj. not placed ir. layers; Oeol. T. not stratified. 11 II g C f A) i A) 1 1 i A), adj. not founded upon history. I! agcftbicf, n. (-$) awkwardness; adverse fate. 11 ii g f f d) i cf ( i eft, adj. vid. Ungcfcbicf t. 11 it g e f A) i cf ( i d) f e i t, llngefcbirft= t)cit, /. awkwardness, ineptitude, unfit ness, unapt ness, indexterity, unhandiness. 11 It g C f d) i cf t, I. adj. inept, not dex- terous; awkward, unapt; incapable, not clever, unhandy; II. ado. ineptly, unaptly, awkwardly, unhandily. ll it g e f d> i e b c n, adj. not separated ; not divorced. U it g e f d) I a d) f, I. adj. uncouth ; boorish, rough, rude, gross, uncivilized; II. ado. rudely, grossly. ll ngefcbl ad) tf)e if, /. rudeness, grossness, coarseness, boorishness. 11 It g e f A) I rt g e II, adj. unbeaten. II It g C f d) 1 1 d) t C f, adj. not settled, not adjusted. 11 It g C f d) 1 i f f C 11, I. adj. I. unpolished, rough, not whetted; not cut, rough (of stones) ; 2.,^. unpolished, uncivil, rude, coarse, rustical, unmannerly, II. ado fig. uncivilly, rudely, coarsely, rustically. 11 11 g C f A) I i f f e It f) e t f, /. fig. inci- vility, rudeness, coarseness, clownish- ness, rusticity. 11 11 g c f d) I f f e 11, adj. not closed. 11 11 g e f d) lit a cf, adj. {I. u.) unsavory, tasteless, insipid. (l n g c f d) m a cf, m. Unge fdjmncffjftt, /. [I. it.) tastelessness, insipidity. 11 It g C f d) lit a I C X t, adj. undiminished, unimpaired; not curtailed; 3eiltitnbc&' Stllbllt — Iflffcn, not to detract from one's good name. II 11 g C f A) lit a I j C II, adj. not buttered, .dry. _ _ 11 it g c f d; in c 1 b t g, I. adj. unpliant ; inflexible ; not supple ; not ductile, hard, brittle, unmalleable ; II. ado. unpliantly. 11 tt g c f A) nt c i b i g f c i f, /. unpliant- ness ; hardness, brittleness ; harshness. 11 tt g C f Cb lit e I J f, adj. 1. unmelled, un- dissolved, not liquified ; 2. unseasoned, plain (said of food). U It g C f d) lit i It f t, adj. not painted, unpainted ; unvarnished. U 11 g e f d) lit P 1 5 e It, adj. unmelted. II !t gcfd) 111 ii cf t, adj. unadorned, un- trimmed ; fig. without gloss, unadorned. II It gc fcf) It ii b C 1 1, adj. without a beak or rostrum (of a ship) ; 2. fig. joe. un kissed. II tt g C f d) 11 i 1 1 C II, adj. uncut ; not made (of a pen). U 11 g C f d) 11 ii V f , adj. unlaced ; not corded. 11 11 g c f d) I t C It, adj. not chidden, un- rebuked. 11 ltg efd) on f, adj. $■ ado. unspared, without sparing. U ng efebor en, adj. o> adv. 1. un- shaved, unshorn; 2. fig. vu/g. unmo- lested; — baODll fomilteit, to escape scot-free; Iitfi mid; — ! let me alone! 11 11 g C f A) r a II b t, adj. 1 . unscrewed ; 2. fig. unequivocal, unambiguous (of style; ; unaffected, natural (of expres- sion, &c.) ; 3. not mocked. II It g e f d) r e cf f, adj. unterrified, un- frighlened, unscared. 11 it g C f d) r i C h C tl, adj. unwritten. II it g C f d) X t e tt, aaj. not broken or bruised (of barley) Unge ll 11 g .' f A) 11 p V t, adj witl out KiOef naked, bare. 11 It g C f d) ii tj t, adj. undefended. U 11 g C f d) Xo A A) t, adj. unweakened undiminished, unimpaired : not de> floured; lllit — Cllt i^Uthf, with u:i decayed courage; nOll VlfbeitClt — , un impaired by labours. 11 11 g C f cb u> ii 11 5 1, adj. without a tail. ll 11 g C f d) ID i ji e r H fb, adj. unbrother ly, unsisterly. 11 11 g c f A) ID r e tt, adj. unsworn, ll It g e f C g 11 C t, adj. unblessed, without having received a benediction. 11 n g c f e b e 11, adj. unseen. 11 It g C f e 11 i g, I. adj. unsociable ; fig unsociabzed, uncivilized ; II. adv. un- sociably. ll It g e f e 1 1 i g f e t f, /. unsociableness, unsocialized state or condition. U 11 g e f e 1 1 f (b a f 1 1 i d;, adj. unsocia- ble, taciturn, reserved. ll it g e f e fc, n. vid. ©efetjlofigfcif. U 11 g e f e % 1 i d), Ungefefcinajjifl, 1. adj illegal, contrary to law; irregular; 11. adr. illegally, against the law, irregu- larly. ilngeTcfel icbf eif, UtigefefeiiiiiSig' fctt, /. (pi -eil) illegality, contrariety to law, irregularity. II 11 g c f i cl) C V t, adj. not secured, in secure. II It g C f i e i f, adj. unsifted. Ungefiegel t, adj. unsealed. 11 11 gef it let, I. adj. 1. ill-mannered, unmannerly, ill-bred, rude, uncivil ; 2 uncivilized ; II. ado. unmannerly, un civilly. 11 It g e f i 1 1 e 1 1) e 1 1, /. unmannerlnesa, rudeness. II 11 gc f 1 1 1 U, a,j. not sodden ; un- boiled. ll It g C f p C i f C t, adj. unfed, without 3 meal. ll 11 g C f p e r f f, adj. not blocked up ; unrestricted. II 11 g e f Jp i cf t, adj. not larded. 11 11 g c f p i ii t, adj. not pointed. 11 11 g e f p ll II e ll, adj. unspun, raw. II n g C f p C r It t, adj. not requiring tlw spur. Uligcf pfii d)ig, adj. unaffable, not communicative. 11 11 g c f p x ii A) i g f e i f, /. want of com municativeness, unafiability. 11 11 ge f pv D cl) en, adj. unuttered. 11 tt g e ft ii |) 1 1, adj. 1. unsteeled, untem pered; 2. fig. not inured to, not steeled against (fatigue, &c). 11 11 g e ft a I f, illigcftaikf, adj. deformed disfigured, ill-shaped, ill-favoured. 11 11 g e ft n 1 1, ilngeftaltfjett, /. deform edness, deformity. II it g e ft n 1 1 t'e I) e it, n. (-«) distorted 01 perverted vision, obfuscation. 11 n g C ft a it b e tl, adj. 1. unsettled (beer) ■ 2. unconfessed, unadmitted (of a crime) Ungeftattbtg, adj. disavowing, un admitting, unconfessing. 11 tt g e ft ii V f t, adj. not starched. 11 11 g C ft a 1 1 e f, adj. not permitted. U 11 g C ft e i f t, adj. not stiffened, ll 11 g e ft e ill pelt, adj. unstamped. II it g e ft i e f e 1 1, adj. unbooted. U It g C ft t C 1 1, adj. stalkless, stemless. l\ 11 g C ft i ( ( t, cdj. unstilled, unallayefi unappeased ; unsatisfied, unquenched unstanched. Unae Unat Uncit Eligcftimni t, adj. untmieil. U n g c ft i v it, n. vid. Unftein. 11 n g e ft b x f, I. adj. undisturbed, undis- tracted ; unmolested; II. adv. without being disturbed, quietly. 11 tt g f ft OX t b e i f, /. undistractedncss ; tranquillity. II It g C ft r ft f t, I. adj. unpunished ; un- fined ; IL adv. with impunity. It tt g e ft r a f t b e 1 1, f. impunity. U tt g e ft it tit, I. adj. vehement, violent, impetuous, boisterous, blustering, tem- pestuous, stormy; impatient; btl3 — t SDfcer, the raging sea ; eilt— cv 3)lcnfd), blustering fellow ; II. ado. vehemently, impetuously, boisterously, violently. Vyn. Ungefliim, £eftig, I5i til. f>flig is something that generally acta with a great de- gree of power. It ts migeftiim (turbulent, im- petuous) in as far as its violence becomes dis- agreeable and oppressive or is considered as injurious and dangerous. It is rcitf (wild) in as far as it manifests itself by disorder and ir- regularity, A passion is beftig in as far as it has generally an unusual strength, ungcftliru (ra- ging) in as far as it is oppressive and danger- ous by its violence, and Ibis can produce in- jury; it is wits, in as far as it masters tbe reasoa and t.ursts ilnougli all barriers of rule, of order and of law. U It g C ft ii lit, m tt n. (-($) vehemence, iwi|)etuosity, boisterousness, violence, fury. ft It g C ft it lit b C t f, /. vid. preceding tcord. Uttgefucf)f, adj. not sought or aspired at; unsought; artless. J it g e f It ft) t {) C i t, f. artlessncss. J. It g C f it t) II t, adj. unatoned. J It g c f U It b, I. adj. 1. unwholesome I noxious; unhealthful; 2. unsound; in ill health, unhealthy; sickly, valetudi- nary; — e Siifte, bad humours; II ado. unwholesomely ; unbealthfully, un- healthily, sicklily, valetudinarily ; vid. Sjm, JttanE. vl It g C f U It b b C 1 1, f. 1. unwholesome- ness, noxiousness ; unhealthfulness ; 2. ill health; unhealthiness, unsoundness. U it g e f it tt g e it, adj. unsung, unchang- ed ; without song. Uttgetabelt, adj. unhlamed, uncen- sured. U It g C t a It ft, adj. unbaptized ; unehris- iened. il It g C t {) a It, adj. undone. Uttgefbetit, adj. undivided ; not shared. U It g C t () e i 1 1 b C 1 1, f. state of being undivided ; L. T. indivision. U tt g e 1 1) i c r, Uiigctbitnt, v. (-tS ; pi. -C) monster ; hobgoblin, spectre. 11 ItgettSlt! t, adj. 1 . without being wa- tered, without giving water (to cattle) ; 2. still parched, still arid (of the soil). lilt gctr cnit t, adj. unseparated, to- gether; not severed ; undivided. U It g f t f C It, I. ar!j. unfaithful, perfidi- ous, disloyal, treacherous; II. adv. un- faithfully, perfidiously, disloyally, treacherously. U it g c t v o it ( i cb, adj. vid. U-gcheii. il it g e t r i cb t c r r, adj. unaltered (through a funnel), not decanted. 11 it g c t v o if it c r, adj. undried. U it g e t r o ft e t, adj. uncomforted, un- consoled. 11 tt g e t v ii b t, adj. cloudless, serene. untroubled, clear. 11 it g c t v it b t b c 1 1, f. cloudlessness, serenity. U l>. g t it b t, adj. unexercised il ii ,\ < ii b i b t : I, ., n-ant ■ f exercise or practice, llitgcro a ff net, adj. vid. Unbeivaff= net. 11 It g e It) a g t, adj. not ventured. U n g e vo a b t b a r, adj. that cannot be granted. U 11 g e XO n tl b t, adj. not dexterous, un- skilful; awkward. il ii g e ro a fj v f a m f adj. (i «.) vid. Uu= CIllflHClf fa in. Ij 11 g e ro ii h t 1, adj. not granted. 11 It g e 10 a 1 1, /. (/. u.) abuse of power 11 it g e u> a t n t, adj. unforowamed. U ii g c tt) arte t, adj. untended. 11 11 g C IV a f cb c It, adj. unwashed ; dirty ; nasty ; jig vidg. abusive, nonsensical; cill — ti itylaul, a slanderous tongue ; — tS %(lh], nonsensical stuff Ij 11 g C XO (i f f e X t, adj. not watered U 11 g C UJ C i b t, adj. not consecrated ; mtt — Cf igttltb, with an unhallowed hand. U It g C W i C g l, adj. without being era died or rocked. 11 1! g C tt) i 11 It. m. (-CS) (I. u.) detriment, damage, prejudice. U tt g f to I II II 1 1 cb, adj.. not to be gain- ed, unobtainable, impregnable. Uttgc tt) i 9/ I. adj. uncertain, doubtful : precarious; ambiguous; unsure: cine — ff € (Stttltaljrrte, a precarious income; II. adv. uncertainly, doubtfully; III. s. what is uncertain, uncertainty ; ciufS — t, — (l)ill), at a venture, at random ; at an uncertainty. Si/». 1. Ungcroifi, 3n>«ifc lljafl, linen;. fdjWffrn, 'iicrUgm. We are iinqrioig (uncertain), when we do not know, whether something ought to he desired and whether it be good or essentially necessary to desire that something. We are imtifclbaft (doubtful, du- bious) when we do not know which ol two things we ought to desire, seeing that we have r ooi equally cogent and potent lor either side. llnriiifd;loiinibcit ( rresolutio ) is the dif ficulty itself ol' deciding upon something, as long as we are still undecided lor want ofa preponder- ance of reasons, and thus becomes ijrrlr^ciibrit (embarassment), when we positively must'decide upon something, and yet cannot make up our to nil. to adopt one thing or the other, lln^c. mifbeit (uncertainty) makes us indifferent, ^a-ci. fflr/aftigtcii (doubt) uneasy, UntittfdjIofTtn&til re, I'lrlfgrnhrit, distressed, anxious and fearful. In it< highest degree £(rl I b t, adj. unarched. U ii g e tt) ii r $ t, adj. unseasoned, not mixed with spices. U II g C tt) il II f it f, adj. &■ adr. unwished for, without being wished for. 11 11 g c i ii b 1 1, adj. unnumbered, with- out being counted. II It g C t, a b 111 t, adj. untamed, uncurbed, unbridled ; unbroken. il n g c } S b in t b e i t, /. the state of being untamed or unbridled, wildness; licentiousness (of passions, &c). U 11 ij C \ il b It t, adj. having no not indented. U It g C J ii U ill t, adj. unbridled. il tt g c j e i cb it e r, adj. unmarked; u» Bigned, ling c tcig t, adj. unshowed. Uuge j icfer, it. (-4) vermin; (noiious) insects. il tl g C J t C lit C 11 b, I. oeff. unseemly, un- becoming, uncomely, indecent; 11. a<.'-. unseemly, unbecomingly, uncomely, in decently. II n g f J i C V t, adj. unadorned ; natural fig, unaffected. tin ge«ogeit, I. adj. i.fig. ill bred, ill mannered, unmannered, unmannerly, rude, uncivil ; naughty ; '.'. (/. u.) not rifled (of a gun) ; II. ado. rudely, un- mannerly, uncivilly. ftngegogc nb ci t, /. I. ill bn ■ ill manners. Unmannerliness, ill be- haviour, naughtiness (said of children) . coarseness; 2. (/;/. -Clti rude, uncivil words, remarks, &.c. 11 u .I e | 5 g e v t, adj. if adr. undelayed, without delay. iln g C} itd) t igt, adj. uncbasi uncorrected. 11 it g e \ud c r t, adj. unsugared. 11 II g C 5 ii g c I t, adj. unbridled ; checkt 'I Qngejweifelt, i. adj. undoubted. doubtless, indubitable; II. adv. un- doubtedly, doubtlessly. Uti g cj xo ix it t, adj. not twisted yarn, &c). il nge 5 ivii iigcn, I adj i u strained, unforced, uncompelled; -../> easy, unaffected, natural; ciit frcict uiib — cr 2i>tlle, s free ami tu Btrained will; II. ado. of one's own accord, freely, unconstrainedly : easily, unaffected!] . 11 II g e i tt) 11 11 g c It h c i t, /. the no- being constrained, voluntariness, un constraint) unforcedness ; jig. disen -s ; bit — bcS OU'tanffiie?, the ease fluency of thought 11 u gift i g, adj. not poisonous, not ve- nomous, barm '"< it g 1 tt t f, adj. not smooth, unpolished) wugn, unven. 679 Uncil a it g I ii 1 1 b a v, adj. not susceptible of polish. I! n g I a n b D a v, adj. vid. llnglatiblid). U n g I a U b (, m. (-n«) incredulity, disbelief ; unbelief, infidelity, irreligion, impiety. U 11 g I d u b i g, I. aiij. incredulous, dis- believing, unbelieving, infidel, irre- ligious ; II. adv. incredulously ; irre- ligiously. U 11 g I d It b i g C, m. & f. dec 1 , like adj. infidel, unbeliever, Pnynim. 11 it g I a it b I) a f t, arf/. ilnglaiib(td). 11 11 (J I a II b 1 1 (f), I. arfi- incredible ; II. adv. incredibly, past all belief. II H j] I a U b 1 1 d) f f t 1, f. incredibility ; compos. — Sjjtltnb, m. ground of in- ciedibility. 1! II (J I a U b W ti V b I 3, af/j. unworthy of belief, not credible, incredible. Uugletcb, I. adj. 1. unequal ; 2. fig. unlike, dissimilar; unequal, dispropor- tionate, disproportionate ; 3. uneven, odd ; 4. not level, uneven ; 5. fig. undue, unjust (unkind) ; 6. fig. unequal, varying, inconsistent; — ailftteh IltClI, to take amiss; boil — C1H 2Bltrf)fc, of unequal sizes; &wifrf)cit Scnteit ton —em ©tailbt, between unequals ; — C 3lf)- U'll, odd numbers; cilt — Cr QbciXCiU fCV, an uneven temper ; II. adv. uneven- ly; fig- unequally, disproportionably ; incomparably ; far ; — bcffei', far better; — oolfrcidjcr, by far more populous. II It 3 1 e t rf) a V 1 1 3, adj. dissimilar ; he- terogeneous, of another kind or quality. I! ii g I e i ci) a v f t g f f 1 1, /. dissimilari- ty ; heterogeneousness. U 11 g I C t rf) b I a 1 1 e r t g, adj. B. T. he- terophyllous. 11 It g 1 C i rf) b it II C V II b, adj. of dis- similar duration. it it g I c t rf) b v c i f e 1 1 t g, adj. vid. Ua- glctctfeitig. U 11 g 1 ( i d) f cl r b i g, adj. of dissimilar colours. U it g I c i rf) f o v m i g, I. adj. not uni- form ; unconformable, unlike, different ; as\ metrical ; II. adv. not unifurmly, unequally; unconformly. U it g I c t d) f b v m t g f e 1 1, f. want of uniformity ; dissimilarity, unequalness, unconformity. il 11 g I C i tb [) C 1 1, f. 1. inequality ; 2. fig. unlikeness, dissimilitude, unequality, disparity, disproportion, disproportion- aleness; ,'f. (pi. -cil) unevenness, un- even qualities or places; variation. I! !t g 1 C i rf) () rf), adj. unequally high ; — e^Wcigc, aliernate branches (/;. 7'J. LI it g I c i rf) j d f) r i g, adj. not of the same age. I' n g 1 e i rf) f I a p p t g, adj. b. t. un- equivalved. U 11 g I C t d) I a U f C 11 b, adj. not parallel. U tl g 1 e t d) ( a U t e It b, adj. dissonant. U n g I c t d) nt d fi t g, I. adj. not uni- form, unequal ; disproportionate ; vid. Ultgkiitfbnilig ; II. adv. unequally, vid. Unglcirf). II It g I C t d) lit C fj b X0- pb?f, m. prophet of sad tidings; • — = |rf)larf)t,/. disastrous battle ; — ffhlllicb, x. author of a misfortune, the evil e/;; — frfiiveflcr, /. 1. sister in misfor- tune; 2. (pi.) the fatal sisters ; — fol)lt, m. son of misfortune, fated person ; — = ftcvit, in. fatal star, disasier; — ftiftcr, vi. — ftiftci'intt, /. breeder of mischief, trouble-peace ; — fhlttbe, /. fatal or un- fortunate hour; — tflg, m. day of mis- fortune; — tf)itt, /. deed bringing ca- lamity : — tieff,/. abyss of misfortune ; — bogel, 7N. rockshrike, greater red start ; bird portending misfortune (the screech-owl, &c.) ; vulg. author of mis- fortune ; unhappy person ; — UOU, adj. full of misfortune ; — V>orbote, m. pre- cursor of wo or misfortune; — W0- d)e, /. unlucky week ; — Wort, ?i. ill- omened, portentous word ; — JCtt, /. unlucky time. U 11 g 1 ii tf f C 1 1 g, I. adj. (most) unhap- py, unfortunate ; calamitous ; II. adv. unhappily, unfortunately. il it g I ii cf f c ( i g f c i t, /". unhappiness ; infelicity ; calamitousneRS. Unlja 11 II 8 11," b C, /. disgrace; inclemency tit — fallen, to be or become disgraced 11 It g II d b i g, I. adj. ungracious ; in clement; unkind, unfavourable ; vulg indignant ; angry ; II. adv. ungracious ly, unkindly, unfavourably. 11 11 g 1 1, m. (unus.) not God ; idol II 11 8 ii 1 1 C r f i, /. (unus.) atheism. il n g o tteSfiivrf; tig, adj. impious, irreligious. il II 8 1 1 1 8 f it f rf) ( i 8 f C i t, f. im- piety, irreligion. 11 11 g 1 1 t f rf), adj. (unus.) atheistical. ililfiottl id), I. adj. 1. ungodly; ir- religious, profane, impious; 2. (I. «.) unlike or unworthy of a god ; bit* — i SBefeit, ungodliness; II. aiiti. in an un- godly manner ; impiously. it 11 3 1 1 1 i rf) f e i t, /. ungodliness impiousness. 11 n 8 r i b, adj. vid. Uitgcmbe. II II 8 V it f I i rf), adj. unbecoming a count, not suitable to an earl. il n 8 v i nt in a 1 1 f d), I. adj. ungram- matical ; II. adv. ungrammatically. U 11 g r it f i g, adj. not grassy, without grass. U 11 fl V 5 1 1 g, adj. spineless. II ii g r c i f b a r, ) adj. intangible, iin ilngvciflid), \ palpable. il It g V t C d) t f d), I. adj. contrary to the genius of Greece ; anti-Grecian ; IL adv. in an ungrecian-like manner, in- correctly. U n g r i fd), adj. vid. Ungavifrf). il 11 8 V fj lit it t f) i ij, adj. not magna- nimous, not generous. U It 8 r ii 11, n. periwinkle. il It 3 V 11 11 b, m. (-i'&)fig. want of foun- dation, groundlessness ; want of truth ; falsity ; III it — , groundless!)', falsely. U 11 3 r it 11 b I i cf;, I. adj. 1. not profound, superficial; 2. (/. u.) groundless; IL ado. superficially. il It g r ti It b I i d) f e i t, /. want of pro- foundness, superficiality, superficialness. *ltngil cut lint, n. (-§) unguent, ointment, vid. ©albc. *U It 3 11 i It S, adj. unguinous. llngii Iti 8, adj. 1. not current (of coin); 2. not admissible, invalid, not good in law; void; — lllildjClt, to in- validate, annul ; to make void. 11 11 g ii 1 t i 3 £ C i t, /. invalidity ; nullity. il It 8 11 It fi, /. disfavour, disaffection, displeasure, disgrace. it 11 g ii 11 ft i g, I. adj. unfavourable ; unpropitious ; disaffectionate ; II. adv. unfavourably ; unpropitiously ; disaf- fectionately. II It g II t, adj. i^' adv. + & provinc. not good; not well, ill, amiss; cttl'iliS fiir — itcbmcit, or tit —cm ocrmcvfei!, to take ill or amiss; llid)tS fiir — ! no harm! no offence ! U n g ii t e, / unkindness ; in — »er* lllCl'fcit, to take amiss. II It g it t i g, I. adj. unkind, unfriendly ; II. adv. unkindly, ill ; unfriendly ; — llc()lllCII, to take ill, or amiss. il 11 g ii 1 1 gf e i f, /. unkindness, un- friendliness, disfavour, ill-will. il it g ii 1 1 i d), I. adj. not amicable ; 11 adv. not amicably. il il f) a a V i g, adj. not hairy ; bald. il n f) 1 ( t bit V, adj. 1. not stout, not durable; 2. incapable of being kept ; Ul» tenable ; 3. Min. T. containing UttU metal. Unl)o U tt r> a 1 1 6 a r f e i f, /. unlenablenesa 11 II 1) a 11 b I i d), «#. unhandy, that can- not be well managed or handled. •11 11 [) a X lit 11 1 f dj, adj. & adv. .in harmonious. It It l) a fi 1 1 d), adj. not ugly. .1 tt I) a u 8 1 i d>, «irb grojieg — nad) fid) jiefyeii, it will be attended by great mischief; compos. — britigcilb, adj. harmful, hurt- ful, mischievous ; — brittenb, — fptn= tu'llb, adj. brooding over mischief; — = fcfctvattjjer, adj. pregnant with mischief, fatal, pernicious ; — ftifter, m. — ftifs teritin, /. mischief-maker ; —toll, adj. fatal, noxious, pernicious. UllheUOav, I. adj. incurable, irre- mediable ; cr ift — , he is past remedy ; II. adi\ incurably, irremediably. It It t) C i [ b a X f C t f, /. incurability, in curablcncss ; irremediableness. II 11 () C i I i g, I. adj. unholy, profane ; ir- religious, impious ; II. ado. profanely, unholily, impiously. U tt t) 1 1 1 i g t e i t,f. unholiness, profane- ness, profanity, impurity, ungodliness. U II f) C 1 1 fa lit, I. adj. not salutary, un- wholesome, unheaJthful, hurtful, preju- dicial, noxious ; II. adv. unhealthfully, unwiiolcsomely. U n & C i 111 t f rf), adj. foreign. U 11 1) e i 111 1 t d), adj. uneasy ; uncomfort- able ; gloomy; dismal, haunted; thin umrbe babet — (ju SKutlje), he felt ^was) awe-stricken at it. H II b C i J b a X, adj. not to be heated, without a stove, &c. UltbelbCllEjaft, adj. not heroic, not becoming a hero. U 11 1) C 1 1, adj. not clear, not bright, dull ; cloudy. 11 It 1) C lit lit b a X, adj. not to be stopped, clogged or arrested. U it 1) C V r t f d) , ) adj. not domi- il tt f; e V f f cto f it rf> t i g, > neering, not imperious. U it t) e X ft C II b a is, adj. irreparable ; C/i. T. irreducilile. U It f) t 111 Jtt It f A), adj. uncelestial, not divine. II it f) i 11 b c f b a r, adj. that cannot be hindered. il it I) i it b e v 1 i cb, adj. not hindering, unobstructive. II u() i 11 Id it g 1 id) c r f c 1 1, vid. llniactfal. *lln iaerf i ta t, / (pi. -en) univer t-ity ; academy; compos. — SbibliotfjC f,/ library of the university, — Sfrcilllb, / college friend, fellow-collegian; — Sjabr n. year passed at the university ; — 6« f irdje, /. univenity-churcb. *lt 11 i a e r f 11 lit, n. (-«) universe. ♦It It i t> C a t i It, / uni vocation. *ll 11 i a 6 f, adj. Log. T. univocal. il tt j a g b b a r, adj. Hunt. T. unfit for the chase. 11 II J d f) r i i], adj. under age. It It j li b i f rb, adj. St adv. contrary to the .interests, manners, &.c. of the Jews. U 11 j U l3 e It b I i d), adj. not juvenile, not youthful. il II j U n fl f r d II 1 i rf>, adj. not virginal, not girlish, unmaidenly. ilnf aiferli cb, adj. S,- ado. unlike, contrary to the emperor. *it 11 f a It II i f d), adj. contradicting the canons of the church, uncanonical. 11 11 f a 1 1) I if d), adj. not in the int. rest of, not belonging to the Catholic church. uncatholic. illtfe, /. (pi. -tt) 1. toad, frog; 2. -f snake ; 3. (formerly) a domestic goblin, Puck, Robin Goodfellow; 4. fan. a croaker; taie cine — Icben, to Iiva quite secluded. il II I e II It e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) not a con- noisseur. il tt f c tl it 1 1 i dj (ilufenitbar, Unfeunt* bar), I. adj. incapable of being known or recognized, unknowable, indiscern- ible ; 11. adr. indiscernibly. il II f C II It t N dj f e i t, / not to be known or discerned. II It f C It II 1 11 i ji, /. ignorance. U It f e fc et i f d\ adj. not heretical. Unfcitfcb, I. adj. unchaste; lascivi- ous; lewd; impure, unclean; II. ado. unchastely ; impurely. il it f e it f d> b c i t, /. unchastity, impu- rity, lewdness ; obscenity ; unclean ness. II 11 f i It b I i d), adj. unfilial, undutiful. II it t i r r b a r, adj. not to be enticed. 11 11 f ( a i] b a X, adj. not actionable. it It Eta $ pig, adj. without a valve, sucker, lid, &.c, without flaps. 11 it f f a f, adj. not clear, troubled;^ not evident; JV. 71 foul. 11 II F I U 3, I. adj. imprudent ; foolish ; II. adv. imprudently ; foolishly. il It f I II fl C ( It b, adj. that docs not sub- tilize. il it f 1 11 q f) c i f, / (/ C r I i d> F e i t, / incorporeal!- ty. Immateriality; compos. — e-lcbrc, /. immatiTialism \ — e-lCiU'or, m. inmiate- rialist. U 11 f often, pi. costs, charges, expen- ses; ailf lltcilie — , at mycosis; CC geljt auf tncitte — , l am at the charga of it ; bie — traqen, to bear the charges ; cilteill — llMCyi'll, to put ou« 6S1 mu to expense ; — uiu SJJronifloil, c;! ; ,r2 I s ami the commission; compos. — butt, n. hook of charges ; — COlltO, n. — «q>= mtttg, /. account or bill of charges, A n f r a f tt <[. I ad', inefficacious, inef fectual ; feeble weak, infirm; invalid; powerless; U. adv. inefiicaciously, inef- fectually, feebly, weakly. il it I X fif t i n f c i t f. inefficaciousness, ineflfectualness ; infirmity, feehleness, w« akness; invalidness. UttfraUt, n. (-C8) 1. weed, tare; 2. Jin-, bad, evil; 3. had, obnoxious person — flfitell, to weed; — oetbubt tttcfct, prov. ill-weeds grow apace; compos. — = iil'tig, adj. weed-like, like a rank weed : — failtCll, m. the seed of weeds. lilt Era 11 tig, adj. weedy. U n f t i e g e t i fri, I. adj. unwarlike ; n. adr. ill an unwarlike manner. U 11 fun be, /. want of knowledge, ig- norance, unacquaintance. 11 tt f It It b i ij- L «$ (witt ^e«.) not knowing, not informed, ignorant of, un- acquainted with ; II. adv. ignorantly. Unfit ttit, /. 1. false or bad art; 2. want of art. 11 11 f ii It ft 1 C X I f d), adj. against the rules and beauties of art, not artistic. 11 It f li 11 ft 1 1 ft), adj. inartificial, without art, artless. U 11 E U r J, ad?". (/. u.) not short, uncon- tracted. U II E ii V j b docile. il 11 ( e b x x c i cb, adj. uninstruclive. il tt I e i b t i cb, adj. vid. llnfih-pcvlirb. il 11 1 e t b, adj. fan. f § ift mtv ni*t — , iicS gctkiil ;u lMbcn, 1 am not sorry for having done this. il II 1 e i b b (I r, adj. insufferable, intoler- able. il 11 1 c t b i g, adj. fam. intolerant, impa tient. 11 11 I C i b 1 g E C i f, /• impatience. il it I e t b 1 i cb, I. adj. insufferable, into] erable. insupportable ; II. adv. insuffer- ably, intolerably, insupportably. il 11 1 e i b I i d) E e i t, /. intolerableness. ilulctbfam, adj. vid. Uuleibig. il n I C i ft b a V, adj. impracticable ; that cannot be rendered. II 11 1 C i ft b ft X E C i t, /. impracticability, il 11 1 C It E b a r, Ulllettbar, adj. unman- ageable. il 11 1 e i t b a x E e i t, f. fig. indocility. il it I c 11 E f a m, I. adj. ungewnable ; II. ado. ungovernably. il n I C tl E f a m E c i f , /. ungovernableness. il n 1 C V It b it r, adj. that cannot be learned. UulcSbav, ilnlcfcvlicb, I. adj. not legible, illegible ; not worth reading : II. ado. not legibly, il 11 1 e f C f I i fb E C 1 1, /. illegibleness. il II I e U d) t C It b, adj. (I. «.) not shining, unlustrous. ilnlcugbar, adj. vid. Uutiiugbar. il ll 1 1 C b, adj. <$■ ado. not dear ; dis- agreeable; cs ift ntir — , I am sorry for it; bemtnt ift c8 mir nid)t — cr, wig. I don't like it the worse for that. il II I t C b e, /. [I. «.) want of love or af- fection, il tt I i C b C II b, adj. unloving. il 11 1 1 c b e 11 8 to ii r b i g, 1. adj. un- amiable, unlovely ; II. ado. unamiably. ilitliebeiiSTOurbigfeit, /. un- loveliness. il tt 1 1 e b 1 1 d), I. adj. not sweet, un- pleasant ; unsavory ; disagreeable ; II. ado. unpleasantly. il 11 1 i c b 1 1 d) £ t 1 t, /. unpleasantness. U ll 1 1 C f e r b il r, adj. that cannot be delivered or furnished. *11 11 1 i lit i t i V t, adj. unlimited, vid lllt= begrenjt, llnbefcbviiiift, Utibcftinimt. il 11 1 b C b a V, adj. + that cannot be praised, not commendable. il tt lobfliert g, adj. not greedy of praise. 11 II I ii b I i dl, I. adj. not praiseworthy ; censurable, blamalile; II. adv. in an unpraiseworthy manner, blamably. il ll l b I i d) E C i t, /. blameworthiness, ccnsurableness. il 11 l b TO ii X b I g, adj. not praise- worthy. • il II I p rf t g, adj. — cS .§aar, hair not curly. ilnlogifcb, I. adj. illogical; II adv. illogically. il It I 1) It b a X, adj. that cannot be re- warded. II 11 I P b It C It b, adj. unproductive, un- profitable. il 11 16 S b a x, ilitloShVb, adj. that can- not be solved or detached. U V. I 6 f d) b a r, adj. unquenchable. Umne U n 1 6 , cb b a x t c i t, /. unquenchable ness. II 11 1 6 t b b a V, adj. that cannot be sol dered or luted, ll It 1 6 1 1) I g, adj. not fine (of gold ot silver). il It I II ft, /. displeasure, dislike; dis- gust ; disaffection ; disinclination ; — JIUU (5'fffll, want of appetite, loathing at food ; — l)rtbcit, to have no mind. il lit lift tg, I. adj. J. disliking, disin- clined; disgustful; 2. dull, heavy, sad; II. adv. sorrowfully, sullenly. il it in a d) t, /. powrerlessness ; weak- ness ; impotence ; vid d)nillrtd)f. il 11 lit ii fb t i g, adj. powerless ; impo- tent ; weak; vid. Clutmiicbtig. 11 11 1)1 ii b cb C 11 b a f t, adj. unmaiden- like, not girlish. il it m a b I, adv. in»il)l or — fr-ielen, to play at pitch and toss, at chuckfarthing. il 11 111 a b 1 C r 1 f d), adj. not picturesque, unromantic. il 11 111 it 11 I f V 1 1 fb, adj. Sf adv. unman nerly ; rude, rudely, il n m n t c x I i cb f e i t, /. unmanned hiiess, rudeness, il it ma nil, m, eunuch; fig. coward; dandy, il 11 111 fl 11 n b a r, adj. not arrived al manhood ; under age ; unir.irriageable. il ll 111 11 11 b a r E C 1 1, /. the not having attained to manhood or puberty; un marriageableness. il n m a it 11 1) a f t, Unmanitlicb, adj. <$■ adv. unmanly, unmanlike ; effeminate, il 11 111 a ll 11 b 1 1 1, /. eunuchism ; fig. un- manliness. U It 111 it 11 11 1 i d) E C i t, /. unmanliness. ■■ ll 11 lit a 8 £i X t, al. -€11) inhuman, cruel action; cruelties. ll n m e r E b a x, adj. rid. UnmcrElicb. il it lit e t! Ii fb, f- adj- imperceptible ; ir» sensible; unperceivable ; latent; II. ado-. insensibly; imperceptibly. il urn e r E 1 i fb f e i f, /. imperceptible- ness, insensibleness. il it lit e r f f a 111, adj. inattentive, unre- gardful. il 11 111 1 x f TO ii v b i g, adj. not remark able. i b e tt b, ) I. adj. incom- t b t g, ' passionate, pi- '. i [ C II b, ? adj. incommu- i 1 f il 111, ' nicative, close, Uumu ft n m c r E m ii v b i g E e i t, / want of interest ; little remarkableness. ft it in e fi b a v, adj. Mat. T. incommen- Burable. U II m e § a r f e i f, /. incommensura- bility. ft ii ill e fi I i d), adj. immeasurable. ft 11 ill C t a I 1 i g, adj. not metallic, not containing metal. 11 11 m e t a 1 1 1 f eft, adj. not metallic. *1I it in c t ft o b i f eft, adj. unmethodical •ft It 111 C t V i f d), adj. not metrical, un- me tries! 11 it ill i 1 b, adj. not mild, harsh. II 11 lit i I b C, /. harshness, lilt 111 if cftb a r, adj. that cannot be mixed. 11 n in t p b r a a d) t, adj. not misused, not abused. U it in i 1 1 c i il n m i 1 1 c t b t g tiless; II. adi\ without compassion. ft tl 111 i 1 1 e I b CI r, I. adj. immediate, di- rect; _e 33oUlliad)i, immediate pow- er; — c Urfetcfte, proximate cause ; bet — C 2ittll eillCl" Stclle, the literal sense of a passage ; — C S'eitftsftitntf, the immediate states of the empire ; II. adv. immediately, directly. U u in i 1 1 c I b ei r f e i t, f. immediate- ness ; directness. U 1! lit 1 1 1 () e U b rt r, adj. incapable of being communicated, incommunicable. Hunt ttthei I betvEeit, /. uncom- municabilify. 11 n in i 1 1 ft c il u m i t 1 f) c reserved. *U um o i f A), T. adj. unfashionable; II. adv. unfashionably. il 11 111 fl 1 i eft, I. adj. impossible ; II ado. impossibly. 11 U ill i] 1 t eft t e i t, /. (pi. -Cll) im- possibility. il 11 111 i> It eft, m. (-eS ; pi. -C) one not a monk (/. u.\ 11 it ill ll ri) i f eft, ) adj. not monkish, il n m 5 n eft 1 1 eft, ) unmonacal. U n in o r a I i f eft, adj. immoral, vid. lilt* fittliefc, «aftcrhaft. U It 111 V b e r i f eft, adj. not murderous, not bloody. ilnm ii ft fain, ilnmiiftfelig, adj. not troublesome or painful. 11 it ill ii il b t ej, adj. under age, minor. il It III ii 11 b t il E C t t, /. non-age, under- age, minority. *il u mil f i f ei I i f eft, I. adj. unmusical ; II. ado. unmusically. il u m u ft c r I) a f t, adj. not exemplary. il It 111 U ft C r II, adj. &■ adc. provinc. un- well ; uncomfortable. II II 111 U £ C, /. want of leisure. 11 It 111 ii 1J i (J, adj. not idle. 11 il ill U t ft, m.(-t$) 1. depression of spi- rits, dejection; gloom, gloominess, sad ness; 2. ill humour; displeasure, indig- nation ; compos. — SbPll, adj. ill-humour- ed ; dejected, gloomy. U It lit II t ft i ej, adj. S,- ado. I. ill-humour ed, out of humour, low-spirited, gloomy; sad ; 2. displeased. ft it mutter, /. [pi. llnmiittcv) un- natural mother. ft n mutter It eft, adj. £- adv. un- motherly; cruel, cruelly. U It muttCt I tcftEet t, /. unnatural 'itss, cruelly (of a mother). liuor il n a a eft a h m b a t, adj. vid. Unnaeft= ethinlicb. 1*1 n 11 a eft a b »t 1 i eft, L adj. inimitable j II. adv. inimitably. il it n a eft a b "i 1 i eft E e i t, /. inimiia- biliiy ; inimitabl il 11 It Cld) t at I i eft, adj. & ado. un- neighbourly. il ii it a eft b a r f eft a f t, /. (/. u.) bad neigbb iiirhood. il 11 It it eft b i I b b a r, adj. that cannot be copied. ft it n a (ft b v ii ef I i eft, adj. ir ado. with- out energy. ft it tl a eft f o I g 1 i eft, adj. incapable of being followed. il II II a eft (l i e b i fj, adj. unyielding ; un- complying, stubborn. il ii ii a eft 1 a f f e n b, adj. continued, un- interrupted. U It II n (ft I a f f i fj, I. adj. assiduous, sed- ulous; II. adv. assiduously. il il ii a eft Ki f- 1 i eft, I. adj. irremissible, indispensable, unpardonable ; II. adc. ir- remissibly. ft it n et eh f t eft t i g, iliiiiacbftefttlidi, adj. not indulgent ; slern, unrelenting. il n n a eft t ft e i I i g, I. adj. not prejudi- cial, unprejudicial, uninjuring ; II. adv. without prejudice. 11 n n a d) t ft e i I i g f e i t, /. unprejudi- cialness. U tt 11 a b b a r, adj. unapprochable, inac- cessible. il 11 It il 1) V tj a f t, adj. not nourishing. U II it a ill e, in. (-118 ; pi. -en) nick- name. U It It a 111 ft a f t, adj. unnamed. U It It at It r, /. something contrary to nature; vid. UtUltttiirlteftfcit. il 11 II a t ii r 1 1 eft, I. adj. unnatural ; pre- posterous ; affected; II. adv. unnatu- ral ly ; against nature, extravagantly. il 11 It a t it r 1 1 eft E C 1 1, /. unnatural- ness ; affectedness. il it it e b c it b 1 ii 1 1 e r i g, adj. n. T. bractless. il It tt C 11 II b .1 r, I. adj. not to be named ; inexpressible, ineffable, unutterable ; II. ado. inexpressibly, ineffably U 11 11 e 11 11 b it V f C i t, /. unutterable- ness, ineffableness ; ineffability, inex- pi'cssibleness. il II It i C b 1 i eft, adj. not pretty, inelegant, not neat. ft 11 11 t ft, adj. vid. next icord. 11 II II i) t f) i g, I. adj. unnecessary, need- less ; 11. ado. unnecessarily, needlessly. 11 II It ii t ft i (1 E e f, /. utinecessariness. needlessness. II II II iife, I. adj. 1. useless, fruitless, un- profitable ; good for nothing ; 2. unavail- able ; vain : — CS @efcfttviife, idle talk ; till — e* 93erblC(beil, an unprofitable crime ; II. adv. uselessly, fruitlessly, nn- piotitably, vainly: in vain; |icft — I1M= (belt, wig. to affront people, to talk in an idle strain. II it tilt fee It, m. (-8) unprofitableness, unserviceableness ; damage, loss. il n u ii 1} I i eft, adj. via. Uimiife. U it it ii t} I i eft E e i t, /. uselessness ; fruitlessness ; unavailableness. U n V b e II 1 1 1 eft, I. adj. disorderly, dis- ordered ; confused ; irregular ; eiiie — e (Jr^'iftluiia, a confused narration; till — tS \!tben, a disorderly life ; II. adv. disorderly, in disorder; confusedly, irre- gularly. llura 11 1. o t o e ii 1 1 i eft E e i t, /. duordarii ness; nd. UiiovMiiiibv il ii c v Ml II il (i. /. [pi. -en) disorder; confusion, irregularity ; ill — , out ol order; in — briiifltu, to put in disor- der ; ill — gcratbeit, lo fall into disor. der; tampoi. — fftifter, — sftifttrinn, /. disorganizer. U II r (J a 11 i f (ft, L adj. inorganic ; II adv. inorganically. il ItOrgantfit t, adj. unorganized. U 11 V (i V ft I I (ft, adj. not papistical. il up a a r, adj. odd. ftit vet t ttii feft, iliiveirteilieft' I. « j impartial, unbiassed; disinterested; 11 adr. Tin parti. -illy, without bias. 11 ii \> a r t e i I i d) f e i t, /. impartiality impartialness. il ii v a 1 1 e i \ ii fi I i eft, adj. A- adr indisposed, un- well, poorly; fid) — bcfiiibcil, lo be poorly; vid. Syn. Jtrilllf. il tl p a fj I i (ft E e i t, /. unaplness, un- fitness. 11 II \> a fj I i eft E e t t, /. 1 indisposition ; 2. (pi. -Cll; attack of indisposition. *U il p a t r t o t i f eft, adj. not patriotic ; disloyal. U il V e r f b il I i eft, I. adj. impersonal — e8 ^eitlUClt, impersonal verb; — « S'iil'ivbrter, impersonal pronouns; IL adv. impersonally. U 11 p e r f 11 1 i eft, f e i t, /. impersonal ity. II il p f I e g f, /. (/. u.) carele il n p f t e g I i eft, adj. — mit ctn.\t« nm» geben, to be careless with any thing, t« dissipate it. il 11 p f l i eft t, /. J . transgression ; 2. J, '!'. provinc duty or service to be per formed by a vassal or tenant; i.pmvitu tax, impost. II 11 p f I i eft t i g, adj. exempt from ccr lam duties. il II p f t i d) t i g E C i t, /. exemption from forced labour; obligation to extra duty ft n p f I i eft 1 1 i eft, adj. (I. u.) contrary to duty, undutiful. *ft 11 p ft 1 1 f p ft i f eft, I. adj. unphi losopbical; ll. adv. unpbilosophically. * 11 lip DC ti fit, I adj. unpoLiical; II adv. unpoetically. *ft il p I i v t, adj. unpolished ♦ft II p I i t i f eft, adj. impolitic ; impru- dent. *il n p P 11 1 it r, adj. unpopular. U It p r f ft b a r, adj. not compressible, in- compressible. il ii p r i e ft c r I i eft, adj. unpriestly, un like a priest. ft it p v i ll j I i eft, adj. &■ ado unlike a prince. *il n p r o f i t ei b e I, adj. unprofitable. ft Itpropbettfth, adj. unjrophetie unlike a prophet. ♦il ii p v c p o r t ; p n i r t, adj. not (weifl proportioned, dbproportioned. 11 ii p ii n ft lieft, punctual, in exact 11 It r a ft. /. provinc. restlessness 11 11 1 il t ft, m. {-ti) 1 dirt, hash, ordure 2. excrement offal ; 3. -f- confusion vexation ; 4. (/. u.) profusion, lavish C83 Unrc Be8g; — litcrEeit or imrtcnt, fig. to smell a rat, to take umbrage. [l tt X a 1 l) I i eft, I. a i f f b a x, adj. unnavigable, not navigable. It it f d) i f f b a x f c i 1, /. unnavigable- ness. U II f d) t 111 V f t i cb, adj. not shameful, not disgraceful. it n f d; I a d) t b a r, adj. not fit for slaughter, not ready for the knife. U It f d) I a d) t i 0,, adj. uncouth ; awk- ward, vid, llttgcfd)lacbt. lit n f d) I a (] b a X, adj. not fit to be felled (of wood). U II f Cb I i t f, n. (-C8) provinc. tallow, suet, grease; lllit — bcfd)lllicrctt, to tallow. Ullfcbliif f it], I. adj. irresolute, wavering; undecided; unresolved, un- determined, doubtful ; — fcijlt, to hesitate, balance, waver, fluctuate ; II. adv. irresolutely. U It f cb I ii f f i g f e 1 1, /. irresolution, hesitation, indecision. & n f cb m a d 1) a f t (Unfd) m a tf f>af- Unfe tig)/ I- adj. unsavory,, tasi unpalatable ; II. ado. unsavorily, in sipidly, tastelessly. Unfcbmacf fcafttgf ett, /. un- savoriness, insipidity, taslelessness. U 11 f (t lit e e 1 1, /. the majesty of innocence ; — filtlt, m. innocent, pure mind ; — i- licb, 7t. innocent song ; — §VN>bf, /. + vid. @otte«tttt$eil ; — sftcittf, /. dwelling, habitation of innocence ; — 8 s Doll, ndj. full of innocence, quite in- nocent ; — SlUelt, /.world in which innocence dwells. U ll f cb it 1 b i g, I. adj. 1. innocent (an, of), not guilty, guiltless; 2. chaste, pure; harmless; 3. inoffensive, innoxi- ous ; II. adv. I. innocently, guiltlessly; 2. harmlessly ; inoffensively; vid, Syn. @diulbloa. it ll f d) ii <> b a r, adj. that cannot be protected, it n f d) to a d>, adj. (I. u) not weak, not feeble, it 11 f cb \V a d) b a r, adj. that cannot be enfeebled or debilitated. U 11 f d) W a V m C r i f cb, adj. not ec- centric or visionary. it ii f cb ro c i j c v i f cb, adj. not Swiss, anti Helvetic. it n f cb. tu e r, ado. w ithout difficulty, easily, not hard, it ii f cb roe ft e r 1 i d), adj. S,- adv. un- sisterly. U II f C g ( I b err, crbanue bid) — ! Lord, have mercy upon us: ge = bcilfe — ! remember us! it lifer, Uttfere, pron. poss. our; — ■§au8, our house ; — e Stabt, our city; — e 3eileil,our limes; bM ScbriftftcIIer — er 3fit, the authors of our time; bad § settled. U 11 f C U b a r, adj. that cannot bo putuf placed. it ll f t d) e r, I. adj. I. insecure, unsafe 2. unsure, uncertain, precarious ; — i 33iirgfcbafr, floating security ; — ma= djen (^trapen n. f. lo.), to infest highways, &.c); II. adv. insecurely, un- safely] uncertainly. U tt f i cb c r () C t t, / insecurity, unsafr ness; uncertainty. U It f t ^ t b a r, I. adj. invisible ; bCV — f, the Invisible One, God; II. adv. iuvi s jl,ly . — tnerbtn, to disappear, vanish ftfh — madden, /am. to abscond i one's escape. ft nfid) t barf eit,/. invisibility. it it f i d) t b a r I i cb, adj. vid. Unficbu bar. ilnf id) tbarlicbf e it,/.invisil itttf id)tbarmad)ung, /. the rendering invisible, causing to vanish il n f i cb t b a r ro e r b n it g. / the aci of vanishing, disappearing. U ii f i ii g b a r, adj. that cannot be suiu U ll f t n n, m. (-tS) 1. madness ; S sense; bi8 jlllll — licbeil, to love to distraction. U ii fill nig, I. adj. l. mad, frantic, insane; 2. irrational : nonsensical; — lvevbcn, to run mad or distracted ; IL ndr. madly, nonsensically ; vid 3rre. ilnftnnigt, »«■ ><■ /■ did. Wu adj frantic, madman, fool. it ti f i ii ti i g f e i t, /. , adj. unsoldierlike, unsoldierly. *ll It f f t b C, adj. not solid ; not ten- able; not thorough; not trustworthy or reliable. ft it f X g C, /. want of taking tare, rid. ©OXglofigfcit. II II f p I g f ii I t i g, adj. not careful, careless. II It f X fj f ii I t i g f e t t, /. care- lessness. ft tt f X g I't d), adj. 1. vid. U«fOI8* fiiltig; 2. not attended with care, not disquieting. U tt f X g I ! d) f C t t, f. carelessness; exemption from care. •Infoxgfct lit, I. adj. careless, not caring, supine, negligent; II. ado. care- lessly, ft It f X g f (t 111 f e t t, /. carelessness, •ft il f P x t i X r, adj. unsorted. II II f p r a d) C, /. (/. u.) bad, or vicious language, jargon, ft 1! f p X t $ b it X ( adj. not to be spoken with ; not to be seen, not at home, ft It f p It X t g. adj. having (or leaving) no traces or tracks, ft n f r t 8 e, /. vid. Itnfexigc. ft It ft it b t i f <£, adj. not belonging to a town, rustic. II 11 ft ii 111 lit t 8« adj. not thick set, not well knit, ft 11 ft it It b f) rt f t, adj. not steadfast ; unsteady, unstable, inconstant. II n ft it U b i g, adj. provinc. changeable ; accidental 11 It ft a V f, a'lj. (I. u.) not strong, not robust. U It ft ii V f f, /. want of vigour weak- ness, feebleness, debility. T It ft ii t (ftnftiitig), I. adj. 1. unsteady, inconstant, unstable, restless; 2. vari- able ; 3. unsettled, without a fixed abode ; fine niiftiitige ©tope. Mat. T. a vari- able quantity; II. ado. restlessly; un- steadily, inconstantly, unstably, variably. II It ft it t t g f C i t, /. unsteadiness : mutability ; variableness ; unsettled state. Unta ft II ft C X tl in. (-CS) 1 evil star ; 2. mischance, misfortune, disaster. II It ft C t, It. f. IV., Kid. Ultftiit, 11. f. tO. II It ft e 11 C X, f. oppressive tax, excise, ft It ft e It e X b a I, adj. 1 . not to be governed (of ships) ; 2. not contribut- able, not taxable, ft It ft t f t 111 a (5 t g, adj. not capable of being chosen a canon, not having a pedigree of thirty-two, or at least of sixteen noble ancestors, ft It ft i 1 I, adj. not still, not calm, unstill. U It ft 1 1 1 b it V, adj. unappeasable, insa- tiable. 11 11 ft i 1 1 b (1 V f C 1 1, / insatiability. 11 11 ft 1 1 1 C, /. intranquility, noise, bustle. ft 11 ft i 111 111 b a X, adj. untunable. U 11 ft f f 1 1 d), adj. immaterial, incor- poreal. U It ft r b a X, adj. undisturbable, hn- perturbable. ft It ft 5 I b a X I C t t, /. imperturbabil- ity ; ineommutability. ft n ft x ti f b a x, iltiftriifliob, I. adj. ir- reprehensible, blameless, unblamable, inculpable, irreproachable, irreprovable; II. adn. irreprehensibly, blamelessly, un- blamably, irreprovably. ft it ft x a f b a x f c 1 1, ft nflxaflidjicif, /. irreprehensibleness, unblamablencss ; integritj', purity, innocence. U tl ft X e b f a 111, adj. not active or in- dustrious, not assiduous or persevering, ft it ft X C cf b a X, adj. not extensible, not ductile. 11 It ft X e i f t g, adj. unstreaked, unstriped. ft it ft x e 1 1 b a I, adj. vid. llnftxeitig. II II ftx f 1 1 1 g, I. adj. incontestible, indis- putable, unquestionable, indubitable; II. adv. indisputably, incontestibly, indubit- ably, certainly. ft It ft X C t t t g t e t t, f. incontestible- ness, indisputableness ; certainty. ft 11 ft 11 b C n 1 1 f ft), adj. unlike a student. ft it ft it b t X t, adj. unstudied ; illiterate. ft It f ii f) 11 b a X, adj. inexpiable. 1 1 It fit II b t g, adj. impeccable. 11 II f ii 11 b i g t C i t, /. impeccability. 11 It f U U b It d), adj. not sinful ; exempt from sin, innocent. il 11 f ii II b ( t d; f C i t, /. innocency ; im- peccability. *ft n f l) m m e t X i e, /. asymmatry, dis- proportion. *ft n f l) nt m f t x t f d), adj. 1 . asym- metrical ; 2. T. dissimilar (of crystals). II It t a b C [, m. (-6) absence of blame (I. v.). U 11 ft ii t f X it II t, m. prvrinc. meadow- | ft n t a b C I b a X, adj. rid. Untabcfbaft. ft it t a b e I b a f t, ftntabclig, I. adj. 11 11 ft ii t t 0, /. place or spot reputed dangerous from superstition. il tt ft S 1 1 i g f c i t, /. vid. llnftiitigfeit. ft n ft a 1 1 1) a f t. adj. not allowable, un- admittible, unndniissible j unlawful; in- sufficient ; impertinent ft n ft a t t f) a f t i g f c i f, f. inad- missibleness; unlawfulness, insufficien- cy, impropriety, impertinence. il It ft a t t I t ri), adj. not magnificent, not grand, not of a noble air. il It ft e i g b a r, adj. 1. not climbable; 2. that cannot rise fin price). U it ft f x b ( i eft, l. adj. immortal; btf — fit, the immortals, the gods ; II. ado. immortally ; — nt.trbcit, to immortalize ft n ft e x b I t d) { e t \ /. immortality 6S6 unblamable, blameless; irreprehensihle. irreprovable, irreproachable; II. adv. unblamably, blamelessly ; irreprehensi- bly, irreprovably. U n t a b c I b a f 1 1 g f c i f, /. unblama- bleness, blamelessness ; irreprehensi- bleness, irreproachable ness. il It t it V f C X, adj. not brave, not valiant, ungallant. il 11 1 a ft b a X, ndj. impalpable. II II t a ft b a X f C 1 1, /. impalpability. ft II t il 11 g i t d), I. adj. unapt, unfit ; un- suitable, exceptionable, improper, use- less, good for nothing ; JV. T. unsea- worthy ; — Utfldieit, to disqualify, in- dispose; — gClVOl'bClt, incapacitated; II. ndr. unaptly, unfitly, improperly; jn- suitablv. Uiite II il t a il g 1 1 d) f e i t, f. unaptness^ un fitness; uselessuess; — filled Scfc/iffc8 unseaworthiness. *ft II t a X i X t, adj. not taxed ; CtllC — % police, .If. K. an open policy. 11 It t C II, ado. I. below, beneath, under ncath, under ; fam. below stairs; 2. at the (lower) end, last ; — il It, last, at lbs lowest end ; CX ift — , he is below ; — (ibfitUeit, to drop on" from below , — ilbfd)licibcn, to cut off underneath , — (icgctl, to lie under ; fig. to be over come ; gailj — , quite down, far down ; ba — , below there ; tiffi'X — , furthei down or below; — Ctllt ©€Xge, at the foot of the bill ; — ant" bex @Xbf, here below ; — aitS bCX filbf, from un- der ground; — rjiltilllS, out below; — bUXffj, through underneath ; — bexnilt, round about beneath ; OOtt — , from below, from beneath ; lUld) — , downward; xoic tveitft — gefagt rocx= bell fpll, as it shall be said below. II 11 t C X, I. prep, with dat. i$- ace. 1. under; below, beneath ; 2. among, amongst, amid, amidst; in the midst of; between, betwixt, from among ; of; 3. in ; by, during ; ba8 Sud) (icgt — bent SEtftye, the book lies under the table ; bdS Sctllt fteht — SBaffex, the country lies under water; nitfex (Scbiff max bainalS — ©eg el, our ship was then under sail; fie jpfl en 'v't — bent sBettc beruox, they dragged him Prom under the bed ; — gegenroiirtigcii Uniftiiiibcii, undet the present circumstances; — belli SBettr) angebeit, to undervalue; — JIlMlljtg 3al)XCIt, not twenty years old ; — jtrMlljig Sljalex, under twenty dollars: Jtiiibex — jebu Sabxcn, children not ten years old ; — bex Sftf= gicxillig SxailJ I., under the reign ol Francis I. ; — belli jef>IttCll btefffl (3J2C= mitt"), under the dale of the tenth instant; — 3t)Xer 5lCxeffe, under your direction; ex XOObnt — mix, he lodges below me ; — belli SRoilbf, under the moon, sub-lunar; — feineilt ©tailbe heixat^Ctl, to marry below one's self; ex ift — mix (an 3lang, n. f. W.), he is below me (in rank, &c ) ; he is in- ferior to me ; ttcf — mil'/ far below me; biejj ift— nieiitex SenfungSntt, this is beneath my way of thinking; — belt 3m"d)aiiexit, among the spec- tators; (S ciiiftaiib ein Strett — iin$, there arose a dispute among us; — ailbexn, amongst other things; matt miihlte brci — tt)iieit au^, they chose three from among them ; — bte feoU baten geljett, to enlist ns a soldier, mitten — nieincx .fpccxbe, amid my flock; ex war mitten — line, he was in tiie midst of us; — bex '.'ll'beit eill* fd)Utfcn, to fall asleep working; — in'vgiefiung fcielex Sbriineii, while shedding a torrent of tears; — UN'S gcfiigt, be it spoken between us (under the rose) ;— uiex Uufaten marcn bvei jit leidlt, of four ducats three were too light; ex ift bex biiinmfte — alien, he is the silliest of them nil; ni?l)t cittet — jcbll ll)ixb C^ tblllt fSlllteil, not one in ten will be able to do il; — ber §ailb, underhand, secretly, privately, clandestinely: — bex Spveffe, in the p,. ess ; — ©d)(pfi unb SRiegel, undei lock and key; — ber get:, in the mean, mean time ; ex ift — belli 3Ja= men SDIiUex befannt, he goes by the name of Miller ; — boll ©ebete, during prayers ; — SBegeiS, on the way ; — etll* Ollbex, one with another, together; mixed up, confusedly ; II. adv. llttt — , amongsl other things; fig. now and then, some time; Ul.'adj. vid. UntfXf. Unte Verbs compounded with Ulltcr are either separable or inseparable; it will he pointed out by the accent to which class each rcrb belongs. 'I n t c v a b 9 e o v b u c t e, m. did. like adj. subdelegate. U 11 1 C V a b r b it « It fl, /• subdelega- tion. 11 11 t C f a b t [) e i I C tt, v a. to subdi- vide. llnterabtbetluna,, /. ( P i. -en) mibdivision. 11 u t C V a rf) f, f. + inferior bar. (no>. the imperial ban), il u t c r a rf c v n, ». a. *^or. to plough under. 11 n tcrabmiral, m. (-«;?/. -ale) under -admiral, it ii t r v a I m o f c n t < r, U«teralnto= fcnyfle (jer, m. (-8 ; pi. -e .$• — ) sub- almoner. U II t C r a I p i f rf), «&". subalpine. II 11 t et fl lit t, n. (-C3 ; p/. -Sinter) in- ferior or subordinate office. 11 It t ( v Q 111 1 1 i fb, n'/j. subaltern. 11 n t e r a r b e 1 1 e it, v. a. i. se/>ar. to work under; 2. Uiitcrarbciten, io un- derinine, to sap. il n t f v a r in, ni. (-e8 ; j>J. -e) lower part nf the arm ; the shank ; compos. — bcill, h. shank-bone of the foreleg. il It t e r il V t,f. ( pi. -eit) inferior species. 11 utcvav tifrt)o It, f. (pi. -it) the Jerusalem artichoke. il it t e r a r j f, m. (-e8 ; ? /. -arjte) sur- geon's assistant Untcraiiffeber, m. (-8; ?A — ) under-keeper, sub-inspector. II II t « r a U f f i rf) t, /. under-inspection. il it t c r a u a. c it 1 1 c b, n. c-e8 ; pi. -er) lower eyelid ; compos. — 8bllltab?r, /. .-?. T. vein of the eyelids; — 8$U)cifl, m. .']. T. nerve of the eyelids. il it t c r b a rf e it, v. ir. a. separ. Jtarfof= fdll — , to put potatoes into the bread. il n t e v b a I f c it, m. (-8 ; pi. —) Jlrch. T. architrave ; lower-beam; compos. — = — roeger, pi. — trarbt, /. jv. T. thick Stuff (under the clamps in a ships side). ilnterbaitb, m. X- n. (-e3) under binding, underbandage. ilntcrbaitf, /. (pi. -battle) lower bench. tt it t e v b a jj, m. (-ffe8) JK«*. r. double bass. il u t e r b a u, m. (-e8 ; pi. -ten) I. ^re/i. 7'. substructure, foundation; 2. build- ing under ground. II n t c r b a u di, m. (-e8) lower belly, bottom of the belly, hypogastrium (. / 7'.) ; compos — flfflttlb, /. hypogastric region; — ffblaflafcril, pi. hypogastric veins. II u t e r r b a u en, v a. l . to build un- der or beneath ; 2. lliiterbaiicu, to fur- nish with a substructure ; to under- mine, sap (a bulwark). il ii t e v b a it in, m. (-eS ; pi. -bourne) under-buam, front-roller [of weavers , 11 11 1 e V b a li U It fl, /. substruction. 11 11 1 e r b e a 111 t e, m. (-tt ; pi. -tt) in- ferior (civil) officer, subaltern. il ii t e r b e b i e u t e, m. (-n ; pi. -tt) under-servant, under-strapper. Unte v b e f e b 1 8 b a b c r, m. (-8 ; p/. — ) vice commandant) second in com- mand, under-chief. U n t e r b c f c b 1 8 6 e r r f rf) a f r, /. the rank [alto district or place) of a vice-commandant. Unte il it t c r b e b c r r f rf e r, m. (-8 yl. — ) vice-regent, sub-regent. il U t C r b e b 5 r b e, /. sub-tribunal, in- ferior court. il it tcr bcin, ?!. (-c8; pi. -e) heel- .bone. il II t c r b e i II f ( C i b e f, pi. drawers. il ll t C r b e i |1 P, m. C-eS) T. the un- der-board (of a closet-door, &.C.). il n t c r b e r c i t c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) under ri ling-master. il n t e r b e r fj in e i ft i r, m. ( -8 ; pi. — ) fireman in the mines, il n t e r b e fl a it b, m. vid. llntevparft. 11 n t e r b e 1 1, ?i. (-c8 ; pi. -en) under- bed, feather bed. il n t e r b e 1 1 e it, ». a. 1. to put beds under ; 2. to put under or beneath, il It t e f b C U t e, /. the lower half of a wooden bee-hive. 11 n t e r b e t> o 1 1 in a rf t i fj t e, m. dcd. like adj. subdelegate. U it t e r b i b 1 1 o 1 1) e f a r, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) sublibrarian. U 11 t C r b i C ("( e II. v. a. separ. to bend under ; fid) — , to stoop under. It nter bi nb e it, v. ir «. I. to bind, tie (under); 2. lliltcrbtiiteit, se- par. to tie on the under side, lilt tc r bi It b u n fl,, /. underbinding ; tieing (of the navel string), ilitterbifrfof, m. (-c8; pi. -bi= fdip'fe) suffragan, il it t e r b I a f e n, v. a. to blow (any thing) under. il n t e r b 1 a 1 1, n. (-c8 ; pi. -blatter) lower leaf, under-leal', foil. il 11 1 e r b I e i, or — ftiirf, n. T. leaden fool into which the needles are stuck (with stocking-weavers). II n t e r b I e i b e it, v. ir. -.. (««/. fc>u 1. to be left unperformed or undone ; 2. to discontinue, cease. II n t e r b 1 e i b c it, «. (-8) Uuterble(= bnilO,, /. (he being left undone; discon- tinuation ; cessation, being unperformed il n t e r b b e ii, m. (-8) 1. under-floor ; 2, /'. blank, ban- ; lower plate (of a watch). il it t e r b o it it e 1 1 e, /. .v. r. the lower by-sails. il il t e r b o t 8 m a it it, m. (-8 ; pi. -manner) boatswain's mate. il u t e r b o r n in e i ft e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) under-officer in salt-works. 11 1', t C r b r C d) e It, ir. a to interrupt : arrest, cease, stop discontinue; (S'inen in t-er .'Irbeit — , to interrupt any one in Ins work. II ll t e r b r C d) C r, m. (-8 ; pi — ) inter- rupter. Unte t b r c rf ii n fl, /. (pi. -en) inter- ruption, intermission. I il n t e r b r e i t e it, a. a. separ. 1. to Bpread, lay under, 2. to lay before any one for examination and sanction (in chancery). il It t e f b f i ll fl C It, v. ir. a. separ. 1. to put underneath; 2. to bring under shelter, to procure quarters ; 3. to pro- vide for; 4 to negotiate (bills of ex- change) ; 5. to dispose of ; 6. llntcr= luuifloit, /. u i to subdue ; eincit — , to procure one a lodging ; to pet a place for one; (S?lb — , to p>ace one's mo ney ; btef« SSanren (tnb ntcbt unters tubiiiiflcii, these goods remain on hand. il n t erbr i n fl n n fl, /. placing; pro- viding for, procuring quarters. U n t e r b r 6 (f) e n, part. adj. interrupt- Unte ed. intermissivr-; — e ?lebre, interrupt ed ear; — flefiebcrtc ©latter, B. T uterruptedly pinnate. •il it t e r c o in in i f f 8 r, m. (-8 ; yl. -t) subcommissioner. il n t c r b a d), n. (-e8 ; pL -barfer) under-roof. it n t e r J a in in, m. ( -c8 ; pi. -bamnte) under-dike, under-darn. *il n t e r b c d) a n t, m (-en ; ;//. -eni sub-dean. il n t c r b e rf, 7i. .v. T. lower deck, il n t c r b e rf e, /. (pi. -n) under cover, il n t e r b e rf e n, v. a. to put under (underneath). llnterbcfi, Unterbe'ffen, ado. in the meantime, meant hue, meanwhile; while, whilst *il n t c r b i a E o n, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) sub deacon. *ll ii t e r t i a f p u a t, n. (-e8 ; pi. -e) sub deaconry, sub-deacons In p. il ii t e r b i e i: ft b p t e, m. (-it ; si -«'' under-servant. il ii t cr bra« flen, v. a. to thrust under or among. il ii t e rb r e ben, r. a. to twist any thins under. il it t c r b r c ttl p 1 1, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) JV. T lower port-sill. U ;; terbtUtfe 11, r. a. 1 . to print un- der; fetnen 9lamen — laffen, to get one's name printed under; 2 (Ulltft= briirfcil) to put some printed sheets under. II ii t e r b v ii rf e n, v. a. l. to oppress : 2. to suppress, crush, slide ; 3. (Ullter* briirfcil) to push or squeeze under. II tt t e V b r 11 rf C II b, adj. oppressive. 11 it t e r b r ii rf e r, m. (-8 ; ;;/. — ) op- pressor, suppressor, queller. II it t c r b r ii rf it it fl, /. (pi- -en) op- pression ; suppression. il it t c r r u rf t it, p. a. ,v 7i to duck, bob (one's head). il il t C r t it C f e u, D. ir. 7i. (eliipt.) to be allowed toga ■• allowed to seek shelter. U ll t C r e, adj. low, lower, nether, un- der, inferior; bfl8 — £)rUtid)laRb, low (nether; Germany ; baS — Storfoftfj the lower story, the ground floor; bte — II Slaffcri, the lower «r inferior btt —11 ©6fter # the inferior Ihe gods of the second rank; the infernal gods. 11 It t e r C, m. dccl. like adj. inferior ; (at card- knave. il It t e X e fl fl e ll, ». a. separ. to harrow under. il nter et itit nber, or Unteretndn« ber, ado. I among one another; fit vciftcben fid) — , they understand one another ; tvil' — . one and all of us, amongst us; 2. (©urcbeitianbet) con- fusedly, pellmell; fam. topsy-turvy, higgledy-piggledy; at Bi'ies and sevens, il ti t e r e i n t b c i I c it, o. a. to sub divide. ilu teretntbciluiifl, /. (pi. -en) subdivision, il R t et e i f e n, ti <-& ; pi. — ) T. small anvil for making holes. il n Cerei 1 C C ll, v, a. ■(■ n to suppurate be* n.,-,1 1 1 ; Untertt'tert, Buppurated beneath, finteretbflefdi o '";, «, (-ffe* ; pL -fiV) building under ground. il ll t C r f fl *, 7i f-e8) 1. under-suetf, -.'. b tt'in of the warp. 11 n t e r f a di c 1 It, d, a. to fan und»r. G87 Urn? liit re *U n t e r f a c t o v, ;«. ( -6 ; pi. -t) Print. T. SUbfectOr, under-foreman. II it t e t fa b e n, r. r/.'. itntcrfangcti. i\ n tcr f a brcii, o. i>. I. o. «■ ». to drive under, to cart under; II. ttltter= falucit, o. l. mil i>ct ^onb — , to pass the band under; 2. etUXlS — , to bur- row, scoop out. tie ©rje — , (.i//n. r.) to work under the lode ; 3. .irch. T. to build a new foundation under; i.fig. tl. u.) to cut short, interrupt. H It t C r f d tl g C It, v. ir. reft. 1. to un- dertake ; 2. to dare, to presume, at- tempt. Il it t e r f d 11 g C it, n (-«) undertaking; daring ; audacity. il u t e r f a fj, n. C— ffc3 ; pi. -fa ffcr) r. bucket, tub. U titer fa ffCH/ ». a. to take under (for holding up). It lit e rfaiileit, o. n. to rot beneath or below, it It t erf e tie It, v. a. 1. to mix the filings with anything; 2. (Utltcvfctfeil) to file under. iltt terfclbrjaitpt m an it, m. + (-8; pi. -baiiptlcutc) Ultterfelbtjerr, m. (-en ; pi. -eil) lieutenant-general ; second in command, subordinate com- mander. l'l ntcrf elbm a rfd)al I, m. (-§; pi. -lnarftbdllc) field-marshall-lieutenant. U U t C r f 1 5 cfc C, /. (/>/. -tl) lower or plain base, (l Itterfl CCb ten, v. a. 1. scpar. to entwine, interweave, interwreath ; 2. UlltcrflcdjtCtt, insepar. to interlace, plait; to mingle, mix. I! It ter ft t eg eil, o. ir. n. to fly under. 1 1 it t c r f 1 1 e h c it, r. ir. n. to flee or lake refuse under. it U t e r f I i e fj.e It, v. ir. n. to flow under. 11 tl t e r f I 5 (i C It, v. a. to cause to flow or float under. (lit ter f[ucf> ten, v. vid. Unter* flicben. il it t e r f 5 r ft e r, m. (-S ; p/. — ) under- forester, under forest-keeper, ranger, tt n t e r f 5 r ft e r e f, /. (pi. -en) under- forester's office or habitation, ttnterfreffen, v. ir. a. to gnaw, corrode underneath ; ton SBuriltertt — « Sdlttctt, pillars cankered beneath ; — e 3df)lte, teeth that are carious beneath. It It t e r f ii g e It, ». a. to put or join underneath. U n t C r f it b r C it, v. a. to lead under, it tit erf iibrcr, 771. (-8; ;,/. — ) 1. one who leads under ; 2, vid. Hitter* felbljerr. it n t e r f it r ft, m. (-en ; pi. -en) sub- ordinate prince. it tt t e r f 11 fj, m. (-tt ; pi. -ffife) the sole, bottom of the foot. (inter futtf r, 71. _(-§) lining. it 11 1 e r f 11 1 1 e r 11, llnterfiittem, v. a. scpar. to line ; to stuff in or undei. 11 1: t e r f ii 1 1 e r n, c. a. ©tro$ — , to mix straw with the fodder. U n t e r a, a n g, m. (-e§) 1. going down, sinking, setting (of the sun or any other heavenly body); 2. Occident; West; 3. fall. ruin, destruction; — eittc$ <2d)tffC$, shipwreck; 4. prorinc. the visiting of the landmarks; etltctt — hlltctt, to tread the bounds ; 5. provinc. I.. T. personal inspection, survey ; eillCIt — fiibrett, to survey, inspect. untetflfinger, m . (-8 ; pi. —) 688 provinc. stvorn inspector rrf the laud marks, commissioner of frontiers. U II f C r a d Itfl 1 t it, alj. prorinc J. T. — cr 1 1 b a r f c i f, /. juris- diction of an inferior court, U it t e r g e r t n it e, 71. (-8) under-trench. il tt t c r g e r it ft, n . (-tt ; pi. -e) under- scatTilding: Arch. T. centre, wooden mould for an arch. II tt t e r g e f rb b e 11, adj. supposititious, counterfeit, false ; till — tt -iefhllltenf, a false will. 11 it t c I g e f fi> e f;, n. K -)\it ; pL - v. a. to liook (any II 11 1 e r t) a f e II, J thing) under. Uttterr)alb, prep, with gen. below, at the lower end ; beyond ; under ; — bcr ©tabt, in the lower part of the town. it tl t e r ^ a I 8, 771. (-tt) lower neck. il It tcr b, a 1 1, 771. (-tt) J. maintenance, sustenance, subsistence ; 2. competence, livelihood; alimony; compos. — (§)= f Often, pi. the expanses of one's board; — fcfjalc,/. saucer; tureen-stand, saucer- shaped salver ; — Slliangel, m. want of subsistence; — SUltttcl, n. means of subsistence. II It t C r f) d 1 1 b a r, adj. 1. that can be kept in repair; 2. that can be amused. II 11 1 C r b a 1 1 C tt, ?•. ?>. a. 1. scpar. to keep under, hold under; II. (ltltter= bdltCll), insepar. 1. maintain, sustain, support, keep ; 2 to keep up, to con- tinue ; 3. to entertain, amuse, interest ; 4. to keep up, keep in repair; 5. rcfl. to converse; to amuse one's ?eif; to be amused or entertained ; ba8 ^eitec — , to keep the fire burning; ftd) !)01I or fiber etivaS — , to converse, talk about; fid) lit tt etiva8 — , to amuse one's self with ; eiite Sefanntfcbaft — , to entertain, continue, cultivate an ac- quaintance ; eilt -Didbcbeit — , to keep a mistress; eiiicit ( in i t (Sefprdd;cn) Uu re ilnte Utttc — , to entertain one: mit QJcuitF — . lo entertain witli music; ficb lit i t ei= Ittlll — , to discourse, converse with one. U n t e r I) a ( t c u b, adj. entertaining, amusing. Ulttevbdlte V, m. (-S ; pi. — ) en- tertainer ; sustainer, supporter ; keeper. I! tt t t E 1) d 1 1 I i d), adj. entertaining, amusing. 3 11 1 C r b d [ t li cr), adj. easily enter- tained, easily amused. Untetfjdltung, /. (p/. -en) l. maintenance, sustenance, support; keep- ing ; 2. entertaining, entertainment ; amusement; 3. conversation; vid. Syn. JturjWJClle ; compos. — tfgabe, /. gift or power of conversation or entertaining ; — Sfilffc, /. fund for the maintenance of any thing; — Sfoftett, pi. vid. UlttCV= haUfoftctt ; — Sfunft, f. the art of amusing others, skill in keeping up con- versation ; — 3tlMl, in. conversational tone ; — Sltjcife, I. s. f. manner of sup- porting one's self; II. adv. in a conver- sational manner ; — Sfiiicf, n. entertain- ment ; short play, short piece of music. H It l e V I) d It b C I It, v. a. ie n. (aux. bilbeil) to treat, negotiate, transact ; to mediate ; ten Srieben, eine J^eivatf) — , to negotiate piece, a marriage ; tie SejtHlli] Oetlatlflte $11 — , the fortress desired to capitulate. U n t e r I) d it M e t, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) l. negotiator, mediator, intermoddler ; 2. broker, commissioner; 3. cont. go-be- tween. U n i e tf) d rt bl e r t li u, /. (pi. -en; negotiatrix ; go-between. U It t e V b d tt b It It {J, /. (pi. -eit) treaty, negotiation, transaction ; mediation ; ill — trctetl, to enter into or on a negotia- tion, to bargain ; compos. — tbott, m. 1. herald, messenger (desiring a parley) ; 3. a diplomatic messenger, negotiator; — Sfllllft, /. art of negotiating, diplo- macy ; — Sfcbiff, n. ship sent with a (lag of truce. U 11 1 e V I) d II (J e n, e. a. to hang under. U 11 1 e V I) a V J, m. (-tt) O cog. T. the Lower Ilarz. U n t c v f) a r j c r, m. (-t ; v i. — ) — if.n, /. inhabitant of the Lower Ilarz. U n t C r () a V 5 i f tb , adj. relating or be- longing to the Lower liars. U n t e v f) 8 f d) c r, m. (-t ; pi. — ) sub- beadle. U it t e v b, a u b c, / (pi. -n) under-cap, skull-cap. il tt i c v f) a it d; e it, v. a. , _) i. one 44 who t : -aeon : compos. — it lilt, n — fh'lk, /. conship, subdeaconry. il Btet bent b, n. (-tt; pf. -en shirt. U 11 1 1 X f) i r, adv. under here. il 11 t C r f) e X b, m. (-efl) under or lower hearth. I'lnterfjerrfcfcaft, /. subordinate lordship, inferior jurisdiction. U liter hit!, adv. to a lower place, down, below. il 11 1 C r t) f, m. (-tt ; pi -bbfc) lower or inferior part of the court or yard, in- ner yard wherein poultry is kepi; Jig. inferior court of judicature. il ii t e r b o f nt e i jt e r, ?>,. (-t ; pi. — ) sub-tutor. Un ter boblett, v . a. to una sap; to hollow out. U tt t C V (j i) 1 1 f, /. the bottom or of hell. il n t c r b 1 5, n. (-tt) underwood, under-growth, copse, coppice-wood. II 111 cr b of en, pi. drawers. II 11 t c f j a g b, /. chase, hunting or shooting of small game. It it t e V j 6 d) C II, i>. <7. to subdue, sub- jugate, yoke. Unt c rj cdjer, m. (-8: pi.—) sub- duer, conqueror. U 11 1 C X i 6 dp U It g, /. subduing, sub- jugation. U It t C V tr b t f cr), adj. subterranean sub- terraneous, under ground; — C 20clt, subterranean world, nether world ; — c <£>ol)IeiI, under-ground caverns ; — e ©rdber, catacombs; bie — en ©biter, the infernal deities; bie — eit ©eiflCT, the manes ; a'so gnomes ; — ev '0ecvb, bypocaust il n 1 1 x t a in in e r b e r v, m. (-n ; pi. -eil) vice-chamberlain. U it te r! a nt p f e it, v. a. eiiteit — , to overthrow or floor any one. il ii tertanonte r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) miller gunner. It ii t e r f a n 5 1 c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) vice- chancellor. ilntcvfappf. /• (pl.-n) under cap, coif. il It t e X f a X X t II, tv a. to wheel under with a barrow. Qnretfnuf, m. (-tt; ^.-faufe) a purchase fir selling again (on commis- sion). it 11 1 c r f a lifer, m. (-t ; pi. — ) bro- ker ; petty dealer, petty trader. it 11 1 c v f e b I e, /. iliiterfiiin, „. (-c«) double-chin; hanging-throat; gargil, gullet, weasand ; dew lap. 11 it t e r F C b X t tt, 0. a. to sweep under. U tt t e r f C i I e II, a 0. to fasten under- neath by wedges. it II 1 e X f C 1 1 II e r, »n. (-« ; pi. —) under- writer; under-butler. il it t e r f i e f e r, m . (-§ ; pi. -n) lower jaw-bone, nether jaw ; amipos. — lU'l'OC, m. .1. T. nerve of the lower-jaw; — = ranbiicvue, m. maxillary nerve of the lower jaw ; — fci)Kl ( VlKr, /. inferior alveolar artery; _ UMilfel, in. ai the lower jaw; — jivcig, m. in maxillary. itntei-fienie, /. (;,/. -n) Inferior or lower gill. itnter f inn, n (-tt) double chin, dew-lap; compos. — bltitaber, — fd;lag= a^fr, /. vein, artery of ilio under chin — hue,/, lower or nether jaw. it 11 1 e r f i f f e 11, n. (S; pi. — ) under cushion. U n t c r f i f 1 1 it, r. n. to cement 00 underneath, ilnicrffciffe, / (pi. -n 1 lower m inferior class. 11 It t e r fl e b C II, r. a. to stick on under- neath. it ntc vfleib, 71. c-cS; pL -tt) under* ; undergarment; — ctMCS ®c = (jete", bonnet . It 11 1 c v f I e i fl e r 11, r. o. to paste under, underneath, below. Unterflettcr 11, r. «. Sr n. to ciimn or clamber under ur underneath. 11 it t e x f it c d) f, 771. (-t$ ; pL -t) lower servant, second servant (upon a farm). It it t e r f n e t e 11, v. a. to knead in. to- gether. it 111 C V F tt e 1 e V, m. (-i ; p<. — ) baker'o nien, under-kneader. 11 11 tcvf 11 C'pfc 11, »-. a. to under. 11 n t e x F it ii p f e n, r. a. to tie ui it 11 1 e r F u d), m. (-tt ; P l.-lod)t) cook'n mate, undercook. it 11 tevfod) en, r. a. to cook in, to- gether. il n t e r F x) I r ii b e, /. (pi. -n) turnip- cabbage. ttlt t C r F 111 111 C It, p. ir. it. separ. (aux. fel)tl) to get under shelter, to get a lodging or a place ; to find employment, U 11 t e V F lit 111 e n, n. (-«) getting a lodging, or a place ; employment, situa- tion ; er foi'iit fiir meiii — , he is bu?y to find me a place. Unt erf Bit tg, m. (-tt; ///.->. vxr, my, lord-lieutenant U n t tx F n 11 c n, b. i>. n (ellipt.) to in able to go under. 11 11 1 e r F 5 r p e r, m. (-i ; v i. —) lowe* or under part of a body. il It t e t f 8 1 b t ij, adj. (of a sore) having formed matter under the surface, fes- tering inwardly. Untsrfrdfcen, v. a. /am. feinen SRdllten — , to scratch one's name under, to scrawl one's signature, il n t c r F x c 11 5 e it, v. a. 1. JV. r. to cruise under, below; •_'. to sign one's mark with a cross. II 11 t e f f I i e d) e II, r. ■>. n. .i,pnr. (auz f(l)il) to creep under, to crouch, ab- v nd ; to come in for shelter. il 11 1 c r F r i c g e 11, e>. «. separ. mOg. to overpower ; get the better of, get under 11 II t e I'Frifc cllt, 0. a. I. to scribble or scrawl under ; 2. lllltei'fnfcdn, I in a scrawling band. it 11 1 e r F r ii m m e n, b. a. to bend under. il n 1 1 r f u it f t, /. shelter, cover, place, situation. 11 ti t e r F ii fl c r, m. (-« ; pi. —) verger. 11 n t e v I a b e, /. (pi. -n) under drawer U n t e t (a b C it, ». ir. a. to freight or load under. it n t cr I ab n n g, /. ballast iln terl >1 g C, /. ( pi. -n) any thing laid underneath another for support ; support; lining; stand, trestle; roller ; tiller ; basis, base ; bottom ; mil it n t e r I a g e r, n, (-« ; pi. — ) stand prop, foot, I . "rt. il n t c r I a it b. m. (-tt ; /,'. -t) low land, deep-country, netherland. o.-u Unte Jnterldnbcr, m. (-*: pL — ) low- lander. It it t c r [ a n b i f eft, llnterldnblid), adj. from a low country, peculiar to a low- country. 11 ll t e r I iO 1. separ. to lie under ; 2. Ulltcrlicgcn, insepar. (with dat.) fg. to succumb, sink u::der; to be overthrown, defeated, overcome, to be worsted, to yield ; ber Saft bCV ©efdjafte — , to sink under the load of affairs; tit jebClll ®efcd)t — , to bo worsted in every engagement. *U it t e r 1 i e tt t e tt a it t, m. (-8 ; pi. -8) second lieutenant ftlltcrli ppe, /. (pi -It) under-lip; lower or nether lip; compos. — llltCVW, m. A. T. branch or nerve of the un- der-lip. 11 n t e r I ii t i) e It, v. a. to solder under or beneath, ftttt erlllft, /. inferior air 11 tt t e r lit, contrac. of Untcv bem ; rid. ttnter. ft tt t e r nt a a 1 b a r t e, /. (pi. -tt) bie — bc8 SJJaUfifebeS, under-whiskers of the whale, small whalebone, ft n t C r lit a g b, /. under-maid, under- servant. ft 11 1 e X 111 a I e n, v. a. 1. to paint under ; 2. (Unteriltdleil) to paint underneath ; also to daub. It It t C r 111 a tj I e It, v. a. to grind in or along with (something else). ft it t e r in a n tt, m. (-c8 ; pi. -manner) .Mil. T. left-hand man ; (at cards) knave ; + vassal. ft n t e r m a r f d) a 1 1, m. (-8 ; pi. -c) deputy or lieutenant marshal!. 11 11 1 C V 111 ft p, n. (-C8) waste, loss, tret. 11 n t e r m a p e, /. (pi. -n) Min. T. mass found under a trench, ft It t C r 111 a ft,/. 1 . hart's truffles branny, puff ball ; 2. lower part of the mast- It it t e r m a ii e r tt, o. a. l . to support by forming a foundation of . masonry work, to undermure; 2. (lllltCnliailCVll), separ. to build a wall under. 11 It ter maul, n. (-e6) lower mouth (of an animal), ft tl t C V in a U 8, /. A. T. inferior muscle. ft it t e r in c i ft e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) under-master; master's mate. ftntermeitgett &■ Untenitctigeit, separ. 4> insep. v. a. to intermingle, intermix, mix among, ft 11 1 e f 111 C it g It n g, /. intermingling. *U ii ter mi tie it, Uuterniimren, ». a. to undermine, sap. *U it t e r m i ii i r e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) underminer. *U n t e r lit t It 1 1 it U g, /. undermining, sapping. ft tl term if d) en *■ Untermifrben, v. a. separ. 4> insep. to intermix, inter- mingle ; to mix up with, mix in. ttltte r in t f d) it II g, /. intermixture. Un term 6 gen, ». iV. n. einpt. to desire (want) to go under any thing. ft ii t cr ut ii () I e, /. (pi.-n) lower mill, mill lower down. ft tt t e r m ii h 1 ft e t it, m. (-e8 ; pi. -e) lower stone (of a mill) ; the bed-stone (in gunpowder-mills). ft ll t e r m U 8 f e I, m. (-8 ; pi. -ll) in- ferior muscle. 11 It t C f 111 ii f fe II, v. ir. n. fam. to be obliged (have) to go under. ft n t e r n, (fam. Itttter ben) under the ; — Sifcfa, under the table. ft ii ter it a gel n, »■ a. separ. l. to nail under; 2. (UtltCVtlSgelll) to put nails under, tt n t e r tt d ^ e It, v. a. to sew or stitch underneath or below. Unte ft n t e r n a () m c, /. ( pi. -r>, prevtru enterprise. ttlt t er nc 1) men, v. ir. a. to under take, enterprise, attempt. Sun. It n 1 1 r ii c f> nt c n, SB a g t R, It n t . r (I f. >m Cf<*)» Unletfangen (fid;). Wlia) a person iiMjt (risks) is generally dangerous* The success of an undertaking can be uncei^ tain, because it depends upon ma;iy CODfln gencies, of wbich nut one can tie safely cal dilated upon; in this case a person rtu,*! (ventures); lie can, however, also become un certain in consequence of the difficulties tha. are only to be over-ome by great exertion, by a great expenditure of force or money and by lung perseverance, and then a person untcrnimm, (undertakes) something; — or in consequent of dillica'-.ies either disregarded or else despised from the true or false estimation of one's own resources, and then a person uuttrfrcht fi4 (dares). That which a person (^.^fl, Irffrn (ntj gtmaiiB) uattrfa'nfll fatteropxa) is someUiinj \>:\d connected with risk. ttnteriiE^mcn, n. (-8) Untcriie6= lining, /. (pi. -ell) undertaking; en- terprise, attempt; expedition, storming, attack (of a fortress, &c.) ; Ultteritel)- HtUltg8geift, m. spirit of enterprise. U tl t C r ll C fy lit e n b, adj. enterprising ; bold. tt 11 1 e r tl e I) lit e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) en- terpriser, undertaker. Ullteriieljmtg, adj. (I. u.) enter- prising. U n t e r n i? 1 1) i g c it, o a. fam. to (ores under. 11 II t C f b C r ft e, m. decl. like adj. (I. u.) lieutenant-colonel. 11 n t e r o b r t g I e i t, /. (pi. -m) in- ferior jurisdiction, inferior magistracy Unf crofcnfjriid), m. (-e8; pi -btiidje) diphrux ; vid. jftm>fcrfffel«cfe. Ur.teroffi ct er, m. (-8; pi. -e) under-ottcer, subaltern officer, non- commissioned officer J corporal. ft n t e r f b 11 e It, v. a. separ. to subor- dinate. ft II t e r r b tt U 11 g, /. subordination. ft ii t e r 6 ft r e i cb, n. (-8) Oeog. 71 Lower Austria. II n t e r p a (t) t, /. under-lease. 11 it t c r v a d) t c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) un der-tenant. ft 11 1 e f p a (f C It, v. a. to pack undei (unter etwaS). ft it t c r p a r I a m e n t, n. (-8) subor dinate parliament ; imp): House of Com mons. ttnter p f an I c ll, v. a. to palisade underneath, below. 11 11 1 C f p f a I j, /. Lower Palatinate, ft ll t e r p f a it b, n. (-e8) pledge, pawn, security, mortgage ; unit — e gebeit, to pledge, give for a security; eilt ftitl s fitltH'islCllbc8 — , secret mortgage; eiii aligeineiiii-8, befonbcreS — , a general, special mortgage ; eill gericblU liiiie8 — , judiciary mortgage; buvrp eill — gcbeift fi'lm, to be mortgaged ; ein @ut 511111 — c tunc babcn, to have the right of foreclosure over an estate compos. — gldllbiger, m. mortaagee ; — * ftbttfb,/. mortgagee debt ; — fitjiilbncr, mortgager; — 8rcd)t, n. right given tv a mortgage. Uitterpfdttbltd), adj. . a. scpar. i . to push, put, place underneath or under ; 2. to place something spurious in the place of what is true and genuine ; to suppose, substitute, father upon ; to cin X eft anient — , to forge a will il n t e r f eft i .- b t r, m. (-8 ; P i. — ) l a forger; '-'. a groove, slider, ll n t e r f eft i e ft it n g, /. supposition ition, forging. ll II t e r f eft i e b, m. (-C8 ; pi. -e) 1. se- paration, partition; compartment; 2. $g. difference ; distinction ; 3. .V. T. (— in ber aitroiiPinifrben S«nge) depar- ture ; einen — nmeften, to make a dif- . to discriminate; obnt — , or — elt'j, without distinction, indiscrimi nate ; indiscriminately, indistinctly, pro miscuously. 11 nt erf eft ie ben,. I. adj. different distinct, discriminated ; divers, diverse; II. adv. differently ; diversely ; severally. It ii t e r f d» i c b e n ft e i t, /. vid 95er= frbiebcnl-ett. It it t e r f eft t e b I i eft, I. adj. d.iTetent, divers, diverse, various, several ; — Ct, many a tlnriL'. different things; II. adv. differently, diverse , variously, seve- rally. 11 it t e r f eft i e I e ii, v. n. to squint under. il It t C f f eft i C U C 11, v. ir. scpar. a. r dart under; fire (a ball) under; 11 (Itnterfeftiejieii), ,>. a. to batter down by breaking the base. il ii t erf eft iff, n. (-?8) X. T. quick works. ll ii t e r f eft i f f c n, v. a. to sail under. 11 n t e r f eft i f f e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) mas- ter's matt'. il it t C r f eft 1 1 b, m. (-f8) under-shield. il tt t e r f eb I a eft t i g, adj. r. (said o: the wheel of a mill) under-shot lilt tcrfefttng, m. (-C8) 1. T parti- tion-wall ; 2. Jig. fraud, defraudation, embezzlement U n t e r f eft I a g e n, r. t>. a. I . to em- bezzle, purloin, money) : to intercept (letters) ; 2. U n t e r'f eft 1 a g t it, se- par. onhj ns>/. — ) kerning knife. U It t e r f cb n e i b e II, r. a. to undercut ; untcrfcbitittfctic Q3uc&ftaben, Typ. T kerned letters, short type. Un t erf cb ret ben, v. ir. a. to sign, put one's name to or under; cillCll jjjricf — . to set one's hand to a letter. il liter ferret ber, m. (-8; pi. — 3 1. under-clerk; 2. (ttntcrfcbreiber), subscriber. tl n t c r f cb r t f t, f. (pi. -en) 1. signa- ture, subscription: tcm Sage bcr — an, from date; tcb babe feine — , I hive his signature; 2. inscription un- der a picture, &c. il it t e r f d) u b, m. (-(§) substitution, forgery. U n t e r f d> it I e, /. {pi. -n) under, pre- paratory school. U n t e r f cb it 1 1 r, m. scholar cf such a school. ttnterfebu llefjrer, Untcrfd>uT= ltuifter, m. under or second master, usher ; cc~pos. — ftetl?, /. place of an under-master. it n t e r f cb u 1 1 e r b I a 1 1 m u 8 f e I, m. (-8 ; pi. -It) A. T. sub scapulary muscle. Untcrfcbulterblattfcbta g a= ber, /. (pi. -11) A. T. sub-scapulary artery. It u t c v f cb it p p e ii, v. a. (ciiicnt et= tOaS), to shove or pusli under. ll n t c r f cb ii r e n, v. a. scpar. to stir something under the fire. U nter fd) iirer, m. (-8; pi. — ) T. workman who feeds the huddle, it n t e r f cb ii r = g e I b, n. wages paid to Hie buddle-man per batch ; — \ttn\- pet, 771. the first ore-stamper, ft tt t C r f cb It fj, m. (-ffe») under shot. it n t e r f cf> ii f f e I cb e n, n. (-8 ; pi. —) vid. Untertaffe. il 11 1 e r f cf) ii 1 1 e I n, ». a. separ. to shake under. U U t e r f ct) 1U 5 r e It, r. ir. n. to suppu- rate under ; ber Singer ijt uttterfebroo; ren, there is a gathering under the fin- ger. 11 n t c r f cf) C5 e ll e, /. sill, threshold. it n t e r f cb ro e 1 1 e n, r. a. i . to put a sill under; 2. (ltntcrftbn?c'[Icn>, ein vfpaits 1KU — , to lay down new sills to a house. ilnterfcbrocmmen, r. a. l. separ. lo cause to swim under ; 2. UlltCl"= fcbn/emilteil, insepar. to flood under. ilnterfectfd), adj. submarine. tt n t e r f e g e 1, 7i. (-8 ; pi. — ) lower sail. illlterfegelll, v. I. n. separ. to sail under; II. c: ttntcrfcgcln, i»,T;/.ir. ein <2cbiff — , to cut out, separate a ship from any thing by a press of Bail. It n t e r f e i t e, /. under-side. il n t e r f e f r e t a r, m. (-8 ; ;>.'. -e) under-secretary (of state). Unt er f enf eil, v. a. separ. to sink, lower. Unterfefcbnttc, /. {pi. -n) r. re- ceiver. Unterfcfcen, v. a. l. scpar. to put under, set under ; 2. ttllterfc'tjen, in srpir. to set among, mix. &nterfefc'r, m. (I. *.) vid. Unter^ taffe. GB2 11 1: t e r f e % f d> c r b e, /. fjrf. -n tile or saucer (of a flower-pot). U it t e r f e fe f, adj. well set, thick set, thick and short, stout, it n t e r f t cb t e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) baker's man for bolting the flour, ll n t e r f t e b c 11, ». a. to sift among or amidst. tt n t c r f t e g e I it, ». a. to seal, to put a seal under something, to put the seal to. tt n t e r f t e g e I n n g, /. sealing, setting the seal to. it It t e r f t n f e It, v. ir. n. separ. (auz. feVUl) to sink (under the water), to go to the bottom. U 11 t e r f t p p f <& <* f t» /• ('• «-) kindred in the descending line. It it t e r f i fe, 77i. (-e8 ; pi. -() Awer seat, ilntetft&en, v. ir. n to sit under or beneath, il liter f f t a » e, m (-It; pi. -n) un- der-slave. U n t e r f 1 1 C 11, r. 7i. to have to go or pass under. U 11 1 e r f p ii f) e n, v. n. to spy under. U 11 1 e r f p a It II f n, v. a. sepir. to stretch or extend under something, it n t e r f V e t e tt, r. ir. a. to spit under, it n t e r f p e t f e m e t ft e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) under steward, under-caterer. tl n t e r f v c r r e tt, r. a. to fasten or shut up under any thing. U II t e r f V i if e It, r. a. to interlard, il It t C r f p i e I e II, d. a. to play under, to pass under. tin t erf pre t t e n, it rttcr fprci jen, t?. a. separ. to spread or stretch under some- thing ; n'A Untcrfiii&ni. il n t e r fp r C It g C It, d. I. a. S,- n. separ. 1. to ride (a horse) in upon, to charge : 2. to cause to fall (a fluid) by drops ; 3 to dash or gallop under or among ; II. Unterfprengen, a. insepar. to sprinkle under or below ; to besprinkle here and there. tl it t e r f p r t n g e n, o. ir. n. scpar. to spring or vault under. il n te r f p r i & e 11, tj. n. 1. to squirt un- der, to cause (an engine) to play under ; 2. Unterfprifcen, insepar. to water below or at the bottom. il n t e r f p r It b e I n, v. n. to boil under, to pass under boiling or foaming. tl It t e r f p it t C It, v. a. to underwash. il it t e r ft a b, m. (-e8 ; pi. -ftabe) the inferior officers of the staff. it n t e r ft a b t, /. lower town, ilnter ftabtbefeb Ubaber, tti. (-8 ; pi. — ) deputy-governor of a town, it it t c r ft a tl t g, adj. .V. T. put in the hold of a ship, il it t e r ft a 1 1 in e i ft e r, m. under- equerry. il n t c r ft a m ;n c n, t. a. vid. ttntcr; ftciiimeii. il n t e r ft a 11 b, m. (-e8) 1. state of in- feriority, of subordination ; 2. shelter, accommodation, it n t e r ft a 1 1 f) a 1 1 e r, tti. (-8 ; />'. — ) deputy-governor. 11 II t e r ft e, adj. lowest, undermost, nethermost; ba8 — in oberft febren, to turn topsy-turvy ; ber — 3lbgrilllb bev >§i3llc, the nethermost abyss of hell, tint C r fte cf e n, r. a. srpar. to put in among, foist in, incorporate with, to join to. Unte it II tt r ft e cf 11 tl g, / putting under oi among, incorporation, tt n t e r ft e f) C tt, r. 7>. I. rejl. to dare, to be so bold as to. to venture, attempt , ba8 battc tcb micb nimnievntfbr un* tcrjtailbeil, 1 never should have dared to do such a thing; II. ilntcrfteben, n separ. vulg. to stand under, take shelter ilnterfteblen, v. rejl. fief; — , tc steal under. it n t e r ft e t f e n * ilnte rfktfcn, v. a. to prop up underneath ; taiput shores under. il it t e r ft e i g e ii, c. »v. a. separ. untet tt'.vaS — , to step down under, to de scend below. it n t e r ft e t g e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) Min. T. second master miner. il n t e r ft e i n e it, v. a. (i. u.) to put stones under. it It t e r ft e 1 1 e, /. (pi. -n) lower or in- ferior place, second rate situation. il n t e r ft e 1 1 e n, v. a. separ. to place under, put under; ftcf) — , to go under shelter; (5'inent ein 33ein — , to trip one up, to trip up any one's heels ;fg. Cttra8 — , to suppose, maintain, advance any thing. il n t e r ft e 1 1 u n g, /. fg. supposition, it It t C r ft e lit 111 e ll, ». a. separ. to set, put under ; to prop under ; to set a-kimbo (the arms), it liter fte mm fl r'er, n. (-8; pi. — ) T. toe-lining of a boot. itnterftempel, tti. (-8; pi.—) T. under-stamp (in the mint), it ti t e r ft e m p e 1 it * Itnterftempel n. ». a. separ <$• insepar. to stamp ; to put a stamp under, it It t e r ft e U e r lit a It n, 77i. (-8) steers- mate, il n t e r ft t cf e it, v. a. 1. separ. to em- broider under or at the bottom ; 2. tills terfttcfcil, insep. to put an embroidery under, il n t C r ft cf e It, v. a separ. to put stick* or stakes under, il It t e r ft D p f e It, v. a. scpar. to put er stuff under, il It t e r ft § C II, v. ir. a. separ. to pu.h under ; to push among other things ; -f to oppress. il it t e r ft r a b I e it, v. n. to beam under, to dart rays under. it n t e v ft r a m p e i n, ? r. a. to trample fl it t e r ft r a lit p f e it, > (one thing) under (another). U tl t e V ft r e cf e It, v. a. to stretch un- der, tt It t C r ft V C t cb e n, v. ir. a. to score, mark wilh a line, lo underline fa pas- s;ij:e in a book, &c.) ; etll UUtCl'ftnri>' = lie8 2Sort, an underlined word, tt ll t e r ft r e l cb it n g, /. scoring, under- lining, ilnterftretfen, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) Arch T. fluting at the base of a column, tl tl t e r ft r C 11 e n, v. a. separ. to litter, strew under ; to spread or sprinkle among other things. il ii t c r ft r i cb, m. (-e8 ; v i. -e) dash, line (under a word) ; comma. It ti t e r ft r i <$ e 1 n, v. a. to draw little dashes or strokes under any thing, to underline. 11 11 t e r ft r 5 111 e It, r. I. n. separ. to stream under; II. a. tttlterftvElllcn, in- separ. 1 . to undermine or sap by streaming under; 2. to flow into, mincle with, to deluge ber 3luj5 war mit --Blut unte ^ Unte (Irciltf, tlie river was deluged or tinged with blood. U it t e v ft i ii in p f e, pi. under stockings. 11 n t e r ft It b e, /. ( pi. -tt) lower-room, room in the ground floor. II 11 1 e r fl ti cf, n. (-ti ; pi. -e) under- piece ; the bit nf a miner's borer. U n t C r ft U d t I It, ) v. a. to put under fi lite r ft ii (felt, J in little bits. II it t c v ft it f c, /. (pi. -tt) inferior, lower grade or degree ; Oram. 7". positive de- gree. tt it t e r fl it f;f, m. (-8 ; pi. -ftiib(e) l. lower chair (at the bottom of the ta- ble) ; 2, bottom pari of the chair. II II t 1 X fl ii V m C tt, v. I. n. to pass under with impetuosity, to rush under; IL a. to dash (any thing) under. U It t e X fl ii r j e tt, v. I. n. separ. to fall under (violently) ; II. a. to pitch or tumble (any thing) under. A it t e r fl ii 1} e, /. (pi. -tt) stay, shore, prop ; a prop from beneath. U n t e V fl ii fc e It, v. a. 1. separ. to put a prop under, under-prop, support; 2. Utiterftiifccn, inscpar. fig. to support u ihold, countenance, back, assist, pro- tect. U U t C r ft it fc C l\ m. (-8 ; pi. —) a sup- porter, Btistainer, stay. U II t e r fl II fell II g, /. (pi. -CII) 1. un- der-propping, supporting, support ; 2. Jig. support, aid, help, assistance ; coun- tenance, protection ; compos. — Srtll- ftillt, / charitable institution ; — 8f)ttx, h. army of reserve; — siafje, /. fund for supporting, which gives support. 11 tl t C V f fl d) C It, v. a. to inquire into, search into ; to examine, canvass, scan. try, sift; eine (2ad)c geudjtltcb. — , to investigate a matter judicially ; cilIC SBllllbC — , to probe a wound. Si.m. U n t e t f ii $ t », 1> r U f en. A person who iintirfud;t (investigates), directs his attention to a subject not yet sufficiently known to him, in or- der that he may form a correct and sure judg- ment upon it ; lie dissects and analyses it. A person who priift (scrutinizes) a subject, endea- vours to discover whether it is ri^hl or wronj;, real or unreal, beautiful or ugly,good or bad. When one priifr (examines) a candidate for an office, one wishes to find out whether he is quali- fied for it or not. 11 It t C X f ll cb e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) in- quirer; inquisitor. ll It t f t f fl fb B I' 8/ /■ (pi- -f ") inquiry, search, research, discussion, examina- tion, quest, scrutiny ; probing ; bte fje= fifbllidje, pcttllid)e — , inquisition, in- quest, question, trial; tit — ftebett, to bo under examination; pbilofopbiffbe —811, philosophical researches ; compos. — Sbefd)eib, m. /.. t. final examination ; — Sfailtvrtcr, /. I, chamber of inquiry; 2. inquest room ; 3. grand jury room ; — 8rid)tcr, m. inquisitor. U It t C X t a f f f , /. (pi. -It) saucer. U ii t e v t a ii d) e it, v. a. £ n. separ. laitx. b*lbcit) to dive, duck, submerge, immerse, plunge. Unte i ta lid) en, n. (-8) llittcrtait- d)llllfj, /. diving, ducking, plunging, sub- version, immersion. ll It t C V t a It lit C I tt, v. n. to reel or tot- ter under. \\ it t e r t e 1 1 e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) stand. D it t c v t b a it, m. (-3 A> -en ; pi -en) subject. il !t t C V t () a 11, adj. with dat. subject to ; dependent. U 11 1 e X t f) a H t ft, T. adj. subject, sub- missive, humble ; 3br — flcv 2)t\uer, your most humble, or most obedient s»;vant; II. ado. submissively, submiss- !y. humbly Urne ll u te v t ba it tfjfe 1 1, /. subjection, submission; submissiveneRS, humble- ness. ll it t c r t b e i I, n. or m. (-ti ; pi. -e) lower or inferior part. ll It t C V t I) C t ( C 11, b. a. to subdivide. U 11 1 e r t b P 1", «. gate at the lower town. It tt t C V t b tt 11, v. ir. a. fam. to put among, to intermix. il ll t C r t b ii r, /. ( pi. -en) lower door, door below or underneath. U 11 1 e f t X t i b C n, c. ir. a. to drive un- der. ll It t e X t X t t C II, V. ir. I. n. separ. (aux. fettlt) to step under shelter, stand un- der; II. a. to tread down ; fig. to tram pie upon; oppress; to supplant. ll ii t e r t x e t e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) oppres- sor, supplanter. ililtevtvctit tt fj, /. taking shelter; trampling under. ll it t c v t v i p p e ( it, ». n. to trip ictfer il n t c x t r it d) f e % ?«. f— ffen ; p/.-ffert) under carver. il ii t c r t ii cb, »r. (-ti ; p/.-tud)er) under- cloth, under sheet, bottom-sheet ll 11 1 C x t ll it f e II, v. a. wig. to submerge, dip, plunge under water. ll it t e r t ii f d; e it, v. a. separ. to con- ceal, hush up. U n t e r » e r b c rf, >i. (-cS ; pi. -e) J\r. r. lowermost deck. U titer bev waiter, m. (-8) under steward. ilu tcvvi f ax, m. (-8; pl.-t) subvi- car. ll ll t C r t) fj t, m. (-t8 ; pi. -V5f]te) under bailiff, deputy-judge; sub-curator. ll ii t e v b o fj t e t, /. office or dwelling of an under-bailiff, &.c. il ii t e v o P r in ii ii b, m . (-e« ; pi. -ntiiii= bet") under-guardian. ll It t e r p X lit It n b f d) il f t, /. guardi- anship of a deputy-guardian. il it t e f o o r fl e b e v, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) subrector (of a college). il it term ad) fen, v. ir. n. to grow un- der. Unte v is a d) f e n, adj. i . grown i>e- tween, mingled with somethine else ; 2. interlarded; streaky; — ti Alcifdi, streaky m<-at ; riue nut tiMtbcni ijleifd) — C iisUllbe, a wound with dead flesh in it. ll II t C r W a fj c II, v. rrfi. ftd) — , to ven- ture to go under or among it. il it t e v n a fl e it, 7/i. (-8 ; pi. — ) the carriage of a coach. il It t e r W a I b, m. (-t8) underwood ; lower part of a forest. il it t e r tl) a I b C II, ti. (-8) Underwalden (a canton of Switzerland). U 11 1 C I W ii A b II C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) in- habitant of Underwalden. il 11 1 C V W il 1 1, 77i. (-CS ; pi. -Wltilt) .Mil. 7'. lower part of the rampart; faus- si.'braye, false trench. ll it t C r 1U il ( 5 e n, v. a. to roll under. il it t e nv a n b, /. ( P i. -itniubc) .\-. r. shrouds of the lower mast. il 11 1 C V tO il V 1 8, adv. downwards, to- wards the lower part; on the lower side of. ll It t C r tt) a f d) C tt, v. a. to under-wash. U II t e r 11) a f f e r, «. (-8) lower, under water ilttteriDeg, m. (-ti; pi. — ) lower way or road. Unte Uitfervof a, tt, ltntern. , efi l «, (Untcn a/. — ) wig. spot, blemish, defect, flaw. 11 ll t & ii 1 1 g, I. adj. inactive, indolent ; idle ; II. adv. inactively, idly. till 1 1) it 1 1 gf e if, /. inactivity, inac- tion ; indolence ; idleness, sloth. il It t b e i I b a r, I. adj. indivisible ; II. adv. indivisibly. Ll It t b e 1 I 6 a X f e i t, /. indivisibility, in- divisibleness. Ll ll t 1) e I I 1) u f f, adj. icith gen. having no share in a thing, not accessary to, not participating in, not privy to. 11 It t b e i I f) a f 1 1 g f t i f, /. the having no share in, nonparticipation. ll 11 1 b C i 1 1 d), adj. having no parts. 11 II 1 1) e t 1 11 a t) lit e, /. indifference. ll Utf)Ct 1 net) me ttb, I. adj. indif- ferent; II. adv. indifferently. LI II tlji t r, n. (-C8 ; pi. -e) 1. monster, wild beast; 2. jig. brutal, vicious man, monster. ll It t b t e r t f d}, adj. 1. not partaking of the animal, not brutal ; 2. beastly, brutal, bestial. U II t Ij U I i d), lllltf)Hllltff), I. adj. in- feasible, impracticable, not perform- able ; II. adv. impracticably, not feasibly. U u t b ii 1 1 d) E e t f, llntbuulic&jeit, /. impracticableness, impracticability ; in- feasibleness. 11 II t i e f / adj. not deep, low, shallow, lllttiefe, f.(jil.-\\) want of depth, shallowness ; shallow place, shallow ; JV. 7". flat, shelves, sands, ll II t i I g b a r, I. adj. inextinguishable, indelible ; II. adv. indelibly. U ll t d) t C r 1 1 d), adj. &■ adv. un- daughterly, unfilial. ll ll t b t, adj. (/. u.) not dead, living, alive. 11 It t 5 b t b a r, adj. that cannot be killed, ll It t 5 b f 1 t d), adj. 1. not deadly, not mortal ; 2. not able to be killed, im- mortal. U 11 1 5 II e n b, adj. destitute of sound, not sonorous. J n t r ii d) t i g, adj. not breeding, barren. il ll t X a g b a r, adj. 1. not to be carried or borne ; 2. not to be worn ; 3. unable /. -en) inconsiderateness, rashness, rash action. U ll ii b C V I e i t C n b, adj. Gram. T. in- transitive. il it ii b e r r a f ct) t, adj. not astonished or surprised ; unamazed. il n ii b e r f cb a it b a r, ilniibcrfcbbar, iluiiberfeblid}, adj. not to be looked over, what cannot be reached with the e^s, Immeasurable, unbounded. 11 ii ii b e r f c t) b a r f e 1 1, /. tue being beyond reach of the eye, immeasurable ness. ll It ii b e r f e fe b a r, adj. intranslatable. it u ii b e x f c & b a v t e i t, /. untranstat ability, il n ii b e r f C t} t, adj. untranslated. il n ii b e t it e t g b a r &■ llniiberfteig: ltd), I. adj. insurmountable ; II. ade insurmountably. U ii ii b e r ft e i g I i cb f c i i, f. insur mountability. il n ii b c r t r a g b a r, adj. untransfer- able. iluiibevtrag(td), adj. 1. intransfer- able, intransmissible (of a right, &c.) ; 2. not to be brought over (of accounts il ii ii b e r t r e f fb a r, Uniibcvtvcfflid), I. adj. insurpassable, excellent; II. ado insurpassably. il n ii b e v 1 1 e f f t i d) I e i t, /. insur- passability. 11 It ii b e t t r f f e n, ailj. unsuri>ass, I. adj. 1 . unso- ciable; 2. indispensable, unavoidable, inevitable ; II. adv. unsociably ; indis- pensably, unavoidably; — UOtbroeilbig, indispensably necessary. ll it u in g a it g I i d) f e i t, /. 1. unso- ciableness ; 2. indispensableness, un- avoidableness, inevitableness. il nuiiigeb illteil, adj. not yet cm down, unfell. ilnnmgebbctr, vid. llnuingiinglid;. il tl 11 111 g V C 11 j t, adj. unbounded, urt- limited. il n 11 111 f cb f a 11 f t, I. adj. unbounded, unlimited, absolute, sovereign; II. adv. unboundedly, absolutely, sovereignly. il It 11 111 f d) X a 11 f t b e i t, /. unbound- edness, absoluteness, (absolute) sover- eignty. U li ll nt f d) x i e b e n, adj. \. not inscribed] without inscription ; 2. without circum- locution ; 3. fig. vid. Unbegvenjt. il It 11 ill ft V f; I i cb, I. adj. irrefragable, irreversible; irrefutable; irrevocable; incontestible ; inviolable ; cill — CI 33e» lvcir, an invincible proof; II. ado. irre- fragably, irreversibly, irrefutably. U It It 111 ft 5 V 1 t d> f C i t, /. irrefraga- bility, irrefutableness, inviolableness, in- contestibleness. il ll It lit W t X f 1 1 d), adj that cannot be upset or capsized. 11 it ll lit TV ( E t, adj. cloudless, serene. it u u in id u tt b e n, I. adj. fig. frank, ll b B ft T, 1 „,//. Oram. T. in- 11 b I i d), $ variable ; inde- II. adv. frankly; candidly, VLnve randi'l, plain in [ilain terms. il It U lit ; a 11 It t, adj. unfenced. 11 a u it t e v b r o d) c It, L adj. uninter- rupted, unpermitted ; II adv. uninter- ruptedly. 11 itutttevf) a I teab, adj. unintertain- ing, uninteresting. U It U tt t e r j d) t, ailj. unsubdued, free, independent U It It II tcr I iif f tg, adj. continued, in- cessant without relaxation (said of work) \\ it u it t e x I a f; I i A), adj. not to be omitted, indispensable. \X n u it t e x n c t) in e it b, > adj. not en- U it u it t c r it e 1) in 1 g, $ terprising, not speculating. U 11 It It t C f 11 lit lit C 11, adj. not under- taken, unattempted. 11 tt tl tt t C r V t A) t e t, adj. uninstructed, unapprized. Utt till tcr frtgt, adj. unforbidden, un- prohibited. i\ tt u n t e r f d) c i b b a v, adj. undistin- guishable. UllUltterfdjtCbcn, adj. undistin- guished, without distinction, il tt tt It t e V ft ii (} t, adj. unseconded, un- supported U nu liter fudjbitv, adj. unexamin- able. II 11 It tt t e r f tt A) t, adj. unexamined, not inquired into. U it it tt t e f t h ii it t g, adj. not subject, not submissive, lilt Uttteriuief CU, adj. uninstructed, not instructed. il tt it tt t e r tt) o r f c tt, adj. unsubmit- ted, unsubdued. UllUtttCVroilff i(J, I. adj. unsubmis- sive, refractory ; insubordinate ; inde- pendent ; II. adv. without submission, independently. U rt u tt t e r tt) ii v f i a ! e t f, /. unsub- missiveness, refractoriness ; insubordi- nation. 11 11 tt It t e V H C t d) It e t, adj. unsigned. U tt V A t C X I d tt b t f A), I. adj. unpa- triotic ; not of one's own country ; II. ado. unpatriotically. il tt A t e X I i A), I. adj. not paternal, unnatural ; II. ado. unlike a father, un- naturally. U tt » C V a A) t b A X, adj. not to be de- spised. UttOCt e v b c f f c r 1 1 A) f e i f, /. un- improvableness, incorrigibleness. 11 it y e r b C f f C r t, adj. unimproved. U It y e r b t I b e t, adj. natural, ingenu- ous, not bred the wrong way. il It y C V b i It b I t A), I. adj. not bind- ing; not obligatory ; but little obliging ; II. ddr. not obligatorily. U It y C r b t It b I t A) I e t t, f. non- obligation ; uncivilly. il 11 t> C V b t t t I t A), adj. (I. u.) not to be waived or declined by an excuse, not to be deprecated. 11 It b C V b I f tt b e t, adj. undazzled il tt C r b I tt I) t, adj. unfaded. \X It y C X h I ii lit t, I. adj. not indirect, plain ; II. adv. without ornaments, plainly. II II y C r b V (] C It, adj. not concealed, not absconded. 11 it b c r b o t c n, adj. unforbidden, un- prohibited. il tt y e r b r a it il t, adj. unburnt, un- consumed. U it y c v b r A it d) b A r, ) adj. incon- il it v e x b r a m A) I i A), 5 sumable. II II y C V b V A It A) t, adj. unconsumed. U it y c v b r c it it b a r & Unocvbrciuts (id), I. ar/j. incombustible, inconsumptible (by fire); — e ScilllDAttb, linen-cloth made of asbestos; yplt — cr SeilttOanb, asbestine ; II. adv. incombustibly. il n v c v b r c it u b a x f e 1 1 6 \\whx- •bvciiulidjfcit, /. incombustibleness. il n ft c r h x t c f t, adj. unconfirtned by letters. il it C r I) r A) e it, adj. + unbroken, inviolate. U It t> C V b r ii d) I t d), I. adj. invio- lable ; II. adv. inviolably, il it y c v b v ii cb I t d> f c i t, f. in- violablenesa. il ii b c v b u it b c it, adj. i. undressed, untended ; 2. unobliged, unconnected. U tt b c r b ii r (1 t, I. adj. unwarranted ; unauthentic; II. adv. unwarrantably. il it b e r b i d) t i j], adj. unsuspected. il 11 y c x b a A) 1 1 g I e t t, /. not being suspected, unsuspectedness. il it y c f b a in in I i rb, adj. uncon- demnable. il il y c r t a in m t, adj. uncondi mned. il It y C X b A It C t, adj. undigested ; Jig. crude. 11 11 y C V b A II I i d), I. adj. indigestible ; II. adv. indigestibly. il H b C r b A H I t d) ! f t t, /. indiges- tion; indigestibleness, crudeness, cru- dity- U It D C r b A tt f, I. adj. Ulil crude; II. ado. crudely. Hm>e il n v ( t i* a u u n i). / Bid. llfiycri bAU(i(bfeit. il it y c r b t x b I t A), I. ailj. inco* ruptible ; II. adv. incorruptibly. il tt v e r b e r b I t A) t e t t, /. incor- ruptibleness. U II y e V b C r b f, adj. incorrupted. il It b f V b e r b t b C i t, /. uncorruptness. il tt y c r b e it t f A) b a r, adj. not translai able into German, illiy crbf It t fd) t, adj. not translated into German, il it y C r b i c II C tt b, adj. (I. u.) undescrv- 11 11 b C V b i e II ft, n. (-efl want of DHfit, demerit. il tt C X b i C tt ft 1 1 A), adj. not meritori ous, immeritorious. il It y C r b i C ll t, I. adj. undeserved, un merited ; II. adv. undeservedly, il II y C r b i C 11 1 1) C i t, /. unmeriledness ilnbrrborbcn, adj. not spoiled, sound, vid. lluycrccrbt. il it y c r b o r b e n t) e i t, /. the no< being spoiled, soundness, vid. llliyct.- bevbtbeit. il HOetbrenf, adj. undistorted. il ttycrbriefjlid), adj. not peevish. not in a bad humour, il tt y C r b r f f C 11, I. adj. indefatigable* assiduous, unwearied, unremitting; cheerful ; II. adv. indefatigably, assidu- ously; cheerfully. llityc rbroffenfjeit, /. indefatig-- ableness, assiduity ; cheerfulness. il ii y c r b u ii E e 1 1, adj. not darkened, not obscured, not put into the shade bright llltycrcbclt, adj. not ennobled; not brought to perfi I of fruit), il 11 b C V C I; C ( i A) t, adj. unmarried, single. it ti b c r c i it b a v (ilitycreitilid)), I. adj irreconcilable ; incompatible, inconsis- tent, incongruous; If. adv. incompati bly ; inconsistently, incongruously. U h o e v c i H b a r f c i t (Utivcrcinltcb- tcit), /. irreconcilableness ; incompati- bility ; inconsisten \ , il II y C VC V'b 1 i d), adj. not liable to in heritance ; — c t^iitcr, life g il 11 y C V f A b f C It, adj. Mm. T unexplored. il K b C r f ii I f d) b A V, adj. that cannot be sophisticated or falsified. il tl y e r f A I f d) t, I. adj. unadulterated, not sophisticated, genuine ; II. adv. genuinely. ilubcrf Alt gli d), I. adj. 1. uncap- tious, not insidious; 'J. unpiejudicial : 11. ado. uncaptiously. II ii y c v f a f f ii ii g a in ii f; i g, adj. un- constitutional. 11 it y c v f a it I b a r, adj. not putn ilny cvf ah 1 1, adj. unputrefied; not rotten, il II y C V f 1 g t, adj. unpursued ; not persecuted. illlb C ffiig lid), adj. that cannot be bequeathed, >i< il il it y ( r f ii b r b A r, adj. that cannot ba seduced il n p c r f ii b v t. adj. unseduced, pure, it it b c r g ii n g 1 i d), I. ,„ij. imperisbal ie eternal; II. adv. imperiBDitUy. iliiycigiiiigl id)fii t, /. impciinn- ablenosa. 11 it y c r g c b 1 i d), I adj. unpardonable irremissible ; ll. adv. unpardonaWy, i^ renussibly. C05 Lttttte Uuoe frntKraeblicbJeif. / otd. Un»er= ,cif)lict)Feit. ft n»e rgef fen, adv not forgotten, kept in memory, lltttergcfilid), adj. that cannot be forgotten, memorable, lasting. LI It C r ij C ti I i cb f C i 1, f. memor- ableness il n o c v ,3 I c i d) 1 i d) (Unberalein)* bar), I. adj. incomparable, matchless, inimitable, unparalleled, peerless; cine e StiirEe, a matchless force ; II. adc. incomparably, matchlessly, peerlessly. II it p e r g I e i cb b a v f c t t (Hit* yerglcicblicbjeit), /. incomparableness, malchlessness, peerlessness. U it e t 3 n it g I i cb, ilnbergnugfam, adj. not to be contented ; discontented, dissatisfied. 11 it e r g n ii g f, adj. badly pleased, discontented. U It » e r g 1 1 C It, adj. unrewarded, un- requited, unrecompensed ; unpunished. il 11 e r g 6 It It I t d), adj. not to be granted, unpermissive. 11 it e V g 5 It It t, adj. not granted, unpermitted. Q It V C t g f f C It, adj. unshed. il n » e r g r ij V e r f, ail J- not exalted, unmagnified. il It S C r b a f t e t, adj. unarrested. ll It b e r b il I t e It, adj. unreserved, unconcealed; Ctlteilt etNi!« — laffcil, not to deprive one the notice of. 11 n y etfefiltitif? m 5 9 t g, 1. adj. unproportioned, disproportionable, un- proportionable ; IL adv. unproportion- ably, disproportionahly. tlllfcert) C tratb e f, adj. unmar- ried, single ; cilt — er, a single gentle- man, a bachelor, il It u C V 1) 1 11 b c r b a r, 1 adj. that 11 r. b c x b i 11 b c r 1 1 cij, ) cannot be hindered or impeded. U tt y e r b t It b C r f, adj. unimpeded, unobstructed. U It e r b P f f t, I. adj. 1. unhoped, unhoped for; 2. unexpected; IL adc. unexpectedly, unawares. il It lev I) Obit It, I. adj. not con- cealed, open ; II. adv. openly, plainly. il U 8 e V 1) V t, adj. unheard, without trial. (l it b e V b ii II b a V, adj. that cannot be wrapped up or concealed, ii It » e V 1) ii I t f, adj. undisguised, not disguised, veiled or shrouded. il tt e V \) U It g e r t, adj. not starved, not dead of starvation. il n » e r j a b v b a v, Unvcrjabrlt^, adj. imprescriptible. ft n e r j it fy r I i d) f e i t, /. imprescript- ibility. (1 tt e r j a b V t, adj. &■ adv. not antiquat- ed: not forfeited by prescription ; with- out prescription. il tt o c r i r r b a v, adj. l . not to be mis- led or turned aside ; 2. where one can- not mistake the way. 11 ttO erf a ll It t, adj. not mistaken, not misjudged. .tnocrf a tlflt d), I. adj. unsaleable, unvendible ; II. udc. unsaleably, un- vendibly. 11 n v c r f ;i it f I i d) f c t r, /. want of sale. tl n » e r 1 a it f t, adj. unsold ; — blci ben, to remain on hand. U n o t r f e it n b a r, l. adj. that cannot fi9G be mistaken; evident; II. adv. not to ho mistaken. 11 11 C f f 1 a g t, adj. unimpeached, not informed against. liny erf I e in erlid), adj. undirainish- able, unimpairable. il n y c r f I c i it e r r, adj. undiminished, unimpaired, illtoer f iimnter f, adj. clear of in- cumbrances ; not stinched. 11 It e r f it r J f adj. unabridged, un- curtailed. II It » C f I it 11 g t, adj. undesired, unask- ed for. ilnbcrlarot, adj. unmasked, >ot masked. 11 it o c r 1 of ft g, adj.vid. ttitjuoerlafftg. II it C V I e g e It, adj. unembarrassed, not puzzled. Hit pcrle fen, adj. l. notpirVed, not sorted ; not read over. tlnoerlefcbar, ilnbcrlerjitrt), i. adj. I. inviolable; 2. invulnerable; IT. adv. inviolably, il n b c r 1 c £b a v f c i t, Unmtefeli$; feit, /. inviolableness ; invulnerableness. 11 It e r I e |j t, adj. i.»ot violated ; unhurt, safe. U It e r I e il 111 bet, adj. uncalumni- ated. 11 tt e r I i e b t, adj. not in love, il It o f r 1 1 e f) C tt, a Ij. unlet, not hired out, unhired. 11 it y e v I i e r b a r, J adj. imperdible, in- il it o C V 1 1 C r 1 1 d), $ amissible ; inali- enable, il n o c r I i e r b a r f e 1 1, f. imperdibiliiy, inamissibility. il it 9 C r 1 b t, adj. unbetrothed. il tt C r I X t It, adj. not lost, sure. 11 it o e r 1 5 f d) b a r, Unoerlofcfylid), adj. inextinguishable. ii ii o e r I o f cb b a v f e i 1, f. unquench- ableness. inextinguishableness. U It b C f 1 P f d) e It b, adj. not going out, not becoming quenched. il ii o e r m a d) b a r, adj. that cannot be bequeathed away, inalienable. 11 It » e r 111 ii b I f , adj. unmarried. II it o c v m C b r b it r, adj. unincreasable. U It e f lit e b X t, adj. unaugmented. II ll » e r lit e i b 1 i d), I adj. unavoidable ; inevitable ; II. adv. unavoidably ; inevi- tably. il it b c r in e i b 1 1 rb f e i t, /. unavoid- ableness ; inevitableness. ll it etinein t. adj. not meant, not in- tended ; not thought of. il tt C e r lit e It g t, adj. unmingled, unmixt il It y e r lit e It f tt) 1 1 d) t, adj. not human ized, not anthropomorphized, il 11 P e r 111 C v f r, adj. imperceptible ; un- perceived ; insensible; II. adv. without being perceived ; insensibly, il tl 8 e f lit t e f b b a V, adj that cannot be rented or hired, ll il e r in t e 1 1) C t, adj. that is not rent- ed, unlet. il It P e r lit t e t b I i dj, adj. that cannot be let, that won't let. il 11 per lit tttbe ft, adj. undiminished, unabated. 11 it P e r nt t f d) b a r, adj. that cannot be mixed, ll It y e f 111 i f cb b il r f C i t, /. immiscibility. 11 ll y e r 111 i f d) t, adj. not mixed, pure, lln PCf 111 5 gelt, n. (-S> inability, in- Unot capacity, insufficiency ;, im potency ; — Jtl bcjilbletl, insolvency 11 it b e r 111 P g e tl b, adj. unable, want ing strength ; feeble, impotent ; — JK bcjaliieil, insolvent. U n y e r m p g e it (; e i f, /. inability ; im- potency. il it o c r ill p g 1 1 d\ adj. weak, feeble ; VTOvinc. not wealthy, ii It C r lit It t f) e t, I. adj. unlooked for, inopinate, unexpected ; It. adc. unexpect cdly, unawares, ll n o e r m it t b 1 1 d), adj. [I. u.) that wai not to be expected. il n P e r it e b m b a x, 3 I. adj. indistinct, il 11 be met) lit lid), > inaudible; It. adv. indistinctly; inaudibly. il n b e r n e b in I i d) f e i t, /. indis tinctness; inaudibleness. il It e r 11 e i 11 b it r, I. adj. undeniable, incontestible ; II. adv. undeniably, il It p e r 11 1 d) t b a f, adj. indestructible, il it o e r ll c :-t m e ll, adj. unheard, not understood cr comprehended, (l n b C r It ll n f t, f. want of reason, ir rationality, unreasonableness; absurdity il 11 P e r ll ii It f t i g, I. adj. destitute oi reason, irrational, unreasonable ; bie — Clt £fjicrc, brutes, irrational animals; II. adv. irrationally, unreasonably ; vulg. mightily, very. il it p e r n ii ii f t i g f e i r, / irrationality, unreasonableness, ll 11 p C f p a d) t e t, adj. not farmed out, not let out. il 11 P e f b f a tt b e f , adj. not mortgaged, not pledged, il tt C r y f 1 e g t, adj. not taken care of unprovided for. il It P e r » f 1 1 d) t C t, adj. not bound ir duty ; not being pledged to any duly ; not sworn, unengaged, unobliged. il It P e V r a t b e it, adj. unbetrayed. il ttbertatfjen b, adj. not betraying, ll 11 S e r X a t b e X i f d), adj. not treaclj- erous. il ii b e r r t dj t e t, adj. unperformed ; — cr S>it (I) e, without having effected or obtained one's object, il a y e r r i & t, adj. Min. T. — c§ Selb, ground not broken. il it y e r r it cf I i d), adj. irremovable. l"l ll y C f r ii cf t, I. adj. 1. not moved or shifted; fixed, unmoved; 2. fig. unin- terrupted; II. adc. immovably, fixedly. ilnperfitgt, adj. unforbidden; op- tional. il ll p e r f ii inn b a r, adj. that cannot be neglected, peremptory. illtyerfdjiiittt, I. adj. impudent shameless, insolent ; barefaced ; II. ado impudently, shamelessly, saucily. il ii y e r f cb S m t b e i t, f. impudence, insolence ; shamelessness, sauciness. il It y C r f d) a II J t, adj. unintrenched. il n y e r f cb i e b 1 1 cb, adj. that cannot be put off or postponed. il it y e r f d) I e t c r t, adj. unveiled. il ii b e r f d) 1 1 e § b a r, adj. that cannot be closed or shut. i'l It e V f cb I f f e tt, adj. unlocked, un- closed; open. il 11 y C r f d) 111 ii b t, adj. undespised, un- rejected. il il y e r f d) P n t, adj. not spared, un spared. il no cr f cf) r t cb en, adj. i. not mis written; 2. not written for, uncoin mauded, unordered Un»e Un*c Uii»o fl tltoerfd) u 1 be t, I. adj. 1. not in- debted, unencumbered ; •-'. undeserved, unmerited: 3. innocent ; i>ati fyalte id) — , that I had not deserved; I was quite innocent of that; II. adv. undeser- vedly ; innocently. tl it 9 e r f d) it 1 1 c t, adj. I . unspilled, un- jied ; 2. not crumbled or rolled down. J n 9 e r fd; id t e g e it, adj. indiscreet. 11 tt 9 C V f d) ID i C g C tl f) C i i, /. indis- cretion. 11 It to e t f e b e tt, adj. 1. unexpected, un- looked for; 2. (/. u.) misapplied. 11 it toerfefjeil S, adv. unexpectedly, unawares. U tt » e r f e b v b a r, Unuerfefirlirb, adj. that cannot or is not to be hurt or wounded ; inviolable. ft it » e v f e fj v b a r f e i t, Un-jerfcfjrs Itcbfett,/. inviolability. U II 9 e r f C I; V t, adj. unhurt, safe ; un- scathed. il II D c r f e n b e t , adj. not sent. II it y C r f e tt g f, adj. unscorched. Unuevfefet, adj. 1. not transplanted, unremoved ; 2. unmortgaged. Utttoerf irbci'f, odj. unassured, unin- sured. fl ti y e i - f t e g b a r, fliiyerficglirf), adj. that does not dry up, perennial ; inex- haustible il it y c v f i e g b a r E c i f, UiiDerfIcglif6= lid)fcif, f. inexhaustibleness. U II v C V f i e g e 1 1, adj. unsealed. U life erf t l.ber t, adj. 1. not silvered, unsilvered; 2. fig. unsold, not sold. UttDerfobttbar, iliiyerfofynlid), I. adj. implacable, irreconcilable, unap- peasable ; 2. adv. implacably, irrecon- cilably. ti it o e v f 5 (j n b a r f e i t, Uittoerfpfjits [idjfcit, /. implacableness, irreconcil- ableness. U It D e V f p bit U a,! j- utiappeased, un- reconciled. U 11 D C V f Org b a r, adj. that cannot be provided for or settled. U it y e v f or g f, adj. unprovided for ; unplaced. 11 II » C r f to a r t, adj. unreserved, not postponed. U II y C r f D t e ( t, adj. not played away, not lost in gambling. 11 it y c v f p v o d; c it, adj. unpromised. 11 It y C r ft a It b, m. (-C8) imprudence, indiscretion, want of judgment, of wit, of understanding, of sense. fl tl to e r ft a It b C It, adj. not understood, not comprehended. U It D C r fl a tt b i g, I. adj. deficient in un- derstanding, imprudent, injudicious; indiscreet, unwise, unintelligent, foolish ; II. adv. imprudently, injudiciously ; in- discreetly, unreasonably. il tt » C V ft a tt b t g f C i t, /. indiscretion, imprudence; want of judgment. U It y e t ft a tt b t g t. adj. uninformed. liny erftanbl t d), I. adj. unintelli- gible ; incomprehensible, obscure ; II. adv. unintelligibly ; obscurely. U n y e r ft a it b 1 1 dj f c i f, /. unintcl- ligibility; obscurity. U It y C r ft a il b il i fs, n. (/. u.) want of understanding or intelligence. illtvcrfia rff, adj. without being reinforced. il n y e v ft e i tt c r t, flnyetfhiitt, adj. un- petrified. II u 9 e r ft e 11 1, ailj. undissembled, un- disguised. illiuerftofjcit, adj. not abandoned, not expelled. fl It C V ft V i cf t, adj. not nelted. II It t) C V fit d) t, adj. unexperienced ; un- tried, unattempted ; lltd)t$ — Iaffert, to leave nothing untried, to leave no stone unturned. fl U y c r t f) C i b i g f, adj. not defended, without defence. il it y e v t b e i I b a r, adj. indivisible, undividable. il II to e r t f) C i I f, adj. undivided. U it y C r t f) 1! b a r, tdj. not to be ex- pended or squandered U it ye ft bul id), adj . not prodigal, not extravagant; 2. viJ. Ullyevthubar. il il y e r 1 1 1 g b a r, adj. indelible ; inex- tirpable. fl ny c vf il gba rf eif, ■ indelrble- ness. II n y e r t i I g i, adj. unextin »ted. fl it 9 e r t r ii g 1 1 cb (flntoevtvagfam), I. adj. 1. unsociable, quarrelsome; 2. in- compatible, inconsistent ; II. adv. un- sociably ; incompatibly, inconsistently. ft u to e r t r it g I i d) f e i f, /. I. unsoci- ableness, quarrelsome disposition ; 2. in- _ compatibility, inconsistency. il II y C r ID a h til d), adj. not to be kept or guarded. il it y e v ID a b V I f e t, adj. not neglect- ed or spoiled. il II y e X ID a fj v r, adj. unguarded, not kept; — feVHl, to lie open. U It y C rVD a tl b C 1 1, adj. unchanged, not transformed. U 11 to CV ID a lib t, I. adj. 1. unmoved; fixed ; 2. unconnected, not related ; II. adv. immovably, fixedly. l'l II to C r ID C 6 r b a f, ) adj. that cannot il II to e r ID e I; r 1 t d;, j be forbidden, al- lowable. l'l it D e V ID C fl r t, adj. unprohibited, not forbidden. il it y e riD c i g e r 1 i cb, adj. not to be refused, undeniable. ilnoerwetflerf, adj. undenied, not refused. il It D e C tt e i f t, adj. *■ adv. without de- lay, directly, instantly, on the spot. 11 it y e r id c i « I i d), adj. unreproachful. il n y C riD e I f I i cb, adj. unfading, never fading, imperishable. tl tt to c r id e I fl i cb f e i f, f. impcrish- ableness. U It y e r W C I f t, adj. unfaded. l'l 11 y e r id c r f ! i cb, I. adj. not to be rejected, unobjectionable, unexception- able, irrefragable ; II. adj. unexception- al^. ilittocriDevfUcbFcif, /. uncxeep- tionablcness. It II y C t ID e f e tt b, adj. incorruptive. U II to e r ID e f e t, adj. not dissolved by putrefaction. II II to C V ID e « l i d), I. adj. incorruptible, imputrescible ; II. adj. incorruptibly. iliiyeviDe«lid)feit, /. incorrup- tibility, incorruptibleness, imputrescibil- ity. II il to c r id i v v f, adj, unentangled, un perplexed, disembarrassed. It II to e r ID P g C It, adj. not weighed out. U l'.y 1 1 WO XVtn, adj. utconAia d, not intricate. 11 ii t e r id u ii b b a r, Unuenvunbltd) I. adj. invulnerable ; 11. adj. invulnerably il it to e r id u n b b a r f e i r, f. invulner ableni 11 11 y C r ID II It b C t, adj. unwound d. il ii » e r id ii ft b a r, flnbcriDiiiUicb, aij that cannot be destroyed or shaken, in- destructible. it it y e r id ii ft e t, adj. not l?id wast* not destroyed 11 il y e r j a g t, I. adj. undimnaj despairing ; undaunted ; intrepid, coura geous, hardy ; — ! keep a good heart ! II. ado without despairing, intrepidly, undauntedly, courageously. l'l It to e r J a g t f) C i t, /. intrepidity, un- daunteriness, undaunted courage. il 11 1) e V J a r t C I t, adj. not delicate, not coddled up. It it y c r j c b t r, a j. unconsumed, not wasted. II it y c r 5 c i b b a v. j I. adj. unpardon- il It y e f 5 C i f) I i d), J able ; inexcus- able; II. unpardonably ; inexcusably. U it 9 e v j e 1 1) I i d) f e i t, /. unpardon- ableness. U it y e r 5 i e b e it, adj. unpardoned, un- p remitted. l'l it » e r j t it S b a r, it itDerjinaliu), adj. paying no interest; — C ddjitlf, or — e ©taatepnptere, m e. dead weight. II it y e r 5 P g e 11, adj. not spoiled by a bad education, il it to e r J p g e r I i d\ adj. 1 . not dilatory, not procrastinating ; 2. eid, UtlOCT* jiigticb. U n » e v } 1 1 b a r, adj not liable to irn port-dulies. II It »« t j Oil t, adj. paid no duty for, duty off. it II D C V J U cf f r f, adj. not over-sugared, not covered with sugar. il It D e r j ii g 1 1 rf\ adj. 6 ado, immedi* ate ; without delay, immediately, on the spot, forthwith, incontinently. il It to e f 5 ii g I i d) f C i t, /. immediate ness, rapidity. II U to e ft, adj unsettled. Ulttoettetli (b, adj. , v adv. not becom- ing a kinsman, unkind. it ii yp II enbe t (UiiypIUH\icbt), a,ij. .unfinished, unconsnmmale. II 1! to p 1 1 e 11 b u II g, /. imperfectness, state of imperl. II it 9 P 1 1 f ii b r t , adj. unaccomplished, unperformed, unfinished. il It 9 P I I f P 111 111 C II, I. adj. imperfect ; II. adj. imperfectly. fl u to o 1 1 f o m in e ii b e i t, /. [pL -en) imperfection. It it 9 1 1 ft ii n b i g, I. adj. incomplete, defective, Imperfect, unfinished; ll. adj. incompletely, imperfectly. fl U to p 1 1 ft a tl b i g f e i t, /. incomplete- ness ; defectiveness. fllltopl fftveef t, fltltopllipgctl, adj unexecuted, unperformed fl it to P 1 1 j ii b I i g, adj. m complete ai lo number, incomplete. l'l it to P I f 5 a I) I i d; f c i t, / incomplete- ness, ft n to P it it p t b e tt, adj. unnecessarily. II it to P r a u -3 f l b b a v, a ij. not to be foreseen, unforseeable. flu OOrbe&alt] i d>, adj. without re- Berve, unreserved. fl II to P r b C V C i t C I, adj. unprepared, not ready. 607 Unroa U it D I b t ft i 111 111 t, a I. adj. irresist 11 n iv i b e r ft e b 1 id), S ible, resist less; II. adv. irresistibly, resistlessly. il it iv i b c v ft c b 1 i d) E c 1 1, /. irrcsis tibilitv, irresistibler.ess. UlliDI 11 It IV I c 1 1 c b c i tl I i cb, I. adj. irre coverable, irreparable, irretrievable ; II. adv. irrecoverably, irretrievably. il n iv i c t c r b v i it g I i d) E e i t, /. irre coverableness, irreparableness, irre- trievableness. iluivicbcr g eb or en, adj. unrege- nerate. il it iv i c b c v E f b i' I i d\ adj. iV. u.) I irreturnable ; 2. vid. Uinvicbcrbring» lid;. il 11 IV i C b e r r U f 1 i cfj, adj. .?• adv. irre vocable': irrevocably; rid. UltlvicbfV* bvinglicb. il tt iv i e b e r r u f I i d> E e i t, /. irre- vocableness. il it iv 1 1 1 c, m. (—ltd) Sr iliitvillett, (-1) 1. indignation, displeasure; anger; ~. repugnance. 11 11 IV i 11 f ii b X i g, adj. inofficious, un- complying. U It IV 1 1 1 f it b X t g E C i t, /. inofficious- ness, non-compliance. il It tt) i I Hg, L adj. 1. indignant ; angry ; 2. unwilling, reluctant; disdainful; 11 adv. with indignation ; unwillingly. 11 it IV i It t g E C i t, /. unwillingness ; vid Uinvilic. II 11 IV i 1 1 f 111 lit C II, adj. unwelcome, disagreeable ; bilS — fclMt, the unpleas- ant, disagreeableness, ungratefulness (of a visit, &c.). ilttlvillEu(b) r 1 1 d), I. adj. involun- tary; U.adv. involuntarily. il n iv i U E ii (b) v I i dj f e i t, /. invoi- untariness. U n tv i n E e 1 i g, adj. without angles ; B. T. inangular. 11 11 IV i V f I i d), adj. unreal, not existing. il lllvi r Ef ailt, I. adj. ineffective, in- efficacious ; II. adv. ineffectively, in efficaciously. il ti iv i r E f a in E e 1 1, /. inefficacious- ness, inefficaey. II It IV i f f d), adj. Jam. cross, nettled. il 11 IV i X t b b a r, I. adj. inhospitable, uninhabitable ; barren, deserted ; dreary ; 11. adv. inhospitably. il it iv i v t b b a x E c i t, /. inhospitabJo- ness, inhospitably; dreariness. il il tt) i r t b I i d), adj. <$• ado. 1. unliks a good host ; inhospitable ; inhospitably ; 2. dreary. il 11 IV t r 1 1) i d) E e i t, /. want of hos- pitality, inhospitableuess. il 11 IV i V t f; f d) it f t, /. (/. h.) bad house- keeping. U it IV i r t b f d) a f 1 1 i d), adj. not eco- nomical, unthrifty, extravagant. il it tv i v t b f cb a f 1 1 i d) E c i t, f. want of economy, of thrifty habits. il II IV i 5 b (I f, adj. that cannot be known, beyond the sphere of man's know- ledge. il 11 IV if felt b, I. adj. 1. ignorant; un knowing ; 2. unskilled, unlearned ; 3 unknown; IL adv. ignorantly, unknow ingly ; unlearnedly ; unconsciously. il 11 IV i f f e n b C, m. dccl. like adj. ignor ant man, idiot il 11 IV i f f r 11 b C i t, f ignorance ; com- p„ s _ — sfcbler, «'■ fault of ignorance; — Sfi'tllbC, /. sin committed through ignorance. il 11 IV if fell f d)Cl ft I i d}, adj. un- scientific. il 11 IV i f f C 11 S W ft f b t g, adj. not wortl knowirg Hiue Unau Unm* ft 11 m i f f e !l 1 1 1 cb, ode. unconsci unknowingly, unwittingly. U 11 \V i ft, m. want of sense ; willess- ness. 11 ir ic i ft i g, I. a///, unwitty, inspid, dull ; II. adv. unwittily. 11 It 10 f) I, adj. <$■ adv. unwell, not in pond health, indisposed j mil ift — ju 2JJliti)e, I am sick at heart. It li itofil m e i n c n b, adj. ill-disposed, malevolent U it ID o () it b a V, adj. uninhabitable. 11 11 tO U V b t fl, I. adj. with. gen. 1. un- worthy, worthless, undeserving ; 2. be- neath (the dignity) ; II. adv. unworthily. U li tt) ii v b i g f e t 1, /. unworthiness ; in- dignity. U it war 5 elf etm, m. (-c8; 7>/. -c) Z?. 7'. false radicule. II 11 j a b I, /. innumerable quantity. II It J a f) 1 1) a V, adj. not payable, not to be paid. U n ; a I) lb a r, Ultiiililtg, I. adj. innum- erable, numberless; innumerous; II. adv. innumerably, innumerously. U it $ ii t) I b a x f e i t, /. innumerable- n< ^^ ; nuinberlessness. II n j a b nt, adj. not tame, untamed. II 11 J a i) lit 6 a V, a a r, adj. that cannot be bridled; fig. that cannot be curbed, ir- repressible, unrestrainable. 1 1 It I e, /. (/)/. -tt) 1. ounce ; 2. provinc. inch ; compos. — ltlmumiinMIe, /. cot- ton of the ounce or of Damascus ; — XI- gam, n. ounce-thread; — uperlcu,^. ounce-pearls ; — lltueife, adv. by the ounce. U It J e, /. (///. -tt) ounce (a quadruped). Un;ef)iitbar, adj. l. not tithable, indecimable ; 2. exempt from tithes, tithe free. U it J e i g b a r, adj. that cannot be shown. II tt J f t t, /. wrong time, unseasonable time ; Jltr — , out of season ; @ie f 0111 = well feljr Jill" — , you choose your time very ,'.!. Unset tig, I. adj. I. untimely, unsea- sonable, (inopportune; 2. immature; unripe; eiuc — e ©ebuct, an abortion ; II. adv. untimely, unseasonably ; imma- turely. II n jet t i g f e i t, /. l. untimeliness, unreasonableness; ~. immaturity, un- ripeness. U It j e 1 1 1 1 11 g, m. (-8 ; pi -C) I. pre- mature fruit ; 2. abortion. II it 5 e u t b (I r, adj. + not sul j the criminal court. U it j e v b r c rb 1 1 A), I. adj. that cannot be broken; infrangible; II. adv. m frangibly. U it j e r b v e rb I i cb f e 1 1, /. infran- Ritileness. U it j e v g ii it g t i cb, adj. not liquifjable, insoluble, immiscible. '& it ; e v g I i eb c v I i cb, adj. a. v.) im- possible to be dissected or analyzed, ilttjergliebert, adj. undissected ; not analyzed ii u j e r f r a ft t, adj. unscratcbed. II it j e v I e g b a r, i adj. that cannot 1 e li It 5 e r I C g I t Cb, S decomposed >r analyzed, U It jervi f fell, adj. not torn, not la- cerated or rent. U It J C r r ii t t e t, adj. not destroyed or ruined, unimpaired. II it j e t f c$ ne i b.b a r, j adj. that can- ilit jcrfcon or to pieces. t b b a r, 1 i b I i cb, 5 not be cut up 11 11 j C V f ob It i 1 1 C It, adj. undissected. U it 5 e r f e ft b a r, adj. that cannot be decomposed. 11 it s e v f p v e it g b a r, adj. not to be split or burst; that cannot be broken or dispersed. U n i c v ft 5 r b a r, iltijerftorlid), I adj. indestructible ; 11. adv. indestructibly. 11 u ?e vfl ovbavf eit Se Unjcvftin - * Iid)Ecif, /. indestructibleness. 11 II 5 e v ft i3 C t, adj. undecayed, unde- Btroyed. 11 II 5 e V ft r e li t, adj. 1 . not dissipated, unwasled ; 2. not absent (of mind), il II 5 e V t b e i I b a X, adj. indivisible. 11 it 5 c v t b e i ( b a r f c i t, /. indivisi- bility. Unt crtbei ( t, llntatrcnitf, I. adj. unparted, unseparated, undivided; II. adv. jointly, in coparceny. il ii 5 c v t v e unbar, Uitjeitfeuulicb, I adj. inseparable, indissoluble ; — e fiigeilfcbilftett, inherent qualities; II. adv. inseparably, indissolubly. 11 n t e r t v e it it b a r f c i t, llu$crtreiin= licbfeit, /. inseparableness, indissolu- bility. II it 5 c II g, ?i. (-e§) nuisance ; nonsensi- cal st nil". *U n 5 1 a I b it cb ft a b e, m. (-tt ; pi. -n) uncial ; — It, uncial letters. U n j i e f c f, 7i. vermin ; rid. Uiigcjtefc r. U ii 5 i c I) b a r, adj. void of attractability (said of ores) ; not ductile (of metals). 11 it 5 i c nt e n b, J a sibie ; II. adv in- Uit ju flan g lid), J accest UnjUflartg I iebfeit (ilimigciiigig= fcit),/. inaccessibleness, difficulty ol a '<-«>-;. 11 It 5 II f 111 lit I i A), adj. (I. «.) incon- venient. il 11 S 11 { i'lll ill 1 i ri) f C i t, /. incon- venience. il It )U I 5 It 9 li cb, I. adj. insufficient, inadequate ; II. ado. insufficiently. il 11 5 It I Ct It g 1 1 cb E e t t, / insufficien- cy, inadequateness. il n j ii 1 S f f t g, UnjttTctfSlid), adj. un allowable, inadmissible, not to be per- mitted. il ii 5 it I S ffi g f c i f, ilii}iilaf»licbftit, /. unallowableness, inadmissibility. Unjtinftifl, adj. not incorporated; not belonging to any corporate society 11 n j n r e i cb e n b, adj. insufficient. U It j U f a m lit e tl b r ii (f b a V, adj. in- compressible. il n j ii f a in nt c n b r ii cf b a r f e i t, /. incompressibility (of water, &.C.). U n j u f a m in c it b a 1 1 e n b, adj. i . not holding together ; incompact. V. U 5 II f a 111 lit e n b a ll g, m. (-eS) in- coherence. il n j it f a in in e n b ci n g e n b, adj. un- connected ; disconnected, loose. il u i u fa in in e n v a f f e n b, adj. not matching, not fitting together ; disa- greeing. il ti | u f a m in e ii fl i m m e it b, adj. dis- cordant, unharmonious. II It J II ft ii II b t fl, adj. incompelent. il it? II fl it it b t g f C i t, /. incompe- tency. il It 5 II t b ci t i g, > adj. not insinuating, It ll J U t b II I i cb, > not officious. il ii 5 li t r ii g I i cb, adj. unuseful, dis advantageous. il 11 5 II t V a II I i cb, adj. unconfiding, close, renewed. il n j ii y c r a cb t e ll b, adj. (I. u.) not to be despised ; fam not to be sneezed at. il 11 } ll » e V b e f f C V tl b, adj. (I. u.) in- corrigible. il n j ti v c r f e ti ii c it b, adj. i. *} thai cannot be mistaken. illl Jllb CV lii f ft g, I. adj. uncertain, precarious, not to be trusted or depended upon; II. adv. uncertainly. illl Jllbetliif fig fe t t, f. uncer- tainty, untrustiness, want of reliance, precariousness. it ii 5 it y e r it a cb I a f f i g e u b, adj. that ought not to be neglected. il n j iv e cf in ii fi i fl, adj. S,- adv. not .c the pui iper ; unsuitable ; in judicious. il njWtibeilti g, I adj. free from equivocation, unequivocal ; 11. adv. un- equivocally. il u\ ».» e i f c I b a f t, l. adj. undoubted, indubitable ; 11. ado. undoubtedly, in- dubitably. ll ii i, n> c i f c ( b a f t i g f e i t, /. indubi tableness. C99 Urba *U p a 8, at n. T. the upas (a tree of Java). ftp ptg, I. nt'j. 1. luxurious; 2. lux- uriant, luxuriating; :* wanton; vo- .uptuous; — C3 UllflMltt, rank weeds; II. ado. luxuriously, wantonly, voluptu- ously ; luxuriantly. U p p i fl f e i t, f. 1 axuriancy ; luxury, wantoni U pfala, n. Upsal. fl r, m. (-c8 ; pi. -e) ure-ox, owr, owre. U V, a prefix, signifying that which com- mences, that which is primitive, the oldest of all, je primeval. U rat) it , m. (-CM ; pi. -ell) great-grand- father; ancestor; bie —fit, ancestors, forefathers. II r a b !t 1 1 cb, adj. n Hungary) law regulating the relations between the lords of the sod and their subjects. *Urbdriunt, n. (-8; pi -.wtcit) re- gister of landed property ; rental. U r b a r in a cb c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) one who makes land arable; pioneer. fl r b a r m a ct) tt tt g, /. cultivation. H V b a V ft e U e V, /. tax on arable land. U r b a *J, m. (-8) primitive structure ; | old building. Ulrbebe, ?/. (pi. -n) impost, tax on nir bete, S ' fl r a n f a n g, m. wA Urbeginit. flvanfiinglicr) <$• ttranfattgS, «fj. aboriginal, original, primeval, prim- ordial. *U r d It t fl, /. (-*«) JMyt*. 7". Urania. *U r a it i b e, m. JllyiA. T. son of Uranus, Saturn. *U ran ion en, pi. Myth. T. the ce- lestial gods, the blessed ones (in Homer). *U f a it i 8 f U 8, m. a canopy, arched ceiling (of a room). •11 vail it, m. (-CS; pi. -C) uranite, phosphate of uranium. *ll r fl it i it in, n. (-8) Miu. T. uranium. UrOltla gC, /. original, innate dispo- sition. »U r a u o g r a p b i e, /.jiranography. *lt r fl it o I a fl I c, /. urinology. '11 rail Ollt etr to, /. the measuring or I surveying of the heavens, manometry. •It r It Ollt CtV if fb, adj. relating to iiranomeiry. •lira n of fop, m. (-en; pi. -en) as troiioniur. •UraitoffOptC, /. uranoscopy. *\\ r a 11 11 8, vi. Myth. S- .1st. T. Uranus. •li l',l t C, ///. Ck. T. urates. U r b a it, m. Urban (name of men). •U r b d tt, ad), urbane, rid. Stdbtifcb ; £eflid), 8ciu. ©cbiltct. •It V bat" l ft re It, r. a. to urbanize; »o polish, render ci' 1 ', uu lands, land-tax 11 V b C b e It t It tt fl, /. primitive signifi- cation. fl r b e 9 e i ft e r it it g, /• the highest, purest, sublimest enthusiasm. fl r b e g i 11 it, m. (-C8) first beginning, origin. fl r b e g v i f f, m. (-eS ; pi. -e) primitive idea ; notion. 11 r b C ft a II b t b. ? 1 I m. primitive ele- ment. 11 rberocblte r, pi. aborigines, first inhabitants. llrbilb, ?i. (-C8; pi. -tt) archetype, prototype ; original ; ideal. llrbilb lid), I. adj. original, arche- typal, ideal; II. adv. originally, ideally. flrborti, m. vid. Urquell. fl r b r i e f, m. (-c8 ; pU -c) vid. Ur= titttbe. llrblicb, n. (-CS) the Bible. fl r b it f; r, /. (;;/. -CIl) tax, tribute ; vid flv'oeie. *ilrta, /. Worth.' Myth. T.Vrda (cr.e of the three destinies). fl r b e U t f cb, adj. ancient German, flrbid&tcr, m. (-8; pi. — ) original poet. Urbict) tllllfl, /. original poetry or poesy. *U r c a, f. or flrcn, or Uricr.m, ». Ch. T. urea, fl r C i g C 11, adj. original. U r e t g e n b c 1 1, / originality. 11 r c i g e u 1 1) fl ill I i cb, adj. originally peculiar. fl r e i n w o I) u c r, m. dW. Urbcn>or)ncr. 11 v C 11 f C I , m. (-§ ; pi. — ) great grand son, great grandchild. fl r C 11 f C I i 11 It, /. (pi. -CU' great grand daughter. Urcrbe, m. (-11 ; pi. -tt) original lioir. flrerjeiignif;. »■ (-1K8; /-/. -ffe) prime production. •II r C t C r C 8, pi. .1. T. the ureters. •U r C t b V *1, /. .1- T. lhe urethra. *Uvc tb^Ct 111 i t, f. S. T. urethro- tomy. II ret rig, ailj. procine. overfed (said of cattle). U r f, / (pi. -e) rud, fin scale, flrfall, m. (-*> Onim. T. nominative case, fl X f a t" b C, /. primary, original colour. Urtn i\ r f a b r, /. (pi. -e) + * provku. ia Austria) ferry, ford. fl r f c b b C, /. L. T. soleian oath on ik* taking vengeance. II r f C i It b, 7». (-C8) first enemy. flrfcuer, ».(-«) primitive fire; ele- mentary fire. fl r f r lit, /. (pi. -ell; prototype, ideal. II r 9 C b i V g e, n. (-8 ; pi. —) primitive mountains; primitive rock flrgeift, m. (-e8; pi. -er) original spirit; original genius; God. flrgemenge,,, C-S)> haos Ur g tint f d), n. (-e«) y fl r g e p r d g C, n. (-8) prototype, fl r fl cf a 11 fl, J?!. (-C8) the first song, fl r 9 C f A) i cb t e, /. history of the pri- mitive ages. flrgeftalf, /. 1. prototype, original form ; 2. the original. U r fl C ft e 1 It, n. (-C3 ; pi. -C) Geol. T \ primitive rock. fl f g e roi A) t, n. (-ti) T. archetype (in the mint). fl r fl i cb t, /. (pi. -en) + /,. r. confes- sion on the rack. *UvgiV C 11, v. a. to urge. fl V fl ( ail J, m. {-(&) primitive splendour, fl r g r a 11 i t, tti. (-8) primitive granite ; compos. — blOtf, 77i. block of primitive granite, boulder stone, fl r g i e i cb b « 1 1, /. primeval equality. U r 9 r d it, adj. fig. vid. Urdlt. Brgtoffiltet It, pi. great-grand- parents. llrgrofjmuttev, /. (pi. -mutter) great-grandmother. fl r g r o f; in it 1 1 e r I i cb, adj. belonging or relating to a great grandmother. 11 r 9 r o fj t> a t e r, m. (-8 ; pi. -water) great-grandfather. fl r g r o 6 o d t e r I i cb, adj. belonging or relating to a great-grandfather. fl r fl r 11 11 b, 777. (-e8) 1. primitive foun- dation ; 2. primeval cause, author. fl " g V U 11 ft C i It, 77i. diabase, green- stone. fl r b d 6, flrbeb, m. leaven ; origin. fl rbar) It, 771. (-eg) mountain-cock; vid. 2iiierbat)ii. flrbeb er, m. (-8; pi. — ) Orbebe* rtltlt, /. (pi. -eil) originator; founder; author, beginner; er tft tcr — fcilieg ©liicffS, he is the frauicr of his for tunc. Arbeit,/, vid. Urctgen^eii. *flrtatl, 7K. (-8) a name assigned to persons whose name we do not know, ,/r do not wish to mention ; <§err — , Mr. what d'ye call him ; joe. the Devil. 11 rid 8, vi. 1'rias; compos. — brief, vi fig jam. perlidious letter (destructive ic the bearer). Ariel, m. (-8) Uriel, •flrint nub 3;[)iimiuiin, ;./. the urtac and lliiiiiimini [of lhe Bible). *U rill, ic (-8) urine, water; compos — betfeil, ». bas:n of lhe kidney: — * blafe, /. urine bladder; — bOClOr, m. uroinaiit; — fleift, m. urinous spirit; — flla8, 7/. —batter, m. urinal; — s relivdieii, n. s. T. catheter ; algaly: — * fait, >i.o! — fdttrc,/ uncacid; — |cbcu, f. uroscopy : — fperrer, 771. T. instrument for preventing incontinence of urine; — flcilt, 77/. Ilia fione, calculus; gravel; — ppff, '«• uwa; — trcibenb, adj. din relic, 1liurulic.1l; — WOlfcfceit, n. enfifl rema. Urol Urjio Urur •U rill a 1, n {-¥, T. urinal. *U r i 11 1 r c ii, v. n. Med. T. to make water. *lt r t It 13 8, adj. Med. T. urinous, urinary. I I fl 111 p C, m. (-It; pl. -It) Hunt. T. the wild boar. X f et lit, m. (-($ ; pl.-t) primitive germ. II r f i r ff) C, /. primitive church. X f p f, m. (-e8) original genius. Uvfraft, /. (pi. -fiafte) primitive power, force, or energy ; original fa- culty. III fun be, /. (pl. -It) 1. deed, docu- ment, record ; 2. + attestation, testi- monial ; jll — befff 11, in witness whereof; compos. — llberoal)rer, m. keeper of the records, keeper of the archives ; master of the rolls; — lllmd), n. 1. register; 2. roll book; 3. diplomatic collection, cartulary; — llfoifdjer, m. diplomatist ; — HgeiuoiBe, n. — nfainmec, /. — 11= f»lfll, m. vault, chamber or room for keeping the records, archives : cartulary ; nd. 3lict)iy ; — nfettner, m. diploma- tist; — nfnintiiift, /. diplomatic know- ledge, diplomacy ; — lllfl)t'C, /. diplo- macy ; — llfaiiuillllllj], /. collection of records and documents, archives; — 11= fd)fl|}, m. archives, cartulary ; — 11= fdll'flllf, m. closet for records, deeds or documents; — tlperffllfdjer, m. counter- feiter of documents ; — nucrfalfc^ung, /. counterfeiting of documents ; — lt= ivetf, ?i. register, cartulary, diplomatic collection. (1 I f 11 11 b C It, o. a. L. T. to testify ; to show, prove. fl I f U It b I i ct), I. adv. authentically ; by document; — beffcil, in witness whereof; II. adj. documental, authentic, authentical. U t I a II b, n. (-C8) primitive, primordial land. \1 X I fl U t\ m. (-8) leave (of absence) ; Mil. T. furlough; — Uc!)lUCll, to take leave; to take furlough; bic ©djiiler hrtbeit Ultl — (jebeteil, the scholars have begged for a holiday ; flllf — fle= Ijeit, to go home for the holidays; to go on a furlough; l)tlltct bd £l)i'll — liefylltCII, to take French leave. il I f fl II t, m. (-C8 ; pi. -t) r. primitive sound, vowel. 1 1 a II t C l, adj. very pure, of primeval purity. Urlf, /. (pi. -It) maple tree ; elm tree. 1 1 i d) f, n. (-C$) primitive light. 11 1 lit a §, 7i. (-? 8) provinc. original mea- sure, serving as a standard. il i nt e n f d), m. (-en ; pi. -en) the first man ; an original. tl I 111 II fl C I, n. (-8) prototype. 11 1 111 11 1 1 C I, /. the first mother, Eve. Il V 111 ii 1 1 e X ( i ft), adj. relating to the first mother. tl i n a o) i i d) t, /. ( pi. —en) l. very old or stale news, news that queen Anne is dead; 2. authentic news, tit tt ad) t, /. chaotic night, tl I It a 111 C,.m. (-n3 ; pi. -II) original or primitive name, tl 111 a till, /. early nature. U I tl f, /. (pi. -11) 1. urn ; 2, B. T urn (of the mosses) ; compos. — ufblllllfl, mlj. Ii. T. urceolate, pitcher-shaped. *lliorele, /. Med. T. uroceie, vid. ^ombrudj. I d) 8, m. (-CII ; pi. -eil) ure-ox ; rid 4 iIucrod)8. ♦Urolt'h, m. (-e«; P l. -C) urinary calculus. ♦Uromdlli, at (-en; p!.-t\\) uroman cer, uromant. *U I 111 fl tl f i e, /. uromancy. "11 ro f f i> p. "i. vid. Uromant. *ll 1 f f p i e, /. uroscopy. tl t p f a b, m. (-C8 ; pl. -e) first path, pri- mitive road. 11 r p f I flit j e, /. (pl. -11) primitive plant. r p I o fc I i (b, I. adj. very sudden ; It ado. on a sudden, instantaneously. il l fl i; fl I } f e I 8, m. quarz rock. tl I q 11 e 1 1, m. (-C8) fountain head, origi- nal, primitive source. line fl e, /. 1. first-moving cause; 2. perpetual motion. tl 1 1 e fl C I, m. (-8) prime mover, pri- mum mobile. tl r r e i It, adj. very pure, spotless. II 1 1 1 II b, n. vid. J£o!)lb011111iel. illffldje, /. (/;/. -Il) cause, principle, reason, motive, ground, subject, oc- casion; bie — fl!l«i-s? ill ©Off, the cause of all causes is Cod: lvitfcilte — , efficient, active cause; tvitllHtfetlbc — , partial, co-efficient cause ; bie ?ci)ie 00)1 bell — ii bcr Xiitfle, etiology; — Jll etlttflS flfbeil, to give occasion for anything; Syn. llrf.i t't, fflrunt, T> 1 1 n c i p. The Glruub (reason, ground) is that which decides, the •priueip that which contains the tJJruiiB. Thus the spring or the piece of lead, which moves the clock, is called the priucip (principle) of its motion. The llrfidir (cause) is the prin. cip ol reality and thereby it is generally dis- tinguished from a 'prlncip, for there are also 'prinfipirn of poasibility and decision. tl I f fl d) e f, m. (-8 ; pl. — ) (/. u.) vid. Urheber. II I ffi d) 1 i di, adj. causal ; causalive. U V f fl d) I i d) f C 1 t, /. causality. U I f n fl e, /. (pl. -eil) ancient tradition. tl r f fl 1}, m. (-e8 ; pl. -fafcC) axiom. it I f d) fl I f, m. (-e8) primitive sound. [I I f d) idp t, /. primitive bed, layer. tt vfciiief et, m. (-8) primitive slate. tllfdjOII, adj. exquisitely beautiful, of consummate, primeval beauty. tl I f d) It h C i t, /. primitive beauty. lllfd)lift, /. (pl. -eil) prototype, original te\t; original; compos. — cn= OCl'ilhltjlCl, vi. keeper of the rolls, re- gistrar; — ftellet, m. original author. 11 1 f d) x i f 1 1 i d\ a j. nd. llrfimtlid;. fl v f e lb jl, n. (-e8) original. *Ut f III i e, /. (pl. -tl) 13. T. ursinia. *ll I f 1 11 11 8, m. Ursinus, Orson. tl I f i (J, vi. (-e8) first seat or domicile. tl t fpifldje, /. {pl. -it) primitive lan- guage. tl r f pr U 11 fl, m. (-8) 1. origin; source, fountain ; 2. (p!. -fpiiillfle) principle, element. tl ifp tii ltflli ft, I. adj. original, ab- original, primitive, primordial ; C t tt — (S 2Bovf, a primitive word; II. ado. origi- nally, primitively. Offprint fll tcb fe if, /. originality, prime values*, primitiveness. 1 (1 fl m m, vi. (-8 ; pi. -flamme) original stock. I fl fl II b, m. (-e8) primitive condition. r fl 5 n b, lltftanbe, /. + for 5Iufcr= flihllltfl, resurrection; @0lt Oerlfihc illl eilie fvobltdlC — , God grant her a happy resurrection (old inscription). tl 111 fl II b i fl, adj. original peculiar in manner or character. l ft e 111 pel, m. (-8; pl — ) T. ar chetype (in the mint). r ft i e r, m. vid. Sluerodjfl. II r ft ff, w. (-ii , pi. -C [nine mat ter, [irimary matter; principle; ele- ment; compos. — let) re, /. atomic philo- sophy ; — t. L 'ti[ff)f!l, ft. corpuscle ; pri mitive atom. r ft o f f t fl, adj. composed of elements. f ft f f I i d;, adj. elemental, elementary, r ft t fl ff 8, adv. or joe. directly, forth- with, fun. in a Jiffy. Or ft it ff, n. (-e8 ; //.'. -ei original. + U I fll Ifl, or ru'rr. (irftl, /. Ursula name of women). *U r f u 1 1 it e r i u It, ? /. ursuline ♦llrful t nemo n ue, j nun. r t ( II f e i, m. (-6 ; /)/. — ) the fi^t deviL r t e r f, m. (-e8 ; pl. -e) original text. Art fj eil, m. vid. Urftojf. r t f) e i (, n. (-e3 ; pi. -e) I. judgment, sentence, verdict ; 2. opinion ; judg- ment ; decision ; eitt — itber tta\i8 fallen, to pass one's judgment or to give one's opinion upon something ; liteiiient — nad), to my judgment compos. — 8bltd), ii. the records (of a court) ; — Jetoffnuiifl, / publication o! a judgment or decree ; — Jfabifl, olc», Sr"*, y Uiia, tliat it is an opinion which contains the declared will of such persont who assemble at certain period's to I public or national affairs, and form e obtain a legal power, M won u Ujoj ai firmed by the head of the stale. Iltibrilt, tpuilt and ■I'o'l'.ii', on the other hand, con- cern private affairs, but in such a manner, tint the two first are only used for the decision, in suits oflaw. Anllrlbril (judgment) is .!i t;a- enished, however, liom 6pr« ' an Sulfprud), I judge or of a college endowed with jnd Ihority, whilst on the other band a <£pr.i.t or an ?ful!fprii J) is nl^o the srhitrator or the trerdii ' - ilouii. nil": (decision) is as well the! of a court of law as the of a collective body of men versed in jurisprudence. A Vffdj answer, a decree, which eupei representation or inquiry, and by wl . ti tha party io inquiring or representing must re- gulate his conduct. U I t fl C i 1 C It, 0. 0. * "■ (iibci etw?a8) l. to pass sentence, de- cide ; 2. to judge , to form, give i opinion. .?,„.. Urtbrileii, StMrtfrllcn, Xia> itn. I uribfilt (formajudgni thine is true or f.iKe, g'''>'J (, r bad. .V judge, decree), however, i< to urlbfilfti aftel such a manner, that I power. Concerning learned works every om can uribtilcn (f^rm a judgment) but no on, d ana rubltn (pass sentence). He who Drur Ibrilt Ccritlcfiea) something, affirms or den.e, the perfectaon or "aults of any objecL tl i theifen, n. judging. tl 1 1 h c i I c r, m. f-« ; ;-' — ) + judge, person that draws up, or delivers a ju- dicial sentence. *U 1 1 i C fl I i 11, /. Med. T. urtieatinn. t ui fl 1 1 e in, /"■. oncesi tors. Orurcnfel, m. (-«; pl. -) —inn, f. great-great grandson [or daughur). Il t ii i fl i o f ; fl 1 1 e r ii, />'. great-great grandparents, abavus and abavia. 701 Uten RtUCgtofj m utter, /. the great- great-grandmother, abavia. II r U r g r |j 3 a t C r, m. (-8) great- great-grandfather. 11 v b rt t C r, m. (-8) first parent, first progenitor. r b c r I c 3 e r, m. (-8 ; ; e r f a in lit I 11 It g, / primary as- sembly. fir SO If, v. (-C8; yd -»olfer) piimi- tive, aboriginal people. Or D Dt f a f) VC It, pi. primitive an- cestors. ItrTOrtffer, n. (-8) primordial water (of the alchymist). ll r TO e i 9 b e 1 1, /. primitive wisdom. Qr Well fit, v. a. (T. With black- smiths) bte ©tdbe — , to draw the bloom. l\ v to e 1 1 f) n m m e v, m. (-8) t. drawing-hammer. U r TO t It, f. primitive, primeval world. fir TO e I t It cf), adj. of the primitive world, relating to it ; — e SSetjietltt* I'UligciI, fossil remains. II r TO e f e tt, n. (-8) first being, pri- _aiordial being, God, first principle. Ur TO t ff e it f rbrt f f, /. primitive science. £ i TO V t, n. (-C8 J y. -TOOlfer) pri- mitive word. H r j e t fi) e It, n. (-8) primitive sign or mark. 3r$eif, /. (pi. -ett) primitive time; remote antiquity. U V j e t 1 t 8/ adj. primeval, in pristine times. It r J e t t I t cf), adj. S,- adv. in pristine times. II V J U ft rt It b, m. (/. u) primitive con- dition. U X I TO e (f, m. (-C8) prime or principal object. * u f d 11 C e, ) /. ( pi. -eil) usage, custom ; *U f ft 11 j, J usual practice ; M. E. cus- tom among merchants. *U 8 q 11 e b a i), m. usquebaugh, whiskey. *fl f 0, n. M. K. usance; ailf JTOei — be«ah(cn feie an .jperrtt ?. u f. to., two months after date, at double usance pay to Mr. L., &c. U f f e, /. (pi. -11) provinc. toad. "Uftiott, /. JJfed. T. ustion, act of burning. *U ft it 1 1 v e rt, v. a. rid. Sreitnen, 3Ki= ftcit, ©engen ; Uftitlatioii,/. ustulatiou. *U f u a r t u 8, m. vid. 9hifettic§er. *U f tt C a p l r C It, v. a. L. T. to acquire the property of a thing by a long* and uninterrupted use of it. *U f u c a p t i o it, /. /,. r. usucaption. *lt f it f r it c t it a x t u 8, m. vid. SJtit^ utejjer, Dltefibraurber. *lt fuf rue t it iven, v. n. it a. vid. !ttietsbraiicheu ; also ben SJciejHuaurh geben. *U fuf rue tns, m . vid. SJttefjbraudj, 9cii&uiefjung, ©eitiifj. "It f ii r, /. vid. 'Jhiijititg ; 3fnfctt, 3it= tereffen. •11 f U X p rt t i 11, /. usurpation. Hlfurp a tor, m . (-8; pi. -en) usurper. Hlfurplren, v. a. to usurp. 'Mtfitfllien, pi. utensils. 792 Sale *lt t C V I n, adj. uterine ; born of the same mother. *ll te ft 1! d I, adj. Med. T. uternine, relating to the uterus. *fl ttXllS, m. Met. T. uterus, womb. *U 1 1 t f i r e tt, v. a. to render useful, put to use, utilize ; UttlifatiPn, /. til SBenufcung, -ftufeaitTOenbung. *ll tD p i e it, /. Utopia, vid. @cf)!avaf= fenlanb. *H 1 p t f cf), adj. Utopian, chimerical. *lt top t'ft, in. (-eil; pi. -en) a fanci- ful, chimerical, ideal man, a Utopian. *U t V a I f l) r t e 11, vid. SEatftn'cit. *33 a 1 1 e 1 1 11, m. vid. 33alciittu. *35 a I It a 1 1 D n, /. valuation (of a coin) ; compos. — StabeUe, /. table of the va luation of coins. *33 a I It t r e n, ) v. a. to value, esti *33 a I u 1 1 r e It, J mate the value ol (coins, &c). *33 a I ft t a, /. M. E. value, beftdubiae — , regular standard; ltltbeftailbtge — , fluctuating standard. *83 al V ft t tB Jt, /. valuation ; compos — 8tabelie, /. valuation-table, tariff o. coins. *33 rt I U \ X e n, «. a. M. E. to valuate. *33dmpi)V, ?«. (-8; pl.-z) vampira, blood-sucker. 33 a It b d I f , m. (-V. ; pi. -It) Vandal compos. — nrof)t)Ctt, — itTOutf), /. van dalic barbarity or rage, vandalism. *S8 a tt b a 1 1 8 in it 8, m. ( pi. -men: vandalism. *33 a n i 1 1 e, /. vanilla ; B T. the va nilla-plant; compos. — Itcffeilj, /. es- sence of vanilla; — UpfhllljC, /. vid 33anillc; — ufctjote, /. the vanilla-pod *33 a It t I a. II C tt J, /. vaniloquence Bid 2IufJrbneiberet, tytafyltvti, 3Jubm* rebnetet. *IS a It 1 1 ft t, /. vanity ; compos. — S< ftiief, n. (in painting) fruit- or flower- piece. *33 a tt 1 1 r e tt, ». n. Bid 33vaf)lcn, 3f ufj* men. *33apefir8, pi. the vapours, spleen, hypochondria. *23 np l' if rt 1 1 It, /. T. vaporiza- tion. *33 rt p r If e tt, b. n. to evaporate, vid. 5)ainpfcit, Suujleu. *35 rt p r D 8, adj. vid, vaporous. *33 rt r t d It t e, /. (pi. -n) reading ; — n, readings (as of a classical work). *S5 aviation, /. (pi. -en) variation ; Mus. T. division. *33 a r t e t a t, / (/;/. -ett) variety. *33aviir en, v. n. (aux. baben) tc vary. *S3 a r t It rt 8, ? m. Varinas (ca- *SB a r 1 11 a 8 1 a b a f, > naster). *33 a r 1 6 I e tt, pi. Med. T. vid. 33ocfett. SBlattern. *33 a r i 1 i b e n, pi. Med. r. varioloii *33 a r t li t f), m, (-e8 ; pi. -C va riolite. Store ►33 a X t I 8, adj. .Ved. T. variolous. *33 a V i t, f. Med. T. varix, vid, Stxampf- atcr. ♦S3 a fa, pi. .1/. /.". drawers and otlier utensils. •93 Of dl I, 7«. (-CII ; ;//. -Ctl) vassal, feudatory ; compos. — elicit, m. vassal's oath, faith and bomage; — en [>n 1 1> t= guitg, — eiipflicfjt, / homage, fealty; — ciifcfjaft, /. — ciiftaiit, m. vassalage. *93 a f a 1 1 ci g i u in, n. vid. 2ebn8= SPfltcH »©iD. *33 a f a II t f rf), « C 111 I It t, adj. vehement, rid. i&eftifl, Stiirmifd), Jcitvig, lliigcflum. •33 c I) e in c ii t, /. vid. .Ocftigfcit ; §U fee, C?-ifer, Utigcftiini. ♦33 C hi f e I, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1. vehicle, vid. Suhninu'f; 2. fig. vid. JKtttel. 93 Shut, u. f. n>., vid. Scbm, it. f. w. 93 C h = p i 11 f e I, m. squirrel pencil; — = t'iitfcil, 77i. Calabar-skin ; — timm, n. miniver, fur consisting of the belly of the gray squirrel. 93 t ft, m. (-e8 ; pi. -c) ,-/,/. 93cilcbeit ; ITCttJa' — , the snow drop; compos. — = b\au,adj. wd. 33eilcf;enblau; — vebe, /. vid. v v Ml8tlliil ; — fOffChcil, „. C nrn- rose, field-cockle, corn-violet; — faff, — ficiit,— wiirj, — jinfcr, m. vid. 93cil= cf;cnfaft # u. f. w. 93eiId)Cll, ». (-8; pi. — ) violet; compos. — apfef, m. violet-apple; — ' betf, -.i. bed of tiolets; — bKitt, ?i. vio- let leaf; — blflU, adj. of violet colour, violet-bluej — braitithvciti, m. liqueur of violets; — cf|Tg, m. violet vinegar; — faroe, /. vioiet-coiour; — fatbtg, n,:j violet coloured; — fjOHtfj, 7n. honey of violets; —boli, ii. violet-wood; — = iiMtti, 77i. garland or chaplet of violets; — 111008, 71. red byssus ; — rnfcit, m. turf coloured with violets; — faft, m. violet-syrup; — ftein, m. iolite; — - ftocf, m. violet plant ; — ftvanf;, m. nose- gay of violets; — fnntp, m. syrup of violets; —tDUr), /. ireosroot; —Jits ifcr, in. conserve of violets. 83 J 1 1, m (-«)Guy, Vitus : compos. —8= bonne, /. kidney-bean, French bean; — Stag, m. St. Vitus'sday; — St Vitus's dance ; — liutrill, ». tu» bilical worm. •S3 clam c it f, «. rid l . .fpiille ; 2. jig. Sdjeingriiiit, 33oru>anb. *93c(tlt, n. (-8) vellum; compos. — * Piincr, 71. vellum-paper, wove-paper. *93 el I r e n, v. cti. 93crhiillcti. *93 C 1 1 c t <[, f. a prophetess or fortune- teller of the ancient Germans, (of the first century A. Dj. *93e I laitat,/. T. velleity. *33elli3ll, m. (-8) 1. sheep's wool, fleece ; 2. copper-coin. ♦93eIocifcre, / vid. Cftfpoft, (Sil* ftttfebe. *93 e ( o c i t a f, /. velocity. *93e 16 t, n. (-8) sort of parchment. *93 c I U t i r e it, v. a. to make velvet- like, to weave like velvet. 33 cite It, m. abbr. Val.ntine ; vulg. V0| — ! zounds, odds bodikins ! compos. — 8tilll$, 7h. vulg. epilepsy, falling, Bickness. 93 C 1 1 i 1 11, 7i. (-8) Valteline or Valle- telino. •93c I u e re f, m. velveret (a stun"). •9' i it 9 I, adj. vid. 93evf>iuflid\ ffeil. *33 tnalit S t, /. 93ccf>iiiflicf)fcii ■ 33efh'ct)lid)feir. *33 en fi fee 1 tO It, /. venesection. ♦93 e It b i b a b, n. (-8) the sixth book of the Zendavestn, containing the civil and ecclesiastical law. *33 inbxt a,f. vid, i'lavftplafc ; Sam* melorf. *93 e It b t ft r C II, r. a. to expose for sale ; to make a boastful display of; inlltitielt, /. vendition, sale. * 33 i 11 c, /. ( pi. -11) blood vessel, vein. 93 C11C tig, 7i. (-8) Venice. 93 e u c b t g e r, 7n. vid. 93eiictuincr. 93e tt c b tfeb, n,j. of Venice, Vene- tian; tcr — e STJJeerbufen, the gulf of Venice, the Adriatic. *93ene'ftcii8, m. (33enc pea, /.) vid. Oiffmtfcher. *93enercTbeI, adj. ciii.'fibrroutbig, 9.icrcbvlicb / . ♦93 e n c r a b i I e, it (-8) the host (with the Roman Catholics). *93 e n e r a t i o it, /. vid. 93crcbrurtg, (Sfjterbtetuiig, Sdrfurcfit. *93 c it c r i c, /. vid i . Saabwefen, 35^ (jetet; .ui^tbof; s.Su^feu^e. *93 C II C V i x c it, v. a. to venerate. *9>Cltfri :fd), adj. venereal; tie — « .HlMIlflH'it, the veneral disease ; — fcpit, to have the venereal disease. 33 C It e t i 8 It C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) Ve- netian. 33 C It e t i d 11 t f cb, adj. Venetian ; — t Seife, Venice-soap. 33cilCjltCla, 7i. (-8) Ocog. T. Ve- nezuela. *9^ I II i a t, h. /.. T. summons, citatioa •83 en t ell, adj. vid, 33erjet6Jtdj, (Sf Uifilid). *33en ttt C It It C, /. Venetian boat-song. •33 C It 8, adj. .1. T, venous. 1 33 i it 1 8 fi f ( x, pi. staple-commodities. •33 C II t 1 1, ii. f-8 ; pi -C T. valve. *33en ttf at tBn, /. t ventilation; 2. vid. SrBtterung, 83er(anblung ; 3. vid. rcfMSiiiig. •33 c n t i I a t o r, m. -8 ; pi. -tn) T ventilator. ►83 c it t i 1 iret', i- a. l to ventilate 2. L. T. vid. Uiilcrutitfii, Uberlegm 7»3 Sera Sera "Sera <£:K)tcn; 3. vid. EBcr$anbelu, ^lb= baiiccln. •33 e it tt leg in m, ». vid. SEettet= fabne. •33 e It t r i I P g 11 C It i, /. ventriloquism. »33 e n t r i I o a n t jt, m. :-cn ; pi. -en) ru/. 33auc$rebner. *33 C 11 II 6, /. Myth. S- .1st. T. Venus ; compos. — bait, 7/i. fuller's thistle : — = berg, — biigcl, m. 1. .1 T. inons ve- neris : 2 [in German fictions) a mountain in which the heathen deity Venus is still said to live and to try to seduce Christian knights; — bciile, /. bubo; — bilb, n. statue, picture of Venus; — blatter,/. — bliuitcbctt, n. breaking-out, beauty- spot: pimple; — bl'lllt, /. breast of a Venus ; — feilff, 7i. venereal fire, Per- sian fire ; — ftt'^cr, m. hound's tongue, Venus's navel-wort ; — jjiirtr (, m. Ve- nus's basin (a plant) ; — haar, n. B. T. common maiden-hair ; — hcrj, n. Conch. T. ]. Venus Dione ; 2. Venus' heart ; — fratlfheit, /. venereal disease ; — = ltlUfcbel, /. Venus's-shell ; — liabel,m. Venus's navel wort : — pet'le, /. vid. — blatter ; — Vfi v t rf'^. /■ Venus peach ; — febacbt, m. 1. sea-monk; 2. the ham: — fdjaft, m. B. T. the taper ; — frflliecfc, /. univalve porcelain-shell; — |cblli>, m. B. T. common European lady's slipper; — fcltcbe, /. venereal disease : — ftfgcl, it. B. T. true love ; aid. SBolfSbfere; — fpiegcl, m. Venus' looking-glass (a plant) ; — )tcrn, m. Venus; — tailbe, /. 1. Venus' dove; 2. nun-pigeon ; — tciliyel, m, temple of Venus. 33 C r, in composition with verbs is inse- parable, cntl unaccented. 33 e r a b f o 1 g c it, o. a. to send, to remit; deliver; to surrender ; — tflfs felt, to deliver, give up; ev Hull CS nirbt — lajleii, he will not let it out of his hands. 33 crab f C £ g ll ll 13,/. sending, delivery. 33et'Abrcbfn, v. a. to bespeak, con- cert, agree upon ; t§ roar uerablCt-Ct, it was agreed upon. 33 e r A b r c b It it g, /. concerting, agree- ment. * 33 e r A b r c i d) c n, r. a. to deliver, give up. 93 era b fan m en, r. a. to neglect, omit, let slip; eiue gnte ©ctcgcnfjeit — , to let slip a fair opportunity. 93 e f A b f a U lit U n g, /. neglect, neg- lecting. 93 e r A b f cb e it c it, v. a. to abhor, abominate, detest. 33cr Abf cbe 11 It 11 g, /. abhorrence, abomination, detestation ; compos. — S- njertt), — Wlirbtg, I. adj. detestable, abominable ; II. ado. detestably, abomi- nably. 93 e r A b f rb t e b c ti, r. « to send away, dismiss, discharge ; provinc. to decree, issue a decree ; Siruvi'eu — , to disband soldiers; vid. Syn. 'JlbMllfen. 93erA b feb i ebnng, /. dismission, dismissal. S3 e v A b f d) f f e it, o. a. to pay a per- centage or taxes for. *93 e r a c c l f C n, v. a. vulg. to pay ex- cise for. *>S c v a c c i fu n g, /. paying the excise. *93 e r a c c r b 1 r e it, v. a. to contract for. *33 e r a c c r b 1 : 11 n g, /. contract, agreer.i at 93 e r A d) t b a r, adj. contemptible, des- picable, beneath notice. 93 e r A fb t e 11, v. o. to despise, slight, contemn, disdain tl -: ai age ; erjt remitter, rami begebrt, prov. after scorning comes catching. Sun. "S 1 r t d; r t n, S i r i d) in ,1 b t n. Btradjrtn ('o despise) means to come lo tlie decision, that something ia worthless and to confirm this decision by acts. I can only ivrfdunabcn (spurn, disdain) that which ia ottered me. 93 e r A rb t e 11 S - w e r t b, — wiirbtg, wl': contemptible, paltry, despicable, pitiful. 93 er ad; ten, <•. vid. ifidjfen. 93erAd)ter, m. (-», pi.—) — inn,/. despiser, contemner, scorner. 33 e r a d) t e r, m. (-S ; pi — ) 1. despiser, contemner; 2. (/. «.) one who out- laws or proscribes. 93 e r A d) 1 1 t d), I. adj. 1. despicable, contemptible ; 2. contemptuous, dis- dainful, scornful ; eta —td)f'. -en) prepara tion : contriving ; management. 93 e r A 11 1 w r t e 11, v. I. o. to answer for, account for ; to defend, justify ; Bid jll — babcil, to have a great deal to answer for; II. refl to defend, excuse, clear, vindicate, or justify one's self. 93 C r A 11 1 U> V 1 1 i d>, adj. answerable, accountable for, responsible. 93 e r A 11 1 ro r 1 1 1 d) E c 1 1, /. answer ableness ; accountableness ; responsi bility. 93 C V A 11 1 W 1 1 U 11 g, /. answering or accounting for; clearing, vindication, justification ; defence; auf3bre— , at your own peril; vid. syn. 3cecbtfcrti = gttng; compos. — Srebe, — Sfcbrift, /. speech of defence, apology ; — SllH'tte, adv. etroaS — 6roeif« »or (3cvid)t 6rin» gen, to file a bill of exception. 93 e r A r b C 1 1 C ll, v. a. 1 . to work, ma- nufacture; 2. to consume by working ; ucrarbeitcteS Silber, wrought silver; uerarbeitcte 33ioMicte, manufactured produce. 93 e r A r b e 1 1 II It g, /. working, manu- facturing; consuming by work. 33 e r A r g e n, v. a. (eiiiein etwal) to construe, take ill ; find fault with, blame for ; bal fanit Sbnen SMtentanb — no one can blame you for that. 93 e r A V g e r n, v. a. to make worse, ag- gravate. 93 e r A r g It n g, / taking ill, blaming. 93 er Argroobnen, r. a. (i.u) cincn — , to render any one suspected. 93 e v A t in e n, 0. n. (auz. fetyn) to grow (become) poor, to be impoverished. 93c t At lit It It g, /. impoverishment *93 e r a r r e ti b 1 r c it, r. a. provinc. to l«t farm out. Serb *23 e v a t v e ft i v t a, p. «. vulg. to arrest. atta;h, seize upon. •93 e r a r r e ft t r n it g, /. vulg. arresting, arrest, seizure, attachment 33 era r ten, v.n. (auz. fctytt) to dege- nerate. 9J e t d V j e n, v. a. vu/g. to spend upon physicians. 93 e r a r $ e n e t c it, v. a. vulg. to spend in physic. 93 crdfci) C It, v. n. to be reduced to ashes, to crumble into ashes. 93 e r d f d) e r ll, ». a. to convert into ashes. 93 C r d f fi) e V U 11 g, /. insineration. *93 e v a f f e c u r t r e it, v. a. vid. 93er= fidjent. 93 e r d ft c I ll n g, 93erdftnttg, /. ramifi- cation. 93 e raft e II, v. n. (aux. fc»tl) to ramify grow together. *93 f r a t r I II, n. (-8) Cli. T. vcratrine. *93 e r a t r u in, n. (-8) V. T. veratrum. *93erauctionlr en, v.a. to sell by auction. *93 e r a u c t i o it t r u it g, /. selling by auction, public sale. 93 e r d ft fj e r e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) alien- ator. 93 e r d ii fi e r 1 1 dj, adj. alienable. 93er dll fje Vlt, v. a. to alienate, aba- lienate. 93crdiifjcriin g, /. fjrf. -en) alien- ation, abalienation. 93 e V b d 6 b e I It, v. a. fam. to talk away (the time). 93 e r b d & C It, 7>. ir. a. 1 . to make bread of; to consume in baking ; 2. to spoil in baking. 93 e r b a b e It, v. a. to spend (one's mo ney or time) in bathing or baths. "Be that, adj. verbal, vid. SBih'tlid), SBucjjjtablirfj ; compos. — bcfinitioit, /. Log. T. verbal definition; — ercgefe,/. verbal exegesis, explanation or interpre- tation Of words; — tlljurieit, pi. L. T. insults, defamation, libel. *93erbal iflr en, v. a. 6- n. l. to transact orally ; 2. to talk much and to no purpose ; to prate, chatter. *93 c r b a It t a t, /. verbality, verbal or literal sense. 93 e r b d I f e ll, v. a to join by posts or beams. 93 e r b a (1 d ft c n, v. a. to furnish with ballast, to ballast. 93 C r b d II C It, v. rrjl. provinc. to hurt the foot by excess of walking, to render it numbed. 93 e r b d 1 1 c n, v. a. vid. 9Serbo lien. 93 e r b d 1 1 b o r n e it . v. a. fam. etroa8 — , to make worse by attempting to mend or correct, to overmend 93erbdnb, m. (-e8; pi. 93erbdnbe) i. dressing,. bandage ; 2. binding, ligature ; — ciucS ©d)iffe8, JV. T. the connexion or fastening together of the several pie ces of limber of which a ship is coin- posed ; compos. — fiipcfjClt, ji. S. T. compress. 93 e r b d 11 b C V It, v. a. to deck or trim with ribands. B e r b d n g e it, v. a. (I. u.) feiit Vebcn — , to fiet away, consume one's life. 83 e r b d II It e It, v. a. 1. to banish, exile, proscribe, outlaw, excommunicate ; 2. + to curse ; to destroy ; to conspire. »yn. IWtbnnnrn, Serracifcn, OJtrtrri SBcrb i*i). km, l>cr)riflrn. Jjcrreiifru takes {> cointnanding to withdraw, vcrbatinni by forbid- if in- return under a penally, prrtrtibrn and vrr» iwv!i liy force. We therefore, can use VfrjAflfn 'wi hrnt awai), and crrlrcibcn (to drive awuj ), 45 iiieokinz "i snuimle. and srtltaibru (I i >•« ,,. ..hen apeak nig of inanimate things: ?n. b.imun, ne u*e of person* and poeticall) al.o of t'i nr» ; e. g . to banish (srrbnnnrn ( •• era srrj.igi and orrtrirbrn byemoke; by the imprudent use of all kinds of salves, a break - ing-out is often ctrlrirltn fdriven in). 93 e r b d n n e r, m. (-6 ; pi — ) ban- iiher. 93 C r b d tt n t C, m. it f. dccl. like adj. ex- ile, outlaw. 93 e r b d n n n n g, /. ( pi. -en) i ban- ishment, exile, proscription, excommu- nication; 2. fig. banishing, dispelling; compos. — Sort, m place of exile: — 8« llltrcil, n. sentenceof exile ; — SlWtl), adj. worthy of banishment. 93 e r b d n f e n, v. a. to pile, stack. 93 e r b a f e n, ». a. (/. it.) fie ift mi: »?r= bafct, she is related tome, is my cousin. 93 C r b d ft e It, v. a. to beat down the bast. 83 e v b a ii e it, v. a. 1. to shut, obstruct by building; 2. to spend, consume, or waste in or by building; eilient baS Sitcbl, 11. f. to. — , to stop one's light by or with building ; fid) — , vulg. to go beyond one's means in building. 93 e r b a li e r ll, v. n. {aux. fetyll) to rus- ticate, become clownish. 93 e r b a ii n it g, /. obstruction, stopping up (by building before). 93 e r b t b e ll, v. a. to resound or rum ble fainter and fainter. 93 er b e i li c it, v. I. 7t. to ossify ; II. a. tUVAS — , to furnish ortiim with bone. 93 er be inuit g, /. ossification; com- pos. — Spuilft, in. point of ossification. 93 e r b c i % e it, v. ir. I. a. 1. fig. to close one's teeth, and thus to prevent the ut- terance of one's feelings, to suppress, to forbear, choke, stifle, brook ; 2. (/. u.) to bite off; (fid;) ba8 Vadicit — , to forbear laughing ; belt @d)t!llVf — , to put up with an affront; ben 5d)iner$ — , to brook one's pain; feilicll Bovn — , to suppress one's anger; bic 2i.'ov = tc — , to choke, clip the words ; W.rrfi. (of dogs) to bite in such a manner, as to be unable to disengage the teeth, to lock the teeth. 93erbe ifjii n g, /. fig. forbearing, choking, swallowing, suppressing (of passion). 33 e v b e i \ e n, 7-. «. to bite ofl" to nip. 93 e r b c 1 1 c ll, ». o, Hunt. T. to give tongue. 93 c r b c 11 g e 1 It, v. n. vulg. to get coarse, clownish, vulgar. 93 e r b c v g e it, v. ir. I. a. to hide, con- ceal, keep from; ll. rcft.lo hide one's self (fid) VOr . . , from), to abscond. Syn. 'Jntniin, 'Brr(»r to revenL 33 1 1 b t r ge t, m. :-? ; p'. — ) hider. 93 e r b c r g 1 i d), adj. (/. «.) concealable. 93 e r b i r g f d) i r nt, m r-cS ; pi. -e) i. screen; S. Sp. T. vid 9lbtvitt. 93 C r b C r g ll ll g, /. hiding, conceal- ment ; absconding. 3«rn> •i> e t b c f f e r t r, n {-i;p — ) amead er, corrector ; reformer; improver. 93crbe'f fcrlirb, adj. that may t* improved; amendable, corrigible; Im- provable. 93 e r b t if f e r It, r. n. to better, improve, meliorate; to amend, correct, reform. '. 93crbe'f fcr ting, /. (///. -en In ing, improvement, amendment correc lion, reform ; melioration ; compot — i- blatt, 7i. — ebegen, si, proof-sheet ; — *= (often, pi. costs, expenses of improve- ment; — Slllittel, n. means of im| merit ; improver. 9: e r b c t c ii, r. a. to remove by i r spend in prayer; to di precate 93erbctte(n, t>. a. bie 3 c ' t — • ,n pass one's time in beg 93 e r b e ii g e n, v. rrjl to bow, make a reverence. 93 c r b c ii g u n g, /. (p/.-en) bow, rever ence, obeisance ; eilie ttefe — , a obeisance, ♦S3 er ol d n \, f vid. ®efd)ivdfeigfeit, 9Bortnicuge. 93 e r b i c g e n, n. rr. a. to spoil, make useless by bending. 93 C r b i C g U ll g, /. bending (spoiling a thing). 93 e r b I c t b r i e f, w. (-e« ; /;/. -e) pro hibitory letter ; prohibition ; caveat. 93erbtetcn, ». r>. o. (tinem et»o«) to forbid, prohibit, interdict. Syn. Urrblrlen, 11 n Ir r f a gr n . That h only ur.;rrf.i«l, wimt w:is before permitted ; lot that is arrtotrii, what never allowed. l ; rr. tjlitnt means therell ro " In forbid," and untcrl'.i. gen " to prohibit, interdict." 93 c r b i e t e r, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) prohibit- er, interdicter, forbidder. 93 e r b t c t a ll g, /. forbidding, pn lion. 83 e V b i I b e It, v. a. to form in a I manner, to spoil, pervert, vitiate; to miseducate. 93 C r b i 1 b e r It, v. a. to allegorize. SB e r b i 1 b 1 i d) e it, d. a to personify, to represent under an image, to sym- bolize. 93 e r b 1 1 b u n g, /. forming, educating the wrung way ; miseducal 93 e r b i 11 b b a r, adj. that may united. 83 1 r b i ll be ll, 7'. ir. La, 1. to bind, tie, tie up; to dress (a wound) ; 2. to unite, join, combine ; .1 to oblige ; -I to to engage ; 5. to bind wrong ; C i ll 93ll>+ — , to misplace the sheets of a In « .k ; * if Sliigen — , to blindfold, I iwink; mil bCroUUbeiietl .'lugrit, blindfold, blind folded; etltc 9i_ ! iiiibc — , to wound; fid) ben .Moor* — . to wrap u|. one's head ; lllit CtlMltbCr — , to com bine join umie:toaiiy; ebelid;— , to join in wedlock ; fid) — , to join, unite lift Clu-lld)— , to marry; fillfll JU tttBOl , |o oblige or engage i 'in- to ...; fid) til clams — . to engage or engage one's a if to . ..; (W flit eiiieit — , to bs I for one ; fi* niiein — , to one, lay under an idj bin Mmicu t'l'vl'iiittt'ti, I am obliged i • you; imiue grjjulbiglcil oerban. inid) bvitn, l was bound in duty to d« it : jv. Vs. ein tief uerbnnbtnta ©(biff, a deep-waisted ship; ein liiebrig »er» bUllbflttfl 3d)iff, a lOW-built vessel- 703 SJerb fiu Hif DerbimbertcG 3wtfd}e:ibtcf, a shin which is very high between decks. (yn. 15«rbin&fn, V t -p f I i i) ic n ; litn air J I idjlei I, J> f I i J". In English " bound " is a stronger expression than "obliged," in German rcrpfliJ'tct is stronger than Derbuitfttn, and i' is bo iiS'-il in the cnurta of law in both countries- A person having entered upon a psw ..lii- e, is Dtrpflidjrtt (bound) by an oath to discharge its duties with truth and loyalty, to do which he was already ptrbunorn (moral- ly obliged) by his acceptance of the office. 2?frbinMi4jttit is the moral necessity (obliga fiii'.hl is the act wliicb it is incumbent on a person bound by it to perform. One f.ays therefore, to act in accordance with one's UrrbinBlitfitrir, i. e. to fulfil one's moral obli- a id to do one's Vftiitlt (duty). i'< c r b i li b c v, in. (-e« ; pi. — ) dresser. 33 c r b i II b I i d), I. adj. ] . that may he joined or united; 2. obliging, binding; 3. obligatory (to, 511 ctiuu8); fid) cittern — lluifbeit, to oblige one; cillfllt it- waS 33erbinbliebe8 fage.11, to pay a man a compliment; II. adv. obligingly. 93 c v bi it b 1 1 d) f f e i f, /. (pi. -en) 1 . the being susceptible of uniting; 2. ob- ligation ; liability ; 3. compliment, favour; ftcb cinu- — entlcbtgcit, to acnuit an obligation; vid. Syn. under HBcr&iltbeil. 33 e r b i 11 b u n g, /. (pi. -cit) 1. dressing (of a wound) ; 2. combination ; con- junction ; 3. connexion ; comniunica- ion ; relation ; connecting notion ; 4. inion ; alliance ; match, marriage ; 5. wigagement ; compos. — 6begrijf, m. dea of connection ; — Sflaitg, m. (duct »f) communication; — Minte, /. line if communication; — 8lltitte(, re. con- necting means, communication; — 8= rolne, /. connecting tube or pipe ; — 8= ftrich, m. — 8,eid)eit, «. hyphen; —8= tl)lir, — Streppe, /. door or staircase of communication ; — 8roort, 71. con- necting word; copula, conjunction. S3 e v b t f f e it, part, of 33erbeifjen. 93 C X b i 1 1 e tl, v. ir. a. to beg excuse, decline : to beg to discontinue or not to do; fid) eineti 33efttd) — , to decline a visit, M8 Will id) mtf — , 1 beg you will not do so. f t b t 1 te t It, v. a. Jig. 1. to embitter ; 2. (/. it.) to irritate, exasperate. S3 e V b i 1 1 e V tl It fj, f.(pl. -Cll) 1. embit- tering; 2. exasperating. 33 e V b i 1 t ( i d), adj. (I. u.) that may be begged o(T or deprecated. 23 e v b I a f f e it, v. vid. 3Serbie|feit. 33 eu b ta f C It, v. ir. I. a. T. to dilute the colours in painting, to render them fainter; II. n. {auz. f)Clbtn) to recover one's breath. 3Serblafeilf)f it, /. lightness, ari- ness of colours (in a picture). 93 c v b 1 a f c r, m . (-§ ; v i. — ) giass- blower. •Bcrbldffen, ». n . (aux. feljn) to grow pale ; to die. 93 e r b U f f 11 11 g, /. t. diluting (of colours). 93 C V b 1 d 1 1 C It, i). a. to thin the leaves of a vine. S3 erblattet It, v. a. to lose the place (in turning the leaves over). 53 C V b I d f 1 e V It Itg,/. losing the place. 93 f V b I a Q C tl, v. n. to turn blue. 33 e u b l c cb e it, v. a. to cover with tin- ned iron [date. 93 C r b I e d) It ll g, /. covering with tin. 33 c r b I c f f e 11, v. n. Sp. 7. not to flock together, to shy, rid. 93crbliijfeit. 33 e r b I e t b e it, v. ir. n. (aux. fen 11) to remain, abide, stay; to continue in the former state ; id) utrblcibe 31)r.., I remain (I am) your ... C e v b I e I d) e it, o. :>. n. [aux. fttjn) to 7Qt> 2krl> grow pale, or wan ; to fade ; bc8 £obc8 — , to expire, die. S3 C V b I C t e II, v. a. to cover with lead, to furnish with lead. 93erblenbert, ». «. to da/./.ie, blind [also fig) ; to beguile. 93 C V b 1 C it b It It 3, /. 1. dazzling ; blind ness; 2. (pi. -etl) dazzling things, fascination. 93 e r b I i cb e 11, adj. faded ; beS £obeS — , deceased. 93 c r b 1 1 cf e it, v. n. T. has Silbcr r}at IH'l'blicft, the silver has corruscated, is reduced. 93 C t b 1 i 11 b C II, ». I. n. to become blind; IT. a. to blind strike blind. 93 C V b I i 11 f C tl, ?'. n. to cease shining. to lose lustre, to go out. 93 e V b I i tj C It, v. » to leave off lighten- ing. 93 C V b I ii f f e It, b. a. 1 . to browbeat ; 2. to strike dumb, to startle, confuse, put out of countenance ; to surprise ; fid) — , to blunder. 93 e V b I 11 f f t, adj. startled, stupified ; puzzled. 93 e r b 1 u b, e it, v. n. [aux. fetyii) 1. to shed, or lose the blossoms; to fade; 2. fi?. to fade, wither, decay ; to perish. 93 C r b I fl 111 e f It, v. a..l. to adorn with little flowers; 2. fig. to embellish, to gloss over. 93 C V b 1 ft 111 e It, u. a. I. to adorn with flowers, to cover with flowers ; 2. fig. to disguise, cover. 33 1 1 b I ii lit t, I. a .-//. figurative, allegor- ical ; covered; — C 93cceiltlllti], figur- ative signification ; II. adn. figuratively, allegorically ; — Dortrttgett, to allegor- ize. 93 C V b I it 111 11 11 g, /. allegory. 93 e v b I Ft t c 11, v. 1. n. (aux. fjnbert A> fcrm if a. I. u.) to shed blood, to bleed to exhaustion; 2. to cease bleeding; 3 fig. to cease, to be allayed ; fetlt £ebetl — , to bleed to death, sacrifice one's life ; II. rrfl. 1. to lose too much blood ; to bleed to death ; 2. fig. to spend one's fortune. 93 e r b I u t ll it ,(, /. ceasing to bleed (of a wound); bleeding too much; bleeding to death. 93 e v b e b 111 e it, b. a. M. e. to bottom or head up a cask ; to hypothecate a ship. 93 C V b [) I e It, v. a. to plank. 93 C r b [) V C ll, b. a. T. to join ; fid) — , to bore wrong. 93 e r b 1) r 11 11 g, /. 7. joining. 33 er 6 31 1 en, b. vid. 93erballeit. 93 c v b 6 ( 1 w c v f e it, ». «. to close by means of a bastion, or bulwark ; to block up. 93 C v b e 1 5 C it, u. «. to fasten (a ship, &c.) with bolts. 33 e r b r fl, m. (-CS) lending out. SScrborgcit, «. a. 1. to lend out; 2. 2. to sell on credit. 93 e r b c r g e 11, n. (-5) lending out ; selling on credit. 33 e V b X fl C ll, part. tttfel bCf (Slbe, the obscure corners of the earth. 93 C V b 6 r g e 11 C, «. what is hidden, concealment, secret. 93 e r b 6 1 g e 11 h e 1 1, /. concealment ; retirement; obscurity; secrecy; iit — lebt'lt, to live in retirement. 93crb6rgung, /. lending out. Serb 93 e r b or t c n, b. a. to trim with galloon *S3cv bo 8, I adj. verbose, vid. SBort- *93crbo8, > reid), 2Beitluiiftg. *93 e r b f i fS t, /. verbosity, prolixity 93 e r b f e 11, 93crbotJcit, ». a. vulg. ta make angry. 93 e r b f C r It, b. «. to make worse, to deteriorate. 93 er b t, n. (-C§ ; pi. -C) forbiddance. prohibition, interdiction ; bil8 — bet 91ltefltf)r, non-exportation; ba8 — bet (Stnfltbr, non-importation ; compos. — s befebl, m. L T. inhibition: — gefefe, n. prohibitory law; — fd)ieibcil, n. pro- hibitory letter ; — tilfl, m + the ninth Sunday before Easter. 93 e r b t C It, part adj. prohibited ; in- terdicted. 93 c u b 1 f d) a f t e 11, v. a. proviac. tc announce, publish. 93 C r b r d 111 e It, v. a. to border, edge, garnish, lace ; init 93c!j — , to fur. 93 e r b r a in 11 n g, /. (pi. -en) border, bordering, garnishing, lacing, edging; furring. 93 e r b r d 11 b, m. -c8) fuel. 93 e r b r d 11 11 1, adj. burnt, destroyed or consumed by fire. 33 e r b r d t e it, v. a. s his crime ? 3. Hunt. Vkr. to cover a dead deer wifjj branches. 33 e r b r C d) C i'i, b. (-8 ; pi — ) crime : offence, delinquency ; citt — , lvorauj ter Xoh fret) t, a capital crime. 33 e r b v c cb c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 93er6r'e= d)en'lllt, /. (pi. -en) criminal, delin quent, malefactor; compos. — Colonic, /. convict-colony. 93 e r b v c d) c r i f d), I. adj. criminal ; haS — e titter .fjailblUlig, the criminal ity of an action; II. adn. criminally. 93 e f b r C 1 1 e 11, v I. a. to spread ; fig. to divulge, propagate, diffuse; II. rcfl. to spread, extend ; to be propagated. 93 c r b r e 1 1 e r, m. (-8 ; pi. —) di- vulger; propagator; — faifdier 'J2ii(h> rid) ten, dispi^rser of false news. 93 c r b r e 1 1 f a 111, adj. diffusible. 93 c r b r e 1 1 11 11 g. /. spreading ; est* sion ; propagation. 33 e x b r c n it b a r, adi vid. 33eibrcitr»> lidb. £crfc Serb SJcrfc 6 r i b r c li n b a x f e i t, /. vid. 33cr= brciiitlidjfeit. Berb rcn tie n, v. reg. 4> •>• «. * » (aiti. fcini) to burn, consume by fire ; to destroy by fire ; to scorch ; to blast (the corn, &c.) ; tit 3lfd)e — , lo burn to ashes; fid) (liiit tjeificm SBajfet 11. f. UO — , to scald one's self; bcr falre aSiub bat ba3 ©ctrctbe »ev= braillti, the cold wind has blasted ihe corn; fid) bic ffiiltger — , fig. o burn one's finger; fid) tClt SUtlUlb — , to scald one's inoulli ; fig. wig. CI" f)ilt litb bil3 SJiaill IKlbvannr, he has drawn some disgrace upon himself by having spoken plainly. 83 e r b v c it n 1 1 A), adj. combustible, ndustible. 3? e v b v i n it I i d) f e t f, f. combustibil- ity. 93 e r b v c nn e it 8 vu e r t b, 93crbrin= llfllSroiirbi'g, adj. deserving to be con- sumed by fire. SB C X b r i ll ll U ll (J, /. burning, destroy- ing or consuming by fire ; scorching ; scalding ; combustion. 33 e r b r e 1 te r tt, v. a. to plank, board, to plank up. 93 ev bfief C It, v. I. a. 1. to furnish w itli letters or documents ; 3. to strength- en or secure by documents; 3 to mort- gage, pledge by a writing; 4. to make known by letters, to advertise; uoit jtaifer uub SRetrt) uerbrteft, chartered by the emperor and the states of ihe empire ; II. n-Jl. 1. to bind one's self by a deed ; 2. to become bound for a person. 83 C r b r i C f 11 11 g, /. 1. obligation by writing ; 2. signature, obligation, bond. 33 e r b r ill f( e II, u. ir. a. to spend, waste, crnisume ; tie 3?it — < to pass away, squander away the time. 93 c r b ri it g e r, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) —tun, /. + 1. one who carries another ur any thing lo a place ; 2. vid. 33cifcbUKll= bcr. 33cr bring ling, /. spending, con- suming, consumption. 83 C r b r 8 cf e I It, ». a. A> rcjl to crumble ; to crumble away. 93 e v b v 6 cf e ii, >,. a. (Scininciii tit bt'e (SllppC — , to crumble up rolls into the soup. 93 ( r b r 8 b C It, ». I. a. to change or con- vert into bread ; II. it. to become bread. 83 or btobiuig, /. Theol. T. impana- t.'on. 83erbr3fel It, v. a. to crumble ; fig. vu/g. to waste, spend in trifles. 93 e r b v ii cf e ti, p. a. to bridge. SB e v b v fi b e r n, ». I. a. to form a close frii ndship, to fraternize; II. r/jl. to en- ter into a brotherhood or fraternity with. S3 C V b tub* r ll 11 g, /. (pi, -Cll) fra- ternization ; brotherhood, fraternity, B e r b r u b e it, v a. to scald. 83 e v b r li 1 1 C It, v. n. to cease to roar or bellow (of a storm, &.cj. 83 e r b r li 111 lit e II, ». n. to cease hum- ming, jingling, tinkling. BSerbriitt f ten, j>. n. (aux. babcn) Hunt. T. to cease rutting. 53 C r b r fi t e n, v. a. to hatch badly or imperfectly. 55 e t b fi fc e I n, v. a. (I. «.) to spend or fool awr.y (one's time or money, &c.) like a young blackguard. $3 c v b ii b e it, ». a. m waste or spend in low debaucheries 93 e r b fi g e I it, v. a. I. bte SBfifdjc — , to iron linen badly; 2. eilieil jtorb — , to put handles on a basket. 93 C V b fi g C It, v. rcjl. (of horses) to re- ceive a strain or wrench in the shoulder. 93 e r b ft b, I e tt, v a. to spend or u aste in dissipation. 93 e r b ft b 1 f, I. adj. amorous, lascivii ins ; coquettish ; II. ado. amorously ; in a coquettish manner. 93 e r b ft b J t i) e i t, /. coquettry ; lasci viousness. *23 c r b n nt, n. (-3 ; pi. 93evba 4} 93cr= bctl) Oram. T. verb. 93 e r b li 11 b C It, adj. connected ; joi vid. SBtrbinben. 93 e r b lill b e n, v. I. a. to ally, con- federate, associate ; II. rcjl. to ester into a confederacy. 93 e r b li ll b e t, adj. allied, confederate. 93 e V b li it b e t C, m. decl. lib. ndj. ally, confederate. 93 c r b ii u b it e r, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) one who allies or confederates. 33 c r b ii n b n i p, n. (-ffc3 ; pi -ffe) league, confederacy ; (as a Scriptural term) vow. 93 e r b ft rg b a r, adj. that can be war- ranted or bailed. 93 C r b It f g e ll, v. I. a. to bail, warrant, stand security, pass one's word for, answer for; II. rvj/t to become bail or security ; to answer for, warrant. 93 e r b it v g e r, ™. (-3 ; pi. — ) bail, warranter, guarantee, mainperson. 93 e r b ii r g e r u, r. I. n. to become a member of a community; to receive the freedom of a city; to acquire the manners of a citizen erofacit; II. a. to make any one a citizen; (in ciueill Dl'tc Oerbuvgert foill, to be burgher of a city. 93 C r b ll r g ll n g, /. bailing, security ; answering for ; compos. — Slllittcl, n. the pledge, security, surety ; — UKCh = fcl, vi. a bond as security. 93 e r b ii r ft e ii, v. a. l . to brush oft" or away ; 2. T. to dovetail. 93 e r b fi fi e It, ». a. to pay for, sufTer for, atone for. 93crbu'tten, e. I. a. to stunt; II. n Unix. fei)ll) to grow stunted j 93ctblil = tct, adj. p irt. stinted, dwarfish, shrimp ; Jig. quite stupid. 93 e r b li t t e V 11, ». n. to employ in mak- ing butter, to convert into butter. *93er d) a m c r i re n, p. rtfi. wig. vid. 5 id) 93ergaffen, 93cviiebcti. *SS c r c 1 a u f u 1 1 r c ii, v. «. to guard by clauses. 93crbdd)cn, v. a. to cover wilh a thatch or roof. 93 C X b Cl d) t, m. (-C3) 1. suspicion; 2. distrust, mistrust; jealousy; — Inibcu, fd)8f>fcn, to suspect ; in — bfingfii, fefccil, to make suspected; tit— ftcbfll, to be suspected ; — eruu'tfeu, to raise suspicion ; tit — foilllltcn, to incur sus- picion ; compos. — lo3, adj. unsuspeel ed; not suspicious ; — Sloftgffit, /. the not being suspected ; nonsuspicion. 93 c v b it cf) t i g, adj. suspected, suspi cious, under suspicion ; suspicious. 93 c r b ii d) t i g e n, o. a. to render sus- pected or suspicious. 93 c r b ii d) I i g F e i f, /. suspiciousiK>ss. fS'erbdtnmtn, r. a. i. to dam: to condemn ; 2. Bid. 93tUbdmnu'lI :_ V v '' £obe — , to condemn to die ; flit tttoai — , to condemn one's sell to IB eiucr ©elbjtrafe — , to line. tyn. Sertam m en, St ru r Iff Men. T-tu : m\ cm •* tlius John Hufs wan i«rurlt)rill condemMKl) to be burnt by the ■■ t§ were rrrr/.ircnit (re: demned). Moreover SSrrNnnmrK (to (ondem: > in pimply to declare nvy U-:.i£ to be bad, aoc is only a stronger expression than torftn (t<. eensure), but t , rru>'.0filrn is lo condemn b] ». ll and sotcoin judicial degree. 93 e r b ci m m e n 8 = ro e 1 1 i), - big, adj. condemnable, damnable. — iviirbi.'ifcit, /. bl damnablenese. 93 crba in in c n, r. a. to dam up. em- bank 93 erb dm nicr, m. (-3; pi. — ) con demner blamer. iB e vb a in m c r it, v. I. n. [avz. fenn to die away in gloom or twilight : II. a. to veil in gloom or twilight. 93 e r b d in ill t i d), I. ao>'. damnable ; condemnable ; II. adv. damnably. 93 e V b d III lit 1 1 cf) f e i t, / damnable- ness ; condemnableness. 93 e V b li 111 111 11 i fi, /. damnation, per- dition. 93 e r b d lit m t ! mi/g. damn it ! 83 e r b d nt m t e, m. tt f. ded. like adj the condemned or damned. 93 C f b d 111 nt U It g, /. damning up. 93 CVb dmillllltg, / damnation, con- demnation; ampaM. — iliicbt, /. mania for condemning; — Slirtbcil, it, the condemnation; — 3lVCVtb, adj. con- demnable. 93 c rbdm vf m, v. n. (««x. fetyit) io (wliali!. evaporate. 93 or b am pf e n, r», a . 1. to cause n evaporate ; 2. to choke (of plants). 33 e r b a m p f ll n g, /; evaporation. 93crbd nf en, v. a. (ctiieni ttrvai to owe, be indebted to. to (have lo) thank for; man brrbaiift c3 inir nicbt, no- body thanks me for it; mail Pcrbilllfl e3 fciiicm 3Jatb,e, it is owing io hn advice. 93 crba ft c tt, 7-. n I. to digest, concoct ; 2. fig. to digest, bear ; '.i. to CI I bend. 93 c r b a ft I i d), adj. digestible. 93 e r b a ii 1 1 cb f c i t, /. digestibli digestibility. 93 e r b a ft n n g,/ digestion concoction; gutcr SBetn bef5rbert bie — , good wine helps digestions compos. — 6= gang, m walk for Ihe sake of digestion ; — Sflefdjciff, n. business of digestion; — Sfrnft, /. digestive power; — -3inil= lei, n. digestive: — Sfilff, m. chyle* — 3fdjnjdd)C, indigestion ; — Sftllllbf, /. the hour after dinner; — SlDCtf, -i work of digestion digestion; — 3ivcrf= jClig, 7i. digestive organ, 93 e r b c cf, »•. (-3 ; pi. -e) .v v ba3 iiutcrfle — gun deck ; ba3 jivcite — , middle deck : b,l3 M'iltC — , uppei deck; — betDfftjifrc iMiitcicajtcU', quarter-deck; batS ffllfcbe — , orlop- deck ; spare-deck (of frigates) ; nil glittteS — , a deck Bush fore and aft 93 C X b C (f b a t - , adj. that may bfl ed (up). 33 c r b C cf C II, v a. lo cover; to hide, il, muffle up; bcibccftc 6>d)uf fcl, covered dish ; bcr Dtrberftt SBccj, l\,rt. '/'. covered way. SB c r b c cf ft r i cf, m. (-c3 ; /./. -c ) .v T. ImhIic of i SB e X b C if 11 II fj, /. covering ; biding. 3 c rb C b ii c ii, r. a. io extend w tretch toe much, to spoil bv drawing 707 gferfe out , fcitie 3'"i' — . l " waste " lu; s li " lt! in indolence. 8 e v b c u f e n, j. ir. a. cincm etmoS) to blame for; to misconstrue. y U n. 5!tr>tnltn. B«ra rfl eB,StrBtelB. "When a perse? thinks it wrong, injudicious or foolish 0:1 the part of another, he uses rcrctn. In, and indeed because he cn) <$- improperly, a. 1. to spoil, to be spoiled ; 2. to fail, become a bankrupt ; 3. to decay", go to ruin; perish; bail! but td) Oetborbtlt, I am spoiled, unfit for that; nit tbm ift ein flitter Solbat fceiborbeH, lie would have been a good soldier, if he had embraced the military profession; II. reg.a. 1. to render un- fit, spoil ; 2. to corrupt, taint ; 3. to mar, spoil ; fid) bell 5Jii1i,ett — ,_to dis- order one's stomach ; ber berrffbeilbe ©ffdjmacf bat unfere -Spradje fo febr DCrberbt, the present taste has so cor- rupted our language ; fid) bit 3f it — , to spoil the time ; einem bie greube — , to mar one's mirth ; C3 mtt etltClll — , to disoblige one. S3 e l" b C r b e It, n. (-S) 1. spoiling, mar- ring ; corruption ; 3. ruining - , ruin, un- doing, perdition, destruction, hurt ; 4. deprivation, perversion, depravity, per- versity; ciitctt inS — ftiirien, to ruin, undo one, bring him to ruin ; )tcb ill 5 — ftiirjen, to run into ruin or perdi- tion; fcaS eptfJ ift feilt — , gaming is his ruin ; cittern jum — gereidjen, to prove one's ruin ; ClvigeS — , eternal perdition. 53 e r b e r b e r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) 1. spoiler, destroyer ; 2. corrupter, perverter. S3 e r b e r b e r i f rb, adj. (i. u.) ruinous, corruptive, mischievous, destructive. S3 e r b C r b I i d). I. adj. 1. corruptible, destructible ; 2. destructive, pernicious, ruinous; — c 2Baaren, perishable or damageable goods ; II. adc. 1. corrupt- ibly ; 2. destructively, perniciously, ruin- ously. 33 crbcrb I icfcf ci t, /. 1. corrupt- ibility; 2. destrucliveness, ruinousness. 23 e rb'erbn ifi, n. (-ffe3) 93erbcrbt= bcit, /. corruption, corruptness, per- verseness, perversity. 53erbcrbt, adj. corrupted, corrupt. Betbtrbu It fl, /. 1 . spoiling, marring ; 2. corruption, depravation, perversion, ruin. *93e rbcfli Ifir e n, v. l. vid. 93er= biinftett, iUriliiittiflcrt; 2. fig. vid. 93ergeutett, Durdjbrmgen. 33 C V b e li t e It. v. a. to misconstrue. 33 C V b C li 1 1 i d) C It, v. a. to explain, il- lustrate. 33 e rb c ti t f rti b a r, ) adj. that can be 33 e r b e li t f fh I i d), } rendered into German. S3 e r b C li t f d) C It, r. n. 1 . to germanize ; 2. to translate into German ; jig. to ex- plain. 708 SBerbeu'tfdjt r, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) translator into German, germanizer. 93 c r b c it t f d) u n g, /. ■ pi. -en) trans- lating into German. 93 C V b e li t It n g, /. misconstruction. 93crbl'd)tbar, adj. condensable. 93 e r b I d) t b a 1' f C i t, /. condens- ability. 93 c r b i d) t e n, v. «. 1. to condense ; eS r erbiefctet fid) JUt @rbe, it thickens into earth ; 2. fetne jjrit — , to pay one's time in composing verses ; to rhyme away one's time. 93 e r b i d) t e it b, part. adj. condensative. 93 e r b t d) t U n fl, /. condensation. 93 t V b 1 ; cf e n, v. a. to thicken, concrete, condense, to inspissate ; bcrfid'tCJ Cd, clotted oil. 93 cr b idling, /. thickening, concre- tion, condensation. *93evbtcf, n. (-§) vid. SluSfprndt, (Sntfcbcibuitg. 93 e r b ! e I e n, v. a. to cover with boards, to board. 93crbiencit, v. a. to gain, earn (money, &c); fijr to merit, deserve : 5)att!— , to earn tanks; mt\)t — illS ©liitf babflt, to be '.ess fortunate than deserving; id) i)\\b( CS llid)t lint bid) Serbieilt, I have not deserved it from you. Stin. •Stitient n, 3 iirSi 9 ftnn, BirtS f e n n. 'l>f rfitntn (to deserve, to merit) may be used either in a good or bad sense, as the English verbs also may; niarcia (worthy) ought to be used in a good sense, and usually when it io used in a bad sense in English, wtrttf and not raurcia should be the corresponding word in Moreover men!) may often be translated by "worth," but roiirfia never. 93 e r b I C It fl, I. m. (-eS) gain, getting, profit, lucre ; advantage ; t§ ifl ft'ilt — babci, it yields no profit; II. n. (pi. -C) merit, desert; eill Sftaitll »01t ticleil — fit, a well deserving man. a man of great worth ; barm licgt fcilt — , it is not meritorious at all ; Had) — , de- servedly; compos. — gebalt, m. pension ; — lo£, n. 1. without gain or profit; 2. without desert or merit; — fcoll, adj. meritorious, deserving ; full of merit. 93 C r b I C It jl I i d), I adj. meritorious ; deserving ; IL ado. meritoriously ; de- servingly. 93 e r b i c n fl 1 i d> £ e 1 1, /. meritorious- ness. 93 e V b I e n t, part. adj. 1. merited, de- served ; 2. deserving, meritorious ; fid) (rool>I) — mad)cn am . . , to deserve well of , to render services to . . ; cr bat fidj urn fein 93aterlanb febr — geinad)t, he has rendered many servi- ces to his country ; cilt — IX 2??a!tlt, a well deserving man ; eilie — e StCfift, a comlign punishment. 93 e r b i it g, m. <$- n. (-efl ; pi. -e) act of letting any thing for hire ; contract. 93 e r b i It g e It, v. ir. I. a. to bind, put out, hire, to agree about or upon a price for, to strike a bargain for, to be- speak ; einen in bic Jtoft — , to put one out to board ; bie Sdproeine in bie iKafl — , to agree upon a price for hoss to be masted ; II. reft, to bind one's self, to enter into an engagement, to enter into service. 93crbinger, m. (-S ; pi. — ) —inn,/. one who binds or puts out, &c. ; vid. 93erbingen. 93 e r b i n g it 11 g, /. hiring ; agreement, bargafei. ♦93 e r b t « c n 1 1 1 c n, r. a. me. to get discounted. 93 e r b 6 1 m c t f d) e n, r. a. interpret, translate, explain, expound. 2Vrfc 93 e r b i L m e t f d) c r, m. [-9 ; pi. — ) interpreter. 93 e r b 6 1 in e t f d) u n g, /. interpret* tion, translation. 93 er bo nil cm, v.n. (auz beben) w cease thundering. 93 c r b it ll e r t, adj. vulg. thundep struck ; confounded, mischievous. 93 e r b c v l> c I n, ?•. a. to double, re double ; ffilKll @d)litt — , to mend one's pace. 93erboyye I" 1 ' g, /. (pi. -en) doubling; — bc3 3?gcItS, .V. T. tabling. 93erb6vv ler, ™. (-«; pi- —) l- doubler ; 2. T. doubling iron. 93 C r b 6 r b e It, part. &■ adj. 1. spoiled, marred ; ruined ; 2 undone, destroyed ; 3. improperly for 93ei'bCl'bt, which see; — c 93aareti, spoiled or waste goods ; cill —IX jvaufmaim, a broken mer- chant; — el Dbfl, rotten fruits: — e ©petfe, tainted meat; — er 2Sein, palled or dead wine. 93 e r b 6 r b C 11 b C i t, /. corruptness, cor- ruption, depravity, perversity. 93 e r b 6 v it e n, v. a. (i. «..) to enclose, gird, beset, hedge or fence with thorns. SB e v b 6 r x c n, o. I. n. (am. fei)ii) to dry up witiier, burn up ; II. a. (1. u.) to wither, parch. 93 C r b 6 r r U It g. /. withering, drying up. 93 erbrctnge it, p. a. to push, drive away, remove, dislodge, dispossess, supplant. 33 e r b r a 11 g I I d), adj. that can be dis placed. 93 e r b r a n g n n g, /. removal, dispoe- session, supplanting. 93 er br c'cbfeln, v. a. l. to use up (wood, &c.) in turning ; 2. to pasi (time) in turning ; 3. to turn badly, ■ spoil in turning. 93 e r b r C b C II, ». a. to distort, contort, writhe, wrench, 'wrest, put awry; fir. to distort, to misrepresent, give a wrong turn to ; eiiten 2d)liiliel — , to bend a key ; bie 9lugeit — , todistort or roll the eyes ; fid) ben 5ufj — , to sprain one's foot ; ben Sinn eiiter etelle — , to distort the sense of a passage ; citlcn Serf ber beiligen cgcijirifr — , to dis- tort a text of Scripture; ba3 9tecbt — , bie ©efc^e — , to pervert the right, the laws. 93 e r b r e b c r, m. (-§ ; pi — ) distorts ; — beS 3ied;t8, pettifogger, caviller. 93 e f b r f b f» <"'j- distorted. 93 C r b r e b 11 II g, /. distortion, contor- tion ; Jig. misrepresentation. 93 C r b r C i f a d) e It, v. a. to triple, treble, to make threefold or triple. 93 e r b r e i f a cb it n g, /. trebling, trip- ling, a threefold increase. 93 e r b r e f fb C tt, r. a. 1. to thresh all (the corn, &c.) ; 2. to spend (time) in threshing. 93 e r b r t e p, m. + rid. 93crbntti. 93 C r b i C fi e It, r. ir. imp. to grieve, fret, vex. chagrin ; to trouble ; c5 tciivicnt lllid), it grieves, vexes, irks me ; fid) — laiJClt, to be grieved, vexed to lala offence at: fjcb feitlC 2)iuh0, fcine Jlofteit — laffeit, to crudse no pains. no expenses; tbtt rcrbriept bie 9lrbeil Ilie, ho never dislikes labour; vi:L Syn. 35auem. 9? C r b r I e fi 1 i cb, I. adj. 1. fretful, crab- bed, morose, peevish, sullen, out o) humour; 2. troublesome, irksome. vex- atious, disagreeable, loathsome ; eiliCIl — mac.en.~tn fret one : ein — er 93or< Serb fall, a vexatious event; II. adv. irk gornely, fretfully, &c, troublesome!)', &c. ; reluctantly. fv.i. Strorirfilid), MtrarrliA, Qtriiir. lid., I! and arorrlid). An impatient person soon becomes »«rf ticfitid;, if lie is kept waiting too lone, and a passionate person soon becomes nrjrrtiJs particularly if he thinks that it has been done on purpose. Moreover those persons are said to be argtrlid), who are easily vexed about trifles; invalids, lor instance, are generally dracrlid). He that complains and laments, is artfmlidj ? ,ie that is iniirrif<$, is constantly And ng fault; he ttiat is humifl), is inconstant, at times pleased, at other times displeased, with- out having any just cause tor either, some- times he is grumlid) and miirrifdj, fmetimes cheerful and contented. Children cac easily he flramtid; but not inurrifd), for they can com- plain but not find fault. Spoiled children, and women too delicately nurtured are launifdi. Hence it appears that I'rrttitflid) means sore, trqcrlidt, indignant, touchy, testy, and also cross, peevish; aramlich is winning, fretful; luunifd;, capricious, fickle; and iniirnfd), grutn- 1 ling, scolding, snappish. £$er bvle fjlicbfcif, /. (pi. -in) I. fretfulness, moroseness, peevishness, ill humour; 2. irksomertess, troublesome- ness, vexatious matter. 93 C V b V i3 f f e II, L adj. 1 . not cheerful, loath, unwilling, disinclined] averse; 2. lazy, slow, dull; U. adv. unwillingly, aversely ; lazily, slowly. 93 c v b v 6 f f e n f) e i t, /. I . loathing, un- willingness, averseness, reluctancy; re- pugnancy ; 2. laziness, slowness, in- dolence, dulness. 93 e V b V li cf C It, p. a. 1 . to misprint ; 2. to consume in printing; 3. to spend in printing. 93 e V b r it (f C tt, v. a. 1 . to press out of place ; 2. to press out of shape ; 3. fig. improp. vid. UUiCVbViicfvU. 93 e v b v ft ft e it, SSerbrufilia), vid. 93er= brtefien, 93evbvic|,lid). 83erbritp, m. (-ffcS) 1. ill-will, in- dignation, anger, spite, pet: 2. vexation, trouble, chagrin ; — lltadjCll, to vex, chagrin, spite; ctroa« }U ciueS — ffe thnn, to do something to vex one ; oU K'li jfteilfdjett 511m — ffe, to the vex- ation, in spite of, every body. Sj/n. BcrtUuf), 3frrafr. Suhrug (originally 'the same as 'JMagc) is merely the soreness or displeasure itself, which that causes us which any oue does ; 2ft rger is an anger, an irritation, which works more upon the teeling itself, than upon external objects. "Ucrfrug depresses, "Ktx. gcr excites the mind. When the injustice com- mitted by others affects us nearly, it makes us sad; when we regard it as deserving of punish- ment, we ararru uuo at it 'lurcnif; affects the mind, Mtrgcr the galL Hence it appears that Ufrvrufi is vexation, ? auncyance, irri- ation. ii(/. also .W'itccrdiiuatii. 53 e r b U b e I It, p. a. fata, lo dawdle, trifle away. 9.! C l b li f t C It, v. it. (aux. fcYM) to ex- hale, evaporate. Jg C t b li f t C II, v. a. to cause to evapo- rate. 93crb tilbcit, v. a. fciit SeBrtt — , to pass through lift; in suffering. 53 e V b li lit ltt e tl, p. I. a. to make stupid ; II. it, (aux. fcVHt) to become stupid, 93evbiimpfcn, v. n. (aux. fevm) to grow dampish, moist, mouldy, attainted. 18 e V b li It fj, m. provinc. 93ei'biltg. 93 e V b li It f e I It, v. a. A> rrfi. 1. to dark- en, obscure, offuscate ; eclipse, cloud ; -■fig. to ouldo, eclipse, obscure. Bevb lilt felling, /. (pi. —en) dar- kening, eclipsing, eclipse: clouding, obscuration, offuscation, obtencbratiom ; — bc8 ©eficbtS, dimness of sight. 33 e v b ii it f 1 1 v, m. (-« ; P i. — ) ob SBerc 93 e r b it n n b a r, adj. that may be thinned or diluted ; rarefiable. 93 e r b ii tt it e n, v. a. to thin, attenuate, rarefy; to dilute 93 C r b it II 11 C V It, p. a. to make thinner, to thin. 93erblill nuilf), /. thinning; attenu- ation, rarefaction, dilution ; compos. — Smtttef, it. diluter. 93 e v b ii n fl e it, v. n. (aux. feiin\ 93ct= blir.flclt, r. a. to evaporate, exhale. 93 e r b ii ii ft ii n fj, 23eibiinfluiig, /. evaporation. 93 e v b ii r fl e ii, ». n. (aux. fel;tt) to per- ish, die with tlnrst. 93evbiivfter, part. adj. very t,.:>ty, perishing with thirst. 93 e r b ii fl e r t r, m. (-( ; pi. — ) ob- scurer. 93 C r t it fl e r It, p. a. to darken, obscure, eclipse. 93e V b li fe e n, v. a. to browbeat, con- fuse, put out of countenance. 93e r b ii t} f, adj. abashed, puzzled, put out of countenance, disconcerted. 93 c ft I) C It e II, r. a. to convert into a plain, to level. 93 ere (fen, p. v.. Hunt. T. to get all broches or branches (said of a deer). 93 e V e b e I It, V. f. a. to bring to greater perfection, improve ; II. njl. tt n. (aux. fcvjlt) 1. to improve; 2. JUni. 'J', to grow richer (said of veins of ore). 93 e t to t e v, m. (-$; i>i. — ) — inn, /. ennobler, improver, perfecter. 93 ere" be In ni] d> 93eveb(uiig, /. the bringing to greater perfection, improve- ment. 93 e V {' t) I i d) C It, p. a. c\- rrft. to many, join by wedlock, to bestow in marriage upon. 33 c x i I) I i d) U n g, /. marrying. 93 eve f) re It, p. a. 1. to honour, re- spect, venerate, revere, reverence; 2. to worship, adore ; 3. M. T. to pay due honour, show due protection ; 4. eillClll etivcld — , to present one with, to make one a present of, to give for a present, to bestow upon one. SBerefirenewcrtfj, adj. vid. 93crcl)= ruuflSroflrbig. SB eve brer, m. (-«; «&—)]. rcve- rencer, reverer; 2. worshipper, ado- rer; — bev ©eflivitc, star-worshipper; — bef 98alu'l)Cit, adorer of truth. 93 e x t f) r I i d), adj. venerable, respect- able. 93 t x t h r u n g, /. (pi. -en) 1. veneratii in, reverence, reverencing; adoration, wor- shipping ; 2. gift, present, gratification ; 3. .1/ E. acceptation, protection. 93 e r i \) x u n g 6 w ii r b t g, r. adj. hon- ourable, respectable, venerable, adorable ; II. adc. vencraoty, adorably. 93 C V e I b C II, v. a. to bind by an oath ; to administer an oath, to swear, swear in. 93 C X e l b C X, m. (-1 ; pi. — ) he who binds by an oalh IT n ' , iifl — , to disappoint 93 e v c i t e ( n n g, /. disappointment, frustration, thwarting. 93 C V C l t C V II, r rrjl lo suppurate. SBeteltCtUn g, /. suppuration. 93cvcfcln, p. a. (etiiiin ettvaS) to render loathsome, or disgusting. 93 c r C f c I u n g, /. the rendering loath- some. 93 e V C I C II b C It, p. a. (1. u.) to make miserable : to exile. 93 C r c it b e it, v. L a. + to bring to an end; II. h. (aut. ftV)H) to die. 93 C V C tl ii C 1 11, v. a. to convert into an angel or into angels. 93 c v c ii a, c ii, 93crcngcrn, r. a, J- rcfl 709 Serf Serf Serf K> narrow, straiten, contract : | • | • « narrow, small ; wo brtS Sctnb fid) Mr* tngt, wiw» the land is narrowed. Jercngcr, m. (-9; pL — ) 1. one who straitens, fcc ; 2. A, T. bet bet 9fta$enmunbung, the constrictor of the isthmus of the pharynx. IB c v i it g c r u it g A- Serettgung, /■ straitening, narrowing 83 e C e r b e It, v. I. o. to leave, transfer, transmit; ouf ciitctt — , to entail upon one ; II. rrJL to devolve, fall upon. 8 C r C r b 1 i d; c n, v. a. to render(make) hereditary. 8ercrbltltg, /. transferring, trans mining ; devolving upon. S3 c V C v b C 11, iJ. a. to convert, reduce to earth S3 e V C V b U It g, /■ converting into earth. 8 C t C V J C tt, v. a. i?- ?-f#. to turn into ore, to mineralize. 8 e 1 C r J It tt g, /. mineralization ; com- pos. — smittel, ». mineralizing sub- stance 93 C t C ft 1 It, ''. a- * b. to metamorphose into an ass ; to become a jackass. S3 e v c f f e n, «. «. to eat up ; to spend or dissipate by eating. 8 C r e U) t g e 11, v. o. 1. * to die, decease ; 2. 'ofco refl.) to perpetuate, eternalize. immortalize. 8 t r f W t g t r, m. 1-8 ; pi. — ) one who immortalizes. 93 e V i n) i g 1 e, jb, <$- /. the deceased, late. S3 f r ? W i g It ll g, /. perpetuation ; eter- nalizing, immortalizing. 93 e r f d d) c 1 n, v. a. to fan away. 8 e V f d d) C It, v. I. a. 1. to provide with timberwork; 2. to divide into classes and compartments; II. refl, + to come to an arrangement, to settle. 8 e V f d (J e 1 11, o. I. a. to cause to burn quickly, by moving a candle backwards and forwards, to waste a candle ; II. n. (aux. fct)ll) to burn away quickly. 8 C V f tt I) V b ft V, «y mean flattery with his friend or patron, to slander. 83 « x f ii d) te 1 ii, p. a. vulg. eiitem bctt (Sigettftltn — , to drub the obstinacy out of one. Serfage tt, r. a. to join, fix, clamp, rabbet. SB e r f ft g e it, o. I. «. * n. ( a »i. baBen) 1. to dispose, order, arrange, provide; 2. to enact; ei - Ijilt fitn'lbcf Jll — , it is at his disposal ; II. rcjl. to resort, re- pair, betake one's self lo. '-13 e r f ii g e r. m. (-$ ; pi. — ) — inn, / one who disposes, arranger, disposer. 93 t r f it fl ( i A), adj. disposable. SerfiiflUttfl, /. (pi. -en) 1. order, disposition, direction, arrangement; •.'. resorting, betakins, repairing to ; 3. en- actment ; — trcffeit, to dispose, order ; roettere— nbroavrett, to want for further directions. 33 e r f ft b t b a r, adj. t . tra nsportable, capable of conveyance ; 2. seducible. 93 e r f fi I; re n, v. a. i. to transport, convey; 2. to lead astray, mislead; 3../i>. to seduce, corrupt, debauch ; 4. to Induce, lea i. Syn. OtrfU(rcn, Scrtdttn, aturii. flfn. One r,rf.en bii'.ijni . Ii r m t iiiin liniiesj lie in.: iuli ■ i.anoo^ in order to lend a->lr,i> (vcriubirn;. 93 e r f ft b r c r, m. (-8 ; P i. —• 9?fifub. reriitit, /. (/;/. -en) seduct r, t ; uiisleader. 93 erf ii b rcvi f di, I. adj. seducing, captivating, seductive, ensnaring, tempi ine, alluring; II. adv. in a seducing, seductive way. 93 C r f it b t ( i cb, adj. 1 . easy of car riage, of easy transport ; 9. easily led astray. SB e r f u (j r u it g, /. ( P i. -en) t . trans porlation, conveyance ; 2 lynch- ing; compos. — Sflllllt, /. art of seduc- tion; — Smittel, n. means of seduction 93 e r f ii 1 1 e n, «. a. l. to flu by mistake: ■J in Auffcr — , io cask (beer. &c.) ; in Slflftben — , to bottle (wine, &.c). iB c [ f ii it f f a cb c It, o. a. to increase or make r 93 e r f ii 1 1 e r n, p. a. io use linen, etc in lining. 93 e r f u 1 1 e r n, ?•. a. I. to use .. vender; 2. to consume the provender; 3. to overfeed. 93erfdtterung, /. consuming or using as provender. 93 C r g a b e It, r. a. 1. to confer, bestow ; 2 to pay excise, lax or duly for am thing. 93 e r g a b e r, m. (-« ; pi. —) giver, donor. 93er g libit n g, / I. charity; 2. gift, donation, alms ; 3. bequest. 93 t r g fib e r it or 9Jcrgdt^cnt, o. oid 93ergaftern. 93 ergd f f e n, v. rrfl. vulg. 'fid) in tU IViUVi to be smitten, lo fall in love with; bergafft fctni in, to be in love with. 93 e r g d b n c it, o. a. fcine 3**' —, w gape away one's time. 93 ev g a b t c it, p. /'-. «. (aux. bdben w have done fermenting; to ferment toe much. 83 e r g d 1 1 c it &■ 93ergdUen, ,-. a. i. to break the gall in a 1M1 ; -' fig. to em- bitter, gall, *93 e r g a 1 1 o \> p i r e tt, r. rrfi. fig. to commit a blunder. 33 et gang, m. (-ti) lapse of time. expiration. 93 e v g ti n g c n, a Ij. gone, past ; — e 2Bod)e, last week. 93 t r g d n g c n b e i t, /. (pi. -en) time p.i-t ; things past ; the i ten SQ C r g a tt g t i tb, I. adj. transient, tran- sitory, perishable; Ii. ailv. transiently, transitorily. 93 c r g d n g 1 i cb f e i f,/. transientnesa, transitorlness, perishablem - - iB ( r g dure n, v. a. provine. to si il by auction, expo to pu Bale ; gerid>f> lid) — , to sell by port sale. v1 o e r g (i II t e t t, m A ' like adj. bank- rupt, luoki'ii merchant SB ergd n tit ng, /. (pi. -en) public compos. — Si1Ut> ruf, m. proclamation for sale (by the town-criei ; — Sredjt, it. right of sale 33 C C Q B V ll C It, ». « to ensnare. SB ergd rfli gen, t>. l. » (aux. fi'.m ugly ; II a lo make ugly. SB c r fl a it c it, p. ». .v T. ^ie Jeit yrr< gciftct, it is standing water, low tide. iB e r g d 1 1 c it, p. «. -r- 1. to join r 711 Serg Stag SKerg prorinc. to till or plough one's ground with cue's own horses. BergdtttC C It, t>. 0.1. to enclose or shut with a trellis ; -J. Mil. T. to as- semble the soldiers by heat of drum. 33 e r ga 1 1 c run g, /. l. enclosing With a trellis ; grating, lattice-work ; 8. Md. T. call ; — febtageu, to call soldiers by beat of drum to meet to- gether. SB i v 3 d 1 1 Ij 6 e f, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) straight block plane. 3} tx g a u I e i 11, e. a. 1. »W. S3erfadfel n ; 2. to pass away (one's time) in buf- foonery. 9? c r 1] a u it e v it, v. a. (i. «.) to pass (one's time or life) in swindling, in pilfering. PJ e r g t b ett, ». ir. a. 1. to give away ; to dispose of; 2. to resign, renounce ; to make a prejudicial concession ; 3. (at cards) to misdeal ; 4. to pay excise, tax or duty for any thing ; 5. to poison, to administer poison ; G. (eilteilt (t- U.H18) to forgive, pardon ; 7. ftcf) (lllir) CilVilS — , to prejudice, injure one's right ; Cttt Sllltt — , to confer or bestow tin employment upon somebody; JU — ImIu-ii, to have in one's gift; feilte locator — , to dispose of one's daugh- ter ; fcilt 3iefbt — , to resign one's righ4 : ftcf) or fciiicm diecbte ctma8, or Ctncm CtllMo — , to prejudice one's own right or the right of another ; fei= ltd' SSftrbe CtllHS — , to descend, dero- gate from one's own dignity. 3} e r g C b e n 8, adv. in vain, vainly, to no purpose ; -4- gratis. 33 e r g e b e r, ™. (-8 ; pi. — ) donor. S3 1 X fl tf> t fl, 3SerjJf6faitt, adj. inclined to pardon, placable. 33 C X g C b 1 t ci r t i g e n, v. a. to figure, represent, presentiate. 33 C V g C f) C, /. vulg. rush (on the skin). 33 t X g f t) C It, v. ir. I. n. (aux. fe'llt) 1. to pass away, pass; to elapse ; 2. to vanish, disappear; 3, to diminish, decrease, fail, decay, grow weak; 4. to pine away ; 5. to cease, perish, be lost ; ficb etiv>l8 or (bie Sufi jit ctant8) — laffett, to forego, to lose fancy for . . ; II. rrfl. 1. to go wrong ; 2. fig. to fail in one's duty, to commit a fault; to transgress ; lidp all eitiem, rotbet »<• geaen etnen — , to of- fend, injure one:'firf) Ullt 3Bovtflt \Xs\- bCV cillClt — , to be so bold as to call one names. Bergtfljen, B . (-8; pi. — ) SBergk bung, /. [pi. -Clt) error, fault, offence, transgression, crime. 53 C r g f i g C It, r. a. fan. to fiddle away (one's time) ; fid) bie ©rillcil — , to drive away the blues by fiddling. 8 c r g C 1 1 e It, f. n. T. to shoot up into puny slender stalks (said of a vine, &.C.). 712 33 C V g e I ft C It, r. I. a. to spiritualize, render spiritual; II. n. to evaporate. 33 c r g c i ft e r n, v. a. I. to convert into spirit; 2. vid. (Stttjucfeu j 3. to strike aghast, terrify. 93 erg ei ft t gen, v. a. to spiritualize, to extract a spirit from (salts, &c ), to alcoholize (wine, &.c.) ; fig. to spiritu- alize. 93 C V g C l ft i g U ll g, /. spiritualization, mental refinement. SScvgeijClt, v.]. a. to lose by being over-avaricious; II. n. (aux. feiltl) to be- come avaricious. 33 e v g c I b e it, v. n. {aux. fevm) to grow yellow. 33 C X g C II e it, v.n. (aux. feint) to subside gradually, to die away (said of sound). 33 C X ft C 1 t, m. <$■ n. (-«* ; pi. -e) provinc for 93ergcltung ; compos. — gevect)ttg= feit,/. avenging justice; — gcttinit, /. Nemesis. 33 er gel tctt, 1. to requite, to retribute, repay, retaliate, return ; 2. to recompense, reward, remunerate ; 3. + to restore, make restitution. 23 e X g C I t e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) requiter, remunerator, rewarder. 93 t X g e 1 1 U It g, /. 1. requital, retribu- tion, retaliation, return ; 2. recompense, reward, remuneration; compos. — S- VCcbt, n. right of retaliation, requitals; — 8t I i eb, I. adj. 1. easy to be for- gotten : 2. oblivious, forgetful ; II. adv. forgetfully. 93 C f g e fj 1 i d) f C i t, /. forgetfulness, ob- liviousness, neglectfulness. 93 e v g c f f u it g, /. forgetting ; vid. 93er= geffeubeit. 33 1 x g e ft i r it c it, v. a. to place or number among the stars. *93 e v g c 1 1 e, /. i. vid. 93i"ufte ; 2. front hair cut short. 93 cr gc ti bell, v. a. to lavish; vid. 33«fc&n>enben. 93 c v g c it b e r, m. (-8 ; ;)/. — ) spend- thrift; vid. 33erf(§n>enbci\ 93 CV gc liber i fci), adj. prodigal, ex travagant, lavish. 93 e V g e li b ll It g, /. dissipation, squan- dering, dilapidation. 93 e V g f \vd 1 1 1 g e ll, v. a. to offer vio- lence. 33ergen)d(ttgung, /. + i. vio- lence, oppression; 2. the act of forcing. 93 e V n e ll? C r t e ll, v. a. .Mix. T. to dis- tribute the parts of a mine, to Aad partners. 93ergeroif fern, ». i.a. i. to certify assure, aver, affirm, ascertain, assert 2. to inform with accuracy ; 3. to con firm ; 11. re/I. to convince, assure one's self. 93 C V g C W l f f e V 11 tt g, /. 1 . assurance, averment, assertion; 2. confirmation, convincing. 93 e r g t c p e n, v. ir. I. a. l to spill, shed ; 2. to consume water in pouring it out ; 2. to spoil by pouring on too much water, to over-water ; 4. 7*. to fasten iron by pouring melted lead round it; to cast in; 9J(llt, Xbvaucii — , to shed blood, tears ; II. rcfi. to pour out wrong, to make a mistake in pour ing out, or in casting. 93 e r g \ e fj e it, «. (-8) 93cvgTefjuitg, /. spilling, shedding, effusion. 93 C V g t f t C 11, v. a. to poison, envenom, infect. 93 t r J l' f t « r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) poisoner. 93 e i g t f t u ii g, /. {pi. -en) poisoning, infection. 93 e r g i 1 b e it, v. n. (aux. feijn) to turn yellow, spoil by turning yellow. *33crgUen, rid. 9?eio,cn, Jtebven, Scnfen ; (ftcb, roofjin) 9icigen. 33evgt rren, v. a. manrbe (gtutibe — , to pass many an hour in cooing. 33 e x g i f cf> e n, p. n. 1. (aux. habtw) to cease boiling, frothing, yeasting : ".(aux. fei;n) to escape in boiling, to boil away 93 e r g i f f e it, v. reft. JV.r. to make er rors in the dead reckoning. 93 c r g t fj m e t n n i cb t, n. (-e8) for- get-me-not ; mouse-ear, scorpion-grass ; wild germander. 93 e r g i 1 1 e V It, ». a. to grate up, lat- tice, crossbar, to set with bars, shut with a trellis. 93 e V g 1 1 1 C r f, adj. trellised, shut by a grate. 93 e r g 1 1 1 e v u it g, /. (pi. -en) grating- up, lattice-work, setting with bars ; shut- ting up with a trellis. 93 e r g I a n j e li, v. n. (aux. fc»n) to cease shining. 23 c x g 1 3 S b a v, adj. vitrescible. 33 c v g 1 3 8 b a r f c 1 1, /. vitrificability. 93 e V g ( 3 f e It, v. a. S- rrfl. to glaze, vi- trify, to anneal. 93 e v g 1 a f i r e it, 93erg(afuren, v. a. to glaze. 93ei'gl3fuiig, /. vitrification; glaz- ing; compos. — tfeiiev, n. fire of vitrifi- cation. 33 e v g 1 a ft b c n, ?•. a. (l. u.) bie 3eit — , to pass the time in believing. 93 e V g I e t eb, m. (-e8 ; pi -e) 1. compa- rison ; 2. agreement, accord, contract, covenant, convention, transaction, sti- pulation ; composition, accommodation ; ptjlie — , without comparison; eilictt — treffett, ju eiitem — fommeu, to come to an agreen>ent or accommoda- tion; eineit — eiugcljen, to enter into articles; giUlicbc: — , compromise: — ailf leilltilie, composition or agree- ment to pay a sum by instalments; prov. ein magerev— ift beffer al8 ein fetter Sprocef), agree, for the law is costly; compos. — geiliafj, adj.fradw. agreeable to treaty, according to con- tract; — ntfifjifl, adj. &■ adv. according to convention, conventional ; — 8hanb' Illlig, /• convention, accord, composi tion ; — 8lltittel, n. means of accommo dation • — 8yutnft, m. D"int of ronves $erg Serg 2?iv ttJoUctt UllS gittlid) — , let us com- pound amicably; bicfe 2)ittge lofftlt ft(b tlicftt — , these matters are not to I e paralleled. 33 t r g I C i d) e It b, part. adj. compara- tive; bie — e Slnatomie, comparative anatomy. OLJcrgletcber, m (-« ; pi. — ) —inn, /. 1. one who compares, institutes com- parisons ; 2. peace-maker, aceommo- dator. 93 C r g I e t d) I i d), I. adj. comparable ; II. adc. comparably. 83 C r g I e t d) U It q, f. (pi. -Clt) I. com- parison, parallel ; 2 composition, agree- ment; cine— aiifteUen, to make a comparison ; ill — , in comparison, comparatively ; compos. — Sgi'itb, '"• Oram. T. degree of comparison ; — 8- gruilb, 7/1. subject of comparison ; — Spitllfte, pi. articles of agree- ment: — Sftajfel, /. vid. — Sgrab ; — 6|tud\ n. part of a comparison ; — 8- fhtfe, /. vid. — Sgvab ; — Stafclu, pi. tablets of comparison, of reduction, comparative tables ; — StCVlllilie, pi. terms of composition ; — Stucifc, ado. comparatively, by way of comparison or parallel. Syn. 1icrfl(ci$uiiA, O Iri 4 n i f>. Wtci^nifi ja distinguished Irom tlie mere iif ralriJjiiiH by its deputing the object more completely, and is therefore a more extended iicr^indjunq. Tlie following passage is a beautiful Ijtrat. n. (aux. fcou) to slide away, glide olf or on. 83 I r g I Ic b C rit, v. a. to articulate, or- ganize ; bite" — , articulation, organi- zation ; Jl. T. co-articulation, syn- arthrosis. 83 e r g I i in nt e n, v. ir. n. (ait*, fei'ii) to cease glowing ; to lose its glow, to be extinguished ; feilt 3ovil ivil'b — , his wrath will subside. 83 e r g 1 1 nt v f e it, v. vid. SBefanftigeu. 83 C r ij ( ii b C ll, v. n. (aux. fcMI) to cease glowing, to leave off burning. Berg lift flett, v. a. 1. to content, satisfy ; 2. to pay ; 3. to please, gratify, delight; fid) nit or mit ctnni8 — , to be pleased, or delighted with. 13 e r fl n it g C It, n. (-8 ; pi.—) pleasure, delight, contentment, satisfaction ; com- fort; ein — an efveas finbcit, to take delight in, to delight in; illild)eil v2tc litfr bits — «nb fomincii Sic niorgen (It lllir, be so kind as to come to me to morrow. 93 e r g n it g I i . a. 1. to inter, bury. to hide in the ground ; 2. to intrench, furnish with a ditch. 93 e r g r a b e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) a bury or. 93 C r g V a b U n g, /. ]. interring, bury- ing; 2. intrenching. 93 e x g r 5 nt e ( n, v. a. to make cross. 93 e V g V a 111 I i cb C ll, v. a. to render peevish. 93 e v g r a m e n, v. a. &■ n. (am. fcl;n) to pine away. 93 e r g r a f c it, v. I. a. to cut the blades of young corn; II. n. (aux. fci)ll) to be grown over with grass. 93 c r g r a i jj I i cb e n, v. a. to render horrible or more horrible. S3 t X g r A e ll, v. n. (aux. fetjn) to be or become grey. 93 e r g x a li I i d} c n, v. a. to render horrible or frightful. 93 e r g r e i f e it, c. <>. I. a. to buy up, to consume (of goods, especially books), to sell (all the stock) ; bit elite SufltajJC ift uevgvirten, the first edition is sold, is out of print; U.refl. 1. to make a mistake, to seize, or grasp wrong, to mistake in seizing; to seize, or lay hold of improperly ; (fid) All . .), to lay hands on ; 2. to attack in an un- warrantable manner ; to otic in 1 : .1. to sprain (one's hand) ; fid) iltl cillcr 2il = cbc — , to meddle with a thinL': to purloin, steal it; fid) till bciligctl ?il! = gen — , to profane; fid) an eincm — , to oflend, hurt, wrong, abuse, violate, outrage one ; fid) an bcr SDlajefiat — , to commit high-treason. 93 C t g r C t f C tl, n. (-i) 1. spiaining ; a mistake ; vid. the verb. 93 e r g r e t f I i d), aij. easily attacke4 assaultable. 93 ergre ifung,/. i. offending, hurt- ing, wronging, Sec. ; 2. violation ; 3. profanation. 93 e r g r c 1 1 e it, v. a. previne. to irritate, provoke. 93 e r g r i e d) e n, v. a. (I. u) to render or make Grecian ; to translate into Creek. 93 C r g v { f f, m. (-eS ; pi. -e) encroach- ment, assault, ire-i 93 e r g r b c n, ) ». a. Sr n. to render 93 er g vobcr It, \ coarse or gross, coarser or grosser , to become so. 93 e r g r o fi c r e r, «.(-<; pi. — ) one who magnifies ; aggrandizer, 23 c r g r e 9 c x ltd), adj. magnifiable, auiphtiable. 93 c v g r o fi c r it, ». La. i. to enlarge, increase, aggrandisse; 2. to magnify, amplify; to exaggerate; to aggravate; II. rrfi k increase, grow larger, en- large. Syn. Btrgiggtrn, SirnrSrta. That wliili is m it-! larger in point of extent, i^ rcr. flrciim ; a nmnher made greater is scrmr^rt. \\lien, tlierelore, tlie number of the paitl il orrinrbrr, tbe whole is pcr,irof;trt. A lamily t>e comes rcr,ir.M;fri, wlien toe number of tlie chd- dnnbecoaiea i>fnncbrr. Tlie glory of a man is rcrir^Ccrt in proportion as bis' merits are arr. mrbrt. Tlie first, tlierefore, means § Mo extend, enlarge," the second *' to increase, mult. ply." 33 crgrojjer ung, /. (pi. -en) l- magnifying, aggrandizement ; increase, enlargement; 2. exaggeration; 3. a_' gravation ; compos. — 6i)U'V, — fgtetbe, /. cupidity of aggrandizement ; — 5glilS, n. magnifying glass, magnifier, micros- cope ; — 8ldterne, /. magic lantern, — 4liltfe,_/. magnifying lens ; — Slllilfi, n. — Smeffer, vi dynamometer, auzome- ter ; — jplaii, vi. plan of aggrandize ment; — eff>iege(, m. concave mirror — SOCVfud), m. attempt at aggrandize ment; — Sjiibl, /. Opt. T. the number degree of spectacles. 33 e r g r fi b c I n, v. a. to pass the time in subtle inquiries. 33 e r g v ii n b c n, o. a. T. to wash the sweepings (in the mint). 93 t rfl x u it e n, v. n (aux. fci)ll) to fade, wither, lose its verdure. 33crgiicfen, v. rcfl. ruig. fid) — , to sufTer one's self to be dazzled ; vid. SBerflflffeii. 83erfl u lb en, v. a. to gild. 93 C C g li 11 ft, /. + permission. 3.5 c r g ii n ft i g c n, ;•. a. prooinc to pe^ mit ; to grant (as a favour). 93 c r g ii li ft i g ii n g, /. ( pi. -en) per- missinn, allowance ; favour, grant, leave; lltit 3§trt — , with (under or by) your favour. 33 c r g it r g c i it, ». a. i . Sfftfl — , to use up vinegar in gargling : S.fif.fam. fetn 33erniogcn— , to guttle and guzzle away one's property. 33 e r g fi t e ii, (SSergHtigen,) a. a. t. to make gooil, requite, I to make amends for. to indemnity; 3. to relm- e* ivivb bent iMiii'itiluimtr bcrgutet, compensation is made to the owner. 33 erg fi tit ii g <2\-v,,ulignng), / amends, compensation. 93 c r h a ore it, v. « [aux. baben) l. to Change the hair (said of animals) ; 2. to cease shedding the hair. 33erb iiiirer, m. (-«; pi. — '• tana 6ucker (a fWh) 713 2$frfi SBcrl) ^i-7') J? C r b ii if, /«. (-cS ; /,/. -ti auatis , bar- rier of trees cut down. 3J c vi)a cf en, e. a. 1. to chop up; to mince ; ■-'. ctii.'it dpunb, cia SJJferb — , to dock a dog, a horse ; 3. to cut badly or wrong; •! ciit Siiger — , to fence a camp with breast-work of filed wood. 5S c r f) ii D c r n, v. a. to waste by litigi- ousness. S3 CV l)d f f, m. {-ti) also f. arrest, du- rance, imprisonment, seizure, caption ; tit — , in prison, under arrest ; til — IiehlltClI, to arrest, imprison; til — fci)ll, to be in prison, under arrest ; compos. — Sbefeljl, m. warrant, commit- ment, mittimus ; — Sbl'tcf, m. writ of arrest, warrant ; — Siiebimtng, /. cap- ture, imprisonment ; — Jjettel, m. war- rant. 83 e V I) d f t C ll, v. a. 1. to arrest, impri- son ; 2. to engage, mortgage; eilicilt Veif)afrct fe$H, to be bound for or obliged, indebted to one ; CV f)ilt fciltc fibre »eif)ilftft, he lias staked his hon- our. £ e v \) a f t it rt g, /. {pl. -en) l. arrest, imprisonment ; 2. mortgage. 93 C V 5 ii fl e I 11/ v. a. S,- n. to injure, spoil or ruin by hail ; to be injured or spoiled by hail; fig.fam. 4> com. oevhagelt, pit- ted, scarred (of the face). H t V 1) S rt e It, v. a. to hedge in, to fence round or in. Ber^figerrt, v. v. (auz. fetyn) to grow thin or lean, to dwindle away. tOevljafclit, v. a. to fasten with little hooks. iB C vf)il f Ctl, v. a. I. to clamp, fasten, close with hooks; 2. to destroy with a scalp-plough. 83 e v I) d I f t c v it, v. r,fl. fid) — , to get entangled in the harness. 93 e V 5 a II e II, v. n. (auz. felllt) to die away (of sound) ; to pass away without affecting the object. 93 evfyri 1 1, m. (-e3) I. retention; 2. fact, circumstance; bet" — tft, the fact is. 83 e v t) d I f c it, v. ir. I. a, 1. to hold, keep back, suppress; to retain; 2. to reserve, withhold, to conceal (eitlemet= \VH&, from one) ; id) U)il{ ^\)\Wl — , Sil{) . . , I will conceal from you, that . . ; II. refl. 1. to be in a certain state, to be circumstanced, situated, to be ; 2. to bear a proportion, to be (of a ratio, or in relation to another thing) ; 3. to de- mean one's self, to act, behave ; 4 . + <$■ provinc. to delay, tarry; bte <£>bf)e ncvljalt ftcb jiir SBvette aue jtoet jtt ftllg, the height is; to the breadth as two is to one; cie ©ache bcrhdlt fid; fo, the mailer is or stands thus. Bevhdltcil, n. (-8) 1. holding, re- taining, retention, suppression; 2. be- haviour, deportment, conduct, de- meanour. Sj/n. a»frSnI»««i, Stuff ii^rnnfl, 3< 1 t r a . gen, lWncbincit. The Jfiiff iibru 119 of a \ oung man is ascertained by many of his actions. They tay, for instance, the 31 iifful, r inig of n young man is good or bad. lifrr/allrn is the agreement between onr active and passive con- duct, and the duties which we have to do under certain circumstances. En 3e of the nb-enre of these qualities. This, therefore, is "behaviour" and HuffuSruna "conduct" 93 e v I) ii 1 1 tt i p, n. (-jjet! ; pl -ffc) re- lation ; proportion, ratio ; situation, cir- cumstance ; bil8 licbtiiie — , due pro- portion ; fie ftchen tit fcblecbrem — jufantineit, they are on bad terms to- gether; lliich — , according as it is; comparatively ; compos. — illlthcU. m. quota, share, dividend; — (tlljeijjeF, m. Jll. T. exponent; — lo3, atlj. pro- portionless ; — UliitJii], I. adj. in propor- tion, proportionate; proportional : XL adv. in proportion; comparatively (speak- ing) ; proportionally; — lltdtjirt C i 1 1 f i tij = ten, to proportion ; — lltiifjiiifuf, /. pro- portionateness, — Vegt'l, /. rule of pro- portion ; — fill ffc (, m. — flllfc, /, degree of proportion ; — fheil, m. proportionate shatc,'ot ; — tutbvig, I. atlj. disproportion- ate ; II. <»uc. disproportionately ; — tuibviij OVbltert, to misproportion ; — tEjeil, m. vid. — Qlltbcil ; — tOOVt, n. preposition; — $flf)I, /. Jll. T. number of the propor- tion or ratio; logarithm; — jivfel, m. O. T. sector. 33 ev I) lilt lllig, /. 1. retention, con- cealment, reserve, suppression ; 2. con- duct ; compos. — Saxt, f. (manner of) conduct; — Sbefebl, m. direction, in- struction ; — 6le!)ve, /. instruction ; — S- VCgcl, /. directive rule. 93 e v I) a m in e v it, v. a. to hammer to or close. 23 e V h Ct 11 b e I b a V, adj. negotiable. 93 e v f)ii 11 b C III, v. a. 1. to negotiate, treat, to transact, discuss; 2. to sell, dispose of; to barter away; 3. to spend in trade. 93cvl;dltblc V, w. (-8; pl. — ) 1. ne- gotiator ; 2. Jll. E. drawer ; endorser. 93 e V b d It b 1 11 11 f), /• b>l- —Ctt) 1. negotia- ting ; negotiation ; 2. transaction ; treaty ; compos. — Sheff, ?i. — gfdjrift, /. me- morandum of any transaction ; record. 93 e V h a 11 g C n, v a. 1 . to hang before, to cover or close something by hanging over; 2. to hang at a wrong place, or in a wrong manner; 3. to decree; send; ordain; to fix by destiny; to destine, determine; bctl 3' - 'rt c I — > t0 give the reins; liitt ocfhdiigtcm 3]irt«I. in full speed, in full gallop; ©tfitfc ubci - ciltcil — , to decree a punishment on one; rme ed @l)tt IHU-bdligf, as God shall decree, ordain. 93 e v t) d it g n t fj, n. (-ffeS ; pl. -ffe) de- cree : fate, destiny, fatality ; compos. — = glaube, m. belief in fate, or fatality; — gldllbigc, m. fatalist; — Icbve, /. doctrine concerning fate or fatality ; — ' lchvcf, m. fatalist; — fcoll,, adj. pregnant with fate, fatal, momentous. 93 c v h d v in e n, v. n. (am. fei;«) to be attacked with grief. 93 e V I; d V lit e It, v. a. to spend in grief. 93 e V I) d V V C It, v. n. (auz. llilbcil) to re- main ; to persevere, persist, continue, bold out. 93 c v I) d v v c it, n. (-8) 33cvf)dvning, /. remaining, perseverance, persistance, continuance. 93 c v I; d v v I i ch, adj. vid. 93ebavvltrb. 93 c v h a v v f ch e n, v. n. (auz. feiiti/ to get a crust, to crust; to close (of a wound). 93cvt)iivfchnitg, /. closing (of a wound). 93 e v fin v t e n, ». i. a . to harden ; f^. to obdurate, indurate; II. rcjl. &■ n. (auz. fci;n) also 33cvbiirtcn, to harden; fig. to indurate. 93 e v b d r t c t, adj. hardened ; fig- ol "in- rate, indurate. 93 e rt; d V t U tl g. /. 1 . hardening ; 2. fig. objuration, obdurateness, induration: compos. — SgcfchuMilft, /. \kd. T. a schirrous tumour, schirrus. 93 C V f) d V j C II, v. a. to close up witb rosin. 93 c v f) d 8V c I it, v. a 1 . to use up lit winding or reeling off; to wind or reel off wrong; J!?, fid; — ( to get put otV in one's speech. 93 C V i) d 8 p C ll, v. a. to close with hasp*; clasps. 93 e r b a fi 1 1 ch e ii, v. a. l . to make ugly ; 2. to disfigure. 93evf)djii, I. adj. hated, odious, hate- ful; eitie — c ii'iibibcit, an odious truth; II. ado. odiously, hatefully. 93 c v I; d p t c, n. d> 93evl;d|;tbetr, /. odi- ousness. 93 C V f) d t f rf) C I II, v. a. to cocker, fondle, spoil a child. 93 e v I) a ii, m. (-eg ; pi. -e) abatis, bar- ricado of trees. 93 e V [; a ll b e It, v. a. to put on a bonnet or cap; to hoodwink. 93 e v h a ii ch c rt, v. a. to exhale ; ben ©Ctft — , to breathe one's last, to expire. 93 e v I; a ii e It, «. ir. I. a. 1. to cut down; 2. to cut shorter, to lop; 3. to cut wrong, to spoil by cutting ; 4. (belt 2i3cg — ), to barricade, bar the pas- sage ; II. rcjl. \. to make a false cut (in fencing) : 2. to cut wrong; 3. fig. vulg. ftrf) tntSRebeit — , to commit a blunder, be puzzled in discourse. 93 e V b a ii e v c v, m. (-8 ; pl. — ) charterer, freighter. 93 e V I; ii ft e V It, v. a. to charter (a ship) ; ein gebdnevteS Scbiff voiebct — , to underfreight, underlet. 93 e V b d fi e V 11 11 g, /. charter, chartering. 93 e v I) a it p t in a f ch c n, v. a. Sp. T. tt net the larger meshes. 93 c v I; a ii f e It, ». a. to spend, waste squander, lavish, dissipate. 93 e v h d ii t e it, v. a. JV. T. to sheet a ship. 93 c V \) a li t n ll ii, /. JV. T. sheeting , compos. — Slllpfev, ?t. sheeting copper. 93 e V b a li U ll g, /. barricading, abatis. 93evhe £ beii, v ir [. a. 1. to lift any thing in a wrong manner; 2. (at cards) to cut wrong ; II. rcjl. to hurt one's self by lifting heavy things, to strain. 93cvhceve ll, v. a. to devastate, lay waste, to destroy; ravage; VI II C S lllit getter Ullb l £dnuctt — , to waste every thing with lire and sword. 93 e V I; i C V e V, m. (-8 ; pl. — ) destroyer ; devastater ; ravager. 93 e v I) e e v u n g, /. (;;/. -en) devastation! desolation, ravage ; compos. — Sfrieg, m. destructive war. 93 e V h C f t C 11, v. a. 1 . to sew, stitch to gether; 2. to sew, stitch wrong. 93 e V h C f t ll 11 g, /. stitching together. 93 e v h c g e ii, v. vid. 93evba gen. 23 c r h e t) I en, ?•. n. to hide, conceal, dissemble; 0,eftof)lei!C8 ©lit — , to secrete stolen goods; blC 2I?il fjffiett — , to suppress, hide or dissemble, the truth etamS (iiiient or tmr (S'tiiciii — , to conceal or bide any thing from any one vid. xyn. 93evbevgen. 93 C V b C h t C f, m. (-8 ; pl. — ) J . hider. concealer, suppresser, dissembler; 2 receiver (of stolen goods) 93 e V b C I; I II 11 g,/. hiding, concealment, misprision. 93 e r I) e i b e n, v. n. (aux.ftyri) (i. u^ to he come a pagan or heathen ; fig. to l*i come savage to degenerate 23 e r b e U e n, v . «. $• „. i«« z . feuti) to heal over. SB e r b e 1 1 i g e 11, tj. a to sanctify, make holy. SB e r f) e l 111 It d) C tt, r. a. 1 . to conceal, keep secret, to hush up ; 2. to dis- semble ; vid. SQerbergen, 93 cv 1) cint I id;ii ii 3, /. (pi. -en) keeping secret; concealing, conceal- ment; — bc5 cincr SBcrfen befainit geroovbenen ,g>0Ch»erratbe8, misprision of treason. 23 e r I) e i V a f I) e It, v. I. a. to marry, give in marriage ; II. refl. fid) nut eta ncvS)3evfoii — , to enter into matrimony, to marry; fid) Itllter ciiiai'.bcr. — , to intermarry. 23 C r f} e i r a t f) 11 11 (J. /. (pi. -en) mar- rying; marriage. 23 e v r) e i fj c it, v. ir. a. ((Sineni etronSJ to promise. 23 e x f) e t fj c v, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) — inn, /. (/.«.) promiser. SB e v f) e i fj it n g, /. (pi. -en) promise ; ici$ £atlb bcr — , the land of promise. 23 C l' J) e 1 5 f It, v. a. 1 . to consume, burn up (sc. wood) in healing or v\ arm- ing; 2. to heal badly. SB e r [) c I f c it, v. ir. n. (cineni ju tU lthlS — ) to help to, assist in obtaining, procure. 23 C r ()C I f II 11 g,/. procuring, assistance. 23 erf) C lifer f, I. adj. vul s . devilish, confounded, hanged; II. ode. devilishly, confoundedly. SBer&crbcn, r. I. a. to make rough or harsh; II n. (aux. fcrjlt) to become harsh or rough. 23 e r I) e r r e n, v. n (aux. fei;n) to be come master (/. «.). 23 e f f) c r r I i ct c ii, e. a. to glorify. 23 e r b c r r I i d) c r, m. (-i ; pi. — ) gloririer. SBev be vr 1 1 d)u it g, f. (pi. -en) glorification; compos. — Sfci'lltcl, /. doxology. 23 e r b C % e It, v a to incite, instigate, stir up, spur on, incense, exasperate, irritate; cilk'lt gcgcit cillCIl — , to set one against another. SBertyefcer, m. (-8; pi — ) exciter, inciter, setter on. SB CI' Moling, /• (pi. -CIU incitation, instigation, setting on. SB c r I) e ii e rit, ». a. vid. SBcvntictben. 23 c v b e li t i g c ti, v. a. to modernize. 23 e r b c ii t i g u n g. /. modernization. 23ert)c'r en,» a. to bewijeh. 23 e r b i n b c r e r, m. (i. «.) obstructor. SBcrbitlbCvUdi, adj. I. hindering, obstructive, troublesome ; 2. to lie pie- vented. SB C V b f 11 b C r II, v. a to hinder, prevent, impede, stop, obstruct. SB e v b, i it b e v it i fj, ». (-ffeg ; v i. -ffc) proniiic. hindrance, impediment. 23 f V b i 11 b C V It H g, /. 1 . preventing, prevention; 2. (pi. -Cil) hindrance, obstacle, stoppage, obstruction, impedi- ment. JBerfjifcen, v. a. to overheat. KJerfj5bellt, b. a, us.- up (planks, &c.) in planing; 2. to spoil by planing; to plane badly. 03 c v f) c ct) b c it t frbcit, e.«. to render or translate into High-German. iBe rb tiff en, o. a s- n.(aux. laces) to hope, expect. tktb SBcrbof fen, n. (-S) iiope, expects tion. SB C V [) ti f f C n t I i d), ado. as it is hoped. SBerbobiten, v. a. to scoir, deride, mock, insult. SBcrbtibnnng, /. (pi. —en) di insult, mockery. 93 C V b ti f e It, ) v. a. to huckster, sell in 23 er btifern, J retail. SBerbOlcn, v. a. .v. r. to tow, to haul one's self a head. SB e V b I J e n, 71. n. to turn into wood. SB C 1 1) 5 X, v. f-e8 ; pi. -e) trial (before a judge or magistrate), judicial examina- tion; Ctll — flliftelletl, to institute an inquiry, to question; (Siiteii jum — jicbctl, to bring on up for examination; beim 6ffentlt$en — , at the public trial; compos. — gcntrtdi, n. ■— ftllbe, /. — yilliliei*, ti. trial-chamber, witness- room; — rid) let", m the examining judge or magistrate; criminal judge; — viditcvantr, m. office of an examin- ing magistrate; — gpVOtofolJ, n. inter- rogatory, report, notes; — f el) rift, /. report, notes (of a trial) ; — ftllllbe, /. hour for hearing, examining a trial; — tag, m. day of trial. SB e V b ti r d) e II, ?>. a. to overhear indis- tinctly or imperfectly. 33 e f b ti r e 11, t>. La. 1. to hear, examine, interrogate, try (judicially); 2. not to hear, to lose ; cr ttcrl) til' fe f Ctll 2Btift= d}Clt, he lost not a syllable; II. refi. to hear wrong. SB e r b 3 r c r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) a person that hears or tries, examiner, judge. SB e r b ti r It It g, / hearing, examination ; vid. SB e i' bin 1 . SB C r f) ft b C I It, v. a. to huddle, spoil, bungle. SB C V 1) It [ f 1 1 d), adj. helpful, service- able, instrumental. SB C V I) ii I 1 b a V, adj. that may be cov- ered or veiled. SB C V b 11 I I C It, r. a. to veil, cover, wrap up; cv t>crl)iillfc fid) tnfeiiien 3Jian= tel, he wrapped (roufBed) himself up in his cloak; in CDuitfclhrit ucvbiilJt ift llilfcr Sdjicffal, our fate is wrapped in darkness, SB c vb it 1 1 1 u d), 77. (-rt ; pi. -tiid)cr veil) covering, muffle. 58 c v b id 1 1 n n g, / (pi. —en) veiling, covering. SB C V [) It I f C It, b. a. to furnish with a pod. SB_« r b ii n b ert f a dj e it, SBerljutibcrts faltigen, v. a. to multiply by hundreds. SB e r b ti n g c r it, v. ,,. (mix. fcDn) to die of starvation; to starve with hun- ger; — (flffeit, to famish, starve. SBcrbliligevt, adj. killed by starva- tion; hungry. SB c r () ii ii ? c n, 7-. a. to spoil by bad workmanship, to bungle. SB c r b ii V f c ti, v. a. nicbrcve Stiutbr.i — , to spend several hours in capering, hopping, &x ; fid) bCll gllfj — , to lis locate one's foot by hopping or jump- ing 93 c v b ii v c n, c. a. to squander in whor- ing, in debauchery ; to waste in de- bauchery. SB e v i) ft 1 1, I. adj. lewd, debauched ; II air lewdly. SB c r b ii t c tt, ?•. «. to guard against, to prevent, avert ; ©ctt vcrhiiU' ti ! God forbid ! SB e t b ft ( ii it g, /. prevenUon, warding off; cuiHjwt. — C-lllliii'l, 7i a "i.-seni tive, pre\cntive. *'.B c r b » X> p t b c c i r c ll, p. a >o hypo thecate, mortgage. •SB eriftcatc u r, 771. (-8 ; P i. -8) veri- fler. ►S3 l t i f i C a t i 11, /. verification, vid, SBeglaudiguiig. *93 -e r I f icircil, v. a. to verifv, Bid, S8eg(aubigen. SB C r 1 111 p f C II, v. a. to use for inocula- tion „r vaccination. SB C r i It tl i g e n, v a. I. to give intensi- ty or internal force to a thing ; 2. t.i join or unite closely, or intrinsically. SB f Vt'ltfcl ll, r. a. to insulate. *i> c x i ii t c r c f f 1 1 c ti, v. a. to pay interest for; fifb — , t,, p.-,y U r return Inten -t. SB e v i r x c It, v. reft. (,■ n. („ut. fc'.Ml) to err. losO the way. no astray, to go the wrong way (also Jig.). SBevfri't, adj. strayed, straying, wan- dering; errin.'; having lost one's way, in tin; wrong way. SB e r i r rn n g, /. (pi. -en) losing one's way ; going astray ; erring ; aberra- tion ; error. '•Heritable, adj. rid. SH?abrfi,aft, (gefct; UiigcbaidKlf, SlufticbttJ. SI- c v j a d) t e r It, > b. a. to spend (one's SBcf j defer tt, 5 lime) in galloping or riding about. SB C V j d g c 11, 7'. a. to chase, drive away, turn out. SBcrjdgnng, /. chasing, driving away. SB C r J 0" b e It, r. a. + to confess. SB c C j d h r b a r, adj. L.T. prescriptible ii c v j a f) x b a r f e i f, /. /.. r. prescript ibility. SB e r j a b r c ii, ,-. n. (am. ffijn) to 2 ro\i old, become superannuated, J.T. to fall under the right of prescription; cill ScrjdbrtCt! SRecbt, a prescriptive right. SB c v j d b. r 1 i d), a ntad'cii. to plead prescription; i. — i<.]CtC§, 7i. statute of limiia- ti> ti : — Srcrbt, n. prescriptive right. prescriptive title. 93 c v j d in in c r it, o. a. to pass lament- ing (one's time, &c). i' e V j Ud)l e It, ? v. a. I. to pass (one> 33 e r j fl&e fit, ^ time, &c .; p cing or merriment; 2. to spend C X j il II g C t 11, r a. Jrn to make 5iM! look j 93 cv | li it g fe r It, b. a. [I u ) to restore virginity, maidenhood to (a woman). 'B c v j ii n grid it li rbcit, * a. cine Sl'flll — , to give a youthful air to a woman, to make' bet 1 ok young, like a girl again. SBcr jiin g 1 1 ngcit, v. a. (I. «J u make one a young man, a youth again 715 Serf •%txl S?erf £ C r j li 1! g U 11 g, /. renovation, rejuve- nescence. 50 C r f d I b C It, r. n. (aux. fjabeit) to cast a calf (before the time). 33 erf a [bent, v. a. bic %eit — , to spend one's time in frisking or sporting like a calf. Ucrfdlfbar, adj. calcinable. 33 C r E d I E e It, e. a, to calcine. 23erEdlEtiegc[, m. (-§) calcinator. 83 C r E d I E II It g, /. calcination. 95 er I d 1 1 e It, v. n. (aux. feytt) to be- come cold. 93 c r f a 1 1 c it, v. rcfi. to catch cold ; to cool. 93 e r E d 1 1 it u g, /. (catching) cold. 93 C r E d mj) f C n, v. I. a. to consume or spend in fighting ; If. rcfi. to struggle hard, violently. 93 t X I d tt tt t, part. vid. 23erf eitncit. 23erfdppeit, v. a. 1. to mask, hood, muffle upj 2. to hoodwink; till WXs Easter Scfyriftjieller, an anonymous author. 23 er Ed p^ung, /. (pi. -cu) muffling up, masking, hooding. 23 e r E d r r C tt, ». a. 1. to take away in i cart, to cart ; 2. to cart to a wrong place. 23 e r f d r t C tt, v. a. to spend (one's time or money) in playing cards.. 33 C r E d ft C tt, v. a. Min. strengthen tlte rock by cases of rubbish. 23 er Ed fee", ( ■>. a. .v. T. bcrt SHnfet 33 C V E d 1 1 C tt, )j — , to back the anchor. 83 e r E a ft f. m. (-cS ; pi. -Eiiufe) sale, vent; gct'icfjtl idler — , port-sale, open sale ; jinn — aUsfteUctt, to set to sale ; CS jtef)t Jltltt — , it is to be sold : com- pos. — Sblict), n. sale's book; — sbltbe. / booth ; — stabcil, m. shop; — SprctiS, hi. selling price ; — §vedt>UUUg, /. ac- count of sales ; — Sftitnb, m. stall, ta- ble for retailing goods; — SJtlltmef, n. sale-room. 23 e r E a ii f b a r, adj. vid. 23crEaufIid). B3erEa uf en, v. a. to sell, vend, dis- pose of; mtt @d)ateit — , to under- sell. Yya. Btrtaufm, Btrba nbcln, 3tofe»tn, Sfr« trubcit " to carry on business, to do business." 23 e r E a ft f e tt, n. (8) selling. 23 e v E 3 u f e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 93crEdit= fct'ittlt, /. (pi. -eit) vender, seller. 33 er Edit f 1 i d), I. adj. I. in the form of, by sale ; 2. vendible, saleable ; II. ado. by way of sale. 35 e r I it ft f I t a) f C 1 1, /. vendibleness, venality, saleableness. 23 e r f a it f It tt g, /. selling, sale, vendi- tion. lO er Ea it vein, v. a. to barter, truck, exchange; vulg. to swop. S3 tt Ee'geln, c. a. 1. to iose \t nine- pins ; 2. to spend one's time at nine- pins. 23 e r E £ I) f e n, v. a. Arch. T. to supply with a talon or gorge. 23crEe'f)r, m. (-8) J. intercourse; 2. commerce: traffic, trade, trading: llttt etneitt — rjabctt, to have intercourse with one ; fv'CtCl* — , open communi- cation ; compos. — brett, n. tables to play at; — 6fmf)etr, /. free_ trade; : — Slllittel, pi. currency ; — fpiel, n. backgammon ; — VOlI, adj. having an extensive trade. 23erEel) rcn, r . i. „. \, to turn; to turn in traffic : 2. to turn the wrong side outward, turn upside down ; 3. to pervert : 4. aha rcfi. to convert, change ; 2iClllrtllbe8 iStUte — , to put a wrong construction upon one's words; oteitbe til Scib — , to change mirth into sad- ness; H. n. (aux. rjitbcil) 1. to have in- tercourse ; 2. to frequent ; to carry on business (at a place) ; llttt Seittanbcm — , to have intercourse, to commune with one. 23erEeE)rt, I. adj. 1. turned the other way, reversed, inverted; 2. perverted, perverse, wrong ; cross, preposterous ; bic — e SeitC, the wrong side ; Ct II — CV 2)?eilfd), a perverse man ; C8 ifi bie — e 2Eelt, 'tis the world turned up- side down ; lllit — cm ©etvcbf, arms reversed; II. ado. crossly, perversely, preposterously, wrongly; — flttf01tt= lltClt, to get into the wrong box; com- pos. — briicfc, /. a heteroclite bridge ; — bcnEcn, n. perverted mode of think- ing, warped reason ; — l)illlbcllt, n. perverse or unreasonable mode of action. 23erEe!)rtf)eir, /. (pi. -en) cross- ness, preposterousness ; perversity, per- verseness, perverse action. 23erEc'brtfd)ttabe(, m. (-6; pi. -fcblliibel) black skimmer, cut-water, sea crow. 23 e r E e E) r u it g, /. (pi. -en) turning, conversion, change, perversion. 93erEeifcit, v. a. fnm. 1. to spend (time) in scolding; 2. feitteit 3<>ni— , to give vent to one's rage by scolding. 23 e r E e 1 1 c it, v. a. 1. to plug up, wedge, fasten with wedges ; 2. Typ. T. to drive up the quoins ; 3. cant, to sell. 23 e r E e i I = f V t ij e, /. Fort. T. trace ; — fptfjctl, v. n. to trace. 23 e r f e 1 1 u tt g, /. wedging. 23 C r E C i m C It, v. n. to wither while germinating or sprouting. 23 C r E C It tt b a r, adj. easy to be mis- taken. 23 e r E C n it e n,_v. ir. a. to mistake, take for another ; fid) felbil — , to mistake one's self. 23 e r E c tt it u n g, /. bie — feiner £icn= fie, his mistaken services. 23 e rtc'rb en, r. a. to notch, score, tally ; to notch wrong. 23 e r E c 1 1 c 1 n, v. a. to lock up or fasten with little chains. 23 er Ee tfelu it a,, /. locking up or fastening with little chains. 23 e r E C 1 1 e n, 7j. a. to chain, or link to- gether ; to concatenate. 23 e r E C 1 1 tt It g, /. (pi. -en) enchaining ; chainwork, chains ; /"-. concatenation ; compos. — Sfcblltjj, m. vid. Jtftteil= fcfclug. 23 e v E e % e r e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) one who taxes another with heresy. 23 e r E e % e r n, r. a. l. to tax one with, or accuse one of heresy or heterodoxy ; 2. fig. to give a person or thing a bat) name ; to throw a slur over a perscn. 23erEc fceru ng, /. (pi. -en) accusa- tion of heresy; compos. — C-|lld)t, / zealotism. 23 C r E i C 1 e It, v. a. . a. s>- refi. to aids; bcr 2)ad)S focrftiiftct fid), Hunt. r. the badger kennels. 93 e r f it d 1 1 e n, v. n. (aux. fetyn) to detonize. SB e V f it d p p U It g, /. JV. 7". petty tally. 83 e v f it c b e I n, b. «. to gag. 83 C r f tt c d) t e n, v. a. to enslave, to reduce to a bondsman. 33 erf tt e t p en, v. a. l. to pinch to, join to Willi pinchers; 2. feitlC 3 r 't. fetll ©clb — , to spend one's time or one's money in drinking (at beer shops). 93 e t f II C t C ll, v. a. to knead up (flour, &c.) ; to spend (time) in knead- ing. 93etf Iticfcn, v. a. .y n. to spoil by cracking ; to crack, split. 23 erf It tec It, v. a. 1. to wear out by kneeling ; 2. to spend (time) in kneeling. 23 e r f It i ft e r It, v. a. to decrepitate. 23 C r f It i 1 1 e r tt, v. a. to rumple, ruffle. I 23 e r f n 6 d) e it, ? o. n. 8r rrji. to os- 93erf uorber it, . a. l. to button to ; 2. to button wrong. 23 e v f it O t e it/ i>. a. knot together; 2. to cut down the shoots of a vine to three or four eyes, to prune. 23 e, r f it i? t i g e it, ». rid. 23erf noten. 93 C V f 11 it II e 11, o a. to rumple, tumble (a dress, slulf, &c). Bet f nt'i p f en, v. a. knit, tie, bind ; 2. fig. to connect, unite, join, combine; fccrflliipft feplt lllit.., to be attended with; llltt Jipftcit »«» fniipft, attended with expenses. 83 e t f It i'i p f It It g, /. ( pi. -eit) 1 . knit- ting, tying; 2. fig. connecting, joining; combination, connexion ; compos. — i- Ul'tljetl, n. Log. T. synthetic judgment ; — Stuovt, ?i. (23evfiiiipfrcori.) Gram. T copula. Serf 83 erf 6d) en, v I. a. l. to boil too much, boil away, consume in boiling ; 2. to spoil fin boiling); II. n. (nuz. frVm) fig. (of passions] to be allayed, to subside; fill IVCIlig — loffCrt, to boil a little. 93 e r f t) I e tl, v. a. to burn, to convert into coal ; fid) — , to turn to coal ; to carbonize. 23 e rf 5 f) I It ll g,/. carbonization. 23 e r f 6 1 1 e r n, ». «. ir n. (auz. fcpn) to roll away or off; (tWCiS — , to lose any thing by rolling. 23 c r f 6 in m c it, r. !>. n. (auz. fer;n) 1. to starve, perish ; to po to ruin ; 2. fig. (I u.) to thrive; 3. (lllit cilieill) to come to an understanding. 23 e r f lit 111 ltijj, * vrovinc. agree- ment. 23 erf 6 p V e ' n > v - a - to couple (dogs, &c). 23 c v f 6 r b e n, v. a. to muzzle. 23 e r f 6 r f e n, v. a. to cork up, stop with a cork. 23 C r f 6 V 11 C n, v. rrfl. to form into grain. 23 e f f 6 r 11 e It, v. a. to allure. 23 e r f C r p e r n, ». a. to corporify, em- body. 23erf6rr> crung, /. (7)/. -en) cor- porification. 23crfDfeil, v. a. to caress, talk, prattle away (the time). 23 c v f 6 ft e n, v. a. provinc. ttwaS — , to taste ; to drink up. f^'l s«? ■?:„ | t,. a. to feed, board. 23 e v f ft t g c n, S to reset (in the 23 er f otf) en, v. socket). 23 e r f r d d) e tt, v. n. (auz. fetyn) to cease exploding or thundering. 23 C r f r d I I e It, v. rrfl. to fix or drive the claws in so deep as to be unable to extricate them. 23 e v f v a m c 11, e. a. to misplace, mislay, put out of order. 23 C r f r d HI e r n, v. a. to spend (one's t^ne or money) in buying and retailing. 23 e r f v d m f c 1 it, ». a. to use up (wool, &.C.) in carding. 23 e f f f d 111 p f e It, v. a. to clutch spas- modically. 23 e r f r d 11 f e I n, v. a. .c- n. to grow we.-ik by illness ; bte SriiljliligSjUt — , to be sick all spring. 23 e r f r d n f e it, «. I. n. to fall ill ; to be worn out by sickness ; II. a. fcilt SZeteit — , to be ill all one's life. 23 e V f r d (} e It, v. a. to spoil by scratch- ing; to scratch (out); cin fSBurt — , to scrape out a word. 23 e f f r a li t C 11, v. v. to turn or change into an herb. 23 e r f r e i b e n, v. a. to chalk over. 23 e f f V "t e ft) e ll, v. ir. rrfl. if n. (auz. fetyll) 1. to creep away, into fa hole) ; 2. to hide, abscond ; Cf I'Crflifdlt fid) Dor 3ebcrillillllt, he shuns every body's face (presence). 23 C r f r t e g e ll, 0. a. to spend in war. 23etfr(tteln, e. a. bic^cit— , to spend one's time in criticizing or finding fault with. 23 c r f r t (j e I n, v. a. 1. to use up (pens, &c.) in scrawling or scribbling ; 2. to spoil by scrawling over ; :t. fid) — , to make a mistake in scribbling. 23 C V f r i fc C tl, r. a. to streak or stripe. 23 c v f r v f t, adj. — e EJlarjcT, nai's too thick in the middle, squat nails. SSerl 93 e r f r p f 11 n g, /. r. shoulder-piece. 93erf r u melii, 83c rfrfimen, «. I. » to crumb, crumble ; fig. vulg. II. refi. w steal away, to vanish, disappear. 23erf riimmcn, r.n. (auz. fepn) to crook, grow crooked. 23 c r f r li m m e it, v. a. J . to spoil, bend or crook ; 2. to spoil in crookinjr, in the bending ; fig. vid. 23etfriippc(lt. 23 e r f r it m in c r it, v. a. to make more crooked or more bent. 23 C r f r li p p e i It, v. I. a. to cripple, stunt, stop in its growth, mutilate; II. »i. (auz. fetyll) to be crippled, to be stunted. 83 e r f it r) I e it, v. refi. <$.- n. to cool. 23 c r f it in in e 1 It, o. a. fig. 1. to spend one's money in trifles ; 2. .1c. cant. feilie 23iid)cr — , to raise the wind on. one's books. 23 erf ti m mcrtt, v. I. a. arrest attach, sequester ; to stop ; 2. to en> bitter, spoil, make uneasy ; II- n. (a«i fcVHt) to pine, wear away; to *poil stunt ; to starve. 23erf lint in crung, /. l. arresting, sequestration, attachment; stopping; seizure ; 2. embittering ; 3. pining away ; spoiling. 23c r f tin be n, 23crftiiibigcn, r. a. i. to announce, publish, promulgate, pro- claim ; 2. to furetel, predict, prophesy. 23trfiinbcr, 23erfiinbigcr, m. (-«-, pi. — ) ). announcer; 2. foreteller, predictor; — eineS ncitcn ©cfefces. publisher of a new law. 23 C r f ii It b i g U It g, /. ( pi. -en) 1 . an- nunciation ; publication, promulgation, proclamation : 2. prediction, prophecy; bie — 2)Jartii, Annunciation-day. 23 c r f ii n b f d) a f t e u, v. a. vid. 2lu8= fuubfdjiiften. 33erfiinbfd)(ifter, m. (-«; pi.—) provinc. spy, scout. 23 trf lilt ft el ll, v. a. to spoil by toe much art, to over-refine. 23 C r f li it ft C 1 ll 11 g, /. over-refinement. 23er f tip fern, b. a. to copper; ei:ie tJCl'fupfcrte 91 (iff, a copper nose. 23c rf lip pel it, r. a. 1. to couple, c> pulate ; 2. to pimp. 23 e r f ii p p e I it it g, /. ( pi. -en) coup- ling, copulation. 95 e r f u v & e it, v. n. {auz. fet)ii) /. « to become short, too short. 93 erf lit j en, v. a. l. to Bhorten, abridge, abbreviate; to foreshorten (of artists) ; 2. to diminish, lessen, pre- judice; bie 3fit — . ,0 l' as3 away the time ; fcin ?e ben — , to abridge, shorten one's life ; cilicm bCll 8«QII — , tc lessen, cut off or curtail one's w 83 e r f ii t j e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) shor tener, abridger ; abbreviated epito mizer. 93 e r f ii r 5 n n g, /. (;>i. -en) 1. shorten- ing, abridgment, abbreviation ; 2. Jig lessening. retrenchment. detriment: 3. T. foreshortening; 4. pas>ing. sliorteninfl (of time) ; compos. — •Jjcidjeil, n. afc breviature, apostrophe. 83et!litten, v. a. to r l: *giliie in a monk's gown or frock. 83etlfltten, o. nd. SSertittcn. 93 C r I d d> C ll, v. a to deride, tailgh at mock; bie 3fil — , to pass the time in Inughing. Sun. String en, T3»rfpolt«n. A p»rv>[ binyaU UthU wbich is wtla^ M en- lieavoara to miika othera Ihik'i ton at that which i" irrfrciifi by repraacnflig 't a« ••in» tiling ridiculous. Mail}' a person, 111 Uic bcltonl 717 JBerl mtti Serl of liia heart rtrl.i$t (laughs at) something, be does not venture to rafpotHn (deride) I ; Btttaba ii ff C it, v. a. to lacker, varnish. 93 e r 1 d if c r, m. (-S ; /<'■ — ) varnisher. 93cr(dbCll, ». i>. a. to load, lade. ship, transport, export. 83erldber, m. (-5; p.'. — ) m e shipper, despatclier. JBcrldbuttg. /. ( P i. -en) loading. lading, shipping, exportation; compos — SCOllimiS, m. shipping clerk; — Sfos fteil, p^. shipping expenses ; — §]d)eilt t?i. bill of lading. )C C V I dg, m. (-CS) 1. publication (of a book, t. e. the expenses) ; 2. publishing, publication; 3. publications (books) ; 4. rid. SuStoge ; im — e von . ., pubiisiied by . . ; in — liebllteil, to get printed at one's own expense, to undertake the publishing of; bieS 9?lld) foilllllt tit feinem — f;erau«, t ft i;t feinem — , this book is published by him ; Ct te X- Ean.fl UUt feii'.eit — , he sells only his own publications; compos. — BOCtlfcl/ m. — Sbltcf^, n. articles of publication, publication ; — Sftailbel, m. publishing business; — Sballbler, m. copy pur- chaser, publisher; — Sbailblultg, /. pub- lishing house; — Ifoften. pi. publishing expenses; — 4rcc$llUltgSbucb, n. book containing the expenses of publications ; — frefbt, n. right of publication, copy- right : — SfCOlltrO, m. M. T. books con- taining the sales of one's own publica- tions; — ea^erf, n. publication. 33 e r 1 3 b m e it, o. n. [aux. fei}it) to grow lame. 33 er I S b HI e n, v. a. to lame, make lame. 93 C r I 3 b IH 11 it g, /. growing lame. 93 c r I d b m u it g, /. laming. SB e r I tf III 111 e It, v. a. to cast a lamb too soon. * A3 c r I A ii b c I ii, v. a. (auz. fei;it) I. u. to contract countrified manners, to get countrified. 93 e V I d It b e tt, v. a. Sr n. [aux. fei)It) to turn into land. 83 e r I d n b u n g, /. turning into land. 33 C r I d n g b a V, adj. demandable. S3 e r I d n g e ti, v. I. n. (auz. Ijafccn) (liad) etivaS) to desire, wish ; to long for, hanker after; II. a. to ask, demand, desire: (also impcr.) to Scrl.lltgt mid) },W lviffcil, I long to know; mail \>er= laligt jit IDtffeil, information is re- quired ; ctivaS veil ciiiciu — , to de- mand, ask for, want; xoai — 2ie t>cu HI tr Y what do you want with me! roer bcrlitngt baS v>on Sbncit? who wants you to do that ? fjeilligtbllUlig — , to demand satisfaction. 93 C r I d 11 g C 11, n. (-8) 1 . desire, longing for; 2 asking for; demand; inquiry (after a tiling) ; compos — Swcrib, — « = toftrbig, adj. worthy of being desired, desii 83 C r 1 a II g C r 11, r. a. 1. to lengthen ; 2. to prolong, protract, extend. 33 e v I dngeriutg, /. (pi -en) l. lengthening; 2. prolongation, protrac- tion ; compos. — Sjtiiff, v. eking-piece ; — SjCttel, m. M. E. rider (to a bill of exchange). Be r I d 11 g 1 : tb, adj. U- u.) that may be demanded ur required. 8 e 1 1 d n g U (6, adj. (I. u.) that an be lengthened. 93 c r 1 A n g f a in c n, v. a. to retard, delay. 93 e r I A p p e ll, r. a. Hunt. T. to enclose with toil?. 93cr(dppfm, v. I. a. to spend in tnlles ; to trifle away ; II. rcfl. to be spent in, go for trifles. 93 e r I A r m c n, v. a. bie 3? it — , to pass the time in making a row or noise. 93 C V I d r e It, r a. to mask, disguise, put on a mask or visor. 93 »erldr»ll It g, /. masking, disguising. 93 e f I d j?, m. (-ffeS ; pi. -e) 1. inheri- tance, succession ; 2. prorinc. appoint- ment, agreement, convention. 93 cr I df fen, v. ir. I. a. i. to leave, quit; 2. to leave behind; 3. fig. to for- sake, quit, abandon, desert ; 4. to yield up; feitie QilbllC — , to forsake one's colours; inciiie J?raft BerfdSt mut, my strength fails me ; ?iarbl'id)t, 93e = ffbcib, 93tfcbl — , to leave word, to order ; son 9lUcn, son filler 923elt — feiMt, to be forsaken by every body; II. rcJL (ficb auf cinc.T, etnvJ) to rely upon, trust do. depend upon, confide in ; rid. Syn. .<3inteilaffen. 93 C r I d f f e n, adj. destitute ; abandoned, forsaken ; deserted, forlorn ; — £ &ill= bereieit, derelict lands. 93 f V I d f f e It b e 1 1, /. dereliction, aban- donment. 93erldffenfrbafr, /. ( P i. -en) pro- perty left at a person's death, inheri- tance, bequest, legacy. 93 C r 1 d f f e r, m. (-3 ; p!. — ) ahandoner, quitter. aSerldffig, 93erldglid;, adj. certain, sure. 93 e r I d f f i g e n, r. a. (stiff) to assure ; jld) — , to assure or convince one's self. 93 C V I d ii I i cb, adj. (I. u.) that may he left or abandoned. 93 e rid tit b u in, n. (-4) wa.S3erCaf= fenfrboft. 5B e r Id f f II tt g, /. I. leaving, forsaking, quitting, jibandoning ; 2. desertion ; — bci SdnfTy, abandonment of the vessel. 93 e r t A ft C r It. v. a. to calumniate, slander, defame. 93 C r I a ft e r U II g, /. (pi. -fit) calumnia- tion, slandering, defamation. *93 e r I a t e i n e n, > v. a. 1. to la- *23 erl a tt It t firm, > tir.ize, to trans- late into Latin. 93 C r I A 1 1 C It, r. a. to lath, to cover or enclose with laths. 93 e r Id 1 1 u it g, /. lathing. 93 C r I (I ft b, m. leave, permission ; only in the phrase llttt — , with your permis- sion. 93 e r I a iib e n, v. a. l. to cover with foliage ; 2. provinc. to permit, allow. 93 er I au'ern, v. a. cine ©titnbe — , to pass an hour in lying in ambush, in watching or lurking. 93erl(tflf, m. (-e3) 1. flowing ofT or hack, subsiding (of waters) ; 2. lapse. expiration, course (of time) ; 3. detail or particulars of an event or transac- tion, event ; itacb — cinigcr Xctge, af- ter some days, or some days being past : [offen ©ie micb ben gdnjen — bcr ©acbe er:ableii, let me tell you all the particulars of the matter. 93 e r I il U f C 11, r. i>. I. refl. \ . to run off; 2. to run in a wrong direction, to go astray ; 3. to scatter, be dispersed : 4 to flow away, fall, decrease, subside (of water) ; II. n. (auz. fe^n 1 to pass quickly (said of time), to elapse, expire; ei» — er Jtcil, a vagabond, vagrant ; b(U SBaffer berlduft ffrh, .v. f. the tide ebbs, the water falls, subsides; fid) ailf bent 93illavb — , to run one's own ball into the hazard ; III. a. tl- uem ben 9Bcg — , to cross, cut off one's way. 93 ex 1 a u f e r, ) m. (-$ ; pi. — ) i . wan 93 e r 1 a fi f e r, 5 derer, strayer ; 2. one who makes a losing hazard (at bil- liards) ; 3. one who tips the pin out ot play (at nine-pins). 93 e r I d ll g II e It, k. I. a 1. to deny, dif own, abnegate ; 2. to deny harbouring ■ person: 3. to renounce, act contrary to er berldugnete feineit ^errn, he i*- nied his master's being at home ; II rcfl. to renounce, make a sacrifice ; ff ct — laffett, to deny one's self (i. e. ot e't being at home). 93 e r t d ii g n e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ' de- nier, renouncer. 33 e r I a it g It U it g, /. denial, abnega- tion, renunciation, sacrifice. 93 e r I d li lit b e It, v. a. to calumniate, rid. 93erleumben. 93 e r I a ii fen, v. n. wig. (am. fer>n) to be lousy; eilt bei'lauf'tcg .Ktltb, a lousy child. 93 e v I a ti t, m. rumour ; bem — e nacb, as the saying is, according to the rumor. 33 c r i a ii t b a r e n, v. a. — , to undertake the publication of a book, to publish a book; mit @flbe— , toad vance money. 93 e t Hoe It, n. (-8) misplacing, bar- ring, rid. the verb. 93 C r I e g e 11, adj. 1. spoiled or rotten b» Serl lying ; 2. Jig. at a loss, embarrassed, perplexed, puzzled, confused ; fie i)t iiicfjt uni ciucti OJJanu — , she is not at a loss for a husband ; — e iKaave, drug, old rotten stuff C e V I c" g C 11 b t i f, /. (-en) 1. embar- rassment, perplezedness ; 2. puzzle, di- lemma, difficulty; tie au#crfle — , non- plus; tit — fei)U, to be puzzled, at a loss or in distress; ill — ferjeu, to em- barrass, perplex. J3 e v I i g e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1. pub- lisher, bookseller ; 2 furnisher. 83 tv If ft lilt g. /. (pi. -tn) 1. remove, removal, transferring; 2. mislaying, mis- placing; 3. barring, barricado; 4. delay- ing, delay ; 5. publication. 83 e V I C b U C ll, r. a. 1. to enfeoff; 2. vulg. to lend out. 83 e v I i f) li ii it g, /. ( pi. -en) l infeu- dation, investiture ; vulg. lending out. 23 e r I i b x e u, v. a. fciit iicben — , to pass one's life in teaching. ® e v I e i b b i it ft e it, i\ a. to settle a jointure upon, to assign an appanage. 93 tt I e lb e tt, ?-. a, (f incut etroaS) to render disagreeable, disgust, make averse from. 23 c r ( e i c r it, o a. to play, trifle away. 33 C V ( e i () - b U cb, n. 1. book for hire, to he let (/. ii ) ; 2. Jkfin. '/'. register of grants ; — VCCijf, v. right of presentation, a&vowson ; — (C'tag, m. Mia. T. day of making the grant. 93ev lei ()e it, v. ir. a. I. to lend, let OUt; 2. to invest with (a fee); '.i. to give, grant, bestow upon ; .{put ft — , to help, aid; t8 ift Itttf nirf)t iu'vlicbcii, I am not favoured so far, my endowments are too little for it; Went! ®C*t ITtlV Sebert uitb Oefuubbeit oerieibt, ifGod preserves my life and health. 83 C V I e i b e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1. lender ; 2. bestower. BS e x I c i b u n g, /. (pi. -en) l. lending, letting out; 2. investing with; 3 grant- in-,', grant, giving, helping, aiding. 93 e r I e i m e it, v. a. to glue up. S3 e r I c i it c it, ?•. a. to furnish with listels, cinctures, ledges, &.C. 83 t r I f i 1 1 II, v. a. 1. to mislead, he- guile, misguide ; 2. Jig. to seduce; (ciliett $11 CtautS, one into . .) to induce. lis c v 1 c 1 1 e r, m. (-« ; pi. — ) misleader, seducer, inducer ; beguiler. 83 e x I e i 1 1 i d), adj. seducible, corrupt- ible, inducible, persuasiule. 83 e r 1 e i t it n g, /. (pi. -ctt) i. mislead- ing, misguidance; ".Jig. seducement. S3 c v I e u f c n, v. a. to avoid, de 83 e [ I C V 11 C 11, v. a. to unlearn, forgel (from want of practice) what one had learnt. S3 e V I e r It 11 tt g, / unlearning, forget- ting. 83 ev 1 1 f e n, «. »>. L«.l. to pick ; 2, to read aloud, to ri!Cite ; 11. njl. to read wrong. 83 C V I e f e 11, adj. procinc. lost ; — fettit, to he Inst. 8$ e X I f f e t, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) lecturer, reader. 83c V I j f It 11 ft, /. reading aloud. 83 e x ( c '§ b a v, adj. i . vioiabie j 2. vul- nerablc. IB e V 1 C ii C n, v. a. 1 . to hurt, wound ; 2. jitr. to violate ; 3. injure, damage ; ctnoS (juteu Xiamen or eirten an fci= ucm g'utcn SRamtn — , to wound or biemish a man's reputation. Serf Syn. Stricken, S e f 4) e i i fl t a. „ when these two w mate tiling the.*** two words are used in speaking of mat lliey correspond exactly to two English, the former meaning " to injure," and the latter " to damage." 93 e v I c $ c v, m. (-« ; pi. — ) violator. 93 c vie, I i rf), ai/j I. vioiabie; 2. vul nerable ; 3. susceptible of injury, da- mageable, weak. 93 e v 1 c tj 1 1 rf> f c i i, /. violability ; da- mageable ness. 93c vie feu n g, /. (pi. -en) i. hurt, wounding ; '2. Jig. violation ; infraction ; 3. wrong, damage, ofTencc, prejudice. 93 C V 1 C U g ll C It, v. a. to deny, oid. 93cv= Iciiigueu. 93 e v 1 e ii in b e it, >•. a. to backbite, ca- lumniate, slander, traduce, delaine. Syn. St rlr inn ttti, Beranfltimjifen, En. (it r ii, 3t ii f d> m o r i t n, 6 p I i t 1 1 r r i o) 1 1 n. He who Bcrlcmnfrcl a person toother-, relate* to them fillae or unaub to the detriment of that person** character. He who vrrungliinafl him, judgua hi* qualities or actions harshly, illiberally, odiously Tbe liigkeat de- gree of ISrmiigliinpftli is Siifrrrn. For one lit. frcrt that person, on whose pcifeelly moral and honourable actions and in whose genuine roo.I qualities one paaaea a judgment tie.' tin- highest degree. According to this dedni- lion, therefore, rcrlriimCrn is "to backbite or to scandalize," for s.m-iil is eitber Dilae or not proved, i'-rriiiialiiiit'tnt is " to cry down, to detract from, t'j asperae,*' and Infrcrn is "to calumniate, to slander, to vilify. ** N>w vtrteuitiSrn an, I. adj. calum- nious, slanderous, backbiting, defaming, detracting, traducing; — tX 33eifc, ca- lumniously ; II. adv. calumniously, slan- derously. 83 e r ( e U III b U U g, /. (/,/. -cu) calum- niating; calumny, slander, detraction, defamation; gtftigc — CU, malicious as- persions; campus. — 6]d)nm'e, m. a back- biter. *93 e r I i c c it t e u, \ v. oid. SttjoUen, *9icr(iceiitlvcn, S 93erfleuetu. 93 c v I i e b, vid. giirlicb. 93 e v 1 i e b e I it, ». a. ben gauscit J£iijj — , to make love or flirt all day long ; fctll 0tib — , to spend or lose one's money in making love 93 e v 1 i c b c ii, v . r<-ji. i, (fid; in . .) to fall in love with, to be enamoured ; 2, to take a fancy to. 93c v licb 1 i cb e ii, v. a. to render charming, sweet, more charming, more sweet SBcrltefc t, i. «,//. in love ; fond of; enamoured, amorous; — fct)tl ll! . . , to be in love, or smitten with, be amo- rous of, he fund of; in ftd) fflbfl — , in love with one's self; — nucbcii, to enamour; tilt — CV, an amoroso, inamo- rato; ein — ce - 9>aar, a fond couple; tilt — CV 9lllftlitt,a love scene; II. ado. amorously. S8 e X lle-b t r) e 1 1, /. state of heing in love amorousness. 83 c v 1 1 c e e v c r, m. (-« ; pi. — ) /. u. I'll.''.' spendthrift, ~y e r 1 i c b e v 1 1 cb c n, > o. a. to squan- 83 ( v 1 iccerit, 5 der, t.. dis sipate. 'ir>C V 1 leg C tt, v. ir. rcjl. ■$- „. (,,, Serl ft'.Hl to Income rotten or spoiled by lying; CCU QUtCIt SBtttU — -V. T. to lose the good wind 93 C V 1 t C V b a V, adj that may be lost- 'l'h. T. amisBible. '1? c r 1 1 e t b a x f c i t, f. Th. T. ami* 93 er lie re it, r. ir. I. a to lose; nu4 bcu 91ugcn, nits tent ©cficbte — , to lose sight of; tie % 93cvl;cu, » [-t8\ pL -C) dungeon, keep, 83 e t lit V C 1 It, d B. (auz feint) to mur- mur away, to be lost in a murmur ; to purling, babbling. 93 e X 1 5 f> C n, r> a. to alliance, betroth, espouse ; oerlobt fe«n init . . , to be contracted to . .; + to l ' lh,: a row. 83 c 1 1 5 b ii i 1";, n. ■'-• /. (-fff« ; pi- -ffe) 93cvlcblllig, /. (pi -til alliance. Ue- trolhment, espousals ; compos. ■ — rtbcilfc, in the evening of the espousals; — * feter, /. celebration of tbe espousals; — ring, m. espousal ring ; — Uuute, /. hour of espousals ; — litfl, /«. day ofbe- trotbment; — jcugc, m. witness of tbs liment. 33cv(6cBett, v. a. 1. to provide wiib holes ; 2. to put into a hole. 93 C V 1 l3 rf) ft C t 11 C II, v. a. Min. T. to prot ide with meerstones 93 c v I 6 rb 11 n g,/. providing with holes. 93 C V I 6 if C tt, 0. a I to entice to some- thing wrong, mislead, seduce; 2. to cozen away, decoy. 93 c v ( 6 rf e r, m. (-«; pi. — 1 93erlf:rfe= nun, /. [pi. -cu) enti 33 t v [ 6 rf C V It, t-. a. to spend in a fri VOlOUS and luxurious manner. 83 c v 1 15 rf 1 i cb, adj. [I. u.) easily decoyed iced, 93 C V 1 rfu 11 g, /. enticement ; leading in \ ice, 93 C V I b e V It, v. n. fthll) to flare away ; to cease Mazing. 33 e v 1 g e it, adj vulg given to lying. 93cvlogc it be i t, /. lyin 33 Cllil> {) U C It, j\ a to requite, pay , to oerlOytit (ficb) nid)t bet iK'iihc, ii is not worth while, 11 is not worth Ilia trouble. 93 e v 1 p f e it, r a to dispose of by lot, to raffle for. 93 c v I f 11 tt ft, /. pi. -en) disposing by lot, raffling 1 ir. 83 C t li)VC II, part, a- adj. lost ; forlorn utterly ruined: — gcl'CII. to he lost, tcr Stitf fling — , the letter miscar- fig vulg. cta'.i« — nurjjni, to roughcast; — heft ctt, aufrblafltit, to ; — ftebeil, to give up; etc — t 2 cbilbtcacpe, fori irn gentry, btt —v- Sol 11 ta« — e ".paratic*. Paradise Lost; in Oc» banftlt — , absorbed in thoughts, deep 7 1 'j s I5erm $erm SSerm musing; — jet cfjltcrt, lo draw super- ficially and family; lllif. — Clt StidlCIt Oltfdjlaflflt, V. to make long stitches. 93 ? V I V e II b C i i, /. lost condition. 83 etliJf d) 6 a r, adj extinguishable. 93 e 1 1 U f cb C 11, c. I. a. to extinguish ; II. 7i. I. {mix. l"i' , .ilt/ to be extinguished, become extinct; 2. fig. to expire, die; serlbfcbte Jtobkn, dead coals. SSer I0f c$ It 6), adj. vid. 93crlefd;bar. 93 C r I f d) U 11 3, /. extinguishing, ex- tinction, failure. 93 c r ID f e it, vid. SSerloofen. SBcvlc tf)C n, v. a. I. to solder ; 2. to close by soldering. 93 e r I 5 t f) tt It fl, /. soldering. &J erlflbertl, v. a. vulg. to squander in a debauched and licentious manner. 93 e r I ii Q e n, v. a vulg. (Sinen — , to tell lies of any one. 93 e r I li \np t, adj. tattered, in rags. 33 e r ( li v v e n, v. a. -f to poison ; »er= lllpptc SPfttlf; poisoned arrows. 93 C r 1 ft f f tt, r. a. Sp. T. to listen to the call (of birds, &c). 93 e X I It ft, m. (-ti ; pi. -e) loss ; da- mage, detriment ; prejudice, disadvan- tage; — leibCll, to surfer or have a loss, to be a loser ; ittit — , with loss ; bet — , on pan of . ., under penalty of losing or forfeiting ; compos. — redlining, /. loss-account. 33 C 1 1 ti ft i fl, adj. (with, gen.) forfeited ; deprived of ; lost; ficb finer Sadie — lliacbeit, to forfeit; to lose; finer <2>ad)t — tverbttt, to lose, forfeit; — flchcn, to be lost; — erfldreit, to de- clare to have forfeited or lost. •93 e r I u 1 1 r e it, v. a. T. to lute up. iJ3 C r in a fb e It, v. a. 1 . to leave, be- queath, devise by will ; 2. vulg. to stop, shut, close. 93 e r in a d) c r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) de- visor. 93 f r m ti d) t n i fi, n. c— ffcS ; pi. -ffe) I. bequest, legacy: 2. last will; bil'3 lllilltblicrje — , will by word of mouth ; compos. — Cl'bc, m. devisee, legatee ; — = fler.ofj, m. collegatary ; — Ihttjllie, /. ac- ceptation of a legacy j — neljiner, m. le- gatary. 93 C X m & d) 11 It fl, /. 1. stopping, shut- ting, closing ; 2. bequeathing, devising by will. S3 e nn a fl c r n, v. n. {aux. fetyn) to grow lean, to fall away. S3 e t m 3 f) I b ft r, adj. marriageable. 93 e r lit Ci i) I e It, v. ir. a. to grind up. 93ermS()lcn, v. I. a. (principally of high personages), to give in marriage ; II. rcfl. to marry, espouse, celebrate nuptials. 93 t r, in a Ij I It n fl, /. ( pi. -en) mar- rying; espousing, espousals, celebration of nuptials ; compos. — sfeier, /. cele- bration of marriage ; — 8feft, n. espou- sals, nuptial--, wedding ceremony ; — 8= flanb, in. connubial stand ; — Otiifl, m. day of marriage. 93 e r m S i) It f n, v. a. to admonish, ex- hort. 33ermabner, m. (-$;pl.—) aflmo- nisher, exhorter. 93 e r in a 1) n n it fl, /. ( pi. -en) admo- nition, exhortation. 93 e r in a f c I n, u. a. to spot, soil. 83 e r in a t e 1 n, v. a. to sell, barter away. 720 93 f r 111 fl I C b 1 1 1 II, v. a. to curse, exe- crate, imprecate. 93 e r in a 1 e b e i u n fl, /. (pi. -en) exe- cration, imprecation. 93 C r in S I C ll, v. a. 1. to use or con- sume in painting ; 2. (I. u.) to paint, paint over. 93 C r lit d i j e tl, v. a. to use or employ in malting. 93 e r lit d It fl e I tt, v. a. to pass (time) in mangling. 93 e r m d ii n e tt, v. a. r. bn8 Seben — , to do service for tenure; SennflllllfeS SictjCtt, escheated fee. 93 e r m d it ti i fl f a 1 1 i g e n, v. a. to di- versify, variegate. 93 e r in d it it i fl f a 1 1 1 g u n g, /. di ver sification, variegation. 93 e r in d n it 1 1 cb e it, v. a. to change into a man. 93 e r in d ii n f d) n f t f n, v. a. to supp:y or fill with people, to people. 93 e f in d It t C 1 It, v. a. to palliate, cloak, colour. 93 e r HI d n t C [ tt 11 fl, /. palliation, cloak- ing, colouring. 93 f r lit d r f f It, v. a. to mark (land- marks), to enclose with boundary stones. 93 Cf m dr f It 11 fl, /• marking with boundary stones. 93 e r in d 8 ! e n, v. a. to mask. 93 e r lit d ft C It, v. a. to mast (a ship, &c). 93 c r in a lie r n, ?>. a. 1. to mure up, fill up with brickwork, wall up, im- mure ; 2. to consume in masonry-work ; 3. to enclose with brickwork ; to close up. 33 r r nt a li e r it it fl, /. muring up, filling up with brickwork ; closing up; walling up; immuring. 93 c r nt a li t h b a r, adj. subject to pay toll or duty, excisable. 93 e r m a ti t & e n, v. a. provinc to pay toll or excise for a thing. 93 e X 111 C i) r b a X, adj. that may be mul- tiplied, multiplicable. 93 e r nt c f; r b a r f e t f, /. muitipiiabie- ness. 93 e r lit C 1) r e It, v. I. a. to make more ; to augment, increase, multiply, enlarge ; II. refl. to grow more, to increase, mul- tiply ; vid. Syn. 93ergr?j$erit. 93 C r in c i) r f r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) aug- menter, increaser, multiplier. 93 c r in i i) r li cf), adj. vid. 93ennebrbar. 93 e r nt e b r t b e i t, f. state of being augmented or increased ; the augmenting part. 93 e r in e b r n it fl, /. {pi. -en) increase, augmentation, multiplying; multiplica- tion ; compos. — 8flllftfllt, /. any estab- lishment to increase the population (of a colony, &c); — 8trifb, m. instinct of multiplying, of propagation ; — 8$oI)l, / Ar. T. factor. 93 e r in t i b b a x, adj. vid. 93ermeiblid). 93 e r in e i b e n, v. jr. a. to avoid, shun, to forbear. 93 e f lit f i b I i d), I. adj. avoidable, evi- table ; II. adv. avoidably, evitably. 93 e r m c i b I i d) f e i t, /. evitablenesa. 93crineibllltfl, /. avoiding; avoid- ance ; shunning ; forbearance. 93 c r in f i e r n, v. a. provinc. to let a farm. *93crmeii, n. (-§) 'l. vermeil, ver- milion ; 2. gilded silver 9.5 e r lit e I ll e ll, v. a. to think, believe imagine, presume, mean. 93 e r in e I n f, 93ermcintlidi, i. adj. puta- tive, presumptive, presumed, pretended, supposed ; II. ado. presumptively. 33 C V 111 C t fie Itt. ». a. to employ (uso up) in chiseling or sculpturing; to spoil with the chisel. 93 C r 111 C I b f It, v. a. to announce, in- form, apprise; to send word; — @ie if)f lliciltcn @nif>, make my compli- ments to her, remember me to her ; fd tft lllir WlllflcCt WOrbelt, I have been apprised, informed. 93 e r in c I b e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) —inn, /. communicator, notifier, declarer. 93 e r nt C 1 b U II fl, /. announcing ; send- ing word ; mentioning, mention, re- membering. 93 cr m en 3 en, v. I. a. I. to mingle, blend, mix, intermix ; 2. to confound ; confuse; fig. ftil'aS lllit ffiDClS — , Jo confound one thing with another ; tit ciner 2>ad)e init Dermengt fesi", to be involved in a business ; It. rcfl. to meddle with, intermeddle. 93 C r lit C it g e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) blender. SB e r m c it g 1 i d), adj. miscible. 93 C r lit C It g 1 1) e i t, /. promiscuousness. 93erme ligillig, /. 1. mingling, mix- ture; intermixture, medley; 2. con- founding; confusion. 93eri11c'ltfd)Clt, v. a. £ n. to render human, to make a man; to humanize, vid. 93eriiieiifitlicbeit. 93 e r in c it f d) I i d) e it, v. a. humanists , to incarnate. 93f riiic'itfrb. lid)'f r, m. (-§; pi. — ) humanizer ; anthropomorphite. 93 e r nt c it f d) I i d) u tt g, /. humaniia tion; incarnation. 93 e r in c n f d; u it g, /. vid. 93erntenfrt> licbiuifl. 93 er lit erf, m. v -eS; pi. -e) remark, observation (in chancery style). 93 f X lit C r f t n, v. a. 1. to perceive ; 2. fig. to take, interpret; 3. to mark, note down ; libel — , to take ill, be ill pleased with, take umbrage at. 93 e r in c r f it it g, /. (pi. -fn) perceiv- ing ; taking ; marking. 93 e r in C fi b CI X, adj. measurable, men- surable. 93 e r in e fj b it d), n. (-ti ; pi. -brid^r) register of measurements. 93 C r 111 C f f e n, v. ir. I. a. to measure, measure out; to survey; II. reft. 1. to make a mistake in measuring, measure wrong ; 2. to dare, arrogate, presume ; 3. to swear highly, to protest with solemn asservations ; 4. to profess with high and boasting words. 33 e V lit C f f e It, n. (-8) measuring, sur- veying, mensuration; compos. — 8tlll8* rtiflillfl, /. Min. T. demand of mensura- tion; — Sfdjulbiflfetf, /. Min. T. the duty of having one's mine surveyed. 93 e I' nt C f f e 11, 1, adj. daring, presumptu- ous, audacious, temerarious, fool-hardy; — er ©tolj, presumptuous pride ; II. adv. arrogantly, presumptuously, auda- ciously, temerariously. 93ernteffenbetr, /. (pi. -en) dar- ing ; presumptuousness, presumption, audaciousness, temerity; rash action. 93 e r in e f f e n 1 1 i rb, adj. vid. 93eniwf= f«t. 93 c r m 'c f f e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) measurer. surveyor. 3* e r m'e f f u n fl, /. (pi. -en) l. measw 2'frm sterni ?iprrt ing. ~. surveying; 3. mistake in measur- ing. 83 e r m c fe e n, » «. ba§ ©ctreitc — , to pay tlie grist fee. vermicelli. *93crin tec 1 1 en, ? , »93eriuicc(li, \ pL *93 e r 111 i C H I 3 r, adj. vermicular. *93 e x in t c it I i f, m. (-e« ; />/. -e) Mm. T. vermiculite. 33 e nn i e 1 1) c n, v. L a. to let tout) ; to 'ease; to hire; to rent; fill < C I lit 8 3 e It, p. ir. a. 1 (geiicr. with an infiniticel to be able, to have the power, the faculty (to do something); '2. to have influence : 3. (eiiicn jn etiuilo) to induce, prevail upon one to do; ifb 46 lotU thun, \va& irb faun un> vcrm.13, I will doall that lies in my power; id) oetmorbfe eSiiidit, 1 was not perform it; etuuef bet einein or fiber cincit — , to prevail with one, to have a power over bio ; bid bci cillCIll — , lo have much inliuence over one ; lllit Bitten oerntag man ntcbtfl bci ibm (liieiitiicbteit, he is notto be prevailed upon (or with) by entreaties; tbtevtel oermag ee rooht (bat cv im 93ernio=- (lein what is he worth"? 83 e r nib 3 en, n. (-8) J. ability, pow- er, faculty; 2. fortune, wealth, riches, property; ba$ tft iibev mcin — , that surpasses my power, that is more than I can do ; alleS was in niciitcm — ift, all that lies in my power: beivegliehej — , moveable goods ; Ut'cl (till) — t)iibcn, to be possessed of a great for- tune; ein biibfd)c8 — , a pretty for tune ; er t),lt — , lie is rich, lie is a man of wealth or fortune ; ce bat jebntaiu fenb SPfttnb im — , lie is worth ten thousand pounds ; bO0 $11 CrU'rtrtf ItbC — , fortune in reversion; \pmpos. — 8- bcftaiio, — Sbetraa., »«, — Sniaffe, /. the amount, state, mass of property ; — Seilljiebling,/. confiscation of pro- perly) ; — Sftditb, in. Bid. — dumfrSnbe ; — Gfti'lif, n. an effect, chattel; — oftcil= er, — itdXt, f. property tax; — 811111= fianbe, pi. means, riches; — 8scrh'ilt= lliffe, pi. one's means; — CVuTUMltCV, steward, curator, trust, e ; — {bcrilKlU tiuuj, /. stewardship, trusteeship, cura- torship. S3 C r ill 5 3 C It b, aa>'. 1. powerful, strong ; ~. able ; 3. rich, opulent, wealthy. Sun. IS c r in 8 g 1 11 ft, 3S c in 1 1 1 < 1 1, 10 b t. (,,iftc 116, UtgU tt rt, 0: t i J>. Tlie two Drat denote :i mm. who possesses sufficient pro- perty or meanfl in procure himself some degree of comfort. ISoIjIljiibciiO expresses a greater nmoiinl of property or means. A man 1-* motiilvibeiiEv when he has a competency nnd when his income enables Lira to procure all the comfort* which his stat:on in life and Ins hahits l>il).it'rii8 and is princi| cf those, wliose pniperty either entii partly is vested in land or tenements. A'ciJ; is the highest term, and expresses a great stc perahnodaiice of all temporal possessions. Her. intend is, therefore, " sabdtantial,' 1 prmirrrll "•■1 somei in., of means," moftltjaftenl " well 0!!, independent, or well to do," begiitert, •• of real property," and rrch, " rich or wealthy." 33 e r in 3 1 i d), adj. 1. able, powerful. Strong, active ; -J. wealthy. 93 e r m fe n, ». n. (am. fei)ii) to be overgrown with moss. 93 e c in 5 e f d) e 11, », n. (auz. fei;n) to moulder, rot. 33 c v Hi 6 X le 1 11, v. a. to plaster with mortar- 33 e x nt fen, 0, vid. 93ciiiofen. 93erm lint m e 1 it i 33enniiinmen, r. a. to muffle, mask, disguise. 93 e V lit li 111 111 t C, m. .v /. dec!, like adj. person disguised or masked, mask. 93 e r lit li 111 111 11 11 3, /. masking, disguis mg. 93 e e nui 11 5 e 11, v. a I. to mint out, mint up; 2. to employ (certain ma- terials) in coining, to convert to coin. 33 e v m ft 1 1) b a r, adj. vid. ilJtitljuiajj: lid). 83 e ( 111 ii t b e it, v. n. 1. to conjecture, Buppose, presume, imagine, think ; 2. to expect: fid) ettvad — , to ex| t: ficb etroafl — laffen, to imagine, ex 1 eel : cincn — , to expect one's coming .Vim Be r in 11 1 (> t n, ?t li 11 1 n. These two words 'have the same relation to each other and tlie tame Risniftcation which "lo suppose 11 and "lo guess" have in English i vitl. also .'A'lilbin.ittn. 9! e 1 111 ii t b c 11, n. (-S) 1. supposing, presuming, conjecturing; 2, expecta- tion; nicincm — nach, ae l expected. -i> c r m ii 1 1; I i fi>, I aJj lihi ;>-, prcu able : II. ail", likely, probably, 93c r in fi t bun 3, /. (pi -en] conjecture*. presumi ti ■•-«; ap- pearance ; eine ftarfe — , a strong pre- Hiinptioii against a person) ; — c'grunb, m. ground of presumption. 83 c 1 11 d d) 1 d f f i 3 c 11, 0. ir. a. to neg- I .'lit. 83 c r 11 ii d) 1 a f f i 3 11 11 3, /. ; /. -en) neg- lecting jhtingj carelcssnesa i ; c r 11 ii 3 e 1 11, p. a. to nail up ; tint JtdllOne — , to nail up, spike a cannon; cin 8iferb — , to prick a horse in shoe- ing: bint a 3c It fall, Jig wdg. to be a blockhead Sernfigeluu 3, /.nailing up. 93 e r II d b C II, v. a. 1. to r-ew up ; 2. to spend in sewing. *83et Ital, adj. vernal. 83 C r It a 111 1 i d) C It, v. a. to identify. 83 e r n a m 1 i ch e it, n. (-8J identif cation. SJerncirben, v. *. laux. k-.-i. .?■ ,-rj, to heal to a scar. 83 C r 11 a X b ll ll 3, /. healing 10 a scar. Kerndrren, p. La. to fool or trifle away, to spend foolishly; 11. ». (auz. feSpit) 10 become, be a fool or foolish ; to grow out of one's w its ; to be surprised or astonished in an excessive degree ; 111 reft fid) in ttmcii, einen to conceive a foolish or Unreasonable partiality for a person or thing; to become foolishly fond Of; to be infatuated. 93 c v 11 d v x t, aoj. foolishly fond, in- fatuated. 33 c r 11 ti r r 1 1> e i t, /. infatuation , fooi- ishnesss. 93 C V 11 d f d) C 11, 0. a. to lavish, spend or squander away in delicacies. 93 e t ll CI f Ct) t, adj. twig, dainty, licker- ish ; — fepn, to love tit-bits, deli- cacies. 83 etna fen, ». a r ben 83(afebalg — , to keep (he blowing hole clear of 33 e r n « f f c it, d. n. (on*, femi) to u> wet ; to spoil from being I 83 c V 11 a t ft r ( i d) c It, v. a. to render na tural, to naturalize ;to render like nature. 83 c r 11 1 b in b a r, adj. vid. 93 cviiebm= lid). 83 c r 11 c h m b a r fe 1 1,/ aid. 9iernebm= lidjfett. 23 e r 11 c b 111 = b c r i d- 1, m — fit rift, /. vid. 83eriiebmunfl6b«icbt, 83erutf>- mniiflSfctrtft. 93 e r ll c b 111 C tl, p. ir. a. : to bear, un deratand, learn ; '.'. to perceive, under stand ; 3. (eilieil) to hear, examine, try one; id) babe niditii baoon vcrnom-- nicii. 1 have heard notliing of it ; fid) mit Sentonbetn — , to di a person, to come to an undersianding ; fid) — laffen, to 1 if, in- timate, give one's opinion. Syn. I. littniti in t n, >> i' r r a w- beat (ft*. trn) a sound, « makes an im. _. bill wo onl^ vtrnrbmrii it, wli enceott, nrftmrn in tins sen o S;m. II. IWr nr hm tu, Urrflfbra. In or dcr to understand a speech fully, :i is nucee listiiuruisli 11^ syllables and won!., of whi ii it is ...mposed, . uze the ..! tlie speech by mem* nl llniee words and their context, i - inflict te, tint we be sufncieiUy n qonnited with the I -j-eaker, and with the silhlecl he dis .i.,r-.s upon. I 1 • r distinctly a person may sirnrftmcn (htarj or cub Uk, wi, . h Uie speaker uUen*. lie will be toully unable lo vrifubtii (u .d-i>:tad) l.itr 721 ■iiitiiou*. previou«!y having a knowledge of the I tiuguige uaetl, «r, if in his own language, ol the thuya forming the topic of that discourse. C c r ii i h m e it, ". (--8) I. hearing, per- ceiving, learning ; 2. jig. &«« gntc — . good, friendly understanding; init :jc= m t0 P ass one's time in nodding. SB e v it i c b I i d; c it, v. a. to embellish. ' Is C v n i e r, m. (-8) T. vernier. iBerutef ett, v. a. l. to rivet, clinch 2, to convert into a rivet. iB e t it t e t U tl g, /. rivetting, clinching. Be rutin ft, /. reason (distinguished 723 5Bem in philosophical works from SBevftflltb, understanding, bat having in. common parlance as wide a signification as the English "reason"); bie QCflMbe — , common sense ; — bratteben, to hear reason, to use discretion ; bet gtltCV — fc.Ml, to be in one's (right) senses; bie Sabre bcr — erreid)eit, to arrive at the years of discretion; ba8 gcl)t fiber > te — , that is beyond the reach of reason; compos. — dbtllicr;, adj. analo- gous to reason; — abilltdjfeit, /.analo- gy to reason ; — befefjl, m. command of reason; — begO-Bt, adj. endowed with reason ; — bctjviff, m. idea {as dis- tinguished by philosophers from a con- ception belonging to the understanding. SBerflflttb) ; — beWfi8, m. proof founded upon reason; — ulldrUlig, /. an expla- nation deduced from reason or founded thereon ; — fdbig, adj. capable of reason ; — fdbtgfcit,/. capacity of having reason; — forfeper, m. philosopher; — for= fcblltig, /. philosopliical research ; — = gebot, n. command of reason ; — ge= brand), m. use of one's reason ; — ge= mSp, adj. according to reason; — gefit), n. law of (founded upon) reason ; — = glaube, m. rational belief; — gvillib, m ground, argument of reason; — grilllb = fafc, m. principle founded upon reason ; — flar, adj. clear to or for the reason ; — fvaft, /. faculty of reason ; — fl'flttt, n. the common pimpernel ; — fuiljtlcv, — lehrer, m. logician ; — IcbfC, /. logic, dialectic, art of reasoning; — leijrtg, adj. logical: — lo8, I. adj. reasonless, ir- rational ; U. ado. irrationally ; — loftg= fcit, /. reasonlessness, want of reason; — niailll, in. cont. one who chops logic, bad logician ; — mfifjig, I. adj. agree- able to reason, reasonable, rational; 11. adv. reasonably, rationally; — lltdj}ig= fcit, /. reasonableness, rationalness ; — prectger, m. 1. one who preaches in a manner consistent with reason ; 2. one who holds up reason alone (not revela- tion] . — prebigt, /. sermon not found- ed on revealed religion ; — refbf, n. law of reason, law of nature ; —religion, /. natural religion ; — fcblufj/ m. syl- logism ; — fcbivarmer, m. extravagant, eccentric reasoner ; — ftttCltlebre, /. moral philosophy ; — fprud), m. decision of reason; — ftilflt, m. 1. state rational- ly governed; 2. ideal state ; — tbier, n. rational animal, man ; — DOU, adj. full of reason, rational; — U>al)rbClt, / truth based on reason, taught or proved by it; — tttetfe, m. philosopher; — = weigfjetr, /. philosophy ; — wefen, n. rational being ; — VMbl'ig, adj. contrary to reason; — wiffenfebaft, /. pinloso- phy. Syn. Btrminft, OScrftanN UrlhHU, "irnft. The objects of the IjcrftanS (un.ler- etamiins) nre notions and judgmeata, t lie ob- jecta of tlie iicrminft ("reason) are principlea or tne connexion of things the objects of the U.-lbtilolrjft (judgment) are the good and bad, the oerl'ection and imperfection ol things, or ir general, the true value of them SBerniinftcIe t, /. (pi. -ciu too subtle reasoning, subtlety. SB e rn it nf t el it, v. n. (our. Ijaben) to reason too nicely or subtilely, to sub- tilize. SB e v it ft ii ft e I it, n. vid. SBcrnftttftelet, SBerttiinfte n, v. n. (i. «.) to philoso- phize. SB e r it ii n f t e v, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) (l. u.) philosopher. SBeritli ttf tt g, I. adj. 1. rational; 2. reasonable ; 3. sensible, judicious, dis- creet, prudent; citt — C6 iBefcit, a ra- tional being ; fill — et StRattn, a rea- sonable man, a man of sense Cttie — C 25erp SSntrOOtt, a judicious reply; Jtt — e n, v. a. l. to muddle m splash (water, &c.) ; 2. to spoil (wine) by mixing it carelessly. SBerp dttjern, v. a. to arm with % coat of mail, to cover with a coat c( mail. SB e r p d p e r it, ». a. vu/g. tc praiflt awav- SSerp 13 e r p a ;. p e it, b. a. 1 . to consume in pasting ; 2. to paste over, up. 53 e r p d f d; <* -, p. a. to lose at dice. 23 e V p d f f e t, o. a. to lose (liy delay), to let slip ; (at certain games at cards) to pass; er tjrtt bie ftliitb Perpafjf, be lias lost the tide. 93 e r p c cfo e ti, v . vid. 93cvptdjen. 33 C r V C 1 1 C at, v. a. T. to sound (a depth). 93 erpct tf cf; c tt, v. a. (fiticm ttmaS — to whip any thing out of one. 23 e r pel 5 nil, v.a.(l.u.) (Sincn — , to wrap any one up in furs. 93 c r p e r f o n e it, 23erpcvfcii(td;ctt, v. a. to personify. 93 C r p C fi C tt, v. a. to infect, poison. 23 e r p e t f dj a f t e it, 23evpetfcbiereit, v. a. vidg. to seal up. 93 e V p f d () ( e tt, v. a. to pale, empale, palisade. 93 C V p f d f) ( U n g, /. paling, empaling, palisado. 23 C r p f d It b C It, v. a to pawn, pledge ; to engage, mortgage, give in mortgage ; ftilie .Rlctfer" — , to pawn one's clothes; feiltc ($l)Ve — , to pledge one's honour. 23 C r p f d it b c r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) one who pawns, pledges; mortgager. 93 C V p f d 11 b tt ti (J, /. (pi. -Clt) pawning, pledging; mortgaging. 23 e r p f c f f e r tt, v. a. 1. to pepper too much; Senianbem bie ?uft — , fig. vulg. to spoil, mar one's mirth ; 2. vulg. to overcharge (of goods). 93e Vp f Ctf e It, v. a. to whistle away (the time) ; bie Saiigcrutile — , to be- guile one's ennui by whistling. 23 C r p f ( d tt J c tt, v. a. to transplant ; to replant (trees). 93 e r p f [ d it j e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) trans- planter, 93 C V p f I d It J II It ft, /. 0/. -cil) trans- planting, transplantation. S3crpfldflci'lt, v. a. 1. to use up or employ in paving; 2. to use up (linen, &■(",.) in plasters. 93 e r p f I * g (e) ■- a m t, n. vid. 93crpfJe= (juiiflgamt. 93evpfle'(jett, ?>. a. to take care of, maintain, provide for ; to tend, nurse, teed, foster. 93 c r p f ( t g c r, m. (-8 ; P i. — ) 93er= pflegcviltll,/ (pl.-tn) provider, main- tainer; fosterer. Berpf lifjuti g, /. {pi. -ctt) providing for, care (of), maintenance; nursing, tending; compos. — Sam t, «. office for the support of the poor; — Sflltft\llf,/. — 8ban8, ?i. hospital ; — 8gclb, «. ex- pense of maintaining any one ; — 8fo= ftt'". //. expenses of hoard, &.c. ; — 8= offtucr, m. a commissary in the army ; — fiflcucv, /. tax for the maintenance of troops; — Srocfcit, n. all matters re lating to the rapport or maintenance of the poor, of troops, &.c. 83c rp f li d> ten, v. a. I. to bind by duty, to engage, oblige (cincit jit ct= lVrt8) ; 2. to oblige, lay under an obli- gation ; 3. to hind by an oath, to swear, swear in; ucrpflitbiet fenit, to be bound, beholden or obliged to . . ; fid) |H CtlimS — , to engage one's self to something; bltl'd) friibcrc 93cvtldgc — , to pre-engage. 23 C r p f [ t d) t C H b, adj. obligatory. B e V p f [ I fb t f it b f , m. dec/, like adj. obliger. 33 erp fit eft tef, part. adj. bound, obliged. 93 c r p f 1 I d> t c f e, m. ( ,./. -en) he who is obliged, obligee. 93 C X p f I i cb t tt II g, /. (pi. -en) obliga- tion, duty; engagement; etlie — cill= gebett, to enter into an engagement ; Itarf) fiublicbcr — , in filial obligation ; compos. — 8fchcilt, m. charter of rever- sals (in German history). 23 e r p f I o d c it, t>. «. to pin up, peg up. 93crpflfigert, v. a. i. to plough op; 2. to plough badly; ftrt) — , to plough wrong. 93 C rp f r 6 p ft It, o. a. use in graft- ing; 2. to graft badly; 3. to cork 'a bottle). 23evpfritubctt, v. a. to confer a benefice, to provide with a benefice or prebend. 93 e r p f ll l e n, v. a.fam. to reject with disgust. 93 e r p f li it b C It, r. a. JV. T. to pay har- bour dues. 93 e r p f u f cfc e it, v. a. to bungle, spoil. 23 t X p l d) e II, v. a. to pitch, stop u iih pitch ; btc v Jiatl)Ctl — , JV: T. to pitch the seams. 93 e r p i d) t, adj. bent upon, eager ; (Ulf CtilMS — fet)lt, to be set upon a thing, tid. fivptd;t. 93erptd)itttg,/. pitching up. 93crpt'itfe[it, ». r. a. i. to daub over; to spoil any thing with the brush ; 2. fam. S- coot, bit 3ftt — , to pass the time in painting; II. n. {mix. fel;tt) to become a simpleton, a noodle. 23 c r p I d to be iw ii with couch-grass. 33 e C a ii c d f i I b c r n, s. a. to mercu- rify; bit8 — , mercuritication. 33 c x q u die n, o. ir. Tt. (aux. fir. it) to swell up. to be warped by moisture. 23c r a «e re it, r, a, to put or lay across, Berquetfdjen, r. a. to pinch, nip bruise, jam 33 c x a it i d c it, r. a. T. to amalgamate SB e r a n t d e n, n . (-8) &■ 93eiauidmig, .;'. amalgamal • n SG C v a it i d ir c r f, n. (-8) work shop w here amalgamation is carried ou. 721 $err Sen- Serf Ber qutf en, 53eiqiiiftcn, c. a. proomc. to scalier , to squander. 5 C r r d f f e 11, v. a. to make a mistake in carrying off. 23 e r r & b lit e It, o. . a. 1 . to saw. use up in sawing ; 2. to saw wrong. Serfage r, m. (-§; pi. — ) 1. a pro- miser, engager ; 2. a refuser, denier. 58 e r f a g It It g, /. 1. denial, refusal ; 2. engaging 93 e t f d I b u d> ft a b e, m, (-it ; pi. -n) or 93crfdlicil, pi. Typ. T. initial or capi- tal letter. 93 c r f d 1 5 e it, ». a. 1. to salt too much, over salt ; 2. to spoil, embitter; cilicilt bte Sllft — , to spoil one's pleasure. 83 e r f d 1 1, u n g, /. l. over-salting ; 2. spoiling, embittering. SB e r f CI 111 lit e I It, v. a. & rejl. to assem- ble, meet, gather, congregate, convene; ju fettten 93dtern verfauunelt merben, fig. to be gathered to one*s fathers. 23 e r f d m lit 1 C r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) as- sembler. S3 e r f d m nt I u n g, /. (pl.-ta) l. meet- ing, assembly; congregation, conven- tion: convocation; (Mil* 33ifd)ijfe), council; 2. assembling, convening, ga- thering; compos. — Slut US, n. meeting- house ; — Sort, — Splitf), m. meeting- place; — SUtfll, m. meeting-hall; — S= tag, m. day of assembly ; — Sjcit, /. time of meeting. Hi C r f d 11 b C It, v. I. a. to cover or stop up with sand ; II. n. (hut. fell It) $■ rcjl. to be filled or covered with sand. 93 C f f d It b f, part. adj. from 23afcnbett (//. v.). 23 e r f d It b U ll g, /. (pi. -Clt) filling, cov- ering with sand. 23 e r f d It f t C II, r. I. n. to become soft, to soften; II a. —or 23crfanftigeit, to soften, render soft. *23 erf a ti I, adj. versatile. *Q3 e r f a 1 1 It t a f, /. versatility. 2! ( r f d t}, m. (-eS) 1. pawning, mortga- ging ; 2. pawn, pledge ; 3. T. alloy, mixture of metals; compos. — aillt, — = lUlllS, n. Iwuse for pawning. 23 c r f d li b e r It, v. a. to make neat, to polish. 23 e r f a ii e it, v. a. wig. to spoil (by uncleanliness), dirty, soil. 23 e r f a ii e m, v.n. (aux. v aben) to sour, grow crabbed ; to spoil. 93 e r f ft ii c r U, v. a. sour too much, make too acid ; 2. fig. to sour, embitter, make dissatisfied. 58 C t f 5 li Cl'lltl g, /. souring ; over- souring. 53 C r f a li f e It, v. ir. I. a. vutg. to squan- der away with drinking, to drink up; II. 7i. (auT. fctyil) provine. to be drowned. 93 e r f d ii f e n, v. a. vid. (frfdufeit. S3 e V fa tig e 11, v. a. 1. to suck olT, ab- sorb; 2. to waste by sucking. 33 e r f d ii nt e n, v. a. to neglect, slight, lose, miss, let slip. 2> e r f d ii nt it i tl /• ir n. (-ffeS ; pi. -ffe) 33erfdumuitg, /. (pi. -en) i. neglect, neglecting ; 2. loss occasioned by neglect. Setfdufeltt, ». n. (aux. fe»n) to whistle away, ill c v fa ft f e ii, r. ii. (am. fei;n) 1. to rush off"; 2. to abate (said of storms). 33 C r f d) d b e n, t>. a. to scrape or rasp, to wear out by scraping. 23 e t f d) d d) e r It, ?>. a. cant, (especially of Jews) to sell. 93 esf (Stiffen, v. a. (einem etautS) ]. to procure, furnish with, supply, pro- vide, find ; 2. + to create, produce ; ettlCllt 9ied)t — , to see justice done to one ; fid) — , to obtain, acquire. 33 cr fd)d f fc r, m. (-S ; /;/. — ) pro- curer, furnisher, provider, obuiiner. 23 e r f d) d f f ll n g, /. procuring, supply- ing, procurement. 23 e v f d) d f e r it, v. a. to joke, jest or play away. 23 c r f d) a I e it <$■ 23erfdwlen, ». I. a. to furnish with a shell or cover ; (of knives) to furnish with handles ; II. n. (aux. fepn) to grow fade, to pall 23erf d)dl leu, v. ir n. (aux. I . (of sound) to die away ; to cease sounding; 2. to vanish, disappear; vid. 93crfd)olIen. 23 C f f d) d 1 nt e II, v. a. T. to fasten (the hatches). 23 e r f d) d 1 11 It g, /. furnishing with a shell or cover, with a handle (of knives). 93 e r f ri) a in 1 1 d) f e i i, /. rid. 23er= febdmtbeit. 23crfd)dlltt, I. adj. bashful: shame faced; modest; [l.aiiv. bashfully, shame- facedly, modestly. Si/n. 13 c r f d) it m t, 3 J> >i m 6 ,i f I. The person is said to be rrrfdjmnt, inwbon sdeltcnte or a kind of fe;tr displays itoelfof y>> earring the uofai r.tble opinion of otfaen iu any respect. That person is said to be fi>.iiiii fc.ifr, in wtiom that feeling is excited Willi re Bpect to any thing that violates modesty and decency. He, that is fd)iiinr»ifr, blushes, when immodest language is used ir. his nreeeoce Honce it seems that the latter is *' modest** and the former " bashful." 23 erf did lit 1 1) et t, /. bashfulness; shamefacedness, irfodesty. 23 e v f d) d it b e n, v. a. vid. Sd)dnbeit. 23 c r f d> d it b I i d) : n, v. vid. 23entn* ftaitctt, 23erbcrben. 23 e r f d) d 11 5 C 11, v. a. to intrench, for- tify, mound, barricade. 23 e r f d) d n 5 it ii g, f.{pi. -en) intrench- in?, intrenchment, fortification; eitie — auflDCrfen, to make, throw up an in- trenchment; compos. — Sfrteg, m. war of intrenchments ; — Sfuitft, /. herco- tectonics, the art of throwing up in trenchments. 23crfd)dr fctt, v. I. a. to heighten, render more severe ; II. rejl. to become more acute. 23erfdjdrren, ». a. to hide in the ground by scratching ; to bury, inter, earth. 23 cr fdjdrve it, n. (-S) burying, in- terring. 23 e r f d) d f t e II, ». a. 1. to obscure, darken, shade ; 2. T. to blend colours. 23 e r f d) d t t It It g, /. shading, shadow- ing, shade. 23 erf d) dfceit, ». a. i. etwaS — , to pay tax or duty on any thing ; 2. to tax wrong. 23 C X f d) a li f e I It, v. a. 1, to bury with the spade, to shovel in ; 2. to shovel out, here and there. 23 e r f d) d u m e n, v. n. (aux. lutfrcit) 1. to cease foaming ; 2. to evaporate. 23 e r f d) e t b e ii, v. ir. n. [aux. feint) to expire, ib'cease, die. 33c rfd) eibeit, 7t. (-8) expiring, de- cease, death. 23 e r f dj c i n e n, v. ir. n. provine. i. to cease shining ; 2. to elapse ; bic t>t'l'= fdiiciintc 2Bod)e, the last week. 93 C r f d) C It f e It, p. a. 1. to give away. bestow upon ; 2. to sell, retail (liquor 1 . 93 e r f dj C It I ll U J, /. 1. giving away, donation , 2. selling (liquors). Serf 23 e r f d) e r b e n, v. a. A". T. to scarf. 2Jetfd)ctbung, /. .v. r. tabling. 23erfd)eren, t>. »•. a. i. to shear, clip ; 2. to spoil in sheaiing. 23 e r f dj e r j e n, ». o l. to pass wiih trifles, to tntle away ; 2./"-. to forfeit, to lose by one's own fault or neglect. 23erfd)crjen, n. (-«; l. triflicg away; 2. fig. forfeiting. 23 e r f d) c r j ii ii g, /. trifling a.vsy loss. 23 e r f d) e u d) e n, v. a, to scare, fright away. 23er fdjiif c ll, p. a. to send away, transport. 33 c r f d) ;' rf ii n g, /. ( pi. -en) sending away, transportation. 23 e r f d) i e b c it, v. ir. I. a. l to move out of its place, shift ; to dislocate, dis- place, dislodge, remove; 2./"-. to defer, . put oil', procrastinate; II. reft. to shift, get out of its place. 93 erf due ben, n. (-S) 1. moving out of its place; 2. fig. delay, procrasti- nation; — bcS 23arl.nnentcS, proroga- tion of the parliament. 23 c r f d> i e b c r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) pro- crastinator. 33 c r f i e b u n g, /. 1. shifting, moving out of its place, dislocation ; 2. defer- ring, delay. 93erfd)Icben, I. adj. J . different, dif- fering; 2. various, sundry, several; diverse; bic 2lnUigcii fins — , dis- positions difter; ailf — e ^Irt, in (at) a different manner; II. adv. 1. differently ; 2. variously, severally ; compos. — Crs tig, adj. of different species, hetero- geneous, different ; — artigfeit, /. dif- ference of species, heterogeneou — favbig, adj. diverse-coloured, va- riegated ; — fonnig, adj. dissimilar, difform. 33 c rfd) ice en he it, /. (pi. -en) i. difference ; 2. diversity, variety Sun. St r f d) i « » « n Fi e 1 1, tl n t e r f* l« ». %n> ' {iiMtiahm is in the tilings Uienwelree, and by it man m ikes in tin: them ; enless things are Mrfopictn (differed 1 .! they could not be miltr ufcbed). Hence licrfd)icSca$til is difference and Unicr; fdpird distioctioBi 23 e r f d) i c b e tt ( I i di, adr. differently, severally ; vu-'g. several tunes 23 e r f d) I e b 1 1 d), adj. different, di- verse, sundry. 23 e r f dl l C tic It, V. a. to furnish with bands, rails; to rim (a wheel). 33crfd)IefSi m. T. diminution or fading of colours. 33 C r f d) l C j5 C It, o. ir. I. n. (aui. fcnti) to fade, go (of colours); II. a. I. to shoot away, to exhaust or spi snooting : -'. t" shoot in a wrong man- ner; 3. T. (with painters) to diminish the strength of colouring, according 10 the rules of perspective, to di ; 4. 'i'm>. T. to impose wrong; cr bat fetii 2?itbci- oerfdjoffen, fig. he has exhausted his stock ; III. \-rrfi to Mis take in shooting ; '-' tone's self; fid) int @etbjj56(en — , to miss in telling money; ft* uetfdjoffen b<\- bcit or WrfdjOffen fc.ill, to make an imprudent engagement with a woman 93etfdjleft It. n. (-S) losing colour &.c , rid. the verb. 33 e rf d)if fen, c. n. to ship, export in ships. 33 cr fd) if f llltg, /. shipment, expor- tation ■ compos. — Sgcividit, n. ship Serf Serf ping weight; — Sfftfen, pi. shipping expenses; — Sjeit,/. shipping tune. B e r f d» 1 1 b c r n, p. a. (I. «0 to depict or sketch wrong, to misrepresent. B.erf$ttfen, B. La. to cover or stop up with rush or reed; H. n'aux. fe»n] to be grown over with reeds. 83 1 v f ct> t m m e I n, o. n. C««- KV») t0 mould, get mouldy. SB e t f cf> f in lit e I 1, adj. moulded, moul- dy. 5B c r fd> I m m t V It, ». n. to fade, grow pale (said of the stars, tec). 25 e r f d) t m J) f e it, ». a. 1 . to disgrace, insult ; 2. to spoil, disfigure. 25 f r f Cb t 111 V f " « 9' /• disfiguring, dis- ition. B e V | d? i It b 1 1 1!/ o. a. to shingle (a roof, fee). SB e x f dj Id * t « "' »■ a - t0 ^ lau 3'iter, kill (cattle). B C V f d> I d d C «. v. a. to make scorious, lo convert into dross. B C V f d) I d d U 11 g, /• scorification. B c r f d) I a f e n, o. ir. a. 1. to lose or "neglect by sleeping; 2. «S — , to over sleep one's self, to sleep too long; MC jjtubtgfeit — , to sleep off one's fa- tigue. 25erfcbUfen, adj. given to much sleeping, sleepy, drowsy, lazy. 25erfd)laf en licit, /. habit of sleeping much, drowsiness BerfcbUg, m. (-««; pi- -f*'«fld 1. partition, partition-wall; 2. (I. it.) settling, cooling. SJ et f d) I 5 fl e 11, v. ir. I. o. 1. to con- sume (of nails) ; 2. to spoil by beating , 3. to nail up, to fasten with nails; 4. to strike too far, to a great distance ; 5. to drive away ; JV. T. to cast away ; 6. (applied to coin) to degrade, render invalid, deprive of currency; 7. (ltd) CttrClS) to deprive one's self of, to lose ; 8 tic Soljle — , to gauge or test the brine; Simmer — , to partition; — lBOJbeil fcVHt, to be cast away, to be driven out of its course (of ships) ; fig- ltd) CtOMS — , to lose or neglect some- thing; fid) bie Aunben — , to disob- . iose one's customers; bie ■pltnce feaben fid) — , Hunt. T. the dogs have taken the wrong way; IL n. (mue. (}as ben) 1. to cease striking or beating ; 2. to cool ; 3. to produce the desired effect ; 4. to prove efficacious; 5. wig. to make a difference, to matter, import ; 6. T. (of horses) to 'ake cold; to be foundered ; eilt ©etvSnt — f«fF|n, to cool a beverage; bClA eetfcblfiflt feinet ©bje liicbto, that it no dispar- agement to his honour; eS scvfchldgt nidit »ie(/ it does not much matter ; efl Derfcblngt mit tltdltj, it is indifferent to me, it does not matter; c-J »ets fd&Wflt 3bllCU nid)t3, it is nothing to you, it is no disparagement to you. BerfdltaqCH, I. adj. 1. cunning. craftv, subtie; sly, artful; 2. a -drift, cast away (on some desert island) ; II. ado. cunningly, craftily, subtly. 8erfd>Ugen$eit, /. cunning, craft, shrewdness. B e v f rfi I d fl e r. ™- (- § ; p ! - —^ T - ? f ' ticer who tests the brine (in salterns). 8 e tf d)l ag = &* in m c r, «. 7. brazier's catch-hammer; — (outsell, r. a. to pay for the right of coinage , — fpble, /.brine used for gauging. Sevfcbldmmcu, o. n. (am. femO to be filled with mud. Bet | di Id muter., v. a. l. to .ill T20 cover or stop with mud; 2. rid. oCV= fcblcmnun. SB c t f d) I a m v a m p e n, ) o. a. vidg. SB e v f rt) 1 d in V e n, J to lavish in banquetting. B C V f d) 1 \> V C It, t>. a. &> n. vulg. for Bcvfcblaffcn (?. t>.) 25erf cbldiibern, r. out SGer* fcbleubein. i5cn'cblc'd)ten, \ v. L a. to de- 25 c r f cb I c d) t c r it, $ teriorate, make worse, waste, spoil; II. re/I. to get de- teriorated, to degenerate. Berfcf) led) ter itug, /. deteriora- tion ; growing worse. SB c r f cb I c d c it, t>. «. fein BermBgen — , to spend one's fortune in dainties. P3 e v f d) 1 e i cb C It, ». ir. reft, to slink or sneak away. Bei'fcbUicvn, p. a. to veil. B c v f d> t el f. '«• provlnc. consumption. Bevfcbteifeit, v. a. l. to draw. convey by a sledge; 2. to draw out. protract ;" 3 (Bcvfcbleifcit) to whet or sharpen too much, to spoil by sharp- | ening ; to spoil (a dress) by trailing. Berfcbjetfung. /. delaying. 25 c r f d) I e i m c n, ». I a. to fill or stop with slime or phlegm; II. rejL to get, be filled with phlegm. 25 e r f cb 1 e t m it n 3, /. stopping with slime or phlegm, obstruction. B c r f d) 1 C t f;, m. (-C3) consumption, sale. 25 e v f cb I c i V e n, ». ir. I. a prow'ne. i . to wear out ; 2. to waste, consiune ; 3. to sell; II. n. («. I c n f e r It, v. a. to sling away, to whirl and toss, to jerk. B e r f cb I c p V f "- v "■ lt0 mis i 1,ace ' mNay ; 2. to put aside, to hide ; 3. to wear'out (clothes) ; 4. (I. m.) to draw out, protract. Bevfdilcpyung, /■ 1. misplacing mislaving: 2. putting aside, hiding; 3 carrying away; 4. snatching secretly away ; wearing out. Ber f cbleu'bevcr, m. (-§\y. — ) squanderer, spendthrift, n.i.BcV] d)lVCtt= bcv. B e v f d) I e ii b c r it, o. a. 1 . to fling away ; 2. to dissipate, squander, lavish. waste: bie 3cit — , to trifle away the time; SBaavcn — , to sell off at under- price, undersell. 25 c r f cb 1 e ii b c r u it g, / (pi. -en) l. profusion, dissipation ; 2. underselling. , B e r f cb I i d c n, v.vil Bcvutlcnuncu. i B"C V f d; U e 6, m. prorinc. sale, custom. B C r f Cb I i C (5 b a V, a« «). He who simply ee^'es. ^It'hV'^ll not aiept something of does that with contempt, MtfAnabl (ipcroOrt »nd he who does it with t!:e leelmg ol beioj oonnS b> duly to recognize, gratefully the n*r. otTer, bcsanlt ptf) (declines it witb thatis) ; vid. elso licr,i4>lfii. B e r f d) 111 d b « " g. /• disdain, scorr despising, rejection. SBerf At t f d) ma 1 c v ii, a. a. to dhuinieh, lessen. B e r f d) nui ii d) e it, ». n. f am. to con- gome or spend in smoking; cm ■cstuiiJ'; d)ett — , to beguile an liour in blowing a cloud. Be r f d) in a it f t it, >•. a. to consume, spend in feasting or banquetting. B c r f d; m e t ji e it, v. ir. vid. 93er= WKrfeti. SB C r f ft) m C 1 5 C It, v. La. 1. to melt together ; 2. to melt down ; to consume by melting ; 3. to blend (of colours) ; II. ir. n. (am. fctytt) to melt away, to dissolve. SB c r f d) m c I j n n g, /. (pi. -en) melt- ing, melting away ; — bfV Stttben, blending, gradation of colours. Si e r f d) mi: r j e n, v. a. l. to cease feeling pain at something, to brook, bear with patience ; 2. to suppress one's sor- row, to get over the loss or vexation of a tiling, to* forget; bat tft Idtigft »«* f C^tlUr jf, that pain is over long ago; cr I) lit ben SBcrliift nod) ntct>t nn- fcbllierif, he is still grieving at his loss: cittett Scbtlltpf — , to pocket an af- front. SUerf Collier JfK, n. (-6) brooking, bearing with patience. SB erf d) lit te bC It, v. a. to employ or consume in forging. SB e r f d) mi e r e it, v. a. 1. to consume in smearing, daubing or scribbling; 2. to do over or stop up Cwith plaster, with clay), to glue up; SJ3apicr, Zitltt — , to waste paper, ink. SB e r f d) in T e r c it, it. (-$) l. stopping, plastering up ; 2. consuming, waste (in scribbling, daubing). SB e r f d) in i e v e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) dauber ; scribbler. SB e r f d) lit t 1} t, I. adj. cunning, crafly, 6ly, subtle ; II. adv. cunningly, craftily, slily, subtlety. SB c v f A) m i ft t i) e 1 1, / cunningness, craftiness, subtlety, shrewdness, wile. SB e v f d) m U r c it, v. I. n. (aux. feptt) to be smothered with heat; to be parched or shrivelled up, to wither; II. a. to parch, smother with heat. SB e X f d) lit li % e It, v. a. to soil, dirt all over. SBct f d) ltd lien, v. a. 1. to buckle to or on ; 2. to buckle wrong. SB e r f d) it d p p c it, v. rrji. 1. to snap at a thing and to miss it ; 2. vulg.fig. to trip or slip with one's tongue, to blurt out, be betrayed into an inconsiderate expression, to make a mistake in speak- ing. SB e r f d) it a ii b e it, 93crfu)itaitfcn, v. n. (mix. l>lbeit $■ rijl.) to breathe, respire, stop for breatli ; bte SBftVbC — l.ljfcil, to give breath to one's horses. SB e r f d) it c t b e n, v. ir. I. «. 1. to cut away, consume in cutting ; 2. to spoil in cutting ; to cut short ; 3. to geld, cas- trate, emasculate ; 4. to sell by yards ; tie filiigcl — , to clip the wings; belt Sffieiil — , to adulterate the wine ; II. reft, to fail, or miss in cutting. SBer f d) iteie it, v. n. (aux. fci;n) to over-snow, to cover with snow. SB e x f d) it c 1 1 e a, v. rrfl. vid. SBer== fdjnappcit. 83 c r f di n ip f c I it, } v . a. to snip up ; V e v | d) n t p p e I rt, > to spoil by >B e r f d) it type r ti, ) snipping. *B e T f d) It 1 1 t, m. (-«) the act of cut- ting, &c. ; aid. 93erfd;neibeii ; 2Bmft 3krf turn — Itfjjeil rai'fii, to sell Gi sausage by retail. SB e r f cb u i 1 1 e it, adj. gelded, cas- trated. 23 e r f d> it i 1 1 e n e, m. decl. as adj. eu- nuch ; Jllill — 11 lllildjeil, to emasculate, eunuchate. 93 e v f d) n t e o e it, vid. SBcrfdniaubcit, 23erfd)imitfcit. SB e r fd) it ifec (it, v. a. l. to clip away; 2. to consume in cutting. 93 e r f d) n ii p f c n, v. I. a. to snutr up, to consume in snuffing; II. imp. to nettle, offend, to be offended, to pique ; e$ vevfd)iiupft mid), I snuir at it, it nettles me. 93cvf d) it ur en, v. a. :. 7'. to me with a line of cord; 2. to furnish with lace, to lace, to cord. 93 e r fd) o b e it, part, of 93evfd)icbett (q. v.). 93 CI" f d) 6 de II, v. a. to pay the taxes called Sdjocfe, 93 cr f diol I CII, adj. 1. (publicly pro- claimed as) unknown ; CI" tft — , he is not known whether he is alive or dead) ; ill — eit 3flbvl)Uiibcrlrit, many centu- ries ago, in ages scarcely yet remem- bered ; felbfi bic S«g« bavoit iji — , even tradition no longer knows any thing to tell about it; 2. (in a bad sense = 93ernifeil) notorious, infamous. 93 e l' f d) D It e n, t>. a. to spare, forbear ; cillCIl lllit Ctn>il§ — , to dispense with one, to exempt or excuse one ; — ©ie lllid) lllit foldjeil StCbcn, pray, forbear talking so to me ; lllit CtlVilS ucrfd)01lt blcibc.'l, to be exempted, freed, ex cused; id) nninfefyte »crfd)oiit )u blei= belt, I desired to be excused. 93 e r f cb u it e n, vid. SBerfdjonern. i ; c I f d) 3 it c r c x, m. (-« ; pi. — ) beautifier. 93 C r f d) It C r n, v. a. to embellish, im- prove, beautify. S3 e r f ci) o it e r it ii g, /. ( pi. -en) em- bellishment. 93 C r f Ch i> It 1 1 cf), adj. capable of being improved or embellished. 93 C r f d) It It 11 g, /. sparing, forbear- ance, dispensing, exemption. 93 e f f d) f f e It, D. a. 1 + to pay tax upon; to pay scot and lot; 2. Min. T. bie ©citeii etliefi Wanged — , to but- tress or line the sides of a gallery with planks. 93 e r fd) X fi g e it, v. a. to surround with an oblique fence, to palisade with cross- bars. 93 e r f d) r d g e it, v. vid. SBcrfdjidufeii. 93 c r f cb. r d in in e it, v. a. to spoil or de- face by scratching, &.C. 93 e r f d) r d it f e It, e. a. 1 . to fence in ; to cross (of the arms and legs, 1 ; 2. to shut up, to enclose. 93 e r f d) r d ti f e It, n. (-9) pectination ; bilS — btr S'tliger, pectination of the fingers. 93er fdjrdnf uttg, /. (pi. -en) l. crossing (of the arms); cross-barring; 2. enclosing. 93 e x f d) r a ii b c it, o. a. l . to close with a screw, screw up ; 2. to misscrew. to over-screw: eilieill bcil,\(0pf — ,fig to turn one's brains, to unsettle one's brad 23 c r f d) r c'dcn, v. I. a. to frighten away; 11 n.vulg.forQixf&}Xt&tTl(q.v.). 93 e r f d) r e i b c = g c 1 b, ». Min.T. quar- terly rent, quarterage ; — ftlfl, m. Min.T. day of making a grant ; — JC ttel, m. liv- ery of seisin. 2?erf 33f r f il. r e i b r it, <• fr I a. 1. to con- sume with writing: 2. to write for, ordel a thing; 3. to prescribe | -l. to miswrite. write wrong; 5. (cilleilt CtUMr, to as sign, make over, transfer in writing; II njl. 1. to make a mistake in writ. to engage one's self, bind one's self by hand-writing; fid) fur ciiieit — , to one's bond in security for one. SB c r f d) x c i 6 e r, m. (-S ; pi. — > —inn, /. 1. one who gives a bond ; 2.0!. . orders goods. SB e r f cb r e t b u n g, /. [pL -tit) i mis writing, error ; 2. writing for Older J 3. prescription : 4. bond, obligation, note (of band) ; cine -5 ausfielkii, to give a ligation, note. 93 e r f d) r e i e n, v. ir. a. i . to decry, cry down; 2. + L. '/'. to call lor w n geance upon the unknown murderer (•( a kinsman; »evfdn'iecilC3 &di, moi.y cried down, base-mi 93 e r f d) r e t e r, m. (-« ; pi.—) de- m,: r 33 c r f rb r i c it, part of a3erfd)trtcn 23 c r f d) r t e n I; e i t, /. bail repul bad character. SB er f d) r D b en, adj. distorted, per ; proposterous ; eill — cr i'Jcilfd) or J?Opf, an eccentric, perverse or crazy fellow, a queer genius ; — r 3fCClI, prepi >sterous ideas. 93 e r f d) r o b e n i) e i t, /. perverseness, preposterousness ; queem 93 erfd>r6pfeit, ». a. bat ©etretbe — , to crop the blades of corn inju diciously, wrong. 93 e r fd) r f ten, p. «. to consume in grinding or ol nialt. SB c c f dir ii ml) c I it a- SBerfdjrumpftB, v. v. (iiux. fepil) to shrink, wrinkle, shrivel up, corrugate. 93 e r f d) ll b, m. (-C?) delay, procrastina- tion. 93 e r f d) ii d) t c r it, b. a to make timid. SB C 1' f d) li I b C It, v. a. 1 . to involve in to load with debts; 2. to do wrong, commit some wrong; to incur ; to be guilty; 3. (ctir.l' illl eiitcnt), to meet with the punish- ment due for the u son ; 4. vulg. to retaliate, n procate; um« babe iii) ycrfdmlbct ? what have I committed! b.l^ bilt cr an un8, obncn oerfdpulbet, h met with the retribution due for what he lias done to us, to you, &c. 33 e C fd} li I b e n, ». (-4 : wn ing, incur- ring blame ; fault, guilt; oljne iitein — , without my fault. 33 C x f d) ii I b e t, adj. indebu d, in debt, encuml 33 e r f d) ii 1 b i g e n, b. a. -f to comm:t an offence. 93 e r f d) ii I b u n g, /. fault, offence 33< r id) ii VC 11, d a. to spoil by stirring; bil« Tvcucr — , to rake the tire out. SB er f d)iir $e ii, o. a. to form into a knot; to involve, to render complicated. SB l X f d) ii C i It n g, /. plot (in poetry). 2!er febuftc r n. <• i o throw away, lose; n '■_■! to bungle, to spoil by bad workmanship, to commit ft blunder. 33 c v fit ii 1 1 c 1 it, p. a to lose in shak- ing, ; fid) — , to si. ui 33 e r f dui 1 1 e it, r. a. l . to fin up m choke up with earth, 2. to close o 727 ^crj obstruct by things thrown in a place ; 3. to spill, shed; l. to miscarry; fig. otUg. t& bet ettieui — , to fa) undei , ba« J?iui mit tent S3abe — , prov. to reject tlie good with the had B e rf cb ii 1 1 e n, n. (-«) '• filling up ; 3. spilling, ■ In 83 e V f d) u t f u tt (1, / 1. the being filled, choked up : 2. spilling. 33 e t f d) U) (5 g C ( It, e. rc/Z to become related by marriage, make an alliance with a family. S3 C V f d) «J 8 13 C V t, part. adj. related by marriage. S3 c r f d) W a g c r it u g, /. affinity, rela- tionship. 1? C V f rf) 11) ft r C 11, v. ir. n. to ulcerate. 5? e r f ri) IV d ( 111 C It, o. La. 1. to swarm too much, to exhaust with swarming : 2. to wast:' by debauchery ; II. n. (aux. (nibcil) (of bees) to cease swarming. Kerf cfi xo d r 5 e it, v. n. (aux. feint) to gel or become black, to blacken; bafi ell yet'fdnOiUJcft! the deuce take you ! confound the jackanapes. §8erfcbtt>a'r$e it, ». a. fig. vulg. to blacken, asperse, traduce, calumniate, defame. 35 C V f d) rO ."i V t, It It ft, /. (pi. -en) black- ening, aspersion, defaming. Serf d)it)dtj cit, ». I. a. 1. to con- sume, lose, waste with prattling, to spend in talk ; 2. to spread about, blab out, divulge; (ciiten), to backbite, injure by talking; II. refl. to misspeak, inak: 1 mistake in talking. o t r t d) iu b c 11, o. it. (aux. fevm) * 1. to vanish by degrees; 2. to shine its last (said of the setting sun, &c). Berfc&roetge it, v. ir. a. to conceal, keep close or secret, to bury in silence ; ettt ©chfimttit} — , to keep a secret; aid. Syn, SSerbergen. 33 e t f (6 XO ti g It It g, /. concealing. SJJer f dp w i I g en, v. a. to spend, or waste in excess and debauchery. S3 c r f d) W i I g e r, m. (-3 ; jtf. — ) a dissipated person. 93evf cblUC Igilltg, /. spending in excess or luxury. Bier fe&roe'l len, v. I. a. r. to put iills e n b e v, m. (-« ; pi. — ) lavisher, spendthrift, prodigal, squan- derer, misspender, waster, consumer. 25 e rfrbroenbert fcfi, 1. adj. dissi- pating, prodigal, extravagant, lavish, profuse, wasteful ; II. ailr. prodigally, lavishly, profusely, extravagantly. S e r f cfi ti) e it b 11 11 g, /. lavishness, ex- travagance, prodigality, profusion, dis- sipation, wastefulness, consumption; tempos. — -Sbctlig, m. prodigal or lavish propensities; — Sftldtt, /. love of ex- pensiveness ; — Sfitrfitig, adj. prodigal, extravagant. B e v f d) it- i ft e r tt, vid. Serf^nnftent. B e r f cfi \o t e g e tt, l. adj. 1 . suppressed in silence, kept secret 2. close, silent, 72rt 2krj secret, tacit, faithful to a seciet, re- served; II. adv. closely, silently, se- cretly, tacitly. 93 e f f d) It) t e g e tt b C 1 f , /■ the keep- ing a secret ; closeness, secrecy, silence, taciturnity, discretion. 1$ c x f d) it) i c 1 e it, v. n. [aux. feint) to grow callous or hard. SB erf d) xo t 111 m e tt, 0. ir. n. (aux feint) 1. to mix swimming ; 2. to vanish by degrees. 93 e v f d) xo i 11 b e 11, ». ir. n. (aux. feint) to disappear, vanish ; 9lIIc8 ijt Ccr= fdnvillttcil, all is gone or fled ; b(t4 nuid)t intfeve «§offtmiigen — , that puts to flight our hopes; Ctlt — bev yiilig, a fugacious ring (in fungi) ; eill —ber Stengel, B. 7*. a stock lost in its ramifications; eilt — ber @cfd)nucf, a short-lived, evanescent taste ; bits — disappearance. 93evf d)n) iftertt, v. a. make a person one's sister; -.Jig. to unite in- timately. 23 e V f d) \X> i ft C r t, adj. fig. related, analogous; sister . .; Dtvfdnmftci'te S.'tt= geilbeil, sister-virtues. 93 e r f d) ro i § e it, v. I. a. l . to fill with sweat; 2. to spoil with sweating ; 3. to exhale with sweating, to emit a perspi- ration ; 4. fig. to forget gradually, to unlearn, lose remembrance of; II. n 1. (aux. feiw) to evaporate ; 2. (aux. pft- beit) to cease sweating ; 111. refl. to pass away like perspiration. 93 C V f d) XO 5 V e It, v. ir. I. a. to for- swear, abjure, renounce by oath ; bilo tSuiel — , to vow never to play again ; er bat bafl SBorgeit x-evfcbnun-eii, he has taken an oath against trusting ; II. refl. 1. to conspire ; to form a conspi- racy ; 2. to protest with oaths ; 3. to bind one's self by an oath ; 4. to swear falsely; ftrb mil, gegen or ii'ibev 3e= mailbCll — , to conspire; to enter into a plot or conspiracy. 93 C V f cb XO D X tl e, ?h. ded. like culj. con spirator. 93 e r f d) xo r it tt g, /. (pi. -en) eonspi- racy, conjuration, plot; vid. Si/n. 2)Jcil = tcret. 93 e v f d) ii) ii it b c it, part. o/93erfc|«3tns ben (q. v.). 93 e r f c d) 8 fit d) e It, v. a. to render sixfold or sextuple. S3 e v f e g e 1 it, v. n. (aux. feint) jv. T. 10 deviate from the course; berfegelt feijlt, to be out of sight; bie Xattldftt — . to under run the rigging. S3 e V f C g C I It ll g, /. JV. T. deviation 93 e V f d 1) e It, -v. ir. I. a. 1. to overlook, pass by, omit ; 2. to see wrong ; to err, fail, miss, do wronj, to mistake ; 3. to furnish, provide ; 4. :o administer, per- form the duties of an office; 5. to reg- ulate, ordain, dispose, administer ; C$ bet etlteilt — , to fall under one's dis- pleasure ; etneit mit etiuag — , to pro- vide, furnish or supply one with ; eilieil — , provinc. to administer the sacrament to a sick person; lllit 23olTatb — , to store with provisions; ■jitiiitwrtinS — , to predetermine, predestinate ; lllit s J3pil = lliad)t — , to invest with full power; II. refl. I. to make a mistake, to commit an error : 2. fid) cillCS or ciltcr £ild)C — , to expect, to be aware of; id) vct'fchc mid) eines S3effem 511 SDtien, 1 ex- pect better things of you ; bit -3 "f> a 1 1 C id) miv toon ibm nirbt — , that l had not expected from him ; ehc id) eS miv or (ehe id) mid) beffetO -.u'vfab, before I was aware of it; fie bat fid) ait finer i)JauS — , (said of a woman »• *-h Serf child) she wa. frighted at the sight ol a mouse, and the child bears such a mark. 93 e V f £ i) C 11, ». (-§ ; j». (-S ; pi. — ' cont. poetaster. 93 irr f e I It, v. n. (aux. fifteen) to versi- fy ; cont. to be a poetaster. 93 e X f C I t C It e n, v. a. to make rare, te rarify. ' 93erfemacfie it, n. [S) cont. making verses- 93 e V f i it b e tt, v. rcg. Sr ir. a. 1. to send away ; to convey ; 2. to e.\|>ort; M. E to consign ; Jtl 'Sefiife — , to ship oflf. 93 e x f c tt b c r, ?«. (-§ ; pi. — ) despatcn- er, transmitter, shipper. 93 er fen bung, /. (pl.-tn) sending away, conveyance, expedition; con- signment (.1/. £.) ; compos. — iiixt, n. mode of conveyance ; — Jai'tttef, pi. 1. articles of exportation : 2. new publica- tions sent abroad ; — Sgeblibv, /• com- mission paid to a man for sending goods to any place ; — Sgefebaff, v forward ing business; — ggittei', pi ^oods foi carriage or transport; — $x5\K\\,pl. ex penses of sending goods. 33erfcttgc ll, v. a. to singe, burn. 93 e r f e it g it n g, /. singeing. 93 e r f t n t * fro b r e r, m. r. counter sunk-bit; a drill; — boljCtt, m. driving- bolt, driver. 93 e V fett I e It, v. a. 1. to sink, let down 2. to depress ; 3. to overwhelm ; 4. to run aground; oerfetlfte Store, a sunken rose; l'erfeitfte3 Sitlofl, castle in ruins; I'ClfctlfteV j^illf, dissolved lime preserved in pits; in nameulofer. ©djmet'j VCrfcilft, plunged in inex- pressible grief; fid) tit ©ebanfen, in bie rXiefett ber Speculation — , to wrap one's self up in thought, plunge one's self 'into the depths of metaphy- sical speculation. *9? C r f C t t, ) m. (-§) verset, verse ; *SS e r f e 1 1 o, S strophe ; 93evfetten, pi. Mus.T. i."?ei 'des (esoeeiallv on op gans) Serf Serf aierf C e t f 1 It f C V, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) + /ff. de- stroyer. 83 cr f c'ufung. /. (pi- -Ml) sinking; sinking down ; overwhelming. 83 e r f C f f C It, ad/. I. lost by sitting, neg- lected ; 2. — anf cfiuad, bent upon, set upon; vid. (Srpidjt; — e flufprurbe, s'<^'» claims. Qserf eft* am f, n. wA 23eifaftantt ; — grilbf, /. V. binder- pit (of tanners) ; — frbroiirmer, m. a small squib. r. befefteil) to set ,i crown with diamonds ; etiiem eincnScblag (eiiicm ein8) — , to give one a blow, &.c. ; bet ©laubc uerfeftt Serge, prov. faith moves mountains; 11. n. (ouz. babcil) to reply, answer; vid. Si/n. .HlltU'Ol'teit. SBerfc'fter, m. (-9; pi. — ) — inn, / displacer, transposes shifter, trans- planter. IS t r f C ft it It g, /. (/>/. -e.t) I. removing, transporting; 2. misplacing; 3. displa- cing, transposition ; 4. displantation, transplantation ; 5 R/i. T. metathesis, transposition ; fi. Mat. T. permutation ; compos. — sl'egcl, /. rule lor the alloy, for alloying. 83 e r f e li f J e n, v. a. l. to sigh away. pass with sighing ; 2. to sigh out. S3 C V f i d) C X e f, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) insurer, underwriter." 83 e r f i eft e r tt, v. r. a. 1. to assure, pro- test, to ascertain ; 2. to insure, assure ; (intra eiue Sadie — , to make one sure of a thing; id) feevficberc Sie or 3blten, I assure you; eiu @ci)iff Uttb fceffett SJabnng — , to insure a ship and cargo; II. rrfi make one's self sure of a thing; 2. to obtain certain informa- tion ; 3. to take possession of; fid) eili< T , orVOtt eiliet<2>ad)C — , to assure or make one's self sure of; fid) eilter 9Jcrfoil or <2ad)e — , to secure, arrest one or a thing, to make sure of him or it. Syn. Errfidifrn, eiditrbeit fl.ficn, Si. djcrhrit (itlltil. Kcriidxrii takes place even by mere words, whetlier the danger, which some one apprehends, be a pure error (in other re- spects a harmless one), or whether it be a loss of one's property. Now an insurance ollice »frfltf>rrt (insures) ships, buildings, estales, ,Vc, Pfrfidicri (insures) lives, Siihtrbcll Qtsta and ftrllfil take place hy removing the apprehension, iliat some one will not act up to his obligations, and either can take place by several modes of proceeding. £ij)cihcit ftcilfti, by the more for- mal word (TcLUn, is distinguished from oidjfr. bfit fleben, inasmuch as it tikes place before le- gal authorities. This Is, therefore "to give or bod bail ; " the other is " to give security. '' 53 e r f i rb c r f, l. adj. assured, sure ; id) bin feiner 2,'rene — , I am sure of bis fidelity ; II. ado. surely. C e r f i di e run g, /. [pi. -en) l. assu- rance; insurance ; 3, securing; arrest; zompos. — 8, n. jsumnce; — (Jgefellfdjaft, /. insu- rance-company ; — Stammer, /. insu- rance office ; — 8fapifa[, n. stock if insurance; — Spraillie,/. Bid. — 8gelb J — (SpreiS, m._ the premium (of insu- rance) ; — 6fd)eilt, m. written obliga tion. bond; policy, insurance-policy; — Sfcbrift, / certificate ; warrant ; — 9- fd)llj5, m. JV. T. salute fired in token of not sailing under false colours ; — 9- luerrh, I. m. vid. — SpvciS ; II. —8= UU'ltl) or — grmh'fcig, adj. worth insur- ing. 23 C r f i d) i b a r C ll, ». a. to render visi- bte or conspicuous. 83 e r f t ff C r It, v it. (avx. fcv>n) 1 . to leak out ; 2. to cease leaking ; ba» — , leak- age. 23erfteben, v. a. bolt, sift all (the corn, &x.) ; 2. to cover (a track) by sifting. 33 e r f i e b e n f a cb c tt, ». a. to increase (make) sevenfold. 83 er f I c d) e n, v. I. a. to spend in sick- ness ; II. n. (nux. fetyll) to die with sick- ness, to pine away. 83erfteben, v. ir. a. I. to seethe or boil away; 2. to consume in boiling. 93 e r f t C g b a V, adj. that may be dried up. 83erfiegeler, m. (-8; pi. — ) one who seals up ; sealer. S3 e r f i e g e I It, o. n. 1 . to seal, seal up ; 2. to confirm by a seal. 83 e r f t e g e ( u n g, /. (pi. -en) sealing. 23 e r f i e g e n, v. n. (avx. fei)ii) to dry up, become dry, to sink gradually into the ground, be drained, be exhausted; to decay. Syn. SBerfltgtn, Ccrlroifntn, XrrDor, r«n. l ; crtroif ufii is not only used when speak- ing of water, but of any moisture, and even of things which lose their moisture; it is "to dry up. 'ixr^rrcii is only said of things, which to- gether with the moisture lose the nourishing jui- ces, without which their life cannot be supported and this is " to wither un." Urriu 4>-n merely denotes the diminution of the depth and the to- t.i! disappearance of the moisture ir. any reser- voir. A source, a stream tcrfirgt, (dries up, f.uls, becomes empty). 23 C r f i C g f, adj. dry, drained, emptied. ♦83 er fif er, »«. vid. Settler, £Dt$tet« ling, 5Reimfd)mieb. *93 e r f i f i c a t i P it, /. versification, vid. aSerabaii/ 23erobilMutg. •S3 e v f i f i c a t o r, lm. (-9) versifier, *83 e v f i f i c a t e u r, J versiiicator. *93 e r f i f t c I r e it, v. a. 4> n. to versify, to make verses. 83 e r f i I b e r e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) pro- vine, seller. 93 e r f 1 1 b e r it, r. a. I. to silver, plate ; to do or lay over with silver ; 2. ./?«•. to convert into money ; eineilt tie .jpiillbc — , to bribe one, to tip one's hand. 93 e r f 1 1 b e r u it g, /. silvering, plating. 23 C r f i II g e n, v. ir. a. I . to sing away ; 2. to pass singing ; 3. to drive away by singing; 4. to neglect by singing. 5er fill fen, v. ir. n . {nux. fettnl to sink; in ben Slbgrunb oerfunfen, swallowed up in the abyss ; fig. l>crflllt = fell fe v .)ll ill . . , to be sunk or absorbed in • . . Srr. fiinrcn in pain, so is he prrliffr in rellections nr investigations. Brrfuntrn is therefore •• sunk," also " depressed," the other " lost or absorbed." 33 c r f i n n b i 1 b e n, ». a. if, hJ to sj m- bolize, emblematize. Set fin u en, ». rtfi.(l.u) to be lost in thought 93 e r f i it 11 i rb C It, v a to render per- ceptible to the senses, to represent in s sensible manner. 93 c t f in tt r n, v. vid. S3erftrfern. *93erfirett. v.n vid. Sidj 83efd>5flt« gen, Umgeljeii (mit finer Sad)eJ ; tit eincr @ad)e oerftrt fcvn, to be versed, skilled in, acquainted with any thing. 23 e r f i 1 1 1 i cb e it, civilize. 93 C r f i ft e It, v. ir. I. a. to sit away, lose by sitting ; II. nfi. to grow inactive ur sick with sitting. 93 e r f f I a » e u, ». I. n («i. fe'.m) /. u. to become a slave ; II. a. to enslave. 23 c i' 8 ler, m. vid 83erfeter. 93 C r f 6 f f t It, adj wig. given to drink- ing, vid. 23 cv fa u fen. 83 erf Of) I C 11, v. a. to sole. 93 er f ob, n ba r, adj. explable; recon- cilable ; — Ca 23eibtci1)cn, expiable crime. 93 e r f cf) it - b c rf) e r , m. — feft. n- it. f. to.,vid SSerfobnungeiedper, SScr* fbl)itnng4fcft u. f. to. 23erfcbnen, d. a. 1. to reconcile; conciliate; 2. to propitiate, atone; 3. to appease; to expiate ; ftdj mit cinem — , to reconcile ones self, be reconciled with one. Si/n. IScrfiJbncn, :iii»fi(f>nfn,Sid) mic err Scrtragcn. i£id; ii'itCtr prriraafn with a person merely means to restore ufi m.inity be- tween that person and one's self. Urrip^ntii au-1 ouc.fol;iKn, to forgive the injuries occasioned by led to wish to hve no longer in enmity with him. Sid; Mrtragrn, therefore, only puts away disunion, and hence it is said of nil per- sons who live in harmony , that they strlragca (id) (agree well, are friendly together; persons, therefore, MrlMgro hJ again), who were merely separated by dilier- ences of opinion. They who lib irrl'i-' come reconciled to each other), had lived in hostility, lilted each other and mutually en deavoured to be revenged. The persons w he had hved in Trie oiisji-io^iil (made friends again, imut make it up ■gam). 93 C V f 5 f) 11 e 11 b, adj. reconciliatory ; ex- piatory. 23 e r f o f) ii e r, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) 1. recon- ciler, conciliator, prop tial ir, mediator, appeaser; 2. our Saviour. 93 e r f f) n I i d), I. adj. placable, recon- cilable, propitiable ; II. ado. placably, propitiably. 93 e t f 3 b tl 1 1 $ le 1 1,/ placability, re- concilableness, forgiving or conciliatory nature. 93erfobnopfcr, n. (-H; pi. — ) propitiatory sacrifice, atonement. 93et'f Bl)llUlig, /. reconciliation, re- concilement, propitiation ; atonement, conciliation ; campot. — 8bfd)er, m. cup of reconciliation; — SbOff, m. the scape- goat; — 8fejt, n. feast of reconciliation — 80pfer, n. expiatory sacrifice ; — 8* tag, m. day of expiation, day of atone- ment ; — ftOb, mi. expiatory death ; — 8* hXVf, n. expiatory work ; work of re demption (of Christ). 93 e f f 6 rg C R, v. a. I. to provide for, take care of, supply, sustain, furnish 2. to maintain, to provide with DC ries; eiiieit — , to establish, provide for one; feilie ftinbtt — ,t0 settle one's children; er tjt auf VcbeiiMang X"ft = forgt, he is made easy for lift; etU (Sd)ijf — , to store a ship. 93 er f or ge r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) S3erf6r» gevinii, /. :./'!. -en provider, maintain- er, sustaincr, preserver. 93 e r f 6 r g ll ll g, / 1. providing, provi- sion, maintenance! sustenance; 2. est Uement, living ; compos. — Sanjtalt, / — 8baU8, tt, i. any charitable insiitu tion, asylum, fbuwlatlonj •-. lift-insu ranee company. 729 2Serf C erf or tea, SBcrfortften, v. «. 1. to sort ; 2. to furnish or stock with differ- ent sorts of a tiling. S8 c r f o 1 1 c a, past part, of aSerfteben (?. 0.). 23 e r f p a I t e It, ». a. to split up (all Uie wood, &c). S3 1 1 f V It n e It, ». a. 1 to overstretch, strain too tight ; to hurt by stretching ; 2. to harness the horses wrong. 23erfpareit, v. a, 1. to spare, save, reserve ; 2. to defer, delay, put off, pro- crastinate. 23 C V f P 5 f U n (J, /. sparing, reserving ; deferring. S3 C V f p d f5 C It, r. (i. to joke away ; to spend (the time) in jesting, in making fun. 23 e I' f p d t C It, v. I. a. to make late ; to place late ; to retard ; II. reft, to come too late, stay behind, tarry, loiter; vtx- fpdteter 23roteft, Jlf. E. retarded pro- test. 23 e r f p d t ll It fj, /. [pi -Clt) stay, stop, delay ; coming too late. BSe rfp t i e n, ». ir. a. + to spit upon or on. 23 e r f p e U e r it, r. a. i. £015 — , to whittle up wood into skewers ; 2. 2Bitr= fie — , to skewer sausages. 23er fp Ctfea, ma. 1. to use as food ; 2. to eat up, consume. 3S er f p e t a a g, /. spitting upon or on. S3 e r f p C It b C It, v. a. to distribute, be- slow by largesses. 83 e r f p'e r r c a, v. a. 1. to bar, bar ricade, stop, block up, obstruct ; 2. to shut up, lock up, close up; 3*aiailbClH tic ^IllSfirbt — , to obstruct any one's view ; alio ^nvdigdnge — , to belay or shut up all passages. aSetfpertUttf}, /. (pl.-tn) 1. bar- ring, obstruction ; 2. locking up, closing up; — eineS DvteS, blockade; — ei= IteS >§afeil8, embargo. 23 C r f p t (f C It, v. a. to lard ; to use up in larding. 58 e r f p t c I e n, ». a. i- v. [mix. babea ) to lose at play, be a loser, lose the game ; 2. fig. to come off a loser. S3 e r f p i c 1 e a, n. (-8) losing. 23 e r f p t e I e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) loser. Serfptfern, m a.T. to spike. SB e r f p 1 1 I e a, m a. to dissipate, squander, waste. 23 e r f p t It a e it, ». i>. a. to employ or consume in or with spinning. 23 e r f d) I e i f; e a, v. a. vid. 23crfpal= tea ; fig. Cilt Clhlt — , to portion or lot out an estate. 23 e r f p I i 1 1 e V n, » a. to squander, dis- sipate, waste, fling, trifle away. 23crfpbreit, v. n. {am. fcnii) to rot, to iron-mould. 93 e r f p 6 1 t C it, m a. to scoff, deride, •nock, ridicule, abuse. SB erf 4>d tte r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) —tint, /. jeerer, jester, mocker, scorner. 23 erf potter a, v. vid. 23crfpotiea. 23 c r i> o 1 1 it a g, /. (pi. -ca) scoffing. derision, mockery. 23er fpr'cdi ea, 0. ir. 1. a. l. (eiaem ettOflG) to promise, give cue's word, to engage ; 2. to be promising, give hopes: e8 war ein jiutgcr i)icnfd\ ber viel Berfprndj), he was a very promising youth; bcr isldft, U. f. \V. tft 1*011 frevfprocbcil, the place, &c. is already bespoken ; tcb batte titir fciel VPIt thin verfprocben, I had expected much from 730 Berfl him; II. reft. 1. to make a mistake in speaking ; 2. to engage; id) babe mid) frboil serfprodKtt, I am engaged al- ready. 23crfpred)ca, ». (-$) SSerfpredjung, /. (pi. -eil) 1. promise ; 2 (/. u.) mistake " in speaking) ; eill fdjrtfttidJeS — , a promissory note ; — Sett 1 , m. promise on oath. 23 e v f p r c d; e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) promiser. 93 C V f p r e 1 1 C tl, ». a. to spread. 23 e r f p r e t } e it, i>. a. to prop. 3? et'f pre' It fie II, v. a. 1. to drive away, to disperse, scatter; 2. to strike a billiard-ball from the table. 23 e r f p r I e g e I a, v. a. r. 1. to fur- nish with hoops or !?ths ; 2 to prop, to provide with props ; $. to fill up chinks and fissures. 23 C X f p V t a fj e a, v. ir. a. to sprain by leaping. 23 e V f p r i ft e It, v. a. to spout away, squirt away ; to spill, shed ; fig. Kill 23 hit — , to shed one's blood. 23erfpriftca, n. (-8) 4- SSerfprfe ftlllig, /. spilling, shedding. 23 e r f j> r 6 d) e it, part, of 23erfprcd)en (q. v.). 23 e r f y r li dj, m. + affiance, promise, betrothing, espousals. 23 e v f p r fi'b e 1 it, v. I. «. to spin, shed, or pour while bubbling or boiling ; II. «. (aux. Ijabeit iS- ffiltt) to cease bub- bling or boiling. 23 C v f V a ( I It, v. a. to consume in spooling. 23 c r f p u I c it, ». a. ben 28eg — , to wash or flood the way. 23 e r f p it a b c a, m o. to bung. 23 e r f p it a b a a g, /. bunging. 23 er [pure a, m «. to perceive, feel, be aware of, experience. 23 e r f p a r e a, n. (-S) aSetfjJuruug, /. perceiving, feeling, perception. 23 e r ft d b C a, r. a. T. to channel or chamfer; eiiie @aU(t — , to chamfer a column. 23 e r ft a b u n g, /. (pi. -tv.) T. gutter- work, channelling, chamfering. 23 e r |i d ^ 1 e II, v. a. 1. steel ; to edge or point with steel ; 2. fig. to harden. 23 e X f( d f) I U It fj, /. steeling, edging with steel. 23erft d nipf ea, o. «. l. to crush or pound (sugar, &.c ) ; 2. to trample or tread down. 23 C f ft d a t, m. (-CS) 1. understanding, intellect ; 2. sense, wit, intelligence, judgment; 3. sense, meaning, accepta- tion, signification; er bittfeiaca— bo» fcOlt, he does not understand it; Had) meiaein meaigea — t, according to my inferior judgment; bcr geflttlbe — , good siaise ; cr l)at SMclflt — , he is a man of much sense ; lllit — rcbt'll, to speak good sense; bag gct)t (ift) liter llicilicit — , that surpasses my under- standing ; tea — »erli?reit, to lose one's wits ; ltid)t bei — C fctMl, to be out of one's wits ; Jll — C foillllteit, to arrive to the age of discretion; ivicbci' }lt — C foiltiacil, to recover one's senses; bell — ctttftrctigeit, to strain one's wits; cill SDBort ol)iie — , a non- sensical word. 23 e r ft d a b c » = b c g r i f f, m. Lag. <^- Phil. T. idea, conception; bie vcincil — Oegriffe, pure abstract ideas; — Sib, m. 1. superior genius; 'i. cnut. one who is vain of his talents, intellectual hero: Serf* — fa)tctl, m lad. head ; — fl'dfte, pi in- tellects, intellectual faculties; — » llieilfd), m. a cold calculating man; a man of the understanding ; — fd)drfe. /. acuteness of the understanding, pene- tration, sagacity ; — fcbivacbe, /. weak- ness of intellect; — ueriiMirung, /. mental confusion; aberration of mind; — Welt, /. intellectual world ; — ttH'feil, 7i. intellectual being. 23 er ft dab ig, I. adj. sensible, intelli- gent, judicious, wise, prudent ; know- ing; skilful; clever; brtS — e Sitter, age of discretion ; cilt — cr (5 ill fa II, a sensible idea, thought: II. adv. sensi'jly, intelligently, judiciously, wisely, skil- fully. 23 e r ft d it b t ft e it, v. I. reft, fid) met cu Item iibcr etnmS — , to come to an understanding, agreement or explana- tion with one ; II. a. to cause to be un- derstood, to render intelligible, to ex plain, undeceive; to inform, acquaint with, give notice or account of. 23crftdllbigfeit, /. intelligence. 23 e r ft d a b i g a a g, /. ( pi. -ca) under- standing, agreement, explanation. 23 e r ft d a b ( r a ll t, n. (-e§) brook-lime, red flowered pimpernel, corn-pimperncl| shepherd's weather-glass, poor man's weather-glass. 23cr jtdablid), I. adj. 1. intelligible; comprehensible ; 2. perceptible ; II. ado intelligibly; vid. Syn. 2)Clltlicfa. 23 C r ft d It b I i d) e It, v. a. to render in- telligible or comprehensible, to explain, 23 e r ft a a b ( i d> f e 1 1, /. intelligible- ness, intelligibility, perspicuity. 23 c r ft d it b I i cf) u a g, /. explanation; the making comprehensible. 23 C X ft d it b I §, adj. nonsensica.'; crazed. 23 c r ft d it b a i fj, n. (-ffeS ; pi. -fie) l. intelligence, understanding, concert; 2. agreement, concord ; 3. terms of inter course, mutual disposition; ill cilU'ltl gutca — nut eiaem lebca, to live on good, friendly terms, to agree well ; ettj tjeillllicheiS — , private intelligence, col- lusion; eia hcintiicbcS — babea, to act in collusion. 23erftdnbreid>, SerffcittbsoB, adj. very intelligent, prudent, wise. 23erftdrfca, v. a. l. to fortify, strengthen ; 2. to reinforce ; 3. to cor roborate. 23 e r ft d r f a a g, /. ( pi. -ea) l. fortify ing, strengthening; 2. reinforcement; 3. corroboration; — »0tt Sd'lippClt, supply, reinforcement (of troops) ; com- pos. — Sfiafdje, /. t. the Leyden jan — gfolbatrtt, — Struppeil, pi. reinforce ments ; — 8«J0rt, 71 Gram. T. augmen- live or intensive word. 23 e r ft a r r c it, ». «. (aux. febit) 1. to be seized with torpor, to be benumbed ; 2. to be astounded, hardened. 23 C X ft d X X It II 3, /. stillness, numbness. 23 C r ft d 1 1 e tt, v. a. to permit, allow grant, concede. 23 C r ft d 1 1 11 It (J,/, (pi- -eiO permission, allowance, concession. 23 c v ft a u 6 c it, », ». (aux. femt) to fly away like dust. S3 C r ft d U 6 e a, v. a. to scatter like du*t, to dust away 23 C X \l a U b ll It g, /. dusting away. 23 e r ft a li d> C It, D. a. to sprain, wrenrh, dislocate. 23 e r ft a licb n it g, /. (pi. -en) sprain ing, wrenching. 33 e r fit 65 f it, ». ?>• «- '- « sti' e h *•> Scrit Eerft Certf getter, sow up, patch, botch ; 2. vulg. to truck, barter ; provinc. to stub. 83 C r ft C cf . n. f-e$) liiding, concealing; 2. play at hide and seek; 3. place of concealment, liiding corner, lurking place, ambush ; compos. — leblte, — = ltCItf, /. T. linch-nin; — fpicl, n. hide and seek ; — tlMtlfi'I, m. hiding-place ; — jatlll, m. stalking hedge. SB C V ft C (f C 11, v. I. a. 1. to obstruct by putting something in the way ; 2. to conceal, hide ; 11. rrfl. 1. to hide one's self, to abscond, get out of the way ; fid) »0V cilicm — , to shun one's sight; 2. Jig. vulg. to go beyond one's means ; fid) nut SBaarert — , to overcharge one s self with merchandise. 93 e r ft C cf C It, h. (-8) 1 . hiding, conceal- ing, absconding; 2 hide and seek; — fpiden, to play at hide and seek, play at bopeep. 9? cr ft edit, past part, of 93evftccfen (q. v.) ; compos. — ll)Diiibifd), adj. Mm. ']'. rhombiferous. S>,n. B t r ft » rf I, U t r f 4> I o f fen. He that ia Dr rf^lotTcn, is merely circumspect in the nun- uunication of hie thoughts and sentiments, fear- ful lest his ingenuousness might be used impro- perly; he, however, who is conscious of enter- ofi certain sentiments, which he foresees woulunot be approved of, if known, is fcrffrit t. The cautious and prudent man is vrrfthtojfcn (r.^erved)) tbe sly man is rtr(ltrft (close); tlie former does not choose to have his opin- ions handed about or employed by others, tbe latter does not choose to let his real sentiments be known. S3 c r, ft i: cf t Ij c i t, /. deepness, reserved- ness, closeness (of character). 83 e r ft c () b a v, adj. comprehensible, in- telligible, 23 cr ft C tie It, v. ir. I. a. 1. to under- stand, comprehend; 2. to apprehend, conceive; II. n. 1. (aur. baben) to mean, knoiv; 2. (aui. feplt) to be in- jured by long standing, to grow stale ; SDeittfd) — , to understand German : cine Jinnft — , to know an a-rt ; lllit taviuitev Derftanben, comprised in it; oerftanbene JJBfiinber, pawns lost by having been engaged too long or above the term; falfcf), iuued)t — , to misun- derstand, mistake ; was — @ie barun= ter? what do you mean by it ; Sdjei'J — , to take a jest ; tttOaS JU — gcbcil, to give to understand; ctllM^ — , to have skill or be skilful in something, to understand it; III. rrfl. 1. (fid) Ctuf t't-- Wai — ), to understand, know; 2. (fid) JU etroaS — ), to agree to, to consent to; baS vcvftc()t fid)(uonfclbft), that's a matter of course ; er Ucvftebt fid) fciirauf, he knows that well ; fid) lllit etuem or mit eittanber — , to under it mil one another; fid) illl Spicle — , to play booty; bai Derftebt fid), that is to be supposed «r understood. 83 c r ft e b 1 e tt, ». i. a . to purloin, steal, pilfer away, put aside; 11. rrfl. to steal oil', to slink away. 83 C V ft e i f C It, v. I. a to stiffen ; It. n. Iiliu:. fciiiu to grow stiff 83erft eigen, v. ir. rrfl. i. to climb *.oo high: 2. Jig. to fly high : to go too far; in lose one's self; )~o brut DerfteU ge id) mid) nidit, I don't take my flight so high; fid) tm ETleben — , to be nut in one's speech, in one's discourse ; lid) in fcincit Oebnnfen — , to lose one's self m meditations; cr bat fid) in f c i - nen Stnbien nidit gar jn hint Det= ftiegctt, be has not over-studied himself. IB e v ft e i g e r e r, m. (-8 ; pi. —) auc- tioneer. 58 c v ft e T g e r n, ,-. a. to sell by auction. 8 1 v ft e I g e v n it g, /. (/,/. -en) auction, public sale ; compos. — Sbtld), 71. 1. cata- logue of an auction ; 2. book to be sold at auction ; — Gpl'OtofolI, n. register kept at an auction; — Sfacfje, /.a lot at an auction ; — Gfttlbe, /. auction- room; — Steriltilt, m. time fixed for an auction. S3 e V ft e 1 11 e n, v. a. 1. to cover or mark with stones ; :_'. to convert into stone ; 3. to kill by throwing stones, to stone. 33 er ft C t it C V It, v. a. & rrfl. to petrify ; ber ©ram oevftcinert uit«, we petrify with grief. 5BcrftcIllCrt, adj. petrified, turned in- to stone. 93 c r ft e 1 11 c v u n g, /. (pi. -en) i . pe- trifying, petrification ; 2. petrified ob- ject, petrifaction; — en (tit (Dcbivgcii U. f. ID.), organic remains. 93 e v ft e I n n n g, /. i. petrifaction : pe- trescence, formation of stones; lapidifi- cation (of metals) ; 2. the setting boun- dary-stones (in a field). 93erftellctt, v. L refi. to diss* disguise one's Belf; v c iftcll ter SBeife, diss.inblingly, by dissimulation; II. a 1. to remove, displace ; 2. to misplace ; 3. to disfigure, deform. Sim. I. 0>c rfttlltn, Scrunftatttn, Cat. ftctltu. Ufrfleilcn merely denotes, that a man by an alteration of bis figure has become diffi- cult to be recognized, without deciding, whether he has become uglier in consequence of his al- teration. IScrunftaltea denotes that his figure has lost more or less of its beauty and perfec- tion. Cl'iiiftfUf n expresses both these ideas to- gether; he who is tiilflcur, is uglier and less I as to his firm, and in consequence of tins impairment has become so changed as not to he recognized. Every kind of mutilation »er« unfralrcl (impairs) a man; but it does not follow, that it orrfliai (disguises), and tiiiflcllt (dis- figures) him, if it docs mt at the same time render it impossible or very difficult for people to recognize him. Syn. II. Btrftdltn (fid)), Sullen (firt). Sidj DtrftrOcn is not to allow one's real i to be known; fid) frclleu is to endeavour to palm off upon another as one's opinions those which are not so in reality; the first ix, there- fore, " to dissemble," the second "to feign, to simulate." The antithesis between them is shown m the Latin line :— " Quod non <■ las, ihssimulasqiie quod es," Oil ficaft tidi (fa* in |\'i)>i, it',>« ^ll nld)l bift), un6 ^u rttficufi lii> (tai |u ftpn, mi to bifi). 93 e t ft e II e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) hypocrite, dissembler. 93 e V fti' ( 1 1, p-irt. adj. feigned; simu- lated; cine — c jjieuilbfchaft, a feigned friendship. 93evftcl(lllig, /. I. dissimulation, simulation; -. disfiguration; compos. — 8fnnft, / art of dissembling. 93 e r ft c 111 D c 1 11, ». «. to use up in slumping ; to stamp all over. i> c r ft i p \> c 11, v. a. to use up in quilt- ing. 93 e x ft c r b e 11, ,-. fr. n. (our. fcmi) to die, expire, decease, to be extinguished, extinct, 93 e V ft e li e r it, v. a. 1 . to pay the taxes, imposts or duties ; 2. to steer a wrong course; oerfituert fc.Mi auf ttxoat, to liave a longing for, to be much addict- ed to. 'Be r ft iff en, 0. a. to use up in em- broidery. G V ft l C b C It, o. ir. v. {aur. fel)tt) to be dusted about, to be gone, lost, scat- tered. 'Bcvftielcn, v. a. to furnish with a handle. 'Be V ft if tcit, ?• a. furnish with tacks, [litis or points ; 2. to bequeath, to will. SB c t ft i 111 in e it, v . 0.1. to put out of tune, to untune; 2. to put out of hu- mour ; fig. I'fvftinimt fcyn, to be out of tune, out of humour. i> c r ft 1 in in t, part, l ij. out a tune fig. out of humour. 93 e r ft t m 111 it n g, / i . putting <• being out of tune ; 2. ill temper, unca- 93 C V ft t It f C II, 0. ir n. I . to smell tofl high, to spoil in consequence of smell- ing too strong (said of meat, &c), to rot (of eggs) ; 2. to cease slinking. 93 e r ft i b e tl, adj. scattered, dispersed. SB e t ft C b e X n, ». a. to cover, choke up with snow. 33 et ft 6 (fetl, v. I. a. to harden, obdur- ate, indurate; II. n. (auz. fet)Il) to rot, grow fusty. 93 C r ft C cf t, I. adj. obdurate, indurate, hardened ; II. adv. obdurately. 93 e v ft 6 cf t h e i t, 9Jerftorf nng, /. ob- duracy, induration. 93 e r ft ij fj t e it, I. adj. done by stealth, secret, clandestine; — cr 9i'eife, by stealth, clandestinely ; II. adv. by stealth, secretly. 93 e r ft b I e It §, adv. prorinc. by stealth, clandestinely. 93erftohHen, v. a. to pass time) in groaning, in moaning, in sighing. 93 e r ft b x e it, v. vid. 93evftDreu. 93 c r ft rj 1 1 e n, r. a. Mm. T. ein 9? ergs XOtxt — , to make gateway and stoll in a mine ; OtvfloUtfs Selb, field pierced with drifts, galleries, Sec. 93 e V ft 6 I p e r tl, e. a.4- rrfl. to stumble ; /n-. to blunder. 93 C V ft i 1 5 e II, r. I. a. to make proud, to inflate with pride ; to spend (money. &c.) in pompous display ; II. n. {auz. feint) to become quite proud. 93 c r ft p f e 1 11, r. a. to stop up (a hole, ice). 93 C V ft 6$ f « 11, r. a. to stop, obstruct, constipate; ben ^cib IH'l'ftcpfcilb, ob- structing, oppilaling, causing stoppage, constipating. S3 e r ft Dp ft, adj. constipated, costive ; — fcllll illl I'cibe, to be hard-bound. 93 er fti5p f« n fl. / 1- stop, stoppage, obstruction ; 2. costiveness, constipa- tion, obstruction. 83 e v ft t v f c 1 it, r. a. cine Slafdjc — , to cork a bottle. 93 e r ft ix b e it e, m. i- f. ded. like adj defunct, deceased. 93 e r ft ij r e n, v. a. 1. to disperse, pate ; 2. to disturb, perturbate. 93 e r ft r e r, m. (-« ; /-.. — ) disturber 93 c r ft r t, adj. 1, dispersed) dissipated. 2. disturbed, troubled; out of order: — flH$fcbcu, to look troubled, disturbed, discomposed. 93 c v ft 5 r 11 it g, /. (/,.'. -en) dispersion, dissipation, disturbance. 93 er ft f, m. (-e« j v >. -e ,c- ^trftSpt) 1. offence; 2. fault, mistake, error. 93 C r fte ft C tt, r. ir. I. a. 1. to dislocata by pushing ; 2. to expel, eject ; 3. to reject; to disown; to repudiate; 4. I'nV. to sell out of want; to sell very cheap ; cilKIt — , to put away, cast out, eject, reject, repel one ; foil! 9!3. I. a. 1. to con- sume in spreading ; 2. to spread a soft substance over a tiling, to do over, close, stop up: II. n. (aux. fel)U) to pass away, to expire. S3crftrcicftutig, /. l. the act of rpreading. ev ft re filing, /. dissipation, dis- persion. SBcrft rt'efte I it, v. a. to cover with ftripes or streaks, to streak. 33 c v ft r i eft e it, past. part, of 93crftrci= CftClt (q. v.). S e t ft 1 1 (f e tt, c. r. a. 1. to consume in knitting ; 2. Jig-, to ensnare, illaqueate, entangle; 3. pro cine, to arrest ; II. refi. 1. to knit wrong; 2. Jiff, to enter into a (dot cr conspiracy. aSerftvicf lltl (J, /. (pi. -en) 1. en- snaring, illaqueation ; 2 provmc. seizure, attachment, imprisonment. 2s c r ft r 5 m c it, v. n. {mix. feint) I. to flow offer away ; 2. fig. to pass away, roll on. Betfttfiffen, r. a. Min. T. ©inert ©tolleit or ^eftaeftt — , to work a stoll or shaft by steps or shambles; Deis firofjtcl gelb, country worked by shambles. 03erftvfibeln, v. n. (am. feOll) to boil away; to whirl off; to cease boiling. 93 c r ft It cf el n, v. vid. 3crftuJeltt. 33 e r ft u b i r e It, v. a. vulg. to spend or consume in studying. SBerftfifeit, v. a. T. to jag, notch, mark. SB er ft limine In, v. a. to mutilate, mangle, maim, curtail, dismember. £3 e r ft ti m m e I u n g, /. ( p i. _«tt) muti- lation, mangling, maiming, curtailing. SBerftiinimen, v. n. (am. fet)it) to grow dumb or speechless. 23 e v ft it m m t, adj. speechless, silenced, dumb : — ba fiehcn, to stand speech- less, silenced, dumb. S3 e r ft ii m in u it g, /. loss of speech. sudden silence; dumb-foundering; Med. T. aphony. S3 e v ft ii in p e v n, v. a. to spoil by bad workmanship, to bungle. Bet ft ii m p f e n, v . a. it u g. / ( p i. -en) l. experi- ment, examination ; 2. temptation, en- ticement. 33 e V f ii b e I It, v. a. to soil, besmear. 33 e r f u b e I it n g, /. (pi. -en) soiling, besmearing. 33 e r f ft b n e it, vid. 33cifi'bnen. S3 er flint men, v.n. (am. fc»;n) to cease humming. 33 e v f ii m » f e n, r. n. (am. felMi) to become marshy or boggy ; to turn into a marsh. 33 C r f ii 111 p f e 11, o. a. to render marshy, to turn into a marsh ; fig. + Th. T. til @0tt cevfiimpff, lost or absorbed in the contemplation of the deity. 33 erf lint fen, v. n. (aux. fcv>u) to cease humming (said of bees). SSerfunbtgen, v . rcji. i. to sin against to trespass, transgress; 2. to fall into sin ; fteft on eilient — , to sin against one. to wrong one. 33 e i- f it it b t g u it fj, /. (pi. -en) sinning, offence. 93 e r f u u f e n, past. part, of 33crftiifen (q. v.). 93c r f ii n f e n ft e 1 1, /. 1. state of being sunk, lowness; 2. stagnation, prostra- tion, a deep depression (of trade, &x.) ; 3. immorality, corruption, depravity. 93e t f U S e I It, ». a. to dulcify. 93 C r ffi fi C n, r. a. 1. to sweeten, dulci- fy ; 2. to make too sweet ; to over- sweeten ; 3. C/i. T. to edulcorate. SB e T f fi fj e r, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) sweetener. 93 C r f fi f) It 11 g, /. (pi. -Ctt) 1 . sweeten- ing, dul:irJcation ; 2. Ch. T. edulcora- tion. 33 C r t a f C I .!, v a. to wainscot, line. 33 e r t a f e I it ti g, /. wainscotting. 93 e r t a g e n, r. a. i. to adjourn ; 2. to procrastinate ; 3. to miss, neglect 33 c 1 1 a g e r, m . (-S; r i. — ) procras- tinator. 93 e r t a g u n g, /. (,,/. -en) adjourning, adjournment, procrastination. 23ertd'nbellt, v. X. a. to spend in silly things; bie 3ett — , t > toy awaj, SBerr to trifle away one's time ; II, ri 'fi. viug. I. to go, get spent; 2. to make a thoughtless engagement, to marry a per son. SB e r t d It 5 e It, ». a. to dance «way spend with dancing ; bie 3 f 'i — , to waste one's time in dancing. SB e r to. p p e n, v. rid. SBevtroppedi. 33 C V t d ft C n, v. refi. to handle wrongly, to make a mistake in handling or feel- ing. 33 C r t a li f (ft e It, v. a. I. to exchange, barter, truck ; 2. to change, confound, mistake; ein 3Bott iilit bem anbetn — , to take or put one word for anotlier; cine spfrfinbe mit eincr anbent — , to permute livings. SB e r t a ii f eft e r, m . (-« ; pi. — ) ex- changer, barterer. 33crtaiifcftung, /. (pi.-tn) 1. ex- change, bartering, trucking ; 2. per- mutation ; 3. mistaking, confounding. 33 e v t a ii f e n b f a eft e n, > o. a. to SO c r t a ii fenbf a I ti ge n, 5 aug- ment, increase a thousand fold, *93 e r t C ft r a f, adj. T. vertebral (3Btr^ belbeintg); compos. — avtevic, /. .3. r. vertebal artery ; — fyfteill, n. .1. T. the set of nerves proceeding from the vertebra. 33 C r t C p p i tft C ll, o. a, to carpet, vid. Sapqireit. SB C V t e li C tl, ?•. a. JV. T. to moor a ship ; bag ®eftiff in etnem .^aftncuprot — , to nmor the ship by the head ; ba§ ©eftiff gegen ben Dfittrt'nb — , to moor for east ; anf eincr gtiteii ©telle »ev= teut licgen, to moor a fair birth. 33 crteu'felf, I. adj. ?•«>. devilish, cunning ; ein — er Jtcrl, a devil of a fellow ; If. adv. devilishly. 93 e r t e ii n e n, v. a. jv. r. to build or lay the upperwork of a ship. 33 e r t e u n u n g, /. JV. T. uppeiworhs. 93 e r t e ii t f eft e n, vid. 33evbeiitfct en. *93crter, m. vid. SSirfcel, Sefteibel. ©ipfel. 93 c v t ft e e r e n, v. a. to tar. 33 e r t ft e t b t g e tt, ». La. to defend, apologize, hack, countenance, main- tain; feilt 9ieeftt — , to maintain one's right; II. refi. to defend one's self. St/n. 'Stiff) l it igtix, Silu'Htn. When a person renders an attack or bsmqH linrm- iess by a counterattack or by keeping the ajwailant off ar.. ir. a. to make away with, consume, spend, waste, lavish, dissipate, squander. •SBerficSf, L adj. vertical; ft. adv. vertically, vul '2eilfied)t, iiotbrecbt; com/ios. — fvctS, m. Mst. T. vertical circle; — (illie, / vertical line ; — ftUU lieilllbl', /. vertical dial ; — luillfel, m. vertical angle; — jil'ffl, m. vid. — = fvciG. *33 e V 1 1 C 1 1 a t, f vcrticity, power of turning. 23 e t t l C f C tt, i) I. n. to deepen, to make deeper; eiit ©eiltfilbe — , 7* to shadow a picture ; ill ©ebanfcil Devtieft, ab- sorbed in thoughts, deep-musing; ill <5d)iilbcit ueviicft fri>n, to he over head and ears in debts; II. rtjl. to be lost, be absorbed in . . . SSertiefmig, /. (pi. -en) I. deepen- ing; recess; 2. Jirch. T. break; — Cll etlieS ©ClllulbeS, deepening shades of a picture. * *33 e r 1 1 g t n 5 «, adj. vid. <& cbii'tnbc; lig; aiovuelfbpfig. *33 e r t i fl o, / rid. .scbminbci. 33 e t t l I i] e tl, v. a. to extirpate, exter- minate, extinguish, destroy, defeat, root out, undo, abolish, annihilate. 93 er ttlgev, w. (-J; pi. — ) extirpa- tor, destroyer, abnlishec, exterminator. 23e r t i I g it n g, /. extirpation, extermi- nation, extinction, destruction ; compos. — Gfvtcg, m. war of extermination. *33crttven, v a. w/. 1. .Iscbvcn. SBenbftt, llmbveljen; 2, Uebertvageit, Ueberfefcen. C € r tO b e It, r I. a. to pass raging ; II. n. (mix. babeil) to cease raging. 83 e r t 6 I X e I It o, [. a. tn lose '.y awk- wardness; II. n. inuc. ftytl) to grew awkward. 33 e r t n e n, «. «. [auz. fei)it) to to sound or resound; to expire, cease (of tones). 33 e r 1 f e n, ». n. (auz. b aben) to cease roaring. 33 c r t r a b c ii, v. a. fam. to dispel by trotting, to trot off ur away. 33 e r t X d (f t, I. adj. vulg. odd, strange, desperate ; confounded, devilish ; II. ado. strangely, devilishly. 33 e r t x d ff t b e i t, /. queemess, odd- ness; disagreeableness, nuisance. 33 c x t x d g, m . (-ii ; pi -tvdge) con- tract, agreement, covenant, conven- tion, stipulation, treaty, bargain; filU'lt — tveffclt, to contract, strike a bargain ; compus. — blicb, n. register of contracts, bargains; — Gartifcl, — Spllllft,_m. ar- ticle, term of agreement ; — gindOtj, I. adj. conventional, stipulated, settled by agreement; II ado according to agree- ment or treaty; — Slllnpiflfeit, /. con- formity to the contract or agreement ; — (6)a>icvii], ado. contrary to the treaty ; — C-luiM'Icjfcil, /. opposition or contravention to the treaty ; — fcblie^'l', in. contractor. 33 e r 1 1 d fl e It, v. ir. I a. I. to wear out ; 2, to carry to a wrong place, to misplace: 3. to bear, suffer, brook, sup- port, endure, abide, tolerate ; ILreft 1, to live upon certain terms (good or bad) with a person, to agree; ~.fig. to agree (of the stomach) ; 3. to be com- patible, to agree : 4. to be reconciled ; ftit) mil 3emanbtm — , to make one's peace wiih one. to make up one's dif ference ; |lrf) lit f t cilMllbCt — , to agree well one with another; vid. Syn (S'r = tragctl, 33evfbbiten. 33 C V t X d g e tt, adj. past wearing, worse for wear. 33 e V t r d g 1 i d), I. adj. sociable, peace- able, friendly, not quarrelsome; II. ado. Sociably, peaceably. 33 e r t V d g I i d) f C i t, /. snciableness, peaceableness. sociable humour, easy teni|ier, peaceable behaviour, COllipa tibility. 33 C r t X d g f <\ 111, adj. inclined to peace and concord 33 e r t f d g f a in f c i t, /. disposition to live upon good terms with niuers 53 c 1 1 rd f i, rid. ikrtracft. 33ettrdllern, v. a. /am. to hum away (one's cans. &.c.) ; to pass (one's time) in humming. 'B t x t v a p v e I ii, ) o. a. to spoil by 33 e X t l" a \> p C It, $ tramping, to tramp down. 83 V ! V a li t 11, v I. a to entrust, con- fide : + icbe, orouf ctm-it or CtllM*). Syn. Bcrlran«n, Jmutn, Btrl.iffm td4>). TIims wurdi •ignii\ tin» axpei'iuiiroi wr furm uf the |i<»w.-r hdj will of ■noiher. We ic.uif.i (trust) tun, whea wr siinnly apprehend mi evil ;il In., I..1.I*. weKrlr,iiifn(ri.i,iiile in) linn, when »v expect guild M liia lunilc A» we can only expeit j;..uil I'n.m Ood, since it ik niit-rl.i im|HM«inle. he can w»h mv tiling evil, ii wuuld l.e Uk> feebia no expit >i o tOMV we [r.liicii (tru-t) I ; we mil^t fftlM.ini (r.miiile in) inm. The ex|«rtatinn, lliat lies nt the ro,.i i if u,e.e n ~.i» inn h,v,. Jifl'erant Je- gree-* of rerl mill ; •- niebaat of whi. h is'ex- piaaaod hy n4 ucrlu^a (u> leljj upon some B c r f v a lion. ». (-f 1 confidence, trust; i fcia — «!iffinrn fefcen, to put one's trust in a per.-on . — OUf ©Oit, BFOM in God; eticad im — f>igcn, to tell so:.-,e- lli :i^' in confidence; compoi. — {Ctntf, b. trust; — ftn'tuin, or i-'eitranunges botitin, n. mad. vote of confi lence ; — 1?» DOU, adj. A> ado. full of confidence or trust. Syn. 1< « r i ran ( n, jjatraara. ^ ,,e *«'* -uii ijfn rei^rs to any Uiine lliat co.-uerni us, whether piod, bad or i:rau«» only to what is fpod. Vfrlraura is a eeitaia b"j.e. ^uirjurn <-an also be a certain Ic One vcitrout (conliden in, tnni«) pomebody'a promise; one ciiifm ;u (be lievea of any one), he, in cpite of all assurances, only intends to deceive. 33 e t tt tt II « V, m. (-S ; ;/. —) I. K. COn- fider, truster. 33 e 1 1 r a ii c r it, r a to pan or spend (one's days, 4cc.) in sorrow or mourn in?. IQertraufeltt,) v. a. to distil: ia 33 er I x d ti f e it, ) consume in distil- ling. 33 er traiif e n, r. n. [auz. feini) tc cease distilling or dropping. 33ertraiilid), I. adj. familiar, inti- mate, confident, confidential; II. oaf* familiarly, intimately, confidently ; — mit 3enuiitbmi umgebeii, to converse familiarly with somebody. 33 f f t V a til i d) f e i t, / familiarity, in timacy, confidence. 33 e r t v d fl in c n, r. a. to dream away SB tt 1 1 d ii f, I. adj. confident, intimate familiar, privy ; till — CV tfl'CUIlb, trusty friend, an intimate; II. adv. con fidently, intimately. 33 e r t r a ii t e, m ■$• / deel. like adj. con fidant, confidential friend, intimate. 33 e r t r a li t b e t t, /. intimacy, fami liarity. 33 C r t V C cf, n. (-Cg) .V. T cabin, apart men! (of a ship); compus. — brief, m. letter of departure. 33 ev tr eib e ii, v ir. a. l. to drivo away, disperse, chase, expel, forcn away ; to dislodge, turn out. to oust ; ! to make to pass, to pass away : 3. 7'. to make gradations, shade (colours) ; 4. I. u. to sell; flltS toil sMllcC — , to banish, exile pros«ri ,u'i)!illlb'.'!l and fcincin 33efii)thiime — , to oust any one from Ins estate . bit' 3tlt — , to pass away the tune ; cilteill bell iiiljcl — , i ticklisbness ; In tame ca.e ; bCV SBillb Uettreibt bit' HSolfcil, Uie wind dispels the clouds; SBiiatC'.l — , to sell, put off commodities; bie Sarben — , T. (with painters) to 6 Hi.- colours; ™ Syn. 33erlM!iiien ; o/»« 3ievfaiifeu, iQ c v t v e i b c v, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) ex peller. 33 e v t r c i b p i n f c (, m. (-8 ; pr — I 7'. brush for softening or blending (in painting). 33 C V t X C t 6 II 11 il, /. Ipl. -eil) driving away, dispensing, chasing, expulsion; passing away 33e r f re (en, iv ir. a. I to injure by treading; 2. to tread down; 3. to ob- struct by Btepping In i!"- way; 4. tr atan i in the p u i of another person, to appear for. to i i. to interced* for, to mediate ; 6 to defend ; eiitrni ben 3Dcg — , to stop oi ficb ben (Villi — , n> sprain, wrench, dislocate the fhoi ; cinritiir cine 3 tcli« — , to represent one or supply bit place; Ki3 93arlanient vevlriit br.a 33olf, the pariiaineni represents tb« p i pie : ciiieni bit 3cmaiu>em — , to interced 1 . for one, to defend, maintain, 733 &ert nrotect ono; bie J?iitberfd)iif)C — 6 C V t V C t e V, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) I. inter- ceder, mediator, intercessor ; 2. repre- sentative ; proxy. C c r f r c t ll it Q. /■ (/>' -Mt) 1. appearing for, representation ; 2. defence, inter- cession, mediation, protection ; 3. dis- location ; 4. treading down ; compos. — $rcd)f, n. right of representation. 33 C v t r I C b, in. (-e8) market, vend, sale ; giltei' — •, quick sale. S3 er t r t eb en, past part, of SBevtvcU bCIt (q. v.). SB e v t r i e b e it e, m. dcd. like adj. exile, banished man. SB tx tx lib en f) e if, /.condition of an exile, banishment. SB e r ttl e f e n, ». »i£ 93evtraufcit. 93 C V t V i 1 1 e r tt, jj. n. to pass or spend in humming. SB e X t V i It f e n, t>. ir. a. 1 . to spend or consume in drinking; 2. to pass away drinking; bte ©illicit — , to drink down ill humour, to drown one's cares in wine; eitie 9cad)t — , to give a night to the bottle. ffiertrt'vv el it, v. n. (auz. fei?n) to tr j [> away. SB er tvochtcn, v. n. (mix. fct;tt) l. to dry up, drain ; 2. to wither. 93 C r f r cf ttll It fj, /. the drying up ; — ber £ll!ige, consumption (of the lung). SB crtrobeln, ■,,. a. I. to sell out, carry to the frippery shop ; 2. fig. cont. to trifle away : 3. to spend in idleness. 93 C r t CO lit lit C I It, v. a. 1. to expel by drumming ; 2. to pass or spend (time) in drumming or tattooing. 93 c r t v o in p e 1 f e it, v. a. to expel or drive away witli a blast of the trum- pet; 2. to pass or spend (time) in trum- peting. SBettvovfeln, v.vid. SBertrciiifdtt. SBcr f r6r>fen,'t>. n. (auz. baben <$• fetytl) to cease dropping; — Iaffeil, to hang or put (clothes) out to dry. S3 e r t r 5 ft e tt, v. a. to feed with hope, to give one fair hopes ; to amuse with promising words. IBertvO jHtcf), adj. consolable. 33 1 r 1 1 3 jl u n g, /. {pi. -en) the giving hope, promises, fair words. SBcr tvii mp f en, v. a. dress); hoop-petti- *i3 e V t ii 3 a b i It, m. J coat ; also bustle. 93 e r t ii m m c I tt, v. a. i . to spend (one's time, &.c.) in galloping or can- tering about ; bte . a. to make points iB e v t ii p f en, $ or tags all over ; to make bad points or tags. BettlifcDen, B . a . to hush up, hide, wver, stitle, smother. 73-1 to commit, perpetrate. committer, SScru 93crtiifd)ev, m. (-8;;-/. — ) hitler, | concealer. SBertti fci) ling, /. hiding, covering, hushing up, stifling, smothering. SB Ct fi 6 e I It, v. a. to take ill or amiss ; eiiient cttvctS — , to blame a person for a thing, to take in ill part ; vid. Sijn. SBevbciifen. 33 e r it b e it, »?, do, perform. 93 c r it b e v, »i. doer, author. SB e V ft b 11 II g, /. ( ;;/. -en) perpetration, commission. SB e r li in jia rib I i fb, c 11, ?>. «. 10 relate with all attending circumstances, to detail. SBcr li II be 11 f f cfce ll, v. a. to make bad German of (a sentence, &.C.) ; to translate into bad German. SB e riiltC be I It, c. 1. a. to debase; II. rrfl. to deteriorate. SB e r li It C f) V C tt, b. a. to dishonour, dis- grace, defame. SB cf line!) rung, /. [pi. -en) dis- lionour, disgrace, defamation. 93 e X li It C i It t g C ll, v. I. a. to disunite, set at variance ; II. rccipr. to fall out, quarrel. SB e r ii it e i n i g it n g, /. ( pi. -en) dis- union, discord, division, quarrel, dis- agreement. SB C V U 11 f 1 ii f i g e It, v. a. to foul, dirty, stain. 33 c v it it f v t e b e n, ». «. to disunite, make discontented ; fid) lltit 3?l>te, /. vid. 93cgcifieniitg, 3 : cner, Sdjiviing. SB e xv l e I) e tt, rid. 33erf$tevcn. SBe rvue(fad;en, SBevmcictt, 93er5 Utelfdltigen, v. a. to multiply, diversify. 93 er » I e I f a It t g e v, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) multiplier. 93 enmlfti It i gnng*, /. (pi. -eti/ multiplication, multiplying; compos. — £glit£, in. multiplying glass. 93 e v u i e v f a d; e 11, v. a. to qradrupli- cate. SB er 9 Tc rf C I It, v. a. to divide into squares, to divide into fourths. SB c r y 6 ( I E m m e 11, v. vid. SBcvt»otl* fiMiimncit. SB e x b 1 1 f m in n e tt, SOersfiffc foillllllicnt, v. a. to perfect, complete, improve. SB e V a I I f lit lit I i eft, adj. perfectible. SB c v a 6 1 1 f in in I i d; f e t f, /. pep fectiblity. SB e r a 6 1 1 f in m n c v, m. (-8 ; pi. -) improver, perfecter, SB e v a 6 1 1 f in nt 11 n ng, /. (pi. -t« perfecting: perfection, imprnvement ■ cumjios. — Sftifjigfetf, / perfectibility 5Bent> Serw SGcrw (6 * r » o ll ft d n b i g e n, v a. to com- plete, make; complete, 93 e v 9 6 11 ft ii it b t g c v, m. (-« ; />.'. — ) completer. 93 c r i) c 1 1 ft 5 n b i g it it g, / tiie ren- dering complete, completeness. 93 e V 9 6 1 1 5 d b I i g C It, v. a. to com- plete (the number of). 93 C f t> 6 r t 1) e t 1 e It, v. a. to overreach, circumvent, injure, prejudice. 33 e r 9 6 r 1 1) e i I u n g, /. deceit, fraud, trick. SB C t 19 d d) C tt, v. a. to pass away by watching, to consume by watching ; 2. to watch. 93 C V tt) d d) f C II, d ir. I. a. to lose by growing; H'ine .Itlcibev — ,tooutgrow one's clothes ; eittCll «5ct)[er — , to out- grow a defect; II. n. (auz. fet)lt) I. to be grown over ; 2. to grow together ; 3. to grow in a deformed manner ; 4. to grow too much. 23 e r tt? d cf) f e tt, adj. grown crooked, hunchbacked. 33 e r 19 S g C II, v. ir. a. to venture, risk, hazard. 15 e r 19 a g c it, v. ir. a. to weigh ; mil SSerroiegen. 23 txtoa b v, m. rut. SBcrtoaljrung. 23 c nt> d t) v a r 5 e n e i, /. Med. T. con- servative, preservative medicine. SBt X B)S6t e It, v. I. a. I. to keep, pre- serve ; 2. to guard, secure ; Ittit ■-Bchloffcril — , to lock up; II. reft, to guard against ; fid) 90V or gegeil CtlOaS — , to keep one's self from ; to provide one's self beforehand against, to stand upon one's guard; fid) gegcit bie xciu- be 2Bittevillig — , to provide against the inclemency of the weather; fid) 90V bov Juilte — , to guard against the cold : vid. Syn. 93ci9at)VCit. SB e V 19 d l) X C V, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) pre- server, keeper. 23 e x 19 a I) v g c I b, n. (-c8 ; pi. -ev) money deposited. 23 c r 19 a h v g u t, n. (-c$ ; ;>/. -giitev) property deposited. 23 e rro d h v 8 f a f f e, /. office or bank for deposits ; savings-bank. 23 e no d I) V I i d), adv. in custody. 23 errod brl fen, v. a. to spoil (a child): injure by neglect; to neglect; bad SctlCV — , to cause fire by neglect. 83 e no d b r I f u it g, /. spoiling (a child) ; neglect, carelessness. 23cnodl)Vt, adj. fallen under the right of prescription, lost by prescrip- tion. B3 C V 10 a b X ll It g, /. ] . custody, keep- nig, preservation, guard, heed, care ; 2. j^.protestntion; cine gcrichtliehe — , a protestation at law ; in — gebeit, to commit to one's keeping ; III — llC-- gcit, to lie deposited; cinctt t It — llt'b- lltCIt, to put one in prison ; compos. — eiltittcl, 7i. preservative; — Sort, m. depository. 83 e r id a i f e it, ?-. I. n. (aux. fevm) i . to become an orphan ; 2. to become dee titute ; 3, to be deserted ; II. a. to de- prive of one's parents; to render an or- phan. 83tnoaifef, adj. 1. orphan, father- less, motherless ; 2. Jig. deserted; eill — C$ Xorf, a deserted village. 53 C V19 d ( t C II, v. a. to manage, ndmi- ni-ter, carry on : bie ;liegicrutig — , to govern, rule ; cin 9lnit — , toexerci or hold an office; JU — gebeil, to commit tc Dne's administration or ma- nagement. 93 c v ro d 1 1 e r, m. (-B; pi. — ) i . ad- ministrator; 2. manager; 3. bailiff, steward (Oi a farm). 93 C VIO d I t C V i 11 II, /. (pi. -Cll) admi- nistratrix; bailiff's ur steward's wile. 23 e VIO d U U It g, /. (pi. -Cll) 1. manage- ment, carrying on ; 2. administration, government, ruling; compos. — 6ail3= ld)ll!t, 7/i. officiating committee ; — 8= bcanitcit, pi. administrative offio re, functionaries; — ofad), n. — efrci8, — 8$tvcig, i/i. administrative branch or department; — Sfad) cities ©taattfe* fl'Ctdl'8, department of a secretary of state; — Stammer, — ebcvfainiiilinig, f. administrative body ur assembly ; — 6= Vfltb, 7/i. 1. counsellor of administration; 2. council of administration, directors; — e fart) en, pi. — Sivcfen, n. administra- tive affairs, the administration ; eco- nomy. 93enod nbc t ba r, adj. l. conunutr able ; transmutable ; 2. convertible. 23 e r 19 d it b e I b a r f e i t, /. transmut- ability. 93 CVIO dlt be In, v. I. a. 1. to alter, change, turn; 2. to metamorphose, transform, transmute, transfigure ; baa SBefen — , to transubstantiate; U.rrjl. to change, turn, shift 93 e r io d n b I e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) /. «. changer, transformer, metamorphoser. 23 ev toditbl ting, /. (pi. -en) i. al- teration, changing, turning; 2. meta- morphosis, transformation, transmu- tation, transfiguration ; 3. transubstan- tiation ; — fcev ©leid)iutgeit, transform- ation of equations ; — ttuf bCllt %\jtd' tev, changing, shifting scenes ; compos. — sbitlfe, /. aurelia, 93 e v io a tt b nt t h e it, v. a. Mia . T. cillCIl ^Ed)ad)t — , to line a shaft with posts. 93 e r 10 d 11 b t, adj. related, kin. allied ; f C It, v. a. to use up (lime, &c.) in whitewashing; to whitewash {badly). 23 e V 10 C 1 Ec 11, r. n. {aux. fetylt) to fade, flag, wither, decay. 23erro c'lEc it, 7i. (-8) SSeroclfiutjj, /. fading, flagging, withering. 33 e r ro C 1 1 1 t d) e n, v. a. to secularize. 23 e r ft) C I 1 1 i rb U It g, /. (pi. -Cll) se- cularization. Ber We'ltbett, v. ir. I. a. 1. to turn away, turn about; 2. to bestow upon, employ in, apply ; frill Sltljje POIl Ct= IJ3 a 8 — , to h'.v one's eye steadfastly upon; @c!o 5u.n1 2lltfxiuf POil . . — , to invest money in . . ; IHCl dklb flllf ctraa8 — , to spend much money in; auf frhijite Jtieicer — , to lay out in fine clothes; bivleit Sietij ft«f ettoaS — , to bestow much industry upon, take much pains with ; II. rcfl. to in- tercede ; fid? fur 3lU p.utctiffb, — , to challenge, except against; eitie J?Utge — r to dismiss a bill; bie JIttfli1g( rourbc (oom ©cfrbraorttetigcricibte) oerraoi,eit, the indictment was quashed; II. refi. I. to make a mistake in throw- ing, to I), -ow wrong ; 2. T. to warp ; III. n. (auz. ba belt) (of animals) to have an abortion, produce prematurely, to cast. Q er W c v f e r, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) rejecter. -13 e rro'e r f I i dl, adj. rejectable, objec- tionable, exceptionable) blamable. 93 e r rai' r f I i d) f e i r, /. exception- ableness, blamableness. 33 e tw c r f it n (j, /. (pi. -en) l. throw- ing away, turning over, transposing ; 2. rejection; 3. refusal; 4. miscarrying; compos. — SjftctKIt, n. sign of repro- bation. 93 e r n> c r t b. e it, v. a. to convert into money. 93 e r ra i r t b u n g, /. realization. 736 33erioefen, o. I. ». (««r. fcty'O lo corrupt, rot, moulder, putrify, perish ; II. a. to administer, manage, conduct. 33 er racf e r, m. (S;pi. — ) adminis trator, vicar, substitute, lieutenant, man- ager. 93 e r to £ 8 1 1 d), I, adj. perishable, cor- ruptible ; II. ado. perishably, corruptibly. 93 e r toe 8 lid) t c i t, /. corruptibility perishableness. 93 er n> c' f Urt g, /. I. corruption; rot- ting, putrefaction ; 2. administration. 93 e r WC 1 t e It, v. a. to lose by betting. or laying; ic$ ocrroetre meiitcn Jicpf, I wager my head. 33 e r ra i 1 1 c r it, ». a. vid, 3ffd)met= tent, 3fi"brcd)en. 23 e no e 1 1 C r t, adj. 1 . spoiled by the weather, blasted ; 2. vulg. damned, con- founded. 23 e r ro t d) e It, I. adj. last, past, expired' former ; til —ell 3*'i tc,t ' in former times, heretofore ; II. ado. lately. 23 e r ro i d) f e it, v. a. 1. to stop up with wax; 2. to use up in waxing ; etlteil — , to give one a rubbing down with an oak-towel. 23 e V to i cf e I It, v. a. to entangle, impli- cate, complicate, involve (also fig.) ; fid) ill etlUClS — , to entangle one's self, to embark or engage in a business. 23 C V to i if C 1 1 , part. adj. complicated ; intricate, involved. 23 c no t d e I it n g, /. ( pi. -en) entan- gling, implication, complication ; — ill eincm ©fbtuifpiele, intrigue. 23 e r to i e g e it, v. ir. I. a. 1. to weigh ; 2. to sell by weight: to weigh out; II. refi. to make a mistake in weighing. 23 e no i e f e rt e, m. &■ f. dcd. like adj. exile, proscript, outlaw. 23 er rat lb en, 23enoilbeni, v.i.a. to give a wild appearance to a thing; II. n. (nui. fepil) 1. to grow wild or sa- vage ; 2 to run wild ; 3. to become con- fused, or irregular ; 4. to be unruly, un- governable. 23 er rot lb err, adj. wild, savage, in- tractable. 23 e r ro i I b e r u n g, / t. growing wild : 2. wilderness. 23 e f 10 l 1 1 i g e It, v. a. to allow, grant. 23 e no 1 1 1 i rt U It g, /• ( /)/. -en ) 1 . al- lowance, permission, consent ; 2. grant. 23 e r ra i in in e r it, v I. a. (to pass one's time, etc) in lamenting; II. n. [auz fe\)lt) to become knitted together, in- tertwined, interlaced (said of trees). 23 e V m t II b e It, v. ir. a. I . to interwisL, interlace ; 5. fig. to overcome, to be still sensible of to hive some relics of. to smart still for . . ; 3 + to vanquish ; CV rattb e$ llie — , he will never re- cover it. 33 e no l n b ll It g, /. overcoming. 33crrain fel it, v. vid. 93crraimmern. 93errairfeil, v. a. forfeit, lose: 2. to commit, perpetrate, be guilty of, to incur a punishment ; 3. to consume in kneading; foil! sBeftfcrhilil! — , to forfeit one's estate ; bad Retell — , to forfeit one's life. 33 e v ra i r f e it, n. (-8) forfeiture. 23 e no i r f ' i di e it. v. «. to realize. 23 e no i r f t i d) it ii g. /. (pi. -en) re- alization. 93 c no i V h. it g, /. forfeiture, forfeit, committing. 23 e r io i r r e it, r. «. & rrji. l. to com- plicate, entangle; 2. fig. to make intii- nte, to entangle ; 3. to put out of coun- tenance, to puzzle, perplex ; to confound, embroil ; fid? tit — , m> uitt ctraaG — , to intermeddle, to engage in. 93enotrrt, adj. 1. complicated, en- tangled, confounded ; 2. fig. perplexed, distuibi'd, puzzled, embarrassed : 3. dis traded crack-brained, crazed; eilieit — llMcben, to confuse, perplex one; to drive mad. 93 e no i r r ii n g, /. (pi. -en) i . com- plication, entangling : -'. fig. confusion, embroiling, hurly-burly ; 3. disturbance, perplexity, embarrassment, distraction; ill — ft(jcn, to perplex, puzzle, em- barrass. SGerrutrttjfdjaftett, r. a. to dissi- pate, waste. 23 e V 10 i f d) 6 a r, adj. that may be ef- faced or expunged. 93 C no i f d) e 11, v. a. ^ . to wipe away ; 2. lo blot oul, deface, obliterate (also fiff.). 23 c r ro i 1 1 e r b a r, adj. Ch. T. efflo- rescent. 93 e r ra i 1 1 e r rt, v. I. a. Hunt. t. to furnish with a scented bait ; II. n. (auz. fe\)tt) to be weather-beaten, to be dis- solved, or to decay by the operation of the atmosphere. 23 e r ro f 1 1 i b f, adj. +for 33crraittrcet (q. v.). S3 e 1 10 i 1 1 10 C t, adj. widowed, dow- ager; bie — e ^crjogillll, the duchess- dowager. 93 e no S g e tt, wlj. fool hardy. 93 e r 10 S is <5d)iuerjlic|>jte — , to wound lo the quick. 23 e r ro ii n b c r it, v. in. i. to astonish, surprize, amaze; 2. impr. to admire; 11 rcfl. to wonder, or be surprised; fid) iiber eta\i8 — , to wonder at; c8 oer* raunbert mid), i wonder. 93 e r ra ii n b e r f a in, adj. odd, strange, wonderful. 23 C r 10 li it b e r ll It g, /. wondering, won- der, astonishment, surprise, amazement; admiring, admiration: IM3 it'ljt illicb in — , that astonishes me; 1 am surprised at that: compos. — 8:'0il, adj. full of as- tonishment, wonder. &c. ; — *jCltbctI, Tt. sign of admiration 23 e no ii ii b 1 i it, adj. v w. 93errohiibbat 23 e i io ii tt b ii it g, /. [pi. -en) i. wound ing, hurting: 2. wound. 23 e r 10 ll ll f dj C It, r. a. I . to wish at a great distance : 2. to curse, impretat* 3 to bewitch, subdue by charms and Bpells, to enchant 83 1 r wini f d) f, adj. 1. charmed, en- chanted ; 2. cursed, damned, abomin- able, detestable. 83 e r t» n n f d) u n g, f. (pi. —en) curs- ing, curse, imprecation. 23 e XXO li r f C I It, v. a. 1. to play at dice for ; 2. to lose at dice. 93 e x w ii x f c n, vid. 23enviifen. S3crn>urjC It, v. a. to season or spice too much. 83 C r W ii v 5 u li 3, /. seasoning too much. 53ertuiiftbar, 83ern>iiftlicb, adj. that may be ruined, destroyed. S3 e V ID fi ft C ll, v. a. to waste, lay waste, to ruin, destroy, desolate, dispeople ; ~.fig. to ruin spoil. 93 C r IV U ft e V, m. (-« ; pi. — ) 1. de- stroyer; 2, waster; spoiler. 23 e x w ii ft ti n g. /. (pi. -en) l. wasting, ruining, destruction, desolation, devasta- tion ; 2. spoiling; peviofcifcb / e — Cll, periodical devastations ; compos. — i- f VtCiJ, m. war of destruction. 23erroiii b c it, v. n. (auz. fxtbfii) to cease raging. 83 c r j a g c it, r. n. (auz. baben) to de- spair, despond, lose courage, grow faint- hearted, tremble ; tilt UllflltiS llifbf. — , to bear up under adversity. i'yn. IWrtuatn, ')3 < t \ if t i f ' I "• A person d of bcpe ran abandon himself to fear anJ lose all courage tor undertaking any thing what- ever, then he rrriagt (desponds,) ; or the hope- lessness he feels may oo disorder his senses, lie braves extremity, rushes headlong into the most imminent danger, abandons himself to the greatest evils, aud even renounces his life; then he rcr^ivt iff It (despairs,). The timid rran vcrt.igt, when lie has had a reverse or has lost some throws at hazard ; he no longer ven- tures to run the slightest risk ; the headstrong and unreflecting man sets in his iScriitifirtung 'despair^ his last stake, and when he has also Inst this, puts an end to his existence. 23et'}agt, adj. faint-hearted, discour- aged, disheartened, dispiritedgdesponding, afraid, timorous, fearful, pusillanimous; — llhtchnt, to discourage, dishearten, dispirit. 23 e V $ a g t b c i t, / despair, faintheart- edness, despondency, timidity, cow- ardice. 23 e X J a g U It g, /. desponding, despair, despondency, fainting. 23 e I' jd f) le n, v. I. a. I. to misreckon, 2. provinc. to tell, relate (a story) ; II. rrfl. to misreckon, mistake. 23 e x J d M u ii g, f. (pi. -en) mistelling, misreckoning, mistake. 23 er J a t) It e It, ». I. a. to furnish or pro- vide with teeth, to indent, notch, jag ; II. it. to finish teething. 23 e X J S I) ll U 11 g, /. indenting, notch- ing, Jagging, toothing. 23 C V j d ll f e n, v. a. to spend (one's time) in scolding or grumbling. 23 er jap fell, v. a. l. to tap out, sell by the draught; 2. 7'. to inchase, joint. 23 C r J CI p f U ll fl, / 1 . tapping out, sell- ing by the pint; 2. jointing. 23 C r j d p p C 1 II. 8 ti. fig. twig, to ago- nize, be in torments: to despair, perish; 3*mailt>eil — laffflt, to let one despair or perish. 23 e r ; d r i e I it, v. a. to spoil by too much tenderness, to cocker, fondle : fill .Uinb — to pamper a child. 83 e r », d r . e I t, adj. spoiled, pampered. 13 e r j d r t e I n ii g. /. i P i. -en) cocker- ing, pampering, spoiling. 33er$ciiiberer, m. (-9; pi. — ) vulg. for 3,uiberer (a. v.). 47 23e rjitllbcril, p. a to enchant, be- witch, fascinate. 23 e v j >i ii b e r it ti g, /. fjrf, -tit enchant* ment, witchcraft, fascinatioa 33 e V 5 d ft It f II, v. a. to hedge in, to en- compass with a hedge, to fence, e impark. 93 e'r j d fi n u n «, /. ( pi. -en I hetcbing, fencing, imparking, enclosure 93 e r J e' d) e n, r. a. 1 . to carouse ; 2. to spend in drinking ; 3. to lose by drinking 93 e r } e f) n fa rh e tt, ) p. a . to in- yjerje 1 f)itf d 1 1 1 ge n, y crease a number, one's fortune, &c ti 93 e r $ c ; f) n t b a r, adj. tithable. 93 e r J f 6 ll t e 11, )v. a. to tithe, pay 23 er lit) it be n, } tithes for. 23crjrir)ntcn, n. (-8) 93crjcbniung, /. tithing, decimation. 23 e r J e" h r e 11, ». a. I . to consume, eat ; 2. fig. to spend, waste ; biel — , to spend much; rmi8 babe ifb oerjehrf V what am I to pay ? 23er}eljrer, m. (-$; pi. — ) 23cqcf)= vcviiin, /. (pi. -en) consumer, waster. 23 e r j e f) r u it g, /. consumption, wast- ing; consuming; compos. — 0|lt*lier, f. excise of consumption. 23 e r 5 e t fb n e It, v. I a. I. to misdraw ; 2. to pen down, write down, register, record, note, mark; 3. to specify; ftikf= iff iff — , to take an inventory ; jltlll oerjeichneten (iouife, at the exchange quoted or noted ; II. rrfl. to mistake in drawing. 23 e r j e t fb n i ft, n. (-ffeS ; pi. -ffe) 1. list, catalogue, index, register; 2. spe- cification, statement, designation, note, bill ; — t>01t 93iichctll, ll.f.lU., catalogue ; — ton ©olbalen, list, roil ; — bet 23erftorbeitfii, obituary, bill of mortali- ty; — ben 2B. a. to scatter, waste. 93 f v j li d l H, r. "• lo contract, draw pull, convulse, move irregularly; hai ©eftfbt — , to contract one's features. 83er j ii cf en, p. a. to delight, put in ■ 23 f r | li cf C I n, r. a. 1 . to sugar too much ; '-'. to BUgSJI over. 737 2k lie J3 e r 5 li cf c r u tt g, /. sugaring too much ; sugaring over. 83 ft l& cf r, alj. in raptures, in ecstacy. 93 C r l It ff t b C 1 t, /. ecstacy. 'i.' I v ( li if it it 3, /. (jil. -Ml) convulsion ; — CM bctCllliliClt, to fall into convul- sions. S3 C t 5 li cf II II g, /. ecstacy, ravishment ; Med. T. delirium. SB f v ; ii g, m. (-e§) delay, put off. s:ay : r>Mtc — , without delay, forthwith, 83 e r J li (J (i d), adj. dilatory. 93eCJ tl^> f€ It, o. a. to ravel out, un- ravel, fray out. 93erjtt)dcff, adj. I. vulg. devilish. confounded ; 2. odd, strange. 93 e r j vo e i f e 1 n, v. n. (auz. Ijaben) to despair, despond ; ait 3entanbe8 @cnc= fun j — , to despair of one's recovery ; EuLSyn. 93er$ageit. 93er$roeifelt, I. adj. 1. desperate, incurable, past remedy ; 2. bad. mis- chievous ; 3. confounded ; — CJCl\ltlf= bcitcn bcrhingeu — e jtuven, desperate diseases require desperate cures; II. adv. desperately ; incurably. S3 e r 5 n> e i f c I it e, m. C fti Srt U8, »«. 1 a dealer in clothes ; 2. (with Roman Catholics) one who keeps the wardrobe and utensils belonging to a church. *23e fti bit hint, ». (33efH6ule) M. Siorljof, 93orfaaI, 23crballc. *33 1 ft i g t e it, pi. vid. gufjftapfett, Ssiircit. *33 e ft i g 1 r c n, e. Bid. SJlctifjfpuven. 93 C ffiy, 771. (-S) mount Vesuvius. *UJ C f U » t a It, 7/i. Mia. T. Vcsuvian. ♦Vetera It, 771. (-» ; pl. -en) veteran (soldier, sailor or officer) ; bte — en, veteran soldiers or sailors. *25c tei'dllt, /. state of being a ve- teran (on pension). *3S f t e 1 1 tt S T, I. adj. <£- adc. veterinary ; n. m. [-%) rid. SStefjarjt, SRofarjt ; compos. — fcbnlc, /. veterinary school. *33e" to, 7!. (-*. veto, vid. i'ci-ivcvfiitig, -ikrbct. 33 e 1 1 e I, /. (pi. -n) vulg. doxy, slut, quean. better, j??. (-§; pi. -n) 1. cousin, relation; 2. uncle; compos. — gunft, /. favour shown to relations ; nepo- tism ; — fcfycift, /. state of being related, relationship. 33 i t tett t A, adj. S,- adv. cousin-like ; as a cousin. 93 cittern, r. a. ficb or ctnonbft — , to call each other cousins. 93etterfdjaff, / I . relationship of cousin ; 2. all one's cousins, all one's kindled. *33« tiiva, /. ad. gu^rwerf, ?c^u= futfdje. • -i : c : 1 11 r ; 11 c, 7;:. (in Italy) vid. ?cfMi= fntfcijer. *33 c v a t i E It, /. vexation. *iB c r t v = b c cf) c r, m. goblet with a concealed siphon in the handle, magical goblet; — bcittel, 777. — borfe, / puzzle- purse ; — tcfe, /. puzzle-box; — Ct, n. mock-egg; — ijla§, n. anaclastic glass, vexing-glass ; — guvff, /. wild cu- cumber ; — pulm'r, 77. hellebore ; — s ring, 771. puzzle-ring; — |cblop, n. puzzle-lock; — Ipiegcl, m. deceptive looking-glass ; — lviil'fcl, pl. deceptive dice. *^criren, i-. a. to vex, trouble, teaze ; to tantalize, deceive. *i>crircrci, f. (pl. -en) vexation, railing, tantalizing. •33 t X irttn g,/. teazing. *i>cuer, w. (-§; pi. -c) vizier; frcr Oicf; — , the Grand-Visier ; compos. — StVUrbe, /. dignity of vizier. *23ejicrctt, v. (-tS) the viziership, dignity of vizier. ♦33 t a b ti cf, m. ;-Cr) viaduct. •33 i d t i c urn, 71. (-8) 1. vid. Sletfegelb, 3cbvpfcilltig ; 2. T. extreme unction. •aStatOrtum, n. aid. .Oct* meter. *25 t b r a b i 1 i t a t.f. vibratory capacity or power; elasticity. *3S t b r Cl t iBlt, /. vibration, oscillation ; compos. — §fS)ftertt, 71. the vibratory theory (of light, &.c). *33 i b r I r e It, v. k. to vibrate, oscillate, oid.%ittan, iBebeit, Srillern. *25ibiirnnnt, 77. (-§) B. T. the vi- "nuraum ; snow-ball. *33 i c 9 r, m (-8 ; pi. Ctcare, 33tcarien), vicar vicegerent, deputy, substitute. ■ SB :c c ti a t, n — 8 ; pi. -c) &■ 33tcarTe, 58tel) /. I. office or dignity of a aeputy o» vicegerent ; 2. vicarship, vicegerency *S3 t tar 1 1 e It, v.n. to act the part of a vicar, vicegerent, &c. *S3 t C e, adj. ill compos, vice ; — ilblttt' rol, m- vice-admiral ; — tivector, m deputy manager; — (JOUOeriteUt, — ■ ftattbitltec, 771. deputy-governor; —' Fancier, 771. vice chancellor ; — ?Pilig, 177, viceroy ; — fotlful, 771. vice consul ; — |)rdftbeilt, n. vice-president. *33 1 c e 1 m, 771. vid. 33tjbom. *33 ICC 8, pl. alternate official function, the taking of one's place, standing proxy to any one, being his deputy ; 3cmailbe3 — bertreten, to uike one's place, act as his deputy. *33tCefil)lfrC It, r. a. to take the twentieth part, to select by lot every twentieth man or soldier (for punish- ment, &c); SStceftmationv/.the act of selecting every twentieth man, &.C *i> ici It a IttJC ge, pl. side-ways, by- ways (branching from the high-way). *33 ICO lit f e, m. (-i ; pl.-§) viscount. *33 i C m t C f f t,f. ( pl. -tt) viscountesa. *23 i C 1 r, m. (-8) Victor (name of men). *33i tta r ia,/. Victoria. *33tctortBe, adj. vid. Siegreicb, ©tegboft. *i> t e 1 r t f 1 r e n, v. vid. Stegen, Uber= roiubeit. *33 1 C t U Sl i e It, p'. victuals ; compos- — banblcr, 771. dealer in eatables. *2S t b C 1 1 e, /. T. jagging-iron. *33tbltut, 71. vid. Sicimmg, ®ut= acbteit; fein — geben, to give one's opinion on any subject *33 t b t ltt it t i C It, /. /,. T. corrobo- ration (of a statement, writing, &c), confirmation, attestation, authorization. *25 1 b t m l r e It, v. a. L. T. to confirm, corroborate ; to make valid ; to au thorize. *93tbtmilS f n.L.T. (notorial; at- testation. *23 ibualtttU lit, ti. (-8) L.T. dower. *SS t b ui t a t, f. vid. 2Btttt»eitftanb, aBittwerjtattb. 23 let), n. (-cS ; pl. -e) 1. beast, brute, animal; 2. cattle; Ctn etiicf —, a head of cattle ; etlie .fpecrte, %X\\l — , drove of cattle ; ba8 — i}iltc\\, to keep or tend the cattle : Jllllt — nt.uben, tc brutalize; ft cb an'e eiit — aujfubreir, to behave like a beast ; compos. — ax~ jenei, /.medicine for cattle; — cirje= neifitnbe, i- — arjcneifniift, /. veteri- aryart; — arjeUeiftbuU, /.veterinary school; — nviettcilicb, adj. veterinary; — QVJf, T7i. veterinary surgeon ; — be=" fil",;e, / prorinc. mossbcrry, wortle berry; — bremfe, / ox-fiy. gad-fly; — bteb, 711. cattle-stealer: — bicbftabi, m. theft of cattle ; — biftel, /. B. T. the marian thistle; — bllllim, adj. vulg. stupid asa beast; — blimmfu'tf,/. vulg. brutal stupidity; — fitU, "' ''''• = ftcvbcit ; — fliege, / vid. — bvemie ; — « fvpbiie, /. average or service of tenant's cattle; — flitter, n. fodder, provender: — glbcfcbcn, 71. — glocfe, /. vid. — » fcbclle ; — gi'u8, n. meadow-grass : - — bailbel, 771. trade in cattle ; — banbler, 771. trader in cattle, grazier; — ban8, n oid. — ft.tll; — biff, 7i!. herdsman, cow-keeper ; — birtillll, /. woman who keeps cattle : — bef, m yard for cattle; —but, f. keeping or tending of cattle ; — bntifng, / vid. — wetbe ; — fn«4fc 777. servant for the farm yard ; — Fr»ltlf» beit, /. disease of cattle ; — ftMilf, » 2Stel Bid SSter provender; male speedwell (a plant); — utctgb, /. maid-servant attending tlie cattle; — lUCU'bit*, m. pine-martin ; — ' llhll'ft, m. fair or market for cattle ; — Ittcifiig, adj. abc, m. 1. loss of cattle ; 2. injury done by cattle ; — = fd)cif$, vi. praainc. duty paid on cattle ; — fdielle, /. cattle-hell; — fd)!arf)ter, — fcblcicbtcr, m. butcher ; — fd)n)CI1l = I'.te, f. watering-place, horse-pond ; — = fcncbc, / murrain; — film, m. bestial or brutish disposition ; — |tctll, in. stable for cattle ; neat-house; — ftilllo, m. slock of cattle, live stock ; — ftevbeit, •:. murrain, plague in cattle; — ftoiU'V, f. aid. — fa)at$; — ftocf, m. stock of eatlle; — thevtaf, m. Med. T. dintcs- siiroii; — tvailf, in. drench; — tWiilff, /. watering-place fur cattle ; — tveibev, m. drover; — ttitb, vi. 1. instinct; 2. — h'ieb, in. 0i iriff, /. right of tend- ing cattle on a certain pasture ground ; pasturage ; — vueibe, /. pasturage; — = IVlirjfl,/. Iluellen, speedwell; — jc()ll = tt, in. tube on cattle ; — $p[(, m. tax on cattle; — jllfijt, /.breeding cattle, keeping cattle ; — jiieb, tcr, vt. breeder of cattle, grazier 83 left 5 C tt,/. brutality. SMehifcf), I. adj. beastly, bestial, brutal, brutish; [I. ada. bestially, brutisli- ly ; aid. San. Sbierifd). l>iC I, adj. £ ado. much, many, a great deal, abundance; — :>r — c v A'iiibf, much pains, much ado; — @elb, a great deal of money ; — or — C» >£>0lj, R great deal of wood ; fc()l" — , a many, very much ; llicfjt — tS, foiibcvil — , not many things, but much; — Seiltc, a great many people ; C$ UMVClt — C bit, there were many of them : jicillltrf; — , a good many; gleid) — , 1. as many or much : 2. no is all the same; voic — , how much, how many ; fo — , so much, so many : jroeintrtl fo — , twice as many; nod) einntltl fo — , as much more, as much ngain ; fo — aiS, as many as; fo — i&rer and) U\)n mSgen, be they never s>o many; fo — fitt btefjlttCll, so much for this time; fo — id) ivctN, for might I know; — HOlt etllMS" billlClt. fid) — bavauS luadnn, m make much of; Ut — , too much; e-3 ft lib Utlfcr bio pfilftC SH — , we are too many by half; — beffer. much better: — aii-- btr8, quite otherwise; etnev 2arbc jit — ifMtti, to overdo, to exceed the limits of something ; $11 — if} llllgc= fiuib, proa, too much of one thing is good for nothing ; fo — Jtopfe, fo — Silttie, proa, so many men, so many minds; compos. — iU'lll, in. polypus ; — CU'lUtg, adj. that has many arms ; — CWtig, adj. multifarious, various, of many different kinds; — ctftig, adj. branchy, ramous ; — CUlgig, adj. that has many eyes, many-eyed, multocular ; — bebcuieub, adj.very significant ; very influential; — b/egobf, adj. high-gifted; — befit gt, adj. often mentioned; —Mats tWig, adj. polypetalous : — btltlliivt, adj. many flowered ; — bviibrig, a ; B. T. polyadelphous; — btflfttg, adj. many breasted; — betlttg, adj of n.u!- tifarious significations; ambiguous; — bCUti,]fcir, /. ambiguity ; — ccf, a. polygon ; — ccf tg, adj. polygonal, mult- angular ; — Cbe, / polygamy ; — cbtg, adj. B. T. polygamous ; — Cllbig, adj. having many ends or points; — eileiger •Oil'fd), stag with many antlers; — fl'= fafjreit, adj. much experienced ; — f f= feu, 7i. polyphagy; — effcub, adj. poly- phagous, gluttonous ; — fitcfj>, I. adj. manifold, multifarious ; multiplied, reit- erated ; abundant; II. ado. manifoldly; — fiidjevig, adj. multicapeular ; — = faebbcit, / plurality; manifoldncss ; — filing, i. adj. manifold] multifarious; jig. iterated, frequent, multiplied: II ado manifoldly, multifariously ; frequent- ly ; — fultigfeit, / multifariousness, multiplicity, variety; — farbig, adj varicoloured, variegated, of many colours.diversified with several colours; — fiU'bigfett, /. diversity of colours, variegation ; — felbig, adj. — felbiger erbtlb, (//. T.) shield having more than four quarters ; — ftltgf rig, adj. many-fingered : polydactylous ; — fliid), n. O.T. polyhedron; — fKicbig, adj. polyhedrons; — flofter, m. polypter; — Pitgelig, adj. polypterous ; — foniitg, adj. multiform ; — formigfeit, /. multi- formity ; — ftaft, m. glutton (a/so a quadruped so called) ; pelican : gully- gut; bcr anieiifaiiifcbc — -frafj, wol- verene; — fvaftfelk, pi. jr. i:. beaver eaters ; — fi'iifiig, I. adj. gluttonous ; ravenous, voracious ; II. ado. glutton- ously ; — fl'dfltgfeit, /. gluttony; — s fntci)t, / B. T. polycarpon; — fufj,m. polypus, multipede ; — ffiftfg, adj. poly- pous^ — gcbiilji'dib, adj multiparous; — gclicbt, adj. much-beloved, well be- loved ; — gclteiib, adj. vid. — giiltig; — gefchmifter, v l. B. T. polyadelphia ; — gcftaltig, adj. polymorphean, having many forms ; — gliebGEl'g, adj. 1. many- membered ; -. Mat 7'. polynomial; — = gotfci'ci, /. polytheism, plurality of gods ; — -gbtierev, 7«. polytbeist ; — gvif= fclirb, adj. i: T. surmounted with many style- ; — gilitig, adj. of great value, much esteemed ; — gii[ttgfetf, /. great value ; great influence, credit or in- terest ; — gut, 7i. small wild parsley, small mountain parsley ; — bitavtg, adj. many haired ; — brtUltig, adj. many stocked, many-reeded; — l)iillbi,),. adj. many-handed; — bultttg, adj. having many skins; — bm'fdwff, /. poly- garcby, polycracy : — hat,, n. n. r polycardia; ia — Mifig, adj. multisili- quous; — j>ibrig, adj. having la-ted many years, of many years; — faillig, adj. many-sided, multangular; many- cornered ; — f.lWig, adj. B. T. many- valved, multivalve; — Eavft'lig, adj. /:. T, multicapsular ; — ttVttlQ, adj. having many seeds, pips, stones; — EllOtig, adj. having many knots; — fopf, in. many-headed animal ; jae. the p — t ovfig, adj. many-headed; — fornix, adj. having many grains; — Kippi,',, adj /:. T. multilobate : — Itlti | multiline,',! ;—nt,il, —ina(#, ado many times, frequently, often ; — malig, a aften repeated, reiterated : — iiiaiiinvci, / polyandry; — lltaitlieiig, adj. B. T. polyandrian; — iltcbv, L ada. more, much more; II n ,„j. rather; — tta - mig, adj having many names; — = lU'ifttg, adj. Med. T. polychrest ; — Ots tig, a^'. poly camera tic -aid of a clock) ; — Cabertg, adj. having many wheels : — vcbcnb, adj. mulliloquous ; — rrbct", m. (/. u.) great talker, a loquacious per son; — Ttberei, /. (/ «) polylogy; — = Vllbcn'g, adj. many oared; — fjittg, adj. many-stringed ; — fagcllb, adj ex- pressive, significant, comprehensive important; — fainig, adj. polysperm mis; — fiiulig, aij. polystyle; — fd\x« lig, adj. multivalve (shell] ; — ftfcottg, B T. multuriliquous; — febveibtr, m. copious author, writer of many books, polygraph; — febrribcrei, / polygraphy, excessive writing ; book- making; — fi'itig, adj. multilateral; Jig many siiled, of varied acquirer, of general knowledge; multiscious : — = fiduig, adj. PAy». T. — firbit_gc« (5)(a6, ptrum J polyscope; — ftlbig, adj. aid. — Mbtg ; — fimtig, adj vid. — bfu= tig ; — fpolttg, adj. having many clefs r fissures; /;.'/'. multifidous; — fpifeig, adj. having many points; — fvvadiig, adj polyglot : — ftatigclig, — ftcngflig, — ftteltg, adj. many stalked, multicaul- ous; — ftimiiiig, adj. of or for many voices (of a song, &c.) ; — ftrilf) 1, m. the many-rayed asterias; — ftlbig, o4/< polysyllabical; ciit — fofbtgVfl 2Bort, or — ftilber, m. a polysyllable ; — rha = tig, adj. in high degree active- ; — = tlutltg, adj. multipartite, of many parts; — tbucrci, /. cont. busy disposition, meddling disposition ; — tbllt'g, adj. multisonous ; — Otrbiltbetlb, , tt. O. T. tctraliedron ; — flacfoig, adj. O. <$- B. T. tetrahedral ; — fliigelig, tdj. 1. four-winged; 2. tetrapterous ; — furjl, vi. tetrarch; — fiirftciltf)Um, n. letrarchate; — fuj»B« adj. quadru- ped, four-footed; etil — fiipigcS itjtcv er — fiifilcr, ?n. quadruped ; — gefaihj, m. song of four voices, quartette ; — gc = fpaillt, n. team of four horses or oxen ; quadrige; — gefiric^CIt, adj. Mas. T. four-tailed (notes) ; biefeS .ftlaoicv getyt bis ins — gefirid)ene F . ., this is a six-octaved piano ; — glieberig, — ' glicbig, adj. of four members; quadri- nomial ; ■ — graf, m. + one of the four counts of Schwarzburg, Cleve, Cilley and Savoy ; — grofchenftiicf', "• P^ce of money worth four groshen ; — t)rtll= btg, adj. 1. four-handed ; quadruma- nous (of animals) ; 2. Mas. T. piece for four hands on the piano, duet ; — ' baugig, adj. r. — ijangigtf S)arf), a hipped roof; — l)Cl'r, m. one of a board or commission, which consists of four members; — berveiiailtt, n. quatuorvirate ; — fjcrvfdjrtf t, /. quatuor- virate ; tetrarchy ; — fyevvfdjcr, m. vid. — fiirjl, — here ; — tjijrilig, adj. four- horned ; — f)llllbcrt, n. four-hundred ; — Ijuubcrfel, n. the four-hundredth part ; — t)ltnbei'tfte, adj. four-hundredth ; — jcif)t', n. space of four years; qua- drennium ; (anciently) olympiad ; — - jilljng, adj. four years old, quadrennial, having lasted four years ; — liil)V(icf), adj. <$■ adv. every four years ; — failt, n. square ; — ffllltig, adj. vid. — Cifig ; — failtjtaf)!, 7i. square wire; — topft* Itg, adj. B. T. quadricapsular ; — fer= lltg, — foi'tlig, adj. tetrapyrrenous; — = flappig, adj. B. T. four-valved. qua- drivalved; — flailig, adj. four-clawed, quadrisulcate ; — Ulllb, n. -f- one of the four countries, viz. Saxony, Fran- conia, Bavaria, Suabia ; — liiufcv, m. JV. T. truss-tackle, tackle composed of two double blocks ; — llldri)tig, adj. B. T. tetradynamic, tctradynamian ; — lit a I, adj. fourtimes; — lltrtlig, adj. four times repeated ; — maitll, m. vid. — t)eiT ', — = Utavf, /. boundary mark of four terri- tories; — ltionatig, adj. of four months; — iltoilutlicf), adj. of four months ; lasting four months, every fourth month ; — lldctytig, adj. of four nights ; — ttainig, adj. vid. — glicbevig ; , — Vfemttger, m. — pfeitnigfiiiff, ?i. a coin of four pennies; — pfuitbfr, m. Qun.'l'. four-pounder ; — pfilltbig, ai/j.oC bur pounds : — rdberig, adj. four- Ivheeled ; — fflllbcre f fig, m. four thieves' vinegar; — vippig, adj. four-ribbed; B. T. quadrinervose ; — rubei'ig, adj. with four benches of oars ; etn — vn = rriged Sctjiff, a quadrireme; — fai= tig, adj. four stringed j — faillig, adj. B. T. tetraspermnus ; — |ang,m. vid. — ge= farg; — fcb,aftig, adj.T. made with four strands; — fcfyatlflei', m. sheep two years old; — fitilltttgSbllbe, /. four- penny stall: — fdjrbtig, adj. square, robust; strons ; — feitig, adj. quadri- lateral; — feitigfcit, /. quadrilateral- ness; — fifeig, adj. furnished with four scats, holding four persons; --fyfll = tig, adj. split into four ; — fpdnttCV, m. carriage or wagon with four horses ; — ipnilllig, adj. four spans large ; — - f pattllig, alj. drawn by four horses; — fpiei, — ftitcF, n. quartette ; — fvitjtg, ldj. furnished with four points: — ftiill = H^, adj. of four hours: — folbtg, adj. 7«0 93tcr quadrisyllable; etn --ft)tbige8 2Bort, a quadrisyllable ; — fSfltg, adj'. of four days; bfl8 — tdgige ftieber, the quar- tan ague, quartan ; — tf)cilig, adj. qua- dripartite ; — fn'rS, m. quatrain ; — i>icr= t elf act, m. J\Ius. T common time ; — = WillfeUg, adj. quadrangular; — jal)l, /. quaternary number; — jvociteitact, m. Mus. T. time of four minims. 33 iev, 23tere, /.four (at cards and dice). S3 1* t e tt, b. a. 1. to square, to quarter ; 2. JV. T. to overhaul ; 3. to veer, to ease away or off. 33ievev, m. (-§; pi. — ) 1. fourth, four ; 2. thing consisting of four parts. 33 t C r e r I e i, adj. indecl. of four dif- ferent sorts. SSterltng, 7/i. (-§;?/. -e) l. fourth part ; 2. groat. aiterte, adj. fourth; jum — it, vid. JMerteitS; compos. — hclb, adj. three and a half. 25 1 e r t C I, n. (-S ; pi. — ) fourth part, part, quarter; — eiltev Stabt, ward, quarter; chl b'll&f^ — , half a quarter ; cilt — flllf ferf)S, a quarter past five; btet — Ctllf fecbS, a quarter to six; bvei — 3)ieileit, three quarters of a mile ; bag cvfte — bfS 3JionbeS, prime of the moon; baS le^te — , wane of the moon ; compos. — abet", /. A. T. hepatic vein or artery; — ailfer, m. quarter of a cask (of wine, &c.) ; — = baiter, m,provinc. small farmer; — bp- gett, 7W. quarter of a leaf; — bliplilt, — gcboppelt, adj. T. subquadruule (in crystallography); — die,/, quarter of a yard ; — faft, n. firkin ; — form, — = grbfje,/. quarto; eiu 93utf) in — grb= ]>t, a book in quarto; — gut, n. — i)\\~ fe, / prorinc. fourth of a plough ; — = ljei'V, — Sf)Cri', m. provinc. commissary of a ward; — jaf)r, ?i. quarter (of the year) ; fie fanii fein — jatjr ntebr le= belt, she cannot live another season ; — j(ibrig, adj. of three months; bie — jiif)i'igett ©evirbtsft^itngeit, quarter sessions ; — jiifjl'licr;, adj. i$- adv. by the quarter; every quarter; quarterly; — ja^l'Sgelb, n. quarterage; — jClf)vS= titg, m. quarter-day; — jrtf)rSlveife, ado. by quarters, quarterly; — fai'tan = lie,/, twelve-pounder; ■ — fttecbt, ~§- flted)t, 7/i. provinc. summoner of a ward; — freiS, m. quadrant; — nicile, /. quarter of a mile ; — Itieifter, m. pro- vinc. & + alderman of a ward ; — 111C= tje, /. quarter of a 2)Jefee (a 3 bushel measure) ; — llbfjel, n. — pillte, /. quartern; — note ; /. crotchet; — = paufe, /. Mas. T. crochet-rest; — * pflltlb, 7/. quarter of a pound weight ; — pfiillbig, adj. of a quarter of a pound ; — fct)lag," ?/i. vid. —note ; — fchn>eu= fltltg, — luenblllig, /. quarter-wheel (Md. T.) ; — ftab, m.Jirch. T. quarter- round; — ftl'icb, m. quarter-point of the compass, quarter-wind ; — Itllllbe, /. quarter of an hour; — ftilllbtg, adj. of a quarter of an hour, of fifteen minutes duration ; — ftiillblirb, adj. taking place every quarter of an hour; — taft, m. Mas. T. fourth ofa bar; — ton, m. quar- ter of a tone, fourth ; bltrrh —tone fOftfd;reitfHb, enharmonic ; — jetlt = lier, m. quarter of a hundredweight; — 5' e g, c '' m. quarter of a tile. 25 1 e r 1 1 1 it, vid. 2jiert^eilen. 25 i e V t e tl 8, adv. fourthly, in the fourth place. 25 t e r t f) a I b, adj three and a half. 25 1 e r 1 1) e i I, m. (-« ; P i. -e) fourth part, quarter. | 25 i e r t f) e 1 1 « ll, v. a. to quarter. Sine 25 1 c r 1 1) t i I it it g, /. (jrf. -eu, 1 quartw ing. 25 i C r t f cf) C 1 11, m. Ast. T. quartilf aspect. 25 t e r It II g, /. (pi. -Cll) squaring, qua drature. 25 1 e v j e b n, adj. fourteen ; — Sage, a fortnight. 25 1 e v ; e I) it c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) four teenth. 25 I e r J e I) n t e, adj. fourteenth. 25lerjtg, adj. forty; compos. — jiif)« rig, adj. forty years old, quadragenary ; — tiigig, adj. of forty days. 25terjiger, m. (-8; pi.—) l. num- ber of forty ; 2. one of a board consist- ing of forty members ; 3. a man forty years old ; 4. something produced in the year 1740. 25tcrjigfte, adj. fortieth. 25ter$igflel, m. (-3) fortieth part. 25 1 e r J i g ft C 11 8, adv. in the fortieth place. *25 i g i I d tt t, adj. S,- adv. vigilant ; live- ly, active. *25 1 g 1 1 d n j, / vigilance, vid. 2Borb= famfcit, 23orftcb,t. *25 i g 1 1 1 a r i II 8, 7/1. person who wakes up the inmates of a convent in the morning. *25 i g 1 1 1 e, /. (pi. -It) 1. eve, vigil ; 2. pl. masses for the dead. *25 t g i 1 1 r C 11, v. n. vvlg. to watch (for., flllf). *25 I g it C t t e, /. [pl. -tt) vignette, head- piece, printer's flower, flourish, border. *25 i g C g it a ro o ( I e, /. Vigognia-wool, vigone. *25 if at, m. vid. 25icar. *25 it i\\ g, m. (-8) warrior, hero (among the Normans) ; compos. — fflfyr* tcit, pl. the adventurous sea expeditions of the Normans. *25 1 1 a t ti, adj. vid. 91iebvig, .§&iSiia*), Srbdnblid), Scbjivfifch. *25iltpenbU , en, v. vid. @ciing= fc|flfcen. *25 1 1 1 a, / (pi. 93iIIcn) villa, coun-ty- seat. *25 1 1 1 a 11 C 1 1 e,/. a sort of popular sjug or dance. *25ilIo8, adj. vid. Slotfig, .5aa.:ig, gittig, dlani). *25 i 1 I f i t a t, /. roughness, sha)igi- ness. *25 1 1! a i g r C V I e, / manufactory o.* vinigar. *25 1 n a I i e 11, pl. wine festivals. *25illdffe, /.adulterated wine, wine and water. *25tItCCItJ, ) „. „„ , *25t..CCI.ttlt8j mVnCent *25 i it c t it r, / vid. 33iinb, 93inbe. *25 i n c u 1 1 r e n, v. vid. 33ctbinbeit. *25 i n c it 1 u m, n. vid. 53anb, Seffef. *25 i II b i C a t i It, /. L. T. claim ; com pos. — flage,/ action of trover. *3Hnbicaii», adj. vindicative ; vin- dictive. *23inbi c t en, pl- vid. 9)inbicittion. " S ( n b i c i r e it, v. a. L. T. vid. Slnfvre- d)rii, 3uriidfortern. *SB Inbic ta, /. vid. {Ra4>c, Seflra- funs- 'Sinplcnj, /• viuolency, drunken- ness. " S3 i n o m e t e r, m. (-« ; pl. — ) one ■•■vho measures wine. 2foc *33 t o I b i ® ci m b a, /. bass viol. •23 t I C, /. (pi. -II) 1. viol ; 2. retort ; 3. violet ; compos. — tlflpfcf, m. violet- apple : — llblail, a/lj. violet-blue, violet; — ttbraait adj. violet-brown ; — nfavben, — nfavbig, adj. violet ; — nhcntg, m. honey of violets ; • — lllltP08, n. violet- moss; — livcbe, /. jasmine; — lircif)cr, m. the squacco heron ; — II fa ft, m syrup Of violets; — ufchvortlltllt, m. violet aguic ; — ItUMIVJcl, /. iris' root, orris. •23 i I C t f, adj. violet-blue, violet ; com- pos. — apfcl, >«., u f. »., vid. 33ioleu- apfel, U. f. 10. *23 t 1 1 II - b (J e It, m. fiddlestick ; — - bUCtf, n. duet fur the violin; — faftt'lt, m. violin-case ; — UOtCII, pi. notes for tin: violin; — quavtttt, n. quartette tor tin: violin ; — filitc, /. violin-string ; — = fcbliiffel.. m. treble-clef; — fteg, ra. bridge of a violin ; — fpicler, m. vid. 23iolittift ; — ftimme,/ part for the vio- lin ; — DtCtUOfe, m. virtuose on the violin. *2$ t o 1 1 n e, /. (pi. -it) violin. '■5 i 1 i it t ft, m. (-en ; pi. -en) violin- pi lyer, violinist. *SBt ollt e it, v. a. vid. 23erlcfceii, (Siit= et.vctt, Scbdnbctt, 9lotb$iichtia.cii; 23iolatiott, /. vid. 23crlefeuiig, @nU caning, Srbdubuitg. *23 t I 6 It, m. (-8; pi. -C) bass viol. •23ioloilCcI I, 71. (-C$J pl.-t) vio- loncello. •23 i o 1 o it c e I ( i ft, m. (-en ; pi. -en) violoncello-player. *23lp C V,f. (pi. -tl) viper, adder ; com- pos. — bty, m. bite of a viger ; — felt, n. fat of the viper ; — gift, v. poison oi- venom of the viper ; — gra8, n. — s UHirjel, /. viper's grass, scorzonera ; — flatter, /. black viper ; — pufoer, 7i. viper-powder; — fal§, n. viper salt ; — - weSpe, f. cotton -fly. *23 irdg 0,/. virago; termagant. *23 I 1 6 lat, 7i. sort of roundelay, rondeau, (anciently in France). •33 t X fl 1 1, m. (-8) Virgil ; tie — e ftttb felteii, poets like Virgil are rare. •23irgllt ta, /. Virginia. 83 t r g t it t e n, 7i. (-6) Virginia. 23 t r g t It t e r, m. (-« ; pi. — ) Virginian. 23 ir g tutf4>, adj. Virginian. r 23 i r g t tl i t d t, /. virginity. *Birg It Icflff, /. the virgouleuse (sort Of pi-nr). * 13 i I g U II r C It, v. a. to mark, to en close in quotation-marks („ "). **8ttll, adj. vid. a)2ditttlidj, 3J?onu= haft, tOianttbar. *i3 t V 1 1 1 1 a t, /. virility. •83 1 V \ I ft i lit III e, /. (pi. -ll) individual, single vote. '53 i I' tpo ten J, /. virility, power of procreation. *23 i r 1 u a (. I ,. . , , <53ivtueU, ]«*■ VIrt,,al 23 i r t it a I i td t, /. virtuality. *23 i r t u f e, m. (-n ; pi. -n) virtuoso, performer. ■23 i r t U f 1 1 d t,/. virtuosoship. '23 i rule lit, adj. virulent '23 t rule it j,/. virulence. ♦33 i f a a. e, /. vid. ©eftebt, ©eftal t, ©e= ficbtSbilbuug, ISerfou. *2> l 8 C e r a I, adj. in compos, visceral ; — arjeitti,/ medicine for the bowels; — clirir, — flifttr, n. &c, elixir, clys- ter, &.c. for the bowels. fhtr *23i«C"tb, adj. viscid, vid.-%tyt, Silt* brig. ♦23 i 8 C f i t a t, /. viscoaity. *23 i 8 c it 8, 77i. or 23iScum, n. vid, 23o= geUeiut. •S3 i ft b e f, adj. vid.<£id)t[\u, 2lugctt= fcf)eiii(tcf), 3nfct)eiib». *23ifibilitat, /. vid. ©idjthufcit, 9lugcufd)eiulict)feit. *23 1 f i o n, /. (pi. -en) vision. *3S i f i II d r, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) visionary. *23ifir, > n. (-8; pi. -() l. visor, *'^ if lit, S beaver, ventail ; 2. Gun. T. aim ; 3. Opt. T. sight-vane ; compos. — cifen, 7i. Oun. T. the searcher ; — gc= biiljr, /. gauger's fee; — graupen, pi. .Mm. 7'. common tinstone ; — tette, /. T. surveyor's chain ; — font, n. aim ; — futlft, /. art of gauging, stereometry ; — map, 7i. — rutbc, /. — ftab, m. gau- ging-rod; — fcb,Up, tti. Guti. T. gunaiiot in the elevation of the first degree. *93 t f l r e It, v. a. 1 . to aim, to take one's aim ; 3. to gauge; 3. //. T. to blazon. •83 i f i v e r, m (-& ; pi. — ) gauger. *23 i f t r ii ii g,/. (pi. -en) gauging. *23tfita f t o it, /. (pi. -en) search, re- search, inquiry, inquest, visitation : compos. — 61'ecbt, 71. visitatorial power. *23tfi tdt ov, m. (-8; pi. -en) search- er, inquirer, inquest-man. *23 1 f i t e,/. (pi. -n) visit ; eine — ma= cbett, to pay a visit; —It ailltcf)llieil, to receive visits ; compos. — ltailieite, /. large kind of ant of the West-Indies ; — Ilfarte, /. visiting card ; — llftllbe, /. — njiltlllier, n. parlour. *23 1 f 1 1 1 r e i f e II, 7i. T. searcher. *33 t f i t if C II, v. a. to visit, search ; cittc 3BlltlbC — , to probe a wound, pass the sound. *23iforilim, n. (-S) I. aim; 2. Print. T. visorium. *93 i ft a, f. M. E. vid. @id;t, 8foffc$t ; a — , at sight. *33 t f 11 lit, n. (-8 ; pi. SSifa) verification of a passport. *23 itdt, adj. vital ; compos. — yviltdp, 71. principle of life ; — ludfllte, /. vital heat, animal heal. *23 i t a I i d n, m. (-8) a name of men. *33ital tdner, pi. (a/so Sietnalien= bruber) pi. a band of pirates (of the North Sea in the Hlh century). *93 itaCitat, /. vitality. *23 i t a I i t i u m, n. vid. Ceibgebinge. *23itili t ig a t or, m. vid. SEobler, ©rJbreicr, Jlldffev. *SQtti38, adj. vid. 3c()(cvf)aft ; 2a= ftcrbaft, 33cvbcibt. *3S it t Of t tat, f. rid. ^'eblei'baftigfeit, ©5«atttflfcit, 33erbeiblheif. *93 ( t i ll lit, 7i. (-8; pi. SBtttn) vid, SDJanget, Scaler, 3trtbum, Saflcr. *23 i t r e f e i b e I, adj. vltrescible. *S3 tteefCtOtlitat, / quality of being vitrescible. *23 i t r e f e I r C II, ». 7i. to become vitre- ous or vitrified. •33 1 1 1 1 f i Clt e it, o. a. to vitrify, vid. 23erglafen ; ajitriftcation, /. vitrifica- tion, vid. ^erglafuitg. •S3 i t r 1 8 1, m. (-8) vitrio. ; griitier — , green vitriol, sulphate of iron ; blatter — , blue vitriol, sulphate of copper ; tDCtptt — , white vitriol, sulphate of zinc; ealeinivter — , burnt vitriol; mit — gefcbmatigrrt, vitriolated; compos. — dtbev, in. Cli. T. vitriolic a'ther ; — - avtig, adj. vitriolic ; — Hume:;, ;..'. SBoge flowers of vitriol ; — erbe, /. vitriolated earth; — erj, n. vitriolic ore ; — geijt, th. C'/i. T. spirit of vitriol, diluted sul- phuric acid; — baltig, adj. vitriolic, vitriolated ; — biitte, — fieberei, / vitriol-house ; — fern, tti. flowers of vitriol; — tte8, m. vitriolic pyrites ; — - f kill, m. finest vitriolic ore ; — f rilftall, 77i. crystal of vitriol ; — lauge,/. \-.triolic lie ; — llteifter, m. master of a manu- factory of vitriol ; — M, it. vtdg. oil of vitriol; Ch. 7'. sulphuric acid; — VUl = »er, 7i. colcothar ; —fall, ti. salt of vitriol; — falter, adj. sulphuric; — = faitte 3a[j,c, sulphates; — fdure, /. vitriolic acid^ — fiefceit, n. preparation of vitriol ; — It'eber, m. manufacturer of vitriol; — fieberei,/. — werf, «. vitriol works; — Jtcilt, m. vitriolum atramen- tariiiiii : — ivaffer, r. vitriolated water; — >ayfett, 771. Mm. t. stalactite of sul- phate of zinc, of copper or of iron. *iU t r i 1 e f c t r e 11, 7j. )i. to be changed into vitriol " 93 1 1 r i D I i g, adj. vid. 33itrii>lbaltig. *23 1 1 r t D 1 i f cf), adj. vitriolic. *33 i t r i P 1 i f i r e II, v. a. to vitriolize, make sulphuric. *i? i t v i ( i f i r u n g, /. vitriolization ; sulphatizatioa *S3 itt 8, adj. vid. Ofa8artig, ® (afictit. ♦33 1 1 II p C r t v e It, 0. a. to vituperate ; vid. £abclit, Sdjctteit; a3ituperatt5ii, /. vituperation. ♦93 1» OCt tat,/, vivacity. *33 i » d it b i c r, 771. vid, SDJarfcteuber. *SBit> a till m,7i. (-8) vid. Sbicrgavtett. *33 i » a t, 71. 7.v d r e n, pi. viviparous animals. *23 i 9 i f e C 1 1 It, /. r. vivisection. *93 i j b om, 23i'5tbum, m. (-8 ; pi. -t) vicegerent; deputy, representative of a superior. *23Iief!, 71. (-c8; pi. -e) fleece; ba< golbene — , the golden fleece. *SJ e d b e t, /. (pi. -ll) word, vocable ; (in the pi) words to be committed to memory. *S3ocabulartum, ti. (-«) vocabu l.irv. *33 c a b 11 1 i ft, tti. (-en ; pi. -en) 1 writer of a vocabulary ; 2. vid. 23ort= (ranter. •S3 P ( 5 I, '«■ -8 ; pi. -t) vowel. *'J3 P e d I, adj. relating to voice ; compos —concert, n. vocal concert; — lliufif, /. vocal music. *93oca(t fa! ion, > , .. ,. ►iB calif iru tig, |/- vocal.att.on. *i>0 caliSllt US, m. Oram. T. the vowels, thrir nature and constitution. ►23 catiDn, /. vocation, vid. dtur", SBerufiing, SBeruf. • SB 9 cat If), 771. (-8 ; pi. -f T. vocative, *JB cattv 11 8, m. vid. 1. S8ocatf» ; a. ©ct)alf, Ipfcr 33ogel. *33 P C i f C r a I i It, /. vociferation. *93 c i r e n, v.a, (Siiieu — , to can stay one, give one a call (to a living, to n chair in the university); 33oeaticil, /. vocation ; call. 93 gel, m. (-8; pi. 33ogeI) i. bird. fowl; 2. limit. "V. falcon, hawk; 3 fellow: ber fyaftftyMflifjt — , mule bird: ber hpUmie — turn "?lbrcbic« Ben, sbaw-tbwl ; etn Icier —, tin li= fiiger — , a sly fellow ; ein loiebtftrti» ger — , a s:nv or easy fellow; a mem 7-11 Seflt .ellow ; a wag; proa, bell — ill bet ifranb baben, io have the bird in the hand, be secure ; compos. — amber, m. while ambergris ; — bauer, m. .\- n. bird-cage ; — beerc, /. sorb, sorb apple; — beerbaunt, m. service-tree, quicfc- beam, quicken-tree, mountain ash ; — = bectfaure, /. C/i. T. sorbic acid; — = — bf ijc,/. hawking : — benter, m. augur, soothsayer, diviner ; — bun)t, m. small- shot, bird shot ; — erbff, /. rid. — IV id' f ; — fa If, vi. sparrow-hawk; — fang, m. fowling, birding ; ber nad)tliu)e —fang (bet gatfdn unbSaktuen), bat-fowl- ing; — fdnger, iii. fowler, birdman, bird-catcher; bet llad)tlid)C — failfler, bat-fowler; — filMUJ, in.prorinc. oriole; — flinte, /. fowling-piece, bird-piece; ■ — fie tc, /. bird-flute; — flug, m. flight of birds; — fret, adj. outlawed; un- protected; fur — fret erflamt, to out- law ; — freie, m. outlaw ; — fuji, ir. the foot of a bird : birds foot (a plant) ; — fjftttt, n. fowler's net: — geftWg, m. singing of birds; — i]C)d)rci, 71. cry of birds; — btillblcr, m. bird-seller; —- baul, n. aviary ; bird-cage ; — bedV, /. 1. breeding time of birds ; 2. place where birds are made to breed, breed- ing cage : aviary ; — fjerb, m. fowling- floor; — ben, v. vid. — wide; — biitte, f. fowler's hut; aviary; — ESftfl, m. bird-cage ; — ftrfcbc, /. bird-cherry, bird's cherry ; — flillte, /. bird's claw ; — fllbtertd), 771. swine grass ; — fvaitt, n. chick-weed ; star of Bethlehem ; — = It till, m. bird-lime ; —mild), /. star of Bethlehem; — II eft, ». bird's nest; — = nc v , u. rid. —flam; — veifpeftive, /. bird eye ; bird's-eye view ; — pfeffer, m. bird pepper; — pffifr, /■ birdcall; flageolet; — ro£;r, n, fowling-piece; — rotle, jr. pully; —fang, m.vid. — ge= fottgj — feb iiucr, ir. (Roman) augur; — fdielle, /. hawk's bell; — fcbeitcbe, /. scarecrow, crow-keeprt; — fd;tefiCll, it. amusement of shooting at a wooden bird; oJso a festival in many German towns ; — ]d)liifl, m. gin, trap for catch- ing birds; — |d)ltell, adj. as swift as a bird ; — febrecfe, /. rid. — febeuebe ; — = fd)rct, m. rid. — bunft; — feibe, /. flax-weed; — fpCtlcr, IR, bird-skewer; — UHCB, ir. small spit for roasting birds; — [fetter, m. witwall, yellow thrush; — flilllije, /. 1. pole for a wooden bird, bird-pole ; 2. lime twig ; — ficllcil, n, catching of birds; — frcllci", m. bird- catcher, fowler ; — fh'id', IR. arrival or departure of birds of passage ; — lvabv= fager, ir. augur, orniscopist: — lVill)l'= fagerei, /. orniscopy ; —wide, /. bird's- tare, tufted vetch, wild vetch: — ivilb, 7i. wild fowls; game; — JUIIfle, /. tongue of a bird; birds-tongue (a plant); T. entering file. U o g e 1 cb e it, S3 5 fl c 1 e t n, n. (-8 ; ■pi. — ) 1. little bird : 2. swallow-muscle; 3. cont.fig. lady of the crime ; id) hilbe ein — bacon ftngetl lvreu,./ ( v. i have heard it whispered about. B o fl e I = b e f d i v e i b it it 3, /. — wcvf, 71. work on birds, ornithology. 5? 3 I f e 11, /., 71. vid HBufltfletb ; — febreibev, ir. clerk to the bailiwick. SO 9 fl t cb, adj. belonging to a baili- wick, relating to the office of a governor or prefect. SBofltet'fidjfetf, /. stewardship ; jurisdiction of a bailiff, &c. *i^ 3 u t,f. vogue, rid. ©cbnjaiifl, Sauf, ©iiiig, yinfeben, iiJote ; in — fei;u, to be in vogue. *i> 1 1 it r e,/. vid. gubrmeif, SBageu, Jtuifd;c. *SS label, adj. rid. gdltittg. *$& lab 1 1 1 ta t, /. oid gluc^ttflleit. ■ S 1 ai 1 1 c, /. eid ©epgel, geber= vtch. *iB o I a n t, I. 5. 771. vid. geberball ; 11. adj. flying, fluttering. *^l> n I d It t e, /.a light and loose dress for ladies. *i> C la til, adj. volatile. *S3olattIt firen, ». a. cii. r. to volatilize; ^Oliltiltfiltii'll,/. volatiliza- tion. *33 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 5 1, f. volatility. *93 I e, / T. vole (at cards). 33 1 b \) n t e it, «. (-S) Volhyiua, 3] 6 If, 71. (-e§; P i. 335lfer) 1, people, nation ; 2. Jig. soldiery, troops, forces ; 3. crew ; bi!5 QClltCtltC — , common people, vulgar, multitude ; fur ba§ — , popular ; eilt — *)iebt)iihncr, a covey, bevy or flight of partridges ; illttcr Me — gebeit, to enter into service, to en- list; Golfer (tufbrtngeit, to raise men ; comyos. — anil, adj. thinly peopled ; — - beberrfdjer, m. prince ; — bejwtnger, ir. conqueror; — gcfilllig, adj. popluar ; — ijcfillligfeit,/. popularity ; — leer, adj. deserted, desert; — lltilfjig, adj. adapted to the capacity of the people, popular ; — rctd), adj. populous, i" 1 £ c r - b e b e r r f d} e r, — fiirft, 771. ruler of the people ; sovereign, prince ; — 3ef(, /. history of nations; — = fcttutnift, /. knowledge of nations ; — - fltllte, /. ethnography; statistics ; ' — = lltiU'ft, 771. mart of nations ; — rcd)t, 71. law of nations ; international law ; — - rerbtlieb, ad?', relating to the right of nations; — reicb, adj. populous; — fee= rcdit, 71. international law on the high seas; — fiaaf, m. state composed of several tribes; • — VCfein, 771. 1. as- semblage of diflerent tribes; 2. alliance, league, union, confederacy; — llHUlec= rilltig, /. migration (of the nations). 33 tl t d) e it, 71. (-8 ; pi. —) (small) people; llteilt — , my little ones. S3 3 1 f c v f d) a f t, / [pi. -en) l. nation, tribe ; 2. colony. SB d I f e r f dl a f t [ i d>, adj. national. S3 6 II 111 a '', 771 -f a name of men. isol f8 = abe 1-3 ia ub e, 771. vulgar superstitions.. — abgeorbnele, n. de legate vr deputy of the people ; — ail» fllluev, m. popular leader, demagogue , — angelegenbetr, /. national or public atl'air, — aufvubr, — iiufftanb, 771. popu- lar insurrection; — beltebf, adj. popu- lar; — belicbtbeif, / popularity; —-- befdjloerbe, / national grievance; — ■= betoegiing, /. tumult ; uproar : — bl.ltf, 71. popular paper; — brandi, ■ — 3f-- bt'illld), 77i. national usage or custom — bud), 71. popular book, book writter in a popular style : — dllPllif, /. na- tional chronicle; — bid)ter, m. nationa poet, popular poet; — bicbtllll3, / popular poetry ; national poetry ; — 3 feiltb, ni. enemy of the people; — feillb = lid), adj. anti-popular, ami liberal ; — = fefl, 71. public feast; — ftcunb, w, friend of the people ; patriot; — freullb = (tcb, adj. popular ; — fiibt'cr, — lcnfer, — letter, m. leader of tlie people; de- magogue; — gebidpt, n. popular poem, national poem ; — 3eijt, 771. public mind ; feeling of the nation ; — gefaitg, m. popular or national song; — 8efell = fcfjaft, /. popular society; the people or nation; — ghlllbe, ir. popular belief; — 3liicf, 71. public welfare ; — guiljl, /. popularity ; — bitf), 771. public hatred : national hatred; — billlfe, 7?!. crowd of people ; the populace, mob : — berrifeb, adj. democratical ; — berrfcf)iift, /. de- mocracy ; — bei'lfd)ilftli(b, adj. demo- cratic; — benfdier, m. ruler of the people, prince; — iirtbltlll, 771. popular error; — jammer, 771. public calamity ; — fdlffe, /. class of the people ; — leb= Mr, nt. teacher of the people, instructor of the lower classes ; — lieb, n. national song ; _ — lliiitjvdjcu, n. popular tale; — mafiig,' ay. popular; — meiiuing, f. popular sentiment ; — incite, /. popu- lation, multitude, mob ; — name, m. name of a people ; Gram. T. ethnic noun; — ralb, ir, national assembly parliament, house of commons; — = recbt, it. vid. SBolferrcdjt; — rebi,/. public speech (to the people) ; ■ — reb* Iter, to. one haranguing the people ; popular orator ; demagogue ; — vepriia feiltailt, ir. representative of the people; — regteritng, /. democracy, popular government; — relifltOU,/. popular re- ligion ; national religion ; — facte, /. cause of the people ; national affair; — fage, /. common report; — fcbla^, 771. sort, kind of people ; — fdblltt"', in. decree of the people ; plebiscitnm (among the ancient Romans) ; — fdil'ift, /. vid. — l y ud) ; — febule, / common school; free-school; — fcbltllcfjrer, m. master of a common school; — fdut! = roefeil, r. national education; — = ffbuMYilt, 7». swarm of people; — » jinn, 771. public mind; — fttle, f.vid. — brand); — fptel, n. national or popu- lar came; — fpi'ildie, /. vulgar tongue; — fiimtlte, /. voice of the people ; — » {limine, ©otteSjtimme, p>ov. vox po- puii, rox Dei. the voice of the people ii the voice of God ; — ftilttmung, /. dis position of the people, public senti- ment; — jtudfdH'll, 71. popular air; — = tbitlll, 7i. popularity; nationality: — = tbuntiid), adj. national; — tbiim!id)= feir, /. nationality ; — trflcbt, /. national costume or dress: costume of the lower classes in a certain province; — rrt= bun, 77i. tribune of the people ; — 1111 = rub elt, pL troubles or rirJngs among the people; — VCrflthrcr, m. seducer of the people; demagogue; — "criaillirtlllltg, /. popular assembly, assembly of I lie people; — bCl'trctcr, 771. reprcsen'3tiv« of the people, deputy; — tJCltreUmg, / representation of tlie people. Soil Sot Sen 8611, adj. 1 . full, filled, replenished ; 2. full, whole, entire, complete ; 3. fig. drunken, fuddled, intoxicated; Cl'lte — f 8Bod)e, a whole week; — e CldU ia = fle, a whole se'nnight; bet — c.yjoiic, full moon ; bet ilionb ift — , ihe moon is in the full; til — cr SRftftung, arme 1 cap-a-pie; ill — cut QJatlanuntc, in full parliament; ailS — em >6alfe, aloud, roaring; juilt — Clt bejdbleil, to pay in full ; cilt — C8 (*HaS, a full piass; cr iff —cr 93cbnrfiiiffc, he is full of wants; — cr preilbc. full of joy; rvcg bad fierj — ift, (beg) gcht ben i)Junb iiber, p»w>.outofthe abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh ; — ft SJhuib rebet ana ifpergenagrunb, prov. in vino Veritas ; compos. — di)rig, adj. full-eared (said of corn); — ailf, ado. plenty, abundantly, in abundance, super- fluously, plentifully ; — an3, ado. fully, in full, full price ; — bdef ig, adj. vid. — ttangtg ; —blur, — blutvferb, n. thorough-bred horse ; — bliitig, abound- ing in blood; sanguineous, plethoric; full blooded; sanguine; — bfiitigfcit,/. plethora, piethory; — briiftig, adj. full- breasted; — biirtig, adj. born of the same parents; — biirtigfeir, /. the being bun of the same bed ; — Ctltc, /. tufted duck; — frag, m. glutton ; — ge= bauf, adj. X. T. broad-bottomed; — gc= liug, ra. full and perfect enjoyment; — gcjjfrovft, adj. fuH-stuffed; cram- med; — gefaltg, m. chorus ; — geftchr, n. full face; — geftopff, adj. full-cram- med; — geivalt, /. full power: power of attorney ; — giiltig, I. adj. of full value; sutlicient ; II. adv. sufficiently, competently ; — gii I tiflfcif, /. full value ; sufficiency; — billtij, adj. of full vain.', — (janbig, adj. jv. r. — baubig 3Bet= ter, blowing weather; — bdl'ilig, m, full herring; — fjffjig adj. having a full heart, full-hearted, overpowered by feel- ing ; — biifii}, adj. incastellated, hoof- hound, narrow-heeled (of horses) ; — = hiifitcr, vi. inhabitant that possi thirty acres of land j — jdijlig, adj. of (full) age; — jdbrtgfeit, /. full age, majority; — fatltig, adj.T. full-squared; — fraft, /. energy ; — frdftig, a ij. ener- getic; — leibig, adj. corpulent; — lci = bigfett, /. corpulency, incumbrance of flesh: — lid)r, n. vid. — nionb; — = lltdlllig, adj. full-mouthed; — liicier, m. vid. — biifllCf; — moitb, m. full moon, full of the moon; — lllPiibdhil = lid), adj. full-orbed; — IHOItbgcfidjt, n. fig. full mooned, full-orbed face; — = lllOtlbliadlt, /. night lit by the full- moon; — monbfcbeiu, „,. iig nt f , ne full moon; — moilbjeit,/. time of the full moon ; — niiinbig, a dj. of full aL'e ; — inunbtgfeit, /. vid. — jdbrigfnt ; — "fiiubig, adj. of full or duo weight; one pound-weight ; — roth, adj. full red, ruddy; — faftig, adj. full of sap, burly, fat; — faftige Stbrper, bo with humours; — faftigfett, /. abund ince or fulness of sap; repletion; — = fd lifer, in. drunkard; — fdllfcrci, /. tippling, drunkenness; — fdn'in, m.via\ — lllOtlb ; — ftdllbig, I. adj. complete ; plenary, full, entire, integral ; II. adv. completely, plenarily, entirely, fully; —ftdiibi^ bcinannf, full manned; — - ftditbigfeif, / completeness, plenari- ness, integrity, plenitude, fullness; — = ftanbiginacfcenb, adj. integrant; — = frlttbifliltacburtg, /. completion, inte- gration ; — ftilltilltg, adj. complete of in- struments ; full-toned, symphonious; unanimous; — ftimmigfeit, /. com- pleteness of instruments; symphony — flMieitb, adj. full-sounding, sonorous; — wangig, adj. full-cheeked, bloated; — uiidjttg, adj. of full weight; — .vir^- figfeit, / the being of fall weight; fig. competency; — U)Ud)S, m. full growth, plenitude; — jd()lig, l. adj. complete, lull, integral ; II. ado. completely, fully, integrally; — jdl)(igfcit, /. cot □ess, fulness; — jdbligmadjuug, /. complement, completeinent; — jabilig, adj. having a complete set of teeth; — jaVf, m. cont. drunkard; — jfttig, adj. fully ripe; — jeitigfeit, /. ; maturity. 93 6 I 1 b b r C 11, v. a. sep. to abet. 93 P 1 1 b r t II g e It, v. ir. a. insepar. to ac- complish, achieve, consummate, per- form, absolve, execute ; Ctlie SatlbUltg — , to make good a landing. 93 11 b r i it g e r, m . (-3 ; pi. — ) achiever, accomplishes performer. 93 o 11 b r i it i] it n g, /.accomplishment, achievement, consummation, perform- ance, execution. 93 b 1 1 C, /. provine. fur 93olIfjeif, pile (q. V.). 336 1 If it b, adj. V id. SQoKeiibS. 93 1 I C 11 b C It, v. I. a.inscpcr. 1. to end, finish, terminate, consummate, achieve, accomplish; complete, execute; -'. lo perfect; fill ilf.inu yen vollcubcter Jtlngbeit, a man of consummate pru- dence; If. n. (auz. babcil) to die. 93 11 e u b e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) finisher, accomplishes achiever ; bcr Slufdiiger Uiib — linfcrS (yiitllbcilS, the author and finisher of our faith. S3 6 (( e It b 8, adj. 1. wholly, entirely, quite; vid. 93bllig; 2. besides, more- over. 93 1 1 1 11 b U II g, /. ending, finishing, termination ; consummation, achieve- ment, accomplishment. S3 i) 11 e I e t, /. drunkenness, ebriety, gluttony. 93 11 f ii b V C It, v. a. iruepar. to execute, accomplish, perform ; vid. 93yllbl'tltijCtl, 93oUenben. tsollf Ft f) ttllig, /. execution; vid a3oUbrtngiing, 9SoUenbung. 93 6 1 1 1; C 1 1 , f. fulness, plenitude. 93 311 i g, I. adj. 1. full, whole, entire, complete, UlOl feet, sufficient ; '-'. ru'j: corpulent, burly; II. adv. full, fully, to the full, quite, wholly, entirely, perfectly; Cs ift lied) llt'itt - — etll ,Xllu\ it is not yet quite a year; id) bin nidit — biefev SDZctnung, i am not quite of the same opinion ; i'f fd)llig (i — Clb, he refused it roundly. 93 6 1 li g t e 1 1, '/. 1. fulness, plenitude ; 2. vulg. corpulency, burliness. 33 6 I 1 f 111 111 C II, > I. adj. I . perfect ; 2. 93 o 1 1 f b m in c ii, ) accomplished, o in summate; 3. integral; 4. complete, full, entire ; 5 large enough (said of clothe: : iill (Scftdjte — , full-faced; cilt — cr 2>ieg, complete victory; — C 0>)cilHllt, full, absolute power; — inadH'ii, to t, accomplish, consummate; II. ado. perfectly; completely, fully, en- tirely. S3 Oil f 6 ill 111 C li b C i f, /. (pi. -fit) per- fection, perfectness; accomplishment. 93 ollt 6 in in 1 1 rfi, 93oItt6ininttt6 ( adj. -f Sr vrovin ■. perfectly, completely ; i n tirely. V I' i 1 lit it dl f, /. {pi. -est) 1. authority, plenipotence, power; S. power of at- torney; citirnt — gf Jen, to em authorize one; rumpus. — gcber, 'ii. constituenl :— babcr, m attorney; —8= bKitt, b. blank bond; — eonef, 93oUmac^t. 3J 1 1 ft r c if c it, v. a. insepar. to put is to crtect, to execute, accomplish. 93 1 1 ft r e (fe n b, adj. executive ; — f (delimit, i^.idu, executive power 93 o 1 1 ft r c cf c r, m. (-6 ; pi. —. exe- cutor. 93 I [ {ite ({ 11 11 i], /. execution, per- formance; — Sbcft'bl, w. warrant for j command 93 c ( ( to o r i, 7i. vid. 93oHmar|r. 93 b 1 1 iv r t e it, v. n. provine. to agree to. 93 I I t, i C b f II, ;•. ir. a. insrpar. to exe- cute, fulfil, effectuate, perform; c ill Urs tbcif, — , to execute a sentence ; bie .Vn'r.ath iff boUjOgcit, ihe marriage consummated. 93 o 1 1 \i c b c u b, adj. executive ; He — C ©etvalt, executive power. 93 o 1 ( 5 i c b c r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) execu- tor. 93 o 11 j i c b c r i n n, / pi. -en) execu- \ ix. 93 o 1 1 1 i cb u it g , /. execution, pev formance; — bet (5'bc, consummation of marriage; \\\X — felltllUll, to be brought to execution, to lake effect; compos. — Sgemalf, /. executive ; — 8ratb, m. executive council. 93 6 1 1 } u g, m. vid. i'olijicbung. *& I 11 1 a r, m. (-3 ; pi. -9) volunteer i Mi'. T). *9Joltdiffb, adj. voltaic; bic — e 2dlllc, voltaic pile or battery. *93 b 1 1 e, /. volt. ♦S3 o 1 1 j i g e u r, ? m. (-3 : pi.-t & —) *45o 1 1 i gir e v, J vaulter. *5Boltigtren, o. ». (oux. fjaben) te vault. *93o 1 1 i gtr = m e t ft f r, m. master of a troop who perform equestrian feats ; — pfcrb, n. wooden vaulting-horse. *23 1 fi b e 1, adj. voluble, nimble, active , fluent. *93 of ub i I it a t, /. volubility. *93 o I fi m e it, n. (-3 ; ;-/. 93plumiua) i . a scroll ; volume; package of papers; 2. 7'. volume (of water, air, &.c). *93 1 II lit i 11 3, adj. voluminous. ' 33 I it in ill oft f 5 t, /. voluminous ness. ' I U pi II 5 3, adj. voluptuous, vid. aBoUuftig, SBonntg, ©rgoftlich. *9.) o I ii l pa, vid. ©olltfpa. •93 o 1 ii tf, f. Jrch. & Conch. T. volute. •33 1 11 1 1 t C 11, pi. Mm. T. petrified vo- lutes. *S3 oloTr e it, v vid. SBaljcn, SRolIen, Trrbcn, SBicffln. 93 6 111, prep. albr. [for ".'Pit tOllO of the, from the, by the; lid; ettvafl — ^alfe fd)affcn, to shake' oil', to gel i- 1 of some- thing ; bic Scan — £auff, the i ■• . — Aicbcr geiiefeil, to he .I of a fever. •93 6 in i c 0, /. Mod. T. vomica, vid. ®r» fitiviir ; 8ungengffd)n>ur. •S3 omtcoS, adj. vid. (Sittrig. •83 o iiuvi-n, . baben) tc vomit. •93 p in i t ir, n. (-8 ; pi. -t) or 93oillt> ta'tiint, a. [-6 vomit, em 93011, prep, icith dot. of, from, by. on ning ; be/or ( imt y navies ; voai Vcr- laiigcn @ic — inir ? what do you ask of me I Ittnfen 2ic — biefent 9Bn'= Ite ' drii k of this wine ? — ctir.i* bailbfllt, to treat of the matter ; c;;i ©rets — acbtjig Sa^reu, an old man 743 SBor jfeignt> years; bet .ftSmg — <5tt(J s ianb, .ne "kimg of England ; — 5pavi8 jeburttg, of Paris; ciu i'cufcl — ci= iter 8rau, a devil or a woman ; ffcin — SPevfou, small of Bize ; geboren — cbrltdlClt Olcltcril, horn Of honest parents; bet ^clcbrfcfte — alien, the most learned of all ; — fmett Stutfeil, freely, of one's own accord; — fid) felbft, of itself; spontaneous, spontane- ously ;— 4?erjcn8 ©runbe, from the bottom Of my heart; — %lttttm, anew, afresh, again ; cine Ubr — SJiiiUcr, a WatCh Of Miller's; UMV fommCU — 93erltlt, we come from Berlin; — ©trajsbitrg nacb 9Jario vcifctt, to travel from Stffcsburg to Paris; — obctl t)ei = ab, from on high, from above ; — l!U= tell, from beneath; — binteu, from behind; — bfl Ct it, from thence, thence- forth ; — {(Cllte alt, from this day for- ward ; — btefem 9lugcnblicfe ait, from this moment; from iDiOvgeil bi8 in bie 9tacbt, from morning till night; — 3 e 't Jll 3 c 'f> from l i me to time ; — fern, from afar; — ailjjcil, from with- out; — WO, from where; — l)ilUlCll, hence; — biiliteil fd)Ctbcn, to depart from life ; — 3Bort Jtl 9Bort, word for word; ctruaa — ciuciit erbalten, be= foiltmcit, 11. f. tt?., to receive, get some- thing from one; aebaut — bent toer= ftorbeiieit i§errn 91., built by the late Mr. N. ; CIU eptclct — 'i'rofcffioit, a gamester by profession; jtitlber — fet= tier erftcil Sl'flll, children by his first wife ; ctit ©adjfe — ©eburt, a Saxon by birth; gebrurft — itub tin 23erlage bet »£htVU -J{., printed by and for Mr. N.; er icbt — fetnem <§anbe(, fcincu (i'iltEunftClt, It. f. tt)., he lives by his trade, his income, &x. ; fte lebt — ■ft rftutertt, she lives upon herbs ; mail faun litrbt — bcr 8uft leben, a man c;mnot live on the air; 3tllfcil — 3' 11= fett, interest upon interest ; C8 War Utt= bijflid), geroagt, it. f. to. — ibm, it was impolite, audacious, &c. in him ; Sa3 roar ciu ffierfebeit — miv, that was a fault of mine; et nJObltt cillC 3)tcile — bcr <2>tabr, he lives a mile from the town; gut — ©fatten ge= ben, to prosper, succeed; — etliailbCV, asunder; vid. (Siltailbcr. 8 tt t) C i t, /. (/. u.) vid. 3lbcl ; com. the Dons; auf feitte — ftolj fey it, to be proud of one's rank as a noblemen. SontlOtbe tt (93ottnotb), ado. neces- sary, needful ; — t)abeil, to need, want, lack, stand in need of; — fettlt, to be necessary, needful, wanting. But - , i. prep, with dat. ■$- ace. I. before; 2. from, of, through, with ; 3. ago, since ; 4. before, above, in preference to ; — beiltStilbttboi'C, before the town-gate; — baS Xtyov geben. to go out of the town-gate ; (S uerfcfttvattb — meiucit '.'lugett, it vanished before my eyes; — DJittCVltarbt, before midnight, — al= leu 5)iligctt, in the first instance; above all things; — cilteitt or ttwaS fd)iil$cit, ocrbcrgett, flteben, au§jeid)= licit, to shelter, protect, hide, conceal, fly, distinguish from somebody or some- thing ; fid) — eiuem or etroaS fiivci>= ten, biiteil, to be afraid of, take heed of..; er ftebt — bent Sauferott, he is on the point of the bankruptcy ; — bcr 3 C '{ bc$a[)leil, to anticipate pay- ment; — Altera, of old, anciently; — btefeilt, — beilt, — 3*^11, formerly, .n former times; — 2)iattigfeit bill = finfen, to sink through fatigue; — Surft, — hunger ftevben, to die of thirst, hunger; — 9Uter, — J?ummer ftctben, to die of old age, of grief; — 74,1 Sera Srrrfct lVCtncit, to weep for joy; id) faun — folcben Seuten uid)t Enedben, l cannot stoop to sk«Ii people; — Cl= lent Drte feorbet gt.ien, to pass by a 1,'ace; — eiuem roamen, to caution against one; — bent 3Etllbe fcgclu, JV. Phr. to run before tlie wind ; — eu nigeii Sabrcn, some years ago; — fuitf 9Bod)Clt, live weeks since; ctUMS — ei'iiein anbern t>orau$ habcu, to be beforehand with one, to have the start of one ; II. ade. afore, formerly, in for- mer times; — njic na&i, now as be- fore ; III. s. n. indecl. rank or place be fore any one, a thing; fg. the prefer- ence (f,im. = SSorjug, las §Prft). JV. B. 93 or in compounds is separ- able. 93 o r a b b i I b e n, r. a. to prefigurate. 93 o r a b b i I b u u g, /. (pi. -en) pre- figuralion, model. 33 S r a b e it b, m. (-$ ; pi. -c) eve. 93Drad)tbar, adj. + 1. preferable; 2. (in titles) the very honourable ; very Reverend (dean) ; Right-Reverend (bishop) ; Honourable (nobleman). 93 r a d( t C tl, v. a. to prefer. 93 r ii d) I e 11, v. a. $- n. to sigh before ; in the presence of anyone. *23 o r a c i t a t, /. voracity. 93 or a of e r, ?«. (-S; pi. -atfer) front- field. 93 o r a (f c r n, o. a. 1. to plough before, lead ; 2. to' plough before, prevent. 93 o r a b u, m. (-S ; pi. -en) one of the earliest ancestors, great ancestor. 93 o r a b n e it, ». «. &■ imp. to mark or remark beforehand; to presage, fore- bode, foreknow. 33 o r a 1) u u n g, /. (pi. -en) misgiving, foreboding 93 V a I V C, /. (pi. -11) one of the lower Alps. 93 o r a I p i \d), adj. forealpine ; cis- alpine. 93 o v a 1 1 e, m. vid. 93i>rabrt. 93 r a 1 1 e r I i cb, adj. ancestral. 93 r a 1 1 e r tt, pi. ancestors, forefathers, progenitors. 93 r d U, adn. before, at the head, in the front ; — gebcil, to walk before, to proceed, to lead the way. JV. B. This prcjiz is used with vari- ous verbs without changing their radical meaning ; it may be rendered by before, in front, on, at the head of, &.c. ; as, — begefcen (fid)), to put one's self at the head, to repair in front; — bleibett, to remain before, in advance, at the head ; — biil'fcil, cllipt. fam. to be permitted to pass on or to go forwards ; — cileit, to hasten on or before ; — gcf)Clt, to take the lead, go before; — t)e[feit (eilient), to help any one on; — -fllt= febett, — £utfd)iven, to drive on be- fore; — ta||eit, etlipt. to allow to pass on, before ; — mbgeit, cllipt. fam. to wish to go in front, before; to desire to be foremost ; — miiffeil, ellipt. fam. to be obliged to go before or take the lead ; — icifcu, — rciteu, — reniicu, — fcbtcfeit, — febrciten, — fd) men, It. f. W., to travel, ride, run, send, march, swim, &c. on or before, at the head of, in advance ; — fcl)U, to be before or ir. advance, to have the lead ; — fifcClt, to sit before, in front, to have the sea c:' honour; — tailJClt, to dance (on) before, to lead off the dance. 93 r a n • b c U t c tt, v. a. to presignify ; — gcbeilfef, adj. alluded to before or above, before-cited, aforesaid. SSora 33 o r d n g a it g, m ( eS ; pi. -gartge; i precedence ; 2. precedent. 93 r a It g e I ll, v. a. to angle before any one. 93 r a tt lit C r I C tt, v. n. to remark in the presence of any ane, also previous- ly, before, higher up. 93 o r a it m e r f it n g, /. ( pi. -en) fors- notice. 93 r a It r b It e 11, v. a. to pre-ordain. 93 5 v a tt f cb I a g, m. (-eS ; pi. -feb lagci computation, calculation. 93DranftaIt, /. {pi. -Cll) prepara- tion, preliminary, preparatory arrange ment 93 5 V a tl t n) l' t,f. preliminary answer i answer made beforehand (anticipated)- 93 f a tt t n> r t e tt, v. n. to answer prematurely, out of order, to interrupt. 93 o r a tt 5 e i g e, /. (pi. -n) presignifi- cation. 33 r a 11 5 C i g e It, ». a. to presignify. 93 o r a r b e 1 1, /. (pi. -en) i. previous labour, previous work; 2. preparatory work, preparation. 93ora rbei t eit, v. I. a. 1. to antici- pate, surpass, or outdo one (in work- ing) ; 2. to work before one in order to instruct him ; II. n. (aui. \)aot\\) 4- a. to work in preparation, to prepare work ; III. rcjl. to get on in a work, prepare. 33 o r a r b e 1 1 e r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) l. one who clears the path, gets the work underway; pioneer; 2. one who sur- passes in working; 3 one who instructs in working. 93 D r a r b e i t u tt g, /. i . out-doing ; 2. working in preparation. 93 o r a r m, m. (-C3 ; pi. -e) fore paM of the arm, from the elbow lo the wrist 33 o t a x m e !, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) fa!*» sleeve. 93 o r a r n t e, /. vid. 93orcnite. 93 r a r t e tt, v. a. to give (a field) the third ploughing. 95 r ft fe e tt, ». a. 1. to etch; prepare the plate with aqua fortis ; 2. to etch before any one, to instruct. 93 o r a li f, ado. vuJg. before ; — rcitcn, to ride before. 93 r a It 8, adv. 1. before, foremost ; 2. in advance : before hand ; 3. in prefer- ence as an advantage ; ((llllt — , iltt — , before-hand; — bcbiligeil, to stipulate before hand ; (fid) etiuae) to reserve to one's self; — bcjablcil, to advance money, to pay in advance; — bCltfelt (fid) etrOflS), to anticipate ; — emVfiu* ben, vid. 93orempfiiiben ; — ctttfd)ei= belt, to decide before-hand, prejudge ; — fii[)(eil, to feel before hand, to anti- cipate; — geben, to give in advance; — geuicfieu, to enjoy by anticipation, to anticipate ; — t)abcn, to have in advance; (ctUHtS »0r filicm) to have the advantage over, the start of, to be ahead of; — liebmeit, to anticipate, forestall; — fagen, to predict, foretell, prophesy ; — f d)icfeil, to send in ad- vance ; to premise ; — fe()Cll, to fore- see ; — fcfeClt, to suppose, presuppose • — gefetjt, supposed ; — fcl)U, to be before, on before; er roifl iminer — fei)lt, he always wants to be foremost ; — fh'fbcit (citlCllt), to strive to dis- tance or outdo any one ; — UCl'fiillbt: geil, to announce before-hand, to fore- tell; — roiffcil, 1. v. a. to foreknow; 2. s. n. fore-knowledge, prescience; — • jablen, vid. — bejablett. 93 o r a it S b c ; a fj I e r, n. <-t ; pi. — ) one who pays he fere hand: subscriber Serb 83 I /. prophecy, pre- 33 of a lis f a'lj un g, > diction. 83 i)v a ii 8 f c fe u u g, / (/>/. -en) sup- position, presupposition, presumption. & o r a ii 8 f t d; t, /. (pi. -en) foresight. prudence. 23 or b ab belli, ». a. /am. (cutout ct= It>a8) to gossip or chatter away any thing hefore or to any one. 33 Of b a d C It, u. a. (Ct'liem) to bake be- fore any one (to show him how). 83 f b it b It C It, v. v. (cillCllt) to pave or clear the way for any one. 23 X b a It b e, pi. M E. article of mer- chandise tied on the outside of pack- ages, to show the contents within, out- sides. 83 D f b a 9, adv. + forward. 83 D t b a It, ?n. (-C8) screen. 83 f b a It c It, v. I. a. to build before a thing ; II. a. {auz. I)ilbeil) with dut. to prevent, obviate, take precaution. 83 r b a ll U It g, /. (pi. -en) prevention, obviation ; compos. — 8lllittel, n. pre- ventive, preservative. 83 r b C b a d) t, m. (-C8) forethought, premeditation ; lllit — , on purpose, pur- posely, deliberately ; on consideration. 83orbebarf>tig, I. adj. having fore- thought, considerate ; II. adv. consider- ately, purposely, designedly. 83 5 f b e b C It f C II, v. ir. a. to think be- forehand, to consider beforehand, to pre- meditate. 23 r b e b C ll t e It, v. a. to forbode, pre- sage, portend. 230 r be be lit ting, /. ( P i. -en) fore- boding, foretoken, omen, prognostic, portent. £3 3 f b C b t It g, m. ) preliminary 23ocbcbtaguitg,/. $ condition, condition previously made. SQOfbcgebreit, v. a. to demand in advance ; to desire to be before, wish to be at the head. 23 D V b e g f t f f, m. (-C8 ; v l. -C) prelimi- nary notion, preconception. 83 V b C b a ( f, m. (-C8 J pi. -C) reserva- tion, restriction, proviso ; condition ; ol)ite — , without restriction; ber — tit (JJcbilllfetl, bef ftille — , mental re- servation. 23 D 1 b e {) a. 1 t e it, ».. ir. a. l. to put on", to keep back ; 2. fid) — , to reserve to one's self ; to stipulate for; fid) cttt>a8 •auf cine nilbcrc 3ctt — ,to putolf, pro- crastinate. 23 V b C I) it 1 1 1 1 d), ado. conditionally, with a proviso, reservation or exception, under restriction. 23 r b c b a 1 1 it it g, /. l. reserving, re servation, condition; 2. procrastination. »3 f b C I, adv. 1. by, over; 2. passing, past ; 3. done, over, finished ; e8 t ft lllit tbllt — , he is gone, he is lost ; C8 tft mit ibnt gait* — , it is all over with him ; bicfc ©ache ift — , that matter is done; cinciu (alio etliett) — gii)i'it, to pass one unnoticed : vid. JV. Ii. to S80t« C 1 1, to draw or drag by ; to pa-s by. 23 or be if lug, m . (_c8) flight by or past. 23 r b C 1 g a I! g, m. (-C8) passing by ; passage. SB f b c t g a it g e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) ? 23 o rb et'gcb en b e, in. (-n \pi. -n) J passer-by. 23 f b C i g C f; C II, n. (-8) passing by ; tilt — , in passing. 23 o r b c t g c I; it it g, /, passing by or unnoticed. 23 o x b c i in a r f d), m. (-c8 ; pi. mat* fd)e) marching by, passage. 23 o r b c i f e i f c, /. (pi. -it) passage (by). 23 o r b e f o in m e it, v. ir. a.i. to get or have before one (before one's eyes or nose) ; 2. to have on in front (e. g. an apron); 3. etll)a3 Jlllll SicrilCIl — , to get for a lesson (to learn) ; 4. to get or pull out. 83 B v b e in it d) t i g e n, v. reji. (fid) ci= tlCf Snd;e) to seize beforehand, before the rest, to anticipate. 23 f b e nt e I b e t, 23iHbetMiint, adj. be- fore or above mentioned. 83 f b C f a t b C It, v. a. to fore-advise, to fore admonish. 33 D V b C f e g t, adj. before mentioned (in chancery style). SB S t b c X C i t C It, v. a. to prepare ; dis- pose ; fid; $u divas — , to , one's self, get one's self ready for some- thing. 23 V b C f C i t e It b, adj. preparative. aSOrJerettf r, m. (-8 ; pU —) pre- parer. SB D r 6 e t e 1 1 f % a f t, / (i u .) prepara- tion. 33 f b C f e 1 1 ll It g, /. (pi. -en) prepar- ation, preparative; compos. — Sitlbcif, /. preparatory work; — 8foitllillitS, / preparatory knowledge; — Sftaffe, f. fust form, elementary class (in schools) ; — 8lltlt(cl, n. preparative (medicine) ; — Bfflfc, m. Mat. T. preparatory proposi- tion ; — efftule,/ preparatory BChool ; — ffillllbc, /. preparatory lesson ; — 8= Utltemdjt, m. preparntory instruction „ lessons; — ftnifff Itfrbafl', /. prepare tory science. 33 f b c r g, m. (-e8) the prominent base or foot of a mountain ; projecting moun- tain. 33 o r b e r t d) t, m . (-c« ; ;>/. -e) adver- Sorb tisement, prvface, fore speech, prelim] nary discourse, preamble. 330rbertcbten, ». a. I. to infom before (another) ; 0. to write a preface 33orberiibrt, 23frbcf l tgt, adj. afore said. 33 D r b c f d) e t b, 77i. (-c8) citation, sum- mons. 33 o r b c f d) e i b c n, ». ir. a. to cite, sum mon. 33 o r b e f d; e i b u u g, /. citation, sum moning. 23 f b C f d) I i e fi e II, v ir.a.m prede- termine, fore-determine, fore-design. 33 o r b c f d; I u f, m. (-jfej; preUminary decree. 23 r b c f c $ c it, v. a. to preoccupy. 33 r b e ) i tj C II, p. ir. a. to possess before another. 33 orb ef itjer, m. (-8; P i. —) pre possessor. 33 f b e ft C I [ C ll, r. a. to bespeak first. 33 o r b e ft e U e r, m. (-8 ; v i. —) one who bespeaks first 33 r b e ft i nt in e n, v. a. to predesti- nate, t.AMleterminc. 33 C X b e ft t lit lit ll ll g, /. predestination, predeterminaUon, preordination ; com- pos. — 8gKiubige, m. predestinariaa 33 r b e t a g e It, v. a. to antedate. 33 o r b e t e n, v. La. i. to suggest ; 2. to repeat over and over; II. «. (auz. ha- belt) to recite, rehearse, to pronounce a prayer in a loud voice: eiliem — , to lead in prayers; bei 2tfd;e — , to say grace. 33 D r b e t e r, m.(-$; v i. — ) —inn, /. one who suggests, repeats over and over, &c, vid. 83oibctcn. 23nrbeteref, /. e «nt reciting, re- hearsing, repeating. 33 o r b e t r a cb t e it, v. a. to consider before. 23 r b c t r a cb t ll n g, /. previous re- flexion or consideration. 23 r b e 1 1 c I It, v. n. to beg before one (to show one how). 33 f b e U g C It, r. I. a. to bend forward ; II. 7i. (aur. ijitbcil) wiih dot Jig. to pre- vent, obviate, hinder. 33 D v b c ii g e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) a. t pronator. 33 o r b e u g tt n g, /. i. bending; 2. fg. preventing, prevention ; compos. — 8* llitttcl, 7i. preservative remedy. 23orbcroeifcn, v. ir.a. (einent rtaoJ) to prove or demonstrate any thing toone. 33 r b e V0 11 § t, m. (-C8) knowledge, privity; lllit llteillCIll — , with my knowledge or privity ; obllC ItlcillCII — , unknown to me. 33 o xb(\i,vid. SBorbet, 33 o r b e j e i cf) n e it, » a. to presignily SD i5tb i e g« b, v. vid. 83orbeugtn. 33 D X b i e t C ll, v. ir. a. to summon, cite. 33 r b 1 1 b, 7i. (-e8 ; pi. -er) i. pattern, model, exemplar ; 2. type, original, em- blem ; 3. prefiguration ; compos. — 8» Icbrc, /. yvi. r. typology; vid. Syn. artufter. 33 o v b i I b e r, m. (-8 ; 7-/. — ) mo- deller. 23 i) r b t tb e 11, r. a. 1 10 represent, adumbrate, project : 2. to prctigunitej prefigure, type, typify. SStbUblta), l.adj typical, prefigu- rative : original; II. ado, typically. 23Drbilbung, /. 1. ^presentation, 2. preligurition typifying. 745 Sorb C B X b i It b e ll, v. ir. a. la tie before, to put on. BBr&tnber, m. (-8; ;>'.—) chin- cloth (of the women in AugsburgW. ■B B r b t t te, /. (pi- -") intercession ; vid. Siirbitte. SB B V b I a f C It, o. «>. I. a. to sound be- fore, blow before ; to lead; (cmem et* W&t) to play to one ; II. v. (mix. l)rt= belt) eilicm —, to blow, play faster. SBBrb latter n, ». n. to show any one how to turn or fold the leaves. SB 8 V b I e t b e tt, r. ir. n. Jam. to remain before, in advance. 83 8 r b 1 1 cf, m. (-68) look into futurity, fore-sight. SB r b I i cf e It, ». n. to scan (con) the future. SB B r b I i fe e it, ». ?;. to lighten across, athwart. S3 B r b I cf e ll, 0. a. # »• to bleat before the rest; to baa before any one ; fig. to sing bleatingly. SB B r b 1) r C ll, o. a. to open with an auger. SB r b b r e r, m. (-g ; pi- — ) auger. SBBrbote, m. (-U; pZ.-tt) 1. forerun- ner, harbinger ; 2. A?- foreboding, fore- token. SB r b t f), n. provinc. summons. »B B r b r a nt = r a a, /. JV. T. fore top-gal- lant-yard ; — fcjjel, n. fore-top-sail, fore- top-gallant-sail ; — fiflttfle, /. fore-top- gallant-mast;— iicngeitjiag, m-stny of the fore -top-gallant-mast; — ftetigcit= ftagfcgel, n. vid. — fefld. 83 B t b r a t C tt, ». a. 4- n. to roast before- hand; (etltent) to roast or fry before one (to teach him how). 93Brbrauf ctt, v. n. to issue with note. SB B r b r C d) e tl, v. ir. n. to break forth. 33 B r b V e i t e It, v. a. to stretch or spread out before one (or one's self). SBOrbrcnneu, v. a. (cittern etn 3ct= d)Cll) to brand any one on the fore- head. (Borbrtngen, v. ir. a. 1. to bring forward ; 2. to offer, propose ; 3. to utter, speak forth ; 4. to adduce, allege : to produce, advance ; etnen Sinvuurf — , to offer an objection ; elite SluElage — , to proffer an accusation. SBC r bring en, n. (-g) low or bel- SB B r b r it in nt e it, ) low before any one; eitt Sicbd)Cll — , to hum an air. SB Br b r it (r, /. (with butchers) T. fore- most part of the shoulder of an ox. 93o r b n it ft a b e n, \ v. a. <£- n. to SB Br bud) ft a bit en, S sp*-' 11 befor0 one (to teach him how) ; to teach one to spell. SBB r b ii cf e ll, v. rcfl. to incline or bend forward. Si Br b n g, m. vid. SBovberbug. •B B X h ii b n e, /. fore-part of a scene, fore-scene, proscenium. SB B r b It r g, /. subnrbs. B B r b a rb, n. (-eg ; pi. -barker) jutty jutting, per.t-house eaves, side roof. 746 SBBrbamm, m. (-?*; pi. -biimnte) advanced dam. SB B r b ii lit lit t tt, v. a. to secure by a dam or dike. \L> B l i i lit in e r It, v. «. to come forth from the gloom, to begin to dawn ; to begin to appear. SB B r b a m » fe tt, o. a. &■ ». I. to steam or smoke forth ; 2. Jig. (ciucili) to smoke before any one. SB Br bait?, m. (-C8) thanks in ad- vance. SB B f b a It f C It, v. n. to thank before- hand, prematurely. SB B r b a f e i) n, ». vid. SBovf)evbafc\Mt. 93 B r b e cf e, /. (pi. -n) cover to be put, or hung before something. SB B r b C cf e it, v. a. to cover or put be- fore. SB B v b e i d) c n, ». vid. SSorbammett. SB B r b C nt, adv. formerly, once, in for- mer times, of old, in times of yore. SB B r b e 11 f e It, v. ir. n. to fore-think. 93 B r b e tt f e r, m'. (-S ; pi —) one who thinks for or better than the rest. SBorber, adj. fore; front; bie — C 9iet[)e, the fore-rank ; bev — e XhtXl, fore part; compos. — ad)fe, /. fore -axle- tree ; — arm, m. forepart of the arm (from the wrist to the elbow) ; — avill=, /. cubit j — bacfeben, n.rnnt. T. face or front of the wedge; — tmefe, /. fore part of the cheek ; — baililt, m. front-tree; — bfott, n. —bug, m. shoulder, fore-quarter of an animal; — = biUine, /. vid. SSotbu^ne; — biinb= cbVll, n. ferrule to the top of a knife- handle, fork handle ; — CitficU, n. JV. T. forecastle ; — beef, n. JV. T. fore-deck; —bad), ?i. front- (part of the) roof; — = cifk'lt, n. front-shoe (of a horse); — = fad), n. front tablet ; — fafcCH, m. T. front-thread ; —finger, m. fore-finger; —flagge, /. JV. T. flag on the bow- sprit ; — flecf, m. (with shoemakers) fore-end of a sole; — flugel, m. fore- wing (of an insect); — fufi, m. fore- foot, instep; bcr linEe —fug eiucg SPfet'beS, the near foot of a horse ; — = gebaubC, ?t. fore-part of a building ; — = gebirge, n. fore-hills, foreland; — ge= fed)t, n. 1. fight in the front-lines of an army ; 2. anterior fight ; — gcgcilb, /. entrance or beginning of a country ; — = gefebirr, n. poitrel, breast-leather of a horse's harness; — gcfkll, n. fore- wheels of a chariot or coach ; — ge= tummel, n. bustle which precedes, takes i>lace before; — gla8, n. front- glass ; T. object-glass ; — glieb, n. fore- rank ; front ; Log. T. subject ; — Qta* ben, m. front-ditch; outer fosse; — = grltllb, v). fore-ground, fore-side, front; — giirtel, m. Gun. T. neck of a cannon; — boat, ii- fore hair, fore-lock, front- i m j r; — l)ailb, /. wrist, metacarpus; — fjaitpt, n. fore part of the head ; — = bauptbetlt, ». A. T. parietal bone; — = ^ttUptfcbtaflilber, /. A. r. sinciputal arter y; — l).11lg, n. front of tbe bouse, facade; — l)CCr, ?i. front of the army, van, vanguard; — tyerb, m. (T. in me- talurgy) receiver; — &0f, m fore-court, } . al .jT — [juf, 7n . part of tbe toe (of a horse) ; — faiitnier, /. front-room; — « faftell, n. JV T. vid. — cajtell ; —- feille, /. fore-quarter (of meat) ; — = fic§, m. JV. T. rake foremost; — Iftjt, /. burthen in front ; — lailf, m. Hunt. T. fore-leg; — lebet, n. fore-leather ; — = loge, /front-box ; — (life, /. JV.T. front- hatch way; — ntaittt, m fore-man, front-man; — in ft ft, m. N.T. fore-mast; — Ill alter, /. front-wall; — HUtofel, m Sorb A. T. anterior muscle ; — llaf)t, /. fore seam ; — Bfterreid), ?«. anterior Austria' — fcfei'b, ii. fore-horse ; — VfOttC, / front-gate; — Vfcte, /. fore paw ; — « rab, n. fore-wheel; — raft, /. Gun. T fore-notch or stay on the lock of a band gun; — raiini, m. JV. T. fore-hold j — rcibe, /. fore-rank; — rbeiu, m. tin further Rhine; — rl)einifct), adj. vid. vovrhctuifd) ; — rteb, n. I. commence- ment of a marsh ; 2. T. weaver's front reed or comb ; — riegel, in. front-bolt ; — liirjcil, m. breast-bone, sternum ; tho- rax (of insects) ; — fafc, m. Log. T. anteco- dent, proposition of an argument;DK — * fa&e, the premises; — fdjaft, in. from part of a shaft or stock : butt of a gun ; — fdxitlje, /. Fort. T. advanced line ; — fdnilfel, m. foreleg; — fdliff, n. fira ship ; forepart of a ship; — fd)illfen, m spring of pork; — fd)iagcl, m. vid. — » inertel ; — fdraitt, m. T. gutter of a book ; — fdiui m. vid. Dbcvlcbcr ; — * fegel, n. fore-sail: — feite, /. fore-sidi, face, facade ; — fife, m, front-seat ; — = fpalllt, m. fore body of a ship; — f?cril, in. T. fore-staff (of the gold beaters) ; — fpl'lllig, m. (with weavers") upper shoot or weft; — ftab, m. Gun. T. as- tragal of a cannon ; — ftcinber, m. — * ftailbe, /. front-post (in a paper-milt) ; — ftelle, /. front or first place ; — fie* fecit, m. JV. T. beak, beak head ; cut water; — ftteb, m. T. running or basting stitch ; simple stitch ; — ftfid), m. front- streak ; — ftu be, /. — ftiibdieit, n. fronv- room ; anteroom ; — ftiiif, n. front- piece ; — ftltbcl, m. T. standing cramp- iron in the fore-part of a lock ; — tafee, /. fore paw ; — tail, n. fore-cable ; — s 't^eil, v. fore-part; — ttjeil ciueg Sd?if* feg, head, prow; — tl)0r, n. fore gate ; front-gate; — tfjfir,,/. fore-door; front- Q00r; — treffeit, n. van, vanguard, front, first line ; — verbCvf, n. vid. — beef ; — = sievtel, n. fore-quarter (opposed to the hind quarter) ; — Wflgen, m. fore wheels with the axle-tree, fore-carriage; — limilb, /. front (of a) wall ; — hnutbe, /. wound in front ; — }al)ll, m. fore-tooth, front-tooth; bie — ciueg SPfera beg, gatherers ; — jiiltlltcr, n. vid. — * ftube. SB V b C r S f t C tt, n. (-S) anterior Asia. SB o v b e v t ii b i e ti, n. (-8) Ilindostan. SBBrberfte, adj. foremost. 93Brbcffeil, ado. + formarly, once, in former times. SB B V b e It t e ll, v. a. to portend, to prog- nosticate. SB B f b e It t e tt b, adj. ominous. SB B r b c U t C r, m. (-$ ; pi. — ) one who prognosticates or augurs. SBBrbe tit tlttg, f. (pi- -»n) prog- nostication, prognostic, augury. 23 D T b t cf) t C It, v.a. $■ n. 1. to precede in poetry ; to give models in poetry ; Jig. (eilte'llt ettOOg) to impose upon one, tell one a falsehood. SB B r b t It g, n. + court of justice. SB r b I lit e t f d) e 11, ». «• to inter- pret ; to do so before one (to teach him how). SB B f b tt H e r It, ». a. fig- to thunder out any thing. 93 x b r ii It g e tt, v. a. <&■ n. t5 press or crowd forward. SB B r b r ii ii g it n g, / pressing, crowd- ing forward. SB B r b r e d) f e I it, v. n. (etitein) to show one how to turn (on a lathe). SB B r b r e 1) e It, v. a. 1 . to turn one thing before another; to turn to view, to l show ; jig. to snow one's self off. 'Sore 6 B r b r e f cb e n, v.n. (eitietii) to show one how to thrash. 83 b v b v c f cb e r, m. (-8 ; pi — ) ««< thrasher. 93 o r b r i it g c it, v. ir. n. {aux. fetyti) to advance. 83 B r b r t it g e tt, ». (-S) SOBrbrtaflunfl, /. advancing. 93 D r b r i it g I i cf), adj. 1. eager to get before others; 2. fig. pert, inquisitive; 3. penetrating, piercing. 83 Br but cf, m. (-e8; pi -e) 1. first pressure; 2. first print, original print. 23 B r b V U cf e It, v. a. 1. to print before another; to be the first printer; 2. to prefix. 93 V b r ii cf C II, v. a. 1. to press on, for- wards ; 2. ciu Sicgel — , to affix a seal. 93 B r b It b e l tt, v. a. fam. cant, to play any one (an air on a flute, &c). 33 5 r b H f t e tt, v. n. to surpass in odour or fragrance. 93 B v b ii r f c n, v.n. vid SBorattbutfeit. 23 B r e b b e, /. rise of the tide. 93 B V e g g e tl, v. n. to harrow first or faster, to show any one how to barrow. 93 Bret g It C it, v. refi. to reserve (ftcb et»««). 23 B V e 1 1 e, /. hurry, over-haste. S3 B V C i 1 C It, v.n. (aux. fettll) to hasten before, to forerun, outrun; bet ycCltUC — , to anticipate nature. 83Brctlig, I. adj. forward, rash, pre- cipitate, overhasty; II. adv. forwardly, rashly, precipitately. 83. B X C 1 1 1 g f C t t, f. forwardness, rash- ness, precipitation. aSflretttfjettommettljetr, /. pre- possession, prejudice. 9.! D v c i It ii c b m e u, v. ir. a. to pre-oc- cupy, prepossess. SQ x C 1 1 C V it, pi. ancestors ; vid. 93rn - = til tern. S3 B C C m V f fl It g, m. (-C8) anticipa- tion; that which is taken up in ad- vance. 23 B V C lit p f CI II f! C II, v. ir. a. to antici- pate, receive beforehand. 83 B V e lit V f i It b C It, v. ir. a. 1 . to per- ceive before-hand ; to anticipate ; 2. to foresee, surmise. ■3 B X C lit V f i " b » " ft- /• (/'' •-< "' ' ■ !' r,: apprehension, misgiving, anticipation; 2. foresight, surmise. 33 B V C 11 b e, n. (-8 ; pi. -il) end of a field or meadow next to the way, where the cattle pass over, or next to a pasturage. 33 B x c u t b a I ten, r. ir. a. to with- hold, detain, keep hack, or from. SBB veil thai t ii it g, /. withholding, detention. 93 B r e n t ru e v f e it, e. ir. a. to sketch. SB B v e it t W u v f, m. (-c8 ; pi. -tuiivfe) previous plan, sketch. 93 B v c v b e, I. m. (-11 ; pi. -tt) L. T. heir that has something bequeathed him of an inheritance, over and above the share of his coheirs; II. n. (-8) portion of an estate which falls to cue of the coheirs over and above his equal share Willi the rest. © B x e v b c it, v. n. (aux. baben) L. T. to inherit part of an inheritance over and above one's share with the coheirs. BB V C V f t It b e It, v. •>. a. to invent first, before the rest. S3 Bv e r 1) a 1 1 e it, v. ir. n. to receive in advance. ftorf 93 B r e v i ii it e r n, ». a. to premoniah, remark before-hand, to premise. 93 B r ert it tie rung, /. (p/. -en) 1. premonition, premonishment ; 2. pre- amble, preliminary discourse, preface, previous remark. 23 B r e r f I ii X C ll, v. a. to declare or ex- plain beforehand ; to interpret to any one. 33 BrerflSrun g, /. preliminary ex- planation or declaration. 23 B V e r 11 1 e, /. first or early part of the harvest. 23 B v e v ll t c it, b. a. to anticipate the harvest 93 B r e r r a 1 1) e u, ». ir. n. to guess be- forehand. 93 B r e r f e b f "< a. to predestine. 93 o r c r ft or 23Brerft, ado. firstly, before all, first of all. 93 u X C C 11) ii (J e n, v. ir. a. to forecast, fore think. 93 B r e f ID it () I C It, v. a. to pre-elect. 93 B V e r ID ii x) ( t, adj. pre-elocted, fore- chosen, predestinated. 93 B r e r ID a f) 1 It II (3/ / pre-election, pre- destination, predetermination. 93 B f C r tt) ii I) It e tt, v. a. to mention afore, to fore-allege. 93 B r e r ll) ii b ll t, adj. afore-mentioned, aforesaid, before-quoted, before-alleged ; ant vprenviibutcit Drte, in the fore- alleged place. 93 B v e r } ii b I c it, r. a. * n. (cincm ct= WflS) to relate any thing before or to any one, in his presence. 93 B r e f e 1 8 b a u p t, n. (-eg) „v. T. cap of the fore-saii. 93o vcf felt, v. ir. I. a. to eat before- hand ; 2. to anticipate in eating ; 3. fig. to spend what is not earned ; DOVflKs geffett, fore spent; 11. n. (aux. baben) cilieill — , to eat before another, pre- cede. 93 B V C f f e It, n. (-8) introductory course or dish ; first course of meat. 93 B X f a b e I it, v. a. to recite fables ; to tell one a fable, a lie. 93 B r f a b v, m. (—en ; pi. -en) predeces- sor, foregoer; bte — ell, ancestors, fore- fathers. 93 B r f a b r e n, v. ir. n. {am. fel;n) i . to drive before a person, to drive in front of a place, to drive up to a place ; 2. to call at a place in a coach ; 3. to outetrip or outdo with driving; Iftpt — , order the carriage to the gate (the staircase, &x.). 93Brf«U, m. (-e8 ; pi. -fiiDe) case, accident, event, incident, occurrence, emergency, hap, chance; — bet tft: biirmuttcv, Med. T. hysterocele ; — ber JtrijiaUUllfe, Med r. ezophtbal- my ; bl"V — til eillft ©C&Jcigtlbr, lifting- pieces in a clock. SBDtfal le 11, d. tr. n. (aux. feJpIt) 1. to fall before ; 2. fig. to happen, arrive, to come to pass; to occur; bci — tot - ©elegeubeit, if the occasion should happen. 93 V f CI 1 1 e It b e i t, /. (pi. -ell) + oc- currence, vid. 93tufiill. 93B V fang, m. (-e8) anticipated prize or capture. 93 B V f fl 11 g C 11, o, ir. a. to fore-seize. 93 Br f (if f e It, a a. to preconceive. HQOrfaftctt, pi. Bhrove-tide; compos. — foiintag, ru. Sunday before lent, quin- quagesima. 53 D r f e d) t e tt, r. ir. n. (aux. baben) to perform the office of the usher of a SBcrg fencing school; eiiicm — , to surpaii one in fencing. 93 B r f e cb t e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1. usher of a fencing-school, assistant to a feno- ing-master; 2. leader of the combat; 3. champion; — am 9(bcin, (formerly a title of the landgraves of Ilessia) champion on the Rhine. 93 B X f e i e r, /. eve before a festival. 93 B r f e i I e, /. (pi. -en) T. rough file. 93 B r f e ll ft C r, n. (-8) front window. 93 B r f e ft, n. (-e8 ; pi. -e) eve, vigil. 93 B r f t e b c I it, 0. a. eont to fiddle be- fore one. 93 B V f i II b e n, v. ir. a. to find, meet with, light upon. 93 B x f i 11 g e r, m. (-i ; pi. — ) fore- finger. 93 B v f i f cb e n, v. a. to fish first ; to fish before any one ^to teach him bow 93 B r f I a lit III e It, v. n. to flame forth or out. 93 B r f I e fb t e 11, V. ir. a. to plait, inter- lace; «o form trellis-work before any opening. 93 B r f i C cf, m. (-8) front-patch. 93 B r f 1 1 c g e tt, v. ir. n. (aux. feiMt) to fly before, to out- fly. 93 B r f 1 B ft e, /. ri^ht of the first float 333 r f 1 5 1 e n, v. a. (cinent etn?a8) to play to any one on the flute ; to warble, sing to one. 93B r f I ii ft e v n, v. a. (einem etwaS) to whisper something to one. 93 B r fl U t b, /. fore-tide. 93 B r f 1 1 e r, /. preparatory torture. SBB X f 1 i ( r 11, f. a. to cite, summon. 93 B v f r b e r 11 n g, /. ( pi. -en) cita- tion, summons. 93 B x f r 111, /. (pi. -en) model, proto- plast. 93 B r f r m e it, v. a. to model. 93Brfrage, /. (pi. -m) preliminary question. 93 B V f r C It b e, /. anticipated joy. £8 B x f 1 i e b c £ SSOrfriebeit, a. (-nS 6 -8) preliminaries of peace ; co77ipos. — It8!plllltr, 7«. preliminary article of peace. 23 B r f r b H e r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) provine. L. '/'. principal creditor, creditor that has the priority. 93 B X f t ii b, adj. premature. 93 B r f V ii b H 11 g, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) early spring. 2> r fii b I e n, v.n. (aux. f>aben) to foresee, perceive beforehand. 93 B f f ii b r b ft r, adj. that may be intro- duced, presentable. 23 B r f ii f) r C ll, r. a. In bring, carry or lead before, to produce. 93 r f ii I) l * 11 " (3' /■ bringing, carrying or leading before, producing. 23 B r f It II b, m. (-C8) (/. «.) inventory ; compos. — ftiicf, n. any movable in er. inventory. 23 B rf it f), m. vid. SBotberfup. EB B r fj a b e, /. l.that which one alleges . 11 ; .'. a choice gift; 3. r- inti given, advantage (at gam i8 D v Q a 11 fj, m. (-tt ; pi. -gaitQ«) I. pre- b, precedency ; '-'■ occurrence, Incidence, event, transaction; — bet ©ISubtger, priority among cre- ditors; 3. example, pattern; 4. corridor. 23 B r g it 11 g e r, m. (-8 , pi. — ) 1. one that goes before or leads the way; 2 predecessor; Oblte — , unprecedented; — M SlnfertaueJj v. r. fore nmnei 7« Scrg Sorg of the cable ; — 8red;t, n. ri^ht of pri- ority or precedence. C r g a n g i g, adj. previous, prelimi- nary; vid. aSorfSufig. SB B r g a tl f C I It, r. «. to juggle before ; ettieiit tttoaS — , to put a sham upon one. 58 r g C b d r C It, v. ir. a. to bring forth prematurely, before another, for the first time. SB f g C b d It b e, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) fore- part of a building, entry, porch, vesti- bule. SBorgcbett, v. ir. a. 1. to give be- fore, or in advantage ; 2. to put be- fore ; 3. fig. to advance, assert ; 4. to pretend, feign; 5. to propose, or im- pose as a task. SB r g C b e II, n. (-8) saying, pretence, pretext. fBOrgebirge, n. (-8; pi — ) 1. cape, fore land, point of land; 2. pro- montory. SB o v g c b t r g t, adj. — e ©eftabe, shores abounding in headland. SB X g C b 1 1 eft, adj. pretended. SBDrgcb Ore It, part. adj. elder born, first-born. SBBrgebot, n. (-C8 ; pi. -t) citation, summons. 58 C g C b It U g, /. ( pi. -ett) preten- sion. SB t g e b It r t, /. anterior birth ; child born before another. SB C g C b a eft t, atlj. fore-alleged, fore- mentioned. SB v g c b a n I e, m. first thought. SB B r fie f a fj r, adj. preconceived , eitie — e uJJeittUlig, a preconceived opinion, a prejudice. SB i) r g C f C d) t, n. (-eg) skirmish ; vid. SBortreffcit. SB 3 r g C f it b I, n. (-8 ; pi. -e) presen- timent, anticipation, for&boding, mis- giving. E3 o r g e I) e it, ». ir. n. (am. fetyn) l. to go before, precede ; 2. to go forth ; 3. to overtop, to stand out; jut out; 4. to pass, happen, come to pass; 5. to fore- bode, misgive ; einem — , to outgo one, to go faster than another ; jig. to pre- cede, excel, surpass one, to have the preference ; to serve as an example, to be a pattern to one; ettieiit tltit gu= ten SBeifpteleit — , to give one good examples; C8 ge()t mil* ttor, I have a sensation or obscure perception of a thing ; I feel, it seems to me ; bie Ut)r gcfjt uor, the watch goes too fast. 88 B l* g C fj 5 V, it. (-8) pre-audience. SB r g e t g e it, v. a. to play (on the violin) before one. SB B r g e t g e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) l. one who teaches how to play the violin ; 2. first-fiddle leader (of an orchestra). SB V g C t fj, /. provinc. goat or chamois who takes the lead. SBSrgclege, n. (-8) Hydr. T. gutter, jack-rafter. SB r g e I C t f, n. (-e8) prior right of escorting. SB r g e I e 1 1 e It, v. a. to conduct any one forward, to escort, precede. SBBrgelt, n. provinc. /,. T. nearer right. S B r g c 1 1 e n, v. ir. n. (dux. Ijabett) to prevail, be prevalent. SB o r g e m a cb, n. (-c8 ; pi. -matter) antechamber. 18 3 r g e m ii I b c, n. (-8) sketch. 74S SB B r g c lit e I b e f, SBBrgemmitf, adj. afore-mentioned. SB B V g e It t e fj e tl, v. ir. a. to enjoy be- forehand. SBBr g e lilt fj, m. (-C8) anticipated en- joyment- SB Or gc rati) e n, (am. fesm) to get or come befoie, to present itself by chance- SB o v g e r e b e, n. (-8) preamble- S8Crgertd)t, ?i. v '-e8 ; pi. -C) 1. spoon- meat, first dish; 2. antepast; 3. inferior court of justice. SB 5 r g e f a It g, m. (-e8) preluding with the voice, striking up, leading, vid. SBorftngett. SBC r g e f eft e fj e it, v. ir. n. to happen before, take place previously. SB D r g e f cb i d) t e, /- 1. former or pre- vious history ; 2. that which happened before. SB B V g e f (b lit a cf, m. (-?S) foretaste. SBovgcfd) vo a b er, ». (-8; pi.—) van of a fleet. SBOrgefeftf, adj. preposed. SB B V g e f e fe t e, m. Sr /. decl. like adj. superior, overseer, chief master of a college. SB V g e f p e r V, n. 7". lid that covers the key-hole. SB v g e f p i n n ft e, n- T- roughts. SB B V g e f p V ii Cft, n. (-C8) introductory conversation or discourse; previous dialogue. SBBrgeftalten, v. a. 1. to form or shape before anyone; 2. Jig. to repre- sent to the mind. SBErgeftellte, m. dccl. like adj. pre- sentee. SB D X g e ft C V tt, adv. the day before yesterday. SB r g e ft r t g, adj. happened or done the day before yesterday. SB r g e f it lit p f, n. (-C8) Mn. T. first bore in a gallery. SB r g e » d d) 8, n. (-tS) propolis, sort of red wax used by the bees in order to stop the holes of their hives with. SB o r g e » i ch t, n. (-e8) vid. libevge= n.-icftt. SB B r g e It) i tt It, m. (-8) profit made be- forehand. SB r g e W t It It e It, to win or gain beforehand. SB B r g e ru 6 b tt C 11, v. a. to accustom to beforehand, to train. SB D r g t e b e I, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) frontis- piece, front gable end. SB B t g t e r e tt, v. a. (I. u.) to covert be- forehand. 58 B r g t e fj e it, v. ir. a. i. to pour out, cause to spout or run ; 2. to pour in front or before. SB B r g I a it j e n, v. ?•. (aux. Ijabett) l. to outshine, to exceed in brightness; 2. to shine before ; to shine as an example before a person. SB B r g 1 % t It, v. n. vulg. to goggle at; look at with gloating eyes. SB Org lit h ett, v. n. to glow first, be- fore, higher (than something else). SBBr grab ett, m. (-8 ; pi. -griibeit) fore ditch, first ditch or fosse. SBBr gret f en, v. ir.n. (aux. babeti) 1. fig. to anticipate, forestall ; 2. to en- croach upon one's rights ; till 11 Vtt)cilc — , to pre-occupy one's judgment. SB B r g r e t f ( i d), adj. &■ adv. by antici- pation, by prevention, anticipatory ©ort) SBBrgrtif Ulig, /. 1. anticipation, forestalling; 2. encroachment, in trenching ; pre-occupation. SB B f g r i f f, m. (-C8) anticipation. SBOrgrunb, m. (-c»; pi. -gviinbe) foreground. SB r g r It tt j e tl, v. a. &■ n. to grunt before any one, louder than one ; to teach one to grunt; vulg. etll Stiicf — z to grunt out a tune. SB B r g U cf C 11, v. n. Jam. to peep out or forth. SB B V g It It ft, /. predilection, favour, pre- ference. SB 1 g u r g e 1 it, ». a. jam. (einem et» n*a8) to sing or pipe a tune to one. SB r g it f t e 11, v. a. to gird on in front SB r t) a a r, n. (-e8 ; pi. -fr) front-hair. SB B r f) a b C tt, v. ir. a. 1. to design, in- tend, purpose ; 2. to be engaged in, to be about something ; 3. to examine, try, to call to account ; 4. to rebuke, check, reprimand, chide one, upbraid one with ; 5. wig. to have before one, wear; etlie ©cfturje — , to be girded with an apron; CtroaS mil cilleilt — , to have a design upon one. SBBrbabcn, n . (-8) 1. intention, in- tent, design, purpose ; 2. project, scheme, undertaking; brto btent llicfct }ll llllfcim — , that is nothing to the purpose ; fcitt — dllbcnt, to alter one's intent, design; ©Ott fcflttC 3t)r — ! God speed your work ! SBBr b a den, v. a. (einem) i. to hack or hoe before any one (to teach him how) ; 2. to dig befoie another does. SB B r b, a i e I n, v. a. to fasten in front with little hooks. SB B r b a f e tt, v. a. to hook on in front or before. SB B r f) a 1 1 e, /. (pi. -tl) porch ; entrance- hall. SB B r b a 1 1, m. (-e8) 1. the act of stop- ping before or in front of something ; 2. Mus. T. a prolonged note ; 3. fig. counte- nance, support ; 4. representation, re- monstrance ; 5. (I. n.) pretext. SB r b a I t e 11, v. ir. I. a. 1. to hold be- fore, hold forth ; 2. fig. to represent ; 3. (einem etlttal), to charge with, upbraid with, to reproach: einem cine Spiftole — , to clap a pistol to one's breast ; II. n. (aux. l)abcit) to bold out, stand, wear; c8 Ij ci 1 1 befto Linger »or, it holds out or wears the longer; Wa8 SOrbalt, something substantial; vid. Syn. SBets weifen. SB B r b a 1 1 C n, n. (-8) > holding before, SB r b a I t It 11 g, /. > vid. the verb. SB B r b a 11 b, /. 1. wrist, fore-part of the hand ; 2. fore part of a horse ; 3. right hand, precedence ; 4. (at cards) eldest hand, lead; cilleilt bie — Irtffcn, to give one the lead (at cards). SB r b A >t b e tl, adj. &■ adv. 1. at hand ready, present ; 2. extant, existing ; 3 impending, imminent, near; — felltt, to be, exist; to be obvious; eS tjt SJtPtb — , there is need ; bie — eit ©cfe&e, tht laws in being. SBBrf)attg, m. (-e8; pi. -p"fl«) curtain; veil; — cilief S?lltar8, anti pendium : cntnpoi. — ling, m. curtain ring ; — (tab, m. — jtange, /. curtain rod. SB B r b. a n g e n, tj. ir. n. (aux. baben) l. to hang before ; 2. to jut out. SB B r b a n g e it, v. a. to hang befoie. SBBrbdngefcbtof, n. (-tt; tl -fcbl&ffer) padlock Sort) JJflrfyarfeil, v. a. &■ n. to use the rake before one (to show him how) ; to work with it faster ; to put in front with the rake. 83 v b a f cb e ll, v. a. <$• n. to seize be- forehand. !1}0 vfyctllClI, v. I. a. I. to hew or cut before a person ; 2. to prepare by hew- ing or cutting ; II. n. (nuz. babctl) to outdo or surpass in cutting. 23brbeit, v. ir. a. to send on before; — verfiillbigctt, v. a. to announce beforehand, to predict, fore- tell ; — vcrfiiut>iger, m. prophet, pre- dicter; — »erfiiilMgung, /. prediction, prophecy; — tutffeil, a. to know be- forehand, to foreknow, have prescience of; ba$ — IV i ff C It, s. n. foreknowledge, prescience. 83Sl'berbft, m. (-C8) early autumn; early vintage. JBOrbcvb, m. (-C8) front (of the) hearth. 53 X f) C X i g/ adj. preceding, previous, former. SB o r t) g v p, + vid. 93orbcr. ffibr b crrf cb c u, v. n. (nuz. baben) to preaominate, prevail, to be prevalent. 93 b r b e r r f cb e It b, adj. predominant, prevailing. Si b r b e r r f d) e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) one who predominates 83 r b c it rb e I it, v. a. to act the hypo- crite before a person, to represent hy- pocritically, to play canting tricks. I3brheulen, «. a. to trouble with weeping, crying whining. 33 b X b i e b, m. (-C«) the cutting before, to mark a thing. aSDrbillimei, m.(-t) entrance into heaven, first heaven; ber tjliibling, bivfer — ber Cf rfcc, spring, this heaven- ly bliss of earth. 93 r b 1 11, 4 93orbt'lt, adv. before, here- tofore ; a little while ago. 93 Vj; i ll 11 1 g, adj. (n. u.) former, late. 93 r b f, m. (-e8 ; pi. -bbfc) fore yard, fore-court, entry, porch ; Jl. T. vesti- bule (of the ear) ; ventricle (of the heart) ; compos. — Mod), n. Jl. T. round hole of the vestibule ; — 8ltero, m. A. T. norve of the vestibule. 230 r b b b 1 f. /. 1. front cave ; 2. fore- part of a cave. 93 B r 6 5 ft V, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) fore- stalled 23 b v b o t e It. v. a. 1. to fetch out ; 2. jv. T. bte Waxi: line SBramfcfiotcn — , to tally the sheets flat alt. 93 x b C 1 e r, m. (-$; pi. — ) ;v. t. — bC« Z0pl'ff})3, girl line. 93 r b II f, /. entrance into hell, limbo. SBbrboIj, n. (-tS;pl.-t)olltX) thicket in front, before a forest. 93 r b X C It, v. a. &■ n. 1. to hear (a voice) above the rest ; 2. fam. to go and hear or see, to call and see. 93 0rbugel, m. (-«; pi.—) 1. emi- nence at the foot of a mountain; 2. hill standing out, projecting lull. 93 3 r b » 1 1 1 H, v. a. to cover up before something. 93 b r I) it ft C n, v. n. to cough before any one. 93b r but, /. I. right of beginning to pasture before others ; 2. vanguard. 93 D V b it t C It, v. n. to keep guard before something. 93 X b U 1 1 f, /. (pi. -it) first hut or cabin, advance-cabin. 93 X i g, adj. former ; last, preceding ; pristine; — c8 3al)r, last year; — e 9i}ocfoc, last week. 93 b V t 11 f C 1, /. (pi. -en) 1. first island ; 2. entrance of an island. 93 x[ a g b, /. vid. 93ov]ageit, n, 93 r j a g e ll, v. I. a. to drive before a person; to drive forth; II. ?i. J. (n«i ljabcil) with. to hunt before an- other; 2. (am. fei;tt) to out-gallop an- other. 93 r j a g e it, n. (-8) right of hunting first or before. 930rjabr, n. (-8) spring. 93 b r j d b v t g, adj. of last year. 935 1 j a in in e r it, ?>. a. (eiuem ttwai) to bore any one with one's complaints. 93 v j a u cf> j e n, v. a. (etitem) to shout or hurrah before any one (to make bun join). 93 b r j e ^ t, adv. (n. i. u.) at present, now ; for this time. 93 b V j it ll g ft, adj. youngest but one. 93 b V j It b C 1, m. (-8) premature cry of joy- 93 b r | it b e ( H, v. vid. 23oviancf»jcii. 93bff a I bell, v. n. calf first; 2. to cast the calf. 93 D r f a I b e r it, v. it jig. vulg. to play the calf before any one. SB Btlfl 111 lit e r, /. (pi. -n) 1. fore- chamber; anterior chamber, outer chamber; 2. Jl. T. auricle of the heart. 93 b r £ a ill \> f, n. (-e8) first combat, previous or preliminary struggle. Serf j 93 r f d in p f e n, r. n. i . to fight Wore any one (to show him how) ; 2. to fight in the van. 93 b r f 5 m p f e r, m. vid. 93?rfed)ter. 93b r f a u e it, v. a. l. to chew for a child; 2. fig. (cittern tttOaS) to suggest one words, to repeat over and over, in order to make a thing plain ; 3. to re- peal over and over ; 4. to repeat fre- quently and tediously. 93crfauf, m. (-c8; P i. -fdufe) 1. pre-emption, forestalling, forestalment ; 2. right of pre-emption ; compos. — 1» ved)!, n. right of pre-emption, option. 93 br fa ufe it, v. n. (auz. baben) to forestal. 93brfd lifer, m. (-8; pi. —) fore- staller. 93 o r f a u f e r e f, /. (in o bad sense) fore- stalling ; vid. 23oifitllf. 93 b V f e b X, f. precaution, preventive measure ; eilIC tVCtfC — bet jjlatttt* a wise provision of nature. aSflrfebteU, f- a. l.fg. to predi*- pose, provide ; 2. to use, make use of, to plead ; 3. T. to turn forwards ; DlotbtVCllbigfeit — , to urge the plea of necessity. 93bvf ebrung, f. ( P i. -en) P red> position, preventive measure, precau- tion ; arrangement, preparation ; — eil tl'effeit, to take precautions, make pro visions ; compos. — Siitit tel, n. any preventive or preservative; — Stveiff, ado. by way of precaution, provision- ally. 93 b v f e i [, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) T. key, fore- lock-key. 93bvf etm en, r. n. (am. feyn) tc germinate, sprout forth. 93brfeitntnt^,/. ( P i. — ffe; prepar atory information, introductory or pre li miliary knowledge. 93brferbeil, v. n. I. to notch or tally in advance ; 2. score up ; 3. to teach one how to tally. 93bvf e ttett, v. a. to chain up before any thing. 93 b r f e u cB e it, ?•. a. &■ n. (tiiient et= \\\\i to tell one in a panting manner ; to pant on ahead. 93 D X f t it b, 7i. (-e8 ; pi. -tx) (n. i. u.) 1 child of the first marriage ; 2. illegiti- mate child. 93 b r f i r cb e, /. porch of a church, vestibule. 93 b r f 1 a g e, /. ( />/. -n) anticipation ul a complaint or charge; vu/g. lllit bft — fPllllltfU, to anticipate one's de- fence. 93 b V f ( a g C n, v. n. to complain to any one. 93 b r f 1 a in in e r n, ?•. a. to fasten witi cramps before any thing. 93S tf la tt g, m. (-6) sound which goe; before or sounds louder than another. 93 b x 1 1 a t f d) e n, v. a, & n. to clap bo fore any one, to show him bow;j^fl\ ti chatter awaj before any one. 93 b V f I e b e It, r. a. to paste or glue be fore a thing ; to stop with glue. 93 b r f I c cf e n, ),-. a. to blot geme- 93btf leif fen, j thing before or ir front; to produce a daub or scrawl. 93 b r f 1 e 1 1 e r n, p. n. l. to climb on, ahead; 2. to show one how to climb. 93 8 tf limp et n, v. a. (cintm ttwai] to thrum a tune (on the piano, Slc.) ta any one. i 93 brf ling en » ir. n. (auz babesi 740 2Sorf Scrl wo sound louder than the rest, to be more audible. B 1 f 1 5 p p e I n, «•«• to S,10W an >' one how to make bone-laces. SB t fill ft,, L adj. forward; II. *dv. forwardly. SB Br f Ifi g e I n, v. a. (einem ctiva?) to try to impose upon one by specious arguments. US B X f It i e it, ». if- (aux. fcillt) 1. to kneel in front ; 2. to kneel by way of ex- ample. 3." 3 r E 11 ii p f c It, v. a. to button in front. 33 3 V f II ii V f C II, v. a. to knot in front or before. 33 tf tie ttt, v. a. $■ n. to roll out or on, before. G 3 r f o in lit C It, v. ir. It. {avx. fei)tt) 1. fig. to happen, befal, fall out, occur; 2. to seem, appear; 3. to fall in one's way, to offer ; 4. to t« admitted, to come to the presence of; 5. to come before a person, to come sooner than another ; 0. to get before, outrun ; 7. to get the start of one ; 8. vulg. to come forth; 9. to prevent; 10. M. T. to be presented (said of bills of ex- changes) ; C3 fomiltt mil - DOC, it seems to me ; er fain mil' rccbt nninbcrltcb »or, he seemed to be very strange ; bCV= fllcidpeu fommt uicijt olle Eoge t>ov, euch things do not occur every day; bie td)c tfl mil nicbt ooraefommen, this affair is not come to my know- ledge ; tie ©adje i ft Dorgefommen, the affair or matter has been proposed, moved or propounded ; ba3 tft bit Qt- n)itj tut SEvaume oorgetommen, that certainly appeared to you when dream- ing. 3$ ox to m in c it h c i t, /. ( pi. -en) -f- <$• procinc. occurrence, vid. SSOrfaU. 233 r f o it tt e it, v. ir. «. {awe fcijit) to be able to come forwards; out, forth. IBotfopf, m. (-e8) fore-part of the head. 23 S r f ft,/, spoon-meat, pulse, greens, roots, by-meats. SB X £ ft C 11/ o. a. to foretaste. 23 X f ft e V, hi. (-8 ; pi. — ) one who tastes before, taster. 33 V f r a d) $ e it, ) v. a. to crow be- as o x f x 5 I) e tt, S fore an y one - 23Brf rantc tt, v. a. to arrange in front, before; to arrange in drawing out of. 838 X f X ft fe e it, t>. a. to scratch forth or out. 23 B r f r C t 8, m. front-circle. 33 3 r f r i C d) e n, v. ir. it. (am. fcl)ll) to creep forth. SSBrfrteg, m. (-e8) preceding or last war. S3 x f v i e g e tt, o. a. fam. to get out, cause to come out or forth. 935tf rtfcettt,*. a. /am. to scrawl in front; to scrawl forth a design or copy. 23 3 r f 11 It b C, /. foreknowledge. US r f tt II b i ij, adj. knowing the future prescient. 33 x f ii tt ft c 1 11, v. a. (ciucnt etroa8) to show one's art to one, to feign, pretend, 'it B r f ii f f e It, d. i. to kiss first, before- hand. 83 3 r f 11 t f cb e It, ) D. r. {am. fciju) B 5 V f ll t f rf? i X C n, > to drive on be- fore, in front, past. 750 33 3 V ( ii cb C I It, v. a. St n. to smile at one ; to show by smiling, in a smi'.ing manner. 33 X I a b e tt, v. ir a. to cite, summon. aSBrlaber, m. c-8; pi: — ) sum- moner. 5S ov I a b it it g, /. (pi- -en) citation. summons; compos. — *befehl, m. — b~ fcbrctbeit, ?j. ciuatory letter, writ. USD vlage, /. {pi. -n) I. what is put before another thing; 2. T. recipient, receiver, receiving vessel. G S v i a J c v, 71. '-&) Mil. T. he«d of the camp, front- as v I a 9 e v it, v. reft, fid) — , to pitch one's camp before any thing. S3 B If la 1 1 e It/ v. a. to stammer or >D to a person. aS B X t a 11 b, n. (-CS ; pi. -e) fore-land, anterior land ; bie — e, the Austrian provinces in Suabia , compos. — ta$, m. + diet for electing the deputies to the general diet. 35 B V I a It 9 C tt, v. a. to reach forth. aS B X I ii It 9 ft, ado. long ago, long since, a great while ago. 33 B X I a It 9 U It 9, /• reaching forth. aS 3 r I a p p C It, v. a. to put a piece or patch in front. aSBrlafi. «'■ 1-. impressed wine; 2. lure, vid. 3cbcr|>ili. IS B X I a f f C It, v. ir. 0.1. to suffer to go or come forward, to let pass before, to give the precedence ; 2. to admit be- fore a person, to give access. 33 Br Uffutig, /. 1. precedence; 2. admittance, access. 33 B r I a ft, /. vid. SOorbevIap. SB B r I a ft i 9, adj. JV. T. over-burdened in the prow or fore-part, by the head ; baS ®ct)i|T tft 5" — , tlic ship is too much by the head. aSBrUube, /. {pi. -n) Arch. T. piazza, portico. 33 B V I il « f, m. (-$) that which runs or flows out first, forerunnings; unpressed wine • wort ; (of distilled spirits) the first or strongest; — VDIt D&ftlnOJt, strong cider. aSBrlallf Clt, v. ir. n.(aux. fei)lt) 1. to run before ; 2. to outrun, overtake, outwalk. aS Br t(i Itfcr, m. (-8; pi. — ) pre- cursor, forerunner, harbinger. 33 Br Kill ft 9, I. adj. 1. preliminary. previous; 2. provisional; — e 31 ft gab e bctlll 3olI, prime entry; — C 3icivct = fc, preambulary proofs ; II. adv. by way of preliminary ; previously, pro- visionally. aS Br Uufcf)Cit, v n. 1. to spy or watch, or watch in front of: 2. to peep forth listening. SSBrlaut, I. adj. 1. obstreperous, "over-loud ; 2. forward, hasty ; 3. in- considerate, precipitate; II. ado. ob- streperously, forwardly ; hastily. 3! OV I ait t, m. (n. ;'. «.) hint, inkling. 33 B X t a It t C It, v. ?i. to sound louder or stronger. 3SB r I ii u t c it, >\ n. (ciitcin; to sound before or for any one ; to ring for any one. SB Br lego a r, adj. 1. that may be laid before, exhibited; 2. that may be pro- i pounded or offered. I 33 3 r I e g e = f ii ft d) c it, it. T. worm- tub; — fctte, /. ladle; — loffel, m. soup-ladle, gravy spoon ; — mtffcv, n. I carving knife; — fcblojj, n. padlock; IBcrl mtt ciucnt — fcfclo^ pcrwa^ien, ta padlock ; — ll'Clf, n. T. wheelworl' beneath the dial-plate (in watches) — nm - tillflct;er, m. maker of the parts belonging to the dial-plate. aS B 1' I C g C It, v. a. 1. to put before, pu«, to ; 2. to carve, to serve with, help to 3. fig. to submit; to expose, show; 4. to produce, exhibit; cine Sl'Cige — , to propose or propound a question • cillCll SHecipicittClt — , to apply a re- cipient. aSBrlegcit, n. (-8) aSCnlcgiiiig, / putting before, &x., vid. 33orlcgcn, n. 33 B r I c g e r, m. (-6 ; pi. —) carver, helper (at table). 35 B t ( e I) It C It, v. a. iv rejl. to lean be- fore something ; to lean forward, of or against. 33 3 x I C f) r C, /. (pi. -U) introductory vr preliminary information. aSBrlefireil, v. a. to teach, show by teaching. 33 B r I c t 6, m. vid. SBotbevleft. 33BrIeterit, v. a. (cincm) cunt, to play badly on some musical instrument to any one. 33 3 r I e t f) e n, v. a. + to lend. aS B V'le tf, n. J\T. T. fore-leech (of a stay-sail). 33 3 1" I C t lit C It, o. a. to glue before 33 3 V I C 1 1 e II, ? v. a. to conduct on, 33 B r I e II f e II, J guide forwards ; be- fore any one. 33 3 r ( c it j, m. vid. aScrfriihliiig. 333 r I erne 11, v. a. to learn before hand. 33 3 r 1 C 8 b a X, adj. that may be read to or lectured on. ii 3 r I e f C, /. 1. beginning of the vint- age ; 2. privilege to gather the grapes before others. 93 3 V t C f C It, v. ir. a. 1. to gather before another ; 2. to read to, to rehearse. 93 B r I e f C r, m. (-8 ; ;;/. — ) 1 . reader, lecturer, prelector ; 2. reader of lectures. 33 3 r 1 e f U II g, /. (pi. -etl) reading, pre- lection, lecture : —Clt Mtcit fiber, to read lectures; cine — fiber tic Jlrieg&s fliuft baltdl, to lecture upon the mili- tary art. 33 3 r I e U i, adj. last but one, penulri mate; bcr — e, the last but one. as B r Itu dj t e it, v. n. (am. Ijaben) 1 to carry a light before ; 2. to shine be- fore ; 3. to outshine ; 4. fig. to be a pattern to ; to give, set up a good ex- ample. aS B X 1 C ll cb t c r, m. 1 . one who lights another ; 2. example, model. 33 B v 1 1 U d) t It tl 9, /. 1. shining before, being a pattern to ; 2. outshining, ex- celling. S3 X 1 1 C b, adj. contented, satisfied, vid Siii'licb. aS Br I i e b e, /. predilection ; — fur ct» n>a8 baben, to be prepossessed in fa- vour of. 33 B X \ i e B en, v. n. (I. «•) to have a predilection for (any person or thing). 33 D x 1 1 e 9 e it, v. ir. n. (am. babeu) I to lie before a thing, to be placed be- fore a thing ; 2. to lie in front, to lie foremost; baS -jpattfl Uegt vor, the house lies in front. 93 3 v I i e 9 e n t>, adj. 1. lying before ; 4 fig. in question. 33 3 r 1 1 p V e. /• red part of the lip. 53 3 r I i 8 V e I tt, ». a to whisper or rau* mur to any one- Sorm tfl i l I C b Cll, v. a. 1. to praise to or be- fore ; 2. to praise by way of example. S3 r I cf C It, v. a. to solicit, call forth. 83 r I o b e v n, v. n, vid. inn- fl amine it. 83 or log, m. oid. ajwlaj?, 2. S3 V I t f) e it, ». a. to solder before or in front. SG r I n g e it, v. it. it provinc to peep forth. 23 Or I it g C, /. anticipatory lie. 83 r I ii g C 11, v. ir. a. to tell lies to a person ; cillCIlt ttWaS — , to tell one lies. 83 Or! lift, /. 1. anticipated joy or plea?«re ; 2. extreme or excessive joy or pleasure. 23 r lit a rf) e II, v. a. wig. to put before, to place before; cilieilt etiuag — , 1. to do a tiling before another person that he may imitate it; 2. fig. to deceive one, to impose upon one; CtllCllt i)iiib= djeit etioag — , to play the rogue with a girl. 93 r m a g c it, m. (-g) ante-stomach (in certain birds 1 . 93 r ill a t) b c r, m. (-g ; ///. — ) first mower. 83 till a f) C It, v. n. {aux. l>lbeil) to mow first or before. 83 r in a 5 1 c it, vid. 23ormaIcn. S3 V male tt, v. a. 1 . to draw or paint before ; 2. to give a pattern by one's own drawing or painting ; (CtllCllt Ct= Wa§), fig. to delude, deceive, impose upon. • 83 r 111 a I e U, adv. formerly, vid. 83or= malS. B3 r m a 1 i g, adj. former, vid. 83orig. *3 Or lit a IS, adv. formerly, in former times, afore time, heretofore. JVn. IS o rm k U, V> o c 3 t i 1 1 n. C f) t m o I «, S r feiefcut, i; o r Jlltcco, 9B«ilan». The most remote ami venernble antiquity is denoted by vcr .'tltcro (in ancient times). Boc 2tlttr# (in early ages, in olden times, in times of } ore) men reached a more advanced age than new. Hot gtitcn (in lorrner tin. tot designate so remote a period, nevertheless it is distinguished from ponnalfl and chrutiilf by its pointing nut an intermediate time of several ages, whilst pormalG and tlftmali may signiiy a tune past in ilie same generation or age. One says then: In former tunes (por 3.'. -miinbcv) guardian ; tutor. 23 r m ii tt b e r t it it, /. ( pi. -en) fe- male guardian ; tutoress. 83 r 111 it It b e r, m. guardian ; compos. — gami, n. I. office of guardian; 2. vid. 23ofiituiibfd)aftgamt j — gbeftel= lllllij, /. appointment of a guardian ; — ftube, /. vid. 23oriiuuibfdiafteftubc. 23 r 111 It II b 1 i rf), adj. relating or per- taining to a guardian. 23 o rut ii ii bf rb af t, f. guardianship, trusteeship ; compos. — gaillt, n. an of- ficial tribunal corresponding to that of master in chancery in England ; — g= aitge(egenb,eti, /. aflkir concerning the guardianship; — fad)e, /. affair or matter of guardianship; — ggclbcr, pi. money belonging to minors; — greet): UUilO,, /. account of the ward's estate; — gftnbc, /. I, room where the board of guardians meet ; 9. vid. — gaillt ; — i- lOtjett, n. affairs of guardianship; mat- ters relating to the board of guardians. 23 r nt it ii b f d) a f 1 1 i a), adj. * adv. belonging or relating to a guardian, guardianlike. S3 r m ii \\\ c it, v. a. 6> n. to coin in advance, before any one; to coin in one's presence (to leach him how). SB x in it r m c ( n, v. a. (einem etio as ) in murmur or mumble something to s .me one. 339 r mil f fen, v. ir. n . fam. to be obliged logo out, forth, ahead or in front ; to be obliged to appear before any one. SB l r in u 1 1 e r, /. { P i. -mutter) an- cestress (I. «.). SB t 1 t It, adv. before, in the fore-part ; in Ii >nt ; bOlt — , from before, from the beginning, over again; in the front; — ini .*>aufe, — (,eraug ivohncn, to reside in the front pan of the house, to have front rooms; nMcbrr toon — ailfattgen, to begin anew or afresh. 2Scrp 83 r It a ct) r d) f, /. preliminary news, previous intelligence. 23 9 r it a cb 1 1 g, adj. of the night before, of last night. SB l r It a g C I, m. (-gj pole-nail, thill naiL 23 r tt a g e ( n, v. a. to nail before a thing. 23 mat) cn, v. a. (ciitcnti 1. to sew (aster ; 2. to show any one how to sew. SB 3 r ll a ft ill e, 1. /. capture in advance ; 2. in. nd. SBorname. 83 r it a lit e, m. (-llg ; pi. -It) christian- name. 83 rite bill, I. adj. 1. distinguished above the rest eminent ; 2. gentle, of quality, of note, of distinction, of rank ; — e Petite, gentle-fblk, people of quali- ty, of rank; cill — CV i'lanit, a gentle man. man of rank; — Cg83efeit, state lines? of behaviour, air of superiority ; em — eg .£>attg, a house of fashion ; — unb gcmeill, gentle and simple ; II. ado. gentlemanlike, eminently; — tfjllll, to assume importance, to aflcct superiority; to live high or in great state; — tf)Ult, «. n. imposing appear- ance ; haughtiness, pride. 83 r It C I) lit C 11, r. ir. a. 1 . to take be- fore ■ put before, put on ; 2. fig. to take in hand, to do, undertake ; Voieber — , to resume, to renew an interrupted work; cillCIt — , 1, to examine, try, 2. to call to account ; 3. to upbraid with, to chide ; id) ikImhc niit oor, I intend, I purpose doing. SB t It C ft 111 C 11, ?i. (-g) I. design, in tention, intent, plan ; 2 resolution. 83 Or it el) llif) e i t, /. quality, distinc tion, rank. 83 Or net) ltt It d), ado. chiefly, princi pally, especially. 83 r It e f) lit ft C, adj. first chief, chiefest foremost, principal, capital, must emi- nent, most excellent; tie —II, the chief men, head men. 830rnef)iit it it g, /.(/».. -en) l. de- sign, resolution ; 2. practice. 83 r it c i g e n, o. a. ,v rejt to incline or bend forwards. 230ril Ctgillig, /. 1. inclination or bending forwards; -2. fig. nd. 23orlicbc. SB r It C It It C II, v. ir. a. 1. to name to any one ; 2. to name or mention before or "above {chiifiy in 8>orgciiaitnt) ; 3. to teach one how to name. SB i v a c it it w or t, n. {-tt ; pi. -roor^ tcr) Oram. T. pronoun. 23 r It t C t C tt, v. a. to rivet in front 23 o r n o r g c I it, r. a. (einem ctroag) to squabble with any one for something. 83 r n 6 1 f) i g e it, v. a. fam. to compel to go on, before, forward; to force to ci me out. SBStnitmntet, /. the preceding or previous number. 83 Or it ii ft e u, c. «. to use before the time. 33 r o b c r b r a in t" o a c I, *. JV. T. fore-top-gallant-royal sail, 83 9 tof e it, t». (-g 1 mouth of the oven ; front of a furnace. S3 Q C V t 11 C 11, D. a. to arrange before, in front; also sooner; further on, for- wards. S3 D r r il C I II, r. a. thiefy cjnt. to play mi the organ to one; vid, 23orlcicr:i. %$ C V p a V V e n, d. « to paste against, inYront over. v : v p a fen, v. a. 4 a. to fit on tc 751 aSonr into ; to be fit to take the lead; to lit to or on. 15 B V p a It E C It, v. a. to play the kettle- drum in front of one ; before one (to teach him how). 83BrpC i t f d)f It, v. a. $■ n. to whip on or out ; to show one how to handle a whip. 83 r p f a b \, m. (-e8) 1. front stake or pale ; 2. pick, crowbar. 33 V p f C i f C 11, v. ir. a. to whistle to. 83 B r p f [ a ll J e it, v. a. to plant in front, before ; sooner, before. 83Brp f 1 id) t, f. 1. previous or prin- cipal duty ; 2. JV. T. fore-deck. SSBrpf I iige it, v. vid. 93oradcrn. 83 B r p i It f e I It, ». a. <£ n. 1. to daub be- fore any thing ; 2. to show one how to handle a brush (in painting) ; 3. fam. to blubber out any thing. 93Bvp(app ei'll, v. a. fam. (CtltClH etioa?) to chat to, with any one. 33 B V p I ii V V C It, v. a. vulg. to cry out, bawl. 83orplctfc, m. (-c8; pi. -plafce) 1. Arch. T. landing place ; 2 vestibule. 93 B r p I a n b e r n, «. «. to chat to, prattle, tattle to. 93orp o m liter it, n. (-8) Geog. T. Citerior Pomerania. 93Brp o f aim en, v. a. cont. (cincm CtrUttS) to play one a tune on the sack- but. 83Brpoftcn, m. (-3; pi. — ) out- guard, out-post. 53 r p r e b i a. c n, ». a. ] . to preach to or at, to sermonize ; 2. Jig. to lecture, inculcate. 33BrpVet fell, v. ir. a. to laud or extol to any one. 23 Br pvef f c n, v. a. to press forth, out, forwards. S3 B r p r ii f e it, v. a. to examine or try previously, first. 23 B t p r ii f 11 n g, /. essay or trial made beforehand ; previous examination. 83 B r p U it C t, m. (-C6 ; pi. -e) prelimi- nary point. 83firrageit, v.n. (aux. Ijaben) to be prominent, protuberant, supereminent ; to overlop, jut or sland out ; — b, part, adj. prominent, salient. 35 B V r (t g It n g, /. overtopping, pro- minence. 93 B r r a m m e I n, ? v. a, to ram (piles) 83 B r r a m in e it, ji in front. 83 B r r a It g, n. (-e8) 1. precedence, first place, foremost place, superiority ; 2. pre-eminence. U3 B r r a t b, m. (-e8 ; pi. -raffle) siore, stock, provision ; board ; compos. — S- dllffe()er, m. keeper of a magazine or store; — Sgeroolbc, n. vid. — dtcim- mei*; — 6hrtU8, n. store-house, maga- zine, depot; — 8Fainmer, f. — 8jim= liter, n store-room; — Smcifter, m. vid. 93rooiaiittneiftcr ; — flfchleufje,/. lock on a canal ; — 8fd)ranf, m, safe, pantry, meat-screen ; — Suervoalter, m. store- keeper, any commissary of stores; — 8= Wjcidmifl, n. inventory. 93B r r ii 1 1) t g, adj. in store, stored up extant, in hand; — C8 ©elb, money in cash. 93 Br rait in, m. (-e8) space before any thing ; area. 830rr ciu m en, v. a. 1. to range in front; 2. to bring to light in rummaging. 930 rr frill! en, v. a. 1. to reckon be- &orr fore, reckon to, give an account ; 2. to show one how a thing is 'reckoned. aSDrrcrbt, r.. (-e8; pi. -c) _ prero- gative, privilege, immunity ; CIU ail>3= fd)licjilid)c8 — , an exclusive privilege ; tic — c ber @eiftlid;fcif, the immu- nities of the clergy. 93 B V r C b e, /. ( pi. -It) preface, prefa- tory discourse, introduction ; prologue ; ctue — marhett, to preface ; ein 93 nd) init einer — oerfctjen, to preface a book, i'j/n. 15 r r t J t, % c r b t r i £) t. It is expect- "ed that a ijorbcridu (advice to the reader) should he short, and that a BomSe (preface) Bhould be longer. In the Uorbcridjt, therefore, only certain circumstances are commonly mention- ed, which may be useful for the reader to know. In a iSorrcet this is done not only more diffusely, but even the object and utility of the book, of the manner, in which the reader ought to use it, of the importance of the subject, matter, &c. are mentioned. In English an Introduction is usually somewhat longer than a Preface; BorbcriJit (preamble) may thefelbre be safely rendered by Prelareand iiorrcS* by Introduction. 93 B r V C b C It, v. I. a. to tell, speak ; to talk to (with intent to persuade) ; , adj. on this side of the Rhine, cis-rhenish. 93 B r V t d) t e ll, ». a. to prepare, get ready, fit up. 93 B r V i rb t ll ll g, /. (pi. -en) 1. pre- paration, arrangement; 2. contrivance, engine, mechanism. 83 B r r i e g e 1 it, v a. (bic Xf;itr) to bolt the door. 83 B r r t % m. (-ffeS ; pi. — ffe) sketch. 93 Br r i 1 1, m. (-e8) riding before, pre- ceding on horseback. 93 B f '' ii den, v. I. a. 1 . to advance, to pusn, move forwards m- before ; 2. fig. (fittem etroaS) to reproach with, to upbraid with ; b«S 55«tUI1t — , to ante- date; II. t. (aux. fetyll) to advance; to SSorf march on or forward; vid. S$n. 83CI- roeifen. 93 B r r ii d e ll, n. (-8) advance ; ba8 — ber 9^ad;tgleid;cii, procession of equi noxes. 93 Brfii dllltg, /. 1. advancing; 2 moving before ; 3. fig. exprobration, re proach, upbraiding. 53 B r r 11 b C r e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) strokes- man. 83 B r r n b e r it, v. n. (aux. (jabeni to row in front, ahead. 83 B r r it f e n, v. ir. a. to call forth. 83 B r t U f It It g, /. calling forth. 83 B r r ii I; in e n, v. a. to praise or extol to 83 B r r ii fte It, v. a. to equip, prepare. 93 B r r ii fi tt ll g, /. preparation, equip- ment ; preparative. 93 B V r i; 1 1 e I it, v. a. to shake forwards or forth, out. aSBrfaaT, 771. (-e8; pi. -fiile) hall, entry, entrance-room, entrance-hall ; ante-room. 83 B v f a b b a t b, m. (-8) eve before the sabbath. 83 B r f a g e it, ». a. 1. to tell, entertain with; 2. to repeat to one and make him say after; to rehearse to a person; 3. to dictate, to say to; Scbrcdlliffe — , to denounce terrors ; CtllCllt CtroaS 2d) OIK 8 — , to speak fine things to one. 33 r f a g e r. m. vid. m. u. w. @iu$el' fer, Spuffleur. 83 B r f a lit 111 e I tt, ». a. to collect be- fore another; to gather, hoard up (for future use). 83 B r f a in m I e r, m. (-8 ; pi. —) or? who collects or gathers first. 93 B r f a n g e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) leader of a choir, precentor. 93Brfatj, m. (-e8; pi. -ffltje)l. any thing that is placed before another thing', ~.fig. resolution, design, purpose, intention ; belt — r)abeit, to design, in- tend; eilieit — faffen, to take a resolu- tion; lint — , designedly, on purpose; compos, —papier, n. vid. aSorfefepa= pier. 93 B r f a 1} I i d), adj. vid. 93orfe felti-h. 93 V f a It 111, 771. (-e8) outside hem. 93 B r f d) a f f e n, v. a. to get out or forth by labour ; to create before. 93 B r f d) a 1 1 e it, v. n. to sound or re- sound stronger. 830rfd)an5f, /. (;;/. -11) outwork, lunette. 83 B r f d) a It J e tt, ». a. provinc. 1. to ob- viate, prevent; 2. to allege ; to pretend. aSBrfd)auen, v. n. to look forth or forward. aSBrffbcin, m. (-8) act of coming to light, appearance ; Jlllll — foilinicil, to appear, come to light; jinn — bringeil, to bring forth, bring to light, to produce. 93 Br f d) c i n e 11, v. ir. n. (aux. baben) 1. to shine before; 2. fig. to shine through; to shine pre-eminently. 83 r f d) i u> t, /. (pi. -en) Min. T. firs' layer, bed or stratum. 93 B r f d) i d C II, v. a. to send before 01 forward, to send word to one's lodgings. 83 B r f cb i e b e tt, v. ir. a. 1 . to push for. ward, shove before or to ; Jig. to hinder, prevent ; 2. to put in, to interpose ; CT* neit 9iiegel — , to bolt. 93 B r f d) t e b e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) some thing that is shoved before a thing, bolt bte — , the four teeth of a horse be SBorf SDcrf tween the corner-tooth and the fore- tooth. 83 B r f rf) i c ( e it, v. n. to squint at from before; to look askant, glance at from behind. 93 B X f rf) t C fj C n, v. ir. I. a. ] . to shove or push quickly before a thing; 2. to put an edge or border to a thing ; 3. to count down money before a person ; 4. to advance money ; 5. to lend money; II. n. a. (mix. fl'tylt) 1. to dart forward, to shoot or rush forward ; 2. to shoot or lire a gun before a person ; 3. (of plants) to shoot, grow quickly ; 4. to jut out, jutty; fi. (aux. f)iibcit) to shoot better or nearer to the mark than another, to outshoot. 93 S V f rf) i f f, n. (-e$) fore part of a ship, prow. 4JDrf rf) tf ft II, v. n to sail onward, steer ahead ; to outsail. Si3 B V f d) i I b C r C t, /. representation (of a fact, &c.). SB o v f rf) t m m e r n, v. n. (mix. baben) to glitter, shine before or beyond other things. 43 B r f rf) I a rf) t e ll, r. a. b n. to kill first before any one else ; to kill in one's presence, to show him how. 93 r f rf) I a g, m. (-eS ; pi. -frfjKige) 1. proposal, proposition, offer ; 2. first layer of lime; 3. stopple, bung, ram wad; lid of an oven; 4. Mus. T. appoggiatura ; 5. first blow ; — tlrl 93arlailirntC, mo- tion; 93oi'frf)lage tl)lttt, to make pro- posals : til — bviligcil, to propose, make a motion fir, to motion ; compos. — Cl= ff It/ n. pegging-awl ; — fajj, — Qtfcip* "• Oun. T. chape ; — baillllKr, m. T. black- smith's forehammer; — Jtct)cr, m. Gun. T. Hie worm. 93 B r f rf) [ a g e II, v. ir. I. a. 1. Jfgi to propose, propound, proffer; 2. to mo- tion ; 3. to beat in or knock in, before a person ; 4. Min. T. to give the signal to the miners; o. M. 11. to ask a higher price than is meant to be taken; to overrate, over prize ; 6. to put before ; to nail before ; Cllieil ^[(pcf — , to peg up, stop with a peg; eiitcit $u etroas — , to prOoose or present one for . . .; einen $u cilice 93fninbe — , to present any one to a benefice ; II. n. (aux. 1) c it, v ir. n. (aux. fci;n) <$- rcfl. to creep forwards or before. 95 D r frf) If tfeit, v. a. to whet before any one (to show him bow). SftBrfrblcifeii, \ v. a. to drag (on) SB B v f d) I r p p e n, J before or forth. 83S rf rf) licjjeil, v. rr. a. to conclude beforehand 93 Br fri) I in gen, v. ir. a. (einon ,ftiio= ten) to make a knot before. 93 9 r f d) 1 u ni ill e r, m. (-8) first sleep or nap. S3 B r f rf) I II fi, m. (-eg) conclusion come to beforehand. CBrfrbmacf, m. t-e«) l. foretaste, prelibation: 2. preponderating taste of any ingredient in a composition. ©erf d) 111 e if en, v. I. a. to taste be- forehand, to foretaste ; II. n. (aux. 1)0= 48 ben) to predominate, have a preponder- ating taste. 93Brf rfjmieb, m. (-el; pi. -e) black- smith's help. SB B r f rf) It a II e ll, v. a. to buckle to be- fore, in front of. 93 Br fd)!tctbe = eifeit, n . cleaver; — nieffer, n. carving knife. 93 B r f rf) 11 C i b e tl, v. ir. I. a to carve, cut; II. n. (aux. hrtbCIl) to cut before a person, to cut out. 93 B r f d) It f t b e n, n. (-§} carving, cut- ting. 33Brfrf)neiber, m. (-8; pi. — ) i. cutler out; 2. carver; compos. — aillt, 7i. office of carver. 93 B r f d) 11 C ((, I. adj. forward, rash, has- ty, precipitate, premature; — Ullb DCf= lvegeil, precipitous and bold ; II. ado. forwardly, rashly, precipitately, prema- turely. 33 B r f d) It e 1 1 e, / precipitation, basti- ness. 93 B r f rf) n i t f, m. (-e8 ; pi. -e) first cut. 93 B r f d) n i 1 1 e r, m. (-fl; pi. — ) first mower. 93Brf rf) II a r, /. the lash of a thong or whip. 93 B V f t6en, r. n. (aux. baben) to flash, float, hover before ; CillCIU — , to be in one's eye. 93 B r f rf) m e b e n b, adj. & ating berore the mind, existing in the imagination. 93 Br frf) to int me n, d. f>. n. (aur. fi'l)Il) to swim before. 93 B r f rf) m 6 r e It, ». ir. a. to swear in one's presence. 93orfegeI, 7i. (-8; pi. — ) fore-sail; bie — , head sails. 93BrfegeIn, ». «. («»x. fei)ii) i. to sail before ; 2. to out-sail. 33 B V f C b b a r, adj. thai may be foreseen. 33 B v f C b C II, v. ir. I. rcfl. to be on one's guard, Like care, take heed ; febft tud) t>or ! take heed ! have a care ; IL o. + <$ procinc. to foresee ; to provide. 93 B r f e h tl ll g, /. providence ; bit gottlid)c — , Cod's providence. 93 B r f e i t e, /. fore aide, front ; compor. — ntafel, in, JV. T. fore tackle. 93Brfenbcn, «. ir. a. to send on, ahead, before. 33 B r f e (} b a X, adj. that may be placed before. 23orfefc = blerf), «. r. strainer (in mines and foundries) ; — bCifl'l, fa. 7'. lid; — feitficr, n. outer window (of a double one); — papier, n. T. blank- sheet at either end of a book ; — fl)lbe, / Oram. T. prefix; — tv\}f, m. T. re- ceiver ; — Wailb, /. screen ; — Wort, n. word prefixed to another ; Did. 9301* wort. 93BrfetjC, /. any thing placed before any object. 93BrfefcClt, tj. a. 1. to set before, to place, put before, put to ; 2 .fig. to see over, to appoint over; 3. to prefer; 3enianbe8 Sflaincn eiucm SBut^c — , to prefix one's name n> a book; fcfee ibuen 9Beiit nub SUtfd) Dor ! set wine and meat before them! fid) lllir ft* iva8 — , to resolve upon, to design, in. tend, determine, propose. 93 B r f e fc e n, » (-8) putting betore, vtd verb. SBDrft^ticb, I. adj designed, wilful, deliberate, intentional; em — cr'DJorb, a wilful murder; 11. adu designedly, purposely, on purpose, wilfully, inten- tionally. 93 B r f e ft I i rf) f c i t, /. wilfulness, deU beration. 93 B X f e (} 11 n g, /. placing, putting Be- fore; oid. SRorfafc. 930rftvn [930rfetn)< '■• "■• •>■ (cux. fivit l m be before, be foremost, have the first chance; 2. to stand out; 3 753 58or| Sorf to lie examined, tried or t nder cogni- zance ; ba fei; ©C*tt SOU Cod forbid ! C B V f i rf) t, /. ] . foresight, forecast, cau- tion, precaution; circumspection; 2. providence; llttt Vtclcir — Jit 3BerK gcbeil, to act with great precaution ; compos. — Smafjregel, /. — Smtttct, it. measure or means of precaution ; — 8= read, /• rule of precaution or circum- spection. IS D v f i it t i g, I. «r/j. cautious, circum- spect, considerate, provident, heedful; U.ado. cautiously, circumspectly, con- siderately, providently, heedfully. S3 B t f t d) t i g f e i f, /. cautiousness, cir- cumspection, considerateness. QSorfilBe, vid. i3ovf»lbe. =8 Of fltt (J eit, v. ir. I. a. to sing to; II, it. {ana. tja&Cll) to lead the choir. 33 D t f i U g C It, n, (-8) singing to, &c. 93 o v f i it g c r, m. »id: SSovffitigev. 93 8 X f t H f e It, v. ir. n. (obi. feiin) to sink forwards. "3 LU" ft It 11, m. (-C8) the preceding sense, previous meaning. 2SBrfi$, ?«. (-eg) 1. circumstance of sitting before or higher than others ; act of presiding ; chair, presidency, presi- dentship; 2. upper seat; belt — jjftbcil, to preside, he the chairman ; compos. — ftrett, vi. disputa respecting the pre- sidency or chairmanship. 33 B V f i (J C II, v. ir. re. (mix. fci;n) to pre- side. Sb v f i 1} e u b c, bW. 33orftfeer. 2S B t f t fe e V, vi. (-8 ; pi. — ) president, chairman; compos. — ctinf, n. presiden- cy chairmanship, the chair; — plcitj, vi. — fie He, /. place of the president, chair, bench; — WUVbe,/. presidential dignity. 1> B X f i I ( C It, v. n. fam. to have to pass before, ok before. 33B r f in m C X e m. (-5) spring time. SJBt'fOtge, /. foresight, timely care, care, attention, precaution, providence ; — Il'itgctt, to take care, be attentive to. 23 D v f o x g c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) — tint, /. one who uses precaution ; one who takes care of. B r f v i e g c I tt n g, /. {pi. —en) male ing a false show ; deceit; entertaining. amusing (with idle hopes). aSBrfpiel, „. (-8; pi. -e) prelude. preludium, preamble, first play ; — itlt[ Ctlicr Dt'gel, voluntary. 93 B r f p i e 1 e it, v. a. & n. {aux. fuibcii) I. to prelude ; 2. to entertain with play- ing on an instrument. 93 B v f p t c I e r, m. >-S ; pi. — ) Mus. T. leader of the band, concert master. 93 v f p i it ii n> c x I, n. (-c» ; pi. -c) '/'. rought-mill. SBB X f J) t % e it, v. a. to new-point, to sharpen. S3 B X f p r It C 11, v. a. to spur on. S3 B X f p X (l d; e, /. intercession, vid. %UX' fprctdje. 93 B r f p r C d) C It, v. ir. I. a. to speak or talk before a person, to say to a person ; II. v. {aux. fjaben) l. to oui-tune ; 2. to give one a call, to make a short visit. aSBtfftedjer, m. (-S ; pi. — ) inter- cessor, vid. S»vfpvcd;cr. 23 B v f p r e n g e it, v. a. to pour or spread out before or in front of some- thing ; 2. to ride or gallop on before ; 3. eitt v-ovgcfpmtgtcv 93ogcit, a pro- jecting arch. 23 Bvf pr t e fsctt, ) v. v. to sprout iSBvfprof feu, 5 forth. 93 B V f p f t It g e It, v. ir. n. {aux. fflllt) 1. to leap before ; 2. to outleap ; 3. jig. to jut out; Ctlt — bet 3 ll g. a prominent feature. 93 B X f p X It di, m. (-(§) intercession, vid. Siu'fpnid). IS B r f p r it it g, m. (-cS ; pi. -fpviingc) 1. start, advantage; 2. projection, pro- minence, relief; 3. Arch. T. ressault ; ten — Dot einetn h.tben, to have the start of one, the advantage over him. 93 B V f P It I, m (-8) ill-foreboding omen, portent 93 B v f put e it, v. n. {aux. fyitt'en) to forebode, foretoken, portend. 93 B V f p it V C II, v. a. to feel beforehand, to have a presentiment of. 93 B x ft a b f, /. {pi. -ftabte ) suburb. 93 B x ft ai> t e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) SSBr* ftrtbterilM, /. {pi. -eit) inhabitant of the suburb, suburban. aS B X ft ft g f e g e I, n. (-8) JV. T. fore- stay- sad. 93 B x ft o m m c 1 n, v. a. (ciuem uttoaS) to stammer out something to one. 93 Br ft a nb, m. (-eS ; pi. -ftaubc) I. personal appearance ; 2. bail, security, earnest; superior. 93 B v ft a n b c v, »». (-8 ; pi. — ) T. tiller, Btander, young tree left in a wood for growth. 93B r ft C d) sc i f en, n. forelock; key of a bolt; vid. SSorftecftiftbet ; — ovt, m. sort of awl. 93 B r ft e d) e it, v. ir. I. re. (aux. habtn) 1. to shine forth, outshine, outdo, get the better of; 2. to be prominent, be distinguished; 3. tojutty; ba8 3io([)C ftldit PPf, the red predominates ; II. a. 1, to prick before; 2. to make a punc- ture or hole with any pointed instrument before anything ; 3. to pass theway. aS B r ft e d) c v, m. (-8) punch, pricker. as B v ft e cf « a x in e I, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) cover sleeve; — bill lite, /. flower stuck in the breast ; — KllJ, vi. breast-cloth, sl.,macher; — (ii^ftlCll, n. pinafore (for children) ; — liltie, /. JV. T. axle pin ; — ipefo, /. lock or nnL'let fur fastening on the breast; — li'U'.fe, /. linch-pin; SSorf — liabd, f. broach : — HAgd, m. boh pin, foielock; — pflocf, m. peg for plant ing before any thing; — ling, m. keepei (of a wedding-ring), guard; — rofe, f rose worn in the bosom ; — ftecfjtift- d;Cll, n. stud. 93 Br ft Clf Oil, v. a. 1. to put before a thing, to stick before a thing ; 2../io-. to prefix, mark, appoint ; bu$ POVgcftecfte Qtel CfVfidlCll, to attain the prefixec" aim, to hit the mark. aS B X ft C cf e X, m. (-6 ; ;-/. — ) 1. a thing, which is stuck before another to hold or fasten it ; 2. pin, peg; — DM CtllClli WabC, bncli pin, axle pin. 93 B r ft e \) e it, v. ir. I. n. (aux. rjo&ett iv fci)lt) 1. to stand before a thing; 2. to stand out, to be prominent, to project; 3-fiir. to appear (in a court of justice) ; 4. (Ciller 0V ! think of my astonish nient! 93Br (teller, m. (-8; pi. —) l. he that presents or introduces; 2.perforRi- er, player. 93 B r ft c 1 1 i g, ado. (n. i. u.) represented to the mind ; eiticm ehr.ct8 — inadjen, to remonstrate, demonstrate. 93 B V ft C I 1 11 It g, /• ( pi. -f ll) 1 ■ presen- tation, representation ; 2. idea, image, conception, notion ; 3. remonstrance ; citte ftt I fdje — , misrepresentation, mis conception ; compos. — 8fU't, /. marine: of representing to one's self; — 8fiU)tg> feit, or — 8fraft, /. — ttermogen, »;• imagination, imaginative faculty; fa culty of perception; — Sprcbtgt, /. ser- mon preached by a clergyman on bk presentation; — SVCfijt, re. right of ap- pointment, of presentation ; —Swell*, /. mode of representing or of picturing to one's self. 93 B X ft C lit lit e It, o. a. to stay or shovti up in front. aS B V ft C II g e, /. (pi. -n) JV. T. fore top- mast ; compos. — Itftag, vi. foretop-stay ; — ttftngfeget, 7t. foretop staysail ; — B* VOitllb, /. shrouds of the foretoD-mast Serf C t ft f V 6 C It, ?>. i>. 7(. (aur. fftyttj to die before another, to die first. *G o r ft e » e tt, m. (-8) A", r. prow, liead. 93 r ft i cf), m. (-tt ; jrf. -e) previous stitch ; 7'. first hole, cup-hole ; compos. — Ihlfjt, /. T. double-stitch. 33 l? V ft i m lit C It, v. n. 1. to vote first ; 1?. to show one how to tune (an instru- ment). 93 r ft I \S C r It, v. n. (aur.. feint) to stumble along. 33 r ft p f e tt, v. a. to stuff before a thing. 23 Dt ft Ofj, m. (-tt) 1. something pro- jecting, something protruded; 2. eking piece ; 3. adopter ; 4. hive-dross, bee- glue, mastic of bees. 33 X ft jj C 11. v. I. a. to push forward ; II. n. (I. u.) to project ; to occur unex- pectedly. 93 o r ft o 1 1 e r it, u. o. to stutter out or forth. 93 D r ft r a f) ( c it, a out .fpe iborfirafj= (en. 33 V ft V C b t 11, v. n. to strive on, strug- gle forwards. 33 L r ft r f Cf C tt, v. a. 1. to stretch for- ward, put forth or out ; 2. to advance, leud. 93 3 v ft t c cf e r, ?«. (-8 ; pi. — ) /. «. one who advances (money, &c). 93 r ft r C cf U tt (J, /. (pi. -Cll) 1. put- ting or stretching forth ; 2. advancing, lending. S3 r ft f C i cf) C tt, v. ir. a. 1. to strike or rub forlb ; 2. to spread forward ; 3. to mark wnh a stroke in front of a tiling. 33 S V ft r C i d) it ll g, /. marking, point- ing out. SSiJrftrcitetl, v. ir. n. to go to the fight first ; to fight among the foremost 93 I 1 C * X % 11 1 It, v. a. to strew or scatter before a thing. 83 3 v ft C t d), m. (-tt ; ;i/. -c) stroke, mark (made in front of a thing). 93 8 r ft v i d) e I n, v. a. to make fine strokes before any thing. SO 3 v ft t Iff ett r r. a. to knit to the ex- tremity of another thing ; to vamp knitting. 93 or ft r o in e n, v. rid. .Oevinufhoincii. 53 V ft U b t, /. ( pi. -n) front or fore- room. 2i V ft II cf, n. (-e8 ; 7>/.-C) .V. T. chase- is 1 !:-, (on board of a man of war). 93 3 V ft ii cf C I It, v. a. to reduce to small bits before any thing. S3 3 V ft II f e, /. front-step ; first step. 23 v ft it r m e it, v. n. (am. fevxt) to storm ur thunder forth or on. 33 o v ft ii v 5 c it, v. a. £ ». (aitc feint) i- rrfi. I. to tumble forward; 2. to rush forward. 93 o r ft ii (j c it, v. «. to prop or shore up in front of, before. 93 o rf u d) c, /. r. search. S3 3 r f H rflClt, v. a. 1. to bring forward by searching; 2. Efunt. T. to search or try a place for game ; UtlttT belli X\\A)t — , to search for under the table. 53 r f 11 b, m. (-$) first boiling (of salt). 83 V fit 111 \> f, m. (-C3) J\lui. T. drain- pump 93 r f U It b f I U 1 1) t i Cb, adj. antedilu- vian. 03 r f it |1 C I II, iv a. fnm. &■ com. to sim per out; feittcr Sctunieii 3artliri>fei= tctl — , to say soft, pretty nothings to a 'lir one Eert 93 o r f \) I e, f.( P L -n) pi efir 93 r t a b e 1 ll, ?•. a. (I. u.) to censure in the presence of one. 93 r t ail j, m. (-€«) first dance. 93 c v t a it 5 e it, ». «. (aur. fjabeu I. to lead the dance ; 2. to dance before a person (to show how the dance i-i lobe performed) ; 3. to dance faster or belter than another, to out-dance. 93 r t ci it j e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) —inn, /. leader of a dance, leader, person that shows the figure of a dance. 93 r 1 f) e t I, m. (-8 ; pi. -c) advantage, profit, gain, interest; lift; til llieillClll — f, to my advantage] in my behalf; Jinn — cu'iicier SBentgcit, for the gain of a few; cineiit j u in — ficreichcn, to turn to one's profit; CttttaS tlllll — bed gemetnett 2Befen8 tluin, to do some- thing in behalf of the commonwealth. 93 r t \j e 1 1 e n, v. vid. 93eoortr)etIen. 93 1 1 1) C i t (j a f t, I. a,lj. advantageous ; profitable, lucrative; et'llC — C O^clc.^cU- t)cit, a fair opportunity; II. adc. advan- tageously, profitably. 93 r t i) e 1 1 1 f cf), adj. + seeking only one's own advantage, selfish. 33ortt)ier, n. (-8; pi. -e) Hunt. T. chamois which leads the flock. 33 V t f) II 11, v. ir. La. 1. to put on or before; 2. to surpass; rr !\lt f8 tblll t)Orcjett)(tn, he has surpassed him; II. reft, to distinguish one's si If, 93 o v 1 1) ii r, /. (pi. -en) 6rst door of a double door. *93 o r t i c c 11 c, /. r. vorticcl (a worm). aSBrttetjef, m. (-8) r. the sump (in a foundry). 93 V t 11, m. (-C8 J ;;/. -tbltC) clear or sonorous sound. 93 Sr t 6 it e ll, v. n. & a. to sound loud- er; to cause to resound louder than any one else. 53ortrab, m. (-C8) van-guard, van, first line, first body (of an army 1 . 933rtraben, b, n. (am. fcytt) 1. to trot before ; 2. to out-trot. 33 o r t r a g, m. (-e§ ; pi. -tragc) l act of uttering or pronouncing a thing, de livery, diction, enunciation, elocution; 2. representation, exposition, relation, statement, report ; 3. proposal, proposi- tion; -1. dit nurse; f>. Mus. '/'. mode of [ting a piece of music, execution ; in — brtllgeil, to propose, propound ; to make a report; rr fmt rincn fjiiten — , he li.i^ a tine delivery or execution; — citlcr :)(crfllllllU], balance of an ac- count carried forward ; compos. — (8)= art, /. 1. manner or method of a preach- er. &c. : 2. vid. 'ikntrao,, 1. ; — Sfuiift, — ctunfl, /. art of delivery, elocution, execution; — {weife, /. vid. — 8art. 33 D r t ( a g b a r, aij. that may be pro- posed, uttered, &c 93ortragen, v. ir. a. 1. to bear • carry before ; 2. to put or place before a person ; 3. Jig. to represent, expose ; 4. to propose, propound; 5. to state, report, make a report ; 6. to deliver ; eiue 93ttte — , to bring in a petition. 93ortrager, m. (-8; pi.—) l. one who bears or carries before ; mace-bear- er ; 2. one who makes a report, pro- position, &c. 93 r t r a g 1 t rb, a, m. g-mer. in. pi. 'Isortrup^ VCIl, van guard, vid. 33orttab. 33 3 v I u d), ri. (-el ; pi. -tiicber) Urn. iH'ltudjlt'ill, n. (-8; pi. —) 1. apron; 2. wiping clout ; 3. bib. QiOrubctt, 7\ a. to pre exercise, exer- cise previously. 33 3 r ii b c r, «f«l. -(»"«• «*■ free from prejudices, unprejudiced; — (Sboll, ad/- full of prejudices. 55 3 r U r t b C t I e II, v. a. (only used in the infill.) to prejudicate. 8S t » a t et, m. (-8 J yt -Mtet) an- cestor, progenitor. 25 B rl> e f f ii n b t g C 11, v. a. to an- nounce beforehand. U3Bt»etma*etl, v. a. to bequeath beforehand. 55 3 v t> e r m ii d) t it i 6, n. (-e8) first or special legacy. q3croetnuuft«l»» v. a. (fincm etroiU) to demonstrate by subtle rea- soning. 55 B r C r f U cb C it, ». o. to taste be- forehand. JBBrsevfncber, m. (-8; p/.— ) Court taster, cupbearer. Sorucrtbeilen, n. a. to divide or distribute beforehand. 55 B v a e v XO a it b t C It, pi. relations in an ascending line (as father, grandfather, great-grandfather, &c). sBBvfcevroanbtfdjaft, /• l- rela- tionship in an ascending line; 2. the as- cendants •15 9 V U i C h, n. t-cS) shepherd's per- quisite. SB r » t It E e 11 e t, n. JV. T. tarpaulin. fc B r » o r b e r c, m. out SBortwtet. 2tov» *H 3 r r> o r i g. ? «£• last but two ; — e SBrworlefet, 5 ®^lbe, g™"»- r - antepenult. 55 3 l ro a cb c, /. ( p*. -tt) 1. out-guard, out-post ; 2. advance-guard. 25 S r to a d) 8, n. (-e8) hive-dross, bee- glue, mastic of bees. 25 3 r to ft d> f e u, v. ir. n. (auz. fetm) to gain ground. 23 r TO d g e It, r. a. to weigh before a person. SB 3 r TO d b I e n, v. a. to choose before or fir>t ; to choose in preference. 253 1 ro a 1 1, m. (-eS ; p/. -toafle) outer rampart. S3 3 r to a 1 1 e n, ». n. (««*. fjaben) to prevaU, predominate. S3 B r TO a I J C II, v. n. to lead off the waltz 83 3 r TO a n b, m. (-eS ; pi -TOanbe) pre- text, pretence : colour ; ClU fcbeinbiUer specious or plausible pretext, fair colour ; eilieil — flebell, to give a cloak. 25 3 v ro a tt b, /. ( P i wanbe) i . fore-wall, out wall ; 2. wall built or placed before any thing J 3. shelter. 55 3 r ro a r t e It, ». o. (*. i- u ) to way- lay. aS r ro 5 r t 8, ado. forward, forwards. on; in the front: bell gffoi — «»3 vcl= fell, to attack the enemy in front; com- pos, —brebev, m. AT. pronator; — - ftrebeil, 7i. desire or striving to ad- vance; —»tt^er, m. A. T. anterior muscle of the ear. G 3 t ro a f d) f tt. v. a. 1 . to wash before a person : i.fis com. to prattle or chattel before a person. 8 3 v ro t fl, adv. before, from before : be ^rehand ; — genieijett, to anticipate 'Ui snjovmenl of something) ; — tter;= 756 men, to take before aootuer person, to anticipate. 25 r ro e b V, /■ bulwark, rampart. 25 B r ro e b r e It, v. a. to guard against beforehand. 25 3 r TO e 1 11 e tt, v. a. to cry or weep be- fore a person. aSBtwetfl, m. vid. i. SRetfepctf; 2. ausroeis. 25 3 r ro f t f f tt, v. ir. a. to produce, ex- hibit, show forth. 25 3 V ro e t f C r, m. (-8 ; p/. — ) presenter of a thing ; bearer (of a bill of exchange, tec). 25 3 X «) C i 8 I i cb, adj. presentable. 25 3 v ro c i f u tt g, /. (pi- -en) showing forth, producing, exhibition. SB B 1 1» e It, /. former age, anterior world, antiquity ; ancients. 25 3 v ro 1 1 1 1 1 6), adj. in former times, I of yore. 33 3 v ro C It b C «, d rcg. &■ ir. a. to allege, pretend, give out. 33 3 r ro e n b 11 u g, /• (pi -« l > alleging, pretending, giving out S3 3 1 W e r f e fl, v. ir « 1. to throw, or "cast before, to throw to; 2 to reproach or upbraid with, to exprobrate ; ben fiunbetl — - to throw to the dogs; M- imiutem feineSaul&eit— ,to reproach one's laziness; matt mx\t tfelll UllbOltl bor, he lies under a reproach of in- gratitude. 25 Bt »et felt, n. (-8) 1. throwing be- •ore; 2. upbraiding. 253vroerf, n. (-e8; p/.-e) 1. farm, manor, country-seat ; 2. Fori T. ad- vance ; awffos. —idStr, m. field be- longing to a small farm ; — 8be,t&er. m proprietor of a small farm ; — 8gciinbe, „. — Slttecbt, m. — Slltagb, /. servants, labourer, maid belonging to a farm ; gnferb, — soieb, n. horse, cattle of a small farm. 33 Br »ef e ttljei t, /. pre existence. 33 c r ro ie fl e n, o. ir. I. a. to weigh to ■, "ll n. to weigh more, to outweigh; fetll — bcr (SinflUp, his preponderating in- fluence. 25 3 r TO i It b, «. (-«8 ; pi. -t) JV. r. fore- wind, favourable wind. 25Brrotminertt &■ SBBrwinfeln, v.a. to whine or whimper to. 3SB ttDt Titer, m, (-8) last days of autumn ; beginning of winter. 25 3 X TO t X I C tl, e. a. to work or operate beforehand, more effectually, with greater effect. 25 B t TO i f f e tt, n. (-8) fore-knowledge. prescience, knowledge, privity; ©bite lltctlt — , unknown to me. 253rTOtffenfcbaft, /. 1. prepara- tory knowledge or science ; 2. rid. aSorroiffctt. 25 3 X ro i 1 1 e r tt, r. a. \. to smell nr scent beforehand ; 2. fig. to have a misgiv- ing or foreboding of. 33 3 r »» I %, m. (-e8) inconsiderate cu- riosity, over curiousness ; prying spirit; pertness, forwardness ; temerity. «SBrroi&er$en, n. (-8; pi. — ) prorinc. snowdrop. 25 £ r ro t fe t fl I. adj. over curious, in- quisitive, prying; pert, forward; 11. ndo. inquisitively, pertly, forwardly. 93 £t TO ife I fl f C t T, /. inquisitiveness, pertness. 253v roo ft, n.'(-S; pi. -roorter) l. preface, preamble; 2. Oram. T. position ; vid. Syn. 25orvcbe. gBOrroutf, ». {-e«; jrf- -wfirfei l. fig. repro&ch; 2. Hu*.* T. bait, lure, 3? that which is thrown to or before a -.hing ; 4. impr. object ; — 8fvet, — 8to8. adj. free f'om reproach ; — 8»oU, adj reproachful. 58 B r j S M e It, v. a. to count before, to enumerate. 25 3 r j 0. t) I U ll g, /. enumeration. 25 B r } a i it, m. ;-t8 ; pi. -jabnc) for* tooth. 25 3 r j a it b e r n, r. a to conjure up. gSBrjetdicn, n. (-8; pi. — ) sign token, omen, prognostic, portent ; Ctlt — be8 ©iege8, a presage of victory. 25 3VJ et d) tie 11, v.a. I. to draw or sketch before; 2. (eilieilt etrortS) to draw something which another is to copy after; 3. to give a pattern, to point out. to chalk out, to trace out 33 B r j e i (b ii e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) one who designs or traces. 33Br*eid)ttUflfl, / 1- drawing be- fore, &c, vid. 33prjeid)iieit; 2. Mas. T. prefixed mark of sharps or flats. 33 3 x l e t g b a r, adj. that may be ii. own, produced, exhibited. aSBrjeige,/. vid. 25pV5eigmig. 33 3 v i c t g e ll, v. a. to show, show forth, expose to view, to produce^ ex- hibit. SSB t jet g e t, m (-8 ; pi. — ) SKtjei* gevtliu, /. {pi- -en) a person that has to show or produce any thing (such as a certificate or passport, &c.) exhibiter, shower, producer, bearer ; — bte«e«, the bearer of this ; — etne8 iffiecblclS, bearer of a bill of exchange. 33 B r J e t fl U it g, /. showing, producing, exhibition. 33 B V 1 1 i I, /. time of old, time of yore, past ages; ill ber graueil — , in tr* most remote antiquity. 25 r } e i t e n, ado. formerly, heretofore, in times of yore, anciently. 25 3 r j e 1 1 1 fl. L adj. premature ; eine _e ©ele&rfamfeit, precocity in learning ; II. adv. prematurely. 25 3 r J e 1 1 1 fl f e 1 1, /. precociousness, prematurity. 93Br|eitlt(b, adj. belonging to an- cient times, by-gone ages. gS B r i e r fl U e b e r e r, m. (-3 ; pi. — i A T. prosector. 25 B r j e r g 1 1 c b e r it, ». a. to dissect before students, to demonstrate. 25 3 r J t e i) b a r, adj. preferable. 23 3 r \ t e I) e ll, v. ir. a. 1. to draw for- ward; 2. to draw before; 3 fig. to prefer, give the preference (to;; ien SEoHjano — , to draw the curtain be- fore errotrb mir Sorgejoflen. he ia preferred before me ; II. n. (auz. fettlt/ to precede, advance. SSBrjt miner, ?j. (-8; pi. — ) forrf - room, anteroom, antechamber. 25 B V j 11 d) t, /. parent-stock, main-stock. 25Br S ng. m. (-e« ; j* -&«* \- p* ference ; 2. excellence, pre-eminence, •nnerinritv : prerogative : ml i- u.) J. "n-"3;isSrjiidebe«©etjieS, parts, endowments, talents, accomphshinpnts ; ffioniiae befl ©liu&«. > fr ©eburt.the advantages of fortune, of birth ; compos —twit, '» price of superiority, pre- mium- — Srecbt, „ r.ght of preference; — STOftfe, ado. by preference, especial- ly, par excellence. 23 D r tit fl 1 1 A, I. aJf. deserving to ba preferred, preferable, distinguished, supe- rior, excellent, exquisite, pre-eminent 2Mrt n. adv. preferably ; chiefly, especially, particularly. 33 o v i u 3 1 t rf) f e i t, /. (pi. -en) pre- ferableness, superiority, pre-eminence, worth, excellency. © 6 jj, 7/1. (-c8 ; pi.-t ; w -eit ; pi. -en) fox. *33 t d it t, m. (-CI1 ; pi. -Clt) voter, elector, vid. ©tilllllt^fbcv. *i> t A t 1 Ott, ? /. the act of voting *"-!> t It U It g, J giving (or collecting; the votes. *3i 1 1 r C H, v. n. to vote, give one's suffrage. *23 1 1 u b 1 1 b, «. (-c8 ; pL-tv) votive offering. *23 t t V C n, ;;/. (in the Roman Catholic church) donary, donation ; compos. — - tafel, /. plate, upon which the dona- tion to a church or monastery is noted down. *2? otluengelbei', pi. prooine. L T. fees, perquisites. *93 1 to g cm Slbe, n. (-S; pi. — ) votive picture. *23 ttvge frfje n f or ©iWto, n. (-C8 ; pi. -e) donation made to some church, &c. in consequence of a vow. '■ii 1 I i ft, m. (-Clt ; pi. -eit) secular priest who says masses for money. *33 1 1 V t a f e I, /. (pi. -tt) votive tablet, table. •25 turn, 71. (-8; pi. Soto* SBoten) 1. vote; ii. vow, vid. ©cliibbe. *93obtren, v. a. rid. ©elobcit, 2lit= gelobeit; iiiibmcii, SEBeifjeu. *;13 1) a g c ft r, m. (-8 ; pi. -8) cti 3tei= fenber, aiianberet. *23 j i r c 11, v. vid. 23ocircn. * ( ^ u c, /. vid. Slnfldjf, giugft^t, 8anb= fdiaft. id. ©entctu, ©cring, "SB nl aSt, «'(/. vid. C SRiebrig, SP56eI^aft. 5ffiaar *93ulnerat, m.(-<8; pi. -en) one who is wounded. ♦ 93 tt I it c v a 1 1 D 11, /. vid. 93emun= bung. ♦93 u ( 11 c v 1 r c n, d. a aid. 93cni.uinben, 33evlefcen. *23 u I V i U i t, m. (-8 ; pi. -c, Mn. T. vulpinite. *93u'ltif per, 7/1. vid. Sp&laftognom. *93 li I a, /. ./?. T. vulva. 9SB. *33 U I fl It I f S 11 I f d), adj. volcanic ; — (X ^lllSbl'Uct), volcanic eruption. •S3 It I f A II I f t X e n, v. a. to set on fire, heat. •33 U I fa It ( 8 m 11 8, m. T. the Vulcanic or Plutonic theory (of the fo-Tiation of the earth). »93 u I f a it t ft, m. (-en; pl.-trti vul- canist, one who holds the Plutonic theory. ►93 It I f a n i ft t f d), adj. relating to the vulcanic theory. *93ll If ant tat, /. quality of being pro- duced by vulcanic influences. 33 11 1 It C V S b e I, adj. vulnerable. *93 II ( n e V A 6 i ( t t a t, /. vulnerability. ♦i> it I n e v S 11 1. m. (-en ; pi. -cu) one wlie wounds SB, to, W, w, the twenty third letter of the Alphabet 923 a a b t, /. or — lanb, n. (-e8) Qcog. T. the canton of Vaud. 9B a a b 1 1 S it b e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) — = tltn, /. an inhabitant of Vaud, Vaudois. 9S a a b t I S It b i f cf), adj. of or from the canton of Vaud. 9B a a g c, /. vid. 3Bagc. 'ii> it a t e, /. (/rf. -It) ware, merchandise, commodity, goods ; giltf, fci)lcd)te — , good, bad articles; griillC — , pot-herbs, greens ; prov. Sebec J\fSmev !obt fci= ItC — , no man cries stinking fish ; giltC 2Bortc oerfaiifcn bbfe — , soft soder sells the clock : feiltC —It atl*(fgcit, to expose, set forth, display one's com- modities ; compos. — Iiabfcilbcf, m. con- signor ; — nabrejjjettel, m. docket; — nangebefdjein, m. bin of entry ; — liaitf cblag, m. valuation of the goods ; — ttaitctiott, /.port sale; — naiiffcbcf, m. corrector of the staple (clerk re- cording all bargains); — nbilUeil, j?i bale of goods; — ltbcftitltb, m. rest, re- mainder (in goods);— ltbcftdllliu}8blicb, 71. book of commissions; — llbrctt, n, set of shelves in a shop; — iualculil = tion, /. calculation of merchandise ; — llCitlcillilttOIl8bucf), n. book of cal- culations; — nconfignatton, /. vid. — nfcnbitiig; — ncrebit, ?«. credit in goods; — nettifiifjr, /. importation of merchandise ; — IKiilfauf8bucb, n. book of purchases ; — lieilttopot, n. vid. — nnieberlitge ; — ncnciignip, n. — it= fevtigtlltg, — ttOtrferttfllinfl, /. manu- facture of goods; — nfSlfcper, m. one who adulterates goods; — ligcfchSft, it. — Ilhkiitbcl, m. transaction in goods; — ngewolbe, — n^anS, n. shop, store, magazinOj warehouse ; — II Fen tier, vi. man versed in the knowledge of goods; — ttfctintnijj, or — nfunbe, /. knowledge in goods; — ntifte, / rhest of goods; — udtger, n. — iiniebevkge, /. warehouse, storehouse, magazine ; — tUllSficv, in. broker, agent, factor; — ttllicbct'KigiJrccbt, n. staple-right; — ItVH'ciS, m. price of goods: — Ityvobc, /. sample, pattern? — nrccftnuiig, /. invoice, bill of parcels ; — nvedMiitiig8-- blld), n. invoice-book; — Itffbail, /. inspection of goods ; — llfcoiltl'P, n book of accounts current of merchan- dise ; — Ilfi'ltbuttg, /. consignment or shipment of goods; — llfcilfill, m. vid. — nmcif lev ; — nftcner,/. duty paid on merchandise, custom, excise ; — 11= tanfd), m. barter; — ntraii4V0Vt, m. vid. jratiSport; — noerfSlfrber, m. vid. — lifSlfftjet - ; — noetfauf, ?». sale of goods ; — line v fa ti fab II cb, n. book of sales; — ItycifSllfcr, m. seller, (in articles of merchandise) ; — tlPCf= febr, m. sale, business, vent ; — nyer= lofting, /. allotment of goods ; — liver = ^CUcer, ™. transmitter of goods; — It = PCrfeilblllig, /. transmission of l — livei'jeictiiiifj, ». list or catalogue of goods; invoice; — nborralb, m. steefc (of goods); — nreinbe, /. windlass; — lltoll, m. custom-house duty, vid. 3oll ; — lljug, m. vent, sale; transit. 1 11, v. n. (cut. baben ta wabble ; to shake ; to waddle ; (ot the stomach) tn be saueamish. iijabbelig, adj. shaky, soft; wabbling. 2BSbe, /. (pi. -n) comb, hone/corab cake of wax in a bee-hive. SLBScfc, adv. e, /. wooden couch, bed in a guardhouse; — rode, /. .V. T. watch-bill; — fchtUl, /. 1. visitation, rounds; 2. vid. — Varatc; — ftftijf, «. guard ship ; — ftllbe, f guard-room : — fud)t, /. vid, u m, m. &■ 7i. [-8] 1. growth ; 2. fig. increase. 23 d ci) § t \) it lit 1 1 cb), adj. >. «. u) ve getable, vegetative. 3Bcid)t,/. [pi. — C It guard; watch: vid- 23adie ; compos. — bvett, n. — tajtl.f. JT. T. log-board; — fllftS, n.JV. 7". hour- glass : — bauS, 71.' — meiftcr, m. — = ", n. — tbitrnt, m. aid 23ad)f)au3, aBacbmeijtcr, 23acbfd}iff, 23acb.= tt)UVIlt; — p!a§, 7«. place of general rendez-vous ; — roUe, /. watch-bill ; — = ftube, /. watch-house. 23 d cb t c I, /. (p[. -\\) quail ; bie ge= bauble merifauifebe — , zone-coiiin ; tie — fc^lagt, t!ie quail calls; compos. — fa If, m. burner; — faiiQ, m. quaii- catching; — faitget, 771. quail-catcher; — gam, n. quail-net; — babicbt, m. merlin; — b 1 "^, m. setting dog, setter, lurcher, tumbler ; spaniel; — foilig, m. landrail; — lei'cbe, /. Italian lark : — = ne%, "• vid. — garu ; — pfetfe, /. bird- call, quail-call, ^partridge call, quail- pipe ; — ritf, tti. call of a quail ; — = fcj)lag, 771. 1. call or note of the quail; 2. cage for quails ; — jtreicbeu, n. — = ftricb, 771. 1. catching quails with nets; ■2. vid. — mg; — roetjen, m. cow- wheat, black-wheat, buck-wheat, French wheat; — jug, m. migration of quails. 23 d (b t e I II, v. a. proline, to give a sound drubbing 23 a d) t e r, 771. (-§ ; pi. — ) 1. watchman, warder ; 2. instrument for watching or observing any thing: :i red-backed shrike : ber — tilt iPiaftforbe, the look- out man ; compos. — gclf, ?i. watch- man's fee ; — born, n. watchman's horn; — ruf, — febvi,. 771. call or cry of the watchman. SB ci cb t font, adj. vid. 23 ad- '"am. 'II; CI (f e, /. a sort of stone, consisting of SBaff quartz, sand tnd mica; wacky, lie — oont 3JJonte SBerbe, Pozzoiana; — n, provinc Hungarian sheepskins; compos. — ngebtrge, n. mountain of wacky ; — » fobalt, 771. amorphous grey cobalt-ore — nfnin, m. iii. SBatfe. 23 a cf e 1 b a f t, adj. vid. SBadtlig. 23 a if c 1 b a f t i g f e 1 1, f. state o. being loose or tottering, looseness. 23dcfelbaup t, n. 23 d del fop f, m.fam or com. old man. 23 d cf e t i g, I. adj. shaking, wabbling, wavering, tottering, rocking, loose : ricketty : II adv. totteringly, loosely. 23 d cf e I = f p f, 771. 1. shaking iiH (artillery ordnance) such as fol- low the army and are drawn by animals, fir, cannon. The word 25.irmi (weapons' in its most extended 6erjse every lb : n» thai can be used for attack, for defence or protec- tion; lience even such limbs of animals as serve for attack or defence are called ! at, horns, teeth, claws, &c. In the more li m ted sense we understand by 25,irtt" (nrms) the artificial portable instrumPnts which tiio warrior uses as well for attack as defence. Under the word Xiirncna we understand all the usual artificial SCanti of the warrior a, well for attack as for protection ; his ac routrements or equipment, or cite his raaJ, helmet, harness, armlets and grea- a word his "armour." OSrnvbrt comprise only instruments of attack and not weapons ol defence ; they are " arms of offence.*' The word ■ s used for single cannons (= " : thus we bare irri>, f»4>*., ,n>oln»fi niiac Sfiitt, three pounders, six-pounilers, twelve pounders The word BtfdjoS a now obsolete as a mili- tary term, though still used by poeta : it cor- responds to lie English " bolt or abaft •* 23d ffel, / (pi. -Hi wafer; a kind ol thin cake, cracknel: compos. — biidcr, 771. wafer maker : — cifcil. n. wafer-iron* 9Bage fconey-comb cockle, checkered Venus- shell ; — fltd)etl, in. sort of thin cake baked in an iron-mould, wafer-cake. tSriffeit, pi. 1. arms, weapons; 2. fangs (of the wild boar); bic — crgvci= few, to take up arms; tic — _ tragcil, to bear arms ; UlttCl' till — fcVllt, to be up in arms; }ll t>CU — vufcil, to call to arms; compos. ■ — bl'llbcr, vi brother in arms, comrade; — LU"Ut>CV= fdrjafr, /. fraternity of arms ; — fabvif, /.manufactory of arms; ■ — fdi)ig, "''./ able to bear arms ; — f C lb, v. field of | bailie; — ftCUItb, — gcfdt)VtC, — fit' I nop, m. vid. — brubrr ; — gcflivr, — - gfl'dufd), — fJCtSfe, ?i. clashing or din of arms; — gcriift, — geftcll, n. stand fur arms ; — gliirf, n. fortune of war or r.iin<\ — fjilfcil, in. hook for a weapon; — balk, /. vid. — bauS ; — fjaubltr, m. armourer; — baillllicr, in. armory ; I — l>iu£, it. — famntcr, / arsenal ar- I tnory, vid. %tilc t l)Cill8 ; — hcillb, — = flctb, ?(. coat of arms ; — I.H't'Olb, m. kim; at arms, herald; — fliUti], m. vid. — ftefitcr ; — filed)!, m. soldier, warrior; — fllltft, /. art Of war, of wielding one's weapons; military tactics ; — [Oi, adj. without arms or weapons, defenceless : — Ol't, — pla|}» '"• place of arms; meet- ing-place, place where the soldiers as- Je ; alarm-post; — pvobc, /. essay of arms ; — VU^cr, m. armorer ; — = icd)f, n law of arms ; — VOcf, m. ta bard, vid. — fycmb; — nif, in. call to arms; — Vltf)C, /. cessation of anus; — I'iiftllltg, /. armament, arming, war- like preparations ; fitting out of a man of war; — falbc, /. weapon-salve ; — - fd)atl,/. + review: — febmieb, m. ar- morer; inspector of an armory; pro- line, blacksmith; — fdjtnictc, /. ar- morer's smithy or workshop; — - fd) in 11 if, m. 1. ornament to an armour; 2. * full armour, one's best accoutre- ment ; — ftiUjtailb, vi. truce, cessation of arms, suspension of arms, armistice; — ftillftanb mad)ctt, to make a truce ; — tail J, in. armed dance, dance at which the dancers are armed ; jig: * war; — tl)ilf, /. warlike deed, military achievement ; — tragctt, ». the car rying or wearing of arms ; — tragdlb, adj. armigerous ; — fragrr, m. armour- bearer, •armiger; esquire; — iibuttg, /. military exercise; — road}*,/, watching of the arms. SB d f f I i 11 ij, m. (-S ; pi. -€) prorinc box on the ear. 33d f f u e li, v. a. to arra; mit gcn?aff= »lCt«t 'f»ailb, arms in liana; fio. ficij lltit ©fblllft — , to have recourse to pa- tience. S'Od f flic u, n. (-S) ) SBdffnuug, /. $ ar """ g - SB ag a m t, n. {-ti ; pi. -aintev) weigh- ing-office. 23 a g b a V, «air of scale? or of a balance; — brctt, n. wood-scale ; — - fiffo, m. balance-fish ; — gcbdube, — = bail8, m. weighing office, public scales; — gebiibvcit, pi- — fielb, n. custom for weighing ; — fJ.tli? toil bcr 2SoUe, tronage; — gvricbt, it. the cheeks of a balance ; — fyttltcr, vi. a stand to hang the scales upon; — bau$, n. weighing-house ; — berr, m. ins|iector of the customs ; — = Elobcn, m. cheeks; handle of a ball — flicdpt, m. weigher (menial tending the public scales); — funft, /. Phy. T. statics: — madia', m. balance-maker; — llieijlfr, m. weigher, keeper of Ihe public scales ; — lUl;ic(, m. pole bolt ; — orSUllltjJ, /. regulation fur the weigh- ing of goods; — l'l*d)t, I. adj. horizontal, level; II. adv. horizontally; — fdbale,/. scale or bason of a balance; — |d)CiH, vid. — jettel ; — r^ett, it. one of the three rules of the level; — fd)lllir, /. string or cord of the balance ; — fct)lTCt= bcr, m. clerk at the weigb-house; — = fiange, /. vid, — balfcu; — ftcin, m. stone or weight of a balance; — ji'ttcl, m. certificate of weighing ; — JUlhJC, /. tongue of a balance. 2Bdgcfuiifi, 2SdgcIcljve, /. Phy. T. statics 3Bdgclrben, «. (-*; pi. — ) little chariot or coach. SB d g C 1 it, b. n. fam. to dally, hesitate ; Kl6 — , dallying, hesitating. 38 S jj C 11, v. a. to venture, risk, hazard, dare, wage, attempt, adventure ; fid) — , to venture, expose one's self; id) lvill C3 baratlf — , I will venture it ; fvtfd) gewagf, ift f;alb geivontten, prov. fortune favours the brave ; WW tlid)ti3 wagt, (jenjtnilt nid;tS, nothing venture nothing have; )•/r.c, /. socage-service to !" i ei formed by wagon and horses; — fuller, 7«. charioteer; — gt'lcijc. It. track of a carriage, rut; — Qerdfffl, n. din of carriages ; — gc|d)il'i', n. can harness, carriage implements ; — gc= fit 11, ti. frame upon which a carriage is placed- — gcfttl'tt, n. Charles's wain ; — Kiliev. m. (at courts or great estab L'shuients/ an officer who has the care I of the carriages; — |au3, » coach I house ; — fitlti'll, in. box or trunk for a carriage : — UHt, f. hamper, hurdle at the back or front of a wagon w carl ; — fcttO, / carlnian's chain, trigger ; - iBabl forb, 77i. hamper; — Klblllig, /. cart- load, cart-full; — Icifc, /. vid. — g«« ItifC; — lcitcr, /. cart-rack, wagon- bic — lcitcill, rails of a cart. — [citerfpttre, /. cross rail of tlie i — Icitfcr, in. charioteer; — mart". cartwright, coach maker; — lllClflei", in. wagon-master; — pfetb, s-carriage- wagon horse ; — rcib, n. wagan- wheel, carriage-wheel; — vcmiic, / coach-house; — vcilitcil, ». chariot- —ring, m._ circle of wagons — burg ; — vrfi, n. carriage - coach-horse;— falbc, j'.vid. — fdjlllicvc; fduiKl', m. shed for carriages; — « fd)tllicvc, /. cart grease; — ffijcvpcil, vi. pent-house or shed for can is — febfii, in. wainscotting-boards; — ■ fd)V0t, n. wood or timber roughly squared; — ftft, m. wagon-seat, coach- seat; — fpcvvc, /. drag chain, ti — fpliv, /. cartway, rut. track of a carriage ; — ftci'll, in. rid. — Oefttrn ; — ftci'5, m. tail of a wagon ; — ftvdngc, 7<'. wagon-strings; — tvitt, m board of a coach, boot; — tljcil, m II 1\ canton; — thccv, n, vid. •—* fiijmifrc; — tucb, ti. r«/. — tede ; — « il'CttVcttllcll, 71. chariot-race; — Wtllbf, /.draw-beam for a wagon (an instru- ment by which carriages are raised, for instance, when a wheel is tu be greased or taken off) ; — Jlig, in. train ol carriages, train on a railroad. SB 8 g C It, 1: re ir. Sr a. I. to V balance, poise ; 2. fg to ponder, consider. 2B d g c r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) wei 3D a g c ft c i it, 771. vid, ©eroidjtjtetn. 2S ii fl I c r, in. (-8 ; jd- — ) a doubter, scrupler, undecided fellow. iB ,1 g 1 i cb, I. adj. hazardous, venturous, II. ado. hazardously, venturously. SB d g 1 i d; f c i t, f. hazardousness rdy, adventurousness. 93J 5 g m c i fl c r, m. [S ; pi — ) Jiff* T master-weigher. 23 ,i g 11 C V, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) cartwright wheelwright, wheeler; compos. — ar- bcit, /. cartwright's work; — art, j cartwright's axe; — bclj, n.cartwriglit's timber ; — Jltttft, /. company of cart wrigbls. 2B S g it i ti, n. (-ffc8 ; pi. -])< 1 chan • hazard, jeopardy. SB dg fa nt, I. adj. adventurous, perL- oub ; II. adv. perilously, 3B dg f d) a f t, /. [pL -cit) haz 1 enterprise. TB a g f d) a I C, /. (pi- -it) scale ; balance 23dgftiicf. n. (-e8 ; pL -e) venture nd -JBagcftiicf. *53ababttf it, Ijrf. a •98 C d) a b 1 1 C it, J metans. SB if b I, /. {pi. -Cll) choice, option. aj_:ei native; election; ciucm tic — laffcii, to leave to one's option, to let one take his choice ; ©tC bal'Cll tie — , tale your choice; UKlIll iit bic — bdttr, if l weie to choose; luf bcr - to Ik; a candidate for the 1 pos. — abt, in. elective abbot; —act, election, vtd. — bantlitiig ; — a! tern ;,/. adoptive parents ; — aillt, 11. elective -, — anjiebuna, f. ;■„/. — ycv= wanbtfe^aft ; — atiSfcbrcibcn, n. — U- fcbl, 771. a writ; — biMiiftanbiing, / ion to the validity ; — bebing, 11 — ' bcbingiitig, / stipulation ofele conditions on which a person is chosen . — bcbci'tfcbuiig. /. undue influence Esed over the election ; — bcrfd>= tigt, adj. 1 capabli •-•. entitled to vote; — bevidjt. tn. re turns of an election; — beftccbuug, .-' 759 iribery at elections ; — betr-erber, m. competitor, candidate; — btfdjcf, «i elective bishop ; — biiblie, /. hustings; — burger, m livery man (at London) ; — CdtlbtbiU, m. vid. —bttotibtt ; — * CapirUfattOtt, /. the terms to wbiek a person must subscribe, on being elected into a certain station; capitulation of Ihe German emperor; — centum, m. amount of properly which one must possess to have the right of voting; — = lOllllltiffar, in. a functionary v.'lio super- intends elections; returning officer; inspector of elections ; — COHOCllt, n. electoral assembly ; — eidpe, /. pruritic. evergreen oak ; — erbe, to. heir by will; — crjbifrbof, m. elective arch- j.shnp; — fdl)ig, atlj. 1. eligible; 2. having the right of electing; — fab'^ Kit, /. 1. eligibility, eligibleness; 2. qualification to vote; — fad, to. case of election ; — fdb, n. field where the election is carried on (especially the election of the former kings of Poland); — folge, /. succession to an elective dignity; — formlicbEeitcn, pi. formali- ties of an election ; rules to be observed at it; — fretbc it, /. freedom of election ; suffrage; — fill" ft, m. prince elector; elective monarch; — fiirftcntbuili, it. elective principality; — gcrerbttgfeit, f. vid. — recbt; — gcfdjdfr, n. vid. —- bailbtuiig; — gefefc, n. law of election; — gulttgfcit, /. validity of an elec- tion ; — batlbhllig, /. solemn elec- tion; — i'err, m. elector, chooser; — = Eaifer, m. elective emperor ; — faifcr= il)UIH, n. elective empire; — Eaftcn, tit. ballot-box; — Elilb, n. adoptive child ; — foittg, in. elective king; — fontgs Tetct), n. elective kingdom; — fbrper= feriet"d)nifj, n. vid. — re= gtficr; — vovftaub, m. vid. — commit"* im; — jeitel, m. ballot; — seuge, m. teller; returning officer, inspector ; — - jimmer, n. electitig-room ; — jillimer tcr Qjarbiiiaie, conclave ' CO 5Car,r ©afyr 2D a b f, r. /. (pi. -en) bog, pool ; n. n. (-C8 ; pi. -C) provinc. fourscore (eggs, fee). 23 db. [bar, adj. eligible. 23dl)[barE ci t, /. eligibility. 23 a f) I £, m. (pi. -It) + foreigner ; provinc- Italian (seeking afier hiddentreasures' especially in mountainous tracts). 28dbleit, v a. 1. to choose, elect, make choice of; 2. to pick out ; 3. (at cards) to turn up; ciucn jKm Aotug — , to elect one k.r<; ; — 2ie \vaS &ie roolieit, choose vvhr.h you please. 23 d b t e it fc t ft e I, /. {pl.-n) sea-erys ;o, holly. 23 d f) I e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) elector, cot. stituent. 23 d b I e r t f d), I. adj. provinc. nice, ex- ceptious, dainty, particular (in one's choice) ; II. adv. nicely, exceptiously. 23 d f) I e r f rb, a f t, /. 1. state or quality of an elector ; 2. body of electors. 23 ft b I f e I b, n. (-C8) field of battle ; place of meeting, vid, under 23ftbl. 2Sdbltg, ailj. provinc. 1. nice, parti- cular in one's choice ; 2. luxuriant ; wanton ; fat. 23 d b 1 1 g E 1 i t, /. provinc. wantonness, playfulness. 23 d () n, m. (-C§) erroneous or false opi- nion, illusion; delusion, wrong notion, presumption, fancy; ill belli — ftcE>CIt, to have an erroneous opinion, to be taken with a fancy ; compos. — begrtjf, in. false notion, erroneous conception ; — belt, v. Hunt. 7'. empty lair of a stag; — bttb, n. phantom, vision, illu sion ; — OUl't, /. proninc. 1. bastardy 2 misfortune; — biit'tig, adj. provinc. ille- gitimate ; — CPUl'S, m. JV*. T. deviation ; — ef)re, /. false honour; — fractal, / dead freight; — gebailfc, to. falsa idea; — gebtlfe, n. chimera, illusion ; phan- tom ; — giaube, »«. false belief, mista- ken faith; — gilt n. imaginary pro- perty; estate in the moon, in York shire; — fylttt, n. empty pate ; — ftlrjf 9 niltig, /. vain hope ; — fpotj, n. back- sided timber; — faille, /. — ecfe, /. T. dull edge, bad v bevel; — failtig, adj. flawed (said of timber) ; lltd)t — fantig, flawless; — fillif, m. invalid purchase ; — t'lugt)cit, /. imaginary wisdom : — = torn, n. empty ear of corn : — lliacf)i, / (n. i. v.) weakness ; — llllttr), m 1. vid. — ft" 1 ' ; •■ f'd. ■DJiijjnttttb ; — mutbjg, adj. i a. i vid. 1. lOiiithlog ; 2. 3Ripmu= tbig ; — fctjarfeil, adj. (n. i. u.) mis- shaped, uncouth ; _ — f cfc)tci> t, /. (n. i. u) chance; — fcfalllti, m. sophism; — = llllll, — llHfe, m. frenzy, madness, deli- rium, distraction of mind ; — filling, — UMtjig, I. adj. frantic, frenetic, mad, crack-brained ; II. adv. franticly, madly ; vid. Vijn. 2>rre ; — ftltuigfeir, /. frantic- ness; — foillie, /. mock sun, parhelion; — iiolj, adj. presumptuous; — fnd)t, /. vid. — ftnn ; — fiirhtig, adj. vid. — = ftllllig ', — tltgeilb, /. mock virtue, ima- ginary virtue; — IDeife, m. sophist; — au'tiln'if, /. sophistry. 23 d b ", adj. + false ; empty; foolish. 23 d b n e it, v. n, (our. baben) to fancy, presume, imagine, think, believe. 23 d b r. I- adj. true ; genuine ; citt — cr greutlb, a true friend; llirbt eill — (S 23Pl'f, not a word of truth ; — lit a* ct)011, to verify, certify, prove; to fulfil; — vucibnt. feint, to prove true ; er ift eilie — e Oiltll, he is a mere cipher ; II. ado. truly, veritably ; — reoeit, to speak true, to say right ; fc — irb lebe! as I live : 23 a f) r, adv. + perceiving , vid. ®f roafjr. 23 a b r f , /. (pi -txi 1 . + being on ons'l guard ; 2. provinc. dam, dike. 23df)ren / v. I. a. 1. to perceive, ol> serve ; 2. to keep, preserve ; 3. to guari defend against ; II. rcfl. to be on one'i guard, to take care. 23 d b r C 11, v. n. {aus. tl a betl) to endure, last, continue, hold out. 23 d b I" e It b, prep, izith gen. (t f t, I. adj. true, genuine : sure, veracious, veridical ; — C 5reuilbfri)aft, true friendship ; eill — er 3Rautl, a true, veracious man ; II. adv. truly, surely. 23 d b V b a f f, adj. (n. i. u.) durable. 23 a b, r b (i f tt g, I. adj. positive, true, sure ; veracious, certain ; genuine, real , II. adv. positively, truly, surely, cer- tainly, verily, in truth, forsooth, by my faith. 23 a b r fj a f t i g f e i f, /. veracity, truth 28 a b v b e i t, /. (pi. -en) truth, verity ; in—, in truth; bie — §n fageit, to speak the truth ; Seillifitfccin bie — fa* gcil, to tell one his faults, the truth; compos. — Setfer, m. zeal for truth ; — f* forfeber, m. inquirer after truth; — 8* fieilllb, to. lover of truth; — sliebe, /. love of truth, veracity; — Sliebfltb, adj. loving the truth, veracious; — SfcbfU, adj. fearful or afraid of the truth ; — (J» UMcrig, adj. contrary to the truth. 23 d t) r I i dp, ado. forsooth, in truth, ver- ily, surely, certainly. 23 a b r 1 o f i g f e i t, / (/. v.) vid. Uit« a d; t fa in f ei-t, uuuacbjafftgfetr. 23 d f) r m a d; 11 II g, /. verification, con- firmation, proof. 23 a b r m a n n, m. (-c8 ; pi. -manner) voucher, authority. 23 d I) r n e b m b a r, adj. &■ adv. per ccivable, perceptible. 23 d b v u e b m b a r E e 1 1, /. percepti bility. 23 d b x n e h m e n, v. ir. I. a. sep. to perceive, see, observe, spy ; II. n. (aux. babeii; also with gen. 1. to guard against; to take care of; i. to avail one's sell of; to profit by ; cine ®etfgeni)eU — , to take hold of an opportunity; feilten 33ovt fjcil — , to give attention to one's own interest. 23 d E) r n e b in u n g, /. (pi. -en) per- ception ' animadversion ; vid. 2Babrjt'i= d)cit ; — aller Singe, mnnipercipieo- cy ; compos. — Smillbgeit, n. faculty of perception. 23 d b r f a g c = g e i ft, m. (-e8) siiirit of prophesying; — fllllft, /. vid. 2Bahr= fagerEuuft. 23dt;rf age it, i.n. (««.t. baben) in separ. to prophesy ; to tell fortunes, to foretell, soothsay, prognosiicate, divine; fir!) — Ulffen, to have one's fortune told. 2Baf)rfagen, n. (-*) prophesying ; fortune-telling, &x. 23 d b t f « g *fr m. (-8 ; pi. — ) fortune- teller, soothsayer, foreteller, diviner, prognosticator, wise man ; — buret fdnvarjC 2)Jagie, necromancer; — ailS beil ^pflnbei!, chiromancer, pal- mister; — au8 bem ^liiutiren, geo inancer ; — au8 ben ®eftirnen. astrc 2C«f tiger; etmpoa. — bud), n. book on for- tune telling, on divination, &.c. ; — Qe t ft, m. spirit ol" divination (in Scotland . gift of second sight ; familiar: — flliijt, /. art of divination; rid. SBabrfagetei ; — ftab, m. divining rod ; wand, augural staff 83 a ij x f a g c r e t, /. (pi. -cit) fortune- telling, soothsaying ; — flU8 bCIl v6iill= belt, chiromancy, palmistry ; — vei'= mittelft bet '-{Juuctirfuuft, geomancy; — MIS bctl ©cftiruen, astrology ; — burcb Qaubtttunfit, obet frbroarje 23iagic, necromancy ; — aui tern 'Jia= Uieil, onomancy ; — dU8 XtauillCIl, oneiromancy. SB a h r f a g e r i n n, / (,,/. -en) for- tune-teller, fortune-telling gipsy, divine- ress. SB S f) V f a g C r t f d), adj. di vinatory ; — e Jiuitfte, tricks of fortune telling. SB a i) r f a g u n g, /. (pi -cit) prophe- sying, fortune telling, prognostication, divination. 2B a fj i f d) a f t, /. ( pi. -crt) deposit. SB a b r f d) a u c it, v. a. £ n. 1. to fore- see ; to see with second sight ; 2. to warn ; vid. SBafjtfageit. SB a b x f d) a u e r, m. vid. SBafjrfager. SB a f) r f rf) a it u n g, /. (SBabrfcbau, /. SBagifdjaUeil, n.) prediction (by second sight) ; warning. SB a b X f a) e i It ( t d), I. adj. probable ; like, likely ; bie @ad)C tft lltcht — , it is not a likely fact ; II. adn. probably, likely. SB a b r f cb e i it I i d) f c 1 t , /. (pi. -en) likelihood, likeliness, probability ; compos. — erfd)llllllg, /. rule of proba- bilities. SB a i) X 11 11 g, f. maintenance, guarding, preserving (of one's lights, ice). SB ill) rung, /. I. duration, continu- ance; 2. (pi. -tit) value (of the coins) ; valuation ; standard, rule. SB ii b r n> o I f, m. (-c« ; pi. -tvolfc) werewolf, ogre, goul. SB a b r j e i d) e it, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) token, sign; mark; omen, prognostic. SIB a lb e I, in. (-S ; pi. — ) -f sergeant; apparitor, summoncr. SB it lb, m. woad; weld; bet — la jit fid) tit feine gabdjen jteljen, r. the woad beavers well ; Itltt — fatten, to woad ; compos. — afdje, /■ woad-ashes ; — IniUeit, m. woad ball ; — bait, m. woad planting; — baucf, to. woad- planter; — beieitlllig, /. fabrication or preparation of woad ; — blitll, adj. woaded blue; — blume, /. 1. flower of woad; 2. the froth of woad ; — farbe, /. woad colour ; — fiivber, m. woad dyer; — biiubel, m. trade in woad ; — banb: let, to. dealer in woad ; — f taut, n. vid. SBaib ; — fud)tit, m. woad-cake ; — = fugel, /. vid. —ball ; — fiipe, / WO ad- vat ; — miiblc, /. woad mill ; — pflatijc, / the •SB a t b a 1 13 1 1 e it, pi. a class of pagan priests among the ancient Prussians. 2Batb = gef ell, m. — roctf, n . &c, vid. SBeibgefeU, SBribtoetf, u. f. w. SBatbe, f. SBaibntanu, m. &c. ; vid. under siScibe <$■ SBetb . . . SB a \ I a it b, vid. SBeilaiib. SB a I f e, adj. -f- deprived ; being an or- phan. IB ft Iff, m.Srf. (pi. -n) orphan; com- pos. — Itillltt, 71. board, or office, to which the protection of wards and or- phans is entrusted; — nailftalt, /. b«£ — ttf)iluS ; — itgclb, n. money belonging 2Balb to wards; — tigetiebt, n. rooms of the masters in chancery (in England* ; court of orphans; vid. — liamt; — Itgut, n. estate of orphans; — llbilllS, n. orphan- asylum, orphan-house : — tlbctf, in. of- Beer or magistrate, to whom the care of orphans and wards is assigned ; — 11= ftub, n. — ufiiabe, m . — nmabd)ett, n orphan-child (boy or girl) brought up in a public charity ; — Itfirdje, /. church or chapel for the orphans; — Itmultct, /. foster mother of orphans, matron at a charity for orphans; — ]U'atl),m. l.coun- . cil fo: orphans or wards ; 2. counsellor for orphans; master in chancery; — 11= lidilf", m. 1. judge in a court of or- phans; 2. (in some parts of Germany) deputy sworn appraiser; — llfcfjule, / orphan-school ; — ufd)i'tlet, m. scholar of an orphan-school ; — llftilltb, m. the condition of an orphan ; — llbatcr, m. foster-father of orphans, superintendent of a house for orphans. SBilIfe, /. 1. Min. T. common c^al ; 2. the minnow, pink. SB aia ling, m. (-8 ; pi. -t) ( n . i. «J orphan. SBiilicu, to. vid. SBcijeit. SBafc, /. (pi. -n) 1. hole cut in the ice ; 2. very bard (ield-stone, rock-stone; 3. a large kind of drag-net ; 4. j sheep skin. SB a feu, m. vid. SJafe, 2. SBd f f e 1 11, v. n. jv. T. bet SBtnb n>af= Uxt, the wind freshens. SOB a I, n. {-ii ; pl.-t) -f- 1 fight, combat, battle ; 2. dead body, corpse ; 3 battle- field ; compos. — baliil, n. 1 field of battle covered with corpses; 2. Myth. T. the Elysian fields of the Northern mythology; _ \,U\%, m . $ — ftatt, /. battle field. 2B a lad) ei, /.,-/,/. SBalfaobei. 2Bdld)cn, SBiilrbern, v. n. + to be moved; to be in a state of agitation. SBrilb, m. (-eS; pi. aBi'ilber) forest; w i; ben — Dot liiutet SBaumtn llid)t fe[)Clt, prov. not to be able to see wood for trees; pror. llMe 111(111 ill bell — biueiuntft, fo ballt c« ivieber bct= att«, one Yate (gate) for another, good fellow; compos. — Offer, in. field in a n-ood; — affe, m. pigmy-ape; — amei = fe, /.wood ant; — aiiunet, /. — rtin= mctlt'ng, ?». gold hammer; — aiut, n. board or commission of the forest ; — = ailtlUliilUt, m. forest master; — illientO= lie, /. forest wind-flower ; — apfel, m. wilding, wood apple ; — dfebe, / com- mon white maple tree ; — an,/. 1. fell- ing-axe ; 2. marking-hainn-er, wood- hammer; — avteu, iv a. to blaze, mark (a tree for felling); — bad), m. wood- brook ; — bart, in. water plantain ; — = biltier, vi. wood peasant; — boUilt, to. forest-tree; — brbcdi, — betoacyfeit, adj. covered or overgrown forest; — = bceve, /. wood-berry ; vid. J^eibelbeete ; — beiltf, / hollow tree with wild b-.s in it; — beii'obuet, m. inhabitant of a forest, forester; — btClie, /. wood-bee; — bicnenreent, n. right of taking wild honey ; — bttn, /. wild pear ; — blu= lite, /. wood-flower; — bocf, m. 1 wild goat; 2. wood antelope ; — boffgljotn, v. 11. T. wild licorice; — blibCll, to. wood ground; — bmnb, m. conflagra- tion of a forest; — btllbct, in. hermit. anchorite Jiving in a wood or forest ; — buebe, /. red beech; — biitget, m forester; — diOt, m. wood lan'd-choii (the singing birds 1 ; — btftel, /. holly ; — bOl'f, n. woodland-village; — bojle,/ common origan, organy, bastard m ram, wild mil t ; — broffel, /, beci SEalb — blinfcf, n. darkness of the forest; — * ebcr, in. wild boar; — tidie, / i oak, forest oak ; — eibfthff, /. ftood- li/.ard; — etgenll)umev, m, prop,' a forest or wood ; — tin, ado. toward* or into the wood ; — eifcit, ?i. vid. — = art; — cinfieblcr, m. r,d. — baiter; — eppich, m. ivy ; — erbbette, /. wild strawberry; — etbc, / wood-vetch ; — efebe, / vid — djdie ; — e-Vl, ■ ass; — eule, /. wood-owl ; tie Err aunt — eule, tawny owlet; bie fleiue — = eulf, little owlet; — fain, ■. wood fern ; — fcnrbel, m. wood-fennel ; — = ftdlle, /. pine tree; Scotch fir; — > fthf, m. wood finch; — fl.lfbs, m. flax weed ; — peddle, / wood lichen ; — - fleifd)blume, /. wild stock gilliflower ; — fliege, /. forest Ily ; — flob, m. w ild flea; — pole, /. shepherd's flute ; — = fotelle, /. wood-trout, black trout; — ■ fotftet, m. wood ward, forester ; — fte= bel, ra. mischief done in a forest; — = frcylet, to. one who commits damage in forest ; offender against forest laws ; — gebirge, n. woody hills or mountains; forest-clad hill ; — gctinge, n, meeting of the forest-officers, in order to delibe- rate on selling wood; — gtftugtt, n. birds that harbour in woods ; — gegcnb, / woody region; — gebiige, n. park, warren; — geier, m, oeprey; — geift, m. satyr; bearded ape with a lion's tail; — gevatiine, ». part of a forest converted into arable land; — gerffbt, adj. experienced in forest matters ; — = getecbtigfeit, /. right over a forest; — gevid)t, n. forest-court, eyre ; — gc = fang, m. wood-notes, singing, chirping or warbling of little birds in forests, groves, woods or thickets; — ftefchrci, n. hue of huntsmen, hunting cry ; — ge= fell, to. Hunt. T. hunting dog ; — ge= fe^, n. forest law ; — gewacbj, a. any plant growing in woods; — gilge. / vid — lilie; — gloffcben, n. — glorfeii- bllinie, /. fox gloves, our lady's g campanella, violet-marion ; — gotf, m sylvan, satyr, wood-god; bie — goiter the divinities of the forest ; — gottl)eit, / sylvan deity; — gbltillll, / wood- ss, wood-nymph, dryad; — got= tiiinfiiiiit, n. white tansy; — graf, n. intendant of the forest; lord of a forest; -f- the title of some counts on the Rhine; — gi'itS, n. shadow grass ; — giillt'el, m. common bugle; — giirtel, »i. girite oi the forest; — \)aar, it heath hair grass ; — biil)Cl', in. common jackdaw; — = biTrilt, m. woodcock; — bablteilfuj}, m. marsh crow foot ; — billllllier, m. vid — art; — bafe, to. woodland hare ; — = billli?, ». forest house; — t>ein je, /. Bid, — bieue; — berb, m. airy to catch birds in a wood; — bert, m. proprietor of a forest ; chief officer of the forests be- longing to a city; lanner-hawk ; — = birfd), rn. wood-stag; — bii'fe, / wild millet; — bivte, to. herdsman of the wood; — bolie, / woody eminence; — bolituber, m. mountain elder ; — = bopf, m. lapwing; — bopfeit, to female bops; — bouig, m. wild honey; — = botll, n. 1. winding horn. French horn, born; 2. homy snail; — bubn, ». hen; — bummer, ra. humble bee of the wood; — b' l ' fr - »"• woodVward, keepet of the wood, assistant to the ; ; — biitte, /. wood hut; — 1111 = me, / vid — bieue ; — fafer, ra, horned beetle; — fo§<, f. wild cat: — fifbtf, id-chickling ; — fiti'die, /. wild cherry ; — firfeheubaiint, m. wild cher- ry tree ; — fued'f, to. servant of the nil; — frail t, n. herb growing in forests or woods; — freffe, /. wild cresses; — ftotcngras*, n. hairy bal 761 Waft Walt SEBftfl rush; — fuMveijcn, m wild buckwheat; — fiimnui, m wild thyme; seseii of Marseilles; — IiltfiMllt, n. milk-curdle; ■ — lailb, n, woody laud, wood land ; — = latttg, m. wild lettuce; — leben, w. forest-life; — Icbcit, n. forest hold in Scf; — lei t C , /. bank or water-side of a forest ; — lerche, /. wood-lark ; — \i\> tC, p'. people living or employed in a forest; foresters, woodmen; — lilie, / wood-lily, honey-suckle ; — lillbe, /. stone-linden tree; — lltalue, /. wild mallows; — lllilligolb, m. wood-bat, small winter-green; — HtCtlt it, m. forest er, woodman ; sylvan, satyr ; Hunt. 'J'. a proper name for the lime-hound; — - matin, m. or — mdnttd)eit » hobgoblin (haunting a forest) ; — mai'bt'l', m. pine- niartin; — liuvf, /. wood boundary ; — lltaft, /. pannage, mastage of a forest, atarns, &c ; — lltail8, /. wood mouse ; — lltcici', m. wood-chiekweed ; — met= fc, /. wood titmouse ; — meiftcr, m. wood-ward; wood-roof (a plant); — = ittclbe, /. wild orache; — meltffe, /. wood or forest-balm gentle ; — lllCllfd), m. wild man; satyr; ourang-outang ; — llteffCV, m. surveyor employed to measure a forest ; — mtlbe, /. wood- tick ; — lltitte, /. mid wood; — mP08, n. wood-moss; — morgen, m. acre of wood-ground; — U a ct) t f ct> a t tC 11, in. wood-nightshade; — lielfe, /. sweet William; — lltffcli /. wood-stachys; — llllljiing, / cultivation of a wood or forest, ami the advantage derived from it; — UVHllpl)?, /. wood-nymph; dryad; — Dfb3, in. buffalo, wild bull; — 0Vb= llllltg, /. regulation concerning the woods and forests; — pecb, n. rosin, wood-pitch; — polci, m. little wild basil, wild penny-royal; — pfevb, n - wild horse; — tabe, in. hermit-crow, wood- crow ; — IMpllllJcl, /. wood-rampion ; — Vittte, — Vilfef, /. wood-rat, Norway- rat; — rand), m. ground-pine (a plant) ; Thuringian incense; — t'cbc, /. virgin's bower; bie flfllicilte — fcbc, traveller's joy; — vecbt, n. rights and privileges belonging to the proprietor of a forest ; regulation respecting the forests; forest- laws; — regnl, n. vid, SfOijtgetec^tigs feit; — V C t ci> , adj. woody, richly wood- ed; — VCuicr, 7i. ward; — villbc,/. bush- cherry, dwarf cherry; — v5$d)eit, n. wood-anemone ; — VOtbe, /. mean mad- der; — rotblcilt, n. robin redbreast; — rotfjfehrueif, m. red-start, red tail ; — Vftauje, /, wood cat's foot; — fad;c, f. forest-concern ; — fdltgcr, m. wood- wren; bie — fiiligcr, the singing birds of the forest; — fd)abCll, m. damage caused or done in a forest or wood ; — f char let, ?«. wood-clary ; — fcblangc, f. wood-snake ; — fd)IlCifc, /. wood- snail ; — fdinepfc, /, wood-snipe, great snipe; — fdjl'Ctbcr, m. clerk at the wood office ; — fdjiifje, m ranger of the woods; — fiitbt, / forest town ; bie Utec — flitbte am 9i!bctlt,tho four forest- towns on the Rhine; — ftdbtei' See, lake of Lucern ; — fteill, in. meer-stone in a forest ; — ftvafe, /. penalty for damages done to wood ; — ftveit, /. litter collected from the woods; — = ftl'Pllt, in. rapid stream, torrent in a wood; — taitbc, /. wood -pigeon, wood- r.ulver ; — teuue, /. vid. — l)ei'b ; — = Kuifel, m. baboon, satyr; ourang-outang; — thai, — tbdldieil, n. valley or dell in a forest; — feeilcfceit, n. hairy violet; — yerbredjeu, — fcergebeit, n. trespass committed in a wood or forest; — 1)0= gei, m. wood-bird : bird of the forest ; — UOgt, in. wood-ward ; — tuiil'tS, adj. to the wood side; - luaffcr, n. water Issuing from a wood; — ttKg, m. road through a wood or forest; — IVftbC, /. pasture in a forest or wood ; — - luetberid), vi. wood-pimpernel ; — = tOtijjtll, in. wood cow-wheat: — - Wide, / wood vetch ; — Wtefc, /. meadow in or near a wood ; — lviefel, -. A'rret ; — VOtltbblunie, /. wood-ane- mone ; — ttJtllbC, /. wood hind, wood- bine, honey suckle ; — nMVtbf chaff, /. management and cultivation of woods ; — jcidjci, n. mark put on trees in a forest, which are to be sold or cut down; — JClff i"J, m. golden-crested wren ; — jiegc, /. wood goat. SB d 1 b d) e It, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) grove, shrubbery. SBalbe'nfe r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) Wai- denses (a religious sect, so called). 22 d I b t d) f , adj. woodlike, sylvan. 23 d I b t g, adj. woody, wooded, sylvan ; CtllC — C ©cgcilb, woodland-grounds. 2B (l I b I tl C, /. Hunt. T. name for the female of a lime hound. 23 d lb I e t it, n. vid. 23d[bcbcn. 22 d I b it e r (SBitlbaer), m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1. inhabitant of a forest ; 2. provinc. keeper of a wood. 23 d I b V C d) f C ll, ». a. T. to rough-hew (the timber). 3B d I b II 11 g, /. (pi. -C!l) 1. wood, forest ; 2. woodland. SBalcgaiig, m. (-C§) JV. r. gang- way. 233 ale tt, v n. JY. T. to yaw, to be dis- turbed. 2B files, n. vid. S&aUii. SB Cl I g e V, \ m. (-8) fowl-stuffing ; com- 2B (tiger,) pos. — bolj, n. T. roller. 21? d I g e it, 2Ba(gcni, 22d(gent, v. a. vulg. to roll, to form into a round or ob- long shape by rolling. *2B a H) d I I a, /. North. Myth. T. 1. Walhalla, the Paradise of the Scandi- navians, to which only those could gain admittance, who had died a bloody death ; 2. a building of that name (in Bavaria). *2B a 1 1 It g a, /. a Russian bag pipe. 23d If of 2Balfen, in compos. — av= beit, /. l. vid. 2Balfe, 1. ; 2. milled cloth ; — banf, /. vid, — tafel ; — erbc, /. vid. 2Balfeverbe ; — fajj, n. vessel in the fulling-mill ; — gcbdllbe, n. vid. — = 11lit()(e ; — baai'C, pi. the waste hair in the fulling-trough ; — bammev, m. T. the beater; — l)0l J, n. liatter's roller, felting stick; — fammcr, /. fullery, felt- ing room ; — feffel, m. felting-copper ; — iniible, /. fulling mill; — ntuucf, m. fuller ; owner of a fulling-mill ; — Vflfd), in. milled shalloon ; — V'ippf, /. plait, wrinkle, false fold ; — ftOif, m. vid. — « l;0lj J —tafel, /. felting table; —trog, ■ni. fulling-trough; — IDttf, n. vid. — = miible. 2Q fi I f C, /. 1. fulling; 2. the act of full- ing ; 2. fulling machine ; 3. Jig. drubbing, cudgelling. 22 a 1 f'e it, v. a. to full, mill ; i$iite — , to felt hats; eilieit — , fig. to beat one soundly. 23 d I i e It, n. (-8) fulling. 22 d I f e V, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) fuller ; com- pos. — bifid, /. fuller's thistle ; — erbe, / fuller's earth ; — lo()it, m.fullage ; — ' VPd;e, m. fuller -scate ; — tl)0ll, m. full- ing-clay. *23 a I 1 ij V C It, >/. pi, ,V„rth. Myth. T. *23 a I f 1) v t e it, S the Walkyrae, mes- sengers of Odin, who. elect those war- riors that are destined to fall in bailie, 1 and wait on them aftei their arrival at Walhalla, presenting to them Ihe iruit of the gods (mead) to quaff. 23 all, m. (-eS; pi. 23dlle) l. rar>i part; 2, dam ; dike, bank; '.I -f mound of earth, coast, land, shore ; 4. provinc. number of fourscore ; 5. boiling, seeth- ing, bubbling up, ebullition; undulation; eineit — aufroevfen, anffubren, te throw up an embankment or rampart ; in i t 22dlJen niiigcbcn, to fortify with ramparts; compos. — abfa^, m. Fort. T berme; — atlfer, m. JV. T. shore an- chor ; — avbeit, /. work on the ram- parts ; — i vbeitCl', m. person that work' at the ramparts or fortifications; — flllf- tvitt, m. — banf, /. Fort. T. banquette ; — befleiblllig, /. .'ining of a rampart; —bind), m. breach of a wall ; — biidlfe, /. rille used in ramparts; — biftel, / star-thistle , — fit lie, /. vid. — biicbfe ; — gang, m. Fort. T. rampart-walk ; — c gvabev, m. vid. — nvbeitev ; — granate, /. grenade for a rampart; — fa(je, /. Fort. T. double bastion; — failimef, /. — feller, m. (Lu.) casemate ; — fnge!, /. slug; — lailfette, /. garrison carriage; — lanipe, /. parapet-lamp ; — mctftvr, m. inspector of the rampart; — off = lllllig, /. gap, breach ; — Iplfltl, m. plane of a rampart; — fame, m. flixweed; — fdjeit, n. Fort. T. batten for the talU3; — fclilb, n. Fort. T. ravelin; — fcblfigfl, m. bat for beating liard the mound- earth ; — fcfcev, in. beater of the ram- part earth ; — fteill, m. T. the dam-stone of a blast-furnace ; — WlU'j, /. comfrey ; common lungwort; — iviilb, m. JY. T. wind blowing from land. 22 d 1 1 a dj, m. (-en <$• -e« ; pi. -en) i Wallachian ; 2. castrated horse, gelding 22 a 1 1 a d} e t, /. Wallachia. 22 d 1 1 a tf) C It, v. a. to geld. 22 d 1 1 a cb c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) gelder. 23 d 1 1 a d) t f cb, a,!j. Wallachian. 23 d 1 1 = b v n b c v, m. (-8 ; pi. -bviibcr) pilgrim, palmer; — ftab, in. vid. 93fltt= bevftab ; — ftein, m. vid. £t»pfP«tii; — tag, m. day of all the apostle3. 23 d I I C 11, v.n. (aux. babcil) 1. to movs in an undulating manner ; (of wp.ter in a state of ebullition) to bubble, boil up, to be agitated ; (of blnod) to be circu- lated quickly; to undulate; to wave; to move backwards and forwards; tc move gently ; 2. fig. (of passions) to be moved, be agitated ; 3. (mix. fetylt) to wander, walk, travel, live ; vid. Syn. ©cben. 22dllen, n. (-8) bubbling, boiling; waving ; rambling. 22 d II e It, v. a. to cause to boil. 22 d 1 1 C V, in. (-8 ; pi. — ) traveller, pil- grim ; compos. — ft } ct>, m. sheat-fish. 23 d 1 1 f a b r e it, v. vid. 22alifabrten. 22 a 1 1 f a I; r c r, m. vid. 23aUfaljvter. 22 a 1 1 f a I) r f, /. (pl.-t\\) peregrination pilgrimage ; compos. — 8fapdle, — t* fild)C, /. chapel to which pilgrims re- sort ; — 8ovt, m. place of pilgrimage. 22 d Ufa tj i' ten, v. n. (mix. fr»n) inscpar. to go on a pilgrimage. 22dllfal)VtCV, m. (-8; pi.—) pil- grim, palmer. 23dllftfcb, m. (-C8; pl.-t) whale; compos. — dbulid), — artig, adj. ceta ceous; — affel, /. squill; — barte, / beard of i lie whale, whalebone; ' — * beitt, n. whalebone ; — fabier (©ron» lanbSfabvev), m. whaler; — fiing, ">• whale-fishery; — fdnger, m. whale- fisher; — fett, n. whale blubber ; — > finite. /. whale fin ■ — floffe, — febf*. 3Salt whale's fin ; — gr'ebcit, pi. whale's fritters ; — fliodjeil, m. vid. — beilt [ — * foth, m. excrement of the whale; — - laid), m. seed or sperm of the whale ; — lilllJ, /. whale louse ; whale tick ; the •chiton asellns; — lien,/. JV. 7'. whale- line ; — ptufef, ra. whale'a pi/./.le ; — = rippf, /. whale's rib; — vutlje, /. vid. — pinfel ; — fpecf, hi. whale blubher ; — thl'illt, m. whale-oil, train-oil; — = totter, m. oik (a sea-fish). SB d U r) U it b, m. (-re ; pi. -t) shark. 2B d I 1 i 8, 1. Wales (in (Jreat Britain) ; t ff v l>VillJ »0lt — , the prince of Wales ; 2. Valais (in Switzerland). 2B a 1 I 1 f c r, ra. (-8 ; pi. — ) —inn, /. 1. Welshman, Welshwoman ; tie — , the Welsh; 2. inhabitant of the cantor, of Valais. 2Bdl If atje, /. (pi. -It) the father- lasher. SSBdllltufJ, /• (pi. -llfiffe) walnut; compos. — baillll, m. walnut tree ; — - ffjjalf, /. walnut-shell. SOB at I Bite, »n. (-it; pi. -n) SBalliJs llifcb, adj. Walloon. SB d 11 r A t r), m. (-$) spermaceti ; com- ]xis\ — lid)t, n. spermaccti-canille ; — = fifd), m. wiiite whale; — ttflafier, n. spermaceti ointment; — tonne, /. cask for the spermaceti. SBd I It ti, n. (-fff8 ; pi. -fife) river- horse, walrus, morse ; compos. — t)ailt, /. morse skin ; — jittyll, ra. morse-tooth. SUJctll fl r h, n. our lady's bed-straw. QBdll u n g, /. (pi. -en) l. walm, ebul- lition ; 2. fig. agitation; excitement; — illl ©ebiiite, orgasm, ebullition. 3Bdt lit, ra. (-($) pi. -e) 1. waving; 2. Jlrck. T. slope ; compos. — bait, n. sloping roof; — flttnSlbf, n. vid. .)ilo= ftergeroolbf ; — fpavren, m. hip-rafter; — fteiti, — jtfgel, m. tile for such roofs. 90S dim en, v «. eitt 'Daci) — , to slope a roof. 83$ 5 l p I a fc, m. vid. under SGBttl. *iSa I p lira. a, ? / Walpurgie (a fe- "iii al p U t g 1 8, ) male saint, to whom the first of May is dedicated) ; compos. — rtbeilb, m. — liad)t, /. evening, night of the first of May ; — feft, n. —tag, m. festival or day of St. Walpurgis; — = fvauf, 7i. luna-y, moon-wort; — Ilia i, m. bush-berry, dwarf cherry ; — $ill8, m. interest falling due on St. Walpurgis' day. 2B d I f ff), adj. 1. foreign ; also* 2. + or prooipc. French ; tie — e @d,nmj, French Switzerland; — 9ceiibnrg, Neufchatel; ba$ — e SfanbeW, French Flanders; 3. -J- or provine. Italian; tie — e i£prad)e, the Italian language ; —or 3Beitt, Italian wine ; tie — c SPrOCtif, Jlr. T. double entry (in book- keeping) ; 4. fig. strange; ein — ev «§af)lt, turkey-cock; tie — C 2'of)lle, kidney-bean, French bean ; t'.e — e V'lllfi, wall-nut; compos. — font, n. vid. 2Wai8; — fraut, ». Savoy-cabbage; — lvlllt, n. + Italy. 2.0 & I f ff) e It, v. ». to talk jargon or gibberish, to jabber. 20alftiltt, f. vid. under compos, of HM S8 d 1 1 6 o t e, m. (-11 ; pi. -n) -f- gover- nor, vice-regent; ambassador, envoy, plenipotentiary; apparitor, summoner, 50 d 1 1 e n, v. n. (hut. baben) (iibev tU UrnS) 1. to dis|iose, manage, rule ; fd)al = leil Ullb — , to do and act without control, to rule, govern ; ivaltg (fur 2Bamp Walt* (6) @Ptt, may God grant it; laffeit 2ie mid) — , trust to my man- agement; 2. -f- to be active. 9B d 1 1 e r, ra. (-6 ; pi. — ) l. disposer, manager, ruler ; 2. pr. naoic, Walter. 903 d 1 1 1) e r, 7«. vid. SQBaUer, 2. 2Bdltrappe, /. (pi. -n) housing, caparison. 2B d 1 t 11 It g, /. (pi. -en) administration, disposition, management. 2B d I {, ra. (-(§ ; pi. ,-e) provine. wild boar. SB d 1 5 b i fl e {, /. (pi -11/ common eryngo, holly. 2i? C t J *, /. (pi. -11) 1. roller; 2. cy- linder; esK>63 av.f — n fortidiieben, to push something forwards upon i compos. — nfStnttg, adj. cylindrical, cylindriform ; crjiumnar; — ttgetufl, 7i. frame of a roller ; — ItgUrUtt, pi. Print. T. cylinder tapes for securing '.he sheets; roller-tapes; — ltfdfcr, m. cylindric beetle; — llft.illt, n. common bird's-foot-trefoil ; — nliltie, /. helix ; — Itrab, 7i. cylindrical wheel ; — 11= runt, adj. vid. — nformtfl ; — itfcfceite, /. Conch. T. rustic ascidia ; — ll|d)eit, n. round log ; — nfcblaiige, /. the scytale snake ; — llfebnecfe, /. volute, rhomb- shell ; — llfpatfi, m. calcareous spar ; — llfpiltbcl, /. Print. T. spit of the double wheel ; — llfpiegel, m. cylin- drical mirror; — llfteill, ra. rolling- stone; — ntiite,/. vid. —nfebnecfe. 2C d I j e n, v. I. a. J. to roll ; 2. t. to form into the shape of a cylinder ; If. 7i. (am. l)abeit) 1, to be moved round, to roll, revolve; 2. to dance round about ; to waltz. SBdljen, 7i. (-S) rolling; dancing, waltzing. SBctlgett, v. I. a. to roll; move; II. refl. 1. to roll, wallow, welter; 2. to re- volve ; fich in feiiiem 2Jlnte— b, wel- tering in one*s blood. SBd I 5 e n, ti. (-«) 9SCl(}UttQ, /. rolling ; weltering. SB d f J e V, 771. (-8 ; pi. — ) I. wallower, wallow ; 2. jig, waltz ; 3. waltzer. 2Bd I;cr, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) i. any thing heavy which must be moved by rolling ; 2. ephemeron-worm. 233 d 1 J = () oj In. T. rolling pin ; 1. rol- ler ; — petfebrtff, 7i. swivel-seal, com- pass-seal ; — vat, R. double wheel, cas- ter ; — llH'rf, 7i. machinery consisting of rollers; 2. rolling mill ; — japfeil, 7/1. '/'. (with locksmiths) a round pike used in forging the pin of the cover- plate. 22 d I-j = Ij a ih m e r, m. r. hammer for locking wheels ; — ft fill, 771. calcareous s;.ar. 20 d lit 111 e, /. (pi. -n) I. dew lap ; 2. (with furriers) the belly of any skin ; 3. provine. entrails of slaughtered animals ; 4. fat, grease, lard. 2B d in in e \; f. (pi. -n) provine. knot (in wood). 2B dm nt 8, 7t. (-c8 ; ;;/. SBdmmfer) double! ; waistcoat, j-'ikin ; ^emanbeilt .^ofeii nub — aii^ieben, fig. to strip or deprive one of all he is worth ; (£i= item ba« — auSHopfeit, to dust any une's jacket for him ; compos. — lliarher, — fit tie iter, ra. doublet maker ; — - fdjlieiberei, /. doublet-making SEB d in in 8 d) c n, ti. dim. .if 2Bantnu (q. V.). 20 (i 111 111 f e 11, r. a vuljr. to jerk, bang. curry. SBont 20 d m p f, /. ( pi. -n) 1. dew lap ; * weak side ; 3. belly, paunch. 20dnb, /. (/ei= fe, f. Gram. T. mood (of a verb) ; — = roettfr, n. changeable weather ; — jf it, /. time (considered as subject to con- slant changes), Oram. T. tense. 20 d II b e 1, adj. proline, ruinous, out ol repair. SOB d 11 b e I b a f, 1. adj. 1 . mutable, changeable, variable, inconstant, ver- satile; 2 passable, current; 3. faulty, blemished; perishable; ruinous; 11 adv. changeably. variably ; ruinously. 2Sdllb f lbar f f t t, /. mutability, changeableness, inconstancy. 23 d 11 b C I 1 8, adj. unalterable, im- mutable. SOB dn be In, v. r. it (am. feninbaben) to go, walk; to wander, travel; ban» belli Ullb — , to trade, traffic; nnfirdf> lid) — , to lead an irreproachable lift ; II. a. + iC,- * to change; to exchange; Etd si/n. ©eljeu. 20 d 11 1 c 1 11 it a, /. transformation, change ; (in theology) transubsiamia lion. 763 SGBattl £B A it b e r = b t c tt t,f. the nomada ; — = blirb, 7i. little book, serving as a passport to travelling journeymen ; — biitibcl, m. travelling-bundle; — broffel, /. migra- tory thrush ; — fill f, to. passenger falcon ; — flecfcit, to. flying stain, evanescent spot (in the face) ; — geratb, n. furniture for travelling, traveller's luggage ; — ' flcfeli, m. travelling journeyman ; — - tabr, 7i. travelling year (of the journey- men) ; SBtlfcelin 3Neifter8 —jat)", travelling years of Wilhelm Meister (by Goethe) ; — Krib, n. — lujl, /. vid. Sfteis fefUtb, jKeifclufi u. f. iw. ; — lebeii, n. vagrant life ; — ntaitS, — ratte, /. lamming ; — rattpc, /. palmer-worm, processionary caterpillar ; — fitcf, m. vid. — bt'mtet ; — fpinen, pi. JV. T. fife- rails; — ftab, m. walking-staff; bctt — = ftab crgreifctt. to go on travels; — * tailbc, /. migratory pigeon; — Votf, n. nomadic nation; — jett, /. travelling- time (of journeymen). JBdttbeter, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) wander- er ; traveller (on foot). 23 A it b e t t U g C tt, pi. JV. T. gang- ways. E3 A n b e r rt, v. n. (aux. fcv>n <$• tjaben) to wander, travel, travel on foot, walk, go; (tllSl bicfcitt Scbctt — , to depart from this life ; ba8 lliufj — , that must t>e gone ; feincr etrape — , to go on one's way ; ill bte 8'reiltbe — , to travel, to go into foreign parts; CtltC — be ©djaufpielergcfcUfchaft, company or troop of strolling players ; vid. Syn. ©ebett. 23 A It b C l tt, rt. (-8) travelling, walk- ing. 23 A It b f f f eft a f t, f. travelling, pere- grination, travels, tour or travels of a journeyman ; auf tie — Qct)CU, to go on one's travels. 23 A it b e r 8 nt a n tt, to. (-c$ ; pi. 28an= bcr8U'Ute) traveller (on foot), passer. 23 A it b c r tt n g, /. (pi. —en) l. travel- ling, walking ; 2. (— bcr 33i)lfer) mi- gration; compos. — 8t!lftittft, m. migra- tory instinct. KB A it b I tt tt g, /. vid. 2BiUtbeIuttg. £3 A it g C, /. {pi. -It) cheek, jowl ; —11 cilter $i'Cffe, Typ. T. cheeks, side- beams ; — tt eilier'Srcppe. string-boards of a staircase; — tt ettter ©eicftfel, shafts of a cart; — bet' ;Dtaftenfpiireit, JV. T. cheek or side-piece in the step of a mast ; compos. — tlbeitt, n. cheek-bone, zygoma (A. T.) ; — Iteifeit, n. iron- bands (in an hydraulic engine); — forts fa(}, m. A. T. zygomatic apophysis ; — ttgritbcbett, n. dimple ; — nbobel, m. vid. @eftiu8r}obcl ; — itmii8fel, m. zygomatic muscle ; — ltttat)t, /. A. T. zygomatic suture ; — micro, m. A. T. zygomatic nerve; — itffbcibc, /. T. honeycomb from the sides of the hive ; — ttfcftliurcftctt, pi. falling of the jaw (trismus infantum). 25 A tt t) I j, n. T. back-sided timber. 23 A It f, vi. + remove, change. S3 d tl E e, /. {pi. -It) bur, tassel (in cloth- . working). 53 A tt f C I, adj. + tottering, not fixed, unsteady. 33 A tt f C I tj a f f, adj. unstable. 23 A nfe llailtte, /. unevenness of temper, fickle disposition. 2BAitfelinittb, to. (-e8) 23Atife(s ntiit[)igfeit, /. fickleness, inconstancy, wavering, variableness, changeableness. 23 A It f e I lit it t f) t g, I. adj. fickle, in- constant, wavering, fluctuating; varia- ble, changeable-. — n>ie tilt .Sillb, 764 Changeable as a child; CtlK — e £tt= gcitb, an unsettled virtue ; II. adn. fick- ly, inconstantly, variably, changeably. 23 A life 111, v. n. provinc. (nvr. fettll) to waver, stagger, totter, vid. 2Battfctt. 23 A it f e I f i n it, 771- vid. 2Baitfelmiitt). 23 A life tt, v. i. (aux. babcit <$- fcrw) 1 . to totter, to stagger, reel ; 2. to wad- dle, wag, shake ; 3. fig. to stir, budge ; 4. to waver, stagger, hesitate ; 5. to flinch, shrink back, be a turncoat, to begin to change, to show another face ; G. to be in a failing condition. 23 A 11 f e tt, n. (-&) tottering, staggering, wavering, &c. 23 A It 11, adv. when; felt — ? since what time? billllt Ullb — , now and then. 23 A It It e, /. (pi. -11) 1. fan, van; 2- winnowing basket; 3, coop, tub; 4. provinc. wing ; 5. H. T. shruttle ; com- pos. — Itlltacfter, m. maker of vans ; cooper ; — Iimacbcrai'bcit, /. work of such a maker. 23 A H It e II, v. a. to fan. winnow. 33 A tt 11 e It, ado. + whence ; 1)011 — ? from whence 1 23 A tt it c it l; e r, 2BAiinetifjero, adv. + whence. 23 A it it e it = iu e b e v, — tucificv, m. — luetfje, /. windhover (a bird). 23 A 11 ft, m. (-eg; pi. 2Sanfte) belly, paunch ; fciitcit — fittleit, to fill one's paunch, to cram one's guts. 23 A II ft i g, adj. vu/jr. paunch-bellied. 23 A It t, /. (pi. -Ctt) JV. T. shrouds of the mast; btc gvotJC — , main shrouds; compos. — I)ilfcll, m, line with fish- hooks ; — tail, ?7. shroud. 23 A 11 } e, /. (pi. -11) bug, punice ; co7?i- pos. — llbifj, — ftitf), m. bug bite, sting of a bug; — itbilte, /. vid. Jtovtattbev ; — tlfalk, /. bug-trap; — Itgcfict?f, n B. T. the tick-seed sunflower; — llflilllt, n. fetid cimicifuga, bug-bane; stinking iris ; — llllieltffe, /. B. T. bastard balm ; — ttlllittel, n. any remedy against bugs ; — tllteft, tj. nest of bugs; — Itfilllie, m. tick-seed; — lltOb, m. vid. — Illlttttcl ; — IllVllVj, / male fern. 23 A It J e 1 1, /. JV. T. tide, and half tide. 23 A It J t g, adj. buggy, full of bugs. 23 A p e ii, 23 A P P e ii, 71. (-« ; pi. — ) arms ; escutcheon, scutcheon, coat of arms; — till ©icgel, signet; etlt — o()lte 23ci!eid)CII, a plain coat of arms; compos. — ausleger, 771. vid. — fiutbige ; — balfen, m. //. T. fesse ; — bilb, 77. figure in an escutcheon ; — btllbe, /. label in heraldry ; — bl'tef, m. letters patent by which an armorial bearing is conferred ; — bllft), ?;. armorial, book of heraldry; — betfe, /. T. pavilion; — = filtbeit, pi. armorial colours or tinc- tures; — felb, n. H. T. field, quarter ; — geiirifi, "'. person who has the same armorial bearing with another ; — t)Clt= tcr, to. supporter; ■ — fjcllll, 711. helmet; — fjetolb, — fbltig, m. herald, king at arms; — fcilttev, in. armorist; — fitllbr, — fltllft, /. blazonry, heraldry, armory ; — fltllbigc, m. person skilled in herald- ry ; — Eiutftlcr, m. vid. — fiutbige ; — -- lltilter, to. blazoner; heraldic painter; — lttailtel, m. T. mantle, mantling: — = metftev, m. vid. -.J;efotb ; — faufe, /. heraldic column ; — frfhlll, /. inspection of the arms; — fefjilb, n. scutcheon, coat of arms, ensign armorial ; — = fcbtteibei', — jlecfeer, m. heraldic en- graver; — fpiegel. m .V. T. stem of a vessel, poop ; — fprild), m. motto, de- vise; — ftitif, 71. T. part of the field; ©arm charge; — tl'iiger, 771. vid. — f>a^tj — betftaiibige, m. vid. — futibtge; — « Wei'f, 71. vid. — bucb; — jett, n. vid. — becfc ; — jitTbe, /. H. T. accompa- niment. aBttpttClt, k lS.ipplieiI, v. a- to arm» eiiSEBaff' , ,en. SBar, imperfect of Seim 'q. v). *SS a v a, /. (also SGBai or S355e) JVortA Myth. 7'. the goddess of contracts (espe- cially marriage-contracts) and oaths. SB A V b, imperfect of 2i$;vbe!l (q. v.). *2Barbeitt, m. (-§; pi. -e) mint- warden, essnyor, essay-master. *1iS it V b t V e tt, v. a. T. to essay, try, value, estimate. 9BAvf, m. (-c§; pi. -e) 1. woof; 2. warp. S IS A v g e 1 it, v. a. to roil ; vid. 2Bal}ert. IB A v g e 11 b i ft e I, /. ( pi. -11) com- saw-wort, way-thistle. S3 A v t or QlBArret, v. jv. t. swivel- hook ; compos. — btcuf , m. swivel- block. aSAvttc^, adv. vid. 33af)vli$. 2.B A V t 0, m. (-'S) JV T. reserve (sail, &c). 93 A rill, I. adj. warm; hot; mil' ift — , 1 am warm; — cs 93ilffer, hot water; — Wevbeit, to be heated; fig. vulg. — ftfcen, to be a warm man ; f t= Iteit — l)iltteil, to keep one warm; nifttt bat 11118 ia — gentacbt, c8 ging — fjei', there was hot work of it; et= item ben Jtcpf — macben, to heal one's brains; er. ift Weber fait llOtb — , he is neither fish nor flesh; II. adv. warmly, hotly; compos. — bilb, v. ther- mal springs, warm springs ; — bier, 71. hot or warm beer; — bliitig, adj. warm- blooded, warm-tempered; — bvillUtetl, 711. hot wells ; — better, 771. all-blaze. 93 drills bed ert, n. warming-pan; heater, dish for heating; — effe,/. T. chafery for copper ; — feuer, 71. cham- ber-fire, fire in a grate ; — flflfcJ;c, /. warming-bottle; barber's chafer; — s tafteit, to. — fiiftd)eit, n. foot-stove ; — forb, to. childbed-basket ; — Jampe, /. thermolamp ; — cfeil, to. baking- oven ; stove for keeping things warm ; t- pfillttte ( f. chaffern, warming pan ; — fteilt, la. stone for warming; — = ft off, m. vid. 9.Banueftoff; — ftnbe, / — jilltlltev, 71. warming-room (in thea tres and convents) ; — teller, m. chaf ing dish ; — tilth, n. hot cloth or flannel (lor a patient, &c); — jattge, /. T shin- glins tongs; — jciQcr, m. vid. 93armes meffer. 93 A r lit e, /. warmness, warmth, heat ; compos. — gi'ab, 771. — mafj, v. temper- ature; bcr geroohnliihe —grab ber £llft, the usual temperature of the air; — leitCllb, adj. Phys. T. conducting caloric; — letter, to. T. conductor (rrf caloric); — lltilfi, n. vid. 1. — grab; 2. —meffer ; — materie, /. vid. — ftoff ; — meffer, m. thermometer; calorimeter (for measuring specific heat) ; — faitllll- tcr, m. Phys. T. condenser of caloric ; —ftoff, to. caloric; — ftoffeinpfaiig= lirbfeit, — ftofffaf)igfcit, /. capacrty (of any bodv) for caloric ; — ftoffeill* r>f;iiiglicbfcitcniiteffer, m. vid. — mef» Cjj. — jeiger, m. theriuoBcope. 2Q a r ill e ( a It b, i Oeog. T. Waerme- 5JJ A r Itl C 1 il II b, 3 land (in Sweden). 93 A I'lll ell, v. I. a. to warm, heat, chafe ; II. refl. to =varm one's self. 93drmeit, 77. (-8) 93aritiiing, t i wanning, heating. 3Baru BBarmev, m. (-8; pi. — ) warming- pan, chafing dish, warming-bottli*. SBdmeil, v. a to warn, caution, ad- vertize, admonish; ciltctl Wx ciltcr CCl'bC — , to tend the flock. Si/n. 9Bnrftn> 2(bm art tn, Int,irltn. The main id-a conveyed by marten (to wait) is that of remaining in the same situation (in one place or position) without requiring any secondary idea to complete its full meaning. I have flfr?v.r:*r (waited) hero more than an hour, mereiy says : I can no longer remain inactive, I must resolve upon something. Jlbwaricn (await) adds to the idea of marleu the preponderating secondary idea of con- tinuing or persevering until the desired result is obtained, which puts an end to the reartrn. Finally rnparttn (to expect) is distinguished from both by the prominent accessory idea of something about to happen. According to the nature of this something is the fripartrn either agreeable or disagreeable ; vid. also (orrnt, 23 d V 1 C 11, «. (-$) staying, waiting ; at- tending. SB d V t C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1 . waiter, waiting person, keeper ; 2. attendant; compos. — U)l}l)llllllg, /. keeper's lodge. SBdrrcvtitti, SEQdrtfrnu, /. (pi, —en ) female waiter, nurse, keeper. 23 d r t e = f a a (, m. — (tube, /. —tints liter, it, waiting-room, anteroom. 23 d r f g e I b, n. (-eS ; pi. -er) l . money paid to a muse or attendant; 2. pension paid to a person who has the promise of a place, till it becomes vacant; 3. JV. 7'. payment for demurrage. 53 d r 1 t 1) it v in, m. vid. SDarte. 23 d V t U 11 g, /. 1. nursins. tending, at tendance ; 2. culture ; gutc — t)ftbeil, to be well taken care of. EB r li in, ado. why. wherefore, on what account — nirbt? why not? ffiafrf) 23 a r n> o I f, m. vid. 23af>r»oIf. 2Bdrje, /. (pi. -n) wart; —(.fig. gOSSippi&SJ, idle talk. 93J/. — ) water; cin ®L\§ — , a glass of water ; Ctlt3 — ge= ben, to go to the river-side; $1! — vet = fell, to go by water ; to voyage ; jll — gefyeii, to take the water; flifj5cil= beo — , runniag water; ftefyeiibeS • — , standing or dead water; battel (llid)< nbgcferbtvS) — , raw water; cinein etvoas ;u — marfjen, jt«r. to disappoint, frustrate ; tit — tX>CVt>CIt, to turn to water ; fig to come to nought ; fV VCtrht tf)m ba§ — llid;f, he is not worthy to hold a candle to him ; bte Stugen "fiebeu iljm voll — , his eyes are full of tears; fcitl — abfttlagen, to make water; gtbvaittttc — , distilled waters, liquors ; tuof)lltcct>cnbe8 — , sweet-scented wa- ter; — ber T>irtlltanteit, water of dia- monds; — im (Scbliite, serum, lymph; tiefcr ©toff bat cin frfjoneS — , this stuff is finely watered ; cut Sciiff, bftS fciel— - fallen Icifit, JV. Pkr. a ship that is too much by the stern ; cill ©duff, ba« uicl — jiefjt, JV. r/ir. a ship that draws much water ; prov. brt§ tft — nilf fcilie Wiiblc, this is grist to his mill; — ins iDicer, tit bte 3)oimu (U. f. tO.) tragen, to carry water to the sea, Danube, &c, (to carry coals to Newcastle); ftilie — ft'ltb tiff, still waters run deep; proa. (S VOtl'fc nod) »tel— cerhuifeii bis bt'efcS riefcfjictit, the stream (of time) will run on long, before this happens; compos. — ablafj, vi. — ablcitimg, /. letting oft" of watei ; — (tbfcfjhtg, m. outlet for the water, discharge of water (from a spout, &c.) ; ■ — abet',/, vein of (fresh) water, seam of. &c, thread of, &.C ; bie — Obcrit tilt •Rorper, A. T. lymphatic veins; — = about, m. guelder-rose, water-elder, marsh-elder ; — alber, /. common maple; — afoe, /. water-aloe; — i. 1. tree hcioss a river (to stop the entrance) ; 2. B. T. water-tupelo ; — becfen, n. Mson, basin; — beerc, /. 1. or — beets ftaubc, /. vid. — abont ; 2. jird-cherry ; nmsh-whortleberry ; — bebalter, m. :eservoir (of water); cistern; basin; 76G — berg, m. (bobe SBcIIe), water-moun- tain ; — befd)vctber, m. hydrograpber ; — beffbreibltlig, /. hydrography; — = betOllie, /. aquatic betony; — bctt, n. bed of a stream, river, &.<;. ; race (of a mill) ; — Bemobner, 771. animal living in the water, aquatic animal ; — bteiie, / drone ; — bivfe, /. (common) birch- tree ; — btl'll,/. mouth-water pear, be r- gamotpear; — blciScfaen, v. Med. T. hydatid, hydatis, watery-pustule; — bid' fe,/. bubble; .Med. '/'.vesicle; vid. — = btfiScben; — btafcv, m. whale; — = blatt, n. water leaf; — blatter, /. ve- sicle ; bie — blatter!!, water-pocks, varicella ; — Mai! adj. water-coloured, sea-blue, bluish; — blei, v. molybdena, plumbago; 511111 — Met gebbrig, mo- lybdic, molybdenous ; — blcicrt,, n. — = bleifllaitj, m. (ore of) molybdenum ; — blciocbet, n. molybdcrn-ochre ; — = bleifailt'C, /, Cft. T. molybdenous acid; — bUifauveS @tfett, molybdate of iron; — blcifilbcr, n. molybdena-sil- ver ; — blllllte, /. aquatic flower ; water-lily, water-flag ; — blltt, n. — - blitte,/. vid. — pfeffer; — bogett, m. arch formed by the water of a fountain, water-arch ; — bofjlie,/. Egyptian bean, colocasia ; — borb, n. JV. T. wash board ; ■ — bl'iilllC, /. aquatic breeze (brizzle or gadfly) ; — bramel!, m. B. T. awl-wort; — brant, /. water-spout; — bvet, 711. pap : paste; ■ — breitlUT, m. distiller; — blOMlHIVtef, /. Italian cole; — bflld), m. 8. T. hydrocele; JV. 7'. breaker; — avtig, adj. .S'. T. hydrocelic; — bvuitucn, 711. vid. sCruimen ; — bu= d)e, /. button-wood, platanus occiden- talis, western plane-tree ; — blllige, /. water-fluellin, watex-speedwell, brook- lime ; — bitrjelfraut, n. water-chick- weed; — bllttC, /. water-tub; — CUr, /.water-cure; hydropathy; — bailllll, vi. dam, dike, mole, quay ; water-shut ; — bailipf, m. steam of water; — bid)t, adj. impervious to water, water-tight, water-proof, impermeable (leather, &.c) ; — biebje,/. impermeability; — btftel,/. water-thistle ; — bocfe, /. wet dock ; — bPft(Clt), 711. water (or sweet) maucHin ; — boftor, m. water-doctor, hydro- path(ist) ; — bvadje, m. water-spout ; — bveiblatt, n. marsh-trefoil ; —- troffel, /. water-thrush ; — britrf, r«. pressure of (the) water; — bfltcf le^Tf, /. hydrodynamics ; — bllltft, m. watery vapour; vid. — bailiff; — biirniMtrj, /. aquatic hemp, bastard maudlin ; — . ebene, /. vid. — f!arf;e; — eibifrb, m. water-mallow; — eibecbfe, /. water- newt, water-lizard ; — etlltev, m. water- pail, bucket ; Icbenter — eintcv (bet geuerfpvtfeeii) bucket; — entian, m. water-gentian; — Cpbeil, m. water-ivy; — epptet), ?/!. water-parsley, alexanders, water-parsnep ; — eupl)Ovbie, /. soa- spurge; — fabetl, m. 1. B. T. marsh- thread, conferva ; 2. or — fabett'ViU'lll, vi. (water-) hair-worm; • — fat) ft, /. going by water, crossing a river, &c. ; boating excursion, excursion in a boat; —fall, in. fall of water; waterfall, fall, cascade; (fiVOJJM — fall) cataract; — fang, m. reservoir (of waters) ; cistern; — fafben,^ — farbig, adj. wa- ter-coloured ; — fafbe,/. colour of (the) water; T. water colour ; — fat*!!, m. water-fern ; — fafj, n. water-tub, wa- ter-cask ; — faffcr,;^. JV. T. water-pipes ; — feber,/ b. T. water-milfoil : — fclb, n. JV. T. vid. — fladie ; — fencbfl, 711. water-yarrow ; — feft, adj. water-tight, water-proof; JV. T. water-tight; stiff; — fcllCV, n. 1. Greek fire; 2. V. —' fflienvcrf, v. water-firework, lire-works on the water ; — feiicmib, n. water- aBdff fire wheel ; — ftlj/ »n. B. T. vid. — > ItlOOS ; — ftadjf, / surface, expanse 01 water ; level surface, water-level ; — - flafd)f, / water-bottle, bottle for water , water flask ; — flad)3, m. water-milfoil • — flccijtc, / aquatic lichen ; —fled. vi. stain of water ; — flicbef, m. w:\ur- elder; —fliege,/. water-fly, drako(-fly) ; — flob, 7ii. waterrlea; whirling dun; flea-crab; — flot)fraut, n. water-culer- age ; — ftllt(b), / (water-) flood, de- luge, inundation ; — ffucbt, fi water carriage; — frail, / — frailleill, ?i. water- or river-nymph ; vid. 9ltre, — Hire ; — fraiiciinabel, ?». B. T water ladies' navel ; — frobllC, / compelled service on dams, &c ; — ' frofd), 77i. aquatic frog, water-frog ; — > fucbSfd)l!>ait$, 771. B. T. water foxtail ; — fltl)Ve, /. water-carriage : — flU'dje, / water-furrow ; Ulit — fl!fd)etl t>evfi'= ben, — fnrdieit jiebeu, to water-fur- row ; — furr, / vid. glut ; — galle, /. 1. (auf Slcfern), waterfall, quagmire, bog; 2. (am ^immet), water-gall, goat's eye ; 3. S. T. sty (on the eye) ■ — gallffte, /. conduit „ir. a waterwork; — gallig, adj. (bci Slefcru 11. f. ro.), (being) full of water-galls, bogs, quag- mires or springs, boggy; — gang, m. aqueduct, drain, canal, feeder, conduit watergang; Ieat ; A. T. aqueduct ; vid — borb; — garbe, /. water-milfoil; yarrow; — gam, 11. water-twist; — = gaiifbbeif, n. water-pimpernel with long leaves; — gcfa^ir, / danger from \yater; — fjefaft, n. vessel for water; bie — flcfiijjf, A. T. lymphatic vessels , — gefliigel, — geuogel, ?i. water-fowl, aquatic fowls or birds ; — g^lft, »". water-spirit, water-sprite, ondine; — * gelte, /. water-pail, bucket; — gcrabe, adj. level with the water, horizontal ; — geredjtigfeit, /. right respecting wa- ter ; — gcrinne, n. water pipes, gutter ; water-course ; — gerippc, n. vid. — = 111003 ; — gefcbivulfl, /. S. T. tumour filled with water, cedema, cedematic swelling; hyurosarca; — gc)vaci)£, 71. water-plant, aquatic plant; — geruailt n. transparent drapery ; — gevoiii'll!, n. water-worms, aquatic worms; — = gla$, re. water-glass, glass for water ; — gtcicb, adj. vid. — gerabe, — gleicbe, /.level surface; — gopcf, m. JVin. T. water whinsey; — gott, m. water-god; Neptune ; — gottbctt, /. water-divinity; — giittintt, / water-goddess; Thetis; — gfaben, m. water ditch, ditch filled with water, wet moat, water-trench; drain-ditch, ditch for carrying off wa- ter ; mit einem — gvaben mugeben, to surround with a, tc, to moat; — ' gvaS, 71. aquatic grass ; water-millet ;; — grtubrmtrj, /. water- dock; — grub?,/, water-pit, quagmire, pool, water-fret ; reservoir (of water), cistern; — gufj, ?n. 1. heavy shower (ofrain); flash of water: 2. (in ^ii= (ben), sink; — baarmooS, «. vid. —- ltU'06; — bafeil, mi. water-pot; — « bubnenfnfj, m. water-crow-foot, marsh- ranunculus; — biiltev, m. vid. — be^dl= rev ; — baillllicr, 7«. rhys. T. water- hammer; — biinf, 711. water-hemp; — = baft, adj. impenetrable to water; half dry; dry; — liailt, /. A. T. amnion, amnios; — bfbCl'l'd), 771. cresses with leaves of horse-radish ; — f> ei 1, n. B. 7'. brook lime ; — beitfllllbc, /. hydro- pathy; — beilfitllftlev, ?». rid. — bof= tor; — bell, adj. (as) clear as water, limpid; — IjelJc,/. clearness of water limpidness; — betinfraiit, n. hoodei milfoil; — r)ettlte, / water-hen, water- quail ; flea-crab ; — t)ffl', m. prcprieloi jwner of a river, &.c. ; — bbbc, . 2Baff height of water, water-lino ; — f)0l'.l!t= hex, in. water elder, ople tree ; — - bdj, v. water slioot ; — boilig, m. hy- drotnel j — 1)0 fe, /. water-spout; — = l)it()tt, n. coot, water-hen ; — Quiff, /'. pruritic, maple tree ; — l)lltlc, m. wa- ter-dog. water spaniel ; — t'gel, m. sea- hedgeliog, sea-urchin ; — t'lge, /. water- flag ; — JCI15 1>, /. water-li'iiiting, hunt- ing or shooting of aquatic fowls, of wild fowl; — jnngfcr, /. 1. libellula, dragon-fly ; 2. water- {or river-) nymph ; — (offer, m. aquatic beetle ; — fattttf,/ ewer, water-can, can for water; — - Earre,/. water-cart ; —farte, f. hydro- graphic chart; — faftailic, /. (floating) water-caltrops, pond weed ; — faftett. m. reservoir (of water), tank, cistern; — fegel, m. water-obelisk; dolphin; — ttutf f. ladle ; — fcffcl, m. caldron, kettle, chaffern j — firmer, /. vid. — = loiife ; — ficS, m. (white) arsenical py- rites (pyrite) ; — f t vf cf)C, /. red and white cherry; — flee, m. marsh trefoil, water-clover ; — flied)t, m. scooper or drawer of water ; — fltoblaild), w. wa- ter-germander ; — fotbe, /. reed-club, reed-mace, cat's tail; — fopf, »"• dropsy of the head, watery head; Med. '/'. hydrocephalus; — fovallf, /. sea- coral; — f raft, /. (moving) power or force of water; — fmftleblT, /. hydro dynamics; — fvaut, n. aquatic herb; — fveffe, /. water-cresses ; — fl'Opf, m. watery tumour ; — fvilg, m. water-pot, (vvater-)pitcher, (water-)jug, water- cruet; — fvi)|tall, m. rock crystal ; — = fftbel, vi. water-pail ; — fllb, /. sea- cow, manati; — fllllPe, /. hydrology; — fitufl, /. I. water work, fountain; bte — fiiiifte fpriugen faffen, to set the waterworks a-going; 2. hydraulics, hydraulic science; — fiivbiS, hi. aquatic gourd or citrul ; — I alio, n. country that abounds in water; marshy coun try, watery land; — laub, n. Arch. T. watci leaves ; — laud), m. water garlic ; — Ifiufer, in.. Irck. T. water-rail ; — lauS, f. vid.— mange; — [cbcvfi^ut, ». water- ranunculus; — ItCV, adj. having no (or without) water, waterless, destitute of water; — IcftCll, /. pi. .1. T. nympbte, nymphs; — lfger, — Ueget, m. pi. .v. T. water-pipes ; — ldjre, /. hydrology; — Settling,/, aqueduct, conduit, canal; A. 7'. aqueduct; — lv'itungaflllljt, /. hy- draulics; — IcilungSverbt, n. right of having a gutter to lead off the water from one's house, yard, &c; or to turn the water off to one's own grounds ; — let* tllllilivblu'e,/. conduit-pipe ; — U'lld)tev, in. itijii. T. water-candlestick; — liefdj, in. B.T. water gladiole; — lilie, /. water- lily, water-rose; nenuphar; etc ijclbc — lilie, water flag, yellow iris ; — [t = inonie, /. water-lemon; — lititc, /. water-line, (high) water-mark, flood mark; — liltfe, /. B. T. water wort, duck's meat, duck-meat, duck-weed; — lippcu, /. pi. A. T. nymphte; — » !od), n drain, sink; a hollow place containing water, a natural reservoir, a cistern; — lofce, /. water-shout; — = IP'S, adj. waterless, destitute of water ; — lOfllHg, — liJfUttfl,/. .lick. T. drain ; vid '.Ubjiirbt; —littfe, /. (bet altctt ©cfcafen), tooth-hole ; — mabeben, ". water-nymph; — lltalevei, / painting in water-colours ; — mangel, m. want or scarcity of water; — mailgolb, m. vid. — ampfer ; — matttt, m. 1. water carrier; 2. water-sprite, ondine ; 3. Ait V. Aquarius ; Waterman ; 4. — or — = maimcHctt, a. dragon-fly | — manildjett, u. oid. — maim, i. lV 4.; — marfe, /. water-mark, vid — lillie; — llhlffbtlie, /. hydraulic engine or machine ; — « Ztoti 3i5aif map, it. water-gauge; — lltaffe, /. mass of water ; — mailer, /. stone-wall raised it) water ; — maild, /. water- rat ; tie fteiite — maud water- shrew ; — Uieloue, /. water-melon; — - menae(mur), /. vid — ampfet ; — - lltei'f, n 1, JV. T. water line; 2. D. T. water-parsnep ; — merle, /. water- ouz.el; — meffer, m. water-gauge; hy- drometer; — ntefjfunfi, — meffung, /. hydrometry ; — lltetf), m. liydromel ; — nitlbe, f. water-mite; — mold?, m . water-newt; — mend), m. T. bung; — HtOOS, n. water-moss, duck meat ; marsh-thread ; conferva ; — niojt, m tart-wine; ciderkin; — lliotle, /. wa- ter-Ily ; spring-fly ; — lllltcfe, /. water- gnat ; — mi'tble, /. water-mill ; — lltitU lev, in. water-miller; — iiuiuje, /. water-(cala)niint, hoary calamint ; — = ntUIljimtrj,/. — muiljfraut, n. throat- root; — mu«, 7i. vid. — beet; — nabei, in. — liabclfraiit, 7j. water-navel wort, water-bipwort ; — iiabelbntd), m. s. T. hydrompbale ; — natter,/, water adder; — nept, m. vid. — miinje ; — nir, m. vid. — i]Cttt; — litre, /. river-nymph, wa- ter-nymph, nixie, ondine, undine ; — - not!), /. i, vid. — mangel; 3. distress occasioned by inundation ; — llbtljiij, adj. Jim. '/'. that cannot DC worked on account of too much water; — llllf), /. />'.'/'. water-caltrops; — lll)lllp[)C, /. 1. Naiad, Nald ; water- or river-nympb ; - libellula, dragon-fly ; — Pd)S, m. 1, river- horse, hippopotamus ; 2. bittern ; — - ppal, vi. bydrophane; — orbnung, /. regulations for the water-works; ■ — 0r= gel, /. hydraulic organ ; — pavtte, /. 1. boating-excursion, excursion in a boat ; 2. water-scenery; — pajj, I. m. 1. nar- row canal or channel; 2. (water-)level, levelling instrument ; level of the water, water level ; II. adj. level (with the water), vid. — gei'flPC ; — petlc, /. false i?r counterfeited pearl; — peterft= lie,/. — pCtei'leill, n. water-parsnep; — pfaM, m. stake, pile in the water; — pfau, vi. i. vid — iii)ntpl)c, 2, ; 2. Balearic crane, crane of Japan ; — = pffffer, m. water-pepper; — Vferb, it in ei norse, hippopotamus ; walrus, morse ; — pfiailJC, /. water-plant ; — = pflaiijui, pi. aquatics; — pflanmc, /. water-plum: — pfttctlieil, m. is. T. awl-wort; — Vfutjl, m. — pfiiije, / vid '4-ifubl, '-Vfn v c; — vtmpttieUe, / water-pimpernel ; — plal}, m. ,\" v. watering place ; — pOifcil, / pi. water- pox; — probe,/. I, assay by water; 2. water-ordeal, Water-trial, water-dome; — pi'0pl)i't, m. dealer in hydromancy ; uromant, uromancer ; — pvop^ejetung, f. hydromancy; uromancy ; — pTOhtant, in. Btipply of water; — proyiant C t it = li'.b'.lU'lt [von ©dliffetl) to water, to or take in water; — pllllipc, / water-pump; — pnppe, /. oid. —- jungfev; —quelle, /.spring of water; — vabe, in. cormorant; sea crow; — = vatfetc, /. T. water-rocket ; — tab, n. water-wheel; — vallc, / water-rail, water-crake ; — Vaile, m. watei water's edge ; — VJllfe,/. w.iter-.-hout ; — vatte, — vafee,/. 1. water-rat; musk- rat; 2. fig, thorough-bred seaman; — raufe, / /; T. water-rocket ; water- radish ; —vaunt, m. X. T. hold for the water-pipes or water-casks ; — vebe, f er from a water-shoot; — redjt, 1.71. right concerning the water; II. adj. ml. — pat); — veid), I. adj. aboun I inginorwith water; irriguous; II. it. watery kingdom, aquatic creation; — retf, m hoar-frost; — veto, «. water shoot ; — ret fc, / voyage, journey . r ezcuraion by water ; — rettig, m. wa- ter-radish ; water hen.p ; — vf>abar» ber, m. vul. — ampfer; — tiemen, m. J:. T. zostera ; — riefe, m. monster of the deep; — mine, /water-channel, water-furrow, water trench ; gutter; rain spout; — vip, wi river-fret : ravine ; — lifte, /. .V. T. leak, i:i:l.^ Xtct ; — = rijljve, /. water-pipe; — vofe, / water- lily, water rose : — vofj, it, vid. — s pfcrt ; — vepfdjivani, m. B. T. wa- ter-horse tail, water shave grass ; — * tflbf, / aquatic turnip; — t'iifler, /. /;. V. wych-elm (Ulmua glabra); — fiil'lcv, 7/i. avoset; — facf, 7n. 1 room betwixt the whecl-flotes or the ladles of a mill-wheel; Mm. J', sump; 2. — fad* (an Xabafapftifeu , lower part; 3. S.T. watery cyst ; — fagc,/. Jj /'. water milfoil; — falailtailCCV, m. water- salamander; — falat, w. I, vid. —* f)eil ; 2. great pondweed ; — fammluilg, / (any) collection of water; — fattb, m. river-sand; — fapbir, w. water-aap- phire ; — |iiule, /. I. column of water; 2. water-spout ; — febabe, / vid. — » ntPlte; — fdjadjt, m. Mm. T. shaft by which the water is raised, drain-shaft, water-adit; — fd)abClt, m. d.tmage, in- jury, devastation caused by inundation ///•water; — fdiabbaft, adj. damaged by water; — fd)afgavbe, /. aquatic (or water-) milfoil, yarrow ; — fefraftbeil, 7u stinking water-horse-tail; — 'dMtj, m great quantity of water ; — f(bau= fcl, /. 1. (boat-) scoop, water-shovel; 2. wing of a water-mill-wheel), ladle, float-hoard ; — fcbaut, m. water bailiff; — fd)cibe, — febeiMiug. /. point or place where the rivers divide or descend in different directions; — fdjever, ?«. shearwater; — fcbeil, I. adj. afraid of the water ; hydrophobous, afflicted with hydrophoby ; II. / hydrophoby, hydro- phobia, a dread «• horror of water ; — = fdjierling, m. water-hemlock ;— fdnff,. n. ship; .\". T. camel; — fditltfrbte, / turtle, sea- or river tortoise; — * fcbladit, /. I. naval engagement; vid SecfebladU; 2. dike lank; — fcblatt' ge,/ water-snake, water serpent; Muih. T. hydra; A". T. water hose; Ast. T Hydra; — fdplofj, it, T. water-castle; — fd)lud)t, /. ravine ; — fcbluttb, m abyss of water, gulf; — fd)l1litle, /. water-hair-grass ; — fcbliecf e, /. water- snail; Arclnn, ; — ftbltepfe, /.snipe; sea-pie (or pye); — fcbepfe, / a large ladle, scoop, bowl (dish) ; water pail; — ftfcppfer, j«. 1. he' that dips water, scooper; he that draws water from a Well, &;o. ; 2. vid. — febopfc; — fdjpji, vi. v,,i. _rei8; — fdjvailbe, / Archimedes' (Archime- dean) screw; — fduetev, m, great gul- let, pelican ; — fdmf:, in. vid. — vei; ; — fdjivalbe, /. water- or sea swallow; — frbivauj, m. j{. T. mare's-tail; — -• ffbroarmer, m. T. water-squlb; — - fdiau'tit, a. water bog, tapir; — fdnvc- ve,/ gravity of the water ; — fdjn'CV- tel, m. — frbroerUilie, /. water flag, water flower de luce, yellow iris; — - ffbwtvnmer, m. pi, the smalleit t — fegef, n. .v. r. water stril ; — feigf, /. water sieve ; — fot'le. / watei — fenf, m. vid. — rettig ; — fiebel, / water-aloe: — fforptOlt, m. water- Ion ; — iJiiiMb, /. vid — no tb ; — fpeier, m. (rain ) spout; — f p I C .1, C I . m. surface, mirror of the water, &c, expanse of water ; — fpinne, f. water- spider; hydrachne; — fpi&man*, / water shrew ; — fpvi^C, /. water-en- gine; squirt, vid. 6>pri fee ; — ftaar, bi. water-ouzel ; — ftaub, m. height ol the water; — ftanblebre, / hydro- statics; — sjetdieu, n. flnod-maia S&afi high,) water-mark; — (taitbtt, m. wa- ter-tub; — ftcilt, m. (stone-) sink, gut- ter-stone: — ftciilbrecb, »i. water-drop- wort; — ftcl«e, /. water-wastail ; — = fterii, r. B. r. star-wort ; — ftcrnfraiit, n. rid. — fcoffen, ©eeftern; — fliefel, m. ;;/. water boots, jack-boots: — )tifr, m. wliite chalk pencil, a white crayon: — flffT, '"■ Ch.T. hydrogen ;_ — ftcff= ga3, 7i. hydrogen gas; — fti>rfga*!v.l = tti], adj. containing hydrogen, hydro- genized, hydrogenated ; — iipflcn, in. Mm. T. stream work; — ftrafe, /. in- undation con-idered as a punishment (inflicted by the will of God) ; — ftrahl, m. jet, shoot, plume of water : — = ftraucb, m. aquatic shrub ; — fire cfe, f. Jlii. T. water-course; — itreif, m. — jirifine, /. watery streak (in bread) ; — fUctny, — ftvieillig, adj. water-streak- ed ; — jtrom, m. stream of water, tor- rent, rid. StlOm ; — firitbcl, 771. whirl- pool, eddy ; — ftubc, /. T. water-cham- ber, feeder ; — ftiicf, n. piece of water (in a pleasure ground) ; — ftlirj, m. rid. — = fall ; — fltcbt, / dropsy, hydropsy; —- flicbtniittt I, u. remedy against the drop- ey; — -fuft^ tj g . adj. dropsical, bydropsi- calj eill — fucbttger, a dropsical man: — (llppe, /. water-soup, water-gruel; — fdltliel, ,„. B.T. mare's tail ; — taiife, f. baptism, or christening with water; — tanfeileblatt, ». B. 7". water-milfoil ; — tCllfel, m. coot : — tbier, 71. animal living in water, aquatic animal : — - lr>Pf, n. water- or flood gate ; — tf)ltrm, m rid. — fd)IP(j ; — ttcfc, /. depth of water; N. T. gauge, draught; — ti>l= pel. m. the lesser gannet ; — tonne, /. water-cask, water-barrel; Bid. tJ3afe; — topf, m. water-pot, water-mug; — = tracbt, /. load of water ; Jf. T. draught ; — tra.jcr, m. water-carrier : great gul- let ; — transport, m. conveyance by water; — trcibenb. adj. Med. T. hydro- tic; — treibeiibra QJZirtel, hydrotic, bydragogue ; — tl'Cllfe, /. snaffle, bra- doon; — treteit, n treading water; swimming upright; — tvetcr, m. I. he that treads the water, an excellent swimmer who, by only moving his feet, keeps the upper part of his body- out of the water ; 2. vid. — valle ; — = Iltcfyter, m. funnel ; — trinfrr, m. wa- ter-drinker ; — trog, m. water-troush ; — trompete, /. rid. — fiofe ; — fro- pfen, m. water-drop, drop of water; — tll)r, /. water-clock, clepsydra ; — = ulmverf, n. water-clock-work: — Ur= tbcil, n. rid. — orobe; — iH'ilrpen, n. — VMote, /. water-violet; — UPijei, m. aquatic bird or fowl, water-fowl ; — = OOl'ratb, m. supply or provision of wa- ter ; — wage, /. (water) level, hydro- static balance ; gauge, water-poise ; — = njdgefutlft, / hydrostatics, rid. — UJO* JUlig ; — lodger, m. one who takes the level; — lodguilg, /. the act or art of taking the level ; — loabrfaqer, in. — = ivabrfagcrei, /. rid. —prophet, — pro= pbcjeiuita. ; — njail$e, /. water bug ; sug; — loegcrirb. vi. water-plantain: — loehr, v. wear, weir, vid. SBebt ; — tOfib, ?(. 1. vid. — litre; 2. water-car- rier ; — weite, / water willow, osier ; — rotibcricb, m water-willow ; — tteUe, /'. wave, billow, surge ; — welt, /. vid. — rticb ; — nu'lf, n. water work : JV. T. water line ; — toiife, / marsh tare ; — = toirbel, m. whirlpool, water-spout: — IVPge, /. billow, large wave; — wolf, in. 1. plover ; 2, vid. .<3ccbt ; — toumt, m. aquatic worm, water-worm; otelfiis fciger — lourm, scolopendra; —Wilts \t{, f. water-wort, dew-wort : — jaitbe= r er, m . rii. —prophet; — janberei,/. bydroniancy; — jaum, m. chewing- 76« 2Sautt) (or slabbering-) bit ; — jcidjett, n. wa- ter-mark ; — JoU, m. toll paid on rivers, &c. ; waterage ; — Jllber, m. water-tub ; — jllsl, m. current of the water; vid. — tic re. SB a f f e r cil C U, n. (-§ ; pi. — ) water- brook. 23 a f f e r t cb t, adj. rid. SBafferig. ii. ! a 1 f e ( i J, adj. 1. aqueous, waterish, watery, washy ; 2. yi. (aux. feillt) to walk in or through the water ; to wade, ford. SBatetlanbe r, pi. m. sect of Men- nonites. SEBdtff^e, /. (pi. -V) provinc. 1. (in Austria) box on the ear; 2. (in Silesia) duck. 5Bd 1 f (fj ellt, r. n. (nur. ba&Ctt >C- feiMl' to waddle: eiiteit tv.uu-bclnrcn ©ang babeil, to have a waddling or toddling walk. SBdtte, / (pi. -tl) 1. wadding, wad ; 2. large fishing-net; compos. — articj, adj. like wadding. 2Sdt ten, pi. flats, banks of sand and clay (especially in the German ocean) ; compos. — fatjrer, 771. „V. T. sort of fiat vessel, "lii d 1 1 C tl, r. a. -f to dress, clothe ; to wad. *23aittrcn, r. a. to wad; tvattirt, wadded. 23 a U, m. (-e») weld, dyer's-wced ; com- pos. — f iipe, /. vat for a bath of dyer's weed. s Ii3aii, adj.eraiv.Jf. T. calm; ber v l>iillb ift — , the wind has becalmed. 2B II 11 ID a It, 771. r,Jg. bug-bear ; vid 33opanj|. 2Scd)f *9B a t> e 1 1 it, m. Mm T. sub-phosphato of alumine. SSBl b C, / tp!. -ll) web fpiecc of linen cloth from sixty to seventy ells). S5JI be I, B.twtSDBotbeI. iik be 4c in e, — lienen, — Iincjen, }>'. X. T. thin line or cord, with which cables are covered or spliced. 253 f b e It, v. reg. $■ i>. I. a. >$• reJL to weave; to entwine; fig. to form; Seppidbe — , to work tapistr; ; fig. tie Jvraucn, ivelcbe Diefeit tn'3 trbifebe ?ebcit — , woman who strews roses in our path of life ; etn SSeib, OllS *Rp= fcngliit utti' Silicnfrbuee ct,ei»oben, a woman woven from the bloom of roses and the snows of lilies; II. n. * (aux. babeit) to move: to wave, float; to loom: in tbm (®ott) leben, aiebeo Ullb fittb Uur, in him (God) we live and move and have our being. SOB e b e ll, n. (-§) weaving ; moving. 23 C b e r, m. (-§ * pi. — ) weaver ; com- pos. — arbctt, /. weaver's work, tissue, texture ; — bailltl, m. weaver's beam, yarn-beam, warping-loom : — blatt, n. — famm, 771. slaie; — btftcl, — farbe, /. — fraut, 71. fuller's thistle, teasel, cardoon: — eitttraq, — einfeblag, m. the woof; — fif^ietn, 71. the bleak; — - gaben, m . vid. — ftube; — gefcll, m, journeyman-weaver; — ^anbtucrf, m. weaver's trade or craft ; — fleifter, m. weaver's paste or starch ; — Fl'.appc, m. vid. — gefell ; — fncrbt, m. father long legs (a kind of spider) ; — fllfpf, 771. tad- pole ; — fllPten, 771. weaver's knot; — * fun ft, /. weaver's craft; — late, /. 1. cash-box of the company of weavers ; 2. button of the loom ; lay : — llietftcr, 771. master-weaver ; — lltcffcr, n. loom- knife ; — It eit, 71. bore, flaw, skip; — » fcbdmel, 771. vid. — •ritt: — fc^ere, / weaver's shears; — ffbtffcbei!, 77. — - frbiifee, m. shuttle ; — feblii^le, /. linen- weaver's starch ; — fpille, /. weaver's spool; — filth I, Tit. loom; — ft III) I fu r becbfdjSftige Scppicbc, upright-loom; — tritt, 771. treadle of a loom ; — trumitl, 71. selvage, skirt of linen on a weaver's beam ; — $ettel, 771. warp. 2B e b C r C t, /. ( vl. -eit) weaving; trade of a weaver. 3S e b g c ft e cf, 7i. (-e§) titterings. 2Be~ b f a it t e, /. (pi. -it) wove lace. SOBeb f A er e ll, v. n. .V. T. to sheer and nail the ribands. 23Jb*ftbtffrbe n, -fhihl, — jettel, vid. iiiebersfebiffeben, u. f. to. *2B e rb e b i t e 11, pi. vid. S03a$aoUefl. liiccbfel, 771. (-?; pi.—) I. vicissi- tude, change, changing, turn ; btr — ber 3abre§5citett, the change of tlie seasons; ber — trr SSiiteruitfl, ber EEemperatUr, the change of the weather, the temperature; ber — lltcnfrbliebN: Till.]e, the vicissitudes in human af- fairs ; CCr — be? @liief3, inconstancy mutability of fortune: 2. Sp. T. place where game passes and re-passes : 3. .1/. E. exchange; bill of exchange, bill ; note of hand : remittance of money ; einen — niisiicllcu, troffiren, temtta tiveu, prfifentiren, acceptiren, be»ab s len, biScputiren, inbofftrett, to issue, draw, remit, present, accept, pay, dis- count, endorse a bill of exchange; lit it — II baibellt, to trade in hills of ex- change; ®e!b biirrb — iibcrmacben, to remit, send, make over, convey mo- ney by a bill of exchange: S'l^'ber el* iie3 — 9, holder of a bill; ein gcjpgener — , adraugh* draft : tin Solas, $ri= ma», 2ecm:be, U. f to. — , a sola, fitst. ed) = fel, 3. ; — bud), n. bill book ; — bllltc, m. mutual alliance ; — biivge, — Cil= vent, m. surely for the payment of a bill ; — biil'gfdwft, /. surety ; — Cf= bent, m. endorser; — cbor, vi. alter- nate chorus; — COinmtfftOH, /. com- mission for executing any exchange- operation ; — COlllptoir, n. exchange, banking-house; — C0ltt0,.7i. account of exchange; — contract, jn. bond of ex- change ; — COpil'll, pi. copies of bills ; — Cojmblld), v.. bill-copy-book; — COlil'8, m. course of exchange ; — - COUrebcrCcbltimct, /. arbitration of ex changes ; — courtage, /. bill-broker- age ; — COlUSjfttel, m. exchanges ; — = Cvebt f. m. paper-credit, credit in blank ; — bllfatcll, in. ducat of exchange, note for a ducat ; — bliplicaf, n. duplicate of a bill ; — fiibig, adj. having the right of drawing hills of exchange; — full, m. ). alternative ; dilemma; 2. alter- nate fall of descent ; 3. case of ex- change ; — fill - be, /. changing colour, shot colour; — faring, adj. having a changing colour ; — farbigfeit, /. qua lityof being changeable as to colour: — fe!S, 7i. field which only changes its crops, but does not lie fallow ; — fifbff, a. intermitting fever; — fore, rung, /. demand grounded on a bill, arising from it ; — f lift, /. term of payment for a bill of exchange; days of grace ; aid UfO; — flircbe, / furrow of the head land, butt; — (JflS, It, money of exchange, bank-money; exchrj ige-nviney, agio; — gelctlf, 71. A V. th- bLlI- and socket- joint; — gei'icbt, 7i. court of regulating exchange matters; — gcfang, m. alter- native song; — gefdjaft, n. — b/fl nbcl, m. — fciUlMllllil,/ banker's trade, hank- ing business, business of discounting money ; conn ce with bills of ex- change; — (tffpreld), n. alternate die course, mutual conversation; — ge= ftitlt,./". changeable shape ; — gKiiibiger, — illljabcr, m. bearer of a bill of ex- change: — hil ttrlcr, m. hanker; (lis counter of bills ; — gliicf, n. fickle or inconstant fortune; — grill), m. mutual salute, reciprocal salutation; — hauS, n. 1, banking house ; 3. house ol a monev cnanger ; — ()ClT, m. banker : — bfrrfilM ft../', alternate reign, rule or sway : --jahr, » climacterial reign ; — = fai'.f, m. purchase of a bill (or hills) of exchange; — fiub, n. ml. —balg ; — = ftager, 7« prosecutor in a caw relative to a bill of exchange; — fllOtClht. 71 amphibious persicaria ; — fllllbe, /. knowledge of matters of exchange ; — = r**"^'!^' "<{h I versed in matters of ex- change ; well acquainted with banking business; — lailf, 771. 1. inconstant. 43 Changeable course ; 2. alternate course ; — I'.fbt, 71. changing light; .Win T. extra light; — Itebe, /. mutual, recipro- cal love or affection ; — l03. udj change less, invariable, immutable, unalter- able ; — lo|igfett, /. unchangeablenees, ihyariableness, immutability; — mafe« let, /. cont doing business in dry ex- change, stockjobbery; — lliafler, m exchange-broker; bill broker ; — licl) = liter, m. taker or buyer of a bill ; — = Operation, /. exchange-operation ; — 5 01 tilling, /. vid. — vcd)t; —pari, ». par of exchange; — pfarve, /. living conferred in rotation by several col — pfcrche,/. alternate penning on each others grounds ; — pfCVcf, pi. relay horses; — pflicht, /. reciprocal duly; — piftoteil, pi. perfect pair of pistols; — phll}, Tn. place of exchange ; — = preis", at exchange; — projefi, m. pro- ceedings at law in exchange-matters ; — rcdniung,/. calculation, account ol banking transactions, relative to the course of exchange, value of different coins, &c; — U'cht, n. right or stal ute laws concerning bills of exchange; — I'Cbf, /. answer, reply; colloquy; — re t lit , in. alternative rhyme ; — - tetter, 171 jobber iii bills of exchange: — rcitcvei, /.drawing and re-drawing bills of exchange, practice of jobbing with bills of exchange, shift in- foul play in negotiating bills of exchange; — = fid)tev, Tn. chief justice or president of a court for regulating exchange-matters; — fildje, /. any exchange affair or busi- ness; ill — facbcil, in matters of ex- change ; — fa w , 771 Log. T. alternate proposition; — frbciltlllig, /. mutual gift or present ; — frblag, in. the alter nate cadence (of rhymes/ ; — fd}lllp, tn. dilemma; — fdll'ift, /. answer in writ- ing, written reply, controversial writ- ing; — fd)ll[b,/. debt founded (or con- tracted) on a bill of exchange; — |cou= trp, a. bill book ; — feitlfj, adj. Bid. itkcfcfelfciti,]; — feilbUMfl, /. remit- tance of bills of exchange ; remittaYice of money ; — feilfal, m. vid. — niilflet; — Ipiel, 11. alternate play (sway or in fluence) ; — Italic, 771. (/ v.) state of ex- change, vid. — C 1 1 1" 3 ; — ftl'cit, in. con- flict, dispute; — ftiinbe, /. .1/1/1. T. al ternate hour; — SJUetl'e, vid. — toetfe; — tag, m. Jlctl. T. critical day ; — - tail}, in. alternate dance; — Ullld), 711. mm utl exchange or barter ; — thaler, 7/1 dollar of exchange; — tbiei", ?i. 1 1, u.) amphibious animal; — tifd), m. banker's table or counter: — 111*811], /. Bid. — "rift; — Devbiiltlttf', 71 I. re- ciprocal relation ; 2. Mat 'I', reciprocal proportion; — t>cr'al)niiig,/. prescrip- tion of a hill of exchange : — >.'Clfclu', to. circulation of bills; — Vl'rS, m. vid. — reiin ; — uertrag, m. mutual agree- ment) treaty or convention; — VDeife, I. a. f. alternate way, alternative; II. adv. I. mutually, reciprocally. 9 alternately, by turns; — lDfijetl, m wheal ill 11 may he sowed in Winter and 811 miner; — = lvetf, 11. T. the wheels in clocks and watches thai turn the hour and minute- hand about; — u, 711. changing, shifting wind: trade wind; — liunfel, in. Mat. T alternate angle; — t»ir= flllig. /. reciprocal effect, mutual or re- ciprocal action; — U'irthfebaft, /'. tint manner of husbandry, where they let a field lie fallow after a certain space of tune; — ll'Olt, if. Grim. 7'. 11 1. 11 I participle; — roortlicb. ik/j. participial; — UMirher. m. profli made iii exchanging money or discounting bills; — (.abllllia.. / bill-money, exchange-money, conven- tion money ; — jablt, m. inilk-tooth, vid. SUJildjiahii ; —, / pine for wire-drawing; — joir, /, n aajedjfelwife, ado. by turns, alternately, alternatively, reciprocally. EBc roSler, 771. (-S; pi. — , banker, money changer, exchanger. 93S e ef, hi. (-e« ; pi. -t, SEBcrfe,/ {pi. -a) Borl of bread, roll ; eilt — ©litter, roll butter; — compos. — Cllbiiif CV, m. bakvr of rolls; — Cllllieht, 71. (lower for rolls SDSt ef e ll, t>. a. 10 wake, awake. SDJ C if c II, 71. (-6) waking. 2B e ef e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) l. wakar ; 2. — or Sffie'flllljr, /. alarm-clock. ils e ef e v w e v f, n . (-c?) work in u larum-clock aUcrf = g locf c, /. alarum bell ; — = habit, :«. the early cock: — ftllllU, /, hour of waking; — llllf, f. rid. 'Ultdtl, '1. ; — roerf, n. oid. Sffiecferroerf. ►2351 bO, in. (-8) a war idol oC the ancient Frislanders, 93ic'bbe,/. + punishment, fine 1 superin- tendence; compos. — COmptoir, n. li- cencing office; — jettel, in. licence. SDB i b C 1, 111 (-9 • pi. — ) tail, ran, brush; ci'iii/ms. — foi'iuig, A///, fan-shaped, fla- belliform; — febiuaiiim, m. fan shaped sponge; — |(^ivail}, hi. the while wag tail. SSJebeln, v. ». (oux. habcn 1 I. to wa^ (with the tail) ; 2. to fan. "IB e : b e I ll, n. {-$) 1. wagging : 2. fanning. SBebtr, con;, neither; — leiit nod; QCm, neither rich nor poor. 2Be'f{ I, 7i. T. I. woof, weft; '-. honey comb: campus. — Ip.ile, /. the weftpirB. 93Je"ftltt, p. 7i. to bliild or make tbe comh (of bees). s Iii Cg, I. partic.S- adv. a way, gone ; off, 2. int. begone! — i\1 ! away, get you gone! — in it ilun! away with bun : .gmirbe — ! hands off! cr if) frboil — , he is gone already; Utlerbt — , plainly, simply : without ceremony or ado, shut and sweet; gerabe — , roundly, plainly. Sally, point-blank frifrb — .cheerily, gaily, with a will; frifd) — ! come be alive ! sirup's Ir.o uo.,1 mv lads! toil cilic:ll — , tjilt tC5 eiltaitbtt — , without intu ruption : with nui pause, in one breath; fititf v "5abrc in eilt em — , five cinsecuiive yars . ba3 .^aiis licgt weil — »on bet 5:rc- it, the house lies far off fl with these thoughts. 76J SBegt ©egc Wttf ,V. B. SBfiJ »» turmpr.ujjl verbs is .f jMiraMf. DM a, m. (-e«; ;./. -e) » wri >'- road ' passage, walk; rout,-; path; 2. man- Mr, mode; 3. expedient, means; cm c,mcv — a defile; bet httjfj« — .„° nearest way, the shortest cut .cut foreteller, flanflbaret -, a uoAbn , : „i,. auf&albem—e, half-way; euu SWeiU -««. a mile's distance: g«0= tC". — Ca, direct, straight ; Uttter — W, hv tin- way, on the road, on the jour- ' ■ fid) auf ten — madKii, to set „ui; neb., uarfe bic$ beuiet -e! go your ways! get yon gone! OUS Mill — e oebctt, to make way, stand out ot the way, clear the way, etllClU OUfl teitl — e flebcit, to shun or avoid some- hodv, cittern tin -e ftebctt, ton, to stand in one's way; ctitcm etroaS in j, c u — leant, to hinder or offend one ; etroaS au8 bem — e raunieii, to re^ ,'nove something; 'Sci)UUCVto,Jciten mi t, cm _c vaunten, to remove difficul- ties; ciucit aits bent — c raumen, to dispatch one; et tft auf Vm -e fettl @lU(f &» macbeil, he is in a fair way to make his fortune; bell — Mi* gtcifcbea flchetl, to go the way ot all flesh, to die ; fciilcS — e«, hy no means ; sjjjitiel mib — c ftnbett, to find out means; fnmtnie — c, oblique ways; fam CS bat gtttC — C, there is no haste ; there's no fear of it; 'tis no matter it does not signify; flute @e)eU*rbaft runt ten — , good company shortens the road. CJ C a a r b C 1 1 e It, ». I. a. to work away, remove by working ; 11. n. (aux. babCll) vxdg. to work on. tOVe fl afe e it, v. vid. SDScflbcijeii. E5J \q battltetl, v-a to banish, drive away. •ll> l fl b C fl C b e it, ». ir. reft, to go away, to retire, to absent one's self, to de- part. DCS c a b e g e t) r e it, ». n. to want to go away, to wish to depart, to ask leave tO quit. iSJC fl b e t 9 e tt, v. ir. a. to bite away. SB fc fl b e 1 8 e It, v. a. to remove by something caustic, to corrode or eat away. © c g b t f o m m e n , v. ir. a. fam. vul. Sffltgfilcfltn. SB c .j b e v u f c n , *• >>• "■■ t0 cal1 away IB C g b c t e n , v. a. to drive away expel by praying. JEB'cgbetten, v. a. to separate beds. iS3 c 3 b c u 3 e u , v. a. to remove by bending. SL6 C 8 b C TO e fl C tt, v. a. to move away. 2B C fl b 1 C 8 e n, »■ »'"• a - t0 remove by bending. SIB C fl b 1 11 b C H, v. ir. a. to remove by binding, to unbind, untie. SDS.e fl b I a f e tt, v. ir. a. to blow away. SIB e fl b I c i b c it, ». ir. n. (aux. ton) ~to stay away; to he omitted; er blctbt nic tout jtraitjrt)«» m &' he never misses the club. flBeflbleicbeii, v. I. a. to remov (stains. &c.) by bleaching ; II. ir. \- reg n. I. to become pale, grow thin; to pine away; 2. to be busy at bleach to 2. >.o pull down; 3. to I. a. it?. &■ it ir. [aux fentll ir. a. to bring to D ff er away vomit out SEJe flb re it it en, bum away; II burn down. -Wcflbviiiflc it, .. carry away ; Icidt ttea&ubrtnaetl, of easy conveyance; bicfer glccren t|t llttot ixu'iuubvtitflcn, this stain cannot be got out; nut gttroneufflft bttiiflt umit 2>tntcnflccfett TOefl, ink stains are got out with lemon-jtfice. SB C fl b ii if C 11, v. rrfl. to bend aside, stoop sidewards, to duck away S IS t fl b it fl C 1 tt, v. a. Sf r\. to iron out, remove (a fold, &c.) by ironing; lobe busy at ironing. -IScflbitfbfeit, aii'cflburfchett, all the game. iS C fl b it V ft C It, v. a. to brush off or away. £Sc fl c a \> c v it, v. vid. SEBeflfayent. SB c g b a m in c n, «. a. bnS SOBaffM — , to dam offer up (water, &c). SEcflbantpfcit, v. I n. (aux. fetylO to evaporate, steam offer away ; tt a. — or aSeflbampfeit, to evaporate cause to steam otV. fXB'c fl b C d e 11, o. a. to lay the cloth or table elsewhere. 2B c fl b e 11 f C U, v. ir. I. a. to fancy some thing away, to picture something as absent; II. rrfl. to fancy one's self away. a. tittti SBtlb — , to shoot up aBeobeUteltt, ) o. «• lo explain ' n, S awa y ( the lrue , «. to push, force a. to turn off or BLlVcflblidctt, v.n. (aux. tjaben) look away. B5e fl b I it f) C ll v. n. (aux. ffDtl) to f:.,\ away, to wane (of beauty, &x). BJegbrerben, v. ir.a. 1. to break 770 3Beflbeute sense of another). 26c fl b f r e ll, b. n. (.m*. f")") W dry away- 2B c g b r a n fl c n away. iiVcflbveb en, away. . iS C fl b V it vf C It, v. a. to ptOB or squeeze away. SB e a b it it ft i n, o. n. {mux. fci)lt) rid. SeriunftCH. 3B c fl b l". :t ft e 11, v. a. to evaporate. 2Be gb fir fen, ». ir. «• /am. to he I allowed to go tway ; to dare or venture to go away. 2B C 3 e in compos, of SBefl, — flint, n. road-office;— auf feber, m. surveyor of the roads; —bail, «n. making of roads; road beating ; — baiiantt, n. board of roads, committee on bridges and cause- ways; — bcvcitCV, m. surveyor or over- seer of the highways; — beffcnuifl, /. repairing of highways:— breit, n plan- tain, way-bread ; — bifid, /. St. Mary's thistle, welled thistle; — bOVti, 7)!. Christ-thorn ; — CUflC, /. narrow pass, defile; — fevtifl, adj. + ready to set out ; — flelb, n wheelage, turnpike, toll: — fl'l'ttBi n. I. knot-grass: 'J. sea- gilliflow'er ; — baSpct, m. turn-stile ; — = fjauS, n, toll house, turn-pike-house ; — trail t, n. our lady's bed straw; — ' fitlltmct, m caraway; — UlflCVCr, m. vvavlaver ; — laflCVUltfl, /. act of way- laying; — Iauf, m.vid.— trttt ; — Iau$, /.bug; —levebe, /. crested lark; — = Icuduo, /.reflector of a street-lamp; — lutiflc, / vid. — luavtc ; — meffer, m T. odometer; JST. T. log; — liavt, m. provinc. salamander ; — vferiiifl, m. + ,.,-,; — fldb ; — veebt, wlj. acquainted with the roads; — faille, /. way mark. mile stone; — fcbciH, /. crossway; — = fd)Clt, adj. (a fault in horses) shy at the crossing -of roads ; — febiinflf, /. way- faring tree ; — ld)licdf, /. dew-lact, dew-snail ; — ftcilt, m. road stone; — ftcvi, m. provinc. w bite water-wagtail | — (teller,/, road-toll, turnpike-toll; — * firedfe, /. length of the way. extent oi the road; — ftrob, »• cud-wort, share- wort (a plant) : — trttt, m. swine-grass \fl plant) ; — WavtC, /. cichory, succo- ry . —nip He, /. star thistle ; — sebritllfl, /. travelling expenses; — JtidlCtt, n. way mark; — JC-U, m. vid. —flelb. 333 C fl C i 1 C II, v. n. {aux. ft'lltt) to hasten away. 2B jgcifen, n. + coulter. 33 C fl C 1 1 C r It, o. n. [am. fcl)ll) to go away in suppurating. 23 C g C It, prep, with gen. because of, for the sake or on account of, for, by rea- son of; _ feineS ^etragcnS, because of his conduct ; iitcittev Samtlte — , for my family's sake ; — bicfev Siacnc, on account of this matter ; 2iltcrS — , for age, by reason of his old age; bet Sttrmeil —, in behalf of the poor. B e" fl e tl, o. a. + . ir. n. (aui. fc»tt) 1. to go away or off; 2. to be disposed of, to II : 3 to be effaced, to go away ; con ber Uiii»cffitiit — , to quit the university ; CtllCIl — bcitictt, to bid any one to be gone ; vie Slecfe fiiib t»rgg«= gaugcit, the stains have disappeared; vid. &ijn. Slbgeben. SB e g g c i ft e I It, v. a. to whip off, to scourge away. 2B C g g C I C i t e It, v. a. to escort or con- duct away, off, out of a place. 2B C g g e W b tt C It, v. a. $■ refl. to dis- accustom (any one, one's self ) from going to a place. SB C g g t e 6 C tt, a. to pour away. SB t g o let t e it, v. ir. n. (k fetytt) to glide away ; fig. it ber etivaS — , to glide over any thing. SB e g g r a b C ll, v. ir. a. 1. to dig away ; 2. to dig up and bury elsewhere. 2B e g g v a p f c rt, *. a. vuig. to grapple and bolt wiUi, to sweep off. SB c g g u cf e it, v. a. fern. vid. 3Begfe= ben. HBcggUJi, m. 1. act of spilling, of pouring away; 2. that which is poured away or spilled. 2.6 C g b ft b f It, v. ir. a. vulg. 1 . to have one's share ; to anticipate ; 2. fig. to understand, comprehend; er Ija t c6 bci Ittir vueg, he lias done for himself with me, he has ruined himself in my opin- ion. 26 1 g b a 1 f t C, /. mid-way, mid-course. © i g b a 1 1 e It, v. ir. a. to keep off, to withdraw, to hold at a distance. 26 ) g h ii ii g c it, v. a. to hang in an- other place. 2B ' g b '1 f d> c B» »■ a - l0 snatch away. 26 ! g I) a 11 d) C It, v. a. to blow away. 26 i' g banc ll, v. ir. a. to cut away. 26 C g l) C b e tl, v. ir. a. to lift up and away. 26 c g b e I f e n, o. ir. n. fam. (ciiiem) to help any one to get away or off. 26 e g f) * % * t< v. a. to chase away with dogs. k !*i C g b i It f C It. r. n. {auz fcHIl) to hob- ble away. . SttJ t g l) C b C t It, v. a. to plane away or down. 26 c g b I C n, t>. a. to carry away, fetch away, 10 bring off 2B c g I) it p f C It, o. 7i. (auz. fctyll) to hop away. 26 C g b U ft C II, 8. n. to cough away, out, off, up ; iUut — , to spa blood. 26 i g t u f p cc to r, m. (-«) r<\i 20fg= aun'cbcr. 26c gj age 11, r. u. to drive or chase aw;iy; ooii bet' .£>Dciifobtile — , to ex- pel from the university ; CtllCIl iBtbttlt^ ten — , to turn away a servant, 16 c g f ,i p e r n, v. «. to snatch away •, to intercept, to capture; CtSJ veidjcS -DJvifdH'll — , to make prize of a rich heiress. 16 1 g f a r x C U, c. «. to cart away. 5Cegm 26 c g f a a f e n, v. a. to buy up, to buy all ; to forestal. 26c g f e I) r e It, v. a. 1. to sweep away ; 2. to turn off or away. 26 eg f let tent, v. «. (out fetyn) to climb away or off. 26 c g f o in m e It, v. it «. {taut, ftjjnj i to get away : 2. fig. to come off; :i to be lost; id) bin fjeute liirbt tueggeiom: men, to-day I have not left the bouse itbcf etmaa — , to set over a difficulty ; tie Sad)e tjl nitr roeggcfomnieu, I have lost that matter; fig. Jam. er tuilt fcblecbt (iibeb — , lie will come off badly; btto ifl niir untcr ben .*3atibeu njeggefoiltlltcil, I have mislaid it some- where. 26 c g I b it a e n, ». ir. n. (aux. baben) to be able to get away. 26 e fl f f C tl, v. a, to drive away or expel by caressing (cares, &c.). 26 c g f v a fc e it, v. a. to scratch away or out. 26 c g E r t e rf> e it, v ir. n. (nuz. fetyn) to creep away, sneak away. 26 C g f V t e g C ll, v. a fam. to get away ; er bat babet eiucit Slop lueggefiiegt, he got a blow by it; fig. id) faint ba5 llicbt — , I can't make head or tail of it. 26 e g f r ii in in e n, v. a. to remove by bending ; fig. fifty — i t0 retire in bend- ing or ducking. 26 c g f ii g e I ii, v. «. i- n, {aux. fei;n) to roll off or away, to bowl away. 26 e g f ii It ft e ( It, v. a. fig. to remove by over-minuteness, to dissipate by so- phistry. 26 C g f ii f f e tt, v. a. to kiss away. 26< g I ad) e 1 It, v. a to smile away ; to e.vpel by smiles; ftC lad)Clte ben ®ram UPll fetliet Stillte, she smoothed his brow with her smiles. 26 C g I a d) e It, v. a to laugh away. 26c fl 1 a f f E n, v. ir. a. 1. to leave out, omit, pass by or over; 2. to let go, to part with ; 3. to permit one's going or departure. 26 e 3 1 a f f tt n g, /. (pi. -en) passing over, omission, 26c 9 1 a it f e n, ». ;>. n. (auz. ft\)i\) to run away or off, to desert 26 c fl I a lifer, m, (-«; pi. — ) run- away, denerter, flincher. 26 C fl I (i tl fl II e II, v. a. to deny, disown SUJ l fl 1 it 11 1 ( It, j>. a. to drive away or expel (e. g. formerly, a thunderstorm; by ritif-'iiiL; the bells. 933 C fl 1 C cf C tt, «. a. to lick away or off. 26 c g I e g e it, v, a. to put aside. 26 C fl I c i b e ll, v. ir. a. to lend out. SOB eg I* i tt ll, v. a. to conduct to an- other place or in another direction. 26c g I e n f e n, o, rid. Mlcufen. 26 c g I c |"e it, r. ir a. I. to cather up, collect; 2. to remove by culling; 3. to read off offhand. 26c fl I e ud) t e n, p. a. to ligbi a person on going away. 2 s i t fl 1 D-tf ( 11, v. a. to entice away, t I decoy. 26 C fl I 6 f d) C It, p. a. to efface, blot out 26 c fl I ii fl e n, p. a to deny, disown (a deed), by a falsehood SB k fl tit i d^ I tl, r. I. 0, ru'g to make aw, iv. put away, to sweep away; re- iii'ivr, clear away, to efface ; II. rejl. wig. to make off, to withdraw, depart, decamp, '16 C fl ill a b t tt, v. a. to mow away or down. 26 c g in a r f tf) i r e u, r *. [aux. f n^n to march away. 2 v i i g in e f f c ll, r. ir. a to ry.iBiire ofl remove by measuring. 26 ( l\ III fl e 11, r. ir. n. fiim. to wish U go away er oil', to want to quit 26 c g m ii f |" e ft, r. ir. n. (aux. batci: ellipt. to be obliged to go, to be bouin' for another place ; Nl8 lltUp tl'eg, tlnl must be taken away or cut away. 26 1 g 11 a b m C, /. t-ikiiiz away ; seizure — eiueS ©cbijfe*, capture- 26c g n e b in e It, i- ir. a. to take awa» (eiitcnt ctOMa, aomeu. iz from on seize upon, to capture; ein Stcbei Iiahllt ii)ll tUCfl, he was carried off bj a t'ev.-r; tie C>oimabantc tft tueggc: ItOmnieil, the smuggled gooils hav» been seized. 26 e g it e b m u n g, /. taking away. 2B C fl It e i fl e 11, v. a. to blow or bend oil 26 c fl It 5 t b t fl e It, v. a. to compel «• constrain to retire. 26 C fl p a (f C 11, v. I. a. to pack up in an other place ; to put away ; 11. rejl. ti pack off or away. 26 C fl V a V t i r C It, v. a to purloin. 26 c g v c 1 1 f d) e ti, v. a. to whip off, drive away by a whip. 26 c fl pfei f e n, v. a fig- to whistle of (cares, &c). 26 t fl V f 1 ii cf t tl, r. a. to pluck away to gather all (the (lowers, &.C.). 2.6 t fl V f I tt fl t It, v. a. to plough away remove by ploughing. 2.6 C fl p i cf e 11, ». a. to pick away. 26 C fl l? V e b t fl e It, o. a. fam. to remove or expel by preacaing, to preach (one'i errors, &.c.) out of one. 26 e g p r ii g e I n, v. a. to beat away, drive away by drubbing. 26 1 g pilt|t II, v. a. to remove by brushing and cleaning. 26 e g r a b it e n, o. o. to scratch out 26 C 9 r a f f e ll, v. a. to take or snatch away, sweep ofl". 26c fl r a f e ll, v. m. (auz ffl)ii) to storm or rage off. to retire in rage. 26c ii ( a tt b c It, r. n to take away by force ur robbery, 2.6 t fl t fl 11 ct) C ll, r. a. tt v. to smoke away or out ; to pass off in smoke. 26 C Q t a ll 111 C It, v. a. to remove, clear away. SB t g X a tt in e r, m. (-& ; /)/. — ) clearer, remover. 28 c fl v a n in u u g, /. removal. 26 c g r e i b e n, d. *>, a. to rub away rub oft' 26 c g v e i f e, /. departure. 26 c g v e i l" e it, d. « (auz. fe\)ii) to set out on a journey, to depart 26c g r e i tie it, l. ciiicin etroae, from one', to take away, tear away, pull away, snatch from ; 2. to break Off, down, to pull d own. 26 C fl r e i ti it » fl, / pulling or snatch- Ing away. 26 e fl r e i 1 1 ft, o. ir. n. (owe. fepn) to ride away or off. 26 e g r e ii t • it, b. oid. Snlrratca. 26 l fl V i d) t C 11, r. a. (ctllMJ) to give thing another direction, to guide something away from. 26 C fl V i t t, ?«. (~t) departure (on horse- 26 i fl toll I It, r. o. «<• n. (auz. ft!)n) U roll away or off 771 SBegf ®*fif SBc^f £B I \] V 3 fi C II, r. n. (aux. fety ll) 1° rllst j SB e g f fb 111 e I J C tl, ». »V. a. .fr n. (aux, away, to lie consumed by rust. SB C g V li Cf e 11, v. a. A- n. ( ; 2. to carry off or destroy by shooti'j filieil — , to shoot any one dead ; .j bolt away, to dart off. 2Be g f cb t f f C It, v. a. $■ n. (aux. fen it) to sliip ; to sail away or off. SB C g f d) I a g e It, t> ir. a. to beat away or oil'. SB C g f d) I ii It b C V 11, v. a. to fling away. SB e g f cb I e t cf) e n, i-. i>. rcji. to steal away, slink away. SBcgfcbl eifcn, ir. I. a. l. to grind off or away ; 2. fig to slur over in speaking: 3 lo omit in pronouncing; II. SBcgfcblfift'll, reg. a. to carry away or. a sledge, to remove on a dray. SB C g f d) I C t f It 11 g, /. I . grinding off; 2. omission, elision ; 3.SBcgfcbleiflllig, /. carrying away. 5.B c g f ct) I e it f r v 11, v. a. to (line away. SBcg fd) I e ppe n, «. a. to drag or carry away. oil'. 3GB e g f d) 1 1 it Ve x n, vid. SBegfd)lan= bent, •B c g f cb, I i ii g e it, v. vid. 33evfd;li:t= gen. SB e g f rb I it p f e it, i>. k. r.ux. fctjn) to slip away ur off; iibtt CiSut — , tu tlide nvei any thing. (JC f fi I d) 1 ii r f t It, v. a. to skim off. absorb iB C fc | A) m t i § t B, ». ir a. to throw away • r <72 • fern) to melt away, to melt off. 2Bnfd)liap V Clt, v. a. to snap or snatch away. SB C g f cf) II n r A) C It, v. a. fam. to drive away by snoring. SB C g f d; It ii It j C ft, v. a. to snuff away or off. SB c g f cb ii e i b c it, v. ir. a. l. to cut away ; 2. to retrench. SB C g f Cf) 11 C I b It 11 g, /. 1. cutting off or away , 2. S. T. apocope, aph.-eresis. SBf gf (f)lU cf f, /. \pl. -tl) slug snail. SB C g f d) 11 e ll e It, v. a. to fling away, send away with a jerk. SBcgfd)iii tt, m. (-cS) vid. SBcg= fd)iictMtiig. SB c g f d; v e cf c ii, v. a. to frighten away. SB 'e g f d) v c i c tl, v. ir. a. to drive away by crying or screaming. SB C g f d) f C 1 1 C tt, v. ir. n. to stalk, march or stride away ; libel' CiiUdfl — , to march over. SB e g f d) V II lit p f f t; v.n. to sliri vel away, fall or wither cT. SB t g f Cb. ii 1 1 e I II, v. a. to shake off or away. SB C g f cf) it t 1 1 it, v. a. to pour away. SB C g f cf) W ii V e It, v. ir. n. to suppu- rate and disappear, to come to a head and dry up. « SB e g f cf) xo ci r m e it, v. n. {aux. fetyit) to swarm away or off. SBcgf ct) iDcirjeil, v. a. to blacken over; to cause to disappear by black- ing. SB c g f d) tt) e I c rt, v. n. vid. {Jovt= fdjivebeu. SB e g f d) tt) C f C I tt, v. a. to remove (stains, &.c.) with sulphur to bleacher blanch. SB C g f d) tt) e lit lit t tt, ». a. to remove by a current or flood of water, to float away, to wash, carry, sweep away. SB eg fd)tt)iiit men, ». ?>. n. (aux. fetytt) to swim away. SB c g f d) to i ii b e tt, v. ir. n. (aux. fct)n) to vanish away, to fall away. SB e g f cb «) t it g e n, ». ir. a. $■ reji. to swing off or away, to dart off. SBegfcl) luifcen, v. vid. 2liiSfcbivi= feeu. SB'cgfegeln, v. n. (aux. fel^n) to sail off. SB C g f e g tl e n, «. a. to charm away (a fever, &e). SBe g f e I) e ti, t>. ir. n. (aux. Ijaben) to look away. SB C g f e I) 11 e n, v. refi. to long to de- part. SB C g f e 1! b e It, ». ir. a. to send away. SB c g f e ll g c ti, v. a to singe off. SB'c g f e fc e it, ». I. n. 1. to put away ; 2. to put beyond, to place out of the reach <»f; till Jlmb — , to expose a child ; II. refi. fig. ftrf) iiber ftlUnS — , to dis- regard, to be above minding a thing, to Blight it; fid) iiber cinbere — , not to mind others, to think one's self wiser in- belter than other people; III. n. (aux. ft'ttlt) to leap over (a ditch, &c). 333 eg ff ^ II, v. ir n. (aux. feBtl) be absent; 2. to be lost; 3. to be past'., gone ; fig. iiber ttmaS — , to be abovj a thing, to disregard it. JB r g f i r \ e ll, v. ir I. a to sing away or down ; II. n. (aux. prtbeil) to con- tinue singing. 2i! t £ \ o 1 1 c rt, v. a. dltpt. to be obliged ur bound to y°. 333 c g |*p e i e n, v. fr «. to spew or spi away, to vomit. SB c g f p i e 1 4 rt, ;>. a. A- u. to remove or expel by playine; \it bat ih)iibiclior» gen ttu-ggefviclt, she has piaytil away all his cares; 1)0111 93UttC — , Mas. T to play at sight by note. SB e g f p i It II e, /. sort of spider. SB C g f p 6 1 1 C I II, > ». a. to drive off, SB eg fp o t ten, > banish by laughing or jeering ; etiteiit eine @ewol)lll)Ctt ll. f. IV. — , lo laugh ane out of a habit, &c. SB i' g f p V e cf) e «, ». ir. I. a. 1 . to remove by speaking; 2. to disburden one's heart; 11. n. (mix bcibcn) 1. to speak openly freely, without reserve; 2. lo continue speaking. SB c g f p r c tt g e ;i, v. 1. a. to blow away with gunpowder; II. n. (am. fcttll) to ride oil' with full speed. SB c g f p v i it g e it, ». ir. v. (aux. fetyn) to jump or leap away or oil". SB C g f V V i 1} e It, v. a. to squirt away, to remove by squirting. SB c g f p ii I e it, v. a. to wash away. SB c g ft a v V e ll, v. ». to stare away, gaze off 333 f g ft (I U b, m. (-eS) road-dust. SB e g ft a n b e it, »,ji. (aux. fei)ii) to fly away like dust. SB C g ft e cb e it, v. ir. a. to remove with a sharp or pointed instrument. 333 C g ft C cf e It, « a. to put away cr aside ; to hide. SB eg fie 6,1 ett, v. ir. I. a. to purloin, steal away ; 11. refi. to steal oil", sneak off. SB e g ft e i it, m. vid. SBegeftein. SB e g ft e ll e tt. v s. ,-j put away or nSlde. %" SB 'e g ft e r b e it, v. ir. n. (aux. fet;it) to die away. SB c' g ft c it e r, /. vid. SBcgeftcuev. SB C g jt e ll e V ll, v. n. [aux. fotyll) to steer away, off. SB i' g ft i b t ^ « It, v. a. vu'g. to purlin, steal away (in an artful manner). SB e g ft fj C n, v. ir. a. to push away, to repel. SBegfiOJKftb, par t, a aj. sepulsory. SB C g ft r e t ct) e It, w. ir. I. a. to stroke m smooth off or away ; baS @clb — , 10 sweep up and pocket the cash ; fill SBovt — , to strike out a word ; eitten SBlinft illt ^OlltractC — , to^ expunge an article in a contract ; bie ^tliU'e 1)011 bev Sttflte — , to part oft' the hair from the forehead; II. n. (aux. fel)ll) to pass away or over, to fly away, depart (said of birds of passage). SB C g ft r C t f e It, v. I. a. to strip or slip (leaves from a branch) ; II. «■ (aux fettil) to skim away or along. SB c g ft r e 1 1 c n, r. ir. a to drive awiij by disputing or contending. SB c g ft r i d) e I n, b. n. to strike cut with lines, to dash or cross out. SB C g ft r 6 111 e 11, r. n. (aux. fettll) tn How. stream away or off. SB eg tab fin, ». n. to remove by censuring or blaming. SB eg tan belli, » a. eineni bie &ov gen — , to dally away any one's cares SB i' g t a II j e II, v. a. to dance away or off SB C g t f) II n, v. ir. a. to put awav <" aside SB e g t r n. (did. feljn) to dry up or away. 23 e g r> c r 1 a n g f it, ». n. to desire, to leave, to wish or long to go away. 23 C g t> C V It it tt f t C I It, v. a. to subtilize away. 23 C g TO a g C tt, v. rejl. to venture away, to dare to absent one's self. 3B i g to a 1 1 e tt, v. n. (aux. fetm) to go array, to go along, to wave, undulate. SB C g TO a I J C It, v . a. to roll away. 23'cgiua nbe nt, v. n. (««i. fcyu) to wander away. 23 t g TO A tt f t It, «. n. [aux. fetylt) to stag- ger or totter away, off. 23 £ g TO a V f, /. succory. 23 C g TO ii 1 1 8, adv. (I. u.) towards a dis- tant or opposite place. 23 C g TO it f d) e It, v. ir. a. to wash away o?- off. 23 c g to f i) e it, v. a. to blow away. 23 e g to e i b e tt, ?>. a. /am. ettient anbcvit bal @ra§ — , to graze upon the grass of another person. 23 e g to e i tt e it, v. a. feitt Sc&cu — , to weep away one's life. 23 C g TO e i f C tt, v. ir. a. to order to de- part, to send away, turn away. 23 « gTO e i f f r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) I. way- mark ; 2 guide, leader ; statute of Mercu- ry ; 4 S. T. gorget ; — Oil be V Sotf = TOClltb, JV. T. rope with thimbles and trucks, serving as a rack ; compos. — = John, m. guidage. 53 C g TO e it b e it, ?•. ir. a. to turn away ; fid) »ott cittern Wnblicfe — , to turn away from a sight ; ill 1 1 TOCggetimitbtCllt ©ejidjte, with averted face. 23 C g TO C r f C tt, v. ir I. a. to throw or cast away, to reject; 11. reft. Jiff, to prostitute one's self. 23 e g TO e T f U tt g, /. throwing away, rejecting: Gram. T. elision, apocope; compos. — Sjcirbcit (23egTOcrfjcid)ctt), u. apostrophe. 33 c g to c t} e it, v. a. to wear out by whetting. 23 C g TO 1 11 f f 11, v. a. A> n. to sign, nod or wink to any one to withdraw; tt TOinftc i()il TOeg, he beckoned to him to retire. 23 t g TO t f d) C It, d. a. to wipe away. 23 C g TO i fe e 1 11, 0. a. to do away by wit. SBcgTOplfeit, v. ir. n. {auz. f)ilbC!t) ellipt. to wish (want) to go. 23 e g TO ii ll f A) C It, v. a. to wish away or off 23 e g J a It b C V II, v. a. to remove by enchantment, to charm or conjure away. SB C g J C f) t e It, v. a. to consume, eat up, devour; fid) — , to waste or pine away. IBr" g 5 e h v 11 tt g, /. relief given to a poor passenger, viaticum. 55 ( g j c i g e rt, ». a. vid. SBegrocifett. 28 ( g \ i i g e r, ™. Bid. s IiiegTOeifor. 23eg$erreit, v. a. to drag or teaze away. 23 e g \ i e jj c it, »•. ir. I. a to draw away, pull away, draw off; cillCll 2Jovl)atig — , to undraw a curtain ; II. n. taut. fcl)lt) to depart, march away or off. 23 C g j i e i C tl, r. n. to aim away, else- where, at something else. 23 e g 5 1 f d) e it, 0. a. 4- n. (aux. fel)n) to depart or go oil" hissing, to hiss away or off. 2Bcgjltg, m. (-(§) 1. drawing away ; 2. removing ; 3. departure (of birds of passage). 2JB d f), Jlif'be, I. int. wo, woe ; — lit if ! wo to me ' — (?lld) ! wo to you I 11. adj. $• ado. sore, aching, painful; in a state of causing pains; — il)ltlt, to ache; bCV .ftppf th Jit lltif — , my head aches ; ber 3 expresses a more intense an«i 2ft& a less intense disagreeable sensation. Moreover the evil, that causes us i.',ii\ is an absent one j that, which causes us IDch, is :\ present one. Bodily pain is a sensnt, hence we say that an injury to our body gives ua pain (13*h). It causes us, bowever, i! adv. sorrow- ful, expressive of deep grief, bitter (of tears, &c.) ; mournfully, in a melan- choly manner. S IB , f. woman's hand ; — baileldlVlTt, /-.woman's handwriting; — banbfcbnbe, pi. women's gloves; — !)aP, m. women's hate ; women-hating, hatred against women, misogyny, — Ijajfw, m. vid. feittD ; — baiio, n. harem ; — QWBb, n. shift; — t)CVf|fbaft, /. female do- minion, petticoat government ; gynteo- crRC y ; — tjevj, 7i. woman's heart ; — ~ hof, m, harem ; court ruled by women ; — j)Ulb, /. o«t— 8«nfo —but, in. 1. bonnet ; 2. a woman's hat ; — jafK , /. woman's jacket, corset ; — Jttpe, /. petti- coat : — frtppe, /• woman's mob-cap; — flcib, n. woman's dress ; riding-habit; fnecbt, m. man servilely devoted to the female sex ; fop, coxcomb ; — = trail! f)eit, /• women's disease ; — fiailt, 7i. mugwort; — f tietj, m. war against or among women; — flUtft, /. address, finesse, tact of women ; woman's art or fk jH • — tiUltte, /. caprice or humour of women ; — k'l)Clt, n. female fief; — = licbe, /. women's love ; love for wo- aien ; — lift, /. women's craft, subtlety of women ; — ItfS, adj. without women, wifeless ; — lltft, f. recreation or amuse- ment for women ; — lltacbt, /. might or power of women, woman's empire ; — inaljvcfccn, «. — mabve, /. old wo- man's tale; — mangel, m scarcity of women; — lltatlll, m. man too much devoted to women ; man too much under the control of his wife; — malt* tel, 771. mantle, mantua; — in lid), /• woman's milk; — IHOVb, m. massacre :>f women ; murder of one's wife ; — - mincer, 7/i. murderer of women, of one's wife ; — miilje, /. rid. — baubc ; — name, 7«. woman's name ; — ltarr, in. t>iA — fncdjt ; — ucffel, /. white dead nettle, white archangel ; — Ot'bCll, m. 1. order for women ; female mo- nastic order; 2. joe. state of a married woman : in — Ol'eClt tvcteil, to get mar- ried ; — palaft, m. palace for women, seraglio; — yil «, /• plague or torment of or for women ; — pll&, «■ finery, fe- male ornament; — rocbe, /. woman's revenge, revenge of women; — vailfe, pi. female intrigues ; — vail), m. 1. fe- male advice, counsel ; 2. female coun- cil of women ; — vaub, m. abduction of women ; rape ; — rallber, m. abductor nf women; ravisher ; — veebt, n. right ■jr privilege of women ; — teatetung, / —regiment, a. vid. — berrfdbaft; — = tetd), I. adj. abounding in women, hav- ing many women; II. 7t. gynaioeracy; — rod 1 . 771. woman's gown, petticoat; — riicfcbeit, »■ petticoat; — voile,/ fe- male character or part on the stage); — fad)e, /. women's affair; ltd) tn — = faebeu mifd)en, to meddle with wo- men's affairs, to turn Molly ; — fage. /. a rumour bruited about among women ; — fattel, 77i. woman's saddle, pillion ; — frbam, /. pudenda of woman ; — * ftftaubcr, m, ravisher ; — febanbiittg, /. 774 rupe; — frfu'll, adj. averse to women ; fdmibCV, m. vulg. a brute or tyrant of a husband; — fc$mU C i t ; — t^rSlie, /. woman's tears; — tradjt, /. woman's garb, dress or cos tume ; — tteue, /. 1. trutli or fidelity of women; 2. Oeog. T. Weibertreue (ruined castle in Wirtemberg) ; — tllig, m. artifice or deceit of women ; — feer= debtel', m. scorner of women ; — »olf, 77. (collectively) women, females; — - h)ficbter, m. guard of women (in the East), eunuch ; — Wetfe, /. vid. --ayt, 1. j — xotxt, n. woman's work ; — ivi(}, m. woman's wit; — WO^UlUg, /. wo- man's lodgings ; gyncrceum (among the ancient Greeks) ; harem (of the Turks) ; — jattf, 771. vid. —ftveit; —iter, — - Jterbe, /. woman's ornament; — $0lt, /. women's terms; — Jtmmcr, n. apart- ment for women, vid.— VOPbltUltg ; — = jtl'Ecl, 771. circle or society of women ; — JOl'lt, m. woman's anger; — jUMltgev, 771. harem, seraglio. 22 e i b C V I) a f t, adj. womanish, effem- inate. SB e t b c v I i 11 g, m. (-S ; pi. -c) vid 2Betbling. SS e i b e r II, v. n. fam. joe. to long for a woman. SSetbeSsfcfconfcei t, /. female beau- ty ; — fcd)ll, 771. man. 2B e i b b, c 1 1, /. feminality. 2Bcibifd), I. adj. 1. effeminate, wo- manish, womanly; 2. uxorious ; II. adv. 1. effeminately, womanly ; 2. uxori- ously. 22 e i b I t d), adj. 1. feminine, female, womanly ; 2. womanish ; bdS — C &t- fdllfd)t, female sex, womankind: Gram. T. feminine gender; bie — C 'Jlatlir, feminality. 2B c i b I i el) t e i t,/. (pi. -eit) 1. woman hood, feminine nature, fault or weak- ness ; 2. feminality ; 3. female delicacy, female excellence ; 4. pudenda of a woman. 23 e t b I i n <\, m, (-$ ; pi. -e) com. ef feminate fellow. 2Be lb 8 =b i I b, n. woman, female; I'ill liebetltd)e8 — , a strumpet ;— bmbcr, 771. the woman's brother ; — gefitht, n. wo- man's face; woman; — gcftalt. /. wo- man's shape ; — tleib, n. vid. 22cibCl'= Ileib ; — leute, pi. — »olf, n. women ; — meilfd), — ftiicf, n. cont. female, wench ; — lltovb, 771. murder of a wo mrai, of one's wife ; — morber, m. mur- derer of a woman, of one's wife ; — = yerfOtt, /. female ; — J)ptd)t, /. female 3Bciri) duty, duty af woman; — fibuttbfl u. f. m. vid. 22eibcvfd)iteitev it. f. w. — I'dnveftev, /. wife's sister ; — fiidjtig, adj. vid. 22cibevfitd)tig-, — ttjeil, m the wile's portion, succession or inhe ritance; wife's thirds; — 'JOlE, n. vid SBetbertJOtt. aSeibfeil, 77. (-8; pi.—) vulg. wo- man, female. 23 c id), I. adj. 1. soft, tender, weak; 2./^-. easily affected, soft, tender; 3. ef- feminate; — mad^Clt, to soften, move, B ffi;ct; — lvevbett, fig. to relent; Il.aiu= tig, adj. soft-skinned ; malacodermous, — |«rjig, I. adj. tender-hearted, easily moved or affected : soft ; II. adn. softly ; — bcr$igfeit, /. tender-heartedness, soft- ness ■ -i—liitftt], adj. having a soft hoof: — torn. ti. soft wheat ; — frailt, 71. B. T m.illugo, — fitbel, 771. steeping-tub ; — = fufe, /. vid. — bottid); — leibig, adj loose in the bowels, — Uibigfeit, / looseness: — miithig, adj. vid. — ber= jig ; — miitbigfeit, /. vid. — ^crjifl* [ejt; — vflafier, ?i. softening-plaster — febalig, adj. that has a soft shell; — » fdjroamm, m. pulvinate agaric; — « fd)H>ailj, 771. parasite crab: — ftaepehg, adj. B. r. muricated; — ftein, 7». vid, JtaUftcin. 23 c 1 d) b 1 1 b, 71. (-C3) precinct, doue- dary and jurisdiction of a town; compot. — gelt 1 , 71 interest of the corporation- f linu . _gcvid}t, 71. municipal jurisdic tion . — ved)t, ?i. municipal right. 23eid)e, /. (pi. -n) softness, weak- ness; 2. flank, side, weak side; 3. soak- ing, steeping ; c3 liegt ill bCV — , it lies a soaking. 23 C I d) C n, pi. groin ; compos. —* fl <|*« n. A. T. Fallopian ligament ; — bvurp, jn. S. T. inguinal rupture; — bviife, /. inguinal gland. 23 et die 11, «. ir. n (am. feiMi) 1. to give ground, lose ground, make or give way or place ; to yield, submit, retire, retreat ; 2. fig. to be inferior to ; , ii. holy-wafer; — • bruniieii, — feffel, raub churches, holy-water pot ; — fatten, ;/.' holy fasts; ember weeks; — flabc, /. holy gift; — sjebet, n. prayer; — flf= ltibbe, It. vow; — jJCllbllbC, 7i. votive picture; — jjcfaiiit, ?«. holy song ; con- ng hymn; — gcfdpcilf, re, gift: — fcld), m. holy chalice : — frail), ra. consecrated wreath; — fvailt, » herb; — Itebj re. vid. — gefang J — = HK)"fe, / consecrating ina>s ; — ItadU, /. vid. below ; — 51, i d oil. unguent, chrism: — i)Uil|t, m. vid. — = roebel; — vaucf,, m. vid. below; — fat), re. consecrated salt ; — fdu'ift, /. dedi cation; — fpvcu^cl, m. oid.—votBtl; —teller, m, v. the paten; — tafcl, /. votive tablet; — toajfer, n c mseorated water, holy water; — mebe(, m. holy- water sprinkle, holy water -tick. 3Beif)e, /. [pi. -n) consecration, in auguration, inititatinh, sanction, ratifi i; — etrtefl ©eiftlicbcn, ordina- tion: — CtneS 23ifd)pf8, consecration of a bishop; fie — IH'blllCll, to take orders; tic — VCVl'idUfll, 10 consecrate: to bestow the benediction; s/so to give or confer orders ; bte VICV lllttcill — ;:, the four mini mit — nut Saibung fpvecbeu, . with un. -non: bie — be3 DicibterS, me poet's inspiration, 3SS i 1 1 ( e, f. ,-!■ -11 glede, glede kite ; bit tofttge — , the mooiy buzzard : tie a,c= nicine — , the common kite. SB C l bC I It, c, ii prnrinr. I. to take til" veil ; '-'. to wrap one's self up in a veil. \!.i> c i b e ii, p. a. I. to cnVisecral augurate : 2. fig. t i icate eincn Oetftltcpen — , i dain; cineii SBif^of — , to consecrate a i fid) — laffeu, to ta •; v o 1 1 b e it, 7i. (-6) c d voting. SD3 e i h c r, m. -i . ,•■' — a ms crntor. 93i e C E) e r, m. (-8; ;-' — ) lish-pond, vivary ; tompos. — ampfer, m. water ; — anbpi'u, m. water-horehound ; — billfe,/ club rush bull-rush; — Mat' tcv, pi. brond-lo.r. I; — J bamm, m. dam of a pond ; — fi'd\ pond-fish; — fufj, m. the cr< crowfoot; — Folbc, / reed-elub; — = II II 5/ f I' «tftlg water-caltrops; — rieb, — vphv, re. common reed-grasB; — « ivaffer, n pond water. 20 c i m n t b = fi d) t e, — ficfer, /. the - N'ew Bngland pine 3B e i b n a $ t c it, pi. Christmas, yule. EDB e i b n a d) 1 8 = a b c it b, m I hnM mas eve : — apfel, m Christmas-arph (for children); — Wtll, /. kind « winter-pear; — feicr, f. Christmas c* :T3 2B«it ffiettt SBem Oration ; — feie rtage * — feriett, pi. Christmas-vacation ; — feft, ri. Christ- mas feast ; — freubc, /. pleasures of Christmas; — gabe,/. .« — gcfdieuf, ?t. Christmas-box; — gelb, i. offering; — gefaitg, in. Christmas-'santicle «r carol ; — gottcSbtciift, m. Christmas- service ; — hllhlt, n. + fowl iltie by tenure on Christinas day ; — fua)fll, m. Christmas cake ; — lieb, n. Christmas-ca- rol, Christmas son;: : — uttirft, m. Christ- mas-fair; — llteffe, /. fair helil at Christmas-tide ; — matte, /. matins of Christmas; — morgctl, m. morning of Christmas- lay ; — prebrgt,/. Christmas- sermon; — gitiU'tal, n. Christmas quar- ter ; — vofe,/ Christmas-rose ; — fyiele, pi. yule-games ; — tag, m. Christmas- day; — \V0d)(, /. Christmas-week; — jeti, /. Christmas-time ; + Christ- mas tide. l£ C t f) r it II d), m. (-§) 1 . incense, frankincense; Z.jig. praises flatteries; 3. name of a gum used for fumigating ; eilieirt — ftrcuctt, to flatter one; com- pos. — brtlint, m. — ficfer, /. incense- tree; Virginian swamp pine; — biifb = fe, /. incense-box or vase; — bctlltpf, m. smoke or steam of incense; — faf), u. censer; — ftd)te, /. vid. — ficfer; — t>olbcr, in. vid. — ftraucb ; — ftijb cfecit, n. incense-casket or box; — fic= fcf, /. frankincense pine tree ; torch- pine ; — f bluer, pi. frankincense, manna thuris; — fraitt, ?t. hazel wort; — = maitna, n. incense-manna; — littbe, /. incense-bark ;■ — ft a lib C, /. — fir it lid), m juniper; — BOfjCl, m. the golden thrush, oriole ; — nuKhbolber, m. vid. — ftlMlld) ; — nnirj, /. vid. 3io8ntariit. $3 C t f, I. conj. because, since ; II. adv. as, aslong as. while ; during ; — lllilll nod) Jung iff, as long as one is yet \ bung. SB e t 1 a ll b, + & * I. adv. once, formei ly, heretofore; II. adj. indecl. late, de- ceased, defunct. iii e t 1 = ii r b c i f, /. Min. T sxtra work : — ort, m. stopping or halting place ; — = JCtt, /. time of sojourn or stay. S3J C I ( C, /. 1. space of time, while ; 2. idle time; 3. leisure ; bor filler flei= nett — , a little while ago; lattge — macpfU, to weary, tire, to be tedious to: lange — fyabett, to b° tired, to feel ennui, to want pastime; eile llltt — , prov. festina lente. •hifl'Ieit, v. I. o. 1. (n. i. u) to delay, retard; 2. -f to cover with a veil ; II. ii. (aux. fcabeit (J- rcfi.) to stay, tarry, vid. ajmueilen. i.3 e i I c r, 77i. (-8 ; pi. — ) + veil. •1*3 e i I c r, 771. <$- n. (-« ; pi. — ) hamlet, will. BJefl t tt g, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) sto. Ssh. liS e i in e, / pole. IB e 1 in it t I) 8 ; f t d) t e, — ficfer, / sort of pine. Kent, m. (-tii pl.-e) I. wine; 2. vine; gcfcfjrurfc 1 tCf — , wine cleared or prepared with brimstone : C t it bci'- ber — , a hard wine; — abjic[)cit, to rack wine, draw wine from the lees; — billteil, to till vines; bell — bitlbcil, tff'lllietrcil, to dress vines; — lefcil, to gather grapes ; — feltem, to press grapes; fliUl'lt ur rrtlieit — ciltfcieiU feu, jig. to ttljone the plain truth; compos. — nccife, /. wine-excise, duty on wine; - — vlvfcl, t«. wine-apple ; — = arm, adj. producing hut a small quan- tity of wine ; — Suite, /. vid. — ernfe ; — artig, adj % viaous; — angiefa, n. taberry; — C«lif / wine 'avert — « bail, 7n. tilling of vines, cultivation of the vine; — bailer, m. tiller of vines, vine-dresser ; — becber, to. wine goblet ; — beere,/. grape; — beeibutte, f. vid. — butte; — bcerbjilfe, /. husk of grapes ; — beertei'tl, m. grape-stone ; — bcerl, n. prooinc. raisin; — becriltufi, 77. a kind of sauce made of grapes; — ' beetfaft, 771. juice of grapes; — beitt= liolj, 77. privet, dogwood; — berg, ta. hill planted with vines; vineyard; vines ; im — bcrge bes .f3ernt arbcu ttn, to work in the Lord's vineyard ; — -berggrille, /. field-cricket; — berg= bitter, m. guard of a vineyard; — be= Umebtelt, adj. overgrown with vines; — bint,/, wine-pear; — blatt, 77. v ; ne- leaf, vine-leaves; — blatter, /. red pimple ; — blame,/, water filipendula, water-dropvvort ; — blittlje, /. 1. vine- blossom; 2. time when the vine is in blossom; — braitllilVCtll, vi. vine-bran- dy; — bl'Ob, 71. vine-sop; — brill) e, /. wine-sauce; — blltte, /. tub in which the grapes are carried to the press, vine- coop ; — bPrn, m. vid. — rofe ; — btoffel, /. vvind-thruse ; — bllttfi, 777. fume of wine; — cillftblag, to. preparation for colouring or flavouring wine ; — ertitc, /. vintage, vindemiation, grape-gathering ; — e||tg, 771. vinegar, wine-vinegar; — = — fiicb|Cl', 771. young set, or slip of a vine; —- farbe, /. wine colour; — far= belt, — farbig, adj. wine-coloured ; — = favit, m. common tansy ; — fap, 71. wine-cask; — felb, 77. field planted with vines; — flafd)C, /.wine-bottle, wine- flask; — flecfeil, m. wine-stain; — frol}= lie, /. service due to the lord of the manor at vintage; — fll[)t'e,/. load of wine; — gabel, /. vine tendril; — ga= ben, 777. 777.7;. — feller; — gaining, /. fermentation of the wine, vinous fer- mentation ; — gartctt, 777. vineyard; — gavteiigriitt, n. dog's mercury ; — = gavteufalat, m. rampion ; — giiititcr, m. vine-dresser ; — gai'teilboget, 771. redwing, swine pipe, wind-thrush; — = ga)d)t, m. foam (head) of wine ; — gafi, m. guest, bottle-companion; — gebtrge, ?i. mountains planted with vine, hills of vine; — gt'fitfj, n. wine vessel ; — ge= geilb, /. country where vines grow and where wine is made ; — flftfi/ ?"• spirit of wine, ardent spirit; — gelag, n. drink- ing-bout, drinking-match ; — gelallbcr, 71. espalier or trellis for training vines ; — gelb, adj. vinous yellow; — gelb, 71. 1. money received or paid for wine ; 2. wine duty ; — gelet)l't, adj. (I. v.) skill- ed or learned in wine; ■ — gei'lid), m. smell or flavour of wine ; — gcfdjtlT, 77. wine-pot, wine-vessel ; — gc fdmiacf, to. vinous taste (flavour) ; — glilS, n. wine-glass ; — glutl), /. glow, heat of wine; — gott, m. Bacchus, god of wine; — grail, n. sort of gray colour ; — grill!, I. adj. seasoned for or by wine (said of casks) ; II. 77. winter-green, ivy, periwinkle ; — gultf, /. duty, rent or service of wine ; — fjadfe, /. vid. — = t)illie; — fjaft, adj. vinous ; — fjatlbel, m. wine-trade; — bcinMer, 77.-. wine- merchant, dealer in wine, vintner; — = bailMultg, / place where wine is sold ; wine-store; — l)iillflitlg, 771. linnet; — = baffir, 771. hater of wine; — baite, /. hoe used in vineyards ; — f)au8, n. wine faults, wine-tavern ; — I)eber, m. syphon ; — l)efeit, pi. wine-mother, dregs or lees of wine ; tl'OCfciie — f)e= fen, addle; — l)efeitbraiiiitrocitt, or — brfeitgeift, 771. brandy made of lees; — befeitgraii, adj. orgal-grey ; — bilje, /. heat of wine ; — berr, m. inspector ofwine; — l^plj, n. vine-wood, vine; — bitgel, m. vine-ttill ; vineyard ; — = btilfe, /. vid. — beerfmlfe. — tiiter, keeper of a vineyard ; — jitbr, 71 wine-year, year when the vineyards abound in good grapes ; — fafev, m fuller-beetle; — faltefcbale,/. sop with wine, wine caudle; — faitlte, /.'wine- can ; — fiUTClt, 771. wine cart; — farr* net, m. driver of a wine-cart; — fauf, TO. purc-liase ofwine ; celebration of an agreement or bargain by the drinking of wine; — feller, 771. wine cellar ; wine- tavern, wine-vaults ; vintry ; — fetter, /. wine-press; — feitltcr, m. Judge of wines; — fetttttltifj, /. knowledge of wines ; — fei'tt, m. grape-stone ; — f tefer, 771 provinc. person officially appointed to taste the wine ; — ti\)$tt m. retailer oj wine; — filfdje, /. deadly night shads ; — fiteipe, /. vid. — fdjeufe ; -— fno«»e, /. vine-bud; — foci), jr. ca7it. wine- cook (a name given to the month of August, because it matures the grapes) ; — fpfter, to. wine-taster, wine cornier ; vid. — fiefer ; — frahit, m. wine-cock ; —frailff)ett,/. illness from wine; — ' frail}, 7n. wreath, sign of taverns : — * frailt, 71. pimpernel, burnet ; — fritg, 771. wine-pot ; — f life, /. wine-tub ; — = fii!)ler, 771. wine-cooler; — Eiipcr, 711. wine cooper ; — labf It, 771. shop where wine is sold; — liigel, 77. hogshead, cask with wine ; — fiigelctn, n. provinc. barberry; — lager, n. gauntree, slic- ing ; store of wines ; storehouse 01 wines; — lattb, 71. wine-country ; — - lailPcr, 771. inhabitant of a wine coun- try ; —liltte,/ lath for vines; — lailb, 71. vine leaves, foliage of the vine; — - Iilllbe, /.vine-arbour; — lallbflab, m thyrsus; — laud), 711. craw-garlic; — ■ letter, /. dray-ladder ; — lei'fbe, /. tuft- ed lark; — lefe, /. vintage, vindenii ation, grape-gathering ; — lefe tjaltcil, to vindemiate, gather the grapes; — = (efer, m. — leferittlt, /. vintager, vine- reaper; — lieb, 71. drinking song ; — = 108, adj. not producing wine; — maf= If r, m. wine-agent; — mangel, m. scarcity ofwine; — lltavft, m. wine- market ; — Ittiljj, 7t. wine measure J —meter, m. -\ mcifier, m. sur- veyor of the vineyards ; — Tttef= fcr, 711. areometer; — metf), m. vi nous hydromel ; — lllitd)er, to. mixer, adulterator of wine ; — moiiat, m. wine- month, October; — muff, m. must, cute ; — motte, /. vine-fretter; — Uliifi, 71. a kind of sauce made of grapes; — 1UU- ftfl 1 , 71. wine sample; — mutter, /. wine-mother, lees of wine ; — llicbei'= lage, /. store-house of wines; — 6(, n. sulphuric ether ; — ^adlie, /. vine- palm (a sort of palm which yields a juice similar to wine) ; — VffbJ' '». vine-prop; — ^firfld), m. vine-peach; — Vflaume, /. queen-mother (a plum) ; — prdfeittirtcller, m. wine-waiter ; — * pveiS, 711. wine-price, price of wines; — yrciSjettel, m. bill or list of wine- prices ; — pl'f ffe, /■ wine press ; — pXC be,/. CA. T. liquor vini probatorius ; — = prober, — friifer, m. wine-prover; — ratlfe, / vine branch ; — ranpe, / vine fretter, whirl-worm; — rail|d), m. intoxication occasioned by wine ; — * raute, /. garden-rue; — lcbe, /. vine; — rcbeitftocf, m. vine-stick ; — reeb= niing, /. wine-bill, vid. — jcrbe, — =• reid), adj. vinous; abounding in vines; — veiS, 71. vine-shoot ; — router, m. vine-rummer ; — rofe, /. sweet briar, eglantine, wild rose; — rofellflraud), m. eglantine, dog-rose tree; — roll), I. adj. wine-red, ruby; II. n. wine-red; — llltbe, /. wine rod ; — fatter, adj vinous acid ; — fiilterlict), a dj. some- what vinous ; sourish : — fiinerling, to rirf. --avfel; — fSltffT, to. -jo/^ man given to wine ; wine bibber; — "auve, f. acidity of wine, vinous arid; — - fd)iit>ltlig, m. barberry; — fd)ate, /. wine-cup ; — ffbailf, m. retail of wine ; tine it — fdjattf baben, to retail wine ; — fctjaitfdl'erfjt, n. wine-licence ; — = fdw^er, m. appraiser of wine ; — = fdicnf, m. vintner, tavern keeper ; — = iduufc, /. vintry, tavern, wine-house ; — fcblaild), m. leather-bag or sack for containing wine ; fig. wine-bibber; — = fcfokbf, /. bafberry-tree ; — frf)rcter, m. person who conveys wine into or out of a cellar, wine-porter, shooter; — fegett, to. rich harvest of grapes ; —feeling, m. vid. — ffiebfer ; — fieb, *. wine-strainer; — fiab, m. stick of a vire ; — ftflbt, /. town where are vine- yards ; — ftechcr, m. vid. — fticber ; — Petit, m. tartar, argal, argol ; — ftcitt OH belt Babltcit, tartar of the teeth, sciic'3; ottrtoltffrter — flcitt, sulphate of .potass, vitriolated tartar; tar tavtfii"= ter — ftcilt, tartrate of potass, soluble tarar; blattl'tge — fkilicrbc, acetate of potass ; — fieinarlig, adj. tartareous, ft tarous ; — ftcinaitfl&fltng, /. solution Of tartar; — ftcillflllt!, m. argol dust nn.l sweepings; — fteiltgcift, m tartar; — ftetltol, n. oil of tartar; — jtcitimbllt, — ftcillfnijtaU, m. supertartrate of potass, crystals or cream of tartar ; — - jteiltfals, n. m salt of tartar; — ftcilt= frtllVf, /. tartaric acid ; — ftCtllfaiU'CS @alS, tartrate, tartrite ; — flctitfaui'C-J Jtali, tartrite of potash ; — ftCUCl", /. duly of wine: — ft t ct) c r, m, wine- conner; — flocf, m. vine; — fuppe, /. wine-soup; — tonne, / wine tun, wine- cask; — triiber, — triefter, pi. the skins or husks of pressed grapes ; — - tvailbf, /. buncli or cluster of grapes ; — tfifbicr, vi. wine-funnel ; — trinfec, m. wine drinker; — tl'Otte, /. vid. — = preffe; — trilltfett, adj. intoxicated with wine ; — uerfalfcbcr, m. adulter- ator of wine ; — OCl'lflffer, m. vid. — = bdnblcr; — oifirer, to. winc-gauger ; — VjDVVath, m. store of wine ; — mad)8, m. growth of wine ; gittcit — WCld)i babctl, to produce much or good wine (said of a district; ; — Wage, /. wine- gauge ; — tuagctt, m. wine-wagon ; — - IDC tier, n. good weather for the growth of wine; — tuil'tl), m. vintner; — = ffirlbfcfoilft, /. vintry, wine-tap ; — = tDWJ, /. common aveti3, herb bennet ; — gapfer, to. wine-tapper; — jcrbe, /. wine-score; — }ed)ei", to. vid. — foil* fer; — tebllte, m . tithe paid of wine ; — tcicbcil, h. sign of a tavern; — jic = (;ev, m. vine-dresser; — JtltS, to. vid. — Quite; — 50II, m. ii« "» or impost on wine; — Jllbcr, to wine-.uh. IB ei lie (it, v. n. (aire, fjabcti) 1. to have a vinous taste ; to smell of wine ; 2. SBetltclll, to shed some tears, to feel an inclination to weep. 8Be t n en, ». a, „> «. (am. baben) 1. to weep for, shed tears, cry ; 2. fig. (of trees) to drop; liber nr inn ttxoai — , to weep for, lament for; feilt ?Ittge Wetnt, Ill's eye waters ; fig. bCl' 2JJc< It - flocf lUeillCt," the vine drops. 5B e in c 11, n. (-8) weeping. (Be tit cube, m. * /. dcd. like adj. weeper. 53 ( t tt c it 8 h) e r t b, adj. deplorable, If-mentable. HO enter, m . (-«; r i. __) weeper. crier. ?B c in e V 1 1 cb, adj. tr adv. inclined to *.-eep ; eilt — er Ten, a whining tone ; SBrif ®eip mtr ift fo — , I feel as if 1 could cry ; — (tiftig, adj. tragi-comical SB e I tt e r 1 1 d) f c i t, f. fan. whining tone, lamentable look, lacln; humour. 2B e I n e r 1 1 n g, m. vid. SBciner. 2B C i It i cb t, adj. vinous, winy. SBet It i g, adj. A- ado. viioua. 333 e i n I i 11 g, to. (-c8 ; pi. -e) any fruit of a vinous or acid taste, viz. wine- apple, wine pear, &c. 323 e t 8, adv. only used with ntacfecn, sometimes with IVCfbClI ; cillCtll ettUflS — lltacbcit, to make one believe, to impose upon one, to deceive, delude : CtUJClS — roerbfll, to perceive, to sii'ell out. Syn. 18 f i« m.i^ptn (ti n e m 1 1 m ,1 i), M u f. biitfccn. He, who safbiiitel somctlimg upon any one, i. e. gulls, hoaxes, tricks any one, is never artuateJ by n friendly feeling towards the party deceived, but regards lmn as a dupe, gull, &c. ; he who makes something look fair and smooth (tDtio in.iihi) to any one, i. e. tells him a white lie or gives a plausible appear- ance to anything, may be actuated by Ir.emlly feelings towards the party deceived, or in a good sense have kept the person in the dark. 23 cite, I. adj. wise, sage; knowing, cunni ng ; II. ado. wisely, sagely; eill — V i'luMllt, R wise or Base man ; also a fortune teller; ciite — gran, a wise- cunnins woman ; a fortune-teller; vid. Syn. iRiUg. 2Beifc, to. dec!, adj. sage, wise man. philosopher; bcr >5tciit bcr — it, the philosopher's stone; bte ft'eoctt — it ©riecbcilliiItbiS, the wise men of Greece ; bte brci — n au8 'Diovgciilanb, the three kings of the East, the Magi (of the Scriptures). SOS effe, f.(pl. -It) 1. mode, manner, way, wise, rate, course, run. fashion, method, custom ; state, condition j 2. Oram. T. mood ; 3. melody, tune ; Otlf foldje (bicfe)_— , in such a (in this) manner; ttllf fcillC — , in no wise; tbbridjter — , foolishly; iinbcfoniicncv — , indiscreetly; grailfailUT — , cruel- ly; cr hat ("cine eigenc — , he has a particular way, knack. 3B C i f C I, m. (-8 ; pi.—) the queen bee; compos. — gcfdltgiltp, n. prison for the queen-bee (in the hive) ; — l)illts, n. cell of the queen-bee ; — lo8, adj. with a queen-bee. ffie if C 11, v. ir. a. 1. to show, indicate, let see, point out, direct; 8. to teach ; 3. to censure, lecture ; 4. to send to or from a place; tlllf etllMw — , to point at: ». nn cincil — , to direct to one; etroafl Don fid) — , to decline, refuse ; fid) — Ulffcit, to be doable; id; Hull c6 ihut febon — , I'll teach him good manners; ei lvirc fid) — , time will show it; illl8 tClll SaUtC — , to exile, banish. Syn. :3fifrn, Sti^tn. Srijtn merely de- notes the action by which some one makes anything remarkable to some one else, iB*:» fen indicates, at the same time, the instruc- tion, which the other receives by this action. A peraon ifi^l (points out) something, by - it nut Irom luminal many things or by the movement of the hand, the linger, &c. A person roriftt (shows) anything to another by letting him see it, in order that he may acquire a knowledge of it. When a person teacuei another, thai what he lias done is irronfl then he pcrircifrt him (i. r. him hi* error). To the teaching of that which any one has to do belongs also commanding. One ivrii'tt (shows,) another the door, when one commands him to go out ; one \t\^i it (points it out) to him, who cannot find it. 2Bef| Clt, 7i. (-8) showing, pointing out. SEBeffet, m. (-8; pi.—) \ p,,- tliinu' that shows or points oul : shower, teacher; 2. queen bee ; 3. hand (of a clock nr watch) ; compos. — bl'tlbt, m. wire moving the hands of a clock or watch; — lofl, adj. deprived of the queen-bee ; — lverf, n. that part in thi works of a clock&r watch which mcves the hands; minute-work. 2 ( 3 e i 8 () e 1 1, /. I . wisdom ; 2. prud discretion; 3. knowledge ; compos. — ■' = biillfel, to. conceit, pride of knowledge ; — Sfeiltb, m. enemy of wisdom, also of philosophy ; — ejforfcfjer, m. philosopher, searcher after wisdom: — sfor|ibtllig. /. philosophy ; — efrennb. m. lover i ( wisdom, philosopher; — 8fe^eil, m. ImL scrap of learning; chop logic ; — 8gitr= tel, m. 7*. belt imbued with itch oint iiient : — Sfram, •,» mock-philosophy — 8franter, to, lear,.v. H boaster, con ceiled pedant; wiseacre; — slcl'rc, J philosophy; — Slfbtcr, m pluKisopher; — Slebng, adj. philosophical ; — 8narr, r». fam. learned fool ; — BprtbtOtT, to. preacher of wisdom: — sgitcKe, ./". source of wisdom or knowledge ; — 8= fpnid), to. wise sentence, apothegm; — ■ 4»oU, adj. full of wisdom ; — 8till'lt, m. wisdom-tooth ; large tooth, grinder ; — 8jalllle, pi. upper grinders: fig. er bat bic— 8!af)ne ttocb nidu befoimnen, he has not cut his vvlse tei th yet 2B C i 8 1 i d), ado. w i i ident- ly, discreetly. SOB C i & I i It g, m. (-8 ; jrf. -el emt. wise- acre, pretender to wisdom. $3 C i fs, adj. 1 . white ; 2. fig. clean : 3 blank; 4. -f of silver; bit — e "Snibe, white colour; — C8 99 TW, white bread: — eSBaaren, white goods; — -*9QBa= fd)e, clean linen; eilt — c8 papier, a blank ; bte — e Siiptbe, week after Easter; — ftcbeit, to blanch: — gar» belt, to tan; — e iPfiuhtt: ($l\illtiMI = ftiMtcitfci), white canons; bcr — c \Mt= Icr, white eagle; fie war — geflcttet, she was clad in white; •— e8 JflB, white or untarred cordage : — c fHott, Mus. T. minim; fig. ru'?;. fid) — brcil = ncn, to exculpate one's self to argue one's innocence : compos. — flUct, /. ml. — pilpVel ; — arillig, adj. white armed; — .uige, n. I, the wliite-evci cicada ; -'. white spotted phalaenn : — lucfeil, n. trade or privilege of baking white or wfaeaten bread; — batter, m, baker that bakes white or wheaten bread; — bj = dig, aojf. white (baked) ; — battb, n.a s;x;- cies of perch : — bavfd), — l'i)r8, m. the whiting; — barf, to. I. white beard; 2 the ouandemn ; geropo'.'on : — bantu, m. vid, — pappel ; — bci;c, f.T. dis- charging acids: — bier, n. a kind of light beer; — btcrbiMitcc, m. brewer of pale-beer; — bicihcfcn, pi the g'nina of air dried malt; — billbcr, m. croper that makes pails and tubs; — bin':, /. white birch; — bint, /. blanket-acar ; — blatt, n. /?. T. while leaf, argophyl- lum ; — bfattcrig, adj. white leaved ; — blatt, « JKi i. v '. glaucoma (a d reasfl of the eyes) ; — bled), n tin-plate, while iron-plate; — bledjfcbmteb, m. kindol whitesmith; — blci, » white-lead; — = blcici'J, n. white-lead ore. carbonate of lead; — bliitig, adj. white hi — brcb, ji. white bread : — Iniijlcben, 7i. vid — fcbldictt; — bndH", /. white l ch; yoke-elm; — bncbeii, adj. ol white beech; of yoke elm wood ; — » buftg, a/.j. wblte-bosomed ; — born, rr. whitethorn] hawthorn; — btoffel, /. beccatico; — cicbc, / the chcsnul leaved oak tree ; — cllcr, f. com- mon alder-tree ; — trie, / vid. — filer; — erj, 71. white-copper-ore; — cfpc, / vid. —pappel ; — favben, — farbig, adj. white coloured, white lined J — fcffrtg. adj. white-feathered ; — ftcbte, — f&bre, /. silver fir, white-fir ; — ftcber, n. Mei T. green Bid -; — fiebt« 777 3Beig ng, adj. having (or with) white plu- mage, white-plumed ; — fillf, "i- white finch (chaffinch), fallow-finch, white- tail, while car; — jtfd), m. whiting, bleak, white bait. May ; — ffCif ig, adj. having (,-r with) wliite spots, white- Bpotted; — floffer, m. lish with white fins : — fobrc, /. Ich. T. gray; — fucbS, m. light sorrel [or red coloured) horse - — fUpifl, adj. having or with white feet, white-footed ; — flttllerte, /. blanc- Kianger ; blemonge ; — ^ilt, adj. tawed; — flcflliiiclf, udj. white-winged ; — = gclb, adj. pale-yellow, white or whitish yellow; flaxen; — gei'bcit, n. tawing ; — aether, m. tawer; — gerberbanb= lvcrf, n. tawer's trade; — gerbmiMavo, f. white leather, tawed skins; — gcr= beVCt, /. tawer's trade or workshop ; — gefdjioaiilf, adj. having a white tail, white-tailed ; — getiipfclt, adj. white- dotted ; — tj[a», n. white glass j — gliu I)Cllb, adj. wliite hot, of a white heat: — g[ul)bi§e, /.white heat; — jjolb, ». white gold, platina, platinum; — gran, adj. white gray, hoary; — gvaulid), adj. pale -grayish ; — grdfd)Cll, m. white- groat; silvergrosh; — gulbcticrj, n. Miu. T. white silver-ore; — fyaavig, adj. white- {or flaxen-) haired; — i)al= fig, adj. white-necked, white throated ; — fyiitttii], adj. white-handed; — harj, a. white rosin (or resin) ; — QOij, n white-wood- tree; white-wood; — - t)ll^lt, n. white grouse, ptarmigan, the lagnpus or white game ; — fel)ld)eu, ?! robin white breast, stone-chat; — flCs, r«. white pyrites ; — ftl'fcbe, /. white heart-cherry; — flar, adj. white and transparent, clear-white ; — fobf, m. — fraut, 7i. white cabbage ; — lojjf, m. 1. a person with a white or hoary head ; 2. flaxen-headed fellow or boy ; 3. white-headed bird (eagle, &c.) ; — = foVfig, adj. having a white or hoary head, white-pated, flaxen headed ; — = fraut, m. linen-trade ; linen shop ; — = trainer, m. linen-draper ; — fiilltind, m. caraway; — fuvfer, n. white cop- per, tutenag ; — flipfet'CVJ, n. white copper-ore; — Iarf>3, m. white salmon; — laubett, m. B. T. white beam-tree ; — Icbcr, n. white leather ; — lotb, n. white (and) soft solder; — metaU, «, queen's metal : — 111U1S, n. B. T. lamb's lettuce ; — tiacf ig, adj. white-naped, white polled, vid. — balftg ; — nageU febmieb, m. pin-maker; — ttafig, adj. white-nosed ; — pappel, /• white pop- lar, abel-tree ; abele ; — pfennig, m. silver-penny ; — rctb, adj. whitish red ; — = Oiilfslanb, v. (Ocogr.) White- Russia ; — ftbecfig, adj. white- spot- ted, white-speckled, white checkered ; — frbilUlttcl, m. white horse ; — = — fcbuabel, m. white-billed wood- pecker; — fdjltabclig, adj. having (or with) a white bill, white-billed; — = fcfeuppi;], adj. with or having white scales, white-scaled; — fcQlVan}, m, the white tail : — fcbvoailjig, adj. white- tailed ; — fcibeit, adj. consisting or made of white silk; — ftebctt, n. — flic, m. T. blanching ; — fubfeffel, — ftcbcff f-- fel, in. blanching copper ; — fpreilfcltg, rid. — fd)ccfig ; — ftammig, adj. with (or having a white trunk or stem, whits- trunfced {or stemmed) : — fleilt, m. .Mai. ']'. white-stone ; — ftiritig, adj. with a White forehead, white-browed; — = tanite, /. vid. — ftcbte; — oetlcben, n. •pring snow drop ; — fcitl'iol, m. white vitriol; — lvaffer, n. Goulard's ex- tract, (a saturated/ solution of the sub- ecetate of lead ; — tcetlt, m. white wine ; — WOiiig, adj. with white wool, whitc- ■rvoolled ; — trurj, /. Solomon's seal ; 778 SBeit — jabnig, adj. white-toothed ; — teug n. (white) linen ; VcillfS — JC1IJ, clean linen ; vid. Scilliuailb ; — jillll, it. white tin. 2Be l 6, n. (-til white. 23ciffagCll, B. a. A- It insepar. to foretell, foresay, predict, prophesy, di vine. 33 e i f f a g e II, n (-«) foretelling, fore- saying, &c. 3EB e if f a g e r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) pro- phet, predicter, foreteller, diviner. 2B e t f f a g C f e i, /. cont. sorry pro- phesying ; fortune-telling. 23 e t f f a g e r i it it, /. (pi. -en) pro- phetess, divineress. 8GB e i f f a g u n fl, /. ( pi. -en) prophesy, prediction, divination: compos. — £gabe, /. gift of prophesy. 38 c t v r, I. n. (-8) white ; — im Sic, glaire, white ; — ilt ber 2d)eibc, blank, white; 11./. white, whiteness. 23 C i fi e It, v. a. to whiten, white- wash. 23ei'tJClI, n. (-8) whitening, while- washing. 2S e i fj e n b u r jj, n. (-§) Oeog. r. Weissenburg. 23 e i jj e r, ?n. (-i ; pi. — ) whitener, plasterer. 23 C i § 1 i cb, m. adj. Sf adv. approaching to white, whitish ; whitely. 2Bet{jltng, m. (-5; pi. -e) 1. any thing white ; 2. whiting ; 3. a sea- cockle. SB C I ii n e II, v. provinc. for SSki^fll, Suilcbl'U (q. vO. SDBei fstbum, n. (pi. -tbiimcr) (i. u.) knowledge. 23 e t f u n g, / (pi. -en) 1. order, di- rection, instruction ; 2. remonstrance. 23 C 1 1, adj. &■ adv. 1. far, far off, a great way, at a distance ; distant, remote, remotely ; 2. wide, widely ; large, large- ly ; ample ; far-spreadinff ; luie — i|t e§ DOR bier turf) 23ien? how far is it from here to Vienna'! (S iff ftebjig 2)cci(cit rocit, 'tis seventy miles oft'; — »ett t)ttr, far from hence, a great way on; f p It — ClTi, afar, from afar; ein — cr 23eg, a long way ; ein — cr £3egriff, a wide, comprehensive idea or notion ; — lltlb bveit, far and wide, far and near: eilt — er Otocf, a wide coat; ein — e§ dimmer, a large (or spacious) room; fid} — erftrecfen, to be of great extent (also fig) ; ©elb rcid)t — , mo- ney goes a great way : ba3 C\(i)t Jit — , that's too much ; er ift in furjer 3ctt — gefomillfll, he is gone a great way in i little time ; tUvilS — bcvbolctl, fig. to fetch far : baS ift niitt — ber, that will not say much ; that is not worth much ; cr ift ltirf)t — ber, he is not a man of much merit, arfam. he is no g/eat shakos; Jig fie fill: liod) — SC-ll Ctlhltlber, they still differ very much, are still quite at variance ; Jig. icb febe ihti con —cm fommen, I see what he is up to, what lie is working after; bie Sacbc ftcfit iiotb in — ent Scibe. the tinner is as yet far off; Jig. fein Slicf rcicbt llicbt— , he does not jrce far. bis mind is not very penetra- ting ; in bie — e SBelt gcbcu, to rove in the wide world ; ill fo — , or fo — aU. as far as: — beffer, far better: irf) babe (i — Itebcr, I like it much more; — eiltfadjer, much more simple; bet — cm, by far ; compos. — augig, adj. large-eyed; staring: — ailifcbcilc-. adj. /hr-aiming, vast, long-winded; — baits cbig, adj. big-bellied, pot-bellied ; — bc = 2Sei| riibntt, adj. far-famed, renowned; — betDUnberi, adj. admired far and wide — b lining, adj. B. T. wide-flowered laxiflorous ; — t)( t, adv. from afar ; — • bill, ado. to a great distance, far oft" or away ; — gciltaillt, — lliaillig, adj. wide-mouthed; — bcrgebolt, adj. far- fetched; — Uiiifig, — iauftig, i.'ndj. l. distant, not near, not close : 2. dill use, copious; prolix, not concise : circum- stantial, detailed ; ein — er 3?erwanb« ter, a distant relation ; — e Borilieit, d.- latory forms (of justice, &c.) ; II. adt. distantly, prolixly, diffusely, at large ; — lauftgfcit, — lauftigfeir, /. prolixity, diffuseness ; intricacy, perplexity ; — CH lliacbeu, to stand upon ceremonies, to be punctilious; bie Sacbc iiiaobt bide — en, the matter is attended with a great deal of uneasiness; — mafcfjig, adj. with great meshes ; — lllinib, — = miillbcr, m. Cunch. T. Ihe buccinum pa tulum; — fdltltg, adj. wide-columned, ein — fdultjjeS ©cbaube, a diastyle; — fd)id)tig, adj. large, distant (of layers or strata) ; — frf/iveifig, 1. adj. prolix, long-winded, tedious ; II. adv. prolixly, tediously; — ffbnxifigEdi, / prolixity, verbosity, tediousness ; — feljenb, adj. far-seeing (also Jig.) ; — ficbtig, adj. far- sigh'.ed, far-piercing ; — ftcbtigfcif, / the seeing-far, long-sightedness; — fru= rig, adj. wide tracked (of a wagon) ; -- -jtelltgeS SPferb, horse whose hind legs stand wide apart ; — *fteril, m. spot- ted madrepore ; — lllllfilffeilb, adj. ex- tensive, comprehensive ; — lllllfcbat- tCllb, adj. far-shadowing; — jabllig, adj. having wide teeth, large-toothed. 2Seif, n. (-<&) Jf. T. breadth. 23 e i t e, /. (pi. -n) 1, distance, remote- ness ; 2. wideness, largeness, capacious- ness ; 3. width, extent, amplitude ; 4. length ; 5. amplitude (of a star) : eillC Sacbe in bie — ftmlen, to protract a matter ; — bcS ©cfcbiifteJ, bore of a gun ; compos. — limeffllllg, /. the mea- surement of distances, of distant ob- jects; — Itjil'fel, m. *?st. T. circle ol amplitude. 23e ite, n. (-n) distance; ba3 — fll= (belt, to go away ; to roam abroad ; baS gebt in» — , it is astonishing. 23eiteit, ». a. S- n. (am. babcu) l. — ) roller (a bird). BOB i I cfc c r, S&Ubt, 2Bc'fd)e3, pron. I. rc'nt. who, that, which; 2. interr. which 7 what 1 3. indef. or partitive, some, any, berjcitige — , he that ; — von bctt beibcu Sjriiberu ? which of the two brothers'? tUcldjCtt SBefl ItlUfi tcf) eillfdllitgeil? which way must I go? n>clci)e'(iuc[d) eitte) (£rttfebulbi= jjlltti] ! wliat an excuse ! if the word C i II or an adjective follows, then SBeldj is indeclinable; e.g. Wclrf) eill 3)i\lllll ! what a man! melrh apttficbe %ox- fid)t ! what a providence ! eg fel) — (ivcldje, iveldjco) cS raolle, whoso ever, whatsoever, whichsoever it be ; vueuit ©t« ©elb baben, fo aebeit Sic mil WeldjeS, if you have any money. give me some; U.MVCII 3'L'CmtC btt? were IhCfe any foreigners? jfl, c8 n>a= tejt loeld)C ba, yes. tliere were some. Sii c I d) c r 3 c fl a 1 1, co»j. how, in what manner, by what means. SB c' I d) e r I e i, adj. indecl. of what kind ; — S/tltgel what a variety of things; — rii()mcu Sit fid)? what do they boast of; — (?utfdutlbig;titge:i cr nnd) sorbringett mag, whatever ex cuses he may ofler. *5Bclfe, m.via\ Ouclfe. SB C I g C, /. (pi. -H) provinc. willow. SB i I (i c r n, vid. SQJalgen. QAitlf, adj. I. withered, faded, decayed; flaggy; 2. fig, languid, dull, insipid; — CS D&jt, dry fruit, wrinkle, I fruits, fruits dried up; 0)Xt — e Scbimhcit, her faded beauty ; compos. — bebcil, m. the drying-floor; — ofcit, m. oven for drying fruit. SBc lie, f.(pl.-w) white mullen, high taper. SB elicit, o. I a. to cause to fade or wither, to dry up; II. n. (am: ffllll) to wither, fade, decay, dry ; B. T. — ber Ohiffcl, —be SMiiteitbeefc, a marces- cent style, perianth. SB Hit It, n. (-«) withering, fading. SB C 1 f f) C i (, n. (-«) brook lime (a plant). SBc I Hie it, /.withering, failing; ilac- cidity, flabbiness (of the flesh). SB e 1 1, I. m. (-e« ; pi. -t) bull ; II. / provinc. power. SB 1 1 1 = b a II m, m. axle-tree of a water- mill-wheel; — mb, 7i. axle-tree-wheel; — villa, m axle-tree-ring; — fanb, m. i ririftmc snnd : — flciit, m. T. J. cylindrical stone; 2. roller; — (aV'ftll, in. T. pivot, head, pole, axle e iu. SB e lie, /. i pi. -It) I. wave, billow, surge; * water; i!. T. barrel: axle- tree ; 3. bundle of brushwood, fascine, fagot; — It fd)lageil, to rise in waves: to undulate: — be$ ©teuenabfj, JV. T. barrel of the wheel; compos. — Itil r- tig, adj. wave like, undulatory ; — ltlmb, n. bathing in the waves; — llbillfd 1 , — nbbr$, m. the croker. p«rca andubta : — llbemegitlig, /. undulating motion; — ltbillbCf, vl fagot-binder ; — llbrild), m. broken wave, breaker; — Itforntig, adj. undulatory, undulating, undulated, waving; ondee (H.T.); — ngebirge, n. billows as high as mountains; — lis hpt«, 7i brush-wood; — iiboni, ?i. the waved whelk : — llfreiiS, m. circular un- dulation ; — llltilic, /. spiral line, con- tour, winding curve ; — ltlo$, adj. wave less; — lillhldiei", m. fagot maker, fagot- man ; — tlllietr, v. billowy sea, the billows; — nvaillltctt, m. T. wooden- frame, in which the cylinder of the keys lies ; — llfd)ltig, m. succession of weaves, billowing, surge, surf; — llfdihl= gen, 71. undulation ; — llfdliageilb, adj. billowy, wavy, yeasty; — llftbliccfe, /. spiral shell ; — Itfdjllttf, m 11. T. divid- ing of a shield by way of a spiral line ; — llipicl, 71. * play or sport of the waves; . — nfifiit, vi. undulated stone ; — tlftvifblMlipe, /. wave striped cater- pillar; — llboll, adj. wavy, billowy; — llU'Cl'feilb, adj. tossing up waves. St/n. , Simnftunq. A TOffle is a less elevation of water, a IGiJ^f ami like- wise a ^r,in&iui)i is a more considerable one. Tliere are, therefore, ^Gfttfii in every sheet of water, in the smallest rivulets as well as on the sea, KSoqtn only on the sea and lar S e rivers, and 2= lie, /. stage of the world; — burger, vi. cosmopolite, citizen of the world ; — = burgerlid), adj. relating to a cosmnpo- u'te, like one ; — biirgerfebaff, f. state of being a cosmopolite ; — biirgerfttlH, m. mind or sentiments of a cosmopolite i — buvgcriiuiiii, n, cosmopolitism ; — = bailie, / of the world; lady moving in the highest society ; tho- rough bred lady; — bailf, wi. fig. the world's thanks, ingratitude, no thanks at all ; — bailML /. duration of the world; — beilfllull, n. perpetual or eter- nal monument; — biener, m. worldly- minded man, slave of the world; — - biircbilreifeiib, adj. traversing the world ; — ebl'C, /. worldly glory, pi ory of the world; — eitelfett, /. vanity of the world; worldly vanity; — eilbe, 71 end of the world; furthermost boundary ol the universe ; — eiliflebuiig, — nitilc= bllligSlcl)Ve, /. cosmogony ; — t'CIl, «'('. practised in the world; — IT» fabrillig, /. experience of the world, — Cl'KiltCllb, adj. world sustaining ; > eibalter, m. preserver of the world, 01 the universe ; — erboltllltg. /. prescr vation of the world; — ctlcntbter, 711 11. r of the world ; * Helios) — ei'lcudjlllltg,.''. l. illumination of the world ; 2. enlightenment of man, en- lightened state of the human mind ; — - erobd'cr, »•- conqueror of the world ; — ttobfTUng// coaqueM pfthe world, — cvfdv.ffor, "in. treat, r; — cifd)af« fiing, /. Did. — fi+epfniig ; — fet.ib, n liater of the world, mivinthrope ; — » fvoffer, m r,r»(. insatiable conqii.'i-rr ; — frcilbeil, pi. mundane pleasure* . — « 773 ffielt ©eft heiutb, m. 1. cosmopolite, friend to the world; 2. one fond <•••' worldly plea- Bures; — gang, m. course of the world; (laitje, n. universe, system of the world; — (jebfiUfee, n. febrie or system of the world; — flebtctcr, m. ruler of the world; — gebraud), m. practice or usage of the world ; — gegenb, /. re- gion, part, cardinal point of the world ; ^Ctft, m. 1 Awima Muiuti; God (con- lidered as the all-pervading spirit of the universe?; soul of the world; (in al- ckemy) archaeus ; 2. spirit of the age ; 3. worldly soirit ; — geifHicb, adj. secu- lar . — g'eiftliche, m. secular clergyman, secular ; — geiftlicbfeit, / secular cler- gy; — geilttlbe, n view of the world; — geprange, n. pomp of this world; — - gepricfeu, adj. lauded by the world ; — » gcratlfd), n. noise or bustle of the world, world's tumult; fcvil DOllt — flC-- laufci), far from the noisy haunts of mah; — flCVlcbt, n. final or universal lodgment doom ; — gerichtStag, m. day of judgment; —gefcbafte, — fifinbel, pi. affairs of the world; — gefd)td)tC, /. universal history ; — QCfcbcpf, n. mor- tal creature ; — gefefj, n universal law ; aeftttltt, adj. worliily minded ; — G c = tuiumol, n. bustle of worldly affairs ; — 0,en)ul)l, n. throng of the world; — = glilrf, n. earthly or temporal happiness, good fortune, success ; — gilt, n. earth- ly or worldly good, temporal possession ; —flurtel, m. zone; — bailbel. m com merce extended over the whole earth ; bSttbet, pi. worldly affairs, historical events ; — 4jeilattb, m. Saviour of the world; — tn'wfctjer, m. ruler of thr world; —facte, /.map of the world — fenutllttj,/. knowledge or practice of the world ■ er bat t cine — feuutittu, he is ignorant of the ways of the world -filtb, n. worldling, worldly person; i flug, I. adj. possessed of worldly wis- dom, politic, prudent, cunning; 11 ado politically, prudently, cunningly ; — * Elugt)Cit, /. worldly wisdom, political art, polities, prudence; — foilig, m. 1. vid. 2Dcitengeift ; 2. or — f bntgtuu, /. king queen of the world; — forper, m. globe, sphere, heavenly body: — = EveiS, m. orb or circle of the world ; — - fuflel, /. terrestrial or celestial globe ; orb (emblem of royalty) ; — futlbe, /. knowledge of the world ; cosmology ; — fUitb'.g, adj. 1. notorious, public; 2 versed in the knowledge of the events of the world ; — ftlltft, /. art of con- ducting one's self infthe world; — l« 5 gt, /. situation of the world; — ulUJ, tn. course of the world ; — lebcit, it. public life ; worldly life ; — lcl>ve, /. cosmology; — leutc, pi. I. worldly minded people ; 2. people who mix in the world; —licit, n. light of the world, sun; fig. luminary; — Itebe, /. Vove of or for the world ; — liet, n. se- cular song ; — lllft, /. pleasure derived from this world, sensual pleasure ; — = mad)t, /. 1. power or might of this world; 2. secular power; worldly pow- tr ; —matin, m. man devoted to this world, worldling; man versed in world- ly affairs; polite man; — matft, m emporium; — llieer, n. ocean, main sea; bag atlaiitifcbe —nicer, the At > an tic; — menfeb, m. worldling; — mc(= fev, in. T. cosmolabe ; — IWW, m. fool nfter the world ; — orbllling, /. system of the world ; the invariable laws of na- ture ; — ovt, m. Min. T. cardinal point of the world; —plan, m. plan of the woild; — pol, m. pole of the world; — pricjt ev, m. seculai priest ; — regte= CCT, m. governor of the world ; — * f-gterutig, /. government cf the w3rld; ''80 tdd), «. empire extended over a great part of the world; empire (of the world), kingdom ; — vcifeilbe, m. trav- eller over the world, great traveller; — ruttev, m. judge of the wortdj God ; VUltb, n. our globe; — fad)C, /. worldly affair; — fcbaffcilb, adj. world- creating ; — fdjailplatj, m. theatre of the world, the world's stage or scene ; — fdjeu, adj. isolated, solitary, misan- thropical ; — fd)0pfci\ m. Creator ; — * febop fiutg, /• creation; — fcheu, aij. recluse, solitary ; — fccle, /. mundane soul, vid. — gctft ; — fmil, '«• worldli- ness, worldly mind, worldly disposi- tion ; —fttte, /. manners of the world ; — fobll, m jig. man; — forge, /. mun- dane or worldly care ; — ftrtd), m. re- gion of the earth or of the globe, cli- mate ; — ftrllbcl, m. throng of this i vvorll } . —ftuvilt, m. dreadful event ; I — flicfet, /. 1. worldliness; 2. fig. con- tagion or corruption of the world ; = fiuitig, adj. worldly minded ; carried away iy the world ; — fv)|teitt, n. sys- tem of the world ; — tafel, /. vid. —- fartc ; — tbctl, m. part of the world or globe' —toil, in. politeness, good breeding ; — trageilb, adj. sustaining, bearing the globe ; — limgaitg, m. in- tercourse with the world; — Untgut = tcr, m Neptune ; — Ulttfegler, m. cir- cumnavigator of the globe ; — umfcg= lltlig./. circumnavigation of the globe; Ummaljung, /. revolution of the globe; — Uiltcrgaiig, m. end of the world ; — Uftl)eil, n. an opinion of the world; — tKltcr, m. God; — scrbeffe-- vcr, m. improver of the world ; — 1)81'= beffcuilig, /. improvement of the world; — oevt>alttli9, B.relation to the world; — Dfrfebr, m. intercourse with the world; — serlSugimng, /renun- ciation of the world ; — tmnnifter, m devastator, ravager of the world ; — > »0lf, n. ctmt. worldlings; — tuetfe, m. philosopher ; — U>ei$i)ett, /. philosophy ; roerbung, / cosmogony; — taeictt, 7i 1 the creative Being of the world, „ W , — getjl ; 2. the affiirs of the world, actions of men ; — Wit}, m. vid. — - flltgbcit; — tUltllbcr, n. wonder of the world ; — jcrftofcr, m. destroyer of the 335 C l t(t tl g, m. [ 4 ; pi. -t) woiUUnT worldly person. 2B ( m, pren. did. of Wcr, to whom ; — fchretben Sic? to whom are yo-i writing? bOll — fpridjtCl'V of whom is he speaking. 2B e n pnm. ace. of tvcr, whoai ; — f«* cbet 3l)f? whom are ye seeking 1 *iB e n c c s I a tt 8, m. vid. SBenjet. 2Be'nbe, / (pi. -n) act of turning; tum ; — tcr 'Sonne, solstice; compos. — ba'llf,/. turn-bench ; — cift'lt, n. — - flange, / 1. T. handle of the shingle (in forges); 2. JV. T. whip-staff; — - fdfovt, / second ploughing; —grabeit, m. furrow for provines ; — bafcil, m. T. crane-hook; any hook for lilting; — - bal«, m. wry-neck (a bird); — rrei«, —jivfel, m. tropic; — frciS be8 StttV* fe«, ter uorolicbe — frci«, tropic o( cancer; ber — frcis beS <5tetnboif«, ter fliblicbe — freiS, tropic of Capri- corn ; — pflug» m. double swing and wheel plough; — plllUt, m. solstitial point; verge, pole;/^. crisis, critical turn; — ring, k. vid. — bafctt ; — * VObr, n. movable tube (of a fire en- gine, &c); —faille, / upright (of a sluice pate) ; — fd)amel, m. T. l>ed of the fore-guard (with wheelwrights) ; — * febrttten, m. T. (with painters) circular shade; shade of relief; — febanfe , / shovel for winnowing; — fpillbcl, / glover's smoothing-stick ; — fteactt, jtOff, m. T. glove-stretcher ; — WOrt, ji Oram. T. (I. «•) word which may be turned and changed , — WUrj, / white hellebore. 2SJ C U b C I = b a It lit, m. axle-tree (of a windmill), winch, arbour; bray-tree; — bobCll, m. T. mud-floor, floor of loam and straw ; — botjver, m. centrebit, vim l,Ie ; — gero&lbe, /. turning-vault; — « fcfol'.ecfe, /. 1. Conch. T. wentle-trap ; 2 vid. — treppe, 2. ; — fteig, m. wind ing and ascending path ; — ftctlt, m upper mill-stone; — ftieg, m. vid. — * fteig ; — ftiege, /. vid. — treppc ; — = ftiilje, /.the columella; — treppc, / 1. cockle-stairs, winding-stairs ; bte Ctcbte treppr, royal staircase ; 2. CoiicA. T. spinnet-shell, staircase-shell. „, nr i,l . — teritortl, m. aesiruyci >n ucv ■ , ""J*. _ crftoniig, / destruction of 90S i n b e it, v. rcg. * .r. I. a. Sr n. 1. woild, 5 lL P 1 '" S' J c . t . „ , ,,:..„,., t0i apply to; 3. the world; — Jirfel, »». vid. §iatmeU= $trfcl. SDS e U e tts a U, n. n. f. n>., vid. SDBflt* all, It. f. tt>-, under compos, of SQielt; bvatlb, m. * conflagration of the universe; — CtbrtltCV, — f^OpftX m. creator of the universe, God ; — plujr, m. cont. mender of the world ; — gctjt, — f Ottig, m. King of creation, God ; — = beer, n. host of worlds or stars ; — = bcrr, m. Lord of the universe; • — t)CVV= fct)cr, m. Supreme Ruler of worlds, God; — bimmel, m. — nicer, n. — - rauilt, m, mundane space, heaven's deep and starry vault; — pvacbt, / splendour of creation, glory of the uni- verse ; — licbter, m. Supreme Judge of the w'orld; — ltl)r, / universe (com pared with a clock). 2Be I t 1 1 rb, adj. if ado. 1 worldly ; 2. temporal, civil, lay,; ber — C Statfb, secularity ; — ntacbeit, to se- cularize ; — C ©titer, temporality, tem- porals; bie geiftlidnit mib —en §et* veil, the lords spiritual and temporal ; geftltltt, worldly-minded : compos. —macbung, / vid. Saculaiifatiou. 2B C 1 1 1 i A) e tt, «. a. (I. «.) to secularize (a convent, &.C.). OS C t t U cb f e 1 1, /. (?.'. -en) A. world- liness; 2. secularity, laity; 3. ttnpo- rality, temporal possessed. turn; 2. to direct to, apply to; 3. to bestow upon; lay out upon, spend upon ; eill Jtleib — , to turn a suit of clothes ; bell '-Brateit — , to turn the spit; eill «cbtff — , to veer a ship, to tack about; eiltCll 91 Off — , to turn a coat; eiuent ben 9liicfcn — , to turn one's back to one ; bell flMtieit — , M to withdraw; ollc feiue Jlrafte an et= wa § _, to apply all one's force to a thing • If refi. to turn ; Mil. T. to face, face" about; fid) jur 9led)ten — , to turn to the right; fid) an ^eiuaubcii /,V to address one's self or to appl} to a person; bat ©latt bat fid) ge> wenbet, the tables are turned ; vid. Syn Sicttfcit. 2B t tt b e 11, n. (-«) turning. SGB Cllbe It, pi. name of a people it Germany (Lusatia), who are supposec to be a remnant of the Vandals. aiScnbet, «.(-«; pi- —) '• lie . ,h , al turns a thing about; 2. kitchen-jack compos. — ftilfee, /. Conch. T. columella aSc'nbgcficH n. (-c«; pi. -cr) pro file. 5!G C n b i f d), adj. relating to the 28en» ten ; vid. above 3Bi ; itbung, / (pi. -en) l. turning, tur» • 2. Mil. T. facing, turning about - i'\r$aub unb be« 35egcn«, guard 2Berb ( in fencing) ; cine Mbfte — lKf)inetl. to take another turn ; bie Sadje ual)llt tilie glucflicfce — , the affiir took a happy turn; er Qtebt jebun lunge eilie beticbige — , lie gives everything what turn lie pleases ; bie — f tltcS 9icbcfat}e8, turn of a period. SB i XX X g, adj. <$- ado. little, few ; etlt — SBtOb, a little hread; nuv — @elb ba- ben, to have but little money ; etlt — Saij, some salt ; llimm cilt — , take a little ; — iieilte, few people ; ill — f 11 Xagctl, in a few eaysflllit — 23or= ttXX, in a few words ; e8 fiuD ibrer nuv — e, there are hut few of them ; ba8 — e, wai id) babe, the little I am pos- sessed of; — I'fid), not very rich ; ebctt fo — ali, as little as; f — Olid), though ever so little; — er, less; III — er alS eilicr Stutlbe, in less than an hour; eine jDJanbei — er jmet, fifteen save two; tiictjtS befto — er, notwith- standing ; je — er . . , be fto mefjr . . , the less. ., the more. . ; bet, bic, boi — jle, am — fteit, the least ; sum — - ft* 11, at least, at the least; vid. Syn. Jcleiu. 2D i XX X g f e i f, /. 1. small quantity, email number; smallness, littleness; 2. fewness, insignificancy; nicitte — , my own little self, my humble self. 2B e" n t g ft C it 5, ado. at least, at the least. 2Bc ! ntgftforbcrn s e, m. (ded. like adj.) lowest contractor. SB C 11 It, I. ado. intcrrog. 1 . 'j what case; 2. when; — fommtcr? when will he come ? feit — ftnb 2>ic l)ier ? how long have you been here? II. con/. 1. if; 2. when, whenever ; 3. when, as soon as; mir grauet, — id) blo$ barait beilEc, I shudder but to think on it ; — C8 %cxt bajll ifl, when it is time for it; — Sie e« ti)xxxx, fo ift c8 mil \Xtb, if you do it, I am glad of it: — icb roitftte', if i knew; — Sie mid) liebteit, fo It. f. W., did you love me, &c. ; — id) e8 gefebeu bat.te, had I seen it; aid — , as if; — fiber, but if; — etnhl, if perhaps, if peradventure ; — jentalS, if ever; — uur, — auber», provided that; — gleirb, — CI ltd), — fcboil, though ; — llid)t, if not, unless, except. CB C It J e I, m. (-8) 1. Wenceslaus ; 2. fig. cunt, knave, scrub ; 3. {at cards) pain, knave ; old patn ; 4. the name of several birds, for instance, the black- cap; proo. unter ben Sifd) mit dcii — n! let the curtain down! the farce is over ! SB e V, pron. I. intcrrog. who ? II. de- monst. <$- rcltit. (qui), 1. who; 2. he who; whoever, whosoever ; III. indef. pruvinc. somebody: — Da? who is there? — finb ©ie? who are you ! — son (uutei) 3bueu bat c8 gctbau 'i which of you has done it ? tvcffetl 'Cltd) ift b(l$? whose honk is this? HH'Ill jebBrt ba8? to whom belongs that? roeil flldlCII Sic? whom do you look for? you went rebel erV of whom is he speaking? — ju oiel ucrlaitgt, befommt oft gar uid)18, lie that de- tires too much, often get* nothing at all ; — llltr, — c8 aud) fc\), whoever, whosoever. ?B C V b e = f I' e t, adj. exempt fiom con- scription or military duty ; — gelb, B. money destined lor the recruiting ser- vice, press-money; — bailptlliailU. m xecruiting-capiairi ; — bans', n. recruit ing house; — faffe, / money-chest of the recruiting-party ; — freij, m dis- «fet taken by a lecruiting-paity ; — * SBerf lijte, / list of recruits ; — offtjier, 77i. reo uiling-:«Ticer ; — patent, n. licence for recruiting ; — pla(J, m. place of re- cruiting or enlisting ; — fd)eill, m cer- tificate of enlistment; — irontuicl, /. drum for beating up recruits; — untttJ offijier, 7«. recruiting sergeant. 2B e r b e n, v. ir. I. o. to obtain, gain ; -rolDateit — , to levy, raise, list, enlist soldiers ; mit Oeroalt — , to | ll. n. (aui. baben) (Uin ctroa«) l. to make efforts for obtaining a thing, to petition, to court, sue, apply for, to put in for; 2. to woo, pay one's addresses ; 3. to recruit, raise soldiers. 215 C r b e n, n. (-8) courting, suing for, wooing ; levying, &.c. SBerber, m, (-1; pi. — ) SBcrboffi- Cier, m. (-8 ; pt. -C) recruiting officer ; compos. — bdUbUH'rf, n. trade of a re cruiting officer. 2B c r b t i u g, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) recruit. 2E C r b U n g, /. ( r l. -en) I. levy, levy- ing, raising or enlisting (of soldiers) ; 2. courting. 2Bc rb, m. vid. SBcrber. 23 erb e n, v. ir. i. n. (out. fe»n) l. to become, grow, turn, be, prove ; 2 to bu created, to enter into existence; 3. to get, receive, to have (with dat. ofpers ) ; 4. to happen, occur; feolbat — , to turn soldier; Jtauflltauil — , to become a merchant ; S>0(tOI — , to take the degrees of a doctor; jlir s liiittll'e — , to become a widow; jum Sprichivov* te — , to become a proverb; ^OJobe — , to grow into fashion; aits' 'Bflaitjeu — Saume, plants become trees; ei- ne(v) <&ad)t los — , to get rid of; ct= wai ixxxxt — , to perceive ; itirbt flug an» eiuer Sadie — , not to understand a thing; a\x$ uid)ts roirb uicbta, <.f nothing, nothing comes ; baratlS lliil'b tltdjto, that cannot be done or allowed ; that conies to nought, that proves no- thing ; wai ift ana bcr <2ad)e geroor= bell? what has become of the matter? was xoixb axxs mir—? what will be- come of me ? mciB — , to turn white ; einem tu madjtig — , to grow upon one; bte 3?'t >»»'b mir latig. time hanga heavy on my hands ; tS UHlblllir iibet, I feel ill : dtlitxi — , to change, alter, turn; 0Ott fprad), (S IDKbt l*id)t. God said. Let there 1m: light ; bie Sadje ift nod) tin — , the thing is yet in embryo ; (8 limb Sarin, there is a noise (arising) ; fS voirb 3'i'itbe — , peace is made; Drill (Viubet mirb eill Qrofet ?0b,ll — , the finder shall have a large reward; Wai tvirb mir bflffir 'i what am I to have for it ? JU Xbeil — , to receive; luie ivarb eabauu UHUta? what followed? II. auxUiarg verb for future tenses, will, shall; and I'or p issue nrhs, to he; id) roerbe liebeit, I shall love , Wirt er fdn'rtbm ? will he write ? roenn roirb er bod) fomnteu? when will he be coming ? (S ivitb rcgtieu, it will rain; lucr luirb beuii beftaitbia, taujen ! how can you he ever dancing ! id) rotrte geliebt, I am loved; id) rotate (mart) geliebt. I was loved; id) bir geliebt voorbeu, I have been loved , c3 roirb gefagt, it is said ; fo ift mir gefagt nun-Den, i am told i rofi* re mir baa uotber gefagt tuorben, had I been told so beforehand. 33 i rb e u b o r n, m. (-es) B. r. pro- rinc. Bea-bucktbnrn. ^Berber, m, (-8; pi. — ) 1. small is- land fin a river), ait; 2. low-land. aBcrf. n. &■ in. (-It; pi. -t) bank, wl.irf, inay. mole; compos. — Oilier, m. .V. T. warp-anchor, sheet-anchor. ©erf 3B c r f from SDBetfen, in compos. — ti» fen, 7i fish spear; — vfeit, m. vid. SBurfpfcil ; — JClig, n. machine for casting or throwing any thing, baUilta 2B e r f e It, v. ir. I. a. 1. to ihrow, cast. thug; 2. (also n. auz. babeil) (of ani- inaU) to produce young, to bring forth, to « help, litter; {II SUobell — / to throw down, liiiig down ; eineii bic Sreppe I'tllltilter — , to kick one down stairs ; fid) 3emaiibciu jit Supeu — , to cast over, to throw one's self at a man's feet ; ftcb einem um bcu >§>al8 — , In lall about one's neck ; StvaMcil — , to dart forth beams; eincil ©ltd aitf Ct= n?a8 — , to cast a glance upon ; ba8 i!oo8 — , to cast lots; icb rocrfe ba8 Spiel, I throw up the game; ^afj, Seiubfcbaft auf eiueii — , to conceive a hatred against one ; Ctroa8 liber ben i^aufeH — , to throw down ; lllit et= \va8 Uin fid) — , to throw on ; @utct liber Corb — , to cast or throw goods ever board ; II. rcfi. to warp, bend (said of wood) ; bie 'jllauer rotrft fid), the wall bunches out. SBcrfen, n. (-8) throwing, casting; whelping. 23 C r f t, n. (-e8 ; pi. -e) 1. JV. T. wharf, dock, dockyard; 2. T. weft, woof; compos. — bl'lld), 7« 7'. rent in cloth arising from torn threads, that have not been tied again. "IB C r f t C, /. (pi. -XX) 1 . weft, woof ; 2. procinc. willow, withy ; 3. provinc. sieve, riddle ; compos — ligeftcll, n. — 11 = gcbatige, pi. airing-horse for the warp ; — njiit)lcr, m. 'one who . counts the threads of the warp, 2B e r f t ft r a n d), m. (-c« ; pi. -ftratw d)fl) cotton willow. s Ili c r f W C i b e, /. (pi. -V.) round-leaved willow. 23 erg, (9Be rf) ti. (-e8) tow, oakum ; flctbeertea — , black oakum; ungc= t!;CCrle8 — , white oakum ; compos. — gaill, n. tow yarn ; — lillllCU, n tow linen, tow-cloth; — litllte, /. quick match V H> C r g C It, adj. made of tow, tow ilierf, 7i. (-e8 ; pi. -e) l. work, ac- tion, deed; 2. workmanship, perform- ance; 3. fabric, building; 4. fortifica- tion ; 5. clock-work, movement ; ein giltc8 — , a good deed or action : eill — ber 8itSf« a charitable deed ; iu8 — fe&en, ftelleu, ricbten, to per form, effect: jum — e fd)tci!en, an ba8 — gelten, to go about to work, bay — etllfteUflt, to discontinue a work; (%IU'l't8 — t, Gellert's worka vulg. x>icl —8 au8 etroafl maitcii. tr make much of; compos. — bailf, / workman's bench, shop-board; — Ut* tialtuif), 7i r. (tinej Streid)ofeu«) the laboratory of a reverberating fur- BBce; — biene, /. working bee; — ' blei, n T. lead used in separating tlw silver; leaden plate; — brctt, 7i. cur ting board; — blilte, /. T. vwith paper makers) 'ub; — eifen, n. farrier's bit; tress Iron picker; — geralb, n. tools, (jammer, bl band-bamrcer ; — i taut, " workhouse; — bftltg, < «. carpenier'i yard; — boll, n. timber; — fiiuir, f mechnniCB, mechanic art 1 — funftJtd), tidj. mechanical ; — fllltftler, 7/1 ni<* ihanic, machinist; — Ulbeil, m Wurk shop: — leccr, h. leather vr sheepskir for buiilinL'. &c. ; — JeUte, ;,.'. work men; — lod), 1 hole of a el.iss-oven 781 5Scrt — lot, adj. destitute of works, deficier in good actions; — maun, in. work- man, laliou re r ; — meifter, in. work- master, surveyor; architect; gunner; foreman ; — ineffer, n. shoemaker's Cutting-knife; Airrier'j buttress; — - ofeit, m. forging or im lting-oven; — = pfleger, m Mm. T. share-holder ; — = Jjrobf, /. T. specimen of the metal (in foundries'; — llttbe, f. T. rule, mea- suring-rod or pole; — fi- tigfett, /. 1. activity ;*2. execution, ac- complishment, realization; — ttfrp, m. working-table; — oerftanbig, adj. ex- pert in any art, skilful in some work manship; — veiftailbige, m. connois- seur, artist ; — jaiige, /. T. gold beater's pincers ; — jeug, "■ instrument, tool, implement; organ; vid Sijn. SJitttcl. BJc t f elt.o fl, m. mUg. aid. SOBetftag. SOB et fen, b. + for ilvbettcit (?.«.). 23 e V f C V, m. a person that does or perforins any thing {only used in comp). SBevfltd), ado. provinc. industrious, active. Kcvmtttb, m (-8) wormwood ; bet" ' portligie ft'dpc — , tree-wormwood ; com- pos. -iilVfii], adj. absinthian ; — bccbcr, m. cup of wormwood, jig. cup of bitter ness ; — bier, n purl, wormwood beer; — bitter, adj bitter as wormwood: — « bllfcb, m. tree-wormwood ; — eitle, /. the phatena of wormwood ; — ertract, m. extract of wormwood ; — fl'Cllt, n. — Iau8, / aphis of the wormwood ; — pi, n oil of wormwood ; — [Aft, r.i juice of wormwood ; — fait,, n. salt of wormwood ; — fpetfe, /■ food as bitter as wormwood; — trail!, m. drink made up with wormwood ; — moffet. n. ex tract of wormwood ; — weiii, m worm- wood-wine, purl royal. &S eme r, m. (-8) Werner. «2S c v it c t i f, m. (-8 ; pL -e) .!//». 7'. paranthine. 3JJ i r p c it, v. 7i. .V. T. to fiSetpttojj, n. jv. r. wa. f a^e'rre, /. (pi. -it) I. mole-witket, chum worm ; 2. provinc. eye-sore. 23 c v r i g, 71. provinc. rid. s I3erg. SCStrfe, /. (pi. -n) provinc. buck- thorn ; compos. — ubecre, /. — njtvaucb, m. vid. SQSetfe. SB e r ft, /. ( pi. -e; werst, Russian mile. SCSe rften beet e,/. vid. SBetfenbeete. 23ertb, ndj. 1. worth; 2. ha ring a great value, worthy, ieserving ; 3. de..r ; 782 S&efe taufeilb E6alet — , worth a thousand dollars; C3 ift llicpt^ — , it is good for nothing; et ift ittdjt eineii -Scbuft ^lll'JCV — , he is not worth a rush : (worth). I'he prcij (price) is that, which is considered equ;il to the lOcrtlj of anything, especially in money. The ■)>rci6 of things can rise or fall, without their iniitrcr l?crrb(real value) being increased or les- sened. Trie OJrljalt is the real value or the nobler metals and of the coins struck from them. Gold and silver, for instance, are alloyed with base metal ; the less, therefore, they contain of alloy, by so much the higher, and the more they contain of it, by so much the lower is their OJc!).-.:i (that is standard). SOB e 1 1 b e ft, v. a. to value, estimate, vid. SBiirbtgen. SBe* r t ft I 8, adj. worthless, undeserving. SSdrtbiOfigfeif, /. worthlessness, want of merit. 23 C r t |j f cf> ii 6 e It, r . a . insepar. to esteem hiehly, to regard ; wertbge= febafcter S'teunb ! my esteemed friend ! (in letters). 23 i X t b I tb S % II n g, / esteem, regard. 23 e" r t b f C & ll ll g. / appraising, valu- ation, estimation. 23 e r t b » 1 1, adj. valuable. 23 e f rt> e I b o t j, n . prick-wood. 28 e f C II, v. n. quite obsolete, to be | from lokich Vie partic. tjClVCt t'H- 23 i fen, n. (-8; p!.—) I. being, exis- tence; 2. substance, essence, nature; 3. reality ; 4. manner of being ; 5 con- dition, disposition, character; 6. be- haviour, conduct. demeanour; 7. affairs; concerns; 8. bustle, noise, tss, ado ; 9. piece of work ; tnS bbcbfte — , the supreme Heinz: ba8 — Ctticr Sacbe, the essence, nature of a thins ; ba8 ge= llteiue — , commonwealth ; feill — all ctiientOrte babeit (tretben), io reside in a place; eitt getwungeneS — , a forced air, affectation ; cill lllige= ;wiingene8 — , a natural behaviour ; Uerfebrte8 — , awkwardness, wrong behaviour; etit DOtnebuiei — , airs of quality; ba8 bbfc — , v«/«\ falling sick- ness, epilepsy; 1U C 1 — 8 t>Plt CtlVitS marten, to n„.ke much of, »iel — 8 marbeil, to make much ado; t'blie biel — 8 tu ntarben, without many ceremonies; nte&t bt'el —8 tiiacbeit, to be quiet; to make no great figure; zompos. — fhlbcif, /. consubstantialitv ; Wffi — gleicb, adj consubstantial , — fette.y r iu. — reibe ; — lebre, /. PhS. onto- logy; — iettei, /. fig. scale or tank oi being; — retcb, n. world or empire ol beings; — reibe, /. series of beings; — verwanblltlig,/. transubstantiation. 23 ff e it b e i t, /. I. being, essence, nature, substance, matter ; 2. essentia- lity, reality ; 3. Log. T. entity. 23 C f f C II t P 8, adj. l. -11) wasp; dub-fly; compos. — nbetil, 7i. A. T. the sphenoid bone: — nfalf, m. the honey-buzzard; — nfliege, / wasp fly — nfreffer, m. bee-eater (a bird) ; — ltlteft, n. wasp nest; fig a certain meal meat ; til etn — iiticft ftbveu or fterfaen, to stir a wasp's nest; — llfcbwann, m. flight of wasps; — Itflicb, m. sting of a wasp. 23 e f f e b e c r e, /. (pi. -Xl) wild cherry 2Beffen, 23e'fj, pron. interrog. <$- re- Int. whose ; of whom ; of what ; vid. S55er ; — evfteitjt blleich? what are you rejoicing about? — tjt ba8 23ilb? whose likeness is this? 23c'fibalb, SBe'pmegen, ado. why wherefore, for what reason, upon what account ; — ift er UltSllfriebf ll ? why is he dissatisfied 1 23 e ft, m. (-CS ; pi. -e) west, tvest- wind ; JV. T. — JUtU 'Jlpfben, ^llitl 5ii= be M , west one point to the north, to the south; compos. — afvifa, 7). West ot Africa. Western Africa ; — afrifaner, ni. Western African; — afrifailiffb, adj. of or from Western Africa ; — s aftett, ». Western Asia; — etlbe, n. western extremity, west-end : — CUVP= l\\,n. Western Europe; — fvailfe, m. West I-'ranconian; — frailfeil, n. West- Franconia; — ftfiuftftb, adj. of or from West-Franconia,West-Franconian; — « frie»lanb, n. West-Friesland ; — friefe, in. inhabitant of West-Friesland ; — » fli'.'fifcb adj. from West Friesland ; — * gegenb, / western region; — gptbtll, m. pi. Visigoths, West Goths; — gOtb= lailb, 7i .West-Gothland; — greiite, /. western frontier: — illbieil, n. West- Indies ; — tllbicufabrer, m. West India- man ; captain of a West Indiainan ; — * inbter, m. West Indian ; — tnbtfd>, aij West Indian, West India . . ; — f ttfte, f western (or west coast) ; — laitber, n. pi. inhabitants of the west ; — meet, n. western sea : — niann.anb, n. rid 23eftermaimlatib; — npvb, m. north west-, tooin SSiiit'C) north-wester, t»d SRorbweft; — notbwefl, I. m. west northwest: (bPlll 23il^C west-north wester: II. adv. west-north-west; — * liptblifb, adj. northwestern; — l>reu= %t, m inhabitant of West-Prussia : — » prfUfjeit, n. West-Prussia; — prfH= fjifrb. adj. of or from West-Prussia ; — reicb, n Austrasia; —fee,/, western sea. Atlantic (sea, ocean) ; — feite, / west side, western side ; — [lib, m. rid. Siibweft ; — fflbWeft, 1. 7«. west south- nest ; (vpnt Sffiinbe) west-south' wester; II. ado. west south west ; — ' W>irl8, adv. to or towards the west, westward, westwardly ; — Wtnb, m. west-wind. 23cftC, /. (pi. -n) waistcoat; eompat ffictt SBett Sffiett mb, ) . . t ' C A. T. beli om-clotli ; met, coif. (-«; /'/■ ■ -tifuttcr, h. waistcoat-lining; — it" fragcit, m. waistcoat-cottar; — 11= fliopf, m. waistcoat-button, breast-but- ton ; — iifti'uff, pi. shapes, waistcoat ■napes ; — IttafdK, /. waistcoat pocket ; — njcil tj, «. waistcoat stuff. 9B c ft e it, I. m. west ; vid. 5Beft ; nad), gefleit — , to west, westward; II. ado. west. 23 e ft e r b e m b, SBefterfte 3S e ft c r w a SB c ft e r m a n n I a n b, n. (-co") aeog. /' Wcstmaoland, Westmania. SB e ft e t r C i d), n (-eg) Austrasia. SB J ft e r f 11 it c, /. jv. T. six o'clock in the afternoon. SB C ft 1 i d), I. «r//. west, western, west- erly ; Cilt — CI 'JBtllb, a west wind ; II. adv. westward. SB : ft p t) a I e tt, n. (-8) Westphalia. 215 c ft p b d 1 1 it g e r, m. (-« ; pi. —) Wustphalian. SB e ft p b 3 I i f d), a dj. Weatpbalian ; f U — tt @d)iltfert, a Westphalian ham. SB i t ) A) C r, m. (pi. — ) provinc. wallet. SB f t f, «(/». i'ii/j, even, equal ; — ma= rt)'- flirijfeif be= jciguitgeit--, to not to allow one's self to be outdone in politeness. 83 lit ten, v. a. trn.{avx. babcil) to lay, bet, wager, hold a wager ; id) wctte brci gefleu eius", 1 will lay three to one, I will lay odds. HJftteT, n. (-«; pi. — ) J. weather; 3. storm, tempest; 3. Min. T. air, Meatus, vapours ; fd)i)iiea — , line or fair wpather; ^arfttged — , foul wea iiier; bom -- befefodbigf, mttgeitoms men, weather-beaten ; t>om — erfd)la= (Jftt, thunder-struck; SeaE-s. n>itici = gea — , blowing weather; lllit ©Sen oermifebtea— , squaiiv weather; bar= tea, ffbioerea or ftunitifrbcg — , stormy weather; flavea — , char wea- ther; tiebltge* — , foggy weather; niiftig — , hazy weather; mtlg allc — ! zounds; ibit folleu allc — "! con- fusion si-i/.e hill) ! compos. — ableifer, m. lightning conductor; — nbUitUlta, /. the conducting oir of the electric fluid; — almanad), m. weather alma- nac, —bad), m. * torrent; — baum, m. thicS cloud iliat spreads upward like the branches of a tree; — bcclMii)- Wltg, / meteorologic observation ; 3u= ftnimente jut — beobadjiurtg, me teopgngical Ustruments ; — bldfcr, m. Mid 1: ventilator of a mine; — brett, «■ weather board (placed over win- dows) ; —bafb, „. pent house, shed nranda ; — bttcf,flo$ert, n. ccping; — = — ticbf, adj. weather-proof — eiflllig, /. promt,:, sudden Btorm; — faimc, 1 — fdhiirbeit, — fdbiilmi, )( . vane, wea- tber-flag, weathercock; — f«. r. out jutting edge on the eross pieces of a window to lend the ram water off that runs down the glass panes; — fdiicficu, ». firing at a to llsperae it ; — -frfjirm, m serpen, protection against the weather; — fdjlag, m. violent ha, 1 sti stroke; damage by storm; — frbnelle, /. quickness of the flash ; — fegett, m. prayer by which lightning is to be avert- ed ; — fttte, / weather side ; baaDe= Cfetl bcr — fet'tr, weather tiling; — « ftaitge, / vid. - aMeitet; — ftctit. m. mite, thunderstorm ; echiniie : — « ftiabl, m. flash of ligtibOg; — ftrccfe, / Min. T. horizontal channel in a mine for conveying fresh air from one shaft to another: — ftrid), m. direction of a storm; — ftrtcf, m. weather-rope, hy- grometer; — tbl'tr, /. Mm. /\ trap doot in the shafts of mines; — trdebtig, adj. pr. gnant with sr.,rm; — (rciitmel, / vid. —tab] — Ubr, / T. hygrometer; — Wattberimg, / change of the wea- ther; — uogel, m plover; — rced)fel, m. change of the weather or of the air; — ivetibi fdi, I. adj. cbans/eable ; mutable, fickle, inconstant; eiit — s mettbifc&er >DJeii fdj, a changeling, weathercock, turncoat, flincher; II. ado. chnngeably, metably, inconstantly ; — » tvirbd, 711. typhon ; — IDelfe, /. tem- pestuous cloud ; — luuriii, m . wood- louse ; — jeiebcti, it prognostic of an imminent tempest ; — jeiger, m. wea- ther index : — §0tre, /. green byssus; — jltg, m. .Min. T. vid. — lofUllg. .v.M. Srttrr, Sittftang. TOiitrtuna d- notes lliose rlmngeablB rirrum commonly ch i Ferance ofclimates .eij Beasona, llle ~-»c i r c r i!i"-e which change under tlie same climate and dnrin; the same season of the year. ISilttrung the nature of the atmoanliere during a longer perioJ of time, JSciict daring n shorter. Tl,« Germans say: it is beautiful IGttlrr (w when the sun shines and it is not r.iiuy r.r windy ; on tlie other hand the JSifttrunj (eti- mate or weather) is hy .,, maell tlie more ■evera in a country, the further it lies to the north. They say. moreover, to. day is beauti- ful iOflltr (weather), but this spring, tins summer, &c. we have beautiful lOmrrunj In English "weather" has both significations, anl "climate" or M i atom be substituted lor it in translating IGirltrmij. 20 e 1 1 e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) wagerer, bet- ter, he that lays. aBettetoa, /. w,t: iii c 1 1 c f I c it d) t e u, n imp. msepar. 10 lighten. ii} C t t e r 11, v. I. imp. to thunder; II n. {hut. babeil) to curse; cr flurpt uitb IBCttert, he is very angry, fulminates and [bunders, 3Be ttgefce it, r . <>. n . {awe fci;nj to walk for a wager. SB c 1 1 g e fa it g. m. (-e5 ; pi. -fdngc) sott^i of emulation. Oii c 1 1 f a in p f, m. (-ea ; »'. -fdmpfe) 1. contest; 2. pugilistic combat. 2Be 1 1 Ed m p f c n, v. n. (i. « ) mil ei= Item — , lo contend with, strive with any one for the victory. SB i 1 1 1 a nt p f e r, m . (-a ; v i. — ) pu- gilist. Sajmtauf, (m. -»«• pi -Kiiifc? Suh'ttrennen, n. (-«) race, running morgen ifi eiit 93Jettreitneit, there is a be run tomorrow; s JH3c If fCItllCtl JU 9QB«flen ( chariot-race. SDBe tt la 11 fen, B . „ (mil etnem) to run with any one for a wager or prize. SB* 1 1 1 a u f c r, m. H ; pi. — ) n# who runs a race. v iI5 C 1 1 1 a 11 f p r c i a, m. prize of a race. SB e ttp Ol t C t, f. (;.'. -II) wager-po- li.".. SB i 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 it, v. ir. n. to race one' horse against another ; 1 > rule a race, a steeple chase, a 11 SB e 1 1 r c 11 11 c it, I. b. ir -t. to n.-i fore wagsr, t.. rmce (both o.' men cud hor- - : II. ». n. racing, r-.ce ; n.r_-jti^- ruatch. 0l J. tttttiint r, iav C- , p/ — ) rj.u> horse, courser. SBe'ttfingen, r.. 1. to we in 788 2Bid)t singing; 2. (illit cillfllt) to sing against any one. BJc 1 1 f ? t C (, n. (-8) game for a match, a match. 23 C 1 1 f p i C 1 C 11, v. 11. to play for a wager, for the prize. 20e'tt fp icl er, m.(-s-,pi.—) one who plays for a wager. SSBc'ttr t tt, m. (-e8; pL -0 course, race on horseback. 2D C t 1 ft r C t t, m. (-C3) contention, emulation. SBettroerben, v. ir. n. to stand in competition for, to woo as rivals. 23 c 1 1 ro e r b c r, m. (-8 ; p/". — ) rival, opponent. 28 C ft e II, v. a. to rub ; to whet, sharp- en ; vid. Syn. Scbarfeii. 28 eft en, n. (-6) whetting, sharpen'ng. 23 C ft e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) sharpener, whetter. 23 e ft f d) i c f c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) whet- slate. 23 Cft ft a H m. (-C8; pJ. -ftable) table-steel, butcher's steel. 23 eft fie tit, m. (-e8; pf. -e) whet- stone, hone; compos. — frail t, n. S. T. rest-harrow; petty -whin ; — febiefer, m. whetstone slate ; — made, /. mi- caceous schistous argil. *2B f) t g, m. (-8 ; pi. -8) whig ; compos. — bevrfebaft, /. rule of the whigs; — = parte!// whig- party. *23 f) i g iS ill U 8, OT. whiggism. *2B I) i 8 f e », m. (-8) whisttey. *28i)i8Ei1, "■ (-8) whisky (kind of chaise). •23 1) lit, SObtflfpiel, n. (-CS) whist; compos. — mai'fe, /. whist-marker. 2Btbbclit, v. n. {aux. fjaben) to swarm. 20 I b e I, m. (pi. — ) weevil, calender. 23 t d) b r II, m. eglantine, sweet briar, wild rose. 23 i d) C I, /. (pi. -It) provinc. willow. 23 i d) 8, 7«. vulg. full dress, holyday dress. 23 1 d) f e, /. 1. waxinsr. blacking, black- ball ; 2. fig. vulg. for SJJrfiflel (q. v.). 23 i d) 8 b ii r ft C, /. (pi. -tl) blacking- brush. 28 i d) f C tl, v. a. 1. to black, wax ; 2 fig. vulg. to beat, cudgel. 23 id) fen, //. (-8) waxing, blacking. 23 i d) 8 I a p p e it, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) rag for blacking leather. 23 i cbSf cbll l), 7/i. (-e8 ; pi. -C) wax- leather shoe 23 i d) t, ///. (-e5 ; pi. -e «■ -ev) l. wight, being, creature; 2. babe, squib; ettt armer — ; a poor wight. SBicbtel, m. (-8; pi. -) + I. being, little creature ; 2. provinc. screech-owl; 3, — j,,- compos. — pfeife, /. Hunt. T. a kind of bird call. 23 i cb t e I j o p f, m. »«. 25cicbfrl}opf 23 i d) t i g, irf;'. I. weighty, ponderous ; 2 of due weight: 3. fig. weighty, im- portant, considerable, of consequence, of importance of moment ; till — er 3Jlmtlt. a man of consequence; fill — er ©ell) iSgrmib, a great argument ; tilt — eS flint, a place Of great trust; fine — t fSlitXlt lltait>Cll, to look con- sequential SO i d) t i (\ f f i t, /. 1 . weight, weighti- ness, importance consequence, nx ment 1. matter of importance. 784 23 i d b o b n e, /. (pi. -n) lupine, woifs- bean. 23 i d e, / (pi. -it) vetch ; bie fpanifrbe — , scarlet-lupine ; compos. — llbl'Ob, n. vetch bread ; — Itblmb, m bundle of vetches; — nfutter, — n^emcitgc, 7i. food, oats and vetches mingled together : — ltflee, 7//. esparcet, sainfoin; — lldlllS, /. aphis of the vetch: — llfcbabc, /. phalama of the vetch ; — Ilfdjl'Dt, m. vetch grits: — ttfteilt, m, orobite ; — 11= ftt'Oh, 71. vetch-straw. 23 i del, m. (-8) roller, roll: lap-board; Cilt — t5irtd>8, a distaff of (lax; com- pos. — benb, 7/. swathing-band, swad- dling- cloth, swaddling-clout ; — blatt, 71. outer leaf (of tobacco) ; — b!ll = me, /. selago ; — cifcit, n. T. cold iron ; — flecbtf, /. — 111008, n. of- ficinal stringy lichen, hairy tree moss; — frail, /. fam. nurse ; _ — l)aspc(, 771. yarn-windle, reel ; — fttlb, n. in- fant, child in swathing clothes: — = natter, /. a kind of adder at Ternate ; — piippe, /. I. fam, baby in swaddling- clothes ; 2. a doll ; — raiipe, /. cater- pillar that wraps itself up in a leaf; — fcfcnur, /. vid. — baitb; — fcbivaiij, 7/i. long flexible tail (of some animals) ; monkey; — 'trittlipf, m. turned down slocking; — tlld). n. swaddling-cloth, swaddling clout, wrapper; — S fI, 3» "■ swaddling-clothes. 23 i d e I c i, /. vid. 23id(evei. 23 i & 1 1 It, I', a. to wind up, to roll ; tit Ctn>a8 — , lo wrap up, enwrap; etit Jlillb — , to swaddle, swathe a child; bie ifpnare — , to curl, roll the hair; man faint tb:i nm ben Singer — , you can twist his:- round your finger; er li'tdelt feinen ©rbroanj innb inn bie 3iru'iiie, he laps his tail round about the boughs ; fig. fid) au8 einer ©acbe — , to disentangle one's self from a business, to extricate one's self, to dis- engage. 23ide(n, n. (-S) 1. winding up, roll- ing ; 2. wrapping up, swaddling. 23 l d e tl, » a. &■ n. provinc. to sooth- say, oia. 23abvfagen. 23 i d C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) provinc. for- tune-teller, soothsayer, vid. SBafyrfaijer. 23 i d 1 e r, m, (-8 ; pi. — ) one who rolls up. 23 i d I e l" e i, /. cont had winding, roll- ing, wrapping, vid. 23idel)l, n. 23 t d ft r o b, n. (-e8) vetch-straw. *2B l b a r, m. (-8) Worth. Myth. T. the god of discretion, son of Odin. 2Tibbcr, in. (-8; pi. --) l.ram: 2. jst. t. aries; ber cPpvifdie, iviibe — , the Siberian goat: ber peruantftbe — , the lama; b'.ibraulifrber — , Ar- chimedes screw ^7'.) : compos. — fell, n. ram's skin or fell ; baS i^rlbeiie — fell, the golden fleece ; — baitpt, n. 1. ram's head ; 2 Arch. T. ram's head ; — Shorn, /i 1. ram's born ; 2. Fort. T. — Sbhnter, ;./ tenailles; 3. r/UflntinoiiSborn ; — 8= famvf, 7/i. combat between rams: — 8= topf, 7/i. vii). — shanpt; — spnnft, m. J}st. T. vernal point. 23ibent, m. (-8; pi. -e) + jointure, dowry, provinc. (in Silesia) parochial ground or eslate; compos. — l)0f, 7/i. parson's house, parsonage. 20 i b e m it t, 7i. vid. 23ibcnt. 23 l b e f, I prep. with., ace. against, in opposition to. contrary to ; — mfiltf II 23iilett against my will; — 3Jed)t It lib JMUiflfeit, contrary to riL'ht and reason; — belt stroll! fitiiMintnvit. to swim against the stream ; — ba» t ft fdllt 9Jatltr, that is against his nature; — einanber laufente iJietirangcn, contradictory or opposite opinions if tan, baS geht cineni — ben 'DJann, that it not to be stomached : 11. 5. n. fam. the against, con; ba8 fiir nub — einer ©rtdje enuiigeit, to consider the for and against of a thing ; vid. Syn. ®e- flen. 23 t b e r a r t i g, adj. opposite, heteroge- neous. 23ibcrbellen *• 2Biberbelfcvn, D. 71. separ. (aui. (labeil) cont. to contra- dict. 23 1 b e r b e 1 1 e r, m. disputatious fel- low. 23 i b c r b e U e r i n 11, /. shrew. 23 lb er cb r i ft, m. (-8) antichrist 23 i b c r d) r i ft c 11 1 b n m, n, anti christianism. 20 I b C r d) r i ft I i dl/ «§'• antichristian. 23 i b e r b r It d, m. re-action ; Typ. T. re-iteration. 23 i b c r b r ii d e 11, v. a. to squeeze or press against, to re-act. 23 i b e r b l' 11 p, m. provinc. anger, vexa tion, vid. 3Serbrilfj. 2Biberebelid), adj. anti-matrimo- nial. 23 i b e r f d b r e 11, t>. n. {am.. fe»n) with dot. to happen, befall ; e8 t'tt ibllt Ctn Uligliid — , a misfortune has happened to him; Sebem Oiecbt — laffen, to mete out justice to every one, to give every one his due. Syn. 2Bi/jtrfr1 1 1, 771. (-8) re echo. 23 1 b e v b a 1 1 e it, v. n. {aux. babett) to re-echo. SB lb er bait, m. (-8) hold, support, counter-hold, counter-pressure, resist- ance; feinen — babeit, to have no stay, shore, support; fig. eiueit nu'irhttgen — an 3einancent baben, to have powerfil support in any one. 23 i b e r b a 1 1 e n, r. n. 7>. (aux. baben/ to hold out. last ; lo resist. 23iberbatter, m. (-8; pi. —) T. shaft-hook: fulcrum (ofa lever). 23 tb cvl)(l I ti Q- ."''J- resisting, op- posite; — e <2pei|CU, solid, staying meals. 23 ib c r b p r ft, m. vid. 20t - benift. 20 tber ta lit P f, m (S) combat, op- posing struggle, opposition. 20 i b e r f 5 111 p f e n, v. n. to con'ibat o» contend against 20 i b e r 1 1 a g e, / counter plea, i» crimination. ©ibe ffi i b e r f[ a g c r, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) re- criminator. SB ib c r f i- c u j, n. (-tt) /A. T. eroslet SB i b C r ( a g t,f. ^Jreft. V. counterpoise, counter-pillar, spur; /.. 7". jointure, settlement, donation in favour of mar- . riage. SB t b e v I a g e r, n. (-6) via. 2Biber= [age, 1. SB i b c r I it g c r, m. (-«) Mm. T. one who digs the foundation of a tiutment. SB t b e y I a it f e n, v. i>. n. (aux. fcyu) to run against ; to wind, double. SBiberlegbur, SBibertEglicfc, adj confutable, refutable. 2.8 i b c v I c g b a r f e i f, / capability u f being refuted. SBibcr (cgeit, ?•. a. to refute, con- fute, contradict, gainsay, disprove; fi= nett 33en)et8, cinen 5>iij — , to dis- prove, confute an argu nt, a propo- sition ; bit fi'rfiibvung nuberlejt ea, experience disproves it. SB tb e r lc g cr, m. refuter. SB t b C r 1 C g It It g, /. confutation, refu- tation; L. '/'.contradiction, rebutter, ob- jections ; compos. — Bfdjrift, /. written refutation, disproof, rebutment. SB t b C Y I t rb, I. ai!j. repugnant, offen- sive, distrusting, loathsome, nauseous; II. ado. disgustingly, nauseously. SB i b e f I t d) I e i t, /. offensiveness, nauseousness, loathsomeness ; ledious- ne-s. SB i b C r 1!, v. ». (aux. (nibt'tt) to be re- pugnant, to loathe, nauseate; CS IVt'= bcrt mil- vov biefer ©peife, or bicfe Spftfe OHbeSt lllir, i feel nausea at this (kind of) food. SB I b C r It it t it [ I i d), I adj. contrary to nature, unnatural, preternatural; II. alo. unnaturally. SB i b e r it a t ii r 1 1 rb f e i f, /. preter- naturaltiess, SB lb e x p a b ft, vi. vid. ©cgcnvabft. SB i b C r p a r t. m. Sr f. opposition, con- tradiction, counterpart, adversary, anta- gonist, opponent, opposer ; eiltCIlt — b e, /. contradiction, ob- jection ; oblie — , unquestionably, un doubtedly : atso unanimously, without a dissenting voice. SB t b e r r e b c it, ;>. vid. SBibcifvrcrbcit. SB l b e V r i ft, m. withers (of a horse) ; bie ajcrlcftmig ant — , am — vet- Iffcf, wither wrung. SBtbtrrilf, m. SSifCtTfifllllg, /. re- cantation, revocation, retractation; — Iblllt, to recant, unsay. SB i b e r r ft f I t Cp, adj. that may be re- called, revocable. 50 ©fee ©foe SB i b e r r ft f c tt, t cant, retract SB i b er t S f 1 1 dl f e i f, /. revocable SBlber ffld&er, m. SBlbcrfarberinn, /.adversary, antagonist, opposer, ene- my : Per — beS meiifdjlirben ®f; frt)(cd)t3, the devil. Sim. 2Sio«rfad)cr,e)vantr,$,»nent,-) „r the JansenidU, in I they contradicted their opinions, th-ir ISiSfr. (adversaries) in as tar aa they strove lo injure tliem eieryivliere, and their 5cin8c (enemies) in as far as they did this out of opposition; contrac SBlbcrfa, antithesis. 93J t be r f rb olf, m. vid. Sl'irbr rfcball. SB tbet f d) f i ii, m. reverberation, re fulgence, reflexion of light. SB lb e V f rf) e ! t e It, n. recrimination. SB i b e f f d) 1 a i] c ti, ». ;,-. n. to strike against SCBlberfee, /..V. r. back sweep of the waves, surf. SB i ber f i v e n, ». rrji. to resist, op- pose; to oiler resistance ; baS — , vid. SBiberfefeimg. SBtberfe'^ti d), I. adj. resisting, dis- obedient, refractory ; resistible ; II. ado. refractorily. 2B t b e v f c % I i d; f c t f, /. refractori- r. a. to revoke, re- j SB i b e r f p y u rb, m contradletm gainsaying, opposition : — tit belt @t« |t' v ttt, antinomy ; cbne — , without contradiction; unquestionably; feittf IVriiiittig ift pbtic — angeiiommtn IVOrbtll, his opinion has been adopted without any opposition, unanimously ; bas Kitrt friticil — , that is not to be contradicted ergainsayed; mil floj, fclbft int — e fc'.)l), to be at variance with one's self; compos. — Sgeift, m. fondness of contradicting ; — StCllfcf, m. person who has contracted the habit of contradicting. 2B i b C V ft a ti b, m. resistance, oppc.- br:u Sriitbe — ieiftf it, to otter resistance to the enemy ; brv — brr cllft, the resistance of the atmosphere; compos. — eliltte,/. Mil. T. line of re sistan ■>■ -2i> i t c t- ft c ben, v. n. (aux baben) 1. I" resil ill-land ; -'. to be repugnant, go against; a iviferftebt llltr, it is repugnant to my taste or feel- S3J i b C V fe (\ It II g, /. opposition, con- trariety, repugnance, reluctancy. 2. ( 3 t b e r f i It It, ?«. inconsistency, con- tradiction ; wrong sense; nonsense, absurdity. ^'MbCV filling, I. adj repugnant to common sense, inconsistent, contradic- tory; absurd, preposterous; nonsen- sical ; cine SRebe — oerftebeit, to mis- understand a speech ; — e Sit^e be= baitpteit, to maintain paradoxes; ||. ado. inconsistemiy ; nonsensically; ab- surdly. SB i b e r f p it u ft i g, I. adj. refractory, obstinate, stubborn, perverse, contu- macious; II. adv. refractorily, obstinate- ly, perversely. SB tberfp 3 It ft t g e, m. refractory. SB 1 b C r f p ii It ft t g f c 1 1, f. refractori- ness, obstinacy, stubbornness, contuma- cy, intractabletieas. SBlbetf p t e I, n. contrary, counter- part, reverse; 3eiltailbCIH bdS — httl= ten, to act in a manner opposite to an- other ; tilt — C, proainc on the con- trary. 21} i b e r f p i ft e, /. barb ; ciu SJfeil niit — 11, a bearded arrow. SBtberfpretfce it, »>. »v. *. (aux. ba= bell) (witk the da. einent or einer Sa- roe — ) to contradict, gainsay, oppose ; Sie — fid) fclbft, you contradict your self; biefer ©afc rotberfyrirbt bent aiu bctll, this proposition contradicts the other. SB t b e t O I r. Q> e n b, ado. <$• adj. con- tradictory. SB i b c y f p y c tt) c r, m . SBIberft)re6Se» lillll, f. contradicler, gainsay er, SBiberfptedjerifd), adj. fond of contradicting; contrary. SB I b er f J> r e ft J I d), adj. that may ba contradicted. IBiberfpredjuitgafurb i, f. love of contradiction. l i v 3 ib e t fl ( b 1 tit, adj. resistible. ■Ja> i b e r ft c b I i d) f e i r, /. resistible- ness, resistance. SB i b e v ft fi, ?;i 1. counter shock ; 2. foot (a plait). iBiberftrcbcn, v. n (aux baben with. tint, to strive, struggle against ; lo resist, SB i b e r ft f C b C It, n. opposition, rc- Bietance; reluctance. SBtberfirfbe r, m. opposer. ili i b e V ft if b I i d), adj. that may be opposed or resisted, resistible. SB l b C V ft f C i t, m. contradiction, op- position; ber — ber "^fliittii!, ^friifte, the conflict of duties, antagonism of forces; biefe jtrci @efe v e frbciiiea iid^ in wiberfvrerben, e6 ift fdjroe: btefeil — Jll [S fell, these two lawsap pear to be contradictory, it is ditlicult to reconcile this anomaly, this antino- my. SB i b e v ft r e i f c it, o. a. I, n. (ma. ba= belt) to oppose; to militate against, S 1G i b C C ft f e 1 1 C II b, part. adj. mili- tatniL', conflicting. SB iberflrcite r, m. contradicter, op- poser. SB i b c r ft v o tit, m. A*. T. stop water, counter current, reflux, backwater, ed dy, whirlpool. SB i b C r ft it ^ C, /. stay, buttress, shore, vid. ©tiifce. SB I b C v ft ii (J e II, o. ti. to bear against, to shore. SBlber tbet I, m. >■//. —part; — « (belt, m. Venus-hair, maiden hair (a plant). SBlbenofirHfl, o^f. contrary, nd verse, perverse, cross ; peevish-j re pugnant, repulsive; cin— cr iDiritfrb, a cross-grained fellow. "3A} i b e v m a r t i g f c i f, /. adversity disappointment, reverse of fortune. ■iii t b c y w i 1 1 e, m, avcrseness, aver- sion, reluctance, abhorrence; di» pleasure, grudge, ill-will; — it babm, to bear a grudge, ill-will ; ber lialurlj* d)e — , antipathy. SB I b c r n> i (I t g, i. adj. reluctant,crosa grained; II. ado. reluctantly. SB l b e r IV t II b, m. contrary wind SB i be f iv o v t, H. (-tt) I. u. refutation* reply. SB i b e r j e 1 1, /. jv r. cUnge of tks tiih. 78i 9Bieb 'jii ib in e it, v. a. <$• rrfljo dedicate ; to devote; fid) J'ctt SEifTenfchaftetl to devote one's self to science. 22 i b lit e 11, 7i. (-6) dedicating, devoting. 22 i b lit C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) dedicator. SB 1 b Ut II I! g, f. (pi- -fit) dedication ; devoting; compos. — Sbrief, — $td)rci= belt, — Sfcbrift, /. dedication, dedica- tory epistle. 22 I b X I (J, uilj. ■$■ adv. 1 . contrary, ad- verse, cross, different, opposite ; 2. dis- gustful, repugnant, repulsive, loathsome, nauseous; — e 22illbl\ adverse winds; — gcfillllt fel)ll, to be adversely in- clined, unfavourably or hostilely ri.s- posed ; tin — cit Salie, or — en Sails, in the contrary case, otherwise, in de- fault of which, if not ; \>a$ — e @e= fd;icf, adverse fate, adversity; — er @CVlld), offensive smell. HSibrige it falls, SBibrigenS, adv. in the contrary case, upon the failure of which. 22 i b v i g f e i t, f. (pi. -en) 1 . contra- riety, adversity ; 2. disgustfulness, of- fensiveness, repugnance, nauseousness. SS I e, I. adv. how ; in what manner or way; by what means; — alt filtb (Sic? how old are you? — fo? how so 1 — stel '-. — fct)r? how much T — fcboit, gut, gelei)rf, U. f. w. aud), however beautiful, good, learned, &c. ; — fdjoii ift bie Sugciib ! how beauti- ful is virtue! — fvpl> Wax id)! how glad was I! id) wcijj nidjt — id) eS niacheu foil! I do not know how to do with it: — ! bat er fo q e fa ^ t ? what, has he said so? — gilt Ober fd>led)t bcv fcti)l and) (tminei) fei)ii lttag, however good or bad the style maybe; el fel) bem, — il)m wolU, be that as it may, however that may be- II. covj. as, like; when: — eill Sftiefe, as a giant; — eill 9iafctibev, like a madman ; — (llld), as also ; — 115CIUI, ns if; fo — , (just or such) as ; fo grofi — . . ., as tall as...; llidjt fo gut — . . . , not as good as ... ; — let) fehe, as I see ; — ev fiut wax, when he was gone ; — fccvftciuei't, as if (as it were) petrified. HBlebel, m. {pi. — ) provinc. weevil, calender. 13 1 e b el it &■ SEibbehi, o. n. vuig . to crowd, swarm. S3 l 6 b, m. woad. Slebf, /. (pi. -It) provinc. willow, osier, withy ; faggot band ; campus. — - l)0:.l>f, m. lapwing, hoopoe ; — hOpffVflUt, n. esparcet, sainfoin. SB t e b e (, m. & n, wayfaring tree. SBiebev, adv. I. again, anew, afresh; 2. in return ; Ii. back ; 4. a second time, another lime, repeatedly ; (in many compos, it = RE . . . and in sub- stantives it may be rendered by second, RENEWED, REPEATED. FE...); fid) XX* l>olen, — $n fid) felbft fommeit, to re- cover one's self; — gcfllltb UKlbeit, to recover; — gut lltfldjCtt, to requite, re dress ; — bevftellcn, — iii ben bovigeu Stoitb restore; — boleit, to fetch, bring or carry hack ; — ill bie v0 = rijje .ftvittlfrjcit fallen, to relapse; — jlivedlt bviltgen, to redress ; Itlll — aitf itnfere . a. i . to raise or lift again ; 2. to abolish, can- cel, abrogate (a law). 22 i e b e r a ii f f o m m c it, v. ir. n. (aux. fcl)ll) to recover from an illness. 22 i e b e r a ii f I e b e tt, n. reviviscence, revival ; ba$ — ber ©elebrfamftit, revival of learning. 22 i e b e v a ii f I e g e it, v. a. to lay on again; to re-apply; to reprint (a hook). 22 i e b e V a li f lit It tt t e r It, v. a. to re- animate, re-encourage, rally. 22 i e b e v a ii f n e b m e tt, v. ir. a. to receive again, to re-assume. 22 i e b e r a ii f ft c b, c it, «. ir. n. (aux. fepil) to stand up again. 22 i c b c x a ii S b e f f e r it, v. a. to re- pair. 22 i c b e v a ii & b e f f e r n it g, /. re- pairing, reparation. 22 i e b e r a ii 8 b v e d) e it, (aux. fe\)ll) to break out anew ; to be re- newed. 22 i e b e r a li 6 b r it d), Til. (-eg) break- ing out again, recommencement (of a war, &c ). 9GB i e b e r a ii « f 6 I) it e n. ». a. * rrfl. to reconcile. 22 i e b c v a ti & f ii f) tt u n g, /. recon- ciliation. 22 I e b e r b a u e u, r a. to rebuild, e- construct. SBieb 22 1 e b e r e b c n ! e it, « ir. a. * reft, ti reconsider, to think again on any thing 22 M b e r b e f d I) i g e it, v. a. &■ reft, h. T. to make competent again, to re- qualify, to rehabilitate. 22i e b e x b e f d b. t g it n g, /. rehabii lation. 22 1 e b e v b e g e b v e ii, v. a. to request again, to demand back, redemand. 22teberbcfe£)riing, /. reconver- sion. 22 1 c b e v b e f I a g t e, m. (decl. like adj.) I,. T. the party accused in reconven- tion. 22 1 e b c r b c f o tit in e it, v. ir. a. to get again, to recover. 22 1 c b e v b e t a tt g t e, 77i. vid. 22icber» luflagte. 22 1 e b e r b e I e b e n, ». a. to re-animate, resuscitate. 22 1 e b e v b e 1 e b it ii g,/. resuscitation. 22 t e b e r b e m a cb 1 1 g e it, v. reft, ftdj eilicv Sad)e — , to regain possession of a thing. 22 1 e b c r b c r u x) i g e n, v. a. $• rot to recompose, re-assure. 22 1 e b e r b e f d n f t i g e it, v. a. s,- reft, to re-appease, to resoften. 22 1 c b e r b e f d n f t i g it ii g, /. re-ap peasing. 22 1 e b e v b c f e % e it, v. a. to fill (a place) again ; to re-occupy. 22 t C b C V b e f t tt 11 e 11, v. ir. reft, to re- collect one's self. 22 i c b e v b e f i %, m. (-eS) reposse»- sion. 22 i e b e x b e f i % C n, v. a. to have bacJi again, to repossess. SB i e b c v b e d 5 1 f c r n, ». «. <$• r e i b mi g,/. re-ordina- tion. SB I f b e r c r g r e i f e n, ». ir. a. to re- seize, retake. SSieberergreifuttg, /. reseizure. 33 i e b e r e r b a 1 1 c tt, o. i>. a. to get back, recover, re-obtain. SB i e b e r e r b a 1 1 it tt g, /. recovery. SB t c b e r e r I) o I e it, v. a. 4- rf/l. to re- gain, recover. SB I e b e r e r i it n e r it, ». a. . n. {mix. ffiut) to re-appear. SB i e b e r c r f d) e i n it it g,/. re-appear •IB i e c- e r e r f e ft e n, ? ». a. to restore, iB i e b e r e r ft a 1 1 e it, S redintegrate, repay. 2B i e be r e r f c ft it tt fl, )/. restitution, IB i e b e r e r ft a 1 1 ti it fl, > repaj ment, restoration, red integral ion. a\J l e b e r e r m a I) I u it g, /. re selec- tion. SB i e b e r e r w c . a. to rege- nerate. 2B I e b e r fl C b e n, p. ir. a. 1 . to return. restore, give back; 2. to translate, render. aB t e b e r g e b ( i d), tlj. that ought to be returned, returnable, aiilebergeborett, a iiiebrmal* njieberbolt lrcrbfit, it must be repeated .again and again. 33 i e b e r b e I e n 1 1 i d), adc. repeatedly. SSieberbOler, m. repeater. 33 i e b e r b C I It b l', /• repeating watch. SB i e b e r b U 1 U It g, /. repeating, repe- tition ; oftere — , frequency. SB i e b e r b o I it it fl « ft u it b e, /. hour of repetition. SB t e b e r h Ul it it fl 8 5 e t d) e ti. h. sign of repetition. 33 i o b e r b i! I ro e r F, n. (-ti) rid. Sit; petirtnerf. SB i c b e r f a u e n, > c. a. rumina- 3B i e b e r f a tt ii u fl, /. 5 tion. 33 i e b C r f a It f, m. redemption. SB i C b e r f a U f e It, v. a. to repurchase, redeem. SB i e b e r f ii It f C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) re- purchaser, redeemer. SB i e b e r f a II f 1 i d), adj. redeemable. 3B t e b f r f a it f i r e d) t, n. right oi redemption. SBtfberfebr, /. return; obrte — bCrlplClt, irretrievably Inst. SB i e b e r f e h r e it, »•. «. (aux. feiin) to return ; to be repeated. SB l e b e r f e b r It It fl. / return ; compos — ipitllft, m. return-point in a curve. SB I e b e r f e b r j tu e i fl, m. (-eS) a. t twig of the vague nerve. SB i e b e r f I a fl e, /. counter-plea. SB i e b e r f 1 a g e n, v. n. to bring a ro convention. SBleberflager, m. (-8) plaintiff in reconvention. SB l e b e r f 1 a It fl, m. (-C8) echo ; re sound : resonance. SB i e b e r f I i it g c tt, v. ir. n. to re sound, re echo. SBicbcif Dltl IttClt, n. coming back, returning. SB i c b e r f r i e g e ti, v. a. to get hack, to re obtain. SB leberf II tiff, /. returning, return. SBieberlebc'nbi flinadien, r «. to revivify, resuscitate. SB t e b e r I e b C It b i fl III a d) Ml fl, /. re- vivification SB U" b e r I e f e It, o. ir. a. to reperui* read again. SB t c b c r I e f it ti fl, /. reperusal SB te b er I 6 f c it, v. a. to redeem, 95$ [eberlSfUU g, / releasement ; re- demption: compos. — 8rcr l )f, n. righto* redemption. aB i e b e r in a d) e n, r ■> ao (07cr" again, to reir.akc 787 2Biet> 13 f e b e tin it v m e 1 it, c. a. ■$■ n to murmur back, again. 2Bteberiiabllie, /. recapture of a prize. 28 t e b f r It a (l e r It, v. a. &■ rrfl. to re- approach. 18 i e b e r u e b in e it, v. >r. a. to retake. 18 I e b C r 11 e i) lit C X, m. recaptor of a prize. 18 i t b c r tt t e b e v 1 e 3 c n, b. a. <&■ reji. to lay down again. ■US i f b e f 11 i c b e r f e fc c it, v. «. &■ rrji. to reseat (one's self), to sit down again. 28 1 e b e r b f f ll c it, v. a. to re open. 28 t C b C X f a 3 e, /. telling again. 28 i e b C X f a g C It, v. a. to resay, re- port, repeat. HB I e b e t f a m in e 1 n, b. a. $■ refl. to recollect, re-assemble. 28 I e b e r f d) a f f e it, v. ir. a. to get again, find again. 2B I e b e V f d) a I I, m. echo, resound- ing. 28 ! e b e v f d) a 11 e n, ». n. to resound, echo, re-echo. 28 1 C b e r f d) e i II, m. reflexion of the light, reflexibility ; reverberation. 28 i e b e r f d) e i n e n, v, ir. n. to be reflected (of light), to be imaged. 28 l C b C X f d) C 1 1 e 1I, v. ir. a. to scold, call names in return. 2Bleb fifteen! en, v. a. to give again, back, to return (as a present). 23 1 c b e V f c$ t cf e tt, v. a. £ n. to send back, again, anew. 28 1 e b e v f d> i in p f c n, v. a. A- n . to scold or slang in return. 23 i e b e r f d> I a g, m. stroke in return. 28 ! e b e v f d) I a g e h, v. ir. a. to hit or strike back, in return. 28 i e b e r f d} m e I J f ii, v. ir. a, to re- melt, melt over again. 28 t e b e r f d) v t i b e it, v. ir. a. to write again, to rewrite. 28teberfee, m. (-8) jv. r. reflux, ebb. 23 l C b e r f e f) C It, b. ir. a. to see again ; bitS — , seeing or meeting again ; @0tf befotjleit, biS ailf — , good bye, till we see each other again ! {French au re- voir '.) 2Bifberfe(jen, ». a. &■ refl. to re- place, reseat ; fid) — , to sit down again; Mil. T. to rally. 28 i e b C r |> r u It g, m. (-8> bound, re- bound, result ; S/i. T. doubling ; bUTCb, — , by doubling, by a bound. 28 I C b C r ft A r f e ll, v. a. £ refl. to re- invigorate, to restrengthen. 28 I C b C V ft fi C II, v. ir. a. to thrust back or again, to repulse. 38 i C b e r ft r A t) I, m. (~t$) reflected or reverberated ray. 20 1 e b e r ft r a b 1 e it, ». «. <£■ n. to re- flect, reverberate, image back; to be reflected, &c. 23 t e b e v ft r i d), m. (-6) »af. 23icber= flag. 28 1 c b c v ft r o in, /n. vid. SBiber jh-otn. 28 i e b e V f 11 d) e It, b. «. to seek or look for again. 23 1 C t e V t A U f e, / rebaptization. 28 5 C b C V t A 11 f C 11, v. a to rebaptize 53 i C b C r t A U f e r, m. anabaptist ; com- pos. — lctjie, /. anabaptism. 88 i C b f C ' $ IU1, v. ir. a. fam. .© do over ana i a 7«8 28 1 f b e x 1 5 it e it, v. vid. 2Bieber= fit alien. 28 t « b e r t r t 1 1, m. (-$) repeated step. 23 I C b e V It m, adv. again, anew, afresh, in one's turn. 28 1 c b c r ii m f e fj v e n, v. a. <$- n. to turn about again, to return. 28 i c b C X V £ V ii it b c r It, o. a. 4- refl. to change again. 28 i c b c v u c f c t ii i g c li, v. a. St refl. to re unite, rejuin. 28 ; c b c vy e v c i ii t g u n g, /. reunion. 28 t c b c r u e v a e 1 1 e ii, &■ n. to requite, recompense; t§ foil btl'u.Hf= bfVUei'goltcn WClbClt, you shall be re- munerated for it; (also as a threat), you shall have like for like. 28 1 c b c x y c x g e 1 1 e r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) remunerator, requiter. retributer. 28tebevver3eltuii8,/ iv.'aiiation, requital, law of reprisals ; retribution, recompense ; compos. — SlliafjltablltClt, — gmath'egelii, pi reprisals; — §vcd)t, n. right of retaliation (lex talioni?) ; ftd} bc8 — grerbtcS bcbteitClt, to retaliate ; to use reprisals. 28 U b t X » C X g I C t d; e It, v. ir. a. e v t r c i b c u, b. ir. a. to drive away again, to re-expel. 28 i e b c f b o v b c t 3 e l) e it, v. ir. n. {uujc. )i\)ll) to go by again, to repass, iiiiebc rro ad) S, m. vid. 28tcbev= 28 1 e b e r id a d) f c n, b. jr. v. (auz. feijn) to grow again. 28 i e b e r iu ct 3 e ii, ) v . ir. a. to weigh 18 i ( b C V lb t C 3 c It, $ again. 28tcbcriyed) fct, 771. j\i e. bill of exchange that has come back protested and is sent again. 28 t e b f X \V i 3 It A r) lit C, /. retaking, taking away again. 28 iebernjcguelj 111 c it, b. -<>. a. to lake away again. 28 1 c b c i- ro e r b c 1:, v. ir. n. (aux. fcl;n) to become again ; to enter into a new life, to re-enter existence. s i8 i c b c r id 1 1 e it, b. jr. 77. to wish to have again. 28ieberiDltd)8, m. (-e§) second growth, fresh growth. 28 t f b e f j a f) ( C It, v. a. , Lucy. 28 t e f e, /. (pl. -It) meadow, mead, meadow ground; CtltC bllllllCitreitfcf — .flowery meadow; rumpus. — NAM' VfeV. 771 sorrel; — ltaitbOTtt, m. aquatic horehound ; — lliltlto, in. the berry- bearing angelica; — libit cf), 771. brook in a meadow; — ltbat[)CII;]cl, m. wild germander ; — ItluiII, m. culture 0/ meadows; — tlbctoiiie, /. tlie tetony ; ffittb ffiifo ©ill .-nbeiirailt, m. sneezing-wort ; — \U Slume, /. meadow-flower; — nbodi' bait, in. common buck's-beard ; — B* bval)llf, /. bush, copse. being the fore- part of a wood; — nbijlel, /. common thistle ; — ntl)Ttnpvt\8, m. bastard ger- mander, meadow fluellin ; — neiigeU DJUrj, / wild angelica ; — lierj,n. mea- low-iron-ore ; — Hfelb, n. grass-land; — nflilrt)3, in. cudwort, cotton weed ; — liglbiflciii, re. uieadow-campaneila ; — ItiJiaS, re meadow grass ; — Itgt'Ult, b. meadow-green, verdure of the mea- dow8; — ligrtlltb, m. meadow ground, meadow dale; — ltbaber, m. tall oat- grass; — itfjabidjtfraut, n. ineadow- hawk-v.eed ; — llbaflltenflifj, m. mea- dow- crow-foot; — llb/Obcl, m. mole- plotlgli; — ttflcf, m. meadow-trefoil; bet flfO$e — nfU'C, honeysuckle-trefoil ; — Jtfttnrre, /. land-rail, corn-crake; — llfliopf, rn. meadow-button; — tlfb= nigillll, f. queen of the meadow (a plant i ; — iifvaiif, n. meadow-herb; — nfreffe, /. meadow-creeses; — Hfuf)= metftfll, m. black meadow-wheat ; — lt= fiilllllicl, m. meadow-cumin ; — lllaub, ■t rtd. — iiguuib; — nlattig, m dande- lion ; — tilaufer, ?«. vid — ufuanc ; — lllcilt, w. purging (lax; — tlletd)C, /. tit-lark; — IlliC|'cbj]lM«, n. Timothy grass; — mitoljit, m. wild poppy; — n= lllOltat, vi. Jig. May; — Upfab, m. mea- dow paih ; — ItpfUtllJf, /. meadow- plant; — tlpdlll, m. meadow; place to dance on ; — llplattei'bfe, /. meadow- latliyrus ; — HpreiS, in. red meadow- trefoil ; — ttguellc, /. meadow-spring or fountain; — lll'alle, /. meadow-rail: — ucaiife, /. md. — iifrcffe ; — iifaute,/. feathered columbine ; — -ttrf bbubu, n. tlie ptarmigan ; — ttlispe, /. meadow- grass ; — tU'Obi',/ improving of marshy grounds to meadows : — 11 fa ffrait, m. meadow-saffron; — tlfitlbet, /. wild sage; — lllcbilftfjalllt, in. marshy shave- grass ; — U|d)aitC, /. nieadow-dove's- foot. savory: — ufcbleppe, /. mole- plough •, — ufdjnatte, /. vid. — ufiiar= Vt J — tlfcbotcilflee, in. square-podded bird's foot trefoil; — nfteill, in. rid — ueij ; — iiftciiibtccb, m, meadow saxifrage; — Ittbal, n. valley with meadows- — Uthalc$en, n meadow- dale; — tttfiatl, m. meadow-dew ; — n = I'Ogt, /;/. surveyor of the meadows ; — nroarfiS, — uiiMid)iS, m. growth of a meadow; meadow; — Itnmilje, f. meadow-bug; — uroaffcr, H . meadow- water; — uiuatte, —ltmolle, /. cotton- grass ; — iiitfiiibbluiiic, /. meadow- anemone; — HUMltbe, /. meadow-bind weed: — ii'cbnte, m meadow's tube; — njcitloff, /. vid. — nfnfraii; — iu jtllS, in. rent of meadow land. SE'tefel, »..(-«; pi. — ) weasel, weezel ; Hi fh'nfcitbc — , fitchet, pole- cat ; ba« fanabifebe — , paean ; compos. — bftie, /. wild cherry; — eid)bihll= fjjcil, n the palm squirrel ; — f f II, n, weasel skin. SB U f e I, m. (-8) queen-bee. 215 1 e f e I b C C V e, /. (pi. -tt) wild cherry. 23 t e i xo a d) s, m. vid. 23icfe nn>ad)«. 80B i c u Tc 1 fi c, adj. bet, bit, bag — ? who or which of the number? what number? bCV — iff l)ClltC? what day of the month is to day ? bctt — n SBftltb habcit Sic ? which volume have you 7 IB i e m D b I or 2Bictuol, con j. though, although, however. 23 I f |l a 11 b, m. + warrior, Ik ro. *2B i f I C ft t C It, pt. the Wiclelitcs. tut lb, [. adj. 1. wild, savage, unculti- vated, in its natural state ; 2. unruly, irregular, intractable, dissolute, fierce, barbarian, barbarous ; bie — t 9!ojV, white briar : bet — f Slpffl, wilding; — e Xbicre, wild beasts ; ci'ii — ti 93o!f, a Eavage people; ba8 — C Seller, St. Anthony's tire, erysipelas ; — ei Sleifd), proud flesh ; — c8 ©c= ftciil, Miti. '/'. rock or stone that con tains no metal ; c3 fltebf fftltcit Oxt, wo ber 2Beijeit — njiidjfl, there is no place where wheat grows naturally ; II ado. wildly, savagely; fiercely, barbar- ously ; vid. Si/n. UllgefiUtn ; compos. — ttbet, m. white hawthorn ; — bab, re. natural bath, not prepared by art ; — = boft, m. B. T. wild basil ; — elfier, /. nine-murder (a bird) ; — erj, n. a spe- cies of gold ore (of the Harz) ; — fctiti}, m. harebrained fellow, wild youth ; ram- scuttle ; — fl'Cmb, adj. vulg. quite strange ; — fmilb fct)tt, to be entirely a stranger ; — tjailS,/. wild goose ; — gavbe, /. Ji. T. drop-wort; — gei'ltd), m. fumette ; — fll'itf. m. Wildgrave (title of some old families between the river Rhine and the Moselle) ; — QraS, re. meadow fox- tail-grass ; — b^ber, m. i. wild oatr grass; il. perrenial darnel; — l)"'?- "• dyer's greenwood or broom ; — but)ll, n. ptarmigan, partridge ; — fillb, re. deer-calf ; — f atjc, /. wild cat ; — f rtticu= itiiubc, /. common or black sallow ; — = [Ol'lt, ii. wild barley grass ; — fill big, in. bitter apple, bitter gourd : — laud}/ m. helm's garlic; — lliai'MT, m. pine- martin ; — niauttt?i}raS, re. rough panic grass; — lliaitlllfraUi, re. the anemone of the alps; — obft, >i. wild fruit; — = vbtbc, /. B. T. cross wort, northern madder; — tattbe, /. wild pigeon. 2B i ( b, n (S§) game, deer, venison ; V0il)e« — , deer, fallow deer; fleillcS — , small game (hares, rabbits, wild ducks, and other fowls) ; fdjamrjcg — , the wild boar ; — flefoUlt, to poach • compos. — flCler, in. field for game ; — - bal)lt, /. 1. lane through a forest; hunting-place, walk or road for the game ; 2. ground stored with game, chase ; 3. natural, unpaved or un- gravelled place ; — billttt, m. I. right of keeping others from hunting „r shooting on certain fields ; 8. vid, pre ceding word; — bt'atCtl, m. rid. — plf t= braten; — bref, n. rid. — pvet; = bcttbe, /. rid. — biebftabl ; — fieb, .». deer-stealer, poacher ; — bicbi'ici, / deer-stealsng, poaching ; — fitltfl, in. catching of deer, game caught; — = fli'ifcb, re. venison ; — fovft, ,,i. forest in winch game is preserved; — fmf}, in damage done by game or wild animals ; — fllbte, / conveyance of game; walk or road for the game; ground for game, chase; — Qau8, /. Wild goose; — gatlt, n. Sp. ']". small game-net ; —flatten, m. park, deer field; — gcfalle, pi. revenues ftom game ; — flcbage, ii. precincts, district for hunting or shooting ; — gcrttd?, m. smell or scent of game ; eillt'lt — fie* vnd) babeit, to have a game-smell; — (JtUbe, / pit fill; — bailf, f. skin of a deer; — bauteit, adj. of deers- tkin ; — bil'f, m. keeper of grounds, to prevent damage from deer; game- keeper; — jagb, /. the chase, sport; — frtlb, n. fawn, calf (of the hart, &c.) ; — fltrdlt, m. under-keeper ; — Itbcf, re. deer-akin; — nteifter, m, ranger; — = IJieifleret,/ office and habitation of the ranger; — IIC&, »i. deer hay ; — Vrct, re, game, deer, venison; — pretbiatcn, m. roasted venison; — pi't'tbriiho, f. black sauce ; — pretge febmarf, m. taste of venison, game-llavour ; — = JJretbattblcr, m, game vender, game poulterer; —ftttpaflttt, f. venEm pasty : — VCu)t, n. hawk's or hound't reward; — ruf, m. call of game; — » frfiabCH, m. damage caused by game; — fdireibcr, m. clerk of the venery; — fitttPVeit, m. shed in a forest; — = fdjltr, /. fur-pellise; — fdjufcr, m. I. shooter; 2. poacher; — fprOt)eit, vi. 8p. ■]'. anllers ; — fpltr, /. track ; — = ftanb, m. lodge or lair of deer ; stock of deer ; — ttage, /. hand-barrow for removing game ; — SO^t, m. proline, rid. — l)irt; — mage, /. game-scales; —meg, m . vid. — bab.n; — reerf, n. game (of all sorts) ; — {aim, m. fence or enclosure for game of a park. 23 i 1 b e, m. &■ f. dcd. like adj. savage. 2B 1 1 b c it j c it, o. rid. 23Ubpcni. 2B i I b e r e v, m. (-« ; pi. — ) poacher. SB i I b e t it, v. vid. Uetroilbetii. 2B i 1 b b e i t, /. 1, wildness, savage- nes» 2 fierceness; 3. ferocious and barbaatja action, cruelty. 2S t I b i i tt g, in. (-« ; pl.-t) wild-tree, wild-stock. 23 1 1 b It e r, m, (-« ; -\ —) poacher. 23 i 1 b it i fi,/. (/,/. -ji'O wilderness, de- sert; vid. Siju. (5'iitbte 23 i 1 b p e i u, v n. (uuz. baben) to bora the smell or taste of venison. 23 i 1 g e, /. (;,/. -id provine. willow. 25 i 1 l) C I m, m. (-«) William ; dim. -l^ilhclnicticil, v. 1. Bill, Billy; 2. Ii. T. BWeet William. 23 i 1 b e [ nt t it c, /. ;-tf5) Wilhelmina dim, 23ill)e[miiifbeii, re. Minna. 23 i I i b a I b, m. (-S) + name of men. 23 i 1 1 e A- 23iHen, m . (-118 & -i) will, mind, design, purpose ; wish, inclina- tion ; Sic bdben 3l)t'eit (fteieit) — 11, you have your free will; ba» ijt ltllfet — , that is our will, our pleasure ; bet left'e — , last will; mit — 11, wilfully, on purpose; — ItS feilt, to have a mind, to intend, design; cillCIll Jit —II fiVll or leben, feiiicit — 11 tbuii, to comply with one, please one, to reserve one a good turn; lttit 3t)"IM —II, with youi leave or permission ; pImic incut 233 if* fctt lltlb — , without my will and con- sent ; llllt . . . — It, for the sake, on ac- count of; ant ©ottrS —11, for GotFi sake ; lint 3btcr Jvinbcr —11, for the sake of your children; compos. — I1I08. adj. having no will of one's own ; mov- ing or acting by the agency or at the will of another; fig. weak; — iieaiipc= vim,], ;• expression of one's will; — n$= bcftimimtiig, / volition; — nfttitiU tl'l'g, /• /. '/'. declaratory act ; — 116 = fl'CJbCIt, /. free will, arbitrariness : — IIS* jefeft, re. law of volition ; — uafvafr, / I. power er faculty of willing; 2. force of will ; — nameiiiuiig, /. will, pl< a — lt«Detm5fjtn, ,,. faculty of vol. 2b 1 1 I C It t 1 i d)/ adv. on purpose, inten- tionally. 23 i 11 f a b f e tt, v . » (ma, baben) (part flemiUfabteO einent in etraal — , to fulfil a person's wishes, to com- ply with, 10 gratify; concede to, yield to (one's request, &c). 2B i 1 1 f a b t e r, m, (-« ; pL — ) /. u. i', conceder. 23 i 1 1 f a b r i g, 1. adj. ready, gratify- ing, compliant, complaisant, courteous; fidj — llelleil, to feign compliance; II. adr. readily, complaisantly. SB i 1 1 f a b v t g f e i f, / readiness, com- pliance, complaisance, courteousness. 23 i 1 1 f a b r U tt g, /. compliance, gratl fication, accommodation. 23 i I 1 i g, I, adj. willing, voluntary, readj 7^9 UBinb ©into free; M.E-s. — e Sliinabme beret tCJ, to pay due honour; — C Jtailfer fiitten, to meet with ready purchasers ; II. adv. willingly, voluntarily, readily, freely ; Vid. Syn. ©CVIt. JBUIigell, v. I. a. to grant; II. n. (mil. l)ilbeit) til CtrcaS — , to consent to. to agree to. SB l 1 1 i ;] f e i t, f. willingness, ready- ncss. SB i 1 I i g I i d), adv. vid. SBillig. SB 1 1 1 f 6 m m « b e di e r, m. weicome- cup ; — lieb, n. welcome-song; — = llial)!, n. repast of welcome ; — febujj, m. salutation ; — tritnf. — voetll, m. drink or wine of welcome ; — VDUilfcfo, in. welcome. SB t I I f 6 lit lit C It, m. (-3) welcome, re- ception, salutation. S3 i 1 If 6 Jit lit e 11, adj. &■ adv. welcome, well-met; eilteit — beifu'n. to welcome one ; — feV>lt, to be welcome or ac- ceptable. SB t 1 1 f 6 111 lit e It fj e i t, /. welcomeness. SB i 1 1 f ii b. r or SBillfiir, /. l. absolute will, arbitrariness ; 2. provinc. free will, choice ; eS fiebf tit 3brer — , it is at your discretion, at your pleasure. ili 1 1 1 f it b » 1 1 d), I. wlj. arbitrary, arbi- trarious, gratuitous; fine — e (5)croalt, an absolute power ; eilie — e 33ebanp = tutlg, a gratuitous assertion ; II. adv. arbitrarily, absolutely, gratuitously. £1} t II f it b r 1 1 d) f e i f, f. arbitrariness; capriciousness. 2i5t m b e I, 771. vid. ffiiimpel. 'l&i 111 111 (l t, /. provinr.. vintage. iii inline In, v. n. (auz. baben) to swarm ; to crawl, crowd ; 0011 etn)a£ — , to swarm with, be crowded by. 2!3 i in 111 e I It, n. (-i) crawling ; swarm- ing, being crowded. V W i m m e tt, v. n. (avx. batnn) provinc. to vindemiate, gather the grapes. iiSi'mmer, /. (pi. -n) l. knot (in wood) ; vrovinc. pustule, pimple. iffi i in m e r i g, adj. knotty. 10 i m in e v I i it g, m. (-8 ; pi. -e) cry- ing child, whimpering creature. SB i in in em, v. n. {am. baben) to whimper, whine, lament. SB i m 111 e f n, (n. (-S) whimpering. SB t m m e r o o g e I, m. whimpering bird SB t 111 p e I, /. A- m. (-i ; pi. -tt) pennon, [iendant, streamer, jack, banderol ; rumpus. — gctjt, m JV. T. mariner who has the care of the pendant; — f)"Ij, ii. — flange, /. or — ftod, m. slick or slock of abroad pendant; — fcfjeibe, /'. sheath or case of a pennon. SB i lit p C I It, j). re. to stream, wave as a pennon. SB i 111 p e r, /. (///.-It) eyelash; vid. Slugeiinnniper; compos. — artig, adj. B. T. ciliate, ciliated ; — fledjte, /. ci- liated lichen. SB t lit P e rt g, adj. fringed with eye- lashes ; B. T. ciliated. IB i lit P e V It, v. I. n. (auz. fetylt) to winkle, to wink (often with the eyes): vid. S3Iiiijc(n ; II. a. b. T. geroini'pert, ciliated (of the calyx). JBimpevn, v. n. (auz: bafcen) to twinkle, pink. SB tub, m. (-ii ; p!.-i) 1. wind, air, breeze; 2. flatulence, windincss; 3-. fig. vain boasting; fiction; falsehood; 4. obscure or private notice, scent, inkling ; 5. + greyhound ; JV. T-s. ein jitter — , a fair wind : ein ftarfer — , 700 a great or high wind; el It frifdKt. (leifer or barter — , gale, fresh gale : ein fiibler — , a cool wind; ein fanf= tit — , a gentle breeze : C 1 11 fdliefer — . tack wind; — Itllb Shitty jllfilin* men, a leeward tide ; belt — pteffcii, to sail near the wind ; Itllter belt — , to leeward ; btC 3llfelll itllter brill — e (Slllttlieil), the leeward islands; lltllcr belt — fallen, to take the ad- vantage of the wind, to sail to leeward, to lose the weather gage ; eilieill Scbiffe ben — nbfcbncibni, to get the wind of a ship; bicpt bci bent — fe= geln, to sail close to the wind; ber — fl'iecbt aui Ullb eill, the wind is va- riable ; — uubSBrtter bteiienb, wind and weather serving or permitting ; fig — yon etroaa babe it, befomnien, to have a thing in the wind, to get scent of; ben 'Diantel narj> bem — e bait; gelt, to turn the coat, to temporize, to be a time-server ; til ben — fcblagcit, to slight, neglect, set at nought ; til belt — reben, to speak In vain; — ma= cfyeil, to boast, crack, brag ; compos. — = ball, m. wind-ball, football; (air-bal- loon; — baiillt, 7/1. JV. T. bar of the capstern ; — befd)rcibltlig, /. anemo- graphy ; — betltt'l, m. 1. boaster, brag, braggart, braggadocio, swageerer, rodo- montadist, rodomontader ; 2. pulf-paste ; — beutelfi, /. (pi. -eit) (vain) boasting, bragging, swaggering, vaunting, &c ; empty bluster; vaunt, brag, rodomon- tade ; — bellteltt, v. n. to boast, brag, bluster, swagger, vaunt or vapour, to talk big; — blafe, /. (dim. — blaSrijeit, «.) wind-bladder, air tumour; — b(at= tev, f. pi. wind-pox, chicken-pox ; — = blllilie, /. wind flower, anemone; — = bofetie, /. phasel, French bean ; — = brtlft), 7». windfall, windfallen wood; windshock ; S. 7'. wind-rupture, pneu- matocele ; — britdng, ailj. windfallen; — blidjfe, /. air- (or wind )gun ; — = barm, 771. A T. colon, wind-gut ; — = born, 771. Med. T. spina ventosa, arthro- cace ; — brad}e, 771. JV. T. sudden blast of wind, (sudden) squall, gust ; — biirr, adj. dried by the wind, air- dried, wind dry, wind-dried ; — ci, 71. wind-egg, addle-egg; — fiid)er, 771. fan; — fadel, /. torch which the wind cannot blow out, link; — faille, /. vane; — fall, 771. 1. windfall; 2. vid — bracbe; —fang, m. 1. jv. t. wind- sail; Min.T. air drift; Arch. T. (t>01l £f)iireil) tambour; T. flying wheel, fly; (an 23laft'balgcn) valve, vent; 2. wind screen ; place where the wind is caught, — faitgrab, n. T. fly-wheel; — fa tiger, 777. whippbwil, whip-poor- will; — fa6, 71. Jtfjjt, 7'. air cask; — - feber, /. (an ©troi)bad)orn) edge ; JV. 7'. pilot's feather; — fege, /. fan, van, winnow; — flagge, /. JV. T. wea- ther-flag ; — fledjte, /. ventose lichen; — fliigct, 771. wing or sail of a windmill ; T. wing of the fly ; — fret, adj. JV. T. — fret feV)lt, to be under the lee of the shore ; — galle, / windgall ; JV. T. ox-eye; — gefd)rotlIft, /. JIM. T. em- physema, pneumatosis; — gefd)U.Mllft= artig, adj. emphysematous; — glPtfe, /. {dim. — ftJBffcben, 77.) small bind- weed; — gopcl, 777. Jl/m. T. winch moved by the wind ; — gott, 771. Myth T.JEp)\is, deity or god of the winds; — griff, m. false grasp at a tiling, clutch at the air, miss in clutching at; vid. fteblgriff ; — bafcr, m. wild oats; —- baife, /. ^Eolian (or Eolian) harp or lyre; — t>ailfen, 777. wind-row; — I)* 5 tie,/. Hunt. T. chase with greyhounds, coursing ; — I)et}cn, v. n. to course ; — tjetjer m. courser; — fiobeiibnirt), 771. s. t. vid. — bmd) ; — f)ofc, /, — fef> fcl 771. (on Setterfprifcen) wind-hose , — ;-t>lt lib, rn greyhound: btC — blill- billll, bitch greyhound; lltit — ()llllbeil jagen, vid. — bcljen ; — inflnimeiit, 71. Mas. 7'. wind instrument ; — faill= llier, /. T. wind-chamber, wind chest; — f anal, 771. port-vei.t; — fallen, m wind chest; Min. T. ventilator: — = flappe, /. wind valve; — folif, /. wind-colic ; — fopper, m. (von §J5fer= ben) crib-biter ; — Front, 77. pasque- flower ; — fugel, /. aeolipile ; Med. T suppository ; — f ll lift, /. T. machine moved (or put in motion) by the wind — labc, /. T. chest of the sound-board, wind-chest (of an organ) ; port-vent ; Min. T. ventilator ; — latte, /. wind- lath: — Ieirt)t, adj. fas) light as air; — lid)t, 71. vid. — facfel ; — loci), ti. vent; vent- (or air-) hole; — lliarber, 771. braggart, noisy swaggering fellow , 7>iiZ. — beutel ; — mact)evet, /. vid. — = beutelei; — mafrhtne, /. machine for conducting air to a place, vid. — fuiljl; — ittefjer, 771. windgage, anemometer; — nwffunfl, — meffung, /. anemome- try; — ntOlhlt, 777. wind-month, No- vember; — llliirjle, /. windmill; — * mublcnhiigel, m. windmill hill; — = miiblriifliigel, m. vid. — fliigel ; — » miiblenrab, n. wheel of a windmill ; — llliiller, m. owner of a windmill : — liabel, /. (mariner's) compass; — ' Dfeit, ?77. wind-furnace; — bljrlein, 71. nose, nozzle, pipe of a pair of bellows ; — pfeife, /. wind (or air-) pipe; — = pfl'Ppf, 771. T. tampion, tompion ; — = piftole, /. air-pistol ; — pocfeil, s. pi. vid. — blattem ; — probe, /. little tin box (with a hollow glass pipe and filled with water) for measuring the force o! the wind (in an organ) ; — pullet", n. Med. T. carminative powder; — rab, 71. wind-wheel; ventilator; — raisin, 771. T. windage: play; — reep, n. JV. T. top-rope; — rei)e, I. adj. (voni)>ferbeiij foundered from having swallowed ton much wind; II. /. foundering caused by swallowing, &c. ; — rip, 771. vid. — brilCt) ; — I'Oljr, n. air- (or wind) gun; — rofjre, /. T. port-vent; venti- duct; vid. — bbrleiii; — rSSrben, — » fi>8leiil, n. rid. — blume ; — rofe,/. 1 wild anemone ; 2. JV. T. compass-card, rose of a compass containing the 32 winds; — nitije, /. (an ben ftliigelit einer SBinbmii^Ie, (main) rod; —i- bvailt,/. gust of wind, hurricane, storm (of wind), tornado, whirlwind; riJ. — brarfje; — fct)arht, m. Min. T. air- Bbaft; — fdjabeil, rn. damage done by the wind; — fdjaiier, 777. I. gust ol wind, blast; e t ii falter — fefcauer, a chilling blast; 2. vid. — fctoppril \ T. wall to keep off the wind (from \)v charcoal-kiln) screen-wall; — fd)ief. adj. (bom <§o!je) cast, warped (by the wind) ; — fdjiffer, It. f. VU„ vid. guftfebtffer, it. f. ro. ; — fd)irm, m. windscreen; — fcbl'iH' '"• windfall; — fcblanci), 771. skin filled with wind ; — fdllieU, adj. & adv. (as) fast or BWilt as the wind; — fdjitellc, /. swiftness of the wind; — fct)oppcit, 771. wind shed; — feite, /. quarter of the wind, side to windward ; JV. 7'. lee-side ; ge= gen bie — feite, towards the wind, windward; leeward; — firmer, odj. vid. — fret ; — fpormt, tti. vid. — iatte; — fpiel, 71. »»ft — biuib ; — fiill, adj. calm; (0011 ciliem .f5afeil) snug; — ftil« le, /. calm ; oon einer — fit lie iibetfal* leit n>ett>eit, to be becalmed ; — ftorf. rn. small air- or wind gun ; — ftof), m blast (or puff) of wind, gust (of wind) — ftiipcl, m. '/'. wooden cylindei. nould stick, rolling-stick ; — ftl'ebe, /. Arch. T. stay against the wind; — * flrici), ?rt. current of the wind ; rhumb (line), point of the compass; — ftvicf, m. Sp. T. leash; — ftviMit, m. current of wind ; — ftlll'llt, m. storm (of wind), violent wind ; JV. T heavy squall ; — = flld)t, /. Med. 7'. wind-dropsy, tympan- ites ; — fiid)tig adj. Med. T. cedematous ; — treibfltb, adj. Med. V. carminative* — trotfeit, aiij. vid. — biiu'e ; — troin= met,/. Min.T. ventilator; —sieving,/. .V. T. quarter (of a ship) ; — tiogel, m. wind-bird; curlew; — U)(tgc, /. wind- gage, vid. — meffor ; — warts, ado. windward, towards the wind; — = UhlVtS 3*i f / JV. T. windward tide ; — = roaffer, n. Med. T. carminative water; — roofferfticbt, /. vid. — fud)t; — roe= be, /".drift of snow, snow-drift; — * roetbe, /. windhover; — rotifer, — = jfigtr, m. anemoscope ; — roil'bel, m. whirlwind ; — rourf, m. windfall, vid. — brurh ; — jltg, m. Arch. T. venti- 1uct ; vid. ►Jugwiilb ; — junge, /. (an Orgelyfeifeiit tongue. 2Bitlbe, j. (pi. -II) 1. pulley, draw- heam, windlass; cartmun'e engine; vvindle, blade, pair of blades ; JV. T. capstan ; 2. reel, wlieel to wind yarn on ; 3. winder, bindweed, rope-weed : winty-weed; — ait enier Sdjraube, worm ; bie piirpill'farbige — , scarlet- convolvulus; compos — bailllt, m. crab- bar, wind-beam ; — lu'Ctt, n. board to wind anything upon; — bctvm, m. great gut, rectum; — formic], adj. reel-form- ed, spindle-shaped; — gelb, n. cranage: — gliUfdjen, n. winder, bindweed; — = ba!3, ra. wryneck (a bird); — frail r, n. treat bind weed :_ — llljarj, n. scam- uiony ; — llfortuig, adj. rack-formed ; — Uiltacb/r, m. windlass-maker, reel- maker: —, n. wheel of a winch, &.c. ; — u|aft, m. diagrydium, juice of scam- tnony ; — nfchroarmer or — nbogel, m. sphinx of the convolvulus; — fetl, — = tail, n. rope of a pulley or draw beam ; —flange, /. T. lever. SBinbel, /. (pi. -n) swaddling cloth, swaddling- or swathing-clout; compos. — bunb, »;. — fcbiiur, /. swaddling- tiand; — fillb, n. child in swaddling- clothes, baby ; — tlld), n. vid. s lBiltbcI. SBintclboben, m. oid. SBenbeloos ben. SB i it b e I b o b r e r, m. r-§ ; pi. — ) l . wimble; 2. Conch. V. the lumbrical worm-shell. SB t II b e I It, v. a. to swathe, swaddle, roll up in swaddling clothes. KJ i it b e 1 1 v e p p e, /. ( pi. -n) winding staircase, oid. SBeubcftveppe. ffiillbe II, c.I. «'r. a. 1. to wind, turn; 2. to wring, wrest, twist ; I!, to draw up by a pulley ; 4 Hunt. T. to nose, wind, smell; tie .t;iiinbe — , to wring one's hands; cittern ttroa8 ana ben panben — , to wring or wrest something out of one's hand: II. rcfl. to wind, writhe; to wring; fid? — roie tin SEau, rote ei» ne Srbjange, to coil; bet SOiirni rottlbet ftd), the worm turns. iB i n b f it, n. (-&) winding, writhing, turning, BillbCV, vi. (-9; pi.—) 1. one who winds, reels, &c. ; 2. T. mould-stick (for fireworks) ; 3. Hunt. T. nose of B deer, IB i n b e t e i I e, /. great swiftness, ra- pidity of the wind. SBittbtg, adj. 1. windy; fit;, unsub- stantial, airy, windy; uncertain; 2. T. wisted, waived; tS fieht — bamit ©tnf ail8, there is little hope of success; — t IsnhVUrfC, air-drawn projects, bold imaginations. SB i it b i g f c i t, /. windiness, airiness SB tub ling, m. (-«; pi.-t) provinc. auger. SBiltbSbrailt, / storm, hurricane; gust of wind. SB i It b f r, n. (-«) Geo?. T. Windsor; ber ^Joloji $11 — , Windsor castle; com pos. — bil'll, /. Windsor-pear; — boblie, /. the Windsor-bean ; — feife, /. Wind sor-soap. aCSfnbung, /. (pi. -en) 1. winding, twisting, twist, wrench ; 2. .1. & B. T torsion; 3 coil, wind, crinkle, sinuosi- ty; 4. winding line or surface; bie — en bev Schiiecfeiiliitie ant jonifdien Capital, the circumvolutions of the Iomc volute; bie — ctnvr Sdnaitbc, worm of a screw ; bie — en filter 11 1)1'- febev, coils of a watch-spring. *SB ingfllf, m. (-8) Xorth. Myth. T. the palace of the goddesses i -; of Freia). SBittf, m. f-CS ; V l. -e) sign; wink; nod; beckoning; hint; — bet <^(Ulb, wave of the hand; Ctitent fincii — ge= bit', fig. to give one a hint, to bint; anf ben — fclgcit, to take the hint. SB 1 11 f e 1, m. (-S ; pi. — ) angle ; corner ; nook ; fig. hiding place ; fill fpifcet — , an acute angle ; rill feci) let — , a right angle; Ct II fhlinpfiT — , an obtuse angle; fig. illt — , secretly, clandestine- ly; compos. — abyrxaf, m. cont. petti- fogger; — bailb, n. T. square hand (to window-frames, &c.) : — bfftiitlbig, adj T. persistent (said of crystals) ; — bo= gcit, m. O. T. arc of an angle : — = braiieil, ». unlawful brewing; — 6tU= l)e, /. 7'. (with engravers) chinks, crevices; — bad), n. roof in which the spars or rafters join rectangularly; — = cliafer, m. owner of a clandestine print- in? office ; — btltffetei, /. piratical punting; — ek^c, /. hedge-marriage, clandestine wedding, concubinage ; — - ei|cn, n. T. iron-rule, (carpenter's square; iron-cramp (for unitinz mason- ry) ; — ftlffet, m. instrument for taking angles; 7'. protracter; — fiu'lltig, adj angular; —gaffe, /. distant lane; — = bit fen, m. instrument for measuring and adjusting angles; iron rule, Typ. T. composing stick ; — fjeiratb, — bocb= jeit, /. vid. — cbc; — bol.i, ?i. vid. —- Ivift'lt; — blll'C, / hedge-whore; — = fivdjc, /. coot, meeting-house, conven- ticle; —Hammer, /. bent-clamp; —- filie, 7t. A". T. bent-knee ; — freu", n. 1. cross at right angles; 2. .!//». 7'. gangucs crossing each other at right angles; — Jiltif, /. diagonal 'ine; — = llUtt>, n. square; — lltfiftCl', m. master in any trade not yet allowed to work publicly; — mcffe, /. secret mass ; - = ineffer, m. 'I', protracter. graphometer, circumferentnr; — mcffnitg, / goni i metry; — 111111150, /. illegal' coin; plan' where such coin is made; — naht, f. .1. T. lambdoid suture; — paffer, m vid. —metier ; — prebigcr, m. cont. hedge-preacher, hedge-priest: — pre* btgt, /. secret sermon; — PTeffe, ; private vr secret press; — pilldaber, /. .7. 7' angular artery; — IMth, m secrel council ; — i'athi|cbrr, m, counsellor or attorney practising clandestinely; — - vcd)f, 7i. I. adj. right-angular; II. adv. right-angularly; at right angles; — = rtditcr, m. hedge-judge; — frbeibf, f astrolabe; — frbi'ttcr, m. con!, back- burr; — fitenfe, /. cont. hedge-ale- bouse; — fdnile, /. cont. school not authorized or licensed, hedge school — fcijlllmeifter, m hedge schoolmaster, unauthorized schoolmaster; — fparren, 7)i. T. topmost timber or rafters of t roof; — fpiet, 7i. puss in the corner: — fpiltlir, /■ spider which spins in th« corner: — (laitbig, adj. B. T. axillary — flil v e, /. cont. fig. secret support — tabel, 7/i. 1. secret censure or ro- proof; -*. slandering censure; — trc|f» pe, /. back-stairs; private staircase; — berlobnip, n. — ucrlobung, /. cont. betrothal; — serfamiitlung, — * jllfammenfuilff, /. secret meeting, con- venticle; — rotifer, m. sort of levelling statT ; — roerf, n. Fort.T. reduct; — * JvllMI, 7/1. dog's tooth; — jirfel, m. com- passes for measuring angles; — jug, n fig. shift, trick, fetch, pri'text. shuffle — jitge macbcil, to prevaricate, use evasions S3 i n f c I i di t, adj. vid. SBinfelformk. SB t It f C I i g, I. adj. angular, corn II. adv. angularly. '2!Mii f t ii, r. I. it (am. baben I to wave; to make a sign; llltl bc:l Vlltgeil — , to wink; Pitt ti'Hl fl — , to nod; lit it ber ,*5anb — , to beckon; II. a. to command or give l" understand, call by a sign or nod. SB i It f C It. n. (-Z) winking, nodding, beckoning. SB t n f e r, vi. (-8 ; pi — ) sand-crab (a bird). SB i n n e, /. (pi. -n) t. roller (in a SB i II it e II, v. ir. 7i. provinc to win. SB i It 11 i b a I b, m. (-§) + name of men. 9DB t It f f I * f f e, vi. the sai (a pe), the weeper; — {limine,/, whining, plain- live voice. iiiinfcler, m. (-3; ;//. — ) person that moans or whines. s !!il It | C 1 1 g adj. (I. u.) whining. plaintive. SBiitfeln, o. 71. (aiu. babcu) tn whimper, whine, moan, lament in a low and feeble voice ; ttC CttcV tQlB 3 felt, Hunt. cant, the otter whines (in the rutting season). SB i life I It, ii. (-8) whimpering, whin- ing, moaning. SQJt liter, 7ii. (-$; /)/. — ) winter beS — S, in winter-time, in the winter- season; bOhl — befe^Sbiflt, winter- beaten; bet — feinev ^afjif, the winter of his aze ; compos. — abeilb v.. winter-evening; — Ovfer, m, field fot winter-crops; — aiiimer, /. the black bunting, snowbird: — aiijiig. hi. nl — tleibung; — Hpf?(, m win ter-apple; — Htbeit, /. winter-In winter work; — ailfetttl)>llt, m. win- ter-abode; — aitfgaiig, m.vid. — m?r- ge«; — babit, /. I. road made by the frozen snows or the ice of winter; '- good skating place; — beb.U'f, m. co» sumption for the winter-season; — « btere, /. moss-berry, whortlVberry ; — < beitle, /. vid. groftbcule ; — btrn, /. winter pear: — bllllUC,/. winter Ho\\- cr; — tuamfegel, n. winter-top-gal- hint sail ; — brilllff, / Hunt. T. rut- ting in the winter-lime; — butler, /. winter-butter; — broffef, /, snipe-pipe, red wing; — ridie, /. winter oak; — = elite, f. the Binew; long-tailed duck; — faflig, arf/. (of cattle) grown lean *■ meagre,' fallen away during winter; — felb, it. winter Held sown with win- ter-corn; — felbjiig, 7.1. w inter-caui- paisn ; — fefte, n. pi Hnmalia; — • fillf, Tn. mountain-Iini-h. bramblo brnmbling; — floife, f. Hake of snow —Pur, ;". winter-fields; — frudjt, / 791 nintor crop ; winter-fruit; — futtcr, i. winter-fodder [or forage' : — got* .'ell, m. winter-garden; — gegetlb, / wintry .igion or land : — gerfte, /. winter-ttrley: — gefellfcljaft, /. com- pany for winter ; — getreibe, n. win- ter-corn: — gcilMCij*, n winter-plant; — Brfill, n. winter-green; evergreen, periwinkle; ivy: — bit ill", n. Iter •Cfeierc) winter-coat; — pilfer, m. win- ter-oats; — balbjal'v, n. winter half- ycar; — bautfibllhe. m. pi. winter- gloves: — bait, aij. hardy; ■ — baits, n. I. winter-house ; 2. hot- or green house, fruit- or orange-house ; — bol$, ii. winter wood, [firej wood for winter: — falte, /. cold of (coldness of the winter ; — fleit, n. winter-dress (or garment : — Eleibllllg, /. winter-cloth- ing; — fl'M, m. winter-cabbage: — fp= ll'.ilsi wren; — fpl'll, n. winter-corn; — 'frafjc,/. hooded cro\y_; — frail!, n. white cabbage; — frC1K, f. winter- cresses; — fllb, /. cow which gives milk in winter; — [age, /. -V. 7*. win- tering place ; — (age V, n. winter-bed, winter lodge, hibefnacle ; Mil. 7'. win ter-camp ; winter-quarters : — Iailib, m. chives; leek, Welsh onion; — let)lie, — leitc. /. north (or northern) side ; — lei'fhe, /. gold-haininer ; shore-lark; — lesfoje, /. winter-giilyflower: — = Web, 7i. song for winter ; — liutc, /. old. StehiliiiDc ; — lolfb, m. wild or perennial darnel, rat's darnel, ray-grass, rye-grass: — [lift, /. wintery or cold iir; — lllft, — tllftbarffir, /. winter- Amusement; — mal)i'cbcit, n. winter- lale ; — inert, m. goosander; — 11101= KM, m winter sweet-marjoram ; — * lltaiigolb, to. round-leaved pyrola ; — = mantel, m. winter cloak: — nufjig, - litable to winter, wintery, win- terly, brumal, hyemal, winter ..; — llie= Ipite,/. late melon, winter-melon; — - me II at, mi. winter-month; December: — lltorgeit, m. winter-moming ; — = ltarbt, /. winter night; — nabrutig,/ winter-food; — "obft, n. winter-fruit; — palaft, m. winter-palace ; — pftauje, ,•'. winter-plant; winter-green; — = '.'Ullfi, dl (point of the winter sol stice ; — qiltll'tal, n. winter-quarter: — quarticre, s. pi Mil. T. winter-quar- ters; tie — quartiere beitchcii, to go into winter-quarters; — VilUPe,/. winter- caterpillar ; — vegcn, »/i rain in or du- ringwinter; — Vf;ie, /. winter-journey; — relttg, m. winter-radish: — VOcf, vi winter-coat, winter-frock (orgownl ; — rOiJJCH, »«. winter-rye; — rofe, /. winter rose: velvet-rose; — tfibfilllte, — riibieil, m. winter-rape-seed, uavew ; — feat, /. 1. sowing of the winter- corn; J winter-crops, winter-corn: — = fitturet, /. winter-savory; — utciit, m. jl*t. 7'. new moon in or of Novem- ber; — Iftolaf, m. winter-sleep ; — - fciie,/. d«/. — kluie; — fouue, /. sun in winter : — foiliicilfiillfiarir-. to. — = roitlieiirotilbe, /. winter-solstice; — - Fpeij, m. winter-spelt: — fptttaf, m. winter-spinage ; — ihinb. m. Hunt. T. winter lodge: — jtOppcl, /. winter- stubble : — ftlll'llt, m winter tempest, storm in winter; — tdfj, TO. winter- Jay, wintry day : — tl'CSpC, /. vid. — - lola) ; — "Cilitcil, n. — Stole, / gar- Jen rocket : — yeia.iiua.cit, n. viiL — = I ii ft ; --oergnugungen, /. pi. winter- =unusements; — bpgel, m. winter-bird: — tjpnath, m. winter-provision, store for tne winter ; — Ufttjtlt, to, winter- wheat ; — vuenbe,/. Jist. T. winter-sol- mce ; — mentefieis, — v;enbeiirfel, to. tropic of Capricorn: — -ipcttcr, ?i. ivin'erv wtat;.»-r ; — wiffe, /. broad- 702 2Birb leaved everlasting pea ; — VPpljlt'.ing, /.winter-dwelling; — rDpfle, /. wool growing or grown during winter : — = jeirfeeil, n. .1st. T. winter-sign, hiber- nal sign : — jeit, /. winter-time, win- ter-season'; Jill" — ^eit, in or during winter, rid s -!3illtCr ; — jeiig, m. win- ter stuff: — jmtfbcl,/. winter onion ; Bid. —hud). SB t n t et I a f t, SBCnterieK SBi'iiter* lieb, adj. winterly, wintery. 95$ filter lit a jj t 3, adj. &■ adv. winterly. -lii l it t e X I i It g, m. (-S ; pi. — e; the snow-bunting. 8GB i II t e V It, r. I. a. to winter, k.—p through the winter; II impcrs. to gn. v winter. s Ilitll tCtUlig, /. {pi. -en) 1. win- tering ; 2. place where any thin^, -s sheltered during the winter, hot-hou>e. iiitllj, m. cat, puss. -S i n j e r, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) SOBinjertitn, f.(pl. -cn) vine-dresser: compos. — = gcfitng, m. — liff, n. vintager's song: — bijefe, /. hoe for vineyards ; — lllff= fer, n. vine-knife. 23 l ll 5 i g, adj. petty, mean, contempt- ible ; small, wee. 33 i It } t g f e t t, f. diminutiveness SBtpfef, m. (-%; pi. — ) top, sum- mit: ber abgejjauene — / lop; compos. — bvnd), m. T. breaking of the top (of a tree) ; — bfrre, adj. dry, decayed, withered at the top; — biirr, atlj. dry or withered at the top ; — cube, ?i.. tip of the tree-top, end of the wood ; — nirJ), adj. having a full strong top. 23 i V f C I II, v. a. to top, to lop the top. 23 f vfen, r. rid. SBippen. 23 t v f t c r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) 1 . one who tops a tree ; 2. a topped tree. i'3 i V \> C, /. ( pi. -11) 1 . state of balan- cing, change of falling either one way or the other; brink; fig. critical point or situation : 2. strapado; punishment by which a malefactor is drawn up quickly at a gibbet and dropped again, gibbet ; 3. see-saw, rocking-board ; 4. tumbrel, tilting cart ; 5. weighing in a culpable manner (money); clipping: 9Uf bei — ftebcit, to be on the brink ; compos. — nbaitb, 71. osier-band, withe : — libobrer, m. kind of borer for touch- holes; — ltfaule, /. post of the heading- machine (with pin-makers). 53 i p p e I, m. (-S ; pi. — ) weevil. i'Jipi'Ctt, '•. a. St n. 1. to move up and down, to balance, to see-saw, to rock ; 2. to draw up a malefactor at a gibbet and drop him again, to give the strapado ; 3. to weigh in a culpable manner, to clip coin. 23 i V V e v, m. (-« ; pi. — ) clipper (of the coin . SB i p v e r e i, /. ( P i. -en) 1. rocking ; 2. illegal weighing of coin. SB i p V = a a I 3 c it, m. (-S ; p!. — ) gibbet; estrapade; — feil, n. rope for tying to the estrapade. 23 IV, pron. p'. we; — fclbft, we our- - : — dlle, all of us ; — finb Cs, bte ci babeil, it is we, who have it. "liiirbcl, in. (-S; pi. — ) 1. twirl, rotatory motion; whirl, whirlpool, vor- tex ; eddy, convolution, volume ; 2. giddiness, vertigo ; intoxication ; 3. place where the hair is grown in a whirl or circularly, crown of the head ; 4. system of bodies moving in gyration, thing which turns or moves round ; 5 7'. roll v m a pulley) , peg in a musical SOBtrf instrument), button (of a window'; stopple (in an organ-pipe) ; joint; 6, warbling, noise, bustle, tumult; 7. a ceilain beat of the drum, roil; till — . fenil, to be turned about; bet — bft £eibenfc$afteu, whirl of passions ; eu lieit — f)ilbeil, to lie fuddled; compos. — attr, f. i;d. — fi+(aa,acer; — bal* fen, 771. Bid. — ft Off ; — banb, 71. verte- bral ligament; — billlbfitlagcbet, /. vid — fdjlagaber ; — baum, m . £r- iree; — httxt, f. B. T. the American callicarpa: — beilt, 77, turning-joint; — belli bcS SRurfgrafeg, vertebra; }U ben — beineu gebSrig, vertebral: Sbicre nttt — beilien, vertebral ani- mals: — bllltaber, /. vertebral artery ; — bofteit, m. wild basil, milk-vetch; — forutig, atlj. verticillate ; — gfltig, m. whirling current or motion; — gegeiVt, /. vertebral region; — geift, 771. restless person; — gelenf, n. swivel (of a chain); — bOVIl, n. Conch. T. the spinnet; bottle-whelk; — fafteil, m. Mas. T. part of the neck of a violin, where the strings are : — fllPCbcil, m. joint of the backbone, vertebra ; — = fopf, m. rattle pate ; — flMUt, n. vid — rO'teit ; — VnriEf< "»• vertical point; — rableill, 71. pulley wheel; — raiut, 77i. curling smoke ; — faille, /. (b03 SifirfgrateS) the vertebral column; Sfliiere, lveldje eine — faiilc Imben, rated animals; — fibctbc, /. Conch. T. the vortex snail ; _ — fcbliig= liter, /. vertebral artery: — ftpnecfe, /. Bid. —brvn ; — ffJ)iiirfel, 771. turrilite; — ft Off, 771. sounding board (of a piano, — jtimtt, 771. a hurricane, violent storm; — f'.lcbd, / vertigo (a disorder among slieep and other animals) : — « tail}, 771. whirling dance; — nyillt, m. whirl-wind, eddy-wind, tornado; — « rourirt, m. the voniceiia; — ronrjel, /. vid — fr.iut. 23 i r b c I h a f t, SQitbeitrhf, or Wit* belig, adj. 1. wliirly ; 2. having a cir- cular appearance; 3. turning round, ro- tatory, whirling ; 4. vertiginous, giddy , 5. intoxicated, fuddled. SB tr be In, ». ?i. (««z. t)aben) irefl 1. to whirl, run round; 2. to warble; auf ber trommel or SJJaiife — , to beat a rough or flourish, to beat a trill- tor Jlopf ivirbelt mir, I have dizziness in my head. 2Birbellt, ^. (-5) 1. whirling; 2. warbling. SBirbelUll .3, /. whirling. SGSitfsort, /. vid 2Birfiinfl8«rt; — bant, 71. (weaver's) working band; — brett, 71. board on which bakers work nr knead the dough ; — fiieil, — meffei", n. farrier's buttress, parer, horse-picker; — fpl'Ilt, /. Oram. T. ac- tive voice; — bail?, n. (/ n ) manu- factory; — fraft, /. vid. 3SirhingSi traft ; /^.vigour, energy; — frnfttg, adj. able to effect any thing; virtual; jig. vigorous, energetic ; — freiS, m. vid SQlitrfungSfreta ; — meifter, 771. baker's first journeyman ; — llllttcl, ?i. operative remedy; etlicient means: — - lltlllbe, /. T. "kneading-trough; — * fd)lllir, /. T string of the working- band (of a loom): — ftubl, m. loom; — ta f el, / or — tifeb, 771. kneading- table : — trpg, 771. fid. — miiltc ; — « urfitcjje, /. etlicient cause; — U)lTt, • Gram. T. (n. i. u.) verb acu\^. SCBtrfbar, adj. practicable, feasible, effectible; — ( Siilime, full growl trees. SBirfoarfetf, /. feasibility. iiiirfen. ». 1 a. 1. to worn, &' SBfot fcct, effectuate, produce: to do, per- form; 2. to weave, belt £eig — , lo kneaii the dough : SttuUtpfe — , to weave stockings; 2Mitnicit tit £cin= tUilllb — , to diaper; bell .jpilf CttlCS ^ifcrbcS — , to pare a horse's hoof; II. n. (aux. b coining oljne ben — imtcbcu, to reckon without one's host ; TOte bet" — , fo bte @iifte, pr«u. like host, like guest. 23 i v t [) b a x, adj. l. habitable ; 2. hos- pitable. 23 f r 1 1) b a r f e i t, /. babitableness. 25 i V t b e II, v. !. n. to keep an inn, a public house ; II. a. rid. SDewirtben. 25 1 r t b i ii n, /. (pi. -en) 1: hostess, mistress. landlady ; 2. house-keeper, housewife ; lady of the house. 25 t rt I) I icb, I. adj. I. hospitable; 2. frugal, thrifty, sparing, saving, economi- cal ; II. ado. frugally, thriftily ; hospi- tably; comfortably. 25 t X t b U cb f e i t, / l. hospitality ; 2. frugality. 25 1 r t b f d) a f f, /. (pi. -CIl) 1 . house- keeping, domestic management, eco- nomy; husbandry; 2. inn-keeping; public-house ; 3. fig. piece of work. doings; — tlTtbetl, to keep house ; to keep a public house; luaS ift bilS fiiv eilte — ? fig. what doings are these ] compos. — jillllt, 7i. stewardship, ma- nagement of an estate; — gbvilllltc, m. steward, director of a farm ; + bai- liff; — Sijebaube, n. building for hus- bandry, outfarm ; — gfeitlltlliffe, pi. knowledge of rural economy, &c. ; — 8= fuilft, /. husbandry, economy; — SXi- gel, /. rule of economy. 25i x t b f d) a f t e it, v. n. (auz. fiabcn) 1. to conduct a house or a business, to manage, to keep house ; to husband ; 2. to keep an inn, a public house; fjllt — , to husband well; tx ivivb baib nitfberen ntiiffen jvi — , be will soon be obliged to shut up shop ; bie rteillbC biiben bovt fcbrecflicb geauill)fcl),iftet, the enemies have made sad work there. 25f xt b f djafte v, m. (-8; pi. — ) l. housekeeper, house-steward ; 2. hus- band. 25t it b fd) f e t t, /. hus- bandry, economy, housewifery, sparing- ness, thrifiincss. 25 1 r t b 8 b a u «, n. (-eo ; pi -bSufer) inn, public house, tavern, ale house, be.rhouse; till — e illut ©OlbeilCII Slbler, at (the inn of) the Golden Eagle ; bie'ffiiitbebaufev fleiiiiii bcfmteit, to frequent taverns; vid. Syn. ©ilfthof; compos. — tl|d}, m. ordinary. 25ii'tb«jnn(je, m. dad, like adj. waiter, waiter-boy. 25 t V t b 8 f X C i b e, /. comic, making out a woodcock bill 25ll'tb 8 111 (lflb,/. l.-r-chauilierniail; 2. servant at an inn. 25 1 v 1 1) a I e n t e, pi. hosts. \!3i v t b sflal I, n, (-e«) bostry. 23 1 1 1 b 8 jl It b C, /. traveller's room (at an inn), public rooia mix t % 8 * t a f e I, /. -t;f*, ■ o:di nary, table d'hote, 25 i V t b 6 n> e t II, m. (-8) wino sold al inns. 25l8bTimt, m. (-rt; pi. -baiime maple-tree. 25 i a b e c r e, / (pi. -n) wild cherry. 25 if a), m. (-es; pi. -e) l. whisk. drag, clout; wisp; malkin; 2 fig. con- temptihle piece of writing, petty pam- phlet, sorry publication, wretched com- position, trash ; compos. — Mug. m. '/'. bunch of ears as a bait for finches; — = (JOlb, v. T. gold leaf: — biibcv, m. rid. — lappeit; — folben, m. Gun. V. sponge; — Iitpyctl, m mop, clout, rag, duster; — paptet, ». paper for rubbing or wiping; — tlld), or — tiifHt'ilt, n. willing clout; — roafd), SBifd}ima» fd)i, m. vutg. chit chat, little 25ifd)eil, v I. a. to Wipe, wisk. rub; II. n. (nut. fellll) bttfrpn — , to slip away, to escape (unperceived ; UOV bci — , to pass nimbly by. 25 i i dj < r, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) 1. wiper; Gun. T. sponge, with which a can- non is cleaned, after firing; 2. fig. vulg. wipe, reprimand; ei licit — ijcbeil, to give a wipe. *25 I f d) It It, m. a Hindoo divinity. 25 i 8 in ii t, m. vid. SQithnut. 25 is^ci, m. (-8; pi — &■ -n) 1. Wispel (twenty-fiur bushels); 2. prorine wasp ; 3. medlar ; compos. — Ih'CI'C, /. bird cherry- 25 i 6 p e I e r, m. ( -a ; pi. — ) —inn, /. a whisperer.- 25 i8 p e I n, SBttyern, 0. a. * «. (om. hilbetl.l to whisper. 25 1 § p e I it, SBleprm, n. (-S) whisper- ing. 23 1 !! b a r, adj. knowable, cognizable. 23 i % 6 a X I e i t, /. capability of being known. SSffj&egtetiS- SBifbegterbe, /. desire of kni iwledge, curiosity ; vi l. Sgn. "Jletl^ gtftbe. 33 i fi b e rj i e r i 1], adj. desirous of knowing, eager after knowledge, cu- rious. 33 i f fe ( ei, /. (pi. -Cll) coat, superficial knowledge. 33 i f f C II, rt. ir. a. iC- n. laiir. b.lbfll) In know, to have knowledge of; id) IVCtP ben SBefl, 1 know the way; ii"b lv c t p (8 lillige, I have known it a long while ago; fo viel id) U'fi'";, to my knowledge, for aught 1 know ; mil inn eilte 3ildu' — , to be privy to ; fetlicr. SnCltg — , to know not what to do" OJJtttel UnbSBege — , to know means oufs .^iiiir — , to know very accurate- ly ; eiiiem rtroae — Inffen, to send ono word; einent etroafl jn — tbuit, tc make one to know, to lei one know, a.- quaint one with ; lticbt — , not to know, to be ignorant of, to be a Strang*! to. be unacquainted with ; er ivei|j llid)t8 bilfrOlt, he knows nothing ol that, he is a stranger to it ; '.'iteni.iiib.. biifi id) tuiiBte, nobody that I know of; n>er uu'ifi ! who know a ; — ®ie waef lueiit Mi will ? 1 will tell you what ; 111,111 fiittn nidit — , it is possible ; fidj Dtel llttt etii'iVj — , to lake pride in a thing; Taiif — , to be thankful, to be obliged; iiM-5 id} iitfbl lvetft, niiirbt niir mtth ntcbl beti, pm. things on known tome lam not concerned for. 9B it" felt, n. (-8) knowing, knowled-e, notice; nieiiies —8. that 1 know of, foi aught I know ; obne ntetn — , un known to me, without my knowledge; 793 aOifi :r rcbet bofl briber Seffer — vub ©c= ttiffelt, he speaks that against his con- science; lltit — UllJ 13illeil, know- ingly and willingly, willingly, on scl purpose, wilfully. Hit f f e II b, adj. knowing ; C8 ifl llliv tlte — geiDPl'bcii, it has never fallen wiiliin my notice. EJtffenf<^flft /. IpL -til) 1. sci- ence learning, erudition ; 2. knowledge, intelligence, notice J blC — C1I, the sci- ences; tic febbncti — fii, ilie belles Jettres, polite literature ; icb babe feiiic — fcaVClt, 1 have no notice, no know- ledge of it, 1 am unacquainted wilhit; fid) ouf bie — en legeu, to apply one's self to the sciences; CV bill — Cll, he is a learned man ; cill 3Ji(lltll DDll D!C= li'V — , a man of great learning; fprtt criVOl'bciie — , opsimathy ; compos. — 3= cifev, m. zeal for (tf!e cause of) sci- ence ; — 8fllllbc, /. introduction to the sciences; — flebve, /. theory of the sciences ; — 3ivefeit, n. literature, mat- ters relating to sciences. ttBif f eit f d) a f tie r, m. (-8 ; pi. —) cord, scholar, one who dabbles in sci- ence. 13 1 f f C It f d) a f 1 1 i d), I. adj. scien- tific, scientifital ; II. adv. scientifically. £3 i f f C ll 8 1 11 ft, /. desire of know- ledge. 13 i f f e n 8 q it a I in, m. (-e8) fumes of knowledge or learning. tLii I f f e It 8 11) C V t f), adj. worth know- ing, remarkable. 3Bi f f c it g id it v b i ;], adj. vid. iiiif- ftiiSroertj). 13 i f f c tt 8 id ii r b i g t e i t, f. worthi- ness of beJig known; thing worth knowing. 13tff en3}lD e ig, m. (-cS; pi. -e) branch of science or knowledge. £3if feiltlid), I. adj. knowing; con- scious: wilful; cine — e Siuibe, a wil- ful, voluntary, deliberate, deliberated sin ; II. ado. wittingly, knowingly, pur- posely, deliberately, wilfully. 28iffev, vi. (-6; pi.—) («.!.«.) he that knows. 13 i f f e v e i, /. vid. Sffiiffelei. 13 if f e rill II, /. a learned lady, blue- stocking. 13 t 6 I i II g, m. (-3 ; pi. -c) sciolist, pretender to knowledge. 13 i f) Ht II t, 23 i f) lit II 1 I), m. (-8) tin- glass ; bismuth ; compos. — itfd)?, /. oxide of bismuth; — auftoflllig, /. a solution of bismuth ; — bcfd)hig, m. vid. — afctyf; — bluincii, pi. — blute, f. pulverulent oxide of bismuth ; — 0Ut s tcr, /. CVt. T. oxigenated muriate of bis- muth ; — Cl'j, 7i. bismuth-ore ; — flUtl}, m. galena of bismuth; — ghie, n. vitre- ous oxide of bismuth ; — gvanpen, pi. pearls of bismuth ; — fillf, m. vid. — = iifcbe ; — rouig, m. Ck.T. regulus of bismuth ; — font, n. grain of bismuth ; — fvpftrtlle, pi. crystals (nitrate) of bis- muth; — liiebevfd}lctfl, 7J7. magistery of bismuth ; — ocber. m. vid. — afctje ; — vaitdl, m. smoke of bismuth ; — frtl = illicit blllillClt, p!. muriate of bismuth; — failbevt, 71. native gritty bismuth ; — fpicgel, m. native bismuth; — ft life, f. Min. V. specimen of bismuth ; — bi= triol, m . vitriol of bismuth ; — lucifi, n. pearl white, magistery of bismuth ; — = .vinfcl, 771. vid. — fpicgel. !l3 t ii 111 II 1 1; e It, v. a. to solder with bismuth. ttl* i fi ! to the left ! (of wagoners speak •ng to their horses). 791 SBitt IS i t f r i c b. SBttlof, SDBftoIb, 13ittc= f illb, m. + name of men. *2J$ i t b c v 1 1, m. f— eg ; pi. -e) Jifin. r. witlierite. ISitib, /. + or J.. T. for SSAttWt (q. V.). ISitfd), int. crack: — ftel e3 lltiv tt fici) nid)t lltebr — iilffcit, he has not shown himself any more; vid. Syn; II. impcrs. to thunder, rage, bluster ; to penetrate with hail, snow or rain. Syn. 3B i t tc rn, X 1 1 $ t it. TOilttrn is dis- tinguislied IVom IVitJjcn by tliia, that titJ;en (t« smell) denotes merely the impression on the olfactory nerves themselves; ipirrcrn, (to scent) however, is, at the same time, to did cover something or to recognize something from this emell. The dog mitten (scents) lire lmre, and game tpittcrt (perceives by the smell) tL* leorlsman, it ricd)t (smells) some- thing anu ty that smells out the approach of the sports.Tfitn. S IB i 1 1 C v 11 11 g, /. J. weather, tempera- ture of the air; 2. Hunt. T. scented bait, trail; cine fiinftlid)e — }1IV 5)rcf= fur bev 3ngbi)llllbe, trail-scent; via. Syn. iiicttev ; compos. — Bbcobaditcv, 771. metereologist ; — cbcebadjtllligeit, pi. nietereological observations ; — 8= blunt?, /. meteoric flower ; — »fakn = ber, 7)i. meteorological almanac; — 3= fllltbc, — 8lel)l'e, /. meteorology ; —8= flliibig, adj. weather-wise: — Sfuubige, 7«. meteorologist. 2B(tteiVitl, m. (-8; ;;/. — ) provine. yellow thrush. SBittfvail, /. [pi. -Cll) widow- woman. 92 i 1 1 1 i It g, m. (-8 ; pi. -c) whiting (a fish). 93 ( 1 1 in a n n, in. + vid. 2BirtHjer. 93 i t t b U lit, n. (-8) jointure, dowry ; widowhood. 93 i 1 1 11) e, /. (pi. -It) widow ; compos. — llblUllIC, /. widow -flower, scabious; — ttcuffe, /. fund for the support of widows ; — ligcbiibl", /■ widow's rights (to her thirds, &x .) ; — ligefjttlt, m. a widow's settlement, dowry, jointure; — ligclb, re. 1. money belonging to wi- dows ; -2. vid. — ngebaW; — ngevatb, n. L.T. widow's perquisites; widow's thirds ; — llbull3, ?i. house for widows ; — Iljabj, 7i year of vicinity ; — llfcif)?, /. vid. — iiciiffe ; —nfaften, m. widow's poor box ; — llftllb, 71. posthumous child; widow's child; — lllebcit, 71 widow's life ; — lived) t, n. right of a widow to receive the whole or a part of her late husband's salary during the first year; — llfcl)lejev, m. widow's veil (weeds); — Itltt}, 771. widow's seat or estate ; — Itftailb, m. vicinity, wir.owhood ; — lt)tul)|, m. widow-bench ; fin. a widow's condi- tion ; ben — nftiib I uevviiefcit, J&. to change one's condition, to many again ; — nti'ii.iev, f. widow's weeds. 93itttUC, /. [pi. -1l) widow-bunting. 93 i 1 1 11) C 11 b (l f t, adj. widowlike, suit- able to a widow. SOB i 1 1 iv c n f d) a f t, /. widowhood. S H5 1 1 t It) C V, vi. (-8 ; pi. — ) widower; compos. — leben, n. a widower's life ; — ftClttb, m. state of being a widower ; tin — ftilllb bletbcil, to remain a widower. SEocfy? 28 f f t W) e V I) a f t, adj. suitable to m becoming a widower. 93 i t 1 11) CV 1 i d), adj. II. ir. like or as 2 widower. SEBi tt id c v f d; a ft, /. vid. SBitlnet* ftaiib. iiiitj, m. (-C8) I. wit, witlitiess; !l sense, understanding ; CV tyilt — , he ia witty, he has good parts; compos. — » anil, adj. poor in wit; — bplb, m. wilty fellow ; — fiuiEen, 77! flach of wit ; — » jiigb, /. vid.— ifigeret; — jiigcv, iti.wK- snapper ; — jiigevci, /. attempt at wit ; — fopf/ vi. witty person; — U(t, — Ii)3, adj. without wit; — teicb, witty; — reipvr, m. vulg. Ac. cant, wit- cracker, joker: — ll)0Vt, n. witty ex- pression, sally. iliirjclci, SBifeeln, ». (-3) witti- cism. SBifeellt, v.n. (am. I)abCll) to affect wit, to make a false display of wit ; er lUttjclt fiber Allies, he affects to be witty at every thing ; libt'V cillcil — , to be witty at another's expense. iiii^en, v. 77. [I. u.) to say witty things, to be witty. 3B l Ij i g, I. adj. witty, ingenious, witted ; + possessed of sense and understanding, sensible, well informed; Ctlt — ei'Jtopf a wit ; II. adv. wittily, ingeniously. Syn. 20 i u i q, S i n n r c i d), @ i n n » » 1 1. Tlmt, which is iriniq, is the work of the iGiH (wit), or that which pleases by the discovery of an unexpected similarity or dissimilarity ; in addi- tion to this that winch is fiinnrii) (sensible, intellectual) requires a higher degree of saga- city : that which is fiinn'oS (ingenious) contains a deep meaning; we discover in it under an un- ostentatious expression a host of true, near, important and interesting thoughts, which by their clothing reveal much wit and shrewdness. 13 i ij i g C It, v. a. to teach wit, to sharpen the wit, to make wiser ; gt* IVU^igt IDCVbCll, to learn wit, buy wit. 3Bt % i g f C i t, /. 1. wittiness, cautious- ness, circumspection. 13 t ^ i g 11 11 g, /. example, lesson, warn- ing, means of instruction ; bil3 foil llltt jliv — bicncil/ that shall be a warning to mo. 13 i fe 1 e V, vi. (-8 ; pi. — ) pretender to wit. witling 93 i £ I i tt g, m. (-cS ; pi. -c) wit, wit- ling. 93 0, I. adv. where ; — t ft CV ? where is he? in bent .fjanfe, — Sic gciiufen filtb, in the house where you have been; — er and) fcill mag, wherever ])e be; — ©elD tft, ba ift UllleS, where there is money, nothing is wanting; II. conj. if, in case; — llicbt, if not. un- less; — liiiv vedit ift, or — id) nicbt iwe, if l am not mistaken; II tctj t — cill UOd) — C11I3 ll)iffeil, to be quite at a loss, to be brought to one's last shift. 13 b C t, ado. whereby, whereto, where- at; at which, during which ; Jm3 .£>au3, — id) »0ruberaill8> the house by which I passed; cine fecirbc, — id) betbctltgt bin. a thing in which I am interested ; — ftnb ii)iv fteben geblicben? where did we leave off! 13 6 d) e, /. {pi. -ii) week ; in cincr — , in a sennight; bie ftilJe — , the holy week; jig. bie — ift Oil llltV, or eS tfi mefne — , or id) babe bie — , it is my week. I am on duty tins week ; bie —ii boltett, or til ben— ii licgeit, to lie in; He — n, a woman's lying-in; yj — ii fontmeit. to be brought to bed ; compos. — navbeit, /. weekly work; — tlbcflld), m. visit to a woman lying- in ; — ltbett, v. childbed; til bil3 — Jl« bett Eoinmell, to be brought to bed, to be delivered of; — nblatt, n. weeklt SBo&t publication or paper; — nftebcr, n. fever of a woman lying-in, puerperal fever ; — Iigebef, n. weekly prayer: — Iigelb. n. weekly pay, wages; — ligffelJ, m. jour- neyman engaged by the week ; — 11= fattlte,/. caudle; — tlfiltb, n . new-born child ; — llflcib, n. every day's dress ; — IlLlllg, adj. (J- ado. for weeks : — 11= lob,!!, n. weekly pay, wages: — nntilift, vi. weekly market; — Itptcbtger, m. clergyman who preaches on the week- days, not on Sundays ; — liptcbigt, /. wjmon preached on a week day: — 11 = .(rbitutia,./ weekly bill: — llfd)vift, / eid. — tiblatr; — tifdmftftcller, or ca»t. — Itfd)l'ifller, m. editor of a weekly paper, journalist; a newspaper scribe ; — Ilftllbi, / room of a woman lying-in; gossipping company ; — lltag, m. week- day (opposed to Sunday or feast day) ; — lltiiglid), adj. >S- adv. on a week-day ; — llTOcife, adv. weekly, by the week ; — lisal)!,/. number of weeks ; — ttt,el)= rung, / weekly consumption or fare ; — lt;cttef, m. weekly bill ; — njimnter, n. apartment of a lying-in woman. SBO d) C It t 1 i d), adj. $■ adv. weekly, every week, a week. ECBSefclUr, m. (-3; pi. — ) person on whom a weekly duty devolves in his turn ; hebdouiadary, week's man. 315 o (1) tt c r i it tt, /. ( pi. -en ) woman lying in. 2.B 6 if C It, m. (-& ; pi. — ) provinc. dis- taff. 2i}o cf f n fi I! b C, /. watch room. * S 1B £ b a 11 or 2SlI0tait, m. (-S) M.jth.T Odin, Wodan ; compos. — Stag, m. -J- iy prooinc. Wednesday. 20 b 11 r cb, I. adv. I. interrog. where- by, by what place, through what place ? •-'. by what means 1 II. relat. by which, through which. 55J ft' V It, conj. if, provided, in case of; — H t cf) t, unless. ill} f II r, ado. interrog. ij- rclat.' where- fore; for what, for which; — I)altCll 2ie miff)? whom do you take me fori SB Dae,/ (/(.'. -It) billow, wave; vid. Syn. -MdU J compos. — llbrtbll, /.course of waves; — ltberg, m. mountain of waves ; — ttbl'lld), m. broken waves, breakers; — ItfbuilUi, adj. $• adv. like waves, undulating; — ngefilbe, n ,*the sea; waving fields of corn ; — llTOeife, ado. by waves or billows, like waves. EiJogegen, ads. against what ; for what, in return for which; baJ ftllb (Sarbcn, — »tcl }u fagen ijl, these are -, against which much is to be .said ; — Imbni Sic ti ningetanfcbl 'i fir whal did you exchange it ? — TOOiJIltCl? whereabouts does he live ? BJOfleit, ,,. v. (i«r. babcit) ,<• a. to wave,, fluctuate; to heave; to crowd. SBJOgifl or 2Q3(ji$r, adj. I. wavy, . -'. I! V. sinuous. 5S b e r, ado. whence, from what place ; TOO fommeil Bit f)er? n come you? — miffen '5ie eg? how do you know that ? — ijl ba3 gefom = Rieil ? where did that come from ? 8B l) l It. ado. whither, what way ; TOO gt'bt'll <3ie bill? where are you going ! — K and) gcbcit 1 1 1 a ^ , wheresoever he may go to; mail fteijt fcboil, TOO ft bin luill, om- may easily see bis drift; TOO gebt bicSteiff bin? whither are yougnim,? B? b i 11 9 11 6, ado. out at what place ; to what place; whii'h way? fig. tot) 3Bobl TOcip nid)t, - - ca» fiibreu |o!I, I don't know how tint will end. 2B0 h ( It e i It, ado into what |ilace ; — filbl't bev '•-liitflV where's the entrance to this place ? s IiJ b i II t e r, adv. behind which, in the rear of which ; behind what ? IBiJ b I, ado. 1. well ; 2. perhaps, proba bly, indeed; febr — , very well ; Qdllj — ! ved)t — '. very well; ft i|t (bfs fillbct ftcfc) febt — , he is very well; miy ijl — , I feel well ; cr ifi iiirbt — Clllf, he is not well; — bcfoillillf c$ SbilClI, may it do you good ; fd)Iaffil ©if — , I wish you good nk'ht; lcbfll »ibe il)ii — a,ofd)Iatjen, abcr, u. f. to., indeed I struck him, but, &.c. ; — 3b'lfil! happy you! — lltir ! well for me ! happy for me ! belt £oMCII ift — , the dead are well ; com- pos. — acbtbitr, adj respected. esteemed, worshipful; — acbtbarer ^err! your worship! respected Sir! — ailgebrad)t, adj. well-timed, seasonable; — anjKilt= btil, I. adj. well becoming, fitting, de- cent; II. ado. decently; — ailjlautia,: feif, /. decency, decorum; — ilUrj]e= bad)f, adj. well-imagined, well-devised; — beb(ld)t, adj. well-considered, well thought on, deliberate; — becnidjti;], — beJ>ad)tlid), I. adj. well thought on, well-considered, deliberate ; II. adv. deliberately, considerately, premedi- tatedly, on purpose ; — 5(ftllbelt, v. being well, good health; — beflt^f, adj well qualified, competent, of authority ; — bfijttbt, adj. well endowed, possessed of talents ; — bfgiitert, adj. opulent, rich, possessing large landed estates ; — be[)aavt, adj. well furnished with hair, having a fine head of hair; — = bebtlgeit, 7i. comfort, feeling of com- fort; — btf)il(ten, I. adj. safe, in good condition; [L ado. safely ; — bebciltcii ftlllangen, to arrive in safety; — be= bdngen, adj. Hunt. T. long-eared, having fine long ears (said of dogs) ; — be= fditllf, adj. well-known, renowned; — = belanbf, adj. finely leaved, with a rich foliage ; — bcleibt, adj. corpulent, burly, in good plight; — beleibtbdt, jr. cor pulence, fatness; — bclefen, adj. well- read, rid. SBelefen ; — bemelbet, adj. + above-mentioned ; — bevebf, adj. elo- queni : — berediiirf, adj. a- ado. well calculate!: — bffdjiljffll, adj. in good condition or preservation; — bcjlallt, adj. 1. well provided with every thing ; '-'. duly appointed (+ or comic, in titles) ; — befcljr, adj. well-occupied, well-filled, well stored ; — bfjlrtllt-n!, adj. T. (of a wood or forest) well stocked with trees; —, adj. stricken in years : — beauijit, adj. well-known, well- remembered ; conscious; — bieuee, m, eye-servant, pleaser, pick thank ; — = titl, adj. well-respected ; — Cbltt JptTl ! Sir! — ebeKjeboreil, adj. wel! and gen- teelly born; — ct>elo.ebontci i^ert! Sir! — ebvioih'bi,]. adj. reverend; QtV. — ebt'iuiilC'eil, your reverence, reverend Sir (title of the inferior clergy) ; — er= fabveit, adj. well experienced, well skilled; — crgebeil, ji. well being, wel- fare, prosperity; — erbaltetl, adj. s,n',., in good condition, well-preserved; — = SBoM etTOOgeil, adj. well thought on, wel considered; — trmorbcil, adj. well acquired; — cviojjen, adj. well-bred, — fab 1 1, /. weal, welfare, prosperity - felicity. good luck. — fahi'10> ait^icbiip, in committee of public safety; — fal ■vi3^efelJfd)afr, / (i. hJ pbilan tbropic society; — feil, I. adj. cheap, al a low r;ite; II. ado. cheaply; — ffltf, — fcilbcit, / cheapness; — geartet, adj. well-natured, well disposed, well- mannered ; — fjebailit, adj. Well-built ; well shaped; — fjebtlccf, adj. well- formed, well shaped, well-made, hand- some; — geboren, adj. well-born (a title_ of address) ; — g/borc ncr Jfrttr, or (ja<. — geborcu! Sir: (on the address of a letter] ©r, —geboren, .Oerni Xiofrath y )l., to \, Esq, counsellor of the court; — gcbeibeil, 7i. thriving, prosperily, — QCfaUtll, n. liking well, pleasure, delight, satisfaction, content- ment; — flcfdlleit b'ibcii an ..., to take delight in...; — gef.illig, I. adj. pleasant, agreeable; II. attv. agreeably; — gefiibl. n. pleasant feeling, agreeable sensation; — gebai'tef, adj. weil-har- dened. well tempered: — gebufet, adj. eid, SBe^uft; — geflcibet, adj. well- dressed; — gelamit, adj. in a good humour; — gelegeil, adj. well-situated ; — gelebl't, adj. very learned, well in- formed, clever ; — gcleitet, adj. well- directed ; — gelungen, adj. successful, perfect (work, &.c.) ; — gcillfillt, adj. well intended, well meant, sincere; — = gcmnt(), I. adj. well humoured, cheer- ful, gay, merry, frolic, sprightly ; II. n. organy (a plant); — gemibrt, adj. well- fed, corpulent ; — gciicigt, adj. affec- tionate, favourable, kind; — geilllp, m. full enjoyment; — geottiiet, adj. well- ordered, well-arranged, well-regulated; — gcrafbeii, adj. well performed; well- bred ; — gerud), 771. sweet scent, fra- grancy, flavour, odoriferousness, redo- lence (of flowers); — gefdMJfcit, adj. well created, vid. — gebilcTt; — ge= fcbjnacf , »i. agreeable taste or relish ; — gefillllt, adj. well minded, well-in- tentioned ; — geftttet, adj. well-man- nered, well behaved : — gci'orodv ;: well spoken; — geflalt, /. fine shape, beautiful figure or firm; — gejlallft, — gejtalrig, adj. well formed or made, of a beautiful figure ; — VJCtbait, adj. well duie; — gcnbr, adj. well prac- tised, expert, able; — geUKlMt, adj. well-chosen ; — geivogeu, adj. well- affected, very kind, benevolent; — ge= TOOgenbeif, /. benevolence, kin favour; — gejeidinct, adj. well drawn; well-marked; — gejogen. adj well- educated, well-bred; — geiogeit^cif, /. good breeding, good manners; — ba = benb, adj. opulent, warm, substantial, well stocked, wealthy ; vid. Syn. ikr= mofjenb; — babenbeif, /. opulency, being In good circumstances; — b?t" gebraebt, adj. established by long usage. — flang, — laiif, m. pleasing tone, agreeable sound; euphony; — flilt= genb, — Iiiiitenb, aaj. we i sounding ; — leben, it. high-life, good cheer, mer y life, feasting, banquetting. luxury; — * Icber, in good liver ; — ioblid), ndj laud- able, estimable, highly esteemed ; — » hill /. iiAUiiolluil ; — ineiiien, n. wei> meaning, well wishing, kindness; — » nteiiteiib, I adj. well-meaning, wett-wias) ing, affectionate, kind, friendly; II. ailo with a good intention; — llieineitbc, m. well-wilier, well-wisher; — rebeilb, adj. eloquent ; — rebcflliljl or — rebeilbftt, /. eloquence, well-speaking, elegance of speech ; vid Sijn. be'oie ; — veMter, m. elegant speaker, orator; — rieduilb, adj 7D3 3Sof>n « sweet-scented, odoriferous, fragrant ; redolent; — vicdjonte Sfldjen, per- lumes, sweets ; — fdima.f, m. rid. — ■ gefdintaJ ; — fdjinedreub, adj. weii- tasied: — fdjmecfer, m. gourmand; — fcgdtlb, adj. quick sailing; — = fcl'ii, ?i. good health, welfare, pros- perity, comfort; — ftaub, m. 1. de- cency, decorum; good manners; 2. welfare, prosperity, health, comfort; — tage, /'/. provinc. life of ease and luxury; — that,/. I. good action; 2. favour, kindness; — tbcitcr, »«. benefactor, favourer; — tbaterilllt, /. benefactress; — tl)atig, I. adj. 1. bene- ficent, charitable ; 2. advantageous, sa- lutary ; I.I. adv. charitably ; — tbiitig= fctt, /. beneficence, charity; utility; — thatigfeiUanftalt, /. charitable in- stitution; — tbllll, v. rid. below; — = tCtlCllb, adj. well sounding, harmonious ; — ubevfegt, adj. rid. — bcbadjf; — = ttnterrid)tcf, adj. well advised; — ver= ticilt, adj. well deserved; — SerbtCllte Strafe, condigt. punishment; — V>cr- gittcrt, adj. well fenced ; — toerbaltctl, ?i. good carriage, good conduct, be- haviour, demeanour or deportment ; — = UCtlet, n. B. T. mountain-plantain ; leopard's bane ; — UCf fll(i}t, adj. vid. — erfatjreit ; — cerftaneen, adj. weii- understood ; — benuabtt, adj. well- guarded, well-protected ; — roeife, adj. very wise (a nearly obsolete title) ; — - tDCteltcb, ado. wisely, prudently ; — = vriffcitb, adj. well-knowing; — WjoIIch, r. ml. below; — VOPih'll, n. well- wishing, kindness, benevolence, favour; — IVOlietlb, adj. well-wishing, bene- volent; — ItMtttfdiet, m. well wisher; — jiciltCllb, adj. well-becoming, suitable. E3 B b I, ». (-eg) weal, good, benefit, well being, welfare, interest; bitS ge= mcitlC — , public interest. 23 f) I ii tt, int. well ! come on ! go to ! — beutt ! well now : — eg fev> brum ! done ! let it be so! 53 1) t a li f, int. well ! go to : cheer up ! come on 1 2B b 1 1 g, adj. happy, cheerful. SB () 1 1 b U tt, v. ir. n. separ. (auz. tjabftO 1. to do well, to produce agreeable feel- ings ; 2. to do good, to benefit, favour, befriend. 52 t) I ID II C It, v. n. separ. (am. t)a= belt) with dat. to wish well, be kindly disposed towards a person. flBobtlbur or SBobttlid), adj. habit- able, convenient. £2 I) tt b a r f e i t, f. habitableness. 22 i) H b C 1 t, m. (-eg) Hunt. T. couch or seat of the wild boar. SBObnen, v. n. (auz. bnben) to live, dwell, abide, reside, lodge ; WO — SicV where do you live 1 bei cittern — , to lodge in one's house or with one ; fluf bcilt iiatlbe — , to live in the country; til b« <2>tabt — , to reside in town. SB 01)11 eit, n. (-8) living, dwelling, lodging. SB () It C r b e, /. habitable globe. £B I) It b a f t, adj. dwelling, living, abid ing ; — feint, to be an inhabitant of . . ; fid) — lliebcrlrtffcn, to fix one's abode, to settle in a place. 22 a b tt b o U 8, n. (-eg ; pi. -r)aufcr) dwelling house. SB I) It I i d), adj. 1 . comfortable ; 2. vid. SBobftbar. SB f) 11 I i d) f e t f, /. comfortableness. SlUbnovt, SSobnplat}. m. SBof)n= ftait, SBobnftatte, /. dwelling place, abiding place, habitation. 79K SBDljufitj, '"• (- (S \ P 1 - -t1 domicil; abode, residence; fallen — ailfl"d)la = get!, to settle at a place. SB o l)ii ft it be, /. (pi. -ii) 230l)ii}tm= met', n. (-8 ; pi. — ) duelling room, day- room, sitting-room, parlour. SB Ob llll lift, /. (pi. -Cll) dwelling, do- micil, abode, habitation, mansion, lodg- ing; residence; compos. — 8[0$,adj.& ado. houseless, without a home. SB0l)lt}i 118, m. (-eg) rent. *SB i ru b C, m. (-it ; pi. -It) Vayvode, Palatine. *2B o i n> o b f d) a f t, /. (•/a= ben, he pretends to have seen it him self; eS will ntit fchetnen, aU ob . . , it seems to me, as if . . ; biefe ZtitM' art will mir nittt reebt befommen, this manner of living does not agree with me; iff) will nicbt boffeit, bafi, . . , let me not hope . . ; tit) will nittt, I will not nr I won't: ict) will nictt, bafi bit eo fageil foil fl, I will not have you say it; er mag — cber nidit, will he. nill he; ich Wolltc, 1 would; gar llidlt — , to scorn to do; id) WPllte lifber, I had rather; wolite (5ott! would to God : vid. syn. 3Ji5gen. 2B 6 lie 11, n. (-S) volition, will, in- clination. 5U I I e II, v. n. to cast the hair. 2B 6 1 1 i rt) t, adj. woolly, resembling wool. 386 Uig, adj. furnished with wool, woolly. 53 6 1 1 II ft, /. (pi. -liifte) high degree of pleasure, bliss ■ delight, sensual pleas ure ; voluptuousness, sensuality, lust, luxury'-, ber — iiarbbaiigcii, to be given to voluptuousness ; compos. — - fltbmetlb, adj. breathing delight; vo- luptuous: — bt'du'r, IB. cup of delight ; — fdjroeiter, /. courtezan ; — feurbe, /. venereal disease ; — ftllllbCII, pi. ht)iirs of delight ; — tl)ier, n. cont. volup- tuary. S I8 6 1 1 ii ft i g, I. adj. I. delightful ; 2. voluptuous, sensual, lustful, libidinous; II. ailv. voluptuously, sensually, lust- fully, libidinously. SB 611 fi filer, 235lliiftliiig, m. (-3; ;//. — A- -e) voluptuary, sensualist. '23 111 i t, ndv. wherewith, with or by which, withal. •23 o n d d), vid. SOornacB. 23 OIIC ben, adv. at the eide of; which, near to which ; near to where er whit place. SBort 23 on n e, /. (pi. -e) delight, picssura, joy, bliss; rapture: bie ewt'ge — , eternal bliss ; in — frbwebeil, to be in rapture ; compos. — baillll, m. + birch- treei — bernnfdjt, o/mW — trnnfcit; — felb, — gefilbe, n. Blynum, Klysian fields; — gartett, m. blissful garden, paradise; — geftlbit], adj. Klysian: — » gebtlllfe, m. ravishing thought or idea ; — gefiibl, * delicious feeling, raptur- ous or delicious aensation ; — gefaiig, m. delightful or charming song; — le= ben, 7i. delicious or blissful life ; — = lllOliat or — nionb, m. the month o( May ; — reifb, adj. delicious, abound- ing in delights ; — felig, adj. enra;* tured ; — tailllicl, m. intoxication o« bliss, rapture; — trilllfi'll, adj. intoxi- cated with delight, in raptures ; — soil, adj. delicious, blissful, ravishing 23 6 II 11 i g, adj. delightful, blissful. fSon ni g (i d), a'j vid. 2Sonnig. 23 6 p p e, /. ( pi. -n) provinc. pannicle 23 V d 11, adv. whereon, whereat, whereby; — ft'lllieil -~!C btl8? what do you know that by ? id) Wl'ifj llidlt, — id) ntit ibm bill, I know not what to think of him; — licgt ti'i where does the fault lie 7 23 r a 1! f, ni/?. whereon, whereupon. on which, upon what, whereto. 23 r tl li 6, ado from what, from which, whence, whereout, out of which, whereby, by which, whereat. 28 01' b e, /. provinc. I. rising ground; 2. piece of ground fenced in. 23 r etit,. word of honour ! done ! i:;ait Faiiti fid) ouf fein — ttidjt wlajfem, there is no depending upon his word ; eiiicu bet feiitem — c faffcit, fatten, liebmeil, to take one at his word; flilf ntetll — . upon my word; glaubf II StC lliir a\l\S — , take my word for it: mil — fll fpit'cil, to pun, quibble; Jllit t!» item — f, in a word, in short; compos. — obleitcr, m. etymologist; — :■'■-■'■.?:■■ tang, / vid.— ferfsfctuia,; —ai>R&?« Frit, /. paronomasia; pun: — iiit'.!".C«r= Fung, /. scliolion, commentary : — ; arm, ailj. poor in words; — annul!}, /. scarcity of words; — art, f. Gram. T. part of speech ; — flllflVrtllb, in. pro- fusion of words; bombast; — ail$lf= ger, in. scholiast, interpreter ; — ClUi- IfgUiig, /. etymology, explication or interpretation of words; — bail, m. construction of words ; — bfftillt= lining,/, vid. — erllaruiig; — betrug, it. sophism; chicanery; — btlb, n. Ilk. T. figure, trope, metaphor; — bilblllig, f. formation of words ; — I'Vllfb, m. breach of promise ; — bl'iid)ig, adj. faithless (to one's word) ; — briid)iiie, si. promise-breaker, faithless fellow; — bvtid)igfe it, /. vid. — fcrud) ; — = djl'ift, m. christian in words only ; a canting fellow; — bflltcr, m vid. — - au«leger ; — beittuitg, /. vid. — au§= Irgittig ; — erftltbf l", m. coiner of new words- — tl'fillblllig, /. the art of coining new words ; — fi'flarcr, m. vid. — atiSlegfr ; — errKinuig, /. verbal explanation; — faillilif, /. family of words : — ffdjtcr, m. stickler of words : — fedjteret, /. stickling for words; — fllltj, m — fillth, / How of words: — folge,/. order of words ; — = fcifcbfV, m. etymologist ; — foiTdjllltg, f. etymology ; — ffigiliig, /. I. construc- tion ; 2. syntax; — fiigiirtgt'lebve or — fiigtlfbrc, /. syntax; — fiibver.b, adj. vid. — babeitb; — fiihrcr, m. speaker, spokesman; — fiibrer filler 3tm), foreman ; — fiiHf, /. abundance, redundancy of words; — gebvauct), /«. employment or use of words: — ge= fed)t, n. ,-id. — fecbtcrft ; — gcflingfl or — getfitt, n. jingle of words; — gf= [fbrfaillfcit, /. verbal learning; — ge= grange, n pompous words, bombast; — - geiotrre, it.confuson of words, jumble; — gfjiillf. //.verbal dispute ; — griibfti'i, f. over-refinement, subtilizing in words: — giilbloi", m. one who subtilizes in words; — babfllb, adj. being the spokesman, leading llie discourse : pre- siding (in an assembly) ; — bailor, m. chairman : speaker, spokesman, deputy ; he that keeps his word ; — hrlb, m. braggadocio; — Ijailfiiiig, /. accumula- tion of words; — fitltlVf m dispute in or about words ; — ftirif , adj. sparing of words, laconic, taciturn ; — favgl)cit, f. taciturnity; — flailfj, m. sound; — = 'laubi'r, in. cont. word catcher, nice critic; — flailfcfVei, /. tout, word catch- ing; — fraill, m. idle discourse, verbo- sity ; — [liimcr, m. person that merely deals in words; — ft'aiiierei, /.quarrel, dealing in mere words : — fl'teiTJ, m. war in «r about words; — {ritif, /. criticism about mere words ; — fllllbe, /. know- ledge of words, etymology ; — fttttfigc, m. etymologist, grammarian ; — futtb= UCt), adj. relating to etymology or giain- Bar; — fiiittielei, f. affectation of far- 7»8 ffioru fetched expressions, quaint use of words : sophistry ; — fiillftler, m. one who af- fects studied language; sophist; — fih'= jf. /. brevity, breviloquence ; — fiil'= jtllig,/. abbreviation — lo$, adj. I. vid. rad)Io$ ; 8. Jig. faithless ; — lofig» ffit, f.jig faithlessness, breach of pro- mise; — marbfu, n. — madjeret,. /. cont. I. the coining of new words or re- viving of old ones; 2. making many fine words, mere talking; — macber, »/. 1. coiner of new words; i!. vid. <2$TO(t= fcer; —mangel, m. vid. — anntitb ; — iiifttgr, — mtfdjer, m. vid (g»>;ach^ snifd)ev ; — mciigeiri, — :;-*'»"djerct, /. mixing of words; — OVMllll'.^, / vid. —fugling ; — ynntf, m. vid. — gt* pvait= gc ; — l'nti)ff l, n. riddle, enigma, logo- griphus; — vegifter, n. index of words; — rctd), adj. rich in words, copious, ver- bose; — n{d)ll)Iim, m. copiousness; verbosity, wordiness ; — vtdjtff, m. verbal critic ; vid. — gtiiblfr; — fri)at- ttlt, in. empty words; — fcbmmf, ?//. ornament of speech or style; — fdjtvall, m. — fd)RUtljl, / fnstion, bombast; —a ffll'g, aei'liinge= rung,/. Oram. '/'. increment, parago^e ; — tflfffclllig, / transposition of words, inversion ; — Ufl'jtailb, m. sense of a word, literal sense; — Oframilbtfdiaft, / affinity of words; — yentu'cbfcluiig, /. mistaking of one word for another; — UerjCtrbtlt9, «. index of words; — = VOVVatb. m. slock of words; — n?fd)= ffl, in. 1. conversation; 2. dispute, al- tercation ; — WCfblelll, v. n. to have an altercation or dispute; — U)ft|cr, m vid. — rfgiftcr; — locrf, n. vid, — {ram; — rondel, / root of a word; — lailf, — 5 wi ft. m. vid. — ivccbfcl; — jn'dKll, n watcb-vvord ; — jcit, / T. quantity (of words vr syllables). Syn. !IB o r r f, 15 o r t t r. -Cort* are words forming a context and <-ontainin^ a connected 6ense. iOorrcr are isolated wordu, forming no context; oid. -Gortfrbud). One my» the 'f«r. tiimorif, and not tfimirortcr, for the words of llio text, which the preacher has selected for the subject of his discourse. 2iS 6 r t f 1 It, v. n. (aitz. babfll) to word, dispute. STJSSi'terbudj, n. (-e8; pi. -bfttter) dictionary, lexicon ; compos. — fd)VCt= bfl', m. lexicographer. 93i5r tcr = f ra m, — fvicg, — fticit, u. f. n>., vid. 2Bovt=fram, u. f. to. SOBS X 1 1 i cb, I. adj. litera ; II. adv. liter- ally. 5*3 r U n er, adv. of what ; whereat, whereof, at or over which, over what, upon which, upon what, at which, at what. 2B V li lit, adv. rclnt. A? intcrrog. about, around, of which ; on lecount of which ; of or about what. 2B t li tl t f r, adv. 1 . where unc).;;, un- der which, among which ; 2. in (under or among) something ; in or among what or which. SB f i I b ft, adv. where. 23 » it, adv. whereof, of which, ol what ; of whom. 2i3 v D r, adv. before which, from what, whereat; of which; — flird)tfit <2U fid) 'I what are you afraid of! iii TO i b f r, adv. against which. *iB t) TO b f, in. (pi. -It) vid. SBoU TOobe. 1*3 J ii, adv. whereto, whereat, where- fore, to, for which, for what ; — foil baS? what is this for? — fillff Siift l)at, what one has a mind to. 5BJ r d ff, ?«. A- n. (-f S ; pi. -f ) provinc. I, JV. T. wreck, wrack ; 2. remains, refuse, rubbish, out-cast; bag wffllfte — , break-water ; vid. Syn. S'iuilie ; compos. — fifd), in. fish cast on shore; — gut, n. wrecked goods; refuse, out cast, pal- try stuff; — bai'ilig, m. half salted he: ring; — £>ol j, n. old timber; — yapkl ?i. refuse-paper ; — Vfd^t, n. right of flot- sam ; — fd)iff, it. wrecked ship; — 00* gel, in. goosander, wrack-bird. iijrricfe tl, > ., ffl..-i;-„- IBvafen, J* «■ t^. ©ortirni. SBrdefer, m. (-8; pi. — ) wU@or* titer. S IB rang e, /. ( pi. -it) 7VhandIe of a pinmaker's turning machine; JV. T transom. 9Br d It g f r a tl t, n. green hellebore. S3J C el f b 6 1 J e t, pi. JV. T. fenders m loose skeets. SB X t $ e It, v. a. .V. T. to navigate 01 manage a boat (with a single oar), to scull. 2B r i It g f i f C It, n. T. wringing pole. s lii ii d) e r, m. (-S) 1 . usury ; 2. gain, profit ; auf — ailsleibeil, to lend upon usury; — trcibeit, to usure, practise usury; OOIH — lebflt, to live upon usury; compos. — blllllte, / golden dai- sy, golden-coloured daisy ; — fret, adj without usury or interest ; — gefftj, n. law of usury ; — gier, /. vid. — flldjt ; — giei'ig, adj. passionately fond of usury, usurious; — bailbfl, m. usurious trade ; — jllbe, m. ehafferer, usurious Jew; — franr, it.— Vflailje,/. rankling weed; — fllfbr, /. usury; — fud)lig/ ailj. A- ailv. usurious; usuriously; — = Jlllfeil, pi. usury interest. Syn. 1Bud;fr, 3'"f'«. 23ndirr formerly Bipnifu- any profit. It is now used in contra, distinction to ginfen (interest) to signify ei- interest, i. t. usury. 23 II d) C l' e t, / fam business of an usu rer, usury; — treibcil, to practise usury. 23 ii rf) C r C r, in. (-6 ; pi. —) usurer. 23rifbei-l)aft, 23fid)eiiffb or 23fi> rpei'lld), adj. usurious. 23 fi d) e r n, v. \.n. {aux. baben) l. mil ttloaS — , to practise usury, to seek gain, to employ most profitably ; 2. tl luxuriate to grow exuberantly ; II. a. d rrfl. fid) VCid) — , to gain by usury, tt enrich by usury. 23 ii d) C r It, 7t. practising usury ; thriv- ing. 23 li d) 8, 7/1. (-fs) 1. growth ; 2. shape, size. 2Blifbt, / (pi. -CH) weight, burden; bulk; compos. — baitllt, m. colstaff. 23 lid) ten, v. I. n. (aux. babfn) to weigh (heavy) ; II. a. I. to shake something heavy ; 2. to weigh. 23 fi b C 1 It, v. n. (aux. babfll) prjvinc vulg. I. to move in great multitudes, to swarm ; 2. to increase, thrive, prospe* 23 ii b I, /• Hunt. T. 1. rooting-place (« a wild boar, &c.) ; 2. wild boar's snout SQunb B3 ft b i C II. v. a. jY. T. to woold. 28 ii I) I e U, 11. I. a. to root, dig up; ILn. (anx. M'CIl) to wallow ; to stir, rake, rummage, tumble over; til fcetl U3u= djern — , 10 rummage in books. 28 U () 1 c V, m. (-« ; pi. — ) I. one who roots or digs up, &c; 2. a revolution- ary leader, insurgent ZB ii 1) I e r c i,f. 1. eager rooting or turn- teg Up; constant stirring or rummag- ing ; '-!. revolutionary movement 03 fib 1 i ii a, /. (pi- -en) jv. r. wooid- 28 ft b I f r a tl t, n. stinking goose-foot, stinking blite. SB ft b I in a it 8, /. (pi. — nniufc) great- beaded field-mouse. SQ ft b I n> » t m. «• (~ eg ; ?'■ — w " r:: lltCV) earth cricket. 22 ll I) 11 C, /■ (?'• -") hole cut into tbe ice to give air to tbe fishes. S3 ft b f, /• T. a weir, wear SS ti 1 f, m. JV. T. counters, upper and lower (of a sbip). •SB D 1 p rf, m. vid. Dvaiig=Utaiig. SBtitft, /. {pi. SSfllfle) 1. any thing puffed or blown out; pudding, roll, roller ; ". Arch. T. ornament in building cut out in the form of an egg; wreath; 3. JV. T. outward vaulted or arched part of a ship over tbe helm ; 4. fashion-pieces of tbe buttock; 5. T. pipe or spout through which the water from the house-eaves is led into the earth; compos. — f)iiar, n. hair wound up in a roll or pad ; — fllbpfrf)Cll, *• Conch.T. trochus. SB li I ft I (J, adj. stuffed, pufTed up, puffy. 53 ii it,/. + meadow. JB It It b, adj. wounded, sore, galled, fret- ted ; fig. grieved : compos, of this and tke next word: — avinici, /. 1. remedy or medicine (hr wounds; 2. surgery: — avieticUfuufi, /• (=W)ve, =imff?>i = fduift. f.) science of surgery; — arjfs tietfebute, /. surgical school ; — fir,ts lid), oiij surgical, chirurgical; — bal- fam, m. vulnerary balsam ; — baitm, m. ash tree; — fifcil, n. probe, sound ; crane's hill ; — t ffeitj, /. essence for wounds: — fSben, pi. lint: — fever attending wounds, wound lever ; — hols, v. ashen-wood; — tyoljbaum, m . „,,/ — baUtlt - , — f laitt, n. vulnerary herb, wound-wort ; — niittcl, n. vul- nerary : — ltiUvifl, adj. scarreil ; — * pfldftfr, n. wound piaster: — V>lllt>cr. n. wound powder, styptic powder; — - fa I be, (. vulnerary unguent or salve: — tvailf, m. vulnerary potion ; — ttKlfc fer, ii. arqiiehusade, vulnerary water: — rout J,/, orticinial valerian ; — jettel, in. surgeon's bulletin. UBlillbC, / (/-/. -ll) 1. wound, hurl; 2. fit:, grief: ciiiciit cine — beibriu= ftCtt, to give or inflict one a wound : it it eiiter — ftcrbctt. to die of a wound: eilK — ltllttTfllrf)Cll, to probe a wound : comma. — llfl'fi, adj. not wounded : — 11= linbl, ti. cicatrice, scar ; — llSOil, adj. full of wounds. 58 ii ii c c ii. v. a. rid. Serrounbtn. 58 ii ii b e r, n. (-8 ; pi- — ) wonder, miracle, marvel, prodigy ; baS ift fcill — , that is not to lie wondered at; C8 ninimt feS bat) mid) — , I wonder nt it ; icb bacfote — , was c8 n>8re, vtdg. I thought it was ever so much, ever so great: ciu — , uu'iiu cv ti Ittcbt tbnt, •tie odd if he don't do it: cr utacbt ciu — baiMllS, he makes a wonder nf it at «) ; fciu blaueS — an etiua8 febcu, in be amazed at a thing; to marvel at ; — tbutt, liu'rfe it, to perform, or to do 2Bunb wonders or miracles: compos. — abtt= lid), adj. lislieJ luws; but every tlnni new iruiiScrt fsurpn nj un, e»ed if we d" nut uke esuWuhed laws is a criterion to juJ^ a by. T anil theunetluci'e I "U-n muaocrn it^fwon- d?r), because mucli is new to lliem j muuli bt. fremtel (sinke, M extrannlinary, strange or ain'itlar) tlie eilucated nnJ nnlru ted cause lie perceive-., Uitt it J'i'arU from Hie laws of nature, be known to bim. DifnaiMa contains also a secondary idea of disapproval The English languase contains no word that fully exiii-esses the German tcfrtartn, SB \i || b c v a 8 ro c v t b, 9B[iitoetn«»ur* bill,, adj. astonishing, prodigious, won- derful, admirable. 21] li II b e H a lit, adj. wonderful, vid iSuiibvvbar ; -nd. Syn. Seltfain. 28 li 11 b e r « = i) a I b e 11, — balber, — • UKO/H, ado for the novelty's sake. 28 li It b b c i t, / state of being wounded, &c, vid SCBuiib. 28 ii 11 fro, i». (-f8; pi. 28iinfAe) wish, desire ; Had) — f, to one's wish, as one could wish; gatl) nacb iiieiiicm — e. to tbe best of my wishes; compos. — tUrife, I. /. Oram. T. optative mood ; [I, adn 111 the form of a wish or prayer; — WHfbljJ. adj. vid. 28iui|ttcit8iufrtb. SB 11 II f ll) b a V, adj. desirable ; vid. 2i3iinfd)CitSiucvtb. 28 li ll f d) C I b'J t. m. (-eS) magic hat. 28 im f rfa e I r 11 1 1) c, /. ( pi. -u) divin- atoiy wand, magic wand. 28 11 it f d) c 11, v. a. (ciiicm crn>a8) to wish long, desire ; to wish cr long for ; id) nfiuftyt (it'iiuhtte) ti ju febeit, I long to see it; OJllitf — , to wish good luck; to wish joy. to congratulate; lt(h (miv) etiuaa — , to wish to possess. 28 li 11 f d) C II, It. (-8) wishing, longing. 28 it ll f rf) C 11 8 ID e f t b, adj. desirable. SOftll 11 f d) c r, m ( -8 ; pi. — ) V- u.) one who desires, wishes, longs for. 2B 11 11 f cb I e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) person that deals in tedious wishes and con- gratulations. SGB li V V C, / ( />■'• _ '0 provinc tilt cart IB lit be, /. (pi- -H) dignity, honour; propriety; i« titttl — cvl)ebcn, to raise to a dignity : to exalt one to soma preferment; ,U ben bOf^ften — 11 ge> lailfleil, to arrive at the highest pitch of honour; ciucit mil ciiicr — bcflci» bell to invest one with a dignity j el :99 OBurf ift Hitter Shrer — , it is below you; — 11 finb SBurbeit, jirur. the more wor- ship the more cost; compos. — 1p8, adj. W- attv. without dignity ; — nti'iiger, m rlignitary — BOB, a lj dignified, solemn, prave ; — jeidjCll, ?i. badge of dignity, badge of otiice, ensign. 23 li r b c r it, ?•. a. to value, rate, esti- mate, prize, tax. 21! ii r b i g, I. adj. {with gen) worthy, deserving; estimable: cine — e33eloh* llllltg, a deserved reward ; — e I'cittC, persons of wonh (merit) ; be8 £obc8 — , worthy of praise ; be8 XpbcS — , deserving of death ; vid. St/b. under SBctbterietl ; If. adv. worthily, deserv- edly. 33 ii r b i g e tt, v. a. 1. to deign, vouch- safe : 2. to value, estimate, rate, prize; — <2te mid) aitiuhorctt, vouchsafe to hear me; 3cmaiiben eiue8 £3pr$ugeS — , to favour one with a preference ; Sentanben eiite8 ©ehovS — , to vouch- safe or deign to hear any one ; e V I) it t mid) feiner Sltttroort geiuiirbigr, he has not deigned to give me answer; ciltetl groper (5"hre — , to bestow a great honour upon one. 23iirbiger, m. (-8; pi. — ) l. one who estimates or values anything; 2 — ciner <3d)iiff, a critic. 23 ii r b i g 1 i d), ode. worthily. 23 it r b t g f C i t, f. worthiness, merit, worth. 23 it r b t g It II g, /. (pi. -en) vouchsaf- ing, deigning; estimation; bit — cillCV Sdirttr, critique of a work or book (= Dcecenfipit). 23iirf, m. (-e8; pi. 23iirfe) l. cast, throw; 2. line of anything thrown, di- rection? way ; 3. number of things thrown at once ; animals produced at one birth, litter, brood; 4. throw, turn; ."). Hunt. '/: snout of the wild boar; G. rutting of the wild boar; — mil bem ?if§e, casting of the net; fillfll — thuu, to cast, throw ; bcr entfcheibett= be — , winning throw ; fg. eilieilt lit belt — foilltlietl, to come in one's way. to hit upon, meet with one ; e8 foilllllt auf cineii gliicflichen — an, it depends upon a lucky cast; ber — t>e3 Uuge= fahr*, the shuffle of chance; .§Ullbe SOU eineill — e, docs of one litter; com- pos. — (tligrl, /. fishing line which is thrown in a great di>tance; — flufci', m. anchor lo moor across; stream-an- chor; — nilfei'tOU, n. stream-cable: — beivegittig, /. Phy. <$■ Jist. T. motion of projection ; — Met, n JV. T. plummet, plumb line ; — fifi'll, n. T. fish-gig ; — - Clbe,/. earth thrown up or oul. rubbish. refuse; — ftfffcl, /. vid. — viemetl; — = gat'll, n. — hflube, /. cast-net, drag net; ■ — geroth, ». implements for throwing; — flCfchOp, n. missile ; — fleffbiifc, n. mortar piece; catapult; — geiaebr, n. missiies, javelins projectiles; — bafcit. in. J\~ T. grappling hook : — I) an be, /. vid. — pant ; — fraft, /. rhys. T. pro- jeclile force; — Ereiifl, m top, pes-top ; —letter, /. vid ©iriileiter ; — linie, /. Phys. 'J', projectile curve, line of pro- jection : — lliaifhilie, /. machine for throwing any weapon, catapult; — net}, ?t. ?>«/. — gain ; — pfeil; m. dart; — = pfeiiiVbiifce, m darier, shooter, riart- flirger; — liemeii, m. leash; — fcbau= fel, /. winnowing shovel; — ffbeibe, / discus, quoit; — fdjlauge, /. a dart- snake; — fpecr ur — fpt p, m. javelin; — ftfill, m. stone for throwing: — fhfU fig, adj. having an unequal distance of the threads of the warp; — waffe, /. missne; arrow; — tlH'ifc, ado. in lots, 800 3Surm a certain number at a time ; — tveft?, /. distance of throwing ; — jiel, n. aim. 23 li V f C 1, m. (-8 ; pt. — ) I. die ; 2. O. T. cube; eill 2>aar — , a pair of dice; mil — n fpieleu, to play at dice, to dice, mil btei — it fpieleu, to raffle; bie — flieipClt, to cog the dice ; conijiiis — beefier, »«. dice-box; — beiu, n.Ji. T. the cuboidal bone of the foot; — bl'ftt, 71. draught-board ; — erj, n. copper ore in little cubes; vid. SDIriglanj ; —fall, m. fall of the dice ; — form, /. cubic form^ — fijrillig, adj. cubic, cubical; — fuf, m. cubic foot; — geftalf, / vid. ■ —form ; — Qtp8, m. vid. — fpatb ; — - tllbalf, in. cubic measure or contents; — mantel, 7h. tartan plaid (in Scotland); — mafi, 7i. cubic measure; — llteile, /. cubic mile; — rilthe, /. cubic rod or rood; — fd)t'efer, m. argillite; clay- slate ; — febub, 77i. cubic foot ; — '"patb, m cubic spar: — fpiel, "■ game at dice; — fpieler, m. dice-player; — ftein, vi. cubic stone; cubic quartz; — talf, m. cubic talc ; — IbOll, m. poticr's earth ; — ti|d), 77i. table to play at dice on; — VOgei, 771. nocturnal butterfly; — ' roeife, win. in the form of a die ur cube; — Wltrjel, / cube root; — jeng, 7«. checkered cloth, plait-cloth, Scotch tarian ; — jabj, /. cubic number; — = joit, 7« cubic inch. 23 li r f e I i d>, 2Bill'fiid)f, adj. resembling a die or cube. 2A> li r f C I i g, adj. ]. cubic, in the shape of a die, checkered; 2. cubiform, cubic, cubical. 23 ii r f e 1 it, v. I. n. faux, baben) to dice, play at dice; II. a. T to checker. 23 li r f e I It, t». (-6) dicing ; checkering. 23lirfcil, 23lilfeil, v. a. provinc. to winnow the corn. 23 li r f I e r, m (-8 ; pi. — ) dice- player. 23 it r f I i it g, m. (-$) l . swarm of young bees; 2. the orphia (fish). 23 ii r g a p f e I, m. (-8 ; pi. -cipfe!) species of bad apple. 28 ii r g b i r n e,/. (pi. -n) choke-pear. 23 ii r g e * a p f e !. n. —bint, /. vid. JBurgapfei, &c. — fianl, ti. roundscl; — pla^, in. place of massacre nr car- nage ; — frfjivert, 71. &c, vid.'SRmb- fdjiuerf, &.C 23lirgflt, v. a. I. to choke; 2. to throtile. strangle, destroy : t) t mill lev — , to swallow down . 23iMfe — bie mie ein — frfimmeit, to writhe like a worm: eitlfll — till .rt= lid), adj. vermicular, worm like; — ar= tig, ajlj. of the nature of a worm, ver- micular; — arjeitet, /. vermifuge ; -— s at'jt, — bPCtOf, m cunt, quack, mounte- bank : — bllllllC, /.yellow succory ; — = fcradje, m. collection of certain worms, which hang together in clusters; — = effettj, /. vermifuge ; — fat'll, m. tansy ; — feber,/ T. worm-spring, brass-spring ; — fieber, n fever occasioned by worms: — fihlllig, adj. wormshaped, vermiform, vermicular; Ji. T. peristal tic ; bie — formige ©eipegung ber (S'in« geiveibe, tlie peristaltic motion ; — f V t = fatj, 77i. J). T. vermiform process ; — - fvafi, m. worm-eaienness, worm hole ; — fia^ig/ adj. worm-eaten; — gef)dlU fe, 7i. — robre, /. worm-shell; — ge» febrpiir, 77. worm ulcer (of horses) ; — - gva8, 71. qujtch-grass ; —bant, /. J. worm-skin; 2. .AT. T. copper-sheathing ; — bolj, n. petrified wood of the fossil palm-tree; — fratlfbeit, /. illness pro- ceeding from worms; — fiailf, it. any herb supposed 10 be good for worms ; — * fiidilein, n. worm-cake, worm-lozenge; — lillig, adj. V. vermiculated ; — Ipfb, 71. worm-hole ; — Ibrberig, adj. worm- eaten, full of worm boles; — Ipvue, 771. lion-insect (sort of fly) ; — lltchl, 71. worm-dust; — lllittfl, n. vermifuge: — iltPOS, n. worm-moss; anthelmintic moss : — IttllSfef, /. vermiform muscle ; — lieffel, / white dead-nettle; — lleft, ti. nest or collection of worms; — 1111= belli, pi. vermicelli ; — pillf II. pi. worm- pills ; — p fill iter, ». [ilaster against worms; — ptllbci', n. worm-powder, vermifuge; — riltte, /. worm bark ; — rot)re,/. vid. — gebanfc; — falbe,/ worm salve ; — fame, 711 worm-seed, — frblattgc, /. silver-snake; — fdlliei* ber, 711. he that worms a dog; — fteijj, 771. small-sea-worm ; worm shell ; — » fticb, 77i. worm hole; — fticfjtit, adj. pierced by worms, worm-eaten, rotten, mouldy ; — ftocf , m. vid. — licft ; — s firabl, m. sort of sea-star with the tail of a serpent; — tPb, 771. worm-wood; — treibeilb, adj. expelling the worms; — trirbter, 771. worm-shell; — troffilii /. 1. dry-rot; 2. dry-rot worm; — Will"}, — lVlirjel, /. root good against worms; knotty rooted fig-wort ; — Jlicfet, 771. sugar taken against the worms. 2B iir m die it cv 23iivmlein, n. (-8; pi. — ) vermicule. 23 ti r m e it, v. I. ». {am. baben) to crawl like a worm : II. a. $,■ iviptrs. Jig. to vex, fret, teaze, trouble ; e8 rplirillt mil or lllicb, 1 am piqued at it. 23 ii r ill e ll, v. a. to worm. 23 ii r 111 e r f V e t f e, /. food for mag gots or worms. 2311'rillig, adj. I. wormy, full o? worms 07- maggots, vermiculous ; ?. worm eaten ; 3. fg. magotty, whim sical, freakish ; odd. eccentric. 23 li r ft, /. (jrf.SBiirftr) 1. sausage, pud- ding; saucisson; 2. pad : 3. carriage in which people sit astraddle ur back to back; chariot; 4. M T. pi. 2Qlirften, short piece of rope w cable: foot-hook staff; auf bcr — beriim fabrett, fg. to be a parasite; to play the parasite: brjimft bit mir bie — , fo Ipfd) icb bir ben 5)lirft, 7>7-oc. oneeoori turn deserves another; bie — Had) belli 'UJauit bra= tCll, ;77oh to cut the cloth according to the man ; mit ber — natb ber Spetf* feitc wet'ten, prov. to throw a sprat in s IBur$ order to catch a salmon ; — lutber — , prov. measure for measure ; compos. — * brtlllll, m acacia; — bh'ft), n. or — bu= gel, m. ring or hoop used in making sau- sages ; — bai'lll, m. gut for sausages ; — = tiff it, n. — tricbtcr, m. little runnel used in making puddings; — fctf, n. sausage fat: — fl'ifd), n. sausage meat; — f)it r cfev, m. who chops the meat for sausages ; — baitbel, m. trade in sau- sages; — banbler, m. — banblcviiiii, /. one who sells sausages; — f)flUt, / Jl. T. altantois, gutlike membrane, urinary tunic; —feoff, — IjBljffefll, n. vid. — = fpeticr; — born,— bi>vncben,n. »«?.—= fifeit ; — ftailt, n. herb used for some sausages ; — ll^C, /. thick, large lip, blubber lip: — iuad)cit, «. making sau- sages; — Ulitcbt'r, m. sausage-maker; — marmot', m. pudding-marble: — = maul, n. vulg. blubber lip; — lit a 11%, adj. vulg. blubber-lipped ; — veitei', m. fig. smell-feast, spunger, parasite ; — = fcblitteit, m. sausage-sledge, sort of sledge where persons sit astraddle; — = fpciicf, — fpief;, m. skewer (for sau- sages, &c.) ; — ftcitl, in, pudding stone ; — fllpl'e, f. pudding broth ; — ttid)fei', in. filter; — njageit, m. vid. 2Burft, 3. ; — Jtpfi'l, hi. end of a pudding or sausage. S3 II r ft e II, v. n. to make black-pudding, sausages, &c. 28 ii v t e in b c r f), n. (-8) Wirtcmbcrg or Wurtemburg. 28 it v t e in b c r g c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) Wirterabergian. 28 ii r t e m b e r g i f cb, adj. of, belong- ing or relating to VVirtcmberg. 28 ii r J, /. + root, vegetable, herb. 28 It V J - a p f e 1, m. aromatic apple ; — bivne, /. aromatic pear ; — blume, /. aromatic flower; — biifbfc, /. spice- box; — buft, m. aroma; — gat'teil, m. garden of aromatic Mowers; vid. M\\- ctniigatteti ; — gentd?, m . sdent of spice, aromatic odour ; — ge fdjmad, hi. aromatic taste, flavour; — bailbel, — fl'aill, m. trade in spices and grocery ; — biillbkr, in grocer; — fafe, m. spiced cheese: — f ranter, pi. aromatic herbs, pot-herbs; — lilbcil, in. grocer's .-hup; — l08, adj. , f - ado. not spiced ; — ltagc = Wilt, n. chves ; — liclfe, ./. clove ; — = rot)r, n. sweet calamus; — fdjatfetel,/. spice box; — fpeife, /'. spiccil food; — = fllppe, /■ spiced soup ; — trnllf, m. aromalic draught or drink ; ■ — tl'Og, m. brewer's trough ; — IDCtbe, /. conse- crating of herbs (in the Houian church) ; — Weill, m. hippocras, medicated wine. SBiil'iC, /. (/;/. -It) seasoning, spice; — bci- iflterbrauer, wort; ber .t>im= ger tft bic befte — , hunger is the best sauce. 58 li V \ C I,/. (,,/. -tt 1 root ; vulg. turnip ; — fd)lageu or faffen. tret belt, to take root; lit it ber — aU3r«tpeil, to root up, eradicate: gelbe — , ru/g. carrot; bic — eincS Serges, fig foot of a hill ; compos. — al)iilirt>, — arlig, adj. »t- adv. like a root; — bamii. to. ptangrove; —Malt, n. Ii T radical leaf: — bvob, n. bread made of roots ; bread of dried manioc; — briihe, / broth prepared Iroinrno's: — brut,/ li. 7* rootrleaves; — bucbflabe, «. radical letter ; —cube, n. root end: — fat" be, / dye prepared from the roots of ihe walnut tree; — = fflfer,/. libre, rootlet . — flarbe, /. B. T. -ont, base ; —fi.Mir.ig, adj. in the form ir Bhane of a root • — frail, /. womnn that gathers or sells roots; — gniMcbS, n. vegetable of which the roots are eatahle; — grabeit. n. digging for mots ; Sg. etymological research; — ariiber, 51 2Suft m. person that digs for roots ; fig. ety mologist; — feint, m. //. T. radicle; — fllOteil, m. knot of roots ; — lobe, — fproffe, /. sucker ; — matin, hi simpler, gatherer of roots; — nichl, n. fecula : — liagcr, m. earth cricket ; — = Vetevftlie,/ large parsley; — IMllb, m. edge of a root ; — railfcil, n/. - pendicles, tendrils, twigs ; — rtlUpe, / the caterpillar of the rhizophora ; — - void), adj. rooty, full of roots, abound- ing in roots; having many roots ; — = rciS, 7i. shoot, sucker, sprig ; — vicillCll, m. rand of beef (with butchers) ; — = |/. -e) dissolute fellow, rake, debauchee, spendthrift ; ruffian. 3feno 28 fi ft u u g. /. (i>i. -en) waste-land. "iii ii t b, f. rag -. fury ; madni as ; tit — geiatbcn, to be put in a rage, to flj nit into a passion; ffilie — au4laf» Ml to vent one's rage ; l>C*r — fdjaiu men, to foam with fury ; bie — ber •Ounce, madness of dogs, the rabies canina ; bie ftille — , madness in tlw first stage ; bie faufeube — , madness in the second stage ; fig. bie — Uevfe ju macbeii, the mania for composme verse; bic — ©einalbc tu fanimeln, r.i.'e for c: i'Cting pictures; compos. — becve, /. berry of the deadly night- shade; — entbramit, adj. furious raging; — erfiillt, adj. enraged; — - flier, /. raging lust; — fraut, n. brook lime, chickweed ; — meiifd), m. vid 933iitf)ericb: — fitaiint, n. foam oi rage; — fdinaubfilb, adj. breathing rage; — fdiufi, m frantic in; — sell, adj. furious, raging, ma i. 933ut b en, r. H [aux. bobeiO i.u chafe, fume, foam; 2. to rave J lobe mad ; bie -rce lviiiln't, thi sea i Sf/n. SSii t hr n, Jobfn. Mtll, in the f>»: i tiie violent movements of tiie n I the noiie wh rfc m| mieetheaii Mnhii!, a slrong pa.sjio-i, whicll roSs tiie mind of consciousness anj of the use of rea sen. In the second place, ZeKn and 19Utfr«a are also different with reepect to the kind oi nauion, from the immoderate development of which both arise. SBiilbcn, for instance can arise only from anj- r or wrath, it is then "to ra^e, to storm;" but lobrti may result from an excess of joy or merriment, heoco it corresponds tu tlte English "to dance, caper, toaa about, to run wild, Jtc." s Iii ft t b C n b, adj. raging, furious, fran- tic; baS — c .*3cit, Arthur's chase; the raging or furious host. 18 ft t b e r, hi. H ; i> ! - —) '• .'urious person, savage person ; 2. tyrant. 933 it t b C r C t, /. ( pi. -Cll) fuiious man- ner of acting, fury, rage. 5QJ fl 1 1) C r i fb, in. (-8 ; pi. -t) 1. blood- thirsty person, bloodhound, /^.tyrant, 2. hemlock. 28 fl t b t g, 1 adj. furious, raging, raving, mad ; II. adv. ragingly, furiously, out- rageously ; madly. 28ft t b 1 1 ii g. m. vid. 28iitbevicb. 28 li t f d), int. tmlg. souse ! X. X, t, X.x, the twenty fourth letter of the Alphabet: fig. fan CUU'lll till XH\X eitt 11 lliacbeil, to impose upon, to makf one believe black's white. \Y a It 6 t p I) i f a, /. key violin, xanor- phica. *.V a u tippe, /. Xantippa; fig- vulg shrew, scold *3P an 1 1) o g i n, n. (-Si ch t x.™ thogen ; compos. — failt'C, / Ch. T. xan- thic acid. •2 a n t b 6 r i; I o n, n. (-8) xantho- xyluni. '.Y a to C V, hi. (-8) Xavier (man's name). *X C b C (f C, / ( pi. -II) xebeck, shebeck. *.Ve n c I a f i c, f. the expulsion at foreigners or strangers, •3E i ii ie, / | pi ii ? l.xenia; *,Ycnt t> n, n. (-8 ; pt. -Itiflt) S present made to a stranger or guest (among the ents), token of friendship; 2. a kind of satirical epigram (first in- troduced by Goethe and Ssbillei); com- pas. — btdjter, m. epignuw *X c ii i o «, ) w. the UospjtaMe one, '.V C 11 i 11 i, ) l". ii-i.d or proMOtM of hospitality (an epithet of Jupiter). *,V C 11 1 1, m, -8 Xenil fa river in Spain). *.¥ | ti » b $ fy in ut, n. [~i) I. place for 801. 3tyfl the reception of strangers, vid. i|jtV= b«rge, SUMrf&s&ciuS, ©afrl)au8; 2. r'.;. hospital. 'X c 11 b P rf) 11 8, "i. a superintendent of such a place. *X c 11 g v a V I 1 1 «■', /■ t» e art of vvrit " ing foreign languages. *X t tt 1 1 a t 1 f, /■ government of strangers or foreigners. \Y C M lit (I It 1 C, /. xenomania, exces- sive fondness for what is foreign. *.Ye II p () It, m. (-5) Xcnophon. \Y e ll'Of t 3, /.estrangement, alienation, act of becoming estranged. • ,V Oil t d J) I) t U lit/ n. (-8) tomb for strangers. • X c r a it t f) e Itt C, /. ( ?>/. -tt) B. T. large amaranth, xeranthemum. UlltllVi \ ** ?'™a. *.Y eras in 11 0, m. J • X C" V e 8 ID e i it, m. (-8) sherry. "X it to It, ?(. (-8) Med. T. a desiccant, dry remedy. •tXetDma, n.lMed. T. xerotes, vid. "X e v c t e 8, /. i XxoS t ttfjett. *.Y C V 111 1) ttttle, f. dryness of the nose. 'X e v p t) tt 3 t t,f. xerophagy, dry food. *X c t v I) 1 b a I 111 1 e, /. Med. T. xerophthalmy. "X C t p b t () d I lit 8, m. J/eA 7'. 1 . a dry. inflamed eye ; 2. vid. A*cropl)= tbilllltic. *X C r f i 8, /. drying, desiccation. *X c r 1 1 f rf), ad/, drying, terrifying, de- siccative. "X t x t V t p f i 8, /. Med . T. dry rub- bing or friction applied to a diseased part of the body. *Xi V h i it 8, m. J. sword fis>., xiphias; 2. sword-shaped comet. . 2), », Y, y, the twenty-fifth letter of the Alphabet *§) d rf) t, /. (7;/. -Cll) yacht, pinnace. *^j d lit, m. (-C8 ; p'. -f ) 5. 7 1 . manioc, dios- corea; compos. — tUUl'jcl,/. manioc root. *2) it lit it f i 8, 7)/. Grecian dancing wo- men kept by rich Turks. *2)ditcn, v. n. (mix. tictbeit) to bray (said of asses) ; bct8 — , the braying. *3) d It f e P, m. (-'8 ; pi. -8) Yankee. *3) d r b, w. yard. *§)dffa, 771. code of laws of the Tartars. 2)ctHfi, »a)atifi,> *§)dtfu, 5 bed-time, among the Turks. *2) b t f rf), 7/1. (-C8) wild mallow, marsh> mallow. *g) C It t t, 7n. (-rS ; pi. -() Min. T. ye- nite, jenite. *3) C it f C, /.' bride-maid (among the Turks). *2) C 6 lit il It, 7d. (-8) yeoman. *§) C 6 lit a tt X 1), /. yeomanry *g) g e I, m. nu 3gel. *g) fl gb ret f i f, /. JWfA. Myth. T. the sacred ash-tree, representing the struc- ture of the earth, the largest and tnost glorious of all trees, beneath which the gods daily assemble, to sit in judgment. *2) b V C, /. a liquid measure in Tyrol. *g) lit C V, m. (-8) North. Myth. T. Ymer, progenitor of the giants. *2) It f a, m, (-'8 ; pi. — or -8) a son of the sun ; Old-Peruvian emperor. *g) 1 1 1 b, to. (-c8 ; ? /. — e) JMin. r. iolite, dtchroit. *2) p c v b a it m, 777. (-c8 ; pi. -bdiintc) elm-tree, Dutch elm. *g) p C V II, n. (-8) Ypress. *3) p f t ( t b C, /. A. T. ypsiloides. *3) p f 1 1 II, ?i. (-8) the Greek u or y, ypsilon. * $) f p p, m. (-8) liyssop. *§) 1 1 C f C f b C, /. yttria ; pbo8pbor= fiiuve — -, phosphate of yttria; tCV 111C= titUifrf)C ©ntllbftoff bet —, yttrium. *2) 1 1 c r t a 11 1 a I, g)tffotaitta[it, m. (-8) yttro-columbite. *).) t t c r 1 1, m. (-Clt ; pi. -CIl) vid. g)ttererbe. *g) li f f C, /. (/;.'. -11) i'. T. yucca. 3» 5> Z, z, the twenty-sixth letter of the Alphabet; fo fleljt C8 V'Ott v ,'l bi8 3- so it is from the beginning to the end, from alpha to omega. *3 CI a X, m. (-8) czar. *3 ft art 11 tl,/. czarina. *3 a b d 1 8 in tt 8, 771. vid. ©abSiSmuS. 3 d b C If. (pi. -It) provinc. tab'j. 3 cib cm, n. (-8 N Qeog. T Saverne (a town in Alsace) *3d b te v, 7K. ow. Sabter. 3 d rf), 0(&". vulg. tough, 7)lU 3df)f. 3 a rf) a r i a 8, m. Zachariah, aior. Zach ; couijHi*. — bllllllC, /. corn (lower, blue- bottle. 3 a rf) d it 8, j». Zachsus. ^dcfdjCll, r». (-s;^. — ) antlet-lace, purl ; point ; httle twig. 3dcf i, f. {pl.-\0 tick. 3 d J c, /. ( pi. -it) 3 iefcit, m. (-8 ; ^ — ) 1. dentel, tooth tine, prong; 2, twig ; — am i£m-fcb}ieivci[)., troch- ings ; blC — tl, blind piles; compos. — llb.atf, 77. dented leaf; — Ilboftl, it, horn with branches; — llfiUllllI, ,«, tooth comb; — Hi IJVtlCl'/ ;;/. oil-nuts, oil-seed; — llfiailt, n. rocket: — tl= frcilj, 71. square-cross (+) ; — -tllillic, /. notched line ; — lllticitjel, m. notched chisel (of a sculptor) ; — llfrf)liccfc, /. dented shell ; — IlfrfjOiC,/. vid, —11= frail. ; — llivalje, /. dented roller ; — Uiuerf, n. dented, notched work ; indented work ; Fort. T. cheval de frise ; — ttivollf, /. refuse-wool, cot-gar. 3d cf etfcit, 71. (-8) T. toothing-iron. 3 S del, n. (-8; pi. — ) Cretan- goat 3ddfett, v. a. to furnish with points or teeth, to cut out in points or teeth, to tooth, indent; citl .Rletb — , to purl a dress. 3 d rf e f, 771. (-8 ; ;;/. — ) one who purls dresses ; one who indents, &c. 3 d Cf C r C l', m. (-8 J pi. — ) provinc. for fPftltg.r (q v.). 3 d Cf e r It, v. provinc. for SPflt'lije It (q. v.\ 3 d cf t 3, adj. pointed, pronged ; tootfied indented. 3 d b C, / ( 77/. -tl) provinc. slieep ; com- pos. — itfleifrf), 71. mutton. 3dffer, 771. (-8) vid. ©ttfffor. 3 ft 3/ adj. Sf ado. vid. 3iigr;aff. 3 a 3 f, m. -f- coward. 3d gel, m. (-8) tail; — ciitcs 93au- 111C8, top of a tree. 3 113 e 111 11 1 (), 7K. vid. 3iigb'if-'i3- c --- 3 d g e m it t i) i g, adj. vid. 3itgbfif-. 3 d 3 C It, v. tl. (mix. ()itbeil) to tremlic, to shake with fear, to be afraid, to de- spair; ba8 — , fearfulness, cowardice trembling. 3 d Q e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) timid person. 3 a 3 e r e i, /. timidity. 3 ct 3 t) a f t, I. adj. faint-hearted, timoT- ous, timid, fearful, bashful, afraid ; IL ado. timorously, timidly. 3dg()aftigfcit, 3dg()Ctf, / faint- heartedness, timidity, fear, fearfulness, cowardice. 3 d g 1 1 rf;, adj. + vid. 3ft|)l)ftft Zl)h ricfet. 3 ft gin ft t f) i g, adj. timid. 3 ft b ( f l» "'I/- t. tough, tenacious ; gluey, viscous, clammy, glutinous, ropy ; — e8 ©tfett, ductile, tenaceous, mallea ble metal; — Cf SScitl, ropy, thick wine; 2. fig. obstinate, inflexible (of a person) ; also tough, Stingy, compos. — s fliifftg, adj. T. tough, difficult of fu- sion ; — get'te, /. B. T. fennel giant. 3 ft f) e, ? /. toughness ; tenacity ; 3d b f) e t t, ) viscosity, clamminess, glutinousness, ropiness. 3 a 1)1, /. (pi. -ftt) number; cipher, figure; ctnc — ©am, a reel or skein of thread; fine — Spiatteific, a Inn dred and ten plaice (in fishing) ; go* bl'Pfbeiie — eit, fractional numbers; geviibe or uitgernbe — en, even or odd numbers; eittc gebrccbeite — , a broken number ; bif golbciie — , .1st. T. the golden number ; ait bfT ■ — , in number; o')tte — , numberless, innumerable: con/pus. — illllt, n. pay- office, treasury; — brett, 7?. count- ing-board, counter; — bllrflftabf, 7«. numeral letter; — bltcbftabcilfctirift, /. chronogram ; — fit big, adj. able to pay, solvent; — ftgill", /. ciphe* 3<«M Sabti 3aitt figure : — friit, /. term of payment ; — grofit, /. numeric quantity; — t)it§= f el. to rid. — WClfe; — hclj, l». wood sold by the number of pieces ; — fitufi f. numeration ; — lo8, adj. number- less; — Icftgfct'f, /. numberlessness: — fanmtcr, /. vid. — ontf ; — ineifler, in. paymaster, treasurer ; — cabining, f. order of number ; — pri'Ie, /. round peart; — pfennig, to. counter; ; — = rcirb, adj. numerous: cine . — rcirfje viibliothcf, a numerous or voluminous library; — vciitt, m. chronogram: — - fd)k'ill, IB. promissory note ; rid. i/. 3'lfi'lf) I. tooth: 2. dentel, denticle; '3, tine ; 4. cog (01 awheel;; bidit|lc(Ki!M' 3ftbne, close teeth : UCfftfillfftf 3ftbllf, petrified teeth ; 3'ibne befomiitftt, to cut teeth; bif 3ftl)"c lvfcbfcdl, to cast the teeth; fulfil — ftUSjiebftt, to draw a tooth; bic 3ftti"e ftitmpf niftcbcit, to set the teeth on edge ; jig. bic 3ftbttc llH'ifctt or blcrfcll, to show the teeth; cincin ctti'ftg 1 1 C eillfdinci = belt, T. to tooth, indent ; lllit Iftligeit 3ftbncn tffeit, to eat pluttonnusly, ravenously; jUMfftfn ben 3'ibucn fc-- ben, to speak (indistinctly) between the teeth; tempos. — ftf^CIICt, f. rid — ntittfl; — m jf, m. dentist: — dllg- tciBcr. — ftiigjtel)er, m. rid. — tuediev; — bftlfftlH, nt. balsam for the teeth; — bleCter, m. one who shous bis teeth; — bfftffcn, m. demes; — braf= fen, — ftfeb, n. marmot-fish ; — tucd) = ftfcil, 71. tooth-drawers ; — bredlCf, m. tooth-breaker, tooth-drawer; — bltd)= Itftbc, ni. dental letter; — blifftf, /. tooth brush : — filigilf), m filling of a tooth; — cifeit, » tooth-drawers; — = f5ut« or — fftltllltp, /. rottenness in the teeth; — fcile, /. raspatory; — fic= bcf. n. teething-fever; — ji cb, m. ii>h with teeth :_— fiftel, /. fistula in the gum: — flfifcb, 7i. gum, jaw; — flct = fdlcitb, adj showing the teeth; — fbr= liiig, adj formed like a tooth: ndon toid; — fortfft^, m. Ji. T. alveolar pro cess; — aefrhnjfir, n. tumour in the gum: — bamnicr, m. claw-hammer; — bcdif, ni s.rt of pike, tooth-pike; — = bcbcl, in tooth plane ; — bcbclctfilt, 7i. tooth plane iron; — bobjf, /.tooth- hole, socket of a tooth; — hciblen = Jfthg, m. alveolar canal ; — ft'tiftec, m. vid. — mctpff; — frftut. n. tooth-wort ; — flPlte, f. crown, upper part of a tooth; — fiinfUff, m, dentist; — labe, /.jawbone; cheekbone, tooth-socket; — (a.ttierge, p/. dentifrice ; — lebre, / dentnlogy ; — le;-. adj. toothless; — * Ipftgfctt, f. tootblevness ; — liiffe, / tooth gaping ; — liicftft, adj. gap-lootb- ed. toothless; — lltftlt!, «. 1. mouth furnished with teeth; "-' the toothed carp : — llicipcl, m T. scrajier; rugine ; — lllittcl, 7i. remedy for the teeth, odontalgic remedy, dentifrice ; — 11111 = fdiel, /. dental; — lltllafd, 7/:. .■/. T incisive muscle ; — ncrbc, to nerve ol a tooth : — plllwcr, 7i. tooth powder, dentifrice: — PUfcCf, m. 1. one who -. T. scraper ; — rftb, 71 dented wheel (in mills, clocks, wati — rcibf, / row of teeth; — rebre, / tooth-she! 1 : — fSae, / T. saw to cut teeth with; — fftlbe, /. salve for the teeth; — fcbitter}, m. — febmerten, pi tooth-ache, odontajgy ; — ftbiieife, / dental ; — ffhllttt, m. T. dental, den- ticle, ornament cut in the shape of teeth; — ffbiiftblef, m. dentiroc bird); — If^cr. m. one who put- teeth in; — fuinl, / toothed sickle; — ftlbcr, it, I. silver for filling teeth : -J silver in ingots; — ftt'dn'r, m. tooth- pick: — ftpcbffbpfe, / — fterbfrttiti, 77. toothpick-case; — ftiid)ffpiM*c, /. quill toothpick; — ftiillimfl, — ftlillipf, — ftlimpeil, m. stump of a tooth ; — = trofl, m. B. '#'. red eye bright : — lt)ftf= fer, 71. tooth-water; — lveebfel, m. she Iding of the teeih ; — lucl), n. vid. — fch'.ncfjftt ; — ivfbbftiim, nt prickly ash : — iDftltftetlt, ;«. tartar of the teeth ; — llH'ff, 77. 1. T. tooth work, in- dented work ; 2. B. T. tooth-wort , Spanish camomile; — roiir, 4 ivur = jcl, / root of tooth: — Jftlige, /. pin- cers for drawing teeth ; — jtveig, to branch of a tooth. 3 ft b 11 ft) C 11, 71. (-« ; /./. — ) little tooth 3 ft b 11 e f I e t f eb c 11 b, adj. vid. 3>if)n> f!ctfd)cnb. 3 ft l) 11 f I 11, v. I a. to dent, indent ; II 71. (nux. l)ftbfll) to breed teeth. ,3 ft b 11 f II, v. I. a. to tooth, dent, in- dent : II. n. (mix. f)ftbeil) to teeth, to breed teeth. 3 ft h 11 C 11, ;i. (-g) dentition. 3 ft b i! i (J, adj toothed, dented. 3 ft b 11 f I ft v v c ii, 3'Umf Iftppt rn, n. (-g) chattering or gnashing of the teeth. 3ft b 11 fit ir ffbf n, 11. (-S) gnashing of the teeth 3 ft b 11 f 11 i f f cb e it b, adj a"- adv. grind- ing the teeth. 3 ft b It 1 e t II, n. (-« ; ;//. — ) little tooth. 3«brf, / * {pi. -n) tear; vid. Son. SlbfftllC ; compos. — llllftj}, adj. bedewed or moist with tears. 3 ft b f 1 i it g, to. (-« ; p!. -e) provine. chaffinch, bullfinch. 3 ft b x t e, /. (pi. -n) cyprinus vimba. 3 ft b f t i C g C I, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) T. melt- ing-pot. large crucible. 3ft il U' C i b C, / osier willow. ' 3 S 1 c, 111. (-9) Zal.l, Arab, proper name, *3ftint, in. '-• Ji 1. a prince; liege-lord in Turkey ; 2. rid. .t>cnfcr, ©djtrge. 3 ft i it, n. i-g ; pi. -ci T. lingct. lingot ; ingol wedge, bar; pig (of metal) ; com pos. — CJU'll, it. imn in bars; — b.lllli IllCf, m, forge, slitting mill ; — fcblllifb, in forger of bars. , ! , a in beln; effing, n. {-«) ingot brass. 3 ft i it t, / [pi. -n) 7'. a willow-brand ; willow- basket. 803 3onf It w » J 1 »l. v l T. to cast into ingots ; l\ \'<-}j.>. vn.u tors. jJalKCJ, ;.i. (-«; />'■ — ) Iswnmei- smith, namiiMiitli in forges. *3 S t • f/ /■ cajuu of women (among the Arabs). 3dfc, /. (pl.-\) provinc. a kind of sheep with long horns. •3d in bo, m. (— "8; jrf. -* «" 3««" s belt) zambo (iho off&pring of a mulatto and a negro-woman, more rarely of a r.egro and a mulatto-woman). ' 3 nt b o it i f cb e €5 S it I c, /. T. a sort of (dry) galvanic pilu or battery. *3 /• name of women (in Arabia). 3d lit Ve f, m. (-8) r. loom to make figured stuffs on : compos. — fjafcti, to. T. hook ; — fltiippel, — ftPff, w. warp-stick: — = fct)Illir, /. thread of the warp; — flltl)l, m. loom to make figured staA's on. 3 d m t = b V C t f, n. T. bar on which the warp is fastened; — naiil, /. T. loop, needle. 3 dm tell, v. ji. T. to arrange the threads on the loom according to the pattern (in silk manufactories). *3 s nt ft v p g e i e r, m. (-8) za.nuro- vulture (vuttur aura). '3 * n d It it, 11. the harem of the cr.ra- mon Persians. 3 d it b t r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) perch-pike. 3dltj5e, f. (pi. -It) tongs, a pair of tongs; flfilie — , pincers, nippers; bit —it or SSorberjdbne bet $ferbe, gath- erers : compos. — ItbfCtt, v. T. stay (nf a joiner's betich! ; — llfpvniig, adj. in the form of a pair of tongs; — llfilfev, m. earwig ; glowworm ; — living, m Fort T. ring of the tenaille ; — llftfiniljf, / trench in the shape of a pair of longs; — llfftjllSllje,/ snout or muzzle in the shape of a pair of nippers ; also a fish with a head shaped like pincers; — lt = tl'dger, m. who carries the tongs. &c; 2. scorpion-spiiler; — llivet'f, 11 T. tenaille ; — ll'illfel, m. Fort. T. angle of the tenaille. 3 d n g c 1, n, vid. 3diigclct»cn. 3 & tt g C 1 ft) e n, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) pincers, nippers, plyers. 3 ft tl g c I lit a 6, n. T. yellow trass-plate with holes of five different sizes for wire-drawers, to determine whether the drawhole has its proper size. 3d 11 <} el II. v. a. to take up with a small pair of pincers or nippers. 3 d II f , m. (-C8) quarrel, wrangle, alter- cation, squabble ; tinnier tit — nnb ^abcr lebeit, to lie always at odds : compos. — itvfel, vi. fig. apple of con- tention, subject of a qu.trrel : — beill, n. bone of contention ; — eifen, n. a sort of toy: fig rulg. arrant vixen, shrew; — ftecfeit. pi. pimples, freckles heat-spots (indicating, in the opinion of the vulgar, a quarrelsome disposition) : — geift, m. contentious or wrangling disposition : — flier, / quarrelsome noss, litigiousm.'SS : — frilllt, n. hen- bane : — I lift, /. quarrelsomeness: — = Itljtiii. mij quarrelsome : — nisilf, ». quarrelsome person ; — frfivtft, /. con- troversial or polemical ariicle or pam- phlet: — flitter, m. one who excites or provokes disputes, contentions »;• quar- rels : -fuefct, — fiiebtiiifeif, / quarrel- somi'tiess. quarrelsome disposition : — = fiutittti. mlj qiwrrelsome, litigious; fill — fucbtige: -JJJenfeb, wrangler; cine B04 3qtf — fitft'tigc ©einiitfi'JiUf, a contentious humour ; — fiicbtigteit, /. quarrelsome- ness, litigiousness ; — teilfct, m. wran- gler, quarrelsome person ; — bpgel, w. quarreller ; — VPOl't, n. quarrelling word. 3 d 11 f e I It, v. n. (auz. tjsbcit) to pick little quarrels. 3 d tt f C II, v. I. R. (auz. tjatcit) to quar- rel, wrangle, dispute, squabble, brawl ; II. rcfi. &■ recipr. to quarrel, to fall out one with another; lltit eiltCilt or ftct> Itlit f incut — , to quarrel with one: ficb tint etlvnS — , to dispute about something ; ftdj lltiibc — , to quarrel till one gets tired. 3d It felt, n. (-8) quarrelling, wran- gling, disputing. 3 ft tt t C V, m. (-8 ; pi — ) quarreller, wrangler, brawler, disputer. 3 d II t e r e t, /. (pi. -en) quarrel, brawl ; altercation, contest. 3 ft it f C r i tt II, /. (pi. -Clt) quarrelsome woman, shrew, scold. 3 d 11 f t) ft f t, adj. 1 . of the nature of a quarrel ; 2. vid. 3dttfifd}. 3 fi It f i f ft), I. adj. quarrelsome, litigi- ous, brawling ; II. adv. quarrelsomely. *3 d it It t, m. (in the Italian comedy) Bid. ^offeittetjjer, ^answurfl, spicfeU baviiifj. *3 ft P it t e d b P, m. a Spanish dance (the time of which is beaten with the foot). 3dpf, m.vid. 3t\n. 3d p fen, 77i. (-8; pi.—) 1. pin, peg; (in timber) tenon ; 2. faucet, tap, spigot, bung, stopple ; .3. hook (of a tile) ; 4 cone (of a fir) ; 5. vid. 3dVf$en ; bev eiferite — , pintle (Gun. V.) ; compos. — banf, /. turn bench; — bflltltl, to. silver-iree ; — bcijjci", m. cross-bill (a bird) ; — bier, 71. droppings of beer ; — = bint, /. pear in the form of a cone ; — blflit, n.vid. — frftllt; — bobt'Cf, m. tap bore; — bl'Ct, n hat- or clothes- stand; — beffcl, »7i. T. lid or cover of a sea compass; — bl'flfe, /. gland of the uvula; — felt 1 , n. T. trunnion-ring (of a cannon) ; — filfj, n. vid. — trofj ; — fbrilltg, adj. in the shape of a bung ; — gelt, ii. ale-house impost; — geriift, 7i. timber-work of floodgates, &c. ; — bflbll, m. tapping-cock ; — t)illl8, — = E)dlt8ct)CIt, ii. small building enclosing a flood-gate or water gate ; — t) 1 J , n. buiiL' wood ; — bopfcil, 77i. female hop; — filftfll, to. frame work enclosing a water-gate, sluice, &.C.; — feil, to. T. wedge for fastening the trunnions; — = fi'itnt, ii alexandrine laurel, trachelium; — litger, » that part of a mill or clock, in which the pin or tenon of the axle- tree lies or runs ; — Ifber, n shagreen ; — Ipfb, 77. bung-hole; tap bole ; faucet hole; mortise; — Ipfbbpbref, m. T. wimble, auger; — niftd) cr, m. one who makes bungs, spigots, &c. ; — lltllttcr, f.T. sob-, socket; — TSllb, m. A. T. edu'e of the apophysis basilaris ; — = rSUUe, /. coniferous larva; — vecbt, n. privilege of retailing liquor; — I'ilig, m. circle, ring round the pivot ; — rbbve, /. tanping-pipe ; — ffige, /. tenon jaw; — fd)Sfbt, to. shaft in a mine into v hich 35rt the long poles of an engine of a water work go, that shoves over the field ; — « fflnvelle, /. ground sill of a sluice ; — * fticifti, 777. tattoo; — ftiiff, 71. T. I. base- ring (of a cannon) ; 2. sole or socket (ol a bell); 3. square (of clockmakers) ; — tbeil, to A. T. pars basilaris ; — tl'S= geilb, adj. coniferous ; — tvog, m. trough or tub under the tap ; — tveill, 771 wine that has leaked out; — tvirtf), nt. t>id. (Sdjenfiuivtt) ; — nuivjet, /. tap-root. 3 d \> f C It, v. a. to tap, draw ; to sell from the tap. 3 dp f e It, 0. a. T. to fasten by tenons. 3dpfer, 771. (-8; pi. — ) tapster, drawer. 3 d V f -■ g e I b, 71. vid. 3al>feiigc(b ; — - refbt, 71. vid. 3iiVfcnied)t, 3 ci p f i c ; :\, 71. dim. of 3'ivfen (q. v.) ; compos. — fraut, n. vid. QatftnU&vii ; — niu8fet, to. A. T. muscle of the uvula; — ffbtllllbnilllfel, rr.. the mus- cles between the uvula and pharynx. 3 d \> f n C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) I. one who makes pegs irps, &c. ; 2. vid. >$Ciy\Cli,, a fond heart ; II. ado. tenderly, nicely, delicately ; effemi- nately ; fondly: — liebett, to cherish; — tblltl, to affect to be gentle or ten- der ; bs8 — thllil, aflected tenderness, extravagant expression of kind feeling. 3 d r 1 1 i ft) f f i t, /. (pi. -en) 1 . tender- ness, softness, niceness. delieatenest, fondness; 2. fond or sweet thing; Ct fsgte ibv tsnfenb — en vor, he ssid t thousand fond things to her. 3aub 3aum 3drt(iitjj, m. (-8; pi. -e) child brought up with extreme tenderness ; hi spoiled by tenderness, tender- ling, fondling. 3 Si f C r, /. (/,/. -It) fibre, filament ; com- pos. — blunie, /. fig-marigold; — gc= voilrfjs, 7i. polypus (a disease). '3 3 f e r rf) c it or 3>iferlet'u, n. (-8 ; pl. —) fibril. 3fiferiff)t, adj. resembling fibres or filaments ; fibrous. 3 A f e r i g, adj. fibrous, filamentous. jdferil, v. I. a. to untwine, untwist, feaze ; II. refl. to open in threads or fibres, to feaze, fuzz. 3 ii 8 p C (, /. (/;/. -tl) skein, hank. 3 il t f rf) C t II, v. a. vulg. to fondle, cocker, vid. 3iirtc(it. 3 a U b C V, m. (-8) 1. incantation, magic, witchcraft; 2. charm, enchantment, spell ; cineit — tbfeit, to break a charm, to disenchant ; compos. — illtge, m. charming or bewitching eye ; — = billlll!, m. enchanted tree ; — bcrf)Cr, m. magic cup : — berg, in. enchanted mountain; — bilb, n. 1. talisman; 2 charming figure ; — bliff, m. fascinating (or charming) look; — bruittteu, m. magic well ; — blld), n. conjuring (or necromantical) book ; — blirbftabf, m. ma^ic letter; — burg, /. enchanted castle; — begett, m. magic (or enchant- ed) sword; — btlig, n. charmed thing; — fabeit, m. enchanted thread; — ffl8, m. enchanted rock : — feft, adj. proof against magic ; — ftfcf), m. horrid scor- pama or scorpion-fish J — flaillllie /. magic flame ; — flafcfjc, /.magic bottle; — flbte, /. magic or enchanted flute; — fhlff), m. incantation, spell, charm; — ftlli?, m. (bcr 3iebe) magic flow; — forme!, /. spell, charm, magic for- mula ; — gai'tcit, m. enchanted (charm- ing' garden ; — gebtlbe, n. magic form ; — gefiili, 7i. magic or enchanted vessel; — gejjeuf, n. amulet; — geriitl), n. en- chanted or magic instruments; — ge = fang, m. magic (or fascinating) song; — gefrbidjte, /.magic story; — gla$, 7i. enchanted or magic glass; — gut= tel, m. magic girdle or belt ; — fyani), f. hand having a magic power; — biille, /. enchanted cover or veil ; — t'llfet, / enchanted (charming) isle ; — fi'ld), in. vid. — beeper; — fettC, /. magic, chain; — flang, 77i. magic sound; — fliotett, m. magic ligature or knot ; — fl'itft, /. magic poweror virtue, charming power ; •— fraitt, 71. magic herb ; B. T. circaia, enchanter's nightshade ; — frei8, m. magic circle ; — ftlltft, /. magic, magic art. witchcraft; magic trick; — lilllJ, n. enchanted land, fairy land ; — !iltcr= ne, — leitfflte, /. magic lantern; — = laiicf), 77i. B. T. Indian leek, moly, Homer's garlic; — lirt)f, n. magic light; — Iteb, n. vid. — gefatig; — = marhf, /. magic power; — m»'it)rfbeit, n. magic tale ; — lllillltcl, m. enchanted cloak; — miijstg, vid. Qaubevbclft ; — metfrer, m. vid. 3'iubercr; — mit- tfl, :i. charm, spell, magic agency; — = Rebel, m. magic mist ; — ltetj, n. magic net; — Ort, m. enchanted place; — = pfllilft, 7K. enchanted (or enchanting) palace; — Verfpeftio, 77. magic p(o$, n. vid. — burg; — fff)rifr, /. magic writing; — frfjroerr, n. vid. — begcu ; — fegeu, 777. incantation, spell, charm ; — ftegel, 71. magic seal : — fpiegel, 771 magic mir ror; — fvrurh, m. vid. —fegeu; — * ftab, 77i. magic wand; — frimmc, / charming voice; — ftlMUcf), 771. B. T. witch-hazel, black Virginian pista- chio; — |tUff, 71. conjuring trick; — tOlt, m. enchanting tone ; — tratlf, 771. philter ; — trickier, m. magic funnel ; — trommel, /. magic drum ; — rocl)r, /. amulet; — iverf, n. magic, witch- craft, charms, spell ; vid. 3 l1 "bcrci ; — roefctl, 71. magic ; charming creature ; — Wort, 71. magic word, spell ; — Witts }e!, /. B. T. mandrake, mnndragora ; — jetcrjeil, 7i. magic mark, character or sign ; — jettel, 771. amulet. 3 a u b e r e 1, /. (pi.-tn) magic sorcery, necromancy, witchcraft, spell, charms, enchantment. 3 « U b e r e r, m. (-8 ; pi. —) magician, charmer, enchanter, necromancer, sor- cerer, wizard, conjurer. 3 (I ii b C V bj a f t, adj. ir air. magic, ma- gically ; as if by spell or magic. 3 il U b e f i n It, / (pi. -en) enchantress, witch, charmer. 3 a ii b C V t f fl;, adj. charming, enchant- ing ; magic. 3 a ii b c v I i d), adj. vid. 3iiubcrfjaft. 3 tux. babeu) to loiter, Ii riser, tarry, delay, stay ; vid. Si/n. Saumeit. 3 a li b C r n, n. (-8) lingering, tarrying, delaying. 3 il li C It, v. rrjl. pmvinc. to make haste, to speed, be expeditious. 3 aunt, 771. (-c8; pi. -3aumc) bridle; tm — e batten, to keep short, pull in the bridle ; fig. to bridle, curb, refrain ; ben — bod), fur; baltcii, ben — au= jtehcrt, to keep a tight rein, to hold the reins tight, shorten them, pull them up ; fciuc 3 ll "s] e '»t — e batten, to curb one's tongue ; compos. — billbc, / 5. T. bandage, sling ; — bltifel, 771. bridle- boss : — frci, adj. free from bridle ; — gelb, 71. bridle-money (a gratuity given to a groom, at the purchase of a horse) ; — 108, adj. unbridled, dissolute ; — rcctjr, adj. used to the bridle ; — - fffjeibe, )". bridle-slide; — fcfcitalle, /. bridle buckle ; — ftilUgeil, pi. branches Of a bridle ; — jeug, 71. bridle, &c. 3 ii u m b a r, adj. that may be bridled ; reined ; governable, controllable. 3 ii ii m b a r f e i t, / possibility of bridling, curbing, reining. 3 ii fi HI e It, V. a. to bridle ; fig. to curb, bridle, restrain, master, govern ; .0lt iiiiuinetl, a hedge- row of trees; 111 tt eiuem — untgebtn, to hedge ; buret) reu — fdjlupfett, to creep through a liedge:^?-. OOIU — t bre(f)eu, to seek or do without a cause ; cine ©elegcubeit jum 3anE DOm — t brecfjen, to pick a quam.1 ; uidjt oom — e gebrofhen fftiu, to be no hedge born man; t>011l — e gebrorbflt ff'.Mt, biutcr bent — e nufgtn.Hid)fc:i fci;n, to be of mean extraction ; compos. — - ammer, / hedge sparrow; — bluittf, / hedge flower ; — bllfhe, /. horn beam; — burr, adj. fig. very lean ; — - gerte, /. branch or bough fit for • hedge : — gtocfe, / hedge bell a plant); — tjopfeil, m. wild ho ps ; —ftrftbe, / bush-cherry; — touig, m. wren, hedge- sparrow; ber gebaubte — fonig, gold- crested wren ; — fraitt, 71. vid. — ' blltmc; — lilie, /. B. T. I. anthericum ramosum; 2. woodbine; — lltilfber, m hedger, hedge-maker; — Vfabt, m hedge-pole: — «be, / bryony, wild hops ; — rerf)t, n. right of making a fence or hedge ; — rei8, a. I. twigs foi making a liedge; 2. B. 7'. the aparine vulgaris, goose grass; — ricb, ?i. con> jnon marsh reed: — ricgel, 771. privet dogwood; — rilter, m. hedge-knight — l'0|e, /. hedge-rose, dog-rose ; — = riibe, f. bryony; bie rcilbe or fcf)roar|f — rilbe. black bryony; —XUt\)t,f.vid —gerte; — fcf) liefer, — fcbliivfcr, m wren; — fcf)roein, n. hedge-hog; — = fchiociltdjcit, n. hedge-pig; — ftiinbfr. m. stake or pole for a liedge or fine ; — ftecfeu, 771. Bid. — gerte j — toeibe,/ 1. willow used for making hedges ; 2 vid. — riegel ; — loirfc, /. b. t. wild vetch; tare-everlasting, meadow-vetch ling; — voiube, /. bind-wced, withy weed. S balaen uub — , to fight and tug one another. 3 il ti ft It, 71. (-8) tousing, tugging, &c. 3au'tfd>c, /. ( P l. -ii- provine. May- flower. *3 a ^t* i !"> e, f. (among the Turks 1. Uiuftebelei, JJlofter, 3elJe; 2. 5Irmciibau8. +3c a, /. niU Spelt, riufel ; 2»iai8. \\c b a t b, m Sabaoth (in the Bible). *3«bra, 71. (-8; 77/.—) zebra: wild- ass ijnost tmprop ; compos. — fell, n. zebra-skin ; — fyo'}' n. zebra wood • 3 l 6 It, m. (-8) Zool. T. zebu. 3 C d) = b t b f , 7«. deputy from a cor poration or cljb of artisans ; — brtlber, 771. pot companion, fuddler, drinker, ca- rouser. 3ffbe, /. 'pl. -11) 1 reckoning, score; 2. drinking bout ; 3. .Win. T. mine; 4. guild, corporation ; .^fbfr bfjilblt fctllC — , every man pays bis own share -.fitr. bie — beiableu muffen, t> have 10 pay for all; bie — ift all mir, it is my BM &¥ y& ,i:rnto pav j Jig. bie — D^iie ten SBirtlj ntad'f II, to count without one's Must : .I/,,. Kip. etite — baueu, befabren, to work, visit a mine; ClllC — Ctll8llieffetl, ilbjiebeil. to draw the plan of a mine ; fjnt — frft nwdjelt, to rentier a mine r> ree ; cine — abfoblen, to deteriorate i mine: elite — jit Orabe tragett, to work out or spoil a mine ; tine — 15= fell, to clear the mine ; eilte — 1>CV= iMlU'lt, to encumber a mine; compos. — Ililitefte, m. head of a club or cor- poration ; — neifeil, n. T. hammer for making iron into bars; — llbatlS, ». .Mm. T. house where the miners meet ; — tlbolj, n, wood of the water-works in mines; — llilietjter, m. foreman to Ihe mining-company; — llirbreibcr, m. clerk of the; — ttvaild), m. white arsenic ; — nregtjler, v. register show- ing the slate of :he mine. jcd)0tl, o. n. [aux. fjctbett) to drink, carouse, tipple. 3 : : d) e It, n. (-8) drinking, carousing. 3 C cb C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) drinker, ca- rouser, toper, tippler. 3'ecbsfo^lt e, /. flag of a corporation, guild or club ; — fret, adj. scot-free ; exempt from paying ; — gaft, — 3 e= lioji, — gefell, m: drinking companion ; — geiag, ;i. carouse, drinking bout; drinking debt; — gcfellfdjctft, /. drink- ing company; — bailS, n. house where drinkers meet; — lltciftcr, m. head- man or foreman of a guild; — Orb= ltlltig, /. order or regulations observed by a drinking-club; — frhlllb, /. scot, leckoning, bill, score ; — febwefter, /. drinking gossip; — ftei'.t, m. Min. T. stone found i:i a mine; — tag, m meet- ing-day of a club, guild, &c. ; — roap = VClt, ». arms or signature of a club. L'nild or company. ' 3 e dn II e, / (pi. -It) zechin (Venetian ducal). 3 C cf e, /. {pi -II) tick, acarus ; compos. — ltfoi'll, n. seed of the ricinus. 3 C if e 1, m. (-8) B. T. the Indian nettle. 3 c i-f I e r t) a a r, n. {-ti) nap (of rough frieze). 3 e b e f i ft, m. (-8) Zedekiah. 3 i b er, /. (pi. -it) 1. cedar ; bie weifie — , white cedar; bie — CIU8 Stycteil, •ycian juniper-tree ; bie grofie, fVCI* Itifrbe — , the large, Spanish cedar; tie »irgintfd)e or rotfje — , the cedar of Virginia, red cedar; 2. lignum vita? ; compos. — baum, m. viJ. — ; — fiebtc, f. the Siberian stone pine ; — llbai'j, u. cedria; — llMi, n. cedar-wood; — = iiufi, /. cembra-kernel, Barbadoes-nut ; — tifd), m. table made of cedar-wood; — ivad)i)olber, m. oxycedrus ; — tualb, in. forest of cedars. 3 C b C V a d), l m. (-ti ; ;//. -e) the brcad- 3 i b € V ft t, S tree. 3 e b e t it, adj. of cedar. - : 3 1 b ft r w it v 5 c I, /. vid. 3itroev. 3 e b r a t f v ii d; t e, pi. cedrats. 3 1 b X ft 5 I, n. cedrat-oil. 3 i l) e, /. (pi. -n) 1. toe : 2. stick (of celery) ; ftuf ben —it gcbeu, Jh'ben, to go, stand on liptoe; tie gvotie — , the great toe ; einc — .fttioblaud), clove of garlic; compos. — iibengcv, m. A. T. llexor of the toes ; — liglieb, n. joint of .i toe; — ttflliebdjcn, n. the tarantula; — niiagel, m. toe-nail ; — nneroe, m. i T. nerve of the toe ; — llfpifce, /. point of the toe ; — llflrecfer, m. .J. T. extensor of the toes ; — '.ttritt, m. walk- ing on (iptoe. 3 1 b e n, 3tbn aS- ado. decen- nial, (happening) every ten years ; — = faittig, adj. ten cornered, ten-edged ; vid. — ecfig ; — freujerftitcf, n. piece of ten kreutzers; — lappig, adj. B. T having ten lobes, ten-lobed ; — Ibtbig, adj. of five ounces: — IbtbJgeS >£il= bet, silver at 7 dwts. and l'2gr. ; — = lltal,. ado. ten times; — lllftltfl, adj. ten times repeated (or over) ; — lliailll, in. vid. — l;err; — inoiiatig, adj. often months ; — mo it at lid), adj.& adv. (hap- pening) every ten months; — pfeilllig- ftiiif, ii. piece of ten farthings ; — pf U 11= ber, ?n. Gun. T. ten pounder; — vfiill-- big,a<<7'. of ten pounds; — Vllberig, adj. with ten rows of oars; — fdlliig, adj. of or Willi ten columns (<»• pillars) ; — = fauligeS ©ebaube, decastyle; — f4>it= l)ig, adj. of tenfeet; — ftlber^m.Grj/n. 7'. word of ten syllables; — fllbig, adj. Grim. T. often syllables, decasyllabic ; — paltig, adj.B. T decafid; — ftvaijl, 77i. star-stone; — flrafylig, adj. of or with ten rays; ■ — ftiilltig, adj. often hours; — ftuitbiid), adj. £ ado. (hap- pening) every ten hours; — tagig, adj. often days ; — tiiglid), adj. <$■ ado. fhap- penirrg) every ten days ; — ta{j8gefd)icb= te, /. Decameron (of Boccaccio) ; — = tCIUfeilb, adj. ten thousand; — tailfeitb= fte, adj. ten thousandth; — tljeil, ;i tenth (part), one tenth (pari) ; — tbci- lig, adj. of ten parts; B. T. decafid; — lubcijeutlid), adj. <$- ado. (happening or occurring) every ten weeks ; — n)b = d)ig, adj. of ten weeks, lasting ten weeks, ten weeks old ; — jaifig, adj with ten teeth; points, prongs, &.c, leu- pronged; — jebig, adj. with ten toes, ten-toed; — jeilig, adj. often lines, ten- lined. 3 ii) e it or 3^6 it, /. 1. the figure ten, a ten ; 2. (at cards) ten. 3 e b e It b, I. /. (pi. -C) decade ; II. m. vid. 3cijClt, m. tithe-wheat. 3 H) e tt t b a X, adj. tithable, liable in pay tithes. 3 C bcilt C, 3^)'lte, adj. the tenth ; Jtarl ber — , Charles X.; bie — Stunte, the tenth hour, also the tenth lesson , lliorgen ift ber — , to-morrow is the tenth ; cr luti'b belt — ti (be§ 5)}ouat8> anfomilteil, he will arrive on the tenth; SJlitcrbe jtuit — n Sljeile, heir to a tenth part. 3 e I) e 11 1 e, m. vid. ^v]tnt. 3 f t) C It t e It, v. a. to tithe, take or col- lect the tithes ; to pay tithes. 3 Hen ten.*/ vid 3el)uteitS. 3 e" f) e it t e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) tither, tith- ing-man ; collector of 3 e i) t g, adj. having toes. 3 H) it C, /. [pi. -U) the number of ten, tenth. 3 i b It e l" I C i, adj. ten different, of ten sorts. 3ef)!tte(, 71. (-8) tenth part, tentli, tithe. 3 e t) It t e It, v. a. to decimate. 3c bit t etl8, ado. tentli ly. 3 C () r = b e b a r f, m. consumption ; pro- visions ; — fteber, «. hectic fever ; — = f vet, adj. defrayed, shot-free, free of ex- pense ; — freibcit, /.right of living al a place free of expense ; — gnbcil, m + store-house, store room ; — gelb, 71. — pfennig, m. money for living; money spent by a traveller; charity given to a traveller, viaticum ; — flMllt, 77. B. ')'. betony ; Jacob's-ladder ; — DOrrctth, m provisions ; — wurm, m. the crino, dm- cunculus; — WUrjeJ, / calve's -foot, fever root ; — joli, in. inch allowance (with water-wheels). 3 c i) r e n, v. n. (ous.^ft6en) 1. to spend, consume, waste ; 2. to evaporate ; '.J. fam. to sharpen the stomach ; 4. to live, to eat and drink; vOIt fetlteil 9teil= ten , to live upon one's income ; OUf onberer Seute Jvoftcit — , to feed at other people's costs; £t)ee jei)fet, tea makes lean or meagre. 3 e b r e It, 7i. (-8) spending, vid. verb 3 i b r e 11 b, adj. consuming, consumn tive; eine — e VjTraiifbett, a consump tive sickness, hectic; eiit — e8 Sieber, a hectic fever. 3ebrei\ m. (-8; pi. —) spendet spendthrift; etti Soaver rciil einen - 3eib M 3eit fyabcn, //. ■ncndcr. ;i sparer will beget a }ef) VII lift, /. (pi. -eitj 1. spending, living ; 2. expenses of living at an inn ; :; score, shoi ; i money for consump- tion on a journey; viaticum; vid. Spit. Jt'nft; compos — sfnfh'ii, pi. expi or ousts fir one's diet, for eating and ii inking; — sftuicv, /. excise. 5 e i d) c 11, ?i. (-6 ; pi. — ) i. sign, token, mark ; 2. signal ; 3. symptom ; 4. sign, wonder, miracle; 5. meteor; 6. omen; 7. proof; 8. character ; bie jroolf l)imm= (if(i)Clt — , the twelve celestial signs ; t>oin — ait, Mas. T. (dal segno?, old. Sgri. i'irtbl ; compos. — bi(i>, n. em- blem ; — boi'S, m. sort of perch; — = bveituer, m, brander ; — bud}, n. draw- ing-book; hook of portraiture; — beu= tit', m. astrologer, soothsayer; cont pro- phet ; — beutev cm« but •§ailbett, chi- romancer; — beiltevet, /. astrology, chi- romancy ; cont. prophesying ; — tlltte, /. marking-ink ; indelible, permanent or durable ink ; — citcu, n. marking iron; — feber, /. drawing-pen; — forbever, m. one who demands signs or miracles; — gavu, n. marking thread or silk : — = hammer, m. marking hammer ; — f rci= be, /. drawing chalk ; — fuilft, /. art of drawing: — 1 etjre, /. Med. 7'. science of ascertaining by certain signs the state of a disorder; — mciftcr, m draw- ing master; — papier, n. drawing-pa- per; — plllt, n. drawing desk: — Vdi)- lltCH, 7/i drawing frame ; — VC ct)eit Fllllft or — redjliuttg, /. algebra; — fcbulc,/. drawing school ; — ff^UHi"), /. punctua- tion ; — fobjc, /. saline water for the poor persons employed in carrying it ; — fV'iel, n. game played with marks or ; — fptactje, /. language by signs, intercourse of signs ; — ftab, m. pole, stake; — ftcillpct, m. stamp; — ftift, m. drawing-pencil ; — ftlinbe, /. draw- ing lesson; — ttfd), 7ti. drawing table ; — trager, in. analemnia ; — tud), n. canvas for marking. 3 e t d) 11 C It, b. a. & n. {mix. baben) I. to draw delineate, design ; -. to sign, mark ; :! to underwrite, sign ; Ibid) bem Sebett, imeb ber Statue — , to draw from life, from nature ; rid. Syn, 2JJa= leu. 3e;d)l1Cll, n. (-§) 1. drawing, de- lineating, signing, marking; 2. under- writing. 3 e I d) 11 C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) drawer, de- signer. 3 C t d) It e t t f dl, adj. according to the rules of drawing or designing. 3cid)Ullltrt,, /. (pi. -eil) drawing. draught, design, delineation: bie un= fdVJttltC — "(3«bcr — ), drawing in ink without any shades ; cilie dlldgts HtitCfe or colorirte — , illuminated drawing; gerifffltC — , drawing where the grain of the crayon is seen ; ge= IvifdUe — , stump drawing: Jil'CibO — , drawing in crayons ; (jetttfcWe — , draw- •lit' in water colours ; compos. — 6C01lt|>= tote, n. insurance office ; — sfmift, /. ait of drawing. 3 e i b e I = b a r, »n. bear of small kind, which hunts alter honey; — baft, m. mezereon ; — baitill, m. large tree out of which bee-hives can be cut; — ge» Vtd)f, n. court, wbicli takes cognizance of matters relating to bees (in Nurem- berg); — gilt, R. estate having the right of keeping bee hives in the forest ; — = beibe, /. heath on which bees are kept : — Stiff, /. hide of land with the privi- lege of keeping bees ; — lltfl|tcr, m. Mc-inosier ; — meffer, n. knife forcut- ting the hives ; — Orbllllltg, /, regula- tions regarding the bees which are kept in a forest or on a heath: — rcebt, 7t right of keeping bees in a forest; — = rid)ter, m. magistrate who takes cog- nizance of matters relating to bees; — - tDCl'be, /. keeping of bees in a forest : — jeicbcil, h. mark put on bee-hit a forest; — jilt*?, m, tax, duty on the keeping of bees. 3 ef bcltt, v. a. 1. to cut the h combs in the hives ; 'J. provine. to milk. 3 t ( b I C r, ro. (-8 ; pi. — ) bee m i 3 C i 0, b a t, adj. that may be shown, os 3 f i g e = b a n f, /. vid. — tafe! ; —fills get", m. fore finger, index, pointing-fin ger; — futgerftreefer, m. .1 1: extensor indicis; — tafel, /. — tifd), m. table on which any thing is shown or exhibited 3cigcn, n. l. n. 1, to show; to point out ; -'. (Illf CtlDil-S — , to p thing; cr jeigt t>ielt Qaiifbarrrif, he exhibits much gratitude ; II refi. to ap pear, to show, prove; lid) a 1-3 fill 3JtaitlI — , to show (or approve sell' a man ; ftdl — iV-Ollei!, to ; an air; vi I. Syn. SBcifcit. 3 e i 1] e 11, k. (-a) showing, pointing. 3eio,ev, m. (-S; pi. —) 1. shower ; 2 instrument for Bhowing or pointing; i! lore finger ; 4. haudot' a clock or u atch : 5. index, needle (of a compass) ; 6 Btylc or gnomon (of a sun-diab ; 7. mark, in- dicator (of a cannon, &.c.) ; 8. Oft. T. bead, grain ; 9. goldsmith's graver ; 10 butterfly shell; — bicfes", the bearer of this ; compos. — lillif, /. substylar line of a sun dial ; — UltlSfcf, m. vid. 3 e io,e= fiiii^crftveifcr ; — tab, n. dial wheel; — l"tailj]C, /. pin of a sundial ; — tlf)V, /. clock which points the hours with out striking ; — lvet'f, n. works which move the hands of a clock or watch. 3 el g ft e i it, m. {-ti ; pi. -e) load- st 3 t i b C II, o. ir. a. to tax with ; to BC argue, impeach ; etih'ii eineg •in-vbvecbenS — , to tax one with, i i accuse one of an offence ; eiltcil fillCV ^i'tje — , to accuse one of a falsehood ; ;.,-,:,■. tS ift (ficbtcr fteblcn, nlS — , it is easier to steal, than to ac 3 el I a lib, m. (-8) mezereon, spurge- olive. *3eiiaiUt, m. [-%) Min. T. sort of spinel). 3f i ie, /• (/'•'■ -H) line: row; e '.idi.'O; compos. — Ilgtrfte, /. barley sown m rows; — ltivt'tie, ado. in a line, by lines, by rows, in a file, 3fileit, ?•. n. to arrange in lines ,.,- : T. to sew together several skins in one row. 3 e t 1 i (j. adj. consisting of rows or lines compos for instance) i JUKI — , con- sisting of two lines. 3 t i I f c in m e (, /. a kind of long rolls 3 e in brief, vid Seiubrief. It, it. C/i. T. zeine. 3eii'd)cn, ». (-S; pi — ) siskin; compos. — fvaitt, ii. vid. 3eiftflfraut. 3 e i f e I, /. (pi. -It shrew- mouse. 3 e i f c 1 b a r, 771. (-en ; /■/. -en) tame bear, shovt bear; prw». ei briliumt IVte eill — , he growls like a show 1" ar. 3« if e I it, i>. a. prorinc. eiuen wobin — , to induce any one to go to place against his own intention or against an express prohibition. 3 e i f e I ro a a, e it, m. (-« ; pi. — ) pro- vine, 'in Austria) a sort of long car riage, in which people sit back to b»c's 3 e i f i c\. 777. (-§ ; pi. -e ) siskin, green- Bnch, thistle-finch ; et'it fauberer — , satir. a fine fellow : sly chap, cunninj r volatile, thoughtless man . — flvitn, ii" . . colour ed ; — frant, 71 duckweed. ;',etft, m. i-i'7. 3fi|\'[. 3eit, / (pi. -en) l. time; •-*. period 3 season; I lit time; 5. Oram. T , .V T •■ le : 7. fi;. fam. monthly courses ; b delivery, accouche- mem; tic Dfrgaitgenr, gtgtiiroatHa,« 1111b jufuuftige — , the time past, pre sent, and to come ; Gram. V. the pre- ; ast, and future tense ; bie — Wtrb e« lebven, time will show it; rS ift Feitie — ju oerlirren, there is no time to be lost; fJ iTt bebe — , ti« high 11 j (urn) roeldje — ifl a' wh it 1 is it 7 what's tf inn roeldje (|u roeldjer) — roollen ©if bbcr, awhile after: cine — 'lain;, for ;i while, for some while; Jill' — , at present; $11 — tit, smic tunes, now and then, between winies; bin 1 — en. in former times, j n the days of old : sot unbenfiirijfit —en, tune out o( mind ; Ollf ttvip.C — en, for perpetuity : nnter bet — , meantime ; u\ibmtb bet — , durinz that tice, while, whilst ; bti — en, early beti 1 ■ me ; geilUfl, early enough, — llteilleS iu benS, all my lifetime; ;n niciner — , in my times ; jn Utlftret — , in out time, days or age : bie golbfllf — , the golden age ; (ir.f — C.benfi, for 1 life ; bamit bat ti gutt — , iherti hurry with that ; Ollf — ftiuftll. to buy on trust ; tvenn bie — tint ifl, . the term or time is expired; in fo fnr.- $er — , in so stent a space of time ; bie vcdite, getegene — , season ; ju feiuer — , in due time : |U i'Culov — , si ably, in good time, opportunely, 1 niently ; till Tiini $11 red} to time a business well: ttlljjcr bcr - OUl Of season; t"CiJ ItClltC — , oppor tunity ; llriii;id,C — , spare time, leisure- id) l)abt feinc — , 1 have no tune. 1 am not at leisure : iff bat ibfC — , she has lea- courses; \i<: ifl i&ret — nabr, she is near her time or reckoning ; fr bat feint — MtSfttbient, be has served Ii s time, he is. out of his tune ; .1/. /.' .1 rtilf — , upon credit; bl'fi SRottfltt — , at three months' credit ; 1)1 1 1 ber — bl'idit mail Sfioftll, / :;<<• patience and time bring all things about, tune brings et, bn liibe — ! My God clatnation of joy_, wonder or pilj ; .. — ab|fbnitt, m. period, epoch ; -alter, n. age, crntury; i;i uiiffrm — alter, in our age or century), inoui days ; — angobe, f. date ; — anfifanb 607 3e« 3«t n. waste, os? or sacrifice of lime ; init grofiem or oielem — anfroanbe uer= bllllbcil or berfllUpft feint, to require iimch time; — bet Ul'fltij?, n. want of (the) time; — bCCl"C, /. currant; — = begum, 1,1. beginning of time; — bc= bclf, m. (temporary) expedient; — bc= vedjlici', m. chronologist, chronologer; --beredjitttug, /. chronology; — be* Fdjreiber, m. chronographer, chrono- loger, chronicler; — befdjreibinig, /. chronography, chronology; — beftilll= mlttig, /. determination of the time; — bluiiic,/. (common) meadow-saffron ; — btf(f, hi. he-goat two years old ; — = befell, 7/1. .1st. '/'. arc in time, of fifteen degrees; — bud), n. chronicle(s) ; — = Mlier, /. duration or space of time; — eieb, in. idler, loiterer, lazy-bones, rid. SEagbteb ; one who makes another lose much time ; — fef)(er, m. chrono- logical error, error in chronology, ana- chronism, prolepsis, prolepsy, para- chronism, metaehronisni ; — f£u0, m. — flutf), / fig, course, stream or tide of lime ; — fotge, /. succession of time, order of time, chronological order ; — = lOl'llt, /. Oram. T. mood, mode; — = forlcoer, m. chronologer, chronologist ; — forfcblllig, /. chronology; — 8ev= tevber, m. he that wastes (or trifles away) his time, trifler, idler, dawdler; • — Oei'flrtng, ?h. course (lapse) of time ; — bCfljaltlltp, n. proportion or relation of time; — verba I tut ffe, /. vid. —11111= ftaiibc; — oerEurjenb, adj. — t>er£iir= jung, /. vid. — fiivieitb, it. f. w. ; — = — Oei'lnilf, m. lapse or course of time ; — Derlllft, m. loss of time ; pfjUC — , without loss of time ; instantly, imme- diately, without delay; — fccvftflp, m. rid. — fel)lev; — uei'trctb, m. vid. — = fiiriiitir, ; SpielroevE jitm — bcrtveib, play-thing, toy ; jltltt — t»CVtVC t be. as a pastime, by way of pastime ; — Uevtl'et= beub, adj. vid. — fitrieiib ; — fcevtreiber, vi. person or thing that diverts, he or that which diverts, diverter, amuser ; — = uewxinbre, m. vid. — genog; — »er= iiicd)4luiig, /. vid. — ivrtpnnt; — = luailblltlli] r /. Gram. T. conjugation ; — luavt, to. time-keeper, vid. — ijtllter ; — tt)ed)fef, m. revolution of time, change of times; — U>eg, »"• T. floodgate; — iue[|e, ado. at times, now and then, from time to time ; — Iteifel', m. al- manac ; — liuei'ii], adj. temporary, last- ing some time ; — UUIlb, m. periodical wind, trade-wind, Etesian wind, mon- soon : | — IDlU'f, n. Oram. T. verb ; — = UHU'tltd), adj. . f - adr. of or as a verb, verbal ; — jabl, /. number denoting time. 3 C 1 t e It = b It d), 11. chronicle ; — -btllt' fel, n. the earliest ages; dark ages; — = gPtf, m. god of time. Satumiis : — = freig, to. cycle; — fitube, /. vid. 3^'it= fltlibe; — Inilf, m. course cf time or ages : — luetic ado. at times, now and then. 3 fit fur, ado. since, hitherto: — f)C= VIi], adj. done hitherto, modern. 3 e i 1 1 g, I. adj. 1. early, timely ; 2. ripe. mellow ; mature ; full grown ; Z.provinc. temporary, of the present age, modern : II. ndn. 1. in good time, early, timely, betimes, in due time; 2. ripely, ma- turely. 3 e 1 1 i gen, v. a. s,- v. (nut. babcn) i. to ripen, mature, maturate : 2. to draw to a head (said of an ulcer) ; — be£ lUitttel, Med. T. digestive, application, maturative; baS — , vid. 3 f ittgung. 3ea 3 n' tiger, n. (-§; pi. —, i,e thai brings to m&turity. 3 f i t ! fl U 11 g, /. 1. maturation, maturity, ripeness; 2. the growing ripe; Jlir — brtltgert, to bring to maturity ; 'ci« — befiubei'llb, maturative. 3 C i 1 1 1 d), I. adj. 1. temporary ; ? tem- poral (as opposed to eternal) ; ?,. tem- poral, earthly, secular; 4. prooinc. actual, present; — e ©liter, temporals, tem- poral goods, pelf; II. adv. temporally; timely, early ; prooinc. presently. 3 C \ it I i d) f, 7!. (-11) (what is) temporal, temporality; ia& — gefegtien, or ral — init bem (5iiMgc:i »ertaufd)en, to die. 3citlid>!ei t, / ( ,,/. -en) 1. tempo- rariness, temporal life: 2. temporality, temporals, secularity : til biefer — , in this mot* state; btefe — fegiien, ter= loffcit, to ,t>»ve this mortal state; depart this life ; linen Sifd;of init ben —en beletjueu, to invest the bishop with the temporalities. 3 e i t ll it g, /. ( P l. -f n) I . news, tidings : 2. newspaper, gazette; eilie Oligeitepme — befomilieil, to receive agreeal.le news or intelligence; compos, — Siimt, n. 1. newspaper-office; 2. the persons employed in it; — iarttfcl, m. para- graph, newspaper-article; — Sblfltt, ». newspaper, gazette ; — gb!iittd)ftt, «. small gazette; the feuilleton; — *brill= ger, m. newspaper-carrier; — Sbih'eail, 71. — Sfhtbe, / newspaper office, intelli- gence-otlice ; — Sbici)?er, 771. news-mon- ger; — Sbl'ltffer, vi. iiewspn|ier printer; — Sbriljcrei, / newspaper printing office; — ^erpcbitioit, /. office of in- telligence, newspaper-office, news-room ; — Sgelb, n. money destined for cr ac cruing from the publication of a news- paper; — Sfiipfel, /. case, box, port- folio containing newspapers; — Bfrfis nier, m. news-monger, gossip; — 6 C C= fer, 7/i. reader of newspapers ; — 8leri = fott, n. gazetteer; — Sliebljabfr, m. lover of newspaper-intelligence; — $> imd)l'id)t, /. newspaper-report; — 8= uetiigfett, /. vid. — «imd)iid)t; — «= rcbaeteur, 771. editor of a newspaper; — Sfaillllller, m. collector of news- papers; — gfdjlllieb, m. fam. forger o( news, news-monger ; — 6fd)rcibfr, — 8* Uerfajfer, m. gazetteer, editor; — 8fe= fttl", 77i. compositor in a newspaper- printing-office; — eftiiff, ?i. piece of a newspaper, single copy of a newspaper; — gtrfiger, 771. — Stivigerum,/. 1. news- paper-carrier; 2. news-monger, gossip. *3ele'flfl (or 3cnba= ucjte), /. Zendavesta; — =iBoif, n. the ancient Persians and their descendants, the Guebers, Parses. 3 C tt g e, /. {pi. -It) r. measure for coal. *3 c U g l) '/ »«• B. 'J', the aniseed tree ; illicium. *3 e II I t B, m. .1st. T. zenith, vertex. *3 e U D b i U &, in. name of men. *3 e II D b i a, /. name of women. 3 i II t, /. (/'/. -f) -j- Sr provinc hundred ; hundred-law, penal judicature; compos. — bat, adj. subject to a criminal juris- diction ; — blld), n. court-register; — = biittel, m. beadle, tipstaff of a criminal court of justice ; — biettfl, m. duty of a subject to prosecute a criminal ; — = biitg, m. vid. — gericbt ; — fall, m. hang- ing matter; — folgc, /. obligation of pursuing a criminal ; — fl'ei, adj. ex- empt from the criminal court of jus- tice ; — freiheit, /. exemption from a -*)urt; — gevtci)t, n. court of penal ju- dicature; — gvaf, — bcrr, — riehter, m. hundreder, criminal judge; — flfo. %c-'.Ving by (in the) ironing. 3 e r b li r jl C ll, v. a. to spoil by {or in) brushing. 3evbred) fcln, ». a. to spoil in the turning. 3 e r b r i r) t It, v. a. to spoil by turning C ll, a. ir. n. (auz. fctyu) to melt, dissolve, liquefy. 3 C v f I 3 fl C 11, r. a to cause to melt. 3 e t f 6 1 1 e V II, 0. a. to rack, torture tc excess. 3 e r f V C f f e 11, v. ir. a. to eat or gnaw to pieces, to corrode, cauterize ; — b, corrosive, corroding. 609 Serf Jet f tier en, >-. <>. ». ;««r. fe^n) to crack from the frost; to be spoiled by frost. 3 C V g & II Q 1 i it, «1 It fl I t cfc f e t f, /. + perislK«blc- ness. 3 C V g d It 5 C It, ». «. («. ('- u.) to divide, separate, dissolve. 3 e v g i h c it, v. »r. b. ( c it, 3«fnautfc$eit, v. a. to derange, discompose, to tumble, rumple. 3 e f ! It C f p e tt, V. a. to break or nip to pieces (with a pair of nippers) ; f illClll belt 3lnn — , to pinch or nip any one's arm. Serfttcfeil, v. a. to knead well, to work well up; to spoil by kneading. 3 e r f ii i cf e it, ». a . s,- n. (aux. fepu) to crush, crack, break. 3 e r f n i e e n, v. a. to spoil or wear out by kneeling. 810 Set! 3 e r f it f r f d) e it, v. a. l . to crush, bruise, scniash, crash ; 2. Jiff, to pene- trate with grief or sorrow. 3 e r f It i r f ct) f, adj. 1. bruised, crush- ed; %-fig- contrite. 3 erf llir fdjlllig, /. 1. bruising; 2. brokenncss; 3. contrition, compunc- tion. 3 e r f it 1 1 1 c r it, 3*rttuHen, v. a. to fumble, rumple, rullle. <3 Cr t 6 d) 1 11, v. a. ie n. {aux. fCl)ll) to boil to pieces or rags. 3 c r f v d d) c 11, v. «. 6 ». (aux. feyii) to burst with a noise. 3 e r t r d 1 1 e It, ». a. to claw to pieces. 3 C»I r d 111 p e 1 It, i'. a. to crumple. 3 e r f r ii fc e It, v. a. to scratch. 3 e r f v ii m e 1 11, v. a. fig. &■ rtfi. >- crumble; Jig. to fall to pieces. 3 e r i r u 111 p e 1 it, 0. a. vid. 3cvftian= fttcit. 3 erf it II ft el It, v. a. ]. to spoil any thing by attempting to do it well, to over- do a thing. 3 erf it f f C It, ». a. to be always kiss- ing or billing. 3 e r I d d) e It, ». refl. to split (one's sides) with laughing. 3 e r I li p p C II, v. a. &■ n. (aux. fcilll) to tatter. 3 e V 1 d f f C H, ?•. ir. a. to melt, dissolve, liquefy; jerlaffeiie Slitter, melted but- ter: bilS — , melting, liquefaction. 3 erlcifte m, ». a. fig. to mangle, la- cerate, disfigure, mutilate. 3ev i illiff It, v. ir.f. a. to wear out (shoes, &.c.) by running ; II. n. rid. 3ft' 5 Ptejjen; bte Sanbfo^aft jerlciuft in ciu breiteS, unatfel)bate8 ®xas» nicer, the landscape loses itself in large prairies out of sight. 3erlcdicn, 3 l ' l 'Itd)jeit, u. «. (aux fet)lt) to fall to pieces, or to crack by excessive dryness, to leak. 3erlCffeit, v. a to spoil by licking; vulg. or cout. to slobber one over with kisses, vid. Qerfuffeit. 3 e V I f g e f 11 It ft, /. the art of cutting up, carving, &c, vid. 3erlegeil. 3 C r I c g e tt, v. a. 1. to disjoin ; to take to pieces; to cut in pieces, to cut up; 2. to dissect; 3. to analyze; eilte gf= brctteiie ©ClllS — , to cut up or carve a roasted goose ; filt jerfcgtcg ^llb't, a carved or minced fowl ; bil§ — , 1. dis- joining, cutting up, carving, &c. ; 2. Ch. T. decomposition, analysis, reduction. S «rn, 3 e rf f aen. 3crlcauil8 in its proper sense is merely the mechanical partition nr division, ScrfcHiiiig is the chemical, Scrglicfterung the intellectual. By (ttlfjci, the compciimJ hndy is separated into parts, wl,uh re^eiuhle the whole, by (frfrl)ci, into parts, which are not similar to the whole, by jcrfllicSern into its essential component parts. The butcher cuts up (jcrr>aut, ;frlc,ii); the land- lorJ of a German inn carves or cuts up (itrtfgO on a trencher an animal into many join t -s or into many nieces of meat, the chemist ^fifclit (de- composes) the cinnabar into quicksilver and sulphur. The anatomist (crjIlcStrt (dissects) the human hody by separating it into its con- stituent parts. 3?*q 3 e v I v g e r, m. (-4 ; pi. — ) 1. carver, 2. dissector, anatomist. 3 C r ( C r It C It, 7\ n. to spoil (a book) by learning in it ; fid) — , Jam. to fatigue one's self with learning; to knock one's self up with study. 3erlcfcit, v. ir. n. C t It 93ltC$ — , to spoil a book with leading in it; fid) — , to fatigue one's self with reading. 3 erl b C'.t, v. rrft.ln exhaust one's self with praise ; to praise one's self beyond all measure or decency. 3 C r I ii .f) C r It, v. a. to perforate, H spoil by making holes in a tiling. 3 c r 1 5 f e n, v. a. to dissolve ; fid) -- to be dissolved. 3 C r I li 111 p C II, v. I. a. to tear to rags or pieces ; 1 1, to grow ragged ; to fall to rags. 3 e f I li nt p t, adj. ragged, tattered. 3 C r I li lit p t b e 1 1, /. raggedness. 3 e r lit ft" b i C It, r. a. to grind up, to grind to pieces, to powder. 3 c r m d I nt e it, v. a. to bruise rrwh, grind; pound; Uttt bftt 3>'bri«n — to grind with the teeth. 3 C r 111 d I ill e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) one who breaks, crushes, &x. any thing. 3 e r nt d 1 1 e x it, v. I. a. to torment torture to excess ; IL rcfi. to torture one's self. 3 e r 111 e i fj e I n, ». a . to break any thing with a chisel, to spoil any thing in chiselling. 3 e r lit e % e I ll, ». a. to mangle, dila cerate. 3 e r m 6 r f fb t, adj. melted away ; rot- ten. 3 e v m i) r f e r n, \v. a. to pound in a 3 C r HI r f C 1 tl, 5 mortar. 3 C r It ft g e It, ». a. to gnaw, destroy by gnawing, to corrode. 3 e f It d b C 11, v. a. to spoil or injure by sewing ; fid) — , to sew eagerly, to work hard in sewing. 3 C r 11 i d) t C 11, v. a. to undo, annihilate, destroy, reduce to nothing. 3 e r 11 1 cfo t e r, m. (-6 ; ?>/. — ) de- stroyer. 3 erilfd) t It II g, /. annihilation, de- struction. *3 c r »< »■ >- § ' ^ r - T' zero > vid - SlnU. 3 c r p n ii f e n, v. a. to spoil by beating (the drum, &.c.) ; fig. vid. 3cvpfiigelll. 3 e r p C i t f cb e It, v. a. vulff. to rend by whipping. 3 C V p f 1 11 d C It, ». a. to pick to pieces. 3 er p f (ii g e it, ». a ml. 3erodetn ; fid) — , to fatigue one's self, knock one's self up with labour, to plough one's self to death. 3 C r p t cf e II, v. a. to break by pecking or nibbling. 3 e vp I ft g c n, v. a. to vex, plague, ex- cruciate, harass. 3 c r p 1 d & c n, v. it. (aux. fetyn) to burn asunder cr to pieces. 3 e r p 1 li (} f It, ?\ a. to burst, cause anj thing to burst. 3 C r p 6 d) e ll, v. a. to break, bruise. 3 c r p r d f f e i tt, v. n. (aux. feV;rt) tc crackle, split. 3 C V p r C f f e It, v. a. to crush by press- ing, to press too much. 3 e r p r u g e 1 tt, v. a. (einen) to bang or basle any one soundly, to give one a sound drubbing. 3 C t p ii I » e V It, ». a. to reduce to pow- der, to pulverize. 3 e r p ii I » er ll tt g,/ pulverization. 3 e f C| It d I C II. v. a. to torment, torture, excruciate ; fid) — , to torment one's self to death. 3 e r C| II C ( ( C 11, t v. ir. n. to swell, be 3 e r q u f It en, > puffed up, to burst. 3 e v q it c r I e n, v. a. to stir up, mix, to break with a moulinet. 3 e r q 11 c t f cr) c it, ». a. to crush, qua»?» squash, biuise. 3erf 3etf 3*rf* 3 C V 1 3 b r r 31, v. a. to break any tiling by drivii g over it. 3 c v id 1 1 in e 1 it, i: a. citi 33e tt — , to derange a bed. 3 cr vat'if en, v. a. cittern bae l&aav — , to p,ill any one's hair off. 3crrbtlb, h. (-C8; pi. -cr) carica- ture. 3 C t v t> 1 1 b It C r, m. (-8 ; ]>!■ — ) cari- ■ trist. 3 e v V f t b e tt, v. ir. o. to grind, rub, "triturate; Jit Quiver — , to grind any tiling to powder. 3 f 1 X C i b 1 1 ft), adj. triturable, friable. 3 e r r e t b 1 i cb I e t f, /. friability. 3 C V V e i b 11 !1 g, /. grinding, tritura- tion. 3erreffibcir, adj. that may be torn. 3 C VV 1 1 jj C II, v. ir. La. 1 . to rend, tear, tear off, tear to pieces, to break, break up. break off, dilacerate, dismember, dislimb; 2. to wear out (clothes); II. v. (auz. fei)ll) to break; to rend; to burst asunder. 3 c x v c i (? c it, ??. 3errei»ung, /. rend- ing, tearing, dilacerating, dismember- ing, bursting. 3 t X t C 11, v. a. to pull, tug, touze, lug, hull, tear ; vu!?. to worry, teaze, vex, wherret ; ba3 3J}aiil — , to make wry faces. 3?VVC!tf t It, v. a. to dislocate, put out of joint, to disfigure, spoil by hand- ling. 3 C V V C 11 It C 11, v. ir. a. 1. (with foun- ders) to melt, dissolve, liquefy ; 2. to break by running against. 3 CVVer, m. (-8; pi.—) 1. he that pulls; 2. prooinc. shrite. 3 C r r -- (J C b U r t, /. {pi. -City monster ; — -gemdlbe, n. caricature ; — (Jfficht, ». wry face. 3 C r t i C b C It, adj. pounded ; rubbed. 3. a. to tear or pull into little pieces, to pluck in pieces. 3 C X X li t f C I II, v. a. to shake or rattle in pieces. 3 C V V it 1 1 C tt, v. a. to unsettle, disi irder, discompose, distract, disturb; itt jcr = vitttetcn llmftdnbcn, in decayed cir- cumstances. 3 e V V ii 1 1 C r, m. (-8 ; pi — ) /. u. one who troubles, confuses, deranges, &.c. 3 C r r ii 1 1 ll ll fl, /. ( pi. -Cll) disorder, discomposure) distraction, confusion, trouble, ruin. 3 C l' f d g C II, v. a. to saw to pieces. 3 C V f d) d b C II, v. a. to fiet, to spoil or injure by rubbing or fretting. 3 C r f d) a b t, adj. fretted ; thread bare [said of clothes). 3 crfd?drre it, o. «. to put out of order, to disarrange or ruin by scrap- ing. 3cr f rl)d ft ni en, v. n. to turn into foam, to be reduced to foam. 3 t r f cb e i b e n, p. I. a. to dissolve ; II. n. (aux. ftt)ll) to dissolve, be dissolved. 3 c r f d) c i t c r rt, v.n. (auz. f e v> 1 1 - S- a to split, wreck, cleave, break. 3 c r f d) c 1 1 e ii, v. a. &■ ». (avx. fctyil) to dash to pieces, shatter, crash 3 c r f d) c 1 1 c r ii, v. vtd 3crfd)eilcit. 3crfd;c licit, v. a. Start! — , to in- veigh against any one, to vent re- proaches or insults upon one. 3 CrfdlC r b el tt, o. a. to smash to pieces, to break into shreds. 3 1 1 f d) ( X C II, v. ir. a. to cut up or spoil with the scissors ; to shear all over. 3 e r f dj C It d) C ll, v. a. to chase, scare or frighten away. 3 c r f d) e it e r n, v. a. to rub, scour to pieces. 3 C r f d) 1 C b C II, «. ir. a. to spoil or break by pushing; to put out of order, to disarrange. 3 erf d)t C jj Clt, B. ir. a. &■ n. {auz. fepiu to shoot to pieces. 3 e r f cb t It b e 11, v. ir. a. vulg. to (lay, gall, skin, chafe (one's face, &c). 3 e r f d) I a g e n, v. ir. la. 1. to beat to pieces, break, dash, crash ; 2. to wear out with beating; bfl8 JvOlTl — , to lodge the corn ; II. rrfi. to be broken off, be dispersed, be put an end to. 3 e X f A) 1 d g C II, adj. 1. harassed, worn out, bruised ; 2. jig. contrite. 3 Ctf d) Id' f Clt, r. ir. a. to spoil by whetting or polishing; bie Scfjleit — , to wear out the soles by sliding. 3 C r f Cb 1 e i fi C II, v. ir. n. (auz. fct)lt) to wear off, to grow tattered. 3 C rfd)l iljClt, r. a. to slit into pieces. 3 C r f A) 111 e I jj C It, v. ir. a. to dash in pieces, to crush. 3 C r f d) lit C 1 j C rt, v. rrg. a. <$• ir. 71. (auz. fflltt) to melt, dissolve, liquefy. 3 e r f cb m c 1 s e it, ti. (-8) 3cr|d)iiic'(= jlliljj, /. melting, dissolving, liquefac- tion, dissolution, reduction. 3 e r f d> in c 1 1 e r n, v. a. to crash, crush, shatter, dash to pieces. 3 erf A) m'c t teru 119, /. crashing, crushing. 3 C r f A) lit I C b C II, v a. to break (a bar of iron) in the forging. 3 e r f A) 11 C ib e It, «. ir. a. 1. to cut (in pieces), to cut up, to carve; 2. to shred. 3 Cf f A) 11 \\> f C 1 It, ) v. a. to cut or clip ^ C r f d) It t j> p € I ll, J into shreds or little pieces. 3 e r f d) r e i e tt, v. a. (S- reji to rend with crying. 3 C r f d) r t e tl, v. a. cut in pieces, to cut boards or trees with a large saw ; 2. to bruise, to rough-grind (com). 3e r f fb li t t C 1 tt, v. a. to shake to- gether, to put out of order by removing. 3 er febnjdren, ». ir. n. (auz. fetyn) to get to a head, to get ripe (said of an abscess). 3 c r f d) m e 1 1 e it, r. ir. I. n. (wx, feiMl) to burst (by swelling or puffing up) ; II. a. to (cause to) burst by swell- ing <»• pulling up. 3 e r f C fe b a X, adj. that may be decom- posed or analyzed. 3 er fc ij b a x f c i t, /. the capability of being decomposed. ,3 C V f e fc fit, v. a. to decompose, de- compound, analyze [Ch. V) : to break to pieces (.17/71. V.) ; fill JCvfc^tfS (, spring blow up (by gunpowder). 3crfprt ttflfii, v. ir. ti. (mix fepn) to fly into pieces, to burst 3 e r ft d cb e I it, v. a. to pierce with slings, to goad, sting. 3 C r ft d 1U p f e tt, v. a. to pound, bray, bruise, comminute; Ctroa8 lllit beill^U- |etl — , to tread, press or trample any thing under foot 3 e r ft a ii b e It, ? d. n. (auz. fettn) to 3 C r ft d fl b C r It, ^ fall or be reduced to dust. 3 e r ft d ft b e It, o. a. to turn into dust ; fit;, to disperse, dispel, scatter, dissipate. 3 c v ft a ii d) e it, v. a. to spoil or break by pushing, thrusting, ice. 3 C r ft d ft p C It, v. a. to flog, belabour, curry any one's back. 3 C r ft C A) C It, v. ir. a. to pierce, to spoil by piercing or pricking. 3 C r ft i cb, C ( It, v. a. to perforate with many little, holes, to pierce. 3 e r ft I e b c ii, v. ir. n. (aux. fevtn) to fly away in a dust, to be scattered as dust, to vanish. 3 e r ft 6 ci) c v it, v. a. fid) baS 3a^u= fleifd) — , to lance the gums. 3 C f ft v r b a r, adj. destructible. 3 e x ft S r b a r f e i t, /. deetructibility. 3 C r ft 5 r C It, v. a. to destroy, ruin, de rnolish. pull down, raze; ; bic 3 c il jcr= ftort ?Uic8, time destroys or consumes all things; Ct II — bcr ©lllltbf.lto. a ruin- ous or destructive principle ; ClIMllber gegeiifettig — b, destructive to one an- other. Syn. ?, «r ft i ten, Scrftrrrtn, T> (T w ii f»»n, IB c r if it ii. A penoo |«cftifrl (deitroya) any lliin» by pulling it to the cround, ly breaXinj it ii |> and sepnlaling the fihn, . a house, a town; a person lwibmt (re however, a district, a country, liy mining every thing upon the surface of the ground and !*■ dering it useless. The barbarian*, who in the tilth cntury overran the western empire, r,r httntn the hind wherever they came and jtr. ftorun nil the works of art. , lictmUfttn (to b| wa^te) and pfruttit (to aeiolnte) denote nt. btfrtn and )cr|tot,ii with respect to their con- sequences ;*.£-. iliat which .s t-ctbttri (nTngsd), becomes reiiftr (waste), because it is i - fit for the abode of men, and it becomes eN (desert or desolate) in so f.u as no trace o the presence of man is any longer to be per ceived. 3 e r ft 5 r c r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) destroyei, demolishes 3 e r ft o r 1 1 cb, adj. vid. 3i\\iM\\x. 3er ftcru ng, /. (/... -en) I. destrue tion ; demolition; 2. wreck, ruin, fall ; . — 8i,cift, ni. destroying anger; — Bfrifg, "i. destructive »r pernicious war; — 8lVllll), /. rage of destroying or ravaging. 3 C r ft D fi C 11, v. ir. I a. to beat, bruise, shatter; til ftllClll 3R5rfc( — , to pound, to beat with a pestle, to triturate ; IL rcfi. to break. 3erftDficn, n. (-8) 3eiftJfiunfl, / beating, bruising, pounding, trituration. fill 3crt 3 < r ft r e i t c n. v. nji. fid) — , to fa- tigue one's self With lighting or dis- puting. 3 e V ft V e it b a r, aiiitcn (absorbed ..r lost in thought) who by reflection is prevented from observing external objects ; lie. who by external objects constantly ch&llging and with them by thoughts foreign to the subject and to the company present is pre- vented from attending to a subject to which he ought to iittend, is ;nfimn f absent). In com- pany a person must not be in Cic&anten, other- wise he is (ftprcut,- he, however, who being alone is occupied with a subject demanding all bis reflection, must be in li>c6,in!cii, and when he a not so, he is y t fimir. 3 C V ft r e fl 11 II g, /. ( pi. -Ctl) 1. dissipa- tion, dispersion; 2. fig. distraction, ab- sence of mind ; 3. amusement, diver- sion ; compos. — SglaS, n. P/ujs. T. di- verging glass ; — C-tVl'iS, m. P/iys. T. circle of divergence ; — Spilltft, m. T. focus of divergence ; — S|ud)t, /.mad- ness for dissipation or amusement. 3 C V ft it if C I it, v. a. to cut in little pieces, to dismember. 3 C r ft ii if e I U It C l I C It, o. I. a. 1. to divide, sever, dissever, separate, dissolve ; 2. to distribute ; 3. to disperse, dissipate ; 4. to discuss (a swelling) ; II. refl. to dissolve, disunite. S e x 1 1) e 1 1 c r, m. (-S ; pi. — ) divider. 3 e X t b e 1 1 U ll g. /. (pi. -eil) 1, division ; 2. separation, dissolution ; 3. dispersion, dissipation ; 4. discussion ; compos. — &- fiibt'l, — Stl'Og, m. T. distributing trough (in paper-mills). 3crtrdmpeln, (3crtrdmpcn,) v. a. to stamp to pieces. 3 e X t X C l b e It, v. ir. a. to disperse, drive away, scatter, vid. 23ertrt'ibcit. 3 e r t r e tt n b a r, 3crtrc'itn(irf), i adj. separable, dissoluble ; II. adv. separably, dissolubly. 3 c v t x c it ii b a r F c 1 r, 3crtrcntitid)= fi'it, /. separability, dissolubility. Sertre'u it en, v. a. 1. to rip up, un- sew, unstitch ; 2. to sepixate, sever, diff- lever, disjoin, dissolve, disunite. 812 3ete 3™3 3 E X t X C 11 ll f V, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) divider. 3 CV t I'Cll lilt II g, /. 1. ripping up; 2. separation, dissolution, disjoining, dis- union. 3 C ft re tell, v. ir. a. 1. to crush by treading on; 2. to tread under feet. 3 c v t r ii m m ever, m. (- ; pi. — ) destroyer. 3 ett I'll milt em, v. I. a. to destroy, shatter, crush, break, lay in ruins; II. n. (aux. fei)ll) to shatter, to go to wreck. 3 e V t X ii 111 lit C V U ll g, /. (pi. -tit) de- struction. 3 e v t ii in in e I it, v. a. (I. u.) to spoil or destroy by trampling or treading on (said of horsemen). *3 e V li lit b e t 1), m. B. T. wild ginger. 3 C f W d I f C 11, v. a. 1. to injure (cloth) in fulling; S.ftim. vid. $er))CUge(U. 3eVW dm fell, v. a. vulg. rid. 3vV= Vriijjclu. 3 C V W d f cf) C It, v. a. to wash to pieces, to spoil by too much washing. 3 e X W e I) e It, v. a. to blow asunder, to disperse, dissipate, dispel. 3 e x n> e i d; e it, v. a. <$• n. {am., fetyn) to spoil by soaking too much. 3 e r it) e i u e tt, v. rcji. ftci) — , to be fatigued with weeping or crying, to cry one's self sick. 3e ftUCVf CI1, v. ir. a. to throw into pieces, to break, spoil. 3 e f H) e ft e It, v. a. to spoil by whetting or sharpening. 3 e V ItU (f) f e It, v. a. to gloss or wax (shoes, the door, &c.) too much ; fig. vulg. vid. 3vrpiiii]iin. 3 C V to i 11 b e It, v. ir. a. to spoil or destroy (clothes, &.c.) by wringing. 3 C f ID l It t e tt, v. refl. (I. u.) to be con- stantly making signs, to fatigue one's self by making signs. 3 e X tt) i X f e It, ». a. 1. to cut in pieces ; 2. Hunt. T. to skin (a deer). 3 e r 113 ft I) [ C It, v. a. to spoil or destroy by rooting or digging (as pigs, &.C. do), to root, to rummage up. 3 C r It) ii f f It t fj, n. (-fft'S ; pi. -ffc) dif- ference, quarrel; discord, strife. 3 C t J Ct f e X It, «. a. to divide into fibres ; ftfl) — , to dive itself into fibres. 3 f X 5 a li f e It, v. a. to tug, worry ; to pull to pieces. 3 e V j C r V e It, v. a. to fret, unweave, to destroy or spoil by pulling or tearing. 3 f I' 5 1 C I) e II, v. ir a. to tear or spoil by drawing or pulling. 3 e V j li p f e It, v. a. to unravel, un- weave, pull to pieces. 3erj widen, v. a. cittern ben ?Inn — , to hurt any one's arm by pinching it. 3 i f C, /. (/)/. -tt) provine. seine, large net. ' 3cfi3, /. act of cooking, seething, boiling. *3 C ft rt, 3 c 'd, pi. warm vapour baths. +3 C ft I It ft C, /. bathing or washing in hot water. 3 C t C r, int. murder ! death ! — fd)fcicit, to cry murder ; compos. — b I It Q , n. vulg. vid. — nidprben ; — gefebvet, n. cry of murder; loud outcry; — juiigc, m. vulg. wicked boy ; — ltldbci)CII, n. vulg. wicked girl; — 11101'b, m. assassination accompanied with cries of murder; — = fd)t'eiei', m. trier of murder ; + officer appointed publicly to proclaim a mur- der ; — WClb, n. vulg. wicked hussy, lordlv dame. 3c 1 tern, v. n. (am. t)abetu to ?rj murder. *3 e t C 1 1 f, /. T. zetetics, art of search- ing after unknown quantities or truths *3 C tc t i f d)/ adj. T. zetetic, proceeding by inquiry. 3 C t f d) C f, m. (-$ ; pi. — ) provine. mountain-finch. 3 C t f d) f C, /. (pi. -11) provine. elder. 3c'ttel, m. (-«; pi. — ) 1. a small piece of paper for writing on ; billet, paper, scrip, ticket, note; 2. T. (with weavers) warp; lltit eillCllt — VCffe= t)Clt, to ticket; compos. ■ — banf, /. banK of issue ; — bnillll, m. beam for the warp ; — brief, m. small epistle, note ; — Cllbe, n. end (of a piece of cloth) ; — fd)tciber, in. writer of notes, bills, &c. ; — tl'dgcr, m. ticket-porter. 3 e it el n, v . a . vid. 1. SHtijettefa; 2. SBerjetteln. 3 C 1 1 e It, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) provine. moun tain-pine. 3 c 1 1 i e r, m. vid. 3cf tclfdjreiber. 3 c ii d), ?i. vid. 3cug. 3 C li d) C It, v. a. + A> provine. vid. 3ie a b,cn. 3 e li g, (-e$ ; pi. -C) I. m. 1. stuff; mat- ter ; materials ; 2. any thing woven, cloth, texture; 3. + artillery, ordnance; 4. armament, army ; CtllCllt etll'aS Out — e fiiffeit, to play one a trick, injure him; II. n. 1. machine, apparatus; 2. Hunt. T. toils; furniture; 3. fig. any thing contemptible and base, stuff, lum- ber, trash ; eilbcrncS — , nonsensica stuff; eletlbeS — , paltry stuff; compos — (lint, ?i. board of ordnance ; — (Iff, / sort of stuff or cloth; — rtrttg, adj. & adv. like cloth or stuff; — billtlll, m. 7' (a weaver's) beam or roller; — biitte, / T. vat ; — filbl'if,/. manufactory of wool len stuffs, stuff manufactory ; — bctltbcl, vi. trade in cloths or stuffs; — t}fi!lblei', 7«. dealer in cloths or stuffs ; — brtlipt* lllitltll, m. captain of the artillery ; — = billl3, n. house where tools, &c. are kept; arsenal, armory; — fjilll^er 3 Walter, m. superintendent of an arse- nal ; — f)CVr, vi. inspector of the armo- ry or arsenal ; — t)pfc It, /. pi. trowsers (made) of woollen stuff; — jitgCJt, n. hunting with toils or nets ; — failllltcr, /. tool-room ; ajrmory ; room for the hunting apparatus ; — filftcit, m. T. box in which the ground rags are kept; — « tieib, 71. coat, garment or dress of wool- len stuff (or cloth), stuffcoat, stuff-dress, stuff-garment, cloth-dress, &c. ; — = fllt'd)f, ib. man that works in an arse nal ; man that has to look after the hunting apparatus; artillery-boy; — - Irani, 7u. vid. — tjatibvl; — trainer, m. vid. — fyanbler ; — fufe, /. r. mash tub j — Icber, 71. harness-leather ; — lltad)Cr, ?7i. stuffweaver, stuff-manufacturer, manufacturer of stuffs ; — niad)crge= fell, j7i. journeyman stuffweaver, &c, — inad)t'rf)anbwerf, n. trade of a stuff- weaver; — inacberjunge, m. apprentice to a stuff-weaver; — lliacbcrjntlft, /. body, company, ^corporation of stuff- weavers; — lltalltcl, m. cloak (made) of woollen stuff; — mailltfaftlir, /. vid. — fabrif; — ntciftcr, m. keefer, in- spector or master of the (an) arsenal ; master of the ordnance ; inspector (or master) of the hunting apparatus ; — = tltObler, m. pinker; — preffi", /. clothes- press; — prttfd)c, /. '/'. beater; — = rafd), m. kind of light serge ; — rpcf, t» vid. — tleib; — rolte, /. calender fo, (woollen) stuffs; — roller, 7/1. calen- derer, one who calenders cloth, woollel stuffs; — fdjadpt, m. Min. 'J', shaft a 3m 3*9 the pumps ; — fcfjlllieb, m. tool-smith ; crtillery-smith ; — fcbjuicbe, /. smithy where tools are made ; — fcblieiber, m. tailor that makes hunting-toils ; — = fffyveiber, m. clerk of the ordnance, at an lor to tlie) arsenal or armory ; — s ftilbet, m. T. storehouse for the hunt- inu' apparatus, for hunting-toils ; — = ftoufer, m- fine-drawer; — luageit, m. Hunt T. cart or carriage for (transport- ing) the hunting apparatus ; — W\[xt, — matter, m. keeper of a storehouse for hunting-toils; inspector of an ar- senal of arms ; — timrte, /. vid. —- (label ; — unbcr, — rotifer, m. vid. — nudber. Seitflf, vi. (-It; pi. -It) 1. witness, deponent, evidence ; 2. mark, proof (in surveying) ; — fcl)tt, to be witness, to witness, testify ; cillClt — It ftelleit, to firing in a witness or evidence; Jllllt — It Vllffit, ItdjlUeit, to call, take to witness; compos. — ltabf)bl\ — ltab()b= rUHfj, /. audit or hearing of witnesses ; — ItabnmS, m. contestation ; — liailS= fitge, / deposition of a witness ; — 11= beiuc iS, m. proof supported by wit- nesses, resting on testimony: — licit*, m. oath of witnesses; — llf\i[Jtg adj. L. T. having no right to ca) 1 witness ea : — tlfcrtj adj. withou> witnesses, without having any witness ; — llful) = rev, m. producer of a witness; — 11= Ic8, adj. without a witness ; — ltrect)t, ». law of evidence ; — lirotel, n. + or provinc. protocol of the deposition of witnesses; — Ittcibaf, m. large-leaved tobacco; — 11 u ft' bin - , n, hearing or ex- amination of witnesses ; cross-exami- nation. 5euge = enbuitjj, /. —fan, m . Oram. T. genitive, genitive case : — = glieb, ?i. vid 3fUGH«8«fllteb ; — fvaft, / vid. SengntijiSfraft ; — linie, /. a. T. generating line ; —mutter. /. * mother; bie 9tatur, bie gvojie — = mutter, Nature, the universal mother ; — ))Ullft, m. O. T. generating point. 3 c li g e it, v. n. (avx. babeit) to witness, testify, depose ; fflt 3emailbCU — to bear evidence to a person. 3 C II (J e tl, v. a. 1. to engender, beget, generate, procreate; 2. jig. to produce, grow, cultivate. 3 e tig e II b, adj. generative, procreat;ve, teeming; — e .Staff, generative (pro- creative.) power or faculty. 3 e ii g c r, (-8 ; P i — ) 3eiigeuafer, m. (-8 ; pi. — , -ViUec) breeder, father, procreator. 3 e ii g e r i it it, /. (pi. -en) 3eiigcmut= ter, (pi. -mutter) procreatrix, good breeder, teeming woman, mother. «3eii&— efraft. *3 e li 8, 3 e'» 8. «• Zeus, Jupiter. *3 e » e a g, m. vid. ©olbtuolf. 3 e r) u b r i e f, vid. ©einbvicf. 3 i b b C, /. pi. -ll) provinc. ewe ; — II- lainitt, n. ewe htnb. 3 i b ( b f, /. (pi. -It) 1. cubeb ; 2. pro vine, raisin ; grape. 3 t b 1 1 t), (m. -8) civet : compos. — ? ratte, — faije, /. — thjer, n. civet- cat, civet. 3 1 rt) r i c, / succory, flchory. 3 i rf) t, /. (pi. -en) -J accusation, im- peachment. 3 i ef , I. adj. provinc. of beer or wine turned sour; II. m. (-C8) a kind of salt. 3tcf c, /. (pi. -it) provinc. kid. 3 1 cf e I d) e it, 3'd le in, n. (-8 ; pi. — ) provinc. kid. 3 iff e( = f let fct). 71. flesh of the kid; — fell, ?i. kid's skin ; — fctjaf, n. vid. 3icHein. 3 i cf C I tt, v. n. (aui. fjabcit) provinc to kid. 3 1 cf C It, v. n. (ai/*. fyabCll) provinc. to turn sour. 3 t if J »1 cf, n. (-8) i«,- adv. zigzag ; — fc= geln,to tack ; compos. — battel,/ Conch. T. dactylus; — lllllfdjcl, /. Conch. T. bason concha; — pOVJC IKnie, /. Conch, T. zigzag cowrie ; — l'Cif)Ct', 70. the little cayenne pepper; — fpilllter, m. zigzag phalama; — 1UCCJ, ?«. zigzag road. 3 i cf j a cf t g, adj. <$- adv. zig zag. 3 lb e f, 771. (-8) cider ; — yon SBintftt., perry. 3 i e d) e, /. ( pi. -ll) provinc. tick, cover over a pillow or featherbed. 3 l C f C r, 71. (-8 ; pi. — ) insect ; cotti- pot. — (trtt'g, adj. insected; — be* fchreiber, ?«. entomologist; — be|cbi-ei= bung, /. entomography ; — fteffer, m. entomophagus; — feuiiev, m. insecto- loger; — fuilbe $■ — lc[)lC, /. ento- mology. 3tefcvn, vid, 3tff««i. 3 i e g e, /. (pi. -tt) 1. goat, she-goat ; 2. goat fish (a sea-fish) ; cine iviibe — , a wild goat; compos. — luivtig, adj. A- a,lr. having the nature of a goat, like a goat ; — naitge, n. goat's eye ; Med V goat's eye, aegilops, fistula laclirymalis; — llbatt, 771. goat's beard ; B. T. goat's beard ; — llbaftig, «//'._ having (<>r with) a goat's beard; — It be tit, 71. B. V. blue bottle, corn-flower. corn-centaury. bottle flower; — llblaff, 71. shrub tre- foil ; — lib Off. 771. he-goat; — llbbcfliilt, 71. kid; — nbiitter, /. goat's butler; — tlfeli, 71. goat's skin, skin of a goat, goat skin, kid(-skin) ; — llfkifcf), 77. goat's tlesh; — llflip, m. 1. gnat's foot; '-'. />'. 7'. goat's foot convolvulus, goat footed oxalis; 3 crow (bar), vid. ^I'Ccb: ftiliige ; — llfflptg, adj. goat footed : — Ilfiipler, 771. satyr; _ — itb.iar, « goal's hair; — lliiaill'ig, adj. goat- haired; — ubiireu, adj. (made) of goat' a hair; — tlluxt, m. goatherd : — llbolj, 71. provinc. pine-wood; — IlbOl'U. 71. goat's horn ; — itf-.ile, 7«. goat-cheese; — nflec, 771. vid. ©tiiibliitt ; — ltfotf). — limi|t, m. treadles (or treddles) of goats; — lllilb, 71. goat's rennet (run net); — lllailllll, t. Kid; — nlillicb, — Itjnmbcl, 711. yellow star »f Beth- lehem ; — nlebcr, 71. goat's leather, kid 3ieb leather; vid. SBorflcter ; — nniclfer, to. 1. man that milks (the) goats; 2 goat-milker, goat-sucker, fern owl, night-jar; ber virgiiiifctie — nntclfcr. Wbippowit, whip poor-will ; — lllllilcb, /.goat's milk; — lt0cf)8, m. cow 01 Tartary, the grunting bull ; — Upelfj, m. vid. — nfell ; — nraufe, / B.T. goat's rue ; — nfauger, m. vid. — nmelrer, J ; — II ft ill I, 771. pen for goats; — llftein, 771. bezoar; — tltob, m. B. T. common (or blue) wolf's bane, blue helmet- flower, monks-hood. 3 i e g e, / (pl.-n) provinc. pine, Scotch fir ; compos. — llbolj, 71. pine wood. 3icgtt, ra. (-8; pi.—) tile; brick, cill bobler— , pantile; Jtebl— , gut- ter-tile; Sorft — , ridge- or corner-tile; Slut—, square-tile ; lllit — It bccfen, to tile ; — ftieichen, 10 frame or mould tiles; compos. — ill'bcit, /. brickwork. — brtllllt, 771. European nettle-tree ; — * breillieit, 71. burning of tiles or bricks; — brenuer, m. tile- (or brickOmaker, brick-burner; — bretllicrei, /. J. vid. — breuiieu, — iiinrbeii; 2. tiler's hut, tile- (or brick) kiln ; — brtllliofeit, 771. tile- (or brick) kiln ; — bilrf), n. roof covered with tiles, tiled (or tile-) roof; — barbfSrim'a, adj. u. t. tiled, imbricated; — becfi'f, 771. tiler; brick- layer; — bCCfci'ftloh, 71. tiler's straw ; — evbe, / brick-earth, tile- (or brick-) clay ; — Cl'S, 71. tile ore ; — farbe, / tile (or brick-)colour; — favben, — = fitrbig, adj. tile- (or brick-)coloured, brick red ; — fclb, 71. britk-field; — « ftU'llt, /. tile (or brick Omould ; — ft V- lllig, adj. A- adv. having the i - .*?- i n tie form of a tile or brick: — l>lltflilli], m. lesser red pole; — l)iitte,/ house where tiles are made, tiler's hut; — hltte, /. tile lath ; — lUilcbeil, 71. making tiles or bricks; — IlMcber, 771. tile- (or brick-) maker; — liuilicr, /. brick-wall; — = llU'M, ji. brick-dust ; — IttCifkr, m. mastsr tile- (or brick )maker ; — ofeil, 7«. vid. — breinipfeii; —61, 71. brick- 01I ; —pldttt,/. scpia/e brick; — r^tb, I. adj. vid. — fiirben; ll. 11. brick-red (colour) ; — fcbeiute, / — fffyopytn, — fcbllVpeit, m. tile- (or brick Jsbed, Bhed for tries or bricks: — fitKigfr, — ftreicber, m, tile- (or brick )maker; — fparcen, m. tite-rafter; — ftein, m (square) brick, brick bat; 0011 — fteilieit, of bricks, brick . . ; lllit — fh'ilicil bele= gcil or lliaiiei'll, to lay. wall or pave with bricks, to brick; —, k. vid. — - b\ ; — flfcicbcil, 71. moulding fof tiled or bricks, vid, — macbrii ; — ftiicf. «. tile shard, shard of a brick; — tboil, 711. clay for tiles ei- bricks, brick clay ; vid. — crbe ; — torf, m. yellow-peat; — lvai'.b. /. vid. — matter j — wttt, » brick work; molybdnia, plumbago. 3 iegclet, /. (pi. -en: tile-kiln, brick kiln. 3 t e g C 1 11, d, a, .?• 71. -(- to make tiles. 3 1 e (J e 11 1) a i 11 e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) ,?c cant, stick; bludgeon. 3 i e g e r, m. (-8) provinc. a sort 01 whey; compos. — illigr, n. blear eye, bleared eye; — fillc, m. cheese made of sour milk; — f Villi r, n. common hemlock. 3 l e g I e r m. (-8 J pi. — ) tiler, brick- maker. 3 i e 1) of 3ieben, in compos. — arm, 771. arm or handle of a machine, perform ing or subservient to the operation of drawing; — Ivillb, n. siring i/r rojie, with which any thing is drawn ; — * billlf, /. wire drawer's bench ; — fc?n« get, m. handle of a press ; — bobttr, 313 n. draw-Lore ; — briiie, /. draw- ; — bntnn, — bninneii, m. draw- ; — eifetl, it. T. wire-drawing iron, draw-plate, wire-plate ; — flflVlt, n. large net for birds; — gelb, n. pay for nursing; — bafen, m. hook for drawing er pullTng; — bantu-, /. drawn-bonnet ; jjcebel, f. wig-maker's comb ; — 1)0111, n. vid. >>linmonS|}ofii ; — juitgc, m, draw-boy; — ftllb, n. foster-child ; — = fliitge, /. T. blade, scraper ; — floben, m. pulley; screw vice; — fopf' m cupping-glass; — fvaft, /. power (of drawing); — Icine, / cord for pulling; — locb, h. hole ina bee hive ; — Ulftcr, m. T. heading-tool, punch; borer, drill; — mutter, /. nurse, foster mother ; — od)8, ra. draught ox; — pattftcv, m. Hijd. T. wheel that can be raised or let down ; — pfcvt, "■ draught-horse ; — = pflaftcr, n. vesicatory, blister; — pKlt= tc, /. vid — eifetl ; — vat 1 , n. drawing- wheel; — ring, 7«. T. cramp-hook, cramp-iron: — rolle, / pulley: — fage, f. drawing-saw. jack-saw ; — fd)ad)t, /. .l/(».7'. shaft for drawing off the water: — fefoeibe, /. T. drawing-plate ; — = fd)itT, "• vessel that is towed or hauled ; — fcQItlir, /. cord for drawing, rope for hauling; — fd)railbe, /. lurrel, terebra, piercer ; — fell, n. hauling-rope, towing- rope ; — flange, /. 1. Min. 7'. the pump- gear ; 2. the beam of a plough ; — ftift, m. draw-point; — ^Filttg, m. T. trace (to which horses are yoked) ; — ftl'icf, m. T. gold or silver wire ; — wage, /. steel- yard; — WfjJ, m towing path of a canal or river ; — au'l'f, n. machine for drawing or pulling; — 5 a,l !l c ' /■ n 'P' pers, pincers, wire-pincers ; — JOUg, n. vid. — iinrf. 3 I e t) b a r, adj. ductile. 3 1 e I) b a r f e i t, /. ductility 3 1 C b e, /. vulg. nursing ; ill bte — gc« belt/ to put out to nurse. 3 I e i) f it/ v - ''" '■ a - I- to draw ; to pull, lug, tug, pluck ; 2. to attract, to contract, to extract, to extricate ; 3. to derive ; draw ; 4. fig. to breed ; to cultivate; to rear, bring up, educate : 5. to move (at draughts) : 6. to rifle (a gun) ; 7. to warp ; 'llriicf — , to draw- back: 111 bte Jpbbe — , to draw up; eilt Sd)iff — , to tow or haul a ship: bie ©locfe — , to toll the bell ; belt S)e<}Ctt — , to draw the sword; bell •Out — , to take off the hat; bi'i tell ■jpaateil — , to pull by the hair ; <5 [ a ct> 3 buret) bie .gicdjel — , to hatchel ; fig eine Siltie — , to draw a line ; eiueil ©rabeii — , to throw up a ditch ; eine SJtaner — , to erect a wall; einett buveb bie .gecbel — , to censure; tie fiotterie — , to draw the lottery; bie Old) fe I II — , to shrug the shoulders: ettl Q)ejid)t — , to make faces; flit beiufelben Scile — , fig. to play the game game; SBtctfetl — , to draw blisters ; Tuabt — , to wire-draw ; $!id)tcr — , to make, cast, or dip can- dles; Saitcn anf etite aJiblhie — , to string a violin ; Sebeifpiilen — , to manufacture quills: eitl Seiienn-a'chr — , to rille a con ; SBaffeC — , to draw water; bte SBotte — , to drag the words; (eiiieu ilkcbfel. 1 ituf ciiicu — , :o draw (a bill of exchange) upon one: Jlll^eit — , to draw advantage, reap profit ; fid) etue gtite £ehre elite et= (VMS — , to draw a lesson from ; eilie Solge, eiiieu iSchlup — , to draw an inference, to conclude ; fiitcit an3 fcer SSevlegciltjut — , to extricate one from a difficulty ; eiiieu »0V ©erid)t — , to Bummoa one before the justice, to in- Jict one; jliv Sttaft — , to inflict a 814 3« m punishment upon; 'Itr SBeraitttVOC- tung — , to call to account; eiiieu anf fettle Seite — , to bring one over to one's side ; to draw one over ; Jill* S\lfel — , to invite to table; ill tie iiange — , to draw out in length, to spin out. to protract; tie .^Mltt nbev tie Qhveit — , to flay, skin; itt S3e= trciebtitiig or in Stroaguiifl — , to take into consideration ; tell .Riil'jCl'll — , to have the worse, to faTl short of, to lose Hie day : "It Sfatbe — , to consult: ill 3't-H'irei — , to call in question, to doubt; ^flait'en — , to cultivate or raise plants ; '-is t e f) — , to breed cattle : nil ftd) — , :o attract: lllit 8ifi Oil fid) — , to draw in; llltt ©eumlt or till* red)t an fid) — , to seize upon; itad) fid) — , to draw on, to be attended with ; tie 2.'nippeu an fid) — , to col- lect troops; II. n. (am feVHl) 1. to move (gradually or slowly), to move in a body or numbers ; to go, pass, march ; 2. to move ; change residence; ill boil Jtvicg — , to go to war; jii gelbe — , to take the field, go on an expedition : ftllf tie 'Sadie — , to mount guard ; in ci= neit Sienft, «uS eiuein Sieitfle — , to go into or out of service ; ill cilt atl= bereS Sanb, or ait cinen autevu Dvt — , to remove to another country or place, to go to live there; ill eilt an= bd'eS i£>aitS — , to remove to another house, to go to .lodge there, to shift lodging; $11 eillCllt — , to go to lodge with one ; UOll ciltcm — , ting cillClll DvtC — , to quit, leave one, a place ; III. refi. 1. to move (slowly) ; 2. to stretch, extend ; to draw out ; 3. to warp, cast isaid of wood) ; 4. to pene- trate (gradually); to soak in; bilS SBrett bat ftdj grjoaen, the board has warped; fid) in5 Jtleiue, in tie 6"ua.e — , to draw in ; fid) etltmS JII @e= llliltf)e — , to take to heart: to be un- easy about something ; fid) alia bet' >2d)lilti"e — , to slii) one's neck out of the collar; fid) ill ttwaS t) i ueiit ■ penetrate into, enter gradually. 3ief)EC, n. (-§) drawing, hauling; cullivation, planting (of trees) ; passage, departing (of birds) ; Med. T. rheumatic affection of the limbs. 3 t C I) e f, m. (-§ ; pi. — ) drawer, tower ; — flit belt S'iiltteit, trigger; compos. — bent, r. vid. SBittevboni j — loi)ii, m. towage, towing. 3 I ef) 11 It fj, /. (pi. -ell) drawing ; .1/. E. draft; campus. — elifte, /. list of drawers (of a lottery) ; — 6ffl(J, m. day appointed for the drawing 3iel, n. (-eS ; pi. -e) 1. term, limit, boundary; 2. aim, butt, mark, white: 3. fig aim, scope; object; cilieilt ta5 — bei't'Utfcit, to move one's aim : to frustrate one's design ; — llltt QJtrtP brtttett, to keep within bounds ; citl — fetjeu, to set bounds to, to limit ; ta§ — bevfcbleit, to miss the aim; fid) eilt bofjeS — boifiecfeit, io aim at something great: tas — tveffCll, to hit the mark; blCt ?JcPliatC — , at three months' credit ; compos. — jje lb, n. money due at certain periods ; — ("ei"; fte, /._ may-barley ; — plllltt, m. aim ; — fd)cibe, ,/'. mark, white, target ; — * fdmbe beS SBifttS, 2poltc?, butt, laughing-stock ; — fd)ie|jcit, n. shoot- ing at a target, butt, &c. ; — flange, /. pole on which the mark or target is ; — flatf, /. + shooting-house ; — tag, m. fixed day, quarter day. 3 i e I e n, r. n (avx. baben) to aim, take one's aim ; ltad) or anf Ctunl-S — , to aim at ; drive at, tend to ; ailf etlcaS — , fig. to allude, tead to. 3 1 el eit, ». (-8) aiming at. 3 t e I e f, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1. aimsr, p-r son who marks the shots in a target 2. provinc. (pi. of }$ui) term, instal ment. 3 i e in c it, 7-. 7i. (mix. baben) <$■ imp. tc become, be suitable to, be fit. 3 i e m e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) i . buttock piece ; back ; 2. pizzle ; 3. shritc, field' fare. 3 i C 111 [ i d). r. adj. pretty, tolerable, passable, middling; II. ado. pretty, tolerably ; near ; — wobl, tolerably well; e8 -.ft fd)on — laiige, it is a pretty while ago. 3 1 e p = a m m c r s,- — broffet,/. [pi. -n) chirping thrush. 3 tep e, /. ™i. 3iet>broffei. 3 1 e p e n, ». n. {aux. b'tben) to chirp. 3ler, /. ornament, grace, honour; compos. — aire, m. affected man or woman, fop, coxcomb ; — affd)en, n. little affected creature ; — affefet, /. affectation, primming, mincing; — - baiint, to. ornamental tree; — bcngcl, ?«. dandy, affected booby ; — bllfbftabe, m. letter with a flourish ; — fabtnev, 771. provinc. sort of grapes ; — garteil, Til pleasure-garden, flower-garden ; — = gai'tlier, m. pleasure gardener ; — - f unfl, /. art of adorning or ornament ing; — lebllt, 771. a sort of putty (used by bell-founders) ; — nietfjef, m. T. tinker's chisel or graver ; — llllfi, / Siberian stone pine-tree, cembra ; — pllppe, / vid — (iffe ; — vahmeit, m. Jrch. T. (= (SartOltd)e) ornamental edge, or- nament. 3 I e r a t b, 77i. (-C8 ; pi. -ell) ornament, set-off, finery, embellishment, decora- tion, adornment; compos. — enbren» bailf, /. lathe for carving; — ei'inta-" d)cv, m. decorator. 3 i e V b a V, adj. that may be adorned. 3 l e V b e, /. (pi. -tt) 1. ornament, set-off embellishment, decoration, adornment 2. grace, honour. 3 t e V b C 1 8, adj. without ornament unadorned. 3 It V e It, v. I. a. to adorn, set off, deco- rate, grace, trim up, embellish, garnish attire; II. n. to be an ornament; III refi. 1. to give one's self airs, to be affected, to behave affectedly ; 2. to be coy, be reserved ; 3. to refuse from coyness or affectation ; vid. Sijn. under 3 t e v e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) adorner. 3 i e V C V e l, /. (pi -en) affectation, af- fected words, behaviour, &c. ; primness, airs given. 3 t e f I i d), I. adj. elegant ; neat ; fine, nice, smart; + solemn; II. adv. ele- gantly, nicely; — vcteit or febreiben, to speak or write neatly. 3 I e V i i d) f e i t. f. (pi. -ett) elegance, nicety; — tee ^cbicibavt, neatness of style. 3 U V 1 i 11 g, 7«. (-8 ; -i/.-e) beau, spark, coxcomb. 3 l e V ( 8, adj. unadorned. 3iefelbav, m.via\ 3vifel&ar. 3tefelmaii8, 3iefe(i-atfe, /. ±l. -•.uaitfe, -tt) Casan marmot 3 1 e f e r, m. (-8 J pi. -") chick-pea. 3 i f f e v, /. ( pi. -it) cipher ; lllit or itl — n fd)ieiben, to write in ciphers; nmpoa. —ball m. vid Weiicvalbdfj • — blatt, 7i. dial: — blattiimdicv, m dial plate enameller ; — blattl'ifj, m. a sort of malady in trees, a breaking oul in the shape of a dial-plate ; — Matt 3imm 3imt rifftfl, adj. affected with this malady; — brief, m letter written in ciphers ; —■bind), m. fraction, broken number; — flttlft, /. stenography, art of writing in cipher; — redlining, /. numeral arithmetic; — fcbluffcl. >«• key to the writing in cipher ; — fcbriff, /. secret writing, writing in cipher. differ n, o. n. (nui. f).ibeu) to ci- pher. • 3 '■ 1 r v e /• '/'■'• • ".' cigar; compos. — nmuiitfti'tcf, n. — nfpt%»,/. cigar-tip. 3 t g e ii n e r, »«■ (-9 ; /''■ — ) gipsy. Egj ptian, Bohemian ; compos. — bailee, — VPtte, /. gang of gip-ies ; — fl'vlll, / gipsy woman; — geftllbrl, m. rabble, Bcum of the people ; — fuabe, m. gipsy- boy; — font, — ft'OUt, n. henbane, black henbane; — fltllft, /. art of tell- in:; fortunes; — fun ft ft it cf, n. gipsy- triik, legerdemain, slight of hand prac- tised by the gipsies; — laud), n. bear's garlic; — U'betl, n. gipsy life; — miib= djni, ;i. gipsy girl; — fpradjc, /. lan- gt',age of the gipsies, cant; — tau$, m. gipsy-dance ; — volf, n. gipsies, riffraff; — voeib, n. gypsy woman ; — roohiiuitg, /. house inhabited by gipsies. 3 1 (J t li n C V i f d), adj. of the nature or i:i the manner of gipsies, 3 i g e li II C V 11, v. n. to lead a gipsy life. 3 i g e n it e r i it it, /. (pi. -ett) gipsy. *3tfDtie,/ vid. 3td)on>. *3nlcii, n. v/,i. .UlittgcU battel; — jug, m. vid. — vegifter. *3t'mbt, pi. small sea-shell, used as money in Congo. 3 i lit C 11 1 a m t, ». (at Vienna) gauging- office. 3imctt liven, vid. Sltrfcett. 3 i in liter, ji. (-9; pi. — ) 1. room, apartment, chamber; 2. + timber, ma- terial for building; building; 3. timber (forty skins) ; ctit — fall, a timber of skins (40) ; cClS — lutteu, to keep one's room; eill — utit jvoet Set* ten, a two bedded room; cilt iui)bliv = tfS — , room ready furnished ; compos — r.l'beit, /. carpenter's work; — art, i" — (jftl, n. — fciffel, m. carpenter's axe. adze , — bcflriMlltg, /. furniture of a room, fee: — boa, m. sawing horse; — bltcf, m. contract for build ing a ship, fee; — bftfc, /. ceiling; — f!ojj, n. float of limber; — f!Bpe, / float or floating of limber ; — foigC — ieil)C, /. suite of apartments or rooms ; — geratl), ;i. l. vid. — beftci= bltlig ; 2. carpenter's implements or tools; — gefell, m. journeyman car- penter; — hauMvcvf, n. carpenter's trade ; carpenter ; — baiter, m. timber cutter: Jlfm. T. carpenter; — t)tcb, m, vid. — arbeit; — l)0f, m. timber yard. carpenter's yard; — ftp!;, u timber (wood', carpenter's wood ; — ftinft, /■ carpentry: — lliaitlt, m. carpenter; — = leute, pi. carpenters; — matiuSavbett. — maiiuSfuiijt, /. vid. —arbeit, it. f. vo. ; — mauitsfdjraube, /. jack-screw; — » llteifter, m. master carpenter; — lift* gel, ni. carpenter's nail or pin; — - plat), m. vid. — l)of; — potiicr, m. first journeyman carpenter (who con- ducts the whole work) ; — pretigev, '" family-chaplain; — rerbt, 77. ground right; — ftige, /. carpenter's saw ; • — - fd&Ur» 7n. carpenter's apron ; — fpiine, pi. chips; — ft fief, n. piece of ear- pentry; — tbiire, /. door of a room, &.-. ; — verjierer, m . decorator ; — vev= {if rung, /. decoration of a room, &c. ; — nxrft, n. A'. T dock yard ; — VOevf, n. carpenter's work; carpentry; tim- ber-work, framing (of a house). 3 t lit It! (Xb a r, adj. T. that may be cut. 3 i m in e r e v, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) tim- berer, carpenter. 3 ( m in c v I i it g, m, vid. Simmer&auer. 3 i lit 111 e r tt, v. a. 1. to timber, square ; '2. fig. to fabricate, make. 3 t lit lit e r 11 It g, /. timbering, making. 3 1 in in tt, vi. vid. 3iinmt. 3 i m nt t, m. (-c8) cinnamon; fteitier — , arabic costus ; compos. — Clpfcl, nt. a kind of apple ; — baiini, m. cinnamon- tree; — bluiuett, pi. —bliitbf, /. cin- namon-flowers or buttons: — bl'Ud), m. broken cinnamon: — COIlfcft, n, cinna- mon comfits ; — effettj,/. essence of cin- namon ; — farbe,/. colour of cinnamon, cinnamon-colour; — favbeil, — farfctg, adj. cinnamon-colour; — gerudj.m smell or odour of cinnamon ; — gcfdiinatf, m. cinnamon taste : — boll, 11. clove-bark. sassafras; — fod), m. tart or pudding made of cinnamon, sugar and rice: — fiigclcbcit, 71. cinnamon-pastile ; — = ol, ». cinnamon oil; — I'ttlbf, /. bark of the cinnamon-tree ; vid. 3tntmt ; — = rbbi'dKU, 71. roll or stick of cinnamon . — timffer, n. cinnamon-water; spirit of cinnamon ; — roeitt, m. negus, hippocras. 3 t nt V c I "> ''• n - provine. to whimper. 3 i in p C r 1 1 d), adj. provine. coy, rc- served, affected. 3 1 m p e r 1 i d) f e i f, /. affectedncss. 3 t HI V f v "1 " "• provine. to be affect- edly coy. 3 in be I, 3fabeUatTef, «• (-Wtinsel. *3 t lib if 1 1 e tt, pi. free-thinkers, athe- ists among the Mahometans. 3 ill g e I tt, ?•. a. to encircle. 3l'ttf, 771. (-e3) spelter, zinc; fd)ive = felfauret — , Bulpuatcof zinc; efft'g- fauvev — , acetate of zinc; compos. — = abllltd), adj. ,C- ado. like zinc, zinky ; — ait, /. kind or sort of zink ; — ar= tig, adj. zinky ; — afd)C, /. dross of zinc; — bleiice, /, sulphuret of zinc, blend, mock-lead, false galena, black jack; — blltlltCU, / pi. flowers of zinc, oxyd of zinc; — butter, /. butter of zinc; — crj, 71. zinc-ore, zinky ore, ore of zinc; — g(.H° CIV, n. silicious ore of zinc; — baltig, «'/' zinkiferoiis. con- utining zinc; — (a If, m. — cr.ib, 71. oxyd of zinc; — Vtattc, /. plate (or Bheel of zinc; — falj, 71. Ck. T. mn- 1' zinc ; — frblftiie, / zinc — vitriol, m. sulphate of zinc, white vitriol. 3i it f e, /. (pi. -It) 1. prong, spike, tack, tooth, tine; 2. summit, pinnacle; 3. comet; — am .^tvfdigeivcibe, troch- ing; ailfber — blflfctt. to play on a cornet; compos. — tiblaler, m. + or pruritic, cometter, one who plays the cornet or bugle; — tiblatf, 71 B.T horn-wort, pond-weed: — It g e b i.U' 11 , » Hunt. T. Btag's antlers of three or four trochings; — ttregiftet, n. — njiig, 71- T. register of an organ. 3 intent ft, m. (-eit; pi. -Clt) cornettei 3 i u f i g. adj. pronged. 3i it f i I d), adj. oftbe nature of zinc. 3illU- n I- pewter; tin; efflflfaurefl — , acetate nftin; bai Jtttiftevu be8 — e$ beint SBiegen, the cry of tin when it is bent: eitglifobe*, formr-aUifdHfl 3i«f? — , English, Cornish tin: — lllit jVPf. 3tid)eii, pev. i r : geringe* — , .»3alb— , base-tin; ucrfalftcS — , 1 tin ; Derrrjttfl — , vid. — - Vt\ ; 2. tin vessel, pewter utensils; OUf — fpeifert, to dine on pewter plates ; compos. — after, 771 Mm. 'J', refuse o. tin ore; — ailbriid)e, pi. Mm. T. first ores of tin discovered in a rnine ; — - ait,/. 1. sort or kind of tin ; 2. vid. — ' aubiitdje ; — afdje,/ tin ashes, putty ; — afdjcttbudjff, /. T. putty box; — - auflbfllltg, /. solution of tin ; — OtTJJ* roerf, ". tin mine, stannary, tin-works; — blatt, n tin-leaf; T. tin-foil ; mit — = blattCtU beUgeit, to foliate (a looking glass), to silver; — bled), n. tin-plate ; — » brflffett, 7/1 sinagris ; — butter, 771. Clt.'f butter of tin; — erj, n. tin ore; — * flbl}, 71. Mm. T. stratum of tin-ore; — : fvlie, / tin-foil ; out. —blatt ; — gang, m. Mm. '/'. vein of tin-ore; — fjcStraC n. mountains containing tin ; — gefrilft, 71. — fvatje, — feile,/ tin-nn'ngs, tiimgsoi tin ; — geratl), ». — geraii)ftbaft,/.ri(i 3inu, •>. ; — gefdiiebe, n. grain tin ; — gefrbirr, n. vid. 3inu, 2. ; — gie^er, 771. pewterer, manufacturer oftin-ves sets, tinman, tin-founder; — jjiepetttt* bcif, /. black tinware ; — giefierei, / trade of a pewterer. fee. ; pewtery, tin foundry; — gicfierb.uttivevf, n. — giciicrfllllft, /. trade of a pewterer, fee; — gufiei'tiiiiung, /. company or corporation of pewterers, fee; — gla8, 71 tin-glass ; — gvauate. /. tin grenade ; vid. — gvattpc ; — grdbcr, 771. one who worksin tlie tin-mines, tinner ; — grail' pe, /.cryslal of tin ore : — gt'llbe,/. tin mine; — gillbeiigei'icbf, n. stannary- court; — i)altig, adj. containing tin* — baitbcl, 77i. tin trade ; — t)ailbler, 771. dealer (one who deals) in tin, in »:~- ware ; — [jailer, 771. pi. stannary men : — l)an§, 71. house of a tin-founder ; — - l)eil, — Eraitt, 11. sli.i-. union) horse-tail; — fillf, m. oxyd of tin ; — - [abeit, in. tinman's shop; — lotb, 71. tin siller; — lofftl, in. tin- (or pew- ter) spoon (or ladle) ; — mutter, /. tin- mould; — ofetl, m, tin furnace; — * pfeife, /. tin pipe ; — plalte, / plate or sheet of tin, tin-plate; —probe,/, as- aaying (of) tin ; — vetch, adj. rich in or abounding with tin, tinny ; — ftllj, n. salt of tin; — fanb, wi. grain-tin ; — = frblager, m. tin-beater; — htnffel, /. tin [or pewter-) dish (or bowl) ; — fpatb, m. tin-spar; — fpaiie, 711 /-/. scrapings or chippings of tin, &.c; — fteilt, m. tin- stone ; — flllfe, /. piece of tin ore ; — = tafel, /. uid. —platte; —teller, m. pewter- (or tin-) plate ; — vitriol, Ik vitriol of tin : — nuaie, / —merf, «. tin-ware, pewter-ware; — IValdjetiltlt, woman that washes the pewter- vessels; — Weip, 71. ceruse of tin, &.C. ; — jroitterj n. vid. — graupe. 3 i it tt e, /. (pi. -it) battlement, pin- 3 1 tt itcn, adj. rid. 3inuevit. 3 i II n C r, »i. (-& ; ;'/• — ) tinman, pe» terer. 3 i 11 11 e r it, a ij. tin, pewter, of pewter ; — e Jtubpfe, pewter-buttons. *3 i U U i e, /. name of an American flower. 3 i it n D b e r, m. (-9" cinnabar ; compos. — bliime, / Bcartet-lychiiis; — cr^, n. ore of cinnabar : — g(ait), m. a kind ol eintiila'; — I'Oth, ii-y. ver.nihon ; — » rBtlje, /. cinnabar red. 3l'lt«, 111. (-e* ; pi. -C) 1. rent; qurt- rent; 2. tribute; 3 interest, use; — ailf — , compound interest ; compos. — » BIS 3inf 3W 3»tr abjUj], jr. discount; — iicfei', m. — < felt, n. piece of ground for which rem is paid ; — baiter, m. tenant, renter; —brief, in. copyhold lease ; — bllfb, n. rent-roll, rental; terrier; — blljje, / fine for not having paid the ground- rent ; — CPIIpOtI, in. — leifte, /. coupon ; — Ct, n. cense egg ; — fiillti},;in*). Kins a'ml Xtnlt are distinguished, In. never, thus, that Sins (in- terest) signifies that sum. which the""giver is obliged to pay and which the capitalist or proprietor has the right of demanding; tint Xcntc (rent), however, in as much as the pro- prietor or capitalist receives it and by that means increases his Sintiinftc (income). Hero e it will be seen that rt'mt and A'cnlt, especial- ly the former, do not exactly mean the same thing which "interest and rent" do in Eng- lish. 3 ill fell, ?\ I. a. to pay rent; II. n, (am. hlbeit) to yield (rent). 3 I II f e r, m. (-3) rent-payer. 3 1 n f e 3 5 i 11 3, m. vid. 3iiijertjtn8. 3 in 5 ere lie, /. (pi. -n) Bohemian chatterer (a bird). *3 i It 5 I 1 It, adj. reddish blue, violet- coloured. 3 > 11, 71. (-3) Zion ; fig. Heaven. 3 1 It § IV a cb t C r, m. (-3 ;pl. — ) guard of Zion. 3i^er» vid. Epyer. 3 i p f, m. (-C§) pip (disease of poultry). 3 i V f f I. "»• (-S J pi- — ) tip, point, end. extremity ; — am 9tC*ffe, lappet ; et= wns bci alien Vier — it faff en, to take a thing by the four corners; compos. — Mil Hie, / water-purslane, peplis por- tula; — llliifee, /.nightcap; — pel?, m. lappet gown ; shepherd's cloak ; — pt- liicfe, /. pointed wig; — tllrf), n. lady's neck-cloth. 3 * V f e 1 1 (J, adj. having points or ends. 3 i V f e I it, v. n. fig. vuig. an etivaS — , to be parsimonious with anything. *3 t V 6 H e, /. scallion, cliive. 3 i V Vi 0,! j prudisa, coy. 3 i v V n i» e r, /. vid. ftitpammn. 3 i V V e, /. vid 3iepe. 3 l V V C II, v. a. provinc. to sip, tipple. 3 i P P e II b e C r e, /. (pL -ll) berry of the service tree. 3 i P P e r 1 C i It, 7i. (S)joc. gout ; com- pos. — Sfrailf, 71. gout weed, asli-weed, wild master-wort. 3 i P P e r II, r.n. (mil. bilbcit) to tremble, to shiver. *3 t V V C f f C, /. (pi. -It) cypress, vid (ttyprejfe. 3 i V b e 1 = b a II lit, tti. Siberian stone- pine, fir-leaved pine tree; — bl'iife, /. A. T pineal gland, pine-kernel ; — brflfeil; ftttl, m. .1 V t lie peduncle of the pineal gland; — fiefer, /. vid — baiun; — = liufl, /. cone of the Siberian stone-pine. cembra kernel ; — ltujjftcbtc, — lllttjfic= fir, / aid —bourn. *3 i * 1" B » " '"/ "■ (-8) Ch. T. zirconium. *3 ire ne, /. (pi. -11) nine 3 i V fl e I b a II lit, 771. lote tree, service- tree. 3 I r £ t. f. ( ;).'. -It) provinc. cricket. 3irfel, 711. (-S ; pi. — ) 1. circle; 2. compass, a pair of compasses ; cillfll — beffbreibeil, to describe or draw a circle ; bcr — ivirb in 360 ©rate ab= fletljeilt, a circle is divided into 3ti0 de- grees ; ter — tee 3pfc. there is c itnpany (a parly, assembly) at court in day ; fl' bat fid) ill bell befh'lt — II beive,it, he has moved in the best society; awi/m*. — (ibft^llitf, in. seg- ment; — aiirfttnitt, in. Rector; — = banin, m. hitler-oak; — beivefjuttfj, / circular motion • — biitbe,/. s '/'.circu- lar bandage; — bogeit, m. |iart of a circular lint?, arc; — bo.iiii, mtj arched ; — brief, m. circular letter; — fiijiir, / circle, orb; — fiacre, /■ surface sui rounded by a circle ; — fctrtt, /. circu- lar form; — formiij, adj. circular; — » fjefiillt, /. circular form; — l.lllf, m. circular run. circulation; — lillte, /. circular line; — lllPtte, /. filipendula- moth ; — pit 11 ft, 711. centre ; — mile, I. adj. circular ; II. adv. circularly ; — = rilltbe, /. circularity ; — ffiije, /. com- pass-saw ; — fcrJIltieb, m. compass- smith; — fcplllU', /. 7'. carpenter's line; — febreiben, n. vid j^reisfebreiben ; — fpi§e, /. point of compasses; — fteilt, jr. serpulite ; — taut, m. circular dance; — Dierilltg, /. quadrature of the circle ; — nilirill, in. worm under the tongue of dogs; — Jit g, 711. circular trace. 3 i r f e I cp e II, 71. (pi. — ) circlet ; pair of small compasses. 3 i tie I It, v. a. A> 71. (mix. IjrtOeit) 1 . to circle, to measure with compasses, to circulate ; 2. fig. to proportion, to do with the utmost exactness; jJCjtrfdt, done to a nicety. 3irfen, «. oid.3t!T»en. *3 l r f n, 7R. (-§ ; pi. -e) zircon ; cero- pos. — erbe, /. zirconia ; ber metallt-' fite ©rnnbftoff ber —erbe, zirconium *3 i r f it l a r = b e iv e g it it 3, /. 11. f. to , vid. 3irft - lbcivei]iini], 11. f. ro. *3 » v f 11 live n, r. vid fiircnlircn. 3 i v 1 a ill lit C r, /. (pl.-n) chloris, green finch. 3 i r 11 e i d) e, /. (pi. -n) Turkey oa> tree. 3 ir i! e 11 b a » m, tr. vid 3ii'belbaum 3 i V 11 1 e f, 7r. (-§) hedge-parsley. 3 t r p e, /. (pi. -11) cricket. 3 t r V C 11, v. 71. (auz. IjaUMI) to chirp 3ivpCll, n. (-S) chirping. 3 i r f eb, e, /. vid. 3irbc!baiim. 3 i r f e I f r a U f, n. (-3) chickweed. 3 t'r J e ll t C, /. (pi. -11) teal. 3 i f cb, jr. (-e3 ; pi -e) wliiz, hiss. 3 i f cb e 1 it, v. a. c!- n. (auz. b«ben) to whisper. 3 i f d) e I it, 71. (-3) whispering. 3 1 f fb e I ft t lit m e, /. whispering voice. 3 i f eb e n, i>. a. iC- 71. (auz. biiben) 1. to his?, whiz, whizzle ; 2. whisper. 3ifcben, n. (-3) 1. hissing, whizzing, whiz; 2. whispering. 3 if (b = e II le, /. the little horn-ov* I — litllt, 7R. hissing sound ; — lanter, 11; hissing consonant ; — lliait3, /. vid. 3l= fel; —natter, /. the maipolon. 3 i f eb, e r, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) one who hiss- es; vid 3if«t>notter ; also 3i,d}la»t- 3 1 f e I, 7R. (-3) 3iSlHflll3, /. shrew- mouse. *3ifelireit, c. a. to chisel, chase, carve. *3 i f C 1 1 r e r, m. (-3 ; pi. — ) one who chisels, carves; chaser. 3 i f e r, 3i|"ererbfe, /. 'pi. -n) chick- pea. 3 t f e r i n rb c 11, n. (-3 ; ;>/. — ) rcd- pole (a bird). *3 t ft c r it e, /. vid. Cifterne. 3i t b e V, /. Ijil. -ll) guitar; compos. — » ", — fvieler, m. — fptelertittt, /. guitar-player. *3 1 1 rD It e, /. (p!. -ll) lemon, citron; compos. — lienle, /. sort of moth or noc- turnal butterfly ; — llfiltf, m the tarin, citril-finch; — llfitrbifj, adj. lemon colour; — HVVefff. — llqlietffbe,/. lemon- squeezers; — nfal^, n. salt of lemons; — II fit 11 re, / lemon acid, citric acid, — nfitllCif e, /. Cunch. T. helicite ' — »» 3obe OOjjeT, m. I. the witwall of Cayenne; 2. butterfly of the buckthorn; 3. vid. —nettle; also— nfutf; — nwoffer, n. lemonade; vid. (ntionc. 3ittau, 7i. (-8; Zitiaw fa town in Saxony). 3 i 1 1 c r - n a I, m. electrical e<;l, numb eel ; — flffe, m. trembling ape ; — ail tj ft, ;'. trembling fear ; — tmilllt, m. — cfct)e, or —e8pe, /. trembling poplar, aspen tree, asp; — blflfe, /. the holothurion; — = fteber, n. t lie ague; — fifd), m. torpedo, cramp fish; — fliegc, /. fly provided with a dart; ir hnetimon fly ; ■ — golb, -,:. vid (JlirtCfiJPlb ; — graS, 71. quaking grass ; — gritlt, adj. steel green ; — UUtl, v. tetter, ring-worm, serpigo ; — IMbcl, /. egrettc, trembling pin, quavering pin ; — pappei, /. vid. —oaum ; — r»die, m . vid/ — fifci) ; — rofe,/. yellow narcissus ; — fitmilie, /. trembling, faltering voice ; — tanbe, /. quaker-pigeon ; — tteSpe, /.trembling brome grass ; — fe ("J C 1 , m. the stone chatter, rubetra ; — IDflS, m. the sheat-fish, electric silurus; — - UHimt, m trembling worm rv animal- cule; — WUVj, /. trembling sorrel. 3 1 1 1 e r e r, m. (-8 ; pl. — J trembler ; quaker. 3 titer ling, m. (-«; pi. -e) some- thing trembling. 3t 1 1 em, o. n. [aux. ^rtoen) to tremble, quake, shake-, shiver; CV jittert HUf Cttl vv^VCHlaitb, he trembles like an aspen- leaf; cv jiff cite nnb bebff, he trem- bled _ ami shook; bag .Jpetj jitfevte mil" tin ?etbe, tny heart went pit-a-pat ; vid. Syn, SBebeit. 3 i 1 1 C V It, n. (-8) trembling, quaking, shivering; in Slllffct 1Mb — , in fear and trepidation. 3 i I t C l' II b, part. adj. trembling, trem- ulous. 3 i t id e r, m. (-$) zedoary ; compos. — = fi'illtt, n. 1 the herb zedoary; 2. ter- ragon ; — 61, n. oil of zedoary; — frt= lltcit, m. worm seed ; — llMiriel, f. -et- wall. 3i&, m. (-C8; pi. -e) chintz, calico; compos. — ftlttUII, vi. chintz cotton. 3 i %, m. (-c8 ; r l. -e) 3itje, /. {pi. -n) teat, dug, pap, nippie ; compos. — ticdre, /. A. T. the mastoid angle; — ufornug, adj. mammiform, matnmillary ; — n= fortfalj, m. A. T. mammiform apophy- sis, mastoid process; — Itfraut, n. nipple-wort; — Scrn, n. .'1 T. the mas- toid hole; — nab,:, / .7.7'. mastoid suture ; — rrtltb, m. A. T mastoid mar- gin ; — tfycil, m.A. 7'. mamssiiiary part. 3 i 'i e n, v. ?;. to suck. *3 lOtl), m. (in Toland) vid. ©ulbcil. '3 « n 1 1) f p l C,/. Mcd.T. a species of insanity, in which the sufferer believes himself transformed into some animal. 3i5bel, m. (-8; pi. — ) sable; —in Smertfa, fisher ; mil — gefuttert, furred with sable; compos. — Data, nt. sable-skin; — filllrj, m. hunting of sa- bles; — f finger, m. one who hunts or catches sables ; — fiivber, m. sable- dyer ; — fell, ji sable, sable skin; .1/. E. Hudson's Bay martin; — futtcr, it. furlining of sable ; — gcbldlllf, n. sable skirt ; — jilijer, m. hunter of the sable ; — lltilllS, / Norway rat; — llliitJC, / cap of sable; — «el$, hi. robe furred with sable; — rod", m. coat lined with sable; — fefcwanj, m. tail or tip of table; — tbiev, n. sable (the animal); — roicfel, n. sabld rat. SObtr, m. (-8; pi. — ) wooden tub, cowl; compos. — bauill, m. cowl staff; 52 3ott — bobrer, m. T. gimblet, borer, wimble ; — ftiiiiiic, /. n,i. — biium. *3 b i a C a 1 i |M), adj. zodiacal. *3ob iac a I = 1 i cb t, «. — n+ciit, m. Jlst. T. zodiacal light • ',', o l< t a c a I j e i t r a it m, m. r-c» ; pi. -laiinie; Egyptian zodiac of 1430 years. *3 b t a C 11 8, ) w .1st T. zodiac, vid. *3obirif, S It)ifrtret8. 3 i f rb c u, n. & gflfe, /. (pi. -n) wait ing-maid, waiting-woman, chamher- maid, abigail ; — Itrolle, /. part of a soubrette. 3 jj C I, 7i. (-8) T. part of the melted iron; compos. — jaitQe, /. large pair of pincers. 3 B fl e r e r, m. (-8 ; pi. —) loiterer, lin- gerer. 3 S f] e r n, v. n. (aux. babe it) to tarry . linger, loiter; Bid. Si/ii. 2^i:i = men, SBer jtet)eu ; ba8 — , delay, stop. hindrance, stay. 33 {J e tUll (J, /. [pi. -CI!) tarrying, delay. 3 5 Q I 1 1! p,, m. '-8 ; p.'. -C) pupil, scho- lar; vid. ^cfyrliiii]. *3 o 3 r a p 1) t c, /. vid. 3oograp^ie. *3 P'l'at cr, in vid. Ibicrarjt. *3oYatric, /. vid. Sbierbcilfittibe. '*3 ^ V 1 It 5, m. Zoilus (the well-known sophist) ; fig. a snarling critic. *3 i I fb. adj. animal ; sustaining life, nutritious. *3 o '»' fi t, 71. c-e8 ; pi. -c) Jifin. r. the delphinite, pistacite. 3vll, 7«. (-c8; pi. -e) inch; uicr — brctt, four inches broad; nad) — en, by inches; campus. — fitfb, m. a species of salmon-trout : — m it fi, n. measure of inches; — ftab, — ftocf, 771. inch rod; — weife, adr. by inches. 3 6 II, m. (-e« : pi 3BHe) toll; custom; duty; — t»en -Dnrrbretfenbeit, passage- money; — Don ettoaj geben, to pay toil; — iiuf ctam8 (egen, — ert)eben, to levy a duty upon something ; bcillt — ailijcbeil, to enter at the custom- house; compos. — abfjabeu, pi duties, custom-house charges; — am t, — biu l'e All, 71 custom office, board of customs ; — anfjabe,—bcclnrnf ion, /.entry ai the custom house ; — ■ itllf,ltj, — illlffblili], m. tariff; — aufcblllfj, m. accession to the (Prussian) tariff-union ; — anfcbhifilH'r- trsg, '». treaty of accession to the tariff union :_— Aiiffifcl-.t.j, m. additional duty; — aufftijcr, 7/1. surveyor of the customs; — banf, /. vid. — bans ; — = beamte, nt. officer of thu custom-house ; — bebiente, m, custom-house officer ; — beret fer, m. land-waiter; — befeber, in searcher, visitator ; — bud), ». book of rates; — bube, /. toll-booth ; — cre= bit, m credit at the custom-house; — = bivectton, / direction of the customs ; — Ctttllithim', /. revenue ofthe customs ; board Of customs ; — eiltllf l)incr. m. re ceiver or gatherer of tases ; — fret, adj. 1 from custom; — frtthcif, /. ex p- tionfromduty; freedom of trade; — frets fdicitt, 771. permit, pass-bill ; — gebftbr, /.toll-money; — gcredjfifttftt, /. right of levying custom; — flCfc^C, pi. cus- tom-laws; - -bnuS, n. custom ho ise; bnufifvefen, pi. ,-„i. — abgaben; — in= (Vector, in rid. — anffcbfi- j — intrabett, pl. vid. — eiiiiiiibinc ; — j,tfbt, .;'. custom house vaeht ; — f,llllllU"f, /. rid. — aillf, — legeftatte, /. (in Austria) place con taining a bonding warehouse; — ina= ijiittit, n. vid. — fpe icber j — orbnung, /. regulation of the tolls and customs ; 30COT — VMCbt,/. renting of lolls ; — V.tfbtf.. m. renter of tolls; — paf firjettel, m permit (for exportation or uoim sumption); — |)faf)l, pb. vid — fault, — pflicf)tig, "■ - pay custom wrduty; — Vfl'cbttgfeit / liability t* pay custom or duty; — i|UtItung, / clearance; — rccfcllltlig, /. account of customs; — regal, 71 ro\ ,il privilege of establishing tolls, fcc; — vegifter, v. — rolle, /. tariff; — fiiiilc, / | osi set up for a sign that toll is in be paid; — - fthauer, m. vid. — oefeljtr; — febcirt, in. clearance, cocket; — I duff. "• te vc-nue-cuiter ; — fcticibci", m. clerk at a toll office ; — fiegcl, 71 cocket, sealol the custom-house; — fd)ut}iimd)e. /. guard of she customs-. — fpeitbet, n. custom-house; — fMM, /. town where custom is paid; — fKinipcl, m, cocket, ser.l or stamp ofthe custom bouse ; — * ftiitfe, / place for paying custom; — * flrape, /. roadon wh - paid; — ftube, /. custt iffice ; — fnftent, m. system of regulating the customa; — = tafel,/ vid. — a iftviig ; — tariff, m. or — tar?, /. tar • rates . —union,/, vid. — serbanb; — uitfo> (ten, pl. custom-house charge 9 ; — Dtt* banb, — oerein, m, tariff-union; ber bemfebe — oeretlt, the German com- mercial league or union ; — OCrfiltt- gnng, / custom bouse union; bic gvii= pe beutfrbc — berctnignug, great Ger- man commercial confederation J — ■ oereinigungSoertrag, m. rid — an» fd)tu§oertrag ; — DereinlanbifoJ, vid SQereinlanbtfa) ; — otreinsftaaten, pi. states belonging to a tariff-union; — » oergunftigung, /, sufferance; — vcr= roaiter, vid. — auffebct ; — ocricicb' isiti, ». nd. —tariff; — lvcfcn, n. affairs concerning the customs ; — « jettf I, »i. cocket. 35 lib a 1", niij lialile to paying duty n custom. 3 I 1 b a r f C t f, / liability to pay duty. 3 1 1 e 11, 7'. 71. Sr a- 1. to -tay custom ; •J Jig to give; to pay. 3611 c t, 771 vid. 3ollttcr. 3 1 1 i g, adj. iii compi ?. of so many inches. 3 1 1 It C r, 771. (-8 ; pl. — ) toll gatherer (in the Bible) publican. *3 II c, / [pl. -n) Ocog. T. zone ; mid. (Srbgurtel, (Srbftridj. *3 n n d r, 771 (-81 girdle worn by the Jews and Christians in Turkey. *3 d) C 111 I e, /. T. animal chemistry ►3 b \) tl a in 1 e, / the vital power of animals, vital activity. *3 g ( tf, 71. (-8) C/t T. a gelatinous substance obtained from the bones o( animals. *3 gc ni t, /. the scii 1 neration »r procreation of animals. *3 g h> p b i f, in. (-C8 ; pl. -e) too glyphite. *3 g It l e. /. zoogony. *3 g v fi |) t), in. -en ; pl. -en) zoo- grnpher. * ,^ Q r a v b t e, / zoography. *3 g t fi p b i f dl, adj. 7. K .^laphioii »3 00 later, m. (-8; pi. — ) wot- Bhipper of animals. *3 oo la trt t,f. Eoolatry, 3 i 1 e ! i t b, in. (-en ; pl -en) zooiiio. *3 1 g. in. (-CU ; pl. -en- ziwlogist *3 i 1 1 oglt,/. zoology. *3 olBgi f cb, adj. ■/. KJloaical. • x ^ o in a g n c t i 8 m n t >«. aiiknJ magnetism. 817 3 zo°P" a s>cai, carnivorous. *3oopf)armaIologic, /. animal pharmacology. *3 P P p I) C r i f d), <"?;'• ■£«*■ T. — C (gaule, zoophoric column. *3 o o p b. » f 1 1 o 8 i e, /• tlie physiolo- gy of animals. *3 P P p b rj t, m. (-C ; pi. -e) zoophyte, animal plant. *3 p p v f) 9 t p l i 1 1), m. (-cu ; pz. -en) a petrified zoophyte. *3 p o p I) 9 1 1 o g i e, /. zoopbytology. *3 oB f t 6, /. Bid. 1. ffleleoung ; 2. Vc; beiiScrbaltung. *30Ptf)Cvapie, /. the veterinary science. "3 p p t in f a 1 j, n. C-eS ; P :. -e) ca. t. native nitrate of natron. '^PPtpflC, / the bringing forth of living young (as done by viviparous animals). *3 t lit i e, /. zootomy, dissection of animals. "3 P P 1 1) p P U t f), m. (-en ; pi- -en) a stone having the impression of an ani- mal. . 3 B P e, /. (p/. -n) a species of carp. gopf, m. (-CS; ?;/. 3ppf() 1. weft of hair, pigtail, cue; 2. 7'. (with foresters) top of a tree; Semailbem eiltCH — mad)en, vulg. to impose upon one; campus. — batlb, n. pigtail tie ; — elite, ii. T. top end (of a tree) ; —baar, ?t. cue hair; — bplj, n. T. top-wood; — = lercbe, /. tufted lark ; — periio e, /. wig with a pigtail ; — tVOrfeit, adj. de- cayed or withered at the top (said of trees); — nxife, ado. by strings or tu ists. 3 p p f c 11, v. a. to weave hair, to twist or braid into a pigtail. 3 Op f i 8- <"!/• having the hair done up or plaited in a cue or pigtail. *3 p i f f C, /. .V. T. zopissa. '3pppron, ?i. (-8) vid. SBttimfloff. ftcueumg. J 6 r n, m. (-f 3) anger, wrath, passion, ire, choler, indignation; fig. rage, violence; 5 u m — reijcn, to exicte to anger, exasperate; ill — flClMtheil, to grow angrv, fall into a passion, fly out in a passion; »Pr — fcballlUCIl, to foam with anger; ben— fabrcil laf= felt, to abate one's anger ; feilieit — an Semaiib auslaffen, to vent one's passion upon one ; compos. — bliif, m. angry look; — eittbtOIUlt, adj. angry; enraged ; — gcrirbt, n. judgment of an angry God; — iieftc^t, n. angry counte nance; — gliihenb, adj. angry, furious; — (ilutfj, ./' glowing anger, great wrath or indignation ; — loG, adj. without au- jjtr or pass'on; — llllttb, in. irascible disposition, choleric, passionate charac- 618 ter . lruitbig. adj. irascible, choleric, wrathful; —Xttt, f. angry speech; — vutfje, /. chastisement produced from divine wrath; — fdiale, /. jig; 77 <- r cup of the wrath of God ; — Itimnie, ./'. angry or wrathful voice ; — fcPll, adj. angry, full of wrath ; — IV-Pi't, n. angry or cross word; — UHitb, /. rit of anger, rage, fury ; — uniting, adj. furious, raging with anger. Son. 3»rn, Orimm. Orimm is distinguish- ed from =orn internally by Hie greater degree of its strength acting on tlie senses and tlie passions, and externally by flu violence i ol [the expression of the looks and gestures. On mm is an excess and cannot long continue in its fits and convulsive effects ; it consumes itself, ^orn (wrath, anger) disfigures tlie human face, but not so much as Orimm, nay, there may be a noble 3"" 0»"S er )- a beautiful 3;rn (pas- sion) ; but a woman, that is CMiimmt (lurious), is something horrible. Orimm is therelore " fury, frantic passion." 3 P V 11 i g, I- adj. angry, ireful, wrath- ful ; choleric, irascible ; passionate ; Jig. raging, violent; — nxvtcil, to grow angry, to fall into a passion ; ev rourbe iiuf eiiuiial fo jovntg, he flew into such a passion ; II. odo. angrily, irefully ; vid. Syn. Ungebalten. *3ovo after (3cvHi|M)t), m. (-8) Zoroaster. *3pftcr, m. (-8) 1. zoster, belt, girdle; 2. Med. T. kind of erysipelas. 3 CtC, /. {pi. -It) 1. tuft of hair hanging together; shag; rag; 2. obscenity, obscene words or expression; indecent words; 3. rag; —11 rcipfll, to talk bawdry ; compos. — Itblllllie, /. fringed buck-bean, water-lily ; _ — llO,ebirbt, n. obscene poem ; — lllicb, n. bawdy- song ; — liretjjtlt, v. ribaldry, speaking bawdry ; — ttreifet, in. obscene talker, ribald; — Itret f3ciC t, /.indecent, obscene words; talking obscenely; — llfcbreW bet, m. obscene writer. 3 t e 1 11, ". it. (anx. f)abcil) to talk in- decently, obscenely. 3 Men, v. n. (aux. bitbeil) to talk ob- scenely. 3 o t c n b a f f, 3 t C 11 1) a f f, ) I. adj. obscene, 3 D t e 11 1)1 ii p i 3, ) bawdy ; II. ado. ob- scenely, bawdily. *3 t i C a, /. animal activity, vitality. 3 1 1 d) t, adj. shaggy, ragged. 3 1 1 g, adj. 1. shaggy, shagged, ragged, villous ; 2. obscene. *3 1 1 f d), adj. living, relating to life, promoting it; animating, vivifying. 36tte, /. {pi. -n) dim. 3cttcbfti, » "tuft or lock of hair; bic — It ail ben gufjeil fcev ipferbe, fetlock ; compos. — nOCuillC, /. bog-beau ; — llfifdl* m. the little sea unicorn; — llbaav, n. shaggy, tufied hair; — llfppf, m. 1. head Of tufted hair ; 2. person having tufted hair , :i. Zoo/. 7'. the Stella marina or arborescens. 36t t el, /. {pi- -It) shag, rag; vid. 3»te ; compos. — bar, m. shaggy bear; — barf, 7/1. shaggy beard ; — bdl'tia,, adj. shaggy bearded ; — baav, «. shaggy hair; — baavio,,!/'// shaggy ; — I)aber, m. wild oats ; — fOpf, m. vid 3P f tett= fopf ; — lpde, /. dim. — lorfcben, n. hair in ringlets or curls; — Ipctifl, adj. in ringlets, locks, curls ; — llUlblie, /. tufted or shaggy mane ; — milblliij, adj. shaggy-maned, bushy maned ; — * ftviillipft', /)/. shaggy or furry stock- ings; — nJPlle, / shaggy wool. 3 6 1 1 c 1 i g, adj. shaggy. 3 6 1 1 e I n, v. n. {our. fepn) viUg. to go or move in a careless manner, to trot. 36tttd)t, adj. vid. 3otid)t 3 P 1 1 i g, adj. shaggy, shagged, villous rough ; B. T. downy ; hairy. 3n or 3". i- p'v- (*"<* {i " f) at i b y< t0 > "for, in, on; er ifi— «&aufe, he is at home ; cr lebt — SPllbPll, he lives in (at) London ; — cbcuev ( ivob= UCtl, to live on the ground ; riltein — * ©fite ftfcen, to sit at one's side ; — r 9Jcd)tctl, on the right hand side ; ei* lieilt — r .§rtllb felill, to be at hand; —v 5ce, at sea ; — SBaffer nub — SanbC, by sea and by land- — Oil?, on foot : — ^fevbe, on horseback ; tote bpbe 3d)iile, — ... the university of , ,. — (Snbe fepit, to be at an end ; - bcrfclbeit 3 f 't, at the same time: — r 3«t deliver bc8 ipvilljelt, at the time tutor of the prince ; — r Uttjett, out o( season: — rcebtci' 3ei'/ »« due time; — 3eiten, at times, by times; — Srtaebt, by (in the) night ; — iDiittag, — Slbenb fpeifen, to dine, to sup ; — gailjett Xaaeit, for whole days ; — V (Skiiiige liapcn, to have plenty; — v Dlpth, if need be; llltr ijt tltcbt ropbl — 2)iiitbe, I am not in a good mood; — ^eiltfch, in German; — laufetts ben, by thousands; fid) —ill fcbpilftcil bebanfcit, to give one's best thanks; Ci5 gerietbnifbt — in beften, it did not succeed according to expectations ; — m reenigften, at least ; — m cr* fteil, in the first place, firstly ; — 111 anbern, bvittcn, 11. f. to., secondly, thirdly, fee. ; — m tefetcn SRaff, fur the last time; — flUter Se^t, to finish (with) : —v fialfte, by half; ba8 etutl — jwei (Srofdjeit, two groslies a piece ; tin iu-vluiltlliB — . . , in proportion to . . ; eineit — m Swmibe baben, to live with one on terms of friendship; — t\* ticnt gcben, fpntmen, to go, tome to one . (r. a. to bake together ; to bake some more. 3 ft bane H, v. I. a. to shut up by build- ing, to close by a wall ; II. n. to con- tinue or keep on building. 3 fi b C b a I tC tl, v. ir. a. to keep shut, to hold closed. 3 fi b C [) r, n. 3iibcb0VbC, /. appurte- nance, vid. 3ugef;5i\ 3 fi b c i fi e tt, v. ir. n. (auz. baben) to bite at, bite ; to swallow the hook. 3 fi b e f o in m e n, baben) io get in addition. 3 fi b e It a lit C tt, v. a. to surname, give a surname. 3 fi b c ii a it n f, adj. suraamed. 3 ft b e f, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) tub. 3 fi b C t: e i t e It, v. a. to prepare, dress, adjust, qualify ; to season. 3 fi b C V C i t C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — -) pre- parer. 3 fi bet eU It ll g, / {pi. —CM ) 1. prepa- ration ; 2. dressing, cooking (of food). 3 fi b e r u f e tt, v. ir. a. (ju etiuaS) to call to something. 3 fi b e t t e It, v. a. to cover, bed up. 3 fi b t C c] e 11, v. ir. a. to close or shut up with bending. 3 fi bittt It, v. ir. a. 1. to offer, bid, vid. 9lltbteten; 2. to bid more, outbid. 3 fi b 1 1 1 1 g e It, v. a. to grant, appoint, allow, connive. 3 fi b i tt t e 11, v. ir. a. to tie up ; CtttClIt MC 2lUnen — , to blindfold or hoodwink one. 3 fib la fen, v. ir. I. a.1. to close by blowing ; 2. to blow to ; fig. to whisper to, to prompt : cilU'llt etllHto — , to blow a thing to one: fig, to prompt one to a thing; II. it. {am. habrti) to begin to blow, to go on blowing. 3 fi b I a f e V, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) prompter. 3 fi b 1 e i b C It, v. ir. n. (auz. fet)ll) to remain simt. 3 fi b [ e i e II, v. a. to close, shut or plug up with lead. 3 fi b I 1 cf e II, v. a. <$• n. to wink, to im- part by looks. 3 Q b I i 11 f e It, v. a. to wink, make un- derstand by looks. 3 fi b ( t II J e 1 tl, ) b. n.fam. (eiltCIll) to 3fi b It 11 JClt, $ wink, speak with the eyes 3fi breitnett, v. ir. a. to cauterize; @rje — , to give the ore a roasting. 3 fi b r t II 0, e B,W. ir. a I. to bring (to) ; 2.10 spend; tie 3'tt — , to spend or employ time ; to pass away the time ; er bat ftebeit Sage bamit '{.ugebvaebt, he has been Beven days in performing it; 3einanbeiii etti ®la8 — , to pledge a person, to ofTer the glass to a person 3 fi brings v, m . (-8 ; ; ,/. _) T . , M(I1 . or tube by which water is conveyed to a (ire engine. 3 fi b r o cf c I n, ) b. a fig. vutg. to con 3 n b v o d e it, ) tribute of one's own to spend upon; to lose; ;u — Ijabcit, to have wherew ithal to live. 3 fi b r o b, v. vid. 3nfpeife. 3 fib v ii ft e n, v . a. Min. T. ba8 fflc= flettt — , to level, make the partitions eq'iil. 3fibiiblteil, b. a. Mm T. to line. cover, close or shut up with timber and boatds. 3 ii b ii f •! e it, v. I. o. to conceal or close by brushing ; II. n. to keep on brush- ing. 3 fi b 11 fi = b 1 1, m. messenger deputed to collect the contributions or I gents due from the shareholders ; — = ptbeit, m. — gain, n. thread to replace those that are broken; — gebaute, n. — gt'tibf, /. Min. T. a mine that re- quires an increase of funds to be car- ried on; — fieittpel, m. Min. '/'. stamp on the notes of contributions due from shareholders; — SCci>e, / vid. — grilbe ; — jettel, m. Min. V. note i I gents, per-centage on shares to be paid by each shareholder. 3 H b 11 fi e, / supply, contribution, share : Mm. '/'. share, quota, conthigent. 3fibii jjeit, v. a. l. to contribute, paj (one's share) ; 2. to spend, lose. 3 it ct) t, / I. breeding ; 2. breed ; race ; 3. drift, herd, flock ; 4. discipline, edu- cation ; 5. bashfulness, chastity, mo- desty ; propriety of conduct : in — bal = tttt, to keep under discipline ; bei' — ClItlDarbfeit, outgrown the rod; ill at= lev — (3"4)ini) unt> (ilncn, with due propriety; compos. — aillt, n. office or duty of maintaining order and proprie- ty; —albeit, /. forced work ; — bic= ItC, / queen bee; — elite, /.breeding duck; — ciltivbbttt, adj. outgrown the discipline ; — fabig, adj. disciplinable ; — gait8, /. breeding goose; — gefcf}, n law of discipline ; — QtrDOQIlf, adj dis- ciplined; — KlitCV, in. one who keeps or maintains discipline, order; — bait8, n. house of correction, bridewell ; — = baii-gefangcne, — Ijansler, m. correc- tioner; — banefh'fbe, /. chapel belong- ing to the house of correction ; — f)an8= prebiger, m. chaplain belonging to the house of correction ; — baii4|trafe, /. punishment of seclusion in a house of correction ; — bau8vater, — l)ail8per= tCalter, m. director of a house of cor- rection; — bauSroiirbig, adj. deserving of being imprisoned ; — bcitgft, m. stal lnm : — hlthll, h. ben kept for broo — billlcillll, / hound-bitch; —tttttX, m prison; — lebve, /. + ethics, vid. Sittenlebre ; — lo8, adj. ir ado. with- out discipline or correction, disorderly; — loftgfeit, / insubordination ; — llici = flev, m. task-master, surveyor of cor- rectioners, governor ; — iniltel, ;; cor- rective; — HtUttCr,/ female of animals kept for breeding; — ort) 8, m. bull kept for breeding: — peitfebe, /. whip, rod ; — pferb, «. horse for breeding; — poll* leigovictt, « tribunal of correctional police; — lillb, n. heifer reared for ng; — fUtbe, / rod of correction. chastisement; scourge; — fan, /. ftr- ros\ ; — febaf. R. cue; — ferule, /. seminary; — frbiuein, n. sow kept for breeding; — ftal)V, m. ram kept for breeding; — ftiei - , m. bull; — ftllte, /. mare: — '.Hell, 71. cattle for breeding; — roiUtg, n,ij. obedient 3 11 fb t e It, v. a. to educate, bring up, in- struct. 3 it rb t i g, I. adj chaste, modest, bash- ful, discreet ; 11. adr. chastely, modest- ly, bashfully, discreetly ; aid. Syn. Outfit. 3 II cj) I i g C n, v. a. to chastise, correct, discipline ; to lash, BCOUrge : I I ( ■' 1 11 i-l 1 ; mil tev 3cnthe — , to whip; initiOior= ten — , to censure ; feill 3'leifd) — , to mortify one's flesh 3 It rf) t i g e V, (-8 ; pi. — ) chastiser. 3il d) t i g tei t, / chastity, pudicity, modesty, bashfulness, 3lt (t) t i g 1 i it, rdr. modestly. 3 11 d) t i g ti n g, /. (pi. -en) chastise- 3"* ment : correction; Jisciplinc ; lid. Syn grrafe. 3 n A) 1 1 i it g, m. (-8 ; pi. -t) p«rsoi. confined in a house of correction, pri- soner ; compos. — 8arbeit, / work of a prisoner; — jfKiclllig, / dress of a 3 ii cf, I m. -e8 ; ///. -e, shrug: n II. int. fiim. crack! in the twinkling of an eye; fetlieil — tt)UU, not to stir a jot; tampon. — t up, m. a paralytic foot. 3 U cf C I II, b. ». (am. ff^tl) to walk slowly, to trot. 3 ii cf e 11, v. I. a. to draw (with a short and quick motion); to shrug, shrink ; tic '.'IciiiMn — , to shrug one's about ders; ten £egeit — , to draw '.he sword ; II. n. ntu. bo belt) 1. to make a short quick motion, to be drawn or move6 as by convulsion, to move : to ■vrithe; 2. palpitate ; ev juit niit bell JlUgenfitbtrn, his eyelids quiver; — be Singenjitbt, palpitating entrails; tat i§er| UIC c t II0<9, tho tearl still beats ; — >e •BeiBfgungeQ, convulsive mo- tions, convulsions. 3 ii cf e 11, n. (-S) stiiTicg, moving, shrug ging 3iicfen, b. a. bai 2d)tverbt — , to draw the sword. 3 ii cf e V, m. (-81 sugar; robcr — , raw sugar; — ill ^iibcr, white su^'ar in powder; iMffiili^'tci' — , refined sugar; — ill ©rObeit, sugar in loaves; {tut — , loaf of sugar; iffBlltgS — , sugar ol the first quality: Luailltfl' — ,browu sugar, moist sugar; ntit — beftfcueu, to strew with suirar ; — fiecClt, to bake suL'ar, refine sugar; ntit — fibct|ic* beu, to sugar ; compos. — abiHit, m sugar-maple; — ulaiitt, m. alum-sugar, saccharine alum; — Opfcl, >« I. sugar apple; 2. sugar apple-tree, Bweel sop. — Ctrtlg, adj. saccharine ; — bctCfCC, in sugar-baker; confectioner, confection ary, comfit-maker ; — baefcrei,/ art or trade of a confectioner, confectionary, confectioner's shop; — baffoVCVbe, / sugar baker's clay ; — bacfiverf, 7i. comfits, confects, confectionary, sweet- meats (in general); — bail, m cultiva- tion of the sugar cane ; — bei!, n. su- gar cleaver, sugar-bill, Biigai hatchet; — bilr, 11 figure (made) of su^ar: — = Dtrfe, /. sweet (or Virginian' birch; — billl, /. sugar-pear, russelet, blan- ket ; — blatt, n. /.'. T. costroary; BUgar shell ; — bobtte, /. simar-bean ; — bvaillltlVCilt, m. sugar-spirit, rum ; brandy sweetened with sucar shrub, liqueur, sweet bipior; — bl'efbor, m. sugar cleaver, BUgar-tongS (to break sugar with); — brejel, / sugar-crack- nel ; — luob, ;i. 1. sugar bread, sweet bread or biscuit, sweet rusk ; 2. sii.-ar- loaf; — biicbfe, — bofc, /. sugar box. sugar caster, sugar canister; — btcf* fa ft. 7«. melasses, molasses, treacle; — c tS, n. (sugar-)ice; — cvbfe, / sugar (or honey-) pea; BUgar-plum; — erce, / rid. — bcitfercrbe ; — fafi, ». ho - ofsugar; BUgax-faogshead ; — fonn, / sugar-mould; — fi - cffcr, m. eater ; — frurbf, / BUgar-iruil ; — - gafl, in. the silver moth ; ■ — gcbacfcnc, n nd. — baefvoevf ; — gcift, >» sugar spun; — gci'dniMd:, in- BUgar-tasts saccharine taste; — gla8, «. confec- tioner's glass ; — gil! ; . '". crust of su- L'ar; <•"/. — ei8 ; — baltig, adj. con- taining sucar, sacchariferous ; — ban* tcl, in sugar trade; — l)01tig, 111. trans- I honey ; molasses ; — b'i'f' 11 * baillll, m. sweet-fruited acacia, sugar- pea ; — but, m. sugar loaf ; — b u t» 819 3ucfc mana8,/.sugar loaf pineapple, ananas; — niilfonn, /. sugar-loaf-mould, cone ; ■ — butfcipp?, /. cover of a sugar-loaf: — EailbtS, — faitt, m. (-9) sugar-candy; — fattoffel, /. sugar-potato; — fef= fel, m. sugar-boiler ; — finb, n.j!g. sweet dear, darling love, honey ; — ftftc, /. case «r box of sugar ; sugar-case, BUgar- dox; — fiflenbolj, w. Cuba-wood, Ha- vannah cedar ; — fotf), m. sugar-basket ; — foi'll, n. grain of sugar ; — fijnicr, pi. Beeds covered with sugar, sugar-plums; — flld'Cll, in. sugar cake; — laild), m. sugar leek ; — lippe . /• fig- honey-lip ; — Ibffcl, in. sugar-spoon; — lltitllbeill, /'. pi. almond-comfits; — nuiilil, m. sugar-man; — lltdllltd)Cll, n. fig. dear Tittle man, honey; — lrtaill, n.(dim.) — 111iiuld)Cn, n. sweet-tooth, dainty mouth, chops or person; — lllCt)l, n. powder-sugar, powdered sugar ; — - inclbe, /. B. T. golden herb, garden- or(r)ach ; — melone, /. musk or sweet melon; — meffcr, 1. n. sugar-knife ; 2. in. saccharometer ; — lltiihle, /. sugar- mill ; — lltllllb, m. honey-mouth ; — = tiafffaff, m. sweet-tooth ; — papier, n. sugar-paper, cover of sugar-loaves ; — s pfct'b, n. sugar-horse; — pflailjltng, — platttagc, /. sugar-plantation; — - pflitltntc, /. damascene, damson, Da- mask plum ; sugar-plum ; — pldijdH'tl, n. sweet cake, lozenge, kiss, drop ; — = pott, 7ii. sugar-pot; — pvciS, m. price of sugar ; — pltppe, /. sugar-doll : sweet little baby, vid. — f itlb ; — raffincvie, /'. sugar-refinery, sugar house, sugar- works; — veibe, /.sugar-grater; — = ring, m. sucar-ring; — l'0c)l', n. sugar- cane? — robrpflaiijuttg, /. sugar- plantation ; — vofc, /. Damask rose; — t'i'tbf, / sweet turnip, beet-root ; vid. Ciiutfelriibc ; — f o ft, m. syrup ; juice of the sugar-cane ; — falter, adj — faiireS Salj, Ck. T. oxalate: — = ffiure,/. Ch. T. oxalic acid ; — fd)rfd)= tci, /. sugar-box, sugar-canister; — = fdiale, /. sugar-basin (or bason) : — = fdjlflUra, m. sugar-scum ; — fd)0tc, /. vid. — Clbfe ; — ffeb, n. sieve for sift- ing sugar; — ftebcil, ?i. boiiing, baking nr refining of sugar ; — ftcber, m. susar- boiler (or baker), sugar- refiner, refiner of sugar : fteberci, /. sugar-house ; aid. — vafftttcrte ; — ftengcl, m. sugar- stick ; — ft off, 7ii. saccharine matter or principle; — ftretlCV, m. sugar sifter ; — fiifj, adj. (as) sweet as sugar; su- gary, sweet to excess, very sweet, luscious; — fiifje s IBoi'tf, vid. — = rDOvtf ; — fit 0C, /. sweetness of sugar, lusciousness ; — flH'ltp, m. molasses, treacle, vid. — bicffaft; — tafflrfcett, ii. lozenge, kiss, bonbon; — tang, in. fucus ; — teig, vi. comfit paste ; — ' tonne, /. vid. — fajj; — trog, m. sugar- trough; — t)Pgc(, m. sugar-eater; cana- ry bird ; — amave, /. sugar-ware, a sweet-meat, confect, comfit, comfiture, confectionary ; — vuein, m. sweet, wine ; — we iitbeere, f. sugar grape, the sweet- water ; — luerf, v. vid. — barf ivcvf, — tvaare; — voirfe, /. sweet pea; — - tl'OvtC, pi -fig. sweet words, (latteries; — rouvjel, f. sugar-root: ekirret, sium sisarutn ; — Jftt)U, m. sweet tooth, vid. —ntttlll ; taste for sugar ; — jaitge, /. sugar-tongs; — jwicbacf, m. sweet biscuit. 3 It cf c V i g, adj. sugary, saccharine. 3 li cf e V I i d), iidj. sugary. 3 li cf C V n, adj. of sugar. 3 U if e v It, v. a. to sugar, to season with sugar. 3 ii cf e r n, n. (-*) sugaring. 8-20 Httcr 3 li if 11 11 g, /. (/>.'. — Cll) convulsion, con- vulsion fit; —Cll ()abdt,to have fits, to be seized with convulsions. 3 ii b d 111 lit C II, v. a. to dam up. 3 U beef fit, v. a. to cover; conceal: jig. vulg. eitieil — , to bang, belabour one, to load with blows. 3fibeicS?eil, v. a. to enclose with a dike. 3 ii b C 111, adv. besides, moreover, in ad- dition. 3 It b C 11 f C 11, v. ir. I. a. I . to destine, in- tend for; 2. to think capable; id) l)abf eS tfjm jinn ©cfdjtnf jttgebadjf, i in- tended it as a present for him ; bcilfeit ®« fid) ciniiial ba8 <£>auS jit, /am. ellipt. suppose tlie house should be shut up; rid. also <§tll$Ubenfen; II. n. to continue or keep thinking. 3 ii b i d) t C 11, v. I. a. 1. to close by con- densation or compression ; 2. to add as a fiction, to forge ; II. n. to continue to make poems. 3 ft b It It C V 11, v. 1. a. to cry to one with a thundering voice; II. imp. to thunder on. 3 ft b x a ii g e ii, v. I. n. (aux. baben) to push on, squeeze on ; II. rcjl. 1. to throng or crowd to; 2. Jig. to intrude one's self in or into. 3 U b V e cf) f C I It, v. I. a. to prepare any thing by turning (on the lathe) ; II. n. to continue or keep on turning. 3 fl b r e () e n, v. I. a. to turn to, to shut by turning, to fasten, to screw fast ; II. 71. to continue to turn. 3 ft b r i n g e it, ». vid. 3»vvdiigen. 3 ft b V i n g I i cf», I. adj. importunate, forward, ever-officious, intruding, obtru- sive ; if. adv. importunately, forwardly, obtrusively. 3ubfing [ icf)f et t, /. (vl. -en) jm- portunateness, importunity, forward- ness, obtrusiveness. 3 fl b V f) e it, v. a. to threaten to. 3 ft b V It (f C n, v. 7i. S,- a. to continue printing ; to keep on pressing ; to add in printing. 3 li b r ii rf e It, v. 1. a. to close by pres- sure, to shut ; fig. vidg. eilt ?lnge bet etroaS — , to wink at something, to pretend ignorance ; II. n. (mix. tjabcn) to go on pressing or squeezing. 3 fl b It f t e 11, t\ a. to waft (in fragrance or perfume). 3 fl b ii 11 g e It, v. a. fr n. to add more manure, to go on manuring. 3 fl e b e It C It, v. a. to level, make even (a piece of laud, &c). 3 fl C g g C H, v. a. Sr 7i. to harrow over or up ; to continue harrowing. 3fietgncii, v. a. (citient or fid) et= TOai) 1. to appropriate; 2. to attribute; impute ; 3. to dedicate ; 4. to apply to ; 5. to arrogate ; fid) etltmS — , to appro- priate, ascribe something to one's self; fid) ettua* iinmttnidfjig — . to as- sume, arrogate ; eiiiem ein . v iMicb. — , to dedicate a book to one. 3 fl C i g 11 e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1. dedi- cator ; 2. he that appropriates, assumes, arrogates. 3 fl e i g It It II g, /. ( v l. -eil/ 1. appro- priation ; 2. assumption ; attribution, imputation ; 3. dedication ; compos. — 9- blief, m. or — 8 fd) rift, /. dedication, dedicatory letter (epistle). 3 ft f U e it, »■ «• (aux. fet;n) (with dat.) to hasten to. 3 fl e i f e 11, v. n. .aux. fetyn) to freeze up. 3 fl f V b C 11, v. a o Utve, bequeath. 3ufl 3 fi e r r) a 1 1 C it, v. ir. a. to receive be- sides, to get over and above. 3 ft e f f e H It C It, v. ir. a. to adjudge adjudicate, award; to decree, to ac- knowledge; Strafe — , to condemn to a punishment ; bell SjOVjlig — , tc give the preference to. 3 fi e r f e ii ii t it i fj, n. (-ffcS) 3ficrf en- llUlig, /. adjudication, award ; also sen- tence, verdict ; compos. 3tlCl'ft"iinil]tg3= llrtbeil, ii. sentence, verdict. 3 n C r ft, ado. in the first place, firstly, first, at first, for the first ; above all, es- pecially, before the rest ; for the first time ; prov. luer — gctuaini, wax 511= leljt ein avntev 3)ianii. he that in gain began, died a poor and wretched man , WtX — fOllllllt, lltahlt — , proline, first come, first served. 3 fl e V j fl if) I e ll, v. 71. to continue or go on with one's history or relation. 3 fl e f f e II, v. ir. 7i. to keep eating. 3ufd eb el 11, v. 0. einem ^tiii)inng — , to fan any one. 3 n f a 1) v en, tj. ir. v. (aux. fet)ii) i . to go on with a carriage, to drive on ; 2. to drive faster ; 3. to approach, ad- vance; 4. to rush upon; fatjl'e }ll, j?lltfd}ev ! drive on, coachman ! auf etVOaS — , to ride to or towards; 5 fig. to fall to, rush in upon ; gleid) — , or biillb — , to run upon rashly, blindly, to act hastily. 3li f CI t)re It, 7i. (-9) driving on, rid- ing to. 3 u fall, m. (-e§ ; pi. -fiille) 1. chance, hap, hazard, incident, accident, case, casualty, event, adventure, hap hazard , 2. fit (of sudden illness) ; 3llfdUe jilt See, accidents, casualties on the sea , bind) ciiicn — , by chance; ein gliicf- licbev — , a lucky hit; COlltntlfifcifcbt 3ltfdllf, convulsion-fits. 3 fl fallen, (nux. fcillt) ]. In shut of itself, to be closed (by falling down or in); 2. to rush or fall precipi- tantly upon ; 3. to fall to one's share, devolve upon ; 4- to side, join, engage v.'uh a party ; to assent to, agree with ; 5. to come into the mind ; all ftill SBennBgen fcilit ifcv jit, an his fortune devolves on her. 3 fi f a 1 1 1 g, I. adj. 1. accidental, for- tuitous, contingent, incidental, casual, occasional: 2. adventitious ; not essen- tial; — e ilcgcbcnbcitCIl, contingen- cies; II. ads. accidentally, fortuitously, contingently, casually, by accident. 3 fi f d 1 1 i g I e i t, /. (pi -en) the being accidental, casualty, contingency. 3 ft f a I t e It, v. a. to fold up. 3 fi f C g C ll, v. a. to sweep over. 3 fi f e v 1 1 g e 11, v. a. to expedite, dis- patch; Seiitaubcnt eincit 93efeb( — . to send an order to one. 3 fi f t " b e It, v. ir. a. fain, ellipt. bi? 3Mv, ll. f. W, — , to find the door, &c shut 3 fi f 1 a 1 1 e x it, v. 71. (flu*. fei)n) to flutter towards. 3 fi f I e d) t C it, v. ir. fl. to cloae by twisting, plaiting or braiding. 3 fi f I i cf C It, v. I. a. to pitce, patch or vamp up, to mend, repair; II. 11. (aur. Iv.'ibclt) to continue patching. 3 ft f I teg Cll, v. ir. v. (aux. feint) W fly to or towards ; prm\ nJO Urtisben finb, ba fltegen S'auben jit, where there is much, still more comes ; bet aSogel fltegt feiiiem 2tefte jit, the bi-d is flying to its nest. 3 fi f i t e h e n, v. ir. n. (aux. feipn) «'. 3»f« 3»9 3«3 e fly flee on, on- flee towards wards. Jflfliefjeit, o. ir. v. (cut. fcv)Il) to How lo-.fig to flow in upon one ; tl- licm utel ®ute« — (affcn, to bestow much good upon one ; bie s H>ovte flies Kill thill jit, he is not at a loss for ex- pressions 3 ft f 1 fj C It, ?>. I. a. to float towards ; II. it. to float on, continue Boating. 3 fi f I B fj C r, m. (-8 ; ?/.«-) floater (of timber, &c.) 3 fi f I it d) t, /. refuse, shelter, recourse ; feiite — 511 cinent «r tropin nebmcn, to take one's refuge, to have recourse to ; compos. — Soi't, m. — sftatte, /. place of refuge, shelter, retreat; asylum, sanctuary. 3 a f l ii d) t c it, 0. vid. 3uftief)en. 3 U f i H g, rn. {-(6) flying to or towards, concourse. 3 R f I U 0, m. f-ffefi ; pi. -flliffe) 1. in- flux; 2. affluence; supply; resources, means; Qlbflnfj Ullb — bC"3 SBlttVt, tide, ehb and flood. 3 ii f I ii ft e V It, p. n. to whisper to, to librm) in a whisper, 3 fi f I ii ft e r 11 n g, /. (pi. -en) whisper, insinuation. 3 ii f 1 11 1 () C II, d. n. (our. fcl)ll) to flow or stream towards. 3 U fol g C, prop, with gen. or dat. ac- cording to, inconsequence, in pursuance of, by virtue of. 3 fl f 8 X b C t It, v. a. to forward to. 3 fi f 6 r b e 1 f d> a d) t, /. Mn. r. shaft from which the ore is obtained. 3 II f r b ev ft, adv. first of all, vid. 3u = pBrbei'ft. 3 ft f v a g c ti, r. «. vulg. to call for, to inquire. 3ufreffen, o. ir. I. a. to eat with something else (said of animals); II. pi. to continue to cat voraciously (like an animal). 3 U f C l e b e It, I. adj. content, contented, satisfied, pleased, happy ; If. adv. con- tentedly ; id) bill banitt — , 1 am con- tent or satisfied with it; I acquiesce in it; id) bin e3 — , fam. well and good ; it is the same to me; liljit ill t ci") — ! let me alone ! eillClt — ftclleil, to content, satisfy one ; . to quiet one ; eillClt — fpiTctClt, to satisfy one ; fid) — gebcit, to content one's self, to acquiesce; fid) fiber etnxifl — geben, to bear with a thing contentedly, to be not much troubled for. 3ltf rlebeit I)eit, /. contentcdness, content, contentment, satisfaction ; prov. — gebt libcv 3 r tcicf)t[,Uim / contentment is better than riches. 3 ii-f r i e r e it, v. ir. n. (am. fctyn) to freeze up, to freeze over, to congeal ; bee See ift sugefroven, the lake is frozen over or up. 3 fi f illicit, v. a tn do, cause; to in- flict; ©rbabeit, 8eib, it. f. to. — , to cause damage, to do mischief, hurt, &.C ; ChlHl3 — , to add, adjoin. 3 fi f ii b I e it, v. v. to feel, touch. 3 fi f it f) r, /. 1. conveyance, Import, im- portation ; 2. provision, supplies; voir biibcn bier tine jtrttfe — »on 3Baa= tCll, we have here a great supply, ftock, importation of goods ; cincr liJCIt=)!UJ fa'brt mn feebfi Ut)v in bev gfntbe ab, the train (of cars) starts at six in the morning; CtltmS — fut — iiadibil= belt, to copy any thing stroke*for stroke; ein Sauf vott arbt gufjen, a (rifle) barrel of eight rifles; cut — SnitClt, a set of chords ; Ct It — ($;ifd)C, a draught of fish ; in bCll IcfcfCU Bftgett, at the last gasp ; in ben lc(jtcn 3it i^c tt licgcn, to be breathing one's last ; compos. — = Cilltcife, /. passage-ant; — itlliicl, /. line left lying in the water, night-line: — avbeif, /. work of drawing; — av- tifel, pi. articles of quick sale; — billlb, n. boot-strap; — bitlllll, m, draw beam ; — bobttr, m. turrel : —bvttf, m. sub- sidiary letter; — bl'Ulfe, /. draw hridgC ; (eiiicc S'cftung) plyers; — fifrb, m. migratory fish, the herring ; — fiihrcr, m. conductor, leader (of a rail-road, &c ) ; — gain, n. dragnet; — flefcbtvv, »t draw-gear; — ncoogel, 7/. birds of e ; — gi'iibcii, m. draining ditch; — hilfcil, m. cooper's turrel ; — hiispel, /. windlass, pulley; crane, draw beam ; — beilfd)ic(fc, /. passage locust ; — = fctte,/. chain-trace ; — leber, n. elastic leather; — IcillC, /. towing-rope; — * Ullie, /. 1. line for dragging or drawing, towing-line; 2. O. T. trac tutrix, cate narian curve; — locf), n. vent-hole, air-hole,draught hole ; — (lift,/ draught of air; — III ft t f/J, adj. exposed to a draught or current of air: — lttailfi, /. migratory mouse ; — lltcifh'V, m. con- ductor («f a rail-road); — llieffcr, v drawing knife, drawing shave ; — lltit= tel, 7i. remedy for drawing ; — Itiigel, 7» tug pin: — net}, 7i. vid. — gain ; — = 0d)5, 7ii. draught-ox ; — ppcr, /. opera in fashion, leading opera ; — BrbtlUttQ, /. order of a procession, march. &c — papier, ti. blotting paper; — pferb, n. draught horse ; — pflafler, » resi catory, blister; cerate; — famine, /. rammer which is drawn up by a rope ; — tiiMJjf, /. processionary caterpillar; — vcd)f, 7i. /,. T. appeal of one city to another: — rieilteil, w. draw lalch ; bie — riemen bcr Sgftrbe, traces. dra rjhts ; — ricmfdiiiat(e, /. traee- buckle; — vi tit 1 , n. draught-cattle; — » — ring, m. draw-ring; — rohr, n. air nt-hofe; — rbbre, / '/: tromp; bie Offllling an cincr — rbbre, troin- pil; —Telle, /. pulley; — fOfc n. vid. — pferb; — febflfl, m elastic boot-teg: — fd;irnt, m. folding screen; — I dun ^iel'utiff; — fdbualle, / tug buckle; — fchuur,/. string [of a puree, &.c), kniitle, mi. 3icbfd)lllir ; — = fdivatibe, /.draw-screw; — fdjmailj, 77i. rambling mouse ; — fcif, n. draw- line; — feil unit ©cbifftiefccu, halaer; — flange,/, pole by which any thil drawn up: swipe of a pump; — ftlC= fel, pi. boots of elastic leather (that stretch to the legs) ; — ftficf, n. piece. play in V'L'ue or fashion; — ltllbl, m, 'a loom ; — tail, n. towing-ca — taube, /. migratory pigeon; — tbier, ii. draught cattle ; — tbor, ti. draw- gate, gate which is closed by drawing up the door (being part of a draw- ; — tbitvi', /. d..i,r to produce draught ; — 'ikb, ». cattle fur draught ; — bogelj «i. bird of passage ; — bclf, n. wandering t ' ilie ; — lva,lCll, m. carriage attached ti the locomotive ei — rueife, adv. by troops, in columns, trains, flocks. &.c. — iVn'l'f, » flouri (in wril .Atctjivcrf ; — Wtnb, m. draught of air; [leriodical wind; — vuillbc, / pulley, draw-beam. 3 fi g a b C, /. (pi. -II I I. addition ; - thing given over and above, surplus, surplusage, something to boot ; - plement, corollary; alS — bcfoinmcn, to get to boot, get into the bargain. 3 fig affcn, v. n. (aur.. babeii) to gape at. 3figaug, m. (-tS ; pi. -gauge) i. access ; approach : 2. avenue, entry; 3. support, supply; — haben, to have access to; — pfortc, /. avenue-gate. 3 U g 5 llfl 1 1 ft), 3 I. adj. accessible ; ./if. 3fi g ii n g i g, 5 accostable; II accessibly, accostably ; — feini, to be accessible. 3 fi g ii II g 1 i d) f e i t, /. accessibility ; Jig. affability. 3itgaticrn, v. «. to close with a . with bars. 3ugc, /. (pi. -ii) rid. 3tccbi\ 3 fi g C b C 11, 7-. ir. a. i . lo add ; to give to boot or into the bargain; 2. to fol- low suit (at cards) ; 3. fig. lo grant, consent, concede, allow; to permit, yield, allow, Buffer; to own, confess ; flcin — , in be submissive; 7-/.i«. (on, feint) l to go on, to walk on, to walk faster ; 2. to move towards; :t. to shut, to clOM , 4. to come <■■> p.i>s: to happen, to be done in a certain manner, to proceed, to take place , tl'r mujl beffcr — , you must go taster: tV.lf — , to move towards; biefej SBefl gebt auf bie <3tabt 511, this way leads (or goes) tn the town : tie v l^ltllbe o,cbt §11, me wound closes ; Wit ili'ht ta* |uV bow i- s that ? wie ifi tt bamtt tiigegan= gen ' how came this to pas c« gehl uiitt mi t (Don verhten Tingen ju. that (it) is not done by anv natural 821 &W '£W SuU means, there is witchcraft in it; cfl miiBfc "lit tern SEeufeJ — , vtdg. the devil is in it. if...; fo flcftt ee mber 2Selt JU, so the world goes; fVifetg — i to end in a point. 3 U 1 1 e It, adj. broken, managed. dressed. 3 ii g e f $ fi f t, n. (-eS ; pi. -c) M. E. business transacted after ihe principal business is done. 3 fi g e f e 11 e It, v. a. fl b V, /. Mm. T. certificate of the transfer of shares to another; deed attesting such a transfer, j fi g e W fi b v C n, v. a. Min. T. to in- scribe shares in ihe name of new share- holders. 3 fi g t e fj C tt, t>. ir. I. a. to pour to ; to fill up by pouring in ; II. n. (am. fyabeit) to go on pouring, to pour on. 3 u gift, /. + »ttt 3ugabe. 30 g ig, adj. windy. 30 gig, <"!}• proper, adapted or fit for drawing (said of oxen, &.C.). 3 fi g 1 1 1 C V it, v. a. to close with a grate, with bars, to rail up. 3lig(eid), adr. 1. at the same time; 2. together, withal, conjointly, at once, all at once ; B«U Syn. ©Clliciltfdjaftltd). 3 ft f I « i d) C it, r. ir. a. to make even or smooth, to assimilate, adjust. 3 n a t e i cb f e i 11, n. (-8) co-existence. 3figt*abcit, b. I. a. to cover with earth, to inter, bury, hide Jn the ground; U. n. (aux. t)abeit) to continue digging. 822 3 fi g r e J f e 11, ►. ir. «. (aux. bnben) 1. to take hold of, lay hand upon ; to take (it) ; 2. to bear or lend a hand ; 3. fig. vulg. to fall to ; to steal, pilfer. 3 U 3 v li 11 b c v i d) t e It, n. ruining, un- doing, destruction, ruin, demolition. 3 U g U if t it, v. fam. vid. 3llfeheil. 3 fi g ii V t C 11, »!. a. to gird, buckle. 3 fi g II U, '«■ (-fK» ; pi. -gfiffe) infusion, addition. 3 tl g fi t C 1 1) 11 n, I. n. (-8) enjoyment procured either for one's self or for an- other; II. v. rcfi. I. to indulge one's self in any thing : 2. to be proud or vain of any thing (fid) tuoraiif etlvaS — ) : vulg. to think no small beer of one's self. 3 fi b a b C n, r. ir. a. I. to receive into the bargain ; 2. to have shut or locked up. 3 fi I) A d C It, v. a. 1. to fill, cover ; 2. to prepare (by hacking). 3 u b a f t e I n, v. vid. 3tibcftc!it. 3 U f> a f C It, 3iil)rtfcllt, v. a. to fasten with hooks or little hooks, to clasp. 3 fi I) A 1 t e It, v. ir. I. a. to keep shut or locked up ; to close, stop, shut ; bie .firtllf, _ to clinch the fist; eiliem bell ajtnnb, ftd& bie Dbrett — , to stop one's mouth, one's ears; II. ?i. vulg. to have illicit intercourse. 3 fi I) A It » H g, /. keeping, holding shut or closed. 3 fi b A lit HI C V It, v. a. to close by ham- mering. 3 fi b a II g e It, v. ir. n. to hang towards or to. 3 fi i) ii It g e It, v. a. to hang up, hang with curtains, to cover. 3 ii b A V t e 11, v. a. to rake up. 3 u I) a r f cb e n, v. n. (aux. feint) to close by forming a crust (of wounds). 3 fi t) a it d) e n, b. a. (einein) to breathe to or towards any one. 3 fi t) A 11 e 11, v. ir. I. a. 1. to strike, to put a stroke to ; 2. to rough-hew, form, fashion ; Jligcl)flUCne3 ifpolj, wood fashioned for use; II. «. (aux. J)vlbCH) to strike on, whip on; bail JU ! strike the blow ! 3 Q i) e f t e I It, v. a. to clasp. 3 fi t) e f t e tl, v. a. to stitch up, sew up. 3 fi t) C 1 1 e tt, v. v. (aux. fetm) : a lo button up. 3 u t ii ii V t £ ", "■ a - t0 tie ' tie U P- 3 fi t lit III C II, v. ir. 7i. (aux. fct)lt) 1. to come to, get up to, to approach, to come, arrive: 2. (impers) to belong to; to behove, become ; to suit, befit, be suitable or due ; 3. to cover (said ol horses); C8 ift lllir JltgcfiMlimelt, it came to my hands; einein ettVflS — laffeit, to let one have something, to communicate ; e8 foiltlllt lllif JU, it be- longs to me, it is my duty, my due ; il becomes me. it is fit for me ; WAS bet j?rone JllEoilllllt, what is due to the crown. 3 fi f 5 11 It e It, b. ir. n. rliipi. (aux. babcit to be able to get near. 3 fi f P V f e It, v. a. to cork up. 3 fit Oft, /. by-meat, vegetables; any thins eaten with the bread; prov gleildj ift bie befte — , meat is the best dish to meat. 3 fi £ X 0. % t If v. a. to scratch lip, scraps UP- 3 fi f v i c g e tt, v. I. a. fam. id) fann bu ^Sbiil' llicibt — , I cannot get the door to, II. n. to continue waging war, not tc desist from warring or quarrelling 3"fe 3umu 3«»f 3 fi l H fl e ( II, v. a. n. to close with kisses; to go on kissing. 3 ft l a d) e I it, v. a. d> n. l. (etiient) to smile at or on one ; 2. to continue smiling, to smile on; 3. to impart to by smiling. 3 u lad) en, ». o. «$- n. (aux. fiabcn) to laugh to, to do by a laugh. 3 fi I a d?eit, v. a. (i. u.) ctttcit Brief — , to seal a letter. 3 Til a betl, v. ir. a. T. to finish the loading; ba§ Sd)iff tutrb jugclaben, the cargo is being completed. 3 III age, /. 1. addition, increase; 2. T. (with carpenters) limber-wood squared for a house ; 3. (with butch- ers) appurtenance ; make-weight. 3ft lad en, v. a. i- n. l. etitem et= ll)rt8 — , to impart in a stammering manner; 2. to go on stammering. 3 fl I f, adv. 1. at last, last, lastly, after all, finally ; -'. the las) tune ; — gchen, to go last, be the last; ganj — , last nt 3 ft ItSy e I tt, b. a. to lisp, whisper to. 3 II l 1 1) e It, ?•. a. to solder or braze up 3n'lV, '"■ l-tt', pl.-t) sucking-bag; compos — flii|d)d)Cll, 7i. sucking bottle. 3 li 1 V e II, v. n. to suck (out of a bag. of infants . 3 U lit, abbr. for J 11 bent, rid. 3ll. 3 ft 111 Cld)( II, d. I a. to shut, close, stop ; einen Brief — , to fold up a let- ter; ben ^iocf — , to button up one's coat ; etite £f)iir fcfl — , to fasten a door ; II. n. vulg. to make haste, to move With Spec, I. 3 ft HI al, ado. especially, chiefly, prin- cipally ; — 'Id, particularly as. 3 ii m a fi, «. rid. 3ugabe. 3 ft III a 11 e l II, v. a. to close up by brickwork, mure up, wall up. 3 U 111 CI ft, ado. mostly, for the most part. 3 ft nt e ii g e it, r. rid. 3ninifd;en. 3ftnieffCll, 1. to measure to, to measure out to; 2. to ascribe, attri- bute, impute. 3 ft HI i f d) e II, v. a. to intermix, mingle, add. 3 ft m i f d) u it g, /. (,d. -en) intermix- ture, alloy. 3 li HI p e It f I' a U t, n. house-leek. 3 11 Hi p fCC 1 1 d), adj. procinc. demure, affectedly modest, prim. 3 ft 111 It nt 111 C I 11, > v. a. rid. @in= 3 ft in u iii in e n, 3 niiuniiu'ii. 3 ft HI U r 111 e I It, v. a. to mutter, to de- clare inutteringly. 3 ii muff en, v. /,-. n. fam. eUipt. lo be obliged to be shut ; tie Shiir lllUJj jll, the door must be shut. 3 ft in ut ()e it, r. n. (eineni etivaS) to expect one to possess or do ; to Rttri bute, impute, to ; to demand, iii from ; Cf llllltlict Ulir Jll IMCl JU, he evicts or requires too much of me; ba$ fault id) ibnt nidjt — , I cannoi exact or demand that of him ; I canilOl pretend tO Charge him With that. .S>>i. ^ ii in u 1 1 i n (tiiitin ttmai), IWrl.iu. g»n (tli»,i« roil tii.cin), 31 n I i ii n , n (fincn. «np.i«). UtTlongtn Heaotea tli I ■ i any one, ol « n:itii!-o lite r,-,]H.'-t m;iv be, ^ u in u: !, ,- ,i or Hitfiiincn ia 'I ,: » ,i.: ficult or Tezatl >ua, nnd which the oil rci.-i i wrong ordieadvnnl i is to I to whii h he doea not i orwidei li ntiaell bound, or the piny ;niniiihf •■ E> or aifiniKnt m doing; anfiiuicn den I sort to bo present to ilie iuw,,r,l thouglita of another, or merely to think that he alaa mu^t be t"nv -i do the am- li.r na. The first word m Iherelbre "to ex- act,*' the second u todeaira ordeauind," tne third "to requira or to pretend to." 3 ft ill tl t () U II g, /. fjrf. -eit) the expec- tation or idea we form of what a pet son can do or has done ; imputation. ;i II na d) it, I. prep next to, nean II. ado., first of all; shortly; ntir — next to me 3ft n age In, ». a. to nail up. 3 ft II a b C It, v. n. (aux. fe\)lt) to ap proach. .'i 1! 3 h e II, r. a. to sew up. 3 ft n ii E) e r, m. (-6) j 3 ft n ii i) t e r, »«. (-« ; T i. — ) \ sew(t - 3 ft n a I) ni e, /. increase, growth, in- crement, improvement, progression. 3 ft 11 a 111 C, rn. {-Ht ; pi. -II) 1. fam ily-name; 2. surname; nickname. 3 n It a 111 | e li, o. a. to confer a sur- name, to give a nickname. 3 fin a fen, v. n.r. bic 5crm nafel lid) III, the mould is stopped U P- 3 H it b b a r, adj. apt to take fire, in- flammable ; combustible. 3 11 It b b a r f e i t, /. inflammability. 3 li n b = b C d C [, 7/i T. cap [of a can- non's touch-hole ; — felb, » '/' field of tl cannon's touch-hole; — hiM<,d)cn, n I. combustible stick; 2. lucifer match ; — Eoi'll, — Eiailt, n. prime, priming- powder ; — fiia,d, /. bad filled with powder and combustibles; — lidjt, n. V. linstock; — led), n. touch-hole; — led) einei Jtiiirne, vent of a piece of ordnance; — lod)EaVl , e, /. cap over the touch hole; — papier, n. touch- paper; — pfaitlie, /. pan, touch-pan; — Vfaillienbecfel, m. T. hammer of the touch-hole; — puluer, n. priming for a gun; — liibve,/. pipe filled with gun- powder, by which the fire is communi- cated to a mine or gun ; — rnthe, / lin- stock, match ; — hiiiuainin, '" linder; — frbnur, / — jlriff, m. quick-match; —flailfle, /. firebrand, match; — » tlHirft, /. r. saucisse. 3 if 11 b e 11, r. I. ». [aux. fj&btn) to catch fire; to kindle: to inflame, take; II. a. to kindle, inflame. 3 li liber, m. (-*) 1. tinder, touch- wood, spunk; '.'. fig. cause, origin; compos. — (irtig, adj. like under; — = afdie, / Silesian pot-ashes; — banni, m. the mountain pine-tree; — breillier, in. one who prepares tender ; — biid)fe, /. tinder-box, match-box ; — erj, n. cin- der-ore ; — bol;, a. touch wood ; — l,t*p= pen, pi. tinder-clouts /. — ) fusee (of a b nil, , match, train of gunpowder. 3 li 11 be I' ha ft, adj. like tinder. 3 ft 11 e IllltCil, 0. ir. I. ». i,n,r. \)0.: ben) to increase, augment, grow; to improve, profit, tlirive, prosper; an .livafteit — , to gather strength; bcr — be iNpllb, crescent; n. ,, to add to the meshes (in ktn:t S U II etfle ll, », a. .\ ,-,:I to bend, in- cline toward-, 10 c:., 3 ft n C i g it n g, /. inclination, propen- sity, affection, good will ; fctm — g* eiliem b.ibni, to stand disaffected to one. 3 it ne ft el n, o. a. lo lace, tie up with 3 u II ft, /. (/./. 3iiiiftei company, - ciety ; club; guild, . t'ratcr- nity ; tribe ; Bed ; compos. — brief, m. aci or lull of incorporation, charter; — bud),». guild-book, mils of the guiU or corporation ; — geift, m, patty spirit spirit of caste ; — gelehl'te, m. proles sor of a faculty; — genu ft, adj. via 823 3»"3 3m 3u« -wafjig; — (jcitop, m. — glteb, n. member of a guild or corporation, freeman : — qefefe, n. law of a corpora- tion; — fcaitfi, n. hall of a guild; — - bcrr, m. magistrate or alderman pre- siding at the meetings of a corporation; — ntabl, «. corporation-dinner ; — Itlfl 5 £ig, adj. consistent with the rules and iaws of a guild : suited to a guild or corporation; — meiftcr, m. head, mas- ter or foreman of a corporation ; + tri- bune ; — nicifter.tnir, n. l.the warden- •hip or the masters of a corpora- ion, company, ?:si:d, fcc. ; 2. + tri- luneship : — vfd)t, n. laws, privi riglit of a corporation ; free- . right of being incorporated ; — = itttbe, /. hall; — oerfaffung, / eonsti ration, laws of a corporation; — 0«s fommllltig, /. meeting of the company : — seraanMc, m. vid. — gcnef; ; — »eU= ]t, tuic. after the manner of a club, . _vc. : after the manner of tribunes: — jtultltg. bl restraint imposed by the laws of a corporate society. 3 it nfter, Sunnier, m. aid. 3unftije= uo£. ^ It II f tig, adj. belonging to a guild or corporation ; corporate, incorporated ; competent: — WCltClt, to get the right of a corporation, or the freedom of a company. 3 itnf t igett, r. o. (eiiten) to admit one as a member of a corporate body. 3 it II f t i g 1 1 1 1, /. corporateness, free- dom; competence. Jtiligc, / pi. -It) 1. tongue: 2. Jig. language, speech ; ii. catch of a buckle, tongue, cock ; languet ; 4. sole (a fish) ; 5. Tun. T. head of the galley ; eilie ge= fpalteiie — , a forked tongue; Cine fdjtnete — , difficulty of speech ; bic — [ofeil, to cut the band «r ligament of the tongue ; — eilie* 1'Jaftc;, JV. T. spindle of a made-mast; Jig. bflS Wr; nufber — bvtbcil, to be open-hearted : e£ fdnvebt mif auf ber — , I have it at my tongue's end: bie ®abe fventber — n (burdi (Siugebiing beS beiltgen v5ciftc#), the gift of the tongues; lllit * cppcltCV — retell, to he double faced : 1c hit eine febr gelauftge — , she has rier tongue well oiled : vulg. citietl fiber lit — fpvingett lajfen, to backbite one ; compos. — tialpe, /. linguaform aloe: — UOber, /. .17*. ranular vein; — llbilltb, — llbailbcfccit, n. A. T. liga- ment of tl-.e tongue; — Itbeill, n. A. T. os-liyoides; — nbeilimuSfel, m. .1 T. one of the five muscles of the os-hyoi- des; — llbeiilirceig, m. .1. T. branch of the artery of the os-hyoides ; — llblrttt, 7i. 1. laurus Alexandrina; 2. Alpine goose-foot: — llblUtater, f. .I.T. ran- ular or lingual vein; — ubitcbjiabe, m. lingual letter: — Itbtefdjet, m. barrator, pettifogger, wrangler; — nbrefefcerei, /. pettifogging; — tlbtufe, /. gland of the tongue; — iteiltguitbUUQ, /. S. r. in- flammation of the tongue: — llfaul. adj vulg. tongue-tied ; — llfehler, m. fault vr °slip of the tongue : — llfcrttQ, a j loquacious; — llfifcb, m. sole: — 11= Retfd), n flesh Of the tongue ; —11 = [fftfdjlterse, m. .1 T. nerve of the hy- noglosstun ; — nfotm, /. form of a iongue: — mCu'lllig, adj. made in the form of a tongue; strap-shaped rtbett) to whistle to. 3 li V f - C i '" f ", *>■ potter's smoothing- knife ; — fctbc, /. unravelled silk. 3 lip tell, r. a. to pull, tug: to pluck; lEBoilt — , to pick wool; cineit bcim Cbl'C — , to pull one's ear: fig. prov. jupfe t id) fclbft bci ber yizic, meddle with your own business : met ficb ge= getroffen finbet, bet supfe ftcb bet bet Dulfe, whom the slipper fits, let him put it on ; baS — , plucking, pulling. unravelling, picking. 3 li V f f r, m. (-6 ; pi. — ) one who pulls, plucks, &c. 3 tip ft el, »7. '-* provine. lint. 3 ft p f I a ft e 1 11 v. a. to pave up, to cover by pacing over. 3 ft P f I ff C «, v. a. to plug up. to plough the seed under. 3 ll p f r V f C 11, v. a. to stop, cork up. 3 fl V t d) C It, v. a. to pitch up. 3 u p l a 1} e It, !•. n. (am. feint) to fal or dash precipitately ; Jig. to act preci- pitately ; to blurt out. 3 U P I U lit P C It, v. r.. (am. fc»ll) to proceed clumsily and precipitately. 3upofien, v. a. etnem b>v3 .^olj — # to count or deliver wood to any one in piles. 3 U p r e f f e ll, v. a. to press, close. 3upru gc I it, r. n. (eta. baben) to go on with cudgellirfg. 3 ii p tt 5 e t f e 11, n. (-« ; pi. — ) mason'! trowel. 3 U q U e ll C It, v. ir. 71. (auz. fes>n) to close by imbibing moisture. 3 U. q U C t f rf) e It, v. a. to squeeze up. 3 U r, abbr.for }ll btr ; vid. 3"- 3 u r « m nt e ( it, 3ftrainittctt, v. a. to ram up. 3 u r a t b e b a 1 1 li n g, /. economizing, thrift, parsimony. 3 ft r a t b e It, r ir. a. t — ntacben, to put any thing to rights, to arrange, prepare anything: — riiifcil, to bring into the right pos- ture ; — fefcen, to set, place or put r j gnt ; — roetfeil, to show the right way. to set right, to instruct, advise, ad- monish. 3 u r e d) t iv e i f e r. m. (-« ; pi. — ) on« who puts a person in the right way, gives him the necessary instructions, &c 3urerbtn>etfitng, /. (/•/• -*«fl set- ting to rights, correction ; reprimand, reproof. 3 ft r e b C, /. (pi- -tl) persuasion, admo nition. 3 ft r e b e n, «. a. &■ v. 'auz. baben) l.M %peak to; to persuade, exhort; 2. «: pacify; tittem ui etuer Seife. &v 3uru rati) — , to try :o persuaue one to take c journey, to get married ; id) babe el •[)iit nidjt pi- nub uirfjt abflcrebcr, I have neither persuaded him to it, nor dissuaded him from it; cr la'Dt fid) llicbt — , lie is not to be persuaded. 3 fi V e b C It, 11. (-8) persuasion, exhor- tation. 3 ft r c b u n fl, /. (pi. -e ii) ri/. 3urcbctt, a ; compos. — §flabe, f. faculty or pow- er of persuasion. 3 ft V C i] It e II, v. n. to shower, abound, (low in abundance. 3 ft r f i b C 111 5 r I C I, m. (-8) mortar for rough-casting. 3 fi I < i d) f U, ». I. n. to reach or hand to; If. n. (aux. babeil) to suffice, be sufficient: C$ Xtid)t lltctjt Jit, it won't do ; ber —be ©villlb, Log. T. sufficient or conclusive reason. 3 fl r C i fj e It, v. ir. a. to jerk to, to shut wiih a jerk, to close violently. 3 fi t e i 1 C 11, p. ir. I. a. to break in or manage (a horse) ; II. it. (auz. fet)tt) to rule on; nuf Scmattben or Clival — , to ride towards, turn to; CI It Vbliifl ^UflCiiiteiiCo SJJfcrb a liorse completely broken in. 3 lire it lie 11, p. ir. «. (.aux. fetynj 1. to run to ; 2. to continue running. 3iir i rfi, ii. rid. 3iivd). 3 fi r t d) f C It, p. a. to dress, prepare, fit, accommodate ; fam. to foul, soil ; to handle roughly, disfigure, spoil ; fid) — , to dirty one's sell': bit Spt'ift'tt — , to dress meat; bie SBdUciI — , (with print- er.,' to make balls; fillClt libel — , to use one ill, to give one a good dressing. 3 fi v t d) t e l', w. (-8; pt — ) dresser. 3 ft 1 1 d) t = in e i f; e I, m. rid. ®rbrot= liteijjel ; — fp.tbtie, pi. Print. T. the furniture. 3 » v i cb t 11 it fl, /. dressing, prepara- tion. 3 fi V t C g C I 11, p. a. to bolt, bolt up. 3 ll r H e It, v. n. (auz. bitten.) to be an- gry (ailf or lllit, or fiber, at or with one) ; * ettiem — , to be angry or dis- pleased with any one: * ei' gUVltU (= faflte jfintettb) biefe iilortc, he spake these words in a passion, in anger. 3 It r It C It, ii. (-8) being angry, anger. 3 fi t l( C It, 7). I. a. to roll towards ; II. 7t. (nuz. fei)ii) to roll on. 3 fie oft en, p. a. i. (aux. fcnii) to be closed by rusl ; 2. (auz. babeil) to con- tinue rusting, to increase in rust. 3 U V II if , ado. back, backward, back- wards: behind; — bit! back there I et" will It tcf>t — , he will not go back, not draw back, recede; cr ift uocb wcit — ill feiltcr JTlllift, he is still a novice in his art. 3itt' iicfbebcii, r. n. (auz. femi) to etart or shrink back; — 601' . . , to shrink from, to recoil at . . . 3 it r ii cf b e fl c b e it, r. reft, fid) — , to return, to come or go back to the same place. (Jurucfbegebre it, i. r. «. to ask or demand back, to re demand; II. ». it. to J wire to go back or to return. l j it v ii (f b c fl I c i f e it, r. n . to conduct or escort, accompany back, lo recon- duct. 3 U v ii if b e () a ( t e n, v. ir. «. to keep or hold back, to retain or detain. 3 ii v ii cf b e b a 1 1 e r, „,. (-8 ; v i. — ) detainer. 3 u v ii cf b e b a ( f it n fl, /. keeping Suri't bark, &c, retention, detention; compos — tSrcd)t, K. right of retention. 3 ii v ii cf b e f o in m e u, v. ir. a. to get or receive back again. 3 U V 11 cf b C V 11 f C It, v. ir. a. to call back, to recall. 3 it r li cf b C r U f U It fl, /. calling back, &.c, recall. 3 11 V U cf b C 5 a b ( e II, u. a. to pay back. to repay, reimburse or refund. 3 n r ii cf b e j a b I n n fl. / paying back- repayment, reimbursement. 3 U V H Cf b I a f C It, V. ir. n. to sound a retreat. 3 ll r ii Cf b I e t b C It, 7-. ir. n. I. to stay or remain behind, lo keep back : to re- main (at home) ; to be kept back; boil Ubl'CIl), to go too slow or slowly; 2. to be backward or behindhand. 3 n r ii cf b I i if, m. (-(?• ; pi. -e) retro- spection, retrospective view ; — (flltf . . ), retrospect (of a life well spent ..); —eii, 7i. ii. vid. 3uriicffef)eu. 3 U V ii cf b V i It fl e 11, p. ir. a. 1 . to bring back; 2, a to bring back; — JU . . , to bring back to..; gum (McluH'Kim — , to reduce to obedience; (tvicber; tn§ Sebeit — , to reran to life ; fi. ei= neit — (in feiiten 9Serin5gett8umjtan= belt', to reduce. 3 lit' lief beitfen, p. ir. a. to think back, to reflect on the past ; — ail 11. f. IV., to recall to memory or mind, to recollect 3 11 V li cf b r a It fl e It, v. a. to drive back, to repel ; to repress. 3 U X li cf b it V f e It, v. ir. n. to be allow- ed or permitted to return or lo come back. 3 fi V ii if e K, b. a. 4- n. (aux. fetyn) to draw or advance towards ; to draw nearer (to) ; lo draw closer together, to make room. 3 u x ii cf e v b a 1 f e it, v vid. %uxMbc- fommeit. 3 u x iicf e vi niter it, ». a. (an ({- XOaS), lo remind of; fid; — ail ll. f. IV., rid. 3urucfbeitfeii. 3 11 r lief e V fl C t) e It, v. ir. a. vid. 3»- riieffaufen. 3 11 r ii cf f a 1) r e ll, v ir. a. to drive or bring back; 77.ii. (auz. f(l)ll) I. to drive back, to repass; — liber ll. f. 10., to repass or recross ; 2. to fly back, to start (back). 3 ll r li if f a b r t, f. (pi. -en) driving or drive back. 3 u r ii cf f a 1 1 e It, p. ir. n. (nuz. ferm) i . to fall back, backwards; Opt. T. to be reflected; 3. to fall back; — (tufu.f. W., to fill back on ; — ait It. f. ro., to fall by reversion lo, to revert to ; — ill 11. f. ID., to relapse into (vice or error, &c, into a fever, &.c.) ; baS — ill 11. |. 10., relapse into (a disease from a convalescent state, into a vicious course of life, &c.) ; cut juviicfflcfaUeiici' Stilts ber, a relapser, relapse. 3 ur iicf ft it ben, t>. ir. a. ben 23efl — , to find one's way back (again) ; v. rcfi. lid) — , to find one's way back (again). 3 ur iicf f or b e r it, v. a. to demand back (again), lo redemand, lo claim again, to reclaim. 3uriicf forber uiifl, /. reclaiming, &c, reclamation, claim made. 3 it r ii cf f ii b r e it, o. a. l. to lead, car- ry, conduct or bring back, to reconduct, to reconvey: rid. 3ui'iicffabreU J 8. to carry, conduct or bring back ; — ailf li. f. iv. , to bring back, to reduce to 3uru (rules, iic.) ; to trace to, lo trace baci lo. 3 u r ii cf f ii b r u u fl, /. leading or bring ing back, &.c ; reduction. 3 U r li cf fl a b e, /. giving back, return ing, &.c , return ; reddition ; restitution 3 u r ii cf fl a u fl, in. (-eo) going bacn &.C., walk bai k ; J3sL T. rcirogradation; — (ber Diacbtflleidjcputiftc,, Atu T. prcces^i n. 3 u v ii cf fl e b e n, a ir a. t > give back, to return, to restore; bell S.tuli; — , to return. 3 U V li cf fl e b e n, p. rr. ». [aux. < to go or walk back, lo return, to re- trace one's steps : to retrograde ; (ivif= berj — iibcr u. f. w., to go or wain back over, to repass ; lo recross; ". to go back; lo go backwards; to be broken off, to fall to the ground, to be given up ; — ailf it. f. m., to go back to. 3 u r ii cf fl e I e i f c it, r. a. to reconduct. 3 it r ii cf fl c 5 o fl e n, I p n . . "f 3> n * riicft.tcbcit, retired, - I much society or from public notice' 1 ; II. adr. retiredly, in seclusion; — leben, to live a retired life, to live in seclusion. 3 ii x ii if fl e 5 o g e u b e i t, /. retired- tate of retirement, seclusion. 3 U r 1! cf () a b e n, p. ir. a. to have back. 3 it r ii cf () a 1 1 e it, v. ir. I. a. to keep or hold back, lo retain or detain ; to with- hold ; to stop ; to hold or keep back, to prevent or hinder from) ; (belt "Jltbi'lll ) — , to hold in; II. II. to keep or hold back; to be reserved, close, cautious; discreet, coy, wary or shy; — lilt' 11. f. IV., to keep or hold back. 3 It V ii cf b a 1 t C 11 b, I. part. adj. re- served, close, cautious, discreet coy , r shy; — fciui, to be reserved, &c : bal — e 23cfeu, reservedness, closi cojness, &c, vid. 3iiriicfi''.t!liii:fl ; II. adv. reservedly, &c. 3 ii r ii cf b a 1 1 u u fl, /. I. keeping or holding back, fcc ; -'. reserve, restraint, resen edm i caution, shyness, coyness; compos. — 6 s Io£, I. adj. unreserved, free, open, frank ; ll. adv. unreservedly, &c, without re- serve. 3 u r ii if b c i f d) e ft, t a. ti I 3iiriicf* for re in. 3 u r ii cf b o I e it, r. a. to fetch or call back. 3 ii r ii cf b ii f c n, r. H. (»on SPferbea), ick ; — laffen, to m ike. back. 3 11 r 11 cf f a It f, in. (-C$) repurchase, re- demption. 3 11 1' li cf f a 11 fell, v. a. to buy back, again or in. to repurchase, to redeem. 3 u r it cf f e b r, /. return, vid. 3iiicf febr. 3 ii r iicf f ebven, v. I ». (aux. fi'.'ip 1. to return, to go back, to come back , to the same place) ; '- — JU It. f. »., to return to (a slate of freedom, &c, to God, &c.) ; II. a. to Bweep back. 3 u,r ii cf f o in in e it, <• ir n. [ tux. fcl>n) 1. to come back, to return; -' — Don It. f. IV., to return from : to give up, to break off, to abandon, change or alter; er fam von feinee SDZeinung tunic?, he altered hit ;; — (W btn si?enii5flen8um(lanbeit), to go down, to fall oil' 3tl I'll Cf f 11 11 C It, r. ir n. f :hp< 1 ick, to be able to return, move i.aek, retreat, withdraw or recede ; 9. fie fottitte nid't ^iiriicf k ive» fleit ibrcfJ ^crfpredu'iie u. f. ro), sht le or recant 3 U V li ef f ll 1! f f, / returning, return. 8SS 3«nt 3m ii Bwrxt 5 u t ii a a f f « ll, e ir. a. to leave be- hind, lo abandon. 3 U V It cf I fl 11 f, m. (-C*) running back, return: Jlst. T. retrogradation ; <»««. 7'. recoil ; — [bei SBafferS), ebb, reflux. 3 II V ii if 1 II fen, c. t'r. n. (am. fctttl) to run back, lo return; Ast. 7'. to re- trograde; — (»Oin SOSafTev), to flow- back, to ebb; — (DOIt jfflltOtiett), to recoil; — b (t>l)ll Shrucil), -?. T. re- current. 3 U t'li cf I eg e II, ». a. 1. to lay aside, by, up, to put aside, by ; '-'. a. to travel, go or pass over; eiiU'lt SESetJ — , to make a way ; /?. to live, pass or ac- complish ; 35 3a$re jttriicfgdcgt bfl- belt, to have lived 3j years. 3 u r ii cf I c b it e it, o. a. /■ repulsion ; via. 3uriicfftC']tS ; compos. — Sfrctft, /. re pulsive power, repellent force. 3 It t ll if ft X fl b I C It, o. I. a. to reflect or reverberate ; II. it. (aux. fei)ll) to re- flect, to be reflected or reverberated ; III. s. n. (-S) reflection. 3 U V ii cf ft V e i f C ll, v. a. to turn or tuck up ; to put down again. 3uriicf ftiir$en, v. I. «. to plunge back, to replunge; 11. n. (aux.. fel)ll) to fall back; to replunge (into). 3 U r it (f 1 1) U n, o. ir. a. to put back ; to put black into its place. 3 It X tt cf t II C tl, o. n. to resound. 3 ur ii cf t r e t b e n, I. «. iV. a. to drive, beat or thrust back, to repel or repulse; to repercuss; — beS 2)(lttel, repellent, discutient; II. s. 7i. (-§) driving back, repulsion ; Jled. T. repercussion. 3 It X it cf t V f t C 11, v. ir. ri. (aux. fel)ll) 1. to step, stand, draw or fall Lack; Med. T. vid. 3urucffd)lflgeit ; — (t>om SFJ&tffer), to flow black; iit^ lifer — , to subside ; 2. to retract, return, recede or recant. 3 it r ii cf y e r I a n g e it, ». a. $■ n. vi'. PAys. T. re flectible, reflexible; 3 ll r ii cf ir>C vf b a V f C it. /. refle.xibiliiy. 3 II r li cf tt) (X f e U, o. ir. a. to throw oi cast back, again, aside ; to repel or re- pulse, to drive back; Phys. T. to reflect! 3 u r ii cf tt) c r f e r, ro. (-S ; pi — ) re- flector. 3 ll r li cf tt) C f f 11 ll g, / Phys. T. reflec- tion ; — Sebetie, /. Opt. T. plane of re- flection; — 6U)iufcI, m. angle of reflec- tion. 3 n r ii cf tt) i r f e it, ». n. to have i retro-active efl'ect ; — flllf .... tt re-a't upon; — b. adj. reacting, re 3W tro-active; — bc£ ®cfe|}, retrospective law. 3 II r ii cf 11) t r f It n C\, f. reaction, re- tro-action; retro-active effect 3 It I'll cf ID ll e It, v. ir. n ellipt. to want to return, to want to go or be back. 3 ii r it cf xo ii it f d; c it, v. a. to wish back ; ftd? — , to wish one's self back. 3 U V II if j (I I) I b it V, adj. repayable. 3 H V U cf J it () I e It, v. a. to pay back, to repay, to reimburse. 3 U ni cf j (if) III It g, /. paying back, &.c, repayment, re-imbursement. 3 11 r li cf J i C 1) b a V, adj. that may be withdrawn, &.c. . 3 II V li ff J i C l) C II, b. ir. La. I. to draw, pull or move back, to withdraw : 2. to withdraw ; to retract, recall, disavow, recant or unsay; to recover or redeem ; tie .jpctiib — bon ii. f. nv, to withdraw one's hand from, &.c. ; II. rrjl. to retire, retreat or withdraw, to draw or fall back; III. n. (aux. fe»ll) — (tit . . .), to return (to), to go or come back to the same place, to move back again (into). 3 II V It Cf j II (J, m. (-f 8) march back, re- treat 3 li f ii cf j ro d 11 g e It, v. a. ? to force 3 it f II Cf j ID i it cj t 11, v. ir. a. j (or Com- pel) back. 3 11 f U f, m. (-CS) call ; acclamation, ac- claim, shout of joy, cheer. 3 II V II f C tt, ?.'. ir. I. a. to call out or cry (out) to; to call to, to call up; SBftfClU — (etnem), to applaud; II. ii. 1. to call (to) ; to cheer ; — b, calling, cheering, acciamatory ; 2. to keep (on) calling. 3 Tt f it ft C H/ »• a- to prepare, arrange or furnish ; to (it out, to arm or equip. 3 II V ii ft 11 It g, /. I. preparing, prepara- tion, arrangement; 2. (;,/. -Cll) prepara- tive. 3llfcicil, v. n. to sow on; to finish sowing. 3 ii f Ct 9 f< /■ promise, word ; consent 3ftfai]eu, 1. v. a. to promise; II. it. J. to accept an invitation, to promise to come ; 2. f incut — , to agree with, to one; to please one. 3 it fci lit ill C it, adv. 1. together, all to- gether, jointly, in all; (tile — , all to- gether ; 2, (in compos.) together. 3 u f d lit lit c it b a 1 1 e It, v. a. to make into a hall. 3 n f ct nt nt e tt b e v it f e it, v. ir. a. to summon together, to convoke or as- semble. 3 H f (t lit lit Cltbc V 11 f II 11 g, / con- vocation. 3 ii fci m in c it b i e g e n, ». i>. a. to fold or bend together or up. 3 u f d in m e it b t 11 b e It, v. ir. a. to bind in- tie together or up. 3 it I'd in ill e u b i 1 1 e n, ». ir. «. to in- \ ite (together). 3 U f d nt ut e it b I a f C It, v. ir. I. a. to blow together; to unite with the blow- (ing)-pipe ; to assemble by (the) sound >t a, 1 horn nr trumpet; II. ». n. to blow or R>:nd together. 3 it f d nt in e it b r c cf) e it, v. ir. I. «. to break to pieces; to fold together; II. v. n. (mix. fei)lt) to fall in, to break down. 3 it f d in in e it b C C ll It C ll, v. ir. I. a. to burn down or to ashes; II. n. (au.t. fetltl) to be reduced to ashes, to be burnt down. 9 ii f d in in c it b v i tt o e n, v. i>. i to 3ufa inn,' or gel i igether, to gather, amass, collect or assemble ; jtifammenge= bvad)tc$ JBeiniogcil, united property or marriage-portions. 3 it f d m in e it b a r b c it, «. a. to scrape togetiier. 3 it fain in ett bo belli, v. a. r to peg together, 3,it f d in m e n b o r r e it, b. n. (aux. IC'.Mi; to shrivel (with heat), to shrivel up. 3 u f d nt in e it b r a tt g, »,.. (-c«) pres- sure, press, throng, crowd. 3 it f li in in e it bra it g e n, v. «. i. to press, throne «/■ croud together, to compress ; fid) — , to press or crowd together; 2. to compress, to crowd, to bring within narrow limits or space; (Sreignijfe bon 3ci&rf)uiiberfen, in ben ERauin cities 3J2eiifcbenlebeiie jn= fammeiigebrangt, events of cem compressed within the compass of a Bingle life. 3 n f d m in e n b v d u fj n n g, /. com- pressing, fee, compression, compressure. 3 u f d in in c u b i- e I) e 11, v. a. to twist, twine or wring. 3 n i^ m in c n b r ii cf b a c, adj. phys. T. compressible; — fcif, /. compressi- bility, compressible ness. 3 it f d in in c it b r ii cf e it, v. a. to Iiress together; to compress ; fid) — , to press together. 3 n f d mm Cll bviicf ll tt g, /. com- pression, compressure. 3 it f d m in e ii b r ii cf c r, m. (-§ ; pi. ■ — ) Ji. T. compressor. 3 ii f d m m e n b ii r f e n, v. ir. n . to be permitted or allowed to meet or come together or to see one another. 3 u f d m m e it f a b i- e it, v . ir. «. to carry, drive, convey or cart together ; (SPerfoneit), to fetch togetiier in a car- na-e; li. n. (aux. ff^tl) 1. to travel together, to ride or go together in the same coach, &c. ; (VP1I SBflgeil 11., to run or dash against each other; — b (yon ©oimciifh-tiMni n. f. 10. , converging; 3. to start (back, up), to shrink, to press together ; 4. to shrivel or shrink ; (SOU bet ilJild) , to coagu- late, vid. ©efiefjeu, ©eriuuen. 3 n f d m m e n f a 1 1, m. (-c3) falling in, &c; downfall, ruin, destruction. 3 II f d 111 lit e 11 f a II e It, o. ir. n. (aux. feint) to fall or tumble together or down, io crumble down, to fill in. to fail into ruins or to pieces ; (luni firatlfett), to sink, to fall away ; (1)011 VidjtftlMblcil I, Phys. T. to converge (into, &c); b,l$ — , Phut. T convergence; (0011 bell 5llievbii[)timt u. f. ID.), \/,. r. to meet: (Don Sttu'eii, gtetjtttffeii it. f. w.), to coincide; fcaS -"-, coincidence (of . &c). 3nf limine nfa 1 f en, r. a. to fold together or up; tic @ei]cl; — , .V. 7'. to furl. 3 it fd in in (nfa ffen, 7>. a. l. to take in one's hand, to grasp (with the band); to take close together; 2. (ill . . .) to compress (into), to re- in) ; to diaw into a smaller com- pass, to narrow (a question in discus sion, &c); to sum up; to recapitu- late; fur; or tUCjet — , to compress, narrow, abridge or shorten ; Hilt C3 Eur] jufcunmenjufaffen, to be Bhort, or succinct ; (feine ©efcaofeit) — , to collect one's thoughts; vid. ^xifam- nieiiiiebincn. 3 u f d m in e ii f t n b e n, v. ir. a. to 3afa find togetiier ; fid) — , to be found io gether; vid. 3iifiiininenEommen. 3"fd m m e n f led? ten, v. ir. n ml twist, weave, braid or plait together, la interlace; «V. 7'. to splice. 3 11 f it ill llieilfli cf Cll, v. a. |. to together . to patch, botch or piece up; 2. to patch (up) ; to tew up a man's wounds. 3 u f d in in e nf I i e f e it, v ir. n. (auz. ICllll) to flow together; to join or meet, to flow or run into one another, to mix with one another; — b, Bowing r, fcc ; confluent ; Mtd. T. MM i ; mfcit li. f. m.), confluent. 3 tt f d in in e it f I it fi, m. (-e8 ; pi. -Kife 1. a flowing together, &c ; confluence conflux ; [bti UiifiatbeS eincv Stabt) receptacle; 2. conflux (of people), col i, crowd, concourse, resort; (oor Uinftdllben ll. ?• ».), concurrence, coincidence ; it)0ll 93er6red)tll), com- plication. 3 11 f d lit 111 C 11 f p r b C r 11, r. a. to caC together, to congregate, convoke or as- semble. 3 ll f d in in e n f r i e r e n, v ir. n. (aux fcilll) to freeze together, to congeal; to contract by freezing. 3 It f d 111 lit e 11 f ii i] e ll, r. a. to join (together)] to uniie , to put or fit to- gether; to combine; to conjoin (man and woman in marriage); Oram. T. to construe; iiiirtelfi cincr Auge — , to set into a groove ; fid) — , to join. 3 it f d m m c li f ii a. e r, m. (-9 ; pi. — ) he that joins, vid. verb. 3 nfdinme nfiigiuig, /. joining, &c ; conjunction ; combination ; Gram T. construction ; 5. 7'. synthesis ; — mittelft ctnefl Sct'jeS, 7'.'mitre. 3n fd in in enfii f> r e tt. ». a. to bring or carry togetiier; vid. 3uf>lllintCllfctb = ten. 3 n f d m m e it ii, a 1 1 e n, p. a. to join, match or couple. 3 u f d in m c ii g e b e tt, v. ir. I. a. to join in matrimony, to marry ; II. v. reft. fid) — , to join, to meet. 3 it f d m in e n g e b e ii, r. ir. v. (am. fcilll) to go together; to belong to- gether; to close nr join; to go hand in hand; to shrink; toil Jtt)fi 3tm= mem n. f. to.), to communicate; [MB 93orrSt$en n. f. ».)* to diminish, to grow less, to get low. 3 it f d m in e n g e b o r e n, r . n to be long together ; — b, belonging together. 3 n f f, pirt. adj. com- pounded) eon iund ; cocs- lerm, &c .), conmlex- ed ; Jtrek. 7'. composite ; — 1$ 33ovl, compound, compound Word; Bid, 3"* fantinciifefccn. 3 ti f d in in e it g e f e fc ( b e i f, /. com pound state, complexedness, complex Iirvs. 3 it fd nt in cub a I f. m. t-i) 1. con- Bistence; force ; (DPti ferfoiiftt), union (of sentitnents 1 , agreement of minds, 3ufa 3«f« anderstanding, intelligence between two or more persons; '-'. lie. jj u f a nt m e u () a it c it, v. ir. I. n. l. to hold (well) together; 2. to hold (or keep) together, to play booty together, to assist one another; II. a. 1. to hold or keep together; 2. to compare or confront. 3 u fd ut m e u f; a 1 1 u n g, /. holding together, &.('. ; comparison. 3 U f Cl lit lit e 11 1) a It g, m. (-e8) 1 . co- herence, connexion ; Pliys. T. cohesion, adhesion; 2 fig. connexion; coherence, consistency ; Gram. T. context ; co- herence, connexion ; — bev SBegrtffe, association of ideas ; SUattgcl ail — , incolierence, want of coherence or con- nexion, inconsistency ; ol)lte — , not coherent, incoherent, loose, unconnect- ed, inconsistent, vague, desultory. Bufdmmciiijatt gen, v. ir. n. 1. to hang together, tc be connected ; Pkys. T. to cohere ; 2. to be (well) con- nected, to cohere, to suit, to agree or accord ; to hold together. 3 u f d in in e it ^ a u e it, v. «r. I. a. to mince, chop or hash together, to cut to pieces, to cut up; cillCll — , vid. Sflfos prugeln. 3 u f d in tn e n T) o it f e it, v. a. to col- lect into a heap, to heap or pile up or together, to amass, to accumulate ; fict> — , to accumulate, &c. 3 it fd in m c ii I) a it f it it ($, /. piling up, &.C., accumulation ; Ch. T. aggrega- tion. 3 u fd in m e ii % e f t en, ». a. to stitch or tack together. 3 u f d m tit e » f; c i I e it, I. v. a. C§ 2JittteI, con- solidant; II. s.n.(-S) consolidation, con- glutination, &c. 3 It f d nt lit C it 5 C t I 11 11 g, /. healing up, consolidation, conglutination. 3 U f d lit 111 e 11 () C [ f C It, v. ir. n. to unite or conspire ; to concur to one end, to agree ; Wlk8 (jttft jllfitlllllieit, Utti IMS gliitflich jit niacijeit, all things conspire to make us prosperous. 3 ii f d nt nt e ti h e tj e it, v. a. to set against one another; to set together by the ears, to set at variance. 3 u f d m m e it & e % it it Q, /. setting at variance, &.c. 3 U f d nt m C It f) I « It, v. a. to fetch together. 3 11 f d lit m e 11 i dj C n, v. a. to yoke together. 3 11 f d nt nt e it f a r g e 11, ) v. a. vid. 3 11 f d m nt e n f it (i u f c v it, 5 (Srfar* ilClt. 3 u f dm metif aueni, v. refl. fid) — , to cower or squat (together) ; vid. •ftauent. 3 u f d nt nt c 11 1 a it f c it, v. a. to buy together or up ; to forestall, to mono- polize. 3 11 f d lit lit e 11 f e 1 1 e It, v. a. 1. to chain together ; 2 fig. to link together, to con- catenate. 3 II fd m lit C 11 ft a It g, m. (-ti) I. ac- cord, consonance or harmony (of sounds), agreement (in pitch and tone), conceit, symphony ; ~.fig. accord, agree- ment, harmony. 3 11 f dm nt c tt E I a p p en, v. n. 1. to strike together ; 2. to agree or fit. 3 u f d in 111 e n f 11 1 r f cf> e it, r 1. (bie 3>it)ti< — ,) to gnash. 828 3 ii f d in m c n f u ii p f c n •. . «. to tie together, up. 3 It f d 111 lit C 11 f lit m C II, r. ir. n. (auz. feint) 1. to come together, to as- semble, convene or meet ; to get to- gether; 2. to concur; to accumulate. 3 11 f d lit in e 11 f Ii It It C tt, v. ir. n dlipt. to be able to meet or come together. 3 ii f a 111 m e 11 f p p c 1 11, v. a. to couple. 3 u f d nt m e it f r i e rij c n, ». ir. r. «. (auz. \t\)\l) 1. to creep together; to squat or croucli together; 2. to shrink (up), to shrivel. 3 It f d lit III C tt f 11 g e I It, B. refi. fid) — , to form into a ball, to ball. 3 it f d nt 111 e it f it it f t, f. ( pi. -fitnfte) meeting, assembly, convention, rendez- vous; congress; congregation; inter- view ; synod, convocation (of the clergy) ; conference ; (t>0!l ©ad)Clt), meeting, conjunction, concurrence; Ast. T. conjunction ; r)cilll(id)C — , secret meeting, conventicle ; elite — {jaltcil, to have an interview together ; etlic — vciMiiftaUfit jtuifdjen it. f. id., to bring or get together ; compos. — Sort, m. rendez-vous, place of meeting. 3u f din in en f it pp el it, v. a. to match or couple. 3 u fd 111 m e 11 1 a f f e it, ». ir. a. I. to leave together ; 2. to let come together. 3 It f d lit ill C II I a II f, m. (-ti) a flock- ing together, concourse, conflux (of people) ; mob, riot ; Q ott gov- belt), to blend; (DOtl fcer 2)iild)), to turn, to curdle, to coagulate or thicken ; II. n. s. (-8) flocking together, &c, con- centration ; G. A- Opt. T. convergence. 3 U f d 111 111 e 11 1 a It t, m. (-C8) conso- nance, harmony. 3 tt f d in m e 11 C ii it t e k, v. i. a. to ring together; II. n. to ring the bells in peal. 3 it f d in nt c 11 1 e b e it, ». n. to live together; to cohabit. 3 it f d in in e It I e g C It, v. a. to lay or put together: to make or fold up, to fold ; (Ctit 3JJe|fcr), to close, to shut ; ftd) — , to lie together ; 2. to con- tribute or club; @clb — , to club to- gether, to contribute money. 3 it f d lit lit C It t C f e It, v. ir. la. 1 . to gather, to get together, to pick up, to collect ; II. a. S,- n. to read together. 3 u f d m m e 11 1 1 e g e n, ». ir. n. (auz. fei)Il &■ b,abcit) to lie together; vid. 3iifammeiifd)!itfeit. 3 n f d nt 111 e it 111 a d) e it, ». a. to put together, to pack up (together) to do up. 3 it f d m m e n in 6 g e u, v. ir. n. ei/ipt. to like to be or live together ; vid. 3lt ; fctmmenrooUen. 3 it f d m nt e tt in it it b e it, v. n. a. r. to inosculate (with, &c). 3 it f d in in e tt m ii 11 b n 11 g, /. a. t. inosculation, anastomosy. 3 11 f d in nt tnm ii f f c 11, v. v: n. eihpt. fte miiffni jufaininen, they must be united, must be together. 3»fa 3 H f d 111 111 l tt II h f> e It, 1; a. to sen together. 3 n f d in m c n it e I) nt e it, ». ir. 1. a. 1. to take together, to take up, to gathei up (one's cloak, &x.) ; to gather : 2. tc take together or collectively ; biefc It lit* flanbe jtifiitnmengettommett, (ftc^l 111 (lit It. f. ID.), when these circum- stances are taken together ; 3l(lc§ Jlt» failimeiuicnciltllieit, taking every thing collectively or into account, consider- ing every thing ; fcinc ©ebattfeit — , belt Jtopf — , to collect one's self or one's thoughts ; II. refi. to gather one's self up, to collect one's self, to show one's self a man. 3 it \^ nt m c it r b n e n, v. a. to ar range together ; to classify. 3 U f d lit in e It X b n U It g, /. arrange- ment, classification. 3 11 f d 111 nt e 11 \> a a x e It, ». a. to match or pair, to mate or couple. 3 u f ctin 111 e up acfen, v. a. to pacx up (together), to do up. 3 11 f d nt m e up a f f e tt, ». I. a. to ad- just together, to fit, match, adapt or suit; II. 71. to agree together, to go well together, to fit, to suit each other ; — lit 1 1 U. f. ID., to agree, accord, match, suit, correspond or square with, &c. 3 11 f d nt m c 11 p I ii tt b e x n, v. a. vid. (Srpliitibesn. 3 it fd m m en pre f f c tt, v. a. to press or crowd together ; to compress; ficb — , to press together, against one another, to crowd together. 3 u f dm m e it p x e f f u n g, /. press- ing together ; compression, compies- sure. 3 U f d 111 m e It t it f f e It, v. I. a. to rake up together, to snatch up; to press or hurry together ; II. refl. to rouse one'a self, to gather one's self up. 3 u famine it re d)iien, v. a. s- n. to count together, to reckon, cast 01 sum up, to add together, to compute, to suppute ; to calculate ; Ar. T. to add; — lltit It. f. to., to settle an ac- count with, to reckon with; 3lUe8 jits famntcitgcredmet, tocuu man SlQefl jiifamnieiiredjitct, vid. 3ufammeri> tie i) ntc it. 3 it f d in in c it r c i fi e it, v. ir. I. «. to tear up; (.tpdtlfer 11. f. n).), to pull down; jufanintciigciiffeit fetytt, to be torn up or to tatters; II. n. (auz. \tt)\V, to fall to rags. 3 it f d nt m e n r e 1 1 e it, »>. i>. i. ». (avz. fei^ll) to ride together ; II. a. to knock up by (hard) riding. 3 it fdmme it rid) ten, ». a. to reg- ulate or adjust together; (toil ttbveil 1 , to set together. 3 11 f d lit lit C It f t It g C I It, v. I. a. to curl; to coil (up); 11. refl. to curl ; to coil up. 3 it fdm men roll en, v. a. Sr refl. to roll up, together; to coil (up) ; to curl; fid; — , (vOtt ©cbtangen) to coil (itself) up. 3 11 f d in m e tt r 1 1 e it, ». refl. fid; — , to troop together, to collect in bands ; to plot or conspire ; vid. SJotteil. 3 it f d nt 111 e n r ii (f c it, v. a. <5- n. (auz fettlt) to draw nearer, to move together ; (15011 ^Cl'fottCtt), to stand or sit closet 3 it fd lit lit C II r II f, m. (-C3) calling to- gether, convocation. 3 it f d nt nt e it r tt f e it, ». ir. L n. to call together ; II. a. to call together to convoke. 3«fa 3«[a 3 u fa m m e n f ii I) * e It. »■ <"• v^i fi: to whip; to stir up togetlicr. 3 it f a nt m e n r u it } e 1 n, v. n. (cau. fetylt) <<• a. to wrinkle ; to knit (the brows). 3 U f d m lit e It f a b e I it, v. a. to sabre. 3 u f d in in f r. f d) a f f e It, v. a. to col- lect (together), to pile or heap up, to amass or accumulate. 3 ufdmntcnf (barren, ». a. I. to scrape together; 2. to scrape to- gether, to accumulate. 3 it f d in menfcbarre v, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) he that scrapes together, accumu- lator. 3 u f a in in c ii f d) a ii (b) e r it, v. n. {kux. fet)ii) to shudder, 3 it famine nf d) i cf en, v. L a. to Bend together ; U.refl. fid) — , to agree together; vid. Sufammenpajfen. 3 ti f d m m e ii f d) i e jj e n, ». iV. I. a. I. to destroy by shooting, to batter down, vid. (Siufcbieijeu ; infant* ineiigefcbeffeii roerben, to be shot; to be crippled ; (Sorilien) Tup. T. to set; 2. Q)eli> — , vid. 3ufaiiuiteiili'gcu ; .t n. 1. to shoot together; 2. (mix. fi'Ptl) to shoot or dart together; — b M»0H ©tVClhlcil), convergent. 3 u f d 111 in c 11 f rb 1 a g e ii, «. ir. I. «. J. to strike or beat together; to beat w «r in pieces, to knock or beat up ; lo put up; to fold ; to pound, to ram; T. to join (several pieces) ; Typ.T. to gather; T. to baste; to make; (bic •firhtbe) to clasp ; bte^dnbe fiber bent Jtopfe — , to despair, to lament; (cill 53i'tt 11. f ID.), to put up; 2. to unite, lo join (togeUw) ; II. n. (aire. fetyll) 1. liber (you 2Befler.\ tonn, dash, beat or break over, &c. ; t<; overwhelm, to close over ; 2. to dash down. 3 u f d in in c it f d) nt e i fi e it, ». ?>. a. vulg. to fling down ; to dash in pieces; vid. 3ufainmcnn*erfen. 3 u f d in in e it f cb in e I j e it, v. I. n. to smelt (together), to melt up (together), to dissolve, to melt away, to liquefy ; II. ir. n. [must, fetyll) 1. to melt away, up, to be melted, to dissolve, 2. to melt away, to dissolve, to diminish, to be broken, to be reduced; to dwindle away. 3 ii f d in m e n f cb in e 1 5 u ii g, f. melt- ing together ; diminution. 3 it f d mine ii feb m i e gc it, v. rrji. \ld) — , to press together, against one another. 3 u f d nt in c it f cb m i e r e it, o. «. to compile, to jumble together or up, to scribble. 3 u f d in in e u f cb n e t b e II, v. ir. a. to cut up together. 3 n fd ill men f cbniiveii, v. a. to lie or lace together ; fciil Suilbel, — , to pack up one's bundle, one's things : eiiiem ben .<>il3 — , i.-iU 3iifd;niircii. 3 n f d m in e n f cb n n r r e it, c. n. vid. 3'.;faii!iiicii|'d)niiiipfcn. Ju fd mine n f cb reef en, v. ir. n. aux. fclin' lo shrink or start, to startle, to be Startled or scared. 3 u f d m in e n f d) r e i b c it, ». ir. a. to wriie (together) ; to compile. 3 it f d m in m e it f cb r e i e it, ». ir. I a. to call together, to convoke ; II. n. to cry together, to scream, &x. in concert. 3nf d nt in nt feb runt v> feu, v. ». (aur. feilll) to shrink (up, together), t.i wrinkle no. to shrivel (up); to con- tract; (ucn SBIittttrn) to curl up. 3u famine nfch wet f) en, v. a to weld (together). 3ufdm men f efcbar, a n it g, /. i . putting together, construction, composition, combination; constitution; 2. (pi. -eit) compound. 3 u famine u fi n gen, r. ir. I n. to sing together, in chorus ; II. a. to collect by singing. 3 II f d lit ill e II f t 11 f e It, v. ir. it. (anr. fe\)ll) I. to fall gradually, to sink down ; 2. to sink, fall, decline or decay, to sink into ruin. 3 ii f d in m e n f i % e it, v. ir. n. (aux. feint) to sit together. 3 u f d in in e it f o 1 1 c n, v. n. vid. 3u= faininenmiiffen. 3 it f a in m c u f p a r e ii, o. a. vid. @r« fyarsit. 3 u f a m m e n f p t c ( c n, v. I. ti. to play together ; II. a. to get or acquire by playing. 3 u fd in in en ft e cbe it, v. ir. a. I, to sew or stitch together ; 2. to poniard. 3 U f d ill 111 C It ft C if C It, v. a. to put or stick together; tit Jtopfe — , to lay their, &.C. heads together. 3 u f d in m e it ft e [) e It, v. ir. n. (aux. fetylt) 1. to stand or be together; 2. to associate, to unite (in company) ; to agree together; gilt — , to be on good terms; to fit ; vid. 3ltfa'lllllCllpilf|"eit. 3 u f d lit lit c n ft e 1; ( C It, v. ir. a. vid. (5rfter>len. 3 It f d m m e n ft c 1 [ c n, v. a. to put or place together; to group; to confront or compare, to parallel. 3 ti f d ill in c it ft c 1 1 it it g, /. (/,! -en putting together; comparison, parallel; group. 3 ii f Ct in nt e it ft e u e r tt, v. a. to con- tribute. 3 ii fd m me n ft i mine u, o. I. a. to tune together; II. n. 1, to be in con- cord, to agree in sounds, to harmonize ; — mit . . ., to be in tune with; liicbt — , to jar, not to harmonize; nicbt — mit . tune with ; 2. agree ; uicbt — , (with) ; — b, /> i/7. ., to be out of o harmonize, to :o disagree, to jar ij. congruous. 3 ii fd in in c uft i in inn n g, /. l. tuning together; 2. harmony, concert, accord. 3 ii f a in m e u ft o p p c l c i, / (;,/. -en) patching together compilation. 3u fd mm en ft o p p e lit, »•. «. to patch together, bi botch up, to compile. 3 u f d m in e n ft e p p I c r, vi. (-8 ; pi. — ) compiler. 3 II *d in 11! e It ft fl, m. (-eS) 1. a strik- ing .ogctber, clashing, a running against each other, meeting, shock, clash ; en- counter; collision; 'J. collision (of in- terests or of parties), opposition, inter- ference, clash, conflict. 3 II f d 111 lit C 11 ft V C 11, v. ir. L a. 1. to strike, knock, dash or push together; to ram or pound, to pound up (togethei I : to beat out ; 7*. to join ; to sew or stitch together; bie ©Infer — , to touch glasses: (Xifcfae, U. f. IV.) — , to push together: 2. to break (into many pieces), to shatter ; (iiber rcu ^auffll ftopeil), to upset, overset or overturn ; ,3ufa II. ti. (aux. lepit' 1. lostrikt. bit, knock or dash together, to run against each other, to drive against each other with force, to dash, 10 come in'to) contact ; (»Oll .<3eeretl) to meet, to encounter, to rush together in combat; to con- flict; .V T. to run (fall) foul of each other, to run against eacli other ; 2. to be in opposition, to be contradictory, to conflict with eaih oilier, to dash ; 1). to touch (or to run into) each other, to be adjacent or contiguous, to meet, to confine on, to border (up)on, to abut, ti join; .1. T. to inosculate; (fid) »er= cinigeit, toon .§eeieu), to effect a junction. 3 u f d in m e u ft r e i cb t It. v ir. o. I. vid. (Siuftrcidjen; 2. to cancel, to shorten or abridge by cancelling, by striking out or off*, by expunging. 3 U f d lit 111 e II ft r [> m C II, I. r. n. (aux- frVHl) to flow together ; to meet ; (son JDJeilfcbeil) to flock or crowd together; II. s. n. (-6) conflux. 3 u fdmm en ft iicf e ( I ) ii, r. c. to piece (together). 3 ii f d m in e it ft ii r j e It, v. n. (aux. fetyll) to fall in or down. 3 u f d m m e n f ti cb e n, r. a to gathet or collect (together). 3 It f d 111 111 C II f II 111 111 C It, ) D. Did. 3 ii \\\ in m c u f ii in m i r e ii, j 3"fams mcmt'cbiicii. 3 II f d 111 111 e II t f) U II, B. ir. a. to put together, to join or mix J fid) — , to as- sociate, to unite (in company). 3 u f d m in e it t v a g, m. (-6) vid. 3u*= fanimeiitiMgiing. 3 u f d in in e it t r a g e it, ». ir. a. l. ta carry or bring together, to gather; 3. to compile ; to collect. 3 u f d in m e it t r a g u it g, /. carryhig together ; compilation ; coll 3 u f d m m c tt t r e f f c u, I n ir n . (aux. fei)ii) l. to meet; (son §e«en) to meet, to encounter, vid. 3 l lfailimrit = ftofjeil ; 2. (lllit . . .), to concur or coincide (with) ; O. T. to coincide (with) ; II. 7t. (-'?) meeting ; encounter; concurrence, coincidence ; (1 T. coin- cidence; Ojit. A- .1 '/'. decussation, coincidence ; — (bef fHbfrn), inoscu- lation, anastomosis; — (btt i^egtifff, bet ©ebnitfen), Bimultaneousnesa, 3 tt f d ill in e n t r c f f u u (| i p u i: F t, 77i. (-tS ; jd -e) T. point of coincidence or decussation. 3 h f d in in e ii t r e i b c it, «. , r . a. t« drive together; Sp '/'. to beat up; (©cbiilben, ii. f. n>0 —i to ci nect, tc get in, oid. CMUtrcibni. 3 it fd ill me ii t re t e u, >• .>. I. a te tread down, to pieces ; to tread in ; II 71. (mix. feiiM) to meet or join : io as sociate, to unite (in society, in coin- pany) ; S. V to coal 3 it f a m m en trttt fe n, i v. ir. n. u drink or tipple together ; II. 7i.(-8) com- potation. 3 U f d ill in c n f r i 1 1, m. (-C3) meet ing. association, congress. 3 u f d in in e ii t r o if it e n, v. n. (aux. fet^ll) to dry up, 3 llfdllt lUCU IV .1 d) fi II. I. r. ,r. n. (our. re^lt) to grow together, up; to concrete ; s a'- . / 7". tn coalesce ; jiu famineiijjcroctrfcfene Sfofftltfit, ®t,uib« fabeil, concretions, connate stamina: II. *-. h. (-S) growin - 'ucreB- cence. concrement, concretion ; S. T coalescence ; A. T. coalescence, oblite- ration. 62S 3ufa 3 uf\im in ( 11 wol f en, d. a. 1. to lull, felt ; 9. fig. oulg. to mill, to !■ i a mummy. S ufdiitinen to a [5 cit, v. I. n. to traits together ; II. a. to roll down. 3 it f d 111 m e 11 to c r f e it, v. ir. a. to throw together, into a heap, down; to dash in , 3 u fd m m e 11 w iff el it, v. a. to mil together, to roll, wrap or wind up. 3 U fd ill lit CIITO ir felt, r. n. to act together, to co-operate ; — $11. It. f. 10., to co-operate in. to concur in (produ- cing the same elfect, &c), to conspire to. 3 u f d m m e it to t r r e it, 0. a. to en- lanule or embroil. 3 It f d ill ill e II TO I I e It, 0. ir. n. clUpt. to want (or like' 1 to he (or live) tojeih er; (Tinge, bit) llicbt — , won't unite or mix, won't (or don't) do together. 3 U f A 111 lit C 11 TO 11 cb e r It, r. a. to amass or gain hy (practising) usury. 3 U f a in 111 e 11 to u d) s, ,„. (_ e §) „,- a r r C II, o. a. to cover or fill up by scraping something over. 3iifrf>aueii, v. 71. {aur. babm) to look at. 3 U f d) A It C r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) spec- tator. 3 fi f d) A U C V t II It, /. (pi. -eit) spec- tatress. 3 U f ft a It fe I It, r. a. I. to close by shovelling ; 2. to fill up by means of a shovel. 3 u f d) e i b e n, r. vid. 3utf)ci[cit. 3 fi f d) t cf C It, v. a. to send to j vulg. to prepare; einent ctiieu 3?pfeit — , to send one a messenger ; baS llltr |tl= flC|Miicfte SPafeffbeit, the packet for- warded to me. 3 fi f d) t C b e It, 0. ir. I. a. to shove, push to ; to close ; ben 9(iei)e[ — , to shut the bolt ; fig. eilieilt belt (Sib — , to tender an oath to one ; II. n. (aux. babeil) to begin to throw or push; to push on; to shove on. 3 fi f d) i e f; c It, r. ir. I. a to add ; tiocb jroattjtg Ibaler— , to add twenty dol- lars more; II. 7i. (aux. babci!) to give fire; OUf cilietl — , to shoot at one; to rush upon one. 3fifrfatf felt, v.n. (with dat.) to sail for or towards (a coast, &c.) ; oid. 3u= fiibreit. 3ufcblag, m. I. act of knocking down a thing to a bidder (at a sale), bargain struck, adjudication ; -2. supply to make up a certain sum ; 3. addi- tional payment. 3 fi f Cb I a g e tl, 0. ir. La. 1. to clap to ; to shut by force; S. to strike a bar- gain, to adjudge (at a sale) ; 3. T. to allay, mix fmetals) : eiliem bie Xbiir »pr ber Stafe — , to shut the door in one's face; eiiicnt iit ber i>erfteige= rung ehvaS — , to knock down a thing to one in an auction : It n. (aux. babeit) 1. to strike hard, to strike stoutly ; 2. to go en striking or beat- ing ; 3. (eiiienu to agree with (as to health), to benefit, turn out well. 3 ft f rf) [ d g C r, m. (-§ ; pL — ) a beat- er, striker. 3 ft f d) I a g e 111 c f f er, n (-3 ; P i. — ) pocket-knife, clasp knife. 3ufrbIonunen, „. 1. a . t0 close or stop with mud ; II. n . (aux. felllt) to be choked with mud. 3 fi f cb I e t e r tt, 0. a . vid. SSerfb^Ietetit. Sfifdilcifeit, 1. to sharpen or set a knife ; 2. 3uf$felftlt, vid. 3u = frbleppen. 3fifcb 1 C p V C It, 0. a. to carry to, to procure. 3 fi f cb ( i c r c n, v. a. .V. T. to jamb. 3fi ffblieseu, v. ,r. a. to lock up, shut up, close. 3m 3 fi f cb 1 i II g e It, 0. ir. I. a. to tightet the noose or springe ; II. n. to swallow greedily, continue to swallow. 3 fi f cb lit C i 9 C It, 71. ir. a. wig. to throw or fling to ; bte St)" 1 " — 1 to slam tho door. 3 fi f cb ill c 1 1 c r It, 0. I. a. rid. 3iin>cr< feu ; II. 7t. to continue to sound 07 blast (said of trumpets). 3 fi f cb m i e g e it, v. reft. 1. to approach close to a person ; 2. to insinuate one's self into a person's favour. 3ufcb llli ercil, 0. a. to smear up, daub over. 3 fi f cb It A 1 1 e II, v. a to buckle, strap up. _ 3 fi f cb II A \> V C It, 0. I. a. to snap at or to ; II. 7(. (aux. fevjn) to shut with a snap. 3 fi f cb it e i b r - b r e t r, n. t. taiior'n shop-board, cutling-board ; — [eifte, / glazier's ruler; — Ilicffer, 71. cutting- out-knife ; — lltcbet, m. box for cutting the shanks (of pins) ; — tihi), 771. vid, — brett. 3 fi f cb 11 e i b e 11, v. ir. I. o. to cut out , einent criuaS — , to cut out work for one; cinem baS 33ro& fargJtcb — , to give one a scanty allowance of bread ; It. n. (aux. fyaben) to cut on, to go on cutting. 3fifcblietber, m. (~S; pi. — ) tai- lor's foreman, cutter. 3 fi f cb it e i e it, 0. vid. Skrfcbncier:. 3 fi f cb 11 C 1 [ C II, v a. to fling to, fillip towards. 3 ft f cb 11 i 1 1, 77i. (-8) cut;ing-out ; cut . Jig. pattern: fig. btcfer 3ttcnfd) bat CI uen fonberbaren — , this man has sic gular manners, is a queertish. 3 fi f cb 11 ii r e ti, 0. a. to lace ; cinem •bie Jlef)le — , to throttle one. 3 fi f cb r a it b e n. v. I. a. to screw up IL n. (aux. bilbill) to screw on. 3 fi f cb V e i b e It, r. ir. La. 1. to write to ; 2. (f ilieill CtroaS) to dedicate ; a to ascribe, attribute, impute ; 4. to put to one's credit ; II. >i. ^aux. babcn) to write on. 3fifcbrcien, v. ir. I. a. to make known, impart by shouting: II. 71. (aux. babeit) to cry upon or to, to call to, on. 3 fi f cb f e 1 1 C II, r. ir. n. 1. to march or ruaffer — , to walk at a good pace ; to put one's leg foremost. 3 fi f d) r i f t, /. (pi. -en) 1 . writing letter, epistle ; 2. dedication. 3fifcb refer, m. (-8; P i. — ) pro vine, butcher. 3fi fell it re 11, 7-. a. to feed the fire, K add fuel to the fire; fig. to stir up. 3 ft f cf) « v. m. (-ffe«; P '. -ftbiiffe) 1. addition, supply ; additional or supple- mental allowance; bonus, gratuity extra payment or sum ; 2. contrihu tion ; 3. Print. T. — or compos. — btM gen, m. pi. extra-quires, extra sheets ; — * llhlbl, 71. pick-nick; — pOPter, n. 7'u;> T. wr.ste; — fteucr, /. additional tax, — tage, pi. Ckron. T. the epacts. 3 ii f cb it f t e 11, 0. a. to fi:i up with : to pour to ; to heap up. 3 11 f cb W a r c n, 0. ir. n. {aux. ftt)\i) u close by ulceration or suppuration. 3 u f dj n> e II e it, v. ir. 71. (aux. fepn) u close by swelling. 3«fl» 3 ii f d) »v i m m c ii, v. ir. ii. [mux. feyn) to swim towards. 3 fl f d) iU 6 r e It, v. ir. «. to swear to, to assure by an oath. 3 fife Q C I n, r. ,i. I. (aaz. fciill) to sail, bear towards; ^X^Z auf ceil geiltb — , to hear straight towards the enemy ; 2. to keep on Bailing; fcbucll — , to crowd sail. 5 Ii f C f) C It, v. ir. n. {aux. () flic bid) felbft JU! look to yourself! man lituu nod) etn wenig — , one must wait a little longer. 3 ii f e t) e a b, 3fi fe&enbS, 3'"' Mens, ado. visibly, evidently; btefer Jtiiabe njadjft — , one can almost see this boy grow. 3 ii f e f) e r, 771. 3fifeljertnit, /. vid. 3"= f chance. 3 ii f e tl b eil, ». ir. (S- reg. a. to send to, remit to, to convey to, forward, to COIlsi.'ll. 3 ii f e it b e r, m. (-8 ; ;ifeCll, v.) sharpening, pointing, tapering off; point; compos — sfliid)cti, pi. terminal points Of a crystal ; — 6filllfCII, pi. terminal 1 dges of a crystal. 3fi f p r a d) c, /. vid. 3iifpntd). 3 ii f V r e d) C ll. b, ir. I. a. I. to instil by speaking; -' to adjudge ; 3JJutl) — , to encourage, cheer; Xt'pft — , to com fort; iicrichtlich ciucin tttoai — , to adjudge, adjudicate; II. n. (aux. hilbeil) Bull (ciitem) to address, accost one ; to speak to one; bti cilKlll or cillCUl — , to call in or upon one, pay a short visit. 3 fi f p r c d) 11 11 g, /. rid. 3nfpnid) ; gectcbtlicbe — , adjudication; compos. — Sut'ttjcil, n. sentence of adjudica- tion. 3 fifprettflc 11, v. n. auf ciiu'ii or ct= teas — , to dash (on horseback) at or towards any persor. or thing, to gallop up to. 3 fl f P V i It fl e It, v. ir. 71. (aux. fetyn) 1. to spring or leap forward ; hasten to or in; 2. (of locks) to shut suddenly, to catch with a spring. 3 ft f p r u cb, m. (-cs ; pi. -fpriid)c) 1. encouragement; consolation ; exhorta- tion; i.'. call, short visit; — toil .ftllllbcil b»tbeit, to have a run of cus- tomers. 3 fi f>ftn be 11, ». a. to hung up. 3 fl ft (I HI 111 C I II, v. a. to stammer to. 3 " fl rt ll b, m. (-c«; pi. -ftatlbe) con- dition, state, situation, case; vid. Sijn. Sage ; compos. — emovt, n. Oram. T. neuter verb. 3 II ft ii 11 b I fl, adj. appertaining, belong- ing ; suitable, becoming; competent. 3 fi ft a II b i fl f e i t, /. property ; com- petence. 3 fi ft a It b I i fb, adj. Gram. T. — C6 3eitn>orf, neuter verb. 3 II ft ii t I C II f lit lit C II, vid. under Statt. 3 ii ft c d) e it, v. ir. I. n. (auz. fjabctt) to thrust on; II. a. to sew up; to stitch on or up. 3 ft ft C J C II, B. a. 1. to pin, pin up ; 2. to stop ; 3. to convey or impart secretly; ScinatlbCIH ttnai — , to slip into one's hands, convey to stealingly; 3 f Hiail= bent ciu ©tfid (@clb) —', to tip one a sum. 3 fi ft c I) c 11, b. ir. n. (am. babnt) (S impers. in be becoming ; to he incumbent on; C6 ftcbt il)lll JU, it becomes him; it is his due. 3 fl ft e 11 C II, v n. 1 . to shut by putting before; 2. to hand to, deliver, pn fitter 'ferfou or @a<$e ©Iflllben — , to give one credit, believe something. 3fi fl c r b c 11, b. ir. n. (auz febn) to devolve upon a person by the death of another. 3 fi ft c u e r, /. additional contribution. 3 fi ft e II cm, 1: la. to contribute; II. n. (aux. fei)lU to steer one's course, to steer up to. 3 fift int me 11, v. n. (auz. babcu) to agree to ; to const nt 3 U ft i I" 111 II II fl, /. consent ; bie ftl'II- fdiipciflcnbc — , acquiescence. 3 fl ft l> f e It, V. a 10 Stop lip, Close J to cork : CIU Sod) — , to mend, make up a hole. 3 fi ft p f e ( n, v. a. to cork. 3 II ft fj C II, r. ir. I. a. to shut ; II. n. I. (aux, bnben) [,, push on, thrust on ; 3. [auz. tc.ui) to iiet'ai, happen, 3 fi ft l' C i d) C ll, v. ir. I. 0. to smear up, to close by smearing or spreading over ; II. n. (aux, iMbcit : to smear on. 3 ii it 1 nt, wi. (-c8) afflux, concourse. 3 fift r out e 11. b. n. lauz. fc.m) to stream, How or redound to. 3 11 ft fl 1 P C II, v. a. 10 cover with a lid. 3 fi ftii vine 11, n. v. [aux. fe^u) I. to rush in u[ioi^; -J to storm on. 3 II ft ill' J C II. 1: I. «. to fill up (with earth, &C.) ; II. n. (auz. fe«ll) 1. to rush 3utr on; 2 to rush towards mf I inert — , to run or rush upon one. 3"ftllftcn, B. a. to polish, fashion instruct, discipline ; eiiieu juitflcn 2)?Cllfd}eit — , to polish a young man, tn 1 plish the rough diamond ; eiiieu iBebtenten — , to tram a servant, 3 fi t il f C 1 II, r. a. .V. T. to rig B mast 3 fit a v pen, ;•. a. (aux. babtn) to grope, fumble, lay hold of clumsily or awkwardly. 3 fi tip p t f d), adj. awkward, blockish. 3 fi t a u m e 1 11, r. v. ( auf cfnms — ) to reel up to or towards something. 3 "that, / (pi. -eil) 1. addition; 2. necessaries; ingredient; furniture. 3 II 1 1) ii t i fl, I. adj. obliging, officious, kind, attached; II. ado. obligingly, of- ficiously, kindly. 3 fl 1 1) il t i fl F e i t, /. ofliciousness, in sinuation, attachment. 3 fi t b c i 1 e tt, b. a. to allot, assign, im part, distribute, parcel out. 3 fi t b e i 1 ll It fl, /. distribution, adjudi- cation. 3 fi t b 11 e r i f cb, adj. cont. insinuating llattering. 3 fi t b ii 1 i rb, adj. 3ritbiukbfeit, /. vid. 3utbatig, sutyattgEeit 3 fl t b 11 11, r. ir. La, 1. to close, shut ; 2. to add, adjoin ; 3. to furnish the ma- terials 10 any article of manufacture, id) babe bie ganje SJladjt fein Sluge Jltfletbfllt, I did not sleep a wink all night; II. ir. rcfl. to insinuate ur in- gratiate one's self (into the affections of any one) ; eillflll UlflCtbail fci)U, to be attached to a person. 3 fi t f) U tt, n. (-8) assistance, help. 3 fi t r a b c n, ?'. 71. 1. to trot up to (arf etllMS or cillCII) ; 2. to trot on or away ; to keep trotting on. 3 fi till flC It, r. ir. I. a. to carry to, bring; jig- oulg, to report; II. reft, to happen, fall out, come to pass, to tiianee. Syn. 3 u trust* (fid)), »«fd)«6»«, C 1. ft ft) tn, Uorfallcn. OUiJ'tliti. (t<> happen, t»ke placi nta nr rlmnges; It ifl tli-- result ol doinjs, If any one ,1 tliinj, it sffdiifbi (tHk^s place)! e. g. »] i l'(t)<"(ilone)." The same ia exprei \tbtn (to come to pau), but with the j'lint idea, hint that which Diraebl i -,on and interest Precisely this extent of mei po".-^„-,| aim | IV ri'i f.uitii (to fall out or upon), but witU Uie secondary uVa, that that which rcrf.iui (happens), happen! unax- which cm nes peculiar attention, a!i.-rs Uie Mate of things, and with which a longer successiou of< bancea (bunded on it ami i Miter, begins — ppens, betiilea) ; it is a MfgfOtiibtil (event, incident). When one coi • k Hi respect to its ■ -. whether it is regarded u an effect • red sld a mere effect of chance, then mie says, it has fid; (u. O.rr.ijcn (has been brought about). 1> is, turns out (ir.i4t hd» a >• |, that conUnued rainj weather »| harvest Crcignt n (to befsl) is usel in speak as, m a. far ns tliey bave theii | luencesi ami hen ai Uie entry of the km-r. the cham s occurred, it happened I j brote, by whii b i theii l.ves. 3fitv;iflcv, m. -8; pi.—) —inn,/ r. tell tale. 3fi t'.'.'t fj i vet, ■; id -en) practice of insinuating one's si if by telling the faults of fellow-servani 3 U 1 1 a fl I i di, I. adj. useful, eood. pro- nducive ; II. ndn usefully, profits tnl geously, -•■i-iim, XBaiitk 1 bese cle ir, the fir»t n the secocd " wbolesiine." Ihe tliirj » useful." 3 ii t r ii fl 1 i cb f c i f, / conducivenew usefulness, advantage) isnesa i3l 3m>o 3«»» 3a>an 3 fi t r a u c 11, ?•. a ((incut cttuaS) 1. to jive one credit for. expect from him ; .'. to trust, to confide in, rely upon, de. nend upon; bo« tictne icb t^in lli$t jit, I don'i believe him capable of that; man traut ibm nicbt met ®ute8 ju, no very good opinion is entertained of him ; Bid. Syn. SGertvaueit. 3 U t ra 11 Clt, n. (-& 1 trust, confidence, dependence. 3 U t V a 11 1 I d), I. «3rberfl, adv. before all, first of all, in the first place. 3 U »0 V t 111 lit C It, v. ir. n. [auz. fl'ttll) with dat. 10 anticipate'; to prevent ; jig. cilifi - i£acbc — , to prevent, anticipate, obviate a thing ; eilieilt — , to prevent one, to be beforehand with one. 3u y V f lit lit C It b, adj. 1. preventing ; 832 2. obliging, complaisant, polite, antici- pating. 3 » y r I a U f C It, t>. ir. n. (auz. fciMt) to outrun, outstrip. 3ttyOVtbUlt, v. ir. a. (fO ciltCltl) to surpass, excel, outdo, prevail ; Cf tlutt eS ibin an Sreigebt'gfeit, (ibelituub JltyOl", he outvies him in liberality, in generosity. 3 lift) ad) 8, m. (-CS) 1. increase, acces- sion, augment ; 2. growth, produce ; — ait 3?ul)llt, augmentation of glory; com- pos. — Vfrflt, n, L.T. right to the allu- vial eartli. 3 " W a rf) f C It, B. ir. n. (auz. fcVjll) 1. to be covered or closed by overgrowing ; 2. to heal up, consolidate, close (said of wounds); 3. to accrue; to grow (for the use of). 3 fi ty ci fl C II, v. ir. a. to weigh to. 3 U Vt> a I } e tt, v. n. to waltz to or to- wards ; to waltz away, to continue waltzing. 3 U to fi I J e It, v. 0.1. to roll towards ; 2. impute; C I It C lit Mc ©cfculb — , to put the blame on another. 3 fi ro a it b c i n, 3ttn.ianberit, o. n. (aux. frtylt) to wander towards. 3 fi jo a it f e it, v. n. (auz. \tx)\\) to totter towards. 3 fi nj C 3, m. (-eS ; pi. -C) avenue, ac- cess. 3 U to f g C, adv. to pass ; — bliligctt, to effect, effectuate, bring to pass, bring about. 3 fi ll 1 f b f ", v. a. 1. to blow to ; 2. to fill up by blowing. 3 11 n) C 1 1 C It, adv sometimes, at times ; vid. SDic-iycilcn, fUiancbmcil. 3 fi Wet fell, v. ir. a. to show, send, direct or address to. 3 U tt) e II b e It, v. ir. iS- reg. a. to turn to; etueill eitoaS — , to procure, let one have ; toti'l ©lltt'S — , to bestow much beneli.. upon ; bCItt '.'luge Jtige= lyeilbct, obverted to the eye. 3 fi n) e V f e tt, ». ir. I. a. I . to throw or cast to ; 2. to close or fill up (with earth, &c.) ; eitien .frnfeu — , to fill up a harbour; b«8 Uttgcfcibv bat llltv ti)lt Jligeiworfeil, chance has thrown him in my way ; II. n. (auz. tjabcil) to throw or cast on. 3fitt)t(fclll, v. a. to wrap up, en- velop. 3 11 tt) T b e f, prep. (with, dat.) <$- adv. against, contrary to; incompatible ; — fettit, to be opposed or contrary to ; bag ift bet - gefuttben SQernunft — , that is contrary to reason ; ba8 ift lltir — , I have an aversion to that ; baS tft bent ©ebor, ben 'ilngeit — , that of- fends the ear, the eyes ; ef ift lttif yoil ■Dlatltf — , I have an antipathy against him; — bailbelll, to contravene, act in opposition to ; — llliicbcil, to make loath ; — tbuit, to do in spite of. 3 fi tt) t e g e n,v rid. 3iitt)cigctt. 3 fi ft) i n f c it, v. a. oi- n. (auz. babcti) to nod at, make a sign to ; to impart by a nod. 3 fi tt) t It t C r II, v. n. (auz fettll) 1. to grow winter, to draw towards winter; 2. to be closed by the frost and snow. 3 fi tt? 5 1 b e It, ». a. to vault or arch up. 3 fi tt) B I f e it, ?•. vid. 5ktt)blfcn. 3 fi vo 1 1 e it, v. ir. n. (auz. babeit) to be willing to go, to wish to go ; IVO tt'Ollt tbf JU ? whither are you going 1 3 fi Tt) tt V f , m. 1, flinging or casting towards; 2. (with tailors) eking piwe, additional piece. 3 fi } .1 t) I e It, v. a. to pay in addition. 3 fi 5 ii f) 1 e II, v. a. to count to. 3 fi S it U 11 e It, v. a. to hedge up. 3 fi J e II g e It, v. a. JV. T. to rig a yard. 3 fi 5 t C b C tt, ?!. ir. a. I. to draw to ; to admit as a participator ; 2. to consult; 3. to shut or close by drawing ; to draw together ; to tie ; 4. to bring upon one's self; to cause, to incur ; 5. to rear, to breed cattle; bie ^orbcinge ■ — , to draw the curtains ; fid) .Vjcitlbel — , to involve one's self in quarrels ; fid) ctitc Jtranfbcit — , to catch a disease. 3 fi 1 1 e b u tt g, /. 1., tying ; 2. draw- ing ; 3. bringing upon one's self, incur ring; 4. help, assistance; lllit — Ct* tteS 9li'$tc6, with the assistance or ad- vice of a physician ; obne SentaiibeS — z without any body's assistance or advice. 3 fi 5 1 nt m e r n, ?>. a. rid. 3tmmern. 3 fi S 11 d) t, /. young animals reared, breed. 3 fi \ 11 g, m. (-e§) marching to any one's aid ; auxiliary troops ; contingent, quota ; militia. 3 fi 8 ii g e t", m. (-§ ; /;/. — ) provinc. one of an auxiliary force ; militia-man. 3 fi J tt) ii it g c It, o. a. to close with an effort, to force to. 3 tyricf = etf ett, n. r. (in glass-foun- dries) the pincers; — gauge, /. vid. Sttucftaiige. 3 W Cl cf C It, 0.0.1. to pinch, twitch; 2. fig. vulg. to mock or rail at ; to cheat, gull. 3 tt) ct g e 11, o. a + to wash, bathe ; et* neilt ben jcepf — , to upbraid one. 3tt 1 cittg, 77i. (-e§) 1. constraint, co- ercion, compulsion, force ; 2. want ol freedom, want of ease ; 3. tenesmus ; ail3 — , by constraint, forcedly, on compulsion ; oblte — , without con straint, unconstrained, uncompelled ; einem — nullum, to impose restraint upon one; ieb mill 3l)ltCll fciiieit — antblltt, 1 will not coerce you ; ftrf) — ailtbuil, to check one's self, do violence to one's feelings; prov. >0of= fart roill — teibeil, pride must abide ; compos. — attleibr, /. forced loan; — = atbt'it, /. forced labour ; — brtifofelt, m. bannal oven ; — brief, m. compul- sory letter ; — bti'll|t, m. compelled service; — bvefdjCV, m. + thresher who was forced to thresh at a certain price; - — etb, m. compulsory oath; — - gctecbtigfeit, — getvalt, /. vid. — vedjt ; — gefc^, ;i. compulsory law; — geftll = be, n. domestics compelled to serve for little wages ; — glilllbe, m. compulsive belief or faith; — gliillbig, adj. forced to adopt a compulsive faith ; — baufi, 71. house of correction, bridewell : — ' berr, — berrfeber, m. despot; — bcrr= fd)aft r /. despotism : — -l)llf, m. nar row heeledness ; — t)llftg. adj. hoof bound, incastellated ; — bllftgfeif, /. state of being hoof bound ; — jctffe, /■ strait jacket (in lunatic asylums) ; — = failf, m. monopoly; — fetter, m. bannal wine-press; — flMllt, n. B. T. Candy- lion's foot; — lel)Cll, 71. liege fief ; — * [08, adj. &■ ado. unconstrained : with- out constraint; — loftgfcif, f uncon- strainedness, liberty ; — ltttttel, n. means of constraint, coercive measure; — lllfible, / bannal mill; — Ofen, m. bannal oven; — Vfltdjt, f. 1. banna' 3«>ecf duty ; 2 duty prescribed by conscience; — ttdbt, n. coercive power (of law) ; right of coercion ; — frbctlfe, /.public house which is obliged to buy of the lord of the manor ; — Slllittel, n. vid. — vnittct ; — folNlt, m. pressed soldier ; — eVfltcfot, /• compulsory duty ; — = tretbeil, n. Hunt. T. the housing of deer; — trtcb, m. irresistible instinct; vid. Sftflturtrieb; — yevdiitkruiig, /. subhastation ; — t)oII, adj. &■ ado. full of contraitit, restrained;— rOitmmJ, n. strait waistcoat ; — tveife, ado. by compulsion, compulsorily ; — jaUlt, m. bannal fence or hedge. 3 tv d n g e, /. vid. 3wi«iF- 3 wd Hi] Ctt, v. a. to pres9. constrain, force together ; btcfc Srf)lt^C — llict-- ne $fl fit, these shoes pinch my feet; jejrodngt bet Xtfcbe ftljeit, to be close ,;icked at table; fig. ciueit fef)t — , to ncommnde any one, put one to his wit's end ; bd6 — , vid. §W(M$. 3 TO d It j t g, adj. twenty ; compos. — - eif, n. icosagon; — fad), — fSttlg, adj. twenty-fold ; — fKldj, n. icosahedron ; — flddlig, adj. icosahedral ; — jd^riij. adj. of twenty years ; twenty years old ; — fmtterftiicf, n. an Austrian silver coin of twenty kreutzfvs ; — - Hunting, adj. B. T. icosandrian ; — = pfuilbig, adj. of twenty pounds ; — - yfiitiber, m, a twenty-pounder (cannon) ; — fdjdftig, adj. (with weavers) having twenty lams ; — ftiillbig, — t>igig, — = IV (big, adj. consisting of twenty hours, days or weeks; — tf)(il, n. vid. %\VM\-- jigftcl ; — theitig., adj. having twenty parts; — JOllig, adj. of twenty inches. ^ rod it j t g e r, m. (-$ ; pi. — ) l. one of tin; number of twenty ; 'J. man or thing twenty years old ; 3. vid. 3)\V\W- jigficiijcvftiicf ; 4. the number of twenty. 3wd u j i g er f o r m a t, n. (-e8 ; pi. -€) sheet of twenties. 3 iv d it 5 1 g e r t it it, /. (pi. -cu) woman twenty years old. 3 w d tl j i (J e r I C t, adj. mdecl. of twenty d liferent sorts. 3 tv a it i i g g ii ( b e tt f ii {J, m. (-t i) twenty florins'-atandard, 3 vv d It J i g ft e, adj. twentieth ; btc .jjtimdjtuiig be-3 — u "JJiaiiitfo', vigesi- mation ; }ll:it — !t "JNrtle, for the twentieth time; jltllt — It Zl)tilt, to the twentieth part. 3 IV d It j i g ft C (, k. (-5 ; pi. — ) twen- tieth part. 3 IV d 11 } i g ft C tt i, ado. in the twenti- eth place. 3 IV S V, cnnj. certainly, it is true, indeed, to be sure. 3 IV C (f , m. (-f 3 ; pi. -t) 3"» = tent, double-faced; }ll — ;eil', by twos ; (lltf — Clt, on two feet or legs ; compos. — ddjslcr, m. ambidexter ; — = avillig, adj. two armed ; — dftig, adj. two-branched ; — dligig, adj. two eyed; — btlf)Itig, adj. of two breadths ; — = bdilfbig, adj. JS. 7'. digastric, biventer ; — bcilltg, adj. having two feet, biped- (ai), two-legged; — bcintgcS Ztjitt, biped ; — blatf, n. Ii. T. tw a y blade, ophrys ; — bldtferig, — blattig, adj. two-leaved, dipbyllous; dipetalous; — = bluiitig, adj. two-flowered, biflorous; — bol;i'tg, wlj. having two borea or holes; of two inches bore ; — Ihm(i)CII, v. vid. 3«jtcbra(tjcn ; — biiicfcn, n. Qcog. T. Bipont; — becfer, m. ^v. T two-decker, vessel with two decks; — bnitclet, /. equivocation, a:nbigiiily (of speech) ; — bcutclil, o. n. to apeak ambiguously, to equivocate ; to be equivocal or ambiguous; — c-t'll'tg, I adj. ambiguous, equivocal, amphibolo- gical, hilarious ; equivocal, problemati- cal; I!, adv. ambiguously, &c. ; — bca= tig lebel!, to speak equivocally or am- biguously, vid. — beutclit; — bcutig: fcit, /. ambiguity, amphibology ; equi- vocation, equivocalness, duplicity, doubleness; — bentigffiteii fagcn, vid. — bcutdii ; — bctreVig, adj. double- yolked ; — fcOVpelf, adj. twofold, double — bniijtig, adj. of two threads, two- threaded! — brittelftiiif, h. florin; — = f,irh, — fdltig, adj. double, twofold, bi- fold; B. T. binate; — fdcbevig, mlj having or with two shelves; B. T. bi- loClllar ; — fdblfli adj. double -twisted ; —falter, m. butterfly; — fafttyfett, /. doubleness, duplicity; — fitrbljj, ndj bicolour, two colouretl ; — fliigtiig, adj. two-winged, of, with nr having I %\'' > wings ; V. dipteral : — fliiflelige 5 hiivc. folding door ; — flliglt'r, in. '/'. dipter; — fiitiftelSffbeiit, m. .l'll|*hl.f, ;i pi I nf IWO groshes or groslien ; — glllbftl 3 ftiiif, n. piece of two florins; — b.iu = big, nd) |, two-handed, bimannus; -. (Vtul ©itlVCl'tdlt , two bin l-d ; :i ambidextrous, having the faculty of usim: both hands with equal ease ; — = biitigi.], adj. hanging down on both sides ; — luting, ad}, that may he cul twice : vid. — lh\il}Mg ; — b.lliptij. 3wi adj. ttio-headed ; — baufig, adj. B. 7 dioecious ; — bdufigc $f[an)ei dioe- cian ; — bdltMfr, m. pi. B. T. dioeci ami; — hcilfdig, sdj'.tWO handled, two- eared; —berr, m. duumvir ; — benig. adj. belonging to two masters; — bcr» reiiroiirbe, /.duumvirate; — berrtfeb, — berrlitb, adj. duumvval; — bcrr= fcfjaft, /. duumvirate ; —t)ttX$cbV, n. biennium ; — jilb = rig, adj. two years old or of age. ol two years, biennial ; B. T. biennial : — jdbrlid), adj. &■ udr. biennial, bap pening or taking place) every two j once in two years; — fitl!U' T , I ■■■.- combat, duel; Jinn — fantpfc bcrai;: = fovbern, to call out, to challenge ; — = f.intvfen, v. n. to (fight a) duel; — - tdmpfer, m. duellist, dueller; — - Eapfeltfl, adj. 11. T. bicapsular; — = firfdje,' /. B. T. black berried honey- suckle ; --flilpV'j}/ adj. bivalve, bivalv- ular, two-valved ; — fopftg, adj. 1. two- headed, with two heads; 9. .7. T. bicipital, bicipitous; 3. (VC11 £C\)H\l- llliiltjen), double-faced ; — font, n vid. Sinfii; — (avvig. adj. two lobed, bilobate; — l,iut(?r , m. vid S>cweIIiiut tx) ; — Ifibij, adj two- shaped, bicorporal ; — lifbt, aid. 3 n - , ' f: licbt; — li>tl)ig, adj. of one ounce, — nidcbtig, adj. B. T. didynamie; — : nidbtig, adj. (to be) mown twice a year ; — 111.1 b I, adj twice, two limes ; twice, double ; — llltll foriel, twice :s much or many; (lltf — lltill, at tw<> titues ; — llKllig, adj. done or repeated twice -, — ntdiiiierig, adj. u. r. diandrian; — nidimerige ^Jjlaitje, di- ander; — nidiintfrb> adj. for two men (or workmen) ; — Ittajfrr, in. .V. '/'. two-masted vessel, brig ; — UMJtig, adj. two masted, having or with two masts ; — UUMiatlicfi, adj. i$- adv. (happening or taking place) once in two months, every two months: — '.Mlllig, aj . />. 7' binomial ; — obrig, adj two eared ; — - pfiitlber, hi. Gun. T two-pounder; — ; pfiilibifl, adj. of two pounds ; — vfittu biger Sato, two-pound loaf; — rdberig, adj of or with two wheels, two-wheel- ed ; — tcibig, ndj. double-rowed, of or having two ranks; H. T. distichous; — ruccrig, adj. two-oared ; — ruberigeS Rabrjeug, bireme; — Mif, m. vid. 3lVet(bb1if J — t'lllltig, adj. two seeded | /,'. 7' dispermous; — iniig, m. rid. — = gefitng; — fcbalig, adj hivalvr. bivalv- uiar. bivalvmn; — fit.ilige iVufcbel, bivalve ; — fffcattig, adj a ag. T. am phiscious; bie — fciattigeit 83Jlfer, ainphiscii, amphiscians; — fdvillflcr, m. sheep one year old ; — ffbifbtig, adj. of double layers, i sr beds — fcbldft'iig, adj. (vott Qtttni .doable (sized), for two person-i : — idlli^, f.i Arch. T. diglyph; — frbn.ibelig, adj. two billed; — fcbiieiber, m. r two- edged piercer; — fe^rteiblg, adj tw» or a nubia ledged; />' r gladiate ; — . fitiitttig. adj. nd — indbbig ; — Utyb* tia.ailj. T, out of which two posts can be nude; — ffbiibig, adj. bipedal, two feet long; — fitui'ig, adj. flo he) "horn twice (in the year) ; — fitiirige "Solle, wo,-)! of the second shearing; aid. — » niiibbij ; — f>'itig. adj. having two •ides, two sided, bilateral; — fitber, ( — njlbtr), m. dissyllable : — filbift, adj dissyllabic ; — filbigcS fflort, dis- sj liable; — flltllig, adj. vid. "DppVfl' 833 3»ei .funig S- — Mtltifl ; — ftfctg. «&'■ having iwo seats, lor two persons; — it^liij, idj. double-soled ; — fpaltig. adj Sr adv. two cleft; Typ. T. in double columns; B. V. bifid; — fpaitlier, to. coachman Keeping two horses or driving (with a pair; vehicle with two horses, coach and [.air; — fvflllllig, adj. ($■ cult). 1. with or for two horses, with a pair; — IVflU- itiiico (Refill? it, vehicle with two horses, coach and pair ; 2. provinc. for two ns, oid — fdjldferig; — fueljtg, adj. B. T. bivalve, bivalvous ; — f»tel, n, duo, duet; — fpitj. m. — fpifce, Jf. r. pickaxe; double-pick; — UMtjfllllbotJ, m. rising anvil ; — fptfeig, 0rf7.two-p.1in ted; B. T. bicuspidate ; — fpracbe, /. rid. 3iuicfpiad)e ; — fiammijj, adj. two- stemmed; equal in size to two stems ; — fttntinig, adj. ie adv. of or for two voices ; — fitting, adj. Myth. T. two- headed; — ftocfig, (— (locfig), adj. two- stoned, two stories high, of two stories ; — ftiiheig adj. of two hours ; — [ttil!r= ltd), adj. & adv. (happening, done) every two hours; — tiigtg, adj. of two days, two days old; — tfllifeilb, adj. two thousand; — tfllifentfte, adj. two- thousandth ; — tbciUg, adj. bipartite ; B. T. bipartible, bipartile, bipartite, bi- fid; dichotomous; Alg. T. binomial; — thcilllllg, /. repartition; O. T. bi- section; — tbjittg. adj. having or with two doors ; — t&llig, adj. of two tones, two-toned, binotonous ; _— ttcffer m. double prize ; — imbfcieitiigftel, n. — = lir.&et«itiigfte[ v 8)lH}te,/. Mas. T. demi- semiquaver: — lllltbteipigftel $ paufe, t. .Mn'. T. demi-scmiquaver rest ; — - Dicitet(S)llOte, /. Mus. T minim; — = D;ct;-d 6 Vaufe,/. Mas. T. minim-rest; — vicrtcl S, tact, /. Mus. T. time of two crotchets or of two four; — IVCg, m. bivia, vid. 5cbeiveiveg; — ivegig, adj. hivious; — tveibetei, /. bigamy; — lWil'ig, adj. B. T. digynian; — nxi= ^fUnje, digyn : — •.vecbentlicb, j..j. &■ adv. (happening, done) every two weeks; — UMtcfar, m. .Med. T. rickets, rachitis ; — lVudjfig, adj. 1. Me I. T. rickety ; 2. not ripening at the same time; vid. — fcbiirig ; — = j.llfti], — jil'-ftg, adj. two forked, tWO- pronged, two lined ; bifurcate(d) ; — = |acftge ©abet, two-pronged fork, two- I prong; — Jflbl,/. Oram. T. dual (num- ber) : — jfibjtg, adj. B. T. binate; — = J.llnt, 111 B. T. bident; — i^tjlltg, adj. having two teeth, two-toothed ; bident- al ; B. T. bideniate ; — jet)ig. adj. two-toed; (VOlt Jtuoblaud)), with two cloves; — jetlft, m. distich, couplet; — Uilig, a'/?', of two lines; B. T. dis- tich(ous), two lined; — jolliij, adj. of two inches, two inches long, two- inched ; — jitiigelft, /. double deal- ing; — Jtiitgig, adj. double-tongued; vid. ©oppel jungig ; — jurtgelrt, o.n. to have a double tongue; — {iiuglct, 77i. double-dealer; — §nmtel(8)tiKt, m. .Mus. T. two minims' time. J iv e I e r, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) I. figure of the number two ; 2. piece of two de- niers. 3 U> C i C 1 1 e i, adj. indecl. of two diffe- rent sorts. jjiseffel, 77i. (-8; pi. — ) dout>t, question ; oblie — , without doubt, no doubt, no question, doubtless ; tit — fe"il, ftebeil, to be in doubt, to be doubtful ; til — jiebf'I, to call in question, to doubt; ten — beiiehnteil, to remove or clear one's doubt ; vid Syn. Sfbeiiten; compos. — ftei, adj. free from doubt; — geijt, m. sceptic ; Kepticisrn ; — lebre, /. scept'eism ; — = 834 3rcsr lCr, I. adj. doubtless, indubious; II. ado. without doubt; — lofigfeit, /. doubtless- ness ; — lliurh, m. irresolution; uncer- tainty; — 111 lit big, adj scrupulous ; ir- resolute, wavering ; — Itlllt, m. vid. — = QCtft eifc(et, /. [pi. -en) practice or habit of doubting, scepticism. 3 IV C t f e 1 b il f t, I. adj. dubious, doubt- ful, uncertain; irresolute, wavering, un- determined; II. adc. dubiously, doubt- fully. 3 w e f f e I b a f 1 1 g ! e i t, /. dubious- ness, doubtfulness. 3 iv e i f e I i g, adj. vid. 3>vcifelbaft. 3tvcifclu, v. 71. (auz. ^abeii) to doubt, question ; flit cttvaS — , to doubt of; irf) jtveifle iticbt tfltau, I make no doubt, no question of it. 3 IV e t f C 1 11, 71. (-6) doubting, question- ing. 3 IV C f f [ e r, to. (-S ; pi. — ) doubtful irresolute person, doubter; sceptic. 3 IV e i g, to. (-C§ ; pi. -e) 1. branch, bough; 2. fig. branch, department; eilt jungei — , twig; ein fleiner — , sprig: fig. ei uuvb ute fluf eiueit grunen — fontllien, he will never thrive or prosper, he will never feather his nest ; compos. — blfltt, 71. B. T. branch-leaf; — bliite, /. B. T. branch-blossom ; — = blittetiageilb, adj. B. T. ramiferous; — ied)t, n. right of cutting down branches in forests. 3 IV C 1 g e U, v. a. provinc to graft. 3 IV ei g t g, adj. branched, branchy. 3 iv ei !) e 1 1,/. {pi. -en) duality. 3 IV e 1 1 i II g, m. (-eS ; pi. -t) 1. T. two- inch board; 2. unusual for 3 l viUit'.g !q. v.). 3 iv e 1 1 of 3iveite, r» compos. — fllfefte, 711. &■ f. decl. like adj. the second son or daughter; — befte, adj. second best; — geboicn, adj. second-bom ; — jiing= fte, 771. iS- /. dccl. like adj. the youngest (son or daughter) but one ; — llflct)fle, m. Jl- /. decl. like adj. next but one. 3iveite, adj. second, next; belt — :t '.Dlai, the second of May, &c. 3 IV e i t e I, 71. (-8 ; pi. — ) half. 3 IV e t t C 11 8, adv. secondly, in the second place. 3 IV C I ct), adv. across, awry, obliquely, askance ; compos. — fltt, /. twibil ; — - tfllfcil, TO. cross-beam, joist ; — bflltllt, m. cross-bar : — cifeil. n. T. sculptor's pick or chisel ; — fell, n. J. T. dia- phragm, midriff; fig. ciltCllt bflo — f»H erfehuttettl, lo make one's sides split with laughing ; —fellfnfjuubUllj] (nub hibci rfibrenbe SSafetft),/. paraphre- nitis : — felleifcbjitteiuiig, /. fig. fiu of laughter, horse laugh ; excessive mirth; — fellneive, tti. — fellvulJaber, /. phe- nic nerve, artery ; — flote, /. German flute ; — bifb, m. cut or slash given across; — lillic, /. diagonal line; — = '■/.fife; — fflff, inTwalieL budget: — Uttel, m. side-saddle; — ftl'ifb, ;». cross line ;fig. disappointment ; — jiiicf, 11. cross piece. 3 IV C I g, m. (-(S ; j*. -e) dwarf, pigmy : compos. — aloe,/, dwarf-aloe; — flpfel, w. dw?rf-apple ; — ttltig, adj. &■ adv. 3»te dwarf like, dwarfish, pigmy; — bflUUt, in. dwarf tree, dotlard : — betjclt, m. B. T. dwarf campion ; — bil'fe, /. smooth dwarf-birch; — bocf, m. African goat ; — bobue, /. dwarf or French bean ; — bucbe, / horn-beech-tree ; — buct8, — bllfbsbaum, m. B. T. dwarf box tree ; — buffet, in. the Zebu, Indian ox; — = eicbbotu, — ciebbomeben, n. pa!m- squirrel ; — elite, /. dwarf duck ; — en* ji.'.n. m. B. T. dwarf-gentian ; — erbfe, /.dwarf pea; — ftiflt, / dwarf fig; — = feigeilbaiim, m. dwarf-fig-tree ; — ffetci» malt*, /. dwarf-bat, pipistrel: — ga= lllflllfer, m. B. T. dwarf germander ; — gnvbe, / dwarf-achiilea ; — geujier, m. B. T. jointed genista or broom ; — s, /. dwarfish form, dwarfishness; — giflitflte,/ — granfltbaum, m. dwarf pomegranate-tree ; — b a K. "». dwarf- hare ; — tjolllilber, m. dwarf-elder : — * blll)U, 71. dwarf hen ; — fflftflllie, /. dwarf chestnut; — taitflllieilbflUllt, at dwarf chestnut tree ; — fllflbeitflflllt, «. little purple-flowered ochris; — lieb<, /. B. T. bastard daisy ; — lofflfll 11 dwarf-spoonbill; — mflllcel, /. dwarf- almond; — lllflllcelbflUlH, rn dwarf al- mond tree ; — mflpig, adj. vid. 3>verg* bflft ; — maillbcete, / cloud berry; — » niievd, / — ntispelbaiiin, v,. dwatf- medlar; — pfllllie, /. dwarf palm ; — » pfiifebe, /. dwarf-peach ; — reiser, m. dwarf heron; — lilfter, — llllllf, /. dwarf elm-tree ; — fctjtitt, 771 lilliputian step ; — tlflppc, /. the lesser bustard ; — tveibe, /. dwarf willow: — ivinbe, /. dwarf-bind-weed; — TV 1 f , to. jackal; — 5tegc, /. African goat. 3 IV C I g e I, to. (-8) greater shrike, mur- dering bird. 3lV C l g 1) f t, adj. dwarfish. 3 n> C l g t ll It, / fjrf. -en) woman- dwarf, pigmy 3 iv c t f ct) c, ( 3n>ttfd}fe), / (pi. -8) plum, damascene, damask-plum, dam- son ; gctbltte — 11, prunes ; compos. — Ilbauill, m. damson-tree ; — lifudjett, m. damson-tart; — UUUlp, 71 marmalade of damson. 3 m e f), vid. %wci. 3 IV i i , m (-C8 ; pi. -C) I. pinch, nip ; 2. peg. pin; — bei bet Rafe, twite •, tweak by the nose; compos, -bfll't, r.. 1. tuft (if beard ; 2. vid. Jiliebelbflt! ; — bobiei, m. gimlet; — tldj. n. com- mon woodbine, honey-suckle ; — * mill'te, /. certain advantage in plac- ing at merils :fig. vulg. milch-cow. means to gain somrihing by ; — lltigcl, m. oil 3tVCife; — fteiUC, pi. Arch, stones foi filling up the inside of a wall; — JflUfle, / nippers, pincers. 3 iv i cf a U, 71. (-8) Zwickaw, (town in Saxony). 3 iv i if e, /. I. vid. Swicfjangc ; 2. out 3ivicfiiflgel. 3 tv i cf e I, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) l . clock of a stocking; 2. gore or gusset of a shirt ; compos. — bfll't, m. whiskers, vid. Jtlte^ bclbfltt; — Hflljt,/. A. T. the ypsiloid suture. 3ivicfeln, v. a. Striimvfe — , m clock stockings. 3 IV i & C 11, v. a. 1. to pinch : to nip ; 2 fig. to gripe; 3. to peg, pin ; 22 eilt — to tap wine with the faucet. 3 IV.' cf en, 7i. (-8) I. pinching, nipping 2. griping, pegging. 3 ru i i c r, m. vid. 3'vicf jflnge. 3 iv t cf c r n, v. n. 'auz. bflben) to winie 3 IV l e, +for 3wei, which see. 3 IV i e b fl cf, m. (-jS ; pi. -t) biscuit 3»8 rusk; compos. — fammer, /. A*. '/'. bis- cuit room. 3 10 t e b e 1, /. (pi". -It) 1. onion ; 2. bulb ; compos. — arfjilt, ib. bulbous .-ii'ire ; — * apfel, m. sort of a[ip!e ; — ai'tig, a'//- bulbous; — beef, n. bud of onions; — - bittfe, /. bulbous rush ; — bint, /. sort of onion shaped pear; — briilie, /. onion sauce; — bruf,/. young bulb; — = tOl'lt, m. the holly; — ftfdje, pi. Print. T. pie; — f5rmt(j, ad,»'. bulbiform ; — = geiidjf, >i. dish prepared with onions ; — gerud), in. onion-smejl ; — gefebniacf, m. onion-taste ; — gcioacbs', n. bulbous plant; — tjta*, n. bulbous poa; — baut, /. coat of onions or bulbs ; — tailb, n — bect; —lamb, ib. chives; — » faff, m. onion-juice : — faille, ib. onion- need ; — ffbaft, — ftcttgcl, 77i. onion- stalk ; — frbalc,/. onion-peel ; — ftraitf}, m. string of onions : — fllppe, /. onion- soup; — tlMgCIlb, adj. II. '/'. bulbiferous: — roitrjft, /. bulbous root. 3 iu t c b c 1 id) t, I ..... 3ioiebelig, \ a,l J llke on,ons - 3 10 { e b C 1 It, «. a. to rub or season wiih onions ; fig. wig. ciltClt — , to torment one ; treat one scurvily , to fine, amerce one. 3 to t e bracb c, /. twifallow, second tilth. 3 io i e b r a cb c it, o. a. to twifallow, to plough a second time. R io i e f a .. , r ,. . ,, 3aucfaltig,r"^ tu ' of " ,d ' dr " 1,le - 3 10 l C f a 1 1 e II, v. a. to double. 3 U) t f 0. f ft a U, adj. double-formed. 3 » l e 1 1 rb. t, «. (-C8) twilight. 3 10 t e r, ado. -f twice. 3 W U'ffl, 7/1. (-S ; 7?/. — ) prorinc branch or bough dividing into two ends ; compos. — biU't, in. forked beard ; — = btere, / merry, pruniis avium; — bec= tenbauitt, ib. bird-cherry-tree; — born, m. holly tree. 3 H) I C f * 1 1 ij, adj. procinc. split, di- vided into two ends. 3 10 I c f p a 1 1, m. (-e$) dissension, dif- ference, disunion, dispute, quarrel ; vid. Syn. lliiubcUigfai. 3 iv l e f p r a cb e, /. dialogue ; nitr ei= item — pflegen or b. alien, to have a private conversation with one, to hold a tete a tele. 3 10 if t r a d) t, /. discord, schism, dis mi ; vid. Syn. iJUiifibe (ligfi'it ; com- pos — Sgeift, m. spirit of dissension ; — ggSttttlll, / goddess of dissension ; — gfaaf,/. — 8|'ame, ib. +j\ s . seed of discord. 3 iv l c t r a cb i i g, I. adj. discordant ; II. iido discordantly. 3 to I e io it d) «, is. Med. T. rickets, 3 to 1 1' 10 ii d)f ig, adj. rickety. 3 10 i I I i d), m. (-8 ; /./. -C) tick, ticken. ticking; compos. — ftlfel, — vocf, m. - of ticken ; fig. and) ititterin — fittel fcblagt etii dueiu baftuS .htq, there is an honest heart even undei a coarse garb; — loeber, m. ticking-weaver. 3 iv i 1 1 i d) e n, adj. of ticken, of tick- ing. 3 10 U I t g e,/ (pi. -It) Jlffo. 7". transom, beam. 3 io i 1 1 i n g, m. (-8 ; p.'. -c 1 twin ; (-c) .•1st. T. geinini; compos. — gbruber, «i. twin-brother; — sgtfcftroifter, pi. twin- sisters and brothers; — ggeftint, ». Jlat. T. gemirj . — elamill, n twinling; — 8lltU8ft!ll, pi. .i. T. geinini; — %- bCtar, 71. pair of twins, geinini ; — i- 3n)tf .cbioefter, /. tw>'n-»istrr; — item, m. vid. — -geftiri;; — ftretjtn, »«. // T. ge- melles. bar-geme.. 3 io t n g e, /. (pi. -n) r ferrel, ferrrule ; vice-pin, iiis'ruii « nt or machine, in or by which IWO p eces of wood or two boards are forcibly arid strongly united together. 3 to t tt g e It, v. ir. a. to constrain, force, enforce; *to subdue, vanquish ; in et= tvas [)iiicin — , to drive into; }ufant= men — , to press together; Mird) •Liuiu gcr — , to re luce by famine; ge}IOllll = gen, affected, uneasy; ei tie gejtoungene Vllllcihe, a compulsory loan; ftcb" tltr rjrcunblicfefeit — , to affect affal vid. Syn. 9iotf)igen. 3 io t n g c r, m . (-« ; pi. — ) l . lie that constrains or forces; S. narrow and con- fined space (between the town walls or works and the town); false-bray; 3. prison, fortified tower, fort. 3 io i n g b c r r, m . (-n ; v l. -en) lord of a castle, tyrant, oppressor. 3 »0 t It g b e r r t f d), «it\ ». twisting-wheel; — = rolle,/, thread roller; — fcitC,/. twisted silk ; — fpilJC, / tape-lace thread Lire : — ftrumpf. ib. thread-stocking; — ta= fd)e,/. thread case ; — tllle. / Conch. T. the garter stamper; — loiifel, m. thread- paper; — tOlltbe, /. thread-reel; — = lOtll'ill, m muscular hair-worm, water- lian-worin. 3 tt) i r 11 e It, adj of linen-thread ; — C Striimpfe, linen thread Blockings. 3 10 i f It e It, v. a. to twist, twine (thread) : Setbe — , to threw .-.Ik 3 10 inter, m. (-« ; /,/. — ) twister, throwster. 3 to i f d) e it, I prep, with dot. Sr act ; be Iween, betwixt: among, amongst: II - bajtoifdjett; — Jlviv uno SHn» gel ftccfen or noii, to be in n di 1 r strut ; (8 ift fci. Unlet fgieb — ilnii nnb fetneut ©rufcer, then, , s no differ- ence betwixt leu fchd his brother; — fituf Uttb fedv? ..>!•, between five and Bix o'clock; er Hei — bie 3Jaber, he fell between tie wheels; — jioaii'ig nub breifn'g Spfimb, (torn twt - thirty pounds ; — bier nnb morgett, between tins (time) and to-morrow ; fg er fitioebl — .Oimnicl nnb @rt>(, be ti iats between d "i!,t and certainty; fig — tioei 9Jerfonen rwten, to step be twi en. to intercede between tw 1 per 3»if sons) ; .1. Ts. — I en Jtiiodjttt Itegen*. InterasBeotu; — i(\i iKnsfelit benubi lid), intermuscular; — bftt Stippm lie* fleilb. intercostal; — Sell lltlb AiitTd) jttcfeilb, intercutaneous; — ten V'lllt' gentliigelii, interlobular; — ben .ftiiin: iiiteti liegeub, bfefmudNsfy; — bee 9U(rbe(brtnen, intervertebral; tin — tioei Retlcit biueiiigefcbriebene« 2Scrt an interlineary word: compos. — act ■ 7 interlude: — atigcilbltcf, m. short inter v.-ii ; — balfen, m. mid-beam : — baitb, n .1 /'. intervertebral or interspinal liiia ment ; — ban, n. — gebanbe, n. inter mi ibate building; — begebeiibeit, /. in cident ; episode : — begviff, m interme- dial idea; — befcbeiP. 771. I,.T interlocu- utence, judgment or decree, inter locution, injunction; — beef, n. .V.T. dec) between, between-deck's), orlop-deck; steerage; — berf*oaff.igier, m steerage- passenger : — becfi?, «innt:g, adj. IViijS. T. porous; — i\iiiinigfcit, /, porosity; — rebe, /. 1. interlocution, in- terchange of speech; interruption; dr greasion; i vid. — falj; — rebner, nt interlocutor; — legtenniii,, / Interreg- num, interreign : — veid), n. vid — tt* gieruiig ; — veife, / intermediatt tour; — ripptumiuMit, ;- .7 T. intercostal muscles; — itppcii; itero, m .7 v. sympathetic nerve; — * rippeiiftncf, «. middle rib-piece; — = vnl'e, / rest between whiles; — fafc, ib. parenthesis: incident proposition; — frbiiffel, — fpeift, /. »«d — gerirbt; — fptel, it. entertainment between two acta, interlude, intermezzo ; — fprurp, m, vid. — befebetb; —flab, m. Jink, r fillet; — jtadieliiiusfel, m .1 T. inter Bpinal muscle ; — flflbt ''.intermediate town ; — ftaitb, m. — fttUlltig, / inter in, intervention ; — ft.uiber, m middle post; — (tatiOll, / intermediate sti-'e; — fttft, mi. Tip T space; — ■ ftille, / pause; — jtlinmf, f. Mum. t counter tenor: — ftpif, m — ftoef lOCvf, n. -gefebofi : — ftreifen , m. leiting- in work ; — ftitif, >i intermediate piece; vid — fpitl ; — ftllllbe, / intermediatt 835 3wtt hour; (eine8 JJranfen, U.f. ».)• lllckl intervtl, vid. — }cit ; — ttvfc, /■ inter- medial depth, depth between ; Arch T. metope; — tOIt, m. intermediate sound; — triiger, m. — trageriim,/. talebearer, tell-tale ; — tragerei, /. (pi. -Ctt) tale- tellingr, late-bearing; report, story; — » — it in (la lib, — oorfall, m. incident ; — tirtfteii, n. aid. — befdjcib; — »er«, m. intermediate verse ; — yerfailllllluiig, /. intermediate meeting ; — Wall, m. Fort. T. curtain ; — Wailb, /. rid. — « lltauer; — waffcr, n. intermediate wa- ter; — Write, /. distance between ; Arch. T. intermission ; — Wefcit, n. interme- diate being or nature ; — willb, m. quar- ter-wind blowing from between the (four) cardinal points, vid. 9tebenwillb; — * WOrt, n. Gram.T. interjection; — JrtHIt, m. partition-hedge or fence; — jeile, /. intermediate line, interline, vid. — * liuie; — jeilig, adj. interlinear(y) ; ba8 — jetlige 53uc|, interiineary ; — jeif, /. interval, interlapse of time, mean time, intermediate or intervening time, inter- im ; til ber — JCtt, in the mean time ; (eine8 Jlvaufeu), interval (of peace, of ease, of reason, &c), vid. — ftuilbe ; — * {Itflaitb, m. intermediate state. 3 W i f d) g I b, n. (-88) mixed gold-foil. 3 W i ft, m. (-e§ ; pi. -e) discord, dis- union; difference, dispute, quarrel ; fte gerietftett bariiber tit eiiten Heinen — , they liad a little tiff, a slight misunder- standing about it; vid. «oei. 3 W 6 I f, adj. Se s. f. (dat. pi. -81t) twelve ; lint — , at twelve o'clock, at noon, at midnight; compos. — bKitterig, adj. B. T. dodecapetalous ; — bllime, /. B. T. a species of narcissus ; — bote, m. apostle; — botltdj, adj. (n. i. u.) aposto- lic ; — 8(f, n. Mat. T. dodecagon ; — = etf tg, adj. dodecagonal ; — fad), adj. twelve-fold ; — ftltgerbarm, m.A.T. duo- denum; — ftngtrbarmfcblagabev, — = pngerbarmblutaber, /. 1. T. duodenal artery, vein ; — flarf), n. G.T. dodecalie- dron ; — fiivft, m. dodecarch ; — fill"; flcnveid), n. dodecarchy ; — jafirig,a(/;'. of twelve years, twelve years old ; last- ing twelve years; — jobrltd), adj. every twelve years; — fopftg* adj. iwelve- headed (said of flax) ; — lotbig, adj. of six ounces; — UUljigcS Silbcr, silver of twelve pennyweights; — Will, adv. twelve times; — llialtg, adj. twelve times repeated ; — niailltevig, adj. B. T. dodecandrian ; — niiintierige SjJflanje, dodecander; — IllOliatlid), adj. happen- ing or done every twelve months ; — •= Vfiillber, ?n. twelve-pounder; — Vfiill= big, adj. of twelve pounds; — fettig, wlj. dodecahedral ; — fpalttg, adj. B. T. dodecafid: — jliiltblter, m. T. miner who works twelve hours a day; — s fiiillbtg, adj. of twelve hours; — tiigti], adj. of t we've days ; — -tagliilj, adj. every twelve days; — tl)8tlig, adj. divided into twelve parts ; B. T. dodecafid, do- decapartite ; — wetbevt'g, adj. B. T. do- decagynean; — Wfibsrige $f}an}e, do- decagyn. 3 W U I f 8 V, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) 1. the figure of twelve; 2. wine of 1812 ; 3. coin of 39tl) twelve kreutzcrs; 4. one of a counci of twelve. 3 W I f 8 r ( e t, adj. indccl. of twelva different sorts. 3 too 1 f t8, adj. twelfth, 3 W I f t e I, n. (-8 ; pi.— ) twelfth part ; compos. — format, n. duodecimo, sheet in twelves ; sin Surf) in — format or — grbfie, a book in duodecimo. 3 W I f 1 8 II, ;;/. the twelve nights aftel Christinas. 3 WOlf tell 8, adv. twelftlily, in tbi twelfth place. 3 W 1 f t e f, m. (-8 ; pi. — ) provinc dozen. 3 W li II t f d) e, /. (pi. -JJ) provinc. green finch. *3 1) g a n e, /. (pi. -Jt) Ich. T. zygama. *3 5 9 ' fli /• jfyth. T. the goddess of ma- trimony (epithet of Juno). *3 9 g o m a, 7i (-8) a. T. (3od;beitt) zygoma. *3 1) g m CI t i f d), adj. A. T. zygomatic *3 ij I a 11 b, to. spurge-laurel. *3 \) I i n b e r, m. vid. (Styliiiber. *3ijma, 3»)»«/ /• *> d - ®5fjrftoff, Sauertetg. *3i) m b e f, /. (pi. -tt) cymbal *3 9 m o I o g t e, /. T. zymology. *3 onto ma, n. (-8) vid. ©awnings-- niittel. *3i)m5fi8, /. vid. ©a^vuitg, ©a«» rung. *39"10 f iomdter, n. (-8) zymosi- meter. *3 '•) ill t e d) 11 1 e, > /. the doctrine *3 1) m o t c rb it i f, 5 and art of ft ' r - mentation. *3i)moted;nt!er, m. (-8; pi. — ) one skilled in the art of fermenta- tion. *3 X) ill 1 1 f d), adj. producing fer.nenta- tion, fermenting. *3 1) P V 8 f f 8. /. (pi. -11) cypress. 3i)f8linauS, /. ( P i. -ma life) dor mouse. *3 X) t b e r 8, /. (-n8) 1. Myth. T. Cythe rea, Venus ; 2. the island Cythera ; 71011 Cerigo. *3 X) t ft p 1 e, /. vid. 5?ierbvnii8V8i. *3 i) f ft " *< m - J r ' n k produced by for mentation, e. g. beer, &c. ; also \ine gar. *3 1) t ft 1 8 d) n I e, I f. vid Sierbrau* *3 \) 1 1; t c d; 11 i f, S fu»S. END 0? PAUT FIRST. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE IRREGULAR VERBS. INFINITIVE. PRESENT INDICATIVE. IMPERFECT. IMPERAT. PARTICIPLE PAST. Indicative. Subjunctive. 93 a cf e n, id) bade, bu barfft, cr barft. id)(buf)bacftc. id) (biife) badte. bade. gebacfen. 33 c b i tt g e tt, eid. SMitgett. SB c b ii r f e it, vid. Surfeit. 33 c f e t) I c ii, id) befeble, bit beftcfjtjt, ct bc= fichlt, id) bcflcifje, bit beffcifjeft, er bc= id) bcfafjl". id) be fable. bcficljl. bcfo&lcn. 33 c f ( e t £ e it, id) beflifj. id) bcfliffc. befteiSe or be= bcfliffc n. fleitit. fleifj. 93 c g i it n e it, id) begtitue, u. f. i». id) begamt. id) beaanne. begiuiie. bcgoiiuett. 99 e i % t ii, td) bctjjc, bu bcifjcfr, et beiiit. id) biy. id) bif'fe. betieor beifi. gcbiffcit. i? c r g t ;:, id) beige, bit biraft, er birgt. id) barg. id) barge. birg. gebor^cu. 93 e r ft c u, id) bcrftc, bit bcrfttft or birfteft, cr bciftct or birft. id) borft or barft. id) biirfte. berftc or birft. geboi|teii. 93 c f t n it c tt, via. (Siuueit. 33 e ft 6 e n, vid. ^itjeit. 93 e t r ii g e it, id) bctnige, bit betriigeft, cr bc= triigt. id) beroege, it. f. to. id) bctvog. id) betrbge. befriige. betrogeu. 93 c nj e g e tt, * id) bewog. id) bcrooge. beroegc. betoogen. 93 i e g c it, id) biegc, it. f. to. irt) bog. id) bijge. bicge. gebog.n. 93 i c t c it, id) biete, tt. f. to. id) bin. id) biife. biete. gcboten. 93 tube n, id) binbe, u. f. ro. id) baub. id) baubc. bitibc. gebuttbeii. B 1 1 t 1 ti. id) bitte, it. f. w. id) bat. id) bate. bitte. gebeteii. 93Ufcit, id) blafe, bu blafeft, erbtafetor bl aft. id) blieS. id) bliefc. blafe. gcblafeu. 33 1 e i b e it. id) bleibe, it. f. tt). id) bfieb. id) bliebc. bleibe. gebtieben. 93 I e i d) c it, to lose co- lour, f 93 v a t c it, id) bleirbcbu bleidjft, cr bleidjt. id) blid). id) blidje. bleidje. gcblid)cn. id) brafe, bu brateft (bratft), cr id) bratcte id) bratcte brate or brat. gebratcit. bratet (brat). (brief). (bricte). 33 r c rf) c n, id) brccbe, bu brirfjft, cr brid)t. id) brad). id) brdebc. brirb. gcbrod)cn. 33 v c u it e It, id) brentie, u. f. to. id) brauiifc. id) brciiuete. breiiuc. gcbranut. 1 -'3 r i u g c it. id) bvinge, u. f. w>. id) brad)te. id; briid)te. bringe. gebradjt. 2> c u f e n. id) benfe, it. f. to. id) bad)te. id) bad)te. bcute. gebad)t. D iit gen, id) binge, bu bingft, cr biitgt. id) bung. id) bi'unie. binge. gcMiiigen. t> t e j ri) e it, id) brefefoe, bu brifdieft, er id) Ibrafd)) id) (bnifd)c) brifd). gcbro|'d)cit. brifdxt or brifd)t. brofd). brbfdjc. Sv t it gc ii, tit bringe, it. f. to. id) braug. id) brattge. bringe. gcbruiigcit S ii r f c a. id) barf, bu barfft, er barf, ten bfirfen, u.f.iv. tubj. id) buvfe, u.f.t». id) biirfte. id) biirfte. geburft. Piufd) 1 a fen, rid. 'Sdilafcu. 'S m D f a n i\ t it, Bid. SatlflCIt. c t f; e it, id) Jcifie, bu beifieft, cr bcifit. id) f)icff. bei tie or Ijeifj. gebet'tlcn. .§ e I f « it, id; be Iff, bit l)ilfft, cr t;ilft. id) b/ilf. id) biilfe (biilfe). l)ilf. gef)olfeu. jlctfjen, id) fcife, u f ro. id) fiff. i* fiffe. feife or feif. gefiffen. ft f 11 11 C 11, id) fcunc, id) fanntf. id) fcunetc. feline. gefaiiur. iU i c b e n, id) fliebe, u fro. id) flob. id» flobe. fliebe. geflobeu. .v? 1 i m m t it, id) fiunme, id) Elomtn. id) flout me. flininie. gdlomiuen. ,)? 1 1 it fl e it. id) flingc, id) flang. id) flange. flinge. geflnngen. .'( n c i f e it, it$ Fuc t fc, id) fluff. id) fitiffe. fneife or fneif gefiuffi'ti. \; n e i p c it, id) fneipe, id) fuipp. id) fnippe. fiteipc or fueip gefniwen. ft 111 111 c It, icb foninic, bit fominft, cr to mmt. id; fam. id) fame. foinnt. gefomnieit. .11 It 11 11, id) faiui.bu fan u ft, cr faun, su#. id) fouiie. id) fonitte. id) fiut lite. — gcfoitnt. ■ftried; c ti, i(b fricdic. bit fricd)ft(frcud;ft', cr fvicd)t (frcitd)t). id; frod;. id; frodje. fricdjc or trend). gefrodjeit. ft ii v e it oj' Si ii l; v c it, id) fiirc or fiibre, bit fiircft or id; for or fofjr. id) fore or fiirc (fiibre). geforrtt or ge= fiih-rcfi, cr fiiretor fiibrt. fbbre. fobren. 2 a b c it, id) labc, bn labcft (liibft), crla-- bct (18bt). id) lub. id; liibe. labc. gelaben. 2a f fen, id) taffc, bu liiffcft, cr [fiffet (lafit). id; licfi. id; liepe. laffe or lap. gclaffeit. £ a it f en, id; laufc, bit Kiufft, cr lauft. id) lief. id) Iicfe. laufc or Iauf. gclattfen. All verbs derived from f.ifjrtn have the same irregular form, with the single exception of irjinfo^rcn, which is a regular Tert. Hcci'rttni is a regular verb. !lii!>.mi)cii has thesaine irregular form, anJ must be as carefully distinguished from mibii'njcn as r),inatit trom banjtn. 838 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE IRREGULAR VERBS. 1 INFINITIVE. PRESENT INDICATIVE. Set ben, id) let>e, uf.rc. 8 e i h e it, id) leibr. u.f». Sef e it, id) lefe,Mt liefct lief't v .' i c g e It, icb, liege, bu liegfi, er liegt. 8 ii q'e it, id; liigc, bu liigjt or leugft, k. 3J1 a h 1 c u. id) ntitble, Mi inablft, er iual;lt -VI t t b e it, iit me^c, n ^Clfcll, id) iiielfe, Mi melfft ormilffi, ev nielft or lllllft. •Kef fen, id; nieffe, bu niiffeft, cr miffet «r lltiBt. 3JH£fmcfjc, bu fdjinifjcft, ei 1 frbmiljt. IMPERFECT. Indicative. Subjunctive it lilt, id) Itch. id) Ki 3. icb l«g iit log. id) niiiMti' id) niieo. id) mo If. id) may- id) incite. id) ntufite. iit u a hm. nt ii a n ute. icb pfiff. id) pflog. id) prteS. id) quoll. id) iiidite (rod)). id) nctb. id) ricb. id) vifi. id) ritt. id) rattnte. id) rod), id) rang. nt IM nil- id) rief. id) [off id) fog. id) fdjuf. id) fdv'cb. iit fcbieit. id) fitiP id) fdjfllt. id) fd)or. id) febob. id) fdjof. iit fdniub. id) fd)licf. id) fc&lug. id) ft lit. id) fdjltff. id) fit! if) id) fd)Ioff. id; fd)lofi. it fdjlang. id; fd)iuiij. id) fd)mp|j. 1MPERAT. id) litle ut liehc. it Icifc. tit ISge. id) loge. id) niablete. id) niietic. id) niiilfe. id) iiuifjc. iit mocbte. id) iniifjte. id) noiljiiie. id) nennete. it Vfiffe. id) ppjge. it priefe. idi qu5lle. iit rad)tte or ri)te. d) rietbc id) riebc. id) riffe. id) ritte. id) reiiuete. it r6d)e, it range. ia) rfinne (ramie), id) riefe. id) fojfe, ut foge. :d) fduife. id) febiebc. id) fdjiene. id) fd)iffc. id) fdjalte (fd)pltc). id) ftovc id) fd)5be. id; fdroffc id) fti'nibe. id) fitliefe. icb fd)lfige. id) ftli^e. id) fd)liffc id) fdjltffe. id) fd)loffe. it fdiloffc id) fdjlSuge. ut fitniiffc. it fdMiioIje. leibe. leil)e. ie«. Itigcorlctuv niahle or niabl meibe. melfe or mill ntijj. nunnt UCIIUC or 11C11U pfeife or pfeif pfleae. preile. -.I n c U e or quill riidje. IV.!!,. ratbe < reibe. reipe or reip. reite. renne. PABTiaPLE PAST. riet < rtnge. ried)c Jiir- rufe. fa life fange febaffe or fdjaff. febeibe. ft cine. febeifje or fd)eip. fdjilt fd)icr or febere febiebc or febicb. febtege or febicfi fd)i:tbc. fdilafe w 1 1 1 a f. fcblage fitleitc. fcbleife m fit let f. ftleife regular, u are alsi) .ihfjjancn, .nifij.iffcii, anJ pcrf^affc \) A'.itli|'.l)l,i,ita and l>tr.itb(*l.nvn are regular verbs. f) Viz tu sharpen, to trtiet | in all its other aigniflcatioiu tliis verb is to be conjugated rrgulnrly. K39 AU'HABETICAL LIST OF THE IRREGUIJVR VERBS IMPERFECT INFINITIVE. PRESENT INDICATIVE. I.MPERAT. PARTICIPLE PAST. Indicative. Subjunctive. <& cb ii c if f it. t fitncitc, ti f.W. cb febnitt. d) febnitfe. febneibt. qcutiiitten. 5 cb u i e b c 11, t ftuicbe, ufro. id) f r c t 6 e it/ cb utveibe, u.f.W. td) idnieb. cb febeifbe. '"trcibc. gcfitrifbcn. & di r e i e it, d> fdneic, u.f.w. id) febvic. t fit lie. "itreieorfcbrei '. jefebrieen. 5 d)r c 1 1 c it, di febreite, ufro. id) fcbrirt. d) febrittc. icbreite. jffebritten. § d) ro a r c n, cb fdjroare, bit febroafft, ev fcbivart. id) fdjrocr. tct fitrobce. fdjroiive. gefebrooren. 2 cb ii' c i g e It, d) febroeige, id) fcbii'teg. d) febrotege. febroeige or ftroeig. gefebroiegen. 2 cb we 1 1 fit, d) fdjroelle, bit fcbroiflji, ev fcbroillr. icb fcbrooll. icb fcbroBUe. fitroill or fcbroclle. gefcbroolleti 2 cb ro i in nt e it cb fcbroiinme, u.f.m. icb frbroamni icb febroam^ fd)ro imiue or gefcbrooin= me. ftrointnt. men. 2 it to i it b e it, cb febroiube, u f.w. id) fdiroaub. id) fitroanbe. febrointe. gcutu'itnben. 2 di id i ti g e it, cb fitrotnge, icb febroang. id) fitroange. fcbroiitge. gcfcbrouiigen. ^ cb iv u r e it, icb febroihe, uf.w. icb febrorr (fcbivur). id) febroore (febrotire). febroore. jefcbrocveit. 2 c b e it. cb febe, bit ftebft, er jtc&t icb fab- icb fabe. ftcbe or ?eb. gefeben. & e it b e it, :cb foiibc, U fro icb fanbte. icb fcubcte. fence. gefanbt. £ C '.' 11, icb bin, bit bift. er ift; wit fttib, ibv fc'.'b, fie ftltb. Subj id) fen, tii fe»JT, erfe»; roir fe^cir. i'nt ffV/cb, fie fetyfll icb roar, bu ware ft, (roarft), er roar id) ware. fen. geroefen. S t e b c u, icb fkte, it Mi'. icb fotf. tib folic. iicbe. gefotttn. 5 i n ft e it, icb jinge, u.f.w id) fang. it fiittge. tinge. gcfiitigcn. &tnf« it, icb fittfe, ti.fro. icb feint. id) fci nfe. finfe. gcfunfeii. 2 i ti it c it, icb finite, uf.w. icb faun. id) f finite (foune). finite. gefott licit. 2 i fee it, id) fifee, tt.f it'. id) fa)l iit fa§f. fifee. gefeffen. 2 o 1 1 e n, icb foil, bit folift. er roll. icb iollte. icb foUfe. gefollt. ^ V a 1 1 e n, icb fv>' lltc - tu fP«lt«f*. fV fpalrer. id) fvaltete. id) fpa'tete. fpalte. gcfpalten. S $ e i e n, icb fpeie, n fro. iit fptf. id) fpie. fpeie orfpeL gefpieen. 2 p tune tt, id) fpinne, ufw. icb ipatin icb f valine (fi'bnne). fpinne. gefpoimen. 2 p I e 1 6 c tt. it fpteifie, id) frlip. id) fi'tiffe. fpIeiBe. gefpliffen. i p r c d) e tt, id) U'l-ecbe, bu fpvtcbft, er icb fpvaeb. iit) fprficbe. fprtcb. gefproeben. 5 » r t e f e n, fmitbt. id) femepe, uf.w icb fprop. icb fptojfe. fpriefje oi fvriep. gefptoffen. 2 p r i it g e it, icb fprtnge, bu fpringft, cr icb fprang. icb fprange. fptinge. gefpriingen. 2 t e cb c n, fpvingt. icb ftocbe,bu fticbft, cr fticbt. icb ftacb. icb ftacbe. fticb. gcRpcben. & t c cfeit, icb fteefe, icb ftaf. id) ftafe. ftecfe. geftetft. 2 t e b e ii. id) icb ft^tiib (ftunb). icb ftanbe (ftiinbe). fteb. geftanben. 2 1 e () t r it, icb fteble, bu fiteblft, er ftieblt icb flabl. icb (table (ftoble). fttebl. gcftpbleit. 2 t e t g e n. icb Beige, u.fro. icb flieg. icb fttege. fteige or ftcig gefttegen. to t c r b e it, id) fterbe, bit jltrbft, er jlubt. id) ftavb. id) ftaibe (ftiirbe). ftivb. geftorben. @ t i eben, icb ftiebc, id) ftob. it fti'be. ftiebe or ftieb geftobett. 2 t i it f e n, icb ftiitfe, icb ftauf. icb ftanfe. ftiufc. gcftiitifeu. @ t P fl c it. id) itofce, tu fti't-eft, er jil'pt icb fiie6. it ftiefje. ftpfjc or flop. geftofeit. 5 t r eidjeii, icb ftveicbe, iit ftvicb. it ftricbe. ftveicbe. geftricben. 2 t v e i t c n, icb Beetle, ufro. id) firirt. it ftritte. ftveite. geftvittcn. Z b tt », icb thue, bu tbuft, er tbut. icb tbat. it tb.ite. tbue or (bu. getbitn. £ c a a e tt, icb trage, bit Iragft, er iragt. id) trug. icb tviige. traae. gctv.iacit. if r e f f e n, icb treffe, bu trip, cr trifft. id) true. icb ttfife. triff. getroffeu £ v e i b e tt. icb treibe, ufro. icb trieb. it triebe. treibe. getriebcu. I r c t e it, icb trcte, bit trittft. er trirt icb trat. icb tiate. tvitt. getreten. Z v t e f e it, icb triefe, bu triefeft or treufft icb tioff. it troue. triefe or treuf gctrprren. J r it g e n (Z v i e g e it) hi ro. icb triige, bu iriigfi (treugjt) icb tveg. idj'troge. truge. getvpgeu. r r i n f e it, er triigf ( . id) tvinfe, bu tiinfft, er triuft. icb traiif. icb tcdufc. ■tn'ufe or trinf getvunfcit. 8 r r b e t g c tt. oid. SBergeu ■J! c r b i e t e it, r,d. i'ieieit Jl e r b I e i b e tt, ,; e r b 1 c i di e u, ,-id mieibcu icb rerblcicbe, U fro. id) bcvblit. icb tierbltrbc. t'erbleicbe. oerblirnen. LJ c v c o v b c ii. icb vertcrbe, bu berbitbfl, evjid) vcrbitrb. it bevbaibe vcitivb. berborbeu i berbirbt. (oerburbe). ' «=i4n ALI'HABKTICAL LIST OF THE IRREGULAR VERift. INFINITIVE. -8 e r b r t e 6 e ii, Ii e r g e f f e u, B e x i) c f; I e u, Gerlterc it, U e r I u f d) c it, 1! c r f rt) m i it b e n, •|> e r iu i v v e it, "B c r j c t I) c ii, ili a d) f e ii, ■iB n f d; c it, ■DJ ii g e ii or 323 1 e g c it •ffi c t cf> e n, • 28 fife ii, 28 e n b e tt, 38 t t b e ii, l\i c r b t u, S c v f c u, Stub t it, 28 i f f e it, ■m o II e it, 3 c i b e it, 3 t * f> e u, 3 mi it g c it, PRES ENT INDICATIVE. ti berbriefjr. id) vergeffe, bit vergiffefr, cv ocrgitif. id; »ei'l)cl;Ic, tt.f.nv id) oerliere, u.f.iv. id; vcvlofdie, bit Ofrlofdieft o< vcrlifdiejr, et vcriijfrf;t oi uerlifcfc-t. nirf. SdjlviltbClt. id; vevivivve, bu benvivvjt, cv oerrotrrr. id) perjethc, ii f.iv. id; »nd)ff, bu tyadjfcfl, cv wfitbfi. id; ivafdjc, bu Wafdjejt, er Wfifrfer. id) rofige or toiege, bu w.'igft or wiegft, er magt or roiegt. id) ivcid)c, u ftv. id) lveife, ii. ft». :d; tveube, u.ft». id) wcvbe, bu wivbfr, er mivbt id; ivcvbc, bu voir ft, er tuirb. id) vvcrfc, bit tvivfjt, er wtrffc id) iv in be, u f.tu. id) u)fifi,bu vociiit, cr roetf). id) ivill, bu tvillft, er mill; iviv moflen, u f.w. id) jeilic, u.f.vo. icb 5 i c f> e, bu licficft (jeud;fl), cv jtfljet, sjebt (scudjt). id) jrotnge, uf.w. IMPERFECT. (S ucrbvofi. tdb »ergajj. id; scrbcfjltc. id) Ofrlor. lit berlofd). id) Dtrworr. id) vcrtief). id; vuucW icb iiuifd;. id; lvog. id) void). i«b unto id; voaiibfe o» ivcubcte. id) m a il>. id) vinivb pi vouvbe. bu U'UVbfjt, cv vourbe «r roarb; iviv VOllVbCtt, }( id) »arf. id) tvnub. id) wufite. id; wollte. id) \h'b. id) jog. id) jnxutfl. Subjunctive. e$ verb re iff. id) vergajje, id; ocvfrcblcte id) vcrlore. id; ycrlofcbe. id; umviuvc. id) t<':jteb,e. id) ivud;fe. id) lviiuln'. iit woge. id) miitc. id) tttefc id; wenbefe. id) roarbr. id; vourbe. id) warfe (roiirfe). id) wSttbe. id) voii'jtc. id) tvolUc. id) jieb. iii) jBge. id) jrofitiflf. IMPEEAT. «crgip. vcrfjcble. oevliere. Derlofrjje or vcrlifrb. berjrifj. luarfefe. ivafdjc. iv^igf or Uurge. ivcid'e. loetfe. roeitbe. ivivb. lUClbC. ll'IVf. iv in be. 5ci^c. |tebe or iiih Ucnd)). jwmge. PARTICIPLE PAST. vcvbvpffen. eevgeffcu. Vfv[>cblet or bcrbebleii. Derlorrn. Dcrlofrbcn. ocv^ieben. gcivarbfen. .]civafd;cit. gcwpgeit. i^emirbeii. icivicu'ii. geroanbt (ge= ivcubet). .icwpvbeu. (jctDorbtn, wovbeu [at an auxiliary verb). .tewprrcn. iteivinibrn. ilClVllfit. ,]ca'cllr. gcjieb,en. jfjogen. gcjmuiigcn. •/ It IPi'liJ^i miiani U> mfSOl o; to mollifw, :t ja to \x! i-oiij igsU'il u a fegu)ar vrah. 841 TABLE OF CLASSIFICATION OF THE IRREGULAR VERBS. Remark. — From this table must be excepted the sixteen irregular verbs, which in out list form the eighth class.* » J ,0*3 s » o I. p ■S 1 s ft Infinitive. of u c Past Participle. c a e Sehen, to see, M, gefcbcn. II. e t a D £)clfett, to help, Stititeti, to reflect, faun, gcfyolfeit. gcfcniteit. III. t a u Iriiifeit, to drink, franf, gctnmfcit. IV. a t'e a fallen, to fall, ftel, gefcttteii. V. et te t t'e t ©djretben, to write, 25et'fjen, to bite, fcfyrteb, gefcfjrtcbctt. geluffen. VI. 1 a, cut, e, i, te, 6, it. D D ©du'egciT, to shoot, faefc gefdjoffett. 1 VII. a u a ©djfegen, to beat, fd)(ug, gefchlagen. EXPLANATORY REMARKS. I. The first class changes the radical vowel e into a in the imperfect, and resumes it in the past participle. Ex. ©cben, to give ; imperfect gab ; past part, gegebert. To this class must be added : bitten, to entreat (beg), which changes the radical vowel t in the same manner, as: imperfect bat ; past part, gebefen. II. The second class changes the radical vowel e or i into a in the imperfect, and in the past participle into 0. Ex. 9Jcl)iiicn, to take ; imperf. ttfifjm ; past part. gcnoinirten ; geroiniten, to win ; imperf. geroamt ; past part. gcromncit. To these must be added, gcbiivcn, produce (to give birth to), wliich has a instead of t in the root, as : imperf. gebar ; past part. gcborcit. III. The third class changes the radical vowel t into a in the imperfect, and in the past part, into it. Ex. ; past part, gefcfwiiben ; and tbtut', to do ; imperf. that ; past part, gctbiin. IV. The fourth class changes the radical vowel a into te in the imperfect, and resumes it in the' past participle. £x. Salten, to hold ; irnperfT bielt ; past part, gebalten ; except fangen, to catch ; imperf. ftlig ; past part, gefangen. The following conform to the principle ot the rule, resuming in the past part, the radical vowel or diphthong of the present : Icnifen, to run ; imperf. lief ; past part, gelanfen ; geben, to go ; imperf. fling ; past part, Mgangen ; hctficn, to order ; imperf. biet) ; past part, gcbeijjen ; vitfen, to call'; imperf. ricf ; past part, gernfen ; ftofjen, to push ; im- perf. fttcfi ; past part, gcitojieit. V. The fifth class changes the radical vowel ei into if in the imperf. and in the past part, or before a double con- sonant into i. Ex. 531eiben, to remain ; imperf. bite b ; past part, gcblicbcn ; fc&uetfcen, to cut ; imperf. fd)ititt ; past part, gefrbiitttm. VI. The sixth class changes the radical vowels: a, nit, e, t, ie, '6, ii, into in the imperf. and past participle. Ex. Scbroovett, to fester ; imperf. febroor ; past part, gcfrfnvomi ; faugen. to suck ; imperf. fofl ; past part, gefogen ; laufett. to drink to excess ; imperf. (off; past part, gefofffn ; bebfit, to lift ; imperf. bob ; past part. gcboben ; t>ev= auncn, to embroil (to confuse) ; imperf. fcfnuorv ; past part. tocrroorreit ; bietcn, to offer ; imperf. bot ; past part. gf» bctcu ; fchrobven, to swear; imperf. |d)ioor (fdmuu) ; past part. aefdniHuett : liiaett, to lie ; imperf. log ; past part, gelogen. i* «n ^ C seventn c ' ass changes the radical vowel a into it in the imperfect, and resumes it in the past participle, ' x. 2i>ad)fen, to grow • imperf. liuid)* ; past part. gcomd)]'eit ; ftcljen, to stand, ha ly, however, fhtiib), and in the past part, geftanben. , has ftani in the imperfect (former- The 5th and Cth classes include the greater par' of the : rregular verbs. 8J2 LIST OF THE IRREGULAR VERBS BELONGING TO EACH OF THE ABOVE CLASSES SEVERALLY. The Asterisk (*) marks the verbs which are also conjugated regularly, when they have an active or transitive sense. The persons and tenses not indicated hero, are regular, or are Formed from Hie persons and teaaos given. Derivative and compound verba are conjugated like their primitives. 1 Impe fecU Infinitive. Present of the indicative, -M and 3d persons of the singular. Past Participle. Imperatire. ;d pemoi "f tlie auujuiar Indicative. Subjunctive. CLASS I. 3} e f i t) t n, to possess, own, .. id) befap. id) tefiife. befelfen. — •Bitten, to entreat, . . id) biit. i.1) bate. gebeien. — S f f ( n, to eat, mi iffefr, er iffetor ifct. id) aft. id) n6e. gegeffen. 6. 3- 1 f f i" e n, to eat voraciously bit fctffeft, et ftifit. id) fraft. id) ftape. Befreffen, Flip. (in speaking of animals), 03 eb e n, to give, Mt gibft (giebft), er gibt (gieb:). id) gab. Id) gdbe. gegeben. jib (at'b). 03 e n e f e n, to recover, id) genap. id) gen.ife. jenefen*. — (Sefdiehen, ( to es gefd)ieht. f < 1) 1 e ii, to recom- Mi enipfidjlfl, et emppebtt. id) eiupfal)[. id) i inpfiilile (int« enipfol;len. emppeljL mend, pfolile). S n t 1 1 n u t n, to escape, iif) entrann (ent> tonn). iif) enlr.iiine(ent = tSttne), enttonnen. ~~ 8 1 f dj r < tf i n, to be fright- bit etfdjtid fi*, et erfd)tidt*. ill) erfdjtni.* iif) erfitjtiide*. erfifjtoden*. etfdjriif. ened, take fright. & t b a t e rt, to give birth to, bu gebietft*. et gebiert*. itft gcbot. id) gebiitt. ^ebottn. jebtet. produce, 03 e 1 1 c n, to cost, to bo worth, Mt giltfl, et gilt. id) gait. id) galte (gStte). gegeltei'. gin. 03 e iv i n n e n, to win, iif) geiviinn. id) neteanni (ge= ivoniie). irhb.ilfe, (Ijiilfe). geivonnen. — 6 t 1 f t n, to assist, succour, Mt bilffl, et bilft. [* balf. gebolfen, biff. X o hi hi e n, to come, id) fain. id) fiinie. gefoniinen. — ?l e Ii m e n, to take, bu tiiiiiinft, et nimtitt. id) iiabnt. id) naliiiie. ginoinnwn. niiiiiii. 0! i it it ( n, to run, flow, it) tann. idtraniie (rSnne). geroitnen. — ne) gefppnnen. — ; S v 1 e d) e n, to speak, Ml fpridtft, et fpridjt. id) fptnd). ne;. it) fpr.idie. gefprod)en. fprid). [S t » d) en, to sting, prick, Ml [litbfi, et ftidil. id) Had). id) gcfiodieii. fad,. i S t e if e n,t> to stick fast, td) |taf\ id) fl.tte*. — — 1 S t f M r n, to steal, Mt flieMrt, et fliebt. id) flabl (flol)l). id)fl.iMe(lloMe). gefloblen. flieM. 1 S t e r b e it, to die, Mi flirbfl, er flirbt. id) flarb. id) flatbe(ftiitbe). getlvtben. ftirb. Stiffen, to hit, meet, Mt triffll, er t riff t - id) traf. id) it.ife. gettpffen. inff. ii e c l> e t jj e it, to conceal, bu txtbitgll, et verbirgt id) vetbatg (?ci« id) vetb.irge (fet= vetbotgen. verbirg (veibet. bor B ). bBrgr). Be). T> e r b e t b e n, to be destroy- Ml verbirbfl, et vetbirbt. id) oetbatb. id) firi-dibe (vets vetbotben. vetcirb. ed, to perish, biitbe). 38 e r b r n, to recruit, enlist, Mt ivirbll, et rvirbt. i.1) irarb. id) iDAtbt (iviir< geivctben. ivitb. to gain, be). T.s 1 t p e it, to become, bu ivirll, et ivirb. id) iparb(ivurbr). id) iviirbe. geivcrten. — J'J e t f e n, to throw, cast, Mi ivirfft, et iviift. id) ivarf. id) iiMrfe (iviit: fO- gtivotfen, iVItf. CLASS III. i3 e b i n g e n, to (stipulate, .. id) bebang*. idi bebctngc* (be< bfinne). id) b.inre. bebitngen. — 53 1 n b « it, to bind, . . • . id) (vtiib. gebunben. — C i n 9 e n, to bargain, hire, • • id) Bung*. id) MllliK*. gebungen*. — £ rl n g ( it, to urge, insist, id) Dtong. id) gebtunflen, — ?m v f t n oe n, to feel, til) emvfanb. id) eiiii'f.iiibe. eiiipfunren. — S i n P e n, to find. .. td> fanb. Id) f.tiipe. gefuiiMn. — 03 el in gen, (impcrs.) tc • • • . e4 gelling. (J geldnge. gilungtn. — ' succeed, a This vort> must not be confounded will, It.yn, to lay, place, which u active and regula * Strd'en, to etick, Ai, in a transitive sense ia regular. 843 CLASSIFICATION OF THE IKItEGULAK VERBS ff (in g t it, to ring, sound, 9t i n g e n, to wring, wrestle, struggle, S d, i n t> t n, to flay, 3 d> I i n 3 1 n, to devour, to sling, e d) hi i n 6 • n, to disappear, vanish, 3 d, is i n s) o n, to swing, S i ii g mi, to sing, S i ii t f n, to sink, 3 p r i n g f it, to spring, jump, S t i n 1 1 n, to 9tink, i r i n f t n, to drink, 38 i n 6 1 it, to wind, 3 ib i n g t ii, to force, con- strain, CLASS IV. 8 (a ft it, to blow, £ c a i < it, to roast, tf m p f a it a r it, to receive, 5 a ( I t it, to fall, ft a it 9 c it, to take, catch, 6 t (> t n, to go, walk, IS 1 1 a 1 1) c it, to fail into, >> it [ t ( it, to hold, »> a ti 9 f n, to hang, to be suspended, ii it u e it, to hew, cut, s&c i ft t a, to call, order, to be called (named,) S a f f f n, to permit, let, 8 a u f e it, to run, 3H i ft f a 1 1 1 n, to displease, Oi a t ft « it, to advise, counsel, K « f i n, to call, E d) I c it, to stay, remain, 8 1 1 i d, f u, to grow pale, ® t b 1 1 i it) t n, e to grow pale, to die, © c 6 c 1 1) t it, to flourish, I prosper, I & I < i d) e ii, f to resemble, © ( e 1 1 « n, to glide, slip, t» t « i f « it, to take, seize, y$ t i f t n, to chide, grumble, .* it t i f e it * ; . . . S.ifipf„>f t0 P lnch - S e i 6 t n,« to suffer, endure, !ii(|in, to lend, 39t t i D i it, to avoid, •T> f f i f t it, to whistle, •V x t i f t n, to praise, extol, 9? f i b t it, to rub, 9? f i ft f it, to tear, burst, K « i 1 1 it, to ride, 3 d) f i b t n,b to separate, part, 3 d) t i it mi, to appear, shine, S d) i t i di t n, to sneak, B di ( t i f ( n, to grind, 3 d) 1 1 i ft t it, to slit, 3 d> in m ft c n, to throw down or aside with force, 8 d) it e i b t it, to cut, 3d) ttibf n, to write, 3 d) t f i i n, to cry, to scream, 3 di 1 1 i mi, to stride, S d) ib e i a e n,i to be silent, Present of the indicative, 2d and 3d persona of tue singular. mi Mafflr, cr &l$f«, bu brfirfi, rr brat. bu riltpfatigft, ft cinpfangt. bu falllt, ft fdltt. bu fangft, tt faiigf. bu gfraibft, tr gfra'th. Mi l,«ltfi, « bdlt. bu hangfl, «t Oa'ngt. bu loiffffl, ft (aftt. bu la'ufjt, ft [a'ufr. bu imftfaUft, ft miftfdll:, bu raibfi, tc ta'ift, bu fd)i,ifft, tr fd,[a'fr7 bu fiiipff}, tt ftuftt. Imperfect. ti flang, id) tang. id) fd,unb. id; fd)lang. id) fd) ib a nb. id) fd)iuattg. id) fang, id) fanf. id) fprang (fptung). id) flanf. id) tranf (itunt). id) njatib. id) jtoang. id) blitS. id) brifl*. id) tmpftiig. id) fid. id) fiug. id) 9ing. id) gfrull). id) bielt. id) ijmg. id) hitb*. id) [jifft. id) lifft. id) lief. id) lliiftftff. id) rifll). id) riff, id) fdiliff. id) flifft. Subjunctive. Bfrlifft. id) t'eftift. id) Bift. id) bliefe. d) bud), id) ttbild). id) gtbiet). idj g(id). id) flllll". id) griff. id) fiff*. id) fiiiff . id) fnipp*. id) litt. id) lit!), id) iniob. id) pfiff. id) pri«^*. id) rifb. id) rtft. id) ritt. id) fd)ifb. id) fd)ifn. id, fd,lid). id) fdiliff. id) fdilift. id) fd)inift. id) fdmiit. id) fdirifb. id) fdirif. id) fd)ritt. id) fdjwiffl. fS flii'ngf. id) tdngf. id) fdiiinbf. id) fd)UlMgf. id) fd)ivtint<. id) fdjiBii'itge. id) fnngf. id) fdnff. id) fprange (fpriingf). id) fianff. id) trdnff (triin. ff). id) manbf. id) jiBangt. id) blifff. id) bvifif'. id) finpfiiigf. id) fiflt. id) fingf. id) gingr. id) gfrinljf. id) bidtf. id) l)ingf, id) bifbf*. id) l)itftt. id) lifftf. id) liiff. id) niiftfii'lf. id) rifiln. id) rifff. id) fdjiifft. id) fli'ftf. id) Bfrlicftf. id) bfftifff. id) t'ifff. id) biifbf. id) Hid)f. id) frtiid)f. d) gtbieljf. fast Tarticifle. gtflungfn. gcrungcii. gtfcfyunbfn, gf|'d)lungiii. g(fd)i»unbfii. gffd)iBiingtn. gffiiiigtn. gtfunttn. gtfprunflHU gtflunffti. .ji'itiinleii. gfiBiiribfit. grjiBungtit. gfblaffn. gebrattn*. tiiipfangfit. fltfafftn. Btfotiflen. gtgangfn. gftatbfti. gtlialtrn. gtljangtit. gfdaiifit. gcl)ciftfn. gtlaffm. gflaufen. niiftfaHfU. gtraihftt. gtruffn. gffdjlaffit. grflpftfit. Bfrlafftn. bff.ifffit. gfbifffn. jfblitbftt, !lfblid)fn. «rblid)fii. Ofbi(I)tn. Imperative. 2d person of Hie eio^ular. id) glidjf. gfglidjfn. id, glitif*. 3>'gliiifn. id) grifff. gfgriffftt. 'd) tlfff*. B'fifftn. id) fnifff*. gffnifffn. ■d) ftiippt*. gftniippfn. id) liiif. gfliitfn. id) liebf. g'liflifn. id) lllif^f. gtiitirbfit. ■d) pfifff. fl'pfifffn. •d) prif|f». O'ptifffit. 'd) rifbf. 9'rifbfit. |d) rifff. fl'rifffii. id, rittf. Dfritlfrt. ■d) fd)iebf. 9'fd)itB«n. id) fd)iritf. affdiiftifrt. id) fd,lid,f. qtfd,[id,fit. id, fdtlifff. gffd,liffftt. id) fdtlifff. gffdtlifffn. id) fdjtitiffi gtfd)iuifftn. id) fdjnirtf. gffdinittfti. id) fdjrifbf. gcfdirifbfii. id) fdiriff. gffd,riffit. id, fd,rittf. gf|d,rittfit. id) fd)iBifgf. gffd)ivif0«n haltf (bait). laft. lauf. fd,laff (fd)[ 1 1 i d) t n). S i r } ( i It c n, to pardon, TJ e i d) e n,J to yield, 2B c i f e n, to show, guide, 3 ( i I) ( n, to accuse, tax with, convict, impeach (used in & legal seuse>, CLASS VI. 33 e t r t'i g e n, to deceive, 9$ t tv < g r n, to move, deter- mine, 93 i e g e it, to bend, 93 i e t e n, to offer, bid, 1 £> t e f d; e u, to thrash, . ® 1 1 ii t i it,* to choose, e r 1 5 f d> e n, i to become I extinct, expire, I S t f ," to suck, S d) n 1 1 e n, to sound, S d) e r e n, to shear, cut, S d> i e b e n, to push, put off, shove, <3 d) i e ft e n, to shoot, . S d) I i e ft e n, to shut, f E d) in e I ) e n,» to melt, dis- 1 solve, ; S d) n (i ii b e it, f to brealhe, |Sihnieben, < puff, pant, 5 d) r a u b r n, to screw, . 8 d> t» a t en, to tester, 6 d) iv e 1 1 e n. i> to swell, to I becon-.j Inflated, I S d) iv 5 r e n, to swear, S i e b e n > to boil, S p f i t ft e n, to sprout, S l i e h f n, to scatter, dis- perse, Present of the indicative, 2d and 3d persons of the singular. reg. or: bit beutft, et beut. bu brifd/efl, et fctifd;t. tu (rfifd)efl, er erlifdji* bit fidifr, er prfji*. Mt fbd)ir, etflidjt*. reg. or: bit fleugft, er fieugt. reg. or: bu fleudtft, er fleud)t. reg. or: bu fleuftefl, et fteuftt. reg. or: bu gebeutft, et i'beut. reg. or: bit geneufteft, et geneujit. reg. or: i>. geufte(l, et geuftt. reg. or: bu freu.Dft, er freud>r. reg. or: bu leugft, et leugt. bu milffl*, et mutt*. bu giuffft, et guifft. reg. or: bu fd)[eiiftfft, et fd;feiiftr. on fdjiiiiljtfl, et fd;miljt. tu |"d)iviU(J, et fdjiviOt. reg. or: bu iVrrufteft, erfVtettftt. biTflttbft, et fliebt. id) (Vie. id) fplift. I* |lieg. id) ptidp. id; fltitt. id) ttieb. Id) ettblid). id) verjicf). id) irid). id) ivies', id) Jt(f). id) betteg. id) beioog. id) bog. id) bet. id) bwfd) (brnf.t)'). id) erfcr. id) etlofrf). idt etfrbott*. id) envcg*. id) fod)l. id) flodjt. i f) flog. id) floh. id) floft. id) fret. id) gobr*. id) jebot. id) genofi. id) goft. id) gloiiim*. id) bob. id) flob. id) floiiim*. id) ftod). id) log. idi tttcLf • id) rf>g. id) giioH. id) tod), in) feff. id) fog. id) fdioO* id) fdior. id) fd;ob. id) fd)oft. id) fchloft. id) fd)iuotj. id) fdinob*. id) fdinob'. id) frbrob*, id) fd)ivcr. id) fd)ivoir. id) fd)ivpt (fd)ivut). id) fftt. id) fi-rcft. id) flob. Subjunctive. id) fi'iee. I* futfffa id) ftiege. id; fttid;e. id) ptitte. id) triebe. id) vetblidir. icfj ver;i(!>e. icf) ivid)e. id) tviefe. id; jielje. id) belr'.ie. id) b(iv5gt. if) boge. id) bine. id) bti>fd;e (fctfii fdie). it) ertore.* id; (tl3fd)t, id) ftfd)!B«*. id) envoge*. id) fiidne. id) R3d)tf id) fl'ge. id) R3h«. id) fWffe. id) frote. id) gotite*. id; geb5te. id) genjffe. id) goffe. id; glBiiinie*. id) f-Jbe (biibe). id) flfbe. id) flijiuine*. id) fr3d)e. id) IBgr. id) in? if e*. id) vfloge. id) flii">He. id) rtd)f. id; fSffe. id) fT-oe. id) fdr5(fe». id) fdi-re. t.1) fd)3bt. id) fd)5fte. lid) I'd) l? fie. lid; fd)uiJljf. ' idt fdin?be*. I id) fdlllMv*. [id) r*tw«*. id) fdjirStt. id) fd;ii|V'gen. gefliiotTen. gerodien. fjefoffen. gefogen. gefdtcren gefd;oben. gef^effen. gefblofien. gefdiniclini. gefibnoben*. geffhneben*. geftbroben. gei^ivoren. ge|'d)ivoOen. gefd)ivoten. 'gefotten. . gefvroffen. igeflcben. lmperatire. 2d Renoa uf the t.i.- :. r. fieig. reg. or: teuf. rrifd). rlif.l). nifu*. flld,!'. reg. or: fteug. reg. or: j)eu t), reg. or: fleuft. reg. or: gefreut, reg. or: geneiiS, reg. or: graft. reg. or: '.eug. ii ii iff. fchlfr. reg. oi : fdifeiift, I'ibiiiilj. fchroill. reg. ff : fpmrf. ) OTtiien, In mollify, snfl«n, IK sctive and rejular. k Tlie us.- of this »erh ia of anrisnt date ; it is atill, liiwem, nied in poetry, but not in tlif present. 1 Thin veri> i" d-nveii fm.n MSfdjtit, to extinguish, which is reguhr, the same as .tmlof-bi-n. n ")>fl*arn, to n i-se 10 be accustomed, is regular. " e.vic.ini, I- i"i kl-, is regular. • @$nfd)c* a verli>|'d;en. guished, go out, 33 e r u> i r r e ii, to confuse. id; Detioort*. id; venv'erte*. renrotten*. entangle, : c - ; .1 a .- ii, to weigh, consider, • . f • id) i»og*. id) nrtge*. geirogen*. balance, IB .' b e ii, to weave, .. id; mob*. id; roBoe*. geircben*. •Ii? i e a e ii,' to have weight, . id; iceg. id; lvcge. gemogen. 253 1 r c f ii, to confuse, entan- .. til) 1UCCI*. ul; iv i5 vie. geiuotten*. gle (like its derivative Aienvirmi), 3 i e I) e ii, to draw, •• id) 103. id) iJge. gejegen. — CLASS VJB. 3 a rf o n, to bake, Mi baiffr, er bait'. id) bur. id) oiife*. ,)fb,'.Jen*. . m ,v n i) r r n,« to drive (in a Mi fiihtjl, er fiiljtt. id) fllljt. id; ful)te. gff,il)teii. — carriage), ,v r n a e ii, to ask, Mi fragfi, et ftfigt. id; fntg\ id) friige*. — Hi rate n, to dig, cu grabjl, et gtiibt. id; grub. id; grube. gegrnben. £ a 6 « n, to load, . . . id; tub*. id; liiDe*. geiabeu. U'ol)len,< to grind, reg. or: id) mill)!. reg. or : id; imiliie. id) |'d;nfe. geiiiiiljlen. — £ <(i n f f e n, » to create, .. .. id; fd;uf. gefdjaffen. _ S d; i a g e n, v to strike, beat, mi ,d;lfigft, er |'d;[n'gt. id; (d;utg. id; fd)iiig(. gi-id;uigen. — 6 t < 1) e n, to stand, .. id; [lane (iluub). id; fiance (fniru be). id; itiige. geflancen. He*. Stag tit, to carry, cu tragfi, et iriigt. id; ttug. getrngen. IB « d) f e n, to grow, wax, in- cu lututyfeft, et iudd;fl. id; uuid;i>. id; ii)iid;fe. gei»aa)|"tn. — crease, IB o f a; t n, to wash, cu l»S|"d)efl ( cr roajtbt*. id) unifd;*. ul; iviifd;e*. geioafdjen*. — CLASS VEII.f 33 r ( n n ( n, to burn, id; btiiimle*. id) bremite. gebrannt*. JBringdi, to bring, id; btad;te. id;;ie.;!. — D e n f ( n, to think, id; Mid;ie. id; Diidjte. gei>ai1;r. 3 » r f e n, to be permitted, id) bocf, bu barffr, et forf. id; buvfie. i.l) biitfte. geMitft. o ii b i n, to have, id; babe, Mi lja|i, et tjat. id) hilllf. id) Inn lie. gehabt. St e u r. : ii, to know, id; tiiiuite. id) fciiiue. getiiniit. ft 3 n n e a, to be able, can, id) fiinii, tu fannft, et fflltlt. id; tiMime. id; lemur. getDiint. )); ii q i p, t,_, h» allowed, may. id) iiv^, bj ritagji, et mcig. id; mod;ie. id; ini'dire. geniod)t. W ii f f ( ii, to be obliged, id) niuji, bu uiupt, et i:iup. id; id; iniipte. geniujit. must, 31 e ii n f n, to name, .. id; minute. id) nennte. geniiiint. — S ( n n ( n, to run, id) canine. id; re n me. geraiint. — iir>)fr doiirnn'., JH. E. Augs- Tttigcb. 5. \ burgh Currency. 2lk or Slbonn. " Hbonnement, subscription. Mbfrfm. « tfbfrbrtilt, section. A. U. " Anno Domini, in the year of )ur Lord, a. D. " a Dato, J\I. E. from this day, after date, a. £>. " anfar ^tfnfhn, out of service, on half pay (said of officers). aft. or add. " fir ae biniu, ['tut bfi, add. Ubm. " ltc-mirnl, admiral, a. c. " an Mr, on the, e. g. a. b. Cnatf, Ortr (also a./S., a./O.), on the.Sala, on the Oder, a. f. " anni futuri (Kinftigrn 3abres), next year. a. g. " agoveraa()urSrnrljtung), M. E.tot (your) government. a. ol)n[)fit), M. E. in the usual way. " Idijlagr, 'Jtmtgabr, edition. u Wugiift, August or Augustus. " augmentum (Sermehrung, Sufai}), augmentation! addition. " actum at supra (g*fdjfh*n ivic oben), /.. T. done aa above, on the same day. u amlftbenbct .Hrjt, practising phy- sician. B. stands fur Srirfe, .If. E. paper, bills (on ex- change). " I. bei, bei bem, bfim, at, with, by ; 2. (at the end of a syllable) a) for bait: c ir. 3)ergb. for Sergbau, mining; b)/orber, berei; e. p. (Serb. /or Berber, tanner, or 6>er« berei, tanning-house. " Sanfmif), architecture. " fSanfactic, Siinfafpfltiate, bank-share. «' S.inte, volumes. " Sriiomi, brothers. " SSriiber, brothers. « S5:!.1), book. " Stanfgelb, fSanfiverlr, banco, bank- money. Kb. " SBano, volume. So. into.) Sr. or Snn. SucbDr. 3. 25., 3 3. 5.K. ca. or ca. Sap. Sapt. Carol. tart. S. 3. or (|orrent, .V. E. account cur- rent. " centum (biinberl), hundred. iid. St. I. u cetera (^.vJ Uebrtge, tu Uebrigtn), I the rest. f. " confer (man oerg(eicr)e), compare, " Correnii&mbcn, .)/. E. florins cur- rency. Courani>@e(b, .V. E. currency. Sompagnie, M. E. company. 3ljre SKecbnung, M. E. your account. am anaffiilirtin Orte, at the place mentioned. Ounserriaufcnb, a hundred sand. linfere or runt Redjnung, .1/. /.". our or new account. (Jonio, Jlf. E. account. 1. Uotiimiif (Seitenfpalte), column; 0. Solonif (-Vtlanifi.ifi). Colony. 1. ( (ttmltgenoffe), colleague; 2. tfoOegium, college, collatts (perglidjen), compared. conferirt, confirmirt, -)/. I . Brmed, accredited. c|onpention<> IRilnje, conTOnt Ion- money. Soprif, copeck. Souranr, currency. 1. Sentner (>?"•), "hundred B 2. Bid. Sour. oid. (S. 3. (Jiil'itfuii, cubic foot. current (gegeninarugen), this or llio present . month, ( Cir-ilprrbienftoeben, Order of Civil Merit. SiPilvcrbienflorbenlrttter, Knight of the Order of I 'nil Merit. SourfV3. u 6. t. OT. " 6. JR., bf. OTiS. or 7 tt 60., tttc. " Spff. " Dr. or Doct. " t. K. 5. " Dr. raed. " Dr. Phil. » D. S. 6S, or 6fS. £«., Sin;., Sj. or SjnC 1 . Sue. Surd)!, or Scdjt. o.S. f. S. or Sir. e. c. stands for M tbentaf. ep. or Itit ed. cdd. (Ed.) (( U e. e. " GIjciu. K e.g. " ei. ej. H CC err. engt, 0. o. I( cod. e. p. Srjb. Etc. or etc. et i. p. da or detur (gift, e£ lvertf gfojcbfii), give (on recipes). rid. Dr. tor '.'lolterf, the older. dedit (bejahlt), paid. 6al>*r, thence. Sanifd) i'iinf », Jlf. jE. Danish banco. tnfflbfr, there, at that place. do, dico, dedico (ul> grbe, tvridr, u'iMue), I dedicate, inscribe ; or dat, dicat, dedicat, (ho) dedi- cates, inscribes (a book). de dato (bom Sag* tor 2lin>Pfttiiiig), Jl/. .E. from the date, da tales doses, give such doses (in recipes). Sebiter, M. E. debtor. turd) Sinfdjlufc, per or by enclosure. Sfoember, December. Sedjor, dicker (of hides). tfr ©rofcf, the great, deleatur (man flrcidjf (mi), erase, blot out. Semeifflle, maiden lady, miss. Sfpnrifntem, department. tie Sevtfeijung felg.r, to be continued, turd) ©iite, tnrdi ©clcgenqcit, by the favour or politeness of . . . tfr ©otteslgflnbrtbfit sBfjhffener, stu- dent of Divinity. tfraleidjen, the like, such. tarf bfipt, that is to say. bai ift, that is. Si&oitto, discount. tiffoS 3at;tcS, this year, the present year, tor Siingftt, the younger. Doctor juris utr usque (bfitcr D?ed>te Sooter), Doctor of Laws. tcS lel^tfti M.'onaiS, of last month. SifffS OTonatiJ, of this month. titto, tetto, ditto. Sfimpffd)tff, steamboat, steamer. Sector, Doctor. tfr JKedjrt (, young lawyer. Softer tfr OMftuin, Doctor of me- dicine. Sector ter ^>fji£ofopr}ie, Doctor of Philosophy. dal segno, (Mus. T.) tiefeS, this. Sugrab, dozen. Suffittn, ducat, ducats. Siirdnaiid)t, Serene Highness (title), tcr SSttfafffc, the author. <$. tin, a; one. Ciifr, your. 1. exempli causa (pun SriflrifQ, for example; 2. for ex commissio- ne, by virtue of one's commis- sion or power. fbenbnfelbft, at the same place. Sbition (2fu#go. ,vt. or Sut. f. b. 3. Scb. SfltlH. fff. or ff. f. f. fff. f-g-, fs-, fgs- F33-, flfl. aiii. (fin.) SI. or fl. f. 1. a. or f. s. a. (hit. F. M. f. m. So. F°- Fol. Atrtf. f. fr. (fr.) " ?^. a.O. « S-ranfr. u Art 'or. » Srbr. u Arfit. " ,vrl. cc f.S. u ©., fl. ©I., fl(. 03r., gt. O-iait. ©b. (Sbrt.) 0. s. S. or Q3tr. Sir. geb. gff». gnu. ©en. or ©enrat. ©en. ©en. St. ©fogt. ©(0111. ©ft. stands for <$utr, 5urf, your. " (Surer, of or to your. " excipe (an5iitf), end. S-lorfn, i. e. ©ulbrn, florin, fiat lege artis, fiat secundum ar- tem, Med. T. let it be prepared according to the rules of the art. (hh'mifd), Flemish. fiat mixtura, Med. T. mix. folio jyihi, on my page, on the page of my edition (of a book). SiMio, page; folio; f°- r°- = folio recto, on the first or uneven page ; f°- v°- = folio verso, on the reverse or even page. S'Ortfe(;ung folgt, to be continued. 1. Sran, Mistress, (Mrs.); 2. Sraiu fon, franc. 1. fronfo, post-paid; 2. Sranfen, franc; 3. franpfifd), French. Srantfiirl am .Wain, an tor Ctor, Frankfort on the Maine, on the Oder. Srantroidi, France. S-riftridjiS S'or, Frederick d'or S-reiberr, baronet, baron. fiirfltid), princely. Stan If in, Lady, \Iiss. foul Stlbor, line silver. " 1. Sufi, foot; 2. Saf., barrel. G. stands for ©fit, money (on exchanges). " (in compounds) ©efdndjle, history; e. g. jiniurg. for }iaturgt|'a)idpte, natural history. ©rofrljfn, groshen. ©nttiing, kind, genus. ©fbriittr, brothers. goiuMfaiiififr Sioner, most obedient servant. ffioriol)i6i Dirf.ii-r, judiciary. 1. gobovou, born; 2. gtbuntfn, bound. gfbefifi, stitched. nenifirft, marked. ©enealogie, genealogy. ©onfral, general. ©fiioiaul'toiiionaiu, lieutenant ge- neral. ©rograpbif, geography. ©toiiioirif, geometry. ©end;t, court of justice. 848 I78T OF THK MOST US7AL GERMAN AND LATIN ABBREVIATIONS. ©«f.f>. itamls fur ©*fd;l. " fleft. " ©tu>. " ©. ©. tt 9. ©. ©9., ©9(1. or I ©Ibfl. J ©gtiv., g. ©eia. > or ©gii'. j ©9t., 83'- a a a u G(. ©IB. 91. (Bou. gl. m. u 9(- 91. ©t. flr- ©raffd). or ffirffd) ©camm. u u gran. gr. (St. ©t(j. M ©rfl*., ©t»W. or ©t. Hut. U gr. m. " ©tt. " ©. e^t»t. gtt. ©.as., ©.Sttr. ) or ©.Sivltt. j ©am. u h.a. &0.1116. J&bigiw. ) VanMgSiD. j h. e. ©«b. 6fi{. $cta(b. £«}. fc. ©., 6*. or ) J>J>?nn. $ ft I. h.l. II. L. Q. C. h. 111. ©nbMt. &pt. ftp to. ©ptft fcpt». ©t. i>ni. •Otii.N. X. )l. s. © ftcf.m lc), coarsely cut, coarse. 1. ©toot, groat; 2. ©tofUSauftnb, number of twelve hundred. Oii-rnlitS = Srfireil-er, clerk, actuary, guttae (Stopftn), drops. @cttd)t£>S3etivaltcr, judiciary. ©umnaflif, gymnastics. stands fur 1. (at the end of a syllable) ©iitlt, ftanBtvttf, <•. «•. Ciffnti. /or Siftn. Nine, iron-works; GdjmifBff). for SdjttiifBebanBivirf, smiths' trade; 2. M. E. $ab«n, credit (in ac- counts). " hoc anno, this year. " Hamburg, Qambutgifd), Hamburgh. " $nnbuingga2Sifftnfd)af , r l commercial science. " hoc est (6n« i|i), that is. " S&tbtftifd}, Hebrew. " b'Mifl, holy, saint. a 0tM(bif, Heraldry. gttjoglirt), Ducal. $trtiiltonf. ipiittf ntw. Ik. or ibid. I id. i t.o.3. .. " 3nfpftfet, inspector. 3ut. " Sntcnffr, infa it. " item (B««gl«idj«n), moreover. it. or itiit. a italienifd), Italian. 3. (consonant). 3. stands for 3.Ht, year. i- " j. " 3nt)tf)urtBrTt, century. 3.111. or Jan. ", Januarius, January. JCtus. " juris consoltos (9ted)l«g«Uirt«), lawyer. J. If. S. vid. under 3. (vowel). » J. N. R. J. " Jesus Nazarenns, rex Jndaeornm, Jesus of Nazareth, Icing of the Jews. J. u. C. " juris utriusque Candidatus (b«ib*t fX(d)ti SontiBat), young lawyer, candidate for the bar. J. u. D. " Juris utriusque Doctor (bfiBrr Dtrdjti ICoctot), doctor of laws, LLO. iiif. " jiiMf.1i, Jewish. J. u. L. " juris utriusque Licenciatus (6»iB»t !Kcd)t( Eictntiai), young lawyer, licenciate. 3u(. or Jul. " 3nti, Julius, July, jun. " junior (bet 3ungfct), the younger, junior. 3nn. or Jun. " Sum, Junius, June. 3nt. u 1. Snri^^tutdij, jurisprudence; 2. Surifi, jurist, lawyer. ft. <>. stands for Serb, basket, crate. t. " (at the end of a syllable), funN, funft, e.g. Bioigf, for, eternity; v ,• 1 1 f . far fttilfunbt, medical science; U.iuf . for 9$an< tinift, architecture. K. or Kal. " kalendae, the calen d s. ur faifetl. " t.iif.'iii.ti, imperial. Kal. u RnUnBtt, calendar. Stnp. " Itapitcl, chapter. u, carat. f.ittj.Jt. " t.iii'iMif.tx stitdjt, Catholic church. Sift. " 1. Staiftr>@u!bfii, florin (imporia] currency) ; 2. Sdnfltutt, nicr- chants. Sfm. " S.iiifiuann, merchant. Sfuir(id)»f3niglid>, imperial royal. St. tt St.ifif, class. U. " ririn, small, little. Rlftt. u ftlofifr, cord, fathom. Kih. " fti»in«AunBitt, a round hundred. «u. " ff(tin»2ouftnB, a round thousand. ft. JR. " Stupfttmfinj*, copper coin. tin. or fonijt. " fBnifllid), royal. Rpfr, " Jtupftr, copper, r.r. " 1, Jtronr, Sttontn, crown, crowns (money); 2. Stt«W, district; 3. Rrirg, war. ■J! rG '''!' I " JttjfgJwiffenfAoft, science of war. S^ctMr. " fl'tcnrn: JlMtJt, crown-piece (of six livres). Jttj. " ftrnijfr, kreutzer, cruizer. Jtf. " Kaiftr, emperor. X. S. « lurj/ Gidpt, .1/. K. short sight. 8. £. stands fur 1. i'.in.v, longitude; length; 2 1. . or 8b. for liibifa), tt' ur l'rotn !.•> beck. (. « I. (at the end of a syllable) Imt«, leer, 1-..1), lung ; 2. lint, read. 54 R49 LIST OF THE MOST USUAL GERMAN AND LATIN ABBREVIATIONS. stands for ..a. lot. Uuf. OTon. lb. L. B. Lbl. L. bcc. £blMt. H I.e. " Jet. L. D. u Ld'r. or Ld'or. S.Sim., Six, vim. , £fy. or S.Jvim. 1 Cftg. *g. or Sgtb. a. @. i. 3. l( U « u u rit. 1!. OT. i. 3W. K K u £. . 8»6. u u JJi. stands for Wab. or OTaNne. « Wag. Ufa). a mail. OT. S3. a OT., 3Xf. or 3Rrf. « OTaro. u COJatft. or OJ'athem. u OS. -St. u M. C. or ra. c. u in. c " v:-i. « M. 1). " M. D. S. ) m. d. s. ) Woo. merfiD. u Kfl. ti ra. f. pi v. j m. f). i m. ». $. 3Jtitt. I otu«. I OKiUt. |, OTinet. 1. fiinfjig, fifty ; 2. (on Dutch cloths) Leyden manufacture ; 3. L., Lr. or Lvre. /or i'it're, livre: 4. L., L. S. or L. St. for Smx Sidling, pound sterling. lege artis, according to (as pre- scribed by) the rules of the art. (ateinifd), Latin. (aufenben JOionntS, this month. libra (-yfunb), pound. 1. lectori benevolo (tern geneigten £efer), to the gentle reader; 2. Liber liaro (.yreiiierr), baronet, baron; 3. (on titles cf boohs) T. Lugduui Batavorum, Leyden. Louisblanc, vid. Ld'r. Sistebanco, livre banco. finubthnier, French dollar. loco citato (am nngefuljnen One), at the mentioned place. £uentint, licentiate. laus Deo (©ottSob!), thank God! God be praised! SouUb'or, Louisd'or. Vfimc Jlamifcf;, pound Flerc'sh. Siefevting, delivery. Uid)tti QJetb, light money. £ringens©raO, degree of longitude. (aufenben 3at)re>S, in the present year. Siteratur, literature. £anbe$»33iiin)e, coin of the country. 1. legten OJ'onati!, last month, ul- timo; 2. Inufenoen 3)ionati, of the present month. £ieSs l Pf unB or Siepstyfurib, Lispound. £eipjig=£)re^oner SifenbabnstSonu'as gnu*, Leipsic and Dresden Ilail- Road Company. £ire (Liard), liard. loco sigilli (nnflatt iti Sieged), in place of the seal. Sange Sicht, long sight. 1'afl, last (weight) ; burden. ■yfiinb Sterling, pound sterling, Sotb, half an ounce. Seinroanb, linen. 3». 1. TCeile, mile ; 2. ?fl. or M. for ?7ia* nihil, DJ'emorUil, waste-book, mi- nute-book. 1. magister (before names), master of arts; 2. M. or sm. for mille (laufenc), thousand; 3. vid. man. [at the end of words) lllcinVr, maker ; c. g. Sd)u()in. for Sdjuljmadjet, shoemaker. 1. misce (on recipes), mifefje ! mix ; 2. m. or masc. for masculinum, Oram. T. masculine gender or noun. SXabame, Madam. vid. M. 1. OTnjeflfit, majesty. manipulus (on recipes), a hand full. Watt i5?aneo, mark banco. DJiacf, mark (coin). 372atabebi£, maravedi (Spanish coin). OTaihematir', mathematics. mittag[id)e SBreite, southern latitude. mio conto (inein Sonto), my ac- count. mensis currentis (till (aufenben Wo* mil), in the course of the month. 37!anbel, number of fifteen. Medicinae Doctor, M. D. (on recipes) misce, da, signa. TCebidn, medicine. nietfmiitbtg, remarkable. 3Rei£nifd)e CJutuen, florins of Mis- nia. misce, fiat pulvis (mifcf;t, macfye !)5uleet) ( mix, pulverize (on re- cipes). mein -Oerr, Sir. meine ftcrren, Gentlemen. OTittion, million. ■Wabemoifelte, mademoiselle, miss. Wittered}, mill-rees. 371ineial:eie, mineralogy. CUiin. stands for mux. H rai!.(miii.)»))i. 11 in. in. m. m. pr. m. o. «>. " m. p., m. ppa. > It or Mpp. j 3Rv(I. " OTrgr. " Wert. tt •attttfi. ) , t DJlarftjl. \ in. f. a WJfcpt, or MS. " WJfcpte. or MSS. " M. s «. (i n;p. u DJipnfi. 33? fir. * )Xt. u 3H(j*. " mut. mut. " 2Kse. u stands for or rt.OJnf. 31. 2C. mi mi. nat. or na:iirl. Otautrg. OL'Jlmet. NB. u 51. SB. ) n. SBr. J N.C. or C,N. ic ?Jgr. SrtJ!. N. L. « N.M. u N.N. " No. No. or no. 3to.-- l Vf6. 91 6». N.P. u Not. publ. caes. jui 1 . imm. (( Ollif. «r., Nro. 91«*. 31. S. N. S. U (( n. St. 31. t. or teft. nto. or 3? no. Stum, or 3luui tin O. stands for 0. A. D. G. « 3ff. 9SL O. 8 D*. Minute, minute. 33!nlter, measure of corn (of seve- ral bushels). meine yerren, Gentlemen. vid. mut. mut. manu mea propria (mil meinet ei> genen ^anb), with my own han-i. melir oter meniget, more or less. manu propria (eigentuinbig), (my, his, her, &c.) own hand-writing, 3J,'arien»©uloen, florin of Hannover. SRariensOSrofdjen, Marien groshen. 3J;nrt, mark (weight of 8 ounces). O.Wuftfleeten, mai'ket-town. man (etie, see. DJ'rtnufcriyt, manuscript. 3Jfnnufctipte, manuscripts. mandatum sine clausula (ein nn« bebingtei iBefeljl), absolute man- date. aji'nfc, measure. l\'ei|iiu|\i)e toulfen, florins of Mis- nia. 1. l\'ei|1er, master: 2. Wufler, pat- tern, sample. 3JJonnt, month. DJtege, peck. mutatis mutandis. D,'.'jii;e, coin, money. 1. nen, new ; 2. nncf), after. 1. 31ame, name; 2. Slorben, north; 3. 31 2/3, for neue jnjeitritlet £ni = cte ((JonfemionSgelo), new florin pieces. l.J&ert , Mr.*** (Mr. such a one) ; 2. vid. Nro. nacf) .'iiiceni, after others, neue 2(u3gnbe, new edition. mimliil), namely, to wit, viz. minirliil), natural, native, — ly. 9taturgefebit, octavo; 2. — cr JtVtu. for October, October. sber, or. SffentUrtje ^liitter, public pap*r». oiliiitie £nnge, eastern longitusln. Oi>er-£iinfis, Upper Lusatia. 8J0 ' LIST OF THE fliCST U&CTAL GERMAN AND LATIN ABBREVIATIONS. O.

    bb. p. p. c. stands for 06er»q5ofMtmt, post-office general. " erbin.i'r, ordinary. « ohne Unurfdiitb cer 2?»b«utung, with- out any difference of signilicu- tiun. " Or(joft, hogshead. stands fir proleftirr, protested » 1. para (Jl)fil), part; 2. par or per (Buret)), by; 3. pro (fiir), for. pagina (:25imi= or Sud)-Seif«), page, pages. per annum (jfibrlid)), by the year. $5rima(»2l«ed)fel), tirst of exchange. rnrific SiiS, foot of Paris. passato (le^ten Wonois), last month, ultimo. 1. (also 'Vr. (Jr.), prfu^ifcf)fg (, Prussian currency ; 2. (also p. c, pfft., wo <5., or pCt.) pro Uent, rom JOnnt-cct, per cent, by the hun- dred. l. pnffirl turif), passing through; 2. per deliquium, J\Icd. K. by be- ing melted. per expressum (bard) dncn <5ig«ru bot«n), by express. Pastor fidus animarum Sdelium, faithful shepherd of believing souls. pfennig, fenning, penny. '^pflt^^, pound; >Pfb. Sr. for Vfnnb Sterling, pound sterling. pour faire visile (urn iBefuef) nbjuj finiten), to pay a visit. Vrofeffor, professor. (JJfarrborf, village in which a cler- gyman resides. Vhiiofephie, philosophy. VMifif, physics. Spijljfiologie, physiology. (Paiitimunnt), packing cloth. pet Slonat, per month. pro memoria. l>er or pro mille (fiir or Bom iiiu = fenb), by the thousand. prossimo (nddpjien Vttaati), next month. per occasionem (mit ©elegmiwii), favoured by , or by ***. pro cent, per cent. per mille, vid. p. m. police, policy. portugiefifd), Portuguese. unb fo writer, el cetera (in Writing), &c. Vii'f, pipe. praemissis praemittendis (mil SBot« beigeljmtg iilkt iitiilmuren), Sir (in addressing persons of every rank, even the king). . TO., Pi 1 K. per procura, by or per procura I i on. ^Jappbnnb, pasfboard-binding, in boards, pour prendre congi (511111 UbfrfyieDa iKlimtn), to take leave (on viflitr ing cards). yttii, price. vid. P. C. 1. per (fiir, burif)), per, by, for. per (Tontant, gegen baatti \i> Vf. ir ; Ro. Do. fur Ruverendo Do- mino, 9?»f. " SKeffrent, informer, reporter. iRri. " Pf«ligicn, religion SRefp. or resp. " 1. responde or respondeatur (Kc ti " etoml hum porbfboi. S.E.e.0. J ten), errors and omissl cepted. Sufi. " Steflobt, sea-town, ftl. « I'.-.i.i. late, deceased, fcl. 2l ! irr. " i'.-.i.k KJitliPf, late widow. sequ. ur sq. u sequena (b*r, t,i» ,^ct9.■n^»), the I following. f.g. " I', (properly) so called. Sgr. " Silbtrgrofdxn, silver-grosben. salv. cur. f. B. " Sbgr. " S/C. " sc. or scil. " Sf0ff.6o)ffl or3di! •' Sduffb., Sdiifff. «• fdil. ©. « 6d)d. or So. " Sdjpf. Sdjt. " Etf., Se. " Set. " f. b. " e.5i LIST OF THE MOST USUAL GERMAN AND LATIN ABBREVIATIONS. «.h. dgn. a j. i f. s. SI. Sid. or Sldo. s. L e. a. f. m. S.O. SOlV. P'- Spco. em. SviMt. ewf. fi'f. or Sj.ff. Epr. f»r. Svr., Svtb. s. q. Er.OT. (Woj.) s. r. or salv. rat. S. S. or S. Scr. Ss. s. s. n. S. T. ft. St. irlo. Eib. or Sibr. Sifrg. . Eitf. Si.r'i. etg. ! st. n. I 6tnp. ett., smb. or en>. St. V. S. V. 8. T. f. t>. n. e.3. 1 1-3. i to., tf)., Sbn. ( „ Ta,Th.,Tha.,Tr. S tedm. " If). » Zblt., tiji. " Tia. " standt for salvo honors (tec Sftre imb.-Miatvt, nut •Srlaiilmiji jn fogm), with re- verence be it said. " signatum, Fignirr, signed. " societas Jesu, the Society of Jesus. « fiiDliny ?nng», southern longitude. " Soim. soldi (Italian coin). Snlfo, balance. sine loco et anno (obri( CVt unB Sdlit c^ Jni'evj, without year or date. fibe, see. 1. vid. s. E. C. ; 2. servus obser- vantissimus (geborfamfler Wiener), most obedient servant. solve (I5fi oiif ), solve. fpnnifrf), Spanish, eporco (bnuto), gross weight. Si-eeieS; Abater, specie dollar. Svefen, charges fiu'.-vfnn, superfine- Spradit, language, manner of speaking, fvricb, pronounce. Soeaep, specie dollars. SiiprrxZara, super-tare. sufficiens quantitas, sufficient quantity, quantum suffleit. Efinft XVnjfflfif, His Majesty, salva ratilicatione (mil SSercrhad rer bolicnri (SStiKfimigimg), reserv- ing the approval or ratification of a higher authority, sacra scriptura, the Sacred Scrip- tures. semi3 (I)o(b), half, signa suo nomine (Ocjf icfme fS mit font geboriaen 'Jinmen), mark or label it with its proper name, salvo titulo, vid. P. P. 1. fi.ub, died; a. fiarr, instead of, for. 1. vid. Set.; 2. SfnM, town, city; 3. Sterling, sterling; 4. Stii*, piece. Santa, vid. Set. Sniper, stiver. Stnbefjen, measuie of one gallon. Siiief, piece. Sumce, hour. Sterling, sterling. Siiege, a score, number of twenty. Styli novi (neuen Style), new style. Stcnu'cl>-l\u'iiT, stamped paper. Si nv>cr, viil. Sib. styli veteris (alien Sail?), old style. Biimme venerande ! (in titles ) salva venia (mil erlaubmfc), with permission, fa viel aid, as much as. Snfuni, system. I'eiucr 3fit, in due time. stands for 1. Ibeil, volume; 2. Sitel, title. " i. tenor, tenor ; 2. tomus, volume : 3 titulo, title ; 4. tutti, Mils. t. tutti. " testantibus actis (ivie tit ttrfunffii be;eugen), on the evidence of the documents. tit. deb. Sort. tot. tit. t. pi. Tta , Ttta., Tie. Ttia. n.X u. a. u. e. «. o taxa, tare. 1. technologie, technology; 2. tei;= neicaif i>, technological. tag, day ;, days, tbtil, volume, part. Slmler, dollar. tenia (tmier KJedjfei), third of change, titulo debito (mit gebiibrentnu 2U let), with due title. Sonne, tun, barrel, toto titulo, vid. 1". T. titulo pleno, vid. P. T inula (Smite), draft. " tertia, vid. Tia. It. stands fur lli-r, hour; deck. " into, and. " inner intern, among others. " uno anreie, and others. •* uno mi nnterii Crten, and at other places. " uno rtntere Sielfen, and some other places (passages). 1!. *<$l. 111. ) ii in. tgt. S sta ids for llnj. or unc. Us. u. s. l 11. f. f. II. f. IV. « ii. s. M. lit s , uts. « 23. sta »ds for v.-c. v. Sbr. v. D. Serf, or verfl. vergt. verm. Miifl. vert. vet. Test. iPf. asg(. v. gr. v. ^. vid. vig. coram. VIZ. vims. v. OT. vor. 'ffi'U. v. o. Vol. v. . ©. 01*0*., SSiorbn. W. V. 20. S. g. u. IS. JKr. 21*. 20. ) 2Bc.~a3t. < 20ive. W. Z , 20. 3. I unb Krgleicften mebr, unb mefci bt«« nleidien, and similar instances. ultimo, last, ultimo. lltije, uncia, ounce. uso (3ecbfil>Sti(l)i usance. ut supra (ivif cben, ivie vorhin), as above, as before-mentioned. unc fo ferner, and so of the rest. nut* fo mnicr, and so on, and so forth. nnrj viete , l|^^erf, and many others ut supra, vid u. s. T-erJ, verse, stanza. " von, of, from, by. •' vide (flel)f), see. •' verbi causa (jinn SBeiJViel), for in- stance. ; ' Vostro (>>nto (3t're 9ted)mins), your account. " 55ict»5orrfu(, vico-constd. " vor cjiinftiiS, before Christ. " volente Deo (fo ©on iviK), God willing. " verbi divini minister (Tiener lt$ a'onliitien 20crtf), minister of the Gospel. " Eftfnffft, author. " vevftoffen, past. " vergteiitje, compare. " vermel-rif 2liiflage, augmented edi- tion. " verte, turn over. " vetus testamentum, old testament. vid. SBerf. " (rie) i'erfaffer, authors. vid. vergt. " verbi gratia (jam 2?eifpie(), for in- stance. " vorigen Snlire*, last year. " vide (fieiie), see. u vigore commissionis (fraft meineS Sfuftrngi), by virtue of my office. " vid«licot, to wit, viz. " ftamifeb, Flemish. " vorigen OTonate!, last month, nil. " von even, from above, from the top. " Volumen (Snn6), volume. " vorige •Vofi, last post or mail. " 5>orberimi, 2'orrece, preface. " SSitctel, quarter, quart. " volti subito, please turn over. " versus (gegen), against. " S?ereinigte Stoatcn, United States. * vidit, er fjot'^ flrfeben or t>ntrl)affel)»n, he lias seen, examined it. " ron tituen, from below, from the bottom . " vice versa (uingfTtt.rt), vice versa. SB. stands for 1. 20efien, West; 2. (VV.) EJfdjfd, paper, bills (on exchanges). " ivefllitbe 'Breiie, western latitude. 20age, scale. 20ett)fel=©flti, exchange-money. 20ottif, 20od>en, week, weeks. 20eit)fei=ihiier, dollar of exchange (in Hamburgh). ivenoen Sie gefaftigfl urn, please turn over. 20i.H'e[, wey (a com measure). 20fcf)ffl=Jbnlfr, dollar of exchange. 20icii»r 20(iljrung, Vienna curren- cy. lOittivt, widow 20ed)fets3aiuiing, exchange-mo- ney. 1. X. stands for jftiit. ten Xber. « ?e. ember, December. Xr. 3reu;er, kruitzer, kreutzer 3. standi for ■a 1. 3 oCf, inch; 2. 3eile, line. pi, jiim, ;nr, bv, per. i. 8. " juni 1-,'iii'iet, for example. j. 6. St. ic jn Mefer 2 1 iinfe or Siefle, this hour, instantly. i.e. vid. j. 'I 5 . 3. S. " finf = .vnp, rate of interest. 3tg- " Seining, newspaper. JIB. jivifcf|en. between. DICTIONARY OF THE GERMAN AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES IN TWO P A It T S . PART SECOND, ENGLISH AND GERMAN GERMAN-ENGLISH AND ENGLISH-GERMAN DICTIONARY PART II ENGLISH-GERMAN ABAT a, ». ft, a, bet erfte SncfcftaBe bee? 3tl* ybabcts bcr cuvopaifc^cti ©prad)en. A, »or ciiiem SBocal obet fhunmcti 1) An, art. cin, cine. AARON, s. SHton (SJIannSnamc). abacist, 5. bet SRedjner (w. ii.). ABACK, od». .V JT Jlivttcf, tMwatts ; (y. ciiiem «cgcl) mafiroatte, bad: lit* gcnb. abacot, ». bie StaatSntflfee (in ©c= ftalt etuet boppclfett Jtrone), bet 0>aiiptfd)niticf' bet altcncna,l..upnige. abactor, g. /,. r. + bei SJiebbieb ;niw yon gamen £erben). ABACUS, s. l. bcr^ccbcntifd); 2. Sit* bcvfcbranf ; 3. Arch, :r.bie$tatte ouf bent Capital cincr 2anle. Abaddon, Slbabbon, ber (Srjfeinb, leufef. A ha ft, jv T. adv. bin fen am Sdnffc, natb. bent .£>iitfertbcilc 511, bintcr* marts. ABAISANCE, a. rid. Obeisance. To ABALIENATE, v. a. L. T. »er5u* Bern ; fig. cntfvcniben. AH ALIENATION, a. L. T. bie 5?cr^U= fjenittg (cities S3eft|tt)um8)/ bas 2luf* geben 511 ©unflen Slnberer. To ABANDON, v.a, I. v>crlaffen, fabrcn laffcit, aufgeben, fief) begeben bed, u. f. n>. ; 2. .1/. /.' abanbonniten, f»eim* fcbtagctl ; vid Abandonment; 3. ( — inj ergeben, ba^inge&en, ganjltdj iibcr= laffeit. ABANDONED, pnrt. ailj. 1. »crla|feit, anfgegeben, oetobet: 2. ben Cajjetii ergeben, setwot fen, im bBcbftcn ®ra* be »etborben, licteiltcf>, abfrbculid). abandoner, s. bet SBeriaffer. ABANDONMENT, s. l.bie sBerlaffnng, Setlaffenfteit ; 2. ^f.£.bte3lI>anbon= nirung [i. <■ baS 5lufgcbenbet2]nf»ru* dbe, bie naeft bent Secrcdite ber&ailf* maim auf ein geftranbetes Sen iff, ob. anfbie aus beinfetben gcrettctcn 23aa= rcn $11 macben bat).. ABAPTISTON, a. S. T. tet Srcpan, ©d)8beU>o£)tet. ABARTICULATION, a. bie otitprf;cnfii= gnng. To abase, w. a. I. ntcberlaffrit, bcrab= laffeu; 2. fig. etniebtigen, bcrabfc&eii, bcniiitbigen, niebetfcfclagen. ABASED, adj II T. gefeitft. abasement, s. bie Qhmtebtigung, fietabrofitbigung. Semutbigung ; 3liebetgef^lagen^eit,9Bnt^lofigfelt. To abash, v. <>. befrbamen; to be abashed, fid) fdwmcit, ocrlcgcn, bc= trctcn feint (at, iibet (Stivas). r.< abate, c. \.n. 1. abbiedben, nic- \meijicn, 2. vcrminber n, nacblaffen j ABDU 3. flilfen, milbem ; 4. (— of, from) bctuntetfetjen (ben v 4-'t'ci:> abjiehen Vhr. L. T-s. to — a writ, cine 2 thrift mnftojjen; roiberrufen, ftir unguitig cvEcnncn; to — an estate, ein @ut nubevtecbtlicf) in 33cfi^ nebnten, fieb bineinbtangen ; if. ». abnebmen, wad)- hiffen ; JV. T. the wind abates, bet SBinb Ieo,t fid) ; the writ abates, /.. T. bet SJ?tojefj ift »et!oten. abatement, s. i.bie 33etminbetuna, Stbnnfjme; 3. bcr Slbjug, 2flac$lai, i*\Lv~; ; :!. m. e. SRabatt ; 4. L. T.bie Uniftpfjititj] ; wibettedjaicbe S9eftt}= netjinung ; 5. 7/. ?'. ba8 ^ebcn= obet Seijeidben in einem SBappen. abater, s. bcr (bie, ba8) 33etminbern= be, it. f. ». AB \TIS or ABATTIS, s. Md. T. bet SBertjau. AB VTURES, «. pi. Sp. r. bte Spur bc§ ffiilbcs, Sahrtc, bcr SSbfrttt f3»eige obet (MraiJ, lvclebe cin Sirfqi bcint i3cd;fel uicbertvitt). ABB, s. v*. bcr Qlufjiitt, bie .i A T. a muscle—, tiiiWluSM, bet tin (Miicb jurucfjte^t. ABDUCriON, 5. r. bie Slbfufjtung, ifflegwenbuna ; .1. t. cin gfinjUAct jlnocbenbrucp am ©elenfe. ABDUCTOR, a. a, T. bcr ein ©Heb j I riuf^ebeittc ■V'hisfcl. ABED (or a-bed), ado. illl 53ctIC, Jit Sette. ABEL, a. ?!be( (5Kann§name). ABEL MUSK, a. bet 3lbelmofo$»«, bie SBifamlSrner. ABERRANCE (— cr), a. 1. bie '.'Ibn'et-- cbung, Serittung ; 2. fig. ber 3tt* 1 bum. ABERRATION, a. 1. ber 3tttt)tg, 3n= gang ; 2. jist. r. bie Slbitrung (i. 8 etneS iUanetcn yen fcincr ge»6pnlt= riien Sab.n); 3. oot T. Slbroeit^ung, S3ettf;etlung bcr Viduftrablcn (wenn fie buret) cinen Spiegel mvudlgeiDor* fen tuerben, Pter enrd) ein 01a3 fid) bredjen). To \i'.;:t. v. n. anfreiben, nnrcitcn, anftiften, anbe^en; xl'orfd lib tf)iin, belfen. ABETMENT, a. Snfttff un«, v 51nbcijung, bie Unterfiutjung, ber ©eiftanb. ABETTER (tor), a. bcr ^Infttfter, -}\v.-. bttjet; tcr ^.'itfebnlbige, .^elfer6= bclfer. ABEYANCE, a. L. T. lands in — , «a= canto, tip* bctrrnln'c V.inbcreien; ta lit? iii — , uprf) itid)t jngeroiefen fcin (ypit ©rnnbftiicfcit, bcrcn i^cfi^ ncd) ftrcitig i|t). To abhor, p. a. »etabfjrt)euen ( ycracb- ten, yerfebmaben. abhorrence (— cy), *. bie S?erab= fdjeuung, bcr 31bfd)eu, ^ap, bie Sib* ncigiing. ABHORRENT, adj. yerabfebeneiib ; Pkr — from (to), iinycrcinbar niit. To ABIDE, 1. bldbctt, Dft* tueiien; '2. njobnen; 3. fig. bleibtn, yerbarren, fottbauern, auSb/alfen, Pkr. to — by or in a thing, fid) hetltcn an, betranf oetlaffen, begnngcii mil; to — with a person, bei Semanb bleibtn; n. a, l. etaatten; 1. Ertbett, aiteflc= ben, bnlbcn, trtragen, auef)alten. ABIDER, a. bcr tMinypbner. ABIGAIL, a, (ft ladv|s m lid rber wait in^ woman), foe. Sloiflail. ABLLJTY, a. ba8 5Perm5gcn, bie ©<* fdudliebfcit, isabi^fcit. ABINTESTATE, adj. J.. T obne STefla* menf. ABJECT, adj. (adv. — iy), niebvig, wr« Sd)tlid), niebet fvadjtifl ; yrnvorfcit, »etloten. ABOM ABSE ABST object, s. bcr SSetwotfene, Sfenbe. abjection, ) a. bie 3ftiebetttficfj= ABJEUNESS, $ tigfcir, 3iiebetge= fcblagciihcir. abjuration, s. tic 2lbf$»5iung. To ABJURB, c. a. abfebroorcn, s?cr= fcbrooteit. ABJUREE, s. ©met bcr etivaS ab= fd^roort. AB LAC TATE, ». a. entroofjnen (ein &tub); «. v. abfactitett, abmildn'ii. ABLACTATJ >\, ». 1. tie (>iitiv.). ABLOCATION, + bie UJerinictljuitg, (sBcrpa.-fctung ciitel SlcfevS). ABLUENT, adj. Med. t. mc^rpiilcitb, rciitu]eitb. obfubtenb. ablution, s. 1. bte 9fl>»afdatk>N, .?. d. t. ba3 SQetfjauen, 9lbfavi>en bcv jlejie uitb Jfrtorteu an ben SBaumen. AB >ARD, ado. M t ant Sotbe, ait 58oi'b, tut cber jit Scbirre; to fell — of a ship, mit ciuem aiitcru Scbirfe juiammciiftefjen ; — main tack ! ( 3u= vuf an bie ocelcutc) bett gvopcit .&a.s jugefe&t! AB >:>£. ». 1. baS 331eibeit, SSerroei* leu; 2. bic ffiobuuiti], bcr SBofyiiPrf, bet Slufeutyalt. To ABODE, o. a. »0V JCbClt tCU, bcbClttClt, afjneu. ABODEMENT, .?. bie SBorbcbcuiiiug, 91i)nuitij, baS 93otgefufil. To abolish, v. a. a b fd) a ff c it, auf§e= ben, oertilgen, »etnicbten. AB tLISHABLE, adj. abfd).tjfbat, UX- nictjtbar, ucfiticbtltd). ABOL!SiiER,s. bet ilbfc^affcf, 53evti[= ^ec, iScvuic^ter. A.BOLISHMEINT, a. bie 5lbfct»a(fuitg, Sluf^ebung. vh ilition, s. bic Slbf^ajfmtg,, ?Iuf= bebuug (eiuel ©cfe^ee) ; ^etnid)= tan.]. abolitionist, s. bet- Wboltticniijt (Steunb bet ©claoenbefteJuitg). ABOMINABLE {adv.— bly) adj. abfrf)C'.t= lid), »etat)fd;euuitgsn)utbig, fiticuti 5 lieb. LBOMINABLENESS, s. bte Jlbfd;cu= lidjfe:t. To abominate, v. a. uevabrcbeuen. ABO.MlNATroN, «. 1. bie i?evabfd)cn = ung; 2. berOteuet, bie .'IbfdjfJictjfcit. ABORIGINAL, adj. itrfptiiiiijlid), latt- bcSei^en. ABORIGINES, s. pi. bie UtcinivoI)itct cities ^aubc-*, Staminu5(fet. ABORTION, s. 1. baS 'JJJipgebatcn ; 2. bie uitjeitige Sturf>t ob«t ojebutt. ABORTIVE [ado. — ly), ndj. I. jtt fviil) geboten, unjeitig ; 2. jig. Detuugliidt. ABORTIVENESS, s, 1. baS OJiifuieba= ten; 2. jig. bafi SJKplmgeu, Sel)U fdila^en. ABORTMENT, s. I. bic r.iijcitige 0c= butt; 2. betSKtpfaU. To ABOUND, v. n. 1. ubctfliiffta. fc»It, tcid)lid) feytt ; 2. tin Uebctfluffc pa* ben, UebcvfliiH Ijabcit ; ( — in, with, an StroaS, ooUfcynuott). about, I. prep. 1. inn; 2. luegen, iibet; 3. bet; 4. tr.^citb wo tit ; • — the house, tf;]Cllb wo im .Oaufe ; II. ado. 1. beriim, itmi'ct; 2. a,e,jcit, ehua, uu^cfabt ; 3. im Segriffe ; to be — to, i m Segtife fe~.)it jit, eben tvodett ; to be —a thing, etroaS aptbabcu (Pbct mitfltd)) tl)ltlt. JV. Ts. ready — ! MU\* ttgfeit jit roenbett ! — ship : 3cee! to put a ship — , etu©($tjfn>enben; Mil. T. to the right — ! ted)t3 uniEe!;t't cud) ! III. int.rtuf! barait! ABOVE, I. adv. Pbcit bott, ba obcti ; E. prep, itbet. To abrade, v. a. abfd)aben, abrttben. ABRAHAM, } s. "}lbtal)aiit, I3)tattii6= ABRAM, 5 name). abrasion, si. baS .'Ibi'babcn, s 3[btci- beu; 2. baS Scbabfet, Jlbgetiebette. ABREAST, ado. itcbcn ciuaubct. To ABRIDGE, v. a. 1. (jbfutjeit, »Cl'fl'lf= jett, Dctmiubevn; 2. (tin eugern (Sinn) fuvjei- faffen, mfainmeinteben (ciit33ud), cine iRebe, u. f. ».); 3. fig. bctaubcit, bcucbmcit. ABRLDGER, s. bet 'Jlbtitrjet, ©ompett= bienfeijreibct. ABRIDGING, pirt. s. 1. b.i^ fibtittjeit, u.f. ».; 2. Setauben. abridgments 1. bie 3lbfitfjung ; 2. baS (Sompettbtitm ; 3. bet 'iliisjug. ABROACH, ado. jttllt Slltjapfeit ; to set — , anjapfen; fig. yetbtciteu, a\xS= btciicn. abroad, a-io. 1. aits, au0en, branfj en, att|et bem .^aitfc; 2. nnSmattS, in bee Jtembe, attfiet Sanbes ; from — , dpu aupen; to go — , 1. auSge^enj 2. ucttetfeit. auger SanbeS gebett. To ABROGATE, v. a. abfdMffett, abflet- leit, aufljcbcu, fur ungulttg ctflatcn. abrogation, s. bie saufbebitng, 31b* f4afmtg. abrotanum, s bie Sfabwutj, (?bct= taufe (cine "iltl raptjlticeheuseit 2Bet= nuttbe-o). ABRUPT (ado. — h\'\ adj. 1. ne SSctbittbuttg; 3. plo^f tcf>, uuet- nmttet, tafdi, haltig; an —style, ciuc fut$c (abgebtocbene) Sditcibatt. abruption, a- bic >!lbbted>uitg, p[p^= licbe iEtenuuttg. ABRUPTNESS, s. 1. bie ^aufibcit; Stcilfjcit, 3%; 2. bic Mgcbforfjen* bcit. ABSCESS, s bic'.Hbfpiibctuiij. baS®C« fitroiir, tie (Siferbeulf. ABSCISSA, a. Mjt. T. tie Stbfcijfe, bet OuetfinuS. ABSCISSION, a. 1. ba3 ^bffbncibcn ; 2. bet Bufraub bc3 9lbgef<6ntftenfetn3. To abscond, v n. ftit oetbetflen, oet* ftecfeu; butc^geb^en, fid; ijeinilieb tnU fernen. ABSCONDER, s. bet fid; petfteeff, 3lu«s ttetcr. ABSENCE; bie 9Ibtuefen1jeit ; —of mind, fi* tie 3ei'ftveuuu,i, ®eiflc8ab= wefeiii)eit ; leave of—, bet Utlaub. absent, adj. i abwcfcttb ; 2 fig jet« fttcut. To ABSENT, o a (one's self) fid) Cllt= fetnen. absentee, s. cin Slbiuefcnbet (son fciucm Olmte obet iSatctlaiibc). ABSENTER a. bet ^Ibiucfcnte, ein iin ;»luolaitM- Sebeitbet. ABSENTMENT, s. bic l 3lbn>eft)tbcit ABSINTHIAN. ndj luctmuthattii]. AB8INTHIATED, pirt. adj. lltit $Qtf mutb bitter gemaapt. ABSINTHIUM, aid. Wormwood. ABSOLUTE, [ado. — ly), adj. 1. ftet, uuum|M)tdnfr, eigenmadjtig ; 2. «olt= jiaubtg, opllfpinmcu ; :i. unbebingt, uuabautctlid) ; 4. uubcucnltd), uube= jiujltd) ; — space, Phy. T. bet unbe* jiebliebe 9taum: Oram T. Ablative — , bet imabbaitgige ablatio. ABSOLUTENESS, s. i. tic Uitum= fid)tdnEtl)cit; 2. uuuinfd>t(in£te ®e= wait, bet 3)e3potidmu*. absolution, s. l. bie Spjfprccbung, (StlBfung; 2. bet Sttafctlap ; Th.T bie SlbfoluttDti (@ttb^tluitg tctSBeU be bet .ftathplifeu nad) bet *8eic|)te). ABSOLUTORY, adj. loSfprerhcitb. ABSOLVATORY, vid. Absolutory. To ABSOLVE, v. a. (— of, from), !o§- fpvcdjcit, fret fptecben. cntbinben, lo§= jdf)len, erlaffcu, «bfbfj)iten. absolver, s. bet ^pgfpteefjet. absonant, adj. i. mtbtig Hittgenb, uubarniPitifd), 'wibrig ; 2. fig. unge= rcintt, abgefefemaeft, 'jcriutiiftniibrtg, gcgeit ciuc Slbftcbt ftrciteiu, baoon roctt entfernt. ABSONOUS, adj. wibtig fliu.-jcnt. To absorb, v. a. citifaugcu.iit fid) jtte i)en, uetfcblingeu, uerjchreii. ABSORBED, part. adj. 1 ciugcfogcfl, f. id.; 2. fig. »ettteft, uctfnnfeit ts ©cbaufen, n. f. iu.j. ABSORBENT, adj ciufau.ienb. absorption, s. ba3 (iiufaugen, (Sin* fd)[iu-fcit. abs )RPTiVE, adj. einfaugenb. To abstain, v. n. fid) cutbalteit, ab- ftcbeit, mciteit, fiid; »etfagen, cutbeb* ten. ABSTEMIOUS, (ado. — ly), adj. tnU baltfaiii, nidgig. ABSTEMIOUSNESS, s. bie (5ltt()alf= famfeit, iUafiigfcit. To ABSTERGE, o. n. abu.n'fef)cit, ab= trp.fnen, rctnigen (SHJitnben, it. f. n>.). ABSTER ;ENT,' adj. abwiff^eilb; Med. T. abfubteub ; abstergents, s pi. 910= fit^tuugSmittel, ;Hcini.iuu.V5iiiittcf. ABSTERSION, s. b«« 3lbiuifi)ett, Dict= iiigcit ; Med T. bte 9lbfiil)fuitg. ABSTERSIVE, «•//' . abm .fdicub, abti'Pii. iteitt ; Med. T. abfitljtcitD. ABSTINENCE, s. bie (I'ttt^iltfaiufcit bie (S-utlviltuita,. ABSTiNENT {ado. — i.\),adj. Cllti;a[t = fain, maiJig. To ABSTRACT, v.a l. ciif^ieben, ab* jiebcit, abfoittctn ; 2. bcfttllireu ; 3 fig. in © abfonbettt, abfttaf)U 'veu [SQegttife, u.f. to.). ABSTRACT (ndo. — ly, AnsTtt\CTED- i.y 1 , adj. i. abge^pgen, abftract, ab&t* fpiitcrt, allgeinetit; 2. abstract, s. ba3 9lbitractuin, bet cib' gejogene SBegttff; in the — , an fiofc, abgefeben dpu. abstractedness, bie 9lbge5Pgcn= bcit. abstracter, s. tcv Gpitoinift, bet 9luSjiige ntadit. abstraction, a. i. bte Slbjie^ung ; 2. baS 9lbjiebuitg«aei'ntBf ( en ; 3. bet abftraetc (Mcgenfianb ; 4 ttc3etfttcu» ung ; (^eifte^ibiuefcuheir. ABSTRACTIVE, adj. abjiifpitbetit fiSfctg ACCE ACCO ACCO abstractness, s. bie abftracte 5k= fAaffen^ett. ABSTRUSE (adv. — ly), adj. I. ticf l'CV= borgen, ucrbctff, umbiiUt ; 2. bunfci, fd>ircr ju bci]reifcu. ABSTRU8ENESS, s. bie SJunfelfjeit, Uuycrftaublicbfeif. ABSURD [ado. — ly), a'//'. roibCrfiuttig, uitgereimt, abgeffbmacft, albcru, tbo= rici'tt. ABSURDITY, )s. 1. tie Uitacrcunt= ABSURDNESS, S f)fi f / Slbgcfcbmacf t= bcit, Sllbernbett, £borbett; a. bet itnfiuit, SBiberftnn. ABSYNTH1UM, 5. bet SSermutb. ABUNDANCE, ». bcr Ueberffuf, bie 'Dieiigc, 'Sulk ; in — , im Ucbcrflitfj, sollauf. ABUNDANT (adv. — ly), adj. iibcrftiif= fig, reidilid) ; — in, rcid) an. rv< abuse, i) a. 1. inijjbraudjen ; 2. be= frbimpfeu, frbmdben ; :t mipbanbeln ; 4. f^anben ; 5. (to. u ) betrugen. abuse, ». 1 ber SOiifjbraud); 2. 2JlitJ= baubluug, ©efcbintpfung ; 3. tie 83er» fiibrung. ABUSER. ». bcr SRipbraudjenbe, it. f. u?. ; Sd)impfer. abusive («'/». — ly), «Hs ftanbige (oofltactige) 83er6. To ACCEDE, v. n. ' bcitveicn, bciftint- nieit, eturoilligen auf ; auuchntcu. To ACCELERATE »• "■ oefrbfeuuigen. ACCELERATION, «. bte ©tftbleuuU gmtg. ACCELERATIVE, adj. k|d)fcuuigcub. ACCENT,*. 1 bcr Son, bcr Accent; 2, bati £or^eid)en ; 3. bie SluSfptarbe. To ACCENT, ». a. betcucit, accciitttircit. accentual, adj.bcu Slccent bctrcf= fptib. To ACCENTUATE, v. a. bcfpitcit, mit STontcicbeu »cvftf>ctt, Selbjtlaute ac= ttittuireu. ACCENTUATION, ». bte S?efPllltitiJ, 3j>nfl)iefbttng,bas' 2t$cu ber 3;ottjet= (beit. To ACCEPT, x. a. anucbmcn ; to — n bin cf exchange, M 1:. eiitett 28ed;fel aeceptiren ; to — of conditions, SBe- btit(Utiis}cn etitgebctt. ACCEPTABLE (ado — dly), adj. a\l- itebtitlieb, aiutebtnbar, augeitcbm. ACCEPTABLENESS, s. bie 5lt:ucbm= lidjfeit, ?lititel)inbarEeit. acceptance,*, j. bie Slnnebmnna, Slnnabnte; 2. m. k-s bie bptntctltrte (jafelbat gemacbre) JEratte; rcr !lcs ccpt ; ?l tin it bine obtt ileceptatton ct= tte§ 'ffied)fcl£. ACCEPTATION, *. 1. bie Wtwabnte, gute 2lufttal)ine ; bcr SBetfwil ; 2 tie (aiigenoinmene) Sebeutung, ber Simi eineS SBovteS. ACCEPTER,*, ber Vluttcbmer, M E. -Jlcccptant. ACCESS, t. 1. bcr 3 u 8 nn 8' 3 l i f ritt ; 2. bcr %\ma$8, SQJacbdtbum, tic ja= nabme, bie 33erme bntng j 3 bcr an= fall eincr .Urattfbcit; a man of easy — , eitt fchr jugSngltcber SDrann. ACCESSIBILITY.*. bie ^lt'Vittfllidifcit. ACCESSIBLE, adj. jugaitglicb, erftcig= bar. ACCESSION,*, i.ber ©eittitt; 2. bie ©etangung, iEbronbejleigung, bcr SRegieruiigSantrttt ; 3. — of bodily distempers, Jcraitfhcifonat. ACCLDENT, ». 1. ba« JufSIttge C?rct.i= itifi, bcr Bufall, UnfdU ; 2. bas 3u« fSHige, Sufetroefeittliebe, by — ,jiis fdUiger SBeife, yon uttgefabr. ACCIDENTAL, adj 1. jtlfafltg ; 2. ltlt= tvcfeutlieb, alS "Jlebcitfacbe ; (ado. — ly), \>ou ungefabr. ACCLAIM, ». * ber 3»nif, ba« 3ren= bengefebret, bcr laittc ©etfall. ACCLAM \rin\. ,-, tcr 3uruf, (ante ©etfaU, bai Sreubeitgefrbrei. ACCLAMATORY, adj jttrufettb. acclivity, *. 1. bie fteileSlitbobc; 2. bad i'tbe x'luffteigcit. acclivous, adj. tit eincr fdMagcit :)(;d)ttut;], ja&e, fleil, aufwiirte. Tv VCCOMMODATE, v. a. 1. ferfebctr. serrorgen, au«bclfctt. bieneti (— u ith, mit (Srroat), (StwaS leibcii ; 2. bet!c= gen, fdihcbtctt, etrgTeicben 5 3. cin= ricbtett, bequem liiadKii ; }urid)tcn, jurcd)tmad)eii, (accoininobiren). accommodate, adj. bequem, gcinafl, gefdiicft. ai '. m >.\i.M( )Datino, adj. gefallifl, artia. ACCOMMODATION, I. .-■ thg bt< ®t= inafibeit, Sniffling, ©dbtdliififeit; 2. ©eitegung, bcr gfitlirbe ©ergleidj ; 3. bie SSerfeijung. ©erfotgung, 3ln«= bitlfe; Camp.— hills, M. E. '.ttdlcr-- tuerbfel ; — ladder. A', t. tie gtofe SallrcepstrepVe ( au f Scii^en) 5 2. accommodations, s. pi. i. bie N ilbtbci = [angen unb Jtammern auf tinem ^cbiffe; 2. ^ciiucntlidjfcitcii, ©e= btenung. ACCOM MODATOR, «. bcr ?luprbncr, SBermttller. accompanist, *. berSKitfvicIer,Wcs compagnift. A< COMPANIER, 1. ber ®efcUfd;af!er, ©eglettet; 2. bcr JJiitfpieUt, ?lccont< pagniji. A< < 1 i.MPANIMENT t. Mas. T. tic i : C< glcituttg, ta« sRccompagiiemenL To ACCOMPANY, d. a, 1. bcilcitctt ; 2. mitfiHclcit, mit cittftimmcit; S. .v T. gelettcu. \< ' OMPLICE ■ Ur (bie) 2)2itfcbul« bige. 7b ACCOMPLISH, <: a. 1. volltubrci!, in sctattbc briugeit, tfolljiebeii, ffibren, uolleubc'ii ; crfulleu ; 2. a:::- jicrett, febmuieu, autoiibeil (Jtorpct obet ©eift . ACCOMPLISHED, adj. auSgcfrilbct, an — gentleman, cut iV.Util (Dor) UOII feiucr (ooUenbetrr) ©ilbung. ACCOMPLlSHER, ». tcr ©oQenbet, •Hollfulucr. ACCOMPLISHMENT, *. tic i'olleih bung, ©oUfubrung, inuSfubrungj (ir= fiilluug ; music drawing &''.i- 1 complishinont, bie I'Jiiuf, \>ai ^,ci(h- ttcit, u. f. w. gcbbrt ju finer bbbeni ilu^bilbung. ACCORD, a. 1. bcr Stccnrb, (''", BoUflang in bcr SDlufiE; 2, tic Ue» bcrciiutimiuiut(5 ; with one — , cia> ftiinmtg, eitintiithig ; of one's own — freiroiUtg, upu fclb'it. To ACCORD, '-.i h, ubcrciiiitimmcu, tibereittf oinmen ; 11. ». ubereiniHms mig madjen, ftimraenj oergleicbeii, vociitiiicu, Dttiobnen ; p/ir. to — difficulties, Sdjmicrigfetten beben ; w — a difference, ciucit Stmt fcblidj« ten, auSglrtrien. ACCORDANCE. ». bie Ucbcrcinftiut; mung, ©ema^beit, Sintrarit. ACCORDANT, adj. iibcvciuftiiiimeub, glctcbfiu'inig, gemaj?. ACCORDING, pnp. (mil, to) gcntap, ,u Solge, tiad), taut. At CORDINGLY, adv bem (bcr uberte« neu) gentaji, baruad), folglieb, bent= Itad), niithut, alfo. To ACCOST. 0. a. aurcbcit. ACCOSTABLE, a ij gefyradjig, jn^ gSngltcb, mngiingftcb. ACCOUCHEMENT, ». bte "^tcccifunft Sntbittbung. iccoucheur, 1 bcr ©eburtsbetfer. V.i ACCOUNT, n I n. (— lor) I. :)ic = ebeitfcbaft fur StroaS geben, bafur ftf = ben ; i. ©ruub baoou aitgebeu, eS ers tlarot; 11. «. ad)tcu, mc'iucii, bafur haltcit. acci >unt. *. I. bie SRecbnung ©ererb= nung ; 2. SJtetbenfdjaft ; 3.jfc. bie @rs fldrung; 4. Scbilberung, bet Be* rirbtMe Oiacbricbt, bie @r|Sbluna; r>. bat itnfeben ; 6. berOetuiuit/Bor: tl)cil ; 7. ©rtlllb, bie llo'adic; PAr. to balance an — , cine Sledjiiung ab fdiliefiett; to brin? in one's — , feine fliedinung einreic^en ; to can to — , jui jliccbcnfdiaft jiehenj to give — . bc- rid)ten, beuadniditiiiett; tneivean— SJterbitnng cecr SfJedje nfrbaft ablegen bcridjtcn, er^dblcit ; crflarcii ; to give an — of one's self fid) befanut nta= dicn, fid) jeigeil ; to keep — . :liccb= nung fitbre it, batten; ui make — of. bprj) fdvincu ; 10 make no — of. ge riiti^ fitatjcu : to pass to — , in 3ieeb= nuhg bringeil; tn lake an — of, 1111- terfucbeu ; to turn tn — , .if 1: < >, V- ivittu bringeu gute 3leebnung geben, fid) tHuiiitcicfurcu, guten ©ebranrb, iRnfeen inacben von; — a man ot — , ciu nngefefener SDlaun, ein 50?. 0. ©ebenrungj n man of no — ein unbebentenbei flJlenfcb; of — , roirbtig, oon SBebtutung ; of no — . geriugfiigig, nidjrt btbentenb, uic^rj ge(teub;JU E-* on— .'aufSRecbcung, auf tlbfebiag, a Souto; a payment on 3 ACET — , (ffinfrbufi; on — of, = ment. accretion, s. bcr 3Ba<$gtfjum, bic ?inbaufuiig, bag 3 ll > lfl >mcu. accretive, adj. junebmenb, »acfj= fenb (»on cincr SBcroegung), To ACCRUE, v. n. 0113 CS'tamS Clttftc= l)tn, crroad)fett. To ACCUMULATE, v. I. a. bailfeit, JU= fammenbaufen, aubaufctt, auffjaufen ; II. n. jitucbmcu, fief; Ijaufcit. ACCUMULATION, s. 1. bie .gaufung, ?lul)aiifung ; 2. bev .§aufe. ACCUMULATIVE, adj. baitfeub ; 2. gefyauft, baufenrocifc. accumulator, s. bet jufammen= biiuft, SJcrmcbrcr. accuracy, s. bic fflcnauigfctf, 3ticf)= tigfeit, s pnftlict)feit. ACCURATE [adv. — ly), adj. gctiail, ricf)tig, piinEttid). ACCURATENESS, s. bic ©Cltailigfcir, $iiiiftlid)feit. ACCURSED, part. adj. 1. Verfiltdjf, VCV= uuittfd)t; 2. abfrbeulid). accusable, adj. tabelbaft, firafbav. accusant, s.ber Slnfiaget, J?lagee. accusation,* bic Slnflage, SBefqiuU bigung, Jllage (vpv ©crtc^t). ACCUSATIVE, s. Gram. T. (— case), bcr Skcufatio. ACCUSATIVELY, na>. (grammattfd)) ten Slccufatio betteffenb, (its 3!ccufa= ti». accusatory, adj. anltagenb. To accuse, v. a. 1. anflagcu, bcfdr)»r= bigen ( — of, or for a thing, megeu ei= tier ©adje) ; 2. rabclu, miftbilligcn. accuser, s. bev SUiflfiget, JUagcr. To ACCUSTOM, v. a. gclttSbllClt (— to a thins, ait cine <£«d)C). accustomed, adj. gewobnf, gen)pl)u= lid). Aci-., s bag 3lfj, bie (Sing (auf 2Biir= felu obet Garten) i; fig. bic j?leiutg= feit; not an — . nidbt'ein .£>aar bvcit, nidjt baS v 3?Jiittcfte. acephalous, a ij. fppflp °, obne.ftovf. ACERB, adj 1. bcrbc, ftrcnge, fdiarf, bitter (im ©efcfjmacf) ; 2. jig. fd;avf, ftrcnge, vanb. 1CERBITY, s. 1. bic igerbtgfett, bcr l)crbe fflefrt)inacf; 2. fig. bic ©ttenge, ©efjfitfe. M3ESCENCY,*. 1. bie ©aure, ©C$at* fe ; 2. ©auertiefjfcit ("JJciguug jut ©Sure). acescent, adj. faucr rocrbenb, fan* crnb. 1CETABULUM. s. 1. ^. T. bic fybarU fdie 2lu8bi»hlung bcr .(tnodieu, \\\\\\ SBebuf ber (Shifiiguitgunb bcr s8eweg= ltdifeit aiiJcier; 2. etn romifdic-j glufftgfeitginap, } cincr tngltfcben ^lintc. ACETATE, s. C',. T. cine '■Jlrt SJlHVC. acetifaction, s. ba« ©ffigmac^en ; (Sinfauerii. iCETOl'S, adj fancr, f.iucrlid). 4 ACQU ACETUM, j. c/ ( . T. bcr 2Betnefftg. ache, s. bcr eebmer?, bic 5pcin. 3T» ACHE, v. n. fd)ilierjcn, Web tblin ; Phr. my head aches, llliv tbltt bcr .ft'PVf Web ; my heart aches, C§ fdjllterjt llltd) in bcr ecelc, im «§ftjeit. achievable, adj. auofiibrbar, m H s lieb. acihevance, s. bie .Oaubdtitg (im cbleu ©inne), bie ©rofjtbat. To ACHIEVE, v. a. 1. SpHcttbciI, «U8» fiibrcn, ju ©tanbe brtngeii; 2. cr= wcrhu, befommcit, crlangen, getvin- nen. achievement, s. i. bic grofic £bat, ^tclbcntbat; 2. JGappeii, bet 2Baps pcufebilb (jitv S3clo^nung gvofjcv Xf)a- tcn). achiever, *. 1. bcr SSoHbringer ; 2. (Srircrbcr, (S'daiigcr. achor, s. bcr^lufprung, 2}?ild;frf;ovf, ^ovfgtinb. ACHROMATIC, adj. Opt. T. farbcitlug. ACICULAR (ado. — lyJ, liabclfoillltj}, ftad)Itg. ACID, adj. faucr. acid, s. bie Sauve. ' To ACIDIFY, v. a. aiifaucrit, t it ^iiuvc ucrwanbeln. ACIDITY, I b{ @fi ACIDNESS, 5 s - c ' lt: ^ iulre - To acidulate, I'.n.faitcrtid) niad}cn, faucrit. ACIDULOUS, adj. failCflid). To ACKNOWLEDGE, v. a. 1. Crfcitlten, ancrfcuncii, beftatigcu ; 2. befennen, gefteben. ACKNOWLEDGMENT, 1. bie ?tlicr= fcnmtng ; 2. bas ©ejlanbnijj, SQefenitts uifj; 3. ©m^fangSonjeige. ACME, s. bcr ©ipfel, bic ©ptfee. ACONITE, s. bie SBolfgwurj, bag Gi= fcnbiitlciu ; fig. * cin tobtIic|eg ®ift. ACORN, s. bi'c Giebci, (5cfev ; JV. T. bcr jtnopf am Stiigclfpill. acorned, adj. (Stcoeln tragcitb. ; ACORUS, s bcr jfalmug. acoustic adj. acuftifd;, bag ©ei)6r betreffenb. ACOUSTICS, 1. T. orbenc <5iil)ig= fcit obvt Serti^fcit, Grlcruunj. acquirer, s. bcr (Snvcrbcr. acquisition,*. 1. bie dtroerfcung ; 2. ©rletmmg; 3. bcr Grivcrb, bag cru'orbcuc ©lit. ACQUISITIVELY, ad». Oram. T. 01tjet= gc:tb, bafi eiu3eitwottto obcrfjruad) lid) bat. To ACQUIT, 7». a bcfrcicit; frci fprc- djen, logfprcebeu, ctiaffeu, quittircit ; — one's self of a thins, fid) ciltCV <2a = ACTO d)c enflebigen, bicfclbc eerrtdjftti ; i« — one's self from blame, )id) gegcS JEabel fiebcr ftcllcn. ACaUTTTAL, s. L. T. bteSoSfprecbnitg. acquittance, s. fate grctfprccfyung ; Oiiittung. ACRE, s. bev ?Icfer. ACRED, pirt. adj. col. ©VUltbftUffe(3l«» cfer) beftfeeiib. ACRID, ) ,. ACRIMONIOUS ( adv. — ly), $ J ' febarf, bcificnt, bitter. acrimony, s. 1. bie 4teub, fct- menb. ACROSS, I. aj».freu5wetfe, in bicGuc= re ; Phr. with arms — , mit iibcrcin= anbet gefebiagcucti 5lrnuu; II. prtp iibcr, quet turd). acrostic, I. .9. t. bag 5lfrpfticbou (9camengebic$t) ; n. adj. afrpftifd). acrostically, adv. 'gletd; eiiicm 31ffpftid)pu. acroteria, I s. pi. Heine, niebvtge acroters, j 3uf;gcftclIc(su5Baftu / u. f. ».). To act, ». I. n. 1. banbeln, wivfen ; 2. fief) betvagen; rhr. to — upon auf @tttag nnrfcit ; to — op to a thing, eiitcv <£acf)e gemafj baubctit, uadtfpmmcn; n. a. yprftcllcn, fvicleu, mad)cu; Phr. to —a play, eine Mv- inBbte fpielcu ; Mr. G. acts Hamlet, .gert ©. fpidt (mad)t) ben .^amlct. act, s. 1. bic .£aitbtiing,2:bat; 2. bet 2tet, 3lu(jug ;'3. bic fcierlidic .*3anb= lung, (gciftltdic 3lmfg»etric(jtuttg) faei 31 c tug; 4. tie SJig^utation, ©tveiN fibung (auf Uuiuerftfaten) ; 5. bit Scte, bag ©tatut; tag Secret, ©c= fe($ ; 6. bic SBivf ii$feif ; Phr. in the very — , auf frifefjer Xhati Acts ot the Apostles, bie Sippftcigefdjidite. ACTING, part. — partner, J\I. K. bcr wirtlid)c Slffocic. ACTION, s. 1. bie ©tvfung; 2. .'itigfeit, Sebbafs ACTIVITY, i tigfeit, 33cbentigfeit feats of—. Jhmftftucfe. actor.*. 1. bcr ,^autelnbc, Xfyata ADDI ADHI ADMI 2. ©dbaufptefcr ; 3. 9lnn?aU tin C5t»tl= pwjeflt. actress. .9. 1. bic panbelnbe ^eifott ; 2. ©cfjaufpiclmint. ACTUAL (ado. — ly). i»lj. ttirtiicl) ; — service, bcr rDtifltc^e Sieuft bet JtriegSlettten. ACTUALITY, ». bie 3Dirflitf>feir. ACTUARY, .?. 1. bet ilctuariu?, SRegis ftratot, @crid;t6fd>rcibcr; 2. 5d;rci= bcr. T» ACTUATE, v. a. ttt 23cll'CgUttg Cbcr Sbatigfcit fefeeit, tit Sang fctjcit, au= irctbeit, trcibeu. ACTUATION, s. bic Sirfuug, aurfenbe tftaft acuition, s. baS ©<$atfen, ba« 2pi= ten. ACULEATE, «. ber ©djatfftnit, bic ©cfiarfe, Sciubcit (bcS S3erjlanbe8), ©pifcfinbigfeit; 3. .jpeftigfett, Jtrifii etiter Jirai'tfbeit. ADAGE,*, bafi ©pttdjmott, bie 3ttarU me. adam, ». Slbain (2ftannSname) ; — *s ale, emit. (Mattfcmciii ; — 's apple, bet Slbanifiapfel, spatabteSopfel, 3uben= apfci (2lrt $omeran;en) ; 3lbam8= ajsfel (berutnragcube Xfytil an bet ©urgct); ber .Re&lfnorpel. adamant. *. 1. bev Tiamant, 2)c= mant; 2. SJJaguet. ADAMANTEAN, «i//.bentautartig, tSart n>te Stamattr. ADAMANTINE, adj. 1. bcntaittcit ; 2. jfg-. unjerfiorbat, uitauflbsltd); — 'spar, ber Siaiiianffpatb, (itt jnbten uub Spina gefunben). To ADAPT, v. a. aupaffen, aubeguemett, anwenben. ADAPTABLE, adj. amveutbar. ADAPTATION,*, bic \Hupaffititg, 2lit= roenbttng. n add,' v. a biusjiitbun, biiimfcfecn, f)tii5ufiigctt, bcifugcit, bcitragcti; to — to, ucrntcbrctt ; to — up, abtircn. To ADDE&MATE, v. a. jcfttttcit, belt 3chutcit nebntett. ADDENDUM, s. ber Bufafe- Slubang, Oiarfitrag, bie (Stgftnjung tetnei 20ci = fc3) ; s. pi Addenda. adder, .?. bie SRarter. adder's crass, *. ba3 Jl ttaOctif rant (Orchis. — /,.). adders-tongue, s. bic SRatteijunge (Ophioglossum — £..). ADDER'S-WORT, *. bic SJcatferrourj, ba6 Oiattctf raitt (Polygonum Ustorta - I,). ADDIBILTTY, *. bie iH-mtcfirbarFcit. ADDIBLE adj. fjiit jufctjbar. 71) ADDICT, o. a. — one's self, fid) Ct= gebcit, ftrb ubcrlaffcu. ADDICTED, part. adj. cvgebctt, tugefban. ADDK'TEDNESS. «. bie (Argcbciibcit ADDICTION, s. bic (Srgebett'bcit. iDDiTio.N, s. 1„. bie J>tinutbiiitug, .pinjufefcung ; 2. 3»tagc, SBermefjs vuitg, bcr 3ufa(>; 3. Jir. r. bic 2lbbi« rion; 4. /.. r. bcr SSeifo^, ba« 53ci= ;cid)eu, SBettvott, (jebcr Sitel uttb SBeiuame sit bent SSor«unb ;,uiiamctt etttei SDionncS, jttr ©%t(fntung fet- ncs ©tanbeS, Pilfer*, ©ewerbcS, •JBobttorteiv «. f. ivj ADDITIONAL, adj. ^injugefeftr, nad)- traglieb. ADDITIONALLY, fli». ati ^wn% vitx ^ugabe ; mil babci. ADDITIVE, adj. bttUiifiigKir. ADDITORY, adj. binjufefeettb. ADDLE, adj. leer, tin mutt bar ; addle or addled egg, ba* SSiitbci, fault (Jccvc) 6i. To addle, ?-. a. uufritdiibar macbett. ADDLE PATED, adj. Icevtbpfig, unbe-- foiitteit,unitbig. To ADDOOM, v. a. + titei'feniteit. ADDORSED, part adj. H. T. riicfliitgS gegcit cittanber gcftcllt (Xf)icrc, So= d; c 1 1 , it. f. »), To ADDRESS, v. a. 1. in 23ereitfduift fvijcit, bevcit baftctt; 2. aiircbcu ; to — one's self to any one, ficf> (ttt ,\c = manb wenbeit, riditcn ; to — a letter ciiicu SBvtef iiberfdveiben, init bet 2Iuffd)rfft yevfehett ; to — the king, bei bent JFtSnig anfndictt unt .... address, ». l. bic Slnrebe ; 2. ba8 93e= itebntcn; 3. bie ©ettanbtbeit, ©es febitfjiebfett; 4. bie S8tttf*ttft, Danf» fd)rift («. c. as the address may I ii'i hi. or of thanks); 5. Sluffcfjrtft, SIbreffe. ADDRESSER, s 1. bcr cine T-ht-, J)anf=, 3"fdrifr, it. f. W. iibcrKiriit; '2. ber mctdcr etne Slnrebe b.ilt. ADDRESSES,*. »/. to pay one's — to, fid) beivevbcu unt, ben .pofrttadjen. To ADDUCE, o. a. aufiibrcn, aufftcllcit, beibriiigeii. ADDUCENT, adj. riifcrt. ADENOTOMY, s. T. A. bie Triifcu$cr= glicbeniug. ADF3PT, adj. gelebrf, cvfabrcit. ADEPT, *. 1. bet ?lbcpt, ©olbmadjer, (Miiae'ncihte; 2. ci'fabrcite, Weife iUcattn. ADEQUACY, ) .■>. bie fflcm,'if;beit, ADEaUATENESS, 3 .!>iulauglid)fcit, ;)(idtigfeir. ADEQUATE [adv. — ly), adj. i. glficf); 2, nngemeffen; 3. binlauglid.' ADFECTED, adj ./'■/. T an-} Derfdjie= beuen ^otcujcu befttbeub, jufanintcii= To ADHERE, a. n. anbaiigeit, atiflebeit ; to — together, jiifantnicnbaugcti ; Jig. to — to a party. — an opinion. — a person, eincr -£arfei, cittcr Siciitutig, 3emanbem jugctbatt feiit. ADHERENCE.*. brtS 'Olubangen. 3In= Flebcit ; fi s . bic ^Inbanglidfeit, Stfles beuheir. ADHERENT (adv. — ly), adj. anbait= genb, anbangtg. •;;;i;!:!:^ l ''|,ber»uge, adhesion, «. bic ^InFfcbuttg, bttfl '.'ln = baugeit (J. 8. be« (SifentS ait b. 3Rag= net). ADHESIVE — ly), adj. aitbait= genb, autlcbeub. ADHESIVENESS, ». bic XUebrigfcit, 3abbcif. adiiihitiox, ,-. bie SHnwenbung, bet ©cbraud) adhoktatory, adj. nniuabiitiib, tr> mafjnenb. ADIAPHANOUS, adj. itnbuvduduig. ADIAPHOROUS, adj. Ch. T. neutral, glrtcbguUtg ; — suit, ciu SKirtelfalj. ADIEU, L adv. '.'Iticu, ©ott befoblen, lebc trcbt; u. .«. baft Sebemoblj to bid one — . (*» incut Vcbcivjbt fageu, DOll ihni ^Ibfdicb uebnttit. ADIPOSE Ampons, adj. A. T. febmto rig, felt. adit. ». join. T. bet 3ngang ©ang. ADJACENCY, ». tic 5lngrenjung. ADJACENT, adj. anliegciib, augrcu> ^enb, onftofenb. To UXJECT, r a. ()iii;utbitu, biu;u>vcr= fen. ADJECTITIOUS, <«)>'. luu$ugctbau, btn= jugeroorfen, ADJECTIVE, g Oram. T. bfti .'Itjcctiy, iBeiiuorf. ADJECTIVELY, adv. aU (BettCOtt, bcu mSrtticf). To ADJOIN, r. i. a. beifitgen, bin^iifit* gen, nnfiigen (w. ii) ; n. «. auliegcit, (tugrenjeii, anftc^cn. To \D.!i tURN. b I. a I. anf cinen an= bern Jag eerfdjieben, ocrtagen; 2. aiivUijcn, oerfdjiebeit auffcbteoen ; n. v tic ©i^ung aitfhcbcn, auStinanber- geben. ADJOURNMENT, s. i. bic ^nfetjuiig eineS £aac6,bie 33crtagnng; 2. '.'lite; kijung, sBetfdpiebung, bet SJerfcbub, Sluffdjub. To ADJUDGE u. a 1. iiierfenueii, |n« fpiedH-it ; 2. itrtbeileu, crfeiincn. ADJUDGMENT, s. bie ^uerEcituitug. bae Urtbcil. To ADJUDICATE, oid. To Adjudge. ADJUDICATION, s. 1. /.. T. tie ^uer- Eennung, 3iifpved;umg (eineS ^aufeS, it, f. ».). adjunct (a,iv. — ly), adj. mitQtttoai oetbunben, vcrfttiipft. adjunct, *. I.ehuaa SctgefitgteS, cin Uinftaub, etuc jufcillige ( ; ~'. bet .Ntjuuet, 2lmtSgef)uIre. adjunction. *. 1. bie ©eifugung, ba8 ^>tn jufiigen ; 2. ber t^ufafe. adjunctive *■ I. ba« iBeigefugfe. ADJUNCTIVE, adj. uctbinbtnb. ADJUNCTIVELY, adv. vcveinr. ADJURATION, *. 1. bic Oliifeiiegun.i nnb SBorfr^reibiing befl ( s "ire-.'; 2. bie SfbcSfonuel ; 3, JOefd)ro5tung, btin= gentile ©ittfc To adjure '•• "■ 1. beu Sib auferle= gett, bceitcu; 2. ( — one by ■ .1 an- rufen, oufbafl ©ringenbfle bitten. adjurer, *. bet auf einen C ; it Drtn= genbe. To adjust, v. n. i. orbnen, in Crb= uuug, in -3 Weine btingen, jurerijl niadnit : 2. iibereiujtiniiiienb machen ; 3. beiidtigcn, abgleidjcit, adjuster, *. bet ©etid^tigtt; Bcr= mittlcr. adjustment, ». I. bie Grinrtdjfuitg (einet 3)iafrfitne, u. f. ro.)< Huorb* nung ; 2. 53ertd>tigitng. ADJUTANCY. ». 1. tic -.'Ibjiitantur : '!. bie gefebirfte Qlnotbnung. ADJUTANT, ». ter'.'ltjutaitt, .^iilfc-pt- fieicr, Tienrtgibulfc. ADJUVANT, «-,'. 1. bebiilflid). ADLOCUnON, ». oid AIM., i nos To ADMEASURE, b. a. 1. nieiTcit ; 2. Uttiieffeu. ADMEAS1 REMENT,*. I. bie 3Heff ting, 2. 3uineffuug. ADMINICULAR, adj. biilfieid\ bcbi'tlf' It*. ro ADMINISTER o. a, 1. '.n-nvaltcu KiiiMvibeii ; 2. auM^cilctt, crtl'iilfu, uetforgen, geben (3)Iebicin, u. f. m.J; I'hr. U) — I" tlic wants of, SBtbflffntf ADOL fen ;it §ittfe fcmmcn, SBebutfniffen abbclfcn ; to — an oath I >one.(5iuern ciaen Sib abncbiiicu, ciiicn (Sib fc$n>5s rat lajfen. . „ , LDMINISTRATION, a 1. bie 58ettual= tuna, Wflt&t, .ganbbabung ; 2. SRe* aierung ; 3. bo8 -.Wim'tcruim ; 4. btc SerroaUund bcr ©iitcr cincS obne Je^ament 25er|iorba»n j 5. tie 6r= tbcihuig. administrative, «£. oetwaltenb. ADMINISTRATOR. 8. 1. bcr .gttltbljas ber, SBeraaltet, SlmtSoetroefet ; 2. SBenualtemnefl cbue Xejtament 33et= ftcrbetten. ADMINISTRATORSHIP, s. baS SSmt et= neS iBermaltetS, u. f. ». ADMINISTRATRIX, s. bt€ .ganbba&es vinn, SBetroaltetinn, u. f. m. ADMIRABLE (ado. — ly), a'//'. fcctVlllU betttswutbig, DOtttefjUd). ADMDJtABLENESS, s tic ^CaniUtCVIt^ nnirbigEcit, SSottteffUdjEcit. admiral, s. ber 2lbmiral; Lord High — , ber ©rofutbmiral; rear — , tcr (iontreabmirul. admiralty, ». tie 5Ibmiralitat, bcr Seeratf) ; — court, or court of — , ba8 3tt>initatttat8geti<$t. admiration, s. tie SBewunbetung ; sign (note) of — , ba$ SSetwunberungSs pHuStufrngSO 3eicbcn. To ADMIRE, o. I. a. bennntbcni ; II. n. fid) auinbern. admirer, s. 1. tcr Sewunbeter ; 2. -Jlnbetcr. uoiissibiltty. s tie 3ui5fftgfcit, ■IJlufnahmsfabigEcir.. VDMISSIBLE ,a!r.—L\\ adj. JUlSfftg ; giiltig. admission, s. 1. tic 3ulafTung, 3luf= natjme; 2. tcr ( f iula£, ^utrttt; 3. tic Sinrdumung, ©eftattuiig. To admit, c. a. 1. cinlaffeu, juiaffen, ben ^utritt vcrfiattett ; 2. aititehiiien, umeben, etnraumcit; 3. geftattcit, gelreit laffen, serftatteit ; Phr. to — to an office, jll eiltcnt 2lmte Iflffeil ; to lie admitted a doctor, pUMlunnrt (bie 550C= tonriirbe er^altcn) babeit. •VDMITTABLE, adj. julafftg. ■'.OMITTANCE, s. 1. btC 3ntaffuiia,, (Sinlaffung; bie ©tnfu&tuug, Sluf= uahme ; 2. ber gutritt. ADMiTTER. s. bcr Slufncbmcnbe, 3u= tritt g3erjtattenbe, it. f. ro. n admix, v. a. beiinifchen. ADMIXTION, t s. 1. bie |}tMumU admixture { fffcung, 'Seimifcbuttg ; 2. ba8 ©emifdjtej 3.' ber 3ufafc. n admonish, b. a. 1. cnnabitcii, et« tnttern ; 2. manten or. or against, v or (StroaS). ADMONISHER, s. ber (5'nnaljner, C ? r= inucver, 2Batnet. ADMONISHMENT, s. bie (Srmabmmg, JBarnung, (irhtnentitg. admonition, s. bie ©rniannung, f?r= imtcruug, SBatmmg, tcr SGernmS. \dmonitioner, 5. ber gent ermab> net, cvinnert. ADMONTTlVE. adj. erntabnenb, Wat* nenb, crinnernb. admonttor, s. ber Grnubuer, CStin= nerer. VDMONTTORY. adj. crmabitciib, »uar= nettb, eriimcrub. adn ascent, adj. an et»a8 ^Intcrm UMdofcnb. adnate, adj. B. T baiMit roacbfciib. MJNOUN s. Gram. T ta-J QlbjCCtiy, SBeitoort. win), s. tcr 8arm, baS ©eraufdj, tic 28ett»irrung ; 3Jliibc, fflefefewerbe. adolescence,*. ta3 3ungling8nl= ter. bie Jugenb. ad'jI.escent. a. jugentlid). 6 ADUN adolphus,* v ?lbpfpb [iDiannSitame). To ADOPT, r. a I. atppttrcn, an .Uin- bc§ Start aiincbmen; 2. fig. anneb- men, bilJigcii ; an adopted child, ta-j Slbopttasftttb, SBa^Kinb (Jiiirfphu, ^urtocbter). ADOPTER 8. tcr Olcc-ptircnbr, Slnne^ met, 9Baf)l»ater. ADOpnoN, s. 1. bie Slbo^tton, baS Slnftnben; 2. fig. tic 3lunabme. ADOPTIVE. adj. 1. aiu«iiibcj 3tattan= genommenj 2. an jliubcS Statt an* nebmenb. ADORABLE, {ado. — bly), adj. ank= hingSrourbig. adorableness, 5. bie 3ttBetungS= mitrbigfeit adoration, s. bie 2ltitctuug, SSete^s rung. T, adore, j'. a. aubetcit, yevebrett; Icicenfcbaftlid) liebeu. adorer, s. bcr '.'lubetcr, SSereTjrer. To ADORN v. a. 1. fcbniiufcn, ticrcn, Vuijcu li J erfonen, IMngc, u. f. \v.) ; 2. »erfd)Bneru (cine SRebe). adornment, s. bcr Srfimucf, bit 3icrbe, Skrjicrung, i'crfdjoncrung. adosculation, s. b. t. tic 2d)iuau= gcrung. A DOWN. I. frrp. Itlltcr; II. adv. llie= berroartS, nictcr binab. Adrian, s. (.iKannSname) Slbrtan, ^abrtan. adrift, ode. babiit (auf tent SGBaffet) frfiuMinmcnb, loSgctriebert, ten SJeU leu vrcijgrgcbcit ; to break — from tlie moorings, JV. T. bie ilnfcr iid;teii, abfegetn. adroit, > adj. &■ adv. gefcbtdt, gc= adroitly. S roanbt, bcbci^c ADROITNESS, *. bie @e)'cbirf[id)[cit, ©etuanbtbeit A-DRY, 'ade. burflig, trocfen. adscititious, adj. bjnjugettjatt, un= wefentlicb. adstriction, s. bie 3ufi"nmcnjie= |ung. adulation, *. boS ^djmcidtcltt, bie edimcicbclei. ADULATOR, s. ber 2cbmeid)ler. ADULATORY. adj. fi$ntftci)elfjaft, frijmeicblerifd). ADULT. I. adj. beit. adulteration, a-. baS 83etfalfd)eit, bie 33erfalfdjuitg. ADULTERER, s. ber fibebrcrber. adulteress, s. bie (Sbebrerbcrirt. ADULTERINE, adj. tin dfjebruch cr= jeugt. To adulterize, v. n. (Sfjebrud) be= iicbcti. adulterous, adj. ebebred)cvifd;. adultery, «. ber Sfjebrudj. adultness, a. bafl @t»«d)fenfcljn, bet ouftant tc» @rruacbferifet)u8. ADUMBRANT, adj. vol) abffhattcub, abbtlbenb. To ADUMBRATE, r. a. abt"cbattcu, rrb abbilbcu, entoetfen, fftjjitett. ADUMBRATION, s. bie SlbfdjatflHtfj, robe Olbbiltung, ber wfle (Sntrv urf, bie SEt^e; //. T. bcr ScBatren eincr Sftgitt hnUmtijfe sonbnuflercrSarbe als baS gelb. ADUNC1TY, s. bie JEriimmt bd« ^aftge. ADVE ADUNCOUS, adj. gefriimmt, fr.mtm gebogen, bafig. A ! II rST, I adj. &■ part. 1. Sftbtatttll ADUSTED, I oetfengt; 2. bifeig. ADUSTION, .-•. 1. tic SSerbreiinnng ; 2 bcr --Pranb ; bo8 SSetbtonntfeon. To ADVANCE v. I. n. 1. DOrwattfl Qtt ben, ftdir.a;'cni, uornlffen, fortriicfett, anntd'en; 2. gortfctjtttte madnn, jm nebmcii, ( — in, in, an @rroa») ; to — in price, tin Recife fteigeii ; II. x 1. t>otn>Stt§ bvingen, rprriicfcn; L'. be= forberil ; 3. erbeben, erboben ; 4. be* frbleumgeu ; 5. vrrbrtngen, ainlcrn; B. vpvaiiobc;ablcn, Borfate^eitj to — the price, ben '^rctS erboben ; an ad- vanced work, ML T. eiu uorltegeitbeJ gefrung»»erf, ba$ 9>om>crf. advance, s. i. bad i?orii<;irt$gcbei>, Vliiriicfcn ; 2. ber gorrfc^rttt, gort= gang ; 3. bie Setbefferuiifl, Prbbbuug, SSerebluiig;; 4. bet SBotfcpn^; advan- ces, 8. i>!. StuSlngen; to make — , gSotfptfinae mrtcben, Sntgegenfonu men ; (Stoffnungen marhcii, ben erften Scbvitt tbnn. advance guard. .^-. bie ^Ivantgaibc, bet SBotttafc ; SSorpoften. advancement, a, bie Sefotietung, bcr Siirtfcbritt, tie S3erebe(ung. advance money, s bie $ramie, bcr ^Borfcbuf; ba§ ^anbgelb. advancer, s. lT ber gcrtfrbreiteiibc ; 2. SBeforberer; 3. s P . t. cine bet Sn8= jarfiuigen yoifeben bem uiitcvftcn Cinbe unb bcr Atone be8 .hivfd^gcivcibcS obet SRebbod;8geb / 5tue8. ADVANTAGE, ». 1. bie Hebetlegens beit, baS Uebe rgetDtcbt , betSotjug; 2. aBortbetl, ©eminn, ^iii^en ; to give — to, SSotfvrung (ben SSort^eill ge* ben; to have — over, iibcilcgru feint ; to have the — of one. iin ^crtbeil fenn ; to take — of, firb (5rti)a8 jh 9^u= fee macben; to the best — , auf bus i!i>rtbeilbafteftc ; personal advantages, ferpevhebe 33etjiige. To advantage, v. a. iiiife!icb fell n, iiu^cu, befotbetn. ADVANTAGE GROUND s. baS »ot= tbeilbaftc yelb, bie vprtijeilh^afte SteU lung. ADVANTAGEOUS (ado. — ly), adj. vpvtbcilhau, mi^Iidl, gfiufttg. ADVANTAGEOUSNESS, s bie 9^11^ barfcit. ^u^ltAfcit, ©unfliflfftt. ADVENIENT, adj. btiijufoiumeuf, }U= fallig. advent, s. ber?lb«ent, bie 9Infuuft. ADVENTITIOUS, (adv. — ly), adj binjugcfommcit, jugefeftt, jufallig, fvenib. ADVENTUAL, adj. jlim Qlbsent ge= f)6ttg. ADVENTURE, s. 1. ba8 ?lbentcucr ; 2. geivagtc Untcrnebincn (\. 8. SBaa= ten auf gut ©liicf naeb ftemben ^a= feu feiibcn, n. f. uO, baS ffiag«|Hi(f j (, ross — m E.bie Sobmerti ; at an ad ventures, aufs ©cvabcwobl, auf jcben Sail. To adventure, v i. a. toagen, in ©efabr, auf8 Spiel fefecn; it. n. fwS unterficbeit, crfiibiicn. ADVENTURER, s 1. bcr ?lbcntcurcr ©liicf stittcr ; 2. Untcrncbmer. AD\*ENTURESOME, adj. vid Adventc Rors. . ADVENTURESOirENESS, *. btc 5?ag= licbfcit, ,«iibnbcit, SBetwrgenbeit. ADVENTURINE, s. bcr Ctbocuturirt-- ftein. ADVENTUROUS, (adv. — ly). adj rcaglicb, fitbu, venvegcu, abentcuers licb. ADVENTUROUSNESS, s. tie 93cr»e. gcubcit, Jrciihubett ADVO AFFI AFIR ADVERB, a. Oram. T. bflS 2lbv>crbilim, SRebeitroorr. ADVERBIAL, (,,/,: — i.\) adj. Oram. t. at«ermalifd), iiebcinv5rtlid). adversary, i. a. ber ©eg net, SBis bcvfarber; ii. a/j. entgcgeit, fciiit-ltd). ADVERSATIVE, arf/'. Oram. T. JUIlt OJegenfaty bfeneub* ctuctt ©egcufa^ bejeidjuenb. ADVERSATIVES, *. pi. Oram. T. bte entgegengefefeten Siinberoorrer (j. 93. but vet, frcj adverse, (<«/».— w), o///'. tMbertD&rrtg, suroibcr, eutgegctt, mibrig; — party, bte ©eetetipartei, bee ©cgentbeif, ©egucr. a adverse p. o. + entgegennnr= feu, entgegenbanbeln. ADVERSENESS, z. bte 9Biberroartiq= feit; 2. bae Gntg'-genfenn, S'eiiitfc= ligreit. '.DVERSITY, 0. bte 33i$crroavfiqfctt, bae Uuglucf, (Slcub, bte £rubfal, Moth. ' To ADVERT, v. n. (— to) biniDcifcn auf, cranihit'-:t ; auf (*troae ntcrfcu, 5ld)t geben, ee i»ahnicbinc:t. VDVERTENCE, s. bie ilufmerffamfcit, SMjtfainteit ADVERTENT, adj. aufmerffain, arb> f«m; wadifam. To ADVERTISE, v. a. i. fccttaci)ricf)tt= fltn, bcviitteit, 9cad)rid)t geben; 2. i5|Tcutlid) aujeigeit, befamit mce rbett. ADVERTISEMENT, a. i. tie 5nmad)= ridpttgung, 9!a.1)itd)t, bet 33etid)t; 2. tic [BffentUcfcei 2imeia,e. advertiser, s. 1. ber ikuadnitbtU get - ; 2. !8n$etger, bas Slnjeigeblatt, ;siitellia,eti$blatt. advice'. .*. !. ber fgute) Rati), ?ltt= fdilaa,; 2. bte Urberlegung ; 3. 9tacb= ricbt, berS3erid)f; letter of — , .)/./: bae ©enad)rid)tiguttg«fcbreiben, ber StoiSbtief; wirii — , iiutcr Mufgabe; by my—, mtd) metnem jliatbe ; to ask— of one, Semautcu tint Jiath ftagen. ADVICE-BOAT, e. bie 2lmejacbr, bae q3oftfct)iff. ADVISABLE, adj. 1. rathtaiu; 2. fur (guten) SRatb empfdnglicb. ADVISABLENES3, a. bie :)iatbfamfetr. To ADVISE. v. I. n. ( — with otic, lltit eiitein) i,\\ Watbc geben, ratbfdHagen; 2. uberlrgru; ii. o. 1. 9tatb gcben, ra= tben, bcvatbeit (Stneit); to — on...; 8iatf) ertbeileit iibec . . . ; to — to (a thins', vathett ;u ; 2. 91ad)rirf;t geben, bcuad)iid)tigcu, beridncit, nielteu, anjeigen; to — a bill, M. e. ciucit 2Becbfel aiufirett. ADVISED, adj. bebacbrfam, Bebacbftg, yorfiewtig ; part to be — on, SRatb, (2ltt- weifung) evbaltcit iibcr; as — , .1/ E. lattt 9Iufgabc ADVISEDLY, adv. mit 23ebad)f, mil Ueberleguitg. ADV1SEDNESS, a. bie Ueberleguitg, ©ebacbtfamfeit, SOorftcbrigfetr. ADVISEMENT, «. + 1. ber Jlfatl) : 2. bit Sfcadjridjt j 3. Utbevlegimg, See ralfjfcblagung. ADVISER, a. ber Siatbgcbcr, bctr 33e= rather. ADVOCACY, a. bie 33ertrefung eittce 9lnS cnt por ©ertcbt, bte 2ad)fubruug, SJertbetbigitng, Advocate, a. 1 . ber SIbooIat ; 2. 5ur* fpfedicv, SBertreter, Bertbetbtger-. To advocate ,■ a 1. Dettbetbtgen, uutevftiitsett ; 2. fid) befeuncit jit, |"idi fiir (StroaS erttiren, HDVOCATION, ». bie Aiihrun.i cincv 9ledit«fad>e; SScrtretimg, 83eirbeibi= juiig. iti'v, t a. tie 8eutfeltg= ENESS, ji feit, @efpracb,ig= ADVOWEE, s. ber .Sirdientrtrun. ADVOWSON, s. ba» Jtird;c]tpaIioiiatS= rcd)t. ADZ, s. bie T'eidifel, jtrummorf. iEGlLOPS, *. bai ^iegciiauge, 0crflen= fiHit, (am -}luge). JEGIS, a. tie dlegibe (ber <:d)ilb ber SDIinerwa). iEOLIAN-HARP, s. bie 2leoB[)arfe, aBiiibbarfe. aerial, a/j i. jur Suft gcborig ; 2. att« 8uft befiebenb, Ittfttg ; 3. tit ter 2uft, bodi; 4. bie Stiff beroobiteitb;* ciibet-ifd); — voyage, tie Suftreife. A 1:1; IE, s bie J5'prfi, baS 9left eiueS SRauboogelS ; bie Brut. AERi ii.ui.v, a. r. bie 2lerologie, Sufts funbe, AEROMETER, a. T. ber Sufrnuffet cin ^imminent). AEROMETBV, a. r. bie Suftmetj= fttttft. AERONAUT, a bet 8uftf$tffer. AERONAUTICS, ... /'.'. bie Kuftfcfyijf* funft. AEROSTATIC, adj. aeroflatifdi. AEROSTATION, .5. 1. bie Sllftfd)iff= fabrt; 2. bie Suftroagefunfr. afar, adv. font, uu'it, you fern AI-'FABIL! AFFABLEN feit, ^i-citiiMicbEeif. AFFABLE (ado. — blt), adj. leittfeli,], gefpradjig, freitnblicfj, umgangltrj. AFFAIR, a. bat Mtht'ift, bte 9Jetttc6= fuitg, Slngelegenbeit, 5adie, ber •Oaittel. r» AFFECT, >■. o. 1. auffitroaS tvir= ten, ©tnbritcf matfteit, C'3 aitgteifett, treffen, betrejfen, beriibren ; 2. viilu rcit, bettiiben, beroegeit ; 3. uarb 6't= maS trarbten, reiien, jtveben ; 4. fchu= lid) begtbfctt; 5. affeftircti, cttuit* ftcltt, fid) ftcllcn ; to he affected at, be= wegt bet..., geriibrt fiber .... fc».m. affectation, a. bttti gejTBungeue SQefen, ©ejiere, bit ^ierevei. AFFECTED, adj. 1. geitetgt, (—to..., tu Qitm(i6 ; 2. gejtert, gejiBungen, afs Kctirt; :!. aitgenommett. AFFECTEDNESS, a. baS gejnntnanie SBefeit, ©ejtere. affection, s. 1. bet Sffecfc bie ®e» miitbfiberoegung ; 2. 3unetgung, 8te= be, @unft, .^erjltcbfett; 3. bet ®e= miitb^jiiflanb, bae ©efubl, tie ( S V= ftnnuiig ; 4. Mi i. t Aranfbril ; 5. K-bhaftt iuH'ftclliuii], 2ht»tvurf tit ber Sftalerei. AFFECTIONATE, {ado. — ly), adj. jfirrlid), liebe»oK # ergeben, ^erjlidb. jugetban. AFFECnONATENESS, s. bie Stebe, 3artltcJ>teit. AFFECTiONED, adj. geitetgt, gewogen AFFECTIVELY, adv. eiltbrUlftuoU. AFFECTOB (Afrctbr), ». bet ( s "ni pfinblcr, 3ifrer, 9cad>iffer (einet 3Jlob«)« affiance, a 1.+ baa SBetttauett; (tin ettgerti Sinn) bat SSettrauen auf ©Ott nut frtne i'erbcifjuttgcii ; 2. '." + baS S3cr!5bnij}. ■i;, affiance, v. a. 1. setttauen, fetti 33crtrauen feijcit (— in, auf (StroaS : 2. oerloben. AFFiANCER, a. bet SBetloBeube. AFFIDAVIT, a. /.. 7'. tie befrbwotltt SluSfage, bae eiblidje 3«ugnipj to i.i.ikr — , eitlnd) erbarten. To m'I'ii.iati:. p.a, I. an .Uintc." rtatt aituebitieit ; 2. einweiben tin eitte gc betme ©efellfdjaft). afi'ii.i \\\< in, a. I. bte 3tnite^mung an SobiteB, an ,i{iutc-< Statt, bae 21n!titbett ; 2. bte (Stitteetbuiig. AFFINITY, ». 1. bie SSerfi^roagetung, S5erroattbtfcbaft ; 2. ^ehrtlicb.nt; • lective— , CA. t. bie SBablscrwaoM* fd-,tft. To affirm, r. a. I. bejabeit. be» baupteit; 2. (ein llnbeil beftatigen. AFFIBMABLE, adj. »ai fid) bejaijen, bebaupten lapt. affirmance, «. bie SDeftatigung. affirmant, s. ber ^ejahcntc, 93c- bauptenbe. AFFIRMATION, a. 1. bie ^ejabttita, 33cbauptiitig; 2. SBejtafigung ; 3. i. t. bie SBabrbeitsbefrafttgung ter Ouato ft.ttt beJ Kibea uitt unter SReinribeftrafe. AFFIRMATIVE, adj. bejabeitt, bebaups tent; — ly adv. bejabiiiiQeivetfe, mit 3a. AFFIRMER, a. bet 23f jaf;ciibe, 'Be()auv= tetttc. To AFFIX, r. a. ( — to), an ptcr au( Gtutaj beftcn, aitbeftett, anfrblagcn ; anfefeen, anbattgen, eerbiiiben. AFFIX, a. Oram. T. bat 9tfftXUm, bit angebangte 2t)lbr. affixture, a. ba« SHnaeBeftefe. AFFLATION, 5. t.13 ■jlubl.r'cn. blafen. AFFLATUS, a. i. ber SBinbftof, bci "Hitbaud); 2../iV. tic (gSttlit^el (i-in^e^ bung. To AFFLICT, v. a. 1. bctl'flbcit, Mills fen ; .2. quafen, plagen, angftigcn ; afflicted with, ftan! an. AFFLICTEDNESS, a tie Stautigfeir, ber ©ram, Summer. afflictf.r. a. ter, bie. bafl Scrrfis betibe, JtranFenbe, ber QnSler. AFFLlcnoX, a. bae Seiben, tie Triib= Ul; bet .Rummer, bie 9ioih, ,!irau» futtg, baa Ungladr, AFFLICTIVE, [adv — iv adj giialeitb, ftSnfeitb, betvitbenb, fdjmerjltrb. SGESoll****** AFFLUENT, ladv.— vt). adj. 1. juflie. fjertb ; 2. uberflufjig, retdj. AFFLUX, )s. Bet 3uflu|, ^ittauf, AFFLUXION s ba8 3»ftrSnteii. Tv afford, o. a. aufbriiigeit, erma> du-n, fdjaffen, geben ; Pkr. i cannot — it. idt Liitit ti liidu beureitcit, au<< fitlu'eit; I cannot — it ^r> cheap, idj faint e8 nid't fc rooblfeU Detfdjaftn, geben, ober oetfaufen. Tb AFFOREST. » a. /.. T einfotfttn, (etnen fttien SBalb ju eiuent Botfh nnidieit . AFFORESTATION, a. J. T tie tillage einee 2Balbe«, Siufotftung. AFFRAY, \s. I.. T. bit Sdjla» AFFRAYMENT, J gerei, bai ^anbges menge ; ber Sluflauf. To AFFRIGHT, 8 a. crfdueifeit ; to be affrighted at, »0l (Stroafi cvt'dirccfeit, fid: bft»0t cittfeljeti. AFFRIGHT, a. 1. bet Srbrftfett, ta3 ©ittfe^en; 2. ber I'du-edltriic .'(itblicf, bai SrbrecfenSbtlb. AFFRIGHTER, 8. ber OVd) reefer, ©tferecfeinjager. AFFRIGHTFUL, adj. fdjtecflidj, ffirdj' terlidi. 7>i AFFRONT, v. a. 1. beiditimneit beleibigcn ; 2. angreifeii, troj bietett, affronted at, beietbigt fiber, turcb. AFFRONT, e. bie (grobe 'i'vleitij]itna, aBefcbtmpfung, bet SAiinpf. AFFRONTER, a ber ^efdMiitpfeilbt, .iroijbietetite , SPeUtbifler. ■i\, \vv\ >v. r. ,:. c*. / bvij'.t fliejirn, aitfgte§en. affi sion, a. CA t tie Slufgiefutj, ber Kufguf. afield, odo. auf baa Selb obet ?an>. AFIRE adv. ill 5euer, bveittienb, it Sraub. AFTE iFEAT, adv. bent 93obeil gleich, fCac^, platt. AFLOAT, ado. 1. fdr.vimmcttb, pott 5 .'. n L '. im Umlaitf; 1 1 sei a ship — . cut Sduff flott madim, nt ba@ sffiaf* fa (affen. A5-OOT, adv. 1. Jit (VilfJe; 2. A?-- tin ®ange, in SBewegung. AFORE prep. »0r. AFORE, ado. + l. »orwart8; '2. »or= her; 3. »oratt; 4. .v. r. oorn im Scbiffe. AFORF.GOING, />«)•£. a'. »OrbcrgcljlCUb. aforeiiand, adv. voraits, JlllU U0f= auS, ui'rbcr . Phr. to be — with one, Gittcnt jUDOtfommen; ibjn iiberlegen feitt, tf)tt iibcrtreffcu. AFOREMENTIONED, ? adj. »0Ver= AFORESAID, ) Wafjllt, ol)r gcbadjt. AFORENAMED, adj. SOttjettatUlt. aforetime, «fo[gcr, STtadjfommettbf. AFTER CRi >P, s. bie Tkcberntc. after-days, s. pi. bic Sofgejeit, StarLwelt. AFTER-GUARD, s_bt'c_21Md)C tilt luil- tern SCfjeile be8 ©djiffw. HATCHWAY, s. JV. T. bic ,§Ctt= terlure. AFTER-MATH, *. baS Sputbcu, Sifter* hen, © AFTER-MOST, adj. JV. 7 1 . bilttcr, bin* terft. AFTERNOON, «. bcr !Jcacbmitfag. AFTER PAINS, .<:. pi. bic iftacblVcbctl. AFTER-PART, *. bcr luutfolaenbc Sfieil. SlFTER PrECE, s . 1. baS 3fla($flit(i (im £d)aufpic(baufci ; 2. r. (bci ben iattlcnt) baS biutcrc Stiicf eittcS SattelS. AFTER SAILS, s. pi. .V. T. bic .§tlttcr= fegeV. iFT'ER THOUGHT, *. 1. bcr 9tccf»ge» banle ; '2. bie 511 fpare (?iuftd)t ober Ucbcrlcguitg. AGGR AFTER-TIMES, 5. pL bic fititftigcu 3ci= ten, golgejett. AFTERWARD, Aftbrwards, adv. ttad) = bcr, bemad), barttad), uacl)mal3, tit bet Solge. AFTER-WISE, adj. Jit fpcit (cittjjefc- ben) Elug. after WIT, s. bic .(llit.jbctt nacf) bcr Xbat, 511 fp;ite(5iuficbt. AFTER WRATH, s, bcr fpatC ©roil. AGAIN, adv. UMCblT, JUrfitt i wicbClltllt, ttodjmalS, obermaU, uorb etnntal; tweitetiS, iiberbiefc fcrncr; bagegen, pingegen ; cbcu ("o ; itit? bann ; to come — , UMCbCrflMltlltClI, juritcffom; mcit; to read over — , tied) cittmal lc= feu ; as much — , nod) cinmal fo uiel ; half as big — , tan fie fialfte grower; — and — , 511 aucbcrboltcu 3){a(ert, cinmal itber tat anbere, mcbrmaU; bin nub ber. against, prep, t iber, gcgett ; gegens iibcr, bagegen, bftWtber ; ait, bti ; over — , gegeniiber ; 1 am not — it, id) bin nicbt bawiber, bagegen ; — the end of the week, gegcit baS @nbe bcr iBocbc ; — he conies, gcgcu bie 3eit, ba (.ober urn bie 3eit, wo) cr fommt ; — the hair, ( — the grain 1 , n)ibCV ba3 i^aar, gegeh ben ©tridjj jig. vuig. aiber SBilIen, ungern. agape, ado. gaffenb, initoffucm 3JJuus be (.iDJaitlc). agaric, *. bcr Slattcrfcbmamm, 8er= d)ciifd)ivaiitm. AG AST, adj. vid. Agji\st. agate, s. bcr 3lgaf, VIcbat. agatha, Slgathe (Srauenname). agaty, adj. acbatartii]. agave, 5. bit amcri£auifd)c 33aunta= toe. AGE, s. 1. baS alter ; ?. 3ettalter, bic 3eit; 3. baS ^abrbittibcrt; i. bie SJiiinbigfeit; oia — , or great — , bas bobe 91 Iter, ©reifenalter ; the golden —.'bic golbene 3ctt : full — ,bici!oll= jabfiijEcit, ^iiiltbii]fcif; under-age or nonage, bie Ultlliuitbigfcit; to be of — , ntunbia, (majorenn) fc»u; to come to — , munbigtoerben; to be under—, unmiinbig fctm. AGED, adj. alt, bejabrt. agency, 5. 1. bic SBirfung, ©tnwtr* fnng, Action; 2. SSermittiung, ber ricufr, bic 3lgenffd;aft, 9lgentnr. agent, s. 1. ba3 wirfen'be 2Befen, nurfcttbc, ivirffame 3)?ittel; 2. bcr Slgent, SiefcrungSbeamtete, W; : fcbaftStrSger ; Eoinmiffionar, Spc= bitcttf, 2Baarcn»erfenber ; bcftciltc SKafler. AGGERATION, s. bic 9tnf)aufuttg, bic Slufbaufitng. To AGGLOMERATE, p. I. a.Jtlfammetts ballcu; 11. n. fid) fltqclu. AGGLOMERATION, s. 1. baS 9?crbtlt= ben nt ^litmpdjcn ; 2. baS 3ufam= menlaufen. AGGLUTINANT, adj. ycvbittbeilb. AGGLUTINANTS, s. pi. Med. T. ^CtltU mittel, jai)e ©inbungSmitfel. To AGGLUTINATE, v. n. ytfammctt[ci= mcu. AGGLUTINATION, i. bic 3ufamntctt= [eiinung. AGGLUTINATIVE, adj. Ictmctlb, bitt-- bcttb. To aggrandize, v. a. oergropem, ets toettern, fvhohcu, erbe&en. AGGRANDIZEMENT, s. bic iscrgrbfjc= rung, ©rmeitenmg, gr^ebnng. aggrandi'/.fi;, s. bcr SBergrofeter, (frweiterer, it. f. ». To aggravate, o. a. fig. i . firgct ober fcblimmcr maben, »erfd)liminern ; 2. crjiirncn, argent, fchr franfen, aggravation, s. '.. bic i>ctfcbltmntc= AGNC rung; 2. (Srjurnung, 9lcrgernip; i Jtraufuttg. To aggregate, v. a. aiifaiiimcln, jufammcttl;iiufcit, ;u cittcr iljaffe »er« eintgen. AGGREGATE, adj. gefammeft, angc* ban ft. AGGREGATE, s. 1. bie 9Inbdufung, (gumine; ba8 ©anjc; 2. bcr Snbe* griff »onjufammcnt)dngenbenJEennt» iiiffcn, (SinfdUcn, u. f. n>. ; 3. T. bas Slggregat. AGGREGATELY, adv. tiiSgcfammt, baufentveife, im ©anjen genommen. AGGREGATION, s. 1. bic ,£aufung, SOereinigung ; 2. bcr .^aufctt, bte 3Jienge. aggregative, adj. inSgefammt, s«> fammen genommen. AGGREGATOR, «. bcr Sammlcr (ton -Dtatcrialicii). To aggres^ v. a jucrft attgrcifcu, anfaHeu. aggression, s. bcr crftc Slugtif, 9in» falJ. aggressive, adj. Strct't bcahntcttb. aggressor, s. bcr angreifenbe £bcil. aggrievance, s. bcr SBerbm^, bie Seleibtgung, Jfrauhtng; SJ5lage, 33es fcbuicrbe ; Uttbilbc. To AGGRIEVE, v. a. 1. befittumcrtt, fraitfctt ; 2. bcfdniHTcn, plagcn, bc= ciutracbtigctt. To AGGROUP, v. a. JltfamuiCttftcUftt, gruppifcn. aghast, adj. crfcbiTcfcu. agile, adj. burtia,, bebcube, Icictt, fliitf, geleitltg. agh^eness, 7 *. bt; S3e^enbigfeit, agility, J «!5ur/ igfeit, ^ctdjttgteit agio, s. M. E. i>a$ Slgio. To AGIST, o. a. ciutcbmcit, ober in bie 9Haft nebmcit, wtiben laffett (frcmbc* iUcb fur ®cb). agistment, s. 1. bic (Sinffbiunng, yiufucbmuttq jnr SOBttbe uitb Mi.\= flung; 2. ba« 3Jfaftgelb. agistor, s. ber gebmmeifter, Sorft= auffeber, 93iaftauffcbcr. agitable, adj. 1. benjeglic^ ; fig. 2. tuoruber gefiritten werben faun, pro= blcntatifcb. To agitate, v. a. 1. fdjiicll bcuicaot, bin unb ber werfen, fdiuttdit, t>er= unttrcibctt, crbiljen, erfebi'tttern ; 2. fig. (bcftiiie ©cmittbiJbcipcnuitgcn) er^ regen, (bie Seek) beunrubtgen; 3 (a question, matter, &c.) iciltc" (Vragc, (Sacbc, it. f. to.) in Setvegung brfo- gen, uiitcrfud)cu,bariiber ftreit'en, ab= baubctn, cfiu'tcrn. agitation. .«. 1. bic Scwegung, 9lu= regung, ©rfdjutterung; 2../i>. incftige ©emut^lbewegung, aBaUuitg, Unvu* be; 3. Uiitct'fiid)uug, iieratbfii)la= gitng, Uebedegung nucr ftretftgen tad)C, bcr istrcit ; the business is in — , bie Sadie roirb betrieben, tft in llutcrfud)ung. agitator, s. 1. bcr 9htfnibvftiftcr, 9luregcr ; + 2. bcr Jlgent. agito, s. ciu f(cittc» ©cu>id)t. aglet, s. 1. baS tiiufilid) gearbeitrtt ©enfelbfed) ; 2. b. t. bas .uiilbcben an bcu Staubfdbeu bcr ©lumen. AGNAIL, s. bas ^aadijcfdjiiuir; bet Titctnagcl. AGNATE, ) adj. WTOaitbt POtl »atcr- agnatic, 5 Itdier ©eite. agnation. .9. bic 2?crmanbtfd)aft von pdferlicbcr Seite. AGNES, s. 9IgncS ((Vraucnttamc). ag.mtion, s. bic Slnerfennung. agnomination, s. 1. bic 91iifptcluttf| etues S33orte8 auf ciu anberes, loegea 9lcbnlid)fcit beS JUan^cS ; 2. bcr ^ci* name. AGRO A f R ALB I adj. 5" . — ly), \ einent AGNUS-CASTUS, a. bcr .fteufrbbaiint ; — seed, Jt c u i"d; b au m ; 3 a in en, Scijaf- nniUctt. ago, ode. »orbei, sorbet, for, l;cv; a year — , »ot eiiicm 3ahrc ; long — , lattge bcr; not long — , ltnlattgft. AGOG, ode. luftcru, begicrig; to set — , iuftern, begicrig madjcii, anteijeu ( — on, ober for, Had) obet ju (Stroad). AGOING, ado. tit (Dang, tit SeuKgung. AGONE, vid. Aao. AGON1SM, *. bet 23cttfainvf, SBctt- ftrcit. AGONISTES, «. bie SBcttfami'fcr, SBettftrcitcr (bet ten altcit ©ried&en) AGONISTIC, A.GOMSTICAL (ado, 2Bctttampfc ge()orig. To agonize, v. i. 11. .bcit grbjiicn ©cbmerj empftnben ; n.a.mitgrnpen ©cbjncrjcn bebaftcit. AGONIZINGLY, ode. petnlid&jt. AGONY, «. 1. bet SEobedfampf ; 2. bcr grbjitc ©filter); bie ©eeienaugftj in the last agonies, ill ben leijteu 3ii= gen. agouty. s. bad 3ferfclfattind)cn (attf beit SlntiUen). agrarian, a /. — law, bad agrarges fefc, atfergefefc. 7V> AGREE, r. », !. iiberciuftimnicn, iibcrciufomnicu, einig femi, @ind roets ben j cinftimmig obet ciucrlct iDict= uuug fe»nj 2. gemafc angemeffeu fam, patten, fttmmeit, befommeu, ju= traglicb fer>it; 3. ciugciicu; 4. einig lebcn, fid) ucrtragen ; 5. etutg toer* ben, fid) ycrglcidu-u (— on, upon, fiber (5'troad; ; (i. fid) ocrfobuctt; 'tis a thing agreed on, ed t|i cine ftbge tactile &at= moiiic ; articles of—, SBergIcidjttngd=, ftrtebendpunfte. AGRESTIC, )«.//. laubnta fig, [finb= AGRESTICAL, S UC^. agricultor. e. bet 8anbBauei!. AGRICULTURAL, adj ben Vaubbatt bes tveffcub, laiibii'ii'thfdiaftlid). AGRICULTURE,*, bie Vaubiuirtbfcbaff, ber "}lcfcrbau, Aclbbait. AGRICULTURIST, « bcr n>tffenf$ttft» lid)e) atfetbauer, 8anb»ttth. ^GRIEVANCE, "To Achieve, vid. Ao- QRIEVANOK, &.C. agrimony, t. bcr Dbetmettuig, bie Slgtimonie, Vcbcrtlctte {Agrimoni i «t- paturia — i ). AGROUND, odo. auf ben ©nuib, bent ©tunbe, gcftranbet ; to run — . ftrau= ben; roruna ship — , eiit 5d)ijT auf bcu ©tunb tteiben (fefee«) ; to be — , jig. in S3erlegenf)eit fenu; cui. ant Serge ftclKi: ; am Jtreuje liegcu ; jit 0rnute gcrid)tet fevn. AGUE, «. bad Aiebcr, 23eebfclficber, faltc gicbet ; a burning — , citt bttjigca gteber; quotidian, tertian, quartan — , bao t^iltdtc, breis, siertftgige gieber, — lit, bcr AiclcrfdMiicr : '— t Saffiifrafjbaunt. AGUISH, adj. I. fic'-crl'jt"t, froftig ; 2. gtebet ocriirfad)ciib. AGUISHNESS, a. bie tfiebcrbaftigfeit, bet ©cbauer. AH, int. ah ! ba ! 5r= men) to— beds, 8(ttrii founcii, AIR-BALLOON, ». bcr 8aftbaQon ; ait balloonist, bcr 2uftfabrer. Ail; BLADDER, s. bie Suftblafe 3cbu'iuiiublafe. AIR-BUILT, adj. in bie Suft gcbauct, litfiig; — castles, 8uftfctolijr|et. AIR-DRAWN, adj. * ill bie Buft gema« let, luftig : eingebilbet. Ali;i;i;. », ber (viroae luftct, trocfttet. ADJ GUN, ». tie 9Btnbbuebfc ah; HOLE, ». bad Vi:-'iUh1i. AffifNESS t, l. bie Suftiofett; %.fig. bie Seieb. tigfeit, bcr Seiebtfinn. AIRING an — . frifc^c fd)bpfeu ; ilia Jreie gchcu, fahrcn. air-jacket, «. bie Sdjttimmjaife. AIRLESS, a ■■ bcr frcicn VuU beraubt AIRLING, cine junge leidjtfiitnige$er« fon, bcr Slucbtltng, 2Bi(bfang. Aiit POISE, a. r. eie Suftwage. AIR-PUMP, 5. r. bie Vufroiimvc. All: SHAFT, « Min. T. ber SiJetler. fd'ad't, ^iift]"d)ad)t (in bcu i'crg: lvcrten). UR-THREADS, a pi. rriinenfaben. AIR-VESSEL, a. ^.c'trbbre, ba5 Suftgefaji ber Uflai AIRY, adj. 1. fuftig; 2. hod) : 3. fig leid't, biiim (>»tt bie 8uft , fnicbtig; 4. minbtg, eifel; 5. letd)tfinnig, lao= Vifd); kbha't, munter, luftig,' froh ; — notions, 8uftfd)(5ffer. AIRY, rid. Akuv AISLE a. ber Slfigel eined (5bored, bcr (ifjovgriiig. ait, s. bie tlciiie 3nfcl # bcr SBerber. AIX-LA-CHAPELLE, ». 3lad)cu (©tabt). AJAR, adi balb offeii, augelebiit von eiuer 5'biir . AJUTAGE, a. bcr ?liiffafe an cine.ii ©Vtingbrunntn. Tn ARE, v. n. vid. T' AcHB. AKE, *. vid, Ac he. AKF.R, rid. Arp.E. AKIN, adj. renoanbt. AKIMBO, vid. Kihbo. ALABASTER, I. ». ber ^llabafter; n. adj. alabaitern. ALACK ad>! oroeh! alack a-day; col o ivch ! hilf i^immel! ALACRITY. », I bie OA'unterreit, .Cki> tetlett, Aiohlidifeit, ber Arohuiiu. ALAMODE, I. adv. wig. ua* bcr SlWobe, mobifeb; u. ,. cin bfinner, frJ)tvat)et .Jaffet. a-land. adv. and 8anb, am I'aubr, ui Vaube. ALARic,s. Sllartr^, @Iri<^ (IDtatnfto name . VLARM, ». 1. bad SSrmgefc^rei, ber Sarin, SBafftnriif; 2. bie Unrube, a3etn)irtunfl, Berlegenb'rit, Oeftur> jung, ©ewegung; bcr 5du'ccf; — of Are, bcr Auieviarm ; i — . Varm blafen; to give—, 8arm mad)eii, Uiiruhe erregen; to take -. uurithig tt'crbeit, in 5lngfi gea ralheu ; to spread — . Varm ocrbreiten, beuuruhi^eii ;— bell, bie ©furmgtotfe; — post, ber 8iirniJ>lai} ; — watch, bit SBecfu^t. 7b \i.\i!M. p.0. 1. 8fitm blafen ober fcblaant ; 2. rrfebrerfen, auffebrerfen, beunruBigen, angfttgen, iuiBeaegung bringen, uerroirttu , alarmed at, be* unttUjigt ii bcr. ALARMIST, t.vud ber Bffentf.) 85tm« madjer, Unru^ftiftec. ALARUM, »i I Vi ms. ALAS, int. acb! letter] o meb! ALATED, adj. gcfluaelf. ALATERNUS, a B. T. id? ^mnicrgrua (evergreen privet). \I.\V. vid. Ai.i.vy. ALB, s. 1. bie ?llba, ba-5 ille^bemi- a ALEW AL1M ALLE Sborfjemb; 2. eitte tiiihfitc iliutje; llbania s. SUbanien. ALBANIAN, L adj. aibaittfd) J II. s. bcr SMbanier. albatross, 8 bte roejtinbifcfle @w» gaud, 3obanniSgand, bev Sturm? »OfleI. ALBEIT, eon/ obgleitb, roieropbl, :ui= geadUef. ALBINOS, ». /'/ rocif,-c Sieger uiit ro= tb.-it Slugen, tfaterlafe in Dftiiuicn, Slfrtfa uub flmcrifa. ALBION, s.* (Snglanb; —metal, ©lei nut 3' 1 " 1 uberfieiber. ALBUGINEOUB, adj. bent StWcipe (Ujniidj. ALBUGO, s bad gcll int 2lua,c, bev roetfk Staar. album, s. M» Stammbud); (ctijcn= baitbige) grembenbudj. ALBUMEN, s. b<\4 @itOet@. ALCAHEST, wA Alkahest. alcaic. w#. r. alfaifeb (»oit etttcr gtietfcifdjen SSerSart). aloaid. s. l. ber SBefebtsljaber eines Scbloffed itn bet Satbarei); 2. bet Sllcatbe, ;)iiditcr, ■«tabtricbter (in Spanien). ALCANNA, s. bie; — mot. bie 2Ilfaiiuaiuur$cl ; — oil, bad Stjprudbl. ALCHYMIOAL, [adv.— i.y), adj. ald)9= utiftifd), aldyomifd). ALCHY.MIST, s. bet- 211cbsjnuft, ©olb= utadjer. ALCHYMISTICAL. adj. alcbvintiftifd). alchymy, s. bie Slldjijmie, ©pl&= marbcrfiiitjr, ALCOHOL s. Ch. T 1. bet tied) ret* tifieirte SBeingeift, 2. bn$ fubtile (feiuftc! Spuloer. ' * ALCOHOLIZATION, s. Ch. T. bic 311= foboliftrung. To ALCOHOLIZE, v. a. 1. alfobolifi= ren, rectifieiren ; 2. in cut fubtiled ^Jttl'jcr ocrauiibclit. ALCORAN, oid. Koran. alcove, s. bcr SUfpsen. ALCYON, s. bet (Ji6yo s ]c(, (vid. Hal- cyon). ALDEB, (—tree), s. bic Glle, CSUct, ber (Sileubaum. alderman. «. bet SRatljdbwr, dlztfc atanit, Sleltefie. ALDERN, a ALE-KNIGHT, *. wig. bet 2Jicrbrubcr, 3e4bruber. ALEMBIC, 8. bet 2Jrcunfolbcn, ^c^ ftillirtolben., ALENGTH, «'/<•. bev Sange twdi. ALERT, adj. roaebfam, nuuitcr, lcb= fjaft, flinf ; to lie upon the — , Olllf feinet •'out fenn. ALERTNESS, a, bic SfJJltUterfeit; Sct- fjafttgfeit ILE sm/i, s. bic S8ie«e4e. U E VAT, s. bet ©alH'bottidi, ©rait* botti*. »le-\vife s. bie Siertrittbtitn. Alexander, s. iilcraitbct j5Ko«n«= mime). Alexander's foot, bcr ©ertram, bad (SpeicbtlftaUt {Anthemia jnj- ntrum — L.). Alexanders, s. bivJ 3nt*)rncnfraut (Sntyrnaim — />. ). ALEXANDRINE, s. T. bcr ?Ik,rai:bri= net, atejflttbriitifebe 33er§. alexipharmic, i. adj. ali ©egengtf! bienenb; n. s. badlDltttei gegen ®ift, ©egengift. ALEXIPPOS, 5. mo:l. ( i. e. linrse-helper) eiite iVafdunc jum 'Jliifridjtcit ge* ftiirgtet Spfetbe. ALEXTTIRICAL, (— erial), adj. bent ©ifte roiberfie^enb. algebra, s. Mat. t bic 9llgebra, (5)tetd?uiiij3lcf>re , ©urbftabetircrf)= ititng. ALGEBRAICAL (— ic), adj. Mat. T. algebtaifd). algebraist, 5. ^Il^cbvaijr. ALGERINE, adj. al.]icrifd). algerines, .s. pi. bie jllgierer. ALGIERS, «. 9llgtet. algor, s. bie befttqe Jlaltc. algorism, I s. t. bic Sierijciifunft algorithm, s mtt 3ablen. ALGOUS, ciuficrft fait. alias, ado. fouft. anberS; ». l. t. — capias, citt tiucbcrlpltcr SBet^aftSs befebt. ALIBI, s. 7„ T. to prove an — , betBCt= fen, bat; man jut 3*it ba cin Sets bte 1'ctt begangen lootben ijt, ait cU item fcrncit (ftemben) Orte war. alice, s. Sllerta, (Slfe, 3i|"e (graitcn- nantc). ALIEN, adj. 1. frcmb, aiiSlaitbtfcb ; 2. nicbt betgePtig, unangemeffeu ; it is — from (to) my purpose, C3 ijcluh't nicbt ju (Itegt auficr ntciiicm iUanc. alien, s. 1. bcr Srembe, SSuSlSnbet ; 2. bcr mtt un-3 in fciticr iscrbiubiuta ftcht. To ALIEN, Aline, vid. Alienate. ALIENABLE adj. scvauiJcilid). alienage, s. baS grembfe»n. To ALIENATE, v. a, 1. vcrauficnt ; 2. jig. rntfreinbcii, abgenci^t, abroenbig, abfpanftig inadjeit, abu'ehen. alienate, adj. 1. abgenetgt; 2. ent= ficmbct, vcraitjicrt. alienation, 5. i. bte SJerftujjerung, 6ntSu§crung ; 2. SIbgeneigtbett ; — of mind, bie 3>crriicfiiit'g bed ©etfiatts beS, bcr SSabiifitut. ALIENATOR, s . bcr ^crantlcnibc. alienee, s. bcr f*inr.fana.iichmcr (ci= tics SigentbnmS, obct 9lnfytMebeS). alienism. ,c bad Srcmbfcmt, SJlityU einbeimtfebfemt. ALIFE iibet nUed, fo wabt id) Icbc. ALIFEROUS, } adj. Jvliicjcl babcub, gc= ALIGEROUS, j fttlgelt. n ALIGHT, v. tui. fidi tiicbcrlaffctt, betuntetfommeu ; 2. abfteigen, and= fieigen, abfiijeit; bcrabfallcii, niebet* fallen; to — on..., fid) fcljcii anf.... ALIKE adj. &■ adv. gicidv ahn(id\ cbcit fo rote; jttgletrb, ebenfafld. aliment, s. bic SJtabrung, bcr lltt= tcrhalt, bic Suetfe, bad gutter. ALIMENTAL, [adv.— ui),adj. nabrcitb, n a hv haft. ALIMENTARINESS, s. bic SRabtBafs tigreit. alimentary, adj. 1. j«r Tcabnuig gebortg; 2. nabrcitb, nabrbaft; —ca- nal, bcr ©ang ctus bent 33Jagen, n>p; buvcb bcr 3Jabt«ngdfaft inbadSBlut geleitet roirb. alimentation, s.l.bieSGabtbafftgs fcit, Ofahrfraft ; 2, bie Serpfkgung. ALIMONY, s. bteiBervflegitiirt, ber Uit= tcrbatt (ben cin SJcann Icinct gefrbie^ bcncit gtau gebcit muj). ALIQUOT, adj. Mat T. aliquotifeft. ALISH, adj. ll'ic ^Itl. alive, adj. 1. Icbcnb, febenbtg, a:n %g»aiifenblafc, bet SKunbletm. alKjVNEt, bic rotbc ebet fpamfebe Dcbfettjnnge {Jlnckusa qfficmilis—L.y. ALKEKENGI, .*. bic 3nbcltfirfebe (PAy- salis alhekentri — /..). alkermes, s. bic Sataergt wn Sttx= ntcsbecrcit, ber JtetmeSbeerfaft. ALL, I. mij alter, allc, oiled 5 gan^ ; 11. s. bad ©anje, 2111; — the world bic gait^c ffidt ; — the day, ben gat:= S£ag ; by — means, fcblccbterbingd ; anf jcbch gall; — at once, anf eitt= mat; once for — , ct it fiir allemal ; for go^d and — , gang unb gat; auf inimcr ; after — , d* bringeit; 2. audfagen, bebaupten, be» jabcit. alledger, s. bet 21ttfiibrcr, Sebau^« tcr. allegation, s. 1. bic Slnfftbrmtg, i'ebauptnnrt ; ?. bic angefiibrtj ALLO ALMO ALTR ©telle ; bie befyauptetc Sacbe, 2lu8= }age. 7« ALLEGE, vid. To Aj.LEDOS. ALLEGIANCE, 8. bie $fltd)t bcr Utl= tertbanen, &ei)n8pflid)t,£reueunb ©e- borfant ; oath of — , bev (Sib bcr Xreue, IjulbigungSeib j to do — , buU bigen. ALLEGORIC, / adj. flllc= ALLEGORICAL ( adn. — lt), J gorifd), bilblicb, ftnnlicb, ucvblimif. ALLEGORICALNESS, s. i?aS 2lflcgpri= fdJe. 7b ALLEGORIZE, r. I. o. btlblirfl. portragen, ft* btlblid) ctuSbtrutfflL allegpr'tfd) crflarcn ; II. n. al$ cine SlUegorie bebanbrln. ALLEGORY, s. tie 31llcgprie, bilb(i= d?e 9icbc. ALLEGRO, I. s. Mis. T. ba3 SlilcgfO ; II. adv. allegro. ALLELUJAH, s. ba8 .cr= fniiyfen, scrciitigcn. ALLIGATION, Mat. t. bie Alligation** redlining, bie ©cfd)tcfiiiig$= ober 2Jcr-- mtfd)ung8rege(. ALLIGATOR, s. bcr Alligator, (Sci\)- ntan. ALL1GATURE, s. rid Ligature. allision, s. ba§ Slitftotien ALLITERATION, s. r. bie Alliteration. ALLITERATIVE, adj. lltit bemfclbett ©nebftaben anfatigciib. ALL-OBEDIENT, adj. gcljorfam (illl toetfefien Sinite). ALLOCATION, s. 1. bie .Oin^ttfmiing icinco '?lrtifel3 tneittcr^tcrbtutttg) ; 2. 3tm»etfung *ur ©ejafjlung (tn ber engltfdjcn Sd)a$fammer). ALLOCUTION, s. bie 2lttrcbe. ALLODIAL. Allodia.*, adj. J,. T. aflo= big, allpbial, lebcttsfrci. ALLODIUM, *. bafl 2lllobe, SMob, Af= [obium, fvcic Srbgut. ALLONGE, ». T. 1. bcr Aueftojj tilt Acd)lcit; 2. bie lange ?cinc, toorati man ein SJJferb trabeii la fit. To ALLOC v. n. vtdg. ballob, febrcien, bie ,t>iinbc bantit attlic&en. T« allot. <•. a. 1. wcrlofcn ; 2. aitrcet- fcn. jtit[)cilcn; 3. vci'tbeilcn, an5= tbcilcn. ILLOTMENT,*. bit 3 SooS, ber^Intbcil, ihcil. r„ allow, v. a. 1. jngckn, cinran- nicn ; utcrfenncn, jngeftefien ; uilaf: fen, cvlanben, vevftattett, beaulligcn ; 2. ctlttgwt, gntbciMcn ; 3. tveihen, nubmen ; 4. cinrcdnten, abrcdjnen, at^icbcit; to — | maintenance, frcicn 8eoen6unterb«U unfontmeit laffen ; i — (,f that excu«e, id) nebnie bie ( s "nt- ^iilbigiingrtls giittigatt; i am allow ed to, id) faittl (barf , man bat nirr t>Crftottet; is allowed to be..., tft (ingcncmntcii, ancrfannt nl3 . . . , this is not a thing to he allowed of. bicjj Ertttn nicbt gcbilligt, ober crlanbt rccrbctt ; allowing for his want of edu- cation, n>enn man [cine fcbledite (>f- jicbnng nbreebnet, ALU iW'Alil.E (adv. — bly), adj. Jlllaf- ftg, erlatibt; ticbtig, rcduniaiug. ALLOWABLENESa s. bie 3«wfftg= feit, ERccf>tind#ijjfctt. ALLOWANCE, s. 1. bie Pimaitniiing, Bulaffung, @rlaubni§, 33vrfratrnng ; 2. lliigcbniibciibfit; :j. bcr boiimiiitc Sbeil, bai Mnftjefe^te, bae .Ueftgelb, Safdxngelb, 3JconatSgelb, ^abrgelb; •i. bie @d)onung, ^iadn'idu : 5. ber JlbjUg ; to make — for. 9{acbftd)t bnl'Cll lltlt ; to live within the compass of one's — ftiiicn O'inhinftni gemnfj Icbcn. ALLOY, s. 1. bie Segtrung, bcr 3"f; 2. jig. bie SSermifrbuttg, 93erminbe= rung, SBerfcblecbtcruttg, bcr Slbjug. all POWERFUL, adj. allmadjtig, all-- genjalttg. ALL-RIGHTEOUS, ». the—, ber ®e= red)tc (Oott). ALL SAINTS, s P l bits Bcft ^ILtev&tt li = 9 frt - ALL-SEED, bte ?n?elbe {Atrnlex— I J all-souls, s.pi. t>a$ gejt allcr Seelen. ALLSPICE, s. bcr ^imeitr. To ALLUDE, a n aitfpidcn ( — to, aitf) ; binbenten, fteb bc^icbett auf; alluded to, angcbeittct, besiiglid). ALLUMINER (— kok) s. bev 3Unmi= nircr. To ALLURE, v. a. aiilocfcn, anrci^cit, anfbberii ; to — forth, aiilccfett, aiiMinfen. ALLUREMENT, s. ber SRetj, bie 9lci= jnitg, ^pcfnng, SBerffibrimn. ALLURER. s. bcr 5lnlocfcr, 33crfiibrcr, ©cbmeid)ler. allusion, s. bie Stnftytelung, .0in= bcutnitg. ALLUSIVE (ado. — ly), adj. anfpielenb. alluvial, I adj at!gcfd)Ricmnit, an- ALLUVIOUS. $ gefvnlt. alluvion, ^. l.'bie \Hnfrbrcentmnitg, Slnfpfiluitgj 2. bae 2lngefpiiltc, ber Slnruurf. all wise, adj. all'.rcirc. To ALLY, v. a. alliircn, ucrbiinbert ; Derbtnben, seretntgen ; ( — to, — mil . ALLY, ». bcr Slllttrte, ©unbeSgcno^ ; SSerroanbte, grcttnb. ALLMAGRA, «. ba; fpanifebc ©raim= rolb. ALMANAC, ». bCi^llmanadvXvafcnbcr; nautical — . bcr Scbiff^falcnber. ALMANniNK s. bcr v ?llmanbin=:TJnbin. ALMiGHTiNEas, t. ttt SHImar^t, alls niaebtigfeit. ALMIGHTY. I adj. allntad)lig; Ii. .*. ber \'illiiiaditige. ALMI >ND. ». bie HJtattbel ; — or almond- tree, ber OJiaiitelbainit ; dwarf—, or n\m mis dwarf, bcr ^n>crgmaiibcl= baum:— oil, baS 3WajtbeI8I j — pow- der, bie "AWinbelfleic ; — soap, bie gmanbelfetfe; — or ermine tumbler, bie •Cierme lintaubc ; — willow, bie 5D?an= behveibc; almonds, .c. pi. t. bie ge= fdmittcitcn .«n)ftal[ttitife jn .nrou lend) tern ; jig. — of the ear. bie Ol;= rciuimiibcln, Cfirge fcftwitlfl ; — of the throat, bie SKfllibelll am Jprtlfe. ALMOND-FURNACE, s. CA." T. ber Scbmeljofen. almoner, ». ber Sllmoftitier, aimo- fcnvflegev. almonership, .9, ba« Sllmofcnantt, bie ^Initenpflcgc. u.monry, t. bas SKmofr»^au< bie 2I?cl)ming eine« 5llmofeniet«. ALMOST, adv. fall, beinabe. alms. «. v i. \:.\$ -.Mlmofcn; — laden bcr '.'Irmcnforb; — box, ber Blmoffm fafien ;— deed, tie mtlbe ©abe, tbat ; — bcr aimofeti auetbtilt, milbc @ bane, .'IrmcnhanJ ; — man, ber Ollnto* fenntann, .»>anearme. ALMUG-TREQ s. bcr (vibeiu obel Cbettbaum in ber engl. ©ibel . ALNAGE, $. ten (yUciimai'i, i'leffen mit bcr Pile. ALNAGEB Alhaoab .-. bcr gcufurorne SJncbmcffer, Pllcnftcinvlcr. Ai.' ie, 8. t ic Hlat; — wood, bae HToe< lu-U. i ! ara:ieebclj ; ;/. bcr Sop bcr ^lloc. ALOETIC (— (At.i, I. adj. von ?llpc; II. «. pi. aloetica, aloedaries, i\'i[tcl cber ".'Irmcien vcit "?l Ice. ALOFT, «'/'•. 1. bed) in bcr .<>Pbe ; 2. in bie "66he, bod) auf; Sea Kip, rben (im 2d)iffc , in bent Xaurotttt \ from — , »on pbcti ; to Bet — , in bit fe^cn, pber beben. ALONE, adj. .'»• adv. allcin; all—, gattt allciti ; you are not — in it. J ftnb biciin nidn bcr ISinjige, nnben fimncit ee aitd>; lei me — . laffen 2ic mid) geben, in 98«be, im Rrieben; — for [with that, laffen ©it midi bafiir forgen ; to i.t n thing — , @troae unterlaffen ; lei that—, laf; bae blcibcn, ritbr' cv ntcbt an. along, adv. 1. langg, ber Sange »«d) ; 2. fcrt, Wetter fort, bin; all—, 1. bennpei), immerfort; 2. bcr £ange Itacb ; as I (we. you) go — . Bitter* rpegg ; jv. T-s. to lie — . vpn bem XLi-intc anf bie Seife gclcgt; — side of. neben, an bcr 2eite bin, 5ctte an Seite ; — with, mit, in okfcllfrbaft mit, juglcidi mit; take this — with you. ttebmct bat mit. aloof, adv. fern, son fern, sett roet^ rem, in bcr gerne. ALOPECY, .«. ber 5ueb8grinb, baeOluSi fallen ber ^aare. ALOUD, aav. lant. alp, s. bcr ©erg ; pl the alps, bteKU Vcn, bas 5llvengebirge. ALPHA, 8. bafl SllpbO. '•': I am Alpha and Omega, id) bin ba$ '.'I nub bae C ALPHABET, ».ba« ,'llybatcr, bie i'ucb» flabenfolge. To ALPHABET, r. a. naeb bem ?llyba« bet cinriducii, alv^abetifrb orbneu. ALPHABETARIAN, 8. ber -.'r^(5-^d)ni ler. ALPHABETICALLY, ado. nad) alpba- betifdjer Orbiittng. ALPHABETIC (—cAL),a$ alybabetifd). ALPHENDC, 8. bcr weipe an eincm •Oafcn gerouitbene) ©erftenjntfer. ALPHONBO, .». 3llfonfu8, ?Ufoil8 HJtann8name). ALPINE, I. adj I, veil ben 3ll»en, \\i ben "Jllpen gebprig, alp'nifrb, bod>; 2. anf brben ©ergen wad)fenb; n. 8. cine SBrt (Srbbeeren. ALQUIFOU, s, y ber ©leiglanj. already, adv. beTeitd, fUjon. ALSATIA. s.Tilv (Slfaf. also, adv aud), gletd)fall8, jngleich bam, nod).. ALT. 8. Ma* V. ber 5Ilr. ALTAR, 8 ber \'lltar ; — cloth, ?aJ Slltartitrb, bie 3lltarbe«fe; — pieca, b«8 -.Mltiivftiicf. ALTARAGE, e. bai ^lltaigelb, C gelb. altar nt. v.bcr2lltariit.?lltctrvricfler. To ALTER, v. in. anbent, abanbcvn. oerSnbem ; n. n. nnbct« n aiirern ; to — one's mind, neb anbere belt nnen; to — for the worse, |tcb ocr« fcblimincni. ll AMAL AMBI AMI A LLTER IBLE {adv. — ly\ adj. abate tcrlid). alterable* ess, )s. bie 3Ibanber= M/l'KKABILlTY, s Uc^feit ALTERANT, «= Snberung, SSerdnberung. ALTERATIVE, 1. adj. cine SBttatlbes rung ornnoflcnb, fceroorbrtngenb ; II. s. pi. Med T. alteratives, mtlbewbe Srjneien, mlfyt i>te e$fel. ALTERn, « lung. A lternitv, «. bic UKdifctsmcifc Solgc, Sl6»ed)felung. althea, .?. ber Gibtfcf), bic imtbc 3Hal»e, Sllt&ee. although, any. obglcidj, obfdnnt, obmobi, roenn gleidj, ungeadjtet. altiloquence, s. bte (jodjtrabeube, f^miilfttge SRebe, ber Bombafr. ALTIMETRY, s. o. T, bte ,£>iihcumcfi= frittbe, ijpodjmefJEUUbe. ALTISONANT '— nous), adj. bpd)to= iicnb, fcbiuiilftig, fliugcttb, l)od;tiv.= benb. m/i'itude, s. 1. bie^ofje ; 2. fig. (&v (jabenheit ; 3. ber@M>fel; to take the sun's — , o. T. bie Gonueitbbfje mef- feu ; the — of human greatness, bet" ©ipfcl mcnfcbjtdjer ©rin;e. ALTIVOLANT, «'(/. * bod) fltcgenb. ALTO, .?. vid. Alt ; — key, ber 21ft= fcj)liiffct; — relievo, vid. Relievo. altogether, ado. 1. jufammen, alle jitfaniincu ; 2. ganoid), ganj unb gar, oolltg. alud'el, s. Ck. t. bag ©uBItttttrgefajj. alum, s. ber -.'Kami ; — salt, bag Steins falj ; — stone, ber Waiinftctu, Jtalf ; — water, bad Sllaunroaffer: — work, bag 9llaunroerf, bte Sllaunfteberet. M.UMIN, \s bie rcinc, ober clcutcu= alumina, S tare (Svtavt. ALUMINOUS, > ,. .r,,.,,,,.,.*:, ALUMI3H, I ■*' aIauncict>r= ten. amaranth, s. ber 3lntaraittb, baS £aufenbfd;on. AMARANTHINE, adj. amarantdeit. To AMASS, ». a. baufcit, attfl)aut'eit, atu baufen, jufantiueitbaufett. amassment, s. bie Slufpufung, 5Iit= pufung. amateur, s. cttt ?tebbaber you ciiter Saebe, ber Jcuuftfvcitttb. AMATORIAL, ) adj. verltctt; bie ?iebc AMATORY, J bctrcffcitb. amaurosis, s. bie1)ititielf)eitbcr?lii-- gcu, ber fdjroarje Staar. To amaze, v. a. crflauueit, crfdire-- deit ; bcflih'jt ntadjett ; to be amazed at ... , crftaimt fettt iiber .... AMAZE, s. has (Srftaiuictt ; ber 2d;red ; in — , bejturjt. amazedness, s. ba« Grftauneii, bte 5Bcftiirju!tg. AMAZEMENT, s. baS iS'lftattlteil, i2d)veden, ©ntfefeen. Amazon, s. bie Slinajone. AMAZONIAN, adj. ania$ctnenbaff. ambages, s. pi. ber Uinfdjtvcif, bie SBeitlaufigfeiten (tin 9teben). ambassador, s. ber ©efanbte ; vid. Embassador. amber, I. s. ber SBernfietn ; 11. adj. beruftetiictt ; — heads, Smtjteinfns rallen : — drink, brtS ombevfavbige (golbgetbe) ©ettan! (93ier, it. f. ro.). To amber, v. a. nttt 'Jlmbra t»o^Irte= djcitb madiett, eber raiutern. ambergris, j. ber Slmbra; black — , ber Siieb'Jamberj white — , ber 93os gel am ber. AMBER-SEED, s. ber 31bcliupfdi, bic Stfamtoritcr. amber-tree, s. ber ?Imbi\ibaitm (Li- quidambra — L.) ; bie 2llllbraftaubC (.Int/tosperwium — £.). AMBIDEXTER, adj. ,(-s, 1. ber (bie) red)(3 unb linfS jnglctd) tft; 2.jig. in alle battel gcrcd)t, ber (bic) aitf bei= bcit Sldifeln tragt, ber Vlcbfeltrager ; 3. citt 2lb»rcat 'ber }id) vont Jtlagcr unb SeHagten jal)leti Kijit. AMBIDEXTERITY, ) s. 1. bte 0C= AMBLDEXTROUSNESS, S fd)tdlid)lcit beibe 4?anbe «uf gleirbe Slrt \u ge= braitdjett ; 2. fig. Slc&feltragerei. AMBIDEXTROUS, adj. 1. reditu Itllb linfS; 2. jig. ts mit bcibeu ^arteieu baltcnb. AMBIENT, adj. ltm^ebcitb. ambigu. s. eitic a'a\i. AMBLINGLY, adv. tilt Spaffc, 1XUC Cttt ^afigangct'. AMBLYGON, s. O. T. cttt Tieicd mit cittern ftumpfcu SBinfet. AMBO,*. baS 2efe)3ult, bic ^anjel. Ambrose, s. 21niLuo|iu3 (itiauu^itai me). AMBROSIA, b. i. bie @LUtcrfpcifc,?!m» biofia ; 2. ba§ 21mbroftenfraut, ©in* terfraut, Xraubcnfraitt. AMBROSIAL, adj. ailtbroftfd). ambry, s. 1. bas ailmofenbaus, vid. Almonry ; 2. ber Spcifcfd)rattf, Stn- d)cufdirauf, 33rebfd>rauf, bie S^eifc* fammcf, ©cfdjtrrfanuitcr. AMBS-ACE, b. ja'ci CT'itiS or alle 3$ ; ber Sgafcb; (tin SBiirfelfptele). ambulation, s. bag J^crumgcljcn, (Spajterengeben. AMBULATIVE, adj. berumgebeub. ambulatory, adj. 1. fytumgtfytttb, wanbeliibj 2. beivcglid). ambury, s. bte fitmammiditc 93(ut- tvarjc, ber iUutfd;tvaren an SPfe» ben. To AMBUSCADE, v. a. (ctUCIlt) illl ,g»tit-- terbalte auflaueru. AMBUSCADE, ) . r ■ , t „ f „ Tf AMBUSCADO.r-^ 1 ^ 1 ^"^^- To ambush, ?'. I. 0. (eincm) tm ,6m* terbaltc auflaitent; u. n. tm ^iuter* balte Itcgeit. ambush ( — ment), s. 1. ber ^inters bait; 2. baS Siegen tm ."nintcrbaltc, bie 3l:tflaiicrung. ambustion, x. bag 3?ei'6rcitncii, 3Jet> bvitbcii, ber ©ranbfefeabett, ii3vaubflc= rfen. To AMELIORATE, v. r. v'crbeffent. amelioration, s. bie ^crbcffcrung. A>LEN, adv. 21lUClt ! AMENABLE, adj. ycraittmorttidi. To AMEND, v. I. a. bcfferu, "cibefferu ; u. v. beffer wevben, fid; bcfferu ; gc» nefen. AMENDABLE, adj. VClbeffcrlid). amendatory, adj. uerbeffernb. AMENDE, s. bte (Strafe, SBu^e ; — hon- ourable, offcutlidic Slbbitte, C5t)vcnev= f laruitg ; to make honourable — , cine t>fTcutltd)c Slbbttte, (Sl^rencrffarung f hint. amender, s. ber SOerlefferer. AMENDMENT, *. tic iU-rbeffentug, SSeffcvurtg. amends,*. ber (Srfafe, bte Sdiabfog' balfutta., ©enitgtbitung ; to make -. cvftatten, crfeijcu, oergfiten. AMENITY, s. bic 51mtc[)iulid)fcit, Sin* muth. To AMERCE, r. a. CttlC ©eltftvafc aitf= le^en, biificu faffen. AMERCEMENT, s. bic ©ctbftrafe, ©ctb* bufie. AMERCER, s. ber cine ©elbftrafe auf* Icgt. AJ1ERICA, «. Slmcrtfa. AMERICAN, I. adj. anterifauifrl) ; II. * ber 2lntcrifatter. AMERICANISM, s. 1. antcrtfail-ifcTH <£pradicigcut)ctt; 2.v5m.SBorltebe fii» 9lmcrifa. amethyst, ... ber -Jlinctbnft. AMETHYSTINE, adj. amettiiifteiifarbig. AMIABLE (ado. — ly). adj licbeilgnutr* big, fvcunbltdv brlbfrltg. AMOU ANAC WAN 4MIAI1LENESS, \ .?. bic SiebcuSrour-- amiability, $ btgfeit; bas lieb= reidie ©erragen. amianthus, s. bcr (SrbflacH Slebefr. AMICABLE (ado. — dly), a.//. frcunb= fdjaftlirb ; giitlid). AMICABLENE8S, *. bie iicbfcit. amice, s. ba§ gcmeibtc 3Tnrf», baS etn 5)Jefiprieftcr uber bcu Jeopf ^>a tt gt, boi 2Jle§geroanb. amid, \prep. mitten in, mitten uu= AMIDST, i tee, unrer. amidships, adv. jv. 7'. in bet 2JKtte bc3 @d&tff8. amiss, adv. Abel, unrcdjf, flBel anae* btadjr, nerfebrt, feblcrbaft, falfdv ycrfebtf, unfdjicffidj, uueben; un= roobl ; to take — . iibcl uebmeu, iibcl auMcgen, oerbenfen ; to do — , un= rcd)t baubcln, fid; vergebcu, \UbkS Ifuilt, fcblcit ; if you do ever so liule — , »enn Sic e» im (Mcriugfrcu ucr= fcbcil ; it would not be — for you to, &c'., Sic tourben nid;t iibcl tbuit, menu fe:ic, it. f. to.; if any thing should happen — . roenn t§ etvoa febief giugc, mif;ratbcu folite ; nothing comes — to him. cr mmmt mitvHllcm t'irlieb; et fd)icft fid) in SHUeS ; no- thing comes — with him, cv ntmiitt writs' iibcl. amity, .?. bic gfteunbfdbaft, bas gnfe 2>cruchmcu ; bond of — , ba3 3reuub= frfuiftsbant. AMMOCHRYSOS, *. baS .ftaijcugolb. am mi )NiA. *. baa -Jlmmonium. ammi INIAC. «. bev Slmmontaf ; gum — , baS ©untmt ilmmoniiim; sal — , ber ©altniat ammoniac, I adj. ammouiafalifd), AMMONIACAL, 5 falmiafifrf). ammonium. *. ba3 Ammonium, ©runbmctall bc<3 Salmiafs'. AMMUNITION, s. bcr StvitftSVOVXClti) \ — bread, bag Sommifibrob. amnesty, *. bic Ninneftte, allgcmcine SBergebuttg nub 33crgcffung. AMNION (—08), s.Jl. T. ba§ ©djaf= bautd)eu (urn bic 3ntd)t im 3Jcutter= leibc). AMCEBLAN, adj. ambbaifd), abrocd)= fclnb; — soul', bev 2i>ccbfclgcfaug. amomum, *. bic Aatbamonte. AMONG, I prep. UlltCV, ;u>ifd;ctt ; from amongst, $ — , von, aits', aus bcr SWitte, AMOKET, ) bcv33ci1icbtc 2icbba= amorist, > Vi, ' * AMOROSO, ) uu AMOROUS (adv. — ly), adj. 1. $lir ?icbc gcucigt, |8rtltt$; 2. Derliefct; to be — of, vcrlicbt femt in . . .. (Stivao lie- ben. AMOROUSNESS, s. bic $cr!icbtbcif ; ;Vivtlid)fcit. amorpiia, s. bcr SBafiatbtnbtgo aus Carolina, AMORPHOUS, ail/, gcftaltlo.?, mitlgc= ftalt. J J IMORPHY, ». ba3 2>crlaffcn etttges fiibrtcr fionucu ebcr ©cbrtiurbe, bic KegeHoftgfett. amort, adn. tobtj traurig, befriibt. amortization. )s. /.. r.bte -.Minor; amortizement. S tifatiou, llcbcr= laffung an bic tobte^anb. To AMORTIZE, ». a. L. T. an bic tobtc i&anb vevfaufen. amotion, e. bic (Sntjifbumt. amount, 8. b«t SBeiauf, iktv\{\, bic Summe; what is the — of it? micvicl bctvagt ti '! to the — of be= tragenb. To amount, v. v. 1. tetragen, fidi be* laufen (—to, auf)..., auSmad'cii ; 1 cuf @t»as l;iitciislaufcii. AMOLtr, a. bcr 2icbcsf>aitbel, bie 2icb- fd)aft; ^ublfd)aft. AMPHTBIAL, >s. ba« auf bem ?anbc AMPHDBIUM S U"b im SDaffet Icbciu be 3;t)tk-r, bic ^Impbibic. AMPHIBIOUS, adj. 1. auf bem Salts be nub im SBaffet Icbenb, bciblebig ; 2.ji«. T. bcr ?lmpt;i= AMPHIBRACHYS, \ brachil. am!'iii-I!.i>na, s. bic ?impbi«bauc. AMPHBCn, 8. v i. bic j»etf$arrt(jetl SOblfer (toelcfie ben ^eifjett 'irbftricb bcUHtbncn). AMPHITHEATRE.*, bas WmMititettt, bcr 9£unbfd;auv(af}, bic 9(iit^biifr.-.e. ami'IUTiikatrical, adj. aiitpbiibca-- tvalifdi. AMPLE (adv. — ly), adj. h>eif, gcrau= mig, breit, grofi, biiircidiciib.'reid): lid) ; to make — promises, prof c VBtts fprecbungen tbjun, golbeue 33crgc vcr= fprcrbcn. AMPLEN e-ns .,.. bic SJetfe, ®r5fe, ^iillc. AMPLIFICATION, a. i. bic ©rtUCttes rung, SSergroficrung, SluSbebttung ; 2. SBeitli'iurtgfcit (iii eincr SRebe). AMPLIFH5R, s. bcr (initcitcvcr, SS«s grBferer. To AMPLIFY. ?•. I. a. cnrcilCVlt, »«« gr^ficru, au6bcbucn ; ir. n. fid) totiU laufig auSbrucfen, rocitlaufig fciiu. AMPLITUDE, s. 1. bcr Unifaiuv bic SBeite, ®r5ge; 2. Siibigfcit; guile, bcr ^(cid)thum ; .1st. T. bcr SBogen ttoifc^eu Slufs unb Jlteberaaug bcr Sonne unb *cm tiMbrcu DJtorgcu= unb SlbenbsSpunFre ; magneticai — , bcr SBogrtl bea ^orijonteS (totfe^en ber Scuue Bet ibrem ' "?lufgauge unb bem bfttidicn obcr ivcftlid)cn $unfte bet SKagnetnabel ; — compass, bet ^eil=(Hinipai!. 7b AMPUTATE v. a. fctrt ©licb cber eiitcn 3roeta,) abfdnicibcu, abnefemcu, ablbfcn. AMPUTATION, s. bic ^Ibfcbncibung. AMSTERDAM, ». .'[liiflerbam. amulet, b«B 9lutulet, SlnBaugmtttel, 3aubcrgcbeuf, 3«ubermittel. To AMUSE, v.a. 1. uutcrbaltcn, «cr= gniigen, beluftigen, bic 3 c 't vcrtrci= bcu; 2. biubaltcu; — one's self (in, with ) fid) etgofeen, uiitcrba(r_cu (an, mil); to be nmused by, 5paf; babcu (bavan), fid) freucit iibcr ; it amuses me, c-j nmdit mir Spaf;; to — one with fhfr hopes, citien binbaltcn. AMUSEMENT,*, bie llutei'baitung, bcr Jcitin-rtrcib. AMUSER, ». rcr Untcrbaltcnbc, u. f. to. amy, *. Slmata, SlmattS (Jraueuua: me). AMVGDALATE, adi.WXl Siantcln, auS SDJanbeln beteiter. AMYGDALINE, ^'.U'lc^iatibclii, mau= bdartig, )ii bcu 3J}aubelu gebbrig. AN, I. art. rid. A; II. roiii. rid. If. \n\p\pt:sm ,. bic Vcbrc obcr Seftc bet SEBiebettfiufer. ANABAPTIST, *. bcr ?lnabaptift, 25ic= bcrtaufcr. ANABAPTISTRY, ». fycradMlid)) bic Vcbvc bcr Sffltebettfiufet. ANACAMPnC adj. T. turiicfivcrfcub, juturffltnjotfen, jutfitffdiaUenb. VNACAMPTIC8, ». pi Opt. T. bic ,od)bilbci'ci betrcrrenb. ANAGOGUE, ) «. 1. bic O'rbcbung be! ANAGOGY, > ©et^esjll bimmiifd)ct ^etradnung ; 2. bic OliiiveiiMiug bcr Sinubilbcr im "?llt. Jcft. in bet St* fKiiuug be* SIS. ANAGOGICAL [ado. --ly), adj. T. ge= bcimuife.'oll, cvbabcu AN AGOGICS,*, pi. Tk. T. gcb.cimuifi: nolle ^etnu+tuugen. ANAGRAM •-•• T. bafl Clnagramm, bet i'udiftabcuivcdifcl. ANAGRAMMATIC, ) adj. ANAGRAMMATICAL(«it).— ly), j' ana= grammatifdj. ANAGRAMMATBM.*. T. bic SSetfeftUUfl bcr ^udjftabcn, Juiuft Slitagrammeii jumacBen. ANAGRAMMATiST,*.betSlnafltainma« 1 1 ft, ^Inagrainmcuniadicr. 7bANAGRAMMATIZE, p. n. ?liMgi'a:r.= men niadicu. ANALECTA (— cts), s.p^Qlnalflten, bic Sanimlung roiditigcr .'Iiiiiicifiiugcu, Sragmente, u. f. to. (ernes' tutors). AN M.i.psis, a. M,d. r bic SBtebetbet* ftclluug etnefl bind) Jviautbcit abgc^ tcbrtcii .Kbipcv-*. ANALEPTIC, .-,;j. ftarfeub, uetotnflSt* fenb. ANALOGICAL [adv.— vi . adj. anaio* gtfc^, glcidn'bniiig, abnlidi. ANALOGICALNESS, a. btc aualegifd' f 33efc$flffenbetf. ANALOGISM, ». r. bet 9InaIoflt«mue bcr auf Olcbnlidifcil bcr ^crbaltnifft gebauetc 2d)luft. 7b a.nai.i IGIZE, r. a. aiialogifd) crfla: ten, obcr fd'liciicii. ANAl.i x;t ils. adj. aualogiu-b, abnlid). ANALOGY.*. 1. bic Oliialogic, "Jlcbiu lidifcit, ©leicbformiftfett, Ueberetu= ftinintuiig ; 2. Spraibabnlirf'tcif j I have w hear— to with), mit cinei Sadu- '?lcbulidifcit babcu. analysis, .s-. t. bic 9lital»fe, QltlfliJ' fling, 3erleguug, ^cvgliobcrung. analyst. *. .'iiMbtifcr. ANALYTIC — icau adv. — ly), adj. T aualptifd), auffBferbi jergliebetnb. ANALYTK S T. bic ?Inal»Hf, \'Iuf* I5fung«a ob.r ^c'-glicbcvnugc-lcbrt, Stftnbungtfunbe. 7b VNALYZE, r. a. T. anahiftrtn, in fetne iBeftanbt&etlt aufldfen, 5crglie= betn, ANALYZER, ». .T. 1. bcr ?lnal'.itifet ; 2. baS \'luflbfiiug8iiiittel. anamorphosis, t, v. etn ©emaTtt, ba» in verfduebener ( s "ntfcrnung ocr- febiebene ©egenflfinbe vorftellt. ananas, ». bic Snaita*, bcr .ffSnige* a»fel. 13 ANCH ANGE ANIM lnapest, 9. T. bet Tluapdft, &MUfc f*i»cact. ANAPE3TIC, adj. aiiapattttch. VNAl'll (RA, ». /'. tic Tluapbcr, SHJie* betbolung M SNimlic&en ut xHu= fange tints jeben Spbrafe (.rbetor.5i= ANAPLEROTIC, «#. S. r. ba3 gleifd) nMcbfen nittdjen [iuSBunben). anarch,* bet -'liiard). Drbnungftotet. ANARCHIC !— c\L\a,ij. nnarcbtfcb, gc= fe&los, jiigcUdS, oetrotttt. ANARCHJSr, 8. bet Scinb bcr @cfe(j= iichrcit, ber StStet bet gcfc&Udjcit Dttnung. anarchy, s.btelnarAte, ©cfefefofigs fett, jjuflellojlgfeit, TJcrnnrrung, bet regentlofe ^i'ftanb ; ©taat ofyuc Dbcrbaupt, oljuc Obtigfcit. an ^SARCA ?. Jfei t. bic 3Saffcrfud)t iibcr ten ganjen Seib. ANASARCOUS, a«/j. .i/ecften ; II. a. anient, wx Tlnfer L\ieit. ANCHORAGE, s. 1. alfe Tlnfer eineS ©djiffeS; 2. bcr Tlufcrgrunb, Tlnfer= platj ; :3. — , (duty of — ), baS Tlufct's iielb, i^afengelb. ANCHORESS, s. bie S'^ucfgc^ogettc, (Sinfteblcriun. INCH >REE Anchorite, s. bcr 6illficb= let, SJalbbruber. ANCHOR-GRODND, s. ber (gufe> Tln= tergrunb. ANi'in ir-hou), s. 1. bie .^altiing obcr geftigfett be8 winter* ; 2. ^ bie Si= ^etbtiJ. 14 ANCHOR smith, .'. bcr Tluferfdniiieb. ANCHOVY, j. bie -.'liifdio»e, earbclle. ANCIENT, L». sing. 1. + bcr -.'lite, Tlel= tcrc; — demesne, /.. T. bic ill SHMls belni3 beS ©tobetetS ^onuiiiciibiicb [Doomsday-book ) verjeidinetcn 5>o= mdnen bcr ciiglifeben Jtbnigc ; 2. an- cients, s. pi. bic slllten (i>icufd)cn, bic in ben altera ^etten gcleb't baben; Slaffifer bcr ©rieeben unb SRomet); II. ml* alt ; oovig, ehcnialig ANCIENT, s. 1. bic grojk Slagge; 2. + ber Sdbttbrid). ANCIENTLY, adv. »ot Tlltcrl, cbebeiit. ANCIENTNESS, s. ba« TUter, Tllter= tbunt. ancientry, .*. ba§ TUtcrtbum bc3 Stammer ba$ @efd)hj^r, bie alte SQSurbe. ANCILLARY, adj. aU 2)iagb bicncnb. ANCLE, vid. Ankle. ancon, s. a. T. ba8 obcrfte (5'itbc bc^ ©Ibogen?. ANCONY. .«. r. bicaiif etabcifen gear= bcitcte Slume ; baS 3eit^en barauf. AND, conj. unb ; fo ; n'cun ; — please God, fo @0tt IviU ; a little more — he would have been killed, e3 fcblte ltid)t sicl fo Wate er gctbbtet roovben. AND.alusia, s. Tlitbaluficn (Xb,eil son Spanien). andante, s. ba8 Tlnbante. andirons. s.plMt Scuerbocfe, TJranbs bbcfe; ^Bratbbcfe. andranatomy, «. bic Tliuttomic ci= ne« 3JZctme8. ANDREW, s. TlllbreaS; merry •-, bcr ^ait»nuirft. ANDROGYNAL (nous. adv. — ly), ailj. jii'tttcvbaft, jrotttetattjfl. androgynus, s. ba« 2)iaunmcib, ber Skitter. ANDROIDES, s. pi. fleiitc mcufrbticbe giguten, roeld)e mittclft cines innetn SnebiiHU'fs meiifdiltdi| §anblungen ra"n-id)tcu, ^ratbpuppen. andropiiagus, s. bet i'lcufdjcufref: fer, Eannibal. ANEAR, prep. + nabe. ANECDOTE, .?. bic Tlttcfbote. anecdotical, adj. aiicfbotciiariig, gc= fdjidtfenartig. ANEMOGRAl'HY, s. T. bic T3cfd)rct= bung bcr Sffiinbe. ANEMOMETER, s. T. bcr SBiubmcffet (cin 5uftnimeut). ANEMONE, s. bie Tlttenioite, jtlappcr= rofc. anemoscope, s. t. bcr Sffiiiibjetget. ANES, s. p.'. bic Tlgcn, Tlebelu, ©tans ncn an ben Tleljreu bc§ ©ttret^cS obet ©tafeS, ANEURISM, .?. Med. T. bic $uI'Jabcrgc= fd) nuil ft, ber ^Ibeifropf. ANEW, adv. vuut s JlCUCl]t, auf3 9?cuc, mtebet, nuebenim, abetmalS. ANFRACTUOUS, adj. Doll Jivi'miinillts gcu, fruinni, gerbunben, tviufclig. ANFRACTUOUSNESS, s. baS JhlUlllttC, 3Btnfltge. ANGEIOGRAPIIY, Anoeiolooy, vid. An- giography, &c. angel, s. 1. ber Cragcl ; 2. bcr Gnts gelot, @ngel«tbalet (altc cuglifdic iliiimevHut 10 Sd;i(linjen) j — age, * bcr 'eugclglciebc Buftaub ; — like. engelgletrb, cnglifd); — fish, ber ©iccrfaufifi'b ; — shot, bic Jlettcufiu gel. ANGELIC (— cal, ado. — cally) adj. englifdi, cugcb'.lcieb. angelica, s. 1^ bic Tliifldifa, (5itgcl= routj ; 2. (cut gtauenname). ANGELICALNESS, s. 1. ba8 ©ngltfdbe, bic englifdje SBcfcbaffen^eitj 2. bie bbdiftc i'orviiglidifeit. ANGELOLOGV s. tie (Sugellebre. ANGELOT, s. 1. bic Tlngelifa (Tlrf 2am tei ; 2. cine Tlrt otcrccriger Mai? auc bcr SHotmanbie; 3. cine englifche ©olbmiinje (5 ScbtUinge). ANGER, «. 1. bcr 3 p ra. Uimullc ; 2. Tlerget, SSetbtu^. To anger, v. a. jomig inad)eii, cr^iir: ncn, auf bringen, atgeru, bbfc madicn ANGiOGRAi'iiV, s. T. bie ©efdtjbc; fducibiiug ("oont menfd;lirhe« Jtor= pen. ANGIOLOGY, s. T. bie ©efiijjle^ti (Dom lucufcbltcbcu .Jtorpcr). ANGB 'Mi IN' ©PERM* «JS iulj. B. T. mil cin ciitjigcg '3aiiteufont ttagenb. ANGIOTOMY, .s. S. T. baS Vluffdiltei; ben bcr ©efafie immenfd)lid)ciiJli.u - > per. ANGLE, 8 . 1. bcr TBiithl ; 2. bcr Tln= gelbafett; bie Tlugcl; — rod, bicTlu» gclrutbc. To ANGLE. ».L n. aiigettt ; II. a. aillos cfen, ausicben. angler, s. bcr Tlitglcr. angles, «. pi. bie Tlugcln (cin beut> fdicr SSolfSftaniBl, rcober bcr 9iame (S-nglduber'. ANGLICAN, adj. 1. ^nbcranglifanifcfjcn iciigltfdicu) Jliidic gcbbrcnb; 2. ans glif'auifcb, cuglifrb. Anglicism s. berTltigIicismii'5, bic cu gcntbunilidie cnglifd)e fRebenSart. Tb anglicize, v.a. auglifircii, cnglifeb macben. angling-line, 5. bie Slngetfcbnut. ANGLING ROD. s. bie Tliiodrutbc. ANGLO-DANISH, adj. aiigelbanifd). ANGLO-NORMAN, adj. aitgeliuuman* uifdi. ANGLO-SAXON, adj. atigclfacbfifd) angor, s. bet Sc^metj, bic spein. ANGRILY, adv. jbrnig; eiit^uitct; m speak — to one,3eniaubeu iibel anlaf* fen, an fab ten : a sore that looks — , ciu bofet, (gefdbtltdjet, entjunbeterj (gcbaben. ANGRY, adj. JOtlttg, bofe ; to make one — , (5'iiicn erjutnen, bbfc maeben; m he — with (at) one, auf (S'illClt biife fenn ; I am — at it. id) bin baritbet bbfc ; an — corn, ciu bofeo .£)ul;ncr= flttflt. ANGUILIFORM. adj. (KtTattfA. ANGUISH, ». bic Tlugft, Cuaf, bet Jtunimcr, (Sdjinerj. To ANGUISH, v. a. mit Tlugft crgrcts fen, gudlen, mit beftigem' Srbmer; dugftigcit. ANGULAR (adv. — ly), adj. IviltfcliiJ, erfig. ANGULARITY, ) ... nrj;„M{ k> ANGL1LARNESS. J «• *«« SBlljWlge. angulous, adj. cdig, nuufelig. angustation, s. bic Screugung. ANGUSTICLAYRtai, s . ber fcbntalfdii: mtge ^urpunocfberrbinifrbenSiittcr. ANUELATION, 8. baS Jtcucfictt. anight. > ad,-, bci 3iiicf)t, in bcr ANIGHTS, > Tibfi= dicr, bte (Sljroitif. ANNAI'S. Annates, s. pi. bte ?tnttatCU. 7» ANNEAL, 0. a. T. cillbrClUtcn, t>tC garbeu aufWIag; abriibleu, abbar= tctt (bafl grblafcite ©lag). 7'o ANNEX. ?;. I. a. ailtjii tttJClt, tetfiU gen, verbiutcu; 11. n. atigcbangt njcrbcn. annexation, s. bic Slubangung, Scr= biubung. ANNEXMENT, s. 1. bic QSertnubung ; 2. bag in-rbunbcitc, bcr Sln^oBg. ANNIH1LABLE, adj. ocrnid;tbar, get* ftorbar. To annihilate, 0. a. vcruicbtcit, jets frbrcu. annihilation, ». 1. bic SBeruidjturtg, gerftSrutig; 2. SHidbtigfeil; bcr du= ferfte ffletfall. iNNlVERSARTLY, adv. ailjafiritd), bte 3al)rc»fcicr betreffeub. MSNIVKRSARY, 1. ». bcr Sabrtag, bog 3al)vfcit; tic 3abrfcicr, bag 3abrbc= gaugitijj; anniversaries, ». /'/. wtUl* vcn'aiieit ( bet ten .ttatbolifcii), <2cc= [enmeffeti tic ttiijurcd)= nung, Sei^abtang. To ANNUNCIATE, v. a. OttftUtbtgen, rid. To AUKOOWCB. anni.'nci ati' in. ». bic 93etfuttbtgung ; — day. Sftarta SSctfnnbigung. ANNUNCIATOR, ». tcr 9lB{unbtget. ANODYNE, adj. fdtmcr^ttllcitf. ANODYNES, 8. pi. Med. T. fd;mcrjflil= lenbe gjlittel. To ANOINT, r. a. hllbctl, fdv.llicrctt. ANOINTED, /-"-/. adj. gefatbet; the Lord's — , bet ok'Mlbtc tt» vcrrit. ANOtNTER, 8. bet Salbenbe. ANOINTING-OIL, *. ba5 Salbbl. ANOINTMENT, s. t>ai Sal belt, tic Salbung. ANOMALISM, « tic Shtomalie, v .'lb= roeictjung Don tcr SHegeL ANOMALISTIC, \adj. attpmaliuli, ANOMALISTICAL, $ abiiicidu-ut> ; .;.-/. T. — year, bie 3 f 't f'" c ^ UtHlOUfti bcr Grtc. ANOMALOUS (adv. — ly), adj. auo= malii'd). abii'cicbciib, unregelirta&ig. anomaly, 8. t. bic Slnomalie, ^lb= n>cid)uitg, Uttregclmafiigfcit. ANON, ado. 1. gleidi, foglcid), balb; '>. utvoeilen; 3. rcaS gicbt'*? ivie vcrftchcu 2ie ba§? ever and — , im= met fort ANONYMOUS (ain. —vi), adj. atto= mirnifdi, obm 9lamen, ungenaitnt. ANOREXY, 8. Med. T bcr O.Wingcl an v .'lpvctir, @fel »or Sjseifen. another, adj. ciit 'Jlittcvcr, cittc 9Tn« tcrc, ciit .'Itibcrco ; one — , gcgcnfci= tig, eittattber; one ainontr — , miter ciitaitbcr ; one with — , mit ciuattber, (5iiu' ine 2lnbere gerccpnet ; one after — , ttad) ciitaitbcr ; one from — , x>du einanoer. ANSATED, adj. gcbcnfclt, mit ^attb= babcn. To ANSWER, o. a. &■ n. 1. anhvcrtcit ; 2. SRebe unb Vlntwort geben, octant: mortcit ; 3. biirgcit, gut fam; 4. cnt= fpredjeu, gentaf; fe^n : 5. ©enuge lci= ftcu, genug tbua, abbdfcn, crfiillcit, beftiebigett, betablert; 6. buyctt; 7. gelingen, anfcblagen; to — again, er= roiebern, oerfeften: to — for, ©fitge werben, gut fagtn, ftebett, b>iftctt fiir...; to — a hin. .1/. /•; . cir.cifScdiU'l becfett, ciitlbfcit; to — a debt, cine Se^ttlb be= jablcn; to — in law, vov ©cridjt cr= fdicincu, ftdifttllctt; to — exigencies, in s Jtotbfollcn bicncn : it answers the purpose, eg bicut jut 5ad)c, ift getabe rcd)t; it answers no purpose, eg fyllft JU tlid)t«. ANSWER,*. 1. bte Wnrroott ; 2. JKIebc u. anrroorr, :)icdicni'dmft; 3. ber(Sin= wiitf, bieSSiebetlegung, ©egenfebtift ; .\' t bcr ©egengrup (mit Ranonen= frbCffeu); 4. to return—, 9IutU)0tt cr= ihciicn, antroorten. ANSWERABLE ah-. — bit), adj. l.bc= antioovllirb ; 2. veraiitirortlidi ; 3, ctit'>rcd)cnb; 4. gemajj, angemeffen, fcbicflid) ; 5. gleiaj, iihnlid; ;' to he — for, eiitftcbcu fir.. ANSWERABLENESSi «. I. bte 53e«1lt« mottlicbteit; 2. i ; cmutn>ortlidileit; ANTE 3. @emig|eit, Srbicflidifctt, ?!ng<» meffenbeit; 4. ^Icbulicbfcit. answerer,*. ber 5lnt too ttenbe; ©eg« ncr. ANT, s. bie 91 me ire. ANTAGONISM, *. bag ©cgcuitrcbci!, JBiberftreittn. INT AGONIST, « bcr fflcgncr, 5Sitcr= I'.utcr; .i. t tcr ©egenmuifet. AN'l VG< iNIST, adj. gcgcuftrcbcub, nr.= berfireitenb. ANTAGONIsnC, adj. reiberrtrciteub. To ANTAGONIZE, o. n. UMtcifticitcu. ant \n ■,'i. \i bie iiMcbcrs bolung einefl SBortei in >.cr|d;iebc= item 2 inn. ANTANAGOGE,* Bk. T. etne U'tctcr- befcbulbigenbe Slnrnjorf. ANTAPHRODITIC adj. antiveucriid). ANT IPi IPLECTIC, \dj. autipcplcftifd), gegen ben £cf)(ag. ANTARCTIC, adj am ^ iib vote, fiiblid; ; # the — pole, or the — . bcr Sutvot. ANTARTHRI1TC, adj c,.;t roibcr bit OHdU. ANTASTHMATIC, adj. gut iviber bit @ngbn*i(tigfeit. ANT BEAR, a bcr 'lincifcnbar, 9lmci- fenfreffet {Mymocopkiga — J..). \ \ i ■ . i; eompaa. vor. ANTEACTj*. bag SSergangene, bie vcr^ gaugene ib>u. ANTECEDANE >US, adj. OOfbetgeljCUa 7b an i i'.« EDE o. n. oorbci - ANTECEDENCE ( — ry), . ras i!r>r= betgeben, fvubeve SBorbanbeufein. ANTECEDENT [adv.— is.), I adj «icr= bergebenb, oor; to he — to, oorberge= bcit, chcr fenn ab3..; II. » T. bag SlntecebenS, bcr SCorbetfaft/ bag i"or= betglteb. ANTECESSOR, e. bcr Sotganget, 33or* fabr. ANTECHAMBER, s baS QSonimmet. ANTECHAPEL, s tic 93orballe. ANTECURSOR, s bet Sorlaufer. n VNTEDATE, o. a I. bo« Datum fvithcr, |urfiJ b.itircn ; 2. * vor* fdimccfcn, oorempfinbeni ANTEDATE, s tai frubcrc Datum. w i rniLi \ tan. i a^'.oor bcr gftnb* fluth ; II antediluvians, OJicnfd'CU, tic vor bcr Suiibftutb Icbtcu. ANTELOPE,* bic -.Hulilove, ©a^ric, .Oiifdniegc. AN rELUCAN, «- ; ;. oot EageS ?lnbrucb. \\ : EMERIDLAN, adj Dormitta ANTEMETIC, \.o,j gut roibcr b.i bitdH'it ; H e. p! anteihetics antimeti i . groreAen ftillcubc SWittel. \\ I EMUNDANE, adj. »0t (irfdrnffuug bo- SDSelt. A.Nir.NN.E, a. p!. bic a« vet bcr Vcbrc yon ben '}>i\ibica:uctUcn vcrbcr iicbt. ANTERIOR, a ; DOr^Crgeknb, friiber (bet ;V - it, tcr Stoge unb tcm Crte ttacb), oorber, bbber, a fcr. anteriority, i ba( (SberfeDB, bet aSotiiug, 8?orrang, bic bSbtte -r telle, bafl bbfiere Hiler, ANTERIORLY, ado ebcr, '.a-rbcr, jttvot 15 ANTI ANTI ANTI anteroom, s. bafl SBorjtmmer. ANTES, ». />'. r. tie oorfprtngenben ijragcpfcilcr. ANTHELMINTIC, adj. gut briber bic SBurmer. anthem. ^ bet SBetfcfelrljor, Eb>ra,e= fana, §o%efang, beilige ©efang, bte sDZotette »on bee Drgel beglettet. anthemis (— nobilis), s. tie rSmiftbe »tamillc. AXTHEMWISE, adj. mcdjICllBCllC d)pr= ftngenb. anther, s. B. T. ber pberfte £f>ei( bc3 ©fattbfabens. ANT-HILL, s. ter 2lmcifeubaufen. ANTHOLOGICAL, adj. antf?olO(]ifrfh ANTHOLOGY, ^. tie ^Illtboloijte, ©III* mcnlcfe. ANTHONY, s. Slnfouiu?, ?Intpn, (SRanntiname); AmhonyVfire. ta§ 2lutonius=tycucr, tie 9tpfe, ter 3}ptb= . lauf. ANTHRACITE, ? , rsH,„.f«f>T„ ANTHRACOLITE, \ * vwd - ® [ ™iW<- ANTHRAX, s tie .ftrafce, 3^,'iute, $eft= teule, jtarbuufel. ANTHROrOGRAPHY, ) s. T. tic 9fa= ANTHROPOLOGY, > fbvppoipgic, iJiaturleljre tc» SJIenfrben. ANTHROPOLOGICAL, adj. ann)rPVPlP= gifrb. ANTHROPOLOGIST,... bcr'3IutbrPl'rlo.i. ANTHROPOMORPHISM, s. tic Sehr'c, meldie ©ott cine mcufcbliebe ©ejlalt beitcgr. ANTHROPOMORPHITE, s. ter ©ptt cine ineiifrhlicbe ©eftiift bcilegf. ANTHEOPOPATHT, s. tie tern 3JZen= f$eneigentbumlic|e9lrt$uempfinben. ANTHROPOPHAGI, s.jrf. tic lDtCltfd)CH= {refer. ANTHROPOPHAGOUS, adj. tie SftciU febcu freffenb. anthropophagy, s. tie ?J2ciifcf)en= frefferet. ANTHROP0SCOPY, s. bie23eu>-fbcilung tel (SfjaraEterS narb ten Sim ntcntcit beS Jtorpcv». axthroposophy, s. t. tie j?ertiituiti ter menfrbjidien SJtatur. A NTH YPN One, "I vid. Antiiiyp- ANTHYPOCHONDRIAC, 1 kotic, Avn- ANTIIYPOPHORA, f htpochox- ANTHYSTERIC, J driac, Anti- HYPOPHORA, A.NTinYSTERIC. ANTI, partic. in compns. If iter, QCfjCH. an tiacid, adj. ter Scinrc wiberjiebenb, tie Satire t.imvfenb. ANTIARTHRITICS, adj. vid. Antarthri- tic. ANTIASTHMATIC, adj. vid. Antasth- MATIC-. antic {adv. — ly), adj. grptcjf, Iadier= lid), boffierlicb. antic, s. 1. ter SPoffenreifer,- Starr, •§an$iviirjt ; 2. tic grptcsfe gigur. To antic,?;, a ?um barren macbeu, Uubcvlid) macben. ANTiCACiiEcnc, adj. gut miter VLtbtU fcitcn. AYJiCATARRIIAL, adj. gut mi bcr ten J*atarr£). ANTICAU60TIC, adj. gut rotter tic Aieberbruuft. ANTICHAMBER, vid. Antechamber. ANTICHRIST, s. ter 2lmid)riit. ANTICHRISTIAN, adj. wii crdirifltirb. ANTICHRISTIANISM, \ s. tie bem ANTICIIRISTIANITY, S Gbri|"tCll= tbum entgegengefefefe I'cbre. kNTlCHRDMSM. ... ter ?lutirfn'pni; = inuS, ftebler miter tie 3eifrcd)iuiug. To ANTICIPATE, « a. 1. »Ot ter 3cit tbun, ooraiifinebmen, Borbet megnehs men, uorgreifenj 2. oorauegenieisen ; 3 BorauS eutpfinten, ab"tt; 4. nt= JG Bprfpnimeu ; to — payment, boi* ter 3eit 3t>tti>mmtn. anticipator, a. tct sprbcr n;cg= nimmt, Borgrcift, jiiBorfommt. anticipatory, adj. Bornjegiicbmenb, Borgenteiait, Borgreifenb. ANTICLIMAX, s. khct. T. tie ®cgcn= (tetgening. ANT1CONSTITUTIONAL, adj. Oetfafs fwngSrotbrig. ANTICONSriTUTIONALIST, s. ter ©egner ter 93erfajTung. ANTIOONTAGIONIsr, «. ter ©egner tev 3lnfieefung8lebre. ANTICONTAGIODS, adj. gut tviter 5ln= ftccfung. ANTICONVULSIVE, adj. OnttC01t»Ul(T= Bifdi, gut totbec Seriudungen. anticor, s. tie iH-ftbcutcuartige 0e= fcbroulji an ter 33rujit_ber SRferbe. ANTICOS.ME'PIC, ailj. ^ct>ont)ctt jevfti3 = rent. anticourtier, s. ter ©cgnev ctcr Scint be« ^ofeS. anticreator, s. ter ©egner ctcr gcint tc§ Scbo^ferg. ANTIDEMOCRATIC, ? adjAtt$&OlH' ANTHJEMOCliATlCAL, 5 rcgicruinj \u- roiter. ANTEDOTAL, )adj. (i\8 ©cgengtft ANTIDOTICAL, ) tiettcnb oter aur= tent. ANTIDOTE, s. ba« ©rgeitgtft. ANTIDYSENTERIC, adj. gut IBitcr tie rctbe Oinbr. ANTIEMETIC, vid. Antemetics. ANTIENTHUSLASTIC, adj. tCllt Cf !ltt>U= uaSmit'J sunnter. axttepiscopal, adj. ter bifrboftiebcn SSerfaffung juroibtr. ANTIEV ANGELICAL, adj. tern IBafircit (Stun beS (?Bangclium3 juwiber. antiface, ». bas ©cgeugcftcbt. ANTIFANATIC, s. ter octui ter ®tdu= bengfrbroarmer. antifebrile, adj. tritcr baS 3'ieBcr btenlid). antt HECTIC, adj. gtit tBttcr tie .gcftif. ANTIHYPNOTIC, adj. gut tvitcr tie Scblaffurbt. ANTIHYPOCHONDRIAC, ai/. gilt lBibcr tie •iv.iBC'fbontrie. ANTIH YPOPHORA, adj. Rhd. T. tic5llt= fiibrung einer ©egenbeweisftelle. ANTIHYSTERICS, s. pi. 3JJtttel gcgen tic 3Jiurterbefd)rocrung. antilouarithm, «. Jtfot. T. tie (?r= gnnjung bed CognritbmuS ciucS Si= n«§, ciiier £angeutc ctcr Scfantc. antilogy, .?. ter 3yiterfprud>, in ben SBortett ctcr ©tellen eineS <3divift= ftelleret. ANTIMANTAC, > wj. gilt lBtter belt ANTIMANIACAL, 5 SBa^nftntt. ANTIMETABOLE, s. Rhet. T. bic 5Ittti= metabole. ANT I METATHESIS, s. Rhct. T. tie5Itt= ttmetatbeftS. ANTTMFrRICAL, adj. gcgen bie 9?egetn tev -l^cetrif. ANTJMINISTERIAL, adj. bem 2Jcitti|1e= rium feinblicb. a.ntiministerialist, 5. ber ©egner be§ •UJiuiitcriuntS. ANTIM (NARCHICALNES8, a baS 9Ittr ttmonarcbtfdje ; bcr ^«| gcgen bie [DJonarcbte, ANTIMONARCHICAL, adj. antintcitar- fbiffi, gejen tie OKonardbte. ANTIMONIAL, ) adj nutiiupiiti'di, turn ANTMONIC, > irviet'-glafc gcborig, ANTTMONicus, ) baiMitl bcrcitct. ANTIMONY, s. brtfi 2Infimoitium ©piefglae. antimoralist, s. bcrjciubbcr Sitti lidifcit. ANTINEPHRITIC, adj. gilt tBibcr Tlic* rcnfranEbeircu. ANTINOMIAN, I. s. bcr ^Intinomicr, ©efefefiurmer, Setnb ober ©egner Ui ©efe^e« ; II. adj. teiutlicb gegcu ta3 ©cfcfe; ?u ter Scfte ter 2lntinpmi» ftcn gcborig. ANTINOMIST, s. rid. ANTINOMIAN. ANTINi iMiANTSM, ^. tie Zd)xi ber 9In> tinomier. ANTINOMY, & bcr 5ffiibciftn-udi ;n.>ctcr ©cfetje, cber jroeier 'Jlrtitel in eiiicm ANTIPAPAL, )adj. bem ffktyfc ANTIPAPISTIC, > tbunic feintltcb, ANTIPAPIST1CAL, ) gcgcnBiipftlicb. antiparallei^, adj. tu eittgegenge* fester [Rie^tung, ANTIPAR,\.LYT1C, adj. miter ben Scblagflup cber bie Sabmung btett= lid). ANTIPATHETIC (— cal ; adv. — cal- ly), adj. Don SRatar jmoiber, mitrig, uitBertraglid). antipatheticalness. s. baa ?luti= patbetifrbe, nattirliebe gutvtberfetyn. antipathy, s. bic Olnttpatbie, ter na=> tiirlid)c 3BtberroiHe, tic ?lbncigung, SBiberjlrebung, ter ^ag, 3lbfcbeu. ANTIPATRIOT1C, adj. tent ^atcrlautf fcintli*. antiperistasis, ... ter SBiberftanb, Streitjmeterentgegengefe|ter5)inge ANTIPESTTLENTIAL, adj "miter bit "4>cii bieulid). A.N'TFPHLOGISTIC, adj. 1. tent 93reittt> Daren entgegengefefct; 2. gcgen til SSrenuftoffSlebr'e, ANTiPHON, 8 . ter 23ed)feld)pr, ict ©cgengefang. tvnpHovrc L ' {■* im «««* aSScVJ *^fiugeub. ANTIPHONY, vid. Astiphox. antiphrasis, s. T. bic ;HutiB^rafc, bcr ©cgenfiuu. ANTII'HRASTIC, ) adj. aittil?fira= antiphrastical, S fttfd), auf33ci= fe ciucr Jlntipbrafe. antipodal, adj. |it ten ©cgcnfujjffnt geb^orig, enrgegen ; the Americans are antipndals to the Indian?, bte Olmerifa* ncr fiut ©cgcnfujilcr sou belt 3nbi.t= nern. ANTIPODES, 5. p!. bie 2IntiBoben, ©e- genfii filer. antipoison, ... b(tS ©cgcngtft. antipope, s. bcr ©cgeitBapjt, 2lfter= toabfi. ANTIPORT, a. baS liuf ere 3"bpr. antiprelatical, adj. bcr' bifd)ofii^ dicu Jittrcbe feinb. ANTIPRLEST, s. ber ^ricflerfcinb. antipriestcraft, s. bcr 3Siberftanb gcgen -$ricitervaufe. antiprlvctple, ... ba§ ©cgenprincij. antiprophet, s. ter geinb ter $ro= pbetcit. ANTIPTOSIS, «. Orr.m. t. tie Q]errocrf)» feluug, Seyfe^anj ter (SafuS. antipuritan, 4 /tcr ©egner ber $n» ritaucr. ANTiauARLVNiSM, ... bic 2l[tcrtbiime* lei. ANTiauARTAN. \ I. ... bcr 2Iittictunr, antiquary, 5 tenner unt 2ieb- babcr bcr Slltcrtbiiiitcr, 2lltertbum§= forfdicr; tLadj. 1. uralt, Beraltet; 2. altcrtbiimlirb. To ANTiaUATB, o. o. scraltcn Pbcr abfpinmcn laffen, abfeboffen, aufbes ben. antiouatedness, s. tas SSeraltete. ANTL APH/E APOL INTiai ATI' IN, s.bas ■Jlttertbum. ANTIQUE, adj. I. alt, antif ; 2. altmo= bifid), altyatcrifd) ; 15. pii Antic. ANTIQUE, ». We Slutife, yintiauitat, alte .ttiittftarbcit, bad flltcrthuiii. ANTIQUENE8S, ». ba3 Site, VHtci"= tbnm. antiquity, .5. 1. bic 2?or$cit; 2. baS ■.'htertbiint, tic JUrcn ; 3. bie QlnttauU tat, baa alte JiiuifhiH-rf, alte ©titcf; 4. SUter. ANTIREVOLUTIONARY, adj. btt StaatSumnxiljuitg, bcr (Smporuug, bent 31 » fruhr feinbUcb. ANTJtREVOLUTIONIST, 5. bcv (^Ciiitct bet g>taat8um»al}ung, bet C5" n i p o = rung, be8 9lufrufjr«. ANTISABBATARIAN, ». bcr Sabbatbjs fetub. ANTISAGERDOTAL, adj. bent \|3ricjtcr= tbumc, beit Spriefleru feinb. ANTISCIANS, 8. pi. bic an ben »erfdjie= benen 2eitcn bc3 Slequators' nnMiucu= ben SBblfer, ©egenfcbatttge. ANTISCORBUTIC, adj. Med. T. antifcOts butifd), koibex ben sscbarbocf', <;char= bocf bcilcut. AM'ISO (RBUTICS, *.»f. Med. T. SOttttct nnber bcu 2d)arbocf. antisoripturism, s. bag Slblaugnen bet l)ci(ia,cit ©djrift. ANTISCRIPTIIRIST, s. bet 2lblrtUgilCf bet r)eilif|ert Sdjiift. ANTISEPTIC, adj. Med. T. bet gaulniji rotberftebenb, fauliiitjivibrig. ANTISEPTICS, *.yJ. Med. t. aJZttrel ge« gen bic Aaulnifi. A.NTISPASIS, s. Ji/c^. r. bie Slblettung einet 8cud)tia,fcit itacb etnent aitbcrn Xbcife bin. ANTISPASMODIC, adj. Med. T. liubcr Jtraiupfc, ben iJrainpf Unbernb. ANT03PASM< \DICB, 7'.Erampf= jttlleitbe fKittel. ANTBPASTICjorf;. Med, T. bie lbfa= ten) ; 2. bie ©cgenfcbruitg, Umfcb= rung (bes SBerftaubeS jumet jnfants mengefefeter SOBorte). VNTISTROPHON, a Rket.T. ovenu firb mcbi'c ©lieber etnefl spunftee' mit ei= uerlci SSJctt enbigen), bic SRetorfion. ANTISTRUMAT1C, adj. ttibet bett .Vtiovf. ANTITHESIS, g. Rhet. r. bie Wutitbefe, bet ©egenf afr. ANTITHETIC, ) a /j.cnfa.canta.eftcfU, ANTITHETICAL, S »»U mit ©egen|a= lien. ANTITHETON, *. bet (Scgenfatj, ?ln= jeigebea' ©egentbeift. ANTITRIN1TARIAN, adj. bie -Drcici- nigfeil ISugnenb. ANTfTRINiTARIAN, s. bet ■Dtctcinig= Eetttlaugner. ANTITEINITARTANISM, s. baS 8aug= nctt bet Drciciitia,feit. ANTITYPE, s. bad ©cgenbilb, @egen= »orbilb. ANTrrypiCAL, adj. gegenbilblicb. ANTI venereal, «4/. antisenertfc^. ANTLER, s. sp. t. ba« untetftc, ettfe @nb( am ^ttfcbgeroeitie nnb 9ieh= botf«^ebbt ne ; brow^ntlen, bie unteril @nben ; sur or bear-anilers, bic obetll (fnbcit; bes — , bad bent tinterii @nbe 9tad)jte. LVTLEBED, adj. ge^Btnt, gc»fibtra= tenb. 56 ANTON1A, «. Olntenia Araiicmiantc . ANTONOMASIA, *. Rhet. T. bie %\ltO- nomafte. ANTONY, oid. Anthony. ANTWERP,*. Slntmerpen (Stabt). ANVIL, b. bet Slntbojj ; rising — , bet jrocifpt^ige Slmbop, baS Spcrr^orn ; to be upon the — , jig. iii tee Slrbeir, tin SfBerfe fet)ii. anxiety,*, bie 9Jnafr, SBangtgfeit, SBefotgntg, Surest, Seangfligung. ANXIOUS [ado. — hi), adj. l.angftltcb, baitiie, untubig, berummert; 2. be= forgr, fotgfattig, febttlidi. ANXK lUSNESS, s I. bic SIeng|tUc^fett, SBangigfett; Sefiimntcniitj. ANY, adj. trgenb ©in, indent* @hva§; @imge; @tn>a8; jeber, jebe, jebe«; — one, — body, trgenb Stuer ; 3eber, Sebermannj — thing, SlfleS; irgenb @tn>afl ; (stroafl, — where, irgenb »0j iibetall; — wise (col. — ways. auf irgenb cine SBetfe ; — how, ou'e auf itijeitb cine Slrt, c* fei; n>te co wof* le; not any (one), feitier, 'Jttcmaiib ; not any (thins), nid)t$; — more, ein SSenig lltebt; not — more, niebte mobv; nid)t ntcbr; — farther, ein SBcnirt, wetter, roetrer. \< >RIS [", .v. Oram. T. bet }JOtifiu8. aokistic, adj. aortftift^. aorta, s. bic grojje @c^Iag« obcr fPutSaber. A< >rtal, adj bic gtopc Sc^Iagabet be* treffenb. APACE, adv. i]efibn.Hiib, fdjiiell, t)urttg, eilig. APAGOGE, ) s. Log. T bic 3lbbUCs APAGOGY, J tioil. APAGOGICAL, adj. T. tllbitect, mtttcl= bar (befonberS oon ben auS bet Unge^ veinttbeit einer ^Banb. APE,*. 1. bcr 9Itre; 2. fig. bet Slffe, 'JJadiaffet, albcrnc :ttopf. To APE, o. a. iiad)affen. APEAK, adr. 1. auf bent Spunfte, in einer ©tellung 511m SBobren; 2. jv T. feiiftcdit, obet gerabe it bet obet un= ter Km "21 nfer; to ride — . mit a,cfa = jeten, a.e. fennrec$tgc{teUfrn)9taaen uor Jlnfer liegcn ; to run — , mit bent '2rbiffe fiber bent Sliifcr ju fteben foinmen. APENNINE BILLS, *. pi. bic "?lvpen = iiincn, bie apenntnifepen ©ebirge. APER, », bcr Ouutvibmcr, S^ad)fiffer. APERIENT. \ a ,lj Med. T. (bell ?Clb) aperitive, J Bffnenb, abfitbrenb. APERIENTS, Med. T. Oeffnung8= intttel. APERTURE, 5. bie Deffnung. apetalous, ad; n. t. pbne S8Iumen= blatter. 6l5tterIo«. APETALOUSNESS, s. B. T. bic T'lat- terloftgfeit. APEX, *. bic Sbity, bcv (^tind. APU/EREsis, s, ora«. r. bie 2Begwcr= fung ctnrt tuebftaben cber ctno i-.Mi',' \\\ Jliifaiige rutefl 2i. : crte8; Med. '!'. rie SBegitabnte euics 2bei!e« am miitfdilidH'ii Jtorpet. APUELIi »N, • Jlst. T. bic 2piincnfcnie. APHJLLANTHROPY, « ber iKangel an 3JZeiifd>enliebe, bie Uieblofigfrit. APHONY, ». bic 2prarblo|tgfeir, Stuinmbett. aphorism. *. ber 3»boriSmn«, fur,e fernbafte 2t§. Vebvfrnidt. APHORDSMER .*. ter in JlrhDri^nicn, auf apbortftifebe .'lit frbretbt. APHORISTIC, I adj. a- APHORISTICAL tde — Li, \ Vbori= uint in 2ebrfvrud>en, iu furjtn SStjen. APHRODISl v . / ;nr vcnert= APHROOISIACAL, <, fd'en .Ura:ifbc:I geborig. APHRODITE, s. I. iQeituS, 2. bic 2ee^ raiipc, bee ©olbmurm. aphthong, ». ein lautlofer i^iut- ft a be. Ai'iu »i t bie Scbroamme ini "Uiunbe bttreffenb. APHILLOUS, adj. blfittetloS. API \kv. *. ber ©ienenftanb, bai itcnbaiiS. APICES, 8. pi. rid. Apix APIECE, adv. fiit bai Stiicf, fur jebe spcrfou. APISH ..- laugbar. APODOSI8, «. Hhet. t. bcr ^Jacbfatj, ^tnterfatj. API IGEE, ». T. bie P'rbfente. \p OG1 V.TURA, *. Miu. v. bet 8»r< fcblag. APOGRAPH, fcbteSopie, abfcbtijl. APOLLO, s. Sipoflo, '.'Ipell. APOLOGETIC, } adj. a- APOLOGETICAL [ado. — hi), ) polc^ gettfrb, tcrtbcitianib. api >Li icisr, ». ber Scbuferebner, S3cr- tbeiti.icr. 7o API »U IGEE, p. n (—for), fidv einen eutfcbulbigeii megen, um Seraebung bitten ; oertbetbigen ; to — to, fid) cut' frbiilbiqen bet. 17 APOT APPE APPL apologue, fcbif Safcd, Icbrrctdjc 3a= bd. bet ilpolog. apology, >. 1. tic SHpologie, Scbu$= rcte, ©d)ufcfdjrift; 2. ^crtbcitt-- gung, @utfd)ulfciguttg: make a i apo- logies, entfdjulbigen a>ie ftdj uicbt; es bebotf fciner (iutfrbultiguna,. APONEUR isis ». .v /. T. tie hdutige viuabrcituug ciner SRustelfefcne* apophasis, s. /ja. r. bit apopfjafe. APOPHLEGMATIC, a$. Med. T. bell Scbleim abfuhrenf. AP. 'PHLEGMATISM, s. JHeA 7*. ein fdilcimabnibrentcs SDcittel. APOPHLEGMATTZANT, s. Jtfat 7". citt JMittel, bai ben Sdjleiin turcb tic 3fcafe abfiibrt. apophthegm, s.»a& apopljtljegma, bet Denffprudb, PLECTIC (— CAl), I adj. OpOpU& tifd), jum Scblagfluiie gcborig ; an — fit, ein Onfall »om Silage ; n. ». ciit snm Sdjlage ©etroffener. apoplexv. s. b« Sdjlagjlufj, 2ddag ; to fall into an — , oom Sdjlage geriibrt rocrten. APORLA, s. 1. RAet. r. tic Unfd)lufftg= fcit ; 2. .ifci. v. bie ficberbaf tc 3lengft= licbfeit. aporime, ) s. eine fdnoer ;u IBfcnbe aporon, S Sufgabe. aposiopesis, ». met. t. bit 3Scr= fdjueiguug, abotedjung bet SRebe. ap '-r v-v. .--. l. tic apoftafie, bcr abfall som ©Liuben, »om ©elubbe; '2. AfaZ. 7'. baS .'Ibfallcu eincs gebro* diencn Jlnocbens ; 3 ba§ ©efcbiour. apostate, I. s. bcr apoflat, abttfin= nige; abgefallene; n. adj. aprfta= tti'rt), abtrunuig. AP •STATICAL, a,'/, apoftatifcjj, ab= trunnig. r,< apostatize, d. ». »on fciitcr 5Relt= gioit, feinem ©laubcit abfallen, nb= trunnig roerben. To APOSTEMATE, b. n. Med, T. fd)n\i = rcn. APOSTEMATION, s. jtfei T bas Schroareu. APOSTEMATODS, a/j. bal ©efdjroiir betreffeub. APOS ». Med. t. bas ©efdireur, ca? 2dnodrctt. apostle *. tcr apoftcl. APOSTLESHTP, ) *. baS SIppfiplat ; APOSTOLATE, $ apoftefemt. \l' tSTOLIC, > a-li. apOs APOSTOLICAL (adv. — ly), $ ffcolifd). APOSTOLIC ALNESS. ». bai ;'lppftpii = fcbe, atpftpliffbe •Jlufcftcn. APOSTROPHE s. 1. ftAct. T. tic ?lrP= licopbe, 2lnrebc; 2. Oram. T. tor Spoftrop^, bets 3lu«laffung8jfi= cben (•)■ APOSTROPHIC, adj ein ^ur}ungSjei= cben bctcutcnt , auf cine Slpojlropbt (3fttbefigur) SBejug (jabenb. To APOSTROPHIZE, d, I. a. (mit tcr MtH) an 3emanb menben, anrctcit ; n a. ein Sort bunfc 2lu8= rocrfuitg eiuc^ ©ncbitaben oerfurjen ; — eine folcbe 3Serfurj«ng bejeidjnen. APOSTU.ME. ri.7. Aposteme, S,- To Apo- STENUTE. APOTHECARY, ». tcr ?lupthcfer ; an apothecary's shop, cine 2lpOtbefe. APOTHEGM, rid. Apophthegm. APOTHEGM VTICAL. adj. benffpru^s iveife, ben!fprur|(iro. APOTHEGMATIST, s. ber r.imnttcr rpit Dcnffprurben. 18 To APOTHEGMATIZE, b. n. ^C\lU fpritrbe fagett. apotheosis, 8. bie iBergotternng. APOTHESIS, .--. S. T. bit ibicbcrcii!= renfung ciucj RnofytnS. APOTOME. «. 1. Mat. T tor Hlttcr= febtcb jroifc^en jtuei nngletc&en 3*& s Icn ; 2. Mas. T. bcr lliitcrfcbicfc $an= feben tent ganjcu unt iuici)itc!t bal= ben Ipiic. apotrepsis, s. tie 3erf^eiiuug cincs Ocfcbnnirco. APOZEM, a. Med. T. tcr j?ra:itcrtranf, baS Tccpct. APOZEMICAL, adj. Med. T tCCPCfarti^. To appall, o. I. i. crblcicbcn madjeu, crfdn-ccfctt, cntmutbi^cit ; H. «. * ver= blcid)cu. APPAULMENT, s. tac- (JrHaffcit spr eiu; 4. bie3Babrfd)ein= liobfcit ; 5. baS aeufete, auBere4ttnfe= bcu. '.Hiufcbcn, tie ©eftalt; 6. baS ©efiobt; phr. at first—, bcim crfien v ?lublidc ; to make one's—. JUm i-or= febtine fommctt, erfebtinen, fid) sei= gen, auftrctcn ; it makes a fine — , e3 fiebt fitpit aud; day of — , ter Jcrmiit vpr Oicricbt: default of—, bad 9lidjrerfd>eiiien, firafbare ~1\\\$- blcibcn : to entpr into bond far—, fid* fd)iiftliii) verpflirbten rpr ®crid)t }u erfebeinen; toaii — , aliem Olufcbein ltacb J there is an — of ,, t$ iafit )"idj an ;itnt . . ; appearances are deceitful, pror. tcr Scbcilt triigt; to save appear- ances, ten 2cbein oermeibeu. appearer, s. ber, tie C?rfcbcinenbe. appeasable, adj. »erfonlid> ; leicbl ;u befiinftigen, \u betu^igen. appe asableness, .«. ter Buitonb, tie SReigung, fid) tcicbt befduftiges }u laffeu, 33erfob,ntidjfetL To appease, v. a. bcrubigcn, befauf* ttgen, ftillen, beftiebigen, APPEASEMENT, s. bie iu'rubigung, bad fanfte 3Bcfen, tie 2tillc. APPEASER, 5. tcr diubeftifter, 23e» fanftiger. appeasive a-ij. befanfttgenb, bcrub> gent. APPELLANT, *. tcr appellant ; aufs fotbetet, •Ocrausfortovcr; Jlldger. APPELLATION, s. tie ^cuciiuuug, tcr Oiamc. APPELLATIVE, 8. Gram. T ia? QIp = pellattpum, allgcmcine -Kennwort, ©attnngSnJort, ter Qiaffcuuamc. APPELLATIVE (adv. — ly), adj. 2Ip= pcllatio. APPELLATORY, adj. eiltC 'ilppcllatiou cntbaltent. .appellee, s. betappeUat; derail** gefovterte ; SeHagte. appellor, ... tor appellant; ^er» auefortcrcr ; stager. To append, d. a. an @troa3 bditgcu, anbdugen ; beifiigen. appendage, s. tcr ~JInbaug, bie %oU ge; taj 3»bcbor, ^Sertinenjftitd;. APPENDANT, I. adj. anbaiKicut, «er« bunben; H. s.beranbar.g, taedicfol* <\c, 3»bebor. APi'i'.NDiLE, s. ein flcincr aubcifl. APPENDIX, s. ter anbang, bad Jls* bangfel, bet3ufa^, bte Seilage, bcJ o'.'.bclHU-. APPENNINE HILLS, ni Apenni.nh BILLS. APPERCEPTION. 8. Ph. k baS ©elbfts bcautfstfcitn, tie Selbftanfdjaunng. To APPERTAIN, v n. (— to) JUtjetjD* ten, jufte^euj augcbcit. APPERTAINMENT, a. ta-5 3»bcbpr. APPERTENANCE, vid AppurtenanlH. APPERTINENT, vid. Appirtexant. APPETENCE (— r Y ). s. 1. tie vl ; c^ter- tc, tcr £rieb\ ta§ finnlicbe SSettan^ gen; tie ©innenluft ; 2. tas 2tre= pen; 3. betSBunfd), bie 5cbnfud)t. appetent, adj. febr begierig. APPETrRiLiTY s. bad anjugiidje, ter 9ici5, tie vMnucbmlid'icit. APPETIBLE, adj. aujii^ltit, reijCllt, rtngeuebin. appetite, s. i.SDegterbe, baa 35etlan= gen; 2. bet 2lppctit, tie (5'pluft, tcr hunger. appeittivi; adj. bcgcbrcnt ; — fa cuiiy. bad SBegeljtnngSoermogeii. To APPLAUO, o. a. Seifall inflate fdjen, ^(ifall gcben ; beflatfdjeii ; lpbcn, btlligen. APPLAUDER ... ter 93eifall juflafcbt, Sobpreifet, iScii'flicbter. APPLADSE e. baS ^eifatlElatfd^en, bet SeifaB, taJ ?pb. applausive, «rf,.bcf(atfcbent, Ipbcns. apple, 5. tcr ^ipfcl ; — of love, ter SiebeSapfel, ©Pltapfel (Soianum lyco- prrsictim — L.) ', — of the eve, tf t Huaapfel; — coie, ber (apfels), @rob§; — graft, ta» SIpfelreiS §um spfropfen ; — joim. ter 3obauni9« apfel ; — pie, tic Jlepfelpaftete ; — tart, tie Slepfelforfe ; — tree, tot Slpfetbaiim, —woman, tie ?lepfelfran Cbftfrau; — yard, bcr Obflgatten APPLIABLE, adj. anmenbbar. APPIi APPR ARAC 'PPLIcability, )a. bie 9Iun>cnb= iPPLICABLENESS, i barfcit. tPPLICABLE (idv. — ly), adj. antvcubs bar. applicant, g. bcr fid) urn c taut 8 bc= unrbt; bcr ©cfttcbftelier. aitlicate, s. o. 7*. bie £rcnnuitgg= litiie. APPLICATION, ». 1. bic Sroffegung, ytnlc^unq, SBerricbtung ciiics iikrfcs tv S. bc'« sirjtfi, SBunbarjteS, u. f. W.); 2. Slmsenbung, 9cu(jauroeiibuiig, bcr ©cbraud) ; 3. bas augcroanbte SUiittcl, .gmlfsmittel; 4. bcr Set* banb; 5. bic SBeroenbung, 93eroer= bung, 9Infud)ung, SBttte ; fi. x»luf= mcrffantfcir, bcr' SteiS, Sernftetjj, bic SBetriebfamleif, (Smftgfeit ; to make — to a person, fid; ait Sfemanbeu HH'iibctt ; upon the — of ... , Otlf "il\U fudjcit .... APPLICATIVE, adj. anttjcubcub. APPLICATORY, adj. aunjciibeub. applier, s. bcr 9lnwenbenbe, ©e* braud;mad)cubc; bcr fid) auf (Srroafi (bie SBtffenfcbaften, 2prad;cn, u. f. ».) Icgt. 7V APPLY, ». I o. I. auffcgcn, anlc= gen, roorauf fegen obcr briitgen ; 2. anwenben, gebrancben ; auf (Stioas roenben, rid; ten, bcfteu; 3. scnvcn= bctt; ii. n. 1. gelten ciiicnt obcr fur eiuen ; 2. fid; frbiifett, pajfen, fibers ciuftimmcu, angcmeffen fewt; to — to one, fid) an Seinanb roenbett, aufu= riicit, nad;fud)cu ; to — one's self tor help to ... , fid) urn £uilfe toenben an . . . , 3iiflud;t fucbcu bet . . .; to — one's self to something, fid) Ctuf lS't= loas Icgen, fid; beffeu beffeiptgen ; to — a tiling to (a use), fid) ciucr Sadje bebtenen, jit . . . . To appoint, v. a. 1. beftimmett, onfes fecit, feftfeften, befcbiiegen; 2. befd)ci= bcu, befteUeit ; 3. oerabteben ; 4. cr= neniten ; 5'. uerorbnen, oorfebteiben ; I appointed to meet him to day, tcf> ba= be ffl ntit ifjm serabrebet, ibn licutc in treffen ; well-appointed, gut ciugcrirb= tct, ruobl gcflcibcf, in gutem Stanbe. APPOINTEE, s. bcr iikftimmcubc, 3ltt= ovbucr, (finrtd)tcr. APPOINTMENT, s. 1. bie 33 c ft im in it it a,, Scfiftfeung, Slnorbnung; 2. ©eftels lung ; 3. Suerabrebnng ; 4. bic i'cr= orbming, SBorfrbrifr, bet ©efet)l j 5. bic (finrid)tung, SluSriiftung, ilnftalt; fi. bag bcftimiiitc ©cbalt, bic ©efol= bung, bas Strum; 7. L. T. bic .Vj>t it= tcrlaffeufd)aft ait cine ©cmeiiibc, u. f. tt>. fiir uiilbc^ivccfe; to make an — , fid) bcftcllctt, fid) ucrabrebcu. /:, APPORTION, u. a, in gcrccbtc Tf-ci- le tl)eileu, jutbeiten, gum \»lutl;cil gc= ben. IPPORTIONEB, > bcr Butbcilcitbe. APPORTIONMENT, a. bic ;Vitbcilung, S3ertbeiiung uad) gcrcebtcu SJ3ortio= ucn. To appose, v.a. + I. Sragcu oorle* gen, craminircu, priifen; '2. aufitgen, oevbinben. APPOSER, s. + bcr Sramtnafor, $rii= fer. APPOSITE {adv. — ly), adj. gefdiidt, fdjicflicb, fiiglid), angcmeffen, be= queiit. APPOSITENESS, 8. btc '2d)id(id)feir, giigltd)fcit, 2lngcmcffenbcit. API" ism< »\, s. bic ^injufugung, bet Setfa^, 3»fa% ; Oram T. bie i\p\>o= fiticrn. To appraise, v. a. aBfdjafcen, tariren. APPRAISEMENT, s. 1. bie ©djafcunfl, 30urctgung; 2. bcr gcfdialjtc-i'ocrtb. APPRAISER (—ok), s. bcr Scba^cr, Saratov. APPRECIABLE, adj. frbafcbar, bcr 28iir= bigung fa(jtg. To APPRECIATE, v. a. febafecu, roiirbi= gen, pretfen. APPRECIATION, 8. bic aSiirbijung, 2Eertbfd)a(}Ung; bcr 2i>erti). To APPREHEND, v. a. i. qvcifcit, er= greifen, angreifen, uerhafren, gefans gen nebmen, einjte^en; 2. faffen, bc= jjreifen, ciufchen; 3. fiirdneu, be= furrbtcit, beforgen. APPREHENDER, s. bcr (Siufcbcnbc, J)cufer. APPREHENSIBLE, adj. begrciflid). APPREHENSION, a. 1. t>a$ (?rgrcifcit, (Sinfangcn, bie SBetbafrnebmung, Sinjtebung; 2. bcr ©egriff, bie S3or= ftcllittig, iVciuuug; 3. CorjieUunggs fraft; 4. gurcbt, sBcforgnip^ a< -d- ing to my — , wic id) mir bie Sadbe oorflelle ; to be quick of — , fd)itell faffen, gefcbwtnb begreifen; to he on- der great apprehensions, in gropcr gurd)t ftcben. APPREHENSIVE (adv.— ix), adj. 1. bc= grcifenb, fabi^i; 2. beforgt; to he — of, fetitoai befiird)tcn. APPREHENSTVENES9, 8. 1. bic^abi.^ fcir, [cid)t ju begreifen, bcr ©djarfs fiutt; 2. bic BefurgniB. APPRENTICE s. bet Vcbrliii.j, 2cf;r= burfd)e, Se^rjunge. To APPRENTICE, r. a. ill blC ?cbrc thuu, aufbingen laijcn. APPRENTICESHIP, s. bic ^cbrjabrc, Scbrjcit, S^ebre. To APPRISE, b. n. bciiadirirbtigeit, in JlctiutiiiiJ fcljcit. To APPRIZE, Bid. To Appraise. To approach, v. I. n. nabcit, fid) na= bcu, fid) nabcm, nabet fpiitmcit ; ii. a. + nabcm, nabet bringen cbcr rii= cfcit, itaber fcfeeu. approach *. I.bieSlnnabetuna; 5ln« fiiuft; 2. bcr ^utritt; Bulau'f, v }lit= fall; approaches, or lines of approach, Mil T bic Saufgtaben. APPROACHABLE, adj. yigatigttd), cr= reiebbar. APPROACHER, s. bcr -ftabeiibe. APPROBATION, «. bic ©tlligung, ©c= nebmigung: bcr ©eifali; it lias my — , e« gefftllt mir. appi;ohative(— TORY),arf/.billigcub, genebmtgenb. APPROPRIABLE, adj. waS aiigceigitct iverbcn faun. To APPROPRIATE (—to), d. a. 1. ait= |)affen, jueiguen, roibmen, bcftim= men; 2. Dcnuenbeii ; 3.j!dj jueignen; 4. /.. T. cine ^friuibc) iibertragcu, aneignen. APPROPRIATE (adv. — ly), adj. }iuecf= ma&t'g, paffenb; bequem, bienlicb, tiidjttg; — to, angemeffen. APPRl IPRIATHNESS, s. bic 21 n^cnicffcit^ bcit, ^raerfmfigigfeif. APPRi (PRIATK )N, 8 1. bie 3ucigmiiig ; Jlnroenbung ; SBeftimmuna; 2. l.t. bic Uebertragung (ciiicr $frunbe). APPROPRIATOR, s. !. bet 3ueignenbe, 2lnmenber : 2. bcr ©cfifeer ciucr ubets rragenen $friinbe. APPROPFJETARY, s. bcr (roelflicbe] EBeft^et etner geijtlicbcn ^frunoe. APPROVABLE, adj. beifallonuirbig, jiu genebmigenb. APPROVAL (— ahck), 8. bic ©utbci= filing, ©illiguug, bcr 33eifali. To APPROVE, ii. a. biUtgen, gcnebnii- gen, genefjm balten, gut beipen, aner= tcuueii ; 1 do not — (or— of) your dis- course, id) liiiGbilligc 3r)rc dine, bin bamit nidit lufrieben; i— of your speediness, id; lobc3l)rc @efd)winbig= Icit APPROVEMENT,*. 1. bcr ©tifttU; /,. T. 2. bic Oerbefferung ciueS ©runbi ftiirfcs ; 3. baa freimiUigc ©ctennt: ntfi eincs 93erbred;erj vcr bcrgcricbt= licbcii Unterfucbung unb Sfagabe tcr 3JJirfd;ulbtgen, um fid) baturd; ©ua- bc aus.iniMrfcn. APPROVER, .-• bcr iMlligcr, 33ctpflid;= ter. To APPROXIMATE, o. r. n. fid) nab,cru ; nabcii; ii. a. uabc bringen. APPROXIMATION, t bic ^abcrung. 2luiiabenui.i. APPULSE, ,1. bcr Hnftofi, bic Hnfto= pung, 99eru^mng ; 2. bie Snfunft, Sanbung. APPURTENANCE, ». baS 3ugcbbr, ti» ~.Ucbeiifad/c. APPURTENANT, adj. jugebSrig. APRICOT, }$. bie 2lvritofc; aprieot- APRICOCK, 5 tree, bcr aptifofen* bauiii. APRIL, a bcr fjKonat) ^Ipril, jtetnu ni'')at; an April fool, ciu SprilnotT. apb is. 8. 1. bie Scburje, bat Sd)urj= fcll;.\'. T.2. bcr ©iinirnoorftnen ; cine iOettung son $(anfen nabe bcu AhitMbiircii etner 3>oefe ; — oi a bcr Decfel anf bent Snnblocbe ciucr Jtanone, bat $lattloth ; — of a goot-e, bic fette 93aurbbatit ciucr ©an$, — string, has Srburgenbanb. APROPOS, ado. jut red) teli (gelegenen 3cit, ebcu recbt; nuc gerufen atJ UebergangSjeirben) mat id) fagen wolltc, ebcu fallt mil cin, ebt idj ti Detgeffe. APSK, 8 .i-t- T. pi. Awroas), bcr ^Id-- beruitg§=ober(5ntfernung6Bunfteinefi $(anerenoonbei Sonneobet ber(Srbe. AFT (adv. — i.y), adj 1. gefdiid't, li:d^ tig, tauglid), paffenb, bequem; fer= tig, fcbiiell; 2. fabtg ; 3. genetgt; tu be — , genetgt fevjn; gem tbun; pfle* gett; leidu madieit, u. f. n>. APTITUDE,?* l.bic ©cfcbicfliebfcic APTNESS, S liiditi>ifeit; 2. Jabig.- feit ; 3. SJletguug, bet -§ang. APTOTE,« ©ram '/' baS iniabaiibcrlU cbi- mennmott (njeldjefl nirbl beclinirt tvirb). aqj \. s. Ck. T bafl SBajfet ; — fortis, bafl Scbeibewaffer: — marina, bcr Slqunmarin, ©croti (@belftetn); — regia, iftbnigSroajfet (iJtifcpuiig vc-n @a[petcrf£ute uub Saljffiure jur 9Iufl5fung befl ©ofbet ; — Hib, bcr Stquauit, (SerourgsiBrannrweiR. Aquarius, 8 Jist r ber 2Baffermann (im Sbierfteife). AO,U \'l'i«', adj. im SEBaffet lebciib, cbcr nvidifcub. AaUEDUCT, i. bic SBafferleitung. \urr.i lus, adj wSfferig. AQU K' fl isn ESS, 8. bas 2Bafferige, btc SBdfferigfeit. AQUILINE, adj. ciiicnt SHblet .'ibnli* ; — nose, cine 'ilblernafe, ©abicbunaf* AQUILON, s. bcr SRorbmt'nb. ARAB, s. bcr Vlrabcr. ARABELLA, s. ?lrabcllc (3raiicnna = me). ARABESQUE adj. arabifdi; — oms menw, Slrabeflfcn. Arabia, 8. Slrabten, ARABIAN, I. adj. arabii'd) ; II. *. bcr Slraber. ARABIC 'Wr.- ni.iv). I. n'//.ctabiffb ; ii 8. baa Slrabifdje, bic arabifd'c Spradje. \i: VBISM, 8. cine ei^eiitbumlicbc ara« bifdje SRebeneart. ARABIS I', s, bcr .U'ciuicr befl '.'Irabifcbcn. ARABLE, adj. artbar, pfliigbar, adcr» bar, rragbat, urbar. ARACHNOIDES, s ./" T. ba« fpiltnr- mebeufSrintge .»>autd>cii bee 1 <.■ i unb ©ebttnee). ii AUCH ARDU AR1S iragon ». Slraflomen. iBAlGNEE, .<. mi. t bet ED2tnengaitg, bit ©allene etna- 3Jime. \uaneous. n.y. einet ©ytnnemebe abnlid', rptuneroebenfbrmig. ARBAUST, s. tic Olrmbruft. VRBALISTER, s. tcv .'Irmtuitftfcbitfj. ARBITER, s. bet 2ductsrid)trr; @e= tuattbaber, Dbet&etr. ARBITRABLE (ado. — ly), adj. tlH!lfilbr= lid). ARBITRAMENT, s I. tic @llt{$CU buitg ; 2. bet 5d)ict*frrud). ARBITRARINESS, s. tic 2SiUfu&tHd)= feit, liniinifdu-aulfbcit, beSpotif^e ©ewalt. ARBITRARY (ado. — arily), ar//'. nnll= fiibrlid), eigciiiviliig, eigenmadptig, bc»piMifcf). To ARBITRATE, v. I. « ciitcu 2d;tcbs= fyntd) tbitii; (itad) ©utbiinfen) ent= fchcitcn; [[ 7^ iirtbcilcn, abfprcd)cit. arbitration, s. bai ganje Betfabten sot cincm ©<§ieb§tt<$ret, bet 5Ut§= fpntcb bcffclbcit, bie (Sntfcgeibung ; — of exchange?, -If £. bte iJiil'ci) cl = ~JlV= btttage (93etg[etc|imtg mebrcrcr aDBec^feI=@outfe) ; — bond, /.. T. tie SomptomtB=9lcte. arbitrator, s. 1. bet 2d)ieb-3rid)= tcr ; 2. SSoigt, ©tatt^nUer, ^>iaft= tent; 3. unuiiifdnantre SBefcetvfdjet. ARBITRESS, s tic 3d)icb»ricbtcriiin. arbor, s. 1. cine (gpinbel, ©ptlle, Sffielle, Slrfife, ein l-rebbanm, ©te&s fttft; —stands, rrcbftiftftitble; 2. bet bator,s. bet Saumfcflanjer. ARBORESCENCE, s. tic flcbnlidifcit mit emsin Saume (tit .ttmftaUcit, it. f. to.). ARBORESCENT, adj. JHin SitUme WW* beitb, baumabuliri) nxtcpfettb. ARBORET, s. bibbi>gett, b«3 ©etoolbe ;triumplial — , bcr Xriumpl); bogen, bte (gfjrettpfotte. To arch. d. I. a. SBogeii marr)ett, w5U ben ; ubcnuiHbeu ;H » fid) rvolben. arch (arfo. — ly), «-•//. fd)!att, f*al£= [)aft; an — wag, ciu letrbtfertiger *d),llf, (incomes.) l*\-\. archaism, s bet "JlrrfyatSmuS, tie ver= altcte SJctciisart. ABCSBANGEL, b. 1. bcr Pijcitgct; 2. ttic Statu 9lrd>angel; 3. tic tattbe ylcffel ; bas ^erjgefpann (/.amuun — /..). arciiangelic, o^o. ju ben erjcngcltt getjprig. ARCHAPOSTLE, s. tcr obcrfre apofte, tcr Ejeilige S{5etet). ARCHBEACON, «. bie Sartcnbbbc, bcr bbd)ftc unb beftc iilag, fiir tic iluSs ftdit, iipntcbmftc $laft eiucS 3t^nali?. ARCHBISHOP, s. bcr @rjbtfd)of. ' archbishopric, s. bad ©nbietljum. ARCHCOUNT, s, bet ©tjotaf. ARCHDEACON,*, tcr atcbtbioCOHUl, •-2i.\-ihbifd)of. ARCHDEACONRY (—ship), s. ba« Sits cbitiacpitat. archducaIj, adj. eijljet}ogIi<$. ARCHDUCHES3, s. tie (gf^etjogtltll; ©toffiitjltnti. ARCHDUCHY, > s. b,13 gtjfcetJOg. ARCHDUKEDOM, i tbtllll. ARCHDUKE, 5. bcr (i'vjbcrjC;], @rop= far ft. ARCHEOLOGICAL {adv.— ly), adj. ol. ARCUATE, adj. boqciifbrmig, ge= friimmt, fritnim, gebogen. ARCUATION.s, 1. bie jtrftmmiing, bae ,«rninnicii; 2. t. ba6 Mfenfeii. arcubalist, s. bie 2lrmbmft. ARCUBAUSTER, s . bcr ^Irmbnift^ fdiitfec. ardency. ) 8. bie fitfce. §efHg* ardentness, J £cit, 3nbrunft." ARDENT [adv. — ly), adj. bcifj, feuttg, I brcititcub; ^efttg, tnbr'nnftig, eifria. ardour (—or), s bie .fiibc, >g)cftig= fcit, bcr CSifcr, tie ^itbriutft. arduous, adj 1. fjril, bocb; 2. mii&= fam, fd;auerig. ARDUOUSNESS, ». I. bie (ftcile) §00* 2. Sd;tvtetigteit, ^liibfamfcit. area, s. 1. tic glaege, (.iiruiitfladie 2. bet Al.idH'itraum, 51ad)citiuba!t 3. frcic^lat}; dlaum oor bem uu tint Stocfroet! cincs 6aufeS. areal, adj \\\ cincr Aladic gebiu'ig. arefaction, s. baS I rodnen, Sotreo. To AREI'Y, r. n. trptfncit, bbrrcn. arena, s. bie Sltena, bcr .Wampfvla^ iiiibiicnraum (tin alten Dcoiit). arenaceous, adj. fanbtg. ARENATION, 8. Med. T. i-tS Saitbbab. arenose adj. vpllcr Sanb, fanbtg. areola, s. Si,d. t. ber .£of cin ro= thcr ,urci»' bet bei Sepufeblattern bie SJJuflel umgiebt; bcr rotbc JCrcii um bie SBrnftroatje. AREOMETER, s.t bcr ?i:ftmcffcr jur ajfeffung ber Sc^wete tcr Sliifftg- fciten). areopaghes, s. pi. bie Sttcijfet im SlteopaguS. AREOTIC. adj. Med, T. 1. innbitttllCUb; -2. fdjan-ifureibeiit. ARGAL. s. bcr SBetnfletlt; vid. Tartar. ARGENT, adj. 1. filbcrmeif), ftlberfar= ben; 2. filbcru; 3. H. T. mcifi. ARGENTAL, adj. 511m @tlt»« fle^Otig; eilber cntbaltcub; mit Stlbet »cr- mifdit. ARGENTATION, s. bie ^crfilbcritng. ARGENTIFEROUS, adj. Silbcr liciyi>r= btingenb. ARGENTINE, L adj. belli 3ilbcr abit= Itch, filbcricbt; u. s. bafl ©aufeblutn= d)CU (Potcntilla anscrim — L..) ; — goddess. ARGIL, s. bcr £bcm, bie 2 bvfererbe. ARGHJUACEOUS, adjt tljoni.j, tbp!iar= tig, tbcnid)t; tl)bttcnt. ARG1LLOUS, adj. tbiutCltl, tbcilitV argonauts, s . 7/ tic 2ltgonautftt. argosy, 8. bit JJarade. To ARGUE, b I. «. 1. ^:d)tttffc marbcu, fdilicficn, folgern, ©riinbe anfiibrcn; 2. ftrcircu, bisputircn (mit with unb against ; II a I. mit (Mriuitcn cine 5adu- beftreitcit, tariibcr ftveiten, t;o= ^ittiren ; 2. bttrd; ©riinbe iiberreben, beneaeit; 3. verratbeu ; to — saga- city, ©c^atfftiin iH-rratbcit ; his habit argues him a Christian, nad) fetiier itTeibung tft et ein C^brift. ARGUER, s. 1. bcr SeroetSfiifit er ; 2. SBejiteitet, ^olemtfet, Sonrrowttft, argument, s. 1. bet SSetoetSgruub, SeruetS, ©tnnb ; bie SBeaeiSfurjruug, tie Solgernng, bet ^dilnf;; 2. Sttett, bu§ X>ifputiicii: 3. tie 'JJJaterie, S ARLDNESS, ) beit. aries, s. jist. T. bcr SJibbct (im X'bictJ frcife . aihhtta. s. bie Slrteffe, Heine, furjc airte. ARIGHT, adv. rcd)t, t id) tig. ARIOLATION, s ba5 • To ARISE, v. ir. n I. aiifgcbni, anfftci- gen, aiifjtcbcn, anffominen ; 2. aufen ARMO ARRA ARTE ftcficn ; 3. enifie$en, bcrfcmmcn, ftct> erbcbcit ( — from ... aug, you) ; 4. fid) aufwerfett, fid; aufkhitctt, aufftchcit (—against, ... wibcr). ARISTOCRACY', s. bic Wi'iftofrattc, tcr Slbel. ARISTOCRAT, s. bcr 3(riftofrat. ARISTOCRATIC, ? ,• ARISTOCRATICAL, (adv.— cally), cutnctficr. auk, s. bic ^lvct)c, ber Jtaften (9lo5&); — of covenant, bic ©unbeglabe. ARKITE, adj. jut ^lrd;c (JloabJS) gc= Ijbtig. ARM.*, l.bcrSIrnt: 2. Sttccrcgarm; 3. Sift; 4../;-. bic JKacK ©ewalf; to keep one at arm's end [length), Jiciiiait- bctt iumi fidi ab&alten, ibn fid) nirfjt auf ben 8eib Eommen taffen ; he is my right — .fig. cf ift mciuc vcd)tc .£)aitb ; at arm's reach, fo Wcit mail mit bem 2lrme retdjcn faint; — ml, wag bcr 3Ura faffen faun ; — chair or armed chair, bcr Sefjnfeffef, 3lrill[tubl ; — hole, bic SHdjfelgtube. riciic ; 3. bas Ktntbanb. ARMONICA, Bid. Harmonica. ARMOR, s. vid Armour. armorer, I s . l. betSBaffenfdjmfeb, ARMOURER, $ fiamifc&macber, @*wettfeger, Siidjfcitfdiiiticb; 2. SBaffenauffeber. armorial, adj. $u bctt 3Ba^en gc= nortj]; — bearing! or pnsi^ns, bag SSappcit, bie 23an>nii'dnl:e. ARMORIST, s bcr.tScralbifcr, ^ia^pm> femur. ARMORY, is. 1. b,i« 3cua.baii«, bic ARM* lURY, $ .'iLiiftfamniiT ;' >. nc:T?ii = ftmtfl ; 3. bag ^Javvcn ; 4. bic petals bif, SJap^enfunbe. armour, s . bic Jiiiftuihi, bcr fiats nifrb; — hearer, bcr SBaffctitrofter, Sdii[bfita^i>. ARM-PIT, s. bic 9(d)fcf^ritbc. arms. s.p/. l. bic aBaffen, bag %t* ivcbr; 2. SBappcn; bie ^3ct;ic cincc- aiaitbuogclg; — of defence. £d)itt$= waffett; —of offence, 9Cruft»afen; small — .SdjiciljKivcbrc, flciitc2dnif;= Wiiffcit; a stand of — , eiite »oUfom= nicuc Solbatenruftung ; cessation of — , bcr SBaffenfHIlftaitb; by force of — , ntit gewatfnetet fianb; profession bf — . bcr lljilitarftaub ; coat of — . bag SQappen; — of an anchor, bie Slnferarme; to he in — , gcwaffnct fci)it, itittcr SBaffen ftcben ; to i — , \\\ bcu SBaffftl gteifeit; fit to bear — , waffeiiffifjtg. army,*, bic '.'inncc, bag ^tieggfteer ; fieet; a flying — . cin fliegenbeg Saget. ARNOLD, s. SStnoIb (SKanngname). ARNOTTO, a. bcr Oilcan (eiite geifce VSMfbf). AROMA, .c Ch. T. bcr (fcinc) 0>K-ntd)= ftoff, bic Pufjtge Su6jiaitj bet ^}flau= Jen. aromatic, }aij. arentatifd), ge« aromatical, 5 wiit^aft, getourjs rcicb. AROMATICS, ». pi. bag ®e»fitj, bic ©pejetei, 3Bo^Igetuc^e. aromatization, s. bic 93ermifd§itng mit ©ewttrjeit, bag SBittjen. To AROMATIZE, ,-. a 1. wiirjcn, mit ©ewurj oetfefeeit; 2. mit ©ewfitj taucijern, Weblviccbcub madjeit. AROMATIZER, s. bag Wag ®e»firj gicbt. AROMATOUS, a-ij. Wcrud)|loff cntbaU tdlb. AROUND, I. adv. int .Uict't'c, riinb bcr= um; w.prrp. uni ... bcnim, um ... bcr, mit, bcnim, vmib, tinggum, vid. Round. To AROUSE, r. a. ailflVCc'fcil J crWCifcit, ertegen, atifregeti ; (— from . . .. au«, son); a: 'ii-i.i by..., attfgetegt ooit . . . buvd) .... ARPEGGIO, s. Mus. T. ©tec^ung bcr i£6ne. arpent, 8. eitte fiufe ?anbe«. ARQUEBUS VDE, s. I. bic Vlvqucbiifabr, bag 2riiut';ii>afKv; 2. bcr 5d)iifi einet Slrquebufe. arquebuse, s. bic Sltquebufe, &a- fcnbitdifc. ARQUEBUSTER, s. bcr ^rqitcbitfir, ©uc^fenfebtifec. ARRACH, ,-. bic jKelbe. arrack, 8. bcr attarf, SRad. arragon, 9. Slttagonien. To auk ugn, d. a. I. anflagen, (u-fdiut, bigen; 2. otbnen, fleQeit, oerir^tiaen, tebigiten; to — a prisoner, ciuui ©e fangeiten our ©ettcbt, mm 83et68t fiibrcii, c— for..., wegen). ARRAIGNMENT, 8. 1. ©tetfnttg oot ©ertrfet, iit bag 2?erf)Br ; 2. Slnflaae Seft^ulbigimg. To ARRANGE, t>. a. prbiicn, in Orb' Ituttg ftcllcit, cimtditcn, ciutbeitctt. ARRANGEMENT,* 1. bie Slnorbmiug ; 2. Drbnung, ©teffung, giirticlhiitg ; 3. bic SBotbetettung ; 4. bcr aSettraa. ARRANGER, s bcr '.Hmnbiicr. ARRANT, adj. febr atg, bbfc, t'ddiiiini, blttrbtttepen, et*. rcrbt; an — knave cin (iufdiclm, bcillofer ©ntt ARRANTLY, adv. ant, fcb;inblicf>. arras. .?. bie gewirfrc %apttt, 2avc urct, bcr Xtippiti). UEtB w. 8. i. bic fficibc, StcIImtg riictbc unb ©licb; Sr^Ia4>torbmtng 2. Jtleibung, bet aniug, %u% ; 3. i.'r bic (grneniiung bcr ©efcpwotiieu unb bag Berjeid>ntp berfetben. 7b ARRAY, p. a 1. in Drbnuttg brin^ get! crcr ftcllcit ; 2. flcibcn, bcflcitcn : L. T. to — a pannel, bic OkfdnelU'llC'.l cincmicii cber wablcit. ARREAR, 8. berJRurffianb; in—, tfl* ftaiibig; gewobnlic^ei im ^.arrears, rucfftifnbtge Summen, SRfioft&nbe. ARREARAGE ». fcr SlflrfPanb. ARRECT, adj. aufrccf)t; fig. aufmerfc fain. ARRENTATKJN, ». /.. T. bag (5inb;i = oiiiu,-;rcdit. ARREPTraous, adj. 1. cntriffcit, eilt-- jogen; 2. ringefdrftcfyen. ARREST, s. 1. bcr Vlrrcft, SQetBaft : 2 ( v iiiba!r, bic fientmung, Shwfuita; arrests. « pi. bie r'iaube an ben 6tn: tetffij en bcr spferbc. To ARREST, v. a. 1. arrcfircit, in 8Bet= baft licbnu-it. wtftaften: mit Sttttefl bcicuii. in SB*fc|lag nepmen; 2. ju« n'ufbaltcit, aufbaltcii, ciiibaltcn, bem^ men, binbcnt; to —attention, Sluf= inerffamfeit auf fid) ueben, feffrtn. ARRESTEB, I s bcr Olrvcttrcubc, 8et= ARRESTOR, J haftiichincttbc. ARRET, *, h. T. bag Urtbcil, Urtbcl, C'libuvtbcif. ARRIERE ( — opart.), s. bcr Sftacbjug, •Vaditrab, bic Slttietgarbe vid i — ban, I'anbftunit ; — fee,— fief, bag ?lftcrlcbcii; — vassal, bcr Stfterie- bctuMiiaint. ARRIVAL, *. 1. bic ^Iitfmift, SJnIan= bung; 2. fi s . Cvrcirbmig ciiicr 5lb- fid)t. To ARRIVE, v. n. aiifpmmcit, anlaii = gen, anlanbcit, eintrejfen; to — at. ©twag crrcid'ctt, 511 Stwag gefangen; to — to. jufaUen, \\\ .Jbcil werben; fit^i jutragen ; begegnen. arrogance \ s. bte Slmnafiung, bti ARROGANCY, J Tiinfcl, fioojmutb, ©tolj, Ucbcvnuttb, bic ^crmcficnbcit. ARROGANT «nma= lici'.b, bcd)inutbi^, ftolj, iibcnnistbi.i, rermeffeit To ARROGATE, v a. fid) anmafcit. ARROGATION, a tic 3lnmat ARROGATIVE, adj annta-'. ARROSION, 8. bic ©enagung. ARROW, s. bet SBfeil ; — bead, bic .m'(;.c; bag ^fetlfraui ({ ria — /..) ; — root, bic SPfeitttJUrj (Ma- rnvto — />.). ARROWY,©// 1. a 11 -J SPfeilen bene bcub ; 2. pfeilformig. arse, *. bcr fiinterc, 2ici'", Oln'di- — Mi. in. bag globfraut. ARSEN VL, .-• bag Sltfenai, 3cn,ibaug. ARSENIAC > ,. -.-, ARSENICAL, T- ; l ' nc "" l ' t} - ARSENIC > bet SHrfenif; flaky — , bet Jliegenftein, bag SRattcngiftj 1 (yellow) — , bcr gebiegene 4It| bag Sluriptamcnt; - — , bet fiftftenraurb, bag ©tftmebi. To ARSENICATE, d. 0. mit 8rf{ni| uerfefteu. arson, .< bag Dotfa(}Iidj« Seneranlt< ficn, bic SDcovbbteitnerei. VRT, > I. bie Jhtnfl : 2. ©efd)id?Iid)^ fcit; 3. (\ciitbcir, SBerfdjIagenbe it ; the black — , bic frpWamt Jhinft 'AV'.v git : the fine arts bic fcb8nen .Hiinftc: the liberal arts, bic freicn At iinftc ; n master of arts till 5K agiftet abbr.M.Ji ARTERIAL, adj .7. V. ill bcu filled, bent gejjijfig. AS ASH ASPE ». s. T. baS 3ii?lajClt cter Deffnen bet ^ulfiafcern. artery ». bie Sltterie, i-uUaber, Sc&lagaber. . ARTFUL (ado. -iv', adj 1. funfHld), runftreid), gefcbid t ; 2. liftig. ARTFULNESS, s. I. bit Jiuuftlidifctt ; 2. gift ARTHRITIC (— ical). «&'. 1. art&ttttfd), giebtifcb; 2. $u ben ©elenEen geborig. arthritis. & baS SReifien in ben ®lie= fcern, bie ©icbt. ARTICHOKE, 5. btC SfcHfdj ocfc, @rb= febocfe; Jerusalem — , cine flit ©Oils nenblumc (HeUanthvs — L). ARTIC, adj. vid. Arctic. article, «. 1. bev Slttihl, £bcil, ^un!t,fca9 Sriicf; 2. bie SBebingung ; 3. Gnm. T. bcr Slrtifcl, ba$ ©c= fd)led)tSTOOrt. v.. ARTICLE, b, I. a. attifelStoeife ab= faffen, Slrtitel macben, ciutbetlcu ; to — one, Ginen fobviftlid) oerflagett; to be articled to an attorney, }iA) bci ciuem x'ltvocatcn (unter Contract) in bet 3uttSgmbettj iiben; to — for trea- son, bes £od)oerratbs anflagcn; n. n SBebingungen marten, cavttuliren. ARTICULAR, adj. A. T. tic ©licber lint ©eleitfe aitijebcnb. ARTICULATE (adv. — ly). adj. 1. arti= Eulirt, "crncbmlicb, beutiieb ; 2. s. T. jufammengefiigt (,Snod)en). To ARTICULATE, r. a. 1. auf cine, Slnbern "ocrncbmlicbc, 2lrt turd) 2Bor= te nnbeiiten, fv-vecben, avtifiilircn; 2. s. r. jnfnmmenfugcn (&uocben). (VRTICOLAteness, s. baS S3eruel)m= lidu\ tie Seutlicbjeit. ARTICULATION, s. 1. A. T. bie JhtO= rbenfugung, baS ©elcnf; 2. Gram. r. baS rerncbmlicbc 9lnSfptec$en, bie bcutlicbe 9ut8fprad)e. \rtifice, s. bcr Jtunftgriff, bie Sift. ARTIFICER, s. bet Jlituftlcr, .£.:ut = tverfer, SSerEmcifter. ARTIFICIAL (adv. — ly), adj. 1. fimfU lid); 2. erfiinftclt, nad)gemad)t ; — arguments, t. SBeweife vom SJcbncr erfuntcn, nicfjt aus ©efefeen obet Slits toritaten gejogen; —lines, r. ttigo« nontettifepe Sinicn; — numbers, 7*. fie Sogaritbmcn. ARTIFICIALITY, \s. 1. bie ,*\iinft= ARTTJFICIALNESS, $ licbEeit, ©cfd)icf= licbEeit ; 2. ©rfiinftelung. ARTILLERY, s. bie Slttilterte, baS ©e= frbiife. artisan, ». bet .Sfutjtler, .§aubvoer= fcr. ARTIST, s. 1. b*r Jtiinitlcr; 2. Sinn'. mit3iobtberoad)= fen, volier SRobt. aruspex. ? g ciu SBa^tfaget, bcr aufi aruspice, ^ bcn_ Singeweiben te» Dpfer»if^e8 weiffagte. auisi'icv.5. bas 3Baf>tfagenau8 @in= geroeiben, is «/,•. 1. aU, mte; fo, fo nne, eBen f c ; 2. aid, ba; 3. weil; i. alS (in bcr (Stgcnfcbaft —1 ; — you please, wieeS s \hncn gefallig tft; — big again, nod) einmal fo bid; —soft—- i fd lucid) nne Scibc ; — far — , bis ; — wen — . f o gut alS,^o mie, fo wobl ali aud) ; — soon — , fo balb d$ ; — many — there are. fo V i C I ibrcr illlri) filtb ; ( — ) rich — be is, CV fe» fo vcid) <»U er wolle, fo teid) cr ana) tft; — 22 sure — I am alive, or — I live 10 UMhr id) lebe! — you regard .. . , ici bet Slcbtung vor; — I hope to be saved, fo lvahr icp felig jn toerben boffc; i thought — much, baS babe id; mir gebnd)t; — it were, gleidifint; fo 511 fagenj — for. — to, was betttfft, in x'lnfcbnng, rfiltt btC, welcbe mil gefielen ; — yet, nod), an= nod) ; bi-J jeljt, fduMt ; I am not done — yet, icb bin nodi nidH fertig. as. s. 1. ba8 SIS (romifc^eS ©eroid)t); 2. bcr 9U (cine altromifcbe iDJunje). asafcetlda, s. fcr Seufelsbtecf, ASBEST, ( b m a ASBESTOS. J 4, ll a - l M l - asbestine, adj. aSbeftattig, unset- brennlid). ASCARLDES, s. pi. tie Spuhinirmcr, ■DJabetioiirmcr. To ascend, d. I. n. annvartsftci^en, bjnauffieigen, geben, obet fabren, nuffieigen, auf a^ren ; n. a. erftcigen, befteigen. ascendable. adj. erfteigltd). ascendant, i. s. si,,?. 1. bie Uebet= Icgcnbcit, ©etualt, ber (Sinflnfi ; 2. .l§ugel. To ASCERTAIN, ». a. 1. gewip ma = rben, feftfefeen, beftimmen; 2. in 3iid)tigfeit bringen ; bartbnn ; 3. ftdj erfunbtgen, etfotfd)en, ausftnbig nta= cben ; to — a balance, .)/. E. eilieit Salbo oetgleid)en. ascertainable, adj. 1. bcftiinmbar; 2. crfm-fcbbvir. ASCERTAINER, s. 1. bjt ACftfc^Cltbe, Seftimmenbe ; 2. bcr (?rforfd)er. ASCERTAINMENT, s. 1, tic gejlfc= feting, SBeftimmung ; 2. feite Sfiegct, 3tid)tfrbnut, Sflotm ; 3. @tfotfc^ung. ascetic, i. ndj afcettfd), [U-enggeiji= licb; n.s. bet SIfcetif er. ascians, s. vi bie unfdjattigen SSoI* tcr. AS( TTES, 8. tie S8aud)wafferfud)t. ascitic (— r\h). adj. ujaffctfut^tig. Ascrrrnous, adj.angenoinmen, gcge= ben, (ufalltg, betfugtg. ASCRD3ABLE, adj. |U jufcftrctbeit. Zb ASCRIBE o. a. ( — 10). jilfcbrcibcit, bcilcgcn, beimeffen (@inem cine Sa* d'c). , ascription..? bie oufcbrcibnng, ^ei= legung. ASCRHTTIT. tus, a jugefririebeit. ash. s. I. bie @fd)eobet Aefd&e ; 2. baS Sfdjenbolj ; flowering— , bie 33luinen= e'ebe ; mountain — , bie SSogelbcere (Sorbus aneuparia — > L.i ; prickh bcr 3ab::aH - bbaum. ashamed, adj. fid) fcbamcnb, be- fdvtmt; to be — (of), fid) fcbimc* femes obet cincr c^acbe); to make — befd)ainen. ASH-COLOURED, adj. afcbgrau, afeb farbig. ASHEN, adj. cui'cn, ooii (Sfd)enbolj. ashes, .v ,,,/. bie Olfd>C. ash-fire. .«. c/i. r. baS gebantyfti Seuer, bie Seuerung burd) glutjcntt 5ifd)c occr beipen Sanb. ashlar. 8. bet Studpftein. ASHLERLNG, s. Arch. T. cillC^lrt 5tiU ^c obcr Sraget unter tern S)acbe. ashore, adv. 1. anS Ufcr, anfi Sanbj 2. am lifer, ant Sanbe^ to get — . an- [anben ; a ship — , ciu gejiranbeteS 5diiff. ash-tree, s. ber (Sfcbenbaum. bie Cifcbe. ASH-WEDNESDAY, s. tie 3lfd)crmitt> tood)e. ASH-WEED, s. bcr ©icrS (JEgopodiun -L). ashy. adj. 1. ofcptg: 2. afebfarben, afd)gtau: — pale, afdjenbleid). ASIA, s. "Jlfien ; — • minor, Jlleinaficii. aslan, adj. afiatifeb. asiaticism, s. bie 5iacbal}munij afia. tifc&et Sitten. aslatic, I. adj. afiatif* ; u.s. bcr 2lfi^ ate. aside, adr. 1. fcitn\irt» ; bci eeite. auf bie icife fragen, forbern; to — a question, cine Srage tbun, fra= rtcit ; to — people in the church, citt ipaat Setlobte in bcr Jtircbe anfbic- ten ; to — a thing of a person. (sTftVOS Don Sinent forbern ; to — for bread, urn ©rob bitten; to — for one, nadj 3emanben fragen ; to — after a thing, iiarf» (SfroaS fragen, ficj) bavnad) cr= Eunbigen. askance. } adv. bcr Cucrc, febief, askant, 5 febrage, fiberjwercb, fcit* warts. ASKER, s. 1. bcr sBittcubc; gragcubc; 2. bie 2Baffereibed)fe. askew, ado. Don bet Sette, feirmatts, febicf. aslant, adv. idiicf, fd)tagr, quet,»ou bcr wscite. ASLEEr. adv. fdi!afci;b, im 2d)(afe; to be (lie) — , fd)(afen : my foot is — , tcr %u)t ifi mil eingefcplafen ; to fait — , ci ifd)lafen. ASLi iPE ado. febief, uicbt fcufrecbt, im Subrange, nbfdjuffig. asp, s. tic flatter. aspalathus, s. bie SRofeson Sericboj bcr SJibobiferbom, baS ;)thrtiferbolj (and) Rose-wood). asparagus, s. bet Spargel. ASPECT,*. 1. tor vlnblicf. tag 5Infe> ben; 2. bie ©eftcbtSjfige, iDJienen.bal ©eftcbr, tcr Slic?; 3. tic Sicbtung, Shifidu, c:citc: Ast. T bie 2lf T ecten ( £tanb ciucc- iUanctcu gegenbenatu tent). ASPEN A-ptbee. nr Aspen-tree), L s. tie SSefpe, ter 3lefpenba«m, tie %iu tervappct wetjse 1'avbel; u.adj.H) ven, oon Olcfpcnb,olj. ASSA ASS1 ASSU AgPER, s. bet Sltye* (tiirfifdje 3ilber= niiinje). To ASPERATE, v. a. raitf) madjen. asperation, s. baS Diaut)mad)ctt. ASPERIFOLIATE, } acit ; 2. Strcnge, .fparte. ASPerous, aaud)e (obcr -0) auSfptecpen ; H. a. mit ban •C">cutd;c (obcr .*>) aii8= gefprodjcit nurben. ASPIRATE, Ladj. afpirirf, mit bem $ gcfprorf)eit; H. s. Oram. t. bcr 3pi= vituS afper (tin ©riecftifdjen). aspiration, 8.1. has Strcbeit, bcfti= ge sScrlaugeit, bic «c[)ttfud)t; 2. bie VI fpi rat ion, Vlusfprccbung mit bent •Piaitdje. To ASPIRE, v. n. ftrcbcu, fjeftig »cr(au= gen, tract) ten (— to, at, after, uad) (St* roa8); emporftrcben. ASPIRER, 8. bcr ©trebenbe, ^vaditcu^ be; (?inporftrcbcnbc. ASPIRING, adj. ftrctcut ; an — genius, eiu eiuporftrcbcutcr ©etft. ASPORTATION, a. /,. T. baa SEBegtra* gen, SBegtreiben. ASQUINT, adv. fftjtef ; to look — , fd)tC-- len. ass. s. ber (yfel ; she — , bic Grfeliittt ; — like, cfelbaft, gleirb riucm Sfcl. To assail, v. a. aufallcu, angreifen, beftiumeu ; assailed i>y .., augegriffen, bebriiugt yon... ASSAILABLE, adj. angreifbar. assailant, I. adj. angteifenb ; n. .-• — or, bcr vlngreifer, au= grcifciitc !il)ci(. ASSAPANICK, », bag (ameri£auifd)c) flicgenbe t?id)hbritd)cn. assart, 8. L. T. bie tincrlaubtc vlu«= rottuug bcr fBSutne tut 2i?albe, ber Tsoiftfreycf. To ASSART, v. a. I,. T. bic SBSumt Em SHalbc ohnc (Srlaitbnifi an-jrottcu. assassin, a. bcr OJiciidKlmortcr. lb ASSASSINATE, v. a. iucud)clmor= t-crifit itmbringen, ermorben. assassi \ ATM in, s. bcr SKeudjcIntorb, bie (Srinorbitng. assassinator, 5. bcr SKeudjek miu-bcr. ASSAULT, 8. 1, bcr SUtutriff, Onfall ; 2. bie Qeftutmuna, bcr ©turm; ;!. /.. t. bic (tf)atlidic) Seleibtflung; to cake an — upon, beftiirmeir' niigteifen. To ASSAULT, ». a. aitgrcifcn, aufallcu, bcftiinucii. ASSAULTABLE, adj. augretf&ar. 4SSAULTER, s. bcr Vlujreifcr, fflelet= biger. assay, 8. 1. bet SBerfudj, bic SProbe, bic (fr^toere) Spriifung; 2. /.. v. Uu- trrfmtung, SPrfifung(beS Bffej^It^en TUJageS unb ©ett>tcf)tc§) ; bic Stdjtmg; — balance or — scale, bie '^robinuagc ; — master, vid. Ass ayes. To assay, ,-.a. 1. "ocrfudKu, probtrcn ; 2. cicf)cn. ASSAYER, 8. bcr lUobircr, i3?tuii!= roarbatn ; (Sicftcr, Sirhmeijler. ASSECUTION, a. bic Srlangung. assemblage, ». bic Sammlung, bet .^aufcit, bic 33erfammlung. TV ASSEMBLE, p. i a. oerfamnteTtt; berufen; n. n. fid) oerfammeln; 511- famiucufommcn. ASSEMBLES, 8. bcr iicrfammkr. ASSEMBLY, ». bie iHUKimmlung ; — room, bee SOerfammlungflfaaL assent, « bie Seroilligung, (SinailtU gung, ©enefimigung, bet sBcifatl. To ASSENT, o. n. bcipfltciUcn, bciftim = men, bcifallcn, Setfall obei ;l(cd)t geben, jugeben, bemiUigert, einwilli= gen, gcucljmigcu ; 1 — to it. id; pfliditc com bet, gebe ti jii, fagc ja. ASSENTATION, ». tic ^ciftimmuug aut 2d)iucid)clci obet SSerfteUung, baS JRecptgebeu. ASSENTATOR, s. bcr 3abcrr, £d)meirb.ler. ABSENTEE, *. bcr 33ciftimmcnbc. To ASSERT, r. a. 1. bebauptcu ; 2. net* thcibtaut, geltenb madn-u ; :i. assertion, s. i. bic 83ef)auptung, Sejabung; 2. bebauptetc SJieinuug, bafi 33orgeben. ASSERTIVE (adv.— ly), adj. Jir.'Cffidit^ lid), bejahenb, au-ycrurflid), beftimmt. ASSERTOR 8. tcr i^chauptcr, 33cr- tbeibiger, iicvfccbtcr. ASSERTORY, adj. bejabcub, bc^aup= tettb. To ASSESS, v. a. fcbrifccn, befd)a(}cn, tarircu ; assessed taxes, bic bivecten Slbgabett. ASSESSABLE, adj. febafebarjteucrbar. ASSESSMENT, ». tic Giiia^ung, ©teuer. assessor, 8. 1. bcr Scbafeungen auf= legt, itcucrvatb ; 2, tcr SBeift&er. ASSETS, s. r>- L. T tcr Ot\tdUa-"; ; M e. ©titer* obec QetmbgenSbeftanb eineS gattttert; tic 3JJuffc. To ASSEVER \ v. a. crbavtcu, bc= v ASSEVERATE, \ tbcucru. ASSEVERATION, a. tic ^ctbcucruug, gt'bartitng. As^miTi'V, .*. tic (vmfigfeit, ltnvcr= broffcubcit, tcr (antjaltenbe) JleiS. ASSIDUOl s adv. - i v , adj. I. emflg, unoetbvoffen ; flcif;ig ; 2. ' anbaltcut, unabiaffifj. ASSIDUOUSNESS, a. bcr SIcifi, bic Se= bavrlid^fcit im Alcii";. To ASSIGN, v. a. I. beftimmett, fcft= fefteit, jucrfennen; 2. afftguirett, ait= tveifen, ubertragen; /,. t. ccbircn ; :i. aufiibrcu, augebcu (eiucu ©runb, II. f. TO.). ASSIGN, a. bcr, bem ctroaS iibcrtragcti n>iib. ASSIGNABLE, adj. 1. befiimmbar ; 2. anjutoeifen, it, f. is. Assignation, ». l. bic ©eftimmuttg, Vlffignatipn, Vlmvcifuug, Uebertra= gunj ; 2. tie iUftclIuug (an ciucu ajt- UMl'fcll Dtt). ASSIGNEE ». J- T. bcr, bem etWOS iibertragen wt'rb, Curator ber 2Jlaffe ; ber SBeuoIlinacbtigte, ©efd)5ft6trfiaet, ASSIGNER ». tcr .^cftiiumcntc. aitt= tcetfer. assignment «. 1. bie Sepimmitttg ; 2. Uebfrfraguug ; 3. 2lnweifmtg ; i. i. T. OlbtrctuiKi. ASSIMILABLE adj. toafl fid; abnlid) niadu'ii, Berglcirjjen la|;t. To ASSIMILATE, t> I. a. I. gfeidv 5bn= lid' ittrtdpeit, vera Sit! i die it; vcrglci= rbctt ; (— to, . . . mit) ; 2. bur* tit SBerbauung in fcine cigene Sfatui vcnraiitelii, wtaucit ; u. „. 1. gleicfr mertcn, fid) vcrciucn; 2. fidi all Speif* in I'Jabruttg^faft vcnvaiibcln, nahrcu. ASSIMILATION, s. tic ©Icidjmacbiing, SBerobnlidjuttg. ASSIMILATIVE adj. aneigcubar. /. ASSIST, >•■ I. «■ bciftebeii, belfcn; auolu'lfcu; beitragen ; H ». bciivoh* ncit, babet fefin ilei einet oScfclU fifiaft, it. f. tv. |. ASSISTANCE »■ bcr i-ciftaub, bi» .)>ulfe. assistant, i e. bet Seiflattb, fielfet; SHffiftent; 5ainulu«; n. «y. bcbulf= lid), biilfrcidi. :: a. tcr (Mcbiilfc; .^clfcr. ASSBTLESS, adj. bulflcj, bciftanfilol. assize -• I. bte Seffton,, bafl ®etid)t, ?attbgetidjt ; 2. tic obriga fcitlidic SBefiimmund M -Blafct, Qtvaifytti nut Sreifej bet 8eben«» mittcl, u. f. iv., Jtarorbnung, Sate; — of bread, tie iU'Cttare, tas JBr Ob» gcroirbt. To ASSIZE '•■ ■' SPtete, 9Ka5 unb ©t» ividit obrigfcitlid) bcftiinmcn, an= feften, cidum. ASSIZER » tcr ten |Jret« ( ta. unb Weividu beftimmt. ASSOCIABILITY, .'.tie Bereinbatfett. ASSOC] ABLEerf); 2. ©efeUfdjoft; 3, 9tiuf eriitnerung ; — of ideas, tic ©c-- feUung bet iSegtiffe. ASS »K ANi I', a ter tiitvoUfommtne ©leidjlant, tie Jlebnlirbfeitbrt J i":r ; . ASSON ANT, adj iiit'.'ollfomiucu ftleicb," (ttutenb, tent Joue nad) a^rtltcp. To ASSORT, b a I.fortiren, jufammen oitueit; 2. mit allcrlci oerfeben. ASSORTMENT, ». 1. bat roriireii; 2. Sorttment. To ASSI AGE, d I ' milbttn, [intern : befiinftigen, bentbigen, befriebigtn, ftillcu; II. ii. uad'laffcii, abnel'iiicii. ASSU AGEMENT, a. 1. tie SPcilberUttg, Vintcrung; iBefanftigung ; 2, Sic iKibnic; ba39tad)laffen, ba«9JtiIbettt, it. f. IV. ASSUAGER a. tcr ?intcrnte, ^li'f tcrnte, ©efanftiger. ASSUASrVE adj. inilbcrnb, Iiutcrnt. bdanftigenb. A3SUETUDE, s. .Me Vlugeivobubctr, OSeivobnbcit. To assumed i- "• 1. annebmen; 2 al« lvabr annebnten, ootanlfe^en: 3 fid) bcilcgeu, fidbj betMii.MielMiicii, fid) aiimafiCii ; -l. ftdj jueignen, fidj ai iichincii, anf ffdtj nnwenben ; n. » fidj grofi madicn, groj? fbltrt. poll fc.'ir. to — a discourse, ein ©efrradj an Eniipfen; to — latitude, ylttjitabme madjen; to — the reins, bic Dber= bant gcivinncn ; be assumes I io much to himself, er bilbel fid) ^u vicl ein. ASSUMER, i bet fid' viel anmajicube, ftolje aKerffd). ASSUMING, idj ftc!;, anma'*;cnt. ASSUMPS] r. a. I. T. ter niiintlidM SSertrag (bn man fid) tit @troa< an> ^cifdjig liiai+ti. -J 3 ASTR LSSOMPTION, ». 1. bie 2hHtt&mun(i ; •ilumamiiig; '2. SSorausfefeung ; 3. baS SBoftu latum, bet igeifcbefafc; i. ber aJJiiior, Untetfafc (in ciucm Sd'kiiYcr. 5. SUiaria .iSimmelfabrt. issomptive, «.; aittjenominen, »ot= auSgefefct; — arms, baS son eiuem SBurgerlicben jum Slnbenfen an eitie tapfere 3 ml u. f. to. angenommene 3Bappeu. ' vssub \.\fi:. s. 1. bie 3ufidjetnug ; '2. itiycnutr, bafl SBetttauen; 3. fate gcjtigteit, Stanbr)affigfeit,bet D)?utlj ; 4. tie Sreimutbigfeir, eble Sretfiigs feit; 5. .Uuhnlmt,Jtr.ycvfdMiittbcit; 6. Serfic&erung, ^idicrhcif. 5Biirg= fcbaft; —of lands, L. T. bie ltebet= gobc you Sanbereien tiucf) Contract; iiiffeenrauj, [vid. Inburahck). i assure, o. a. (— of), 1. oetjicfcetn; 2. Sidicrbcit fetften ; affeatrircit ; fid)cru, ftd)er inadjcu; 3. juftdicnt, yerfyrcdicn. ASSURED, adj.i. ycrftrficrt; geroiji; 2. breifl, fed, fiibn, uubcfdicitctt ; you may rest — , Sie fbuucu fid} tarauf ycrlaffcn. assuredly, mfo. ftd;erlid), geroifs, freilid). ASSUREDNESS, ». btc ©civinbeir. assurer, s. bet 33evftcf)crcr, SMirge, Siffecureui. To ASSWAGE, AS3WAGEMENT, &c. rid. To Assuage, &c. vssyria, s. 3lf[»tien. ASSYRIAN, I. f. bet -,'lfflU'icv J H. adj. affarifd). aster, s. bie ?lfter, ©ternblume. asterisk, s. baS Stcrndicu [*] (im ScJjtetbeu uub 3)rucf). asterism, s. baS ©tetnbilb, ©cfiiru. asterite, j. bet ©ternjtein, ASTERN", ado. .v. T. tin •Oiufcvtbeitc be« ScJjiffeS, biitten im Scbiffe. ASTEROIDES, s. pi. bit ltCUCU Cf.rtCCf- ten S|Haneten (jroifdjen ffliav-j uub Suptter). ASTHENIC, «rfj. fcbroad), ftttffloS. asthenology, s. bie Scbre you ber -diiuacbe. asthma, s. bie fjna.fcruftia.feif, ber fdnveve 'Jlibem. ASTHMATIC, adj. engbriiflig. To astoxish. v.a in (Stjiaunen fefeen, rounbern ; erfdjrccfcu, beftiirjt madden. ASTONISHED, part. I am — , td) er= ftauue. ASTOXISHING (ado. — ly), atlj. S,- ado. erftaunlicb, erftaunensiyertb. VSTONISHINGNESS, s. bie Cfrfiaiin= lidjfeit. ASTONISHMENT, s. baS (Srfiauuen, tie SSefiiirgnng. To ASTOUND, 'vid. To Astonish. astraddle, ado. fpertbeinig, rcitcut, timings. iSTBAGAL, s. T. tcr Dicif, 9iina (an einet Saute, u, bgl.). astral, adj. ju ben Stetnen getjoUg, fternartig, acftirnt. 1STRAY, adv. yom rcdjfctt SBegc ab, irre ; to go — , irre gchen, fid) sets trtetij to lend — , uerleircn, vevfuf)= rcu ; irre fiilneit. USTRICT, adj. sufammengejogeu, furj. astrictu ix. «. tic 3ufammenjie^ung. ASTRtCTJVE (— orv), adj. jufaiUllteit- out. ASTRIDE, adv mit aii'Scittaiitcr ge= fvcnteu SBetnen, fperrbetntg, ntt= ling*. To astrixge, v. i. atftit!i|]ircn, jtu fammeiniebctt. ^STRINGENCY, s. tic 5ufammenjie= bcutc .ruafr. iST'RrxcENT. I. « Med t. "iti ;ufam= utcnjictieittc ^Irjucimittcl ; II. adj. aD= 24 AT ftttngitenb, ;ufamntenjiefjenb, f;ertc. ASTRINGER s bet Aalbicr. ASTROGRAPflY, s. tie 2terubcfdira= bung, Stcrnfuute. ASTROITE, s. 1. cine ?(rt SDlabtepote, bie 2tcrnroraUe; 2. tcr ©tetnftein. ASTRi iLABE, s. T. i. taS Slftrolobium (bet ^ivcnmcffcr tcr ^ole, Sonne nut Sfetne); 'L cine fieteogtapbif($e 33eneicbnung tcr ^imineUittfel auf tcr glftrbe tmti gtofen 3'rtel«. ASTROLOGER, ( s. tcr 3lftro(og. ASTROLOGIAN, j' Stcnitcutcr. ASTROLOGIC — o.a, adv. — cally), adj. nftrologifcb. To ASTROLOGIZE, o. ». tie SIftrwfgte treiben, Stetne benten. ASTROLOGY, 5. tie '.'Iftvoloaic, Stcru= tcutcfuuft. ASTRONOMER, s. ber ?lftrouom, Sternfunbige. ASTRONOMIC (— cal, adv. —■ illy), adj. afironomifd). astronomy, s. tie 5lftrci.iomic, Stcrnfuutc. ASTROSCOPE. 8. ..1st. T. bCV StcriL Eege! (tin 3nftrumcnt 51a - leidjten ©rfeunung bet Stcruc). ASTROSCOPY, s. Jlst. T. tie 3ljitoS= fotnc (iicobadjruu,] tcr Stetne). ASTRO THEOLOGY, s. tic OlftnUbcO; loi]ie (Vcbrc you @ott ms ten @e= ftirncn). ASTRUT, adv. flroijciib, fioljtreiib. ASTUTE, adj. ItftijL fdllail. ASUNDER, adv. bcfOIlbCVS, _ at'ijefoil= bett; auSeinanbet; entjivet; to take — , attcciuautci- nebmen, jcrtegeit. asylum, s . tic Aiciftatt, grciftattc, Suflud)!, tcr 3»fliid)t50rt. ASYMMETRY, 5. Mat. T.HS JDiipOets Iwltuii ASYMPTOTE, s. T. tic ^IpnilVtOtC. ASYMPTOTICAL, adj. T. afnittptotifd). ASYNDETON, s. Gram. T. taS 81^11= tcton. at. an, 511, bci, auf, in, urn, nacb, mit, itbet, gegen, fiir, yor, you, aus. II. f. VO. ; — London, $11 (ilt SoiltOli) ; — home, $iu£jaufc; — sea, auf bet ^cc; — band, bci tcr .£anb: — large, 1. toeitlaufig, ausfiibrlicb ; 2. tm ^rctcit, in grctbeit; ■ — parting, bctm Scf;eibeu; — that time, $11 biefet 3^it ; — no time, mentals ;; — a minute, niif bie (jU cincv) £Dtt= UUte; — twelve o'clock, 1U1I jWotf Ubr ; — first, anfaitglicf) ; — length, ciiblicb ; — last, julefct, enbtirf) ; — an end, am (5nbe ; — all. 0/111} llllt gar, gar; auf injeut cine 20eife ; noi — ail. feineSroegS ; — a word, mit ciucm 21kntc; — once, auf eimitai; — one blow (dash, bout), lilit ciucm Strcicfie, auf einmalj — full speed, inter gtof5ten®efd)rombtgfeit, e it . ATOMIC, )aMICAL, \ wtomen ; — theory, bic *2itomculcl)VC. ATOMISM, s. bic 9Itomettief)te. ATOMIST, 5. ber Sltomift. ATOMLIKE, adj atDiitciinbnlicb. ATOMT, s. bcr Sltont. To atone, v. a. i. biijictt, genugtrjun, befitebtgen; ir n. tin (Srfafc (StequU satent) eines 35inged font ; to — for, etivnd abbiificii, bafiir Iciccn, ed cr-- fefccit, bergiiten. ATONE, ««>. nut einanber, anf ciitmal. ATONEMENT, s. 1. bad ©iibnopfer ; bt«33evfijt)iiuii(j,©u&nungj bieSBujie; 2, bic ©euitgtbuung, SSergutung, bcr @rfa<} (Sibbttte unb ©brenerftarung ; 3. + tie SSertragiicbr'eir, Ueberetns itimmuug, (Sinfradjt. ATONER, s. bcr 33erfpbner. ATONIC, adj. Mel. T. abijcfpaiiitt, cr= mattct. ati i\v, *, Med. T. bic ^Uviefpamithci t, J?rafKoftgr'eit, (Srinattung. ATOP, adv. D&cn, j» obcrft, pbeit nuf. ATRABILARIAN, (— ous), «t. To ATTACK, v. a cfcinbl tff>) nu^rcifcu. attack, s. bcr Slngriff. ITTACKER, s. bcr angreifenbe JEJeit To ATTAIN, o. I. a. nit Pbcr \a (*t\\\v$ fonintcn, jcrathcu, gelanncn, (gtxoa.i •treidjett, erlangeit, crbnltcn; n. v. nn ciucit Drt gclangeit; iu eineu jiu ftaub gemthcu; begrcifen. ATTAINABLE, adj. crrcidjbnr. VTTAINABLENESS. *. bic (5rtcirfibnr= teit ATTAINDER,* /. T. I. bic Ucbcrfiifi= rung, Uebcrroeifimg teineS Serges henfi ; 'L bcr Sorauirf, idinucflccf, gJtaJel. attainment, ». I. bic Srreit^ung, @vlanquitgj 2. ba8 (erre icbtc, erlang= to ®ut, lEafenr, ber Sovpg, tic ^olU'onuiicitbcit; bcr Sang, @eroinn. attaint, *. l. ber SKafel, gtecfen, Srbnubflccf, bic Sefchiirryfiing j 2. 93er(e|ung, Sffiunbe (an ben ^inters fuficu bcr Sferbe) : :i. L. T ciu gc= ridjtlidicr Sefe&l jur Untcrfurbuiig, cb bn8 Wcfd)aHu-uciij]ctichr ciucit fals fd>c it STuSfprud; getban, T,, ATTAINT, v.a. 1. iibcrfii bvcu, itber^ wetfen, fitr fcfulbtg evfennen fciucS SBerbrecbenS) ; 'I. bcflccfcu, bcfd)im= Vfcit, iH-ruticlu-cii, cutnbclu ; to — the ii i, fcinc Aiintilic bcfdtinitn'cn. attaintment, ». 1. bte Ueberweis fung; 'l. ©efcbiinvfttng. attaintdre, s ber SSorwurf, 2'abcl, Scbtmpf, tic 2dmnbe. To ATTEMPER, r a. 1. burdj 5?cimi= fdntiii^ fd)uvicln-u, oerbiinnen, mi 1= beni; 2. mapigen, bnmpfen, befanftis gen; :i. geborig ^evnufeben; 4. be= pimmen, anorbnen, cinrid;tcu, nn= Vnffcu. To ATTEMPT, >■. «. 1. "crfudKU, Was gcit; 2. nngreifen, jtcb oergreifen an. ATTEMPT, s. i. bcr SSerfud), bafi Un= ternebmen, Unterptngei't, SJagejtucf; 2. tcr Slngriff, Slnfauag, Sreuel; to make an — on a man's life, ciucm und) bciu Seben traditcn. ATTEMPTABLE, Uj. ?tugrijtcn auSges fctU, in (Mcfahr. ATTEMPTER,s. ber Uiitcnicfimcr, 51ns greifer. To ATTEND, o. I. a. 1. bcajcitctt, fels gen j '>. narbge^en, undifteilcii; 3. abroarten, 6eforgcn, pflc,]eu ; 4. mats ten, enrnrteit ; 5. $un,ca,cit fe>)it; to — mass, inbte9)ieffegeben; to — n meet- ing, ciuer aSerfammlung beiwobuen; attended by, beglettet vpuj attended wiili difficulties, ntit Sdnvicriiifeiten »erEnuj)ft; comfort attending a misfor- tune, ber STroft bei ciucm Unglucf; n ». 1. nuf (itumc? nditcn, nufnierfeu, c§ bcnierfen ; '.'. nufuMvten, betieueii; to — to, nuf (StronS "Jldjt bnbcu, Oldu tung geben, aufmerffnm fe»n ; to — to one's devotion, feiuc '.'liitndu rerrid' = ten; he attended at dinner, er lvar ntittng« bet Sifdic. ATTENDANCE, s. 1. bie SBattUttg, Sffege; Qtitfroartung: SBebienungs ber Tieiift; 2. bie SBegieititng, Tiencr= febaft, bna ©efolgej ;i. bie 51nmefeii= bcit, ©egenroart, bas b'rfdn-iiieii; 4. bic Slufmerffnntfeitj to be in—, UMrteit. ATTENDANT, i. adj. bcgleitenb, foI= genb; nnnjefcubj iLs. ber Slufrofivfer, bic ?lufivnrtcriuu, ber Bebtente; v -l>c= aletter ; Tienftpflidttijc ; (gicbufeling ; Slnwefenbe, «§elfer : a disease with iis attendants, cine .Kiv.uthcit niit ib= rent gnujcii ©efolge, ntit i^ren ^oU A™- Ari'i'.NT, a//, niifiucrfiant. ATTENTATES, .-•. r l. J.. T bafi U'itcr-- redulidic SSerfabrtn cincS ©erirbteS gencn bbbeve S8efeb.le. ATTENTION, [.«, bic \'UtfmcrFfnuifcit ; SI (frt ; II int. ML T. Vldituit;] ! ATTENTIVE [ado. — ry), adj. nufiuerf^ fain, acbrfam; {adj. — to, .'. . nuf. . .), bebutfam. ATTENTIVENESS, s. bie Slufmerf fam« tcit. ATT ENUA NT, adj. yerbiiutienb. 1\, ATTENUATE »■ ". vcvM'i illicit ; jh- uerringern, uerminbern, yerfleinei t. ATTENUATE, adj. rcrbii.iut, /^. vcr- ringert, vcrfleincrt. ATTENUATION, (—wo), .' tic 9?cr> bunnung, SSerrtngerung ; ici-i 3>cr biiuueit, 33erringern. To ATTERRATE, e » 1. vcr^cf rcn ; 2. burd) bn? Scrjebren biltcu. ATTERRATION. 8 ter vlr.iiMrf'.' iti Uferfi, bafl £ro(fueii bei SBobenS, To attes'J'. b. n. 1. bejeugen; 2. jinn 3eugen aurufeii. ATTESTATION, '. tie StJCtigiltl SeroeiS burtfr 3oi u cit; taa^u. atfejiat. ATTESTOR, s. ber 3f»iK- i" v rjc, i , ntl'er.ieiifirdi; — btse, eine '.'iu 5u9bcbcti, tereit ftdt bte alien i'nunieifter in bcr joiiifcfren unb ?!ciieic i:t btr brrifd-eu Orbnung bebienten: — story, ret cbcrftc 3tocf, bad ind\\en1:cfi ; II. 5. .irc'i. T. 1. tie nttiutc Snulenorbs uung; 2. bic Dacfrflube, berllebers faft, bad bnll'c StorfruerF. ATTICISM, t. bie atfifcfre Acinbcit itn SReben, Peine SRebcnflarf, ATTici'/i-.. : \a ber attifcben5Rcb«i«s art gleicbfScmig macfren; ii. n. at= tifeb reben, ober fdneiben. ATTIRE, •. I. tie ^leibung, iiacbt, ber Jlnjug, %v.%, Sdjmiicf j 2. attires, 5. pi. .s/j. T. bad OU-iveib. To ATTIRE, r. a. niitleiten, bcfleitcn, fdiiuiid'eu, pitmen, tiercn. AT'ni'.r.ii, ,-. ber SBefleibenbe, 3cbmu= cfciibc. ATTITUDE, ^. bic iteiluiuj, 8eibefl> ftellung. ATTOLLENT, adj. ill tie $if}t fccbcr.b, nufiiditeub. To ATTORN, or Atturn, ».n. /.. T. ci= lien iieiicn (5'i^cuibiimcr nnerfeitucn m\b Wh'u lint i^idu oon ibut r.cS men, thm bulbigen. ATTORNEY,* ber Slnrcalf, ^aduval-- tcr, Slbuofat; Sidral ; be»oUinncb= tigte, Slgent ©efcfrnf tsfiibrer ; — ge- neral, bcr ©ettcrnlftc-enl tee iiiucr= I;nlb bcr (gcbtnnfen frridu. 1 ; letter (power) of—, tic fdbriftlicbe SQoll- macbt. ATTORNEYSHIP, s. tie vln;i\tlt'ri'a ; t, ^}rocuratur ; t,i» Jiscalnt. ATTORNMENT, s. L. T. bal ^ebettJs befenntnip. To ATTRACT, r. «. niijieben; nit |"d> uebcit; reijeit. ATTRACTABIIJTY, ^. bic l Jlttjie- bnn.iotvnfi. A1TRACTABLE, adj. niijieMnr, aa« ^icblid?. \ i TRACTION, s bic aiijiebeiitc Jtraft ; Sltijiebung, Dieijnng, bet ATTRACTIVE (adv. — ly:, aarg= bvaim, lobfavbcu. auction, s. tic Auction, 33erjletges rung, SBetgantuug. auctionary, adj. jut Auction ge= bbvig. auctioneer, s. bcv Sluctipuator, SBetjtetgetet. 7'.) AUCTIONEER, ». a. (JCVrtUCtionis ten, oetftetgetn, vcvgantcu. AUDACIOUS {adv. — ly), adj. f libit, vcnvcgcn, bteiff, fvcd). AUDACIOUSNESS, s. bie SBetn>egen= licit, ©tetftigfeit, Svcd)bcit, Unoevs fcbamtbcit. AUDACITY, 5. bie .ftiifinfjcit, ©Mis ftigfeir. AUDIBLE (ado. — bly), adj. f)5vbav, hint, vcvnchmtidj. AUDIBLENESS, s. bie .jpbvbavfcit, iuTHchmlicftfeit. AUDIENCE, s. 1. bic SIttbbvung; 2. Oliicicn;, ba£ ©cbov; 3. bie jjubotet, baS Slubitovtuntj io give — , ©eljot oebeil ; to be admitted to — , @ej}5t fitlbClt ; — chamber, b,l3 3Iubtelt}=, 2piv.d)=, 3Iuft>tcc§s cbcv 3"tvitts= 3immev. audit, s. L. t. bic Unfetfutfung itub vlblcgung cincv SRedmung. To AUDIT, v. a. I.. T. eilie 31cdjniing untcvfudicn, pvufctt. AUDIT-HOUSE, s. bef ,<3?vfa(. AUDITIVE, adj. jit iuncit fvibig, mit gutcm ©eljot. AUDITOR, s l.bci'3»tHn-cr;2.7, T.ltit: tcvfudicv be* :){ed)iiimgcu, Eonftoleut. AUDITORSH1P, s. iaS ^Clttvollcuvamt. auditory, I. adj. has ©efcBt bettef= fcitb ; — nerves, bie ©efjotnetoen; — organ, bas ©ebih-prgan; n. s. baS aiubitorium, bcv .§5rfaal; bie 3"= bom. AUDlTRESS, s. bie 3uboterin. AUGER s. r. bcv gtojje Q3of>vev bcv 3inii"cvieute, ©tangenbobvet, bcv 2dntlpbpbvcv, Spumyenbohvct (bet (Sd)iff?;immcvleute) ; — bit, bie SBo^tfcQulpe ; screw or twisted — , bcv ©djnecfeubobtft. aught, s. ivgenb (StroaS, @ftoa& To AUGMENT, n. I. a sevmebtcn ; aiu fcfcctt ; ii. ji ftcb ycvmcbven, juucbnien. AUGMENT, t s. 1. bie i>cvmcb= augmentation, S tung, 3"nabme ; ©reigcvung ; 2. bee 3ufa&» bafi S3et= tuebven. AUGMENT ABLE, adj. vcvntcbvbav. AUGMENTATIVE, adj. vevmebvettb. AUGMENTER, s. bcv xL'cvincI;vcr, baS UJctmebtcnbe. AUGSBURGII, a. 3fag«0Utg (©tftbt). augur, 5. bcv 3Baf>tfaget (auS bem SBpgctfhtgc). 7',) AUGUR, v. r. a. IfCtffil^Cn, llUt*b = mafeit, abnett ; II. n (au8 2)tctfma= !ctt) ycvmutbcii laffctt; bcutcn auf. MJGURATION, *. bie SBeiffagung, 4>vppbqciuug. jvuGUHLVL, aij. jum SSabvfagnt ge= bBttg. 1UGUROUS, a ij. vpvbcbcutcttb, abnciib. augury, s l bieSBafctfagung, 3Beif= fagung; 2. SBotbebeutung, ta:< ,'ii;- jcte^en. august, s. bcv Sluguit, @rntcmonat. august, adj. gvofi, cvbabctt, bebv, Ijevvlid', buntlaurbtigft. AUGUSTA * SHugujla (5raue«name). AUGUSTAN, adj. 1. augufiif$; 2. aitggburgifdj ; — confession, bieaugS= buvgifcfje (Jonfeffton. AUGUSTINE, Bid. Austin AUGUSTNESS, a. bic .^obcit, @rbfl= bcubcit, ffiiivbe (in bat ®eftdu»= jugen). AUGUSTUS, ». 2lugufluS, 31ugu|l, (aJiannSuame). At k. a. berSlit (cine 3lrt 5Papoget= taud)er). AULlc, odj.^v ciiicm .Ocfc gc^Srig ; — council, rev .OuHMtb. aunt, a. bic Jaute, SKub^me; 93af« ; great — , bic ®ro9-£ante, AURATE, a. bic JUMiig*btvit, ©olbbtvn. AURATED, adj. bem ®otb« gfeic^. AURELIA, s. 1. 3lurelia, (Avaticnua= mc); 2. bic i ; uppe, ^liniiVhc (yen 3nfefteit itt ibvcv erfiett S3ern>atib= lung). AURIC adj. jum ©olbc (jebbrig. auricle, s. 1. bad au|feve Dbjr; i «&erjol)r. auricula, s. ba-3 SBasobrlem, bie SluttW. AURICULAR, adj. 1. b«8 Dbv ober«§o= ven betveffcub; 2. bbvbav; 3. ntuitb= licb uberlvagen, futtge^panjt ; — confession, btc Cbvcnbcicbtc ; — tra- dition, mititbl tcbe Ucbcvliefcvuug; — tube, eitt .t3bvebv. AURICULARLY, ad,-, illi £t)X, bcilll = lid\ AURICULATE, adj. bem Dbve gtcid). AURIFEROUS, adj. ©D'.b fll£)lClll> / gt?lb= veid). AURIGATION, s. baS gubvrocfeit. AURBPIGMENTUM, s vid. Orpiment. AUBJET, s bev Dbrenarjt. aurora, a. 1. bic Sluvova; 2. 9)iov= gcuvbtbc ; 3. bcv .»3ahitcnfuf; ('.'In iftaminfel); — boreaiis, bcv SHorba febeitt, baS ylorbItcf>t. AURUM fulml\a;»,s, s . boS JvuaII= golb. auscultation, s bn« 3u^5ren, 3»= bonfeu, Vaufd)eit. r« auspicate, tv a. 1. begfinftigett, ivobl lvollcu; 2. uorauSbebeuteu ; 3. cin ©cfebiift beginnen. auspice, s.l. bic SSogetfr^au, 3Eabv= fdjou, baS SBabvfflgen aui bem Shtgc unb ©efange bet SBogel ; bie S3ntbc= beuhmg; 2. fis. bcv 3 rfi it t>, Sdiivm (etnes '.iibbcveFt 1 , bie v Jluffid)t ; ber (gitnjiige) ©mffuf; bic SBegimflis flUngj under the auspices, UlttCV bev Settling; cats bem 3JJuube; am ^cl;v= ftuble; * untcv ben Jittigeu. AUSPICIOUS {adv. — i'.y). adj. 1. ©liicf wetpgenb, gliicflid); 2. gin= [tig, genetgt, u'oblmplJcitb. AUSPICIOUSNESS, a. bcv gitnftige ?lu= fdn-itt, bas ©liicf. auster, s. t. bev Sitbroinb. AUSTERE, (ado. — ly) adj. 1. ftvcmjc, bavt, iMiib, uufveuublid) j 2. bevbe. austereness, s. 1. bie ^tvenge, ,Ci>ivtc, Hufvcunbiidifcit; 2. bcv bevbe ©efdjmacf. AUSTERITY, s. 1. bie Strenge, bavtc SebenSarf, ^afteiung beSSeibeS; 2. jivenge, bavtc jwebt, ®raufam£eit. AUSTIN, s. Slngu^inuS, Sugujlin; — friar, bev \'[U,{lt|"tiltCVinoitef)"; — nun, bie Slugujiinernounc. AUSTRAL, adj. fiiblicb ; — signs, bie I'ntlidu-it i^immelsseicben. AUSTRALASIA, s ^liftvalajten. AUSTRIA, s. Ccilvcich. AUSTRIAN, I. adj. oftveicbifd) I U S. bev Deftveiebcv. AUSTRINE, adj. fiiHidi. AUSTROMANCY a. bas 2Beb>fag*n I au§ ben 3Siiibett. authentic, \odj aw AUTHENTICAL (.adv. — w). J tbc«« tifrfi, glaubroitvbtg, cebt, bcantbrt. authe'nticalness, I s. bic ?lutbcn« AUTHENTICITY, \ tkit&t, OHviubiimvbigfcit, (icbtl>cit, 33e» lvabvtbeit. To AUTHENTICATE, v. a. bcglaubi* gen, bejeugen, bemiibven. AUTHOR, s.l. bcvllvbcbcv; 2. Stirrer, ©ttftertnj 3. Slutor (aitcf) Sluetov), Serfajfer, Sdiviftftellev. AUTHORESS, s. 1. bie Uvbeberin ; 2 vrdmftttellevin. AUTHORITATIVE (adr.— ly), adj. 1. besollmacbttget; 2. I>crrifci>, gebiete* rifeb, abfpved)enb. AUTIIOR1TATIVENESS. ». 1, bie ^v\U maebtigfeit ; 2. baS rotcb^ttge Slnfeben. authority, *. 1. bie gcfe^mapigc, veebtmayige 9?2acbt unb ©ewalt : baS ?ltu'ebcit, bie ©eivair, SBicbtigteit; SSolImacit ; 2. ba» 3cttiinif) (aitS Sdivifteu); 3. bie ©Iaubroiirbigf eit ; 4. fjvlaubnip, Srcibeit; of one's own — , nacb cigncm ©utbiiiifett ; on the — of. bereegtigt buvrb, ; from good — , aitS ftcbcvcv i£>ailb; authorities, }d. bie S3eb/0Vbcn ; from the best authorities, au3 ben beilcit DiKlIen, au§ ben gtaubmiirbtgfieu Sd;vtftftcIIcrn. AUTHORIZATION g. 1. bic 5Pc^pfi= maeb^atig, iJ^vecbttgiing; 2.58efliU ttgung, ©iiltiginat^ung, SBefabigniig. To AUTHORIZE, o. a. i. be>Tllmacb=, bererbtigen; 2. giifbcifjen, bil= ligen, red)tfvred>en, ftir retbtmafitg evflaveit, vecbtfevtigeu; 3. beftatigen. giiltig maabert. AUTHORSfflP, s. bic -?!);t?n"cbaft, 3 dTtfrfit llcvci. AUTOBIOGRAPHY, a. bie ^elbftbe= febreibung feinea SebenS. AUTOCHTHON, a. bev (5'vbe Ctttfpvim- gene, ©vbgebornc, Ureinroobnev. AUTOCRASY, a. bie nnabbastgige, biidiftc ©ewalt, ©igenmacbt. autocrat, ) fc Selbftbevrs AUTOCRATER, > fA „ ' ; AUTOCRATOR, ) ' ; AUTOCRATIC, \ adj. bie bfcbttC ltit= AUTOCRATICAL. J bcfd^vanftc @c»alt iibcitb. AUTO-DA-FE. a. ba» .nci^cvgeviebt, bie ,<;cijcviH-rbvcn!iung (in <£pan'm\ nnb ^Portugal). AUTOGRAPH, ? s. 1. bie (^igenf^vift ; AUTOGRAPHY, J 2. Itrfdtn'fr. AUTOGRAPHAL, ia-ij. eiiifnbanbig, AUT( KJRAPHICAL, 5 gcfrbiiebcti, nr= funblidi. AUTOMATE, s. bcv Sclbftadcbrtc. AUT< IMATTC, ) adi. 1. fief) felbft be= automatical,^ wegenbj 2. unfret= wtUig ; 3. getjiloS. AUTOMATON, s. bag ?Intpmat, bit fiit felbfi bewegenbe SDIafcbtne AUTOMATOUS, adj. fid) felbft betve= genb, autcmatifdi. AUTONOMOUS, aij.fify felbft ©efefef gebenb. AUTONOMY, s. 1. bie (jveibcit liar!) etgnen ©cfefcen 5(Eer, .fcmlfatvuppui , — verb, badfifilfdjeitwottj n i.abfud)f. AVARICIOUS («(/«. — ly), adj. (jetjtj}, fatg, habfucf>tt^. AVARICIOUSness, .?. bic Jtatgbcir, bev ©eij, .Oabfud)tigfcit. AVAST, inr. Sea Eay. bait! bait ait! in a it t fovt ! AVAUNT. wit. fovt! rocg bet! fjinaud! bebe bid) Meg! pacfe bid)! AVE-MARY, s. bad "Jbc SRatta. bev (?u= geldgrujj (gegviifjct fcvtft $)u iOlatia !). AVENACEOUS, adj. ju bent .giafc.v ge« borig, bafevavtig. AVENAGE, x. bev .jpafcrjiitS, bic .£>a= fevgiiltc. AVENER, r ». bev PoitfvoHcuv bc-3 avexor, 5 SWavfiafled, <2taU»etrual= tev. 7» AVENGE, s. a. varfjcit (—one's self of.. , ftcfj — ait . . .) ; abitbeu, ftvafen. AVENGEMENT, s. bic Marbe; 9ll)iw bung, ©ejitafung; bad Scci^eit u. f. w. avenger, s. bev 23eitrafct, Siaobcv. AVENS, s. bad ScilCbiftCUt'vaut (Qcum. — /,.). AVENTURE, s. L. T. bev utigliicflidk Bufall, bev ciitcd i)tenfd)eit SCob jut gOlge bat, rid. Adventure. avenue, s. bev (getaumtge, fretel 3ugang (in eiitcm 2Balb), bic villcc, bet ©aitg. To AVER, v. a. aid roafyv berocifen, be= wiibven, beftfffttgen. AVERAGE, I. a. 1. bev £Dut$fdjnitt ; 2. M..E.S. bic .ftafcvci, .t>ayavie, 2t»«rie, (bev QScrtufl, ben cin ,Uauf= ntanii buvcb SefdjfibtgunabeiSc^iffS, on ©cfciff obet SBaatcrt leibet) ; small , t petty — , bie gemeitte obet flciue •\3afevet ; general — , bie fjrofse <§flfe= rci; bie glcirbe Sbeiliing; on (upon) an — , int Titvd)fd)tiittc, (find tnd Wtibcve gcvcd)ttct ; II. adj. — price, bev SDlittelpteifl, SMttcbJcpittdpteid. To AVERAGE, p. I a. cincit S)utdj« fdjnittdpteid macben ; tit gletcbe S'beile thcilcit ; II. n. int SDut$f$nitt rcrbneit; the fill of snow averaged full twenty inches, bev Gebnec lag (im EDurrpfdjntttgenomvflett), yolk iroan= jig 3oll bod). AVERMENT, s. 1. bev SeweiS, bic 1^e= CeSftigung ; '.'. bad 3luetbieten bei ©eltagten, cine ©rception \\\ bewei= fen, uub bet ©ewetfi tevfelben. KVKRNAT, s bic buvgiuibifdic ffieills tvaubc, bev cebtc Sutgunber. To AVERRUNCATE, v. a. ftUSrOUtjellt, ait'Svotten. AVERRUNCATION, s. bie ?ln$vottuiig. ^VERSATION, s. bic ?lbiicigiuig, bev SBibettotUr, ?lbfd)cu. (.VERSE, aij. abgcncigt, ungfinfttfl, Jltwibev ; I am — 10 or from it. b08 t ft mil |Utt)ibet ; be is — to physic e f nimmt nii-ht gcvu cin. AVERSELY, a„c. litit 2BibcniMllcu, ungevn. AVERSENESS, ». bie ?lbgcnctgtbcit, bev SBibettviUe AVERSK )N, s. bev Sibcvivillc, I'lbfd'cu. To AVERT, u. la. i. trcgivciiben. iveg= febven, abjieben ; 2. abroenjen, ab= roenbig madjeit; 11. n. fidiabivcn:cn. AVERTER, s. bev Slbwcubev, SBettteis bev. .w iari, ». ba« SSogel^auS, bic i'ogcU becfe. AVIDIOUSLY, adv. gievig. AVIDITY, s. bic S3cgierbe, ©ievigfeit. AVI8EMENT, aid. Advisbment. ADVOCATION, s. 1. bic Sltf ufiiitg ; SlbbaUung, bad .§inbevni0; 2. ( S H'= fd>ifr, bie Setvic^tung, bet SDetuf. To AVOID, 0. I n. 1. nlei^clt, »etinei= ben; ausmeic^en, aud bem SBege gc= bcit; 2. entgeben, ciitfommcii ; 3. vevlaffeit, vauincu; 4. auSleeten, Wffls fdjaffen, »ouftcb gebeit ; "). oetciteht, aufheben, uitgiiltig madien ; II. n. cvlcbigt obev lecv roetbeit. AVOIDABLE, adj. 1. "evmcib(id) ; 2. auf^ubcbcii, lvitenuflicb. AVOIDANCE, a. 1. bie iscvmctMiitg ; 2. Slblethtng, 9lufbebung, bet2Bibet= ruf ; 3. bie arlebigung / '33acanj. AVOD3ER, 1. 1. bet (bie, ba8) 3)Jeiben= be ; 2. SBegft^affenbe, Slblcitcntc, aBcgfiibvcnbc ; 3. bad ©efajj, tvoviit (itwnS au-ggefdjafft witb. AVOIDLESS, adj. uuycvmctblid). avoir-du-pois, s. bad gentciiic ®c= und)t, ,«rainevgeiiMebt »on 16 ttnjen. To avouch, v. a. 1. bcbauptcit, bc= tbcticvn, vcvfidicvtt ; anfufjveit; 2. vedUfcvtigcit, gut bciijeu. AVOUCHER, s. bev 39eljaupteitbe. AVOUCHMENT, s. bic (S'vflaniug, iic= tbcuevuug. To AVOW. 0. o. 1. gejtebcn, befenneii, auevfcitneit; 2. uett^eibigeit, btbaup= ten. AVOWABLB, adj. \\\ bcfcuitcu, jtt »«s tbcibigen. AVOWAL, a. bad "Scfcnntuif;, 0eftanb= nig, bic Svtldvung. Sludfage. AVOWEDLY, ado. ftei, bffcntlirfi be- fenneiib) nad; bcmCcigcucit) ©e|laub= uift. AVOWEE, *. bev Jh'vdKiipatvon, md Advowee. AVOWERa. bev in-feuuev, 33c^aup= tev, 3Sertt)eibiget, SSettftnbiget. AV( »WRY, ». /.. T. bic S3ert§eibigung, i5d)ii(ifd)vift. AVULSED,a4/.aBgetiffen,n)eggetiffen. AVULSION, s. bicJlbvcifiiuig,' 28egtei= filing. To await, o. «. erroavten, abmavtcit, Cittgcgeiifebcu ; awaiting your reply, kc. oluev aintroovt entgegenfe^eub, 11. f. ». AWAiT.a.+bet^intev^alt, bteSauet. To AWAKE, r. 1. a. merjen, aufived'en, erroccfen ; n. ». erwac^en, aufroarben. \\V \ki:. adj. wad), roarbenb, muntet, febtaffod ; to be — , ivacbcu ; to lie — , febjaflod (int v i'ettc) [iegenj to ki ep — , muntet evijaltett, am Sd)[afe bin= bCllt. To AW VKEN, o. a. eid. To Awake, AWAKENER, s. bev SBecfet, @t»C= cfev. To \\v\i;i>. B . U L. r. ciu Ih-tbcil fallen, uvthcilcit ; 11. n . gcvidulid; 511= fi'vedu-ii, juetfennen. AWARD, 8. J.. T. *a-S Itvtbeil, bev (frb,iebdtid)tetlid}e) JludfVtudj, ©e» fdjeib, tie Sentenj. AWARDER, a. bev ;ltidi(ev, 2d)icbd= vidnev. AWARE adj. geivabt, aitf fciuev .*>ttt, aunnevffant, aditfant; Don (&ftoa6 roiffenb ; untevtiduet, uberjeugt fe».Mt to he — of a thing, (mumo gettabi roevben, jtennlnig I'abeit Don, uirbt iiiibcfauitt fevu (ciiicm); 3d;tgebeii not — of, uirbt abnciic ; ere I was — cbc id) ed mil vcvmI-, tfyt id) c-< ver: mutbete, cbc id; mid) baoot butcc fennte. To AWARN, s o. + tvavnen. a wav adv. 1. abtotfeni ; 2. »eg, fort; 3. fovt! »eg! bimveg! to make — . bad ©araud niarbtn ; ftcblcu. oerfebroenben ; h" drinks — bis estate, et oetfauft fein 38etmogen; be made — with himself, cv bat fid> bad 8tbe« genontinen; — with her! lvcg mil ilu ! — with this ! megbamit! iiebmi badweg! laugh—! nut ju gdacbt ! Bie — ! fdMcf; ju ! come — ! megba ! fomm bev! AWE 8 bie (ifcbe SBefen, tie ^lumpbcit, Duutmljeit, Unbc^olfeiw bett. AWL » bic \'lblc, -pfricmc, bev Dtt. AWLESS, adj. 1. unelu'evbielig ; 2, ebv- futcbtdiod, uuaitfebiilid) (geting an &aebt). AWN, ». bic ?lbme, Cbnte. AWNS 8. pi. bie ©rannen, '.'Igcn, ?Igc!i!, Ohfelit. AWMNc. 8 bad 3^ r - Sonnenielt, bie EDacbung 2)erfc ubev tittern 2durfc, SPacretboote, Dampffcbijfe, u. f. w. . A WORKING, odB. ill fee Olvbcit, iibci bet Sltbeit, avbeitenb. AWRY, adj. A- ado. 1. fiiiief, fnmtnt, ttneben, ungleicb; oon tcr Stitr, feitroattd; fdneienb; 2. vetfebtt. AX, Axk, s. bie '.Hvt, bad i ! eil ; bit •Oauc, .*3aife ; — bead jcv Cbcrtbeil bev ?lvt ; cross—, bie 2tidvivt; fell in? — . bic 33Mbart; junk — . ba^ Jtetbbeil (jum happen bev Jane pole — . (boarding — . battle — ), bit ©tteitart, bad ©nterbeil; — vetch — wort, bad ©eilfraut, tie Sogel»i= tfc (Sccuridira — LJ. axil, s. bie Jlcbfelgvube. AXILLAE, I jut Oldifclgvubc gc AXILLARY,) botig. VXIOM, ». /'/'■ T. bad 5lriom, bcr all. gemein anetianntt ©tunbfaj. AXIOMATIC, \adj. geivtA, ,'buveb AXIOMATICAL, J fid) l |'e lb ft; cv.vit. fen, aucvfanut. axis. 8. T. bie 9ldjfe. AXLE 8. bie 2Icbf( am fiabc; — bed, bad Jic^fenfuttet ; — box. bit 9ldj)ffit= buebfe; — hoop, bet S^abeming, bad STJabeuoanb j — nut, bic Slrbfen- febtaube ; — pin, bev OKtonagel, tie 8unfe am SRabe ; — tn — tree arm, bic Sduvcnaeluaiigc ; — trees .v v. bic .'Idu'eu cutcs riiabevti — washer, bev ?ld)feiiftoA. •J- BACH IV a It oulg. \a, j.i bo.b; freilicb, (j«s if iff, brmiuntr : S i Era ay, ay. Sir! ja, metu ijperr ! geroobnltcbe Slntroort bee 3Ratrofen ouf ba8 l?ommaiibo bc$ SapttanG ; —ami no, {}>!. ayes and noes, Stimmen bafuc unb baroU ber) ja uut ncitt. \V. Aye, adv. 1. j.l frcilirb ' 2. Aye, tinnier, eroig ; for aye, auf imnicr. \vi;v, s. bie «§orjl» o«t Amur. rzAROLE, ». bie SHarole, Sajfirole I'.'irr OHiSprD in 3talien unb ber £c- oaitte. a/.imitff. s. jffst. r b«S Sljimuttj, bet Sd)eite[fret», 9Serttfa[=3trfel ; — com- pass jv: v. ber SljiinutbaljtrEel, — dial, btc SljimutbaUioiinciiiibr. AZOTE, *. c/i. t. bee Sticfftpff, bic StidTuft. AZOTH, s. ca. T. bee (Mritttbjtorf obcr JflterfuriuS bee SDietaUe. AZOTIC, adj. ^tieffteff cittbaltcnb. azured. adj. biminelblau gefarbt, himmclbtait, lafurf.irbtg. AZURE, adj. Ijtmmelblau, bcrbblan, * ajurn ; — of copper, tie Jvupfcria = fur j — stone, ber Sautrfieiit. To AZURE, v. a. @t»va5 blau farbeu. B.s. baS ?8, b, bee jwcite ©ucbjlabe bee 9llpf)a6et8. Tb BAA, r. n. blofeit, vidff. bacn. baa, s. bas SloEen (etneS Srpafes). baal, *. Saal. 7o babble, v. i. ?i. 1. pTaubern, fdjroafeett, pfappcrn, flatfdicu ; 2. ftammeln; il a. auSplauberu, ouS= plappern. BABBLE, *. b.tS ®efd)ii>% ©ehwfdj. BABBLEMENT, s. baS 4>laubcrn, @e= fctyroafe. BABBLER, ^. ber Sdjroafeer. BABBLING, adj. fdr.iutjbafr, viaubernb ; the — echo, ba3 gefdjroafeige (§r$o; the — stream, bee rtcfelitbe (iiiiirniclu= be) 23acp. babe. a. bat Heine Jftnb, $uppd)eu, SBtubelftnb. babel, s. 1. SBabplon, Babel ; 2. /. BABOON,*, ber SJSasian. 5ABY, I. s. baS Eleiite Jtinb ; baSSBin* selfinb; bie^htppe; n. adj. gleieb ei= ucm Jiiube, Elein rote cut Mini ; — house, ba3 ^uppettbau §, bie ^uj)pen= fcpacbtcl. 7'.- BABY, v. a. rote ciu Jlinb bcban= beln. 5ABYHOOD, s. bie Jliiibbcif. BABYISH (ado. — lt), adj. finbifd). BABYLON. 5. Sabrdon, 33aoeL BaSIwIcAL \ i:^^' D " S BABYLONISH, J BACCALAURIATE, s. bie SSiirbe cineo Saccalaureus. BACCHANAL. I adj. teunfctt, f(6toSrs menb, baerbantifeb ; II. s. bee St^roel- ger, 3ed)brubee. BACCHANALIAN, s.iradj. roic Baccha- nal. bacchanals, s. P i. bic 33 etcct) aitaltcit, ©acdjuofeft. BACCHIC, adj. bitcdMlttifrfi. Bacchus. «. SaecbuS. bacciferoi.'s, adj. ©eeren traftenb. baccivorous, adj. Seeeeit freffe nb. bachelor, s . 1. bee Saecalaureus 28 BACK diufcrite afabemifdje 3Durbc); '2. SunggcfeK, ^ageflotj ; knight — ,_ein ;l{irter von ber ntebrigften Slaffe ; — 'shuttons, bie SBalblpdjnrS, Sain= mettofe, baS 3Jcaricnr5scben Lychnis diacia — L.) ; bie AioritbllllltC C i- tmrca montana ■ — /,.) : — 'spear, bic btmaJjiiHcfce grmit cttie-5 auf ben amerifantfit"it StifeTn einkintifebcit OuiibtfcbarieuS [Solanum mammostsn — L). bachelorship. 8 . 1. b,t« Saccalatt= reat ; 2. ber Suitggefelleiiftaub, bic ?cbtgEcif. BACK {or Bac), s. 1. bee fltabnt ; 2. bic Jtufc, 5. ©. besr— , bie SBierfuf? : brewing— , bee ^ublbotttg bee S3rauer. BACK, s. 1. ber ^Jiicfrn; 2. ba3 JRreuj retnes^JferbeS, u.\. to.) ; 3. baS^m= tcrtbeil, bie :Tiiicffeite fetneS 3DingeS) ; jr. t. ber SRutfen eme8@turl ,«runtnt= bc-fjcl (tm ©cgenfa^ "pit belly) : — of the stern post, ber ^IttenftC'-'Cll : — of the rudder, bi^ SrutterUIlg Pber SSfTs boppeiunq am Steuer; — of the hand, bie umgfcte&vte §anb; — of a chair, bie Seqne etnefl StubfS; — of a coach, ber.6intertf'ci( einer Jtuffcbe; — of a chimney, bie bintcrc iBanb ocer Platte cities J?aniitti; to lay on one's—, (Stnem anfbitrbcit ; he has no shirt to his — , cr t>itt feilt ficmb auf bent ?etbe ; his — is up, er ift gc= retjt, aufgebrac&t, roilb (ivic bic J?a= feen ben fliiifen fri'uumen ; aud; iron. yon $Serroar$feuen) 3 to break one's — , @tnem baS Jfreuj einfcblagen ; •'-. ibil tit ® ruttbe rtrbten : —basket, ber Srajjeforb, bafl Ultff;comp. — blow ber 2cb(aj] mit limgeroanbter &anl . — board. .\". t. baS 8eb.nbret biittcn an ber Sttjbanf etitea SoofeS ; th — bono, ber Mucfen; has 9tiiintcrrrep= pe, beimlidie Sreppe ; a page of the — stairs, cin jtammerpage ; — stays, .v. t. bie v i-.trbniten, &U\[i fftarle S'anc jur 33efefttgiutg ber aJJrtften") ; afti-r^ stnv<. I'arMiitcn an ben 2ci= tin bes SdiiffcS binder bett v 3?caitcn ; breast — stays. Scttcnvarbitiien ; standing — stays, ftcbenbe ^arbiinett; traveiiini — stays, SSorgparbuncn ber ©tengen; — stitch, ber v,n .nntnf;]cntirr; —stroke (vid. — iw.nw : ■ — sweep of the waves, .V. T. bie i'Dibcrfee ; — sword, ber ^anbbe= gen. -'oicber, ^aubegen, spaHafcp, baS etufcbitetbtge 5d)ivert : — sword man. ber Acditcr auf ben i^t'eb ; — tools, Stlefctt, Inn'. BACK, adz 5 u n't ef ; biitfcrnvut-S ; — , or — again, lvicber, roteberuin ; to givn — . juriiefgeben ; to look — , ^v, i» bic aScrgangeitbeit bltcfen; to keep — , ntcp/t uerabfolgen laffen; a few yean — . DOr?etntgen 3abreit. t,< back. p.o. l.ju^ferbeftet'gen, ein i ; urf, 11. f. iv.) befteigen, btritcn auf= fiijen ; 2. (eittent) ben 9?ii(fen batten, untcrjtii^en, oerr^eibtgen, recbfferti= gen, be^aiipfen ; ;i. riidFroarfS trciben ; to — in, rticftwarrS bineiiif,iluen, ge= bett, u. f. ro. ; jurfirf bafen ; a: r .< to — an anchor, cinen Slnfer Derlat- teit ; to — the oars, riicf njiirts ruberit ; to — the sails, bie ©eael bad (juriicfj Ie^eit; to — a stern, bte JKteiiteii ftrct- rben ; — all a stem, ftreid;t inc-ije: fiintnif. To backbite, v. ir.a. afterrcbeii, "Crs Iciintbcn. backbiter. *. ber Q?cr[ciinibcr. backgammon, 5. ba8 SEritftracf, ^nff= fpicf. backs, M. E. bad 3pfil(ebcr ftii balben .^auteii). backset, adj. tm Jtiicfeii angefaQen. To backslide, o. n. jiiritcfgcbcii, tit= riiefmeirbcii; abtruntttg roerben, wv ber SReltgton abfailen. BACKSLIDER, s. ber jiu iiifiveiitt ; 31 b= triiitnigc. BACKWARD. Backwards, I. adv. 1. rucfiuarts, |urudf;rua;tt bason fcninicn. BACDLOMETRY, a. Mot T bai SRefa fett (einer (Sntfernuna) mit Staben. bad ;«-//•— ly\/7-/;.1. fdilcdif, utlintm, bvk, iibel: 2. fdjfibltdj, ungefunbj 3. franf : — fortune, Uitgliirf ; — hours, 3larbtftunben (in xraufbeiten) ; to keep — hours, bee- JlbenbS fpat tu\cii ■§aufe foinmen. BADGE, s. baS ;V-idu-n, .iTeiiiijciebcrt, 3JJerftnnl ; DrbenSjeirben. 7li BADGE, r.n. leicben, be;ciebnen. BADGER a. 1. ber S>ad)S; — leeged, bad)§beiitig ; — gin, bic 5)ad)§faUe, baS 5arb§eifen ; 2. ber @erreibcauf= raufer, «oritronrberer. badinage, s. i^S letcbte, fe^evjbafte ©efrrarb. BADNESS, a. bie ^d'ledubeii, i'tbie Sc fdviifeiibeit ; SoSbeit B VFFETAS, ) Ctit lvei^ernnb bfait r.Ai'i'AS, y er oftinbifeber Sauin bastas, ) woUenjeug. To BAFFLE, o. a, 1. serettelit ; \\ Scbanben madicn ; 2. hintcrgeben taiifdn'ii ; he was baffled in bis expec tation, feine finvarfuiig feblitji feftl. baffle. .^. bic SBereitelung ; ber i'c rrug, bie SEaufdjung. baffler, s. ber Sereitelitbe, Sefdjfi« ntetibc, ^?cfriiger. BAFTAS, s. pi. vid. Bafktas. bag. a. l.ber Sad, SBeutel ; 6aarbeu= fel; 2. sp. t. ba8 Slrjeneifiitf djen gum 5lppetit=@rregen bci Spferben; 3. bai (filter; — fox, ber jur 3agb emge= fangene Tvitcfi-s : — lock, bas geUeU fcituplojj; screw-barrel — lo-k, brtJ BALA £rbraitbcnfd/iofi j puzzle — lock, ba8 ©erirfc&lofl ; — net, ba3 ©acfnefcs — pipe, bie ©aclpfeife, ber 2)ubeU f ac f ; _ pjper, bcr ©acfpfeife*; — pudding, bcr Rubbing, cnglifcbe Jtlou ; — truss, r. baa ©uipenforium, ipe* bcbaiib; — and baggage, ^acf iinb sjjacf. * roBAG, p.La. i. til ciitctt ©att tbuu ober ftccfcu, cinfacfcii ; 2. be fa etc u, belabcn; il. n. auffc^njclleu, fid) fa= (fen. «,.... BAGATELLE, ». bic Jtletntgtett. Baggage, ». 1. bic ©agage, ba8 ©e= pacf, ©eratb ; 2. bag 9tteitfd>. bagging, s bie(grobe) ©acfleinwanb, fJ3acfleinn>anb, bae ©acftudj. BAGNIO, s. 1. ba8 ©abefjauS ; bic Set* beftube; 2. ba« ,£ureubau85 ©orbeli. BAGUET, *. -SreA. 7'. ba8 Stabdjen am ©cfimfc. BAIL, a. 1. bic ©iirgfc&aft, ©idjerbeitj bcr Surge; 2. bie ©rente in ciucm SBalbe; 3. bie .(paubbabe, bcr Sen* fel; —bond, bcr ©urg(fchaft8)fcjjein. To BAIL, c. «. 1. ©iirgfc&aft letften, ©iirgcu ftcllcn, Surge roerben, lid) oerburgen ; 2. (etn ©oot) ausobfen ; au8ftt)opfen ; I will — him, id) will fiit ibn burgen ; (— one fur 3eman« ben', alS ©iirgen amicbincti; bailed font ofprison), WS acbuviit, buret) ge« ttcllte ©urgfc&aft aiif fretem gufj. BAILABLE, adj. bitvgfc$afi8fa{jig# ucr= burglid). bailee, s. L. T. ber 3)epofitartu& PAILIE, Bailiff, a. bcr .Hmtmami, Sanbs oogtj ©djlofoogt; ©ogr, ©djulfc licifj, ©cricbu-btcncr ; ©ertoalter, ©djafner, Mcuteu=i5iunc[)iucr j high — , bcr Dbcramtmami, u. f. ». bailiwick, s. bie ©ogtet, bcr @e= ricbJSbejirf. BAILMENT, ». /,. r. baS ©epofttum, aiiyertraute @ut. BAIRN, Barn, a. baS Jtillb. BAIT, ». 1. be* .Rober, bic Socffpeife; 2. fits. SReijung; 3. SDcabJjeit ober (Srfrtfctjung auf ber Jteifc; — worm, bcr SJtegenrounn jum 2lngeln. To bait, r. i. n. 1. fobem, nnfornen ; 2. auf bcr Sfteife fiittcru, tit* gutter ucljmcn, ftcllcn iuou SPferben) ; to — one's hook with ..., an tie 9lngel fte= cfett; 3. augretfeii, aufallcii, betjeu, beijcit, plagen, qualen ; u. «. ciuteb= rcu, aiibaltnt. BAIZE, a. bet ©Oty (nnMleue 3eug). To Baku, i'. i. a. bacfen ; batten, btetts ncu; II. n, bacfen. BAKEHOUSE, s. htS ©acfb,au8, tie ©acfflube. BAKEMEATS, s. pi. ©raten, ©&cfe nieu. baker. «. bcr ©acfer; — foot, cai ber mtfjgeftaltete, ucrbrcbtc Aiifi ; — leg- • ged, fd)icfbciiii,i, feinmelbeiiitg. BAKING, « fin ©ebacf; —dish, bic ©acffcfcufel ; — pan, bie ©aefpfanne, Sortenpfannr. balance, s. 1. bie SBage; 2. ba« ®lcic&gen>id)t; Uebergeroidjt, bcr 2lu§f4wg'i 3. ber Uebcrfdiufi, 5al= bo ; 4. jig. bie SBergteidjung ; 5. t. Unrube ic cuter Ubr; m. e*. — in our favour, ©albo in unfcin ©Ullfleil, foninit mi* \\\ iiut ; amount of—, bcr €>albo=S8etrag ; — bill, bcr ©albo* 2Bed)fcl; to strike a — . cine 9iech» nutig au»aUid)cit, aufge^en loffen ; you will find upon the — , that, &c. nad) reifer (Srroaguttg werben Sie ftiibeii, baft, u. f. tti. ; — 'fish, bcr ) ; — maker,' ber SDageninadjet ; — tool, efii BALL Sorfbrchjtuhl; — webs, Unnibfetleii ; — wheel, iai ?tab an bcr Unrube, £teii]erab ; — wheel engine, ciit dici= gerab, Sc^neibejeug. Te BALANCE, d. La,l.»figen, wiegen ; 2. fg. abwagen, erwagen; 3. balau= circii, inj ©leicbgerDtcrJt brtngen, im ©[cid)flcrcidit cvbaltcn ; i. boe ©letebs ober ©egeitgerotr^t baltcu; 5. jf.T eiuitebnicit, ciubtnbcit (eiii 9teef), bcrgen [bie Segel] \ 6. M. i:-.<. fcbli** fjcii, auSgteidjen, falbiren ; to — an accomit, cine SRecbnnitg obfcbliefen, ben Salbo bejablen; to — the ledger, ba$.t>auvtbitd) fd»licf;cn ; the expenses — the receii ts, bic illlSgabe ift eben fo vie t ale- bic (viuuahiiic ; il. n. 1. im ©leiebgenjidjte blcibcn ; 2. fid) be; fitmen, viuftaub 'icbmcn, unfcblflfftg fcpn. _ BALANCER, 5. be: iVnanibc, SBages meijier. , , I! OiASS-RUBY, s. bcr ^ubtii^ataH. BALCONY, s. 1. bet ©alcott, brfcr;2. a: t. bie ^intcrgallcric. BALD (a to. — lt), adj. fabt, itacf f ; fig. fcbmurflp'5, gfatt, fdilcdit; — eagle, ber SBetBfopf; Stfc^aav ; — buzzard, bcr 2 urn V fire ibc; a — filly, cir.c ab = qcnu^te ©tute, (tire SWabre; — kite bcr -^iifiaar, Su6b«rb, 2Bf cbe, 3Kan= fefaH ; — pate, s. bcr gefdjorne Wopf ; — pate (or — pated), aij fabUopfio. ; — rib, bic Scbweinarippe. BALDACHIN, \ s. bcr S5olbaeb.tlt, baldaquin, S -4^raci)tr;immcl,X t)vou= b,iiiimcl. BALDERDASH, s. bcr 5iifd)iiia|cb, bae ©einengfet. To BALDERDASH, v. a. ycvmiicbcil, vcv'alfdicit (befonberS SScin). BALDNESS, s. 1. bie ,«ablbcit, ©lalje; 2. fin- platte, fd)leditc ©cbretbart. BALDRIC s. + 1. bcr Muriel, baS SEcbrgehaiigc, S'cgciigcbeiit; 2. .1st. T. bcr 5 hiirfrei-J. B vldwtn, ». Solbuin (3Jl«nn8name). bale s. 1. bcr 33alle« (SDBaare) ; 2. bafl @lenb, SBeb. „ 7;, BALE, v. a. eiuballircu, cinballeit, cinpacfett. BALEFUL {adv. — i.y 1 . aij. 1. e'enb; 2. octberblicb, oerwfiflenb, fcbablicb. BALISTER, s. bic P3aUifte. BALK.& 1. bcr ©alfett; 2 SRcitn : bie TMirdic: 3. />. fchlcrbaftc 'Jlucdat^ fung, bcr SSerjtoji, Aeblcr, Ouerftridj ; he has had a Bad — . er bat lid) febr geirrr, bat cincu 99od geinadjt; er ijt init cincr [angen SRafe abgejtogeu ; — honk, bic 'A'Jiiitevtartc, bae i : robc- buri) bcr ludibaiiblcr. To BALK. r. I. n. Suvebcu jicbcu ; II a. 1. taufdicu, vcrcitctn; 2. Corbet gebew, fid) »orbei fdjicicbcii; 3. + aufbaufcu. BALKEit. ,7. bcr taufcf)i, yereitelt; ber ©cb(eid)et r,\i.!u:i;s, s ^firingaboten, ©ort«g«= fpaber. BALL ». i. btr ©all, bieflugel, deber rmibe ober ruublidie .Hbrperl ; 2. bcr Mpfel u.'iuqapfcl, 5Reicb«apfel): 3. bic ©allots ober SDBablfugel; 4. bcr Socon bcr Seibeitraupe ; i BaHen (bcr SButbbrucfer) ; fi. bcr BaJ % tteife cincr Saltabe. •;;, BALLAD, >■. n. ^allabcit ober @«f> fenlieber niaeben peer ftngen. i; \..i. mjER.s bcr itollattu&iejjterobet Sanger. BALLAST, s. ber •■i'allait; shingle — , ©altaft oon grobem Jctcfcl ; to po on — mtr mil ©aUafl belaben fepn. T, BALLAST,* « mitSaUajl belaben. BALLET, ». »a« Pallet, tcr iiii^ctaBi, Sdjautan). BALLIARDS, ». pi. + aid. Billiards. BALUSTER, ». aid. Buinm, BALLOON, ». 1. bcr grofle ©au, vurt= ball, fallen; 2. bie grofce J?ugrl;3. y. Stcni=«a< geln loofen ober (timinen. BALLOTADE, s. '•"/. Balotasb. halm, .--. jebe Eoflbare iveblrtcd)cnbc ©albe ; jebrt fd)me«|tiUenbe i'uttel ; — of Gilead, ber ecbte Balfain OOBI ©alfambatime {.Jlmyru OUeadmsis — >■.; ber ©alfaut; bie i'Jeliffe; — apple, ber ©alfamapfel [Momordica bnlsamini) ; — gentle, — mint, bie i'te = liffe;'— tree, bcr ©alfambamn, bit ©ilcabstanue. To balm, o. a. 1. baifanttrett; 2. fig. liubciu, ftilleii. BALMY, adj. 1. ba(famifcf) ; 2. fi^. lt»- bernb, fattft, woblviecbenb. B ULNEAL od . oi Bauikatoet. balneary, a. bic ©abejtube. BALNEATH »N, s. bae ©aben. BALNEATORY, adj. jmit i^abcu gc- borig. BALSAM, «. bcr ©alfant; Hungarian — . .Knimmboljbl ; — shrub, bie ©alfamftaube. BALSAMATION, .- bafl 'i'aliamircit. BALSAMIC — ( at. . adj. tul'amud). BALTHASAR, ». i'altbafav (2Jlanu8s itainc). BALTIC I. s. iai baltifebc SJJceer, bit bjtfee; n. aij. »on ber Oftfce, baju ge|)orig. baluster «. bie Heine Saule, @e» [Snberfaule, ©allnflratc, bafi ©elan* ber, Jrcpvenlchuc. balustrade ». bie ©aluftrabe, bal burd)brocbeue ©elanber. bamboo, t. bcr ©ambus, ba8 ©am» bu8ror)r. BAN. s. I. bic SfFentlioJe 9lu3rufung. ©efanntinadjung ; 2. bas Sufgebol ber ©erlobten; 3. bcr SBann, bte Slcbt; 4. bcr Aludi; 5. bai feitrticbe ©erbot; 6. cine Srt ojlinbifcbe: SDtuSlin; — of the empire, bte 9teidj8= ad)t ; to proclaim the bane, ba8 8np gcbot tbun, aufbieten ; — dog, bcr iucttciibuub. To BAN. a. i. o. oerwunfeoen, vcrflit: cbc.t ; n. n flncbeu. banana « bic ©ananaSfetflf, >""a= bieSfetge. ^ , banat, a. ber©anat, ©efpannocn in Ungarn mtb Siebenbflrgen . band, o. I. ba« ©anb, bte Btnbe, Scbnur, bic jtetre; 2 rev 8uf= ober lleberfcblag, jtrajjen ; 3. bte ©anbe, Motte, Sompagnte ; — box, bie %\\%- ^Jappenfa|ten;— roll, bte SKuflerroIle, Ctfie ; — string, baS Jfragenbanb; a — of n sail. it. T eine ©erboppelung, quet uber cm gegel; band«, ». /■' lebetite ^cbuu* re beim 9teepfcbloger ; — of a saddle T. ixoii eiferiw ©anbet urn bic ^at- •20 bank Bar BARB lelbogen in tf^rcr ?age 511 erbaltnt. ft BAND, v. I. a. 1. binbett, verb tiiben ; 2. oereinigett; a. n. fid> oerbiabeit, fid) jufaniincnrottcn. bandage ». tic SBinbe, berSSerbanb. BANDANA, 8. bttS fctteiic (2d)l!Upf=) Slurb au§ Dftinbien. BANDELET, >». Jlreh. T. baS Sinb» BANDLET, > cbeti, Sfinbcben; tit Heine teifte. bandit, ? s. bcr SBantit, Strains BANDITTO, J ranber. BANDITTI, a. pi. bie ©antitcn, ®fra= Qenrduber. BANDOLEERS, s. baS SBanbe Her ; bie ^atronentafebe. bandore, 3. tie ^onbore (?lrt?antc). BANDOW, ». tie ©tube, SHtltbinbe ; Sranerbitite, edmeppc. 3a.\drol, 5. baa gabucben, tie San* bcrolic. bandy, i. s. ba« StarJet ; 11. orf; frumm, gebogen ; — leg, bas fruniine Sein; — legged, !rummbtiiti(j. To BANDY. ». I. a. 1. ficb cittanbcr fcblagcit, t)tit unb bcr fcblagcit (ten SaUT; 2. fig. bin unb ber'ftrcitcn, iibcrlegcit; to — words, 33orte toeebs fclit; to — looks. Slide tocrbfclii; ii. n. ftrcitcn, toetteifem. bane, s. 1. bas @ift ; 2. fig. SBerberBen ; they are the — of human society, fie ftnb cine }>eft bcr menfcblicben ©e= jellfdjaft; — berry, tie fcbivarje <2*laiigciniuir$el [Acta* racemasa — /..) ; — wort, ber (gtftigej ?iacb> fdiattett (Solatium — L,). T» BANE v. a. oergiffeit. BANEFUL, adj. 1. giftig ; 2. fig. tobt-- licb, orrberbltcb. BANEFOLNESS, s. 1. tie ©iftiafcit ; 2. jfc. sBcrberblicbfeir. Tit bang, r. o. r«^. fcblagcit. prugelit, fdnnciiicit, abtrefeben, jutccfen, turd)= bldneit. bang, .*. ou^-. tcr ©(Slag, (Streicb, Sdimit), Stojj, $nff. Ban<;le, s. c«/o-. ber i', JEnoten= ftocf. To BANGLE, v. a. vu'g. »Cvfd)[eUbcrit, sertantcln, serjctteli:. banian «. 1. tcr SebTafroc?, Safton; 2. inbifeber fianbelsagcnt; — tree, tcr inbtanifebe geigenbanm. BANIAN (— dat), s. Sea Exp. bcr gap* tag, finngertag, Sag ait loeldjem ei fcin gleifcg giebt. 7» banish, o. a. scrbanncn, oerweifen, oertreiben. BANISHER, 5. tcr SScrbauncr, 33crtrcU ber. banishment, s. 1. bieSerbannitng; 2. bas (Svil, tic ?anbeS»eri»etfung. bank. .*. 1. tas Ufer, ©eftabe; 2. tcr •gifiael; Santm, SBaH; 3. bie SBonf, ale: Sanbbanl; 4. Spielbanf; 5. fflerbfelbanf; r. baS SBanco ; 6. ?auf= brct an einet ©uditriicferpreffe; — aeio, tas SBattCO=2lgio ; — bill tic Son^Slftie; Sanfnote, ber 33anf= jjettel ; — cresses, s. pi. tcr .Octcrid) (Erysimum — L.) — note. SanEllOte, ©ahfiettct ; — money. bilb« bc;t, SRobbett, berSJJangel an @itltur; tic Unmenfrbiirbfeit, ©raufamfctt. To BARBARIZE, r. a. in ten 3uftaiib tcr SRobbeit oerfefcen, tie fiultur nn^ tevtrucfen. BARBAROUS (ado. — ly), adj. 1. bat* bavifd), toilb, rob. plump; 2. untoif= fcitt; 3. unmenfrblicb, graufam. barbarousness, s. l. bie SSilbbeil in ten Sittcn ; 2. tcr nngefittete 3" ; ftant; 3. tie ©arbarci, Unmenfcb« lidifcit, ©ranfamfcit; 4. tvitcr tit 9tcinbeit tcr Spracbe. BARBARY, s. tie syarbarei (?anb) ; — falcon, tcr 2Santcrfalfc; — horse, vid. Barb. BARBATED, adj. biirtig. To BARBECUE, v. a. ein gantcJ Sdnfciit (evanferfel, einenDcbfen, it. f. w. ganj) bratctt. BARBECUE, s. cin gebratencs (gnntcl) (fcpanferfel, cin gebratcner (ganjer) Dd)8. BARBEL, s. sing. 1. tie 9?arbe (gifeb); 2. barbels, or barbies, s. pi. tie .firote (©ewacb* nntcr bcr3uuge ter^ferbt ant Cd;fen) BARG BARO BAKU ft BARBER, r. a. + jtufecn, Viifccn, inibcrn, u. f. ». barber, * bet Sarbier, ©artfdjcrcr ; — monger, + bcr Sna fen f lift, Stufeer. BARBERRY, t. tic ©etbetifce, ©etbi£< becic [Berberis — L.) ; — , or — tire, bic ©etbei'tSftanpe. BARBET, ». bet ©arf&mtb, JOttigf, langobrigeSSafferbunb, tic ©atbette. baku, .1.1. bet ©atbe, lidjtcr; 2. brr 'i-fcrbchaniifcb. BARDIC, I a.ij. }u ben ©arben geljos BARDISH, J tig; von ei:uiu ©atben gefdjriebcu. BARDISM, ». bic ©etcbrfamfcit bet ©atben. BARDULPII, t. 23avbcfvf) (5DJflttii§= name). BARE, «<{/. 1. (bar), nacft; 2. blpf;, fahl, ohitc .jpaarc, glatt; 3. cntbloftt; 4. leer, arm, bhtftig; 5, uua,c= fd)miirft, ciufad) ; (i. eutbeeft; thread — , fo fahl, baft bcr gfaben bes 3eugeS buvdjfcbciiit, fchabia,; — of money, ohite ®clb; — bone (or bones] bet bunne, magere SKenfdj (fcei bem bie jtttocpen lieruorftc[)ctt), igjaut unb Jtitodjen ; — gnawn, gan^ abgenagt ; — ground, bcr viatic SoObeit; — pick- ed, bis auf belt Juiodicn abgenagt; a sliip under — poles, jv. T. eiu *2cbiff mit befd)lagcnen eegcdt; — pump, bet jjeber, (©untpe, urn iffieiit, u. f. xo. avii Aviffent in jiefjen); — ribbed, mit eiitblojjtcii Stiypcit; —truth, bic reiue sii? a 1> f l> c i t ; — word?, blojje (ttidjts' alt) SHJotte. To HARE, r. a. uacft, faf)l mad) en, cnt= bloficn. BAREBONED adj. trocfeue fkifcbjofc aBctne babeub, bi'trrc. BAREFACED (ado. — ly), adj. 1. lllit blojjeh. ©cficb,te; 2. jig. uuvcrfdhimt, ftcd). BAREFACEDNESS, ^. bie 2>rciftigfcit, Uiiuerfdhimtbcit, Arcdjheit. BAREFOOT, adj. barf up, obuc '2d)tibe unb Strumpfe. BAREFOarED, adj. barfitp, barfiifjig. BAREHEADED, pa.rt.adj mit cutblbf;= teat <§ani>te, mit blofiem Jtevfc. BARELEGGED, part. adj. lllit bloftcit ©einen, barbeiitig. BARELY, a»/ B 1. iiacft, Fahl; 2. bleft ; 3. arm, btirftig; 4. faum, mit gc= u a ue r Sflotb. BARENECKED, adj. 1. mit liacftem fialfe; 2. /«■. auSgefcfct (einet ©e fahr, u. f. ».). BARENESS, s. 1. bie SJiacfHjeit, ©lofle ; 2.2ltmutb, ©fitftigfeit: 3. JDfagerfett. BARGAIN, « 1. bet Jpanbel, .Wauf, btllige ISinfauf: ©eiotutt, v 4>rofir; 2. bcr Srblump ; ©orfaU ; a — ! topp ! esi fei ! a bad — . eiu bbjet fianbel ; ei:t iiblcr 3"fall, c i" unflfujf; a chance — , eiu (gufaUiget) bitltget (Stnfauf; into the — , in beit &auf, dull M'cilt ; to make buy or strike) a — , ciuen.Hauf obet.£>aubel frblicfcii; to have hard bargains with, cS gettau ttebmen mit, ftrcug haubcltt mit ; to sell one a good — ,GiltCUl (StTOaS rOObU feil oetfaufett; by — , ivic oerabtebet, cotitraetmafjig. To BARGAIN, v. I. n. batlbedl (— for, urn StreaS), ciueit .Oanbel mad)cii, feilfdicit ; ii. a. uetfaufen. BARGAINEE, s. bcr ,«aufer. BARGAINER, s. bcr iuTtanfciibc, 3?cr-- faufcr. BARGE ». 1. bic "Parfc, bas? SBoot, Sufiboot; 2. I'ciditfdnff, bcr Sidjter, ©titer in uiiD aiio bcu Scbirfcit 511 briihicit (eiu \cinc\<:i Vaftfd)iff ; — couple, bet Qticrtuilfeu ; — man, bet »UoDtc-Eiied)t, 2d;iffcr; SefebUbaber eincr_ 33arfe; — master [or barger), bcr 5d)iffcr; O'apitaiu eiticr ©arte. BARGEE, «. bcr ^cfcbUbabcr cincr SBarfe. HAKiLLA, .?. bie fiNwifdje Soba; sweet — , bic fcinftc illicnnt=S»ba. BARK, 1. 1. bieSBotfe, SRinbej 2. (or barque) ©Cliff, bcr Jlabit, SWacb^eit; armed — . bcr '-"'ranter, em 2d)iff mit beroaffneten Eolbaten jut (irftiir= mung »ou Satterieit; water — . ein tletncS SBoot juin .Iranevcrt befl ftU fdieii S5Ja{fet« in -^oflaitb ; Peruvian, or Jesuit — , bie (5biltaiillbC ; Indian — , incense — , bic A>>cihraudmiibe ; — bared, aba,criutct, obgefchalt; — hound, bicftiitbtg. To BARK, c I. n, 1. bclleil; to — at. anbcllcit ; 2. fig. iHufducicn, fd)mn= bcu, laftcrii ; Sp. 1: a dog, a fox barks, eiu •Oimb, eiu Audi? flafft (tit bet SaufjettJ ; n. «. :bic Jiinbc) abfdialcu, abrinbeit. BARKER, s. 1. bet SBeBet ; ^oltcret, 5dircier; 2. bcr ?lbfcbalcr. BARKT, adj. borfig, ttnbtg, veil ;liiiibc. BARLEY, ». bie ©erfle ; naked — , bic ltacfte ©erfte ; peeled or hulled — . iicfdialtc ©erfie, 03erftcinirauveii ; pearl — , -^cdciigrauveit ; winter (square or bear, bet ciuidcu audi big — , oicl^eilige 22iittcrgcrftc (Hordeum hexastiehtm — /..) ; spring — , Uterjcilige Sommergerfte (//- wigare—L. ; sprat — , ju'eijcili^c Sominergetfte, (//- dislrchon — L.) ; battledoor — , Fulham — , Patney — (von eiitigcit gletcbfalls sprat — geiiattut) ; Dcci^ierfte, 53art= gcvftc (//- zeoeriton — L)\ Siberian — , iibcvifcbe obet jweijeiltge nad'tc ©erfte (//- distichum nudum — L.) ; — bird (Essex), bcr ©ruufutf ; — brake, bet (5'riltctait5 ; — bread, bftfi ©erfieiibtDb ; — broth, bcr ©crftcu= faff, bie ©etflenfuVpe ; — com. bat ©erfienfotn ; baS flciuTtc etigl. 3RaS (1 3pU) ; — mow, bic Ocrftctimabb, bcr Dti fur eiinieertitete ©erftengat= beit ; — sugar, bcr ©erftenjuctet ; — water, bcr ©crftciifdjlcim, ©cr= ftcufcint. BARM, s. bic .Ocfcn, bie 9?arme (fiit 83tet unb Stob). BARMY, adj. .^cfeu cntbattcr.b, bcfii]. BARN, s. bie ^d-cner, *2rbeuue;' — door, bat 'idicuutbor ; — fiard. cine 21rt ©turmvogel ; — floor, bic Xciine, Sdicuntcuiic ; — owl, bie SBobeneuIe. BARNABY, s: SBarnrtbnfl (2JJanuS= name). BARNACLE, s. l. bie PFutcitmiifcbct ; 2. — , or — bird, bie febettifdn 1 33aum= gattS; barnacles, .-. ;>'. T. bie SBtemfe ; iron, bic SBtlUe. BAROMETER, s. T. ba>3 barometer, SBettetalaJ. BAROMETRICAL (adi: — cally), adj. T. barometrifeb. BARON, s. 1. bcr 9?arcui, /vrciberr ; i. L. T. JQtrr, Gbcbcrr, Cfbcmauti; — of the exchequer, eiu 3Jid)tet im Rtnanjcoflegium : lord chief.., bcr Dbcrrtcbtcr, ^raftbeut bariit ; — and femme. /.. T. ba-3 (5-bcpaar al3 cine moralifdic ^crfou betracbtct ; barons of the cinque ports, bie i^cfcblfbabcr bcr fiinf .tSafcn ; a — of beef, bic jtoei 83orber»iettel einc§ 9iiubc« unier- tbciit. BARONAGE, t. 1. bie Paretic unb $ait8 (oU JlCr^er) : 2. 33arpnSrour= be ; SPatOllie; 3. Srciberrfrbaft ; 3rci= bcrruftcucr. BAR< iNESS, a bic ©aroneffe, greifrott. BARi (NET, ». bcr SBarcnet. BARONETAGE, a. bic i'Jiivbe cilice ©arc-nets. BAR< i.mai. adj. eiiten Baton, cine k i'a route it. f. ro. b'tteffenb, frubcrtltcb. BARONY, ». 1. bte ©atoiiie; 2, Boa tonlwiitbe. BAR* is' 1 d'F_ t, r. baS ©atoSco^e, bet idniH'nucffcr. BAROUCHE, .-. bic ©atutfdje ;./. , cine .^albd\i!t"e. barracan, t. bcr Sertan [ein ftanjo* ftfrhet molienet 3eng). barb \( k. .-. 1. bte ©atrafe, Ac!bbiit> tc, 2elcatcubiitie ; (Saferne; 2. 5i* fd'cibiittc: —bed. ba« Adrbctt; — master general, Weucialquartiermci= ftcv. BARRATOR, * f. bcr cmnantbrcurcr. Sbtcancur, Ranter; ein rlfnbet 2Ib= uocat, bet 3Uibere jum ^Jtoceffttcn reijt; 2. eiu tteuloftt Sapitan cutcs So>tfe«. BARRATRY, *. I. bic ?,:tn !ci!brcHtc= ret, e>"bicanc; bai unreblicpc ©erfab^s rcit in SPtocejjfad)en ; 2. b:c ©atattte obet ©erunfteunng, rcr llincrutlctf (vctt Sciten bti Srljiffere, [ bi'i::dii,i; — maker, bcr jtifltetj — organ, cine Trcb=Cr.U'l ; .v. T. — of the capstern, bic SEBelle bcS @ang= finlls ; — of the wheel, bic SBclle bc« i£tcuevrabco ; .1/1/. T. fire barrels, ». pi. mit ©tennmaterialien, ©tanatenu. f. to. nngefiillte Saffer; 5. — of earth, mit Grbc angefullte Sajfer, ivclcbe ali Sruflroebyt bientn. To BARREL, e. a, in eiu Aaft tbiin Cbtt fiillcu, ciulciicn, ciutpiiticit. BARREN adv.— a ,adj 1. iiufntdit = bar; 2. biurc, fabl, tnnfcii ; 3. arm, butftig; 4. abgefcbmatft, albcni; — money, ©fib, bad feine Jin ■en ir.iat, eiu tobtcS (iapital; — privet, bie ^auftour): — spirited, geiflloS; — WOrt, bie ©ifcb.0femUf : > 'j" medium — /.. . BARRENNESS, a. I. bic Unfrudubar= fat; 2. rune bee ©obens ; 3. rcr Mangel an ©ebenrung, an @rftn= bungSfra^, an iDiaferte : an "Jlntadu . BARRFUL, (uft'.+btnberltcb, bcfcb.Joets lidi. BARRICADE, : 1. bic '2.Hufvcrrunr„ ©etrammung, ©erfcbaitjititg, ©otta» lie, SEBagenburg; bcr Scblagbauui 2. fig. bat .^iifteruip ; — of trees, be ©et|au. To BARRICADE, a. vcrrammen, vci fpetten, oetfd)anjeii: fvciren, bem men ; binberu, abbaltcn ; to — .v. v. bic Aiitfciieiieu unb 5dMiiiflei= bcr um bas Scbiff bangen. BARRICADO, ». St <• rid. Barricadk. barrier, s. sing. I. bic ©erfdjanjung, ©efefltgung, bcr Scblaabauin, bu Seflung, ©reitjfcflung, Sdju^roebr, ©ormauer; 2. fig. (Sinbalt, bafl $tn bcrnift; 3.^. bie ©egreit^ung, ©reiijt, BARRISTER, .■.■.bcr ana/hencc '.'Ibvccat, Vlumalt. BARROW,*. 1. bic Iraac, ©abte Hand-barrow) ; bcr 2dmbfarrcu /;./. Wh»l-barrow) ; 2. bcr.>3mtcl, ©rabs biiiiel in (5'rtglanb, ivic man oetmu< tbet rou bcu SRometn ; 3. baS gc= febuittc:ie Sdjtvein ; —grease, gtbroeinfett, Srb,meet: — hog, bcr iicfdniittriic ©bet, SPotf; — barrows, t. pi. r. BJetbenfotbe in l^citalt eiuee 31 BASH BAST BATT ;Vi'JcrhntC3 til ton Saljwerfcn, 511m irod'ncu be« Salted. BARSE, s. bet ©atfcb. 7b BARTER, v. 1 n. Staufcfcljanbel frci= bin, taufcheit; n. «. verraiifdicu. BARTER, s. bet Caufr&banbel; Jauut. BARTERER *. bet lailUthailtUr ; Saufc&et, >Sertaufc$et. Bartholomew, s. SartlwlomauS, SartbeL BARTON, s. ba-S 9iittcra,ut, .<3crrctt= bans, ^intetbauS, Sftebengebaube. bartram, .--. bet Set-tram, bie Srci= cfyehtmrj [Mntkemis tin-rf/imm — L\ BARYTES, a. T. ©cbwetetbe, ©lUllb= erbe be8 sidbwcrfpaths. BARYTIG, adj. ?:i 2d)ivcrcrbe gcfwtig, 5d)ivercrbc rntbaltcub. BARYTONE, .». 1. ciu SSort mit bcm fcbweren decent aufbetlefeten Stylbe; 2. ber Sariton, .»>ocbbaf?. BARYTONE, a,ij. bcit Sariton (f<$we= ten Accent) babeub. BASALT, s. bet Safalt, SauTenfretn. BASALTIC, adj. aus (son) Safalt. BASE (ado. — ly), adj. 1. llictrig, llie« bertratibtig. Hem, fcbmuijta,, »era#t= lief); genua, geriug&alttg, fcMccbt, nuctcf, uiteajt, faU'cb; 2. pomJEone) tief ; — ball, Sail mit Areiftatrcn (ciu Sptel) ; — born, Ultd)Clici) ; — broom, Bid, dyer's-broom ; — coin, fall die Uiiinje, fd-lcduc-:?, gertngbaltigeS ©elt; — , (or — court),' tcr li>tch hof : — pstato, bev gcrineje Stanb, ta§ gt= meine 4jerfoin:uen ; Saucrgut; — knot-crass, tcr SBegetrttt; — metals, uneble^ftetaUforten alio, auger (Dolt nub Silbcr) ; — minded, niebttg ae* fiunt; — mindedness, bic So5f)eit, 5fticit3wurbigfcit ; the — part, ber Sag • — nn ~ a nd ogee, Gun. t. be- 1 ■Cuntcrfrieo an cincr Jitanone; — rocket, bie gemeiue groge JUcttc Arctium lappa — /,.) Mild) Clotbur) ; a — sound, eitt ticfer £oit ; — string, bie Sagfaife; — tenure, bag Scuet* lebcit (Wie — estate); — trick, bet frblerbte Strcid) ; — viol, (fiber bass- viol) bic Saggeige; Sratfcfce, 3Ut* geige. BASE, .?. 1. bie Safi3, ©ruubflacbe, ©ruublage, ©ritnbltnie, bee ©runt); Soben; 2. auk, tas Aiif;a.eftcli, guf* geftmfe, UntetgefteH, ^oftementj bev iuulcuftubl; '3. ber Sag; bie Sags faite- 4. bertentge Dtt, »on nnicbcni (bic Sarre oon tcr) baS 23cttlaufcu oter Satnenbredjen begtnnt; 5. ciit alted lautlidKs SEBettlauffiriel, (audj prisoner's ha. Oeringoaltigkil teo 3Reta(le3; 3. ttneheltrbe (Mebiivt; — ofsoul,9iicberti-adni.ifeit,2d)lcdit= fjeit bcS ®emutt)c§ ; — of tones Ete* fe bc3 Zouci. BASENET, s. ciu Icirfiter pffner .Ciclnt. To BASH, v. n. fieb frndineit, enbrbcii. BASHAW, s. bcr Sap. BASHFUL (air. — i.y", r,lj. fitambaft, »erfd)dmt; blotc, fd'iiditcni, fd)cu. BASHFULNESS, s. bi« 2d)ambafti'g ; - fcit ; ©lobtgfcif, 2diii*terubcit. BASHLESS, adj. fd)amtp8, uitvcrfdvimi. BASIL. .«. i. SBaftltuS (iftamitfitantc") ; 2. Safel bteStabt ; 3. baS Saftlicns haut, Safiliciint (aiuf) sweet basil) mm — I,.} ; American field — , SRonarba (JlfOTiorda — /..); stone— , bcr 5b))miau ( Thymus — ij ; 4. baj ge« gerbte Scpaffcll, braiiuc Sc^afiebet (beffer Basen, ocTe. BASIS, s. bie SaftS, ©runblagc, bet @ruitb; ©aulenfiuf;!, baS ^oftement, BuSgcftell; bie ©runbfaulr, ®tunb= ftii^c, baS Bniibament, wd. Bask. To bask, v. I. n. foiiucu, fommcrit; II. n. ftcf) foiiucu, fid) watmen. BAS1CET, s. bet *vOrb; or — hilt, ber .Yiorb, uberfloditcne ©riff obcr SitgeJ am Sabcl,^aubegenH.f.n).; — hiited, mit einem Jtotbc (Obet eiucr ©lode) SCrfcbcn ; — maker, bcr ,)i orb; macber; — man, tcr Saftttagcr; — salt (sugar-loaf salt", ba3 Safclfat^ (fcinfte unb roetgefic ©alj) ; — trade, tcr.Uovbbanrcl ; — woman, bicftorb* macJbei'illlt; gratt; baskets of earth, s. pi. Heine ©c^anjfStbe. BASON, s. wd. Basin. BASQUE, s bcr Siscavrev. BASQUISH, mij bi§ca\)ifd). To BASS, v. n. tief fliiujen, brummcu. BASS, i. s. I. bie "??iattc, 3trob=, Soft* Obcr StttfenbecTe ; 2. (in Cumberland) cin Blubbarfd) ; (in Hampshire' ciu 2eebaru'b; 3. Mas. T. ber Sag; II. adj. Mus. T. tief; — relief, bcr Sadte- Her", >>albbod)bilt; bie balb erbabeue 91rbcit; — . or — string, bic Sajjfaite. bassa, s, bcr Sajfa. To basset, r. „. fteigen (»ou ben Jloblcnaterir. basset, s. bafi Saffet.baS SaffetfpteT. bassoc, s. bic 3ftatte, Sajtbecfe cwie Bass . BASS vRELIEVO, s. vid. Bass-relief, Ulltcr Bass. B wssi ion, s. ber Saffon, baS ??agot. BAST, s. bet Safi ; tas Saftfeii. BASTARD, I. s. bcr Saftarb, baS Set* tinb, fiurfinb; 2. cine 3lrt fuger (ttal.) tBein ; II. adj. {ado. — ly), 1. uuebclid) ; ■>. uuedit, fal'M), oerfalfcbt ; — dittanv. bcr milte SfptCtm ; — hel- lebore, bic unite Kiegrourj; — oats, bcr taubc -Oafcr, SBtIb= oter 2Qinb= barer; — parsley, tcr Atlcttcnfcvbcl Caucalis— L); — ribs, bic furjeil oter falfcben 3tippcn; — penna, bet tvalfrie SencSbaum, Slafenbaum, rocilfebe Sinfen ; — sarTron,ber Saf= flor; — title, bet 8d)mufetitel. To bastard, d. a. wm ^aftart ma= djen ; Saftarb neuncn. BASTARDEM, s. ber 3uftanb, tic S£aj< eincd SajlarbS. To BASTARDIZE, o. a. 1. bCV llt'.cl)cli= rben ©eburt liberfubreit; 2. cincii Saftarb jeugen, BASTARDY, s. bic uncbeli.te ®ebutt. ■j:. BASTE, o. a. 1. priigeln, a«§l>rft= gclu; 2. mit lvciteu Sticbeit nabcu, ocrloren beften, anfcfclagen ; 3. [einen Stolen mit Sttttet, 5ctt it. f. iu.) he gtegeit, bctrbpfeln. BASTINADE (Bastikado), s. i. ba« spruaeln, bie SPrugel, Stocffrbllgc ; 2. Saftonabe (Sc^lage auf tic gufi- foblcn . To BASTINADE (Bastinado), v. a. prii- geln, abpriigeln, frblcrjen. BASTION, s. tie Saftci, baS SaDwetl. bat, s. 1. bie glebermaus ; 2. bet So* |tn (3Jiiinje); 3. ber .Knuttel, '^nu gel, bic Jiculc ; bal Oiacfctf ; — fow ling, bic gacfcljagb (bcfontcrc^lrt tcs SogelfangeS bei bet SRatfet). EATABLE, adj. ftrcitiii ; — ground. baJ ftrcitig geroefene Sanb. BATAVIA, s. i'atavia. BATAVIAN", I adj batavifd); 11. s. bei Satasct, .6oilanber. BATCH, s. 1. baS ©ebacf, bcr Sebub , (icmmcl obcr Srob); 2. fig. ti< Duantitat auf cinmal oter jngleifi Derfertigter 5)inge, cincr Srt, yon bemfelben Sdjlage, oon eincm 2ii;rot unb Jhu'it. bate, s.-f bcr istreit, §avit, J^abet-, — breeding, + 3>l"f briircub. Tj BATE b. i a. abbrcdicn, oermin- bern; nadjlaffen, ablaffen, mentgei forbern ; wegue^men, abfebuciten ; he won't — an inch of it, cr Will llid)t has ©eringfie nacblaffen, nicbt cin •§aat brett nac&geben; n. «. abtte$* men, fid) oermiutevn. BATEFUL, adj. janfifd). SATELESS, aiij. uuuutcrivcrflid), unbe= jwingbat. BATEMENT, s. bet ^Ibbnut, tic Ser= nttuberung. BATH, s. 1. baS Sab; a dry—, Cin troefnes Sab (oon Oli"an\ Sab unb ©and); ber Drt in tcr Sabeftubc, n>0 man febjuifet; — . or a hot — , bic Sabung ; 2. cin bcbraifdiC'5 5J}ag von 7h ® all on; foot — , cine fc^u^formige Sabewanne ; — keeper, bet Saber, Sabemeiftcv ; — metal, bcr iombaef, ba3 SPritijinetafl ; knight of the — . 9tittcr bes SabsDtbeng. To BATHE, r. I. a. batcit; babcu, \vriigcl, bie Oveule. bcr (iommantoftaL', 3Rat* fcballftab. BATrAH.OUS, adj. Sd)larf)lcu aljnlicfc, Friegerifct). battalia, s. 1. bie ©djlocfitotbimng : 2. ba-j .Oaupttrcffen (;A'iiltcllreffeu) cincr Sltntee. BATTALION, s. 1. ba8 Sataillcn; 2. + tic SItmee. battel s. 1. 3lu§gabe=Setec^nund einee ©rubenten in irgcnb einem Got* legiuin 511 Drforb; 2. tie ^cijiadjt, vid. Battle. To BATTEL, o. n. an ber Drforterltni= ocrfitat ab? Scbiilbiur fiir^'ffen uut Stttnfen ftctjen. BAWD BEAC BEAR SATTELER or Battler, a cilt Stutcitt (©tiuenbiat) 511 Djforb. To BATTEN, o. I. .a. 1. mnfiftt ; 2. biingenj 3. lattenj u. «. fid; ino« I'tni'. batten, s, v. tic bunnt eattej — door, cine Vciftetitbur; — ends, tau= uette fatten bid an acbt Bfng Sange ; battens, s. ///. .v v. ©tojjfcbalen bet Jtaaeu unb iiKajlen; — of the hat- ches, tic Sufenftyalml. ;:> BATTER, b. I. a. 1. fd)lagcit, blauen, ftanipfcn ; 2. jerfcblagen, $crfd)met= icvit ; 3. ftaif befebtejjen, beftur= men ; to — down, nieberfebmettem, itictcvvcificit, nieberfebiejjen ; u. n. T. fiber fcangen. ratter, *. ber gefebiagene Xctg (»on OJichl, CSicin u;t& iiald) ju .ftlbjlen, U. f. WJ BATTERER, s. ttr Scbjager, 3crtriim= merer. BATTERING RAM, s. tcr StUWtbocf, SDlauerbrecber. BATTERY, s. 1. tag 2d)lagcit; 2. 33e* jcbtefjen, SBeflurmen ; 3. l. t. 2lu$s fcglagen; 4. bie iBatterie, 3 riicf bcr= lung; 5. (gatvanifebe, eleftrifc^e) Satterte. BATTlSH, adj. wit glebermaufe. BATTLE, s.l.bte 3d>lad)t, mo Ircffcit ; 2. — «■ wager of — , + l.. T. fcer got= teSgerirbtlicbe 3 n >eifainpf; to give (join) — , cine Sdjladu lief em ; fit tor a) — , fdjlagfcrtig ; — array, tic Sebjaebforbuung ; — axe, tie Streit- art, .f-icllcbartc ; — holders, tie 2c= fitutautcit bci rinem .Sanotfamipfe. To BATTLE, v. I. n. ciit i'reffeu licfcrn, fid) fri)lagcit, fampfcit ; n. a. mit it- maffuetcr JKacbt tetfeu. BATTLEDOOR s. 1. bag 9?acfctt; 2. bie 2l=b:c=tafei. BATTLEMENT, a. tic 2J?auet mit 3i"= ncit otcr SdjicjSfcbartcii ; 2. biefe 3»nnen felbft. BATTLEMENTED, tulj. mit $innen »er= febctt. battling, s. bag <£>anbgemeng, SEtefs fen. battologv. a. bit nuniiijc 2Bieber= boliiug in finer Slebe, bag leere 2)es fdmvttj. tic SSortframerei. BATERLL, e. tcr 2Safd)blaucl, oid. Batxet. BATTY.o^. JU ciitcr Sftebermaud gc- bbrig, berfelben abnlicb. i;at/. g. ter ©abcii. BAUBEE. s. tcr balbe §Pcnn\), SDrcicr (in Srbottlaub nut *Jl=cngl.). BAUBLE, oid. Bawble. To BAULK, vid. To Balk. baulks, >. ///. jv. t. Spieren ober ©flume ju ERaaen. Stengcn, u. f. w. havaria. i. ©a»etn. BAVARIAN, I. adj. lufncrifcf) ; II. ». tcr ©aticr. tie ©anrrin. BAVAROY, s. ber Ueberrocf, OTantcl. bavin, s. I. bei einer Steidbunbrutbe aljillidie Stocf; 2. havms s. pt. .v t. tic ©rcuubuiitcl ciitcg ©raiiberd. BAWBLE, i. 8. bad Svtelroerf, ber Saiib, tic .Klciiiigfeit, bad Alittcr= rocrf, tic Sauuerei, ntcbtStourbtge Sacbc. BAWCOCK, 8. co'. ber We ©ogcl, feme ©urfdie, bag QSurfcbrben. BAWD, 8. ber Jcnpplcr, tic Jtupp= leriit. To BAWn, v. n. fitppclit, .Ourcit vcr= frbaffen. BAWD-BORN, ad*, von eiitem , . jo . i).\\/.\:.S ou ' vid, Baizo. BAZA, oid. Basot. BAZAR, j. OJJarftplafe mit iiaiifmaiiiig= geroolbeii iter orientnlifcbeii 335ifer, befonberfi bci ten $erfern>. BDELLRTM, 8. bttfl SBbelltUm. To BE. *. rr. a. 1. fettii ; 2. tverten; 3. blcibeti; to be reading, lefcit ; to be esteemed (loved;, gcfd)afet (flCliebet) tverben ; liu is to be excused, cr ift ,u entfcbulbtgett ; it is not to be imagined, man famt )lrb*g nirbt oorfjcllen: to be for something. (5'froag aniiifcbcii, babeu tvoUcii, nafb Srroag trad;tcn ; if so be tliat, &c. eg fei beait, tafi, it. f. 1»., tveitit [a, lueuit ctma, u. f. to. ; be it so (if so be), rocini eg fo Ware, gefffct e^ fei) ; what would sbe be at ? 10(16 ivill fie teniiV toaS bat fie »or? toad will Re tamit fajjen? be your- self! wige 1)id) in Seiner ruabren ©eftalt! Iiantle Teiiicr nuirbig! bc= finite 2id) : i, t it) be, riibr' eg nid^taii. BEACH, 8. bag flacbe lifer: ber ©ttanb, bas ®eflabe. BEACBED, adj. aon ten aSclfcit bc- fvnlt. BEACHY, adj. mit ftad)cn Ufcrn. beacon, s. I. tag Sarmfeuet, Signal SBaebfeuerj bie SBafe otcr ©aafe, SBabrtonne, 3lufetbo\)e ; 2. ?e;idu= tbnrm, tic Seueraarte ; 3. * tcr 8eit= ftcni. BEACONAGE, s. bag SBafengelb. BEAD, « l. baS Jtugeldjtn, ober .xiupf-. rben befonberd am SRofeufranje) _; tic Heine jlugel, '|!cr!c, ber £tovfeit; 2. 8. pi. beads, ter Diofenfranj: — proof. adj. tic '4- ; evleitprobc ; probcbal- tig, fta'vE eon ^Perlen ober iSlafen (bet ten DeftiUatetirS) ; — roll, tie sijle tee in bad .Uirrbeiigebet ei:nn= fcbliefenbcn sperfonen : — man, tcr fcBetetj Setbruber fur sflnbere); tree, or bead true, tcr '4. : aten;o = fterbaum ... — /.. ; — woman, tie EBetfrbtoefiet . one's — , Jen SRofenfraiij bad +>ater-- nofier] berbeten. BEADDi . vcrf. BEADLE, s. tcr Retell ; ©Uttel. BEADL1 SHIP, 8 bad vlmt eincg $e» telle, tic ©ericbrgbienerftellr. BEAGLE, s. ber Bpiu'bunt jur .§a= fenjagb.). beak, «. 1. tcr Scbnabel; 2. bii 3piijc, tag Uebcrcifeti ; 3. — , or — head, bet 2d;iffc-febi'.abel, tag &a\' lion. To BEAK, r. a. mit bcm 2d;uabel feft- balten. BEAKED, adj. fdinabelfcnnig, fpifctg BEAKER, s. bet ©eefcer. BEAL.8. tie ©eitle, bad ©efcbwut; tie Ainnc, ©latter, bad 331adcben. To BEAL, ,-. it. febroaren, eitetn. beam, s. l. bet ©alfen, Unterbalfen, tie <5rbn)eUe j 2. bet SEOagcbalfen; .;/>. tic SBage; 3. bet SBaum, ^.ebe« baum, 2Beberbauin ; 4. tie Deiebfel 5. Stange(am^irfebgeroetb) ; 6, ;liu= the (am -.Hnten ; 7. ter 5ttahl, ^icbt= ftrabl ; gcuerftteifen, tie geuerfaule lam .C")inintel); — board, tie boljcrn? SSJnagfrbale ; — compasses, bet 2tan= genjiriel ; — feathers, Sp E. tie langci: gebern bet Salfenftttige ; — tree.ctnc 2ltt bed SESeiSbornd, Dbet iviltcii Spetetltngdbaumd [Crataeua — j..\ , draw «r wind) — . ter SSenbelbaum (@ttoad bantit umiubreben) ; imm (or hard) — , tie .Dagcbudu- ( ;r;ious — /..) ; JV. 7'. main (or midship — ■■ tcr Segelbalfen; beams. pi. bie EerfbaU Fen; orlop — , tic 53alfen tcr Still) briirfe; right on the beam, rcdlt roil ber Scire, wig. btoard ab f. «, nark bet .-liii+tuug tee mtttelflen 33alfend) ; the weather — ,tic Suofeitc bee 2d)iffcg the ship is mi her — pi . rr n..)ti ; 7. (an fiegl baben; 8. ertrageit; audbalten, tulteu, Icibcn ; •J. oerftatten ; 10. fegelu ; to — one's self, fid) bettagen, ftdj •.•evbaltrn ; to bring to — , aitgfiibrcttt ; geltent madjcti) ; bciuiftcit ; gelingcti m'acben ; i n — a body, (in tcr iV'aleiet ftarbc, ©runt balten veiut fid) tie Sarbcn gut mifebeil) ; paper that heani ink. $apicr, bad r.idit turcbutlagt ; this XI BEAR BEAT BEAA xard does not — that sense, b«8 2Bl/.t hat uidit jcnc ©ebeutung; to — a price, (jdtcit, [often, uurth fcini; to — an office, em Sunt oerroalten; to — a child, fdjnwnger gefcen (worn ©icb, blojj to — , tracbtig feint) ; to — one good win, tSincm getuofjeii felj it ; to — one a grudge (a spite, a spleen). Jga$ obcr ©roll gegeti 2!c= HtailD bcgcit ; to — a part, iid)cil l)tt= belt ; cine SRoUe fpielcu ; to — coals, + ©eleibigungen bulbeu; to — com- pany, ©efeUfcgaft leifteit; to — date, biitirt fen it; to — love, licbeu, Siebe bcgcit; to — obedience, gcl)ord)cn ; to — witness, 3 clt rt n 'P ablCjJCtt, jells flcn, 3euge feyn; to — (upon) one bard, (iittcu baft bcfjaubclit, ftrcuge nut thin ucrfabrcit ; to — all before one, vid. to carry; to — resemblance to, -SlebnlicbEcit baben mit ; to — sway, (rule), tie Dbcrljanb baben, berrfdjen ; to — sea, See batten ; the ship bears, bttS Scpiff gebt JU ttcf ; tit to — arms, waffeufabtg ; to — away, bason gcben, bie gluajt ergreifen; bOOOnfegettt; to — ■ away the bell (palm, prize), ben Sieg (ben §J5rei8) baoontrageu, crbaltcu; to — back, ju= riidtreibch ; to — down, nicbcvlaffeit, nieberfenfen ; nicberbritcfeit, nieber* rcifien, nieberfturjen; fid) feufctt, nie= berfmfeit, fid) fetjeit ; to — in with the harbour, gerabe auf ben.fjafen 511= ftgetn, Cittlailfen ; this mountain bears west of the promontory, bief ev ©erg Itegt tin SBeften be8 SSorgebirgeSj to —off wegfiibrcn, cntfiibveit; jururfijalfeu, abbalteit, abroenben, auSparircn ; uom aBiitbe abfegeln, vom Sanbe abfabren ; in See fteepen: to — on, aiitveiben; to — on, or upon, fid) bejichen auf, a,c= nau jufammenbangen ; auf iStroaS beruben, fid) auf Gtroas ftufeen, leb= Ken; to — out, untcrftu&cn, bcEvafrt= gen, beftiitigen, oerfedjtcn, oertbetbi* aeil ; to — one out in, Scmaitb CItt= jcbulbigeit wegen, ibu berauSreij5en ; — up the helm ! lafit bag Sdjiff mcbr mit bein SBinbe gebctt! to — up, 1. tvagett, balten, uiitnftutjcu; aii8bul= bcu, ausfoarren ; 2. fid) empor bebeu, in bie .£bl)e beben, cnipov fomnten; to — up against, bie ©phje • bieten ; fid) wiberfefcett, nnbcrftrebeu ; to — up to one another, fid) eiliaitbev na= bent ; to — up against misfortune, ill! Unglucf ben 3)iutb uict)t fiitfcu laffeu, ftanbbaft bleiben; to — up before ihe wind, »or bent SBinbe bin fegeln ; to — up to a ship, auf ein Scbirf ab= balten, jufegelu ; to — upon, trcibcit, brucfeu auf . . ; jiclett auf . . j — and forbear, kibe nub meibc, oergib nub ?crgif; ; I'll — the blame, id) tr'age bie ©djulb ; id) nebme c§ auf mid) ; — a hand! .S'e.-i Exp. fl'ifd) Jll ! Vii()rt (Sud)! bufttg! ikar, .t. ber©ar; she — , btc SSa= rill, Agt, T. the greater and the lesser — , bev gvojje uub ber flcine©;ir (and) urea major and ursa minor) — baiting, bie ©arenbefce ; — barley, bie oieljeu lioe Sffliutetgerfle (Hordeum hexasti clion — L.);— berry, bie ©crbcr itje (vid Barberry) ; — berry, bie ©tirciu traube {Arbutus nva umi — /-. ); — bind, bie Savenroiltbe (Convolvulus se plum — L.) ; — s-breech, bie ©SKlts flail (Acanthus — /-.) ; — 'a cub, ein iunger ©St ; — dog, ber ©uttenbeif: fer; — 's-ear, bas ©iirenofcrlein, bie SUttifef, (Primula auricula — L.) ; ber SBarfauiEel (Cartusz— l.); — dy, bie SSJrenfliege ; — "s-foot, bie Sareiitian, ber S8arenfu§ (vid. Bear's-breech) ; bie ftinfenbe Stieatunrj (Hciiciwrus 34 fxlidus — /*) ; foot bears (or rope) tears, jjottelmattett, gaulinatten, Srerlinatten: — garden, 1. ber ©as ren|winger, ^arcnplaij (^ur ©iiren= betje); 2. ein Drt too eg toll (wilb) bergebt; — herd, ber SBSrenroarter, ©drenbutet ; — leader, bet ©ftren* fiibrcr ; • — ward (line — herd) ; — 's wort, bie ©anourj (Ihrnclvum Sphondy- liuiiL — £.);ber &io|jtununel, ^aars flrang (Peucedanum — /-.). BEARU, s. 1. ber ©art; 2. 2L'ibcr= bafcu ; ;3. ba« Saarige, bie 3afern (an SBurjeltl ll. f. W.)'; — of a letter, Typ. T. bie raube ejeite an eincnt ©djriftfegel wad) bent ©uf, bee ©art ; — tnanica, ber fpi^bavtige fiattgs fdjwanj (eine 3lrt 3JJeifeJ (Parusiar- bi nigr.% — K.) ; — of a horse, ber S'bcil am 9Jlaul eiueS $ferbe8/ Wels cber bie JTruiumc beg ©ebiffeS tragtj to one's — , \M @efutt, Mint Xroft. To BEARD, v. a. bet bciit ©arte jupfeit, raufeu ; fig. to — one, cinem Jfcvofe bieteu, eiiteu beleibigeit, reijen, 1)51)= ncn. BEARDED, adj. BSrtig ; ftad)cli(J; a — arrow, ein SRfeil mit 'BJibcrbafeu ; — grain, ©etreibe mit ©rannen. beardless, adj. uttbartig, bartloS. bearer,*. 1. ber £rctger; 2. ber ltc= berbringer; 3. Arch. T. eine ^jJfojte, ©aide cber Waiter jur ©tiifcung ei= neS ©alfenS; 4. Typ. T. berSblitms nentrager, JCrager am Oiabntdien, ba§ ©aufd)d)cu, bie Unterlage ; 5. trag= bare ©aunt ; 6. H. t. ber SdjilcbaU tcr; 23appenbalter ; the — of this, llcbcrbriiujer btefeS. BEARING, *. 1. bie Stellung, 9}Jienc, ©ebcrbc; 2. 11. t. Sauvtftgur ciues 3I5appcu3 ; 3. ber ©tufepunft cinca ©alfeilS ; — of the land, A". T. bie Sa= ge (fiobe) be^ SanbeS, in 9lnfcl)uiig beg Sr^iffeS pber eineS nnbevn ®egen'= ftanbe§; — cloth (or bear-cloth), ber Sanfniaittel, ba8 JEaufffeib ; armorial bearings, bag ffiappeu, bie 9iJappeu= fdjilbe; (here is no — of this, baS ift UnertrSglitfi ; a woman past — of chil- dren, cine Axau, iuclebc iibcr bie (^e= bal)rjcit ift. % BEARISH, adj. barenbaft, plumV. BEAREIKE, 'adj. tBlt cilt ©ar. BEAST, *. 1. ba« ©ie(), JEbier ; — of burden, baS ?afttbicr; 2. fig. ber uie= brige, re be Sicufd); 3. cbaS) Sabet C?lrt Garten rpicl) ; bie ©etc (ber {iiu= fa^ be^ ©erlicrcubcn). To beast, v. n. t. label obcr bete wers BEASTISH, ? adj. tl)ierifd), t»tcfi= BEASTLIKE, $ t'fd). BEASTLINESS, s. i. bas »iebifcbc 5Ec= fen, uuDcrnuufiige ©etragen; 2. fig. bie Unptbigfeit, Sdwriuerei. BEASTLY, adj. Sra&n. tl)icrifd), Dicbifcb, brutal; 2. in Xbienjeftalteit; 3. fig. fd)ivciiiii'd), iinuidjtig ; cfelbaft. To BEAT, v. ir. a. <$■ ?>. 1. fdjlagcn, fdintcificn ; 2. flopfcn, podien ; 3. an= potteu, auflopfeu; 4. brefd)en; 5. ftofieu, ftampfen; fi. terftofjen, jer« bredjeit; 7. fturntcu ; 8. Typ. T. auf= U-a^n (bie gar6e bet ben'©ud)brtt- (fern) ; 9. befiegctt ; iibertreffcu ; ti berftcigeu ; 10. betreten; to — a ship, jv. T. ein 2d;iff iibcrfcgelu, »or? bet fegeln, tobt fegeln; to — the drum, bie SErommel riibrcil; the drumbeats, bie itrommel gebt; the general beats, ber ©enerafmarfeb roirb gefdjlagen (tttin 2lbmarfc6) ; to — (an) alarm, Sarin fd)(aa,CU ; to — the reveille, bie [Reoeille fd^fagen (jum x'lufbnid) au« bent Quartier); to — a charge, jur ?lttacfe bla'^.n (bet ber GsaoatlVrie) ; j«i»- Sturntlaufeit febtagcu (bci bo ynfanterie); to — ihe ia-too, ben 3 a - pfenftveid) fdilagcn; to — thetioofl jut Aabne fd)laacu (lint bie 3abuiiM« rbe 511 oerfammeliO ; to — to arms, j'.i ;en SBaffeu fdblagen (vid. general) ; ta — a parley, bie \»lufutift eiiteg ^arle» mentarS fignalifiren (biird) bie !£rom» pete obcr trommel); art« geben (fegeln). lasirett; to — over, biiibiipfeit: bi)5-= galoVpircu,bnrd)fliegcn, binfebmebeiii to — up, quirlctt; (jiifammcu) trouu mclu ; attgveifeu, beftiinncu ; to — up for recruits, werbeu, auf 2Berbuug feljn ; to — up the enemy's quartera, ben Seiub tm Snger angreifen ; to — upon, auf ©twaS loSfturinenj the sun beats (on the headK bie Sonne ftid)t. beat, s. 1. ber Sdjlag; 2. Mus. t. ber ©orfcblag ; — (or beating) of the pulse, bCf §Pul8fcMag; — of the drum, ber Jtrommelfdjlag. beater, s. 1. ber_<2d)lager; 2. bie iUbrfcrfeiile, ber ^tampfcr. BEATIFIC, I adj. fc= BEATIFICAL (adv.— cah.y\ S Ufl nut= ri)cnb, felig; auf eine feitgmacpenbe Sart; befefigenb. BEATIFICATION, s. bie (£eligfpre= d)itng. To BEATIFY, v. a 1. felig madjen ; 2. felig fpvccbcu (in ber rbmifd)en Jitir-- d)C) ; beatified spirits, felig* ©eifter. BEATITUDE, s. bie Seliijfeit, ®lucffe= ligfeit. Beatrice, s. ©eatrir (granenndme). beau, s. ber ©tnfce'r, galante §evr, ©alan. beaufet, s. ber Scbcnftifcb, Grebeuj: tifd). BEAUISH, adj. ftufecruMfsig. _ BEAU-MONDE, s. fieute von fetucr $c= bensart. BEAUTEOUS (adv. — ly), adj. febou. BEAUTEOUSNESS, *. bie Sd)5ltl)cit. beautifier, s. ber ©evfd;i.inerer. BKAUTIFUL (adv. — lv), ai/j. fd)0tt. beautifulness, s. bie ed)5ubcit. To BEAUTIFY, v. I. a. fd)6u madicit, »crfd)oncnt, auSfdjmiicfeu ; n n.fd)5a tier iverbeu, fid) oerfcbBnern. BEAUTY, s. 1. bie iSfbonbeit, baS <2d)Sne; 2. bie tScfeBne ; — spot, ba4 iSd)bupfIaftcrd)cn, Sdjmiiifpflafter- cben. BEAVER, s. 1. ber ©iter, (Jaftor; 2, BED bag Biftr ; 3. — (or — hat), bcr £a= ftor&ut. BEAVERED, oi;. mit CtltClU (?aftor()U= tc; mit ciiicm .Oclntc, gebetmt BEBLUBBERED, "/>»•'. m//'. (Stttgettl '-'Oil £[)t\incn, »om SBciucit angefd)tool= Ictt. BBCAFico, * bie gfeigenfdjnepfe, Banntnadjtiggll, @ra£mucfe. 7i> becalm, d. o. fUllcn, Befanfttgen, bcrubtgcn; jv. t. to — a ship, ciiicm ©djiffe boit SBinb auffaitgctt, fo baji btc Segcl Mint licgen : to be becalmed, oon einer SHJinbftille iibcvfaUcn, auf* gchaltctt lvcrbcit. BECAUSE, any. ttetl: because of, prep., am . . . tvtuen. To bechance, v. n.+ begegnen, lots berfahreu. 7b BECHARM, v. a. (bitrd) SRctje) etn- itebmcit, fcffelit, BejauBern. BECHICS,s. pi, Med. T. iOiittcl gegen bell .OuftClt. BECK, «. bcr SBtnf, bag Jtopfnidjen ; at the — fund can), auf (itacb; bent SBtuf, bet bcr .£>aub. 7',. BECK, 7b BECKON, o. I. n. Cttt 3et* cbcit mtt bem j?opfe obcr bcr .jjanb gebcit, roinfett, ltiefcit (mtt to) ; n. a. bunt ciit folobca 3?*^^ rufctt, luefen, obcr (citcu. BECKET, a. JV. r. — of a block, bcr filtngfott etttCg '-iMpefg; beckets, s. pi. .£>afcit unb Baube, r.m laiifentcg Satnverf, [Ruber, ©fcarren, it. f. ro. aufjubaugen (aufjufnebeln). To becloud, v. a. umroolfeit, umbfl* ftertt, umitcbclit. To BECOME, v. I. n.rocrbcit; whatwill — of me 7 toag intrb aug ntir rocr* ten ? wie tt)irb eg mtr ge&en ; n. a. 1. ftd) iciitcr & ber gvofitc SMtrdimoffcr beffelben bcfitt= bCt; — of Hie bowsprit, ber ,uOpf beg SSorftcvcttg ; — and bedding, Bett* (telle unb SeberBett; — of state, b«S sgarabebett; — of ease, bag SJcuhe* belt, Aattlbett; — of death, bag 8ter= Bebert; to go to — , ctt mtt iBorbdttgctt : — castors, SBettrollett ; — chairs, Settjtithlc fiir .Uratifc; — chainiier, bag ©f^Iafjimmer, bic (Scblaffammcr ; a pentleinan of the king's , ctu fi.ini;ilid)cr .Uammcr-- btcucr ; Lords of the , Jlammers pencil ; — clothes, pi. bag Settgeug ; — curtains, 53cttoorhditi'ie ; — fellow (— mate), bcr Scfelaffamcrab, Sett= jenoft ; — hangings, ber ^eurt. \n Setts 50tf)5ngett; bic QSorbdn^c fclbit ; — moulding, Jln-h. T. bag .^aruieft 3 1 c i- - rath ait ciitcr Sditle ttrtfer ben .Uian^ leiftcu) ; — plates, pi. bag Stautjolj ; BEEF — post, bie 33cttfdute, 33cttpfo!tc, bcr SBettftollctt; — rid, or— ridden, Setts Iagcrig; — rite, bag (Sbeftaubgrcrbt, bic cbclirbe ^fttrbt ; — side, at the — — , am SBette ; — staff, bie SBettleifte, bag sseitcuftucf ; — stead, bie Setts ftellc; — swerver, bet @jtragattger, (?[)cbred)cr; — tick, bie SBetuiecQe; — time, bie ©cblaftett; ;Kubc;ett; ©fblaffhtnbe ; — ward, itacbbcm ©ets te, ;n iktte. 7b BED, o. I. a . 1. $u IBctte, in bag fQttt legen, ?urcrf>t legen, bctteu ; 2. Ti/p. r. tag SSefcbmereii ber frifd)= gcbr'ucftcii SBogen ; :f. einfdett, vflans jcii; ii. n. einet Serfon bciivobucii, bci thr fdilafcn ; fie befrblafen. 7b BEDABBLE, o.a benefcen, tci>rifeeu. TbBEDAGGLE, v. a. wig. bcfluitfcvn, befdiliimpcru. 7b bedash, ,.. «. befrrifecu, betiefeen. 7b bedaub, v. a. befd;miercu, oeftis bcln. 7b BEDAZZLE, i'. a. bfcitbeit, VClblcit- bcit. BEDDER, ) s. t. ber 3?rbenftciii in BEDETTER, ) cincr Delmiihje. bedding, ». bag SBettteug, Okbctt, Sett, bie Scttcu ; bic Strcu fur bag a>icf). bedi^, ». 33cba, 93cta (SRannename). 7b BEDECK, d. a fdlmiicreit, ^ietcit. BEDELRY, ». bag ivicrfel (bet .ftteig , bag (ben) ctu spebetl \u beforgen bat. 7b BEDEW, o. «. bftbauett, befcud)teu, benc^cn. 7b BEDIGHT, » a. + fcfmu'ufcil, JtCVCll, flcibcti. To bedim, v. a. oetbunleln, Berftnftern. 7b BEDIZEN, v. a. vulg. auc-ftaffivcit, bcraugpuljcn. BEDLAM, I. s. 1. bag Sollbaug; 2. bcr S'olllidttgtcr ; 11. adj. JU ciuem Zf>\U baufe iieboriii, beffeit roiirbig. BEDLAMITE, s. ber SoU^dttgler, Sia- fenbe. bedouins, ». pi. bie Sebuinen. 7b BEDRAGGLE, v. a. wig. beflunFettt, befdjmufeen. 7b BEDRENCH, ?-. a. burd)tvdffeni, triinfeit, befeitcbten. 7bBEDR0P,ij.a. betidufclit ; bcftccfen, flccfig marbcn. 7b BEDUCK, ». a. + ctutaud;cn, untets taurben (in [tir] SBaffer). 7b BEDUST, o. a. beftaubeu. 7b BEDWARF, o.a. stoergavtig, ober Fleiit inacben, am iBadjetbuntc l)iu= bem. 7b BEDYE, ». n. bcflccfcit, bcfubcltt ; farben. BEE g. tie SBtene; — eater, ber 3?ic= neufpedjf, SteilCtlWOlf; honey — , bic ^ontgbienc ; — dower, bag JCnaben= fraut [Orchis — A); — garden, ber SBicnengarten ; — due, bag Stopfs roaebfl : — hive, bcr SBieitenftocf, SBies nenfoco; — Iark-6pur,etne9lrtbe83ltt= terfuorue ; — master, ber S3ienenbal= ter, SBienenoater ; .\: v. bees, bie $10= linen ober ©atfeii teg 89ugft>riet8; a swarm of — , ein ^icucufdmMrm ; bees' wax, bafi OL ; arfv^. BEECH, or Bkschtrbb, s. bie SBu<$e, ber SQudienbaum ; — mast, tie 33ucb,= maft, SBucbecfern ; — oil, Dei aug SBucbcuferiieu. BEECHEN,a4?. bucjen, Bucben. BEEP, r.«. I. bag Jliinbflcifrb ; 2. (p/. beevi:s\ :](inC". teufel, Seeljebub. BEEB,«. 1. bai ©ter; — barrel, bag EBierfaS, bie ©iertonne; — louse, — bad (Bier^anS; small — , .*>albbicr, Jtofetit. BEESTINGS,*, rrid. Birsttnos. beet, ». bie Beete, berSJJJangoU — /.. : — . ,.n. .1— , tie retbe dfube. BEETLE, t. I. ber Betel, <■„/ Bstlc; — nut, tie i'efel pter '.'Ircfai!. ber Bl&uel, SBafcbblduel ; Stoper, tie ;l(amme, Sungfer (ber Sretttfrfcer); ter Sdjlagel; reeming — , .\'. v.ciit .Kalfatbamnter ; — stock, ter 2tiel am Blfiuel, Scblagel, u. f. n>.j 3. berjtafer, SRoffafer, ^trfcb= fafer; — brow, berabbdngenbe 'Jlu- geitbraunen; — bead, ber Dirflo^f, 3)ummfopf; — browed, 04?'. ubcrl\\i: = genbe 31ugenbrauiten babent ; — headed, fcbroerfopftg, buntnt. 7b BEETLB, d. n. fiber ban gen, berror- ragen. BEETRADISH, ) 1. tie nnbe SRfl&e, ter BEETRAVE, \ Muberettig. BEEVES, Beep. To BEFALL, b. a.Sr ». befallen, Begegs lieu, jtiftogen, ivitcrfabrcit; ftd) er= eignen, fid) jutragen. 7b iii.i'rr, b. a. fid) [cbtcfen, fid) ge$ic= men. 7b BEFOOL, v. a. betboren ; 511m SRars ren baben, marbcit. BEFORE, I, prep. 00r; 11. conj. BeDOr, cbc; III. adv. ooni ; tUOOr, DOrber; eber alg; tf)tT;fig. liebcr; biohcr; bcreitg, fdnnt ; — one's face, (Sincm ing ©eficbt; — now, feben, BereitS; to get — , juooriommen, fiBerlegen K'.Mt. BEFORE-HAND, adv. DOraitfl, im vor= aug, juoor, oorber; oorlauftg; att= fanglidj; to be — with ..., ciiter Sad)e juoor fommeit ; to be — in the world, in guten Umftanben fenn, tin= mer (5iiiMg ubrig babcu ; glficflicb fenn. 7b BEFOBTUNE, v a. Begegnen, Be= gliiifen. 7b BEFOUL, r.a. Bcfubclit, befrbmitten. ro BEFRIEND, 0.0 Arciinti'diafr, (Se= fSlligfeit crteiaen, 6eguiiftigen, gut mcineu mit, bcftcuiibeii. 7V BEFRINGE, b. a. bcfraufeii, mit Arauu-ii befe^en. 7b BEG, 0. I. n. 1. bitten : 2. beftelit; I — pardon, id) bitte (<2ie) Uin SOerjeibung; to — for, am rtwat bitten: to — the question, bic Stage juin Sflfee madH'ii, etivag Unerroies fenefl ale rrwtcftn ooratiire^en ; II. n. bcticlit gcbeu ; DOin Betteln leben. 7b BEGET, n a jcuani ; bcrvcrbritu gen, crjeitgen; God's nnly begotten son, ©otteS eiiigeborner Sobn. BEGETTER,s ter (Srjeuger, Batec BEGGABLE, adj. W(lt erbetcn, bttrcb Bitten erlangt toerben faun. BEGGAR, a. berBettler; r — ofprin ciples, ter, loefcoer etunig Uumvic = feneS ali erwteten oorausfefet; — i.oy, ter Bettlerjunge j — man, bcr Bettler ; — woman, ( — maid) bie Bettlerin. 7b BEGGAR, o. a, 1. an ten BettcIflaB Bringen : fig 2. et)tbI9@en, BerauBen ; ;i. erfeboofen; it beggars description, eg tfl fiber alio BefcbreiBung. BEGGARLRIKSS, ». bie Bettet&aftig* feit, DftrfttgEeit. BEGG VUI.V, adj. &■ adv. bettelbtft lumpig, burftig, armfelig. .15 BEHO 5EGGARY, .«. bte ©ettelarinut&, iU-- mutb, 3)iirftigfeir. BEGILT, adj. nut ©otb befefct. 7Y> BEGIN, '•. h. a-«. 1. anfattgeit, an= bebeit, begiiineit; 2. eittftehen, njer= ben; to — a journey, eine Sfteife . a. (llttt (Jetf) bc= fdjmteren. To BEGRIME, u. a. bcVllfJCH, Ctltfif)ll.Hiv= Jen- , .. To BEGRUDGE, tj. a. beilClbcit. To BEGUILE, v.aA. billtcfijcbcil, bttt&s gen, berucfett, perfiibrcn ; i. enilocfeii ; to — one's time, fid) fie Jett oerfnrjen. BEGUILER. s. ber Setriiger. BEGUIN, *-. bie Segine. BEHALF, s. ber Schnf, Wnfjen, Sor= tfyeil, ba8 SJnMnmen, Sefte; in my — , ju ineinem ikften, meinetruegett ; on (in) — of his right, Kilt fettteS Slttyti mitten. 7b behappen, v.n. nuberfabreit. To behave, v.n. baubdit, fid) bctra= gen, fid; uerbalten; fid) gebabett; ill-behaved, son fd)led)ten ©irteit; well behaved, IPOhl gefittet. behaviour, s. baS ©errngen, (fitt= liebe; '-Bcrbalteit, bie Slitffiiijrung ; to be bound to one's pond — , L T. 9tecfoenfd)aft wegen femes SBetbciltenS gebett miiffcn suretj for good — , Siirgfdjaft fiir ba8 (flute) Scrbalren ; to be up >n one's — , inner iBfirgfe&aft ferm, roegeit feinc8 33er&alten8 ; col fid) bel)iitfam gegen 3cntanb »er= fatten. To BEHEAD, ». a. Clttbailpteil, fBpfeil. BEHEMOTH. ». ein mtgeheurcS Xlurv, oa§ fogenaniite 55lu§wrb ('Jlilpferb). BEHEN, « ber Sebertbaum [Ouiiivdiaa Moringi* — L) ; t^ ©ct)«cbt!railt, SBiberftofl iCucabalus Behead — JU) ; ber Saltrian (V-Uehawi — /. ). Behest, s * baS ©ebeifi, ber SBefebl. BEHIND, iirep. * win 1. btllier, hitlteil, $u iicf, httiterroSrtS ; 2. ttadtftehenb, iibertroffen (»on) ; I left my money — ior — me) id) lief; mein tSelb ju= riicf ; to be — biutcu, jurfief fe»ti ; ,/yr.iioct):Uiirfilaitbe 511 bejablcti baben; to be — one'> tune, fid) iHTl'lutCt lut= ben, liber bir Jrit auS^eblieben k\m. BEHIND HAN ) idn llilltcil, Jllliiif, riicf mSrtS; tin JSiicf fhinbe ; fig. ut be — in the world, juriicfflefoiniiteit (tm Serf a II) fe»n ; to i>« — with one, fid) »on einnii fibertreffen laffen, ibm narbfte^en. To BEHOLD, o. a 1. ft'beii, fdiaiirn, erbliifcii ; I. .utfeben, anffbaueu, bc= traditcn. BEHOLD, mi ftebe ! fehef bn ! beholden mij. verpflidjtct, uerbiin= ben, gfbalfen. beiidi.dek, s. ber Slnftfeauer, 3»' fd)iiitcr. To BEHONEY, v. a. mit .^Sontg »ers fiifien. behoof, ,. ber Sebuf, Sortbcil, SHutjin, baS Srommen. To behoove, b. im;, (tcbiibrni fid) flebitbroi, ftch gejienieii, fid) fd-itfon; BELL it behooves (behoves) me. C8 gcjicmt mir. BEHOOVABLE, 1 wlj. -f BEHOOVEPUL (ndu.— ruuvv. ^ imfe= lid), jntraglid), tan^lid), paffcnb, er= fprictilid), sovtbcili;aft. To BEHOVE, v. imp. XOXZ BEHOOVE, nil. aid. being, s. i. ba8 (2c»n, Safciui, bte (Srtftenj ; 2. boS S)tng, SBefen. Tu belabour, w. a. 7)11/^. biurbarbci= ten, auSpvftgeln, abbrefcbeit, 'bnrd)= gerben. To BELACE, v.a. 1. A". T. feft fd;ilii= rcit, ein San befefttrtett (viiLTo Belay) ; 2. mit ©ptfteti befefcett, oerbtamen; 3. abpriijcln. To BELAY, v. a. (bell SBejj) DCrlcjClI, uertreten. Jv*. r. aubnltoi; belaying pins, 3flpfen, nn bencn bas taufenbe Sktuwev! befejitgt wirb, ^ooetnnagel. To BELCH, v. I. n. anfftpfu'Il, riilpfcil ; II. a. auefpeien, auSiiojjen. belch, s. 2lnfftoi5cit, Diiilpfcn; ber KutpS. beldam, s. baS aire SJfiirrereJjen, baS alte Sffictb, bie alte SBettel: .^cre. To BELEAGUER, v. a. betagcril ; jig. umgeben. beleaguerer, .5. ber Selaflerer. BELEMNITES, g. in sBeleiitutt, Suc^Ss ftein. "^fcilftcin. belfry, s ber ©Iodentburin, ©Uh fenftubl, ©locfengaljiett, bag ®locfen» gcriift. BELGIAN, ? I. s ber 55elgicr ; II. adj. BELGIC, 3 belgifd;. Belgium, s. SBelgicn. Belgrade, s. ©elgrab, ©ncd)ifcb= SBetpenburg. To belie, ». a. 1. bcliigeii; 2. Siigeii ftvafen, n)ibcrfpred)eu, jnroiber ban= brln ; 3. scrlcitmbcn ; 4. nacbajfen, na.i)inarbeit- belief, s. 1. ber ©laube; 2. baS ©laubenSbeEenntnif, (5rebo ; 3. bie 3(eligioit; liirlit of — , leicbtglaitbig ; past all — . iiiiglaublid). BELIEVABLE, adj. glaitblict), glanb = baft. To BELIEVE, v. n. S- a. glailbcil ; to — in God. ait ©orr gtaiiben (and) 511= weileti mit on); I — so, id) glanbe, [a ; baS glaube id; ; I — not. id) ajaube, new ; to make one — , @'inen enter &ad)t iiberreben, i()m ttxoas roetB madjeit ; it is not to be believed, eS iji uitglaubiid). believer, s. ber ©tdubige. belike, adv. tfcrmuthlirf), yiclleid;t, uMlufd;ciii!id). bell. s. sing. 1. bie ©locfe ; Sdjefle; .Rliiigel; 2. ber 5511111101(0111); 3. ©loifenblltine; alarum — ,bie 2tnrin= glocfe; berSBectei; — bit. ba*@locfen- gebtB ; bine — , bie blane ©Iocfcnbln= me; — clapper, ber JUbppel; — .-rinks, ©locfenjiebroirbel ; SBtnlels eiun, ,f?nie cber ©eiuerbe fiir ben PMorfenbrabt ; diving — bie £and)cr= glivfe; — fashioned fltocf eitfocmtg ; — ii wer. t>ie ©locJenblume ; — founder, ber ©(ocfengiefjer ; — glass, bie ©las* glocfe ,, fiir tinmen, Maft, u. f. ro.) ; — leaver, ber 28anbglocf en jiet>er; — man, ber Wlorfner; ?luSrnfcr ; — metal. bie ©lorfenfveife, ba8 ©locfcngnt; passing — bie Xobfeiigloife ; — , pear, bie ©lojfenbirn ; — pepper, ber ©lof= fenvfeffcr [Capsicum — /-.) ; — ringer, ber ©lorfemitaitn, Oilocfner; — rope, ber Strirf jnm Sauten; — sound, ber SBellfunb fbei Svi^bergen); — spring, ber ©locfenbiigcl; — stone, ber 'Vlocfenflcin ; — string, bie ,ft!in= gelfcbnur; — wether, ber ?eitbam= hiel ; — of a hom, ba8 tceitc 6nbe BEMO eincC 2i ; albbc>ri!8, it. f. w. ; io rin§ the — . bie ©lode lautcn ; flimjeln. fdn~IIcn; ring (ringing) of bells, m chime of bells, ba8 ©eliiut, ©locfen. gelant; to bear the — , fig. alle -Diit- beroerber iibertreffen ; to carry (bear) away the — , ben $vei8 baroii tragen ( oid. To Bear). To bell, v.n. glocfeiiformig voacfofett. belladonna-lily, s. bie Sella bPillia, SQellabOmililte (Amaryllis Bel ladonna — £.). belle, s. bie Scoone. belles-lettres, s. pi. bie fdjonen 3Biffcnfcbafteii. belligerant, adj. friegfubmib, frie- gerifd). belling,^, s. T.ba8 SRo^rcii, 2d;rcieii be8 ,£>irfd)c3. To BELLOW, v. n. blofeit, briilleit; fdjreint. bellow, *. bas SIBlen, ©cblof, Sriillcn, ©ebriiil. BELLOWS, s. pi. or a pair of — , ber Slafebalg. BELLY, s. 1. ber Sand) ; 2. .v. T. bie bobleSeirc beS .RnintniholjeS ; T. (bet JEonnierfjengen) ber J^aften ; the lower — , ber 2d;nterbaucr), Unterleib; my — aches, id; babe 2eibicbnciben ; — ache, ia§ Saiid;ineb, bie 8eibe8= fdjmeivti, StoUt; — band, ber Saiid;* ober <2atteU]iirt, Saudirienien ; — bound, serftopft, bartleibig ; — fret- ting, 1. basSBunbrciben pom Sand;= gnrte; 2. bie Saiid)ffbiuev$en rou aBiirinevn (Sribea bei ben Spferbcn) ; — full, vulg. ct n Sand) wU, bie (Menage; — pod, ber Sanrbbiener, Scblemnter, Sielfrafi; ^Ticfivanft; — pinched, vulg. aii8gcbiingert; — roil, bie SBaluonne, 'SL'alje rbetin Belbban); — slave, ber Selaoe feiaci 9lppetite^ ; — worm, ber Jarnnuurm, <2piiluMirni. To BELLV r , v. n. &■ a. baucbig feDn ober nierbcn ; auffd)ivcllen, anfdjroels len, onfiittcii ; the wail bellies, bie SJlaUCr tritt ail8 ; bellying sails, fdjiveU lenbe Segel. To belock, v. a. uerfejjlieijen, ein= fperreit. BELOMANCY, a. ba8 2Bar)rfngeii ana spfeilen. To belong, 7-. n. 1. gebbreit, 5ttge= boren, angebbren ; 2. angeben, pes treffeu ; it does not — to me, e8 gcf;t mirt) nirt)t an. BELOVED, adj. gcliebt (— by, . . POIt>, wci'tb. BELOW. I. prep, llllter ; it is — you, fig. c8 tfi nnter 3bvcr SBiirbe, miaiu ftanbig fiir Sie; II. ado unteit; bie= niebin. belt. s. sing. 1. ber ©iirfel ; baS ©egengefcent bie Tegcnfnppel; — maker, ber ©iirtler; 2. the belts, bie beiben Selte (ber grofe nub ber fkine Self , 5SJJeerenge jroifefyen iDSnentorf unb beffen 3nfeln. To BELT, v. a. tegiirtcn, nmgiirtcn. BELVIDERE, s. 1. ba8 Selueberc, bie ?iifiwarte, ba8 .). TbBELY, ?). n. vid. To Bei.ik. To bemangle, v. a. jetretfjen, jer» fleifcben. To BEMASK, v. a, perberfett ; pcrbcblcn. To BEMrRE, ?'. «. fotl;ig mad;en, be« fcbmn^cit. To bemoan, o. a. bcflagcn, beroeineit, betranern. bemoaner s. ber SCebflagenbe. To bemock, 7j. a. oerfpotteii, bbbnen, To bemourn, v. a. bewcinen, befla- gen, berrauern. BENE BERN BESP bemussed, adj. in ©cbanfcn. tin £rau= vne, oertieft ; fig. benebelt. BEN-NUT, s. tie Salbmifi ; oil of — , Bebenol. BENCH, s . i. bie Banf ; 2. ©crtcbtg= bauf, bag @erid)t; 3. rp/JbieSRidjter. To BENCH, b. I. a. 1. Banff fcljeit ; 2. ouf cine Banf fcftcit ; n. n. auf ciuer Banf fi&eit. Bencher, s. 1. bcr Banfaltcjle ; 2. Mlirfjtcr. r« bend, v. La. 1. biegen, fruinmen ; 2. rid)teit; 3. fpauiuu; 4. bcitgen, banbigen, begtoingen ; to — back. ju= ruefbiegeu ; to — the bow, ben Bo* gen fpaitncit; to — the brow, bie (stint ntujelit; to — planks, Spian* fen fllimilt brcillteil ; to — the cable to the anchor's ring, bag Xail ail bell Sinter binben ; to — two cables, jroet Slufertaue auf eiuauber ftcd)cit ; to be bent on something, Jit etwae geiteigt fc'.Mt, auf ctroag erptd)t fcr.n ; with bended knees, ftticitb; IL n. 1. ftd) biegcu ; 2. fid) biicf cu, fid; neigen ; 3. fig. geiteigt fevn ; to — forwards, fid) itetgen, bficfen. bend, g. 1. tic Biegung, Jit amine: 2. t. bag Jtrummbol), Baucbfiua (btc aufjere S'orm am 2d)iffe, »ou bent Slid bi'j an bcu Botb) ; JV T-s. eiit ©titfi obcr Jtnoten; a — of moulds, ciit [tr)ater. benefactress, 8. bie SBobJtbjiferinn. BENEFICE, s. bie SPfrfittbe. beneficed, adj. bepftunbef. BENEFICENCE, s. bie 28ol)ttl)atig= Eett, ©uttbStigfeit. BENEFICENT (ado. — ly), adj. roobU tbSttg, guttbattg. BENEFICIAL (.ado. — ly), adj. OOttfcetls baft, bieulid), betlfam, rooblthatig, jutraglid). BENEFICIALNESS, s. bie .jjcilfaniEctt, 3BobJtr/fitigfeit. BENEFICIARY, I. adj. burrf) ©uitft be= fifcciib, untetgeben, aobSngtg ; n. s. 1. ber SPfriinbner; 2. bcr cine ©abe cmpfSigt, ber uou Sltmofeu crlialteu U'irb. BENEFItlENCY. s. bie ffiiite, 50iCH= fdH-iifrciuibtid)Ecit, SBo<bdttgfeit. Benefit, «. 1. bie SUobltbat, ®\XU that, ©efadigfeit; 2. ber SRufeen, Worthed, ©erotnn ; 3. ©elobnungSs (ikucficc=) 8SorfteI{ung ciitc» 2cbau= fptelcrS obcr ®id)tcr«, baS Benefice; 4. /.. t. bag $rtot(egium, SSorreeBt ;bcfotiber« ebebent bcr l^kiitltrbeii, in 6viiniital=Sallcu bent i^ifebof au£ge= liefert jit werben). n BENEFIT, 5. 1, a. 1. uiiijen ; Wu&cit, ©eroitiit briugcit; 2. bcilfam fi»it; bcgiiitftigcit ; iLn. to — by, SJtU^ea oou etanis b.ibcit, geiiMitneii. BENEVOLENCE, g. 1. ba« SBoKwoU leu ; bie SBoblrbftfiafeit: 2. bie ©iite, ©uttbat, ©unffc BENEVOLENT [ad\ it), adj. n>pbl* mollenb, gutig, guttbarig, frcuublicb, liebreid). bengal, s. 1. SBengatensSanb in ~ft= inbten); 2. bcr bengal if dje 2toff. To BENIGHT, v. a. I. bind) bcu gin* brud) bcr Sftadjt uberrafeben, uinnad)= ten; oerbunfein; 2. fig. bee Sie^ted, ^c» SSerflaiibefi berauben, in Unmif= feu()cit uiib 3ntf)iim oerbflllen ; i was benighted, bie s Jlad)t libcrficl mid). BENIGN (ado. — vt),adj. 1. afitty, milb, lictu-cicb, bolbfclig, roobltbattg; 2. bcilfam, gutarttg; 3. gitiiftisj. BENIGNANT, adj.vid. Benign. BENIGNITY, *. i. bie Wiilc, SWifbt; 2. 28obltbatigEctt ; 3. ^eilfainEctt. BENISON, s. + bcr Segen, Spbfprud), BENJAMIN, ». 1. Benjamin (3JiannS= name); 2. bad Benioe, tic Jttngfern= mild) ; — tree, bcr Ben^oebaum (ion- r«s benzoin — ],.). BENNET, s. bas BenebtctejtEraitf [Ch „„: — L). BENT, .'. 1. bie jtriimme, Biegjtng; 2, bie9iid)tung; 9tcigung, ber -bang, 3»!l ; tie Stiminttng; 3. bie ".'luftrciu gitiig; 4. ©pannuttg (eittefl BogenS ; the full — (of the mind), bie hobc Si i afr- anflrengung (bes @et(te8) or Bent grass, bie Bitife, bad Stran^graS (Junciis ■ — ■ L). BENTINGTIJU3, a. bte ^uitgerjeit bet £au6en por ber SReife ber^piilfens friidjte. To BENUM, I v. a. crftarrcit, fteif mas To BENUMB, $ d)cu, eieEalt nuidicii («or C?rftaititctt) ; benumbed with cold, »or j?altc crftarrt, ftcif, cisf'alt. benzoin, s. bas Benjoe (oftiubifdic ©Ummi) ; — tree, rid BEKJAMW. To bepaint, v. a. bcmaieit, fcbminfeii. To BEPINUH, v. a. Encipcit, baburcb 5cid)iieu. To BEPOWDER, o. a. bcpubertt, lltit SJJubet beftreuen. To bepraise, v.a. bcrau3ftretd)eii, nut SpbeSerbcbuitjjcit iibcrluiufeit. To BEPURPLE, v.a. ntit ^urpur, (pltr= Vurrotf)) farbctt. To BEQUEATft. v. a dllt SeflailtClltc) uermarben, biiitcrlaffeit. BEQUEATHMENT. 8. i. bag 25crnta= rfjcit; 2. Berittacornt'ii, %c\[.) BERGANDER, s. vid. BiROANnER To BERHYME, v. a. iron, in 3teii;teit befingen, bereimen. BERLIN, s. Berlin («tabt); —blue, bag Betiinecbiau. BERLIN, s. bie »-Pcr!tne (bcqucineyicr; fiijigc 3ieifefutfcbc). BERME. 8. Fort. t. bte Berinc, bcr aBaOabfoft. BERMUDAS, i. bie bermubifdjeu («om= nicr=Ieufclg=) 3nfcln. BERNACLE, *. vid. Barnacle. BERNARD,*. Bemljarb (i)Jai\ngua= me). BERNARDINE, s ber 2?ernbarbiucv >2Jl6ncb) 3ERNOWL, s. bie Jtiidieulc, Jtar.j. eillC ( Vlula o/nco — /..). BERRY, 8. bie J>ccrc: Bob>nf yen jfaffee) ; 2. bcr ©rabbiigcl (fiir Bar- row). BERRY-BEARING, aaj.Beerentragenb; — galls, fc|T»ammige ©allapfeL To berry, r. n. Beeren rragen obcr bcfomiucit. BERTH, 8. .\" T Tallin, ^InEerpIafe; 2. bcr Berfcblag ffflt tie Dfpciere u. f. n>.) ; 3. bte SiagerfteUf. BERTHA, ». Bertba I Aiaueuiiamc). BERTRAM, s I. Bertram (OJiaung* name) ; 2. ber Bertram [JvthemU w ntArum — /, ; — tree, ber 3al)invch5 baum [Zanthorylum — L.). BERYL, ». bcr Bcti)Q, Uatiamarin. BERYLINE, adj. be«)Hartig, gvuulid), bclKn-iiit. To BESCB UVL B . a. bcfvitelu. To BESM REEN, o. a. bcfduiiiicit, bete= cfeu, oerbergen. To BESCRIBBLE b. a. bcffiUclu. To BESEECH v. a. Miu ; ]cub bitten, cv-- fud)cn, aitflcbcu. BESEECHER, g bet briitgeub Bitten^ be, Bittftelier, (Snfudjenoe, Slebcnbe. To beseem, p. n. fid) gcjiemen, )id: fdiicfen, paffcu, auftebcu. beseeming, 8. bet Jlititanb, bie Slrttg: feit. beseemly, adj. artig, anflanbig, fdmflidi. To BESET,».a. l.i-cfc'oCii: be iMita^en ; 2. ciufd)licf;cit, uingeben, belagern; 3. in tie (Snae, in Berlegenb^eit brin= (leu ; 4. + uberfallen, aufallcit, an= ttcjieit (ciiicnr, luftiiriuen. To BE3HREW, v. a. »errounfdjen, oet« fliidicu. BESIDE, I. prep- 1« nebcit, bci, bicbt bei; 2. auiJci - , aufjerbalb; 3. nid:t gerndfe, fiber; ir. air. auficv tcni, fiber bicf^, Obue biefj ; — the purpose, nidjt jtvecfmafjtg ; 'tis — my p eg bieitt utcbt gu meiitem Bor^abei.; except myself and a few — . id) augges lioninieit unb nod) einige SJBeitige; a i his troops — , aHe feme ubrtgeii SrupPcit : fig. to be — one's Belf, au= ficr fid) femi; iud)t bei Berftanbe feijn. BESIDES, I. prep. ar. ",cr, ailfjerl)alb; U adv. vid Beside. BESIDERY, s. cine ?lrt Birnen. To besiege b. a. belagern; the c.i. //. bie Belagerten. BESIEGER, s. bet Belageter. To BESMEAR, b. a. bcfd)iuicrcit, bf. fivcicben ; befubeln. BESMEARER, 8. tcv BeftBmieter, 2i;t= lev. To BESMIRCH, v. a. + bcfd)inuften, befubeln. To BESMOKE, e. a. beiaurf)cru ; t&tt* d)eru. To BKSMUT, v. a. betupen, fdnvavj niacbcit. BESNUFFED, adj. ntit 2d)UupftabaE befdjmiert. besom, 8. ber Befen. To RESORT, v. n. + fief) febidcu ; pnf* feu, auftebcu, aitftantig fciMi. To BESOT, v. n. bumm niadien, betbi- reu ; oetnarrt madjen (n>. u.). BESOTTEDLY, adv. thbridit, uarrifeb UK-si HTEIINIvSS, .--. bie S^otbtit, '?uniiiil»cit, Bet^btnng. To BESPANGLE, b. a. niit Sflittetn robet anbetn glanjenben ;\iciratbei: bcfeljcn, jtereit. To BESPATTER, v. a. bcfpi'i(jcu, bef[c= cfen. To BESPAWL, p.a. befpeicii, befpucfen. To BESPEAK, v. ir. a I. bcucllcil, bf« fvredien ; 2. * aufpvcdicu, auretnr 37 BEST BETT BEYO 3. porter ocrfuitbigcn, oorljerfagen ; 4. cnjeigen, anfinbigen, oerratbcn; tin's bespeaks the hand of a master, ties oerratb cittc iPicifterbanb. SESPEAKER, a. bet ©cfteUer. n BESPECKLE, v. «. fkcfeit, fprctU fcllt ; bespeckled, geflecft. To BESPICE, r. a. tofirjen. y., BESPIT, r. i>.<:.betpeicit, bc|oucfen, befprifeen. To BESPOT, B. a flccfctl, beflecfcn. To BESPREAD, p. ir a. bcUTCUeit. To besprinkle v. a. befprengen. besprinkling, port s. tie Sefprens gung. besprtnkler, s. ber (SiwaS bcfpri£f, ber Sefprenger. CEa§ umgefjen, eg nufS SBejte beiiufeen; ben mogltcbften i>orrbeil aug (vtioag jieben; in order to make the — of it, um bie Sacbc rcrbr gut $u macben ;todo one's — ,fein Sefteg obcr 'ilJbglicbficS tbun ; to my — for to the — of my) remembrance, fo gut (fo oiel) id) mid) erinuent faun; I will do it to the — of my power, id) will eg macben fo gut alg ~t$ mit mbglicb ift; to the — of our observation, nad) uuferer genaueften ScobacbtUltg ; speak to the — of your knowledge^ fagcn -iie alieg, Sic bavott rmiTett; at (the) — , toenigflenS; aufS .£>bd)fte; — of ail, am Stebfien : I like that — of all, mir ift bag am liebftcn; gefallt miv am meiften ; the — is the cheapest, bcim SBeften ifl bet befte Jftauf; — beloved, am mcifteu (»ieU) gelicbt ; — natured, am gut= inutbia,ftcii, gutartigften. To bestain, d. a. beflecfcu, bcfrf)mu= §en. To BESTEAD, v. a. 1. nu&Clt, ?llll;CH brtngen; 2. bcioirtben, untcrbaltcu. BESTIAL {adv. — lt), ailj. otebifcb, tbievifd), tm l)bd>ftcn ©race finnltd). bestiality, .s. bie oief)ifd)e 33efd;af= fenbcit; bag oicbifcbe SSefen. To BEST! wx/.v.. ,-. a. bcm ^icbe gleid) ober abnlid) macben. To BESTICK r. ir. a. beftccfeu. TO BESTIR, o. I. refi. (to — one's self . fid) anftrengen, fid) beeifcru, beftre= ben; fid; tummcln; eilen; n. a, an= ftvengen. To bestow, r a. I. ertbeilcit, geben, febenfen, yerlcibcu, geroa^ren; 2. juenben, amucubeit, oetnenben Sorg= fait u. f. ro.) barau [egen ; :S. Ic.^cn, ::t, fe^en, aufbeirabreu ; to — co.-t. Soften aufivcutcit; to — a L'reat deal of pains upon . .., viel 2)}iibe auf (,?t= was n>enben ; to — a daughter, cine £;>cbter sevbeiratbett. ausftattcu. ?,ESTrjwp:R. ' s . ber gtt^etler, ©eBer, Sigponirenbe. I5ESTOWMENT, s. 1. bie (fftbcihni.T, @abe; Slnroenbuna u. f. ».; 2. baS rfrtbeilen, ©eben/>]ln:veiibeii it. f. W. To BESTRADDLE, v. a. vid. To Be- stride. To BESTREW, v. a. t»e ftreitcii, befpreu= jert, beberfen. To BESTRIDE, v. «. 1. iiber &tma$ 2d f$re;tcn, uberfc^reiten, bcfd)veiitit; 2. reiteu, ttttlingS bofteigen. To BESTUD, p. a. befdiUi^en, bcfctjcu (mit Jtnopfdfnt, Steincn u. f. to. . BET, bie 9Bettt ; bets ran high, mail marine grope 3Bette«. To bet, v. a. toetten, fe|en. To BETAKE. D. nfl to — one's self to. ft'di beaebett, serfugen; erareifen; ftcb 511 ferroag toenbeu, feinc ^uflndit hi @ttoaS itebmcn, (StvaaS anfaugen, ■fid) auf StroaS legcn ; to — one's self to the weapons, jii ben SSaffcn grci= fen. BETEL, s. vid, Betle. To BETHINK, v.refl. ( — one's self) fid) bcbeiiEen, fid) befiuncu, fid) eriuneru ( — of. eiuer Sacfee). Bethlehem, 5 1. Sctbicbem ; 2. baS 3flarrenbauS ; — star, bie .§>ul)ncr= mt(rf), SteVltbllime {OrniOiogaUm — L.). betiu.ehemite, s. 1. eiu SRond; uon bent i ; eiblcbemiterorben ; 2. ber 3)c0nbfild)tige U.f. n>. tii. Bedlamite. To BETIDE v. n. «r a. bejegncit, jllft0= fen; fid) jutragen, gefrichen; erges ben; toerben, cntfteben u. f. to. ; wo — thee! roebe Sir! betdie. } adv. bci 3ettenj baib ; jei= BETDLES, J tig, friibe. betle, s. ber Setel, SBaffetpfeffet. To betoken, v. a. an^cigcu, bcuten, sorbebeuten, oor^erfagen. BETOXV, s. bie 33etOliie {Bctonki — L.) ; Paul's — , ber (SbreitVreig (Vero- nica — L.) ; water — , bie 23rauil= n?Ur5 (Scropkularia aquatira — L). BETORN, part adj. cutriffcn, gercalt= fain getrennt. To betoss, r. a. trfcfiuttcm, (beftig) betoegeu. To betray, v. a. 1. "crvatbeit; 2. serlciten, serfiibren ; 3. jeigen, cnt= bedeu ; 4. veruntveuen. BETRAYER, s. ber iuHratbcr. To BETRDI. v. a. fcfjmucf'eii, jiercn, VWjtn, aufpu^cii. To betroth, »>. a. 1. Berloben, oct= fpredien; 2. fid) oerloben; 3. ?u ei= item SiSt^ume ernennen (bamtt ber @rnannte eingeiveibt totrbe) ; to — a wife, fid) mit eiuer gfrou verlobeu. BETROTHMENT, s. bag (fbe*em'rc= rben, bie SSerlobung, bag Serlobnifi. To BETRUST, v. a. ah'.Hviraueii BETSEY, *. vid. Betty. BETTELLEES, ) s. eitic ^Irt SDlviSlm BETTELLIES, J aug 2)}abrag. BETIER. comp. (SOU Good) 1. ndj Sr beffer; mebr; II. s. ber Cbere, i"rniebmere it. f. to. ; to be — , ben,er fei'ii, nidn- ivertb fcmi ; to have the — ._bie Dberb.cmb babeu; to make — , beffer madjen, oerbeffern; to grow — , beffer toerben, ftcb beffent; to love (like)^— , lieber babeit; you (had) — , &c^ 3 ie tbatcit beffer, I had — not to have told it, id> bafte beffer getban, wenn icb eg nicbt gefaat !\u= te; so much the — , befto bc'fer : I love him the — for it id) licbe ibn befwegen nur befto mebr; what shall I be the — for it ? lvag voirb eg mir belfeny toag raerb' id) gebeffert fe^n? to get the — of, belt SBorjug, ben i>or= %)ti'. baben »ot ben Sorfprung abgetoinnen; uberroinbeu, gereinnen, beftegeit; .»perr toerben fiber; who has got the — ? wer bat gewonnen? I thought — of it, id) babe 'mid) beffer bebadjt; she (he) is no — than she (he) should be, bag iii mir and) fo Gt= ne(@iner), ein faubcreg ©tfb iB"= fig I : for ■ — for worse, auf ©lua unb Unglficf, auf alie moglicbe 5aUe, auf ^cratbca>ol)(; for tiie — . ciner 2a= r^e unit 3. ; eften; to alter for the — ftcb beffent; he is much the — man, er ift bci weitcm bev iJoru'iglirberc; our betters, uiifere Cbcrn, Wrgefefe- ten; SBorne^mere alS air ; their let ters would be hardly found. fd)roerlid) mbebten ftct) SJSerfonen finbcii, b[e fie an guten ©igenft^aften iibertreffen. 7V> BETTER, v. a. 1. oerbeffern : 2. ubcrtreffeu: _ 3. befbvbcrn, unterftfi= ^cn, begunfligen; to — one's self, fict beffent. bettor ». ber ^Better, 3I?ctte:ibf. betty. s 1. bag ©red)eifen : ber ©iet= rid); 2. abbr. (ffir Elizabeth) Sicg= rben. BETUMBLED, adj. iii'.orbentlid), oer? toorren. between, ) prep. gtotft&en, miter, bo* BETWIXT. S Jtolfcpen; between-decks. JV. T. 3ioifdien=Sccf5 ; — wind and water, urifeben 2Bitic uiit SEBaffer, be- Sbcil beg Sd)tfft8, tvclebcr bicCbcr= flacbe beg SSafferd beriibrt ; — whiles, oou 3eit }u 3cit, juroeilen ; space — . ber 3«. , ifd)enraum; — ourselves, un= ter ling. BEYEL. 1. s. T. 1. bie Srbmiege, Scbwei, ber Siiifeloaffrr, SBMnfelfaf- fer, bag 5rfu\iamaf>, ©f^rmaf (bep- gleicbeu im 'Kara-en ) ; 2. bie fc^rcigf ober fcfjicfe JRiCbtnng: JV. T. — , or bevelling, ein 22intel grbtlcr rbct fleiner alg ein rerbtcr ; II. adj. febief ; — angle, ber fd)icfe 3BinfeI. To BEYEL. r. I. a. febrag febneiben, febief ririven ; .v. T. ein '-ititcf i^olj 11 acb einer 9J?all bebaucn; u. ??. )":cb friimmcii, ftcf> febief 1 tciiten. To BEYER, ». n. ocgoer.n ; 'tiibftiicJen. BEYERAGE, *. '.. bag PJetraitf, bet Sranf ; 2. ber mit SBaffer oerbiiiiutt g^ber. BEVLL, s. teln : a — of roes, ein Srubcl Sprung) 3?e^e; a — of roebucks, tin 3iubel (Truw) iRe^bocfe. To BEWAIL, r. I. a. beffagen, beroei= neu; 11. n. feinen Jiiimmer augbrecben laffen, tocbflagen, irauern. BEWATLABLE, adj. beflagcugroertf). BEWAILER. s. ber 2i'ebl:faa,enbe. To BEWARE, v. n. fid) bitten, fid) orr= feben f — of, yor) ; — of that ! biitct (fucb bafiir! tburbag ja nicbt! he will — . cr toirt '"icb bitten. To BEWILDER, b. a. otrirreii, irrefiib= ren ; oenoirrt, beftfirjt macben. To bewitch, r. a. beberen ; jig. bc= tallbem ; he is bewitched with her, et iu gang in fie oerfrboffen. bewitcher, s. ber i^ejaiibcrer, ^e= renin eiftcr. BFAYI'TCHERY, BEWITCHMENT, .'bie 93eja«berung, 3aubcrfraft. ber 3au- ber ; fio. bcrunroiberftcblicbc 3?eij. VEwasaufUL, adj. reijenb, brjaubemb To BEWR.AP, v. a. bebccfcit, oerbiilleii umroicfeln. 7i BEWRAY, r. n. vcrratbeu, cntbe cfen ; ;eigen, ftrbtbar macben. BEWRAYER. ». ber ^enatbcr. BEY, 5. ber ikr) (tiivfifd;cr Stattbab ter). BEYOND, prep. St adv. idlfcif, auf let aiibcni Sette; fiber, iiberbin, binaug, mcbr alg, anper; barubcr; wx\ — measure, uber bie DIafieil ; — memory iibcr 3Jtenf(^engebenfen ; — belief, ungtaublid) ; — ail dispute, auser al= lent Strette; — recovery, auftntmet oerloveu ; thev engaged Uiemselves — BICK BIGG BILL retreat, ftc lieficn ficr) fo ticf in* ®e« fecr)f ciit, bay ttitt SRiiffjug iibrig 1)1 if b to be — the reach of the dart, autscr bcm Sdjuffe fe»u; — what id sufficient, mcbr al3 gcuitg; to eat — digestion, ftch tin (5'ffeit uberlabcit ; to stay — one's time, iibcr bie 3ett Wefl* blcibcu; to co — , iibcr P'troaa bjnalts' getyn, inciter gebcu, ubcrfdjrettcu ; fig. ubertteffen ; fctntergefcen, besot* tbcilen ; to 20 — one's depth, btfl iibtt bcit .ftopf ins 3Baf1er, it. f. n>. gchcu ; jit rocir (fief) bineingefjen. bezan, s. citte 31ft Soaumwollenftoff aad SSengalen. Bezant, .«. 1. bcr Swanftner ; 2. //. r. bci - ©tlbet* obcr ©olbpfenuig im SBajjpen. BEZANTLER, s. ber jweite 91ft ant i^itfdjgewet&e. bezel, *. bet Jcaficu (beS SRtngeg, rooritt bcr ©rein frit), ba8 Sttngfuttet. bezoar, *. bet ©ejoat, Sejoatftetn ; German — , bic ©eingfugel ; ox — , CI tt gclblirbcr (Stetn tit bci" ©allcnblafc bet Od)feaj — nut, bie moiucf'ifdjc SPutgirnufi. BEZOARDICK, I. adj. Med. T. Ittit lDe= joar Dttfejjt; H. bezoardics, s. pi. 3lt= jeiteicn nut Sejoat oetfeftt. BIA, .?. ,Uauri, itdjitecfeufopf. BIANGULATE, ) ,. , M% „,\„;„i!„f: , BIANGULATED, \ "tXcl; Ui ' BIANGULOUS, S » W " e *8' BIAS, s. 1. btf 3iicbfung, bcr natutltdje ■Ciang, bte Stetgung, .Otuuciguitg \n i\ml)ciltcbfeit, SSoturtbeil ; 2. bcr SEtteo, Slntrteb ; 3. etit ©etoicbt an Ctlicr -ieite filter jlltgcl ; the — of in- terest, bic iDJadjt beS (Stgennu^eS. To bias, v. a. auf bic eiitc Scitc uct= geit ; fig. neigen, lcitcit, ricbteu ; to — one, Semaiibcu auf feint Scire jiefeen, tumebmen ; to — i>y interest, burdj bag 3urcrcffe oerletttn. BIB, *. 1. bag ©eifettudj, Safedicit; 2. etne Qltt ©rod ftfeb, (Gadus laacus — /..). To BIB, v. it. tuppcu, gcrn trtiifcu, bc= cbcru. BIBACIOUS, adj. bCllt SEtUnJt Cfijcbcil, eetfoffen, BIBBER, s. bcr Slipper, Sf^bruber, Saitfer. bibbs, *. pi. .v. T. bte bcnun-jtcbctibeu £hcile bcr 53acfen tines 9Rafte6\ bible, s . bie SBibet, beilige igdjtift; — oath, bcr ©djrout auf bic SJibel. BIBLICAL, adj. biblifd). BIBLIOGRAPHER, *. bcr Sudjetlennet, ^iidicrbefdireibcr. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL (— ic), a#.bie23iU cbcrfeuntuift berreffcufc. BIBLIOGRAPHY, s. bie SBu^erfnnbe. BIBLIOAIANCY, s. baS ?lttbClltCIt ill; runfttget Segebenbeiten aus sufaUtg a«fgef<^tagenen ©tellen bcr93ibel. BIBLIOMANIA, s.vwd.bk ^iid.icnvutb, Siidjetfucfet. BIBTJOMANIAC. «. mod. bcr 23iid)cr= licbbabcr, 33itd)eruarr. BIBLIOPOLIST, s. bcr i'udibaiibfcr. BIBLIOTHECAL, adj. jit ciucr i^ibIio= tbcf gebBrig. BIBLIOTHECARY, s. bcr 33ib(io([icfar, ^iicberauffeber. BIBLIOTHEKE, aid. Library. BIBLIST, 3. bet S3tbeHefet, ^ibctbcfcu= tier, bcr fid) ftrcua ait bcit i'crt bcr SBibel bait. BIBULOUS, adj. fd)wamntidif. BICAPSULAR, adj.Bot. t sroetfadjertg. BICE, .9. 7. blue — , bic blauc Aatbc, ba« 53laf;blau; are en — , bic grune Satbe, bas ©fafigllu, BICIPI'i'AL (Bicn-iTdus) adj. JWetfopfig, To bicker, v . n. 1. jtreireu, janlen, babcrit ; 2. fid; fitti unb her bereegcit, flacfcrn. BICKERER, s. bcr atteitet, ?,anfcr. bickern, a. t. boS fpibije Stfen, ^id- cifcit, bcr Joiner ; 2pcrrbafen. BICORX, ) adj. ntit jroet Content, bioornus, ) jroeibBtnia. To bid, v. a. 1. bcijicn,bcrcb(cit, oe»te= ten; 2. bictcit; 3. aitfbictcn, abfuu= bi^cit, auSrufen; 4. bitten, taben; ■ r ). bictcit, iviiufd)cu ; — him come in, laft ibit berciufennueu ; to — one morning, Cf'tiient eincn guteit iWorgen bictcit (fjtgen, njuufeben): to — one farewell, (ginem Sebemobl fa^enj to — the bans of matrimony, (ciit (Sbc= paar) Bffentlic| aitfbictcn ; to — fair, ficb gut (tnloffen, ju ^pffnungen be= rcd;tti]cu ; to — defiance, Sfcrofc btcten ; to — a boon, unt eine ©abc, ©nabe bitten; to— the beads, ten iRofens Etanj bcteu. BIDDER, *. bet T-ictci- (in cincr '.'Iuc= tirn); the best or highest — , bcr iDieiftbieteubc. To BIDE, v I a., bulbcn ; II. «. bkibfit, ivobitcn, ba'bei blcibeu. BIDEM'AL, adj $iuci;abuia,, iwetjtnfig. Bli>ET, s.l. baS flcinc SPferb, tev.Ulfp^ per; 2. bie :)ieitbanf, baS Jteitbcdeu (junt fflafdicu fiit Tauten). BIENNIAL {adv. — ly). adj. JWetja^ttg. BIER, s. bte SBa&te, loMcubabre ; — balk, bcr .^ircbu'cg ^u Segrdbniffen. BIESTINGS, s. pi. bie TMcftmild), etjie SBlilty (nad) bcr OJcburt, befonberS bci Jciibcu uad) bent .^albcu). BIFAR10US, adj. jivcifad), JU'CibCltttg, bpppclfiniii ( -(. BIFEROUS, adj. beS 3abre« jiuci 2)?al (Sriiebtc) ttagenb. BIFID, } part. adj. in JWet Zl)tilt BiFiD.VTE, s getbetlt, geftjalten. BEFOLD, adj. JWelfadj, b'oppelt. BIFORM, > ,. .. ■;•• BIFORMED,5 *-* W "f , ' rmt !l- BiroK.Mil'V,^. biebPppcltcOU'ftaUuinL Sov^elfotm, jtoeifadje ©eftalt. BIFURCATE, { adj. iumgatfig, jwcU BIFURCATED, J jtnltg. BIFURCATION, s. bic gaoelfotmige iheilunej, SjNiItltug. BIG, adj. {adv. — i.y) 1. bicf, grog; 2. fdjmanger, tidd)tig; fig. 3. ooUj -i. (lolj, (tufgeblafen, bod), grof;; —with cbjld, ; fcpiuattger ; — with young, ttadjttg; — with expectation, fig oof* let (Srrotirtntig ; — with pleasure, ruomtetrunfeii, tit SSerguitgeii fd)n>iin= ntcnb; my heart is — . ntcin §etj ift x>o\l I nttt Jlunimcr bclabctt) ; to look — , ftolj, trotjiiL faucr au-ifcbeit ; to talk—, gvofj tbitn, auffdmcibcu ; — With pride, ailfiieblafCU ; — bellied, bid baud'.ia, ; fdjtoanget; —bodied, birfleibig ; — boned, ftarf, fraftooU, pierfdjjVOtlg ; — corned, — grained, gro^totnig; — named, bcriibiiit; bonibaftifd) bcuanut, vollmaulig; — sounding, bi>rbti3ncub, crbabcu; — swoln, ftarf rtufgefcferooHeit; — ud- dered, mit oollen Eutcntj — words, ftofjf, trpfeiite ffiorte. big, .«. bie »ieljeiltge Sffiintergerfte. bigamist,*, bcr IBtgamifl "bcr jhjet Seibet jugleteb bat 1 ', 3 m ettoeibler. BIGAMY,*. I. bie SBtganue, ToppeI= c!e; 2. (im faupnifebcu SRedjte) bic •'>ciratb cincr jwetteit gratt, ober SBittroe, obcr ciucr fd;ou rcrfiibrtcu SJJetfon. BIGGEL, .<;. ciit oftiubifdiCiS llbicr ven 9tenntl}iergr5fe nttt fdmrnvjcu .jjb"t= item unb iicfpaltcucm .Ouf. BIGGIN, *. bao.Uittbcvbaubriicn, 3J2ttfe» dKit ; bic SBegtne, ^ounettfjaubc (bcr sOeguinen). BIGHT, a. .V. T. I. bcr 3311;], bie 58u.]t (bcr llinfang eii'eJ jufammcnaeroIU ten 2d)tfftaucf) ; 2. tie EButVt, eio flcincr fiafen; 3. bcr ©ug ant 3cbcn= Eel (bcr SJJferbe). BIGNESS, bie Xiefc, C!irbf,c, bcr Um> fang. bigot, L*.bet bigotte SDtenfd), bliubt Olubaugcr finer ilJicinuUf]; he is such a — i lb, cr 9¬ fo an biefett SBud)etn ; u. adj bigctt, "frentm* tifttg. BIG( 'TED 'adv. — ly), adj. bigott, blilt* ergeben. bigotry. ». bic Stgotterie, bltnbt 9lnbanglichfeir, bcr bhubc o'vontntig* feitSetfer. liii.AMH'.i;. a. bcr Sinnenlanbet (flei- ues Caftfcbiff son ungeffi^t 80 Zoa- nru). BILATERAL, adj. JTOetfettig. BILBERRY, a. bie .^cicclbecvc. BILBO,*. bit Degenflinge, ba3 SRav» pitv. BILBOES, ». pi. bic Auf:baubc,ber 2tpJ (fiit 33eibred)er auf Scbiffen). BILE,*. bte@alle. i:il<;i:. ,.-.',• r 1. tic SBeite oberSrettt beS SdjiffsbobeuS, bet EcbiffSraunt ; 2. bie SBeite tinea 5flfT**5 — i>miu>. tic Sobenpumpe ; — water, SQaffet tin Scbiffsraum, baS nidu uad) bent SJJunHJeufoob laufeit Uwu, Jtiinniroaf- fcr. 7'.' BILwi; r «. A'. T. IctT nxrbfn ; a bilged ship, cin im ^lad) [etftS (eingt^ fdjeitettes') ©djtff. BILIARY, adj. tut ©allt gcbotig ; — duet, bcr ©auengang. BHJNGU0U3, adj. jwetjungig. BDLIOUS, adj. galltg; gallidjt, gaUen^ avtiii; !Vill(c'u)fiid)tii); —fever, bai ©aUettfiebet. To iiilk. r.a. fcbncllcu, prclleit, bclTlT- gcu, tin Sttdje Idffen, (befonber* um bic [init bet] Sejatjluilg) J joe. eiueil i^ufaten madjen. bill, s I. btt Sdjuabel; — full tin ©djiiabelooU; 2. cine 8lrt, 3icbfl, bte iQ'typt, ta; ©attenmeffet, Sd)nitt= meffetj band — , ctue futjt ^ippe; hi :e (hedging) — , cine fangt ■*> 3. tic.Knuiiniart; Stteitart; fieUc= batbe ; brown — , cine Srt ffiurff^iefi : 4. fbefonbert M E.) bcr 3fttct, bat ©tflet ; tic vine, bad S8tt}et$nt|; bic 3tote; 5. Stedjnuiig, bcr SJuSjug; 6. bcr Sdjeitt, bie Scfrlpeinigung ; 7. bet 3Bed;felj appoint (* point, vid. Ap- point): 8. bic Erbrift, bte£anbfd)tift Sdjutboetfdjteibung, Obligation ; 9. .UKiiufdivift, iVbrtrilicbc J((agt;bai Slbotttifftntfnt j 10. ber 2litfdi[oa»et= tel; EHuSb^ftnnejettel ; II. bic SBtU (bcr (Sntwurf [S3otfdjIafl] ju ttntin ©efefee obet ju etnet iParIament«»er= otbuuttg), bic Slcte iter oerbtublirbi SParIaineut8fdjIu9; bofi ©efefc)j t'i pass a — . ciuc ©ill tin spatlameittt auncbnicu, befintigen, burdjgeben Iaf= fen; to find the — , bie Jtlage auiub= men, fid) batauf tinlaffen ; a — set up, bcr Slnfdplag angefdjlagent 3^- tcl, ; — under one's band. Ct'ltC .Oailb = fdirift; taker of a —.bcr £taffniiSf($etn, ©iiter obnc 3'acfnr abjulaben; — of store, bcr ^rp'.nantfcbcin ; — of suf- ferance, ber (Srlaubutfncbein, SBaaren joUfret au§j(ufubrtn unb tamtt son etnem britrifdicn £>afen 511m onbern ill banbeln; tn accept a — , ciueit SEBccbfel acceptiren; to advise a — , ei= nen SBedjfel aoifiren; to draw a — , einen SBedjfel etnlofen, etnjieben ; to give a — , einen SBedjfel anSftcUen ; to issue bills. S0Bed)ffl ausftellen, in Umlaut bringen ; to protest a — , einen 91-cdifcl proteftirett, proteftirett [af= fen, ' r rf bill. v. T. a. 'turd) ct'it 2loerttffe= ment befannt marbcii, ausb;citcu; 11. n. fid) fdjiia^etit ; licbeln. 3ILLARD s t Saflarbs^ctpaun. billet, s. . baS billet, 93riefd)en, ber 3ettel ; Cuarticncttct ; rioux, baS 8tebe3brtefcr)ett ; "2 tas Srbcit; — wood. SSrcnnbolj, 6djeit= bolj ; — head. .V. T. bets gefriimmtc 93orfcrtbeil ber Sdjnabel) am S3ors fteoen, bas gefriimmte (Snbe beS StitU cines ScbiffcS, roclcbcS fetue 3'igur vcrftellt. t r» billet, ;-. a. ba3 Quartier a:tivei= fen, ehtquartieren ; to — soldiers upon ^ne, (itucm ©olbaren iu§ Quartier febjefen. JILLIAED, s. i. J\r t. cine etferne Btange obet etn Stofjer, tic eifetnen l3anter anf bte SDcaften 511 tretben ; 2. 1 iiiiards, s. p.'. ba« Silfarb, 3BttIarb= fptel ; to play at — . SBiHarb fpielen; billiard-ball, bit SMUartfiigcl. ber SBall; — stick, bet StllarbjlodF, bag Queue ; — table, bte Siflarbtafel, bas StQarb. billion. ». bie SBiHton. BILLOW, s. tie SBoge, nrofx SSeUe ; — beaten, oon bcit SBelien bin unb ber gefcbleubert. •/•■ billow, n. v. QveKenformig' auf= '.hveUc.i, fid) auft[)iirmen, aufroo= gen, lunllen. billowy, adj. roogtg, aufgefd;rooI= len, getburmt. 3MANi (US, adj. preibanbirj. bimedial. a'ij. rational mirtter, — line, s. rational 5Prtttelltnte. BIN, s. tie 8abe1 .nific, ber fatten. binaclf.. s .v T. t.t$ f5L»mpa^r>an«= d)en, 2Sad)tbait8; — -amps, 35acb> bauSlairiDcn. 40 binary, adj. gejrDett, ans }roei ®tn- hetten beftebent ; — aritiimetic, ba£ 3ie,tnen mit jroei gablcn; — mea- sure. Mus. T. ber gerabe Xaft. binary, s. bte 3weibeit, 3'^I *>°n 3rocten. bind. ». bie ^opfertranTe, bcr ^opfen ; — 'n-eed. btC SBinbe (C„nro/rn/us — /..); black weed — , bie StttflOMrj ( Ta- mils — L, ). To BIND, r. l.a.1. birtben ; cinbiitben ; rerbinbcii ; 'I. oerppid;ten; 3. feft, gea>tf5 maciben; 4. bemnten, binbern ; to — with galloon, mit Srcffen obet Sorfen bet'efeell ; to — an apprentice, einen Seining aufbtngen laffen, ©inen in tie ?cbrc geben; to — a servant, einen Wiener burd) 3Jltctr)= gelb obcr (ioutraft btnbcn ; to — a bargain with earnest, einen <^aitbel ge= n?tfi macben; to — over, (citiren) oorlaben laffct; ; to — up, serbintcn ; einfrbranEci! ; n. n. 1. ftarr roerben; 2. oerftopft roerben; 3. oerbiiiird) fenn ; {topfen. binder, S . 1. ber Winter ; 2. ©arben= binbet; 3. Btifbbinber ; 4. tic SBtnbe; 5. Med. r. bas btnbeube SJctttel, i'cr= ftopfungSmittel. BINDING, s. 1. bcr (finbaub; 3>er= banb ; tie SBinbe; 2. Sp.E. (»om &il- fen; bas @tmfiben, ©rrcicben ber Scute ; the iron — of a dead eye, .V T. bet SBefdjlag einer Jnngfer; — and loosing, baj iu'baltcit Ulit @tlafs fell bet Siinte; — beantree. tcr iSrbleentrrtt; — joist, bcr oerbtnbenbe C.ucrbaltcn ; — notes. Mug. T. ■icbtctftiotcu : — strakes, bte Si+tcr= ftocfe be« recfes. BiNc. .?. (in Sliaunroetfen) ciu ,^>au= fen SItaun. BlNOCLE,s. r. baS Seero^t mit bop* pclten 3fior)rcii ffit bcite Slugen $u= gletci). BiNOCL"L.\R. adj. jroetaugig. BINOMIAL, adj Mg. T. bill01Ut'"d) au» jroei Jbcifen, ©rofen beftebenb. BiNOMiNOUS, adj. mit jroet Dlamen, jroeinamig. biographer, s. bcr SBtogrcpt), Sc= benfbefebreiber. biographical, adj. btograp^ii'd). biography, s. bie iBiograp^te, 2e= benSbefdjreibung, ta« Seben. BIPARODS, aiij. jwet 3unge auf ciu SKal gebarenb. bipartible, } adj. in jroet Sbctlc EiPARTfLE, S t'bcilbar. bipartient, adj. in 5»ct Xbtilt tbetteub. bipartite, adj. in 5n.'ct.i.'bet[c geHjeilt, jroeitbetlig. BIPARTITION, 5. tic Sbciluug in jtvci JE^cile. biped, s. ta§ ju'cifujJigc obcr jroeibeu nige 2 bier. bipedal, adj. jVL'ti §ufj Iang ; 5wci= ffifiig. bii'Kxnate. adj. mit jwet glfigcTn, jroetfiugeltg. bipbtalous, orfj. jwetblattcrig (oon SBiunten). BIQOADRATE, )L». Alg. T. bie ?8i- BiaUADRATlc 5 ancibratjabf, oierte sjsoren? cincr 3abi ; n. adj. baS SotU gc betreffenb. BBRADIATE, \ adj. mit %m t ©tra^s biradiated, 3 len, boppelftrab^Ug. BIRCH, s 1. (— tree) ttC Sttfe, tlT Sitfenbanm; 2. tie btrtcue Oiutbe, bas ^ttrentetd ; — broom, tcr Str= fenbefen ; — oil, bae ©trfentheet ; — — 3Sctn one SBtrfenfaft BIRCH. ) ,. , • t BIRCHEN. \ °' !j - btrfCn - BIRI s. b"t SKcgrl ; — of passage, ber 3ug9ogeI; birds of panic-. SBogchvilb* pret; — bolt, ber 2?ogelboljfen ; — cage, boS Sogclbaucr ; — call, bit Soffpfeife, tcr iJogclmf ; — catcher (-* man), bcr SBogelfanger, SBogelfieQet — cherry ( — s-cherry., tie i>pgclftrfd) (Primus Padus — L.) ; birds' eye view jig. tie SBogelsSperfpertioe (.^luficbi oon cincr .*3bbc); — eyed, !.ipg.el» augig; lebbaft, munter; — fancier, ter Sogelliebbaber, SpgcltobtcS; — fly. tcr Jtclibrt in 6anaba) : — grass (foul-meadow-grass), fd)iualb[ata tertgeS 3ii§pengraS (Pua avgustifoUa — L.) ; Cine OU't Sd)maben \Pnnicum capillarc — L) \ — lime, ter 3SogeJ= feint: — limed, mit Sogelfetm be* ftricten ; — nesting. SOogelneperauSa uebmen (ftoren ; — pe pper, ber i'ogcli pferfet (Capsicum minimum — JL.) ; — seller, bcr 9>ogeIhantlcr ; — skewer, (— spit), bet iRogelfpetlet ;2piefj;; — s' eye, bas SboniStoScfien, (Adonis — L.) ; bie Scblitffelblumc (Trimuia L.) ; — s-foot, bcr SBogelfng (Omi- thopus, — L.) ; — s-nest, ba» i'ogclncfl (Daucvs — L..); — s-nest [swallow-nest), ba§ pftinttfebe ctbarc ^ogelncft, Sinnl innejl ; — s-tares, tie J.ogcls rotcfe Sr^iffbtob ; 2. vaubc ©ttingut (cine 9lrt $pr;c!Iau obnc ©lafur). To BISECT, ?■ a Mat. t in jloei gteu rbe Jbeife tbcilcu, burcbfdjneiben. bisection, », Mat. T. tieSbeiluug in jroet gleirbe Jbcilo. MENT, s tcr cine J'bct'f ciner in jroet gleidje ^alften gcthctlttit Sinic. BISHOP, .'. 1. tcr SBifcbof bpbe gciftli= die SBfirbe) ; 2. ciu ©etran! au§ SBetn, Orangeti unb Sn^cr; 3. bet Saufet tm gctjad) ; — 's-wced, bte ?lmmei (Jimmi — /,.); — 's-wort, bet fdjroarte .^iimmcf ; — like, or — iy. adj. bifd)6flid), fid) ffit cittcn JBtfrboJ fdjtcfeiib, $icmcnb. To bishop. ?> 0.1. ;um Sii'dipf ein« roetben, einfegnen, firmeln ; 2. Sp.E eincm altcn ^Jfcrbc tas Sfid'cn an tic 32tiufcn rctjjen. ?b bit, ?-. a. bos ©ebifi geben. BITCH. .?. tic .VntllPill. ~l>ct}C. /b BITE, », ir. a. 1. bcifictt ; 2. ftecbert, febneiben, einfebneiben ; 3. oeranms ben ; ,/ivr. frcinfen ; 4. wig. bertugen ; 5. d^cn, beijjeu ; to — at, anbeijuu ; to — oir, abbcijictt; to— the dust. ins ©ras beigert ; to — the nails, ait ben IRSgeht Eaiten. bite, *. l. bet 33tB; 2. ba>s Slnbetpen; '■>. vuigMt 33ettug, .Uuitt ; SBcfruger. BITER, «. 1. bet sBeiget; ?lnbcijscr; 2. ber SBetritger, .ttuiffiuacfjev. BJTTACLE ft + oid. B:kacle. BITTER ia,lv. — ly), I. adj. 1. bitter; 2. fig- flrenge, raub, unfreunblid), bart, graufam, beftig; fdjmetjbaft, f'raitfctib, bitter; erbtttcrt, bofe; bci= fktib, fvotttfdi, fatyrifeb. ; a — blast, ein fdmcibcttter SEBinb; a — quarrel, ciit peftiger, graufamer ©treit ; — con- sequences, trantige Solgeii ; — apple ( — gourd), tie Goloqutnte ; — dam- son, bie ©imatuba ; — end, JV. t. bag tint bic sBaringS ftelcalbrcbc (Orobus — L.) ; — wood, ba5 Stttet* bulj auS 3amaifa ; — wort, bet gel be (S'lljtatl (Oentiana Intra — 1. '■; II. a. 1. jv. T. bet S3atingfdb[ag ; 2. bitters, ft pi. SBttterfeiten. BITTERISH, «//. eiu Wentg titter, bit-- teilirb. BlTTERiSHNEsa, s bic mojtgc Sitter* fcit, ©itterlic&feir. BITTERN, s-. bie :'(pbrbomme(; brown — ber braune Sfteibtr ; small — , bet fjriiiie Sftarbtrabe. BITTERNESS, a. i. bic ©irfetfeit ; 2. thr. -Sftrte, ©raufamfeit, •Beftigfeit ; ©OSbeU; ber bittct'c .^afi; 3. ber @tam, Jtummet, bie \2pri^, bae fraiifeiibc ©tfiibl bet SOotWutfen. BITTUUH, Bittor, a. bic diol)ibomine[, vid. Bittern. ritts, s.pi.N. t. bie ©attngSbSIjet. To but. ». a. JV. T. bac. !Eou) nut tie ©StingSbbljet rotnben. bitumen, 6-. ba3 (Svbpcrb, 6tb^atj, ikniverb. BTTUMINOUS, a//, erbpecbi.], 6etg» bivalve, ) adj. jweifdjaltg, mit BTVALVt )! rs, > jtoci beffnungen (son bivalvular, > ben 5d)altbicvcn.) BIVOUAC, g. bie ©etwadbt ba« t?am= Vircit im ?aget (tin fvciemSeibe; bci Xo^e nub 5Iad)t. To bivouac, o. v tin freictt 5clte lic= gen, biooaquiren. BIXWORT, «. cine ^fbmje von ber Jloblart. BIZANTINE, mi. Byz\irrrnE. BIZARRE, adj. feltfant. liMiiiberlid). To blab, ». in frbroaijfH, vlaubern; II. a. to — out, mis'Vl^iifcriu BLABBER, Blab, ». ber Scbtt)5feet, Spiauberer, ilngebet, BLACK [adv. — ly), adj. 1. fdnvar^ ; 2. Jig. fti'ftev, utiin-iiVb, fauer; 3. tfttutig, nngiucflid); n. *-. 1. bas ©cbwat}, bic fcbioarje %axhe, Sdmuqe, ber Jtnji; 2. tcr «dmmr= je, SReget ; 3. bie Sttauet, £tauet= lletbung ; a — nian, woman ein k JJc= ncr, eiiie flcijcrin ; cine fd)anu$[id,e qjetfon (i^ninette ', a — aeed, cine fd).uarje, laftevbafte iEbatj — and blue, braitit unb blau ; ba3 braune unb bas Maue HJlaal ; to put on — , fid) fd;a\ir; tlcibeit; to have a thins under — and white, ©cbroatj aiif Sijcifi (fdu-iftlidn haben; to look — at [upon) one. boSbaff (mit ftnftem iUidcit) anfebeu ; — aldertree, bet jjaulbauin Rknmimg — L.) ', — amber, bet ©aflat fdlllHtl^CO @fbs bcvlv ; — art, bie febroarje jtunfl, 3auberfitnft; — bail. 1. bie febroatje jltugel ; 2. ©ani^fcoroav^e, baa 2dnth= n>ad)'S ; — heer, fa; ©taunbier, ban= tiger Soppelbier ; — berry, bie S3tonis beetej — berry bush bic SBtoinbeets ftaube ! — berried, febroane Ceereit rtagenb ; — heath, baS glacbsfraut, ^atltfraut ^nttrrhinum Linaria — /-. ; bird, — bieSlmfel; the gread, — bird, eine9Irt5)oblemitgeR)olbtein©o5na= bcl (Comix i'arriila major — K.) ; — blend, bic $ecbblcnbe; — boil, mit Sdjeiberoaffei aufgelopeS .uiipfer jnm ©aubern bet aRetaUfnSbfe ; — boot, L. if mi. T. \>ai Sttafling«= bud), fig. bic Ungetabe; —browed, adj. mit febtuar^en 2lugenbrauiten ; fig. murttfeb, fiuftcr; btobenb; — brown, mlj. fdiiVui^bvauu ; — bryony, tic fdJTBatje Stiff tour j i Tamiu— I..* : — cap, bic' fdnvar^c gefoppte SWetfe ; — cattle, bo.8 >§oritoteb ; — chalk, fd)toai*c Jtreibc ; — choier, fig. bie Sdjwetmutb, SJlctaitcbotic ; — cluster, tie butguubet iL'ctimniibc; — cock, vid. — same: — • currant, tic fd)tvar^e 3obanntdbeere f ©icbtbeere ; — devil, bet ^etersfiffb. ba« $eter= manncben ; — earth, tic JJainmcrbe ; — eyed, fdjioar^iuiiig ; — faced fcbroarjbrauii ('.'Pin (Mendit), bn'inett; — fish, eiltc Stttt ©arfeb (Perea nigra — /„.), — friar, ber Tomiuifauet ; — same. ba5 @iwann>i(b; Sirfbubn, .*>iifelbulut, -?.'ie>orhiibit; — guard, ber JErogbube ; geincine, febinu^ige JterC, Smnpenbttub, — bailed, mit frtjiuarjem ©tiff ; — jack, bcv 2d)[(iud), tic Scbleiffanue, bet fdjtuatj lafivtc SterEtug; — lead, ba* Sfflaffetblet, SRetBbjet, " ^ottlotb; — lead pencil, ber ©ietftift; — lead pow- der, bie @ifenffbnjftr je ; — leg, cunt. ciit Sinetcr, (Maimer; — less, cine ©C^afs unb .Kalberfvanfheit Don $u feudjtem guttet ; — letter, gotbifabe Sd»rift ; — mail, ber SRaiibftfoib, bad ©cpuigelb ; — mastorwnn, tie fcbtt)at= JC iJJJeifterroutj (Tmpcratarium ob structium — J..) : — monk tcr 93ene= tictincr ; — moor, tcr 3Jtobt {vid. Blackamoor); — mouthed fdnimr^ mflulig ; ./.v. ein lofea 2R«ul babenb ; — oak hark, tie Quercitron rSJtinbe ; — peopled, mit frbnoarjen iDfeufcben 6e»olfett; — pudding, ber ©luts$ub= bittg, bie SBIutroutft ; — rents, pL bie ginfen in Olaturalien ; — rod, usher o: the — , ber £burftcl)cr mit btm febroar^cn Stabe; — smith, bet ©tob- fdjmieb, iBuffcbmieb j — strake, jv T. tic fconxtri gefarbten $lanhn fibet ten Soergboljern ; — tail, tn JtaulbatfcJ; — tea, ber ihcchib; — thorn, bet Sdjroatjbotn, 2dileb- born ; — tin. bafl gtpoepte unb get»a= fdieue unb (urn Srbmeljen jubeteitetf 3 timer* ; — turnip. Sonxnblatt [Leon- t i rc — /.) ; — varnish, tcr 3 tcittrohlcn- tbeer ljum SJuftteidjen bet Sd — visaged, mit fdnuartcm ©eftcbt ; — vomit, ba3 febtoarje (gtbredjen ; — wad. tin au8 ©raunflein unb (Sifen Sufammeitgefr^frt @tj ; — wood, fcbroarjeS (Sbcnbolj aufl 3JJabagafl> car; — work, bit ©tobfcbmieb8ai= bcit ; — worts ( — whor berries). .£>fitelbccveit. To black, d. a. fchwat) macbcu, febroarjen. BLACKAMOOR,*', tcr Ultjm, QJlo^r ; — 's teeth, col. .Uauno, JWufdjelgelb. To BLACKBALL, ». a, tni'di fdv.varjc j?ugeln im ©altottiren oerwetfen. To BLACKEN, v. I o. fdjioar j macbeu, febmarjen; fig. anfrbroarjtu ; n. n. febroan ivetbeu. black en Lit, »■ bet (&tmai oerbunfelt. BLACKING, a bie ©ebubfebwatje, SBifbfe, ber ©cbroarjel; _ bail, tie ©cbroarjtitgel ; —brush, bie 3Std)8a biirfte ; bet Scbroarjpiuftl. BLACKISH, adj. fcbroarjlifb. BLACKNESS, *. tic Srbwdtje; fir, 3)unfelbeit; SlbfrbeultrbJeit. BLADDER, ». I. tie llrinblafe, Slafe 2. b(ti Sla'Srben, ■i'Uatterdn'ii ; —nut bic spimpermiB; — sen'. a, SlafeuJ fciina [Coivtea — /*). BLADE «. l.bae ©lattd)en, ©taScfren, ,*3al;ncbcn, Vaub ; a —of grass straw), em ©taSs (©tro^=) apalm; 2. tie filtnge; 3. jig. bet .fcetl, m blade, a. a. mit ciiier Jtlingc »cv= febeu. blai.v, ft tcr Sd)roarcn, tic 33eute. BLAMABLE [adv. — ly , adj. tabelud* miirbig, fttaf bar. BLAMABLENESS, s tie SabeIrt«rout= bi^fcit, ©trafbarftit. blame ». I. bie 3urerbunng cine' Aohler-j, etnefl SBetfehens, bie Scbulb. bet Eabel; 2. bafl SSetgeben, 33erbre«- cbett ; to bear the — . Scbulb fei)U. To BL \MI'.. b. a. tabelll : to — one Ibi a fault, (Sitieu moruber tabelit. riigep, to be to — , ^11 faeclll femt : 1 am to — . mit fomint tic Sdjulb 511. BLAMEFUL, adj. tabelnStoettfi, ftraf- bar. BLAMELESS adv. — ly), adj labelled, uittatelhaft, unftraflicb, uiifobulbig; — ness, », tie Eabelioftgfeit, UniatcL bafttgfeit, Unfcbuib. BL VMER, a tcr Eabter. blameworthy, adj. fabelnSwutbtg. BLAMEWORTHINESS, « bie iabelu«= mi'ttbigfeit. To BLANCH, v. a Wetji marben, tvci« Lett, bleicbeit, loeiB fteben ; abbiilfcn, fdv-len; to — almonds, SNanbelu febSfen. BL iNCH. or Blanche, Srauca(Stauen» name I. blancher,* ber SBteidjer, SBeifPf ber; Sp. /:. Erctbet, ^agbbunb. BLAND, adj. milt, f.nifr, polb, gfttifl. 41 BLAZ BLIG BLOB BLANDILOQUENCE, ». bic fanffcn, fujjen SBorte, Sd)incid)clci. To BLANDISH, v. a. fd;mcid)cln, litfa fofcu. BLANDISHES, s. bcr Srfimeidilcr. BLANDISHMENT, s. bie ©djineictjelei, ?tebfo fung, greiin&ttc^Eeit. BLANK (adv. — ly), I. adj. 1. Mrtllf, iveif; ; 2. blafj, mntl)loi; 3. rocifi, unbefdjriebcn, leer; 4. befdjamt, bleid) ; 5. reimloS; — ■ bond ( — char- tor), ba3 ^Biauquet jit cincr Dbliga= Hon ; — credit (or credit in — ), M. K. pjfeuer (Blanco) On-cbit, 3JBcd)fclcrc= bit; — licence, cut blofier (unanSgcs fiillfcr) iJ'l\lllfd)Ctlt ; — manjje, 'bic roetjie ©allerte ; — verse, reimlofer 9Ser8; — endorsement, ba3 ©irircn in SBlattco ; to look — . befdumt, bc= punt, oerrotrrt anSfefjen ; 2. s. 1. bcr roeipe (lecre) "-}> 1 a Ij auf bent papier obev in ciitcnt ^uclje, bic Sittfc ; 2. ba3 unbefd)ricbcue papier; 3. bic sjtiete (in bcr Sotterie) ; 4. bev Scbrbt-- ling (bie unge.praa,te SNunjplatfe) ; — blanks, S3ltnbmiinjC ; to draw tills in — , m. e. in SBlanco trafftren. To blank, ». a. 1. an6lofd)en, oernidjs ten, anfbebcit; 2. befdjamen, mitt(;= loS madjen. BLANKET, ». 1. bie tvetfe roollcnc Settbecfe ; SBtubel ; 2. cine 3rt@oins mevbirn (fran?5ftfdj bianqwtte) \ 3. '/>/>. t. ct'it ©titci roetjjes Surf) obcr Sifj. ba« nnter ben SBogeii in ber •$rcffe gelegt roirb. • T« BLANKET, o. a. 1. (lltit Ciller S>e« CIC) JUbetfcit, bcbecfeit ; 2. to — one for toss one in a blanket), Q'ineit prrU len ; mit (in) cincr -Dccfe in bic .§8= he fdjlcubcru. blankly, adv. roeii) ; Iccr; befcMmt. To BLASPHEME, v. a <$-7z.@0tt laftcrn, flnd)eu, laftcrn, gottlofe 3tcbcu fii6* vcn. blasphemer, s. bee ©orteSKifterer, Safterer. BLASPHEMOUS (adv. — ly), adj. gotteSs Kificrlid), laftcrlidj. blasphemy, ^. bie ©ottcStajlcntiig, Saftcrnng. BLAST, *. I. ba§ ©lafen be3 SGinbcS. bcr SBiitbftof); 2. rbci K'tfenroerfen) bieSuftfaule, roeldje bent Sener $uge« blafeit roirb ; 3. ber Sd)all, Son com SBtafen, Srontpcteitftofi; 4. 30Bettec= febaben; Sftebltbau, Sraub tin ©e= tveibe nnb an 33Sumen ; Seuc^e, 5pla= ge; 5. baS 3erfprtngen. To blast, v. a. 1. fprcngen emit ^nh oer) ; 2. fcblagen, oerniefcten, »«« brennen (burd) ©turm, §aget, SBlifc 11. f. iv.); 3. oereiteln; 511 s J2icbte marbcit; «cnua!)flofcn it. f. ro.; 4. ftudjett, vcrfliid)ru ; to — one's repu- tation, Cniictt urn fcinen gutcu Stamen bringen. BLASTER, s. bcr Bcvftorcr. BLATANT, adj. (Dry.) bib'cilb (11HC eilt ,«alb). To BLATTER, v. n. + blbfctt, febrcicit, prajfetn. blav% s. ber SBeiSftfdj, bic Q?[cic. blaze, .9. 1. bic (belle) diamine, ?\<\-- cfet, ©Intb, bcr 8ic6tftrabl; ba« Vu= bent, 8'cncr ; 2. bic SSerbretturtjt, ber fltuf, t>a$ ©eritdtt; 3. bie iUi'iffc'ctn ber Stint eines SJJferbeS; 4. bcr Xn= mutt, Sfinn. To blaze, v. I. n. flammctt, facfedt, lobern, leuebtcit ; glan^cn, fd)int= merit ; n. a.1. serbveiten ; 2. setd)- ncn fSaume bnrd) @infeb,nttt, inbeni ca§ SBeif)e [ber Splint] bcnnirfrirbt) ; to — abroad, aiuUuTitcit, ritebbar nia= djeit, aitSpofaunen. BLAZER, s. ber ^liiSpcfaiincr. 42 blazon,*. 1. bieSBaDpenfunji; baS SQBapwu: 2. Slutyofaunen, -JJi-cifcn, Sob. To blazon, v a. 1. biafout'rcii pber aSappcn crtlarcu, fdiilbcnt; 2. au8« frantcn, jut ®d;au aullegen ; 3. jic= ren, oerfcbonemi; 4. oerbveiten, bc= fannt ntaebcu, auSpofaunen; 5. ber= auoftrcidien, riibnien, preifen, fciern. BLAZONER, s. 1. ber 2b\iypcnberplb ; 2. VliiH'pfaiuicr. BLAZONRY, s. bic 31'aVVCiif itttbc. To BLEACH, v. a. = platj. BLEAK {adv.— ly), I. adj. fait, ftofiig ; tranrig, freubenloS; II. s.—, or Bleak- fish, bcr JBeififtfeb. bleaicness, s. bic J?3Ite, Srpfit,ifett. BLEAR, adj. — eyes, villlteilbc Slligen, Sriefaugen; —eyed, triefciugig. To blear, v. a. triefaitj]ii] mad;cn, ncr= buufeln. BLEAREDNESS, 5. bic ^riefaUiji^c't, baS ilngentriefen. To bleat, v. a. blofcit (wie cin 2d;af), inecferit (mic cine 3'cac)- BLEAT, Bleating, s. brt3 siBIBfeil. BLEB,.5.bteiMafe, baS JBafferbi;i«ebcn. To BLEED, v. I. re. bllltCll; triivfellt; auSlaufen; to — at the nose, 5Jafen= blnten baben ; 11. a . 1. sue Slbcr laf= fen- 2. beit ©aft aus cincm tannic japfen. To BLEMISH, v. a. 1, ncriiuRa I ten, fdwnbcit; befd)iiii(jcn, befebinipfen. biaiibmavfcit; 2. % T. nom Sdjweif? abgeben. blemish, s. 1. ber glecf, Scbiiubfterf, iUafel ; 2. bie ©cbanbe; 3, Sp. T. ber abgebrocbene 3'^ci;], ba§ DicrEmaal, bie Spur. BLEMISHLESS, n ij. mafcUoS, fef)(cr= fret, uprwurfjfrci. To BLENCH, v. n. UOr ©C^VCtfeil }U= piritcffabreit, ftnfteit, roeidjen. blench, s. + bais Sluffab^ren, bic ?lb= ttJcicbitng. BLENCHER, s. wai fjinbcrt, vcrljinbcrt, ober erfitrccft. To blend, ?'. I. 1/.. lnifi-ben, mengen, Bcnnifdieu ; u. «. gemifebj roerben u. f. \v. blender, s . ber 2?crniifd)cr. To BLESS, v. a. 1. fegiteu ; eiiifca,ttcn ; 2. begliictett? 3. prcifeit, riibmeii ; — me! fief) ba ! u>ie! tft e» inoglid)! God — you i Icbc lvobl ! ©ott fc» mit 5)tt ! rpobl befomm'S ! BLESSED. c.dn — ly), adj. 1. gefcgilCt; 2. felig, giiicffclig; to— (the— spirits 1 , bie ©eligen; tiie — /irgin, bic hod)* gelobte Suugfrau ; — thistle, bcr 6ar= bpbenebietcit (Centaureabenedkta—L.) ; — be (the Lord) God! ©Ott fel) gc= lobt ! tlin queen of — memory, bic f)ocr)felige Jlbnigiitn (col. glorreidjeu s )lnbcnfcu«). blessedness, «. 1. bie ©liicffcliafeit, baS £teil, bcr ©egen, bic qbttlidte .£ufb, ©nabc; Scl'igfeit; 2. ^eiltg= feit. blesser, s. ber SQeglucfer, ©egncr, blessing, .?. 1. bie' ©egnung; 2. ber Scgen, ba3 ^eil, bic gofrlidje .'3ulb, ©unft ©nabe ; 3. prppbctit'dic^crbct; fiung fi'tnftiger ©tucffeligfetf; 4. ber SBortheil, iOoqug; 5. (bet ben a I ten i^ebraem) baS ©efc^cnf, bie ©abe. BLEYME, s. bie Steingnlle am .£>ufc ciucJ §Pferbe&. BLIGHT, s. 1. ber 9_'iebltfuut, 3?raub ; 2. baS 93vennenbe, ^erftorenbe; 3.* bcr ©iftbaud), ^eftatbent. To BLIGHT, v. a. 1 -burd) 3)?cbltbau) oerberbeu; 2. »crcitclu, vauid>ten, j» ©oben fd;lagin. BLIND (adv. — ly), I. adj. 1. blillb, 6lobfid)tig; 2. buufel; 3. gebeim; imfiditbar; 4. unmiffcub; — of one eye, auf eiitcm 3luge blinb ; — to one's defects, blinb gegen fcine (cigcueii) SJiiingel; a — alley. baS ©af;cl)cn pbnc iJuSgang, ber Sacf, bag Jlebr* voicber ; — coal, in ber vSrbe ocrfobltt «tcinfobleu; — man, bcr 531inbc; — man's bud', bic blinbe Siufy (eiu Spiel) ; to play at — man s lniflr, blinbe ^nb fpielcu; — nettle, bit blinbe 9lc||cl, Sraunrourj (Scrofkaria — L.) ; — side (or a man)j 3enunbe3 f.twadje Seitc ; — vessels, CIS 7'.©es fafie, njclriic nitr auf cincr >i:eite eiite Dcrptuug baben; a — wail, bie 28anb obnc Scnftcr; a — way, c t it bunt'lcr (fd;wcr 511 fiitbenbcr) 2Beg ; a — win- dow, cin bliubcS 3'cnftcr; —worm, bie 4Minbfd)lcid)C ; 11. s. 1. bie 35ecfe, ■§uUe (eigentlid) unb uneigentlid)) ; 2. baS SGorgcben, bcr Sorroanb, bie MuSffucbt, ©emantelung; 3. bic 3as lonftC; rolling — , Stolljalouftcn ; Ve- netian — , 3aloufteu ; — turns, Salons fttsSSorreiber. To blind, v. a. 1. blinb ntadieii ; b!en= beit; ocrblcnbcn; 2. oerbiuifcln, »cr= ftllfterit; blinded by, — at..., «lT= blenbet burd), iibcr," u. f. ro. blindfold, mij 1. mit ycrbintbciicii Slugeu ; bliiiblmgS; 2. fig. fclinblingS, unbefoiiiien. To BLINDFOLD, v. a. bic ?lltgc)l i.icr= binbeu. BLINDNESS, s. 1. bic ^(iubbrit ; 2. fig. Unvoiffeiibcit. blink, s. bcr fludjtige 93licf, Sr!uiu= mer, baS Slinfcn ; Sp. T. ber abge* brod)ene 3 ll,|CU J' M* sKarfe, Spur; — of the ice, ccr ivcife Sdiein am ^orijont, in ber Sftorbfee burd) iai ©is vcrnrfadit. To blink, v. v. i. blinfen, blinjelit; 2. bunfel fcl)cn; 3. Sp. k. fel)lcn, »er* paffen. BLINKARD, Blinker, s. bcr 33linjfcr, Slobfiditigc. blinkers, pi. bic Sdteitlcbcr (am .fiopfgefrbirr eineS ^JfcvbeS). BLISS,s.bie Scligfcit, ©liicf'cligfrit, SBonne. BLISSFUL {adv. — ly), adj. fdig, giiief= felig, vooitncupll. blissfulness, s bie Seligfeit, ©liief= fcligfcit, SBonne. blissless, adj. uiigcfcgucf, imgli'nfs lid). BLISTER, s. 1. bie 3?(afc ; Splatter, 45tfcblatter, ba« SlaScben ; 2. ba3 ©l,:fcilpflafter; to raise blisters, 33!a= fen jicben. To BLISTER, v. I. a. SPIilfcnpffaftCT it. f. ro. aitflegen, SBIafen jieben, iMa= fen madjen ;' n. «. Slafen befommcit, blafig roerben. elite, s. bas iMiitfrant, SDJaierfrant bcr 2)?aieramarantb (Blitum — L) BLITHE (adv. — ly), adj frof), fvbf; = lid), luffig, oergniigt, aufgeranmt. BLITHENESS, ) s. bic (5'robltcb = BLITHESOMENESS, S feit. BLITHESOME (— ful), adj. fro^ll^i oergntigt, muntce To BLOAT, ». I. a auffcbvocllcit, auf= blabcn, aufbuitfcit; n. n. auffdjroet len, auflaufcn; bloated herring, be» geraurberte faring; Sfirfling. b'loatedness, s. baS feri)roc!fcit bcr Sdivoulft, bic ©efd;i»«lfi ; cin aufgebunfeneS Sleit^ere. blobberlip, s. bie bicfe ?ippc. BLOBBERLIPPED, adj. bicflippi.]. gro0 nnnilia. BLOO BLOCK, s. 1. bcr S8lo>. bcr jelotj, pUmpe, bumme Jtcrl ; 5. ba-3 fim* bentitj; — head, bcr SmmmEppf, JtlOlj; — headed, bllllUll ; — headly, n>ie ein SDummfopf, bumntfopfig ; — house, baa iUodbauS; — like, buntm, einfalttg ; —maker, cin Slodfbrefjer ; — mast, citt OJalecretu obcr ©c&es becfeiis9Baft, mit oieredfiaen Scpp unb ©cbeiben ; —tin, baSSBlocfjinit; — sheaves, ©focffcbeiben ; — stones, rof)c ©teinmaffen. To BLOCK, ?•. a. fiemmcn, biubcru, fperren, ucrftopfen ; etnfdilicijcu; to — up, blocfiren, oertammeln. BLOCKADE, .?. bie i31odabC. To BLOCKADE, v. a. blodtrCll, citt= febjiejjen. BLOCKISH (ado. — ly), adj. bltmilt, plump, tBlpifrfc. BLOCK isi in ess, s. bicSummfjcit, baS tblpifdie SBefen. BLOMAEY, s. T baS 3rifd)feucr, obcr bie cvftc ^dBiiicbe in bcit @i|"en= baitintcrit. BLOND lace, .«. bie 33(onbcn (eiite^lvt Ktuo Spifcen, mit unb obne Slumen). BLOND- SILK, .<•-. bte Spifceilfetbe. i:i.< ml). s. 1. baS^lti:, ©cbliit; 2. fig. bie 9lbftainmung, .£>crfuuft, sBIutgs frcunbfdjaft ; 3.'* bcr ©aft (*. 83. the — of grapes, bet Traubcitfaft; 4. bag Scbcit; 5. bcr ffflotb, £obtfcb[ag; 0. bet Sc&lciget, gtfenfreffer j a {^mie- man of —"and breeding, ein .6crr »01t (■(liter ijamilie unb ©ebiirt; a young — , citt jttnget tafebet SRenfrb; to let one — , (Siuem jur 2lbev laffcit; to be let — , jut XHfer laffcit ; his — is up, fcitt 33lut tft in SBaUuna, in 2lufs tufet ; fig. cr tft aufgebtacpt, feeffig ; tobresdlil — , bie Oemiitbet erbittcvit; a distemper that runs in the — , C 1 11 gamiiienubel; the whole — , poll= btttttge Jiiltbcr; — hespntted, blut= befpnfct, mit 5J31ut befiibclf ; — con- suming, blutoetjebteiib ; — flower, baa Scmltftailt (Rumez sanguineus — /, ), bie iUutblumc [HammthuM — L); — frozen, crftarrteS Slut ba= beitb; — guiltiness, bie SBIutfcbutb; — horse, citt eble«, feuvtaefl $fetb (sou ebtcm [arabifcbjmj Oebtut) ; — hot, lait («/'/. — warm;; — hound, bcr iSdjuKtfibunb ; f,rr. ©llttfiunb ; to let — , gut 9lbet laffen; — letter, bcr jut Slbet lafit (rid. Bi,keder); — letting, baa 3Jbetlaffen; bcr Slbevlaf; abcr= laffenb: —money, bcr ?ohn fiir bie Ueoetfubtuug yon SNotbetn, SRfiits bent, it. f. n>. ; — pudding, bcr SSluts pubbing,bie ©tutrourft ; — red, blnt= votb; — shaken, cvlufct, aufgetegt; —shed, ba« SSlutoetgiejjen ; ber93lut= uerluft; — shedder, betSJlotber, $8luts buub ; — shot, con ©fat aufgefcbrooU leu; OO&bluttg; — spavin, tud Spavhj; — stained, mit Slut befprtfct; — stone, bcr SBlutftein, SaSpiS una aJJa= bagaScar; — sucker, bcr SBlutegel; S3ampi)t; — thirsier, cut blutbutfti= grr, rurblofev 9)ienfcb ; — thirsty, bhitbiirftt^ ; — vessel, bad ©tutgeffi^ ; — warm, fO UMntt Clti SBlUt, latl ; — -vood, bas iMutboly SJltfaraguab,nIj ; — worr, bie Slutwurj (Geranw guineum; 4- Tormentilla — />.). 21 blood, v. n. 1. bluttg ntadicit ; '2. ait Slut ficrobbitcit ; 3. font, jur '.'(bcr laffen; (audi Ta Blood-let) ; to — a hound, Sp T. cittcii AaAbbiinbbrcffivcit. BLOODINESS, s. baa Slutigej ber ©lutbutft, bie i'lutiiicr. ULOODLE.S.S, adc. blutldS, U6l0fi ; a BLUB ••- conquest, eit'.C (SfOtKTURg Ob.ttC SUIutvergiepcn. To bloody, ». a. Hutigmad)en, mit SBIut bcfiibcltt. BLOODY {adv.— mi.v\ adj. l.Wutig; 2. blittajeria,, btutburftig ; — m blutgietig, graufain ; ' — twig, bet tHKiielictifirfchbaum; — warrior, bit 9)iaiterbluiite, baa gelbe iuilcbctt. BLOOM, s. 1. bie iiliitijc, SBIume; ber Alcr; 2. baa Slaite, ober bcr Jicif auf i^flaumeti, u. f. \v. ; 3. T. ein ©tfic! vc>bca @tfen, ein Soiling, Beul; —raisins. Spottroftnen. To BLOOM. e.fl bliibctt; (alaiUtiiucu erjeugen, fproffen. iii.i H imy, adj. in 'iMiitbc, blumig, blu* menvctd). BLOSSOM, s. bie 33littbc; — colour, bie bluhcnbe Aarbc; — horse, ein pfirfiduarbiicS ^ferb. To BLOSSOM, r. n. btlibcit. To BLOT, v n. 1. Herfen, fteeffen ; 2. befteclen, befubeln; 3. ftpanben; 4. ticrbuttfelu; to — out, auSftreicben, aiiaiiifdjcii ; auSuufdicit ; fig. oerttfc f(Clt ; to — out from the mm. I, fig. BUS bent ©cmi'ttb ycrnMidicu. BLOT, s. 1. bcr .Ulccf, Sihtf-h linten= flccf ; 2. £diaiibflecf, SKaW; 3. t bio SBlofie, bcr unbebecfte ©tein ftin SBrettfptele) ; to hit a — , tint s A3vctt= fpiele) cine SlBSe becfen. blotch, s. bie Biunc, Stattet. To BLOTCH, v. a. fd)lUaVjCU, tc= fdinutijcit, beftecfen. To blote, v. a. vaud)eni. BLOTTING-PAPER, s baa 83fd)pflptCt. blow, s. 1. ber ©cplag, ©tretd), Sdimifj, «tnfi, SGButf; 2. ba8 2dimct= t'cu bet 3nfecten ; 3. .fig. .bcr ©cbtag, Strcidi, Uttfall, Onfall; a — of the fist ein gftuftfcfytflg ; a — up, cine (Srplofioit, ein ^luabrudv Slufpug; at a — , plbljlid), auf citt 3)i«l; 'tis but a word and a — with him, cr fdjlfigt ben Slugenbtid: aus ; to make a —at a thing, iwdj (Stwaa fcijlagen ; without Mows, pbne Seinbfeligfettett ; — haii, bie troefne SBluineufrone bes Vbweu^abui; — pipe,r.b«885t6f8bt : bie jRo&te jitm ©lofen r*cm ®lae, u. f. w.); — point. + baS 2pielwerf, Jtiubevt'ptcl mit "JJabeln. To BLOW, v. a. A- n. 1. Mafcit, nicbcit, ftavf atbincit ; 2. fdiitaufcu, fitniebeit ; 3. fdiallen, crfdiallcit (»om SStttfen) ; 4. attblafen; 5. aufblai'eit; 6. ./?.?. aitfblahcit, aufblafcii; 7. oertteiteit, auabreitcu ; to — a bladder, cine Slafe (tufblafeit; to — the nose, fid) febnoujen; it blows, ber 2Siub geljt ; to — (with) the trumpet, bie .J 'riMUPCte blafeit; to — away, to — off, HKgs ivcbett, roegblafcn, abbtafeu; to — down, uinaH'bcit, umblafcn; to — in, btuciit roeben : to — out, ausBlafett, auSroefien, au4l5fd)en; to — over, veniH-bcit, iH-rtrcibcn, EcaftloS, obne SBtrfung oorubet ge^ett; to — up, aufblafcii ; aubiafeit (in bte ?uft' fprcitacn, fpringen laffen ; nufffiegen ; to _' one up, jig. ctncit nuSbunjen, fdiclteu ; to — upon, bavauf blafeit. T„ BLOW, v. n. rid. + To Bloom tt To Blossom. BLOWER, ». 1. bcr ©fafer, B'tbtafcv; 2. bcr ainnfduucUcr, ©cimeljft; 3. ©djieboledj in cinem Dfen obet .Haiiiiit. BLOWTHa bie -i-lutbc .ct'iicv 1 ; flange). r.i,< (WZE, «. col. ^^i rotfoe bide ©auern* mcnfdi. r.i.i )\v/.v, ad), bausbacfig, rotb. in, 1 bber, b. 1. bcr aBaOfifc^fbed 1 , S'bran ; 2. bte ©eeluitge (citt 2ce= fifdi) ; 3. ou^. bie 83lafe ; — ch I3LL'S bitfe flcifrbige ®atfcn; — knife, t\i$ Specfmeffer ; — lip, bie bide Vippe; — iipf«d, bicrltppig, grofmaulig. _ T BLUBBER, r :>■ [with wi e| ing it it Ucfe 'i^arfeit tueinen, bculeu, plarren. BLUDGEON, ». bcr fuv;c. fcbmere 2\od (ivclitcr iicii ift . BLUE do. — vt • I adj. Man ; true—. ecb^teS, fdjSneS 8Iau; fig. edit; to look—, fi tiftcr, tritbe auafeben; — bell, bie Oilocfeul'lumc; — bice, fcaS gafurblou ; — Wacfc bie Steiflo^le ; — bottle, 1. bie Jlorublumc; bl.iue .»v.iaciiitbc; 2. blaite glie^e, 5d>meif* piege; —cap, SHame etner SaepSart, mit ctitcm blaitcn -\leif amJto&fe; — devils, pi. ber iVtilniutb, Jriibfinn, iible Valine; yed adj blattfugig . — siass, bie Scbmaltr, iMaufarbe; — haired, blaubaariii, griinfjaatig ; king, 8. fig. bcr SBIanfhumpf, bie gelef)ttt Aran; — veined^ blatt= abrig ; 11. s. ging. iti '-IMau, bie Man? garbe. To BLUE, v. a. lUiu inacpen cber fav= ben, blaucn. BLUENESS s bie iMauc, blane ' tii/ pbne Umftcinbe, ungtfcpliffen, baucri'*di; 3. buntm ; blunt-witted, buntm, plump ; 11. blunt. 9. baa SRapa per; cant, ©fib; blunt (blunt-needles), ftumpfc 9labeln. To hunt, r. a. fiuiupf iitarhen ; fig, abftnmpfcu,fdui\id)cu, liubern, uitter= briufeu; to — the pain, ben©cbmrr) ftillett : to — ib'' appetite, ben Slppettl fdiivaitcn; bie ©egietben untcr* britifcu. r,i. I NTNESS, .^. I. bie 2fumpfbett ; 2. 9g. 'IMunipbctt, SRaubbett, rpbc aufricptigfett, bcr SKangel an ^c^ beuaavt. BLUR .--. ber Atecfcn, .ulctf ; fig. ritaubfled. To blur, v. a. beftecfen, bcflecTeti, be* fubeln. To BLURT, r ».m- out. iiubefpttncn IjetauSfngtn, bcvaip'platjcit. To BLUSH, v. n evri'tbeit, rotb fe\J« 4< BOAS Bom BOLD pber toftben ; to — for .... , ettBtben 001 li'iucm ; she blushed at it, fte cr= totbete baruber, fdumtc jtcb bcffeu. slush, 6-. l. tic Sftotbe, vothc garbes 2. ©djaintotbe, baS (Srtotben; to put one to the — , (S'ilU'lt fdiaiurotb ma= cbcu, bcfcbamcu; at first — . beim cr= Ren Olubltcf, flletdj tut ilnfange. bi.usuless. a./;, unoetfdjimt, feed). BLUSH Y, a - U'tMid). Tj BL05TER, b. n. bvaufcn ; tebcn, wiithcn, poltetn, bramarbafiren, prablcn, fttfa briifien — , at.., iiber, u. f. to. ; to — down, umivcbcu. bluster s. baS Staufen, bet Sturm ; bad iEoben, ©etofe, ©erdufd); ber 8arm, Summit; (bag) Ungeflunt, baS SSutheu, tie SButb, bo8 ^rablcu, Jlufrcbcit, poltetn. Blusterer, 5. bet ipclfcrcr; 3?raufc= bcutcl, ©aufetninb, SBiutbcittel, ©toiptafylet, tpra^Itjane, 93ta= marbaS. Blusterous. c y AeraufdjooH, Idr= incut, tobenb, ungcftum. BOA, s. tic :liicfcnfd)lange. boar, s. tcr (5bcr ; wild — , ba§ rotlbe ©djroctn, ber .Bauer ; — pig, bet [unge (5bet, grtfcbltng ; — spear, bcr ©au= iVicp, ba§ gangeifeu. board, s. 1. bas Stett, bic Siefe; 2. bcr Sotb (cineS ©ibtffeS) ; 3. bcr Sifcb, tic JEafel ; 4. fig. tic .Soft, bet Hutcrbalt; 5. tic Safel in cincm ©etid)te, it. f. «.: 6. baS ©cricbt fclbft, ba§ 31mt (Collegium, '-Bureau ; a chess — , etn ©djaebbrett; — wages, ba£ ft femt ; boarded floor, bcr brettcruc gufjboben. BOARDA3LE, adj. juganglicb. boarder, s. 1. bcr .Roflgantfet ; 2. bcr jum fi'ntcrn beftimntte [Otatrofc, boarding-cap, s. tie Stunithaubc. boarding-house «. ba3 .RoftyauS, S^eifebauS. boarding-pike. *. bte C?ntcri>ifc. BOARDLNG-SCUOOL, s. bic ^0|1fd)u[f, spenfton. Boarisu. «,// fautfd), inebircb, grrb, uuventituftig, graitfam. Tj roast, p. i. a. riihmeit, erbeben; H. n. fid] tubmen, ptablcn, gtofj F»tes dicn, ftr-lj fc>)it (of, auf), {teg riibmen etnet ©adje, boast. ,-. t. ba§ Siubmen, ©tofjft)te* cben, ©tofjtbun, tic ^rablctei ; 2. ber 44 3?ttbllt, 2foIi ; to make a — cf a thing, ltd} einet ©udje riibmen. BOASTER, *. bet ^rablcr, ©rej;= fvrccbev. BOASTFT1, ndj. nibmrcbig. VvahU baft, prablcrifrfi, gto&fpteqjetifd). boastless, adj. aufprud)§io3, be* fcbeitcit. boat, s. bas 3?p?t. bcr ^.tbu, baS Heine 2d)ijf, S'luyfcbiff, ter Otadicn, tie gal)rc ; — "s load, t'x ©d)ijf5la= bung; —man, bet Soot&irtann ; — hook, bcr ScrtSbaten; — rope, bas ©cbaluppentau ; — 'smate, tcr Untet* bootSmann; — swain, s. bet <&od)= bootSmann. boating, s. baS ^iiftcnfabrcu nitit) 93crfcntcit, SBetfubten (oon SBaaren, it. f. to.] tit cincm Soote. bob, *. 1. ein baumelnbeS 'Sittg ; 2. tic ©tufeperriicfe, tcr©ti;6; 3. taa 9iicfcu; 4. baS@eiaut bet ©lorfen; 5. — cherry, tic •-Baiintclfirfiic (ciu .Riiiterfpicl ; earth — , tcr 9tegen= toutm jum 3Ingeln ; — major, gtope ©(ocfen, gtofj ©elaute ; — stay. .v. r tcr SCugfprtetSflag ; — tail, ter Stu$= fdjroanj; tie $fctl_f;n§c; — wig, tic ©tufepcrrucfe, tcr ©tufe. To bob. v. I. a. fd)nellen, ptellen, ficb- Icit; ii. «. bauineln, Ktngcit. BOBBIN, s. tie ©pute, tcr gpifccnflops pel, ba§ iiitttt, SBunbel inlacbs, it. f. W.) ; Hat — , tie "^LtttfdlUUr ; round — . tic SRunbfchnilt ; thread — , 3roinifpi|en ; — net, ter ©pifcen= gntut ; plain — , glattcr Spiecngrunt ; — net sprigged, gemuftet tee ©pifeetu grunt; — work. aufcn ; d. tic jpauptatmce ; 7. bag fiaupt* obet SKitteltteffen; S. tic SDlenge, SJiaffe, ©efammtbeit, baS ©au^e; 'J. tic ©efellfcbaft, ^uuft. Snnuii^, ©emeine, ^artct, SSetbin= tuna; 10. baS ©jjftem, tic 5amnt= lung (®efe|e, u. f. ».) ; 81. tcr .haia-tbcftanttbcil einet Saftc ; 12. tcr Aotpec (forpetfidbe Sigut in bet ©eomettie); 13. ba§ SBefen, SBefenfc lidic, tic it'irflidifcit ; any — , ttgenb 3einanb, ein Seber; every — , 3e;Kr= maun, 3cter ; no — , SJliemanb ; some — , Semailb ; in a — , ;ufam= men; oetfainmclt, auf cinnial ; ciu fitr allemal ; a busy — . eine fje)cbaf= tige $erfon ; ?,>. gel cuaftfgc -I'?avtbc ; ciu mupiget SJleutgfeitgfrainet, Soge* bteb ; wine of (that has or bears) a good — tin Etaftiget 2Betn ; a con- t-ealed — . ('. om 2Beirt) cine tcrbot: gene Jtraft, ©totfe; paper of a gooc — . fiarfeS, fcftco $aptet; — ciothw. bic ^PferbebedEe ; — guards, bk 8eib* roacbe ; — plane, bcr ©pannrtjj eiuca ©rbijfeS; the — of a building, baS 2Jiittel= cter .tpauptgebaube ; "the — of a cannon, tcr 2bctl einet ^Ratione jtoifdjen ber Sire, tent ©djilbjopfen unb bet SEraube; the — of s country baS 3unere ciuc^ SanbeS ; a— of di- vinity, ciu tbcologifitcS ©nftem; the — ofa fortress, bie .Oauptfcftuug (jum Untcvfdiicte tcr 2lui";cmoer£e) ; the — ofa letter, bcr Sulialt ciueS iirie= fc3 ; the whole — of mankind, bad gan^c i 1 iciifcbcngcfd)lccbt; the — of nobility. ter_ gefamiiite 2l'ccl ; the — politic, bcr StaatSfotpet ; the — of a river, tcr ^aUptftrOltl ; the — of a tree, bcr etaiiim ciiics SoumeS. To bodv, 0.0. formen, bilteu, eine@es ftalt geben. bog, s. bet ©umpf, bet 9Rotafl, b(rt 3Jioor, tic 3JJarfcbgegenb ; — bean, ber iMberllec, SBaffertlee (Mauanthes — L) ; — house, vidg. bie ©d)Unb= grube, bet 2lbtritt; — land. ba8 3Karfd)Ianb ;— moss, bas Eorfmoof ; — reed. baS ©d)tlft00t; — rush. b.tS ^uopfgraS, ©tritfgtas ; — trotter, ter ©uinpfgditgcr, ©teljenlaufet. To BOG. d. a. tin .Roth hcruirtuviljcn ; tin ©cblamm yerfinfeu ; befircn. To BOGGLE, v. n. 1. ftii^cn, $ u r it if fa h= veil ( — at, iibcr, oot), jururfftefeu ; itiifd)litfftg feint, anftobcu, Sebenfen trageu; jroeifeiit; 2.geudjein, fid) oetfieUen. i! )GGLER, s. bcr Unfd)Iuf|lge, Surd}t= fame. BOGGY, adj. fumpftg, nipvaftifcb. BOGLE «. 'ciu i?obo"Ib, ©efpenfl. B0HEA, s. ber Xl)«tbn\), febwarje g«* mcineSbee. Bohemia, s. Sobmen. BOHEMI.\N. I. s. 1. tor 86&m* ; 2. 3i» geuuer ; II. arlj. bobmifdi; — tosema- ry, roilber SRoSmatin. boil, a tie ^cule, tcr ©djwatcn. To boil, iv I. h. Eodjen, ftcten ; a»al= leu, braufeu ; to — to pieces, jertos djeu, oerfocben ; tobt focbcn ; to — away, ciufpfbcu ; to — over, itbet'fo= rben, uberiaufen ; to — over with rage, fig. Dot SButb fodieit, uuttbeitt, vr.= fent iverten ; II. a. IftioaS fietcn, Ep= riicit, in (tebeubeS SBaffet tbun unt fodu-it [affen ; boiled meat. gefocbteS gleifcb, gefinf re ©peife. boiler, s. i bet ©iebet; 2. ^od)fef= fet, (1)ampf=) jvcffcl. B IISTEROUS (ado. — ly), adj. lllige= fti'im, fturmifd), beftig. braufenb, gc= raufrfwoU, tobenb, larmeub, unnihig. aiifruhvert feb, uubanbig. BOISTEROUSNESS, 9. bcr (baS Uitge« ftitm, bas Xobtn, ftfttmifrbe SBefen. BOLARY, aij. boluSatttfl, rhpitavtig. BOLD (ado.— lt), adj. fiihu, feef, liner* fdirocfcu, unoetjagt, mutbig : tnift, gerabeju, unoetfebantt. frecb, ftei ; g_e* roagi ; to make — , fid) erfiibueu, itd) bie Atcibeit itebm.'u ; etrooS obne toettete llinfianbe tbun ; to put on a — face, ein .^ci'5 faffen, OTutb W6v- fen ; it is a — word, tad tft yicl ge= fagt; — face, bic Unoerfcbaintbeit, ftvcd)l)cit ; — faced, unoetfdjftmt, frecb. To BOLDEN. r. a. Ftibit, brcift liiarlien; 3uoevficbt cinfloKen. boldness, s. 1. bie .«iibnbcir, lliter= rdjtorfenbeit, betHRutb; 2. bie5>tei« {ItgEeit, SBerroegenbeif, ^eniieffcubcit ; 3. Avcdik-it, Uuocrfdjamtbeit; 4. bai 33erfraueu- BONA BONZ BOON Bole, s. lev SoluS, ?5ettr>ott. bolis, s. bie fcurigeJiuget in berSuft, bet fiiegeabe Siracbe. To boll, v. n Stengel treiben. BOLI-, s ber Stengel ; — snipe, boll snipe, bagiDtothfiitjcJbeii, JJcorbbeiucheu : bie iBaffevfdjncpfe (Qiarcoia — K. Callidrys — Bcllon.". bollards. s. P '. jv. T. bie S>af6en an ben©eiten ciuei'2)ocfe, bie Sunbel, Jciffen. bolster,*.!, bag Spotfler, .Stiffen; bee ^fubj ; 2. bag Saufdjcbeil ouf SBimbcn, bie (Sompreffe; 3. JV. T.tin ctyliubcrformiger Wmbofi be-3 'ilnier- fcibnticbg, ber oben in ber Mittt etu %\>at ; 4. bolsters, a. pi. JtalOeu obcr jtfampen son rocicbein ^ol^e am £opp ber Diafteit; SBefteibuiigef'ijfen ber Stage. To BOLSTER, v. o.\. polflertt, .Riff/Clt unteilegeii ; 2. mit cittern Sctte oer= feben ; 3. Gomprcffcu auflcgcu ; to— up, aufpolftern, uutcrftiifccit, Semanb beit Stiffen baltcn. BOLSTERER, s ber Unterftiifcer. BOLT, s. ain T. ein .franiitrbei aufftcubent, aufja= gen, mit Stettcben an? bee .Obblc angfltgen ; to — a ship, jv. t. ein @[&cii= te[ ; ba3 ©ieb ; 2. VU%. BOLTING, part, in compos. — bag, bCV Seatel (in SJJiiblen) ; — cloth, bag Setiteltud); — house, bag ScufeU haug, bie eieberei ; — hutch, ber '-yen; telfaften. bolus, s. ber niebijinifcije fugelformU ge Siffen. BOMB s . 1. bie Sombe ; 2. bag bumpfe ©ctbfe, ber Jtuall ; — chest, bie Soinbcufiite ; — ketch, — vessel, bie SBombarbir = ©atiote j — proof, bom; benfeft. To bombard, v. a. bombarbiren, be= fdjietien. 30MBARDIER, a. ber Sombarbircr. bombardement, a. bie ©om&arbis rung, ScfchictJuiig ; bag Sombavbe= meat, Sombaibiren. BOMBASlN,*. ber Sombaftn. bombast, s. i. ber ©ombafl (3eug) ; 2.bered;rou[ft(iti^ug:fiiifeit), S8om» baft. BOMBAST, adj. BoKB&snc. BOMBASTIC adj. fcbmulftig, l;ochtra= benb, grofsfpredjerifch. bombastrv, « ber ©cbroiilft, SJulit, Sombafl, bie hocbtoiic'ube, uid)tgfa= genbe Sebe. BOMBYCINOUS, adj. feiben. BONA, in compos. — fide, attg reblicbcr SDceinitttg. obne'JIrglijr j ma^rlid),auf Irene ttttb (Slauben ; — roba, bie gc= J>uftte 33ul)Ifcbnjejler j eia fii>5itc» J?Ittb. BONASUS, a. ttv 9luerod)g, 53acfel= orbs. To bo.vd, ». a. 1. Oiitcr (JSaarcit) iit bag fbnijlifbc SStaaajin nieberlegen ; 2. bard; cine SJerfdjreibuug nebcin. Bo.\d, i s . 1. bag sBaub, bie fctttt, 5effel; 2.j^-. bafi ©anb, bie 83erbiu= bang; 3. tie 3?erfireibung, .tj.inb 1 feb nft, Scbnlboerfrtteibung, Obliga= tion ; 93erbiablirtfeit, ^erpflirbtuag ; 3. pi. bonds, bie (ycfangcnfdmfr, gej* feltt, SBanben ; — ofl ipndship, S3onb« ber grcaitM"d)aft ; — of amity, bag greunbfd)aftgbaiibj goods in — M E. 3Baareu ini foitiglidjen UJevfdjlafi ; II. adj. gebaaben, Icibeigcn ; i» com- poa. — maid, bie Icibcigetie 3.'Jagb, &Clanadmagb. n INDA6B, ». I. bie fficfaitgcttfrbaft; 2. 3)ienftbarfeit, Jtnec^tfcbaft, 2da= Beteij 3. iscvpfliittung, 5l3erbinblicb= Eeit. BONDUC, s. ber iiibianirdic SJlame ci = iter art beo Sdjiifterbanmeg {Guilan, dina bunduc — L.). BONE, I. ». sing. I. bag ©ein, ber Jtno= d)en ; 2. bie ©rate ; in compos. — ace, cine "?lrt Jtavtenfpiel ; — ache, bag SReijjen in ben ©eiuen, bie ©idbt, bag SPobajgta; — black, bag gebrannte (?l= fenbetn; — breaker, bet ©, SDicetablet ; — chopper, ein Jlnoiteit- beil (fur ®d)Iacbtet); — (lower, bie ©aitfeblumc; — glue, ber Jlaocbeti= leint ; — lace, getucbte, obcr gef(5p= pelte Spi^en; — nippers, bie JlitOs o)en;ange; — setter, bev SCBunbar^t (ber Dcrteufte ©licber wiebet eintid)= teti ; — spavin ( — spaven), bee .*ouf- fpatl), Setft (etne SBetfjattung |«)t* fitcn bent ^norven nub .&ufe ber SPfetbe) ; — of contention, ber 3 a af= rtpfel; to give one a — to pick. fig. Semanb cine Stud 5a fnaefeu gebcii ; lie made no — of it. wulg. cr IliadMC feiue Umftaube bantit, bebar^te fid) nid)t lauge; II. adj. beiiicrn. To BONE, v. a. 1. aiubcincu. bie Jtno= d>en aaguei)iiie:i ; 2. gifdbbein ciu= fetjen. boneless, adj. bcittlog, fupd)en(pg. To BONESET. c a. vcrvenfte ©Liebet roiebet eimiditcn, eintenten ; Jluo= dieitlu-iidjc beilcn. bonfire, 1 bag Srenbcnfeuer. boniface, s. Soitifaciug (iljaiiugua= me). BON1TO, s. ber 33ounitfifit. BONMOT, « bag ©pnmot, rui^ige, fittnreiite SBott, bv.- wi|}ige obet lufti-- ge (5'infall. BONNET,*, l.bie s Hi!"ttje, ^>ippc, bag SBarett; ber 33amenbut ; 2. .v r. bie SBonnerte, bag ©eifcgel, rlicff; 3. Mil. t. tai Sonnet, SRaoelin { "?liif?cn= tverf);— boards, ^appenbeefel (511 'Dameuhiiteu) ; — cane, glecttrobt (ju beggleiitcn. B i.nxu.y adv. lituuter, roobl, gut son \'Infeben; rooblbclcibt. BONNINES8, a bie O.'iunterfeit, 9htftK= raumtbeit: SBoblbeleibtbeit; fdiinie ©eftatt. BONNY, adj. biibfit, artig; munter, aufgeroeefr, luftig; luoblbeleibt, bicf« fctr, plump BONY", ndj 1. beiiicrn, fnorbern ; bei= nig, futntig; 2. Elappeieiinc. bafi man bic.Uuorbcn fiebt; 3. ftarffuo- cbig, oierfebrotia, BONZE,*, bee SUonje (iubifebe ^Jrie= fter. BOOBY, s. 1. ber Seciiord} in 2ubame« rifa; 2. ber Xoipel. BOOK, ». 1. bfl« 93ucJ ; 2. bie Vlbtbci= lung, bet .'ibfdiutrr nnti Suitcg; 3. bag Sanblunggbucb, ; 10 learn one's — , fcine Section lenteii; wiihout — , aug bem ftopfe, angwenbigj to get without — , auSroenbig ieruen; to mind one's — , fleitfig lenteit; to be in a person's — . fig. in Semanbefl ©Unft ftebett ; to run into one's — , bci (Sinem in ©rbulben geratbenj he is in my — , id) babe ihu uotirt, ev ijl mit fdjllibig; to get inlo one"- — , ©cbulben mad'cn; 3«manbeg SBobla ivollcit erlangeu; to get out of one's — , (5incm bejablen ; Semanbefl ©unft oerlieren ; by the — , Efinftlict, liftig narb SJorfcbrtft; meompt — binder, ber Sucbbinbet ; — case, bei ©urberfebranf; bie ^Diavpe; bag IhidjfnttciMl ; — di hts, i'nd""*u[= beit ; — fashion, in Aonn einee 8iu d)eg ; — keener, bet Sud)b.a(tet ; — keeping, bie ©ud)f)fl(rerti, ©urtbaU tung ; — learned, budjlgelebrt, KtuU gelebvt, bclefeu:^ learning, bieSud)= (©tubeits) ©elebtfamfeit, Belefen* beit; bet <§fd)uln)i|};— linen bie'flurbs leiuroaitb: — maker, ber *Bucbefinrt= rber, S8ftrberfd)reiber ; —making, bi. Sdjriftftcllcrci ; — man, bet ©electa te; — mate, bet Sdmlfamerab, SDliN frbiiter ; — oath, etb, ben man auf bie iiibcl frbwort ; — Beller, ber 'i'lirb: baublev ; — seller's shop, ber SBudjlaa ben, bie ©ncbbanblung ; — selling,— trade, ber S8ud)()rtnbel ; — shelves, tie 53ucbetbrctter, 3ieit!e; —shop, ber Sudjlaben; — stall, ber Siichrrftanb (ber Slntiquare) ; — stand, bag 58ii= dievbrett; — taught bclefcn, barbgc* lebrt; — worm, ber SBurtermurm, eifrig ©tnbtrenbe; account — , b>T§ ©onto=33ucb; blank — , ein toei^ej Sad); news — , a paper — , ein ©cfercibebad) 5 a stitched — , cine 33rofd)ure; a — in sheets, ein nnge= bunbeucS S3ncb; a — in folio, ein go= liallt; — of rates. /,. t. bag 3ollbud) ; to keep the bo-.ks, bie SBurhet ftibrcit. To BOOK. v. a. budjcit, ciutragcit. auf- fitrciber. ; 10 — down, einfebreiten, anfiteeibcu, notiren ; to— one's place. fid) (cinenj etnfebteiben laffen (auf ter^oft). in m ikful, adj feht bflefeu, abet ba= bci oljue ©euttbeilunggfraft. BOOKISH (adn — i.y). n-j belt SBurBeril ju fehr eigebeu, fcbulfucbfti], ftubcit" berfeub. BOOKISHNESS s bie i'futovlicbc, bal 511 eifrige Stubircn. BOOKLESS, adj. butting, ber feiue Su- ch cr bat, ber bie SBiffeufcbafteii »er> adbtet. boom, .?. .v t. bet Sailin, bie langt ©tange, Sorfleitge.dterftaiige; 8lrt ©egelfiange obet ^Jioft; — of a har- bour, ber ©anm bie [(tarfe tiferne] Jtette) oor etnem <0afen ; bai Sec» jeicfaen, bie S-ifc, Soje ; — irons, bit Siigel jubenSeefegelfpterenj Ore—, ciu fjeuerbafen uni SBranbet »on ficb V.i ftpfu'ii. To boom. >■ n. XT. T. ( — out) 1. nlle ©egrl augfefeen, mit oolien Segeln fasten; 2. oonSBeden '"id' tbur= men ; 3. fdircicu, tote bec Jiobr- bommcl. BOON. L* 1. bie ©abe, ba« ©efchenf , bie SEBobltbat, ©nabe, ©efdUigfeit; 2. Sitte; [L a*, munter, aufgewecft, luftig; augenebm, gefillltg ; a— com- panion, ein gutet ©efeUfrpaf tet ; bet 2picf;gei\lle. BORE BOTR BOUrvl sours.,*, ber .Oeutcttg (cut 3ecfifc$) (Spnrus — /..'. i; )( u;, .v. bet Salter; ber grobc, :tiige= fittcte 3Jt«tfc$. BOORISH (,1,1a.— lt), adj. Kiltcrifd) ; gvob, rob, tolpifcb, uugcfcbjiffctu BOORISHNESS, s. baS bauerifdje 23e> fen, bie ©rot&eit. 5535} "■«■** I** BOOSY, adj. betrunfcu. ^oot, s. 1. ber ©tt'efet; 2. fpatttfcbc Sticfel (WrtJEorfut); 3. ber .Uaftcii; 4. ber ylufcett, ©enunn, SSort$etl ; Ucbcrfcbufi; btc 3ugabe; — of a coach, ber .ftutfdifaften j i?utfdjeu= bocf; bie SBagenfelle ; —topping, or — bose-tnppitg. JV. 7*. b«8 !)tctuigeu be6 ©djiffeS uott Uitratl); — hooks, bte Stiefelhafeii; — hose, ber <2tie= felfttumpf, bte ©amafcfye ; — jack, ber Sticfeltttecbt; — last, ber StiefellcU pen; — leg, ber ©ttefflfdjaft; — less, col. obne ©ttefel; — hooks, — pulls, fete Sticfetait$tchcr ; — stockings, bte ©ticfdftriimpfe; — strap, bie Strip; pe; — stretchers, ©ticfelbebiicr, 9tccf= jjotjer; — tops. Stiefclitutpcit; — tree, ber ©ticfcllciftcu, Stiefelbloef, bag ©tiefel&olj ; screw — tree, ber Sticfelfrfnaubebocf; — vamps, a|g SSorfebublebcr auSgefdjiiittcne Stucfe ju ©ttefetn ; — webbing, ba8©ttefe[s baub ; jack boots, jlarfe fletfe ©riefeln fill bte (iaoalleric, (Soitriere, it. f. n>. ; jockey — , betigleidjen Sfteifftiefeln ; laced— ,Scbuuritiefc(n, .Qalbftiefcln ; turnover — , iitiefel 111 it UmfcfjliU gen ; to — , obenbrein, iiberbiefi, nod) ba$u ; 't is to no — , eg bat tciiicit 5Jiu= ^ctt, tfl um fon ft, man gewiunt nid)M babei; what will you Give to — 1 WAS rcoUt 3br nod) jugebett? 7v> boot, v. a. 1. ©tiefefa an$ichcu, fticfelu; '2. ttuljett, frommeit; it boots little, eg tfi roenig baran gelegen; what boots it? WAS hitff eg ? BOOTEES, s. pi. Jim. .ftalbiticfef. bootes, s. Jist. r. ber Sarenpter. booth, b. bie SBube. BOOTHLES3 (ado. — ly), adj. Ullllufc, oergebltd). BOOTY, s. bte 93eufe, ber 'Siaxih ; to play—, fid) mit etitem 2Jnbern im ©piele veiflcljeit, mit gleij* yerlie-- rcn, bctriigcu, pretlcn. BOPEEP, s. to play at — , 33erftCif Ctlg fpielut. BORACic, adj. jit bem 93orRD(JRE s brv'Ttattb.iamit ; bteSBors btrung, Sinfaffung, ©efefeuttg", ©orte. !'.( »RE, s. 1. b« Sobret : 2. bal Sobr.- lod) (i. SB. etitet SPumpe); ?od>, »te §oOlung ber Q3la«iit)truKiente, u. f. tij. ; /«.•«. 3. ein unertrSglidjer Splauberer, eiite efclfjaftejubrtnglidje SPerfon; 4. bte ^pringflntb : T. — of a gun (cannon), t>Cr' (ialibCf, bie Secle etner Jlanone ; bricklayer's — , ein ©vunbbo tyrer ; — cole, brauner ilot)[; — tree, bee ^oluitbetbaum. To bore v. a. Sr n. boferen, bo^len, bnrd)fted)en, burrf)bringeii ; T. (»on spferbenj bie 9Jafe bi« aufben Soben haii^cn. BOREAL, adj. ntublid). BOREAS, s. ber SoreaS, ^ovbiuinb 9Jovb. boree, s. bie Soitrrce (ein S'anj). borer, s. ber Softer. BORN, part, gebeven. borough, s. ter giccfcn, SurgftecTen, 3J?arftfIecfen; — holder, — waster, ber Sitrgevmeiftcr. To borrow, v. a. auf d'rebit ttci;mcn, borgen, erborgen, cntlebncn. borrower, s. ber Sorger, Sd)ii[b= tier. BORSHOLDER, s. ber 53iirgrrmeifler, @emeinbc*)orftcf)cr. BOSCAGE, s. baS Wcbiifd), Q3nfd;wevf, Unterbolj, gebiifdjige 8onb. bosky, adj. gcbitfdiig, bufebtg, walbtg. BOSOM, s. 1. ber SBufett, Scbccp, bte SBrufi, baS v*3crj ; 2. fig. Siinere, ber Umfang, Sejivf, u. f. m. ; the — of the earth, bciS 3miere ber fevbc ; the — of the sea (deep), bte £icfe, bCf 3lbgntl!b bcS fmttlti ; — of a shirt. ber &d)U§ uortt am ss, s. bie ©itcfel, ber jtuppf, ber SBurfel. BOSSAGE, s. .arch. T. ber borfprttts genbe Stein ant 3Rauer»er£e. BOSSED, ad) mit ©ucfeln yevfefjcn, befefct; buefiig. bosvel, s eiite 9(rt te3 ^a(;nenfn= gefi ; bte Snfiangel. BOSSrvE, adj. tnotig, (jbeferig. BOSSY, adj. vid. Bossed. BOT, s. vid. Bots. BOTANIC, ) adj. pffatt= botanical {adv.— ly), S jenfuitbtg, botanifd); ber Sotautf gebbiig, aiif botaiiifcbe SSeifc. botanist, s. ber ©otanifcr, SPfian> jenfettner, SJJflanjenfmibtge. To BOTANIZE, b. b. Spflijnjett fudjeit, ftnbirett, bctanifiven. botanology, s. bie Pflanjeitle^re, SBOi^toIogte. botany, s. bie 33otamf, j?rauter» unb "^flanicnfiinbe. botargo, s. bet ©otorgo, Sootar. botch. 5. 1. bte SJenle, ber erbwa-- ren; 2. ftlidcn, ^lecf, happen; 3. bas gltcfmort; glitfmerf. To BOTCH, v. a. 1. fiidcit, ftitifeit ; 2. bcfle.fcit ; 3. fcuiuen, verecrbeu; to — up sufamutenjtucfeit botcher, s. ber 51irffd;nciber, %ju= fd)cr. BOTCHY, adj. 1. uoUer ©culeit; 2. ge= flieft ; 3. geftitntperr. both. I. pron. adj. SBeibe, SBetbeS ; n coij. fonip[)l ; — . . and, foroobl . . a\i ; — as to., and, fomobl til 9(iirffid)t nuf . . , ali and), u. f. ». ; — by sea and land, fpU'Pbl jit SBajfer «" JU 2aitbe. To BOTHER, vid. To Tother BOTHNIA, s. Setl)t:ien (fdjtv)cbifd;e SJJroainj). botryoid, adj. wetnfraube«f3rmtg. bots s.pi ©ngerltnge, fnrjebicfeSBun mer tit ben (Sirtgeroeiben ber ^ferbe. boti'J,e, s. 1. bie SoufeiUe, Slafdje; 2. bad Quart; 3. iniitbet, SBunb (.^Clt, It. f. II'.); — (or bottled) ale, bafi Slafrfcenbter ; — brush, btegla» fd)cnbih-ftc ; — carrier, Slcf<^entraga (fiir ftebenbe Biafrben) ; —case, baS gUifebcnfultcr, ber glafdjenfcller; — companion, — friend, ber ^ed)bl'Uber ; — flower, bte Jiornbhime; — head, 9Linie ciner v'lrt its iBallfifdieS; — jack, ber fenfrcebje Srateinvenber; — labels, Slafd)en=9lbreffeit, Saraffeita Jlragen ; —neck. baS jlafcbett^eftcH ; — nose, vuig. bie Sranntroetiienafc ; — nosed, rptb=naftg, biefnaftg ; — rack, ein ?vlafc^cii=Jiief, 75laui)e'n=3 f ie= pofttorinm ; — screw, ber JlovE jieber ; — stand, bee ©outeiUeuteller; — tray ber ftdafebentvager. To bottle, v. a. auf ^lafc^cn fiillcit, atsieben. bottom, t. 1. ber 33obcn, ©ruiib; 2. bie £tefej 3. bag (SitbeY i- ber Sc= benfafe, bie ^efen ; 5. ber 93oben ei= ties ©cfciffl, JticI ; fig. baS Sc^iff, gaferjeng ; 6. ber .(pitttcve; 7. s P . e. Jlraft, Starfe; 8. ber jtnauel ; 9. bie £ricbfeber ; the — of the stairs, ber nntrvfte Xbcil ciner 3"reppe; at the — of a street, am C5'ItbC (tltttcn in) ciner Stvafie; the — of a per riwie, bie ltutcvften ^ocfen ciner 5per= riiife ; to stand upon a pood — , fid) gut ftcben, in guten Itmftanbcn fein; iove was at the — , ilitbe »ftt ber ©runb, ftaf babiutcr; — lands. Am. reidic Scinbereten an Kdiiffen, Ufer= Kiitber; — line, bie ©(fclugjeite auf eiiter Scitc ; — pit, bie uutcvfte Xtefe, ber Slbgrimb. To bottom, v. T. a. i. griinben ; 2. aufanefcht, tviuben; to — a chain, cine t Uctte aufiuinbett; n. n. ftcfc griinben, auf (S'taml rubeit (mit on, upon). bottomless, adj. bobcnloS, gvunb= log; fig. uueegvuitblieb. bottomry, s. lt. bie SBobmeret ; — letter. ( — bond), ber iBebmcreibrtef, Sitiffg s 'Rfaiibbricf, Sd;iff«brief, Sdupivedjfel. bouchet, s. bie 3neferbiruc. bough, s. ber ?lft, Rnu-ig. bought, s. 1. ber ©iig, bag Picleuf, ©lieb; 2. ber Jineteit, bit S'edjtc; 3. Jtritmmung, ©teguitg. boughty, adj. gcfriimntt, gcleuftg. bougie, s. s. t bie <2aubc. bouillon, s. bie SBruije, Slcifdjbriibe. BOULDER, s. vid. Bowlder. boulett, s. ciu $fetb mit fcf)Ier= baftcm gufjgelenf. To bounce,'b. n. 1. fradicit, pfa^cn, Enallen; 2. fdjlageu, flppfen; 3. fprtiigen; 4. fig. prableu; tapfcr, f libit fe»n ; to — in at the door, JU1 £b'ir bcrciu pfafeen ; to — a person out of a thing. Seincmb burd) £)vo= bungeu (iubent man ibn fcige mad)t) bciauben; (»ou feblauen 'JDicbcn) fid) buvd) aiffcetinmg oon SHattg unb Staub aug ber S4>lmge jiebeu; to — upon a thins, iibcretipag berfftileu, bavauf logfcbiefjen. bounce, *. 1. ber Mrad), $U%, .ftuall; Sarin, baS ©e to fe; 2. wig bie ^rableret; Drofmng; 3. bet (plbt}lid)c) ©prutig; to give a—, feadjen, platen, fual.'cn. bouncer, s. col 1. ber Stabler, ©roll" fpvfdtcr, Sifenfreffer ; 2. eiite gvop« gitge ; 3. cine fetfc ^erfon. bouncing, adj. bitf, grog. BOUNCINGLY, ado. piablcvifdl. bound, i. adj. \uxd) etitem Orte b»- BOW BOXE BRAG (limit: whither are you — ? roorcoUt 3ljc but; iv o gebt btt ;)tcifc j)tn? we are — to (for) New-York, tvir babctt auf 3tenjs3)ort gefratfytet; we are — from Hamburgh to Hull, Wit fotninctt sou Hamburg uitbivollcu uad)-!?uU; it. ». l. ber Sprung; Slnffprung, JHiirffvnitig, fRraU; 2. bie ©renje, bee OJiavtftcttt ; .a>. within bounds, "tit sCJatjeii, mapig, tn ben ©djranJen bet Stfta&igfeit; keep within —^feljmJBig. 7b bound, r. i. n. fpringen, hiipfen ; jurucffpriugeit, auf* (ab=) fpringen, pralieit; u.a begrettjen, einfeforanfen. boundary, s. lie ©tense, ber Ci)rcuj= ftciit. BOUNDER, s. 1. ber ©rciuailffcfjer ; SWatf tfdjtiber ; getbmeffec ; bit ©renje. BOUNDING-STONE, Hound stone, s. 1. ber ©reitjfteitt; SDiarfflein; 2. bafi ©cbtiellfiiaclchctt, ©cJbnellraulf&ett, ber ©cjjuffer. BOUNDJJESS, adj. grcttjcnfoS, UJtbe* grenjt. Bi iundlessness, s. bie ©renjentofig<= fcir. BOUNTEOUS (ado. — ly), adj. giitig, freigebig. bouxteousNESS,* bic Sreigebiafcit. BOUNTIFUL (.ado. — ly), giitig, fve{= gebig. BOUNTIFULNESS, *. bte tfrcigebigfeit. bounty,*. I . bte Sreigebigfett, SBobl* tbatigfeit; 2. ©abe, ©uttbat: 3. granite f.iv bic Oliilfubr vcrfd;icbe= net SBaaren. BOUQUET, s. eitt ©traug. To BOURGEON, v.n. fttoSpett, fpi'P|"= fen, blitbeit, tveiben, ait-Sfdilaqcit. bourn, ». bet ©ejirf ; bte ©renje. 7'u BOUSE, 0. n jecjjen. BOUSY, adj. bcncbclt, befrunfeii. BOUT, ». ba8 -DIM; bte SReibe; bet ©trcicb, ©erfucfc: this — ,'btef SDlal; a merry—, C t tic Vltftbarfeit ; I mu-t linve a — wiili him, tt)ir baben eiit C\'i ntit einanber ju fdjiilen; id; inuy mid) ntit ibm fd)fagen. BOV vi'i:, g. fo otel Sianb, aU man ntit jwei DdjVn bas 3«b.t (jinburdi be* fkllcn f .ittii. BOVINE, adj. jit ben Dcbfctt gcboiig. ■<\> BOW, ,.. i. a. 1. biea.ett, beitgeu : 53= cfcit, neigen ; 2. unterbrucren, »er= Eidjten ; ii. a. fiL-fj biegen ; fid) bridfen, fid) neigen ; to — down, ftdj nieber* bitrfcu, nieeerfaflen, fnimmcit; ge= I'cugct ro-rben: nieberftnfen ; bowed downs ntebergebeugt ; to — one's as sont, fettie ©cnebiutguug junitfen. BOW,* bte ©erb^ugung, ber ©iicf ling. »u\v, ». l. ter©ogen; 2. ©ug, tie ©iege : 3. bet ©itgel ; 4. bai sorb ; ?. bet ©tottubogen ; 6. v bet ©tabs ijogeii ; 7. jtnofeu, bie Sctjlcife; — of a inn. bet 8iigel, ba0 Jttenj am Tc= gingeffijji , —of n key, bet ©djliifs jelrittq; — of a saddle, ber Sattel= di;.;_; om the — , A*. T. frahnbalfa- iveiiV: a bold lean) — of a ship, eiit vrctier(fd)ntalcr) S -Bna, eiueS 5d)tff3; prov. 'o have two Btrings to one's — , incbr SDttttel babeit 11m ftdj ;u heU fen ; bows of ribbon, 53aitberfd)leifeit; JV 7*-s. the bows of a ship, We ©fltffll cineS ©cbtffeJ ; bow anchor, bee SBugs «n!er, ©abeunfet; — bearer, bet 'Acvftlaufer, i^oljoogt ; — bent, ge= fviintiut, frumm, etngebogen : — chases, Sugfiucfe, 3agbftii(tc (rote — piece) ; — grace, eitte 9Sanb (fill v i'c= bailee) ant 33iig oon altem itauroett (SBurjte ttttb SEieteiO jum Scfiu^e gegen b>v? ( s "'i« : —hand, bie (beit ©0= acn lviltcn»e) linfe §anb; —knot. bit £,d)leife; — leg,' bas fntmnie Scin; — leased, fritminbctnta. ; — line, bte Soiletne, baa Seitentau; — man, ber SBogeufcfyufe ; — man of a boat, ber evfte tftuberer tit einent i^eo= te; — net. tic .'Kcitfe, Aifdifeufe ; — piece, baa iBugfiud ijiue 3dnffefa- ' none) ; — pin, baa ©d>labid)t. To BOWGE, p. a. biifd)bof)i'cn, bnrd); fd)iefjcit. BOWL. a. 1. ber 9!apf, bie Sdiiiffet. Sebatc, ba8 ©etfett; 2. bie nlte, it. f. ro. To BOX, b. I. a. i. in cine Wtrbfe, in eitt .Uaftdien, 11. f. m. t hint, cinfdilic: fen; 2, mit ber Sauft febiagen; 3. umfegeln; 4. an8)|npfen (ben 33aum= faft) ; to — up, oerfperren ; to — thn < pas®, A" T. bie ^pmvafiVMinfte uergleio$en : n. ». fid) auf bic Janft frblageu, baren, boreu. B IX EN, ndj bnd)abanmep. ; bent i'ud)^ baitnt dbnlicb. boxer, s. ber oaufifamvfcr, i'aret. Sorer. To liox HAi'l.. r. a .A". T. itmlegen, umroenben oor bem SJinbe . BOY, ». 1. ber Jtnabe, SBiibe, ?Minge; iron, etn iungerunretfet -Dietifd) ; — 'j play, baa Jtnabciifviel. To BOY, '■■ i « stinberet treiben, al« cin .Uttabe banleln; II. a. ivie eineii Jfnaben bebanbeln. BOYER, ». ber ©oier, Sujer .cine 3rl biillanbifdie Sdialnvve . BOYHOOD ». baa .Uiubcnaitcr, tie .Uineerjabre, .Utttlbeit. BOYISH [ dv. —iv , adj. finbifeb, lty» piftft. in IYISHNESS, ? s. has finbifdpe i?ctra= BOYISM, ^ gen, tie Jlinbcrei. BRABANT. ». Brabant. BR M'.Hi.i:. ,-. eulg tor %atit, .Oabcr. bi: ICE, 8. 1. baa 33anb, bie ©inbe, ber piemen ; -V> a lr j 2. bie .ulantmer ( V); 3. ber Qlnfer (in einem 83aue), ^o* fen ; Stiitjbalfcn; 4. bie ©pan 5. atuftung, ber .£>arnifd>; 6. ba3 IJaar ; 7. tram. pi. jv. T. tic ©raffen, Segelftricfe ; a — or : . hues &,-.. cin ipaat ^Jiftolen, etn spaat obet cine Jtoppei SRebbBcfe, 5fid)fe, .toal'en, 11. f. XO. ; in warlike — jum itriege gernftet; — springs. ^dugtiemfebetn ; braces, ». .v. t. bic (Braffen, Segelftritfe; coach (main or spring) — , bie Sd)n)ungrie= men, §5ngriemen einer Jtntft^e. To BRACE, v. n. 1. binten. an= (eiit=) binbeit, fdmalicn, aufcbjtaUeit, fd)nu= ren aithcften, befefligen ; 2. ftavf an* jicbeit ; fpanneit ; 3. ftarfen ; JV. T. orajfeu; to — the yacds, bie SRaaen bet tent SBiube braffen. BR V.CELET, s. 1. taa Olvmbaub ; 2. bte 3lrinfrfeiene. BRACER, *. 1. tcr Chut. ©Artel, Tra,i= riemen fitr 2Irbeit«Ieute ; ^ofentta= ger; bie ©tube; taa ^Irinitftd (jum ©aufpiel) ; 2.M d T. te jufaiitnfcn= Itebfitbe iJIrjenei. BRACH, 8. ber ©racl (3rt Spfir^unb) ; tie -#i\it. brachial, adj. unit Jlrmc gcQortg. BRACHIATE, adj. nitt Olvmen. BRACHMAN, ». oid. Bramin. BRACHYGRAPHER, ». ter ©C^lteH* fdneibcr, ber mit furjen ;V'id)en fdireibt. BRACHYGRAPHY, », bte ,Uleiin"direi = beret ; .Unnft ntit Slbturjungeu ju fd)teiben. BRACHYLOGY. s. bte Jtiivje (in tct :licte oter ©c^rcibart), ©utibtgfeit. BRACK, *. ber ©run), bieSucfe; ©re» fdu- ; baS ©ruebjtutf. BB U'Ki'.W *. baa A.inifiant. BRACKET, 8. 1. tie Veifte, Uttterlage ; 2, Alammer (] ; 3. bafl Duerbolj, ber trfiger; 4. ber Sm'eKeucjbter. BRACKISH, adj. bra if, cin tt>enig fatjtg, bracktshness «. ba8 Sraefe, bie ge= rin.ic ©aTjtgfeif. in: \n. 8 ber Stift, iapetennagel. To I5R v.. i- a. prabfen, nuffrbneiben, fidi riibnien : — of einer iaa>e),Rp[j femt . . . <\nf, uttveilen -md) (jtbocb uttfiebtiij) mit on. BB \B, i '• tie SPrafjTerri ; 2. cine "?lvt Jtartenfpiet, in iveKtcnt lie ©uben nut SReitnert i^auprfarten ftnt \ — wort, cine ?ltt OOn fdv.vadH'iit -.W'ctb cber ^onigroajfer. bi: accadocio,.-.- ber Stabler, ^>rabl= ban a. BR IGGARDISM, s bie i-vallcrci, 3llf» fdmciberei. BRAGGART, \ I. 9. ber ^rabfer, ^Ittfr BRAGGER, J frbiteibcv, @ro$fpre= 47 BRAN (2«; H. braggart, adj. grof;fprcrbc= ttfrb, vvahlcvifrf 1 7b braid, p. a. fkcftcn; |ufamm«u webcn. BRAID. ... 1. bie Aiu-htc, .*>aavflcct>tc ; bet¬en; baS ©ewebej bie Heine ©pifte, 8e ifte, ©orbe; bet ©d)nutens befai [einefl 3lorfe8, u. f. ».); 2. bag Sluffitetfen, ber ©cbfecf. BRAIL,*. 1. JV. v. tic SBefcglagletne, bag ©eitau ; 'I Sp r ein 3iiemeu $unt geflbtuben bet Sittige einefi Salfen. riviicn. BRAlNiSH, odj. toUfBpfig, ungefiitm, bi^ii], bcfiig. roiitbenb, gtimmtg. brainless, adj. tjicuioS, unoetuunf- tig, unbefonnen, gebanfento«. BRAIT, *. ber robe Siamaitt. brake, s. 1. bag garnttaut, garnge- bitfeb; 2. S)oingebiifd), ©tombeetges biifeb ; 3. fie s8rcct>e, «§ecbe 1 ; 4. t-cr SPumpenfrbroengel, ©etfilocf ; 5. Satfttog ; 6. bag fdjatfe ©ebiji ; 7. bie sBremfc. To brake, v. a. brecbett (.§anf ober Slacks). braky, adj 1. bornig, itar^Itg ; 2. mit Siorugcbiifcbcn fiberroadjfen. BRAMBLE s. 1. bet '-Brombcerfhvutd) ; $ornbufd) ; brambles, pi. 43rombcc= ttn ; bramble-bush, ber 5Brombeet= Luifcfj; — scythe, bie .ftccfeiiitdicl ; 2. — , or brarabling. ber SBiiltcrftitf ; bramble-net, bag 3'i»f?"»Cfc- BRAMBLED, ) ar//.mit s -8rombeerftrau= brambly. > d)Cit iiberwaebfen, voll SBrombeeren. BRACHMAX, ) w sn,.x m „ M brahmin, > $R r . im lie BRAM1X, ) soram,ne - brax, s. bie wleie, Jtleiert; — new, co!. ganj tieu, funfelnagelneu. branch, s. 1. ber 3roeig, Sift, Gjrbofi ; 2. Slrnt (eincg Sluffeg, cincg 2eucb= terg, «. f. rcO; 3. Sbcil, s .>lbfrf>ttttt ; 4. bie Siitiie (in ®efdblec§f8tegiftetn) ; 5. (im ©ergbau) cine (Srjabet; G.fig. bet Slbfomiultng ; 7. branch or branch- es, pi. ber flrmieucbtet ; — of traffic, ber drroerbd^raeig ; 8. branches, pi. Arch, t bie SRippen (33ogen)bet go= tbifcbcit ©eroolbe; branches of a stag's head, bie (fitfcn am .£>irfcbgcivcibe ; branches of a bridle, bie 2taiU]CU am ©ebiffe ; branch peas, Stecf ober Stabs Ctbfeit ; branch-stand. S/i. E. bag ftlie= gen its Aalfcn »on SBauin ju ©aunt bis ber,£>unb bie Sftebbubnet aufjagt. To BRANCH, ». I. n. (— off, — out in- to .. .), 1. B^eiiic trci6c:t, fid) tit 3weige ausbreifen ; ftcb uetjtoeigen; 2.fa-\id) verbvciteii, fid) auibreitcn, augfaufen, in 3"- ,c ig e " ouslaffen, meitfrbroeifig reben ; to — out upon a thing, oiel Otesciig von 6'tamg ma= d)cu; li. a. 1. in ?)ircicie ober Sbcile thcileu ; 2. SRnufcit madjcit, bliimeit. branched, adj. ficranEt, gcbliimt; yolier '.'Icfte ober 3n>eige, oertneigt; — with cold, mit golbenen ffiaufen ; — candlestick, ber ?lrmlcnd)tcr. 5RANCHER, >. i \va$ fid) in 3tt«8* 48 BRAV augbrettct; 2. ber ?lcfiling, junge 4>abid)t. braxchery, *. bag < 3l|ln)frf, ©efafer. BRANCHINESS.* tag 3a ,c 'il'!J c < 5ttejlts ge; bie 9lu?breitung. BRANCHLESS, adj. 1. jWeigloS, Fab. I ; '2. fig nacfr, blop. branchy, adi. jroeigig, aftig. braxd. s. 1. ber ©ranb, Scucrbranb ; 2.+ bag Srbroert; 3. ber 'Soimcr^ fcil; 4. bag 83ranbinaal ; jebeg 3ci- dieu ber (Sntebrung ; — goose, bie 9totba.aug, SaumganS ; — iron, bag §8renneifen, bet Sreifuf, Scucrbocf ; — new. rid. Bran-new. To brand, r. n. braitbmatfen, btanb= ntaalen, fcbailben ; branded with sus- picion, burch bbfen iUrbacb, t gebranb* inarft. To BRANDISH, ». o. ftb, llHttgClt, fc^tt)Cft> fen; fdjieitberii. brandling, s. bie $fiifemabc, ber ©pnitvutin (iitm Ohigcin). brandy, s. bet sQraitntroein, Kpgnac ; — faced, bvanntroetnglub^enb (tm@c= ficbt). To BRANGLE, ;•. n. fcifCIt, jatlfcil, ^1= bent, ftrcitcn. BRANGLE (— ment), s. ber Scttlf, bie 3anferei. BRANK,«. ber Sud)tt)fisett. BRANK-URSIN, s. tic iiaicnflau (Acan- thus — L). BR.^NLIN, s. cine ?lrt rtifd), 511m ©c= fcblccbt tcr Sacbfe geborig. BRANNY, adj. Eleiig, flciid)f. BRANT, adj. ftcil,' l>od) ; — fox, ber 93tanbfucb,8 {Camis alopez — L.) ; — goose, vid. Brand-goose. BRASEN, adj. vid. Brazen. BRASIER. s. 1. ber Jiuvfcvfannicb ; 2. bie Jloblcnvfaiutc, bag J?obleiibecfcit. brasil, s. Srajtlien ; — ink, bie rotbe Sintc; — nuts, iicdniriiiuiiffc ; — pebble, ber (irrige) 9lame cincg retnen gelfcttfr.iftallg auf SKabagaScar ; — , or — wood, bag *8rafiltcnf)oIj, ber ScriiambnE. BRASILIAN, adj. tuafiliattifd) ; — root, bie (brauite) ©redjiDurjel, 3pe* racuanfja. brass, 1. s. bag SJlefftng, ^rj ; 2. fig. bie Unoerfcbamtbett ; in compos, cast — , ©ufjmeffing; ingot — , 2tiicf= meffiitg; latten — , tartunincfftng ; black—, ©d) »ar jmeffittg J shaven or scratched — , 'gcfdwbfeg 9Jiefftngbled) ; sheet — , SSttfelmefftng ; red — , tin* pfet; 93ronic; yeiiow — , SJieffing; — battery, Keffefmefftitg, 3Jlefftngs Herb; — colour, bie firjfarbe; — founder, ber -Die ailgiefjcr, ©elbgie« f3Cr ; — foundry articles, ©elbgicj;cr= waaten ; — lumps, (bei beu Sergleu= ten), bie runben Scuerfleine, ber Sdirocfdficg ; —ore. ber ©almet, Pa= lainintfiein ; — visaged, nnaerfebamt j — wire, ber 50?efftitgt>rat>t ; 11. adj. 1. cbent, mctallen, Eupretn ; 2. fig. un- »erfd)iimt. brassiness, s. bie (Srjartittfett. brassica, s cine *?tvr Jtobl. BRASSY, adj. 1. crjartig, fupfern ; 2. fig. ebent, unsetfeibamt; — pyrites, erjartigcr Sii(S. BRAT, s. 1. bag Jlitib, ber 33alg; 2. 2lb!bmmliit(i. brauls « iitbifebe Stoffc mit blaiten itnb wcitiett ©tretfen. BRAVADO, s. bie v iUablcrci,bag 0rofj= fprccben ; Sro^bictcn. BRAVE [ado. — i.v), I. adj. 1. bras, t(l- pfer, fitbtt, itnerfrbrorf en ; 2. rciicnb, anmntbig, ebel, firojj, erbaben, ticrr= licb, pracotig, frbon ; 3. flatrlirb (ge« fltibct); u. s . 1. ber SBageb. alg ; 2. X'rofe, bie ^craugforberung. BREA To BRAVE, ». a.\. Sro^ bictcit; .6obn fprccben, beraugfortcrn ; 2. mit (51= Wag prablcn, eg jtir ©cbau aiiglegen. BRAVERY, s. 1. bie Sapfcrfeif, fcet JKutb- (5'bolmiitb, bie Oh'oiimntb, llncrfcbrorfcnbcit; 2. Stattlid)fcit, SJJracbr ; 3. ^rablerci, bag ©routfjun; 4. betaujsete ©lanj (im $lti)uge :c). bravo, «. (ital.) tcr 2)Jeucbelin6rber, bravura, *. Mus. T bie 5i3ro»our= 9lric, ber iliciitcrgcfang. brawl, 8. bag ©efebret, ©etofe, ber Satin; 3^»f/ <§abet; Jtrafel, bte ©cblageret. To brawl, v. i. 77. 1. fdjrcicit, ISrmen; murmcln; 2. janfcit; frafeleit; H. a. burd) Sarmen oetjagen ; fig. nicbcr> febmcttem. brawler, 5. ber Sdjrcicr, 3 ; i»f« Jlrafcler. brawn, s. 1. bag f^bcrflcifd), ^36M» fleifcb; 2. bag s erbe gleifcb ; ber flct- fcbi(]e £beil; 3. bie Eorpetlicpe 3Jiaffe unb ©tarfd brawned, adj. ftarf, »ietfd)rotig. brawner. s. bag ieri)lari)ti*dm)ein. BRAWNINESS, s. tic AMctfdiia,feit in-rbartuitii beg ijleifri)eg, Starfe. brawny, adj. peifr^ig, netuig, fe^nig. ftarf. bray, 5. 1. bag Gfcl^cfdirct; 2. bet S)amm, (Srbmall. To BRAY, b. La-jtoficn, fiampfcit, ?cr= flo§en, flciu rcibeii; n. r.. (tuic cin 6'fct 1 febrcien, fdmtcttcni. braver, g. 1. bie SRubrfeuIe, ber %ax* benlaufer, momitbie s8ud)brucferfar= be abgcrieben wttb ; 2. ber uutcni>ar» tige ©djreiet. To braze, 7j. a. 1. lotbcn niit EOlefctUj ; ( — over), mit @tj Dbet Jinpfcr ubets Jtcbcn, btonjiren; 2. fig. abbarten, unuetfebamt macben. BRAZEN, adj, 1. cbcm, mctaflen, mef^ fingen; 2. (ado. — i.y), fig. unset' fcbanit; — browed, — faced, htamlog, un»erfd)amf; — face, ber (bie) Un- set febcimte; — footed, mit cbemeu Siipctt. To BRAZEN, r. 77. uirjcrfdiamt fesjn ; t , — out, unserfebamt tebanptcn ober sertbeibigen ; feef, mit brciftcr ©tint ablaugnen. brazenness, .«. 1. bie GTjattigfeit ; 2. fig. Unvcrfrijamtbcit. BRAZIER, s. rid. Brasier. ERAZLEL, 5. vid. Brasil. breach, s. 1. ber i'rncft, SBallbrncb, bie Srefcbe, ©tut mli'ufc ; ?itcfe, Defnung, ber 3Riti, tag 8udj ; 2. 3"= bredben: 3. fig. bie Ueberttetung, SBerlc^ung (bet ©cfcfte it. f. m.) ; 4 SBeleibtgung ; 5. Uneinigfeit, ber 3ivift, ^micfvalt, bie iUiipbelligTeit; — of covenant, iirild) eincg Sfitts ttaqfi ; — of duty, Uebcrtrctimg t-ct 5Rflid)t; — of peace, ber 5friebeJt« s brurf) ; — of promise, bie SBortbtfu cbii]fcit; — of trust, in-rlcijung veg SBerttaueng, 3Seruntreuung. bread, s. I. bag SBtobj 2. fig. ber Sebenguntcrbalt ; — basket, ber 33rob= forb; —chipper, bet SBtebraSpdet ;; — com, bag 93robforn ; — fruit, bie ft-rurbt beg ©tobbaumeS ; — nut wood, eine 2lrt fcineg .fiol« fut ,Uiiii|ltifd)= ler; — room, ber Sflrobraum, bie 23robfammcr auf einem ©r^ip; — toaster, bet StObtOft; — tree, bet 33robboum ; ainmunition — , bag Pont = mifjbrob; biscuit — , ©riifSjnjitbacI ginger — , SPfeffetfucben ; household — , bag baiigbacfcnc Q3tob ; leavened — , gefanerteg s l^rob ; Sr. John's — bag 'xSobrtllllisbrob [CernUmia — L.) to get one's — , fein S9rob vcrbicnen — and butter, SButtW (Ullb) ©tob BREA BREA BREE BREAin'ii, ». tic SBreife, JBcite; main — , jv. T. tie ijro>";te ikeitc cincS jc= ben ©pannes'. BREADTHLESS, adj. o&UC 93rcitc. 7'» BREAK, o. ir. a. &■ v. 1. bredjcit ; 2. loebrerben ; 3. fprcngeit; 4. vlaijcn, rcif;cn, auffpringea, aufgeben ; 5. j«» brcchcn, jerrciOcit; fi. jertbeilcn, $er= ttenuen: 7. jerriiiiien; 8. evbrcctjcit, offnen, fbcbern; 9. fdmtVn; fig. 10. bredjeit, aiibrerbctt, aufaugcn, bal)= ncit ; 11. auebtecben; 12, 'unferbre= d)eu, anfbalten, ftoreit; 13. iibcrtre= ten ; 14. umftoiictt; 15. abbrerben, fdnvacben, entfraften; 16. abfaUen ; 17. alt roetben; 18. junid)fcmad)en; 19. jabmen ; banbigen ; 20. abbauren, cutlaffcn; 21. aiiflbfeti ; 22. Setftos wn; 23. abnebmen, Sanferott ma= d)cii ; 24. banferott, banfbtucbig rorr= ?cn ; 25. fid) brerben, fid) aube'rit ; to — a bank, eine U3an£ fprengen ; to — me of something, cincm (fid)) ttxoai abgemobnen ; to — a business ttroas in l&oefcblag (aufs £apet) bringrn; to — a child of its tricks, eillCIlt JtiutC fetne Unarten abgetodbnen ; to — a fail, tm fallen aiiffaugeu ; to — a horse (to the reins), citt '.pfei'b (illtf tic ©tange) jurciicii; to — a law, cinem ©cfefce juwiber banbelu, es ftbe«re» ten ; to — a match, einc .£>ciratb -inf-- beben ; to — an officer, &c, ctiicm Cfficier it. f. w. ben Slbfcbieb geben ; lo — a swelling, et it ©effjjrour offnen ; to — one's back, cittern ben Jliitcfeu jevffblagcn ; fig. jn ©runbe ricbtctt ; to — one's last, ffitbftiicfeit ; to — one's heart, Senianb Jit £obe firgem, bnrd) jtranfungen ins ©nib brtngen ; to — one's mind, fid) t>crait§ t affcit, fein .£>er§ ausfrbiittett, cnttafen; to — one's pride, (?iltCtt bcmiitbigcit ; to — one's rest, Sitlltatlbcs JHllbe j'torcit ; to — with sorrow, fid) btivrb ©ram ucrjebreit, vox ©rant »ergeben ; my heart is ready to — , miv lltod)te bas ■jjett jerfpringen ; her beauty — s. ihvc ect)6nbett scrgebt, if>re 3iigcnbblu= t£>e fdnuinbet ; 'to — bulk, bie Sabung $u lofdien anfangen ; to — down, nic= berbrcd)eit, abbrerben ; to — down a press, Typ. T. cine iJJreffe afcfcfclagen; to — forth, berwrbreeben, ber»orquel= len, auslu-cd)ctt ; to — from, ft ft? cttt= tr-tutcn, fid) [oSrctgftl ; to — ground, pflitgen ; Mil. v. tie Saufgtfiben Bff= ncn; Sm Krp. bie Sinter lirbten ; to — the ice, bie 33abn brerben, SBabn mad)cu;bie Uurcrbaltung beginnen; to — in, cinbvedtcn, etnbringen ; iibcr= rafdjen; to — in upon, bercin platen, etribtingen; iibeiianfcit; (Singtiff tbun in ...; to — into ..., au§bre= rben in . . . ; to — into a trench, in bie Saufgtaben trittgett; to — loose. losbrccbeu, fid) lo«veipen; fid) frci ntad)cit; to — of abgeroSbneit; to — oil", abbrerben, fdnvciifen ; to — offfrom . ., fidi losreipen, [o8»tttben won . . . ; abftebcu von . . . ; to — open, .infbrccbe it, erbverben ; to — out, aus= brerben, geratben; fid) ergiefjen, aus^ frbweifeub tuerben; ant Setbe mts= fc*.bren, auSft^lageitj the breaking out (of the war, &c), ber 3lu8btUd) (bed jtfieflCS It. f. U'.) ; to — out into pimples, ftinnctt int ©efid)t) befom= men; to — out in:o wrath, tit 2Qutb gcratljett ; to — outjnto unchaste ex- pressions, BotClt VCtlSeit ; to — prison, au« bent ©efditflnfi brcdjen ; to — email, in fleine Stiirfe brerben, flcin ftof)en, Vi'tbent ; to — through ; bitrd)- brcrbeit, fibertretetl ; to — through diffi- culties, Scfwtcrigfeitert iibenvintett; w — up, auf l)cbcit ; fid) auflofcn ; fi^> 68 aufflarctt; abbvedjen, aufbverben ; in Siiicfc brcd)cn; jerlegen, trancbiren, flufs, on-, vorfd)iieiteii ; fid) |crtbeU len, nerfltegen, oerfcbtviitbeii ; aufbo- ren; fcicrii, Jerien bctoninieit; to — up a deer, &c, ein 9ieb ii. f. wj. jerle= gen, nusrotrffit; to — up house, fetne yvtushaliuiij] oufgebeit; fein §ani tu-vlaffen ; to — up the army, bie Sir* nice aiiscinanbcr (jeben [affen, anflo= fen ; to — upon the wheel, vateni ; to — way, aneittcidmt ; to — wind, SStni ge^en [affen; to — with one, mil 3fnianbem brerben, bie greunb= fdiaft aufljcbcit; to — wool, SBolIe fovtiven. BREAK, ». 1. bcr Srudj : SSeUenbrttro. bie Sraitbung: baS 8o4< ^ e Deff s nitng, bet 3roifrbenraum ; 2. bie Un= terbrerbitng, SjSaufe; 3. bcr Slnbrud); 4. baS ©barium (tm ©rutfen); ber Stvid), Duerfirid), ©ebanfenftrid] ; (SrganjuitjjSftrid) [— ] ; 83eibin= tnngSftvid) [-] ; by — of day, bfi Sagesanbrnd) ; — joint, JJreh. T. bie ocvbiinbene SKaurerorbeitj — i k, ba3 .£>alsbvcd)en ; fig. ber jaiu- Ort ; — stone, ber Stcinbrcd) [saxifraga — L.) ; — water, bcr 2lnferrofid)fft : tic 'Jlnfcrbonc; ba8 »erfen!te SOraer (alte 2d)iff), SBranbungen j« brerben. BREAKAGE, s 1. ba3 ^rerben, ^er= brerben a. f. w.: 2. m. e. bie SRefac= tie (sBergiitung fiir befrbabigle SHJaa= rcn, 3lbgang«red)nung). breaker, *. bcr SBrecber, 8re= dieittc; 3er|tBrer; bie ©ranbutig, SSeUe. BREAKERS, ». pi. I. bie SBranbung, bie SBeUen, ber SBellenbrud) ; 2. biinbe jllippeit. To BREAKFAST, v.n. friihfti'ufeii. BREAKFAST, s. baS gtubftiiif, Blot* geilbrob ; breakfastinp;, baS grubftU' ifen ; einc ©cfcllfcbaft juni Srfibjturf. BREAM, *. ber Sraffen (gluiftfcb), Ta BREAM, v. a. JV. T. eitt Stbtflf V011 auficn vein tu-ennen, abbrennen, rets niiictt. BREAST, t. 1. bie SBwfr, ba« SBrujls blatt; 2. bie Seite eineS SebiffeSj fig.3. ba8©emutb, bie s Jicijiii!!,i befl ©emittbeS ; bo8 feeri ; ©ewiffen ; i: Iks in his — , tie 2adic rnlit ctuftbjn, cr bat c§ anf fciiiem ©eroiffen ; to keep in one's — , gcheim balicn ; — of a hill, tic Avoute cutes ^itgela ; — of a tiock, N. T. bcr -Ocrt etnee ^lo= dtS; — backstays, bie ©eitcnptlrbUs neii; — board, bafl Duerboij cities ©rblirtene (betmSieeyfcblager), mots in tic eifernen 2)reber ftjeti ; — bone, bie S3rujtfuod)en, bai ©rnfibein ; — buckle, — broach, Ctlie iillfeilllMltge ; ^.ifennabcl; — buttons, 2Qeften= fltdWfe; — caskets, JV*. T. bie SRatts banber ; — cloth, ber Wruitlaft ; — deep, aufl obet in ticfer 33ruft; — fapt, jv. T. to* ;Vi|it«ui; eine Canbfeftung an trr ©ette be* ©rbife« ; — glass (— fountain. — pipe), bcr 3J2ilf$*tfc bcr, tic 3JI itebvumve ; — high, bi« an bie SBruft; — book, .v. T. ba3 SSrucbftfirf; —knot, bie 83rufifcblei= fe; — pin, bie SBufennabel; — plate, tcr.uiiraft, SBrujtbarnifcb ; baS SruRs fdiilt, bcr ©ruftflurt ; bie SGrufrplats te, ^olMVlattc ; — piousb, ber Eorfs ftcrbel ('•Jlit i'flug, ben man »ot fid) bcr febiebt) ; — rail, jv. v bie SReges ling an bet bintern ©allelic nub auf bent SBorbertbeil ter ©rbanje; — rope, X. T. ba« JDJafttait ; — work, bie SBtufhvebt; JV. v. tie ©cboten anf ber Sad nut Scbanje. To BREAST, b n. gerabe enfgegen oter auf etivafl loSgeben ; tio&cit. BREASTED, c H. m compo*. broad - great—, mit ftarfcr ©ruft. BREATH, s. I. bet ,'ltbein, Vltbeni'ug : bae Suftfben: £aucb; 2. bad 2eben 3. tic :>(u!h\ (gr^olung, bet Huffrbub, bie 3n>if<$ei!)ett, $aufe* 4. tor •Jiu- genblicf; ehortnesa of — . bcr furje •Jltkm, tie (Sngbritftigftit; I am in — , id) bin nod) itidit j» s .'ltbc]it gefemmeu; take — , fd)t})f« Oltlem, verfdmanrV; give mq soma — ,»ergonnemit9luffd)ub,3n)if(becs lett; you spin.! >our — in vain, tcin ii i ft umfonjt; ins — * i liim, cr n"t Berfdjiebeu; to be out h — , aupet .'ithciit fc.Mi ; the leaal — ol commotion, ter geriugfte ilufftant, bie gcviinifte Seroegitug; tn menace and court one in a — . tn cincm ,'iU. genblirfe broben mit febmet(be(n. BREATHABLE,^, ivac- man atbmcn f.iini; atbembat; — air, atbembnre Vnfr. Ta BREATHE, p. a. tt v. 1. atbmcn, SItbem hofen ; einaibmen; frifeben Sltbem fdjobfen, |u -.Hthcm fommen 2. lcbni; 3. auSruben: 4. auelviu- dicn, tnftcn, bunfieii; 5. blafen; fi in 5ltbem fefecn, jajeu, treibcii; 7 au§ern ; to — a secret vow, ein gc beimeS ©elubbe tluin; to — a vein, cine Slbet Bffrten ; to — vengeance Stacbe frbnauben ; to — a wish, einen 2Bllllfd) ailfiCrit ; to — a word i cinem; cut SEBott ,n= tins D&r) flit-- fu'i'ii; to — into, cinbaitdicn, cinbla. fen: to — on upon), aubandicn, an- blafen; to — out, auSbaurben; aus bunften ; nu8ftopen. BREATHER, s. I. ter ^Itbmcnte, Se bentc; 2. ©inbaurber, (Sinaeber. BREATHFUL, «r space, 3eit 'iim 2ltbcmfd)ovfcu ; ein \'lu-- genblitf. BREATHLESS, adj. I. atkmloS; 2 tobt; to be — with joy, vox Sreube aupet ficb feim. BREATHLESSNESS, s. tie Vlthcm1ofig= feif, bet Mangel an 8uft, tie @ng= bruftigfeit, ganjlirbe ©rfrbSpfung. breech, >. 1. bet £intete, ©reifc «i^; 2. bet bintcic Xbeil ; br» ;)/. bie ©einfleiber, •^ofeu; /■/ to wear the breeches, bie pofen haben, bie .toerrfrbaft im 4?aufe baben; — pocket, bie .^ofeutafebe. To BREECH, v. a. I. .t>o'"en aiuiel'cn ; anl)ofen; 2. ten .f-iiitcrn peitfeben; to — the gun?, tie Jtanoncil baren, riil. BrITI ii. To breed, b.Lo. l. jeugen, gebSrcn ; erjengen, betoorbringen, hrifcn ; 2, auftieben; erjieben, unterrtrbteu; 3. ausbruten, atiSpecfen; erbenfen; 4. erregen, seranlaffen, peturfarben; 5. erfiunen, auSffnnen, einen '.'Infebtag fcbmiebeii; to — cattle, SBiebinCyl treiben; to — (cui ne bt= fonimcii; to — in blood. bDfefi ©lut mndjen ; ii. «. fid; erjeugen, evieugt, geboten wetben; marbfen; i"id) vtx- mebven; a woman that breeds, cine fcbrnaiigere 8«tu. BREED. ». I. bie ,»i:dit, ?lrt, ©alfung ; 2. ©ebutt, ^erfunft. BREEDER, s. I. »a« ffitoai trjeugt, bet (Srgeugrt, bie ©r jeugerinn ; ©e» baitrinu, ftiifbtbare 3JJuttet ; 2. bet 49 BRID BRIL BRIN ^'rjiebcr; ilufjichcr; lie is a — of catUe : cr rretbt >Birbju$t. breeding, a. 1. bofl Seugen. 0eb5s ten, (Srjengcn u. f. ro. ; 2. bit ®rj«* buna,, betltntettidjt; 3. bie (feme) Silbung, 8eben«att; of good — , vwchl^cjo^ctt, ttoblgeftttet breeze, s. 1. ber Cuttle SSinb (t,itr See ; Banbroinb, bati ftifd)e Shift* ctcn; 2. bie Stemfe. BRHEZELESS, adj. cbnc SJinb, r»inb* ftille, ftill, rubia,. fanft. breezy, adj. luftig, sen riitciu ftts fdjen, fallen SBinbe beftricben. brehon, s. (in Stlanb ciit 3tid)tcr. cremen, 5. (bie ©tobt) ^Bremen. BRENT, s. i-iJ. Brand-goose. BREST, s. .9rcA. T. bcr ©tab, SJJfobl am Saulenfufie; — summer, (bci ben 3immerleuten) tic Unterlage, ^'atrc, :Uirpc bet fiauptbalfen, ba8 Slatt* ftua, ^cabinftiicf. breve s. Jifus. r. bie Stese. brevet, 5. Slusfertigiiiig ju einem ©uatcna,cfcbcuE (in gtanfreitfij ; 2. patent pit ®ubaltetn*Dfficiete. breviary, s. 1. baS Steoiet; £a= fcbengebetbiicb (bcr fathplifebcit®cijr= lid)feit); Jvintcnbu*; 2. bcr SuS= ; ig tiner ©eftbjdjte u. f. to.). BREVIAT, bet 9lu«jug, bal Eompen* bturn. brevl\ture, s. bie 3lbbre»iatur, Sib* furjung. brevier, s. bie Sresiare, Heine £>tu brew, p. a. it n. l. btauen; 2. mi= feben, oetmifrrjen; 3. .^. eininengen, jubcrcitcit; L frbntieteu, ausbcacu; to — a plot, eine 33erfd)roorung an* |Cttc 111 ; a storm brews, ciit Utigcirit= let jiebt ouf. brew. *. tas ©cbraube; —house, baS SBrau^auS. brew age. s. ba8 ©fbraube, ©erranfe. brewer, s. bev Sierbrauer, SBrauet. brewery, s. bie SSrauerei, ba833rau= bang. brewing, s. 1. bits 33rouen ; 2. ©c* btaube ; 3. tr. r bie JBettergalle, bas Suffteigen bet@ettittetrootfen; there is a storm — , cS jict;t ciit Ungenrittet auf BRIAR, s. rid. Brier. bribe, s. baS ©efdjenf (3emanben ju beftecben), bie 33efted)ung. t> bribe. B . a. beftecben. briber .--. ber SBefredjet. bribery,,-, bie ikftccbuttg. brick, s. 1. ber 9Jkuerftein, 3ienel= fteui, 33acf fteiit ; 2 baS 93robd)en, J>et Steiling; — bat. baS Stud 3tegel= fteiii; — built, mit SDtauerjtein gc= bituet; — burner, ber Biegelbtennet ; — clay. — earth, bie 3'egclcrtc ; — dust. baS 3' c 3elmcbi ; — floor, bcr Suyboccn ouS s -8acf= pter 3tegclfiet= itcu; — kiln, tie 3ifgf^»'tf. oiegel* fcbcUtie ; — layer, — mason, bcr iDJaU; rcr; — maker, ber 3iegetftreicber; — trowel, tie i'laurcrfelle ; — wall, bie SBacffteinmauet ; — work, bie 9J2au* rerarbcit; coi - -a, .Reffeljteine ; draining — s, SlbjIMSjiegel ; Dutch, or Flemish — s, StaUfltltfcr ; pilaster or buttress — s, 33tllbcfteilt ; snmel, or sandei — s, 931eicbiteinc, fdilccbt aitS- gcbrannte Sacfftetne; oil of — s, bae 3icgcUU. To BRICK, v. a. 1. Illir ^itifitcittCtt mauetn, cberbtlcgcu ; 2. jicgelfarbig anflreidjeru BRIDAL, I s. bie ^peb^eif, baS .§ocb- itttfeft: II. adj. bocbjeitlicb ; — bed. taS i?rau;bett ; — dress (— attire . | 50 iasStautlleib; — guests, bie .giod;- jeitgdfte. , BRIUE. s. bie Stout; — bed. baS SrOUtbett ; — chamber, bie iBfAUt: Cammet; — s maid, tic 8tautinng= fet ; — s man, bet SBtautfubtet. bridegroom, s. bet Srautignm, BRIDGES- 1. bie ihiicfe ; 2. bet ©teg faufeld)eben3ltt; — harnessed, mtt glaitjeuber, blaufer, funfelubet diii- ftung, fnnfelnbem ©efdjmeibe ; — shining. bellfjIaitJCllb. To BRIGHTEN, n. la. i. bell macbcil, etbeUen, auf belliii, erlcurbten; glan= jenb niadjen, ^olireu, gldtten (mit up : 2. fe. aufHaren; aufheitent; aitf.teircifr, fujiig, febarf, rotfeig, fiitu= reid), berubmt litadicit, vcrberrlidifti ; it n. l. bell tuerben, ftet> aufbcUen, ftcb aufflaren, fid) aufheitent ; 2. glanjen, funfetn, febimmerit brightness, ,--. I. bet ©Ian|, belle 2diciu, tie .»>cllc, .Hlarbcit; §eiter= feit (be«^imme(8, bet 8uft) ; $o!i= tut, ©lotfe: belle Jotbe; ^rorbt; 2. jiff. 3lnfgeHattbeit bc^ SetftonbeS, bcr Scbarffiuu. brill, s. eine jun^e 3Jceerbuffe. brllllvncy, s. bcr ©lanj, tie SJrorbt. brilliant, i. s. 1. bcr brilliant ©lanifiein, 3ftautenbiamont, ecn'a c\t- fcbltffene tibelilcin; 2. ein lebbaftcS, inutbigeS ~4- ! fcrb son jtatrlicbem ©lie* berbau ; II. adj. (adv. — ly), glan-- jenb, fltmmetnb. fd)ciuaib; ^ttson ftecbent ; ptatbttg. BRILUANTNESS, s. vid. Brilliancy. BRILLS, s. pi. bie .*3aare ctt ben flu- genlictcru bcr SPferbe. BRIM, s. 1. bcr [Ranb irgenb einet ©a= rbe : 2. ber oberc S^beil (SRonb) ciuer Jluffigfeit; 3. baS lifer eittcr Cucl> le ; to the — , bis on ben 3ianb, jum itbcrlaufcu. To brim, o. i. a. bie an ben SRattb ooll gie^cn, gonj ooll fultert : n. n. gcftrt= eben soil fc.Mi ; uberloufen. BRIMFUL, adj. "Dll biS OH belt 3[01lb, ganj ooQ. itbcrvoll. brimless, adj. uueiugefo^f, ol)ne 3ianb. BRIMMER, s. baS geittiebeit ocllc ©IaS, ber oollc Secher, .Ounipcn. brimming, adj. bis obeu an »oH. BRIMSTONE .•;. bcr ©tbwefel ; — mat- ches, ©d)roefeifpone ; — medals, 3lb= brucfe in Sebiucfcl; — wort. 2d)ivc= fetrout), eaufcnd;ct, ^oatfttong (Peucedinum — L). BRIMSTONY, adj. fcbtrcfelig. bkinded, adj. fd)ccfuj, gcflccft, gcfpren= Eclt. gefieeift. brindle. 5. baS ©d)ed?ige ( ©eftteifte, S^renflige, bie ©cfjccfc. BRINDLED, adj. ril. Brinded. brine, s .i. tAS Salmaffet, bie ?afe; *2. bie ece; 3. bicShraitctt; — pan, bie ©oljpfanne ; — pit, bie 5altqu:l-' le. To brine, v. a. ciufaljcn, cinvcfels. To BRING, r. tr. a. briit^cu, (berbei) fdjoffen, cber fithrcu,, u. f. re. jig. vcrurfacbeu ; (to — to $u fittccs) btingen, oerntogen, beroegen; to — an action against one, ivitcr jemonben gcticbtlid) llagcn ; to — a thing to one's remembrance, 3f"lOUtCU ail (St* toaS ertnnetn; to — a woman to bed, eine Srau 511 ^Bctte btingen, fie tnt* binben; to — acquainted. befanutma= dicil ; to — (to pass, or to bear) about.; mufubren; bcwcrfjtelli= gen, auSfufjren, ju -Stanbe btingen; to — a design about, fcitte -Jib fid) t er= teidpen; to — away, ruegbringen ; to — back, jutudbriiigen ; to — by the len, .v T. cine Ijule fougen, intern fid) baS sidiiff an bet Seefeite bcrunt= bre()t tinb in ben SEint Eommt ; to — down, btuuntcr ctcr heruntet briu= geit ; entfrofteu, fdwadjen; bcmii= tbigen, Hein mariben; to — forth, 6et= Dot (ans 8id)t) bringen, barfiellen, aufftelleit, ftetlen, btingen ; gebaren, jeugen, ruerfen; to— forward, »ot= marts btingen ; _ befotbetn, trctben ; to — in (into), biiieiiibriugcit ; ongc= roobnen ; in bie ©ewobnbeit bringen, einfubren, einbtingen ; ©ermuttbrin= geil ; one tiling brings in another, (5't 5 lies fohjt ouf bas Qlnbere ; to — in guilty, oeruttbeilen ; to — in not guil- ty, loSfpredlClt ; to — in a horse, Sp. k. tern SPferbe baS 2cbuellcu (mil bem jlcpfc) abgeroobnen ; eS berbei* btingetl ; to — into practice, in 2lll** fitbrung btingen ; 10 — into disrepute, tit it b I c it fRuf bringen ; to — one into an affray (trouble), (Siucn in .fponbd oetmicfeln ; to — low, nicbcrbrinijen, niebertoetfen ; erniebrigen, bemutbi* gen, ntivacbcn, entfraften : to — oir abbtiugen; {jctauljieben, retten, bo= t'pn bclfen ; aus bcr S3erlegenbeii rcifien; abratheit; to — on, anjteU leu ; yeroitlrtffeii : ootttagen, oorneb< BR1S BROA BROO *ni; in SBirffamfctt fcfecit, anfn&s reu, aulcitcit, gclcgen!lirb bcrycrbrtit= gctt ; to — over, b'cnibcr btingen ; fg. bcrcbeu, in cincr aubern JSattei brin= aenj bcfcbreu; to — out, perandbttfc geit, btingen aus...; audbtingen, erjdblcn ; tarftelleu, teigen: to — out a story, uutcr bie ^eute btingen; to' — round, UOl'fabrcil ; to — s.ilva- tion, fclig niarfjeti ; to — to, mdfiigcit, jabmen, baittigeu, jum ©eborfain brilliJCtt; to — one to justice, (5'iltCU Dcrflagen, nor ©ericbt btingen, ten ^'riXCpJliacbcit; to — one to his death, ©<$ulb art 3emaubcd £obe }t\)\i; to — to life again, luiebet tltd tcbeit rufcit ; to — to light, nn ben Xag btingen ; to — to poverty, an ben ©ettelftab btingen j to — to subjec- tion, antetroetfen ; to — one to him- self, or to his wits, (Stnen jit fid) fclbft briligcit ; I shall never — him lo do it, id) roetbe il)ti uiebaju beroegcu fSntten ; I cannot — myself to it, id; faint ed nid)t ibftd .^>erj btingen; to — together, :'Crfpf)UCIt; to — to a ship, JV. T. eill ■Schiff beibte&en, nufbaltcit, ciitljofcii; to — under, bejroingeu, ubetrodlttgen, uuterroerfen ; to — up. berauf, pin* ouf btingen, bringen auf . . ; aufbritts gen ; nacbbpleu, uacbtragctt (faufs mdnnifd)e *-Burber, it. f. m.); auf*ie= ben, etjte&en, bilbcn; fubrcn, aufub= rcu, bcfebltgcn; nnrucfen laffen ; aud« roctfen, ausfpeien ; to — up to one's hand, auf etgene sBeife erueben; to — up a child by hand, Ctlt Jttllb ol)UC Sruji aufjiebetl ; to — up children to one's own trade, .ftiubcrit ba3 v>alerli= die facrl ■li'ctf Icruen laffen ; to —up a ship, eiu ®d)iff aufbriugen, crobent (»on ttauffabtetu unb .ttpblcitfd)if= feu) : bcu Millet anSroetfen, vov \'lu= let ICilCU ; to — up phlegm, ja'bCU <2d)lctm audroetfeu ; to— up the rear, bie Slttiergatbe befebligen; bcirJlad)= |itg bilbeu, ten SRucfjug beien; to — upon, vcrurfadKii, jujteben; to — word to one, (iiticm -Jtad)rid)t briugcu, *8efcbeib geben. BRINGER, a. bet Ueberbringer; — in, bet Stroad bring!, herein bring!; — up, bet Ktjiehet: iinfiibrer; —sup, pi. bad biuterfte ©lieb bcim DJilitar. BRINISH, adj faljig. BRINISHNESS, s. tie ©algigfeit. BRINK, s. bet SRanb: ©otb, ba« @e= ftabe. BRINV, adj. faljig. BRISK (ado.— ly), flr//.fi-ifd), flinf, (eb = baft, inuntet; frbblid); roacfer ; — demand, fcaufi'Jladjfrage ; a — stale of wimi. eiu frifeber SQinb, SBtitbfiop ; a — sale, eiu fd)iicllcr Qlbfafc; we gave them a — cliar;. 1 ''. rott fcuerteii matter auf fie eiu, gttjfen fie inutbig nu. Tu BRKK(np), o. a s.- n. ftifdj, Icbbaft, ntutbtg auriiifcu, f dm ell berbri tom- men ; barauf losfiiitjen, angeftiinnt Eomnten ; to — one's self up, fid) auf; munteru, fid) Inflig madjcit. ItRISlCET, a. bic Srufi (eiitefl :tbie= te«), bad ©raflftiuf ; Qruftbeht; tie bpble \>U'iift. briskness, s. bic Sebbafttflleit, 3JJun= terfeir, ©efefinjinbtgfeit, bad 3'cucr; bie StobltiDlett. BRISTLE, s. bie Sorfrc, ©a)n)em8bots fte ; dressed — s, fortirte SBotjieil ; undressed — s, uufortirte 'Ikn-ftcii. to BRISTLE, v. I. a 1. borfteu ; 2. to — a thread (bci ®d)uhntad)erii), cine ©orfle an bcu Siabt fefecu, iufpiljcu, anbteben ; u.n.ftd) ftrauben, fid) but* fteu ; my hmr bristles ba^ «C>aat jltaiibt fid), ftcbt init 511 '-Bcrge ; to — up 10 one, tro^ig auf jematibcit fo«^ geben, ibm trofcen. bristly, adj borfltg, roteSotftett. BRIST< >L-FLI )WERS. s. (—nonsuch) bte S^cbniS (cine \'irt 3leKe). brit, s. tet iirit (5Jiaine eiucs gt* febca). BRITAIN, s. 1. Brtftannten, 6ng= KlUt; 2. bet SBtitte; Great-Britain, Wroffbrittaititicit. BRITANNIC, > adj. briMtfd), brittau= BRITISH, ) liifd). BRITANNIA, ». * ^rittaunicn. bkitanv, s. Scetogne. bkitch, .5. bcrbintcre jbefl cincr Jt.i= none, Sltnte, it, f. w. To BKITCH, B. a. (fie JMiicucu) mi! Setlmerf bcfefligeu. BRITCHING, a. bad ©eilroerf anJJanos aeu, ber ih-oof. To BRITE [Bribht), b. n. iibcrreif n.'cr= bcu (vpii ©etreibearten). brjton, 1. s.bei Srttteii Stittanntet; TLadj. brittanuifd). BRITTLE, adj. brudiig, jcrbrecblid), jerbtocf elnb, fprbbe. BRITTLELT, adv. ?crbrcdiUcb. BRnTLENESS, s. bie 3crbrcd)lid)fcit brize. s. bie SBremfe. BROACH,*.!. bftSBratfptei; 2. 2tif; bie Sproffe, Sptije (an bent ©eroetljc jitugcr .»5ttfcbc); 3. Suchttnbcl ; bie ;Keibable, ©ISttabte; ©ptitbel; 4. bic 2>tcbPtge!, ^eiet. To broaOH, 0. a. 1. an bcu Sratfpteti fteefcit; anfpicHeu, auffpiepen ; bobrcit, niiiapfcn ; :.i. >v herau8laf» feu, auslaffcii; fiagern, ausbrtngen, aufbriugen, Bcrbreiten; — to, jr. t. cine (5-ulc fangen, obet auf bent SBinb laitfcn (plpljlid) mit bent SCSinbe ge« ben, inbem fid; bad Sdjiff luowartd bcrum brcbt, unb in ©efafjr fpiiuitt umgemorfen ju njerben.) biii >acher, e. 1. bet SratrvteS ; 2. bcr 3lngapfer ; 3. /«-. bcr etft anfier!. BROAD (ado. — vi),adj. 1. brcit, weir, toeitlaufiflj 2. pffen, bell: 3. brcifr, ftei ; unfeufeb, fiWifcig,fd)lupfcrig ; taub, grob, platt; to speak — , platr, grpb, raub fprccben; frctrebeit; to make — , cnvcitcri:, auelaffeii; (as) — as long, fo lang rote brcit, auf fiiud btnailfi lailfenb ; the — of an oar. bic Stubcrplatte ; —awake, ubllig mun* tcr ; — ax, bad Steitbcif, bic 3im-- metart; — blown, ybUig reif, gut SReife gebieben ; —breasted, brcitbrii= [tig ; mit flatlet Stufl ; — brimmed, mit eiiicm breitcit 3!aube; — cast, ciucjlvt, ^elbfriidite 511 baucit, inbem bcr Same mit bcr .(Saw* audgeftteut roirb ; — cioih, (breited) feined Xwd) ; a — conviction, cine ubliige Uebcr= Ribrung, Uebetjeugung ; — dav light, pellet liditcr Sag; — eyed, nro§au= gig ; meil feneitb j — faced, mit brcU fein ©eftchte ; — fronted, brcitftiruig, btet!E5pftg; — garlic, ©iegroutjel; — horned, arogs obet biefbijtnig ; — leaved, bteitblalterig; — noon, heller 3Jcittag; —seal, bad gtofie (fpuigli= d;e) Stegel;— shouldered, brcitfdiul= rerta j M,ie, jv, r. bie ©a!!eriefei!e; »oIfe8afle (Slbfearung aller j?ano» ncu auf eiucr ©cite bed ©rt)ifftd auf ctu "Altai ) ; Typ. r. bet gvofic SBocjcil, SDJanbatbogen, bad Ouet fotmat : to give a —side, old. ciuc oolle Sage geben, oefrhtefjen; —spreading, fid) aadbtet tciib, andgefUreut 3 a — siare. bad ftarrc 2lngaffeu (mit »eit aufgerifffs ncu -.Hugcu), bcr frcrbc nn»erfd)ain!e SBlidE; — Mitch, SJJiattflicfi ; Sottens ftiifcrei ; - nword, bad 5d)ivcrt, bcr .'Jiaiibegc. SJJaUafd) ; — stone, bcr Oil artcrilctn ; — ia wed, brcit.- bicf« fettfcbroSnjig. BROADISH, adj. tmcbbci (in bie) 8tei« tc ; frci, fdilupfcri.i. BROADNESS s. 1. bie_3?rcitc, ©cite; '.'lujbcbnuug ; 2. Sdjlupferigfci: ; iUattbeit. 0)rpbbcit. BROADWKR ado. uad) bcr 93reite. BROCADE •• bet Otocat, iViecne^cug mit eingeroebten tinmen. BROCADED, adj. 1. rjic StOtat gc= tucbt; 2. in 53rpcatgefleibct ; 3. ho= cater.. BROCAGE, .'. <■:'irfrb). BRODEKIN, 9. bcr .Oalbfticfcl. BRi h.i B, -. 1 tcr 2dmb ; 2. bie oer= bcrbtc 5lu4fpracbc, ba» JIaubcr= rodifd). To BROIDER, v. a. ftiefcu. BROCDERER, ». bcr Sticftr, rev bei .efefct. BROEDER7, .». bie 2tiicrei. broil, *. bet gfirm, bad ©efofe, bet Oiiinubr, 2uiiiiilt; ,-^auf, 2trcir. ; 7b BROH-, 0. La. auf bent SHofte obet am Acucr btaten ; 11. ». in tcr i^ifte, btaten. BROILER, ». 1. betStoft; 2. bcr auj bent :Kpitc, 11. f. m. btatet; 3. bci Slufroieglet. BROKEN, part, of To Break, gcbrp-- d)CU, It. f. IV. ; to speak — El gebtocben Snglifcb reben; — letter. Typ. T. bic oerfdjobeiie Sortn ; a — oiiicer, eiu abgebaufter Offtjiet ; — merchant, bcr oetbotbene Jvaiifmaitit, Aallit ; — hearted, mit jerfiiirtd)tc!ii i§erjen ; — wind, bcr SDompf ; — winded, mit untcrbrpdienciu Olrbcm. BROKENLY, ado. uiitcrbrpdicii, ftud = toeife. BR ikenness, a. tic 3et6toc6enbei!. BROKENWiND. «. bet Dampf Arant bei! bet SPferbe . BROKER, 8. 1. bcr 3JJatIee, Senfal, Untcrbaitblcr; 2. SCrobler, !Et6bel= mannj 3. fieitatbdjliftet, Xluppler pawn — , Spfanbleibet. brokerage s, l. bad SDJSIferaelb, bie -DJaflergebiibr. Senfatie, Sout= tage, SPtotuiton; 2. bie i'iafclci; be: irptclbautel. BROKERLY, adj. trptelmajng ; uic = bfig, ft iecbeub, gemcin. BROME-GRAS& ». tie .iri-H'c BRONCHIAL, ? adj.yir \!ur!rbl;te, ®ur- BRONCHIC, S fl«l tichoria. BRONCHOTOMY, ». S. T. tic ^uftrbb.- teuSffnnng, bet ©nrgelfcfcnitt. BRUM), s. + ba» Scbroerf, ,-,/. Bbakr. BRONTOLOGY, s. bie i!el)rc vein Tp.:- ucr. BRONZE,* 1. tie 3?roiije, ®iocfeii= fpeife, bad 6tj ; 2. tie elietut Sigut cter altc X'ciifmuuje ; — powder i8tonjit=33tonje. To BRONZE o. i.l. broiRircit, beer jcii, mit (Stjiiberfcblag ubetjieben, (Srjfarbe geben ; 2, bfirten, brooch, «. 1. bad ©eftJi metbe, bet Sebmudf, bic 3nroele ( 3aroelenj bad jtleinob; 2, bic Cufennabel ; Span= ge : 3. t bad einfarbige ©einSlbe, 7b BROOCH, v. a mit Jsiiuu'lcu fdunu-- rjen. 7b BROOD, b. nki 1, briiten ; aut= bnitcii :, roatmen, fotg^fdltij '.'cnvabrcu ; ' bie Jtuc&lein mit be:; Slugeln bebecfen ; 2. ;,v. in 9lad fen oerfuufeu fc.Mi, btuteu. BR « ID, 8. 1. bic ©tltt, .Ocifc ; 2. a — of pigeons, eiu glng Jauben; — hen, bic ©riitbenne, ®lurfe. BRUI BUBB BUFF BROOK, s, btt Had) ; — hawking, Sp. T. bie (Snteniagb mit Aalfen; — lime, tie SBa^bllKQen (Verm cambunga — /.. : — mint, bie 2i?affcr= iniiuic," mike .ftrauftmunje ; — ur sine, bie SdrenflaU, vid Brankubsin. To brook, b. a. crtragcn, ausbalren, erbulien, serfcfcrnerjen; leiben. RB.OOKY. adj. cibe (»o »iel ©euifte wachft) ; — lime, ber ©brcnprcig (Veronica — /..) ; — man, — maker, ber 93tfett= bilker; — rake, bor ©riub, ,Kopf= grtnb; — rape, bie ©onnenffiurj (Orobanche — L.) ; — staff, stick, tor SSefenftiet ; — woman, bie ^cfcubin= bertnn ; butchers — , ber. 3JJaufeboni Ruseus — L.) ; flan — , whisk — , ber SJtetgeefett, bie Dtcigbiirfte, ber ,ftlei= berbefon ; turk's head — , cin SBefen jum Segeu ber £eppid)e; sweet — , J^eibe {Erica — L.). broomy, adj. well (Senifte. broth, s. bie Sleif^bvitije, .Krafts briibe. BROTHEL, Brothel-hois e, s. bag SSorbelf, .Oureubaug. brothelry, s. bag .§urenn>efeit ; ©eilbeit, Unjuc&t. BROTHELER. s ber liebcrlid)e2)ienfd), wig. .Pnirenjager. BROTHER. 5. ber 53rilber; — in-law, bor Sdjroager; half — , step — . bor Sticfbrubcr • foster — , ber SDJild)- bvuber, SDiitfiiugling; — officer, 2Jiitofftcier, Jlrieggfamerab. BROTHERHOOD, s. bie SBruberfrfcaft. BROTHERLESS, adj. bruberlog. brotherlike, adj. glcid; cittern ©ruber. brotherlove, s. bio SBruberlieoe. r.ROTHERLY, adj. brueerlid); glcid) oincm 33ruber. .{Row, s. 1. bie 'flugenbraune ; 2. <2tirn; 3. bag Qlnfeheit, bieiUiiene; i. fig. Jgofye, ©pifce. bor ©ipfci; to bend or knit the — , bie Stint ruitjeln; to clear up the — , fid> aufl)eiteru, er= bcitcnt ; by the sweat of thy — , tilt Sfbweipe bciueg 2Ingcftrf)t8 • the — of heaven, bie ,acfpapier; — study, bie biiftent ©cbauFcu, bor £iefftnn ; — stout. baS ftarfe (bopvele) $ortcrbicrj — suear, bor garinjucfer ; — wort, bie 33rau»= Wlirj (Scrofularia — /..) ; SQniueUe. BROWNISH, adj. btviuit I tcf). BROWNNE3S, s. bie ©ranne, braimo ?arbe., imowsE. .*. bio Sproffc, bor 2proft= ling, bag ?aitb; — wood, baS Straud)= 7b BROWSE, n I. a . bie Spro'ion ab-- freffen, abivoibcn; II. n. weifen (mil on). To bruise. ». a. fliieifcfien, jewteN i^en, jorftofien, jerfohlagen ; njuiib 52 (braiut mtb Han) , fcfifagcn ; to be bruised all over, tt>ic jCrfcblagoit (gc= rnbert) fo'-Mt. bruise, s. bie Duotfdiiing, SBunbe, Q3rauf<$e, ©trieme; — wort, bie SBitllttJUrj [Symphytum — /..). bruiser,.^ l. rtn SBerf jeug jumSpo* lircn pptifdicr ©lafer; 2. wig. cin ^anitfampfcr, SBoier, brumal, adv. jum 23intcr gc()orig, rointerlicb, im SB inter. bru.vette, *. bie brunette. bruxiox, s. bio ©tuneUe. bru.vswjck. s. 93raiMtf^n>eig(®tabt). brunt, s. bor Stoi, SftiifaU, Slngriff; StreirS, ©djlog (bag UnglucI) ; to stand the first — , ben orfton "Jlngriff nnsbalicn, abbaltcn; after the —of battle, Had) bent Ercffen ; to stand the — of ages, bent 3 fl ') n ber 3 f it trpljon. brush, s. 1. bie Siirfte; bor grofic ^infcl, SBwjten^iiifet Ciuifi; 2. ScfmMit; (bog guc^feS, u. f. ro.); 3. ba« SKeiS^oIj; 4. Sirficfot; bor Stroug ; — maker, bor 33urflenbtn= ber ; — wood, bag SReigjjol), Oteifig, Stiaudiboi; ; ©onifto. To BRUSH, u.I. a. l.biintoit, abbiivfloit, aitjburftcn; 2. anpinfoin, anftrcidion, fobniioroit; 3. ictfcjen, abanfcbcit; II. n. flicgcn, fcrtoilcn, frreidjen; to — away, to — off. abbiiriton ; ivcg= fiibron; fid) bayou (fort) marbon, wegroifrben ; to — by, van-bci ftreifon ; Borbei fliogen. BRUSHER, s. bor Olbbiirftcr. brushy, adj. rand), baaric, ftad)clig, ftad)eiid;t. brusk, adj. unbiifli^, tarfd;, trofeig, rob. Brussels, s. SBrfiffel (Stabt). To brustle, v. n. ranfdicn, fitarrcn, fraction, fnittcvn ; to — up to one, auf (?incn loSge^en, Icsfabrcn, ibnt bie 2pi§e bictcn. BRUTAL (aav.—vrXadj tbiorifcf), vic= bi>"cb, unmcnfcblid), uulb, rob, grob. brutality, s. bie Unmcnfcblicbfcit, ©robbeit, 9tobbcit. To BRUTALIZE. ». a. &■ n. Btebifd), 1111= monfcfelid), rdi[bmad)en, toerben cber fc.Mt ; oerroitbern. BRUTE (adv. — i.v), I. w'j. tbiofifdi, unceniiinftig. wilb, raitb, utigc|tlfct, unge^ogen, uitBanbig,*grimintg. grob: ftniltoSj — violence, 'tbicriffbc ®e« wait; it. s. 1. ba§ itn»ernunftige J bier, ijsieb; 2. bor niigebilbctc, flfs fiiblfofe, granfamc SKenTdj. To BRUTIFY, v. a. jum SPtcbc ntadictt, bo-5 33orftanbcg beranben, entmen= febon. brutish indv —r), ndi tbicvvcb. «.uchifd\ fiitnlid), flcifcb(id), Ultjfid&s tig, njilb, flrob, rob, granfam, unge= fittct, niiwiffenb. BRUTISHNESS. s. bag oictjifrfie 25}?= fen, bie tbicrifdjc 2Bntl), 2Silbbcif, ^nmntboi-t. BRYONY, s. bie Banurflbe (Bryonia — /J. bubble ». 1. bie ©afferblafe. SBIafe ; 2. fg. bag Unbind, bie nirbfgtvortbe Sadto (rerltllbggrag (Plantago Coronojnts — Zj J bie y.'t'afrcle; — 's horn tree, ber turginifd)e Sumad) (Rhus tryvhinum el glabrum — L) ', — mast, bie S3 ud) m a ft; — skin, bocf= lc^cru ; — stall, sp. t. cine 3irt einea gropon -Jlc^eg 511m gangon beg 9(otb= roilbeg; — thorn, ber Jvteujbom, Stcd)born, 23cgcboru (Rhamnvs — L); — thorn berry, bie JvrCUjbccre , — weed, rid. Money-wort: — wheat, ber Shidmmjen, bag >Ocibcfraut. To buck, v. I. a. SBafcbe citntn-icben, baiicbcu, roafeben ; 11. n. fid) betaufeit, bef»ringen, fid) paaron (von {mki:, Jftanir-dicn, 11. f. ro.). bucket, s. bor SSafferetmet; bag ©turntfaf, bie Scuerfufe, ber 5eucr= cimcr. BUCKING-STOOL, b. ber 3Safrf)bo(f, SBafcbblocf. BUCKLE, 5. 1. bie Scfmatlc, <2pai:ge ; 2. Socfe, i^aarlocfe. To buckle v. i. a. fdinallou, an= cbei autfcbnailcit ; II. n. fg. 1. fid) riifien, fid) juberciten ; 2. fid) frummen, fid) biegen ; 3. aiiftofien, angren^eu ; 4. banfgcmciit vocrben, fid) fdilagcn, fid) raufoii ; to — to a thing, ftd) nuj (grroaa logon, ju (Stivag anfduifcn: he buckles himself to study, er llMrfl ftct> auf bie 2Biffonfdiafiou". BUCKLER, s. bor ScbilD;— s,j*JV. T bie Jiliiqapfcti. buckram, I. 5 i, bie ©feifletnwanb, ber ©(better; 2. — .<=, bern)tlbe^hob= laud), SRantfet; 11. ay. ftcif, fbrmlid). bucolic, I. s. 1. bor fflufplifl; 2, baS ■Ciirtongcbicbt; 11 odj 511 einom bufo= lifd)cn ©cbidit geborig, Kinblid). BUD, s. bie .ttuogpe, bag ?luge; ber Jlcim; — tree, ber ^iibastauih (ttilbe 3of>anui8brobbaimt) ; nipped in the — , im Jlteime erftitft. To BUD, r. I. n. 1. fnoopcn, SIngeii ge= lvinncn, aitgi'dilagcii; 2. feimctl, fproffen, im SBadjfen obcr iin 931ii= l;cn icnn ; n. a. eiiijtueigen, pculirci:, pfropfou, impfcit. buda. «. Ofeu (©tabt in Ungatn). To BUDDLE, b a. jVin. T. @TJ lPOfcben, buddle, s. Mh. T. ber 2I!afd)irog }li ben 'Srjcn, bio 50afcbe. budge s. bag gogorbte SammgfeQ; — barrel, bag bkdKrite mit Voi-or bo- beef re $ul»er= ober©ranateufaf;d)ou. To BUDGE, v. 7i. vulff. fid) rcgott, fici riibrc.i ; don't — , n id) t mm ber ©telle. budger. s ru.'g. ber fid) (»on feittot crtci'o riibrt. budget, s 1. bio lobcrne ?afd)e, bei SBeutei, Sad; 2 fig. ber 93orrattjs 3. T. bor Srbafebeftunb, bie £d)a&= iibcrfid)t, 2taatgfaffonbcvod)uiiug, bei SjJIan 511 eon Xarcn fiir ein ^al;r. To BUFF, v a. + purrcn, ftofion. buff. i. ». 1. bag SBiiffelleber; bag ?i BULL Kt, bie >£5aut ; 2. tie Sebcrfjvbc ; 3. Med. T. bic gcrinnbare Sbntpbe; all in — , (in puris natural ibus) fplittcr= ttacft; — belt, be* Sebergurtel; —or — coat, ( — jerkirO, bad lebei'Ite ,Rol* Icr, CSoUct obcr SBammd, bie lebente obcr leberfarbene 3acfc; u. c.t/. lcbcr= farbeu. BUFFALO, s. bcr Suffel, Siiffelocbd, 2lucroci)g, Ur. BUFFET, s. bee Silbetfcftanf; dre= benttifd), ©efcenfttfeb. BUFFET,*. bee SjJuff, gaufifrbfag, bic 3ttaulfcbeUe. 7'o BUFFET, v. I. a. puffcn, mit bcr gauft fcfela^cn, oljrfeigen ; n. «. fid) auf bie Sau'ft fc&logen, ficb balgen. BUFFETER, a. bcr ©cblager. BUFFLE, s. bcr Suffel, Suffeiodjd ; — bead, vuig. bcr Sfiffeldfopf, ©Hmmfopf; — headed, bumm, t6l* pifeb. 7'.. BUFFLE, ». m. Pcrbliifft, beftiirjf, oerlegen fci;it. BUFFOON, s. bcr offeitrcijjerei, SBinbbeutetei. BUG, s. 1. bie SBaitje; 2. — or — bear, bcr SPopaKj, SDiummel; to bugbear, v. a. febrccfett, baiiije nmdjcii. BUGGMESS, », bic SMenge (bad meln voit; SBanjen. BUGGT, adj. voaitjig, poll SBattsen. BUGLE (or — horn',.?. 1. bad SSget* born, .jjiiftbom, SBalbfjorn; 2. ber ir-ilbe Dd)g ; 3. — (or bugule), bcr ©t'uuel tajvga — l); 4. btefdjmar* It ©ladforalle. BUGLOS9, s. bicDrbfcttsnnge (^7«*u«a — L.) ; the vipers — , toilbe Dcbfen* jitngc (Eehium — L.). To imrLD, 7\ «. fy n. baucu, ben Salt* ntciftcr madjett; to — up, attfbaitctt, anffuhrcn ; fig. erbancn ; to — upon, oaf StWad baitctt, fid) barauf vcr= laffeit. builder, *. bee Saueube; Saub>tr; Saumcifter. Bl [LDING, 5. bad ©cbaitbe. BUILT, s. tic ©aitarf, bad ©cbaube. BUL, s, bic Sutte, bcr Spiattftffb. BULB, s. bag Siunbc, bcr jtnollen, bad ^imebclgcroacbd, bie Siumertjroiebel. ro bulb out, v . n. bcroorragen, (jet* audtretcn; bulbed, jroiebelfSrmtg. Bulbous, arij. jroicbclartig, fnollig, nmb ; — root, bie fuollige 3Burjcl, SiuiebelTOurjei. Bl i.'iiiN,« j?a!b. BULGARIA. 8. bie ©ulflrtrei. BULGARIAN, I. adj. biilgaiifcb; H. t. ber Sulgarier. BULGE, ». ber Saurb, oorrageube 2'licil. To BULGE d. "■ I. '■''• To Bilge; 2. ettteu Saurb macbeu, uorragcit. bulimy, .*. bcr .ftcifdmngcr. BULK, *. i. bie SJJaffe, bcr .ft lumpen, .li'Lu-pcr; bie @rbf;e, SReuge; bee grofic fiaitfen; 2. gr5|jte ^aufen, ar5|te £f)ci(, SRummel, .*3>iupttl)eil; 3. ber eovfpeingeitbe SC^et'I; 4. bet gaujc tnntve 9taum cities SdnffcS ; laden in — , mit Stitrjiiiitcrit bchncit ; — head, A*, t ber£3erfd)Iag in eiitcm <2d)iffc. BULKINESS. s. bie ©eofe, SJlettoe, SWafTf, i'dcibtbeif, ftavfc WbcSgrb= Ve, Statur. BULKV, adj. gtojj, fdiii'cr, ftarf, (iam= mig. Biid„.s-. I.ber33ulle/l>u(lrrbj, Sticr; BUMB 2. Jist„ T. Stier tin Xbierfrciu- ; 3. btoUige ^cbler, 2cf)iti^er, ©off, i ; it= bel; 4. bic ©ulle (piivftltcfje 93erorb= llUltg), Urfunbe; tn compos. — baiting, bie Dcbfen ha\j, Stierbefte; — bee,bte ©remfe, 2Be6pe ; — beer, ba» Sullen* flcifdi, Cdifcurlcii'cb: — lieggar, ber 5{Jopan|, baS 5djre(fcilb; — calf, ba« SBullenfalb, Cdi'"eiif.ilb,./i>. tin bum* ntcr illjetifd); arofee tummel; — dog, bcr I'nllcitluiKCr; — 's eye. cine Heine ©eroitterroolfe; A*. r.emeboU jcrne Jtaufcb ; — 's eye?, tic runbett Benficrglafcr tin 2d)iffsi'crbccf ubcr bcr .Viajiite unb bent iNaunt; — eyed, ftter- (gatten* obcr gro|j=) Sugig ; — 's-eye glass, bad ©aUalaS ; — &ce, baS g'robe, frerbe ©efidpt; — feced, mit rrerbcin Oefie^t; — feast, —fight, bad Stietgefe<$t: — finch, bcr Tvm= bfaff, ©impel, Slntftnf; — fly, bit Stemfe, SBeSpCj bet Acuerfdn-btcr, •£>iifd)fiifcr; — frog, ber amerifant= fctje grofie Sfofd) (Dc^fen=geofr^ (Rum cntixlieiana, — C. ) ; — bent), bcr Deb fenfopfj'Dummfopf; £t>urmftfeb, 3Jlaufer; bic Quappe, Airfdmiuippc; — trout, bic gSfare, gto^e Aorcllc ; — weed, baS S locf enfraiit, gtoBeJ£au= fcnbgulbcuEraut; — wort, bcr 2lmmei (Jlmmi— I.. ; wild — , bcr SBlljfel= od)?, 2lucrod)^, Ur. BULLACE, s. 1. bic uulbc Odjfetijunge (Eehium — L) ; 2. Scbtet)e; —tree, ber Scbfcbcnftraud). bullary, s. ba§ 93iil(cnbud), bic ©arttmlung ber PapfUicben S3erorb= nungen, bad Suuatium. bullet, s. bic Jtugcl, gltntenlugel, .Hiiiioncnfttgcl, it. f. ro. ; — bore, bet ^ugelftiopf; — dividers, ber ,Rolbcn= jtrfel; — forceps. .ibcr= finuig. BULLIST, 8. bcr ^crtigcr papftlidjcr Sullen, Suflenfcbteiber. BULLOCK,*, bcr junge nucrjabrigc Od)d, Satte; — 's eyes, bad ucofen* auge, ^applocb; —hide, bie Deafen* baut. bully, s. bet ©tfciifreffcr, Sftenomi^, SJJrabler, sierfdjretige jtcrl; bcr oon einer .Rupplcrinu obee ciucnt aicu= benmabeben untetbaltene .Ucrl; — tree, b_cr ivcftintifdic ^lucrrdicnbanm, unb Stetnabfel (Chrysophyllam cainito, A- Clir.glabrum— J..). To BULLY, v. I. a. iibcrfanben; prel= leu ; to — out of. burd) 5)ro|ungen jwingen: mit iburd)) Carmen au« bent Scfitj jagcit; n. ». larnteit, Vol= tent, jantett. BULRUSH, s. bic glattc 33ittfe. bulwark. .^. 1. bag SoUnjerl, bie Saflei: Sefefligunaj .v. r. bieau* §ete :$[anfen=) Setleibung an eineni '^diiffe; 2. jig. Sjittjc, Scbu(}, ©t* djcrbcir. To BULWARK, v. a. befeftigett, vcr= feb a n ten. BUM, s. rubber .Otntcvc, &tei$\ — boat, vulg. ba* *}J?arftbopt, sprouiant* brot. BUMBARD, ». vid Bombard. hi mi; Asr. 8. I. bad mit buntcit tflecF= rbcit bcfci^te Jtleibunadflucf ; bcr buvrbnabtc geug, bic ©ttrbelarbeit; cittc ','lrt Sarcbent; bie Saumwolle; 2. bcr ©rb,roulft, vid. Bombast, BUMBLEBEE, s. bic filimmcl. BURD bumkin, s. I. .v. t. tic ©ugflaitgt tic tuv;c Cucrftangc ; 2, HJ. 1 ins. BUMP, 8. l.bte Scule, ©cfd)tDu[ft; 'L bcr ■Vnrr, -ceblag. ■j , BUMP, r. I. a. febtagcit, fionn ; IU „. mit bsmvfec Sttmme fdjreicn, bnintnicit, cin bumpfed ©etofe ma= eben. BUMPER, 8. bcr £umpcit, bag ^a^= glad, uedlc ©laS. BUMPKIN, 8. bcr ititgebetHirc ^attt- jnufcr, 5-olper, ©eobtan. BUN,*, bet Slaben, Jtucben. bunch, 8. l. tic ©eule, Oefcbmulil; bet Auotcen ; ^Dtfer, Sucfel ; 2. ti: 2raube ; 3. ber SiifdKl, ©cbobf; L bad Sunbel, Sunb; — of l bee rvebcrbut'd); — backed. .Mnotcit auf bent Jitirfcn babenb ; bnrfltg. 2T> BUNCH, r. a. itt cin SBunbel binben. To BUNCH OUT, u. n, bcranetretcit, obet ftct)cn, auffcbrocllcu, ftio^cn. BUNCHINESS,* tag .•litorrige, ^oic rigc; S£taubenf5rmige. BUNCHY, adj. tuortig, ^Sdcrig; trau-- benformig, bufdjelig. bi indle, 8. bad Sttnb, Sfinbel, ^aefet , bie SRoUe; Safe, Sutbe; — Sunbelroolle, T.< BUNDLE, v. a. (to — up . in cin ©fiubel (ober jufammen binben; jii- fammenpacfen, tinpacfeu. BUNG, s. bcr ©punb; — hole, bad Spuiiblocb. To BUNG, o. a. fptmtrU. ^llfpUltbctt. To BUNGLE, d, a. Se a. niniil'cnt, pfn= fduit, fnbclit, pcrbunjeii, uerbetben, BUNGLE, 8. bic ©tumperei, |ifufd>e> rci ; bergrobe Jcbler, ©cbnifcer, iBoet bungler, 8. ber ©tuntper, ^Jfufeber, Rubier. BUNGLING {ado.— vt), adj. ftfimpet* baft. BUNN.8. bad Srcierftblld;en, citt flei- ttcr Jlttd^eit. BUNT, .f. .v. t. ber aufgefcba'plleuc £()ci(, SBaucb (einci! Segeld] ; — line- cioth^.v. t. cine gutterung bci gro* fftii 3cgcltt; — hues, bie Saurbgot» bingett. To BUNT,o.n. (to — out),l. antfdnvcl= len ; 2. roogegen (aufen obet anfto* ficn. bunter, 8. bic Sumpeiifaminlerinn ; bie *8ettelr)ure. BLNTIN" (ine) Bid. Buntinu. BUNTING, 8. 1. bad Aiaggentudi; 2. tcr Ortolan; bunting iron, bad Siafe* tobt in ©Iadb,utten, BUNYON (IIi'smmv , 8. Med. T. Iu#oer8, JRefraitt ; beast of — >bfl6 Saumtbter, Vaftthicv; — of a sons, baa WitornfU, ber Bbor. To BURDEN, v. a. bclabClt, bclaftctt, aufbtirben. BURDENER, .*. bcr iiclaftcnbe \fig. ©e* bnufcr. burdenous, ? A'// lafitg, tcfrf)ivcr= BURDENSOME, $ ltd). burdensomeness, s. bic gajiigleit syefcbroerlidjfeit. BURDOCK, s. bie Jtlcttc {Arctium — £.). bureau, *. 1. bic Soutmobe; bcr ©cbrcibfccrctair ; 2. bag sHttit, ©rfretbjlu&e, ©efcbaftMStiuJe, 3lu8= fevtigungSjimuter, u. f. w., o»rf. of- fice. I5URG, s. eid Button. BURGAGE, s. bag xBiivijcr [ct>cu, Stab* ielcben. BURGAMOT, vid. Beroamot. hurganet, > *. cine alte ^Irt 2fnmt= BUB.GONET, ) baubc ; ber .§clm. burgeois, s. 1. bcr ©iirger; 2. Typ. T. bie 33orgigfd)rifr. To BURGEON, v. n. fltogpctt, aUSfcfclfts gen. BURGESHIP (Buroess-shtp), oii Bur- gher-ship. burgess, s. 1. bcr 83iirger; 2. £>cpn= tirte eiticS Slccfcng im SjJarlament; i>ursess-ship, bic SEBiitbe cincg foldjen SJeputirten. burgh, s. ber ©urgflcrfeit, iPiarftflc= cfen, 3'lccr'eti ; — mote, bag (Stabtges ricbt. burgher, s. bcr Surge* ; — ship, bas 83iirgerrecfc;t. burghmaster, ) «. ber SButgermets burgomaster, S fler. BURGLAR, I s. bcr 3>icb, roeldjer BURGLARIAN, $ cinbricht, aufbrirbt, u. f. ro., 9>cad)tbieb. BURGLARIOUS (adv. — ly), ruft blirrf) ©inbriicb; roag fid) auf baS !l?crbrc= cben bes ipauSeinbrecbettg bejicbt. burglary, s. L. T. ber (Sinbrnd) (bet bcr 9cad)t). burgrave, s, bcr Surggraf. BURGUNDIAN, I. ailj. bitrgilllbifdi ; II. s. ber ©ntguitber. burgundy, s. 1. S3urgunb, Sourgogs tic; 2. bcr £Burgunbev=2Bein ; — pitch, buvgunbtfebeg $ecb. BURIAL, s. bag ©egrabtufr Seidicnbe-- gangnijj; bic SQeevbtgung, 83eftat= tUItg ; — ground (— place), bcr iVcr= btgunggovt ober Segtdbntjjplat}, ®oU tegacf er ; — service ( — solemnities), ber ©otrcfibietift bci cittcni Segrabs niffe, bie 8etc«eni>rebtgt [SQtffcabnifc feierlirbfcifcn). burier, s bcr SBegraber, !EobtcngvSs bcr. burin, .9. bcr ®rabftid)cf. To BURL, v. a. T. lioppen (bag 3mri) : bie jtnoictt boson abjrotcfenJ. BURLACE, s. vid. Burdelais. HURLER, s. T bcr Copper. BURLESQUE. I a,/,\ burlcsf, puffici'lid) ; ii. s. bag ^ofjtcr I id)c, bic yoffierlirbc ©djveibatt, bic Xravefiic. To BURLESQUE, v. a. lacbcrlid) ma= rben, poffierlid; ciiifleiben, ira»efH« rcit. BURLEsaUER, s. bcr ^offenrcifier. BURLETTA, a. mod. cine iniiftfalifd)c Sarce, BURLINESS, s. 1. bic ©roftc, Tiifici= btgfett; 2. ;)(obbcif. IiuiiLY, ndj l. bicf, ftarf von .Uouh-v; voli, fctt, mit gett bcirntdifcn, aufges blafen; 2. ftiirmifd}, lanr. To BURN, v. a. ir v. 1. brCllllCH ; VCf- brennen ; 2. mit geuer vcnvunfcii 54 uber v2d)nicrjcn vcntrfad)en ; 3. bcift, ijiubciib mad)cn (ilkin, it. f. ».); 4. fitnfcln, lend)tcn, glaii$en, ftral)lcit; 0. (jefttge Setbenf^aft einpfinbcn ; ii. jftftoreub ivirfen (von 5icitcnfd;af= ten) ; to — away, rocgbrenncit, ab'= brciinen, verbrciutett ; fid) »erje$ren ; to — out, to — up, verbvennen, ans= trocftien, verjefjren; fid) absebven. burn, .9. bcr SBranb, baa SBranbmaal; — cow, bcr.Cd)fcittbbtcr (cin Jtafcr). BURNER, s. bcr iscrbiciincr, 5i3renncr. BURNET, s. bie ^mipiitclle. BURNING, adj. bl'CltllCllb, [)cifi, glfis l)cnb; fig, fvefrig ; — glass, baSSBrenns glas, bcr SBrennfpiegel ; — tiiorny- piant, bie (Snpborbeiipflaine. To BURNISH, v. I. n. glail^Cllb IVCrbClt ; 11. a. gliinjenb marten, polircn, brn= nireii, gldtten. burnish, .9. bcr ®(anj. BURNISHER, s. 1. bcr tyolktt; 2. ©Kittjabn, bie $polivfcile, bag ^olir- eifen. BURNT-OFFERING (— sacrifice), s. bag ^Branbopfcr. BURR,s. 1. bag DbrlappriKit; 2. Sp. t. bie fnotigc SBwvjet am .t5irfd)= gemet^e, bie yiofe ; 3. bie ©vujlbvufe; — pump, cine <£d)lagpnmpe. burras-pii'e, s. s. t. bie spuloet- bi'tdife. BURREL, .9. bie rot^e 33itttcrbirn ; — fly, bie SBremft ; — , or — shot, bic Jl\irtatfd)e (Scbrot, gefjacfteg CStfeu, it. f. 10.). burrock, s. bag Heine SBeljr, bcr 5) a mm. BURROW, s. 1. bie .§of)lc, j?anitidjcn= ()i5l)le ; 2. vid. Borough. To BURROW, v. n. in cine 6rbt)ol)Ie t'ricdien, in ben San fd)litpfcit, fid; bavin oerbergen, ftctj ftngraben. bursar (— er), s. ber Scd'clmcifter, Scbaliinciftcr ciner ©cfellfdjaft, u. f. ft), ; Sd)ajfncr eineg Jiloftcrg, 3ient= mciftcr, in-nvaltcr; — ship, bag (Sdjatjinciftcramt, n. f. m. bursary, s. ber <£cf;afe cuter f)of)cn fefbnlc. BURSE, s. M. E. bie Sovfc, Jtanf= manngborfc. To BURST, v. a. S- n. terpen, plaljcn, fpringen, auffimrtgen ; fprcngen, anffprcngcit, jcrfpreiigcn, jerbvedjen ; ( — out), entfpringen; pli^lid) fom= men, auSbretpeti; to — forth, auS== bved)cn ; urn fid) grcifett; to — into tears, in £l)vancn aitgbrcd)cn ; to — oux into laughter (a laughing), ill Ctll @cjad)tcr ansbrcdicn ; to — upon, fid) ; to — upon one's sight, fid) bent ©lief plo^Iid) bavftcllcit; to — with laughing, vor 2ad;cn bevften inogen ober mollcn. burst, .9. l. bag Serfren, SBIaben, ^rad)cn ; ber 9ti|l, Srnd), bie ©toalte ; ber SluSbrudb; 2. bcr 5)aviiibrnd) ; — of thunder, ber ®oitncrfd)lag ; burst-wort, bag £5ntd)fiailt (Hcrniaria — £.). BURSTENNESS, s. bcr Snid), 3)arm= brucb. BURSTER, .9. bcr choag jcrbrid)t, ctit= jwei febliiat. BURT, s. bte i2d)oue, Jlliefdjc, $(aft= eiye. BURTHEN 7 , s. vid. Burden. burton, .9. jv. T. bag fleine iffg= feil, ber ^(applanfer ; bic Sd)iffg= ivinbc; — tackles, bic Scitciiialjcn an ben Stengen. To BURY, v. a. vcrgrabcn, begrabcit, beftatten. BURYING-GROUND (— place), s. bcr Segvabnifipia!."., ©otteSocfev, BUSH, .9. 1. bcr SBufd), Straucb ; 23ii= frbel ; 2. bcr Jlraitj (afg 2Bctit= obt» iMerjcid)cn; 3. Sp. T. ber %ud)$> fd)ivati5 ; 4. s Jtabcnring ; bie 2i>aiien» biutfe. To bush, v. 7i. bnfdjig wcrbeit, ju Siifd) fdilagcit. bush Ef,, .9. i. bcr Gdicffel; 2. bte t>uivcnbhd)fe (ric^ttger Bush, qi, via.) bushiness, s. bag 5Qufcb,iflej s3a« febidue. BUSHY, adj. gcbiifrbtg, bufefjig ; bu^ fd)id)t. BUSILESS, adj. liitbefchaftigt, miifiig. BUSINESS, s. 1. bag Ok'fd)aft bie2jer= rid)tiing, bcr Setrieb, bie 9lngekgeu= t;eit; 2. ber .gianbcl; 3. bie eacbc; what — have you here 1 was babt 3j)t bier Jit fd)affen ? 'tis none of your eg gebt bid) llicbtg att; he makes it Ills — . er lafit fid) biefcis angelegen fc\)ii; one word will do the — , cilt'iffiert i)l l;iii[aiisliift) (geiing) ; the — of a merchant, eitt .£>ailbc(gi}cfd)aft ; line of — , ber @cfd)aftg$tvctg ; to set up in — , (Sttoag (cin ©eioerbc; anfan= gen, fid) feijen. busket, s. bcr 23nfeb, bag 23ogquct. To BUSK, v. n gefdjaftig femt. buskin, s 1. bciv§albftiefcl, &d)iiur> fticfel ; Jtotbitrn (bube Scbitb ber alten 2!ragi3bicitfpieier) ; 2. fig. cin Uraitcrfpicl. BUSKINED, adj. in .fiatbftiefclti ; fig. im ,ftotr)iini ; 'borhtrabetib, tragifd). BUSKY, adj. vid. Bosky BUSS, s. fain. 1. ber $tu$, bag 93ulll(= rbcit; 2. bie SBuife (Soot bcini .*5ii' ringgfange). To BUSS, v. a. f itffcn. bust, s. bag SBmfibiJb, bic Siifit. bustard, s. bcr :lrappe, bie Xrapp» gang. bustle, *. ber 8orm, bag ©eraufdj, ©ctofe, Sluffe^en; ber ilUtnvarr. To BUSTLE, v. n. gcfd;aftig, unrubig feijtt. bustler, .9. bcr unriii)tge 9)Jcnfcb. BUSY, adj. 1. befebaftigt; 2. gcfd)af» tig, fle4iig, tbiitig; 3. Idfttg, jubwrig» lid), ungettiim; — body, bcr iitirnbtge Jvopf, liiit-fiige iJleuigfeitSlrSmev, 2.'a= gebieb ; 9Jienfd), bcr fid) in 2lUc8 inifd)t; fig. cine gefdiaftige 3JJartb,a; a — day, ctii ,£aitpr!\cfd)affgtag. To BUSY, v. a. bcfcbafttgcit ; to be busi ed with a thing, an (S'tiimg arbcitcn. Bur, conj. 1. abcr, fonbent, allcin, abcr bod) ; 2. beffen niigead)tet, niebtg befto wentger, inbeffot; 3. ba^ ; 4. bod) mir, 'lvcnii ; eg fct benn, ba| ; voraug- gefefet, bap ; 5. anficr, ouSgenommen, bio anf ; fi. mm, mm abcr; 7. a\S; anberg, anf cine anbere Slvt ale?; nnr, nid)t mc!)r alg, cben ; crft, ob r.tdjt ; death — ■ entombs the bod}-, bltrcb bell 2'ob ivirb nnr bcr Scib begraben; you left me — poor, and poor I find you are come back, (lllir) arm fjtttgfl bit von mir, nub arm, toie id) fehe, fommft bn $uviirf; — be — as pood as thou art handsome. ((A«X) fei lllir fo gut alg bn febim bift; — a while since; nnr vor furjcr 3 miffen; no day — , (what) . . , &c, feitt Sag ver* gebt, baB id) nid)t, u. I", w. ; ail — , auger, anggenomntcii, big auf; nut nicbt ; the last line — one, bie vorle&h BUTT BY BY fleife ; rothing — , nicbfd ati. at* nur ; oo sooner . . — , tlicf)t fo balo . . (frtlim . J, alS, It. f. ro. ; I cannot — (choose), id) faint nidit anbevs aid; I tould not — snide, id) foitntc uuv 15= d)dit, toutire mid) bed SJarbclnd nid)t ctttbaltcn ; — that, roctm uidjt, wo tticbt, batte nid)t; jroar; .. — that I love har, wettn id) fie ttid)t licbte ; not -that, nid)t bajj; itid)t aid roenit ; obgleid), obfd)on, jwar, fvcilid), aud) ntflbt weniger; audgenommen bap; wiio knows — , &c, wer weifj rb uidjt, U. f. id. ; may I die — , id) will fier= tctt, wenn (id)) nirbt, tt. f. w. ; — for, wcuti cs (bad) ntd)t (gewefen) Ware, ware cd nid)t unt, auper; — iur you. waren 3ie uidjt, ware cs tticbt 3hrctiuc^cti ; I would — for hurting her, id) wfitbe e$ tl)itit, room ci obue thr 511 fdjaben gefdjefjen fotltltc; — for her Bufferings, Weill! \it nur nirfit litre; it is — necessary, ed ifl (gerabe) notbnjciibta,; it is — maute, ed ift (febr) billig; yes — I have, (a wobl babe id), frcilid) ; — just, fo cbcit, cbcu c 1- ft, taunt nod) ; itui' nod); she is — Just gone, fie ift cvft in biefem Slugcttblicf fortgejans gett; — sparingly, febr fparfant ; 11 g. bad Cube; bteOreiije, bec5pirtti= feitEopf; — end, — shaft, rid. Butt; bl'e '-Butte; I will have no huts, id) will fci'itc Sinwenbung, matt foil mir uid)t UMbcrfpredjctt. To but, r. a. auf ct'itcr Scire bcrtibrcu (noil ©ebauben, it. f. w.), begrenjen. butcher, s. 1. bcr SDce&ger, <£d)lad)= ter, Sleifdfer ; 2. fig. blutgterige SKenfdj, aJrorber ; — bird, bet 9teuu= totter, IBurgengel (©ngel); — 's- broom, bet ftad)ciige 3)Jaufeborit {Ruscus aeuleatus — L.) ; — 's cleaver, bas SDiefcgerbeil ; — 's meat, bad fri= fcfje Sleifcb; — \s saw, bic ^lcifd;ev= fage; — 'a steel, ber SBefefta&l ber gleifdjer. To BUTCHER, r.a. fd)!ad)tett ; linfectll, morben, witrgen, erwfirgen, jammers •lid) umbringen. butciierliness. 5. bic ©futgter, ("raufamfcit. butcherly, «*'. btutgierig, graufam, ()enfcrl)aft, grob Ultb uiigefdjirft. BUTCHERY, 9. 1. bad 7s If t )Vhcvhattb= wert"; 2. bie Sd)lad)tbanf ; bad <2d)lad)thaud, bcr £d)lad;tbof ; 3. bic SJRefeelei, bad ©lutbab. BUTLER, 9. bcr Jicllerntcifter, .Ifcllncr. BUTLERAGE, 9. bic 2Betnfteuer, bcr 28einjoll. BUTLEBSHIP, 9. bad jicilticr-- obcr 9Jtuifbfd)enfenamt. BUTMENT, 9. Arch. T. bcr Slufbnuf, .pallet (eined ©ewblbed). BUTT, s Hng. 1. bie ©utfe ; bad arofe gag ; itiidfaii : 2. birf'c @nbe ; 3. bie ©renje; bag&itl: berSdjeibenftaitbj '^diicfiplalj; 4. Stoji (tm Acditcit', .ttopfftof); 5. (finer, bcr aid ,',icU fdicibc bed ^vottcs uttb @clfin>fera bicnt; to run full — at [against) one, mit bent Jcopfc wiber Seinanb (aufen ; — end, bas (btcfc) (Stibe, bcr jfolben, ©riff; jv. t. t<[$ gnbe cincr £Bor)(e, wcldics an ciit onbered ftofit, ber -4>laufcitfopf. To BUTT, v. a. mtJ bent .Hopfc ftofieit; to — at, gcgeit . . . ftofieit. tfUTTEl!, ». bie ©utter: —boat, cin sUuttcrgufs ; — i«ox, bie S8uttertiid)fe; — I. imp, bi? iltobrbonuiicl ; — imr, bie 3"iof;pavpcl, spefKlenjwm'j (TVs- mlaga Pe'asitrs — /,.) ; — churn, Ct it Sittterfafj (^ltnt ^uttcrii) ; —crock,' ber ^itttcrtopf ; — cup, — flower, bie ^utterblumc ; — fly, ber 2<$metfer= ling, 93nttcryogc[ ; — man, bcr ©ufs tcrl)aublcr ; —milk, bic Suttermild; ; — print, bie Sutterform ; — bic ■Huttcrbriilic; — tooth } bcr brci' Sorberjabn; — trowel, cm But* ju^c= tragen hatV should 1 do — vou as you do — me, ivcnu id) <\n Sit fo banbcht wollte, wit ?u an mir; to eel — , febr ad)tcu, liebcu, gem babeii: hard — , close — , bavt an, bid>t bei ; side — side, ltebcu ciuauccr; — this time, jeljt, jeljt fcboil; fd)01t (OOt i".C fet ,U'itl ; — this time (a) I month, btuiien bier unb ciucnt ; — twelve o'clock, gegen jwolf Ubr; times gone — . ycrjiailiicuc 3eitCll ; 1 pass — , Dorubet ge^en ; a Bhake — (or of) the hand, till -Ciailbebrucf J — all means, auf allc nur mSglicbe Oln, auf jcbcit Aad, it. f. vs., ourt^aud ; freiltcb, gewi§; — n an-. Ntneds wegedj — the bulk, im@anjen; — detail, iiit.Rlcincii, einjelrt, ftutfrocifc ; — the pound, pfllllbrocife; — heart, audwenbtg ; — the — , — the way. tm ©orbeigepen, mbciibcr, obcubm,' it. F. W. ; — the way of Prance, fiber 5ranf= rcidl ; — water and — land. }U 3Baf= fer ultb ju Saube; — way of, oermits teljl, burtbj auftatt; — way ini 2dnr; : a bottle — way ofc stick, eiuc Aiafdic ftatt eined Seucbs terd; — dint of, fraff, burd), oermits telft; — virtue of, fraft, BermOge; — reason of, ivegcu ; — the side of; uebcu ; the Scl 1 for Scandal — She- ridan, bic Vaftcn'duilc »pn Sberiban ; — my honour, soul, fee, \\uf C s hrc, bei metnet 2tdK\ u. f. W.J — the head. .y t uorlaftig; .» compos, neben, bet, babci {ia-) ueben, 11. f. u>. ; — coat h, berSetroagen, Spatrwaaen tiner^Roft; — coffee-house, cine SSinfelfcbenfe, .Uucii'C; — concernment, bad5tfbfn= gefrhfift, bic SJJebenfadje ; l^ifobe, — corner. bCf idWlIpflVUlfcl. I'ai'Cli winfe! ; bad Dlebenjtmmer, bcr SlliPo ocn; — dependance. ber 'Jltibaiig ; — design, bic 'Jicbcnabfid't ; — dish, bed ©eieffen, ^uMfdH-ucffcu 3wifcbenge> rid)t ; — drinker, ber iffiinfelfcblutfer — drinking, ba3 G)ebciiii= obcr vcr> ftoblite iriiiEcit; — the end. bie !Jte« tcuabfid)t, gebcinic ':ibinft; —fan CABB :;c OlcbcumcfK; — gains, bet 9teben= gcrotnnft; — gone, oetgangenj i — -i. bati befonbete Sutercne, am* »atintere{fe ; —job, bie ^ebcnatbeit, t-io SJlebenwevf; — lane, baS 9lebeu= oatoen; - law, baS ©efe§ obet [RegTement (einet 3unft. eme| SBet= tin««.f. »•); *>a8 Stebengefefe; — matter, tic ?iebci'>a.bc ; — na bet SBeittttme, gfelname, ©iHfcnamej — path, bet SRebemoeg ; — place, bet igAtuvfuHttfel; &" ftebenfaanje ; bet fiinterbalt; — play, boj 3Kteneu= fotel be* nicfct tebenben ©a;auH>te= ; a v. ; _ profits, bte SpOtteliJ ; — re- Bpect, tic Oicbcuabiuiu ; 3Hel>curucf= ittfct; — road, bet Sfeebenroeg, 5d)lcif= n>eg,£teu}»eg; -^oljaegj — romu, bag oetborgene 3i»i mer < tic 3teben= aubt; —sack, bet SBatfftrf, Ouet= r a( f ; —speech, etc ShlS* (M=0fdm>ci= ning in bet SRebej SBtnfeliugej — stander, bet Umftcbcutc, 3iiaucr audj stander — ) ; — street, bte 9te- benjttajje, ©eitengafie; cut (Sang, bet 3»inget; —town, tic (son bet gttajie) abgclcgene ©tabt -scitcu^ jiabtj —turning, bet SGebenwea,, m> ma; gelbtoeg, JJteujroeg, Sftain: — view, tic -Jtcbcnabuchr ; tpcvltccfrbctt, ba« biutcv tcm §8etgc fallen; — walk, bet abgelegene ©vajtetgang, sjlebengang, glebentocg ; —way. bet Seiteuroeg, SHebenweg, Umn)eg, 2ib= a , e ^ ; _ W ord, baS ©pridjroott: — wok-, baSSJlebenwetl; Sflebengebau* be : a pass t — , citt Sotitbetgebjenbet. SYE s. (fafiifdi) tic SBobnuiig; good — (adieu). ICeC WObl ! by the — . till aSotbetgeben gefagt, roaS id; fagen U'olltc, u. f. »., oid. By. 8YSSUS, s. bet ©9ffu8 ; — asbestinus, cine SItt SlSbefl au6 ©cbtoebeu. BYSSiNE, adj. ous feinet egVPtiftyet Seiumanb. ;-. s. baS S, c, bet btitte 33u$jlabe befl aMnbets. CABAL, s. 1. r. bte Cabbala : '2. iucb= vere ju cincm gefjeiinen iJovbabni eeteinigte $(5erfonen, cine (Sabale, ©ctjeimrottc ; 3. tic (iabalc, 5ftanfe= fdjmtebetet. To CABAL, >-. n. Gabateu madjen, bctmlid) sRJinfe fcbmictcit. :• \r,ALA, s. Bid. Cabax 1. r \t,alism. s . ciit :Il;cit tcv Eabbalijii- uiictt SBiffeufcfcaft. CABAL1ST, s. 7'. ciit i?abbaliji. CABALISTIC, I adj. T. ill CABALIST1CAL (ado.— ly), J tcv.^ab = balagegrunbet; einen adn-inicn Sinn, eineoetBotgenelKeinuHg^obenbjIabs baliftifclj, auf fabbaliftifdjc Slit •/'. CABAUZE, b. n. (id) in tec ©yta= rbe tec jfcibbatifien augbtucfen. CABALLEB, s. bet (Sabalcitmadicr, :)tdttfcmad)cr. cabaline, ««;/. jit ajferben ge^ortg ; — aloes, tic SRofJOloe ; — oil, tag .U.tinmfcft. CABARET, s. tic ^dicitfc. CABARIC, s. tic .*3afchMtl-j (.Isarum — /,.). CABBAi : E, .-. bet dtotjt, ,rau! mit mit utelen Sdjubfaften, bet Sc&reibes fdjvauf, ba8 Sdncibcfaftcbcii ; a— of m n tais, coins, &c cin 3Jtinetftlien= (s'abincir, 3JiinetaIienfammlung, SDJiiujsSalitnett, SKunjfammlnng, 3Jlfinjfain.ntet ; — council, bet (5abi= uctsvatb, baS Sabiitett; — organ, baS ^ofitio, tic ^anb obet StuBenotget; — maker, bet .Uuiifttifcblcr, Avunft= fdjreiuet; — ware, ,Ruintti|'cblcvav= bctt; —wood, feine$<§ol}. CABLE, s. jv. t. tic obet ta» ^auel, ba§ ^abeltau, ?lnfcrtau, Sc^tpfeil ; —'s length, tic .ftabeUtinge; — tier, bet Cvt, wo baS SautiHil aufge= fiicbtct ift ; cabled, adj. mit einem £ne jJOpf. . t ■ rr CABRIOLET, *. baS danicl, tic C5ar= riole; tas Kabtiotet. " caburns, s. .Rabetgatn, Setlfaben. CACAFUEGO, s. tCV ti tfcitfvcfft r. cacao s. bet GacDiuftf» Obet ciuer ^evicte; 3. bet Jaet iui ftanjen; 4. tef;^lcid)cii bet ©leidjfcbtitt bcim i'Jilitar; 5. S/>. T tie fdMtl.iei'Cittc SBeaegung einc* C'fevtcg; 6. h. T. bie Unrevfcbeituug, bet Uurevfdnct bet gamilien. CADENZA, a. (ttoL) tic ©nbunfl (ba3 Snbel ciuer Stropbe, rinefl ®efa»* ge8, tie Sabenj. CADENT, adj. fallcnt. cadet, s. 1, tcr gabett: jungerf, iungfleStubet; i. etn »mt»iUige« bet tcr Slnnee, in (5'rmar-. tung ciuer Offtciets©telle tieut. CVDKW, s. tee ©ttDbmutm. cadi. s. dct (iast. CADILLACS, s. cine ?ht SBiriten. cadiz, s. Eabir (©tabt in ©panien) CADMIA, .?. tcr ©almci, aid. Calamine — of zinc Dfenbrucb. caduceus, s. bet (SabueeuS, 5Wercuv* gcflugeltet ©d)langenflab. c.i'.t'lAS. 8. * tcr OcottiMttriiit. OESURA.*. r.btt Safur, bet ^Ibfcbnitt in 3Setfen. CAFPEIN, s. bcr bittt-re (Svtraetioftoff beg ^affect CAFfRARIA s. tie ^affetet; Cadre, ciu Gaffer. CAFTAN, .--. tcr 6«ft«« (ba6 ©[ivcn- fleit tcr Siirfcii). cag, s. baS Scipcben, aid. t. 6. Kbs. cage s. 1. bet SBogeftouet; .Hafidi; 2. tie Untjaunuiij]'. baS ©ebftge: 3. ©cfangnip; —work, tie gebro^ene Arbeit. To cage, v. o, in einen c^iiftcb t!)uu; eiuiteifeii, einfperrcn. CAIACA. CAIC. CAIQUE, , CAIMAN,*, tcr Caiman (tag amcris fauifd)e.«rp[Otill). CAIN, s. Jtain (©igenname). CAERN, s. cin fegelfotmiget 5teiubnu» fen; bcftejlcidjcu cin ©tabmaal. caison, 8 1. tcr 2JiunitiottSa>agen ; 2. bieSombenfijle; 3. llntcrlage ci= net ©tuefc. caitiff, c.utif, s. tcr (5!cntc, Sum* Veiibur.t, 5cburFc. To cajole, r. n.fcbmcidjelit, ftreicbclit, flattircn, Itebfofen, locfen. cajoler, s. bet Sd)meid>Iet # %ud)$-- febmanjer. CAJi ILERY, s. tic ©djmetdpelet, fiipep SBotte. CAKE, s. 1. tcr J?udieit ; '2. tic ©toUe*, — of coals, jufaminengejintette©tein= f oblcn ; — of ice, fine (Sisfrbpllc; wax — , ciit ^Boteu SBacbg; — bread, tie 2Bede, ©emmel; — hoop, cin Jturbenreif, Jtiutcubant; —house, tag t «ud)cnbau3; — woman, tic *Su= cpenftau. To CAKE, v. c &■ n. jHiammenbaifcit, jufammenHeben. CALABASH, i. bie (Salabaffe, tcr ?\la= 'fcbcufuvbul ; — tree, tcr (5alabaffen= baum. . calabria, 8. GalaBtten. CALADE, a. Sp. T. tcr abb.iuaentc Dtl auf bet ftieitfdntle, tic "^fc«e tin ©aUH'Viveii }« uben. cai vm wsroo, s. tcr iSatman! (njoUcnc CALAMARY, ». tte aJjeetR)tnne. CALAMBACK, s. tag ^aiaticg^lloe< calaMIFEROUS, adj. fttiigclrotintg, Pengelattig. . CALAMINE, .--.tcv hairnet. CAL \.\ii\T..<.tie.Ralamiutb, cSafeen miiiijc, Olcfccniiittjc .^. ciu ©alccrenboot, ^3ti= fd;irf bei cincr ©alcerc. OALI calamitous, adj. elettb, traurtg, \am- meruoll, tritbfclig. CALAMITY lUSNESS, ) s. 1. bafl (flcnb, calamity, S Unglticf, Un= gcmacb, bet Utifali, bieStubfal, SBts bectvdr ttgfett ; 2. tcr btutf eube Jtunu mcr. CALASH. s. 1. bic Stalest; 2. ciu grauenbur. dalcar, «. cu. t. bcr galctnitofen. CALCARIOUS, adj. falfartig; — earth, tic JfaKetbe. CALCEATED, «$. bcfdntbcf, til &$W ben. calcedon, «. bcr Ealeebon, DAI/3INABLE,(w&'.JUin iserfalfctt tattfl* licb. To CALCINATE, Calcinating, did To Calcine, Calcining. calcination, s. bic 33er tattling. CALCINATORY, *. bcr (falcinirticgcl. v.. calcine, v. I. a. calciiiircn, l>Cf= frtlfen; seqeken, oerbtennettj iLn. fid) uerfalfen, tit jt.tlf roerben. CALCOGRAPHY, ». tic ,SalEbUt$3eic$s nung. CALCULABLE, «. a, *■ ». rcdnicn, be= rcd)ueu, attfltecijuen, jufnmmeiirec6= ncn, iiberreckieu, aueN, s. bie jRcdjnung ; SBe* vcd)tiuttg ; bafl :Ucdmcn ; to be out in one's — , fid) (in bcr 3tccbnung) urcu. CALCULATIVE, «#. berecbjtcnb obet iiberred)neub. calculator, s. bet 93eted>ner, 3le= fbeaintiftet ; Stccfmangflfubtet. c y.riJLATOUY, adj. jum i)icd;ucit ge« f)brtg. CALCULOUS, «(//'. 1. fteinatttg, fattbig; 2. am ©fctne fVauf. calculus, x. 1. bet QMafcnftciit, tofeitt; 2. bcr dalcnf, bte S)tjfete u= ttals nnb 3ntegtal=9iec§nung. CALDRON, s. bet Jtodjtopf, jtejfel. CALECHE, ». aid, Calash. CALEDONIA.*. * Jlalctotticit, 5d;ott= lanb. CALEDONIAN, I. .«. bcr jtaleboniet, ©cjjotre ; a. adj. falebouifd), fduntifdi. CALEPACnON, *. ba8 .£>cij$mad;en, bte (Sttrtarmung. CALEFACTIVE (— tory), adj. I)cijillta= chcub, ettoatmenb. To CALEFY, v. I. n. kit* lltadjeit, Ct; roarincit; n. »i. Ijeijj obet warm wets bcit. CALENDAR, s. bcr Jtafcnbct. To CALENDAR, v. a. illl Jlalcilbcr fluf* itcbntcu. CALENDER, s. T. bcr Cataubcr, tie JEucfjs cber Seugprcffc, SBatutpteffe, 4>rcf;inafd)iiic, §eugtoQe oberyJlaits ocl ; — stone, ciu ©lattftcin, ©uics bclftciu. To CALENDER, v. a. T. ~uid)cr pber jjeuge watin pteffen, roUcit, mangeln, maiibcltt; (ISafd)c) flatten. OALBNDRER, s. T. bcr 3«»fll>K|f«. £ud)bcreircr. CALENDS, s. ;-/. bte SaTenbS (bcr cvjic Sag cities jebcit JDionatfl bet ben aU tealRometn.) calenture, s. bafl btfeige Alitttaffe bcr, SoUficbcr bcr Sceleute. calf, b. [pL calves) 1. basJcalb; 'Ljh'- bet QftnfaltSptnfel, Scipcl; 3. bic SBabe; — 's font, ciit Jtalbsfnf; ; bcr ?lron, bcutfdje3ugrocr (cittc SPflanje, — L.); — 's head, bcr jftllbe's (opf; — like, gleid) cittcnt .Ualbc ; albcnt ; — 's plucM ba« Jfalb5geJr5= fe: ~ 's skin, bao .ttalblcbcr. CAJ.lBER, s. berSalibcr, 2>urcbmcffcr, CALL b,i» 2d)itiintaf) fc-bcr tic SfGcifc bcr spZiinbutig befi ®efc^u^e8, n.f. w.)j — compasses, T. tcr SEafletjittef. CALIBRE, s. mod I. ®e$ati, sithalf, OJcaudit ; 2. ©flte, SBettb, ©«f*ttf< fettbeit, 'ilrt, Srblag ; Srentpel, 0"l;a= rafter. calici:, b. tcr .Udd'. CALICO, ». bcr JJi&i •^ati::tl; — print- er, eiit jcattuntriicfcr. CALLD, 04/. licit';, breunenb. CAHDITY, ». tic ^ifce. caliduct, ». y. tic aBarmero§te, bet il'annclcitcr. calie, a tcr Jcalif. CALEPATE, 8. ba-o ilaUfat, ,«a[ifcit= t!;itnt. CALIGATION, ) s. bic 5)itnfel bcit : CALIGINI )USNE3S, ) ©UJlfel^Ctt tc? (Mcfid)t^. CAL1GINOUS, adj. bttufcl, buftcr, fxit= ftcr. CALIGRAPHIC, adj. faii^rat'bitVb. CALIGRAPHY, e. bic ^aligrap^ic, ©dj6nfcf>retbefiin(t. CALIN, 8. tin tins ©let unb3i«n Ocjtc= bcitrciS SDlerall. CALIPH, I ., ,, . r . CALIPHATE, J »-«»lCiiir«BCuirAi«. CALIVER, 8. tic^afcnbiidn'c, betS>o$- pclhafcn ; tcr (s'alibcr. CALix, 8. is. T. bcr £Blumenfet($. ■j;, calk, o. a. a - T. falfatetn. CALKER, ».J\r T. bcr ,\{ a I tat ever. CALKING, s. T I. tavJ.Ualfircit, ^ad>= U'idmcit, Slbbrucfcn ; 2. .\-. r.baS .uaU fatcru ; bafi SBctg obet tcr .Oauf ta= Jll; — iron, bcr StOpfmcifid, bttS Rdfatetfett. calkins, s. pz. bic StoOen onbett^uf* etfen tcr SJJfetbe. To CALL, ». a. (?• 7i. 1. rttfett, aiu'nifou, fd)rcicn ; anrnfett ; berufett; jufams ntcttrttfcit, fotbetn; 2. ttcitttcii, bci= f;nt ; 3. criicitttcit ; 4. votfptedjeu, bc= fuc£)en J what do you — tliat ? tvic ncnitcit Sic bai ? what d'ye — him ! ou'g. rote bciTit et bod ? td> roeipntcbt too id) tbtt bintbnn foil; fann nicpt auf il)!t fontmcit; to —one names, 3einatibem Sdjimpfnamen gebett ; to — one's game, fciit Spiel attfageit; to — to account [task), jut [Recti cn= fdiaft (;icbcu) fotbetn, jurSRebe fleU Icit; to — to mind, fid; crinncnt, bc= bettteit; to — one to mind, ,u'iitantcu rotebet erfctmen ; to — aside, bet SeU tc rnfeit obcr jicbett; to — at sor= fominen ; aitfprcdictt, einfprecben ; to — away, toegtufeit, abriifcit : to — back, juriicf ritfcti ; totbettufettj to — down, bcrillltcr ttlfen ; to — for, rttfcit, nad) Stroafl nifeti obet ftagen, (H oetlangen, fotbetn, befteilen: to - forth, b era its ritfei; ; aufbictcit, in 33e» roegung fefcett ; to — in, herein rnfeit ; einfotbetn, eincafftten [ — one's debts, feine Scbulben) ; jufammenberufen, cinlabcti; luitcrrufcit, bcfudicit, ciit = flM-cd)ci! ; to — in question, ill 3»ei= fcl jicbeit; so to — it, um eS fo \\\ ncnitcit, fo jit fagen ; to — off aluu= fell; abbaltctt, ab jteljeu; abratbctt ; to — on (upon), aitfrufcit ; anrufeit, attfprcd)cit, bitten; erinabiicu, etiits item ; to — upon (to) one, fu'b auf 3e s mauben 6etufen; SEemanbem einen bitjen '-iU-fudi madben ; i find myself call .1 upon, id) febe mid) bcrutcit, ge= r,btbi,it, gejroungen j to — out, au8= ritfcn ; beraufl rnfeit; berbeirnfeit ; bcraiK'fortcnt ; to —over, (cine Sijlej ubetlefeu, bcrjablcit, tic SJiamen vev= Icfelt; Mr N. was called to the chair. i§ctt Ot. u arc aii 3BotR^enbet et= >val)It; to — up, bcranfnifcit ; aufru= feu, auftoecf eu ; enoeefen , crregen; CALV bcrr'ciyr.lcni ; to — up spirits, ©et» ftcr bcfdjivoren, citircn. CALL,*. 1. bcr.'Ritf, Septet, Sd)aH : 2. bte ©etufnng, ©enennnna ber :Kuf; ©ttuf; ;}. ter i)lttfpnid\ bafl ©egeb^t, bie gotbetu lefung ; ">. bet ©efucb : 6. Sp. r tct SBcaeltufj bic Socfpfeife, aBacgtcb pfetfe; 7. Mil. T bet Mppell (bie 3" s fammenforbetung butr| bie trom- mel); boatswain's — . .v. T. tic O'ont; manbopfetfe tec- |>ort)boot6inanneS ; to wind a—, mil bet Signalpfeife comtnanbiten ; B. Min.T. betSunfl* ftein, ircifu - SSBolfram ; — ofihe h tie Sufommenbetufunfl befl $atia* ntcu?3 ; tcr-.Raincu^.'lnfriif tcr ©lies tcr int ^atlamente ; to give one a — , einen (nitjen) Sefutfi motpen: to be ready at a—, auf jctcn SBinl bcrcit fc\>u ; within one's—, |u jcniantcfl SBefe^l : there is a great — forcofiee, .v. /:. jtaffee ift jctjt febr bejebvt, gc= fud>t. CALLER, .--. bcr SRnfrr. CALLING, t. bcr SQctuf, Staub, ial (Mci-ibc. -v.- .j, CALLKERS, s pi '/'. bet DtCTjtWtl, ^angjirfel, iKflfteuiitthi, ©OflenjitJ fcl, £aftetjirfel, i after. CALLOSITY, s. bic Sdnriclc, barte 6«Ut. CALLOUS {adv. — lt), adj. fditrteltg, bavtbantia,, VH'rbartcf, tnorrig ; fig. unempfintlid), bait. callousness,* bie 83etWrtunfl bcr ■Saur, tic 2d)ii>ielc ; fig. Unempftnbs lidifcif. CALLOW, adj. iun)cfietcrf, fahl, nacft. callus,*, bet (Salltii, i?notpeI; bie Scbaucle, Set^fittung. CALM, [adv.— ly). I. adj. iiill, nt^tg better, gelaffeit; Iciteuicbaftflloj ; — sea, bic nibtge (flack) See; to fel — JY. T bcbaarcit; u ». bte Sttfle, Jli'nbe bcr (Slemente; SBinbftiUej 9Jul)e befl ©einufbfl; a dead, a flat m a stark — , tPttcilfiilic-5 SsCftet. 7eC\r.M, v. a ftillcn; octu^gen, if fanftigen, beftiebtgen. calmer,* bet iH-riibi>]cr, eefanf* CALMNESS, 8. tie 2tiilc (SRnlje ^.-l blcmcute) : ©emutbfltu^ej Vcitcu= fcoaftfllopgteit ; SWilbe. CAI.MY. adj. ftill, rnbiiV CALOMEL, a. CU. T. bflfl fttbltntirtf Ouecfftlber. CALORIC a. tcr SBatmejiofF. calorific, aii etbtbeiib, f)ifeig. CAD )Ti'i'. a. tic b'aiotte, ^Blottmu^f, " jtappe, .»>anbc. CALTROP, s. 1. Mil T bic Aii'utn.icl ; 2. Sp. T. bafl SOBoJfeifen, cine -Jt rt SpieB bei ten SEBoIffljagben ; 3. bie 2tacbclnutl SBegebtfiel [TrOutus — /,); water — s. tcr StOfcbiafH^. CALUMET, 8. (bei ten nritantenfani' fckn2l?iltc!t) tic Stiebenflpfeife. To CALUMNIATE, v. a tc n. vcilcuiu- bcit, fcbniabeu. i CALUMNIATK »N, ». bic 'l-crlciinibung, CALUMNIATOR s. bcr SJetleumbcr. CALUMNIATORY, a . verlcitnitcrifcb. falfdj. CALUMNIOUS ado.— ly), adj. vcr» Icumberifdj. CALUMNIOUSNESS, ». b;c SetltUOU bung. CALi WNY, s. bic Ceileumbung. calvary, s. bic gdjfibelftafte (in ?u« rbftfi iBibeluberfe^ung). bcr ©erg ©olgatba bei 3etufalem; — cross, // T. ciit Aivcii; aufbtei 2tnfctirn« bent, iveldu- ©taube, .^ojfiuing un» gicbe bet eu ten. CAMP rb CALVE, v. n. falbut, tocrfen, auS= lumen. SALVES SNOUT (mouth), s.bcrOraut, baS Sotveninaitl {Antirrhinum oroidi- cuin — I, ). calville. a. bet Sdjlottcrapfcl ; grbbeerapfcl. Calvinism, s. bet GsalotniSmuS, bte Sefcte beS (Safotu. OALVINIST, s. bet Salotniji, 9icfor= ntittc. CALVINISTICAL, (— ic), ad;. Caloillts ftifrh. CALVISH, adj. XOlt cilt Jtalb. calx, s. ck. t. bet Jcalf (ehies s D!c= tails). calyx, s. bet SPdimcufclcb. CALYCLE, s. Zi T. bet flciitc 23luutcu= fcld). calyculate, oa>". i? r. Eelc^formtg (son ©lumen)- CAMBIST, s. ciu 2Be$$tet, 2Scd;fcI= i^dnblet. CAMBRIC, s. bets .ftamntcrtud). CAME,*. baS Acitftcrblei. CAMEL, s. baS iKomeef; — backed, bucflig ; —driver, bet ^amceltteibet; — "s'hay (sweet rush), Jtaiuedbeu (eiite -^iflauje ; Andropo/ron. — £,.). CAMELOPARD, s. bcr Jtamcelparbcl, Jtameloparb, bte ©itaffe. CAMAIN, ) camayen, > S(tmeo,33ilbetfletn. CAMEO, ) CAMERADE, s. vid. Comrade. CAMERA-OBSCURA, s. bie (5antcra= obfeura. CAMERATED, adj. gefriimmt, getoSfbt. cameratiox, s. bie SBblbung, baS ©eroolbe. CAMISADE, s. bet iuid)tliri)c SlitgttfJ ©bet UeberfaU. CAMISATED, ay. jtim nacjjtlidjen 31 n-- gttff fetttg. camlet, s. betGfamcIot; (jatne3eng. CAMMOC,*. bie^aubecfoel, basDd)fcu= cber ©tallfraut {Ononis — l). CAMOMILE, s. bte JUlllttlle (Anthemis — L.). CAMOUS, \ adj. platt, fhimpfnafig; — CAMOYS,) nose, bie ©tuiitpfitafe; Camoused, adj. geftummt, fruiliilt, febief; ucrbrcht; Camously, adv. (nur son bet 9cafej fntmnt, fd)icf; t>on bet ©ette. camp, «. bas Saget, fjelblaget; — dress, bie ftclbntoiitiit ; — fight, bte Selbfcblad)t ; — meetings, Am. fJ0t= tcsbiettftlidje 33eifammlungen in fteU em 3'cl&e; — quarters, bas Onatfiet in inotgenlatibtfcben ©tcibten fiir cu= vopaifcibe Jlaufleutc; to pitch a—, eiu ?ager auffcfolagen; a flying—, cin fliegenbeS gaget obet KoipS. To camp, r. a. a- n tin Saget anffrbla= gen, campiten, fid; lagetn ; lagetn, gelagett fetm. campaign, campain, s. 1. bie (Sbette ; 2. bet Selbjug. To campaign, v. n. einen Selbjug mitinacBen. CAMPAIGNER, t, bcr olte ucrfnditc ©olbat, Snvalib. campana, s. bte Jtitrbcnfcbrlle, baS SBafbglocfleiit. I'MPAXtJtSj^^odcnfotnti,. campanula, s. bie ©locfenbiunte. ( !AMPEACHY-WOOD,8. baS (5antpcrf)C= &olj, Sraftltenbolj. CAMPESTRAL (Cami-estrian), adj. tin Sclbe wadjfenb, toils; fid) owf bos Sclb besicljcnb. camphor. s . bcr Jlaiitpfcr ; — tree, bcr Stc.tlpftxbaA\n($camphora. — L.). ?AMPHORATE, CAMPHORATED, adj. tnit Jtampfer aitgcmacbt. 53 CAND CAMPION, s. baS .^fmmctri 6d;cn (Lych- nis — L). cam-wood, s. bastfamljolj, afvifctnt= fd;e9tothbolj. can, *. bie &anne, S'viitffaiinc ; — hooks, bie ©ietfcafen, Gdjinfclbafcn, Jtiinthafcn, 53anbr/afen (jum 3luf= totnben bet Saffet). can, ?•. 7i. fonnen, uermBgen ; ho can, er faint; I can not, tit faun uidtt. CANAILLE, s. baS ©eftubel, bcr nicb= ttgfle SPooet, bie .Ocfcit bes ^olf^. CANAK1N, «. dim. eilt v titnild)Ctt, flct= ties J£tinfgefa^. CANAL, 6-. bet .Uanal, 2Bafferg«ng, ©raben, Jlunftftiont ; bie SRtnne, SRbbte. CANALICULATED, adj. ait«gcf)5i)tt (wte cine 9l6b,te). canary, s. 1. bcr •tfanarienfect; 2. + einc ?trt luftiger, lebbafter Saitj; — bird, bcr ^anatienoogel ; — grass, — seed, baS JEanottengtaS, bcr jeanas rienfame, [Phalaris canadensis — L.) ; — islands (or Canaries), bie Jtattiiricn = tnfeln ; — weed, bie Jlratttct'orfcille, (Sarbeiflccbte (Lichen roccel/a — L.). To cancel, v. a. <5- n . 1. bnvd)ftrcid)cn (in Sorm euieS ©itters, all : +) ; 2. aufbeben, abmadjcn, annnllircn, set* iticbtcn ; ;J. Typ. T. ein$clne S3ogen nuf bie <2cite toetfen nub fnfd; brurfi'tt. CANCELATED, adj. BCtgiffCtt. cancelation, s. bie SniTbftreidmna,, 9lufbcbmnt. cancer, s. 1. bcr jfrebS ; 2. be^glet= rben Ast. T. tin XbicrEreife ; J. bet jfrcb'5, JErcbSfc&flben. To cancerate, v. it. ftcbSarfii] wer= ben, ben Jfrcbs befommen. CANCERATION, s. bie CSlltfteljltltn bes ^rebfeS. CANCEROUS, adj. frcbSarttg. CANCEROUSNESS,5.bte^teb80titgIftL CANCRIFORM, adj. tote Cancerous, qd. vid. cancrks t e, adj. tote ciu Jtrcbs, ftebs= artig. candent, adj. glitbcnb, tocitJ^ti'tbcnb. candia, s. bie Safe! Panbia '((ireta). CANDICANT, adj. toeij?lt<$. CANDID (adv. — ly), adj. rcblid;, btc= bcr, attfridxig, often. candidate, s; bcr SlmtSbetoctbet, ©anbtbat. CANDIDNESS, ». bic.JTicb(id)fcif, Sie= bcrfcit; 3lwftt(|ttgfett, Dffen^etf. CANDIED, part adj. Citllbirr. candle, «. bal SJic^t, bte JTcv;e ; dip- ped — . baS gejo fd)imt; —snuffer, bcr MidjHMtljcr ; — snuffers, bie ^icbtpuljc; —stand, ein 8euc$tettrftger, ^citcbtcrlifri; ; — stick, bcr V'uicbtcr; branched (or armed) — stick, bcr Slrmleucfciet ; . — stick shade, cin >.'cttd)tcrfitirnt ; sticking — shade, bcr 2d)iffSlcnd)ter, Stcrfcr ; — stuff bie Viittntatcric, bcr 5'alg it. r, tt). ; — waster, bcr (Stents) §8et- febtoenbet: Staubet am Midite ; — wick. ber'Joitt, Sichtbocfit ; — wood, baS (s'ifi'oncnluMv CANDLEMASS, s baSgeji bcr SRetnt* autig SWarta, Viittmcffc. CANDOC, s. baS 'AlaSsiraS. CANO candour, s bie 9Jcblid)fetf, 33tebet fctt, Slufttclttgfetr, Dffcubeit. To CANDY, v. a. £,- n. 1. canbirctt, kc obcr ubetjutfern, (toie intt Qurfcr) iibcrjicben, in 3»dcr einmad)cn ; 2. friftaUiftrcn, in Jtriftallcn anf<|ie= fen; ntit .Uriftallcn iibcr^itbcn. candytuft, s. bcr ^aitcnifcnf (ib» ris — />.). CANE, s. 1. bits ?flol)X ; 3«cferro^t; 2. bcr ©tab, ©tod (anS 9(ol)r) ; — bill, baS .Uappmcffcr ; — blinds, ofiittbi-- fd)C SWootsSalOUJtett; — bottomebai; bcr 9tobtftiil;l ; — brake, baS ©er6b> rid) ; — eyes, bie 9(icmciili ; d)cr am ©tosf; — ferrel, bie etocfjiotnge ; — head, bcr ©tOCffnO^f;— man, frd Storfbaitblcr ; — pencil, bie in 9Jpt)I gefafjtc SBlcifebet; — platting, bafl gUibtrobr, (jit ©tttblen, .ftiitcn, u. f. w.) ; — spirit, 3ucferrob>-@4>i= ritnS ; — string, baS ©tocfbanb ; — tobacco, ©tangenrabaf; Bengal — , fpanifrbcSDtobr; clouded — , gcflccf^ teS 9tof)r; cnitch— , ciu Jtritcfciiftotf ; dart—, eiu ©toclbegen, T , old>ftocf ; walking — , bet ©Dfljtetfloif. To cane, 7-. a. ©totf^tflgel gebcti, priigcl" fd;lagcn. CANESCK«r adi rocipgraii, tociplicb. canicular, adj. jitnt ©HHbSfletnr ge= l)brig; — day's, bie ipunbStagp. CANICULE, (Canicl-la), s. bet BtttlbSs ftcrn. CANINE, adj. biiltbifd) ; — appetite, bcr .£lll!biblinger; — madness, bie t^unbgrout^, SBoffetfcfceu ; — teeth, bie -OiiubSjafiiie. canister, s.i. baS .Sorbrbeii ; 2. bie S'bccbiii-bfc, SBiirbfe ; — shot, ^ar- talfitcn. canker, s. 1. b. T. bcr ,Srebs (an Saumen, it. f. to.) ; fcer banter (an ben Slelfen) ; 2. a. T. bcr 9ra§, 9toft 'an P'ifeit, W effing, it. f. to.),; 3. einc freffcubc 3'cnd'ttgfcit (in beit ©aften) ; 4. cine ,ftranft)ctt an bcti 3'itgcn bcr Sgferbe, in ben Dhrcu bcr $unbe, bcfjglcict)eu in bcr Jtebic bcr JEaubett ; — , or — fly. bie Saren- rattpc, — , or — rose, bie .£unb3rpfc, toilbc 9Jofc, ber_ ^agcbitttcnfiraud) ; — , or — worm, ciu ben ^ritd;tru fd)iit>= liiitcr ©urm, bcr Srbroter; — bit, angefreffen, oergiftet. To CANKER, 7). I. a. i. anfreffen, jer= fteffen, oetbetben ; 2. auftccfen ; ir. «. angefteffen, jetfteffen, angefteeft toer= bcu. CANKERED (ado. — ly), adj. ntiiri'tfd) , itut)bfltd) ; moralifd) uerfebrr. CANKERLIKE, (Cankerous), adj. jets ftbrcnb toie bcr JtvcbS, h. f. to. CANKERY, adj. roftig. CANNABINE, adj. l)anfetl. CANNIBAL, I. s. bcr Cannibal; •D?cn= febenfreffer ; H. adj. (adv. — ly), can* nibalifd). CANNIBALISM, s. 1. bie iOTenfcbcitfrcf- fcrei; 2. bie ©taufainfett. CANNON, s. bie Jtanoiic ; baS ©tfidf ; coiim. ©efcbitlj; — ball, bie JtaitO' ncnfttgcl ; — proof, anfier bent S8c= reid) (ficber sor) ber Jtanone; — royal, bie .ftartbaitue ; — shot, bei Jtauoncufcbufj;' bie Jtanonenfugel, to mount a — , cine ^aupue aiifbi* Saffette ottngen. To cannonade, p. I. cTaitoiitren, be» fdnefjen ; ir. v. baS grobe ©efdjiit abfcitcrn, fpielen laffcn. cannonade *• bie jtanonabe. CANNONEER (— ier.', s.bcr Jianoitiet ^iid)fcnntciftcr. CANNOT ffitt can not), faint ltifbt. < ' v.m >K, ». bcr Jc'a^u, baS flcinc SC9J bcr ?!adKit, baS (Sauoe. CANT CaFA CAPO TANON, s. 1. bcr Jtauoit, bie Jcegit, SSorfdmff, baa Oefefe, JJtrc^engcfefi ; 2. ber SDlejjfannn, baa 3Jce$gebet ; 3. bev JtanontcuS, istiftsbcrr, Tom = b«r, gberfjert ; 4. Tm. v. bie .Haiiouc (XHrt grobcr £rutffd)rift<; (great — , lean — , bie grobe, bie Heine .«.); 5. .s. y. ein Snftrument $um .Ocftcu tcr atuiiben; 6. Mm. T. bet Jcanon, JU-t- teugcfaitg, bietfteisfuge ; — , w — i>it. bas l)ol;Ie SETZunbfiiitf am ipferbegebijj ; — law, bae fanonifebe ;)ccd>t; — re- gular. etnDrbeite'geifutdjet; — secular, cin SBeUgeiftUdjer. >anoness,* bie jfanontf jtnn, ©tifW= ftatt, (Sborfrau. CANONICAL (adv.— lv), ml}. lailOllifd). CANONICALNESS, s. bae O'atilMlifcbc, bie fanontfebe ciligfprc= cbttng. To < ANONIZE, o. a. fanoiti|trcu, l)CU lig u>rcd)cu. CANONRY, } s. ba8 jtanout'eaf, bie CANONSHIP, J Jtanonie, S)omberrn= (telle, SfjorfteHe. @tiftd))frunbe. i IAN< (PIED, adj. mit eineiit Sctlbacbtn, II. f. W. bcbcdft. CANOPY, «. ber 93albarbiit, $racb> biiumel, Sragbimmcl, •pimmel; — conch, bae JHubcbctt, Canape. To CANOPY, v. a. mit eittent $rac$t- bimmct bcbecfeit. canorous, wij. mobi toitcnb, melos bifd) ; — bird, cin ©ing»ogcl. CANOROUSNESS, s. bee "itfohlflaita.. cant, «. 1. cine befonbent (ilaffcu unb ©eroerben etgentbjimlicbe ©ptacbe, b i e Si u n ft f p v actye ; ,fi aubet m e 1 fdj ; b ie S)tebeefpracbe • 2. bte ajfectivte Spta* cbe, ba§ ©eioa|it; ebr ; — j irn, baS Segefgarn. CANVASS, 8. bie 9luSforfd)nng, l-rii= fung, beinilidjc JBerbung bet W&afyU friniincn. To CANVASS, p. I. a. pviifen, ettuagen, genan unterfneben, etortem ; ii. n. gttmmen ^eimlicb metben, cobalU ten ; to — for, )id) unt cti»a3 be= toerben. ( an VASSER, .-.bee Untcrfnd)cr ; g tim= inentettbet. CANY, adj. Don 3iof)r ; foil 3Jobr. canzonet, s. baS Siebdjen, 8ieb. caocchocc, .-■. bnfi 5ctcrl;arj (itcsi- ?m elastics.) CAP, a. 1. bicUappe, Wlufa ,?anbc, bee fiut, ©ecfel ; 2 Arch. T. bai (fa= j)italeinet ©aule, bet Jtnanf, ©aus lenfopf; 3. Typ. T. bie jttonbecfe (an bcr $reffe); 4. a: t. bie ©pifte Dotn ant ©t^iffe, baS ©aUton, bet •AU'i'brenfopf ; ba* Pfetsbaupt (bide i§olj an jebciu 3lbfafee einefi 3)iafte«) ; bte ©tcnge, ber ^opmaft; — bos, cine i§aupenft|adbtei ; — maker, bcr a)infeenntad)cr ; bie .danbenftcrfevin ; — scuttle, .A". T. bie ©yringlufe; — squares, bie '■in" fd) I age bca i)(apci't» ; ©ifenfebienen, lueldje bie Jianonen auf bet Saf ette fefibalten, Alappen: black, — , bie Salotte, baa febroarje it'riefter;) ,ftappd;en ; cardinal's, — , bcr JtarbtnnlSbut ; military — , bcr Sfdjaffo ; — and hdis, bie Scfietlen; fappc, 9iarreitfappc ; — of wool, cine molleiic Jtappc ; — ofa dead eye, .V. T. taa ifim etnet Suiigfet; — of a gun, bai -;-lattloi() fjut ikbcefimg be« 3itnblod)e etltet jranotte) ; —of main- tenance, — of dignity, cine Scbu(}= obcr Sc^irmb.aube, weld)e bem Jtb= nig bet bet- Jcvbnnna, oorgetragen n)irb : — a- | ( \ or — , b pie, ooit ,Uopf bie anf bie 3tif;c (getfifiet . To CAP, r. ,;. i. obeit bctcrfcit obcr 6e= flcieen, anfi'eljcn, aiifftcrfen, happen anfdjen ; 2. bte Sjftufee abiiebnten ; to — to one, Sinen gtiifen ; .\ - . T. einc i2pi(je obev cin (ifclabanpt anfeijcit; to — a rope, .a: y. baS (?nbe etnec- Xauti mit get^eertem ©egeltudj be* beef ctt ; to — a pair ofshoes, Scbubj befappeu ; to — verses, Serf* iucd)|\U weife bcrfa^en. <'\i'vr,ii.rr\,,-. ^c3abia,fcir,baS33cr= mogen, CAPABLE, adj faffenb; fabi.i, einftdit«= ooll ; gefdiirft, beroanbett, tanglicb ; emvfanglid), CAPABIJSNESS, ». bie Tvabiiifeit, ©c= fd)icf lidUeit ; (Mnfidif, ber sBerflanb. CAPACIOUS, adj. geraumig, loeir, oiel limfaffenb. Capai 10USNEBS, s. bie ©etfiumigfeit, SBeite. To CAPACITATE »• «• fabig, gefrbieft niaebeit. capai HAiUiN. .-. tie Ba&igfetf. CAPACTTY, a I. bie ©erfiumtgfeit, tct Umfang, Slanm, ©ela0; 2. fc a.h btgfctt, ©efdjirf liebf eit ; Saffnngla frafr, tMiifid't; ©ewolt, SJla&t, bal SSermSgen ; 3. ber gtanb, 3ujjflnb, (^bavaftcr, tie SOBurbe. caparison, ». bie ^ferbebecfe, 2dui bracfe. To CAPARIS »N, <-.n. i. tie Sebabracft auftegettj 2. auSjtaffirm, j>omvb.aft beraitapu^cn. CAPE «. 1. ba« (Sop, SDotgebitge; 2. bee Jtragen am SQantell ; — < ■ ■ Hoi e, bae Sorgebirge be r guten .>3off= nung; — town, bicb'apftaet bafclbjt; — wine, ber (\nnvcin. : 8. 1. tie jtapet; 2. bte (faprio. Ie, bet SBocfafprung, cuftfvrung; — bush, — tree, tie jtapetjtaube, be* .Uarevbanin ; — sauce, bie Auipcr= bvnbe ; —spurge, 2 prino. tenter (uom Attract be 8 Jcapetbaumfl) ; to cut— a guftfptungc niad)cn. To CAPER, v. n. ^apriotcn madjcR. biti'uii ; to — about, imiber fpringcu. CAPERER, a. ber Springet, 2<\[ tanjet. CAP1LLACEOUS, adj. mie Capillary cappillaire, s. ber gtauenl;acr= f'.irnp. CAPILLAMENT, ». 1. bie baartiinne Atber ber SJleruen ; 2. bie fafertgen Staiibfabcn, Hi ^aarige an bea SRftanjen, CAPPlLLARY, Ladj. 6aotf5tmtfl,naata fein; — veins, ,»3aara,cfaf;e, ^aat> abent ; II. 8. baa ipnargefafi. CAi'ii.oT'Aiii:. 8. baa Ragout »on ffrin gcbacftem 51cifebe. CAPITAL, I. a. 1. bie .fianptftabt; 2. ber SlnfangSburbjhbe ; 3, Jtrtk. r. ttt Jtiiauf, bad Capital etnet Sante; 4. M. e. baa Stammgelb, b'avital ; float- ins — baa grope imagiu2te Sapi* fal ; II. [ado.— i.y\ adj. I. Vcib unb Sebett betreffenb, anf bcu Eob, vein- lid); 2. bauptf,id)lief)ff, oorjfiglicbjr; :>. ibatLpt.. , vovii.-bnift; — city, tie .t3aiiptftatt; — crime, cin .*3a;ipr- obet SJJbeeuetoredjen ; — letter, cin A>ai:pt= obet 21ufai:,ietud'i"tabc ; — ship, cin viuicufdurf : - stock, bao •Oauprgett, ©tammgelb, urfpritng= hdu (vipital, ber gonb. CAPITALLY, ado. pciulidi, iMlagcrid-;- lieb; to proceed — against one, gegen 3emanb pciulieb »erfrtbre» ; — con- victed, cinc3 peinlidjen SBerbter^ena ubetroiefen, boa lobes febulbtg. CAPITALIST, *. etn :)(cntirer, ainfftts be;icber, 0"apitalift. CAPITATION, 8. 1. bie 3'Wuug tiad) ben .Ubpfen; 2. baa Jtopfgelb, bie Accvfftener, Sfbflfenng. CAPITOL, .>. baa (s'apitoliunt. CAPtn *iJJfE,adj. jum Sapitol geb^Jrig CAPnULAR, s. 1. ber (Aapiliilar StiftSbett; 2. baa Sopttlllatf. To CAPITULATE, v. it. eiucii 93ftgletd; fd)Iie§etl ; capitulircit. CAP1TDLATI0N, ». ber SBerg(eid), tit Capitulation. CAPIT1 LATOR *. etnet ber i-crgletdj» eingefat, eapituliit. OAPIVI-TREE, a. bet JbeiMtu^; loeijit SBalfambaum i CAPNi iMANCY, s tie aDabtfagmt aui bem Dpfetraurbe bci ten SHlten, CAPOCH, «. bte 3Woncb«tappe, ,Uutte. CAP IN, s bet .Uapauu ; — 'a uul, bet ©albrtan. Ib CAPON, r .: fappen, fapitiincu, co« firiten, oetfdjnttben, entmannen. > VPONNIERE, o. Fori ber betecfti ©itng in cittern SejiuugSgraben. CAPU •apot. .o. i(x gopot, em 3Ratfdj (fan $tquetfpieW) :- caput, r. c capot macbcn, mafc f* en. iapper, « bet SRufceamadjet, 3ku= fcenbanblet. UAPREOLATE, adj. ranEcub, nut wan* feu etcr ©abclcbcii. caprice. », tcr gtaenffara, 'u ©vtuc, ganne, bet (SinfaU. CAPRICIOUS, ado. — ly). adj. 1. cigcn= finnifl, aninfcrlicb, fcltfant, grillig; 2. miitbroiUig. DAPRICIOUSNESS, s tie auiutcrlicfce, cigenfiuuigc Sanne. CAPRICORN, s. jfofc T. tcr Stetubotf im ibierfrcifc). CAPRIFICATION, s. bas Tvpitvffnnjen unt SRetfen tcr gtiirbte (geigen). CaPRIFOLE, *. ba$ ©eijjblatt, 3clan- gcrjclteter. Capriform, adj. gtcicb eittcr 3'f3 c - capriole, s. tie gapttole. capripede, adj. jiegenboefsfufjia. capsicum, s. tcr fpauifebe ^Sfeffer. To CAPSIZE v. a. Sea Eip. UlUiVClfctt ; umfehrcu, uintrcfyen. capstan, i s. jr. t. tcr J?a&eftatt, Capstern. $ taS ©angfpill, tie Spille, Scbiffsauutc ; gear — , ba§ Heine ©angfpiU ; mala— , bad grope ©angfpill ; to come up the — . com ©augfvill fid) abauntctHvon Sauen . Capsular, (— y', adj. EapfelfStmig. CAPSULATE Capsitlated), adj. in dm &apfrl eiugcfdil offer.. capsule, ». bte Samenfapfcl. 3APTAIN,*. tcr Olufiibircr, Sefcf)I$ba= ber, gclebcrr, 4paupfmaim, gapttan ; (sea—), Sdnffscapitau ; post — , eiu Edjipcapitan tcr ciit fcd)iff von jwaujig obet mefjt jtanoncii com= manbirt; — of foot, ^auptmann bet tcr Snfaatertc; — of horse, SSittmei* ftcr; — general, tcr ®eneral=Selb= marfdjall," Cberbcfeblsbabcr, gclb= bcrr; —lieutenant, bcr 5tabscapU Ian • — of the fore-top, bcr 3lU$s gucfer oaf bent SBotmatS. CAPTAINCY, s. tic •gaUptffelle ; fiaUpN ntannfebaft ; Slimibruttg ; jhtegS= enabrcubrit, JtricgsEunte. Captaixry. .«. 1. tie .£>aupfmann= fdjaft; 2. jcricgemaunfcbaft. captation, s. tic Beroerbung (tint Slnterer ©unit otcr Seifatlj; gt* fchleirbung ; Scbmeicbelei. CAPTION, s. tic daptur, 93etb>ftnef)= ntuug. captious {ado. — ly). adj. 1. oetfeinga liit ; argliftig, nacbftcllerifcb ; 2. la= belfucfctig, jauEfiicbtig, janEifrf). EAPTIOUtSNESS, s. tie 3auEfucbt. To CAPTIVATE^ v. a. 1. gefangen ne&= men,, erobern, erlangen, tci gteibett beranben, (fid)) uutcrroer= fen; 2. jig. fcffeln, eiunebmen ; bc= firufcu. CAPTIVATE, adj. junr ©cfangencn gc= madit. CAPnvATioN, « lie @efangennelj= muttg, Unterrocrfuug; geffelung. cvptive, i. s. tcr .tiricgegcfana.cnc; ©cfaugene (eigcntlirb tint unetgenfc lid'); ii - adj Ericg*gcfangcit ; gcfan= gen; eiugenommen. CAPTIVITY, s. bie ©cfangenfebaft; ^cnccbtfdbiiff. Sclaverci. captor,*. betSSkgne^inet, (frbcutcr. capture, s. 1. tas gangeit, 5Begnet>= men ; 2. tcr gang ; 3iaub tic '^cu= tc, ^Jrife. capuchin, s. 1. tcr fiaritcincr; 2. Pavucbon, tie SRegenfappe, ber 9tauett'3Rante[ mit einem <5apu= e^on; 3. tic ^appentau^c CARD car, «. l. bcr fatten ; SBagen ; • tcr Xriumpb.csigen, @taaldn>agen; 3. MsL T. tcr flte^e inir; — man, bcr ■Rdrnet. carabine, s. tic Sccitcrbiicljfc, ^stufe- biicbfe, tcr (Sarabiucr. carabtn'EER [— he), «. tcr SarabU nicr. carac. Carack. t. bte Jtaracfc (portu= gicfiid)c« V!aftfcbiff). To caracol, b. n. bulbc 23cntuttgctt ntacben, caracclireit. caracole, .«•. l. tic balbc 3Benbung, 5cbaiciiEung, frumiue ditcbtung, AUcinuninicluitg ier jReiterci ; 2. tie JBentcltreppe. carat, Caract, s. las Stavat CARAVAN, 8. tie Saraoone. caravansary, s. eute gtojie $et= bcrgc fur Sfteifenbe, u. f. t». in ten jUJorgenlantctrt. caravel. 8.bU O'araycUc (;)lxtUid)= tcr runtcr Scbiffe). CARAWiY, s. ber Jcltfunuitcl, SBte* fcnfitminci ; — comfits, iibetjucfertet Pummel; — seed, bcr Jeuir.mclfame. CARBINE, 8. rid. Carabine. CARBON. 8. tcr JvcMcnftprr. CARBONACEOUS, adj. .ftoblcnftorr tnU balteub. CARBONADE. ? s. tic (Carbonate, tcr carbonado, 5 Jicftbiateu, tas 5ioft= gebtatene. To CARBONADE, Carbonado, v. a. JCr= bacfen, jerbauen. carbonate, «. ^ie ^oblcnfaurc. CARBONIC, adj. foblcnartig ; — acul, Jloblcnfauvc. CARBONIFEROUS, adj. ^obl'-Itftcff ft= jeugenb. f„ CARBONIZE, v. a. ill Jloljlcitftorf Derwattbelit. carbuncle, s. 1. bet Jlarbitiifcl ; .Marnntfel ; 2. tic -^cftbculc, rcti-c Siitne. carbuncled, adj. 1. mit Jtarfunfclu befc^t; 2. rotbftunij, oottet ^culcn. CARBUNCULAR, adj. JUllt Jtarfuilfcl gehbrig, roth xoit etn Jtarfur.fcL carbunculation, s. tcr Jiarbunfct, ffiranb in jbiodpen. carcanet, s. ba» .*3al«gefcbntcite. carcass, s. 1. bafi ©erippe, SEelett; 2. ccr ?eicbnara, tctte £3tper, bafi 9las; 3. tic iriimmcr, Ueberbleib= fcl, Uebcrrcfti ; 4. etc SBtanbEugel (x'lrt SBombe); Pavcaffc; a — butcher, cin glcifcbcr im ©ro^en. carceral, adj. jum ©efanguip gt= borig. carciNO>l\, s. 1. tcr &tebe, bas Jirebsgcfdmmr • 2 JJotn am Singe, CARCINOMATOUS, adj. ftfbSattifl. card, s. 1. bie Jtarte, ta§ fatten- tlatt ; 2. tic Spielfarte; 2. t. tic 9Binbtofe untcr tcr 5KagnetnabeI ; 3. tie Atempel, bcr SBoufamm, tic ^atbatfd)e, itatbe ; —box. ciit 2bicl= Eaftcbcn; —maker, tcr Jtartcnnia= cber; — match, tie Spielpartie; — room, ba* Spieljtmmet; — table, ein Spieltifcb; a pack of — s. ciu Spiel Atarten; court — s, tie Silbet (ill ccr M arte); pressing—, Typ. T. ter '^rcM'pan; small — s, niebtige Jtartcn; a trump — , tcr £tuntpf; visiting — (message — ). tic 93iftten= farte; to leave a" — . ficb cntpfeblcit [intern man eine .ftartc mit feiitcnt Xiamen an tie i>erfon an tic man emvfoblcn tft, abgiebt ptcr iibcrfcn= tct) ; — board, bos ^rempelbtef, tic Jtartenbanf ; — wire, tcr .Rratjtrabt. To card, r. a. Ercnipelu (iiicUc, u. f.w?. i Eammen. ;-.\i!DAM!NL, *-. 1 : c 3Sic"cuEreffe ; .Hucfucfiblunie. CARG CARDAMUM, ». tic ^art.imoirtf ('iflaitjc) ; bet Jtattamom (Sameu) CARDER, s. 1. bcr Jtartenfvteler ; 2. ter SEoUEaminer, SBoUfremplet. cardiac. I adj jum ^crj gcbfri.j, CARDIACAL, S berti'tarfenb. CARDIAC. *. ttc .^er;ftarfung. CARDIALGY, s. tae .*ocruvcb ; <£ob^ brenncn. cardinal. I. adj. 1'ontcbmfte, baupt= fdeblidiftc, i^aitpt...; — 's flower, tic iRatbinafSblttme ; — numbers tie £arbinaU)eici)en : the four — points, bie pier i^immelsjgegenben ; the four — virtues, tic vicr Jca'rtu nattugenben; the four — winds, tie Diet §aupta>inbe; II. s. tcr Jtarn= nal ; scarlet — , ein Scbarlacbmaiitel. CARDINALATE (Caedisalshit), s. bit ^atbtnaUmutbe. cardoon. ^ tic fpanifc^e Stttifc^cfe. CARE, 8. 1. tie Sorge; Unrubc, Q3e= fpr.miB; 2. ©orgfalt tcr 51eiJ5. tie 3]o\-ficbt, ad;t; 3. ^flege, Dbbut; to take — , fovgen, ^or^e tragen ; to take — to, ficb bciuiiben: tvaducn; to take — of, ficb in 2lcf>t iiebiitcu, ftcb bl'ttctt; to have a — , fid) mfc= hen, bitten, "cnrabrcn; nave a — : oorgefeben! to cast away — , ficb tcr Sorgen cutfcblagen, tie gorgcii Berbannen ; to the — , &x. an tie Jlbreffe, U. f. nv, — of Mr. N., per Slbreffe tes ^errn '?}. ; — crazed, abget>armt; — defying, bie eoriie "cfacbtcnt; — tuned, flagcnb, trau= rig. miigeflimmt; — won!, von Sum- mer tint fcorgen jetnagt ; — wounded, son .Rummer unt Sorgen oetmunbet. 7b care, d. n. forgen, ficb bcfunt= merit; to — of or for, fur etroal forgen, Sorge tragen, ei acbtcn ; ftcb urn . . . Eitmmcrn, ficb febren an ...; to — for or to, 511 Stoat 8nfl baben; what do I — ? tnaS tiimmcrt mid) taS? »a8 gcbt'3 mid) anV 1 don't — a pin (rush, straw, fig) for it, id) macbe mtr nicbts batons ; she cares for nobodv. for nothing, ik Eiimmevt fid) urn (Eebrt fid) an) SRiemanben, urn Elicits; for aught I — ,mcinenvc= gen ; I — not or I don't — . tZ s?cr= fcbKigt mir ^licfctS, t§ gilt mtr gleicb. To CAREEN, r. I. a. (eiil Sd)tff) ltm= legen, urn c» }n Ealfcttern, Eiclboleu : it n. umltegen, Falfatert werben; the ship careens, ba8 «cbtjf fcgclt fd)icf. career, s. 1. tic :ltcnnbabii, 8anf» ctcr -iteebbabn; 2. bcr r>ollc Sauf, fcbuclifte Salon 1 ; Vauf ; bedifte gU le ; to pass the — . ciucit ^lulauf bcim £urnicr uebmen. Tb CAREER, d.b. teiim :. fcbncfl Iat:> fen, cilen. careful [adv. — ly). r.ji. 1. forg= faltig : acbtfam, »orftd)fig, bebufam, forgltd), befotgt, befliffen, bctacbt^ fant, toaebfam : 2. for^ctivoll, be= fiimmert, angftlid>, bangc. carefulness, s. bie€otgfalt, 2cr ; gc ; vlrbtfamfeif, Sorgfamtett, i'c> butfamfcit, iUuftebtigfeit; 2?efiim-- metnifj. CARELESS {adv. — lyI adj. fOtglOd, fotgenftei, beircr, frbblicb, aufgc» raiimt, uubefumniert, nacblaffig, o,t- tauEcufr*, unacbtfam, unbebutfan.. uuoorfidjtig. carelessness, ». tic SotgloftgEeit, gflaebldfftgfeit, Unacbtfamteit, Utts vorft'cbtiitEcit. To CARESS, r. a. liebfofcil, Ucbcln, ftrcicbcln, fdmtcidiclu. CARESS, 5. tie Vicbfofung, liebrcicfct SBegegnung. C\RET,.«.ba^(?infcbaltuu>)e;eicbcn| v ] CARGASON, to. H. vid. Cargo CARD CARR CART CARGO, s. bic Sdnptabuitg. caribee, «. 1. bie carabifcge 3"f«l; 2. bcr (Saratbe. CARICATURE, s. bic Garicatur, S>a3 3errbilb. To CARICATURE, v. a. !JH QtttbflU barftellctt. caricaturist, s. ein Sew cber ©pottbilbncr. CARICOUS, adj (iTIt 0ffitlmircil) fet* genartig ; — tumour, bic Setgroarje. caries, i. bic gaulnifj, bcr *Betnfraj?, ,Rnod)enfrafi. carintiua, sMi §erj0jjt6um^«rns tben. CARIOSITY, s. riA Caries. carious, a fleifcfcltcb niit ibv vermtfrfjen. carnalist, s. ber aBolluftltno. CARNALiTE, *. bcr rocltlicb acfinnte SKenf*. CARNALITY, \ s. bte Jvieifr&CBluft, CARNALNESS, J Siuulirbfcit, tbtts vtfebe SBrgterbe. To CARNALIZE, v. a. ftltltUcb, tvol* liiftig madien. CARNATION, s. 1. bte fttctfcbfarbe, bag 3ucarnat; 2. bie ©artenitelfe, 2Biubrofe ; 3. r. Slcifcbbaltung, JDarfiellung ttnbefleibcter T bcite beg ntcnfd)licbcu JlorperS auf Wcmalbcn. CARNELIAN, a bev Sarnedl. CARNEOUS, adj. fleifcbig. CARNEY, .v. ber Srofcb [2JcuttbiranIs fyeit ber ^Jfctbe). CARNIFICATION, *. S. T. bag SBetfUis febcu. To CARNIFY, v. n. e$Icifd) anfcljcn, Steifd) roerben. CARNIOLA, s. bag .J5er||ogtljum .ulfe abcru gebortg ; — arteries, bie <{pal§= pul8= obcr .*po n vtfcl) Ki ij abent. CAROUSAL, «. tot gatoufell. To CAROUSE, v. v. jecbcn ; faufcit, rcidHid), uetfebroenbertfeb trtnten. CAROUSE, «. 1. bic3cd)C, taS ®elag, ©aufgelag; 2. cine reicblicbe 2Jltn$e fiarfcu ©eitdntes. CAROUSER, s. bcr ^ecber, 3cd)brubcr. CARP, a. bcr Jtarpfcu. To carp v. n. (to — at), iibcr (5tr»a3 ubcr .Jcr (5'iucu) fpotten, ftidu-lu, I®h»a8) tabclu, befriftcht, butties hoii, Mircbbcd;cln, aitsbi>bueu. carpenter, ». bcr 3tmmetmann ; — 'b work, bic 3iuii'i'. , mvbcir. carpentry, », bie Qimmtxtunft, bo« 3iiitmerbfltibinerJ. CARPER *. bcr Sabtcr, Spotter, Splittci-rii-bter. CARPET,*, bcr .Tcvpirb, bic Xtyttt. Aitiibcife ; jig. to be on the — , auf bcmSapcte [in Seroegima,) fe»n ; to bring upon the — , tiU ©cfpracb bviu= geu; — binding, bcr JEepptcbbefafc; — knight, bcr, iiu'ld)cr3iitrcr tm Aitc-- bcn unb uidit roejjen auSjetcbnung int Stt tege wurbe ; — waiit, bet 9ia= Fennjeg. To carpet, o. a ntit Icppid;cit iibcf; legen, tapcjicrcti. CARRIAGE*. J. bad Aiihrcn, gabten, Sottbtfngen, bic gortftbaffung, bcr Sraiivport; 2. bic Jubre; ba«%ubts »etf, bet 2B«gen, .Uancu ; 3. bte Svad;t, bas Aitfulot>it ; 4.^-.ba8 93e= uebiueit, Setrngen, i?cr'baltcu, bie •yjaiiier,.f>altuiig, ?luffubnmg;5. Typ. f bec .Kancit, ba« Saufbrct't ian bcr sptejfe) ; — of n horse, bic Sflltung, bet Vlitftanb, (@ong) einra Bfertei; — of a coach, baa Jtutfcbenaeftell ; — of a mortar, bic Settling, btraJJotfet= blocf; beast of—, bas Safttbiet; — stopper, bcr Stems, CARRIC, s. in compos. — bend. .V. T ber plattc Jtnopf ; ~ bits, bie 2eitcuba= tinge befl ©pills. CARRIER, s, bcr Ucbcrbringcr, giibrcr ; ber gubtmann, JTarucr ; !8ote, £ra= gcr : — pigeon, bte Stieftaube, 5J3ofl- taubc. CARRICN, I. 8. bat -?Ia>S; n. adj. 1. taftg ; 2. aafenb, -lias freffenb. carrot, s. bie aW6bw, gelbe 3iiibe ; — Bcoop, bcr dtubenfteebet. CARRi >T v,a-//. niobrcitfarbi^rothbaa: rig, fiutiu]. T> CARRY v. a. & n. 1. fitbrcn, tra.icn, fabreu, briitgen ; 2. jig. fortfitbvcit, fottritJcu (aulbcbncit, 5. S8. cine SDJauet); 3. tragcit (»on ©rbief5ge= mebten); 4. trcibcu, bctrcibcu, b c f Li v - bent ; 5. fot tfeften ; 6. bemetffteUi= gen ; 7. bason trngen, etiannen, c\t-- tviunen; 8. raitfubien, bci ftth tro= gen, an fid) baben ; u. anficm,, I'Crratbcil; a pillar that carries false, cine 3aulc bie nicbt fcufrcd)t auf ber Safti ftcht ; to — it fair with one, fid; gcgeit jemaiib fteunbfcbaftlirb bencb = men: to — one's self, ficb bertngen, ficb bentbmen, fid) ocvbaltcit; to — the cause, eineii$f05c(i gerotnnen ; to — the (lay, bie -icblacbt geiviiiueii,fie= gen ; to — coals, [8& itepeare /.'.A-. ./. , ©ebtmpf, s -0eleibigitng ertrageu; to — hops upon poles. .&Ppfcil ail 2tatt^ geu in bic £5 be Icitcii; it was carried, e« wntbe befebloffcn, giug bunt (cin SBorfrblag, it. f. ru.) ; to — a town cine Stabt evobent ; to — it, bie 0- bcrbaub befommen ubcrbebaltcn ; fid) ; to — it high, ftolj tbun; to — into the book, iu3 33ud; cintra= gen; to — to account, ill 3rccb;tun| Bringen; this bone carries wcB, biefel qjftrc" tragt bcit ,ftovf gut ; carries low, laOt ihn bangcu ; to fetch and — , oon^unben) appotttten; to — awtr, luegtragcti, ircg,fubrcn, niituebmcu; Sea. Ph. abbrcdicu ; bason tragen, er- baltcu, ycrlctteit; carried away withacl- miration.oon Senwubetung btjaubett) fottgetiffen ; to — can tra» gctt; he carries all before him, cr i;u» tetwitft Mi) silica ; to — forth, or out. sonuarts obcr biuauJ ttogeil peer fub = ten; jut Sebau tragen; aui'icnt, jei« gen: to — forth an Bssertion, cute QJZetnung auffttilcu, oortragen, bc- baupten ; amount carried forward, .'affen, megrafftti ; to — on,fubren; antteiben; bctrci- bcu, fcrtfeften, fortfubrcii; befor= bent ; lie carries on great busini m, cr ntad)t gtofe ©efcbafte; to — our, burebfefcen, ausfiibrcu ; io — over, binubet fiibrcn obcr tragen ; iibertra= gen, tranSpottiten ; to — n burcbfiibren, butch fefcen, ausfubren; to — b rom, luu unb toiebet fubren, bin unb bcr tragen ; to — up, binauf fubren, tragen obet bvtitijcn ; to — (along] with, bci ftfb fubren. CART.s. bcr .U.urcn, bic KOTte; bal Ailbnoei f, bcr iiii^cit ; — crease, bie SBagenfcbmiere ; — horse, baa 3ug» pfcrb; — jade, bcr Jiarrengaul; — house, bcr 2Bagcnfcboppen ; — load, biejtarren=(58agen=)labung ; — rope, baJ .Rarrcnfcil ; — rut, bas 5abtge= Icifc, ®lei«, — saddle, bcr Sattel auf wcldjem bie jlette obcr bcr ©tridj licgt, an wclcbcni bic Deicbfefn cinci barren befeftigt finb; — 's tail, baa §iatertbeil am ftarren ober SBagen ; — tilt, bcr Spiegel, bic SBagenbrcfe, 331aci)e; — way, bcr gabrweg; — wheel, has SEBagenrab; -- wrigbt, bcr .Uavrcii: obcr SQagenmacber, 5tell= maebet; — Umber, baS SQagenboIj. To CART, v. a. (JUt Strafe) auf ctucm SSagen obet Jtarrra fefcen, riintcu an eiitcu Jtarrcn binben. CARTAGE, ». 1. ba8 Jtarrcihielb, Aiibi- Iobu ; 2. bic SBageufracbt, bic ©efo"r= berung ^nr ilcbfe. carte-hi. am iik. », ba? SSlanquet, bie uuciitgcfdiranffc ESolImadjIt. CARTEL, s. 1. bic fdirtftltd)c ■*3crau^ forberung; 2. ba8 SarteU, bet Ser= traa, SBergleid; (befonbert acgcir.'lu^ rcecbfeluug bcr ©efangenen, obet ge= genfetttget 5lu8lieferung bcr Uebet= laufcr) • 3. ba3 ^arlcincntarfcbtff. CARTER, 8. btr Jcantcr. Aiihrnmiti'.. CARTESIAN,! ». bcr (\utcfia:icr; II. adj. cartcfiauifd). CARTHAGE, ». I^artbagp. CARTHAGINIAN. I ». bcr fJartba^er; ll. adj. carthagifrb. CARTHAMUS, ». ber Safflor; — seed, Safflovfonicr. CARTHUSIAN. I ». ber ,Rartban''cr' mbiicb. Aartbaufer; U.adj. bic ,Uar- tbanfet betreffenb. CARTILAGE ». bcr^tiiprpel. c irtilaginous, adj. fnorpeltg, fnor> pelttbt. CARTOON, .' bcr C?arton, bic ^atroni CiDlufterjcicbnung auf fiarEtm Ivt picr . CARTOUCH, i I, bic 'I'atrcntafrbc; ■.'. Arch. T. bieSRoQe (an bem Aatntcf eittcr Saulc. CARTRIDGE »■ b{« '1'ulverroIIc, ?pa» trone, Sabung; — box, bic -^atrott- tafitc. 81 CASH )ASrCLABY, ft I. b«» llrfunbcnbucf); Vii-cbio ; >. tcr anbioar. cabucate «. tci- SKorgen, tcr Pffag ?anb, bit ©ufe. 3ARUNCLE,s. tic £riife, ber gletfcgs aur.rudjl. CARUNCUL \n.a j. einerl)rufealjnltcb. CARUNCULATED. adj. mit cinciit SlllS* roucfcs, einet ©efd)ronlft ocr»"cbcu. r^ CARVE, c a. 4- n. 1. fcbueitcu, ban* en; 2. fdpilifeen, auSfdjnetBen, am- fcancu ; 3. oorfcbneitcn, jerlc.jen ; 4. tie iViltbauerci rreibcn, ^iitbaiter fcni ; 5. fig. vcrtbcilcu, miUffibrlitb, rinridnen ; carved-work, bie gefd)uii}= te Sltbcit otcr 3icrratben. CARVEL, s. vid. Caravel. 3ARVER, a 1. tcr 2dmir>cr, 23ilt= Utilizer; •Jlusbaucr; Silbbauer; 2. SUorfcbueir cr : 3. bag '.Rorlegemcffer ; — 's work. ^3il£>fc^ut§er= otet ! -13tlc= bauetarbcit. jarving. s. 1. baS Sdmeitcn, n. f. ».; 2. Sdiuiijroerf; — knife, boS Jtanrbirmeffet. CARYATES, \s. pl..9r-h.T. tie 6«= ' CARYATIDES,) rrnitiben (©allien I Pbcr -4>fcilcr iit roeiblicber (Skitalt). CASCABEU s Gun. T. tie £raube Otet ber Jinoof binteit an bcr J?anone. cascade, «. tcr SDBafferfall, SBaffets ftntj. CASE,*. l.baS, gutter, ®cKiu= fc, tic .Ravfcl ; tie Scbeite ; tic finis Ic, fiuife, 'Tcrfe, .Ravpe, berUeber= jug ; 2. bafi fteutiete fines @ebaube3 ; 3. bet gait, Umftanb; SBetreffj 4. Ocecfctsfill ; 5. Grim. t. @afu& Sad ; 6. bicRtfte; 7. Typ. T. bee ©e§rtft= faften ; a — for pens, cirt $cnnal ; — of hottiss. eitt glajcfyenpitter, glafcben= feller ; — for a chair, ciuc Stublfap= ^e ; — knife, bafi ..Rucbcnmcffer ; — of knives, ciu i'ceffcrbeftecf ; — ofamast, .v. t ein SRaftenfoterj — shot, tcr flattaffebenfebuij, bie Jtartatfrlje : — stake, tcr £reibambofj (511 llbrgcbau= fen); — worm, tie SRaupe, ta* @pinntnfect ; to put cases gragen atrfroerfeu ; in — , tin gait, bafern, gefefct; in the — of in --Bctrerf ; to be in good — , gcfltnb f«jH ; to he in a little better — , eiu rocuig beffcr bet Seibe f«)n ; — of conscience, bet @C= roiffen6fa(l, ©eauffensounfr. 7bCASE,i>. «. i. in ciu gutteral obcr ©ebaufe ibun, ftccfen, eitiftecfen, uer= ftecfen, oerbergen ; uingcbeu ; 2. fiber* Jtehen, befletben; to — a wheel, eiu 3tat bcfcMagcu. n CASR-HARDEN, v. a. »or. 3tu§CU fatten, vcrftdhlen. CASEM \TF. ». MO. T 1. bit (vifcmat= te, ter .Rauoncnfcllct, i^JorbfeUcr ; 2. 9)2inenbri:unen. CASEMENT, s. 1. bcr genjterpffngrt; baS Senfterbeffblage ; 2. t. eiu ctroas geroolbter Jragrfteiii; — staples and siays, genfterframpen uub <6aEen. caseous. «4j Cafeartig, f.iftctt. CASERN, .' cie(5aferitc, Solbaten»ob= nung. cash, s. bie Saffe: Sarfcbaft, baS @elb; ready —, batefl @elb; run- ning — . circulirentcS @c(t; to be straitened for — . fiui>l> an @elte fenn ; — hook. baS fiaffcnbltcb ; — keener, bcr Kafftrtt ; to pay — , baat bejablen. r» cash. v. a eiitrperbfeln, 511 ®elbe marben: to — a hill, eincn SBecbfel, cine ^cecbnuug bcjabicn, einlSfen, ein= eafftten. CASHEW-NDT, e. tic (5"[cv^autcnlau«, 9lfajanu6. Eaffttet. Tn cashier b. a. 1. camven, abban= feu; 2. uctuirbten, ungfiltig marben. cs CAST cashier, -= bcr Qiafittenbe. CASHOO, ». (5.1 dm, C5,i5bu. CASING) s. I. bafl, tic 2cfici= be; tcr Uebetjug, tic (Sinfaffungj 2. bufi i^cravvcu, Uclu-rtinutcn, tic i'cr= HeitUltg (of timber-work, of a wall tC5 Soljweifieg, an Sdufera, einet $Rwi: et . CASK, s. 1. ba§ Say ; bie Tonne; 2. * bcr .£clnt, bie Stutmbanbe. To cask, p a. in eiu yap fiillcn, eiu= ctcr auffulicn. casket, s. baljlaftcbcn, ©rbmneffa|t= chcu. CASPIAN sea. 8. bafi caeiM'cbc SKeet. CASQUE, s. * bcr .§clm, vid. Cask. cassamuxair. a. bcr roobjriecbenbe ©algant (aus bein Cricut . cassation', s. bie (5af|lruug, 3bban= fuug ; Slufbcbiina,. cassada, ' } ». ba§ SfButjetbtob, cassavi ( — a). $ _ 2Jlanu>fbrob (in Slmerifa), bcr (Saffaoa (Jatropha — L) cassene! i si ^ fiafiuicnfiaube. CASSIA, s. tic Eajfta, Safften {Cassia — L): — berry, tcr Subfi U J hCC, '£i* tagiiaijtbee; — berrybush, BidCASSK- KA A" CaSSINB. cassddony, s. tcr ftanj5jt[cb e 2asen= tel, Stomas. cassino, 8. ba? fiafilno ;ciu fattens fpiei). S iCK, 8. 1. bcr en^e Jltpcf, ?cib- rocf, tal lluterfleib bcr ©ctftltrbcu; 2. -f-bal Cberfleit tcr Solbaten). CASSOWARY, 8. bet jtaffuar, Som= »pge[. To cast. v. l.a. 1. rocrfeu ; fjinwerfen, ootroetfen, tvegrocricn; aufwetfen, auSmetfen ; 2. von fid) geben, m:t= tbcilcn, oetbteiten ; 3. [fbroerfen, ab= legen, flofen, ftur;cn, febiebcu; iveu= ten: ricbten ; 4. umivcrfen, uieter- roerfen, beftcgen, ubcrtreffen (ini SBettlaufV/ u. f. ro.) ; 5. nteberiteben, flbcrmiegen, ten Slusfcblag geben ;. sy. beim Slbfiimmcn, u. f. ro.); 6. vcrnrtbcilcii; 7. entroetfen, abretgen, jeiebnen; 8. giefien, motclu, formt= rcn; 9. aii5re»bnen, bcrccbiicu ; 10. er; todgen, benrtheileu; (Pollen) auS* thetleu, Bettbeilen; n. n . 1. narbtcn= fen; 2. ftcb gieien laiicn, cine gorm nebinen ; 3. fritmm tuerten ; 4. ab= fallen (beim I'irbtcn ber 'Jiufer) ; to — anchor, atlfern ; to — beams, fttafjs leu ; to — candies. Sicbte $iehcn ; to — clothes, tie Jtlciter abroerfen obcr tDtrbfelu ; to — heat, ,5i§e geben ; to — i ts loofen — upon, um ; to — lustre, gtdnjen ; to — seed. fJiett ; to — the feathers, ftcb maufcru ; to — the skin, 1ld) baitteit ; to — the teeth, tic ^abncvci'ltercri; to — an account. einc L>[ccbitung aufiefecn ; to — a cri- minal, cincu icrbvcdHr oeturfbetlen ; to be — in a law suit, ten '4>to;cw vcr; licreu ; to — one's nativity, (jincill bie ERarisitdt ftellcn ; to — in one's mind, or with one's self, bet firb ul'Cr= legen, ficb befinnen ; to — about, nm= roerfen, uniher merfen; anf 50Jtttel unb SJege ftuncn, bcnini teuleit, ti' betlegen ; to — a^inst. ootroetfen, OOttacfen; to — aside, bei 2eite le= gen; to — away, rocgrocrfni ; sets fdilcutcrit, Berfcbroenben; to be — away, Sebtffbtud) leitcn ; to — behind, jutuef roerfen, utriicf laffeu ; »orfpttn= gett, ^uoor fi'lllincn ; to — a look be- hind, ftcb umfeben, hinter ficb febeu ; to — by, oerroetfen ; nblegen , to — down (one's eyes . uictcrfcblv.gcn fbic I Sugtn ' i ; to — forth, binaus roafen ; I aujrcerfeu, son ftcb, geben : verbret= ! ten ; crftrccfeu ; ta — in, bjnein n>cr= CAST fen, eimverfen; beibringen, ,infub» ten ; to — into a sleep, einfdUiifem ; i,, — off, abucrfen, abfeyiitteln, ron ftcb roerfen, ablegen, au^jieben, fab= rcn laffcn ; oerroetfen; abtanfen; oetflopen; abroeifen: ocrlaffcn; ju= riiif laffen ; iibcrbolcn ; Sp. E. loS= laffcn l tic 3aa^ u »te); to — out, I)inau8 roerfen otcr ftopfn; au§njer» feu, nuSflofjen ; ficb 8uft inacben (burrb Inftigc SBotte): to — outdevii?, (in tcr Sibel) Seufel austretben j "to — up, aufroerfen ; oomiren, aulfpeu en ; auSreebnen, fcrccbncu, anfdjla= gcu ; jufammeujab/len ; to — up (a cal- culation;, einen Stofcblag inacben; in tic i§o$e roerfen, otcr ricbten, auf« fdila^CU: to — up noisome vapours. .tc Siinfteaulbaiicbcit, ooujicb geben ; to — upon . . , f cbiebeu auf . . ; bcrcdMicu, anfcblagen ; to — one's self upon one, ftcb auf 3cniantcn oer= laffen, udi an ibnrociiben; compos. — away, tcr 3luerourf; ^erroorfene, Scrbammre j adj. tseggenwtfat; — iron, ba? ®uf^cifch ; — aeel, bet $t* joffene Stabt. Cast. .«. 1. tcr23urf: baS 3Ecrfen ; 2. ter @iifj; bad gegoffene Q3ilt ; tie A.vnt; fig. ©cftalt; 3. bcr fiufjere 31nfd>ein;4. tcr ©lid ;5. tcrStrcicb; 6. tie battling, 51rt; Jiafte ; men oi our — , Seute unfetes ScbiagcS ; — of the eye, tcr iMicf ; to have a — in one's eye, icbteleil; — of mind, bie ! cin;;tb:--, tie Senfung&rtt; — o,- drapery, bcr galtcittourf i,cinc§ ®e= manbee, bci bcu 3Kaletui ; — of parts, ba3 3xollcitfacb ; measuring — . bcr SBurf (ala ?dngenmafj] ; to be at the last — , av.H Meufetfte gebracbt (in tcr ^lemme) fe^n; — of green (a greenish—), ttJOS ttl» ©rune fa Ut; the — of the periods, bcr ^ertobcubau ; a — of merlins, (hawks). Sp E. fo nttt galfcn alS auf eiumal au3 ber^anb gjnjprfen roetben; a stone's — , cin Steinrourf. castaxet, 8. tie daftagnctte, ^tap= Vcr jltm Tan:. CASTELLAN, ^. bcr flaflcllan, 2d)lo§- oogt, ©urgoogt. CASTELLANY, s. bie daftellanei, vScblofjoogtci, Sutgoogtei. castellated, adj. i. umbaut; 2. mit Tburmcben oerjtett. castellatiox, 8. ta» Befeftigen et= ncs ^aufeS. caster, s. 1. ber SBerfct ; 2. Jiecbiter, ?lu§recbncr ; 3. tie Garaffiue ; 4. feati (mefftngeiie) SUMIdieu ; pepper — , ei= ne Sjjfefferftreubucbfe. To castigate, o. a. jiiditigcii, bcfira- fen, oetbeffetn. CASTIGATK >N, s bie 3iicbtt*gung, 5?e= fhafnng, SBetbeffetnng. CASTIGATOR, 8. bcr '-Retbeffcrer, 93c= ricbtiget ; 3"tr)tineijtef. CASTIGATORY, adj. JUlll 3i ; ^''3 ei1 biciicnb. CASTILlA, s. (lafti(ienffoaiiiubc$ro5 ini't): Castiiian, ber (laftilianer; ca^ ftiliauifdi. CASTING, s. 1. bafi SJerfcn, 93crecb> ncn, it. f. ro. ; 2. baS (Megoffene; — net. bas SBntfigatn, SButfnefc; — voice, — vote, bie cntfcbcitcntc 3 Km* me, tcr Slujfcblag. CASTLE s. 1. baS 56>Iofi, Jlaftell ; 2. .v t tie Sad; 3. r. ter iliocbe (im Scbacb); — builder, eiu ^rojccteiu macber ; — gate. ta$ <:cblofjtbor ; — keener, tcr Surgoogt; — top. bet Jttetfef; castles in the air 'air-built an airy castles), I'uftfcbloner ; — ward bie '^urgoogtei, Sutgbat r., castle, v. <, T rocben, rodiiren. CATA CASH .El Kadj. todfivl. CASTLERY or CASTELRY, *. bte §3urg»>et, oa8 Surggufenaint. CASTLET, *. cm EleiticS JtafteU. castling,*, bit uujettige ^eibcdfntdif, ber Stabling; — skins, gcllc sou uiigctuuiicit iammcru. castor, a. i. bet SiBer, Paftor; 2. — s, pi. UloUta fur 2ifd)e, Stuble, u. f. W.j — beans, ^stgirfbrncr ; — nut, bte SPurgivnufj; jcastoiy) — oil, bad SRictuuSol (.Del sou bev G>l)vifi= palmc) ; Castor and Pollux, Meteor. '/'. eiu feuriger Sunft auf bem 2J2aft; Jist. T. bit Siutllinqc. Castoreum, *. bad Sibergetl. CASTRAMETATION, s. b^S 2agcrfd)la= gcu, bic Jtuuft ctit gager ab$iificdcu. 7b CASTRATE, v. a. 1. Caftlireil, SCr= fcbticibcn, eutiitanucu ; 2. /«■. scr= pummeltt. castration,*, i. tie Sgerfcbnetbung, (Sntntannung ; 2. fig. £Berftiimuie= lung. CASTREL, *. tjr 5Bauttenn>ef)er (2lrt Salfe). CASTRENSiAN, adj. ju ciitciu Saget gclunig. _ CA1 UAL («ii|cnd= rail). CASUISTIC, ? ,. ,,f„.-n;f4. CASUISTICAL, fr«^Wf»W casuistry *. bit ©afutjlil (Ti'ifffii= fcbsff, ©enuffettdfragen ju eutfdjeU ben). CAT, ... 1. bie Jtafce, bcr JTafcr; 2. bad Jfatfdjtff; 3. bad SoaflgefteU; — o' ( — of, or — and) nine tails, bit 2tt'i(f= X'citfdic ; — call, bio (Sdjretpfeife jinn 2ludpfeifeu int Sweater); — 's eye, Mia. t. bie .ftaljcuauge, <2ouucuau= ac; — eyed, fafcendugtg; — fen, bie Sccfaljc ; — 's foot, ber jfttfeeuflljj, ©rbepljeu ; — gut, bic Tarntfairc, bet ?Ji\ivli) {tin 3eug) ; — barpings, .v. T. biituie Sdnndfetle ; — holes, JV. 7*. bic Jtatlodicr (l)iutcit am Sctjife); — hook, JV. T. ber .Ratbafcu ; — like, faftcubaft, lafcenartig; — mint, bie .Rafceumuttje (JVepeta — z..); — - a mountain, bte ^ai'belfrttje ; — 's pnw, Sea Exp- cut leicbted Siiftcben, baS fid) in eittcr SSinbfttlle crbcbf, abet gletcs foteber serfcbunubct; befjglt icbeu etne 9lvt Scbltuge in ciiieiu JEau; eiu SBetfjeug ; to make a — 'S paw of one, jcmaiib aid "Diittet gcbraudKit ; — rone. JV. T. cill Jtatlatlfcr \ — salt, Stfrbfalj ; — silver, bad JfatjeuftU ber; — 's Bleep, citt scrftcllfcr Srfilaf ; — sup. oid. Catchup; — tail, bet S\a- fcenfcpiuanj, bie Xcid)folbc, ba>3 Jtdfcs dben an @en>dd)feit. CATACHRESIS, *. T. bte Jtatadu'cfc, ber SOtifsbraud) eittcr Stgur (iu ber 3icbcfiiuft). CATACHRESTIC, \ adj. CATAC1 1 1! ESTICAL (adv. — ly), J T. gejuutugen, ubertricben. Catacombs.*, pi. bie 33egrdbntfjgruf= te, jtatafomoen. CATACK )i fSTICS, s. pi. T. bic ?ehrc 190111 SBtebetfcfioiJe. CATADIOPTRIC (— CAt), adj. baS Sicf)t jitriufftfahictib. CATAGMATIC, adj. Med. T. fcftliuicbcitb, flfirfenb, ©rfic^e beilenb. C^rTALEPSIS, \ s. Mrd. r. eiite 2lrt CATALEPSY, S consulftsifrbcv 2tarr= fud)t; Serruttung bed ©e&tvnS. CATL To CATALOGUE, e. a. Ct'ltClt .ft jfalo^ ferttgett; itt Catalog bringeu. CATAD IGUE, s. btt Jtatalc'j, baJ '-L ; a-= jeid)iii!";. CAT AMITE, x. bcr jut Uujnd)t gcKi!= tcue Jtu.ibc. CATAPASM, a. S. T. baS Sfrcupiibcr. CATAPH0N1CS, .--. pi. tic 2et>rt sent 3uriicfpraUen bed %AaUt8. CATAPHRACT, s. bcr Jicitcr iu fcincr soliigen SRufiuttg. CATAPLASM, *. S. T. ber cnscid)cnbe Umfdilag, bed J^rautcrpflaftcr. CATAPULT, a. bie Jtatapulta, SButfs inafitine. CATARACT,*. 1. bcr (grojie) 3Baffcr= faU ; 2. bcr Slugenflanr. CATARRH, e. bcr .Uatanh, rttiijj im ^aupte, [tarfe ©djuupfen. CATARRHAL Catabrhods), adj. to.' tarrhititfdi, fiuffig, fcbitupfenfranf. catastrophe, «. 1. bie JtataftropBe, fd)ncllc SBentung, Sutrotcfelung ci= ucd XrauerfpicU'j ; 2. fig. taS (trau= vt)]e (5'tibe. To CATCH, d. a Se n. I. fau^en, faffett, trgrtiftu; auffangen, ertuifc^cn, cr= ta'ppcn, crhiifd)tn ; cvbitltcit; fd;uap- pcu ; evreifbeit; 2. nnftecfen, aitftc= ti'eub fci;u; 3. fig. cinnebmen, ftffeln ; to — a glimpse <«f, crblicfcu ; to — one's eye, (?iucilt tild SlUgC fallen ; to — cold, fid) erfalteil ; to — a fail, eittcn Sail thun ; to — hold of fid) au @ttoad anbaUeu, @tmad ergretfen ; to — one in his own words, Oiltcil lllit fcincu eigenen SBorten fangeit ; to — at, ttad) (§t\va$ gveifen, fcfenappen, bafd)cn, fig. tracbteit: ju faitgcu fits cbcu, nacbftelJcn ; to — on, biiugou blcibcit; to — up, auffangeii, wegret= fictt, vcttcn. catch, e. 1. bcr %ni(\, ©riff ; SRauB, bie '^eute; 2. ber 9iunbgefang,2I5ed)= ftlgtfaitg, bad B'luglieb, bte 5uge, ber .Uaitou; 3. furje 3isifd)citraum, W>> fa^ ; 4. Saner; 5. ber .Oaten; — of a lock, ber Sdilieilbafctt ; — of a door, bie S'buvciinfe, bcr SPfortenrtng ; to be (lie) upon the—, anf bcr Saner I legen ; by catches, abgcfctjf, lpecbfeltoetfe ; drunken catches, 2rillfliebCl'; — fly, bet Sliegenfaugerj — line, Tm. T. bie ©d)luf}ttle ; — poll ber^dfdjet ; — word, Typ. r. ber Guftod (Ctucr SBIattfcite .' CATCHER, e. bev Sanger, (Srgrcifcr, Ranter. CATCHING, adj. aitfltcfeilb. CATCHUP, s. etne pifantc and »erfd)te= bcitcu Jfrdufeni (Ocfonberd and Sfjamptgnond) bcrcitctc Sauce. CATE, a. rid. Catcb. CATECHETICAL (ado. — ly), adj. Sr adv. fatcebctifd), fragweife. To CATECHISE, p, a. 1. fatediifireu, tilt Jialed)idmud unferriducit ; 2. bcfva= gen, evuntiuivctt, serbbrcn. i : vit.i IHISER, .«. bcr ,*{atecbifireube. CATECHISM, e. ber Jtatedjtdinud. CATECHIST, s. bev Jlatedttr. CATECHISTIC, ? adj. ivie i \ tk< 'HlSTICAL(arfv.— ly), j' cateche- tical and — ly. CATECHUMEN <— kmst\ s. bcr .i; v, s. T. bic JJategorie, Gfaf= fc, Ovbtiuug, bad Sprabicauttut. CATENARIAN, I ,. t .. CATENARY. J «*- f ertettacttfl. To* ati NATK, o. o. fettcn. fejfeln ; str- fettcit. CATENATION, 8. bic ©wlcttUllfl. CAUS c ITER, «. 1. Mc SSicr auf jtarieu uul SSJtirfeln ; 2. — or Caterer, bcr 'Mil; faafer, ^roetcntmeifter j UuereaB,bt< Studgeberinn ; incompoe. Catercousin, bet lseitlviufige ntcr cntfcruic i*cr= wanbte. 7b CATER, «. n. (—for), (Sebendmit= tel) anfdwffcn, (eforgen. CATERPILLAR, r, etc iRaUpe. To CATERWAU h v.n. lutaueii; fd>ict- cit, larmeit. .'.'. aii, Catbrw m iin.. . *. bad J?afeengefdjrei ; ©efebret, ©etSfe. GATES, «. /./. tic Vctfcrbtffcn, . ruugdinittel, Speifen. CATHARIST, 8. eiu i ; utifautr. CATHARTICAL (Cathartic), adj. i. purgirtnb, abfitbrcnb ; 2. cathartics,.*. pi. ^urgtrmtticl. CATHARTICALNESS, «. tad ?lbfub = rente. CATHEDRAL, I. adj. bi''cbi ; flicb, jliftdJ mafiig; ll. 8. tie Jtatbcbralfircbc S)ointirefce. CATHEDRATED, adj. ben Scbrftubl bc= treffenb. CATHETER, 8. S T. b.r .Uaibcter, M Urinrobrdjeu. CATHOLIC, l. 8. bcr .UatbiMif ; lladj — lt), 1. tatbolifd), allgciuciu; red)fgldubtg ; 2. oorurtljetUfrei [ii beral). CATHOLICISM, a. 1. bcr fatbclifd>c ©laubej bit Snbanglirjifttt anben= felben ; 2. SBorurtbctldfreibetf. CATHOLICNESS, t tie .'lllacnu'inbctt. catholicon, a. bic Untoetfalat|cnci. CATKIN, 8. bad Jtdhdicu an ©erofidjs feiijbte jufammenbdngtnbeu 2amcn= ^apfelxt; bad 3Kood an mdlfdjen 3tugbduinen. CATLING,*. 1. bad 2)?ppd «4Catrtr) ; 2. ^. t. bad JJiiorpelmeffer, 3* r 8^ et berungdmeffer. CATOPTRICAL (Catoptric), L adj. T. EatOptrtfd) ; ll. catoptrics, 8. pi. bie j?atoptrtf, Spiegelfuiifl. CATSUP, eii Cat. hi p. CATTLE,*, bad (rjiig=) 33ieb, jabnte i>icb, SRtubstet). CAUDATE Caudatbd). adj gefdjwdnjt. CAUDLE, 8. bic JUaftfuppc, ©rauts fu*pe. 7b CAUDLE, o. a. tint Jhv.ft'tippc in»T» d)cn. CAUP, a. ber rstfdifaften. CAUK, s. bad fledigc Srauthglad. caikv, adj. fraueuflladarttg. CAUL, s. 1. bad s JJc|, •gaatne^ bet Srauenjiminer; 2. bit ^IcijKiMt ; to he. born u nil a—, eiu SoilUtagdEtltb K'/n. CA1 LDRON, 8, aid. Caldkon CAULIFEROUS, adj ©tetlgtl tretbcub. CAULIFLOWER, 8 bcr iUunicufobl- To CAULK, vid. 7b Cmk CAUSABLE, adj. anofubrbar, m5gTt(b. CAUSAL {adn. — ly), adj. lllKn1i|ld\ griinblid). CAUSALITY, 8. bte SBtrlung ciuer \\x-- fatfjej mtrftube Urfacbc. c\i bation, > bic &3erurfad)iitig. cm S \TI\ i: [adv. — lt), adj. T. tint llrfaite anjctgtnb, urfdrblicb. cm sator, 8. bcr aStrurfacber, Urbc bcr. CAl SE, .'. 1. tie Urfad)e; 2. b fen, bcisirfcu; to —to do. &c, fhnn laffen ; to — to write, febrcibeu Iaf« fen : — him to come hither, lafs ibr bcifouinicu. 63 CEAS CENS CERE CAUSELESS (ado. — ly), adj. O^lIC ltr= fad>e, gruttfrloo. causelessness. .<. bic ©ranbloffglett. CAUSER. ». ber Urbeber, bic Urfarbe. causeway, \s. 1. bie S&rtuffee, bcr causey, J .£>ocbi»cg; 2.2Damm. CAUSLDICAL, adj. cincn ilbvocatcit bc= trcffcub. CAUSTIC. I.*. baS Slefcmittcl, SJ3rcnii= mitrcl ; Jr. (— cal), adj. fanftifcb, aftcnb, b" rciiitcub ; — stone (caustone), bet §5Henflein. CAUSTICITY, s. Ch. T. bic cijjcitbe Jtraft, ^di.'ivfc. CAUTELOUS (a£>bble roobucit; u. a. fjobt mad)cn, audboblett. CAVEAT,*. bie(*rintterit!tg, SBarnnitg. cavern, s. bie .froble. CAVERNED. ©#. 1. seller -gofolert ; 2. in 4?bblett roobnenb. CAVERNOUS, adj. »oll .£>of)lcit. cavesson, s. ber iKappjauin. CAVIAR, s. bcr (iasiar, gcfaljene ©tors rogen, bie Stogeneier. To CAVIL, b. n. serfaiigtirbe ©tnrefitfe macbcit; fpitjfinbig tabcln, ftrcitcn, matelit ( — at. fiber;. cavil, s.bie •ipityfinbigf'cit, Soplnite- rci, SJiafelci. caviller, s. bcr -. bic Sltnb^ett. cedar, s. bic 3fbcr, bcr 3fberBaum ; — like, adj. jcberiigtcicl) ; Cedarn, adj. vid. Cedrinc. To CEDE, v. a. L. T. CCbil'Cll, (fbiXtttXl, iibcrlaffcit; imd)gcbcti, >scid)cn. CEDRINE, adj. jcbcrn, rtttS Sfbern^ol}. cedcous, adj. ffiUbar, fcblagbar. To CEIL. o.o. tafellt; Ceiling, 5. ba8 XaftVtottl, bic gctafcltc £ccfe. celandine. 5. bic 2ct)>salbcnronr5, baS ScbcUfraut (Chdidonium— L.). CELATURE, s. 1. bic Jtiuift 511 graben obcr ju fdjncibcii, Stibfd)neiberet ; 2. geftodjene Slrbeit. To CELEBRATE r. a. 1. prcifcit, crbc= ben, scri}crr[id)cu ; 2. feiem, fcicrlicb begeben. celebration, s. 1. bic (Srbcbmtg ; tai ?ob, bteSobrebe; 2. Scier; 3. baS pretfeu, Sfeiern. celebrator, s. bcr SoBrebner. celebrity, *. ber 3tnbm, bie 93c= riibnttbeit; %wt\ ber^ret8,bnS?ob. celeriac, s. bcr EeUerte mit ^tnoUen. celerity, 5. bic ©efdjroinbigfeit. celery, .?. bcr (icUcric. CELESTIAL (ado. — ly), L adj. I)ilHlH= lifd) ; the twelve — signs, bie |tt)Olf Jjimmcli35eid;cn; II. s. bcr.§immcU= tflrger, Sciige. celestin, s. ber SBIe(tinermBnd). CELIAC, adj. jitnt Uittcrlcibc gcborig. CELIBACY, Celibate, s. ber ct)c[ofe (le= bige) ©tonb. CELL s. 1. bie 3elie ; 2. t §itttc. cellar, «. ber jieller. CELLARAGE, *. 1. bie JlcIIcrci ; 2. baS jteliergelb ; 3. bcr Jtcllcr^ins. CELLARER, ) s. bcr .(IcUncr, ^cllcr= CELLARlsT, ) meificr. CELLARET, *. citi 51afd)cttfc[(cr. cellular, adj. jefltg, uilciifbrmig CELSlTUDE,s.bie.»3obcit, (S'rbabcubcir. CELTS, s. pi. bic .ftcltcn. CELTIC, adj. feltifd). CEMENT, s. bcr (Jemettt, 3)c6rtc(, Si'M, bie ?btb,e; fig. baS Sanb. To CEMENT, v. I. a. 1. llttt OTorkl SCr= binben, fittcn, serfittcn ; 2. fig. ser= binbett, befeftigen ; II. n. feft fcpn, jtt= fammenbangeit. cementation, s. ba3 StxtUxi, SSer= binben. cementer, s. bcr SScrbiubcnbc. cemetery, s. ber S -J3cgrabni!;plat Jlird)bpf, ©otteSacfer. CENATORY, adj. jur SbenbmaBJjett gebBrtg. CENOBITICAL. adj. floftcrCid). cenotaph, s. baS leci'c ©rab, (S&reiu grabmal. cense, i. bie 2 teucr, 'Sdjatjitttg. To cense, v. a. riiudjcrtt, beraud)ern, vid. To Incense. censer, « baS 9tand)fa^, bie dlcmd)-- pfnnnc ; Jl'oblcnpfaitne. censor, s . 1. ber C>enfpr (bci ben fi-brcibcr,bcifcin? ©cfcbirbte liad; 3al;rbnnbcrtcn ein= tbeift. CENTinilON, s. bcr .<5aitptmanit iibcr 100 3JZanil (bci ben alien Jflomcrn). CENTURY, s. l.bic(fcittllli), ba§ ^ltlt= bert ; 2. 3abrl)itnbcrt. CEPHALALGY, *. Med. T. baS f)cftig' jiopfroeb. CEPHALIC, adj. 1. am .fianpte ; 2. fiir bad .gtaupt; — snuff, .Oimtabaf. CERASTES, s. bic afritanifebe ^>orn= fd)lange. CERATE, s. bie SBacbSfalbe. To cere v. a. roirbfcit, mit 2Dad)S iiber^ieben. CEREBEL, a. ba« .finikin, bcr bintcre Sbeil bed ®cbirn«. cerecloth, .«. bie JBacbSlcimsanb, ba« 2Bact)8tiicr). CEREMENT, s. bic gcisid)'?te ?cinrsnn» (jiim(5'iinsicfcln cinbalfantii'ter tlbx* per). ceremonial, l.ndj. 1. ^it eincv Pcre» monie gebbrig, fcicrlid) ; 2. formlidj. iimftan'blid) ; II. a. 1. bad (fcrcmo= niell ; 2. (5crcmpiiicitbncb. CEREMONIOUS (adv. — ly). adj. 1. hi Pcrcmonicn bcftebcitb, fcicrlid) ; '£ prnnfsoll; 3. ben (feremonien ergc* bctt; mit ©cpvange, timftanblicb. ' CEREMONIOUSNess, a. baS Jscieilid;e ©cprange; 511 sivle Untftanbe. ceremony, s. bie Keremonie, bcr mi= f>cre ©ebraud), bie ^cievlidjfeit. bo* CHAI CHAM CHAN ©efcrangc, bie UmftanbUrbfcit; with- out — , c-bne Umftanbe. JEREOUS, adj. roacfcferu. CERRUS, s. bie 3errcid)e. 3ERTAIN [ado. — it), adj. (je»t| ; firber, feft, btftimmt; unfeblbar, ;iu serlafftg; 2. entfd^lojfett, regelmcU fug ; to my certain knowledge, icpvoeijj es gcuuf). fJEBTAINNESS, ? s. 1. bte ©cmifmcit, certainty, ) 3u9erla|ng|eit; 3te» gelmafiigfeit ; 2. ba« (Sewtffe. certificate, ». tie Sefcbeintgung, bet Scbein, bas 3eitani$, Qlttefrat. 7b certificate, ». a. mod. 3emantem ein S?ugmi geben. CERTIFICATION, ». ba§ 3rugni$. CERTIFIER, s. bcr SBerftcfrerer. 7b CERTIFY, v. a. 1. oergeroiffern, be= uad)rid)tigen, Dcrfidjent; 2. bejcu= gen, befdjeinigen. CERTITUDE ». bie ©eiiMpbeit. SffiS&j ^.btau,$immetblau. CERULMC, «aft, ®C(rt»*rei; a — of mountains, eitte ©ebirgSfeffe ; to bind one in chains, (linen in tfeffen legctt; — boit,JV. r eiu $Uttiligboljen ; — bullet, —shot, bte .Retrciifngei ; — , or — lice, bai Jtetrcbeit, Scgntircfien, jitm Sefeften ber halite, n. f. m. ; jnck — . bte (pemmfetle ; — loop, ^er Jtettenring ; — p'imp. jv. t ^ie Jtetfcitpy.ujc; r. 59 ba5 ©djaufelroer! (SGJafferbebungSs maf$ine); — stitch, ber Jtetfenftid) ; — wale, .v. T. bie :)iuftc turn >DJa(t= feile; — work, bie .Retteiiatbcit; —a, .*.;;.'. ,ReUeu= obet 3ettclroolle. ; .v T. bie sputtingen. 7b CHAIN, u. a. i. anfettcn, feffeltt; 2. mit Jtctlen fperreit ; 3. in Sanben, in ©claoeret fdilageit; 4. oerbinben. chair, .9. l. bcr Stubl j 2. Sift, 2ci'= fed Sbron; 3. bie ©anfte, eiuc '.Hit Sabriolct; easy — , ber Strmftufjl. 0)roti'jatevftiibl ; privy — , ^cl• ers bobte Sift etnefl yiirbter?, SBtfd)ofd, it. f. io. ; sedan — . bie Sanfte: — bottomer, ber ^titblmadKr, Xafd)iter ; — cover, bie Stnblfapve; — frames, Stuble obne SeEleibung; — man, 1. ber 'StuhlntaduT : 2. Sanftentrager; 3. ^rafitei!t,i>orfit}cr; — nan--.2tubl= becfen ; — woman, bie Scbcuerfrau, vid. Cii\r-woman. chaise s. bie Sbaife, Jlalefdje ; two wheel — . bas Sarriol. CHALCEDONY, s. aid. Calcedojit. i CHALCOGRAPHER, s. ber Jlnpfcrfic: cber. CHALCOGRAPHY, a. bte.Uiipfcr)lcd)fr= fitnft. CHALDAIC, adj. rjjalbatfdj. CHALDEE.S. bad ^baltaifdje, bie d;al = baifdte Sprad;e. CHALDER, ) s. ba« J?ob(enmaa»i Don chaldrox, s 36 cttgl. ©djeffel (bushel = 21)1)0 SJJf.). chalice, g. berJJeld) (bcim ®otkS- bieuft); Sed)er. chalk, «. bie iRreibe ; — cutter, ber ^rctbengviibcr ; _ — paper, Rra»tMtpa= pier; — pit, bie .ftreibcttgriibe; — stone, eiu Heine-.? 3tiuf Jtreibe. To chalk, v. a. 1. mit Jtretbe poYu rcn, febreibett, ocer ^eicbiteit; 2. mit Jtreibe biittgeit; 3. bejeidjnen ; em= roerfen. CHALKY, adj. frcibtg ; frcicid)t ; — clay, ber ilJergel. To challenge, v. a. 1. $crau«fors bent; aufforbern, mahitnt; 2. aiint= fen (roie bie ©d)ilbn)ad)cn) ; 3. eiit= Humbert, alS parteiifd) oermerfen ; 4. befdmlMgrit, anflagen: 5. forberu, verlangen, in 'Jlufrrud) iiebntcit ; to — a right, fid) ein :)ted)t aiunafieit. CHALLENGE, .'. 1. bie i&eraugforbe: rung, bafl Sartcfl ; ^ie 3lufforberung ; 2. yorbentng, ber 3Jnfvrud); 3. bie (ViitiiH'iibuitg, SSenoerfuitg (megeit 5Eartcilid)feit). CHALLENGEABLE, «.//. scran fwortlid). challenger, t. 1. bcr fluSforbercr, SJufforbcrer, -Wabncr ; 2. ilitfyrud); marker; 3. 93err»erfer. CHALYBEAN, adj. ftabfcnt, fid) auf barten Stabl beyebenb. CHALYBEATE, adj. ftai)(= ober eifcitar= tig, fta()Ibaltig; — apring, bie Stab(- qiielie; — water, bat ©tablroaffer, ber Sauerbruuncn. CHAM, Chan, s. ber C?Oan (Surfi ber tartavei'. CHamade, t. Mi', r. bie Scbamabe. CHAMBER. ». I. bie .Wanimer, ba-3 @e= mad), dimmer; tic Stube; 2. ba£ ,)MiiimeraendH, bie .Hammer; 3. M I. T. b«8 .Kammerftiuf, tie Vseiicr- faije tfleine Jtanone) ; —council, ver= traitte Seratbuilfl; — counsel, — counsel! >r, bcr Koilfulent, Natbrrtbci= ler ; — fellow, ber Stitbeiiburfcbe ; — hangings, tic J 'apefe, t*r Xep'.'iit ; — in iii bie Jtammerjungfer, Jtammer= frait ; — oil, iUallratluM : — nrann, ba8$ofttb; — pot btr 9ladjttopf ; — stool, bcr ^faduiiuhl j —of com •merre, tic OautcUfa miner ; — bie SSerfainmlung Don Jtauflcufcn. 7b CHAMBER, v I. n. 1. iDObnen; 2. anegelaffeit, uii^iirbiig; II n. 1. cini'ibliefien ; 2. Mii. T. eiu ^tiid mit ciiter Jtammer verfebeH. CHAMBERER, «. ber 3faufemad)er. chamberlain, ». 1. ber Aammer> beir, .Udinmcrling, Jtamntcrer; 2. .Kammertiencr ; — of London, bcr Stabtfammerer Don ?onbon; — of • (chequer, bcr 3ientmeiftcr be: EBniglicben Sdjaftfammer ; lorj — of the household, bcr x.bcrfammer= bcrrj lord high — . ber Sorb 0)rofir famnicrberr ; Chambcriainship, tie .Uammcrterntftclle; ba^ StlmxM* reramt. CHAMBREL .•; ba« ©elcnf ant $inter> fd)enfcl bed iJJferbei. CHAMELEON,* taj S§am&leott. 7b CHAME u.t i.n'ize, o. a. ill mc!)rcv< 5arben fpieiett, tic 5arbeu Jubern. 7b CHAMFER (Cbakfbbt), b a. (ci:i; Saule) mit boblcit Streifen ivc; SRinnen jieren, reifeln, Saltenjie^en. CHAMFER (CHAMrew). t. tic Jjo^la riuue (eiuer ©dulej, tcrboMc<;trci= fen. < 1 1 amois, j. bie ©cm fc ; — skins, (5cm= fenfeQe. CHAMOMILE, s. vid. Camomile. To CHAMP, iv a. Ir n. fallen, Eaueil ; ofl aufgtwaS beifjeu. CHAMPAGNE, ». tie (ibamvagnc; tci Sbam^agnernjein. CHAMPAIGN, I s. tic ©bene, ba3 fla= CHAMPAIN, J dicSanb. CHAMPER t. ber Jtauenbe, Srejfer. CHAMPERTOR, s. L T bet % '. crfanft cber "i'oifctjuy auf grof;i 3infeu baju tf)itr. CHAMPERTY, s. /.. T. bcr n)Uu>erIt» die i'orfdmf; jtt ciucnt Sprojeffe. CHAMPIGNON, s. tcr (5baiiipig:iu:i, gelbfd)n)amnt, fpiU. CH VMPION, ». bcr jcailipfer, Strcitcr, Jpelb ; Serfedbter; — of the king, ber .Hampc be« JtoitigS (bci bcrjlro: uniig ber englifdjeii Aoiuge). To CHAMPION, v. a. fyttaM fortcrn, trofteu. chance [.* ber 3ufaH, baa O'liid, Itugefabr, tic Oelegeitbeit, ter gall; (ill—), ber Uur'all, bas UiiAlfid — of arms, bafl JtriegSftliitf SBaffau gliiif; by — -, won llligefabr ; it is bj mere — , cS tji ein blower 3ufall; is lake one's — . td tavauf ivageit, an= fommeil laffcn; to look to the main — , auf tic .pauptfarbe ui«cn; tol»ve a—, fo gliicfltd) fe^n, in ben gall fommeil; you might have a — to escape, 3 ic EBuntcn oielletdjil ciu- Eontmen ; you inusi Bland the — of it. Sie muffeu a barauf aufommen laffcil ; then- is no — of . .. &c,e« ifl Eeiiic 3)J5gIirbfcit, 2:_ : abri"d>eiiilicb= feit, ©clcgenbeit tafi . ., it, f. W. ; II adj. i- air. jitfallig, veil iingrfabr ; i„ compos. — customer, ti rcr) itiigeiiu ; bnlid)cr, felteuer Jtnnbt ; — gam.', basSBagfvicI. ^ajarbfpiel ; — modley, tcr linootfa'ftlicbc Iobt« fd)Iag ; luigcfabre ^ufail. 7o CHANCE v. r. gefrbeben, fict (jn» fallig) eretgnen, fiaj treffeit, fid) \w- tragen, fid) begeben; otelleirbt fc.'.u ; if ever I — to ineel him U)eiili id) ibn jc treffe ; if any man chan ed to com,- in, roeuuetwa jemaub bereinfommen follte ; I chanced to be there, id) um: aerobe ba; he chanced to ask, ct fragte »on iingefabr. CHANCEABLE, ulj ;iif,'il!ig, iingefabr. CHANCEFUL, adj gefabrlid), iiuigltd). CHANCEL ». Hi Kbor. CHANCEIJiOR, i tcr JtailjUt; lord high — , bcr ©ropfaujlcT; — of a C5 CHAP cathedral, bcr Sanjlcr einel ©om= fHftfi ; — of the exchequer, bcr ftanj= lcr bet Sdvir.-,famntcr; — of a uni- versity, bet .wtnjler cincr ltntr>crft= tit : — 'D the ecclesiastical court, tcr 5Bctt>btftfeoj r ; chancellorship, s. bie JJanjlero/firbe, .ftanjletftelle. CHANCERY, .*• tic Jiansellti; court of—, bad .ftanjefleigeticot ; masters of — . tie Seiftfcet tea Jtait$elleigc= tidjt^; — man, cut SIboocat barin. CHANCRE, .-■ bet .rcbanfer, bas ocne= n>"ebc ©efdiroiir. CHANCROOS, adj. fcbanfcrartig. CHANDELIER, s. bet Slrnilcurbtcr, ,»>ai:gelcucbter. CHANDLER,*, bcr Sic^fjict^cr; kx'<\-- mcr ; — 's ware or chandlery, Setts koaaren (SiAt, Scire 'i. f. to.). CHANDRY, * baS Sicbtbebaltnifj, tie Sid)tEammcr, bcr ?id)tfaftcu, it. f. m. r, change, v. I. a. 1. (iiibem, seran= tern ; 2. raufdjert, auetaufrbcn ; oer= tau'cbcu; 3. roecbfeln, aueiucchfclu ; 4. rcrmccbfetn ; II. n. antcr? toerben, fid) anbern; to — colour, fid) ctttfar-- beil ; to — hand or to — to a horse. Sp. E. fca§ $ferb sou eiiter .jjaiib jur anfccnt (enfen ; to — hands at . ., .1/ E. _(uon 33aarcu) serfaufen, urn . ., II. f. re. ; to — the mizen, JV. T. tie Sefati burcbfaien ; change ! Mil. v. lvcrfr baS ©croebr auf bie anterc Scbuttcr ! (bcim i^uirfdie) ; the moon changes, roir babcu SDJonbesroedvel orer Oteumonb ; to — from . . into . ., »cranbern, ocrroanteln . . aits . . tit . . ; to — for, ocrtaufcbcn, ocrrcccbs feln gegen. change,*. 1. tie 2lenberung, derails berung ; flbroccbfeluug ; 2. ber33ecbs fcl. JEaufd), tic $crfaufd)ung ; 3. bag fleine ©elb, tic illi'insc; 4. ('change ft. exchange) bicQ3orie; give me the — , geben Sie mir bentuS! for a — , jur SlblOCCbfefung; — stitch, rid. Chain- - sTiTr-H ; ■ — s. s. pi. Ma. T. bie S3er« toecbfclungcn; Mus. T. SSariaticncn. CHANGEABLE {adn. — ly), adj. W= aiuedicb, toanbetbat. CHANGEABLENESS, *. bie 3?erattbcr= Iicbfcit, Unbeftanbtgfett, bet3Banfel= iniub,. 3HANGEFOL. adj. oft r-crauberlidi, immet anbete", unbeftaubig, toanfel- mutbjg. CHANGELESS, adj ttjecbjelfoe", bcflait- bia,, unocraubcrlich. changeling, «. 1. ba§ ansgctaiifditc ©iiig. JFtinb ; 2. bcr SBedrfelbalfl ; 3. 23etterbabn, SBaufelntuthige ; 4. Sutnmfopf. CHANGER, ». tcr SBe$e1fr, ©cits ttiecfceler, Unbefianbtge. CHANNA s. tcr 3J}eerbarfd), ^innfifdj. channel, ». 1. bet Sanal ; 2. bae" Sett, glufibetts 3. bieOoffe; SFtttt- nc; ;)ii>brc, 'Jlueboblung; 4. 3?ceer= euge; 5. .Soblrinue eitier Siiule ; — hone, .1. T. bar fflurgclbein ; — of a horse, Sp. E. tie 3mtgeubbblc bei ^fcrben). r<> CHANNEL, !-. a. fftinueu machcn, ausbobleit; fannettren, reifcln. To CHANT, d o. * n. 1. ftmieu ; beftn= grit ; 2. bae .^odmntt fcient. chant, s. bet ©efanj; tic SKelobie. SBeife. chanter, s. tcr Sanger; (?aufor. chanticleer, s. ber ^abit, Jlifri= tiKbabn. CHANTRY, *. tie (^uttorct. chads. «. bas fibaoS ; fig. ber 5ffiirr= ttarr. CHAOTIC, adj. d\-vti r d\ Dertoorrrtt. To CHAP, v. a '- n. fvalfcn, veivcii, eaffpriiigen, Jiiffe befommen. 66 CHAR CHAP, s. 1. tie Spalte, ber tliiy. 3?ife; 2. tcr Atnnbatfen (cinej £bttteS); chaps. ;;/. ba3 OJl.ntl, bie 0out,e, bcr :'udH'ii ; chap fallen, niit ciii.]cfalic; item, baita,enccnt SDtaule; nieteri]e= fcblagen; 3. vuig. ber Jtcrl, ©urfcbTe; 4. — , or — man, ( — woman), bet (tie) cUitntc, Ataufet (Jiaufcriun), vid. Ciiapmw;. chape..--.<6afett; «d)ita(lbafcit, ©chnallenbugef: 2. bae Ortbanb. CHAPEL, *. 1. tie Jtayelle; 2. T. tic SBudjbrucferoerfjtatte ; — of ease, bie yiltalfircbc. To chapel r.a. in cincr ^apcflc oter in eirtcn Sd;rciit beife^ett. chapeless, aij. 1. obiic >f3afcn, iin= baltbar ; 2. cbnc Crtbanb. CHAPELET, rid. Chaplkt. 3. CHAPELLANY, i s. bet .Rapellbegtrl ; CHAPELRY, J ticJc'apcUauei, Sld- peUgemeine. chaperon, .?. bie tfappe, .6aube, ber $vt (tcr SRtffer be8 .OofenbanbcS). To i haperon. «. lc§ (tint ten 3Jiuilb ; — Skaksp). chaplet. s. 1. bet *tanj; S8Iumert= franj, bag $(umeiiiicitniite; 2. bcr jjtofcutrau;, ba§ ^atcrupfier ; 3. ber spotentofierriemen ant Steigbugel; 4. Seterbufd) auf bent ^Opfe bcS $fauc8 ; 5. bie Heine .bardie. chapman, 5. 1. betJJunbe, J?aufer; 2. Berfaufer. CHAPPY, adj. gefpatteu, auoeinaubcr^ geriffen, offcn. gahrteitb. chaps, s.pi. ta§ 'Maul chapter, s. 1. ba« Sapttel ; 2.Tom= Crtptfel ; 3. ber Crr, too ^erbrcrbcr tbre Strafe befummen ; 4. eiu Seub= fdu-eibcu ; — house, baS Sapifelb»u8. n CHAPTER, v. a. fchcltcn, jurcrbt= toeifen. CHAPTREL, s. Arch. T. bad (Fapifal ernes' ^fcilers. To CHAR, r. I. a, I. scrfoblert, lilt Jtohs len brenncit ; XL n. urn bie- nen, bent ©eftnbe bclfcn. CHAR, s. 1. tic Heine .6au?arbcit, ge= tinge Sltbrit ; 2. ber Sd)ar, 9tcutel, bie 31 Ipenfore lie;— woman, biei£age= iobnerinn, Scbeucrfrau ; — work, has Sagewerf. , CHARACTER, s. 1. ba§ ^cun^cidKn, Bcidnn, SOJerfmaal ; Srfirifrjcidjeit,. bet Scftriftjug, Sudjfiabe; 2. bie •Oaututvifr, ^anb; 3. ber C5baraf= fer; 4. Stanb, Slang, Xittl, bie SBurbe; 5. Jltclle (im Sdjaufinet); 6. SJJerfon; 7. ber muf, gute SRanie; baS ?0b, Jeitiuif': to give one an ill — . (•'"titem eiu fcbfecbtcS ?ob (3cug= nifj)gcben; n give a high — of.., cine vovtbeilbafre Sd)i(berung ma- fben . . oon, it. f. ». ; to act out of — , (me fetnet :>iolle fallen; by the — , untcr bent Stamen. n CHARACTER, b a. 1. einpragen, eintriicfen ; 2. befebreiben, rbaratfe= riureit. * CHARACTERISM, s ba.6 uuterfcbcitcutc etgcntbuinltd)e iDJerfmaaf; tie (?ba= raftertftmng. CHARACTERISTIC, I. s. tie Pbarafte^ riftif, ^ennjeicften; ber jJennjn*; — ol a logarithm, T. tcr fi'rp.licnt ei= CHAR nco SogaritbmuS ; II. — , — cul, [ado — ly), adj. cbarafteriftifeb. CHARACTERISTICALNESS,! tae &)-t- tafterifttfebe. To characterise, r. a. d)ara!terifi-- rcn, bcteicbucii, fcbilbcrn. CHARACTERLESS, adj. obne jlenuiei- cben, obne (ibarafrcr, cbaraftcrloe. charade, s. bie (pirate, bas Si^U beurarbfel. charcoal, b. bie^oljfo^le. chard, .9. tcr Jvovf oon Slattern ; — s of artichokes, bie Slrtifcbotfciiblat* tcr; — s of beet, juuge 3Batigolb= pffanjen. charge, 5. 1. bie Saft; gabung; 2. ?ab«ng (cincr JJaucite, u. f. to.) 3. bcr 2Utffrag; SBcfer»I ; tie Sefor= gung,3lufficbt, Sorge ; 4. (gcroobn? lidi pi. — sjbieSpefeu, Soften, Un= foftcu, 21u«gabeu, Sluflage ; 5. ta3 Sepofttum, ^fanb; SJiunbelj ber Sd)ii§liiii], SRflcgebcfobleuc; 6. bie SoUmacbt ; 7. Slnfbntbang, ©e= fdjulbigung, Jllagc; 8. ber Stngriff, 2InfaU; 9. tie fir'mabuung (bcS 2Bi= febofs an fetne ©eiftlidifcir, otcr be3 StidHers an tie ©cfcbu'ornen) ; 10. bae ^rertrpflaftcr; n. h. t. tic_eU geittlicbe SBappenpgnr ; 12, bas Stg= ital unit JHngrirre; the heads of the — , tie JUagepunfte ; to sound a — , Sarin b la fen, ba» Signal jum Sin* grtjfe gebeii ; it is at my — , c3 gebt auf mciue (id) trage tie) Soften; to give one a strict — , (finem SttOOfl auf tic Seelebinben ; small (m- petty) — s, .1/ /;. Heine Spcfen. To charge, v. a. 1. laben ; belaben, befebroeren; auflegen, u'r ««fi, aufbiirben ; 2. auftragen, beauftta* gen, anoetrronen ; 3. auflagcn, be» Icbulttgen (— with a crime, citiee i>evbrcdicii3 , tabeln; 4. aubefcblcn, befeblcn, eiufcbarfeit; 5. anrerbnen; 6. bieten, forbern ; 7. anfallcn; an= greifen, belt 9lngriff tbutt; to — (to) one's account, @tucs Dtcchuung l(L\> ftcn, bebittren; to — a gun, &c, cin ©cu'cbr laben. CHARGEABLE (adv. — lt) adj. Wai jugefd)rieben, angereebnet otcr auf= gelegt roerben faun; befrbtoetlidj ; he is — with this fault, biefcr *vebler tit tbm jUjufd;reibeit, fallt tbm ;nt Salt ; foreign wines, tec, are — with duty, auSlanbifcbe 2Betue, u. f. ro. finb ciucm §ollt untemjorfenj thai man was — with murder. jeuci'OJianu batte fid; bel 3)iorbe8 fd;ultig ge- nt a rbt. CHARGEABLENESS, «. bie Saftigfeif, Sofibarfeif, Soften. CHARGELESS, adj rooblfeil. CHARGER, «. 1. 'tie grofe Sebiiuol, Scbalc, baSSerlen; 2. bafl 2tnir= rop ; 3. T. tie S-abcfdjaufcl ; — oi incense. baS 3taitcf)fafj. chariness,., tie ^ebutfamfet't, Se» bcnflirbfeif, ?Icitgft!icbfcit, Sorgfalr. CHARIOT, s. tcr 2Bagen, tas l Ai»hr.- ivcrf; ber Stieitroagcii ; bie Sa(e> fdjc ; — man, ber ^itbrmaitn. MuU fefter ; — race, (fouft) bag 23agen« reunen. To CHARIOT, v. a. fabreit. charioteer, s. bcr gubrmaun.- CHARITABLE (adr. — ly , adj. i rnilbe, guttbatig ; 2. fretgebig, lieb« reicb, giitig. CHARITABLENESS, s. tie SBltfte, 23oblibatigfeit ; bas" liebreiife 3Befen. CHARITY, s. 1. bie Sirbc, cbriiilicb* Siebe; ©fitiajfeir; 2. milot, fDlilU tbatigfeit; ?rreigebigfeit; 3. mtlbt ©abe, tv5 aimoferi; 4. bie inilbe ©tiftung; 5. fibar'taS giaiicnua' CHAS nte) ; in — , fur (Softcdiobtt, timfonft ; — begins nt home, pron. ein Sctcr ift fief) felbft ber i)lachfte: — school, bie Qlrmenfdinlc, greifcpulc; lying- in — , bie (£utbiubutigdanftalt. CHARLATAN, «. bee 2)iaiftfcr)rcicr, Quacffalbcr. CHARLATANK5AL, adj. niart"tfd)rcic= rifd), uttroiffenb. CHARLATANRY, s. bie 2>2arcffct)icic= rei. Charles, s. Jtarl (3J?annsnante) ; — s' wain, Jist.T. + bcr grotieiKir. charlock, «. ber gelbfenf, %itx> fenf. CHARLOTTE, s. (ifjaviette (3raucn= name). CHARM, s. 1. bad 3«vitvmittt\, bic 3auberei; 2. ber^aubcr, Wei;. Tv CHARM, v. I. a. 1. bejaubtru, bcbc= rcn, befprcdmt; 2. retjen, cutjiicfeu; 11. n. barmemifeb fltngen. charmer, », ber 3'iuberer; — , („,• —ess), bie Raubertnit; .£>crc; my — , 3aubermab$en ! OHARMFUL, adj. rci$cub, njonueyoil. CHARMING (adv. — ly), adj. bc$aiu bernb, refjenb. charmingness, s. bad 3aubcrifcr)c, ber SRetj. CHARNEL, adj. Scid)cn obet (Mebciue enthalteub ; — house, bad !l3ciubaud, Jtnodxn baud. CHARR, s. rid. Char. CHART, e. bie Seefarte; Mercator's — , bic Jtarte in SWercatot'd projection ; — of constellations, bic Oimmclsfartc. charter, ». r. 1. bie Urfunbe; bet ®nabenbrief; (— of incorporation), gteibrtef, ©cfcufcbrtef, bad ^mu(e= giunt; 2, M. e. bie SBerfvadjtungj 3. fig. bad SBon-ecfef; — house, bie jcar= thaufe, bad Jfctrt&ffuferflofter; — land, bad Jveigut; —party, m. e. bie ($ev- lepartie (ber firadifcoufract in>t= febeu £cr)iffer utib (Srl>tffsbefrac$ter) ; — of tiie forest, bic gorjlgefefce ; — of naturalization, bic 5iatiiralifatioud= acte. To charter. 7.. n . 1. prtwlegiren ; 2. ME. (ein Scbt'ff) »erfrarhten, ycr= bingen; fcefgleicben befrarbtcn, mic= then. CHARTLESS, adj. ofjne eine Seefarfe; r.ict)t oon einer Seefarte befdmebcu. CHARTULARY, 5. rid. Cartulary. CHARVEL, Charvil, 5. vid. Chervil. CHARY [adv. Charily), adj. forgfalttfl, be&utfam, fparfam. chase, ». 1. bie3agb- aSerfoIgung; 2. bad gejagte ffiiib: 3. gejagte ©djiff: 4. :)Jeuier ; Oebage; 0. r. bic 3d)affe (im ©allfpiele) ; 6. — , (— for broadsides), 7V/». T. ber Jfeii« ro+mcit ; — bar, bad ."Ttabmcifcu ; in — , in (auf) ber SlurfU; to give — . 3agb maebcu ; —girdle, ber (Mint finer Jtanone ; — gun, bad Sagbftucf, bie leicbte ..« attoitc im SGorbertbeil (©ug) etried Spiffed j a g«od forward or*a good stern — . ein ©djtff, bad binten uitb »orne oiele .ffanoncu fuh rcu faun; — of a cross bow, bic:)'(iu= nc eincr Hvinbrufl; the — of a gun bee SJauf (bie iuncre SBeite) ciucv ftan'one. To chase, ».fl, 1. jagen, ficfecn, nacfc ( >t}cu, serfolgcu, auf @tma« 3agb linicbeii; to — away, &erjao«t; 2. ciufaffeu, emaiiliren, freiben ; chased- work, bie getriebene Arbeit. niASKR, s . 1. ber 3figer; Sreibet; »Jlacbfe(}er, 93erfolaer; pas 3agb ma= fbeube >Scf)tff ; 2. bev (^maillcur, S. uDferflerber, fiohfdjneibet. chasm, »■. bie ^iicfcJiluft, bev 5d)Iuub. CHEC CHASMED, adj. gcfpaltcit; Cucfcn, J"Uuf= tc babenb. CHASSELAS, «. ber Oufcbci, ^eterfi= lienmcin. CHASTE (adv.— ly), adj. 1. fcilfd), 5 ii C^ = tig; 2. rein, unoerborben; — tree, (VUcl agnus castus — L.) ber JU'llfd) = biium, .rtfoiterpfeffer: — weed, tai ■ftafeetlpfotlein (cine Spffame). Ta CHASTEN, r.a. 1. jiichtigeit, ftra- fen ; 2. faftfien, bemutbigeu. CHASTENER, *. ber Strafenbc, 3u= rcd)tiveifcube. CHASnSABLE, adj. flrafBar. Tv chastise v. a. 1. jiicbtigen, fleas fen; 2. juredjtmeifen ; 3. baubigen, jiibmcit, tit Aiirdu fefeen. CHASTISEMENT, ». bie 3ua>tigung, 3urccbtroetfung. CHASTISER, s. ber ^iiditiqcr. chastity, s. I. bie Jceufd^ieit; 2. 9Jcinl)cit (bee etwle). '/',< chat, 0. 71. fd)>vaftcn, plaubern, Wafdpen, fdtnattcrtt. CHAT,*. 1. ba« ©cfebmafe, ©cunifd); 2. ba&ftafet$en an 93aumen ; — wood, bad :Keie-f;cIj (|ur Seueruitg). CHATEAU, s. bad S&iojj, AafteK. CHATELET, s. b>t5 flcinc Scftloi CHATELLANY, ». ber Jtaftellan, bic iftafteOanei, i a. Castellart. CHATTEL, s. t. I. bad SBetm5gen ( bic .0abe; 2. bad (3ng=) ^ief), u.rf. Cattle. r« chatter o. n. l. vlaiibcnt, fd)n)a= ^cn, plappeni, fdjnattcvn ; 2. j»tf= frbevn, fradijcit; 3. tlappcnt (mit ben Rafjnen). CHATTER (OiiatteringI, g. 1. bad ©e* plauber, @efd)»aft, @efd)natter; 2. ©ejwiffcfier; — box. bad Spiappets maul, bie Spfaubertafc^e. chatterer, s. sing, ber (Sr^wafcer, f(J(auberer, ©cfinatterer. CHATTY, adj. fdjanitjivift, planbcrbaft. < JHAVENDER s. ber Jiaulbarfeb, Ji\iul= fopflAtldM. chaw, s. ber flinnbaden ber ^bierc). To CHAW, r.a. fallen, rid. To Cin:\v. CHAWDRON, .'. bad (Singeweibe, bic Jtaibaune. CHEAP {adv. — ly), adj. 1. rooMfcil ; 2. fg. geringe, gemein ; she makes her- self too — . fie niaebt ftd; ju gemein, wirft fid? tvei]. TbCHE U>EN, r.a 1. banbcltt, fci[fd)cn ; moblfeiler ntadjen ; 2. fig ^erabfe^en. CHEAMJNER, s. ber Aeilfdicr, jfSufer. ciii'.ai'Ness, a. bic SBoblfeil^ett. CHEAR, uii Cheer. Ta CHEAT, 0. a. betviiqett (— of, „r out of u m (St»a«); to — at play, faifd; fpieleit. CHEAT, 8. 1. ber ©etrug; 2. SBetrfiaer. CHEATER a. bev ©rtruger. re CHECK, ,-. y.a. 1. '(Sinbalt tbnn, einhalten, licmmcit; 2. ad) bieten : to — one's appetite, feme f&egtetbe iibenvinbeii; 11 ,,. fid) ftopen, ftehcu bleiben, anhalten. check, « l. ber Stofj, abfaft; Shis halt, bie •fpemmuug, Siufcbrfiitfung, Slbttjetfuiig, ber ^Infteff ; 2. Cerroeid, bic .VidMiiVing; 3. ber 9tamendjug, ©djrifttug ; 4. bic anweifung ; 5. — s, bie ivci>l unb blan : andi rorb) ge»ur= felte (lauftfcer) Setnroanb, SBonten; (i. — , (or — mate), T. bad ©toad) : the clerk of Hie — , ber Cbcrerutrolltiir ; the falcon Hies at — . ber goKe oerlafit :eit SRaub unb ftretft nad> anbern 838geln umber; to keep a — upon one, (Sinen im ,V-umie balttit; topive a—, (SiuKUt thuti; eiucu SBetttXtd CHER gcben ; — braces, bic Scblagritmcs an eiuer Jiutfcfjc; to give — , ®cbac6 bieten ; to — mate, v. a. fd)ad)iiia:: madKii ; — mated fdnidimatt; — roll, bic £ofjtaatdltjte; — taker, bet JEbeatereafftrer. 2ro CHECKER d -. hunt, febecfig cber murflig mad;cu, ivurfeln, buntfarbig audlcgen. checker.*. 1. bad 2Butffige! 2 trr Stabler, ajertoeidgeber, ©eroaltbabet; 3. — , or — board, ka& Sdjadibrctt ; — wise, rofirftig ; — work, bic wurf= liqe obet bunt audgetegte Irbeit, bad Stafelmerf. CHECKLESS, adj. iinaufhattfam. CHECKY, adj. Burflijj, fitcdiq, bunt. CHEEK, *. sing. i. tie SBatfe, SBange, ber Sarfeii ; 2. i\/p. t tie SRrefiwani, p/. ©eiteurodnbe an bec$reffe ; (Jowl), bid;t bei; — bone, ber ^arfenfiioebeu ; — tooth, ber iiadfeiu V 1 r it, f tpcfiahu; — s of a door, tir Xburpfoflen; —a of a balance, tie (Scfiere obet ber jClobeu einer SBage ; eheeks, .-■ pi. .v t. tie Seiteufdjalen mfainmengefefetcr SDtaflen. flHRRKETt, nAj, ,„ compos. — , tvaiigig ; as: hollow — , he Ma' .in a,!,]. Ta CHEEP, r.„.r,.i L , piepeu, jroitfdjern. cheek, s. 1. bie ipeit'e, Oeroirtbuna ; 2. Ateube, /irohlid)fcif, 8ufl. ber ,\rel- = (inn, iiJiuth; 3. 3nhel, bad tfreuben* gefdjrei, S8etfaUdgefcbrei;4. bie SDJte= he, ©eberbe, bad ©eftdjt; of good— gated iDJutbd, aufgerauntl; to make good — , eiucu giiicu Sifdj fiihi\n what — ? tvie gef)td ? 7VCHEER o. I. a. (—up), 1. froblidj marben, aufheitern, crfreucn ; 2. trp« ften, OJinth madjen, aufmuntern, en- reijeii; 3. mil 3ubcl bcgriiiieu ; n. n. ( — up), frbblid) werben, ficb aufbci= tent ; — up : luitig ! frifd; ! cheered by .... evhcitci't tnrd) .... CHEERER, s. ber 2lufmuuterer, 6rbet= tevcr. CHEERFUL (adv. — ly), adj. beitcr, fioblicf), iujltjj, niuutcr, fiifdi, aufge* U'Cfft. CHEERFULNESS, 8. bic .^eitevfeit, SDluittecfetti tee Aiohfiiiii. cheerless, adj. fic.bculod, troftlod, traurig. CHEERILY, adv. mit Atehftnn. CHEERLY, adj. it adv. heifer, fiph, Iu= fttg, miiutev, oerguiigt, aufgeiueeft frifd). CHEERY, adj. frob, lii|liq, milliter. CHEESE, s.berJIdfe ; —bowl, — fet,— vat), bet fiafenapr, bic juifefonu ; — cake, ber ,U>lKflldlCll ; — colour ing, tie Orieandfarbe ; —curds, tcr Quart; —iip bet Aafelab ; —mon- ger, ber .ftafefianter ; — paring, bit jtafetinbe; —pros, tie Jcafepreffe; — Renins, f — rennet, — runnel), — wort, bad JQalbflrob, 8abfraut; — running, bie i'Jolfctt; — (=coo|i, bet JTfifebobel ; — taster, bcr.tCifcitedicr; — tray, (— wagon), bad Jtafeftrsice. cheesy, «-;/ Kftfl, wftcbt CHELY, *. bie Jjrebdfrseere. chemise, ». I. bad ffieiber^emb: 2 MU. T. bie Aiittcniiaiici- eined SBaUel CHEMISTRY, s. nut Chybostry. CHEQUER r. if 8. rid. Chei ker. 7V CHERISH, o. a.1. pflcgeii, n>oM = thiiu, uutcefMllcu, cnuihren; 2. ct = ivarmeii, Warm haltcu ; 3. tvertli haltcu, hiHTiiVrHiijcu; 4. begen; lic'o unb ivcrth haltcu. i her'SHEr, 8. ber iBerpfleflet, (5t^al< tev. aBo^ltbatet, CHERRY, I. s, bicUivfdn- : 11. adj. ri>th f irfdjfarben ; —bounce, ( — brandy) ber Jliifdjbrauntiveiii; — cheeks, rr* CHID the SBangcii; — cbeeknd, ror&bacftfl ; — laurel, (—bay), bie .fttrfcjjlorbeere ; — lip, tie rotbe vippc; — orchard, ber Jttrfdjgarten ; —stone, ber JJtrfdjs fern ; — . or — tree, bet Jtirfdjbaitm ; — wine, bet Jtirfdjiucin. 3HERSONESE, s. ter (Sbcvfpitcg, bie •Oalbinfd. chert, « berOuar*. 3HERTY, adj. quae jicbt, quarjtg, fiefe= tig. OUERUB, s. bet Gljerub; Cherubim, pi. bit Sberubiin. cherubic, adj. englifdj, ftdj anf (Sttgcl bejtcbenb. CHERUBLN, I. adj. englifdj; II. s. ter (Sbcrub. 7'c» CHERUP, vid. To Chirp. CHERVIL, s. bet Jterbel (CkasrophiUum — £.). OHESIBLE, s. ber (Sfjorrocf. cheslip, s. bie SdjtvcinSlattg, ber Slffel. CHESNUT, s. vid. Chestnut, &c. chess, s. 1. bag Sdjadj, Sdjadjfpicl; 2. Scut) (tanbev 2Bci$en, §afer u. f. m.); — apple, bet roilbe Sperber* bourn, Spprapfel; — board, bag Sdjacbbrett ; — man, bet ©d)oc&> ftein; — player, bet Sdjartjfyielcr; — trees, jv. T. btc ©cberbolfett ; holes of the — trees, bie .&algflamycit. chessom, s. bie locfere (Stbe. chest, s. 1. bie Jtifte, *iabe, bet j?a= ficn; 2. bie SBrujl; — of drawers, bie ©DmmDbe; — foundered, (bet ?Pfet= ben) engbrufttg; (jerjfcfcjadjtig, fibers vittcn ; — foundering, bie @rtgbrfiftig= Eeif, .§cr$fdjlacbtia ) fcit / bet SJainyf. To chest, b. a. (tit cine %abt 11. f. VtO Dertualjren, einfdjliefsen ; cinbalfa= HUi'Cit ; Chested, n/j. in compos. broad- chested, bteitbriifttg ; hollow-chested, rocitbrfifttg. chestnut, i. s. 1. bie Jtaftante ; bet JJaftatiienbaiim ; 2. bag Jtaftanien-- brauit ; — grove, — plot, bet j?ajias nienroalb; — ■ tree, bet ^afiaitien= baunt ; n. adj. bet Jtaftauic at>ttltcv>. faftaittrnfarbig. DHESTON, s. cine 3lrt I'flainiicn. CHEVALIER, s. ber Sitttcr ; Sauolier. CHEVAUX-DE-FR1SE, *. pi. Mil. T. bie fpaittfd)cit ;)(eitct. CHEVEN, s. vid. Chub. CHEVER1L, s. + bte3tPi] e ; bai3 3 l ' c= genleber. chevron s. H. T. bet ©yarren, Sal- fen ; Chevroned. adj. II T. niit eiitem ©parren, 93alfen uerfe^en. To chew. v. a &■ n. 1. faueit, fatten, beifien; 2. fiberleqen, bebenfeit, ft" 5 it en (— upo„ auf Strong) ; to — the cud, Wteberfaueit. CHEW, .elteit, fdjinc'en, 68 CHIM fcifcit, fabefn: II. 77. 1. janfeit; 2. ©etaufd) madjen. chide, 5. bas ©emutmel, fanfte &t- tattfd). chiuer, s. bet (Srbeltcitbe, 3anfct. CHIEF (.adv. — ly), I. adj. Obctft, »pr= ncbmft, f)iutft; oorjiiglteb. j — buui- ness, bie .*.)attptfad)e ; lord — justice, bet (Sorbs) Dberrtdjterj — mourner, bet etfte Scibtragenbej n. s. 1. baS .giaupt, Dbctljatipt, bee ?liifiihret, 6'bef^ 2. //. T. bet obcrfte £l;cil ei= IteS (Sd)iIbC$; commander in—, bet Dberfte i^cfcblsbaber; lands holden in — , Sebeu, bie nu petfpitlirbet Sienftlciftuiii] Dcrpfiicbten. chiefage, s. bafi Xtopfjelb, bic <$rcm= bcnfteitet. chiefdom, s. + bic Dbctbetvfdjaft. chiefless, adj. obitc .^aupt, obnc^iu fii[)tet. chieftain, s. baS fiaupf, bet 21iifiif)= ret; Stantntljattet; — ry, — ship, bie 2Biirbe cities DbctbanptcS. chilblain, bie gtoftbcule. CHILD (pi. Children), s. ba§ Stiwi ; from a — , UOU Jlillbljcit ailf ; with—, fc^wanger; to get with — , fd)wan= net It ; — bearing, ba$ ©CbatCll, btC Viiebetfllllft ; past — bearing, (POtl grauett) betagt fcyn ; — bed, bas jtittbbett; to he in — bed, JJitlbbett balten, in 3Sod)cn fiegen; — bed- basket, bet SBiegenforb ; — birth, bie ©cbutt, Sttieberfunfr. childemasday, s. ber Jttnbertag (28. 5)ec.). childhood, s. bie Jlinbl)cit, bas jlna= bcnaltcr. CHILDISH (ode. — ly), adj. filtbifd). CHILDISHNESS, s. ba>S finbifdjc 2S(; fen; bic Unfdjitlb. CHILDLESS, adj. fillbClIo§. CHILDLIKE (+ Childly), adj. fillblid); ftnbifd). chiliad. .?. bie fjf;iliabe, ba-S ^anfenb, 3af)ttanfcnb. chiliast, s. ber (SbiUaft (9lnpnger bc3 taufeubjal)ti(ien 3icid)S). CHILL, Ladj. 1. fait; erfrorctt; 2. Jig. frofttg, niiitl)Io§, oerjagt; — damps, falte 'a>unfte ; feud)te Jlaffc; a — reception, ein falter C^mpfaitg; II. s. bic h<t, bet Sroft, 6d;anet. To chill, v. a. 1. fait ntad)cn, bttrd)s fallen; 2. nicbcvfd;lai}cn, ntutljlog madjen. chilliness, ) s. bic jTalic, bet Stofl, CHILLNESS, ) ©dianet. CHILLY, adj. f.iltlid), frbftelnb. chime, s 1. bet (Stuflang, bie feax? mottie, Urberemfttmmurtfl: 2. ein ea& uberetiifttmmenber ©locfeit ; 3. (or Chiml. bie .UilliniC; Cliimes, pi. b.iS 9liifcb(agen an cine @locfc, bafi SOeient; (^locfenfpiel. n chime, o. I. a fliifeblagen (an bic ©lo.fc); ii. n. ftimmeii, etrtiiimnten (in with, mit , jufflmmen paffen. cniMER. s. ber ©ISrfner. chimera, s. bie (Sbiniaic, baS igirtls gcfptitiift. CH(MER:CAIi (alv. — ly), adj. rf>tllla = rifeb, eingebtlbet. cii:mi\'a;e s. ba§ SfCe^egelb bntd; cinen Sorfi. CIIIM'ST. .< nil ChTMIST. CHIMNEY, *. bie geuereffe, ber 2d)prn= jieitt, ba$ .ftaintn ibrr -'ciftb'; — board ba5 .ffaminbrctf, ber ,W\imin= ftiitS; — comer, bie Seiterfeite; — fender baS Bcner^itter ; — hooks. .7?ailtiltbafeil; Itopfbafctl; —money, ba$ .ftaniiinielb, ^erbgtlb; — piece, ba6 iRomtnftficf: bet\ftaniin(tmS ; — pot, bcv yiuffai} eiiicr £\\t; — CHIT sweeper, bcv 2d)ontficii.-;ra,er, (Sffen- febvet ; — top, bie Jtaiiiinfappe. chin, s. bafl Jttttn ; — cloth, bad JTinn« battb, 33arfcntud). china, s. 1. Kbina ('Ticicb in ^Ificn) 2. bafl ^5oi'jellan ; — ink, bie JEufebe — man, ber ^ovjcUanbaiiblet ; — orange, bie dniicfifdje Somcrauje; — root, bie (Sbjinaronrjel, (5l)inavktbe, gteberrinbe (Cinchona — L.) ; — rose, bie ©inarofe;— shop, bos fyox jellons genjolbe; — ware, ba« ^orjellon; — woman, bic $orjellaiil)aublrrin ; — wool, Scbmtnfwolle. chinch, s. bie SGBonje. CHiNCOUGH, s. bet .Uciid)()iiftcn. chine, s. 1. bet SRficfgrat; 2. ba« aiiidenftiid, ,«tcnj ; 3. T. bie^inis me, frbatfe (S'rl^una, otante fiber bem 33obcn cincS gnffeS; 4. Sp. e. bag 9Serfd)logen fc^roetpnoffer spfcrbe. To chine, v. a. ben SRucfgrot jCtbfC= cben, freujlobnt mad)cn ; Chined, adj jum [Jiucfgrot gebbrig. CHINESE, 1. adj, d)incftfd); II. s bet fibincfe; (cliiptifcb) bie djiiicfifdje Spradje. CIHNGLST. s. bet ©rteS, grobe ©anb. CHINK, s. i bie 9ii^e, bet 3iift, Spait; 2. bet Mong (beg ©elbeS). To chink, v. l. ?i. 1. fid; fpolten, fptingen; 2. flina,cn, flinipctn ; 11. a. 1. fpalten; 2. tltnaen inadjcn ; Chinky, adj. riljiij, Flufrif). CHINNED, adj. in compos, longcliinncd, mit lattgem Jlinn. To CHINSE, v. a. jst. t. bie Oiiijcit mit 2Berg yerflppfen. chintz, s. bet 3i^. To chip ?). l. a. flein fd)iiciben f4nifecn; fd;ttil}clit, beljaiten; II. n abfptin b eii. chip, s. sing, bag Stiicfd)en, Srbnttfc cben, 2rl)iiii5el, bet Span; — ax, ba« SBreitbetl. Scblid^tbeil; — box, bie Scbacbtcl; — hat, — bonnet, bet 93aftb,ut. CHIPPING, s. 1. bag 2d)iiiijcn, u.f. to. ; 2. bag 'Stiirfditn, @$Httt$eu; — knife, bag .*pacfmcffcr. CHIRAGR1CAL, adj. 01« EbttOgra Iei= bent. CHIROGRAPH, s. /.. T. cil'.C ill JTOCi 5 beile gefebmttene unb mit bem SBorte (Sbin\]'vapf) bcjcidmctc Sdivift. CHIROGRAPHER, s. bcv ©cbteiber. CHIROGRAPHIC, ) cdj. $11 bet CHIROCRAPIIiCAL, J <£fl)icibcfuilft gebortg. CHIROGRAPHY, s. bie Sdircikfmtfi. CH1ROLOGY, s. bie.£)aiibefptad)C, Sitt= gerfpradje. CHIROMANCER, s. bet (?[)itoniant (bet aiig ben «§Snben wabrfoflt). CHIROMANCY, .-•. bie Pbitpmautie, SSJabrfa^erei ang ben .fjanben. To chirp, u. Ln. jirpen, jroitfdievn, pfeifen ; 11 n. (or Chirrup) erfreuen, frfibltcb madjen. CHIRR s. bag ^ivpen, ©ejirpc, ©e- tuutfdiet, spfetfen. CHIRPER, s. ber 3roitfrbcrnbe, 5pfci= fenbe. CH1RURGEON. .?. vid. Surqeon. CHIRURGERY, s vid Surgery. CHIRURGIC (Chirurgical), vid. Suit chisel, s. bet SJcelgel; SDctet; — work, Jfitpferftrcber, Si!bbauers2lrs bcit. To chisel, <-. a. metSeln, aitgmetseln, cii.t s. I. bafi .Sittb, bet SBalft; 2. bee .. 7i. fetnten. fptpffen. CHITCHAT, s ber Scbnidfcbnarf, bol Oeulauber, 0)cn.nifd? CHOP CHRO CHUR To CIIITTER, v. n. jiftcnt CO Or SiaUe.) rHLTTERHNG. s. 1. bcr Bufenfiretf ; 2. — s, *. pi. bie jtalbaunen, Jtuttcln, ©ebarme; 3. tie iBiuftc. ciiitty, i. adj. tiubifcb; 2. »t>[I ©om« nterfpt offcit ; — face, ba8 fiifsifcbc ®eftd)t. chivalrous (CmvALRic), a///', titters lid), tapfer. chivalry, a l.biciftittcrfd)rtft;3iit= tcnmtrce, bad SHittertbum ; 2. bad iftttterleben, SRitteegut; 3. bic 3ici= tcrci ; 4. + bad sflbeuteuer ; bic tubnc %l)icbclu. CHLORATE, «. bad 6l)l0l\ CiLORIC, ad/. d)lorifd). CHLORIDE, s. bad (Jblotib. CHLORINE, s. bad CSblorin. chlorosis, «. bic 33lcid)fud)t. CHLOROTIC, adj. 1. an bcv SBlcicbfndjt leibenb, bcr Q3icid)fud)t untetroorfen ; 2. ju bet SMeicbfud)t tiel;6rttj. CHOAK, Choaker, &c. vid. Choke, CHOKER, &.C. CHOCK, vid. Shock. CHOCOLATE, s. bie ©cbofoiatc; — drops, ©cbof olfltenpldfccbett ; —mill, — stick, bcr Duert jur (&d)ofolatc ; — nut, bie Jtacaoboljne. choice, i. i. 1. bic SBafil; 2. 2lud; Wafyl, bcr oteni ; to make — of, rodl)= leil ; take your — , wdblen <2ie (tfjlUt Sie) road obcr roie Sie roollen; n. adj. (adv. — L\'), 1. aildCtlcfcit, »0l'= trefftieb; 2. rodbferifd), gettan, fpar= fam; 3. fotgfaitig; to be — of.., nut (Stroad farg fep ; cd njobl »cr= roar/ren ; — drawn, aitda,cfuri)t, a«S* crlci'cn ; Choiceless, adj. nid)t bieSBabl babenb, ficjuniitjeit ; — ness, s. bie •/liidcrlcfeiibett. CHOIR, s. 1. bcr 6fjor; 2. bad Sfjor; — service, bcr Sbotbienft. CHOKE, ». bcr ©att an bcr IHttifdfjoefe. To CHOKE, o.I a. 1. Clftidcit, Wfitflett, etroiirgen ; 2. ftopfeu, oerftopfen, bcmmcii, biitbcrit ; 3. untcrbriideit, iibetn>filtigenj to — up, vcrftopfcit; Choke-damp, Jlf,ont. ,ERA MORBUS, a. bic libolcra, eptbemtfcr)e SBrecbtubt. CHOLERIC, adj. 1. cbolcrifcb, gailfiid)* tig ; 2. tafownig, jornig. CHOLERICNESS, ». bad <56oTcr£fc&e ; rbolcrifd)c 2'cmpcramcnr, bie Sfteis gung jum 3»rit. To CHOOSE, d. ir. a. rodbfen, »i?riic= ben, licber roollen, ntoani; I don't — to follow his advice, id) mag fci- ncm 9iathc nid&t folgen ; 1 cmi't — but weep, idi mufi burdjaus roeinen ; to — out, audnwblcit, au-3|'ud)cii; be has but to — , cr barf nut rodbien ; would yo'.t — some of these fruit-: ? bc = liebt 3bitcit @tro«S «cm biefcit Ariicb= ten? — your own time, beftimmett Sic bic Brit. DHOi (SING, ». ba-3 3B5Meu, bic 33?a$I. CHOOSER, t. bcr 2Baf}lcubc. T.> CHOP, v. I. r.. 1. baucit, Ijadcit, fpaltcn ; jcrbaucn, jcvbatfcit, lets fciiicibeit; 2. taufebcit, ycrtaitfdtcit, fjanbclu; 3. SBotte U'cdifcbi, ftrcitcn: to — oir, abfjanctt, abbarfcit ; to — i"gic with one. init ciiicnt bisputiten; 1 H. i!. X. T. plo^tid) roccbfclii ; Hie wind chops about, bet 2Binb fpriiifjt urn. CHOP, s 1. bag Stiicf, bcr 5d)iiitt, ©tjfen, bie Stfcnitte;2. bcrSiii;, Jii§, bic Spalte; 3. — s, j>i. vid, {.'h.vps; mutton — s, .OammclrippdKii, (iorc- IcttC; — fallen, vid. Chap-fallen ; — house, bic ©arfudje; bad Svcifc= fyaviS. CHOPIN, s. bcr Sr^oppen, bad 3l5feT. CHOPPER, s. bcv .^ad'er, M ,tpacf= meffcr. CHOPPING, I. part, iii compos. — block, bet ifiacfblocr, ^aubiodt; — board, ba« .Oadbrctt; — knife, bo8 <§arfs meffcr; H. adj. ftaif, bid. CHOPPY, adj. tlfjtg, riftifl, fpaltia,. CHORAL, I. 8. ber (Styotat: lladj. 'air. — ly), 1. ;um (S^ot geoorig; 4>ot* orttg; 2. tin (fborc fiii^cnb. CHORD, s. 1. bic ©aite; 2. .v«.?. T. bcr 2lccotb ; 3. o. r. bic Scbnc. To cii' iRD, v. a, in it Saitcit bejie^en, befaitcn. CHORDEE, 1. bit .j5aritftrciia,<. CHORIAMB, \ s ,„ fct...-,.^!,,,. CIIORLV.MBCS,5 sbcra ' ,0rUln,ll! '- CHORIAMBIC, «(//. r&oriambtfrft. CHORION, s. bfl« ^Ifcihantcbcn, ?!d} bcr SJladjgeburt. chorist, > s. bcr S^otfonget; chorister, 5 ©anger. chorourai'HER, s. bet Canbcvbc- fd)rciber. CHOROGRAPmCAL (aio. — ly), adj. cfei.u-C'jirapliifdi. CHORUGRATHY, «. bic 2anbcvbefd)vci= 6ung. chorus, *. bcr 6b or. chough, s.bie ©teinbo^te, Setgbo^Ie, Jli\ihc CHOULE vid. Jowl. To chouse, v. a. fccfriigen, bintcr= qc()en, attfu^rttt ( — of. ., unt . . .). ciiousK, s. 1. bcr ©etrug, ^offen, Strcid); 2. ba8 %tft$tti, bet SJlatr, einfaltige SDZenfd), To chowter, p. 71. nutrrcn, brummttt. chrism, 5. bad ©albSl, bet 6l)n;fan. CHRISMAL, adj. — oil, Wtc Chrism. ciirismatory, a. ins @efa| jum ©albole, CHRISOM, a. baa Jlinb, roclcbcd inner= balb ciucS Vomits nad) ber ®ebutt ftirbt; — cloth (crisome), bad lllit (ihr.Mam rtcfalbtc 2nd) bcr Bruges botnen J?i»bet, 3Beftet^emb. ciiKisT, a. Sb,tiflu8; — 'a thorn, bcr E&tijtbotu, Stert>born. To CHRISTEN, v.o. 1. taufen; 2. ttcn= ncn, beneunen. CHRISTEND 'M. a. bad 6i)vificiif(;iim, bic ('"'hriftenhcit. CHRISTENING, s. bic £aufc, .fiinbtaufc. CHRISTIAN, I. «. I. bcr thrift; 2. {prop, name) SbtifHan: b'bvii'tinc; U. (adv. — ly), adj. dniftlid) ; fn eompoa. — name, bcr ^'aiitnanic, 33orname ; — like, djtifteninapig, djriftlidi. CHRDSTIANISM, a. 1. (s"briftcn= thiuu; 2. bic Wniftcuhcit. CHRISTIANlTy, a. Hi C» hviftcutfuint. To CHRISTIANIZE, d.o. \\\\n (s'briftcn niadu-n ; jum (■iH-iftcntlniiu bcfcl'ioit. Christmas, s. Sffleibnad&ten, ba« l^hriftfcft; — boy. bad 2'i?cibitacbto= gefebent, bcr ^eilige S§tift; — carol, bad SBeibnacbttlieb ; — day, bcr crftc SBeibnat^tstag, Sbrifttag; — f.ower, — rose, bicldniMrjc JlieSffiltrj boms — I . ). CHRISTOPHER, s. Pbviftcvb. CHROMATE, *•. — of potash, rbroin= faurcd ,«ali. CHROMATIC Lodj.Mua. T. l.dvoma= tifd); 2. S.irben belieffcnb; II. — «, a. }■'. tie SarbruUbn- CHRONICAL (CHRONIC), sdj. rbrouifcH langaierig, (oon Jtranfbcitcn . CHRONICLE, s. 1. bic (Shroiiif; 2 chronicles (the book of), bad $ucb bci 6b ron tea. To CHRONICLE, v.a. nad) bcr 3eitfoIa,« befdjreiben, aufjeiebnen. CHRONICLER,*, bcr (.>inoiiifcitfctorci' bcr, e>)cfd)iditfcbreibcr. CHRONOGRAM, s. bad (ibroiirqraiii. CHRONOGRAMMATIC, ) adj. &10- CHR< INI KSRAMMATICAL, \ D0g*.am< matifdi. CHRONOGRAMMATIBT, ^. bcr fJbro* nogramnieiifdireibcr. CHRONOGRAPBES, s. bcr fibronifr, Sbronifenfcbreibet, CHRONOLOGER, >#. ber O"brpnolog, CHRi INOLOGIST, i 3 e ' tl 'ccbitcr. CHRONOLOGIC \ {adv. — ly), adj CHRONOLOGICAL, $ d;ronolo s }ifd). CHRONOLOGY, «. bic (Sbronowgie, Seittecbnung. CHRONOMETER, a T. bet ^citmc^tcr. CHRYSALIS, a. bieSPupye ciucr Jiaupc, it. f. w. iAiRYSOCOL, a. bad SBetggrfin; bcr ©olbleim; ©otar. 30LITE, a. ber 6f)tl;folith (6bcU flein). CHRYSOPRASE, 5. bcr Cbr'.ifoprad, ©olblaurb flein. CHUR, ». bet Jtaulbatfcb; —cheeked. — faced, adj. bttUlbdcfig. CHUBBED, ( ,. c-4: (r„ ( . CHUBBY, j ■*•*»* f«fc Tb'CHUCk, r. 1. n. 1. glucfeit : I Cutciin:; II. a. 1. litltcr bad .Vvillil fcblagen; 2. m/?. kuerfen, fcbnelleu; 3. bitrd) (Dliirfcn lorfcn. CHUCK, ». 1. bad QM'icfen; 2. fiu^n= ct>cu ; ^Jupvcben (aid 2tebfofungd= tvort); 3. ciu (Viofclicbcd) geliubed @erauf4»; 4. bcr ©cblag unter bai Jlimt; Jtimigtiff; —farthing, PlTCHFARTHl.NO, UllfCl* PlTCIt. To CHUCKLE ».Ln.au8»oUcill Oali: Iarbeit, ficberii ; II. «. i. bind; 01u= rfen iocfcii; 2. fig. (iebfofeu. ('hi ET,«. + ba« qcbadtc a\cv':. ), barftc. CHUFF, a, bcr ©robian, Viitnmcl. cm itim ss, a. bic ©robbeit, J olpefei. CHUFFY, adj. grob, bid, tolpifdj ; nuir= rifd). chum, .9. bcr Stnbenbutfcbe. CHUMP, 8. bad ^titcf; a — of bcr.Uiotj. CHURCH, a. bic .Uirdc; .Uiruicnqc= meinbe; — of England, bic anglicani= fdic ,ttitcbe ; — ale, bad jtttctyweibfefi, bie .«ird;tncffc; —attire bcr.Uirdicn- Ol'liat; — authority ( — ■ power), bic fircblidie ©eivalt; — bench, bcr vsritj in berlQorbaUe ciucr.Uii'd>c; — l k, bad Jvirdjenbud) ; — burial, bad firdi= lide ©egtSbuifj; — discipline, bic jTttefcenjuebt; — founder, bet iRtta cbengtUllbet; — land, bad ,Kivdicii= out ; — hk<', ciiicm ®eiftlid)en gejie» nicnb ; — litten, bcr J?itd)bof, @ota tcdaucr; — man. bcr ©eiftltcbe; SDcitglieb bet englifa)en Stivd)t, S8i= fd)6fficbgeftnnte ; — martin, bic Jtird)* frbmalbe, i'laucrfdmmlbc ; — sic, ^ircbtnmufif ; — owl. bic .ftirdculc (i-/7. Hkhnowl); — porch, bcr SBot^oj cincr .Uird'C; — preferment, baefircb* lidic ©enefjeiumj — reeve, — w;ir- den, bet .Uirdu-iKiltcftc, jlirc^enuot" ftcbet; J?ircb, oatet ; — rates, avird< = Stciicru ; — work, cin (angfam forts fducitcnbcd SBerf ; —yard, bet ®ofa tcd.idcr ; — yard cough, bet ©d)n>inb» futbtbufren. To i 111 RCII. o. a. (to — a woman, CtrM 2Sod>netiiin jut .Uiidc fitbtc.i ; vhi CO CINQ Is churched, fie bat ilucu ititC^gaitfl gefcalten ; Oiurcbin&,».ber Jftrc^Qang 'eincr iLUirbucriun). !!HUK(3HaHlP,».bte^ir(^en»erfoffung. CHURL, ». 1. berSSauer, (Mrobiau, 3lc= g«I; 2. Jiiiicr'er, gilj. DHURLISB (arfe. — i.Y\nrf/\ 1. DOUtlfc?, grob, tottb, tttU% plumy ; 2. eigett= •lii&ig, fil$ig, farg, jahc; 3. hart, flaw; — ness, 5. bte ©robbeif, 9tau= bigfetf, .giarte ; giljtgfetr, JUnicfcrci. CHURLY, a//;. roie Churlish. chubn, «. bag 33utferfa§ ; — owl, ber 3iegcufaiiger (SIrt ©c^walbej ; — stiff, ber SutterftSfiel. To CHURN, v. a. 1. buttcni, fci'HClt ; 2. fcbiittcln. CHURR-WORM, *. tie SBtVtt, 3efb= gnlk. To CHUSE, vid. To Choose. CHYLACEOUS, adj. belt ($t)\)hh$ bc= treffeiib. chyle, s. ber (SbuluS, 2)iitcbfafr, lUabrungSfaft. chyllfaction, s. bte SBerraanblitng in -JcabrungSfaft. CHYLIF ACTIVE, ? adj. in SMcbfaft iiiylopoetic, i oerraattbelnb. chylous, adj. boh ober aus 3JJilch= faft ; roie Sbi)lu3. ( HYMICAL (— ic; adv. — ly), adj. cbi)= mifeb. chymist, s. ber (Sbwmtfer, (£d)eibe= futiftler. CHYMISTRY, s. bie (fbtymie, ©cb>ibe= futtft. CIBARIOUS, adj. JU ben Speifctt geT)0s rig ; eybar. cibol, s. bie 3tpollc, f Ictnc RraiBet. CICATRICE (CICATRIX), .<. bie Ukrbe. CICATRIZANT, adj. 91arbcn madicub obev laffenb, ocriiarbenb (you .£>ciU mitteln). CICATRIZATION, s baS 9carteit, 93ev= narbcit. To cicatrize, v. I. a. Sftarbcn ma* then ; H. n. fid) uarben. CICELY, I. (prop, name) GcCtlic; 2. ber ©teinfummel (Sescii — l); ba8^er= belfratlt (Charophylhim ■ — L.) ; sweet — , ber foanifebe jlcrbcl (Scandix odo- rata — z,.) ; wild — , ber ©crjterling (Oiciita — L.) J silken — , bie ©C^raaU beniDItrj (Jlsclepias — /,.) CICHORACEOUS, adj. cirboriettartig. CICHORY, s. bie (?id)0rie, vid. Succory, cicuta, «. ber Srhierlittg. cider, s. ber Giber, Dbftmein, 5lcpfcl= roein; ciderist, ber (Sibcrmacbcr; ci- derkin, ber geringe Giber. cierge, s. bie Jicrjc (bci $Procefito= nen). CIGAR, x. vid. Segar. HJARY, adj. ju ben ^lugcnliebcrit gc= horig. CILICIOUS, adj. biiren. CIMITER, s. "ber (humnte tiirftfebe) Sabel. CINCTURE, a. 1. ber ©itrtel ; Umfang ; 2. Jlreh. T. Chut, Gaum (oben au,ci= tier Saule). CINDER, *. bie auSgegluhte SXobU, ge= lofebte ©tcinfohle ; smith's — =, bie ^ofcbfohlen, ©cbmicbefoblcn ; — wo- man, — wench, bie AtoI>ienfanimlc= rinn, ber \>lfd)cubrobel. GENERATION, s. Ch. T. bie 83er6ren= mtiig jit Vlfrbe. CINEREOUS, adj. afrbgrau. CINERETIOUS, adj. afcbicijt, afrfjig. ilxxaijai;, s. ber 3tttnoher; — of an- timony, ber 2).uef;glaS=3i ini Pbcr. cinnamon, .9. ber 3immt, Saneel ; — water, has Buiuntivaffer, tcr 3iinmt= bran ntracitt. cinque, s. bie Sunf; fiinf (a:,f SSiirs felu unb in ber J?artc;; —foil, baS CIRC S'iiiiffingcrfraut (Potentu/a — £.) ; — pace, cine \'lrt langfamcr, feierltcber JEoitJ; — ports, bte fiinf <£>afeit'iu (Sltgiattb (Dover, Sandwich, Romney, Winchelwa, and Rye) ; Sp. F.. citCJlc^ ntit funf (Stngaugeit ; — quarter, Dter unb fiinf auf ben aBitrfeln ; — spotted, fi'uifflecfig. cion, e. ber (Schilling, ba» Srbofi= rei« ; 5J?fropfrctS. CIPHER ». 1. bie 3iffer; 2. SJiuU; 3. ber gchcime Sdjriftjug. To cipher, » I. v. rerb licit : H. a. 1 . mit gcbeintcit 3eirf)cit fcbreibcit ; 2. be= jetrbitcn, d>irafterifiren. To circinate, v. a. eiiiett 3'vfel bc= fcbreibcit; rnttb abntcffeit, ab^irfcln. circle, s. 1. ber 3irfel, AreiS; 2. UmfreiS, Umfang; 3. @cfellfdvifts= frcis ; — wise, 5ir'fclformig, int 3irfe(. To circle, v. I. «. 1. fid) tin Jireifc (tint (Straits') brebeit, heritm gehett; 2. untgeben; II. n/ftrh int Jtreife brc= ben; to — in, ctnfrhltcficn ; einfcbvaii= fen; circled, adj. frci^fiu'lltig ; Circling, adj. jirfelfBrnttft, IreiSf ormtg ; circling tools, (Staitgcnj'trfcl (fi'tr bie Ubrma= cber). ClRCLER, s. citt fditccbter £>t<$ter. CIRCLET, a. ber fkiitc 3irfel. CIRCUIT, s. 1. ber Umlauf, Jtrcislanf ; 2. bte 3irfclflacbe; 3. ber JRiitg^teif; 4. UmfretS, Umfang ; 5. ^retS, Son* ten, ®crid)t?bctirf ; 6. llmfchraetf; to make a — ,Umfd)nKifc niacbcii, inn bie '2ad)c berum gcben ; to go the — , in ben ^ejirfen berum reifen, tint bai (Sericbt jn batten, bie 3tttnbc marbcit ; — court-, tlmgangSs (ober »aitbern= be) @erid)te. To circuit, v. n. rnnb berum geben, fid) int Jircife bcivegcn ; iinibcrreifen. circuiteer, s . toai tat ^rcife berum gcht; ber tut JJretfe berum reifet. ClRCUlTiJCS (adv. — ly), adj. ttmlalt= fenb, umfd)iveifcub ; runb berum; a — route, ein Untraeg. CIRCULAR (ado. — ly), I adj.i. jtrM= runb, freUfiirmig ; 2. untlmtfenb; tin ^ii'Eel ; 3. fig. gemcin ; — letter, ba8 Jlreisfdjreiben, Circular; — sailing, ba§ Segeln in ciitcm grojicn 33ogcn; a — stair-case, eitte SBciibcltreppe ; ii. s. rid. Circular letter, circularity, s. bie 3irfciform. To CIRCULATE, v. I. n. illl Ulllfailf feint, circulircit; II. a. in Umlauf brittgett; to — bills, .v. e. 2Bcd)fe[ girirctt; Circulating library, bie ^C|"c= biblictbcf. circulation, s. ber .RrcuHatif, Um= iauf. CIRCULATORY, I. s. Ck. T. ber (5ircu= lirfolbett; n. adj. herumjiebenb ; cir= culirettb; — letter. ba« alreigfcbrcibcn. circumambiency, s. baS Umgcbcu, ber (5'infd)luf). CIRCUMAMBIENT, adj. timgcbcnb, ciit= fdjlicpcub. To CIRCUMCISE, v. a. befcbitetbctt (bte SBorhaut) ; — ciser, ». ber Sefc|neiber; — eision, s. bte 53efcbneibung. CIRCUMFERENCE, s. 1. ber' UmfrciS, Umfang, Scjirf; 2. bie JObcrflarbc citteS runbett JtijrvcrS. CIRCUMFERENTOR, s. G. T. ba>3 ?lftre= labium. CIRCUMFLEX, 5. Gram. T. ber gtrCUltts flcr. CIRCUMFLUENCE, s. bie Umfloffen= licit ; Umfcbltcfjung oon2Baffer ; llm= ftromuttg. CIRCUMFLUENT (— ous), adj. umffie= fenb. CIRCUMFORANEOU8 ( — ean ), adj. hcrum;iel)cnb, [laufircnb. To CLRCUMFUSE, v. a. l;eruui gicfccn. CITE CIRCUMFUSILE, adj. Vr: tgicfjbar. circumfusion, s. bie Umgicfutita,. circumgyration, s. bas Untbrebcn circumjacent, adj. umltegenb. CIRCUMLSGATION, s. 1. ba« Umbitu ben; 2. bie 33iiit>e. CIRCUMLOCUTION, s. b:c Umfrhrci* bung, SPertpbrafe ; ber Umfcbisetf. CIRCUMLOCUTORY, adj. uiufcbrc;-. benb. CIRCUMMURED, adj. iimuiauert. To CIRCUMNAVIGATE, v. a. ttmfdiif. fdt, ttmfegeln; — navigable, adj. urn* febiffbar; — navigation, s. bie ltmic= gelling ; — navigator, s. kcr GttroaJ umfcbtfft, ber SBcltumfegler. cmc imposition, s. ba* Se^cit ober ©telien int .Rreife. CIRCUMROTATION, a. ba5 Untbreben, Umlaufeu ; — rotatory, otij. beruinbre= benb ; berumrairbelnb. To circumscribe, v. a. 1. ttmgren= jctt ; 2. einfrbriinfeit. C1RCUMSCRIPTIBLE, adj. ttmarctubar. circumscription, a. 1. bie llmgrcn= jungj (Sinfdjranfuitg ; 2. bie freis= formtge 3ufd)t'ift, Urnfcbrtft; — scriptive (adv. — ly), adj. UmgrClUCUb. CIRCUMSPECT, ) adj. o'orftc^tig, circumspective, $ timftcbttg, ari)'t= fam, raacbfam, bebutfam ; — spection, — spectness, s. bie 33orfid)tigfeif, ".'Icbt* fantfeit, S3el)iitfamfcit ; 2Bacbfanu fcit ; — spectively, — spectly, adv. »0f= fiehtig. circumstance, a. bcrUmfianb, 3n= ftaub, 3"f»i'l ; bie Sage; — stanced, adj in Umftaubcu, befebaffen ; — stan- tial (adv. — ly), adj. Itmftailblicf; ; Jll= fallig; — stantiaiity, s. bie Uniftattb- licb.fcit. To CIRCUMSTANTIATE, v. a. til Ultt = ftiinbe yerfe^eu. To CIRCUMVALLATE V. a. Mmfcbatt= jen. CIRCUMVALLATION. s. Ml. T. 1. bie ■Jhinft fid) ju serfeban^cn ; 2. iM ©cbanjenaufraerfen 5 bie aufjere Um= fc^anjung ; (5trcmnt>aUafion8itnie. To CIRCUMVENT, v. a. liftig l;ttttergc* ben, iibcrliften ; — mention, s. ber li= ftige 93ctntg, bie Ucberlifiiing, .£>iu= tcrlift; — ventive, adj. betrugcrifrb, binterliftig. To CIRCUMVEST, v. a. rings umbct fcefleiben. To C1RCUMVOLVE, v. a. ltmwa[;cil, berum brcfjeu. circumvolution, 8 . 1. bie Umraala jung, Umbrcbiing ; 2. ber ftrb mnraaU jcttbe ©cgenftaub ; 3. Arch. T. bie 2Binbung (ait eincr ©Sale). CLRCUS, s. ber (SircuS. CISALPINE, adj. bteffftffl ber ^Il^ett. cissoid, s. g. t. bie (Stffoibe. CIST, s. ber Jtaftcit ; xid. Cyst. CISTED, adj. vid. Cysted. cistercian, *. ber Pifierctcttfcr C2K5itdb). cistern, a. bie ©fierne, ber 2Daffer» bebalter, SBaffertrog, bad ©erfen. cistus, s. bus <5iftchrij«d)cn, gelfen^ rb§d;cit. CIT, a. cont. ber armfelige QSiirger, ©piefburger, ?)3biliftcr. citadel, 's. bie Bitabellc. citation, s. L. T. 1. bie Citation. inn-labung ; 2. bie Slttfii^rung, Cfv«= nnihuitttg. ( 'i i'ati )RY, adj. nrrlabcitb ; — letter bie fcbriftlidic Citation. To CITE v. a. 1. citirett, »rrtaben, be- fdieibcit, Dorforbem ; aufforbcrtt; 2. anfiihren (©cbrtftftellcit). citer, a. ber SBorforberer, *Vorber« fucdit ; Slnfii^rcr (eincr 5 telle, tt f. ».)• CLAM CLAS CLEA crniEBN, ». bie 3itf)er. crnciSM, «. bie mbaaitat, bas pbti* fcbe 33ciichntett. ciT\FA), n >/j. cittgcburgcrt, baS ©firgers rccfjt bcfiijenb. citizen, i. s bet (-~taat3=) Sutget ; II. aZj. — , or — like, biirgerltcf), biir= gcrntajjig; — ship, s. bie (Sigenftijaft cineei Surgeri; bai ©urgerredjt ci= net - Stabt'ober eiltcg 8anbe& CITRATE, s. CA. T. ba« ©tttttt. CITRIC, ntabtrea)r, bie 0ercd)t= fame eiucr Stabi gives,*, pi. ber 2d' nirtlaud). CIVET, ». bcr 3ibet ; — cat, bie 3tbet= fafce. CIVIC, adj. burgct'licf) ; — crown, bie SBittgerfrone. CIVIL (adv. — i.y), adj. 1. biirgerlicf), ci= •oil; 2. ctvilrcdrtlic^ : 3. ciithcimifd), iiinerltrt) ; 4. bbflirf), fein, geftttet ; — death, L. T. bcr biirgcrlirlK Sob ; — law, iciS biirgerlirbe (tijinifdje) Stcrbt; —list, bie (StBtDtjie. civilian, a. ber Eioillift, ;ficd>«ge= Ichvtc, i~fubcttt bc« biirgci'licftcn (ro= mtfrfjen) JtcrbtS. CIVILITY, s. bie .£>6fltd)feit. civilization, a. bie en-; II. n. to — wool, bie@d)afisnatre a us ber 2i5oile auifepneiben. CLACKEK. .*. bie .« tapper. To CLAIM, o. a. 2lnfprud) madjen, for= bent ; to — one's promise, (tltf bie (St- fiilluug bei gemadjten ^erfprcdjeue brtitgett. CLAIM, .". 1. ber ?Iufprud), bie Ao:be= rung ; 2. bai 3icd)t ut fbcbetn ; to have a — on ... , Slnfpntdj [jabeu auf ... ; to lay (make) — to, Wllfpritrf) ntiidjeu ftuf (@troai). claimable;, adj. mat in Stnfprucl) 511 uchmcit, \u forberu iji. Slambr^' 5 * ba ' *»fi«»*««*«- To CLAM, o.a. leimcit. To CLAMBER, v. n. (—up), flettcrii, {lintmcit. CLAM MIXES.-!, s. bilo v V'ihc, bie ,Ulc= brigfeit. CLAMMY, adj. vibe, Etebrig. clamour, * : . ba§ ©efdjret, ©etSfe ; clamour -,r. bl'r v2d)Vcicr. To clamour, v. 1. v. fdncicn, (atmen ; II. a. iibertiubeit; to — bells, mit al- ien ©locfen liiuteit. CLAMOROUS, (ado. — i.y), febrcicub, larmcnb. PLAMP, s. 1. ber Balfen, tie Vatto, 8ei|le, 2Bange, baB ^djalftiicf (jc* 'e* @tu o 1 $ jur SBerftarfttng) ; 2. .v. t. bie 3-lappc, btx @djijfe'bal= balfcn ; 3. (Safe, .gaufeit (2)?aucr= fteinc, it. f. to.). To CLAMP, v. a. uuterimgcfit, scruta= len, mit ?eiflen, u. f. n>. einfaffett. CL.VN, $. ber Stamm, bafl ©efffllet^t; — ni.-h, uerbinbenb om'c bie ©liebet cincs Stammefl); — ship (— niab- ness), bie ^erbinbnng bcr Stamme, @cfd)[ed)rer, it, f. to. CLANDESTINE, (— ly), adj. bcimlid), verftcblcit; —in trad.-, ber 2dilcid)= kutbcl; — ness, s. bie .^ctmlidifcit, gel)etiuc .i5anblitug. CLANG, ». Mr «d>aU, XUang, bai @c= vaffel, ©etofe. To clang, c. a. fdMlieu iai|cn, vaffcln. CLANGOUR, t. ber Sd>aU cer Ivoiii; pete, it. f. w.). CLANGOUS, iadj fdiaflcnb, toncub, CLANGOROUS, S tliitgenb. CLANK, ». bad 0)eia ,v el, ©eflirr. To clank, o.a. raffe'iii, Eitrren lancn. To CLAP. v. a. if v. 1. Happen; flats fdicti; fd)lagcu, flopfeu; jufammeu= fdtlagcn ; 2. jufcfclagen ; 3, tretben ; jrotngeu; einftecfen; 4. bcMatfdjcn, Seifafl juf latfd;cu ; 5. anftcrfeit (mit bent Supper) ; to — hands, in bie >C">anbcflatfd)cn, apulaubireii; fid) bie yn'inre all '.'(ngelobung bcr .Irene, It, f. to. rcirbcit ; to —spurs to a horse, cittern Sjiferbe bie Sporucn geben; she clapped her hands before h.-r eyes, fie t)ie!t )id) tic Slugett 511 j to — in, or into, htuciiifdilagctt, tretben, ober jrmngen, bincinfdjtebcu ; einrcdiucit; bcrcint'lafecti ; to — on, anfcblageit; aufd)lict)cn ; auflegcn ; aumadicn, bc= feftigen ; tliey clapped on more sails, fte fpauitten mcb,r ©cget auf; to — to, jufdilagcn ; to — up, in allcr @ile Sit ©tanbe bringen, itbcrcilcn, bc= fdileuuigeu ; to — up a peace, in allcr ©tie ciiictt 3'i'icben fdilicficu; to — up in prison, einftecfen, gcfaugctt fee licit ; to — up together, cinpad en, 511= fammenbinben. CLAP, s. 1. bcr ,ttlapl\ ,Una!l, Sl^Iag, ScbmtP; 2. ba3 .Rlati'dn-u ; 3. bie ^Inftafung ; bcr Srippcr; 4. s,,. f.. bcr unfere Ibcil bcS ScbnabcU cittcs galfen ; — of thunder, ber Sonnets fdilag ; atone—, auf cttt 3Ral, pUHu lid) : a — on the shoulder, bet §djulb= arrejl; — hoard, bie (gro$e, lange Sebinbcl ; — net. bai eercgennefe. CLAPPER, ». l.bie.Ulapvcr: ber jt.l5»« pel icinev ©lecfe) : 2. ber .SUatfdjjeiibe (jum 3eid)cu bes ©eifallS). To CLAPPERCLAW, 0. a. fd)clten. Clare-obscure,*. T.bas fiellbunfcl. CLARET, ( — \yink>. .«. ber (5larcf, ©OTs beam 2Bein, ber jraniroein. CLARICORD, s. bcr Ahigcl, (etue ','lrt Slaviec). 1 ilaripication, s. bie SIBHarung ; baS aibflaren. CLARIFIER, e. T 1. berJUarfcffcl; 2. bai abflarcnbc JDitttel. /;. CLARIFY, b. 1. o, I. abflaicu ; 2 aufflaren ; U. «. 1. fid; auftlarcu ; 2 fid) abflarcn. clarinet, ». bie Elarinette. clarion, ». baS Glartn. CLARY ■-•• bie ©djarlei, bafl Sd)ar= lad)fraut. '/'..clash, b. 1. r. 1. flinen; 2. an= ftffcn ; 3. fig. jutribee fciitt, roibers ftretten; 11. «. anfcblageit. clash, » 1. bafl ©eraffel; bcr Stofi, SPuff, 2d)iiii|'j;2. fe.3a"t Strcir, SBiberfprudj, tic SBtberfefeung ■. the — of arms, bat SBaffengeflirr, fengetSfe. clasp, t 1. bcr .Oaten, .Oa^pett, .*>cf-- td, bie jtlaminer, ^rampe ; Sdjnah le, ®urte(fc|naUe ; ©pange, Sigraffe ; bai 2rt)lo6 am Quelle, tie Claufur*, 2. ber anbrurf, bie Umarmuna ; — knife, bcr (iiulcgcr, bai lafdhen* meffet; — nail, ber 2d>tnbcluagcl. 7b CLASP, v. a. 1. anbafen, tuhafen, jitbcftelu, ^ufdiuallcu ; 2. fid) anflam- nicru, ergretfen, feft baltcu; 3. luns Fangen, umfaffen, anbrucfen, falten; to — to one's bosom, an fciltc iUnji briicfen. CLASPER, t. bcr .O'lfen, bat .Oafcbrtt, bie -Manic. CLASS, ». bie C5lai|c, OrbnuRg: bcr Stanb; — book, bai Glaffenbuoj. To class, b. 0. claffificircu, in fflaffea orbnen. CLASSIC, [— cal : adv. —i.y;, I. adj ciaffird) ; 11 ». ber Blafftfer. CLASSIFICATION, t. bit Slafftfkas lion, (; 2. fdjulbloi, uitbcflecfi; ll. ado. 1. rciit ; 2. gctYbirft. cleanness, 1 bie SRetnigfeit, SHeta* [iebfeit ; ,-)uiubcit. CLEANSABLE, adj. toat gcreinigt ivcr- ben faun. /..cleanse. 0. a. 1. r'etnigen, fatii bctn ; fcbrcit, ausfebren, quifegett; ferjeuetn, pitmen; 2. fig reintgen (»»« Sunben), [oifprecben. CLEANSER, 9. bet rljcinigcr, '?iu*fcN vcr, 11 f. n). ; bai abtulu'cnbe 3Rttttl CLEM CLIN CLOS :i.r.\n [ado.— ly), i. adj. i. bell, ffor, rein ; 'J. z;^. hater; :i. rcntlicb; 4. fdnuf, fdiarffidnig ; 5. fret leer; 6. fig. fd)ttlMog. nnbeflcdr, foulbenftei ; /'. M. T. itetfo, obne Slbjitg; 8. offei;= bar, iteeifellos, unlaugbat; 9.»oUtg, ganjltd), gang unb flat ; to get — , log roerben ; bason tonimen, bnrd)= ttifdu'it ; to come off — , gliitflicf) bason Eommen ; to keen — of, unter= tetlaffert; .fid)) entfertit balfen ; ba= von bleiben ; to leap — over, biniibcr fpringcit ; io stand — , attg bent 2Bege trcteii, v 4- ; lafj mad)en ; — const, bie gefabrloic Unfit; fig. bag freie gelb ; — complexion, bie retne ©cftcbtgfar= be; — ■ gain, ber rente ©croinn ; — headed, anfgeffart, (som SBerftanbe); — reputation, ber nnbefcboltene 9iuf ; — sighted, bellftcbtig, frbarffirbtig ; the most — sighted, bie bellften .ttopfe ; — , sightedness, bie Scijarf fic^tti^f et t, S -De= nrtbeilnnggfraft ; — title, bag uitbes ftrcitbare .'Jiecbt; — voiced, cine Ela= re, belie ©ttmme babenb; — water. Sea lang. (ilH boben 9corben) bie et8= freie See. To clear, v. a. 1. bell madien, er= hcileit, aufbcllen ; Elaren; aufElarett, anfbeitern ; 2. abbolten, augljoljen; 3. fret macben, befrcicn, lofcn, lo§= fprecben; 4. anslaben; 5. "rcd>tfcrtt= gen ; 6. an reincm ©croinn cintra= gen, rein gcrotnncn, vein babett; to — a ship, ein ©rf)iff frci madden, ben 3ofl eiitrid)fert ; to — a shop, bag ganje Sager ; alle SBaaten) scrfanfcn, anfranmen ; to — a deht, cine ©d)ulb abfiihrcn, ffjanj) be^ablctt; to — the table, ben JEtfcfa abranmen, abbed'ett; to — a room, ein 3' mi "C r raumeit ; to — away, to — the weeds, bag lllt = Erauf flusfatetl; —the house! marfd) jum 4?aufe binaug ! — the road (way), auS bent SBege ! to — an account, einc Stemming (tqutbtren, bcridrU gen ; to — a title, eineit 9lnft)Wcb be= rocifen ; cleared out (outwards) at the custom house, M. k. am Bdlbanfe clarivt (frci gemacbt) ; he clears but a thousand dollars, cr Ijat 111IV 1000 Abater uetto ; to — up, anfliellcn, aufElavcn, anfbeitern ; II. ». (to — up) 1. bell roerben ; 2. fret roerben. XEARANCE, s. ber 3pKgettel, %t>\U febcin ; — charges, bie ©lartrungS* fpefen. clearer, s. ber (Svbettcrcr, 2lufHaret ; SJietntger. CLEARNESS, s. 1. bie Belle, Jtfarbcit ; 2. Seutlicbfett: 3. .geirerEeif; 4. 3icinbcit; llnfdntlb; 5. accbltd)fcit. To CLEARSTARCH, v. a. (SGafcbe) fiarfen, ftetf macben : Clear-starcher, a. ber (tie) (StroaS ftarff. ftcif madt. BLEAT, s .v. T. bie .Klampc (©turf .P>ol5 an 1 . To cleave, v. I. «. i . flcben. anf leben, fteb anbangen ( — to one, (Stnem); 2. jig. fid) fdjtcfcrt, paffert; 3. fpaltcit, berften, anffpviiti-jcit; II. a fpalten, fyellen ; jerfpolfen. i;lkaVER, s. 1. bet_ ©falter; 2. ba« •■i^ctf, •gaefnteffer, btcgoljart; wood- cleaver, ber tc ^flUJl) ballon ; pad'en, iimfaffcn; 2. feinett SJiagel) umfrbtagenj nieten rerntctcit, befc= jltgeil ; to — an argument, e t It C II SBewetS oerftarEen ; to — a cable, j\r. T. einen Pilfer am Jltinqc fcftmadKit; Clinching, s. JV. T. bag i'erftopfen tec 2d)ic§loduu-. CLINC!!, .? 1. bag SBortfpicI; 2. .v. T. ber \>!nferbanm; — bolt, A r . t. ein o?littfboI$en ; — work, jv. t. ^Itnler= rocrf ; Clincher, .t. 1. bic Arantpc ; bet .gnfen ; 2. ber SSifeler ; 3. bic roifjiac 9lntroort. To CLING, v. ir. v. f (eben, anf feben ; fig. anbangen ( — to a person, Etnem) fid; attfebmiegen. CLINGY, adj. tlcbcitb, Efebrtg. CLINIC (— cal 1 , aij. bcttlage'rtg ; a — ai lecture, tie mefci^inifdic (SonfuTta- tion am .firanfenberte ; — al convert, ber anf bem ©terbebetfe ^eEebrte. To clink, v. a. «■ ??. gretl Eltngen, to= ner fltrren, raffeln. CLINK, 5. bag ©ctlinge, ©eflirr. 'bet ,«cttcn, u. f. ro.) To clip, v. a. flbfrbneiben, befebncibcK. Eippen ; to — the coin, bic gjJiin^eti ftppen; to — sheep ©cbafe fd)ereu. CLIP. s. bie Umarntung. CLIPPER, s. ber SBefc^netber, .Hipper. clipping, s. 1. bag ©efebneibett; 2. —b, pi. ©djntfeel, 9lbfSHe. cloak, s. ber 2)iantel ; fig. Redman: tel ; — bag, ber SKantelfod, bae ?ycl^ ctfen ; — bearer, ber ©cblcppentras gcr; — loop, bie 'jJiaittelfdinnr; — pin, bic SBanbfebraube ; — twitcher, ber i)J}antc!abfebncibcr, ©affenbieb. To CLOAK, v. a, (mit ctticm 3)?antcf) bcc-cdcn, Berbergen; fig . bcmantcln j befd)6nigen; — cloaking-Etuffs, fBlati* teljeuge. clock, .?. 1. bic (2Banb=1 Hbr, ©dilag- itbr, Sburmttbr; 2. bte 3roicf elbiun'te (im etrnmpfe) ; what o'— is it 1 roie oiel Ubr tfteg? —casting, bag SBerf cincr grofienUbr; Ubrfornitnten; — dial, (— face), bag 3tfferbla tt ; — hand, ber ©tmtbenjeiger; — maker, ber Ubrmaeber; — making, bag llbrma= eben, bie Ubtmarberfnnft; — pally, bet Jtlobcn ; — work, bag Ubrrocif. To CLOCK, vid. To Clock. CLOD, s. 1. ber Jtlof;, bic ©d)oUt; ber .Klitmput, bag jtlitmpcbcn ; 2. — , ( — htad, — pate, — poll), ber Sitntm- Eopf, £blpel ; — hopper, vug. ber Saner; — pated, buntm. To clod, v. n. ficfj f litmpcnt, gerinnen. CLODDY, adj. 1. flojjtg ; flllillpig ; 2. fig. trbifeb. To clog, b.i. a. l.bcfdnvcrcn, briicfcn, uberlaben ; 2. btnbem, bemmett ; II. n. Elnmpig feytt, fid; anbangen ; ge^ rinnen. clog, s. 1. bie ?aft, SBiirbc, Scfcbroer= be, bag ^mberntf, bie geffel ; 2. ber Jllofe; 3. ,6ol5fdntb ; llebcrfrbnb; 4. ber ■gmnbefloppel ; this meat is a — to the stomach, biefe Spcifc bcfcbroert ben iKagen, tfturooertaitlidi. CLOGGINESS, s. bie 33cfd)roernif;, ba£ ^»tnberntp. cloggy, adj. Elumptg; befd)iverlid>, binbcrlirb. CLOISTER, s. i. bag .ftfoficr; 2. ber Jtreujgang bartii; 3. ©ciulengang, bie Uiitfaiifung. To CLOISTER, v. a. (— up), ill_ Ctlt .ftloftcr tbnn; cinfpcrrcu ; mtt©Su« len umgeben. CLOISTERAL, adj. Elofterlieb, abgc= febicben (oon ber SBelt). cloistered, adj. 1. cinfam; 2. mit ©auleit umgeben. CLOKE, vid. Cloak. 7bCLOSE,». a..Srn. 1. feblietlcit, \\U fd)(icticrt, eng fd)Iiefien, jumacben, ju= macben, jittb,un ; 2. oerfcbltefien ; 3. befdiliepcn, abfrblielicn, enbtgen; 4. fid) fci>ltcfjctt. fid) jutbun ; to — an ac- count, cine jlterbnnng (ab=) fdjliepen, attggletcbett, falbircit ; to — a sentence ctttcit ^(ebefafe fd)licf;cn ; to — in, ein- fcbltefen ; etnbrecben ; to — the hue, jv. T. bie 2d;iffcbid)ter jufammen-- riiden laffen ; to — up, »erfd)lte§en ; (cincn ©rtef) jufammenlegen, uerftc gelit; ^tbcilen; to — upon, befdiltej fen, ttnter etiianbcr cing roerben ; to — with r— in with), fid) an Sentant anfeblicijcn, ibm beitrctcn, fid) mitibm veretntgeu ; to — with the enemy, mit bem Seittbc banbgentetn roevben ; to — with an offer, cilt WtlCvbictClt (eineit S3orfd)lag) anncbnicn. close, I. s. 1. ber ©ebluft ; SPcfci>Iu§ bag (?nbe; bic SjJaufe ; 2. ber etnge* fdiloffcnc 9taum, bie ©njaunung ; 3. fig. bag .{paiibgcmcnge; to cme u CLOT CLUB COAL (be — ly.ubgcmcitt roerbcu ; in (at) the — of night, bet in 2inbvurf;e bev 9cad;t, bci ftufeubcm 'Jlbcnb : \i.adj &■ ado. I. (also ado. --ly), VClfcf)loffcit, cin,iefcblr>f|cu, $ttgcniad>t ; 2. » »er« bor'geu; 3. bcimlid), {till, :u>.iufbal= teitD, i»crfrfnuiC(icit ; 4. ""fcft, btd;t, bctb; 5. ftcif, ftvaff, Enapp, rnae ; 6. getraugt, futj; 7. tlcbrig; 8. t>cr= ftopft; 9. fjai t, ttabe an, ober ait cin= cuter; 10. geiiau, fparfam, far,], jfis be; 11. feube, fcftwiil ; — to the ground, bicbt ant SBoben bin, be: (Srbe gleid); to he — inshore, bid)t bcim xailbe fc».;u ; to go — by the wind, fid; na(;c am Suinbe fatten ; — fight, ( — engagement int ©egenfag iHMt running fight), ba§ Jtreffen in bee Vlafjt ; bar* te (t)Cif)CJ (Mcfcd)t; to nmke — inquiry, geuau nacbfrageit, nacbforfc&etij to siick — to one, (Sittent ftaiibhaft erge« ben fn;n; to keep — , gebcint batten ; to live — , genau (fparfam) kben ; to study — . flciffig ftllbirell ; — handed gcffbloffcn, bicbt an einaitbet ; — bo- died, enge (antSeibe) anliegettb; — coat, ein bicbt anfrblieficiibcryiocf; — compacted, eid)t, gcbvaugt; — corres- pondence, bev uetttaute ©tteftoec^s (cl ; — couched, oerbovgen ; — cropt, (cropped), Ear)l gefdjoreii; — fisted, — banded, fan], fil$ig ; — handedness, tie .uargbcit ; —jest, cin bcijjcubcv >£cbct$ ; — matter, Tup. T. bet eugge= haitcuc (compteffe) Safe; — pent, en* gc uerfebjofjeii ; — prisoner, bee ill cn= gee ©efangenfajaft fitjt ; a — trans- lation, cine gcuaite Uebcrfcfeuug ; — stool, bcr 3tacbtftubt ; — tongued, »or= ficbttg tin Sprerbett; — walk, ein ttdjtcv Saubettgaitg. CLOSENESS, .?. 1. bie SDerfdbloffetts licit; 2. fig. .Ocimlidjfcii, SBcrfrbnues genhcit;' ^nei'ufiialtiiiig; 3. Sbge* fcbiebeiibcit, (StttfamEett; 4. @nge; 5. geftigEeit, S)tcbtb,eit ; 6. Sialic • 7. Serbtnbuug ; 8 ©parfamfett, Jlargs beif. CLOSER,*, 1. bee SBefcbJiefier, SBeen= bii^cr ; (gcbiebSmann ; 2. Arch. T. bet Scblujjfteiil. closet, s. Nig Sabinctt; — sin, bie beimlicbe ©iinbe; water — , ein 2Bafd;appavat, bag SIppavtement. To CLOSET,». a. (in ein GTabtnett) cin= febltefjen. »etwahteii; in ©cbcint verhaubedt. CLOSH, s. bie We be, SicifOctt (an ben gfifen bc§ ^ieheg). CLOSURE, $. 1. baS SBerfdjliejjen: 2. tcv (Sinfd)Iitf;, §8ejirE ; 3. +>8efdjlufj. CLOT, s. ber J?lof3, .ttlump; — bird, bcr ©fauoogel; — bur, bie gvof;c .Ulcttc. To CLOT, v. v. ETumptg fciin, ober wets fen: gcriuucii; clotted milk, getonne= ne SDitlcb, ; clotted cream, bev 3utfets rahnt. CLOTH, «. 1. ber 3e;ur, ba>? Tint; 2. bie geinvoanb; 3. SDecfe; 4. ,ulct= Ming ; 5. JUfOilfur; (i. gciftlidu 1 SCtacbt ; — in grain, in bcrSBolle ge= FStDteS JEucb ; — of state, fee S8alba= rbin ; to lay the — , ben Sifcjj bed'en ; to draw (remove) the — , belt Jifd) abbcrfen ; to wear the — , Uniform to wear the (black) — . ein ©etftltcbet feiui; — bag. ber Wcifc-- faff ; — beam, bet SBeberbaum ; — hat. bee tOhe §\\t; — market, ber Tncbnmrft; — pegs. 2l>afdiftant= ment; — rash, ber X'ltdnafd; ; — shearer, bet S'ncbfdjem - ; — trade, ber Inch- nnb Seinwanb^anbel ; — ireaver, bev Veiinvebcr; :Tnd)inad;cv; — worker, bee T'.idiavbeifcv. r-cLOTHK, v c. tlcifcen, bcfletbeit: fid) ffciben ; f. adj. 1. Wolftg, triibe, bnnfel, biifter; 2. unuerftiinb= licb; — pillar, bie SBolfeiifduIe. CLOUGH, ». I. .u. /:. bae ©utgewtcBt ; 2. bev jabe 21bl;ang; bicJtlippe; bad tiefe Ibal. CLOUT, ». 1. bev .C-Mbcv. Vappen. i'nm= pen, SGBifej) ; 2. bie Platte, Scbieiie; :t. wig. bev 5d)lag ; — ieathe*, auSge= fcbttitteneS Soblenleber ; — nails, ©cbubnaget. To CLOUT, v. a. 1. fliifcii; 2. (mtt happen, n. f. to.) betbinbeii; ii. be- frblagen, nagelit; 4. fdblageu; — Clouted shoes, mit il'lagelti bcfd;lagene fed)llbe; — cream, rid. Clottbd. CLOUTERLY, adj. plump, gvob, Vf« ; fdievbaft. CLOVE, a. 1. bev,ft[oben, bie 3cbe (.Unnblaitd)) ; 2. — (of cheese), bag &iette( etiieS Jt'iu\> (7^funb) ; 3. tie ©erouvjnelEe, -)ldie; — bark, ber SJieigeleinjimint; — gillyflower, bie gefiittte Sftelfe. CLOVEN-FOOTED ( — hoofed), adj. mtt gefpattenen Jllaueu, gefpaltcnent •0»f: bev SPferbefug, ( 'l,< IVF.K, b. bev Jtlee ; fg. to live in — , iippig, lvobl (wig. ivic ein ^afe int ,Ulee obet ,Uobl; leben. CLOVERED, adj. mit ,ftlcc bebecft. CLOWN, *. ber Sauet; :Ibipel; — 's mustard, bet ^auctllfcnf (Thlaspi — /,.); — woundwort, bag ©liebftaut, SBunbltaUt {SiderUU ~ L). CLOWNISH, 1. adj. aug Sauetll befte= benb; 2. {ode. — ly), bauetifrb, gtob, plump; — nes-s, .t. bag ba:ievifd-,e SBefen, bie ©vobbeit, ^lumpbeit. To CLOY, d. a. 1. uetuagelii ; 2. ffittis gcu, ubetlaben ; jig. befdjiveven. CLOYLES8, adj. »afl nicfat fdtti^ct. CLUB, s. J. bie .Henle, bev Jlniittcl, ^prii.jct ; 2. t. (in bev Jlavtc) Xteffle, gicbrln obet J?veit|; 3. bet Pliib, bie ©efeUfc^aft: 4. Bcd;e, betSBetttag; — fisted, bidfiiuftig ; — footed, p Iump= Dber ErimttnfutJig • — garnet, a-, t. bag ©titan bev uittctit Segel ; —headed, birffopfig ; — law, bag 'jvauftrcebt; Slubgefeifej —moss, bag jfcolbett* inoo3 ; —room tag (5)efcllfef;afi«5ims mer; —rush, bie Sinfe; — shaped, feuleufotmig. Ta CLUB, n. » * a. 1. bejableii ber-- auMiufeu ; 2. niitauvfcn, beittagett, »uramiiieiifd)te§en (}, ©. bet Sub* fevimioucu, it. f. to.);— your firelock, mfcbrt fdmllerlg ©ewebr ! CLUBBED, a<# fdjlBCt, plump. CLUBRISH ^idr. — lv), adj. plump ttUpifcb. CLUBBER, Is. ber Slubift, ©cnoffc CLUBBIST, ] eiuco 6(llb8. To CLUCK, d. I. » glud'eu; II. a. Iocfci (wic cine .jpeniie . | i.i B, aid i' CLUMP, s. 1. bcr .ftlnnip, JMofc Jtloij; 2. bicfe .Oaufen ; a — of trees, cine SBaiimgruppe. clumps,*, bet Summfopf. 5)icf&)pf, £51pc(. aNESS,* bie^[iimp['c;t,Tunt:n= beit. CLUMSY !,:,!,-. — u.\\ ndj. I. EltV$ llllb bicf ; 2. plump, linfifrh, ungefdjtrft. • i.i \rn, ». ver^arteter ii'ou. CLUSTER.*. 1. bie Sraube, bev 2?ii« fdiel; 2. i^aufen, Srfaroarm, etc ids, bit .>iiu!>inippc. To CLUSTER, v.\v. l. traubeittoeifc reaebfen ; 2. fidj ba!Ku ; 3. fidj ve; = fammcln; 11. o. vevfammclu, jufanu menbanfen. CLUSTERY, adj in ^auftrt, bt'if. To CLUTCH, v. a. 1. tufd'liefeu, |uma= d>e:i (bie^anb); 2. padEen, faffen, er= greifta feftbalten; 3. umfaffeii, unu fpauneu CLUTCH, s. bet ©riff; clutches..'. /•'. bie .Ulaucit. CLUTTER, ». valg. 1. ba« ©etofe, bag ©c^olter, bev Siarm; 2. bie SDlenge, ber tc»tc .tpaufcu. To CLUTTER, d. it. vulg. teben, lar= men ; to — together, fid; (jaufeuiveife Derfammeltt. ciastkij, *. bag tfhifHcv; - pipe, bie ■Jth;ftierfptifee. COACH,*, l.bicvftutf-be; 2. cine Stli= be im 2 tent bev gtOBeii Jttieg6fc|iffe ; — box, ber jtutfd)cvfii\, Sorf; — boot, ber SocfEaften ; —braes, pi bie^aiis gericmen, ScbjmmgtiemcM ; — g ai'ageufdmticvc ; — hire, bie 'AVictbe, bag ©elb fiiv cine Sobnfntfcbe ; — house, bev gcboppen, bieSlenufe; — joints, /./. bie Stutniftangen; — ma- ker. berSBagemnadper, ,tiutfd;cnfabvi= Eant; — man, bev .Hiiifcbci ■; — man- ship, bie iKuufl beg SBagenlenfenS : — springs, pi. bie ©pringfebem ciuct jtutfctje ; — stand, bcr Ci t tuo 3J?tett>a Eutfd;euba!teu; —step, ber .Uutfcbcn.- trttt ; — top, bev ,Untfd;c;i, iiuiitel. n o lACH, v. a. futfdjeu, in einer Jlut» }d^ fabrcu. coAcnoN, ». ber3»«nfi< COACTIVE [adv. — ly), adj. 1. jUUit- genb; 2. + mttnirfrnb. COADJUTANT, adj. mitbclfeub, beifte* benb. COADJUTOR, f. 1. bev ©cbiitfe, S8et= ftanb ; 2. fjoabjutov; coadjutrix, M'e (Mebiilftnu, it. f. to. i 1 1 ADVENTURER, s. bev .Tbcituebmcr an ciuem Slbenteuer. To COAFFORESl^ v. a. beWalbCll. O IAGULABLE, adj geviunbav. To COAGULATE, i-.'l. a. gcviuneu ma* dicu; II. n. geriuueu. COAGULATION, », 1. ba-5 ©criimeit, bie ©eriunung ; 2. baa ©etonnene. ci i\i;ri.\i'i\ E,od;'.geriiiiieiimacbeiib. O i AGULATOR, a toat gerinneu mad):. (' IAK, rid ObKB. COAL.*, bicubic, 2teinfobIe ; — k.-t. ber JtobJenEorb ; — box, ber IciiEaften; — crimps, (Sommifiionarc ber .Hobleub.'iuMev int ©vojjcu ; — dust bev J?obIeuftaub j — iish, bcr .Ucblfii'd 1 , .neblcr; — beaver, ber Jtoolentrager; — house, (— hole), bcr .Kebieut'peidier, bie JToblenEammet ; — man. bee J?5blet, .\ieMenbecnncv, .Uebleumauu ; — merchant, bev Jtob 2 Irnbiinblcv; — mine, ( — work) ba* COBW COCK COFF Jtoblcnbcrgioerf j —mouse, bicfiobU nieife, SBtanbuieife; — pit, tic .^\ ohLcn anibc; — poker, ( — raker), bic ,Uoh-- icngabd, bafi Sn)uretfen; — scuttle, bet ^eblcirdiurcr; — slate bet SBranbfcJjiefer. to COALESCE, v.v.l. gerinitcn, ju= fjtmmenfltejjen 2. fid; betetiiigen, fill) oerbmben. COALESCENCE, *. bcr 3 ll W 1 1 1 m c n fl 11 k , tie SBereinignng. coalition,*, bte SSereintgung ; bet ©unb. COALY, adj 1. soil .ft'ohicit; 2. finer StofHt eihitlidi, fobllidu. v >amixg, s. t. bet ©cfcerfiofj. COAPTATION, «. tic Singling, rcdjtc Stellung. 7i> COARCT, I v. a. cnger madjen, To coarctate, J einfcbrantcit. coarctation, *. bte gtnfcfitanfung; bet Sroang. HOARSE (adv. — lv), adj. grot, rob, ranb, gcmciii; — bread, Scbroarj= btob ; — stutt; SJifirfel mit <6aaten ; — ness, s. bic ©robbcit, 9col)l;eit, 5J3luntpb>it; ©cmciitbeit. 30AST, s. bic ©eefufle, .ftiijre, baS Ufet, ©cftabe; the — is clear, fig. C3 tji SlHea fidjet, bie ©efat>r iflyorbet; — raary, i-i. .v. t. bafi Xbcc= rcn; bic Sheening; Coats, s. pi. Sfjeetljanf; 7. t. bet 3Bap)>enf$ifb, bas 23appcn ; 8. fig. bet ©tanb; a man of his — , feineS @(eid)ett ; to cast the — , bie (altc) .(pant ablegen ; great — , bee Ucbcrrocf; — of armour, bet SBaffenrocf ; — of arms, bet 3Sof= fentorf; 23ap}>cnfd)tlb ; — of mail, bet Spartjet; to turn — , abtriinnig roertcit; — loop, bie ©attelftampe ; a — of tin, ct it Ueberjug son 3'"". eiltc 33crjtnitllltg ; the coats of an onion, bie Sdwieu ciitcr 3toicbel. To coat, o. a. I. citteit Siocf anjtefjen ; 2. bcHcibcn, iiberjicben. COATING,*. 1. bet Uebetjitfl, ?Iitftrid), bte 33erf(cibung j 2. bcr Xtiffcl. r«COAX, v. a. fcbntcidjclu, liebfofcn, fireicbelit ; bc'dmrntjcit. COAXER, s. bet Viebt'ofcnbe, 2d)mcid)= ler; sBefcfitoaijcr. DOD,s. 1. bie Seemebe (and) sea-cob) ; 2. bet >§engft ; — irons, bic geucr= becfe, SBtanbbbcfe, .Jpoljbocfe ; — loaf, etn gropes SBros ; — nut, bic grbfie 3ellenuif;; baS SRitBfptel (bet dlhu ber); —stones, (itt 'JcciicitaUfdM gro== fie ©feme; — swan, bet SSovbets fd)amti. To COB, Sea. Kip. mit Stoiffdita gen beftrafeu. COBALT, «. bettfobalf, JTobrtf. To COBBLE, j' o. fiitfci! ; ftiimpcni ; fd;led)t audbeffein. DOBBLE, s. bcr Jliefef. ;obbler, s. i. bet gitjer, = bet; 4. jfrempe, Stiilpe (cim-8 ^u= te») • 5. bic 3unge (in bet iS.igc ; 6. bcr 3etget an bet Sonnenuijt; 7. bet 32cfterba()n ; 8. .tpabu (mm 3lbjte= ben be« ©etvdnfeS ; beSflleidjen am ©civet)!') ,- 9. bic Jterbe (an cinem ^fet(e) ; 10. bas ffletfdjtff, Heine 5i3oot mit bafbein 33erbed;; dunghill — , bet .Oaiu-hahn ; — f the wood, bcr Ollicvbabtt ; to be — on hoop (cock-a-hoop.), ,£>abn tin Jtorbc fenu, fui) bviiften ; — boat, bn§ ©eifdjtff, ^Boot mitb.ilbent Setbed;; — brained, bitnloS, bitmnt; — broth, Sriibe bom .^ablt; — chafer, bcr 3JIatE(t= fet ; — s comb, bet ^ahnEantnt;/"-. ©tu^et ; — crowing, fas .£>ahnciiac= frab; bee fritbc JDioraeit; — eyes, (Sarabiitcrhafcn am Pfetbegefd)itt ; — fight, — fighting, bet .^ahitfainvf, baS^abngcfccbtf — 's head, bic <$i= pavfette {Hedysarwm Onobryehis — L.) ; — horse, ju Spfetbe, ftegptangenb, flolj, ttofeig; — loft, bcr ,*3alu'ibaU fen ; — master, bccoabue unit Jiampf abviditct ; — match, bie SBette bci ci= item .Oabngcfcebt, unb btefeg ©efecbj felbft gegen eine SEBette; — pigeon, berJEanbet; — pit, ber .*3abru>lan, Jlamvfvlaij; (auf ©cfetffen) Jtran= fcnserfeblag, bie £auentammet: — robin, bas! mannlidic ;>iiubf cbldicit ; — saw, t. bic Saubfage ; — shut, bic 3cit bet? .^iibneraufflugco, $>ammr=i nun] ; — sparrow, taa 9}Jatind)rn soiii ■Sperling ; — spur, bcr ^abu^ fpont; otrginifd)e i^aaebDtn; — swain, ber giibrcr be^ ©etfdjtffcS ; — throwing, bag .§a()itwcrfe!i, bcr ^abnfcblag (Spiel)'; — 's-tread, — 's- treadle, ber .jpahlltrttt ; — water, Min. T. SBaffet in ©ergroerlen ; — weed, iaS .^aijnfraut, bie fpfeffertvurg {Lt- pidium — /,.). To cock, v. i. n. I. ,abn (am ©Cmcbve) fpai'.llClt ; to — the nose, bic SJlafe bod) rtagen ; to — the ears, bic Obren fpi^cn. cockade, a. bic (Socarbe, ^ntfdjletfe ; cockaded, ad}, cine Socarbe ttagenb. cockal, si. tat ©etndjen, StnityU rfjen (juin Spiclen fiir tinier); 2. bcr Jangfnodjen (bas Spiel felbft). COCK \ti;p'i:. s. 1. ber SafttiSf; 2. cin [iebcrltdjeS Srautiijimmet. i ' H !KED, adj. aiifgch'cntpt, mit Jitem= pen ; ready — , mit aufgejogenem ^af)n ; — up nose, bie Stiilpiiafe. To COCKER, v. a (iebfofen; oetjats telit, batfd)cllt; cockering, s. baS SSetjatteln. cocker, s. ber jiampfljadnc jicljt, ^abncnfrcunb. cockerel, s. ber jnnge abiigcfert;t. COCKLE, s. 1. biccf;barC'£cr$mitfd)el 2. (o' "- weed), bic Si oniroiV, Jv lat|M)< to|e; hot cockles, ba.8 ■£>cifibanb>"pic(, •Oanbplacfcr ; — shell, bic SJiufdjcU fefcale; --stairs, bic QBenbeUte^pe. To COCKLE, >-. i. a-tunjeln, fallen ; II. n. fiii) rniijelii, falttfl loerteii; Cockled, adj. 1. iiuifd)clartig j 2. fdnaiibcnfbrniig, gcirnnbcn. cockney, «. iron. oa8lonbno= coil; 2. tie .&obe; 3.—, or — fish, bcr Stocffifd) ; — oil, Scbertfyran »om Jtabcljait; — pepper, bcr j«s maifdie sJSfeffet, $imcitt; — piece, bcr ,^iifcnfd)li^, bic ^ofenHappe; — worn), bcr Strobauinn ; — wort, baS Stcrnfrant, bic lifter. codder, s. bcr Sinfammlet son ^iils fenftucbten. code, ... bet fiobcr, baS ©efefeBud). codger, s. cmt. bcr altc oaaeftoliw ©etihalS. codicil, s. ba3 ficbicti (ber 51nt)ang 511 cincm leftaincntc). C0D1LLE, s. t. baS (iobillc. To CODLE or To CODDLE, v. a. 1. gc= linbc fodicit, anffodjen, bampfcit ; 2. jattlicb bcbaiibcln. CODLING (orCODLIX), s. 1. bcr , apfei ; 2. JBlacfftfcf), ©c^eliftfd). COEFFICACY, { .• ar);f,«;,f-...^. COEFFICIENCY, \ s ' Ut ®*ltmTUn S . COEFFICIENT [adv. — vr), I. adj. miU roirfenb; tl.s.i. ba-3 iKitvoitftnbe ; 2. jsig. t. ber Coefficient. CCELIAC, adj.tttn Untcricib bctrcrfcnb ; — passion, bCiS 5i3aitd)10Cl) ; bcr S)utd>faU. coemption, *. bcr ?luffauf. COEQUAL (adv. — i.y), adj. illcid). coEauALiTY, s. bic ©lcid)bcit. To coerce, v. a. 1. eiiifrbraiit'cn (biudj Strafen) ; 2. jioingcn. coercible, adj. ciiiutMiraitfen. coercion, s. bie Siiifdnanfmig, bet Bwang buret) ©ttafen; — bin, bit 3roangebiH. COERCIVE, adj. eiiifdjraiiicnb, groin* genb. COESSENTIAL, (adv. — ly), adj. glct> cb^es 3Bcfen9. coessentiality, s. bic @Icid)l)cil bes SBefeuS. co estate, s. bcr 2)?it|laitb, COETANEOUS, adj. glticbjcitig. COETERNAL (adv. — ly), adj. glctd? e roig. COETERNLTY, s. bic glcid>c (?ioii]fcit coeval, 1. adj. glcicb alt, g(cid)jci- tig ; ii. s. ber 3ettgeiiofj. COEVOUS, adj. gleirbjcitig, gleid) alt. To COEXIST, o. n. Jitajeirf) fenn, leben. coexistence, s. bic (5 oc rift en 5, baS 3ugleicbfe^n. coexistent, adj. jtiglcid) obcr mit vprbanben. T„ COEXTEND, o,ti. gtcirbcn Itmfang baben, fid) fllcict) roett erfticrfcn. COEXTENSION, ». bcr glcicbc Umfang, bie gleic^e Slusbebnung. COEXTENSIVE (adv. — ly), adj. son gleirbem Umfang. COFFEE,*, bcr jtaffee; — berry, bit ,Uaffeebpf)iic; — biggin, bie gilttira fainic ; — house. baS .KaffecbauS; — kitchen, bie Staffccntaffttiic ; COHO COLL COLL man, bet .*?arrecfrf>cnE ; — mill, bic •Kaffccnnible ; — pot, bet Jfcaffeetopf, tic jtaffeefattne; — roaster, tcr Stafc feefdmttcv, Jcaffccbvcnncr, tic ,ttaf= feetrommelj — tree, ber&ajfeebaum. COFFER, a. 1. bet ©elbfaflen ; 2. J?of= fcr, tic jttfte ; 3. mu. t. tcr ucvticftc unb bebetfte ©attg. ■/•„ a IFFER, o.a. tu oTaftcn legen, cin= fcblicficit. (i iFFERER,s. ber ©cbafemeijtet. coffin', 8, 1. tcr ©atg ; 2. bte^Jaftes teupfatute, JEortertfotin ; 3. tcv ganje ,£>iif cincg SPferbeS ; 4. Typ. t. bet JcawClt ; — man, — maker, tCV ^avg= marhcr. r» (X»FFrN, v. a. iu ten ©arg Icvjcn, einfargen. O06,». tcv jta mm Pber 3ab« (am FHiibc) ; — wheel, baS Aarrtintab. 7» COG, o. n a- ». ?).'thnc an ciu .'Hat marbett ; 2. fcbmeidjeln, nad) tern 3Jcitnbe rcten; liigen, bettugett; to — the dice, tie 2Biivfcl fltcipcil. o KJENCY, .--. tic jwingeube Jivaft, 0c= wait, Itcbetgeugung. COG ENT (mlr. — i.y), ncnfctt, tcr ©e= banfe. COGITATIVE, aV/. 1. bCltfcnb ; 2. ttcf= ftnrttg. COGNATE, adj. oetwanbt (befoubetfl oon SKuttetfeite). COGNATION, s. tic ^cvroanttfdjaft ; 3leljnlid)feit bc3 2Befeu8. COGNITION,.?. 1. bic.ttcnnrmfi, Jtitit= tc ; 2. bag SEBiffen, ©eroufitfeijn. COGNIZABLE, adj. 1. /.. T. unuiibcv gcrirbtlid) cvfaiint rpevten faint, tcm geridStlicben ikvfabven untetteotfen ; 2. evfennbar. COGNIZANCE s. 1. tic Prfcnittiiifj, Aemttni$; 2. /.. T. geviditlidie (St* feitntnitj ; 3. Srfunbtgung ; this fails under the — of philosophy,^. b(l€ fte* 65tt »ot tic (iu tag ©ebict bet) SPgi* lofopfjie ; to take — of, ©rfunbiguitg ein jte$en iibet (wegen); untcvfitdicii. c >i;n"( (MINAL, adj. ten 3ittt>tnieit ober SBetnamen betteffenb. SOGNOMINATION, s tcr Suttame, SBeiname. COGNOSCITIVE, adj. $um Cnfemtcn ; — faculty, baS (Sttenntnijwetindgen. TbCOHABlT, v. n. 1. niit benjph'ucit, tufamnten ober betfammen toobnen; 2, «[S (Sbeteute betfammen tvobnen (obne vevbeivatbet 511 feim). a habitant, s. tcv SfJtitberoobnet. ooii.Mirr.vnoN, ». 1. bag gufams inenwobnen: 2. bie SBeiroo^nung ci)= itc vevbeivafbet erf ; the — ofa cable, taS JIugt cinc» aiif- gefeboffenen XautS. com, s 1. tic 3Jlftn|e, bafi @elb; 2. bie Sife ; 3, bet ©rfjleiii ; 4. Typ. T. Jlcil; 2tcUfct(. Vr- coin, b. a, I. ptageit, munjeti ; 2. fg. niadjcit, cifiutcii, fcbiniebcit. coinage, *. i. baS SRunjen, tic SKunjfunfl; 2. -IViimc; 3. ba« @c= prflge; 4. tic SJZunjfoften, bet Stblagfiafej $. fig. bie (ivfiutuiig, Srbid>tufg, ©ebutt. t,i coincide '• »• i- jufammenfrefs fen ; 2. iibcvciuftintmcit (niit in ant with) ; 3. gleidjet SDleinurm feDti ; to — in a thing, ill cine 2ad;c luilli= geo, COINCIDENCE, 8. 1. bad 3»f llntI " CIl = tven'en, tic 3ufammenfuuft ; 2. (i'in= jlimmung. COINCIDENT, adj. 1. J,iifamntC!itvcf- fenb ; 2. iibeteiiifitmmtg. COENDICATION, .?. baS 3»^ lnllt ( ! il= tveffcit (incbvcvcv 2ftetfntaale). COINER .?. 1. bet OJJiiiijcr, $rager ; 2. Aalfdjmititjcr ; 3. fig. (Svfinbet. C01STR1L, s. l. Sp. /•'. bet auggeattete (obet 93aftatb=) galfe ; 2. I'du'iditcvitc 3)Jenfd>, SJieuItng, ©elbfdpudbeij bie feige SDcemme. COI'i', vid, Ouorr. coition, s. bus 8»rammenfommen jrocicv ^vbi'vcv; tic Segattung. O (JURER f. /.. t. bet bie SSJabrbaftig- fcit bc^ ^itcg ernes' Dn'tten befdjroD= rente 3euge. COKE, ■. abgefrbmefeUe ©fetnlobfen. COLANDER, 8. tcv £>ut$f$lag, bie Setbe, tcv Seiber, COLBERTINE, a', cine Sltl ^piijen. COLO THAR 8. Ch. T. ta* (I'aput ntpv= tnnm itrodVnc Ucbcvblcibfcl uad) tcv Sepillatton). COLD (ado. — lt), \.r,ij. 1. fait; fro= jltg : 2. $g. fait, Ealtftnntg, jurrtdbal- teub, Ietbeufcbaft6lo8 ; :i! fcufdi ; u. .«. i. tic Staltot, bet Avcft; 2. tie (n- faltung, tcv ©cbnupfert; m catch ftako) — , fid) evfviltcii, ten Sd)»tupfe« befomnten ; in oompos. — blooded, ges fubllofl ; — heart. ',i. gieicbgultig, lets benfcbaftetoS, (jefubUoS. iLDBH, adj. faltlieb, ein lucnii] fait, fiih!, friiVb. COLDNESS s tie.Ualte: fig. bet JJqlts fiiin, tic ©letrbgfiltigfeit, 2 pvoti.jfeir, .Ucin'dibcit. COLE (Colewort), 8. bet Mob\. COLIC, I. s. tic Ac ol if. Tavni.iid't ■ II. ( — al). adj. tie ©ebartnc betieffcnt, otcv angveifenb. To COLLAPSE, e.n. jufantnteiifallcii, fidi fdilieficn. COLLAPSION, a. ta-3 Bufamntettfallen, ©infatlett, 3nfaninicmiebcn. collar 8. baSfialsbanb; ^al«tt"s fen ; .Unntmct ; tic Oalftev ; bet .Kva gen ; to dip the — . ten .fiabj (Jto^f an3 bet Srblinge liebeu: a — of brawn, ein Sturf otollfteifdj oom mils ten Sd)t»eiiie ; — ofa stay .v. T. tcv Stagfragen; — beam, jgreh T. ee» Duetbalfert; — bone,bafl 2d;luffel bcin. To collar, b. a. l. beimAragen nc^> men, anprcfen ; 2. einrji Jtragen inn bintcn ; 3. (Slcifrf)) jufammeiivpllcii To cii. i. ah; r. a. i. vcrlcibcn, cviba» leu ; 2. cpUatipiiivcn, gegen einanbei batten, oetgletcben. COLLATERAL (—ally). I. adj. 1. auf tcr Scire; 2. vpii tcr 2eitc, mr 2d- tenlinie gebotig, parallel ; 3. miitcl» bar ; — degree of kindred, tie 3eiten= linie ; —wind, tcr Sciienauiit; H. .». bet Seitenoettuanbte ; — dobs, s. bit Sritenuetmaitbtfcbaft COLLATION',*. 1. tie •J.'crteibnn.i, ^v- tbeilung: 2. ©egeneinanberbaltung; Sergtettpung : 3, fleine ;')UMfdien= mabljeit, bae leirbte Slbenbeffen, fflrt^ perbrob, bie @t frtfebung. COLLATOR 8. 1. bet (Jrrtbetlet eintr i ; fniiite, t'atrpii: 2. b'pUationircube, Sollatot, y3crgletcbef. coi.LKAGri; s . tcr (Allege, %mH$t' iipp ; — Bhip, tic ©eiioffenfcbaft. 1 i iLLEAGUE, b. i. a pergefeUfd>af» ten, Derbinben ; n. n firb oetbinben. COLLECT, .V-. tie (Solltcte: bal furte ©ebet. To COLLECT, p. I. a. 1. fammcln, JM* fammeitbringen ; 2. bemerfett; 3. fcl= grrn, fcbliefjtrt j n. «. ftcb fammcln, aiibaiifeit ; to — one's Belf, firi fam = mdn, fid) faffen, ntebtt 511 fid; ftlbfl fpiitiueii. COLLECTANEOUS, adj. ;nni;ii?Tienvjf= tragtn ; — notes, Soucttanea. COLLECTED, adj. jufammengefajjt ; — iv, adv. jufammengenommen. CCLLECTEDNESS, 8. tag ftdb 2am= mcln, tag,3iifamiiiciuicbmen ,tev ©f< tan fen 1 . COLLECTDILE, adj. 511 frbliefetl, ju folgetn, «u fammeln. COLLECTION, a. i. bat ramuiclrt; 2. tie ■^annulling; 3. Seblll^folge, bei Sd)ln'";fa'o. OOLLECrn E I. : . 1. cpllretio, «cr= fammclt, gefammt; 2. frbliefienb; II. — noun, or — , 8. Oram. T. bafl IStU lectipum ; — iy, ado. iJtSgcfammt, tiberbaupt: — neas, a. bie 83tretHi» gung, tie avenge. COLLECTOR, .--.tcr Sammler, 6in« nebnicv: —ship, bdi .UMleiiincbmcr; ami : 'JL ; iivtc eincj ;\plleinnebmevj. COLLEGATART, » tcv SKittrbe ait ei^ item ^evmaditniffc. COLLEGE a. amg. tag (^pHcgiitm; ©ijmiiaftiim, tie bobe Srbule. COLLEGIAL, adj. jit ciucm SoQtgtam gebotig, COLLEGIAN, s. 8tjyr. tcv Sollegtat. COLLEGIATE, t.adj. cpllegicnbaft, cpI* Icgialifd), nfabemifdj ; — church, tit Sollegiatfitdje, Stift«fird)t : n. ^. bet Gollegiat; ^cetiiilcr. Stubent. COLLET, a. I. ba«6oBet; 2. .flatten teg ;liiii(icg, ivpvin tcv Stein fi&r. To »•( (LLLDE, b. n. jufaininenflopett, COLLLER s i. bet Sfeu'.foblengtS» bet: 2. .\ipblenbaittlev; 3. tagJiPt;- lein'duff. O illiery, 8. 1. bie Jfoblengrnbe, baa ,«oblen-- IBetgs) iSBetfj 2. bev sio\p lenbantel. v b( i 'U.ii: vi'E.c.n. {lifammenbinben, yereinigen. colligation-, 5. tag Sufainmenbitt' ten. COLLIM VVU IN, I w,. ni.T-- o:» ( COLIJNEATION, \ *• b ' U ' iliUtt ' 3lcL COLLIQUABLE,arf). fdMiieljbav ; Icicbl aitflSSbat. COLLIQUAMENT 8. tic Srfmialte bcr Slujj. 75 COLO ym.UQUAXT, adj. fc&meljeub, ouflo= (tKb. Tb I OIXiaUATE, r. a. Sr n. fcbmcljCU, auflofcu. CoLLiaUATION, s. bie ScbmcIjUll;} Sluflofung. COLLIUUATIYE, nij. fdjlltcljcub, nuf= Ibfeut. DOLLiauEFACTiON, ». bie 3ufant= menfdjmelniug. COLLISION, .«. M3 Siifammcuftojicn, bie in-ruhniug. To COLLOCATE, v. a. ftellcit, PlbttCtt. COLLOCATE, adj. gcftcli', (lefe&t collocation, s. tic -StcUuttg, Drb- nKit.3. collocution,s. bicUutcrrcbiiug, bas ©efpi\icb. collocutoh, s. bcr Sprcdjcnbe. •jollop, 5. tic Scbnitte, bafl 2cbeib= riicn bihir.c" Stucf glcifd; ; 2. joe. ciu .ft int. COLLOQ.ULYL adj. gltm ©efpnirfie gc= bong ; tic Umgangsfuradje bctrcf= fenb. COLLOQUIST, s. bcr 2r-rcd;citbc. COLLOQUY, s. baS ©cfpracf;. COLLOW, c/rf. Colly. &c. coLLuarAXCY, *. bie ^tctjun^ 511m (Strcir, 33ibcrfc§ung. COLLUCTATK »x. .v. tcr ^ fecit, 2Bibcr= ftaut, tic 2Bitcrfe&lid;fcit. To collude d. «. ciu beimlicbcS 3?cr= ftaubuifj habcu, fid* ycrftchcu, uurcr cincr £cd"e ftecfeu. COLLUSION, Colliding, s. bai hctm= liche 3Serflaubtt(p 1 l. t. - Semauben •jilt fcilt Sftecbt Jll brtligeit) : there is a — between them, fie yerftchett fid; jufaminen. collusiye (ado. — ly), adj. abgerebet, abgefartet ; — ness, s. bcih bctiugeri- fdx @itt»fi-jianbnip. COLLUSORY, adj. ciu 33crjlanbnifj (nt= bcub. COLLY (Collow). ,0. bcr SRujj, bic ©rbroarje, tag .ftohlfrbjoarv To colly. b.o. berupen, febroarj ma- cbcu ; oerfinftcnt. OOLLYEIUM, *. tic Slugenfalbe, bas Slugeitroaffer. OOLMAR, s. 1. fiolmar (Siabt) j 2. bic Sftanuabirn. COLOGNE, [.«.S5fn; H all. cotntfd;. COLON, s. 1. ba* (iclou [_:]; 2. bet ©rtmmbarin. COLONEL. I. ». berDbcrfk; 2. — cy, — ship, bic Ofceritcnftclle. COLONIAL, adj. bic (Solonie befreffenb ; — produce, ju. /:. CSolontaUiisaarcu. colonist,*, bev eolonift, Slnpfianier. COLONIZATION, *. bic JlnUflUltfl ciuer (iolouie, it. Tj colonize. tfolom'cn anlegen, an= Viianjen, atibauen, beyolfern. COLONNADE, s. bic Solonnabe, b>nium,ba3 ©eifjenljarj. LOLoauLNi'iDA, s. bie Gologuiute, SBtttergurfe. Colour, s. 1. bie ftarbe ; 2. ©cftcbfS-- farbe, SRor&e; 3. jig. bet Slnftrirb, Scbeitt, SBorroanb, ©edPmotitel ; 4. bic ©attung; his — chanees, cr entfarbt ltd); — boxes, ^arbenfaflcbcil; — glass- es, farbige ©Lifer (tur SBeobacbtung bcr Sonne); — mm, bcr cr= t«uf. COLORATION, s. ta$ Jarbcit, bic got* bung. C0L0URER,5.ber, bic, ba5 beft^onigef, beinautelt. colorific, adj. farbctib. COLOURING, s. 1. bass Sarbcn ; 2. (To= lorit, bie garbcitnitfdnntg, garbeitge= bung; 3. fig. baS ©efebonigett, S3e= manteln ; — drags, 5'arbcftoffe ; dead — 7\ba3@t,ntbirctt. colour[ST,s. ber (lotortfi (5}Jciflcr in bcr garbctifjcbiutij 1 . colourless, arf/tarbcnloS, bitrd)fid;= tig. COLOSSAL. I adj. fdlpffaf, foTofftfct), COLOSSEAN, ) foioffartig.riefengroB. colossus, 5. bcr Aolofj, tic 9iiefett= ftatur. colstaff, s. bic %ubttfttm&t, bev ^ebebaum. COLT, s. 1 . baS .6cngftfuf(ctt ; 2. fig. bcr junge Saffe, baS jialb ; — 's foot, bcr ^uflattid) [Tussitago — L.) ; —locks, Spaunfcblofff: ftir 5iii[cti ; — staff aid. Colstaff; — "s-tnoth, bcr iDJildl^ablt. colter, s. bafi Secfe, spflugmcffcr. coltish, adj. fa Iter bit ft, auSgclaffen. columbary, s. b.ts Jaubciil)au». COLUMBIA, s. * -.'Intcrifa. COLUMBINE s. l.bic l.tubcndalcfarbc, ba3 fcbieleiibe SQtolett ; 2. tic Slfelei (.iauiferria — L.) ; 3. (Jflumbtitc tfV 9lamt tints meiblicben (Stjaraftcrs in ciner ^Pantomime). COLUMN, s. 1. tie Saule; 2. 8uft= ober ii>affcrfauk ; 3. mu. T. Eolonn? ; 4. Typ. T. (ioliunnc; in— s, Colum= nenrocife. a ili'mnas, adj. faitlenformig. COLURE. s.rfst. T.bcrCfplur, ^ottuctt= toeubcfreiS. COMA, s. bcr Kttfafe \nx Sd)Ui]]ud)t comate, s. bcr Samerob. COMATE adj. haarii], COMATOSE, ) ,. f , f , f -..,.. coMATOira,i^-^ ra ff u * tt fl- comb, s. 1. bcr j!amm ; bic ©trtegef; •§ecbel; 2. bcr ^ahnenfamm; 3. bie i&onigfc^eibe, dm/. Honey-comb; 4. ciu ^ornma^ you sier Bushel: — brush bie JJantmbiirfte ; — case. baS ,Rantnt= futtcr ; — maker, bcr Jtaiitiitntacbcr ; — tray, bic jlamitttabc. To comb, v. n. famntcn, jtrtegeln.; Eretnpctn, beebcht. To COMBAT, r.l.n. 1. fidl fd-.Ia^Ctt, fainpfen, (ireiten; 2. fid) rotberfefeen; 11. a. beftreiten, befampfen. combat, s. bcr J\antpf, Stretf, bai ©cfcdu; sinsie — ber^weifampf. combatant, > i. s. btr Se^laner, COMBATER, $ Strcitcr, jlainpfor; inu-fedUcr; 11. adj. fccbtcitb, (ireitenb. COMBER, •■.rcri3olifammcr;Jtvemplcr. COMBINABLE, adj. ycrciubar. COMBINATION, s. tie ^crbiubitng, aSereinigung;bo8 ^cimtidjc ©finbitif. To combine, v. i. a. ycvbinbcu, ocrct= uigctt, snfainmeufugcn, jufammenfe= t;c!t ; jufammenbeufen ; n«. fid; oetfs binben, fid; »eteinigen (— with, ii:it). COMBINGS, 5. pi. bcr ?lbfaH bcim .Udntntct:. COMBLESS, adj. (son ciueitt .^abtte) cbitc ,ttamnt. COMBUST, a-lj Ast. T. till SBwittbe. COMBUSTIBLE I. adj. vcrbrcinli.t ; breuub^r ; 11. — s, ». pi. SBrennjiofre. COME =ss, l s. tie l', S brc tul 5?er« lid;feit COMBUSTIBLENESS, COMBUSTBIHTY, SBrcitttbarfctt. o IMBUSTK IN, s. 1. bic '^crbrennun.;, bcr SBranb ; 2. fig Slufru^r, bic gtopi SenDtrrung, Slamme. To come, 1. fonurtcit, luihe: fpiiinicit; 2. ber»orfommen, entfl* ■> hen; 3. fid; julragen, erfolgeit; 4 gcratben, gelingcu, nusfrblagen; tim butter comes, bic tT'itlci) bllttert ; ilia malt comes, ba3 ^Jtillj fcilllt ; when all comes to all, rocilll ti Hill Ullb UUi fomntt; to — about, bcniiii foimnen, ficb tucubcit ; fid) jufrageu, gefd)e= belt ; what do you — about 1 XOaS fll= d;ct 3l)r? to" — after, uacbfolgcu ; to — again, llUCbCl'fPllllltCIl, UUCtCr= febren ; to — along, fort= Pbcr mit= fomnteu; to — asunder, auSetn:3ber= geben ; to — at, an GtroaS fomnteu, cvrciden, erlangen ; to — away, ficb roegbegeben; to — back, jnruclfom= men ; to — by, »orbei foinnicu ; boju foiiimcn, erlangen, erroe'rbcB; to — down, berab obcr uutcr fominen; ficb bcrablaffcn ; to — for, fomnteu um ju bolcit ; to — forth, bcrauS obcr \)tx- yor fommen, berau^ gcl;cn ; to — forward, lr-citcr fommen, uorbrttigeu ; junebmen ; to — from, yon ©troaS ber= fommen; to — home, voicber jtirucf= fommeu; oufs ©enjiffen fallen; auf bas 5ttv Sadie ©cborige fominen ; to — in. bereinfommen, bcrciutreten, fid) etnfinben, fid; cinftcllcu ; einge-= ben, einlaufen ; auffommen, 2TJobe merben; einfomirjen; auf ten Xbroit gelangeu; nacbgeben; before dinner — s in, bcoor ba& Sffen anfgetragen rotrb ; to — in for, Vlnfpvuch mad;en auf.., forbern (fein Xytil), einfom* men tint ; to — in to, ju^tilfe fommen, eit'.fiCbeii, eiuroilligcit; — into, foiiimcit obcr gevatf)cn in .. ; to — near, ttabe fontnieit; fig. abjilid) fci)n, fiteicbcit ? bcifonimcit ; to — of, tjcrfontiiicn ; ab= frammen; what win — of thee? was wirb auS bir tverben ? to — oti; basou fommen ; entfliebcn, cnfiycicbcu; ci: ben, fciue Siollc fpiclcn ; abgeben losgcbcu, auSge^eu, ausfalleu • ai- wcid;cu; abfommcii; to — off with credit, ntit (Sbven ba»on= ober loc-fom= men ; you will — o(l*a loser, 2ie ivcr= bcu babci oerlieren; to — off from, ycrliiffcu, f.tbrcu laffen ; a — oil", .?. bic ?lu»flnd)f, ber 33orroanb; to — on, f)eraiifommcu, anritcfen; fortge^ett; fortfommen, roadifett, gcbeil;cu, au= fcblageit; how do you' — on? rote gebt birg? roie geben bie ©cfd;iiftcV to — over, iibergeben, iibcrtretcn ; be= trtigcit ; to — out, ausfommcii, offend lid; roerben ; auSgeben, beraiisgebcn . bcrai'.efommcit, cutterft roerben ; er- frbciucn, yortretcit; ausfd;lagcu, trci= belt ; his teeth besrin to — out, bi( 3iibnc fallen tbm au$; to — out with, intt ©froa$ bcrauSrnden, ©floaS ttor^ bringen, bin-tn laffen ; to — (fnii) short of, ycrfeblcn; ju fur^ fommen; nacbitchen, nicbt gletdjfommeii ; to — to, pi, auf, in, ober an (SrroaS Font- men obcr gerat^en ; befrngen, auSs inadicit; \n ftcbeu fommen, |"td; be- laufen ; fid; nabcni; ba^it treten, eiu- roiHigeit; auf (§tm:,$ btiiausKiufcn; to — to one's self, uucber $11 fid; fclbfi fommeu; to — to life leoenbig toers ben ; has it — to that ? ift C3 bohttl gcfominen? to — to^ood, loobl geras then, glucfeil ; to — to nothing, 511 SBaffer roctben ; to — to hand, ange« (angen; jufioSen, ficb creigncu;' tc — to handy blows, paubgemein roera bcu ; to — to pass, fid; jutrageit, cr= COMM COMM COMM «tr>nen, gcfd;e^cn ; (from) whence •omes it to pass? roobcr fpinmt eg? io — to preferment, befovbert roerben ; what does it — to 1 wie isicl betragt bag? mie bod) bclauft fid) bag? rooju t)tlft bas 'S* 1 am not so wicked ns this comes to, fo gpttlpg Hit id) tticf)t; will you — to? feyb 3I)C eg jufvte* bCU V to — to and fro, f)!lt tltlb bcr, bin unb rcicber gcbeit ; to — up, bcr= auffomnicu ; ciiiffommcit, foviEom= men, aiifgcbcu, fcimeit ; to — op to, itiif (Sttvag 511, bis 511 ober an (StwaS Eoilimeit, fid) uabcrn ; to — up with, cncid)cu, ciubolcii ; gleidifpinmcit, glcidjtbutt; to — upon, fliif (StroaS fpmnicu ; ubcifflUen ; iibcvrafdjcti ; flllf)eimfflllc It ; I shall — upon you for it, id) Werbe mid) begfcalb flit (S"ud) bah ten ; amvtc, id) roevbe btvg febon geben ! COMEDIAN, s. 1. bcr Jtombbtanf, ©djaufpieler ; '2. Jcpmbbiciifcbreibcr. comedy, s. bag 2iiftfpie!. COMELILY, 01/0. flllftfllliii], flttmittbt'g, arttg. comeliness, ». bic 2du ; nfieit, Slrtifls fcit, Olnmutb, Sieblicpfeit; bcr 3l«l* ftfliib. COMELY, «///. * adv. artijj, angcitcbnt, fieblid), bofbfeltg, fd)bu. Comer, *. bcr, tie, M3 .ftontmcubc ; — in, bet <5e re titfommeiibe ; new — s, uciic Oltubinmliuge. comet, s. 1. berJlomct ; 2. bflg j?oine= tcnfpicl ; —like, adj. Eoinefeuabttlid). COMET ARY, } ;. t nme f,t* ooMETic. \ "♦■wmetifd). COMETOGRAPHY, s. bic Jv0111CtCllbe= fdjretbuug. COMFIT, ? s. bag (Joufccf, gucffJs comfiture, ci*lidltiiiy. COMMEMORABLE, adj. bctlfwiirbifl, merfmurbig, @rtna^nung oerbienenb. To COMMEMORATE, v. a. I. (bag 31ns bcitfen uon ©troag) fetern; 2. txwab> ncn, SKelbung tbuu. COMMEMORATION, s. 1. bic ©ebad)f= nififcicr, Scier ; 2. (Srjvdbming, 2Jtel* bung. COMMEMORATIVE, adj. fltg 2lllbcilfcil biencub, criiuicnib. C )MMEM( (RATORY, adj. bag ^lilbciifcn bcivflbrcub. To Ot )MM ence, w. a. * n. mifaiigcit,anbe= belt; bctretcu ; (i'tamg tverben ; to — doctor, promoBtreit, 2)pctor roerben. COMMENCEMENT, 1. 1. bcr ^hifflitg ; 2. bic promotion. To commend, o. a. I. cnipfcblcn ; 2. lobcit, tiibnicn ; 3. fdjtcfeit, fciibcu. COMMENDABLE (ood. —blt), adj. c 111 V f c b 1 11 n g g n> iirb i g , 1 5 b I i d) ; — ness, s, bie Sinpfeblnngfimurbtgretf. COMMENDAM, s. tit (Hniimciite, cv= fettgte sprrfiBbe, 33ern>aliung ber« fclbcn. COMMENDATARY, s. bcr Poi:iiiicnba = tor,3ntertntgijerroaltet cincr Sfrnnbe. COMMENDATION, a. 1. bie @mpfeb= lung; 2. bag &>&; 3. bie 8iebfg= bot|d)aft. COMMENDATORY, I. adj. Clllpfcblcilb ; — letter, bag (5'mvfeblii!iggfd)reiben ; 11. s. bieSobrebe, tobegerpebung. 1 ■' (MMENDER, s. bcr 6-mpfcblcnte, 80s bcubc. co.MMKNsritAitiLiTV, ? 5.bfl«93er= COMMENSURABLENESS, S bflltnij} (eincu gleirben®r6penmapcg . COMMENSURABLE, adj. gleid) nug= meflbar, in 33erbaltnijj jit flcllcu, eomnwnfurable. To i •! »mm ensur \te, b. a. augmcffen ; aiif ein gletdjeg ^crbaltnill bringcu. COMMENSURATE (adv. — lv). adj augmdbarj angemencn; »erf)dlt= uifiiiiflfiig. COMMENSURATION, .<. bflg i\\i|l 'in'vhflltnifj. To comment, o. u. '•Jliijicgiiiiycn obet "ilniiicrfiiugcn marben (— upon ubet . comment, * bic fflnmerfung, Slug* legnng. COMMENTARY, s. 1. bcr C?pinntcntflr, bic iau*'eguitg ; 2. bflg Sagcbud;. COMMENTATOR, J «. bcr ^lnglcje: COMMENTER, S l^rfKircr. COMMENTITIOUS, adj. cibidHct, cr= fpiincn. COMMERCE, .*. 1. bic .0 a 1: tiling, bet .Ofliibd, SOerfebr; 2. llmgang ; 3. 1 cm jtartenfpiel). To COMMERCE, r. n. 1. A>fli:bcl trci= ben, bfliibcln; 2. umgchcii, yeifcbvcs:. Uingang balcu. COMMERCIAL (ado. —i.y'. adj. )Dm ,£aiibcl geluMig; .^fliibcl (reibenb; — treaty, bet ijpanbelgDtrtrag. OOMMIGRATION. ». tic -JIiumimiicc^ rung 'incbrcrcr^crrpiicu tufammen . COMMINATION, $. 1. bie i'cbrobuitg, Trebling; 2. Th. T. bie xl-cvEiinC t= gung bc5 3"«i'g ©ottc-5 gegeu bit Sunber. COMMINATORY, adj. bvcbcnb, bcbvpb = liit. To COMMINGLE r. I. a. oerntcnaen, Bermifdjen ; 11. ». fid) penniftpen, "ciciuigeti. COMMINUIBLE, adj tcrrciblid? j\i COMMINUTE, r. a. jcvrcipttt, 5er= flp^en, piibern. COMMINUTION, .--. 1. bie 3crreibi:i:g, 2. S3erbfmnung. 7b COMMISI'.liAl'i; r. a. bcillitlcitCll. ilJitlcitcit bflbcu. iMMisi.u \ni in, g. bfl5 -Hiitlcib, fir-- barmen, bic Srbarmuitg. COMMISERATIVE (adv. — ly.), adj. mitleibgooU, aus SWttlctb. COMMISERATOR, .«. mitlcibig, cvbar= muuggDoH. COMMISSARTAL, adj. Jit einciit (Jont= miffar gebbrig. commissariats, ■. bic Sommtffars' ftcllc. commissary, ». ). bcr Eommiffar, 3lbgeorbnete ; 2. ^rooiantntetfler. COMMISSARYSHIP, rid. Comhissa RIATE. COMMISSION, .'. 1. bic Sominiffton, bcr Sfluftrag, bie SoIIinae^i ; 2. .)/. ; bie ^Jrontjton, Pommifficit-'gebubr ; 3. ©telle, bflS^lmt: tie SBeftaUung, bflg i ! fltcnf, bic Cfficiciftcllc ; \. "i ; c= gebuug (ciuer ©iUibe, 11. f. tt».i; — in z. statute of bankruptcy, J. T. bet Eoncuvfug Srebitorutttj in i..s — . beamtct; — business, Jl/. /:. bet Soma mifftongs (Sactoreis) •Oflubel. To COMMISSION (Tb —Ait:, !• a. 1. dluftrag geben, beauftragen; 2. Ab- pvtiicu, bcvpllnifliluigcu ; to be com- missioned, Qlnftraa baben, functioiiU rcn, ciu v .»lmt yerfeben ; a comini ed officer, cin in OH-boli ficl'c;;t;: Cfricicr. 1 a iMMISSH NER, ». ber Eommtfftonat ; Ep nt miffar ; bcr (gcfc^lid;) ©cauf^ ttagte. COMMISSURE, g. tie ftugc. to commit, v.a. I. ubergeben, anoer= traueit; .1/. /•:. SluffrSge gcbcii; 2. Bcrhflften, binfcljcii. if?;:i laffeit; 3. begebeu ; 4. bloi flcllcu ; 10 — i« (paper) writing, fdirifilid) auffc^eii, ju fpaptet bringcu; to — violence on (upon), (Mcivalt fliitbim. COMMITMENT, .--. I. tic ^cvbauiiiig ; 2. bcr SBerpafttbefebJ; 3. bic S0« gebuug. COMMITTEE, ». 1. bcr Slugfdjjjfj; 2. /,. t. bcr ffuratoc fiber bte SPerfoi rtcr bic (Miitcr ettteg SQabitftnnigeu ; — man. ein ©lieb etnrt ilugfdjuffeg. COMMITTER, ». bcr 86feg begebt, iBerbredjer. committeeship, «.b«g ^aefdHifonif. TbCOMMTX, e l. a, vcrmifcpcn, mi' fdH'it ; II. v. vcrciuigen. O >MMIXTI( tN, s. bte ^-'frnii'dniug. COMMIXTURE, a i. bic 'JJcrmifcbuug 77 COMM 2. bcr baburd; cntftanbcuc Jiorpcr, bte 3Jlifehung. 30MMODE, s. tic .Oaubc, ba8 Jtoi)f* )eug bcr hobo ftopfpufc ber ©amen tnt'irtcn ^ahrbimbcrt). COMMODIOUS (ado. — i.vl. adj. 1. 6fc= quern, gemacblicb; 2. fufllicg; iiiit}= Hit; braud)6ar; — ness, s. tic SBc* quemlidjrett ; bet SSort&ett. commodity, «. tic SBaare. commodore. .*. bet Oomntobore. COMMON, t. adj. $■ adv. 1. gcmciu ; '2. gemeinfcbaftlieb; 3.aflgcniciu, i5ffcnt= licb; 4. geroobulid); 5. nnabclig; 6. Gram. T. generis communis ; II. ». bitS ©emetnbeftiicf, bie ©emeintoeibe, h. f. to. ; in compos. — apartment, bad SBoftnjtmmer ; bie ©aftfrubc; — council, ber ©tabtraflj ; bic gefammte SBurgerfdjaft; • — council man, citt SftatbSglieb; — crier, bcr bffentltcbe SHuSrufer; — iia.ii, bad ©emeinbes baits ; — law, bad gentcitte S)tccbt; i£crfommcH ; — lawyer, bcr in — ' law njofclberoaubcrtc 3tedjt8geleibrre ; — place, vid. Commonplace ; — plea-!, or court of — pleas, bad Dbcrgcrici)t ill burgei'Ucfcen eacfjcit ; — prayer, ba8 .Jt'ircbcngcbct ; — report, bic i'oifd= fa ^ c ; — sense, ber gemciue 9Jlcu= febeuserftanb, gefunbe SBerftanb; — sewer (shore), bie (Scblcufc, ber SlbjugSgraben ; — time, Mas. t. bet gerabe (fcbled)tc) JEact; in — , gc= meiufcbafilicb, mm Sejien; to give a thins in— , eirtc 2ad)c v }5rcid geben. T\> COMMON, v. n. 1. geniciitfcbaftlicb Icbcn ; 2. in ©cnieittfcbaft haben. COMMONABLE, adj. gcmctnfcbaftltdj. COMMONAGE, s. ba8 3ccd)t auf ciucr ©emeinwiefe 511 weiben; ©emeinbes red)t. commonalty. «. 1. bte ®emein= febaft; 2. bafi SSolE, genuine SSalf. commoner, s. 1. bcr genuine *3)}anu, S3urgerlicbc; 2. bad SJHtglieb bom Uutc'rbaufc; 3. bcr SUitinhabcr; 4. bcr (SoUegial jnjeiter Piaffe auf bctt etiijlifcbcit Uttivcrfitatcit ; 5. bic ge« mettte .'3iitc. commonly, adv. bauftg, mctfiettS, ge= meiutglid), gewfi^nlico. COMMONNESS, s. bte ©croobulicbfcif. COMMONPLACE, I. s. ber allgemcine Sitel, ©cmeinplafc ; II. adj. uubc= bcutcttb, alltaglicb, conscittioitcll ; To — , ttittcr aUgemetne Xitel brtttgen ; — , hook, bad (Sollcctanceuburf) ; — wit. "JllltagSttMl}. commons,' s . pi. 1. bad genuine 33olf, bad SBolf, bte ©emeitteit, bcr brttte ©taubj 2. bic gcmiiI)nlidie.ftoft, 9111= ragstoft; house of—, bag Unterbaus bed ^arlamctttcd. COMMONWEAL, } s. bic fficpublif, commonwealth. S bcr 2taat, bad gemetne iOcfcn, 5J3ublifum; — or learning, bie ©elcbrteurcpublif. ZJOMMORANCE (— cy), s. ber X'Infcitt= bait, bie SSobnung. Tommorant, 04?. rcobnbaff, anffiffig. X>mmotion, ». i. bic Setuegung ; 2. bcr Slufjlanb, Wufrubr, bie ($mp5« rung; 3. SOermtwung (be« SBeeftan* bed) ; ^efttgEeit ; Unftthe (bcr Seele). To COMMOVE, v. a. + beftig bcipcgeu, bcuuruhigen. To COMMUNE, v. n. 1. ftcb niittbcilcit, ftcb uutembett, bcratbeit f— with, mit) ; 2. cDiitntutiicircit, j it m 2lbcnb= mabte geb,en. BOMMUNfCABLE, adj. mittfjcilbflr. toMMiiNicABiLiTY, 3. bte SKittbetls bavfeif. COMMUNICANT, 5. ocr SRittfftiUt 1 (Jommuuicaiit. U COMMUNICATE, v. I a mittbctlett COMP ( — to...,@tnem ®t»o8), croffiicit ; tbcilcn; II ». 1. contniutticircii, jitnt Slbenbmctbte .jcbcit; 2. tit ©emem= febaft babcit, in ciitaitbcr gcl)ctt, an ciitaitberftojicit, it. f. ro. COMMUNICATION, .^. 1. bic 3Rittb>ts luiis] ; 2. ©emetnfefeaft, 33erbtnbung, bcr S3etbtnbung8gang ; 3"fawmiens bang; 3. Umgang, SSerfeec, Uittcrrc= bung ; evil — , 65fe 03c fell febaft ; he has had — with he> cr liat lit 1 1 ibr 511 tbitu gcljabt; a door of—, eiuc 3Jltts teltbiir. COMMUNICATIVE [ado. — i.y), I. adj. l._mitti)cilcttb, fretgebigj 2. gefutits; — ness j II. s. bie Srtigeoigfeit, ©cfprarbigfett. COMMUNICATORY adj. inittbeitcilb. communion, s. l.i'e ©cmcinfebaft; 2. ©cmcitte, ©laubenSgenteine: 3. bas 3lbcnbmab,l; —cloth, bie 3lltat= beefc ; — cup, ber Jtcld) ; — table, bcr 2l&cnbma!)l8tifc&, SUtar. community, ». 1. bic 03 cm cm febaft, bcr gcmcinfd;aft[id)c SBeftfe; 2. bie ©emeint)eit, ©emetube, sBitrgers febaft. com mutability, s. bte ^abii]fcit sei-s roanbelt, scrtaufc^t su rucrbcu; 3Jcr= aiificrlicbtcit. COMMUTABLE, adj. jit ocrwanbcltt, vertaufd)Ctt ; ucraitficrlid). commutation, s. bie iscilaiifcbuna,, QluSroecbfelung, bcr SEaufcg; bteSSets roanblung citier Strafe in cine (an= bere) geriugcre ; bie SJeriinberung. COMMUTATIVE (adv. — ly), adj. tatl= fcbcitb, aiuMvccbfclub. To COMMUTE, v. I. a. taufefcett, ycrtau= febcit, aufwecbfeln 5 auslbfen; to — a punishment, ei tie ©trafc in ef tie mu bcre (gcrmgere) ycrumitbcltt; 11. n. genng tbim, (Stfafe ijcunibrcit. COMMUTUAL, adj. * wcd)fclfcitisj, gc= genfetttg. compact, s. ber 93ergtetd), 93ettrag. To COMPACT, v.a.l. f C ft JllfailtntCltfli = gctt, uerbinben; 2. orbncit, in ciit Suftem briitjjcit; 3. ^ttfammciifc^cii. COMPACT (adv.— ly),1. compact, bidit, f'eft; 2. gebrungen, biinbig; 3. »er= bunben, jnfammengefe|t; — edness, —ness, 5. bie 5)id)tbcit, gejligfeit; — ure, s. bie Sinbung, Sauart (». it.). compages, s. bic Secbinbung, ber 3nbegtif. companion, s. 1. ber Olcfcllfcbaftcr, ©efuiele: 0)cfabrtr; 3Mttgenog; 2. bcr ^itcbbrtufcrjicfcll, >2d)rtftfctjcr= gcfcll; 3. bcr Drben««tter ; —of the garter, ber ^Ill'cbaitbiSLM-bCttyl'ittcr ; — female, bie OJcfcllfitaftcriiiit. COMPANIONABLE (adv.— ly), adj. ge= fellig, umganglie^. COMPANIONSHIP, .9. 1. bic ©cfclN febaft; 2. baS ©cfofgc; compositor of the — , Ti/p. t. ber Stueffe^fc. Company, s . 1. bic OVfcllfdiaff; 2. Slbtbcilung, ©ompagnie; 3. 3nnnng, Sunft; 4. SWcnge, ber ^aufen; 0. bic ,«aiiffabrtciflotte; — of a ship, ba8 ©cbifFsool! ; to he good — , ein gittcr ©cfeUfcbafter fettn ; to bear (to keep) — , begleiteti, 03cfcllfd;aft lei* ftctt. To COMPANY, d. I a. bc ; ]fcitcit, 0)cfcll= fitaft Iciftcit; II 1, to — with one, ftd» jit Sinem gefellen, fid) mit ibm abgeben (son uerfebiebenem ©e^ fd)led)t). COMPARABLE (adv. — ly), adj. SCC= gleiebbav, m »ergleidjen. COMPARATIVE, ]. adj. SCrilfcid)Cllb ; t'lt SSergleicbung ; 11. s . Oram. r. bcr (?om= pavatia; — iy. «/,-. oergteic^ungSroeU fe, in SSergleidjung. «'- compare, v. I. a. rergleic^cn (— COMP with..., mit); glcicbacbtcn ( — to Sinein) ; n. n a^ttlid), gleid) fc»u. compare. 5. bie SOcrglcicbung; bal Otlciititif;. COMPARISON, «. 1. bie 93crgTcicbung ; 2. bad Sevbaltntg ; 3. ©Icicbnifi ; '4. Oram. T bie jtomparatioit ; in — of, in ^crglcidumg mit, gegen; beyond — , unoergletcblic^. To COMPART, v. a. abtbcilctt. compartition, s. bie 9lbtheifung. COMPARTMENT, s. 1. bie \»lbtbciluitiv bad Selb, Stiiif; 2. t. aSett^titung (bcr giguren auf ©cmalbeu). To compass, ,,. a . 1. um^cbcu, eitt= fdiliifu-it; umlagern; be'ajern, bio- ifivcii; uiitfaffcit; 2. urn O'tisad bcr= urn geben; 3. erbaltcn, bcfomntcit, ju ©tanbe brtngen, buvcbfcljcn, so!l= citbcu ; 4. l. t. mit (StujaS umgeben, anftiftci; ; to — the end, bad 3icl er= fcidjcn ; to — the death of the king. bem Jtonige itad) bent Seben ftcbcuT compass, s . 1. bcr JTrcid, llmfang (.Mas. T. bet Stimmc), ^cjitf; *Be= rcid); bcr Staum ; 2. Untroca; 3 Sompa| ; to keep within — , ftct) fftfs fen, inafitgen ; to keep one within — , ei= licit im 3aumbaltcn;— diai,bcr.ganb* compafi, bic Oompcfhtbt; —saw, T bte§aubftige; — seal, bad 25al$pct= febaft; —timber, itrummbols ; Com passes, or a pair of — , ber 3il'fcl COMPASSION, *. bad iDiitlcibett, & barmen. To 1 •' impassion, v. a. bcmitlcibcti, fid) crbarmen. COMPASSIONABLE, adj. bcmttfcibctld- uicrtl). COMPASSIONATE (adv.— ly), adj. mit* leibig; jum OJJitleibcn geneigt; — ness, 8. bic v 3Jiitletbti]fcit. To compassionate, v. a. ficb crbar* men, bcmitlcibcn. compaternity.s. bte ©esaftcrfrbaft. compatibility, I s. bie 8Jertrfig= compatibleness, I lid)fcit, SBerein» barfcit; bcr SBejlaub jweicr Singe mit ciitaitbcr. COMPATIBLE, adj. isad jitakt'd) mit cittern anbern Sinite beitebcu faun, sereinbar, sertraglidj, paffcitb; — iy, adv. uertraglicb, fdiidlid), fiiglid). compatriot, I. s.ber Sanbdmaittt; 11. adj. laubdmannifit. COMPEER, s. bcr ffflantt glcicbcn <2tan= bed, 3)2ttgeitof, fiamcrab, (^olleqe. To COMPEER, v. a. fid) ?u ©tnjofl fcf)i= efcit, paffcit; gleid;f ommen ; he com- peers Hie best, CV foiltUtt belt SiieftCIt gleid). To COMPEL, v. a. 1. $lPt'nrt,Ctt, 110t()i= gctt; treiben; 2. uberraaltigeit, utt= tcrjodicit ; 3. + erjwingen. COMPELLABLE (adv. — ly), adj. JU juungen, jroingbar. compellation, s. bie ?lurcbe, bev (S'brciinamc. compeller, s. ber 3»ingcnbe. COMPEND, .9. vid. Compendium. COMPENDIOUS (adv. — ly), adj. jltfam» mengejogen, gebrangt, fur§; —ness. 5. bic Jiiine, ©ebrangtbeit. COMPENDIUM, s. bcr furjc Scgriff SluSjug. To COMPENSATE, v. a. (or n. followed by for) erfefcen, oerguteu, cntfcb5bt-< gen, fdiablod baltcn. COMPENSATION, s. bcr Srfaft, bie QSergiitung, ©enugtbuung. COMPENSATIVE, adj. crfdjcnb. COMPENSATORY, adj. gcnitgtbitcnb, fdiablodbalteub. t„ compete, o. a. ficb mit berocrben mit aubaltct; ficb mcffcii mit. COMPETENCE (— cy), s. 1. bte 3u» lanijltcbfctf. bad Srforbtrnig 1lu«» COMP COMP COMP fommcn; 2. tic Sfiiffbaffigfcit; 3. /,. r. G'ompetenj (33efugntjj cities Gutter?); to enjoy a — , fein fjutei Su£fommen habett. COMPETENT (ado —i.\\n,ij. 1. JU(nrtg= lid), bjnretcbenb ; faiigli'cb, poffenb, fcbicfliit; 2. ftattf;aft;'3. L. T. coins petcnr, befngt. DOMPETITK in, s. bit 3J?itbett>erBung, bcr 2lnfpnnt ; to come in — , gleid)= fommcn, oergttcben roerben ; to put in — wiiii, entgegenfieKen. ycrglcidicn. COMPETITOR, s. 1. bet SRttberoerber, (Sompetent; SJJriifenbent; 2. ©egner, 30MPET1TRESS, — trix. ». bie3JItfbe= rucrberiitit, '•Jlebcnbnhlcvinn, u. f. n>. compilation, s. tie 3ufantme»tras gung, ©ammfung ; Slnbaufung. 7Y> Compile p. a. aits Scbrtffen fonts mclii, sufammentragen ; oerfaffen. compiler,*. bet Eompilotor, Samms lev. C IMPLACENCE (— <-,•'', ». 1. bos' ®es fallen, SBergnugen; 2. bie SBebagtidjs fcit; ©efoQtgfeit; 3. bag fooflicbe in'l!cf)mCU. COMPLACENT {ado. — ly), «-//'. Refold lig, lunlidi. COMPLACENTIAL, adj. Srcnbc, 3>er= gflflgen erregenb. To COMPLAIN, v. ». ffagcit, fid) Beffas gen, murren, fid) befebroeren (— o*., nberj — to..., Bet); beroetnen. COMPLAINANT,*, bet .Uliigcr. a IMPLAINER, *. bcr fllagenbe j SKttts rente. COMPLAINT, e. 1. bie JWage, 9?c= febroerbe; 2. baS Uebcl, bet Scbaber., bie .Jtraufbcit. COMPLAISANCE, s. bie ©cfatligfcif ; .fniftiebfeit. COMPLAISANT (a. — ly), 0$. flefcifs Kfl, fifflid) ; —ii"-.=. ». b«S gcfalli,]c SBctragen, bie ,£>6flirf)fcit. To COMPLANATE \ v. a cbenen, gleid) r» COMPLANE, i maiteit COMPLEMENT, s. I. bie K-rganmttg. SBoQenbung ; 2. au11c, bcr Sorrotfj ; 3. bie SQoUfommenbeit; 4. a. r Som* plemcnt eiiico 3 irfelSJ ; 5. Asl T bie (gntfernung ernes' SterneS »om 3c= nitb: fi. MU.T. bet Mot bcr Tcfcn= ffoneUinie on bcr Sorrine; —of the course, JV 7'. bie fSttjabt bcr ^itnfre, bie bent Sours 1 on 90 ©raben feblen. D iMPLEMENTAL, adj. erganjenb. COMPLETE {ado. — ly), I. «t, nllgemcin ; 2. »erroicfe(t, februer, COMPLEXEDNESS, «, bie ;^iMiitmcn= gefefetheit ; SBetroortenbett. COMPLEXION, 1. bie Sotbe, OVue{it-? = farbe, bai lufeben ; 2. temperament; bie SetbeSbefcBafcnBett; 3. bie Sets flcfbtiuig (». L) ; — al, adj. b«« JEem* peroutent betreffenb ; a — virtue, cine S£cmperamenf«tugenb ; —ally, wi,-. wad) bein Sempetamente ; — ed, ad;. in campps, well — ed, ootl (intent Xem = peramenfe, guter ^cfdiaffcttbeit. COMPLEXITY, COMPLEXNESS, ... vid. COMPLEXEDNESS. complexly, adv. jufommengefeft t ; famnttltdj. COMPLEXURE, *. bie 3u!*immeiir.atu fung, 93etbinbung. Ci »MPLIABLE,a tig, gefattig, arttg. Td COMPLICATE, v. a. 1. oermicfcln ; 2. oerflerbtcn, yerbinbeit, jufoinmens fefeen. COMPLICATE {aio. — i.y), adj. pemi's cfelf, vevfloduen, oetbunben, jufam- mengefefct; —ness, *. bie SQetfiocbs tenbeir, BiiNmmcngefc(}t^cif, Sets roorrenbett. COMPLICATION, ». 1. bie S8et»tcfe= lung, SSerbinbung; 2. bafl ©croebe, ©eanrr; — of figures, T tie ©ruppe (pou jufominetigeflcUten Jiguten); — of miseries, (ill ©CWebc 0011 ( s "'leilt. >MPL1CE s. bcr iKitfebuIbige. COMPUEB, 8 tcr millfobrige 3Jlenf(6. COMPLIMENT, s. 1. baa Compliment; 2. biiS ©cfdienf; to pive the — s of the day, gnijjen (Semonb), tic ^,dt bictett; in — to ..., ana 2lrtig£cit gc; gen lb COMPLIMENT, o. a. Sr n. \. M>m= plimeittireit, etnSompIimentmacben; beruttlfommen ; fcbmeicfieln; 2. iidi ntit einem ©efcbenf -einem £rtnf= gelbe) abfinben. COMPLTMENTAL (ado. — vz\ adj. mtt tfcmplimcittctt, l)i,iflid). COMPUMENTER, s. bet KompItmen= tcnmacBer, ^fifltng. compline, *. t. bie Eomplefc. TuOOMPLISH, v. a. vid. To Accom- plish. complot, 8. bos Eomplott, bcr 65fe nnb beimlidic Slnfcblag, bie 9iotte. To COMI'U IT, r. if. A- a. cilt (?onip!ptt inocBen, fieb beimlid) jttfaminentot: ten, obet oerfebrobren, beimlid) ouf etroaS umgeben. r, impli rTMENT, s. bie Sufommenrots tung, bat Somplott, tic ?Jerfd)ro8= rung. coMPLOTTER,©ompIottmacBer 1 SBerfcbroorne, To comply, ». n. wiUfobren, fblgen, nacbgeben, gefoHig fepn ; firb nod) etrooS ricbicn, ft'rti roorein fduden, ergeben; to — with one, with the t s, ft it in (Sinen, fitt in bie 3eit fit icf en ; I — with your offer, id) laffe mtt 3&wn SotfcBIog gefalleti ; com- plied with, gcivillf.ilMT, tuit gtroofl juffteben; you shall be complied with, ni,in miib 3bren Milieu crfullcn. COMPLY Kit, 8. Old COMPLIER. To COMPONOERATE, d. a. oBtofigett. OOMPONE (COMPONED), part adj If. T. ous jwei SotBen befiefijenb, jufom^ mengefe^t, COMPONENT, adj. on«ma(Bcnb ; — parts, bie ©eftonbtbetle. ,' i (MPORT, b. i. v. fiit oettrogen, iibcrctitfiimmen rmtt with); ii >,fi. to — one's self fiit oerbalten, fid) be= nehmen, fid) bettagen. C import, 6-. ba« Oerbalten, SBenebs men. COMFORTABLE; a#. niitt tiMbevfinc= client, snfammenbSngenb, fitidlut. To compose <•.„. i. lufammenfeien ; 2. t'crfertigcn, verfaffen, oueorbetten ; 3. betetten. orbnen, jmecbtfteUen ctcr lc;icn ; 4. fitliducn, ftillen, bcilegen, betubtgen; , r ). vw •/• fe^en, abfe^en ; (i. Mua. '/' rompoiliren ; —your mind, berubtge tidi, foffe (fommle) tiit: to be composed of, bcftcl)Clt auc- . . . , itu^macbcit; to — one - --»*if. cine crnft» bafte i'liene anncbnien, fiit faffett; to — on^.'s self to sleep, firb Jlim S(bfofcn onffbicfen ; to — one's set for one's end, fid) jnm J etc OCrBertt' ten. composed (adv. — tit), adj. gefefel emftbaft; nibig, gelaffeu; — n tie ©efe^tbeit; ©elaffenbett, ;)iiif)r. composer, >-. l. bet EQttfaffer; I 2cijer ; 3. (fompontfL O imp 'si\(;-sti< k, .*. Typ. T. ter 3Bin= felhufcn. COMFOSrTE, adj. jnfamnicngefcfet; — pillars, gefitppeltc Sflttlen, composition, s. l. tie ^ufommenfe: fenng, 3JJifd)ung, Sompofttion: 2 jufainmenftellitng, Jlnorbnung, t&ln* tid)tung ; 3. Setbinbung, ter 3"= fammeitrjang ; 4. bie Serferrtouno ; 5. Typ T. ter 2,ii5: bit 2cl)fiint't ; (i. Sdjrift, ber2luffafe; 7. tic ©eile» gnng, ter 83ergleicb, SQetrrag, »i< 31u8rtleicbung ; 8. /.. r. Cergutung bc8 3 c "t" t *; — of gesture, tic au6e» re Saffung; — metal, cine SRetatt* compofitiou. O iMPOSnOR s. ter I Scbrifts) Jefecr; — 's board, 'l'n< T bai 3efebrct. COMPOST, 8. ter ©finger. To COMPOST, r. a billlilCII. < < )MP( >■-! ki:. 8. 1 . bie Soffuuo,, ®efrfet* bcit, SRube ; 2. tic ^ufammenfefeung, SBerbinbung; 9lnorbnung, (*uiridi= tnng ; 3. tic SSerfaffuitg, jorm, (" x ie= jlolt ; 4. tas Etemperomenti tic Oes mutbsftimmung ; 5. tie ilusarbet^ tnng, bet Suffofe; 6. ter Strtrag, 33ergleid). COMPOTATION, s.bofl Btdigelag. COMPOTATOR, s. bet v Vitbvnber. To compound, v. i. 'i l. imfamaten* fefeen, oerbinben; oermtfeben; ?. auSmocben; 3. oergleicbeu, beilegen ; ii. n. 1. ( — for, toegen fid) oergleU riictt, ouggleidben, abftnben ; 2. burdj ?liifopfcv'uiig ctwii» crhnlten ; 3. gut maeben. compound, l adj. jufcmmenoffefet ; — flower, cine nit* imbreven flcinei', SBlutbeil beftebente iBIume ; — int.-r- est, bcr 3infenjtnt9 ; ii. s. bo« infants irtengefeftte ©ing, tic i'lifctung, 3JJaffe. compoundable,«4'. sufommeninfes fecit, mifdjbar. COMPOUNDER,* 1. ter (^itfanimen= fefecntc) SBerfertiger j 2. tic SRttteU^ perfon, bet 8ticben?ftifter. T.i COMPREHEND, . n, I. in fiit bc= gretfeu, in fid) foffen ; 2. begreifeit, faffett, oerfreben. COMPREHENSIBLE (adv. — i.y fafHicb, bcgvciflicb ; —ness,*. tic gafi-- lutfcit. ' COMPREHENSION, *. 1. bcr ©egrtff, SBcrftanb, bie RaffungSfraft; 2. ter Snbegriff, Umfana; 3. ber anSjug, gebrfiiigte HBrij; 4. r bie Spnetboa die Irbctcr. Sigur); an act of—, /. y. eine ^Jorlomeiiteortr, n)eld)e allc i!ititcicti in firb begreift COMPREHENSIVE -■ —i.y). adj. 1. bebeiifungSooU ; oiel umfoffenb, nodj» briiifliit: 2. gebrntigl. fcnti,i ; — ness, *. I. bie grtrangte .Unrje; 2. gnffungflfroft T» COMPRESS, v. a I. ;iiMmntcntrii= rfeit, sufommenbrfingen, eonbenjtrtn ; 2. umfaffen, umarmen (fdjrolngern). compress, *, s. t. tie Sompreffe, baa 4'anfd-d)cn. c> IMPRESSIBILITY, ) s. tie QKgefe COMFRESSIBLENESS | t'ltaft fid) jit. fammenbtuden ^n loffen. COMPRESSIBLE (—ivs), adj. tc« 3u faiitmciibriicfcn* fabig. 79 CONC ;onc CONC compression 1 (-mi), «. bat Sufitms mcntritcf en, tic 3ufammenbrucrung, bcv Srncf, bic ^Jteffung. ci ).mi'hisal. s. brr jnbeflTtff. 7b COMPRISE, v. n. in fici) faffcn, in fid) bcgvcifen, ciufd)lietjcu,cutbaiten. Tb COMPROBATE. ». n. ubcvciuftim= men, fid) beftatiaen. l> MPRi >MISE, >-. 1. /-. r. bcv (5omVro= mi£; 2. bcv ikvgleidi; SSertrag; to putathingin— , etne <2ad;c 2d)tebd= ricbteni iibcvtvagcit. To COMPROMISE, o. a. 1. ^d)tcb§rid)= rev nnncfjmcit, fid) bevufcit (auf ) ; 2. ciinvilligcii (in) ; fid) yevgleicbcn fwe= gen) ; 3. bcciutvacbtigcn, blodftcllcn, ©etufllt anthun, aufovfevn; to — one's principles fcillCtl ©rilUbfaljClt juwiber banbcln, ibncu ©emalt au= rbirn. cnMPROMtSER, s. bcv 5lndgleid)cv, SBergleicbev. COMPROM1SSORIAL, ar7/.fd)iebdvid)tev= ltd). To COMPROMIT,*). a. »cvfpvcd)cil, jufts d)eni. COMPROVINCIAL, adj. and bcv tlamtt = d)cn ^voyinj. COMPTROL (— ll), s.><- 7'« COMPTROL ( — ll), v. a. <$-c, vid. Control, &c. COMPULSATIVE (adu. — ly), \ adj. COMPULSATORY. ) jTOtJl* genb, jmangdmetfe, mit ©ovalf; au= tveibcub : — oath, bev gejnjuiigcnc @?ib. COMPULSION, s. bev 3^'T'3' 2lntvicb, bic cvlittcnc ©eroalt. COMPULSIVE {mitt. — ly), adj. $Voilt= nenb; mit 3">ang; — ness, s. bev Jroang. COMPULSORY (adv. — ily), adj. vid. Compulsive, compunction", s. bad <2ted)en ; bte 3erfuirfc&ung, Meue, bcv ©eanffcns= bifj. COMPUNCTIOUS, )adj jcvfitiifcbcnb, i.'OMPUNCTIVE. \ ^ cuc CVlVCcfctlb. compurgation, s. bic ciblid)e 93ez ftatignng ; cibltcbe 3lccf)tfcvttgititcj, Gbrenrc'ttung. JtJMPURGATOR, s bcv cibltd) £>C fta tti5= te 3C113C, ©eroa&rtmann. computable, adj. beverbenbav, ntbc* vcrbueu, jablbav. computant, s bev SBcvedmev, 9ccd)= 11CV, 3{cd)Cltmeiftcv, rid. Computer, &c. computation, s. bic £kvcd)nuug, 3icd)iuing. To compute, v. a vcrbnen ; bevect)= nen, audveefmen, ubcvfd)lageit (at..., Jit). computer, .cbev 33cvcd)ncv, ^edmev, 9iectjenntetftcv. COMRADE, s. bcv (Tamevab, ©efabvte. To con, v. a. auSroenbig levueu, pubis vcit. To CONCAMERATE, r. a. ll)ii[bcit ; Wie tin ©cmblbc bilben. CONCAMERATION, .•>. bie SSolbung ; bad ©cwtilbe, berSBogen. To CONCATENATE, v. a. Ulfailtmcilf cf = ten, vevfetteu. concatenation s. bic SBerfeffuitg. CONCAVATiON. s. bic 'SI lt3 b oljl UIU-j/ concave. 1 adj. concao, vunbhobl, luit)!/ »cvticft; — glow, bad Jg>oI)U glad; — lens bie .fiobUitlfc; — mir- ror, bcv ^ablfviegel ; — razor, bad bnhlgefd)liffrne Mafitmcffcv; \\.s. bic .pBbJung, .£bble. To CONCAVE, b. n. audbobfeu. 30NCAVENESS, ? *. bie viuibc .<>5fi= CONCAVITV, $ lung, XiLihlc. CONCAVO-CONCAVE, adj. auf bcibcu Sciten bobl. CONCAVO-CONVEX, adj auf bcv cineit Seite bol)l, auf bcv aiibcvu cvl)abett 80 CONCAVOUS (ado. — ly), adj. COttCiTO, bohl. To conceal v. a. vcvbcimlt'efjcn, »cv= bebten, oerbevgen (from, ciuem ctwad). concealable, adj. hi sevbciuilicbeit. concealer, ^. bcv ^cvbcvgcv, ^)Cl)= lev. concealment (— ing), s. 1. bte 93ev= betmUdjimg, 93evt)et)Iuitg ; .g)cimlict)'= fcit; 2. bev3uflud)t(3ovt. To concede, ?•. a. bcmilligen, juge^ben, ciitvaumcn, vcvftattcit, gc'iuabrcu. conceit, s. 1. bcv ^cjjviff, bie 3bce, bcv@cbanfc; 2. bic (S'iubilbmtg; 3. bcv SSevftanb; 4. bic 2Jjeimtng; 5. gute OJicinung »on fid) fdbft ; 6. bcv (jillfall; to be out of — with a thing, ciitev ^ad;e ubevbvitfftg fc\)it; to he out of — with one's self, mit fid) felbfl llid)t JUfvicbCIt femt; he has put me out of — witli it, CV l)at mil' alk 2uft baju bcttimtmcn. To conceit, r. a. fid) ciubtlbcn, ftct) uorfteUen, wabitctt, mciucu, gtauben, begveifen. CONCEITED (adr. — ly) adj. ctngcbi(= bet, 2)unfe( beft'tjcub ; affect trt. gc= tint, gctiinftelt : — noss. .?. bcv 5)iin= fc!, ©tgenbiinlel; bad affectivtc, gc= jtcvte SBefcit. CI3NCEIVABLE (adv. — ly), adj. gebcitf= bav, bcgvetflid), fafilid); — ness, s. bte ©ebenfbavfett, S3egveifIict)Ecit. To CONCEIVE, v. a. & n. 1. Clliyfflltgen, fdjwaugev U'cvbcn : 2. faffcn, begvet= fctt; fid) cineit iicgviff i>on 6'tmad madicn ; fid) bettfen ; 3. bafitv t)aU tClt, metllClt ; lo — an affection for, 3nneigung faffcn ^u, licb gcrotunett ; to — a jealousy, eiitcu Sltgwobn fa f = fen ; to — one's death, Sfntaubcd £pb bet fid) befd)licfjot. conceiver, s. bcv Segvcifcubc, Saf= fenbe. CONCENT, s. 1. bic .6avmonie, bcv Cfin= Hang; 2. bic (iiuftimniigfcit, Uebcv= einftimmung. concentful, adj. t)avmonifd). To concentrate, v. a. couccufvircn, jtifainmenu'ehen, in cineit SKunft scv= cinigcit, jufammenfaffert, concentration, s. bie 3»f^mmen= itebung; Sevciitiguug auf eiuett $unft. To CONCENTRE (— er). v. I. a. CDH= centviven, auf cineit 5J3imft jufams mcnbvina,trt; II. n. in, auf ciuen SRitnft jiifammcutaufeu, juf«mmens tveffcu. CONCENTRIC adj. ciuen a,omcinfd)aft= licbcit ^Jiittclyimft babenb, ccncen= tvif*. CONCENTUAL, adj. baviucmifd). concept acle, s bad SStfjaltnif. concepi'ion, s. 1. bic Emvfanjnig; 2. SSorftellung, 3bce,bcv s -8ea,vifi. @e= baufc; 3 i'evftaub; 4. (SthfaQ; 5. bte SDleinnng. To CONCERN, v. a 1. angeVtt, bcfvcf= fen, gclteu, iutcrcffivcu'; 2. fid) be= fitmiitcvu; fid) in 6'troad mifitcn, Soigc madicn ; it concerns me, Cd bc= tvifft mid); cd ift ntivbavan gelegen; to — one's self with, fid) Ulll Ptivad befummevn, fid) tint fStxoai bemiibcu, fid) bamit abgeben. concern..' 1. bie Slngclcgciifjetr, Sa- d)c, bad ©cfd)afr ; 2. ;lntcveffe, tic Sbcilnabntc ; 3. SBicfytigfeit ; 4. Sov= gc, bev .ftnmnicv ; i hnve no — with it, td) babe bamit nicbtd *u febaffeu ; tilings of the utmost — , IMugC 0011 aU= fjevftCV 2Bid)tiiiFett; it is none of my — , cd gcht mid) niditd ait; the whole — , bic gau^c ©cfdiidHe. CONCERNED, pirt ndj. 1. betvpffcit ; 2. (— in', in (Shvae venuirfdr, babctin= tcvcfftvt, bctbciligt fel)« ; 3. j;dv. — ly), bcfumnievt, bctiiibr, in Unvul)e, ilt HsCVlcgcilbcit; ( — at, for, about wegen, iibcv (s-trtMd) ; his life is — , ei bctvifft (gilt) fctit ^cben; what are you — at ? wad gcbt'd 3bncn an ? you were a little — , Sic mavcu cttvad be= treten, betvoffen, batten tttoaS tm Sio- Vfc ; I will not be — witli him any more. tcb mill ttid)td mcljv mittl)in jit tbua babcu. CONCERNMENT, s. 1. bie ?lugclcgcit= bcit, bad (Mcfdjaft; 2. bic 2Gicbtig= fctt; 3. ^bctluabmc; 4. @cmiitbdbe= meguttg ; SQefuinmevntf', £ovgc, U«= vul)c. bcv (Stfcv. To CONCERT, r. a. libcvbcufetl, auftcl= leu, etuvicbtcu; uevabvebcit, bevatb- fd)lagcu. concert. .«. 1. bad Pcuccvt; 2. bte Uebeveinfttmmung; 3. yibvcbe, bad SSerjianbniS ; in — , etnsevftanben ; by — , einmiitt)tg, cint)cllig. concerto, .«.' Mus. t. bad (Joitccvt; (Soncevtftiicf. concession, s. bte Scmilligung, (5v= laubuifi, QJergiiiiftigung ; bad Bi'u^ ftaubuifj; bic ©invauntung. concessionary, adj. bcrinlligciib, scvmilligcub. concessive {adn. — ly), adj. nad)gic= bi^; mit SeJBilligting. CONCH, .v. bic gvofjceccmufc^cl^cijuc" cfcnntufd)cl. conchoid, s. Math. T. bie 2d)uecfen= linic, SpivaUtuic. conchoidal, adj. fcfjucrfcn^liuicu) fijvmig, CONCHOLOGIST, s. bev 5Rufcbclfunbi^ ge, bcv in bev 3)iufd)cllcbvc (Ivfabvcnc. CoNCHOLOGY, s. bie •V)iiifd)cllebve. To CONCILIATE, v. a. 1. vevfd)affcn, cvnM'vbcu; 2. vicvfobitcu, mtcbcv oer* etuigen. CONCILIATION, s.\. bic 33evfd)affung, ©vlangnng ; 2. a3evf6t)nun_g. CONCILIATOR, s. bcv 'Scvmittlcv. CONCILIATORY, adj. aud|bbucub, »cv« mittelub. CONCLNNOUS,«(/j.fd)icflid),fiiglid),av. tig, nctt. CONCIONATORY, adj. 511 ciuev 5^rc= bigt gcbiivig. CONCISE (niin. — ly), adj. FltV$, ge= bviiugt; biinbig; in gebtangtet ^uv= je ; —ness. s. bie itiivje, ©ebvangtbeit (in bcv 9icbc unb Sd)vctbavt). concision, .«. bic ?lbfd)iicibung, 3Bc» frt)ueib«ng, i!cvfd)ucibung. CONCITATION, s. bie (?vvcguitg. CONCLAMATION, », bcv VllldVllf (you yiclen jufamntcn). conclave, s. 1. bad fioudayc, ge- beime 3imntcv ; 2. bie gebcime S3er» fantmluug. To CONCLUDE, r. a. cS- n. 1. fcbliffieu, befcblicficu, enbtgen ; 2. fid) enbigen ; 3. fd)ltef)cn. folgern, uvtbcilen ; 4. bc= fd)iicficu. fid) ju ctamd entfcblieffot ; cnifd)cibcn, beftimmen; 5. vevpflicb- ten; to—, jum SQefcfeluffe, fd)lic9= lid) ; your argument concludes not. 3t)r ©vuii'b betveif't nicbt CONCLUDENCY, «. bcv (Sd;htj;, bie . anafinitctt, aufpii'.ueit. n INCOCTION, s. l.bte iuueauiina, ; 2. Vantevnna, ; 3. SWeifung. CONCOCTIVE, adj. tnu'baiicnb. CONCOMITANCE, (— cy), s. bie 53e= glutting, @emeinfct)aft. COCOMITANT, I. adj. bcglcitcnb, miU roirfeub, bamit oerbunben ; n. a. bee SSegleiter ; — ly, adv. in SBegleitung ; in ©ciiicinfd)aft. CONCORD, s. I. btc dintrarbt, (Sinig-- feit ; 2. bcr SSerrrag ; 3. 3ufammen= flang, bie Uebereinftiinmung, .£>ar= monic, (Sonfonang. CONCORDANCE (— v), s 1 . btc llct^cr= eittftimnuttig, (StucjeUigfeit; 2. Son* corbaiijj, baa (?oncorbaniburb. CONCORDANT [adv. — ly), adj. ciil= tradjtig, cinftininiig. CONCORDAT, ». bet QScrtrag, 23cr= gletd) ; bad Soucorbar. concordist, e. bee JBerfaffet ciucr (Soncorbang. CONCORPORAL, adj von bent ininili= cfictt 8et6e; einoerletbr. T» COM 'i irpi irate, v. n. fid) eint>er= Icibcn, fidj vcrciiiigeu. concorporation, «. bie (SimierfeU bung. concourse, s. 1. bcr BuTauf, Sffuf* lauf, .(3anfctt, bie sBerfantntlung, SDcenge; 2. bee 3}itrd)fd)ncibitnge=, 23erctniguitgepititft. rjONCREMENT, s. bee 3 u Ta ni nt c it fl u f5, |ufammengen>ad)fene (fefte) Jtorper. concrescence, s. bcr 3ufammcn= UJiicba, baa 3iifaiiimcitn>ad)feit. ,'o CONCRETE, n. I. n. ^llfa ill lllf It^C- viuiicn, tnr SDcafife roerbeu, anfehiefen (sou .fhiftaUcn); II. a. jttr i'taffc mad) en. CONCRETE, ». bie SJtaffe, bM .ft or per ; Lag. T. baa (HMieietunt. CONCRETE (air.— w),aij. I. $ltf(tm= mengefefct; fb'rpcrlirb ; 2. Log. T. concret (tiidit abflract) ; ness, — s.bie Gerinnung ; otovpcvlidifcit. concretion, s. bie ikiforpcrung, •DJaffe ; — of the eye-lids, Med. T. bag 3ufammcmuad)fen bev ?lngcnlicbcr. CONCRETTVE, a$. gerinncit niacbcnb, sevbicfenb. concubinage, .«. bas Souciibinat, bie ■gureret, Jtebscbe. CONCUBINE, s. bie 33cifcblaferiiiit, Concubine To <•( inculcate, v. a. jcrtrcteu. ci iNCUPISCENCE s. bie Bcgicrbe, befe Sufi, 'AlciiduMuft, llnjttrbf. CONCUPISCENT, adj. 1. bcgcf)rlid); 2. begtettg, roolluflig. 0ONCUPISCD3LE, adj. beiiedretib, bc= gebrlid) ; — appetite, "bet ^egcb= riingotricb. To CONCUR, v.n. 1. jufantnicntrcffcit ; 2. uberetnfiiminincn (witb, mit), bci- Vfliditett; 3. mitiuirfeii, beitrngen •to, jit) ; 4. cerbunben fetMt ; — figures, Mat. t. einanber b?rf?nbe $tguren. INCURRENCE, (— cv). ». 1. baa 3"= fantntenrreffen, bev gufammenflufj j 2. btc Ueberctiijrtmmung ; 3. Bufltm= muitg, ikipfliditmtg; 4. 2Jlttnnv= fung, bev SBeifiatib ; 5. gletdje ^lit= fpnid), baa qcmeiiifdiafflutc ^edif. JONCURRENT, I. adj. i. ii bcrct tiftt m = mig; 2. nitnjtrfeub; \\. s . bcr, bie, CO baa Ucbefciiiitimmcnbe, 3JJtrn»irfen= be ; in. — ly, adc. auf itbceciuftim= mettbe v .'lrt. CONCUSSION, s. bie ©rfdjutterung, ber ©tofj. CONCUSSIVE, adj. erfebiiKentb. To COND, v. n. .y. T. bofl Stetier 'ben 9R n is = in a fd) inc. CONDENS1TV, s. bie ©icBr^ttt. CONDER, s. 1. bcr Olnffeber iibcv ben Stcnermanit ; 2. bcr ben ^aringS= ftfrbent »on cincr ?lnbol)e ben 3ufl ber ^(irtnge anjeigt. To CONDESCEND, v. ». ft* [icrab(af= fcit; tvillfaljicii; gern()eii; fid) gc= fallen laffen. Ci INDESI lENDENCE, > ». bie .^cvablaf= CONDESI 'ENSK IN, > f»"i] ', 2BiUfah= rung. I '( >.N ! ) I :si SENDING (ado. — ly), adj. l)ev-- ablaffenb, gefa'Qig. CONDESCENSIVE, adj. bcvatlaffenb, gefalltg. CONDIGN, adj. oevbtent, gf^orig, wuv- big, aiUH'ineffcit; ado. — ly, nad) SOerbienji. CONDIGNITT, *. baa S^crbicinl CONDIGNNESS, « Me OliKieiiieffenbeif. CONDIMENT, s. bie SJiirie, SBrujpe. OONDISaPLE, i. in l\)(itfdnilev. condition, a. i. bie SBebtiiflniig, ber ^orbcfjalt; 2. ber Stanb. jjuitanb, bie 8iMej 3. ber 2fanb, SWang; 4. ber Jujfonb, bie in-fd)affcnbcit,(jitfcn= fdiaft. To CONDrriON, r. n. Sr n. ^cbingillt- gen inaebeit ; bebtngeit, auainadjen. conditional, i.adj. l. bebingt; 2. bebingenb, bebingltdj ; n. s . + bie @infroraufung, bcr ^nfai. condition a i. ri'v, s tie ©ebtngHeit, (viit,icfd)vanflbeif. CONDITIONALLY, ado. bebtngunflS* roeife, bebingt, iinfer SBebingungen. CONDITIONED, adj. bcfd)affeii, bebal= ten, geartct; good -- wftir— ,fluts artijj, (Vitniiithiii; m — , fdilcfbt' bc = fdiaffeit, iinfrenitflid) ; mi:, [ton SPafeten (ober SBaaren) fct)Iecbt con» bitionirt; oerborbrn, fdabliaff; well, — , vooM conbitiomrt, ivohl gcbaiten, gnt. 'Mi »i. \ti iry, adj. conbotivenb, btU tetbSjeigenb; a —epistle, ein (5onbo» lenjbvief. To CONDOLE v. L n. fcin SDct'letb bt jeigen, conbolirett; n. a to— win mit ocmaiitcnt beflagen, be baucvu. C iND iLEMENT, ■ bie 33ctriibiit5 SErauer, baa SOe^FIageu. CONDOLENCE, 5. baa Oetleib, l\\ Soifboleit}. condoles, * ber SonboKreube. i OND »B, ». ber Sontor. 7T»CONDUCE, v.n. bicnen, bt'ttxagta fintetlicb, bcf)itlflid; fctnt (— to, jii etroaa . CONDUCEMENT. s. bie SRicbtuug, ba« 3iel. CONDUCENT, adj. bicitlid), fi-rberlifb. behiiltlidi. CONDUCIBLE — ivk), {ado — i.y, adj bicnlidi, tu'i^lici), bebulflidj, bef5r= ber lid); — iveto, angemeffen ; beitra- genb \\\, it. f. ro. CONDUCLBLENESS, ) *. bie Iien!id»= a INDUCIVENES3. s Ceif, SJlufclicbfeit. conduct, 8.1. bie gubrung, feeitung, ©ealeirurw, baa ©eleit; bie bccfiiii)] ; v'liifiibviin.i ; 2. .'liiffiibrnn,], baa SBetrageit; 3. tie iSenualtung. To CONDUCT, v. a. l.fiiluctt, leiten ; 2. gcleitcit, begleifeit; 3. Derroalten, fiibren, anorbneit; to — one's fid) betragen. O INDUCTER, 8. oid. Com I i tor. conduction, s. r.Seitung rote buret; 9iiM)rcn). CONDUCTTnous, adj. bebuitgen, gc= mictbet. CONDUCTOR, 8. l.ber Tsiiher, 5on= biietcnr; 39egleiter; 2. 3lnfuc)rer ; 3. 33erroalter; 4. t. Gonbuctor; ©li^abletter ; 5. s. T. bcr 3Begv»eifct bet m stcinfdiiiitr. coNpucTRESS, s bie gutjrerthn, Se= glcitcvinn, 3lnfur)reriun. CONDUIT, 8. bie SRobrcj SBafferlet- rung; — pipe, bie 2Bafferr6bre, ber 3at>fen. To CONDUPLICATE, o.a. vcvtrppcdi. OONDUPLICATION, s 1. bie 93erM>ppC= lung ; 2. Slbfcfcrtft; baa Tnrlieat. CONE, s O. T. 1. bee Jfrflel : 2. bie wviidit bee SEanuenbauino, ber J an netljapfeit ; bie Olnanaaerbbccvc ; — wheat, ber en^linlic Sffieijeu, roeijen. CONEV, s. oid. i '..ny. To CONFABULATE, e. a mit einanber fdnvalveu, planbein. confabulation, t. bat Deitraulidje ©efpra*, ©e^Iauber, t 'i (NFARREATK >N, s, bet ben SWmernj baa .Uiid^ciieffeit unb bie Serlobung babei. CONFECT, 8. baS ©onfeet, mit ^ncfcr Singemacbte; — box, bie SBonbon* nievc. CONFECTION, s. I. baa (vnfect, (m:;- gcmad)tc; 2. bie iKiffbung; 3. 8ar= roerge. CONFECTIONARY, 8. I. ber ,V.idcr= bader fro. fi.) ; 2. bie 3ucf erbacferei ; 3. baa 3ucferwerf. CONFECTIONER, .--. ber 3ucferb5crer, Sonbitor. CONFEDERACY, 8. 1. baa SBunbltif), bie (^ibaenoffciifdiaft, ber imnj ; 2. bie 33erfcbro6rung. To CONFEDERATE, d. n. vcrbiinbtn, uerbtnben. CONFEDERATE, I. adj. Scvbiiiibet, ow« bnnben; II, s. bev EBunbefgi ffierbiinbete, SQerfcbroorne, SD2ttfc^nI< bige. CONFEDERATTON, ■-•. bev SDunb, bit iBerbinbung, baa EBunbnifi ; bie Unics (SB. St. d.%1.) To CONFER, o. I n nntevbaiibein cine Unterrebung baltcu; fid) fcicti 81 CONF CONF CONG Neb brfprcdjcn (— with, mtt) ; II. a. erlbeilcu, vcrlcthcit, iibertragcit (— on or upon one, ctiicnt crvoas; ; to — d tea fid) bcratbfdilageit. CONFERENCE, s. bic lumfcrcnj, Un= terhanbluna,, Unterrebung. DONFERRERs. 1. ber Uutcrbaiibcht-- be; 2. (Srtbeiter. TO CONFESS, o. a. * «. I. iH'fciUKl!, beicbren, gefteljen ; 2. jugefte&en, 511= geben; 3. SESeicbte Iilucn ; 4. bea>ci= fell ; it is confessed, that. fee, 3«bet« maun gtbf eS 511, c» ifi befaimt, baft u. f. ro. /. infessant, s. ber Seicbrenbe. CONFESSEDLY, adv. 1. nacb Seber* maims ©efidnbni^ ; unlfiugbar; of= fenhmbig ; 2. juqcftanben. CONFESSION, s. 1. baS Hcfcntitmfi ; 2. ©eftanbnifj ; 3. ©taubcnsbe= feiiutnift; -1. tie SBciditC; — chair, ber in'icbtftuht. i K iNFESSIONAL, s. bet Setcbtftubl. CONFESSIONARY, I. .«. ber ©eicbts ftubl ; ii. adj. bte Setcbte betrejfeub. oonfessionist,*. ber SeEeimet eineS ©laubens. confessor, s. 1. bet jtanbbaftc 93e« Eeuitcr feineS ©laubens ; ber sjftartps re* ; 2, ber ©eftebenbe ; 3. — tr fa- ther — , ber 93eid) fruiter. CONFESTLY, ado. oid. Confessedly. confidant, s. ber SBertraute, tDJit= iviffcr (—of, lim) ; Confidante, bte SScrtraute. To CONFIDE, v. a. tr n. 1. vevtvauen, Rcb cerlaffen ; fid) anoerfrauen, fein SSertrauen fefcen (—in, aufj ; 2. an- oertrauen ( — to, einem ettoaS). confidence, s. 1. bag SBertraiten, Jutrauett; bte3utrauU$fett 3u»ers ficbt; 2. baS Selbftoertrauen, bic eble jtubitbeit, JDreiftigfeir. CONFIDENT (adv.— ly), I. adj. 1. Pcr= traucub, getotfi; juoerjtcbtlicb ; '2. uerbacbtloS; 3. breifl, fed, unoer* febdmt; I am — , id) roeijj geroijj; II. tf. riil. b. lit. r. Confidant; — ness, j. baS Selbjtoertrauen, tie 3u»ers ftdjtltcbfeit. CONFIDENTIAL, adj. ".'CVfralllid) j — letter, ba§ ocrtraulirbe Scbreiben. DONFroER, s. bee SBertrauenbe. To CONFIGURATE, o. n jufammen= ftimmeil (rote tie WSpecteit ber ^lei- ncteit). donfiouration, ». bic 3nfammcn= ftcllung, iiufiere ©cftalt ober S3tlbung ; Phy. T. SlSpecten. To CONFIGURE, v.a. bilbeit, CtHC ®C = jialt geben. confinable, adj. begrenjbar. CONFINE ■•-. bte ©renje; ber 3iaitb. To CONFINE !'• I. n. anarenjen, grett* jen ( — on NFINEMENT, s. 1. tie (?iuubratt= Euitg; '2. (Siiifpevruna, ber SBerbaff, bic ©efangenfebaft ; 3. jig. Hi 5Bos djeitbett, Jtintbett. Oonfiner, s. I. ber ©renjbemobner ; ©rertmactybar ; 2, ©infebriinf er ; 3. bie .Jhicrpflaii^c. CONFINTTY, s. bie TJadibarfdjaft. To confirm, v.a. 1. bejtaftgett, be= fiarEen, befrofttgen, »erficbcin ; be-- roahreit, befejiigeit; 2. Boiiftrmtren. CONFIRMABLE, adj. enocielid;. CONFD2MATION, s. 1, bie Stftati' guiiiT, baS 3eii;Tiifi. ber iV.tvei^; "2. tic ijirmelmtg, Eonftrmatwn. EO.NTIKMATlVE, adj. bepttjeilb CONFffiMATOR, *. ber SSejiattger, ^eitge. CONFIRMATORY, adj. 1. be(tatigcnb, betrafttgenb ; '2. bu Sirmung ober Confirmation betreffenb. C< >NFIRMEDNESS, s. bie iUnnibrt[)cit, gejitgJett. O INFIRMEE, s. ber 3e"fte, 3?emci>j. CONFISCABLE, adj. eiMifi^eivlid), uer= faUtg, oerfallen. To CONFISCATE v.a. COiifttfcircii, eiu-- Sicbeit. a (NFJBCATE adj. etngetogen, oerfallen. confiscate, s. bie ; (Siujiebung (ber ©uter). confiscator, s. ber (sfonftScttcnbe, Serroalter ct-.t^cjoijciicr ©liter. CONFISCATORy, adj etMifiocatcrifd). CONITT, s. vid. Comfit. confitent. s.ber Sefennenbe, t Bcid;= teube. confiture, s. baS 6onfect, 3itder= werE. To confix, v. a. bcfcftigcit, feflmneben. confixture, s. baS Sefejltgen. COXFLAGRAXT, adj. JlifanilltCIlbrcit- nenb, oerjebwnb. conflagration, s 1. ber (gtofe) ©ranb, bie SeuerSbrmifi ; '2. (Vvoylj>e= tifd)) ber 23eltbranb (am 6'iibe ber Sage). conflation, s. baS 33[afeit oerfd)ie= bener Somoerfjeuge ju gleidjer 3ett. To CONFLICT, v. n. faiiipfeit, ftretten, fici) frbiagen; fid) miberforecbett. CONFLICT, s. ber JSCampf. ©rrettj — of mind, btr Seclciifainpf, bic '.'Igeiiie. CONFLUENCE, ) s. 1. ber 3«'^nuitcii= CONFLUX, 3 fliipj 2. iulauf, bie 3)teuge. CONFLUENT, adj. jufant mcnfl ic^citb. stjCONFORM, o. i. o. gletcbformtg n;a= cbcit, anpiiffeit ; II. » )i± beciitemci, fid) rid)teii (— to, itacb) ; befolgen, beobacbtcn. CONFORMABLE [ado. — lt), adj. 1. gletcbformtg, gemajj, aitgeineffeii, oeretnbar (to, mtt); 2. folgfam; in golge. conformation,*. 1. bie ®Ieicbfor= migfett, ©leicbformigmacbung: ba-j gletrbformtge SBerbalten ; '2. bie tyonit, Sifbung, ©ejlalt. CONFORMER (Conformist). ,t. ber 3ltt= bangerber aitglieatiifdjcu Jlirdjc, v ,'Ut= gliiubige, Drtijobor. conformity", s. 1. bie ncbereinfttm= mungj 2. ©leiebfermigfeit; the — witii cod, bte 9le|nltcbfeit mitQott; to note (to pass) in — .i/. /: gleicbfor= mig oorrragen, bucbeu, Sucbung ma* itcu, liotireit. To i ■; >nfound, v. a. 1. oerwtrren, oer» inengen; vcnvedifelit ; 2. befUrjt martieii, bcfebanicit; 3. oerberben, oer= ntcbten, CONFOUNDED (adv.— ly), adj. mite. crftauulid), febr 'ocrfebrt, vcftradt, abfdjeultcb; — ness, s. bteSefiurjung, SBerroirrung. c infounder,s. ber SBcrrotrrer, Un* orbnungftifter, SSerberber. confraternity, s. bic Sriibers febaft. CONFRIGATION, s. baS 2iucinanber= reibcii. To CONFRONT, t>. a. 1. gcgeiiiiberober gegen etnanber jtelleit; 2. gcgen cin= mibcr balten, oergleitben (— with, mtt); 3. gegeniiber ftebeit. i ( >NFR( »N i'ation, s. bie ©egenein(in= berjteUung (L. r. ber Beujeit). To CONFUSE, r. a. 1. in Itiiorbituini bringcrt; oerrotrren, oermeiigen ; 2. befiiidmeit, bejiurjt macben. i ONFUSEDNESS, s. bte iienvcrrenbeit. CONFUSION, s. 1. bte 3Serir>trrung, Itnorbmmg; 2. ber Tumult; 3. bt» QSerroecbfeiung; 4. SBefcbamung, SBe» fliitjiing; 5. ba« Serberben. CONFUTABLE, adj. rciberleijbar. OONFUTANT,] fcr gjJj be rIeaeMbf. CONFUTER S a i ( "NiTTATK >x, s. bie SBibetlcguttg. To CONFUTE v.a. rotberlegen. CONGE, .«. 1. (in ber Saufunjl) bcr;'lii> lauf, Slbiauf (eiucr ©aule); 2. bi< ©eurlaubung, ber Jibfchteb; 3. bi( SJerbeugmtg. v. CONGE, b. n. 1. fid) bciirlauben; 2 fidi oerbeugen. To O tNGEAL v I. «• gefricrcit rbev ge= ft uncn macben; u. w. friercn, gefrte= ten ; geriunen, ftarr roerben. CONGEALABLE, adj. gcfricrlv.r, ge= rinnbar. C( INGEALMENT (— reo), s. 1. bie ©e= fricruug; ©erinnung; 2. ber JUitm- pen ; 3. bai ©efrteren, u. f. ro. congelation, s. bie ©efrterung, ©e^ running; point of — , ber ©efvier-- puutt. CONGENOR.S. baS gleicbartige 5)ing, 5)tng oonberfelben Slbilammung. con(;'enf.rous, i. adj. gletcbartig, gleid); n. — ness, 5. bte ©lctctiartig: feit. congenial, adj. 1. gTcicbartig, iibn= lid), verroanbt; 2. entfprcdjenb (— to, cincr £ad)c, (Stgenfrbaft, u. f. ».) congeniality, )s bie ©IetcbarHg= O iNGENIALNESS, > Fett,?lebitlid)fcit, ©etjieSgletc^bttt SSerfcbrotflerung, SSerroaubfdjaft CONGENITAL,?^, mifgcboren, ai" CONGENITE, S rtebcreit. conger, s. ber Sfteeraat. congeries, s. ber ^.iaufeii, ba8 ©e- mctigfel. To congest, b. a. aufbaufcn, fammelE. (■( >ngestlble, adj. aufiubaufen. congestions, bie 2lnfbaufung. Sln^ fainmluiig(ber3eud)tigCeiten,u.f.tu.i. congiary, s. bie ©djenfmig, ©abe (an bic ©olbaten ober an k&i SBoli bei ben SRomern), To conglaciate, v. v. gefritreu. CONGLAClATION, s. baS ©efrteren. To CONGLOBATE, v. a. JllfaillineitbaU Icn. conglobate, a ; — letter, bit* ©lucfroun; fdjuttgsfdircibeit. 71) i < INGREGATE, v. I. a. ocrfaiiimelii ; H n. fid) pcrfaiiiinelii, jiifaiitiitcit= Eomnten. >NGREGATI< IN, ». 1. tic SBerfamnu lung; 2. ©cmcinbe; 3. gctftltdje Or- bciiagefeUfcbaft; 4. ©ammlung; the tabernacle of the — , bie 23llltbe*IabC (be* - alteitSeitamenta). CONGREGATIONAL, adj. bte ©cntcinz be (befonbera bte 3iibepcubeiiicu) be= treffcnb. concregationalist, * btr 3nbe= penfcent. o ingress, * bie Qerfammluna, bet <5oiiijrc9 (bet antcrifiinifdicii 5QolfS= yerttetcr); bie ©cfcllfcbaft ; 2. b»i3 Stifaiiimentrcffcn, Bufammenftofieii ; ©cfecbt, ber Jlainpf, Jiampfplafc; 3. bad ©euoofjnen. CONGRESSIONAL, a*, jit etucr 9Scv= jaiiimliitig (cittern (Songtefj) gebotig. CONGRESSIVE, adj. fid) oerfammelilb, beiroobnenb. congruence (— v), * bie lleberete flimmung, ©emdjibcit. CONGRUENT, a//, ubcrciiiftimniig, gc= ma ft; fdiicflid). CONGRUTTY, * i. bie llebereinftim* lining; 2. ed)icflid)fvit; 3. Q3iiiibig= {fit, rtolgeridifigfeit ; to be in — , Mat, T. fid) becfeit. CONGRUOUS (*fo. —ly), adj. 1. fibers eiiiftiiiinieub ; 2. peniiiitftgciiidji ; 3. angemeffen, gemdjj; fd)icflid). (.'■>.\l<; ( — cai.), [nr«ng. To CONJURE, v. I. a. befd)rooren; II. n. bainten, jaubern ; to — down a spirit, ciiien ©cift bainicn, eerbatu ticii; to — up spirits, ©eifter ciliicit, bevbaiiiten. OONJUREMENT, ... bie SefcfcWorung ; @infd)drfung ; feierlid;e ©ttte' ba« 33efcbro6ren, conjurer, s ber SBefc^ttSrer, 3aubc= rcr, SBabrfager; iron, ber SdjarflTdj- tige ; he is no — , col. cr bat baS SpuU rcr ntdit erfunben. CONNASCENCE, g. 1. bie gletc^jetttge ©ebitrt; 2. ba« 3»famineiiroad)feii; 3. ba« g(eid)jcitig ©cbprcitc. CONNATE, adj. mttge&Oten, angeboren. CONNATURAL, adj. angcborcn, uatiir- lid), »erwanbt, CONNATURALITY, {*. bie SJer= CONNATURALNESS, ( lvaubtfrbaft (mitber ndmlid)en S^atur). CONNATURALLT, adv. Uifpriiug(id), »on 9},itiif. To connect, v. a. "crfttiipfcii, uerbttts bcit. CONNECTION,* vid. Cohmexion. Connective, i. adj. oerbhibenb: II g. tas SBinberoort ; — ly, ado. in iler= biubtnig, genicinfd;aftltdi. CONNEXION,*. I. berSiifintiiiciibiiiig, bie SSerbinbung j — «. pi, Serroanbte ; 2. 8elanntfd)aft ( SBerbinbungcn. CONNEXIVE, vid. Connective, connivance, g. bie J^ad)|ld)t, bad Ucberfeben ; bte3ulaffung, baSburcb bie Siiiger^2el)cit. To CONNIVE, ». a. l.liuilfcit ; 2. to — at, burd) bie Singer fcbcii, nadjfebcii, bulbctt. 0( I.NMVKNCV, DtiCONHIVAWCK. O (NNIVENT, adj. iiad;|"id)tt;5, f*[itm= meritb. conniver, g. ber Sftacbftcbtfge. CONNOISSEUR, s. bcr .Ucimcr, J^nnjls rid) ter;— ship, bie J?cnnerfd;aft. CONNUBIAL, adj. ebeltd). CONNUMERATION, .«. bie 3iifaiiniieit= jdbiiutg. conoid,*, a t. bie Aonotbe, bcr ?If= terfegel. OONOIDICAL, adj. o. t. ConotbtfrB, af* terfetartig. To O (NQUER, b. a. •(• n. 1. crot'cni : 2. beftegettj uberroinben j ubcra\ilti= gen ; 3. jtegeit. CONQUERABLE, adj. iibcriviiiHidi, be= ftegbar. comiueress, s. bie (5rot'critnt, = ten, htfe&en, aitfcbancn; 2. errofis gen, bebenfen, iibcrlcgen (— of. ct= n>ae ; unferfudjen ; in 33ettad)tung tteben; 3. fid> bebenfen, j&gern; 4. 9tu(fftrf)t lichmcn ; aufcbcu fur ; acb= ten, fdjafeen ; to be considered, geltcn fiir; you shall be considered for your loins', tcinc iliiibe foil bit »etgolten roetben. INSU'ERABLE [ado. — ly), I. adj. tig= feu. CONSIDERATION, .*. 1. tic S?ctvad>= tung ; 2. ©rroagung; Uebetlegung; 3. $ucffid)t ; 4. Urfad)e, bet ©tunb, SSeroegqntiib ; 5. tie SldUung ; 6. iictracbtUcbfett, ter(*infhi§, ba« 2tn= feben, tie SBtcbtigfeit ; 7. 5BetgeI= tung, @ntfd)abigung, bag 9lequt»a= lent; 8. m . e. tie PMmte; L. T. tag 3$efentltd)e eincg (SonttactS ; the affair is under — , eg Wttb U b C V tie Sadie beratbfcblaqt ; to take in — , iit Settacbtung jiefjert; in — of . ., in jRiicffirbt ouf. .. B insdderer, ». bet $tfifet ; Sestet. CONSIDERING, tn 33ettad)t, ivegcn; — me, was mid) betrifft; any. — that cngefe&en baft, tn&em, roeif; tnnriefetn; — ly. ado. anf crr.jtbafte, tuobluberiegre 2Beife. To CONSIGN, v. a. iibertraani, i'ibcv= geben ( — to. an) ; ansertrauen, 511= ftcUcit; iibctmacben, iibcvfeitbcn ; M E. COtlftgntren ; to — to writing, auffd)teibeu, ju $a)>iet btingen. consignee, s. M e ber ©efcfcaftg* ttqget, Slgent, factor, Q?ommifiin= nar, Spetiteur, (3Baaten=»)@ms granger. consignment, s. 1. tie llcbcrfra= guno, 3uftellung, Uebetfenbung, 93etfenbung ; 2. Si e. Eonftgnation, bag nnvetttaute ctcr oerfanbte (Mm, bie in (Sommif fion gegebene SBaave; 3. tie Utfuube, rooburd) etreag iiber= trageu pter anaertraut unit. consignor [— er), s. m. e bet (2Saarcn= rJlbfcnbct, 33efrad)tet, 33etfd)iffer. Tb CONSIST, v. 71. 1. tefleben (— in, tit, nr of. av4) ; 2. ba fe»n. 9 INSISTENCE (-cy).s. 1. tcr defiant ; 2. tie Uebeieiiiitimiiitiiig, ©Ieidjfots inigfeit; 3. geftigfeit, Eonftftenj. SMcfc ; 4. tag Stehenblcibeu, bet Stillftanb teg Sarf)5tbuiii5'. CONSISTENT Mo. —it), adj. 1. be= ficbent, SBeflanb babent ; annafi, oettraglict ; 2. feft, nidit ftufjig ; 3. confegucnt, ebaracterfefl ; it i« not — with Koiri'y, eS vertiagt fid) nidit niit ^cr "i'ilit |feif. DONSISTORLA.L, a Ij confiflotifllmflBig. X>NSlSTORiAN, itij. vte§b»terionif(i). XJNsrsTORY, s I. bag Sonftftorium, geiftlicbe ©eridjt, tcr .ftivrbenratb ; 2. tie PSerfammlnng tcr (Satbinale ; 3. biefeicvli-te 'Berfainmlung, CONSOCI \te -. rev 9Mit»etbunbene, SRiroetfcbrcotcne, J'bcilbabcr, WtiU fdjulbige, To OONSOCIATE, b. I. a. jugcfcllcn, serbtiiten, oerehtigen ; II. n. fed) vcr= biiitcn, fid) oereinigen, ftdi (ugefeOen. CONSOci vTio.N, s . tie 3 ll 3cfcUuiiij, 84 CONS gjetbinbung; 33cvtvaulid)fcit; tcr qenaue Umgang. CONSOLABLE, adj. trofibat, troftlid). CONSOLATION, s. tcr ^roft. CONSOLATOR, s. tcr Xrbftcr. CONSOLATORY, 1.5. tag 2rofti"dnci= ben, tie JEtoftrebe ; 11. adj. trcftent, ttoftlid). To CONSOLE, v. a. ffoftCH, ailfvicbtcit. console, *. An-h. T. tic Eonfole, tcr Sragfietn, Cc|"tveid)i'"dcu j?ragfteiu. CONSOLER, *. tcr Xtoftcr. CONSOLIDANT, adj. i'.lbciletlt, bci[ = fam ; Consolidants, pi. jU(fainntenJ= beilcntc l r iittd. 7v CONSOLEDATE, v. a.irn. 1. befe^ fttgeit, scitidjteit, bidjt macben ctcr metben ; 2. juljeileu, fjeiieit ; 3. fig. ueretnigen (into, in) ; 4. L. T. jwei ^JarlamentbiUg in cine ciifvige »er= tuanbeln. CONSOLIDATION,*, l.tie 9?cfcftigung, 35erbid)fung ; 2. s. T. 3ub,eilung; 3. fig. ^Bereinigung. consols, s. pi. bie cnglifdjett funtir= ten Staatgyapiere. CONSONANCE (Co.nsonancy). .«. tie 3ufammenilimnuing jroeiet Sonc ; ter ©inflang ; Uebereinftiinmung ; — of words, tcr ®leid)Iaut, Oii-tm. CONSONANT, I. [adv. — ly), adj. 1. gtetd)lauteiib, glerd)fi>rniig ; 2. ge= map; ubereinuimmeiib ; n. 5. bet (Sonfonant, iUitlautcr ; — ness,' s. tic Ueberftimmung, ©emafj^eit. CONSONOUS, adj. gleid)fiiminig, bar= mouifd). CONSORT, s. 1. tcr ©cfabrtc, ©cnofi, ©cmabi, ©ntte, tie ©attinn: 2. SSerbinbung, SSereinigung ; 3. 93et= fammlung, 83cratb.fdjlaguiig : 4. — or Consort-.-in[i. ta» 33ruberf3)iff. ToCONSl IRT, d I. n. St reft fid) U 3e= manb gefetlen, fid) oerbinben ; 11. a. setefjelicben. CONSORTABLE, adj. paffcilt, gleid). consortshd?, s tic Sametabfd)aft, ©efeUfcbflft, 2'bciliiabmc. consound. s. bie SBaQrout) ; — of Saracens, bet ^citeit SButlbfraut. CONSPICDTTY, ». tic Jtiarbrit, .£cllc, Xcurlidifcif, ^lufcbnlidifeir. CONSPICUOUS {ado. — ly/.'.o/t;. l.flar, tciitlid), ftd)tbar ; 2. anfcbtilid) nuf= falicnt, bcriHU-tbucnt, oovjuglid), bc= nihmt, nuggejeiebnet ; — ness, .-• 1. bie Stcbtbarfett • 2. Slnfebnlicbfcit, i>or= jiiglid)feit, i3cru'pmtbcit, toai in tic Slugen fallr. conspiracy, *. 1. tic iBetfd)»5rang, tas Soinploft; 2. tic 3~ufaminefc roirfung, 9JJitmtrfung. CONSPIRANT, adj. uetfd)t»oten ; mits roirfent. conspiration, .*. tic 33etfd)n)Srung ; bag ©efttfben. conspirator a ber 9J?ttveifrJ>roor= •ic, 93etfd)n>otne. To CONSPIRE, c. 71. 1. fid) berabreben ju eincm geineiufd)aftlid)eii (bofen) 3wecfe ; fid) verfdiunn-cn ( — against, gegen); 2.^-. f?d)»ereintgcn, jufam= mentreffen. c< INSPIRER, s. tcr 3?crfd)iv5rcr, WiU oetfrbrbotne ; 3lnftiftcr. CONSTABLE ». tcr CJonftable; ©e= ridit«beanitctc ; 5|Bolitetbtener, >6a= feber; QuartietcommiffariuS ; 5lnf= fiber, SSogt; (^piiimaiitant ; lord iiiL'h — , tcr ©vpfjCPiiiietable von @ngtanb; — ship. ». baSSlmt etneg (SoiiftableS, it. f. w. • — wick, bet 33e$itf in roelcbem ciit Gonftable 3Kad)t bar. Constance, /. fjpnftantia (gtanens CONs name;; — linen, boppelticbte ilcm-. wanbaug St. ©alien, it. f. vo. CONSTANCY, «. 1. tie ^cftdittigfett, '^tantbaftiqfeir, 93ebartlid)feit, %c> jtigfeif, Uitcrfdiiittcrliitfcir; 2. bo Seftanb ; 3. bie 5) tbiqen : 2. jufammenjieben, einens geii, einfd)Iiefjen, btucfen ; 3. binren, befebtanfen ; cinfd)vanfcii ; feffeltt, in '-in-vbafr ncbmcn ; 4. »crb,inberit. CONSTRAINABLE, adj. toil StDiUige unfetwotfen. CONSTRAINEDLY, ado. gCjltUl^Cii, jtvangdroeife. CONSTRAINER, s.tcr 3 wingenbe, ©tn= febtanfente. CONSTRAINT, s. 1. tet 3 nJflK 8; 2 - tic ©etoalt. To constrict. ?-. n. juMinmcnjicbcn, einengen, nbfiitjen. INSTRICTION, 5. bie gjifammenjies bung. . constrictor, s. .n. T. ter. 3m am* lnenjicber, ScbltefimnSlel ; — s of the eyelids, pi. tie Scbliepmugfclit te4 Sluges. To CONSTRINGE, v. a. rid. To Con- strict. constrlngent, adj. jiifommenjie* bent. To CONSTRUCT, v. a. 1. crvtcfcjcn, baucn, anpbrcn; 2.^ erfinnen. CONSTRUCTER, s. tcr (Stbauet, (5t» riditer. CONSTRUCTION, s. 1. tag 33auen, bei -5au ; 2. tie Sotin einefl ©ebaubeS; 3. 3 u f a!linu ' n !" c 6 un rt/ Setbinbnnj CONT (tier SKu'tcr), T. bcr 2Bort= obcr <.|3e= riobenbau; 4. bie Wuslegung, (5rfla= jung, ©entung, bee Sinn. CONSTRUCTIVE (ado. — it), adj. 1. jufammenfiigenb, verbinbeub; 2. T. was fid) conjtruiren 15ft; — new, s bit gdbigfeit fid) oerbinben, couftruU ku jit laffen. DONSTRUCTURE, s. bcr Sou, baS 0c= bdttbe r.« CONSTRUE, b. a. 1. SBiJrtcr c\(bb= tig orbnen, oerbinben, conftrwten ; 2. auSlegen, erfldren; 3. uberfefcenj to — into, fiir ctuvtS auSiegen. To CONSTUPRATE, v. a. fcbdltbctt, itetltt.ud)tigcii. CONSTUPRATION, *. bic ©d)dnbung. CONSUBSTANTLAIi, adj. gleicbeS JEte fctt3 ; gletdjartig. CONSUBSTANTIALTST, s. bcr an bic SBereinigung be8 Seibes Gsbtifli init bent ©robe ©laiibcubc, bcr ait bie gonfubftantialitdt bes ©ofjneS init bent SQatet ©laubenbe. CI INSUBSTANTIALITY, a. 1. bic ( ? iit = beit bes SBefenG s 2. Th,T. bic (Son* fubjtantialitat ; ©leicbattigfeit. 7» CONSUBSTANTIATE,». L «-5 u bent nainlidnm SEBefen oereinigen ; n. n, Th. T. fid) gut CJonfubjianttalitdt (im Slbenbmable) befenuen. CONSUBSTANTIATION, *. bic 33etei= uigung mtt bent ndmlicben SBefen (befonberS int SHbenbmabte beS Sets ties Ebrijti mtt bent Srobe). CONSUL,*. 1. bcr Konfnt; 2. .6au= belsagcnt, .gjaubelsridjter, Sonful. CONSULAGE, *.bie Eonfulargebubren. CONSULAR, I. adj. coufularifd) ; 11. a. bet Sonfuiat (int altcit SJtom). CONSULATE, j. bao Eonfukt. CONSULSHIP, a. b(lS (Sonfuiat ; bic ©telle cities' (SonfutS. Tn consult, v. r. v. gemetnfebaftlid) beratbcit; rathfeftta^'en, fiberlegen; ii. n . 1. urn SRatfj fragen, jit Oiatt)e ttebett ; 2. fiir ehvaa forfeit, bitvauf fehen, c; in ",»td)t uebntcu, beruofftd;= ttgeu. consultation, a. 1. bic Gfonferenj, ©fiatbfc&Jagung ; 2. SRatbsoerfamms [ung. D iNSULTATIVE, adj. bcratfieub. CON3ULTER, *. bcr tint JNath. Sta« genbe. CONSUMABLE, adj. oetjebtbar; »er= gdnglid); — by Bre, vcrbrcitubar. To < ii 1NSUME, v. I. a. 1. v>cr$cbrcn, »cr= braiuteit ; 2. butebbringen,. oers fdm'CltbCll; II. b. to — away, ficl> tA- jebren. CONSUMER, a. bcr SBerjiebrer, Sonftt= ment ; ^crfUn-o-, SBerfdjroenber. To i '• INSUMMATE, v. a. VoUitlbCit, OoUs jieben. CONSUMMATE {adv. — lt), adj. volt* enbet, ooUjogen ; ooUfommen. ci >n^i t mm vi'H int. a. I. bte SSoilettbung, SSoUgtebung; 2. bcr lob ; bite Snbe ; SBBeltenbe. ' c >nsumption\*.1. baa" 93erjebten, bcr SBerbtaucb; 2. bie SBettebruug; 3. 31tt*i;cbvung, ©cbratnbfudpt. CONSUMPTIVE (adv. — t.v), adj. 1. uenebtenb, febwtubfiicbtig ; 2. cr= fdjjpfenb; oerrouftenb; —ness,*. bie 3letgung \at Slusjeb^rung. r,. contabulate, o.i2. ttifeln, bielen, oerfletben. DONTABULATrON, s. baj lafctn, ©ielett ; bic SEafetung. CONTACT, s. bic Sernb,rung, bas ?lit= einanberfloien. rnNTACTiON, s. iaS 93critf)rcit, bic SBeru|)eung. contagion,*. 1. bie Slnjtedf ung ; 2. bi* Seucte, v Beft. CONT CONTAGIOUS [adv. — ly), adj. anjte= cfenb, oergtfteitb, l>eftartig; — neaa, *. Hi auftcifciice ©iff, bic $ejtartig= fcit. To CONTAIN, d. I a. tit fid) (mUch, bc= greifen, faffen, cut ha (ten ; u.n.ent= fjaltfaiti fc.)ii, fid) etttbalten. CONTAINABLE, ml], cnthaltbar. To OONTAMIN \'li; d. a. befubcllt, bc= flccfcn, anjtecfen. CONTAMINATE,^', bcflcdr, befubclt. contamination, ». ru - ©efubefung, SeflecEnng, 3lnftecfung: To CONTEMN, b. a, vcvadjtcit, gcting= fdiat.u-it, uernad^taffigen. CONTEMNER, *. ccr SBerdc^tec. To CONTEMPER, \ v. o. miifjigen, To INTEMPORATE ^ ntilbcrii. CONTEMPERAMENT, ». 1. bie fllafo iigung ; '2. bat Ecmpetantent. CONTEMPERATION, ». 1. bic 3K«^t= gung, 3Jlt(berung ; 2. ge&orige 3Ri= f^ung. To CONTEMl'LATE, v. a. &■ v. 1. 6e= fd)aucit, betvadUcit; 2. iiadifiitncn, iiberlegen, itac^bettfen ; 3. beabfid)ti= ant, oorbaben. CONTEMPLATION. ». bic SBefdjauitng, Sefcbaultcbfeit, SBetradjtung (religio= fcr SBafer^eiten) ; ba« Tcnfen, ^tad)= finiicii; to have in — . beabjidfttgert. CONTEMPLATIVE [ode. — i.v), adj. bc= fd)aulidi, anfebauenb, nadbbenfenb. tiefftnnig; —faculty, bie 5)enffcoft; — life, bae bcfdiaiilidic Vcbcn. CONTEMPLATOR, *. bcr "iettb obet »er«cbten8wurbig ; — r.ess, ». bic QL!crdd)tfid)fctt. CI INTEMPTUOUS (adv. — lt), adj. »et« dcbtlidi, vcraditcub, ftoh, bodintit- tbig; — ness, *. bie i'cwditiuta,, bcr ^orbmutb' To Ci INTEND, v. a. * n. itrcitcn, fdm- vfen ; (— with, mtt) : beftreiten ; tvctf= cifcrn ; to — about, abet @twn8 flvct= ten ; to — for, pit 'iini) <§tma& jireU ten; nadt (Stroai ftreben, wetteifetn; to — for the final word, b(t8 Iefcte SE&OXt ijoben rooUen. CONTENDER (+ Cohtkhdeht), .". bcr ©tteiter, ©egner. CI INTENT, l. adj. ^itfricbctt (— with, mitSttvaB), oerguugt; U.K. sing. 1. bie 3itfriebcitf)cif; '2. bic 20cite, bcr Umfang. fJONTENTSi* pi. bet 3nb«It; table of — , ba« 3nb(ttt8»crjetcbni6. To CONTENT, v. a, 1. befViebtgen; 2. uetgnugen ; to — one's self, jufrieben fern, tut begnugett, c. i\ I KYi'F.I) [ado. — i.v), part. adj. be* friebigt; nufrieben (— with, init) ; —ii-". a. bie 3uftiebenb.cit, S3egnug= famfeit C INTENTION,* I. bcr Strcit, .^antl^f, ;^anf, 6aber; 2. bat ©eftreben, bcr ^iaitcifcr, IBcttcifcr, SBJettflvett. C INTENTIOUS [adv. — r.v), adj. flreiN fttcbtig, ^infifd): — jurisdiction, bie ©ericbtSoarffit tn (Strettfaeben ; — cess, i. bic ^aitffiutt. C WTENTLESS, a 'J. Illljuftieben, niift= I oergtifirtt CONT CONTENTMENT, *. i. bic 3'ifricbcB- bcit ; 2. bat •-JJcrgnr.gcn. To CONTEST, r>. a. 6 n. 1. ftteitig nta« d)eit; bcftieiteu; 2. wetteifem (mil with), ftrettcit urn. ci >ntest, ». bet Strett, SBortroetbfel. CONTESTABLE, adj. ftreitifl, bcftreit. bar; —ness, ». tic Sttetttgfeiten EBefireitbatfeit. fXJNTESTATION. ». 1. bcr 2trcit jjanf; 2. bad ^cii;i,iiifi, bet i-ei»ci< curd) 3eugen. CONTESTINGLY, adv. mil Strett. context,* bet 3ufammenbnng. 1 1 intext, adj, oertnupft, ucrroebt, U\i. CONTEXTURAL, adj. bit ntcii'"d)lid;c ©eftalt betreffenb. O i.\ I'EXTURE »■ b«8 ©ewebe, -jOtad): iv erf. CONTIGNATION, 1. 1. bae Stodhuer!, ©efrbojj; 2. .iSoUivcvf, ^immenvevf ; :i. bie Sinbung etnei ©ebdubes, CONTIGUITY, * bic •.'liiftofiiu.], Outbt. raj !||neiuanbergren}en. CONTIGUOUS adv. — n . adj. flnfio- fa-iib, atigrenjenb, tiabc an ; — i bie Mnjtojjung, •Jiabe. CONTINENCE CoimHBHcr), ». I. bie (Sntbaltung, aJcd^igutig ; Selbflbea berrfrbung; 2. gutbaltfamfeit, 3Jla« iigfeit; ,t(cufd)bcir. C iNTINENT ■"• — H . I. adj. 1. dlt= baltfam, feufeb; maptgj 2. eiitbaU tenb, einfrbranlenb, bejabmenb ; 3. tufammenb&itgenb ; n. *. baS fcfte 8«nb. CONTINENTAL, adj. jum feflcil Saitbc gebSrig. CONTINGENCE Continoekct). *. 1. bie gufaUigfeit ; 2. 3ufall ; bae (freignip. CONTINGENT, I. adj. Jttfalltaj IL «. i. tor 3ufaQ; 2. (vcrbdltuifiiitdiitge) ©eitrag, ba8 Contingent ; — ly, adv. jufalliget SSJeife, son Ungcfabt; — ness, s. bte 3uffifligfett. CONTINUAL,^ fortwabrenb, anbau tenb, itiiauflun-lid); — ly, adv. ftctS, beftdnbig; —ness, s bic gortbauer. continuance, *. 1. bie Sortbanct, S)auet ; 2. SBcbarrlidjfeit, 93eftdn> bigfeit; ;). bcr llufcntbalt; — or a soil, /.. T. bcr Sluffdjub einea ^Jro* jeffeS. To CONTINUATE, o. a. c:tj ocrbtllbctt, oereinigeit. CONTINUATION, *. bic Sortfefeting. CONTINUATIVE, a bos Binbcwort (bcr 3lnfeinanberfb!ge). c intinuator, *. bet Sottfeftcr, waJ fottbauem madjt. To CONTINUE, b. l. n. baucrit, fort= bauern, bleiben, oerbarren ; U. «. fortfefcen, fottfabren (mit). CONTINUED (adv. — lt), adj. fottbait* crub, ununterbrodjeti. CONTINUER a. i-.i gottbauctnbe, bcr SBebatreubc. CONTINUITY, ». bie nnnntctbtocpene SReifje, bcr Snfammcnbang. CONTINUOUS, adj aiiciitaubcrlniiu ,^eitb, ununterbrocben. To CONTORT, b. a. ticbcn, tlcd'tcn, minbett, [rtimmen. CONTORTION Contorsioji), bat Cte« ben, Sfflinben, bie Jucfung; Jtrum< muug ©iegung ; ©erbrebung. ii in pour, a. bet Umtifi (ciucr gi« gnt). contraband, I. adj. entgeftbroarjt, oerboten; — poods, oerbotene iffiaa« rat; II. .< bcr 2ddeidib,iubc!. CONTRABANDIST, ». bcr id>lridi. bauMcr. S(bmugg(er. 75, CONTRACT, b. o. &■ n I. Jltfrtim So CONT CONT CONV mciychcn; Bcrengen, oerffirjen, ab* htr;cn; 2. fid) juf«mmenjtebett, ctn= tcbrumpfcn, Eur$er wetbettj 3. cittig merben, einqcbcu, contrabcrcn, cincii SBergleid) Dbet Sanbel fdmeieit (— for a commodity, ffit cine SSaarc u. f. W.l ; 4. vertoben ; 5. ucrfdjaffeu, fid) umehett, fid) nit gewobnen ; ti. einctt 2lug$ug macben ; to — the brow, bie ©titne tunjeln j to — debts, j2cf?ul= ten macben; to — a disease, fid; cine .HrauFbcit $u$icbcn ; to — friendship, greitnbfcbflft fcblicfscn; to — a habit, etnc ©eroobitbcit anuebmen. contract, «. 1. bet Sontract, bie SonttactSuthtnbe, ber SBetttag, ^cr= akirb; 2. bie 93ettobung ; — ofmar- riage, ber .£)eiratbgoerrrag; bic (She. ^•ONTRACTEDNESS, a bie gufammens ge$ogcnbeit, -ftiirse, Gugc, xMbfitv= jung. ( ( )N tractibility. ) s. bie 3ufam= lONTRACTIBLENESS, f mcnjtefcbats feit. 1 1 >.\tractible, mij. jufammettjiefys bar. contractile, adj. fid) jufammenjies bcub. contraction, s. 1. bie 3ufamntetts Siebung ; fcal Bufammenfcbtumpfen; '.'. bet Jttatnyf ; 3, tie Stbrurjung. o iNTRACTOR, s. bet ra$ ; bie SBiberroattigfeit ; ber ©tteif. CONTRARINESS, * bie SBiberroartigs fcit, ber SBibctftanb. 'joNTRARious, adj. enfgegcngefefct, juunber ; — iy, ado. entgegcit ; binges gen. 8G CONTRARIWISE or Cohtrary-wise, adv. uirtflcfefjrt ; im ©egentbeil. CONTRARY {.adv. — «), I adj. roibtig, entgegengefefet; a prep, juaubcr, rots ber, gegen ; — to good sense, ber ges funben SSernunft juroibet;— to honour, roiber bie (S'bre ; — minded, iu'ifcbie= bener sjJJetnung: in. s. bag ©egens thcil, 20itcrfpici; to the — , batotber, bagegen ; on the — , im ©egentljeil, Ijingcgen. contrast, s. berdonttaft, ©cgenfafe, 2lbftanb, abfli*. la CONTRAST, v. a. cpntraftireit, entgegenfefeen, entgcgettfteflen, ge= gen'eihanber a6fted;et'i marjjen (mit with). contra-tenor, s. t ber Slit. CONTRAVALLATION, s. Mil. t. bie ©egenoerfdjansttng. To contravene, v. a. jmvibct [)aits bcln, iibcrtrcten. contravener, s. ber Ucbcrtretcr, ©egnet. coNTRAATiirnoN, s. bie 3invnberhanb= lung, Ueberttetung. CONTRAVERSION, s. brt§ Umbrcheit nacb ber cnfgegengcfetjtcn ©cite, bie SBetfefetung. CONTRAYERVA. s. bie ©tftWUrj, 6LUttra=2)et'»a (Aristolochia Indica — L.) CONTRECTATION, s. bag 5J3cfii[)leit, SBetaften. CONTRIBUTARY, adj. ftcucrpflicbtig, jinsiar. To CONTRIBUTE, v. a. A- n. 1. tcitra= gen, mitnnrfen, beiftencru, belfen, (— to, towards, ju) ; 2. Xheil ^abeit; 3. erlegen, ftcuern. c< (N'tribution, s. \. ber 93ei(rag, bie SKitmitfung ; 2. Setjleuetj3.©teuet, ^rieggftcuer, Sranbfcba^ung. contributive, adj. beitvagcttb, be= fbrbcrlid). contributor, s. ber Seittagettbe, SBefStberet. contributory, adj. luituurfcne, bc= fiirberlid). CONTRITE {adv. — ly), adj. $erfnirfd)t, retteypU, reuig. contriteness, s. bie 3etlnttfd)ung, 9?eue. contrition, s. bie 3ci'vcibung; 3ct= fnirfcbtmg ; 9icue. CONTRIVABLE, adj. iuad)bar, erftnbs bar, erbenfbar. contrivance, s. 1. bie (Stfuibmtg ; 2. jig. ber jtunflgtiff, fpian, bie 33ets anftaltung, ber Sllnfcblag. To CONTRIVE, v. a. crfittbcrt, evfiuuen, erbenfeu, entroetfeit, fid) au*bettfeit; ciucn ?lufd)lag madden; »e*anftal« ten, madjett, cr, fter bet 'DJarine. CONTROLLERSHlPjs. bie (£ontrpHeut= ftclle; bag .'luffeberamt, bie Slufftcbt, ©emalt. CONTROLMENT, s. 1. bie 2luffid)t; ©emalt ; (SinfcbyanFung ; ber S^aiig ; 2. SGBibetfvtudb ; bie aBteoetleguiig • ber SiSibcrftaut). CONTROVERSIAL, adj. flreifma'li;] ftrcitig, Ml ciucr ©ttettfrage ge^btig polcmifd). CONTROVERSIALIST, s. ber in ciucn litetatifcben ©tteit SOetroicfelte. controversy,.?. 1. bet Streit, bie ©tteitftafte, ©treitfadje ; 2. ^cr $to» je9; 3. aOiberftaub, bie 3eiubfd;af! (nj. it.). To CONTROVERT.^, o. ftrciten, befircis ten ; Controverted election, tie bcftrit; teue SSabi. CONTROVERTER, .*. vid. Controver- sialist. CONTROVERTIBLE, adj. fftcitig, be= ftreitbar. CONTROVERT1ST, s. ber SiSplttant, fJ3olemifet. CONTUMACIOUS {adv. — ly), adj. balgs jlattig, uuberfpaitftig; uubeugfani, ungeborfam. C0NTUMACI0USNES3, ? s. l.bie^itU' 3 contumacy, J ftarrigteit, 2.Biccrfpanftigfcit ; 2. L. T. bag »or= fa^lidje SiuSbleibeit »ot ©cricbt. CONTUMELIOUS {adv. — ly), adj. frbmablicb, febimpflid), »eradjtlid), fcbnBbe, jn ©cbimpfteben genetgt, fcbanblid); —ness, s. bie ©efdjim^ Vfuug, ©d)anbe, Sto^eit; ber ^or-' tvurf. CONTUMELY, s. bie ©cfimadj, bei ©d)impf; bittere (grobe) SSotWUtf. To contuse, v. a. 'ouetfebett ; jerfto-- ien. contusion, s. s. t. 1. bie Cuetfcbung , 2. 3cvftoftung. conundrum, «. bie ©djttafe, bei ©(Sroanf, bag 2Bortfpie(. conusance, *, /.. t. bie &enntni$ bag SBiffen, 9iccbt ber ©etidjtsbat: fcit. CONUSANT, adj. L. T iviffenb. CONVALESCENCE (Convalescence), s bie ©enefung. CONVALESCENT, adj. geitcfcnb. CONVENABLE, adj. )vag ftd) »Clfam> mcln laf;t. Tb CONVENE, v. I, n. jufammcnfom = men, fid) vcrfammeln ; n. a. 1. 511= fammeitbcrufcu, »etfammeln ; 2. /, T. Dorlaben. convener, .?. 1. ber mit Snbetn einet ©efellfd)aft bct'tupfjitt ; 2. ber 3Scr» fammelnbe. CONVENIENCE tCoNVENlENcr), ». i. bit guglifbfeit, ©c^ictlicbEeit; 2. SBes qitei)tlid)feit; 3. ©elegenbeit ; b>- qucnie 3eit; Lfam. ber 9Jad)tftitbl. CONVENIENT (adv. — ly), adj. 1. fiia« lid), fcbtcflirb, paffcnb, anjliinbig; 2 becjuem, gelegen ; with nil — speed mit mftgltcbjiet C5i!c. CONVENT, s. bag .Kiofter; ber Q"on vent. To convent, v. a citircn, sorfabcu fotsetn. CONVENTICLE, s. 1. bie (relifjiofe' SSetfammlung, Bufammenfunft ; 2 beimlirf)e (uhgcfcftlidjc) 3Jerfamm= Inng. CONVENTICLER, .f. ber bcimtidic 33er» fammlitngcn bulbct obet befudtt. convention, s. 1. bie Suf'tm'neni fitttfr, SBetfammfung ; 2. 3Serernt» flung; SBetbtnbunq; ^ llcberetn. CONV COOL COPP fun ft, Slbrcbc, bet SBertrag, 33cr= glcid) ; — , H: S'.ationakoii: »citt. CONVENTIONAL, adi vt;:brcbcf, ycr= tragemafiig, oergliays. OONVENTIONARY, orf/. »crtragflma= {jig. CONVENTtONER, s. Sofl OJwglteb ci= iter SUcrfammluug, etue: 3unft, U. f. ». conventionist, a. te: Sontraoent ; ber eincn .»paiitcl, Sertrag abfcblicpr. CONVENTUAL, I. aij. flbiterlid) ; II. s. ber Gonocntual, 3)ioncb; tie 'Jlonne. 7b CONVERGE, v. n. couycrajrcn, ju> fammenlaufen. : i iNVERGENCE (Convkruency), s. ba* jjufammenlaufeu. CONVERGENT, «<(/. jufanuuentaufcHb. CONVERSABLE {tulv. — lt), adj. Hills gSuglicb; mitthcilcnt ; — ness, s. bte umganglicbfeit. CONVERSANT, «e converted, tibergeben (you eincr 9tcligiou jut aubern); n. ». fidi Detroanbeln. D (NVERT, *. bee, bie Oceitbefcbrtc. CONVERTER, e. bee ikfetjver, Sprofe= Itttcumadier. CONVERTIBILITY, a. bte Umryautci= bavfeit. CONVERTIBLE, aaj'. 1. ycnuaubclbar, umfebrbar; 2. jit uermerbfeln ; — iy, adv. umgefelut, lvccfifclviveifc. CONVEX [ado. — ly), I. adj. viuib crba= ben, uad) auffcn gen>5fbt ; coitoet ; ll. s. ber couyere &5rpet, baS ©c= roblbe. 30NVEXED {adv. — ly), adj. runb cr= baben, conycr. 30NVEXITY, ) a. bie auficrc SRims CONVEXNESS, S bung, 2B5lbuug. CONViiXO^ONCAVE, adj. auf ber ei = iten Seitc erbabcit, auf ber aubern auSgebiihlf. 7b CONVEY, v. a. i. yen ciitcm Cite nad) eiuem aubern fd'affen, fabren, u. f. w„ jufiibieu ; 2. ubergeben ; fliers rragtn; iibcvliefevu, iiberinac^en; 3, betbrtngen, mittheileu ; i. eurhalteu fe^n ; to — by water, oerfdnffen. !ONVEYANCE, s. t. ba8 ^nfubveit. bie Bnfubr, Ueberbringung, Uebevfeu= bung, Ueberlieferung, bie gortfebaf= funa, bee Xraneport; 2. ba« jjorts frbcpngSmtttel, 'Subnrerf, bie SBe» geanfialt; Welegenbcit; 3. lleberga = be, Sabtretuug; 4. Vlbti-ctuugcfdnir'r, llebcrgabeurfuubc ; letter of — , .)/./:. bee AiadHbrief. CONVEYANCER, s. ber SfJotavill*. CONVEYER, s. 1. ber Uebcrlicfercr, Ueberbrtnger j 2. 2Meb, liftige 8es tiiigcr. 7b CONVICT, v. a. ubcvfiibrcu, ubcr= metfeit, itberjeugen. CONVIOT, adj. iiberfufjrr, uberwiefen. CONVICT, s. ber Ueberwiefene, Wlifk> tbater ; — ship, baS Serbrecberfdbiff. CONVICTION, a. 1. bie llcberfiiljrung ; 2. Ueberjeugung. i i (NVKfTIVE {adv. — ly), ailj. iibcvjcu= genb, biinbig. 7b < i iNViNi.E, b. a. iibcrjeugen, iibcr= fitbreu. O i.WINcim; {adv. — ly), adj. uber,eu= gcub; —ness, s. tie Ueberjeugung8= fraft, ^lugeufdieiulidifeir. convivial, adj. feftlid;, gcfe!lfd)>ift= lid), tuftig. CONVIVIAMTV, s. [. bie AioMidifcit (bet Safe I); 2. €$maufem, bafl Sebniaufeu. 7b CONVOCATE, v. a. }ufammcnbcru= feu. CONVOCATION.*, i . bie 3ufammeu= bevufung ; 2. aSerfammlung, 7b i < 'NVOKE, n, a. iufainnu'iiberufen. convolute, ) ag mate, tcs .\tedv3 Wchiilfe (aur'Sd)iffcii , tee Uutevfod) ; — room, bie Sdjtffetuc$e (befonberfl auf Cftintieufabreni) ; — shop, bie (Mavfudie. 7b ' < K iK, b. 1. n. forjen ; II. n. fd;veicn mie tee .Uud'uf. cookery, a. 1. bafl Jfrbjen ; 2. bie jtoc^funfl. C IOL {adv.— ly), I. adj. 1. fiibl. frifty ; I. fig. fattftniiw, faltbluttg, fait; — he 1* d, (etbenfd)aft8tofi ; ' 11. s. bie .uuMe, Aiiibhiug; —cup, baSCitr)leru be ©etr&nf, t» coin,.,.. La. 1. FiiMen, crfrtfcSen ; 2. fig. abfiiblcn, mayigen, befanfti-- gen ; 11. ». 1. Eflbl toerben ; 2. fig. cr= fa I ten. COOLER, », I. ba« Jlublenbe, f ubirnbe SWittel; 2. tor jtahlfeffel, tie .Unhl- tonne, baJ i?iiblfa§. COOLISH, adj. eiu wenig tfyl; fig. ct= wafl faltftnnig. COOLNESS, » I. tic .fiiible,,; 2.^p. ber vUaltfittn ; tie j?altblutig= feit, Seitcufebaftelpn.jfeit, 2pannuir| (imifeben Sreuiiten). a h im, §. i. tcr 3iufi, Dfenruf; 2. bii SBagenfdjmiere. COOMB, Jeiil ©ctrcibemajj yen vicr COMB, > Bui 1. tic Jfcufe, bat *>i\r, 2, ber ■Ctiibnerfcrb ; 3. tie Sdjafpurbe. 7 P, b. a. (to — up), einfperrcn, ciufdilicf-eu. cooper,*. bet Softener, .fiiifer, Stu* pet ; — 's adze, ter ,rtiiferteif;cl ; — *« driver, ter Xriebrl; —'a knife, CiS 3urfntefftr; —age, a. ber iu>Itd;cr: lebu. 7b I • K iPERATE, r. n. mitivirfcn. 1 1 m IPERATK in, a. bie i'litauefung. COOPERATIVE, adj. mitiyiifeut, bc= biilflidi. COOPERATOR, ». tee O^ihyirfcntc 3)Jitarbeiter. (•(imitation, a. bie grtta^Iung, ?Ir.: nabme, x'lufnabine. COORDINATE {adv. —it), adj. beigo orbnet, in gleieber (?laffe, jur felben SDrbnung gebSrenb, gietdj; — m bie ©Ictdibcit befl 3taii Slaffe. (( k iKiiiNATii in. a. tic SJiebe'norbnung, SBeiorbnung. COOT, «. baS ffiafferfjubn, bet SRo^r= babu. ( * ip uitA. a. bet Salfam) ^opaiyi. COPAL,* ter.Uoval, baS jtopalgummi. COPARCENARY, *. L. V. tie SRiterbs f*afr. ot iPARCENER, s.L. T. ber gleic^eSKits evbe. COPARCENY, ». tcr gTeic&e Qhttbcil bet spliterben, COPARTNER,*, bet SDliigeno^, .<3an« bel«gefabrte ; — Bbip, ». bie -.':. noflfenfrhaff, gleidje febeili - ( 1 >pe, a. 1. bet Sborrocf; 2. 1 fiber einent Jlnn-e; 3. tie Jtuppd; 4. Ted'c ubee unfernt £aupte. To O >ri:, b. I. a. tcifen, bebecfen ; II. n Rreiten, fampfen, fid) fdjlageii, fidj firauben, fid) uxhrcu, ringeii; to — with, fid) lueffeu mit eincni. p iPlER, a. I. bet (v-rin, abfebrtibcr f 3Iu*fd)reiber ; 3. 9cad)abiner. O (PENG, s T tie SWauetfaVpe, flap* pej bet ©iebel. COPIOUS (adv. — ly), mlj. 1. yfiuftg, reidjlid), uberfluffig, uberuoU, in SJZengej 2. roeitlauftg; njortreirb; 11 — ness, ». 1. ter Ueberfluf, tie Wt\u ge, Anile: bet SRetdjrhnni3 2. bie SBeitlfiufigfeif, SRebefflHe. COPLAND, «. bie VantfpilH - . COPPED, adj. jugefpiet, Eegelforntig. COPPEL, s Bid oi i'i:i. COPPER, 1. *. I. bafl .Rupfer: 2. ter e JtefTel; 3. bafl JJupftrgelb; 11. adj. Eupfetn : in compos. — I . .v. t. fupferboben, mit J uerfieibet; — colour, bie Jtupferfar= be; — coloured, fnpferfarben ; — ferabfcbnifecl unb AciiidM : i. , bie fi 9lafe ; — ore Jtupferglan] ; - tie Jcupferplatte ; bet .Kupferpicb; — plat,' prints, Jtupferfiitoc ; — sbentb- inps, Jtupferbled) (jinn SOcrHeiben ter Scbijfe); — smith, bet J?upfer= febmieb; — wire, bet jtupferbrabt ; — work, betJlupferhammer, ba I pfer^ammettnerf ; — worm, bet rourni; gingettuurm. copper \s ». ter grunt Sifriel. c ippERED, adj. mit Jcnpferblecb jogen. COPPERISH,a«>". fuvfeiboitig. O IPPERY, adj. htpfcrig, fupfevballig Eupfern. COPPICE, 8. r,,i. C0P8«. com CORO CORK xirpi £n, a •;;. lugefoifct. roPSE, « bad UutcrbcU, t?cbau; ©c= b is'"*. OPSS,« a bad lliitcrbp^ bdgtn. .' PSY, adj. blifdjiq. Cd'U.A, , ffrajn.r bie Eopula, bad StUbCtDOtt. 7b COPULATE, r. n. fid) I'.Mrcn, rtffl begotten, flcifdilid) oetmifd)en, fid) bcirocbucit. COPULATION,*. 1. tic Serbiubung, 3iifaiiimeitEul>pelmig; 2. i : cinn>b= nung. i I.ATIYE. L <■■//'. Oram. T. VClbin= benb; n. s. bad SBinbewort. COPY, s. 1. bic (Tovic, 9lbfdjrift; '2. badSwnplat; 3. bie S3oifd)rift, bad Original ; — book, bad Sorfdjriftens bud) ; — hold, bad ^inslchcn ; — hold- er, cer JJindpactyrer, (*rbvaducv, 3J2eiet ; — right, bad IGerlagdrerfyt. To COPY, 1. CC-pivcit; (lb- fcbrcibcn, abgeidjnen; 2. narbbilbcii, r.a.babnien, itacbmacbcn : to — from the life, nad) bent Scbcn jcicfjiicit. COPYER, COPYIST, s. »«t Copier. COPYMG-MACH1NE, g. tic Eopirina= friuitc. TV) coquet, d. «. a'- ». coquettiten, lie= beln. ; QU ETTE, COQUET, g. bic (JtHfUCttC. CO QUETRY , s. tic (Soquetteric. CUQUETTISH, adj. COqUCt. i ib \<'LE, g. bad [eberne Soot. CORAL. Lg bieJJoralle; —boat, ber ,«pvalIcnfi'"dicrEabn ; — diver, ber J?oraUenftfd)er ; —moss, bas .thn-al- [emnood : — tree, ber JtoraQenbaum ; — wort, bad JlpraHc; n. «.//. Em-alien. CORALLINE I. adj. foralleu ; Eorallen= artig; ii. g. bad KoraUenmood. CORALLOID. ? ,. ,.,.,,<„„..• CORALLOIDAL, 1 «&.&»»«»«*««■ corb, g. 1. ber j£oblenforb : 2. — s, pi. jink. r. forbformige i>cv^ici int^cu. !• orban, g l. ber SUmofenEorb j '2. bos SUmofen. corbeels, g. pi. Mil. t. Sdjannforbe. CORBEL, g. .i.rh.T. 1. bad .tfbvbcbcu; 'i. ber Jtraqftcin, SSaUenrrager, SBaU feitfovf; 3. bie (©libera Slenbe, 9tifd)e. CORD. .-■. 1. bee Stricf, baa Sell ; Ian ; bie Staffer, ber gaben; 2. jig. bev gaflfltitf ; btegeffel; -—maker, ber Seilec; —wheel, bad EDrefcrab ber Seller ; —wood, bad Jvlaftcrbolj ; a — of twine, .V. T. Cllie %\\}t ?tdl)= garn. roOORD, b. a. Dtnben, befefltgen (mit (StricEcit, u. f. ro.l ; to — up, mit v.- iter Sdjnut mcffeit, Etaftcm; to — wood, ^>pU ju .Ulaftcm fcgEagen; Cordins; tools, SftanbeLinftruntente. cordage, g. ba» Xaiiroerf. CORDELIER, g. cor Avanciscancv. cordial, Lg l. bie43erjftarfujig,baS Vabi'al: 2. ber feme Siqueut; II. adj. 1. berjjtdvEenb, bclcbciib; 2. (ado. — 1.\-' berjig, berjlicb, aufridni.j. ohnc .6eud)ctci. a 'KDiAl.n'V. g. bicOcrilt'cbfcit; 2lufs ridjtigfeit, DjfcufjerjigEeit. ird» in, s An v T. bas SDiauerBanb, tor ^utuevtvan; ; ^ranj ; bte£d)ituv. CORDOVAN, g. ber Korbiiait COBDWARJER, g. ber idntfier. Z »RE g. 1. baS ^evnqebaufe tmCbue, bev ©riebl ; 2.J! < *c.» 3it»erfle, q3erj, OJi'arf; 3. bcrjC^tfcr ; 4. cine 8eber= franrtytt ber Scbafe. XiRIACEOUS, adj. Icbcvtt ; Ieberarti.3. XlRIANDER, g. ber fforiaiiber. CORINTH,g ,«rrtntb. CORINTHIAN, I. adj. fe-vititbifd) ; — as order, bie Forintt)tfdje ©5ulenorb= uung; IX s. bet jUu-ttttber. CORlVAL,g. ber viebcubiiljtcr, S)Jit= tocrber. To CORIVAL, ?•. a. wettctferrt. CORK, g. 1. ber.iUn'f, bad ^aiitoffeU t) o 1 5 ; '>. bet JEorffibpfel; — , or — tree, bet JJorffcaum ; — cutter, bet Jjcrffebiteiber; — screw, ber JUnf= jiebtr. To CORK, b. a. 1. mit .Rorf Oerftben, rber betegeii ; 2. jui'topfeltt, jujlos pfen, ^fropfen. CORKING-PIN, s, bic 'i'acfitabel. corky, adj. 90ii Jtorf, Eorfig. CORMORANT, g. 1. bet iiiaffevrabc, gtfdjreiber; 2. ffo-. SStelfrap. CORN.g. 1. bas Korit; ©etretbe; 2. ba8 HNEL, g. bic ^ornelfirfdje- [Comc- tian — tree), bCV jtoruelEttfcpbaUUt. CORNELIAN, Bid. Cuinlm vn CORNEMUSE i s. bet ©ubelfacf, bic CORNAMUTE,) ©arf^feife. CORNEOUS, adj. bpvui.i ; boniifbt. CORNER, g, berSBinfcl, bic grfe; — clips. Scfbefdplage ; — house, bas (5c!= bane ; — piece, bad ©tfjificl ; — stone, ber (5'cKte:u ; — teeth, bie ■ 1 >a:e:u,'ib = nc, qparen (bet SPfetbe) ; — tile, ber ^o()ljiegel; — wise, geecft, etfig; biftgonal. CORNERED, adj. ccfiij ; three-cornered. bveierfig. cornet, g. 1. bic 3»ife, bad 3iitf= born, §orn ; 2. bic Jurciifcbnccfc ; 3. ber.§uf; 4. (Fonictt; ©tanbartens trager; 4. bic @ornette, '•Jiadubaulc, ^Jcibcrmiifee; 5. (fonfi) Scbarpe. CORNETCY, g. bic Eontettd=©telIe. !'• iRNETER,g ber ^iiireiiblafcr, ginles niji. CORNICE g Arch. T. bad jfrirmef, ber .UvauUciitcit, .Rranj, SIblauf; —ring, ber ifr - an$teif einet Jtanone . CORNICLE, g. ba» ^>5tnd)en. CORNICULATE, adj. Innitnumij, ja= ifig, .Ocrncr tragenb. CORNIGERi us. adj.&btntt traqenb. OORNLESS, adj. qctreiDclod, toviilod. 1RNUCOPIA, 5. bas rtitilbont. 7bOORNUTE, o. a. ^omer auffefeeti, iiira .'3abnvci madjen, Etoneti, CORNUTi i.y. ber^ornertriiger, .*3abi;= vet. coBNUn (R, ,-. bev }um ^ab^nrei 3JJa= rbeiibc, ber i£>ometaiiffefeer. CORNY, adj. 1 . Eiu'itig, Epntreicb ; 2. bcvnbavt, bcvittdit. COROLLARY, s t. 1. bad SotoHa* tiunt, bev golgefa^ ; I. bev Ucbcv= febui CORONA, g. Arch.T. rev .({vamlciilcn. coronal, i. g. bie ittone, bet ktan% u. adj. am SBirbel be* Aovfed; — — suture, bic Jt'.Pltltaht ; — vein, if! J'lvciitaber. CORONARY, adj. bie Jivrne bctrcftcr^.. an ber Jvvoiic ; — arteries, bie &tanj < abent. CORONATION, g. bie ^toitung ; — oaL\ ber Jlrpiiitng»eib. CORONER, .-■. ber ?cid'C.t be;.-' — 's inquest, bic JcMcnutan. coronet, g. i. bie t leine Jtvonc ; Z. ber Jtvan; (int SBappen). corporal, i. .«. bev gorvotat; n. [adv. — i.y\ adj. tcrpcvlidi, iciblicn. CORI'ORALE i,C>r.r,jRAL:, .«. ba« g; ivcibte ilic'ltucb. O IRP1 IRAL1TY, g bic .ucrt'cviid^feit. CORPORAS, r,d. CoRPORALK CORPORATE [ado. — ^lt), adj. tit rilltS ^otpet [fine ©emcine) oetetnigt, vers ctrtt; — body bic (Mcmcinc, bad dor- pud ; — ness, 5. bic S3ereinigi»g, ^e= incinbeif. corporation..'. 1 . bie ® emeine, 3t;= nung, 3unft ; 2. ©iirgerfebaft; 3. tr: Sta'btratb. CORPORATOR, s. b:i QiTieb etnti 3!inft, u. f. n>. CORPOREAi, [adv. — lv), a.lj. tSX$tt* lid). corporeaL'^t, g. ter 3Rateri«Tift. corporeity, .c bic ^orperltcbEcit. ( » ii;i'i iREors, adj. ttvyniid}. CORPOSANT, s. MeLT. bas .^cletien= feuer, clcftvifdic Sict) t (an ben SOiaftea unbSiaaen . cx^RPS, g. Mil. T. bas Eorpd. corpse, g. bcvAiorptv; Vcib; Scic*- nam. CORPULENCE — . V. s. bic Jt5rper= bicfe, in-lcibtbcit, 5ietfd)igfeit. CORPULENT, a.lj. fieifebi.], bclcibt, bid;. CORPUS-CIIRISTI DAY, .*. bev gtobfis (etd^namdtag. CORPUSCLE, s. ba» ^prpeveben, bee 91 torn. CORPUSCULAR, adj. H ; vm[id\ med^o* ntfeb, matevialirtiub, atomiftifct). CORPUSCULARIAN, I. s. bet 9Itpmtft 5KateriaIiji ; iLadj. mieCoRPoscuLAR, qd. rid. CORRADIATION, g. bic 3t:ab!cni'ereis nigung. To CORRECT, e.a. 1. teffern, Setbtfs fevit, berirbttgen; 2. ivrn'cifeB, tut* belli, liicbtijcn, ftvafen; 3. Mid. T. milbern; correct (.-.■■ — i.v . adj. cor= rect, feblerfret, ritbtig, '"i-raitviduia; I stand corrects.!, id) bitrc nut SSerjei* baling, icb babe Unvccbr. CORRECTION, s. 1. bic SScrbeffernng.. SBertcbtigung, Surdjftrbt ; 2, rev SSers weid, JCabel ; bic 3itd)tiguiig, SBeftras fun.]; 3. j»/«j. T. bic 2ftilberung; of — . ba« 3licbtbau3; under—. mit Srtaubnip c ufagen; uninatjgeb= lid 1 ; corrections i;r marks of — , Typ. T. Serrecturjticben. CORRECTIONAL, adj. vcvbcffcvnb, »cr= tuetfenb; a — lesson, emc ®ttaR)tc= Wftt . CORRECTHX, I adj. rc:oci|cv!:b; II. s. bad SBetbeffcrungdmittel. CORRECTNESS, g. bic (Trrvccthci!, 9(iduiafcir. corrector, g, 1. ber Corrector, S3er» beffercr, ©ertcbttger; 2. ^ii^fi'l^r, 3ud)tmeirtcv; 3. Med. T. bad ±>itlc.c= rungdmittel. correlate, s. bad gomlatum, S3t« jiebenbe. a JRRELATION, g. bic gcgenfeittge 5?e« jiebunq. CORRELATIVE, i. adj. udi gegenfritfl bejiebenb ■ " * tai Korrelatio. CORS COTA COl'N courelativeness, ». bad gegenfeU ttge 'JJcrhaltnif;, bet SBeQfelbfgug. DORREPTION, s. bet 93erroeid, Satcl. V'.i CORRESPOND, p. n. 1. correfpoitM= rcit, ctMcu Sriefroerofel fasten, sSriefe lvatfcln ; 2. libcre iitfontmcii, paffcit, entfpredben, geindp fevjit. CORRESPONDENCE (— cr), s. 1. bie (Iim-cfponteiq, ber iiriefivcd)fel; 2. bad gnte iu-iitcbntcn, Serftanbntfj, t>cc ifrngang ; 3. Uebereinftiinmiiitg, SHngemejfenljett. CORRESPONDENT (ado. — ly), a#. iibcriiit fommcnb, eittfyredjenb, ge'= mat;. CORRESPOXDEXT, *. bcr Gorrcfpon= bent. • IRRESPONSIVE, adj. iibcreiitfom= nifiib, cntrprcdjeiib. CORRIDOR i 1. bcr (Sang ait obcr in eiitcnt Oebaiibe, tie ©atleric, bcr (uu-ribor ; 2. Jiftf. r bcr bebecfte SHJeg. O IRRIGD3LE, I. adj. 1. oerbeffcrlid) : 2. ftrafbat ; l£. — ness, s. bie Serbeffer= tidifcir. CORRIVAL rid. Corival. CORROBORANT, adj. ftdrfeiib. To Cl >RR( »Bi IRATE, v. a. ftavfcn ; Fraf= riant,,, bcfraf= ttgeit. CORROBORATION, ». bie Startling ; Seftafigmtg, SBefraftigung. CORROBORATIVE, Is. bad Starfungd= inittel; u. adj. flarfenb ; befraftigenb. To corrode, o. a. jernagen, jerprefs fen, vct,ehren. corrodent, ladj. jernagenb, »erfref= fenb ; IL ». ba3 gernagenbe, 3erfrcf= fenbe. coRRomnrLiTV, s. bie 3erfi'eybarfcit. CORRODIBLE, adj. jerfrfjjbac. CORROSD3IL1TY, CORROSIBLEN I SS, 5. iv'rf. CORRODtBtMTY. CORR03IISLL:, adj. aid. Corrodible. CORROSION, s. bie 3c-itaa,uitg, 3er= frcffuitg. CORROSIVE (ode. — ly), I. adj. afccnb, frejfatb; n. ». bcr Avafi, bag 2t?fcmits tel ; — aess, ». bad Jlefccnbc, bie ■Bcbarfc. CORRUGANT, adj. 3tiin$c(n mact)cttb ; falteiifcblagenb ; — muscle, ber 2lu= jjenbrauneumudfel. Tb O tRRUGATE, v a. ritnjcdt, tit 3a(= ten tegen, fc^tiimpfen. CORRUGATE, «-//. jufammenge= fchrumpft. corrugation, .?. bad SRunjeln. To CORRUPT, o.La. 1. vertevben; an= frccfeit, ocrgifteti: vcrfd)(cd;terit ; 2. vcrfiihrcit; 3. befiedjeit; U.n.faulen, venvefat; Corrupt [ado. — ly), adj. 1. serberbt; oerborben, faul ; 2. befto* cricn ; 3. gcanMettlod, laftcrbaft. CORRUPTER, ». I.btt58erberbcr,93ers fiibrcr; 2. i'cjiedjer. CORRUPTIBILITY, ) s. 1. bie S3er= CORRUPTD3LENESS, <, tcrblirbfcit ; SQerroedbarfeit; 2. iV:ftcd)lid)fcit. CORRUPTIBLE [ado. — i.v I, adj. 1. »er« berMtcb, yergattg(td), oeroedlidj; 2. vcrfiibrbar ; bcjtcdilid). OORRUPTION, ». 1. bad SSftberben; 2. bie SOerbevbtljeif, S3erborben6eit, tad SBerberbntfj ; :i. bie 33erfeblee^te= ruttg; 4. gaulnijj; 5. bcr Gitcr; G. bie HcftcrfMiiig. Corruptive, adj. vcrbcrbciib, anftc= cfenb. OORRUPTLESS, adj. mtvci'tcrblid), Utt* oerroeetid). Cl (RRUPTNESS, s. md. Corr.-ptiov. CORSAIR s. bcr gorfar, 3ccranber, Scaiibfcbiffer. O IRSE, ». oid. Corpse CORSELET, *. bcr balbc Jfiira5, ba3 CORSET, *. bie 2*niirbni|l. O »RSICAN, I. adj. corfifd) ; II. s. ber Sorfe. IRTEGE »■ baS Offolfle ; bcr 3ttg. CORTICAL, adj. 1. rinbig; 2. r,v. au= $er(id;. CORTICATE (— «o), adj. riiibcitartig, rtubic^t. CORTICOSE. > a./;, rinbig, » oiler CORTICOUS, $ ':)tiiibc. CORUSCANT, adj. funfelitb, bt^cib, flantnteitb. TbOORUSCATE, v.n. Minfctt, fd)int= merit, glanjen. coruscation, ». bad gunWit, glam* men, bie Vli3^1id}e ^lainmc, bcr ©lift, CORYMB, s. tic (5)o(ben = Iraubc, s^cere, ber Slumenbufc^el. OORYMBIATED, adj. traubifl, bii= ft&eltg. CORYMBIFEEOUS, adj. tranbcii cber m\d)d tea; CORYMBOUS. adj. tllS iMubcit obcr Q3uf($e(u beftet)enb. O tRYPHEOUS, s. ber Mun-fiibrcr. COSCINOMANCY, a. bie SUabifagerci alio ciucnt Bicbc. cosecant, s. t. bie Rofecattie. cosine ». o. v. bes 3of[nu8. COSMETIC, 1. adj. mat fcfeon llM.-bt, fd)ntitjt ; it. s. bad Scbon^eitSmittel ; — ( — wash), SdjottbettSroaJTer. COSM[CAL [ado. — ly), «■//. 1. |UI SSelt gebBrtg, foZmifd); 2. .;.-.'. v. fo*= htifd), mit bcr Sonne a n f- oscr miter* gehenb. O JSMOGONIST. s. bcr fid) mit bcr Jto8= mogoittc befr^aftigenbe ^bi!ofopl). cosmogony, 8. I. bie Serjre ooit ber giitftcfjimg ber 2Bett; 2. ©^Opfung, Urroeft. i ■ smi igrapher, e. ber J?oSmo(jrav^ SOBeUbefc^reiber, ISMOGRAPHIC, i adj.' COSMOGRAPfflCAL {ado. — ly), J Et)«s niOiivavbifd). a ismi >graphy, ». bie JtoSmoarapbie, ^cltbefdu-cilung. COSMOLOGICAL, adj. bie SBeltle^re betreffenb. COSMOLOGIST, s. bcr 23eltbefefcreiber. cosmology, a.bieaBeltfunbe, SBelt* lebrc. cosmopolitan, j ». ber .RoSmopoIit, cosmopoute, f SBeltburger. COSS \ck, *. ber jjofaf. cosset, s. bad obnc tic -?)iiittcr anf= gejogene jr.noe Sainm, .Ualb, it. f. ». COST, ». 1. berSPreifl: 2. bie Atofict:, Unfoftctt, bcr 'Jiufivanb ; 3. ber ©dba» bcit; 4. bie jlcflbarfeit; Costs, pi. bie ©cri($tdfcften. To COST, p. ir. ,,. feftcn, 511 ftcb>n foinmcn. costal, adj. \n ten Miwen ge65rig. costard, s. etite -.'Irt groficr -ilcpfel ; — monger, ber Dbfi^Snbler, COSTERMONGER, s. roie Costard KOROBR. COSTIVE, adj. ftopfeitb; »crflo»ft; — ness, 8. bad Stopfenbe; tic S8er« ftopfung. COSTLESS, «r//. tvoblfcil, Eofieillod. costliness, 8. bie ^ojibarleit: ber Sluftoanb ; tie jlojlfpieliarcif, Ineues rung. 1 ■' ISTLY. «-. 1 a, i. moUtcbt fc-.'ii, rand) fcmi -fid) (tljen; 2. oulg. fibers eintreffen, (Id) tooju febicfen, paffen: 11. a. mit SBaummoUe futtern. COTTONY, adj. bcumwoUenartia. To cou* 'ii. ,-. i. , : . 1. fid) nieberlegen : ttieberfallen ; 2. fid) beugen, fancni ; 3. lieaen ; 4. tin .t>interba!tt (iegen ; 11. a. 1. Iegen, nieberlegen, lagent: 2, anlegen ; 3. ind ©ebeim einfa)lie^en, oerbergen ; 10 — the cataract, ten Staar fted)cn ; to — the spear, ben Speer, ober tic Sanje ein(egen ; to — in writing, fd)rif(lid) auffeften, rer= faffen ; to — well, JV T. tin Ian fctl unb gleicbformig frblageti. i. 8. I. bad SRnbebert, Janlbetf, Sagcr, bie ?agerfiatte ; 2. tie ?age, Sdbicbt, 5arbeufcf>id)t ; —grass, bad ■OunbdaraS, JQuecfengrad ; — feiiovt, ber Sd)laffamerab. COUCH VNT, adj. 11. t, itegeiib. couchee, 8. i. bie So>lafjett; 2. bet ?lad)tbefucb. COUCHER 8. 1. bcr Slugenantj 2. in s 4>aviernnil)lcn) bcr ®autfd)er obet Sjeaet ; 3. bad SRegiflerbnd) etned Jtloflerd ober finer jnnung. couchlng-needle, ,. tic starnabtl. COUGH, 8. tcr iguftftt. To COUGH, r ». bufleil ; to — out (or — up), aud^uften. COUGHER a. tcr bie ^ltftenbc. COULTER, ... bad SPflfugmeffer. council, a. 1. bad Soncilium, bit @tynobe, Airdjenverfammlung : 2. taa Sonfetl, tie 83erfantmlung; vlatki* oerfammlung, ber net — . tcr aViim'tcnali-atr, tie (?abinftd* Derfainmlun | : -, tcr =tatt> ratb ; privy — , bcr a,cbcinte ."lJath ; — board, [.— table), bcr .-'iatbetifd) ; — chamber, tic fJtat&dftube; to call a — on.. . tic Stimmen fammeln iibcr .... 11. f, IV. Cl lUNCIl !. IR Bid. COTOSKLLOR. COUNSEL, a 1. bet if -^c= ratbfeblagung ; :i. jlliigbfit, ®t* fd-idii.tfcii: 4. SBerfc&roieqenrjett j 5. Qlboocat, fSoiifiilenf ; ifurfprecpet G. ber Sntrourt bad S^frem, bet 89 COUN COUN COUR Btoetf, bio 8bjtc$t; to be — . cine • ^ad>i a t b . 3lat&8bttt ; 3. bcv Ppnfulent, SUvOCat ; privy — . bet gcbciinc Statjj ; — at law. bet attet ; privy — nhip, bie @ebeimetatb«fielle. To COUNT, r.n. 1. jSblen; 2. vecfutcn, beterbnen; 3. anvedntcit, jutecbnen; 4. bafut batten, metnen; to — upon, ftrfi wotauf oetlafien, atcdmimg inacf>cit. rsouNT, s. l.btc3>tM: 2. 9lec$nung, ba§ Ppitfo : 3. bcr@raf; — wheel. bad Etunbentab. 30UNTABLE, adj. gaMBaC. DOUNTENANCE s. i. bic ©cft*t§t»if= tuna : 2. 2Jttene, ©cbcvtcn, bet Slid, bas"©cficbt ; 3. bic .Oaltuug, ftajfung, ©cmiith*tube ; 4. llntcrfhifcmtg, ©unfit; 5. bcv 0lait}, fiufete 2d)cin, ba§ SJitfeben; 6. bie 3lebnlicbfeit ; to change — . bic garbe rpcdifeln ; to keep — , nidjt OUS bcr Svaffuitg font- inert, feme Saffung bebaltcn, rubig Mctbeit; to put out of — , auS bcr Snffung btingen, ben 2Kutlj bencb= men, mUg. berbluffen ; to be out of — . au£ bcv gaffung fcsin; to give — , Sotfdjub tbltnj to make ■ — , bcu Scfcetn (tnnebmen, fid) ftellcn. To COUNTENANCE, r. a. 1. bca,itn(ri= rtcit; unterfiiifeen, anfvcdit batten, vertbeitigen, febiifcen, bebauy-kn ; aufs utuntccu ; 2. ©lanj, Slnfeben gebett ; well countenanced in, gut ciebiltct. BOUNTENANCER, s. bcv Umcvftiit-cv, ©ijnncr, 3?nrfcbubkiftcr, SRacbbelfet. touNTER, i. s. l. bcv SRetbenpfennig, ►Jablpfennig, bie ©pielmatfc ; 2. bcv Sabeufifcb, tic ^dwiibaiif, bet 3abl= tiid), 3?cd)cntifd); 3. SRedjnet; 4. ba§ ©cfauauiu, bcv Scfiiitttburni ; — of a horse, bcv 5 bed bes ^fcvtcS |tt)t= f<3beii bent i^alfe uubSug; n. ode 1. jumtber, entgegen ; entgegengefefct ; 2. vcvfcbvt, itntecbt; to run — , 511= rtjibcv feijn ; ftcb roibctfefcen. lOUNTER, (in compos.) to — act, v. a. entgegen baifteln, oerbinbern ; binkv= tvctbcn, beteitefn, oetbtangen; — action, s. bic ©egentDttfung ; — at- traction, bic ©egenftaft bcv 2tttrnc= ,'tOn ; to —balance, o. n. cinait: Set abtoagen ; bie 53aae balten, bie« kn ; —balance, .-- b«8 ®egengewi<$t ; — bond, s. bic ©egenoerfebreibung ; to —L-uii". r a. jutucnlofien obet fdiia= gen; —buff; s. bet ©cgenftofi. SJJtall; —change, .-•. bcv 5'oufcb. SBedjfel; to— change, d. 0. austaimi)cn; »et= taitfd)CU ; — charm, .ei§, 93etroeiS; — current, .!. bet ©egenfitom 3 — distinction, s bet ©egenffi^ ; to — draw, r. n . nad^ jcid)ncu (bind) foiitc-5 SJ}oVtet ; — evidence. .«. baS ©egenjeugntti, bet ©egenbetuetS ; — feit, (eut Oodkter- reiT); — ferment, s. bag ©cgcngaf)= tung$mttte(; — foil, «. via. Countbr : —fori s. Arch. T. bcr 0cgen= l)feiler, bic Sttebe; —fugue, Mus. T. bie 5)0})jielfuge ; to —"age, ». a. T. ben 3aft ; — sense, s. bie entgegeitgcfc^te ^Jei- nung ; to —sign, r. a. conttaftgniten, iitit untet febveiben ; — signal, s. JV. T. baS ©egenftanal; — signature, s. bie ©egcniihtcvfd)vift ; — statute, s. bie ©egensetotbnung; — stock, .«. bae ©cgenfevbbolj, ©egen^olj, ®egen= jetcben ; —stroke, 5."btt ©egeufcblafl, ©CilCllftof! ; — surety, s. bet 3iiiif= biitge ; —sway, .^. bet ©egeneinflufj ; — tally, riil. — stock: — taste, .? bCV tttige, fcblcduc ©efebmatf; — tenor, s. bcv git, tie Slltftiinme ; —tide,.?. tic ©Cjienflittb ; — time,s. 1. bcv AcbU tvitt cine? SJJfetbefl auf rev ;)ieitbabn ; 2. bie 3Bibetfe^ung; — treble, s. bcr Sijcant; — turn, *. tie ®egentn= triiiuc; to — vaii. v. n. 1. entgegen= itn'vfen ; oon iileidn-in iUcrtbc ' fc.v;, oufrotegeu; 2. crfefeen, »ergelten, lpbncn ; —vail, s 1. bet ©egenwettb ; bai ©egengeroicbt ; 2. bie SSetaets tung, bet (Stfafc ; — view, s. bie 0c= genfeite, bet (icntvaft ; to — vote, ,-. a. ubcvfti'.nnien, bagegen ftimincn; to —weigh, b. v. bas ©egengewifbi baU ten; to —wheel, 0. a. Ma T. fdnvcii; feu ; — wind. .«. bcv ©egenwiitb ; to — work. 7-. c entgegenJvirfen. !'■• COUNTERFEIT, d. La. 1. uadi-- niacbcjt; naditvitcfcit ; oetfalfcben, uutevfcbtebeu ; 2. etbiebten, erliigcu; IL n. fid) vcvftellcit, ftcb ujofiiv au8= f|cbcit ; to — being sick, ftcb FrcirH ftclleit ; .1 counterfeited edition, cil SfJaribfucf. COUNTERFErT {ado. — lt). I. adj. 1 nacbgemacbt ; nacbgebrndt; fai'"d\ niieebt, untergefeboben ; 2, vcvncUt, 11. s I. bai 'Oiadnicinarbic ; 2. bet SBetfieibete, Settiigei 11. f. to. COUNTERFEITER s. I. bet Ouidviffet ; 2. OJaditvndev ; 33etfalfcbet ; S!etret» tiiicv fali'dicv SBanfnoten j 3. ,§eucb* let, ©lei9net, Setriiget. COUNTESS, 3. bic ©vaftiut. COUNTTNG-HOUSE (—Room), s. ba« Eoin^toit, COUNTLESS, adj. unjabfig, uitvtblbat. COUNTRIFrED, adj. banerifd), linger fcblirfcn. country, 1. s. I. bie ©egenb, ganb* febaft : 2. baS Saub; 3. — (motbei — ), SSateilanb; i.fg. bie fititivpl)= net etne^ SanbeS, cinet ©ejenb ; in the — , cuif tern Sanbj ray (own at native) — , llictn inttcvlmib ; in ihis — , biev JU ?ante; 11. adj. 1. Kinblicb; 2. vaterlanbifd) ; 3. bauetifdj ; 4. it cunipns. — dance, doutreteillj ; — liouse bas Vanbbatt* : — language, tie ^an- beSf^racbe, ifiuttcvfpvacbc ; —lite, bai Sattblebett; —like, lanbltcb; — man, bet EfliibSmaiin ; Saiibmaiiu SBancr ; — 'squire bet tantetelinanit — wake, bie J?ivcbnicffc, ba^ ^trcb= metbfejl; — woman, tie ?anbsman= uitni ; ytau »»nt Sanbe ; ^anevnan. county, 5. 1. bic ©taffqiaft; ^vo= oitij, bcr J?vcti? ; 2. + ©raf; — , or — court, ba§ $rD»iiijtalgertcbt; — palatine, baS brl'c Vant.feridu (cine ?lrt iifaUgvaffcbcift) ; —town, bit •Cianptftatt cinet ©raffrhaft, t Urcis= ftatt. COUPING-GLASS. .? >■/-/. ('iprisc-c lass. COUPLE, s. baS %UX; 6>. E. b« To COUPLE, v. La. 1. fltV^cIlt, jnfiM!t= men!uppeln, paaten: uetbtuben; 2 vcvbcivaibeii; II. ». ftcb vaaven. COUPLEMENT, 5. bcv herein, bic ^tr' binbung. COUPLET, s. bie Sfvppbc, rTtcintictlc. COURAGE .'■ bet S-lhttf), bie Sapfcv- fcit, lIncrffbvc(JcJtl)Ctt. COURAGEOUS [adv. — ly), adj. mi!-- tbiii/ bevjbaft; — ness, bic §tx$af= ttgfeit. COURIER, s. bcv ppiuter, Silbste. COURSE. I. .». 1. bcv £auf,@evic>bc bcr 3'vauctt; 2. bic gtofiten Stf/i; — of exchange, bcr SBcdjfcktmrS ; — of humours, bcr (\hlft illt ^OtpetJ — of stones (nr heading course), Arch. T. bie iU!lilltcr= h'pd'Ctie Jlicibe obet Sage borragenber Stctne, Jtramkifte ; by — of n uad) t»m Sanfe bcv SJlahtt; of — (or i n _), fplijlicb, bemnacb, fo, toit man uotauSfeien fann, natuvlirbev SBeife, »on ftcb felbjl; in (due) — . M. j: fit: net 3eit; words of — , gfrppbiilicbe SJJebeitSart, leete SBotte; — of life bie SebenStveife ; bcv SebenSTauf; tc take a — , CtltCll SBefl CtufcblarjCll, 3JJafitegeIn ncbnicn; to take bad courses.' eiitcu fcblccbfcu SebenStvans tel fiibveil ; take your course, tl)llll Sic tsaS Ste ivpIIch : to leave the world to take its — , tie SSclr gefjeu laffcn, lvie fie iiebt; to follow the — nf time, fid) in bic 3citen fcbicfeii : 11 COVE COXC CRAG She — of time, mit bcr -$tit, itadj unb Had); in the — of a month, biltltcil bier ui'.6 eittem 2)ieitat, tin SBerlauf CtllCfl Q)?pnat3; to be in a — of phy- sic, s il r j m e t gebraud)en. ft COURSE, "• I. a. in 8auf briitgen, jageu, tic^cu, pcrfolgen; u. n. laufeu; tennen. COURSER, ». 1. bcr 9tcimer, ba3 3teun= pferb, 3agbpfetb ; 2. bee jdger. a lURSEY, a .v. r. bet tfpptcr. COURT, *. 1. bcr fiofj 2. Wericbrsbof, bafl ©crtcbt, tic @erid)t3cutfd)citttini, bafi Ufthctl ; 3. bcr SPallafl ; 4. ©ot&or, frcic^laij;5.bie.£>i>fltd)fcit; Sdimei* d)Clci ; to make one's — , fciuc Olllf= WattlUtfl macfceil ; to make — to one, cincm fd)mcid)c!ti ; — of chancery, ba3 J?att$cUcii}Cnd)t ; — of exchequer, ba§ (Scbatjfanimcrgericbt; — liaron, ba§ tebngcricbt ; — bred, bbftfeb ; — bubble, bet (6of mad)cu, fcbiueidiclu, liebclu, bublcit; 2. I)itl= bigen ; 3. nictbeu, fid; bciucvbcu, er= bitten. COURTEOUS {adv.— ly). adj. bofltd), gefdllig. artig, manietlicb, wofctgefits tet, juuotfoinmetlb ; — ness, ». bie .*>bflidifeit, olcfdlligfctt, Slttigfeit, 2Ranterltd)feit. C 'i BTER, 8. bet ben §of madjt, bcr ©eroetber. SOTJRTESA* s. bie 23u£;(fd;mcfter, •Olive. courtesy, *. 1. bie fiSfttcftfeit, ®a« laiitciic, ^ulbtgung, Srttgfeit, 8eut= feltgfeit; 2. ©efdlligfeif, ©crgiinftU gung ; 3. bie ©crbeugitng.ber JcuicfS ; to hold upon — , au3 OefdUigfcit (et= itcos SDritten) befifcen. To courtesy, r. n. fid) nrigot, fid) oerneigen ; ciitcn JJnidFfl maajcit. il ::i'ii:i{. ... 1. ber .Opfliug, fiefs mann ; 2. betSeroetbet, Srbmctrbtcr. Ci lURTLncE, adj bbflidi, artig, jierlicb. COURTLINESS, *. bit .tppflicbfcir, Sit* tigfeit. C HJRTLING, *. bet fiSfling. O >URTLY, adj. fr «fe. bofartta, ; bijflicb, artig. i -I ki'siiip. ». bie ©eroerbung, ber 2iebeeantr\ i:. », bie ©ud)f, 93at>. ft ci >\ E, o. a, mit eiuent i!?pgc!t iiber- lieben ; bebeefctt. 20VENABLE, adj. V^ll^lb, fdjidiid), geetgnet. OOVENANT.ff. beeS?etttag, Scrglei^, Cfontraet; ©unb, ba« Sunbmj; — breaker, ber ©unbbturbige. To covenant, v. i. «. fid) 9etfllei($eii, uberciufoinmen, cin-j tuerben ( — with.... for..., &c, mit.. , lint...), contra l)ircn; n. a. geloben, ange= lobeii. CONVENANTEB, 5 bcr iurbtinbetc; Sontrabcnf. i < '\ eni n rs, } n». E. baa Saget (et= ne« ^afen, u. f. ro.); 3. fig. bcr (Srbntj; 4. Sotmanb, 5)ecfinanteL COVERCLE, ». bie ©etfe, bet Secfel, llmfd)(ag. COVERING, ». bie 3)ecfe, ber2)ccfel; tie ©ebecfung, iileibiing. COVERLET Coverlid), «. bie 93ctf= berfc. COVERT, r. n. I. bcr bcbccftc Drt, 3»= Pucfct8ott, bag S)ao> j 2. rirftdu; n. -ly), adj. l. bebecft: oetborgen, gebeim; 2. untet bet ,»paube; som aWanne iicfduifjt. COVERTNESS, s. bie iu-rbov^enbeit, ,Oeimlicf)fcit. COVERTURE, ». I. bie ©ebednng; Te= rfc ; bcr j$u\lu$t8i>xt; 2. /.. r. 5tau« enftanb. To COVET, r. a. ,c- h. begebren, gclii= ften, fid) geliifteu lain n. i N i\ ET LBLE, «'//'. ivunfd)cn3njertb. COVETING, s. bie SBegierbe, bad nncr= laubte ©etlangen. ci i\ I'.i'i »us hvir. — ly\ adj. begtetigj liiftent; ^aofud^tia, geijig ; —ness,*. bie ©egtetbe ; Jpabfuojt, ber Q>W\\. COVEY, «.bet mug (3Sogel), bie ©rut; a — of partridges, ein i>olf (cine Jiette ober Jiittc) 3iebbiil)iicr. covin. 8. L. T. ba8 gebeime 33etfidnb= nift, ^ontpltHt. i n IVING, s. tee nber ba-5 untete 2tocf= n?crf betooragenbe Ibcil cities Q)e= biiubes, ber ©orfvruitg. cow, s. bie Jcnb; — beef, bafl $tx§-. fleifd); — bird, bcr ^uboogel: — herd, ber Jtnbbtrt; — hide, bie ,Ui;h = bant; bcr Dd)fen jtentet ; — house, bet Jtubjtall ; —itch, bie ©tMbob= lie; —keeper, ter Jtiit>e Iialt ; ttub bitt; — knobs, ». />/. »*35incvfd>uhc awi ©ufieifen; — leech, bcr .«nb= bOCtOt ; to — leech, fraiifc ,^ii(ie cu= rircn; — parsmp. bie ©dtenfiau; — pox, tie ,Unbpi\fen, 3dni^blattern; — quakes, ber .Unbflatcn ; — slip, bie ©cbliiffelblume: — slip of Jerusalem, baa ptientalifcbe Sungenfraut; — tips, Bid. — knobs ; — weed, bet unite Jterbei ; — wheat, bet 3Bacbtelroeijen. To COW, «. a. bangc, setjagt madbcit, fdncefen. COWARD, ». 1. bie dentine; It. {adv. — ly), adj. feigc, »etwgt. cowardice, 8. bie getgbeit. ( i IWABDLINBSS, ». bie Aeijbcit, 3cig= beiti.iteit, SQetjagtbeit. To cower v. n. fauetn, frnmin ftften, fitief liegen. COWL, ». 1. bie -Dioncbsfapvc, .Kutte; 2. bet 3ubet; — staii; bie 3ubet= (lange. cowled, adj. mit ciiicr SKfiitcbJfutte beflcitct. coworker a. bet SRitar&ectet. COWRY, a. bcr Jtauti, tac iVnfebct; gelb. COXCOMB,*, 1. bet .Oabucnfamni ; 2. bie idiellenfavvc: 3. bet Start, ■Banerourft, ®ed, Vaffe, fiafenfup, gantafl. coxcombical, adj. nartifcb, atbern. coxcOMbRY, a bte Sllbernljeit, 3lbge= fd)inaiftl)eit, ©ecferei. i it ' •- ■ tt), . befrbtiben, blire, frben, fprbtc, uinicfbaltent, jimpef Hit. 7VCOY, r. n. I. rprobt tbnn, fid) jte> ren ; 2. fid) »eigern. -:\.uilj. ctnnis befdicitcn, \\\x::$< baltcnb, fpt6be. i ii jbess bie SjjrSbigFttt, ^d)cn. i l i/. a '■/• for Coi sis, tohiek src. To a >ZEN, p. a. taufebrn ; buitcrgcben. fiberDottbeilen, berrugen. COZENAGE. . bie Sdufcbung, ber i^c tvn.i, Jlunftgrif, tie ©ettugeret. COZENER, -. btl Eaufcbet : ^ctriigcr. CRAB, t. 1. ber J?reb8, tie .«rabbc; 2. bad <5ebejeug j t,r.t3ebebeef ; bet ©auetfopfj 4. — or — ap; ■Oc-Uapfel ; — bar, .v. T tcr Ireb = bauin ; — boom, JV. v tcr gpiUbauni; — 's ci:u\s. tie .\ivebc-fd)ccvcu; — 's bie AtebSaugtn; — louse, bie 5iljlau8; — stick, bet jtnotenfiocf ; — tree, bet SBtlbliug, jnnje tviibe iZbftbaum. CRABBED (.ndc. — ly), mij. 1. bcrbe, faucr ; 2. jig. mutrtfeb, fauertoppfeb, witcrmdrtig, cigcufiiintii ; 3. bnnfel, oeraotten ; —ness, ». bie ^erbigttif, Saute; fig. baS mutrifebjt SEBeftm; bie 3dniMert.ifcif. ci:Ai , .i!V,«i(/'.niiii'cr, biiiifcl.scriwrrtn. CRABEB, 5. tic SBaffertafee. CB \eld>ein bae Scbiff ablauft); 7. v. ta-3 ©tuiu bungfletfen ; from his — , fig. Don fei= nor .Uintbeit an ; — clothes, bad Sffliegenjeug, tie iL'intcln. To cradle d. i. n. in bie 2Biege lei gen; fdjaufeln, rotcgen ; lLn.liegen, eingefcbloffcii feun. craft, ». l. bafl panbwetf, ©ewetoe; 2. tic.Wum't, Settigfeit, ©efdjirflio) feit; 3. ?ift bet JlunflfltifF, Bettug 4. bafl ^anbelefa^iff, bte ©ath ; — 's man, tcr .Oantu'ei'fer. JtuitfKet: — 's master, ein 2Reiftet ill feincr Jimifl gefeb^icftet OJiaun. CRAFTINESS, 8. tie 'Acrtt'gfcit ; 2iji ©etfcblagenbeit. CRAFTY [adv. — ly). adj gefcbjcft, li- ft i .i , d e t f di lagen b e ttugeti f eb . CRAG, ». 1. ter '.Vadcn, ba«®cni CRAM, e. \. n. \. yell ftopfcn, vibtt> fallen; 2. fiopfen, niibcln, mdflen < Piatt fc. It. f. n>. ) ; 3. (— in or into), bincinftopfcit, pmeittjrotngen obcr hincintrcibcn, cincngcii, citiflcntmcn ; li. ». fdnuclgcn, ftd& nberfnllcit. :rambo, s. bafi SRetmfw'el. 2&, I. s. 1. bte Jtlammer, .ftram= be; 2. ber Jtrambf ; 3. tie <2pcrrc, geffel, (Sinfc&ranfung, bag <$tnber» Jttjj; in compos. — fish, ber Jiramp'; jifrb, jitterrodbe ; — iron, btc ctfenic jelammet ; — irons, T IJP . t. btc ©diic= jtcnf lanintcni ; n. adj. vvlg. fdjroierijj, fnapp, fnotig- fb CRAMP, r. a. 1. flammcrn, ctn= ttammew, cincitgctt; 2. (bie ©liebcr) jufammeitjiebeit, mit bent jlrampfc t'Ui^ctt ; 3. jUMRfjeit; fjemntcii; ctn= fdir'aiifcn. CRANAGE, s. 1. bag j?rabnrcd)t; 2. .ttvabngclb, SHufjugaelb, SBinbgelb. CRANBERRY, e. bie lUtooSbccre. crane, s. 1. ber .ftranicb; 2. .Jtrabit; 3. fieber; — fly, bte lahgoeiitige Sites gc, Btbelle; — 's bill, bcr i£tord)fd)ita= bet [Geranium — L.) ; S. T. bcr Storrb= fcbttabcl (cine 3 tig. CRANNY, s. 1. btc flcineSpalfc, 9tifcc, bev 3it9 ; 2. 7". bag SBaljeifcit tit ©taJbuttett. CRAPE, s. ber Jtrcpp, Iraufe Slot; Craping iron, s. T. bag .ftreppcifett. To CRAPE, ». n. EfSufellt. CRAI'LE, s. bic jUauc. GRAPNEL, s. rid. Grapnel. crapulence, s. bcr 9canfdj, bie S8e« trunfenbeit; bic bitrcb Unmafjinfeit erjeugfe o?ranfl)cit; vuig.itx HM^au jammer. rRAPULOUS, adj. beraufebt ; yon eU item yJattfcbc franf; vu/g. bcnJiaijciu jammer tyabenb. To CRASH, v. I. ». fradictt, ct'nlu-cdjeit ; II. a. jcrfdjincttent, jcrfitirfd)en, jcv= brecbett. CR \sii, 8 . bas .ft'radien, (Metofc. CRASIS, s. 1. Oram.' T. bic Jltaft«; 2 taS temperament. crassitude, ) s. bie t'tift. ©erbbett, CRASSNESS, S ©vobl;eit. cratch, s. bic DIaitfe. crate, s . cin gtopcr Jlorb (jut SSer* Vacfmtg wn fporjeUan ttnb .§ubt= gla«). crater, s. ber JTvater (ed;tttnb) cine« SBulfans. To CRAUNCH, v. a (ltlit belt 3>'if)ttCtt) jerntalntcn. CRAVAT, s. ba§ .Oatitud), bie .<5af«= btnbc. roCRAVX, o. a. 1 tuttcit, ffcbctl ; 2. forbern, seriangen 91 CRAVEN, L s. 1. ber iibermnnbene I fiabnj 2. fig. bie iU'cmmc; n. adj feigc, »erjagt. To craven, v. a. ocrjagt mad)cn, attgftigen. CRAVERs. bcrnnbefdieibenc Sorberer. craw, .q. bcr .«ropf (bcr SQogel). CRAWFISH (Crayfish), s. bcr Sa4s Frebs. To CRAWL, r. n. 1. fvicdjett ; 2. fcbleis dtcit ; 3. njtmmefn ; to — forth, bcr= t'orfricdjcit, au4f rted)eit ; to — into one's favour, ftd) bet Scmaitb cilt= fcbmetcbeln; to — up. binanriicdjen. crawl, s. bcr S'ifd)bcbaltcr ; r. bie inline ; Crawly mauly, vu/g. (itttS burd&S Slnbte. crawler, s. 1. bcr Jlricd)er ; Scl)(ei= d)cr; 2. bas llitgcjicfer. CRAY, Crayer, s. bcr Strtytt (?irt flcincr Sdnffc mit etttein SWafte). CRAYON, .». 1. bte ^aftcllfarbe ; 2. ber 4>afteuftift; — painting, btc ^afteU; 5cid)iutng ; red — , ber Dtotbel. To craze, v. a. 1. (bett ^erftanb) iec* riittcn, vermirrt madjcit; 2. jerbrc= ebcn, jerjiogett, jcrftampfett, jerfcbla= gctt ; piilucrn, mablcn ; fig. fdima= cl)eit ; Crazed, pirt. oif/.jerbrocbett It. f. to. ; fig. jerritttet, oevvitcf t, senuirvt. CRAZEDNESS, > s. bic @ebred)lid)Eeit, CRAZINESS, 5 ©cbtcacbe ; ber SBcibiijtrtn. CRAZY, adj. 1. gebrcdilidi, franf(id), fdjtvad) ; 2. uevriitft, roabnftmttg ; a — ship, jv: T. cin EraitfeS 5d)iff. To CREAK, v. n. fitarfcn, fiiirrcn, fdmnrren ; Creaking, bag Jtnarren, © CREAM, s. i. bcr ffiabnt, bie Sabnc; 2. fig. bag s -8eftc, Seine* ber .'.Urn ; — of tartar. Svemor Sartart, gcvctntgter SBciitftein ; —cheese, ber Stabmcafe ; — coloured white, bag ©elbmeiy ; — faced, blcicb; blobe, feige. To cream, o.1. 7i. jit SRaljin ober eab= nc rocrben, rabntcn, fabncit; n. a. 1. abrabmen ; 2. fig. bag Sefte yen einer Sacbe mcgucbmeit. CREAMY, adj. voUcr Saf)itc; fabntdbt, tnie Sabne. creance, s. Sp. E. bte (valfeideiiic. atEASE, s. btc Baltc, bag Dbs (im To crease, v. a. umbiegcit (bag £|3a= pier), cin Of;r marbeit. To create, v. c. 1. crfdjaffeit ; jeugen ; bcryorbriiuien, ycrttrfadjen, mactjen ; 2. lvablcn, eritcaiten. CREATION, s. 1. bie (^rfdwffitng, ©cbBpfimg; 2. bie ^eryorbringung, SBcntrfacIjuiig ; 3. bag SBeltall ; 4. bie Srroabltmg. (Sntcntutng ; 5. bag ©efebopf. CREATIVE, adj. crfdnirfcnb, fcbopfc= vtfd). creator, 5. bcr iintLi geben ; to take — , (5cn> to ncbmen ; to lodge a — with one, ci= lien lircbit bci Scmanbcm crbffnen ; to place {or to pass to) or to enter into one's — , in Scnmnbcg ©utbaben brinacit ; it shall appear in your — , ee foil ^jbneit got gefdjricben merben ; letter of—, bcr (ircbitbvtef, bag (ivebt- ti», SIccrebttio. To credit, v. a. 1. ©laubeii bcimeffcit, glanben; 2. trattcn, Srebtt geben, borgen, 3. m. £.crcbitirrn,gntfd)rcU ben, crfcnneit. CREDITABLE (ado. — ly), adj VOtl git- tent 9tufe, itnbcfd)olten, gcad)tef, ebv= lid), riibnilid); — ness, s . ber gnte 9!nf, bic ^Icbtititg, (5'bre. creditor, s. bcr (9lattbigcr, fircbitor Creditrix, s. bie ©lanbigcriiiii. CREDULITY, s. bie ^cidHglaitbigfcit. CREDULOUS, adj. Icicbtglaitbig; — ness vid. Credulity, creed, s. bag ©laubcitgbcfeniitiiijj ber ©[ante. creek, a. i. berflcinc 2Jleei'bufen,bt< ©ucbt, SBatj ; 2. Heine Vaiibjunge an ber aiitfte. To CREEK, o. v. vid. To Creak. CREEKY, adj. OoH flcincr ^nd)tcn, fid) im'nbenb, gefcb»eift. To CREEP, v. n. 1. Erircbcit ; 2. fd)tet- dn-n : to — in (into), btncinfricd)crt ; fig. fieb eiitfcblctcben; to — into one's favour, ficb in Semctnbefl ©unft etn= fd)ieid)cii. CREEPER, s i. ber, bic, bag JJriecbeus be; 2. ber ©rauftoedbtj 3. niebrige Seuerborf ; 4. llcben'dntb. < IREEP-HOLE, i. bag Siecb ; fig. bie ?iug-- flitdit. cremation, s. bic 9>crbrcnnnng. cremor,*. bic milrbicbte ©tibjwnj. ( iRENATED, adj. jacfig, geferbt. Creole, s. bcr Sreole. CREPANE, s. bic 3Jicttife ('pferbefran^ i)cit). To crepitate, v. n. fnarrcit, fnarfen tniftern. crepitation, s. bag alnarrcn, Mna- cfen, cftntftcrit. crepuscule, s. bie Sammcmng ■ bag 3njteltc&t. CREPUSCULOUS (Crepuscular), adj. bammcrtg. crescent, i. s. ber baibc §0!onb ; H. adj. warbfenb, jane^menb. To CRESCENT, v. a. l;albmonbfyrniig bilben. CRESCIVE, adj. vid. Crescent. CRESS, .?. bie JUcffc. CRESSET, s. ber Sreifnf; ; bic Sacfcl Seurbte, bcr ^cnrbttlmrm. crest, s. 1. ber Jtamm, <2d)opf, Stranfi (anf bent i?opfe ber Sbgel it. f. w.) ; 2. Seberbufcb, .r-iclmfrbmncl; h. t. bag SBilb fiber bem edjilbe ; bag SBappcn; 3. fig. ber Stolj, SKutb; — fallen, niebcrgefd)lagcn, mntblog. To crest, r. a. mit ciitciE ^ebcrbnfdic, «. f. n). fdjntncfcn, tine cin Sebcrbitfcti fdimi'tdcn. crested, adj. mit eincm Jtanime, .^clmfcbmndfc n. f. to. crestless, adj. 1. oi)\\t jtamm ; obne .ficlnifcbntncf; 2. fig. obnc a2:ppen, yon fcincr hobcit Samilie, CRETACEOUS, adj. trcibirbt, frcibig. CRETE, s. bic .siifcl t?rcta, ober(5a:tbiit cretic, s. bcr (s'retifng. CREVtCE, ». bcr :)ti|l bic Spaftc, ettgj Ccffnnng. To CREVICE. r.a. Jtiffc lnadjcn, fpaltcn. cms CROP CROT crew, s. 1. bcr •6'iuff, tic iflottc, bai 33olE ; 2. ©cbiffgoolf. crewel, s. bai gejanntte aiifgetiu= cfette (yarn. CREWEr, ».w£ Cruet. jrib, .*. 1. bie Jtrippe; 2. 23iegc; 3. ber ^faitb tie Slbtbcilung) in cincni ©taUc; 4. tie .*?iittc; b. bee .ftorb (tit ^alincn) ; — biter or — ctiamping- borse, bee Jtvippeiibcificr, ,ftrippcnfe= fee?. To CRIB, r.a. eiiifrbiiefen, cinfperrcn. cribble, «. 1. baa Sieb, Jtornfteb; 2. ©ebrotmehl. T„ CRD3BLE,». a. ficben, ftcbten. CRIBRATION, ». ba3 3icbeu. CRICK, s. bee glujj im v Jcacfcii, freife £al«. cricket, ». 1. bie Grille, bag fieim= cben ; 2. bev 3 tub! dine Vibtic, 3die= met, 33ocf ; 3. bas (englifcbe) Scblags bal^Spiel. cricketer, s. bet ScbragbaH=@j)ies :cr. CRIER, s. bcr Sdn'cicr, Sffentlicbe 3lu8= infer. CR1M, CRIMEA,*, bie <§albinfe1 Jfrim. CRIME, ». bae SBetbterfcen, bie UcbcU that, ©cbulb, bet ijreoel. crimeful,(.J/'. »er&tecberifcb, fteoelnb, febr bbfe. CRIMELESS, adj. frbufbfoo. CRIMINAL [adv. — ly), I. adj. 1. ftvaf* bar, fcbulbtg ; 2. peiiilid) ;' It *. bet SBerbrecber ; Slngeflagte ; — conver- sation (Crini. con.), bee (S'hcbritd). CRBUNALITY, ) s.bicpciiilichc (£vi= CRIMINALNESS, J miita(=) Sad)e. To criminate, «. a. eiiteS xUcrbvecfjenS befdmlbiiictt. CRIMINATION, *. bie 33cfc&u(biguitg, 91nflage. CRIMINATORY, ad/. aitfuigcttb, befcbuU bigenb. crimp, ». 1. fiit eitfllonW bee gaffot (befoiibcrs bci .Kohieiifdiiffeit); 2. bet SHatrofcn^JJaflcr. T<> crimp, o. a. 1. 5Dicitfci)CH ftcblctt, geivaltfam werben ; 2. fraiifcn, fci = belt; Crimping machine, bie Jvcrb^ oter Jtniffmafdmtc. To CRIMPLE, v. a. JtlfantlUCtt JtcllC tt, ftaufen. CRIMSON, l*. bai Eormoiftu; II. adj. bocbrotf). To CRIMSON, v. I. a. I'Otf) fatten ; II. n. voth merben. cringe, s . bie ticfe SBerbeugung, f:ted)tifd)c .ftbflidifcit. ro cringe, v. I. a. jufammenjieben, friimmcti ; u. n fid) tief bengcit, fid) fdjmiegeit ; fid) bemutbigen (to — ..„ »or) ; fd)iiteid)eln. CRLNGER, s. bet 3cbmeicbler. cringing, s. bai Jiriintmcn, v~cbmci= d)Cllt (cont.). CR1NIGEROUS, nilj. Ijaarig, bcbviarf. CRINITE, a//. paacig, nue £aar ftrb= menb. 7'o CRINKLE" I. n. fid) roiiibcn, fidi fd)laiiiieln, aiisbuditcn, frumm ge« ben; DLo. uiiebcn (fallen) in chv>a» marben. crinkle «. bee Bug, bie fitummung, SSinbung, Salte. cripple' I. ». ber Jiriippel; n. — or crippled, atlj. friippdia,, hlb.1I. n CRIPPLE ».o. 1. labmcit, vcrfrrip= tfeln.jum .ftriippcl matben ; 2. jv. T. ciu ©cbiff) rettlofl febtegen. CBJFPLENESS, ». bie ^abmutig, baa Jviiipp»;bafte. CRISIS, ... 1. Med. T. bie ^ttft« ; 2. ber Cnttfrfjeibungspiiitft. CRISP, adj. i. fvan*; 2. jaefia, ge= fei.mmt; 3. niiirbe, jevbtcdjltidb ; 4. braun gebrateit. To crisp, v. a. 1. Ctaufelrt; ffec^tfit; roelleitfbrntig bilteu; 2. braut. rbfteii ober bratcn.' crisp ation, .5. ba» Ataufelu; bie .Rranfc. Crispin, ». SriSbjn (SSannAname). crisping,*, tie toupitnabet. CRISPY; aa}'. 1. Fraud ; 2. jcrbredjlid;, miirbe, fvtobe, CRITIC,*. 1. bet .Uritifcr, Xtiinitriditer, :Kecenfeuf, Seutt^eiletj 2. tablet; 3. vid. Critiqub. critereuN, ». ba3 Jteiuijcid)en, i'cf ~U maal. CRITICAL {adv. — ly), adj. 1. friti'dr, 2. funfhu-rftanbia,, iienaii, fotgfaltig; 3. bcbciiflirb, miplim, f i^eiid), gefabr= lid); i. tabelfiiditig ; etttfdjeibenb ; — nesB. *. 1. bie ©eitauigteit, SJJunft= (id)feit; 2. ^n'bcnfliebfeif, fritifd;c (cntfdieiteiibe) Sage. To CRITICISE, iv a. if n. 1. fritifiicn, beitrtbeilcit, veeeiifircii ; 2. tabetit. CR1TIC1SER, * bcr ,Uri titer, ;)ieeenfent. CRITICISM ». 1. bie ©eutiWluna«s fuuft; 2. fritifebe SBeitrtbeiiuttg, Mt> cenjtou: 3. [tttifebe Slnmerfung, ©loffe. CRrriaUE, ». bie fritifdie llutcrfu= dmng, Jcritif, i8eurti;ei(mig, 3tecett= fton. To croak, v. n. quafen, Etac^jett; fiiurreit; Croaking, *. baS Ouafen; Jvrad^en. croak, *. bafi ©cquafe, ©efraebje. CROAKER, *. 1. ber, bie, bad Oua£en= be; %.fig. bee lln^hu'f'ipropbft. Croats, *. pi. bie Utoaten. CROCEOUS, adj. Wll ©aftatt; fafran= artig. crociation, «. bas Duafen ; ^riid)= jcn. crock, *. ber £oi>fc 3fJ«p, 2dimu^; — butter, bie gefaljene Gutter. To crijck, v. a. benipcn, fct)r»arj ma* riicn. crockery, s. ba« ivbciic ©efd;irr, 5:6pfefjeug. crocodile, *. baS Jlrcfobiit. CROCUS, *. ber SrofuS, Safran. croft, ». bag jjaunlanb, ©attcjen. CROISADE, s. Did. Cri bade. croises, ^ Jtteuj^etteit, ^reujrirtet, Jtreujfabrcr, j?reujpilger. crone. *. I. bat aite sEBeib; 2. alte 3diaf. CRONET, s. ta3 .Uronbaar betWetbe. CRONICAL, adj .1st. r. ad)ronifd), mit bet Sonne unrctge$enb. crony, s. bcr rate SQefannfe, alte Sreunb. CROOK, «. 1. bcr .Ciafcn, 2diafcrftab, .g>irtenftab; 2. bie Atftmntej in com- pos. — back, bcr SBucfel ; SBucflige ; — backed, blicfelig ; — kneed, fd)tef= bcinig; —shanks, bflfl ,«nimmbeiii ; by hook and by — , mit Sicrbt jinb ltn= rccbt. To crook, v. I. a. friiiiinicit, bic^en, beugen; ablenfen; u. n. ft umm feyn. CROOKED [adv.— ly), adj. gefrfimmt, friuum, febief ; »erbicbt, yrrfebrt ; — ness, 1. bieJnrnmine : ber Srbiangen" lauf; iBucIel; 2. bie^crfebrtbeit, bie Ungetabbeit. CROOP, vid Croup, crop,*. 1. bet .ttrppf eine« SBogelS; 2. bie tfrute; 3. ba3 (nod) ftcl-ciibc ©etreibej 4. ber Stiifc; — bone, SL'aUnfcbbarteii (son bcr 2ftittelgto= $c) ; — ear, (sou ^Jferben) bai 3 tny.= obr ; — eared, mit iieftutjteii Cbreu ; — full, fatt ; — sick, f ran E oon Uebet= labung ; — rickneas, bie vein Uebcr-- laben bed SRagent entftanbene Sttmb bcit ; — tune, bie Srntejeit. To'-ROP, v. a. ftlll}Cll, abftltljcil; be= fdineitcii; bie 2pi!;-cit abfteffen; ab breebeu, yflucfcii ; niaheit, eriiteu. CR< >>u.K. .v. bet ©ifcbof«fiab,JttumD> ftab. cu< islet, s. ba« .ftrciiid)'- 1. CROSS, i. .,- 1. bae Jtteuj ; 2. itenniet> iben (itatt bcr ?lamen«untetffbrift) ; 2. bie Caere; 3. jg bai Sriben, bit ?ictb, iritb'"al, fcibetroartigfeif^ 4. bcr oircuter ; 5. bie rcduc 2ette einer ^cinije; —or— pile, Bilb obet ii>ap- ptn (em 2picl mtt@e(b); u t. ber iV.'.feii ; jv. T. ber Setingbalfen ; — pi bcr "crfcbrtc ober oetiiliglftcfte i ; laii; bai iliitiyerflanbiiift; vcrichrrc (nn» paffcucc) Vliilivpitcii: to be at —pur poses, yen (uiitcr) SItibcrn geben ; tmlg. ber Cncrc rctcn ; to — qui V, a. ri'l. to — examine : — qui ■ *. pi. Jlreiii= uub Ouerfragen; bai gtagefpiel ; — road, bcr gelbnjeg; — row. bic Aibel, bai 3b( : — .-i \ff, T bcr JacobSftab, Sonnenbofjineffer: — stitch, bet Jtteujjticb i-.'ivt bti y )i'.- ben«); — tree, ».JV. T. bet .'irciubaU fen; — way. bie Cuciftiau-, bet Jtrenjroeg, Scbeibemeg ; — wind, bet Seitennnnb ; — wort, bte Jheujmurj (Setircio — £..). To I 'P.OS.S. r. I. a. 1. flCll^Cll, flbet bai Jlteuj lc.icn, bitrrbf re ujen ; 2. mit bent ,«reiije bcjciditicn, hi 3 Setrben bee Jt'rcujcd marben ; 3. bur(bftrci= eben ; 4. guet fiber ermai 1 geben ebct fabren, iiberfrbtiitcii ; iiberfctvcn : .") ber Ciierc Fommen, binbern, |Utt)ibrt fcyn, iviber fpred'cn ; (i. (the b (bie JRacen) mtfeben ; to — out, anc--- ftveieben ; to — one'a self, firb frcn.- jigen nut fegnen : to— the river, fibei ben Alnf; u-ijcn ; n. », aner liegen. CROSSNESS, ». bie ^n-ifcbitluit, be; Sii3ibcrftnrt ; bic fible?aune. CROSSWISE, adv. frciinreiic, in bic Ouere. CROTCH,*. 1. bcr .Oafcn, bie ©abfl ; 2. JV. T. iti 'Vicfftmf . CROTCHET, ». I. bcr .Vvifcn; 2. Mt Jtlammer, bai (— » /-'. Tn V . t. bie; (SinfcbUegungsjetcbeii ([ li ; 3. bit Stfitc: I. Mux i. bic S&tertelnotc 5. ©rifle, bcr filtuinie IS'infall. 03 CRUI CRYP CUE ncROUcn, v. n. l. ft* budeit, ncf> fcbmiegen ; 2. fie., fcbmeU dn- lit ; i "idi bemutbtgrn ( — to..., »or). DROUP, ». 1. berSRumpf cine* sBogeid. Stetp, ©firjel; 2. ta8 Jtrcn$ eined Sgferbeflj 3. tic cUeblfndir, SPraune. I'uoi tai>i:s.,.,v. .v. v. bieSufifprutt* gc tined SjSferbes. CKOUT, ». Bid. Soor-crodt. CROW, «. 1. bie Krabe; 2. bad JEi\i= ben; 3. w — bar),bafl ©rectyeifen, bit syrccbitaiigc, tcr .pebebanm, iSefc&a= fen, Knbrtif;; to pluck a — fig. ftcb nni OiidUjj abangftigen; eitttu 3auf anfangen; — 's bin, ,v. y. berJ&igeU lieber; — feet, tic SRunjeln (untcr ben Jlll;\CU ) ; — flower, bcr roilbe 5JZeerrettig ; — foot, bie Sufiaiigcl ; SRanunfet; jv. r. b'er ©pinnenfopf ; — keeper, bie Sogelfdjeitcfye, bcr $0* ponj| — quill, bie Jirahctifeber; — toe, tie .£>>.)acintbe. To CROW, ». n. 1. fraben ; 2. ./iff vulg. prablcn; ftcb bruften, ftoljtren ; to — over one, fid) iibcr cineit erbeben. jiOWD, j. 1. bad ©ebrange, ©cannis mcl, bie 2JJenge, ber .Oaitfen (0Jicn= fdicn) ; 2. bie &eige, ftiebef. To crowd, v.n. 1. brdiigcn, preffen ; 2. vol! ftopfeil ; 3. to — the sails (all •be canvass). Sea. Ph. prangeit, alle Sea,cl beifefeen; n. n. ficfo brangen, toiinmeln ; to— in, bJiicinpreffciCficb einbrangen. DROWDER 5. vulg. bcr ®eiger. crown,.?, l. bie .Krone; 2. ber^tanj ; 3. bie ilonfnr; 4. ©pifee, bcr ©ip= fel; 5. ( — of a hat), bcr Sebcit eined Sjutii ; 6. — or — piece, bie .Krone (»on 5 ©cbiUing), bcr Krontbalcr; — demesnes, ( — land), bie Jtroihijitcr ; — glass bad Kronglad; — grafting, bad KrOltpfropfen ; — imperial, ( — thistle), bie jtaiferfrone ; — office, bad Jtrungcricbt ; — officer, bev Kronbe* amtctc; — post, tie -tpanptfanfe; — scab, berSgelSbllf; — surveyor, ber foniglicbc gngenieut; — vessels, bie Kranjabern roelcbe bad sjerj nmge= ben ; — wheel, bad Jtr'onrab ; — work. Fort, bad otronrocvf (i3oll= »erf). To CROWN, v. a. 1. frLntcn : mit cincr Krone bebecfen otcr fdv.niicfcn ; 2. be= lohitcii; 3. oeroollfoinmen ; bcenti= gen ; 4. (at draughts), fcincn 'Stein) $ur 2).iinc mad)en, auftamen, auf= f-rtjen. CROWNET, s. rid. Coronet. CROYLSTONE, s. bcr SpatbErpftall. crucial, adj. s. t. freujforinig, freujs tveife; — incisions, bie Krenjfcbnitte. crucian, ». bie Jtaraufrfie (cin Sifct)). crucible, s. bcr Sdjmeljftegel. CRUCIFEROUS, adj. cin Krenj tragenb. CRUClFrER a ber .Kreuuger. crucifix, *. bad gruciftr. crugifixion, s bie atrenjigitng. cruciform, adj. freujformig. To CRUCIFY, a. a. freujtaen. CRUDE (adv. — ly). adj. i. rob, bcrbc, Unretf ; 2. llltocrbaiit ; — humours, Med. t. unoerbaute ©afite ; — ness, t. bie Mobbeit. CRUDITY.* I. bie Wpfjbcit, Unreife ; 2. Unserbauticftfetr, unoerbaucfe Speife; 3. j^-.'bic unoerbauete Jtcniit= v.\$. cruel taiir. — ly), arij graiifam, bart, uninenfcblid). DRUETJfESS, ) . ■ a , r t ■,. cruelty s s ©tanfanuett. 3RUET, s. bad 5[afd)d)ctt, bcr Etcinc Krug; — frams (—stand:, bie SJttats menage. JRUISE, e. bad ^reujen, ber Kmts= »ng. 94 To CRUISE, t. n. hcii^cn (utr See). CRUISER .«. ber Kreujer, bad Ereujcn- be Sd)iff. CRUM, Crumb, s. 1. bie Jtrnme ; 2. Srofame ; bad Kriimd)en. To CRUMB, v. a. friiuiclii, jcrfriimcln, brocfen. To CRUMBLE, v. La. fl'lilliejll, brocfoil, terbrodeln; itrftiicfeln; n. n. fid) brbcfedt, jcrfallcu. CRUMMY, adj. frumig, brocfltg, $er= bvbcfclt, wcid) ; vulg. ttcf, fett, flei= fd)i:]. CRUMP, arf/.frnmm ; — footed, trumm= beinig ;, — shouldered, bucflig. crumpet, s. cine Krt Xbccfndjcn. To crumple, v. I a, 5crfiiit(crn, jer= brucfen ; n. n. Salteit befommen, runjelig tverben, einfd)ruutpfen. To crunch, v. a. (mit ben 3, arger= licb, anffabrciib, fdincppifd). crutch, a. bie Jtn'iife. To CRUTCH, v. a. ftiifjcn. To CRY, n. n. 6a. 1. fdircicit (tvicbCV: belt , rnfen; 2. (offentltd)) aiifrn= fen ; 3. roeinen ; 4. tve^flagett, lant Elagcn ( — at for, iibcr, limj; 5. Sj>. E tttldgeben (bcllcu); she cries her eyes out. fie ir-ciut Int blinb : to be cried, aufgeboten nerben ; cried he, ricf er ; to — against (upon or out upon), iibcr etioad fdireicn, ctivad laut tabehi; to — down, einen in iiblcii jTinf bringen, Derfd)reien ; 511 SBoben fdiveitn, unterbrucfen ; to — out. att-3= rnfen, audfdjreieit ; lant auffebreien, SScb fd)reieiij bffcutlid) tatcln. miB= billigen ; to — quittatve. errotebern, oergelten; to — up, erbeben; lant pretfen. CRY,*. 1. ber Sdirci, 3?nf; Sludruf, 3nrnf, bad ©efdjrei ; 2. bie fOerfihibis gung ; 3. Slcclamation ; 4. bad Sffiei- iien; 5. flebcll ; (i. tic jloppcl (ber Stricf. [2] 3agbbunbe. CRYAL,s ber Sicigcr, ^Jcibcr. CRYER, «. 1. oii Crier; 2. bcr 0cr- falf, JEaubengeier. CRYING, s. bad Bdbreien, 0cfd;rci ; — our, bcr Sludruf, CRYPT, *. bie nutcviibiffbe ,§i3hle, ©ruft; Untcvfapcllc, .§allc. CRYPnCAL (— ic) (ait.— ly,' adj .Set borgen, beimlid). CRYPTOGAJfOUS, adj.B. T. EiT;ptoga« mifeb, bliitbcnlod. CRYPTOGAMY, *. B. T. bie UnbcuN lidifcit ober 33erborgenbeit ber 53e» frucbtroerEjenge gerotffer SJJftanjett CRYPTOGRAPHER, ». ber in ber 55 e- beimfebrift .Ruiibigc. CRYPTOGRAPHY, s. 1. bie ©ebeim> fojreibeEnnft; 2. ©ebyeimfdjrift, (5hifficfdirirt. CRYPTOLOGY, *. tic Wcbcimfprad)e. CRYSTAL, I a. ber .Urnftall ; — '.or — glass), bad jtrvtftallglad • rock— ,93erg» Eruftall ; — of mars, (S'ifcnErpftall; II adj. Er.iftallcn. CRVsli MNE. adj. Eriiftallen ; — hu mour, Med. T. bie Kr^ftalllinfe. CRYSTALISATION, s. tie Jvr'.-ftallifa. tion, .Rniftallifirung. To CRYSTALISE, v. I. a Eniftalltitren ; 11. 71. }ii .Rrnftallcn anfdbiepen, fid; Eniftallifircn. cub. 5. 1. bad Sunge; 2. (co»t. yon Suibcbcn nnb Kiiabcn) junge 3>ing ; an unlicked — , cin niigcbilbetcr, fdilcdit erjogener junger iKenfd). To CUB, o. a. 3uitge toerfen; com. gc= bciren. cubation, s. bad 2icgen. cubatory, adj. Itegenb. CUBATURE. 5. Mai. T. bie jlubiEbe- reebnung. CUBE*. Jtftf. T. i. bcr Jlnbud, 2Biir= fel; 2. bie Kiibifjabf; — root, bie KubiEmurjel. CUBEB. *. ticJTiibcbc. CUBICAL (Cubic), adj. Mit. &■ .Ir. T fnbifd); cubic-root, tie JiiibiEnuiv^el. CUBICULAR, adj. jum Scblafgeinacb gebbrig. CUBIFORM, adj. miirfelfbniuq. cubit, *. bie e^emalige (5'lle (son 11 gnp). cubitus, .«. bie Glbogcnrobre. CUCKING-STOOL, s. bcr ^aiicbfcfjemel, 53c[ferftnl)l. CUCKOLD, *. ber .&abnrci; — maker, bcr .Obrncranffcrjcr. To CUCKOLD, v. a. .£>bntcr anffe^en, Eronen. ^UCKOLDLY, adj. cincm -Oabnrci abn= lid), hiuitffbttifdi, eleiit. CUCKOLDOM, s. I. tic .*>abitrcifd)aft; 2. bad .tibrncraiiffcfern. CUCKOO, *. bcr .ftnrfnf; — bud (— flower), bic Kucfllfdbluine ; — fish, ter ^fanfifei) ; — gilli-flower, Kr ,^e= bericl) ; — pint, bcr Vlrnm ; — sorrel, bcr Sancrficc. ^ncbampfer ; — spit, — spittle, KiiffiiEdfpeicbel ffd)lcimid)= tc ^nfettenlaroen auf iUattcm.) CUCULLATE (Cucullated), adj 1. mit einer Jtappe bebecf t ; 2. Eappenartig. cucumber *.bie ©lll'fc. CUCURBIT,*, c/i. T.ber refltilirfolben CUi URBITACEt »US adj Eiirbif)artig. CUD, s. l.ber inncrc Ihcil bed Sdilun^ bed ; 2. tie ncdi nicbt luietcrgefauete Spcifc; bcr Jlbtcr; to chew the — , roieberEauen ; fig. iibertcnfcn ; — weeJ, bic SBBiefenrooile ; bad SRubrfraur. To CUDDLE, v. n. vug. fid) bUtfill ; f{(| umarmen. CUDDY, *. 1. bic Kajiitc ; 2. bcr jTobl- fifdi, .ubblcr, jtoblmnnb, CUDGEL, a. bcr jtnuttel, ^riigel; — play (—playing), bie v 4.!riigclfed)tcrci ; — pmof. pviigelfcft ; to take up_the — s, fid) in einen ©treit einlaffen; to cross the — s, ben Srreit fd)lid)tcn. To CUDGEL, r.a priigeln. CUDGELER, .-. bcr ^viiqler. cue, s. 1. be • erbroanj, tad (Jttbc ; bet CUMB CURF OURS 3opf; 2. bag 3eid)e;t, Stid)»ort ; 3. bev aJBinf, bie Slumetfung; 4. ber 8ifIiarbftocf, baa Oucuc ; 5. tie 3lol* lc; (i. vulg. Sonne, Stimmung. CUERPO, *. (fpanifd)) ia — , ot)itc DberEleibung. ;ri'T, s. 1. bet gauflfdjlag, 'Puff, Scbjag; 2. 9luffd)lag (am i?leibe); ^ie §anbfraufe, iSJtanfrbette; to go to euffl ft cf> balgcn, fid) fcblagen. >\, CUFF, d l.o. !. iiitt Aauftcit fdi!a= ,icii, piiffen, febjagert; SDiaulfrbeUeit; gebeit; 2. (uon ben 3laub»ogeln) mit scu.itralku (and) mit ben Slftgeln) fcblagen ; Q. «■ ftd) fdjlagen. CIJINAGE, s. baa [?ormcu be8 3innea tit 3)lulbcn jitr 33erfenbung. CUTRAS, s. ber Jtiivafs, ' .fparnifd), iBrufibarntfd), Lanier. cum assii'.k, s. bet Jciiraffier. ciiisii. s. bie SBeinfcbiene, ber 83ein= barnifeb. culerage, s. baa glSbfraut. ci 'i.i.n'akv, AT/. ;um Jtiicbenmefcn ge* fa o r t tx - t.i CULL, p. a. auafefen, auefudjen. CULLENDER, .-•. Bid. Colander, culler s. ber 9lu8fud)er. CULLION, s. 1. ber Sump, Sdjurfe; 2. baS Jtnabenfraut. ( s bie burcbgefeiefe SSrfibe. cully, .--. ber ©efoppte, ©etrogene, Stropf, istufel. To CULLY, v.a foppcit, affcit, l)ittter= allien, befrttgen. CULM, a. 1. ber Stengel; 2. bie Sd)miebefo|jfe. culmifer ius, adj. Stengel babenb. To CULMINATE, v. n. Ant. T. burcb ben SRittagafreia gebjcit, culmiuirett. CULMINATION, s.AaU T. 1. berUurd)= aaiia, eitte-3 SterneS burcb belt SJit= tagSfreia; 2. ber faocbfle Stanb. CULPABILITY, > s.bte Strafbarfeit, CULPABLENESS, > Scbltlb. CULPABLE (ado. — ly), adj. ftrafbar, fdjulbig. ci LPRrr, «. ber Snauiftf, SBerbredjer. CULTER, «. baS Sed), vid. Colter. CULTIVABLE, ».//. mod aubaubav ; ber (Sulfur fabig. To cultivate, ». o. I. (Sanb) Banen, anbaueti ; 2. marten ; 3. fig. »erbef= fern, oerebefn, nuabilben; 4. jrubU rcu ; 5. nnterbalten; to — an ac- quaintance, cine 8efaimtfd)aft untcr= fjalten. < 'i rLTIVATION, 1. s. ber SBatt, SInbau, bie Urbarmadjuitg, SSartnng ; 2. fig. SSerbeffernng, SBerebetungj 3. baa Stubtren. Cl ltivator, ». 1. ber SInbaner, 8anbb< liter, Sanbmirtb; 2. fig. Ukr= befferer. JULTURE, s. I. ber SBau, Qlnbau, Sanbbau; bie.SDarrung ; 2. fig. (ni[= tin-, Sittenverbefferung, iiluebtlbung, SSerfeinerang. To culture, o. n bauert, marten. CULVER, s. + bie Saube ; —house, baa EaubenbattS; —key, bie Slfeleij ; — taiLT.baa 33acfenbanb, ber 3dbaml= benfebman^. CULVERIN, s.Oun. T. bie 3elbfd;lan.]e. CUMBENT, aaj". liegenb. To CUMBER, v.a. 1. befromcren, be= belSfiigen; 2. SBefdjroerbe madicii, sevhinbeni ; 3. Glimmer ntarben. CUMBER, s. 1. bie 83efc$werbe, Sail; 2, ber SOerbrufi: bie SSennrnbijung ; SSerlegenbett, 'Jiotij; 3. tie ,piitbe= rung. CUMBERSOME [ado. — r.v\ adj. bt- fdimerlldi. lafti(l» DtrbtefHtdj; — ,,,—. s. bie 93efc&roerlicJ)feit, Saftigfeit. CUMBRANCB s. bie Saft, 33c|dnvcvte, ba-j J^iubernif. CUMBROUS {adv. — i.y). adj. 1. be* fdiiverlidi, binberltd; ; fjiubemb, 2. beunmbigenb. CUMFREY, .-. aid. Comfrby. CUMIN, Cummin, ». bet Jtuntmel. To CUMULATE, v. a. haitfeit, anf= fadttfen. CUMULATION, ». bie \>I n f haufu n q. CUMULATTVILaaj. 1. auf,\chduft, bau= fenroeife; 2. oiniufommenb. CUNEAL, odj. Eeilartig, Eeilfotmig. CUNEATED, ? ,. t ■<- .r.M-ii-uuM.l^ ■^Irormtg. CUNNER, t. bie ^LCCifdMiccfc, bee llitifduififd). CUNNING (adv. —it), I. nlj. 1. futt= big, erfabren, gefcoicft; 2, fiiuftliob ; •J. fc tit, li|iig, uerfcblagen ; binrerli- fitg, betriigerifeb ; — man, ber 28abr= faner; -—woman, tie fluge aimu, SBJa^rfageritl ; to cast r — i ioh one, Semauben bebenflicfi (perbacb= tig) anfeben; u. s. bie Sift, ©djlau; beit, SBerfr^Iagenbcit, SSetfc^miMs biit ; — nesa, ». bie Slrglift, 33crfd)la= (^eitbeif. CUP, ». L ber iBerfter, flelcb: 2. SIu« nieufeld); 3. tie id)ale, Staffe; 4. 7V". T bie ©urbfe; 5. s, '/'. ber 5cbr5pffopf; li. ber .ivuiif; — s . ,,/. baS SErinfgelng ; in one'a — b, betrun= feit; parting cup, bee 2lbffb, ieb«rritnf ; they are — and can, fie fillb ©U^= briiber, oertraute Jreunbe; — and bail, baa Silbofet (eiu Spiel) ; — and saucer, bieDbers unbUntertaffe; — bearer, bev I'liiiibfdieuf ; — hoard, ber 3dieiitiifd), Erebenjtifd) ; Speis fefdmmf, Sd;rauf ; —rose, ber i)iohu. To CUP, i). a. fdjrBpfen. CUPEL, 8 li<' is very — in bet dress, fte ift fe&r gefud)t in invent 3tn)uge; •— ness, ». oid. Ccriositt. CURL, s. I. tie Soefe, *>aavlocfc ; 2. t-a-j Jtranfe, SBellenforntige ; —bead- ed, EraaafBpfig. 7VCURL, b. I. n. 1. Fraufellt, fviftrctt ; frummeit, breben, minben ; 2. lvclicn- formig bemegen ; u. ». 1. rid) lorfrn, fid) minben, fid) breben, fid) fd)lan< geln ; 2. molten. curlew, ». ber S8rad)uogel ; Stein- maijer. (1 RL1NESS, s. baa Socftge, ®efrSu= fcltc. CURLING-mONS (—tongs), «. y. bu5 Jtraufeleifeu. curling-paper, .-•. SPapilloten. CURLY, adj. gefraufelt, lotfig. curmudgeon, s. ber Anitfer, 5tlj. curmudgeonly, adj. fnicferig, ftljig, CURRANT, », bie JUnintbc; 3o§au= niabeerc. i i rrency, 8. 1. bev Sauf, ©anq ; 2. Uuilauf, M. /.'. Sours ; bie ©ang= bavfeif, SSerfauffirbfeit ; 3. tevScnii ; 4. bafl ItinlaufSmittel, ^Japiergelb; Sourantrtelb, geringere ©elb ; d. bit ©elauftgteit (im Spred)en . Cl RRENT idv. — li . I. adj. i- Iau; fcnb, coururenb, courant, gangbar, gultig ; 2. befanut, glaubbaft ; foi — payment, ft art baaren ©elbe«; it passes for — , tt ift angenommen, gfilfig, glaubbaft; — excuse, tic paffeube (liitfd)ulbtgnng : — m baa (Jourant, Sourautgelb ; n. .--. ber Strom ; bie Stromung , 2. ber ©ang, Sauf; acenrdins to the — of i I writers, iiadi brr allflemeinetl i'iei= nung bev SrbriftfteUer ; — meter, bev Sfrommeffer ; —ness, .« berllm= lauf, Soure; tie ©angbarfeit. CURRICLE, .-. tie jweiraberige Pboife. CURRIER, s. bet Seberbtretter, Oier= ber; — *s black, Seberfdjrofirje; — 's knife, bai Sd)abeifen, Streid)inefTer. CURRISH (adv. — ly), adj btiutifeb ; Enurrig, bri9ig< mfirrifd), rauoj —ness. a. baa bunbifrbr JSefen; fie SeifiifiEeit, uturrifrbe Oht. 7b CURRY, o. a I. SebfT beveitcn, jera ben ; '-'. ftrieqefn eiu spfcrb j3. pru^ gclu ; to — favour with one, fid) bei Semanb ciujufdjineicbtln fud)en. Cl RRY, s. "i umpoa. — comb, bie Btriegel; — powder, pulserifirtcl ©emurje (au« Dftinbicn). 7b CURSE, n. [.« 1. veifliidn-n, eev- miinfdfcnj 2. uerbammeni ftrafen, aitaleit, peinigeil ; n. n. fludicu. frbroSren. curse, >. I. berSlucb; 2, tie i!ct= bammnifi. CURSEDNESS, «. bit inTfluditbcif, let SBatm. ci rser s. ber 5Iud)er, Serffucber. CURSHIP, b. ba< biiitfiute ffitfen : bil 5pcid)ellerferti, ^licteriradtiiiifcit. CUST CUTA CZAR uitrsitor, .«. bcr Stan\tttti{fytihtt ; 2Binfelab»ofar. CURSIVE, adj. laufenb, fliegenfc. CURSORINESS, s. tie gluc&ttgletr, Qberfladjlirbfcir, ©tic. CURSORY (ado. —. uy), adj. flitrfitig, tilfertig ; a — view, cin licbcrblicf. CURST, adj. i. uevflucbf, ucraiinfdjr, abfdicnlidi, fdianblid) ; 2, ninrrifd); — ness •'. i. tic i'ctflitdjtbcit, m» iVbcnlidjfcit; 2. bag niiirrifchc SHJefett. CURT, adj. h\\'y To CURTAIL, o. a. 1. atfurjett, flll = fecit, bcfcbjicitcit, ocrjlummetn; 2. •,critiid'cln. i iktail, adj. gefttifet; —do?, ber 4punb cbne 3d>antn$; — horse, ber ©tufefc^wanj. rsJRTAlN, «. 1. bcr 33orfjang, Me @ar= bine; 2. JKB. T. Gortiiie, bcr iKtftels roall ; to stand benind the — , col. 1111= lu'ritterft bcobadjtcu ; —lecture, bie ©arbinenprebigt ; — pins @arbinen= tchrauben ; — pulley, bie ©arbincn= rullc; —rod, bcv ^orljamiftab. To curtain, o. a. (mit sBor&angen) umbcingett, tie iBorbange jujicben. CURTAL, I. s. (»on §Pferben) ber Stufc= fcbwanj; XL adj. sbgefurjt, gcfhifet. curtate, a//. .«««. 7'. abaeiiirjt, *>ev= Efirjt ; — distance, btc oerfiiirjte 2Bcitc cincg igianeten. curtation, s. bie aSerlitrjung. curtilage, s. bag Stebenianb, ber ©etgarten. CURTSY, s. vid. Courtesy. CURULE, adj.— chair, (bet belt 3(15= merit) bcr elfcnbctnerne ©tu^l ber Semttoren, u. f. to. CURVATED. adj. getrummt, gcbogen. CURVATURE, «. bie jtruinnie. CURVE, I. adj., cjcbogeti ; n. s. bie iftritmme, Jlriimmung, frumine ^iitic. To CURVET, v. n. Sp. e. rnvucttiveit ; fpringenj aiiSgelaffen feint. CURVET, *. Sp. e. bie finvbette, ber mittfeve (Sprung beg SPferbeS ; fritnu nte (Sprung. CURVILINEAR (Cttrvilineal) adj. fruminltnig. CURvTTY, s. bie J?riimme. cushat, s. bie 3tittgcU, .gjolj* ober j\ol)Itaube. CUSHION, s. tag bitten, 5J3oIfrer. cushioned, adj. am" .Kiffcn licgenb. cushionet, s. has fleiite .Stiffen. CUSP, s. 1. bie Spifec ; 2. .1st. T. ,£>ov= iter teg iitonbcs. CUSPATED, ) ,. „ „ e ... CUSPIDATED, I ■♦•* T - H> , * , 8' CUSTARD, s. bcr G?ierraf)nt, @icr!5fe; — apple, bie gvuebt bed <$iafd;cit= baumS. CUSTODIAL, adj. gevr-abrfamlid). CUSTODY.*. 1. bcr ©croabrfam, bie .£>aft, ©efangenfdjaft; 2. SBerwM, s. " 1 . bcr ©cbrand), tie ©c= rcobnbeit ; 2. bag ©eroobnbeitgredit ; 3. bie Jiunbfdnft ; 4. bcv 30U ; — acta, 3"Usevorbnungen ; — free, joUfrei • — Mouse, bas ^oQbauS, 3oil r ami, bie 3J?aitth ; entry at the — house. 3?H>tiii]nbe (bcim (Singling »01tSBa«ren); house-officer, (officer of the customs), ber 3oIibf«nkete ; — house chari.".s, 3oUuilfcfleit : — house duty, bcr 3"U ; — laws, bie 3o!l= ober Sreuergefe&e 5 — of trade, bcr .*>aii= bcUbrnucb, tie Ufaiij; —office, bie SoUfhtbe ; — warehouse, bcr $oU= 2vcirbcr. n> custom. ». 1. a. Berjollen; 11.71. ftd) ailsienjotmen, vid. To Accustom. 9fi CUSTOMABLE (ado. — i.y), adj. 1. ge« bi'aitd)lid),i-jcu'r3bnlid), tt bltct) - 2. }0|J= bar; — able goods, joU&are fffiaaten. CI 5TOMARINESS, «. bie ©ewSfcttliis fcit. CUSTOMARY (ado. — ly), I. adj. ge= brattcblidi, itblich; 11. s. bag 3oU= ©efc^aVa*. CI rSTOMEB, 8. bcv XTiiubc, Jtutibmaittt ; Qlbitchntcv, Jlaufcv. To CUT, r. a. ir.8c.7L 1. fdjlieibcit, baucii ; abfdnicibcit, abbaiten, hp- pen; onfrftnetben, auffd)itc:beit, attf= fpalteit; 2. vcvftiimntcltt, caftvivcit; 3. ftvcid)c!t (5. i^. in ciitcirt ©djaus fpicl, it. f. ro.), aitolaffcti, abcurjen; 4. nusfrbneibert, fd)ititjcn ; 5. burrb= ffhneibcu; 6. abljcbctt (im Jlarfctt= fpiele mit in); to — the beard, belt SSart fd)crcit ; to — the cable, Sea Exp. ici$ SluEertaU Cappctt ; to — ca- pers, O'apriolctt fdjneiben ; to — ca- pons, fopaitnen ; to — corn, bag @e= tteibe ftaucit, maf)cit; to — down, nieberljauen ; abfjancn, fallen, 11111= Werfen ; to — a figure, cine Bto,t lr marben, fid) ciiu.'litfebcn geben, grcjj t-Sutl; to — the ground, bag S'Clb bc = Ijaucn; to — lots, ioofen: to — one, cant. 3cntanbc» Sefanntfcfiaft aufges gebcit; etnen itber bie Sdiultcr fe= ^en; if}n iticfjt feben lvolictt ; to — one's way, fid) bltrd)f)aitcu ; to — off, obfd)neibett, abbaiten, abaften; ab= fitr^cit ; bcitcbntcn ; aiigfd)lic§cn, augrotteit, oertilgen, biiiridjtcn; to be — off, gefbrben fewit ; to — off from an estate, ClltCl'bcn ; to — off the provisions, tic ^cbcngiitittcl abfcbnci= ben ; to — oil" a vowel, einen i^ofal ucrfdjlitcfcit ; to — out. 1. aitgfd)itci= ben, angbaucu; 2. jufrAneiben; 3. er= benfen, erftnnen, bilbert; 4. auS- fd)lic5cit, iibevtreffett, an^ftedjen, yer= tvaugeit ; he is — out for a musician, vulg. cr tft jinn 3Rufitu8 gemadit (geboten)^ to. — one out of his fortune, ctttcin fcttt SBermogen »egfc^nap= pen; to — a sail, baa Segcl bcrnntcr= laffctt; to — small, ft ei it fcbneitci', Serfcbucibcn; to — short, abfurjen, eg turj macben ; uevfutjen, befdjneiben, untcrbrccbctt; fur; abrocifen ; to — the matter short, taillit id)'g futj llta= cbe; to — teeth, Babite befomntett, jahltCU ; to — a tree, cilteit Tallin fdfien cber bebanen ; to — the veins, tie Slbern offnen ; to — up, 1. a\if; bauen, auffrjneiben, offnen ; 2. bor= legen; 3. oernic^ten, ausrotten. CUT. s. i. bcr Scbnitf, ,^icb, bie Sdjinarre ; ber 91uffr$nitt ; ^tn= fdinitt, ©rridj ; 2. bcr Stand ; 3. SBeg, Surr^gang ; 4. baS ©jfirl, SBititb, bcr .Saint, Splitter, 3lbfcrjttitf ; 5. (^cteits) Coupon, tie 3inglet)te ; 6. tag 5!cog; 7. ber .£ol$fdntitt ; Stid), Jtnpferflid) ; 8. bag Mbbeben (bcr Garten) ; y. jig. bie 9lrt, 2No= be; to draw cits, (mit Stro^alntcu «. f. ro.) Ioofen, ctusloofen ; — and long-wii, finite von alien SfJaccn ; (»on sperfonen) lilies burd)einanber, fam. ^rctl)i nub 5>lctl)i ; he is of the same — . (stamp), cr ift »on bent nam* lichen ©djtage ; this is the shorter — , bag tit bcr f iii-jcre 2JBeg, bie fiir= jere Stirhtiing; a — of hay, cin &8unb .&eu ; — beard, bag Sd)cr= nteffer ; — fish, bcr v .>lna,clftfd); — glass, bag gefdjliffene ©lag; — purse, bcr ©eufelfcbneiber ; — throat, 8. bcr 3JI5rber ; SBurgemeffer ; adj. morberifd), granfant — water, .v. T ber Scbaft ; tec frnmmfcbnabeUge Sandjer, 3llf, cutaneous, adj. jnr >i5aut geb^Brig, b^antig ; in ber igflltt ; — distempers, £uiiittranfhcitc!:'. CUTICLE, 8. tag tiimtc Obcrbaurdjen. cutici/lar, adj. $ur ^aut gef)Brig, bantiiv CUTLASS, ». bcr fnr$e linb brcitc (So* bcl, ,0)trfdifatu]cr. cutler, s. bcr iDtefferf(ftmieb. cutlery. *. SJJefferfrpmiebSrofloren. cutlets, s. ^ammelgfdjnitte, Jlalbg= fcbcibcit. CUTTER, s. 1. bcr Sd)iicitcnbe, 2lug= fd)ttcitcnte, it. f. W. ; 2. ©d)iteibc= jahtt ; 3. bag 2d)iteibc^eita, ; 4. bet JUtttcr (flcineg ^rieggfdjtff) ; — of the tallies, bcr (SolJationatov bci ber <2d)al}fanimcr. cutting, 8. 1. bag Sd)itciben, .gauen ; 2. ©cfdjitittcne ; — of the teeth, bag Babnett ; — of the wood, ber ,§ol}= feblag; — out, bag SjJrifcnmarben tit ten jpafen ; — line, Typ. T. tie 9lb= fdjiiittlinie ; — nippers, bie Seiy;an= ge ; — press, t. bie ©efcfmeibeprejfe ; — out knife, T. bag 2lns|'rbncibemcf= fer ; — up knife, bag Sd;lad)tcr= nteffer; 3. cuttings, s. pi. tie Scbni= feci, Spane ; ©efettnge. cuttle, s. bcr Sfatffifffi, Stntenfiff^ (and; — fish); jig. bcr ^aftcrer, SBer= lanmbcr ; — bone, bag weijie 3t|'rb= bcin (t'om Sintenpfdje). cycle, s. 1. bcr (iDdiig, periobifebe 3eitraiint ; 3eitbegrijf ; 2. Mat. T Btrfel, Stxeis. CYCLOGRAPH,s.ber3irfclbcfd)reibcr cycloid, s. g. t. tic (s^floibe, din** linic. CYCLOIDAL, adj. O. T. Olfloibifd). CYCLOPAEDIA, Cyclopede, s. bie ©t'.s ci;flopabie. Cyclopean, adj. .ttttacbeiicr, roilb crfcbrccflid). J CYDER, *, vid. Cider. cygnet, s. bcr junge Srbamn. cylinder, s. bee Rrdtnbcr, bie 2Bal= je ; — tar, ^oljfoblcnthccr. CYLINDRIC, >a//'.C»lilltrifd). tlHll= cylindrical, 5 jenf&rmig. cymar, *. ter laiijie piegenbe, Jliocf. bag fange incite Cbcrflcit, ter Ue= bcrmiitf : bie Scbarpc. CYMATIUM,*. r.ber 3lbfauf, 2ln(anf, tie ,6ol)lfeble ; -Suf'llciftc. cymbal, 8. bie Gynibcl. cynanthropy, 8. bie ,§unb$r»itrfj. CYNIC, I. s. bcr gnnifer; II. — , (Cy- nical) (adv. — ally), ennifd); — ainess, bag utitrrifcbc, fpBttifdje, rau= be Sfficfen, bie Otaubii'jfcit. cynosure, 1. Ast. T. ber fleine «Vir; 2. jig. SBegweifer. CYON, vid. Cion. CYPHER, vid. Cipher. CYPRESS, .?. bie ^DprcffC: — shingles, (5\)preffcnfpane (jum Xafeln) ; — tree, ber 6i)pvcffcnbanm. Cyprus, .9. 1. tic 311 fcl (inpent; 2. ber (3Tancr=,3lor ; — wine, ber @p= permein. CYST, s. tie Sacfycfdwitlft, ber ®ia terfacf. CYSTIC, adj. cpftifd), in cinem (Sittv fade entbaltcn; —vein, bie ^3forr* abcr; — arteries, bie ©aTIabern. cystotomy, s. bie Ocffiiung eineg ©efebvoitrg. CYTISUS, s.ber ©cip= ober 3tcgnflee CZAR, s. ber C?5ar. czarina, s. bie Sjcirintt, (5;artnit. czarish, adj. tent Sjar gebbrig, ejo-- rifd) ; ben fijar betreffenb. CZAROWrrz, «. bcr (Sjaron itfc^ Sobn teg ^$ar. DAMA DAND dar:\ D. D. s. bad 5), b, bcv ptetfe SBurijJafce bed Sllpbabtts. DAB, 8. sine l. bet .ftiappd, geltnbe ©cblag imtbetajattb; 2. bad jfliimps rt;cn, bet JCIump, Jtletf; 3. tic Jtlic= frbe (fiu Seeftfcb): — cluck, bad jtikbkiil ; bit Xauaiente. y;. dap. o. a. fauft {freirben, titpfeit, iupfen. 7b DABBLE, p. I a. bcftrcidicn, bc= fcbiniereu ; tu-nctjcit, befpri&cn, bc= fubclu; U.ii. I. platffbevn, plantfcbcn, maufeben, roublen (im ©cblamm, n>ie CSiitcii, u. f. ro.) ; '2. pfufeben, ftiimpcrn ; be dabbles in physic ei pfufeptiu betSWebijin, criftcin Sol= baber. Dabbler, 8.1. bcv Spiantfrber, SWattf* febev; 2. SPfufrbet; Quatfialbet. DABSTER s. vulg. bet '.'Jiciftcv, cv= fabvue 2Ramt. DACE, ». bet §euerling, SGBeijjftfcty. DACTYL, t. T. bet Dactplltd. DACTYLIC, adj. bactnlii'd). DACTYLI8T, *-. bcr Sicbtet in fltepeits beu SSetfrtt. DACTYLOLOGY,* bte Singetfpradje. DAD, ) s. (i'i bcv jtinbetfptacbe) DADA, > SPapa, SjSapacben, Xata, daddy, ) State. dado, s. jjrcA. T. bcr SButfel (cine ©fiule). d.edal, a'lj. 1. babalifcb, fiiufircirb ; 2. bum. d.edalian, a?//. 1. genvorrest, latu;= tintbifdj ; 2. aid D«dal. 7« DAFF, Btd. 7',/ Doff. DAFFODIL, s. bic tlU'pclk SJlarglffC- DAG, *• bcr ©rbubfiemeit; — locks, — wnoi, JtluufetsiUoUe j — wiled, bct'lunfcrr. DAGGER, s. 1. bcr Told) ; 2. bad5Rap= piei - ; 3. Typ. T. bad AC venj [i]; at — 's drawing, fcrtio, jinn ©erecbt, Eampflujtig. 7V DAGGLE, ». I. a, fdlkppcil, befits bcln, befrblitmpern, befprifeeu ; u. «. bind) bcu .Utut) gebeit. DAGGLETAIL, a.//', befubdr, bc= fdimntjt. DAILY, afj.i-adv. taglirb, offers, baling. DALVTINESS.8. I. bie L'etferbaftigEett ; >.. tic -JlieblicbEeif, 3tcflicbteit. daintry, ». Oeuettttt (Stabt). DAINTY, I. artj I. lecfft, leifcvbaft, ntebltcb, fbftlid); 2. jicrlid), »eicfa= lid), licblid), gejtevt ; n. ». bic ^ccfc= vet, bcv \ieefetbiffen. DAIRY, *. tic aftilrberei, 9J?etEetet, ©cbroeijeret, iWeierei ; — , — i se „r — mom bad iUJilcbhand, bic 2Jlilrb= Eaninier, bcv -DiilcbEellet ; — maid, bic 3)rild)lliagt> ; — woman, bie OJWdlfrau, .Uaiciuuttev ; — utensils, SRilcbEaminergetatbe. daisy, s tic afta&liebe, ©Sttfebtttme; — cutter, cin ijjferb, tadeiiten fcblecbs tCIt SPitfi fjebt; Daisied, cjlj. VOllCV gicafilicbcii. daker-hen, .? bcv SStefeulaufer, SEBacbfelfontg. OALE, s bad Jhal DALLIANCE, s I. bic iEfltibetei, bcr -I'tiithuMllc, ©rbevj, bad Spiel ; 2. Sicbfofcn. DALLIES, b. bcr 3aiib(cr. n dally. /• » t;inbclu, bafifen, fpic= kit, fdjei^ett, liebfofett; vcrtanbclu. dam, «. 1 bie Iliiiticr, Vlltc; 2. bcr IXimnt, Deicb, l\> DAM (up , v. a. bamntcii, nbbam= men, jubSmmen, ciutnicbcit, ucrjto- pfeii, bammen. DAMAGE, 6-. 1. bcr ^evluft «ad)t£)ci( ; 01 2. Scbabcnbctviii]; ©cbabenetfa^ ; — feasant, /.. T. bet il>UC OHf frembem ©rur.b. To dam vge '• i. a. 6efe^8bi(jen ; n a. Scbaben Icibett; damaged goods, avarirte il'.iavc. DAMAGEABLE, adj. (eirpt ju tefdiabU acii; —goods, lcid)t Oftberblidje SBaare. DAMASCENE, s. bic bitma8ccnet Spflau= nic, Stoctfdjf. damask, i. s. 1. bcr S)«miok. DAMMAREL, s. bcr (Souvmacber, Sfljetdjltttg. To D \m.\, r>. a I. oerbamtncii ; '2. ycv= tvcifcn, »etfcbrcieii ; — it, vulg. »ets tannin ! DAMNABLE ( i Iv.—vy), adj. »crbamin= lid) ; vulg. setbamint, gebaBt, »ers nutt; — nes8,,s. tirin'reammliditcit. DAMNATION I. « tic SBetbamittuitjj/ S3ctbaittntntji ; SOetuttbeiluttg ; ii. int. vulg. iDottuetwetfet ! DAMNATORY, a ij tmtammcub. DAMNED, aiij. iH'vtamnit, oetftur^f ; baffeuStuettb, abfe^eultrb. DAMNIFIC, adj. fcbablirb, scrbcrblid). To DAMNIFY, v. a. fcbabetl, bcfd)ati= gelt, I'cvtcrbcn. DAMNINGNESS s. tic i'crMilllulid)> Eett, SdjiibltcbEeif. damp, i. a ij. bttnflig, fciutf, buntpftg ; II. s. 1. bcr 5>aiitpf, Duitll, SRebel ; '2. fig. tic HJIutbloftgfett, gurcbt, Slkaugfiigiitig ; to casi a — upon one's spirits, ciiieiii alien SDtutb bcucljincu, tbn nieberfcbliigeit; i feci a — upon my spirits, id) bin itiebetgefrbfageii, eittmiitbigt j baS ^erj blutetmiv. To DAMP, b. a. 1. fciicbtcii, bcfciid): ten ; l. fig. itieberfcbjageii, mutbliv- nuuln-ii ; :j. bairrpfeu, fcbn)itdjeii, «cr= mittberit. damper s. !. T. bet Dainpfer ; 2. ein ©tiid [Svob, it. f. w.) »ot ittjebe; 3. fig, vulg. tcr Cucrftrid). DAMPISH, adj. ein roeutg fcucljt, buin= m- . . , .. DAMPISHNESS, 8 tic lltlttcIlttSftge, gettitge gfitfbHgfeit. dampness, ». bte Seuc^Hgfett, bad Suttftige, Diimpfige. DAMSEL.8. tic 3uiigTet, bad SWabd)en, sDlabel, bie Dime, jofe. DAMSON, oid. Damascene. To DANCE r. a. * n. tail^Clt ; ill 23c^ tuegttitg fefteit, fdiaufclu. DANCE 8. bet Staitj. DANCER, s. bet JEaiijer, bte S£8n jertnh. DANCING in compos. — inasnr. tcr Xanjinetjiet ; — room, bcr Saiijbu- tcu ; — Bchnol, tic .i'ainhbiilc. DANDELION, 8. /;. r. bcr CSroeiijabit. DANDIPRAT, s. n/j fund &■ cant, bet JJttivpd, 3roetg. SDtets^afe=45p*. To DANDLE, n. a. Ollf tCllt SttOOfie fcbaitfeln, bupfen laffcn, tanbdit, fpiclcn. licbfofen DANDLER i. bcr .lantlcr, ^tinbtr« ftettttb, Jttitbrriiatr. DANDRUFF, « bet SdMiiufe, Stft. ©dbotf auf bem Jtopfe. DANDY.s mod. bet 3t:trjtr, 3tcvfcciu gel, 3Jiobe»ffe. dam:, i. adj. battifefi ; a. *. bet S)5nt, tic Daiiinit. danewort, ». tcr gnjergbolunbes. DANGER 8. bie < • -e « — . im Aallter -Jiotb. To DANGER v. a. in Oefobt bviiijjtn. gefdbtben. DANGEROUS (ado. — i.v ). adj. g■. « Svot} bictcn, betattdfotbetn ; to — larks, Vcrdu'ii u-beud'cit nut fanattl i — say. id) glaube roobl, bin ubtv jeugt, Lnbuinuc. DARE, s. bet SBcifpfd). DARING (adv. — Lv), adj. fllbil, fltTC^t' [od, uiicrfcbrivfcn, fcif, »ctroegen ; bc- betjl ; —glass, bic Serrbeubleiibtj — tit, jterfbett, i*cr= tvegenbeit. DARK o lv. -i.v\ l. adj. I. tnnfcl, fTtt-- ftei, tiiftcr: tnibe ; 2 unwiifenb: 3. gebeiin ; 4. iniveinlirt : i;uti:vi+i"ieb= tig; ii s 1. bad Diuifcl, bie Dunfel bnt. Aiuftcrnif; ; '2. ft:, bie UnaMl"- feuhcit; —chamber, tic (Sametaofc fcuta; —lantern, tic ©leiiblaterne; — saying, bad Matbfcl ; — sighted. bl6bftd>ttg. To DARKEN, b. la. I. vcvtunfcllt, vcr = finftern ; 2. fchwavjen, befcbiiiuften 3. oerrotvteii ; to — the doors, fie- bte SrbroeUe betret butdbftcbtigfeit, giiijkrnip ; '2 *j llinviffenbcit. DARKSOME, adj. blllifel, finiTcr, trfibt. DARLING, i ndj i"cbr geliebt, licbfl oUerliebft, Steblingd ...; n. ». bet Sieblhtg, bad Scboopfinb, SBiifeitttiib. To darn, v a, (lopfeit, aiidbeffcrn. darn, s. bad ©ejlopfte; bie 3tc-pf- uabt. DARNEL, s. tcr ?olfb, 3d'u>mtclbafti (JMium — / ; Slateil Jgrostemmi githago /..). 97 DAUB DEAD DEAIt darner ,j. bcr SluSbejfero, Stopfer, bie Siopferiun. DARNING, in compos. — needle, s. bie Stopfuabelj —yarn,*. t»aS ©topfs 3ART,' s. 1. bcr aBetf(tfc6; 2. bcr SBurfftjiejj, SBiirfvfetl, bie 3Burf= wajfe ; — snake, bie SPfeilnatter. 7j DART, r. l. a. abfd)ticllcii, fd)(cu= bcni, werfen, fdncfien ; n. n. fliegen ; to — at, on, fid) fturjen auf . . ., l)in- fturjcn. DARTER, s. bcr ^Sfeilfcbiifce, ©cbiifce. /;, DASH, r. I «, 1. tlatfd)Cit, fcf) 1 il^cn, fd'nicii'icii, ftiM'icit; 2. (in pieces) jcr= fdilagcu, jerfebmeijjen, jerfebmettern ; :). (Sffiaffer, u. f. n>.) berfebutten ; 4. ycrmifdicn, oevfSlfc^etl; 5. oereiteln, jit uichtc madjen ; fi. au8l8fcben, auSftveicbett ; 7. ixmm'vcu, tefdja- lUCIt ; to — a design, cillCit Sjjlart SeVs cittill ; to — to (into) pieces, tit Stttcfe fcblagen, scifcbmcttern ; to — one's pride, Semanbes ©tolj bemfitbigen; to — one out of countenance, CUU'lt cutjkr Saffung bringen, befebamen ; to — out, jerfqjmetjjen ; obcubin ina= d'c:t; auSlb'fcbcn ; to — over, fibers fticidxn, vcruufrijcit ; n. n. 1. plats fcbeit, roaten; 2. serfcbinettert rocv= ben, fdicitcni; to — against, anftojjen, fdicitcni ait . . .; to — off, fdnicll ab- fa'brcit, , babin rollen : fcbucll fortret* ten, binfprengeit; fortlaufeit, aus* vcificn. DASH, s. 1. bcr .VUatfdi, %tfcb; Scblag, Scbmtjj, Streicb, ©top, 3 1I= fammenjlofi; 2. bie SSefyrifcuttg, baS 9lngefuriftte; 3. bcr Strict) (nut bcr Tsot'cvj Wcbaufcuftrid) [ — ]; 4. bcr ;>ufalj, ®u£, Jlufguf; to cut a — , col. cine Sigur macben. DASHING, adj. a — fellow, font. 1. citt ftiirmifeber HKenfcb, vulg. Saufc= juinb ; 2. bcr 'Diobcnarr. dastard, Is. bie 2Jcemme, bcr 5{Jot= troll ; II. adj. (ado.—\y), feiflC, \d)mb ftaft To DASTARD, To Dastardize, v. a. feige macben, in gurcbt feljen, fd>rc- ef'en, cingftigen. DASTARDLINESS, \ s. bie geigbeit, dastardness, s 93erjagt.beit. dastardy, s. bie 93cr jagtbeit, guvebts fa in tc it. data, s. pi. 9lngabcn, S^atfatben. datary, s. 1. bieSataria (papftlic^e Jiaujcllci) ; 2. bcr S)Mjtbeiit bevfelben, obcr SBeamtete barin. date, «. 1. ba6 2)(jtum; bie 3afjrSs jaljl (auf ciucr 3JJiinje, it. f. m.) ; l9lngabe bcr) 3ctt; 2. grift, Saner ; 3. bie battel ; out of — , atlS bcr SJlobe, ungangbar ; of the same — , m. k. gleicbjettig ; to bear — , batirt fevjitj — book, baS Sagebucb ; Indian — , blC SamarittbC; —tree, bcr Sats telbaum. To date, v. I. a. batirett ; iiberfebreis ben; H-». reebnen; dated stamp, bas Spoftjeicben. DATELESS, mij. c&ne Saturn. DATIVE, adj. (,■ s. — , or — case, Oram. T. ber Satio, britte (obcr ®cbes) TvaU ; — tutelage, /.. T. bie gcridjtlid) cruauute 83ormunbfcbaft. PATUM, s. bie 5Tf>atfad)c, vid. Data. /,« daub, )). a. 1. fnbeln, febmieren (in ber "iDJalcrct, it. f. to,); befubeln ; be= febmieren ; tiberfebmteren, befefcen, belegen ; i.fig. oerbecfen, bemantetn ; 3. {also ». (anfgrobe Slrt) fdimcidiclu. 0Ai;i!,.?.ba« fcblecbte (grobe) ©eindlbe. dauber, s. 1. bev Sublet, Scbiiiic= vet; 2. Scbmeicbler. DAUBERY (Daubry), s. ba« ifunftSiidf. DAUiiY, adj. fd;iniertg, flebrtg. 98 DAUGHTER, s. 1. bie Sod) tct; 2. baS iu-idittiub ; — in law, bie 2d)U>icgcr= toebfev. daughterly,.^, finblid), ge^orfam. To daunt, r. a. crfd)iccfeii, ciitinu- thigcit. DAUNTLESS, adj. lllicrfdjrocfeit. DAUNTLESSNESS, s. bie Uncrfdjro- cfcithcit. DAUPHIN, s. ber 2)anpf)iit. David, s. ^a'Ai) (iliaititsJimme). davit, s. jv. t. bcr ^Jenterbalfen. DAW. .?. bie 5)o!)lc; — cock, btv JQdl)U bcr Sohte. To DAWB, p. a. rid. To Dai'b. To Dawdle, v. n. btC Qt'lt VCrfc!)aKU= ben, tvtnbeln. DAWDLE or Dawdler, s. bCf Xdllblef, SEagebieb. To dawn, v. n. bdiniiiem, tagen. dawn, Dawmno. s. l. bie S)ammes rung, bcr unbrecbenbe Sag; 2. jig. Slnfang. day, s. 1. bcr Sag ; 2. bie grifi ; 3eit; 3. jig. ba8 Srcffcit, bie ©cblacb't; to- day, this — , t)Cltte ; to this — , bis auf belt beUtigen Sag ; the — before yes- terday, uorgeftent ; this — se'nnight, bcute oor acbt Sagcit ; this — month, beute iibev »ier 3Borf;cn ; — after — , init jebent Sage; twice a — , jii'ci 3JJal bc« Sages ; from — to — , von Sage ju Sage ; at this time of — , in these days, iu'ltt JU Sage; ill his days, bet (in) feiiiem Seben ; days of grace, M. e. bie Sage bcr Stcb'r, Sicfpect- Sage ; day of payment, bcr 3SerfaUs Sag ; — of address, bcr 9lurcbc= (3u= fagc=) Sag (bet ben SSucbbvucfetn) ; — bed, bvtS gauibett, (Canape ; — book, ba« Sagcbud), journal, 3^= morial ; — break, bev SagcSaribrud) ; — dream, buS 0cfirf)t ObCt Sviigbtlb tin wacbenbeu 3«ftaiibe;— fly, bie Sintagfticge ; — labour, bie SagcSar= nett, bas Sagetoerlj — labourer, bcr Sagelobnev; — light, bas Sagef4id)t, bcr belle Sag ; — lily, vid. Asphodel ; — 's man, + bcr Sd)icb5rid)tci', ©cbiebSmann ; — net, Sp. e. bas Scr= cbeime^ ; — peep, ba§ erfte Sage8= lid;t; — scholar, ber tSxtxwutt (llid)t in bcr ©cbule roobnenbe ©cbulet); — spring, bcr SageSanbruii ; — star, bcr 3JJorgenftern ; —time, bie Sagee= jcit ; — wearied, son bcr Sagctnirbcit crmiibct; — work, bie Sag'eSarbcit, ba§ Sageroerf; — jv. t. bas Gsttttafjl (bie 3?c'vcd)nung bcS SBegeS oou ci= neiu jKittag junt anbern). DAYLY, adj. Sr ado. vid. Daily. To DAZE, j). a. bldlbCIl. To DAZZLE, v. I. a. blcubcn ; II. n. ge= blenbet wcibcu obet felm; dazzled at, geblcubct ivcvbcn oon. DEACON, a. 1. bcr SiaconuS; 2. 91U mcfenvfteger ; — ess, s. 1. bie Sia= ronifftn ; 2. Sllmofenpflegerinn ; — ry, (—ship), s. bas 5)iaconat; s ^flcgcr= aint. DEAD, I. adj. 1. fobt: 2. jig. tobt, leer, Bbe, tranrtg, matt, fdnvad; ; u.s. sing. 1. bie <3tillc im SCintcr itnb in bcr ?!ad)t) ; 2. s. pi. the — ■ bie Sobten ; in compos. — drunk, feljr bctl'lllltcil ; — eye, JV. T. bie 3nugfcr (cin Jlloben turn Slufjieben) ; —hearted, fleiitmfis tbig, jagbaft; — heartedness, bie JUeiitiiuitbi ( ]fcit, 3agbaftig!eit s — lift, bie gvofie 9Iotf) ; — lights, jv. T. bie Sleuben (2u!en) »ov ben Jv a j it = tenfeiiftcrn (im Sturm); — nettle, bie taube Jleffel ; — pledge, cin vcr-- VfdnbctcS liegenbes (Muf, bas Saufls pfaitb ; — reckoning, n. T. bie OHffilig '^crcdiniuig) beS geinacbten SBegcS; — ropes, JV. T. fcftcS, ftcl)C!lbc3 Sail= wttf ;_— struck, vcniuvrt, (von 3ur$\ into (Scbrecfen) evgriffcit; — water bas ftebeube Sffiaffer, bie Vacbe ; jv. t baS .ftielwaffcr; a — sleep, bcr ticfe <2d)laf; —weight, bie (bvitcfence) • ilaft; tt>ttc§ Gapttal, bie Sntcreffeii forbembe i'erbiublid)fcit ; in the — of the night, ill bcr Sobiciiftille bet SJlacbt, urn 3J?itternacbt ; he is a — man, cS ifi auS mit ibnt, cS ift urn ibu gef(beben ; to strike — , tobt fd)la- geit; you arc a — man! bll bift Ctlt Jcillb bCS SobeS ! at a — stand, ftorf= ftill ; to make a — stop, plofcUcb ail= baltcn. To deaden, u. a. 1. frf)»ad)cu, bam= pfcn, citttraftcii; 2. cntftellcn; to deaden a ship's way, JV. T. blC v fertig ivcvben (auofoinmcil) ; to — honestly with one, lilit 3cmanb ebrlicb |U SBerte geben ; he is hard to be dealt with, eS tft fdjivcvmitibm auSjiifoiiinicii; she was basely dealtwith, CS UUirbC il;r «rg niitgcfpielt. DEALER, s. 1. ber .ftanbclsmann, ®e= iiH-rbSnianii, Jtriimcr, .^anblcr; 2. ^artengebet; plain — bcr cbrlidn 3JJann ; false — (double — ), ber fat* fd)c SUienfcb. DEALING*. 1. baS.Oaubctn, 9]crfab= rcu ; bie ^anblung ; 2. baS ©emcrbe ; 3. bcr llmgaug, bie ©emcinfdjaft; I have no — s with him, id) babe uid)ts mit iblll JU tbltll ; there is no — with him, mit Unit ift Fein Scrtigioctbcn, lltd)t aUSJUfommen ; honest — (plain, upright—), bie (S^rlicbfctt, 3Jcrbtfcb«fs fenbeit. DEAMBULATION, s. baS Spancreit, .ficniiiigebett. DEAMBULATORY, I.4 fpaUcrcub! H.s. bcr ^paucrplafe. dean, s. bcr Sccan, Scd)ant. df.anery, s. baS Sccanat, bie (Jin> fiiiif,. beffcibeu; bie Sccbanei. DEANSHIP.s. baS Secanat. DEAR 'ado. — ly), I. adj. licb, tvertb DEBO DECE DECL ♦fitucr; u.s. bet (bie, 'tat) Xftcitfc ; ber Steeling ; o — ! 3 .gmitmcl ! — me! cb jcl ad) @olt! — bought, rbcuct crfanft, tbeucr; my — ! mciii Siebcr, mcine Siebe. DEARNESS, 9. 1. tie Sicbc, 35rfli$s fcit; 2. Xfjcuruitg ; ber theurc 5Prei«\ DEARTH, s. 1. tie Shcurutig, thcure ^cit, .OimgcrSiiotb ; 2. ber i'iaiuicl, bte Unfrucgtbarfeit. DEATH, s. tcr !Eob ; Th. T. tie civile SGerbammnijj ; to put to — , htmtdi= ten ; it is (no less than) — , C$ ftcbt tcr £o& baranf; house of — .bafl Jrouer= hau»; — bed, baS ©terbebctt ; — *s door, fig. bev Xobeefampf; —knell, bag XobtertgeTdnt, bte Xobrengtocfe ; — 'smaii, bet fienfer, 2d>arfrirbtcr ; — stab, bev^ObCOftOp; — token, bat SEobe8»nrjei$en ; — warrant, baS £c= befiiirtbetl ; bte XobeSbotfcfcaft; — 's wound, bic tSbtltche iBiinbe ; — watch, bte Xobrcmifjr, bet - •Boljnntrm. >\: ITHFUL, adj. toblich ; morbcrifd). DEATHLESS, adj. tinftcrblid). DEATHLIKE, adj. tobtcttdbniid), im'e tobt. DEAURATE, adj. bergolbet. To DEBAR, v. a. augfcbltefjen ; bitl = bent ; to — one's self from no pleasure, fid) fcin -Bergiiiigen oerfagett. 7b debark, t.l. n. ans 2aub ftcigctt, aiieftcigcil ; II. a. vid. to disembark. DEBARKATION, «. b«S 3lu8fdbtjfe«. To debase v. a. 1. erniebrigen, oeracbtlirb, madjcit, ^er«6»urbtgen, fchmakni, oerringern ; 2. mfalfdjenj i,, — cins, SOliinjett serfalfc^en. DEBASEMENT, s. 1. bic (grniebrtgung, fierabreuvbigung, ©cfimdleruug ; 2. ©erfalfdmng. DEBASER .« 1. bet (Srnicbriger, u.f.w.; 2. SSerfalfcher. DEBATABLE adj. fireittg. To DEBATE, r. a.Srn. ftrcitcn, bebattu ven, biebutirett ( — on, fiber) ; liberies gen, ratbfebjagen, DEBATE, s. I. bic (Strettigfeit ; 2. bet Streif, ;viuf ; 3. bic ©ebatte. DEB viKii. s. l. bet Sfreitet ; Xi«V"= taut ; 2. Soittrooerffft. v.. DEBAUCH, )'. r. ucrfiitjrcn, »crber= bcu, lictcrlid) madjen. debauch, s. bic ^cbnxfiicrci; s JJu«= fdjroeifung. DEBAUCHEDLY, adv. f<$»elgertf, ausfchweifenb. DEBAUCHEDNESS, a. bte&tcbetltcbJEeit, Sluefc&roeifuug. debauchees, tcr Scr/aH'tiicr, 2Ciift= (ittg. DEBAUCHER s. bev SBerfu&rer. DEBAUCHERY, a. 1. bte Scbroetgerei ; baS lictcrlicbe ^cbcii; 2. bic 83erffibs rung, DEBAUCHMENT, s. bic SSerffi&rung. DEBENTURE »• 1- bev Settel Obet tie Stote, rooburd) man an eine ©rbulb erinnert; 2. ji/. /xoiiiicftollvcrgii: tung; debentured goods SRucrjoUgutet. DEBHi !■:,«(/;. fdnuad), matt, traffics. To DEBILITATE v. a. fctjnjdrhcn, cnt= fid f ten. DEBILITATION, ». bic £d)a>dd)Uiig, (§ntfraftung. DEBLLITY, s. bic Scfcwacbjeif, 2d)\va- rbe, iJraftloftgfetf. DEBIT, ». m. e. bai ©eber, ©oil, bic Sdjulb; to the — of Mr. N. 511 SafUn bcS .t.Scvnt V .1J. To DEBIT, v. a. M. F. bctitiveit, bc= laftcit, in ba« Debet etitfvagen. DEBONNATR (ndn. — ly 1 , adj. I>ofItcf), freunbltdj; gfittg. DEBORAH s. Sebora (Tiraucitiiame). To DEBOUCH, v. n. mod. Mil. T. beboit^ rb'.veit, betsotbrecbeiL DEBT, s. bic Sfblllb; to bn in — , 3d)iiltcit babeii; to contract debts, ©djulben macbeit; to run into — , fid) in ©cbulben pecfen; to naj; the — Of nature, bic sd)lllj> itCll Xribtlt) ber Tiatuv bc;ah(en ; to recover a — , cine Schulb eintreibert: —book, bas <:dntlebndi, fleine ©efcpnftSbiid). DEBTEE *. bet ©laubtger. DEBTLESS, «•';'. fchulbenfrei. DEBTOR,*. 1. ber ^dmltner ; 2. .v. k. bai Debet, Soli; you are on the — side, 2ic fteben ini 2)ctct. debut, s. ber 2lnfang, cvftc 2Inftvitt (etifeSSfiebnetli rdniufpieieie, u.f.», . dkcade, .« bic Tecabc, ba8 3ef)cnb, ba8 Sabrjeljertb. decadency, *. bet SJerfaff, bic ?lb= nahmc. DECAGON, 8. ba8 3c(meif. DECALOGUE, b. bic je^n ®eoote. To decamp, d. v. Mil. r. aufbredjen (mit bent Sager)j fig. etitlaufen, ba« bonlaufen. DECAMPMENT, s. Mil. T. ber Slufs brurb (bcS 8ager8). DEC \nau, adj. ;n cincm Xccauatc gc- &5rtg. To DECANT, 0. a. abfldrcn, abgictjcn, umfuUen, alsicben. DECANTATION, e. *, (tfttg, bamtfd), falfdi; —fulness 9 tie Setriiglidifeit, ' ( >al|*dibeit, i§in« terltfttgfett. DECEITLESS, adv efMie Aalfeb. DECEIVEABLE adj 1. [cidit tn betni= gen ; 2. betriigltd), triigerifd}; — ness, 9. 1. bie Ceidjtt'gfcit berrogen |u roerbeu ; 2. ©ertiigltcbfeit. To deceive, r. a. berrugcrt, fjtnters ge^en, rfiufdjen, serleiteu; deceived by betrogen von . . . ; — of ... , getaufebt in'..,; you are — , 3ie irrcn fid). DECEIVER, ». ber SBetrfiger, "Pcrfiibrer. DKi EMBER 9. ber (OJionat 1 December, (Ibriftinonat. DECEMPEDAL, adj. jcljit gufi laih], jebnfuetg. DECEMVIR, 9. (/U8 /Deceptive. Deckptory) adj. betruglicb, berriigerifeb. DECERPTION, s. tie i'crminbcninq ber abbrnrb. To DB HARM, ». a. enttanbcrn. DECHJABLE, adj cntuteiDbar. To DECIDE, p. a. St m. cntfdjeiben, be= ftimir.en, aiiemaebctt ( — on, upon, fiber , bcutlicjjcn. DECIDEDLY, ade. eutfd)iebert, bc= ftimmt. ni'.i 'li)i:i;, 9 bei- 3tid)tcr, ^djtctemann. DECIDUOUS,^ abfoQenb; b. y.ciiu jd^rig; — ness,*. "M "JU'falleitbc. DB .'J w. [adv. — i.v, adj. jum 3ehnten geb5rig ; Mat. r nacb jepn geiccbncr, becimat; —fractions, Decinialbriicbc. To DECIMATE, v. a. 1. jebuten ; 2. Mil ; T. beu icbutcn 5?iann auelicbcn, beetmircn. DECIMATION, 9. 1. bie i'cucbiifmig, bet Jebente : 2. MS. T. bte HuSbebung btt tehnten OJianncfl. DECIMO-SEXTO, .-. Typ. T bat S format. To DECIPHER b. a. ciit^iffcrn ; cnt= rdtbfeln ; erfldrcn. DECIPHERER 9. tcr (Sntjifferer. decision, ». 1 . bie (SntfcbeiDung en:.: Streiteg, 11. f. »,); tcr eiitfrbetbenbe 31u«fvrueh ; 2. tic (Sntfcbloffenbeit. DECISIv E {adv. — ly), adj. entfd)eibeiib. befttrrtmt; to be ' — , entfebeiben, ob= fpredieii; —ness. 9.bfl« (5ntfd)citenr;. DECISORY, Bid. Dkcisivb. To DECK, o.a. 1. becfen, bebecfrn : 2 flcitcit, beflcite.t ; 3. Jtereit, febmii- cfeit, yerfebimern ; 4. mit cincm SBei becfe DClfct)Clt; a two decked Bill UHtet Decker. DECK, 9. baS 'i'evbecf; a— of cards ciu 2picl Jtartni. DECKER 9, ber 3d)mi'ufer ; m compos Tcefcr ; a two — , ein Scbtff mit |»ei iscrbeden, ber 3">cit'ccfcr. decking, s. ba« SBerbecfen (elites Scbiffee), 2itmiirfcn. To DECLAIM v. a. a- n. 1. cine SRefcf, Sinrebe balteit; 2. betlamiren: :'j etfetn fgegen), fdireien, (—on. fiber), befti^ loijieb^en, (—against, i]e;icn. DECLATMER (Dei lauamt), ■ 1. tct ©eclamatot, SRebnet ; 2. Scbrtier. DECLAM \Tli>N (Dbi laikinq . 9 bte Declamation, feierlidu- Slebe. DECLAMATORY, adj. tcclaniatprit"d\ rebnertfeb. DECLARABLE, adj. cnvciMtri'. DECLARATION. 9. 1. tic grfldntng, iiffentiidu' ©etannrmac^ung, 5Hu- jeige; 2. jtlagefd)rtft; :i. — of inde pendence, tie Unab()dngtgfcit3=@Tfld= rung ; i. 3Ingabe. DECLAB \'i'i\ 1. adj. erfldrenb, autci= aent, Crttibmacfieiib. DECLARATORY («to. — ilt),' ftimmt erfldrenb, erlauternb. To DECLARE b. I «. cifKuen, Flint t bun ; effeiuliit befaiint iiiaebett, ail jeigen, entbecfen; to — for sale, yaxt (offenili.'iH-n) Cerfauf auebieten ; 11 „ (ieb erflSren; to— ofH fi* losfagew. declaredly, «dt>. eingeflanbcHei '.V'l'atHii : offrtt. declarer, 9. bet (SrflSrer, Slnjelgtr declension, 9. 1. bte 9leioung, bei Sibling; 2. SSerfall, bteabnabme; 1 it ./.-r. T. rceliiiaiini:. declin m'.i.i:, ... wafl fidi beeltntren km, beugfam. declination. 9. 1. bie 9leigung Qiegung; 2. Qbsabme, tcr SSeVfau go DECR 3. Oram. T. bie Tcdiltafion, Ul>Kll = bung; 4. .i.'■ abroeichenb. 7-., DECLINE p. I. ». 1- ltd) bcilflctt. |tdj neigen ; 2. abmeirhen ; 3. lid) burcn, 'atuMvcidu'it; 4. abnebmcu, Dcrjebren ; 5. M a:, itacbgeben, fallen, finfeil ('.'Pil SPreifen) ; to be in a de- clining siate of health, tie 9lu8jebrung haben : bahin welfen ; n. «. 1. bens gen, neigen ; 2. meibert, vcvmcitcu, ablehneii; 3. Gram. '/'. becliuimt, beugeu. DECLINE s. 1. bie g^ci^itin-j (n>. ii.) ; •,>. SBermiuberung, SlbhaW't. ber33er= fall ; to be on the — . auf bie -Jteige a,ehcit ; Jf. £. finfcii, (im Spreife fallen. DECLIVITY, s. tie ■Mfcbu'fitgfcir, ber SHbljattg. declivitous. \adj. abbangig, ab= declivous, s fcfciiffig. ru decoct, o. a 1. abfteben, foc&en ; 2. »erbauen ; 3. ck. r. auSjieben. •jecoctible, adj. was fid; abfieben Wt DECOCTION, .1. 1. baS S?I bUcbcit ; 2. berflbfub; baS ^ecc-ct, bcv gefod)te Xxaut. decoctive, adj. roaS ficb lcid)t abs fiebcn la'ijt. DECOCTURE, s. baS Secret, bcv Slbfltb. To DECOLLATE, v. a. ClltliailptCH, E5pfen. DECOLLATION, s. bie (SltffjaUpfUng. decoloration, s. bie Savblofigfetr, (Sntfarbuttg. To DECOMPOSE '•• «• onflofcii, jers, jerlegen. DECOMPOSITE, adj. }tt>et iDi'al }ufam= meugefefer. DECOMPOSITION, s. btC BofctjUlh], Sluflofung. To DECOMPOUND, v. a. 1. jroci iDlal jufaimneiifffceit; 2.vid Decompose. DECOMPOUND rid. Decompositk [jy.loMPOUNDABLE, adj. aufliJSbar, jerfefcbar. To decorate, v. a. jicvcn, uet'jiercn, fcbmitcfen. decoration, s bie 33erjierung, Te= coration. decorator, .1. bcv SSevjierer, Shea; tcrmciftcv. DECOROUS, [adv. — ly), adj. anfiaitbig, gejiemenb. To dkcorticate, v. a. ab'cbalcn, ab= rinbcn. decortication, s bie 9lbfcb5fung, baS 'Jlbfrbalen, Slbrinben. DECORUM, h. bie SBohlanflaiibigfeif, SdmfliebEcit. To DECOY, r a. lorfen, febent, an-- Icifcu. in* 'Jltli lorfen. dec >Y. jr. 1. bie Vecfung, SPerfucbung ; gotffpeife, ber .Sober ; 2. (Sutenfang ; — Iiinl, bCV SocfCPgel; — duck, bie Socfcute. To DECREASE, o. I. n. abncbnicn, faU len fid) vcnuiiibcvu ; II a. yevmiu- berit. decrease >■. bie 9Ibuabme; bas 9lb= nebmen (bes SDJoubcS). To DECREE, v n. A a. I. bcfdilicficu, serorbueu ; 2. nierfenuen. DFCREF, *. I. ba$ Secret, (Sefcfc; bie SPerorbming; bcv ^efrbcib; 2. ber •Batbt'rblug, tic Gcbicfuua,; 3. ba? 3Llbnal)me ; 2 bcv SPeriiift. Decrepit, adj b«tf«Uig. fttigelebt, bctilrtt; — nil. a»e, Vim X'llict JC= beiujt. ion DEEP To DECREPITATE, r. I j. Ck. T. »CV= Viiffcn laffen ; II. n. vcvviiffen. DECREPITATION, s. Ch. T. bie 9Scr= pujfuiig ; baS ^Jraffeln, DECREPITNESS, ) s bie ^U'^clebthcil, DECREPITUDE, S *<^ bobc ^lltcv, btC Sllterfdjwac^e. DECRESCENT, adj. abncbnicub. DECRETAL, I. adj. c ill 2>CCVct Clltfml= tenb; II. s. beiS ©efcljluut; decretals, ;;/. bie 5>ecretaleH, ^irebengefebe bcv cvftcn SPapjle. DECRETIST, a. bcv T'ecvctift, bcv bie Secretalen ftubivt, Sebret bcv 2>ecre- talen. DECRETORY (adv. — LYJ| adj. Clltfdici; tCIlb. decrial, s. bcv iibie Diuf, bie Jl'dA)- rebe. DECRIER, s. bev Xablev, 3?cvfd)vcicv. To DECRY v. a. KlfdjVCidl, VCVVllfCH, in SSevruf 6vtngen. decubation, s. ba5 SJliebertegcn. DECUMBF.NCE (Decumbk.ncy), s. baS Siegen, bie Sage. DECUMBENT, adj. [icjcilb. decumbiture, s i. bie Settlfigeria.= feit; 2. .astro'. T. bciS Jti\infbcit3= J^oroSfop. decuple, adj. 5cbuMeb, jcbufaltig. decurion, s. bcv ©ecuvio, 21ufiibvcv eiuev Tccmic. DECURSION, s. bcv iHMaitf. DECURTATION, s. baa ?lbfiiv5CII, etnljeii. To DECUSSATE, v. a. fid) fvClt$U.H'ifc Mivcbfcbiicibeii, fid) freujen. DECUSSATK in s. bie Ereujroeife 3)nreb= ffhiieibitng ; bev 2>uvc|fd;iieibHng8= iMinft. DEDALIAN, vid. D.edam\n. dedentition, s. ba§ SltHfallett, 33cv= licrcn bcv 3«tjuc. To DEDICATE, n. a. 1 . wibmcil. UKibeil ; 2. bcbicivcit, jnfefireiben, iueigtieit. dedicate, adj gerotDmet, gcivcibf. dedication .«. i. bie SBibmung ; SBei« bung; 2.1)cbicaticii / 3ueignung, 3 ll = fchrift. 3 lu ''!l 1 ' lll, A-"f'tvift; — day, bai Sdmblieiligeiifeft enter Jlivcbc. dedicator, s. bcv 2i3ibmciite, Sebi= taut. DEDICATORY, adj. }Ueii1,neitb ; — let- ter bie 3ueigitmij]«fd)vifr. dedition, «. bie Ucbergabe, UeBer* liefevung. Tii DEDUCE, v a. bci'Icifcit, fotgCVll, fitlicfjcn ; ableiteit, folgeit laffen. DEDUCEMENT, s. bie e'djlllfifplfif. DEDUC1BLE, adj. bcvjulcitcn, ju 'febtic= fjClt. To deduct, o. a. abjicbeit, abnci;men, abvcdutcii ( — from. »on). deduction, s. 1. bev Slbjug, bie 916= vcrfmitita, : 2. Sr^luSfoIge ; ShtSfiijjs rung, anc-fiibvltite JBorfteUung. DEDUCTIVE, adj. bcvnileiteil, ' UI fol= gent ; — ly, adr. folgerungSwcife. DEED, s. i. bie 3: hat, Jjpanblung ; 2. Urfunbe, Scbrifr, bas document, bcv Contract; taken in the very — , auf bev £hat ergriffen; — poll, bev cinfadic (5entracr. To deed. v. a. Am. bccumciitarifcft iibermacben. deedless, ai}. untbStig, tf)ifenIo«. To DEEM, r. a. baftiv tjaltcn, iiicincit, iev:)ad)tcu. DEEP Into.— it), I. adj 1. tief ; 2. fg. biuifel, oerborgen, fdiivcv; 3. fd)avf; Rrbtig tiefftnuig; 4. fetevUc^, gro^ ; 5. fcblau, serfleat; (—in ..., flavt in ...); IT. s 1. bie £icfcj 2. * baS 9Keer; 3. bie fcicvliebc -Stille ; in the — of iiisnt. mitten in tin ber Siobtetis fiiile) bcv Warbt; in the — of winter, mitten im SSiutev ; in compos. — draw- DEFE in», a: t. tief im SSaffel gebenb; — . drinking, gaming, &e., baS ftarft (ul'cvinaf;i)ic Jviiifcn, Spielen, u. f, IV. ; — mouthed, von ftavfer ©tt'liw me; — musing, iiadjtciifenb; ticffiu= llig ; a — scholar. C 1 11 i]l-|illMid)CV @c leljvtcv; — read, fchv btiefen; — sea line, ./v. t. bie grofie Sorfeieine; — toned, tiefrUuig: — iy in debt, tief in Sdjulben ftccfcnb. To DEEPEN, v i. a. 1. tief machcu, oers ticfen; 2. biuifel madicu; II. n. tief mevben, fid) (nad) uub nad)) feufeu; deepening tools, t. SBertiefungSroerf= jenge. deepness, «. 1. bie £tefe; 2. Scarfs ftnnigfeit; 3. fiinterlijt. deer. s. ba3 Scotbuulb; bcv .Oivfrfi ; baSSReb; fallow — , bcv Tambivfrb; red — , bcv «5irfcfi, bie ^itibinn ; — field, bcv •I'jjf, Jtb^iergarten ; — hays, sp. k gvoiit ^t%t Ijum SSBilbfang) ; — skins. Sicbbaute. To DEFACE, o. a. 1. cutftcllen, perun= ftalten, fdianbeit, oerbrrbeu ; 2. au«= IBfdjen, jcvnidjtcu, uertilgeu. DEFACEMENT, s. 1. bie (Sntfielfitttg, Srianbung ; 2. SluSlofchung, 3 f r= tiid)tung. defaceii, s. bet SSerberBer, SSertilgcr. To DEFALCATE, v. a. DCVmillbCVll, ab= bvecben, abvecbiten, abjieben, fiivjcit. defalcation, s. 1. bie SSermiitbe* rung; 2. bcv x'lbbvmt, 9lbnig. defamation, s. bie ^cvlaumbuug, Srhntabung. defamatory, adj. '.cvtaumbevifcb, fd)mabeub; — libel, bie 2d)mab= fdjrift. To DEFAME, r. a. »CVfd)Vficit, W leuiubcn, ocrunglimpfen, (aftertt. defamer. g. bev iievlcuiubcv, (S'[);eu« fttanber, Saftcvcv. default, *. 1. ber SKanael, bie (fr« mangelung ; 2. SSernarhldffigung, ber ftehlcv, baS 33erfctjen : 3. /,. t. bie SBerabfaumnng, bag 9!id)tcvfd)cinen I'OV ©CVtebt; in — whereof, ill 'i'r= mangelung beffeu, tuibrigen 5JaU8; the dogs are at a — , bie .gutiibc babcu bie Spur oerloren. T> default, v. n. cvmaujclu, 511 cv= fallen unterlaffeu. defaulter, 8. bcv 91'ovtbviid)igc, Slusbleibenbe. defeasance, s. L. T. bie ?litfbcln.nig eiitc'3 3Sertrag§ ( u. f. to. ; SlntiuUaHon* glaufel. defeasible, aaj. wciS uiigiiltii] ge« ntad)t werben taiin. defeat. 3. i. bie SftieberJagcj 2. iSei-- nicbtung; 3. SBereitelung. To DEFEAT, v a. I. iibcvuunbett (eiu >C">ecv), fcblagcn ; 2. »eniid)ten, a;if= beben, fitr uiniiiltig evflaveu; 3. »cv* citeln. ju 2d)auben maeben. To DEFECATE, v. a. Ch. T lailtevn, ah' jieben, abflaren, reinigen. DEFECATION, s. bie ^autcviuig. defect, s. bcv SDZangel, Slbgang; 2. Sebler, 3vvtbnm, his SJerge^eit; 3. baS @cbved)cn. DEFECTION, .«. 1. bCV OTailijd; 2. lit abfriinnigfeit, bcv 3lbfall. DEFECTIVE {«d,\ — ly), adj. 1. man. gelbaft, unooHftanbig, fcblcvbaft; 2. tabclu-?ivcvtf) ; to he — (in), e8 uevfe> ben, fcblen ; — ness $. bie 3Jiangcl= baftigFcit. defence, s. 1. bie sSerfJjeibigung ; bet Sdmb. bie Sicbevbcit; 2. Mil. T. bit SBefeftigunggfunfl \ 3. /.. t. bie ©e» geitvcbe, Slerbtfertigung ; line of — bie ®reuj=2Bacf)e, ber (2perr«)6or» bDlt ; 4. defences, s. pi. Mil. '/'. tie SBe< fefligung«roerl!e ; 11. T ffiaffeu bet Sbiere. DEFI DEGR DELE IEFENC ET.F.SS, adj. If adv. 1. oljlte Scfyut}, mehrloSj 2. obnmadjtig; — ness. s. bie .Oiilflofigfcit. r» defend, v. a. vcrrbcibigcn ; k- fcfciihcn (— against, gegen) ; fid;crn, bctvabren (— from, uor . DEPENDABLE, «#. ami fid) serffcetbis gen lijjf. DEPENDANT, I. adj. »erfbeibtgenb 5 IL *. ber fQertfjeibigc r ; $8cftagte. defender .. ber SBerftyeibtger j 33c= frbiifccr; 93erfed)ter. I usative. ». 1. bic SBerfneibi= aung, ber Sriwfe ; 2. s. r. SBerbanb, baS Sgffafter, ti. f. w. rctnc SOunbe 511 fdnifecn) ; 3. .v«/. r. ©cgeitgiff. DEFENSIBLE, adj. 511 vertfjcibigcit ; Sjalrbar. defensive, i. o-//. oerfbeibigcnb, fdn'i= ^nib : — arms', bic SebufcUMffcn ; u. «.baa SBert&eibigen ; SSerrbeibignngSs rnittcl ; Mil. r bie ©efenftse; tn stand upon the — , fid) DertfjcibignngSmeife »erbalten ; — iy, ode. »ert&eibigung8* roeife. To DEFER, ». a. I. aiiffrbt'cbrit, vcr= fdiiebcn. »erjogent; 2. fiberlaffen, aiibcimftcllcn ; rr. 71 narbgeben. DEFERENCE, s 1. bic ^tiling, (vbr-- crbictniia : 2. ©efafligfeif. i>erabfaf= fnitg; ftarfigiebiafeif; 3. Sinnfinu fielding. Unferreerfiing : in — rothe ladies (MS Wdjfung (©efafligfetfl fiir bic $>nmen; in pav — , fcitic (Sfyttv fcicfiitig bcuigcit, cbrctt. deferent. ». *,•>.,*. i. ber Subret; 2. jTanal. bie 5R8fire; 3. r?pferents. /-/. s. r. Saffrobrdjen, abieifenbe ®ef5fie (im menfdjlidjen Sorter). DEFERMENT, s. ber l ,>!uffduib. Deferrer, ^. ber etrcas wfdjiebt, 35gerer. defiance, *. 1 bie 9Iusforberung; 2. ber 3'rpfe, ,§oljn. DEFIATOry, adj. fjerausforbernb, tro= fcig, Trpfe biefenb. DEFICIENCY (—ry\ ... J. berOTangeT, bic ltn$ulfina.!tcbfeif; Un»o[Iftanbig= fcif, Unsoflfommenkit : 2. baS Tirfv- fcnbe, Deficit, ItnfergettMcIjt ; to make ll|) for a — , biVS jYCbicitbC crgdtueit ; defWoney of the store, .1/. /:. baS ?a= gcr=-?l?aiicp. deficient (adv. — ,. v \ adj. mangels haft, ttnjufangTirft ; unr-olwlnbig ; 1 shall tmt bi — , id) tverbe itidjt rrntctiu grin; to be — in. 37Jangel baben nu — (itrfid fern in , ... DEFIER ». ber Srofibierenbe, SerScfc for, SluSforbercr, .fieransforberer. To DEFILE, r. 1 „. 1. bcfTccfcii. beflU bclu, enfroeifien ; serberben ; 2 fr6an= ben, entebren : it. „. .1/ r, v. beftltren, in fdnimleii (STiebern ober SKanit fiir SDianti marfebiren. DEFDLE, ». ber nige 2Beg. .c= jiimmung. DEFINITIVE (adv.— ly\ adj. be itillllllf, entfe^eibenb, anSbrurflicft, befinitiu; — sentence, bfl« (yittiiribeil ; — nem. s. bie SBefiimmtfyeir, bad (?ntfd)ci= benbe. deflagrabilttt, ... bic SBertrenn» lirbfcif, ^crbrcitiibarfcit. DEFLAGRABLE, adj. ucibrcmilid;, »er= bi'Ctinbar. To DEFLAGRATE, v. a. a. T. ccrbrcn= neu, Iciutcrti. DEFLA(JRATION, s. CA T. bie 33cr= bveuiuuig, SluSbrennung. To DEFLECT, r». I. n. fid; [etfwarffl menben, nbrocid;cit; If. c. feitiiMito toenben, biegen. DEFLECTION,? s,:„c«f. :j defloration, a. 1. bie JBetaubuiifl ber Simgferfdjnfr, Scbanb-^; 2, 2tu8n)af)(, ber Jtetn. To DEFLOUR, r. a. 1. (cine 3ungfiMii) frbivadicn, fdjanben, enfjuiigfern ; 2. Berunjteren ; 3. berSBIumen ierauben. DEFLOURER, s. ber lilnciifd^iiitcr. DEFLUX ». ber Slbjlujj. DEFLUXION, .-• . 1. ber SlbffuJ; a(ip1; 2. ©fi^nuvfen. To deforce, 0. a. i.. t. geiualtfam cDieutbaltcn. DEFORCEMENT, ». /.. T. bic gefraftfiu mc Sorentbaltung. DEFORCIANT, a L. T. ber ctaniS gc= amltfani sorcntbalt. To DEFORM, v. a. i. vcrullitrtlfcit, Cllt= ftcllctt; 2. ciitcfnen, ucruiicbrcn. deform, adj. ungcftdr, uiigeftaltef, bafltcb. deformation, ». bic SScruiiftaltung, @ntfteUung. DEFORMED (adv. — i.y\ adj. enrfreflr, ungcftalt, mipgtftalfcf, bafjlid); — ness, s. bic Uiii]'cft>ilihcif, -\>o fU trf>Feit. ni:i( iRMElt, », ber Serunftalter. DEFORMITY, s. bie Ungcftalrbcit, llit= gcftalt, .Oaf'licbfcit, (Mcbrcdilid)fcit. To DEFRAUD, v. a. bctriigcit, inn ct= was bringeit, beoortbeiien. defrauder, 8. ber SBetrnger. defraudment, s. ber ©etrug; bai SBctritgen. To DEFRAY, v. a. (bie Soften bejtrei= ten), bqablcti; to — one's expi eiiicn frci baltcit. DEFRAYER, ». ber 'Jliibcrc frci Kiit. defrayment, », baS gretyalten, bie SBcfrreitung ber Soften. DEFTLY, om'c. fliuf, gefdiieff, gc= a> a 11b t. DEFUNCT, adj. I'd jtorben. vvDEFY. a.a. I. berausfbrberii ; auffor bern ; 2. Jrclj bicfen ; .tSubii fprcdicn. DEFYER, 8. r„i Hkiihr." degeneracy. ».bt' JluSarhtng, fgnr* arliing; 33erberbt()eif; baS Serserbfii. To DEGENERATE, «. it. auS ber Slrt fcblagcit, ansartcn [—Into, in), cut= nrten. DEGENERATE (adv. — i.y), adj. ttUSftes arret, entailer, uerberbr, niebrtg, fdianblid) ; — ness, ». bic iHnSartungi baS ^crbcrbnifj. DEGENERATION, ». bie ?IuSartung, (Sntarrung. DEGENEROUS (adv. — i.y\ adj. I. cnt= artct; 2. niebrig, unwiirbig, unebel. To DEGLUTINATE, 0. a, (bat Wcleini= tc) abrcificn. DEGLUTITION, t. baS Sebhicfcn, S« fcbliicfcn. DEGRADATION, «. 1, bic ?lbfet}intg, dntfe^ung »on cittcr SBurbe Dbe« @bte; (f'ntiviirbigiiiig ; iMitcbniiig ; (Sriiiebrtgung; .^crmitcrfcijiing, ^ers abrofirbigung ; 2. ©iitartung; 3. T. bie ?Ibflufiing (affmaViiflf Srbi t \v rbung) rcr $arben iuid bee £id)ts. 7b DEGRADE, v. a. 1. femer QJurben Ullb (5brcn ciitfc^en, bcrabii'uibigen, erniebrigen, cntcbrrit; 2. Dtrringern. DBG I! A DEM ENT, ». t tc 9bfe|ung, felts ff&ung. degree, ... I. bie Sfufe, ber (Drab, Scbritt; 2. Stanb, SKangj 3. t. bic 3nter»alie: a — of latitude or longi- tude, cin ©rab ber SBreife rber ber Sange; to a — , genjiffcrmapen; in toe highest — , im bbdjftcn ©rabc; by — s, ftufentoeife, afimablifl. DEGU8TAT10N, « ba< .upitcn. 7b DEHORT, p. a. aubcrratben, abva = then, abmabnen. DEHORTATION, «. baS 2l'itcrratbci!, Olbratbcn, tie 2lbmabnung. DEHORTATORY, adj. au'terratbcnb aluatbciib. DEHORTER, s. ber ?lbrutbcnbc. DEICEDE, a. 1. ber ©OtteSinotb; 2. ©otteSmSrber. DEIFIC adj. vergpttcrnb. DEIFICATION,* tic U-'cigottcriing. deifier, a. ber Sergotteret, @5t>en» bienrr. DEIFORM, adj cine gbttliite ©eftalt babenb, ©pit abnlidv gottlid). To DEIFY, b. a. 1. ycrgpticrii ; 2. fiber* mcijig Ipben, crbtbcii. To DEIGN, o. I. » aitrbigcit, geriibcn, bcliebcii; U. a. ucrftattcn, gcivaluen, ciianbcii, bcaulligcn. DE1PAR< »U8, adj. eineii ©Ptt gebarcnb, gpttgebarcnb l»pn ber3ungfrau SDJas via). DEISM, s. ber ©pttcSglaiibc /rbne ©lauben an Offenbarmig), ©eiSmnS. DEIST, a. ber £cift. DEISmCAL, adj. bciftifcr). DEITY, ... bie ©ptl licit, ber ©ptt. To DEJECT, b. a. nictcnVblagcii, traii-- rig ptcr muthics inarben. DEJECT (adv. — ly), adj. rid. Dejected <$• — LY. DIME! TED (adv. —i.y' 1 , adj. llicbcr^r-' fdilagen, traurig, mutbloS, befriibt; — ness. .. bic SJJicbergcfcblagenbeit. DEJECflONj ... I. bie [Rieberge dbla- genbeir, 5;raurigfett; 2. Med. r ber gtublgaiig, bic drcreinente. DEJECTORY, tij Med T. bcil «tllbl^ gang beforbernb, nbfubrenb. DEJECTURE, ». tic (ieber. DELAYMENT, ». ber '.'luffd'nb, baJ .Ciinternifi. DELEBLE, adj. vnlofd'bar. DELECTABLE .v —i.y). adj. crg5$= lid), erfrenltd), angeiicbnt; —ness, bic 3Iniiebinlidjfeit, (SraBftfidjrtit. DELECTATION, a tic SrgS^ung, bal SBergnugen, bic 5?nit. DELEGA< !Y, ... vid. Delcoatwn, 7b deleg \n\ g a. I. abfenbeii nitit cincin JIuftragc . aborbnen, b(!>oQ< mae^tigeit; 2. fibertragen, bcauftra. gen. 101 DELI DEMA DEMO delegate, I. adj. abgeorbner, BeooH: madjtigt; U. *. bet Slbgeorbnete, ?c= •jgot; court of delegates, bic Bepura= ion, Sommiffiou. DELEGATION, s. 1. tic SlbfenbUltg; SJlborbuung, ©eoollmac&rtgMig j 3ln= meifung ; 2. /.. r. ^Delegation, vLthvc-- meifung; 3. bte Slbgeorbneten. DELETERIOUS, adj. fdjat lid), Derberb* lid), tbbtlirb, gifttg. deletion. <■. bie SluSlSfdj-jng. DELETORY, adj. bad ")lttc-tbfd)Cilbe. DELF or DELF-WARE, *. bflS SDelftcr* 3eug, ©teingur, albpor$eUan, tic ga^ance. 7b DELIBERATE 0. a. * " 1. ratb> nMagctt, beratjjen (— on, fiber , iibcr= [egen, errongen; 2. jogem. DELIBERATE (ate. — ly), orf/- bcbad)t= fam. befonnen, bcbadjtig, oorfid^ttg ; umftdjtig ; faltblfitig; — ness, s. bie i'ctadni'amfett, SBebSdjtigfett, SBe* founeubeir. 83orftc|ttgfett,Uinffdjttgs fcit, .Kaltblutigfeit deliberation, s. bte 93eratt)fd)la= gung, Ueberlegung, Gonferenj. DELIBERATIVE (adv. — ly), adj. bc= ratbfdilagenb, fiberlegenb, fiberlegt, uorfafetid). DELIBERATIVE, s. bte (mfillblidK) sBcrathfcblagung. DELICACY, s. 1. bcr Kobfgcfdimaci ; 2. bie gerfer&afrtgfeit; gecferei; 3. Acinbcit, Bart^eit ; 4. 9licblid)feit; oici'lidiEeit; 5. jig. Seticateffe, bo8 3artgcfuhl; bie (fmpfiublicbfeit ; 6. ©djmadje. DELICATE (adv. — ly), «'//. 1. fojtlid), licblid) (yon ©efdimacf j ; 2. [erfer ; 3. feu:, jatt, jartlid); tiicblid); 4. fetit fublcnb; cfcl, empftnblid); 5. nfeeitg, intBlid); — ness, s. bie 3 nvt= kit, 35rtltt$ffit; 9cteblirf)fcit; Sanftmutb. DELICIOUS (adv. — ly), adj. fbftlid), liebltd), bcrrlidi, angenebm ; —ness, s. bie Sicblidjtcit, Vuft, SBonne. deligation, s. s. T. bas 3ubinben ; &erbinben. delight, s. ba8 SJergnugen, 2Bojjlbe= bagen, bte bobe Sreube, Sufi, Sonne, (Stgj>$uttfi; ba8(5ntjucren; to take- in, tetn SBoijlgefallenJjaben an .... To delight, v. I. a. vcrauugcu, erfrctu en, ergij&eu; n. n. fern 33ergnugcn (in, an ettoaS) fillbett ; to — in hunt- ing, feme 8uft an bcr 3agb babcit ; to — in mischief, fd>abcitfrob fentt. delighted, adj. Bergnugt, fteuben= soil ; to be — at, enfjucff fe»n fiber . . ; feiil SBergnfigen an ctivaS fitibcu. delighter, b. bet greube woraa ftn= bet, fid) an etwas cr^o^r. delightful (a«/o. — ly), «*/. ergB&s ltd), angeuefjm; — ness, *. bie @rgofc= lid)feit, x'lnncbiuliobfeif. deligiitless, adj. freubenlos. DELIGHTSOME (adv. — ly), adj.— ness, vid. Deliqhtful, &c. DELINEAMENT, s. fca8 ©ematbe, bie 3eid)nung. To DELINEATE, v. a. 1. i;cid)tlCU, C!tt= rocrfeu, abrcificu ; 2. fdnlbcrn, ntalett. DELINEATION, s. 1. bet Scifi, (Site nntrf, fie 3etd)nung ; 2. ©d&ilberung. DELlNEATORY,arf/. leidjnenb, f£tjicn= l)a\t, tin (SnttiMtrfc bcftitblid). delinquencv. s . bas SSetbtec^en, bie Ucbclthat, a^tffetbat. •jkunuuent, s. bcr aSetbredjer, Uc= bcltbater, 'lliiffethatcr. To DELiaUATE (Dbhalb= ftiefcln jum Sicitcit^; — cross, JV. T. ein 2ottueu= unb trtcrucnbbbenmcfs fer; Gun. T-s. — culverin, bie balbe Belbfdilange; — cannon of the loicesl size, bcr 9-$ffinber ; — cannon ordi- nary, bet 10- bi8 11-^fiittbcr; — cannon elder sort, ber 12- big 13-^full= bcr; demi devil, bcr .^albfcufet ; — Rod.bcrfialbgott ;— island, bie .£>alb= infel; —john, bie J?orbf5afi"be ; — lance, bie furje Saitjc- dntcrptcfc ; — man, bcr .Oalbmcilfrf) ; — quaver, Mus. T. bic 2cd)5ebutbeilnofc ; — rep, cut grauenjimmer vou ju'cifeibaffcm dlnf; — semi-quaver, Mus. T. bie Bmctuubbrcifugtbeiluotc; —wolf, bcr apolfgbunb. demise. 5. 1. bcr .giitfritf, bai .^iit= fdictbcn, Slbflerben (be8 ^6nig8),Ue= bergebcu (bcr Jtrouc) ; 2. S3er^ad>= ten, 33ermact}en. To demise, v. a. sicrpadifcn, Btrtnie* tben ; to — by will, tcftaincutarifd; oermadjen. demission, s. bie 2lbfc^ung, fitttfe= fcung, (Sntlaffung, democracy, .«. bie 2)emoEiatie, SBolflregierung. DEMOCRAT, I b Scnofrat. DEM0CRATIS1', ) * HMU1 ' DEMOCRATICAL (— ic ; ado." — ly) adj. bemofratifd). To demolish, v. a. nii'bctrcit'cn, rin» rcifiett, fd)lcifcn, jerftorcu, ju ©runb rirbten. DEMOusiiER, *. bcr Scvftorcr, 3>er-= tviifter. DEMOLESHMENT. *. bte SJcrroiiffitng, 3erJtorung, bcr SQerfaH. < demolition, s. bie "Jitebcrreifiuita,. baS (5iitrcif;c;t, Slbbrecben, bie 3er» florung. demon, s, ber Tamou. DEMONIAC. ) ,. , f nrxi.ivr \c\T C fl^'- 1 • teuflt * I DEMONIACAL > j, c f c jT c „ DEMONIAN, ) iMM!'-". DENO DEPA DEPO Demoniac, *. bet Sefeffene. DEMONOCRACY, *. tic ©ciftctgevoalt, SEeufelSmacbt. DEMi >N< >L \'i'i:v. s. tic ©erebjUltg bc3 SenfcU, bet .icufcL-ttcitit. Demonology, a. tie ©amonologie, Sefcte son ©amonen, ©ciftcvtebrc. DEM( INOMIST, «. bcr tern Xeufel St* gebene. DEMONOMY, ». bie.§ctrfcbaft te3 Ztn* fel«. DEMONSTRABLE (arfr. — ly). aa>". Ct= UH-ietid), berueiSbar, barlegbar, utt= lengbar: — ness,s. bie (SvroetMicbfeit, Unlaugbarfeif. To DEMONSTRATE, p. c. etWCtfelt, te= Wetfett, tartbiut. DEMONSTRATE »N, ». tcr ©ewet'8, tic ©eweUfufjtung, tcr (SttveiS, tie 33c= weifung. DEMONSTRATIVE, a#. 1. bcwcifcub ; bi'uttia,, ubetjeugenb; 2. Oram. t. binnmfcnb ; — pronouns, tjirtroeifeitbe 8urro5tter ; (— ly, adv.) turd) ©e* weife, unlaugbar. DEMONSTRATOR, s. tct ©cn>ei5fiib> ret, Srflavet. DEMONSTRATORY, adj. ubetteuaenb. DEMORALIZATION, s. tic (fntftttlis r^ung, Sittcit9crfcr)led;tetung, (Sut= artuiig. To DEMORALIZE, ». a. jttfcilIoS ma= d)cn, entfittiicbett, serfebitcbteru. DEMULCENT, adj. liuberiib, mtlbcrnb, ervuetdjent. Ta DEMUR, ». v. L.T.\. (fttttuenbuits gen macbett; 2. ©ebenflttfcfeit dn= j'ent, jweifeln, flotfen, Slnflanb neb= men ; 3. auffebieben. DEMUR,*. 1. tic ©cbenfiicbfcit, bcr ,V.vcifcl ; 2. 51uffd)itb, ©etjug. DEMURE {ado. —m),adj. eljrbar, crttft, ernftbaft, gefefct, graoitatifeb, ft'tt= fam ; — ness, *. tic (Srnftbaftigleit, ©cfefetbeit, ©raeitat, ©teifbeit. demurrage, s. m. F. bas Ciegegelb. DEMURRER, s. L. T. 1. tcr Sluffcbltb ; 2. bet 3'i"tercv. DEN, s. tic .tpbhlc, ©rube, bet Sail. To DEN, r. n. tit CtilCf 66&U vvpblien. DENARY s. tic 3'^)l 3*f)". fcet 3cb= net. To DENATIONALIZE, p. a. ba3 ^edjt t*r SRattoit ucbiiieu (5. i*. etnem Sdjtffe). dendrite, ft bet £>enbrit,©auinftein. dendrology, ». tic ©aumfunbe. DENIABLE, adj langbar, pcntciitbar. DENIAL, s. 1. b«8 Saugnen; tic i"cr= itciiittng ; ©cdaiigmiitg, $ibfcbroi5= tung ; 2. ©erweigerung, abfcblcigigc '■•.'Itttvoort. DENIES, ». tcr ©erneiner, Slblaugnet; ©erfagct ; Sffiiberfpretber. DENIER, «. tcr denier (franjoftfebe pfennig). TV DENIGRATE, p. a. fdjiuav^cit. DENIGRATION,* brtfi Scbroarjett. DENIS, ». ©ionijftus OJJannSnamc). denizatii >N,». j..t. bie greimadjnng, Sinburgerung ; bad ©iirgerrecbr. DENIZEN, *./, T. tcr frcie ©firger, ©ingebitrgevte. lb DENIZEN, v. a. L. T. fret mad)Cit, bas Srembburgerrecbf cvtbcilcit. DENMARK, 8. ©aitematf: — satin, tcr fuperfeine Satinet oberSafting. DENOMINABLE, adj. ltcnnbar, benciin = bar. To DEN( iMINATE, v.a. ncmicit, beitcn= lieu. Denominations. 1. tic ©enennung, ©ejeiebnung, fctt 9tame; 2. tic (STaffe, ^c'Ete DENOMINATIVE a$ bcitcintctit. denominator, ». 1. tcr SRamenge* bet; 2. Ma"i. t. bcr tenner. denotable. adj. was fid) bejeic^nen lafit, itntetfdjetbbar. denotation, *. tic SBejeidjimng ; Slngabe. DENOTATIVE, adj. tc;cid'i!cnt. To denote, v. a. bejeidjnen, cmjei= gcit, anbeuten, bctcutcn. DENOTEMENT, s. tic i'CjCidniung, 3lnjeige. DENOUEMENT, ». (ftattjofifd)) bie ©ntmidfelung (cittci Sroma), Tb denounce, ?-. a, 1, aiifutibtgen, aiiKtjcit; 2. (offentlid;) tugeu, feine Sttmine gegen ettoaS cibcbcit; »ets Elagen ; :i. Ih-moK-ii. DENOUNCEMENT, 8. 1 . tic ?lnfit:ibi= gung, Slufnge; 2. 5lnflflge, SfJiige. denouncer, s. 1. bet Slnfaget, Jin* Ciinbiget, S3et!unbiget ; 2. Slitgebet: 3. Dtiigcr. DENSE, adj. btd)f. DENSENESS, I s tic ^idiiin-it, X;d;= DENSITY, \ tigfeit. DENT, *. tic .Ucrbc, tcr (5ten. To DEOBSTRTJCT, 0. a. (bO« SetftOJjf* tc 5ffnett. BSTRUENT, I. adj. Med. T. 5f= nenb; n.*. Med. t. baS Ccjfntii!;]^ mittcl. DEODAND,* L. T.od6 "crfalfcnc ctcr oerwirfte (Mat. To DE( ixidate. v. a. ch. T. cittfaiicnt, vi.Mii Sauerfloffe befieieit. DE0XYDATlpN.«.C4. T bie (Mitfauc= vitn,i, SQefreiung 00m 2ancrftoffc To ni. paint, ,-. 0.1. abnialcit, ntalcit : '.'../.v. fdultcrn, befdncibcu. DEPAINTER, *. + tcr i'ialcr. To DEPART, v.v. I. fdintcn : Wegges lu-ii, abjclu-ii, abrct'fett ; abfegelii; roetcben, abftcbcn ; »etla|fen; 2. uetFcljetben, ftcrben ; to — for.., obreifen nadt . . . ; to —this life, ani biefer SBelt gt^en : to — from, ton etwafi ab.iv'hcn, abivcidicn. DEPARTMENT, ».l ta-J Icvavtcmcitt bcrjircis; 2. t.v! (SSet»altunfl«sJ ,vad\ bet ®ef4>aft«ftei«. DEPARTURE,* 1. bafi SBeggeben, bti .'Ibvcn'c, bw -.'Ibni fung; 2. bet Job, bafl ^infdjeiben 3. .\ - . T. tcr Untetfc|)ifb in bet afrro noinifdjen 2dnge ; letter Df— , .1;. r. bet 33ettte6?=©tief. DEPASCENT, a freffcti ; 11. ». roeiben, grafen. To DEPAUPERATE d a. arm macben. To DEPEND, r.n 1. bcriuitcr- ctcr bcr* abbaiutcii; b,-n,icii, fdjroeien; 2. unentfobieben fevn: 3. to — upon vcu erroaj obpfingen, ctcr ^b= pangig ftyn, tcm ange^oren, juge* bbrcn ; 4. fid) anf ctiiMs oerl fid 1 gettofien ; bn has little to — upon, cr bat rocnig 93etm5gen: people to be di 1 juuetliifitgt 2eute. DEPENDENCE [— cy), ». 1 boi fibbrtngen; 2. bie 9Ibbaiigtgfeit j Pet 3ufaiitmciibait,i; bit SBetoinl 3. bet vliiban.t, ba§ ^ubcb: . Serttauen, bie Sic^erbeit; there i» no — on it. man fanu fid) niefct tar= nuf oerlaffen ; —upon God, bie 96= bangigfeit son ©ott. DEPENDENT, I. adj. 1. bembban* gent ; 2. abbangi;] ( — on, Don , un= rerroorfen ; 11. ». bet Utitetrootfene, Q3afall, 11. f. to. ; Slntjanger. DEPENDING, adj. Ultentfdjiebcil ; itbai been lone — ,ti bat Innge bingeban= gen, ifllangeuuentfdjieben gcblieben. DEPERDIT, ». ta:> fBetlotne. DEPERDITION, *. I. bie SBcrberbung. 3crji6tung,aSernicbtitng; 2. bet93et= Inft. To DEPHLEGM, I o.a. Ck. T. tnU To DEPHLEGMATE, J U'affertt, reet:« ficiren. DE^HLEGMATION, ,. Ch. T. tie (rut. rofifferung, ^Rectification. To DEPHD IGISTICATE, v. a. vett SBrennftoff befreien. PICT, To DEPICTl veil : 2. Kg. fdi'iltcrn. To depilate, p. a. bie §aare ant* raufen, eutbaaren. depilath in, *. ba8 SBegne^nien ctct ;!len tcr ,>3aare. depilatory, adj. bie .Oaarc n>rgntb> menb. deplantatii »N, ». tie Setpftanjunfl. ffietftfcung. depletI' in. ». bit SluSleetung. DEPLOB UJLE .. — ly), adj. bc= HagenSrourbig, beHagenStoettbitrau* tig, f laglid), dent, boffnungslo*; — . tcr bcfla.icihMVcrtbc 3>'ii^nt, ticKlaaJidifctr, fa* CMent. DEPLORATION, *. ba« ©ellafltn, 23e= jammein. 7b DEPLORE, c. a. ?ctraurcn, beroeia licit, bcfla.iett, bcjanimcrit. DEPLORER, *. tcr ©eiveinenbe. To DEPLOY, p. a. Mil. T. teplo'.)ircit, entroicfetn. DEPLUMATION,*. f.baS Oliiornvfcn tcr gebetn; 2. Med. T. ba« Sc^meHen tcr Sitgenlieber, oerbnnbeit init tent 3lu4fauen bet Siugtitbrauen. To DEPLUME, p. a. inpfcit ^etern , an-M'iii'icn. DEPONENT, ». t. /'.. T. bet becibetj 3ciuic, Deponent, SJuefagetj 2. POPULATE, p I. a. cnfvMfcrn vcihceren; li n. eutv5(fert ivcrtcii. DEPOPULATION, ,. tie O"i:tyolfcruttg SBerbeerntig. DEPOPULATOR, ■■ bet @nt»9IfecttSt ceter, Senufi PORT, 0. .7. ). bciibcrlnf-n u:- r, ? p. a. 1. maleit, ab= ruRE, \ inalen, portrairis DEPR DERI DESE fdjaffeu ; 2. (<-<-ti. — one's self) fid) ocrbultcu bcncl;mcn, bctragcn, auf= fiihrctt. &EPORTMENT Deport *).*. bafi SBers batten, Setragen, etc 3luffubjung, ■fialfung. DEPOBTATION, s. tie deportation, SBerbannuiig, (SanbefrOSSerroeifung. deposable, adj. I.wegnebmtar, Cllt= tie&bar ; 2. abfefcbat. deposal,*. bie Sfcronentfeftung. Slo= fcfcuitg. 7V> DEPOSE, ». a. 1. itiebcrfcfecrt ; 2. abfefeeit, entfefeen, rntt&ronen; 3. also n.) (etblid)) auSfagen, jeugen, ccjeugcit. DEPOSER, .?. ciiicv, bcr abfcfct; bcr (Snife&er. To DEPOSIT, o. a. 1., anle= gen ; 2. nieberlegcn, fciftterfegen, be= bontren. deposits. 1. baS ntebergelegte, an= ocrtraute ®uf, §Pfanb; 2. ba<5 5ln= gclb ; 3. bcr Serroabrungsort. DEPOSITARY, s. bcr Scpofitar, 93cr= roabrer (eilter .fjititcrlage). deposition, s. 1. a. 7'. bic 3?ugen« ausfage, £>el>ofition ; 2. Slbfeftung, Entfefcung, tfntthrcatung; 3. 9cie= betfegitna, ; to make a — upon oath, cine "iltts'fage ciblicb crbarten. depository, s bet 33enoa&ruttg80rr ( SRieberlageort. DEPOSTTUM, s. vid. Deposit. depot, s. mod. bagSDeyot, bic 9cie= berlage. depravation, s. bic SSevfdjTtmmcs rung, ba§ SSerbcrben ; tic 33erberbt= i)cit'; bic (nitartnua, 3IuS«rfung. To DEPRAVE, >■. n. scrfdilinuncrn, serberben, oerfalfcfcen, ucrfubrcu. DEPRAVED {adv. — ly). adj. 5:CVbOV= ben, yerberbt, ycrfiibrf, entartet ; — ness, s. bie SBerberbtheit; SSerfafs febung. . vvement, s. has SBcrberbnijj, ^ctberbett. DEPRAVER s. bet SBerber&er, SScrfaU f.ter, SSevfiibvcr. depravity, s. bie SBerborbcn&cit, Serberbtbeif, ba8 SBer&etben. To deprecate, v. a. 1. abbittctt, yer= bitten ; 2. bebancnt. DEPRECATION, ». bic SlBbifte. DEPRECATIVE (— tory), adj. abbit-- renb; - letter, bic fdniftticbe 316= bitte. DEPRECATOR, ». bcr 3Ibbtttet. To depreciate. ». i o. 1. bcrutttcr= fetjen, (ben SPrciS) erniebrigen/ uets rtngern, abwiirbigenj 2. gering fc§a|en, ueraebjen; ir. n. (tut SjJueifej fiiifeu, fallen. >epreciation. s. bie .gerabfefeung, sBeratbtnng, Qrntroertbung ; .'/ y. Sermiuberung bet SJSreife). To DEPREDATE, d «. 1. pltlll'C er It, talt= ben ; 2. verjebrcu. )EPREDAT10N. s. 1. ba« SJSiunbern, Sftauben ; Slufbringen (von (Ediirrcn), bic Eapetet; 2. 93evfdjtingung, 33er= jefjrung. lEPREDATOR, s. bet SRau&cv; 33er-- |id)iliiger. To DEPREHEND, ?>. a. 1. erarcifeit, cr= tappett, treffen, fangen; 2. auSftnbig madjen ; entbecfen. DEPREHENSIBLE, adj. jit erfappen ; ut entbecfen ; — ness, s . bic 3fiogh'cb= feit crtappt jit tverben. DEPREHENSION, s. bic (frtapputtg, Srgtetfung ; ©ntbeJung. TViDEPRESS. iv a. 1. lticbevbriidett, ntebetbtegen, ^erunterloffen; 2. fg. T. baS aibfitrjeit : fi. ^st 7 1 tic C5 1 1 r = fernttng cinc§ SterneS uutec bent i^ortjont. DEPRESSIVE, adj. iiicberbtiiacitb ; ittetierfcblngfttb. depressor, .c 1. bet 5Rteberbrfttfcr ; Uittctbriicfcr ; 2. .7. T. [also Depri- ment) tie niebcfjicbciitc SJJuSfel. deprivable, adj. bcr ©ittjtebttng u.rtetroorfen, berauJ^ar, entjtebbat. deprivation, *. 1. lie '■Berattbuitg; bcvi'cvhtft; 2. I.. T. bic G?nt|>feuiig (etneS @eiftlid;en). To deprive, v.a. 1. bevaitbctt, bctic£)= men, entjt'ebcit ; 2. entfifcen ; to — one of a thing. cil'.ClH CtlimO licblltell, etitjieheit, einett urn ttwcii 6rtngen. deprivement, s. bafl (Srlctben ci= itca Cetluftel, bic SiUetcabaug, bcr sBeriuft. depth. s..l. bic Siefe; 2 ber 9tb= grunb; 3. bie s Hiitte; I. fig. 35un= fclbcit; 5. bcr Scfcatfftnn; Zk]- ftnn ; to be out of — . belt ©rttltb (Soben, tin SBaffer ocrirren baben ; the — of a battalion, bie SUtjObl bcr Ijttiter einattber jtebenben ®iieber; in the — of winter, tltittcil i:it SBtnter. depulsion, s. has SBegfiopen, S3ets trciben, SIbtretben. depulsory, adj. ttjegftojicnb, wcg= treibenb, abtrcibenb. To depurate, v. a. reintgen, lantern. DEPURATION, s. 1. bie JReinigitng, Sanretung; 'I.s.t. b«S SlitSeitern. DEPURATORY, adj. reini.jcttt, lau= ternb. deputation, s i. bic Slbfenbwng, SIborbnung; Scvutittion ; 2. , bte Slbgeorbneten. To depute, u. a. oborbiteit, atfenben (mit SSoilmadjt), beuoUmiirijttgen. DEPUTY, s. 1. bcr Tepntivte, Slbge; prtiicte, Slbgefonbte; s8es)oDma^= ti;itc ; 2. ©teltoertrefct ; to cause a thins to be done hy — . etllHts (cilt ©efdbaft) burd) eittch Slelbcrtrctcr »errid)ten Iat|ctt; lord — . bcr Eontgs licbe Stattbaltcr, SBtcefontg ; — governor, bcr Untcrftattbaltcr ; — manager, ber SJiccbircctPl' ; — post- master, bcr ^oft'ocrumltcr. To DERANGE, v.a. 1 . tt: llltprbltllltg bringett ; 2. ben OJcift jerr:'ittcn. DERANGED, adj. jettuttet, tvabnfittttt^. DERANGEMENT, s l.bie UllPlbttlltig, SSerwirrung; 2. ©eiftcSjerrutrung. DERELICT, I. adj. '.'crlaffon, liejon gebltebert; II derelicts, (derelict lands) s. pi. oerlaffene, b,errenlofe ©itter. dereliction, 6-. i. tic 33etlaffung; SBetlaffen^ett. To deride, v. a. ycrlacbcit, »crfpnt= ten, Dcrbobncn. DERIDER, s. i. bcr SpBtfet; 2. Syatioogel, spoffenteiper, Sufttgina* rbcr. DERIDINGLY, adn. fjJOttWeife. DERISION, s. 1. bie SSerladjitng, SOer= fpottung ; 2. Seradjtung, betJ^ofjnj in — . fpottmcifc, 511111 Slpott. DERISIVE (adv. — ly), ) adj. VCfU'Ot: DERISORY. . DEROGATORINESS, «. bet 9tbbrudi, 5R(td)f|etI. DEROGATIVE, )adj fdima[crnb,nnrb» DEROGATORY, J tbciiii], bc|"d;imp- fcttb, entehrenb. dervis, (Dervisk), s. ber 2)cnvifi-b. DESCANT, s. 1. ber SMStOllt ; 2. ©C= fang ; 3. fig. bita ®erebe, bie fyv$ti?z berung, iange 3lnSlegung ; he makes along — upon it, er rebel ciu Sangef ltnb eitt ©reiteS bnriibcr. To DESCANT, v. n. 1. bill ^t'SCilllt fitl- gen ; 2. ein 1 a 1 1 rj c S ©crebe ntacbeii. fid) aujlitffett (upon, fiber . To DESCEND, ». a. &■ v.i. bcrab=, btn= ab= obet ijeritnterjieigen, geben pber Eommen (from.. ; turn...,); 2. fallen, finfeit; 3. ciiifaUcii, laiiben; 4. fig. cbftainmen, berfoinmcn; 5. fallen, jitfallcn (burrb (irbfrbaft); 6. fid) bcrablaffett; to — to particulars-. in§ Stitjelne geben. desi !ENdant,s. bcr aibfBmmltng,lb- fyr&fslHtg, 9Iacbfomme; — s, pi. bis Sfiadjfommen, 3^ad)foinmenfc&aft. DESCE.NDENT. adj. I. bct'rtbfteigcilb, faUenb ; 2. abjtammenb. DESCENDIRILITY.s. l. t. bie Grblicb^ feit. i ::xdible, adj. \. roo man bcrab: fteigen, bcntnteriicbcn faun ; 2. crb= lid). descension, s. 1. bas .gcrabftetgen, gallett, ^iebergeben ; 2. Ast. T. bt« Slbfieigungj 3. fig. ber 3a Ii, bie (£v= niebrtgung. descent, s. 1. bafl ^erabfletgen, .£cruntcra i ebcit, 3affctt, bcr3all; 2. bte .Oerabroiirbigung ; 3. berSbbang, bieSicfe ; 4. ?'anbitng, bcr fiinfali; 5. bal (?rbrccbt (fraft ber Slbfunft); fi. tic Sibflammiing. -ilbfttnft, @e= luirt ; ber Sfainm, bai ®efc$le<$r; 7. ©lieb, ber @rab. DESCRIBABLE, adj. jit tcidircibcit, be- fidircibtid). To DESCRIBE, p. a bcfrbreibctt. DESCRIBEE, 5. ber ■Bct'direibce. DESCRIER, s ber t^itt^Cif t r, rpabcr. description, s. 1. bic SBefcbrctbnng ; 2. 2lrt, ©efr&affen&etf. DESCRIPTIVE, adj. bcfd)rct'benb ; — power, tie 5)arfleMung§funfr. To descry, re. auSfpa^en, erfpabeu, entbecfen, geroafyren. To descra'te, v. a. cutroctfjcn, ent^ beitiiicn. DESECRATION, s. btC C?ttttVJtt f)ttng, @utbeiltgung. desert, i. s. bie SBiifte, Sl&ufienri (viiibtc : II. adj. rouft, unit, unbes wobnt, Bbe. To DESERT, v. I. a. 'xrlaffcn ; tilt Stt* rbelaffeit; II. « abtrfinnig uiertett; auereifieu, beerflncbttg roerben. desert, «. baS sSerstritfl. deserti',r, s 1. ber 3lu§reifer, Ueber« laufcr, ^ecrflurbtige ; 2. SJbtriinmpe DESI DEST DETE BBSEUTJFUL, adj. »etbien{h>oU. DESERTION, s. 1. bie 2Jcrlaffuitg ; 2. Mil. T i .union, DESERTLES3, I. adj. yCWteilfHoS ; II. — ly, adv uuoerbietitet SBeife. DESERTRICE,Dkskrtrix,«. bie i|3fl id) t= pergeffene. To deserve, b. «. * n. aerbienen ; to — well of..., }id) wevbient maqjen unt . . . DESERVKDLY,o«/o. n.ict) 5>crbienfl. oer= tictitcr SfBeife, gebiibrenb, mit 9Red)t. DESERVER ». btv uerbtente iVauu. DESERVING (.adv. — ly), I. adj. »et= bieut; Derbtenjiltcb, verbienftooU ; n. s. bafi SSerbicitft. desiiaisilu:, s. bie .gauSflcibuug, b.ns iWorgenfleib. DESICCANTS, .?. pi. Med. T. (au8=) trorfnenbe SKittef. To DESICCATE, v. a. &■ n. auStrocfncn, tvocfcn wevben. DESICOATK >N, s. bie 2Ul8fro design, v. a. l. beftiinmen, jun>ef= fca (— to, for, }U) ; 2. rautabcti, tin finite Ijaben, tin ©cbitbe fiibren; raitetruaS umgcbeu, [tit oornefjineu, SBilleiB font,' bcfdjlicpcu; 3. cnt= tuci'fcn, geidbnen. DESIGN, a. 1. ba8 Sorljaben, tic 316= firbt; 2. ber (gnrtourf, iJJlon; bie CiUiiiftcrsjScichiiuiig; with—, mit 3-leifi. DESIGNABLE, adj. ttntcrfcf)ctfbar, feiiutlid), tcuHid). To DESIGNATE, v. a. 1. bfjciitncit, nenitcn ; 2. iiutcrfibcitcu ; IS. au8n">ab= len, cvncitiicn. DESIGNATION, s 1. bie SBcjcicfcmiug ; 2. Sefttuimuiig, Slbftcbt ; 3. (grneiu nung. DESIGNATIVE, adj. cvitcitucilb, trfla= rent, befttmmenb. DESIGNEDLY, ad/. abjutlidi, mit SSor* fafc, mit JJleijj. DESIGNER, s. 1. tct 1>(aimuv.tcv (ci= aeutlid) uubiiiicigcntlid)); 2. (,iDiu= ftcr=)3cid)iicr. DESIGNING, adj. »oHer %4h\(, bintcr= lijltg, fal id). ucnvitbcvifd). DESIGNLESS adv — ly), adj. unyor= f.'iijlid), obne v 2lbftct»t, plaitlbs. DESIGNMENT, s. bie SIbjIcbt ; bcr ^lan ; 2. Qrntojurf, bie SEijje. DESINENCE, s. bcr ©rilujj, ba8 (fitbe, bcr 2lu8gang. DES1NENT, adj. fid) cubcub, fiujjerjr, uittcrft. DESIRABLE, adj.l.JU roiinfiten, tt)fitt= fitcitiiurvtl) ; 2. cnuiiufitt ; 3.gefal= 1 1 t t ; — ness, s bie SBunfcbeitSwutbigs fcit, bad 2BunfcbenSn)ertbe, !ilngenej>= inc. desire, s. 1. bag SQertangen, bet SBunfd), bad SBegebren, febnlid)e, beftigc SOerlangen ; 2. bie SBitte ; 3. ber, bie, b«8 SJerlaugte ; she has every thing to her heart's — , fie bat SKlleS, was fie uur wunfebt. To desire, o. n. 1. oerlangcn, n>iin= fdjen, begebrcn ; erfebucn; 2. bitten; fcvbcni. DESmELESS, adj. WUltfr&toS. DESrRER, s. bcr sBcgebrenbe, SBifter. •jEsiRors (ado. — ly), adj. begierig (—of..., u ad) ctiu.tS) liiftcrn, fcbn= fucBfig ; to be — of, rouufeben, ange* legen fciin ; i ain — io ... , id) miJitte geiiic...; —ness, ». bie SBegicvbc, Scbnfiidif. To DESIST, r. „. abficben, ablaffcn ( — fr , oonettuaSi. DESISTANCE,*. ba8 ?Ibficbcn. SHblaffftt. DESK, ff.bafl ^3uU, Scbreibepttlt, Scfe- Vult. To DESK, o.a. 1. cii;i"d)[ir>;cn ; 2. fig. aufbaufen (Sriafte). DESOLATE (air. — ly), adj. 1. iviift, 6be, unberoobnt ; 2. eiufain; 3. trofts lo6, febr bitinbt; —ness, s. bie (i'in= Bbe ; JEtoftloftgfett. To DESOLATE, a. a. vcrnuiftcn, vcvc = ben. DESOLATER (Desolator), * ber 23cr= wither. desolation-,.,, i. bie SBetwnflung ; 6iu6be ; DJienfcbcitleerc ; 2. grope SBctrubnip, Srbftlofigfeitj 3. bafl (ilenb. DESOLATORY, adj. »cnv>ilftcilb, froflloS madjenb. DESPADi, «. tic Serjweiflung -, baS SJerjroctfeln. To DESPAIR, r n. ocrjTdetfetn —of, an etroaS) ; in S3erjw>etflung ftiirjen; he is despaired of by the doctors, tic Olcrjtc flcbcn ibn aiif." DESPADJER,*. bcr SOerjweifcInbe. DESPATRFUL, adj. + serjwetfelt. DESPATCH, vid. Dispati h. DESPERADO, s. tCV SButijCltbC, XoU' fopf, SBagebalS. DESPERATE (ado. —ly), adj. i. »ers iweifelnb ; 2. oerjnjeifelt ; 3. rafenb, umtbeiit, toll, oerroegen ; — nc.*s, s. 1. bie S3enn>eifluna ; 2. SButb, ZolU beit. desperation. ». 1. bieSerjroeiflHng ; 2. fflSntb. DESPICABLE (ado. — ly). adj. VCVild)t= lid), nicbrig, niebertrarbtig ; —ness ». bie 93cnicbtlid)fcir, SJtiebevtracbtigfeit. DESPISEABLE, adj. jn ueracbtflt, '.'Cf= acbtlicb, fd)kd)t ; —ness, s.bie 2Ja ad)t= lid) fcit. To uespise, v. a. ycradjtcit, t»crfd;ina= ben. despisedness, *. bie a3eracbtlirbfeit, baS S3eracbtetfei)n. DESPISER, s. bev SSerSdjfer. DESPITE, s. l. tic 33eradjtnng ; 2. 216= ncigung, tec SHJibcrtoille ; 3. few ; 4. bieS3oSbeit; 5. ber iiotj; (i n ) — of me, mit 5U111 Tl'CtJ ; in your own — , ttiber cueni 2BiUeu, cud) fclbft aim Srofe, To DESPITE, 0. a. Qerbrujj :iMd)CU, ciiuilcu, (trgcrn ( trr^cit. DESPITEFUL, ar« bo>b,ift, iirgerlifb, ; — ly, air. ami Slerger, auS Sloflbeit ; — ness, s. bie Q3o$b.eif. ber &a$. To DESPOIL, o. a. vluubun, bciMiibcn DESPOLLER, 9. bcv^luutcicr, :)(,iubcv. despolution, *. bie spiuubcritng, ©eraubung. To DESPOND, v.n vcrj.ii^cii, vcrj)yci= fdn (of, an). DESPONDENCY.*, tic 3)?at^Ioftgfett, ^offitungalofigfeif, bat SSerjagen. DESPONDENT, adj. vcvjivcifclitt, ocr= jagenb. desponder, s. bet SBetjagcnbe. DESPOT, 8. bet De3pot, iuiilfabrlidic ■Ocnfdici-, 3wt'ngbetr. DESPOTICAL (Dbspotic) (odn. — ly), adj. bciSpotifdi, eigenmarbtig, wills fiibvlicb ; —ness, s. bie Tl5iUfu(;vlid)= tcit, Seavotie. despotism, s. bet 5)e8pott'8m«8, bie nniltiibrlid)c Wcivalt, 3n)tnghett= fdiaft. To DESPUMATE, > v. a. nbfitaillllCIl J To DESPUME, i binuKi'fcn. DESPUMATlON, e. bie \Hbfd',,iumiiii,] (bci Sbftebungen). DESQUAMATION s.baS (?I6=) 2dmp = pen ; s T. bie SlbfWifteruug. DESSERT, s bcr SHarbttfrb ; —set ba8 Dcfferffet'jJte. DESTINATE, 007. bcftiutnit, ycnirtbcilt. DESTINATION, .*. tie 93cftintmUBfl place of—. .1/. 1. bet SBtcbplaQ. To DESTINE, o. <>. bcftimmeii, auSetfe* I;cn. meiben, f.fifcciii. DEST1NV.8 ba8 2d".dul, S8erbang< nil); destiny- render. fnm. bet SB-ibtfa* get ; thi bie $arjen. DESTITUTE^ I. adj. 1. vcrUin'cii. blllfi lc?, freunblod; 2. erinangeliib, c it : - bl&pt Don..., leer an to be — of..., 3)?itngei Ic.tcn an...; 11. $. bet •Oulflofc' DESTITUTION, t. tic i : cv!affcii')Cit, bet Mangel. To DESTROY, r. n l. (etfiiten, rcr* tticbteit; oerberben; 2. lobten; 3. uerroiiftttt. DESTROYER, 8. bet oc.-ncrcr ; 2^cr= terbcr; iDJorbet. DESTRUCITBILITY, 8. tie 3ctftor6at= htr. DESTRUCTD3LE, adj. jetftotbar, MX* terbiid). DESTRUCTION. 8. 1. tic 3cn"*^mng, 33ertuiiftnng ; 2. bet Untergiing, taa SQerberben; 3. bie JObtiuig, tcr 3J?otb; i. Th. r. bit e wige 'Jj crtanttn= Itifj ; to work one's — , nitcni ten Uit= tergang bereiten. DESTRUCTIVE (ado. — ly), adj. jer= ftovcub, unbeilbringenb, Derbcrblidj (a (/.mit 01" iiuc to, fur ...); — bie vaftbreiibc ©eiualt, 3Jcrberblid)= tar. vri'ix, s bat 11.;. 'c Scbmhjen, tcr iibennaf>ige Scbweip. desuetude, s. baS Slbfommen einei ©ebrauebs, u. f. ».); bie (St:tn>5b= nung. desulphurate, o. a. abfcbroefeln voin Scbtuefel befreicn. desulphuration, s. bie Slbftbwefe* luuj. DESULTi IRY . to.— rily), adj. fliidMi;]. obevflarblicb, fiatferbaff, maufelmu» tbig. unflcit, uubcftaiibig ; - bieglucbtigftit, Slatterbaftigfeit/ Uu= beftanbigfeit. To detach, o.a 1. nbfpiiteru, abret- fjeu, treitneu ; 2. m / berafdbiren, auf Sotnmaiibo auifebicfen ; detached -. ///.. Fort. '. I l!i'"iliil'cl. l i. DETACHMENT, s. Mil. T. bil8 3)etas cbement, Sommanbo. To DETAIL, r a. liiiiu.iiif liit erj56* leu; in tie @iujelitbeiten geben ; n- tailed,part. iiu;nii viich, iiunt.inrlid? j detailed, stati iiient, audfiibrltrbe 21uc-= einanbetfeQuug. DETADU « I. tic SScretnjef nng j 2. uutftSnbttcbe 9ladjrirbt; s. , . be* foubete llmftantc, (Mi^cliibcit.ii : in detail, c;i!i,cl!t, ftitcftuetfe ; umjtaitb= lid>; — of particulars, tie rc[ailli= rung. DETArLER s. tcr limfliinbfidje ( ? r- jSbfer, (vraibler einjelucr, befonberet Umftanbe. To detain, iv a 1. juiucfbaltcn, »or» ciitbaltcii, . : t rb t uerabfolgen laffen; 2. iibbititcn, aufbalteuj 3. anbalten, gefangen batten. DETAINDER, ». L. T. bet (\ivti;vbcfcbl, ^crluiftsbefcbl. DETAINER, s. I. tcr 3nn"tif b.tltenbe ; 2. /, '!'. tic mibetrerbflicbe 33otent= baltung; 10 in (lodge — - apUnsi emem ©elb, u. f. ». »evffim« ntevn, Slrteft legen auf..., oorent» b.iltcn. DETAINMENT, s. ta:- 3iivuif.'Mlteit 21ubii!rcn. To DETECT, i<. n. aufbecfen, cnttcifctt DETECTER,8 bet O'littccfcr. DETECTIONS bie ©ntbetfung. detent, s. t. ;an ben ^^laguBrctt' tcr (iiut'all. 105 DETR DEVI DEXT DETENTION, s. 1. tic 3ill'U(f6. bet iu-viKift. DETENTTVE, adj. juriicfbalteitb. To DETER, o. a. abfebl'CCfcit (—from, 7'.»detkrci; r. a. 1. abn)if$en, abfc= gen, reinigen; 2. abfubvnt. DETERGENT, I. adi reinl.iciib, aBfu|>« renb; Q.*. bas 2Sunbremigmig6mit= id ; —salt, bag iUeidifalj. 7b DETERIORATE p. I. a. vcrfib[tlll = nicrii, in SSerfall fominen [affen ; n. 7i. fid) ocnVbltmincnt, auSarten. DETERIORATU >N,s. fie 33erfd;limmc= rung, £Beifd)lerl>terung. SluSartung. determent, s. bic 2ib'fcf)rccfuitg, bas Slbfdjrejen. DETERMINABLE, adj. 1. beftimmbar, ju erortern ; 2. ;u cuben. 7b DETERMINATE, b. a. uii 7b DE- TERMINE. DETERMINATE Caio. — ly) adj. 1. be= jiimmt; '2. entfdjeibenb ; 3. etttfd)fof= fen ; 4. befrhloffen, fcft^cfc^t ; gewijj, tiiiabaitbetlid). DETERMINATION, s. 1. bic (5 tl f f fi) 1 f = fenbett, jjeftigfeit; 2. Sefttminung ; 5. @utfcb(iefmng, bcr SBeffrjlufj, -JJor= fal}; 4. bie (Sntfcbeibung ; 5. L. T. izi K'nbe; 6. r. bie sKicbtung. DETERMINATIVE (ado. — ly), alj. 1. beftintmenb ; entfd)ctt>eitb ; 2. cin-- fdjcanfenb. determinator,s. bcr ScbJebSricbter. To DETERMINE, r. o, * n. 1. bcftim= men, feftfefeett; 2. cntfcbcibcn ; 3. cinfdminfett ; 4. befcrjltejjen, cittctt SBeftyluji faffett, ftcfo cttifrhiicficn; ( — upon, ju; ; 5. beenbigen, ciit (fnbe macften ; 6. ftci> enbtgen ; to — one in one's favour, cinen fiir Semanb ftimnien ; Determined, adj. ciitfcbloffeu. DETERRATION, s. bO« SluSgtaben. DETERSION, s.bas &bfegen, JHeiuigcn. detersive, i. adj. reinigenb; II. s. 5. t. baS SRcinigungSmittel ; — ness, s. bie SRehiigung, Slbfubtung. To detest, v. a. oerabfrheuen, bitter b affen. DETESTABLE (ado. — ly), adj. ab= fdiculid), acrabfc^euuiigSnjurbig ; ntcbtsumrbig; — ness, s. bte SBerab« [cbeuuiigsroiirbigfeit. detestation, s. tie 33erabf$euung, bev .§afj. detester, 5. ber SScrabfrijeiter. To dethrone, v. a. bes S^rimeS cnt= feljeit, ettthrotteit. DETHRONEMENT, *. baS (Suttfjroncn, bie SEbronentfcl&ung. DETHRONER, s. bcr Uiittbroitcr. detinue, s. /.. t. bie .ftlage roegen IBorentfjalfung. To DETONATE v. I. ji. losfnallcu; II. a. loSfitallcn laffcu. detonation, s. Ch. T. bie 23crpuf= fung. To DETONIZE, n. a. if v. Ch. T. Bets Frtaffcrt, ucrftiallcn madjcit ober [affen. dktorsion, s. bic Serbre&ung, baS Scrbrehett. To DETORT. d. a. uerbreljett. Detour, s. bcr Umroeg, Umfdwcif. To detract, v. a. 1. serleumben, vertlcinern; 2. enfjie&en, (Sinrrag tbuu, bceintrarrjtigen, bcitad;t[;cilU licit ; 3. ab$iehctt ; to — from one'.- right, SemaitbeS 9tcd;teu (Stntrag tbun. DETRACTION, .s. 1. bic Serleum* bung, QSeeintracbtigung ; 2. baS S3eg* ucbntcit. DETRACTIVE, \adj. nacfitbcilig, cb= DETRACTORY. $ renviibrig ; sum 10G detractor. .«. bcr ?aftcrcr, 33erleum= icv, i'ccintraduijcr, Seruttgtiinpfer. Detractress, s. bie 33erleumberiun. detriment, s. bcr crbabcn, v Jiadi-- tbcit, SSetluft. detrimental, adj. ttaditbciii>i, fdwMi*. detrition, 8 . bic 3lbrei6ung, '2ib. nu^ung. To DETRUDE, v. a. Wltabfjojjcit, ii' mat. 7b DETRUNCATE, o. a. 1. bcbamil, bcfcbncibctt, jui)flliett ; 2. abaftcit, nb= lapi^eii, ftn^cit. detruncation, s.bae Se^auen, ©e* fc&neiben (cincr i^ecfe, it. f. to.), StiiBcn. detrusion, .'. baS ^inaBftofieU/ bic ^inabftopung, SBerroetfitng. deuce, s. 1 . tie 3mci im SBiirfels ttnb •ftartenfpiele, baS 5)au8 ; 2. bcr Jcu= fel; —take it! bcr •Renter bote e«! DEUTEROGAMY, s. bic jwette (She. Deuteronomy, s. baS funfte iiltd) 3)ioft8 aU tic jvueite ©efe^gebung (©efefewiebet^olung). deuxponts, s. pi. (pk Stabt) ^\t\.i- brucfeit. devastate, v. a. vcrroiijtcit, »er* tiecrcn. devastation, s. bic a3etttmjiung, 3Setl}eerung. devastator, s. bcr SSernsufier. To DEVEL0PE, v. a. CUtbitllCIl, Cttt= wicf'cltt. developement, s. bic Sntpllung, (Sntfl)icfelung, To DEVEST, b. a, 1. eiltflcibClt, (fig) entblbficii, cntjicbcit, bcraubcit ; 2. befreiett ; to^one's self of one's right, fid) feittcS Jfcd;ti 6egeben. devexity, s. bcr 2lbgang, bic (Siti= gebogenbeit. To DEVIATE, r. ?i. 1. abU'CidiClt (— from, »on) ; 'I. fig. fid; vcvivvcit, yev- geben, fflnbigen ; to — from the course, JV. T. ycrfC;]dlt. DEVIATE, adj. abanndn'itb. deviation, s. 1. bie 5Unvcid)Uitg ; 2. fig. Serif rung ; Scrgcbuug, ©uube; 3. a - , t. Serfegelung. device, s. 1. bcr 5lnfc^fag, Spian, (S'infall, J?unftbegriff. in'bclf, bic Sift ; 2. (Srftrtbung, grftnbuugSfraft ; 3. 5)esife; SBappctifigitr ; full of de- vices, nnfdjliigig, erfinbcrifdi. DEVISEFUL (adv. — ly), adj. atlfd)la= gig, f$tau. de\'ii„ ... 1. bcr Seufcl; 2. fig. Bofe v liccitfd); 3. ber 8aufburfc|ie tit einer ©uebbrucferei ; the — take you : bcV bid) bcr Xcitft'l ! the — and his dam, ber Xeitfcl itnb feine ©rofimutter ; to Rive the — his due, Scbcm 3{cd)t tbutl ; the — rebukes sin, ber ££eufel prebigt ©ufie, cber eitt £icb ftraft bett Sltlberit ; he must needs ro. whom the — drives, Stotfj brid;t (tifen; to h ild :i candle to the — , bent JEeufel eiit Sid)t l;altcn, au3 Stirdjt t)5ftirJj feijn ; black — , ba§ $ctcrmattud)cit ; — in a bush, ber Sd;roar$fiuiimci (jfigdia — L.) ; — 's bit, bcr S£eufels« abblft {Scabiosa — L ), — 's dung, viilg. bcr EeufelSbrecf (rid. Asafcetida) ; — fish, bcr Seeteufel (ein a i f cb ) ; blue devils, trubeSaune; XeufeUgrillcn ; SJiifjinutf). DEVILISH („,/<•. — ly), adj. teitflifii; ; oerteufelt; — ness, s. bic Sfceufetei. DEVILKIN, s. dim. baS .^cufclcbclt. devilsiiip, s. bic lcufcl-3fd)afr. devious adj. abivcidicno; irret'.b; beritntfdjiiH'ifcnb, bcrumfebtciibcrub ; — tracks, 3lbroege. To DEVTRGINATE, -- i. + cnrj;Utt>]= fern. To DEVISE, o. a. &■ n. 1. Ctftlincil, ,r= bcitt'cn, erfinbeu; 2. auf ctmas tens [en ; 3. im Stntie biibcn, iiberlegeii, bebenten ; 4. entmetfen ; 5. rcrntu- tbcit, errathen ; 6. (by will) oermacben. ™ DEVISE, s. /.. T. baS iu't-m.-cbritif). devisee, s. /.. t. bcr Sermacbtnifja erbe. deviser, ... bcr (Jrft'iibcr, Itrbcber. DEVISOR, s. L. T. bcr (irblaffcr, Zs* ftator. devoid, adj. leer; frci (— of, an, son) beraubt. devoir, t. 1. bic $flicbt, Sdntlbt^ fcit, ©cbiibr; 2. .^bflirf)feiteer»et> fllll-l ; to pay one's devoirs to one eiiiem feine Siufwarrung ntadicn. devolution, s. J. M:- iftieberroQen ; 2. /.. T. bit Ucbertraguua. berSeint- fall. To devolve, v. i. a. 1. niebectval- jett; 2. iibertragen ; to — a trust on (upon) one. citlCIU Jit tfCHCU .fpattbCll ubergeben; II. «. 1. nieberrolleu; 2. jit 2bcii ivcrben, aitbeimfaUcn (—to..., cittern) ; fallen (—to..., auf...). To DEVOTE, v. a 1. WiblllClt, K>eif)Cn, ergebeti, ijingeben, nufopfern (—to one's self, to.., fid; eiitent) ; iibcr^ laffcu, ubergeben; 2. yenminfeijen, iH'rfludn'n, oerbammen. devote, I. s. bcr i'crcln-cr, ?Inbeter; ii. adj. l. gemibmet, crgeben: 2. »ers flucbt. devotedness, s bic (Srgebenbett. devotee, s. 1. ber eifrige, anbfifitige SSetbruber; bie i'ctfdmu'ftcr; 2. t'er 2rrpmme. devotement. .s. baS SBibmen, ^iu» geben, bic ^ingebiing. d'evoter, s. bcr Vln'bangcr, 5>ereb= rer, Qlnbeter. devotion «. 1. bic Scibc ; 2. Pri]e= benbeit, 3uneigung, inuigc Sitbe ; 3. 3lubad)t, grbinntigfeit ; 4. fcas Oicbcf, Cpfer ; 5. ter ©cttcSbienft ; 6. bie .Obf'^'ff'h t0 P a y °" e ' s — =• to..., feine Slufroartung ntadjen bei ...; to be at the — of, 5:1 ©cbote ficben, 511 SemanbcS 3)ieiiften ficbcn or feint. DEVOTIONAL, adj. atlbacflti.L gotfe3= bienftlid; ; a — book, ein (SrbauungS- bnd) ; — ist. s. bcr gr5minler, S3et= bruber ; bie SBetfc^wefter ; — iy, ado anbacbtig. DEVOTIONIST, s. vid. Devotionaust. To devour, b.o. 1. »erfrf)liugen, iKr= fd)lmfctt; auffreffen, uersepreit; 2. jig, begterig geniepen ; 3. ausfau- gen, etfdjojJfen. devourer, s. ber 23erfd)Iittgcr ; SGtel- fraft. devouring, adj. 1. 9erfcbling«tb ; 2. jig. begierig. DEVOUT (adv. — ly), adj. artbarbtig, fromm ; —ness, s. bie 9lnbacfct, 3n- brunft DEVOUTLESS, adj. cbtic ^lubartt, an= bac^tStoS. DEVOUTLESSNESS, s. bic ?Illbacbt§=: lofigleit. 7b DEW, v. a. bctbaucii; (:nit SbatO benefeen, bcfenditeit. DEW, s. bcr Sban ; — bony, b:e:Tbeu> beere, Srombeere; — drop, ber3^f;au= tfopfen ; — dropping bctbaticnb ; — i acej —snail, bic SBegefcbneelej — lap.bic SBantine ; amt. .panglippi ; — lapt, niit cincr SBammt ; —worm, bti sRegennmtm. DEWCE, Dews, ». vid. Deuce. DEWY, adj. bctbattet, tbanig, fcr.d;t DEXTER, oaj. //. T. rerfit. dexterity s. bic ©efiticf lict)fVit Sertigfeit, ©ctvaitbtbcit. DIAP DEXTEROUS, Dextrous (ado. — ly), adj. gefcbtcft, fei'tti}, aeroanbt ; —ness, bie ©efd)icfltd)feit, gertigfett. DEXTRAL, adj. rcd)f, reduce .fntnb. DEXTRAL1TY, *. bag SBefinbeii obcr tic Sage jut vtdjtcit £anb. DEY, s. btt £>e» (.'-J3cf)crifct>cr prut 211= flier). DIABETES, ». Med. T. bet ^flWtftup, bie .Vmninil)i\ DIABOLICAL (Diabolic) (aiabcm, bie FontglU die .Krone. diademed, adj. mit bent Siabem ijc= fdimiuft, gefrb'nt. DIAERESIS, s.Oram. T. 1. bie £ven= nutio, ©Ijlbentfcettung ; 2. SlnffBfung cities Xoppellanteg in fciue beiben ©runblaute ; 3. Xrennungggetdjenl."]- DIAGNOSTIC, ». Med. T. bag Unter= fd)ciMinggjcid)cn cincr Jlranffjeit. DIAGONAL i.s.Mit. r.bte3)iagonaIe, Diicrliuie ; II. (ado. — ly), adj' biaa,0= ital, frfcrftge, nberecf. DIAGRAM, s. Mit. T. ber Slbrifi, bie (matbematifcJjc obcr geontctrifdjc) Siflur. DIAL »• 1- fcte ©oitttcnuhr; 2. bag 3tfTcrblatt; —plate, bag fjifferblatt; ber ©ounenjeiger ; — wheel, bag 2Bci= ferrflb in ber ll&r. dialect, «. ber ©taker, bie SJhmbs art, ©predjart, ©pradje, bag Sbioni. DIALECTICS, s.;;/. bie ^Dialectic. DIALECTIC, I ad}. bia = DIALECTICAL (ado. — i.y), $ lecttfc&. dialectician, s. ber ©taleettfer. DIALING, s. bie ©onnenttforfunft. DiALrsT, s. ber SBcrfcrttget eon Son* uenufeveit. DIALOGISM, s. bag ©cfprad) jttrifdjen 3wci obcr -Diclncreit. DIALOGBT, ». ber Tialogcnmarbcr ; 2. bie SPerfon im 35talog. TbDIALOGIZE, ». a. tin 3>»eigefprad) baltcn. DIALOGUE, *, ber ©talog. bag (Me= fprad) jtijifrfjen 3mei obcr' s J}}el)rcreit. DIALYSIS, s. vid. Dl/ERESIS, DIAMETER, ^. ber Skiameter, £>nrd)= meffer DIAMETRAL (afo. —i.y) DIAME gerabe bnrd), mitten burd)'; — ly op- posite, cinaiibcr gerabe entgegeu. Diamond, I. a. 1. ber 3)iaiiiaitt, Ste mant; 2. ba8 Sarrtau (in ber ,ftar= te) ; 3. //. t. (in ben abeligen 2Bap= Vcn) bie fd)t»arje $arbc ; it must be a — that cuts a — , prur. Ollf fillCIt fjavten Slfi fgro^en .Uloij) geg5rt ein barter (grober) Jteil ; —cut, bemant= artia. gefd)nitten, faccttirt ; —cutter, ber Stcinfdincibcr, Suoelter: —knot, a: t. ber ©djauermannsfnopf ; — let- ter, 7y/». T. bie Tiamaiitfdnift ; — pencil, ber ©(aferbiamant ; —points, (— sparks), ©ptfefletliej — powder, —dust, Tiannuiteiiftviiib ; n. adj. 1. ei= item SJemajtt obnlid; ; 2, aii$ 25c= manten bcflc^eub. DIAP ASF, ) „ ,„ . . , , . . diapason, 5 **• r.bwJJctaw. DIAPENTE, s. 1. Mas. T. bie Citiiite; 2. Med. T. ber ^iinftflfaft. Diaper, s. bie ijcbli'unte, gefopfrte "eimvanb. LMETRAL(aiB. —i.y), t adj. bia= ^METRICAL (ado. — ly), i lltetvifd), DIES To DIAPER, v. a. 1. gebiiimt iiiad;cit, blitnteit, mobedt; 2. ftirfen. DiAPHANErrr, ».bie S>urd>ftd)tlg!ett. DIAPHANIC, I ,. .^bx,. DIAPHANOUS, 5«*toW*fiW DIAPIIORETK '. L«. Mi d. T. fca-3 fd)iuciti= treibenbe iiJtttel ; n. — , (— cai), adj. fdjivcifitreibenb. DIAPHRAGM, I. *. ba3 3wcrgfeII; 2. bie dicranuib. diarrhoea, s. bie 35tarr^5e, ber S)urd)faU. DIARRHCGTIC, adj. ^lirgirenb. DIARIAN, adj. }ii ctiiein .Iii : ]cbud) ge= hbriiv DIARIST, s. ber ein XageBudj bait. niAitv, ». \>ai Stagebucf, 5)iartiim. DIASTOLE, «. 1. Gram. 7'. bie 5)taftO= le ; 2..1. T. 5liie-bel)niing be« ©erjenS. diastvle,s. .'jrrA. 7 1 . bie 2an[enu'cilf von brei ^nrd^meffcni. diatessarox, *. m„s. r.bic Ouarte. DIATONIC, adj. Mas. T. burdjtbltij, flits fentontg, nad) ber JConletter ; —music bie btat'pnifd;e (ijcmbbiiltdie) SKuftf. DIATRIBE, ». bie 2lb^anblung, i>cv= ^anblung. r« DiuiiLE, i'. a. nut bent 5pffanj= fioef pflanjen. DIBBLE, «. ber ^Pffanjftocf. DIBSTONE, s. bag ^teintippcit (ein .fttitbcrfpicl). DICE, s. (pi. von Dik) bic SBiirfel ; — box, ber 3Qiirfclbcd)er ; —player, ber SBiirfelfpteler. ruDicE, 0.71. wurfeln. im ier, s.ber SSiirflcr, SBiirfelfpteler, To DICHOTOMIZE, o. a. tlCIIlien, tl)cU Icn, abtbeileit. DICHOTOMY, s. bic einti;cihiiuj ber SBegrtjfe nad) ^aarcii. To dictate, v. a. 1. fcictircn, in bte ge* ber fagen, oorfagen ( — to ... eiuemJ ; eingeoen ; 2. befebfen. DICTATE, *. 1. baS Sictirte, 1)ieta= turn ; 2. bie (Stngebung fgewo^nlid) im /)/.)-. 3. SBorfeprtft, Vebre. DICTATION, a. 1. baS JDtcttren; 2. Okluiii. DICTATOR, a. ber dictator; tutnm= fdjranftc Wetualtbabcr. DICTATORIAL,) adj. btetafortfdj, f|C= DICTATORY, > tuetcrifdi, bcrrifd). DICTATORSHIP, > s, 1. bte rictatnr '; DICTATURE, 5 2. liniimfdnanftc ©eroalt; 3. ber 3)jad)tfprecBerton; 4. bie unoerfdjeimfe SJreifliglett. DICTION, .?. ber JIuJbriicI, Sortrag, bie S)arjlellung, ber 3 ti>l, bie Spraefje, Tietton. DICTIONARY, s baS SBorterbiid). DIDACTICAL (Didactic) (ado. — ly), adj. bibnftifd), belebrcnb. DIDAPPER, «. bie ;Iand)ciite, ber 5£ait« djec. DroUCTION, ». bie ?liuVinanbcrbcf)= nung. To DIE, 0. I. a. rid. To D« ; II. n. 1. fterbctt, abftevben ; 2. fid) oerriedjen, oermelfen, oerbufteit; 3. Th.T. auf ewtg verniditet fe^n : to — of a (lis ease, an eiuer .Uraitfbcit ftcrfcetl; to — Iiy femine, aar, luie man bte .(Satib itmfebrt. Diego, a. Stegp, DIEK. vid. Dvkk. niEsis, s. 1. Mu*. t las Jtvtiij, b. jibe DIGE Xo:u ober ©rlj6fjttng«}etd)en: 2 Ty P . T. bag (boypflte Jtteuj [U diet. ». l.bicSiat, Aoftrtael, 2eben«« orbnung; 2. 'Jtabruua,, jtoft, Aran tenfoft, ber Untcrbalt; 3. 5Reu$8tag ganbtag, Jtreifltag ; —drink, ber Mrj* ncitranf, Jtrantcrfraiif. To diet, ,-. a tt a. 1. Stilt beobacbtcn I a ff c n ; itad) ber Tiat fpetfen; nad) ber ©tat leben. mS^tg tebeti; 2. be' {ofrigen ; 3. effen. DLETARY, adj. biatetifd). DIETER,*, ber •.'Inorbncr ber Xiat. I'K'AL. DlBTKTIC, adj. gtfll!tJ = beit 8nt3f) tg, biateiiut. To DIFFER, v. I. n. 1. »crfd>ieben fcDit ; abtveidlClt : to — from one's sell", fid) ttibfrfprecgen; 2. »erfd)iebtner, an= bever ilieinnn.pV.Mi ; H. a ftreiten; uerfd)ieben benfen; vrfdjiebeB ma d)cii (». it.). DIFFERENCE, ». 1. bee Unterfd)ieb bag 3Rtf oerbaltni$ ; 2. ber ©treit, 3»ift, bie ©tteitigEett, omnia,: 3. ber Streityunft ; 4. bie StretUtrfa6)ej 5. bag SWi^Berftdnbnip. To DIFFERENCE >'■ "• f inen ltnter= fd)ieb marben, unteri'dietbeii. DIFFERENT, adj. rerfebtebenartia,. itn» tcrfd}ieben, Berfdjiebeu, nnabtiltd) ; — ly, iintevfcbicben, u. f. to. auf cine anbere x'ht. ' DIFFERENTIAL, adj. Mat. T. iuienb= ltd), flein ; — method (or <-.-,i bic differentials cber 3nftntteftmaL 9ied)iiung. DIFFICULT, adj. 1. fdjroer ; fcb.n)iertg j 2. fdpmer }u oefriebtgen ; 3. tvunbtrs lid). DIFFICULTY, ado. frfimerltd). DIFFICULTY, s. 1. bic 2d)ivieri^fcit ; 2. SWot^, 3Jerlegciil)ett ; 3. @intt)eiv> bung. DIFFIDENCE. .«. bit 23eni)eicei!beif, 2d)ud)tenibeir, ber 2J2angel an gelbfloertranen. DIFFIDENT (ado.— ly). adj. fd)iid)tern, befdieiben, cbnc Selbfloertrauen. DIFFLUENCE (DirrLciNCY), s. bag 3crfticf;en, bic gluffigfeit. DIFFLUENT, adj. jerfltefjeiib, pffig DIFFORM, adj. 1. tingle id; ; 2. mivc gelmfifjtg. DIFFOBMITY. ». bie llngleid'beit; Uu» regelmafigfett. DLFFRANCHISEMENT, vid. Disfran CI11SKMENT. To ddti.'si', v.a. 1. autgtefjen, a:\s- febiitten, crgiejicii; 2. oeroreiten. DIFFUSE (ado. — ly), adj. 1. lvett I'fi- brcitct ; 2. meitlduftg, weitfebtveiftg. DIFFUSEDNESS, ? fe{ ^crblfiti.l.a DIFFUSION, ) ' a - luln "'"tJ- DIFFUSIBLE, adj. I'cvbrcitfam, aug* bveitbar. DIFFUSIVE (adv. — ly), adj. 1. oer&rtp tenb, jerflrenenb ; ergiepenb ; 2. vcr= bvcitet; 3. Weitlauftg ; — ness, ». bie SBerbrettung, SDBeitlauftgfeitj - fdproetftgfcit. To i>i<;. v.a.irn. graben; to- nm, ausgraben ; augrotten ; to — up. auf= araten ; to — a badger, Sp. K. cinen S)adj« aug feinev .<>bble tretbeu (graben). DIGASTRIC adj. .1 T. V.veibandlig (VOll cincr 2)iiivfel bee liiiiern J(iiut= labe'. DIGEST, ». bic 1-aiibcetcit. To i hi ; est. p. i. o. i. oerbauen ; 2. cvbiieii; 3. fi.j . crtvageti ; 4. c.'i. 7". bt« geriren bet gelinbem ^eiier cnuei' ctiii . ;cr "ctjett ; 5. S. T. |um fJitern bringen : to — into a system, in eiu Spftem brtngenj n n. I. (beigeltn> tent Setter] enretd't lvcrbcit; 2. S.T citern. 107 DILE DINT DIKE DIGF.sit.r. g 1. tor SSerbaiter; 2. bag SBerbaiiuuggmittel; 3. Cft. t ber »a« pimautf.W Dtgertrtoyf jum ?luf lofen ber Auocfenu; 4. ber 2luor&ner. DIGESTIBLE, tulj oerbnulid). DIGESTION, a. I. bie 23erbil; 3. .fir. T. bieijabU ftgur, ©runbjabl. digital, adj. beu Singer betreffenb. DIGITATED, part. «VHl ttj, gejtiigert. D1GLADIATION. 3. 1. bag ©ClltCfccI, ©efetbt ; 2. ber Strcit, Banf. D1GNIFICAT10N, s.bic Srbebuitg ; @ts (joining. DIGNIFIED, a#. ttttt eitier SSBuvbc be* fleibet; roftrbevoli. To DIGNIFY, ». a. ev()i)f)Clt, percbeltt, jterett. dignitary, s. ber SSttrbentrager, ber bohe ©etillirfce, $rdlat, ©ttff8= gerr, it. f. to. DIGNITY, s. 1. bie SBfirbe; 2. ber Mang. digraph, s. fer ©igrapb. ; Stpbtfyong {nt utteigentlicbeit istttiie. To digress, v. a. nbroeit$en; anS- fd)n>etfen, abfrbroeifett. digression s. bie StbiveirBjtitg ; 2lb^ frbroeifnng, Slugfcbroeifung. DIGRESSIONAL, { adj. ab= DIGRESSIVE {adv. — ly), J fd;roei= fenb, roeitfrbnjeiftg. To DIJUDICATE, b. a. ablU'tfjeileil, CItt= fdjeiben. DIJUDICATION, s. bag Slbltrfljeilen, bie iricbterlicbe) (Sntfcljeibuiig, bag Urthcil. DIKE. s. I ber ©raben, Jtattal ; 2. Samm. Scid) ; ;i — to turn oil* a river, ciit SBebr To DILACERATE, v. a. ttt ©tfitfe ret= Ven, jerreijjen. DILaueration, *. bas Rerretffett, bie 3erreiBUitg. D1LANIAT10N, s. bag 3crrct9crt, 3>tx= fleifrben. To DILAPIDATE, v. I. n. einfaflen, ill SEritmittcr fallen; if. a. 1. uerb'bett, perronften, jerfioreit; 2. oerfefwettben, oerfcblcubcrtt, oergeubett. DILAPIDATION, s. 1 . ber SScrfall ; 2. bie SBerfrfctvenbung, 93erfcbleuberuitfl. DILapidaT( >;:. « l ber SSerfall oerurs fadn, ber 3wfl5rer; 2. ber SBer* fdjiroenbcr. DILAtahilitv, s. bie Sehjibantit. dilatable, adj. bcbitbar. dilatation, a. bie SluSbeJjnuitg. To DILATE, n. I. a. aUftefellCII, tttOtU tent ; anSbreiten ; ll. "• fid) envci= tern; fid) fiber fine Sad)e auSbreU ten, roeitlfiuftg anslaffen, erijrtertt; — adj. auSgebeottt. dilator (Dilatkr), s. ber, bie, bag -.'iiisbehiieiibc ; a. t. ber erroeitentbe SKustel. dilatoriness, s. bas 3 fl ubevtt, <£>' 11 - balteit, bie ©aumfeltgfeit. ' DILATORY, adj. taiibcrnb, lamjfam; fattmfeltg; /.. r. auftiiglieb, oerjBs gerlid) ; to be — , lainjfain fct;n, auf= febiebett. DILECTION s. bie Sicbc, Rartlidifeif, 3uHetgiing. dilemma, s. I. t.ot. 7. ba«T*t[entnta ; i Sf. ber 3»etfeUfuotejj ■ iie it(cm= 10S v*se, iScrlcgeitijeit; itiianaein-finic SBaM. dilettante, s. ber ©tlettajtt, Jlllttft= freunb, .Uunftlieblmber. diligence ... ber Skip, bie ®mftg= feit ; 2. s 4- ! ofifutfd)e (in SJranfretcB). DILIGENT (adv. — ly), adj. fleijiig, finng. dill, s. ber Sill, btc St He (Mnetkum — L). DILUENT, I. adj. y crbitii ticttb ; It s. baS SSerbunttunggiuittel. To DILUTE, v. a. pci'bfiiuicn ; fct)tuci = dieil; DILUTED, adj. ocibiilliit. diluter, s. baS SBerbunnunggmittel. dilution, s. bie iBerbHttmtng. diluvian, adj. jttr Siiittfliirb a,ebo= rig. tit bcrfclbcii gegrunbet, fie bc= tr'effeub. dim {'idn. — ly), adj. 1. biuifcl, biifter, trfibe, matt; 2. jig. Bl8be; — sighted, blBbftdjtig. r« dim. ». a. »etb«n!eln, Mettben. dimension, s tie 'iluebetinung, ber Uittfang, ba« iDJat5. dimensionless. orf/. ttnemtcfilicr). dimensity. s . bie ilusbet;nung, ber Umfang, baS SKag. DIMENSIVE, adj. ben Uittfang ober ba» OJJag beftimmenb. To dimidiate, v. a. in jnjet Sf>eile ober ©tfiife tbetlen, balbiren. dimidiation, s. bie Xbetliuig in jttjei gletct)e Sbeile, ba« Jpalbiren. 7^ diminish, b. i. a. oerwiinbem, »ers rtngern, serfletnern; n. «. fid) vcr= mtnbern, abne^men. diminution, 1. s. bie 93ermt'nberung ; SBerflciiierung ; 2. ("rntUMirbigiittg ; J^erabfe^ung ; 3. ?lbnal)ine obcrSBers jfinguttg (ber StrfeeinerSanlc). DIMINUTIVE {adv. — ly), I. adj. fleitt ; II. s. Oram. T. bfli Silltiltlttiu, iBef= lletnentngSroort. diminutiveness, s. bie J?(einf)eit, ,ftleiiiUd)feii. DIMISH, adj. 1. eiit njcBtg bitnfet, biint= nternb ; 2. ciit mentg blobftttttfl. DiM[SSORY,rtrf;.r. letters — ,ba8ue*6er* laffttnggi, ©nttaffungis ober (SinmiU ItgungSfc^rctben. dimity, s. ber gefBtterfe "Barcijent. DIMMING, s. bie Sniifclbeit. dimness, s. l.bieSiifterfeit; 2.33t8bs fiduigfeit; SDIBbtgfett. dimple. «. ba8 ©riibdieit 'BefotibcrS int Siinn, ober ill ber SBattgc). To dimple, b. i. a. ©ffibdjcn uiad)en ; ii. n. ©rfibdjen befontmen. dimpled, aij. niit fflviibfbcn. dlmply, adj. »oH ©rubcfjen. DIN, s. ber 'Mann, baS ©ctofe, ©efltn= ge, ©eflirt, ©eraffel. To din, v. a. betaitbett, iibcrfan'ocit. To dine, v. i. n. ju SWittag fpeifen; u.a. 3einattben fpeifen. To ding, v. a. betaubett. DINGDONG, tliitaflana (ber ©loJett= febali). dinginess, s. baS Snnfelbrannc. DINGLE, s. ba« I(;al ; — dangle, vulg. bintntcl bammet. dingy, adj. bunfelbrattn, fdjtoarjs braiut. dining-room, s. 1. bag §ty*tf?jntts mer, ber ©"petfefoal ; 2. pi. bag Spei= febang. dinner, s. bag 3J!itfag«maftI, 9)iit= taggeffett; —set, bag Safclfcruiee ; — time, bie 3l'tfrfnctt. DINT. *. 1. ber Scblag, <2treid) ; 2. bie Striene; 3. jig. ©eroalr, .Uraft, Starfe; by — of, fiaft, bitreb, »er= mittelft. To dint, v.,a. cinbriiifen, einfetjneiben, Striemett, tt.f. w. maei)cn, jeid;nen, .marfen. diocesan, I. s. 1. ber ^rfilat ober 93ti fdiof beg ©vreiigelg; 2. (Stntsofjiiet et ieg (S*prengel8 ; 11. adj. jit einent Svrenqcl geoorifl. DIOCESE, s. bie StoceS, ber (J?iveb=) ©prengel. dionys'ius, s. Sioinifiug (59ianitg- name). DIOPTRICAL (Dioptric), adj. Opt. T. bioptrifd; ; — glass, bag 'Secrobr, gernrotjr. dioptrics, s.pi Qpt.T. bie 5)ievirif (Vehre von ber 33red;uiig ber 8id*.t= ftrablen). To dip, v. a.frn. 1. tattcficit, ciitfandiett, ciutnnfen ; nntertaiidicn ; 2 fig. fir!) ill etamg cerrotcfeln, cinlaffcn ; ctnge= ben, einbriitgen, ucrtiefen ( — into, in) ; 3. abu'cid)en (»on ber SJJlagnetnabeO ; to — into a book, eiit Slid) bureb= lanfen. dips. bic3Scrttcfung; ©ettfung; (fin* taitdjiing ; — chick, bie J£(tucfis@nte ; JV. T-.i. — of the horizon, bie Sncfnttg ber Jl'im ; — of the needle, bie ?lba>ei= cjpung ber SDlagttetnabel ; dips, pi. (ft. dipped candles; grjpgenc StrBte. dipetalous, adj. b t iwetblatterig. diphthong, s. ber Stpl)tl)ong, Scp= pellanter. diphthongal, adj. ang jiuci ®o*ps pellantcrn bcfielienb. diploe, j». a. t. bag iiincrc ^iritfrb(i= belh'intebcn. diploma, s. bag Sivlom, bie Uititnbe, ber Seftallnnggbrief. diplomacy, b. 1. bie SipTomntie ; bag ©efanbtfejjaftsroefeii ; 2. bag bi-- Vlpniatifii)e (Jprpg. diplomatic, adj. bipfpiita(ifd). diplomatist, s. ber Stplomat ©taatsmann. DIPPER, s. 1. berTandjer; 2. 2Bicber- tiiufer. DIPPING, s. Min. T. Streiebeii ber @rj< abent ; — noedie, bie s DJa gnetnabel. dipsas, s. bie Surftfdilange. diptych, s. bag JRcgifter ber ©ifefcoft nnb SJiartwrer. DIRE. adj. 1. grafi, gra|;(idi, graueners regenb, grnueit»ofl, fdirecflieb; 2. gran fa in- 3. l;Bd)ft traurig, direct {adv.— wi), adj. 1. ge'rabc, red)t= lauftg ; itnmittelbar ; 2. bentlief). To direct, v. a. 1. rid)tcn ; jteleit; 2. ftcnern ; 3. einriebtcn, anorbnen ; 4. angeben, wetfen, anweifen, leifen, fiibren, aiifiibren; 5. vprfdjreiben, perorbtten, ctufgeben, beanftragen ; 6. iibcrfd)reiben, abreffiren ; pray — me how to do it. babeit etfettt>, teitenb. directness, s. bie gerabc 3t(d)tnng ; ©erabbeir. DIRECTOR, ... 1. ber Sireetor, Kiibrer, «Porftet)tr, Sufferer, Secret; 2. s. T. bie Sonbe. DIRECTORIAL, 007. 1. Ieifeilb, MXOti* fcnt>, befcblenb; 2. birectorial. DIRECTORY, I. adj. ainveifenb, leitenb It a. 1. bag Sireefpi'inm, tcr 2li:8- fcbnfi \>on Sivcetoren, Sorflebern ; 2 bag '.'Ibrcfibtidi ; 3. bie Sivcctonalre- gicung (in ^ranfwieb). DISA DIRECTRESS (Dirkctrix), 8. bit 33or= fieljcrinn, Slnffcbcvinn, iieitciinn. DIREFUL [ode. — ly), adj. graufam, gra§lid>, fdjrccf f>aft. fd) red I id). DIREFULNESS, is. bai CMiaf)Iid)e, tic DIRENESS, $ £d)rerflid,'fcit, ba« ©vanctt. DIREMPTION, a tic Trennting. Direption, i. tic stteraubung, ^(iin= be rung. dirge, s. ba$ ©rabtieb, Sraucrlicb, bet ©rabgefang, Seicbeugefang. dirk, *-. bet Dold) (ber •pocbfcbotien). DIRT, *. becRotb, ©rbmu, ; Uuflath ; fa throw — upon one. 'ACUianten UCts leumtett; — colour, tic ©d)mtl|}Far= be ; — coloured, fd)lllltt}fai'ben, fitmut}far6ig;spotof-,bcr2d>mub= fled To DIRT, v. a. vid. To Dirty. DIRTILY, ode. i. frbmutjig ; 2.fig. anf eir.e frbmii|jige, niebrige, geincine Slrr, fcbanblirb. DIRTINESS,* 1. bieSrfimuljigfcii. Itiu gaibigteit: 2.^g-. >Jttcbcrtrad;iigfcit, (Scbatttlirbfeir. Cikty. adj. 1. fotbig febmufeig, unfffis *t)tg; 2.jfc\ niebrig, gemein; frbiiut= lid), Htebertradjtig, Derarbtlicb. To DIRTY, u. a. befdmtii^cu, befubeln. DiRUiTiON,s.j>aS 33rccf;cti. bev SBrucft. DISABILITY, ». 1. ba* Uiroermbgen, bie Unifirbtigfeit, Unfabigfcir, ilu= rauglicbfeit ; 2. ba3 gefe|ltcbe .Oiit= berntfi jit erben obet fcuft ciu ?(ed;t $tt geniejjen). 7b DISABLE v. a. 1. nnfaljig, uitfaug= licb imidxit, aufer Sranb fcfccit ; 2. eutfrafteu, frbroarben. DISABLEMENT, *. bie ad;c; Ui gefetjlid)e .§tnbernif. To DISABUSE, b, n. a\\9 bent Srrfbnme reifu-ii, enttaufrbeii, jurecbt roetfen. To DISAOCOMMODATE v. a. Ullbc = qucmlid)fcif ventrfaebctt. DlSAOOOMMODAT10N,s. bie Unbeteifc febaft, Un»orbereitung. To disaccustom, v. a. abgeroS&nen, entwobuen. To DISACKNOWLEDGE, v. a. md)t a\U erfeiitteii, laitgucn, pcrlaugitcii. DBACaUAiNTANCE.*. bie Unbcfannt* frbaft, llnbcfanutbeir. 7b DISADORN, b a. veruttjicrcu. disadvantage, ... ber SJlacfitfieif, ©djabeit. SBerfufi; bos Ungunftige, Uiibeaucmc [einer SteUung). To DISADVANTAGE. ». a Wacbtbeil bringen, beiiocbtbeiligen, febaben. DISADVANTAGEOUS {ndo. — ,, Y ), adj. nad)tl)cilig, frbatiirb, ungiiiiftig, nut SGacbtbeil; — ness,*.bie »iarbtbeilifta ft it. J To DISAPFECT. v.a. 1. SPHfisergnugen crregru, unjiifrieben marben; abge* neigt macben ; 2, in Unorbumig brta geu ; 3. roibrtg fiiiben. DISAFFECTED (ado. — ly). adj. mi|i= mgnugf, umufrieben, abgeneigt; — ne«s, 8 tie Uitjufriebenbeit, Slbge* nct.jtbcit. disaffection, «. tie STbneignng, ber SBtberoille, ba« SWipvergnitgen. DISAFFECTIONATE, adj. abgeneigt; mijjoergnugf. 7b disaffirm, ».o.rt)tberfprerben. DISAFFIRMANCE, s. tie ^cnicimmg, aBiberlegmig. To DI8AFFOREST, v.a. eincn for ft gc= mctii miicbcii,ba«3orftrecl;t tcffclbcn aufheben. JJ DISAGGREGATE, v. a. (eiue 6fitt« fungi aiifliifi'it. DISAGGREGATION, s. bie Sltlflofumi (eincr .(.-.aufnng). TV DISAGREE, v. n. nirbt ubcreinilim= DISA men; ttcifcbiefccn foerftbubcnerSKei' nung), unctnig feyn. DISAGREEABUB («/b. — ly). arij ltlt = angettebm. uiierfreulirb, mitrtg, — ness. x. tie UuaniiebinUcbfeif, ini- brief5lid)fcir. D!SA(;KKKABLES,s./'.lIna!lllCbnt= lidjfeiten. DISAGREEMENT, ... I. tie $cifd)ie= tenbeit; ■<;. bat fible 3Seritebme«, tic "JjJifibcUigfeit. Uueinigfeit, 3 ticitia- feit. To DISALLOW, r. a. niitJln'tgctt, nid;t jugeben, Denoetgerit, uerroerfen. DISALLOWABLE, adj. MHllUiflig, DlSALLt >wance, .v. tic S02t66iUtauna. bae Berbot. To DISALLY » o. 1. turd) cine SKig- betratb »erciitigcii; 2. tvcitncn, aitf= 15 Kit. To DISANCHOR, v a. Bom ylnfcf Ie3= marben, ten Sinter liditcn. To disanimate, b, a. eiitinuffttaeit. DISANIMATION, s tie i'litrljlofigfeif, Sttebergeftblageubett. 7b disannul, b. a. lingiilfig marben, fur mill nnt nirbtig erflaren, auf; c ben, abfdjaffeu. D1SANNULMENT, 5. bie Sufbebunfl, abfdjaffung. To DBANO NT, 0. a. tie SBcibc neb= men; tev SBetbe berauben. To DI8APPAREL, o. a cntfleitctt. To DISAPPEAR, ». 71. ycifd)a-illtCII. DISAPPEARANCE, s. bad iu'l'fd!roill = ben. To DISAPPOINT. D . a. Qcilhinbc^ Ocff= nungen) oereiteln, tnnfeben, (fane ShJniitdie 11. f. no nid)t geroabren, bmtertreiben, (ibn) lanft^en; 10 — one, Senhiittcin fctn Sffiort nidjt bal= ten, ibn filjeii laffcn ; to be disappoint- ed, (in leinen.'ooffiiiiiigcii, (5iU)artuit= geu) betrogen.gefauftbtroerbeu; ih«y — ed my designs, fie ycvcitcltcn mettle Slnfcblage: how— ed she Ibund ber s.ii: ivic fel)v fanb fie fid) bctrogcii! he will be — ed, cei wilt il;m nid)t ges lingen; I was — ed of a carrinve. iit cvincltcin ermarleteS Subnoerf nirbt ; she —ed me of hor visit id) UMUitC Dcrgebltcb ouf ihrcn ^cfud); 1 was — ed of the fortune I expected, id) tiiitfdjte mid) in nicinrr Vliisficbt anf cill ; she was —,.,1 in her expectations, Ut fanb fid) in ibren (Sr= n>artiingen getanfdit; 1 was— ed by him, iiiciuc i^offnungen rourbeu »on ibm (tnrd) ihn) vcreitclt. ctcr er taufdjte niciiie Srrvartuugen. DISAPPOINTMENT, a tie getauf(6fe ertwartunj, Cereiteluug • feblge= ftblagene.goffnung, bai geblffblaaett. To D1SAPPREC1ATE, b. a, gertiigfcbiU v cn. J DISAPPROBATION, t. bie 3JligbtUt= giuni, ber :Iatcl. DISAPPROBATORY, n.j miilbilliaenb. DISAPPROVAL, s. tic OJJifilM'ilianna. To disapprove, b. a inijjbiUigeu, ta* beln, oertuerfen. T.> disarm, v . a. cntivaffneii ; berau= ben. disarmer, a. tev (Sntoaffnenbe. To DISARRANGE, b. a. ill Unoibitung brmgen, oerwirren. DKAKRANGEMENT, 5. bie lliiorbnuim, Userwirrung, To disarray. 0. o. 1. + cntFtciten ; 2. in Uiipvtniing britigen, oerroirrcn DISARRAY, a. 1. + tic^ad'tbeit; 2. ilserrotrriing, 7b disassociate.,., a trcntteit. disas ter, s ba«Uiifllficf ( berUuflern, tic SBtberrofirttgfett. 7b i) sasikr.,,. „. ungliirfttcb marben; qiialcn, traufen, bctnfbcn. DISC I DISASTROUS Uilv — -,- adj. UHglJl.*. i lid), traurig, elent, jamiitcvlid;; — 1 tv-m, .«. tie unglfirffeltgfeif To DISA V( »W, b r. I. langnen ; 2. nitil anerfennen, oerroerfeu. DISAVOWAL ' — mi:\t). -- 1. bai new, 2. tic v Jtid;taiicifcniiiin,], ffler* •roerfung. 7b DISBAND, v. I. a, abbanFfll, ':evac = febieben, entlaffen ; ii „ flcb ircnr.crt, ftd) jerftreuen, auSeinanber geben. 7b disbark, b. a. ausfrbi jftn, ana SJen, auS) 7b DISBURDEN, b. a. &■ n ntHajJcil entlateii ; io — one's heart fcin •i" , crj erleirbtern ctcr aiiefrbutteu. 7b DISBURSE b. a. I. ,i:i;jaM:n ; 2. aii6lei\en, sorfrbiet DiSBURSEMENi'. s I. tic 5Iu8gabe; 2, 9lu4lage, ber 33orfrbu§. disburser s. I. ber 2lu«tablet; 2. bet 5Borfcf)uti letftef. DISC, *. bie Srbeibej —of the sun, bie Sonnenfrbribe; — of the moon, bie 3)conbfcbetbe. 7»i)istAi.<:i:ATi:. ,-. n.ticSdMibeauS' jieben, discalceation,». bas Sf$u y au8«e: ben. 7b DISCANDY, v. ». fid; anflofm frbmeljen. 7b DISCARD, b. a 1. ireaircrfen (bie .Uavtcn in rinigen JiaitcnaMclen ; 2. abtanfen, abfefeeu, oerabfrbicten. DISCARNATE, adj. ciilflci|du, f!eifd;= lo§. 7b DISCASE b. a. enfflcibcn. To DISCERN, v.a. ,<• n. I. nntcrfdn-itTii; beurthetlen ; 2. erfennen, gcivabr roerten, feben. DISCERNER, s. ter in-urt()ciler, J?en- iter, SRirbter. DISCERNIBLE ; :■-. — ly), * nnter= febetbbar, erfeitnbar, erfenntlirb ; fid)tbar, merflidj; —ness, «. vie lln= terfdjeibbarfeit j Stcbtbarfeit. DISCERNING [ado — ly), a.ij. fd),ivf= ftrbtig, frbarfftiinig. disi il rnment. * t te ItnterfrbefbnngSs frafr.SBeuttheilunflBfraft^ttecyarfi (Inn. DISCERPIBILrTY. s. tic Ivcnnhirfcif, 3erreigbarrVtt. discerption, 8. tie 3«teijjitng, 3cr- ftiicfclnitii. 7b DISCHARGES.!. a I. entl.ttcii. ai!.'- labcn, ablatcn, nugfrbijfen, ISfrbeit; 2. loSfcbiefieit, abfeitern ; 3. aitefioa fen, aiulaffcn, Superii; t. erateSen, aii^flicfjcn laffcn, auManfcn laffcn; 5. fiit cntlebtgen; ucrrirbten; (i cr» fiillcii; 7. befreten, ludlaffcn, fvci- fpved)cn, [p6fprect;en ; 8. .1/ /•: be* jablen, entrtrbteii, abtbun, einl.frn, abfiibreii cine Eratre) ; quttlirert ; 9 lpcjfitaffen, aufbeben — IVom, wrO ; 10. entlaffen, oerabfrbiebeu ; to — one's conscience, fctn Weiuiffen frei marben, eiu gute« ©enjtffcii bebalten; to— fr.iui duly, tcr $fliCy( Clltlaffcl! ; ablSfen; to — B volley cine Sabi geben ; ii discharges matter, c^< eitcvt; 11 n. aiiSeinaiiter gehen, fid; t!;eileu ; fid) citilatrn. 10!) DISC DISC DISC MSCHAKGE, s. 1. ber ?ht«6ru*, 2fa*s tlii'i; 2. tafi Vosgcbcn, Voebrcuucn, Slbfeuern, tie Salve ; 3. Slttflabung, Vofdmug; 4. Sefreiung, 8o8ft>res rfumg, ba8 Sofegelb; 5. bic @ntfaf= hutfl; tor ')lbfd)icb; 6. bic $crrid)= tuna, SSoQjteQuna ; 7. 58cjal)liing ; Dutttung ; 8. bic Slitsuabme, bag SRmulcgium ; — of one's office, bie Slbtuartuug feineS Unites. DISCHARGER,* 1. ber cutfabct u. f. W. ; vid. To Discharge ; 2. (or dis- charging rod), 2lu8labcr(ber @[cftrici= tat). DiSQNcr, adj imgegiirtet. disciple, «. ber ©c^uler, Sftnger. To DISCIPLE, v. a. 1. CVjict)C!t J 2. 6c= Eebrcu. disciplelike, nr//. ciuciu (Sc^iiler ge= jiemenb, fdndcrmatiig. discipleship, s. ber ©djiilerftanb, bic 3ungerfdjaft. DISCIPLINABLE, adj. gefebrig, folg= fam ; — ness, s. bic (Delefjrigfeit. DISCIPLINARIAN, I. «'//'. JUt Rudjt gc= feorig ; n. .?. ber ftrcnge tiuf 3ud;t unb Dvb'muig bait. DISCDPLLNARY, adj. Jltr 3ud)t, Ovb= itung obcr Gqicbuug gcborig. discipline, s. l.bieBu$t,£)rbnung; 9)iaitnS$ud)t ; 2. uitterrrntrfigfeit ; 3. bcr Uutcrricbt; bic (Srjichiiug, (Shtubung; 4. SDiSciplitt, '23iffcu= frbaft ; 5. 3ucfjti(jung, Jtajle"tiing. To DISCIPLINE, v.ti. 1. jicbeit, inpUCft unb Drbnuug fatten ; 2. crjiefjen, unferriditeu, unterroeifeu, bilbcu ; 3. jiidjtigcn, gcif;eln, Eaftcicn. To DISCLAIM, v. a. ciitfagcn, 35erjtcl)t Icijtcu, serlaugnen, nid)t anerfenitni, ablchtgnen. disclaimer, g. 1. bcr SBcrlaugner ; 2. L. T. SBiberfprud). To DISCLOSE v. a, aitffcbliefseit, Citt= biillcu, cutbcifcrt, fuiib maebcrt. disclose, s . bic Cnitbiillung. discloser, s . bcr (Sutbcdcr, (Sittimcfs Icr. DISCLOSURE, s. bic ©tttpHuttfl, 2Iuf= becfung ; (Sntbecfung. To DISCOLOUR, v. 0.1. etttfai'bcit, fllt= bcr-j farbeu ; 2. cutftcllcn. discoloration, s. 1. bie 3?crfar= bung, SBcrfdjteiJung ; 2. (futftcUuug ; 3. Med. T. collect, bill 'jlcifcil. DISCOLOURED, adj. 1. bllltt: 2. C!tf= farbt. To discomfit, v. a. (cine 2lrmcc) jer» ftreueti, roerfen, fdilagcu. DISCOMFIT, Discomfiture, s. bie ?lic= bcrlagc. discomfort, t. bcr Itumnflj, ba« SsUiifbefjagen, bev SBerbrufj, bie ©e- triibnifi, ©djroermuu). Tb discomfort, ». n. franfen, bcfriU ben, cutmutbigen, befturjen. To DISCOMMEND, *. a. tabclu, (jerab= fefreu. DISCOMMENDABLE,^', tabclbaft, 1111= riihmlid); —ness, s. bic £abelbaftig= fcit. DISCOMMENDATION, s. bcr S'abcf, iiblc SRuf. discommender, s. bet EErtbTcr. To discommode, o. a. belaftigcn, bc= fdjweren, bcfd)ir>crlid) fallen.' l)|si ■( IMMODIOUS, a lj. Kiftig, befd)rocr= lid), unbeqnem, ungclcgcii. discommodity, 8 . bie ©efdjttJfrlicfc feit, Uubeauem(id)feit, Uugclcgcu= but, bas Uiti^cmad). TV discommon, ». o. be8 ©emeinbes red;tc« (obcr be§ k 4>orred;tc«) bcrau= ben. y DISCOMPOSE " "A. in Unovbnung brinacn, uerwirrert, |errutteit; 2. bc= wmihtgcn, yerfricfilid; iuad;cu, ^x- 110 bni§ !JCntvfad)C!l ; Discomposed, adj. mitintutbig, vcrbvicfilidi. DISCOMPOSURE, s. 1. bic SBetwitrujKj, Unovbniing; 2. Unnil)C; bcr 3JZ$s niutb. To DISCONCERT, v. a. 1. CllhS bcr 8faf= fnng bringen, oerlegen mad;cii; 2. uerettellt; — ion, s. bic i'creitclung. disconformity, s. bie Itnglctdjb'cif, Ungcmafibcit. discongruity, .o. bie ltnglcid)bcif, UugcmaiJbett, ber 2Bibcrfprnd;. To DISCONNECT, v.o.. tretllien. DISCONNECTION, s. bic Jlrcunuiig, ©baltung. To DISCONSENT, p. a. .lirbt iiberein= ftimmen, abrocicf/eit ( — from, von). DISCONSOLATE (adv. — ly), adj. troft* loS, untrbftlirb ; —ness, ° bie Strofis Icftgfcit. disconsolation, s. bie XrofrUTtgfcit. dlscontent, I. adj. mijjuergttiigt, un= jufrteben ; II. s. sing. 1. baS DcitJ^cr; gniigen, bic Unjufriebenljcit; 2. pi. bic 3JJif»ergnugreB. To discontent, v. a. niifjiicrgiu'igt obcr unjufrieben marbcu, bekibtgett. DISCONTENTED (adv. — ly), adj. mi{j= oergniigt, unjufrtebert ; oerbriefdid), iniirrifd) ; — ness, s. vid. Discontent- ment. DISCONTENTING, adj. uitbcfricbigcitb, unbrig. DISCONTENTMENT, s. bie Unjufrie; benbeit, ba§ iKt^oergitugen. DISCONTINUANCE, t s. 1. bie Ulttcr= discontinuation, j brcd;ung, Uu= tcrlaffung, ba-3 Sluf^oven ; 2. bie Srcmiung ; — ance, L. T. bic ltntcr= brccbung (beg i^cfifees), bag Stegert* laffen (enter .ftlagc, u. f. to.). To discontinue', D.i.a. l. nid)t forts fctjen, nntcrbrcfbeii; untcrlaffcn, lic= gen laffen, einftcUen ; ii. «. ftocfeit, anfbbren, unttrbvodicn, gerrentttfeljn. DISCONTINUITY, s. ber iDJangc! beS 3ufaninicnbange§, bie Siicfc. DISCONTINOUS, adj. 1. itiitcrbrodKit, unjufammenpttgenb ; 2. weir, gab= nenb. DISCONVENTENT, adj. ungcrcilllt, Utt= ftattbaft. discord, *. 1. bie SJHjjfjelltgr'etr, Unei= nigfeit, 3uuetradit ; 2. Mus. T. 2>tf= fonanj ; bcr ilJififlang. DISCORDANCE, DISCORDANCY, s. vid. Discord. DISCORDANT [adv. — ly), adj. 1. llicbt ftimmeno, mtjjfiSttenb, mififliiigcnb; 2. ntd)t iibcrcinftimmcnb, niifibcllig; 3. n.nbcrfprcd;enb, tm 2 1 Sibcrfprud;. DISCORDFUL, adj, janfifd). To discount, v. a. abjicbett (3infen), abrcriinen ; m. k biscoittirett. discount, s. ber 3lbjug, giabatt; m. e. 3)iSconto; — days, SiSconfotage; bank of — and deposit, bic SMSCOntO* unb 2)cV'ofitobanf. DISCOUNTABLE, adj. itidjt abjiebbar; fcin 2)i3conto jutaffettb. TV DISCOUNTENANCE, v. a, 1. Ilidlt bulbcn, yerbicten, inifjbilligcn ; 2. fid) eilter Xbeilnabmc an etroa's entfagen. DISCOUNTENANCE, s. bcr Jcal tfttttt, ba« uufreiuiblirbc Sencbimen, bifSBer= addung. DISCOUNTENANCER, s. bcr fid) eincr Sbctlnabme an ctums ©ntjte^enbej ber Seradjtcr. DISCOUNTER, s. M. E. bcr ^i^coilto giebt, bcr Ssiscoittirer, S>iScontanr. To DBCOUBAGE, d. a. mutbIp-3 ma= rficit, ciitniutbigcn, abfebreden, bie Suft bcnebnicit. DISCOURAGEMENT, s. 1. bic ^lbfd)rc= dung, Pntmutbigiutg; 2. iaS s .Hb= 'dircrfuugsmittcl. discourager, s. bcr mu(f;los macbi abfebrecft, u. f. n>. discourse, s. 1. bie 9ccbc, ba« ©r- fprad); 2. t>cr SBortrag; 3. bitWy* baitblnng. To discourse, v.v. 1. rcbcit, fpredjcu fid) iintcrrebcn ; 2. abbanbcln ; to — of a thing, itber etivag fpredien. discourser, .«. 1. bcr 9ccbncr; 2 Scbriftftellcr, Scrfaffcr. DISCOUrsive, adj. 1. gcfprad)3wcife 2. fdilicfjcnb. DISCOURTEOUS (adv. — ly), adj. Ull* niauicrlid), uubbflid) ; — ness, s. bit niimanicrlicbfcit, Mobbcit. discourtesy, s. 1. bic Unbbflidlfeit, Wfobbcit; 2. ba« JIfififallcti. discous, adj. b. t. breit, flad). To discover, v. a. etitbcdcii, aufte= cfen, citltnilkit; auSfunbfcbaften, er* mittcltt. DISCOVERABLE (adv. — ly), adj. eitt* bedbar, ftrbtbar. discoverer, s. 1. ber ©nfbeier; 2. Jtunbfrbafter, ©paber, Slnon. discovery s. bie (Sntbeefimg, Slufbe* dung. discredit, *. 1. bcr 3Jiifcrebtt, fd;lcd)te 3iuf, bie Une^re, ©djanbe j 2. bcr Uuglaubc. To discredit, v. a. 1. in 9)itf crebil fe^cn, in tiblett 3"inf bringen, oerun= glimpfcn, ycrfrbreicii; 2. nidittrauen, ttid)t glaubcit, bejweifeln. discreditable, adj. cutc^rcub, e()r= ttibrig, febimpflid). DISCREET (ado. — ly), adj. 1. »Orftd)= tig, ucrftanbig, befouncu ; 2. »er: fd)RHCgeil; 3. befdjeibert ; — ness,s. 1 bie SSorftcotigfeit, bcr SBerflanbj 2 bic 93efd)cibchbcit. DISCREPANI !E (— cy), s. b:c SQtvffyt* benbeit, 2}Jijil)elligfcit, bcr £Bicci= fprucb. discrepant, adj. oerfcfcieben, miybcl= lig, roibcrfprcd)enb, roiberjlrettenb. discrete, adj. gctrciint, abgcfoubcrt. discr?:tion, s. 1. bie .ftlugbcit, SBe= fenucubcit, S3orftd)tig!ett; 2. SB«« fdntuegenbeit ; 3. baSsSelteben, ®ut= butir'eu, bie SBiUfiibr; 4. +,JErett= intiig ; years of — , bie 3»ljre be# 33crs ftaubcS ; to use one's — . ffillciH Ut- tbcilcfoIgcit,iiaitWuibiinEaibaubclit; to surrender at. — , fid) CUf (SltabC llltb Ungitabe ergeben ; it is at your — , e« ftcbt in 3brem^elitbci:, Ca ift2if)ne!: ganj iiberiaffen. discretional, ) ,. DISCRETIONARY (adv. — arily), S a ' J ' nuUfiibrlid), uiiumfdjrdut't, belicbig. DISCRETIVE (adv. — ly), adj. 1. abfoit= bcrnb; 2. abgcfoubcrt. DISCR1MINABLE, adj. uutcrfdicibbar. To DISCRIMINATE, v. a. 1. Ulltcrfd)Ct= ben ; 2. abfouberu. DISCRIMINATE (adv.— ly), adj. Witter* fd)iebcu, abgcfoubcrt; —ness, s. bie $crfd)icbcnbcit. DISCRIMINATING, adj. 1. lt!tfcrfd)eU benb; 2, dtaraftcriftifd). DISCRIMINATION, s. 1. bic Uutcrfd)ci= bung ; 2. bcr Untcrfd;icb, baS Uuter= fd)cibiing«nicrfiiiaal. DISCRIMINATIVE (adv. — ly), adj. 1. uutcrfcbcibeub; 2. cfiaraftcrifrtfrb. DISCUBITORY, adj. jinn ^iilcfjneu ge» m ad) t. To DISCULPATE, v. a. entfdiulbigcn; loefprcdKti (you ciuem i'ergebcii). Discu>D3ENCY, *. baS Sicgctt bci Xi> fd)c. To DISCUMBER, v. a. CUtfcbigCU, Clltla^ ften. discursion, s. ba8 §ins unb .$crfan» fen. DISCURSIVE, adj. 1. UttjiSt, bill ltttt DISE DISG DISI r)cr Iflufc nb ; ffaftcvbaft ; 2. {adv. — ly), fdjlicfjcttb, btuibig, gviinblid); — ness,*. bie Sunbtflfett; Sdjlufifolge. DISCURSORY, adj. bunbig, gritnblidj. Di» us,*. 1. bie 5Burffa)etbe; 2. mo". Disc. 7« DISCUSS, v. a. 1. gcnail UIttcvfuct)CIt, etorteru; 2. .v«/. r. jcvtbcilcu. DISCUSSES, *. bet Itutcrfudjcr, Grovs tcrcr. DISCUSSION, *. 1. bie geitattc Uutcrfu= d>ung, StSttetung; 2. jum t. 3et* thrilling. DISCUSSIVE, orf/. jcvtfjeilenb. DISCUTIENT, I. s. J/t-/. T. bad jcrtf^cU leiibc 9)2 ittel ; II. adj. jcrtl^cilcnb. To DISDAIN, v. a, ucraducn, vcrfdjma- bcn, fiir unroiitbig ballot. DISDAIN, *. bie ftolje 33evad>tung, SPcr- fitmabung ; bci - SSibernnlle, Umsillc, 3orn ; to hold in — , geting fd)afeen. DISDAINFUL [adv. — i.y\ «DiSEMBrrTER,B.a.baS SBiftete 6e= uejjmeu, setfiijieu. disembodied, «///. entfotpett. To DISEMBODY, v. a. 1. cutfovpevit : 2. ji/a. t. be8 fttiegSbienfteS entlaffen, ailfiijfcil. Tb DISEMBOGUE, b I a. ergtefjen, biu- auSroetfen; n. n. fid) ergtefien, au8« mitnbeu, anSflietJen, bciaiicfahvcit. DISEMBOGUEMENT, s. tag ISvgicjicu, u. f. w. To DISEMBOWEL, d. o. ttUlWfibett. 7b DISEMBROIL, b. a. bevaudivicfelit, enttuidfeln. To DISENABLE, b. a. bev ga&igfeit be= raubett, unfaljig ntarficu, entuetsen, etttmannen, entftaften. To DISENCHANT, i\ a. ottiub = Itrb, fdintablicb, fd)inad)ooll ; — ness, 8. tie Sdjattbe. DISGRACES, s. bet dnte^rer, SebSnbet. DKGRACIOUS, adj. wibttg; fd)anb(id). 7b DISGUISE, e. a, 1. sevfleiten, sev= niuntiuen ; 2. etttftelleit ; :!. jig. oets ftelleii ; oetbcrgen, »evb,iiUen(— from, sor) ; A. vuig. bcraufd)en. disguisi;*. 1. bie v l!eifleitung, 33er= mmnmung; 2. fig.fLatvt, bet ^eb,ciu, SBorroaub ; 3, wig. SRaufdj. DBGUISEDLY, ado. iH'ibov.jeiier, »cv= fteeftet SJetfe. DISGUISEMENT, s. I. tie ^erflcibttng, SSetmummung ; 2. fig. bet Sdjetn. DiSGUisER, ». 1. bet fiA SBetlleiben* be ; 2, @nt|lellenbe. DISGUST,* I. ter (vfet, 2Bibertt>iUe j 2. but SRiefaUen, bet 9letgtt; to i — at . . .. fid} efeln oot . . ., @fel babeu ait . . j fid) argern ubet . . . 7b DlSGUST,r. n. l. (5fe! oetutfadjen, anefclit; 2. oetltiben ; 3. sevtviefieii, argent; i. beleibigen ; to Lc di^uste4 with .... G'fel babeu an .... DISGUSTFUL, adj. cfcibau, totbtt j, ge» bafftfl; — ii'j.-.--,'i. tietvfdbaftigfett; aUibtiglett. DISGUSTING [adv.— ly), adj. ancfehib, efclbau, Wtbrig. dish, i. 1. bie 2dnnul; ftoffe, bal £d)ald)en; 2. ©ettd)tj —batter, tic gate, frifebe Butter, SWaibuttet ; — clout (cloth), bev Sd)euetlo»»ett, SBtfd;biiber ; —cross, bafl rduiffcU frcit^; —stand, bet Ultretfc|er; — warmer with iron beater, ettl iduit= felwannet mit ciiicm cifemen Sola jell : — v.'\<\\ ( — water), bad Spill* roaffer, JUifroafdjwoffct ; — wasiiA-, bet Jaiidu-r cut SBogel). Tb dish. ». n. (— w) antidjten, auffes tjen, auftifdjen, ouftragen. DISH M'.ii.i.k. *. bicCiaii-Mleititiig, ba« -.Icacbtflcit, •A'Jovgcnflcib. DISHARMONIOl -. o-ij. miftouig, nid)t ubcvciuftiiuiueiib. DISHARMONY, s. bet ^lifflang ; bit SRijJfteUigfett. 7b DISHEARTEN, ». a. mufbtog, scr= jagt niadn-it, eittmtitbigcii, abfdu-erfeit. DISHERISON,*, rii. DisiinnBttox. 7b DISHERIT, r. a. r,d Tb DlBINBKBlT. Tb DISHEVEL, b. I. a, (bie fiaatt) andetnaitbetreipen, jtrjaufen; n n uiuu-teutlid) [tegen : dishevelled, mil aufgelodrent (itadjlaffig fitegenbent) DISHING, adj.T. sevticft, bebl. DISHONEST (adv. — i.y) adj. 1. Uttreb' lid) : 2. eutebvt ; 3. unsetfdjdmt, uu» feufd); Dishonesty, *. I. bie Unreb" liebfeit ; 2. Uitfciifdibeir. DISHONOUR, *. tie Uitebve, @d)anb( ; Scbmad), Serunglimfifung. Tb DISHONOUR, b. o. I . iimvuvbig be- banbelu ; 2. oeruttebven, befdjimpfen , 3. scniuftalictt; 4. cure; vcu, fd)an= ben; to — a bill a signature), .V. F.. bie ainttabnte ober ©ejablung etne« Sffied)felfl sevreetgern ; proteftireu. DISHONOURABLE fado. —i.y), adj. cbrloc, fd)Snb(id), fdjiinpflirb. dishonourer, ». bet (Sntegtet, i c .'= tenfd)ctnber, ©djanbet. Tb dishorn, b. a bie <^5t net nebmen. DISINCLINATION, .-. bie Slbtiftgung. To DISINCLINE, b. a (ibgeueigt, ob* tvenbig ntadjcu j Disinclined, adj. o6* geneigt. Tb DD3INCORPORATE, v. a, abfoiibevn, tvenueii, fdiciecu. DISrNCORPORATION, «. I. bie Hufioa fungeiiteS S3etetn8: 2. @ntjieb,ung berSJotredjte ciuev ©emeinbe. DISINGENUOUS (ado. — i.y), aa>'. 1U'.= reblirb, falfdj, argliflig; —net bie Uurebliajfeit, 5alfd)bett. DISINHERISON, ». bad ©ntetbcn, bie (Sntctbung. 7b 1USINIIF.RIT, r. n Clltevbcit. 7b DISINTER, ». a, wiebct au^gvabeii ciitnt Jotteu. DISTNTERESSED, part. adj. aid Disin- TERBsrrn. DISTNTERESSMENT, «, vid. DuuirntR ESTEDNESS. disinterest.*, bie UnetgennflfetflRtt. DISINTERESTED adv. —i.y 1 . a ■' . I. feiueit :Jbeil ait etmal babent ; 2 uiipartcmcb : 3. unetgenitufeig ; — ness, t. 1. tie Uuparieilid'teit ; 2. Uneigennfi^igfett. DISINTERMENT, ».bafl Olndgrabeit ,ci: net VeidH-: To nisLvriw.u., n a. vid. n Dts KNTlir. u. Tb DISINURE, b. a uKrobbneu ; abgt- roofjneu einem etwaS). in DISM To DISlNYiTE, v.a. k v'illC StlllabUllg' abfaqen. To D1S:NV0LVE, v. a. 1. entmirvcit, critwitfcln ; 2. loSmarijeii ; 3. bcfvcicti. To DISJOIN, o. a. rvcn licit. To disjoint, /•. i. n. 1. mis ben Sfugen reifjen, ausvenfen, oerrcufeii ; 2. gev« tbeileu, jerlegen ; jevfcfonetben ; jets jlurfelu; n. n.jevfa Hen, ausfalleti. DISJOINT (ado. — i.y), adj. QCtt;Ctlt, gttreiiiif, jevtjjeilt, gevtvemit, disjunct, adj. gefonbert, afcgefon* bcrt, getrennt. disjunction, 5. bic Slbfonbevung, £venming. DISJUNCTIVE, 1. adj. ciuaitbcv an3 = frfjliejienb, tveimciib ; ii. s. bie tren-- nenbe (Sonjunction ; — iy, a^«. 1. (MS-' fd)[ic!";oit<, befonbevS ; 2. mil Untcv- fd)eibung, bejitmmt. disk..--, i.bie Sdieibc; SBuvffe&etfce ; 2. ®oimeit= ober -iJiiMibfcr/ci&e. diskindness, s. 1. tic Ungtittgfeit, Unfreiiitdicbt'cit; 2. bev Sdjabe. dislike, s.l.bie SlMteigung, bev§SH> bevvotlle, baS JUlipfalieit; 2. bicker- bviefilicbjeit. To DISLIKE. v. a. wibrtg fuibcn, mip* billigen, tabeln, nicbt mogen. To D1SLIKEN, o. o. iiiuhnlid) madjen. dislikeness, s. bie Uiiabjilicbjeit, bev Uitterfdjieb. disliker s. bet fDligBtHtger, tablet. To DISLIMB, b. a. gliebcnseifc jevjiiU den, jevreijjen. To DISLOCATE, v.a. DetliufcU; »ev= VCltfCll. dislocation, s. bic aServiicfung ; SSevrenfung. r<^ dislodge, v. i. n. 1. sevtveibett, Kvjagen; auftvetben; aufjageit;2. auSvaumcn ; 3. sevlegen, »cvfefeen ; n. n. anSjiebett, wegjteljeii ; anfbvcdjen. DISLOYAL (ado. — ly), adj. 1. tvcil; hi, ungebovfam, Mtgefreu (gegen ben SailbeSbevvn) ; 2. unveb(td) : 3. un= jvcu (iii bev @fw imb bev Siebe) ; — ty, .>-. bit SEveifloflgfett, Uirtreue, DISMAL (adv. — ly), adj. i. f cf>vccf I tci), gvaflicb ; 2. elenb, tvauvtg, tviibe ; — nesss*. 1. baS ©cbrecflic^e, ©rfifia lidjc ; 2. @lenb, ber Jtumniev, ©vain ; 3. bie £vauvigfeif. To DISMANTLE, ». a. 1. eiltblojjCn, ausjieben, bevatiben ; 2. (bie3JZauevn ober SSGtille enter Seftung) nteberrets jjen, abbred;en; 3. ab'tafeht (eiu ©d>tff). To DISMASK, v.a. Clltlavsclt. To dismast, v. a. entmajtcn (cin 'bntc. To DISMEMBER, o. a. JCTflt icbCVIl, JCl = ftittfeln, jevreiSen. DISMEMBERMENT, 8. bic 3evglicbc= rung, ^evftiicfelnitg, Bevthcilniig. To dismiss, b. d. l.enrlaffen, fovtfdjw rfeit; 2. abbanfcit ; bcnvlaiiben; 3. fal)vcn lafjcil ; to — a cause in chan- cery. K. T. cine (SacJje in bev Stan- tellei abroeifen; to — one's wife, fcin 3Beib sevftopen. DISMISSION (Dismissal), *. bic <5nt= laffung; bev '.flbfrfiieb ; Uvlaub. DISMISSIVE, aij. Clltlaffeilb. To dismortgage, v. n. eiiilofen. To DISMOUNT, b. I. a 1. an' belli <&aU tel Ijcben, abiuevfen, abfejjeu; 2. son ber Saffette abnehmen (bie Slci- none), abbeben ; aiisctnanbcv [egen ■ eine Slinte, u. f. ro.); n. n. fcxate 1J2 DISP fkigen, abfteigen (som SPfetbe), ab- filjen. To D1SNATUR \LIZE, r. a. beg 3Rcd)tS eiiicS (5'iiigebmneit bevauben, fiir cineii (Srcnipling ci'EIavcn, jinn 5Iu8= lanbev madjen. DISNATURED, adj. 1. linihMiii'iirb ; 2. gefiiblle^granfam; 3. au|erovbent= lid). disobedience, s. ber llngebovfani, bie 23tbevfi>anfiigreir. DISOBEDIENT (adv. — ly), adj. llligc- bovfain; — ness. *. bic lliigcl)Ovfa'm= fcit, 2Btberft)finJttgfett. To disobey, v. a. iiid)t befotgcii, un= bcfolgt laffeii ; nirl;t gcl)ovd)cii. disobligation, s . i. bie UngefaDtg- teit, Uit!)oflid)feit; 2. SBetetbigung. DISOBLIGAIXDRY, adj. bic ^flidit er= laffenb, ciner ^crLuiiblidjEeit iibcv= bebenb. To DISOBLIGE v a. i. niigcfiillig, lllt- oerbinblidi, niificiinblid) fciiii ; 2. iinbbfiifb begegiten; 3. jurotbev betn ; 4. beleibigen. disobliger, s. t>ev ©cTetbigcr. DISOBLIGING (ado. — ly), adj. 1. Ult= gefallig; 'i. nnbbfticb, nna'vtig; bc= letbtgenb ; — ness, s baS unbofliebe, unfreunbiidje, bavfdic ©enebmen ; bie Ungefdlltgfeit, Unfveiuitlidifeit. DISORBED, atj, bev 93nljil entriicft. disorder,.?.' 1. bie Unovbiintig, S3er= winning, 3etvfittung ; 2. itnnibe, ber Sliifntbv ; 3. bie @efefce89etle= feung ; 4. Jtmnfbeit. To DISORDER, v.a. 1. in Utiorbiiiing bfingen, sevwtvven, jerriitten, beuit= rnbigeit ; 2. Eranf inacben. DISORDERED adj. 1. llliovbcutiid), scnvorreti ; 2. liebcr(id), un'ift; 3. lafteilntft; — nfiss, s. baS iuiorbciitli= ri)e 3Befen, bic SBevroivvung. DISORDERLY, alj. &■ ado. 1. ltllOVbeilt= lid), sevtoivvt; 2. gefe^lol ; feblcv= baft ; 3. aiiyfd)ivcifenb, licbevlidi, laftci'baft ; — assembfies, lincrhuibte SBevfammlungen ; — doings, Slug* fcb,n)etfuitgen. D1S0RDINATE (ado. — ly), adj. lilt- ovbenttid). DISORGANIZATION, s. 1. bie ?tllfto = fuiig (beS OrganismuS) ; 2. 3erriit= tnitg, Unorbiiiing. To DISORGANIZE, v. a. attflbfeit, JCV= ftiid'en, veruurren. To disown, b. n. 1. nicbt ;ngeftc[)en, langnen ; 2. nid)t aiicrh'itiie'n ; to — a son, nidit a\S Sobn anevfennen ; the disowned, ber (bie) iierftoficnc. To DISOXIDATE, &c. vid. To Deoxi- date, &c. To disi'air, v.a. entbaaven, tvennen. DISPARADISED, adj. au8 ciner gliid'li = cben in cine uitgiiidltcbe Sage sev= feftt. To DISPARAGE, v. n. 1. VCfriligcvil, bcrab= obcr bcnintevfedcn ; fd)mft= lern, bceintrad)tigeit; »crad)ten; ta= belli ; 2. eine Spevfon itntev t£;vcm ©tanb iicvbciratbcit. DISPARAGEMENT, 8.1. bic 93erflci= neviutg, ©djinSlevitng ; ©ntebvung, <£d)aiit>e; 2. /,. T. Diifibeiratb. DISPARAGER, s. 1. ber ScrfLciiiercv, ©cfdninpfev ; 2. Stifter eincr 33iij5= bciratb- DISPARAGINGLY, adv. cii\§ 3Serart;= tung. DISPARATE. I. adj. gaiij tiiiglcirb, ganj »evfd)teben ; n. disparates, s. pi. ttngleid)beitcn, ltiii]cveiintbciteti. disparity, .<;. 1. bic Ungleidibcit ; 2. 5Beriri)iebeiibcit ; 3. UnfcfcicfUdtfett. To DISPARK, b. a. 1. eiiicn $av£ ober gorjt offnen, bie Uinjaimung weg« DISP vaumen, tntpfcvrbeit; 2. fvet madjen dispart, s. Ml. T. ber Saliber. To DISPART, v. a. 1. tiu'ileil, treiUlCIt ; fpalten ; 2. Ml. 'J', calibviven, ober bie SKiinbung cineii ^tiid'es attS= nteffcti. DISPASSION, s. bic ©ciitiitbSriibc,lln = befiingcnbeit. DISPASSIONATE (adv. — ly), adj. 1. leibenfcijafrSloS, vnbig, gelaffen; _2. unbefangen; 3. unpavteiifd), mafug. To DISPATCH, ». I. a. 1. filtfl abfeytt= gen, abfenben ; 2. gefdnvinb services ten, abtluin, befcbjeiuitaen .; 3. tobtcn. DISPATCH, s. 1. bic Slbfertigmtg, 9lb= fcnbiing ; 2. ©tie; 3. Tepcfdje, 6'x= bvefie. To dispel, v. a. jcvftrcneii, scvjagcn. roDISPEND, ». a. 1. aii'Mbeilcit; 2 oevbramten. dispensable, adj. crlafi(id), crlafj-- lid); — ness,s. bic (i'rlafilid)fcit. dispensary, s. bag Saboratoviunt ; 2lVotbcfcrbncb ; bie .g>ans= imb 9iei= feapotbefc. DISPENSATION, s. 1. bic ?IlI§fpClt= bung, ^evtbeilniig ; 2. /. r. (5vlaub= ittfvi)t8benfation, (Srlaffung ; — s oi providence, bic g«gu«geit ber 2Sotfe= bung. D1SPENSATIVE (adv. — ly), adj. tX' lanbenb, evlaffcnb. DiSPENSATOR, vid. Dispenser. DISPENSATORY, I s. brti< ^ie-pcnfatO= vinm, 2lpotbcferbiu-b ; bie ^l)arma = fopoic; H. adj. evtaffen fbniienb. To dispense, v. a. i. anSipetiben, auS= tbeileit, uertbeilen, seviualtcn ; 2. to — with, iniffcn, Mttbebren ; 3. cnt= fitulbigen ; biibenftren, evlaffen, fvet= fprerbc'n (son), befreien, sevfd)onett. dispenser,*, ber 9InSVenbev ( 31u«» gebev, bie Qlusfvenbevinn. To DISPEOPLE, v a. ClllVolfcVlt, SCI' becrcii. dispeopler, s. bev SScvbeever. To DISPERSE, r. I. a. 1. ait-Sciit anber jagen, jevftveuen, sevtveiben ; 2. »er* bveiten; 3. austfeetlen ; u. «. au8cin= anbev geben, (jcvftrcneii. dispersedly, adj. jerjiveut, bin imb wtebev, ba imb bovt. D1SPERSEDNESS. s. bic 'bCV 3n|tattb ber) 3 cl 'f*iciiniit3- 3ei'ftveiitbcit. DISPERSER, s. bCV X'illSftvcilCV, Set» bveitcv. DISPERSION, s. bie 3ei'fti'ciiuiiiV DISPERSIVE, adj. JCrftl'CllCllb. '/;, dispirit, v a entmutbjgeu, nie- bcvfcblageit, ciii|'d;iui,)tevn, in guvdjt fefeen. DISPIRITEDNESS. .-.bev ,tti\iftntai:gel, bie ©eifteSfitrsar^e, SDhttbloftgfetr. To DISPLACE. ». a. 1. seiKljcil, SfV= [egen, sevvuefen, serfdjieben ; 2. ab* fctjen. DISPLACEMENT, s. baS SScrfcfcen, bie i'evfeljnng. displacency. s. ba8 SKtiifflllett ; bt? Unaiinebinlidifei! ; Unartigfett. To DISPLANT, v. a. 1. scvpflanjeii, scvfeljcn ; 2. auSmjjeit, auSvotten. DISPLANT AT10N, s. 1. bit ^CVpfJfln-' jniig, SBevfeeung ; 2. ?liisvoltnng, baS yiiigvetpett. To DISPLAY, v a. 1. ailSbretfCIl ; av.6; Iciicn, auf^angen, nuSfrerfen; 2. fig. ausframen, jnv Seban auslegsn, pvablcn ; bavftellen, evflaven, cii?= eiimtibevfetjcn, cntisideln, cittfalt:tt, baviieteitj 3. fdjmfcen. display, s. 1. bie 3ltt8tvettitng, ba5 Slnslegen, 9ltt8fvaineit, n. f. is. ; 2. jig. bie S'arftellnng, (SifKirimg, (Sutfat- tinut; 3. Seba'u. To DISPLEASE, v a. &■ n. llitUfallen ; STuDr'alien, ©Eel cvrcieii; bcleibiaen DISP yisPLEASEDNBss, a. tie SWtpfalltas fcif, bas •Diipfalleit. DISPLEASING {ado. — ly), a//. mifs faflig, ituaitgcttcbm; —ness, ». baa" 3R$fallen; §WtiJfaUige. displeasure, ». 1. bae" SMigfaHen; 2. tic Itttgnabe, lluguuft; 3. bet Sets bruft. 7'« DISPLEASURE, v. a. vid. To Dis- please. 7b DKPLODE, o. i. a. fprengen, jets, jerylafcen; n. n. Euallen. DISPLOSION, s. baS 3ci'plaljcit, tor flnall. To DISPLUME, i). a. bet Sebetn bctaus ben, entftebern. disport, s. bet 3ctt»crtreib, tic @r« gityitug. SSuftbatfeit. 7b DISPORT, ». i. n. belufiigen, tx* gofceu; II. n. fid) beiuftigen, ftcb cr= gijjjcu, fcfyetjen. DISPOSABLE, a //. looriibcr man scr= ffigen nnb flatten famt, gebraudpbar, ju ©ebote (tebenb. DISPOSAL, s. l. bie Slnorbnung, 8ei* tuttg, ftiihruiui, @titrtd)futtg, 2kr= anjtaftung, Sugung, ©erfiigung ; 2, ©eftiinmnitg, slmuenbung, bet o)e= brand), tie fteie Diadjt unb ©cnmlt, SBiUfuljt; [ am not at your—, Sie babcn niir nidus til befebfeit; the di- vine — , tic gottliii)c SRegietuttg. n dispose, r. n. l. orbnen, auoibnen, oerfiigeu, etitricbfen, oeranftattcn ; 2. bier unb bort btitftelleit, oertbeilen, crtheilen; 3. (cufen, beroegen, geneigt ntaitcu (—to, |u, for, fur jit); to- by will, oermacbcii ; to — of, 1. (fiber etiten ober ttwaS) nacf> eigenem 8e* Iteben fcfcalfen unb roattert; 2. cet* fiigcn, anmeubeit, oerroenbeit, brans $eu, anlegett, aufteflen, auSgeben; 3. abfettigen ; 4. abfrfjaffeu, roegs fdiarfcn, toeggeben, oetfrfjenfen, »er= lufietn, oenoertben, oerfaufcu, ab= fefren, abtteten, loSfrljlageii u. f. \v. ; to — of ;i daughter in marriage, fettle Xpdjtcr^ vevhcivafbcu ; to — of a liouse, ciu .jpauS oetinietben ; to — of one, 3emiiu lagej natiirlidic 55bigfeitj 3. s Jlci- gung; 4. ©cmuthsftimmuna; ?lrt, ©ttmelattj ©eitnunng; 5. USefcbafs feubeit, bet 3.«ft«nb (bet < s k'iV.uM>cin ; a good — . ciu gutefl i^etj; friendly — , bie Siebc |um Srteben ; gteunb= lifbfcir ; to make :t — of one's effects, property, fiber fein ©tgeitfbuin oets fiigen, batiibet Setfiigung tteffen. n> dispossess, ». « nusbem Befifce tmben, cutn'ijcit; fig. berauben, be* ne I) mo ti. Dispossession, s bie peftftne^inuitfl, ajertrcibuiig am bem MU-ft(j. WSPOSURE, vid. Disposal. dispraise, 8. becXatel, bie Sdjitifls b>utfl. t„ dispraise, v. a. fabefu. fdbmciben. DISPRABER, s bet Sabler, Seftiufibet. DISPRAISINGLV, adv. mil £abef. 7b DISPREAD, «. a. uerbvciteu, an$: Sreuen. (52 DISR vo disprize, 0. a. (jetflbrofirbtgen. r,j DISPROFESS, r. 11. fetnen 3 ta; setlaffen. isproof, 8. bie 3BtbetIegung. DISPROPORTION, 8. Mi ^itt'JC DISPREADER, ». bcr 33e;brcitcr, S5e= fanutmadKi' To To DISPROFESS, ». a. (CtilClt itvlltb serlaffen. DISl disproportion, », bad jBJijjoerbalfc nijj, tie UiuiletdUuir. To DISPROPORTION, d. a. unaleidi (bem ©Icidmiiiy eutgegen) oerbtiiben, aits tent JBer&altnifj btiugen. DISPROPORTIONABLE [adv. — i.v , adj. niiscvlialtnifimat"; ig, cbue St)nt= mettie; — -ness, ». bad Sit6uetbaU= nifi. tie 33erl)(ilfntpwtbrtgfeit. DISPROPORTIONAL [ado. — Mr), ad?. — iry. .s-. ?'ir/ DlSPBOFORTIONABLE, &C. DISPROPORTIONATE (a,/,-. — i.vJ, — ness, A - . Btrf. DlSPROPORTIONiLflLE, — ly, — ness. DISPROVABLE, adj. 1. lviberlegbar ; 2. tabelnSmiitbig. 7b disprove, b. a. iDi'betfegen. disprover, ... bet SBtberleoft. DISPUNISHABLE, adj. ftfaflOS, lin ic= disputable, «,/;. l. (iteittg ; 2. janf» fuebtig. DISPUI'ant, i. ». bet Streiter, SBibet* fprccbcv, ©tteitrebitet; n. adj. ftvet= tent, mii-ei-i'm-edient. disputation, «. tie Stfiputatton, Streitubung. disputatious J adj. (iteitfud)fig, DBPUTATIVE, ^ jCi tlf i ictj. 7b DISPUTE, o. I. ». ftfeiten, fanUM'en, tispniivoi; jnnfert: u.n. I. beftteu ten; 2. in Sroctfel jicbeii; jiteitig ntiutcu. DISPUTE, s. tor Stttlt ; beyond all — , unjireirtg. DISPUTELESS, adj. unftftittg. DISPUTER, s. bet Sftettej ; Sfttife?. DISQUALIFICATIOxV, s. tie Uuturbtio,; feit, Uitfahi.jfiit. 7b DISQUALIFY, o. a. I. ailhlAftg, unffibig madjui ; 2. /.. v. ffit unfiibtg etflaren. DISQUIET, I. s tie Unrubc, bet .ftiim-- llter; II. {ado. — ly), adj. Iintubtg j — ness, s. I. tie Uunthe, [Raftloftgs feit; 2. ©angigfeitj 3. Stotunn bed S'licteuS. 7b DISQUD3T,o.a.bfUltf;Ubigeu,ftBten. DISQUIETER, s. bee Ulttubejltfter, ©t5tet. DBQUIETFUL, adj. beiitivutii^eut. DISQUIETUDE, «. bie Uiuiitn', Salts gigteit, disquisition, », tic Untetfuebung, SPtufung, 3fJacbfotf(^uiig, Cmutc-- tuitg. 7b DISRANK ;•. a. mi bcr (^icrlid;eu) Dtbnuttg bringeii ; oetioirten. DISREGARD, s. tie ©etingfebdfeung, SBetna4)Iiiff!guitg ( SWit^tadbtmig. 7b_ disregard, o. a. getingfabaften, niebt adjten, Detnat^lafjlgeni bintaits feijcu. disregarder, s. tcv 8etad)tcr. DISREGARDFUL {ado. — ly), adj. OCs Wngftbafet'gj unarbtfam, itaebfdfftg. disrelish, s. I. bet ( s 'fel ; t>a§ iDitB fallen; tie Slbneigung, bet 2Biset= ivillc ; '2. hbleittc Olehlmtad. 7b disrelish, o. a roibtig (uidu naej) lettiem ©efrbmacf) fttiben. DISREPUTABLE, ,•-/, tern gutetl SRltfe nacbtbetiig, ebtiuibtig, fdjtiitpfftcb. DISREPUTATION, I ». tie SBerrufen= DKREPUTE, ([licit. Kr iiblc :)iuf. bofe Oiamc, tie llinuhc, Scbaube; to brinj? — upon onn, einen vetuns chreu, in febleebten dluj bringeii. 7b DISREPUTE, n.a. in lliiclue, SJtrs vuf btingen, gering iMv'ihvii. disrespect, «. bei iJJangel an Mdj DISS fnng ; tic llubbflidfcit ; @crtng< fdiatjung, Seradjlung, afti^ad>tung To DISRESPECT, • a. nucbvcrbicttc bcbaHtcln ; gertttg fd)a|jcn. DISRESPECT] i I. — i.y', adj. un = ebterbiefig; geriitgfdpafcig ; — ■ tic UnclH-crbieiiijfeit ; ©tringfcba&ig> fcir. 7b DISROBE, r. a. I. ciltflcitcu, ten SRotf ausjiebeit; 2. beraubeu. DISRUPT, adj. abgcriffcu, U'rbrofbcu disruption, 8. I. bit 3etbred>uug ; 2. bet Brud), .-liis, 2i\ilt. 7b DISRUPTURE, vid. 7b Bottom. diss \tisf icnoN, 8. bie Uniufrtebetu beir, bas -Dcifmergnugen, bet Serbrii^. DISSATISFACTORrNESS, ». bafl llnbe = friebigenbe ; §Ki$oergnugen. DISSATISFACTORY --. _i . unbefticbigenb ; DerbrieBItri. 7b DISSATISFY, o. a. J. uirbt befricbis gen ; 2. mijjfallen ; 3. ycttricfilid) inaebcu ; Dissatisfied, unjufriebeit. TbDISSEAT, p. a. an; 9011) bent ©ij oetbrangen, entfe^cn. 7b DISSECT, o. o.l. (einen JlDrver, bffucn, anatomiten, fetittu, )erfr|neis ten; 2. fig; jergliebern; disseci strumenis, anatoiiiifcbe ^nfttuinente; dissecting-room, bet Secttoil8s©aal. DISSECTION, o. tie Section, auatomu fdic 3«flfgmtg, 3«glieberung. dissector, ». tec 3lnatomifef, 88to« fector, .'(Crglictevcv. 7b DISSEIZE, D a /. T. flUS tern f8e= ftfte iel.u-11, vcrtccibcn. disseizee, ». /.. t. bet ^erau«ge| 83erttiebene. DE3SEIZIN, ». bie (untedbtmajige) 9?et> ttetbung a::3 bem SBeftfte. DISSEIZOR ,-. £,. T. bet Miurcd)t = matnge) Seft^nebnter, DISSEMBLANCE, ». tie llnabnlicbfcit (W. li.) 7b DISSEMBLE, n. a. * n. 1. fttb »ets Itcllen, bcucbcln, fitmcidn-lu, »otge« ben ; 2. uerbergeu, nidu merfen laffen ; 3. cutftcllcn, mi§biften. DISSlMBLER, ... bet ^eiutler, 8et< leugnet, ficb SBetfleUeiibe. DISSEMBUNGLY, «-(r.verftcIItcr Sci= fe, iH-iulUcrint. 7b DISSEMINATE, o. a 1. ailSRteiieit; ausfaeit ; 2. jcrftreuen, uetbrtiteit; auefprengen. DISSEMDIATION, .-. tic JlU«ftteUUIlg, Serbreitung. nissK\ii\Ai'oit, ,. tcr Slujftraier, SSerbveitet. i)!ssi:.\siu\. ,. bie llneinigfeif, 9)Wg beQigfeit, ^ii'icivadn, bad 2Ri^t>er= It.iutnifj. DI3SENSIOUB, adj. 1, l8nfifd), ftveit-- fud>tig ; 2. aufi'uhvciifd) (to. n.i. 7b DISSENT, o. n. I.,antcrcr ^I'einuug femt ; oetfebieben fc.Mt ; 2. abtvcidnu Don bet bcttfajenben [angtifauif^en] j?irdje). DISSENT, 8. I. tie 33erfdjiebeubeit tor JKeiuung; 2. SMbtoeii^ung, $etero< bevie. dissentaneous adj. iibwcirbeitb, oetfebieben, |itioiber; — ness, ». bie SBerfcbiebenbcif. 3lbn>eidjung, dissenter s i. bet mnberdbrnfenbe; 2. bet ^cterobor ; 91oiu6onformtfI (vpu bet miglifaiiifcbeii Jtitcbe 8lb« meicbenbe). DISSENTIENT, adj. antcver SReinungj — meeting-house, tic Saoelle bci Dion Soiifotiniftcit. DISS) N PI< H S, adj rii. Dissiifnoi 7b DISSERT, o a fprccbeit, abhaiibeln, bi6pittiten (io. ft.). DISSERTATI Hi s bie gelebtli ^b. banblung, 6r6rfcrmig«fcbtift. 7b DISSERVE p, a. (.ClUCtlt, 11. f. id.) 113 DISS JIST DIST ttncn f$te$ttn5>tenfiertt>etfen, fcfivt= bcti; cincu) bcimdu[ictlt«]cn, beleibi= gen, oerlcfeen. DISSERVICE, s. bet iiblc ricuft, v ?uidi = tbctl ; to be of — to . .., fdjabcu, bin= berit, tut SBege fetyn. DrSSERVICEABLE (ado. — ly), «{?. itadttbcilio, ; — ness, s. bie ^JarbtbcU Ugfeit, tor ©d)abe. v. DISSEVER, ». a. jcrtbcilcit, trcnitctt, jcrfiiicfcii. DISSEVERANCE, s. bte TrciIllUtti}. DISSIDENCE, s. bte Uneilligftif, 3auc= tvacbr. DISSIDENT, I. adj. Dcrfrbicbcil ; II. — s, s /// tic Bifftbenten (. v J£icf)tf a t£> o 1 1 fc it tit Ipoleit). DISSHJENCE, \ s. ba§ 9lu§cinanbcr= DISSILITION, ) fa f) re it , Serfpniijcit, 3crp[at$cn, 3erfHeben. DISSILIENT, adj. jcrfpringciib, jcr= plafcenb, jet^tebenb. DISSIMILAR, adj. uuglcicfyartig, un= gleidj. DISSIMILARITY,).?, bte Uttij[ctcf)bcit, DISSIMILITUDE, J $crfd)icbeubcit;bcr Soil trap. DISSIMULATION, s. tic SBerftetfang, ■Cvud)clei. DISSIPABLE, adj. jcrflrcubar. To DISSIPATE, v. I. a. 1. icrftrcue it ; 2. burdjbringen, mfctyroenben ; U.n. fid) jcrftrc iic'tt. dissipation, s. 1. tic Scrflreuung; 2. SSerfebroenbung, SluSfcbweifung ; 3. fig. Uiiaufiucrf'famfeit. dissociabihty, s. bte UngcfeUigfeit, DISSOCIABLE,? ,. „„,„,-„([:, DISSOCIAL, 'J«*-«»8«f««8- To DISSOCIATE, v. a. tmtltCH, \it- tbeilcH. DISSi K3ATI0N, s. bte /ivcnmtit^. :«SSOLUBILITY, s. bte 9lup«barfeit, ©djmeljbarr'eit. DISSOLUBLE, adj. aufloSbaf, fd)ineij= bar. DISSOLUTE (adv. — ly), adj. auS>"cr)roci = fenb, unmajjtg, fibpig, Itebcrltdj : — ness, s. bte SHuSfdjroeifung, Siebwlid) 5 feit. dissolution, .*. 1. bte Sluffbfung, ©djmeUung, Srennung; 2. 3er{ti)= tung ; 3. 9lufhcbung ; 4. bev £ob ; 5. bte Slusfcfcnmfung, Sieberltdjr'eit. dissolvable, adj. aiiflbslicb, fdjnie($= bar. To DISSOLVE, o. I. a. 1. fiufliSfoil ; fdjmehen ; 2. trennen, tett&eilen ; 3. entfaffen, atifbcbcn, lofeit ; n. n. fid) auflofeit; jergeben, fdjineljen; fid) jcrtbcilcit. oergefjen ; fig. to — in pleasures, iit IBergnugungen oergeben, binfcbinehett; dissolved in tears, auf= geisrt in Sbraitcu. DISSOLVENT, I. adj. aufiofcitb; II. s. ba« SuipfuugSmtttel. dissolver, s. ber, bie, bafi 9IufI3feitbe. DISSONANCE (Dissonancy), s. 1. bcr SWiSHang, UebcKaut; 2. fig. bte ltu= eintgfeit, 3JMp{)elligfett ; 3. ^crfd)ic= benbeit. DISSONANT, adj. 1. mifjHingenb, tibeU tottenb; 2. fig. nttfibcUtj; 3. oer« fd)iebcit ( — from, »Oit). To DISSUADE, v. a. (CtllCllt Mil tttOaS) abratben ; tuibcrratbci!, mtjiratbcii (etnein etn>a§). MSSUADER, s. bcr SOibcrratbcr. DISSUASION, *. bie 9lbrat&uitg, baS SBibetrafbeit. DISSUASIVE (adv. — ly). I adj. abttt- thcub; H. ». bie 9lbratl)Uitg ; — s, pi. tie SlbtatljungSgrfiHbe. To DISSUNDER, v. a. foitbcrit, fveitUClt. DISSYLLABIO, adj. Jroeifelbig. DissiLLABLE, s. baS jrocifytbigt Jll DISIAEP,*. Hi ^vinnvocftit, 3Jccfeit, bie iinucel, Jtunfel; —thistle, bie gelbe riftci. To DISTAIN, o. «. 1. beflecfen ; 2. fdjait-- bClt. distance, s. 1. bte (Sntfernung, SBei= te, bcr \Hbftaub, Uianm ; 2. (—of time), ber Bcitraum; 3. bie 3uri'uf= baltuitg; (*l)rcrbictuitg ; 4. Uucinigr feit ; y. JErennuna, Sntprembung ; to keep one's — ,». fid) in bcr n.cbi3ri= gen (Sntfetnung baltcn, bie gebu^retu be Slc^tung nicbt au8 bctt Vluaeit fc= ^cn ; keep your — , fam. bleiu mir (brci Sd)rtfte) Dom Sctbe ; out of — , an3 bem Nereid) beS Wcftcbtc^, an§ bent ©eftdjte, uitabfebbar; at a—, you weirem, vott feme; to keep one at—, eineit fern or fid) »om ?eibc Iml= ten, fid) nid)t gemetn ntit ibnt nta= tben ; I know my — , ieb fciute nieiite ^flicbtcu. To DISTANCE, o. a. cittfcntcn, auSeitts aitberriid'eii; binter fid) ^ttriufhiffeit, ubertrcffcit, juoorfommen (im SHJett* lauf). distant, adj. i. entfernt, few; 2. 511= riicr'balteilb'; 3. bllltfcl ; three hours' (miles) — fromN,breiD3ibrig£ett. DISTAST1VE, adj. 6fc(, 5DJif;falIeit cr= regenb. DISTEMPER, s 1. bie Ucbclfcif, X\\u paulirbfcit, .firanfbeit, Seucbe (»on 2'biereit); 2. Wcmutbjfraitfbcit ; 3. Unorbnung, ociriittima; 4. baS feblccbte .fiiima ; 5. bie 'JJiatevci ntit VeimuMffer;Aafbeit ; to paint in—, ntit ^eiinmaffer=A\irbcn maleit. To DISTEMPER b. a. 1. franf mad)ett, verberben, jcrriittcn ; 2. mtpuergnfigi niad)cii, erjitrnen ; 3. beunrn$igen. distemperance, \s.\. bie Unmfc DISTEMPERATURE, \ fjiijfeif, 2. Unorbnung, gevriittunn ; 3. 2But!> ; 4. Uitntbc'; f). Jtranfbet't. DISTEMPERED, adj. I. flMltf; 2. bets berbt, (cvriittet. To distend. i\ n. att-Jbebitcit (in bie Sretfe), auSftreJen ; auffcbroellen. DISTENSIBLE, adj. aito>bebubar. distention, s. 1. bte QlnSbebjUitttg ; 2. ber Untfaitg ; bie 93reite. distich, «. baS Siftidtoit (5t»ei 9letm» jetten). To DISTILL, 7-. a. <$■ n. i. tropfellt ; ftiil (fanft) flictlen ; 2. bcftilliren, ab= jieben, brettucit; distilled waters, ab= gejogene ©etrSnfe. DISTILLABLE, adj. &U beftillivcit, ah* jtebbar, 511 brennen. DISTILLATION, *. sine: i.iilSlrh'-- felit; 2. Seftilliveu, "?Usiebeit, ©ren= licit; 3. baS rcftillirtc; —of hu- mours, bcr Alufi inttgaupte. DISTILLATORY, adj. turn 2)cftiilircn. DISTILLER, b. ber Teftillalcitr, Sven= iter, Sranntweinbtenner. DLSTILLEKV, s. 1. bie X^cfttUtlf Utlft ; 2. ba^ SrennbauS, bie 23raun(UH'in« brcnitciei. DISTILMENT, s. -f baS .<3crabgetr6p= felte; gebrannte SBaffer. distinct, adj. 1. abgcfonbert ; 2. un> tcrfd)icbcn, verfd)icbcn ; 3. bcutlid), yontebntlid); 4. cicflcrft, bunt; to keep — , abfonbeni ; — base, Opt. T ber i^reniipuufr. distinction,*. 1. bie SUbfonberung, Uiitcrfcbcibung ; Slbtbeilung; 2. bet Untcrfcbicb; 3. S3orjng, bie SmS* 5eieb,nung; 4. SBcurtbcilungsfraft; a man of — , cin bornebntcr i)iaitn. nisTiNoriYE. adj. 1. itntcrfckis benb ; 2. fd)arffid)tia. ; — mark, ba* lliiterffbeibitttiiSjcirbcii ; (adv. — ly) ntit Unterfdjieb gebBrig. DISTINCTLY, ado. 1. bcfoitbcrS; 2. bcutlid). DISTINCTNESS, a. 1. bie £ctttlid)feit 2. genaue Untcrfrbcibung. To DISTINGUISH, v. a. A- B. 1. abfoils bent, iintcrfrbetbcn (— from, uon) ; 2 auSjeicbnen (— one's self, ftq>)j 3. be= jcicpnen; 4. urtbcilctt. DISTINGUISHABLE, adj. 1. Uittcrfd)eib= bar, bemcrfbar; 2. bcmerfenSwertb ; —ness, s. bie Utttcrfd)cibbar£eif, 33e= mcrfbarfeit. DISTINGUISHED, adj. ait«gCtcid)UCt, oornebm, »orjfigtic$ ; —by..., au$= gcjcirbitet burd).. . DISTINGUISHER, s. 1. btr UlltcrfcfjCt- bet ; 2. ber febavfe ©eurtbeiler, Jlfii= iter, Jtunjtbcrftaubige, fnftematifrbe Jfcpf. DISTINGUISHINGLY, ado. mit Untcr* fdiicc ; oorjitglic^. distinguishment, «. bie Uuter fc^ei* bung, bcr Untcrfcbieb. To d'istitle, v. a. etucs 31t$t8 bercu« ben. To distort, r. a. 1. ntibrcbcn, scrjer* rcn : 2. ycrrettfcit; Distort, adj. »er» brebt, oerjevrt. distorter, s. bcr 3?crbrebcr. distortion, s. 1. bie iscrbre()uttf ; SBerjevrung ; 2. SSerrenfung. To distract, v. a. 1.+ abjiebcn, ah* lenlen, abtebren; 2. jerftreuen; fto» rcn, ycraurreit, bcuiiritbi^eii ; jerrut* ten ; 3. mabufiiiuiij madjen; 4. tren= licit, tl)ei(cu. DISTRACTED, adj. roabnfiiinig ; to be — with passion, »or 3ovn aufser fidi fe»lt ; to run — , toll nH'rbci! ; — ly, ado. ati cin SBabnftnniget, rafenb; — ness, «. bcr i"Oaf)iifiuii. DISTRACTER, s. Wdi venuirrt, be» ftiirst. DISTRACTION, s. 1. bie B^fivemtiig ; iSerrotrrung, gerruttuug ; 2. jjiwes tradit; 3. bafi 5'oHiverbeu, ber 10af)itftnn; 4. bie Srcniiung. Xbei= IlllliJ ; he loves her to — , er licbt fie bis gut 3taferei. DiSTRACTrvE,a(^.jerJireuenb; tcrriit- tenb ; beunru^tgenb. To distrain, v. a. l. T. wcgnef^mcn, in Sefcblag nef)inen, einjiepeu, au« = pfaitbcit. distrainor,.?, bcr 9Scgtte^mcv, 9lu«* pfaiibcr, 11. f. n>. To DISTREAM, v. v. ffrbinril. distress, «. 1. ber jammer, ba8 (5(eiib, Ungiiicf, bie 9Jotb. Srubfal, ©ebrangtbeit, ^lemine ; 2. /.. t. ber Slrreft, Sefdjfag, bie 83efummerung ; 3. ba8 ntit Sefd;lag belegte Out; spfanb; signal of — , has 9lotb^etd)en, bcr 9lot(;fcbu0 ; in — , bebrangt; to be in — for money, briltgeub @elb brandicit. To distress, v. a. tit (?leitb brin^cn, plagen, aualen; distressed, in ^Jpth cleiib, ungiucflicb ; bcuitrubii]t, tt'pjt> DITC fo« befiimnterr, oetfummett; lam distressed for you, id) but urn bid) be= fummert ; — ed in mind (soul) and body, aiU'eib unb Scde jettnttetj l am— edfor money, id; bcbarf bvtu= aettb ©eib; — edness, *. bte tjoctjite §3etleaenbeit, SeffimmetBtfi, bet 9£otl)ftattb. . . DISTRESSFUL f«ft».— nt),adj UtWlUCI* lid), eUnb,armfeltfotummetltq>. _ •jistkessinG (adv. —hi),adj. vciulicb, fdjinctjlicb, qttalcnb. -/'/distribute, ». «. 1. auStbetlen, rcvtbcilen; 2. Typ. T-s. ablegen (fructi'dn-iftcn); to —the ink, bte gatbe anfttagen. distributer, 5. bcv?!iistbctlcr. oistribution, «. I. bte 3lu«tt>etlung. SettbeituRa; 2. Slbt^ettung ; 3. Tvp. T-s.M 2lblegenbet (©nitffrbtifteB) ; 4. l. T. bie3ntefiat*@tbfolge. DISTRIBUTIVE, adj. 1. Scvtbcileub ; 2. abthetlcnb ; — ly, adv. nad) ("U SSert^etlung, bcfottbevs etngclit. , district,*. 1. bet Siffrict, Sejtrt, bag ©ebiet, bet Sanbftttcb, bie @e» flenb; 2. bet ©etidjtBbejitf. distringas, s. l. t. bet a3otiabBBg8s befebl. 7fcDISTRUST, i!. n. litriit tiMiicu, mtt>= (fatten, OJitf;tvaucu baben. DISTRTTST, *, baa aJliprtanen j bet SBetbacibt. DISTRUSTFUL [adv. — ly), »<(;'. Bttp= tveinifcb; fdnifbtcru, fcbcii ; — ness,*. baS SWiftt aueit. DISTRUSTLESS, adj. cbuc iUilUtaucit, »etbadjtlo8. 7b DISTURB, v. a. 1. flSrfit ; oetnnt* ten ; bcuttvubigcu ; 2. UBtetbtec&en ; binbetn. . _ „ DISTURBANCE, ». 1. bte StotBBg, SSerroittung, 3««Bttung ; 2. bet Sluftubt, bie gtiebenSjlotang ; —of mind, ba8 Scclculcibcn, bic ©emfirbS* frctufbcit. . DISTURBER,*, bcv Storet, AVicbcit«= ftbvcv. _ disunion,*, bic SEteBnung; Spau tuna, SBetnneinigang. 7b DISUNITE, r. I. a. tvcmtcii, tbcilcit ; unciniii marben ; n. «. fid) trennen ; awSeinanberfaUen ; Sp. E. falfcb gal* lopvitett. . DBUNITER, *. bet ttennet, -it one* benSitotet. . DISUNITY, ». bic ©efcbiebetv^st, @« s tvcnutbcit, £rennuna. BBrjSAGE,*.ba8aUmabltge9IbfommeB eines @ebtaacb8 obet einet Sitte, bic (Sntivbbnuiiei, ^iditiibung. DISUSE, s. bic ■iliditiibuth}, bcv SGicbts gcbtau$; Slbgartg, bic Ungebiaacb* ltd)fcit. 7b disuse, v. a. 1. entruobBeB, abge* robbueit; 2. ittd)tubett. Devaluation, ». bic .ftcrabfctjung, ©etittgfcbafeang. To DISVALUE, v. a. bevabfcijcn, cat* nriitbigen. DISVALUE *. bic ©cttngrdjafcang. To D'.svoucii, v. a. wibetJVtecbeB ; vcifdivcictt. DISWITTED, aij. nvviicf t, navvifd) (n. XX.). To DISWONT, r. a.enttvobncn. DITCH, *. bet (9U>leitung80®«rten; bic ©offc ; he'll die in a—, nrov. cv wttb nod) ein fdilcditc-3 (Sube neb» men, wig. nodi ouf bent SJifthattfcn ftcrben ; — delivered, eont. in cincnt ©tabert (obet f)intev bent ;Vtnnc) gc« borcn. 7'.. ditch, ,-. a. .J- ». ©vabett' mnerjen, gvrtbeti; to— in or about, ntit cincnt ©tabcil umgebert. DIVE ditcher, *. bet ©tafcett nmcbf, ©ra= b«f. „ , , DITCHING, «. bad ]lcid;eii, bejfeu ben, cbenbafclbft, bitto. ditty, *. b.u 8»eb, bet ©efftttg- DIURETIC, I. adj. Med. T nvinlvctbcnb ; rXdiuretics,* /-'. nvintveibence jylittel. DIURNAL.L adj.l. jum Zc^ gehong ; 2.tag[tch; n. *. bas Ta^biteli; fa* tbolifdje fflcbctbnd) ; — ly, adv. tx^ lici), alle Sage. DIUTURNAL, adj. \mm banenib. dii ruRNiTY, ».bie gangTOtettgJett. divan, *. bcr Sioau ttutftf<»et StaatStatfj). „, . To DIVARICATE, d. T. «. fit? (tit |Wei 2 bcile tbcilcit, fid) fpaltett ; H. a. ano= cittanber fpenett, fpvenen, tbcilcit. divarication, s. 1. bic (gabelfStntu nc) 3I)cilitn>i, 5ebcibiti!)] ; 2. ba« SluSetnanbetfvtetjen ; :i. bte Bn-'if'G 1 feir. 7V»DIVE,«.a. tandicn, iintcvtaneben ; bnefen, itnterhiceben ; to — into, Jig. tief eiubtingen, evforfdjeit, etgtun= belt; to — into one's purpose, cittcit aitefoi'i'dv.-u. DIVELLENT, adj. jettetpenb. _ roDIVELLICATE, v. a. sevrei|icn. DIVER, *. bet landicv ; l.fig. @tgrun* bet; northern — , bee gistaufbet ;SSp= gel) ; iraber — , bcv 3lb»eut8»ogel ; black throated — , bic -Rolat'eittc. To DIVERGE v v. 1. auSetnanbets lanfcti, auseinaubetfa^ten ; 2.jig.ab* roeichett, abfebroeifen. DIVERGENCE*. Mat T. _ba8 3lu8em= anberlaufeii (jroeiev Stitten). DIVERGENT, adj. Mat. T. aiK-cinanbcr= laufettb, fid) von einanbet entfevnenb ; abfdjmeifnib. divers, adj. ntchv als (5'tns, manntg= falttg, vevfdiiccett ; — coloured, bitttt. DIVERS (ode I livi usi.\).r/,//\ 1 von Ctll = anbet untetfdjiebeu, oetftfcteben ; 2. uad) oetfdbtebenen Jiiditun^en. DIVERSIFICATION,*, l.cic 3lbaitbe= tung, -.Hbivcdifeiuiu], iBetanbetnug ; 2. SWaunigfafttgfeit. To DIVERSLFY, v. a. 1. ctbanbent; 2. Detmannigfar^en, mannigfaltig, ver-- fd)teben macben. diversion, 1. 1. bic HMenrung; %tr- ftreuung, b,t$ V-)tnbcniiii; 2. bie@ts fjOtjuitii, bcv ^citvcrlrcib, ©pafi ; '-'}■ Mil. V.bic Tivcrfioit ; 4. Mad. T. tie 3evtbciluii|i bcv geuatigfeitett. DIVERSITY. *. 1. bic i>crfd)iebcu{)cit ; ajiannigfaltigfeit. Tb DIVERT, -. a. ablcttfcu (—from von) abjteben, abroenben, jetjlteuen ; 2. etgoien, belufttgen, liutevbalten. DIVERTER ». bet, tie, ba8 ,V'vrtveuen= be, ©vgofeenbe, Uutcibaltcnte. DIVERTING, "tit. 1. ab9«tt enb '• '-'• " es lufltgenb, etgSfclteb, untcvbaltcub, luflig. DIVERTISEMENT. ». ba8 Sroetnffes nieitt, ein iHuftfalifcbeS (ieitfutjeubes) UntetbaltuttgSjtiidE. DFVERTIVE i d betntttgenb, etaofecitb. Tb DIVEST, d o. cnttle'.bett, eutblb|;cn, DIZZ betatibett; to — one's self of .., \ii) nbacu'bbuen, fid) loeiuacben rort..., (ftcb cincv 5ad)c) cutiiuuctii; cut* fagen. DiVEsnTURE,] bie (SntHeibuna. DlVKSTl K1-. S , .,. DIVLDABLE adj tbetlbav. v„ divide., i-.i.n. tbcilcit; auStbeileii, rcrtbciUu; eintoetleu; abtbetlen r—into, in) tveinteit, abioubevit (— from. DOB) : 0. n. fid) tvcuitcn, ver= fdiictcuev aReiBung fem, uucntig n;et» ben, tetfaUeB. . DIVIDEDLY, adv getteBBf, cut-in. DrVLBEND, ». tie outeteneu ; Ar. T. j)i»ibenb bie ju tbetlcutc 3apl) ;M j tie I'lyueiite ; to make — »,St s vic-cutcn bcvcdiucn, tivitcubcu 'jc:= tbeilcn. ., _ ., . DIVIDER, ». l.bcvlbetlcv; 3?crtbe;= lev; (Sintbcilcr ; 2. Stennnngfimja tcr; 3. .v. y. cine Sltt Seecompai; 4 J_, „ r dividers, pi. Mat. T. bie ibcik febctbe, bcv ©ogeBjitH 5lbglei^« divination, «. tic SBeiflaguKg; SBabtfagung ; ettatbuna. divinator, *. bet SEBafetraget DlVINAToKV, adj. lvctffa^cilt. To DIMM'.. -' b, * o- 1- >vei||.igtn, ma^tfageB; i. tatben, cvratbcu ; 3. abnen. " DIVINE {adv. — ly), I adj. flonlicn. ubetitbifdj, binuuliief) ; fig. bodMt vovtvcfflid) ; bet ©Ottcfc bicuft; 11. *. bcv ©ciftlidie ; Sbeolog. ®otte8ge(cbtte ; —ness, ». I . bie ®5tt» lidrfeit, ©ottbeit (». u.) ; 2. bi'dntc i:ovtvcfflid)feit. diviner, *. bet 2Bar)tfaget; (rwa= ,l,CV - . ^ , r DIVLNERESS, *. bte ^Kabvfagcvinit. diving-bell, *. tie Eaudjerglptfe divining-rod, •«. bie SBuBfdjeltuthe. DIVINITY, s 1. tic ©Ottbeit ; 2. Ibco- logie, ©ottesgelebtfamfeit. , Divisimi.irv, \s. bte !£hetlbai« D1VISIBLENESS, J fcit. DIVISIBLE, adj. tbctlbviv. division. ». 1. tie .ibcilum; «pthet« [uBg, b'intbetlnu^ : 2. bet ibetl ; 3. bie SteBBung. 5tMltitug. ; Vvtetvacbt, Uueiuiafett, SBetfchiebeBbeil ; 4. 7V;> y ba8 2;beiInBg8s(obet3:teBunBg*«j 3eirf>»n, Dioi8, bet 2lbfut^nifl8|lttr4 [.]• 5. J/- & ■!'■ T bte Dtiuitonj 6 _,-. ,.,'.. v«n. T. SBatiationen. divisional, i adj ib bet Tf.uftOtt divisionary, J gebottg; bci« Ibcilt. DIVISIVE, adj. Ibeilcub, tvctiitcub. divisor, *. Jr. v. bet Dioifot ffiw lev im SledjBen ; 3ln8tbeilet. divorce *. i. bic (Sbtfcbeibang; 2. bet ebefc6eibuBg8ft)tucb ; 3. fig. bit Svcuuuini,; bill of — , bcr 5d)ctbc= brief. To DIVoltiT. «•.». 1. (^be.vit(en) febei= ben; 2. fein SBeib vcvftof;nt ; 3./ f . tvenueti (—from, W>B) wcejucbincn, tanbeB. . _, „ .. divorcement, 8. bte (56efdjetbnBfl ; Scbeibung, Etennana., DIVORCER *. bcv fdieitctibc Sbetl ; aSerftoffer. DIVORCI\ E adj. cbeidH-tbenb. DIVULGATION, 8. tie audlptengBBfl, ajerbveituttf}. To dim LGE, d a, 1. uetbtetten, an«-- fpteBgen, fnnb tbun ; 2. befaunt ma« dicn, offettb.iveit (—to einemtti DIVULGER, 8. bet Bttbteitet. DIVULSION, .--. bie abtei^BBg, reilimg. ,.-..« DIVULSIVE, «&'. abt ewnb, abjettrnb, DIZZINESS, .--."bev Scbroinbel. DLZZY, adj. 1. fdnvitibclii] ; tvivbclnb ; 2, aetattfeulO'?, betaubt. 115 DOCK DOG DOLE n>DI5ZV, s. a. im Alicifc fjetttmbte* ben, |cr)voinbeHg marbcn. 70 DO, v. a. &■ a. 1. t hull, marten, r>er= ridpten ; 2. nugfii&ren, beroicEen, cu= bigen, DoUenben, oollbringen ; &an» brio, uetfabten, ftch bettaatn; an- gebcn, tauglicp font; curfprcdjcn ; aeltngen; fteben, paffen; 3. ftdj bc= ftnbcii; to — a picture, etlt 93ilb ma= liu; cin ©eiwtlbe mactjcu ; to — a part, cine SKoUe fpiclcn; to — (over) again, totebet macheu ; to — mischief. Uubcil fiiffen ; how — you — ? runs marten Ste? rate beftnbeii Sie u'cb V l had much to — , id) batte Diet 5)tus be ; what's here to — , XoaS iff fur cin Savin bier? — as I — , macbt'g rote id); will you — as we — ? toolkit Ste unfer ©ait ferjn? that win — , bag ifi genua,, fo iji'8 gut, eg ifi fc$on gut, gintetdjenb, bamit bin id), ifi man jufrieben, it. f. w. ; this will not — . bamit t)l c» uidn gctbau, bag gebt r.icptaii, bag (angtmdjt 511: 1 cannot — without it. id) hunt eg nicbt ciitbeb= KB ; your letter will — much with her, 31)i - ©rief roirb Die! bci ihv nu6rid)= ten ; that will not — with me, mil' barf man bag nidjt bictcn ; emph. do! (pray — ) tbu' eg bod; ! fam. madiej — but come, or come — , foiiiincii Sic bod) ; — but come and see, EoiltniCIt Sic ltlir unb fei)en«. bie ©eleEjrigfeit. docility, S DOCK s. 1. bag 9lmpferfraut (Rumcr. — D -. 2. Sp. 1: ber Stnmvf; >&in= fere, baS Kreuj; 5djtDati}lcber; 3. bte SDodEe, bie (flctnc) Suc^t, Sai) (in einem Sisfelbe, tt. f. >».); baS Sd)tff8i»erfr, iBitjtn ; — d tes, — d ity, ba5 EDocfengelb, bic Sorfcngcbur): rcit; — gate men, DoJ ilurbtb.ircu- mitrter; —yard, ber ©djiffbau^tiof; .§afen. r.jDOCK, •. n. 1. (cin Sdiiff) in bte ©ocfefdjaffen, c-J bocfen; 'I. sp. k. flutjcn (cin 'Jiferb) angUftren; 3 ab= (ftrjen, beftimriben, berauben ; 4. ab-- jietjen (cine jMccbuiing) furjen; f>. enterben ; d (Cking engine, Sp. e. bic <5tu(jmafd)ine. pocket. .«. m e. bie atpbabetifdje Sijle, basher jcicbtUB, ber effiaaren-) SiDrcBcttel ; to strike a — , bie 3ab= 11a Inngsuafafjigfctt eineS SdjuIbnerS »or ©eridjt anjetgen. To DOCKET, b. a. M. E. iilHU'fdireibeit (SBriefe, SRed)nungcn, it. f. iv.). doctor,*, sing. 1. ber Soctor, @e= Ict)rtc; 2. Slrjt;— in (of) divinity, law, physic, ber -Doctor b;rS$eolo= gie, bev Siedptc, ber SRebijin. DOCTORAL 'adv. — lv 1 , n^', boetor= matjig. DOCTORATE (Doctorship), s.bie2)0C= torrofirbe. To DOCTORATE, 0. a. bte ©OCtomfirbe cvtbcitcit ; grabuiren. DOCTORLV, adj. tvic ciit ©clebrtcr. DOCTORES^, (Doctress), s. bie S)OC= torimt. DOCTRIN.\T> (adv. — ly), I*y.JU Ctltcr Scbrc gebbrig, belebrcitb ; II. s. bic Vchvc, bet Sbeil einer Se^re. DOCTRINE, s. 1. bie ^chve ; 2. ber Un= tcrviitt : 3. bie ©elcbrfaniFcit. DOCUMENT, s. 1. bie -.Hitwctfuita,, 33or= febvift, ber Unterridjt; 2. aJlac^t* fprucb, beSpotifdje in-fcbl ; 3. baS 3cidicit, ber ©ewetS, ba« document, bie Urfunbe, Senjeisfdjrtft ; docu- ments of a shipment, 33erlabung8s3)o s cumcittc. DOCUMENTAL (— t\ry), ailj. 1. «n- tcrriditcub, uorfdjriftltd) j 2. urfunb= iid). dodder, s. ber hotter, bie 3Iad)ofei= be, baS jiljfrant {Cuseuta — , £..). doddered, adj. mit 3fad)sfcibe fiber* roarbfen, uberfdjlungen, DODECAGON, s. G. T. td-$ oUU'lfcef. DODECAHEDRON, s. O. T. idi ^Vb':- faebrott. DODECATEMORION, ? s. G. T. bev DODECATEMORV, J JlOOlfte S^eil eineS ^it'fcl* : rfst. 7 diavm ciuco ber jroblf 3f'd)«n tin JE^ierfreife. ■j;, 1 1' iDGE, ». n. ru'v. 1. bcntm^tcbeu ; 2. [Ranfe, iRniffe gebraud)en, luntcr= geb,en ; 3. SJJla^e roed)feltt; 4. (einem) nacbgeljen, folgcu. dodger, s. ber.y>criim?icbcr ; SKiins Eefpieler. doe, s. baS SScibdjen (ocrfdiicbcncr S^tere), ba'J SReb, bic ^inbinn ; — rabbit. baS U'ciblirbc jTaniitd'cit ; —skins, STteb^s odirfd);) gelle. doer. 5. ber ctiiM3 tb,ut, Abater ; ©c= fd)afttge. To doff, r. a. 1. li'cgtbitit, ruegrdjafs fen; 2. abtbun, abiegen, auSjie^en; 3. aufiduebctt. binbaltcn. D >G, s. 1 . ber .tSniib ; 2. ^iinbiSitern ; 3. baS JDianndjen (»erfd)tebener 2l)ie= re) ; 4. ber Socf, baS ©efteli ; 5. bic ■SaSpe; fi. .v. r. ber SBalfhaEcn, bic SeitfdJtlauc ; a careless — , Ctlt ltad) = lafjtger Jtccl ; ajoiiy — , ein luftiger aSltrfcbe, fam. ftbeleS ^au8 ; a satiric- al — , citt fatttrifeber (betgenber) Keel ; a sneaking — , rill fricdu'nbcr (clcitbCV) Jtcrl ; I am the happiest — alive, id) bill ber ©lilrflidifte (baS gliufiidiftc iUtenfdjeufinb) miter ber Sonne ; — of iron, bic cii'ernc,Ulam= mer ; a pair of — s, cin "}>aar Acncr- bocfc; — ape, ber maitnltitc 9Iffe; — fox, tei'Aiid)^; —otter, ba8 'D2aini= cben ber Otter ; to play the — in a manger, netbifdj femi (ivic ber .friinb in ber Babel); to give (send) to the — s, roegroerfeit; uertoraffen : to go to the — s, biutit elenb ober unbranr|= bar rocrDen ; ju ©ritnbe gcbcii ; vuig. inbie^ilje, sot bie .^nnbe gcbcii; auf ben .Cnutb Eommeu; — appetite, ber •Cieif;bnii,icr, SBolfsbunger ; — •shane, bcr.^iuibSiobt; — bells, .^linb- fcbeilcii ; — 's berry, bic •Oiinbe-bccrc ; — berry tree, bet •, .Uonii'U firfeb, bnum ; —bolt, ba3 ^niibcincbl —briar, bie .Dagcbutte; ber §aa,r bntteiiftvaud' ; — cheap, wig. fpo'tt; it'oblfcil; — collar, HS •VuiitbbalS' banb ; —days, bie.gunbstagc ; — draw Sp. T bic (5'vtavviuia, cine- SSilbbie: bcS (mit bent i<3unbe) auf ber SCtjat; — 's car, baS tvfele-obr (tmSBudje); — tight bet i^unbefampf, bad .*punbc= gebalge; —fish, bev 5ccbiuib; —ay, bie .jpunbSfltege ; — 's grass, bcia ^unbSgraS; —hearted, graufam, boSt)aft ; — hole ( — house. — kennel), bag ^nnbelod), bic .gmnbebiitte, ber .Ouiibcitall ; —latin, baS .Uiid)cn= obet cUramcrlatcilt ; —leach, (leech), ber .£>lt!lbCbOCtor ; — louse, bit SctyaflaUS; — "s meat, bnS .^uitbe; flitter; — 's mercury, baS ■C">imb»bin= gelfvant; — muzzle, ber iDJaulforb ; — 's onion, bic Selbjrotebel; — rose, bie igiagerofe, ivilbe 9iofc; —sick, wig. fept franf, bitnbctvaiif, hunbe= fcbTedjt; —sleep, ber Icife (Srbeiit-) Sditaf; —star, bev ^"nbsitcrtt ; — stone, T. bet 3Solf iciit ^inbittcin) ; — *s stones, ba§ J?nabenEraut ; — stop- pers, pi. JV. r. 9iotb= stopper; — - s tongue, bic ^UIlb§JUlige; — 's tooth, ' ki <^unbgja^n (ein ^raut) ; ber Qln= genjabn; t. ber ^oltrjaijn; — uick, ber titcfifdic -Strcieb; — trot, ber -^unbStrab ; — vane, jv. t. ber 23cr- fitcfet; Sea Exp. bte fJocarbe ; — watches. Sea Exp. bie |tt>et (jraetfiutt- biqen) 3Bad)cn bes 2fiad)mittag§ »ou ■l big S lthr ; — weary, niiibe nue eiti •Ciuiib. bunbc= (febr) miibe; — 'a weed, bie Eicincn 3mtebeln, ber 2cbiiitt= laud) ;— wood, ber JtornclEirfchbaitni. To dog. o. a. auf bem Su^e nad)foI= gen, bintcrbcr gcbcii; Sp. E. (and) To Dog-draw) u../i>. mit bem 2piir* bunbc ber fvabrte narbgefjen, \\a& fpurciti augroittern. DOGATE, s. bte Sogcnnjiirbc. doge, s. ber Soge ce^emals yon 93c- nebig). DOGGED (adv. — ly), adj. miirrifcp, Berbrieg(id), faucrtbpfifd), imfrcinib= lid), bart, eigenftnnig ; — ness, s. bag miimfrbe 3Befen. dogger, s. bie (Sdjmade (9Ttt ficiitcr boilaubifdirr Scbiffe 511111 Jifcfceit). DOGGEREL, s. * adj. —rhymes, JffrtiiN tdocrfe; to speak — , Eaubenvelfd) ttben. DOGGET, s. & v. vid. Docket. DOGGISH (.v/r — ly). adj. f)Ullbifd), murrifd), bei^ig, jaitftfd;. DOGGREL, s. & ad}, old. DOGGEREL. DOGMA, s. ber Seiu-fatj, bic ®laubcng= lebve. DOGMATIC, I adj. 1, D (GMATICAL, (adv. — ly), ) boma= tifd), entfebeibenb, icbfeub; 2. aus= brucflicb, gebieterifco ; —ness, (Dog. matism), s. bag ncbicterifd;c SSefen, ber abfprerbeube Ton. DOGMATIST, s ber gebictcrifcfie Se^* rer, brcifte S3ef)aupter. To DOGMATIZE, <■ i».boiimatifirctt, im cntfdicibcnbcn S'ouc fpred)en, be* lebr c 11 DOGMATIZER, s. vid. Dogmatist. doily, .« 1. cine 9lrt roolienet 3 e "8i 2. bag Eiciuc iifduncb, S)effctttudp. DOING, s. bag 'Xhllll ; it was your — that&c3ln- fenb llrfadje baf;, 11 — s, s. pi. bie Ibat. ©anblmta; 'Pei gcbcitbcit; 2. baS 58etrageu ; 3. ®e« vanfd); fine — these ! fiber bic fdjSr.i 91itrfiibruiig ! doit, ». ber rent, .fetter. DOLCE, \nlr. Mas. T. fatlft, DOLCEMENTE S letfc. dole, s. 1. bie (Mabe, bag 91l?r,»f?t5 ©cfd)cnf ber iintbcil ; 2. bie i'rjctf DOMI DOR DOUB gdbtage; 3.+ ber Sdiiner;, J?um= liter, ©ram, ba8 (Slenb; — flsb, bet miter bte SRatrofen auSjUtbeilenbe gifd) ; — meadow, tie ©emetimuefe. To DOLE, o a. to — out, austlieilcil, fpeubcu ; febenfen. SK)LEFUL (adv. — i.v), a//. fumuicr* boII, traurig, fcf)incr5ltct), Elaglidj ; — ness, ». tcr .Rummer, ©ram, bte Xxau- rtgEeir, ba8 ©ejammer. DOLESOMENESS, s. »«£ Doleful, Dolefulness. LOLL, s. bte $uppe. DOLLAR, a. ber (fpanifdje) Scaler. DOLLY, ». aMr. (fur Dorothy) Sordini. DOLOMITE, s. ber elafrifetoe 2Warmor. DOLOR1FEROUS (— fic), adj. Sd;mcr* £ctt »erurfad)enb. 30LOROUS [adv. — ly), adj. fcbmcr$= baft, fdjmerjlid) ; — ncss, s. bie ©djmerjlicbEeif, baS 8eib. DOLOUR (Dolor), s. ber DOLT, r. >i. ft'di tbbrid)t beitebnicu. DOLTISH, adj. tblpifd), plump, bltmilt ; — ness, *. ba5 tCilpifdic SBefen, bie ^litmpbeii. DOMAIN,*. 1. ba8©eoiet bie .fxn- idiaft; 2. ©omaue, baS jfrougut, Aaminergur, ©tit. DOME *. 1. ber ©om, bte Jtuppel ; 2. ba« ©cbciube. DOMESDAY, 5. mtf. Doomsday. domestic, 1. adj. 1. bauSlirb ; eiitbei= iltifd) ; 2. jabnt ; /'« compos, — anim il, ba8 ©aufitbiet ; — chapel, bie or= fdlle; — peace, ber ^augfrtebe j — trade, ber inlanbifdje «§anbef, ©ins itenl)anbel ; — tutor, eiu i§auSte$rer; ii. *. ber f>au0geno$, SBebiente; bie ©tenerinn, ba8 ■pauStoefen, DOMESTICAL, vid. Domestic. To U 1MESTICATE, b. o. baiielid), jabm, it. f. », macbeii ; berfelben eri"if(f), gebiefc= rifd), reajerenb. DOMINATOR, .«. ber .Oerrfdjer ; jtstral T. ba$ berrfcbcitbc ©eftiru. t.i di iMLNEER, r. n. (jetrfefcen, t\n-ait- nifireit ; beit .foerni fpielcu ; domi- neered over, untcrroorfeit, iiberaniU tiger. DOMINEERING, adj. bervtfeb, gebicfe= rifd), itbermutbig. DOMINICAL, 1. adj. fonntaglid) ; — let- ter, ber omtnofpte(: to play at dominoes, Soiniito fpieleit. don. s . in Spanien eiu Gbrentifer, ©on, §err, ■>Scir -ooit. To don, v. a. + anle^e". anjieben. donary, * baa SBetbgefdJenf, Ser* macfctttt'l au eiue jjtrcjbe, u. f. w. im. ii.). DONATION,? s. 1, bte ecbeiifuitg; donative, S p b««@brengefcbenf;2. — ive,/..'/: bie (Srttennung »u einer 3}frflnbe obtte bifd;bflid;e 3Kitroir» Eung. donatist, 5. Tit. t. ber ©onafijl. DONE, I. part (»0H Jv DO a,ctban, geftfieben ; tubercitct ; geJorbt, gar ; to have — , aufiicbort babcu, fertig fe^u, flcfebcbcii feint ; i have — with him, irb babe nicfetfi mebr mtt ibm ju fdjajfen ; is it — 1 ift a fertig ? when all is — , am (, tuleljt, wenn c» ltin tinb umfommt; when will you have — eating? UMltll ttJerbeil sie abgegtffeu (abgefpeifet) Ijaben? to be — , tbunltdj ; Jtt tbllll ; yet lo be — . $u tbitn fibrtg; what is to I 1 ttaS ifi ju tbuuV there is no good to be — , man Eann ntcbM ausridbten : to be — away, »erfcbn>unbett fev;n, nidit nubr 2fatt fil^Clt ; —away with, be = fetttgt; that may be — , nuf! (a§ mid) gebn! II ret topp! e«gift! ridjtig! nun gut! donee, *. ber ©efrbenfneljnter, ber (ober bie) 53cfrbeuEtc; L. T. !Uiic= bono. DONJON, aid. Dungeon. DONKEY, ». ber @fel. donor, s. ber ©efcienlgeber, 2d;cn-- Eer. DONSHTP, .^. ber .Cerrcnftaub, 3J a ng ciitcS fpanifrben Ten. donzel, s. ber Page. doodle, 5. ber Sitnbler, !£bunid)t«, Sfaulenjer. DOOLE, s. vid. Dole. To doom, r. a. oerurtbeifctt, »erbam» men, beftintmcu. doom. s. 1. has Urf6eil, bte SSerbam* mung, ber Sluflfprurj, Sprur^: 2. ba§ Sd>idfal, S3er^augni6 ; 3. 93er» berben; — 'a day, ber ©eriebfetag; iiingfreJCag; —' 8 day-book, baS grofie englifebe ^ebnbnd)- (»erfertigt uittcr 3Bi([)eIm bent Sroberer). doomage, *. bie ©etbbujje. doomful, adj. ber^angntpooU, »er* bevblid). door, *. 1. bte £&fir : 2. co!. b«8 ^aufi ; to lay at one's — , citieill }tir 8aji It' gen ; the fault lies at his — , c5 ift feine Scbulb ; at death's — , * an ben Spfor= ten be§ 2cbe« ; next — , ncben rnabe an ; out of doors, auS bent -Oilllfc ; within doors, im .joanfe, ju .foaufe ; ill ba-J ipau8; without doors, brauf;eit, vor ber Ibitr, auf ber (Maffe ; — bar, ber !£burriegel: —case, baS JEbflraes ftcil, 2'[)iiri]criift; —post, bie £hiir-- pfbfle ; — guard, bie Sviugerpfatte ; — handle, ber I bitranit; —keeper, ber Ibflrbfiter, S^urpefier, ^fSrtner, Xbormadiret; — nau, + ber Srtagel pber bie Platte unter etttem :Jbfufle = pfer;— plate, bie 9tamen«plattc (an ber ,»/>tu«thiire) ; — pull, ber ©lotfens Mebcr; — Bill ( — stead), bie Sdwelle, Ibiirfdnvelle ; — way, ber ^burgang, DOQUET, *, J.. T. ber febviftlidie S8e« febf, ©ewaltjetttT. ii ir, *. bie ifiuininel, SBeApe; ber ScbrSter [itafcr . DOR A DE, DORADO, ) s. ber ©plbnfd), DOREB, J 5t. ^eter«« fifdi, ipitncnfifd). Li IRCAS, mi Taoithv. DORIAN,) adj. boriid) ; — order, bit Doric, $ boriftbe ©Nnufenortnung : — music, eiue •Jirt ernfibafter i'iuv.i iter alien ©ried)en). DORIC1SM, ) s. bie bortfebe 3?ebeu8-- DORISM, S art. DORM \N('V, *. bie Jtubc. dormant, i. adj. I. fdjlafenb ; 2. liegenb; 3. r. lebnenb, fdjief, nidjl feufredjt; 4. serborgen, ftblum* mernb ; 5. ungebraurtjt, iinbeuufet ; m /;-■. toil..-—, ungebraudjf utile, ober tobt) liegen, fid) nt'tbt »erjinfen ; oot ©ertdit uid)t erfebetnett, au«biei= ben ; — partner, bet utile Sompag- UOU; ^partnership, bie (Sommanbite ; ii ». ber fiauptbalEen, Iragbalfen. in iltM \!i, *i IRMI R, or DOBMBK-WMOOW, ». tae Datbfenjter. DORMITIVE, *. Med. T. baS Cpiat, Srblafmittel. DORMITORY,*. 1. bafl rdilafjinuncr, Scfalafgeinad), bet ©djlaffaal; bie Sdjlafanflalt; 2. tor ©otteSacfet. DORMOUSE, ■ tie 6afelmau«, gdb* rafte, baS 3J}ur melt bier. DORN, g. ter Moc\k (3eefi'"d) ; — hound, ber loruban. DOROTHY, e. ©orot^ea At-auen= name). DORP, *. -f-ba-s Tiu-f. DORR, ». nd. Dor. 1): IRSAL, adj. ben Sucfen betreffenb. i) iRSE, s. + ber Sragbimmei. dorsel,*. ber JErageforb, ba« 9icff, ber Doppet ober Ouerfatf. DORSIFEROUS, ) adj. auf bent 3iiiefen dorsiparous, J tragenb. DORTRECHT, (Dort), s. bie 2 rat I Scrtrccbt. DORY, *. vid. Dorade, &<- DOSE, 8. 1. bie ©oft3; portion ; 2. ber JCbeii. To dose r. a. (bie geborige i vunfdu-etbeu, 'oen'd'reibeit, beibringen. DOSSER, s vid. Dorset.. dossil, 8. s. t. bie Sompreffe, Saufcbrben. DOT, s. ber ^unft, tie 3Karfe, ber sued?, Sled. To dot, d. i. a. mit "1-iinfmt tetebnen, ober bejeidjnen ; .u. /;. punFtiren ; n. v. Sfunfte niaehen. IE, s. 1. ber SSerlujl [ober bie Scbmadje) be 8 33erftanbe8, bie jroeite Jtiubbeit; ba8 jiiubifefiroerben, feltt, ber ?lbenvilj ; '2. tie ttbcrtrie= bene ;^irtlid)fcit, Sffenliebe, Ser- itarrtbeit, 3SrteIet. dotal, adj. jum ^eiratbdgut ge^5= rig ; — gift, bie Olitc-fteuer. DOTARD, *. ber alte ©erf, "erliebte [Rare; — lv, adj. gcifcnbaft ; uer; ftanblos. dotation,*, bas 3l:t8|leuern, bit ftattuit,(. t.i DOTE b. v. 1. finbtfrb i'c.mi obet toerben, fafeln; '2. oerfalien, oertoeU ten ; to — upon, uernarrt fepn j ti,l liebcn. Dl ITER, ■ vid. Dotard. DOTINGLY, adv. l. fafelttb, Eiitbifcb ; 2. beftiii vcrliebr. DOTTARE, *, ber ^iKr^bauiu. gcflerft, gcfprenfelf, puufliif. DOTTERELL,*. ber iDiOrucU (etn bilj . DOTTING-WHEEL, * T. bad i-nuflir.- rabdjen. DOUBLE, I. adj. S- ado. I. bnppelt, gei boppelt, imiefad); 2. paarroetfe ; 3. ■ ueibeutig, falfdj, jweijuugig, bo I IT DOUB DOWN DRA F :rii olid), orflltjltfl ; 4. Mus. T. contra, i. sg. _ c, f>vj centra (i (in bet £ie= fe) ; to fold — , uiuflappen, ctufct)la= gen; in compos. — actional harp, tic ijjebal&atfe ; — barrel, bet SDoWttl* lattf ; — barrelled, mit »t»ei Sfiufen ; a — barrelled gun. cine 3>pppclfliute ; bass, tic Eonttebajigeige 3 — biting i — edged . |»eifd)neibtg ;' — chin, bie Uutcrfcblc, tas SDoppeUmn, bet Jia= ber, tic iiSampe, SBamme: — dealer, tec falfcbe jyienfdj, 5RanIemad)et, SBettfiaer; — dealing, bet SSetrug, tie 2lrglift; —dyed, jwei 3J?al gefatbtj — entendre, bet £pppclftntt, bie ^wn- teutigfeit : — entry, m. e. bie bop* j>elte sSucpbaltuug ; —eyed, tpppeU iiugig, triigcrifd); —faced, mit pet ©cftditeru, falfd) ; — flowers, gcfiilltc ©lumen ; — gilt, jroei 2Ral »ergol= feet ; — handed, J»et|onbifl ; mit jruci SBetfetn; fig. jweibeuttg" — headed paddle, eiii bpppclgriffig'cs filter ; — letters, Typ. T. bie Sigatuten ; — hearied ( — minded, — mouthed), falfd), argliftig ; to — lock, v. n. bPp= pelt serfrblieflen (weim matt ben tgdjluffel j»ei 3KaI umbrer;t) ; — meaning, bPppelftltnig ; — movement harp, vid. — actioned harp ; — pica, Tijp. T. bie £cttfrf)ttft; —plea, L. T. bie T^ppcUScccfjtseiurocnbung ; — quarrel, L. T. bie Jtlage bcim (5v,tlu= fdipf rceaen ycrfagtcr fird)lid)er ®e= ricbJSbatiett ; — reel, bpppelte 33ci= fe ; — row, cine 2llicc ; — tongued, tpppclsungig, falfd). To DOUBLE, b.1. a. I. bpppcllt, »et* boppeln ; 2. bPppclt jnfammentegen, umlegett; 3. tDtcbcvfjoicn ; 4. bcrum= fabrcn, umfegehi ; to — a cape, cin <&ap umfcbtffen; to — the fist, bic Aauft balleit; to — one's legs, bie 'in'ilte cil^ichcn ; to — down the leaf (corner), baS Slatt avo man imSefen jteben geblieben ifi), einfd)lagen, eitt Dbt machctt; to —the reins, ("Pit jpfetben) ©ptitnge marfjen um ben Svcitcr a&jmueffen ; to — upon a Beet, cine glotte jnnfeben jivci gcuet bringen ; n. n. 1. fid) setboppeln ; 2. fid) rotnbeit; s. r. Jtteugfptfinge ma= rben; 3. betriiglicb fiaiibcin, SRanfe marben. DOUBLE, s. 1. ba3 QetPppclte, Su= plum; 2. bic (ippie, 5lbfd)rift; 3. Typ. T. bet 5)pppclfa^ ; 4. mod. bie fprccbenbe Jicbnlirbfcit &. S. it is her — . c« tfl ibr lvalues (ibenbilb); 5. ber 3tanf, .Sniff; 6. .Srcujfprung. DOUBLENESS, s, 1. bag ©oppelte ; 2. .fig. bie Stvcibcutigfeit, Salfcbjett, Swglift. DOUBLER, g. bev oetboppelf, it. f. w. doublet. «. 1. ba3 SBamme' ; 2. ba3 $aat; 3. Soppelflutf, bie ©oublette (and) ein spii jivci 2tud'rben,Ur;iftaU mit batroifrben gclcgtcr 3'plie ge= macbtcr (Sbelfietn). doubling, s. baS Scrboppcln ; Umfc= a,eln ; bet Jh-cittfprnng ; — blow on blow, ©d)kg auf ©djtag setfefcenb; .v. T-s. — of'a sail, bie sPerbPppelitno, cinc'j ©egelS; — of the bits, ba8 Jtif= fen an bet 33ettng ; — nails, .§aupt= fpicfer. doubloon, s bie KuMone (fpauifdic unb pprtugicfifd>e SJWunje »on jwei SPiftoten). DOUBLY, adv. bPppelt, swicfadi. 7V doubt, ».«.<$•«, l. jweifeln, be= jivcifclit; jogetit, SDcbcnfcn tragen; 2, befprgen, arguuibnen, mtfitvancit; to — a {or of a) thing, ait etWttS imetfeln. doubt. s . 1. ber Swctfel ; 2. ba§ 83ebenfcrt; bic SBebenfltd;fett; Un* 118 aitfdneffcnbcit, llngemifibcit ; 3. Sdjrotengfeit ; 4. 53eforgni§ ; 3uvd)t. doubtable, adj. bcjrocifdbar. doubter, s. bev 3tvei{fet. DOUBTFUL (adv. — Mr), adj. 1. j\vcifcl = baft, nngewtp; 2. bcbcnFlid) ; befotg* ltd); tin'cntfdilpffcn ; 3. at giuphnifd) ; 4. metbeuttg ; — ness, s i. tie Unge= nntjbcit, 53ebenflid)fctt j 2. 3acfcr, maini= ^aft, befjerjt, yprtrcfflict). DOUGHY, adj. tetC&tfl. dousable, s. SitlcibeUa (3taneri= name). To douse, v. i.o. i. tnS SQBaffcr ftiir= jen; 2. jv. t. ein@egel [aufen laf= fett ; II. n. ml SBaffet fallen. To dout, v. a. att^tlinn, ausl ofc^en. DOUTER. s. ber ?ii1)tbdmpfcr. DOVE, s. bic Saute ; — color, bie taubenfarbc, bas 8ad)taubengrau; — cot, bet SEaufcenfdjIag ; — house, bas SaubeubauS ; —'a foot, bet <2tPfd)= fdmalni (aeranium—L); Ts. — tail, or — tail's joint, bCV <2d)rPalbcil= fdjwanj ; — tailed, fdwalbcnfd)amii5= atttg itcilfprmig befeftigt) ; — tail- ins, "tic (2cbiMl6enfd)n.t'an$=) SSer= tdmmnng. DOVELIKE, adj. fa It ft, javtltd). doveship, s. ber Sauieuftnn, tic ©e= bulb. dowable, adj. cincs 8et6gebinge8 fabi.]. D iwager, s. tie SBitftwe mit ciiicm Scibgcbingc; SBtttnje vott Stante; queen — , tie ycrmittuH'te ^piiigimi. dowcets, s. pi. sp. e. bie @ci(en, .gip= ben etneS ^ttfr^eS. dowdy, I. s. bie biefe (fdininfeige, gc= mcinc) (Vrancnspcrfpii, id^lnnipc; II. adj. bicf, plump. dower, )s. 1. tic 3tu8ftattung, dow(e)RY,> iDiitjiift, ber Staut« febafe, baS ^ettat^Sgut ; Sei6gebtnge, SSittbum ; tie SRorgengabt; 2. @a= be, baS ffiefdjeuf. dowered, adj. auSgefiottet, begabt. D0\\"ERLESS, adj. itiiaiu-cicftaftct, arm. DOWLAS, s. ciiic -,'lrt ftarfcv grpbcv Scinroant. down. s. 1. ttr fSfaitm, tie gfattmfc- bcrn, 3)unen, baS jarte feaav, SKild^* baar; fig. tie Stnbetung; dead—, SHaufbunen ; live — , 9teflbunen ; — bed, ba§ Sett »ou 8'lanmfetcnt, Setmrnncnbctt ; — feather, tic glaum= fcter ; 2 (pi. the — s), tic fiber tent SBaffet erbabene Santbaitf, SDfine; ber Santljiigcl; 3. (5"bctte auf einein . neigenb; 3. ntebergefc^Iagen, traurig; n. — (Downwards), alv. llictcntidrto, bttl= ab ; in uuuntcrbrpcbcucr ^Ibfunft Pter gtbfolge. DOWNY, adj. 1. VPit Pter Ivie 5Iaum= febern; w'pllig; 2. fig. toeify, fanft. DOWRY, s. vid. Dower. dowse, s. vvig. ter ©tteid^ tn@ ©e* fid)t, Ma\>W, bie 2Haulfd)eUe. To DOWSE, v. a. vulg. 2)faulfc{)eIIcn gcbcit. jh ix< (LOGY, .*. tcr Spbfprud). doxy, s. tic §ute. To doze, v. t. n. fdjlafrig, fd)laftruntcn femt, fcbluntmcrn; to — away one's life, fein iibtn oetttaumen ; n. a. cin= fdilafcni; bumm mad)cu, betauben (to. ii.). DOZE,§ Sdjlummem, ©d)Iafd)en. dozen. *. bas ©ufcenb. doziness, s. bie 2rfilafn'g!cit. DOZING, .cbie edilafrigtcit, 2r(igf)eit, (5ct)aicrfaUigfeit. DOZY, adj. fd;lafrig, fcbJaftrunfctj, trage. drab, I. s. 1. tic ■0;trc tin setScfcts lirbftcn Siuue); 2. iaS fd;mu!jige 21'cib, vulg. bic Sd)luntpc; 3. eine Strt bcllgraues Zucb,; 4. ». pi. t. ©e= baltiiiffc (Sriige) sum £rpcfiteu bcS ©alje«, in ben@aljfot^en; n. — , w — coloured, adj. licijtbrauit, gtans PtCt fdiniufefavbcn (in ben terfebjebenen (Sebattirungen). To DRAB, v. n. mit >6ttren yerfe^ten. To DRABBLE, v. a. b'efrbmilfeci!. DRABBLER (Drabblet), s. A*. T. US SJeifeget, Seefegel, ©tagfegef. DRACHM or DRACHMA, s. 1. ta8 £rad? = ma (alte 33?finje) ; 2. vid. Dram. DRACO, s. vid. Dragon. dracunculus, s. ber ^atemmtniL .fiaittwitrm; tie ©Btrmabe. draff, s. baS iSpiilidjt, tie 3aud)e tcr Sluswutf. DRAFF1SH, adj. n?ettfl(o8. draffy. adj. bicf, fdmtu^ig; fd?lccb; untauglid). DBAST, s. 1. OOtt Draught : 2. M. E.bit JEtatte, Slbgalje ; 3. bev (Sntrourf ; — oxen, bie 3itgocpfen. To dr^it. ii. a. 1. fdu-ifttid) abfaffeu 2. eutmerfcttj 3. betacbiren. DRAU DRAW DREA 7V DBAG, v. a. Sr 7i. 1. fiittcppctt, $er= veil, jicben, fd)lcifen; 2. (Jluftcnt) fangeit ; 3. Typ. T. $aatt jit ten ©aU len jaufeit ; to — along ( — on), fptt= fdjlepven, binfdjleppcit. DBAG, t. 1. tie breicrfige @ggc ; 2. ber tiafen; 3. barren, SBageit; -JL bad [ojj ; — of a fox, Sp. E. bie ©tan* batte fitted Surfed ; — » «■ — " iJt . bad 3ii)lfpuuefe, 3ngnctj; — chain, tic fiemnuette; —man, bcr Srbtepp= nefcfifd;et; — plough, bcr 2d)Icpi'-- pflng ; — rope, JV. T. ba« <5ci>lepp= Mu: — sail, baa Stopfcgel, bcr IvciCuintcv; — staff", bie (Stitfce, Stufegabel, bcr Scbleppftod; (an ci= nem [gtacb>]23agen). 7',. DRAGGLE, ». a. rdcticcpkalum — £,.) ; — like, U)U« tbcitb roic ciu £racbe; — tree, bet Stacbcttbanm; — wort (or—), bie £>rad)eiiti>urj, bae 9latterfraut (Dra- eontium — L.) ; gum — , vid. Traua- CANTH. DRAGONET, ». 1. ber ffcitte Xracr)c ; 2. ■•spiunenfifd). DRAGONISH, adj. 1. brad)cnfbrniig ; 2. UMitbcub. dragoon, .5. bcr SDtagoner. To dragoon, v. a. plagett, pcintgcti (mit ©olbaten, ©raflonern). dragoonade, s. bic Bragonabe. TV drain, ». i. a. 1. abgraben, ablet* ten ; 2. ttoefnen, austtoefnen ; 3. fig. uerjebvett ; to — one's purse, cincmbcu SBeutel fegen; to — up, auelccrcn, anatrinEen ; n. «. abpicfu-n. drain, s. bcr Wbjug, 3l61eitung8gra= ben, JKanal. DRAINABLE, adj. abjltlcttett; aUSJlU ttoefnen. DRAINER, 5. bcr 21blciter, ©rabenjie= bcr. DRAINAGE, .*. bie 9lU3ieid)iing. DRAKE, s. 1. bcr (Intend); 2. bie ©tecfcfliege ; 3. cine Sltt Elciner Jta= ttoncn. dram, s. l. bae Srartjma, Ouentdjen ; 2. ber <2d)(ncf xdmappa ; — drinker, ©ranntroeintrinrer. To DRAM, v. ii. vulg. febnappfen. DRAMA, ». bae Drama, ©d;aitfi)iel. DRAMATICAL (— ic ; ado. — ly), adj. btamatifd). DRAMATIS PERSONS, s. (latcinifdi) bie baitbcliibcn Spetfonen in einem Drama. DRAMATIST, ». bcr SdjauftMelbtditet. To DRAMATIZE, v. n. bramatifircn, fiir bic public bcarbriten. DRANK, s. bcr Sold), Scbnunbtlfjafet. DRAPER, s. bcr XurbhatibUT ; linen — , bet Seinroanbbanblet, DBAPERY, s. 1. baS lud)inad)cn. £ttdj- maefcetbanbtoetf; bic :tndifabvi£ ; bei Sncbbaitbel; 2. bad Jud), mollene 3«tg; •'!. t. bie ©ewanber (in'fUi= buitg ciucr gigut). DRASTIC, adj. Med. t. VDtrffant, fraftig. DRAUGH, s. vid. Ur.vff. draught, .9. 1. baS ?,icbcii; 2. ber 8ug, Sugwtnb; 3. ecblmf, ij'uinf; isiuSjug; 9lbgang, Slbtua ; ■ r >. bafl lieimlid)c ©ernad), bie Slbafe; fi. 3etd>nung, 3lbbt!bunf, 5fi', : ,e, ber 0tiii, (Srttrourf; 7. 93ogenfd>ufij 8. Mil. T. bic SluSpebung, ^lueuutbl uoit 2o(batcn; 9. jjf. f. bcr 'Scrbfci, bic Jtratte, 9lbgabe, aid Draft; 10. JV. t. bie Sliming (bcr SBafferjug etned ©d;iffe«, bie Xicfc, bic as gcht ; h Bhip of small — , ciu fladi [aufenbed ©cpiff; —of soldiers, baa 3)etafd)e= incut; bcr ^liiabub ; at a — , anf ci = lien idilucf, anf cin i'Jal ; to have a quick — , gurert SIbgang babcii; draughts, pi. ba8 ©rcttfpicl, Dameiu f»iel; — board, bafl Xanuubrctt, SSrettfptel; —hone, baa gugpftrb; — house, baa bcimlicbe (Mcmadi, tic Sloatc; — 's man, bcr jcidiucr, 3fi= cbenmeifter; Sntroerfer, (Soncipieat, Sdjreiber; —oxen, bie -Jugodjfert; — porter, Siec (jutit ^^PU'ii) oom gaffe. To DRAUGHT, v. a. berauajiebcu, ab= jottbern, loofcit. To DRAW, o. ir.a.trn. 1. ^icfjcit, jevren, fdjlcppeii; 2. bcbncii, fticifcii, fpan= iicn, berlangern; 3. aniteben, an fid) jicbcit; anl'ocfcit; ciitlinfcn ; ablaf= fen, abjie^en ; J. aufjieben ; uuicbcn ; 5. fid) juritcf^ieben ; ftd) jiifainmeiu ticr>cn ; ii. fdjbpfcn ; faugcn ; jO'pfeil ; 7. bcrlcitcn, bcriicbincn, iiebnicit; gc= winiteii; loofcti; 8. auanci)incii, au6= kvetben ; fjerauSpreffeii ; !). abbringen, i'tbcrrcbcii; 111. abrcificn, tcirbncn, fd)ilbern, malen, abbifben; enfroer= fen, auffefeen; 11. .A". T. boUftefjen (won Segcln) ; to — bit, abjSumeii ; to — blood, }iir Jlbcr laffen ; fig. to — blood of one, cillClt fd)VOpfCll, JOj)fen, bis anf« ^3 lut frfjrauben ; to— a bow, ciitcit SBogen fpaimcu; to — a fowl, cinen ©ogel ausrbetben ; to — (breath), '.Mtbcm bolen ; to — the pen, bic geber fiibvcn; to — a sheet, Typ. T. ciucn S3ogen ab^icben ; to — near, luibcrn ; fid) 'nabcrii, nal)cr fomincii, ftd) na* belt ; to — mar to an end, to — ■ to a close, ;u (Sitbe gefcen, fid) bent (*nbe nabcrtt; to — nigh, anriidcii, fiit Itaherll ; to — to a head, fid) jufattts nteitjicl)Cit, (fitcr jic()cu ; to — one dry, fig. eincit crfrbbpfeu; to — per appoint, M. K. per SalbO traffivcn, ,-H. Appoint; good actors — full b ijiitc 2 djaiifpidcr fallen baa A>an» ; to — a subject into method, eiuc 2nd)<: in Dvbnung bringen; to— comparisons, SOergleiaje macben; to — again, \vk- ber ticbc-.i, jurucfjie^en ; to — along, fortfdilcppcn; to — away, rpea^iefjen, luciincbmcit, liiitiicbmcit ; abicitcn, enttoenben, cntfiiiucii; to — asunder, yon eiinuiber jtefjen, trciinen. jevreis pen; to — back, fid) jurucfjieben, ii'cidicit; to — forth, bcviuu^icbcn, binfdilcppcn, anabeben; to — from, bcrauabolcn ; ciitlocfen ; to — in, citt- jie^en ; r)crbei}ter)en ; anlorfen ; to — in a bill. m. /■:. cincn Sffiecifel etnIJa fen, einjieben; to — oit: abjiebeit; abfiibvcii; fid) ,;iiritif;icbcn ; to — on, oeranfajfen, |er»orbringen ; anlocfen ; fid) nahcii; ^nicbcii; to — out, bets au«»iebeit, auajteben, abfonbern ; ber= ausiocfen; auobebnen, oerlangern; au;-fibmicbcn (@tfen, it. f. W.'j ; to — out a party, i nti'pon betafebiren : to — over, iibcqtcbcii ; bcriibcrkidcu, oerititen ; to — up, beranfjieben, anf= Jteben; inn line of battle) tit 2dilad)t= orbnung ftcllcn, aufmarfd)iren laffen, aimufni; aiiffcijcn, cittu'cvfcn (eine 5d)rtft) : to — up the mouth, ciu febiefca iDlaul niadicn ; to — up (to ...), ttorfahrcn ; to — fa bill) upon ono, m. /:. anf Semanb \\i^tn, cnt= nebmen, abgeben, trafftren, teinen S8ed)fel ober cine ^ansfrbrift auf 3cinanb anaficllcii ; to — u ship, Sea Erp fi'b cincni 2dnffc na-- bent, cc' balb etnbolen. DRAW, s. 1. baa 3ic^'it, bcr 3ug;i 2 baa fcooS; —back. 1. bcr I'i.idjrbcil yibbrud) ; 2. bie Burucfgabe, bet :Uudi 50II, baa alarblafgelb ; bic Olnarnbr: SBramte; bcr ERabatl bei vrtMiiptci ■',abl;in.) , DiSWUto; .Viiyiuflanr ; SRud ciucr Jtanone ; — beam] bit JttCUJWtnbe. 2'Jiiibc, bft •Oaapc I ; — et ^icbbnn'dic, Drebjunge bei ben SBebern ; in ben SBtrgroerfetr, cin Sunge, berbenfogenanntenfiunb fdileppt ; — boys, gemuftcrte moUent llllb baillltlvrlKllC ;')ClK]C; — bridge, bic 3ugbrucfe; — cansir, ber 3icnc>nu mift ©ifenfreffer; — gear, bae gefdjirr; — latch, bit iRetlel, 3ieo« finite; — net baa 3"g n ffe; — plate, T. tM %it$ti\m; — well, ber 3'utyz bninncn. DRAWEE, s. M K bcr, anf bcu cin Sffiecbfel an8gcftcllt ifi, SBejogene, I raff at. DRAWER, s i. bcr, bic, baa 3itbcnbc; bcr3icbcr; 2, M. 1: bcr 'Jluaftcller eineS 2Bed)ffl8, ri'c-i.lichci-, traf* fent; 3. 2dun , fc:ibc: 4. 3arfcr, jleu* tier, Jtufer; 5. ,\cidvier; 6. ©rhub* faftcn, Siigjug, bic Sd)ublabe; — of a bird-cage, bet J tog im Bogelbauet ; gold — , bcr Oiclbbrabtjiebcr ; tooth — , ber 3.abnarjt: — <. or a | — s, pi. bie Untcrbcinficibcr, vlafyU bofcit; Sttfimvfe; — s, ,-,- chest oi — a, bie ?Iu6juglabe, ^ominobe. drawing, g, 1. baa oicbcn, u. f. iv. ; 2. bic 3cid)iinng, bcr SRip, ba8-®e* make; — amiss, Sp.E.iai Svur»er» Keren; — on the Blot, Sp. E.bafi Sput* betfolgen unb ^ufjagen bee SBilbeJ bnrd) §unbe ; — of a ship, baa Sd)iff« jieben ■anf bem Sasbe ; M /'-.■.-- of a bin, bic ^litailcUiing ernes iBcdv feU; — and re-drawing, bte SBecbfeN vcitcrci ; — of samples, baa ^robeiM ncbmcii; art of — , bie 3cicbciifiutir; — board, baa ;lieinbrctt; — chalk, bic 3cid;cn[i'cibe ; — frame, T. bie Sttecfe; — bound, bet Seitbunb; — knife, bae 3ugineffet ber »>nffrbntic= be); — master, ber ^cidicnmcifier : — paper, bae 3«id)enpapier ; bic 3leipfeber ; — room, 1. ba brnjtinmer; Q3oniininer ; ©efeU- fd;afrej« miner, 93erfammlung8jiin= met; '.'. bic @efeUfd)aft bet ifjofe, u. f. W.), bcr ^ofjtrfel, bie (Mala; bae 8e»et; — point, ber Stiftau«= btanget ber Ubnitadu-r ; — Bhave, baa Sugmeffet (bet Jtiifer) ; — table, bee ©ttcftifdj. To DRAWL, « a Sr n. fditc'Jpcn, bebnen, to— nut ill- time, bic^cit oertanbeln, tobten. DRAWL, *.ba8 2)ebncn (im Sprcd'cit . DRAWN, parr, 0011 To Draw gejogen; 2. blof, mitblof-em ?cgcn; 3. gleidv nnentiVbicben ; —battle, bie uncnlfducbeiie Scbtad)t; a — geiagtet Aiidn-; — game, baa nid)t ciufducbcnc 5pici ; — word.bct blo^e J)egen; -- up,abgefa§t, u. f. 1 1 To Draw; — upon, M 1 . bejOgeit. DB \v. o or —can, cin niebtigtt Stat* veil, cine OUT jroeirabriger) ;)ioIhra= gen,bieS3ierfarre; Sdjleife; -horse, bcr j^arrengaul ; — man, ber Siets fd)tbter;— plough, bet ©d)Itpp'i)fina; : , — of squirrels, Sp r cin Safe(9left) @id)borncben. ni: \'/.i'.i,. ». bae niebtige, fd;mnt>ige 3Jcenfd). :i l.» l.bcr 3dircifc:i. bie Alitor; 2. ©brfnrcbt; n ■ fdjred ltd), furdjit* bar: cibabcn, b( ■••reign, gropmScbtigfxer 2)coitard>. To DREAD, r a *■ «. cvfcbiecfcn, (f ^ febr fiivtbten, fdienen. 119 DRES DRIN DRIY dreader. ... ber gfirc&tenbe, Scbcue. DREADFUL {ado. — ly), adj. 1. fcbiecf= lid;, furdubar; 2. chrroiirbig : bcilig, bit 2cbrerfiicbfcir, ngtbarfeit, DREADLESS, adj. futdjtloS, uitcr''diro= felt"; — ness, s. lie 5urd)t(oftgteit, lliterfdjirotfei dream.*-. 1. bee iraum; 2. /»•. tic XtaumereL To DREAM, v. n. *■ a. 1 . traumctt (— of. son, ; 2. tcnfcii; fauraiireu ; to — on. oerttaumeri ; to — a dream. cU iieu Xtaum baben. dreamer, s. 1. ber Xtaumet ; 2. rjantaft ; SWfiigganger. dreamless, adj. ol>ue !£raume, frauinloS. dreamy, adj. traumerifd), tm 5£raum. DREAR adj. tr.utrig, Bbe. DREARINESS, s. 1. tic tfurdubarfeit ; 2. (jnvcbt; 3. bet Summer, bie Sc^roerimitfj. DREAR V [ado. — n.r),adj. l.furditbar frbrcdlirb; 2. traurig, Bbe. DREDGE, s. 1. bas 2d>[fppncfc, 9tu= jhmnefc; 2. bas iVifdiforu. To DREDGE, v. a. 1. mit bent Sd)fepp- ttc§e fangcu; 2. (mit 2Jic(ju be= ftreucn. DREDGER, ... 1. ter 3ujterttftf($er: 2. — , or DredgiDg-box. bie etreubiiebfe. To DREE v. a. Icitcn, erbulben, tttta- gen (it. it. . KSINESS, s. baS .£cfige, £ritbc ; bet Sobenfafe. DREGS, 1. bie fiefen, tor SBoben= fttfe; 2. Scbmite, Uuratb, SluSrourf, tae Sniiidu: 3. bet Ueberrcjt; — of wine, bie Erefter, Sauet. To DREIN, Bid. To Drain. n DRENCH, v. a, 1. fd)n)emmcn, ba= ben; mafferu, aitSroaffern, tranfen, taudien, eintaudjen ; 2. bent i>tcbc. SBrjenei etn$toiiigcn; 3. uberfattigeu, uumafig triufcii. DRENCH, s.cont. 1. ber 3ug, Sditucf; £tanf, bie SSajfening; 2. ?ir$cuei (fur baS 33ie1j}. DRENCHER, s. 1. bet tuajjett, tranff, it. f. ro.; 2. bet Slrjettet >injrouigt. DRESDEN, s. (bie ©tobt; SkfSbett: — china ( — ware), bas mcijSucr $or= jellan. To DRES?. v a.S-n.\. flcibClt, befk'U ten, aufkitcu, ait;ieben; 2. pufcen, febmiicren, nuSjieten; 3. 5. T. vcr= binbeit; 4. 3««ge it. f. w. jurid)ten, jubereiten, guredjt macben; abridv ten; 5. mu. t. riductt: (i. Speifen aurtcbten, jubcreiten, fecben; to — a child, ctit jltttb roinbeitt; to — clothes, JUcitcr ausbeffern ; to — a head, cittcf Same ten jtopfpitfc auf= fefcen, jureebj macben ; to — a horse, cin SRferb jnreiten ; ftricgelit; to — a Bsb, einett gtfdj aiisitcbhtcu, ;urccbr macben ; to — a wound, cine 22unbe oerbinben ; to — flax, gladie bcdictn ; In — the chase. Top. T baS Sormat nbcr bie Bonn fegen mbcrfebjagcu. ; :>> — leather, S^ebcr ^urtdjtett, gerbert; ! to — much, »iel ouf (foftbare) cUfei= lev vcrtveticett ; to — the ground, ben SBoben bearbeiten, biittgen; to — the vine, ben SBeinftocf befebneiben; to — sorrow in smiles, utttcr 2.branen 1-d^cllt. MRESS, g. I. bie ^Ieibung, ber Slmijfl: 2. ?ufc, Staat; 3. bie >pufefitnfl. .Rmtjl etitcit Slnjug 511 orbneit, Jtunfl !'.* 511 Fleiien ; — tag, ber -6aatbeu= ttl; — coat. baS Stflateffetb; ber Veibrccf; — hat. etit halibut: — 1^0 shoes, $u$= obct 5?a(lfd)ii[>c; — swe-d, ber StaatSbegen. DRESSER, s. 1. ber onflcicet, ^ufet it. f. TO. ; 2. ber Slnrtcbttifcb ; — of meat, rcr .rtpeb, bie JU\tiiin ; — of a vine, ber ^titjcr; — of wool, ber SBoUbes rctter ; — board, ber Oltirtdjttifdi, Sl\i- ebentifd); Stebeitgtifcb ; bad @eftm3. DRESSING, s. 1. bafl Jlitfleitcn, ^it§en; 2. Butid^ten ; &o$en ; 3. .s. t. bet SSetbanb, Umfrhlag ; 4. btc 3lp^te= lur; the — of a ship, bo€ SluSjieteti cttie» 5cfciffe5 mit gkggen, 11. \. m. ; — off the road-bed, bie 3nriditnn,i beS SBegeS |ut Segung ber ©ruiibfcba'el= len eincr fiifeubabn ; a sound — . eiite bcrbe iraebt ecbKige; — box, bet SJoilettenfpiegel ; — cloth, baS ^Jufes tifrbtucb; (Jiitfcblagetueb; — glass, ber Koilettenfpiegei ; — gown, bet ©c^Iafrod ; — hide?, ft^morie ^aute 511 f|3fetbeaef$itt unb ^ulfcpubcrju= gen ; — plate, baS fttbertte £afelge= fchirr ; — room, bas Slufleibejimmer, -^uuummer; — table, bie toilette, ber ^u§tifd). dressy, adj. gcjjiifcf ; bent ^ii^ etgc= ben. To drib, v. a. abfiipfctt, (s:rn) ab= fdjneibett, befebneitcit, abfneipen. To DRIBBLE r. n. £,- a. 1. tlOpfeln ; 2. geifern, begeifent. DRIBJiLE. s. bet @eifet, aid. Drivel. DRiBiiLLR, s . ber ©eifetet, b.i§ ©ci= fermaut. DRIBBLET, s. bie jvletiiigfeit, baS KeU ne sBrudiftiicf. drler, s. bai ousftoineube SKifiet DRIFT, s. 1. ber Jrub, ^ug, t.ts Unge: ftiim ; 2. allefl nws oomSBtnbe otcr SBaffet getrieben obet lufammeJige= triebeu wirb, bai Gcftober, bet Sturm, Slegenguf, bad ^agelwet* ter; 3. bie SDZenge; 4. ber Jlutrieb, bie Jlbucbt, bafi bjiel; •">• Mat. t. bie ©tteife ^cr <3m$) tin 33crghtue ; — of the forest, bie 3lufftd)t itber Den i-iebtrieb unbbenSBilbflanb; I know the — of your discourse, id) lltcrfc 1V0 ■£. ie bin (xoaS 5ie barait fagen tooU leu j the main —.tie .Cv.ui'Ub'utt ; to go a drift, treibcu, sou lent Sinbe otcr ben SBelkit getrieben toerbeii ; auffl Uttgeauffe bintrciben, in* incite geb,ett; snow drifts, »om Stutm ju= fammengettiebeue tefjbogcnj —box (_ plough), bte ©aemapftine, bet gaepfJug; — har- row, btc $!pbre^e: — plate, bit 2d)ei= be etner Stennfpinbel. DRILY, rid. Dryly. To DRTNK, v ir. n. & a 1. ttiufctt, [.111 = feu ; einfcblurfen ; einfdugen ; »ets fdiltngenj 2. jedien; 3. fid) bettin= fen; 4. itcb trinfen (affen; this wine drinks well, bicfer SSciu Kiptfid; ;gut) trinfen ; to —hard or deep, fiaif trirt feu : to — down, uicrcrirtuEctt ; »et trinfen ; to — to, jutrtufen, trinfen auf . . . ; to — up (off), au5trtufcn, ausleeten, aUes binuuterfrurjen. DRINK, s. ber Jr.inf, ba« ©etranf ; to be in — , betruufeit fe»n, getrunfen baben ; — money. baS 2)rintgelb ; — oflWinz. baS 5)raiifopfer. DRINKABLE, adj. trhtfbaf. DRINKABLES, .- ; . pi. ®etranfe. drinker. 5. ber XrinftT, ©Sttfef, Becbbruber. DRINKING, s.HB trinfen; ©aufen; 3ed)en ; —bout.— match, bad 3edi= gefag ; bie ^rriobt ter Jtunfeubcit; — companion, bet 3«$brubet ; — cup, baS 2)rtnfgeffbtrr, ter lecher; — piass, baS !ErinEgla§; — so= S ip. bit 2iuind)wcftcr; — bom. ba6 £riufc= l)orn ; — house, bie Sierftbenre, ^uei= Ve ; — pot, bad £rinfgefajj, bie sBter= faniie, ber Sterfrug ; _ EO na, ba3 ^vinflieb; (the) — (of) healths, baS ©efuitbf)ett=3;rinren. DRINKLESS, adj. phne ©etranfe. To drip, ?•. 77. *■ o. tropfen, trier'en, tr3= pfefn, traufcht; bettopfeln, begtefien (mit Sett). drip. s. bte Sraufe ; —stone, ber git ttitjrein, Seeffteiu. dripping, ... ba« 53ratcnfeft ; — pan, bie SBratpfanne. to DRIVE, r. ir. a. &■ + n. 1. frcibctt ; 2. it* treibeit laffen; 3. anftitrmeu; 4. jagen, be^ett, wfoigen; 5. faf)= ren, fitbreit; 6. eiutretben ; 7, cr= preffen (©elber) ;8. fet'lcu, tammen ; 9. cilcrt, laufen, reniten; 10. autrei= ben, jwingen; brangen; 11. febiit-* tclu, fcf>ivitt>icn ; 12. .v. r. oot3lnfei ticibcu, ben 2lnfcr fd>Ieppen; (sett ber rcdjten yahrt) abtreiben ; to — feathers. Sebcrit rcipcit : to — a nail, eiueu Stagel einfd)lagett; to — the horses, fabrctt ; to — the countrv. baS ?anb serbecrctt, plunbern ; to — at, nad) etmaS tracbtcn, ftreben ; auf et= wasjielcn; lodge^en auf etnas obet cincn) ; loSfturgen, anfallen; to — away, wcgtreibeit, sertrciben, serja- gen ; to — back, juriicfrreiben, n>cr= feu; to— from, bertteiben; to — in (>nto), biueiutrciben, einfcblagen, cttt= rammcit; Typ. T. I. eiufeiien, »et> feileu; 2. bte %tUcn enget mad-en (etnbttngen) ; to— off. abtreiben; roegtreibeit; luegfabwu; abroeifen, Bertrojreit, binbaiteu mit SSetfptes d)ungen ; to — on. oorvudrtS trei= ben, jufabreu; sorbaben; T>rn. T. antteiben; — on, coachman! fabre ju, Jtutfd)er ! to — out, aitstrciben. t>erfd)eud)en ; Typ. r. ansbringen tm Sa|e) ; to — up, Typ. t. bie .Rcilc antteiben, »erEeilen ; to — up (to ...), vrrfabrcn ; to — v.p (the prices, bie SPceife in bie .£>i>be treibcu, fteigern ; iiberbicten. DRIVE, .'. bie Spajierfabrt, fletne STcur ; a ten minutes' — , cin iT-C;) son jefjn iWinuten. T> drivel, o. v. 1. geifern ; 2. fafeln. DRTVEL,s. ter ©eifer, Speirbel. DRIVELER. .«. 1. ber ©etferer; 2. ga- felcr, Safelbaiir, Starr. DRIVER,*. 1. ber Ereibet; Seforbes ver; 2. l Aubrmaun, .Uun'dicr; 3. Seblagel, E£rtebel ter ©ottcber ; ne- gro — , iluffebcr iiber bie Sieger: Sclauen. DRIVING, s. bafi Sreiben, gabrenu. f to. ; J\". T-s. — anchor, ber 3Treibau» fer; — bolt, bad Stcibeifen, ber 21n> fc&er; — box. ber .UutfcbboJ; — cushion, ba« AtUtfcljcrEiffen ; — rems DROP DRUM DUBI Ete ScilaciKca ; — whip, bie 3uf)r= manned (obet ,Kiitfd)cv=/.Rcitfd)c. TV DRIZZLE, r. n. & n. riefcltt, funis ben, tvovfcln, nebcin. DRIZZLING,*, tcts 9i«ffln; — rain, bet apru^regen, Staubregeit. drizzly, a*, fein regnenb, fptubjnb, tiaffciit, nebeltg, triibe. DROGMAN, ». )('/. Draoomam. droll, i. ». I. bcr *HoffenreifJer, broU liac .Ucvl, i&angnmrfi; 2. tie Sjsoffe, bae SPoffenfptel ; n. o#. troliig, pof= ficvlid). 7b DROLL, )-. I. n. Spoffctt rcificn, @c$crj tteiben; "Reffett fpiclett; II. a. binretgeben ; fdbincidbeftt. DROLLER, s. bet ^offcnreifjcr. drollery, «. bie SjJoffe, ©cbnafe, Sdjnitrre. drolling, s. baS SgofFcncttfien ; — iy, orfo. fcbcr^bafr, brollig; ppfficrlid). DROLLISH, a V brollig, ppfficvlid). DR< imedary,*. ba§5)romebar, Xtam* pe(t()icr. DRONE, *. 1. bie 2)robnc, pummel; % JNauItrommet, bas Srummeifen; 3. bet SfJiufjtgganger, Sftulenjer. To DRONE, v.n. 1. bitmmcit, fumnicit ; 2. faulenjen, UROMsii, ,;,//. fau(, miitfiji, trage, triut= ntcrifd) ; — ness. *. bie gauleitjcrei. 7v DROOP, p. n. 1. ivclfcn, matt iver= ben, fdimariueit, finfen tajfen ; 2. (bcu Jropf) (jattgrn ; 3. fid) barmen. DROP, ». I. bcr .tropfctt ; 2. bae Cbr-- gcbcuf, tic Dbtglocfe, 23aitmel, SJJets lc; 3. baS iilaljdjcu, ,Rud)cld)cn atari; bcu yerfdiicbcueit Sejianbrbeis Icn, j. <8. peppermint drops, SPfeffet* inuttjpfcitjcricn ; chocolate drops, &c, Gchofolatettplaljcbeii u. f. in.) ; 4. JV. T bie SEiefe bet nnierenlgegel; 5. bie .Utappe (anf fern ©algen); a — in the eye, /am. bcncbelt; — lakes ( — colour*), iiacfe, SRalerlacfe in ,ubr= Kent ; — night-bolts, 1 T iaditvtCiic(, run tie .Ibiiryont Sett aue" aiifs'nnt ju= niarbei' fit tbnitcn ; — serene, bie Sttnfelbcit bet 2lngen,bei Stoat; — stone, bcr JEropfjicin ; — wort, bet rotbc Stcinbrcd). To DROP, b. a. Sf a. 1. tropfen, tn'cfcn, lecfen, tropfelit, traufeln; betropfen; 2. fallen, bcvitittcvfaUen, finfen ; 3. tticbriger geben (im SPreife) ; 4. utters roartet fonimcit ; 5. ftcrben ; (i. fallen, entfabren laffen ; 7. anfhbreii, serges ben ; 8. fabrcn laffen, aufgeben, »et* laffen ; !J. oon etwaS abfteben, nntcr= laffen; 10. ycrfcblctt (». it.); to — a tesy, fid) neigett, verbengen, cinen .Uuir niadieit ; to — an acquaintance, cine SBefanntfdjaft aufgeben ; to — the anchor, ten '.'Infer auSloerfen; to — asleep, ciufd)lafctt ; she dropped a word, c3 entfubr ibv em SEBott ; let ua — the subject, toit moUett uidit inciter tariibcr fprcdien ; — me an answer, febrciben (anttootten) 5ic mil gclc-- a,cittlid); to — with sweat, ' v or ©cbweif) tricfen; to — in, ciutrbs ffeltt; finflicfien laffen ; einlaufen, attfomnten; fid) einficlien; plb^lid) I)iitciiifiMitiiien, bercuiftiiru'ii, binein- triltC]eit ; to — into eternity, tit tie Sroigfeit ge^eti ; to —off fallen, worn £)ienfte foinincii, abgefeftt teetben ; kltflfam (ciiier nad) tent antcrti) fovt= geben ; fterben, tabin ftnreit; to — nut, eutniifdicii, imbemerft reegge^ert, ftdj wegfelileifben ; dropped jaw, ii!C= bcvbaiii]cnte ,\iiiiubacfeit. ;riii>i.kt, g. bae Xrbpfdien ; tic Xbrane. DROPPTOGS, iii. 1. ffh« Ictft, berate tropft ; 2. Sp E. betJtoth etnee Aelt= buf>ne8, ^afclbitbnctf obet Safauen. DROPSICAL, ) a®. tiMiTcffiirfitig ; my DROPSIED, S ensi . IfJ; l)a= be tie SOJaffetfiirbt. DROPSY,*, bie SBflffetfuc^t. DROSS s. bie ©rblacfe; tcr ?ltt*iiMtrf, Unvatb ; 2diaimi ; Sftofl ; tie ■Oefen ; — of iron, bet .»>aiitmcri'dilaa,. DROSS1NESS »■ tic llnrciiilidifcif, bcr ©c6mit>5, Uiiflath, SHojr, DROSSY, adj. fd)larfia, niinutljig, uit= rciit ; n>crtbIo«, fdiledit. di;i H cur, s. 1 . bet SKattgel an 3Jegen, tie Tiirrc; 2. tcr Tnrft. DROUGHT1NESS, s. tie £rnrfent)cit, SDurre, DROUGHTY, adj 1. tiirve, trocfen ; fdiiviil; 2. burjttg. DROUTH, s. Bid. Drought. DROUSY, adj. vid. Drowsy. DROVE,*. J. tic •geerbe, bet .*>anfcn,'irb (-rebate, n. f. w.i ; 2. tcr SQBeg fur ba€ 3ucbtoter). Du< iver, ». I. bet Dcbfenfrei6er,93ieb= bivf, SSieftmdfter, iiicbbautlcr ; 2. bag (»on bcr Jlinl) gerttebene) ©oot. To DROWN, v. ].n.'\. crtiaitfen, cr= fanfcit ; 2. uberfrbroemmen ; 3. i. geringe '.'Irbciten ven iditen ; bavt avbeifen,' fid) placfcn. DRl DGER, », 1. bet 3unge, ,«ned)t, vulg. ba« 2)iattet|olj ; 2. aid. Drkdg drudgery,*, tic Spiacfetei, Sflffes lei, fdnvcrc Slrbeit; fncd)tifd;c, febmnftige 83efcb,aftigimg. DRUDGINGLY, adv. iiiuKiiit, ntiibfc= [ig, fa ue r. DRUG, ». I. bie Species', ?lpctbcfcr= waare; 2. fcblecbte, eetlegene 2Baa= VC ; .'i. oid. Drddok, to he a mere — , Hunt SBaaren) feinen SHJcrtr) baben, nitvcrtaiiflidi fcmi; — simp, bas JttSutergetoolbe. To DRUG, d. I. a. 1. vcrfefectt, ver= imfdicii : 2. mit SSBibtigem verfctjen ; li. n. (SJtebijin) verfdn-ciben. DRUGGET,*, bcr S)toguct (tDcUencr Seng)- DRUGGIST, .s-. tcr Troguift, Jltfilltets bantlcr. DRUID, » bet Trnitc ; arch — . bcr CbevM'nite. in nil lie, I adj. ;nbcii Sruiben ae« DRUIDICAL, S bOtig. DRUIDISM, «, tie rrnitciilcbrc. DRUM, s l. tie SErommel ; fPattfe; 2. bae Erommelfeli im Dbt ; 3. bcr geigenforb; 4. col. bet £v-nnmcl- id)Ia rt cr S'ambonr ; — fish, uti IiiMiiniclfifit ; — major, tcr ^c>ii< ntcntetambcur ; — stick, ter ivom melftorf. ToDRUM, b. I. n. t. tvcinntcln ; 2, flopfeit trie ccr '| ; nU; ; II o. auetrommeln. DRUMMER, •• I, bet Srommelfcbla. ger, Eambout; 2. Sp r. baS '4-fcrt toelcbea fid) rorn frreidjt; -- Bsh vid. Drum i isb DRUNK, adj bctrniifcii, tntnfen ; to get — , firb betrinfen. DRUNKARD.*, bet Sauftr, STtnnFerii bob. drunken, adj. f. befrnnfen; 2. nap; 3. bent Xrunfc evitcbci: : — dis tie ^uifcrci in bet iErurifciib, eit ; — song bae SErinflieb. DRUNKENNESS, «. tic Xtniifcnbcit ; SBSllerei. DRUSE, o.Min. T. tic A^\\- Stufe. DRY, adj. 1. trocfelt ; tunc: burfttfl; 2. fig. trocfen; tbranenlofi; farfa* flifeb, bavt, bcrbc; 3. farg"; arm; fcbmucfloS; ro be — . turftcn ; — blows, terbc 2cbla,-c; — dock, tic fDocfe mit Aliittbiitcn ; —eyed mit trocfiicn Sltgett, oblie 21-raneii; — fat, bafi vLnlMlniii", Jaft Jiorb, n. f. ro.) pit troefcite SBaare; — f ol to draw — foot), Sp /'. DOm 5piirhniite, tcr SBitterung Spur] bc3 8ufe8 Foigen, fpuren ; — [ jim. ©tuefgiiter, SBoIlenjeuge nub (Sllenroaaren iiberbaupt; — harbour, bet Settbafen, >^afen »o ©bbeunb Aliuh ift ; — n < i. : . bit SRabitnabet; —nurse, tie 21 mine, bie tin itinb obnc ©rnp anf}teb.t, tic .Uiiircnitiibine ; 21'aitcviiut ' cittcr 2B5($nerinn : to — nurse, o. a. ci-.t Jvint obne 'i-'inu aufjieben ; to run — on, fttfc cri'dievft I'abeii; — pro- -, Vcbcn-Jmittel ; — rent, trocfcs itc 3i"U'tt ijinfcn in ©etrcibe nub AviidUeii 1 ; — rot, cine 3Irt Saulnrp, bet SBurmfficg im Fjolje, u. f. ro. ; cine Jiiiocbciifraiifbcit bet Srbafe U. f. W. ; to — rub, )•. a. trocfen ab-- rciben obet abimfebcii ; — salter, bel Sjarbeioaarenbanbfer ; Serffiufet ven cingepocfclten Spruaarcn, Del, it. f. lv. ; — salt, iy, ami bcuMarctt ; cingcpSfelte @pn>aarett; — Bhod, ftoctnen Aiif-.\- ; a — stoned wall, cine troefne /. e. obne Jtalf aufgt= fiibrtc) SEJcauer. To dry, ». I. a. trocf tten, abtrocfntn; abu'lncn, rrfcfiopfen ; n. n. troefnet, tunc merben; to — up, abivrcfitcii, auetroefnen ; oertrocfneit, auSbutten. DRYAD,*, tie Drpabe, 2 l oalenvinii'e. DRYER,*. ber, tie, ba$ Jirdncnte. DRYING-PLACE.* 1. tcr 'JIufbange= boben(]ttm £tocfnen tcr gebtucften 33ogen in finer Tnidcrci ; 2. ( — yard , tci'^rocfenpla^. DRYLY, ndc. trocfen; fg. trocfen fait, matt. DRYNESS,*. I. bie Jrocfeitbcit ; Tiir^- rc ; 2. Sdjinitcflofigfeit ; 3. ©cfiibU toftgfeit. DUAL, ». (— number tcr Sualie. DUALITY, a I. bae tirci J)tngifS3e« jeiebnenbe; 2. tic Stvci^eit; 3.'.Jrc;;< nung, Spaltung. To DUB, r. I. a. 1, turn flitter frb!a> genj 2. rrbcbiit, ciiiciincit, ereiren ; II. ». 1. lanucii ; 2. jv. T. beipeln, abi tcifclit. DUBIOUS (ml,:— \.\\ai!j. tircifclbdft, nngeroiS, unflat ; — debts, unftdicre, fcblecbte Sebulben ; —ness, .♦. tit 3«)eifelbaftigfeit, lliuieioifibcit. DUBrTABLE,n& ^erjogtI>Hi«e gancajter . duck, s. l. bie(5nte; 2. bai Jippfni; rfen; bie Skrbeuguug ; 3. bo8 Se= gcltitrb ; my —i mciit ©djafcdjm! im in gfHauSdjen! — and drake, bet ^uDfftein m] bem SBaffet (cttt ,ftiit= bcrfpiei , vu •:. bie Sutterbamme ; — bill-wheat, bet englifcbe SEeijeu ; — coy, bet $5ber, bte gocffijeife; to — coy, baS geber»ie(j locfen ; Eotnen ; —•a foot, tic fd;u.\u$e 2cbiaugcu= imtrjel; —sun. tie ISntcubuctjfe; — hunting, bet (intenfang ; — legged, tadu : bciittg ; — meat ( — weed), bte 2Ba|icv= ober SWeetlinfen. To DUCK, o. h. A- a. tattd)Clt ; ftd) bu= cfen, fid) bucfen, beugen. DUCKER, s. 1. bet Sandier ; tcr fid) biicftu. f. to. ; 2. bcr Jtriecber. DUCKING, s. ta» Xaitrbcn, 33ucfen, u. f. to. ; — stool, bcr £andifd)emnicl. DUCKLING, s. tic juitgc (5ntc. duct, s. tic Sitnne, tcr @a;tg. DUCTULE, adj. 1. bebnbar, rceidj ; 2 biegfam, gefcbineibig, nadiajcbi.i. DUCTO.ENESS, 1 a i. tic 5>e$nbar= DUCTUJrY, ) Cett: 2. SBiegfams hit, ©cfcbmetbigfett, lUacfcgiebigfcit, golgfamccit. DUDGEON*, s. 1. ba$ ©ttlett ; 2. fig. bet ©volt, tie SoS&ett ; to take iji — , iibcl uchincii, grollcn. DUDS, cant, (fdjntufttge) Jlkiber, Sumpctt. DUE, I. adj. 1. fdmltig, gcbiibrcnb ; geborig, red)', gef ciUig ; jablbar, fal= fig ; 2. gciiaii,' bejtimmt; it is — , e= gcbiibrt ; .V. E-s. — bill, cin .§anb= (Sd)itlb=) 5d)cin, .Sanbvoecijfel ; when — , JUt SSerfaUjett ; in — course, ('it; fciucf 3eit ; in — suc- cession, tit geb/Origet ^icibc ; n ado. gcrate ; — west, JV: T. gcrate (in gerabcr 9tid)tung) nad; SBeften, fjocb, roeftlid). due, s. 1. tic Ocbitbr; baS SRecfc' Seiuige; 2. tie SHbgabe, ^tetter; to give everyone his — . cillClll 3ebCU ba3 ©eitttge geben, fettt SRecfct thmt. duel, s. bas Duell, tcr 3«jet!amVf. To duel, v. a. a- v. fid) tneuiren, im 3>vctfamvK fcdircn. dueller, 1 s. ber 3wc'fcimpfer, duellist. $ SJueilant ; Sd)lager. duelling, s, bafl ©ueliiren. DUENESS, s. tieWcbiibr, Sfcidjftgfett, ©cnauigfeit (to. it.). DUENNA, s. tioOluffcberinn, .<5ofmet= jlertnn. DUEl'^DoEiTo), s. Jifus. T. baS35uett. DUFFEL, «. bcrXiiffct. DUG, s. tie 3ifee, bet 2fn'di am (Sitter. duke, s. bet^erjog ; ber ^eetfii^ter. dukedom. «. ba8 >tpcrjogtl)iiiit ; bie ^erji)g(id)e SBftrbe. DULL-BRAINED, adj. vid. Utlttt Doll. DULCET, adj. flifj, aiujilicblll; lltcio = btfd). DULCD7ICATION, s. tie Scrfiifiiiug ; ch. t. abfuiung. To DULCIFY, o. a. ycrflifjClt ; Ch. T. abfiitlcit. dulcimer, s. Mug. T. bvtS -Oacf brett. To DULOOEATE o. a. '.H-lfnKcll. DULCORATiON, s. bie s J3ei!iif;iiit,i. DULL [ado- — tit), adj. 1. tlimnt, fhimpfftiinig, ungctebtig, langweilig, albevn, einfdUtg, bamtfd), betaubt; 2. untbatig, trage, langfam ; fct)[af= DUNG rig ; 3. fdjwerfoUig, plumu ; 4. uu= cnivftiitlidi, bar! ; 5. ftuntpf; fi. platt, abgcfcbntiufr, crbiinnlidi : 7. nidu glanjenb, tnibe, matt, fdnvadi; 8. Minfcl, titmpf; y. (jramifd), grant- lid), miplaunig ; lO.'nid^t angenebm, ntd)t crfrenenb, iinerfrcnltd) ; tuian= gcucbm, ycrtricfilidi, trourtg; in compos. — black colour, vct|d)pffciicj Sf^lUarj ; — brained, ( — pated, — witted), fd)tt>ad)fo)>ftg, tnmm, nar= r i f ch ; — browed, tuftor ; mit tru= ber ©time; —disposed, |lir iranrig= Cett geneigt, triibfinnig; — eyed, ttubbu'cfenb ; — bead, bet ©umm= fopf ; a — pale. M. i'.. cin matter (kngfamer) Serfanf; — season, tic ftille SahreSjett; — sighted, blob* fidnig ; — times, fd)lcd)te (nabrungSs Iofe) ^citClt; — of bearing, proeinc. bavtbovig. To DULL, v. I. a. ftlllltpf, It. f. W. ma= rbcil : vid. preceding word \ II. ?t. ftumpf, u. f. to. uu-rccn. dullard, I. 5. bcr 5}ummfopf; n. adj. bumm. DULLER, s. tons abftumpft. dullness, s. 1. bie ^ummbcit, ©tnmpfftnnigteit, Ungelebrigfeit: 2. ©cblafrigfeit, Sragbett, ^duvcrfaU HgEeit, Siainpin-iligfcit, Sangfairtfeit ; 3. ©d)road)e, Srube, 3JJatttg!eit ; 4. £unfelbcit; 5. bcr §02i|mutb; 6. bte 5tumpfncit; 7. 51au[)cit, Cl)cfd)aft»= ftiUe. DULY, ado. ge^ottg, gcbiibrenb; rtrb= ti;i, genait. _ piiitttl'td), rcgclmafjig, Dvtmtiigemayig. DUMB, adj. ftuinm ; fdirocigfam ; to strike — , jum Sd)»>etgen bringen, ten SKunb ftppfen, betauben; — bells, T. tie jJJiotioitSgerotdjte (jur Uebung be» ^ijrpcr" fiir @id)tfvan= tt, it. f. w.) ; — bom, ftuinm gebo= rcn ; — show, bie mimifebe 33orftel= lung ; — spine , cttt vJtauidtcrtiiim ; — waiter, bcr Jiaiumcrticitcr (2lrt runber [Dre^]5Cifd)). Td DUMB, r. a. jum v2d;tvcigen brin= gen; ftitmm maitcn. dumbly, adv. ftiuitmer SBeife, ftumm. DUMBNESS, s. bie ©tiimmbcit, Sprad)loft;ifcit ; '2d)n.'cigfamteit. To DUMFOUND, v. a. vuig. VCiauf= ren, berbluffen. DUMMY (DoMnnB), s. ber 2trobmaim (im 2i?[)iftfpicl). dump, .?. 1. tic ©eiite-Jabivefenbeit ; bae Stntraumett, fiinbruten ; 2. bet SBerbrufj, Uumutb, 'cinnmcr ; tic 9lotb, llnntbe, iicrlegcubcit ; 3. tic mcland)olifcbe SBeife (Sonfiurl) ; to be in the — s, »OI (tdl bill ftaflClt, lltC= landH'lifd - , vertricfjlidi, Derlegen fciMt. DUMPISH [ado. — ly), adj. UUntlt= tbig, bitftcr, Derlegen ; — ness, s. bcr Sieffinn, Unnuitb, tic .Trailer. DUMPLING, s. bet M\o\<, il'icblflofj. DUMPY, adj vale. \VX\ Unb btft. DUN, I. adj. fdmmr-biMiiu, biinFcl- brann, bii'ntc!, tiiftcr; — bird, ba" SSeibcben befi 5Rot^olfe§; —bee, (— fly), tie ©remfe, SEBeSpe ; — fish, (in SJteuenglanb) tcr Jlabeljau ; — neck, bie ©raSmucfe; ILs 1. bet (lliigcftiimc O.Wibncr ; 2. 2Jla§n= brief ; 3. ber «§ugel To DUN o.o. (ungcjtuin) mabneu. DUNCE, «. ber 3)un8, Sc$6i>8, runim= CoVf. DUNCERV. .». bte ritmmbcit DUNE, 8. tcr ^figel. DUNG.s bcr Sflnger, 55ung. 3fiijt, .ftpti) ; — beetle, tor Stinffafer ; — cart, tcr 3Hiftfarren, 3JJtftroagen ; —fly, tie SPiiitpiege ; — fork,' tie DUST SKiflgabcI ; — bill, trr ^iiftbaufcn — hill-cock, tcr .Oansbahu ; — bil fOH Is, baS ACtCV'.MCb ; — lull thoughts gemeine (niebrtge) ©ebaufen ; — hole, bie SDJtftgrufc*. ; — worms, bt« 3J?aben bcr^otbfliegen; — yard, bet ■1'inthof- 7\»DUNG, b. a.cJ-71. biingett, iltiflen, .U o t b unt firb fprifern. dungei in. 8. bet Jterfer, has ?ocf>. To DUNGEON, r. a. C t It f cV" 1 1 CUCIt, ein» fettern. DUNGY, adj. »ofl SWiji, febmufeig; fig niebrig, fdpfecbt. DUNKIRK, s. sing, (bie Stflbt) ^ii«- fird;cu. DUNNAGE, s A" r —(and Btowacc), bic@aniititr unt Staub,pljer Alitiiv- pel, Oteifig, 3JJaiten, u. f. to.), 511m SluSgarniren befl SRanm^ unt tit Satiiiii'i Hit ftiiijen unb btefette gegeu Seuc^ttgfeit 511 oerronbren. DUNNER, s. tcr (grobe) iUabncr.- DUNNlSH, adj. bvauitlicb. DUO. s. Jttus. T. bafl Sltctt. duodecimo, s. bos 3>w>bej=Swmat, tie 3n)5lftelform. duodenum, s. a. T. ber3aiplffiii^cr= taint. dupe, s. bet SBetrngene, ^arr, Xrppf to be a — to one, fid) von cineiit an- fiibvcu laffen. To dupe, o. a. betriigen, Iffufdjen, anfubreit. DUPLE, adj. bpppelt. DUPLICATE, i. s. bafi Tuplicat, bte 3lbfd)rift, O'ppic ; 11. adj. T. gcboppelt. To DUPLICATE, v. a. tpppelll, »er tpppclit; fatten ; nucterbplcn. DUPLICATION, s. 1. tie 5T,ertPppe> lung; 2. baSgalten; tie ftaltc. DUPLICATURE, s. bas Octpppclte, b« Aalte. DUPLICITY, s. 1. bctfl ©ebpppeftc, Qh. jiveite; 2. fig. tie 3n)eibeuttgfeit Aali\tbcit, 2lc|feltragerei. durability, s. bie "^aucr^aftigf eit DURABLE [ado. — ly), adj. bancrbaft, bauernb ; —ness, s. tie Sauer^aftig* feit, Waiter. durance, s. 1. tor 3>crbaft, (Merpabr= fant, bci8 @efangiiif; ; 2. bie 2)autt. duration, s. tic Douer. t.i DURE, b. n. taucrn, lvabreit. DURELESS, adj. tn-rgauglitf), furj dt. ii. 1 . duress, s. 1. tie .Oavtc, ©trenge; 2. L. T. tcr ©caiabrfam, 2?crf)aft. DURING, prep. (CijlClltlid; baS part, von To Di-rk), ivabvciib. durity, s. bie .J^artc. DUSE, s. vid. Dedcb. dusk. 1.8. 1. bie 2)ommerutig; 2. bie riuifclbcit; \Ladj. i. bdmmetig; 2. bunfel ; frfnvarUicb. duskiness, s. tie SDunfelfjeit. DUSKISH [adv. — ly). adj. bunfel, fdm'drUidi ; —ness, s. tic 2)unfelb,eit, bafi 2d)n.nirjlirf)c. DUSKY [ado. — ly), adj. 1. tammcrij ; 2. bunfel, triib, biifter. dust. s. 1. ber Stanb; 2. 3uftnttb ber SufJofung tor fterblicben .Jpiille, Stanb nub yifdie; to make a — . ©taub aufrcgeit; to gather — , "Staub cinfammclit, eiiifcblijcfen; to lay the — , ten ©tau6 tampfcit; to kick up a — , oulg. Sfinn madn-ii ; — of a bouse, baa j?ef)rid)t; cloud of—, tie ©taubs ivolfc; — basket, tcr .nclutrfatfovb ; — box, tic ©anbbiicbfe, Streubitd)fe ; — man. tcr ©affciitebrcr. To DUST, v. a. i. beftaubcit, ftanbifl madicit; 2. nuSftauben, aiuflppfett; ruifdjen ; to — one's coal (jacket) welt, 3emanb bert aus^rugeln. DUSTER, s. 1. ber iGifcblai^ptn : JVebeft DYIN fcefeit, g(cbcrmifd), 23orftaufrf>; 2. r. bag SPuloerfieb. DUSTINESS, s. bie Stanbigfcit. DUSTY, adj. ftaubig, »oU ©tou&. DUTCH, L*. 1.?'. the— . bic L »5cUan= ber, bag boHanbifd)e SBoIC; 2. «w. bie bolliinbtf ct)e ©yracfce; [I. adj. l)ol- lanbifcb; — blue, bag SJacfmuS; — boxes, lacficte, blcc^crite 9iaud)ta-- barfsbofen; —clocks, fd)watjn>alber UiU'Cll, II. f. 1". ; — concert, bag EOlt* cert, roortn 3eber etu anbcreg Sicb jutflt obet fyidt; — gold, bai itucduc Slattgolb; —man, ber •GoUauber ; citi ^oUaubtfdjeS ©djiff; —man's head, bet fogenannte Jlafecnfovf. Heine (rnnbe) fcouanbifcfce JTafe; — oven, bcrOfcn oon 3t»^blt , ci) ; — pink, bag ©cfyuttcielb ; — rushes, ber SdntdjteU balm, baa Ajnnrraut; — spectacles. nurnberger SriUen; —tears, ®ia8= tropfcit ; — tiles, Dfenfacbeln; — toys, bofl nfirnberget ©pieueug; — wax, bag (fcitic) «ica,cUad>; —wo- man, bic ipollcinberinn. i)l"|( HESS, Dutchy, 8. Vid. DOCHES8, Duchy. DUTEOUS, adj. gcborfam, folgfam. dutiful {ndi: — i.y), «•//. geborfam, folgfam, ebrcrbietig, uiiicrthauia, 5 — ness, », fee ©efjprfam, bic (Stu-crbic- tung. DUTY., s. 1. bie €pfltcf>t, ©cguibjgrett ; 2, C5 [u crCucnuijj : ber ©ejjorfam ; 3. bte Sttuflafte, illbgabe, (SBaaren*) ©truer, Save, ber 3oll; 4. bag ©cbtibrBadjftejjen, bte SSacbc, bet Jtriegebienft ; to be on (upon) — , ©eMbwadje (auf bent Soften) ftcben, duf bet SGBadje fci>it ; hard — , bet Idjroete Sienjl; to pay one's — , fcinc 3Id)tung bejeugenj present my — to , cnipfcblcii 2ie mid)...; my — «o yon, auf 3br SBoljlfeim; in — bound, UOIt jRcdjtg Wegen ; inward — (duties of entry), ber SingangfitoU ; — free, joilfrci ; — otT, unoerjoUt. duumvir, 5. ber 3)uum»ir. duumverate, s. bag S)uum»irat, ^roetberretiamt. dwale, s. I. ber 9lac6tfc£atten [Jitropa — L.) ; 2. if. T. bic buufte obet frbvoarje garbe. DWARF, « bergwetj}; —elder, ber SRieberloUunber, Sltttd) : — sun-flow- er, >ficiben= obet Jlirfd)^j)fov ; —tree, tcr jgtoergbaum. To DWARF, r.n. im SSacbgfbume l)hu bctit, oetbutten laffen; Dwarfed, Der« » w "6t- . „, . DWARFISH, adj. JWergtg, f let it, rotn= jia, ; — ly, adv. wie c t it Sroeraj —ness, s. fie 3n)ergartigfeit, ■Rletmjtit. To DWELL, 0. it. njobucn ; blcibeu, Bets roeilen, fid) ucnvctlcn, fid) aitfbaltctt ; to — upon a subject, bet ef it cut ©e» genftanbe »erroeilen, baton lange fprcdn-ii ; barauf beftcben. DWELLER, ». bet (Shirootjner. DWELLING, s. bag Sffio^nen, ber 3to« fentbalt; —bouse, bad 2Bot)ii|)anS ; — or — place, bet SJobnort. To DWINDLE ». I. b. 1. fdnuittben ; 2. cntarten ; to — away, bafyinfdjnniu ben, eiiifdiannbeu, abitci)iiteu, vcr= gcben; to — into (to) ..., auSatten, vcvfdniiiiibeu in ... ; n a. oerringern. DWINDLED, adj. ytrfdjUHtlbeit, '«ct= jefjrt. To DYE, v. a favben. DYE. s. bic garbe. DYER, s. ber gather. DYING, 1. g bag garbcu ; art of—, bie gSrbcfunjt ; — drugs, bic 5avbett)rtn= reii; — vat, bic Sftirbefnfe; II. adj. 1. fatbenb ; 2. fterbcnb, oerglimmenb, vid. To Dik ; to be in a — condition, EAR jtftbenifranl fci^it ; — bed, ba§ ©tctbebett: — day, ber ©terbetag; — eyes, fcbniacbteiibe Qlugen; — number, fdjineljenbe i^atmonten; — words, Sic Icljtcit SBorte ciiici iter= beubcii. DYKE, ••'. fill. Dike. DYNAMICS, s. bie S'.Miamif (?ct)tc Don bcit med)anifd)en ,uiaf:ctt). DYNAST, *. bet S);ntaft, .licrrfd)cr. DYNASTY, 1. bie X'Miaftie, fierrs fd)aft, .^cirfdjcrrci be, i^ertfdjerfolge, baa .Cicirfd)i]cfdilcd)t. DYSCRASY, «. bie aScrborbeiib^cit ber Sfifte. DYSENTERY, ». bic rotbc JHitbr. DYSPEPSY, e. tie SRipbauung, SKa» genfd)mac|e. DYSPEPTIC, adj. nia^cnfdMvad); — complaint, bic iViaiicuntivadic. DYSPHONY, a. bic fd)it)crc '«prad)c (aid Acblev bev Juuge). DYSPONEA, 8. bie Siig&rfiftigTeit. DYSURY, s. bic -parnftrenge, ber ^pariijUMit;]. n;. K. ... bag (bet SOoIall @, c, ber fiiufte ©ud)ftabe beg .'llpbabctg. BACH, pnm. adj. cincr von SSetbett, Sebcr, Jsebe, Sebcg, eiu 3ebet: — one, £?cber; — other, ciuaiibcr, (fid;) gegenfeitig. EAGER (icb an ben Cbrcu ^cidmen ; — piercing, bctJiu- benb; burcbbriitgciit ; — pick (— picker), ber Dbrliiffcl ; — rinj bbrrtng, bag Dbreiijcbciif; —shot, tic Sdjaliferne; to stand out of — shot, anf;cr bent SBrreidj beg ©ebbrcg fc.Mt ; keep out of — shot, fort, bu follft uiebt juborcii; —swivels, bie Dtjrbugel; —syringe, tic Cbrfvrifee; — trumpet, bag .tpbrrobr; — wax, tag Ob,renfd)niaI| ; — n tg, ber Dfyrourrn ; jig. Oijrenblafer ; —wires, gcmciitc 3)rabto^rringe ; — wime.-s. bevCtjrcn^ jeuge. ': n ?). ?tcbrcn befommen, in Slebren fdnct'en. EARED, adj. mit ~bvcu ; mil '.'Icbrct:. EARING, ». 1. ba--' ^f.uant, It. f. n). , 2. — s, pi. .v. t. bie Jiinjc obet Sdjliitgen am SEaurorrl. EARL, » berenglifdje ©rafj — mar- ehall, ber ^Inffcber iiber fvie^erifcijc Acicrlidifcitcn ; Vortmarfeball Mn (Snglanb ; — 's lady, bie (tnglifd)e) ©raftnn. EARLDOM, s. bic ©raffd)aftj @rafen= loiirte. EARLINESS, j,-. bic Sriibc, Sriib^eitig- feit. EARLY, adj. iv ado. friibc, fiiib'.citi^, jeittg; balb; ungefaumt; so — as. fd)oit; in — life, in frubev 3ngenb; — return, Jlf. K. ber febnclle Uiiifaft ; — to bed and — to rise, makes the man healthy, wealthy, and wise, prop jeififi iii Bttt unb jeitig b,erau8, bringl krafie bent Seibe unb Segen ins •Oaiig, ober, SDJorgenftunbe bat ©olb tin iljiwibe. To earn, 0. a. 1. ertoerben ; emten ; befommen ; 2. oerbieiien. EARNEST [adv. —vt), L adj. 1. crnft= lidi, cruftbaft; 2, begierig, etfttfl ; he was very — with me, tr la.i mir br= ftiinbig <\n\ she is — to know, tic mScbte gern roiffen ; 11. .«. ber (*niit ; — , (— money) ba3 i?lngtlb, .Jjaubgelb, 3JZtetbgclb, ber 3)Jietbvfennig ; in good — , in OoUigem ©rnfie, obnc 5pafi; to give — . au\ bie 4panb ^c = ben ; —ness, .s- tic Ernftlid)feit, geteN lidifeir, bet ©iferj bte ©orgfolt; .geftigfeit, Smfigfetf. EARNING, a. bafl ©troinnen, Sers biciien. EARTH, ... i.bieSrbe; 2, bag Vant; ;!. SA. E. for Tacb^bau, gud)»bau ; 4. fig. bic Grbbcivobner ; earths, /•' bie drbarten ; potter's — . ber Stopfer* tbon; — apple. berSHIrauii; — Jh*«. T. bic Scbanjfacfe gegen bag foiublidic ©efdju^) ; —bank, tie (5rt = otevVehmiiMiit ; — 1, ard baS bige ©efdjaffenbeit, bat Jrbene, 3"- bifebc; 2. bic geiftige SRobbtit. earthltness, ». bie SBeltlicbfeit bet SBtltfinn. i2«i EAT BARTHLEre, s. ber (Srb&ftrget, G?rben* fobu, ©rerbltdje, Sraubling. EARTHY, adj 1. ivft'Vh ; 2. fiiilllid), letbltd), Forperltcb; 8. fd)lcd)t, ge= ring; —minded, irbtfdj geftnnt; — mindednesa, btx SBSeitftnil, bit ©e« nieinbnt; to smell — , ttad) (St be tie* cncn, 'roie cm ©terbeuber. EARTHY, «'//. 1. erbtg. crbbaft; erb= fatten ; 2. irbifcb, fiuulicb.iorpeiTicb; 3. grob, rob. BASE, s. 1. bte 9tube, ©ttlle; ©einad)= licbfeif, SBequemltd)feit f sag U3cf;a= gen, SBoblfetyn ; 2. t>te (Srletd)te= rung, Sinbernng ; 3. Scicbtigfcit ; 4. SJreifjett; to live at — , gcntacbltcb lcbcn, tit gittctt Uiitftiiitbcn fei)ii; to be ill at — , ttiijiifricben, itnrnhig frtjnj at heart's—, md) SQunfqp ; little — , bas enge ©efSngnifJ: chapel of—, bag 5ili«li bie Stltalnrcbe. To EASE, v. a. 1. berubigcu, ftilleit ; 2. erleid)tcru, liubcru, labeit, bc= frctcil ; JV. 7-s. to — way (off), (itltg- jdnt bieren; — the ship! bag 9cuber tit See ! — the helm ! fad ab ! EASEFUL (ado. — ly), adj. rill)tg, fricb= lid). easel, s. bie ©taffclct (eincl 9JZe, ©rifle; —of belief, bie Seicbtglfiubtgfeif ; — of mind, bie ©ciuiitbgntbr, ber lcid)tc ^ittit; — of style, t>ct ungcjmuttgene, naturlirbe, fftepenbe ©rnl. east, i. s. bet- Often, Oft, SKorgen ; 2. bag 3JZorgeul«nb ; n adj. oftlicb; — by North, JV. T. Oft "iltm jjtors belt ; — India, the — Indies, Qft= tnbiett; — india-man, ber Oftinbieu= fabver; JV. T*.— sun, bie Dfter=©ou= nc; — variation, ber -Jlorboftving ; — wind, ber Oflrotnb, Easter, s . Oileru.baSOfterfcft-, — day, bev Dftertag ; —eve, ber Dfter= abenb,Jbcilige Slbenb »or Oftern; — fair, bie Dftermeffe ; —holydays, bie Ofterfetertttge ober geriett: —week, bie Dftern)od)e. EASTERLING. s. 1. ber Dfilanbcr ; 2. cute 9lrt SBaffewoael. EASTERLY, ado. $■ ado. Oltltdj, oft= rofirrS. EASTERN, adj. oftlicb, morgenlanbifd). EASTWARD, a!o. OftroSrtt. Easy,////;. * adv. 1. lrid)t; 2. fccqncin, gemacblicb; 3. jufriebe it ; 4. frf>mcrj= log • 5. fauft ; 6. rubig ; 7. gefaflig, rotutg, leutielig ; 8. ungejroungen, flicfienb, geroanb't; —of belief, Icid)t= fltaubig; a lady of — virtue, ein ietr|tftunigeS, gcfalligcs SBetb ; — to be born, cr tr Ji^t td>, leiblid) ; — to be spoken to. tcutfclig ; frctntblid) ; to make — , Beruljigcn; »erforgcn, bc= quern marten ; riittig madKit, bei(e= gen; — chair, ber Sprg^uftubf, ?ebit= ftuht, ©rolloaterftitbl ; —labour, bie Ietdite®cburt; —style, ber fliefkube V., eat, o. ir. a. &■ n. 1. effeit \ fid) ef= tenlaffen; freffen; 2. vcrjetireit, a^eit ; to — well, gut lebcn ; gut fd>mccfcit; tc — one's words, tribcr? 121 ECLA vufen ; to — in &r inta cittfreffcti, jer= freffen ; to — up, auffreffen, vcrsct;= ten; ctbjelireit; to — up a country, Cilt Saitb aitufaitgctt ; — bee (bee- eater), ber SBtenenfraf, ©tenettroolf. EATABLE, I. adj. efjbar ; II. eatables, *. pi. e6bare Singe, (Sproaaren, 8e* bcnsmtttel, (Sonfnmvttbilieu. EATER, s . 1. ber (Sffcr; 2. Ch. T. bas Slefcnuttel ; he is a little — ,er tfjf roenig. EATING, «. bit§ (Sffcn: —house, bte ©arfiirbe, bas (Speifel;au8; —room, bas ©petfejimtner. eaves, b. pi. bie S)ad)rtnne, JCraufe ; the — drop, CtS tn'cft »om5)ad)e; to — drop, jj. n. an ber Shitre, it. f. ro. f)ord)cit, laufdKU ; — dropper, ber Jporcber, 8aufd)er. EBB, s. 1. bie (Sbbe ; 2. fig. 51buat)ine, ber SSerfaU ; the first of the — , bie 83orebbe; the lowest of—, bie .foiu= tevebbc; —and tide, (Sbbt ttnb (S-lttth ; prices are at a low — , M. E. bte s |>lTt[c fteben ntebrtg ; to be at (in) a low — , fer>r beruntergefommen fctiu. To EBB, o. n. 1. ebbdl, tOltott C\U<1\\- fen; 2. jig. abtiefymcu, iit SSerfall fomnten. ebon, JL s. ba8 ©benbotj; II. adj. EBONY J 1. son (S'bcnboU; 2. bun= Eel, fdjroarj; ebony-tree, ber @ben« baum. ebriety, } s bie .I'ntttfcnfjcit, 3351= EBRIOSITY, i Icrci. EBRILLADE, 5. Sp. E. bCf 3ltg Ober ©cb, lag intt bem Siifttl. EBULLIENCY,^. bilS Sicbcil, bie ebullition, j ?lufau!luug. EBULLIENT, adj. ttllfft)OUenb. ECCENTRICAL (Eccentric), 1. adj. G T. ereentrtfeb ; 2. fig. abroetchenb, ausfdnseifcttb, ubcvfpanut ; uuge= roiJbttlicb. ECCENTRICITY, s. 1. G T. bie ©fCCU= tvicitat ; 2. Ast. T. bie (Sittfcvnuiig jrotfeben Srenn^uuft uub (Sentrum ber@rbeiltpfe;3lbn)etcbung, 3lbfc|t»ets fung; 3. fig. Uebufpanntbett, ©on* berbarfett. ECCHYMOSIS, s. Med. T. ber mtt 5Mltt untcrlaufene glctfen, bas fSlal auf ber $ a ut. ecclesl\stes, s. ber ^rebtget Salo= mo. ECCLESIASTICAL (— ic), adj. fiftf)= lid), getfilicb ; —counsellor, ber Jfiv= d)cuvat() ; — courts, gctftlirbe ®c= vid)t«l)5fc; —history, bte Jlivrbcuge= febicbte; —state, ber Jttrcbenftaar. ecclesiastic, s. ber ©ciftltcbe. ECCLESLVSTICUS, s. ba« 23uct) 3cfu8 ©iraclj. ECCOPROTICS, «. pi. Med. T. 51bfii()-- ruugSmittel. ECH1NATE, Echinated, adj. tgciavttg, ftacblig. echinus, s. 1. ber 3gel ; ©eeigel; 2. bie ftadjltgc ©eftale, ber ft'ad)lige /itopf (an Spffattjen) ; 3. Arch, t eiiic cintube Sernerung ber jonifd;eu Orb* nung, ba§ (St. echo, s. baS (Sd)o, ber SBtebcrball. To echo, v. i. n. roteberballen ; h. lofiblenb (au» ber ^ijilefopliie tn-r: fd;icbcucr ©eften) ; n *. ber (Sfteltifer eclegm, s. Med. t. ber bide SBrufi- f a ft, bie SBruftlatroerge, JKeglife. ECLIPSE, s. l.Ast.r. bie SBerftnfterung, B'iufteruifi (ber teouite, beg 2)ioubco, u. f. ro.) ; 2. fig. SJerbuntelung. To ECLIPSE, u.l. a. 1. tjcrfiuftcut, ucr. buufclit; 2. fig. aii'Moi"d)cn, rcnitd;-- ten; vevbuii'fclit, ubertieffctt ; n. « fid) uerfiuftci'u. ECLIPTIC, I. s. Jist. T. bte PfliWif, ©onnenbabn; rr. adj. l. ctliptifd;; 2. ocifinftcvt, Dcrbnttfelt. ECLOGUE, s. bie (Sfloge, 3bl)lle, ba« laublidje @ebid)t, ^trtengebtcbt. ECONOMIC, (— cal),«///. 1. oronomifd; ; 2. bauelid), bausljalttg, fpavfam. economist, s. berDecoitom, igauS* baiter, Sanbroirtb. To ECONOMIZE, r. a. I)au8f>iitcvifd) gebraudjen. economy, s. l.bie OcFottoittie, .§anS = baltung, 2IHitl)fd)aft; Sanbroirt^ febaft; 2. .Oausljaltigfeit, ©jxtrfants rett ; 3. (Siiu'id;tuitg, Slnorbttung. ECPHRACTICS, s. pi. Med. T. bie Ser^ buui'.iinggiuttteL ECSTAS1ED, adj. eutjiicft, iibcrfelig.. begciftcrt, (»or (iutjiicfcn. anf;cv fid). ecstasy, s. bie (Sfftafe, ©ntjuclung ; Segeiflerung, SBoutic; ber (Sntbu^ ftaSmug. To ecstasy, v. a. cutjitcfcu, febr er» frcuen. ECSTATICAL (— in), adj. efftil tt fcf>, Cllt=> jiid'eiib, eittjitcft, btngertffen. ectypal, adj. ttacbgebilbet. ectype, s. ber Slbbrwf, bie Sc^te bug abbtlb. ECUMENICAL, Ecumenic, adj. *fume« tiifd), allgenteiu. ecurie, s. ber SWarflall, SJJferbeflall. edacious, adj. gefraf'tq, gtertg. edacity, s. fcie ©efraptgtetr, bet •fpcifjljuttgcr. To edder, v. a. eiiteit Qami binben, bcfcftigeit uub uerfiecbten. edder, s. bag gieebtbolj. eddish, s. bag 5patbeu, ©ruininet eddoes, / s. bie ejjbare (junge) 23ur= edders, S jel beg ofttnbtfeben Anting eddy, i. s. bie ©egenftromung, baa Buritcffeblogett ber Sffielien, bie ©prtngflutb, ber aSaffcnotrbel ; II. adj. rotrbelnb, freifcitb ; — water, ber ©trtcb, bie Spur etneS fabreubeu ©cbtffeg; —wind, ber SEQtrbelrotub, Sallroinb, SRiiefroinb. To EDDY, v.n. wivbelit, ftrife;!. edematous, adj. §n ciiieut Sffiaffergfci febrour gcbortg, soil ai>affergc= fcbwulfl. eden, s. bag ©ben, Sufi- ober 22ontie= gcfilbc, sparabteg. e'denized, adj. in bag $arabieg auf= genontnten. EDENTATED, adj. jablllog. EDENTATION, s. bag Bdl) 1 ™ 1 "'"''^? 1 " 1 - edgar, s. (Sbgar (3Jlannenib nt } 5 to put to (the — of) the sword, iibcr bie Xclinge [prtngen faffen; — of the cold, bie fd;arfe Stiiltt ; — of the stomach, bet jjefttge hunger ; — wi^e, ntit bet ©cbiieibe (©d)Srfe) roobitt gevid)tet — rails, t. crbabeite ©cbtenen; — rail- way,bie 'Sifetibal'it niit,)?aiitciu©c5>:e« uen ober maffioen ©cbtenen ; —-too, EFF EFFU EITH bafl fdjneibenbe SBerEjcug ; --ways, »oit bcr Seite. IV EDGE, r. a. 1. fcbarfeit, fdjleifcn; 2. faumcn, Derbramen, burr-en, ucr= borbcit, borbiren, einfaffen, befc&cu ; !.,/£?. teijen, crbitrcrii, aufbctjeii; u. K . ficb (bin unb her) bcivcgcu imb ta= bet oorwartflrucfen, DOtbtingen; fid) burd;btaitgcit ; to — in, einbrmgen in . ..,fatneinbtingcn obet brangen, j)iu= ciufdiicbcii ; einfaffen; to — in with a ship, .v. T. laiigfam auf bie Jliifte (obet itgenb ciitcu antetn ©egcn= ft.mb) jufegeln ; to— off, (to— away;, tuegrudfen, roegrutfcjjenj jv. /'. fid) rou bcr Jliifte (brat frubern (Sours, it. f. w.) entfemen. EDGED, pir< «-//'• 1. mtt ciucr Sd)ncis be, febatf, ftJtfttg, gefebliffeu ; 2. ein= gefajk, Itmgeben ; — with embroidery, init ©tirfroetf etngefa^t; two — , jroeifebneibig ; round — , geratibcrt ; round — ducats, 9ianbbucaten. luckless, «i;> Webiiube, bcr 33au. EDiFiciAL, adj. bte Oeftalf, bafl Sleufs fere etnefl ©ebaubefl betreffenb. ediitee, *. bet (Srbauenbe, SBelcbrer. Tb EDIFY, n . rt.crbauei!, belebren. EDILE, «. bet Slebilifl, SBauberr. To edit, o. a. (hum n 5 gebcit, ebiren, imb* licircn, brucfcn laffeu (tilt 8ucb). EDITH,*. (Stitba (§rauenname). EDITION, *. tie Sluflgabe, Sluflage (eU ncfl iiucbes). editor, s. bcr £>erau$geber (cities Sucbefl) ; SRebacteur (einet 3 f ' t:: febtift). editorial, adj. tie ,§crau»gabe be« iteffenb. EDITORSHIP, *. bafl Mint, ber 3tang, ©taitb, bie s }>fiicbt eined .jperausges berfl. edmund, *. (Sbinunb (SSJiaunflname). To EDUCATE, b. a. crjicben. education, s. bie (grjiet;Ung ; ber lliitcirtd)!; bie 53ilbung; board of — , tas (IrjtebungflcoUegiunt. EDUCATIONAJU adj. baa (Srjiebungfl* obet ltuterrid)tafad) betreffenb. EDUCATOR, ». ber Stjiefoet (bet 3iu gent), Sugcnblchrcr. To educe, ».a.b / et»orjte|en,barPelIen. educt, s. baa ^erootgejogeue, £>ats gtfieUte. eduction, s. tic i§et»otjt«5ung ; SarfteQung. EDUIGA, Edwioa, b. .§ebroig (3'raucii= name). 3Tb EDULCORATE, ». a. Ch. T. abfiijjcn, »crfiif;cn. EDULCORATION, *. Cfc, T. tie 2lbfiU jjung, SBcrfufjung. BDULCORATIVE, adj. Ch. T. a&fflpenb, verfnfeiib. edward,* ©buatb (SKannflnamc). Edwin,*. (S'tuuit (2Jiannflnaine). To EEK, rid To Eke. BEL.*, ber 3Ifll; —backed, mtt cincnt ^lalftrcife (auf bent :TJiiefen) ; —fares (— vares), fill ©ebriit Stale; —pie, bteSlalpaflete; —pout, bie 3laltauve, Oitappe ; —spear, bie Slalgnbel, bcr \'lalfted)er; —trunk, (—pond), ber ^lalbalter, ^lalteid) ; — wear ( — dam), bie SloUege, tai mlmt^t; bed of eels, «ai vlallaget ; deling, ber S8al* LEN, abbr. fur EvEN.gA rid. EFE, * vid. Eft. To EFFACE, v. a. auSl&fitctt, aUSWU frbeii, aii»fra^en ; rcniMfdien ; aiii= tbuii, iiti-jftrcidieii ; Berttlgeit. effect,*. i. bieSBttfung, bcr (>:r- folti ; '2. 91uijeii ; J. bie 33oUbriiigunfl ; 4. iBir£lid)Ecit, 28al)rbeit; 5. 3lbftcbt, bet Stveif ; in—, tutrftid), tit bcr ibat ; of do — , uergeblicb j 'us to no — , tt ill umfonft; to (in that —.in bet "31b fid) t ; to the same — , beffelben 3nt|ait« ; to take — , bie er« aniufd)tc SSBitfung habeit, getinaen, anfdjlagen; effects, ;>'. tie (Sffecten, bemeglidje ©liter, (Sac^en, i^abe, SBanren; effects of the hand, S/>. e. tie ^anbbewegung jut SenEung bed ^Jfetbe«. To effect, v. a. tcmtrfcn ; bewcrf= ftelligen ; oolIfu6,reu, »oUjter)ert, 511 ©tanbe bringen, abfd)(icf;eit; bcfor= gen ; tlie insurance is effected on..., M. k tie Slffecutanj valibirt auf... EFFECTJBLE, n.!j. tb 1111 lid), anifubrrar. EFFECTTVE [adv. — vt , adj. tvirfenb J wirffam, frafttg; braudjbat; to be — , betsorbringeit. EFFECTLESS, adj obne SSirfiuig, 1111= wirffam, oergeblicb, unnufc. EFFECTOR (Etfecter), x. ber \Ubc- ber, 5d)bpfer, ©ewerffieUiger. EFFECTUAL (ado—Lx),adj. liurffailt, Erafttg. To EFFECTUATE, v. a. tciKrfjtelligcii, auarid)tcit, erf illicit. effeminacy,*. 1. bie 3'3cidiliffcfcit, bvi« roeibifdK 3Befen,bte SSettoeirfalis d)itug, Uitiiiaiiuliii)fcit ; 2. lteppig= feit. EFFEMINATE {adv. — Vt), adj. lvci = bifd;, »ucid)lid) ; fi^pig, wouujiig ; — ness, *. baS metbtfcSe SQBefen, bte Uitmainilidifcit, ^LH'id;lid)teit, ba3 2?erroeicf)lid)tfet)ii. To EFFEMINATE, r. I. a. tucibifd) nut = djett, bertuetd)lid)en ; 11. n. tveibifd) cber trcidilid) roerbett. To EFFERVESCE, v. n. auf braiifen, aufroaSeit. EFFERVESCENCE, *. ta$ Cliifbraufeit, SHuftnalleii. EFFERVESCENT, adj. aufbraufcnb, aufn>aQen». EFFETE, adj. 1. unfrucbtbar, ^cugtiug«= uiifabig ; 1. auSgeinergelt ; " abge= uuijt altersfcbroacp. EFFICACIOUS {adv. —vt). adj. Wirt's fain ; —ness, ». bie SBirffainfett, Kraft. efficacy, s. bie SBirffamfeit, Kraft. EFFICIENCE (EpnciENCY), *. bie 2Birf= famfeit, Kraft. EFFICIENT, I. ». bic nnvfcitbe ltrfa= d)e; ber Ur debet; U. adj. (adv. — ly), roitffain, mirfenb, tiidjtig, friiftig. Sm I * bafl * i[b ' mm *' EFFLORESCENCE, «. 1. baS Slufblu* ben, iMiibcu ; •>. Med t. bic ©lumen, Slutbett, ber 3lu8n»ucB«, SluSfcblag. EFFLORESCENT, adj. aufblubenb. EFFLUANCE, ) s. i. bie 'JliiSflicfuing, EFFLUENCY, I ba3 ?lii8)tr6tneii ; EFFLUVIUM, [ 2. bcr ouc-flief;eiite EFFLUX, J fetojf, bcr 'JlueflujJ- EFFLUVIA, 1,1. bic SluSjlUffe. EFFLUXION, *. Did. EFFLUENCE. To EFFORCE, v. a. jWiugcit ; ©civalt aiitbuit, notojurbtigen, berle^en, rau= ben (W. ft.). To EFFORM, vid To Form. EFFORMATION, aid. Formation. EFFORT, ». bie "Jliiftrcuguitg, SentU= bung, iDJube, bas ©treben. f.ffi ission, s. tie SJluftgrabung. EFFRi i.N'i'ERY, *. bie Uiiverid).imtbcif, Aredibcif. To EFFULGE v. H. ftrablcn (». ii). effulgence, .». bae Strablen, tc» ®fanj, Scbimnter. }'At\ LGENT, adj. ftrablettb, glantenb. e; l I'MAiiii.iTY, ». tas SBetraucben, bte SerfiuritigungSfabtgfeit n. it. . ■/;, EFFUSE, v. a. auSvjiejjen, oetgie^en, Derfcbutteit. EFFUSH w. a. i. tic 3tn6g{efjang, 3Ser* gicfiiiug, i'erfdjuttiiug ; 2. ras i'c:= geffene. ei FUsiVE,ad;.auSgtepenb, oergtepeub oetfebutteub. EFT, .- : . tie fleiiie (fitcebfe. E G. Exempu Gratia}, }. 33. (junt 33etft)iel). EGAD, ode. mdg. (a ivof)l ! freilii^! aU lerbingS, toabtbaftig. EGBERT,*. Sgbert (IDJannSname). EGER, *. tie Sluth, u. f. iv., vid, Easrx. To EGEST, v. a. fid) auMccrcii (turd) ben Stubtgang). ; i :>n, *. tic Slueleerung (turd) i>cn ©tuf>fgang). EGG, *. bafl Si; a nhtlosopbtcal — , eiil' s >lrt d)cmifd)er Jtolben ; — <■ ©ierbecber ; — fish, tie seeeicbel ein Scbaltbier) ; — plant, bie (Sitrppanje ; — sauce, bie (5'iabnibc : —shell, ;:. - ( c icrfdiale; —slice, bic (iicrfelle. 7b egg, v. a. { — on) anteijen, hejjett, treiben. eggeri >N, *. bet 9lube6er. EGILOPICAL, adj. citt ©erftettforii am 2luge babenb. EGILi »PS, *. bafl ©critenforu. EGLANTINE, ». ter i§agebut(enfltaud), bte wttbe Olofc. egotism,*, bet ©gotSinufl, tie 2 el I r u fudit; ;u baufige SBiebttboIung befl SBottefl 3di. egotist, ». berSaoifl, Selbfiling ; |n bauftgeSBieberbolet befl SBottefl 303 ; bcr unmet Don fid) felbfl :ltcteute. I'.ci rTISTICAL, adj. fclbftiiidui;!,. To egotize '••». egotjhfd) obet felbfl* fiidjtig fei)it, tinnier Don fid) felbfl reben. egra,*. (Sget r€tabt in BSbmen . EGREGIOUS (n/.'c. — ly>. adj. 1. DOr= treffltcb, ungemein ; 2. au§erorbenf= Hit, ait8gejetd)iict, erflaunlid) ; 3. au« ferft fdjlerbt, bScbft lafletbaftj — ness, .? tic Uiigemembeit, bafl jluper= orbentltebe. EGRESS, }s. ter Sluflgang; b,i4 egression, $ SBegfommen . ■ and regress, ter 3lttSs unb Sjpgang. EGRET, «. bcr TOctjic Dteibet Oazzetta — /..). EGRIOT,*. btefaureKirfo5c,SDBetcbfels Eitfrbe. EGYPT, «. @g9^ttn, EGYPTIAN, 1. adj. eg^^tifd); II. .». bet gg^pter; 3''Jf"ucr ; — brown, bafl aufl SDIumten bcrtttete ©rami; — pebble, ter egvptifcbe Mrbat. eider ( — Duck),*, tie Siberganfl, bet @iber»ogel ;— down, tie ©iberbuiicn eh : n. int e$! ab! eight, adj adit; piece of— .bafl aebl Oicalcnftiicf, ter fp.iuiiYbe dollar; — fold, arbtfad), ad)rfalrtg; — arbtinal tmait^ig; — times, acbtmal. eighteen*, adj. adit^ebit. EIGHTEENTH, adj. ter, tie, bafl ?lrbt« je&nte EIGHTH, adj. ber, bie, ba? \?I cf) Ic EIGHTHLY, ado. aebtenfl, |utn acbten, EIGHTIETH, adj. ter, tie, bafl .'Uv!- $$'• EIGHTY, adj. acbtjtg. EITHER, l. firm c-'iiier, oeter (son 3wekn obet 2Jlebreren ; Seibc; i am not so strong a-^ — of you, id) bin iiidit fo fl.irE a(3 (5'iner oou ®urb all etu Stter veil end) ©eibcnj ; in — 12j ELBO ELEM ELIX ease, in beiben /v.'illcn ; on — side auf beibcu Seiteti ; rroenn cine legation »oconflebt, fceijitee* feinet, feine, fci= lieg) ; 1 did not speak to — since I saw y i last, id) fpracb mit feinem, feit id) ©ie jum lefcten SKale fab ; 11. eo?». rocbcr, entroeberj — ... or, dittoes ber . . . obet. To EJACULATE, v.n. binaugimfcn, auSfiofjen, auc-fd): cicn. ejaculation,* l. ba8 Sutswerfen, aiiiSftotJni (». it.) ; 2. •Oculeit, 2Bcb= Ilagettj 3. bet ©tojjfeufjer, ba8 Stofc geber. EJACULATORY, adj. 1. |>l8feTidj «U§= jtoftcnb, aitffc&reienb ; 2. /?«■. plbljlid) ; — prayer, boS ©tofigebet. To EJECTj v. a. 1. auSttjcrfeti, OUSftO* fien ; '2. hinansiucrfen ; an§ tern S8es fi&c tretben ; 3. oetroetfen; 4. abfefcen. Ejection, s. 1. bte 2lu8fto§ung ; 2tu8= fefeung; 2. Jtf«A r. SluSleerung, ber 8u8nrarf. EJECTMENT, s. X. T. btC gcrirbtlidjC SluSfefonng. ejector, s. ber (geridjtticfy) ausfefer. EJULATION, a. b(l8 .£>Cltlcit, Gkbcnl, 3Bcb.flagen. 7\> eke. b. a. oermebren ; oergtSfietn, crgdttjcn; oertftngern; binausftnns licit ; to — out, attfuicfcil ; tit tie Sange jtcben. EKE. amj. amt. tiocf). fogar, fclbft. EKING, s. baS 'Bermefcren, u. f. to. ■ — piece, baS SBerlangermtgSflficf, ber Slnftoji. To ELABORATE ». «. bcraugarbcitcn ; forgfam ausarbeiten. ELABORATE, adj. auSgeatbeitct ; ge* Knjlelt ; — iy, adv. ntubfant, nut »tc= lent Slcift ; — ness, s. bic forgfame SluSatbeitnng. elaboration, s. bte fotgfame 2Iu3= atbeitmtg; Serfemetung, 53et»oU= fommitiutg. ELABORATOR, s. ber 3Iu8arbeifer. To elance, b. a. berauSroerfen, ber= oorjtojjen, an»itof;cit ; frbiefjen. To ELAPSE, B n. PCffl tC^Clt, Ocrgetjett, ycrfivctdicit. ELASTIC (Elastical) {adv. —ally), adj. elafttfd), febcrbarf, pratt, pralt- wetd), febcrfraftig, fpannfrafftg. elasticity, s. bte (Jtafticircit, Spann» Craft, ©djneltftaft, Sgrallttaft, gebet« {raft. ELATE, arfj. anfgebtafen, ftofj, I)orb= mfitljig. To elate, v a. 1. (tufbta&en, fiber* muting inacbeit; *>. etbeben: to — one's self, fid) aiifblabeit, ftiMj wer= bcit; elated with..., evtiobcti, anfge* blahet, tin it fen oon . . „ ; — at, fiber). ELATEDLY, adv. l)od)lltiitbig, fiber* miitbio,, anfgebtafen. ELATERIUM, a. ber abfiibrenbe 3aft au8 Springs obet (Sfclsgnrfen. elation, s. bte Stufbtabung, ber ©tolj. ELBE, s. bte (51 be (Ctlt ft!ll6). ELBOGEN, s. (bie ©tabt) 3Ratm5. elbow, a. I. ber (flbogen ; 2. Sug ; — of land, bie (Srbjnnge ; at — , bci ber -§anb, in ber s ^al)e ; to be always at one's — , unmet um 3emanben fetitt; his coat is out at (the) — , ber Etbogen gucft ibm |jtm SRotJe bcr= aus ; — case, bag ©eiteitinagaun in Ketfewngen ; — chair, ber Slrmftubl ; — rails, bte Slrmlebnen cities Sabrio= letS; — room, ber ©fiielraum, bte Saequcmltcbfeit. r.» i.i, i; >\v, v . i. „. bcrsorfleben ; bcr= sorragen : n. „. mit bem Slbogen flo* pen, raegfebieben ; to — one's way, ffeb burebbrfingen ; to — out. biiMii-j= lofjcti, wegfiojien, oerbrfingen. ice eld, .^. 1. + ba3 bobc Sifter ; 2. + bte alten Petite. ELDER, I. adj. (camp. S?Olt Old) filter ; ii. s. bet- Slelterc, SJcttefte; juu. r. ber Senior; the elders, pi bte SJIteB, '.'Iel = tent, 9Ut»orbem ( ^offabrcit; JVea Teat. 5lelteftctt ; my elders, a Iterc Scute. ELDER, s. ber .^olitiiber, S'liebcr, .'qo- Innberbdum; —berry, bte^o(unber= beeve ; dwarf — , bet Sltttrl; ; —syrup, bag SliebermUJj ; — vinegar, bet ^0= luitbercffij. ELDERLY, adj. dltitd). eldership, s. 1. bic C^rflgcburt ; 2. bets' -Clint cincS Sleltejlen. ELDEST, adj. (sup. UPlt Old) ber, bic, bflS ^IcltcftC; — at play, ber Cl'ftc tilt Spielc. Eleanor, a. (51cciiara (Srauenname). elecampane, a. bet Pliant, bic Plants tUUrjel {Inula — L.). To elect, v. a. tcablen, cmniblcit; au^cnvdhleit. ELECT, adj. geivdbft; ait-Scninibft; the — , pi. bic 3iuSermftbIten, SrEornen. election, s. 1. bic (ftwablung, SSJa^l ; 2. tie Unterfd)etbung, 9lu§roabl ; 3. baS 'Sablrerbt; 4. Tk. t. bic @na= benroabl. ELECT ION EERCN'O, p-.rt. s. mad. fam. bao Stintmeiifamiitelu jut SJSatlas ntentsroabl. ELECTIVE, adj. 1. tiniflkllb ; 2. n)ilS bind) SBabt gefdbieP ; an — kingdom, ctit SBablteicb. ELECTIYELY, adv. Ill it ^M. elector, s. l. ber SJabfenbe, 3Bc 3Jtagnett8mu8. ELECTROMETER, a. ber Glcf tvplltc tcr, @le£ttijitiit8mefiet. electuary, a. bic Sfltwerge. ELEEMOSINARY, I. adj. dlS Slfmofen, itmfoiift; ii. s. ber yllinofcnier ; — corporations, bic SBo^lttjfitigJeitSans flatten. ELEGANCE (elegancy), .*. bic 3tec= liebfeit, ©rbonbeit, SInmutb j el m cies of art, Jlllllftjicratbcit. ELEGANT (adv. — lv), adj. jicrlicb, fcbbii, anmutbig. ELEGIAC, adj. cUgtfd). Hagcttb, faitft riibreitb, fc|n>ermurbig, traurig; elegiacs, s.pi. elegifebe i'crfc. ELEGIST, s. ber (?lcgicnb iditcr. elegy, a. bic Slegte, ba8 JCrauetges bidit, Klagelieb. element, s. 1. baS Clement, ber ltr= ftoff, ©runbfioff; 2. q3eftanbtbeil ; 3. 3Infang«grunb ; 4. bic 8iebling8bc= fdjaftigung ; 5. bev natutgemafe 9luf= tnt|aItSort ; 6. + bte Siift, bet ^im= met; the four elements, + bie tie Scmpcraniciitc. To ELEMENT, r. a. «tg GtementeC bilbcit, auc-madn-it ; ben ©ruttb (}t eincr 2!'iffcitfdiaft) (egen (w. ii.). ELEMENTAL, adj. elemental tfd). ELEMENTAL1TY, «. bie ^llfanilltCltfc* ^niuL SSerbinbung (ber 33ejtanb« tbeile), bet ^uKintiitcubaitg. ELEMENTARITY, 5. bic (Stllfact)t)Cit, bee Urftoff. ELEMENTARY, adj. eleiucntavifcb, cin- fad), natiirlirb. elemi. s. bag (Sitnimi (S'icnti, DcU baumbarj. ELENCH, s . ber Seweiggrunb ; 2utg = fd)luft. elephant, s. ber Glcpbaiit ; bag (§U fciibcin; — 's nose, ber jcabclftfa); — octavo, cine 3lrt grogefl nub bvciteg Octao ; — 'soil, ber ;)iobbeittbvatt (ang ber Siibfcc) ; — 's skins, 3iobbciifelle (aug ber ©fibfee). elephantiasis, .?. bet avabifebe 5lu«= fa§ (cine 'Jlrt Jlraljc). ELEPHANTINE, adj. 1. ctcpbaitfifd) ; 2. elfenbeine(t)n ; — books, bic clfen= bcinc.v n lafclit bet alten Neuter. To ELEVATE, i: a. 1. Cl'licbeil, Crbo* ben ; 2. crljcitcrn. ELEVATED (Elevate), part. adj. erba= ben, bi^d), ftclj; — with liquor, be* tntttfen. elevation, s. 1. bte CM)cbung, (§v* bbbungj 2. ip'ihc; 3. (Srhabenbcit; 4. .pebett, ber SRang, bic 3Bnrbe; 5. ber Olufrift; G.j&st.T. bie SPotbobe; 7. Tk. r. ;bic Gnttporbebung beg ge= iiH-ihetcit SrobeS nub jteltbeg (bci ben ,H\uholifeii), bic SBanblung. ELEVATORs. A. & 5. T. i. ber .P»C^ ber; -fScbcl; 2. bag Jpcbjangclcbcn. ELEVATORY, I. adj. crl)bl>'ltb ; II. .« vid. Elevator. ELEVE, «. bee 3i. ;">3. SppegTing. ELEVEN, adj. eilf, elf. ELEVENTH, adj. ber, bic, bag Silfte, ©ifte. ELEVENTHLY', adv. eiMftCltg. elf, s. 1. ber glf, 21 lp, ilJabr, ^o» bolb, ©pul, (Heine) ©eijt; 2. Sen-- fcl ; 3. 3»rrg ; —lock, bet iikicbfcU jopf, wig. bie 3Jcabrftatte. To elf, b. a. bic <6aarc Detftljen. elfin, i. adj. ju bcit Stfen, ^obolben it. f. n>. gepotig; u.s. bagfd)alfl)aftc. lofe .^in'b. ELFISH, adj. jn benfilfeit gepttg, gci* fteibaft, tenflifdi, bc^baft. elias, s. (S'liag (9JJannename). To ELICIT, v. a. bcranglod'cit; berauJ bringen. To ELIDE, o. a. Oram. T. (ciltCtt ©Ucb* ftabcu obet cine ©«tbe) wegwetfei, ausjtofjen, auSlaffen. ELIGIBILITY, ? s. bie 21'ablfabi.^ ELIGIBLENESS, J feit; 2l ; ablbarfctt; SBotjfiglicbEeit. ELIGIBLE, a ij. wa^tfa^ig ; mablbar oorjuglic^. Elijah, s. @lia, C51ia? (3Rann6name). To eliminate, ,-. a. »etweifen, '.H'l'a baitneit; a. T. auStoerfen. nueftogen. elimination, 9. bic SSerweifung, SSerbannung; StuSfiopung. ELINOR, .•!. vid. Eleanor. ELIQUATION, s. Cli. T. bic ^IbfdmteU jung. . „,._ ELISION, a. Gram. T. btC (FllttPn, SluSftofung obcr SluStaffung cinc« i'udiftabcug ober ciner @t)fbe. elisha, a. K'lifa (3JJann8nnme). eliza, )*. ©tifa, glifabet? ELIZABETH, $ c'gvaiiciiitainc . To elinate, b. o, abfpdn'ii, abftebett elination. g. bag jtocben, 2ibtod)ctt Sicbcn, JDampfen ELYS EMBE EMBR ELIXIR, g. 1. Cfltvtr, bie jTrafrarjenci, fccr .tpctltrauf ; 2. tic diinfcffcm. llk. *. bas (5'lciitrhicr; (in Slinerifa) baS iUtufetbJet; bet (wilbe) 2d;iiMit; —nut, bte Sebennuf. ELL, s. tie lange @Ue. ELLEN, s.. Helena, (5'lconera (^vaucn= name). ELLIPSE, ? s. 1. fift. r. bie Cffltvfe, ellipsis, \ Jtoslaffunn (yen Sucfcftas ben ober SortcmJ ; 2. G. r. tic (51-- lipfe. ELLIPTICAL, (Elliptic), [adv. —lit), mij. 1. «a. r. elliptifd), aueVtelaffen, ou3loffung«meife ; 2. a. t. euiptifd). ELM, s. bte lllme, Ofiiftcr. ELMY, «<#. ulmenteid), mtt Ulnteit beroaebfeit. ELOCUTION,* 1. bte Wiisfpracbc, bcr SBortrag; 2. bic2prad;c; 3. :)ccbc= fmtft, SBerebfamfeit. ELOCUTIVE, adj. luTcbf, berebfam. ELOG1ST, rid. Eulocjist. ELOGIUMJ ., „ BLOGY, \ ° 8Y * 7b ELOIN, r. n. entferncn. To elongate, <■. i. o. I. oerlanaern, auSbeimen; 2. mcifcrriicfcit, »erfd)ie= ben ; ii. n fid) cittfcriicn, abftcben. ELONGATK »N, 1. 1, bie SOetlfingerung ; 2. (intfernuiig, Jlbreife, Xrcntinng ; 3. & y. bie SiBerrenfung ; 4. m. t. Serne. 7« ELOPE, o. n. cntlanfeit; cnfflichen. ELOPEMENT,-*, bie Gntlaufnttg, (i,:t= lucidning. BL< (PS, g. eine ?lrt Wd\ weldjcr son SDititon unte.t bie ©cbjangen gcrcd;= net witb. ♦ELOQUENCE, s. bte Setebfamfett. BLOaUENT (adv. — ly), a$. berebf. else, i. pro«. (cut) 2Ittberer, (ctmaS) '.'ItlbcrS , no man (or no body) — , feilt Slnberer ; no where — , nirgenbS an* t(Vi ; foitft nirgenbS; some where — , irgenr wo anbers ; ji. eonj. foil ft, ivo nicbt, (iiifjerbem. ELSEWHERE, adv. CtllberSttJO, «ttber= marts'; from — , (ungevo.) anberS wo ber. ELSINORE, s .Oclfingor, cine (stabt anf tee 3nfel Seelanb, am banifd)en ©unbe. T.> ELUCIDATE, v. a. ttlaVLttttt, CV= flaren. elucidation, e. bie ©rlauferuna, Stflatung. ELUCIDATOR s. bcr (SiFtavcr, ?tu3= [eger, (Srlauteter. To ELUDE, o. o. (IijH(j) au£roeic$en, nuSbiegen, untgefjen, entnnfd)en; tanfdicn. ELUDIBLE, adj. attSrocidibar, vcici= tel6ar, umgehbar. ELUSION, « "tie .liftiqc) TdtSffnrbr, bet jtniff, SJinfeljng, baS (iittaufeiictt. elusive, adj. (lifrig) auSruetdjenb, fcblan, buret ?lu*flftd)fe, oerfiinglid). EH s iriness, ». bie SrMaubeit, Sins reriijt. ELI SORY, adj. bctriiglicb, fd;lait, ocr« fdintiet. To ELUTE v. a abroafeben. To elutriate, v. a. abfei&en, ab= febmemmen. ELUTRIATION, g, Mia. T. bat W&i* fdicn ober Slbfdjroemmen bee @rje. ELVELOCK.s. ml. Elf look. ELVER, s bev fletne ^Zeeraal. ELVES, pi oon Elf. ad. eU ELVISH, a :/ ;u ben (Slfen fle^orig (.■/,/. Elfin), fjftiier^aft, teitflifd), 6aSpaft; iutucfbalteiib, feben. flol*. BLYSIAN, adj. e[>jf;iifd), elnfifdi, won-- ntg, njouiic'JoU. Elysium s bag @h)1tum, bieel»fat= fr^cn ©cftlbe. bai Sanb bie ©efllbe) bei Seligen, bee .§tmmel. ELZEVIR, ». r;/p. r. 1. cine ?(rt f[ei= net rnidfduifr, Nonpareille ; 2. cin Sebej=8ormat. To EMACIATE, v. la. (iii*inergeln, abjehrcit; n. «. fid; obje^ren, ab- majeni. EMACIATE, adj. abgcmagcft, an?gc= je^rt. emaciation, s. bte ?liiSmcvgehing, Slbmogerung ; Slbjejjrung. EMACULATE, adj. rein, nnbcflcjt. EMANANT, adj. vid. Emahative. 7o EMANATE, o. a. aiteflie>;eii, b)cr= rithrcn. EMANATION, e. berSluSffwS- emanative, > ««/;. ausflie^enb, l'cv= EMANATORY.J viii)rcnb. To EMANCIPATE, o. a, fvcifVrccbcn, freigeben, befreien, entloffen. EMANCIPATION, ». bie Aiciipvcduin,], greigebung, @ntlaffuna. EMANCIPATOR, .v. ber ©efreter, (fv= tofer. emargin \te, adj. b. t. ouSgerfinbet. To EMASCULATE, e. a. eiirnianncn, ocnucidilidien, frbuvidicn, entnetoen. EMASCULATE, adj. ciitnmiinr, >oci= bifA. emasculation, «. bie (gntmannung. To BMBALE, o. a. eiiitMrfen, cinbiii= ben, cntballiren, etnbaUen. To EMBALM, v. «. cinbalfamircn ; baU famtren. embalmer, g. ber @iji6nlfomirer, 83alfamirer. To embank, v. a. ctiibeicbcit, einbant= men. bamrnen. embankment, g. bie ©inbSmmung, ©inbeic^ung; (Sinfaffung beSUferS; ber ©amm. To EMBAR, r.a. l.einfpcrreti; 2. fpcr= ten, bemmen. EMBARGO, g bn ^efdilag 'anf 2d)if= fe , tie 2pcrre bed (2ee=) £anbe(6. To EMBARGO, d. a. Seff^lfld (attf Sdjiffe legeit; ben Sees) ,£anbc! fpcrrcn. To EMBARK, o. a. St it. 1. einfdiiffeit ; an thn-b briugen, fid) einfebtffen ; 2. fig. etnen (ober fidi) in etro«8 oetmi= cfeln, fid) einlaffen {— i„. anf cber in 1 . EMBARKATION, g. bie (Siitfcbiffiing. To embarrass, v. a. i. dcrwicfelh, oetwirren ; befebrocren ; 2. En Sets legenbeit (eften, oerlegen niaeben. EMBARRASSED, part. adj. mumfelf, oerlegen. EMBARRASSMENT, g. I. bie 9?er= wtrfelung ; 2. Bertttrrung, (@elb» ■-iH-tlcu'iiheit, .Kienunc; '3. ^erle-- genbett. To embase, .-. n. oetttngetn, vcrfaU Idien, I'evfdiledjteni. EMBA8EMENT, a bte SBerringerung, •iicrfdiledifa-itthi, SOerffllf^ung. embassador s ber ©efanbte. embassadress, s. tie ©efanbtimt. EMBASSY, s tie ©efailbtft^oft. To EMBATTLE, b. I. a. I. in §C$Ia$r« otbnuna flellen ; 2. ntif ^innen ober 2ditef;fcbartcn mfebeit; n. n. fd)Iacfttferrtg ftehen. To EMBAY, b. a in cine 33u v ven- maler; 2. bet vemvKm anrunbigen^ be Serleger, pter SdjriftfteUet. emblazonry, ,. bat SOapptnge* ntalbe. r.Miu.EM, 8. bai SinnbiTb. To EMBLEM, / b. a finnbilb(id) 7o EMBLEMIZE, \ vc.uelien, verfinn-- bilbcit. EMBLEM mCAL — i : adv.— lt), arfj embleinatifd), finnoilblidE). emblematist, s. bet Siiinbilbet et> fintet, ber in ©leidjuiffen fd^reil-t. EMBLEMENTS • „■ bet gtrtafl an eingeetnteten $elbfrud)ten. To EMBODY. v. I «. I.cir.vcrleibcn, 5111:1 JEfjeile eineJ gan^en .Ucrvcn m 1 2. Derfotyern, einforpern; 3. r. »et« bicfen (511 einem Jlorpct oon 5ar» ben 1 ; 11. ». fid) in einfl oeteinigeu jufaminenflieien. EMBOGUING, e. tie SNfinbung (cinc3 Alnifes it. f. to.). To EMBOLDEN, b. a. 5)ciitb cinflofjen, fiibn nutdicn, ermufbigen. EMBOLISM,* I. bie (Sinfdjalhmfl ; 2 ber Sdjalttafl, ©c$aItmonar, ba« Sd^altjabr. EMBOLISMAL (—, adj. Ctlt^C- gefc^nttet. EMBOLUS, 8. T. bie .Unrbe, .ffnrbel, berStempel in rvriijen unb^unt* pen). To EMBORDER, b. a Miinten. n'intern. To EMBOSS, b. n. I. eiKibcne '.'Irbett madjen, treiben; 2. Sp. /: matt ja= f,cn, bag berScbauin am Waul mbt; embossed silk, fa^onnirreti 2ei^elt= 5cng; — woik, tie gerrieoene Jlroeit. EMBOSSMENT, s bie cvlMbcnc Olrbcit, (>rbabci;lH'it, ^eroorragiing. 3T>EMBOTTLE, v. a. anf gfafdJCH fallen. To embOw, b. a. toSfben. To embowel, 0. a. 1. au8»eiben; 2, begraben. EMBOWELEB, s. ber 3Iu8»eibtr. To EMBOWER, b. b. ill einer M.aubO UhMmicii. To EMBRACE, 0. 1, a.1. nniarnieii, urns faffcit ; 2. ciiifddiefcn, in fic&oereU licit ; 3. fig. annebmen. ergreifen; 4. enipfangcn; 5. bie ©efdjvoornen cin= Uincbincn fndien ; II. ,-jl. fid) it]iiar= men. EMBRACE, 5. bie (jartlidic) Ulnar* lining. EMBRACEMENT, s 1. tieUinarmitlig ; 2. bie v'lnnabnu (». ii. . EMBRACER, 8. I. ber Uinarntetttc, 6r» gretfeitbe; 2. ber bie ©efdjiooriien ciiuitncbiiicn fndu. EMBR ICERY, 1 /.. T bie 53ejlcdjung, ber S8eftedjuiig8»erfucJ). EMBRASURE. 8. bie Jb:ir= Obet gen« fleroetliefung ((Srrociferung); em- brasures, .•■ rduefii'dnirtcn. To EMBROCATE, b. 0. Med. T. mil SpiriruS, it. f. W. reiben, cinrciben. EMBROCATION, g. Mod. T. I. bie @iiu reibuna, bai trovfbab; ber spiris \wi ■. 2. bat SBA()ung6mirre[. To EMBROIDER 0. >■ itiden ; cm broidering-fraiue, bet 2 Ud'rabtnen. 127 EMME EMPO ENAM EMBROIDERER, ,*. bcr 5ticfer, tic Sticfcrinn. EMBROIDERY, s. 1. bit Stidcrci, ge= ftidre -Jh-bcit ; 2. tcr Savbcnuxcbfcl, 2d>mel;. To embroil, v. a. oerwioeltt, oertotts re:t, jcniirrcit. embroilment, * bte SBemnrrung/ gerruirung. 7b BMBROTHEL, p. a. tit CHCIlt 33pr= ::n~cb I ietieit. To EMBRUE. n. a. A' ?i i-*W. To Imbrue. EMBRYO, 1 1, s ber @ntbrt)o, grucb> embryos, J feim (bcr Sbiere unb 'Dfeiifrben , bte iincurn.utfelrc 5eibcs= frild?t;.ffn-. in embryo, tin 33ert ; bringent, nncbtig. emerited, a tj. oerbient, aulgtticnr, tut iRulje gefefet. EMERODS. ^-. ;./. pttf. Hemorrhoids, emersion, s. 1. tas 2Pieberber»or= fomtnen, ^eroorrogen, ?litftaucbcn ; 2. .1st t. Sidtbanrcrtcu (cittc» 2tenteS\ emery, s. bcr Scbmergel (cist fjifciu erj). EMETIC, I. s. Med. T. baS 33redimii= ic! ; II. [ado. — calitt), adj. emctifcb, 33rcd)en serurfacbenb ; — tartar, or tartar — , bcr ^rednveinftcin. emfav, s. ber J&ifuar. emication, s. baa Runfett, 33crpaf= fctt, gun!enn?erfeit, SSerfprftben. EMICTION, s. bcr Urtn, 4jarn. EMIGRANT, I. s. tcr Shtflroanberer, JluSgewanberte ; IL adj. auflwanbernb. To EMIGRATE, p. n. ailSamiltmt. emigration*, s. tie aiuflwanberung. FMiLY^'l 5 - ® milic :3raucnnante!. EMINENCE r.MiMNTY ). ... 1. bie §ofyt, btr ©ipfel ; tie ?lnb6hc; 2. .6obeit, (vrbal-cithoit, SSSurbe, bcr 33oqug, Jhibnt, bie 9lii>5?cirhnung; 3. ©mi* ncn$ [^arbiuaUttteO. EMINENT (7,/.-. — i.yI. adj. 1. f>ert\ cr= babcit ; 2. »orjitglirb, auSge^ric^net; bijc^licb; most—, fjoc^wurbtgfl. emik, s. bcr @mtr. EMISSARY. I. 8. tcr (vmiiKir, gebcime 3lgent, Slbgefaubte, ^unbftjafter; n. adj. ausfvapenb ; — vessels, ;':bfcntc= mngSgefafc. emission, *. 1. bie SHuSfenbuttg, bcr ^IttSflug; 2. bie SluelaffMng; 3. t,i" SlttSgeben Don ^Savtergelb . ro eSiit. v. a. 1. ausfenben, mtlflro= men, vcrbreitcii; 2. au«laffen, tut Umlanf bringen ; austoerfen ; 3. aus» brcrben, auSfrblogen. EMMENAGOGUES, 8. p!. Med. t. ben 128 Slutumlauf befSrbernbtSWttttl, Sm= mentagoga. emmet. *. bie Slmetfe. To emmeu'. p. a. cini'pcrrcn. To EMOLLIATE, r. a. Cnvciitctl. EMOLLIENT. L adj. cniKU+cilt ; IL— s, s.pi. errociefcjente SDitttel. EMOLLITION, s. bie (Irivcicbmtg. emolument, s . bcr i>hitjcn, aSortfieil. EMOLUMENTAL, adj. nii^licb, 00t= tbeilb,ir'r. EM' >Tl< >N, 8. bie ©emiitbebemegnng, Slufroallung, SRegung, dtiibriing. To EMPAIR, r. a. ■$- n. vid. To Impair. To EMPALE, r. a. Mil. T. 1. imtpfab> len, scrpallifabirctt ; 2. att^fablen, fpicb-ctt. EMPALEMENT, s. 1. Mil. T. tic Ul1t= pfablung, tvi3 Scrpalltfabireit ; 2. Sptepen (©trafe tit bcr 2;iirfci); 3. B. T. + bcr tfddi. emp annel, .?. /,. t. baS SBcr^ct d) tti fj (bie Sniennuitg) bcr ©efebraornen. To EMPANNEL, v. a. L. T. bie ®C= febwomen entennen, sorlaben. To EMP ARK, v. a. umjauitcn, Ct!lja'.t= iu-.:, bagcn. emparlance. ». l. t. bai Snferlo* cut, ber oorlattfige Sefcbeib. EMPASM, .'. baS tvcblriccbcnte 5?nl-:er witcr bcnnbdii ©cntcb be* ■ftorperS, To EMPASSION, 0.0, ri'tl)ren, betorgen. EMFERESS, 8. vid. Empress. emperor,*, berjtaifer. emphasis, *. bie (iinvbafc, bcr 5Rac^= bniif. EMPHATICAL ;— ic), adj. cmvbatifdl, n-ncbtriicfliit ; — ly, ado. niit -)lid)- trmf, ftarf. EMPHYSEMA, ». & T. tie 33iitbge= fitirnlit, tic Slufgetunfenbeit. emphysematous, adj. gef$mollen, aitfgebunfen. EMPIRE. *. 1. bal -Rcicb, J?ai'*crtbitm; 2. tic ^errfdjaft, ©eroalt; constitu- tion of the — , bte 9fleid>§serfa(fung. EMPIRIC, ? I. adj. eilivt= EMPIRICAL tndr. — ly), S rifeb, er= fa^ritngSmafJig ; II. empiric, s. ber (Smptrtfer, DuacffaTber. empiricism, s. bte (Jmpirif. grfab* rittigifuttbc, ©rfafjruitg; Quacffal= beret. EMPLASTER. .«. b.1-5 ^fi.litcr. To EMPLASTER. r.n. bcpflafknt. emplastic. adj. Elebrtg, jit spffoftern. To EMPLEAD. r. a gcricbtlict) »erfol* gen, belangen, anrTagen. 7J> EMPLOY, v. a. 1. 'bcfdviftigcn, 511 tbnn geben, anfreQen; tb.ittg nta= cben; 2. antvctibcit, fge=)braucben;to — funds, @elb anlegcit; emplnypd in ... , angejiellt bet . . . , befcbdf= itgtmit, . . E>IPLOY. «. b.13 (ScfdiSff; ?lntf; bie SBefcbaftigitng, EMPLOYABLE, adj. bra:;cM\tr. EMPLOYER, *. 1. bet Grtwafl brandt, anwenbef; 2. ber 53efd)aftt'gitttg8ge- In-, SBrobberr, A.'clv- .§cvr, SPrtncU pal. EMPLOYMENT, s. i. bafl ®e\ti)aft, tie SeWaftigimg; tic '?liiitcUung, baS 3lmt; 2. bie •Jlitirciibiing; — of ca- pital, bie 9ln(egintg oon Sapttalien, 7Y1EMPLUNGE, >- a 1 : I Plunge. To EMPOISON, p.o. sergtften ; mil (Sift mifiten. EMPOISONER, *. bcr Scrgifrer, Gift* mifebcr. EMPOISONMENT, *. bie Sergiflnng; baS Sergtften. EMPORIUM, a. bie grpfic ^anbetjlait, ber ^anbcUpI.16. ©tapelpla 1 }, Sta= pt\, bte ■O'iiau=0iictcrl>tge. T< EMPOVERISH, o. a. arm macben ; auifaugen. empoyerisher, s. bcr ausfaugrt. EMPOVERiSHMENTjs.bteSSerarmaiig, SSerarmungSurfacbe. To empower, o. a crniiidjtigcn, b?^ DoUntacbtigcii, bcrcdifigen. empress, 8. tie Jtaifcriim. EMPRISE, s. vid. Enterpp.i>e. emptier, g, tcr 3lit§leerer. emptiness... l. tic ^ccrbeit, ?ecre, 2. fig. Sttelfett, SJcidjrigfeit EMPTION, s. bafl Lauren, tcr ^auf. EMPTY, adj. 1. leer, lebtg; 2. bmtgt= rig ; 3. unfrud)tbar ; 4. eitel, ntcbttg . to' return — , (l)DH 2d)ifTci; cbite 2a« bung 'init SBallafl jurueffebren ; — handed, mil Iccrcil ^illltctt • — heart ed. betjlofl ; — space, ber (cere 9tauni ; a. t. St.ium swifdjen SDJuflfeln, 3>rii= fctt, u. f. w. To empty, v. L a. leerttt, auflleeren ; erfdpopfen; h. n. fid) auflleeren, aus= laiifett; to — into. (»on Slfiffen) fid) auS* ctcr ciiimiinben in . . . emptyings, s. pi. tcr SBobenfafe von 33icr n. f. n>. To EMPURPLE, v. a. pttrpurrot'b fmit ^itvpur; farben, mit ^Jurpur iiber= 5iebeit. To EMPUZZLE, r. a. vid. To Pizzle. EMPYREAL, ) adj. 1. bitrdj 3'cuer gc= EMPYREAN. ) Kiiitcrt tint gereiuigt; 2. empnrcifeb, btmtnlifcb, d'tberifd). EMPYREAN, s. bafl (JllUWClim, ber Scucrbimmei, 23obnu§ tcr ©eltgen. EMPYREUMA, s . tcr brcn?lid)e ©c'rud* oter ©cfdiinacf. EMPYREUMATICAL (— ic), adj. braH= tidr, bretulid). EMPYRICAL, adj. brciljlicb; fob[c:t= ftcffbalria.. EMPYROsis. s. tcr (grofje) 33r>inb, tie geuerSbrunfi, SBerbrennnng (». ii.). EMRODS, vid Hemorrhoids. EMROSE. s. bie ^lapperrprc, l Rprnrof<>. To EMULATE p. a. 1. lVCttcifcril, IMcb; eifern, nadiabnten ; gleicb ju fpimnttt fud)eit; 2. gleid) feint. emulation, s. 1. tic ■Jiadeifcrimg, bcr SDBetteifer; 2. SReib, Broietracbt. emulative, adj. tDettetfemb, juin ^tacbeifer geneigt, nacbetfentb. EMULATOR, ... tcr -?;adcifcrcr, 2JJit-- beroerber, Siebenbnbler. EMULATRESS, s. bie ^ladcifcriiin, SUfitbeaerberinn, v ?icbciibiiblcrinn. EMULGENT, adj. nuStitelfenb, aii?5te= benb ; — vessels, a. t. Slufgefafie. emulous, adj. 1. toetteifernb, nadjei= fernb, cifri-L ciferfitrbtig, cbrfiiditig ; 2. jtreitluftig; — ly, ado. mit Gtfcr, ci= ferfiicbtig n." f. ». EMULSION, 8. Med. T.tic ^>imenmi[cb, ber Jliiblrranf. EMUNCTORn3S, s. pU .?. T tie idv;i= bungflbrtifen, Srnf'n oberDeffnungen beti J?5rper8 jnr •?'..^t"onberung befl 2d)lcint5 it. f. to. EMUSCATION, s. tit ?lbmppfung (W). it.). To ENABLE, v. a. bcf,'ibia.en, fdbig, tiicbtig niacben, in ben Sfanb fc^en. enablement, s. bie SBefd^tgung, bafl SBefabtgen, gabiginacben. To enact, p. a. 1. oerfflgen, »erotb« ncn, befdilicijcn ; 2. barjtclien. ENACTMENT. ... b.lS i'crprtltcit, ®C= feierlaffen, bie SSerFfigung. ENACTOR, s. 1. ter 3?erprtner, 0efc«= gebcr; 2. ter taiitellcf, friclt. ENALLAGE 8. Oram T. tic i>cr»cdl= felting tcr £beile cincr 9iebe. 7b EN AMBUSH, >■. a. ciiicn .Oinferball ucllcn. auflauern. enamel... tcr Srbmelj, (5mail, b,tfl gcbmcljglafl, St^meljmerfj tie(51a» fur. To ENAMEL, v. a. 1. emciifiirctt, fcbmel» ENCO END ENDU sen, in Scfjmeljnm'l avbeiten ; 2. bunt marten, jteren. ENAMELER, s. bet tfntailiircr, vidjmcivivbcitcr, Scbineljtunftler. 7b ENAMOUR, b. «. uciliebt nucbeit, feffclu. ENamorad >, ». bet Sertiebte. EN AERATION, s. bic tirjabjuttg, Slue's ciuanbevfctjuitg (»». ft.). ENARTHROSIS, .4. 7'. tie Jtiiorijciifus gung. ENATE, adj. §tvau8$ttO(ltytn. To ENCAGE, v. a. ciiifpcrrcit [in cincu Jtafid) it. f. W.). To ENCAMP, v. a. if n. SiljCV fd)lagcit ; (agent, eamptten. encampment, s, 1. baS Sagetn; 2. 2ager. 7b encanker, ». a. jerfrcnctt, Berbers ben. 7'u ENCASE, >: a. einfcblieiieti. ENCAUSTIC, l.adj. cnuiilltrt, bie ©tew* malerei betteffenb ; IT. s. tie Stents malerei. To encave, v. a. oetbergeu (in cine ■Ooble u. f. to.). ENCEINTE, i. s. Mil. T. ter Umfang, SBejjitf, SBefcrfreiS; n. adj. /.. r. frbivaiiger. 7b ENCHAFE, v. a. cr()i(}eii, crbittcru, tcijeit. anfettcn, feffclu ; a. bcjaubcru, entjfis bcr ,',aut-ercv; —'a •lOCVCIltrailt (Circma To ENCHAIN, v. mfettcu. 7b ENCHANT, b. (fflt. ENCHANTER, s. nightshade, tii^ — L). ENCHANTING (ado. — ly), a,lj. bqail = betnb. ENCHANTMENT, s. bte SBejaubetUllfl, 3auberei ; bet Sauber, jaubcrifdie (iiuflup. ENCHANTRESS, s. bic 3aii(icn'nu ; baa liunMberftchlirb, = reijeiibe ujcibliche SBefen. 7b ENCHASE, e. a, 1. eittfaffeit (itt ©i?lb it. f.n>.), eingraben; 2. rait ge« tricbcuer Slrbeit Detjiereu, cmaillireu. ENCHIRIDION, a. + ba« fianbbucJS). ENCINDERED, adj. jit 'Olfrfje vtrbrartttt. 7b ENCIRCLE, ,-. „. I. uinriiigen, urns gebeu ; 2. uinfc^litigen, uinatmen. mm iiRCLE v, a. bet flciuc 3ir£el, Jtrcia, 'King. F.NCLITIC, I. 8 Oram. T. Ct'll HUu't bOfi ftinen Accent auf baa ootfjetgebenbe 28orr, ober bie vorfyergebenbe ©tylbe juruefnurft; It. o&". fade, —ally), ens flitifd). To ENCLOISTER, ». a. ill citt Jllofter fverrcit; ciiifperreu. 7b enclose, v. a. 1. eiiuchtnen, cinba= gen, umgebeii: 2. einfcbliefjen, bei= fdHieficu ; tit fid) batten, obet faffcit, auSfcblieiJCIlb bcfitJCIt ; the -letter) en- closed, ber (Siufd)Uifs, ©eifcblufj (ci= itefi ikkfi'-M. ENCLOSER, s. bet ciithagt. enclosure, s 1. bte (ginbaguna, (Sins fdjliefjung; 2. ©tillage, bet ©etfcblufj (ciuea ©riefefl) ; 3. Umfang, 33ejttJ ; ba3 eingebagte ©runbjtutf; 4. ber Baun, ^ecfeujaun, bie spianfe, baa Stacfct. To ENCOACH, v. a. (iit eitier Jliitfdic) fcbteit. 7b ENCOFFIN. o. a. citifav^eit. 7b ENCOMBER, v. a aid. To Encumber. EN 30MIAST, ». bet \.'t>bi'cbitev. ENCOMIASTIC (— .u,), I. adj. Iobprci = fenb; ii. s. bie Sobrebe, encomium, g. bie Sobtebe, 8oBf<^tift. :\< encompass, r. a. l. umgeben, itm = .-iitgcti, timftelleit, eiufebiiejjcit ; 2. umfabren. encompassment, s. bet Umfc^wetf. C3 ENi '• IRE, adv. ., (nls Seic^en bca ©eis falls; aufforccfii ; da capo vitfea, fdjvcictt. ENCOUNTER, e. i. bn« Wefedit, bet ©ttetf, 3&>eifampf; 2. baa SBegeg= iteit, Segeguift, 3ufttinmentteffen ; ;!. bie uiti'cniiuiiHTc Jlnrebe ; i. bai leb= [utftc Wi'fvrdd). 7b ENCOUNTER b. a. * n. 1. anfalfeit, angteifen; miberjteben ; ftvcitcn, Eampfen, bcftebcit, fid) Jcbfageii; 2. begegtten, jufammentteffen, ftcb trefs feu ; entgegen foramen, ciitafaeu ge= bcit. EN< ■' lUNTERER, s. bet ?lngre ifer, ®eg= iter. 7b ENCOURAGE, v. a. ermuthigen. 3)httb eiitfpvcdjcit, aitfmuttteni, er= mtinterit; beforbern, uittcvftiitjcit. ENCOURAGEMENT, s. bic (*rmutt)i= gititg, Slufinuitterung ; SefBtbttung, Uuterfiu^ung, ©mtjt. ENCOURAGING (ado. —ly), adj. OUfs ntuiitcvub. ENCOURAGER j. ber 2lufiiiuiitfrer, Untcrftuijcr, @5nner. 7b EN('RAi)i.E,( legen. To ENCREASE, <$ c, vid. To Increase, &c. 7b ENCRIMSON, o, a, bprbixtf) farben. ENCRISPED, adj. gefrauii it. 7b encroach, ». B . @ingti|f tbitn (upon, tit etroaa) eingreifen ; bic @reit= jen ubevfebreiten ; fid) ctroaa anma= | Clt ; fibetfptingen ;— upon one's kind- ness, 3emanbee ©ftte miiJbraiirben. ENCROACHINGLY, ado. anntajiciib, buvd) (init) Slttinafutitg. ENCROACH ER, j. bet ^Ultiaficr, Ufuts patov (buni) bcimlirbe iKittel). encroachment, ,v. ber (gefefcwibrk go ©ingrif, bie anmafung, @eroalt= tl)atigfcit. lb ENCRUST, B.a. vid. To Incrdst. 7b ENCUMBER, b. a l.bchaften, bc = fcbtvcreit, belaflen, belafiigen; betas ben ; iibeiiabcn, iiberfiillcn ; 2. »cr= micfetn, in SBerlegenbeit fcfeeu, uer= njirrcn, binbern ; to — one's self with debts, fid) init Srbulbcu biiabcu ; Encumbered, Oerfebulbet (befoiibera son ©runbflucfen). ENCUMBRANCE, ». 1. bic 33cf(btt)er= be, i'erh'iinracning, 8a^; baa .Oin= beruift; 2. bie aufetnem ©ute pafs tcube 5d)ulb obet •Oupethcf ; 3. baa Unnfifee, Ucbcrfliiffigc, ©efd^wetlis ri)c, I'aftigc ; Encumbrances, s. pi. ©d&ulben, bie Sdnilcculatt. e.m 'Vci.icae, aiij. int Jtrcifc beruiit gefrbtcft (W. it.). encycloivedia. ». bie SncijHopfibie, ber Vebrfreia (Snbegriff alter obet nubrerer aOiffcnfdiaften cincrln art); baa Mealnnu-tcrbud). ENCTCLOPJSDIAN.arfj i iu ^Hplv^i frb. ENCYCLOPAEDIST, i mod. bet (SnCIJs fUu>iibift; ^.Viitarbriter ait eincr C*n= ciiflopabic. ENCYSTED, adj. s. t. in cine S3fafc eingcfrbloffeil ;'— dropsy, bie 3a;f= ivaffergeffbiiMtlft ; — tumour, bic ©alggefc^wulfl, baa ©eft&roiir. END. ». 1. ba«@nbc; 2. SBeltenbe; 3. (viibdu-u, Stud ; 4. 3iel, ber @nb» JWecf, bie \'lbfi-lH: 5, aoUjc ; (i. bet ^'ob ; 7. bie EBetntcbfltng ; at an — , in (5nbe, ana ; meifirnS, ge»Bb^n= (id); to no — ucrgebcna ; there is no — of (to) it, baa gebt ins Uncui'IU ebe ; to the — that, baiuit, ^it bent (Snbe, bay ; on — , aufroarte, jn 3?erge ; liis hnir stood on — . ibnt ftan> ben tic Jpaare ju Serge ; to he ai wit's — , fid) nirbt ntebr ju ra? then vcificti ; to make an — with one fid) init cittern aergletcbeu; to mak» an — of one, cincn untbtinjen ; ii make both ends meet, prov. iflUflgabe unb C'lnnabine ivctt niacbcu, ebeu auSfommen ; and there an — , u:i-> baniitgut; and there's the — of all, erf. unb taa ift'a Snbe »om Birte; withoui — . in Sroigfeit; to run — for—, .v T. (»oin SEauwerf ganj ana bent jtloben laufen; — and aim, 3iverf uitf ^iel ; shoemaker's — , ber 'l>ed>traht. 7b END, u i. n. 1. enbigen, cin Snfc. marbeu ; 2. jerftoren , toiteu ; II. n fterbeu ; aufbbren ; fief) enbigen ( — in, with, in, inn ■ 7b ENDAMAGE, v. a. fdiatcn, bv'dw- bigen, beiiaditbcitigeu, ycrlcfecti. ENDAMAGEMENT, ». bet Sdiabeu, iBerluft, bict*iubuye. 7b ENDANGER, b. a. ^c'.ibrben, til ©ctahr bringen, beeintraditigeii, blofjftctlen, ;,ctivaa ©cfahvIidjcS) »er= urfadicu. ENDANGERMFNT, « bie @efab>. 7b ENDEAR, b. a. mertf), tt)cuer, lieb, angenebin iuad)cu. ENDEARMENT. *. bet ©rtuib }attli= rber Sitbe; bic 5lnnelMiilid)fiit, bet dUi\; bie Siebe: SBertbfcpafeuiig ; Siebfofung ; ESett^eueruiig. ENDEAVOUR, t. tc\3 ^eftrcben, bie Semiibjmg ; to do one's—, fid) be- ftrcben, tradjteit; with one's best (or utmost; — s. auf« 33efte, (ftcb,) aufa 6'ifrigfte (beiniiben . 7b ENDEAVOUR b. I. n. n'd' bcftre= ben, fid) beiitii()eit, trarbteii ; II. •. ucrfudieu. ENDEAVOURER, s. ber 5trcbrr, iliub' antoenbet. ENDECAGON, ». G. T. baaP'ilfccf. ENDEMIAL, ) adj. Med. T. cnbemiKt endemic, [ tin ei nem Sanbe) eitts ENDEMICAL, J beintifdi- endemial disease, tie Vauteafranfl>cit, SBoltts frantlu't:. , 7b endenizen, b. a baa Surgertecbt crtbcilcu, frciniadH-n, freigtbeu, cin- biitgetn. 7b ENDICT, v. Endictmbnt, s. vid. In- dict, Indicthkht. ENDING, e. 1. bas (Sitbigeit, Snbe; ber ScbluS; 2. bie (5"iibuiig ; ber SReimfcbluf. 7bENDrTE, vid. To Indite, endive, a. bie @nbi»ie, SBtgewatt. ENDLESS (a 199 ENGA ENGR ENMI bulb, vBc(\mIid)fcif, 31u veil, nadjbriitf lid), rotrr'fam, anHfraf' tig, burcggretfenb. 7'» ENERGIZE, ». I. a. fraftigen, axu fpornen ; ii. v. UaftvvU kuttfeii. energy, s. bie SBirtTamfeit, @ner= gie, .ft raft, .ftraftfitUc, bet Stactjbtud;, ©etfl, baS Acucr. to ENERVATE, v. a. cntncrrcn, fd)roa = cftcil; enervated with, cntlicryt »0tt. ENERVATE, adj. entnerut, gefcfitt&djr. enervation, s. tie (Sntnetoung, (Snts fraftnno,. To ENERVE, v. a.vid. To Enervate. to enfamish, v. a. »erhuugcrn laf* fen, auSfyungern. to ENFEEBLE, v. a. Clttfiaftcn, ffiTOfc dmi. ENFEEBLEMENT, s. bie Sjttftaftltng. enfeloned, adj. grimmig, graufam. To ENFEOFF, v. a. L. T. beiebneil. enfeoffment, s. l. t. 1. bie §Beleb> nung; 2. bcr Scfynbrt'ef. To ENFETTER, v. a. fcffcllt, ciltfeffcltt. To ENFEVER, v. a. 3kbcr ^et»Ot0tttl* gen. enfilade, s. bie 9teib>, gerabe Sinte. To ENFILADE, v. a. gcrab'c blltdjgcljeit; Mi'.. T. bet Sattge nad) &efd)ie{jen. to ENFOLD, v. a. vid. To Infold. to ENFORCE, v. a. 1. llttt JEtaft Ctlt= fdjarfcit, in Sfaroenbung bringen, gei= tenb iuad)cn ; 2. jroingen, tteiben ; bringen (auf), erjnnngen ; 3. ftar= felt; to — payment, erpflid)= tung, i5cr[Hiiblid)fcit; 2. Slnbangs lidifcit; ^artctlidifcit; 3. ^cfd)af= tigungj 4. betSeroeggtunb; 5. t>ai i§anbgemengc, ©efedjt ; ©eetteffen ; 6. bie '^crpfaltbltttg ; to enter into an — to..., fid) mit obcr ouf etivas eiulaffen. ENGAGING (adv. — ly), adj. reijettb, chute!) nteitb. To ENGARLAND, v. a. bcfranjcit. To ENGARRISON, v. n. bebedeu (bitfii) etttc Oarittfon), Befdjuften. To ENGENDER, ». I. a. i^cii^cn, erjcu; gen, briitctt, ^ersottrtngen ; n. n. beryprgebradjt wevben, cittftebcn. engenderer, s. bcr (Stjeuger, bie nnrfeitbe Urfacbe. engine, s. 1. bas SOBerfjeug, bie JKa= fd)iue; 2. gciicrfprilje; 3. fig. bcr .ftlUtftijriff; to play the — , fpritjett ; — men, geuetleute, <£pri^manttcr ; — turned work, bie mtttclft Cttter fRabniafd)iue gcbrcfjte 2lrbeit. engineer, s. 1. bcr Sngcnieur, Jtric;i4bauntcificr ; 2. SDJafci)iiicit= baiter, i)iafd)iitciiaitffef)cr. ENGINERY, s. 1. tic 9lrtiUcrie ; @e= fc^iife! unjl, .Rriegsfeuetfunjl ; 2. ba« ©cfdiiife- bie 2)iafd)iucric; 3. fig. .ftniffe, Dtanfc. To engird, o. a. tiinajirtctt, itturiitgcn. To ENGLAD, v. a. crfrciKll. England, «. @ngtanb. English, r. adj. ju ©nglanb gePrig, bafclbft eiiibeiiiitfd), cii^lifd); n. s. 1. bie englifd)c Spradje ; 2. the — , pi. bie Ohtijlauber ; an — man, ciit ©nglanbev. To ENGLISH, v. a. in baS C?iii]lifd)e iibcrfctpeit. To ENGLUT, v. a. ticrfd)ttita,cn. 7'oENGORE, v. a. biirchbohrcti. To KNGORGE, v. a. S,- n. »crfd;liligctt, Bcr^cbrcit ; praffcit. To ENGRAFF, ENGR.AJTMENT, vid. To Ingraff, &c. To ENGRAIL, v. a. H. T. cillfetbelt, (tuSjacfen. To ENGRAIN, 7-. a buiifc! farbcit. To engrapple, r. n. Ijanbgemcin aerben, fid) balgeu, fid) tangeii. 7bENGRASP, r. L a. ergretfeit, padcit. to ENGRAVE, ■/-. a. l.'eiinu'abeii, gra= turcit, ftcdicn, in .ftitpfcr ftcdjcn ; 2. fig. ticf einbritcfen. ENGRAVER, s. bcr ©taotter, StUs pfcrfu\tcr, Stciufd)ucibcr. ENGRAVEMENT, s. bie antoirtc 3lv» beit; Jtupfer(iiche, ©temabbvuefe. ENGRAVING, s. bcr .Unpfcrftid), ^oljs fd)ititt, ©teinabbrurf. To en(;rieve, v. a. roebe t^itit, bettfls ben, (ingfitgeu, qitalcit (». ii.). To ENGROSS, v. a. 1. an fid) u'eben (aiiofrblicfilid)); ciuiic()iiiett, bcfd)af= tii^cii ; fid) aitmaSen ; 2. rein fintt groficit S -Dud)ftabc:i) abfrbreiben, niiiiibireti ; to — a trade, 'flllciit()att= bel treibcit; ben .fianbcl an fid) rei= fen ; anffau'cu ; engrossed by ben .ftopf r-ell baben »on ... ; einges nommen fenn sen .... ENGROSSER, s. I. bcr Vltfetnbanblcr ; ?taff'aufer, SSotKufet ; j?ovn«uf£ans fer, ,ftoriimitd)cvcr ; 2.5direibcr nro= ftr iMidiftabcn, bcr etroaS mutibirt. ENGROSSMENT, s. bcr 9Iuff«uf, taut nuf ©peculation, baS 5luf£aufe»t; bi« ©emadjfigung. To ENGUARD, p. A. be warden, be= fd)ii§eii. to ENGULF, v. a. tn cincit 3lbgvunb flfirjeit; uetfdjltngen. To ENHANCE, v. 1. a. i. crbof)cit, »er= grbficrn ; 2. bie ^rcife bobcr tveiben, fteigevn; 3. sicrfdjliinnicrit; II. ?i thciicr tuetben. ENHANCEMENT, s. 1. btC (?r[)obltUg. SSetgtbSetuug ; 2. ©tetgerung, 5Scr= tl)citcriin^ ; 3. 33erfd)linimemng. enhancer, s. bet SJetttjeuetet j Ue= bcrbicter. To ENHARBORjO. a. bcWeblieil. To ENHARDEN, v. a. erillUtbiijeit. ENHARMONIC, adj. Mat. T. enharillO' nifd). ENIGMA s. ba§ gjatb, fel. ENIGMATIC, I odj. ENIGMATICAL (ado. — ly), ) tfttfj* felfjaft, buiifcl, jrocibcutig. enk;matist. «. ber 9idt!)fcl macbt, rat!)fclbaft fprid)t. to enigmatise, v. ti. in 3tatt)fetii fprcd)cn. To enjoin, v.a. aiibcfcf)fctt,eiitfd)art fen, aufttagen, vpifcbrcibcn. ENJOlNER, s. bcr etroaS anbeficfylt, cinfdjarft. enjoyment, s. bcr Sluftrag, SPcfcIiI. to enjoy, j). a. 1. gentefen, fid) er= freticn (ciner ©aaje), befiben ; 2. SBetgnttgen an ettvag ftnben, fid) roci= bell ail . . . ; to — one's self, fid) uer= gnna.eit; to — a woman, ciner Srau beiroobnen. ENJOYABLE, adj. flciui^bar, gcnt:^ rcid). ENJOYER, sMt ©cnieficr, SBcft^cr. ENJOYMENT, s. 1. bcr ©enuf; 2 ba5 SScrgnugett, bie ©rfreuung, 3-rcnbc. To ENKINDLE, v. a. Otl$iillbCtt ; Cllt= jiinben, ertegen, entflantmcn. To ENLARD, v.a. fctt inad)cii, fpicfeit. To ENLARGE, v. I. a. 1. ettOeitCfll, actgropern, aii^bcbncit ; oerbreiten; 2. meitlaupg erSrtctn ; 3. IoMaffen, ittS'reibcit fefcen ; freien i*a«f laffeit; .V. E-s. to — the payment of a bill, cineii SBed;fel prolongiten ; enlarged acceptance, bie bcbina,fe ^liuiabiue ; H. v. 1. grofi rocrben'; 2. lvcitlaufig fei)ii, fid) auSbteiten (upon . . ., iibcr etroa8) ; 3. iibettteibeu. ENLARGEDLY, adv fluf cni'citernbc, »ergroj5ernbe, wettlSufige SBetfe. ENLARGEMENT, s. 1. bie (Srn)ette= rung, 33ergr5Derung, 3luSbef>nnitg ; 2. aBettlciuftgfcit; 3. SoSlaffuitg ; 4. Mil. t. baS ilcbci-fdireitcn bes »orge= frbiicbcncn 9iaiintc«. ENLARGER, s. bcr (5'nvcitercr, 93cr= grofeter. ToENLIGHT. ) v. a. i. I)dle Itt(l= To ENLIGHTEN, \ dieit, erlcitd)teu ; 2. anfflarcit, bclcbrcii. ENLIGHTENED, adj. ailfgeflart ; the — , s.pi. bic Slufgellarten. ENLIGHTENER, s. ber Clleiicbtct, U. f. ro.; 2. ber SlufElater. ENLIGHTENMENT, s. bic 91ufflarung. to ENLLNK, v. a. bilibctt ; feffclit, DCt-" fctten. To enlist, v. a. amvcrben, rocrben. To ENLIVEN, » a. bclebcit, crmnntern ; erquicfen, ftarfcit. ENLIVENER, s. wat bclcbt, baS (lr: munterungSmtttel. to enmarble, v. a. jit SUcarmor ma* d)cn, ocrbartcn. To enmesh, ». o. ucrftrirf en, fangen. enmity, g. bic 5ctnbfd;.ift, 3einbfc ligfeit, SBoSljeit. ENSH ENTE EMI ENNEAGON, s. baa 9icui:cil ENNEATICA L, adj. bet, tie, baa "Jlcuutc. 7» ENNOBLE, o. a, l.atclll; 2. Bet* cbcln, cvl)cbcn, crl)ol;cn, bcriihmt macbcn. ENNOBLEMENT, s. 1. baS Sltcltt; 2. tic SBercbelung ; Stbebuna. SNNUI, j. (fcanjoftfdj) fie gangweile. ENODATlON, *. bie Sbfung ehuss Jtno = tens. ENORMITY, ». 1. bie SlbiiKicbiing (»on bcr Siegcl), Uebetmafsigffit (W. fl.) ; 2. m'f'rbculidifeit, (*rfd)rccf!id)feit ; 3. tie gtaiifame *1)af, bet ©rfiuel, greoel. ENORMOUS (adv. — lv), ad/. 1. oibwti* djenb, unrcgefinafug, rcgelwibrig [». jju) ; 2. ubcr'mafjig ; uttgebeuer, fdjrecf- licb, grafjlid), abfdiculicr), oerrud)t; — ness, s. baa Uugchcitie, bie Sd)red> lidifeir. ENOUGH, i 8. ba§ ©cniigcttbc. btcO>k= tinge; ii. adv. flcmig, biuKiinilid) ; jicmlirf) gut ; it is — , (S gcniig't ; — is as good as a feast, prov. U)cr Jlifl'te= beit ift, £ ft niit, etcr, bcv 3ufriebene bat i in mer genug. To ENQUIRE, &c , vtd. To Inquire, &c. To ENRAGE, v. a. Wfitbettb mad)cit, aufbringeu, teijen ; enraged at, in 3Butb ubet To ENRANK, v. a. in eiitc Steibe britu gen, ftclkit. To ENRAPTURE, v. a. cn^ucfcn, t)in- rcificit ; enraptured, etttjitcft. To ENRAVISH, v. a. eufjticfett. BNRAVISHMENT, s. bie (intjitcfung. To ENREGISTER, v. a. cintraa,cn, »ei's jeirt)iu-ij. To ENRHEUM, v. a. bctt Sdjnupfet! oerurfadien. To ENRICH, ». a. 1. bcrcicberu ; 2. be= fntebtcit; 3. ausfdjmucfen. ENRICHER, a. bcv bcvcirbevt, it. f. tt). ENRICHMENT, s. bie 83erei$eriing. To ENRlDGK, j>. «. furdjig lliac[)CIl, furdjen. To ENRING, v. a. untfdjiingcit, umgc= ben. 7b ENRIPEN, b. a. rcif madictt, reifeit. To enrive, v. a. fpalten, treunen. To enrobe, v.a. befieiben. To ENROLL, v.a. roerbeu, anrocrbcii, einfdjreiben ; oerjeidjnen ; to — one's self a soldier, fid) cmivcrbiti laffcit, ©olbat roerbeu. ENROLLER, «. bet Gftttfdjteiber, 33ev= 5ctd)itei-, SRegiflrutor. ENROLMENT, s. 1. baS Cnufcbrcibeit ; 2. bie i/tollc, bae SBeneidJnifJ, SStotOs foil. To ENROOT, v. a. eiitrsurjctit mackit, ticf ciugrabcu ENS, 8 bai SBefen, ©tng (to. ii.). ENSAMPLE, ». vid. Example. To ENSAMPLE, b. a. + turd) etit S8cU Unci crlautcrn, aid eiu iVIuftcr, jitni SBetfptel anfubren. To ENSANGUINE, e. a. blutig ntad)CU, ntit iMut befdimiercn. 7',. ENSCHEDULE, b. a, auffdircibcit, aufoeidjncn. To ENSCONCE, v. a. Mil. T wfdiait = jeu ; becfeit, ftcbent. To ENSEAL, o. a ciittrurfcit ; ba-5 Sie« gel aufbruaen. To ENSEAM, r. n. fatimeti, cittfattmeii; eitinabeit; eiufaeti, einbtudren; to — a hawk ia horse), Sp. E. emeu Aalteu (eiu $ferb) nus&ungern. to ENSEAR, ». a. + subrer.iteit; ein= brcmteit, oetttocfnen. ENSEMBLE, s. ci:t PKintco, i'ercini>3= te«. To ENSHLELD, v. a. bcbccfeit, bcfduv= men. Tu ENSHRLNE. v. a. ;tnf ci> t icfjctt, vcv= fcfid'epeit (n\S cin .Pieilii]tbitm) »er= toabten. ENSlFi u:.\[. adj. fdjtuevtformtg, ENSIGN, *. 1. bie Aa'Mie, Stanbarfe; 2. baa Signal, 3eid>en; :t. (5hrctt= >etd)en; 4. bet Babnrid) fbei bee 3u« fatttevie); 5. .\ - . v. tie Srtationalflag; fle ; ensign-bearer, tcr Aabitvid) ; A,ibti= iniifet; —stair, tcr glaggenftod! ENSIGNCY, b. tic gdbnridjefleUe. To ENSLAVE, v. a. junt ©ClflUen lllil: dieit. enslavement, », bie Sclaoeret. ENSLAVER, s. ter anbcre jit Sclaven madjt, Uttterttiicfev. To ENSNARE, mi. To Insnare. To ENSOBER, b. n. niifbtcru ntacbeit. To ENSUE, b. a. folgen, etfolgen. ENSUING, adj. folgeub, itacbft, fom= me ub. To ENSURE, rid. To Insure. To ENSWEEP, v. n. * burcbflicgcu. ENTABLATURE, > a Arch. T. ba« ENTABLEMENT, ) .6aupt^etalfe. ENTALL, ». L. T. 1. bie bellimmie ®ti« fol.^e in einent @utc, u. f. ro. ; 2. ber ^iiftaiit, nad) toeldjem tic ©efifcet cinca ©iitce yen einent Stben jum anterti, vcit bem (i'vblai'fcr beftimmt lint; to cut oirthe — , citterbcit. To ENTAIL, v. a. /,. T. i. tie (Sfbfolge beftintmeii ; unuewu^etlid) madben; 2. ertbeileu (uoit Jlfanfbciteii); to — on, Ueretbeil auf; entailed upon, ?u Ihcil geroorben, gugefatten, angeerbt. To entame, v. u. beja'binen, unterjo= ebeu. To ENTANGLE, o. a. yeni'icfeiti, scv= ivirvcit; in SBerlegenbett (tiirjen; burd) iHclfadie Soraen jcrftreueit ; beflitrjt niacbeu ; ocrfitnglicb fragen. entanglement, «. bie SBetwtaelung, SSetmitrung ; bee SBtrrroarr, baa @e= totvre. ENTANGLER, g. bcr SBctmitflct, U.f.VIJ. To ENTENDER, b. a. eraKieben, milbc ma die it. To ENTER, b. a. &• v. I. eiiiiV'hcn, ein= foinnteii, eintrettn, u. f. »., biitcin gebeit, Eommen, fasten, u. f. to. ; cje= ijen cin, tontmeii, tvetcit eiu, in, u. f. to. ; auftictcn; 2. einbringen, ciiifiih= ten, eiitlaffctt, jufaffen, aufnebiiien, einroeiben ; 3. cini'dncibcit, rintragen f»ie Soften in bie^anblunajbucbec), aujfubrcit, aufnotircit, auf ':Kedniniig ftellen, belaftcn, bndieii; regifTtiren, uicterfdircibei! ; 4. anfangen, oovncb= men; "). rinbtingen i j. s iV. in ten ©eift einefl ©d)tiftfleuer8)j to — £.„-„}< u the custom-house, SBaaten beint 3p11= aiutc augeben, becfatiren ; to — the lists, in tic Scbranfen treten, auf bem jtampfplafce etfebeinen; fid) eiulaffeit (in etitcit 5tieit, it. f. lb.); to — n minute, eine SRotc (9lnmerfung) ma= dien ; to — hounds, Sp. i:. •Oitnee ^iir 3agb abriditeu ; to — the army, &ttegebienfte liebmeu; @olbai wet* ben ; to — cue's appearance, /.. /'. fid) 511 S{Jrj)tofolI itebincit laffcn; to —an action aealnsi one, /.. T. etneu ^Srojefj roibet jemanb anfangen; to — a scholar, eiuett iininatrihtliren, ein= idtrcibcii; to — one's (own) name, fid) ciiifdneibcn ; to — one m lenmins, ci 11c tt tie 9lnfang8grunbe einet 2Sif= fciifdiaft lebreit; to — into, eilltreten; beitreten; einbringen, begveifen; fid; aiiitebiiieii, befaffen; to— into a league, cin S3uubut§ cincn SQergteid)) biltcn, ;u Stanbe bringen: to — into one's mind, ciiicm in ten itopf fomntcii ; to — into orders, tie SEBeibe nchiiicn, D3i8ndj rociben; .17. /■:--■. to — into partnership, iu ©efellfdjaft treten, ftdj affociiten ; to — into one's credit, ill 3cinaiibc3 ©ntbaben bringen ; i» -. into hank, til tcr ©Onf. jUfdjtCiBin : U — into bond, fid) Betfcbreiben, ci« ©dju(buetfd)tetbung auefiellen; to — into service, iu (Soutiiioit treten: she d into the pleasantry, tcr Op&% gefiel ibr; to — upon, bctrctcn ; iiber= nebmen (rin ©efdjdft), Dornebnten, anfangen; (— an estate), in SBcftj nchiiicn cut Out] ; entered appre T. bet Ai'ciiiiaiircrlcbrltn ( t. ENTERING, part in compos. — file. T. tie 33ogeIjunge cine Urt balbrunber, flHfei.tce aciIcii ; — ropes, -N". T. tic gallreeye an tcr £reype. To ENTERLACE; Esteki.ard; Estkr LINE ; EHTERLtTDI ] Kntkrm L1>IU .,. TERMINOLE ; EMTERPLEAS, Vtd. lit In TER . . .. ENTERS » r.i.E, *. s. T. ber Sarmbrud), ■^obenbtud). ENTEROLOGV, ». jt. T. bie £cbrc ron ten (Singeroeiben. ENTERl IMPHAU 8, ». S, T tcr ?UUl: Luudi. ENTEBPARLANCE, s- tie UutcrrcMiiM,. lliiterliantlnng, ba8 3 n >eigeft)rddj. ENTERPRISE, «. ba8 Uiitcviicbnicu, aDagftiiif; .1/. E-». tie (^anbel«=) Itntetnebinung, Speculation, Entet= ptife; — lor Joint account, t\ta ^Jttts ticipattonS=®efd;aft. To ENTERPRISE, v. a, uittcriicbmci:, oerfitdjen. ENTERPRISER, s. tcr Uutcritebmcr. ENTERPRISING, adj. unteriichnient. To ENTERTAIN, r. a. 1. iiiitcibaltcu 2. bcivirtbeu; 3. begen ; 4. aufneb- men; auucbmeii; 5. ergofeen. ENTERTAINER, «. bcr Uutcrhalter. fietr, '^rothcrr; ©aftgeber, 2Birtb; in-ivirthcc. ENTERTAINING [adv. — i.v), adj. Ult- tcrbaltcnb, angeneb, in . ENTERTAINMENT, ». I. tic llnterbal- tung, bae ©efprdd); 2. tic SBewir' tbung, •?lttniahme ; bet Unterbalt ; 3 tic ©afteret, bat ©aflmabl; 4. j$wi-- fdicufpici, SdjaufpieL EN rERTISSUEDsod;'. uittcriiMrft, bureb» Wirft, eiugewebt. To ENTHRALL, P. «. eidL To Ktiiru. To ENTHRILL, b. 0. tiird;triiigcn, burebbobren. 7b ENTHRONE, b a. auf ben S:broii fe|cn; niit ter JWnigSrourbe bcflci- ben. To ENTHUNDER, b. n. * touuerabnli- d)e8 ©etofe madjen. ENTHUSIASM, s. tcr PntbiiUaamua ^oebfinn, tic i$i|e, Segeifterung ; 74. t Sdjiofitmeret. ENTHUSIAST, s. tcr (fiilbufiau, ©e geifterte; t/i. t. Sebivarmer. ENTHUSIASTIC, ) ailj BNTHUSIASTICAL (ml,-. —i.\\ S ett» tbuflaflifdj, biHtfiiini,], begeiftert; Tk. T fdnuarmerifd). ENTHYMEN, s. Lv. T. baa (Mitbi-iiie- 111a, bet ©rudjfd;iu§. 75) ENTICE, v.a vcrfubrcu. ru';c:t, jum SBofen oerletten, in bie Sd;ltnge jica ben; anfSbetn; to — away, ablocren, abfpenftig madjen. ENTICEMENT, s. tie Vocfiina, ter SRei| (jum 86feit). ENTICER, .--. bet Oliiloifcr, i'cvfiihrer. ENTICING [adv. — i.v), adj. reijenb, lo» d'eut, vei'fiilMcri'Vb. ENTIRE m,. 1. ganj, ungetbeilt, »o!l» ftautia,, ooDjab/lig, complet: 2. ed)l . aufridjtig, reblid), rreu: 3. \u\c\v- fdnoadit ; — iy, mir. gdiijlid), »5lfig, aetteu, u. f. to. ; —ness. ». I. bie SSolI5 itanbigfeit, Unoctfebrtbeit, BflUej 2 aiufriajtigfeit, ;lictltd)feit. 13' EXUM ENTIRETY, ,. bad ©aitje, Me ©an$= bci;, Ungeffjeilrljeit. ENTITATIVE, ado. lvcfcittlid), fiiv fid) betra$tet. 7'j ENTITLE «. a I. bctitlcn; 2. bc= rcdituicn; entitled, berecfctigt. entity', s. T. baS ©e»n, SBefen, tic •SJcfcnbcir. \ ron. r. a. umgariten, nmfhU den, vcnviddn, umjingeln. To ENTOMB, b. a. IRS ©rab leflffl, bc= qvabctt, beerbigen. entombment, s. bas SBegrabiji, ©rab. ENTOMOLOGIST, *. bcr ©lltomologift. ENTOMOLOGY, s. tic Jfcrbtbicrfmibc, @e$ieferle$re, (Sntomologie. ENTORTILATION, *. tie jirfelformige .Uriimmuttg. entrails, s.p>. bic (Singeweibe ; fig. bag .siuieve. To ENTRAMMEL,« a. vcrrvidfelit, (auf=) fanacit; entrammeled, gefrciufclt, ver= ivicfdt. ENTRANCE, s. 1. bcr Cfintritt; 2. (Sin- gang; 3. Sugang, 3utcttt ; 4. 51uf= tritt, Slntritf, Slnfang ; 5. jv. r. bcr Jbetl am 33ug, bcr tie ece biircb= fcbucibct ; to make one's — . auftrctcii ; fviitmcit; — duty, bcr CSingangSjoU ; — money, baS SllttvittSgcIb- T.< ENTRANCE, v. a, entjurfcn, binrd= ffClt; entranced in thoughts, til ®cbait= fen »ertieft, oerfuttfen. To enTrap, d. a. fangen, vcrftricfen. To ENTREAT, 0. a. A n. 1. bitten, er= fuchcn; evbitteit; 2. + bebantcln. BNTREATIVE, adj. niitcrbanbelnb, cr= 5rternb. ENTREATY, s. bic SBtfte, baS ®cfud), bic Siirbtttc. ENTREMENTS, s. pi. has Seicffen, bic §8etfd>uffeln, 3roifd)eiigcrirbtc. To ENTRENCH, To Entrust, &c, s. oiiL iit In.... entrepot, s. baS SWagajtn, bie (.Oanpt=) Oticberlage ; tc'r (grapel* pl'afc, Sroifcfefnplafe jum IRieberlegen. To ENrRUST, vid. To Intrust. ENTRY, s. 1. bet ©ingang (in cin ,j 5. M. E. ber spojten (im i>ucbbaltcn), 9tec$nung8= artiEd ; — upon nn estate. L. T. bie Seftfenaljme cincs ®mi:bftiicfs ; m. ;:-.,-. bill of — , baS ( ? inftibrregi(tcr, (SingangSjOllverjeiit/mjj ; duties of — , berS'ingangSioll, (SinfuferjoK; double — , bie boppelie Surfj^altung ; single — , bic eiltfarbe ^iirbbaltiing; — put oft", cin auSgefefctet (im S5ucge nc-d) iticf)t ausgercorfener) Soften; upon — , nad) @ingang ; entries, 0. pi Sp. E. bi; SQSilbburcbbrurbe (Cfffniingcn) in i^ed'en um Straucbmer!. To ENTONE. r. a. ftimmcit. n entwine, v. n. vcrflcd;kn, ein= flerbtcn, vid. To Entwine To ENTWIST, o.a. iiinivinbcit, verflcd)= ten. ENUBILOUS, adj. eiltwBlft, pbnc @C= tt>5H. To ENUCLEATE a. a. nuffCircit, cr= lantern, enttvicfeln. I8fen. enucleation, s. tic ISrlauterung, 7V ENUMERATE, r. a. niifjablcn, be* rcdiiicit. ENUMERATION, g. tic ^ibhiita,, 5luf= |5bluiti], ^errecbtiung; Sfletfye. SNUMERATIVE, adj. anfta()Ullb. 132 EPIC To ENUNCIATE, o.a bcrau»fajcit, »er« tunbigeii ; auSbviicfeit, erflaten. ENUNCIATION, s. tie (irfKinttiii, 2ln-°= u\{\c SQcrfunbigung ; bcr SluSbrucf; v'Uk-fpnidi ; iQortrag. ENUNCIATTVE (adv. — ly), adj. crfKi= renb, aui°trii(flid). To envassal, c. a. jnm Sclauen ma= djctt. To ENVELOPE, o.a. 1. cimvicfclit, citt- bitlktt; 2. ffittern; 3. bebecfen, tim= Oeben; enveloped with ideas, ticf ill ©ebaufen oerfunfen. ENVELOPE, s. 1. tcr UmfrMag, bic S)ecfe, ^iillc; 2. Fort, r.tic SBerfc^an- juttg jnr 33ebe(fung cine* ©rabenS. ENVELOPEMENT, s. tic SScnvirrung, SSertoicfelung. To ENVENOM, v. a. * mit @ift vcrmi= febcit, vergiftcn ; \t 2. ycrt>agt ma= cben; 3. crbittcrn. To ENVERMEIL, v. a. rvtf) farbcit. ENVIABLE, adj. bcncitcn8murtig. envter, s. ber IRetber, ?Jcitbart. ENVIOUS {ado. — ly), adj. ttcitlfd), lilt jj= gunflig. To environ, v.a. 1. umgcbcit, ttmrin= gen ; 2. bclagcm, blocfiren, berennen ; environed by ..., Itlligcbctt, VD11, mit environs, s. pi. tic umlicgenbe 0e= genb, Uingegenb, Umgcbungen. envoy, s.'tcr ©efanbte, Slbgeorbnetc, ©eff^aftstvaget. envoyship, s. bie SBfirbe eineS ®e= fanbten ; tie ©efanbtfefcaft. To envy, b.o. neiben, beneiben. ENVY, s. tcr Steib, $aj, bie -Dlifi^unit ; out of — of (or to), cms 9leib, 11. f. to. gegen. ENWALLOWED, part. adj. +nXtI}fnb. To ENWHEEL, 0. a. umriiigcn, uinges bcit. To ENWOMB, v. a. f ctbeilccliyihi, eolopile, i 5>anH)ffiiget. epact, .«. .1st. T. bie (5'pactctt. epaulets, ) s. pi. Mil. T. bie 9!d)= EPAULETTES, ) felbaiibcr, 2lct)fel= quaflen. EPA.ULMENT, s. tort. T. bie 2fbulter= ivchr, 3Soflage. EPENTHESIS. s. Oram. T. bie C?i!lffbie= buna, chicy ©udjfiabcu in bcr 2)httc cincs SSovteS. EPHEMERA, s. 1. Med. T. baS cintSgige (Sicbcr; 2. tic O'pbciiicritc, ^'pbcnic= ri8, I5pbcmcra, ba« ^aft ceintagige 3nfeet). EPHEMERAL fEPHEMBRIc), adj. cillta= gig, cpbcntcrifd). EPHEMERIS, s. (Ephemerides, pi.), 1. taj Jtagebud) (bcf. jnr Sec); bie (Spbcineriben ; 2. Jist. t. baS 93cv= Scidi'tifi bcr taglid;cit SDciveguiigeii ber ipianeten. EPHEMERIST, s. 1. bcr 93crfaffcr cincS JagcburbS ; 2. bcr Sternbeuter. EPI1EMERON, or —worm, vid Ephe- mera. ephialtes, s. bcr 9Ify, baS s .nipbriicfcn. EPHOD, s. bcr Slctbvocf bcr jiibifdjen spriefler. epic adj. epifd), jnm .Oclbcngcbirbtc gebijrig ; — poem, ba§ •6elbcn'acbicbt. e'piced'e, I ». ba« 2cid)cngctid5t, bie epicedi "M, ) ©rabrebe, bcr ®rab= gefang. epicedi AN. adj. flaqenb, traurig; — song, ber ©rcb,; :fang. EPICENE, adj. Gram. T. epifOttifd), bci- berlci 0)cfcblcrt;tS. EPIT epicure; s. ber (Spituraei, Sinnen, menfeb, iliollitftling. EPICUREAN, 1 adj cpifurifA, grr>b-. finiilicb, ivplliiitig; U.s. ber (5pifu: racr. EPICUREANISM, s. tic Slffbanglic^fcii an bie Vcbvc bcS ©PifnruS. epicurism, s. tcr (5pihm8mu6, .{pang 5itr 2iiinlid)fcit vtcr SSoUufL To epicurize, 1: n. 1. al» @vifuraet ctcr ttjoliiiftig Icbcu, gennfifitrbtjg felon ; 2. bcr tebrc bcS (ipifurus er> geben. EPICYCLE, s. Ast. T. tcr ?icbcnfrci§ 3tebenjirfel. epicycloid, s.g.t. bic (JpicvjHvice (gemiffe frnmme ?inic). EPIDEMICAL (— ic), ojlj. Med. T. Cpit*= miut, anjtecfenb, auSgcbreitet, berr- fcbetlb ; Med. T-s. — hronchitic fever, epibemifthe SProncbitiS ; — cholera. bie Cholera, cpitemifd)c s8recr)rubr. epidermis, s. a. T. ba8 C&crf>dutd;cu its JlbrpcrS. EPIGASTRIC, adj. .1. T. belt Cbcr- frbmcrbaticb betreffenb. EP1GEE Epiqeum, s. vid. Apogee, &c. EPIGLOTTIS, .--. A. T. tcr Jleijlbccfcl, ba3 S^Pfcbcn. epigram, .^. baS S'pigramm, <5tnnge= bicbt. epigrammatical (ic). adj. epigram^ matifd), bem furjen -idiarfiiutte ci= ties Spigramms atmlicb, beiienb. epigrammatist, s. bcr ©pigrain= ni cut id) tcr. epigraph, s. bie llcbcrfcbrift ; bae ajiotto. epilepsy. «. Med. T. bic epitcpft'e, fafienbe Sucbt. EPILEPTIC, adj. Med. T. Cpilcptifd), fall f iidi tig. epilogue, 8. bie Scblujirebe. To epilogize, v. I. n. einen Epilog fprecbett; II. a. bii^ufii^cn (am ©cftluffe). epiphany, s. ba« Scfi bcr (5rfcb,ci= nung Cibriilt. EPIPHONEMA .«• Rh. T. bcr rcbnciifd)c 9lu8ruf, 2cbtit6gcbatife. epiphora, *. Med. t. bafi SRinnen tcr Slugeii, bie SJugeneiitjiinbung. epiphysis, s. s. r. ber 3ufaminen- lvucbs, 2linvudi» bcr Jinocben. epiplocele, .9. .s. 7". bcr iJlefebrud). EPIPLOIC adj. .1. T. JU tCllt "JiC^C till SJeibe gebortg. epiploon, a. a. t baS ?Jc^ im ?cibe. EPISCOPACY, s. tic sBifd;ofga)urbc ; bifcbiiflicbc SSerfaffimg. EPISCOPAL (ado. — ly), nrf/'.biffbijflid). episcopalian, i. s. ber anbfinger bet bifcbi ; flid)cn birdie, SBifdofficbges fiuitte; 11. adj. jn bcr bifdibf! id/en .Kivrbc geborig, bifeboflid) gcfinnt. EPISCOPATE, s. \>aS 33Utf)um ; bie bi= fcboflicbe SBiirte. episcopy, s. bic 5lnfftd)t, Unterfu: cbung. episode s- bie (Jpifobe, SBeBcnge= fcbidile, 9icbcnfadn-, ^uMfdH-itbanb-- lung, ber 3>vifd)engefang, ta« 3'vi= febenfpiel, bic 3ivi|\tcnvrritolIiiiig. EPISODICAL (— ic), adj. epifobifeb, ein= gcivebt, cingcflcd)tcii, ncbciiber. EPisPASTic .1. Med. t. baS 331afen jic benbe SWittel. epist ee, s. tic (gpiflcl ; baS Senb: febreiben, ©djreiben, tcr ©rief. epistolary, adj. cpifhMarifcb, brief- lid), in SSriefform ; — correspond ence. tcr SBrtefrVfCbfef ; — style, bet Sriefjtyt. To EPISTOLIZE, r.n. SBvitfc febreiben. EPISTYLE, s aid Architrave, epitaph, a. bie ©rabfebrift. EQUI ERAD ERRA Epithai .\Minr, ? .*. b»s .<5orbteifa,e-- EPILHALAMY, $ bicbt, ber ^od)= jeitgcfang, bad Srautlieb. EPITHEM, s. JlfeA T. bcr naffe Unt* fcftlaii, bie Sabnng. epithet, s. /«. T. bad ©eiroorf, bcr SBctname; !>«/«-. fur 2'itel, Sludbrucf. 7"o EPITHET, p. a. bctitcln, before ibctt. 2PITOME, Epitomy, s. bcr furte Sllld* jug, 3»befl"ff- r<> epitu.mi7.iv b. a. in ciiicit 5lu8jug briinicit ; aofurjett. EPITOMIST, i a. bev SSevfaffer eincS EPITOMIZER, jj Sltidtugd, (5ompcn= bienfebreiber. EPOCH, s. bic Spodje, Beiifdjcibc, bcr (metnourbige) 3eitabfdiitttt. eppde, a. Mis. r. bic gpobe. epopee, s. bie (fpovoc, SRcbe tin f)5= bent (Sinne, bad.£>elbengebid;t. epos, s. bad qpelbeugebicbt. Epsom salts, a. il. EPULOTIC, ». pi. Jtferf. T. SatOCU Jtc= benbe 3Rittel. equability, s. bic @ieid)formtgfcit, bet ©leidjmutf). EQUABLE [adv. — bly), «.//'. glcid)= formtg. EQUAL (flrfo. — ly), adj. l.gteid); 2. gleidjformtg, m&altttifimafiig ; 3. augemcffeit, gonad; A. fafn'g, tin Stanbc; 5. niipartciifd; ; 6. gicicb= gttUig; ?. btlltfl; are yon — to it? bift bu ber ©adje gewadjfett? n ». bie ant Sang ober alter glei'ebe $«* foil ; my equals, meilted ©Icichctt. r./ EQUAL, v. a. 1. glcicb madictt; gleid) fteUen ; 2. gletcben, gleid) font* men, iibcrcin fomincn; 3. »oUfom= men oergelteu. EQUALTTY, a. bic ©Icidjbcit, ©Ieicr)= fSrmigfeit. To EQUALIZE, b. a. gicid) nnidjeu ; gleid) ftcdcti. EQUALNESS,*. bit ©fcicrjlieit. EQUANGULAB, adj. aid Equiangular, equanimity, «. bcr ©Icidimntt). EQUANIMOUS, aAj. glcicbntiithig. EQUATION, 5. JUg. T. bie ©Icicblltig ; — of payments, M. E. bcr ntittlcre 3abliingdtcrmiit. EQUATOR, .*. .1st. t. bcr 5leqimtor, ©icidicr* bie Siitic. EQUATi iRIAL, adj.Ast. T. jam 3lequa= tor geljSrig. EQI ERRY,s. 1. bcr 2JlarftaIl; 2. bcr Stallinetfter. EQUEBTRIAN. adj. 1. rcticnb, in %hv-- be ; 2. ritterlidi ; —exercises, Setts iibUltgeil ; — performer, bcr .Mllllftvci- tcr ; —statue, eiuc 3u'ttcr=3tatne. EQUIANGULAR, adj. glcidnvinfcliq. EQUIBALANCE, ». bii« ©Ictdiqcivuit. To EQUIBALANCE, v.a. tnd ©leidjge- voidjt (mit etivad) briitgcn. EQUICRURAL, adj. O. T. glcid)fd)cn= fclig. EQUIDISTANCE,* bic glcicftc (Suffers niut(t. EQUIDISTANT, adj. gletffi roet't ct;t= fentt; — ly, adv. in glcid)cr (5'ntfcr= nung. BQUIFOBMITY, 5. bie ©Iftifotmtas Hit. EQUILATERAL, adj. O. T. gl«tc|fetttg. To EQUILIBRATE, n. a. ini (M|cidnic= >vtd)t fcljcn, tin ©[cidigcaMd)tc cr= baltcit. EQUILIBRATK IN, s.baSOilcifb.iovidit. EttUILIBRIOUS (ado. — ly), adj. tin ®[etdigenufbte. EQUuaiiRisr, ». bcr Sam'ltBtifl. EQIIlLrBRlTY, > s ,. (B ( „;x ,,„,; j,* equilibrium; $"'*** ©Mfletot^t EQUIMULTD?LE, adj. G. T. mit cincr-- Ict 3'if^c'i miittiplicirt. equine, adj |)ferbeartig. equini:cessarv,«.//. fllcid; iiot(nvcu= big. EQUINOCTIAL, I. a. .it t. bic Slcqut* uocttaQiiite, bcr ^equator; 11. (adv. — ly), adj. jur JCag= nub .UadUijIcidjc get)5ri'g ; uiitcr bcr Sinic. equinox, s. Ast. t. bad 2leqtitnocttum, bie !Cags nub 'Jtaditqlctcbe. v.. EQUIP, b. a 1. cincu Sitter, v. f. w. auSftafftren, fleiben ; 2. atiSriiftcn, bemannen, (cut .Jtrtegsfrfjiff 1 au8rfi= ftcit, equtpiren; citt Jt a u ff a In t c i f cf> t jf «uSrf)ebcu. EQUIPAGE, ». 1. bic Squt^age; "Jill'?: ruftung (cincs Sdjiffeg, cuter fjlotte, u. f. iv. 1 : bic SBemamtung, famintlU die Sd)iff*mannfd)aft ; bic :Uhcbcrci (@qui|)irung) eincSJtaufa^rerd ; bad oeer«, 5elb« obet ^riegSgerdtb, bie Srmatur, baS Seifegeratt), Seifeges \>vidif. TbEQUBPOISE, v.a. ins (Slcidignvirfjt brinqcn. EQUIPOLLENCE (— cy) a. bic 0icid)= bcit bcr Jftaft cber 3Jlad)t, EQUIPOLLENT, adj. fllcidigcltcnb, gleidimaccttq, flfcid). EQU1PONDERANCE, », bic gleid)e Scbivcrc, bad ©letdjgcroicDt. EQUIPONDERANT, adj. glcid) fdnvcr. To EQUIPONDERATE, v.n. .jlcicl) mic= gen. EQUBPONDEROUS fEQUipoNDiot fllcid) fdiivcr, im ©leidjgeroidjt. EQUITABLE [adv —vt),adj. 1. billiq ; 2. uupartcilid), gercrbt, gered)figfettd= licbcnb; — ness, ». l. bie S3iUtgfeit ; 2. Unpartcilidjfcit. EQUITATION, t. iai Seiten, bic Mete fiuift. EQUITY. « i. bic SMIIigreii; 2. ©c= rccbtijifcir. UuiMrtctlidifcit; court of—, bad ©eri$t bed ?orbfan»Ierd. EQUIVALENCE, ... bcr gleidic i'ocrtb, bic gletdje iWidii. EQUIVALENT adv. —ly), I. adj Sqilis salent, von gleidjem S5Jertf)e, gletdjer 3JJad)t, qlcidn-m ©etvic^te, gteicjjer aiJciiniii|t ; to be — to .... gletd; gel= ten (fe^n) mit — aufrviegen; 11 * bad aequtualent, bcr ©egenroertr), bic 93ergiitung, bcr (frf«r,-. EQurvoCAL, adj jweibeutig, bowels jtnuig; jtoctfef&aft ; —ness. *. bic Bwetbeuttgteit, bcr roppclfiiut. To EQUIVOCATE, v.n tivcibcutig »", bevvclftiiiiiq fprcdicn cber banbdit. EQUIVOCATION, a. bic rjroeit cntigfcif, bcr ©o^pelftnn, bic SOBortfpteTerei. EQUTVOCATOR, ... bcr iivcibcuti.j tvridn, 2Id)feltrSger, Sedjtdoerbreber. EQUIVOKE, > ». bet ©oppelftnn, bie EQUrvoQUEiS 8»«beutigfeit, bad SBottfriel. era, s, bic 3ei(red)nung. n eradi vit., b. n. Stra^Icn ivcrfctt. eradiation, «.bte@rrablenn>erfiing. n eradicate p. a. entrourjclti, aud= rotten, uertilgen. ERADICATION, *. bie Cnhvtrjtlung, Sludrottung. ER MUTATIVE, I. anj. «US bCin^TIlllbC betlenb ; 11. a. tas Sabiralmitttl. ERADICATOR, s.bcr(5ittrourjl:r, 2lud-> rotter. To ERASE, r.n. \. audfratcn, aiidra= bircn, audfrreid^en, audlSfdjen; 2. vcniiducit, eertiigen (— from, and , jerftSren; to be erased, erlofdjenj erasing knife, bad Sabtrmeffer. erasement, ». 1. bic 2ludftreid)unfl ; 2. ©erttlgung, 3' r P5™ng, Set* heerung. ERASION, Erabum, ... bic ffludflrt-i* d)ung ; bad Sludrabiren. ERE, adv. & prm. chc, el'er, bevor, vor (bet 9ftt nadi), chcr aid ; — tit furjein, bale ; —now, »ot biefent, ebebent, e|emald ; — while, sot ciut = get 3ett, vor Furjem. To ERECT, d I. a. I. aiifrid'tcn ; 2. cr- ridjtcu ; antfiilircit, bauen ; :i. a,ri'tn= ben, begriinben; -i. trpebui; 5. cr= nuitbiiieit ; to — n perpendicular, cine SPerpenbiftilfirliitic ;ichcn ; to- self into..., fid) anfivcrfcii |U... aid . . .) ; II n. ftdj aufricbtcn, i"icb crhebcu. ERECT, adi aufrcdit, getabe, feft, 1111= crfduitfcriid\ mutr>ig. ERECTION, a. 1. bie 3Utfrid)tung ; 2. ©rridjtung ; 3. ©runbung, ©egrun« bnitii, Slupbrungj 4. ber95au, bad ©ebdube ; 5. bic ^rbebung. ERECTrVE, adj. crticbcnb. trb.iucub. i:ki:te iuittttfdilitf:. ERIACH,*. (irlaitbifd))cine@elb{trafe. kki.v. », * 3rlanb. ERINGO, ». vid. Erthoo. ERISTICAL —1. •). adj. ftrcititj. ERMEIJN, «. Bid Ermine, ermine »• bad qpermelin. ERMINED, adj. mit qpetmelin bcfleibel obcr gefuttett. ernest, ». ("'nift SWanndnamt . To ERODE, v. a. icrfrctTcn, lvdifrciTcn. eri isk i\, .,. bad SBegfreffen, bet 5ta§. EROTICAL (Erotic), adj vcrlicbt, wots litftig. To err, 7-. „. 1. netumirreit, n>an= betn ; 2. irrcit, ftrii incn ; ftdj m= irrcn ; alnvcicbcn (— rrom. uon). BRRABLENESS, ff. bic ,\ch!l',-.rrnt. ERRAND, », fan bic SBotfcbflft, bcr Sluftrag, bad Sliioringeit, ©erwrbe, tcr ©efdietb ; 10 run errands, ^otfcbaf= ten andriditcii ; to 20 upon .m — , cine ©otfdjaft aitdriditen ; I shall r|o your — to your master, id) rocifc bid) bet tcincnt ipertn verllagen ; — t>oy. bcr 2aufburfdjc ; —go* r, »ec ©ote. ' ERRANT, adj 1. 'hcnmi irrenb, tean= bcrnb ; 2. lirbcrlicb, oetborbeu, fd)lcd'f, org, bofe, offcnBat, cr^; nj. Arrant; — knighu tcr ^Ibciitcucrc.-. irrenbe jiittcr; —star, bcr 2i>ar.bcl= ftcm. ERR WTKV. a bad .^eriunirrcn, S8an= betn, bic ^rrfabrt. ERRATA, ». firf. DOU Erratum), o4i Trncffeblcr 'iH-ru'tcbnifi cince djed , bic Strata. ERRATIC. I, adj. bcruiit irrenb; nn> gletd), iinorbciitlid', rc.jello?, il\v.'.= ]X> ESCO fcclbar : —ally, adv. in ber 3rrc, un= prbcutltcft. _ , BERHINE, ». Med. T. baS e<$nnpfimt= tel, SRieSmittel. ERRONEOUS adv. — Mr), nrf/\ tftetlb, irriq. uutidjtifl, f.ilut, nuplcitet; — ne>s. s. bet Srrtyum, bie Uurid;= error, .-•. l. bet Swtbum, ge&fet; baS SSetfefcen (tin 9icdmcn obet Scbteibtn); 2. /.. r. bcr ^crttofi im gericbtlicbeit "JJcrfabrcn ; court of — , bafl ^petfotioitSgeridjt, bet SHppel* larionSllof; — of the dead reckoning, .a: r. bie aRifgifitng ; errors eicept- ■ i, m. E. Jtrtbum oorbebalten. erse, s bie etfifdje 2Jiunbart ; 3JJanb= avt ber alien ecltifeben Sptad)e. ERST, ado. + & * erft, jueift ; cinft ; bisber. ERl'BESCEXCE, s. bie ©cfcamrotye, ba£ Sttot&en. ERUBESCENT, a# rotblicb ; crrc= ibeub. To ERUCT, Eructate, r. a. aufffofjen, tiiipfen(n>. it.). ERUCTATION, s. ba8 Sluffiofjen, mdg. ber SRittyS ; fluebrucb, SliiSftoji, ?lu5= nwtf. ERUDITE, nd/. getebrt. ERUDITION, s. bic G>>elcbri"anifctf. eruginous, adj. griinroftig, Eupfetig. ERUFnoN, s. 1. ber Shisbtud), vHus= fall ; '2. Med. T. bcr JtoSfcfclag. eruptive, adj. ausbtecbenb. eryngo, s. bie 2Jtann§treu, 9iofciu Dbtt 33rad)biPeI [Erynghtm — /J. ERYSB?ELAS,s. Med'T. bcr SRot^Iouf, bic Sftofe. BSAIAS, g. Sfatafl ;2Jiann$ttiime). LLADE, s. MU. t. bie Qhffietgung mir Stutmlettetn. To escalade, v. a. mit Sturmleifetn crfteigen. ESCALOP,*. 1. bie Jlammmufcbcl; 2. t er gejahttte Sttanb. escapade, .?. Sp. e. bev falfdje Sptung ciues SfJferbeS. y. escape, r. a. <• n. ettttinnew, ent- reifebett, entiaufcn, bason [anfen, ent= geben, cr.tEommcn, entfcbliipfen, fid) fku-fuig maebtti, auetteten ; ntrmew ben; tinigcbcii ; to — notice, iiber= fehen roerben. ESCAPE, «. 1. bie (Fiitroifcbuiig, 5lud>t; '2. ber £urcbbvud) ; 3. bie 'illlvflltdbt ; to make (one's or) an — , fid) aus bem ©taube macben: — ladder, bie Oiettungslciter (bei geu= etSbtunften). lPEMENT. b. T. bie .Scmmung, baS Stofjroetf in finer llbr . ESCARG ATOLRE, 8. eht Dtt n)0 ©dines den untctbaltcn roetben, ber -scbuc= rfenberg. To ESCARP, r. a. Mil T. abfdjflfiig macben, abftedjen, bofdjen. ESCHALOT, .«. bie ©cbalottc. eschar, s.Med. t. ber ©rinb, ©d)orf, bie firufte. ESCHAROTIC, I. « tidjt); 2 jebe dntfduitbiguug, 3lu3-- fldu. BSS0INER,3. L. t. bcr roegcu ?ltd)t^ etfebeinen oot ©erid)t fid) genngrui entfd)ulbigt. y„ ESSi ax, o. a. /.. r. gtunbtirb ent= fcbulbigcn (reegcu be5 ^licb;tcrfd;ct= nen3 OOt ©criiijt). 7b ESTABLISH, d. a. 1. fell fcfeen, griinben, ftiften, erricbteu, einft^en ; 2. befeftigen, beftdtigen; oerorbnes; 3 anlegen, anfiebeln; to — one's self neb wiMMibaft nieberlaffen, fid) frfeen, etabliten ; fidj cinrirbtcn ; the estab- lished church, bie anglicanifcbe J?ir- At( ; a house of established credit, M E ein gutci, folibeS ,§au3. ESTABLISHER, s. bei' Stifter, ©riiiu ber, SBetotbner. ESTABLISHMENT, s. 1 . bic AeiKefcung, ©runbung, Stiftung, ©infetjung, <&x* ridjtung, Snlage, Sltebetlaffung, ?tn= ftebeiung; ba8 ©tabliffement; 2. bie v 2Inftalt,'N'J3nftitut; 3. bic Sefta* tigung, ©enebmbalrung, SRatiftcas (ton; 4. ber ^ans^alt; 5. bas (5"in= fonimen. ESTAFET. .'. bic fjflaffctte, Staffette, bet reitenbe 33ete. ESTATE .'. 1. ber 3uiranb: 2. md. Stat« : 3. ba§ Sermogen ; 4.@tunba ftiicf, ®ut, Sanb, bcr ganbftft; 5. Stanb, JRang; man"s — . bai mfinn= lid)e SUter ; —noble, ba§ JKittergut ; — of a bankrupt, biei'tvlfft eillC6 %ah litCll ; estates of the realm, bie ;ReicH= ftanbe, (.Rouig, Sorbs uub ©emeinen). To ESTEEM, v. a. 1. fcb^eit, arbtCH, bodjfebafren ; 2. SBertb auf eJwafl le^ grit ; 3. meincn, bnfiirbalten, benferu ESTEEM, s. bic 2ld)tuug, ^OcbfdjO: feting. ESTEE.MAr.LE adj. fcbSfebet. ESTEEMER, s. ber edpii^cr, .gtorb' febii^eubc. ESTERLING, s. &■ adj. rid. Sterling & Starring. ESTIMABLE, I. adj. fcbafelat ; II. — s, 8. pi. febiifebarc Singe. ESTIMABUNESS, s. bic 5d\ii}hirfetr. Tb ESTIMATE, o. a. febafcen, unirbij gcit. bciirtbciicu, tan'ren, betedjnen, anfd)lagen, ubetfd)logen, 'jeranfcbla^ gcit V— at. auf ESTIMATE,s. 1. bie Schilling, SBflr= bigung; ccr Ueberfrfjlag, bic tinge* fabre (rber ^oftcn=) sBetccbnttiig, sSeranfd)laguttg, ber (,jeran= berlid); — flowers, @teinblumen, Stubrfraiir, SBiefenrooUen; n. the Eternal, s. bet IS'tuige, Uneublirbe. ETERNAUST, ». bcr bic Swigfeit bcr 2Beft auucbmcubc ^hilofopb. ERN VLIZE, I r. a. I. oftiic (Fttbc 7b eternize, d fortbauern laffen, uiiauf$5rlid) fortfctjcu, in bic Sange jtcben, ewig macpeu; 2. auf imnter bcriihutt inarben, oereroigen. eternity, 9 bie (groigfe'tt. ETESIAN. .."//. tid) auf bic Saljreltoinbe bejiebenb; —winds,* pi bie3abreS= toinbe, ^affatminbe, fufjlenbe SHJinbe bic in ben .punbSfagen 4i) JCage fang roefcen, (oorjuglid) in ©gluten), bic SDlonfoonS. ethelbert, ». Sfoelbert (2Kann«na= mc). ETHER ».bet Setter, bie£immel8tuft. ETHEREAL, \adj. fitberifcb, bimm= ETHEREOUS,J lifd), better. ETHIC, ? «,//. ntpralifcft, ETHICAL (ado. — i.y\ S fttfltC^ ; ethics, .<. /)/. bic 3J?otaI, ©ittenle&re. ETIHOP, «. bcr 'Oletbiopier, ?JJobr. ETHIOPIA, s. 2letb>picu, DJlor)rctt= laub. ETHNIC ?I. adj. Ijribntfd) ; II. eth- ETHNICAL, i nic, s. bcr .jjetbe. ETHNICISM, .9. ba$ .<3cibenthiim. ETHOLOGICAL, adj. in era lifd), ftttficb. ETHOLOGIST, a. ber Stttcnlebrer. ethology, s. Rk. r. bic ©ittenleBre (4(8 "Jlbbanblung). ETIOLOGY, ». v. bic Retire Pen bcu Urfad)en etnefl SDingeS ; Med. r. Sefjre yen ben Urfacben bcr Jbanf* bcitcit. ETIQUETTE, t. bic Ctiqucttc, §of|tt= te, Umganggjitte. etji, etwee, s.U8 Befiecl, £afd)tn= Defied 1 , Juttcral. ETYMOLOGICAL [adv. — ly), adj. ctij>= mologiftt). etymologist, ». ber SBortforfdw. 7b etymologize, p. n etymologic ten, ciit SBort oon feinem Utfptunge hcrlciicu, ableiten. etymology, ». bic ©tijmologie, W>* [ettitug, 3BovtfoiTr&ung. Etymon, s . ba8 Sfammwort. EUCHARIST, s. 1. ba« bciligc \!lbciib= mal)I; 2. bic Sanffagnng. EUCHARISTICAL f— ic), adj. I. jlim bfiliacu Slbeiibma^fefleprtg; 2. einc Santfagung enttjctltenb. WJCHOLOGY, t. bic .Uirobcitajcubc. EUCRASY, s. Med. T. bic gcfiinbc Seis bcebcfcbarTciibcit. EUDIOMETER, «. T. S>cr ftjffgntes (Sufttetn^eitts) 3JJeffer. BUGH, t. rid. Yew. EULOGIC, ) EULOGICAL, \ adi. lobptcifcnb. EULOGISTIC, ) EULOGIST, *. be: (iibcrtrcibcnbc) Sob= rebner. EULOGIUM,)*. has 8oB, bcr $rct8, eulogy, i bic Sobrebe, bcr 8ob= fprurf). v» eulogize, ». a. rnoii. loben, prcifen, crbcbcit. EUNUCH, », bcr iscrutuittcuc, Sfljltot, i^amttng, Untinannte. v . EUNUCHATE, b. «. ciitniaiuicii, ca= ftrircn. eupathy, .«. bic ©ebulb tin Seiben. EUPATORY, *■. bcr iBaffcrbcft. eupepsy.s bie gute obet lcidnc S3et« bauung. eupeptic, adj. Icirfit jn oetbauen. EUPHEMISM, .«. bcr gutc 3lome; RA, r. bic "•I'crtanfdmna, ciucl fcbicriitcnt, ntcbri;]crcn obet b.ivtorcn 3Bottt8 mil einent bcffcrcn, ebleren, gelinberen, milbcrcit. EUPHONICAL, adj. irobllautcnb. EUPHONY, 6-. bcr Scbllaut, 23o^h tlan.j. EUPHORBIUM, t. i. bic 3Bolf8inil($ ; 2. ciit Scblcinibarj (ouS SlfrtCa), t>n$ (Suphorbiciigumiui. EUPHRASY, s. bcr 2lngcntroft (cine SJJffanje). euphuism, s. bie \w gitfaocrt's 3ci= ten bci-rfrbcubc ©ejiertijett in «prad.;c 11 lib ©tl)I. Europe! «. Pnropa. EUROPEAN, I. adj. euro^oifcj] II. s. bcr Surooaer. EUROCLYDON, ». bcr beftige 5JcOtbOJl= njiub (tut niittcllditbifci)cii JWeere). EURUS, e. bcr Cftuunb. EURYTHMY,*. m, 7'. ba J rid)tiaci!cr= baltiiif;, bcr 3QBo6lHang. eusebius, 8. Eufebtu8(aKannen«me . eustace, ».@ujiaftu8 (JWannSname). EUSTYLE, a. Arch. T. ber frbbuc «ti)l. EUTHANASY,*, bcr fauftc %i>b. EUXTNE, ... ba8 fd)ivar;e HJccr. EVACUANT, i. adj. anSIeetenb, abfiib= rcnb ; II. — s, 6-. pL abfitbrciibe SKit* tel. 7b EVACUATE, v. a. 1. flUSleereil, ««8= raumen, weafeoafeit: raumcit; fott= jiebcit; aurbebcu; 2. oerlaffen; 3, s. r. j:ir abet laffen, ©Iut laffeu; -i. Med. T. abfiibrcu. evacuation, ». bic Slusleeriing, a6» fiibruiu] ; aiSumung ; Suf^ebung. EVACUATIVE, adj. Med. T. Mutrciiit; genb, abfiibrcnb. 7b EVADE, v. a. * n. i. cufroifdjcit, ciitfommcu, entge^en; Ujlig umge= (Kit, aiiumeidicii; 2. @op$t|iereten ainiH-ubcu; to — the customs, bie 3oUe ltntfabrctt ober umgeoen. EVAGATION, s. ba« .g)crumfct)ivcif:n, SluSfdjnjeifeit. EVANESCENCE, s ba8 Sdimiitbcit, Sabiuidnviubcn, SQerfr^winben. EVANESCENT, adj. ftytoillbenb ; UK* nicrflid). EVANGELIC EVANGEUCAL (ad\ evangelism,* bie SBevfitnbigung b>8 (su(titgeltum8, EVANGELIST.s ber @0«itgeIift, »J)Os pel, ^etbenbefeijter. 7b evangelize, v. a.ba8 Soangcltunt Icbrcu. EVANH), adj.mttt, fdiivad', bergan«= ltd). To EVANISH, b. n, vid. To X'.vmsh. ) adj e»an= iv — ly), S geltfrp. EVAPORABLE, adj. tuaS Icirbt cerbttit: fiet. /'< EVAPORATE, c I. r. rerbuiiuci auSbuufteit, vcibanu'feii. oetraudpen II. a. 1. vcrtunftcii laffen, abbtinfteii abbampfenj 2. fig. au8ioffen, I Vu't ntarben; to — one's gnet", fciucir, Sdjinerje 8nft madjen. EVAPORATE, adj. scrbantpft, oexbfilV (let. E\ VPORATION, 8. bie 23crbuuftu:i,i , Slbbiinftung, Serbantpfung. EVASION, a. tie Entwifdjtutg ; ?lu?=, @nrfd)ulbtgung j bet Bor* luanb, bic So^iptrei. EVASIVE, adj. Vluv-Iiuttc anivetibeitb, oollct '.'lu-:flud)tc, auSrocirbenb, toin= tel^ihjig; — iv, adv. burd) 2lu«pud)te, liptg. EVE,». I. goa: 2. bcr 3lbenb; 3. Wu iige Jlbenb, Sloenb rcr cittern jjefte ; a the — , uabe barau, im Be* gtiffe. ;.\ i CnON, x. 1. bic 21:ior:;bv ; 2. (in abreebnen, abfommen ; to part — hands, ju gleis rbeu Ihcilcit genen ; to make —at the year's end, (aiil (i'lUC bed .\abrc3 "ilU ItS) rem aiifadicn laffeu ; to pi — or odd, gerabe obet ungerabe (pies lett; on — terms, in guteitt i«erneb= men ; quilt ; to mnke — with one's creditors, peine 5d)ulben bejablen ; — hand, bie (D(eid;bcit bed 3tanbc8; — handed, unpartcii'd; ; upon an — keel .v. 7*. gleieblttjifg ; — money, ei* lie riutbe Sliinnte; — number, eine gerabe ; J )abl; — page, Typ. r. bie ae- rate Solumme (als 2, 4, it. f. n\ ■.— tempered, gleid)mut(igj H. adv. ebcn, gerabe, audi, nnr, gfetcbfalle, ebcr.-- faH8 ; gar, fo gar, i"clbft [a and; ; — as, glcioj toie, tote, ebcn, nlS; —as if, {[{* u'cnn ; — on. gerabe fort; — down, gerabe fcinuntcr; not — , nicbt ciunial; — now. ebon [efet: — so, ebcn fo, gerabe fo, ganj recbt, ricb= tig ; — that . . . , gefctjt ti\> ... ; — uibft roenn. 7b EVEN, v. c. (b(\\, gleid) macben ; au8gleid)en. EVENER, ." ber ©Icirbmadjer, 3iu8« gleidiev, SBerfJt)ncr, i^ittlcr. EVENING, I. 8. bcr 5lbeub; I! abenblidj, bJmmcrnb ; — prayers, ber v Jlbenbfcgni ; — star, ber Vlbenbitent ; — time ( — tide), bie 2lbenbjctt, bcr geierabettb. EVENLY, oAv ebcn, gerabe, lvageredjt, glatr, gleid'. EVENNESS, a. 1. bic ( s "bcnc, OVrab= beir, (Mlciebbcir, SRegelmafctgfeit; 2. OMattc; 3. UnparteilicbWf; temper, bic ©emutbdrttbe, bcr OHeidi= mutb, bie @)(eid)mutbigrcir. v.\ en r, 8. I. bie 83egebcn^eit,tet SBor» fall : 2. <£>ergang, 3lu8gang, Srfolg ; bie Bo.Ig« ; • ifaUegfiuey itubebingt 7b EVENTERATE, r. a. auStoeUttl, aitfiicbmcn. eventful, adj. »ofl Begeoen^Hten, vei* <\n ©fitef8ueranberungen, e»eig= nif'.uMl, abentenerlid). 7b EVENTILATE, d. a. aU8fd)tofatgrtt J3j EVIL iiditeit; fig. unterfudjeH, erortem, orufen. SVENTILATION, s. tic »U8fd}n)in= ouug; fig. Srortemna. B\ entual, i adj. ouf b»n mogltcpen goU eingerirbter, miiglicb, ehsaig, et* roaitig, iituilimafiliit ; U. — ly, «fo.auf ten gall j mtt tcr 3eir, am 2fcilteid)C, tcr 2d)arlad)bccvbannt ; — honoured, ftcto gechrt ; an — honoured name, cut Ullftcrblicbcr iJlailte; — memorable, unuergejUicb, ; — ready, immcr fertig ; — watchful, ftcts roctdjfam. EVERARD,s. (5'berbart (2Jlann$name). EVERLASTING, I. [ado. — ly), adj. ilU= mcnoafjrenb, enrig; U.s. l.bie ®et»abr§mnnn ; 3. tic SoeweiSurrunbe j to bear — ,3"')}= nifj ablegen. To EVIDENCE, v. a. tv.ucifcit, bcibrirt= gen. BVIDENT {.adv. — ly), adj. angenfcbein= lid), tit tic Slugen fallenb (fyringenb), fid) t bar, offenbar, flar, fonnenftac, ltuftreittg. x - [DENTIAL, adj. bcwcifcnt, nber$en= genb.,, r. adj. <<;• a&v.ubtl, bfife, fcblimm,, vertcrbt, febatlid); 6eleibt= gent ; — affected, abfyolb, abgcnetgt ; — disposed, vid. — minded, — doer (— worker), tcr llcbcltbdtcr, @dja= tcuitiftcr; — eye, baS Sdjelattge; bcr Jauberbltrf; —eyed, 6o8b,aft Mi= cfent, ntiilgiiuftig ; — favoured, oon fiblet ©eitdjrsbtlbung, nttggefiaUet; ungunfltg; — minded, ubelge|tnnt, bo6b.aft, gottloS: the— one (— spirit, — angel), tCV b5fe rtciltt, ©Bfc, %n\- ffl; — speaking, vcilcunttcrifdi ; tie SSerleuntbung ; n. s . 1. ba« llebel, 536fe: 2. bte ©ottloftgfetr, Sitnbe; bat SBerbred)en; 3. Unglitcf, Klenb. MeJttubfal; 4 Rranttettj thespirit 136 EXAL of — , tcr b5fe getnb, ieufel ; the king's — . tccUrovf- EVILNESS, 8. tic SSoSarrtgfett, ba§ SBofe ; — of sin, tic 9lbfcpeulid^feit tcv Stinbe. To EVINCE, ;; a. tcrocifeit, CVlVcifcit, tavtbun. EVINCIBLE (adv. — ly), adj. crweislidi, iiberfiibrenb. EVINCIVE, adj. tibctjcil^eilt. To EVISCERATE, v. a. OUSlVtiben, egung oter ©cbroenfung tcr Solbaten), To evolve, r. i. a. I. aufivcvfcu, attf= feblagcn (cin SBudj, u. f. ro.) ; 2. eut= nnrfelit, cntfaltcn, aupofen; n. n. [id) cntiiMifclu ; fid; auSbreiten, ftcfa bffnen. EV( imitiox, s. tic Sluefpeinng. evulsion, 6-. ba§ 2lu«reipen. ewe, s. tie ©cbafinutter, baS SDJuts tcrfdjaf; — iamb. ta» Sammcbeit; — milk, fed)aflltild) ; — milk cheese, Sdjaffafc. ewer, s. bte (Siefjfaune jum 2Bafd)s becfen, baS .^antfan. EWRY, s. baS SafelberJeramt. To EXACERBATE, b. a. cvbittcrit; »er= fdilintmevn. exacerbation, .*. tie Scvfdilimntc= mug ; JifeA t. tcv JJJaroriemuS (bod>= ftc ©tab einer Jlvaufbcit 1 . exact, adj. gcnait, viinftlidj, vicbtig, gciriffcubaftl to draw for the — amount, Jtf. E. per vraitl) (tl point) trafftven. To exact, o. i. a. forbern, oerlangen (—from, son), cintvcibcn, erpreffen, abpreffcu, abbringen; to — justice from..., SRecbeufdjaft forbern son . . . ; to — the payment, JUV 3«^lung aubaltett; II. n. tviicfcit; to — upon one, ciiieu (im.Rantcl) tviicfeu. EXACTER (Exactor/, s. 1. tCV gor= bercr; 2. Eintretber, ©rpreffev. exaction, s. 1. bie gorberung, (Sin= treibung ; 2. Sijwtngung, (ivpvef= fung, SJrucfuitg; to exercise — upon the people. baS i^olf tviicfeit. exactitude, s. tie ©enauigttit, ^unftltd)fcit. EXACTLY, adv. aniait, pitttftlidj. exactness, s tic ©enauigfett, i^unftlidifcit; 5Rid}ttg!ett, 3?egel» mafjigfeit, 3!cd)tlidifcit, SReblicbfett, EXACTRESS. .?. tie ^ vpvcffcvin. To EXAGGERATE ». a, tibertvcibcn, oergrbyern, bcvaiijftreidicit. EXAGGEllATK >N, s. tic Ucbcvtvcibung, SSergroSeruiig. EXAGGERATORY, adj. iibevtricbeu. To EXALT, o. a. 1. cvbcbeit, erboben ; 2. enmitbigcn ; 3. erfrcuen : 4. a,. T. fitblintiveit, oerfeinern, lautevtt ; exalted by, erboben »oit/ tnvdi. exaltation, s. 1. tic ( nig, aii3gefab= ten. EXARCH, s. tcr Pvavdi. exarchate, s H-i fivardjat, ©ebici (bieSBiirbe) cine* (Fvavdtcn. EXARCHY, baS (5vavcbat, tic SBiirbe cities CSvavd)en. EXARTICULATION, s. S. T. tie QIlt5= renhing, 93errenfung. To EXASPERATE^ 0. a. 1. erbittem, er- turtieu, reijen, aufbringeu ; 2. icin llebel) "crfdUiiiinicrn; Exasperate, adj. evbtttcvt, crjiirnt, aiiKjcbracbl (—at, fiber). EXASPERATER, s. tcv Gvbittevrr, Gr= jurtter. exasperation, s. tie 0"vbittevniig. To EXAUCTORATE, v. a. ClltfcfeCIt, fefeen, abtanfen. EXAUCTORATION, s. tie (Slltfe&Ulig, Slbtanfiittg. To EXAUTHORATE, v. a. vid. Exauc TORATE. EXAUTHORATION, s. vid. Exaucto RATION. To EXAUTHORIZE, v. a. tcv OTad)f, ©eisalt, tcs Slrife^enS, n. f. w., bc= vanben. EXCANDESCENCE (— i-y), s. i. tie ©hit, ^ifeej 2. tcr 3om, ba« (Sv^ jiivnen. To EXCARN \Ti'. r. a. bag Slcifd; <\\>- lofen, abflcifdicn. EXCARNIFICATION, s. b«S 2lblbfcn be8 Alcifd)c«. To EXCAVATE, v. a. ailSbofllcil. EXCAVATION, .«. 1. tic 21ns?boblllU,i ; 2. -Gobjc, .fSbijIiing, i'evticfuna, bal Soco. ex i 'AVATOR, 5. bcr aii'Sb^blt, bev i'cv= ticfiingcit niarbt, ©rabcr. EXCECATION, 5. tic iUcutlllig. To EXCEED, v. a. ir v. 1. «bevfcbtci= ten, iibcrfteigcit, \\\ lvcit gehcit; 2. iibevtveffen ; uberroiegen (—in, an ; he exceeded his stay by a week, CV blieb cine aSerbc fiber tic 3ctt. EXCEEDING, \ adv. libevntafiig, EXCEEDINGLY, \ febv ; —rich, au= fjerortentlid; reidi. To excel, d I. a. 1. iibertreffen (—in, in); v>evivcfflid\ auggejetebnet fe»u. EXCELLENCE (— rry),' s. 1. tie ti^f EXCI EXCR EXEG IrefflidjEeif, £tefflid)fsit ; ®r5j?e, .t>ohctr, SBiivte ; ®ute ; bet Slbel ; tic (*rbttbcubcit; 2. — cy, CfvcclU'115 (ciit £itel). EXCELLENT ■../,-.— i.y), «<{/'. trcfflid), vortreffliri), vorjiiglirb. To EXCEPT, >■. 1. a. aiiSucbmcii, »or= fcebalteu, auSfdjliefieu ; 11. n. (Sin* icurfe madjen ; entgegnen ; to — against, l. t. einroeubett, oerwetfen. EXCEPT, I. pr«p. ausgenommen, ciufier, chiie; II. eonj. toenn rttd)L roofer u mdit, iiiirrociiii, ca feu, (wate) benn bap. EXCEPTING, prep, aujjet, aitSgenoin= men, init -.'luiiiabiiK, intt SSovbe^alt. exception,*. 1. bie 9lu8na6me; 2. L. •/-. (Stitroenbuttg, SluSffudk, SBis berrebe, bet (iiuroaub, Ginrourf; to take — at 'to or against) ctroaei iibcl ticbiitctt, fid) gegcn etroaS ftraubeu ; with the — of..., ... ansgenommeit. EXCEPTIONABLE, adj. anfiofjig; frrci= tig, fiijclii], gtveibeuttg, @ini»enbun= gctt anterootfen ; — expression.*, aiu ftojHge ^usbtiitfe. EXCEPTIOUS, adj. gegcn 5H[c8 Sins rocnbungcii ntacgenb, inurtifd), saitE= fnchtig, janfifd) (*». it.) ; — ness, s. tic 3auEfucbt, bet HJitrrfimt. EXCEPTIVE, adj. cine 9Iu§rtahme cuU hnlteitb. EXCEPTOR, ». ber Giurocnbiutgcn utarbt, ©egner. To EXCERN, v. a. anShtejfcn, blttd) = fd)lage» ; abfonbetn. 7o EXCERP, i\n. eycetbiten, auSjteben, famir.clu (it. it.) EXCERPTION, *. 1. bie 2lii8jtef)ii!tg ; 2. ber 9lusjug (it. it.). EXCESS, ». 1. bat llebetmafj; 2. bic Stutfdjweifuna ; to — , itbetttieben; attjjetotbentlia) ; to carry to—, iibcr= trctbcn. EXCESSIVE. fld/.tUJctmajjtg ; iibertrie= bcit, unmafHg, ungemetn ; — iy, adv. iibet bic 3)c\if;cit, aufjerft, ungemeilt, autierorbentlid), allju; —ness.*. bie UebermaBigfeit. i'„KXCll\N(;i',r. a. auttaMfdjcn, (»et=) taufchen, (ycrovcdmln ( — for, ge= gen); to— words, SBotte roedjfd'it ; to — suns, ©djiiffe roccbjeln. EXCHANGE, * ring. 1. (befenbert .1/ k) betftaufd), iaufdibanbel; 2Sed)= fel, llmfafc (beS ©elbet) ; 2. (SBecfs feUJSontt, ©elbytett, SBedjfefyreit ; ba« Slufgelb, Slgto ; 3. bie SBSrfe ; 4. MH. T. bic 'Jliteroccbfelung ; bcr Cf= ftjictftelleutaufd; ; in — , bagegen, bafiir; —of letters, bev 33rtcfroed>|el ; bill of — , bcr SBcdjfcIOrtef ; course of — , bCf 9.Hect)feICDItrS ; account of the returns of — , bie 9iicaiiibio=94ed)= tiling ; drawing and redrawing bills of — {or mere — business), bie SBcctfeU reiterei ; — ami re-exchange, <£ilU itnb fiet - 3BechfeI ; —broker, bcr SCBed)fe(maf[et; —business, SZBedjfeU gefduifte; —haii, bet ©orfenfaal, bie iU'ifcitbadc. EXCHANGEABLE, adj wfaitfdibar. EXCHANGER, ». bcr itaufdjet ; SBecbt* let, SBanqutet. EXCHEQUER, s. bie ©djafcfantnter, gtnatt jfammer, baS Sittattjcollfgium ; court of — , iai Sd)ein. To EXCHEQUER, o. a. ehtcn 93rogt@ bcim Sdmljfamiiicrgcndjt auljartgtg — ntadten. EXCISABLE, adj. «cctSs pber fletterbnt. EXCISE * bic Recife, iBaarcnftciicr ; — man, bcr Olcci»cii:ticbntcr ; —office, bic Recife, 9lcci«ft»be; —officer, btt SlcciSbeamtete. To EXCISE, ». a. Recife itcbnten, cber nuflcgcit. EXCISION, « 1. bic ^un-ctiitiu) ; 2. t/i. t. 2lufifd)liepung. EXCTTABILITy, *. tie (5nci}barfett, SRetjbarfctt. excitable, adj. ertegbat, teijoar. excitant, adj. ettegenb, tetgeob. excitation, «. tic grteguitfl, v iiuf= muntetung, 3lnfeuet ung. EXCITATIVE, adj. cvre'geiib, aupnmu tetnb, antteibenb. To EXCITE, r. „. etrcgen, reje niadn-it, aufmuntem, ennutbtgeit, anfeuetn, nntetjen, reijen, nutreiben ; e by, aufgetegt, 11. f. w. yen, turd) ; it excites pleasure in a person, (& llUld)t eiuciii 93ergiiitgeii. EXCITEMENT, s. tcr ^iiitricb, bie SIrtreguitg, iJictjitrtg. EXCITER, s. bet ■.'lufiiuiiitcrcr, ?lu:rct= bcr ; 2lutrieb, iBeroegungSgniiib. To EXCLAIM, v. a. (tuttufen, (d)l'Ctcu. EXCLAIMER, ». tcr idircicr. EXCLAMATION, », tcr MtVVf, bat @efd)rci ; (note of) — , 9lulttrpiJUa,& jeidjeti \:\. EXCLAMATORY, adj. 1. auStttfttlb ; '-'. eiiien 3lultuf ent^altenb. To EXCLUDE, v. a. 1. au*fd)(ict"cn, crchtbircit ; 2. auetieljmcr. ; 3. au3* briitcn, gcodren. EXCLUSION, t. 1. bcr SluSfr^Iuf, bie 3luSfd)liegung; 2. Oluc-iubmc; A. 2ltt86rutung, oicburt. EXCLUSIONIST, s. ber 3lu8fdjlte^ef, iu'ni'crfcr. EXCLUSIVE (Esclosort, n>. ii.) adj. 1. aiufdjlicficiib ; 2. (tiifiiicbmciib ; — of, abgc[ebcit sou ; oi)ite 3iuifnd)t \\\ ucbmcit auf , . . ; — iy,«fo, ausfd)liefe= lid), ntit 3lufifd)lu^. To EXCOGITATE, ». a. nuSbeiifen, cr= benfen, erftnnett, erfintcn. EXCOGITATION, *.tic ©tftnttung, <§T> finbitng. EXOOMMUNICABLE, adj bcS Jcivid)cn= bauneS u>crtb, (tu«ju|iogen. To EXCOMMUNICATE, r. a. '-'Pit bet ©einetrteausfchtte^euj tit ben Jlir= cbenbann tbuu. EXCOMMUNICATE, adj. eXCOffiUlUttU cirt. EXCOMMUNICATION, f berJ?ird3Clt= banit, SBann, bic 3Iuefiopung. s ^lu«= febitefjurtfl. To EXCORIATE, v a. (btc^aut' ab;ic= licit, ablniutcii, abrtuben, abfd)>ilcn, fcbiiitcit. EXCORUTION, s. tie a&jtt&Mtj) (bet .*>it lit 1 . EXCORTICATION, «. bie Vlbfd)ahuig bet SRinbe. To EXCREATE, u.a. aU6ttiu8pem, a»5= werfeit. excreation, a. bns Slu8t5««^etn, SluSfputfert. EXCREMENT,* bet SluSlMttf, ,'Tptb. BXCREMENTAL, > adj. @rcte» EXCREMENTITIOUS, $ nteitte eitt' baltenb, abgangig, urtflatb,tg, gum SluSmurf gejjbrig ; ezcremental parts, tic Jlbgiinge. EXI IRES! !EN( SE, ». tcr 3lu«WUc6e ; ba8 ©ew5d)e (am JWtjwr) ; bcr ^Btfet. excrescent, adj. ouSwadjfenb. To EXCRETE, u. n. auiiccrcn, abfon= bent. EXCRETION, ... 1. bie ?lbHMitcruiU7, \Hbnibniihi ; 2. ber 9lu«»«tf (bet,na» tiirlidKit llnreinigfeitcit). EXCRETIVE, u,ij. abfurreub. EXCRETORY, I. adj. Med. T. abfott= bentb, abfiibreiib • 11 * . / r. ba«9lb= fonbeniitgSgtfaS tm Jtorper. EXCRUCI \iu.K. adj Iciccnb ; ber i)?nr= tcr fabig (», ii.). Ti EXCRUCIATE 9. a. marfcrn, veifif- gen, aualcii, folterrt. EXCRI I 1 viiMi.,, ;..■■■ febr tciii(id). excubation, ». [Racbttoar^ei (iv. ii.). To EXCULPATE, 0. a. eiitfcbulti^cn, rcebtftttigert, rntfunbigen ; to— .-••■ii', u-titc Uufdnilt bemetfen. EXCULPATION, «. tie 6ntfd)«Ibtgung, SRedjtferttgung, EXCULPATORY, adj. vcditfcrti.ifttb. EXCURSION. ». I. bie abfcbroeifutig (vou bcr i^auptfaebe ; Uebtrfd)iei= tuttflj 2. bcr auStritf, bieSuifabrt, bcr ctretfjug, abtttdjet; an — rd)roeifeirb ; — nese,*. ba< ■C"»eriii)iftre;fcii, Slbfcbwetfflt. EXCUSABLE, adj. tu cntfd)ulbige», »etjeif)Iirb, eiitfdbulbbat ; — . bie ^''ci;fib!i*fcir. EXCUSATORY, adj ciitfcfaulbigenb, oettbeibigtub. To excuse '• '• 1. eittfdjufbtgen . ivegen , narbftpen, wr* jiibcii; 2. erlaffen, nciebiaffen, fibers bcbcn, [o8f«red)en ; :; rerbtfertigeu ; —haste, entfrbulbigeii 2tc btr@tle; l desire to be ew isi I, id) Derbttte -tir ; b if re mid) |U oetfdjonen ( — from, ntit ; 1 would rather 1 id) bine midj }u entfd)iilbig_ert, l-e- baufc midj gnnj ge^orfainfi, rrct (gat] i"d)iut. 3E, ». bie (fittfcbiilbtgung; in — for.., nU @ntfd)ulbtgung fiir . . . EXCUSELESS, adj. oImic gntfdjulbjs flung, unuerjeib.Itdj ro. n..\ EXCUSER,* bet @ntfchulbiger, SBer* tbeibiget, 83erjeit>et. EXECRABLE {adv.— ly), adj. vcrftinft abfdjeulid). To EXECRATE, v. a. vcrflad;cit, »er- nuiufdicn. EXECRATION, ... bie SBetWUItfdjunfl, 33etflud)urtg, tcr glurb. EXECRATORY,* bcr M'.ub, bie 23er» ruiitifcbmtgafotmel. To EXECT, r. a, aiivvVihitcit, >ve.;- fdjneiben in. ii. . EXEcnoN, 9. tic Jlusfcbneibnng (», \\.K To EXECUTE r . 1 n 1. I'rll^iebeit, Boliffrecfen, vollbtingen, audfubten, »ettid)teit, nuSridjten, bc.vcrFfteUt= gett; 2. abttjitu, binridjteit ; to — an • in '.'lint Deroalren. EXECUTER, ». bcr iBoIIjtenet, 11. f. tt>. EXECUTION, ,. 1. bie SoUjiebiing, SBoUftrecfung, 9lii3fiibruitg ; 2. .v>in= ttc&tung- 3, /. v ©retutton, acivalt- fame diiifreibmtg, Sluepfjnbung, tidjterlidje ^ulfe ; i. fig. Settous jlUJWJ, 'i-'crbccniiui ; place of — k bafl >&oc$a,ericbt, tcr Dtidjtplafe, [Rabeiu fteitt; wnt of — . tcr 33oUjie^Ulig8= bcfibl : to Like out an — against L. T. ciucu nuSflagett, ibnt bie I oiitbim laffcu ; — day, bet SRidjttag. executioner ». bet £d)atfticbtet Sflacbridjter, .^enfer. executive, adj. aii6u&enb. »oHjie> bcub ; — power, /. T. tic ooQ)tebenc( SDiadit Dbet ©eroalr. executor * bet 83oQfheffeT, £efto mentlsoQfttecfef, EXECun iRSHiP, 1 1. t bat 51ml einrt Eejtainent«noiIjieb,ert. EXECUTORY, adj. 1. |t) DoUtte^en; 2. /. T trceiitotifdj (mittclft rirbtcr= lidu-r .t>ii lie . executrix, 4 bie i£eftamenW*)8oII« jieberirtn. EXEGESIS, 1 Th. t tic (fregefe, flttl* lejuiiij, 'TeiitiittgeFiintc. 117 EXIIE EXON EXrE EXEGETICAL {ado. — ly), adj. Th. T. etegetifdj, beuteub, crfbircnb. exemplar,* bag ORuftet ; (Sgentylat. EXEMPLARLNESS, s. tie SDJufUtbafs ligfett. EXEMPLARY (adv. — ily), adj. cvcm= Vlarifdi, muftet&aft; ocrfdiriftlid). EXEMPLIFICATION, s 1. tie @f[aute= rung, Selegung turd) SBeifjpielej 2. /.. T. tie gertcbrlidje Slbfdirifr. exempllfier, s. bet bem SSeifptele Vlntcrct folgt ; (Siliiuterer, 5)at= ftcllcr. 71» EXEMPLIFY, p. a. 1. turd) SBcU fpiele etlfiutetn, turd) SBetfpiele be= legen, bcroafcttu; gum i'eifp;clc tic= noil; 2. l.. v. .due [egale Slbfcfettft itchmcu. To EXEMPT, v. a. /.. T. Dcfrctcn (— from, Don)/ v cvf d> en c tt, augnebmen. EXEMPT, I. adj. befrcief, oerfdiout, feet, ficucrfrci; au«gefd)loffcn ; II. s. MO. T. tcr ©efteire; ©atbefolbar. exemption, s. bio Seftetuna, gret= licit; — from duty, tic ©teuetftetbetr. To EXENTERATE, v. n. ttUSttttibCtt, aiieiicfimeit. EXENTERATION, s. bag SlltSrocitcn. EXEQUiAL, orf?. jum 8et<$eubegattgnifj getyotig. EXEauiES, s, ;)/. bag Setdjenbegangnifj. EXERCENT. adj. ailgiibcilb (it. U.J. EXERCISABLE, «lilc = gcu, aufroetfen, auSftellen, Dotbrin= gen, anbtingen; 2. jetgen, ait ten Sag legen, Don ficb gebeo, nu^eni ; to — for sale, (2i>aaren) jum SBerfauf ausficllen. exhibit, s. ^ic iDatlegung, 55atpel= lung, SKiiftoetfung, aiusfietlnng. EXlllliiTER. s. tcr rarfteller, ?ln= bttnger, @inteicbet eincr «d)nft, CSrhtbcitt. r.xinr.iTiox, s. 1. tie SDatliellung, SBotftellung, Slufiucifung, Slngabc; 2. £uttflau's{hllttng ; 3. Sleupetuitgj getjiung ; bag oicbalt; tcr 8ob,n, bag ©tipenbium, (Sttftungggelb. EXHIBITK iNER, s. tcr ©ttVeubiat (auf ben engltfcbcn Untsetfttateii). EXIIIB1T1VE (ado. — ly), adj. batftel= lent, barlegenb. EXHHHTORY, adj. tavftcllcut, batle* genb, auficeifeiib. To SXHILARATE '•■ I, a. frbhlid) nm= dxn, rrfrcucn, crbciteni; II. % frol), liciter ioetben. EXHILARATION, s. tic (StfttWIlig, {Srbbltdifeit, ^cttcrfeit. To EXHORT, v. a. criiiafiiicn, cvmuti- tern, juteben ( — to, ju). exhortation, s. tie gtma^nung, 3utebung. EXHORTER, .^. tcr Ciriihibncr. exhumation, s. tie aJBtebetauggta* bititfi begtabenet JUu-pcr. TtfEXICCATE, v. a. A'c, vid. To Exsic- cate, & c. exigence c— cy), s. 1. bag ©rforbets iiifc ©ebiitfnii; tcr ©cbatf; 2. 9kithfail, btiiigenbe gait, plb^lidie unangene^me 3ufalf. exigent, adj. btingettb. exiguity, s. tic Jlletn^eit (». ii.). EXIGUOUS, adj. flcill (11). ii.). exile, s. l. tic SBetbannung, Sanbes* oetwetfung; 2. bee 9Sctbauitte, SSer= totefene, .^cimatblofe. To exile '■■ "■ »etbannen ( — from, von), uerrt'ci fen (— from. auS). EXILE, adj. flcin, tiiiiuc, leer, fdjumd), obnnnidi'tii] (W. ii. 1 . exilement, s. tic SBetbauuung, 2an-- beSoetiBeifung. exilition, .?. baa Sluffptingen, 9Iuf= flicgeii (lo. ii.). EXILITY, s. tic .fiiTeinfieit. eximious, adj. oortrefflid) (to. ii.). To EXIST, ?•. n. tafcilll ; XHU'f)01lbCl! fcim, leben, bcflcbcit. existence, s. bag S)afe9n; Seben; SBefteben; I stake my — , id) fetje itiein Seben baton, fo waljr id) lebc ; to put a period lo one's — , fcineni ©a= feint ct it (5'iitc madu-it; to the latest period of one's — , btS tit bag fyatcftc SI I tcr. EXISTENT, } adj. tafeiicnt, beftc-- existential, S ftcbenj. EXIT, ... 1. Dram. T. (clliptifrfi, Don SPerfonen in 2diain"pic(en) ge|tab; 2 bet9lbgang, Slbtn'tt; 3. bet Slug* gang ; to make one's — , abtteten \fig. vcrfdn-itcn, ftevben. EXrriAL, I at). + ocrtcrblidj, tott= exitious, S lirb. exode, s. bag 3nJtfd)enfpteI, tie gatce am (Fnte etneg Xtauerfijielg. exodus, s. bag jweite SBucb SKoftS. EXOMPHALOS, s.S. T. bcr^J.ibclbtlicb. To EXONERATE i>. o. cntKiten, ent= biti'tcn, cntbintut, befrcten. EXONERATION, s. tic ©itflabung, Scfreiung son einer 8afl, u. f. to. EXONERATIVE, ?dj. entlebigcnb, cr^ [ctrbternb. EXORABL E, adj. crbittcrlid). EXORBITANCE f— cy) *. bie Itcbca fcbrcitiuii), 2lbfron)etfuitg, 9lugfcb,nj?tJ fmiji, ijrb'blid'c llcbcifdu'citnn,! tcffci was rccbt cbet etlaubt ift. bag Uebcr- nuif' ; — Df profit, bet iibcrnuifiig' ©ejoum. EXORBITANT (adv. — ly), adj. iibcr- nuifij], ftbtrttieben, augfcfeweifejib, iinteaelmafiifj, nnjebener; au§erot» tentlid; gtop; — passions, unge» regelte (tuiinagige) ^'citcnfdiafteit ; — ly high, iibcrnuif i;3 bod) obet tbmer. To EXORBITATE, o. n. abiocidjcn, iibcrfdncitcu ; iibcrtrciben. To EXORCISE (To Exorcize), ,-. a. Th. T. befdnvorcii, batmen, ten 2cnfel augrteiben; iibcr ettoag ten Serjcn fprcdicn. BXORCISER, ) s. Th. T. tcr 83efcbtt)0= exorcist, s tn, ©etftetbannet. exorcism, s. Th. t. tie ©efd)tt)otung, SBefcbnjBrunggfotinel ; art of — , bie SBefc^wotunggfunfl. EXORDIAL ('""■■ ei'.'.lcttenb. exordium, einetSebe. exorxatiox, s. bie2uigjtctung,a3ets jtetung. exossated, adj. auggebeittt, fuodjcit' log. exosseous, ,-„;/. betulog, fnrdieiiloe. exoteric, adj tic bffcntlidicn I'cbriu (bet alten ^bilofooben) betrefrenb. exotic, i. adj. ftemb, anslanbifcb, cnnit'di; — malady, bag .^cinnocli ; ii. s. bag ansK'intifdie ©eiDacbg. To EXPAND, ?•. I. a. ttllSbrcitCll, flUSs trlMion, augfvannett: oerbrcitcn ; EL n. fidi ausbreifen, iicb auSfyanneit, fid) »erbrcitcn, auSbebnen. expanse, B. bet write fJiaum, bu Sliiebc, Slu*bcbnniif| ; — of heaven, tie (Acfie beg ^inimcls; iBblbiatg bag Ainimnicnt. expansibility, s. bie 'Tcbnbarftit. EXPANSIBLE, adj. fiUJtcbllbar. expansion, *. 1. tie Sinstebniiug, SluSbtettung ; 2. bet rJJauin. expansive, floj. augbtb.nenb, cug: fpannenb. To EXPATIATE, v. v. 1. bcrnm h\i= jieten, ronnbeln, ruanbetn; 2. jig. fid) ausbtetten, oerwetlen, txoxitm, totit* lanfi'ij fciMt, imcI fagen ( — on, upon, iibcr etwag). EXPATIATOR, a. bet fid) nusbtetttt, weitlauftg ift. To EXPATRIATE, r. a. oerboilllCll ; auSwanbetn. expatriation, s. tie ^erbaiimni ^ ; Sluswanbernng ; ^eiinatbloftgfett. To EXPECT, v. n. eriimrtcn (— from, von), boffen, entgegenfeben. expectable adj. jn cno>utcii, i>et= inutblid). expectance (— cy), s. i. bie@r»«ts fung, ^offnung; 2. /.. t. Sluwatts fdiaft. EXPECTANT, I. adj. toarhnb ; II. s, bet (auf etn "Hint, cine SScrforguug, tt. f. io.) £>pffcnte, SBartenbe. EXPECTATION, .*. tic (vnoartinu], Sntgegcnfefjung, .Ooffnnini. expecter. s. tcr (Srwartet, ^offenbe. To EXPECTORATE, v. a. iTIUMvcrftn, an-ifocien, fpeieit. expectoration, s. bag Sluemetfen Slugfveien. EXPECTORATIVE, adj. ten SllifltSlttf befotbetnb. EXPEDIENCE (— cy), s. l>tC ScitfJHrtjB fett, Stenlid)feit, r)i\ithMnifctt, an* j* iicnicffenbcit cincr Sadjc. EXPEDEENT Indr. — ly), adj. fd)tff H$, ticnlidi, ratbfain. EXPEDIENT, .'. bag 3J?i(tel 57otbmii« trl, bet Slugweg, tic Slngfincbt; to be EXPI ftuitful in expedients, ciltcit ailfc£>iatji= gen Jtopf baben. t" EXPEDITATE 0. a. Sp. E. ten ■■ a. 1. crteid>tcni, be* fcblcuniacn, befbtbetn ; '2. abtertigen, abfenteit, abacben taffett, wettet f«« s ten, auSfertigen ; 3. fdjitcll yerrtdjten. EXPEDITE (ado. — w), «§. fd)ncll, hnrtia, geroanbt, leid)t (n>. ft.). EXPEDITION, s. 1. bie Quelle »orbe« i, ,§uttigfett, ®efc$winbigfett, @i'w ; 2. ber gclbjug, 3«fl; bie EFTetfe ; Sa&tt; 3.Untetnebmung,itbarfeit, bee aunoanb ; 2. bie S8etfd)n)enbung. SXPERIENCE, .-•. bie (Stfafjtung, 6r* fab,tmtfl«£lU(jb,ett, Sgrobe, bet : Set* j- u ^ ; _ in business, bie ®e| charts routine. Pd EXPERIENCE, «. a. etfaljteit, crle= ben ; occfnc^eit, erptoben ; to — a de- pression, M. E. (oon 98aatenytetfe!t) abfc^lageit, fallen; to — losses, 93et* lufte leiben. , . , . EXPERIENCED, adj. errabrcn, ectlucM (—in, in) ; — in business, gefdja'ftS* funbig, fac&oetftasbig. EXPERHENCER, s. ber Setfntpmftcger. EXPERIMENT, s. ber i'crfuii;, KMift* oetfudj, bie sgrobe. 7', EXPERIMENT, ». a. e anftcllen, oetfurb, en ; tvptvibzn ( EXPERIMENTAL, " rung. _ . , EXPERIMENTALIST,)*, ber 5BevfU$= EXPERIMENTER, > niaiter. EXPERT (ado. —i.y). «'//. 1. ei'fabven, funbtg ; 2. genxtnbt ; — ness, s. bie (5-ifahi'eiihcit, ©ewanbt^ett. EXPIABLE, aij. abjubiigen, fiibubar. •/;, EXPIATE, o. a. biiyen, abbupen, auflfSbnen, fiibnen. expiation-, a. tie Siiguttg, Slbbjk thtna,, ! 5i'ibne, 3lusI5fi)unfl [bev 2iC»- beni, i£tlgung. expiatory, adj. airafDr)ttenb, gemtg= tbneub ; fiibncnb ; — sacrifice, bftfl vfev. EXPO EXPILATION, « bie (guftnenbung; 2lu8vliinberuitg (W. u.). expiration, s. l. ba8 Mu«atb,men t; 2. bie HtlSbfinjtUttfl ; ; 5 ber ©unp ; 4. ba8 @nbe, bcr-.Hblanf, SSerfluu, M E. SBcrfall (eineS 3Be*fel8, u. f. n>. ). bie ajerfalUeit.iabhuuj^ciI;. 1 ). ber let. n EXPIRE, 0. I a. ausatbmen, >ocr= biinftcn, auSbuften, oetfttegen ; n. n. 1. serflietien, J'J (inbe flebeii, abWU* fen, ycrfaUcn, untergeben ; 2. rcr= fdieitcn, ten @eifl auJgauojen, fier= ben. _. Tb EXPLAIN, b. a. BUSlegett, crtuiren, crlantern, ((«runie) auseii'.aiibcr fe= ben crbrtcrn, biffevtircn ; to — away, fciiien SBerbac^t u. f. to.) benehnien, entferncn (bur* -jluieiiiaubcviefeuitg). explainable, adj. erflarbat. explainer, ». bet SUtfleger, ©tlaus tercr. , ., „ EXPLANATli >N, », bie SluSlegung, 2(U8» einanberfefeung, erHatung, grorte* rnna ; to come to an — . ftet) yeritan- biaen; in — of..., 5Ut@tH5tung. EXPLANATORY, adj. erlanterilb ; — annotations. (vrKinteninont ; with — notes, mit crHarenbeii Sloteit. EXPLETION, ». bie grffilluitfl (n). u.). EXPLETTVE, adj. «■ «. ailSfiiilcnb, mm MuSffilten ; — (particle), bie &u8fuU lumigpartifel. EXPLICABLE, wij. erflarbar. Tu EXPLICATE, r. a. CUtllMlfellt ; ef = flaren ; au8eiuaiibcr fe^en. explication, s. bie iluSetnanbtrfes iimg, (Stflftruitg, (Srlautcruiig. EXPLICATIVE, adj. Ciflareilt. EXPLICATOR, «• ber (5'rflaver. EXPLICATORY, adj. evflarent. EXPLICIT (ado. — w), a:lj. aU8btUff» ltd), bentlid), flat ; —ness, ». bie &U8* bviirflid)feit, Beutlio>feit. To EXPLODE, o. I. a. 1. aUSpOWett, auStofeifeit, auSjifo^en, auiflatidien; 2 aueftoncit ; netroerfen, nuSinetjen ; II n. (mit eitient befti.]en JJnall) ser= Vlatjcn, jetfpeingen, (wtc cine SBotn* be, n. f. to. bureb ^uluer), lo8gel)en, IoSfnallen. EXPLODER, ». ber "Jlnbere au8pocBt, au8«f6>t, u. f. to. , EXPLOIT, i. bie .§elbentl)at, ©top= EXPLORATION, s. bte gfoeforfcfcUBg, (Srforfdnin.v Uiiterfiirbmn]. EXPLi IRATOR, s. ber gorfqer, JCttttb» fdjafter. EXPLi >RAT( >RY, «■';. forfcftenb. . 7b explore, d a. ausforfebett, erfor* feben, untetfticben, vriifen ; to — a country, ein Vaitt bereifen (nnb (S'nt= becfuitgett, Jfcinbfcfiaft bariibcr faiu= ,nclu) - . .. ,, explorement. ». bte Srfotfojung, SPciifung ; ber Setfudj (». it.). explosion, ■. ber \HitJbriidv vln5= UM'.vf, .Uitall, 5 ton, bie gtfdjiitte* rung, ba8 Soaplaften, 3et)»Iaften ( 3er* fprengen (bef. biu-di 9&ul»et). EXPLOSIVE, adj. Euallcnb, u'vVlat}enb. expoliation, s. bie ©etaubung. EXPONENT, 8. Jilg. T. ber ^rVHMici'.t, tie •iH-rbaitniftvibl, ber 2BurjeI$eiaet. EXP( INENTIAL, odj JUg. T. einetl <5"v= pOltettten cntbaltcnb ; — quantities, (SrponentiaU®v6§cn. 7b EXP< iRT,«.a. M & an-M'iibfen. »er* fduden (SQaaren au8 bem Sanbe), ven'dnffen, erportiren. , EXPORT, ) 5. M /■:. bte 8lll8= EXPORTATION, ^ fnbr, ba8 %lS= fuluett oon SBaaren; fie 83errd)tf= fnna, (vrpovtation ; ter au8fttbr|>an= bel; export-duty, bet auStubrjoU; —houses, (vviHMlbaniev ;— trade, bw -:iu;-fiihi-haitcel ; for — , |Ut auSfunt ; EXPU exports, v >. 3Utffubr»aaten, iStpvc* ten • exportaUons, pi- Sttfo>tffttngtn. EXPORTABLE, adj.Jlf. E. au8fubrbar, au8|ufubten eilanbt; — goods (— ar- , Olii'Mutu-artiM. EXPORTER, *. ter iBaavenoenenbcr, Sbfenbet, SBetf(^tffer, ^efraduer. 7b EXPOSE, v.a I. a.isictjen, aut\ltU [en, batlegen, t.uftellen ; 2. f«l bte» ten- 3. in Oefa&t fetjen, beeintraebtu fien, blop llelleti, -]Sm9 gebeit, com= ptomitriten; 4. tent latel untetwets fen, tabeln, oetungltmpfen : 5. ju Scbanben mat&en, an ten ^tasgei ftetlen ; to — for sale. (iBaarcii) |ttin SSerfauf auSlegen ; to — to death, in !£obe8gefaf)t bringeii; to — a child ein .Unit auSfe&en EXPOSER,*. ter %u»\t%n f ©arlegft. EXPOSITION, ». l.bie Va^e, 2lnfid)t; 2. Stuilegung, Stflatung. expositive, adj. etflSrenb. EXPOSITOR,*, ber JluSleger, firflarer. EXPOSm »RY, adj. crlantcnit. Ex post facta LAW, ». em &t]<$, ba3 fuefwittenbe iRtaft bat. 7b BXPOSTULATE, 0. « reebtcn, ju* 9iete ftellen ; leinem) •J.HMvtellniuien niacbeit (um ibn non ettoaS 511 iibtr= tengeu). _, , EXPOSTULATION, » ba-3 flcdUen. bte SBorpeUung, SfiebefttUung (1r.1t 511 ubetjeugen). EXP< ISTULATOR, 5. ber mt ytfbe fteUt, SBotfieUungen iuad)t. EXPOSTULATORY, adj. Sotjhflungen madn-nt, re*tent. exposure.* I.bie3lu8ihuung,5)ar» legung; SlojjjMung, ©lo^gebnitg, auSfeeung (bet 0)efabr); '2. ber ge= fob^oolle 3uflanb ; 3. bie 8oge. , 7b EXPOUND, o.a. audlegen, an^e-.n- anbetfefeen, entwicteln, erflaren. expounder, ». bet ausleger. 7b EXPRESS, o.a. 1. ausbriicfen, au» fjcrit, fogen ; 2. auSpteffen, erurenen j 3. bcjcirbneit; vori'tdlen, bcteuttii ; 4. ahnlieb fewn, nacbbilten EXPRESS I. adj. 1. aiiStriiiflicb, ab = fi.btlid); 2., beutltrb; 3. abiu licfa gettopn : II. ». bet Brpreffe, («- ^eiie feo^n*) i^ote; bie Sjiafette. EXPRESSIBLE, adj. aiujuprcffen ; au*= briiefbar. EXPRESSIi >N. ». bie SluSbtuoTUtlg ; bet 3lu8brucf. EXPRESSIVE (ado. — i.v\ "■[[. 8H8= brucf8ooU, nadibniiflirb, Etafttg; — ness, *. tie 'JluS&ri'uf licbfcit, ter triicf. EXPRESSLY, ado. auSbrutJItav ejcnan, getabe h\ befonbtrS. 7b EXPROBRATE,0.a vmriicfen. O0r» merfen, oetweifen, tabeln, auSfcbelten. EXPRi IBB \Tlo.\,s. ber iUnmnrf, 'Ikx^ iveis, 2abcl. EXPROBRATTVE, adj. oettotlfcilb, vor-- wetfenb. _ .. 7b EXPROPRIATE, o. a. rem H)t\lfy tbunte, Sigentbuine, nttetg^ nen. fieb entanueri:. EXPROPRIATION, ». bie Cjiitcianuna. ; (SntauSetung. /■, EXPUGN, 0. a. crfiurmen, mit ^titrm erobetn. BXPUGNABLE, adj. crftimnbar, tibcr- ivinblid). EXPUGNATION, t. bte (vrftutinitng. grobetnng mit Stutm. BXPUGNER, .--. fee Btobettr, ©ej»in> get. 7b EXPULSE 0. a. anStrcibcit, yertref ben, oerjtofieit, teleaiten. EXPULSION s bie 3lu8treibung, S3er» trcibung, Betito^ting, Relegation, EXPULSIVE adj. atiM'.iibeiit. 139 EXTE EXTR EXUB SXPl NOTION, ». tic ?iH*ftrricl.jng, SBemrifdjuug. r. BXPUNGl . auSflretden, au8= Erafecn, au8lofRY, «.;/ reinigent; bettefc ttgeitb; —index. ba8 2jcr;cidiiiiij ber DOin i-ai-uc secboteiien 5l3iid)cr. exquisite ■■.-.>. — ly), adj. au8crle= feii, auSgefurbt, ungemein, Bortteff= [id), oorjuglidj; itt tern bedn"tcn ©tab : — n iss, s. bte iV.trcffiicbfeit, ter b prime ©rab. EXSANGUIOUS, adj. blutloS, blfljj. y'» EXSCIND, r. a. auSfdjiieibeit, au$= [much (n>. ii.). EXSICCANT, nrfj. austrcefnenb. 71 EXSICCATE, r a, anitrodriCK. exsiccation, g. bec Sluetrocfnutig. exspuition, s. bae 2lusft>eiett. EXSUCTION, s. baS 3lu8faugen. EXSUDATION, s. 1. ta3 '.Nusfdjibi&fll ; •J. ter -idnreifi. To BXSUDE, d. « * a. auSfd)tbt$en ; rurd) ten Scbrpeijj sertrciben. exsufflation, s. 1. baS 2lu3blafen ; '/?. cine Slrt £cufeUbci'cbrobrnng. EXTANT, -i'/;. 1. r)er»orragenb ; 2. wr= banbcti, beftebetit (von SBerfcn), bc= fannt. EXTASY, s. Sr v ; Extatical, adj. rid. in Ecst .... EXTEMPORAL {adv. — ly), ) adj. EXTEMPOPiANEOUS>7r.— ly". ■ AU3 EXTEMPORARY {adv. — ily), ) belli Stegreife, inivprbereitcr. EXTEMPORE, ado. au8 cent ^tdjreife, itnvprbcrcitcr. EXTEMPORLXES?, s. b.l§ UllbOrbeKU tete. To LXTEMPORIZE, r. n. fills tctlt 2tcg= rcife receii, u.f.w., crtcmbpvireit. To EXTEND, o. I. a. 1. auSbebnen ; au3= ftrctfen ; 2. ausbreifen, uerbreiteii, er= ivcitcnt, fprtfefcen. fbttbffangen ; 3. bcrldngerit (tie 3af)IuitgSfrtft) ; 4. cr= tbciien, gcibdbren ; to — the limit*, M. e. baS (gcgebcite) Simtfum crf>6= ben obet erwetfern ; to — lands. /, t. »erfd)ulbete Sdnbereien gcricbiticb frbafeen nub bcren (Siiituufre in s -i'e= fcblag nebnten ; II. n. fid) crftreefen (— to, auf, itber). EXTENDER s. tcr, ba3 8ln8bcbnenbe. EXTENDIBLE « {/' 1. tcbllbar ; 2. L. T. fdbig i''i 8efd)!ag, genommen, ser= fiinuncrt ju roerben. EXTENSIBILITY, 8 tie Dffjnbarfett. EXTENSIBLE ad;'. auJtcbnbar : aitS= ^ucebiten ; — new, .^. bte X*cbnbarfeit. EXTENSION, ». tie ?lii§tcbnuug ; tcr Untfoiig. EXTENSIVE [ado. — ly), adj. Weit .'. fiuSetltcbe Singe. EXTERRANEOUa adj au*Kitttird).' EXTERSION, 8. tie 01 u 5 lb fd) ung. To EXTILI, v. n. b,eraiiStrb>fclii, ab= trbpfeln. extillation, 5. tic Slbfropfefung, ta§ itropffln. To EXTIML'L.\TE,r.a.; Extimulation, .-• nid. 7'y stimulate, Stimulation - . EXTINCT, adj a 1 1 e >i c 1 Tcfi t ; fig. cr(c= febcu, tptr'; gecntigt; aufgeboben, abgefcbarrt, auper ^taft get'e^r. EXTINCTIi »N, s. tie SlaSlofc^uttg; fig. SrlDfebuitg, (SrTofcbenbcit ; £i(giing; 3erft6nmg, SOertil^ung, tcr Uuter= gang : tie Untcrtriiduii.t. 71 EXTINGUISH, v. a. .in-iofdicit : fig. tilgcu; ocrtilgeii; aufbeben, abfd)af= fen, Dernicbteii ; oeibunfeln. EXTINGUISHABLE, ««>'. C-. i^ufb.iv, Bertilgbar, tilgbar. EXTINGUISHER, s. 1. tcr flllfloffbt; '-'. ba§ trn+brnt, ?idit()iitd;eii, tcr Stdjibantyfer. EXTINGUIS[l\rENT, s. tie 9IllSli>= febnng, SSertilgung: llnterbvi'ufuiig ; aufbebung; grlofcpung (eineSSfleoS^ tes, u. f. ro.), bcr Slbgang, SBerfatl (cincs @efcbfed)te8, u. f. w.). extirpable, adj. augtottbar, c>u~in= rotten. To extirpate, b.o. au^rcttcn, oerttls gen, jerftoren. EXTDIPATION, s.bie Olu&i'pttitiig, 3er= ■ ftorung. EXTIRPATOR, s. bcr iu'rtilgcr, 3crftb= rer. To extol, v. a. crbcbeit, breifen. extoller, s . ber Sobrcbner. extorsive (ad,-. — ly), adj. erbref* fenb; bnrrb Qrrbreffung; —gains, ber wticberifcbe ©erciun. 71 EXTORT, r. a &■ v. mit Peivalt Cl'.N roinbeu, <\ui ten 0>intnt rotnben, er= preffen, abbringen\ erjanitgcu (—from, Don). extorter, s. tcr Srbteffer, 20ud)c= rer. extortion, .'. tie (Srbreffung. EXTORTIONER s. ber Pr^rcffcr. EXTORTIOUS, adj. crprcffcub, gcautft= tb!itiit, ungcrcebf. EXTRA, ineompos. ubertid" - , aiif.vt, nn= '"cvrem, nebenber, ainlerortentlicb, it. f. nv ; .v. 1: s. — charges, au6er= jrbentlicbe llnfptlen, Jcebenfpefen ; —freight, bic ©eilafl bcr ^ecpmcirrc nut tcr SD?atrofenj ; — lay-days, tic Siegejetr. ?iegetage; — pilotage, be= fontere £otbfengcbuf}r. To EXTRACT, v. a lit.f.- fig. bcr(lll*u'c = ben, au4iicbeii. beraueiicbiunt, n>efl= ncbnicn, ( — frnm. au8) in§ ,Rurje bringen; not'y extracted, von ebl« abfnnft. extract, .?. I bcr Srtract; 9ln8jiig; 2. tie Gobie. extraction, «. t. tie JfuS^iebung ba8 -Jlbjicbcn; 2. tie Slbhiirft, tai i^erfcmmen. EXTRACTIVE, adj. aii^iebbar. extractor. . s . $. t. bie Steinjangt EXTR AGENEOUS, adj. freillb. EXTRAJUDICIAL {adv. — ly). adj. L. T. tent SBirfungSfreife ciuco ©ertrf » trt nidjt uuterroorfen 5 autSergeridU' [id), extramission, .i s. adj. frcnit, auSlaubifdj. auswartig, EXTRAORDINARD3S, s. ;>'. M. F. MU ^crprteutltd'e Jipftcu, Plebenfbefen. EXTRAORDINARINESS, 8. bie Qlujjcr' Pibeutlid)fcit ; i 1 icrfroiirtigfcit. EXTRAORDINARY {adv. — ly). adj. flU= perorbentltcb, bc"pntcr§ ;nicrfa'urtig. EXTRAPAROCTIIAL. adj. L. T ter @e= rid)t§brtrfeit bev^farre ntd)fnnter= morfen ; rticijt »pm Jlitrhfpiete ; — land, ;cbentfrcie Cdnbereien, EXTOAPROVINCIAL, o4r- aufjet ber ^routiu; auficr tent ©erid)tsbejtrf( etncS S8ifd)pf8. EXTRAREi : i car. adj. auper tcr SSegel." EXTRAVAGANCE (—cy . .'. 1. tic 31h8= fd) roeifung ; 2. Ungercii^thcit ; 3. ^efltgfettj 4. Uitregelmafigfett, tcr llnftiin, tic JcUbcit, Sd)roarmerei ; 5. flnnlofc SSerfcbroenbniig ; extrava- gancies, pi. Hatrifdje ■Strcicbe. EXTRAVAGANT (oar.— ly), a dj. iibcr= mdfetg, unindlig, au8fd)n)etfenb, tuir= rifel, ungereimt, itberfpannt; — es, iibermdpige 5prcife; —ness, (lb. ii.) rid. Extravagance. EXTRAVAGATION, s. tic 2fa8fd)rbcU fling; ba8 Ueberntaf. EXTRAVASATED, adj Med. T. ttUS fei« nen ©efdpen gefreten (befontcrs ooin S(ute). EXTRAVASATION. ?. Med. T. tie 51u-!= rretnng beS 33tute8, u. f, lb.). EXTRAVERSION, s. baS ■>3ct\t.ietvingen (lb. H-). EXTREME, I. adj. Ic^t, anfetfl, bnfTt ; iibertricbcit; — unction, bie IefeteDe= hing ; ii. 8. 1. ba8 Prtrcnt. Slewfeetfte, tcr (Yiitvunft; 2. tcr bbd;ue (Meat ; tie Hebcrtreibiin^. EXTREMELY, ado. ciuncrfr, Hntft, uberauS, ubr. EXTREMITY, s. 1. baS 3Ieiifjerfte ; du= \;t\iu O'i'.tc : 2. ter boebfte ©rat ; 3. bie dii»lcrfte dlotf) ; i. tcr Icrjtc ?lu= geilblicf, ba§ (?llte; to he reduced to extremities, auf bad ilcii^crftc gebtadjt fc.iit. EXTRICABLE, adj. beraiiSjujieben (auS cincr SBerlegenljeit , uermeiblicb. To EXTRICATE, r. a. bcraiisrpicfetlt, (— from, aus) anl einer ^crlcgcnbeit jief)en. extrication, s. tie §crauS»trft» lung. EXTRINSICAL (Extrixsic; adv. — ly), adj. auperlidi; von anpen. EXTRLXTn*E. adj. Jig. billicnb, bil> tcr.t, bcrvpibringciib. 71 EXTRUDE, r. a. fltieftoiicn, rceg. ftpficn. EXTRUSION, bie 5lu*fippiing. EXTUBERANCE (— cy:, s. i. ber ?ilt«* »ud)8, .P)5cfer; 2. tie Seule, @e= fditvitift. ^TUMESCENCE, *. tic PVfrbnMtlft. HUBERANCE(— cy), s. bie gillie, tct Ilcberflng, baS Ucbcvnta 1 *;, tic grofi< FDlenge fof ..., an ...>. EXUBERANT {adv. —LY).adj ftberfffifj ftg, rcicblirb, fibbig, iiberreicb EYE FACE FACT To EXUBERATE, v. n. im Ueberfluffe t>afev>it (iv. &.). To EXUDE (To Exudate), v. n. S- a. Ex- udation, a. vid. To ExsU.W, E.ysl'da- tion. EXUFFLICATE, + adj. vil. Exsuffli- CATE. 7}) I :.\ ULCERATE, v. la. i. S. T. f$W&* rcninadicit; 2. fig. enttiiftcn, erbit= ton, retjett, plagenj ll. n. fchivaren. ^ULCERATION, s. 1. baS 2rf)ivarcit; hit SBeretrerung ; ba« ®cfrbiviir; 2. fig. tif @rbitrerung. exulceratory, adj. febwaren ma* rbetit-. To EXULT, v. v. froblotfen, triumybU rcu ( — in, at, liber). exultant, adj. froblocfenb, trtum* pf)trcnb. exultation. ... bag Sroblorfen, bie iibcrmajSige Srctibc, SBonne, bcr 2,'riimtpb. EXUNDATK IN, g. hai Hcbcrfiicjscn, Uc= berlaufcn; ber Ueberffufi (i». ii.). bxustion, s. bic SOcrbrennuna, bcr SBranb. EXUVLE, s. pf. bic von £fjteten ab.jc= legit .jjaufc 4?ulie, ®<$ale. EYAS, s. bcr IKefrfalfe, Sfleftling; — musket, bcr Stefifpcrber. PYE, ». 1. baS Huge ; 2. bie JTiiPC'pe I 3. bafi Ccbr, bic Ocbfe, nutbe Deff= itnnfl ;it ciiicm SBerfyeitge, bas gneb; 4. bafi ©eftchf, bic JWiene ; 5. ber 2ln= Muf; fi. bic Sinftcbtj 7. Seoba4>= tints} ; 8 - - v - 7 '- bflS Sluge (bic ©d)ltn» ge> in ciiicnt £an; 9. vv t. bic )\Kid)c (Svifce) bcs SBucbjlaben am ©rbrifrfegel ; pope's — , bcr fcttc 23if= fen an ciiicr ©cbopfenfeulej iron — , bcr .£>afen, bie Arantpe; an — of pheasants, Sp. k cin ©efperre (eine Jtitte, cin ©ebecf) gafaneitj a cast of the — , cin oerjto&Iner Slier; to have a cast in the — , fd)iclcit (cin IVCItt'g) ; to have an — for beauty, cincit Stllll (®cftU)I) fur ©rboubeit baben; to have an — upon (to), c £ it aufmcrf fame* Sluae auf ttmai baben, es beobacbtcn, Sftuttficbt barauf nebmeil ; with an — to, init SHiicffid'it <\uf; with an — to evil, mit cincr iibeln Slbftcbt; to look with an evil — , fd)CCl ailfeflCIl, Ult^CVlt fcf)eit; to shut one's eyes, Jig. bard; tie Stttger feben; to be wise in one's own eyes, fid) flng tniiTen ; jv, T-s. — of an anchor, baS 2ltiferaugr; to go right in the wind's — , gerabe in ben S3i;;b fegeln; — ball, ber Xugapfel; — beam, bev 33licf, ©trabl beg SlugcS ; — bolt, jv. T. cin SHugbntjen; — bright, bes9l«gentrofi | Evphrasia— L.) ; — brows, bie 3htgenbraunen ; — drop, bic Jhvaiic; — flap, bad Scbeitleber ; — tiy, cine Heine oftinbifebe Sliege; — glance, bcr ©lief; — glass, bas 5lugenata§, tie grille ; — hole, bie 5litsltni)bblc ; — lash, bte 9lugennHin= V«.r; — leas, aitgetitcS, biinb; —lid, bag Slugenlteb; — salve, bie 2Iugen= falbc; — servant, bcr '.Mugcnbieiicr; — Bhot, bic ©efirbte'wetre, 'ber ©litf; '•o be out of — shot, onfscr bent @c= fid)te fct)it ; — sight, bat (McfidK ; bie 3lugen; within — sight, int ©eftchte, tin Nereid) beS ®eft^t«;if my — Fi^'ht fails me not, lUCUl! lltcillC '?llia,Ctl nidit tvfigen; —sore, ba» Slugens gefdjnjur, bofe "01 n^c, ©crfenforn ; fig. ^crn int -Jilt;}'.'; — splice, .v. v cine aiiigfulitfung ; — spotted, mit Slugen geflerft; — Btring, bcr (bic) 9ugenner»(e) ; — tooth, bet 2lugen= jcb" > — tube, ba« Se^ro&r ; — water, be* augentoaffer; —wink, cin Situ gentoint; — witness, rer Slugenjeuge. To eye, b. I. a. anffbcit, bctracbtcn, bcobacbtcn ; II. n. crfdiciucu. EYED, adj. in compos, atigia, ; black — , fd>roar§augig ; blear — , ttteffiugtg. eyelet, «' ba« Heine Vod) ; — , or — hole, baS <:d)itur(ocb. EYER, b. bcr Meugler, SiebSugler. EYERIE, Evot, ». bic flcinc jiifcl, bcr SBerber. EYRE, s. L. T. ba« fflcrid)t cine* f>cr- umreifenben SJlicbterS; justices in — , berumreifeiibe Siicbtcr ; the chief justice in — , bcr Cbcrfr;rfl:nei)tcr. EYRY, Eyrie, s. bie fiorft. EZEKXEL, s. ^efefiel (9J?ann«name). EZRA, s. @fra I'DJaniHuame). F. F, f, 3. baS %, f, ber fed^tc Sucb,fiabe be« Alphabet*; Mas T. mod. bie ttierte t'vitcnifcbc Jtlauijftufe bcS Tonfi;= perns. fab \i t.< )i's, adj. bobnenartia. FABLE, s. 1. bic rtabel ; 2. bie Cnbid)-- htng; 3. baJ -Uiabrdjcii; 4. bic Suae. To fable, v. a. ..c- n . 1. fabcln, crbid)- ten ; 2. lugen. FABLED, aij. etbidjtet; in Sabclit ge = priefen, bcriibmt. FABLER, «. ber 'DJ,tI)rd)cnertaf)lcr, ^a= bcltidjter. FABRIC, s. ber SPau, baS ©cbaiibe; 3JJari)njerf; bie gabrifj — lands, ®u= ter jur SluSbefferuug bcr Jlirdjen. To FABRICATE (To Fabric, W. ii.), r. a. 1. batten; emebten; 2. ccrfertigen, fabriciren; 3. fig. fcbinteben, cvtid)= ten, crfiittcn (?ugen, u. f. w.). fabrication, », i. ba« Sauen; 2. ber SBau; 3. bie SSerfertigung ; 4. baS 9)lad)H3crf ; a — , cine gcmadjtc Siigc. fabricator, s. bcr Prbaucr; 25cr= ferttger. fabulist, s. bcr 3abclbid)tcr. FABULOUS {adv. — ly), adj. fabclfiaft; — ness, s. bic gabclbaftigfett, facade, ». bic gaoftbc, Qjorberfeite, face. s. I. ba§ Wcficbt, ^Ingcfirbt; 2. bic 2ciic, Slacbe, Dberffaqje: 3, Top. T. g!8(he (Spi^c) bci S8uc$flaben« fain Srbriftfegel) ; 4. SSorberfeite (cincr ili'iiiuc, U. f. 10.), tM ^itrer- Slatt cincr Ubr; 5. bic fSugenfeite; fi. (SefJalt, ba6 xHnicbcn. bcr ;'lnfiteiit ; 7. tie iiiibtibcit, Sreijtigfeif, 3»»cr= firf)l; 8. ©eftcbtSnerjerrung;— to— , gegeniibcr; unfer uier 3lugen; to one's — , in? OK'ltdit ; to laugh in one's — , ciitent in« ®cftd)t fadjen (au6la= rin-ii) ; in the — of the public, offent= lid), vor ben Seuten; in — of the enemy, nntcr fciiiblicbcni Acttcr ; to fly into one's — , cincni 511 Seibe ge= ben ; he dans ii it show ins — , cr barf fid) nid)t feben laffen; I will never see your — more, fonilll' ltlir llic lltebr nnter bie Wugcn; to have a — , anj= feben ; how can you have the — I u>ic fannft bn fo unuevfehchnt fciMt ? to put a hold — upon tln^ matter, fid) cine Sacbe tticbt febr 511 <^erjen ncbincn ; to put on a new — , ftrb aiiberS benel)= men; to make faces, (Mcintfcr fd)itci; ben; wry faces, frbiefe ®cftd)tcr; to carry two faces under one 1 1, pro* auf ovei Slt^feln rragen, betrii^crifeb vcrfabrcn ; right about — ! Mil, T, redjt* Uin febrt endi ! — of a Bea com para, .v. t. tic Somyafjfrheibe, ffont* Vafircfe; — of a gun, a^n. T. bic aJHnbnng cincr Jtanont ; — cloth, ba« Vctdicntud) ^nr ©cbetfung bet JtopfeS; — painter, ber $orrrattmre= oifion. FA( 'ii IRSHB7, s, 1 . bic AactiMei ; 2. baJ ®efd)Sft, baa Jlint einefl ijactort. FACTORY, ». 1. ba< Aabnf.tcbautf, bit SDcanufactut ; '-'. Sattoret, SBaaren= nicbertage in fremben ©egenben ; 3. Aactovcu tinea .M.uitcl-H'laljcS (all Aorvetfdbaff). FAcroTUM,« l. ba* gactorunt, ber factor, bet 3IUe4 in SlUem iftj 2. fig gparfefel; 3. Tup T.bat Quabrat. FACTURE, «. bie SOer '"crtigung ; Sa> brif. 141 FAIR FALC FALL FA ri.TV. ». I, has SBetmBgen, bic Itraft, /"vabigfcit; ©eifteflfa&igfeit ; @efc$irfltd>feit; tie (Siaenfr&aft. ©a= be, bas latent ; 2. bad gad) ; tic 5a= PACUND, afj berebf [W. ii.1. FACUNDITY, ». bie SBetebfamleit. r» FADDLE, p. n. n;A'. tautcln, fpicfen. To FADE, d I. n. 1. tvelfeit, scnvelfcit; 2 Detbleidjen, verfebjeikn ; 3. etutat* ten; 4. yergeben, verfebinten, biu= fd)roillbeu ( — away) ; II. a. Wclfcil m adieu. FADINGNESS, 5. bcr SScrfall ; tie 9Scr= gangliefcfcit. FADV. adj. vcrfalJenb. v.v.i es, .--.;'pcfcn, bet Sobeits fafc ; 2. SluSrourf. T<> fag, 0. b. fid) placfen, abmatten, erntuteu. FAG, -- eofc 1. bet 2cla«c : .fiucrbt ; bflS ^lacfbol} ; 2. ber Slrbetter; 3. flciuc Srhulfuabe, bcr s>ou bctt ©rofjern t'.i= ranuifirt »ttb; 4. .v. r. bag aufge= brebte (?ttte ciucS £aue| ; 5. y?o-. baS SBertfjlofe irgcub eiitcr «ad)c ; — end, bit Saf)Uei(te. fagot, *. 1. ba« Steisbuttb, SBfintel, •©ebunb; 2. Mil. T. bcr SBttnbe (in bcr 5Jhifterrolle eiugefcbriebene, abet ntcfct aurEltcf) vorb^ujcite Solbat); — steel, bcr 33nnbjtafj(. To FAGOT (To Faggot), p. a. $ltfam= metibintcu (in SBunbel). To fail, o. a.* »■ 1. feblctt, mangeltt; feblfcbiagcu, ben 3rcecfj pcrfcblcn, burd)falicu ; 2. fta) irreu ; 3. vcrtaf- fen; 4. ermangchi, untetlaffen ; 5. matt locrtcn ; finfen ; 6. aufhbrcu, umfommen ; 7. jabtungSunfabig wets ben, Sanferott madjen; fallircu ; to — of one's word, fciu 'Sort nirf)t bal = te«1 J to — in one's hopes, fid) ill fettiet .Oorruuug betrogen ftnbeit ; my heart fails me, ber -})l\u{) fittft mir. FAIL, s. bcr i'langcl; bie Itufcrlafs fung; ge&lfcblaguna, (». fi.); with- out — , unfeblbar. Failing, s. I. bas gebfen ; 2. bcr Acb= kr ; — in the payment, bili 21ttsb(ct= ben bcr 3abluttg ; never — , uufcbU bar. failure, s. 1. bie ©rmangelung, Un= terlaffung; 2. bad geblfcblagnt; 3. M. /;--•. bic 3ablung5uufabigfeit, bas galltment; 4. bcr Aeblcr, iWingcl; statement of a — . ba3 (Jrtenfunt; — of crops, bcr *>Sli%Wa, matt, miitt)li>0 merbeit; i — , ber i'littf) eittfalli mir. paint ( -dr. — i.y? adj. 1. fdMvadi. matt, fraftlo?, ohimtaduig ; 2. [eife; 3. blttjj; 4. jagfjaft; —heart never won fair lady, />rov. wtx nid)t toacfi, gewtnnt titviit ; — bearted, — heartedly, sets jagt, fleimiiutbtg; — heartedness, bet •iilciumutb, tie jcigbcit. PAINTING, part s. i,- adj. baS OtltfllU fctt; bie OtMiniadjt, obiimadnig ; — tit. bie Dbitniadit, ter 3lnfall ; a — .v T. tint iibncbmciibc .Hiibfe. FAINTNESS ». I. tic Se^wacBe, $laU tigfett; 2. ^agb^aftigfett, m&tyut faints, .-. pi t. ( bctin 5)e(ltHtren) bcr fpatete, tabcr fdiwadicrc abutg. taintv, adj. idmwsty ; fdmvicMid) ; tra^e ; icbmadueub. FAIR. a$. tf ado. (* -a), 1. f*3«. Hi arft'g, biibfd) ; 2. Honb, a^eif; ; 3. rein, bell, better; 4. gilt, giinftig; 5. cbr= licb, rcbltdi, offen fbillig, gcrcdit, uniMrtciit'di : 6. angemeffen; 7. jart, gclinbe, fanft, giitlid) ; frcunblirb ; gefallig ; — and softly goes far, lllit ©fite fomntt man am lvcitcftcn ; to keep — with one. mir ocmailt Ottf gu= tcm Aiitle bleiben; ii rti tti 3emanbe8 ©unjr ;u crbaltcn fudicit; to speak — to one, cinem gate iBortc geben ; to L'ive one a — warning, 3cmailb bet Settcn lfarncit; to give one — play, billig feint; ficic .6anb lajfen; to play — . ehrlid) fpiclcu ; — play, fpielt Oltcntltrb ; to be (very) — with one, cittern rcinen SEBein einfdicnfcn; to stand — . trcu bleiben ; tc stand — for .... i^offltung baben jit . . . ; to bid — , Sliilagcit rcrvatben, ju ^offnun- gen berccfjtigen ; to copy (write) — , tn» Dteine abfdjreibcn; the sea runs — . bie See ift rilbig ; — conditioned, giitberttg ; — dealing, bie OJctlict;fett, Pbrlid)t'cit; — faced, fcjjon son ©e= ftcbt; — hair, bfonbel ■QasiV ; — sex, baS febone ©c'cblccbt f — spoken, fdmtetcbdbafr, ciitncbmcnb; — trial, nuiMvtciinte Unferfudjung ; — way. .v. t. bafl 3abnraffer in cittern %\\i\- fe, §afen, obcr eincr 33u cbt; — wea- ther, f$5ne6, gutes better; —wind, prrcner fgiinfttger) 2Sinb ; — words, gnte gtatte SOSotte, 2ct)mcid;eleieit, SSertrofhtngeti. FAIR._5. 1. (— one), bie Scbimc ; 2. bie 5Kejfe, bet Sa^tmarft; bin of (the) — , bet 2tatttfdiciit obet Battel j — dealers. SicrantCIt ; — town, bie jMarftjtabt, SKegflabt. fairing, s. bas sgjefgefcBenf. fairish, adj. col. artijj, nictlid) ; jtem= lid), biibfd), leitlid). FAIRNESS, s 1. bie Scbottbeit, C?[e= ganj ; -Jlrtigfcit; 2. rlicittbcir ; 3. @i't= tc, ^aiiftbeir, 5reunblid)feit ; 4. ©brlicbfeit, (Rebliebfeit, Dffenbeit: SiUigEeit. FAIRY, s. 1. bie %st, ^I^nu'bc; bcr c«obolb, ©nomc; 2. bic 3aubennti, i6cre ; — or — like, adj. fceiibaft, jau= bcrifd); — circles, bie 5'ceiifreife ; — land, bas ^eenlanb, SEBunbetlanb ; — stone, ber ^crcitftctn, 2llpfdr)op, Slips ftein. faith, s. 1. bcr ©lauBe ; 2. bie Trcite, Sufage, bas Sort ; 3. bic (i'bvc, Dicf= licbfcit, 23abrbaftigfcit; in — ,traun, bet mciner Jrcit; in good — . attf Srcn unb ©lauben, bonajide; in — whereof, tut 'iicivahvbeitititg biefeS; — ! auf (5'brc ! upon my — ! bcimci= ncr (5bre, auf mcin Sort! to have p n — in ... , ©lauben beimeffen, (uertrauen fefeeit auf . . . : — breach, bie 3Bortbrud)igEeit, Jreuloftgfeit. FAITHFUL 'air. — ly). adj. 1. t'reil, gc= trcu; 2. aufrtd)tig, cbrlidi, vctlid), wabvbaft, geroiffeub^aft; 3. glaubig; — ness. s. tie Xrcitc ; ?hifrid)tigfeit ; 9tcblid)feit, (fbrlidifcir. FAITHLESS, adj. 1. Itntrcit, trcufoS ; 2. unglauBig ; —ness, .?. 1. bet Unglau= be ; 2. bie Untteue, Xrcttlofigfcit; ber •^crratb. PARE, s. .v. t bic SBugt eittcs aufge= fd)offcncu (rutiB jufainmengelegten) XantS. fakir. Faquir, .c. ber gfafit (tiirEifcbe Settelmond)). FALCADE. s. Sp. K. bic Aakabe. falcated, adj. ftcfcelformig, frumm. falcatioN,*. bic jjriimme. falchion, s bcr SPallafcb, Sa6el. FALCON, s. I. bcr ab^ctiductc galfc; 2. Gun. t. bie Aalfaitnc. famx)NER, s .bet galftnier. FALCONET, s. Oun. T. bal vvatfouelL falconry, s. 1. bie galf enbeije ; 2 eyalfncrei. faldstool. *. bet ^voiinit^-fcbcnieL To FALL, d. ir. n. 1. fallen; 2. finfen, abitebnnn, ai'falfeu.voti.ttraftcn foni= men, febtvaeb werben; fcfyroinben; 3. im SJJreife fallen, ab fdjlagen; 4. iu= fallen ; 5. befallen ; 6. fallen otcr ge» ratbett ( — at, into, mi\ obcr ttt ct= loaf); 7. Mi\Mic\sn, roevbett; 8. HA ereigucu, tutrogen; 9. gereorfen »et« ben (von ibiereu) ; to — aboard of a ship, JV. T. mit cittern Srbiffe jufam= menftofjen, aufeinanbet treioen ; to — away, otfalleuj abncbmeii ; abma= gent; abtriinntg acrtcu ; unterge= pen ; to — back, jurucf fallen ; jururf= gcljcn, treieben; nidjt 2Bort balteu ; to — a crj-ing, anfaugen ju roeincu ; to — a doing of something. ttreaS 011 = fangen ; to — down, fallen, uieter= fallen; einfallen, einftnfen; a*, t. binunterfabrcn obcr fcgcln, abfacfen nietcrtrciben; to — due, M. E. ter= fallen, jablbar roevbett ; to — (run) foul of ... , fid) rcibeu mi . . . , oeroi* cfeln mit (in)...; to — foul upon one, ungeftiim uber eincu bcrfallcu ; to — from, abfallcn, fahrcu laffen; to — in, einfallen ; eintreten ; nae^ge= hc.i, bcijtimmen, gemai banbeln; (— with the harbour). JV. T. ciulaufeil; Mi!. T. ficb in ^ciben formiren; to — in with the enemy, (mit bem 5'Cin- bc) baitbgemetu merben ; to — m at, l)iuciii_ geratbett; to — in love with . . . , ficfi oerlieben in . . . ; to — in tears, iii Xbranett attsbrecbcti ; it falls in his gifts, cr bat eS ju vergeben, ju Dcrfdjeitfen ; it does not — in my way. e» fontmt mir itiebtoov; si .jcbori uidu in mcin %sisi): isb ftofe va&: baraitf, cs liegt ntir fern; to— ir. with . . . , 1. antrcrrcn, fto'le:; auf . . . ; 2. anlaitben, anfommen ; 3.{timmeiij eiuftintmeu mit . . . , bcipflicbteii ; to — into, nadigcbcu ; to — a note, Mus. T. tint eincu Xou (cine SJtote finfen laffen ; to — off 1. abfallcn, benmfer fallen ; 2.abgebcu ; 3. ablaffcn, naeb= laffen, abftcben, aufgeben ; J. ait3= fallen (»ie in :l?ecbitiiitgcii, ; 5. tren= ueu; 6. auSfterbeit; to — off from a discourse, bas ©cfvracb anbern ; to — on, bariioet bcvfallci:, anfalieu ; to — out. 1. auc-faden; vovfallcn, iistt sr= eignen, jutrageit, gliicfen ; 2. bcvau5= fallen; to — out to, mfallen; to — nut with one, mit cittt-m jerfaQen, fid) mit ibm iibenvcrfen, unetns toetben ; to — over, itbertrcteu, (511 bem ®egen= tbeil) iibergeben; to — short of, uicbt jureicben, ju meiiig fent, fefjlen, bas ©etoicbt uicbt baben ; utefct entfpre= d'cit, friilccbt ausfallen ; nicbt befrie= bii^Ctl ; we fell short of provisions, Cs fcblte nni an Sebcusmiftelu ; this falls short of your merit, biejj tft^l'rcn 33erbtenfteu nicbt angeineffen; to — a sacrifice. Jtim Dpfet lvcttcit ; to — Bick, fcanf rocrteu ; to — a.-leep, ein- fd)lafctt ; to — astern, A" T. tcinfet' bae Scbjff narf; bent .fointcvtbcile breben) ; to — to, anfaugen, niittx- ittbmcn, Bornebmeit; to — toi business, fid) an etc .'irbeit macben ; to — to pieces, jcrfallcit ; to — to the leeward, jv. t. tinier ten SBinb gera* tben, ten Sovtbeil bed SBiubeS vtt- licrctt ; to — tooth and nail upon a thing, vuig. mit alter ©etvatt (begie= rig) uber etroa^ bctfallcu; to — 'un- der, untet ettvas fallen ; in etroaS fal« len otcr geratbeu, miter etwaS ge^5» rett ; unterliegenj this falls under om consideration, ticy miiffeu n'ir in (St* FALS FANC FARD roiigmio. jiefjen; to — upon, aufehoaS fallen ; an etroad flofeit ; aiifalleit; befallen; verfuciicit ; erjtnneit; to — upon nn expedient, OUf fin il(ittclfal= !cn, ftnneti, benfett. pall, s. 1. ber gftUj 2. bad gallen, Stnfeit; 3. 9lbnebmen, bit 33erriuge= rung, tor vlbfdilaa, (bet SJJreife) ; 4. bte (Senfuttg [bet Sttmme), ber gd^lujjs fall, Scplufilattf, bte Gabenj; 5. bad 3Ibfalien; 6. gdflen; 7. SBerberben; bet Star), £ob, bic Stieberlage ; 8. Sludmunbung (eined Stuffed in bit See u. t". n>) ; bet SJBaffetfalf, Staffers fturj, SBaffcraufi; 9. 3lbhatt3 ; 10. ber .fjcrbft, bad 9%ad)ia$r; a — of rain, ciii [Regengiifj ; in thc_ — of tiie year (at the — of the leaf; * im SlMt= jahr, im.tpcrbft, beim '-Blattcrfall; at die — or the moon, bctin abnerimen= ben SJJJonbe; .V. T-s. — of a tackle, bee SJSufer eined £aued; the shin has falls, bad Scbiff hat fein ebe:ie§I)ccf; a fall! SItidtuf bet ilsUlfiutfanoa- (fiatpttniret) gut oftlligen (Srlegung etned oerwnnberen SBallftfoJed ; the — of man. ber Stinbenfall ; to get a — , audgleitett, fallen ; to give a — , niebertoerfen, untweffen, ftiirjett, fal= len. FALLACIOUS (adv. — ly), adj. ttfi(|» lid), ttugerifeb, tciiifrficiib, fopbiflifcb; — ness, s bie iEriiglicbfcit, 3alfd)bcit, ©opbifleret. fallacy, e. 1. bet SBetrua ; 2. £rua= FALLIBILITY,* bicAcbibarfeif, £riig= lidifcif. ' J FALLIBLE (ado. — ly), adj. fcblbar, trfigltdj, irrig. FALLING, adj. faflcitb ; — axe, bte fiotjatt, SSaumart: —away, ber 2U>= fall, bte Slbtrunnigteir; — down, bad SflieberfaUen, ber Sugfaff; — home, .v. t. bad @inge;ogenfei)it ber Scbiffd* borben ; — in, bte Sertiefung, .*obb= le; —off bet "M-fall (tut Sfinbe) ; .v. T. baa ©ieten r.'lbfallcn) eined (gcbJfFed; — out, bie iDiifjbelligfcif, bad OJiifivcntanM:i|l; — sickness, bie fallcnbe 2ndu. FALLOW, I adj. 1. falb, fab I, brann= gelb, blaSrotb, aclblid);2. bvadi ; — Imck, ber Tainbirfcb: — deer, bad 3>amtvt(D; bie Tambirfdiftib ; — finch, bie SBeittbroffel ; it s. bet SBradjatfer j — ing, a. bad SBracljen, Stiirten ; — ness, s. bad 93racb!:cgen, bie Unfrucbtbarfcii. FALSE [adv. — i.y), adj. 1. falfdj, llrt= lvabr; unvicbtig; 2. feblcrbaft, fcbUcbt; 3. unreajt; ungiiifig; 4. »cnatberifcii, treulod, bcncblcrifdi, unreblt'rb; — bray, fort bee Itntcr- nall; — coin — money, bie falfcbe 2J}unje, bee SBetfrbtag ; — conception, bie unieittge Seibedfrutbt (im erflen 3Ronare ber ©tbroattgerfcbaftf ; — dealer, ber falfdie 2Wcnfd), SBrtritget ; — fnccl, beueblevifdi ; — fire, tdi SSlitffeuer; — hearted, (— heart), falt'd), treufod; — imprisonment, bie aufltngvniib bcrubciibc 93erbaftiteb= mung; — keel, .V. T ber lofe ,U t c I ; — muster, Mil. T bet Sltttbe; — quarter, Sp /:. bie Spalfetm ^ferbe» bnfe ; jv T-s. — 6tem, ber SBorfleoeit ; — tie, bad SBorgbre&reep ; — verses, frblcditc SBerfe. falsehood, J *. bte Ralffbbet'r; Un= FALSENESS, <, roabrbrir, ?uge, bet ©ettttg, S3erra£l), bte Ereulofigfetf. FALSETTO, Jtfus. T bic gtjlef, gijlel= flint nte FALSI FIASLE, adj »etfalfc6bar. FALSIFICATION, s. 1. bte 9?erfaU febung ; i. SBibetlegunfl. FALSIFICATOR, ) s. 1. ber 3?erfa(= FALSIFIEB, S ff^er ; 2. Suaner. Tb FALSIFY, b. a. a- ',,. l. oetfalfctjen; liigen ; 2. bie Unrtrbttgfeil eincr ©a« die beiveifen, fie wiberlegen ; to — tith, etned £reue serle^en. FALSITY, 8. bic gfalfcbbetf, 8uge ; ber Jntbitnt. 'fa FALTER, d. a. tf n. I. ftraiidicln, fiolvern ; ruaufett, raumeln; >. mm-. melit, ftottcvit; anjioficn, ftecfen; 3. feblcn, fid) oerftofen. FALTERING. *. 1, bic idiroacfic. ltu= DoQfommbeitj 2. tM 3tvaucbcln ; 3. Statnmeln; i. Sebleti; - —iv, »,/.•. 1. ftraudjelnb; 2. ftammelnb, ntit ©tocfen ; 3. mil -Jietb, miibfam. FAME, 8. 1. ber diubni : 2. dint iaS ©erucbt To FAME, r. a. bcriibjnt madden, itt SRuf bititgen. FAMED, adj I. beriifjmt; viclbefpro= dieit ; ? beritdjtigt. fameless, adj. unberubmt. FAMILIAR, I. adj. [adv. — ly), 1. &aU«s ltd); 2. oerrraitltcb, setttanf, aUju= oerttaut; 3. befattnt; 4. leutfeltg; Ieid)t, ungejwungen; II. «, 1. bet -Bcrtraiitc, £audfreunb, greiltib; 2. i^ausgeift, Jcoboib. familiarity, * 1, bic SSertrattlidjs feit, ber uerfranfe Umgang: 2. bie Ungejnjitngetibeif, Sreibcit, ©emetn= ntadntit.i, gettaue ikfanntfd^aft; 3< 3ugangTtrbfeif. To FAMILIARIZE, v. a. i. ocrfraitf, obet genau ntit etwad befattnt ma= diett; Umgang baben ; 2. l)crab= jicben. family, .5 1. bie Jyamiiic, bad §aud, ^audroefen, ©ettnbe, bte.6aii5geiiof= fen ; 2. bad ®efdjled)t; bic ®at* tung, 3Irt, ©efainmt^eit . t-cr $flan= jengewadjfe) ; in the — way, /am. gnter ^ofnnng, i. e . febn'aitger; — mansion, bad ©rbgebatlbe; — tree, ber ©tatnmbaum; —medicines, .Pian«= mtttel; —vault, baa drbbegrabttip. FAMiNE,8.bie ^ungerdnotb. To famish, d. I. n. oetbungern; CL a. audbungem; tcixbai laffen, »ers fdi m a du en laffen. FAMBHlffiNT, 8. bie ^ungerdnotb. FAMOUS (ado.—hn), adj. i. bcriibmt ; 2. aufierorbentlid); 3. offenfunbig; beruebftg ; — ness, A -. ber grofie 3iuf, bie 'i'a'iibmtbeit. FAN. 8 l. ber Aadier, SJebel; 2. 5?ctl= crfaeber; 3. Aitti,i : 4. bie Sd^wiitge, SBanne; SBorff^attfcI ; —cricket, bie SJetre, gelbgrtUe; —light, ettt balbtunbed (5)acfc», ©tebels, obet SBofl«H=) Tveitfter; —tail pigeon, bic SPfau laiibc. To FAN, v. a. 1. fadielit, rt'Cbeln ; 2. farfKit, anfadiei: ; 3. febmingen, »ot= fein, tuurfen. FANATIC, I I. adj FANATICAL (ado. — ly), \ frb»at= inetifd); n. Fanatic, ber 2d)ivar= liter; — ness, 8. »«/. Fanaticism. FANATK3ISM, s. bie Sebroarineret, bet Sanatidtnud. FANCIFUL (,/,. — ,.v\ adj. fanfailifdi, rottnberlicb, feltfam, griftettbaft; (an= niidi ; — ness,8.bie ©titbttbUlig, viiril = lenfangerei. fancy, s. I. bie Etitbilbungdrtaft, Aaiiiai'ie; 2. bad Aantafie.iebilbe, bic 3bee, ber©ebattfe, ®egriff;@iitfatl; 3. bic Sinbilbung, ©rille, Valine ; SBillfn^r, bad ©tttbunfett, ber 5>fin= fel ; 4. + bie Viebe, ^ttiteigttng ; bet ©efc&inad ; cant bie viebbaberei Don irgenb eittem ©egettflanb; Sieblittad= • • • : to take b — . ciiien ( s "infall baben ; to take a — to . . ., iJieignng tn etivai baben, lieb getoinnen ; SBe* gnugen, ©rfctmacf baran finbeu; - goods , DJJobeartifel, S&lo* bewaaren ; —cloths, iDfobejeng, O.'io- beftoffe ; —dress hall. Me (s"iMrafte\: SRcbOUte; — fair, — bazaar, bie Sln|< fiellung feiner .*> a it t = "Jl r b c 1 1 c n ; — en, ?Ju(}ffbcrn; —framed. ein« gebilbet, erciduet; —free, [Sh dtn. M. .v /> l liebedftei ; — monger, bet @TiI» lenfanger; — net, ber il\'oi:c=Iiill • — >ick, franf in bet (Sinbilbung; — trade, ber iDfobemaarenbanbel. T.j FANCY, >: a. ir n. 1. fieb einbilben, Ui.ii DorfteHcn; incttten, mabncit; fid) tit bcu Mevr feijeii; 2. liiben, ©fa fdniiacf ftnbcn, ©efaUeit baten an ... . FANDANGO, .-•. ber ganbango. FANE. 8. * ber Xempel, ^a5 .fjtt(ig> tbiini. FANFARE, t. 1. ber Sromvetentufd) j 2. Me ©rogtbuerei. FANFARON, t. ber tMrofi'Vrcrbct ; (St= fenfteffer. fanfaronade « bie ©tofifpre^ewi. FANG, s. ber gang, jailer, ^attjabn; bie .Ulane. FANGED, adj. mil .Oaucrn, mil eTelan- en ; fig. beivaffnet. FANGLED, adj. new — . fig licit erfnn = ben, licit gebarfen, neubatren. FANGLESS, adj. cbue .^aii5abnc, tabn= lod. FANGOT, s. (— of silk), .',/. K. ber S8al« len (rober f. ro.) FANION, 8, Mil. T. bie Jronfabnc. FANNEL (Fanon), e. I. bie breifeSBin* beam lilt f c it virme bee iliJcfipricfletS ; 2. bad fattier. FANNER, s.bcr JTiu'iifdiiviiigcr, SBorf. lev. FANNY, B. abbr. (ffit Frances) %XOn- cidca, Araiiidien (grauenname . fantasia, 8. Mus T bie gantajte. FANTASM, s. bie ginbtlbnng, bal ^itngefpinnp, JErugbilb. FANTASTIC 1 ' 1. FANTASTICAL (adv. — ly), J fanfa« itifdi, eingebilbetj 2. anUenbafr, feltfam; rottnberlirb, laitnifd), un« jlat, tegeHod ; —ness, ». bie faiitauu fcbe'Jlrt; ©rillenfanaeret ; 2elifaiii= feit; Slbenteuerlidjfett, bad launtfc^e SSefeit; ber SBaitfelimitb- FANTASY, • oid. I i F \.\'i< im, s, bie @rfc4)einnng, bad C^c; Fpenfl; Suftgebilb, ^itngefpiirafl ; —like, gefpenfttg. FAQI ill. s. hi Fakir. FAR, adj. .V- ado. writ, fern, entfemt; —oil", lveitmcii, entlegen ; rmm — . and ber Acrne; hy — . bet SBeittm, uiu v J.;icl; as— as. fc u-eit hid, \o *y-ri, fo fern a(» i , in ivie lveit ; as — as I hear, fb utel, obet fo ivie id) bote; the day was — spent, t$ war fdioil fp5l ant Sage; to carry too — , ubettrru bell; — and near, or — and wide, ivcit nnb brcit allentbalbeii; —other- wise, ganj anberd ; -^ab mt, ofel urn ; — extending, roeitgreifenb ; — Ihmed, tveit bcriibmt; —fetched, ivcit ber= gcbclt, gefurbt; —gone, rocit ivr^ ; — in years, bod'bejabrt, fteinalt; — side, Sp. r. bie recbte 2 cite bee fRtiU pferbed, n. f. w. To FARCE, v. ■' I. fiillcn, anfitllcn flopfen; '-'. atidbebncn. FARCE, », tie Aaree, bad SPoffrnfpirl. FARCICAL (ado. poffeil' bau, niebrig, foinifrb. FARI IIN, Fari v. ».bi< lianbcber $ferb( FARDEL, 8. bad iPunbcl, l ; aifet, bit Van. rb i MtuF.i.. d ,i in SRfiltbd binben ; ciiipacfcn. 143 FASH FATE F^UL 7b fake, v. n. 1. fjiljren, ge^en, vci= fen ; 2. crgeben, fid) bcfiitbeii; 3. lc= ben, effen unb tviitfcn; — you well, leben «ie n>of)l; how — youi wie jjebffl S^nenV I— ill, cs acfjt ink Htlcdu. park,*. I. baa Aitbvlobit, ©taftonSs obee SPaffagtergelb ; gafjtgelb; 2. col. bet (paffagter; 3. bte ©peife, JSoft; slender—, magete Jtcft; bill of—, bev Jiiutcuu'ttcl, ©peifejettel. farewell, I. «. bas SebewobX ber Wbfcbicb; Hint. ado. \tbt »0$l! to bid one — , cincm ilcbcvopbl ffljjen, Slbfdncb »on ibm ucbmcit; in. adj. a— letter, &c. cin SflbfcfeJebSbttef, U. f. w. FARINACEOUS, adj. mcljlig ; sou, aug Witty ; mcblicht. FARM, s. bag spadjtgut, bie DJicicrci, bet SJJieierhof; s 4>ad)t; to let to — , vevpacbteu; —doc, bev Sauetljunb ; — house, s. ba8 ^Miditauf, "}>ad)tbof ; — offices, bie Siebengebaube eineS SJJadbtgUteS ; —servant, bet Jjjofs fncd)t. To FARM, ». ir. 1. pad)tcn ; 2. vcfpacfcs ten; 3. bag Sanb baucit; to — out, vevpacbteu. farmer, s. bet Spacb tcr, $ad)tcr, 2)bemann ; a gentleman of—, eiu feiiter .ftcrr, eiu OTantt »0l| Stattbe; —monger, bet aJiobenatr. FASHIONABLE (adv. — lv), adj. ge« braiirfilicrj, getoBbnlifh, mobetn, mc= btfd), utatticrlid), flanbeginagig, nacb tet SHobe, nacb bet SISelt, na'ch bcin I'M (sou) SSJelt = 2'nt ; — distemper, bie 2KobeftanEb*tt; —hours, bag [ange ©cblafen, fpate^lufftcbctt; a — lady, eine SDtobesSaine ; — party, eiu 2Jiobe.jitfel ; a place n,r — resort, eiu Dvt fiit bie feme Si'elt; — ness, «. ntpbifdier Sdbmtt toegffljien, tutdj 5vaften oetttttben. FAST, .«. I. bag gajien ; to break one's — , frith ft Me it ; II. bag Sd^ifffeii, San. FAST (adv. — i.y), adj. 1. feft, Ullbe= toegltdb, ftavf, uiieiuuebntbar ; 2. fdjiieil, burtig ; — and loose, tu'vau= betlicb, unbejtanbig ; uueeblid), fd)eU lltifd) 5 to make — , jUlliarfjcn ; — friends, cnge (iituigc) gteunbe ; — handed, farg, gcijig ; to he — asleep, feft fcblafeit; a — sailing ship, eiu ©c^nellfegler j a — sleep, eiu tiefet €d)laf. To fasten, v. I. a. I. feft luarbeit, 6e= fefltgen; feftbaltcn; feft jumae^en; befteit; uetetntgeit; tittcti; 2. bci= bvingeu, einptagen ; to — a crime upon one, ciiieu ciueg 33etbtedjen8 befd)ulbiiieit; to — a blow, cineu Sdiiag beibtingen ; to — an obligation upon one, Scnt'aiibem cine 33evbinbs Itdbfeit aiiflegeit; to — upon, aithef= ten, befdjulbtgeu ; n, n. fid) feft balten, anfefeeu ; to — at one's throat, eiucn bei bet Ke&Ie pacfeu; to — upon, tiad) etwaS gtetfen. fastener, s . bet Sefeftiget. fastenings, s. pi. bie C")acfd)eu, ©a= bcld)cu (au SJtanfengetocicbfen). faster, s . bet faftet,' SSiclfafler. FASTIDIOUS (adv. —it), adj. cfc(; ci= gen; »etac^tenb, febwet jit befttebi= gen ; — ness, s. bie fiolje SSetac^tung, ©igcubeit; bet Ucbcrntut!). FASTIGIATE, ) adj. }ua,efpi!}f, gipfc{= fastigiated, $ fotmtg. fasting, s. bag gaften; —day, bet gafitag ; — gut,.'?, t. bet leete SDavm. fastness, 5. 1. bie SfefKafeit, ©tar* tt, ©tcberljett, geft^ett; 2. bet fcfte $lat}, bte gefte, gefiung. fastuous, adj. ftolj, bocbiuiifbig. FAT (adv. — wr), adj. 1. fett ; bid 1 , plump; 2. buinm; 3. veid); to make — , mafteit; —face, (—letter, Typ. T. bet ftatfe (fetlc) ©djitftfegel ; —fed, tooibl gemajlet ; — foot, sp. E. bet m biinne ,<3uf bet SPfetbe; —quarters, jv. t. eiu biutcn <\n ben ©ettett febv »oll gebauteg ecbiff; —strokes, iyp. T. vid. Fui.l-strokes ; — witted, bicf= fiipftg, bumtu. FAT, s. 1. bag s . i . bie ^Pvbcibeftim= fatalness, S miing; bag nnoetmeibs Iid)e Sd)irf i"al, 33etbangnti ; bie Unoetmeibltchfeit ; 2. bag Uugemadb, ?Jii|igefd)icf, lltigliirf, bctnugiitcflicbc pitfall; 3. bag ©efafjtoolle. FATE, *. 1. bag Sdiid'fal, OK-fcbicf, bie ©cbicfimg, bag Sethangmg ; 2. bev :lrb, bag SBetbetben -*, ;i/. bit ^avscu. FATED, adj. ivuMit 2d)id fal) scrbattgt, bcftintiut', augetfebett. father, .?. 1. bet iiatet; 2. (5tjCU= get; ©dbopfet, Utbcbet, 2lUsater; 3. iflbnbett, ©tamihsatet ; 4. bet, )veld)cv yatevliri) gegeti Semanb ge= fiiitit ift; 5. bet e&ttouvbtge alte 3JJann; fi. ?Jatet; ^(ivdie'ityatet: fathers, v i. bie SJotflltctn, i!otfat)teu. ,Uil'd)enyater ; father in law, bet ©c|itoteget»atet ; — like, wic cin £?a= tct,' tniierlid) ; —lasher, bie Sonnet; febtc, SBolIafe, bet 3JieetffotptDit. To FATHER, v. a. 1. fid) JUlll SSotet bcfeiincu ; 2. au Htnbee ©tatt anneh= liteu, abrptivcu ; to — upon, beimcf= fett, jufdjveibeu ; she fathers her child upon another man, fie giebt citlclt v ,'llU been jitnt SSotet on, fatherhood, s. bie SOafcvfdiaft. fatherland, s. bag SJanb nnfetcr SOorfobren, SBatetlaub. fatherless, adj. uatevfog. fatherliness. 5. bie i'atcrliebe ; Batcflidic 3avt!id)fcii. FATHERLY, adj. & adv. vafcriidj, bc= befovgf, jartlicb, tote cin ^ater. fathom, s. i. bet gaben, bie ,Ulaftcv, bag (bie) Sodbtet ; 2. jig. bie @infid)r, Jlicfe, bcr Scbarfftiitt; jv. T.-s. — hncbiel'tifbleiue, ©enfleine ; —wood, ^eiie, untet nub jwifrben bie gaffet Sit fegen, ©tau^oljet; ^laftet^olj. ©tenn^ofj. To FATHOM, v. a. 1. umffaftctn ; 2. ciTcicbcn, etgteifen; 3. etgtiiuDtn, citibvina.en; i cannot — his design, id) fanii feme ?lbftd)t uid)t cniriitelu. FATHOMABLE, adj crqvitllblt'd). FATHOMER, s. bet (Svariuibcc. FATHOMLESS, adj. uncnjriiublid) ; ununifpannbar. fatidical, adj. wabvfagcub, uuiffa- genb. fatiferous, adj. lmgliicflid), tJbtltcb, yei'bcvb(id). FATIGABLE, adj. Ieid)t JU evmubctt. FATIGATION, s.'bic 'Olbnuibuug. fatigue, s. 1. bie ©rmiibuna,, 2lb= mattung ; 2. SSefc^roerbe, Slrbcit. To fatigue, b. «. cnitiibcn, abmattcu. fatling, s. bag junge a}Jaft>jieb. FATNEIt, .'. vid. Fattener. fatness, s. 1. bie getttgfett ; 2. bag gett; 3. bie gvud)tbacfcit; *Be= frud)tung. To FATTEN, v. I. a. feft mad)en, ma- ftcu ; bungen ; fvuebtbar iuad)cn ; n. 71. fett toetben. fattener, s. bcr 3R8fter. FATTENING, *. bag ^Jiafteu, bie 9)Jaft ; — house, bev -Diaftfialt. FATTINESS, s . bie ^ettigfcit. FATrisii,n(/j jum getttoetben gencigt. FATTY, adj. fcttid)t. fd)mictia. fatuity, .«. bie ^iavvbeit, Sllbetit-- bcit, ©ci|tcgfd)wad)c. fatuous, adj. 1, bitiitnt, toal^ntotfeig, gciftegfd)mad) ; 2. fvaftlog; uicbtig. faucet, s. bet .£>ahn am %atfc ; 3apfcn. FAUCHlON, s. vid. Falchion, faufel, 8 . bie 9lteFanuf} # gofeltmfj (Doneiner 3ltt ^alme). faugh ! mt. pfui ! weg bamit ! fault, s. l. bev gefflet, ge^I; bag SOetfeben (im JJcrfjuen it. f. to.); 2. bet SJiangel ; 3. bie Scrlegenbett ; 4. M. T bev SRtfj in ciucv Slotje; bie Sagenfpaltc ; to find — (with), tabeln, beti'ttteln, ait ettvag aitgmfeljen ba- ben ; it is not my — , eg ift mcine ©rbiilb nidjt; to be in—, ©cbult bavan feptt, Uuvedit baben; for — of a better, if Gmrtaugclitua, eineg Scf= FAVO fern; to be at — . bie Spur rcrtorer. babcit ram ^erqe fteben), au[ cme <£d)roicrigfcit treffen; to a — . fiber* tricbcu;— finder, bcr Stabler, 43c= frittler, ©nlbenjtedjer. faulter ». bergeblenbe; Seleibi* gcr.Urbcrtrctcr. faultfuu o4/. fcblcrbarr, fuubbaff, fcbulbbefleof i. . „,,,,., FAULTINESS. s l.btC Schlcrbaftig* foit llnuollfommcuhcit; '2. (d)lcd;te ©cmutb«aii[age; 3. baa ftebfen. FAULTLESS a £ fehlcrfrci, fetjIerloS ; — ni!ss, s. bic geblerlofigfett, FAULTV (* — ly), «dj 1. frbutbiq. tabelngrorrth ; 2. fcl)lcvt)aft, fd>lctl>t, unbrauebbar. FAUN, s. ber Jauii, SOaltgott. faunist. s. mo i. bcr Siebbabcr bet iftatur, SJtaturforfdKr. fausen. «. ber groge 3lal. FAUSSEBRAYE, ». /•>«•(.. tcr lltltcrvcaU. fautor, s. bcr ©owner, SBcfidjufeer (tt>. ii.). FAUTRESS. s. bic ©Snitmnn (tt>. u.). FA VILLOUS, a$ afd)ig, au« "2!fcbc be* ftebcub. . 7V> FAVOUR, v. n.1. bcgi'tllftiqnt, rootyl vooUen, ; 2. bcitrageti ; 3. glcirbcn. iibulid) I'ebcit ; — me with it, tijuit etc mit ben ©efaiien ; —us with a sons, gebcit Sie una ciit 8teb tnm ©ejlen : to — tiie masts, j\*. t. bic SDiafteu fc&onen. i'vvour, sA bic @unft, ©ewogeufieit, baa ffioblmoUen, bic ©iite, i^iltc, ©nabe.SBeneibung ; 2. ttnterftiituna ; 3. Segfinftiguiig, bcr SBorfcbub, -Srbuft;' 4. Sdiitftltug, ©iinftlitiq, ^ieblittg ; 5. basSrinnernngsgefdjeut, SiebeSaubenfen ; 3cirbcn mm e8 Bf* fcntlict) ju ; fi. bic ©eftalt, 2)Hene (W. ii.) ; favours, pi. ©uitftbc= jcuguuqcu; to lie in one's — , bci jjemanb in @imft ftcbett, betiebt fcr>n ; out of — , in Ungnabe gefallen ; to court — With one, Ulll 3enmilbca ©uuft bttblcu ; to have an angry — , bbS aUSfcl)Cll ; in the days of — , ill flliUflidKii JEagen cSeiten) ; in — of, ju ©uufteii, jiim SBeften ; to termi nate in — of.., gliicflidj OUSfatlen fiir..; to declare in nnp's — . (in — for), fief) fiir Semanb crtlareit, fur 3c= manb ftimmeii ; with—, or under — , mit Stlaubnip ; under— of.., begun* ftiat uon..; by — of.., mit ©unit, mit -§iilfe, oermitfelft; eive me tiie — of your name. fa^Cll vile lttir ge= faUigit 3brctt Stamen ; M. R-a. your — , Sjjt ©ecbrtca, aBert&eS (*. e. ©cr)vciben) ; balance in our — , SctlbO ill ttnfet ©lltbabott ; to be increat — , (yon SBtfaren) febr flcfuc^r, bcgel)it, flarf iu Srage (<>)«• FAVOURABLE [adv.— ly), adj l.giill = flirt, flWiW; milb ; 8 c f« ai .8 L. 2 - qcicgen, beqiicnt; — ness, s, bic i s 'c = n)Oftenf}eit, ©tinft, ©cneigtbeit, ©iitc, 9tttlbe. FAVOURED, adj. bcqiinfttgt, au«gcftat= tet (—by, ooii i ; well — , wobl gebtts bet; ill — , bafiiid) ; hard—, 0011 (KOs bcu ©eftrbt«u"irtcit, liai';ltdi ; lieblo*. obgcttciqt ; may I he — with . . 1 bavf id) mir.. au4bittcu'f FAVOURER, e bet ©i.Mtucr, Utitcvflii= ^cr, greunb. FAVOURITE. I.s bcv®iii!|lliuq, Sicb= ling, ber (bic) ©elieble; to be a — — with one, bci ^entaitb in ©unfi jifben; ii. adj begflnitigt, geliebtj— ■ .., 8ieb\in««=..; —dish, ta« Vieb= lingScffen, ?cibcffcti. FAVOURITISM, i.bic ®iiuftlittgv«vcgic= rung. 64 FEAT fa vourless, aij. imbogiiiiftigt ; obne ©nabe. «•*««» FAWN ». 1. ba« 'ciitjabrigc) Jccbtaib ; ■2. .Uvti'rt'cit, Scbmeidbeln; —colour. tic falbe (bcllbraiuic^ &arbe, 3Sur= jelfarbe; —skins. rHchfalbcfcllc. 7b fawn, >-. v. 3uuge werfen, (»on SReben); to — upon one, fid) vor ct = item ftbmiegen, ibm fdiatcidicln. FAWNER, s. bcr Scbmeirbler, 2pci= dicllcrfcr. FAWNING (adv. — ly), adj. !i'icd)cnb, febmeidjefnb. FAY, s. bte 3'C. i'i'.ai.ty, s. bic 2eben3treue, .£hiIm= guiig. peak, ». 1. tic angftlicoj 33orem»fin= bung ct'tic* UcbcU, gurdit; 2. @br« furdjtsfdjeu ; 3. SefotflniB ; i. 2cbcu= rbc; for — (of), ana Jurrbt oot , ba« mit ttidit; there is — , man fiircbtet ; to stand in— of.., fidi fitrditcu vcr.. ; --nought, bet .Walmucf, fJrieS. 7'. ii.AK. d a. if ii. 1. furrbten, fid) fiircbten; befurrbten, beforgen; 2. "crcbveti; 3. fdjvcrfctt, cvfdircifcit. FEARFUL {adv. — ly), adj. 1. furtbt* him; '2. furrbterlid), furcbtbar ; fd)tcrflid); 3. (^ hi furdit gebtetenb; ,„ be — of.., bcfiirdjtcti, beforgen; fftrrbten ; —new, ». bic 3uvd)tfamfcit, Surcbt; Aiivcbtbarfcit. FEARLESS (ado. — ly), a-ij. fitrdiloS, unerfrbrorfen ; obne Sitvrbt; —ness, a. bic gurcbtloftgfeit, Unerfcbrocleiu bcit. feasibility, s. bic £bunlid)fcit, 3JlBglicbfert. FEASIBLE (adv. — ly), I. adj. tblin= lid), ntbglid). ausfflbrbat; n. s. i«A S;i)uulid)c, 2TJ6fltt(3r>c: —ness, s. bie Sbtiulidifcit, ?l^og!id)fcit. feast, ». ber @djmau« ; bafl ©aft* mabl ; gefi ; —rite, ba3 Scftviiual ; bic ®aftmab[ftttc. To FEAST, v.ii. Sr a. 1. fdwtaufcn, praffen (—on. uon) ; 2. praritooli bc= roirtben, fpcifcit, untcrbaltcn ; 3. fid) giitlid) tbnii (— upon, mit) fict) tuci= ben, ergo^cu ( — on. upon. cut). FEASTER. s. l.ber 5d)tiuiiifcr. $vaf= fer, ©rbmefger; '2. ©croirt&er. FEASTFUL. adj. 1. fcftlidl, ffblllid) ; 2. ffbivelgerifd). FEASTING, a. bcr @d)mnu8; bic iScbmiiiifcrci; —penny, bad \Hngelb, fianbgclb. FEAT.*, l.bic Sbat, ,§cibcutf)at; 2. ba6 .Utiuufti'uf. FE \'i'i:i irs. adj. + faubcr, ttett. FEATHER, *. I. bic Sober ; 2. fi L '. bic 9lrt, bcr ©cbing, ba3 @clid)tcr ; 3. Sp. f. ftcifc ifiaate (bcr SBferbe) ; 4. bcr gobcrfacbcl; 5. bte fierce, ber locro Xitel ; birds of a — (will) flock topether, ©Icid) unb ©leidj gcfcllt fid) fleril; I am not of that — , pnro. id) bin uid)t oonbiefet 3lrt; plume of feathers, bcr 'Acfcvbufd); feather- bed, ba. •'. . FEATURE, ■ 1. ber 3«fl '"' ®ofirbt. goroBbnlid) im >■' . bit ©efidjttBiW bung; 2. ber Jtorperbau. FEATURED,^ geformt; abnlidi ; /« ill — , 'lM^ltdi; v.. 11 — , IVOM gcbtltct. To feaze, t>.«fafen, nufbriefeln. !™EB- 1KNT, 5'^ ficbcvc,!ci, ^ ,,b FEBRIFUGE, I. ». ba* Tvicbermittcl , II. adj. Sicber oertreibenb. FEBRILE, adj peberifrb, Reber^ap —action, bie gieberbemegung. FEBRI &RY,«. tcr, .^crr.uug. feces, ,. ;,/. l. bie^efen, ber 2&i, SBobenfafr; 2. Olucuuuf, Unratb, ,«pth. FECULENCE C—cy •> bo* ^eftfle, UB* viiuc; tic $efen, tcr SBoboufafe; ba§ Srbtammige. FECUIiENT, adj. 1. befig, unrein; 2. cfdhaft, mibng. FECI M», aij. frud)tbar, ieiiguug<* faf»ifl. . To FECUNDATE, v. a. frutDtbar ma* dicit, bffrucbten. FECUNDATION, t. tic Avuchtbarma' cbnng, ©efrudjtung. ToFEi JUNDIFY, b a. Innmitcn (W.6J FECUNDITY, s. tic Al'tldi t b.ll'f CI t. FEDERAL, adj. bunbc-jmatiig ; — citj. jim. biewinbespabt, bic Stabt Wask i nR ton, — ri«hts, ©unbeSgebraudje. _ FEDERALIST, .«. Am. tcr gBbtralifl SlnbSnget bcr Sonftitution ber ^cr ciuigtoii Staatou oon StorbamerifaJ FEDERATE, adj. vevbunten, ver- biittbct. FEDERATION, s. bic iHrbiintuug, bc» ©unb. FEDERATIVE, adj. »ertragf(piiep«A su SBflnbiiiffen berodjtigt, com (im SBunbe. fee„ ». 1. basSeben, Sobngutj Sigen. tbum ; 2. bie SBelobjiuug, Seiab* lung, baa ^oitorar, ber ©brenfolb (ber Slboocaten, fflerjle u. f. w.) ; (^cvidit»=: ■ ©cbiibrcu ; 3. tic 2vor= tclu, "Jcebciiciitfuitftc ; bai £rinf« t \ C 1 1> ; —farm, ba-3 ( s 'i hiiulcbou ; to hold in — rarro, |tt Seben baben; — simple (—absolute . baS Avcilchcu; — conditional ( — tail , ta» ctiuicicbranfto Vchctt ; —tail general ba« O.'i'aitiilcbtu; —tail special, ba« 3l?cibot Ichcit. To FEE, c. a. I. bcyiMen, bclobucii, bonoriron ; bcfiMtcii; 2. beftcdjeu erfaufen; 3. midhen. FEEBLE {adv. — ly ,adj idnvad\ matt, EraftloS ; —minded, geiiie«fdwa« ; unbeftantiq; —ness », bie scbiuacbc, 5dniMd)bcit, j?raftIoiiflteit ; — of the mind, bic 0)ciftcai'd)UHld)C. To FEED, v. ir. I. «. fiittcvu, cruabrcn - uahfeu;' unterhaltert; tvcitcit; II. «. 1. weiben laud) %g. — unna fid) »ci« ten an...), freffen, effen, leben; 2. mafien ; fett :bid> merben ; to — upon herbs, vHMt.Urautcvit leben ;to— high, roobl IhmI), berrlirb leben. FEED i ba« Sutter, bte 5Beibe;9c««« rung, St»$ ; JW. t. tic ^ferberotioa. FEEDER, », 1. bet Jntterer ( f uiabrcr ; 2. ©ffer; 3. ^ittcucr, (Srmunteret, Sinfiifter; dainty— fca« Siedermawj needy — , bcr SSielfrap ; high — , on b 145 FELL FENC FERM gut Icbr, 3cm wag ©utc§ ipf, ©our* inc.™ PEEDING. ». tie SBeibc; Speife ; high -~, bag 2Bobllebeu, bit Becrerbiffen. Vo FEEL, o. tr. «■ * »■ l - fublcit, Cllt= pfintcii; 2. Icibcit; 3. bcfitblcn, be= taftcii, begretfen, aitfiibleit; 4. fid) fui'lui ; 5. cinfcbcit, totjfen; it feels soft, ti ftiblt fid) »eid) ait; to — confident, fibetjeugt fcmt; to — for (after) .... fiihleu, fur, nad) . . . (Ct= tooS ; I — for her, fie baucvt uticb ; to— hurt, fid) bclcibigt fuhtcii. FEEL, s. bofi ('.'111-) gublen, ©efiibl ; it has a soft — , eg fiihlt fid) roetdj an. FEELER, 1. *. ting, ber guhUube; 2. — s, s. pL tie 3iii)lbi3vttcr. FEELING, I. adj. 1. gefubl»ptt ; 2. riibrciit, lebbaft ; II. ». bag giiblcn ; ©efiibl. FEELINGLY, tte giifee. Ti> feign, r-. a. l. erbid;teu; 2. fid) ftcUen, tbutt, atS ob . . . ; to — holi- ness, fid) bcilij fteliett ; feigned purchase, ber iscbcillfailf ; feigned treble, ber 5)i6cant blird; bic giftel ; feigned voice, bie giftel. FEIGNEDLY, ado. crtid)tcr, falfcblid), oetjteUfet SBcife ; 511m ©cbeinc. FEIGNEDNess, s. tie (frbirbtung. ber Setrug. feigner, s. ber CJrbidjtcr ; ©leipncr; ,£>eud)ler. feigning, s. bag C?rbid)tcn, bie 33er= frclluttg, feijl; — ly, adv. scrftcllt, V\- f% feint, s. 1. bie 3?erftcllung ; 2. r. (itn gecbtcn)_bte giute ; Mil. T. be* Sebcinangrirr. FELDSPAR, s. ber gelbfpatb. 7b felicitate, a. 1. begliicfcu ; I. ©lud" wiinfebeu. FELICITATE, adj. bcgliicfi. felicitation, s. tie ©lttcfwiht= febung, bee ©liicfrcuufd). FELICITOUS (adv. — ly), adj. cjtufj- licb. FELICITY, t. bie ©lucffeligfeit. feline, atij fafcenartig ; — family, bag Jia$cngefd)led)t. felix, s. gelir oUcanngname). fell, i. adj. (aria. — y), graufam, blutgicrig, unmenfcblid) ; grtmmig, roilb ; il s. tag Sell fjefct faft nur nod) in compos.) ; — monger, ber jturfrbner ; — wool, bie 5Mo trot) lie, SSlutiwolIe ; —wort, ber Gnjiatt. To fell, v. a. 1. fallen, umbauen; umroerfen, werfen; 2. faumeu, ein= faumeu ; einnaben ; to — down, ju 23obeu werfeu, nieberwerfcu. feller, s. ber (.£olj)faller. ?ELLIFLUOUS, adj. gall|'iid)tig. FELLNES8. s. bie ©raufamfcit, 2Bilb* beit, SButb. FELLOE, vid. Felly. bellow s 1. ber ©cfabrfe, ©enofi, SOtitgeuoj?, 'Urutcr, Jlmtggcuof;, (Sol= lege, bag SJcifglieb; 2. tcr, tic, bag ©leicbe, rin^ yott jir-ci Singcn, )ucl= die eiu ^Jaat nusmacben ; 3. ber ,Uer!, Surfd)e, ©cfell (imgiiten unb bofctt 5iint) ; — of a college, ber Eollegtflt; he has not his—, er b»il iticbt feineS @leid)eit; to be fellows. jufammeii gcbbreit; two shoes that are not fellows, jroei uiigleidje (5cbu= be; a good—, eiit outer J?erl; lufti= ger Sruber, nl ritcleS .&au«, cine ftbele.Oant; (2)Jit= oter 9lebcit=, in compos.) — citizen, ber iUiitbiirgcr ; — commoner, tcr ©eitofj, 2t'"dv|e= not ; (*»f ter Unberfttot ju (gam* 146 bribge) 3JiitcoUegiot ; — countryman, ber SanbSmann: —craft, tcr grets mourer=©efeU (Sreiinourer tin jroets ten ©robe); — creature, ta» Sftebeii= gefebopf, tcr i>icbciimcnfd) ; 9lict)= jle ; — debtor, ber 3J2tffcbulbner ; — feeling, bo8 iOiitgcfiibl ; — guest, ber SKitgofl; — heir, ber 2)Iitcrbe; — helper, ber ®el)iilfc ; — labourer, ber lljttarbcitcr ; — lodger, ber ^auS=, i£titbcu= otcr 3Banbnad)bor ; — maiden, bic ©cfpiclimt, ©cfaln-tinit; — passenger, tcr itJeifcgcfahrtc ; — prisoner, bet 9?JtfgefaiigeilC; — ruler, be: iDJitregeilt ; — scholar, (or school — ), tcr ajtitfcbiiler ; — servant, ber 2)ienftgeno§; — soldier, ber^rieg8= gefaf)rte ; — student, ber 3Jiitftu= bent, Ac. T. (Sommilitpii ; — sub- ject, tcr i 1 iitiuitcrtban, Vant*mann; — sufferer, tcr SeibenSgeuop ; — traveller, ber tHcifegefabl'tc; — writer, ber jur felbett 3cit, Dber iibcr tcnfeU ben ©egenftanj frbrcibt. To fellow, b. a. vaarcn, ]if= fenfebaft; 2. berltmgang, bie ©e= fellfd)aftlirbEcit ; 3. ©telle etnefi 0"d= legiaten; ].. T. (lollegiatur; good — . bie .*5er$ensbriiterlid)feit, ba* Scbmelgch ; rule of — , tic ©efe!l= fcbaftSredjnung, ©cfcllfcbaftercgcl. felly, s. bie Selge, Scobfelge. FELaDE-SE, .i. L. t. tcr eelbftmbrber. FELON, I. s. 1. L. T. tcr Scrbrcdicr, 3}Jiffetbatcr, Stootsoerrotber ; 2. s. t. ba$ Setngefcbrour ; n adj. 1. gran= fom, grimmig, unmeufcblicb ; 2. yer= riitbertfeb. FELONIOUS (ado. — ly), adj. BerbWs cberifd), boSltd), gottlol; verratbe- rifeb, trcnloo. felony, s l. T. bie gelonic, ta§ Zo~ beSaerbrerben. felt, .t. 1. ber ftt'U ; 2. 5i($but; 3. ta5 Sell, tie .fpaiit ; — maker, tcr giljmocber, |>utmocr)er. To FELT, v. a. ftljen. To FELTER, v. a. uct'fi^cn, uenvirrcit. felucca, 5. (hat.) tie (Velncfc (flrt offenes Dinbcrbpct im 3JJittelmeer). female, I. s. 1. ba§ 3Beibd)cn (cities SbicreS) bte Sie (uoit SSbgcln); 2. bag Sraueiijimmer, tie grou ; II adj. roetblid) ; — child, ein SJatrbcn ; — friend, tie ftreiltlbiuit ; — kind, baS roeiblicbe ©cfd)ledit ; — rhymes. ruciblicbe SReiine (tpppelte SReime) — screw, bic 5)iatri$C ; — servant, tie 3Rogb ; the — sex, ta5 roeibltebe (febonej ©efdilccbr. feme. s. /.. t. cine 5pcrfon »eiblt= d)eu ©efcblecbteS ; — covert, l. t. bie iu-ihcirathcte, (Sbefrait; — sole, l. T. tic Sebige, Unoerbetratbete. FEMiNALnw, 5. tie iQciblidifcif. feminine, adj. roetblid), rpetbtfrb ; — gender, Gram. T.iClS SeniiltilUlllt. femoral, adj. ju ten .'3uftcit get)5= rig; — artenes, bte ^flftobem. FEN, s. ter Suinpf, taS Wloox, SDlorfdjIanb ; — berry, bie 9JiPP«= bcere ; — .bom, tin ©umpf erjeugt ; — cress, tie ©umpffreffe ; — crick( t. ber ©rbfrebe, SReitrourm, bte @rb« grille, 3Berre ; — duck, tic SMoor* elite; — fowl, tas ©umpfgeflfigel ; — land, ta» 3Jtarfcblonb ; —lentils, SHJaMer: rter ilJcerliufcii ; — men bte sjjcorfcblanber ; — sucked, im ©uinpfe erjengt, im ©umpfe gcbc= ren, im Sumpfe erjooen. fence, s. 1. ba« ©cbage, bteUmjSu* nuug, Umpfdblung, fiinfriebtgtrnft tcr 3 llllu ' bas ©tacfet, ter ^attett- jaun, bie SBefefiign ig, bat 2lujjen= roerf, 9Jlauer, tcj Cfrbrootl ; 2. bit ©irberbett, tcr ©cbufe; tie ©reuje, befefttgte ©renje; 3. tag gerbteit, bie Acditfuuft; — of pales, bie 5paili= fobcit, Spfablung ; — month, Sp. K. tie ^oge;ett, ©e^jctt. n FENCE, o. a. & ». 1. einbagcii, ein= jaurten, umjounen, umpfablen, citt.- friebigen ; 2. befeftigen, ftcbern, frbiU ^cn, oertbeibigeu, ftdj fdjiiljen, »et« ronbren ( — out, rotter) ; 3. fcd;ten ; to — off, abroebven, ablialtctt; fenced up, eiugejaunt FENCEFUL, adj. fdiii^Cllb. FENCELESS, adj. ituctUtjebagt, offen. FENCER, s. ber gecbter, Scdjtmeifter. fencible, i. adj lvctS oertljeibigl roerben faun, fdjiifebar ; u. fencibles, s. pi. 2Debrbafte, iRufienroe^rmannei (5lrt ilitlij Pbcr Sanbwe^r ber ii(it= crn $tit). fencing, s. 1. bag (Sittbageit ; 2. gecbten , — foil, bad happier; — gloves, gerbtbanbfebuhe ; — master, ber geibtmeijter ; — schooi,bieScdjt= fdntle ; tcr gecbtboben. To fend, b. I. a. abhaltctt, abroeb= ren, ficb ruebren ; to — off, abroel)= reit, obbalten, augporiren; to —a bos.;, jv. T. ein ^Bpot oor bcin 3^= febmettcru an gelfeu, occr an ten Seiten etnefi SdjtffeS fttfjern; n. m. bigputircn, ftreitctt. feniiER, s. 1. bag geuergafter, bt« ©djuftplatte, j?aminflulpe, tcr 3?pr= fefeer ; 2. jv. T. bag ©cftufebrett : bet ?pfcbbprb ; — bolt, .v. T. cin,Rp):f^ boljeit; — s, P i jv. r. 32etf(j5Urr, aBurftett unb jffiiclcu junt Sugban- gen. feneration, s. icr Winter, ©eroutu. it.nestral. adj genjter betreffenb. fennel, .c tcr mmd)cl,; — flower, ter ©rbroorjfummel ; — giant, ba< Sfecfcntraut. FENNY, adj. \. fumpftg, inowrto: 2. fumpfbevDobiieub ; — stone, bet 3Tio= raftfiein, ©umpffietn, bog Sumpfetj. fenugreek, s. bag grted)if(|e .gea. SPocf§r)ont. FEOD, s. P.. /> T. bo8 Scbcn. FEODAL adj. L. T. lebeitbar ; jtt cinem Seben gebortg. FEODAL1TY s. /-. T. tie ?ebcngberr= liebfeit; bag Se^engut; Ce^engefefe. FEODARY, Fkodatary, Feodatory. vid. Feudatory. To FEOFF, v. a. vid. To Enfeoff. FEOFF, s. vid. Fief. FEOFFEE s. L. T. tcr SDclchrtfe. FEOFFER (Feoffor;, s. L. T. tcr Vcbcn'bcrr. FEOFFMENT, 5. /.. T tic ^clcbitting : — in trust, bag Aitcicoiniuip. FERACIOUS, ad': frucbtbar. feracity, s. bie grucbtbarfetf (W. n . FERAL, adj. traurici. FEEDINANDO, s. gcrbiuaub (3Jhtnn*= name . FERETORY, a. ein SPcbalftttp tcr Sobtenbobre tttittrdben ; bieSobten- Fantmer. ferial, adj. tie SBpcbeittage, jutoet= leu tic gefttage betreffenb ; — days. tie SBocbentage. feriation, - tie geter. ferine, adj tvtlb. gritnintg, tbiertfeb. FERINENESS, ? s. tic iL-iitboit, ©rait-- FERtTY, S famfcit, -JBartarci, Uitmeufrblicbfeit. ro FERMENT, b. I. a. in ©abrttng brtngen; n. ». Saure entroicfeln, gobren, in ©abrung geratben, arbei» tea. FEST IEIWENT, s. 1. bie ©Strung ; 2. ber Slufruljr ; 3. baS ©fibruugSmitirl : to set in a—, in ©Sbruug (SBaUunaj bringen. FERMENTABLE, adj. gShrbar. FERMENTATION, s. bie ©Sprung. FERM entative, adj. ©abrung erjjeit* gcnb, gabieub; — ness, s. bie ®abr= tavfeit. FERN,*. baS Sarnfrattt; — owl, bet DJad)trabe; —seed, ber garnfamen. FERNY, adj. soil Sarufraut. FEROCIOUS (adv. —w), adj. toifb, grimmig, taubeiifcb; — ness, s. vid. Ferocity. FEROCITY, ». bie 3Bilb(;cif, ©tints tnigfeit. ferrara, s. Setrara. FERREOUS, adj. cifcrit. FERRET, *. 1. baS gretf, Terctfcbcii, Srettmiefet ; 2. bie glotetfeibe; — bells, Sogelfrbellen ; — eyed, cont. (sou SJJenoucu), rotbaugig ; ferrets, pi. v. bie Sifen, tuomtt in ©lasbuttcu bie gefc^inoljene SUiaffe ptobitt roirb. 7b FERRET, v. a. 1. mit cincnt Sretts rben jageti, beraustrciben ; 2. /«•. aus beni SBetfttife treiben; burd)= iviihlcii; genau burd)i"udieu ; sorroi= fcig uad;fotjd;eu j 3. ocrfolgcit, pla= gen. ferreter, s. ber grcttjagcr ; $)urdj= fucber; SBerfolger. FERRIAGE «• baS Ucberfabrgclb, gobrgelb, ber SyabrjoU. ferruginous, adj. 1. etfenbalttg; 2. cifcufarbig; — colour, bie (S'ifctu far be. ferrule, s. 1. bie 3roiugf, ber 3?c= fd)lag, Uiltere Jiiua, (ait ewem ©tiff, fieft, Stocf, u. f. w.) ; 2. T. bie S)ref)toU< (ber Ubrmarjjcr). FERRY, $. 1. bie rtabve ; 2. ber Drt ber Sabre ; baS gabrbausj 3. /. r baS Sahrrccbt; — boat, bie §abte (tai gabfjeug) ; —man, ber Sabrmaitn. To FERRY OVER, v. a. S,- n. fiber* fasten ; fiberfefeen. FERTILE, adj. frudjtbar, reirf) (—of, *a). FERTILENESS, \ s. bie Srucbtbarfeit, FERTILITY, $ ber UebetfluB. Tu FERTILIZE i. a. befrucbtett, frmi)t= bar madden. FERULE, .--. bie Scuffle. 7« FERULE « n bie SRut&e gebctt, fiuitclu, jiidjtigcu. FERVENCY, .•». bie .£>:tje, ®(nt, 3n« brunfl, ber @ifcr. FERVENT (ode — 1.\), adj. fjeig, l)i= |ig, gliihenb, beftig, inbriinftig ; mit Sunigfeif, roll :)iiihniua.. FERVID, adj. gliibcnb, fiebcub, I)cif;; tji&ig, beftig, etfrtg. FERVIDNESS, s. bie .gjifce, .£cftigfcit, Scibeufdjaft, ber (Sifer. fervour,*, bie i^ifee, Subrunft, bet (vifcr. FESOENNrNE, F s. bag erolifche (ive(= liiftigc) ©cbicbt ; II. adj. etctifib, tt)ollujtig. FESCUE *■• ber ©riffcl (511m Sefeiu lebren). FESELS. *•. pi. ber SpelL ©illfel. FESSE »« K T. bie S9iubc, ber '-Ualfett. FESTAL, ad/, fejtlicb. 7'u FESTER, t. 71. fdjunireii, eiicni. FESTIVAL, I. adj. fefilid; ; II. s. ber gefltag, 3af)re«Kig. FESTIVE adj. feftlidi. froblirb. 1'ivSTiviTY, s. 1. bie Aefilidifcir, "nfl-- bavfeit, baS geftj 2. bie Steube, ?;iDl)lid)feit. FESTlVOUS,oa>".feplt(% feicrlicb, fro()= iirb. FESTOON, ». bie 93erjierung ron Caubmebf, baS ©lumengebange, Q3lu= FIAN mengmutibe, bie Slumenfcbnur, (5tiici)ifd)iiiir, ber gefton. Ta festoon, v. a. befranjen, mit s -13liimcn=, 8au6s obct 3rud;tge;viu= ben untbaitgeit. FEsn 11 1 N \-iwij \ fitobfatben. FESTUCOUS, adj. auS, 0011 2trpb. Ta FETCH, 0. I a. i. boleit, brtit^eit ; bcvbclcit, lietuebctt, bcvliitcn ; 2. treffeti, cvreidn'it; to— one's breath, ?Ulu - nt boleit ; to — a blow, eitieii (Sdilag ueife^en ; to — a leap, eineit Sprung tbuu; to — a Bigh. feufjeil ; to — and carry, apVrt'ttreit ; to — the pomp, Sea Exp. bie •-^uiitpe aulic= ben, pber anfaugen, iitbent man 8af iffiaffet) Don obeli bt-.teingiept ; the pump is fetched, bie ^mupe fafit ; to — again, loiebet briiigeu ; firi> erbc= len (iiucber ju fid; felbft fommeil) laffen; to — away, megbcleu, ivcg= tiMgcii; to — down, bci'iiiiter boleu, btingett, ober rufen ; eg. bemiitbi= gctt ■ to — in, herein bolett, herein bringen ; to — oir. roegbolen, iveg= bringen, wegfebaffen ; abjiebeu, eut= fubrett; abfubreu ; abforbern, abni= feu ; to — out, berau* bclen, l)craii3= bringen; hetauSlocfen ; to — over, beruber bringen, bcriiber boleu ; to — up, herauf r>olen, herauf bringen ; cinbolett; 11 n. fid) fdjnefl beroegen; to — about (An), beruin irren ; fid) fdmeil menben (rote ber SBiuh jut See). FETCH, 9. bcr.)Citiff, (liftige) Strcid), jtunftgtitf, i ; fiff; a — of wit, tine ftunretcbe Vift. FETCHER, s. ber etamS bolet, u. f. ro. FETID, adj ftiufenb, ranjig ; — ness, e. bad itiitfeiife, ber ©eftanf. FETLOCK, s. ba-J i^ufbaat; — joint, bie Jfuiefehle. FETOR, s ber (Meftauf. 7b FEITER, d a. feffeltt. FETTERLESS, adj. feffeKeS, jwangluS. FETTERS, b pi. bie geffelu ; — for horses, bie Sprungttemen. FETUS, s. bet BotuS, tie ?eibe8fturfct. feud. s. 1. baS ?eben; 2. bie Sebbc, ber Strcit, ©roll. FEUDAL, adj. 1. lehubar; 2. baSSebctt betteffenb ; — law, baS I'ebn^efetj. FEUDALISM. s . baS tebeiiSf»iteni. FEUDALITY, ». bie VcheuSbcvrliebfeit. FEUDARY. adj. Icbnbar. FEUDATARY, r ». ber ?e(ieu»mantt, fei DATORYjJ is.ifitll ; gebenfioers jeidmer. FEUDIST, s. bev ?ebenred)tcfitubige. FEUILLAGE, g. ba8 ifaubmerf. FEUlLLEMORT, > baS tBrauugelb froie baS 8aub betin ©latterfall), SBlfitter= gran. FEVER, » ba» ntebcr; —cooling, mo AtelH'i'hitse mitbernb; — root — . bie Siebenuurjel ; — sick, fie berfrauf; — weakened, buttb giebet gcfcbtvSebt; — weed, aid. Bryngo. To fever, r. a. gieber verurfarben ; fevered, VOlll A'iebev bltri-bfdltittelt. FEVERET, 8. baS Aieberdieu (11. ii.). feverfew,*. baS gieberftaut, v Diut= tetftaut. FEVER SH. a'j 1. fteberhaft; bat gte» bev babenb; 2. bcifi, gliibeub; 3. itn = beftSubig; —ness, s.bte Sieberbaf(ig= Feit. FEVEROUS, I adi. baS gteber babenb ; fevery, \ fieberbaft few. adj menffl ; toenige ; m — , eiuige (SBentge), uicbt "-Biele. FEWEL Did. IVm. FEWER, cump. (uon Few) weuiger, niiitbev. FEWNESS, s. bie iBeni,)feit. To FIANCE, 0. a. veriiuiblen. FJEL fiat, 5. vt 93efebl : eS rccrbe, e« ge« febebe ; — in bankruptcy, ber 53atlf"" rottbcfebl. 111:. -. bie (Heine) ?itge, Si»te, ba4 59iSI)rd)eu ; to tell one a — , cittern c; = was aufbinben. To fib. e. ». liigen, cdcaS (Jintenj sormachen. FIBBER, ». ber Signer. FIBRE (['lnERi. 8. a. 4- n. T. bie 'Sibcr, Safer, bet gaben. FIBRIL, •. tie flciitc oiler, ba€ ?S* fcrcbett. FIBROUS, adj. fibertfl, Pjfertg. fibula, *. .1 t. bos SUabenbein. FICKLE [adv. —it), adj. flatteibar':, ronnfelmutbtfl, iiitctttfd;leffeii, unbe= ftaurig, uerftnberlieb ; leirbrfinntg ; . a. tie glatterfjaftigfeif, SBan* felmutbigfeit, ber ii>aufelmutb ; s vOtd)tfiitn. FICTILE, adj. tbimern, irben. FICTION, s. bie (irticbtung, Stigc llutvabrheit. FICTITIOUS (adv. — i.y), adj. 1. crbid)= tet, aUcgcrifd) ; 2. tiarbgemarbt, ge= f,ilfd)t ; —ness, «. bie grbid)tuiig. fid. t. .v T. bet Spi^flocf, Stagel; ber 3unbIocbSpfropf. FIDDLE 8. bie ©eif. ^viebct ; — upon ti-e bowsprit, .v 7 He ©acfen otcr s l!ioliueu bfS iOug'^rietS; —bridge. ber ©eigcufteg ; — cass bet S3tolin= (often; —dock, ber @eigenam»fer; — feddle. vu'g. ^avperlavap bie $a$ pcrci. .Hlein i.i feit, _ .ftiuferppfftu; — pepp, bie Eeirenwitbel ; —stick, ber gibelbogeii; — strirg, bie i!ioliu= faite; — wood, baS ©eigenbolj. 7b FIDDLE, v. n. 1. fiebelu, ijetgett ; 2. taubelit. FIDDLER, a ber ©eiger. Spielmann. FIDEJUSSOR 1 /-. r. ber '^urge, ©r- U'ahroiuaun, (s*aoeut. FIDELITY, a. bie ireuc; SReblifbfcit. { FIDGE I r. u. (— aliomi ill bf \ fidget, \ (lanbtget jiuetflofer SBfjveguug unrubig) fom, vu.g. unt= ber flaitfircu. fidget, a. tie rjroecflofe) ©efdjSfttg* feit, Uiinthe ; he lias roi the — s, viUf. et faun nte tnbia fctyn. Fi cety, adj. raftleS, ungebulbifl. FIDUCIAL (idn.— lt), a .7. ju-. ?eben. FIELD, t. tu. a- Jig I. bafl Atlb; 2. Srblaebtfelb ; 3. ber Selbtng; 4. ba« Iveffen; 5. T '.". , " ©eniSlben bii ©ruutflflfbe, bet ( i •H•^:^l^ ; (i. //. T bie Dberpadje eiuefl Srbilbe . Sclb ; to lake the — . ill* -)elt nufen ; — of (action) battle baS id)lacbtfelb : — ia-ii ber Selbbafilirum; — lxmir (—fight), bie jelbffblatbj : — 1 •■ I, ba« nelbbett; —book, ba« 'JlotHbitcb bet Relbmeffer; —colours bie Citavticr- fabne ; —day ber 3Jlu(ternng#tafl : tare terJtramnteteooael ; bit Drojfel ; —fight bie gelbfcblacbt ; — ics bttrd' bie gfrSmuiifl tnf.imnteitgci. giSmaffen, iWbet*; —land, offene* (uneingefriebfah?*) Selbj — tuarslial ber Ailbmae coat] ; -- marshal general, ber ©enetalfelbiitatfejafl ; — mousi bie gelbmanS ; bet ^unifier; ber Stabsoffitier; ; •■ •. ba* 0feit fjj,cf ; _ |lll ,„-i„.:. bev gelbprebtger; — in. ber freic 5?lafc ; wette iRasm, Sptelranm; Umfaug; —snorts, bit ^ttaboergnufliingeii ; —staff, bie 3i'tnb» rnthe, ber Sitnbftoefj — victory, bR 147 F1GU FILL FIND im getb crfoditcnc ©ieg ; —work, bit gel&fcbanje; fluids, ,,/.bie ©efilbe. PIEND, *. bcv (bBfe) gcinb, llnbolb, JEeuftlj bie gutie; — ful, a*', feuf* lifd); —like, o<(/'. boabaft, graufam, oervucbt. lERCE (ad». — ly). adj. jornig, rotlb, jjvtmmig wiif&enb; geroaltig, beftig, unaeftum; —minded, routbenb, bos= haft; — ness, s. bie SEilbbeit, 2But&, bet ©rtmm, bieSBlutburfiigfeit; bet Ungefium. FIERI FACIAS, s. L. T. bet Q3cUjtC= IllU!j}fibcfcl)l. fieiuness, s. bie .jpifec, baa geuet; bie ©tbatfe, .gjeftigFeif. fiery, odi.feutig; bed's ; tpttg, fcifeig, beftig ; ia&jotntg ; — nature, bet §\%* fopf; — red, feilClTOtl) ; —trial, bie geuerprobe ; — torture, bie geuets matter. FIFE. s. bie Ducrpfcife ; — rails, jv. T. bie 9itgclingeu auf bet ©cbanje unb £iitte. To fife, v. n. cuf ber Ducrpfcife blnfen. fifer, s. bet spfcifer, Ouetpfeifet. FIFTEEN, adj. fitiifjebtt. FIFTEENTH, ado. bet, bie, bttS giiltfs jebnte. FIFTH, I n(Z/'. bet, bie, baS giiufte; ir. », 1. baa 'giinftcl; 2. jtfiu*. T. bie Quiute. FIFTHLY, adv. fuilftcnS, }lll« fi'tltfteit. fipi'ieth, adj. bet, bie, basgmifjigfte. FIFTY, adj. flUlfjifl. fig, s. 1. bie geige; 2. ber geigen* baum ; 3. Sp. e. eine spferbefranfc l)Cit ; not a — , fam. llid)t Ctlieu "Rfif= fctliuo,; —apple, bet geigcuapfd ; — gnat, bie geigcuflicge; —leaf, baa gcigcnbUitt; — marygold, eine 2lrt JRingelblume ; — pecker, bie geigen* fd;ncpfe; — tree, bet geigenbcium; — wort, baa geigroatjenrtauf, bie SBtaillirourj (Scrop/urfaria — /,.). To FIGHT, fedltcil, ftrei- tett, fcblaa,en, fricgeu, fid) bucllitcii; fid) balgen (— atinut, ttm) ; to — a Kittle ettie ©rblacbt Iiefent ; to — a due] fid) buelliretl; to — the en- emy, fi.i) mil tent geittbe fdilaont; io — one's way, fid) butdjfcbtagen, buvd)fed)ten ; to — out. auSfedjren. FIGHT, s. 1. baa ©efccfet; Steffen; ©ebalge ; 2. — s, s. pi. jv. T. bie ©cbatijuetfleibung, ©dntmnefee. FIGHTER, s. ber ©tblaaer, Siaufcr, Sucllift. FIGHTING, T. adj. fed)fenb ; jum ged)= ten ober ©cblagen taugtid); u.pirt s. baa gecbteii, ©efecbt; — field, baa ©d)lad)tfel> ; — man, ber gecbtet, St a im.pfc r, ©tteitet. figment, s. bie (Srbidjtnng, baa @e= birbt. FIGULATE, adj. tf)01icrn, ivbcit 00. iL). FlGURAiHMTV, s bie SBilbfamfeit. F1GURABLE, a ij bilefam. figurai,, adj. bilblidi, figutfir!). figurate, atij. gcbilbet, nefialtet; — descant Mw>, T. ber (Sinrlang nit fid) biabarmouifcber SCoue; — etone, ber SBifbftein. Figukatiw, « 1. bie 33eitimmmig jit einer fleuuffen gotm, SHilbmtg; (ginbilbuug ; 2. jmm. t bie SDJifrbnng von ftiniincubeu tuib nii-bt ftiminen= ben SUcorbett. FlGUR \TIVF (adv. — ly). adj bilblidi ftgitrlid); bilbevreidi, in jBilbent; —ness .? baa 'iiilbliite, ^t'gftrlirtje. FIGURE, s. 1. bie StfgiK, ©eftalt. baa S^ilb; 2. bie Srarnej 3. flfebefianr, ajJetapber ; 4. Jalil, ^ahlfiiiitr, Pbtfs fer, differ; 5.j)n>o'. t bet ,5oro«fou , S. Th. r. bc« ©Dmbol ; 7. bie Sour. 118 ©feQung (im JEanjen) ; to make (to cut) a shining — , eine fllailjctlbc "Hollc fiMtl"i; — head of a ship, bie 3'i(]nr (baa sBtlb) bca ©alliona. To figure, v.\.a. 1. bilben, geflaUen ; 2. bc^iffern ; 3. abbilben ; 4. DOtjlel' teit ; 5. DCrfiitlbCIl ; to — to one's self. fid) vorftelleit; figured base, Miu. T. ber befiffette s8ag; figured articles. — stuiis. gemuflerfe, rtcblitmte, fa= connitfe fSJaaren, ©top; u. «. fid) beruortbnn, pgutiten, eine SRoIie fpielcn. filaceous, adj. »on obet aits Saben. filacer, s. l. t. bet 3ntotulant (Sinbefter bcr 2(ften). filament, *. bie Safct, 3afct. filamentous, adj. faferig, jafettg. fi landers, s. pi. Sp. e." bie gaben* tt>itrmet im gatfen, be^jleirben in SBfetbewanben. filbert, s. bie.6afcl= obet ?amberta= nnS ; — hedge ber i^flfeijoun ; — tree, bie .f)afelftaiibe. To FILCH, v. a. fteblcit, CtltWCllbeit, ranben (im .ftlcinen), manfcn. filcher. s. bcr S>teb, Semaufer. filchingly, adv. biebtft^et SHJctfe. FILE, s. lit. &-fifT. 1. ber ?Joben an ben man 9lften nub anberc ^apicre reibet; eine ^d)inir (an einanset gercibetcr Sittiio; 2. Mil. T. bie SReibe, baa ©lieb, ber 3«g; 3. bie Siftc, dloUt; 4. T. bie ^et(e; to double the — , bie ©Iiebet frblietjcn; — cutter, ber gei= lenbauer ; —dust, bcr geilfiaub, bie (Vcilfpane; —fish, bie fedjollc; — leader, ber gliigelmamt. To filf, v. i. a. 1. anrcibcn, beften, einbeftctt; 2. feilen, befeilcn, polirrn, gla'tlcn ; to • — • a thing to one's ac- count, etivaa flitf einca 9ied)ttung fd)veiben; to — off, abfeilen ; to — up, aitrrcihcn; 11. v. Mil. t. bcfiliren, SKantt fiit ^J?ann bintct einanbers ^ieben, abmarfebiten. F1LEM0T, vols: vid. Feitillemort. filer, s. bet fcilct, 11. f. w. filial, adj. mic ein eobn, finblid). f.liation, s. l. t. bie ©obnfebaff, ^inbfd)afr. FILIGRANE (Filioree), s. bie feillc (©o'lbs obet ©ilbets) ®rabtatbeit ; — work, burrbbtotbene Arbeit (bet ©olb= nub iiilbcrfebmiebe). filings, .?. pi. bie (Seilfpane. FIL1PENDULA, s. vid. Drop-wort. To FILL, v. I. a, 1, fuUen, anfitflen ; crfiillen ; ftopfen ; 2. fattii]eit; 3. cinfitenfen ; jv. T-s. to — the sails, bie ©eo,el fit licit Ifdmu-llcn) ; to — a ship's bottom, ben ©cbiffsbobeu (bie ©piferbnut) mft (bteiten) S'lfigeln befrbiagen ; to — a tobacco-pipe, eine SPfeife ftopfen ; to — up, odh marben, anfitllen, niiafiillen, erganjen, ein= itchmen ; etfullen ; to — out, flU8= fit licit ; ii. n. voll roetben. FILL, s. bie guile, ©eniigc; to take one's — . (icima, babeit, few oollca 93iaft babe'n, ncbinen. FII.LAGREE. s. vid. Filiorane. FILLER. 8. bcr 2lnfiillcr. fillet, 8. 1. bie ©inbe, .f?ov>fbinbe, *aZ 2'anb, .ft'opfbanb, ©tirnbaitb, 3?erti'tffenbanb; 2. ?enbenftu(f, ber Scnbenbrateu : 3. baa ;)tollfIeifit ; 4. jirch T bie Seifte, bcr Jlicif, gei(ncfte J)(anb; ©finlenfraitj ; 5. ©oibftticb obcr ©1'lr^iciatb anf bent s i'anbe einca 'Bnrbca; — s, Sp. e. bie Scubcit bca .Ciirfdiea. To fillet, b. a. 1. nmbittbeii; 2. eine ©iiide niit rtnem "l?cir>, ober ben SBattb einca ^ud;e8 mit ©olbfttirbrn, n. f. m uercn FILLIBEG, s. baa furje 9Kicfdi(n ba 33ergfd)otten (ftatt bcr SBeinfleibet) FILLl.N't; TIMBERS, s. pi. JV. T. bt< gu'Ufpannen. To fillip, v. a. Slafenjiubet geben. FILLIP, s. ber I'lafenftitber. FILLY, s. 1. baa Stntcnfiilien; 2. jig. lcid)tferti)]c SKcibcben. FILM, s. baa .viaiitdicn.' t, film, v. a. itbevtjautctt, iibetjieben, bebcrfen. filmy, adj. bantig, iitei-baittct. To filter, v. a. ftltfiictt, bitvdifciben; filtering basin, baa 3'iltl'itbccfen ; — paper, baa 'Ail tviriMVicr ; — stone, bet Stltrirftein, Scaftein. filter, s. bie ©eibe, bet ©eifjet, S)urrbfc6!ag. filth, 8. 1. bet ©dimnfj, ,f?otb, Un* flatb; baa .ftcbricbt; 2. bie fittlid)? Unreiniitfcit, ^erbcrbtbeit. FILTH IN ess, s. bie Uiiflathijifcit, Un- teinigEeit, )]robe 9luafcbmeifuug. FILTHY (ado. — ily), adj. fdmilt^ig, fotbiiv nnflatbig, nnjiicbtij, grob= finnlid). To FILTRATE, v. a. rid. T< Filter, filtration, s. baa Sittvircn, EDutdb> fcihen. FiMBLE-HExn', s. bcr totxUi^t ^anf, 3'immcl. To fimbriate, v. a. bcranbcrn, be= fcfeClt; fimbriated, adj. H. T. mit eillem ©flume, gefannit. FIN, s. bie ftlotjfcber, fam. finite ; — fish, ber (Sinnfifd) (2w flcincr 2Sati= fifd)e, - Cete physalus — JA; — foolcC ( — toed), mit ©fbunminrTibenj — scale, bie Drfe (ein ©eefifrb). finable, adj. ftvaffallig, ciner ©etb* ftrafe FINAL, adj. 1. Cltblid), Icfet; 2. cnt= fdjeibetib; — aim, baa (Subjiel; — balance, bie ©d)lupbilatl! ; — cause, bie (Snburfadje; — disposition, bie gittaUSBetfuflung ; — payment, bie S)etminaljab.lung. FINALLY, ado. eiiblirb, jitlcfet ; burd)-- aua, oo'lig. FINANCES (Finance), s. pi. bie 3iliatt= jen, (©tc.ata=) ©infiinfte, baa ginan}= mefen einca ©taatea ; office of finance, baa ginonjsSBfiteaa, bie ginattjfam* met. FINANCIAL {ado — ly), adj. ftliancicU ; bie ginonjen betrcffctib. financier, s. bet ginancier: 9ient= beamtc, ©taatabucbbaltcr; ©tatifti= let, C^ameralift. finary, s. T. bet jnjeite •jammer, grifdjbammet. FINCH, s. bcr gin!; — creeper, bie Jtohlmeife. To FIND, v. a. J. fiitbcn; (tiitrcffeit treffen ; cvftnbeti ; eutberfen ; 2. be= ftnben; 3. anfdiaffen, Iiefent, fer= febaffen ; erreicben, uerfeben, feben, cvfcbcn,nml)nicbincn, bemerfen, bcob= aepteil ; to — every thing. 91llea lie- feru }it ..., fiit VlUeS fteben ; to — fault (amiss), auai"c|cu (ait etnma), cinrcben, tabelu ; to — guilty, rcvnr= tbeilen ; to — in money, &c mit ©elb, it. f. n\, oerfebeti; to — the bill, l. t bie 91nflagegriiHbe bifJigen> babet: bie Jllaqe aiuiebmen ; to — the trim jr. T.aiiaftitbia, marben, ivieein-ediiff am beften fcgelt ; I cannot — in my heart, id) faiiu c-$ nifbt libera ^erj bringen ; I could — in my heart, idi batte fa ft ?nft; Ikiw do you — your self? nuebcft'nbeit iicftrb? to— out, auSpnbig marben. finben, aiismitteln, crmittclit, eiitberfcit, erfinbcit, ent-- ratbfein. find-fault, s. ber fabler, .^ritifei ; FINI find-faulting, adj. fabclfudlfig, f»lbeu= fted)erifcb. finder, ,*. fcer ginbcr, (gnfbetferj •Jpiibiierbunb, ©purbanb. FINE {ado. — ly), adj. 1. fcin, jnrt ; 2. frbon, tierlidj, faubcr; 3. burd)ftd)= Hfl; hell, flar, vein; 4. artig, nttt; 5. ftattlidi, fjepufet ; f>. geruanbf, liftig, fcblau, betriiaerifco ; 7. fcbmal, fpiij 'Uluufcnb; 8. fdjat'f; she has a — lime of it. fie ifl tvobl baran ; —doings! fdjBne ©efcbidueu ! fine hiibfrf)c?luf= Rib, rung! to Sne-draw, febr fcin na= ^cit, juttabtn, ycrftcdien, ftopfcit; — "rawer, bcr (bie) foil! *iinal)f, ft Op ft ; — drawing, bag Sftafcen mit vetborge* ncii Stirbcu ; — fingered, fiiuftlid) ; — loaves, feiue ©robe H e. 3udcr; jum bod)itcu ©rabe raffinirt; —shape.!, tootjlfleftalt; — spoken, bcr fid) gut anSbriitn; trim, glaftjiingig ; — spun, ffin ge fpoitncn, fiiuftlid) getoebt ; jati ; trjoblerjogett : — stuff, reiner ,'ialfpiti}. pin;:, ... 1. btc ©elbbujje, ©elbftrafc, (Strafe, Sdmlb; 2. L.T. bag Scbn= gclb; bie Save fiir citi flccdit, mu Sprivilegiuin; 3. bie llcbertragung, 9lbtretuiig: in — , cnblidi, fttrj. To FINE, e. n. 1. cine ©elbftrafe auflc= grit, \\\ einet ©elbftrafe oerurtbetlen ; 2. »erfeinern, lantern, abflaren. fineness, s 1. bie geiubcit; @dj6ns bcit, Battfjeit, ©legailj; Sceinbeif; 2. jflugbeif, SSerfrolageii&eif. finer, s bcr Sauterev, Srbmrijrr. finery,*. 1. bcr ^utj, Sfaat; 2. r. bcr SajnteUofen ; — cinder, bcr frbmarte (Sifenfatr. riNESS. Finesse, a. bie ftct'ltbcir, ?ift. Finger, s. 1. bcr ginger ; 2. bie Jtunft; 3. SBreite ctncS giugcrg aid Sangcit* lltafi; to have a thins at one's — s' ends. fig. etroag an ben giitgern ber= fagett FBnneil ; to have a — in the pie, prov. bie cfpanb tin Spicle babeit ; my — s itch to he at it, id) tjatfc ?uft mid) baviibcr bcriitntarbett ; — basin ( — elase), bag giugerbecfen (511m SHbfpfis leu bcr ginger uacfi ber 93? a hi jeit) ; — board. Mus. T. baS fflriffbrett; bcr SBegrocifer ; — fern, ber giiigcrfarn ; — guides mod Mu, t bie ginger[ci= ter niad) Sogter'8 -Tftcthobe) ; — post, bcr SfBcgweifer, SWcilenjeige r ; — stall. ber gingerling; — stone, ber 53clem= nif, ^fcilftein. To finger, j'. a. 1. ftngern, begreifen, bctafktt, bcriibrcn; 2. greifen, fpte= Icu; 3. ftehlcti; Fingered, adj. gefttt= gert, it. f. ro.; (in compos.) mt'r 7s iu- gern; light — JeidUftugevig.biebifcf). Fi \ T < :ering,, . utiter* baltj; — master, Mil. T. bcr ObCt= fcucrrecrfcr ; — new, uagclneu ; — oflSce, bie geiterucrnebcruiigganftalt ; — pan, bie gcuerpfaiine, bag Jtublctu bedenj bie ^fattne am ©civebr; — plug, ettie SBebeifuna fiber bie £a^nc bcr ?onbcncr SBafTerrfi^reu, bie bet geiterggefabr getrrnct mcrbcii; — proof, fencrfeft; — room, bag gc[)ci$tc obcr 511 beijeube 3tmmer • — screen, bcr geuerfdjirm ; — scuttles, jv. '/'. bie geueriufen anf SBranbem; — ship, bcr Sraubet ; — shovel, bie StoUtn- fd)aufel ; — side (— place), bcr .^erb, bag .Uantiii; —spout, bcr geuerftrabl, bie gcucrfdufc; —stick, bcr ,',ticn = fpan, bie ScbteiGe; — stone, bcr Aciicrftciii; ecbu'efelficg; — tongs bie geuerjange; — trunks, jv. r.bie ©canbrBbren auf53wnbern ;— watch, bie SBranbma^e; bag SBad>tfrbtff; — wood, bag ©renilboTj; — work, bag gcucranr? j — worker, bcr Jeucr= roetfet; — worshipper, bcr geueraiu bcter, geucrbicucr. To fire, »). i. a. 1. anjiinbrn, in 83rnnb ftcifeu, gcuer anlcgcii; 2. fcucnt, ah- fcucrtt (— at, aitf ) ; 3. aiifeucm, ent= ji'tiibcn ; II. n. gcuer faiigcn, ftcb cnt= jiiuben. FIRER, s. bcr "Diorbbrcuiicr; ?lnf= tuiegler. FIRING, *. 1. ba« ^Iniiinbcn ; gcuent, u. f. to.; bie (Sutjiinbung; 2. — (or — fuel) bie geiierung; —iron, T. bag SBrennetfen bcr .Ouffdimicbe. FIRKIN «. bag aSiertelfat";, (SBntfets FISH cber A"cft=: Ad^rbcn ; — cwn, :c R.-» fcnt[H'fcr,Jtpfcnifd)cnf. FIRM (ado.— lt), I. adj. I. feft, berl ftavf ; 2. ftanbljaft, cutfcblrffen, iin-. cricbiitterlid) j bcfttmmt, feftgefe^t; 11 8. .1/ /; bet ■Oanbluitggname, bie girnta; bie •JJrreffe, llnieifdui't ct- nce .Viaiifciehaip'fv. To FIRM, r. a. fcftfcBcn, beftatig-n. FIRM \Mi:.vr. ... bao girinomeut, .Oinu melggeaBlbe, bcr Suftrreig; 5ieru= bintiucl. FTRMAMENTAL, adj mm girmament( gcluuig, am .P)immcl. himmlifd). firman. *. bcrgirmau ,bci ben crien= talifrbcu iUilferu . FIRMNESS.*. 1. bie geftigfeit; taucr ; 2. 5taubbaftigfeit; 3. ©cuufibcit. FIRST, I. adj bcr, bie, bag 18vftt\ II. ad,: 1. erft, iuerft; jum crftcn : eoran; 2. ebcr, licberjat— , aufdnalicb, ?ln= fangg; at — hand, aug erftet ■'■anb, unmirtefbat: — or last, iiber lang cbev fur?, friiber cber fpfifet; mit btt 3fif ; in the — place (— of all). crft = ltd), juforberft, DOt alien 3>iugen; — come— served, pron. mer jiicrft fciumt, mabltsuerft; M. E-s. the — of ex- change fa — bin), bcr (ciu) fjirimas 3L ! d+fcl ; the — not (being) paid. Ovinia itidif, the — with .... 'prima jlllll Accept Bet . . . ; the — of the ebb, jv. T. tic SBorebbe; —bom, tcr(?rft= geborne; flcltcfle; — cost, .1/. e, bcr Stnf aufgyreig ; — cousin, bag ©es fdniMftcrfinb ; — form. Typ T. bcr SdjBllbrucf; —fruits, bie (^rftlinge : — rate, viod. voin crftcn 9J«nfl ; DOts Jiiglid); -V. E-*. — rate lulls '(paper), 2Bed)fel Don ben beftcit .Pidufcru; — sort, bie iU-ima = 2cvte. FIRSTLING, I. adj. erftgebercu, mcril gerporfcu ; 11. ». bcr (5rftliug, ®rftge= borne. FIRSTLT, adv. crftlid), jum Crftcn. FISCAL (Fwc), I. *. 1. ber gt«CU«, 6f* fcntlide Scba^, bie Sfaatftaffe, SRentfammer ; 2. bcr Sdaijmcifter; 11. adj. ben gt'gciig betreffenb, figcos lifeb. fish. ». 1. bcr ^ifd); 2. s ;■'. Spiel» marfen (in ©eftalt Don gifebeiDj .3. JV*. '/' <;cba(cn [iut i'crftdrfniig ber DJiaftett obcr SJiaacn) ; — bait, bcr jtobet: — bone, bie ©rate; — day, bet Audita,], gafttag ; — earth, ba: SBebt; —gig, JV. T. bet^loet, ok Fizoio ; — glue, bie .^aufciiblafe ; — hook, bie ?lngcl ; — kettle, bcr Aifd); fejfel : — market, bcr gifdmiaift ; — meal, bt'e giffbfpcife ; — moncer, bev Aifdibanblcr; —oil bcr ftifebtbran : — pond, bcr gifdjteid), il ; cihcr; — slice, bie gifcbfclle; — spear, Fizoio; — tackle. A" 7' bag i'dlter= tafel; — tub, bie gii'dnvaunc, bcr gifdjJUbet ; — wife (— woman 1 , bag gifebenveib, gifdnveib. To FISH, r. a, a ». ftfd&en ; jy. T-8. to — the anchor, ben Slnfet fippnt; to — a master yard, SDcaften obet :Uaaen beivaiigcn ; to — out, j* augforfdjen ; to — up, auffifdjen aufangen. FISHER, s bcr Atfdn-r; —boat, ber AtfdKrfaht! ; — man. bcr Aiutcr; — skms. amerifanifrbe SobelfeQe, FISHERY, », btc Airdcrct, bcr At)"d= fang. FISHFUL, adj fifdireid). FISHGIG, s.vid Fizoia. To FISHIFY, d, a, JUIfl Aifif marbeii, in Tsifd) vcnvaubcln, (ScMiegol) ocrfl* feben. fishing, ». I. ba? SiftJen ; 2. bie gi. ffberei; — boat, bal 5ifcbetboot« bit gifdjerbiife ; — fly, bie ffiuftlioj narbgcmadirc) glicge jum ^Ingeln 149 FIX FLAI FLAtt — hawk, bet 2Bei§ft»>f (Wtt galfe) ; — line, tie '.'Ingclfdninr; — rod, tic Singelriitbc. FISHLIKE, .:>'' ftfd)ar% FISHY, asij. 1. ni'dncidi ; 2. auS gifd), fifefynrtig; ftft&ig. mid; gifdjen. FISSILE, *#. fpalfoar. FISSLLl tv, ». tic SpaUbarleir. fissure, .t. ber Spalt, Ditfe; s. ?'. 2paltbrud) eiitcS Jvitpcben. To FISSURE, 9. n. fpaltCIt. FIST, a. bit gault. To fist, r^n. utit tcr gauji fdjlagcn, wig. fnuffcn ; anpacfcn. FISTED, adj. in compos, fatlftig; close — . engfoiuftig, fata,; club — ,'ticf'fau= Ptg. FISTICUFFS, «. pi. tic gaujtfdiiaae. fistula, «. s. t tic giftd, baS ;ijpbr= gefdmnir ; — lachrymalis, tic £iira= hcnfiftcl. fistulas, aarpnne; 2. bet SBvummlteifel; 3. cine 2lrt Setter; tterE. FLABBINESS, s. tic 2d)taff(n'it. FLABBY, adj. fd'[ ,:ff, lvdf, fdjiottctifl. flaccid, adj. frbiDad), fd;lajf, melf, fcblpttcvig. FLACCIDITY, ) s - s:at«B(,.!* flaccidness, }*-HeS*Iairb«t. To FLAG, o. I. v.. 1. frblaff fciMt, fcblaff bangen ; 2. erfebiaffen, etmat= ten, fdi'.vacb lrcvteit; n. o. 1. fcMaff madjeu; 2. fig. iiictcrfeblagcn ; (im- Icgen, pflaftern, mit gliefeu bdegeu. flag. s. I. bieglagge, Sebipfabue ; 2. gtiefe, bet gltepitein, glacbfietti; 3. Sdiircrtlilic, tcr Scbroertcl; sweet- scented — , tcr .RalmitS ; — of truce, MU. t. gttebenSffagge ; — broom, bet Atciutefcn ; — captain, ber gloggen= ciipitiin ; — feather, tic Stbruingfebet ; — officer, bet glaggenofttjiet, glnogs matin ; — ship. baS glaggenfd)iff; — silk, tic glojsfeibe; — staff, tic ginggenftange, tcr glflggenfiodr ; — stone, bte ciigftfefje gliefe; Seitenfleine ffit gutjganger ; — union, jY. t. bie SBefanjlagge. FLAGELET, Flagkolbt, s. baS gTo= geslet, glarrbinett, tic geitt=, «£>od}= obet Dctaoflote. flagellant, .t. tcr fid) gcifidt, bet ©elbflgeiilet. To FLAGELLATE, i». a. ge iftdll. FLAGELLATICMSr, s. tie Weitiditng. FLagginess, s. tie Scblaffbeit. flagging, adj. fcblaff, matt, berab= bangenb. FLAGGY, adj. 1. fditaff: toetCfl, lvdf ; gefebmeicflo? ; 2. vol! Sebivcrtlilien fi.a(;itio;;s (.-;./,•. — ly), adj bpl baft, biife, frbantlid), froel&aft, la- ftfrbaft: frbnIb»oU; — ness, .s. bie Scbanbltcbfcit, Scburlerei. FLAGON, s. tic glafrbe. FLAGRANCY, .vciciite 9?erle^uitg. To FLAGRATE, o. a t'etl'VCHltcn I \V. ft.) flagration, s. ter 2'rc.itt (a>. it ). flail, s. ber glcgel, ©tefc^Peftel. FLAKE, g. 1. tie glocfe; i. tei gun- Jen; 3. tie Platte, Sd)id)t, 8age 4. t. eiu ©etfiji au€ 5led)tn>er! |uit Srpcfnen beS Stoif fifdje? j 5. .\- r tie SteUuug. To flake, o. I. a. ju glocfeu mafreit • ii.n. ju glcffenwerbeiij in SHlattrn brcd'cn, fid) fd'icbten. FLAKY, adj. 1. lpdcr, flocfig; 2. in Sdiicbtcn. flam, ' s. tic Si'tgc. To flam, b. a. (einein) etvuaS ivetB madjen, einen SBaten aufbintcn, i. i belugeii. flambeau, s. tie gatfel 0''- r ^<" beaux). flame, s. 1. tic glamme; 2. ?eiben« febaft, ©hit, 5iicbc; 3. col. tcvgdiebte ©egntftattt ; an old — , eiiie aire ^iebfebaft; — coloured, fcuevfarben ; — eyed, flanimciiiuigig ; —less, flammcnlpl. To FLAME, r.v.ka. 1. flailtmeil, Io= tent ; 2. cntflammcn, reijen ; to — out, au3brcd)cn, aiiflPtcrn. flamen. s cine SHrt STpferpricficr (bet ben Slometn). flaming, i. s . us Slttfflammcn; a. (adv — ly), flantnicnb. fl.\mingo, s. tcr S'lamingo (p/joc?;?- coptcros — L.). FLAMMABLLITY, s. tic 5?rcnnbar= feit, ©ntjfinbbarfett. FLAMMATION, 5. bie (Sutjftttbuna. flammlous, adj. fiammeitt ; pom* in id) t. FLAMMIFEROUS, adj. glailtllicn trtlt= gent, fadelnb. flammivomous, adj. gfammen fpei^ cut. flamy, adj. 1. ffammcnb, ffantmidjt; 2. flantmenrotb, fiammeiifarben. FLANCH, .5. H. T. tac- Jliitrcaeffetlj. FLANDERS, s. (tie ©raffebaft) glan= tctn. flank. S . 1. tic eeite, SBeidje, ©fin= nnng; 2. Ma. T. bet ^eerflfigel, tie glanfe ; in the — , fcitu-art-? ; to tak ■ the — of the enemy, tent gfillte ill tie ^kinfc fallen; 'flanks, pi. Sp. E. baa Seitcnftccbcn, tie DiiicfenKibuu tcr SPferbe). To FLANK. ». I. a. MO. T I. ffailftreil DPit bet Seite ber beflretcben, rter tecfiit; 2, in tic Alanfc fallen; n.n angtenjen. FLANKER, .«. Fort, tie Strcicbivcbr, baS Alanfeittrrrf, bie glanfe. To FLANKER, p a. i. Fort, lllit gToB* fen tecfen, Dertfcct'btgen j 2. Mil. T in tie glanfeil fallen. FLANNEL, ter Alancll. flap, s 1. jebe« brette mtbIofe$&ts genbe 5)ing; bet ^ccffliigd, tai Jifdiblatt, tie.Ulavvc, ^rcirtpc, 8a* fd>e, Jdatfdie ; baS SBaumeln, H\a\>- pen; ter j?lapp8, tie 3)?aulfd;ette; 3. Sp. t. tic gaufe im EO?aitte bet SPferbe; — dragon, baS Sracben= fcbnappcil ; to — dragon, t> a, bei9 Derfcbfucfen ; — eared, mit Ian= ten .Oaiiijccbrcii ; — jack, tcr ^fann= fud)cn; — mouthed, mit banaenben Sippen; — table, bet .Rlavptifrb. To FLAP, o.l. a A"- ?! I. flat-pen, tfaU fdien; 2. flapfen, frblaacn (mit ben glugelni; to — down, piufebfagen, btiiftfir;en ; II. n. I. frblagen ; 2. Ipfc berabbangeti [affen. 7oFLARE r n. fladern, Iobern; gltma mem; fltmntcrn, bienben; .v. t. fiberragen ; to — in one's eyes, cinem tie Slugen bienben. FLARING, i. adj. fdn'mmcrnb, bfen* benb; II. s. .\ T-s. ta« ^UiSfalleS llcbcvvagen) ter ^oljet; a — bow cin nbcrfdiicficntcr 93uc FLAT FLEE FLIC FLASH, s 1. b*inU>erfhii\te, Das S|SuU oerfjoru; 3. Mil. T. bie C'affettenvoanb ; —oil, bafl Ccl in AKifdicu. flasket, s. tcr grope atorb, 3Bafcb> forb. FLAT (adr. — ly), «lat* tcfl Sabrsciii]) ; —bottomed mit pUr- temSBobeu; —calm, tobtftiU, tobfeiu ftilkfl SBeftev; —chested, ylattbriU ftig, mit platter SBruft • —footed, ylahfufjig ; — iron, bafl ((Hatteifen ; — long (—wife), platt llttbcr, gcrabC= bin, fladjliugfl; —nosed, plattnafig, ftlimvfltitfiij ; — scene, bcr J^iiitCi^ grunb. flat, s. 1. bic gfacbe, (Sbene; 2. 51tc= berung; 3. ipiattbeit; 4. bafl flad)e Sabrjeug. bcr $rabm ; 5. Mus. t. (©cgenla& »on Sharp) bafl A Ueldjefl bic 0iotc cineu bai ben lou emiebrtat, b mol. ; — s^s. />/. .\'. y. I. bic 89aud)= fiudfe ber ©pannen ; 2. fcicfetc Stek icu im 2)ceere, ©aubbanfe, Untiefen. To FLAT, ) o. 1. a. 1. platf, fl ad) Vo flatten, $ inad)cn, brcit fcbla= gen, ftrccfeu ; 2. fcbal, matt madVcii ; .v. 7-.5. to— aft, bie binrcvit (Segel bad (cgcit ; to — in. bte (Segel ctn= brccbcn; n. n. I. vKut, flacb rocrben, fid) cbucn ; 2. fd)al, matt, ftumvf rocrben, FLATNESS. «. 1. bic ^vlad)c,(5bci!c; 2. bcr fd),ilc ©c|d)iitacf; 3. bic aI,uu bcit (im ©efdjaft) ; 4. ^lattbeit, Sccrc; SKatttgfett ; ©etflloRgfett, bcr @tumpf jtillt ; 5. bic 2dniuicbc (bc8 Stones) ; f>. SRiebtigfett bcr ®iiid;Sumfiaiibe, (vlcnt. flatter, s. bcv flatter, ©latter, §|3(aniver. Tb FLATTER, v. a. fdimcidiclit ; ge« fallen ; falfcfje, ungegriiubete .*3off= umigeit cni'ccfeit. FLATTERER, s. bcr Sd)meid>(er. FLATTERING, adj. fd)nicid)c(iib, fdjmetcoelbaft ; — iy, adv. mit 2cbmci= ctjclii, fdiiucidiclbafr. Flattery. «. bte id)incidu'lci. FLATTING in ■„,„,,,,. — w\] or roller. ». cine ^Slattmafcbtne f^Baljmuhle) fur Ubrmacbci, ©olbfrbinicbe 11. f. u>. 7LATTISH, adj. cin roentg fiadj. FLATDLENCar, t. 1. baS ©ISben; tic ©labfud)t, iUabunj; 2. 2Cintig= fcit, SJlicfettgfeit. FLATULENT, adj 1. atlfgeblabt, bla= halt, blabfucbttg, ruiiiti,]; 2. leer, nicbtig, ettel. fi.ati s, ,, tcrSSinb, tic Bla^ntifl. To flaunt, v. v. aufgeblabj fcmi, ftoIt,ircn, pvuiifcn, ftro^cn. FLAUNT, ». baS glittermetf, ber 7vltt= terftaat; — ing, adj. prangenb, ptuns fcub, ftoljtretib, gcvmt. To FLAVOUR, v. a. ciitcit ©cfdiiuacf geben, FLAVOUR, ... bcr 25c[)[gefd)m.i(f ; SSoblgcntd). I'l.AVi tURED, adj. VrohlfdmiccrYiib. fi.avi »UR( ii s, adj febmacfyaft, wM-- viidu'iib. FLAW,*. I. bcr Sprung, SRtg,SBrudj, ivalt; 2. glecfen, bic SBtafe (im gbelpetne, u. f. ».) 3. bcr Acblcr; bafl ©ebred)eu ; 4. bet 9lufru6i (v», u.); 5. .v. T. baS ©lafeii, bcr hcf= tige, jahe 2Biiit>jtofj, bic SBinbPags ge [Jt>. ii. 1 . To FLAW, v. a. i. fitidcit, brcd;cn; 2. + Derlefeen. FLAWLESS,a^ obneJIti'iTc ; fcMcrfrci. FijAWV, adj. nfftg, mit Slafen, fch= Icrlutft. FLAX, e. bcr 7sfacf)3; —break (— brake l, tic Alad)*brcrbe ; —comb. bic .Occbcl ; — dresser, ber glacb8be= rcitcr; — finch, f — ), 'bcr i&ilnfling; —beads, Aliicbc-tLU'rV, Slacrjsin&aiw ten; —man, bet S'larbsbaiiblcr ; — seed, Scinfamen; — shows, ftlad)$= ffbabcrt; —weed, bag S(ad)§Eraut. flaxen, adj. fliidfcn; f!ad;Sartig ; —hair, baS Aladiobaar. flaxy, adj. blonb. Tn flay, v. a. tie .£a;it abjie^en, fdltllbCU. FLAYER, s. bcr Scbinbcr. FLAYING, s. bat 2d;iubcit; —bouse, tic 2lbbeiferet. FLEA s.ber glor); —bane, ba? ^v[ob= Jraut, bie ©Srrroun; bcr SISbpfefs fet ; —bite, ( — biting), bet Albhbtf; ; fig etne getinge Jtranfung, i'c!citi= gung, (?hvciifd)ramnic ; —bit. fvren= telig, gefledjt; —bitten, oon Slobcn gebtfjeit; fig. frblerbt; —wort, bcr globfame, bai Alohfrant. T„ FLEA, vii. To Flay. fleak, 5. bie Stccbte, Sftorfe. fleam, 8. Sp. /'. bafl ?a§etfen, bcr ^fbtuivper, bie gJietc, Sanjette (fiit ilUl'VC. To FLECK, ) i: a. bunt madicit, To FLECKER, ^ fvrcnfcln, flecfcn. flection, s. tic SMegfainfeit. flector, ». bet SERuBfel. FLEDGE adj. pgge. To FLEDGE, o. ». 'bcftcbcm. To FLEE, v a. flicbcu. FLEECE, ... bafl Alicf;; — wool, .v. /:. SeburrooIIe, unaccominobirte Sd)S= fetbaitbrooUe ; fleeces free from locks ami pieces, gereinigte Sd)aferbanb= roofle; the golden — , ba3 aofbene Alu'f;; fleeces, pi. fig. tic flciucn 2SBlCd)en (ScbSfrften) am Oimincl. To FLEECE, e. a. 1, fd^ccrcu ; 2. cant rupfett, pffinbern ; 3. ftd) am .fports lout gleidj SdjSfcbcii ausbreiten. fleeced, adj. 1. flefcooren ; 2. tDoflta. FLEECER, ». bet soeraubet. FLEECY, adj L Joolltg, wotfretcb; 2. flcifig; —clouds, bte roelicnfBrmi= gen (licfcten) SBoIfcn, Scbafrbert; — hosiery, geiiluFrotet tricot, englifdjer ©cfiiiithciitt-Alaiic!!. To FLEER, r. a & n i. bBblltfdj Bets ladjen, fyottcu; 2. aiiQriufcii, angaffert. FLEER.*.: bcr S})Ott; 2, bafl 2d;nici< dcln, bi fl die ©rinfcii. FLEERER, ». bcr Spotter, 2d;nicicf>: ler. FLEET, i bic Airttc. FliEET ado. — ly), adj. flinf. flucb- tig, lcidu: — toot, I'cicbrffip in |; — bound, bet Staitber, Staubrrljiirtc To I LEET, o. ir. I. ;,. 1. flott fc»it: 2. cilcn, bahin flicbcu, glcitert, Btrfiif- gen, oerfebroinben ; ii. « abrabmen; to — a uickie, .\: t. cin J, in abfeba* Fen : to — tbe time, fidi bie 3cit ott* tteiben. FLEETING) adj. cifciib, fliidjtig, fcr= ganglieb. »ESS, ». tic i'ciditigfeiLSffid)- tigfeit, £cr>neUigfeit. FLEMINGS, s.pi. tic Alanilanbrr. FLEMISH, adj. fKimtfrb. flamlanbifd). flesh, .-.-. I. bafl gleifdj ; 2. bet vcu bet 5cclc iiiitcri'diiercnc ifiuvcrlicbc) Jtcil, bet Stbtptr, itib; 3. tic : rung oon Sanbtbiercn (im ©egenfafe ecu Ati'd) ober ^flanjen); 4. bai Sleifcb bet grucbte ; 5. bie tbierifebt ?latur; 2iiinlid)fcir, Aicifcbcflluft ; (i. bic nabe 93errDanbtfd)aft (in tcr beiligen Sdjrtft); to gather—, fell (bid) roerben ; to go the way of an — , prov. bcit 2i>eg bc3 utile?) ^leifdjcfl geben; —broth bte rVtifcbbrfilje; — brush, bic Srottirburfle ; — colour, tic S'lcifd)farbc ; — day. bcr ftleifdjtag ; — devouring, flctfdifrCMcnr ; —diet, ?vlcifdifoft ; — fly, bie Sdjmetl Pieae; — book, bet Jteifcb, t)afen ; Atauel, tic Sieifdbgabcl ; — meal, bie Slcifcbmabtjeit; — meai biegleifcb= fpeife ; — mole. biiS glcifd>gen)5d)8 ; — monger, ( — broker,/ bcr ?'Icin J .)- banblcr ; Stuppltt; — not, bcr Jflcifcbtovf ; —powder, b»i» ©cbminfs puber. To FLESH, o. a, 1. aiifmiuitcvn, Suit lnarben, : 2. Sp R flbricb= ten; einroeiben; 3. maften, fei«e 2ufl bu§en, fattiaen ; to — bounds, % r. Sagbbunbe futfent; — to be r in roguery ein eiugefleifdjtet (ager, ma= ger. FLESHLINESS, s. bie Alcifd)Iid)frit, ©innlidjfeit, bet ffieltftnn. FLESHLY, adj. I. fleifrbjicb, woIIufUg, ftnnlid); tbtetifdj; 2. inenfcblicb, r. tiicb; —given, JUt ^iunlicbfeit gc= neigt, ftnnlid). FLESHMENT, ». tic ^eftigfcit, C ! c-- gietbe. fleshy', adj. flcifcbig, vfiimp ; forprr- ltd). To FLETCH, d. a. befiebem. FLETCHER, a. tcv ©Ogner, ©Pijcii- maebcr. flew, y. tic glabbe, bicfe Srbitaiijc (grofjer >§unbe). FLEWEDjod/. grofjfcbnaujig, bicfm,iu= li.V FLEXntnJTY, ) ». tie 83iegfam!tit, FLEXIBLENESS, S Vo!ifb,trfcit. FLEXTBLE {ado FLEXILE. roeiebbar. FLEXION,*. I. bic Biegitngj 2.3iicb= timg, iffienbung. i i.i \t iB ». . I. T tec BicgmuflfeT. FLEXUOUS, aa>'. fidi fdil,'iii;]clnb, ge= ttummt. FLEXURE, ». I. baJ i"ic,\nt; bti .fttummung; 2. betSng; 3. + bi< SSerbeugung. FLICKERMOUSE, » bic Alctcrmaufl. to FLICKER, b n. flaitcrit, tjltcra. 151 -i.v , ) adj. bfrgfam, S fenlfam, cr= FLIR FLOR FLOW TJER, «. 1. alleg voaSfliegt; 2. ber «aucbtliug ; 3. T. tic llitrube, ,Rlai<= per (am SratentoenbcrJ ; 4. boppelte Xrcppe. PLIGHT, s. 1. bie (vlndit, bag ©ntrtn= iteii; 2. Sp E. ber Slug, u. f. W. ; 3. bieStut; L.fig- bet ttufft&roung ; a — of pigeons, fill Slilfl SklUbpi ; a — of wasps, ciii Srbrparm iffiespen; a — of woodcocks, cin Jtlubb S4ne= pfttl ; — s of fancy. "Jluffcbwuitg ber Santafte: a— of step?, einige Stu= fen, cine Xreppe ; to out to — , in bie SlucbJ fcblag.-u, ocrjagen, uerfcbciu cbett; to take to — , auStrcteu, fid) fliiduig macticu; — of arrows, ber *}>feilregeii. FLIGHTiNESS. s bie Suitfctigfeit. flighty, «rf. fliicbtig, fdmeli, fe&= fjaft, fantafteureicb, leicbtftttnig, un== beftditbig. flimflam, ». tuig. bag albcrne 3cug, bie Sappcrci. FLIMSINESS, s. bie ?orferbcit, bag Sofe, bie 5>iinnb,eit ; csdnvaebe; @c= ringfugigleit. flimsy, «irurfe, Sfiicfe you etroag ^erbrorbeuem, Splitter. To FLING, v. ir a. Sr n. 1. ll'Cl'feit, fdjinetjjeit; fcbleubern, febieijen; fcblagcu, auSfrblagen ( — at, nad)); jiurjeu; 2. jerftauben, jcrjireuen; to — away, tuegroerfen ; ocrfdjleubcrn, burdibriii.]en ; to — away on<-'s life, feiu Seben in bie Scbanje fcblagcu ; to — down uicbcrnxrfen, uiebctrei; lien, lerfioteu ; burrbbringen ; to — off; abtucntig litarbeu, irre fiibreu ; to — open, aufrciftcn (einc J bur, u. f. n>.) ; to — out. biuten nuSfd)la= gen ; oerbreitcn ; ausftreiien ; to — overboard, iibcr sBorb tverfen; to — up. in bie §6be rocrfen,>., fprcu= gen ; aufgeben. n.iNG, .*. l. ber 2Burf ; 2. bie eticbe= lei, .£>obnrete, SBifteleij i must have a — at him, icb lituy itvm etitS on= bdugen. FUNGER, s. i. bcrSBcrfer; 2. Sti= chelubc. PUNT, s. ter ACitcritcin ; jfiefel; skin — , vuia. ber OeijbaU; — glass, bo«3 JtrijtallglrtS ; — heart, ( — tfearted), bartberjtj] ; — ware, bag cnglifcbe Steingut. FLINTY, adj. 1. fiefciig, ftehtirbf; 2. bart, graufam, uuerbittlicb. flip, s. ber Slipp (ettt Wctraitf aug SBter, (Stent, JBranntwein unb 3uefer). FMPPANCY. .*. bie ©efrbmafcigfett ; Scbalfbaftigfeit, ber Seicbtftitn. FLIPPANT (ailo. — ly), adj. 1. gelail= pg (im ©efpra^e] ; 2. lofe, Icidmer-- tig, fcbiilfbaft; — tongue, ba3 ^}lap= permaut; — ness, s bicMliiittigfeir ; ©eloupgfett (ber 3tcbc); 2ciri)tfcr= tigfeit. To FLIRl", r. I. a. 1. lltit ^eftigfeit tucrfen; rafcbeln; ?. fdnteil be»e= gcit; to — a fan, iitit ciuciu Aacbcr rcfcieln; n. » 1. bin nub ber laufcu ; 2. fticbclit; ;j. etwoS coguettircn. PLIRT, I. alj. fipptg. leirbtfertig; II. s 1. ber ©cbinifj, Streicb ; bci3 ' 9ta= febeht ; ter 3rtd>, bie ©ticbelei ; 2. (foquctte. flirt aiion'. s . erf. l. bag gef^minbe Seiwegeu, Stvifcbeltt. Slattern ; 2. bie Stebelet, (5oauet;erie. 152 To flit. f. n. i. fiicben ; 2. fiatteru ; 3. bdpfeti (—by, ooruber). flitch, s. bie getdudievte Specffeite. To FLTTTEB, o n. md. To Flutter. FLITTER, »-. ber glccf, happen, ^abcr; — mouse, «. bie §leberinau$. FIjITTiNJESS, s. tie glatterboftigfeit, Uitbcfouucnbcit. FLITTY, adj. + Ullbeftdubi,]. To FLOAT, v. I n. 1. ( obcit aitf, OUf bent 22a(fer, it. f. ».) fd)ivimiitcn ; 2. Hattern, febroeben; fdnvanfen ; n. «. 1. flbtieu, frb tv em in en j 2. ubtr= fcbau-ntnteii, majfern. float, g. 1. 3lUe8, xoaS aufbem 3Baf= fer fcbivimntt, baS Slop, bie Slope, ba-3 Alott, ©loeffebiff; 2. Sp. E. bet JUui (0l^fl0B ; — board, >a» %\0V' btett, idiioimmbrett; — . wds. />/ tie sBrettet jroifeben ben J?i\in$cu ei= lies JffiafferrabeS, bie Scbaufelit. FLOATAGES, s.pL rid. Flotages. FLOATING, part, fcbroiimiieub, 11. f. «, — anchor, ber 5'reibaufcr j — b& 4 lery, Mil T. bie fdlivilltiuetttc i'>lttc= rie ; — bridge, bie ©djiffbrucfe ; .1/ E-s. — capital, baj imagiiidre, im of= fenen (Srebit beftebente Sapital; bie i 111 Unilauf bcfiubliitc ©uinme, bas Umlaufseapital ; — debts, laufenbe eebulbetl ; — ice, ££retbetS; — line, bie ecbiffolinieja — rumour, ein 11111= (siifeubeS ©eriirbt ; — security, bie uufiefcire Surgfcbaft; ^stages, Slots ten (bet ©cbipjiinmetleutc) ; — vi- sions, Srugbiiter. fi.i iaty, adj. frbwiir.menb, fiott. fl k;k, s. I .' tie §erbe (Sc^afe; ; 2. ber Slug [3J8geI): 3. ^aufen rVkw- fcfcth); 4. tie Alodc. Sod'e ( 3Bol!e); — bed, baS mit SBollc anSgeftopfte 93ett; — paper, bag Sipcfenpapter 511 Sapeten. flock, r n. ftrb »erfan:n:elR, :k ^sus fen $icbcu, ftromen. To FLOG, d. a. prugeln, Stocffrblage gebett, fcblagcu, pcufeben. FLOGGING, «. bie Stocffcbiage; ba8 5peit f cbeit, ©taupen. FLOOO. s. 1. tie Slutb (— tide). 5vlutb = jeit; 2. ber 5 trout : 3. bet SBaffets ft u r 5 ; 4. bie Ueberfrbroemmung, ©UUbfllltll ; — or — of women, Mai. T. ber ■ilcOlt.Usflutj ; to roll n n a — of wealth,./?^ iin ®elbc fd)iDimmeit ; — gate, tie Stbleufe, bfl§ Scbufebrctt; — mark, ber iBafferftaiib-oiiieffer. To FLOOD, r. a. ubcifdnvciitiiieit. FLOOK, s. Did. Flckb. floor, s. 1. ber Sufsbobeit, Soben, baS @jlttd); 2. bie ieunc; 3. bc§ i5)efcbo§, Stocfiuerf; ground — , ba* ©rbgefebog, parterre; first — , ber crfte Stocf; first — of a ship, JV. T ber ^aud) oberbaS Alacb cineS 2cbif= fe8; — cloth, tie Aujiteefe. To floor, v. a. 1. biclen, ten S«Sbo s ben madicii, legen ; 2. cant, ju Soben rocrfen, fdjlagen. flooring, imri.s. 1. bas5)telcn; 2. ber Sufjbobeu. To flop, r. a. mit ben Slugclu febla= gen ; flatfcbcn. FLORAL aij. jur Slora obcr bcu 53lu= men i^ebbrig. FLOREN, e. +ber (Solbgulbeu muter Edward HI). FLORENCE, s. i. Slorcuj fSfabt) ; 2. SlorentiuS (3Jlaun§name' . Slorentia (Srauennamc) ; 3. bet fforentiuer Saffet ; 4. ber fforentiuer ii>rin ; 5. ^er (Solbgulbeu. F'ORENTINE, I. s I. ter Alorcutittcr ; 2. — s, .?. /;/ einc 5lrt Scibciijeug ; 11. adj. floreutiuifcb- FT.ORET, s. baS 33liimdien. florid (ado — i.v , di. 1. blumtg; 2 blubenb, boobvotb; 3. ^ierlict>. FLORIDITY, I s. 1 ba» syinmige FLORIDNESS S bii bliibcnte Sarbe bet ©lanj ; 2. tic 3ierbe; dlegauj. PLORIFEROUS. n-ij blitnieurcicb. FLORIN, *-. ter (5'iilten. FLORIST, s. bet ^liiiucitlicbbiiber. FLOSCULAR > adj. bluineitarttg, FLOSCULOUS, 5 blumig. flota, ) s. tie fpanifebe 2il6er» ELOTILLA, \ flotte. flotages. *. pi. bas anf bem SBaffei fchnnmmenbe J5olj, ©raj, 3Starf, u. f. ». To floti:. b. a. 1. febannten, abfebo pfeu, abrabmen, abgie^en; 2. via To Float. flotsam, I s J.. T. bie in ctiiem FLOTSON, S Scbirrbrucb verlortun nut auf ter See fcbiuiininenben ©li- ter, baS Stranbgnt, SBracfgut. To FLOUNCE v. I n I. platfcbcit, fhtts ten, limberfcblagcn im SBaffet ober sdjlainme) ; u. «. nut JErobbeln befe= ^cn, befalbeln. FLOUNCE, s. bie S'llbct. Srobbcl. FLOUNDER,*, tie sButte, ber gltinber C^iattfifcb) : as Sat as a — ,proo platt caif bem i^otcit To FLOUNDER, n. n flit jiranbcil, fid) ranfen. iimberfcblageu (t»ie ciu^fcib im ,«otfc). flour, s. ba3 (fetne) SDiebl. To flour, b.o. 1. ui OA'cbl macbcit, mableit; 2. mit JWebl beitrcitcn. To flourish, b. il I . blubeu, im Slot fc.itt : 2. \i(b blumciireieb auSbtucfcn ; 3. praambitliieii, praluMren ; 4. fcbbii (mit oerfdilungcucn ^iigen) fcbrci= ben ; 5. riibmcn. piahlen; U. a. 1. mit Slumen fdjiiuirfen, bunt ma= cbeu ; 2. tieren, oerfebonern ; 3. februtngen, febi'ociifen : to — a letter, etneu i)iid)fiaben ueiii.b oerjteben; to — a sword, tin Scbivert febiviu= gcit ; to — a trumpet, cillClt Sotfcb blafen. FLOURISH, ». 1. bie SSliitbe, Jtrafi, ©r^onbeit, ber ©lanj; 2. baS Slit menroerf, ©rbni^merl, ber ecbnbr-- fcl ; bie SJJarafe, ber ucrlicbe (»er= ntlinuu'iie Snameit6=) 3»g ; Typ.T. ber ©ucbbriicferftocf, tic Siguette, Seifte; SBlumeu, ter Scbinud 5 ; tie iSerjtetung, Serfrbonerung ; 3. bie Ueberlabung mit Sttmiuf ; jieretet; 4. bag Srbwingen, SebiDenfeiij 5. iiraliibium, Spiel, Stiicfcben, 9tun= ba ; a — of Uie hand, eill ffiillf (cill Srbroenfen) ter .Piane ; a — of words, funjtlicbe :lcetcn, iiraben. FLOUR1SHER, s. ber in ber iMittbe bcS SllterS, beg ffloblfiautcg, beg ©lu= cfe-5 ftebt. FLOURISHING, adj. (Bon 2Iitgclegen= beiteu- bliibenb; — ly, adv. $tmU baft ; iiberlateu. To FLOUT, v. I. n. fpbttelu, fpottcil ( — at, iiber) ; n. a. oerfpottcn, »eracbt= lidi bcbaubeln. FLOin 1 , s tie ©potteret, bag ©efpott, bie ©robbeit. flouter, s. ber Spotter. FLOUTING (ado.— ly), adj. fpottifeb, yeracbtlicb. T, flow, d, l. n. i. fl'efiur ; ftromen. ftrb ergietJen; 2. fd)iiiel;eu; 3. veil femi: 4. berriibren, beifliepeit; U. a. hberfcbivemnien. flow, s. bie 5Iu«% i im ^egenfafe oon 6-bbe), ber Strom ; Bufluj) (bcg23af» feig' ; Siuu (ber ;l(ebc. flower, s. 1. tic &iumc ; 93liitbe 2. 3ierbc, bag .Klctnot ; bag Scftc ber Jlern, bie Slugwabl ; 3. vid, Flopb FLUS FLY FOIB I. Tijp. T. bet Swdpbtucretfforl, bie fflignette, ?eiPe; — s, pUMetLT. ber SDtonaWptijj ; the — of age, bas bin* henbe 9llKr; Hie — of youtn, tic Sliittje bcr .sliijciib. Sower do Luce, (Iris — I,.). [frailjofifd), fli-itr de lis). bie Schnjcrtlilie; our ladies — , bic »6r)aciittbe ; — amour, ( — senile), bic Sammertlume, baa SEaufenbfdjpn ; — fence, bev 5pfaueufd)roan| ; (Poin- etana — L.); — inwoven, * bllimc:i = gcfd)mitcft; —line. Typ.T. bie SR6S= djcnjciie; — pot, bcr 33luincntopf ; — smse ba«33lumengejtell ; — stick, bcr Slumenftod; ; — wood, bas 33lu= •jteubolj. To FLOWER,' v. Ln. 1. bfiifjClt, 9?llt= uicu feabcu; 2. frfviiimcii, gcibrcii; u. a. mit ©lumen frfjnuirfcu, beblfis meu. FLOWERET, s. bas 99liimd)cn. FLOWERINESS, ». bag iOlumtge, ber <&d)murf, bag ©liimciircicbc. FLOWERING, s. 1. bag ©luben ; 2. bas SBeblumcit ; — ash, bcr iviitc obcr bliibcute (vfebenbaum ; —work. bad SBiumenroerf, fiiuftiidie Blunteit. FLOWERLESS, adj. bluuicillos. FLOWERY, ndj. btumi^. FLOWING, I. n,lj. (adv. — ly\ fltcpcttb ; II. s. bas Siicficit ; bie glutf) ; — sheets, JV 7'. 9taumfcboofen ; ebbing and — , (5'bbe nub Slutt) ; — ness, s. bcr Slufj bcr SRebe. FLOWK, ». Btd. Flukb & Flounder. FLUCTUANT, adj. fcbiuatlfenb, UttflC- roifj. To FLUCTUATE '•. v. 1. rotten, febroanfeu, ivallcn, fdjanfebt; 2. uu= frbliiffii] femt ; ..V. Es. to — -at. . ., to . . . , fdniunfeu jroifdjen . . . ; fluctuating standard, bie ucrailberlid)e Saluta. fluctuation. s . I. bas SBogen ; ©djroanfen ; Steigcn nnb Sullen ; 2. bie Unfcblufftgfeit ; — s in business, Jlf. e. Srbroaiifiingcit tin ©efebaft. FLUE s. 1. bte Sftopre, bcr Seuemtg, SRaurbfang; 2. bie Heine, ftcjj anh.t;'i= genbe gebern. f. ro.; glaumfeber, bas 2Jiilcbhaar. FLUELLEX, s. bcr Gbl'Cnprcis {Veroni- ca — I. ). fluency, s. bcr glujj, bte ©tlfiajtgs fett. FLUENT (adn. — lv), a.lj fliefjcub, 0,e= laupg; fliifft'iV fluext, .5 1. bas Piefjenbe.2Bufletf>. ii.); 2. Mat. 7'. bie Sinrionsgrojje. FLUGELMAN, 6-. Mil. t. ber glfigels maun. FLUID, I. adj. Rufftg : II ». bas ftluffts ae; bie tbjerifdje &lufjtgfeit $3lnt u. f. ro.). FLUKE, s. 1. wW. Floonder; 2. flukes of an anchor, bie SlitEerftujjel, Sinters Ijciitbe. FLUMMERY, ». 1. bcr .gafer&rei, SDieblbrci, bad SDluS ; 2. leere« 0k= rcafd) ; lecre (Somptimente. FLUOR, c/i .&■ ^fei v. 1 ber Slufj; 2. CA. T. Sluor. FLUORIC. «.ncl (Melt ; — bolt, ber etngelaffene Scbiib= rtegel ; — deck, Jf. t. eiit glattefl Serbedf. FLUSHER, s. bcr 9}cuntiJbfer. FLUSHING, s. 1. bad HufwaUen, |)l8^s lid;c (Srrotbeit; 2. bic Stabt 93ltfftu= geu. To FLUSTER, ». I. a. i. turd) 3''^rtii= fen bcraufdif, benebelt inadicu ; 2. ocrwtrren; n. n. larmeii, eilfertig fe»n. FUJSTER.S. tic .^i^c, Slufivalhina, Sffiuth. FLUTE ». 1. bieglrjfe, 1'fcifc; 2..irrh. t boblc Stinne tan Saulen) ; 3. bie Alcutc, bad 5kutfd)iff. To FLUTE, n. I. a. .Ink. T faUltctirc!!, ricfett, rcifclu; II. n. auf tcr o lot*: b l.t fen. FLUriST, ». tcr glCtenbfafer. To flutter o. i. «. Pattern, aitSroes lien, fvieleu, fid) fret in ber Suftbcroes gen rote Slaggen) ; bin unb bev lan- fcu. bef lommen, minilfig fe»n ; c»om ©life) tittcvn, surfeit, jtrfjacf fabren ; ii. a. i. (lanberii, febeurben, oerjagen (iii. ii.) ; 2. beimrubigen, serrairrew. flutter,* Lba8@eparter; Scbaans feu, Sfflallett: tie Scbroiiigung; 2. Unorbnung, 83ermirrung, S3erlcgen= bcit ; ;5. ©ciniitbt'iiurubc. FLUVIAL, / adj. JU belt Stiiffcit QC= FLUVIATIC, s porig. Fi.rx. .s- 1. bet Aluf;, bic JJIutr) (bee Sneered) ; 2. bet k .'lb= unb ^nflnf) (®elbs)itmlauf; 3. Sufammeiipn§; 4. Med, T-s. \!lii*fliifi, 9lu6n>urfj ,'lb-- gang; 2vcid)clflnti; bie Stunr; 5. bet Aluf; (frbmeljbart giiflanb cities JforpcrS; ; 0. 3»ffbla ( i, 3ufa§ [jur ©efbrberung ted ©cbineljens), bv-rAtufi; — of women, Med, T. bcr SDtonatdflHS ; to be in a—, ben 2i'ci = c!".'!fiui"i baben, faliiurcu ; biufrfnviu- bcu ; — and reflux; bic (S'bbe unb Slurb. 7ei'i.rx. o. a. l. in glufi 6ringen, frfimeljcn ; 2. ben 2pcid)elflufi cnvc= rfen (n>. ft.). FLUXATION, «. bafl SHnflpiepen. FLUX1BILITY,) 8. tie ad)inc[}bar= ri.rxii.n'Y, 5 fcit. ri.rxim.i; adj. fd)i:ui;bar. fluxion. 9 . i. ber ^uft.tnb bes glies fjcu«, tcr Aluf; ; 2. Mat. T. tie 3nfi- iiitcfiiihil--:)(crbuunii. FLUXIONARY, art tie >fiiiitcftmcil= SRfdjnung betreffenb. To FLY, r. i. n. 1. Piegen; 2. fvriu= flcn, reificti, ^la^eit ; vrallen; 3. ci= lot; 4. Piebcn, cutflie()eit ; to let — , abfd)icficu, loAfrfaiegen ■ lei — the Bheetu! .\ - T. ftccbt auf tie tScbooten! tn — about, umber piegen ; fid) au«= brciteu ; to — abroad, rud)bar roers ben, fid) auSbrtiten; to— ai [on),an= fafiren. anfaflen, jufdjieftcn, fid)»er= fen auf. . . , eiiicu fiberfallen ; to — back, juriieffvringen Pbcr prallen; bintcii auefcblagen ; to — in pieces jcrfpringen ; to— In one's ft ;e, fiucii jrob beleibigeu, ibm SErofe bieten : to — into a passion, in x \vv\\ aeratben, bifcio, fbeftig) ivcrteu, cutbrcniicii -, to — on woim geben, flicbeit ; ^u: rfirfgebcn; loSgeben ooin 5cbie6ge« tvebv : to — open, onffltegeu (»oti tt* net Sbur, einein Scblo^ u. f ro. ; tc — oui ausfdjroeifen ; ausbrecbeu, aufbraufeu; II. a. 1. Siebcu, vevmei: ben; 2. flicbeit macben, aufPetgtti laffcn ; to — a kite, cincu papierneu 5)radjen fliei]cu laffen. FLY. • l. tic glieae; 2. tcr SSetel, Sdjujeiigtl, Jlugtl, bai Sd)n>uugs blatt, bte .ul.tmr, Unmi-e (an tcr Ubr n. f. ro ): 3. bet 2i. ! iiutcig'.-r ; i. bie Uange einet Slaflgt ; — blow, tcr Slicgeiibretf; balmiegenei; ©dj5n= rfl.iucrdn-u, tic ^iiifdie; tn — blow, befdjmeijjen ; — boat, bae Aliboot, bic fleine tl.ntc Sacbt 3rt leidjfe Sdjiffe bei bet jtfiftenfabrt ; — brush, bet Rliegenroebel ; — catcher, tcr SliegenfSuger ; Bliegenitetber, bit ©raemucfe; to — n-ii. mit Alieflcn angeln; — flap, bcr Jliegenrotbtl ; bie Alic'.icnflavve, glicgenflatfcbe ; — / bae Nnfefceblatf, SBotftfceblatl juin SBucbbiuben ; — i bie (^i'fd)ivintrrc)Te; — wort, : c.-ucii — I, ber 3)iucreitfatiger ; 2. bie i>ca.v Ife; — of an ensign, JV 7*. tie Sange einet Slagge »btt SSimptl. FLYER, l Did. I'l.'itu. FLYING, adj Piegenb; — bride piegenbe orutfe; — camp, bad flie= genbeSaget ; — coach, bie ©efefaruiubs futfebe, ber Silroagen, tic (5iivoft ; — gout, bie laufenbe @td)t ; — horse, bae Slugelpferb; — jib, jv. T. bet piegenbe jtlitaer; — out, tas ^ct* oorragen ; — pinion, ber "l>crpentife[, tie Uuriibe ; a — report, ciu Riegens bee Oeriidjt; — sails, .v. t. tic obcr- ftcn Segel ; — visit, tcr furtc ik= fud) ; with — colours, mit fliea,eutcii A.ihncii; fig. mit @bren, gliicflid). FOAL s. £),!■? Alilleil; mare' with — .bie tracbtige Stute ; — bit (— foot), ber X-MifUttlid), diofduif. Tu FOAL, p.a. * ". gcKucu, fe-blen ; iv erf en. foam. ». bcr 2duum, JJanin. To FOAM c a a- n utaiiineu, roftf^etl. FOAMiNGLY.arfr.fcbauincub, gcifernb FOAMY, adj »oll Scbaitlll, fib.lll lli,]. FOB. 8. bie Heine iEafcbej ^ofenta> fdic, llbit.ii\tc. To FOB, d a betrngen; to — off, fid) »om §alfe fobaffeii, abfreifrn. Ft "'.\i„ adj jinn SBrennpunfte ge^Stia FOCIL. s. ./. T tie iNrmbeinroore, (5'I= bogenr5bre ; bae Sd)ienbeiit; bie 9lrmfcbtene. iMirs. i, ber Ainu-:, ©rcmiDnnft. FODDER, 8. bie (trocfene) Aiirtfrinig, bafl iEBinterfutter ; a — nf lead, id ten ©ergroerfen) cine SRulbe 224 bunbert Spfunb 'i'.lri, (in Sonbon 22 i^unberl . 7b FODDER, o. a, fiittrru. FODDERER*. bcr Aiittrrcr ; gutter* boler. FOE i tcr Aeinb: — like, fcintlidi; — man, bcr Aciub (befoiiberi tilt JCriege). roc, i bcr (tide Oi'ebel ; $m rh ■>-. — bank, bae ©Utterlanb, Jreiblaiib, gdjcinlanb ; — signals, [Itebrlfiguale. FOGGAGE, s. Sp r.tdt uiiabgeroeibtti ©ominergras. FOGGlNBSS >. bte ne belige SBefcbafftn* bcit tee Snft, bae SJfebclige, bic ruu« fclhcit; Tide. FOGGY (adn — ity), adj. I. ucbclig, roolftg, biuifti.i; 2. fig. bid 1 , bunnu, bamifob. foil mi v-fni' »eg bantit! bit! foible, », bic Sebroac^c, fcbiuarbt -ieite. 153 FOLL FOOL FOOT p> foil, r. a. 1. roerfen, ubermeifretit, fiberwinben; fibertrejfen; 2. serei* tclit, biutertre ibe n ; 3. bainpfen. .•oil., s. l. bad SWeberwerfen, tic 91ie= beriage, Sdjlappc: gehlbitte, bcr jbrb; 2. '/'■ bad Blat.. Saiibrocif, bcr 3tetratl>. bte 3icrbe; 3. golie gu igpiegeln unb (Sbelfteinen) ; 4. bad Stapptei : tn give one a — . cillciu tilt fflein nntcrfdjlagen ; etnem etmaS abfdilagcn. foiler, s. tcr Sieger, SKeiflet. foiling, s. sp. K.t\t gubrte, Eput bed £irfchcd im ®rafe. 7<> FOL\. c.n.ftOl'cit, (tedjen (auf cineu). FOIX. s. bet Stop, ©fid). FOININGLY, mto. ntit ©tojien. To FOIST. ». o. unterfcfn'eben, cinfd)ic= ben, vcvfaKcbeu. FOISTER. s. bet Siigtter, 83erffilfdjer. FOISTINESS, s. Foisty, arf/. Bid. Ftjsti- NHSS, &C. fold. s. 1. bif jgalte, bcr Umfditag; bic gafje; 2. tic Scbaftuirtc, i^iivbe, §Pferd>e ; bcr Scbafftall ; 3. tic fier« be Srf)afc ; in compos, -fad), -fattig ; uvo-foid. jnxifad) u. f. to. To FOLD. r. I. a. 1. fatten, fallen, lc = gnt; '2. fcblieSen, nneinanber fitgen ; 3. pfert^cn in i&iirben cinfdjliefen ; to — down a leal", cin --Blatr eitlfd)la= gen (seiebneu), /am. ciu (Sfeldobr ma= d'CIt; 10 — in one's arms, limavmcit ; to — up, jufummenlegen ; (Sriefeu. f. IV.) fafreil; to — the sails, .V. T. bie . fdilicf;cu. FOLDAGE, s taS ^ferdjredjt, drifts recbt, bcr ,§>urbenfd)Iag. Folder. ... 1. ter galtenbe, galger; 2. bad (§infd)lageme>7er, galjbein. FOLDING, i.s. 1. tad galten, galjen; 2. ^fercben; II. adj. faltcub; fid) $u= fammenlegenb ; — chair, tcr gelb= ftiibl, Jtlapvituhl; —door, tie gebro= (bene £luir, gliigcltbiir, jtfauptbiir; — pate, bad £biu' mit jivct gliigclu, ber topvelte lEbonoeg ; — pocket-lan- tern, bic Eafdjenlaterne, ,ulapvla!cr= ne ; — skreen bic fyanifche ^L ; aiit; — stick, bad galjbein; — table, ber atlapptifd). FOLlACEOUS, adj. blattcria,. foliage, s. bad gaubwerf, tcr 33aum= f cb lag. To FOLIAGE, ». a. ntit (funftltdjem) Saubivcrf vcrjievcu. To FOLIATE, d a. i. ju Slattern fd)Ia= gen; 2. ntit golie belegen; foliated gold, tad Q3latrgolb. foliation, s. 1. boS Sdilagen ;u Slattern; 2. SBelegcn nut gotie, bte goliirung ; 3. tcr 99latternnid;d, SBauinfcblag. POLiature, s. bad gefdjlagene ©latt (Don @clt, Silbev ti. f. to. . F0LIER.8. T. bad biinne ©olbblatte^en, bic golie. folio. 5 golio, bie SBoaenform; bafl JBIatt. bie ©lattfeite etueS ©utbefi ; bergoliaut; in—, in SBogengrbtie j — mort, berbftblatterforben, qclb ; — volume, ciu ©ltd) in SSogengro^e, tcr goliant. FOLIOUS, adj. laubig ; blattertg. FOLK, fFot-Ks), s. V tad SSolf, btc 8eute, nJerfonen ; gentle — , oornclniic Vcutc. follicle, s. 1. ba« .65»ttd)en, bie SBlafe, ®allenblafe; '2. n. r ber gnirbtbalg, bie Samcnfapfci, ba« ©amengebaufe. To FOLLOW, r>. a. &■ n. 1. fcl^eit, be* folgcn, nacbf oinineii ; 2. oerrofgen; 3. begleitcn; 4. nad>geben; 5 oblie= gen; f>. itarbabiiien; 7. bicnen; ge* BOrrbcn ; 8. auljangcn ; to — (the pro- fession of) law, bie Jied;te fiubircu; \54 to - one's pleasure, fcillClll SBtrgttlU gen nad)|5ngen ; to — other men's business, fid) «m autrcr Seute (^k- fdniftc bejiimmern; to — one's nose, bem @crud)f (bcr Stafe) nadnicbcn; to — out, burebfe^cn ; to — upon the foot, auf bent gujje folgcn ; hence it follows, barauS folgt. FOLLOWERjS 1. bcr Ouidnrctcr, SRadjs folger; 2. SBegleiter, ©efabrte ; 3. iftnganger; 4. 5)iener; 5. bcr Sdjii= ler, 5Jiad;a^mer, FOLLY, *. 1. tic Sborbeit, Tiarrbctt; S^offe; 2. Scbivadic; 3?eriianbeS= fitivadic; 3. ©ntartung, 3IuSfd)roeis fung, UnmdfigEeit, SJafterbaftigfeit. To FOMENT, o. a. 1. babcu, corariiicu ; lauroarm batcn; 2. aiucijcu, anrc= acn. FOMENTATION.*. 1. tie tabling, @r= marniung; 2. @rmunterung. FOMENTER, s. ber firntuiiicrcr. FOXD i adv. — lt), adj. 1. uiu'crftanbt'a,, ttuh'ittt, albcm, fd)tyifd); 2. iiber= tricben jattlid), alljn nadjficbtig : to be — of ... , (von Sadjen nut ^cr= foncn) gem luibcu, febr Iicbcn ; »er= licbt, ocrnarrt feint in . . . ; — pur- suits. ?tebliitg8befd;aftigungcn, 8teb= ItUjioitubicu. To FOND, v. a. vid. Fondle. To fondle, r. a. jartlid) bcbaiibcln, oerjarteln, (iebfofen. FONDLERjs.berSScrjartler, 2d)ineid)= ler. FONDLTNG, s. ba3 Scbpppftnb; bcr Siebling. FONDNESS, .'. bic grpfic ?icbc. 33orIie= be, Sumgfeir, Sartlidjfeit, ber £iebeS= raitfd; ; tic tlun'icbtc Stcbe. FONT, s, 1. ter Xaufftcin; 2. Typ. T-s. bcr ©nfs, SIbguS (einet Edjrift) ; a — of letters (bill of — ),ber SKe^ettit, ©chriftjettel. FONTANEL, 5. 5. T. bad ^unftgefd; »ur, gontanell. FONTANGE s. cin bobcr .nopfvul,) veil SSanberfdileifen nut Svifeen. food, s. tie ©pcife, 3iat)rung ; baS gutter. FOODFUL, ad!, frurbtbar, ret'rblid;. foodless, adj. p[)ue Speife; nu = fvud)ttar. fool, s. 1. ber JEJjor, Sflaxt, tie 9lar= riiut; 2. (in ber 33ibcl) bet ?afterbaf= te; 3. Stacbclbcerfaft mil <&a1)V.e tint 3"dFer ocrinifcbt ; to play the — . bummed 3eng (ben barren) inacbeii; to make a — of one, CtUCU jlim ScftCll fjaben ; 'tis but a — to it, (S ii"t nicbts (im SBctgleid)) bagegen; — born, cin 91arr »on ©eburt ; — 's cap. bic 3^ar= reufavpe ; cine SHrt Sdbreibpapiet ; German — 's cap. t,l» Pro-patri ■-'!' a - Vier ; — happy, mcbr ©Ifld nlfl SSer= ftullt babcitb; — hardy, trllfiihu ; bummbreifi ; — hardiness, bic £oll= {ubnbcit ; SMimtnbretfiigfcit ; — 's na- radisfi. baS ^lavrcnparaticd, Utopten, (Edilaraffculatit; _— 's parsley, bic ©neipe, bcr llcinc 2cbicrliug,.C">unbd= Vctctftlicit [Aethusa — L) ; — sti nes ba» Jlnabcitfraut (Orchis — L); — trap, tic Sftarrenfalle. To fool, r. I. a. 1. »etad)tlid) bcban= tcln ; 2. taufd)cu, uerciteln ; 3. utm barren Imbcn, narren, affen, berbo= rcit ; 4. bctriigeil ; to — away the time, tie 3eit um bic Cbrcn cber tobt Fdjfagen ; to — one (out) of his money, ct'ncii um feiu Oiclt bringen ; li. ». ten SRarren inadjen, narrifeb fesn. i'( n ►LEKY, s. bie Tfun-beif, v ?Iarvf»ctt, gra^e ; gappaltc. FOOLISH (ado. — ly). adj. 1. tMridtt, unflug, ungereimt, albcrn; 2. nar= rifdi. (apptfd), poffenbaft, vcfftrlicr. ; 3. (in tcr Sibel) laftctbiiff, »fr< terbt ; — ness. s. L tic ibmbcir, 9 1 arr bcit ; 2. 3J a t r en i v i 1 'Te . Fin IT, pi. Fkkt, s. 1. bet au« ; 2. baJ Unterc, t^ntc. Stamm*(§nbe, bc7 (Mniut; bad gufigeftell, bie i-aftd; 3. bcr Stanb, bie Sage, 83efd;affeivi bcit; 4. bcr 5|?Ian, (Sntrourf; 5. ba? gupimlf, bie Snfauterie ic-hnc ^0. 6. ber (Slang, £ritt, tic Q3en>eguhg; 7. bcr SBobcnfa^ »on Cd nub aube'rn flufitiien SDingen): 8. cin Sanges- maaf von 12 3»H' ber ?iu\; Vtcr Scbub; 9. (in tcr $r»fobie) ein SSer§fu§; — of a column, Typ. T. bad uutcrftc @nbe einet Golnmne; — of a sail, A - . T. bcr unterfte Xbtil ciitea ©egeld ; Jtf. e*. m — , am ga^e tics fed tDon SBtiefen, SUerbnungen, ii. f. W.) ; nt — of the present, ant ?su- f;c (obet S.iluffc) biefeS; as (noted or quoted) at — , »ie iiuten bemerft ; on — . ju guge; auf ben ^einen ; im 3Betfe; to set on — , ill @ang brin= gen, ins SBerf ftfecu ; — by — , narb unb nacb. allmabliii; under — , _v t. *vt man, roeun cin '.'infer gcrate nulcr'tcm Scbiffc liegt; upon the same—, auf glcidjcin gufe; — ball, bcr SBallon, gupbaU; — bands,/)/. Snfanterie, giipoolf; — bear, bie gu§matte ; — board, tad gufjbrctt, ber gufitritt, Srttt einet Jtiitfd't ; — boy, bcr Saufburfdje : — briilgc, tcr Steg, tic 93ritcf< rar ftafo$& mi — cloth, bcr guSteppidi ; bie ^fcr- bctcifc; — fall, bad Stolpcru, bcr gebltritt; — fat, mtt 511 bunnem •Oufe; —light, bad ®efed)t 511 gt^ f c ; — guards pi bic gupgarbe; - halt, cine Scbafftanfbcit; — hold ( — room), bcr Jh\mm fur bit giipt ; — hot augenblicflid) n. ft.) ; — irons, ;;/. cifcrnc ipblcn fiir .Wanalgtabet ; — epcirhcllccfcr ; — man. bcr gu^ganget ; ?acfei; Vaufcr; (in tcr englifdjen .Hncbc) cin ©cftcll rccrauf bcr Scaf* am genet umrm crbcltcn ttnrb ; — man (or — sol- dier), bcr Solbat }n guft, infantes rift; — manship, tic Acrti ( ifcit im ©eben ober Saufcn ; — mantle. + ciuc Strt 3icitrpcf, cber 9ieitbecfc fiir grauen ; — marks, — prints, bie Spur tcr gfifje : — men's holders, 3Iuffteigcrtenieti fiir Sebienten an .uitti'iteV ; — pace, bet 31bfa| an ctuer Sreppe, 9riu)eblafe; langfaint (Sdjritt; tie gu^becfe; —pad. bcr Strafienrauber jugufi ; — path, bcr gufitei.v, —post, tie gnjipoP; bcr (^Softs'Sote, SQoteuiaufer 5 — race, ber SRettlauf; — rope. jv. T. bad llntcrleif ; — rule, tcr SDirtfcftab von 1 Altlt; —soldier, tcr Aiulfclbat, 3u= fantertft; — stalk, bcr Steugef, £riel ; — stall, bad gitfJgcftfH; bet Steigbugel etned graucinimmerd ; — step, bcr gufnlapfc, bic Spur; bcr Slntritt ; — stool, ler Scbemcl, bie .guitfche; — stove tie gentrfiefe, 7»FOOT, v. l 71. *. ;:: guBt geben 2. tanjen, trivpeln. furingeti ; 11. a l.beng-.f fc^cn, fujen, f.c:e», W- trctcn ; 1. fpcrtlClt ; to — stockings, Struvpfe auftriifcn. FOO'lV'D, adj. in compos, mit gu^tn, f,;;'; ; ;, ; cloven — . 'mtt gefpaltencfl gul {it; flat — . vlattfitfiig; four - . vie fiimg. w. f. to. footing, s. I. tiid giifien, it. f, 10. ()••,/. 7b Foot' ; 2. bcr Aufibcbcn. bad (fctofcl; 3. bcr gnfi, bic Sage, Stelie; 4. Spur; o tcr ®ang; (t rbritt ; R. San: ; 7. bic b*nicbtung, bcr Slnfatig ; to get a — fcfteu g«| FORB FORE FORE laffcn; fid) uietcrlaffeu ; to lose — , flU>Sg,litfd)cn ; nn the same — , flllf gleichem t$\w, in bet luiuiltrbcit (Sin= rtct)tutlij • upon a solid — , (lllf ft" ftcn(ni) gUB ; — , or — lace, tcr ©pu fcengrunb. tOP, i. ber ifufcer, 9!arr, ©cdr, Jf«n« taft, Safe, 3«raffe, -&aii«wurfi. FOPPERY, «. l. bte iborjjeir, Worts heir, ^3offe ; 2. baS title ©cprancje, ber £ant, Slitterjtaat. FOPPISH ladn. — ly), «•//'. uarrifd), al= bent, lappifd), gecfeubaft, citel ; — ness, i tie jRarriKtt, (Sitelfeit. FOPUNG, s. «Knt. yiairdjen, Sleffcbcn. FOR, coiij. bcntt, tseti. for, pec/;. 1. fur, vor, unt; megen, uin . . . milieu, au3 ; 2. ubet, iiad), p, auf, ait, mit; 3. in SBetreff, in Vlnfebung, aid ; 4. auftatt ; 5. uua,c= ad)ter, trot}, roicmobl, rocun glcicb ; 6. Bcrmittclit ; — how much? ivic tbeiicr ? — Gnd-a-mercy, Ulll ©vtte3= lobll ; limfeufl ; — God's sake, lint ©ottcuanllcn ; — f'-nr. ou3 8lird)t ; — want of . . ., au3 -DJaugel ait . . . ; Kt a loss — .... Berlegeii u:n . . . ; lo Btay — . . . , roarten (lllf . . . ; were it not — you, ware cS iticbt 3()= ; were it not — that, menu taS tlid)t B)5re; [ hear — certain, id) rrfafjre al3 genutt: not — my life, bet 8eibe uid)t; (as)— me, toaS mid) bc= trifft; it is not — me. C$ ill lltcillC Sar&e nid)t, fommt ntir uicbt ju ; — what remains. itbrigcua" ; — a while, auf etuige 3*it; — ever, auf iinmer; (etite ©efuubbeit) fofl le= ben ! $}hat ! — the time to come ( — the future), fiiilftig ; — once, bitfefi 3)lal ; — what? wejjroegHt? mofitr? UMrum ? what are you — 1 mas bc= itebt3b»en? wofiir beftimmen ©it fid) ? — grief »ot Summer ; — all (that), uugcaditcr, iveun bem and) ware, bet alle bent ; obfebou, ob= cilCid) ; — all his swearing, trofc fei= iter '■i.Wthcucruugeu ; — as much (ge= IBobtllid) forasmuch or inasmuch) as, mcil, ba, tufofern ; — aught i see. footel id; febe ; — nothing, umfonfi ; Rood — nothing, UUUiilj ; — example (— instance), $11111 Scifpt'el ; he is proverbial — . . . , cr ift juirt ©prtc&s ruott geroorben roegen . . . ; you are a fool — believing him, ©it (tub ciu Slarr, bad *Ste ihm glauben ; he offers — your daughter, cr roirbt uin 3bre Xod)tcc; it is — man's health, t* bieut jur ©efuubbeit be3 9Jten» feben ; there's a fellow — you, baS ill (Ciltntal) etll SttxV. let her go— an ungrateful woman! lap fit' gcbeit, ba3 unbaufbare 5Qcib! get you gone — a simpleton! forf, (geh) bit (Sinfaltts pinfel ! — shame: (fie — shame!) pfut. fdjonte biii) ; now — them, nun mSgeii fie font men, jcijt gttt'a ; o — bcitte bocb . . . ! marc bed) . . . ! it. f. It). ; O — a friend! bcitte id) etiteu i?reunb ! FORAGE, s. tic Sourrage, baSgttfter. to FORAGE, v. a. &■ n. 1. fourragi= rcu, aufSufterung aitSgeben ; i. 5nt= ternjegnebineit, tuubea'cit, |)iuttbern; 3. fid) weiben. FORAGER, 6-. ber Sonrragircr; 5}cr= roufter. FORAGW?, *. ba8 ScMtrragtren ; ber rSuberiftfte (Sinfall ; -car>,bie Aonv= ragir--, Aitrfcr= ober ©talimu(e. rORAMINDITS. adj. Uid)crig. 7VFORRKAR, ». ir. v. A- a. 1. ntftbeit, unterlaffcn, ablafffu. ftehen iaffeit, fid)_ fiithalten ; '1. frboncn, bttlben ; S. fi^gebulbeit, nacbfeben, mit%icb= ficbt bctjanbeln; — ! lay bai! — laughing! lad)cn Sic (ja) nid;t! I cannot — observing, id) fanu Iticbt timbiu 511 beinerfen. forbearance, ». 1. bic Sermeibung, Uuterlaffung, gnfbaltung ; ■>. tint= balffamfeit, Selbfibeberrfdjuug ; 3. ©ebulb, &d)Diiuitg, 'Vttilre, "JJadjftibt. FORBEARER, ». bet -Jiarbfiduia.c. To FORBID, v. a .<$- n. 1. ucrbtctfll, Ull- terfagett; 2. otrbuten; 3. jururf= balreu, bmberu ; God — \ ©ott bc- UMljre ! baS mollc ©ett ntd)t ! FORBIDDANCE, ». ba§ 'littbot (if. u.). FORBDDDENLY, arfo. nerbotener ffieife. FORBIDDER, s. ber iuTbictcr. FORBIDDING, adj ab|d)tccfcub ; roU berroartig. F( >u< 'I-:, s. 1. bic 2tarfe, JJraft, ^l.ubt, (Semaitj 2. .Mi-ic^ ; 3. ber 3™ang, tic -Jioth ; 4. tie (Sftitigfett ; by main — , alii tiller i)Jad)t ; by open — , geiualttbatig ; i n full — and virtue, /. y. ill oolier .)U\ift; — meat, baS aclmd re rsleifd) ; forces, iii. tie .5 tuppeit ; Seemad)t. To force, d. a . 1. jmtngen (— into, in,ju) itStbigen, tretben, preffeii; 2. erjmingen, cvpreffen, tiirebfctjcu; 3. uberroaltigett, eroberu, cifiiirnicti, fpreugeit, tiud)bred)cit, crbrccben ; 4. aitftreiigen ; 5. bcraubcu, nctt)}nd)= ttgeit, fdiatltcn ; to — a trade, tflt SSerfauf, §,mbel jnjiugen (forciten) ; to — Bowers, treea &c, iMumcit, U3au= me, u. f. ib. U'ttigen, ubertreibeit; to — wine, SBein oerfiecbeu (/. e. mi= fd)Clt) ; to — a word, ciu ttcucs 3Qort ntadien ; to — away, roegreifseii ; to — back, jitriicfi'djlagcu ; to — down, f)tnitntei'trcibcit, otcr ftoficn ; to — forward, serbrfiitgen, Dornja'tlfl fto= tjeu ; to — on, meiter treiben ; to — open, aufbreeben ; to — out, au»»ref= feu; abpreffen, abtrtngett; f;crauS= jtotngen ; berauSbredjen ; to — over, -\". t. c t it ©fbtff bind) Seifeftung uiclcr ©egel iiber cine 93«nl arbci= ten ctcr mit bemfeiben burcb ba^dis bredjeit ; to — upon, anftringen, cr= jmingen, burebfeften. forced, adj. ge^tuuugen; erjroun= gen ; — loan, tic crjimutgcne Sins lethe., adv. gemaltfam, ge?roun= genet SBeife; unuatiirlid) fin. it.) FORCEDNESS, », tic 'Berti\i)ung. FORtJEFUL [adv. — ly), adj. ftarf, frdftig ; geiualtfam. FORCELESS, adj. fraftloS, fdjmarb, mad)tlo«, unguftig. FORCEPS, a. (latciuifd)) & T. tie 3ange. FORCER, s. 1. ter, bic, bae 3njingeu= be, u. f. m. ; 2. T ber @inbolua in ciner $umpe otcr ciucni Dructn)er= fe, tie Snirfftange; — s,7»/. S.T. ber pelican, tic 3rUlf « pumpe; — rod. t bic ©d;lagrut()e (jum s iU-rctteti ber SQ3eiut). forcipated, adj. jangenformig. ford, ». bie 5ut't; tad Sabrmaffer. To Ford, d. a. ivafen, turdniMten. FORDABLE, adj tiird^nivatcit. FORE, i. aij. uorbcr, baS SBorbtte bc.n Drte uarb; it. ado. oorn; Dorset, BOt; in cooipos. to — admonish, v. a. (to — advise, d. «.) vorbcr ratben, marnen ; to — allege, >•. a. sorber cr.- wabnen ; — and aft, .v. v. von ootne ll.ld) binteit; to — appoint, v. x. »0^ ber beftimmen ; — appointment, * bie 33orberbefliinmung ; to — arm, r.n. 511,11 soraiiiS bciu.irfucit ; to — ,-. ,i (Berber) btbeuteit, vrovbt^ jciben, mciff.i.icii; alincn; — bode' «. tcr iJJropbet ; 3lbtienbe ; — bodinga, $. pi. iBorbebeutungrn, '.'In^ciAcn. SBorempfinbiingeii, vli'intn^cn ; — bolt, ». bet fUorjieifer, Sd)lo9nage(j — bowline, 5. .V. T tic ACuf bnlinic ; to — cast, t: ir. a Sf n Vtubcr betfll= feu, uberlegen, aorber ieiu-n, enrn>rt= fen, aujilnneii abmeffen ; — cast, » tie Sorftrbt, bet Sorbebatbt; (*nt= mutf, '-Islan ; — caster. ». ter sorbet Ueberlegtnbe ; ^laumadber; .\ - . y.- — castle, s. ta$ SSorberfafteli ; — •tiers), tie Satfsgafieit, iuM-tflicbrer ; — chosen, part. ailj. voibei - crmdblt : — cited, part. adj.MOtbn angcfiibrr, cben CniMbllt, Obgebatfct ; to — close, r. a. I.. T. ansfdiliefuii, binteni. bemmen ; to — close a mortgage, ci;i $ fa lib fur uerfalien erflaren ; — cl « ire, «. L. T tic gcriduliite ^IitvUtlicyiing, SPrflclufton ; ta« SSerfallen cinca SjJfanteS ; to — conceive, r. a. vox- ber faffett; — cono serges fapt ; a — conceived opinion, till SOornrtbetl ; — course, ». A*. T. tna SBOlffgel, gorffegcl ; — dated, part. adj. DOraUS talilt; — deck. s. rut Foukcastle; to — deem. r. a. llllltbs manen, Bermut^en ; — deeming, ». ba8 i)iutbniai;cn, tie SBermufbung; to — design, p.a. Dorset cntu'crfcit, befitmmeil ; to — determine, v. a. Berber bcfd)(icf;cn ; to — doom, >•. o Border beftimmen, aufevfeben ; — doom, s. tic SBorberbefiimmung ; — door, s. bie 93orbertbur ; — end. r. bai 33orbetenbe ; — fathers, s pi. tie SSorfabren, 2lbneit; to — fend, r. a. oerbiiten ; bebiiten ; ftcbern ; — nneer, ^ei^efniiier ; - foot, t. tci S8or« berfufi ; .\' v. tcr .Uinubad (ba«BOr« tevfte ©turf) bee jTielJ : — front, *. tie 33orberfetre eine» ©ebaubefl ; — game,*, ter critc SntlBUrf ; tos Bot^ fpiel : SJoreffeil ; — ganger, ». JV. T. bai 3eil unmittelbat an ber^arpus ue ; to — go. o. ,r. a aufgeben, ver= tidjten, oerlaffeu, fabren iaffeit, laf.- fen ; etnbitgen, oevlirrtii ; — goer,?. bet iBorgSnger; ter oon etival fh'bt, aufetroafl »erjtd)tet ; — § aiij. uorbergebenb ; — proun tcr 33orbergrunb (tinea ©emiilbeS, u. f, m.) ; — hand, i. .-■. ber 33otber» tbeil (eturt $ftrbes) ; baa 33ornebm= ftc ; ii. adj. oorbergebenb, frubet ; — handed, adj. ant S3ortbei(e ; frii tig ; — head, tie Stirn ; ./> Srcifiig Frit, Uir.H'rfduimtbcit, SSerre bcit; — headcloth, ta:< iiinibant, tic ©tttnbinbe ; — head put,., tie ©tirnplattc etueS JfutfebuferbfS; to — hear. B, ». voviu'r uuterriduei fe>.Ht ; to — hew, p. ,;. -(- DOH »WH uerrounben ; — hooks. .•••. pi, .v. v tie ©ugbaMben ; — bone, ». ba3 oorberfte '^fc.b in einem ©efpann; to — imagine, p. a fid) oorbet tinbiU ten; to — judge, t». a. vorbcr urtbci = letij abfprecben ; — judsment, .«. bai ^u'-'ontrtbeikn Borurtb, eil ; 8b« fpredjen ; to — know. d. ir. a vorbcr iv t if e n ; iumI'it febtn; — knowanlc adj W\\i fid) BOrbet nben, vorbcr IBiffen lii lit ; — knowledge, * taj EBor berwtff en ; — land, ». bai Ijobi in tie See gtbenbe Vant, SSarlanb^ SSorgebirge, ^oft; m — 1 ■ >• . >•.,•>• a. ben SJefl vesicant, verrotueu vertretcn, auffauern ; fig einfdbeht. 1 S3 FORE FORG FORM Hljetfe n ; — leader, s. bet STltleU fee [Una) in'ifpiel); to — lend o. a. aufgeben; — lock, .*. baa SJors beibaar, + bert8erdjn>5ter; —locks, ».jrf. jv.r. Splinfen, Splintboljen, Sunjcn nub jfiampen ; to — look. o. n. sorhep'ebeit ; — man, s. bet SBorntann, SBorft&er (einer Snri)); Cbmanii; ^abrifanffeber; factor [eitieS Oenjerbefi); — man of a dock- yard, ber Sd)tff8jiinmermann8s \Blaat, "VaNihit; — mast, s. jv T. bet SodFlttflfl, bte i?0(fe; — meant, par*, sorber beabftebjigf ; — mentioned, nr//. DOterroabnt, obgetarbt; — most, adj. ber dtfle, SJorueljmfte ; juetjt, sorail ; first and —most, ffit tag ($X- fie, jiterfr, cot alien 35tngen ; — mo- tlier, g. bte Sibttfrau ; — named, »Otet= to a bur, obgeba<$t; — noon, *. bet ffiormitfag ; —notice, s. bte SBotaitjet* jje; SBOf bebflttung ; — ordination, s, bte SSorberbefiimmung ; —pan. s. bet evfte Jtbeil (bet3ett itad) ; 33ntnt= Itjeit (bent Stannte narb)j —passed. tuij. sorbcrgcgaiigen, uortg (W. ii.) ; — porch, s. bet iBotbof; — possessed, nij. borljer befifcenb; etngenommen, befattgett ; to — prize, ». a. ootbet ffbafcCll ; — quarters. g. pi. Sp. E. bte Botbcrbaitt beS ^ferbeg ; — rank, s. bte Sorberteibe, bag SSorberglieb ; Bet SSortang ; to — reach. ». a. Se.i Exp. iiberfegefit, tobt fegeln; — read- ing, 5. bag SBorberbnrdjiefen ; — re- cited, adj. tootbet etwabnf ; — remem- bered, aiij oorbet erinnert; — right, i. adj. bttth ; fcbuell : II. air. WXXOaxK ; — room. e. bag sBorbetjtminet, bte 93ot betptlbe ; to —run, a. OOts lanfen, forhcr. ooran gehen ; — run- ner, s. ber SSotlattfet ; QSorbote ; -iiov- ganger ; tit- SBorbebentung ; — said, pari.iuij. uorbefagl ; — sail, s. .v. T. bag SSotfegel, gotffegel; to — say, o. a. torbvr fa gen ; — sayfng, s. bte 93ot= fietfagung; to — see, ». a. »oibetfe= bcit; — serin?, g. bag SSorfyerfehen, bte (Scbarfflrbr; —seer, s. ber 23or= Jjerfebettbc, Spahcr ; to — seize. v. a. bother ergreifen ; to — shadow, v. a sorber bcteuten ; to — shame, c. «. befebamen ; —ship, s. bag 33orbcr= tbcil beg Scbiffeg; to — shorten, v. a. cerfiincn. abfiirjeti ; — shortening, s. bag Setfurjen, bte 93erfiirjung ; to — show. i\ ir. n. sorber jeigen ; 00t= {jcr anjeigeu, sotfcet bebe'uten ; — ehrowds, s.p/. X T bte gocftuanb ; — side, *. bie SPotbetfeffe, 9luf5enfeite ; — siciit, g. baS SBorftetfefjen, bie 33or= aitsfirbt, 93or forge, 33orftc^t ; — sigiu- ful, adj. yontitssfebcnb ; forgfam i\v. it.); to — Biftnify, v. a. torb'cr <\\v^i- geit, Botbebeuten ; — skin, s. bie SOots bant, ba« 5Ptapnftum; —skirt, e ber ©djoofo SOotbetfcfcoog nmfliocfe; to — spnak, v. ir. a. Movfftt fagett, yprhcr icftellett; —spent, nrfj wrbraitdU, betfcbuicnbet, etfebCvft ( — with, toon) ; erntfibet ; oergangen ; — smtr, ». jv. t. ber 3afob3ftab, SonttenbBhenntcffct ; to — stall, v n . vorber njegiicfjitien, butrb 3us>orfommen binbetn, i>er= gteifeit; vorfntifeit; nuffanfett; — staller, e. ber ^orfvinfer ; "Jluffanfer ; —stalling, *. ba« 5^orgrcifeit ; 93otfau= fen: ber SBorfauf; Jv. r-s. — stay. b«8 ftoefftag ; —stay-sail, ba3 K'ocfftagfe; gel ; to — taste. ?■. a verfoflen. ere= kemen ; Berber frbmerfen ; sorbet totffeit; Dotentpftitben ; — taste. « ber SBorfrliinacf ; — taster, s. ber Prebeit= jet, 3JiltnbidjetlE; to — teach, v. a toxbex lebrnt ; to — tell, v. ?>. n. A- j> DOtfcerfagen, U'ahrfagett; uotfietbe= kcutesi ; vropbcjctfjeii ; — teller « her USA 2Bafjtfaget ; —telling, ». bii» 33orber= fagen; bie Sffietffagung ; to — think, a.s,- n. vorber bcbcufctt ; nitttb= mafett, nbiien ; bcrenett ; — thought, s. ber iUn-bcbadU ; bte SBotforge ; — token, «. ba« ^liijeid;cn, bie 5}oroebeu= tlltig ; to — token, v a. »Otl)Ct bejetft)= tteit, Dorbebeitfen, bebeuten; —tooth, s. ber "i'orberjalm ; — top, ^ Veriun-= >ertbeil (befonbeto am .R'opfpn^e, baS Xoupee); jv. t-s. ber SBormatS; cap- •.ainofthe — top, bet X'luSgucfct auf bent SSormatS; — topmast, bte SSots ftenge, ^ocfjtenge (crfter 3luffaft bc§ (5ecnnaftc§) ; — tnp-mast steering-sail. baS gocfjtengenfteucrfegel ; — top-gai- lant-mast, bie tOorbrainftenge (j»ets ter ?hiffa§ be^ ftoefmafies'; — top- gallant-sail, baS 5?otbtamfegtl ; — top sail, bag SSormatSfegel ; — top-yard, bie 33ormar?raa ; — tye, s. ba§ S'ocf = brebveep ; — vouched, adj sorbet scr= fid)crt; —ward, s. ber SSotftab, bie s , ) lsant=C'3arbe ; Sorbut ; to — warn, v.a. jit so i; watnen, sorber fagen; — warning, s. bie isonsaniiing ; — wheel, g. bag '^orbcrrab ; ber iNor= trab ; — \«ind, s. JV. T. bet gnte fgiin= ftigc) SBittb ; to — wish, v. n sorber n>iiitfd)en j -yard, g. 1. bet SSorbof ; 2. JV- T. bte 5'ocfraa. foreign, adj. 1. fremb, aitSlanbifd), ang[)eimi fd); 2. itirfjr bajU geborig Ober paffetlb ; this is — to (from) our business, bag geljort nid;t jit nnferer Sarbe; — trade, ter anslaiibifdie ^anbet. foreigner, s. ber Svembe, ?lnolan= ber. FORErc.NNESS, s. 1. bag gfembc ; 2. Unpaffenbe. forel, s. bag Spergament sonSrf)af= fellcn. FORENSIC, adj. gerirbtlid). forest, s. bet rtorfl, 2Ba(b ; —born, in iex SBilbniji gcboren ; — ginde (— green), bie ?tcbrung imSSalbc, 9i3a(b= roiefc, Sorftisiefc. foricstage, s. tag Sotfitcdjt; Sorft-- gelb. forested,^/? mit 93anmenbctsacf)= fen, baitmrcicl). forester, g. 1. bet SBtjler, ftorfts ftmbige; 2Baltbetoo[)iter; 2. Sotfl= bannt. forfeit. I. s.l. bag 9?etbrerben, bie SBertmrfung, (Setbftrafe ; 2. bag ser= fallcnc Out; 3. ber SReufanf, bag 9Jcugelb; forfeits, pi. bag SBfanbers fpicl ; ii. adj. petmtrf t, serfallen, ser- luftig. To FORFEIT, v. n. serwirfen. serfcber= jcn, serlnft'g femt ober werben, fid) einet Sadie serdtftig madiett, scrlie= rcit; to — one's word, fein 2BtM't bte* rben ; to — one's life, fein Seben oet= mitten. forfeitable, adj. strisirfbar, scr= licrbar. eorfeitijre. g. 1. bte SBerwtrlitng, C^'ittjie^uitg, Stiafe; 2. bagoerfalleiie @ut. forfex, (latetnifeb) s bie Srbeete. FORGE* l. s ie2diniiebe, bcr2dimelj= ofett ; 2. rie i'earbettttng bet 9)Jc= talle. To forge, v. n. 1. frfimtcbcn ; 2. jig. erbirbter narbabnien, it act) mad) en, scrfalfdjen, unterfdneben. forger, s. Srbmiebenbe; 2. fig. (ed)rift=)'Berfa(fd)er ; (Jrbiditet ;"— of false deeds, L. T. ber ftalfariitg. forgery, ». 1. bag ssebmieben ; bie (Srbmicbearbcit ; 2. fig. bag i?erfal= fd;en ; (Srbtcbtett. To FORGET, v. ir. a. I. sergeffen ; 2. semarblafftgen. forgetful, adj. 1. srigefiltef) ; 2. sergeffen macbeilb; 3. fotgtoS; — ncss. s . bie SBetgeffenbeit ; SSetgt^ liitfeit ; ^crnad)lai'figiiiig. forgetter scrgijir, scrgc^iidi. tiacblaffig ift. FORGETTINGLY,aJ«. sctgefjlicb, nafb = lafi'tg. FORGIVEABLE, adj. scrjeibtid). To FORGIVE, 7". a. 1. sergebtn, scrjei- ben ; 2. erlaffen. forgiveness. *. 1. bie SBergebung, Herjcibung, (Srlaffung ; 2. 3J?tIbe. forgiver, s. ter SSerjeibet ; ©daffer. forinsecal, adj. fremb, uiiljcimtf^ (u\ it. 1 . To FORISFAMILIATE, r. n L. T. bem Sobne feinen $flid)ttbeil bei 8ebjei= ten beg SSafetS geben. fork, s. 1. bte ®abel ; 2. 3infe ; Spt= ^e ; 3. s. pi. bie 2Begfiteite ; —fish, ber Scbtsertfiffb; — or —head, tie ^feilfpttje. To fork, v. r. J?, fief) gabelfiJrmig tf)ei= fen, fid) fpalfen ; frboffen ; to — out, angfpreijen, gabelfBtmtg auSlanfen ; here the roads — , bier tbcilcn fid) bie 2Bege; u. a.\. mit etner @rm ; 2. baS ®epta«s gc, tie jjeierltrbfeit. ter fefaat; 3. Srbein; 4. tie Ji'efertbcit; fhrmalitiea of law. geriebtliebe Sormalitaten, I'rocetnren. To formalize, v. n fid) geiiau anbif gormalitaten binten. formation, s. bie SBilbttng, 5?orm. formative, adi. bilteub, bilbimggfa> big, formgebenb. i'( iitMER, i. s. ber Urbeber, Q^iltenbe, Silbnet ; —chisel, T. bag <5temmei= fen; II. adj. WX ig, sergangen, cfiet ; in — times "(days), fonft, friiber, cbe» mafg; — iy, odr enebem, sormaig. formful. adj erftiibitnggreid). FORMIC \TI0N. g. bag CMefitbt, n)i< lvcnn '.Hmcifcn iiber bie .$ant fanfen FOliNUDABLE {adc. — ly), adj. fltrd)t» FORT FOUL FOUR bat, fiirdjfc did) : — ness, s. bie guvd;t- barEeit, gurcbterlirbEeit. FORMLESS, adj gcftaltloS; uttgcftalt, unfikmlid). formula, .1. bie Sonne!. FORMULARY, i. *• bae gormulat, $li- taale; aWuftei [=©UC§); — of an oath, bic (Sibeefetmel ; n. adj. fSttn* lid), uoiiic!"d)vtt bcu. 7b FORNICATE, v. a f)UVCtt. FORNICATED, adj. bUtcb .£>urcvci bc= flecff. Fornication, s. 1. tie .<3urcrct ; 2. ber ©b&enbieufi (in ter bciligen 'cdiviftj ; 3. Jlrch.T. cine Sltt 58ogett= geroolbe. FORNICATOR, .?. bet .Ourcr. FORNICATRESS, a. bit <§ltre. FORRAY, .v + bev vaubcvifdie (5'iufall. To FORSAKE, ?•. rr. a. vcvlaffen, aufge= ben, cutfagen ; to — one's colours, au3= tci!;cn, tcfertiren. forsaker, «. bev SBcrlaffet ; 2lu3= reifJcr. forsooth, adv. voirflid), fiinvabv, Wabrlid), traun, ja freilid), ci jfl bo eh. Tii FORSWEAR, b a setfcbrooreit, ab- frbroorctl ; to — one's sell" (or to — , 9. it.) fid) cerfebrooren, falfd) fd;roo= rcn, iiiciucitig mevtcu. FORSWEARER, a. 1. ber chuaS ab= febrooret; 2. ber, bie v lliciucitigc. FORT, a l.baSgort, bie Jcftuiig; 2. Seinaubefl ftarte Seife. FORTE, adj. Miu. T. ftavf, Iaitt. FORTH, I. adv. 1. »er, beroor, f>cr ; 2. beraus, binauS ; 3. aufjeit, ait|jcr= balb; fort, uu-itcr ; ferncv; and so — , nut fo wetter; from this time — , von nun an, fiiro, Eunftigbin ; — coming bereft ;u erfcbeiiteii, uovhau= ben; bie (Srfcbeinung i»or 0eitd)t) ; — issuing, bernnrfommeub ; — with, fogleid), foforr, oI)iie 3lujr«nbj li. prep AUt. FORTIETH, adj. ber, bie, ba« Sterjiafte. FORTIFIABLE, adj. \vM fid) b c f c ft t - gen lafit, roerbrbar (to. ii,). Ft >rtifi< :.\tii ).\, s i . bte sBefejttgung, bergtftungs'bau, bte gejrung, ©ebatii $e; 2. sBermebntiia ber@tarfe,. .tietratbaaut, bie DMitga* be; unod — , bad ®lmf; in — baS Ungfficfj she is a—, fie tfl eiue .ttttc Sortie ; to marry a (sreat or rich'. — , eitie rcirbe ^avtic madjen, eiu rcid)c3 SDidbrben beiiatbeit ; — in reversion, bev (SrbfaU ; wheel of—, ba^ @liii8= rat; —hook, ba« SQabrfagerbudj, Sraumbnd) ; —hunter, bev (S)clbfvei= er, (iHiirfsvitter; — hunting, bie @lucf$j'agerei ; — screen, ter 0)liirf3= faftcn ; to — tell, wabrfogen ; — tell- :r, ber SBabrfager, bie 33abvfaije= vimi; —telling, ba3 SBabrfogen, tie SBabrfngeret. To FORTUNE, r. n. gcfd)eben. FORTUNED, adj beglnrft, dliidlid). FORTUNELESS, adj. ungliicflieb, ; tn= bemtttelt, arm. FORTY, adj OlCrjig; sheet of forties, Tup. t. bafl oierjtgcr format. FORUM, s ba« gorum, 0)tvtcf>t, bev of= fentlicbe 'Rlatj. forward, i. ado.Boraarte, fovf, mei= ter; from this time — , von jctjt an, btttfiiro; from that time — , von bev 3cit an ; balance carried — , M. K galbo oorgetrngen ; the wind hauls —,jY t. ber SBinb febralt; — for- ward march! Mil. T. DOrWfirM mavfd) ! n. adj. 1. bas2?orbere; 2. fviib,citi;t. frfib; forbevfant, }iincb= ment, tut SBacoetbume ; 3. ferttg, burtig, berettroilltg; 4 ftet^ig, eif= rig, fVurtg; 5. ucrfdpncll, nafewei«, ooreilig, uubefonnen : a — man m the world, bet fcin OJIiirf gemarbt bat, ein angefebener iUJann ; —fruits, frith - jeitige griicbte; a — piece of work, cine 'Jlrbett, bie forbevt; — protest, Jlf. j: ooreiiiger (ju frit^eitig crI)obc= nev) •Rvoieft. To FORWARD, v. a. (bcfotlbcrS M. F.) (abOfruben, abgeben laffcit ubcrfen= ben, befBrbtrn, befcbleuniejen ; tveiter oevfenbeu ; to — to .., jnftellcn (eincin etwaS); — ed, oerfanbt; poods to he — ed, S^fbittonagutef; — ing,bte9lb= feubitug, Slbfertigung, it. f. ».; — apent, — merchant, fcr Spebiteur, (SHJaarenO^Rtrfcnber. FORWARDER, a. bet 'Oihfcnbcr; 93c= fSrberer, ©onntt. FORWARDLY, adv. ftu^ jetHg j cifvig, febnell, ooretlig. FORWARDNESS, «. 1. bie gtftlj}et% Eeit, frubjettigeSteife; bas gortfoms men, aBacbSrbum; 2. bie 3Bereitn)tU Itgfett; bet Alcifi, bic (Smfiafeit, ber (Stfer. bie v>t t>.c ; 3, ^oieiligEcit, Un= befonncitbett, DreifttgEetr. FORWARDS adn vid. Forward, adv. FOBS, s. ber ®raben. FOSSIL, i. adj aiiniegrabeit, an-? bet (grbe gegrabeit; —cork ter ©etg= EovF; —salt, bai Stetltfalj; —shells. eetfteinette ?dialthievc; n. — s, ». pi. gofitlieiii iDJinerafien. fossilist, t bet QJliueialoa. To FOSTER, I. d. a. Sr n. ndhrcn, cv= nab veu, aufjieben, pffegeu, b*gen, ermutbigen, loohlfbnn, begfiuftigen, lifhen; ii. «, jufammen aufgejogen ivevben; —brother, ber [Wildjbrubet ; —child, bafl "Rflcgctinb; —earth, bet nabrenbe Arbeit ; —father, bev $fiege= OAtet; — mother (—dame), tic $ftege= mutter; — n-irse bie(®Sug=)9lmmc; — si -er, tie 3RtU$fc$t»efter; — son, ber 'Rfle.icfohn. FOSTERAGE, a. ba3 (5rnd[)vcn, Betrugerei ; — disease, bit yeucrii'die .Uvaufhcit ; — faced. ba$licbuon ©eftrbt ; —I baa ntit tent i^eipbuugtt behafteie SPferb; — Bend (—spirit) ter fenftl; — ground. A - . T. ter fcbicdilc OlnEcr- grunb ; — impression ' — page , Typ. '/'. ter Achltrurf, bit Seitc oollft'Srucfa feblet; —language, pobelbafteSRebeu, Scbtmpfrtben; — linen, febwarje (frbniuftigc) SEBfifcbe: — means, fcbautlidic, untecbtmanige SDiittel ; — mouthed, eiu lofei 3Jlanl babenb; — paper, tie .Ulafic: bat <£ontt\>t; —play. ba§ falfcbc ew'el, tie ^uitc- tet, Srbelincrrt ; — practices, vid.— dealing; — pump, JV. T. cine unflave sputKpe; — spoken, vcvleiuntevifd), — stomach, ber scrtovheiic OJiagcu ; jv. t-s. —water, trfibeS SBaffet; the ship "he rudder 1 makes — water. baJ 5diiff ntuttevt, ba-J 2 tenet fiidH; —weather, garftigtS SBetter; baa Un= geroittet jiir See; — wind bet wis brige, uiigunftigc il ! iub ; —words, life SBotte. t.i FOUL, r. a. befubtln, befebinuften, bcflctfcn. FOULNESS, s. 1. ber Srbtnufe, bfeltrts teinlirbfeit : 2. fieiiilicbEeit; 3. Utl* rebliditeir, galfeb^tit, ScbaublicbEtit. FOUMART, a. vid. Fttchbt. To found, v. a. 1. griiiitcn, fliftcn, erriebten, aulegen, feftfefetu; 2. gic? ficu (©loifen, u. f. ».). foundation, ». I. tie ©rttnblegung, ©runbuug, Stifiung, baa Sttpeit: biiini; 2. tie ©runblage/ ©tunbfefte, ber (Mvitiit, ©ruubfafe. FOUNDATIONLESS, adj. ol'iie ©t«nb* [agf, FOUNDER a. 1. ter ©ieger; 2. ber (etifter, Uvheber; 3. bie 3tehf, 2teif= beil (bet 'Rfcvbe). T,i FOUNDER, o n int. So. /:. 1 iibcr= jagen, rehe iiiariien; rehc femi, ftnr- ict 157 PRAM .regejjabn ; —wheeled, biettaberifl ; upon all lours, OUf (tUftl SSifftlt. FOURTEEN, a-ij. DlCt}eblt. FOURTEENTH, cuij. ter, bie, bag 93icv= jebute; — ly, ado. juiit oicrjcfjutfii. FOURTH, i. adj. ber bie bag S3ierfe; — (bill) of exchange, M. E. bieDuarte, bei Quartatvecbjel (boS yiertc (i.rcin= plar fines geingeueu 23cd)felg) ; II. s. bag SBietfel; />/,«. r. bie Quarte; — ly, ado. oiertetw, 511m yicrteu. FOWL, s bet QSDi^ef; cotterf. bag ©c= fliigei, geber»ieb. t,i fowl, r. n. SBSgel ftelleu, 23ogcl f due yen. fowler, s. 1. ber SSo^ter. 93ogtl= (teller, QSogetfaiigcri iBogelbanbler; 2. jr. t. bafl Stctnftiicf, tie geuer= fa&e («d)irrgfauotte). fowling, s. bag sBogelftclleu, ber SBogelfattg, bie 33ogeljagb; to go a — , auf bte i3ogcliagb (ten 33ogeI= fang) ge&en ; — bap, bte 3agbfafd>e; — piece, bte 93ogelflillte ; — powder, bag &8urfd)]Htlvetj — shot, ber ^0= gclbuitjt. FuX, .?. 1, ber TvndvS; 2. cont. fdttaue, uerfcfymi&te -Dicufd) ; to set the — to Keep one's geese, prov. bell Hocf 511m ©artnet madjen; — case, ber ad;&bunb ; — evil, bag 3ud)g= libel (6aarausfaflen) ; — glove, ber giiigerbiit [Digitalis — L) ; — hound, ber 'gudic-bunb ; — hunter, ber S'ud;g= jfiger, Aurbsbe&er, gucbsprellerj cont. ©trobjuut'er; — like, adj. fdjlaii, ver= fd)ini|t, ivte eiit 3'Udjg; — tail, ber «Ud)6frj>l»«rt5 (.9 opecurus — L.) ; — trap (— gin), bO« 5ud)Setfeit. Foxisii, ad) frblaii, Derfrbmifet. FOXSUIP, ». bie Srijlauljetr, gift. fracas (frattj.), s ber Slufrubr, ?arm bag ©rfdu'ci. FRACTION, s. .ir. t. bte gcbrod;e:ic 3«bl, ber ^Brucr). fractional, adj. ge6rocf;cn (sou 3'ibleu 1 . FRACTIOUS fade. — ly), adj. jattTffidb> tig inurrifd); —ness, s. bie 3 a "f= fuefct. fracture, s. ber 2kud) ; 33ciubrud). 7b fracture. i>. 1. jerbrecfyen ; bre= cben (eiu SBein, u. f. id.). FRA( ; 1 1 .E. n >j. t crbrccbjicr) ; f s . gcbred)= Hit, frbanvi). FRAGILITY, s bie 3erbred)lid)feit; fa. <$ebrcd)lid)feir, i§infattig£eit, ©djroarbbeit. fragment, s. 1. bag fragment, Srudjitticf; '2. ber Ucbcrvcft, -iibbub. fragmentary, ndj. fragmentarifrf). FRAGOR,s bag OJcfrarbe, ©efofe. fragrance (— cy), s ber 3D or; Igeruef). FRAGRANT (a'. bie Aran- ?eit_ in £cnnd)laitb ober granfreid), (bepgfeidjen 93eiieitmtrtg bet ten OJJer- geitlaubem ft'ir bie SBewobner teg iveftltdjen ©uropai) ; to write by means of a — . miter 3lbreffe uon .. (turd) ..) fdjretbeit; il lain — ly). aiij. 1. fret ; utibefatigen ; freimiitbig, ofeuberjig ; bteber ; fretgebig ; 2. fojteiifrci ; in compos. — almoigne, bag ©efiteitf an bie kirdie, .^irdjeiigur; —chase, baS freie 3agtred)t; —firm, bag gretgur; —free, ba? gretlebeu; —fold bag -^ferd)red)t, S'riftre^t, bet .jpurbeitiYblag ; — incense, ber 2Beib= taint ; — indale, cine 9ltt tvoblrie= ri)eitbcr'J3eiiitraubc( > 3iefam=ffbaffe= lag); — law, bag gcfe^lidje Jliecbt ; — marriage. L. T. bvte S ruber. FRATERNITY. .1. 1. bie 9?ritbrr!id)= ftit ; 2. SSerbriiberung, ^riitcrfdjaff, 3uuff. FREE fraternization, s . bit SScrbrftU* rung, Sruberfcpaft. To FRATERNIZE o. n. fid) WK iQtiibft lieben, »erbruberit. FRATRICIDE, s. 1. ber 53rubcr= otct ©c^roeftermorb ; 2. !8ruber= ober ©cbwefterinorbet. fraud, s. ber QSffriig, tie 2d)iinnbe- let; ber Unterutletr ; tie ^5rbrift=, 3Serfalfd)itng,bug galfumjbte galfd>= bcir, Stfl, getubeit. FRAUDFUL (ado. — ly), adj. betriigltd), falfd), tiitfifd), i>cn\itberifdt. FRAUDULENCE (Fraudolehct), .«. bit 3?ctriiglid)fi it ; ©cltugerei. FRAUDULENT (ailo. — it). aij.UUu- gcrifd), betriiglidl • M r.-s. — con- veyances, bie hetmlir^e (Sompenfation ;bci cinem Sanferott); — impression, ber 9lacbbruff 0011 iimtcru fremben 33erlagS. FRAUGHT, adj. reidibcgabt; — with meaning, bebeittuiiggyou. FRAY, s. bag @efed)t, ber Jlampf, bag Suelt; ber 3'T't. To FRAY, v. La 1. Sp. E. bag @el)cnte abfcblagen; 2. abretben; u. b. fid) abreiben. FRAYING, s. Sp. K. ber .Oornabivurf. FREAK, s. 1. ber I'lb&lidic, urfadiglofe Drtfiroecbfel ; 2. ter plij&lirbe Giif fall, tie ©rille, AiaiM', Pinbilbuitg. To FREAK, v. a. fpVCllfcl'.t. FREAKISH (adr. — ly), adj. grifltg, lvuuberlid), eigeitftnnig, fcltfant ; fan- taiiifd); —ness, e.bte 21'uutcrliii)fett, fream, 5. ber SratSacfet. freckles, .?. p t. tie 2o:umcrfpniffci:, glerfen, ^ibblatreni. FRECKLED, ) for FREOKLKFArKn) adj. freckly, \ fommerflecfig, fommer.- fprorftg. frdkledness, s. bag ©omnter= fiecfige. FREDERIC, s. Sricberid), Attt> (iDJaunsttamc). FREE (adv. — ly\ adj. 1. fret, ll!l= abbangtg; 2. befretf; foflmloS; 3. prbilegtrt; 4. erlaubt; 5. unge= jrouitgen, aumntbig, teijenb ; fi. frei= miitbtg, offeuberjig, gutberjifl; 7. fretgebig (of..., init . . .) ; fr4)ulb= log ; — of (from) .. , fret ooit . . . ; — from care, forgciUrrt; von are — or it is for — for you, eg ftebt ShltCll frei; to make one — (of a city). etltCll jinn ©firget, (of a company), jitm aReijiet madbjen; to make — with one, fid) mir eincin gemetii inadien, fid) 511 tier berablaffeu, oter, \idt p »iel gretbeit erlaubeit, fid) ju uicl beraugiiebiueu; to nnke — with one's constitution, fcitte ©efuntbeit auf] Spiel fe&en ; to he too — . fid) }lt siel Sreibeit beraug uebmeu; to have — quarters, fveigebaiten tvetben ; M. E-s. if — of (from) enor, nad) ;)tid)tigbe= ftllbcit ; warranted — from average. frei yon 33cfct)abigung ; — of charges, foflenfrci; —of (ail) dents, f4»ilbeit= ' frei ; — of postage, franco ; — on the wagon, fret 511L- Subre, frei auf bie ftubre gelcgt; to drink — ly, ftarf trin= feu; —bench, bag SBttriveiigut ; — booter, ber grcibcutcr, Seerauber, 3caubfd)iffcr ; — booting, bie grct= beuteret; — born, freigeboreit ; ber Ss-rcigcbornc ; — chapel, bie (voit t?g ©tfcbofg OJeriebtsbarfein befrett* Jiird)e; — city. He freie Stabt; — cost, bie ^reiheit Don tflbgaben; — courser tin fcurigeg (fRennO $fetb; — denizen, L. T. ter freie burger; to — denizen, ciubiiigern ; — fold, /. T. bag SrifrrcdH, ^ferrbrerbt; — footed, auf freieii gitSen; —hand, — FREN FRET FRIG *u)pe), freie igktltb, freicS 2mel ; — hearted, ftcimiitbig, offctiberjig ; — hold, ( — tenement, — tenure), bag greifjut, gteUehen; — holder, bet gteifaffe, I'aiiteianitbiimer ; — horse, ciu roiiluicg, fcuiidcs (3"g=) ftfetb; — man. bcr freie JDcaitn ; fteigelaffene Sirgtr, greibjitget, DJieifter; — mason, bcr greiiliauier ; — masonry, tic Areiinanicrci; — men, pi. Arri- biirgcr; —minded, fovfjcufrct, tubig; ~ pardnn, bie SBegnabigmig (tines' iStaateuerbrc4>er8) ; — room, tag (cere 3tmmcr; — school, bie gtetfcbule; — (sea) port, ber grcibafe:i ; — spoken, fret tin i)!ebcn ; — stocks, 2Bilbiiiio,e; — stone, bet Qiiabcrftcin ; — style, bie ungejrowtgMie ©cbreibart; — sugar, tor C-fttnbifche B»ifer ; — thinker, bet greibeilfet, Sreifjeift ; — liiinking, bie grei&enfetei, grcigciftc* ret; — tongued, ficiniittbia, ; — trade, bic.£>atibcl*frci()eit; berfreie 93etfebt till .(Jfllltel; — trader, rid. — booter; — warren, tag ^agbftcbt J — will, bcr freie SBille; bie grcianllia.feit ; — woman, bie freie, iiid;t (eibcigene grauenepcrfon. ft FREE, «. a. befrcien, fret niacbeii; to — the way, ben SBeg Bffneii ; jv. TVs. to — a boat, fin ©Dot augobfen ; to — a ship ciu Scbiff mimpen, ucnt SGBaffer befreien. FREEDMAN, ». ber greigelaffene. FREEDOM, s. 1. biegreibett; 2. bag 23orredbt, bie ©eterbtfaine ; 3. bag 3Bobibebagen, tie iieirbttgfeit ; 4. gtetmutl)t t jfet( ; 5. col. bie (uuanftan* bige) £8et ttaulicbfeit ; — of a city, bag Surgerrtrbt ; — of a company, bag SWeiftctrecbf. freer, g. bet SBtfretet. rREENEsS, s. 1. bte greibeit; 2. greU muthigfeit; Cffcnbcit; 3. greigebig- fcit. To FREEZE, v I. n. friercn ; crftarrcit ; ( — to death), erfviereii ; u. a. gefricren niacbeii ; eisfalt niarbrn. FREIGHT, s. 1. bie (grbiffesl gracht, gabnng ; 2. 6ct« gtarfitgelb, bet gracbt« lobit, giilnlpbn; he (or they) paying — fur the said gooda ... tin glihvl ohtt JU . . . ; to let go on — . tit giibr gc= ben, nrrfratbtru ; to take a ship to — , eiit Sduff in gracht nebmett, niietbcit, befrad)ie:i ; to (take in) — for .... ill Sabutif) lieflt'ii nacb ...; — by the great, bie iKufefrarbt ; — out (out- wards), tie .otnfriictot ; — home (in- wards), bie .fjerfracfat ; bill of—, bcr gtacblbrirf ; — free, frarbtfrei ; — list, bag Vabutta,gi>ericid)iiit5. To FREIGHT, u. a. 1. rein Scoiff, It. f. vs.) ben-ad:!; - !!, belaben; 2. cin 5d)iff ill gracht tubmen, r-erfrarbten ; to — by parcels till Scbiff an mebtete 2a= bunggintereffenteti oerfraebren. FREIGHTAGE s bie gtacbt, gracbtges biibr, bet gdjiffejoU, bag SEonnen* gelb. freighter k. 1 . bet SBefracbtev, SDlies tbeteiucg Scbiffea; 2. bee iserfrad;- . ter, SBcrmietber. FRENCH, I. adj. franjoftfrfc; II. g. 1. bag granjBftfrbc ; 2. the — pi. bie gVaitJDt'en ; to take — leave. pbuc\'lb = febieb fortgeben; —bean. bie rpflifcbe ©ebneibebebne ; — brandy, ber gtOflU braiiiitnn-in, Potjuacj — chnlk, bie franj5ftfrbe ^teibe ; bet SDJecrfcbnuni ; — cowslip, bie "2lurtfel ; — Brass, bet gittterflec ; — preen, bcnit*fcud)c, bie gtanjofeitj — rose, tic ©ffigros fe ; — rouge, tie ftain6fifd>e 3d)iuiii= fe ; — wheat, bie .£)irfc ; — wine, ber granjroeiu ; — woman, bie gmiijo= fiiut. y^ FRENCHIFY, t a, mit ftantoftfc^en ©ittcn nub Jborbciicii aiiftcdiit. FRENETIC n,ij iiiifiiiuiii, oid. Framtic. FRENZY, «. bie .jpiritumth, bet SJabn- fillll • — of despair, bit nibjitc (t>6d) = ftc) Setjroeifiuiig. FREQUENCY, s.bit .foauftjifcit, ofteve Sffliebetbolung. FUEQUENT, adj. f)cillfii1, Sficr. To FREQUENT, v. a. oft, ficifiii] bcfll= dicit ; bcfiicbeit. FREQl ENTATION, .?. ber ^(tllftQe, pf- icvc Sefucb. FREQUENTATIVE, adj. Gram. T. (— verh), tag grequenfflfiMiin ^eitttjort, bag cine oftete 2Biebetboluii(l au6= briicft). FREQUENTER, s. ber flcifuge 53efu= diet; Jiitiite. FREQUENTLY, adj. bm\ic\, uicfn-ma[«, oft, aovjobiilid). FREQUENTNESr?, g. rid. Frequency. FRESCO, g. 1. tic jtfibfuilg, grifebe; 2. tag fiihlentc Oktraut: 3. T bafi SSJnnbflemoibe, gtefco (bte SRaletet auf frtfcbem Mali. FRESH, I. adj. 1. fiibf, frifeb ; 2. 1111111= ter, bliibenb, iicu ,• 3. ungefal}eit ; 11. s o&S grifebe j fiijje SBaffet, glul)' tDflffet ; in compos. — blown, * jiiinift eiltfaltet; — gale, JV. T. cine fteife Jliible ; — man, bcr SReuIirtg ; gucb« ; jv. 7-*. — shot, bet 5tvid> oon fufjem SBaffet int ilJccre, tag Sracfroaffer, Dbettoaffet ; — spell, ( — gang), tie frifebe (anbete ablofenbe) $lanfc fd)aft ; — water, bag fiif>c SBaffet ; bet SBotratb beffetben in einem 5d)iffe. To FRESHEN, r.i.a. frifdi 111 ad) en, cr= ftifd)en; waffetn, auSroaffet 11 ; jv. r to — the bowse, bag 2Infertaii in ben jtiiifcu oerwabten ; 11. n. ftifeb wets belt ; JV. T. the wind freshens, bet SBinb uurb ftarfcr. FRESHES, g. .v. T bag cincu Octfcit obcr glufi yont Sanbe bet anfrbroel- Ienbe9iC(]cinuaffcr,.^ocbunif|\'r,Cbcr-- U'affcr. FRESHET, ». 1. bcr ©tiom roil fiiiicin SSaffet; 2. Am. bag angefcbivolleiie SBaffer, ber bobc gluft tie ■OtVofluth, Uebetfd)n>erhmung (.tjauftg im pi , n.i. Freshes.) FRESHLY, adv. i. fiibf; frifeb; 2. liiuntcr, frbblicb; 3. uciilid); 4. yon ncuciit. FRESHNESS,*. I. bie griffje, tii\Mc : 2. 3Kuntetfett; 3. SJleubeitj 4. ?lb= aaiutstbcit; 5. Etaftige, unoetborbene VcfdHiffcnbcit. fret, a 1. bie SDZeetenac; 2. Slufroals luiui, Slufbraufiing, ©abtung ; 3. Cei bcufd)aft[id)fcit, .hcfii.ifcit, ter 3orn, Slerget ; 4. .)/„.,-. t. ber 53unb am .fialfe cber OtifPbtett bet Saute, ©uitatte, atten S3ioIe, it. f. w. ; 5. bie crbabeue -)lrbcit ; to put one in a — , cincu bofc mad;cn ; — saw, tic 2od)fage ; — work, bie augfjemeipelfe, etbabene2lt= bcit; bag geftocbrene ©ittetwetf. To I'-RET. v. la. 1. frcffcit. jcifieffcii ; clfjeit; beijen ; 2. abretben, aufteiben, reiben; 3. cinanibcn, etbaben avbci= fen; 4. auffttetrben, farbcu; 5. er= fdiiitteni ; 6. Atgetii, fcbinerjen, fran= fen ; etjiitnen; u. ?, 1. firb abnufaen, fid) abteiben, ftd> abfrbafen, abfalleu, abacbeu ; 2. firS Srgetn, nob grSinen, ficb fraufen; fidi erjtirnen; her skin fret«, tl)t jueff bie Aanr. FRETFUL [adv. — t.v\ adj rriibnt . 5t« gerltrb, jotnia, eerbrielfitb, murrifeb; —new « bte iReubarfeit ; baflmurri* frbc SQefen, ter 33erbmfj, 2Jerger. FKE'riv, adj. mit cibal'cuer Slibeft gegiert. i RIABUJTY, Is bie SerteibltrDteit, FRIABLENES3 (, SBrSdlirbfeit. FRIABLE, adj jerreiblicb, Ivorflidi. FRIAR, ». 1. bet •1'avidi, gtattr; 2 Typ T fine unleferlicbe, ui blafi ge* bvucftc Seitt ; — '« cow i. bit 3J25no)fl= fllttC; 2)Ji.Mld)gfapVC (Arum ;- ilium— I.. ; — '« lantern, ter StTDtfcb FRIARLIKE, ) adj. mfndMi'cb, floiler> FRIARLY, i lidi, ivic cin "?)(oiicb. FRIARY, i. ». ber iDJ5neb«orten j bag jtloftet; II. adj. mbiidiii'dv flei'ierltcb. Tv FRIBBLE, r>. ». 1. feiii 2riel trci-- beti, tanbclii, fafelnj fveticln; 2. int ©eben) waiifeu. FRIBBLE I. adj. tanbclub, (aphifeb; II. g. bcr Stufcer, .^afentnii. FRffiBLER,*. ter ianticr, 0!cif. FRIB'il: is PLtnoB, FRICASSEE, g bat gricaffee. To FRICASSEE r. a, fricflfftrett. FRICTION (FRiriTiOH, tt». ii. i. g. tic SReibung, gticrion ; Med. r. ba8gtot= tircn. FRIDAY, g. bcr greifag. Fin KM), g. I. ter gteunb, tic greun» binn; 2. bcr SBegleiter; a — in bind ness, ein ©efdjafrgfreunb, ^anbelSs frcinib. Sot tefpOllbeilt ; a — in court bet ©6nnet; to stand — . fvenntrcbaft: lid) beiftcben, alg frcinib bienen ; ti make friends, fid) vcrfbbiicn, aitSfSb 3 lien. To FRIEND, v. a beft eunben, bcifieben. untcvftiitjeii, begftnftigen. FRIENDED, adj. gunftig, a'c()[.jffiilllt. geneigt. FRIENDLESS, adj. frcitnblpg, ob«« greunb. FRIENDLIKE, adj. ivp!;lu'ellcnb, ge= neigt. friendliness, a bit gtennblitbfeit, .fScnlicbfcir, baa f&JoblwoUen, liebii» die SEci'cn. FRIENDLY, ndj. i- adv. I. freitnbfrbaft- lieb, fronnblirb, befreimbet, licbrcicb, betjlicb; 2. fanft, gcliutc; 3. beil= fam, abgelebten Sitters. frigorific, « fPl'iltgeit. FRISK, I. adj. lebbaft, luftig; 11. & bag .'Mipfeu uub Spnngeu. FRISKER, s. bcr unrubige ober nuSges laffene iUenfct). FRIsket. s. Tijp. T. bcr ffiahmcu (ba8 Stabntcfjcn) an ber I8u<$briicferpreffe. FREKFUL, a<§". fliM)lid), tUltb, lllftig. FRIskiness, *. bie Suftigfcit, M\\\u rerfcit. FRISKY, adj. biipfcnb, luftig. frit, s. ch. t. bie 8'ritte (robe ®laS« motetie). FRITH, s. 1. bie 3J}cercngc; bcr Sec= arm, Slulflujj, bie (\>lus=) 2Jiiinbung; 2. cine Slrt (quet fiber ecu 2i>eiit auS« gefpannteg) 3tfct>nc§ ; 3. berSorjl, SBalb ; ba8 Unterfcolj ; 4. oas auS bem ©emciubegruub cigeutbitmlid) gc= mad)tc B«b- FRITILLARY, s. /?. T. bic JtaifcrfrotlC (Fritillaria — L). fritter, s. 1. ba8 Stiicfdieit, bic Scbnittc; 2. bcr Jtlofj, Jfafefitcfcen, $fainifnd)en. 7» FRITi'ER, «. a. jcrfdjlicibcil, JClbrC= cbctt. friuli. s. ftrtaul (?anb in 3faltcn). FRIVOLITY, s. vid. Frivolousness. frivolous («-Zo. — vr),adj. 1. geriug= fiigig, flcinlid), unbebeutcnb, roerft> log, ntcbtig, lappifd); 2. leidbt, forg* Io§. FRIVOLOUSNESS, s. bic unbcbcutcttbc ^efdiaffenbeit, SScrtbloftgfetr, @e- ringfiigigfeit, ^ttdjtigfetr. To FRIZZLE (To Friz), v. a. frailfeln, friftren. frizzler s. bcr JtrauSler, Snfeur. frizzling, *. bag .Rraufeln ; — iron, bag Jcraufcleifeu. FRO, adv. to and — , auf ttub nb, bin unb bcr. FROCK, s. 1. bcr furje unb f nappe (Ucber=) 9(ocf (and) — corn); '2. (gu6rmann8=) .ftittef, cas Sraub* bemb (nncb smock — ); 3. bcr lauge (Jtuiber=) ffiorf, bcr biutcn jugefnopft ober mgcbeftclt roirb ; 4 cut Ucbcr= rocf fiir ermarbfene grauejijiinmer. FROG, «. 1. bcr ^rofeb ; 2. s : i. t 5 trabl, ober bie Wabel am ^ferbehufe ; 3. cine ^Irt Quafte ; — bit, ber aumM)-- birl (Hydnrhiris — L.) ; — lettuce, bcr auibe Salat. FROGGY, adj. frofdireirf). froise. 8. ber '£pedpfannfiid)cn. FROLIC, I. wij. fr&blicb, luftig, \An\- baft; II. s. bie ^liUiIidifcif, ■baftigfcir, SluSgelrtffenbeit. FROM, jrrep. 'OPIt, ail3, WX ; fct't ; tVC^ gen; nacb ; buret ; — the kinu, vpm Rpuige ; t> ptt Scitcn, Pbcr im ?Ja= men, auf 33efebl bc« Jtpnigs ; —that time, »0U bcr 3fit <1» 5 — year's end to year's end, 3al)r au3, 3ai)r Ct'll ; — above, fOlt Obetl ; this is — my pur- pose, bicfj ift miber mcitic ^flidjt ; to hide — . ., uerbergen oor . . ; out — sea, feetOal'H ; — anion?, nu» ; — amidst, auS bcr S.'Jittc ; — before, PPtt vpnt ; — before me, »ori mir roeg ; — below, ( — beneath,) UDtt Utttcit ; — behind, SOU l)tlttett ; — between, ba= 5TO!fd)CU beruor (vid. Between); — beyond, lUMt jenfettS; — a child, fcit nteiuer ^inbbeit; — afar, nit§ ber Berne, son 2Beitcin ; — forth, hersor, au» ; — home, nicbt $u Jpanfe, anS ; — off, biuwcg, fort; — out of, au8 ; — under, ail§; — within, 1)011 fallen ; — without, t'Pit aufien ; — the life, nad) bem S'ebcn; he kept me — coming, cr binbcrte mid) JU fpinmcit. FRONT, s. bcr griiue Bweig. frondation, s. bie (Jittlaubung, baS 2lbftreifeu be§ i!aubeS; 2lbfd)iiciben bcr 3meige. frondiferous, adj. befaubt. front, s. 1. bie Stint, ba-5 3tngeftct)t; 2. bie Srpute, SBorberfeite (cincr SJJiinje) ; 3. jig. bie fredjc vStint, Un= ^erfdiamtbcit ; — box. bie §Borber= loge, grofje 3JiitfeHoge ; — parlour. bas 9lnfprad)5immcr'; — room, bafl SSorberjimmer, Simmer tin SSorber= gcbaube, vorn t)erau§; — row, bie SJorberretjjej — stall, bcr Stiniricm. To FRONT, v. a. 4- n. 1. VOl'It fc»U, ge= geuiiber ftebcu, oon »oru augreifeu ; 2. bie Stint bietcn, tvotjen. frontal, s. 1. Med. T ber Umfebiag (auf bie fetirn); bie Stirnbinbc '; 2. a. T. ber®tirnmu§fel; 3. r. Xbiit'= ober gciiftergiebef. frontier, i. s. bie ©renje; n. adj. gren^cnb, angrenjenb ; — town, bie ©venjftabt. frontiered, adj. bie ©renje 6e»a= d;enb. frontiniac, Frontignac, s. ber $Jron= tiguacf (Sranjmcin). FRONTISPIECE «. 1. Arch. T. bie S3or« bevfeite (eincSWcbaubcS) ; 2. baS %i* telfupfer, bcr Xittl. FRONTLESS, adj. frect), fdjaillloS, 11IU vcrfdjamt. frontlet, s. baS Stintbaiib. FRORY, adj. gcfroren. FROST, s. 1. bcr Srpft ; 2. T. ba« gilt? tergtaS, StreuglaS; glazed—, baS ©lflttetg; hoary — , wltite — , ber Steif, 9Jeif=(5roft ; — bitten, uom Tyrcft augegriffen ; — nail, ber fiiSnagcl (am ^lifetfen ber 5Kferbc) ; — nailed, mit @i«nSgeln befctlagcn ; — work, ba3 @efrorne, bie gefronien giguren (on genftcrfdjeiben) ; raube Cbcrflad;c (an 3Jcetallarbeiten). FROSTED, adj. ubcrfrprcn, im'e JT}cif. frostiness, s . bcr l)o^c @rab bcr .Ralte, Brpft. FROSTY (adv. — ily), adj. 1. froflig, etSfait; 2. faltfiuuig ; —weather, Broflmcttcr. FROTH, s. 1. bcrSrbaum ; 2. baS Iccre ©eprcinge (bcS SBiljcs, it. f. w.) ; bic SaVperet; 3. ba« aBeirbe, SJlatte, .Rrafttofe. To froth, v. I. 7i. frbaumeu; II. a. fcfyiumeu macben. frotiiiness, s i. ba« febaumigc 5Sc= fen ; 2. bie Wrbtigfcit ; bag lecrc, Craftlofe ©cfrt)ivat}.' FROTHY (adv. — ilt), adj. 1. fdmumig, 2. roetrb ; 3. nicf)tig. leer, lappifd). To FROUNCE, v. a. (ficiaxti traufelit. FROUNCE, a. 1. -f bie galte, Branfc ; SRunjel, Socfe ; 2. sp. r. cine (j'tlfcn^ unb ^fcrbefranfbeit (in roeldjer 58188= cben im ©aumvn entftebcii). frousiness. g. ber miiffige ©crueb. frouzy, adj. inufftg, ftiufeub, fcbmu= tjig, tritbe. FROWARD (adv. — ly), miifrifeb, »er= briejjliej), lauuifd), imiubcrlid) ; ei= genfinnig, tBiberfpanftig, bartneitfig; ungebovfam, tnd'ii'eb, tvetjtg, ubc'r= mittbig, muthroillig; — ness, s. ber SJJurrfinn, (Sigenftnn ; Svotj. frower, .--. bet .Rctl. To frown, v. I. n. bie Stivn runjeln, fauer feben ; to — upon (at) one, ei* neu fd)el, fauer anfehen ; fg. cincm nicbt wpbl wollen, juroiBet femt ; n. a. burd) ftnfterc3 v -8eiicbincu abftpyen. FROWN, s bcr faurc SBUcf, Sebelblicf ; verad)tlid)e 33!icf ; frowns of fortune, 2Biberu)artigfeiten. FROWNIN<;ly, adv. miirrifd), fauer. FROWZY, adj. vid. Froizy. frozen, adj. 1. gcfiprcn ; ei'frorcn, crftairt; '2. fait, froftig, ciefalt; faltfiuuig ; — sea, bag KiSmeer; — over, jngefroten. FRUCTED. adj. H. T. mit •. 1. bie Bnid)t; 2. bag Dbft ; 3. bie SetbeSfrurftt ; 4. ber ©eroinn, 9httjeu, (irtrag ; 5. — s, .«. />'. E. L. T. bie (S'iitfiiufte ; first — , biefirftlinge; ?lnuatfll ; in compos. — basket, ber Dbftforb ; — bearer, bcr Sragcr, tragbarc 93aUin, 11. f. W. ; — gather- er, ber Obfipffiiffer ; — grove, bie 2l'(= (ec von; —loft, bic Obflfammer ; —seller. ber Obftbaub= ler; —time, bie Obft^ctt, ber ^erbft; — tree, ber Obftbauiu. fruitage «. bie Erudite, bag Obft. FRUITERER, s. bcr Dbjtbanblcr, bie Dbftfrau. fruitery, s. 1. basDbftiucrf, Dbft; 2. bie Obflfanuuer. FRUITFUL {adv. — ly). adj. frudjtbar ; reid),crgicbig; niifeliit, vortbctlbaft ; — ness, ' s. I. bic ^vudjtbarfeit; 2 Siille, bcr Ucberffuii. FRUITION, s. bcr ©euiif). FRUITIVE. adj. gcuicticnb, befttjenb. FRUITLESS I adv. — ly). oilj. I . linfrud)t= bar ; 2. frudjilog, umtiife. citel ; 3. finberlog; — ness, a. bie 3rud)tlofig= fcit. frumentacious, adj. wcijcnartig, fornartig. FRUMENTATION. s bic ,, fntfbtlog, uuniiij, cii'el (to. iiJ- FULL FULL FUND To FRUSTRATE, v. a. 1. oercitcln, binttrtreibcu, $u uirbtc marten; 2. ungiiltig mad)eit, aufbct'cn. FRUSTRATE, adj l. vergcblid); 2. iitnoirEfant; itirbtig, imgultig, vcr= rilelt. FRUSTRATION, ». tie ^notching, ,§iutertteibung, ber Qucrftrid). FRUSTRATIVE «<(/'• ocvcitclub, fcc= triiglid). FRUSTRATORY, adj. ocrcitclub, auf= bebenb. FRUSTUM, s. (bcf. «• T.) bag Sti'icf. FRUTESCENT, «,//' ftraudjartig wac§= fenb. FRIJTTCANT, «'//'. crpvpffcn babcitb. FRY, «. 1. bet SRogen, $ifdjrogen ; bie (Sifcbbrut; ©rut; 2. bcr ©raten, bag ©cbacfe. 7b fry, v. a ,c- v. fin ber ipfanne) bra= ten, batfcit, rbftcn, fcbntorcn ; fd)mcl= jen. frying, s. bag SBrafen, 33acfen, ERi>= ftcn ; — pan, tie Statpfanne ; 10 fall out of tilt; — pan into tin? fire, prov. aug bein SRcgen in bte Uraufe fom= men. FUBSEY, adj. plump, bitfbadig. FUCATE, Fucated,«crftclJung, bcr falfctjc Scbein. FUDDER, V. rid. FODDCR & FOTBBK. To FUDDLE »■ i. "■ betrunfen madjen, beraiifd)cu ; H. n. jcd'cu, fid; be- trinfcu. FUDDLED, adj. betrunfen. FUDDLER, *. bev ©aufer, ©OUfrtUS. FUDGE, s. ObCT ciaciitlid), int. SBittb ! 5luffd)ueibcrci ! Uitftuit ! fuel, s. bic Seuerung, bag SBrennmas ferial : §olj, Eotf, jjunber, u. f. ro. io add — to the fire, prov. Ccl iug geuet gicficit. To FUEL, v. a. ba« geuet untcrhaltcn, fcuevn, au= Dbet nachjegen. FUELER,*. ber, bie, obet, baSfeuertj fig. bat genetunggmittel. 7\»FUFF, r. n. aufl'lalien. FUGACIOUS, adj. flficfettg ; UttvC{lan= big, roanbelbar; —new, ». bie Sliid;-- tigfeit; Unbeitaitbigfett. FUGAClTY, *. I. bie Aliidifigfcit; 2., bet Uiibcftaub. FUGl'l, int. pfut! FUGITIVE, i. adj 1. flud)tig,, flt-rtjcnb, bevumirrciib ; 2. abgcfallcu ; oerganglid) ; n. s, ber gtudjtling; Sliigrciger ; — 's goods, /.. T. bie ©liter cincg gliicbtlings; — pieces, 5Iug= blatter ; piidjttge Eompofitionen ; — noss, s. bie Sluwtiflfett ; 33ergSng= lichfeit; bcr Unbejtaub. fugue, ». Mm. r bic Suae. FULCIMENT, s. bev diuhepitnft, bie ©ttifce (n>. ii.). FULCRUM, Fulcre, *. bie ©tiifee, bcr <5tiit}= obet Drubepunft beg fieoeU. To FULFIL, v. a. erfiillcil, vollfiilleit ; Oollphcil; — ing, (— mem), a. bie ©rfitlluug. Fulfilled, ». bcr ^ollbringer, 33oli= 8tel)cr. FULFRAUGHT, adj. rid. Fui.i.frai'oiit FULGENCY, s bcr ©tanj, 3d)iiumer. ■FULGENT, adj. Icudjteub, fdiimmentb, glftnjcub, blciibeub. FULGur, s. ber ©lon», Tdit}, bag 8td>t. FULGURANT, adj. leurfdcub, blifecub. FULIGINOUS {ado. — ly). adj. rufiiit. ?vu\^ adj. gf adv. 1. ooll; 2. »8fii(j; t>oIIftanbu,, ooHfommen ; ganj, gatt;= lid); augfubfliit; 3. weit; 4. fatt; ?cuugcnb ; 5. rcebt, gerabc, aenaU, fbf; he is — of himself, Cr ift SOU iet> eiitgenommen ; to look — in one's 65 face, cinen gerabe anfefyett; —of.., doU »on, au, u. f. it'. ; — oi burii nut Diefdiaftcit ubevlateu ; —of grief, fcliv befummcrt ; —of play, itberniiu tbig; to be of — weight, »olln>id)tig femi ; — of words, lrortreid), gcffbuvi= ^ig ; — M. E.-t. endorsement in — , bo8 flUggeftillte ®ttO; in — of allde- mands, )UI »6Ut'gen •.'liuglciduiig UlU fetet *){ccbnung ; to receipt in —, per @alb0 quittireu ; acquittance in — of all demands (accounts), bic ©ciieraU qnittung ; to pay in (at) — , »ofl be= jabicit ; (tugbejableii, etite Suinme volljuaden; ,\'. T.-a — and by, bait bie Scgel veil nub btdjt betm Suinbe ; keep ber — , iticbt bober! — ac Hnce, .u E. unbebtngte '.'lnnabmc, pu= ret Accept; — acorned, * mit (Std)eln gemaftet ; — advices, aiit-fiibvlidic i)Jad)iid;teii; of — age, milltbtg ; — allowance, bie veidlide Siatiort (auf Stiffen, u. f. it'. 1 ; — amount) bie 2'otalfiimine; — bloomed, BoHblii= benb ; — blown, 1. til viMlcv iMiitbc, bliibcnb; 2. oolltg nufgeblafen, aufc- 4?6dbfre gefitegen; — bodied, bicf, flarf »on iRSrpet; — bottomed, mit grofjcm i^obcu, brcit; — bottomed wig, bie 2llongenperriicfe, — butt, adv. aufetnanber fio^enb ; — cargo, ,•„/. — load; — costs, M.E aUt Mo- ftcu; —cry, mit '.'client ©efebrei; — dress, bcr SSflUanjug, garue 9ln= jug, bag ©alafleib ; bae oollftanbige Qsoftum; — chive, vid. — speed;, — eared, »ollaf)rig; — eyed, grofjaugtg ; — eyes, grofje Slugen ; — enough, ac= nug; - faced, Bollig oon (Mcftrpt; feiftbarfig ; mit fineht 93ollmonbge= ftrbt ; — fed, gait] fatt, ubervoQ, bid, fctt; —fraught, vi'llig '.'cvfcbett ; — freight, bic gaitje Avadu ; voile ?a= bung ; —gallop, bcr geftrecfte Walopp (mit uerbaugtem 3ngel); — gorged, Sp. e. (oon Ballot i fiberfuttert ; — grown, aitggemad)fen ; — banded, mit solicit ^iiuben ; — hearted, I. oers trauunggooll ; 2. ftolj ; — laden voile Sabung Ijabenb; —length, 8ebeit8= gvoflC; in words at — length, augges fdn'iebcu ,obne 3luglaffitng von ©uc^= ftal'cn) ; — load, bie voile Atadit obev tabling ; — many a, gar maiidie, man= cber, inandn-g ; —moon, bet i'olimoub ; — mouthed, ftarfftimmig ; — nigh,bet= uabe, faft; — oft febr oft; — orbed, g.'.ll^ VUUb ; — point, Bid, — stop ; to make a — point of . ., bell 33efct>lltfj (ein Snbe) marten mit . . ; — power, bic Sollmadjt ; — price, bcr oollc ^Jreii ; .V. T, — rigged, ooUtft aufge-- tafclt ■ — sea, — tide, bie voile See, bohe aIiiK' ; — speed, fpornflrcicbg ; (m vollot (Maloi'p ; —statement, cine aenatte SatfteQung ; — stomached, iibcvfiillt; — stop, berSPunft, 5d)lun= pnuft ; — strokes, Tm. T, bic vollcn, biden ober lucttcit Juge, Sinien ober Seberitrirbe ; — stuffed, DoUgejlopft ; — summed, VOllftaitbig ; — ten per cent, voile u'lm SJJrocfiit; a — voice, cine voile (ftavfe) (Stiinme; — well, rcebt ii'obl; — winirod, ftarfe Siltige babenb; gliibcnb, cifrig. FULL, 8. I. bte Aiille, C'kitiigr, Satti = gung ; 2. bas ®anje ; to the — as. vollig (rote..); at—, wit ©anjcn, Vlllcg, 'illle, u. f. lv. ; the — of the moon, bcr SBollmonb : the m ion is in the — , or at — , bet i'lOltb ift roll; to give a receipt in — (of all demands), M.E. per Salbo auittirot. To FULL, v a. U'alfcit. FULLAGE, 8. bcr SBallerlobit. FULLER, .N-. berSJaffet, SBJalf mullet ; —'s earth, bte SBalfetftbe, bcr SBaU fcrtbon; — '« herb, .^oniggffrt,r:L SBoUfrant; iKcetengcl, t* n,] ein M' ; - '- thistle, — '.- ■■• btelffiebetbiftel, jtatbeubiftel, iUa\f biftcl. FULLERY, ». tic Sffialfe, il ! alfiuul'lr. FULLING,*, bag SBalfen; — mW bw i'Jalfiuiiblc. FULLY, adz roll, vcllig, ganjlitfa, aii-M';il'vlid. FULMINANT, adj. bOlltltttlb. To FULMINATE, B.a a- r. bonncrn, to» ben, I'cfii,! I'lbmal len, fdelteit; Fra. rbeil : ( !, T. vciiuffcu ; to — . ■ ation, ceil ^aiuiftraH fcblcu= beni ; fulminating gold, baft jtnallgolb ; fulminating silver, bag .Uiiallfilbcr. FULMINATION, ». 1. tat ©Ottllttlt : cm. T. Setpuffen; '-'. j% T. bet Sannfttabl. FULMINATORY, adj. botui. . FULNESS,*, bie aiiIIc, 33oUjt5nbigtctt, 9uebebnung; Statfe be* iEone«, FULSOME adv. —li . adf I. tfel= baft, t'duuueig : 2 fdlupfrig, uu= jucbtig, gtil, unanflanbig; — m bieSfelbaftigfett; bee ©eftanf; bic Soten. I riA id, a-'j. 'oraitiivr-tf', rotbgelb. FUMADO, 8 bet getaudberte Atfd'. FUMATORY, s. bet (ncvaud) (An* ri i — J..). To FUMBLE, r. a. if n. tolpifd', uiu ciffd'irft vcrfahveii, tappen, berums rappen; ftottcm ; tanbeln; begreU fen, bcfiihleii, benun^encu, Ih'vu:u = liiibclit, jevfuiilleu, |ufammenbrfia rfcu ; to — about, ( — along), bentm- tappen ; to— up, ltitgefcbicft jufam- ntculcgeit. FUMBLER, « ber Setaflcr, Sefubltt Stiimper, plumpe .Ual, mdg.QaM- tappt. FUMBLING, adv. uugo'd'idt, I'fnmp. FUME, .«. l.berSRaud), Dampf, Tun'1.- 2. 3otn, bie aufroaflnng ; 3. ba«9Iuf« ftofictt ; 4. bie (Sinbilbung; to be in a — . aiifgcbiarbt fevu. 7'; I I'M!',, o. I a I. vaiidieu, biinflcu, burd'Oifteit; 2. toben ; to— up, au'= fleigen; to — away, verbiiuftcii; n. a. 1. verraud'cn niad'cii ; 2. raudicru ; to — away, veiMniftcit. fi Mi'/i's, s. bee it lift, Sfinget ibeg ffiilbefl . Fi'MiiKn-//. raudjettg, raucbtg, buuftig. To FI MIGATE b. a. vaiid'cvn ; Dams pfe an ettvag gcbot lafi'en, einbiim = pfoi, bind) ein $)avnpfbab beileu ; fumigating bellows, tin SBIafebfllg, ber mil iabatiM'aud) gefullt, gcgcu bag Ungejiefet angeroenbet wtrb. FUMIGATION, a. tti ;li.iud)crn ; bic ^eraitebcruug, bafl SBetfiudpetn ©ampfbab, bie Sainpftut : —tamps, dampen, jur Serjebrung ber b6fen ?uft. FUMLNGLY, adv. tobeub, im 3""- FUMISH, «//. 1. raiidpevig ; 2. rbelc rint (io. ii.). FUMTTER, s vid. Fokatort. n Mm is, > adj raurbciib ; in ben .flop! FUMY, S ftcigoib, beraufdjeub ;.;.v beftig jotnig. FUN. >-./•« v bie-Pot)c,bcr S»afcSdjet| To FUN, o ''I'll treibcu fd'cv;en, fpafen. funambulist, .--bcr setlianjcr. FUNCTION,* I. bte SBerrid)tung, ba: ©efdjaft. i'ffoitlid'e Smt, bcr 8( ruf; 2. bic ,«iafMuf;ciuiig. FUNCTIONARY,* (public —V bcr (of< cntlifbe) SBeamte, ©efd>5ft«fn v tenbe ri M». >-. I. bee iBottalb; 2. SonS bag ©tammgelb, Stamm* obo ©runboermogen 99etriebe«) ,(?api> t-l ; bie (®elb»j Banfj public funds, 111 FURM Me ©taatflfc&utben ; 3lctte«, Hnf&etU fcbctuc; —holder, bet Slcttenbeftfcet, 9lcricniubaber. n, fund, b. a. 1. Sapttalitn (in ben offcntliriH-n ober SPtioatfonbS) aule= gcu; 2. jinn Sapitale madicn, ju Sopitalien fcbjagen, capitaliftrcu; funding system, baS Aunbatuusfuftcnt tie SSorforae befl StaatS ;uv 3>ecrung bcr 3utercffcu fiif bte ©taatfifdjulb). FUNDAMENT, s. bet ©t&, bas ©cfap, ber <§intete FUNDAMENTAL, I. adj. Jltnt ©ninbe gebikia obet bienenb, mefentlid); ntunbltd) ; — laws of the empire, tic Mctcbsgrunbgefcfcc ; — iy, ado. im ©tunbe, urfpruuglid), ipefentlid) ; n. s. bte ©vunbtflge, ©tunble$te ; — s, pi. bie ©tunbfefte. funebrial, adj. bas Cei&enbegang: ntfi bctvejfenb, babel iiblid). funeral, i. 8. 1. bas Setdjenbegangs ntfi, SegtSbnifi; 2. Setdjengerelge ; n. «2?. jumSetdjenbegangmfi gegBttfl ; trauetnb ; —expenses, bie S8egtabnip= Soften ; —pile, bcr ©d)etterb,aufen ; —sermon, bic 2cid)enprebigt. FUNEREAL, adj. lcid)cilbafr, ttauttg ; —pile, bcr ecbcitcrbaufctt. fungosity s. bcr fdjwammtge s 2lus= umdis, tic ©djmamtmgt'eit. FUNGOUS, adj. fdnuammtg ; — flesh, milbeS tfaulco) gieifd) in ben 2Uuu= ben. fungus, a. ber ©d)tt>amnt; bas Sdjroammgewadjs. funicle, s. bie ©djnut ; Safer. funicular, adj. fafettg. FUNK, s. vuig. ber Sampf, ©eftanf. funnel, s 1. ber £rid)tcr; tie SRBbs re ; 2. 5'cucrntauer ; — shaped, tricb= retfotmtg. FUNNY, I. adj. I omifeb, pofjtrlicb ; II, «. baS fteine ©oot |3Itf gafite). FUR, s. 1. bas Sell, bcr spelj; 2. bie birfe ($fi&e) Scucbtigfctt (auf ber 3uu= gcj ; in compos. — cap, bic *j>e($mufcc ; — cloak, ber SPeljmantel ; —merchant, ber Dtaucbroaateubaiiblct; — trade, ber Dtaudjwaatenjjanbel ; — wrought, sou ^elj. To fur,?;, a fiitterrt (initSPelj, 5DJoo«, u. f. iv.) fiberjteben ; to — a ship, jv. T. ein ©cJnff init boppeltett $lan« Fen uerfebeu. juracious, adj. ly.m ©tebjen ge= ucigt, biebifd) {xo. v.) Furacity, s. bcr «§ang jut Sicbcrei (ro. it.) furbelow .,. V.t Salbcl ; baS ©c= brame, b'r Vl'trHrf. To FURBELOW, v. a. bcfalbcln, bcfc= feen, mbrame.t. furbish, b. n. polircn, :puijcn; to — up, aufftiifccu. FURBiSHEH.s. ber SPoIirer. furcation, s. bic ©abelfSnnigreit. FURFUR, s. ber.Rlcie at)iilirf)e«ct)up= pen auf bcr .*5aut, bcr Otinb. FURFURACEOUS, adj. fdjuppig, griiu big. FURIES, s. f. bie Suricit. ?URIOUS (ado. — it), adj. tt>afjnftn= nig, roiitbemb, rafenb, ur.ftuntg, toll; — rage, bcr nuitbenbe %mi ; — ness, ... bic SWafetet, 2Butf>, SLollljcit. To FURL, v. a. JV. T. (—[up] the sails, bteSegel) Salten legett, ciiijieljeu, bcfitlagett, auftud)cii. rURLTNG, s. jv. T-s. "ba« Kiusiebeit ber Segel ; - line, ber 33efd)tagbettb= fel obct SBiUfel, bas B 11 ^^"- furlong, s. t>a« SclbmegS. FURIXUGH, Furlow, s. Ml. T. ber llrlaub. FURMENTy, Furmety, s. vid. Fru- menty. 162 FUS1 furnace, s. ber Dfcit, ©dbmelgofen ; JU-ffel; brewing— , bet Staufeffcl; —blue, ba« JU-ffclblatt; —grate, ter Ofeuroft. To FURNACE, b. a. bailtpfeit Wie citt Dfctt, auebampfeii. 2» FURNISH, v. a. 1. BCffcljcn (with, ntit), aufd)affcit; ucrfotgett; liefcru ; geben, bcitragett, barbieteu, geivab= ten ; 2. aiiSviiftctt ; auSnioblireu ; j ter en ; a room ready furnished, Ctll auSmobltrfeS ^i' 11 " 1 "'- furnisher, s. ber 5d;affncr, tiefc= rant, (jutoeilen) SBerleger. furniture, 8. bas ©cratl), ^aufige* rath; bie SDJobeln; bas ©cfdji'rr, 3eug ; bas 3ubeb,6t, bie 3uthat ; 9lu8rujiung (^Initatur) eiitcS Sd;if= feS, ?luSftaffinimv ber ^u§,bie (5-qui= page ; Typ. t. ©fege ; — oil, ein Del pber S'iruif) jum Ueberjicbcit bcr v DJi3= belit. FURRED, adj. (ntit $clj) gefiittevt. furrier, «. bcr jturfebnet, Slaucbs banblcr, SJtaucbwaatenbanbler. furrow, 5. 1. bie 'Aitrdje; 2. bct9lb= juggrabeit • 3. bic Stiune; SRunjet; — faced, * init SurdH'tt tin @cficf;t ; — weed, bie Duecfe, baS Uufraut. To FURROW, v. a. 1. furd)cn ; 2. * burd)fd)iffen. FURRY, adj. 1. UOll $etj, auS ^ctj ; 2. in ^clj. further, adj. Sr ode. roeitcr, fcrner, entfetntet ; jenfettig ; anbettoetttg ; itber bie9 ; no — , iiidit lvcitcr; what — , was fonft, was wciter; the — end, baS t)iutcrftc, (iuperftc (Siite ; — ex- pences, U'citcrc Jloften ; — particulars, bic nabeten Umftanbe; on the — side of.., jCIlfcitS; till — orders, biS auf Weiteten SQcfel)! ; I am never the — off for that, id) laffc miefc baburd) fci- ncSiwcgS abbalten ; — more, feruer, fiberbtejj, au^er bent ; — most, am jveiteftcu. To further, o. a. roeitcr bttngen, finbcrit, beforbcm, beforbcrlid), be= biilflid) femi ju.., fortt)ctfeu, un= tetfiii^en. furtherance, *. bic SefBtbctung, Slufmunterung, Untetfliifeung, ber Sortgaug. furtherer, s. ber SBefStbetet. furthest, adj. & adv. ber weitcflc, ant weitefteu, ant feruftcu; at (the) — , aufs langfte. FURTIVE {ade. — lt), alj. gcftoblctt, uciftoblett, beintlid): oetftoblnet SBeife. furuncle, s. s. T bcr spiutfrljroarcn. fury, s. 1. bie aButb, IRafetet, £oll= beit ; bie ber SRaferei al>nlid)e •^eftig* fcit, bcr luHtfte ®rab bet8etbenf(baft, bie §ifee ; 'L ©egctjietung (aueb tin flitteu ©tune) ; 3. Surie; — hke, fu= tiengletdj, i»utb.cnb. FURZE (Furz), s. ber ©tw^gtnflet, ©tacbelgtnfl, bas spfticmenftaut. furzy, adj. yell ©tet|gtnjiet. fuscous, adj. brauti, biinfcjfarbig. To FUSE, v. n . & n. 511m tffbincijcn bttngen, fcbmeljen. FUSEE b. 1. T. bie ©pinbel, Sebnecfc in Ubrcit; 2. Mil. T. ber 3unbet obcr SStanbet einer Sombe, u. f. w. ; 3. up. T. bic Aahvtc eiitcS SccbbocfS, T. T.-s —clam ferules, 25rel)flobcit, ©d;tlC= cfeiiflobcu ; —engine, ein ©cbitccfcu: fdjnetbejeug ; — squaring tools, bic idHKrfe!t=t!ulinnafd)inc. fusibility s. etc Scbmeljbarfctf. FUSIBLE, adj. fdimcUbar. FUSIL, I. adj. fcbmcljbat; ffttfftfl; II. s.l. biegltnte; 2. n. t. ©jitnbet; 3. bas gefdjobcuc 9iauten»tereka» bcr, it. f. a. ; bas 3Jku(, bet£TJJun> ; gift of the — , baS iOtuubwerf. GABARDiNE,s.betSa«etnfittel,gtt|rj matmsfittcl ; SReifemantel, ©taub= mantel, nmffcvbidtfc i'lantcl, 3lcgen= mantel, S'iljmantel. To GABBLE, v. v. fcbimttcm, jn.ut= fd)cm ; vlaubcm, fd)ma|en. GABBLE, (Gabbling),* I . baS ®efd;nat= ter, ©c^iMtfcber ; 2. (Mcfcbnnifo, ©c= Vlaubcr. gabbler, g . bet ©cbtoa^et. GABEL, 5. tie SaUftcucr; ?lbgabe. gabeler, s. bet (Saljs) ©teuetein* uebmcr. gabions, s. pi. Fort. ©d>onjKtbe. gable s. baS fdmigc Sad) ; —end, bcr ©icbet; —front, bie ©iebelfroiite. gad. s. T. 1. baS ©tfifj (bcr feilfi5r= rntge jtlumpen) ©tab,l; 2. bie 3)Jc= talifpiljc; —about, col. ber ^cruin= fctjaniinicr ; bet (Maffciirange ; — fly, bic aSespc, Sremfe. To gad, ?>. ?(. umbcrlaufcn, (umbcv=) fd)lcubcru. GADDER, s. bet .pcruntlaufcr ; — abroad, bet 8anblaiifet. GAELIC, I. s. bie galijcBe (SDlunbart ber ecltifdjeu) Spr'ad)e; 11. adj. gcilifcbv gaff. .«. 1. bcr .Oaten, bie .{paryuue j 2. ©affel, ber Scgclbaitm. gaffer, s. vulg. ber ©cvatter, gute gretmb. gaffle, s. Sp. t i. bcr ffinftltfbe ©potn bcr .Ramvfbabnc; 2. Span- ner (cincr Sltinbtufl). 7b GAG, v. n. 1. ntit cinem Spcrt» ()olj ben lliititb auffperrcn, {nebcin; 2. ben 2JJuub flopfen, bcKbtvidjtigeu. gag,,?. 1. baS Sperrbolj, ber jlncbel; 2. bie SDButgbtrn, roGAGE, v a 1. uifircit, atd)en, au#; GALE GALL 1ANG mcffen ; to a ship, ciu 2d>iff auSmef« feu ; 2. sapfanbcn. sage, .«. 1. bet SKaSfiaB, aSifttfrao, bati SBiftrmajj, btc ©djmiege; 2. bag SJJfanb; 3. bet Scbbcbanbfdjub ; — rod of a pump, JV. 7'. bad Speilbolj; the weather — , JV. r. btc SBinbfcite ; — stnir. r. jtaifpufe mit ©tpamcrtel. GAGER, g. bet Siftret, tidier, 31 1 cf j = meifter ; — - s ties, tag iUicjijctt'. GAGGER, $. bet oluebelnbc. 7o GAGGLE, ». «. gatfern, frbnattcnt. GAIETY, s . 1. btc Shtftigfeir, 5Diutitcr= foil; 2. bcr Spntj, tic $rad;r, bcr .*>auffd)tnimcr, ©lanj. GAILY, arte. 1. inuutcr, Itifltg ; 2. pracbjDolI, glaiijciib; fctomttcf. cain, s. bcr ©eivitut, ©enrinnft, 9?or= tbeii, STiufeen, ©rtrag, Ucbcrfd;ttfj; to make — of ... , an ober bci etiraS geivillttctt; to make pains, gctvtntieit ; to share — , bt'H ©Clvillllft thcileit. r« gain, v. a. . CAINAGE. « L. T. + baS Piufoniiiteu yon bctt SlecEettt bcr SSafaflen. GAINER, 5. bcr ©etvinner. GAINFUL («de. — lv), adj. einrraglicb,, geroiniibritigcub ; — ness, s. bic (*iu= traglid)fctt ; bet ©eminn. GAINLESS, adj. gennunlos, tiiieinrrcig= lid) ; — ness. ». bic ©eromnioftgfeif, Uiieiurraglicbfeit. To GAINSAY, v. ir. a. 1. teiberfpredjen j 2. beftreiten, ucntciitcn, laitgnen. GAINSAYEB, s. bet 2Bibcrfprcd)cr, ©egnet. GAINST, prep. albr. ftatt Against, qd. vid. GAIT. s. 1. bcr 2Ccg; 2. ©attg (itttb bic Raiding babci). GAITERS, s. pi. bie ©amafdjen. GALA, s. bic ©ala, ^rad)t, geterlid)= fcit ; ba3 .fjoffefi ; days of — , ©da= Sage. GALACTITE, 5. bcr ©alactit, 3WiIdjs ftcin. GALAXY; s. 1. bie ?JJi(d)ftrafte (am •tSimntcl) ; 2. fig. glaujenbe 93erfamm= lung. GALBANUM, *. (latetnifdj) ba-3 ©alba-- iinni, Sffluttetljar}. GALE*, bet ftifdje 2Biub ; .v. r. bie .Uiiblc, SBJtnbftflge, bcr isJuibflop ; hard — . bic ftcifc .Uiil)lc; loom — , bie ©TamfegeUJtuble; the sweet — , bcr Sj3otfdj, bic 3JiurtenI;eibt {Myri - L). /•,' G VLB, e. n. to — away, -V. T. ci C SPtife bcfoinmcn. GALEAS, ... bic ©aleaffeobet ©aQtaf= fe, gtofe ©aleete, ba8 gt&Ste :)iubcr= fdiiff t tit niittcUaiibifdjcit 3}iccre. BALEATED, adj. B. T. gcbdlltt (OOtl 93luincn>. galena, s. ber SBleiglan*, bafi BIet= GALENIC (Gimotcal), adj. galcntld). GALENISM, a. ba« .Ocilpftc'nt bc-5 ©a= lettuo. GALENisT,s. ber ttad) ©atcn-S Snflcm ^eilcnbc. GALILEAN, I wij. galilaifd); II. ». bcr ©aitlaer. GALIMATIA, a. bcr Uiifimi, ba« 2Sort= gemrrr, ©alliinatf)ia«. GALIOT, *. vid. Galliot. GALL,«. 1. bic ©alle; 2. Sitfetfett, *o«[)eit, bcr 3ottt, §afi; 3. bic Hb= reibung bet i^aut, bcr SSolf; — , or — bladder. M'c c>ialK'iib[afc ; — , or — nut, bcr ©allapfel (bauftg tin pi. galls); —less, obnc Sittetfeit; — oak, bie ©aUctdu'. To GALL, i- l. a 1. butd) Wciteti r>cr= Icijctt, numb retbeit; 2. abnu(jen, «cr= mttibetn, frbivacbcii; :i. beitnnil)igeit, qualcu, tetjen, tirgern; a galled horse, cin nninbgebtucftee ^Sfetb; ELn. fid; firgern, ^iinicit. GALLANT {adv. — ly\ I. adj. 1. braa, tapfcr; 2. fd)5n, ftattlid), gcpnljt; 3. bbflid), galant ; 11. s. ©alan, Stumer; 2. i'icbbabcr ; ©tautwet= bcr; 3. Rubier, 93etfiibtetj —ness, s, bic §8Ptd>£ett, Stttgfett. n gallant, r. a. ten .gofinadjenj toerben. GALLANTRY, 1. I. bic Stattlicbfcit, SPracbt; 2. ^odjberjtgfeit; bet(*bel= nuitb; 3. bic ©alantettej SltttgEeir; 4. SBublerei. GALLEON, <. bic ©alintc, baS 3tcgi= flerfdjtff (Stttt gtoier 3cbiffe). G ILLERY, ». 1. bie ©allerie, betlauge ©ang, ©elanbergattg, bie Sa'ulen= Killc, bcr ©«al, SBilberfaal; 2. (im 5diaiifpiclbaufc, 'beSgleidjen in ciucr .uiidio tic Dbetjien Siijc/bic ®alle= vie ; Mm. r. ein ©tollett; «v. r. bcr beruorfptittgettbe SUtan am ^ititei-= tbcilc bc« «d)iffc»; — ladder, .V. T. bic Sturmtettet, G M.i.i'.v. «. I. bic ©aleere ; 2. ein of= fettefi SJluberboot ouf bet .ibemfc ; 3. Typ. t. baa Sc^iff, Sefcfdjiff; 4. .v. T. bic 2diiff^fiid)e, jiDinbitfc, auf cU ncm .Rviciifi'diiffc; bead of the — . Typ. v. bic 3'inge am -Sctjfcbirr ; — built, .v. t. mit glattem Scd gcbaut; — foist, bie ©aleetenfufte (em v a Tt ^ fdiiff); — slave, ber ©alccrciifdayc ; — nie (JV.), bcr glaftrte 3iegel. GALLIARD, s. bci- (ufiiae fCanj. GALLIC, ) ad, I. gallicauifd), fran= GALLICAN, \ Sbfil'di; 2. t villig, Jit ©aliapfelii geqijrtg. GALLICISM,* bie ft an$5fifc&e 2prad;-- eigenbeit, bcr ©aUicUmue. GALLIGASKINS, a. pl.lvd. tic ^(ubcr= bofeit. GALLIMAUFREY, «. 1. ba« ©cvidit uon allerlci jufammettgebactfem Sleis fdn- (iv. ii. I ; 2. fig. bcr OJiifdmtafd). GAiiUNACEous, adj. jut gafanflat* tuna, fleb5ttg. GALLING LEATHER, 8. baS 5d;cucr= lebet (fur spferbe). GALLIOT, s. bic ©alcottc (lcid)te ©a= Icerc). GALLIPOT,* bet OUHMbefcrtopf (von Sanaitce 1 , 3iicditovf- GALLIVAT, 8. ciu ffeiuefl gab^rjeug mit SRubern in Dftinbien). GALLON, *. ein 3JJafi oon »ictenglt= fdicu Cuavt, ein ©alien. GALLOON, »h.'ai.i.,ion-i.a( -c, .<. bic @a= lone, SBotbe. To GALLOP, o. n. galcppu'cn ; fid; fdmcll bewegen. G ILLOP, > bet ©alo^v. GALLOPER, .'. 1. bafi gatiU'Virciibe ^fetb, bcr [Rennet: galoppirenbe SReitet ; 2. bie Heine feajfettc fut eine Heine Aanont r ; tleine Jtano= ne (a). GALLOWS, 8. I. bcr ©algctt; 2. Typ T. ber ^td' (flubl (bic ?ebnc fftt n-j ^ctfcl bcr ^ucbbrudcrprciTc , bet ©algen; baSJCenafel: —bus, s pi .v v ,Uucd)tc ju ben Sieferoeftengcu unb SRaaen; — free, bein ©algen ent- latifcn ; — tree, ber ©algen. GALLY, adj. gallig, bitter." GALOCHES, Gauwbb*. .«. pL ©allc= fdjen; ^o[jfd)ub>; llcbcrfitubc. G LLVANK . adj. galoanifdj. galvanism, 8, tcr ©aloonislnuS. 7b galvanize, v. a. galpaniftreiu GAMASHES, s. pi. hu;c ©amafdjen :i' SBauetn. GAMBADOES,*, pi. Sticfelctten, ©a-- mafeben. n gamble, p. i. h. auflfc^wcifenfc (Obet bcd>,! fptelen : gambling ba« (rpicllMin; II. a. (— . burd) Spielen vcifcbivcubcu. GAMBLER, ». bcr spider veil $N)fefs fton, ©auner. ».i:. 8. bad ©nmmt ffamboia. To GAMBOL, v. n. 1. t.'.ujcn, lujtige Spriinge niadjcu ; bupfcit; 2. ab= fpringcu. gambol e. bet Sprung [sot gteube , I'ufti'pruug. GAMBREL ». l. kt SdjtnW be« - bee ; 2. ajce&flttbalfen. ToGAMBRELja a. bie Be ine |ufam= menbt'nben. G \\ii'„ 8. 1, bas" £»iel ; 2. bcr sdjerj ; grobe©pafj; 3. 83ottbeil tin (Spiel ; 4. tcr SPIan, (Snttourf, tic Olbfidit ; 5. 3agb,SBogelbeije;6.ba8 2Bilb, ] prct, SQetbrnerr, ber (3agb=)gang; t have a great — to play, idi babe grojic liuge ?st; to make (a) — ni ... Sdjetj rreiben mit . . . , ntm Seften babeti; games of chance, £ajatbfVie= lc; — cock, bet Jiampfbabu ; - bag ($i, rvorau* Jtampfbabnc a briitct lvcrccu ; — keeper, bcr 33iir = bagcr, .Ovigcrcitcr. To G IME, r. n fpieleit ; taiibcln. GAMESOME (ado. — lv), adj. lufttfl. fd)crtl)afi, mutbivillui, letdjtferttg ; —ness, 8, bic Sufligretr, ?eidjrfertig- fcit, ?cbafcret, bcr iViutbuMlIc. GAMESTER, .-. bcr Spicier. gaming, .--. ba«° Sptelen, Spiel; — .:• bt, tic Spielfdjnlb ; —hoot gptelbauS ; — table, bcr Spieltifdj, bic 5pielba:;f. GAMMER, 8. outg. SiMti ,im ©cgcttfate veil Gaffer). GAMM< IN, s. I. (— of bacon), bcr 93or. berfct)infeu; 2. ba« 5.iirftracf [vid Bai eg lhhom . To G IMM< IN, o.a.1. cant. .v. T. bctr::- gen, belugen, Sfltn : 2. ba» J au uutcu ant Sugfpriet btnben; 3. .Sricftrad fpielen. t; \M.Mi iNING, 8. .v /v.- bad Jau untcn am Bugfpriet, bic Cngfprietnjuling ; — hole, bafl 93ugfptiet6gaf. GAMUT,*. Jlfu*. /'. I. tic Sella, XoiU lcitcr ; 2. bai tiefftc a im Baffe. To GANCH. t>. * in bie ijpafen lverfcn, pf.'iblcu, jci'flcifcbcii (Strafe bei ben Sfitfen). G wnii:. i bcr ©firtfetid); — . bai .uuabcufiMur. c vng, * bet 0>iufc, Jrupp, bic i^ett be, SBanbe, SRotte, ^orbe ; .\" T 1 *, — :. bat Cegebrett, tic v.iufvlanfc (au« bem Scpiffe ctcr SBoote am Canb ju gefcen); — wmy, tic aM> reepstreppe obet bet Drl an bet Seitt beti ScbtffeS ivo man au0< unb em- fteigt, jebet frbmale ©ang; — ways, bie ©angc bcr Unferuerbecfe ivcnr, eiu Scbijf gelaben if; ; — «eik (— days), bi( CaflC ill bcr; iVtt= Oiet UmgangSroodje. Ganges, *. bet atuf) ©angel. 163 GARL GASP GAWK BANGUI IN, s. .7. '/'. ber 'Jiervcnfneteii ; taa Uebcrbciit. To GANGRENATE, r. I. a. anfrcMcn isoin 39ranbe) ; H. v. (or Gangrene), iranbig, frebaartia roerben. sangren B, «. ber wife SBranb, Stvtbs. GANGRENi »us, adj. I. Doni SBranbe an= ?cftccft, branbig, entjfinber, angefrcf= ni ; 2. ten ©ranb Dcnirfadn-ub. GANTLET, s. 1. ber ^aujcrbanbfcbub ; 2. Sp. t. funftlidje Sporn ber&f: balmc ; 3. — (or Gantelope), ba$©af= fentaufen; tic Epteprurben ; to run the — , eftc. 9?omebinfte u. f. «. ; 3. + citu- Sammlurtg SBaHabcii ; 104 tic ©fumenlefe j 4. a: t-s. tos SPros utantnefe ciiu-3 SRatrofeit; Xauxottt inn ten grofien ilJaft. To garland, v. a. befranien. GARLIC, a. tcr J^noblaucb; — pear- tree, tcr J^lloblaucbbtrilbaum (Crntwra tapia — L ) ; — sauce, tie Jluoblaud)= briibc. garment, s. baS ©ewaiib, JJteib, ^letbutrgSftucf. GARNER, *. ttr jUn-ubrtcn, tic S\oxn- tammer. 2o GARNER, v. a. aitffdjiitten ; aufbc= roafjren. GARNET, a. 1. tcr ©ranat; 2. JV. T. bai Staggarnat fjum 3lufivtnb|n tcv 23 a a re it*). To garnish, v. a. 1. jicrcrt, fdjmiiifcit, auSlegert, befc^cn, ganiiren fciu ©e= rid)t um ten Sanb [tcr Scbiiffcl] berum, ein ©cridit mit Jtartcffcln. ^pariicl u. f. \\\) ; 2. j>erfe= belt, "jcvforgen, »crfd)affcit; 3. L. T. oorlaben. GARNISH. .9. tcr 3icrratb, Sd)mucf ; ta» Sefcblage, ?etftenroer£ ; tic @ar= ntrung (tcr JJranj von jlavtcffcln u. f. to. auf tent SRaube tcr Scbuffcl). GARNISHEE, s. L. T. Ciller til tcffcil •Oaitbcu tie ©fiter eineS Trittcu mit Sefd)iag bclcgt toerbert, tcr trittc S3erfummerte. GARNISHMENT, s. 1. tcr 3ierratb; ©ctjmud ; 2. l. T. tic SSorlabung. garniture, s. tcr ^'ut}, Sc^mucf; tic ©arnitur. garous, adj. n>te fiartngslafe. GARRET, s. ticX)ad)ftubc, i'ctcnfam= mcr. garreteer, s. tcr 5?ctvpbucr ciucr TMcbftubc; /am. armc, clcnte <2d)riftitcilcr, Sdiarfefeinrbrciber. garrison, s. tie ©aruifon, SBefnfcung. To GARRISON, v. a. bci"c§C!l, ©effl= feung ciiilegen, turd) Sefiurtgen fdiii&cn. GARRULITY, s. tic (rd)amrjf)aftig-- fcit; ©cfebroatjigfeit. GARRULOUS, adj. fd}»arjbaft, ge= fdnvaljtg. GARTER, s. 1. baS Stvuiu^fbaut ; $ofenbanb (ber Drben bee blaucn •pofenbonbeS) ; 2. ber erfie 2Sappcu= Eonig in ©nglanb. To GARTER, ?•. a. 1. tie Strumvfbaii; ber umbiiibcn; 2. ben -Spfcubaubor: ben oerleifjen ;to— up, ficbaufbiuten. GARTH, 5. 1. bie SBtnbe; 2. ed)lcufe; — man, tcr S"i idier. GAS, s. Ck. t. bflS ©a*, ber ?uftftoff, tie entuintbare Suftj — light, ta6 ©aelid)t; bie ©aecrleurbtuug. GASCOIGN, .<:. ©aeconten. Gascon, .«. ber ©aSconicv. GASCONADE, s. bie 91uffd)ncibcrci, ^Rrablerei. To GASCONADE, b. n. auffdjucitcit, Vrablcn. To gash, v. c. ttcf yenvunbeu ; $cr= fe^cn. GASH, 8. bie frocitc unb ticfe) 2Bun= be; ber 6ieb: bie Srbramine, SWarbe. GASHFUL, adj. 1. Vpli SBllltbeil J 2. fdMfdlid). GASKE'1"S, s.pi. JV. T bie 3?cfrblagfci= fiihien ; bunt — , bie i'audjfcifiiigen. GASKINS, vid Gallioasetnb. GASOME1ER, s. T ter ^uftftpffmcffcr. 7t± , u he in (or to give) the last — . in ben le&ten 3ugen Iicgen, ben ©ctfi aufgeben. GASPAR i. Caspar (-ZOiattn-Snautc,. GASTRIC, ndj. ben Sand) (ober cigeut= lid) ten 3Kagen) betreffeut; — juice, tcr SJcagenfaft. gastriloquist, .«. ber 23audiretitcr. gastromani \", .*. bad 2i>abrfagen a«? rem &8aud)e. GASTRORAPHV, s. .1. T. taS 53aud)s iiahcu, bie i^iudmabt. GASTROTOMV, s, s. T. tcr 23aud)=> fdiuitt ; ^cai''crfdinitt. GATE. .o. l.baS Xi'ox ; bie SafltMir, Sdilagtbiir; $forte; bai ©ntter* thpr; 2. ber 2Beg, 3ng«ng, bie Ccrr= nuini ; ber ©ong ; gates of a dock, bie J£f)uren ciucr Totfe ; pate hinges, bie ^fortenangeln ; — bouse, bao ©c= fangniS ui 3Befhniuftcr; —vein. .?. T. bic "J'fiH'tatcr; — w;\y, tcr Jl'Pl- rpeg ; JOcg turd) tic ©at'tcrthorc ciu= gebagter ©runtftuefc. gated, adj. mit Sbprcn ocrfcbcu. To GATHER, v. I. a. 1. faininclu, yer= famntciii; eiufammcln ; 2. eruten ; jjprfen, fefen; 3. auf baufen; 4. ausmabtfit ; 5. geroinnen, bcfonimeii ; (i. Tup. t. tageii marben ; 7. ( — up) eiufamntclu, (ufammenfaffen, fatten, fa'tcln, yifaninuAjicrci! ; 8. (legifd)) )Vblicf;cit; to — breath, HMCbtT 1U Sltbcnt foinmen, fid) crbpleu, frifebt Sitft fdippfcn ; to — dust, ftaubig U'crbcit; Staub (ein=)fainnielit, ein» ffbliufcit; to — tlesh, ait gleifd) \\u ncbnicii; to — information, fi'ifunt;= (\,\um] citi^icben ; to — strength, ;u Kraften fommen; .v. t-s. to — in the slack, (Stride, u. f. nv) angiehen; to — up the sails, tic Segel auftucber, in Molten legcn : n. n. 1. fidi font* ineln, feine Jlrafte nnftrengeti, fid) rerfainiiteltt ; 2. ticfer, gre fjcr toets ben : 3. (iiter jiebcit ; to — to matter, eitcrn ; to — to a head, (?itcr fctcr. ; fig. reifen ; to — to a curd, gerin= nen; to — on another vessel, cillCllt atibern Sd)iffe ben SDtub abgeroin= UCU ; a mob gathers, (i tft (ill 3lllflaiif. gather, s. bie Saltc. GATHERABLE. adj. eiitiicbinbar, ,u fd)licf;cu (it. ii.). gatherer, s. ber Sanimlcr ; C?iu- faiuniler; ( — of the customs, ber 3pll=)(5i!tiicf)mcr. GATHERING, s. 1. brtS Samiiicli:, (Sinfanimelit, Olufbaufcti; 2. (iitctn ; 3. tic Eotlecte; fyp.T-8. tic 8«g« (gentpbnlid) fiinf ptcr fed>8 SBogcnJ ; — hoard, bie Vajicubailf ; — of taxes, bic Steuererbebung. gaud, s. ber ^uu, Sd)nuicf, Etaar. GAUDERY, s. ter ^tift, Slitterftaat. GAUDINESS, s. ber ubcrtriebcnc $uS, reiebe aber ju bunte Starit. GAUDY (orf» — ily), adj. iibertricbcu pracbtig, flimmernb, in ^liitent, gc= fdiniad'lps auigepufet; bunt. GAUGE, Gauokr, i»/.Gaoe. &c. GAUL, s. 1. ©allien, Sranfreid) ; 2, ein Sranjofe. GAUNT (adv. — ly), adj. bagcr, biirrc GAUNTLET, s. rid. Gantlet. gauze, s. tic ©ate, tcr Dunne <5e£» bcnflpr; baS biinnc 5)ral)t»ert (^1 Scuftcr). GAUZY, adj. ga^cartia, florabnltd). gavel, «. 1. ta$ SPunbel (?lebrcn) ; 2. pruvmc. ber i ; Pben ; — kind, /.. T bie gleifbe Pi -bre nbcilung unter SBrfls bern (befcnbers in Kent). GAVELOCK, s. ber 2i ! urf|'picfi, bit ^arpune. GAVf>T, s. bic ©avpfte ( ein ^nn;")- GAWK, ... 1. ber .Jvwfucf ; 2. f?i'a« . fait«i)tnfel. GEND GENE JENT gawky, i. s. cant, bcr grojle, magere, ungefititfte 3J?enfcf) ; n adj. Minim, einratttg, tolpifd), inigefdjicft, lin= Fi fd). S\X (ado. — 1LY>, 0'//. 1. tllitig, fr6|« lid), muutcr; 2. aiisgelaffen, rottb; 3. gepttljt, gejiert, pracbtooU ; fdunt, glanjenb, t)dl; — colours, lebbafte Sarben ; — nesB,s. vid. b. ii. Gayety. GAYETY, oiA Gaiety. GAYS* >ME, adj. OOli OJintitcifctf cm. ii.;. Tu GAZE, v. n. fefi anfcbcn, ftarrcn, anftarrcit, aitftauitcii, gaff en ; to stand gazing about, fid) Itntfeheit. GAZE, «. 1. bcr ©tarrblirf, bag ^?t«= ftitrren, ©taunen ; 2. bie ©cfcau ; to be or stand at (a) — , anftarrcit ; to be upon the — , ftauitctt, a 11 fttlll II C :i, fjaffcu ; — hound, bcr 2Binb&unb. GAZEFUL, adj. binftauncitb, tm Vhtf)- ftnttcit. GAZEL, ». bit ©ajeHe. GAZER, s. tcr Mnftaunenbe, Qarrcr. GAZETTE, b. bic Settling. To GAZETTE, r. «. ill ciltC 3*"it»"3 ft* t}Clt. GAZETTEER, ». 1. bcr %tit\inQS- frbreibcr: ^eitunaStrSQcr ; 2. boS 3citiina,slcricon ; :i. bic 3etfuiig. GAZINGSTOCK, ». 9lUefi WaS man mit Stattnen obet SBtberroiUen anficbt, bal JOunberbing, ©dbaufpiet. G v/.< >N, .?. art. bcr au8gcftod)ene 3Ia= fen. GEAR. ». 1, b.tS obet bcr 3citii, bcr ©toff, ta3 ©eroanb, bic .KlciMtuq, £vad)t ; 2. ba3 ©eratb, ©efcb>r, 3ugaefmt'rr ; head — , ba8 Jtopfjcwq, bewtOpfjMt} ; Gears, .v.7' vid. Jeer, «2c. To GEAR, o. a. anfleibcn ; anfcbirten. SEAT, s. T. bcr (Stngujj. GEE, Gee ho, int. (bci ben 3llbr(cutctt) jiit)! bottjiib! &otro! gelatin, .?. bic ©alltrtc. GELATINATE, «. I. n. JU ©allcrtc mad)cu ; n. n. jtt ©allerte werbcn. GELABLE, a#. aefticrbar. I!;-;; ;:;^; )US ja ( //.ga.Icrtartig, 5 abe. 7b GELD, V.O, 1. cntmanncit, caftrts vcu, ycrfdmcit'Cii, tuallad)cit ; 2. »cr= ftiimmcin, befdjneiben. GELDER, s. bcr 33etf$neibft ; — rose, bcr SBafferljolintber, ©rbjieebatteu (Viburnum opulus — I,). gelding, ». bcr SffiaUad). gelid, adj. febr fait, col. eiSfatt. GEUDNESS. s bic gtofe .ttairc. GELLY, ». bic ©allerte, r/./. Jelly. GEM, s. 1. bic ©einme, bcr (Sbclfteht; 2. /;. T. baa Sluge; —like « GEM, ti. I. a. finit (fbclftctiicn) bt> fefcen; II. ?j. ?lugcn, JtitCopcn bc= foiitntcit. GEM EL, .9. II. T. baa SPaar ; — ring, t. bet 5)oWelring. GEMELLJPAROUS, adj. 3>»Wi"ge gc= barenb. GEMINATE, v. a. uerbOpV?!'! ; U>tCbCl = bolen (if. ii.). gemination,*, bic S3crbovpelung ; SBieberljolnng. gemini, I. *. pi. Mst. t. bic 3wiUtnge (tm £biertmfe) ; n. int. mdg. o 3e= mini ! GEM1N0US, adj. bOppclt, gcboppelf. «::miny, s. pi. ba« $aar, bic 3roiW Iinge. GEMMARY, s. bil« ®cbmil(ffa|M)Clt. GEMMEOUS,*//. sit bcnebciftcincii)K-- bbrifl ; gemm'cuartia, ; cbclftcinarti.i. gemmv, aij. cbcirtcinartig. GENDARMERIE, ) s. pi. (fraitt. ? ens- 6ENDARMS, ^ (fames) bic ?cib = \vnd)t ; VanbcSpolijei GENDER, s. Oram, T. ba« ©cfd)kd)t, OtlUlS. To gender, v. I. a. jcugcnj bcr^pr= brinacn, bemirfen ; ji. )4 . |id> bcgat= ten, fid) paarcn ; l)crfcn. GENEALOGICAL, adj. <\UKth\\ihi\ gum ©cfrbleditsrcgiftcr gcljbrig ; — tree, bcr ^tamiiibaum. GENEALOGISTT, ». bcr ©cnealog, ©c= fd)led>t«Junbige. GENEALOGY, ». 1. bic ©eiteafogte; @cfdilcd)tjfunbc ; 2. baS @e|"d;lcd)t8= tegtfter. GENBRABLE, adj. erjeugBar. GENERAL, I. adj. 1. allgenieiit ; 2. gcmi.i|)ii[id) ; II. .«. 1. bad Vlllgenicinc, ©anje; 2. MU. t. bet ©eneral, 5«lb» heir ; :i. DrbenSgeneral ; 4. ©enes ralmarfdi; fieldmarshal — , ©enernl= fclbmarfdiall ; excise — . ©eneraU accifc, u. f. tu. ; In — , tm ©an^cn (^Ugemeirien) genomnten, fibets ImiiVt; a — officer, cin Cbercffi= cicr ; to have a — iiivit.iiion.citt fiir alte HJlal eingelabe n fe»n ; to tke a — leave, tibcrall SIbfdjieb lKrmcit; — approbation, Uligetpetltet '^eifall ; .i/. /; ». — acceptance, Uilbebtngte '.'111= ttahnte, purer Slccept; — account, bie i§aiq>tred)nung ; — average, bie grope (ober ©eneraU) ^tiferei; — post-office, ba8 Dbetpofiamt ; — re- lease, bcr ©eneral=@rlfl{) ; bie ©enes raUOutttung. GENERALISSIMO, a bcr Cbcr^cttcral, ©eneraliffiinuS. GENERALITY, s. 1. bie "?lll^cmcinbcit. baS ©anje ; 2, bcr meiiie Jbcil ; the — of men. bic ntciftcu i'lCltnteil. generalization, s. baS SSetaHge* meinen. To GENERALIZE, v. a. "cralljicmcincn. generally, adv. (illgemeiit, fibers fjanpt; im ©anjen; meiftens, gc= meintgtid), fjauftg ; — speaking, fioers f)aupt (tm ©anjen) geuommen. GENERALNESS, ». bic 'Jllla.cmeiubcit. GENERALSHIP, s. bic ©cttcralfteilc ; gelbberritfunfi. GENERALTY, «. oil Generality, GENERANT, s. bic 3eugung8fraft. Ta generate, p. a. jeugen, fortyftan* jen, gcbarcit ; beruorbrtngeit. generation.s. i.bie Jeugung, ^cr= oororingung; 2. Slbftammung ; 3. ba» (MefdiUebt, bcr ©tamm, bie ^Jadifoniineiifdjaft, Slbfunft, ©e« fo5iecr>t«folge, baS ©lieb, ber ©tab; 4. bad ©efqjlecfctealier; 3«»f«ltw< generative, adj. I. jeugenb, fort* ^flanjcnb; 2. fniditbar; — faculty, baS 3cugung6oerm5gen. GENERATOR, ». 1. ber ©rjeuger, Stammoater ; bic 3eugungefraft ; 2. mod. bcr Taiitpfersen.ier (cin Tanipffeffel bei Dampfgefdju^). GENERIC, \adj. 1. flC= GENERICAL (ado. — i.y). S neri'dv ges fdilcdnlidt, bai ©efd)led)t betreffenb, nntcrfd)cibciib ; 2. alt ©cfdilerbt. generosity, ». 1. bic ^odjfjerjtgs feit, bcr (Sbelflnn, Seelenabel, bte ©ro§mut^ (w. ii.j ; 2. greigebiglcit. GENERI fU8 (ado. —i.y), adj. 1. -f VPtt cbler Slbfunft, abetig ; 2, gropmfi tbip,. grog&erjig, ^oMerjig, offen ; 3. freigebia; 4. ftarf, froftigj 5. fitbu, inutQtg, milliter foon C6ie rcn); — wine, gciftrcidier (ebter) 2Bcin ; — nes>) ». tuic Generq qd. rid. GENESIS, s. 1. ba« critc 'i'lidt 9Jlo|t« ; 2. (t T. bte (Sntjte^ung einer Siuie, v Alaebc, n. f. ru. GENET, t. I. ber 3dtcr, fpanifd)e Jllcppcr-. 2. bie ©enctte (fpauifebe roilbeAafte); —skins, witbe J?afeen«. bauif. GENETHLIACAL, m F. |ltm ^iati'.utatfttllcii ge^orig. GENETHLIACS, $.pl.Ji»trd. T. ba5 ?3a» tiiMtatftellcn. GENETHLIATHIC, ». bet '?ia:;''.ita:- ftcltcr. GENEVA, a 1. (bit St«bl bic JCad)l)oIberbeeren ; 3. bet 933 bolberbrannrroein, aid <;is. GENEVANISM, *. bcr flrenge (5aluiiii«- mii*. GENEVESE, I. ». ber ©ewo^net be: Stabt ©enf; II. adj. an; I GENIAL, adj. 1. jilt JtUgUlig (ACr! = pflanjnng) ge hong, jeugenb : >. mans ter, frbbltdt : — bed, bat (M^cbcttc; — days, geieriage, frobjicbe Stage; — beat bic natfirfidje ■'-. . : — power, bie 3 fU gnngSfraft ; — , bie SebenSgeifter. GENIALLY, adj. I. natnrlidt, »on tar itu. fi.J ; 2. fixb, milliter, mit 8u(l, GENICULATED, adj. mit tfltotni ptcr -?lbfaecit. GENICULATION, s. t.u- ."tuicbciigcn ; /; /' baSJtuotige. GENU, ». pi Don Gi ai is I. 2dni(}= geijtet, ©cnieu. GENIO, .<•-. bcr Sonberling. GENITAL, I. adj. jut 3 tbiqfeir, Aeiitbeit bcr iitlen, Aciitbcit be-.- ©efrbinaciVe, ^ebenSart oou uebmer SIbfunft. V'.« GENTILIZE, r. u. tuic till Icbcn. GENTLE, adj. I. oon gutem Stnnbe ucrncbiii; 2. aitmtttbi.i, artig, gtitig, freunblicb, gelinbc, befdnfti= flenb, fauft, fromm, frieblirb; —folk, mdg. bte Oornebnten; — ■.- fronune SJ3ferb; —reader, gencigtet gefet ; — and simple, Dornebm unt gemein ; —tempered, fanfintiitbia. GENTLE » bic SRabe, ber 3Biirm IU11I iHngeln. CENTLEMAN, s I. bctjKamt oon®e> bnrt rroieroobl nidjt oom tigentlh du'it Olbcl ; 2. btt 3J?aim uon 5tan> 161 GEOR GET GHEi\ u (aucb font boebitctt'; oorucbmc SWann, .feerr; 3. fetne wlann, fBlann Brn SBilbung; brave iWinit ; ©ie« bcrmaun ; — , (or — usher), Jlammer- bienet {tmtS ©rofeit); —of the bed- ham er, bet JJammeriunfet; 10 be bom a — , »on gutet gamiliefenn; lie lias more of the — , CV. ft*** pettier flltfi : — commoner, tcr mebr bemit; telte S.fiibcnr, Stubent hohcvci- C>laf= fe (auf ben euglifcben Unioerfttaten) ; — tanner, ein oornebmer "i>.iditcr ; — like (— ly), ooruebm, anftaitbig, btc= bet: — pensioner. Ciller 0011 bet 15= itiglicben Scibgarbe; Gentlemen, jU. bent SSolfe, bet ntebete 3lbel, Saubabef, tic -}>erfoncu oom jroetten [Range; ^etfonen oon abelt= ger SlbFunft ; bte ^errcn, febone SBelt; noiniity and—, bet Slbel unb bte SSornebmeit. GENUFLECTION, ». bic ^niebcugung. GENUINE (adv. — ly). adj. 1. crf)f, Ult= oetfalfebt, unoettntfefit, vein, tauter, toabr, autbentifd) ; 2. natiiviicb ; — i 3s s. bic 6'djtbeit, Unmfalfcbtgeit, SJleinljeit, SatttcrFcif, SBaljrljeit. genus, s. bafi ®enug, ©efdjleebt. GE (CENTRIC, adj. Jlst T. geOCCU= trtfd), einerlei sjjfJitfelpunFt mtt bet ©rbe babcub ; oom SRittelUUiiFt bet ©tbe. nEODE, s. bet (§ rbfieirt. GEODES, s. G. T. bte Selbtf)ci[uiigS= fuuft,5eibmct)fiiiift. GEODETIC, Geodetical, adj. G. T. JUt Selbmeiifunft gebbrig. geoffry, s. ©ottfrict (3JiamtSname . geographer, s. bcr ©cogvaph, (S«= befebrcibev, (frbfuubigc. GEOGRAPHIC, I adj. ge= GEOGRAPHICAL (ado. — ly), J Ogra= pint*. GEOGRAPHY, s. bicQcegrapbic, Etb= beufucibung, (?refuutc. GEOLOGY,*, bte Vchvc son betSRas tut unb ©efc&affen&eitbet (Stbe,®eos logic. GEOLOGICAL, adj. }u bcr ©cologie gc= hbria,. GEOMANCEE, *. bcr ©comant, Spunf* tirfttnjtter. GEOMANCY.s. bie ©comantic, $uuf= tirFunft. ge< imantic, adj. aeomaittifcB. GEOMETER, ) s. bet ©eomctcr, GEOMETRICIAN-, ) SDZcgEfinftler. GEOMETRAL, ) ,. ... GEOMETRIC, frSSvJfttt GEOMETRICAL, {ado.— ly), ) nuuua ' 5Tb CE0METR1ZE, v. n. geonietrifef) vev'abreit, [?anb meffen, abmeiTcn. GEOMETRY, s. bte ©comctrie, SJhfc fuuft. heopontc, adj. jum yclbbait geborig (to. ii.). 3B tPONics, s P i. bte gelboaufimbe. BEORGE, s. l. ©eorg, col. ®3rge (3HannSname) ; 2. ba« ©tlb befl bc; = ligeu ©eurgc ju 5Jferbe, roelcbcS 'bic 166 fitter oom olauen £>ofciikiitbe tw gen, unb .Mefer Crecn felbft; brown — , baj (ioinntifibrob ; St — 's agaric, bet ® eorgenfrb,roamm ( 3J?aif($toainm, SQetgttng. GEORGIC I. adj. bie ?ebrc BOtn gclb= bait betreffenb ; II. Georgics, bic ©covgica, Se^te, oeer ba$ (i»irgili= f eh c ) ©ebieot »ont 214 erbau. GEORGIL'M SIDUS, s. bcr Ul\illU°. geoscopy, s. bie ®eofcopte. Srb£ennt= n t p, ©rbbeobacbtung, i»orheroerfiin= btgung bcr grucbtborfeit beS 3tlE (FaJco rapax — K). GERM, s bcr Jteim. GERMAN, I. s. 1. bafl reutfdi ; 2 bcr (Me) £cut|\te;3. ©evmatui^ (SKantt§= name) ; u. adj. 1. beutfeb; 2. letb= lief); in compos. — clock, bie hiMjcnte («ci)roar5TOalbcr=) Ul)r ; — commer- cial association, bet bClltf(f)C 3oll»et= banb, 3°Uoetetn ; cousin — . bcr lcib= licbe better, bie leiblidie 33afe ; — Bute, bte Duetflote ; — key. s. t. ciit Scb/luffel 511m 3abua;icsii'ben ; _ marmot, bcr i^amjtet ; — ocean, bie ■Jtorbfee; — siiver.bafi Sienftlbet; — text, Tup. T. yraftiivfcbrifr; —toys, 9iiivnbcrgev Spielfad)cu. germander, ©amauber, 33atb= Cltgcl (Teucrtum chamxdrys — L.) ; tree — , bcr i^aumgamauber ( Teucrium fiavum — L.) ; water — , bet 2Bajfet= sBatbcngel, ^aebcnhioblaud) (Teucri- vmscordium — />.) ; \vild — , bas 93er= gipmcillllidjt (Veronica, chamadnjs .— L\ GERMANIC, adj. 511 5)eutfc$la«b gebo= tenb. Germanism, s. bie beutnte £utacbet= genbeir, bet ©erinantSmuS. GERMANY, s. 2)enti'd)taub. GERMEN, .-•. bet fieim. GERMlNANT, adj. fcimcitb, fproffeitb, Stvetge ttetbenb. To GERMINATE ». I. n. fcimcn, au»= febiagen, fvroffeu; H. a. wad;fcnma= rben (it. ii.) GERMINATION, s. ba5 JTetmcit, 2vrof- feii; bet 2Sad)§tf)um. GEROCOMY s. Med. T. bcr baS Slltet betrepnbe .-ibeil rev SLrjenetfunbe. Gertrude, s. ©citnu (grauenna= me). GERUND, s. Gram. T. baS ©eruitbilim. GESTATION, 5. 1. ba§ ^'vaditi ■V'C'MI, bie SvadUtgfeit; 2d)iiMitgcrfd;aft ; 2. vai ivagen. GESTATORY, adj. tvagbar. GESTIC, adj. lcgciibeul)aft ; gefd;iebt= lid'. To GESncULATE, r. I. n. feltfamc @e= bcrben madjen; 11. «. uadjaljmcu, nadjaffen. gesticulation. 5. bte ©cbcrbimg. GESTicuLATOR s. bet spoffetttetjjer. GESTICULATING, adj. bnvd) ©ebcrtcn Borftellenb. GESTURE, 5. bic ©ebcrbc, rebucrifdic ©eroegung, Scllung, §altuug. T» gesture, r.a. ®ebetben ju tttoas macoen. To GET, 1: ir. I. a. «erfit),iffen ; crba(= ten, cvlangcu, bcfommcn, errocrbcit, oerbienen, getoinnen, befifeen, baben ; II. 71. gelangen, gcvatben, fommcit, gehen; to — bread, ©rob eviocrbeu; to — by heart (or without book), 01tS= vocntig leriicn ; to — a wife, cine gtou iiebmeu; to — children. Jtiiucr jeugen ; to — with chi d, fdn»an= gent; to — a cold, fid) crfaltcii; to — a stomach, ?Ippctit befomntcit ; t« — information of ... , i)Jad)vid)t ciu» ^ieben iibev... ; to — the slip, burcb* fallen, ctnen dioxb befoinmen; to — the better, vid. Better ; to — the wind of a ship, cincin 3d)iffe ben SBtttb ab* getoinnen; to — a fan, cincu gall tbnti; to — a thing Ai§e) ; umlaufett (sotn 3Bin^ be) ; to — to shore, lanben ; m — to- gether, tufammen bringen; jufam^ men Fommen, fid) oetfamme(n : to- through, burdibvingrn; burd)fom= mejt ; to — up, auf bvingen, aufbeben ; aufroeden; roieber einortngeu ; auf= fteben, auffteiiicii, tm '^reife fteigcu, ouffcblagen ; binauf fommen ; coi. 51;= bereitcu; to — up again, toieber <\u\- fontmen, fid) toieber erbolen; to — within, oid. To — in. GETTER. .*. 1. bcr grlanget, iJcifcbar- fet ; 2. 3c»ger. S3atet. GETTING, s. 1. baS (5r(angen, i\-r» febajfen, u. f. w. ; 2. bcr (invcrb, ©e* totiin, ©etoilinft ; the prices are — low, (— up), .1/. v.. tie SPreifc ftnb tm 9lbncbmeu (tin Stcigen). GEWGAW, i. s. ba3 Spieltoerf, !km* berroerF, ber Xanb ; EL adj. gldnjeni obuc tnnern@ebalt GHASTFOLLY,<«ir. 1 . traurig ; 2. gram fenb, fdirccflid), eutfc^lidi, febauber* baft. GHASTLINESS, s. 1. bag 0rau'"en, ivntfcfecn, tic ©raf-lidifeit; 2. ioti tenblaffe. GHASTLY, adj. 1. graf-ficb, cntfefclidj fiuditbav ; 2. tobtenblaf. GHENT, s. (tie Stabt) ©cut (in %\arv beru) GIGA GIPS GIVE MIERKrN, ». tic (sfftggurfe, Spfcffcv= gnrfe. GHOST, *. 1. ter ©eift, bt'e Sccte (w. a.) j 2. tad ©cfpcnft; 3. bcr bcilt^c ©etft; to eive up tiio — , ten ©etft aufgeben, fterbett. GHOSTLIKE, adj. cjcifieva fjultd) ; bof)l= auajo,; etngefallen. GHOSTLJNESS, s. bie ©ciftcrlid;fcit («• »■). . . GHOSTLY, orf/ getfhg ; getjlermaftg ; geiftlid); —father, bet iieidityatcr j -hour, Me ©cifierfiuabe. GIANT,*, bee afiefc. GIANTESS, *. tie SRieftnn. to GIANTIZE, v. n. beu 9ticfcit fpiclcn. giantlike, / adj. riefenmaf ig J "11= GIANTLY, S gtbener, giganttfd). giantry, ». bad (Rtefcngefc&ledjt (w. ii.). GIANTSHB?, «. tad 5Riefentbum. GIAOUR, *. (tiirfifd)) ber Unglaubige. To GIBBER, ». n. uuartifulirte Same aiidftojjeu; fdjnattern. GIBBERISH,] s.bad Jtaubctttalfd) ; II. adj. fauberroalfd) fprcdwib. GIBBET, ». 1. tec ©algeit j 2. Duet* baum, badOuerljolj. To GIBBET, v. a. Iiangett. gibbositv. \s. 1. bieSBBIbung; GBBOUSNESS, J 2. bad §5cJrige, ©ucfltge. GIBBOUS, «#. 1. genjolbt; 2. bucfelig, Ijocferig. GIBCAT, *. bet alte Jtatcr. 7b GIBE, b. a, * n. »erad)tenb fatefn, fpotten, bohien, anfjicben, ftidicln. GIBE, 8. tcr Spott, tie .fpohuetei, (§ti- cbefct. G1BELINES, s. pZ. bie ©fjibetfincii (SPatiei in^talien). giber,*, bet ©potter, fabler. 61BINGLY, adv. fvottifd), bobntfef). giblets, s.pi. bad ©anfegefrSfe, ©an* feftetn. 5IBSTAFF, ». etiic Stange, bie JEiefe SBafferd gn meffen ; cine bergleidjen, Sdjiffe fovtjufiofien. SIDDINESS s 1. bet Sdjwinbel; bad Steven; bicTrcbfranflu-itbcr Sdjns fc; 2. bte UnbeftSnbtgfeit; Uiifiattg= feit; glucbttgfeit, Unbcfcmncnfyeit, tcr «td)tfinn. 2IDDY (adv. — h.y). adj. 1. fdmunbe= lig, ttnrbcfnb, freifciib ; taumeltib ; 2. vcranberltrb, pebtig, leidjtfinnig, unbefoiineit; 3. betaubt, bcranfdu; — brained, (—headed), fd)nKltbel!8pfig, . tic SBegabtfceit. GIG,*. 1. badSabriotet; 2. betAteU fel : 3. bie ^arpuite j 4. bas mutb= wtfltge ilnibfbeii ; 5. ffloot; 6. +tie Oetge. To GIG, v. a. 8tfc$e mit ciitcr .£iavpii]ic fangen. GIGANTEAN, adj. riefeitbaft, un»ibet= ftchlid). GIGANTIC (— caO, adj. gigaittucb, rie= ftnmaftg, itngcbcucr; — fennel, bafi 5Rutf)cufiMHf, ©artenftauti — sta- ture, bcr 3liefeiniuid)*. GIGGLE, s. ba$ ^tirbern, ©efic^er. to GIGGLE, o. «. tidu-ni. giggler, ». bafl Sacijmaul. GIGLOT Gifi[.KT), I. s. tic iPiihltiruc; ir. adj. unbeftartbtg, ftucbtig; ucr= bublt. to GILD. r. a. 1. »crgoltcit ; t. fd)lllii= cfeii, glaitjenb miidu-it. GiLDEK, s. 1. tcr Sergolbet; 2. 0uf= belt, riil. Guilder. gilding, 8. ba« 33ergoIben, bieS3et= golbung. GILES, 8. 3uliu3; SIcgtbiufl (IDlaimSs name). GILL, « sing. 1. '»/»/./-. 0011 Giluak 3uld)cn; 2. ami. bas ii ; cibdicii, o/rf. Jill; 3. bet @tbep§eu duLGbourd ivy) ; 4. bad and (5'rbcpbcii bcrcitctc SBter, Jlraiiterbier ; 5. tic 33iertel= Vintc, tad Ouartd)cit ; 6, vrmine. bie jtluft, Spalte (in einem jflerg) ; ber 89et0firom ; tcr Sacb ; 7. tic axe mit 5mci SRSbem junt Surtutaffcu tc-j ^auboljed; 8. gills, «. pi tie Jctemeit, Aifdtobrcii; tic -rd)iiabcll\uir (bet SQogel) ; ttu< gtetfeb untcr teni ,Uinii, bcr\«atcr, tic 2d)lavpe, bad ©att= Iiippd)cn ; —fin, bie .ftopffiniic ; — house, bad Jtrautet=83iet^aiJd. gillian'. 8. Sultana Srauenname). GILLYFLOWER,*. bit^lt\tt(Dianthus — /..) ; queen's — , bie Sfta$t9ioIe ; stock — , bie Se»!ot)e. gilse, *. bcr inline i!acb,d. (jilt, ». bie Usergolbimg : — head, bie ©otbfotelle; — tail, bet ©olbrourm. GIMBAL,*. betSiigel bed :Had)iliau= fed oter bed ©ompaffed. GIMBLET, », tcr £Bo|rer, ^vitbobrcr. GLMCRACK, ^. bad fd)5ne ^pielaicrf, bcr Sanb. GIM.MAL I .1. bcr Heine .ftnnftgriff, tic incd)anifcbe SSotridptung ; 11. a,ij. and SJtingcn befiet)enb. gimp, ». feibene Spibcn. GIN, 1. 1. tie Sdjltnge, 2)pbne, bet 2prcnfcl, Aallftriif ; 2. cine (gro|e) SRamme fJJfa^le etitjufrftlaaen, bad SfJammgerufl ; bcr .^ebcbocf, bad ^e= bejeug • 3. bie '•Vrcffc, Jolterbanl ; 4. ^iinipc; 5. (Sgrentrmafdjine (lunt (.'* uthiilfcii bcr roben 33aumvuDUe) ; fi. abbr. fiir Geneva, qd. ml) tcr Si'acbhplbcrbranutivein ; —fish, bcr 3i'i»fif, d. n. $5ringe audnebmen. gipsy, «. I. bet S.ificuner, tie 3igeu= nerinn; 2. feud, tic [ofe ,flcir.e .^cre. GIP8YISM, ». 3i'3eunerrrrtfn GIRAFF, Gikajtve, .5. tcr Jeamclc >arb, bie ©itafft. GD1ANDOLE, s. -.nod. bcr grope 3lrm« lci'ditcr. GIRASOL r. 1. bie ^Piinenroenbe. Sonnenbluine, //- iotropiwn — 1. 2. bcr 3 omicitftctn, ClmI. to GIRD b a \- n. f. giirren, unigiir* ten; 2. umfrbjietien, nmgeben, 6r« fleiben; 3. fueipen; 4. ftidieln, rochr tb:iii, fdjindben. GIRD, s. bad Jincipcn, bcr Jlnipp, Stid). GIRDER, », 1. T. tcr iMntcbalfen; 2. tcr Sattjrtfet. GIRDLE, ». 1. tcr Rnrt, ©urtel; I Umfang, Be|irf; 3. Jlicrfrcid; — belt, bcr Ceibgurt. to GIRDLE, v. a. gihtcn, nmgeben, umf rbltegen ; tn — trees, .im. Sin* fdmitte in tic ^iiiitc tcr SBiume ma* riu-ii, biimit fie abfterben. GIRDLER, 1 tcr ©tinier. GIBE,*, via Gtrb. i;ii!i.. s. I. bad 3Jiabrqen; 2. s r . r.. tcr :Ucl)(n\f von Jtoei jabren; —hood. tie jttnbbeit tine< -.Vi.udKtid, bie SD2abd)enfd)aft n>. u. . GIRLISH, adj. mat dun baft, jngenblirb ; — ly, ado. »te cin junged 3J}dbcbeit; — ness, 8. b>M jugenbltcpe, finbifebe SCBefen eined SKabdjend, GLRROCK, 8. ber Sr5tfer, tic 2tafbcl? mafrelc. GIRT, f ». ). ber ©nrt; SattelflUrt ; GIRTH, S 2. bcr Umfreid, Umfang, tie -.Kcripbcvic ; 3.5 T bie J,iitelbintc ; — leather, bet ©urtriem ; —line, .\: T. ber fludtjoler bej 8abt6aumd SoOtau. to GIRTH, r. n. giitfen. to G13E <■■ a. L. T. iiberlaffcn, ver» mifthen (bad £tiftred>t . GIST, «. /.. T. ter ohimb . cincr ile= fdjulbigung, 11. f. ». . Girii. *. tcr inbianifdje (fpanifdje) SPfeffer) {Capsicum — /. GITTERN, *. ml Guitar; To Gitters. p. 7/ iiuf ber Saute fpielen. v . > < ; 1 \ 1 :. 0. La. 1. geben, ^etgeben, fjingeben; iibergeben: fdjenfen; tbcilen: 2. Spretd geben; 3. geroa^ rcn, geftatten, etlaubcn ; 4. ergeben ; to — a bill (of exchange), M K. etncii SOedjfel OUdfteDen ; to — inliination, Jlnjeige mad)en; to — [the compii- 11,. ml of the day, gritfjert, ; viten tag (bie 3 1 1 1 ; bieicn ; — me \. fcc^ba lobe id) mit . ., U. f. XO.) ; 10 — an anecdote, Ptwad cv^'ihlcu; to — a Bong, eind ftngen; to — a description of.., cine in'fdn-eibHng macbcii vrn . . ; to — a (the) hearing, juljoren; to — one a call, ciiien rnfen ; vrr fmeebeit, ciiien furjen Befud) ma- cbcii; to — a visit, befudjen; to — one a fall, einem cin ©ein unterfteUen ; to — a guess, ratben ; to — a person his own. an jfd)clten ; to — a senti cin llrtbeil fpredjen ; 10 — a look. eihen Sltcf geben, nnbltden; to — a ham., cine !nev. GIVES, s. pi. vid. Gyves. gizzard, s. ber .Rrohf, SRagen eined ©Ogcld) ; he frets his — , vulg. CV JCT= brid)t fid) ben .Roof. GLABROUS, adj. fllfttt. glacial, ai i}. eiftg, gefroren. To GLACIATE, v. n. Jit ©id locrbctt, gefrieren. GLACIATION, s. bad ©efrieten. GLACIERS, s. pi. bic ©Ictfdjcr, gtrver (i'l^berge ber ©dnoei$). glacious, adj. etjtg, cidartia.. GLACIS, s. Fort. bad ©lacid, bic Sbs bacbuttg ber anient ©ruftroebr, 3elb= brnftroebr. glad, a/ij. 1. frob, erfrcnt ; jufrieben, oergnugt, better; 2. erfrenltcb, ange= neljm, rcUcnb, praditvoll erbeitenib; I am — of it. baa ifl init lieb. To GLADDEN (or Glad), v. I. a. Bts freuen, fvob maiten ; it n. fid) frenen. gladder, s. bcr (Mrener. BLADE, «. I.ber'?ln6bait, ItdjteSIerltnt SBalbe, bic Stdjtung, SISge; SBBalb= obet Worflrotrfe; ber «6oUmeg ; bie SBilbbahn; .v /: 2 Irteoffene ©telle tut @ife; 3. glatteS @t«. gladen, I s . bcr ©cfiroertel, bie uL.\DEit. s ©*wettljlte. 168 gladiator, s. ber Jvlopffedjtcr, fPreisfampfer. GLADIATORY, n//. fedjterarftg. gladly, ado. gent, mtt greuoen. gladness, *. bic greitbe, '8'ri-'blid)fcit, ber irinmpb. GLADSOME («eifj bc= fttetcben. glaive, i. bie ©lefe, ©lafei {§tUt* barer ). GLANCE, .'. 1. ber Sebimmer, Sid)t= ftvabl, bafi ^idu. ber ©life; 2. ©lief, Streifbltcf; 3. bie Ucberfirbt; at the first — , ouf ben crfteu ©lief, fogteicb, — coal, oid. Anthracite. 7b GLANCE, b. i. n. i. einen pfi^liiT^t ©tcahl roerfeit, ftrablcn, aiiftrablcn ; fduntntent, glanjen ; 2. blicfeit, an= blitfen ; 3. fd)tieU betuegen, oorbei fliegcit: 4. fettroartS berubren, jlret= fen, anftrctfeit; 5. tabeln, ftidjeln, an= fpielcit, jielen ouf . . ; to — ever. uberbltcfen, burdtfebeu; to — upon. bc= riibfcn, ui iHuftebcn geben, anbeuteit; ii. a. (einen fliid)tigen Seitenbltd auf etroaS) werfen. glaxcinglv, ado. cbcnbiit, im S3or« beigeben. glands, s. pi. bie SJrufen ibei ben >D?enfd)cn . GLANDERED, adj. briifeitfranf. glanders. s . pi. bie Drufe (j?ranf= beit ber ^ferbe). GLANDIFEROUS, adj. (Sidjeln trageub. GLANDULAR, adj. mod. bnifig. glandule, s. bie Heine 5>rufe; S)rnfe. glandulositv.5. ba« ^riiftgc(n).u.). GLANDULOUS, adj. M'iifig. To GLARE, v. La. 1. fdiimmcrii, lcnd) = ten, fd)eincn; 2. bcropiftcdn-n ; 3. on* ftarrcn, tiMlb limberbliifen ; II. a. (einen blenbenben ©(an;) roerfeit, glare, s. 1. ber (blenbeitbe) ©(an), ivtimmcr ; baG Aiinfeln: 2. berroilbe burebbringenbe ©lid; 3. ber jat>e, cirjctiiartige ©toff. GLAREors, adj. iuie (Sitoetp, jaf>e unb bnrd)fid)tig. GLARING (adv. — ly), adj. bteilbfllb, auffaQenb ; — crime, bad offenbare ©erbrec^eu, glass. i. s. l. bafi ©Ia§; 2. Xxinh gla-J; 3. StunbengtaS; 4. 5'crnglal; 5, ber ©arometer; 6. Spiegel; sea Ezp-s. in half a — . in cincr" balbctt ©tunbe; it adj. glafeni, glaSarttg; in compos. — beads (corals). ©(aSEOKU- len ; —Mower, ber ©laiblafer ; — bottle, bie ©laSflafdje; —coach, einc ,Hiitfd)cntit ©laSfeiiftern, ber Sd)ei= benroageu; —feathers, bie $u|febern ton igaarglas ; — ful, bas ©la artig. glauber-S.ALT, .'. baS ©laiibcrfa!;. GLAUCOMA, s. Med. T. ber graite Staar; ba§ ©leubroerf, bcr blaue S>unft, GLAUCOUS, adj. gran, Man. GLAVERER, s.vulff. ber 2dinteidiler. To GLAZE, v. a. 1. init ©lajfcbciben reru-heu; 2. glafnvcn, glafiren, ftr= niffen; 3. pclircit, glanjeni madicti. glazed, adj. mit ©laefnii'tern ; g(a= fiet; pplirt; —frost, HS ©lattci-5 ; — boards i ; ref:i"pdllC ; — paper, bil3 gegldttete papier. glazier, s. bcr ©lafet. GLEAM, s. ber ©trab.1, ©lait). To gleam, v. n. firableii, funffln, lcuebteu. gleamy, adj. ftrablcnb. funfclnb. To glean, v.a. 1. tiaeblcfeit, 31c^ren lefen; 2. auflcfcn, fainmcln. GLEAN, s. bie ?Jad)lcfe, mu^COoSc ©ammlung. GLEANER, s. I. bcr Oia*!efcr, 2kb= renlcfcr; 2. ©animler. glebe, s. 1. bic firbfdjpllc, bcr Serf; SRafen ; bie Srjftufe ; 2. — «r — land, bcr J?intcugrniib, bie Spfa trader; — houses, "^farrbaufer. glebous, ) adj. ttnfig, erbig, tafen= gleby, ) reid). GLEDE or Glede kite, s. bcr .fpii^ltcr= gcier. GLEE. 5 1. bie?uft, Arcnbe, berSrbcrj ; 2. ©efang fiir nicbrcve i'uiur.crftiin= men ; ba8 ©cberj=8ieb. GLEEFUL, adj. [uftifl, ficblieb. GLEESO.ME. adj. lllitia- gleet, g. ber bunue ©iter; 9la$* tripper. To GLEET, v. n. citetll. tfOpfeln. GLEETY, adj. citcrig, fliuVig. GLEN, s. bad Sbal, bie «ebind)f. GLENE. s. a. t. bic ^fatntc an ben ©elenfeit. GLEW. vid. cuk. GLIB (adv. — ly , adj. glatf, ffbliipfltg, fliiditig ; his tongue runs very — , Ct bat cine geldimgc ^niige. T« GLIB, v.a 1. rev itntiben, cafirt= ten ; 2. glatt maebctt. GLIBNES3, s. tie Sdjlupfrtgfeif, ©e= Idnrigfeir. To GIJDE, ?•. n. fauft fli£'"ieii, gteiten. GLIDE, s. bad ©leiten, ?aiiftff:ef;cit. glider s. bcr ©leitenbe, ©cbleidjer. To GLIMMER, ?•. n. ntiiii.itcriL bSllf mem ; GLIMMERING, s. bad «rbim= mew, fcbroaci>e Vidu. glimmer, b. ber ©trimmer; ©lints mer. To GLIMPSE, v. n. fcoimmern, blinben. GLIMPSE, s. 1. bcr Vidublid', 5diim= mer, ©life, ©trabl, frbroacbe Sebeiii; 2. bad ©linfen, bcr ntticll vpriibcrge- benbe ©lid; 3. bad fiuic i v. v. ftraMrtt, glanjen, To glister, 5 gleificn. glister, s. l. bcr ©lanj, ©trimmer; 2. bad ,Ul v .iftier, vid. Clyster. glisterlng (adv. — ly), adj. gkifscub, glanjenb. To glitter, v. n. glcifieit, glanjen. GL1TTERINGLY, adv. glanjjenb. 7V»GLOAT, r. n. [an= fitielcit; (anW blinben, licbduacln GLOS n"E, i adj. rugelfotmifl, fu= VTED. 5 «I OBATE 6LOBATED, $ geltebt (;loue. s. l. bietfugel; 2. tcr Gib ball; 3. tcr jUcia oon Ariegenr, ce- lesticai — , tie ,)>tiiiniclefugei; ter- restrial — , tic (Srbfugel ; — amaranth, ber Jlugdainaranth; — animal, tcr Jftugcluj'iirm, baa Jiugdrbicr ; — arti- choke, tie Augelarttfcbofe; — craw foot, bcr fiif;c \Sabttciifufj; — daisy, bie blaue SNafHtebe ; —fish, tcrjlu= gdfifeb; — flower, tic jtugelranutts rel, Sotterblume ; — thistle, tic Stu* gclbiftcl; — of the eye, tec Slugs apfd. rmllllfx fVj. Jugelrunb, fugels oIESbob, S f*^*VW- globular, adj. Eugelrunb, fugcU fbrinig. GLOBL'LARIA, s. vid. Globe-ama- ranth. GLOBULE, «. bag ,Hitgdd)cu. globv, adj. fugelformtg, runt. To GLOMERATE, d. a. aufivicf cht, 511? fainmcnbaUcu, auffnaucln. GLOMERATION. ». 1. tic SBerbfabUllg lurJtugeiformigNtt; bad 2litfrotcfcln, gufammenbaUcn, tic Sluffnaueiung ; 2, ciit ju rin« Jiiigcl oerbunbener Jtorper. GLOMEROUS, adj. aufgcmicfdf, gc= ba!U. gloom, s. 1. bag ©tmM, tic Duffer* Nit; 2. •Scdancbdie, iranvigfeit, ter ©cam, Sritbfinit. 7b gloom, »■. 1. h. 1. bunfeT, buffer femt; 2. traurtg, mtfioergnugt, fcbiiHTiniitbig fc'./ii, fid) barmen; 11. a. oerbunfetn. GLOOMILY, ado. 1. bitnfd, bfiffer, fn"t= be; 2. febroermiitbig, traurig; 3. fiit= ftec blid'cut ; 4. ubdmolleub. GLOOMINESS, a. l.bie Dufterfeifj 2. bet Irribfinn, tie Jtraurigfeit, 33Je= lattcbnlic. GLOOMY, adj. 1. titnfd, biiflcr ; 2. traurig ; trubfiumg, mifjmuttjig, fctjroermutbig. GLORIFICATION, t. tic 93cvf)crvlt= cfeutig. To GLORIFY, r. a. 1. ocrbcrdtrbcit, preifen: 2. in tea .Oimnid aufuebs men, fdig niarbcit. GLORIOUS [adv. — lt), mW. bcrdid), crljaben, cfibmlicb, glorreicr), beriibntt. GLORY, ». 1. tcr ?Uuhnt, tic (?hvc; .*5crvlid)fcit, Sradjt, bcr ©lanj; '-'. tie Sfedjerrlicbiiiig turd) "Jlnbctuitg ; 3.eroige@elfgNit; 4. ©lorie, ©trafes Icnfroite; bcr Strabicnfrati}, @tra^ lenbof, §eiligenfcbem; 5. bieSJlubnv rcbigfeir, SPrableret, Slrroganj ; (i. (Sbrfud)t, tcr ©tofj (int ctlcit nub uiiebeln ©t'nne). To glory, v. 7i. fid) rit()mcii, prafjlcii; fiolj fe'.m (— in, auf). To CLOSE, b. 11. vid To Glozk. gloss, «. 1. bie@ioffe, SHnmerrung, SluSlegung; 2. bcr ©fan}, tic SJJolis tur; ber anftwd), gtrnijj ; beraufiere •Sdjcill ; to set n fine — upon a thin;:, eincc (£ad)c ciiicu ftbSnen 2Inftrirb gcben. To gloss, v. v. ut GNAS ^(nilrid); tic gl.injenbc D6erfla(fif, ©latte. GROSSOPHER, ». du£ Glossbr, 1. glossography, g. zm Jlusiegen, (?r= Hfiren ; SBexfaffen upii (5ominenta= r ten. glossy, «alfe. GLOVE, j. bcr .6aubfd)tib ; to be band and — , eitjjc greunbe fctn. To glove, 0. a. (line mil .§anb|'d)u= betij iibcrstcbeii. glover, 8. ber •g>anbfdju1jmadjer l SBeutler; — 's stitch, bie ©eutlernaf)t; — 's wool, StaufiooUe. TwGLDW, 0. 11. 1. flliibctt (— with in- dignation, doc Untniuen); brciutcii; 2. cine lebbafte Aarbc babcit. GLOW, s. I. tag (Mliibat, tic OUutb ; 2. beftige VIeibcufdiaft ; 3. brennenbe Aarbc ; —worm, tcr 3 D '4nnUn>nrm. GLOWINGLY, ado. glu^Wib, lcibcu= fduiftlidi. To GL( 1/.1:, r. «. a- a, (ieBrofcn, fd)met= d)clit. GLOZE, 8. tic 2d;mcid)dci ; tcr cdo= gene Sdjciit. GLOZER, s. bcr Sd;mcid)lcr, tic 2rf)mcid)lenun. GLOZING, 8. tag Sdimcidjdu; tie fal|"d)C ^arilclluiig. GLUE, 8. tcr 8etm ;^boiler, tcrScim= ficber ; — pot, bcr getmtcpf. To GLUE, r. a. 1. Icimcn; ^lantrcn; flciftcru; 2. fig. uereintgen, befteit an . . (iv. ii.). GLUER, s. tcr Scintcr. gluey, adj. Eleberw, lab^e. glwness, sJ>aS Ateberige, 3abc. gluish, adj fleierig. GLUM, adj. faitcr. nturrifdj. glummy, adj. bfifier, trube. To glut, v. a. i. oerfcblucfen, «.^cr= fc^Itngen; 2. fatttgenj anfullen, uberfullen, uberlaben; to — one's eyes, fciltc '?Iltgcit llH'itcn ; to — one's revenge, fciil illiiitbdtcu fiibleii ; to — the market, M. E. belt SRarrt mil SQBaaren ubcrfiibrcit. iiberfitlleit. GLi T, a. I. tvag uerfdjlungen mirb; 2. tic Sattbeif, (Siiilc; Ucbeifiilluiu), bcr (\\vic\; @d)roelger, tScbfcinmer; 2, Stame eiucg 2btcreg tit Sfiufslanb {Ursus /rulo — /,.). To GLtrrroNiZE, v. n. frefffii, fuaffen, fcbroelgen. GLUTTONOUS (ado. — ly), a ij. gcfta= fig, gieiig. ujt'I'iiw..., bicT3m(Tcrd, Sd)ivd= gcvei, iU ; lleici, ©efcagiafett. GLYPH, », r. ber@info>ntttjut 3t*erbe, glyptics bic Steinfcbneibefunft GLYPTOGRAPHY, • tie Jbctu'ic bcr Steinfdjneibefunjt, ©emmenfunbe. To gnarl, u ii. fnurren, inurren, gnarled, adj. titorrig, Enotta, aftig. To GNASH, b. a. * n. fuirfdicit ; 'bie 3ahitc roeifen ; tviitben. GO GNAT, .*. tic SRMc; —Boner, bal .Hitabcnfraiir ; —snapper, ber Site* gcuftcdjcr, SDincfenfrbnapper i!cgd ; — worm, tic SQaffemtucfe. To GNAW, v. a. * «. nagen, abnagcn ; benagen. aufettoad beisen, anbetpeu. gnawer, 8. ber, bie, bae Staatnbe. gnome, 8. bcr ©nohi/ grbgetil. GNOM iLOGY,j tie rar.tmluiig sou Xeiif'"vrud)Cit. GNOMON, s tcr ,Viaa' an tcr 2eu= ncitubr; tie SWagnetiiabel. GNOMONIC Gmomonicai.), adj. anom«a ntfebj gnomonics, s. pi. tie ©iioniOs nif, -ccituciiiibrfuiift. gnostic, i. 8. ber ©HeinttoifTet, ©nofliNr ; ii. ao . gebciutfuitbig, gne= ft tut. To GO, r. ir. v. 1. gcben; nn-tgeben; rcifeu; 2. aiigebeu, gelteit; 3. toti* rijcit; 4. lvcitcn ; to— a vo; joumey.eiuc Sees SJieife madje n ; i — ashore, lanteii; to — halves, jurdpatfa tc gcben ; to — mad, tell rocrben ; r>— one's own way, fcilUllt *icl'fe fclgtlt ; to — according to the times, fief) itadi ber 3eit ricbtcn, in tie Jcit utiefcit ; to — wrong, ftdj irren, llnicd^t ba= belt ; you — ill'- wrong way to work, tu faiigjt eg vevfclnt an; to — n great way, grofcit C> infliiM baben ; to — unpunished, ungeftraft blciben; how — your concerns ? or ho? the world with you .' rote aebj ca ob= \\(i\'! mai inacben 2ie? this coin won't — here, tie f c 3Jcunje gilt bier llicbt; tiie bell goes, ea rotrb gelautct ; a report goes . ., lltait fagt . . ; let — . lap leg! to let — , eilaffcit; things (matters) — very ill with him, ea ftcbt fdjlcdit mil ibni ; to — about, uiitge= ben, unternebmen, oornebmen; what do you^aboui ! roae fut)rC 3fjt tm ©cbtlbe i — - about yi gd) ! bcfi'tmnicvc bicb unt beine 2a- rben ! to — about the bush, cincit lh:t= febroeif macben ; to— abroad, auage= belt; iita SluSIanb reifeit; bcFanut roerben ; to — after, polgen, piittcrber= gcben, nacbgeben, jn rrlangcn fucben ; to — against, wtberfieben, iviberftrei- ten ; juttnbet fe^n ; to — along, fort* gcben ; to— along with one, niit ei= iiem gcben ; jig e:- mil etiteni balten, fetner SDteinung ft! • l you, we — along, Itntcnuegg; to — smoothly . langfainfortgcheu; feine^aebe in ber Stille oerricbfeit; to — aside, auf bic Sette (abivartl) gcben; irre gcben, auGfcbtoetfen ; to— astray, fid) oerirren, einen Aeblttiit tbun : i i — asunder, 0011 etnaiiber gcben, be- fonberg geben ; to — away, UH\igc= ben; baoon fommen ; to — back, ju^ rtitf gebcu ; nmfebrcn ; to— back from one's word feinSBort juruefnebs men ; to — backward jurucf gcben ; jig. fd)Ifcblagcu, ten JtrebMang ge« bcu ; to — before oerber getjew ; ten SBorfttS OberStang baben; to— be- hind, bt n tcvicr geben, folgen ; i between, ttuifcbcii ober in ber StRitte geben, jig. fictj tii iti -.Viittel ntla- geit; to — beyond, vatiibcr biuauS obet toeiter acfjen (alfl ; oorbei gc= bcu; iibcrtreffen ; uberliften; to — by, oorbei ober ooruber geben ; burcb« geben ; vergeben : geittll ; iibcrgcbcn, oerfebmerjen; fid) rtatfj e(tt»a« rtttj» ten ; no pattern to — by, Ntll SDIllftCt jut Sftadjabinung ; to — by a JV. T. ben -J'ot!^ oerlieren; to — by the loss, ben 83ertuft gebulbig crtra» gen ; to — by the worst, ben jrurjera ueben : name of />'. Re fubrt ben (ober gebt nutcr bem Stamen R. ; to— down, biuuutergei 169 GOAD GOIN GOOD but, nnfcrgcbcn, mebetgefcen, ftnfen, flbitct)iiicii, fid) Detfchltmntetit: uev= fallen; pcrfrblttcft rocvteii; gebifligt tvcvteit, gefrtlletl ; to — dowl .1 river, ftvomabivavtj fabten ; to— down into the country, OUf bad Sattb rcifctl; any thing will — with him, cv ivivb allcg ciiujcbcti; such things won't — down wiiii him, fo ttroai Kifit et fttt) rttcfyt gefallcn; to — for, nacjj etroas ge&en, b bolcn; fiir efroafi gelfen, gegatten toetben; gut auSfaUeu, gelingen; to — for notliinfi. ffit nichti geltctl ; ltid)t tit 3lnfd)lag fommcit; the verdict goes for him, bev 9luSfvrutt) ift ibnt guns fitg ; to — forth, Ijcvoov gehen, fid) jeigeu; to — forward, »ot»att8 ge= hcu; fovtfabvcit; junchmcti ; empot* fommcit; to — from, weggefcen, ab= gc()cn ; to — from the matter in hand, von bev ©adjc abfcftuictfcn ; to — from one's word, fcttl SBott ttttt)t bal- tett; to — in, l)inein gebcit; cinbev ge§en tit.., ttagctt (son bee JUci= bung); to — in hoots, ©ttefeln an|a= belt ; she goes in hlack, fie tffigt fid) ftt)t»a«; to — in and out, fttt bet 93t= bet) leben ; atbeiten ; fret feyu ; to — into, fovfetjen (tit) ; to — near, nctfie gebcit (511 ^erjen gefjen), fid) nahen, naty fcv>u ; im Segttff feint ; he will — near to lose it, CV lUU'b Cg 1U f> I 9et= licveit ; to — as near as one can, fo woljlfetl a\$ moglirh aetfaufen; to — off, abgebctt; IoSge&en; abftcbett; ftetben ; to — on, fbttgeben, fovtfab s vcu; fortbauern; »on ©fatten ge= l)Clt ; ailtretetl ; to — on an embassy, eiue @efanbtfrt)aft fibetne|men ; to — on horseback, tcitt'It ; to — over, gcben fiber .., filSevfejjett, biuiibcv gehen ; fibctgeben (ju etnet SJJaftet) ; abfallcti; to — out, biiiaug gefcen, auSgehcn, auSlaufcit ; abun-idicu ; ju (Sttte gefjeu; wetben; to — (out) doctor, j9c. t. Soetov wetben ; to — out of the way, aug bent 2Bege gebcit ; BUSfdjtoetfen ; to —through, burr$ge* [)en; auSfiibveu, aiteftchctt, «uSt)a(ten ; burd)lefen; to — through with a busi- ness, eine ©adbe butc^fefcen ; to — to, jn ehoas gehen ; wagen ; cinen ©e* fiaubtbeil auSmadjen ; to — to law, sot ©evirbt gehen, Semanb »erfla= C]Ctt ; fein 9iCd)t furbctt ; to — to ser- vice, in ©tenft gehen; to — to work, ans 2Bcv.f getjen, anfangen; — to! tooblan! baran! fvifeb batauflto — together, fid) betfamnteln ; to — to- gether by the ears, vulg. fief) Villtfcil ; to — under, ubenicbmen, fid) unters jichen ; to — up, biuauf gebcit, biuauf ftcigen ; to — upon, anftefen, ttutcv= ttcbnteit ; fid) gtiinben ; futlcit ; she goes upon that, bavaltf ballt fie ; to — upon the highway, ©ttajjentaufcet femt Ober nJCVbet! ; to — upon the town, cin Steubenmabdjen roerben; to — upon tick,co2.auf(5tebit nebincn; to — with child, febmanget gejjen; to — with young, txafytia feint ; to — with the wind, »ora SBtube getrieben wetben ; the Lord — with you, (Mott gclcite bid); to — without, entbebten, entra* tben, ttid)t babcu ; to — without day, /.. T. nbgemtefen merben, entlnffen fel)tt; — without! lap c» bleiben! SO, in compos. — between, ber l!n(cr= fanfer, Uitfcvbanbler, .Unpulef; — by, bae" Uebertreffen, Ucberliftett, btc Xaufdjimg, bet SBetrua,, JtunPgriff ; to give one the — by, cinen (iiu Vau = fen) tibevtveffen, einbclen; ubcr.or= tbeilen ; — cart, bev (, bte Siaufbanf. BOAD, s . bet ©tndbefftoff, 1'vcibftocf. 170 7b GOAD, u. n. (ntit bent <2tafbcirto = cfc) fortftofjcn ; antreiben, ftadn-ln. goal, s. bai .Waal, ©renjmaal, ber SPf4l ; fig. 3n'Cif ; ba« 3ic(, ©llbe. goar, g. bet OJebvcn, gwtrfel. goat, s. bic 3«g«. ®ti$ ; <'«v tic geile ^erfon ; he-goat ber 3' C !5 C11 = beef; — chafer, bev flofitafcv; — fish, bic 3'W< 3l(ofe, @lfe (cin See* fifd)) ; — herd, bev 3ifgf»tbift ; — milker ( — sucker), ber (i)eipine(fev, 3tegenfauger, Siacbjtaoe ; — 's Beard (— 's bread', — marjoram), bev ®0fIS= bavt, ©ciftbavt {Tragopqgm — /J; — 's eye, cine Dpalavt; — 's rue, bic (Seifivantc; — 's stones, bas iRna6en= fvattt; — 's thorn, bev 33o(f8bi)tn. goatish, mij. ben SCeflert ober SBSffen motaltfa) o&nlia); bocfig, unleufo), gcii. gob, Gobbet, s. vvlg. bev SBiffett, boS ©titcf. To gohblk, v. I. a, l)iniintetfd)lin^cn ; to — up, wig. oevfrblingen; i)infit= befit ; If n. fanbevn, follevn (auc bev 2;vntf)a[)it). gobbler, s. bev ctwaS aievia i'cr- fd)lin S ]f. goblet, s. bev Secret, bic £vinf= female. goblin, s. bev Jtobolb, baS ©cfvenft. god, 5.1. @ott, baS tjod)fte ©efen; 2. bev ©ijfce, Slbgott; ba« Sbol ; — child, — son, — daughter, ba^ '^atbciti finb, bic H- ; 'itl)e ; — father, bev SJJatfce, ®e»atter, JCaufjeuge ; — mother, bte 5pat()c, ©eoattettnn, JEaufjeugtnn ; — save the king, Oott cv()altc bctl Mb- nig ! — ward, HI ®0tt, (lUf Jit Soft ; '— willing, fo ®ott null; —wit, bic ©elbnafe (3lvt Safelh,u$n); as — would have, JU Clflem (JHiiifc. godard, s. ©otrhatb (SKannsnamel. goddess, s. bic Oottiun ; — like, n>ie cine ©iUtitttt. Godfrey,* Oofffrteb (SKannSname). godhead, s bic ©ottbeit. GODLESS, ml). aottloS; — ness, s. bic ©ottloftgleit. GODLIKE, adj. gBttlttt). godliness Sl bte ODottfeligfeit, gt5m= mtgfeit, 3tcligibfitat. GODLING v s. dim. cilt flcillCV, jllliaCV ©Ott. GODLY, adj. if adv. (also — ily), QOftfCs lig, fvpmm, reltgiSS. GODSHIP, s. bic ®0ttf)cit. Godwin, s. ©ottroetn (OTannSname'). goer, 5. i. bev ®ci)cnbe, SReifenbe; Snfganget; Sfiufct; 2. com. bev lttt= tevbaitblcv, JTuppkv; 3. 3icnnev(yon SPfevbetl) ; he is a graceful — , ft t)at cinen angeneljmen ©ana. gog, s. bie Silc, baa Scvlangcn ju ge= t)Clt. To goggle, o. b. von bev ©cite feben, frbicleti ; ftavv fchen ; — eye, 'baS ©cbiefange, ©tavrauge; — eyed, febidenb, ftatrangig; mtbSaugtg. GOGGLE, Is. 1. bet ftavve IHid; 2. — s,s. pi. Slenben, ©fbeuTebet (fiiv $fcvbc); 9icifebvil{cn, ©ritlen qe.^en ©taub nnb ronnenbifee; n. ^//.'ftav= venb, bevyovftebenbe 5Hugen (jabenb ; vvlg. fnaUnngig. G( »ING, I. part. i]ebcnb ; I am — to die, id) roevbe ftevben ; this meat is (a-) — . biejj gletfeh wtrb viedienb, fc(jt an ; n. s. 1. ba3 ©cben, bev ©ang; 2. bte (5lb=)3tcifc ; 3. ©chwangerfc^aft; — down, bev llntergang ; — of meat,b«8 [Rtedbcubruertien be« sletfcfcefl obev ci= ItCV igpcife; — to the vault, Sp. T.baS SScvEvieeben bc-3 .*5afen; goings-forth,'. Slbfcbvocifnttgcn; goings-on, f. col. ^evfabven, ^crfebv; goings out, pi. coi. 3tu8ga5en. Gon re. s. bev .Rvopf. GOITROUS, adj. fropfavtig," ftovftg. GOLA, «. Arch. T. ):A$ Jfavniejj, btj SRinnletjie. GOLD, *. baS ©Otb ; — beaten. v>cvo,olbc t , — beater. bCV ®Olbfd)lai]CV ; — beater*' ■kin,bte©DlbfcblSgerbaut; — bounds- mounted), in ©olb ('jcfafit; — coin ( — piece), bic ©olbmunje, baS ©olbftitcf; — ducat, bev ©olb T'ltcatClt; — cor- dial, ba>< ©olbwafjet; — finch, bet Sompfaff, (Mintpcl ; — finder, joe bet 5lbtrittvaimiev, v J(ad)tfbitiji ; — fin?r, bev ©olbfcfceibet ; — fish, n* goi.d- ney ; — flower, bev golbcnc SSicbct^ tbon (Trickomanes — L ) ; — foil (— leaf), bag Slattaolb; ©otbblatt; — hammer, bit" ©Olbammet ; — headeil, mit einem golbenen Jtnopfc; — in- gots, ©olbbaVVCll ; — mine, tic ®ptb= mine; — oar, bnS ©olbevj; — ol parting, bag fecbetbcgolb ; — pippin, bev ©olbpippin ; —pleasure, ber ?ei«3 better (Myagrum — L.) ; — proof, ttlt= bcftceblid) ; — ring, bet golbcnc Sfting ; the devil's — ring, bCV 3(ebctlu)Uvm, bic9(anpc; — size, bev ©olbgvunb ; bag 0)[nl)road)s'; — smith, bet @o!t>- fd);nieb ; i'anquiev;- — spangles, ©Olbflittetll; — thread, ©olbfabClt; — wire, bev ©Olbbtab/t; — wire-draw- er, bev ©elbbrafctjiebet, ©olbjie^w; — weight, ba8 @olNjeriud)t; — weights, tic (Molbroage. GOLDEN, adj. i. golbeit ; 2. golbqetb; 3. glanjenb; 4. tvcffliit; 5. qliicflid); — number, Chron. T. tic golcetie3ai)l ; — rod, bic ©olbtutbe, bag 2Bunj= frant (Solidago — /..) ; — saxifrage, gelbev ^tcinbvcdi, ©olbmtlj. GOLDNEY, s. bev ©olbfifd), bic @olb' fovclle. golding, s. bet SKaulbeerapfel. GOLDYLOCKS, s. pi. tag ©clbf)"'" (Chrysocoma — /,.). golf, s. (febott.) ctnc?ht ©(iblagball» fptel. GOLOE SHOES, vid. Galociiks gondola, s. (ital.) bie ©onbe! GONDOLIER, s. bev ©onbolicv gone, part. 1. gegangen ; 2. »evgan* gen ; 3. setborben, vcvlovcn; 4. ge- ftovben, tobt, bal)ill, bill; let us be — lafjt itng gehen; be — ! get you — ? parfe bid) fovti — with child, fcbn>nn= ncv ; far — in years, hochbejabtt, be= i'agt, fteinalt; —off baoon gegangen abgegangen, setfauft. GONG, s. bie ^anbtvommel (bci ben Slftaten). GONIOMETER, s. Mat. T. bet Sffliltfct- meffet. GONORRIICEA, s. Med. T. bev SailtClU flnp, Svippcv. good, i. adj. 1. gut; 2. fliitig, ge= netgt, lvobhuolleub ; 3. teopt, gcfeij- lid); 4. f(cvecbt, tugenbfiaft, fromm: 5. beilfaiit, uit^licb,' bienlicb, jjaffenb ; 6. bctvad)t!id), »5Uig, veirbliii); 7. giiltig, cvcbiifabiq ; 8. gefellig, lnftig ; 9. gemaubt, gcfri')icft ; as — , cbett |0 gut, cbeu fo mobl; as — as, fo gul mie (aig), fo feljr loie iaW ; to be as — as one's word, fetll SDBOtt baltcll ; I left him as — as I found him, id) DetlteJ ibu, wic id) tlju fanb; — bye. lebe ii'obt; —for nothing, untaugltdj, tin* bvaud)bav, fd)Ied)t; a — for nothing fellow, cin £angenid)t8 ; — in law, rccBtSguittg ; to hold — , fid) bcn'ab= ten ; to last — , unocvbovbcn, i]e>.tiefi= bat bleiben ; what is it — fori njojB llii^t Cg 'i he has eighty years—, CV tfl voile «d)fsi(l 3at)vc alt ; to live to a — old age, cin bobes 3lltet cvvcirbtn; in — sooth, in ber Unit ; watjvbaftig ; in — earnest, ill rollcilt (S'VllftC; to GOOD GOSS GRAJi think—, fill' (J lit fallen ; I have a — mind to . . , id) babe grojie *vuit jit . . ; ■n — time, bet geiren, 511 rediter 3cit ; all in — time, Stiles' ju fcincr ^cit; that's a — one. vulg. bag bcitie id) mit bent grofien iKeffec gcfdmitteit; a — while, cine betradbtltcbe ^cit, jicmlicb lange ; a — deal. SBiel, feht v i!icl ; a — many, jiemlich S8iel, Siele, ein •§aufen ; he is — at it, bariu ift cr gut ju gebraud;eit ; for — , ganj unb gar ; from — authority, aug gutcr Quelle; :o hold— , gcltett, gegriintct feptt, fid) bcftatigcit; to make — , luicbcr gut macben, erfefcen, ocrgutctt ; cntfvre- d)eit; bewetfett; bebaupten, burcb,fc= Ijeit; griinbeu; bctucrfftclltgcit, voll* ttebeu, crfiillcit ; oeranrroorten, bafiiv ftef)eit ; to make — a payment, puilft= ltd; ^a^fung tcifteit ; to make— one's ground, feiucu Soften ucrtbcibigcu ; you make — the proverb, Sir ntadjcH bag Sprichroort roafjr; — breeding, fie SBoljierjogenbeit, gute 8eben8arf, 53fc>b{anftiinbtgf eif ; — conditioned, gut (wot)l) befd;affcit; — morrow, gtt= ten 3)iorgcn ; — fellow, bcr muittcre ©efellfcbafter ; —Friday, bcr (?har-- frcitig; — gracious! fam Igcrcditcr) .tpimmcl ! — health, bag SBoblbcfin= ben; — humour, gute Saunej — humoured, bet gutcr Semite, aufgc= taiimt; gefdUt'g; — lack! vulg. ad) ! >§imme{! bap ®ott crbarm! — luck, ba8 ©(it of ; — man, ber 33icbcv= lltanit ; .&au§rotrth ; — maimers, bag auftattbige ©etragen, bte ii3oManjtatt= bigfeit ; — nature, bic ©utmutbigfett, ©ute, ©efaUigfeit, s Jcad)ftd)t,ba'g ge= fallige SBefcu ; — natured, — natured- ly, »ou gittcni (fbaraftcr. gutartig, gutmittbig, gefalitg ; — omces, ®e« faliigfeiteit, geeuttbfcbaffs'serbienjfa ; — paper, M. k. guteg papier, 2Bcd)= fel son gitteu ipciufern; — turn, bte ©efaUigfeit, bee ©efallen ; — will, bag SBohlujolleit, bie ©unjfc, Qmtu guitg, gute "Jlbfirbt ; bic Jtunbfchaft (eitteS .OaitbcUbaufcS 1 J to buy the — will of a house, bte fttrma (mit bcr &unbfr$aft ciucg . migfett, 3ced)tlid)fett ; 5. bcr (Srnft ; for — and all, in diem ©rttjle ; much — may it do you, roof)l befOllllUC eg 3bucit; what — will it do you? XOaS Wtrb eg 3biten bclfen ? f can do no — in it, id) faun bicritt nicbtg ausiieb* ten ; it does me — , eg marf)t mir Srcube ; — s, s. pi. bic ©liter, (.itauf- mating:) SJaaren; Jpauggeratf), ©a* Chen, .<„>abc ; I. T-s. — and chattels, bag (beroegltdje unb uuben>cglid;e) SJermogcii, .*>abc unb ©utj — in trust, au'.H'ftvauteg Witt; M. E-s. Sommifffongs unb Spcbitioug=®ii= ter; — to he shipped, rtracbtgiitcr ; — in bond, bie unter ;)ccgie-- , iu , i|*diluft lagewben 3Baaren ; III. ado. gut.febr vcobt. GOODLINESS, s. bic 3d)iiitbcit, v >(rtig= feit, ber (fteij. GOODLY, adJ.S- ode. 1. fdj<, reitenb, treffltcb; tVpblbcteibt ; 2. (jfjittlicb, U)unfd)cugiuertb, ft ohlidt. goodnkss, x. I. bit ©ute. ©utigfett, sjJlitbe ; ©enetgtbett, ©unfl • 2. gvbmmigfeit; 3! ©tiirle, Jit aft, bcr @aft; —of meats, bag .^raftige ber (Speifeu; there is no — in him, 68 ift ttid)tg ©utee an tr)m ; for— - sake,unt3 .^inunclg nu!len. BOOD1, *, vulg. gutt Srati, ?Iltc, ntciiic tSutc! 5 l ' iiu 9lad)bartnu ! — ship, iu,i. bcr Staitb cincr geineincti gnu. GOOGINGS, a /-' -V. 7*. bie Aingcrlingc O'lngclri, in bic bag ©teuerruber ge= (jangt uurb). GOOSANDER, t. ber .Jaitrber (2cc= gang). GOOSE, 8. 1. bic Wang; 2. (bet ben Srbuciberin SBugeleiff n ; green — , bic juiigc ©an«, ipftngflgang; —ber- ry, bje Stacbelbeere ; — berrybush, bcr Stad)elbecrbitfcb ; — berry fool, ciu ©ertd)t»on Stadjclbecrcn, l^ild) unb 3ncfcr ; — cap, ber ©uvnmfopf, JEolvel; — foot, bcr ©anfefup (Cite- nopodium — £,.) ; — giblets, pi. bag ©anfefletn ; —grass, bag J^lebefraut [Giiiium aparine — /..) ; — neck, .v. T. ber .toafcit tint ben ©iefbaurrt an beit iDJajt 5it bafen ; — pen, bic Wan- fefiiege, bcr ©aufeftall ; — quill, bcr ©anfeft'el ; — rush, Sorftcubins feu; — skin, bic ©anfebaut (won bcr •Ralte)- — winga of a sail, jv. T. bie SBuiigcl (.^i'ritcr) ciucg in bcr Siittc aufgegeiteu 2cgclg. GORBELLIED, adj. biefbattdjig, fcit, roctnjtig. r;i IR( K Hjic, s. bcr 3^oorfiaf;n. GORCROW, x. bie x'lagfrahe. GORDIAN, «(//'. gorbifd), fdiuuerig, »cr= uucfelt ; — " knot, ber govbifebe Sino- teu, •, , lii|'tpf! / bic 2d)ivicrigfeit. gore, s. 1. ber ©efjrcn, buLGoar; 2. ettt fcbmalcS 3tiicf 8anb; 3. bag gc= rcnuene ©tut. r. gore, D.a.fto£en ; flerBen (ivieein Dd;g mit ben .^iu-uern), burehbot): rcn, auffpicjjen. GORGE, s. 1. bic .ffcbfc, ©urnel: ber .« v o p f ; 2. cone, bie luuuutergefd)lucftc Spcife, SJiabljeit ; Sp. T. l^-$ ^alfen= futter; 3. Arch. t. bte -goblleifte an ciner ■Saule; 4. Fort, ber Singang (bic Jtcblci ciner Safiton ubcr cinc'g SIufenweeEeS. 7bGORGE '■• "• * »• fatttnen, vc>!I= Vfiovfeu; Berfchttngcn, frejfen. GORGED, adj. u T. mit eineiu ^alfe »on anberer Jarbc. GORGEOUS (adv. — ly), adj. gISnjcnb, febimmernb, pradjttg, pracfitooU, toft' bar; — ness, .*. ber Wlauj, 2cf)int: mer, bie '4>rad)t. gorget, « I. bie^atsberge, bttfiaU* frageu, SRinaf eageit j 2. bie Jtraufe; baa •Oalv-tiut. GORGON, s. jsiytk. bic ©orgciic. GORGONIAN, adj. fdu'Cifcrrcgcnb. GORMAND, \ s.ber Areffer! 2cb[ent= GORMANDER, s met, ^Sraffet. To G< irmandize, ». ». frejfen, fcBTem* men, braffen. GORMANDIZER, », vid. Gorhahd. GORSE, GORSS, », ,-;,! Furzb. GORY, adj. 1. ttoll »pn gcrputteuciit ©lute ; 2. -f bhttig, morberifd), t5bt* Iteb, uetberblid). GOSHAWK,*, bee Saubcnfalf, Stotfs aar. GOSLING, *«®Sn865en -, 2. St'^- riicn (an i'liifibauineit, tcit, u. f. ».). & spel, ». 1. bag Soanaeltum : 2. bic .Ibeplogie ; 3. aligentetue 'il'alu-hcit ; — truth, bie tin ©oangelio gegniubetc 2L',ibvbeit; it is not all — what be Bays, it,,,-, eg i|t nid;t %\U& tvabr roaS er fptttbt. to GOSPEL, r. a fromm marben. 7bGOSPELIZE, b a, bent (5'vaugclip gemafi bilceu. GOSS, 9. aid Forze. gossamer. «. bic tvolligen 53ben <\n macben "Rflanjcit; Sommerffiben, ©raStuebe. gossamery, adj icidu, tvefenloS. G< I8SIP, t, 1 er ©eoatfer, bit i 8mu (Mc.'atterinr.; 2. I itabl= .Ulaintc 3. ber gerbbmber; 4. 3lad)bar; ."> bag ©cfebwaft; — story, tic jtlatfty gci'diidjrc. To GOSSIP, -'. n. Flaf"d>en, febiva^cn. PING, g. bat .Hlaifdieu. GOSTING, ». bie A.u'bcrrotbc, tet Strap}. GOT, /Mr/, rcn Tj Get, qd. ml. to ban —. babcr. GOTH, ». 1. ber (Motbe; 2. ©aebar, GOTHAM, ». a [wise] man of — , ot i Gothamist, ein jlort, <;i nine, i. adj. 1. gofbifrh ; 2. oeralrtt ; 3. rob, groo ; — architecture, bie gp= tbi'"dH- ©nuntnfl; —tetters, Araciur- buebrtaben, gractur= (ober 5&l5licb=) Scbrift; 0. ». bie gotbifebe cri'rarbc. GOTHICBM, i. tie aptbu'cbe 2lUMfb= eigeubeit; 2. gotbifrbe '^auart; 3 bic ©arbarei. 7b GOTHICIZE, v. a jur '^avberei %n- ritcfbriugai. GOUGE, b. bcr .£eblnicip.'I; ba8 ^tentntcifeu. 7b GOUGE '• ■ <•• 1. ntit bent .^pblmri- fiel) augmeifieln; 2. .im. mit bent 35aumen bic 5lugen ansbrfielen. GOl LARD, ». v / ein ©leibrfiparat. GOURD, ». ber ,)tnrbt\ GOURDINESS, a. bic 2cfrcttEcIcje= fdjamljt, Stcifbeit ber SPferbe. G< tURDY, adj. buf, aufgefcbwoUen, COlKMAM). s r •./. CoHMAND. gout, x. bie CMiriu, bae SPobagra; — in the hips, bad ij?uft»e$ ; — pa|>er, ©irbtvapicr ; — weed, bie wilte '.»!«= gclica (JEgvpodiutn vodagraria — /„) ; — wort, bag ©liebrrauf (SidentU — I..). GOUT, s. (franj.) affect, ber ©cfebmao?. GOUTflraSS, s. bag Wicbtifcbc, bie ©icbr. GOUTY, adj. gicbtifeb ; — disease, fif ©iebt. 7b G< IVERN, r. a, tt n. 1. regicren, berr- foben; oerwalten ; 2. im gauine baU tin; ieiteii, lenfen, fubren, fteuctu. GOVERNABLE (adv. — xvr), adj ;tt re^ gieren, lenffam, biegfam, folgfam, unterroftrfig. ci IVERNANCE, ». bie .•liegieruug, Sera maltung, ?eitnng, Jiibrung ; Siufftcht. GOVERN \N r Go\ i rnasti [a. bie (5'r- jteb^eriitn, ©oubernante. GOVERNESS, ». I. bie ^ebcrrfcbcritm ; 2. Sebrerinn, ^ofmeifteriun, ©onveta nante. GOVERNMENT, . I. bie SRegierung, SOe^errfcbung, ^errfrbaff ; 2. SRegte* rungsform; '3. pffentliitc i\-ni>ai= rung, bag !02tntftertum ; I. bie aoLi; fanifeit; —of one's self, bie 2elbft= bebcvvn-iiung. GOVERNMENTAL, fidj anfbieSRea gicritng bejicbent. vtm ber SRegierung auSgcbenb. GOVERW iR, ». !• bet SRegierer, bevrfdu'i-; ©ouverneur, Statt&alter; lanbpfieger, Meiebloerwefer, 8et» waiter; obeTJte Director (einerSom. bagnie), ^oftneipcr; 2. Steuermann- 3. v Regulator an ciner £ampfhta< fdiine. GOWN, ». t. ter lange SRoeT, i^antcl bai lange Jlleib; bte lange) v .'lnitg> Ficituug' ber Staatabeamten, ©eijfe licben, Iflerjte, u. f. n.) ; 2. fig. ta J griebcnefleic ; —man, bcr SivtlBeanta te, ©eijlli^t, 2lr|tj 3. 5ebbfrocfe= banbter. GOWNED, ; ; . im langcn SRotfe, M.f. W. GRAB, ». ein jrocimajtigea 3rbijf (an ber .Uiittc von SDMabar). 7b grab r. a. v i Lm>i td) ergrtifen. 7b GRABBLE v. «. 1. grabbcln, beta* 171 GRAI GRAN GRAS j!eit; 2. ftr."3ejttf(ft «:tf bem Q3otcu ten liege;*.. ERACEW J bte ©nnft, Jdulb, ©tube (©otteft), >a« 2Bobh»ollen ; 2. fca« SSortec&tj 3. tor 5Reii,oie Sdjonbeit, IBIutye, gietbe, ?litnehmlicbfcit, Sin* ninth, bttSlnftanb; L baS ©tatiaS, £ifd)gebet ; 5. ©ratia ( Lvraueuuamc) ; , , ir — , @n>. ©naben ; to say — , bafl Xifrtgekt Derrtcbtcn ; day of — , Th T. btt ©nabentag ; days of — . M. f.-.<. bie £age ber 3t*r, SRefpecttage, Si6eretion$tage ; letters of — , -.'ln= ftaubSbricfe; herb of—, t-te SRaute ; — cup. btc 55anrTagung8gefunbbeit, (bet le§te) £ru:tf nadi tern £ifcbge= bete; — note, r. bic SSerjierung einet •JlrtC til ber 3J2uftf; the Graces, pi. Myth, bic ©tajien, .|3utbgi>rtinitcu; jjood graces, bie ©unit, ©croogenbeit. 7*o grace, v. ,i. 1. fcbinucfen,' jtcrcn, enimutbtg macbeit, scrfdiSiiertt ; 2. begnabtgett, beebren ; begiinftigett ; 3. mit (®otte§) ©ttabe etffiUen. GRACEFUL, adj. tCtjCHb, fd)? it ; — ly, *\ fiufenmeU fe; n. s. 1. bic £reppe ; 2. baS ©ra= buale (ein Xbcil bee farbolifdjcii @ot= icvtieitfics unt SBudj baju). j«jj graduate, v. i. 0.1. mit ©raben bcicidiiteii. abgraben ; 2. cine afatc= raifrbe SBurbe ertbcilen, beroiirben, grabuiren ; 3. ch. r (SJietalle) ouf* lantern, aufflufcu, erbbbeit, oerbeffetn, cerebeln ; 4. (i&aljfole) abbampfen, arabireu; II. n. 1. eiite afabemtfebe SBurbe rcbim-tt, promooiren ; 2. ftu= fenroeife fortfebreiten. ..RADUATE, s. bic grabuirte $erfoit. riRADUATION, ,?. i. bcr Stufengang, ijortfcbritt; gorfgang; 2. tic feurs ccertbeilitiig, Serourbung, 5Promo= tiou; 93crctclung, bobere ^\aibcnge= bung; 3. OuT. Slbbompfung, ®ia= biru'ng ; 4. Mat. r. (lintbcilu'ng uacb ©rcbeit. t.RAFF, .?. ber ©raben. Vo GRAFT, r. a. * n. 1. bfrobfett; tllt= bpttt; etnfugen, eittfcbaltenj fbrt* ^{tarmn, befnidjtcit (burcb SpfroBfen cber Snocuhren) ; 2. binjufitgen, !:cr= btnbett ; to — in tlie cheek, iit bell .Kerb pfrovfott; to — by approach. obfmtgen, ablacttren; grafting-saw, bie S8.) ; 2. bcr ©ran; ba9 ©ran, 316: 3. bie JJtebtuttg bcr SSben, cber Sibern im 6oI{e, ©teis ue,; 4. ber Strirb, bnS Jtorn, Me ?lbent, bie SRarben im Seberi ; 5. bic A.trh- ; fi. bcr ©rutib, bofl SBefett; 7. bic -Jiciguug; Stimmung; 8. 2pi= fee, fRiefe; in — , (ccbtj bitrpunt; in bet 2BoUe gefarbt; burcbiiuS, cri=; cloth [dyed) in — , in bcr 2Bollc gc= farbtet £ticb ; a knave in — , eilt 00* gefaumtcr Sdjurfe; thieves in — , t,?rtbiebc; they are not un..ed in — , fic (inb im <§erjett fcine guten Areun= be; against the — . orgett ben Stricb ; fie oerfebrt ; roiberftnnig, wibet 3Bil- len ; there must be a — of allowance, man mufj fiinf gerabe feint laffen; — staff, bie |Kefe ; — tm, bas fcine 3inn ; — tree, ber SorientUebaum (Cactus coccus — l) ; — s, pi. bie JErabet ; — of guinea, ( — of paradise), bie -4>ara= bteeforner ; — of smaii-pox, bie Slats ternarben. To grain, c. a. nurmorirctt, iibern (auf^olj). grained, adj. geabevt, genarbt, ge= nopbt, runjeltg, raub. GRAINING, *. 1. cine Strt SBeifftfeJ) (Ouprinus leudscus — /,.) ; 2. ba» SRanbcrn, ftraufeltt, bie ©nt^abnung (ber 3J2unjen] ; bal SJiarmoriren bed 5papicr= ; Stbern bes ^oljcS ; —hoard. r. cai Jtriffienbol}, Slrinbolj .ber £e= berbereiter . GRAINY, adj. ooll JiCnier; »oI{ jlorn. gramineal, \adj. grasartig, Jta* GRAMINEOUS, 5 fidjf. graminivorous, adj. ©rai freffenb, com ©rafc Icbenb. grammar, s. 1. bie ©rammatif, ©prarhlebre; 2. cin \u\A) ben 3SegeIn bcr ipraeblehrc ricbtiger »2IuSbrurl; — school, bie lateiniubc Stbule. grammarian, s. bcr ©rammatifcr, Spradjlebrer, Spracbiunbige. grammatical [ado. — ly),o«>". aram= matiffb; bcr Spracbjchic gc'mafc-. GRAMMATICASTER. Grammatist, s. bcr elcnbe [untoiffenbe; Sprarl)lebrer ( 2cbu(fiicb§, Spebant. To grammaticise, v.a gramm.i(ifa= lifeb matben. grample, s. ber ?ce?rcb§, Rummer. GRAMPUS. 5. bcr Olorbcaper (Delphinus orca. — L.). GR.VNADE, Gkanabo, Bid Grenade. granadilla, s. bie $afftpitc-b[nme, GRANARY, *. ba» Jtorubau?, bcr Jionu boben, Spcicbcr; —rent, bcr 33oben= jins. GRANATE, s. bcr ©raitafapfd ; ©ranat. GRAND [adv. — ly). adj. fig. gVO§; Cr= laudit, crbaben, grofjnrtig, b'orb, berr= lirb, ftattli*, prarbt'ig, 'ooruebm ; — child, ta-3 .iviutc-ifiiib,' bcr Cvtifet, bie Snfelinn; —cross, baS ©ro^frettj; — daushter. bte (Snfeliim ; — duke, tcr ©ropberjog ; ©rofefurft; — duke- dom, bos ©ro^berjogtbum ; ©ro§= fiivftciitbitm ; —duchess, bte ©rops berjoginit; ©rejifiivftiiin ; —father, bcr ©rcwatcr; — foe. bcr «§aupt= (@rj«) Seinl (JEeufel); —guard, bie Acltivacbe con bcr iTiciterei ; — juror, tin SDZitglieb ber gro^en 3uri) ; — jurj-, /.. T. bie iirope 3ur.) ; — master, ber ©rofjmeijter ; — mother, bie ®ro§= mutter; — seisninr, bcr ©rof;bcrr; — sergeantry, bafi brbc Vcbuamt; — sire, bcr ©ro^oatet; *?lbuberr; — son. bcr Snfel ; — vicar, bcr ©rojJin= quifttor. GRANDAM «. 1. bic ©rofmtuttcr, 5lr)n= frau ; 2. Sftatrone. GRANDEE, s. bcr ©rofie, 2Jjagnaf, ©raube (»on Spanien . gradeesiiip, ». bie ©ranbejja, ©ran= bcnroiirbe. GRANDEUR,*, bic ^racfit, .6crrlicb= fcit, ©rofe, Rcbeit, SGBurbe, C5'vba= bciibeit. GRANDILOQUENCE, *• bet fjo^e Zoa bic ©roffpreeberet. GRANDLLOQUOUS, adj. gtofjfprcdi(> rifd>. GRANDINOU8, adj. veil .gagel, at i >§agel beftcbent. GRANDNESS, ». fig. bic ©lTfibcit. GRANGE s. bcr ilicicrbof, bie 'DJeie* vei; Scbcune, bcr jtoriiooben. C-RANIT, Granite, », bcr 0)ranit. granitic, adj i. (iu« ©ranit; 2. jn ©ranit ge^ortg, granitarttg. GRANIVOBOUS, adj. Corner freffenb. To grant, p. a. 1. beroilligen, geroab= rcu, "crleibcn, geftatten, erlaubett; 2. jugeftcben, jugebeu, einraumeit ; God — , ©Ptt gebe ; — it to he so. jUgC* ftauben (gefe^t) ts roare fo ; i take it for — ed, id) nebme cs all auegemarb.1 an, trb fefec es aU geroifi ooraus. grant, ». 1. tie SBeroilligung, i>ertcis bung, (Srtbeilung, ©rlaubntp; 2. bas 3ugcfiaubnip, bie (fiiiraiimung ciitct uitbcivicfcncit Sadie als beroiefen; 3. L. T. bie ScbenEung, Q]erleibuiig, pber Ucbcrgabc. grantable, adj. ju bcwiUigcn, jn cerlcibcn, u. f. ro. grantee, s. L. t. bcr Pilaubuiii U\t, Seffionar, bcr ^riuilcgirtc, Seoors rccbtete. GRANTOR, ». L. T. ber 3?c»t(liger, SSertoiUiger. GRANULAR, a-//. Jli>rncru chnlicb, Eor» Hirbt. To GRANULATE, v. I. a, }ll .^Orilcn 1 niarben, Corner grauuliren; n. «. fid; fortten. GRANULATION, s baS JlciIlClt; @ra» uuiircn (bcr 3JJefaIle). granule, s. bao Jvbnid)en. GRANULOU3, adj. OoKet Jtbnidicu. grape, s. bic £raube, SKJeintraube; 2Bfinbeere; a hunch (or cluster' nl grapes, bit SEciutraufrc; — flower, ( — hyacinth), bie S'raubciibiMcintb! (Muscari — i.) ; — gathering, bi< SSJeinlefe; — shot. Mil. t. Aartdts fcbcufttgclu, Jvartatfcbcu= otcr 5rait> benfeuer; — stone, bcr 35etnbeer= Uva;—e,pi.Sp E.biefD?aufe attaat> beit an ber gcnel ber ^ferbe). gr\peless, adj. ob'ie Setter, ptjne 331umc (oom SBeine gebraudjt). GRAPHICAL (Graphic) (ado. —ally), ad'-. 1. bcittlicb, fleuau, malerifcb ; 2. Me ,Vid)iicn cber ©raoiren betreffenb. graphometer, s. g. t. bet ©rap[;o= meter, 23infclmcffcr. grapnel, s. .v. t. i. bcr flciuc 3lnfct, Treg, Tradn- ; 2. Enterbafen. GRAPPLE, s. JV: T 1. bcr ^r rbtffebo.feit ; 2. baS 33a(gen, Diaufeit, 3iinge;i, ©e= fecbt. 3Tb GRAPPLE, v. I. a. anbafen, jinair^ mcnbaEcu, (aship.ein Sr^iff) cittern; atiflaiumeru; II. n. rtngen, bauba,e- niein roerbeu, fid) balgen, iidi raufeit, ftrciten; to— with, ju beftreilcn babcti. GRAPPLEMENT,8.bie Salgcret; SRau* ferci, bad ^aubgemenge. GRAPPLING, s. baS ".'Inbafeit; 2?algen; hand — , cin tiiiterfjafcii: — iron" be: Gnterbafcn. grapv, adj. cell Srauteu, mi .Ira:t= ben. To grasp, r. a. b n. grcifett, 5ugreifen pacfen, faffett ; all — . all lose, proo. retr 2lUc8 mill, befonnnt 91irbt§; tc — at, nacb etwafi gret|tn ; fig. ftreben, grasp,* 1. bet ©tiff; 2. bcr v -8cft^} 3. bie ©croalt ; to he within the — beinabc in fcttter ©croalt baben. grasper, s. bcr tucf> .troas grcift ftrcbt. grass, s. ba« ©raS ; gr/.nc Aiifrer.bii Suttertrauter; to turn (or out) tc — GRAY GREA GREE gratctt faffen, auf fct'e SBeibe tretbcit ; — cimh. amerifanifcbea ©raeitud) f^lxt Seinwanb) ; — grown, mit ©rafe bettxirbfen; — hopper, ber ©raabiip- for, bit .^eufdn'ccfc; — hopper springs, jii. bie SBobenfebern untcr bcm Jcaften etlteS SflbriolefSj — of Parnassus, 3}(irrtafftl8=©ra8; — pbntane. bie (Scblathinnimrt, ; — plot, imS @raa= ftiicf, bcr ©rasftetf, iKafenblafc; — poly, bcr ©raspolei (9lrt SBeibertdj) ; — veuh, cine 2lrt $laffererbfen ; — week, bie 99etrood)e (fur bie gelte friicbte) ; — whisk, bcr ©raSbcfcn ; — wrack, brt§ SjfgMS. To GRASS, v. I. n. fid) bcgrafeit, bc= griiucu, gritn recrben, $ur aBeibe rocr= ben ; ii. a. mit ©raa bcbecEen. grasseness, s. baa ©raftge, bcr 9teirf)t[)iim an ©ra8. GRASSLESS, arfj. fjraaioa. GRASSY, a#. graftg. grate, «. 1. bad ©itter, ©after; 2. bcr 9ieft. 7b GRATE, v. a. & v. 1. gitfern; 2. rcibcu; rafpcln, Frafecn, fcbabcn; 3. Fnirrcn, Fnirfrben. fdmnrrcn, frbnar* vcit, raffelu; 4. emvfinblid) fallen, juanber fewn ; to — to dust, ju SPiil* ycr reiben ; to — the teeth, mit ben aabnen fuirfdieu ; it grates the ear, c8 bclcibigt baaDbr; to — ur>. pers (Utteril; to — upon one, ailf eillCII ftid)cl:i, etnem roe&e tbuit; crating remembrance, uuangcueiime (Srinnc= rung. GRATEFUL (adv. — ly), adj. 1. banf= bar; 2. angenebm, mefyltbatig, b,cil= fant, tetjerib, aiimutf)tg_ ; — ness, s. 1. bie MtiicbmlicbFeit, 8teblid)fcit; 2. ■Danfbarfcit. GRATER, s bie Sfccibe, ba8 ffieibctfen. GRATl I'll 'ATii >n ..i. 1 . bie SSillfabrung, ©efalligfcit, SSefrtebigitna ; 2. 2ln« ltebmlicbfcit, $reube, bag SSergniigeu, bcr ©cnujj. GRATLFIER s. (bcr, bie, baS) 33ergnu= gen- u. f. to. SBringenbe. 7b GRATIFY, v. a. aullfabrcn, gefal* lig femt, geuucu ; befriebigen, bc= fd)roid)tigcu, befanftigen. grating", i. a. J. bie IBergttterung, ba« ©itfer, ©atter; 2. ..v. r. bad Dampfgittcr; II. (ado. — ly), adj. Fnir= renb, fntrfchenb, mifitonciib, roibrtg. gratis, ado.Dfjne (Snfgelb, unentgelt= licb, umfenft. GRATITUDE, s. bie SanFbarfett, <$v= fenntlicbFeif. GRATUITOUS (adv.— ly), adj. i. fttU roiflig; 2. unmbicnt; 3. iviUfulir= ltd), ebue ©riinb. gratuity, s. baa (freirotllige) ©e* fd)cnf, ©Ijrengefr&eni (6ufeifen unb .^uf eingebrunfle* nenl Stiei oermunteit. GRAVELESa, adj. cbnc ©rab, uube= graben. GRAVELY, cdv. 1. crnft, feierlid); 2. eiufadj, prunfloS. graven, pin. gegraben, u. f. ro. ; — image, baa ©o&eitbilb. GRAVENESS, ». vid. Gravitt. ' GRAVER, ». 1. bcr ©ravenr ; JtuJ)fer= fterber, $etfd)af tfted)er ; e, SBrtibe ; — beef, augge; fttdjtes (fraftjofeS :lcinb=) gleifeb ; — poBset, ein 33rci mtt Sratenfett ; — spoon, ciit Sauceuloffef. gray, i. adj. 1. grau ; 2. bammerig; ll.s. 1. baa ©ran ; 2. bie 2)amme= rung ; 3. ber 5)acp8, eine 9Irt tadis ; — of the morning, bie 2)iora,cubam = llteruug ; the — mare is the better horse, prn. ftc tragt bie ^ofen ; — heard, ber ©raubart; —brock, bcr Tad)3 ; — eyed, gvauaugig ; — fly, cine '.'lit 53rcmfe; —friar, ber @ai)U= jiner ; —gull, bre ©raume»e ; — hain d, mit grauen ^aaren ; —headed, grau= fopfiil ; —headed man, bcr ©rei« ; — horse, bcr (©i\iu=) Srbimmetj — bound, vid. Greyhound; — malkin, ©rflulieSdjen (-^erenname, skaksp. .Mac.) ; — plower, bcr gvaue Jtibtft; — skin, baa £)ad>$fell. grayish, adj. groulig, ciit ttenig grau ; —black, graufcoroarj. GRAYLING, s. bie '.'KmMh- (Alnt"'ftfdi). GRAYNESS, ». ba3 ©ran, bie graue Sarbe. To GRAZE, r. a. & b. 1. ftreifcu, letebt berubren; 2. grafen, toeiben; j.anf bie SSeibe treioen; biitcn: 4. abivci= ben, freffen; uiu llcb freffeu; 5. mit (Miii a -a feben. GRAZER, «. bcr, bie. ba8 ©rafeubc. GRAZIER, s. bcr SSiebmafter. GREASE.* i. ba«Sett, 3d)mcr, bie SSJagenfcbmicre ; 2. Sp. /:. ©teife (HBetngefrbtDulflJ bcr S]3ferbe. To GREASE, c. a. fd^mieren ; to — a man in the h%t. cant. ciltCIt beftccbcil, mdg. fdjmieren. GREASINESS, e. bie (Sd)mierigFcit. GREASY {ado. — h,y), adj. 1. fdiniie- rig; fctt, fteifdjig; 2. unanflaubig. uurKithig ; —heels, bie 2JZaufe. GREAT, aij 1. grpft ; 2. void'tig ; 3. cihabcn ; 4. munberoar ; 5. mapQtia ; gcr; —with jroontt, trarbtig ; to i». — with »ne. rui?. bci citicnt vicl gclttu, oertrant mit ihnt fcim ; it is no — matter, c$ ift nid)t fcbivcr ; c? mad". nid)t vicl ait-j; —age, bat bebe ?ll-- tcr ; — bear, .) t T. tcv grofeSfir; —bellied, fdjiuainicr ; —Britain, ©refi= brittannien; — canon. Tup. v. bie grebe ftanon (©rbrift) ; —cirri,--, Aat. r.iu ©Icidu'r, ©leicbtbeiler; —galley, vid GixiAs; — grandfather, bcr Urgrofj: vater; —grandson, bet Urenfci; — . hearted, hbcr;t, berfibertig ; — looks ftelif SBlttfe ; —nephew, —niece, bcr ©ro§neffe, bie ©rofnicbte 2ehu Xeducr M JJeffen obet bet "Jiirbtc ; — oath, bcr greftc 2dMvur; —primer. Tup t bie Sertta Ecbrtfl ; —roll, ciiie Urfuiibe in bcr Srnaofnmmet ; —sea, biefd)roere, beble (bobe] See, bobefl SQ3nfjfet ; bit See roo Fein 8anb mcbr fiditbar ift ; —seal, /. T. ba = grofie (3iaat*=) (stcgel; a — wind, ein ftavfer SBinb. GREAT, s baa ©ailje; by the — . at the — ), im ©rofjen obet im ©anjen, in S3aufd) \\\\i Sogeit, fiberbnnpt , to freight by the — , bafl gau;e €dbtf| in Aradit ucbmcii, in ber IRufe fracS« ten ; the — , pi. bie ©ropen, iUn-nch-- men. GREATLY, adv. 1 rcd)t febr; 2. mil ©refje; 3. grofutrtig, gropinftt^ig, cbel, tavfer. ' GREATNESS 8. 1. bie ©re>5c 3 2. ber ©iuflug, bie aJcadjt, .gerrffbaft; 3. bcr^tclt; 4. @belmut(}, bie (yrba= bcuheit, ^orb^er jtgFcit ; 5. Eprad^t, .Ocrrlidifcit. GREAVES, ». 7-'. 1. bie ^cinfdMcucu; 2. ©rieben, Jalggneben. Grecian, i. a. ber@riedje: ii. adj. grird)ifcb;im griedjifeben ©efrbmatt: — fire, baa grierbifdic -uitcr. GRECISM, f. bie griedyifebe Svrad 1 -- eigenbrft, bcr @ractamu8. To GRECIZE, d. I. a in baa ©rierbi^ fdje tiberfetjen ; griedjifd) utad;cit; ii. ». griecbifdp rvrrrben. GREECE,* I ©ritcjieitlanb; 2. + bcr "Jlbfa^, bie Shtfe. GREEDINESS, », tie O'icrigfcit, ©e- fragigttit. GREEDY (ado. —ivi),a1j. gicrig. gc = fragtg, fufteru ; — . . ■vfiut- tig; — of money, aelbfurbtig. GREEK, l. a. 1. bet ©riedje; 2. baa ©riecbifebe; it's all — to me, raa fitu mit bebmifdu' Terfcr; II. adj. grir- d; i fit? ; — tire, vid Gr«i iam fire; — rose, ba8 .^immel8r5ad)en ; —water, cine SilberauflSfuiig |um Srb,njarjs farbcu ber .>3aare. GREEKLING, s. bet lvcuig grierbifit oerftebt. GREEN (adv. — ly), a*. l.grmt;2. unreif; 3. nirbt gar j 4. fif'it, ucu; , r ). meiBlirb ; blapi gruiigelblid), Fr5nf> lid); 6. jutm, unerfabren; in *o — an age. tit fe fntl-cr Jugtnb; — old age, baa miintcic ©reifenalter ; — in remembrance, in frifrbein '?lnge- benfen ; — in judgment, unerfabren; — broom, ber gnii'c ©infl : — cl se, bet Arauterrofe, 'i'ctcvfilicnfafe ; (5($ab)ieger ; — cloth (court or hoard of — clotii), baa Oefniavfeballgcricbt; —coloured, blaji, frauflirb; — com !73 GRIE GRIP GRC P iie Siiiit; —eyed, griinaugig ; — finch, beg ©riiufiuE; — fen, (vid. uufcr Greenland) ; — gase. f iiic ','lrt faftt* gcr, gruuer Spffaumtlt (franj. {a p* fife Acme Claude) ; —gold V. ©uilt= aolb ;mit®plb vcrfcfetce Sifter, {.urn OK'luMiidi ccr ©olbarbciter) ; — goose, cine junge ®an«, baS ©angdicn ; —grocer, ber ©cmiifcbanrlcr, Dbffc* bander; — hastmgs, pi. friibseitige ©cbotenerbfen ; — heart, cin partes rocftiiibifd'eg .Jpolj jit iUocfua^eln ; — hide, bie Itttjjcgcrbtc .£>ailt; — horn, fin Jrtfcbltug voin?anbe,2aubfrofch, mdg. ^untpcrnitfel; .^c. e«nt. bcr Sudig; —house, bag ©eroacfegbaus ; —meat, bag halt garcSleifd); — peak, bcr ©riinfpccht ; — place (— plot), bcr aiafeuvlafc ; —plover, bcr grune Jiibil ; —room, bag grower, 9?crfamm= luugs'tnuncr fur bie <2d)aufyicler roaijrenb bcr 3>uifd)euacfe; — se^d, (or upland cotton) Am. SBaitnWJOlle mit griiiicm Sameit ttnb sou furjcm 2L'ud)g ; —sickness, bie 'JJleicbfucfyt ; —sparrow, bag fcif; bafi fiircbtcrlidic, murrtfebe ©cficbt. GRIMY, adj. fdllltll^ig. To grin, v. «. 1. bie ' B^liiie bfecfen. ficthtcu, greinen, gviufeu ; 2. bie Sdfjne Erainpfbaft iifcr fen. 3abiie fvaiupft>aft iiber ciuantcr bci= grin, 8. bag 93ledfcn obcr gletfdien bcr 3'ibue. To grind, v. I. n. 1. mablcit, rctoen, jermalmeit; 2. ive^cn, frljlcifcu; 3. iplagen, qualcn, briicfen, bebriicfen, itutcrbrudcit; to — the teeth, mit bcu 3»ibneu fuirfeben ; 11 n. jec= malmt, gemc^t, it. f. w. rocrbcit. grind, s. jv. t. bcr .ftiuf in cittern Sail ; — stone, bcr -Dlublftciu, 3Bc^= fteitt, Schleifiteitt. GRLNnER, s. 1. bcr, bie, tciS SKa^Iens be, 9?t tbenbe, Sdbitifenbe; ber gar* bcuveiber; ^dilcifcr; 2. — s, bie SBatfenjShne; 3>ibne. GRINDING,.,, bag "Wabtcn, OfJcibcu; — mill, bie SJiablmuble, .OauMituble. grinner, 8. bcr ©rtnfenbe, grafeen* febneiber, ber bie 3abue blecft. GRINNINGLY, adv. griltfctlb. CRIP. Bid. Gripe. To gripe, v. a. fy n. i. utgrcifcii, pa= cfen, crgreifctt; 2. feft iiaUcn, 511= fammenbriirfen, fneipcu, jaudVu; 3. bic Jtolif babcil; the ship gripes, Sea Ph. bag trainer, <5pt5erci(roaaren=)^anbIer ; — s' hail, bag JtTainer=l3uttungg=) -fiaug, bie 3u n ftftube bcr .ftvdiitev- gilbc; — 's shop, bcr 3JIatertat= otct <2pe5crci=?abcn. grocery, 8. bag 2JlatertaI=-(2B«a= ren=)@cfcr>cift, bie sKatericU(3Baa= ren=).§anblung ; bcr 2JJatertnUVa= belt; — ware (or groceries), bic "j.Wv- terialroaaren, ©pejeretroaareit, ©e? luitrjwaareu. GROt;, 8. bcr ©rog (Slum, it. f. w. mit Staffer); — hlossoms, pi. bie Sifts tbcu tin ©cftcbtc. GROGGY', adj. Sea cant, bctrtltlfcn, bc= ncbclt. grogram, 8. bcr ©rogvam (famccU barnc3eug). GROIN, 8. 1. bie Scbaiitlciftc, bet (Sdiamtutg; 2. (tin 3icucnglifd)cit) bcr 2d)weingriiffcf ; 3. Arch. T bic Dtipvcii obcr ©itrtcu an einer ger»51b= ten Terfc ; swelling in the — , bie ?ci= ftcttbcule (53ubo)/ GROMIL, Gromwkll, s. vid. Gremil. GROMET, Grommet, s. JV*. T-s. bit ©tagsSagel (^rogen ober ^rauj) yon ^aucn ; — of an oar, ber (Strop cine* SRicmg. GROOM, s. 1. ber 33urfd)C; JDtener, SScbieute, Slufioarttr; 2. ( — of the stables), ber Stallfncdit; 3. jungc SDJcnfd); 4. ©rautigam* — of the chamber, ber .Wammerbicncr ; — oi the stole, ber 2luffebfr btr fonigltcbtn ©arberobe, ber Oberfamnter^err (c — mattre dc guardrrohr) ; — potter bcr Sluffeber uber bic K'utglicbcit ©e» mftcber lltlb Spiclc (Ch. maitre de jdai.iir). To GROOVE, v. a. ailgfnibfctl; groor ing plane, T. ber Thithhobcl. groove, 8. 1. bic .•liiniic, 5uge; 't ©rube tin ©ergbaue. groover, s. ber SBerglnaUpe. ruGROPF^ v. n. &■ a. ftrabbclu, grn GROU fcit, (appcn (— for, after, narh ; bc= tafteu, begreifen; h go groping along, benuntappcii, fid) ben 5l ; ca mit ben ■pdnbrn fucbeu ; to — out one's way, lint Ainftcni) forttappen. GROPES, « bei £appenbe, SBetafter. 3EOSS(a. un= uerhditnijjmdptg, ungebtlbet; 6. nati^ ; 7. ttUSgebcfmt ; 8. briiifcub, fdnvcr ; — adventure, bic ©obinerei, ©rofhShmntur; — air, bide (mit 3>unftcn angefutlte) 8uft ; — amount, bcr robe SBetrag, bag robe f^robuct; — average, bie flrope (gemcinc abet @eneraU)<§aferei ; — beak, bcr ,)tcnt= bcijicr, JJtrfcbbetper ; a — error (mistake), ciu grobcr Srrtbum ; — freight, bic ganje Sfracbt, SBruttos gracf)t ; — beaded, bitffbpftg, bumm ; — language, bie grebe (unl}bflid)c) . bie ©runbitung, ®runbfar= be; 7. ber (Spifcengrunb ; ftaben (bei ben iucbmadieriu • 8. +bas garter* re (fin ©efeaufpiel|aufe) ; grounds ». ;./. 1. Sdiibereien, Sclber, Uegerrbe ©rfinbe, ©fiter ; 2. bic ©runbleb.* ren, SlnfangSgriutbe ; 3. ber ©obeiu fal), bic •Ocfcn, wig. bic ®runbfup= pc ; to break — , Mil. T. bie Saufgrd= ben erSffnen; to dispute the — ,'baS ?jelb fkcitig ntarben; to get (gain)—, »or»art8 (writer) fommen, Sorts febritte marten ; fibetbanb uebmen ; Sealang ( vnr etitcm anbcni Sdjiffe) OOrbet'fegelll ; to give, lose or quit one's — , SRauin geben, bas getb rdumen lobcr vcrlicvcu), ftd) jururfjieben, tveidjeu ; to lay in the — . eingraben, begrabeit ; to run a — , ftraitbcu ; to keep — , fid) behanptcn, balteti (yon ^Jretfen); to stand (»?• keep) cue's — , bcu (fetneu) v i'laij bebaupten; in compos. — angling, bus ©rurtbaugefn ; — ash. bie j.tngc Sfc^e ; bcr ©eigfufi fJPffanje) ; — bait, mfdifobcr an? uJialj, bcr nuf ben 33oben geroorfen roirt; — beetle, bcr Vauffafcr, 3tenil= f.'lfcr ; —dove, bic <2pcrlina,Manbc, b bcrmann; — malt, bic 2rabcr; — nut, bic C^rbnup, (?rbeid)el ; — oak, bie jnngc (^irbc, .^ciftcr ; — pin.', bet (*rbu>ci brand), \>aS Selaitgerjelieber, fierjfraut; — plates, bie @runb= 3i1iioeIlcu (511 eincr (fifenbabn, u. f. tt>.) ; — plot, ber fflrunb, ©runb= rif) ; — rent, bcr ©rUttbjinfi ; — room. ba« 3imnierfliif ber (5ibc; — sei, ba€ Arcujfraut {Strudo — /,.); — eel (—all), 7'. bie roc[lc; — Bquirrel, X. T. bcr SJMorf auf bent bcr i'iaft rubt, ba€ Srbwein ; — sugar, 836c= rbel fi^eit bleibt; — ways. .\; 7: tic Unlerlagen bcr @t(tpelb(5cfe ; — work, bie ©runbloge, ber ©runb; bic SlnfangSgrfinbe ; — worm, bcr dic= genmurnt. To ground, v.0, 1. auf ben ©runbfe= §cn; 2. bcu ©runb niadjen ; grinu ben; 3. in bcu Slnfaiigjgriiiibeii uu-- tcrriditcii; to — a Bhip, ciu Scbiff auf bcu ©runb fcfeeu (urn c« \\\ fic= Icn, ju breuuen, otcr ;u Falfatern); to — the arms, Mil. T. baS ©ciocbr nieberlegeii ; ftrerfeu ; II. «. .v. T-a. untcr Segel auf ben ©runb gerafljert. GROUNDAGE, s.l.t. bad ilnfergclb, ■fiafengelb; bie .^afcitgcbubrcu, hat Sonue'ugelb. GROUNDLESS {adv. — i.v), adj. grutlb= toS; — ness,«. bic ©runblofigfett. GROUNDLING, s. 1. bcr ©ruubltug (eiu 3ifd)) ; 2.^?. SEropf; 3. ground- lings. /. envadtfeu, eutftclu'ti ; (i. jerfatlen; 7. sea tang. anfcbmeUen, bohl ge^ett; to — better, fid) befferu; to — blind 10 ... blinb (uuempfiublid), gleicigiiitig) rocrbcu gegen . . ; to — childish, Einbifdj wc\-- bcii ; to — easy, fiit bcrubiiieii; to — handsome, fid) ocrfcbiiiicrit ; to — humble, fid) bemutbtgen ; to — in fa- vour, (im SPreife) ftciiicu; to — in flesh, fetter, biifer locibcu ; to — in years, alt rocrben ; to — into fashion, 3JIobe roerben ; to — into a habit, tur ©eioohuhcit roerben ; to — into a proverb, »um 2pricbwort ivcrbcu ; to — into one's esteem, ^ClliailbCiS \'ld> = tuna geroinnen ; it grows late, c* ivirb fpat : to — less, fid) oerminberu ; to — light, itcb rrbellen; it grows near harvest, it gcht auf bic e>rutc fofi; to — obsolete-, DCl'illtCll ; to — old, GRUF altcnt ; the nii'bt grows (on) arnee^ bie 9lacbt fommt bcran; Sea Exp-t, the cable grows eiceedingly, baS 9Jn« fettau rcitct (liegt ftraffi auf bem .)3 a 1 •? ; the cable grows on the star- board bow, Bti ©arfbetW 9nrertan ftcbt ftcif auf ben .Ulin'cii; to —out ails:, bcraiieroaitfcn ; to — out o. fashion, an.' bcr tilobt fommen ; tc — out of use abfomnien; to — out of favour with one, bei .\cmanbem in Ungnabe fallen, fet'ne ©unft »rrlie= ren; to — out of esteem, bic SrBtung Derliereit; to — out ofkind,au< bet 51 rt fcblagen ; to — poor, oerarmeu ; to — short, furger loeibcn.abncbmeit; to — together, jufammenmaeljfen ; to — towards an end, fiih jum Snbe nci» gen ; it grows towa i ivirb Stag; to— ui>. toaebfen, aufmatfcfen; to — u|i into one's acquaintance, uiit Semanbein befaunt ivcrbcu; to — upon one, ciuent 511 mdebtig ivcrbcu ; fum. ibm fiber boi ^opf maebfen ; to — weary, ermfiben ; to — weary of a thing, einer Sadje fiberbrfiffta wet* ben ; to — well, beffer ivcrbcu, neb cr holcn, genefen'; to — worse, fidjpets fddimmcrn; to — young, ficb »erj fins gen ; ii. n. bcu !Bacb8tbum bef5r= bent, bauen, jieben. grower, s I. ber, bic. baS SOacBfehs be; '.'.bcr SPffanjet, SJJrobuceut robcr Sflatuverjeugniffe ; a — of cotton, eiu SBiumroolIpfiaujer ; a slow — , cin syaunibcr tangfam tvacbfl, GROWING, part s. x- nic-- grgen Semanb begen. grudger .-. bet SJltibet; gaffer. grudging ado. ■ n . adj mutrenb; mit SBerbrufi, wtberftrebeub, ungern. GRUEL, 1. bcr Oa'cvfl'lcim, bic ii- fane. GRUFF f/rf". — ly), adi 1. miirnvf, verbrietlliif ; '.». raub. febro if ; — ne^s s. i^ mftrrifdbe SBefen, bat 5U-\1o fcubc in Jon \u\^> ©lief. 175 GUAR L'RUM {ado.— ly), adj. 1. miirrifd); 2. iicf (in ber ©tiinine). 7'->GUU.MBLE,i>. ». 1. liutrrcit, brum= men. fnumn; 2. nturmeln, rollen; btullen; 3 iid> beflagen, bcfdpivc= vcn, (—at. fiber). grumbler, s. bet SNuttenbe, aJitp* oergnugfe, wig. Srummbart. grumbling, a. baS SSJhteten, iftnut* veil; — of the abd imen, boS .ttnurrcit tm Seibe; — ly, adv. iinjufiicbcu; vaub. GRUME, s. baS ^Ticfc, ©cvonueno, •ttlumpd)en. URUMOUS, adj. biof, geronnetl ; — ness, s.bte ©crotuicnbcir.bas Dicfe. 7% GRUNT, To Grunt-lb, ». n. grungCtt (bcfonbcrS vcu ©dmicinen); mur= vcn; fiohticu. fidbjen, fenrVit. grunt, 5. baS ©runjen, ©t5bnen. GRUNTER, s. 1. bcr, bio, baS ©run* jenbe; bee SRurrenbe ; 2. Jlnorrfifd). GRUNTING, a. baS @ritii fid)t, 93otinunbfd)aft, 3?crii>abnutg ; •J. SJorftdjt ; 3. bet ©ifyn^griff am ©egen, basetidibiatt; 4.bie©<$u&= fieliuug tin ftcctten. bas Saget ; 5. bie ©rpu&wac&e; Cetbroadje, ©arbe ; 6. ber ©cfctrrnteifter, SQagenmeiftec, (Sonbuctciir cetftee SPoft), ^}oftfrf)aff= iter ; 7. (Bet ben SBueljbinbern) ber ?Sal$ ; 8. Sitgel (am Sdiafte etnee glinte, It. f. 10.) ; guards, pi. bie -g»iu= tcrflauen eitteS (SberS ; to stand upon one's — . auf tcr ,0ut fe\)n, fid) in 2id)tnef)ilicii ( — against, »oe) $ ineom- pos. —boat, ba8 SBarftboot (voclcbcS tn einem §afen bie SRttnbe bait) ; — chamber ( — room), bie 3Bad)ftubf, baS 2B>td)$imiitcr ; —house, baS 3Bad)= bailS, bie 23.iehc ; — irons, pi. Sen latig. bas eifevne ©ittirrocrf, bie gtgut bos ©allionS ?u fdiiifjcn ; —ship, bie SBtanbroadje, bas SBacbfcJjiff; ber JluftciibcaMbicr (JtricgSfd;if an ber Jtiifle). guardable, adj. fialtbar, jit scrt^ei= btgen. GUARDANT, adj. If. T. aiifrcdit. erl)a= ben, bas ©cfu"i)t gegen ben jgufefeanet gefebvt. GUARDED {adv. — ly), adj. »orftd)ttg, bebntfam. GUARDEDNESS, s. bie 5>orftd)tii}foit, S9e()ntfamEeit. guarder, 8. ber •Outer, 2Sad)ter, 53e= roacber, Befcbu&et. GUARDFUL, adj. vDvfid)tiii, bebntfam. guardian, i. *. ber ©iitcr, 93eroat)= rer, 2Bad)ter, ^luffeber, SBorinunb, Gltrator; — of the spiritualities, ber SSieae eiues 83tfd)ofs ; n. « j. fr^fis ^enb; — angels, <2cbitf}eua,cl. 176 GUIL GUARDIANSHIP, s. bie 3S»tlllunbft^aff, .Outb, 3lnffid)t, ber 3diutj. guardless, adj. fcbufeloS, lvebrlos. GUARDSHJP, ». ber >£d)ittj w. ii.). GUAVA. s.vil. Guaiava. GUBERNATiON,s.bicdiC(Vcniu ( ],33er= toaltung (ro. ii.). GUBER.N'ATIVE, adj. VCilietOllb. gudgeox, s. 1. ber ©ninbling; 2. Sropf, ^iufol; 3. bie Socffvetfe ; 4. ber cifente 3 n Pf en (fi» c ^ SJcabeS, ei= iter 9tolle, n. f. w.) GUELDERLAND, Guelders, .". ©el= bern (8anb unb ©tobttnben 5ticbcr= lanben). GUELDER-ROSE, «. vid. Gei.der rose GUELFS, Guelpiis, s. pi, bie ©ucipbeu. guerdon, s. bee Soljn. GUERJCTE, s.Fbrt. baS tftcincvnc) Sd)il= berijauS. To guess, v.n. &■ a. niutbmajieit, »er= mutben, ratbeu, erratl;on (—at a thins, etraas). guess, s. bie S^iittbinafiiing, 33crmu= tbuttjv, baS Satbett. guesser, s. ber v Diutf)mat1eube, dr= ratbenbe, Olatber. GUESSINGLY, ode. lltutbmafjlid). GUEST, s. ber ©aft ; greillbe ; — cham- ber, bas ®aft= obcr grembenjtmmer ; —rite, ber ©aftgebraud), bie gaft= fremibfrbaftlidie ©mvfangitabine ; — rope (guess-rope), JV". T. baS 5cf)lcpp = tau (ciueS SoofeS), Saumtou ; — wise, adv. tuie (alS) cin ©aft. To GUGGLE, v. n vid. To Gurole. GUIDABLE, adj. Icufbav, [cttffam. g'uidage, s. ber \!obu fines 28egt»eis fees (»v. ii.). GUIDANCE, s. bie Si'^ntitg, Scitumi, Vluffiitt, SJegienittg. To GU1DE,_ v. a. fiibren, Iciteit, bclci)= ren, ciimuvfeu, bie 'Jluffidit fithreit. guide, s. ber SEBegweifcr, gubvet ; Settee, SRegieeee ; —book, bee 2Deg« toeifer (cin imch fi'tr ;)(eifcubc);. — post, bie Slrmfiiiile, betSffiegweifee (an J?rcit5= obcr ©ettetbewegen). guideless. adj. obite (Sithicr. guider.s. ber ^ithver, SJegiueifer, guidon, s. 1. bas $anier, Satinet, bte ©tanbatte, >ft. Snnung, 33riiberfcbaft; —hail, bas 9iatbbauS (ju 8onbon) ; —rents, 2lbi]abeii ber ©ilbcn an bie jjeone. GUILDABLE, adj. ftcucrbar. GUILDER, s. ber hollaubifitc ©ulbeu. guile, s. ber 53erntg, SBeteatb, bic Slrgltft. GUILEFUL (ado. — ly), adj. BctVUQ= ltd), argltfttg ; vervatberifdj ; — ness, s. bic 33ctrii'jlid)feit, ^tnterlifl, 3lr.j= lift. GUILELESS, adj. triigTcS, aniloS, ebr= lid) ; —ness. i bie 2ltaUMlafeit, 9tcb= ttd)Eett, Uufdiulb. guillemot, s. bas 3Baffer6uBn. guillotin, s. bic ©liiliotiuc, baS Sallbcil. To guillotln, i>. a guiflotinttcn. guilt.s. bic ©djulb, ©unbe, SOliife* that, baS ^erbrcdjen ; —sick, gewtfs fensfranf. GUILTILY, ode. r.cibmtcvifd), ftraf- bar. guiltiness, s. bic Sd)iilb, ©traf= barfcit. GUILTLESS {adv.— ly), adj fd)llIbIoS, utibcflecft; —of..., fremb, nnerfab- reutu..., uitbcriibrt oon...; — ness. s. bie ©djulbloftgfett. guilty, adj. 1. frfjulbig, ftrafbar ; verbcibt; 2. fdjulbberuupt; to find one (or to bring one in) — , eiticn fd)ill = big erUaeen, tr)n vcmvtbcilen ; to GUN plead — , bte ,S?(age anevfennen, fcin SSetbvedpen eiugefterjen. GULMP (Goimp la.ce) s. foibenc Spifecu. guinea, s. 1. ©uinea (Sanb in ?tfvi= fa) ; '2. bie ©uinee(21s.) — cor-a. bie •Oivfe; —dropper, bet berrugirifrbe ©I3telce(berum j« betrugen ©uiiiccn fallen lapt); —grains, bie SBarabieS* Hu'itcr; — hen (—fowl); baS SJJetl» l)ul)it; — man, ber ©uineafabrer ; — pepper, bet fpaiiifcbc SJJfeffet ; — pig, bas SWeerfcbroeindben (Cavia cobaya— L.) ; —wheat, baS tiirfifd)C jlotn, ber -Slais. guiniad, s. ber SBet^ftfrb. guise. 5. 1. bte Sltt, SBetfe, bas g?e> ucbmcit; 2. bicCMeivobiibeit, ber ©c= braucb; 3. 3lnjng, bie Sracbt; 4. bee Sorroanb, bie OJcaS'e, gorm, ®c- ftalt. guiser, s. ber SQermummte (tefon* bcrS jut aScihtiaittujeit). guitar, «. bic ©uitarrc, 3tt')cr. GULA, s. vid. Gola. GULES, H. T. I. 5. brtS 9tOtf) ; II. adj. rotf). gulf, s. 1. ber 2JJeer&ufen, ©olf; 2. Slbgruiib: ©cblunb: 3. ©trubel, SBtrbel. GULFY, adj. ocllcr 2)?cerbufeit ; voller Scf)lunbc, voller SEBirbel. To gull. r. a. betriigen, fd)itctleii, etrcid)c fpiclcn. GULL,s. 1. bic OJtciic ; 2. ber ©etvug, Sjiftjf, Itftige ©tretc^, bie^rclletet ; 3. ber eiufaltige Sropf; —catcher, ber SBetriiget. GULLER,s. ber Setrugct. GULLET, s. ber irbluub, bic ©urgcl ©petfetob^re. gullibility, 5. mdg. bic Seid)tijtau= bigfeit. To GULLY, v. a. auSl)i.U)Ieil, Ulltcntlta nitett. gully, s. bie Sctftefung, ber ©ra> ben, SlbPug, Olblauf, ^luSfiup; — hole. baS «d)lcufeulpdi. gulosity, s. bie @cfraf;iqToit (in. ii.). To GULP, v. n. rjiciig febfaefeit (to — down), uerfcbliirf en ; — up. ausfpeien. gulp. s. 1. ber 5d)Iucf, Bug ; 2. baS 5IttSfpcicii. GULPH, s. vid. Gulf. GUM, s. 1. baS ©unimi, .Oar$, SPffan* jen^arj; 2. baS 3abitflcifeb; 3. bie Sungenbuttet ; — arabic, baS arabifitc ©ummi, ©iimmi Slrabtcnm; — boil, baS 3a|ngefc$i»ut ; — kino, ©ambia ©ummi; — lac bee Caef; — lancet, s. T. bie 3of)nffetfcbtangette; — suc- cory, bic fpanifebc Sfflegemarte, ivilbc Snbbie; — tragacanth (dragon), ba8 Sragant ©ummi. To gum, D. o. gumintrcn, mit ^arj= ivaffer anfeiiditcn ; to — together, jus flcbcu, jufamincnficbeu. GUMMLNESS, } s. bic barege 3?cfd)af= GUMMOSITY, I feu!)cit, bas @ummi= artigc. GUMMOUS, I adj. 1. gitmmid)t, guiiu gummy, ) mtattig; 2. ©umnitgcs bcub, gitmmig; 3. mit ©unimi fibetjogen. GUMPTION, s wig. ber QScrftaub, wig SDJetfS, bie ©riitje. Gt'N.s. bas genrrgerocot. ©efd)iife; bie Jlauone; 33ucbfe, jWu«tete, Sliute; a great — , cin ©tiief ©cfd)ii^, etne JEa» none ; as sure as a — , vol", ftciltj ges UHH; to breech — 's, bic Jt\lU011Clt tobreit ; to charge a — , cin ©cwebr labeu ; to mount a — , cine Jfanone auf bic Safette briugcu ; —barrel, bee glintenlauf; — boat, bad .ftancuten* boot ; — carriage, bic "affcttc; — deck, jv. T. baS uittcrfte SSerbecf ; — flint, ber Sfintenjlein ; —knife, bas ©piir.» GUTT HABT HAGG nrnneffer ; —ladle, bie ?abe frfiviiifcl ; —metal, baa SturfmefflU, ©furfflut ; pons,/;/, bie Stficfnforteit, ©djiefilos cctr (Soiiftabler*J?ainmet; — shot, ber 2d) 11 i; bit Sdmiiroeite ; — ■hot wound, bie 5 eb lithium be J — siinfr, ber Aliiiteutiemeii; —smith, btr iBurf)feitfd)mtct>, ©ucbfeninacber ; — wick, bev fttbeftocf; —stock, ber icfel ; ba3 ?lebfcU ftitef. GUST, s. 1. ber ©efciinact' ; 2. Irieb ; bie SReigung, Siebe; 3. ber ©toji, Sffiinbfttp, gturm; a heavy, — of wind, JV. T. elite febii'cve 938, iRaaf ; a — of anger (passion), eitt beftiger 9iti«bnid)be» 'ionis. bie ©einutf)a6e= wegung. 7b GUST, ». a. fdjmecfen, fofiett, ®e= fallen fiabeit an . . . (ro. 8.) GUSTABLE, «$. 1. jn fdjmcifeit; 2. febmaefhaft (n>. u. I gustation, s. ba« ©cbjnecfeu, ber ©efebmaef. GUSTFUr,, adj. rooblfrbmerfenb, fd)uiacr'baft: — ness.8 ber ©efebmaef, bie ©ebmaefbaftigfeif. gustless, a. l.a. ail8h5hleit; U. 7i. fi6 1. an^eboMtrpcvben; 2 riiuien, fn>d)cit; — lettero, .«eblbu^ft,v Ben; — ness,8. ba£ SluSfpret^en buvrf) bie Jlef)le. guy, .*. 1. ®uibo, SBeit (5Wann«nas me); 2. JV T-s. bet .'Ibb.ilter; ba* ?abetafel, Stagfafel(2:au,iiin fd>roe= re .Horner aurjubiffen) ; Sopteep; boat's — , tie .)(:ir,bUMdHer tc3 s ^pp= U%; bie oftiiibifdn'/ g|«tb. To GUZZLE, o. n. * » vulg f,iiifen, je= dint, fcjjicmmen, freffen, fr^lintjeii, flievi.^ biiuniter fdilinacii. GUZZLE, s. ber 'bie, bfl«) UnerfSttlidje. GUZZLER, s. ber 3ed)brubcr, 3dilcni = liter. To GYBE, oid. T„ Gibe. GYBE ». »»* (,'iBn. GYMNASIARCH s, ber (^mnaiTarrf), Slecrot obet Borgefe^te einel ©mit= naftumS. GYMNASIUM, i. 1. ebebem) ein Drt ;u SetbeSflbungen, bet :)iimi=, Aedu= Pbet .Juriiplats: 2. (jetjtj bie ©elchr-- tciti'dnile, bas ©mnitaftum. GYMNASTIC, (Gtmnic) [adv. -ally), r adj. gtjmnaflifeB, tiirnfunbtg, tu feu SeioeSubungen geWrig (biefelben bc= treffenb) ; ll. ». bie i-J SBabrfagen in JtreiSgafc i^en, bie ©i)romautie. To GYVE, 0. a fe'Teht. gyves, s.pi. bie geffefn, Su^Oanbe. H. 11. s b«S 6, b, ber adifc 83uebftabe bea SllvbabetS. HA! int. ba ! ha, ha, ha ' (S'Jacrja^mnng be* Sadjentt pa, bo, l),t! II A \K. 8. tn'i II \kk. HABERDASHER, 8. ber , :^arett=),f?ra = met, .Uleiiilniiib'er, SBanbfjSnbfer, ■Outflaffirer. HABERDASHERY. 8. ber .(tleinbrtiibet, befoiibcrS mit ^ulMiMavcu, 33atett= fr«m, bie ^utftafftrerei. 11 VBERDINE, 8. ber nelrcefiietc ©tod* ft'*. 11 iBERGEON, .-.ber ©ruRfioimifcB, baa SBrujlflficf. habiliment, s. bie Jlleibung, baa 5?ieibitug8jtucl. II \BII.ITV, 8. Vid. AniMTY. HABIT, s 1. bie ^cfdhiffeubeif, ber ?n= italic : 2. ©ebraueb,! 3. bie gerttg feit, ©eroobnbeit; 4. jffcibiiiig, baa .ffleib; — of body, bie ?eibe8befdjaf: fenbeit ; to gel a — , grruot)ut lvevben ; to (jel into the — of drinking, lid) bem Sruiif ergebeu ; by — . aiii3 ©etoobtt* beit ; — gloves, bie ?uitba , ib'" - b»'» fiir 2)ameu. t,< HABIT, b a. fleiben, beffeiben, an< fleifcn, puteii. habitable, adj. roo^nbar, beroobif bar. habitablenebs, t bie ©eroobnbar« feit. HABITANCT, w. bie SBobnung, ber?lu= fentbiilt. HABITANT, i. ber (^iir.vobner, 5*c= ivpbncr. habitation, t. I. baa SSopnen, g?<» roobnen, eie Qeroobnung ; 2. 3T>ob= litiiKt, ber SBobnpla^. habited, n .7. geflriber. berteibet. habitual, adj. e ; 5. ber -AK'iefbli Ifl ; to make a — of.. . ctiv,i-5 c\\-i fein Isigeittbuin ge« biMiidien, (—of a horse, c i it Sfftrt iiiimer rct'ten' ; — coacii. bie 11(ictb= hltfrfje; — coachman bw O.Vietbfut-- fdicr; —horse, baS 9Jlittbpferb ; — man, ber i!feibe'.H - vleiher, Ac cant ^revbepbilifter ; — waiter, ber i!obn= bebiriire. 7b HACKNEY, » a 1. gcivobneil, an» gerobbnen ; geroanbt madden, jurei= ten ; 2. in einer i'Jietbfiitfdjefabrtn ; 3. veibiaiieben. hackneyed, adj. 1. gerobbnt, ge^ roaubt, jngeftufet; i. oerbraurbt, ab= genu^r, abgegriffen. HADDOCK. « ber Jtabel jan, ^i-bellRfrb. HADE, .-•. Jtfifa t ber j,ibe Qlbbang; — or land, ein [fritter 5lecf ?anbrt. hades, ». baa Scbattenreicr), bie Utt* tenvelt. haft. ». bie ^anbbabe, ber ©riff ijtiel, .*>cf t. n haft, b a ntiteiiiem @rtffe,€tieli ii. f. w. oerfeben, ftielen. HA' .. a I. M'e>Sfi'e. Unbolbiiin, ^urit. baa Srbeitfal, Ungebctter ; 2. bie bh*.- lirbc ffllte; — boat, JV r Kit ,t>eef boot; — horn. U ii einer A>crc |icb?' ten ; — rid. — ridden, bebert; ins% ;,'. clcfm'iVbc Ainifeii, bie man jlltvei' leu in SoininernScbteu) aiibenlWib' uen ber 3}ferbe debt. '/•,< HAG, d. a. qutllen, martern, peini' gen. HAGGARD (adv. —it), adj. I, tvtlb. ungetfibmt; 2. ba§Iirb. grai, bager, Ungeftalt; — eyes, n-ilce ^lirfc. HAGGARD. 8. I. bet ivilre ,"\alf ( ^«« 177 HALC HALF HA MM $u.. fcagjtfalf ; 2. SBHbfang; 3. bic -tScrc. HAGGIS, *. fine Slrt 3Bitvfi obcr ^Ictfci>= Rubbing [ein bcfonbcrs fcbothfrbcS ©crtcht). 7b haggle, v. i. a. bacfett, jcrbacfen, yerftiimiuelii ; H n. (beint .£>aubcln) fnicfern, abenitfcit. HAGGLER, s. I. bcr 3fr^t(fev, 3"= ftitmnilev ; 2. Jluicfcr. UAGlOGBAPHAIi, adj. btc fattoitifrbcn 58ud)er ber beiligcii Scbrift betrcf= fenb. HAGIOGRAPHER, s. bci - fa»onifd)e ©djrifrftellcr. HAGIOGRAPHT, s. pi. bic fauoitifrbcn SBiic^er, ^eiltgett Sd)vifteu. HAGSHIP, s . us £>ereuwefen, bte .§c= reufdjaft. hague, s. bei- ijpaag (etabt tit igoU lailb); — but, Dtii Arquebuse. HAH ! int. {)a ! hail, «,//. gefunb, frifcb uitb gefunb, tm SBo'hlfemt; — fellow, bcr ©cnojj, @efcllfd)after ; to be — fellow well met, + vu.'g. mit 3emauocm ycrtraut umgcbctt. HAIL, s. bcr 45ctget ; — shot, ber i^ax- tatfd)cnfd)u§; — stone, baS $agcU font, bcr 43agelfteiit, bte ©d)Io£e. To HAIL, ». I. n. imp. fyageln ; it hails, eSJjagelt; EL a. i. gtcRcn, ergtcgen, auSftromett ; 2. ©iucrwunfitett, grit= fjcn ; ciu <3d)iff (burd) baS f2prad)s robr) auntfeit ; preictt. HAIL, int. fieil ! ©liicf ju ! ©Iticf auf ! 33iyat! HAILY, adj. f)agclid)f, auS .gagel bcfte= fjenb ; — shower, ber .&agelfd)aucr. riAiNAULT, s. (bie ©raffdjaft) £ctt= ucgait. UA1NOUS (ado. — ly), adj. abfcfjCltltfl) ; — ne?», btc Mfdmtlicbfeit. ?iair, s. 1. baS 4?acitttbe ; — bine, ein 2Bollcnftoff auS ^lorrot^ ', — bracket, jv. t. bic 33crtangcruug bcr obcrn Scftliejifnic beS ©anions uad) oben $u ; — brain- ed, vid. Hark brained, Ultt. Hare; — ('s) breadth, bic ^aarbrette ; within a — 's breadth, atlf cilt <§aar, eS fct>ItC nid)t tiki, fo . . . ; — broom, ber SBorftwifrb, ©orftbefen; — buttons, pi. rojjljarnc .ftuopfc ; —cap, bte @rc= nabtcr=, (99aren=) 2Jiii$e; — cloth ( — shirt), bCtS -*3aartlicb; — dresser, ber .{paarfrauslcr, .P>aarriiuft[er ; — fillet (—lace), baS .fpaarbanb; — hung, on cineiu ,£>aare hangenb ; — pin, bie .fjaarnabel; — salt, ,*oaar= falj; —seating, baS rofif)artte StuIjU jeug ; — side, bie. gutarfeite (bcr ftclie ober JQCitttt); — siev«, baS .£aarfieb ; — star, bcr ,<5aarftcrn, jtonict; — stroke, Typ. T. ber ,£>aarftrid) ; — trunk, ber raufje Jtoffer. HAIRED, adj. in compos, fyaarig ; bc= ijaart; curl — , frausljaarig; long — , langhaartg ; rough — , ran'ro, lofrig. Hairiness, ,<,. l. bas 53cl)aartfci;n j 2. tic .daarfitllc. hairless, adj. oI)ne .Oaarc, Fa(;[. hairy, s. baavig, biircn. hake, >.s-. ba^ jTtotbangc, bcr rotfye ■iAKOT, $ Siaffen (ein gifdj). HALiiERD, s. bie .^cdebarbc; to get a , Sergeant roerben ; to be brought to the halberds, gCVeitfcbt tVCfbett. Helberdier, «. ber .Scdebarbier. Halcyon, I *. ber @t«uoge(; ^aU 17S ct)on ; H. adj. ntbig, ftill, fricbli* ; — days, bie rnhigen, fttllcit, fricbliitcn Sage; the — deep, * bcr mhigc Ocean. HALCYONIAN, adj. vid. Halcyon. hale, adj. frifeb, gcfitnb, rool)I ; mu eeriest. To HALE, v. a. vid. To Haul. HALER, s. vid. Hauler. HALF, I. adj. l. halves; bie .*5alfte ; ()alb $art ; with — the labour, in it bcr balbcn 2}iiit)e; — a dozen, ein f)a(bcg Xnfecnb; — an hour, cine bolbe Stltltbe; — a crown (guinea), cine fjalbejlrone (Ouinee); a — sheet of twelves, Typ. Ph. baS 2>nobC$forntat ; a pound and a — , anbertbalb SJJflinb ; — pastseven, t)alb acb,t (Ubr) ; at (by) — , fitr (urn) bie •Sfilfte; the better — , bie fjri5f?crc ^alfte; joe. bte (5'f)d)a(fte, (ki)cgat= tilttt ; in compos. — awake, b,alb road) ; — blood ( — blooded), I. adj. t)albbiir= tig; H..5. baS .§albgcfcbroiftcr, ©ttcf= gefd)n.nfter ; — blooded, anSgcar= tet, fcblecbt (w. ii.); — bred, «on jwet'erlei ©efd)!cd)t, jrotttcrartig ; unreif; fig. unyollfomnicn, mtttel= mS|ifl (fcbledjt erjogen); — breed, baS 9JJifrbgefd)lcd)t; — brother, bcr >er, ®tiefbrnber ; — cap. baS 3tiicfen ber 3JJiifce (bcr obcrflad)lid)c @rny); — chintz, ber ^albjtfe; — communion, baS ^Ibcnbmabl untcr e i n e r ©cfialt ; — dead, tialb tobt ; — deck, Sea long, bcr Scailllt frtttf bCllt jroeitctt ^ccf obcr in bcr ©djanjc) jroifdnn bent groficn nnb ©efamnaft; auf flatten Sabrjeugcu bcr %U\% vor ber Jlajute, (mo baS i'olf (ogirt),baS Saitjcr ; — faced, ba§ ©cftd)t nur b,a(b jeigenb ; fd;ntalbacfig ; unyoll= fontmen, balb ; — file, Mil. T. bie brci erftcn obcr brct (eijtcii 'DJJdnncr in ei= item SataiUon, bic Section, balbc Styiftoit ; — flood, btc balbe fjlutl) ; — galley, bie balbe ©afecre ; — grain scarlet, bcr .^albfcbarlacb, ; — hatched, balb auSgebriitct;— heard, I;alb (nur imvoUfommeti) geb,ort; — hour-glass, baS l)albe StllUbCU--®la«; — learned, balbgdcbrt; the — learned, pi. bic nur obcrflacblirbe JJetmruiffe »on ben 2Biffcufcbafteu beftfeeu, ,§albgc(ebr; ten; — lost, balbycrlorciC am ?T{anbc beS SSerbcrbeuS ; — mark, ber ^obct (().«. 8d.) ; — minute-glass, baS balbe 9Jctnuteiu@laS; — moon, ber balbe 9JJonb, .^albmonb ; Fort. r. ber ,§alb= ntonb (ciu Slu^enjoer! mit jtvet §latt= feu) ; — part, bie >*3illfte ; — pay, ber balbe 2oib; — penny, bcr fjalbe eng= Itfd)e pfennig, dicier; a — penny loaf, cilt Treierbrob; a — penny's worth, fur eincit T5rcicr 9Bertb; — pike, bie (futcrpicfc; baS.Rur^geiycbr, l5sponton ; — pint, bie balbe $iutc ; — ports, jv. t. bie 2luSfuttcriing ber Stud pforten ; — price, ber balbe %■([#, balbc 2Bcrtf) ; — read, ober= flacblid) bclefcit; — round, balbruub, ooal ; — scholar, bcr i^albgele^rte ; — seas over, col. fd)tef gclabcu, angc= fdioffen fcin menig betrunfen) ; — sighted. Eurtftdjttg ; — sister, btc ^alb= fd)mcftcr, Stieffcbmeficr; — sphere, bie ,£>albfugel; — starved, balb yer= ljuugcrt ; — strained, fcalbcrjogcn, balbgebilbct, unyollfoninien ; —sword, bie -§alfte bcr J?linge; to be at — sword with one, ntit ctncin banbgc= mctn fcijn; —way, auf balbem 33e= ge ; — wit, ber Jbor. S^arr, (StnfaltS= Vinfel ; — witted, uid)t recbt gefebcibt, ttjoridit, einfiiltig. To HALF, v. a. vid. To Halve. HALFER, s 1. ber bie£alftecinerSa= c;; beft^t; 2. ein yerfd)nit;eitei £am« biricb. halibut, s. bie ^cUbutte (ein Sifi^). HALLDOM, .?. + baS .»3ciligtl)um ; bj my — , bci ?lllcnt, ma* niir bciltg ift. HALL, .5. 1. bte .ftallc, ber (Saal; SJorfaal; SBerfammlnngffool ; ©e= rtcbtsfaal, bic VlmtSftube ; 3unftftube ; 2. bcr aSobufift ciucS ©utSbeftfcevS; 3. (ju Drforb uitb 6antbribge) ba« Collegium; 4. (auf ber Untoerfttatju Orforb) cine bent (5oUcgium unter= georbnete Corporation; common — , baS ©emcinbcbaiiS ; bic SSerfantm= lung; a common — , cilt .ftailfbauS; — day, bcr ©cricbtStag; — house, ( — place), baS @crid)tSbauS ; — plas- ter, eitie 3Irt grobcr, rotljlirber cngli= fdjcr ®WS. hallelujah, s. baS ^atlclujaf), be: (an ©ott gcricbtcte) !?obgefaitg. HALLIARDS, s. pi. JV. T. 3ief)taue, %ah kit (i. e. laufenbe Tone, mtttelft wtU d)cr Scgcl, glaggen, w. f. w. aufge* bi9t obcr geftriebcu werben). hallier, s. baS 33ogclnefc. HALLOO! int. (bef. 8p. E.) ()aIIo() ! To halloo, v. i. n. ballob rufen febreien; itad) ben .fuinben rufen ;H a. aiifdjrcicu, sufd)vdeu; crniutljigeit, aul)c5cn, bc^cn. To hallow, v.a.i. rocif)cu, bciligen 2. alS beilig ycrcb,iett; hallowed be thy name, gchctiigt roevbe 5)ein Dftame. hallo'waiass, ,9. villcrbciligen. hallucination, s. baS 3Scrfer>en, bei aKi^viff. halm, s. bcr .fpaliiLJlont^alm, Strob.- Ijalnt. halo, s. Ast. t. ber .gof (urn bie Sin* tie obcr ben ?Dcoub). halser, 8. jv. t. bas 3Iuf)oltan, (icblcpptau. To halt, w. ?i 1. Bait macfjen, balten; 2. jweifeln, unfcfluffig fc.)n; 3. bin» fen ; 4. fcdlcn ; n. a. Salt niarf;cu. halt, I. adj. laf)iit, binfenb; II. int. Mil. T. .&alt! nr.s. 1. ber.&alt, StiU= ftanb ; 2. bas ■jpinfen ; to tijake — Jpalt ntaiteu ; the — ,p/. btc .anb; 2. bteinbiou Snellen Scbrtftjiige, bie<§anb; .ganb* febrifi, llntcrfchrlft; 3. .s ; ». E.bcr Juft tinea jjalfen; 4. bic Seite, ©egens ; 5. .^ausbreit (4 $oll) ; 6. bcr Sti^tr ; 7. bic iBeife, SBebtngung;©oU bat, 2Jlatrofe, "Jlrbcitcr (b>'iuftg int pl.) ; to clap hands, ill tic jQanbt flats frfjcn, applaubiren ; fid) &tc .Fianbc ale? "ilngelobuttg bcr £rcue, u. f. ft), reicfoctt ; to change hands, Log. T. au= bcrc ©finite porbringeu ; take hands, fcfclao. fin ; to shake hands bit faatlb geben (mit, with) ; fig. auf etma* rc- figtiircn, peru'rhten; at my hands you mtr; euf nttinet aus; to sell by — , an* betanb ittttcrfd)ricbcu, ci= genbaiioig ; to have on — , porriitbig (auf bem \!ager) baben ; it lies on ray hands f8 t ft mit JUT Sttft, oulg. liegt mir auf bent .fialfc ; to keep a strict — upon, in jtrenget ^ucbt batten; to have a good — , ©liicf lilt Spiele (gitte Jt'artcn baben) ; to write a merchant's — , eiuc faiifnianuifcbe $anb fcbreU bcil ; to have a — in a thing, iill Spiel fei)it ; bie •£>aub mit int -Spielc haben ; to have a — at a thing, in ciucr &xd)t tcf t fenn ; upper — , bie Ober= ftclle, Cbcrbaub (a(8 ©brcnvlalj) ; under— , untcr bcr .^anb, bcimlid); under — dealings, pl. gebcilltc .Rllirtc ; lo get the better — , ill iBOttfcetl fpllt- lltCU ; to make a good — of .., ftd) . . in '•JJulje ntad)cn, fciuen Sortbcil jte= ben ; at — or near at — , $ur £>aub, in bev'Dtabe; a horse hot at (or a horse that forces the) — , ciu BartnuuligeS Wcrb ; now in — , untcr ber Slrbett ; the matter in — , ber vorl'dicttbc ©C; genftanb ; to he in — wiifc , tit ber 2lrbcit b'lbcu, baran arbcitcn; to he in — with one, mit eiiicnt uuterbaiu beln, banbclu urn ...; to give in — , bcrabfolgeit laffen, scrabrcicbcii; to have in one's hands, (jciliatlbcit) ill .jpailbeu baben ; the property in my (your) hands, mcilt (Pbcr 3br) ^fgcil 1 Warttgefl Sigeutyum, (»»n conitgnir= ten SBaaren) ; to take in — , »orneb s men, lllltcrucbmcit ; to put into one's hands, eiuciu etiuatS ciubatibigen; to take the law into one's own — , ftdj fclbjl 3tcd)t verfcbaffcit ; to lay — upon, etgtetfetl ; to lay — upon one's self, ftcb bcii tcbeu uebntcu ; my — is in, id) babe ciuiual angefanaen; my — is out, id) b'tbe nicbt'a mci)r bantit }u tbun; to receive in — , bar em= pfangetl ; to pay cash in — , bar aiB= jablcit; to pay money in — , Slltgelb, 5D?tctt)gc[b, u. f. id. auf bie fianb ge= ben; money out of — , bar uejabiteS ©elti ; from — to — , upu ciuer ^aub til bie ailbcre, vid. by — • to live from — to mouth. au« bcr fiaitb tit bcu 2Uunb (i. e. biirftig) lebcit; to buy from — to mouth, llltr fp vtcl failfcil, al« man jur Scit braud)t; bear a — , vuig. eilc ' grcift 511 ! helft! to lend a — , bciftebcu, bflff'i. uiitciftiitjcu ; I have it from very good hands, id) babe ti ypu guter >paub ; aitai bcr bcitcu Quelle ; to come to — , 511 .(piitlbCU foramen, eingeljen, etnlaufen; when this comes to — , tUCllll 5ic biefcS Ctll= pfangeil ; to take a — at a game, lltit-- fpiclcil ; to put the last — to a thing, cine 3ad)c »cBenben; even hands. gleid) auf, crllt tf ; to part ev.-n hands, mit gletdjen SSect^eilen au8eittanber= geben; on ail hands, von (auf 5 alien ©eiten, etnmutbtg ; on (at) no — , auf fcinc 'ilrt, f«tneSi»eg«8j off — , aue? bcui ©tegreif, crfempore; out of—, aufbet etelle, fpglcid), febueii; to take off one's hands, ciucut etivaS abfailfeit ; at firsl (second) — , auS ber erftcu (jweiten) .§aub ; to buy at the best — . auS ber erftcu .£>aub (lupbU fcil) failfcit; of the first" hands, ypu ben erftcu JDfetJtern ; on the one — , auf (won) bcr ciucii Scire ; etnetfeitfl j on the other — , auf (uoit) bcr aufcnt Seitc, ppu Seitcti ..., aiibererfeit*; to lower the — , Sp. K. tt'll $Ui}d ct= roa« nadlaffcu ; to join — , vid. untcr 7'u Join ; — in — , .dailb til ^Ollb, einmutyig. uberetnjltmmenb ; — m — ring, bet I)oppelrtng; — to — , SRann gegen SRann, f c ft, enge; to fight — to — , banbiiemein toetben ; — over head, iiber ,palj lint .l?ppf, unbefonnen. obenbin; nad)ldfiig; hands off •§(tttbe WM ! IPCj] ba! under — and seal, uiitcrfcbricbcii 1111b beftc= gelt; heart and — , l)fr}lld), illlligft, mit gan^et Scclc; —in giove, pet» traut, brit&crlid) ; Set Ph-». to call for more hands iiicnr.^iilfc bcrbci rufcit ; come up all hands, fpilllllt "?Ulc bcr! all hands a hoy (or all hands on [upon] deck! iiberall ! note of — , M. 1:. tic (isfbulb= v iu'ifrbrcibuiia,, .Oanbfcbrift, ciu Sd)utbfdjein, $anbn>ecbfet;a cold — , a warm neart, falte .Oaubc, lparme ?it'be ; in compos. 8p. E-a. bridle («r near) — , bie 3tigelbatlb ; oiT (spur or sword) — , bie rcdjte .Oaitb; fore — , hind — , bcr 93otbet= nub bet Winter* tbcil eittccJ ^5ferbc8 ; — ball, bet Bat Ipit; — barrow, bic «d)ubfarre ; — basket, ber .jpaubforb ; — bat, eiu Jtnuttetj — bell, ba« ©IScfdjen, bit Scbcllc; — bill, ccr 3eftel, vdi Bit* let; —breadth, cine .tjaub brcit; — Cloth. '.-IS ©CfcnilVftlldb, Bid, IUni> XERcntKF ; — craft, vid. Eummun — cuffs, pi. bie ^aubfcbeli'ti, .6attb' feffcln ; to — cuff, fig. ^anufcbeller anlegen ; — director, mod .)/«.«. 7'. bet >£>anDbilber, bic .^anbleitet (iiad) lo gier's 9)2ci^ote'; — fetters, pi. bie .Oantfcffelii; - ful, eine ^anbopll; f'o oiel alo man >au faun ; cont. flci= ne 3abl "Cft i^cn^C ; to have one's hands full, allc ^OObC SOU aufeld jum 'Jlusfcbopfcii be* 3Baffer* an< Aahr,cugen; — screw, tie .»3attr= fduaubc, ^aubminbe, SSa^cmiMUte; — smooth, jefebieft ; — spike, ( — speck), bie Miberitange, ^anbbabe, ^ebefiange, bet sDttQbaunt, .'3cbcl turn Spanuen bet Xauc; bit 93ted)s ftaugc; —staff, bcr 35Jurffptt6; — stroke, bcr Sdjlag mit tor y-taub ; — tiL'ht, banbfeft, fejt angtfpannt (oo:»i 5diiff'3tau ; — vice, rcf 4paub fcbraus beftocfj — weapon, bit <§aiitroaffe; — work, bic .OaiiMrbcit ;' — worked mit ben .6aubeu gefettigt ; — worm, tic iWilbe; —writing, bie 6aitb= fitrift, .Oaubjeicbnung; eigciibaubigc Untttfrbtift. T,i HAND r. a. 1, eiubaubigctt, bcbau= bigcu, ubergcbcu, ubcvrci.-tu-u ; 2 bci bcr .giant leiten, fiibrcu ; :S. batitba= ben-," to — about, heiiini geben ; aua etnetajanb in tic antete geben ; to— down, bcruutcr Itiugeii ; iibcrlicfcrit; to — from an npera, sec, ant tcrCpcr, u, f. to, (iiad) dpaufe) fubrcit; to — in or into, etiifiibrcii ; biitciu hebcu, btuciii bclfcit; tn — out, hctaus mb^ men, betauS belfen; to — th jv. r. tic Segel befcblagen, aufbin- bcu; to — ov.t to ,.., aogeben, aus= baucigen, auslicfcru, rtnbanbiatn, iibirlicfcru, ubetgebeit mi ..., }upeJU leu ; biitreii'icu. HANDED, "'//. in compos, 1, mit ycr= fcbluitgenen ^anbeii; ben ©cbrauch bet tecbten obet linfen) ^aitb fya* bcitb; left — . Il'ltfS; a two — fellow, c t it banbfejiet Jtetl ; a two — sword, ciu gro§e« :Uiticrfdv.vcvt. HANDER, ». bet llcbcncicbcr, Itcbcr-- bringet; —down bcr llcbcrlicferer (ciucr \;chre, u. f iv. 1 . HAKDICRAFT, s, 1. bie .(5antarbeit, baS^anbmtrf; 2. — or Handicrafts- man, bet •Oantioerfcr. iiaxdin'Ess, s tie iBebanbtgfeit, ©ts fcbidlicbfcit. II \ni»i\\'i ikk. i. bic .Oautarbcit; ba« jtunfhvtff. HANDKERCRrEF, *. ba« Xlltb, (pocket — . Srbnnpftudj; (neck—), JpaU= tud). /•-, handle, r.n I. angreifen, aiifaf« feu betubten: 2. banbhaben, uben. trcibcii; 3. bcbantclu ; 4. son etwP bautclit. cnt'abiicu ; —arms: )«/. 7 [grtift'l] @en>ebt an! HANDLE, ». bit Oaitcbabe, tec ©riff bai 6eff, bcr SH»', a« Wcfaf', Debt, tcr $umpenf4int t\t\ ; handles of a wheelbarrrw, pi. bie ?lrme rind 'd» bftUCIlS; to make a — of • :T3 HANK Uiing ehval jn ffincm Stolen amvetu ten. LANDLESS, ad/, obne £v.ub, obne £5nbe. HANDSEL, .* .v. E 1 iafl .panbgelb, ber>§anbfauf, baa erfte gclbf'te©clb; 2. bcr erfte ©cbraud) euiet Sadje. 7'o HANDSEL, D. a. .1/. E. ton ©OnbEflUf ui I6fen geben ; pin crftcu i'ialege* braucbeiil einroeibcn. HANDSOME (ado — ly), adj. 1. fd)5n, biibiVb, regclmajiig, nctt, arfig, an=- fraucig aufcbnlicb, jiulicb, elegant; 2. ficigebig, grothniitbig; a — action, cine eble £hat ; — fortune, cin ftbos lies (greye* 1 QSerniogcn ; — is that — does, vruv febou ifi/roer (rerbt) febon banbeit; m prow — , fids oerfd)onern; — ne?>, s. bie Scbonbeit, 3ierlid>feit, Ocegelmamgfcit; iHrtigfcit, (Sltgauj, ber ilnftanb. HANDY (— ily), adj. 1. bequem, g«t \U baubbabcit ; 2. g'efebieft, fertig, bc= benb, geivaubt ; — gripe, bec §anb= griff. To HANG, v. ir. &■ rcg. a in. 1. baiigcil, Iiangcn bciifeit; bebaugcu; 2. bcr- abhaitgen, berabneigen, fenfen; 3. fchrocben ; 4. jfc.jSgent, joubetn ; in UugeroitJbcit feint; 5. abbangig fcvit — on upon veil ; 6. bleiben, ftocfen, ftillfrebcil ; 7. tayciireii ; to — one's self, ftcb cvbaugcit ; go — yourself: gcb' jinn Renter! — him! rocg mit ibm! — it, bol's ber .Cxufcr ; to — a room, cin Simmer auetapejieren ; to — the capstern. JV. T. bas ©aiigfviU jnm Oebraud) einfefcen ; to — a door, cine .Jbuve mit 9lngeln oerfeben; to — i>ack, fid) ftraubcu, nirbt baron rooKen; to — by, an (Pbcr bei) ctroaS buiigcii; to — down, bcrab bangeu, niebci.affcn ; bcriinrcrbaugcii; to — ire, A/». /•,. (sou Scbiewgciscbvcu i"va = ter loSgebeu, iiacbbreuneu ; to — loose, fdimctcit, Pattern; to — on. fid) anbangen : to — out, ausbaugcit, •ueflerfen; bcbat'g.n, bcraus bangeu ; -> — over, iiberbangcit, fiber erroai -•tiiscg bangen; to — up, aiifbangcu ccittc Sadie an cincn Stagcl, U. F.l».) ; to — together, lufammenbaugen, cin= anbet innig liebcn ; to — upon, fdnucr fallen, briicfen ; to — upon the rear of the enemy, bell gcillb biitt scrfolgeil. HANG, in compos. — dog, c-er @algen= fcbellll ; —man, bCl - Renter; —nail, ber 9ttetnagel, HANGER. .--.1. tcr .*>eufet, §a!en, baS ©ef)enf. Debr; 2. ber jailer, bafl fuvjc 3cifcngcn>chr, bcr .*>ivfetifau= ger, bag2Beibnieffer;3. Bluer, ber%t= bere an bringt; hangers of a sword bas Degeiigebeilf ; hanger- on, bcr ^Infringer ; Sdjinarofccr. 1ANGING, l.ndj 1. baugcub, bangenb; 2. benfenSmer'tb ; n ». l.baS.&angen, apangen ; 2 hangings, «. p.'. bie SBJanb* befleibung, Saveten ; — matter, cine ■jpaUfaebe; cine -Sacbe, bie ben ©al* gen oerbienr; — compass, cin ban= genber Eompofi ; — face, cin 5>ieb8= gcttitt; — garden, cin bangeuber ©avten (©artcn anf einein .^anfe) ; — lock, iai 3SorIegefd)l bp ; — look ber Sdielmenblicf ;' a — market, cin matter (langfaincr) SSerfauf; — room, Tu/> T ber 'Jliifbaiigcboben (fiir bie frifebgebrutften ©ogen ; — leeves, fltegeiibe Vermel ; — wood, bangen^ bea' .6p(^: Irauertoetben, £rauer« birfen, ^angeai'cbeii, Sidireit. /axk. ... i. berJtnanef, JtnSueT; 2. hanks, pi. Sea Inn'/. .Oiittge VPtl .©ol^ (o^er Xauroerf bie an ta? 8etf cine? Kegels gcfpliftt »erben jnm Vluf= nub HARD ablaufen an ben Stagen, Siagel, Suger, t, HANK, v. n. 511m Jlnaitel biibcit. To ha.nkfh. r n. febr imd) ehvaS ocrUtngen, gelnften, traebtcu, fid; ianfcftabt. HANSEATIC, adj. banfeatifeb ; — body or union, bcr banfeaiifdje ^unb, bie .^anfa. HANSEL, Did, Handsel. HANT, Did. Haunt. hap. s ber gait 3uf«H. bao Ungcfabr, bcr ®tttd efaU, bad ©hid ; by good — , 511 allem ©liicfe ; by ill — , ungliicf= lidn-r SDBeife; — hazard, bcr BnfaK, ba§ ©eratberoobl, aufs Ungeroiffe bin. To hap, o. n. ficb ereignen, gcfd)cl)cn. HAPLESS, adj. ungliirflicb. haply, ado. »iellet cbt; von niigcfa^r, jnfallig. 7b happen'. 0. n. it* jntragcn, fid) er.- cigneu, ftcb treffen, gefdiebcit; ge= ratbeil ; if he should — to come, Weilll roenn er oon ttngcfabr fame. HAPPINESS. », I. bie ©liidfcligfcit, bag ©liicf ; bie greube ; 2. itatiiritdic run* ftuMrtc, Olnmntb, natiirltcber jltcij. HAPPY (ado.— ily), adj. gliicflid) (— in. im, mit) ; gliicffclig ; — ily, gliirfs lidtcr iL ! cifc, jnm ©Hid; Arabia the — , bad gliicfltcbe 9Irabten; he is — at a reply, ttim glitden bie 'ilntroorten ; 1 am — to learn, teb bill CrffCllt (C8 freut miit) jll borett; of — contriv- ance. gefitiiKufyoll augeorbnet, ciit- gciiduer ; 777-01.'. — be lucky, eS mag gebcii, wit e$ mill. HARANES, s. P i. (tit llngarn) 2JJt(ij ((Sroaten) jit gufi unb $u iPferbe, ^a= rannen. harangue. 5. bie ERcbe, Slnvcbc. To HARANGUE, v. I. n. dm Olebe f;al= ten ; II. a. anrcben. HARANGDER, 5. bcr Dicbitcr, 2Sort= fnbrcr. 7>j HARASS, v. a. 1. scnvnflett, 5cr= ftcreit ; 2. plageit; abmattcn, er= muben. harass, s. tie 33erbeerung, a5ern)u= ftnng, i'lagc. harasser, s. bcr SSerrbufiet, $liin= berer. HARBINGER s. 1. -f ber gonricr, Onarticrniciftcr; 2. f>?. SSorlaufer, inu-bote. haruour, s. 1. bie ficrfjerge, 5n?ob= nnng ; 2. bie Slnfnrt, bcr (2ee=) i^afen; 3. 3itffud)te'ort, ^Infcntbalt, bie greiitatte; to enter into a — , in einen apafen fteuem, einbugen; — iiup^ bte .Oafengebiibren, ' ^afen= foften, ba« .§afeugelb ; — master, ber ^afenmeifler ; —pilot, ber J^afen= loolfe. To HARBOUR, c. I. n. fcilie ^llfllirbt tvrbin nebmen ; 11. a. Ijcrbcrgen ; bc= berbergen, anfitcbmen, vSdmi} rtften, fitii^en, fiitcrn, begen. HARBOURER. ...ber iicijcvbcrgcr, 2luf= nebnier, SBeroirtber. HAIIBOURLESS, ad) cbllC .gcibcvge, pbne 3 u fluitt ; rbne ^afen, hard, 1. ad: 1. barr ; 2. }dbe, unbeng= fam, uerbartet, fleif; 3. jtarf, beftig, ftrenge, bcrbe, fauer, febroer, miihe- | roll; 4. grcb, unboptd), gefiibllojt; 5. niigereitt; fi. grsnfam; ?. gei}ig; — of tieiiei". fitiucrgliinbig ; — of di- gestion, fdnv-cr ju tcrtcucu; — of HARD hearing, barfbirrig ; — to be known understood. &x, fcbircr jii crgriinbcn, }ti crfenncn, 511 oerfteben, 11. f. to. : — to come at, fdnvcr ;u erlangen — to deal with ... nid)t aiisjnfommeii mir . . , njunberlid); — to please (or to be pleased), fcbmcr ut bcfciec igen ; 'tis a — case, baS ift cine fitlimmc Sage, to have — thoughts of one. 0011 Semanbcm eiuc ublt 3)jcuiung baben; he has had — measure, mail ift t>art mit ibm untgcgattgcit ; I was too — for him, id) ront ibm jn mad)tig ; it will go — but I'll have it. (i Htufite feltfam jitgcbcn, roenn it c^ nidit erbielte; to be — at work, cifrig ar= bcitcn; to be — upon one, cincin bef= tig jufctjen, febroer toerben ; the fever is — upon him. baS gteber grei't irr. febv ail; a — bargain. CIll fitiverer ^anf (»enn ciner jn bobc gorberung mad)t) ; — beam, bie Sageburbe; — beer, fitalcj, faiircs fiier, Sier ba3 ben v2tieb bat; — beset, bicbt umge= ben; a— bill, cin bavtcs (ftrengeS) ©efefc ; — bound, bartlcibig, sets ftcpft; — breathing, bcr fi1r,in'ie 5ltbcm ; — cash, vulg. tlingeiibe 2)Iiiitje; — cherry, bie .Oerjirfite; — diction, bie fcbiverfaUige ©cbretb= art; — drinking. MS H :ma9ige Slrin* fen, Saufen ; " — duty, MO. T. ber fdjrocre 2)iciift; — earned, fauer oer= bieut; — fare, tie geiinge Spttfe; ■ — favoured (—featured).' Itngcftait, batjlid); — favouredness, bte §afjltd)= feit; — figures, ftcife giguren; — fish, (in Sdjottianb) getroefnetet gifd); — fisted, gcijig; gr'ob, itngcbobelt ; — gale. Sea tavg. CtltC ftcife Jtiible ; — got ( — eotten), mil [Dtiibe evlangi, fancv erroorbeii ; —banded, bartt fiaitbe babenbj ftvenge ; — head, bai w>pffto§en (beim Sttngeit) ; — heart- ed, bartberjig, graiuam, nnmenfd;* lilt; — heartedness, bie .fiavtbcv;!,]; feit; —horse, ciu SPferb, mj lortei ^eitfrbe uocb 3aum dd)tet; — labour, bie frbrotre Slrbeit; ( im Sturm jut See), Siaoabe ; frbiocrc ©eburt ; — meat, Sp. E. trocfucg ^fcibcfutter : ^afer unb >P>eu; —mouthed, barr= uiaulig; —nibbed, (oou Scbreibfe= bent) mit barter Spifee ; —resin, ^>l^ ©cigcnbai'j; — roed, mitoiclcni J)to- gen ; a — roed herring, eill U.-cll = baring : — set, flarf tugefefet, bid)t oerfolgt; —skinned, bavthautig; — student, bcr fleiiiige Stnbent; — task, cine ftbroterige alufgabe ; — times, pi baitc, brucf enbe 3etten ; — ware, bie Stfentoaaren, Stablroaaren, 9JletaU= (obcr furje) it'aarcn ; — wart-man. ber 33erfertiger o»n ©ifenroaare, u. )". iv. : (Sifenframer; — weather, raubeS, ungeftfuneS SBetter; — wine, berbei SBetll; —winter, ciu ftrengcr SSSins tcr ; — witted. bartfovftl. bitmni ; — words, barte, uiibbfliebe SBorte ; 11. adc 1. bicbt, imbe; 2. ffeifiig, eifrifl; — by (— at hand), iiabc babci, bicbt an ; Sen Ph-s. — a lee! bait' bid) bciill SBtnbe! — a-port! baS Sflubet gaiij beim SBacfborb! — a-starbord! ba< Sftiibet ganj beim Steuerborb! — a weather, abgebartet; to bear — upon, fitmer briid'cit; to press — for .., cruflliit briugeu ouf . . ; to die — > febroerenXob babcit, unbuBfec* tig ftcrben ; it cops — with him, d gebt ibm ftlecbt, cr liiufi ftcbS fauer merben laffcit : to wind — , (yon (Sdbraubcu* fid) frbiocr aufbrebeii; — baked, Sp. E. (von ciucm .fiuubc) oerftovft; — fought, {Fkm.) beftig b" famuft; — laboured, miibfam oe'rf' 1 tigt; — working, arbcitfam; - HARM woiking man, cin ffeijiigev (entfig aT' beitcntcr. SDfonn. lb HARDEN, r. I. a. barren, ftablctt; oev^cirten, befidrfeu (— in sin, im 93ofctu ; befeftigen (— in Borrow, im Seiben); angeroobnen, abbartctt ( — to the Bea, fill' tic ©ee) ; to — against . ., gcfiibllod madjcit gegen ...; a hardened tar, cut gcitbtcr -JJfotvofe; il. n. bart tvetbcn. HARDENER, s. tec barter, u. f. W., ah barter. HARDIHOOD, a. bie .fiiifinbeit, ltttcr= fcbrod'cnbeit, £apferfeit. iiakd;nkss, s. bic £iirte, SRiijtigfeir, geftigfcif, Unerfcbrocfeubetf, ilubn-- bett, Sebenfbeif, ©reifligfeit, SBets ."vegenfycit, Un»erfcbamtbeit ; — of consiitution, bic ftarfe Vctbf6bcfcbaf= fenbeti, HARDLY, adv. 1. bait, vid. Hard; 2. fcbiverlidi, fount ; — ever, fajt inc. HARDNESS, s 1. bic .&artc ; Acftigfcit; 2. Strenge cet©itteu);3 Steifteit, £arte (tu ber SKalewt, Silbbaucrei, u. f. iv.) ; 4. ©rbwietigfet't, jtlcmme, bcr aRangel ; 5. bic fiatfe (bed @c= iitiuhd', Uuciiwfiiiblichfeit. Siaubcit, sBerWttunj, 3iud)lofigfeit; ©rau= fanifctt. SBatbatei; 6. ©enautgfeit, jjargheif, bcr ©eit ; — of favour, bic iiblc SBilbitng, .gaglichfeit ; — of heart, bic «§artberjtgfeit. HARDOCK, ». bic Jtlettc. BARDS, a. pi. bcr 8lbgang »on gladjd obet -Oauf, bie Sforfen, bad 2Serg, bie Slachdbebe. HARDSHD?, s. bic iVdnvcrbe, 2Rn> fcligfcir, SBebturfung, bcr 2)ntcf; bad Ungcinacb. HARDY (Wfc-iw), adj. 1. barf, ftavf, fcft, abgehartef; 2. entfd;loffcit. fubu, brcift, vcnvcgett; 3. un&etfcbfimt, eigeitfiimig, tjartnadig; —sinew, bic ©pifemaud. hake, s. bcr £afc ; rbcfigfeicbcn Aat. T); —bell, bic eiigtifcbc .Or>anitthe ; — brained, fliidltig, utlftat,, linoefons nen, »ilb, unbrtfcuobrlciit [Bupleurum — L) \ — foot, bcr .fiafcnflce ($ftatt)e); — hearted, futrbrfant; —hound, bcr .§>a= fenfjunb, ©tciuber; — 's lettuce, bie ©finfebiftel; —lip, bic .O-.T'ciifdiarte; —lipped, nut enter .Oafcufrharte; — mint, bcr 3lron rjJffoiuc) 5 —pipe, bad ^iafeiigarn, .gafennefc ; — * 3 strong, bcr .t>aarftrang, ©aufeitd}el; —wool, (—down), .£>a'fcubaare; —wort, bic OKiiticvavPd (9lrl BRafoen). harem, s. bic Sraueirroobsmng, bcr •gatem, bad ©trail. HARICOT, g. 1. bic roalfdic 53ofSnc ; 2. cine Sltt [Ragout von (.gantmeUj Slcifcb nub SRubeit. IIARIER (Harrier), ». bcr .g>a'\"ttf;ujtb, aSiiibbuub, ©fiiuber. To HARK, Did. To Hearken. HARK! in/, be! (cigcntlicb bcr 3mpc« ratio veil 7bHarkJ bint! bore! bovd) 1 hare, g. bcr Stacfcdfatcu ; Safen, Sa= belt. HARLEQUIN, a. bcr .gatlcfht, ,§and= tUHlft. To HARLEQUIN, o. a. nxgjailbcnt tvie cin .^avlch'it. HAREOCK. a. bcr gclb= obcr ?icfcrfcnf. HARLOT, 1. a. bie .Sure; II. adj. gc= nicitt, tticbrig, fiptotfl, roofluftig, oet» V'o Harlot, t. n. bic igure niacbett; nnt .§ureu umgcheit. HARLOTRY, ... bic Uitflatbtgfcit, Uiu Siidit, ba« .C">nrcit, bic fiuwrei. Harm ... ba< ©ofe, ?eib, Unrcdif, bcr Srevcl; ©rfjoben, 9ladftt)til: to do ~, iJcib jufiigeit, ediabcu tbuii : lie HARP means no — , cr meirtf c& ntcbt B5fc ; to keep out of — 's way, bie ©efubr llicibcit ; there is no — in it, C8 ift ltidt uoel gemeint. To harm, v. a. vefrBSbtgen, t> cvfc^cti ; febabert. HARMATTAN, «. ci it trodcucr utib jcr= ftorcnbvr Iffimb in S5Jejis3|frifa. HARMEL, s. bic fflilbe finifdc halite, .giarmclrautc, bad .gariiiclfiaut. HARMPDL [adv. — i.y), adj. bofe, f4ab= hdi, naditbc iltg ; — ness, $ tic £rbab= lichfeir, ^adnbciligfcit, ©og^etr. HARMLESS [adv. — i,y), adj. i. Ijawu les, unfdniblidi, fcbulblc*, an\le$ lvoblgcntciiit; 2. unbefdjfibtgt, fdia= bettftci, tlllVCt'lctSt: to save one — <$U manbett fcbable-5 baltcn ; to save o.arfctt fcf>itccf e ; — strings bie ^arfenfaitcn. To HARP, v. n. 1. bie .fiarfe fviclcn ; 2. riibrcn, bcivegett ; to— at, auf ct= road jielcn, anfpiflen: what do you — at? roa5 lvollctt 5:c bainit 'u\; gen '{ to — on (upon), grcifeu, bcviib= ren, bet einem ©egenjlaiibe net roeiien. HARPER •. bcr .^arfitcr, iSarfenifi, .^>nfeit|piclcr. HARPING, a. pi. .v t. 1. bie Syrette bed ©tbiffed amSug; 2. SRuubung bet SergbSIjer. HARPIST, ... vid. Harper. HARPONEER,*. vid. Harpoohrr. harpoon, ». tic -garpune. ii irf k iner a. bcr fiarpuntrer. HARPSICHORD (HaIpsicord), a. bet Aliigcl, bad Slaoiet; — hammer, tcr ©timmbantmet HAST HARPY,*. 1. H'e^OTbfte; 2. _t g bii gicrigc. babfiicbtt'ge inufon. HARQUEBU8S, HAEQtrcBusautR, vid. Arquebus*, &c. HARRATEEN. a. cin geringcr roollcnc: 3eng (ileoor). haurid.w, ,-. 1. bie alte 2)Jabrt; 2. oetblubett BublfehtoePfr, alte i'cr- tel, .Ourc. HARRIER, a. vid. Harier. HARRIET, a. Mr. ■fur Henrietta) Sett* den. HARROW, f tic (v.^gc. To HARROW, ,- a. I. cqgen; 2. gua= len ; to — dd, anfreificii. [erretfieit, HARROWER,! 1. tcr (5'ggcr ; 2." Qa» gcvfalf. HARRY, a. obbr. ffiir Henry) .^Ct'nricb, eel. i§et'rt, .^ein;. HARSH (adv. — lt), adj. berbc, flteiige, barfdi, barfd). bart, raub, ivitrtg, unfrcunblicr miirriicb ; — ness, ». bie ^erbtafoi*. Srreiige ; ^Stte, :)(aub= bcit sujibrfofeif, bad unfreunblicbt, nturrtfebe SBefen. HARSLET, a vid Hajltt. 11 u;t. - bet ©ttfe^ ; — evil, bie.£irfrh« franfbeit, SRautfprtte bet Spfetbe ; — '8 ease, bad i*cilcbcil ; —V I 1. bad .Oivfcbfutfcr; 2. vid. —wort; — 's horn, bad £trfcbborn ; .Oirfd)= fraut ; — 's horn salt, bad fitrfajbotns fal< ; — 's horn spirit, tcr .(-in'dihcrtt: fottttUd ; — 's root, bie Sdrwurj ; tcr SRodntattn ; — royal, 1. tec .^irfdir, i^irfes, ^reuja obet SBegeborn ; 2. bcr vein Jtbittg gejagle, ib,m rntfoin= ntcne, itnb fiir unvetfe^fic^ cvflartc •ftirfrb; — 's tongue, bie ^irfebjunge, bad •Oivfdjtuiigcnfraitt ., lopendrwm — L) : ■ — 'b truffles, /»'. trr ©tftfdbwamm, ©tfibltng, bte^ttfcj britnft ; —'e wort (— wort), tic $(tf<$ s tvuv;, bad .Ciirfdibcil j bcr Stfel ; bie fvauifeben 3)?6bren. n \i;vi>-r. ». 1. bic @rnte ; 2. bcr ©c* ttag, bie Ariirhte ; 3. bad €p5tjab>, ber^erbftj to make—, ernten, cii:-- fammelu : — fly. bie ©auinfltiOe, JBeiifcbrerfengtiOe : — home,' bad dtnfefeft ; grnbtelieb ; bie ®rnh ; — home 1 r. bad (Srntebiet ; — 1 rd, tcr obcrftc 2dntittcr; — man ber©rbnit= tcr ; — queen, bic jSrutefontginu: — time, btC ^nitcjeit ; — woman, bie ©ebnitterin ; — work, bic @mtear= bcit. To harvest, p.o. cvntcii, cincvntc:: einbringeii. harvester,*, bet etntenbej@i|ntts tcr. To i\.\^U. v. a. 'Mifcn, (— up) Hctn ba = den, jerbarfen (511 Ragout). HASH, *, tad geljarfte SletfcJ, !)iagpiit. HASLET, $. tas ("efdiliugc (Viited ©diroeittd 1 . hasp, a I. bet SRtegel, SinflrJIag : .*>a= fen, Sdilict'bafcii, bic Jlfompe, 65dpej 2. tcr fiadpel, ©atR^atpel 3>ibiiba*Vi'I, Seibfti^adpei. To hasp, r. .1. jiiitegclit, einfrbfagcit; jubafen. BASSOCK .-■ bad ,(?iiicfiffcn, .i§c, gc^ fot'fet 11 \siE. g 1. bic JPjajt, gtfe, gilfettifl. fcit ; 2. bet @ifet ; bic StibenfcBaft, i^ifce, tcr @ifttj In — . baitig, cilig ; etfttg, tm Sifer, in bet •pt^r ; in — , to save the post, in ©He the tie $of) abgebt; to make — , cileu ; vr more — , the worse speed, Pilot tl Bl feiit gut. To HASTE. i To Hasten, t>. I. a. eflen ; 11 a. beeiten, bcfrblcunigcn, bctrcif ten. 1B1 HAU1, *. I. bet Bilenbe, (Rlfei* iige ; 2. Jlntrcibcnbe, SefBtbetec HASTINESS, ». 1. bit opaftigfeit, (§il- fcrtigfeit, (uit^cftiime) Gile, UcbercU lung, Coteiltgfrit; 2. £eftigfeit ; bcr gifer; jab^nt. BASTINGS, s. pi. gen. bte Trubjeittgcn grucbte. HASTLET, a. rid. Haslet. BASTY {adv. — ily), adj. 1. f»afltg, Cl= lig, eilfcrtig ; iibcrcilt, t?orcilig ; 2. eifrig,,beftig, bi§ig, jab$oruig; 3. friibreif, frithjeitig ; — in believing, fcbnellglaubig ; — footed time, bie fdmeUriiinge (fjugclfcbneUe) 3eir ; — fruits, frithjeitige griichte; — pear, bie griibbirn ; — pudding, cine \llrt itt bet (file berettctcv Rubbing »pn SRild} uttb 3Jtei)i, ober .jpafermebj unb 2Baf s f« r - ^ , HAT, «. bet .gut ; hau off! 43ute ncr= UlltCt! — band ( — string), bil» >§ut= bant, bie Jjputfdmur ; — case ( — box), baa ^utfutteral ; —maker, bet £ut= madier; — trimmings, pi. Silica IVOS jura Slufvufcen einea -£jute8 geljort. HATABLE. adj. f>atfcn5tt>ertb. rHeiiiU gen bc§ glacbfeS). to hatchel, v. a. fscdjcin (glad)*, it. f. ».). Hatcheler, *. ber .jpecbjer, bie .§cd)= lerinn. HATCHET, s. ba« Bcil, bie fleine 51rt ; — face. baa bafilidje, berjertte, grebe (gleicfefant roie mit bem Bcile )i ■>.= fyaucne) ©eftd;! ; —faced. ^ofiU^ son ®efid)t; — hevel, ber Stict cm 33eile ; — shaped, B. T. beilformig ; — vetch, baa Betlfraut. hatchment, s. baa SBappcr. eincl SBerftorbenen. To hate, r. a. baaen, »crabfd)cacu. HATE s. ber .Sap. HATEFUL (ado. — ly), adj. 1, Serbapt, serabfdjeut, abfdiculid) ; gefjaffig. r>affen8roerth ; 2. boSfjaft ; — ness, s. ba3 SSerbajite ; bie ®el)affigfcit, geinbfeligfeit. HATER, ». ber .gaffer; a — of man, ber 2J?enfdbcnt)afirev, SRenfdjenfetnb. hatred. .«. bcr .Oaf), bie ycinbfdiaft, bet ®roB, ?lbf*eu. hatted, adj. col. init einem ^S?ute te= fleibet. hatter, s. ber .giifmarljer. HACIJERGEON, " ) s. + rid. Babbk- HAUBERK, J geon. HAUGHTINESS, s. bet Stolj, .^0^= inntb, Uebermutb. HAUGHTY (adr. —ily), adj. flplj, bpci)= miitbtg, anmapenb, iiberiniitt)ig, tvo= To HAUL, v. a. (befonberg .v. T.) (nie= btr= ^teben, nieberbolen, anbolen, an= ^iehen, b..len, fcblewcn ; JV. T-s. to — the wind, mil $re|winb fegeln ; ridu beim "Since obcr in ten 25inb aufjte= 182 HAVE r^en, ben 2?-iitb abfneifcn ; tLe wi.vd hauls, bcr SEBinb fdjralt; — in! — two : — behy ! ciiic, jroei, brei ! to — about, c»on ^erfonen), berum jer= rcn ; to — off pott niadjcn ; to — up, anfgeien. haul. i. (iefonberS .v r.) bcr 3 U 3> ba§ Qizfyttl, <5ti)ltpptn ■. a — of yam, t. cine gijfe (baS ©ebtnb) oon 4UU ®avnen ; hauiing-iine, baS ijpifirau. HAULER. *. bcr 3icbcnCe,' Scl)lcV= pence, Jpalenbe. HAULM [Hadm), s. bad ^trob), rid. Halm. haunch, .t. bie .6iiftc, bcr ecbenfel, bie ^eule, iganEe (einefl ^JfetbeS). To HAUNT, u.fl.«5- n. 1. oft befucbrn, oft jngegen fean; 2. befdjroerlich faU (en, bddftigen; 3. frniEcn ; this house is haunted, in biefem .gaufe getjr^ urn, u>uft cS, ijt es nirbf gebeuer. HAUNT, s. ber oft beftid)te Crt, 3Iuf- entbalt, ru'g. bie Stteberlage ; s P . e. ber 3Seg, ten cin 2Stlb geu'obnlici)* nimmt, bafi Sager, 31cjt, bie ^o^s le, 3iaitbt)oblc, cer ©djlupfroinfel ; where are his haunts 1 roo bat cr [cine ©diige ? haunter, s. bcr (obcr bie) fid) oft an einem £rte einftnbet. HAUTBOY, s. baS ^od)botn, bie §aut= W\i, t P>oboc ; — strawberry, bie ISlo- fd)iil=&itbecrc. HAUTEUR, s. (franjbfifd)) ber Stolj, ■gorfmuitf). BAUT-GOUT,». (fran'voftfd;) bcr.god;= gefd)macf, .£>ocbgeru'd). To have »■ '>• a- *■ a* 1 • baben ; 2. befigeii; 3. cntbaltcn ; 4. fennen; 5. gebraudjen ; geiiicpen ; 6. nebmeii, einvfangen, bc!ommcn ; erlanjcn ; l>iltcn ; 7. mcinen, glaubcit ; to — got, baben ; I — got a cold, ich babe mid) evfdltet ; to let — , jufoininen [affen, orrfchaffeii ; I — it from bis own mouth, id) babe e§ Don ibm felbft gcl)brt ; you — me. bn scrftebft mid) ; to — advice, i ben 2tqt obcr SJb»oca= ten) §u 3tatbe jicben ; I — at heart, Co licgt mir am .(perjen ; to — by heart, au$a»Cllbig tDtffeil ; — you your part perfect i Ijabcn eie 3bre SioUe mcmoiirtV to — in derision, ocrfpot= ten ; to — in honour, iii (Ifjten balten ; God — you in his keeping, ®0tt bc= biite bid) ; to — a care of, or for . ., gorge trageit fiir . . , 9lcbt baben auf . .; — a care! yorgefetjn! 3ld)= tung ! to — a mind for (to) . ., Sufi baben n ad) :$uK . ; — at you, e» gilt bit, (3 iji beine Sadbc, ba ficbe Mi ju ; niinm bid) in 2ld)t, bit foil ft es trie= gen (w. ii.) ; — with you, id) gebe mit, folge, bin bcrcit (ii. a.) ; — after him ! folgt ibm nad) ! — her away! fdiaffi fie fort! fort mit ibr! — it away ! fort bamit! — done with it! bcr' auf bamit! — me excused, Clltfdjlllbigctt -iie mid) ; in America the servants — no fees, ill 2lllicrifa be* foramen tie 5)ienftleute tcine ©e= febente (Xrinfgelbet) ; you — it right, artd)en (bei einem ^aufe); 2. bie grudjt bc^ S?ei9= boruS, 'iDtcblbcere ; 3. bcr gtcd »bet 3lu8roud)gj im ilugc ; — finch, ber ^irfdifiuf, ^ernbeiijer; — haw, ber ^evbou, 3lii;bau »oit Bonmen (inn in baSgteie ju feben); cin Orabcn ober j?anal ftatt for Umjaunung bei ©artcitanlageu t-aj _.*3aba ; — thorn, bcr Jiagcborn. SBeifbotn. To haw, v. 7i. im :)!iccu ftccfen, anfto- Ven, ftammeln. HAWK. a. bcr ^abidjt, galfe ; —of the first coat, bcr iweija^ttge galfe; — bill knife, ein ?Jicffcr, bcffcn Jtlinge com gebogen iff ; — bill pliers, pi. bie •Kaftcnjaugc ; —eyed, galfenaugen babenb, fcbarffid)tig ; — 's nose, bie fiabid)t8imfe; — noseS, mit eincr tpabid)t6iiafe; — owl, biegalfonculc; — weed, taS Jpabidjtsfraut, bie gelbe SBegroarte. To hawk. 7.1. n. 1. mit galfen bcijen, auf bet galfenjagb fean; gen. 3agb auf etivas macftcn ; 2. ftct) taudpeta, ( — up). auSrauepew ; Ii.a. rii ; aaren) jnm SBerfaufe auerufen, auebieten, bofcu ; baufiren, baufiren gcrcn. hawked, adj. frumm roie cin .§>a« biditJKtnabcl. hawker, s. 1. bcr galfenjaget, gal» fenier ; 2. SUuSrufer, ^ofct, ,Jabnlctt= framer, 4?aufirer ; 3eitung?tragcr. hawse, s. a: t. bfc gage bcr infers taue, roenn ba§ vrd)irr or>r $roci ~)\n- fem licgt; —holes, pi. bie JtltiSlft- ri)cr, Jtliiegaten; — baps, bie JJlufen* fatfe ; — pieces, bie JiliiShol^et ; — plugs, tic AludjaVfen ; to ride — full, (fo oor 3lnfet ftampfen, bap b.^ SOBaffet bind) bieJtlufen cinbringt), fliifcn; riding upon Hie — , roenn fid) etroafl ScbroeteS fiber baS jJnfertau legt; she has ancb ired in our — , baS 3dMff bat Cicbt dot una geanfert ; to fresh the — . tas iait auf cine anbere (Scite breben, oCcr bie Jlliialocper mil frifebet gfittetung verfeben, urn bafl Dieibcn ber Slnfertaue ju yerbinbern ; burning in the hawses, bie 51bltu§ttna, ber £aue burd) ju ftarfeS Siciben in ben fliifcn. hawser, s. .v. r. baS Sta^oltau, ^cblcvptau. HAY, ». l. ra3 .<5eu ; 2. cine %ti SRunbtanj ; 3. bai mt%, ®atn (be* fonberS 511111 Jiauiiicbenfangc ; mak« — while the sun shines, prop, malt mu6 ba« difett fdjmicbcn, rocil ei voarnt iit ; to dance the — , runs ber» Hill taincit ; — boot ( — bote), /.. T baS 3aunvcd)t (gicibcit, Untcrbol| jut KuSbeffetung tcr ? mne 511 neb* men); — cock, ber .P>eu r d;Obcr; — field, bie 3J2aIjb, SBiefe ; — harvest (—time, etc Seuerntc; — -loft, — mow, bcr JoCtlbotCIi; — maker, bet '1'i.ibcr ; — making, baa .Ckumadun; — market ber <£>cumarft ; — rick .— stack), ber (grofje) .Seufd)ober, §tu> HEAD HEAD HEAD flocf, .fmiff (mien ; — seed, ber .£>eu= fame;— stalk, bcr .Cxuikngel; — ward, + bet Okmciltliitt; — worms, pi. (Stbttutmet. To HAY, v. v. v Jcefec fteHctt, um &a- uitirbcit, u. f. ». hi fangcu. hazard,*, l . bet sufalC baS llngcfabr, bie ©cfabr, baS SEageftucf: 2. etne SlrtSBfttftlfviel,aQBagfpie{, bie Sa)an= jc; to run a — , ©efab* laufcu ; to run the — , es bavauf anfommen Iaf= fen. eS ruagen ; at (upon; all hazards, aitf allc $aUt ; hazards of the sea, roibvige gufSUe jut See, 2ee=@e= fahrcn. To HAZARD, p. n. fr n. roagcit, aufS ©piel fefcen, ©cfal)t laufcu, baS ®lfirj oerfurbeu. HAZARDABLE, adj. rouglid), geWOflt fiihn. hazarder, «. bcrSBagebalS; ©pieler, SGJurfelfpiclet. HAZARDOUS (ado. — ly), adj. gcloagt, waglteb, imjjltcb, gtfabtlieb. haze, ». bet (bicfe) Stebel, SReif. 7« HAZE, <• *, proBt'iu nebcin, ncbelig fell It J it hazes, rS lltifiet. HAZEL, i s. 1. bie £aft(, .Oafclftaube, bcr .Oafclfttaudi, §afelbufa); 2. bie •§afcluuj5; ii. adj. nujjbrauit, bell= btautt; — earth, etn leicbter, lotfe= ret SBoben ; — eyes, nufjoraune s Jiu= gen; — hen, ba$ .£>afcll)iiljii ; — mole, bie ,§afelmaus ; — mould, bie 3)amnt= erbe- — nut, JpafeliinH ; — tree, bie <§afe(ftaubc ; — wood. baS Safel: geblifrb; — wort, bie >§afeln)utj (Jisarum — I*.). HAZELLY, adj. nufibraun, fjcllbtanu, Itdjtbtautt. haziness, s. baS 9lebelige» SReiftge, •Jlcbcliuetter. HAZY, adj. ncbelig, ntijlig, biff, buufel. he, I. pron. pera. 1. (in ©ejieljung a n f einc oorbctgeuannte sperfon) et ; 2. (aU ©etetmtnatipum) berjenige, bet ; — loves her, cr liebt \k ; — whom I sneak of, bcrjenige, von bent id) fprcdye; if I were — , Menu idi an fciitet Stclle mare ; I am — , id) bin eS (fclbft); it. s. cine mannlicbe SJJets ftut; bas 3RSund)en (»on SCoieten); in compos. — bear, bet Htaittllicfic ©fit ; — cat, bet Jtatet ; — goat, bet 3ies geuborf; — cousin, bet Better; — neighbour, bet s Jcacbbiir; — servant, bet Bcbientc. BEAD,*. 1. bet JEopf, bas 6aupt;2. bie ©pifte, bet obere Jtbeil, Botbcttbeil; 3. baS Slutlitj ; 4. bie (ftafe (baS Sots bcrthcil) beS SdjiffeS ; bie gigut beS ©alliens, bcr «d»iffi"cbnabcl ; 5, .'out cinet ®eftiUitmafd)ine ; 6. baS Pa= pitef, bet SJJnnft, .Ouiiptpnuft,.C>aupt= thcil: 7. 9ftea)nungSattife(, Soften (tin SBttt&e) ; 8. bie uebetfcoiift, jRu= btif; 9. bcr @ntfdjeibung8punftj 10, 4?aupt!tng; (•>bcf, "Rrintipal, S)ttt= gent (eineS >§>aubel8baufe6), <§anbel6s ijerr; If. bwS 3nbtoibuum, bcr (§m= icliic (pal. Jtopf obet SDJann); bas Stitcf (BiebJ ; 12. bcr Berflanb : 13. Sp. k. baS ©eroeib: It. bie Cbcr= fcanb; SDiacfot, ©eroatt, ©tatft, .§crrfd)aft, bcr (5'iitfluf; ; — of a cab hage, cane, nail, pin, &C, bcr Jtot)l= lopf, SttHffnopf. .Unpvf eineS y )Uv- gcl«, SRqbelfnoDf u. f. to. ; a — of celery, eitt ©tocf (JloVf) SeHette; heads of poppies IVobnfbvfe ; — of a ute, bcr Jtopf obet ©alfi etnet Saute ; — of a stake, tcr .Kepf obcr Jtranj eintS Spfaljlefi ; — of an ax or ham- mer, bie ".'Itf, rber bcr .giantmcr, obne benStict; Tup. T-*.— of a printing- press, bcr ( v Rr'cf:=) Dbcrbalfcit, 3iej}s obet 9wetgbalfen; — of the bar, bet iBre^33engel[opf ; — of the gal- ley, ml ( ; — of an arrow, bit @pi|t tints ^JfeiltS ; — of a tree, bcr ©ipfel, bie Jtronc tints iBanmee; the — of the shaft of a chimney, bie Jtran jleifie .einefl Admins'; stair's — bet oberfte -Jbeil ciuer Steppe; bed's — , bas Cberfte obcr Jicvfuite am SBette; — of a cellar, bcr .&als eineS JlcllerS; —of a chaise, baS Setberf ei= iter Sbaifc ; — of a book,betJ£tttl cine; SBu($e8j the two heads of a cask, bie jwei SBoben tinea Safftfl ; btfalttcbtn — of a drum, baS Jrommtlfell ; — of a river, bie Sln^quelle, bcr Ut= fprung ; — of a liquor, bet Slnfat «nf bcr Cbcrfladic bet glflffigfetten ; bie £bcfl)cfc, 3punbbcfe;— of the wind- pipe,^?. T. bcr .Ucblfopf ; — ol the yard, .i. t. bie Cndicl am mSnnlicben ©liebe; — of a camp, bie Stonte tineS SagerS; — of an army, 1. bie Spi(je, gtonte eincr Slrmee; 2. bcr .Pieerftibrcr, Aclbbcrr ; — of a college, bet Sptafibent, SSorfte^er, SRectot cities SollegtumS ; — of a family, baS $ailpt citter Samilte, bcr gamt= lienoatet ; beads of department, bic^yjitgltebet bcr 9tegierung (2taats= fectetat, Scbatmcifter u. f. to.); the crowned heads, bie gcfrbiiteit ,£>aupter (Jlonige u. f. to.) ; beads of the charge, /,. Ph. bie jtlagcpunftc ; at the — , an bcr ©pi^e, ooran ; to be at the — of, anfitl)tcn, oorftcbcit; a — , oor= atlS ; Sea lavg. right a — of us. qcrare oot nttS; by the — , ootlaftig : the ship is too much by the — , baS i*or= bcrtbeil beS Sd)i'ffcS gebt ju fief im SBflffet ; taller by the — , (a — taller, Ullt cittcit .Kopf grbtJcr; a buck of the first — , tin fiinfjabrigcr fitrfd) ; (a) hundred — of cattle, hunbett ©tflff ;)iiltbuicf) ; so much a — , f o oiel aitf Seben, auf bctt -JJiaun, fo oiel bcr Jiopf ; — to — , SRann fflt 5Kann ; — and shoulders, bci iRopf unb A\\\\= gen, mit ©etoalt, getoaltfam ; — to wind, gerabe in ben SBinb; to gather — , iibulmnb nebmen, fid) fammelit; bie inippcu oetfainineln ; to turn — , gtonte macbcil; my — turns, 111 tr fcbiotnbelt ; over — , (yon) obctt ; over — and ears, bis iibcr bie Cbrcit, d61= tig, flSnjIid); iibcr ,§als unb jtopf (in ©eftpSften, in Sdjulben, oetliebt, u. f. tt)J ; to put B thing into one's — . ciueiit obet fid) etmoi in ben j?opf fefcen ; to take into one's — , ftfB cili; fallen laffen; to make — , bie Spifte bitten, fid) roibetfefceu: to give (a horse) the—, leiuem SPfetbc ben ,\u gel fd)iefjcn laffen ; to plant the — well, s P . i:. getjorfam fettn (»on i-fcr= ben) ; totaki — , fidi toibetfefttn, bau= men (»0tt i'fcrbcu) ; to take the—, (beim SBetttenneu) ben SBottang gc= lviuncti; to bring to a — , jum Scoroa= veil bringeu ; ju Cube briugeu ; to get — , itbcrbitnb uebmcii: to gel a — , (SittS tocrben, fid) oerfttmmelii ; to draw to a — , (Sitet ticben ; ftffl oerfammcln ; fiirjlid) rotebet boleu; to draw to the — , (citien SSogen, tin ©civebt jum Sepiefjen) nnleaen; to la] the heads together, fid) befprcdicit (im (^ebeim iibcr etmaS) ; to lose one's — , gcfbpft lVcrbCU ; out of one's — , Cetgejnen; to hit the nail on the — . ben -irtaael our btn jlopf treffeu, ben rcdUci! 'Alerf : tveffen ; I cannot make — nor tail of it, id) locrbe uidU flug baraus ; from — to foot. DPin 2cbei« tel bis >ut 2t>blc, oon oben bie uutcu. iibcr unb iibcr ; — ache ( — ake . bnS Aopftoeb; — band, bie Jtopfbinbe, baS jtopfbani ; Sapitalrben [S8eflo= d)cue) un riitent 'i'uebe; to •- ban6 r. n. Sopitalcben befiecbtn; -■ board, baS Jlopfbrett nm ijotel; — Journeyman, bet SltgefeU ; — land, baS Cotgebirge, bie Kanbfpiftt ; bnS cin= flebSgte 8anb ; — landlord, tcr oberfte i'ebuberr, StgentyumSherr: — leas, obne .Ue-pf; fi$ obne Cbcrbviupt; nrnnbloS; unwtffeub, unbebacbt, un» ubetlegt ; — baS gaupt* ^oftamt; — line, 1. .\ /: baflSflaatau; 'l.Tup 7'.bie.0aupt:eile; — long.m. bcni .ncpfe ooran, bcr 85nnt King; fbpf= linofl, jabliugS ; iibcr .pals unbJtopf. unbefonnen, plSfelid}; — man. b«i SBornebmfte, b^v: fiaupl ; — 's man, bcr 2rbatfviditcr,^;,id'ricbtct ; heads- man's axe, bite .'Uiditbcil ; — master, tor Bltmeijtet ;9tecfot ; director; cr- ftcVibrcr,,C">auptlebvcr ; —mastership, balSRtctoratj— money.baSJtopfgelb; — most, Sea tang, bcr (bie, b(li DOtbtt= fie; — mould shot. A. T tic feblcr= 9afte93efcbaffeubeit betSdjabelnfibtt j — pace, Typ. t. bieSlnfaugScolumne; — piece, baS ^ornebmfte. .Hopfftud 1 ; bie ©tutinbaub', bet •Oclm: t,w. t. bcr ginalftocf; (etne iluSgangS* coluntne, lveldie bie Seite nicbt fulft), bie 2pi^e, ©piftcolumne ; bcr gute JtOpf; to have a good — piece, Cllltn nnfebjagigen ifopf babctt; — piece of a book, bie Etittloignette ; — piece of a bridle, bcr Stitntiemen (am SPfetbejauin ; — piece of a cask, bet Boben eineS SaffeS; — piece of a .1 tcr Jbiirftur;: — pm, bcr edilufnagcl ; — quarti rs, baS^aupt= quartiet; — mils, pi I. .\' t. bie :'ic= gelingen beS ©allions; 2. Sta cant bie 3flbtlC ; — ring, bcr Vcitring ; — rod, etn 3°Uftorl nut Olujiug ; — roll, l.btt Salibul (beiittnbern ; 2. bcr SBulft, jttingen (auSgeftopfte "King auf bem Jtopfe, um Saflen tn ttagen ; — rope, .\- t. bas Dbetleif, SRaalei{; — sails, bie SOotbetfegel ; — sea. bie son DOtn Eommenben Seen SBellen); — shake, bas Stiffen obtt Sa)urteln nut bent Jfopfe; — ship, bie critc, (obetfie) ©telle j SBurbt, baS Slnfe» ben ; — sides p/. Typ. T. bie '.'lulcgcs (lege (an bie fiugern Seiten ^cr Stptiftcoluinnen ; — spinning, bas jtopffptnnen [bet Jiabclf bpfe bci ben 9iabletU) ; — spring, bcr Itrguell, XIr= fptung beS ©laubenS ; — stall, baS JtopfgejltU reineS ^aumefl ; — stick, 1. jv. T. baS jtliioetbolj ; 2. JW /• bcr Sapitalfteg ; — etrme, ; cr @cffTein ; — strouL', balsftartig, ftartftnnigj — tire. btrAopfpnfe; way. bertuora fptung ; jv. 7*. Jlnlaaf eineS StfeffftS ; — inder way, im gttabtn vellen Vaufe, im Slulauf: — wind, unbrigcr, un« giiujltget SBinbj — workman, btr nfte miter ben Vlrbeiteru, C bermonn. To iii'.ad, d.0. l.aufubren, befebligen, comiiianbircu ; leitcn, regitrtn ; 2. cntbaiti'tcu lv. ii. ; fopfenj :i. F,u>' pen, abftn^en ; X. eine Spt^e geben obet iinmaduu, beffblageil : 5. cittcn Boben in tin 8«f ft|>tnj (i. rubiici» reu ; headed by.., angefiibrt (an bci epi^O Don . . ; JV. T-s. to — the sea 183 HEAR jucr burcf) tie SBellcn ebcr in ten SiSiub fegelu, beef en ; — to wind, flaefcober gerabe in ben SBinbj the wind heads (ub), bet 3Btllb ift (UiiSJ eutgegeu. HEADED, adj. mit cinem Aiopfc ; 6eft= felt; — wiiii iron, nut Gnfen befdjla-- getl; rid. To Head; in lomjtos. eool — , faltbliitig ; giddy — , f$n>lllbelf5pftt ; 2. (crfte) (?ef= jtegel, .jpanvtjieitt: 3. .peerfiiljm ciuer $artei, ctucS SBolfefcaufenS. 3EADINESS. s. I. fie Pile, ttnbefcm= nenbett, «§i|e; 2 ^alsjlamgf'etr, ber iStarrfinit ; 3. bag ©eraufefeenbe (beg SBeineg). heading, s. baS Soremjolj (sit 5siif= fern) ; — of a cask, bets! ^Pbllieil {(§i\\- fe&ett) eineggajjbobeilS ; to sail against the — of the sea, jv. T. quer buret; bie SGellen obcr ben SBinb fegeln, becfen; — course, (bie Sieibe u'orra* geitber ©tetite) bie ,ft'rau$lcifte. HEADY, adj. 1. baftig, iibereilt, unbe= fonuen, f/tfeig, fjefttg ; geroaUfain, un= geftiim ; 2. parvropftg, eigenjinntg ; 3. ben J?opf angretfenb ; — wine, hiljigcr, beraufchcubcr SEBein. To HEAL, r. a. *■ n. 1. beileu ; tjett mer= ben, beffer roerben ; 2. jig. beilegeu, »crf5r)tieti; bebecfeu; to — up, jll= hcilcit. IIEALABLE, adj. bcitbar. HEALER, s. ber .gicilcnbc, 9lrjf; bag Jpeilmittcl. healing, i. mij. betlcnb, 'beilfam ; fig. fanft, uerfebiilid) ; II. s. bag .jpetleil ; art of — , bie igetlfunbe; — plaster, bag i^eitpflofier ; — remedy, bag i^etls mittel, Sirjneimtttel ; — words, milbe, fanfte SBorte. HEALTH, s. 1. bie ©efuubbcit ; 2. ba3 SBoIjlfesjn, ber gute ^uflanb ; 3. bie ©ittc, .fterjeik-niubeit ; good — , bag iGtiblbeftiiben; had or ill — , bag Uebclbcfinben, bie UnpafHicBfett, .ttraufliebfeit ; — officer, eiu @cfunb= beitgbeamter, Qnnrantatteouffe^er ; certificate of — , ber ©efunb&ettgbafi, bag ©efunbbcitgatteftat (ber <&>fyM> matwfdjaft) ; hoard of — , bag @e= fitnbbeitgamt, bie ©efnnbbettgeoms jiifffon, bcr©efuiibbett?ratb ; todrink —. cine ©efuubbcit (einen Soaft) .ugbringen. HEALTHFUL ( ade. — i.y). adj. gefllllb, beilfam, beilbriugcitb ; bei guter ®e« funbbeit ; — ness, s. bie ©efitnbfcett, isS 2Bohlbefiubeit, SSoIjlfcrjti, bie £>eilfainfeit. •1EALTHINESS, s. bie ©efunbljeii. IEALTHLESS, adj. liugefunb ; frauf= lid), front (ro. ii.). iIEALTHY [ado.— ii.y), adj. gcfuilb, beitfam. 'IEAM, s. bie 9cadigeburt (u. Sbiereu). .ieap.s. ber^aufeit, bie iDienge; to put in (lay on) a — , aufhaufen, in .frailfeit fetjeii; by heaps, haufenroeife; in heaps, in.f)aiifen,itr3ienge ; all of a — , iiber imb iiber, fiuf eincm Jilumpen. To HEAP, i'. o. baupen ; fammelit; to — on,iiocb, inebr binju tbun (jueinem .6eiufcn) ; to — up, aufhaufen, »cr= mcfjren ; to — the hides (bei ©eibcrn), bie .^iiute in bie Sebnu'tK brtngen. HEAPER, s. ber ^luflwuftubc , 2>cr= niebrer. IIEAPY, adj. gebauft, in .<3aufen. To HEAR, o. v.A-a. 1, bSien ; niihoien ; cfte, ©rbti= te, aBcfcutliebfte, Jtraftigfte ; 7. bie Stva\t; 8. bas ©eroiffen; jv. t-s. 1. ba§ Jpcrj (ber iituerfte Stbetl einctS !£auei) ; 2. ber grofe Stagblocf ; dear — , meitt^erjcpen ! sweet-heart, ba§ ©cfeafedben, ber (bie) ©eliebte ; meitt Sicbebcn, mein ®<$afcd)en ! in my— 'a core, im 3uuei'ften inctneS igerjeng; for my— 's blood, fiirS Gebeil (febr) gem; to the —,511 ^crjeit, im 3ii« iterfteu ; against the — , intgem ; at — , liad) i^erieiiSrounfef) ; with all my — , you geinjem ■feerjen, fel)r gern ; with an open — , f VCtimif f) t ej ; by — , eilioroenbiij ; to have a good — , giltcg 9)iutbeS ieim ; to take — , eiu fierj ( i'cittb) faffeit ; to take to—, jit .per= jeu iiebmeu ; to have at — , auf bent .ficrjeu baben, fid) fraufeit ; fid) ange= legen fe»u laffen (SemanbeS 3utee= fffe) ; to set one's — upon one, 3e= manb jartlidi Iteben ; to tire one's — out, etitcin fcefrtg jufe^en, plagcn ; to open one's — to one, cilieill feilt ^ei'j crbffueu, ansfd)iitteit ; to he — and hand for a thing, gang fiireiue Saefjc etngenoiitmen fct)ii ; set your — at. re>t, ber'ut;tge bid) ; my— -fails, ber i)iutb vcrlant mid) i]bfd)anbc ; — sore, bag e§et$gefd?rour ; ^erjwe^; <&evje« letb ;' beejbeflcmmeub ; — sorrowing, bersbetriibt ; to — strike, im .jpcrjen berrouuben; ritbrci'. ; — strings, pi. bie .CievUiberii; — struck, ini3nner= ftengeriibrt, bctroffen; in bag ^trj gegraben ; — swelling, im Jocijetj en'tflaiumt; ber ep^fi, tie Scibeu- fdjaft ; — whole, mit fretem fievjen, uoeb nid;t vetltcbt; utujevlefet: utt= entuerst; — wort, bag ^iebftbefel (^flaiMe); — wounded, tief»envun> bet, big 511m (Sterbeu ncrliebt; — wounding, brrjjerreifieub. To hearten, v.a. 9Jlutb, niad)eit, «n» frifd)cu ; anfmuntevn ; to — up, ftar.- Een, aiifciiern. heartener, s. ber (bie, bag) (Srmn* tbigcubc. HEARTH, .«. bcr..*?erb; — money (- penny), bag $ei'bgelb, bie .t>etbfteuer; — stone, ber.Ocrbftein, bie .£>erbplat= te, 6fl8 ©ftrid). HEARTI1A', adv. you .fierjen, berjlicf); aufriei)tig; eifrig; fel)e; tiiditig; to eat—, tiiel)tig effeu. HEARTINESS, *. 1. tie .fierjliebfcit, Snnigfeit, Mufricbtigfeit, Offenbeit; 2. SKunterfcit ; Jtraftj bergifer. HEARTLESS (nd». — ly). «(/? l.bei'jloS; 2. mittblog, sagtjaft, feige, fletnmn» tbig ; — ncss, s. bie .0>eejlofigfett, Bagbaftigfcit, ber Jtleiuiuutb. HEARTY, adj. 1. berjlid). iuuig, offcn.. aufeid)tig ; 2. warm, eifiig, muuter, lebbaft, 'frob ; 3. ftarf, feft, berb, ti'td)tig, gefunb, frafiig ; to drink — . ftarf teinfeu ; he is not — in .. ., eg tft ibnt nid)t (Jrnft um. .. heat *. 1. bie ^ifte : 2. SBarme, §ff* tigfeit, ©abrung, il'utb bag Seutv, ber (?ifer, ^,o\n ; 3. bie 2lnftrengung ber 2auf, Ring; 4. .&iUb(atter ; in tne — of business, mitten im ©efef>af- f c . t i„, _, s/>. K. bie beim 'fficttreiis nen beftimmtc (Sntfernung, tag9teit= Ttett , a race horse thai has a — , CW Srtcnnpferb, bag ciuer. cJBett--)?an| IIEAV; a dead — , remit greet Siennpfcrcc baS 3iel gitglcich etteieht baben ; at n — . auf ctumal, in cincm ©tridse ; to tike the — , bas (Sifeu fdjmiebcii, ba ee luarm ift. Ju iieat,..(,'. I. a. 1. beiji marbcit, bci= gen, bi^ci; ; 2., aiifreijeu ; 3. belebcn ; 11. «. bcif;, bi&ig recrbctt, fid; erbifcea. HEATER, ». baS fictHc (Sifeit, ber SBoT* gen im $latteifen, tor ( sjjlatf*) Stahl. HEATH, «. 1. bie 4??ibe; 2. bas £eU befraut; ©efiraucb; ©rbufrb; 3. bie Joeibclbecre ; berry-bearing — , bie •peibelbeerftaube ; — bird ( — cock. — pout), bcr £3irfba()it ; — broom, bet ■fpeibebefeu ; — hen, ba8 33irfbubn ; — mutton, ,£>cibcfcbafe, ^<3ettrdiitu- cfett ; — peas, pi. bie SBpjjclreirfett ; — rose, tie .getberofe, SBetitrofe, reifbe 9tpfe. HEATHEN, I. s. bcr .§cibe; IL adj bcibtiifcb. HEATHENISH (adv. — ly), adj 1. l)cib= mfrf); 2. graufant, tntmcufcblid). HEATHENISM, s. ta3 .tpeirfltthuilt. Til HEATHENIZE « a. beibliifdj (gum «£kiben) madjeit. HEATHER, s. aid. Heath. heathy, adj. uoll .tfeircfrattt, Ijetbig ; — ground bie ,0eibe; — ground, — land, bas .£e ibefanb. MEATLESS,' adj. obuc SBarme, fait. Tu HEAVE. !■.»,(■ 7i. 1. bebett, erbeben, aufbebcit ; ftrb erbeben ; 2. traaen, reerfett; 3. anfretnbert; 4. fcbroellen, auffdjroeUcu, aitfacbeu (yont Stifle, it. f. re.); aufgeplafen reerbert; 5. febreer athmcii, it ad) ?uft fcbiiaps pen; fi. Itcbclfcit entpfittbeu, fid) tibcrgeben mollen ; to — a (profound) sigh, ehicit (fiefcit) Seufger bolcu; to — at ... , feufjen nadj . . . ; to — away + fovtliel)lliClt, PCl'fcfccn, l)tnii= ber fWfletl ; .v. 7'-*. to — abroad, aufbiffett (eine ftlagge, it. J. re.); to — down a ship, ciit ©cbiff (tuf bie Seite reittbett (unt (8 git fieien), fie[= bolert, u. f. re. ; to — a peak, baS 3lii= fertau auf itnb uicber toinben; to — and set, oor 2lnfer rciteu, bei bpbler See »or Slufcr ftampfen, buiupclu; — and in sight, (recittt ber Slnfer bcint Siufreitibeitlfcbcr bie ObcrfIad)e ber (See fommt) ftcbtbar reerbeu ; to — in stays, ba» 5d)iff beim SBenbeu ii'. ben SBittb brittgett ; to — the lead, baS Sotf) ait'Jii'frfeit, Iptben ; to — out a sail, ciit (Scgcl beifefectt, auf= biffctt; to — short, ftagreeife eiurettt= bcit (ba8 Slufertau) ; to —tight, frcif ycrtaucrt (bas Wufertatt) ; to — over board, fiber SBorb reerfett; to — forth, tief ait« ber Sruft aiiffciifgcn, fci= djeit, iidigett, frbreer atbnieii; to — up, aufbebcit, aufjtefjeti, aufpum- pcrt ; aitfreiubcit; auffdjroeHen • heaving breast, ber fdmu'llenbc SBiu feit; heaving mallet, eitte .ftopffettle (bci belt Scgcliitachcru> ; the heaving tide, bie fd)roeflenb« (fteigenbe) Alutb. HEAVE. ... 1. baS .Oebeit, \Mufbebeit ; 2. baS Jleitdieti, Seufgen, tiefc s .Mtb= men; 3. Srhreellen, Sluffcbreellcn ; 4. bie Sliiftreiigiina v.cb ju etbredjen ; — or — offering, bafi .O'.'bopfer (ber olten Suben), bie 4?eBe ; — shoulder, bie •>3cbefd)itlter. HEAVEN, ». 1. ber .oimmel; 2. ba« bbebfie TGefett, ©ott ; 3. bie @rba« benbeit: 4. heavens, pi. bie beiMti; feben (SSbfter; by — : emph. beim i<3immel ! in compos. — aapiring, bim= mclatiftrebcttb ; — be^M ( — horn — bred), bimmeterteiiiif, Hmmeleitts fprpffeit, btmmltfrb ; — directed btmnttlrearts geridj'cl ; iren ®ott HECA geteifct ; — gifted, bimmelbegabt ; — inspired, bimmelbeijcifterl; — kissing -,—saiuting), btmmclberiib- venb, in ben .fpimmel ragenb ; — loved, vent .tpimmel gelicbt; — ««.-J ( — wards, ado. Ijiiitmelreart*, btmmcU an ; — warring, bimiitelbcfrieiicub. HEAVENLINES8, * bie bodiftc S IU>I1= fpmmeiibeit, bas r)tmmufcoe SBefen. HEAVENLY, adj. 4- adv. bimmlifd), gbttltd), Mird) bimmlifdien @tnfluf ; — minded, bimmlifd) gcftnitt, fromm ; — mindednesB, bie gettliche 0eftit= nitng, bie grommigfett. HEAVER,* 1. tcr'.tpebcitbe; 2. $e= bebattnt, ,*3ebcl. HEAVILY, adv. vid. Heavy: to take — , fid) febr ;u ^ergen nebmctt; to pn oil—, jit. k. iangfam abgcbcu (.".ren SBaaren). heaviness, s. I. bie Sebreere, bafl ©emid)t, ber Drncf; 2. bie ©ebrner= falligfetf, Xragbeif, Saiigfaiufett; 3. Jummbeit; 4. Sebreermutb, ber Stubfiiiit ; 5. bie 3fiid;tbarfeit bes HEAVY (— ilt), adj. 1. fdireer, loftfa, befcbiverlidi. briid nib ; 2. befebreert; 3. fdjroerfaUig, bluntu, feblafrig, tra.;e; 4. biimm, bctaubt ; f>. frhivcv- mfitbig. traurig, nifbergefdjlagen ; 6. itnvcrbauliii) ■ 7. beftig, ftarf/tief; 8. ergiebift, frurbtbar: it lies — upon me, c's briirft mid) febr ; l shall fell — upon him, id) reiti ti ibn emvftu= ben laffen ; — to the stomach, fdiirer gu uerbauen ; — with sleep, fdblafrig, »oU SeblafeS ; — of sale, fd)iver jit verfaufen, flan; a — book, ein i'ud) ba« fdjreerfallig gefebriebeu ift, ober fcbleditett SlbfafJ pnbef ; —expenses, fitrecre Jvoftcn ; — eyes, matte "?lit= gen; — goods, fd)roere S3aarcu=2lr= tirel ; — gusts or squalls of wind, bef= tige SSBinbfl6§e, fdireerc SBSeit; — handed, piump, uugefd)idt ; — headed, bidfevftg, bumni ; — hours, bie ?an= gereeile; — laden, frbreer belabeu; — lands, frurbtbare Ciinbereien ; — metal, fdjtoetefl (Mefdiiilj ; — news, traitrige 9lact)ri(|fen ; a — night, eitte ftttftie, fturmifrbe 9lad)t; —roads, gruublpfe, an^gefabreuc SSege; a — sale, ein matter, latigfamcr S3er» {auf, frbtcd)ter Slbfat}; a — sea, bie Irebe, febreere See; — spar, bcr Sd)reerfvaib. HEBDOM \n.\UV, ) HEBDl IMATICAL, > adj. refd)eut(id). HEBDOMEDAL, ) HEBDl IMADARY, *. + ber .^>ebboma= barium. HEBEN, s. ba» 5'benbrjlg. To HEBETATE r. «. filtntpf, bumni madieu ; fdreaebeu. HEBETATION, s 1. baS Sfttmpfma= dicn, 9lbjhim vfen ; 2. bie @tumpf= licit, Titntmbeit, S0(6bigfeit. HEBETUDE s. bie Stumpfbcit, 95cr= ftaitbcSfd;read)e, 35umml)cir, SBI5big= feit. HEBRAIC ( — cal j adv. — ly), adj. %l* brfiifd). HEBRAISM, s. ber §ebrai8mu9, bie bebraifdie 2pu'ad)cigeubeit. HEBRAIST, s. ber be8 .^ebraifrben .^linbige. HEBREW, 1. 8.1. ber .Rebraer ; bic.£c= braerinn; 2. baS .f>ebvaifcbc 3 ILadj. bebrfiifd). HEBREWESS, ». bie .<3ebraeriuu. HEBRICIAN, s. rid. Hcbrajst. HEBRIDES, ». /-/. bie .Oebribeit ; the new — . bie iteiten .Oebribeu (3nfel gruppe infer Subfee . HEBRIDI VN, adj. bebribifeb. HECATOMB, s. bie fiefatontbe, HEED HECK, ». f. ciit 97ctj gum ^id,'r : "angt • 2. bie Sfromfrummung. HECKLE a bit -Vied'cl. HECTICAL, adj.vid. Uk< atr ; a — fercl ein .Vi'iucber ; — ly. ado. beftifd) auf cine au8gehrenbe >3rl. HECTIC, I, adj. befti'cb, fd)willtfud)« Ha. aiiflgebrenb ; n ». Me .*>efttf, gcbreitibfucbt ; 2lu*gc()rung, ba« 3ehtfiercr; a — , cine ; fiuditige 9J6» the tm Wcudit. HECl"OR a. l.^eftot (9Wann«name); bet Jluffdjneibet, ©rp^prab]* ler, ©ifenftefTer, SRaufbolb, fReitoma mift, ©ramarbaS. To HECTOR, r a. 4- m. trotjen brpbtrt, groefprecbeii, prableu, auffrbnetbrii ; iarmeit, rtliominiren, bramarbafi= reu ; to — into, butd) Jveh:::i.ieu gti etreaS greingen ; to — out of, abtro tjcit, (tbbtobrn. HECTORLY, adj. gro^fpredjerifd), an- matlettb, beletbtgeub, itnyerfd)5mt. HEDER 5 SpbfH berror= bringcub ; 2. »on &pbeu ; »oll (U'bcu. HEDGE ■■.'■ bie .^ecfe, bet gatin; a quick-set — . eitte lebeiibige .^cde, ciit ©ebaqfjaiili, .^edeiuaiiu ; to be on tt.-. • rong fide of the — , WW bie nnrecbk Scpmiebt jcbni, feljl frJbieien, fid) irren ; over — and ditch, iiber .£ccfe unb ©taben, ubet «loo unbvBteiu, fiber 83erg nnb Sibal ; in . — ale-house, vid — tavern; — bells, pi. bie ^auuglbdcbeu, 9Bei6= glbddieit (^Jfianje); — bill, ittttet Hedging; — hud, bet 3"aiigenirbt« ; — i.orn. bi ufer bent 3aune geboren, iren niebrigcr (ttnbtfanntetj ■Oet- htnft ; — hud, bie .f>agebiitfe ; — creeper (— hud 1 , ber S8itfd)fleppcr, JJanbfrreicbcr, SSagaboub; — fuma- tory, bet dpecfeitetbraiid) ; — hog, 1 bet 3get, baS ^aunfebwein; 2. fei Seeiael, 3gelftfd), J?ugelfifd) j 3. bet 3geltiee, ^prnigel, eiiie Slrt Srbtte= dcitflec; — hog-thistle, betSacttrt; — hyssop, baS ©imbtnftaiit bie (t, ©ehutfamfett; vlcbt= famfcit, Wufmerffamfeit. HEEDLESS, adj. (of, ailf, in if, U. f. W.) (ad e. — ly), unadjtfam, nacblafftg, forglofl ; gebanfenlos, unbebacbtfam, unbefonneu ; — ness, .«. bie Uuacbts famfeit, Sfcacblafjtgfeit, ©orgloftgs fcit ; ®ebanfenloftgfeit, Unbcbad)t= famfeit, Unbefonnen&eit. UEEL, s. 1. bie Serfe : 2. bet Slbfatj (.111 Sdmbcn unb ©tiefeln); 3. bie ^otfe (an Sttfiinpfen) ; i. bet .Knots ten, Slueroucbg ani.CioUe) ; 5. ©potn ; bet fiiitftlicbe ©potn bei .reampfbabs tiett; 6. jv. r. bet 5u9, -C> i c 1 , <§ieling (eineS SJtafteS, obet atteleg); from iiead to — , com Jiopf big anf bie gttfie ; to kick up the heels, biuret! 61l£fd)lagen ; to trip up one's heels, einein ciii sBein untrrfcbtagen ; to be at the heels, OUf bem guise (ben 5er= (en) nadjfolgen ; to betake one's sell" to one's heels, getfenoelb geben, bag §afenpaniet ergretfen, butd) bie Saps pen gebcu, au&ieiisen; to have the heels of..., fdineller lanfen aU...; to be out at — , tocher im ©trumpfe ha* ben ;fig. in elenben Umftdnben fe»n ; to grow out at heels, fict> »crfd)Icd) = tern, abnutjen ; to lay by the heels, in ten ©tod (3roangElotjj fegen ; in ba* @cfangnifj toerfen, etnjterfen ; to ride a horse from one — to another, Sp. e. eitt S(Jfetb feitroattg gelien lafftn ; — band, baS Slbfafclebet; —bone. ba« gerfenbetu ; — maker, bet 9lbfat}= febneibet ; —pegs, /-/. ©djubpfI5cfe; —piece, bctglecf (auf eineit 2lbfat$), 9htftct ; to — piece, v. a. bcflerfen, f Scbube u. f. n>.) ; —plate, bie Jtappc am (inbe be$ gliiitcttfolbcnS. Tj heel, r. i. n. tanjen ; n. a. 510= fafce auffefeen; Sp. E. einen <$a§n be= roajfnen, befpotnen. heeler, .*. ber nut feincn Spotnen warier fdmpfenbe Jpabtt. heft, s. ber ©ttel, bad .£jcft. Hegira, s. bie §egtta. HEIFER, s. bie jungc .Rub, garfe. heigh! int. be! bolla ! be ba ! —ho! ab ! ht ! ad) ! ad) ®ott ! o tm-b ! HEIGHT, s. 1. bie .6ohe ; 2. ?lubobe ; 3. T,/p. T. ©cbtiftljobe, s 4. ! avicrbobe (bet Settern) ; 4. fig. bet bobc ober bbebite ©tab, ®ipfcl; bte ®tSjle, SBorttcfffirbfcit, Sollfommenbeit. To HEIGHTEN, v. a. ClbblKll ; »et= grbfscrtt, oetmebren, etbeben, begets ftetn; oetbeffetn, ucrcbcln, ocrfdjos nctn. HEINOUS {ado. — ly), adj. abfrfieits lidb, oettucbt, fteoelbaft, gottloS; — ness, *. bie Slbfcbeulicbfeit, S3ets ruditbeit ; ©Ottlofigfeit. HEIR, s. bet (5'vbe, SeibeSetbe ; — ap- parent,ber gcii'itie, unfit eitige (Stbe ;— presumptive, bet miitbrnaHlidH', tuid)= ftetftbe; —loom, baS »om ©tbgute unjetttcnnlichc, nidit eigenS in»en= tivte 2J}obiliamnn8gen, bai (5tb= ftiuf. To UV.XR, r. a. Ctbcit. heirdom, s. bag (Stbe, (Jtbgnt, bie ©tbfebaft. HEIRESS, s. bie Stbinn. HEiRLKSs, adj. etbloS, unbecrbt. heirship, s. bie Gfbfcbaft, tvi5 (5vb= fcbaftiSredit. HELEN. Helena, s. Helena, .(xkite fgtauennaine). BI'.I.I \C Al, latin — i.v), adj .1st. T. Itlit tct Sonne aufs otev untetgebeub; an« bcu Sxinnenflrablen bev»otge= beiib obet tnbenfelben oetfebwiubenb. 16G HELICAL, adj. frbttecfeiilinig, fcbr>tu= bcnfpvniig, fpttal ; —line, bie ©pis radinie. ' HELICON, s bet .5>elifpn, 2)iufenbetg. HELIOCENTRIC, adj. ,1st. T. btllOCCRs tn'fdi ; — place ofa planet, bet 2tanb= putift eines SRlaneten, mens et von bev Sonne aus bctraditet miitbe. HEUOGRAPHY, s.bie (mathematifd;c) 33efd)teibnng bet (Sonne. HELIOII), adj. Mat T. —parabola, bie patabolifcbe (legellinige) Sd)vecfcu= linie. HELIOMETER, s. bet Sotmetimeffet, 4peliometet. helioscope, s. bet Spnncn=.Xnbug, .jpelioSfop. heliotrope, s. 1. bie Sonncnwcnbr, Sonncnblume; 2. bet ©onnenaen* befiein, Sonncnftcin. HELLISPHERICAL, adj. Ast. T. —line, cine t'inie, welcbe auf bem ©lobnS ftd) natt) bent $oIe ju, fpitalfotmig urn bcnfclben minbet, obne fid; bavin enbigen ju fbnneu. HELIX, s. Arch. T. 1. bie Sdmecfe, bet Scbttotfel (in bet Eottntbifcben Saulenotbnung) ; 2. a. t. bie Sd)ite= cfenlinie, Sd)taubenlinie; 3. a. r. bet dujjcte Dhttanb. hell, s. 1. bie ^6 He; 2. bafi ©tab, bet Suflanb bet ucrftovbenen ecclen ; 3. ba3 ©picU)SU8j jji compos. — black. foblfd)ivat$ ; —born, in bet .<3 o H e ge= botcn ; — bred, in bet §5He erjeugt, boUifct); — brewed, in bet JpLMIc be* teitet; — broth, ber J^bllenttanf ; — cat, bie >£>ete J — confounding, bie &bUt oetutcbtenb; —doomed, jut <§5Ue oetutfbeilt, setbamnit; —fire, ba8 bollil'die §CUCt; —governed, »on bet 4J>oUe teaiett; — iw«. bet ^LUienbradie (ciu boebft bijfes SBeib) ; —hated. gebaf;t »ie bie «§5Ue, bbdift oetbafjt; — haunted, oom Senfel be= fucbt, geplagt ; — hound, bet ^6llen= bunb ; ber 2 enfel ; blutbiirfttge, gtaits fame 3JJettfcJj ; —kite, bet §oIIen= geict ; (Vtetnvaufi; — ward, adv. 1)51= fenroattS, nacp ber fiblle nt. hellebore, s. bie ^ie^amt^. helleborism, s. ba§ Stiesrourjptas parat. Hellenism, s. bet ^eCentSmuS, bie gttcrbifebe Sprad)cigenbeit. HELLENIST, s. 1. bet .^ciienift; 2. gtiecbiftb fcj>tttbenbe 3nbe. HELLENISTICAL (ado. — ly), IjeBtSs ifd)=griecbifcb, bellenirtifdi. To HELLENI'/E, v. n. fid) bet gried)i = frbett Sptacbe bebicnen. Hellespont, *. ber .<3eHcSpont. HELLISH (adv. —Mr), adj. ail§ bet •^oUe, boliifd\ abfcbenlirb, oertucbt ; a — crew, bie .^iMIenbnif : — ness, s. ba« ^Btlifcbe, Slbfcbeulidje, bie 2>cmiditbeit. HELLY, adj. biillifdi. HELM, s. 1. ber .Oelm, bte Sturmbaits be, .*5a«be ; 2. bet §ut f-Ocint) cities SBrcnnfoIbcnS ; ®ttff amStciu cvrubet; baS Sttner, Stcnerrnbev ; X. Ts. — alee! baS fRubet in See! — a-m id-ships! 3JJitfcbiff3 baS 9tubcr ! laft bafi Sdiiff oot ben 3Bmb ge^en ! to sit at the — , am 3i liber fifeeit, tegie* ten ; — 's man, bet Stenernmiin ; — port, ba« .Cicnncgat; —wind, tin ei= genet SBtnb in ben gebitgtgen Sanbs ftvidu-n (Snglanbs. To HELM. v. a. 1. fteucrii, fiibven, Iet= ten. regieten, (to. ii.) ; 2. mit cincm .Oelme bebecfen. helmet, s. ber ^etm ; —flower, bai .*>cliiifrant, Scbilbfvaut; —pigeon, bte fiauben=, SRonuen=, obet Scbleter« toube ; —shell, ber Scebclm (eiiu i'litfcbcl). HELMINTHIC I. a. 1. beh'en, bebiilf* iid) femt, igmlfe leiften, bciftehen ; 2. fortbelfen, beforbern, venue bren ; 3. abbelfcn ; 4. bebicnen, geben, anbics ten (bei Safel); — yourself, langen Sic (felbfl) ju, bebicnen ©it fid) ; l cannot — remarking, id) failtt llicfct itmbttt ju bemrrfen ; who can — it 7 tter faun c3 t>iittevit ? I cannot — it, id) faun tS nidjt binbettt; id) faim llirbt bafitr; it cannot be helped, fi fann uid)t« belfeit ; aUc Wli\i)t ifl umfonft, bem ifi nittt ;u belfcn; vo — one at a dead lift, ^cmaiibcminber bbdiftcu ?]otb beifteben; so — me God • emph. fo roabr utir @ott belfe to — down, biiumter belfcn ; juin Untergang beitragen ; to — forward, to — up, auf belfcn, beforbern ; to — in, bineiu belfcn; to — off burcb $iilfe eutfemen, bavott belren; to — on, fortbeifen, aitfbelfcn, beforbetit; to — out. binauS belfcn ; ausbclfrn, belfcn, einbolen ; Print pu. Slrbeitet auf uiu bcitimmic 3fif anttebmen; to — over, iibcr etwaS toegbelfen, bciMiisrcipen ; to — to. ., serfdbaffen, »crbclfen nn . . ; (bei Sifdjc) efroaS rctcben, ootlegen. HELP. s. 1. bit finite, llnfctftii^ung, ber ^cijranb ; 2. baS SWitttl, ^filfes mittel; by the— of, oetmittetfl, mit* telS; there is no — for it, alle t&filfe ift £>eriiebeite ; —mate, ber ©ebiilfe, bic©cbitlfinn; help! help ! /»«..*3ulfe! HELPER, s. 1. bet .^clfcr, 3?cifiaub ; ©cbitlfe; ?lbbclfcr; 2. iibcrjablige Wittier, Seildufer. HELPFUL, adj. 1. bcbiilflirf), biilfrfid), roiUig; 2. niifelid), beilfam, bicnlifb; —ness, s. ber ©eijianb, bie .fpcilfam= fcit. HELPLESS (adv.—i.y).n!j bi'tiflflS, Htt* oetmogenb ; obnc Setuanb, uetlaf* fen, elcnb ; —ness. .«. bie .^iilfipfigs fcit, UnofrinPgenbctt. 9 HELTER-SKELTER, adv. iiber ufial3 unb iSopf, in grofiei t ge= feben, boltetpoltet. helve, s. ber fetid, £elm (cincr Sirt). To helve, p. a. mit cincm Sticlc vers febeu. bcftielen. HELVETIA, s. .gScfoctict, bie Sebti'fij. HELVETIC, adj. bebcttfeb, fdiivejjf^ tifd) ; —confederacy, bte fiibijcnoffeils febaft. hem. I. s. 1. b«8 SKaiifpern ; 2. bet ©aunt ; II int. bem ! bm ! be ! beba To HEM, r. I. ». fid) raufvevn ; n. a. 1. faiimen, etnfaffen; 2. — in, uingcs bin, cinfd)(icfen, umiingcn. HEMEROBAPl'lSTS, s pi. ft'llt Seft< bet a(ten3nbcn, bcrcuiliitgltcbcrfid) taglid) babeteu. HEMI. in compos. Mb. HEM1CRANV. s. baS einfettige J?opf« nu-b, bte gjitgrane. HEM'CYCLE, s. ber ^albjirfcl ; balbe SpfluS (in ber @bronologte). in.MiNA, s. ctn aires SDJa§ yt fabr jcbn Unjcn. HEMEPLEGY, «. ber Scblagffttv, bet nut cine Seitc bc» JtBrpetS gcttoffea bat. HEMISPHERE, s bie .foalbfugcl. HEMISPHERIC, (— cal), adj. balfc' fugclig. yen unge» HEPT hemistich, s. ba« .£jemi(tid)ium. HEMISTIGHAL, adj. bie sUerd^alftc be= jetcbncnb. HEMLOCK, s. bet Sdiierlimj ; —bark, bie SRinbe bet ©dbKiKugSramte ; — ipruce-Iir, bic ScbicrliltiJStaunc. HEMOPTYSIS, 5. Med. T. baS 23lllt= fpeicn. HEMORRHAGE > ». JHM. T. bcr Slut* HEMORRHAGY, 3 fturj, 23lutflutf. HEMORRHOIDAL, adj. jut ftolbllCIt alter gefcor.g, t);imorr£)oibalifct>. HEMORRHOIDS, ».p£ bie golbnc 3lbcr, •gnimorrboiben. HEMP, s. bcr •*>anf ; — agrimony, bet SBaffcrtofteit (Evpatorium — A.) ; — beater (—dresser), bcr .*pailf Lucdicr, jjjanfbereiter ; — dog'3 bane, bie 2ci= bcupflau;c ; —close, bcr -gmnfadcr, baS ,ennc, baS .(pufjrt, SSeifc cbeit, bie <§ie; compos. — bird, bie £enne; — pigeon, bie Saube; — sparrow, bae ilkibrbcit »cit eiitem Sterling ; guinea — , bie SKcrlbcimc ; — of a pheasant, cine gafanenpeune ; —bane, bat SBtlfenfraut (Hyoaeyomta _/„.) ; — bit, bcr <§ubuetbatm, <£>ub> nerbif) (Maine — U. — coop, baS .frubucrbehiiltHif) («ttf Scpiffcu), bcr ■fjagtterforb; —driver, bet. solcifalf ; — *s feet, bcr fifibtterfufj ; —harrier, i -harm), bet .P>ut>uevflcicr, £iif)iter= aar, bie i^iiljnetroei&e ; — hearted, ttcrjagt, feige, —house ^ii^ner^auS ; — mould, —soil, fcproarjcr, fd)lam= mtget SBoben ; to — peck. o. a. /»». (»on bofcit SBcibern) baS Btegiment im Jpanfc fitbveit, bcu SCtann qiuilen ; —pecked fam. uutcr bent ^antoffcl ftcbeub ; — roost, bie .fuibucrftaitgc, .t>ubuerficii]e, bcr .ftubucrftaU. HENCE, adv. i. »on biimcn, son bier weg, weg, meg bier, fort, fcinroeg; 2. pieraus, bamis, »ou ba; babcr ; 3. »ott jefet an, itt 3ufltnft ; a year — , binncn bier uiib ciiiem Sabre ; not many days — , in roentgen SEagen ; — may" be induced, bieraitS [fifjt ficb fbls flem ; — it is.., babcr Eoriimt (riiprt) eS.. ; hence! marfd) ! HENCEFORTH, ) adv. SOU fcfet HENCEFORWARD, J (mm) an, biu = fitro, fituftig. HENCHBOY, (s. + & * bcr 5Daffcn = HENCHMAN, S trager, ?cibbicucr, Be* biciite, SJJage. HENDECAGON, t. O. T. baS (?ilfecf. HENDECASYLLABLE, *. better* (.bie ntetrifebe 3fi'c) »cm elf esilbcu. HENDIADIS, s. Gram. T. cine rebucri = frbc gigut, bo jroei ©ubftantioe ftatt tines 3ubftaittf-i* unb ciueS aiDJCCtiuS gebraurfjt werbfit. HENRY, ». .§eintifl) ('Dcanne'name). HEPATIC, l<"(i' J ur ^fber gchi> = HEPATICAL, S tig. UEPATOSKOPY, s. bic ?ebcrbcfdiau= una,, baS SBabrfagen mister Cebet. HEPt 3 , s. 7-/. bic eV 5 tarcbifd). heptarchist, *. ber 5icbcnf)crr= friicr, jQfotaxd). heptarchy, ». bic SRegtetung i^on fiebcu $ettfd)etn (@intb.eilnng Silts ignglanbS in fiebcu Heine Jl5ntgtei= rbc;. heptateuch, e. bic fiebcu crftcti Bfls cber bc« alien JEeflamenM (ro. u.). HER, I. prm.per8. (object „f she) fie, ibv ; I love — , id) licbe fte • with — , bet tbr; 11. possess, pron. iviX, tbre ; she loves — child, fie licbt ibcHiut; — head aches, ibr thut bcr jiopf n?cb (ober fie ImI Jtoufroeb) ; she has lost — wits, fte b at itn ^crftiiub »cr= lorcit. HERALD, s. 1. bcr SBavpenbercIb ; ^etolb ; '- , . SluStufetj ;i. 93etKnbi= gcr, SBotlaufet; — 's office, baS Jpc= t olbSamt, SBappcuantt. To HERALD, n. a. fcierlid) einfiibren. HERALDIC, adj. bie Jpcralbif beliefs fenb. heraldry, *. 1. bie -Oeralbif, 2Sap= Vonfuuft; 2. baa ^erotbSaint. heraldship, ». baS Stmt eineS ^etols bes (al-rilusnifcv). HERB, s. baS .Hraitt ; in compos. — ben- net bas SBenebtctenftaut ; — bretch, bic ©t ombccrftailbC ; — Christopher, baS (^briftonbstraut j — eatinp, fr,'iit = (erfreffcub ; —Gerard, bie Angelica ; — (of) prace, bie halite; — maiket, bet ittaittetmarft; —Paris ( — true love), bie (Sinbecrc, SBolfabcere, baS ©auauge; — porriiice, bic Jh\iutcv= fuppe; —Robert, baS DtobcrtsfiMitt (->lrt bCiS ® torcbfcbnabels) ; —snuff, bet oU;iutcr=3cbitupft>ibaf ; — trefoil, bcr Jllee ; —trinity, ba« 3etangef)es liebcr, bie 3)teifaltigfeit8blumej — two pence, tcr 33cibciid) ; — woman. bie JttSuteiftaU ; (pot) herbs, s. pi. ©ernufe. HERBACEOnS, adj. \u bcu Jiraitferu geb5rig, EtStttttatttg. herbage, t. 1. baS jttautettoet!, ®ra«, bte@rafung, SBeibe, SEtift; 2. baS 3J3eibted)t SQBeibegtlb, tcr ©ta8= jcbcnbc. HERBACHED, adj. mit ®xai bebedt. herbal, 1 .«, baS herbarium, Jtrau= tetbud), $PPanjen&u$ ; 11. ay. juben jvtoutetn gebjjrig, herbalist, ?5. ber Jlt8utet» HERBARIBT, fW. ii.) i feuuer, Sppail* jcnfciincr. HERBARY, s. bcr .ffiiiiitcrgartcu. HERBELET, ». dim. baS Jtvautdjeit, 9pfl(injd)en, HERBESCENT, adj. gtafirt, ftOUtattlg, ais @ras (Jttaut) wadbfenb, HERBID, adj. cvboriiu ten, iBotantfireii ; 2, — s, pi. in Sofiu Hen angebilbete $Panjen, bcrboriftt^ te Dcntriten, To HERBORIZE, v. a. Winter fitdnti obcr fammclii, Jertotififtn, botanifi= ten. HERBOU3, adj. uoll JttSutct, begrafet. herby, adj. frautartig, gtaftrbt; graSreid) (ro. ii.). HER1I HERCULEAN', adj ©erMeflsJttflftl tr» fotbrmb, btrtultfdj ; —club, >if .^crfuleSfcitle. HERCULES,* Math. -v. 1st. T-a .t>crhf Ke . _- 8 a u i, e ai, bie SBaftuflan, .Vcubvaftiuaf. HERCYNUN FOREST, ».(ebtmal«) bet bcrcnuifdic SBalb. HERD, * I. bie ,*3ccrbe; 2. fig. com. bti ^aufen ijlenfcbea ; a». B*. a — vA deer, ciu Slubtl iBomSRotbrotw iiber- baupt); a — of harts, cin Xruvv 6«* fdbc; a — of oxen, riii S&rteb Cdncu; a — of cranes, ciu 3 u fl Aranicsc ; a — of wrens, ciu Slug (cine 3d)aiir) 3aimfi>uige, Sdjneef Snige ; 3. tci y-mt ; fn compos. — graaa, tcr SBieftn= fud)8fd)roanj ; — man \— '* man), bcr ^irt. TV HERD, !• I a. in .*>crtcu(fliirtlti, Otottcit) geben ; fidi gefellen; ficb »etfammeln j n. a. ju .ptrfcu vcrti^ eiui.icit. HERE, ado l.btcr, ^ieftgenDttt; 2. in gegenroartigem 3ufionbe, in bic= fciit ^cbcu, bier; — and there, bier unb ba, l)iu uiid roiebet ; neither - nor there, rocbcr f)tcr nod) ba (toit), nitgenbt; — be comes, piet (ba) foiiunt cv ; — 's to [you). Uim. out 3& s te ©efunb^eit ! id) btinge cs obucu ! i'k compos. — about ( — abotrts, — away u. u. , bier bcruni ; in ticfer ©tgtnb ; — above, bier obeu ; —alter, bier= luuttt, im* btefein, ffinftifl. tunftig* bin; in eiiicui fiiufti,ieu 3nflanbe ( obcr Seben; ter [finftige, bic 3»fiiiiit ; — at. bicritber ; —be- low, bier utitcu ; m e am gupe bie= feS; —by, bievtm-cb, buvcb ©egen« UMitiiicS; aiimit, beigebenb, beige* fdiloffcil; — from, — of. bicrvon; bvibcr ; — in, bicriu ; — in after men tioned, /-. PA. bier luidnnviibiit ; — Into. biet biuciu ; —on, -up a), bicr» nuf, bicriibcv; — out, bieraite j — \n (-unto), bierjll; — tnfore, vor tici'cm, DOtmals ; — with bicnuit. HEREDITABLE, adj crblid) (». ii.' '. —monarchy, bafl Sibreid). HEREDITAMENT, .-•. /.. V. boS (5rbe, (vib.iiit; tic Stbfdjaft. HEREDITARILY, adv. ciblid), burcb, erbra>aft. HEREDITARY, adj evbheb. HEREMTTICAL, adj. vid. Hkrmiticai.. HERESIARCH, .--.'tie Srjfe^tt, baS .Ucucilmuvt. HERESIARCHY, «. bic Stiftfeettl. iii.Ki'.sv. s. bie Jteecrci. heretic, s.beiJJefcet. HERETICAL (ado. — ly), adj. fel}cri|ch, mit .Ucfjcici. HERETOCH, )«. t bcr .^ecrfubver, HERETOG, J ^etjog. HERlOT, s. i.. t. tcr ©eroaubfoll, i^auptfall, bafl .§eetgeroette, be= ftefiaupt fbertenoin Vrhnc-hcrrn aue bet SOetlalfenfebafl feinei aSafallen lviiltiibvliib \\\ rofiblenbe Stiirf . HERICTARLE adj tcr SbgaOt bcS .^ouvtfaU'rt occr ^eetgeroetftJ uu= tettuorfen. iu:i;n-ABLE,a// I.etofSoifl ; '-'• erblieh. HERITAGE, ». I. bie b'rbut.itt. t.iS ®tbe, ©tbgut; 2. Tk. T. tat ^oli ®otte8. ba* @tbc. HERMAPHRODrrY. a bcr >ft.iub ri» nej Jroittetfl obet ©etmapfcrobftttt. HERMAPHRODITE, ». bit ^lriltcr, ^etmapbtobit, ba« aWannrotio ; .v T ciu Scbiff t,v: fotvobl 2duu=ilS ©rigtafelage fflbten faun. HERMAPHRODITE, ? HERMAPARODITIC (ado. — ai.iv S jtulttetftaft; — floweia, Bwittet* tinmen; —plants, 3roittttpflanjen. }*7 HESI Saiij. i. HERMETIC, HERMETIC AL fitii'Ui, d'.MiinVb; ■>. bcmctiicb, Iufrbicbt, jugefcbmoljen; —science, bt« gtfceibcfuitft, Bb»jnie. UERMIT, ». ber (Stnjiebler; — crow. bet JBalbrabe, 5Uprabe. E'JJRMITAGE, s. I. bit iSinftebcfet ; 2. vid. Hermitary; 3. bet (Sremitages SJctn. HERMl I'arv. s. bio \t ciucr Slbtet ge= bortge Sianfe; Sapelle etttes Cfiu= jiebletS. HERMITESS, s.bte Cniiucblerinn. HERMITICAL, adj. cillfieblerifd). HERMODACTYL, s bit .giermobactiil. HERN, s. DiVt Heron. HERNHILL, s. ba5 ^rudifraut. HERNIA, s. (lateinifd)) bet (?aniu) •Britd?. HERO, a- ber igctb. HEROD1AN, [. adj berobifd) ; —disease, tie Vaufcfrattf bcit ; LI. Ilerodians, s. v i.v\t -Jpeiobianef. HEROIC, I adj. beroifeb, hero:cal («<*». — ly). $ boibbevjtg* Mtcumutbig, belbewnailtg ; cpif'dj; — ness, s. ta» ^crotfdje, bet §elben= nuttb. Heroic, *. bet epifebe (beroifebe') SJert (au5 fiiitffiifjtgeu 3am ben bc= fUbeitb ); — to speak in heroics, in (Sntjucfung nuciton, fcbivStmcii ; — line, ba5 .ftclbcitgcfcbledit, bet £el= benftamm ;" —poem, bai §elbeitge= butt. HEROIC-COMrC, adj bcroifd)=fo:!iifd) (yen ©ebid&teit). heroine s. bie ^elbtnu. heroism, s . ber .oclcciimuth. heron, s. bet Stciber, SHeiget; — ■haw, ba§ ^u'ihcvitcft. HERONRY, s bet ;)icibcrfranb. HEROSH1P, s. joe. tie fielbenfdjiafr. herpes..* s t. tie (sntjunbung bet •§aur, Slafengeroulft. Herpetic, adj. ftecbtcitartig. herring, .?. bcr faring ; pickled — , bcr Saljbartng ; red — , tot i>3 ii cf = liuj; —bone, (normals) cin 33aum= rooUeitjcug; —buss, tic .ariiigsbiU fc; — coii, bcr jitnge faring ; —fish- ery, bte^ariiigiftfcqetei, ber JjattngSs fang; —gibber, bet, bie ijpartnjje lum (Stulegen praparirt; — hangs, pL Spin* $c jmn 3?aufbetitnefaljencr^an'nge; -packer, bcr ,pariiig8faljet : — smack tor ■^aringSjaoet (C!vt flcincr Sagbfcbtffe ;ur Untetftufeung bet^a« ringSbufen); —time, bie ;\eitbc« .§a= vtngsfaiigcS ; — woman. bie .jparing^ fraii, ^artngSframerinn. HERS, proiufem. pass, bcr, bie, taS ibre, Pbcr ifjvtgc; this book is—, btefcS SBudj gebbrt ihr ; tins is a beau of — , bicS ift cinet oottibren Mitbeterit; she lias h;?r and — at her command, fie unb bie tbrigen ftebn if)t ju ©cbote. E3ERSCHEL, s. Bid. Georoioh sidi's. HERSE, s. Fun. 1. bic Stutmegge, baS Sallgatter, @c$ufegattet; ' 2. vid. TIf.arse. 7» HERSE, o. a. vid. To HEA.RSE. HERSELF, prim. fern, fclbfl, fie felbft ; ibr felbft; fid), fid) felbft; 'tis she — . fie ift (8 felbft; she did it of — , fie Iv.t eS son felbft («u« cigeiicm Slit* tviebe, auS fteten Stiicfen); she (has) killed — . fie bat fid) uingebra$t; she is by — , fie ill gait}) alicilt ; it is like — , baS ift il;r g(eicf), ift Jo) ibre "-Jlrt ; t she livss like —, fie lebt uad) itucm 2 1: inbe. hesitancy, s. ba8 Stocfett, 35getn, Sebeiicen, tic ll?.feb,(uffigfett. HESITANT, adj. jogetnb; laugfa'n fprec^enb. 188 HEY To hesitate, v. n. 1. jogerit, aufte= ben, uufdjliiffig, jiucifclluft icmi, -J3e= bcitfcit tvjgctt ; 2. tin Oicbcit flnflD= f;cn, ftocfen. HESITATINGLY, adv. jSgemb, \m- frbluffig, jtwetfelettegenb, bebenflicb ; ftocfenb. HESITATION, s. 1. bie Itngcnjtgbeit, Uufe^lufftgfeit; 2. ba« 5ti.rfeit, ?lu= ftof;cn tut SJteben; without —, fo= glcicb. hesper.5.* bet?lbenb|tent, ,giefpeni«. HESPERlAjs. * cMettblanb) Stalten, ©patttetl ; Hesperian, adj. abciibKiit= bifct). HESPERIDES, a pi. Myth. T. btc -§efpc= ribeu., s. (bafl 8anb) deficit. HESSIAN, I. s. bet .^Cffc'; II. adj. bef= )iid); —fly, .im.i_. bic .tjeffenfiiege ; 2. col. cilIC Sift ©rbtiecfe {Tipula de- structor). HETERARCHY.s. bic fyvembbcrrfebaft. HETEROCLITE, I. s. Oram. T. bilS 1111= regelmaBtgeSSort; s. pi. Ast. T. btc HETEROSCH. > C?infrbanigcit fJBblfet jmtfdjen ben SSctttc- unb $o« larjirldn); Heteroscian, adj. einfct)at= tig. To HEW, v. a. flatten, bacfen ; bcbaiu en (Sau^olj, u. f. w. ntit bcr 3im= merart) jubaucn, formen, bilbcn ; to — down, ntebcrbauen, umbancn, oets baucn, fallen; to — oir, iibbaucn, trennen ; to — out, au§r>auen ; fdar= fen, bilbcn ; to — to pieces, in (511) ©tiicfen baitcn; to — up, jcrhaiicn, fpalteit; to rough — , au3 bciu ©rbb= ftcit bebaucu. HEWER,s ber gaiter, 'Bcbancr, 2tctit= baucr, Steinmefe, i^ol^auer. IU'.XACHORD.s. Mus. T. 1. bic Sci'tC; 2. cin fedjgfaitiges Stonwerfjeug. hexade. s . bic 3'tbl von ©eeb8. HEXAEDRON. >-. O. T. bie RtflUt «ttt fcd)§ gleicben Sliichcn, bcr SJurfel baS ^etaebron., s. o. t. has 2cd)3ccf. HEXAGONAL, adj. fedjSccfig. HEXAMETER, I s. bcr .Ocr'ametcr ; II. adj. beramctrifeb, feebsfiifjig. HEXAMETRIC, { atlj. (l\\i fettamt' iiexametrical, J tern beftcbenb. hexangular. adj. fedj«n)tnfeltg, fedjSecfig. HEXAPETALOUS, adj.B. T. fcd)«blat- tertg. HEXASTICH, . ! iiicbta'abr! be ! Iu= jlig ! compos. — day ! I int be, xoai ift 8 ? maS gteBt'6? bciba ! hetfa! beifafa! jurbbe' ab! it s. ba«3udj= he, bie Sufttgfett, Silbbcit, beftiac HIGH SKufwaUttltg, -P>i^e ; —day of pkasut bcr Subcl ber grettbe. HIATUS, «. 1. bie Oeffnung, 2iicfe; 2. Oram. T. baS SitUiiti inenftt?pcu jwetei Siofale, bcr ©abnlaur. HIBERNAL, adj. Jltm SSilltct gcborig. UMittcrlid). hibernia, s. * -Oibcvnicn, Srlaitb, HIBERNIAN, I. adj. ttlanbtfd); 11. / berSrlanbcr. HIBERNICISM, .c. bie iriaitbifcb (2pracbci,icitbcit. HICCOUGH, s. bet Sdjlncfcn ; to - !■ n bctt edludcit b>tbcit; |'djlintjc:i HICKUP, s. vid. Hiccough. hickory, s. ber toetjje anici'tfanifdx SBallnufjbaum ; —bark, bic ;)iinbe btefeS Sauntrt; — nut, bie (fleinc) toetfje 3Ballnu$. HICKWALL, Hickway, s. bcr @fUll= fped)t. hidage, s. L.T. + ba» Spfhtggclb, bte .^nfenftcuer. HIDDENLY, ado. + beimlid), ilt§ ®C= beim. To hide. v. I. a. ycrbcrgeit, oerfterfen; vcvbcimlidjeit; ii. n. oerborgen, t?cr= ftcdtfcS)tl; Hide and seek, bai 5>er= ftetfen, Scrftccffpiel (ciu Jlinber= rptel). hide, s. 1. bie .£aitt, baS geK reincs IbicrcS); 2. (—of land), bcr $flufl (bte^ufe) Sanbffl ; — bound, emit bcr 4^out obcr bcr 9thtbe) augcivacbfeu (yon ^fevben nub ©aumen). HIDEOUS {ode. — ly), adj. fcbcilfiiid), gvaglicb, fiirrbtcrltd), fdrcdltd); — ness, s. bic 2rticii|;lidtcit, ©ra'fjlicb= fctt, gurrbtbarfctt. hider, s. ber etnv.8 vcrftccf f, uerbirgt. hiding, s. ba» SSerftecIett, SQerbetgen ; — place, bcr ©djlupftoinfel, baS Scrftecf. To HIE, v. n. eilcit ; — thee, cite bid) ! marbe fort! HIERARCH, s. bcr .§tcrard), ^ettfd)ct, baS gciftlicbe Dberbaupt. HIERARCHAL, > adj. prteftcrbcm HIERARCIUCAL, J fdjaftlicb, biciav= cbifeb. hierarchy, s. l.bie .Oierardiie, ^ric= ftcrbcrrfebaft; ^ireben»etfaffuug ; 2. [RangotbHung bcr (Sngel, u. f. to. hieroglyph, I s. bie .Oicmahipbc, hieroglyphic $ .Oiero4,hn>i>if, ©tnnbilberfunbe, Silbcrfpradjc, 33it= berfebrift. HIEROGLYPHIC, ) [ado. — ly). adj. hieroglyphical. S bicroghipf)ifK>/ finnbilblicb. iherogram, s. eine 9lrt bciligcr ©cbrift. HIEBOGRAMMATIC, adj. cine bcilia/ (Scbrtft barftcilcnb. hierogrammatist, ». bcr ^tero== glnpbei'fdirctbcr. hierography, s. bie I;eilige (geift» licbe) ©cbrift. hierology. s. btc ?lbbanblung (Dtcbc) iiber gciftlide Siitiie. hiero'mancy, s. baS 2Babrfagcn au3 Dpfetn. hierome, 5. .§ictoin;ntu« (3)?annS= name). HIEROPHANT, s. bet ?{?rtcftcr, melts gionslebtcr, ©ttftoorfte^er, ^iew» pbant. To HIGGLE, v. n. 1. (betllt .CKlttbcU iSditiMcrigfcitcn iitad)eu, bingen, tnif. fern (— at, for. a.^iut. iiber, inn); 2. imitfircn geben, feil tragen, boten. HIGGLEDY-PIGGLEDY, ado vylg. 3ll« Ic3 burcb etiianbcv, miter etnanbet ivic Jtraut unb Siiiben. higgler, a. bcr £5Eet, ^auftter. HIGH. adj. &■ adv. I. borb ; 2. crbabcn 3. groji; 4. ftavf maebttg; ">. beftij HIGH -eiigf, uuleuffam, roilb; 6. l)ocf)= irateut, fcbrofilftig; 7. fcbroierig ; 8. fiolj; 9. prdfbtig; 10. tbcuer; 11. roctt (»om £D2erit>tan) ; 12. lout ; on — , in tote 4pbbx aunoarts; glory be to God on — , (i'l)Vf fei 0ott tit ber J^olje; from on — , oon oben, aus ber 4?obe; the most — , bet '.?lllei'bbd)fte, (*)ott; (be wind blows very — , bet SBtllb gcl)t beftig ; the pulse beats — , ber '+""15 fdblagt [tarf; to play — , liorf) fpiclcu ; to feed — , bod) lebcn ; to spend — . Mel ocrtbliu ; to drink — , ft.trt trtllfcil ; to reason — , gviiublid) Ultbcilcit ; in a — strain, III eilteilt Ijobeu Xoue, fdjrofilftig ; a forest of — trees, ber .podjiualb ; — and low, £)0l)C Ultu 9liebCre ; — and dry, ClUf bem Xrocfcneti, grjtranbet; — to the North. ()l>d) ltad) v'iOrtCIl ; it is — day, rt ijt bod) am itage, it is — noon, es tft l)0d) JPlittCtg; 'tis — time, CS tft b o [) t- 3eit ; of —date, oou friiben 3 f i= ten, langc ber ; very — , fcbr l)od) im jBreife; fcbr alt; as — as.., JU bem Sjjreife oon .. ; — aimed, grofie, bclje (bod)tvabeube) ^lane babenb; — al- tar, ber .&od)altar, .fjauptaltar ; — nrched, l)Od)Cieroblbt; — aspiring bod) = ftrebenb; —bailiff ber Dberamtmann; — bearing cock, Sp. E cut .'oabn, ber proper ift aU tee, mit bem er tampft; — blest, b&cbft gfiicflirb, bocbbegincff, felia,; — blood, ctles, crlaucbtes 53lllt; — blown, ailfgcblilfeil ; — born. »ou bobein (abeligem) Stance, vor= uebni ; — bred, oorncbm crjogcit ; — buiit. bod) gebaut, erbabeit; —church, bic angltcanifcbe .rtircbc ; — climbing, bocb crftcigcnt, fcbroer ;u erfteigen ; — colour, bie hobe ^arbc; to have a — colour, oiel garbe (ciit bod)a,lubcu= bCS ©efirbt) babcub ; — coloured, oou bcbcc garbe; — compliments, gcfiicbte Somplimente ; in — condition, gut gebaltcn (oon <$riicbrcu, u. f. yd.) ; — constable, ber ©rOtJCOltjkbel ; — course, bee i)ol)t (Some, (il?ed)fel=) S^reiS; a — crowned bat, ciiDjut mit einem bobeit Xtopfe; — day, ber bobc Sefttag feftlid); — designing, bod)= trabenb ; bodjftrebeub ; — discourses. bodKrabcute 3cebert; — dish. baS lecferc @eridjt ; — Dutch bod)beu(fd) ; — embowed, bocbgcroolbt; — en- gendered, lit ber .£obe (in ben gfiften) erjeuctt ; — fed, roobl gefutfert, fett ; — flaming, bocbftammenb ; — flier, ber Scbrocirmer, ftantaft, anfgeblafene 9)Ieufd) ; bie auffallcnb gepuftte fyn-- fon ; ber J on), Jacobit ; — down. auf« geblafen, flotj; bocbtrabenb, fd)i»iit- ftig; — flushed, erbobeu, (—with hopes, buvd) .jpoffnmtgeit); — tlyimr. bod) ftiegenb; bo it btnaus roollenb, eutbufiaftifd) ; — forehead, bie bobc ©tint ; — gazing, (tuftuarts bltcfetrb ; — German. l)od)teut(d) ; — going, l)Od) (bobl) gehenb (oou ber See); — grown, hocbgeroad)feu ; — hand, eiue fd)weve .6anb (eiue briicfenbe Dber= bmfdiaft ; — heaped, aufgebauft, aufgetbiirmt ; — hearted, borbperjtg ; — heeled, mit bobeit 2Ibfafteit ; — hung, bod)baua.eub ; — land, Ijobcs 8o.nb, eiu ftrilefl lifer; — language, ftoljc, amnafjenbe Spradje: — life. bas oontcbmc Vcbeit, bie grope 2Belt, 3Jlobewelt; — lived, motifd;. oor= ueljnt ; — living, bas oornebnie Seben ; — Innks, ftol^C ^Itcfe ; — mass, bte bohc SWefJe, ba§ Oodntntt ; — mettled, feitrij, bi§tg. (turmtfd) ; — minded. bod)fiiinig ; ftol$; — i^demeanour, /,. r etngrobes mir bcni.^odioerratb nadjjteheiibes 33erbrerbeit, ^aupt»er= bred)tn; — mixed; M. E. l)od)buiit HIGH (oou SBeiVnartcu in ^olcrt, Dft= unb 23ejtpfcuBrn) ; — mouruod, I>oct>^c= tbiillllt, iiberauS bod) ; — operation, 8. T. ber Stetiifrbnitt aai bent obereit Sbeil ber Slafe; —palmed, -S/j. E. bod) niifgefe&f, mil bobein ©eroei'b ; — passions,//, beftige ?eibenfd)aflen ; — place, tic Wubobe, ■6i3l)e; ber bol)e ©cciitb; —placed, l)Oit geftellt; — pleasure, eiu bobe^ tBergitugeit; — premium, bie bobc frantic ; — pressure engine, [Drafcbjiie mit bod)gcfi?aun= tent S)rud ; — price, ber bobe "JJrciS ; — priest, ber Jjubcpricftcr ; — prin- cipled, 1. aon bobeit Oh-uubfatjcu ; 2. ben ©runbfa^eti tveu ; ■). \u gerotfferu baft; 4. nuSftbroeifenb, luigeretint fcc- fonbera in poItttfcr>en ©runbfa^en) ; — raised, l)cd)crbobcn, erbaben; bod) begeiflert; — rate, ber i)ol)t ^vus (mil. — course) : to be at a — rate, tbeuer 511 ftchcit fomnmt; —reach- ing. l)od)rcid)oiiD ; bodiftrebcnb ; — reared, b,orb, lufttq ; — red, boduotl) ; — resolved. cntfd)lofft'u, beberjt ; — road..i;»Z — way; - roofed, tilt bobeS Ztr, mu= tbia, ; ttofti.] ; fiarrjtiuitg ; — stand- ing, a house of — standing. Ct It flutes' (folibeS, bebeutenbea .j?fltibel0=),puufte tu ..; — wayman, ber Straficuiaubcr ; — way-robbery, ber Sirafjcuraub ; — wind ( — storm), ber beftige SBinb Dber Sturm; — words, ber iiontbaft, Scbivnlll; — wrought fiau^ oollcubef, oollbrad)t; autaearbeitet ; hod) beroegt (oonben Slutheti, ober Seibenfcbaften). HIGHER, (compir. 0011 liioii) bober; of much —date than ... nils fiiibcvcr Beit flla .., alter; to bid — . (in Stutiioiten) mebr bicicn rtlfl berSeftte; to go — , anffdjlagen (oom spreife). HIGHEST laub, ©ebirge; II. «.// bodilautifd). HIGHLANDER, s. ber .§ort)laubcr, ikrgbevoobner. HIGHLAND1SH, adj. ciit "Devglanb be* jeiituent. HIGHLY, Bd». I. hocf, , 2. gvofi ftolt : 3. fcbr, bbd)lid) ; — cultivated, bbdifl gebiltct; — finMted bBrfafl int ctcl= frcit Stiii, @cfd)niacf) oolleutet ; ftarf HIND apvretirt ; —gifted, bodjbtgabt, i^eiflf rcid) ; — rouged pari gefdjmittrr. HIGHNESS, -. bie 6obe, (*rbabenbeit Sortrefflicbfeit, JGnrtc, Cbergeivalt; .^ebcit: in-—. Sr. bobeit ; bit — . Seine foitii]lid)c oobeit. Tu HIGHT, n. a prw. bcif;e, bcif;t ; I* men I — , ieb bctue Jjmeu : highti th bIm 1 ivic bct'";i jit'i preL bic:";, roarb gebeifett; part ge^eiptn, gf' iianut, beuaunt. To HIGHTEN, v. a, aid, 1\> Hhsbtib, HIGHT, Biohtb, ■• eid, Hciobt, HIGLER, 1 aid. Higgler. To HILARATE, b, a. ad. 'I\< Kinii.v R4TE. HILARITY, ».bte grSblidjfeit, ?u?i. riLART, ». ^ilartufl (jDZaunSname). 1/11.1. 1. bcr.Liu^el; ni tlie —aide, am $figel; up—, aufroart*. bergan; to write up — , fnintnt fibvciben ; down — . bcra.untcr, bergab ; — r se, iviltcr SRoimartii : —stream, tcr SSergfrrom ; — top, bie Sbergfpifte. 7b EULL r a Jim. btG (Stbe UUlSUt' tofFeln, u. f. ro, ban HILLED, adj. buciclia.. ^ftgel babcub; the Beven — city, bie Sicbeubugt (SRom). HILLING, s. 1. b:c .^ullc, 3)erfe; 2, bae i§&ufelu. HILL iCK, a. bet Heine -^itgel, HILLY, mj. bugelig, fiflgel babcub. hilt, .-•. bae JQtit. @efa|; up to the — . bis an beit ©riff, §»ftj Sg.bbtt unt fiber oo!l, bis fiber bie Dbren. HILTED, a H. mit ciucm.^cfte otce 0e- fafie oevfebeit. him, )„■„,,. vhj. „f Hk, 1. ibm, i()!»; 2. bent, ten. HIMSELF, pro,,, cr fclbft, fidifclbft; fid), ibm libu) fclbft; he—, er fclbft; God—, ©ottfelbfl; by—, fur fid), 01 lie t tt ; uubeajcitct; be read by — , er laa Ffir fid), alletn ; he read of—, er ftrtfl oou fclbft [aus freien Siiicfcit) an 51: (cfeit : he re id ab it — . cr las etiuai ibn 99etreffe ubes ; he read out to — . er las lain fur firb; for — , fur fid), an ftd); he did it of -. cr toat C3 oou fclbB ; be makes much of — . er mad)t vtel aiifl fid); tis like — . bao gleidjtibni; fo ntadtt er'a ; h> lives like—, ev lebt feiiicni Stanbcnemafi; he is beside — , cr tft aufjer |ub, er ift oon Sinnen, HIN,* eiu r»(ufftgfeit8maf oon nnge* fabr jebu Spinten bei ten alien 3uben. HIND, I. mij. bin tcr. tcr tie, tas fiin* terc; — claw, tic bintcrc Alaue, OH-cifflaue ; — flap, baa .Oiutcvtbcil (am •*>cnitc> ; —hand, Sp E bet biu- teve Xbeil teS SPfeibeS ; —1 _■- Jointcvbeiiic j — mosi binterfte, lefttr, ber (bic, bas) >fpinterft( ; Hi take the —most proa, bev Jcii'el bolt bcu .tpiutcrfteu ; —pan. bas .Ointer» theil; — pons and rails, '/>•>. /'A. baS biutcre ^n-f geftelle ; —wheel, tas Jbinterrab: n.». I. bet ftuedjt, Eagt* Ibbiice auf bem Vante ; 2 bfrS8au« (tin untergeorbnetften SBerbaltnifj), emt SDattetlimmel ; 3. tie .^intiu:; ^irfdifiib, sp. r baS Jbicr; in tomptm. —berries, ;>'. .^intbecven ; —calf, tat .fMVKbfalb. HINDER, adj. binter, ber fbff, ba*'/ .^iutcrc; —feet, t:c \Mutcrfiipe — — most, eid. Hindmost ; — part, (Of ,C">iutcitbeil. To HINDER, ,-. a, * a. I. biubern (— from, <\n ■ ■). fiemmen, anfhalten ; biutcrnb Obet ftbrciit loirfcu ; |1. iteti ; fiinberniffe erregen; -'. urn ctvoa/ biiitdcu, fcbateii. HINDER INCE, », I bae ■Oiuberuifi, bet giufcntbalt; 2. Sdjatc, ^iarbtbe-l ISO HIS Hinderer, s. bie binbcrute $erfon oter e.ntc ; ber 21 lift op. Hindoo, t. ber<$inbn6. HINDI STAN, s .£>iubpftan. HINDRANCE, ». nd. Hisperance. hinge, l. .*. bie Angel, .fringe, $Sft>e, bai 8anb ,cincr Xbiir, u. f. ». ge= recbulirt) im j*. Sanber, n. fits.); Mi Srbarnicr (ciner Qofe); 2. fig. ber $unft, tie .friuvtfacbe. To HINGE, b. I. a. 1. niit '.Hngcltl fcr= fcbcn, cinbangcti ; 2. urn tie Angel brcbcn; H. n. to — upon.., fid) brc= ben inn... T» hint, c. a. fincn SBinf geben, bc= merflid) macben (cincm ctreaS 1 , $u Derfteben geben, beibriugen, col. fie= (fen; to — at, anfpielen auf.., be= tiibveii (ciitcn Wcgenftarw). hint. s. bet 9Bin£ yingerjeig ; bie Anbeutnng ; Anfpielung ; to give a—, ju Derfteben geben ; to take the — , fidj gefagt fcrm laffeit. Hi p. s. 1. tie .frufte, ?eute ; 2. bie 3JZtIjfnd)t, .fr.ipccboubrie; 3. tie .fri= gcblltte ; in compos. — bone, baS «§uft- beiu ; — gout, ba» .friftreeb ; — shot, lenccnlahm (oon itbicrcn), Freu$= labm ; —stone, ber SJtietenjteitt; — tree, tcr .frigcbuttcnftraud); — wort boS Otabclf raut ; to have one on the — . xmig. ten SBortbeil fiber 3entanb (ibu bcint Alugel) baben ; — and thigh (in ber 53ibe(, judges at.) oodige *3lk= berlagc (etnet 'Jlrmee, it. f. ».); to smite one — and thigh, vidg. cilten fccvb burcbpriigeln. To HIP. v. a. bie .frtftctt Derrenfcn, cber jerbrecbeit, Icntcnlabm macben, lab* men. HIPPED, adj. melaiicbpltfd); in compos. nttt .frufteit; great — , mit bober .frifrc. hippish, adj. mil}fua)tig, br>vredipit- brifti). HIPPOCAMP, 5. Myth. T. SReptim'e 1 qSferb. HIPPOCEXTAUR. s. Myth, ter 5Rfcrb= menfeb, -Sippocentaur. hitpocras, t. ter £ippofra3 (®c= reiiqrecin). HIPPOCRATES, s .frpppfruteS; — 's sleeve, ter Siltrirfacf. IIIPPocratism. ». tie SPbilofopbie (bad fieilfnftem) bc§ JpivvcfratcS in JUejiehung auf SebeuSoerlangerung. B1PPODAME, s. aid. Hippopotami-s. HIPPODROME, s. tie Oienitbaiin (ber Sllten). HIPPOGRIFF, *. Muth. ba§ ftlfigelrofi. hippo.machv, *. baS (Defeat 511 fjferbe. HTPPOMANES, 5. eine?!rt »on (Sift $u Siebestraufen; bev Stecbapfel {Da- tum — L ). HIPPOPOTAMUS, s. baS Slufipferb, SRilpfcrb. To HIRE, r. a. 1. nitetbeit (ein .<5aii§, u. f. re., from . ., »e it . .), abmietbett, mktben, bingrn (eincit Sebienten, it. f. re.) ; 2. beflecbeu ; to — out, Dcr= mietbeil ; to — one's self (out) to .., ftcb Dcrmietben, firb vcrbiinien bei . . . HIRE, s. tie iljictbc; ber Spbu (fur rtaMo ©cmietbetee), SlvfctttSlop; 3i»S. HIRELING, T. s. 1. ber Xageloljnet ; 2. 2){iett)liiig ; tie feite 3>tmc ; u. aJj. fei(. inRER. s. tcr 5lbmietber ; 33ermietber. HDJSUTE, ntij. rand), baarig, jpttig ; rpb (iin Setrageu) ; — ness, s. tie $3e- baartbeit. HIS, pron. pnss. DPtt He ; fan, ber (btC, ba§) frtntge or feir.c; befftn; — friend, fetlt »Kieunb ; a friend of — . ci- ncr fetnet greunbe ; this child is — , • oo HITC bicfcS Jtinb ift ba§ [etnige; 'je and — > cr intb bie ecinigeu (i. e. %a- milietiglic£>er) ; he lias broken — neck, cr f)at ben .'pals gebrpcbcu ; — head aches, tbm tbut ber Jlppf iveb (Ptcr cr bat JtPpfa'cb). r» Hiss. r. n &■ a. jifebcu ; turcb 3ii"eben fein WliifttUta ju crfcniicn gcbcn, turcb 3ifcticn Dcr|>Pttcn; to — at, au6{tf<$C8 ; to — on" the stage, turcb gtfcQtn DPtt ber 33ut>ne ucrtrciben, au»pprl)cn. hiss, «. baa 3tfd)e«. @ e 5'f 1 ^- HISS1XGLV. ado. ;if*Cllt. HKT,wt'ft! b'ft ! bfeb ! b'feb ! frill! historian*, g. tcr ©ffcbicbtsfprfcbcr, (Sefcbirbtfcbreibcr, ©efchicbtEuuti(je, 43iiiPvifev. HISTORICAL (— ir), _ (ade. — ly), adj. gcfcbiiftlicb, biftprifrb. HlSTORIED. adj. in tcr ©cfcbtcbtc cr= wabnt (ro. it.). HISTORIOGRAPHER, s. ber ®efcbicb,t= fitrcibcr, .giiitpripgravb- HISTORIOGRAPHY, s. MS (Sefcbidjt: febrciben, tie ^ifiorioaras^ie. • history, s. tie ®efcbtd)te, -fjijtorie ; — of the world, tie 23elra.cfrfHci)te; — book, baS ©efcbicbtcitbucb ; — painter, ter (Scfcbicbtentalcr ; — piece, ba« ©efdiicbtSgcmalbe. HISTRIONICAL (— ic), («*>. — ly). adj. tbeatralifcb, fc^aufptelermafiig, gaaf= lerifcb. H1STRIONISM. ». bie Sarjlclluiig ttttf tbeatralifcbc 5lrt. To IHT, r. I. a. 1. fcblagcn, ftp§eit ; 2. treffen; 3. fg. abiilicb marbcii, tref- fen (imJ8ilbc) ; i. ; n. ». 1. ftcb treffen, ftcb |urragen, eretgnen; 2. mabr merben j 3. gelmgen, gut au§= fallen, gliicfen; to' — rtie mark, ba3 3iel (iiio Scbroatje) trerfen ; to — one a box on the ear, eiticnt eine Cbrfci ge serfefectt ; you — it right, bji bajt es getrpffeu, bail tie roabrc «aite be= illbrt; I cannot — on his name, ifb fatui nicbt auf fciueit Stamen fonts men; to — the poet's mind, ben Sinn be-J ©icbterS treffen; to — the notes, bie 91pteit treffen (bie Stone ricbtig angebeu) ; to — one home, eincit tref= feu (tbm i§ieb, eticb, Scblagi oerfe* ^cn; fig. aufs Senfjetfte trcibcu, cin= treiben, beimfebicfen, n* beimlcucb= ten: — or miss, (S geratbc pber ser= berbe, cS gebe njpbl'pbcr iibcl ; to — against, gejen, an Ptcr auf ctroaS fto= fieri ; to — off. enttecfen, bcrauS briit-- gcn (ciit ©ehcimniti, it. f. n?.), ablp= cfen ; to — on (upon), auf etn\i$ tref= fen, tS anrreffeu ; auf ttvoa£ fallen, fommen, ftcb taraitf bcftuneii ; to — out. ricbtig angeben, berau$briiia,eit, gliiilicb |H Stanbe bvittgen, treffen ; to — together, auf citiantcr ftPKCIl, jiifainmen treffen. HIT. s. 1. ter Scblag, Stpfr Sticb, 6ieb, Strcicb, Steff; 2. Sail, 3'i= fall; (Slticfsfall ; a lucky — , ein fllficfl iber (fiufall ; glitcflicbcr 3»= fall. To nn"CH. r.l.n.i. fid) rcgcu,ft cb bin ttnb ber bemegcu ; fid) febieben, ein roentg fprtritcfen ; 2. Sp. E. (ppn $ferben) ftcbftreirbeii (mit ten .^interfiiiieu an tie DPrbcrn ftreidjen) ; 3. gefangen merben ; n. a. jv. r. 1. aus ben wins fen geben laffen, tncren, ftect)ett ; 2. ttnfangen, auffangen, bafen, einba= Fen, (ppit ciuer 3Jforte, Jborireg, u. f. m.\ iit cine Jlliufe. u. f. ro., Tor= ren, in ein .ftleit it. f. rp) ; anbafeu, aubangeii (^e^ Baitin ciut3 '4>fcrbe«, u. f. re. an ein fled. it. f. re.) hitch, j. 1. bie Scblinge; tr.T. ber HOBB taS ^inbcmi§ ; to have a — in om 1 ! gait, labm geben, biufen; there is a — in the business, baS 3^ing i)cit eittttJ ^afen. HITHER, I ad,-, bierbcr. bicrbia ; — and thither, bicrber nnb bortbtn, bier unt ba, bin uub reiebcr; — u. udj. niit)ei bierbcr gclcgcu, bieSfettig; on the — side, aur biefcr 5cite ; — most, adj nacbfi an, ber (bie, baSi nad)fre, nadifte bierbcr; — to, adv. bis bibber; biS= ber, bis jefct; — ward ( — wards), ado. bierbcrreartiJ. HIVE, y. 1. btr S3ieucnf}ptf ; 5?ienctti fpvb : 2. iMencufcbrearm ; 3. taut, bie ©efellfcbaft ; — dross, HS 93ieiten= brob, ter^icnenfirt. Hn*ES, * P i. 1. bie J?ebluicbt, 3?rauue ; 2. ein ?lu«fcblag, cine .g»autf;rauEr)eit bet ^intern. To HIVE. v. I. a. (Sienen 1 in ben Stod tbun, ciiifaffcu ; li. n. ftcb ;ufammen= gefeUen, jnfammenfe^n cter reorjntu, entbalten fc»n in . . .' HIYER, s. tcr SBieneiimann, 33iencn= mcifter, 23ieiienrearter, SBtenenoater. HO! ? int. be! b<>! ^olicil bcb.5 ! HOA! i t>alt ! hoar. I. adj. recijj, reciygrau, ciSgran coot Alter); oeretft; n. s. ba« Alter, ©ran ; in compos. — frost, tcr Dieif (=3'toit); — hound, ter ilntoru [Mar- rtibium. — L.) : base — hound, bet 3Saffcr= ptcr Stimpfantprn (Stacnys — L); bastard — hound, ta3 @lict= front {Sidcritis — L.) : black — hound, ber febrearje (Pber ftinfente) Anborn (Bolloti — L.) ■. — stones, Tcnfftcfne, ©renjfteiiie, eine Slrt Dbelisfen, in sielett Sbeileu 0rp§brittani'.icnS nn* tcr Srctagnc. To hoar r. n. fcbimmelig Ptcr mpbi= rig reerbeu .re. u. . HOARD, s. ter ^aufen, 2>crratb, $f; baa Stetfeapferb; 3. bie gieblinflebefdjaftiguna, ; 4. bcr loU \>tl, SDummfityf. HOBBYHORSE, s. Jntf. Hobby, 2, 3, 4. HOBGOBLIN, s. bcr (Sift, Jtobolb, SBoltergcift. hobit, s. 1. bcr fleine fteuerntorfer jii SOombctt; 2. bic vScbliiffelbuctofe. HOBLIKK, adj. bauerifd), pluinv. HOBNOB, Bid. tllltcr Hob. HOBOY, .?. oid Hautboy. HOBSON'S CHOICE, Mi mufit nebineit, mas bu Ertegen faun ft, mae ba ift, tuie ftch's trijffe BOCK,*. I. bte .£acffc._bct Jtniebiig, bie jtntefeble; bae Spruuggrleuf (bet jPfet&e ; 2. bcr $ocbf)einur, obcr 9tbeinn>eiii iibcrhaupt ; a — of bacon, ciu fleiner SdHufcn; in compos. — day, — (tide, — Tuesday), bcr JWCite £>ieuftag nad) Client, till Sefitag, grcubcn'taa.; — herb, bie 2)lali>e, SPawel. To hock, o. a. bie Jtiiicftedjfcn $cr= fri)iieiben, lawmen. To HOCKLE, /•. a. 1. vid. To Hock ; 2. ©tovpelfelbcr ntatjeii. HOCUS POCUS, s. l..$ofue=3?ofue, bic ©aufelei; 2. bcr £afd)cnfpiclcr, ©aufler. To HOCUS «r 7b HOCUS-POCUS, r. a ra^r. betriigen. hod, a. bcr ORortelttog, Sebmfiibei, bic Jtalfiltulbc; — carrier ( — man), bcr 5JJprteltragef, .§antlaiigcr bcr jWaurer. HODGIi, s. abbr. fiir Roger, SRubtOtt ; in compos. — podge, bcr i)iifd)inafd), bae Sttletlei, QuoMibct ; (*ins burdje Sits bcre; — sparrow, iaS Q3(eifeb(cbeil mit gclben viiigeii. HODIERNAL, a-ij hciitig. HODMANO >D, ». 1. cine iJlrt ?DJufdjcI= fifdic; 2. bie Scbalenfcbnede, HODOMETER, ». bcr Scgcmcffer, (Scbtittjciblcr, .'optometer. HOE, * bic Dane, .Oarfc, bcr .ftarft. To HOE. n. a. batfcU, bcl)iicfcil, Ulll= Ijaucn, baitfclu. HOG, s. I. bad 2d)ivciit; 2. ber vcr= fdmitteue (*ber; (in 5Norb=(Suglaub uttbScbottianb) bae (uerfebnittene) etujabriac Srbaf; 3. einiabrtge ©uU Icufalb ; 4. Sea tang, bcr fVanifcbe ^c= feu (jum :Hciiiigcu bee 3d)iffce uutcr ban SBaffer) ; a. fig tcr grope, oicl)i= fd)e 3){enfd), bae Scbweiii; in com- pos. — badger, bcr «chiuciui'bad)e ; — 'a beans tic feaubobnen ; — s bread, bae ©cbtoeinSbrob, bic ©tunbbttit; — 's cheek, bcr 2d)n>eineruffcl ; — COto, rid. — sly ; — 's ear, ber ,'oab= iieiifamm (cine oftiubifdjc SJlufdjel* art); — ' s fennel, ber 3aitfeud)cl, ■fiaarflrang; —fish basSDJeerfdjreein (eeefifcbj ; — - s flesh, bas Sd)roeiiie= fleifcb; —'a grease (—'a lard), ca3 Scbroeir.cfctt, Scbroeinefrbntalj ; —'a harslets, pi bae ©efrbjinge cince ©cbroeiuce ; — 's head 1 . bcr 2 d)rociue= fovf; 2. baa Drboft (cin 2Bcinge= fafi) ; 3. bas grofiC Sag ; — herd, bcr Sdnucincbirt ; —louse, bie5d)«?cin3= lawi ; — market, t*cr Srbweiiieinarft ; — 's mushroom, bie Sanbiftel, 0)aufc= biftel ; — peas, pi. bie fd^nxirjen 8ut= tcrerbfett ; — pen bcr Sdnvcincjtall ; — plum, bie "l.'ipmbinpflannic J — 's pudding, bic SleifitllMtrft ; — ringer, ber SRinge in ^rbruein^riiffcl bcfefti= (let; — 's root, red. — *s fennel • -'s shearing, uicl ©cfd)rei unb ti'cnig SBoIIc; — - s skm, ba« (Scbro:iii4lc= ber; — Keer, bcr J^ciler von fvoi 3ahrcn; — sty, bcr 5cbn>eincftall. ScbivcincFobcn ; — wash, ber £ranf fm bic «dm>cinc, ba« 5vtilicbt; — weed, bie sHoerhaoie (^an)f) ; — wool, bic crftc SBpIIc von cincnt iibcr= jabrigen 8amm. T„ HOG, v. a. (8 vessel) fcitt 2 cfi ff' "lit eincnt fpani|"d)cn 83efen abreiben. HOGfiEKEL, s. ba« jWftjoi)tige fjJluU ter=) 5d)af. HOGGET, s.l vid. Hoggerkl: 2. cin ubcrgegangener cber iibergclaufcner grifajlmg (wilbefl 5d)iveiu im ja'ci= ten Sabre), in: i mi [adv. — tv). a$ fautfd; fdnucittifd) ; ^efrapig, gierig ; a — life, mis- eilt ©Ottleben ; — ly drunk, betrnnfen ttie cm Sdnvciit; — ness, *. ba8 fauifrbc iiicfen ; bic 0cfraf;ig= fcit, ©icrigfeit. HODDEN, I. s. ba$ rpbc itngcbiibctc SDJSbdjett, bie iuilre i^uminel, bcr SBJilbfang; n. adj. rob. To HODDEN, v. n. au«gclal|en fcin, uiianftanbig fdjerjen. To HOIST, >•. a. in tic ,£>bbe beben, aufbcbcu, I>tffctt. ketnben, |iet)en ; to — the anchors, bie winter liditcn ; to — out (a boat, eitt iicot), au^feljeii ; to — up, aufjieben (eiit ©egel, cine Slagge), auficiiiben (SBaareiu, Hoist, s. vuJg. baS 2luf beben ; — of a flag, A*. T. bic ^Brcite (tie fenfrcrbtc .♦>bhc> eiitcr Slaggc, bas i)0rlciE cines etagfcgcla. hoity-toity, s. int. bcr ^aufctib* s ^ofj ffiettcr ! ber Eeufel ! To hold, o, I. a. 1. baltcn, faffen ; 2. cnthaltcit, in fid) baltcn; 3. baben, bcfiijcn ; 4. time pber in ■gSnben ba= ben ; 5. juriicf baltcn, webrcn ; 6. an= baltcn, an fid) tjaltcu ; 7. erbaltcn, bcroabrcn, rcttcn; 8. feft baltcn, bf« baltcn ; to — one's breath, belt 'Jltbeill ftrecfen, binbalfcn ; uprba.te-.anbk' ten, barbictcn ; anfbalten, crtragen ; auSbanem ; ivabrcn. blcibcn, baumt; in bie Valine jieben ; |itreid>cit ; bc= baupten ; to — oui weight, ©emicbt baltcn ; to — up. aufbeben ; in bie ^6fce baltcn, DOrjetgen ; aiih-ci-btbal« ten, erl'alten, ftnijen, nittcrftiil}(it ; vcrtbeiti;|cn. in id-ntj nebmett, bc= gunfiigeit; biiibalten aitfbaltetl: II. v . 1. auf rtwas balteit. tarauf befu = ben, biircbfuhrcn. bebaunteu, vcrthci= bigeit; bafut baltcn, meinen, adjten fcbatjcii; 2. fid) (im ^reife frit cr=) baltcn, blcibcn Mucin, b.ftcbcn, gcU ten, gulttg fenn ; 3, fterfen blcibcn ; to — good, gclten.gegriinbrt fenn, fid) beftatigcu ; to — good thmugh life, fid) burtbfi Vcben beuMhreii; to — true, fid) beftatigcu; to — well, tt gut meiiieu, etmat baltcn auf . . . ; to — in. ftcb em jalten ; to — off, autoet* riieu; fid) roeigevu, fprSbt tbuit; io — on, fpitralncti, forttaucrn ; to — out against, lviicrfteben ; to — to. fid) baltcn an . . . , befoiueu m . . ; blei = ben bei . . ; to — together, veicinigt fetitt, jnfanimenbaltcii ; ! H. s. 1. baS ^alten. Saffcu, Det@riff- 2. .£>alr, SDBtberbalt tic Stflfet: 3. ©enjalt, SWacbt, bcr (Sinftug ; 4. -I!cv= baft, bae ©efftuaniB: 5. baeSaaer, bcr '.'lufciitbalt, ed)lupfn)infel (bes fonberfl bed SBilbefl); 6. feftt Crt; 7. Jticlraum (untcrfie ;)iauni im 2rbif= fc) ; to lay (to take, catch, seizor get, — of, ergretfen, iaifr.x. fangen, er»i» fdu'U ; bcillltjcil ; to put (lay) in — , ill sBerbaft iiebmen; tn have — upon, ubetetmaS ©email baben, oetmogen ; to miss one's — . fclll a,rcifcil; to let go (or quit) one's — . ettDOB falneil (lp*=) laffeu ; -\' T-s keep a good — of the land, bleibt no be bcim ?anbe ; to stow the — , ©fittt in ben Stbifferaum bringcu, ftaiicu ; to rummage the — , uniftcilten ; condemned — . bic^pcrre bcr iBerurtbeilten : — hack, bae • l Jv:i- bcruif; ; — fast, bic iciferuc) jtlanu uicr, bcr .§afcu ; tic Jwtngt, bcr Alemmbafcn (tcr Jifchleri: .\- r. .Ulcninic an einem Jtlemmbfod; — Cast bench, tcr.Klemmblod ; strong — , tie geftung. holder, *. 1. bet (bie, bae) fatten* *e; bcr 3nbaber, SBefit^er; tcbne* maun, i-ad)ler; 2. tcr .'Irbtitcr im @cbtff8caume ; .v. B* — of a bill, ber SOorjeiget einee SBecbfels, ^rdfen* taut, JuJed)felinbaber; n — of stock, ciu SIctiouar, Savitalift; — . sr — forth, bet Siebner aue ton Stegtcif, ^Jrcbigcr ; — in, bee .t>iiitcrntc ; — up, bet «§elfet, EBcffbiiiet, Uuieifu'i- tjcr. H0LDDMG, a I. baS Sebllgut 'l>ad't: gut, bic SKeiereij 2, bag Sbotfim ©cfaug, tic Subftropbeeiiica S8«rfi*j, bic «ou '.'lllen ivictcibplt lvirt) ; — forth, bic ^Stebiat. hole,* 1. bae Sod); bie^6btc,©xn« be; .'. Vinfc; ;i. cont. SBobnung, m2. ta-j vpd) ; — in the bore of a cannon. o a n. T bic .Hammer cincr Jtaiiptic; •/>/.. t bat $uncturloob ( :ra ii{ittcl-- ftcg bcr Jteiltabmrn) ; sn • t.. ptch a — in one's cat. ClllCllt Ctn fll ail tat ^eua flidoi, eincnt .'Saute; niacbcit ; ibn ladjcviui madjui. fdiranien; u 191 HOIA HOME HONE /kit- £ — to creep out l, cine ?lll i- ftudt baben, fid) nufireben; to take down a — . urn cincit Eon ticfcv 1 1 c I> = men ; bcrabftiniiiicn, jtnfeit. To hull;, v. l. (i.iiii-.-lHiMcii ; fid; vcvh'icdnn. HOLIDAM, x. vid IIamdom. HOLIDAY, aid. Holydav uilter Holy. holiness, .--. bie ■§eiligfeit; grouts mtgfett, ®otfe8furcbt ; his — , -5ciuc .tSc'iligfcit (litel bcS ^apftcS). FIOLLA! HOLLO! HOLLOA! int. I)0l= la! halloo! lie! beba ! to give a — , citt ©efebret maeben, .jpallolj rufett. To HOLLA, v.n. ballol) Vltfcit, fd)Vcictt, jiivufcii ; to — in one's ears, citKin tits Dbr febreien. HOLLAND, I. s. 1. igoUonb ; 2. bie bollantifd)e 8fin»anb ; Hollands, pi. bcr iBacbbolber^-ikauntmciii ; II. adj. bollanbifd). Hollander, s. bcr .frollattber. HOLLOW, adj. 1. bobt; 2. bltlllpf; 3. fig. falfd), oerftcllt; he carried it—, vaig. (beim SEBettvennen it. f. to.) cr flCTOailtl CS (cid)t ; — adze, bie .£>obl= bcificl; — cheeked, mit ciugcfailciten* ©Ocfeil ; — eyed, boblfiugifl ; — heart- ed, falfcbberjig, falfd); — plate-but- tons, boblgegoffenc iRn5pfe; — road, rev froblTOeg ; — root, bie 4pot>lixutv= Sel, DfterlllJCl) (.Uristolochia — L) \ bitS SBifamfraitt (Mdoxa moschateUin i — /,.) ; ber (Srbraucb; — square, bie gefiibrre ©(blacbtorbnung (bataiiion 'cam) ; — ware, bie .bohlroaare. hollow, g. 1. baS .gioble, bie .£>ob s lung, Jpb'blc, JEiefe, Dcffuiing, baS 8otp; 2. bet Surcbgang, &anal; the — of the hand, bie hobl'c .jpailb. To hollow, v. la. hobl madjcn, au$s hbbicu (— out), auSbaucbett, (^Jor« tettans ober ©iaSgcfatieii) bie erfte gortltgeben; U.v.vid. To Holla. HOLLOWLY, ad,: fig. falfd), ffilfcbticb. HOLLOWNESS, s. 1. baS <§ohle, tie SSerticfung ; 2. fig. fie dpobjbeit, galfcbbeit, llnvcbUcbfcir, bee S3er= vatb. HOLLY (Hom.y-tree), s. bie Stcd)pa(= me, SBalbbiftei (Hex — /-.) ; —hock, tie jTiofctipappei, .^erbftrofe (Meet — L.) ; — rose, bie (i'iftenrofe, gelfens vofe (Cistus — L.) ; — wand, bie ®er= te, ©piejkerte. HOLM, s. 1. bet SBcrbcr, <£>oIm, bie gittJHItfel ; 2. — (— oak, — tree), bie tmmcrgriiuc (5id;c, ©teitteidje (Quer- cus ilcz — L.) ; — 's garlic, bei' ii3ilb= laud). holocaust, s. baS 33ranbopfer. HOLOGRAPH, s. (febottifd)) L. t. baS mit eigener .ftanb gefebriebene ©ocus incut (Xeftanteut it. f. to.). holster, s. bie ^iftolcubplffer. holt. s. + baS @eboI}, J>U, ber Sttfctj, -Oaiit ; bie roalbige \>lnbbhc. HOLY, I. adj. heilig ; ii. s. baS -6eili= ge ; the — of holies, baS ?lllcrlieiligs fie ; the most — , emph. ber ?lllerbcilig- fle ; in compos. — cross-day. vid. — rood-day ; — day, I. s. ber ftefttao., gets evtag, 3at)reStflg> bie 3abve8fcter; ber /veievtag, Spieltag ifiir SdntU fuabeii) ; — days, bie ttttbetuegliebeti gefte; II. — day, adj. fefHtcfe, ftvubi.t ; felten; — day-clothes, pi. fveftfleiper ; — day-time, bie geiertage ; the —fa- ther, bcr s $apfr ; — ghost, ber beilige ©etft; — Iand,ba8 beilige 8anb \%\- laftina); the — One, emph. 1. (Mott; @ottc8 2obu ; 2. ber beilige -Waitn ; — rood day, bie .ftreujeS ©rbbhuitg (gefi am 14. September); — m-e. bie roilbe Salbei ; — spirit ber beili= gcWeift; — stone, s ei p/ t . _ciitc \>lrt rotiehcr (Sid)C; — writ, bie beilige Sdjrift. homage, s. 1. bie ScfmSpflirlu, .foul-- biguttg, ber (Sib ber SEreue ; L fig. bie ©brerbtetuiig, (vbrfttrd)t; to do (ren- der) — , tjulbigett. To homage, v. a. bulbigcit, fciuc (51)r= evbictitng bejetgert. HOMAGEABLE, adj. jilt .£m[big:::ig t)erpflid)tet. homager, s. bcr Sef)tt«maitn, aSafotl. home, I. s. 1. ba» $ci= matt)*, —commodities, ciubcinii fd)e SBaaven ; — consumption, ber inttere (iulaubifcbe) Serbraud) ; —customer, ber .au$licb= fcit; 2. @iufari)hcit, UngeTcbntutfts beit, Diobbeit, ©robbetr, .^.lfslidjfcit. HOMELY, adj Sradv 1. eilifarb, febmucf* lo§, itujicrlid), uitgcbilbet, ctufacb, rob ; 2. grob, bfifjltcb. • homelyn, .«. bcr ©iattrodic. homer, s . bcr .bonier, eiu jiibifd)c« gjca§. HOMERIC, adj. bomerifd). HOMEWARD" (Homewards), adj. nad? Saufe ju, beimmarts ; — bound. (»ott ©cbtffen) auf bcr 9tttrfretfe begrirfen, nad) ^anfe beftimmt. HOMICIDAL, adj. niovberifd), blutig. homicide, s. 1. bcr£obtfrblag, SKorb ; bie 3erftb'ruttg. SSernicbtung ; 2. bcr 2;obtfcblager, aJifirber. HOMILETICAL (— ic), adj. 1. bomife-- tifd), tan;elnuif;i(j; 2. gefrllig, um-- gauglid), gefpradiig. H0M1LIST, s. ber '.tpomiliciiJidirei- ber; JJatijelrebner, (@emetnes) v ^rc= biger. homily, s. bie .ftomilie, Jtanjelrcbc, (bibelerffarenbe) ^rebigt. HOMMOC, *. ber cimclue (fegelforntis ge) i^iigel an ber ©eefiifte, HOMMONY, s. . tii^feit, §0= HOMOGENUITY. ) mogcuitat. homogeny, s bie glcirijartige Sftatur. HOMOLOGOUS, adj. T. ooii eiiicrlct iserbaltuift, gleidblautenb, gleicb, I;o= molog. HOMONYMOUS (adv. — i.y), adj. T. gleid)uamig ; jioeitcutig, boppelfiii= nig. HOMONYMY, s. T. bie (S)teirbiiamig= fcit, ^iccibeutigfcit, T'oi'pclfiuitigEen. homophony. s bcr ©Icidilaut. HOMOTONOyS, adj. Med.. T. fid) 1111= met gleid) blcibciib, intnier gleict) ftarf. hone. a. ber (fciuc) 31'c^ftciu, <2treicb= ftein. To HONE. ?'. a. uic^cu, rtbst'cbcit (auf bem ©tretebftein). HONEST (atlv.—vtladj. 1 ebrlid), auf= rid)tig, offen, recbtfibaffen, rcblid), vccbtlicb, treu ; geredit ; 2. attftanbig e|rbar, fiitfam, jiicbiig, feufeb, tU' genbbaft. HONESTY.*. 1. bie G?brlicbfett, 9ted)t= fitaffeuhcit, Sfiebficbtcit, ©erecbtiga !eit, Sreue; 2. Pbrbaifcit. ©ittfatn» fcit, .ufitfd)beit; '3. bie ^Jonbraute, baS SDioitbfraut (T.imuria — /J HONO HOOP HORI without — , dulpS; — is thebesl po- licy, pmv. cbrlid) tuiihvt am iiingften. HONEY, t. 1. bee $ouig : 2. bie Sfl= fjtgfcit, Vicbliitfcit, 3ltinef)mlicbfett ; S. — (my — I, or sweet — , lllClll ^icb= rben, Xaubdjtn, ©fbdfecben; — ap- ple, bee Stobannidopfel, Eufiapfei; — iottig= fchetbe; ©afle (bet SJledf, bte ©rube in eincr jfrinoue unb btefelbe fclbft ; — comb cockle. ba-J SBaffeleifen, bee iitcntnftpcr" (cine oftiubifrbe 2Jiu= ffbclaet); — combed, niit 3fHcn I 15= djerig ; — cup, /;. v. bet .t3oiitgbcbiil= tcr (bet Slumett), ■£>onigfelrh, bad SRefratium ; — dew, bee .ponigtfjau ; — (lower, bie .Oonigblllilte [Mcliatdhus — /,.); — gnat, bie £ouigfliege ; — guide, ber ifponigfutfurf ; — harvest, bie ^onigerttte ■ -x-iess, obue -Ooitig; — uioniii, ber ^ontgmonat; ( — month), — moon, bie giittertDO($en ; — mouthed, fdjineicblerifcfc; — stalk, ber fionigftee, Supflce; — smcker, ber .ftolibri ; — suckle, bad ©eifiblatt (Perirlimcnnm — /..) J * bie iMittbe cer 23lume biefer ^Jflanje; upright— suckle, bie epctfcilf indie [Lonicera — I..); —sweet. (b,0Ht'g=i fiif;; lieblid); — thief, bie [djxoaxp ©amnflette; — tongue, bie glattc 3"itge ; — tongued, glattjiingig ; — words, ffige 2Qime; — wort, bie 23ad)dblitnie (Cert'ntA* — To HOIJEY, f. a. ffifj nmdicn. HONIED (Honeyed), adj. 1. br-nigrcirb; mit Joonig belaben: 2. fiif;;' ange= nebnt ; — words, fiine SJSorte. honour, s. 1. bte C?bre; SBurbe; 2 (Stjeenbe jeigung ; (*hrcrbictiing; 3. betSRubm ; 4. bie 3ierbe ; 5. llnfcbulb, iteiifcbbeif, ber gute Jtfliiie :'(nf cincr rociblicbcn SPerfon) ; ri. bie Rigue, ■§onneue0, bad Sflilb (in ber Spiel= facte); 7. bee (5'brcntitcl ; honours, \ofbame (Qfbeenbame) ber JtSuigiitn; maids of— , fjfhreitbainen ; a man of—, eill (?bretlUliUItl ; your — , Sw. ©naben; affair of—, bie 'Pbren= faebe ; word of—, ht3 G?ljreiiroorf ; point of — , ber (S'bmtpliuft; debts of — , C?beenfrbiilbcit ; act of — , JK J2 bie Snteroenftondacte; upon my — , mph, bei nieitier @bre, auf nteiit (Sb- tenttjort ; in — , Jll (^hrcit ; bound in — , ber C?bre roegcu t hint muffen; with — , glorreid) ; to have — for .... in (Sfjren batten; to do — . C^lue ev= rccifetl; to do Hie honours (of...), bie ■§onneurd ma eh en (bei ©afte) empfaitgen; aufroarten; mf.s.m do — to a draft («r bill of exchange), einc Siratte (eitien SHJerfcfel) bonori= ren, bejabten ; to meet due — , Igeluv- rig) acccptirt, (Ijoitorirt, bejablt) t»ee« belt; for the — of the drawer. $lt (Jf): rett bed \»llt*ftellerS ; four by honours, (tin Aaetenfpiefj »tee .<3onuciird ; i have the — to he. stC, ant ?di|||ffc cined SBriefed) tcb babe bie fibre jit fc«n, n. f. m. to HONOUR, v. a. efireit, beebrcit; cr= ^cbeit, riibnieii, ureifen ; M /:-< to — a draft, eiite Tnitte hotiorirett, ac= tevtiren, bejablen; the hill was not honoured, ber s ffiecbfel blieb notf)leU beitb. HONOURABLE lain. — lt), orfj attge= febett, ebrenvoK, rubinlirb, aiiftaubia, tntbefcholten, reblitt, biltig; ebct; oorne^m ; ebrenwertfi. HONOURABLENEs4 '• ba« C5'brctiroer= 67 the; (^brenvcrte, bie ;^iibmlid)feit; ®cofmnt^, SBurbe, fcr!. H< »N( IRARY, I adj .1. (fbre bringntb, |UI Sftre geretdieitb ; ^itr (< bre errid)= let; '1. nut bent iitel ttvid) ; — arch, ber (Sfyrenbogen, tie (5brenvforte; — member, bai Sbttnmttglieb ; — mo- nument, bad @^ten(i>rnfs)mal; — reward, tie (*hrenbelobiinitg ; — title, ber ^brentitcl ; n. ». i-er (vbrenlobn. ghreufolb, tie 5diiift|"tellei';]cbubr, bad .&onorar. in iNOURER, t. bet G'brenbe, SStre^ter. nuNoRiFic, adj. Sbre briitgenb, ruhmlici). HONOURLESS, adj. ebdoJ. hood, s. bad ilopfjeitg, bet 3lufjafc, tic .0>iitbe ; .s>. /:. .Hnvve (einee Aalfen); .n' t Scb, otnjteinfappe ; bet SoctOtmit ; riding— ^ Ctn finder UH-iblirber iKantel ntit t titer ,tt,iype; a monk's — , tie 2Ji6ltd)§fapV« ! _ of a pump, tie Spumpenfappe ; man's- blind — . bad SBlmbefubfptel, tie bUn= be Mnh ; — flower, tie beliufbrniige iMiinie ; — winked, ntit oerbunbeneii Slugen. To in )i in, v. a tie JJappe auffefeen, ver= fappeil (befigleidu-ii oom galfeit); ycfbiilleit, einbiiUcii, beteifen. To hoodwink, b. a, 1. bieSugen oer* biiiben, yerbiillen, uetbergen, bebecfen ; 2. blenten, taufeben. IKJ(»F, a. ber 4?uf; bie .ftiaue; — bound, ^UfjTOfingifl ; — cast ( — loos- ened), ntit lofem ipufe. To HOi >P, v. n. * langfam geben (oom ERtnbsielj). HOOFED, adj. ntit eitiem .C>iife, gebnft. hook, a. 1. ber fiafen ; Typ. T. £ie= gelbafen; JV. T. Slnferbnfeii ; 3Ingel= bafeit, tie Slngef, Stfc^angel; 2. JbitiMiigei; 3. Scblinge, TscAU; A. © tcbel, bad Oartenmefjer, tie -^ippe; 5. baS ^vei %\lwc itad) rtuanbet be- faete Sfelb : by — or by crook, ntit 9ied)t unb Unverbf: shepherd's — . tev (geh'iimntte) ©rjaferftab 5 to be off the hooks, mlg. in Unarbnung re^it, intglauntg, b8fe, aufgebeat^t fe^n; ten .Holler (euieit &parren) b^abeil; — knife, bat ©arfenine jff r ; — land, ba$ gepftiigte ^nn\} ; — nose, bie C\i- birf)t»itafe; — nosed, friintmiiafig ; books and eyes. .^,ifen nub Cebt'en. To hook, v, i. «. 1. anfjafen, b.afeln; 2, mtt einem .Ctafen an ndi 51'eben cber befefiigen; 3. angelit, fangen; to — out, ijerattSlocfeii ; einc b,illsiv= felformtge ©ejtalt geben j 11. «. fidi fviimnien. HOOKED, adj. hifig, gebogen, on einer engli fdien 3)ic$e; 4. ber 28tebehopf ; ">. — , or — petticoat, ber SReifrocE; — iron, ba? iJieifeifen; — knife, bad SBanbmeffec; —maker, bet9?etfnta= dbee, SReifbiitbct- — net bad Senf= gaeit; — rintr. ber Sxingerreif; — w i. r. SJiab am giiifalle. 7b HOOP, b, I. I. - casks biwee, &c Sfiffee, n. r, ».) biiiben, rnitbbe= frbtagru, (Coffer, Aiften, 11. f.n\)be= nageln, mtt SReifen befegen ; 2. <— in) ttiifdjltegen, umgeben; 3, berbetnu fen, mil Oefdjrei antretben. megtret= ben; to — out, njegfebret'en; 11. n. fdireien, Kutt ritfru. HOOPER, s ber 8«&&UtbCt, SBStttfiee. Aufee, Hi imI'pm;-i OUGH, .-• ber JTeirbbufteu Hi ii in H 1. Hoopoe, .-. bee SBietebPpf. in 11 11: \. Hooraw, int. .^inrab ! Ta HOOT, >•. a. Sr n. fdtreien, rnfen ivie eine Gule febrciett; to — aftei lMitfctreien; to — at. aitfdircien ; t. — out, mit ®t[6)xt\ reetreiben ; mt, mdg. Kidjt ibn tr-di ans ! bobo ! HOOT, Hoottho, i tcr Sd^rci, bat ©djrrien, ©efebrei, ©etBfe. to hop, r 1. n. I, tanjen; buVer. fpringett; 2. biitfen, bumptln; 11. mit ipopfen iinmarben, bopfen. HOP, 8. I. ter ^upf, Sprung •Surfeit (befonbeed auf einem ne) ; 'l. ter .jpopfer, ^opdtanj ; 3 boben : :!. bee ^opfen ; > • ■ m. — bin, ein Jnd.r.ihmen, rooretn tet ■^Opfen flcpfliicft U'irr ; — bind ■g opftnftengel, tie .*> r fe 1 1 v f. an|e ; — clover, bee >§opfenflee ; — ^ eifrrncr .^afen (dpebel ) unit .'oev,r.i f - beben ber 4?opfenftangen iiiu ter Se? be; — garden, bee .^opfengarten ; — >;round, bad ^opfenfelb, tcr ,§opfen= liefer; — harrow, tie .*>opfcnl\irfe ; — hornbeam, tie .Orpfetibaiubuctje • — kiln, ml. — nasi ; — o'-my thumb, twig, tcr SetiKfejjodj, bad ©uobej= n'.iinncbcn; — oast bie ^opfenbaere; — picker, bee^opfenpfluflee; — pole, tie ^opfenftange ; — shim, tie ^op* fenbaefc; — scotch, vid Hoppcrb; — stalk, rill. — bind; - - string, bad <£>Op= fenfett. tie ^opfenbeame; —vine, tie i^opfenranfe, i^opfenbeame; — yard. rid. — garden, lb n'l', 8. bie ^offnung ; to be out of — . Eetite Jpoffmtng mebe baben; 'tis past (there is no) — , e? t ft fciiie ^offiutnfl llichr, e^ ifj aud : forlorn — , Mil T ber «er!i'rnc ^often, bit beeloene 5rbiltn\id)e. to lb 'I'M. r. a. g, 71. 1. Tcbiilidi ten, beffen; nuinntcii; oeetenuen; to — for. ctrtrnS cber auf etwad bof= fen, (S eeroaefen, fid) e:- oerfpreebm ; I — you are well ? 2ie bcfilltClt t*ii+ bcrh wobl? to — well of .... gute ^offnung baben (bad SBefte ee»ae= tett)ypn...; to — mte.i auf@otl oerteauen ; — little, and fear all, print. boffc roenig, fi'uduc Sided; hoi gebofft, eeeoaetet. HOPEFUL {ado — lt), adj bj>ffnung«-- »oII, ju ^offituttgen beeerbttgenb : — ness ». bad \§offnungdooIle, bit ^offnnng. HOPELESS (a*. — 1 ,1 . n boffltUltgd: (od : — ness, ». tic .&offitungdlofigfeit. HOPER, s, tcr dpoffenbe, ^offce. HOPING !n,lr —LI . . : 6offUUUg Ivl > bent, bpffenb, in i^offnung, mit bcvnte Stamm. HORE HOUND, aid Hoarhoomd. HORIZON, a. bet ©eftrbtdfeeid, ^otd tent: aniflcial — . ber fiim'tlid^c ©c» fititdfretd; cloudy — , bie ©est! f, mafferftkic^, roageyajj; — watch, cine (v.Uintcvubv. HORIZONTALTIY, *. boS SSagcrccbic, ,t>rri?piitale. BORN, *. 1. b«6 «f)Ora ; 2. £rinfborn; 3. .v. t. tie 3Rid ciner ©affel ; 4. bad rviiblhcrn; horns, pi. 5. tad (Mciveib, ©efldiige ; j^. Corner tee 3)ioutce ; .{povu eiued .6abnvcied; post boy's — . fill SRpftuPril ; huntsman's — , bad Sagerborn, 4?iefborn; — of plenty, bad Aiillhoni; — of plenty grass, bad AlllibPl'ltgrad ; to wind (or blow) the — , bad .jpont blafctt; to give a stroke with the — . cincin Spferbe im SUaulc |UI SIber laffttl ; to draw in one's horns, tic isomer eiujicben, ficb mafngfii ; in compos. — beak ( — back), ber ^Oril= fifeb ; — beam, bev ^oriilmuiit, bte £agebudje ; — beetle, bev £prnfcbrp= tcr, .§irf$rafer ; — bin, bet ,£>prnpp= 3d ; — blend, Jilin. T. bif .&prilblcil= se; — blower, tcr .gornblafer; — book, bad 993&=33udj,"bie Tvibel ; — distemper, tic .Opvnfeucbf bciirt 3 ? Jitt = neb ; — dresser, tie .gjortiarbeiter ; — fish, viil. — beak ; — foot. bpVItar= tig. gebuft; — geld, tie 9lbgabc vent ^or.'Bteb ; — hard, fiipcbcnbavt ; — mad. eiferfucbttg, rafenb (wie cm .fiaburei), mUg. furbeivilt; — owl, tie •OJittettle, tcr SergubU; — pipe. i. tie SBocfebfeife, tcr 3)ubelfact ; 2. ein genu'fftr 9Jiatrofen= nut 33aiittn= tanj; — plate, tic ,£>ornviatte ; — shaped. bortlfprntig ; — shavings, pi. tic 2 vane r.'lbgatige, tag 91bfierad= VeltC) "Pllt.&Plli ; — silver. ba64Jt>rn= 1:1 ber, Corner} ; — slate, tcr £>pvu= fdiiefer; —slugs, tic ,&pnifcblcndie jur ^evettutig ted «&irfbprnge iired ; — spoon, ter bprttentc Spffcl ; — tcr .frpvuftcin, jjcucvfietit ; — tins, •£ ornfvifcm; — work, F^rt. T. bad .Pipvmvfvf ; — wort, tad i£iorn= blatf, gebihnte Slarr, 3infenblatt (Aflame); — wrack, tic 3tintenfp= valle, ,npvallrinte. To HORN, r. a. (— one, cinflt) jltm .gabnrei madjen, (ibjn) gurnet auf= fefcen. HORNED, crfj. 1. gebijrnt ; 2. gefriintmt; — beasts, gen. JoorilVtch ; — cattle, 5Rinb»ieb: — flood, * tic gebprnte ftlutb, Springflutb ; — 'goat ber Steinbpcf; — seed, ber geb5rnt( 3J?oJyit; — snake, tic £ornfrbtange. BORNEDNESS, .*. tie gcl)prnte (SffcbeU rung ted SJiPttbed. HORNER .? 1. tcr .fSornatbe iff r ; ^)pvnb,atttter; 2. ,£>prublafcr, >6<>r= nifr. hornet, s. bic ,5pntip. horning, s. tad SEacbfett tedSPiPttted. HORNISH, adj. bpvnicbt, bpvnavtig, barf. HORNLESS, adj. pbne .Cun-tifr. BORNY^ ndc. 1. borncru, »>pn .<3pvu ; 2. bpi'iiirfif, bornartig; bart;— coat. bte .fiprnbaitt (ted ringed), tad ffllad. HOROGraphy, s. tif SBefcbreibung ber etuntctt, tad Srnnciiiibrniarben. horologe, s. tic Stuntcitubr, tad Stuutenglad. HOROLOGICAL, adj. jum Ubrmarben gcbpti.i, Ubren betveffent; — iv, ado. Jiadi ter 11 br. HOROEOniOGRAPHIC adj. bif Spt1= rtfinibvfuiift betreffettt. nOROUXSIOGRAPHY, s. 1. tic 9?f= ffbvfibnitg ter Ubrctt : 2. tie ,R\tnir, Ul)rcn aller %xt ju mffvtijen. 104 horology, 5. tic jtuttfr, Ubrcrt ju pcrfertigcn. horometry, s. tic Jtunfl, bie 2tun= tfii abjumeffen. horoscope, e. tad ^torosfop, fflatU '.'it,it|te[lcn. horoscupist, s ber ^ativitatdilcUcr. HORRENT, adj. fiarrcnt. HORRIBLE (adv. — lv) alj. etttfc^ltrl}, febrerflid), fiii\ttcrlirb, fitfitBlidi. ab= fdiculidi; — ness. s. tif 2rbmf[icb= fcit, gurrbtbarhtt, iid;cu^lid)Eeit, 5lbfd)culid»fcit. HORRID (adv. — ly), adj. 1 . rand), itVUV: bij, ;ottig; 2. int bpbcti (Urate tou trig ; fajrccflicb, fiirditcvlicb, ab= frbeulirb, graulid); — ne?s, s. tic Scbvccflidifcir, Olbl'djculicbfcit. horrific, adj. Scbrccfcii etregenb, fcbrcrflirb. HORRISONOUS, adj. * fitvrcfltd) flilt= gcut. horror, s. 1. tad (gntfffeen, ©raucrt, ©ratifeit ; ter ®d)aubcr, Sdjaiter; 2. tad Scfcaucrltcbc, ©rauenoolle, tfr ©valid, abfcbcu; 3. tif Siiftev&eit ; horrors, pi. fitvccflicbe ©Ctaitfeit; the horrors of death, bie Sdirftffit tfd ££obed ; — of water, tie 5Bafferfd)fu ; — struck, pott ©rauffit eigrifffit. horse s. 1. tad ^frrb, Sipfi; 2. tif (Fayallcrif, jRetterct ; 3. ber bpljrntf {Ski (bffputfid Sn-afntafcbittf tfr Spltatftt); ber (©age=)93ocf, tad ©eftell, ©criiil (511m 3BafcbetrocI= nett, it. f. w.) ; 4. jv. t. tic $ertlci= tic; ^alfe; 5. Jist. t. tad fleiitc ^Sferb (jwifeben tern ^Regains nut SBaffcvmann) ; a — of state, cin §j?a= rnbepfcrb ; the great — , Sp. K. tad Sfbulvferb ; stalking — , tad S£retb= bferb, ^avfpVCCpfctt ; to make one a stalking — , eincu mitjbraurtjen ; gentleman (master) of the — , ber Srailntctitcr ; to take — , ileh ju 5Rferbe fe^en, aufftfeen; andrt-itfit; to sit on — , auf fiiifiu $ferbe rciteti ; to — ! aufgefeffen ! tu ^ferbe ! to sound to — , jum Slufft^cn blaffit ; they cannot set their horses together, miff. \k ftnflen uicbt jufaiumcit, fpn= licit ftd) itid)t_i.'ertragcn ; in compos. — back, tad &i%tn 511 5?ffrtf ; to be on — back, ju 5Rfevte fern, rctffii ; to ret up on — back, aitfd $ffft jtei= gftt ; to ride on — back, rfiteit ; — t.ran. tie SPferbeboIjne, SJpjibpbiif, $uffbphiif; — block, tfr Jluftritt OUfd $fcvt ju frcigcu, ?Iufftctgfb[pcf ; — boat, tie flarbe ^abre, 5J?ferbefpn 5pffrtni gf= tragene ©anfte, 3ii>t?bnt>re, ter t&x'o.w-' cavb ; — load, tif ?abung ciutd $fet< btd ; — lock, tic AfiTclfiir tie -^fcr= be; tad 5pannfd)IP8 ; — mackerel tic Stadiehnafvcle; — man, tcr 9ieitcv ; (iasallevift; — manship, bie 3ieitfuilft; — marten, tie 2SefpC, ©remfe; ©eierfcbrdalbe ; — match tif fiavallcrif ; — mill, tif ^pfjmiib- le ; — milliner, ter ill 1 1 ^ffitcfdmiud bautflt; — mint, tif Stpfsmunjf, Dipjjpplett (Menta sijlvestris — L.) % — muscle, tif 3JiiC{)fmt!"cbel ; — nail, ter 4pufnagel ; — oil, tad Jvamm= fctt; — path, vid. — way, — physic, tie -$fcrbearjnei ; — picker, bie t §uf= fra^c; — play, ber gvpbc Scbevj, bif 3pteu; — pond, tie 5Rfcvtefrb»cm= me ; — race, — racing, bad $fertf= tennetl ; — rack, tad 3fJerf ; — radish, tcr -1'ifcrrf tfig ; — rasp, bie <£juf« rafpfl ; — mad, rid. — way ; — sheet, tif -^ffvtctccff, Stalltecft; — shoe, tad fiufeifen ; — shoe head, a. t. ct tie jfppffranfbeit ber .Sinter, in rpflrbfr tif JtPvfncibtf jtt njeit gepffnet fint ; — (shoe-)vetch, bie ^ufetfenp|Ian§e (Hippocrepis — /-.) ; — stealer, (— thief . ter v j)feriebieb ; — tail, ter Spferbefcbwanj < F.quisctum — D ; bough — tail, ber fenfraut; — transom, .v t. ber .$Cff balfcu ; — trappinss. pi. bad ^Rferbcgeffbivrj — way, tcr Jieittvcg; — whip, bie S^etta gcrte, 9teitpeit[obe ; to — whip, v. a. mil ter SRetrpetfTcbe toeiffeben, and' Vcitffbcil ; — willow, rid. — tail; — woman, tie 3\iiuc 511 ^>fevtc, bie9 f tfis teriitn ; — worm, ber SRpftnmrm. To HORSE, n. a. 1. ffiltf Stutf) bcfrba> leu, bclegen, be fpriitgen ; 2. auf ein SPferb, aufft^en, reireit ; bcrif= tfit macbon ; 3. auf tent 9tucren tra' gen, hnfeu; (weU-)horsed, (gut) be= vittcu. HORTATTON, .--.tic (vvmabnung. hortative. I. *. tie fiiiuabumig ; n. adj. rrmabitfiit. HORTATORY,^ fvinabitftlD fnUrSOR 2)ingfit) ; a — speech, fine (jvniab* nttiigdrfbe. BORTICULTTJRAL, adj. ten @aviCU= ban betreffenb. BORTlCirL'PURE, s. ber (Mavtcnbau. bie ©artitcrei; ©artenfmifi, @avr= nerfuujt. bortulan, ndj fiiieu ©arfen Betrefi fenb ; — calendar, ber ©at fcufaiciibcr BORTICTJLTUR1ST, s. ter @artcn= fiinftlev. bortus siccus, *. bad .herbarium. hort-Yard. s. + brr Obitgarftn. bosanna, s bad .ftoftanna. hose, s. 1. tif .^pffit, Smtmvfbofen, tad S3einHeib;2. btr etrunu'f, bit etriimpfe: 3. Tirp. T. tic SBucbfe, bad (Srbipfj ran "tfr Sucbbrucffr^ brefTe) ; 4. tcr ©urcbfcblan im 33rau= banfe); 5. .v. r tic ilcamirring, gBafferlange (SSSaffcrfcblaitge) juni imnU'fn. hoseer, s. :fr 2trumpf=(roaaren ,*>aittlfr. hosiery, s. tif Stnimpfntantifafhi' vc ; 2tninivf- itvtifcv lvaavcu; irad* in — . ber Strmitpftiiaarenbanbel. HOSPITABLE [ailv. — t.y), aJj gaftflti HOUG japfrctitibfrtaftlirt ; _ nousei fa 4?erbergc, bas .tjofpijiunt ; — ness, *. bte ©apfreibeit. Hospital, s. baS .GoSpitaf, Spifaf, Vn-meiiljauS ; — fever, baS tifl\ Oiaft= nnrfn, ©apfjerr; 3. bas .r-> tCr Jtriega^eer, bieSrtaar; grope 2Ken= fle; to reckon without one's bie Kertnung ofwe ben il'ii th marten ; fhe Lord of hosts, ber .jperr bci - .*3ccr= l^aoreit: a — of flies, gnats. &c. eilt ■Seer (ed)marm) oou Slicgcit, i'iiit= aen, u. f. m. Hostage, *. ber ©ci&el, Seibbfirae HOSTEL, I J HOSTELRY, ( *• viJ - IIo tel. hostess,*, bie SSirfbfitn ; .fiaustoirs Aran, .©aproirtbinn; _ ^ iPl Ui ?lnit enter SSirrtiim. HOSTLLE (adv : —ly), adj. fetllb, fciltb= I (rf), rCdlblell;]. hostility^, bie Sftinbrfdbfeir, &etnb= teligfeir, nnmermabrenbe Sefefis bung, berj?rteg. TbHOSTHJZE.v.a. jinn Sciubc ma= rl)eu (tu. uj. HOSTING, a. ba$ Sreffen. fflcfcrtt (tt>. fij. ' hostler, A ber ©fallfnerbt; fiau8= fnccfj.'. e n; istry, «. i. „. baa Sffio&iibaus, ©aft= §&"U,f b , ft Wrtfjloa (bet eiuem aBirrbabaufe). HOT, „,//-. 1. [ Jig) bjig; 2. biftia Wtg, jonitg, oorfrtnell ; 3. briiiis ptg.„geU; 4. frtarf, beigenb; ftarf gcmurjf.gcpfeffcrt; to | )e — up.,,, a thing, btfeig auf etma8 fe»n ; there is — work at . ., ba gebt tt frbnrf ber ; the plague is— , bie sJ3eit roiithet bcf= ttg; — i' tlieapur, + eifh'g ; in com- pos-— air bath, bad SBab bind) erbibfe 8uft; — hath, bio -iWcfrube- — — bed, baSSKiiibeefj — brained (— Jj^ed'. &i$fop% uttgejtfim, leioens Irtattlich);, — cockles, bie X-iaiib = frtmt||c (em Spiel; ; _ i,ous.. \ baS J.rcibbaua ; 2, m> SBabeftnbe • — mouthed balaftarrig ; — po t j, a J fcetgeffletranf, SHJarntbier, (gierbur ber®(ubnjein; to _ pr(!SS , „ „ „„„/ Eurt becattreti. $apier, it. f. u > beiti prettcu, urn ©lailjjn gebeti: — roils p/.&fntmfltt bie warm unit Suffer gcfrtnuert) gegeffen merben ; — ser- vice, ber gerabrtmUe Jiicnft; — spur Is. 1. ber £ififopf, Sollfopf; 2. bie Heine fritfererbfe j u,*0.(_ 8 p Urre d,, HOTUH. in compos. — pot, / 7 1 bie SBcretHtflunfl mebrerer Sfinbereien nut tie gletefimfiBtg ju oertbetleii; — potCh, vtd. HODQKPODQK, Ulllef rlODQB HOTEL, ,. l.ber®aftbof, bai grofe ( s Kift(;au« ; '2. bie gjjobnung (3le(t= bniu cities grown (vornebmcii) Mamm, iaS .fSofcl HOTTENTOT,.,. 1. bcr -0 of f cutoff ; 2 fig. robeJUtettfeb. ^atUj ; -cherry, «n ber @te*pa[medbul iAeS Qfl Um > *«« au« 9lcfl,iopiett (G,./,,, j/ d „- rnrcn/rt). HOUGH, ». bie JTmefebfc. HOUS n rHOUGH, ». a. bie AniefTecbfen icr= febneifcn, laf)men. HOULET, s. vid. IIowlet. HOULT, vid. Holt. hound, s . ber 3aab&iiiib,.6efc&unb; hounds of the mast* /,/. .v y bie ' )! >a- (feu am Wafte; and) StoUen bafelbft aunt Sauwerfe) ; — hitch, bie 3aab s biuiMnii; — /isi,, (c.) cine Vht .jpai= ft! eh (Sgualvs mtutelus — J.)- ' s tongue, fie ,§Ullb6jUnge [Cgnag'lossum ~r r g 5 — tr ee, ber^uubfibeerbaum, bie .tiunbebecre. To hound, v. a. hcfeen, jagcu, t>erfo[= gcu. HOUP, ft rid. Hoopoo. HOUB, ft 1. sing, bie Srunbe ; 2. hours, bie Slnnbcngebctc, ^oteit; — „r death. bie Sobcsjtuube; a good — ei= licgludhdje ©tunbe, ©Ifirf ; to keep good (regular, early) hours, gbeitbfl ill rechfer (befiim infer) 3ei( narh fiflufe fonintcn, oi-fciiflid) fenti ; to keep had (late; hours fpaf nad) .£aufc fommcu llliorbentlid) fei,lt ; for hours together', Punbentang; an hour's journey hence, erne fetuubc (fficgcli you bier; in compos. — circle, vid, Horary-< ircle , — glnss, 1. ba« ©funbenalaS, bie Sanbubr ; 2. fig. tin furjer Reit= raum, eine tltine ©panne %tit; — handler Stnnbenje tger ; — "iuih. v i bie (gfunbeiiltnien ianefner@onnen= iilir) ; —piate. bie Ubrfehcibe, mz \\\-. jerblaH; --wheel, tat ©tunbenrab. houri, .s bie i§ourt. HOURLY, adj. A- ado. ftiinb(id) ; 0011 etuube ;u Sfunbe; oft, bauftg. house, ft i baa ^aufl ; SBobubaufi : i. j*. ®(\d)lcd)t, ber ©famm: bie Saintite ; 3. ^auafcalfnng, ba«fiaue= lueten ; 4. jutrd. 7'ber 5 UHi|fte Jhcil ia .'oimiiteU; ber ©tanb tints 9Jia= iieteu, baa .loans ; a comtnercial- etit.6aiibelabau8; the- of Austria, ^«*fl»SOeftretcfa;_ of parliament: baa ^Jarlamenf ; to be in the — , ini marlainenre he in posses sion of the--, bit Sfufmerffamfec'f bca oaufea (i>arlainent«) gebiefen be= beiTKbcu ober feffeln; — of lords, (—of peers or the upper—), baafiauS ber CorbS Dber ipatrd, baa Oberbana; — of commons, (the lower—) baa •Diiiij be:- ©emeinen, bu8 Untrrbaua • the Lord's — , tat .^aua tei ficrrn! ©offeabaua; -i„ a un iveiviry, baa Collegium nnf enter Uitfoerjitat • — of deaih bsa i§aua njorin fid) eine letdie beftnbef ; _ of can fie ,fier= berge ber .{panbiuerfer j — „r accom inodation. baa «Kletgeattarfter • —of pleasure, baa Cuftbatiaj — of office wconveiicnt — , baa heiniiid-c ©e mart, bet Vlofrift; ,0 keep—, cine ■paiiabaltung Hbeu ober fiibrcn • to keep the — . baa §aut luifen, litdll »!!^.!^"ri'?-L keep a poo.i — . ciitcit gnu 11 iilrt ffihreil; 10 keep open — pffeue Xarel balfen; house; tut rala giinif bag 111,111 bebient fenn mill) iKufwarfung ! ( SBirth • JlelU nee j» compos. — agent, ber (Jnfal »ermief6er ;— - bell, bie JEbiirglotf HOWB — boat ba« SBoot mit 3hninerii pber iH-rfrtlagci, ; - hote (- boot), L T, Ni free JHeparafurbplj ; - i,,,,,,,. b«« Daiiabarfene »rob; _ breaker, bei ®icb. loelrtei- etnoricbf; — breaking, ber (gtii&rudj ; ciubrcrtciib • — clock btc .«rb« nnnej - hoid.&c r,/. n,„ „:,„„,„, r T7.., k(;, '' ,er - '• bei- 6ait8»afer; •BauaMfferj 6an«verwa(fer j 2 wf- ,:^ 1 "':" uittl ' r ; ■&««8f)alferinn l ibietbfd;aftei!itit; —keeping, baa .Sausb.ifren, bie ^au< v alruna: ^u rotribnng. ©aftfreibeit ; _ i arri!l> baa fiauafamm, uelchea im fiaufe gemapet roirb; — teek, ber Qata* IilUd) i^emperrtcum — /,.) ; _1 1...... ohuc iUolMtimg, heimathloj, berum= trvcub; —maid, bie >>,ineinagb, baa ©tubenmabrteu; — painter, ber©fn= benmaler, «ufrreid)tr; — pwaon, bie |6au8tau6e;— raiser, bcr cm.^aus baut; — retif, rci- .^auajina; robbing, bcr §au«bieoflabl ; —room berStaum int 6aufe, ©elafc ; to give one — room, jemanben int fiaua nebmeitj — servants, baa ^auage= pnbe ; —snail, bt'e .Oausfrtnecfe j — top, ber ©ibel ; —warming, bcr (vin : jugafrtmaua; — wife, -■„/. h win: ; — wright, bcr Saumeifter, '.Hr-. dnrcft (». 11 ). n house, ,-. 1 „. i. beberteraeB: untcr Tart ober in Strterbeit brtn = gen, unterbringen, rtnbringrn, in bie ^rteiuic, in ben 2 fall, u. f.». brin= gen, ft.illeu ; n „ j. mobnen; 2. •'-"■"'■ ' / .', c,llc ©felfung am .^i mine I haben, tut 111 ciuem ber fiimmeU bituicr befiubeu ; hrmspd, part. aS v T. fefrgemat&f »on ben ^anonen HOI skiioi.i, 1 ,. fu . ^auahalruim, ber^au8ba[f,ba«^au«.bier5amtUe: ©tenerfebaff; ber .^o^aat: rule oi the — , bie ^auaorbnung, baualtdbe (vinnrtfuug; the king's— bie f lirte ^ofbaffung; n „,,,. baualtrf; !".. ''""!''"'• — •• | " : : ,rs (— 'avocations ! bfiualicfee©efebafte;— bread qrobra bauabarlen Brobj —coat, b.ia Ka= niilieiiivappen ; — domestics (— EC r yams , pi. baa .fpauagefinbe; — ,■• penses, fie llnfoften bcrapaua'balfung- — gods, bie ^Jenateit, .&aii8n6tfer - — government, baa •6au8rcgimenf • — peace, ber ^aitSfriebe; — ct„ff, baa 4?nnegerarb, ber fiauarafb Stiguf. hoi seholder ». bcr .gatHsafer housel, ft baa beilt'ge ilbeubmabl housewife, .. 1. bie C-aasmufftr ^anafran, SSirfbiun; .fiaudbiSIft rntn, anageberiiin ; 2. in meiblidjen VI'l'iHoi gefrbirfte 'i-'eifon; 3. tat ^abfaftcbeii. 9Wbfarbcben. -V'.ii Liirtrtcu. 3roiriifafrbrben, Stabbudb Stabeiburb; — i y , „./.. in ber .6ait«» haifuug errabren; — rv , >..t>a8.gana we cu. bu- >6an8balfuua ; baaelidbc ©varfamfeir, .tpane-licbfeif. housing ».jv y. bie brciaariiiac ?i= me, .pitflng, hovel. ». ber Srbopj>en : bicC-niffc. Th HOVRL 0. «. unter riiien gtjytm pen bringcit; in eiiie-ftfltie brinaen To HOVER, v.n. 1. trtn-rl-cii ; haugeU: loanfen. tidi neigeii; 2 iimbrrman* bern; to — about, umfdbmeben, oor« ubergebett. HOW, adv. ivie; UMiinit; ailf ivclrte sLvir ,s iI? W " v h *- »«'« Iteiu*; _ ls j t ,hat..? rote fomntt tt ban .?— doyoiidn ' miegebtej 3bnen r ivte befinbeii Sit iut? _ many I mie »iel? —many soever fp viel tbrcr aurt ftu^,■ —often poever mte off aurt ; —now I nnn? m« loll ba8 bebrnrrn? marnin ba-< '' — often ? mie off? —soon i tvte balb - — by how much . ., the more , jt . .. teito mcbr, inn Ho oicl mebt* — lovely the was< mie (iebenamurhtg ff< mar! she knew noi — much 1 loved her. lie lvnftc uirtt rote febr trt fie (el'te; he knows — to nad, cr faun lefen. ROWBE. nnwnnT, mh. roic bent nud| n;.\ jecort, benuoeb, nirtia tefforoc utger. 195 HUFt HUMA HUMO HOWEVER, Ado. 0«f aile 85He, auf rotlrbc Sftvt and) ; rote bem g>au- HOWITZER, j btfce. HOWKER, ». 1. cin hollaubifdteft ?aft= fcl; iff gerooljnlid) mit jtoet iUJafteu; 2. ciit trlaubifchea Sifdjerboet. To HOWL, jj. n. beuleil ; to — at, Ctlt= beuleu. howl, .1. 1. baft .<3eulett, ®el)eul (et= neft 28olfeft, <§unbeft) j 2. baft lautc SSetnen, ^cbluebjen ; Slngftgc^ fd)rci. howlet, «. bte ^adjtculc. HOWSOEVER, ado. + r/V. However. hoy, I. s bee fieu, bic J£retffr^ul;te (cittplatfcft bollaubifd;eft Sabjrjeug); II. int. ballob! HUB, «. bcr Juitfcit ctncg Gamins. hubbub, s. vuirr. bag ©cfcbrei ; ber Satm, SEumulr, baS ©etijfe ; (Sim burets Slnbere. huckaback. ». baft Tamaftgcrocbe, bfr $)amajt, ©veil ; —towels, £anb= tucbbrell. HUCKLE, *. bic ^fifte; —hacked, budclig ; —hone, baft .tpiiftbeitt ; — bones, pi. cin Jitttberfpicljeiig sou 61- fenbeiu. HUCKSTER, Is. I. bcr -Oofcr; 2. HUCKSTERER, 3 beimturfif'be Jccri, ©cbnrfe. To HUCKSTER, o. n. bPfcn, bBfcm. HUCKSTERESS, s. bic .(pbferimt. To huddle, v. I. a. ueruurreu, jufams memfcerfen ; (to — up), gefdwinb ab= tbuit, nut obenbin »errtd)ten, bubclit; to — in. einfdjarren ; bct>etfen ; to — on, gefcrjroinb aujieben, iibcrroerfeu; to — upon, aitfbaufeu, (einent etroaft) aufMvben ; n. n. in ifteugc foinmen, l;crbeiftromcu. UUDDLE, .?. bic ttnobnung, SBetrott- tung, bcr 'A'iifd;iiiafcb, unorbentlidie •&aufe; ail in a — , 2Uleft uutcr eiiu auber. BUDDLER. s. bcr SSerroirruiigftfliftet, Rubier, spfufc&er, ©tiimpet. hue,... l.bic garbe; 2. baft 5ftar&- fdrcicii, Slufgebot; of sable — , »on fefcroarjem flnjlrid}; to change the — , VCrfiticHcil ; — ami cry, /,. T. baft (mit ©cfrbrci oeiJnnbene Slufgebot jam) SBerfolgeu t'naS SSerbreqjerft ; to make (raise or send) — and cry after one, cincii mit @cfd)rci (mit Stecf= bvicfciu oerfolgen. huff, b. I. bcr Slnfrtlt, Ungeiifim, £rotj; 2. bcr ^rabler, baft ®ro§= maul ; to be in a — , toben, braufcit, fcbnaubeii; to he upon the — about a thing, mil etroaft praljleu, auffd)nci= ben. To HUFF, v. n. &■ a. 1. btafcit, b!af)eit, battfcit ; 2. fiit tibcniiutbi j omt be= leibiflflib beiicluncn. fititaitbcit, braiu fcii, ifrofeen; 3. troftig beba«b*lnj 4. aufgeb,cti i»oin £eig. mit up); to — anian qirtrHiiehts (tin Tamciifviclc) ctueit Stein blafeii; to — and puff; frbnailbeil Ullt> tObCIt; easily liLiil'ed, Icidit 5ti erjimieit. HUFPER, s, ber 5d>nauber, $ral)Icr. HUFl'INKSs, v. Bid. HcmsHNiMS. HUFFISH '»/». — lv). adj. fcbnaiibettb, aufgeblafeu, Irofeig, bbcbmiithig, iiu mapcub ; — iiHss, s. ini 2cf)uaubcn, tie 196 2tufgeblafent>eit, bcr Xx^, bic^ral)= Icrci, bcr beleibtgenbe llcbcrmutl). huffy, adj. aufsjeblafcu, anmapcub ; cmpftublid). hug, x. bic Umarmung, bcr ©met ; to give one the cornish — , cillcill cin iU^ill utitcrfd)lagcii. To HUii,r. a. 1. ltmaniictt, in fcine?Ir= mcbritcfcii; ^erjen, faffcu, fcii hal= ten; 2. jarilid) bcbaubclit, licbfofcit, i\i)iiicid)cln, Vflcgen ; to — one's self, fid) felbft uiphl ijcfallcn, fid; fd)inei= cbeln, jtrf) bat|"d)clti; JV. T-s. to — the land, bidu an ber Jtiiftc (littfcgcln. HUGE (adv. — ly), adj. fci)r grot), weit, luicrmctilici), uiigebciter; — ness, s. bie uitacbeueve @r56e, lluermetjlidjs fcit. HUGGER-MUGGER, s. bet 2d)[upfroiit= fcl ; in a — , tu^ @ci)ciiit, ucrftoblner SBeife, untcr bcr S)eefe, ini (Uittcrm) .e>ufd). hugh, .9. <§ugo (2Jiamtsname), huguenot, i-. bcr ^ugenott, bie >§u= gcnpttuiii. huguexotis.m, s. bic Scbre bcr §n* genotfett. "1UKE, s . + bcr ajlantel, Ucbcrnwrf. IULK, s. ber JUuper, Siumpf eine§ (abgetafelten) ©4)iffee; imiks, ? >/. altc ©t^iffe (befonberS auf bcr Sbcmfo jur S3ev»a|ruttg bcr ©efangenen. To hulk, ?•. a. auSweiben, aii6itc(;mcu (cincn ^afcu, it, f. m. n>. ii.) hull, «. bcr SRumvf ctncg Scbiffc^; JV. T-8.& — , inn- Xop nub XciUl ; — to, beiliegeil ; — to lie or to strike a- huii, auf bem SBaffer (obnc Segeliinb Dtubcr, obcr vor Xop unbiafel) tvei= ben ; —damaged, am Siuiiipf bcfdni= bigt. To hull, v. I. a. fd)a[cn, I)iilfcii, ai= bulfen, auabiilfcn; to — a ship, ci= 11cm 2-cbiffe in baS 4?olj Jnicbt auf bic jUiafieu nub in baft ©eaelroevfj fcbicftCll; hulled barley, ©crficn= ©faupcit; 11.?/. auf bent iEaffer (ob= tie Scjcl uub ^uccr) Ircibcn, fd)iue- bcu. HULLY, arij. f;iilfig, fc^alig, seller ^iilfcn. hulver, s. bie ©teebpadnc. To HUM, u n. Sf 0.1- bummcit, funt= men, fuuifcn, brummen ; faufen ; murmelu; lcifcfuncn laffen, lcifefiu= gen ; brummen laffen ; 2. f/wfium- bug) betriigen; (iu s Jieuenglifc^) mer* fen ; to — agig»rtop, cincn (SJ3rumm=) Jhcifcl brummen laffen ; to — over, bcrbnimmcn; to— and haw, tilt 9te= ben ftocfeu ; jaubern, aufteben. hum * I. bas ^ummen, ©ummcu, ©cfumfc, ©ebrumme, ©efanfe, ©c= murmel ; 2. bcr (gemciuc) ©dierj, Spaii; to put a — upon one, cillcill etroaft aufbinben ; IL int. 6um! bm ! in compos. — hug, bcr ^Ctl'lU] ; Sdiroanf, bie Sdmatc, icufd)eufcitner ; 2. •CMiniaiiift ;bcr bie .Oumaiticra weifc lcl;rt ober Icrut:, $l;ilolog. HUMANITY, 5. 1. bic iOJcufrbncit, ba3 mciifdilidic Oiefcblcdu ; 2. mc iD}enfdj= lidifcit, I'eutfclijUcit, ^Jcufcbciw frcunblid)fcit, (Miiti^fcit; '3. bic ^11= mantora, SJJbilologie. HUMANIZATION, «. bie a3crmcufd)li= rf)uug, ©cftttung. To HUMANIZE p. a. lllCllfdllicb, gc)lt = tct mad)cit, »ermenfd;lirben. humankind, s. baft 2)ienfrl;ciige: fd)(cd;t. HUMANLY, adv. mcnfdlidi, nad; mcnfd)lid;cr SSeife, uad; nteitfct?It= d)cu ikgriffen. humble, adj. i. niebrtg, gcving; 2. befebciben, bemiitl;ig ; 3. uutergebeir 4. tlctiiniiitlHg ; your (most) — ser- vant, 3l;r geborfamfier, ergebenfte: SJiener; — bee, bie ■pummel, 3)rol;= ne; ba^ Siencnf raut ; — bee eater, bcr SSienenroolf ; —mouthed, beniii= tl)ig tin Sieben, flcitilaut, jaflbaft, fauft; — plant, bie gemciue @inn= Uflrtiije, Scbampflanse (Mimosa pudica — L.\ To humble, ?>. a. nicbrig madicii, er= niebrigeti, iiieberbeugen, bemfit&igen, fetrabrourbigen, franfeu ; miterroer fen. humbleness, s. bte Sfltcbngfcit, Tc- ninth. humbler, s. ber Srniebrigcr, S)emu= ttjtger. HUMBLESS, .'. pi. sp. t. bic (St'iigeweibi etncS ,fiirfd;c«. HUMBLY, adv. niebrtg; bemiithi,} ; flciitniiitbig; I most — thank you, id) banfe 3l)ucu gel;orfamft. HUM-BUG, Hum-drum, &c. vid. Hum. To HUMECT, I v. a. fcildtcit, an» To HUMECTATE, \ fcud)tcil, bcfcild) = ten, bencfeen (m. ii.). HUMECTATION, s. bie ©cfeitchfiing ^lufcucbtiiug, sBenefeung (». ii.) humecttive, a,'j. fcud;tciib, befeud;- tcub. HUMERAL, adj. jut Sdiultcr neSSrig- the — arteries, A. T. bic 5d;illtcrblllt' abern. HUMERUS, s. .o t. baft Sdniltcvbcin. iir.MFREV, s. .§umfrieb (2Ranufttta» mc). HUMHUMS, vid nnfer Hum. HUMlCUBATION, s. bao giegen auf bci (5'rbe (w. ii.). humid, adj. fcudit, iiaft, roajfertg. HUMIDITY (Humdoness), 8. bic 5cud)> tigfett, 3taffe. To HUMILIATE, v. a. emiebrigen, uie= bcrbcugcu, bemuthigen, untermerfett. humiliation, s. bie @nitebrigung, 5}cniutbigii:ig ; ^afreinng. HUMILITY, s. 1. bic --^cfdiciccnbcit, Scniutl); 2. (Smiebrtgung, Untcr> roerfung. HUMMER, .5. bev (bte, baft) .CMinimcnbe feuniiiicnbc, iOiunuclnbe. HUMMING, s. baft •Sumiiicn, SunifcH; — bird, ber Jiolibri, ^ontgfauger; — top, ber Sumiti: ober 33rumm=Jtreta fcl. HUMMUMS, 8. ;i/. bic S3abcrci, S9abe» fiube. HUMOUR, 8.1. bic S'fnrbtigfcit, be! Saft; (humours pi (S'liiffc lilt Stit' per) ; 2. baS Icnipciaiiicur. bie We« miithftart, (hcrrffbciibe^iei.iu"^ 8uft, bcr 3Jlutb, 2inu; ■'!. bic Stimmung, @emutluM"timni!titg. Vaunc: (Grille, bcr 'Jlugaug, (Sinfall; 4. biegr6l;ltcfc fcit, ©cierjbafttgfeit; _ 5. bie &t- WobniH'it, angenjobnbeil'; black h* mours. fd)iuarjc, bide Safte ; he is in a drinking — , er bat V.uft (ift cir.nta! i nt Buge) J 11 ti'iufcn ; the — takes me bic Vuft roanbelt nitcb an ; to be out o — ,uidjt bet (guter) Vaunc (»er|timwt HUNK *ft)tt; to take one in the — , 3cittait = ec$ gntc 8aune abmatten, fie bentu fcen ; to do a thing for tlie — of n. ct; roas ttua gutet Saline, 511m -simft ti)Uit ; to please one's (own) — , fciiicu VailllClt fofgett; every man iii his — . icber bat feme Saunen, feinen Jiopf fur lid). /•,/ humour )-. a.1. tmlifab ten,gefautg femt, fid) riditcn it ad) (ctnciS Valine.) biefelbe befriebigen; 'i. mitSiebeunb Vint thun, ctcr nadbmadjen, in ben ®eift einbringen, auffaffen ; yon — dim too miR-ii, Sie baben ju »iel SHartys fid)t niit ibm. BUMORAL, adj.Med. T. OOnben ACllrf) = ttgfetten be* JJorpctS liciiiihicnt' ; — fever, bai 5luf;ficbct. BUMORIST, s.l. bet (anuifrbc, n>un= bcrlidic SKenfd), Sonberting, ®ril= fenfanget; 2. bee launige URmffi, ©pafjsogel. HUMOROUS (adv. — ly), adj. 1. U\\\- nifd), ronnbcrlid), fettfam, n,rillcti-- $aft; rcgcUo.?, grotcsf ; 2. iaunig, fpalibafr, febnurrig; — ness, s. bO« felt/ante Settagen, (aunige SBefen, tie Saune ; baft Sqjnuttige, bet ©»afi, 2)iuthnjillc ; (Sigcnfinit, bie iButibcr= lid) fe it. BUMOBSOME (urfu. — ly), adj. 1. tau= nifd), rounberlicb, feltfain, eigenftu? nig ; 2. Iaunig, febcrjbaft. HUMP, 8. fee Sucrel, SStfet; —back, ber Sucfel; SBiufeitge; —backed, buefelig. HUMPH, int. () nt ! fcum ! 6fl ' HUMPHREY, a ^umfrteb (i)ianti$na= me). To iiuncii, v. a. i. (mit bent (glbogen) ftojicit, puffeu; 2. Mint SluStMldjS bringen, butfelig macben, frihnmen. HUNCH,*. 1. bet ©tog mit bem (Slbo* gen, s ^uff; 2. .fjocfer, .Rnoi'ren, SluS= n>ud)$, SBorfptung ; 3. eiu iStncf (JBtob, n. f. ».); —hack, bet (bie) 5J3ucfciia,c ; — hacked, bucftlig. HUNDRED, L adj. builbett ; II. ». 1. baS •gunbert; 2. bet Sent; @au (Sejttt, oovmals, oicllcidit son &unbett®us tent) ; five in the — , fiinf ^tojent ; by hundreds, buitbettWetfe; — court, ba3 (Jcntacridit ; —fold, bnnbcrtfaU tig ; —headed, bnnbcrtfbpfig ; — weight, ber (Scntner. HUNDREDER, », bet Seutgtaf (®e* rid;tst)evr eines SeutS), (§anton8tio5= tec; Sanbgefcbroorne. HUNDREDTH, adj. bet, bie, baS \)\m- bevte, hnnbertfte. HUNG, part. vid. '/;. Hon ; — beef ciit- gefal^eneS, unb in fteiet 8uft gebbtf* Hi :)iiiicfleifd). HUNGARIAN, L adj. ungatifdj ; II. «. ber Un.iar. HUNGARY, s. (ba8 jtonigtcicbj Hit- gam; — water, ba£ unganftfye 2Baf* fcr. hunger,*, bet ^unget; bas fjcfttge, begietigelBetiangeit; proo. —is the best sauce-, hunger t ft bet beftc Jiod) ; — starved, petfjungett. To HUNGER, v. n. biingcrn ; 2ftaitgel (eiben ; beftig begtbten. HUNGERLY,adj. bat, maget, butftig, avntfelig; Eatg, filjig; —evil, bee ,»hei'';hiin^er, fiunbSbunget ; Sp. i: .». bie Aief;fnd)t ;bet spfetbe); — f«r ly) hawk, bet gievije (nimmetfatte) Saltej —gravel s — soil), ber magete Saub ^Boben). BUNKS, s. bet .gniiiijcvlcibce, jtnidfet, jtnaufer, 3'ifj. HURR Huns. s. pi bie <§unuen. To HUNT, v. a. tr n. 1. iogett, befeen naebfefeen, Detfolgti:; fputen, for* feben, buvrbjagen; 2 anfuluen, lci= ten .{pun&e auf bet ; t.. — after, nad) jageii, uad)feljcu ; u.teb etwafl (he* ben; to — out, aiieuiiren, au«fot» ] fdieu ; to — up and down, von alien Seiten fueben. hunt,* i. bie Saob, ^cfejagb, bai Jjctjen; 2. s J!ad)fe^en, SUerfoifjen ; 3. bie JtovVfl 3agbbunbe, 2)feute ; —with toils, fcas 3eugjagen; the — is up, bieSSagb biger, SBeibmann ; 2. vSpiivbiutb, ^agbbunb ; 3. bai 3agbpfetb; — 's horn, bai sagbfjotn, ^iefboru. hunting, 8. 1. bie 3«gb, bae 3aaen, ffieibroert ; 2. bie ittaegfefeung, Sders folgnng; 9JaeJ)fotfcl)ung ; — casket, bat 3agb=Sa8quct; — haneer, ber i&ttfcbfanget, bas Sagbmeffet; — horn, bae jagbboril; — horse, ba5 3agbpfetb; — match ( — party), bie Sagbpattie; — moon, tee mnebmcitce 2JJonb; — nag, has Sagbpfetb, bet Stagbfleppet ; — pole, tie Stange, bee 3tocf betm ^iopfs obet ier, 3l!cib= mann, Sagblieibabetj 2. 3agerbur= fd)e ; — ship, bet 3ubegtiff tee ©igen= fdbatten eine» 3leunigen ; to — sway, meaeilen ; entfiibrcn ; to — oti; eilig wegfub. ren ; to — on, antreiben ; bctteiben ; to — out, oettteiben, oetjaaen. HURRY, s. I. tie (fltofe) (vite, (*t(fer-- tiflfeit, ter Tran.j; 2. Simuilr, bai Satmen, Wctinnmcl ■ in a — , in ber Sile, im Biluge, auf bem (Sprunge ; in the — of business, tin ©range ter Oefcbaffe ; what is your — ? loafl eilen SU fo? all your — will come to nothing, mit nue bem Sarmen ridjteit bit nid)tS au«; — Bkurry, coL mit Varm, n tee Setwitrung, etttfi butr^e anbere HUT HURST, .«. ber -Oaitt. tor fiotft, bai 2Balbdu-ii; ber mit @eb,5lj leiva.t = fcne •iMia.el. n hurt, v. ir. n. fcbateit, befo^abigen, tvebcfbun, •.uulctjcn, venvuntcn ; '.'cr = bcrbett; it hurts me to my soul, c^ tb'.ll mir in ter 5ecle web ; it hurts me 1 1 thinkofit.iditeitfeniit2ehmer;en tar- an ; to be — at . . mt fraufeii uber... HURT, .--. 1. tie EBetlcfeung, 93ermun= bung, ter 2d>aten ; 2. 'JiaeMlu-il ; baj ©5|e, Ucbel. BURTER, 8. ter Sttlefcet, - SQetnjunbenbe, HURTFUL [adv. — ly), a | fdjSblid), nari)tbcili,], gefafetlicb, t>erberblid» ; — ness, .-. tic Sebablidjtttt, '.'ladubci; ligJeit, ®cfabrlict)[eit, SBetberblid;= feit. To HURTLE v. i. » anprallen, a:i= fto»';cn, jufammeiiftoileii ; n. a. mil fieftigfett beroegen cr^r ftogen; fduiMit.icn ; — - berry, tie rot be -Det = belbecic, ^ecificlbceie. HURTLESS {ado — vi). adj. Ullfo>ab= Ueb ; nnverleljt, nimrfeb-.i. in bband, 8. I. ter (Sbemann, >D2ann, ciairc; 2. 6au8b,5ltet, SEBittb; 3. Sanbairtb, fpacbtet; >. — , mannbar, betia;lu"'.;!'i,i (von 3ungfrauen); Bhip's, — M i: ter ©efh ber | SKits :H pebet obet _T itectot ) ter tie 83efotgung bet £cfjiff3angclc= i]eiibeiten (gegen eine gewiffc | jton ber ubtigett dibeic.', uber fiejj bat. To HUSBAND, p. a. 1, eineu Sfllam geben, sermablen (m. C); 2. irirtb= fdiaftcn, baucbalterifdi oetiualtcn baiiibalten, fparen, fduuicu ; 3. (ba< Saut) bauen ; to — the time, mit bei Jjeitgeijen. HUSBANDLESS, adj. cbne 3JJann, gat tenlod. HUSBANDLY, adj. it. adv. UMrtbuivr'.'- lirii, banebalti.j (iv. ii. ; -- si 'Arobntiein'tc. HUSBANDMAN, », ber Vai'ruuvtb. HUSBANDRY, s, 1. tic Vaiibivi; •(!•> idiatt, tee Jelbban, iUrfcrban ; 2. bit £audbaitung, SBittb^fcbaftlicbfeii , gpatfamfeit. in SHjLtnt'jl! -febtill. ■'!•■ ft illc ; — money, bai Se^meigegelb, SdpnMtftt* gelt (®tVo urn Scbroetgen ju cv-- Eaufen . y„ hush, p r. n. itifletemi, febweigen ; li o, I. UilK- madieii, ftillen, innt Scbiuetgen bringen: 2. unrerbriQaenj befdnftiaen ; (— up) uettufeben. HUSK, a. bie .£>iilfe, 5duiie, 2dulfe; bee ISocoff. To HUSK, v. a. ciitbulu-n, au«bii[fen, fduilcn. HUSKED, adj. (jiilfig, fdvilta. husktness, • bie Beiferfett HUSKY, adj. 1 biilp y i, ftb,alig; 2. bci- fet, raub, mit tent ,«>nfteii bebaftct. nisi), i bet >^aufen, St6i huso Dbcr 8tvrio — /..). hussar, 8. bet fiufar. HUSSITES, s pi bie ^uffiten. HUSSY.*, bie fdjmu^tge, oeracbtltcof, meiblicbe S^etfon, bae garftigc3JJenfcb, SSJetbflucf, bie Scblampe. HUSTINGS, I. (court of — i ein< tee Stabfgeritbte oon Sonbon; 2, bei BetfaminlungBott 511m SBablen einei SjlatiamtntSgliebee, bie ©ablbibne To HUSTLE, 0. n. ULM'eu int@ebtOII< ge , fotrftojjen. in >wii'T. s. 1. tie ^aueftau; 2 fd'leebte iliieibin, Sdjlampe. To nrswii'K, b 1. rotrtbfdjaften HUSWD7ERY, vid Hoi bbwipbby HUT. s.smg. bie .Oi'.tte, Mil T M\* b 11 tic, ©atafe, 193 HYExM HYPO r» HUT, r. a. Mil. T. tit 23avafcit IcgClt. HUTCH, s. 1. bee -Raften, @etreibe= faftcn ; £rog, ^acftrpg, bie iDhtlbc ; £ cine 'Salic (fatten, 3«anfe it. f. to. [ebenbifl ju fanaen); :3. cttt Jtaftcn, ,H\UttItCt)Clt cinjiifpcrreii. iiuxing. s. cine 2lrt be* .£>ccbtfangen3 mit ©lafen. HI /./.a. mt. .£uffa ! .£urraf)! 3ud)bev> ! To huzza, o. ?i. &"«. .tpnffa vnfen, jujauebjen, mit greubengefebret em= pfangen. hyacinth, s. 1. bie .$\)acintbc (SBIu* me) ; 2. bet .fv.iacintb ((Sbelftein). HYACINTHLNE, adj. SOU Ober roic .§5)s acintbett. hyades, ? s. p/. Jst. T. bie fityaben, HYAD3, ) baS 3iegen= ober 9tebel= gejtirtt. hyaline, adj. frifrallen, frijtallarfig, gtaSabllltd). 5S^ }****««* HYDATTDES, s. pi. Med. T. bte 2Baffer= bfiisdjen am mcitfd)licben Jtbrper. hydra, s. A$t. r. 1. bte 23affer= fdjlange (ein fiibltcbes Sterubilb) ; 2. Myth. T. bie ,§i;bva. iiydr.ygogues, s. pi. 9lr$netmiftel, inn roafferidjte Sendjtigfcttcn abjtt= fiibrett. hydrangea, s. Tlamcn ciner 3Baffev= pflanje. HYDRAT, s. Ck. T. baS .fjtybrat. HYDRAULIC, (— cal), I. adj. Phy. T. bie i£>9brauUf betreffenb, toaffeclcu teub, btybranlifd)', II. hydraulics, s. pi. Phy. T. bie 2Baf)'erfvaftlcl)ve , £9= brauiif. hydrocele, s . s. t. bcr SEaffcr= brud). hydrocephalus, s. bte SSafferfnrbt am .ftopfe ; bee SSafferfopf. hydrodynamics, s. bie .£>v>btobt)= it ant if. hydrogen, s. ck. t. ber 23afferftoff= @a«. uydrographer, s. ber Scfdjreibcr bee ©eroaffer; Seefartenmacber, jb\)- brograpb. iiydrographical, adj. b*)brograpf)= ifeb ; — map, bic ©eetarte. hydrography, s. bie s -8cfd)rcibttitg ber ©eroaffer, SBaffcrfunbe, <§>pbro= graphic. HYDROLOGY, s. bie (aUgemetnc)8eljre oom SOBaffer, ^ijbtoloftte. hydro.mancy, s. bas SBabrfagcn ouS bem JBajfer. HYDROMANTIC, adj. bPbrPlltaittifd). HYDROMEL, s. bcr iNetj), iaS ^OHtg= roaffcr. hydrometer, ». r. bcr 23affcrmcf= fcr, i§V)brometer. hydrometry, s. t. bic 3Baffermef= futtg ; 2*JafferineJ5fuitft,.§9bro metric. hydrophobia, ) sj„ sm.{r,.r*Mi iiydrophoby. J«.*«s»fr«l*«»- hydrdphthalmia, s. bie3lugenwaf= ferfucbt. HYDROP[0,(— cal), adj. roafferfiid)tig ; bcr iBafferfucbt abnlicb. HYDROPSY, s. vid. Dropsy. HYDROSTATIC, ? ailj. HYDROSTATICAL (adv. — ly), $ T. mafferwagenb, ()V;bro|tatifd). HYDROSTATICS, s. pi. T. bie 9Saffcr= roagefunft, SBajferjiaubSle^ve, .§«= Vu'oftatif. HYDROTICS, ». pi. fd)ipci{Jtrcibcnbc 3Rittel, Sd)n>eiBmitteI. ETYDRUS, s. bie 3Ba|Terfd)tange; Jst. r. §9bra. uvi'.mal. o(//. win 28inter ge^orig, wtntcrlid) ; — solstice, bie SBinter- fomicnu'cnbc. 186 HYEMA'ilON. ». bic fi'mftlidje Prbal= :niii] ben SBinter fiber, bte 5>uicb=, Ucber= pber 3lu«Ji)interung. hyena, ». bie .§panc, ber Sigenoolf, ba« ©rabtbier. HYGROMETER, > s. T. bcr ?VClIcbtii]= HYGROSCOPE, J fcit»inctj\'r,.;3i)a,ro= meter. hygroscopic, adj. n.m|icra!;nlid;e @i= genfrbaftcn babct'tb. hykes, s.pi. eitte2lrtwoUenerX)ecTen. hylarchical, adj. bte i'Jatcric be= berrfebenb. HYLEG, s. Astnl. T. bcr planet, itnter weidjem eitt 3Jienfch geboren tft, nut ber beffen ©djieffale Icitet. hylozoic, s. pi. bcr, meidjer alien Jliirvcnt cin Scbeit jufc^retbt. HYMEN, s. 1. Myth. .Otjmcn, ber (Sb e = gott \fa-. ber @|e{ianb, bic (*bc ; 2. A. T. baS§t)incit,3tutgfcrttb,aiitci)ctt; 3. B. T. .ftftospenbantcben. HYMENEAL, > I. adj. &od)jeitK$, f^C= HY.MENEAN, 5 lid); II. — , or — song, s. ba» ^pd)5citlieb. HYMN, s. bie Jpamiie, ber SoBgefangj — book, baS ©efaitgbnd). To HYMN, v. a. £,■ n. lobftligcit, preifen, 4p«mitcit fingen. HYMNIC, adj. tit .£iimncn prcifcnb. HYMNOLOGY, s. bie ^iimiiciifamnu lung. HYP, rid. Hip. To hyp, r. a. ^.)pod)onbrifd) mad)cii. HYPALLAGE, s. Rh. T. bic 3Bort»erfc= feuttg, OJcrrocchfclitttg bcr SafnS, ^l;= pallage. hyper, in compos, iibcrmajiii], iiber= tricben. iiyperaspist, s. bcr 93cfd}ii^cr, 33cr= t^eibiger (m. it.). HYPERBATE, )s. Rh. T. bic fel)ler= hyperbaton, \ bafte 2Bovtfolge. hyperbola, s. o. t. bie J,3i)pcrbcl. HYPERBOLE. .«. Rh. T. cine jebe burdj SBorte oergrijjjerte SJorjieuung cincs S)ingeS ober ©egertpanbefi, bic Ueber= treibung. HYPERBOLICAL (— ic ; adi>. — ly), adj. 1. o. T. bie ^Dperbcl betreffenb; 2. Rk. T. l)Pperbolifit, iibertriebcit. HYPERBOLIFORM, adj. O. T. bic gotltt eiiter ^pperbcl babeiib, bPperbolifd). hyperbolist, s. ber Ucbertreibcr, Stuff djnetber. To HYPERBOLIZE, v. n. b a. mit ltc= bcrtreibuini fpred)cn ober fd;reibcn, fibertreibett. hyperborean, adj. liiittcritadjtlid), nbrblid-/, bnperborcifd). hyphrcatalectic, adj. t. iibcrjaftz lig (oom Splbcnmafi5itlangcr33erfc). hypercritic, s. bcr alljit ftrenge Jtri= tifcr. ©rjtabler. HYPERCRITICAL, adj. iibcrtricbeii !ri= tifd), ftrenge, baarfdjarf. HYPERDULIA, \ s. (in bcr fat()oIifd)cit iiyperduly, \ JitrrbO bPber (%ab bcr 33ereb.ruttg bcr 3ungfrau 33caria nnb anberer ipetltgen. hvi'f.ricon, s. bad 3o()anitclEraiit, bcr sSetfufj. HYPERION, s. Myth. T. .§l)PeriO!t, bie Sonne. HYPERMETER, s. XOClS bag gC»of)llIi = rbe "iDJaij iiberfteigt HYPERPHYSICAL, adj. iibcritatiirlid). hyphen, s . Or, m. t. bad SinbungS* teic^en, ber (£itrong= ober Sinbefirid) HYPNOTICS, s. pi. bie kit 2d)Iaf be- forbernben Strjneien, Scbiafmittel. HYPOCAUST, .^. 1. (bei dcii -JUtcit) eiite 2lrt (ttnterirbifd)er) Jtamin, »on WO auSbieSabeftubeit ermarmt wurben i 2. mod. bcr Jcucrvlat} in cinem SEreib- banfe. HYPOCHONDRES, s. pi. ) 1 bic IPCHtett HYPOCHONDRIA, s. S Jbcile Hlltei ben 3iippcn beg 5Keiifc$en, bic 2Bci-- cben, ©finnung; 2. bie ^opochoubrie HYPOCHONDRIAC, \adj \\\ belt HYPOCHONDRIACAL, $ iScidlClt ge= bin-ig; milifiidjtig, biippcbonbrifd), melancbolifd; ; — complaint, vid. hy POCHONDRIA. HYPOCHONDRIAC, 8. ber .6npod)01!» brift. HYPOCIIONDRIACISM, > s. bie Wlilp HYPOCHONDRIASIS, J fucbt. ©rbroerinutbigfett, ^^podjonbrie. HYPOCiST, 5. ber .tpppoefftenfaft. HYPOCRAS, s. bcr .*V.'PpiH"raf). hypocrisy, s. bie £enc6elet, Sdpeiit" beiligfeit. hypocrite. ;. bcr .Oeticfjlcr, Scbeiit' bcilige, ©Ictpucr. HYPOCRITIC, I adj. HYPOCRITICAL {ado.— wr)$ bfttdjle. rifd), ftbeinbeilig, glcipncrifdi, falfdj. HYPOGASTRIC, adj. Slim Ullterlcibf gebbrig. HYPOGEDM, 5. bcr miter ber ©rbc bc= finbltd)e Sbeii cinefi ©ebaubel (bei ben Sltten). HYPOGYNOUS, adj. B. T.bpbenflanbi,-. hypopion, s. Mci t. ba« (Siteraug'e. hypostasis,);?, bie ©ubflanj, ba« hypostasy, S befonbere SBefen, bii ^crfpiilirbfeit. HYPOSTAT1CAL {adv. — ly), adj. Th. T rocfcntlid), perfonlicb. hypotenuse, 5. o T. bic bem recbtea SBinfet eiitgcgengcfe§tc 2c;te, bi» .Gppptbciutfc. To HYPOTHECATE, v. a. L. T. Per- pfauben, bppotbecircit ; to — a ship. ®elber anf SBobmerei iicbmen, ver» bobmen. hypothecation, s. /.. t. bas 33er« pfanbett, bie SSerpfiinbuitg. HYPOTHECATOR, a. t-cr 'pfallbfibrift* geber. HYPOTHENUSE, s. vid. Th-poTHNt-ss. hypothesis. .?. ein ali wa&t ange> lipmmciier Sa'g, bie ijprausfe^iiiig, ,P»ppptbefe. HYPOTHETIC, ) adj. HYPOTHETICAL (ado. — ly), ) PPr= au8gefe|t, angenontmen, febeinroabr, bppptbetrd). HYRSE, s. bie .<3trfe. HYRST, s. ber ,0,iill. H"i;son, s. ct'ne\»lrt griiner 5Ef>ec. bet .t>a! AMMC, Oram. T. ft CCf Ju)cifplbia,e SJetSfufj [ — J, jaiubiis, jamb'ifrfjcr ir.F.uiA, s. * Spanien. ibex, b. bet Steinbocf. IBIS, g. bet Oiilrcibcr, 3biS. ice, ». 1. baS C5"te! ; 2. bafl 3"«•. ben 2Beg babnen, bU £Ba$n tnerfjcu, bic Sd)tBtetigfeitett bcfeitta,cu ; cS outsell ; Sea £zp-«. Geld of—, ( — field), cine jiifammcubaiD genbe gisfladbe, cine (Sisfelb (befjen (Snbe vcu bee «piljc bed iDiaftefi nid)t Mi iibcri'ebcu iftj ; body of the — , fc= |tcS CSie ; loose, -floating (or drift) — , bag SreibciS ; open (sailing) — , lltut= beS, lorfcrcS, $u butf&fegeutbeS (fabc< bareS) (iis ; a pack of — , cine Olu fammltitig ooit (SiSftucfeit (oou bcr SRaftfpifee uicbt JU iiberfcbeit) ; packed — , @ts in grofjen aufeiitaubet aeftaufs ten (lufainrnentjaugenben) 2JZaffen; close-packed — , bicfit gefjaufteS (gi§ ; — burg, ber (Sifibetg (tut bobcti SRnt= bell); — blink (or blink of the — ), ber Cnsfdiimntcr, diSbUdE (roetije rbcr gelblicfce SBibetfdjetit ber @ilfelbet er|\i)ictcuf;eit, (5iucrlciljeit, ©leith* beit. CDEOT, 8. vid. Idiot, ides, s. pi. bie 3buS (int altett romi= fcften Jtalenber). IDIOCRASY, s. bic eijciie 3tatur utib v .'lrt eineS .(iorperS. DDIOCRATICAL, adj. tbiofratifd), fbr= perlieb (befonberS) eia,eit. IDIOCV, s. bie 5)ummt)eit, (Sinfalf. idk >m, a. bie Spracbeigenfjeit, '3prad)= an-ii'e, iKunbart, bas 3biom. ID10MAT1CAL (— ic), adj. einer befou= born Hhuibart obcr Spracfje ciijen. IDIOMATICALLY, adv. nad) ciiier bc= fonbeiit JDJunbatt obcr Spraebrocife. IDIOPATHY, s. 1. Med. T. eie cuieite iffenbe ajjenfd) (oou ©cburt aus) $infel. IDIOTIC, adj, etnfaltig, bnmnt. IDIOTISM, ». l. bie Spradjeiaenfjeit, ber 3biotiSmuS; 2. bie 83er(ianbe8= fdiuvube, Buininbeit; (Sinfalt. iDnviT/.E, v. n. fdnvad) ober ftumpf roerben am iQerftanbe). IDLK [adv. Idly), adj. 1. tltufltg, UllbC; fcfeSftigt, arbcit?|"d)cii, ttfige, fanl, [otglDg, nat^lafftg; 2. uevfleblttib, tniditloj, umiiitj, nt^ttg. eitel; 3. iappifd), uiibebeutenb ; imfnidubar; — fellow, ber Sgflafterfretetj — head, ein Icei'ce jtopf; — headed (— pated), ihoiidit, albern, narrifd): unibmi'i= fetg. be8 83erflanbeS berauot (w. ii.) ; — hours, i'tiifieftuiibeu; an — story, eiu blaucS icin uiibebciitenbes: ?Ji\ibr= ebeit; — talk, eitleS, teereS (Sefd)a>a(j; — words, umtufee SBorte. ?;. idle, p. i. ,,. mufjig gefjen, faulen= jen ; ii. a. (away), oertanbeltt. IDLENESS, 8. 1. ber aKufjtgganfl, bie givbeitsfchen, JEvagbett, Saulbeit, 3flLATER s. 1. bcr 9Tbg5tter, Wb$tn-- bicner; 2. EBctonnberer, 93ertt;rec Sergofterer, IDOL ITRESS, f, bie ©otjent ■ienerinn. To IDolatki/.i: r. I. n . OJbljcii eicncii Slbgottvtei treiben; n. a. abgBttifd; anbeten; oefe^ten. EDI >L VTRl II S adv —vt), ad . abgbt- tifd); auf abgottifdje SBeife. IDOLATRY, s.'bic ?lba,btterci, ber 05-- ^cubienft. id' ii.i>ii, adj. abgBttift^. idolism, », bie abgBtteret,bet®5te»« bienft. idolist, s. * tee 2lbijbttcr, ©6feen= bieuer. To IDOLIZE, d. a abgSttifa) rcrchrct, oetgottern, anbeten. idolizeh.s. bcr 33erg5tterer, .'InbetcT. IDONEOUS, adj. bcqiicni, i]C|'ebieft, gc- m5fj [». ii.). idyl,s. bie Jb'.ille, baS Sdjafergebit^t, IE cooj. (bebtngeub) wenn, nofern fall*, int Salle; rocnit and\ unnii filcid); ob; + tvieivobl, obfdnnt; I win do it — I die for it, idi time eS, unb folltc C3 mir baS I'eben fofleit ; as — , alS n?enu, alo ob ; — not, roo llidlt ; — so-l.e that, fcc„ i^fctjt C6 ttfite fo, t^n. lt.f t». : without ifs or, obnc iffiennuubSlber, of>ne nitle ^luSfliidjtc. igneous, adj. feurig. IGNESCENT, adj. Sititfen foriibeut. ItiNIELUOUS, adj. feuer=flic'jni£-. To IGN1FY, v. a. ju Seucr niadicn, bil = ben. [GNBPOTENT, adj. * bent S'cuer ijebie= tenb. IGNIS FATUUS, s. baS Srrliebt, be. 3rrmii"ct). To IGNITE, v. I. a, c/,. T. ill ACiicr fc- ^en, aim'inbcn, junben; ii. ». gluten (oou gifen, u, f. to.) fid) entjunben. ignition, a, bat anjunbeit, i^lnbcu ; (A. t bie EBerfaUung, ®lube. n;\i\i iMOUS, adj. feuer|Jpeienb. IGNOBLE ndr.— BLY),iinabeli,i, nncbe!, untDurbig, gentein, niebrig; — ness, 8. bcr aJJaitgel an SBurbe, bie < N *e nieinbeit, SJiiebrtgfeit. IGN0MINI01 9 (adv. —i.\\ adj, cnteb= renb, fdianMidi, I'duinvflieb. IGNOMINY, a. tie sdjtttacb, rd'anec, Unelne, (^brlofiafeit, bcr SebiniVf. IGNORAMUS, s I. /.. T bie Vo-Jiprc^ d)ung lin.^cu unjulangltdjen ©eroeu fes ; 2. rui^r. bee Untviffenbe, rant. IGNORANCE, ». bie Unwtjfenljett, Un= Eunbe; UniU'lebrtluir. IGNi RANT i \do. — w i, adj. unruiffenb, ungelebrt, ununterriritct, unfunbig ; to be — of..., itntwiffenb K'.mi tit .. ., ©twaS ttidu roiffen, tiribefaunt bantit fenn ; i am not — . id) uu't'"; gar roobl ; — of the world. ObllC SBeltrCIIUtlttf ij ii. ». bet Sgnotnnt, Umvtffi ILEX,*, (lateinifcb) bti Steineirte. 1 1. 1 \''. adj. Med. v bie ®ebarme bettef- fenb; — passion, bie Darmgidjt. Iliad, n. bic 3Iiabe, 3liaS. ILL. I adj. ,\ adv I. libel, bBfe, feblcrbt (»on 5)tngen) ; 2. franf, nnpaf;; — e, unrubig, unbeba^lid); — of .... franf ail .. . ; Bi fall — . franf tverbeti; to take — , fibel ncbnien; to hear — , fituH-v cvtia,n'ii ; to return — for g I, ®utefl n\[t i!36fem ueti gel ten ; — « u grow apace, pror unfranl rocidjfl fibet Sfcadjt, obertln- fraut nergebt nidn; n ». ba«Ueo*: SP6fe, Vaucr; UngludF; Setben; bit S8o6i)eti ; n, ibelgr= ftunt ; — blood, ©roll ; 3»tft; — bod t'jy ILLE ILLU IMBR ii^,«ttta8S88fe« Ungfurf; bcbcutenb; — bred. »on fdlccbicr (Stjte&ung, un= manietlicb, ungegogen; — breeding. tie robe Oliitfiibnuta, : — conditioned, fifckitr befdjajfen, 'fcblrcbt conbttio- nirt, fcbacbaft ; — contrived, fcblerbt auSaefonneiij munbetlid); — doings, at. ©tblecbtigftiten ; — faced, oon bdfdidcnt ©ffidjfe; — fancied, [djled)t getvSblt; — fated, unguis fiig, llltgllirflid) ; — favoured. ungc= Ttalt, bajjlicb. ; — favoured faults _ba>i- lute AcMcr ; — favouredly, bafilid); plump; — favouredness, tic •Oaplirfo- fcit; — footinu. bcr gefabrltcbe 91 n* fcrplafc; unfid&ere 2Beg ; — fortune, baS •.Va'i.jCHttrf, Ultjlucf ; — framed. !)ttfd)06en, Uttcf; — gotten, mit llnrccbt ettootben; — grace bofe jfllitnt; — health, bie Unpdjilidjfeit; — judged, fddcebt bctefbuct ; — lived, cirt fdjlccbte^ (Pbcr ^ottlcfcs Scben flifircub ; — looked to, ntlccbt in 3MM genommen ; — looking, vcrtacbtig ausfebenb: — luck, Utigliitf, 3Jcif;gefcbicf ; — matched, nid)t ubet= einitimmenb, nnpaffeni ; — minded, ubelgeftnnt; — nature, bieraube. nn= freunblicbe ©emutfjSatr, i'arfebbcit, Oavtc, SoSacttgfeit, ^Psbeit, 3Ri6= aunji; — natured, boSattig, besbaft, b, 1 . mi feb, fcblerbt beffbaffeit; — na- turediy, bPsbaftet 33rife; — natured- ness, rid. — nature ; — patched. fcblecbt petbunben; — pleased, iibcl jufrieben, mijjoergnugt; — principled, »Ott fcblccbten ©runbfctBen; an — re- turn, cine fcblcrbte SBelofjnung ; — satisfied, unjufrieben ; — shaped, iibcl gcftaltcr, bdfilicb ; an — shaped man. cm 33ett»acbfenet, cin &tuppel ; — sorted, unpollftanbig, scrftiimmclt ; — sound, bie fdjroete SuSfptacbe ; — spoken of, tit iiblcm SRufe, bcnidnuit ; — starred. Ullfet fCllt (?'infllP! CIHCO nngunjtigen ®efttrn§,ungiurflidj ; — supported, fcblcdt au8= peer burd);]C= fitbrt; — tempered, iibcllcuiiiig ; — tidings, nribtige, ungunftige SJJoc|tid)= ten ; — timed. jut unrccbten 3^- iibel angebracbf, ungelegen; — treat- lltpbonbelt; — usage, bie Ultge= rccbtigfeit, ©raufantfeit ; — win. bet bofe 23iilc, ba? Ucbclivollcn, bcr lln= witte, ba8 SftipfaUen ; to bear an — will to one, 3cnuntem abbolb feljn; — wilier, bcr Uebelwollenbe. [Llacerable mij. unjerret'fjbar. lLLAPSE,s. 1. bcr ©tugang, (Srinfuifi, ?lucfJu*i, baS 9lu3ftt6men ; 2. bcr x'ln= fall, ba$ jufallige JSommen. To ILLAQUEATE o. a. betutfen, bejttU cfert, oerftrtcfen, fangen rr>. ii.). ILLAQUEATION, ». 1. bO« SBetficfett, 33cjrrirfen, SBetfttictcn ; fangen ; 2. bcr gaUjtticf, tie Salle, ^cblinge (». ii.). ILLATION, *. bet Scbhip, bie 5ofge= rung (rr>. ii.). illative, i. adj. cine Sdjluffotqe on= jetgenb; tt.«. bie Scblufjpattifel. ILLAUDABLE (adv. — di.y . adj. nicbt K'blicfc, unlbblicb, unriibmlid), uiu murbig. rLLECEBROUS, adj. vPll Socfuttjtlt . ii.). [IJLEGAL [adv. — ly). adj. ungsfefcltcb, redjtsungultig, gefe^mibtig, »iber= vccbrltcb, iturcrbtm,ifu.L ii.i.F.cAi.rrv. s bie ®efet»ibrigfeit, SBiberredjtlirbfetf, Unrecbtmaptgteit. To ILLDJAL1ZE, v. a. gefc^HMMii] llta= cbett. I-legtbilitv. .c bie Unleferiidjfeit. ILLEGIBLE, adj. Ulllcferltdv iLLF.i;iTiM\rv. s tie Uiicbcticbfett, une^eltcbe ©eburt. 200 ILLEGITIMATE (ode. —it), a,lj. 1. un= ebclicb; 2. unvcest; an — son, ciu Sajtarb. To ILLEGITIMATE, r. a, fur llltcbclid) erffdren, bie Uncbclicbfcit enveifen. ILLEGITIMATIOX, ». t.vid. Illegiti- ywrx ; 2. bic ltnecbtb,eit i\. 53. ciitcr Urfmibe). illeviable, adj. toai nidu erbcbcn, nicbt cittgeforbert toerben fann. ILLIBERAL (ads. — i.v . adj. 1. n\d}t fretiinnig, itncbcl, Hiebrig, gemeiu, gering; 2. nid>t freigebig, engberjig, Enaufexig, tatq. ILLIBER.ALiTV, ,t. 1. bie tttiqr opntiU tbige 3)fnEungSart nnt .*3>ii!tliiiig§: teeife, S^iebrigfeit ; 2. Engtjerjtgfetf, Jinani'crei, Jvargbcit. ILLICIT (ado. — I '.v . adj. '.-crbotCIt, Utl= erlanbt, unjutaffig. rULIGITOUS, adj. « /.A.jcit. ILLIMITABLE [ado. — us), adj. l!tlbe= fdjranfbar, unbegreiijbar, grenjrnlos. illimited, arij. uubcgrcnu, grenjen= lo8; — ness. .*. bie llnbcfcbcatifbar^ fcit, Unbegrenjt^eit. ILLITERACY, s. rid. Ih.iterateness. ILLITERATE (ado. — ly). aa>'. :tltge = lebrt, itnaMiTciib, ungebilbet; —ness, s. bie llnadehrtbcir, Uiiruiffcnb.eit. ILLITERATIRE. s. bcr iljatlgcl ait @eiebrfamfeit(a\ u. . ILLNESS.*. 1. tic .Rvanfbeit, @efiinb= bett^errfittung, lliuvi'llicbfcit ; 2. scbleduigfcit, S95Savtigfeit. ILL' IGICAL (ado. — ly). adj. tvibcr bic Sicgel bcr ?ogif, unlogifd), itn»er= nunftig ; —ness, .« bic -vc-lcienititricb- tigfeit, i ; crnnnftivibrigfeit, bad Unlo= gifebe. To ILLCDE r. a. 1. taitutctt, bcvi't = cfen, oetblenben ; 2. oerfvotten, bcb= ncn. To illume, o. n. 1. crlcndncn, auf^eU len ; 2. raf.tcitcm, febmucfen. To ILLUMINATE, o. a. 1. erlciicbtcn, crbcllcit ; aufflarcn ; 2. tllnniiniren, mit bitnrcn garben fdmiurfcn ; bunt auSmalen, bunt macben ; 3. erldu= tern. "MIXATE, I. adj. /;?. criciidtct, auf= gefldrt; u.s. bcr ©rleiid) tetc (3Jiit= glict bc^ SUnnitnateii'DtbenSj tcr SUuminat. ILLUMINATION, s.ULirfig. ba« @fs Ic.iittcii, bie (Sr(eud)tung, 3Uumina= tion ; baS Sicbt ; bie fielie, bet ©ianj. iLLi'MiXATiVE, adj. crlcncbtcnb, er= bcllcut, (eucbtenb. ILLUMINATOB, s I . bcr (vrtctuttcr ; 2. bcr etroaS audntalt, 3tluminitet. To ILLUMINE, ri-/. To Illume. ILLUSION, g. tie Zdufcbintg; bOS iBlenbnjerf, bcr Stnnenwabn, 3rr= tbutn, baS ^abnbtlt, tic dilution. ILLUSIVE [ode. — ly 1 . adj. t,iut"dcnb, oetblenbenb, bettuglid); — ness, s. bie S.riiiilt ship, tcr ©ilberbienfl. To image, o. a. :;u ©eijie] abbilben, DOtfhllen, fit einbilben. IMAGERY, ». 1. boS S8il»»et!, bic ~?lb: biibungen ; itapeten mit mcnfcblicben giguten; 2. tie ©effalt; 3. tei Scbein, ba» Sleuiere; 4. ©cbilbe, bit (5'iiibilciina.eit ; bas fiirngtfpinnfl; 5 bie (fcbrifrlicbe) ^diltening. IMAGINABLE, adj. benfbar, cifeiitltch crftiinlicb. IMAGINARY, adj. cingcbilbct. imagination, *. 1. tic (ginbtlbungfe fvafr, gantafte; b,t^ 5)id)tung§»et= mogen; 2. bie 3bce, (Sinbilbimg; SBotftellung ; ©tfiitnung, virfintiiitg, bcr (gebeime) Jvititftcivirr. imagixative. adj. 1. crnnbcriTcb, finnrciri) ; 2. fantailifcb ; — faculty, bie (StnbtlbungSfroft. To IMAGINE, r. I. a. ficb einbilben, fidj "prftctlen; erftnnen, erbenfen; ILn. n\ibi:en. IMAGINER, s. bcr @tbenfet (bcr ?!<» gtiffe, 3been bilbet). imam. Iman. s. cin tiirfifdicr $riefter. To DIBAXK. nd To Embank. To IMBASTARDIZE v. a. Old To Bi8- TARDIZE. To IMBATHE. r a baben. IMBECILE, adj. fcbiv.icb, niitucbtig, \'.'.U uetmogenb san ^otpetobet @etp , dibecilitv. s. bie 5itii\icbbeit, Urn r-ernuvjenbeit (beS^JotpCrt ctcr ®ei' fie§). To imbed, r. a. cinlegcn, cinjiedttt cinfenfen, einbetten. dibellic, od>. unfttegetifdj (n>. u. . To imbibe, v. a. btnein trinfen, eic^ fangen. IMBIBER, s. bcr, bie, baS Pinunaente. imbibition, *. bos (Sinfaugen. To IMB1TTER, r a. bitter niafbeii ; fig "crbittent; etbittern. imbitterer, s. ber SSrtbittrtet ; baJ 9?erbitternbe. imbodied, part. adj. cinverleibt; r-ers fotpett To IMBODY, d. I. a. ciit'ocrlciben ; ;n eincm ,H5rper oetbicbten, oerforpetn ; ii. n. ficb setbirfen, ficb Deteiniges, gttinnen. To 1MB0IL, r. v. ficben, aufivalfcn; aufbvaitfcn (n. it.) 7»IMB0LDEN, r a fiibn, breift, bc= ber^t macben, anfrifeben. To imborder, v. a. begteiijen. To imbosk. r. a. uerbergen. To LMBOSOM v. a, 1. in ben ©ufen yer= bergen, tin Sjjufen trngen, in bofi .»3eri cinrdiliepcn; 2. onoetttaue n ; 3. urn* geben. To IMBOUND, r. a. ctiifrbliciJeti, ein« fperttn to, a. ■ To IMBOW, 0.0. roolben. To im bower, r. n. mit S^cigcn ali cine Sanbe umgeben, belanben. 1MB' (WMENT, n.bafi @cn>iMbc, i'oc3cn» bacb. To IMBOX. o. a. ciltfdiadtdl!. To IMBRANGLE, o. a. mt >• 'ocritricfeii. To IMBREED, v a. einpfJanjen, cr:en« gen, bervcrbringen. IMBRICATE, I a,/j. 1. libcrcinanbcj imbricated. J liegenbj 2. an$ge* fdireift, ouSgebogett. IMBRICATION, s. bie ?!i:-5bbbluna, 3lu8f^tDeifuiig, bobljicgelattige 33c= becntng. To IMBROWN, r. a. 1. biMttn (brauni ltd)) macben; 2. uetbunfcln, oetbu> ftcrn. IMME IMMO IMl'A lb IMBRUE, v. a. bciicfccu, burcfituif= fen, burdjnieidn'it ; bcfutcltt, bcfle= tfen. '', MBRUTE, r. [ fl. I.UIH 3S«|t ITtO= dicn ; II. n. juni SJiebe berabfinfen. /o IMBUE, r.' o. 1. ciiitaudicn. btir<$= ne(jeu, burdimcidicn, traufctt, fdnvau-- gern ; 2. ./?»•. cinpragen, betbriugen (wiih, nut); imbued with black, fcfttoarjgefarbr ; to be imbued with good principles, flute ©runbfafce ciiu gefogeti baben ; imbued with a notion, fines ©cbanfeus' soil (eingenornincn, erfiiUt, burcbb*ungen bon . . ). :.Mi'i'.\BiLir\. -. bte Snacbabmli&fetr. JUTTABLE adj. uadiabiulidi, uacbal)= mnnge'roertb. To IMITATE, v. a. uadiabiiicn, nadi= niarbeit : to — a picture, eta ©entalfee nacbmalen ; not to be imitated, utiiiad>= abinlid). IMITATION, a. bie OJadtabniuug ; C>p= lue; bad ^iadialimcu, tie 'JiadtbiU bung ; in — of ^ur 'Jiadinbntung. IMITATIVE, adj. 1. iiad)al)ineiib ; 2. nadigcalniii ; itadigebiltct. IMITATOR, a. ber *Uad;abntcr; —ship, bie "Jiadiabnteiei. IMMACULATE {ado — ly), adj. liubc-- fledt, rein, obite 3Rafel : f far, bell ; —ness,* bic Uubtflcrftbeit, Oteiulicit, Uufcbulb. [M.MAI I.ED, adj. gcbaruifd)f, be pa it. §crr, bcroajiVnct. IMMALLEABLE, «,//. nid)f bammcrbar. To IMMANACLE, d.o. til Jcffelu legeu, fcffclu. LMMANE (ado. — ly), adj. tiugcbcucv (grofj) (to. ii.) ; grajj, graufa'm, mi= nicufdilid) ; — ness a. vid. Immanity. IMMANENCY, .-•. us 3uivof)iicu (eincr (Sigenfc&aft). IMMANENT, adj. intuoljnenb, inuerlid). [M.MAMTV, a. tie l*>HaKl tdi fctt, ©vails famfcir, Itumcufdilicbfcit. iMMARCESSIBLE, adj. uinicrti?etflid), uinienocslicf), utiucrgauglicb. IMMARTIAL, adj. iiuf'rieg'crifcf). 'jo IMMASK, v.o. iHUfleiceu, ccrtccfcti, ycrlarr>cu, oerinuinmen. IMMATCHABLE, adj tiit'xrglcidilidi ; — for ... , femes' ©leid;cu ntd)t ha* ben an . . . IMMATERIAL [adv. — i.y), adj. 1. Ult= fbrperlid), ftpffloS, iminatcrieU; 2. uidjtiocfeutlid), uubebciitcut ; — ness, a. vid. Immateriality. DAMATERIALIST, a. ber bie Unforpcr= lirbfeit bcliauptct, Spiritual^*. IMMATERIALITY, s. fie Uutbr^.-Iid); fett, @toffloftgfeit. IMMATERIALIZED, adj. bed StoffeS bcraubt, uufiirperlidi. lMMATERIATE, adj. uiiforfccrlicf), int= niatcricll (tt>. ii.). IMMATURE [adv. —i.y). adj. liiircif, Ull= jcitig; frubjcitig, ju frill); —ness,*. vid. Immaturity. IMMATURITY, a. bie Ititrcifc, Unrcif= beit, Unjeiitgreit j Ariih$citigfcii. IMMEABILTTY, 8. bic lluturdibriitg* lidifat. IMMEASURABLE (ado. — ly), adj. un= ermejjlid), gvengenloe ; unmafjig, fiber alk fSlawn. LMMEASURED, adj. ltugcuuibulicb, grcfj, uitmaf;ig. IMMEi IHANICAL, adj nidit nicdianifdi. IMMEDIACY,', uuniittelbarc -~tcll»cr= tretung. IMMEDIATE (adv. — ly 1 , adj. 1. 1111= mitfelbcr; 2. gegenroartig, augen= bliif ltd), fcfllcid) ; — payment, M. K. 3abluug obne Sluffdjub uub SRef«ect= tage, ^rdffr ; — ness, « bie llnmittcU biufcit; gegenwdrtige &th, ©cgen= wart. IMMEDICABLE adj. unbeifbar. IMMELODIOUS, adj niif;flinflcub, un= mclobifeb. IMMEMORABLE, adj. unbcnftiMirtig, nidit merfrourbtg. IMMEMORIAL (ado. —vd.adj, linbctif= ltd); since times — . Hit uiibcnflid)cn 3citcn. IMMENSE [adv.— vt). adj. uiKrmcf;Iid\ iiubcgreitU. uueittlidi. IMMENSITY, ». bie Unermefitcbfett. [MMENSURABILITY, s. bie Unerme^ barfeit. TMMENSURABLE, adj. Utlfrinefjltcb. IMMENBURATE, a-. n. ciinvantern. immigration, s. tie (Sinwanberung. IMMINENCE ». bie bevorfteliente Wc= fa lit- (XO. it.). IMMINENT,^", (im uaditbeiligcn SOer* paube) be'.HM-ftclu-ub, uabe, bvoheut ; —danger, tvoheute (augeufd'eiulidjc; ©efabr. To IMM1NGLE r. a. vermirdieit. IMMINUTION, a. bit ^erniiiitcviiug, ?lbuab:ue. lMMisamLiTV.s. bic Unyerinifcbi(>.r= frit. IMMISCIBLE, adj. iiuverniifd'bar. immissii in, t. 'i.fg. bie (Sinlaffurtg ; 2. Sinfptifeung. To i.MMtT, v. a. liinciulaffcn, cin= fpriften. IMMITIGABLE, adj barf, uncru:cid)bai\ Tb im.mix. p. n. oermifcbeit. IMMIXABLE adj. uuyerniifd;bar. IMMIM'.I), adj. iinvcniiifebt. immobility, s. bie Unbeaeglicbffir. IMMODERACY, .-• tic Unmafjtgfeit. IMMODERATE (adv. — ly), adj. 1111= mdOig, ubermafiig, iibeitviebcu j — ness, .s\ Bid. IMMODKRATION, IMMODERATION, a. bie Uiinia'fiigfeir, bas Uebermafj. IMMODEST (adv. — ly), adj. llllbcfcbct: ten, uiiyerfd)amf, unteiifd), w\\- Siiditifl, iiuauft.iubig, fdjinufeig, fdiliivfvifl. IMMODESTY, ». bie Uiibefdieitcnbeit, lluocifdidnitbcit, lluanftautigfcit, Unfeufdibeit, Unjiiditigfcit. 7o l.MMi (LATE '•• o DVfem ; aufiU'fevtt. IMMOLATION, s tie Cvfcniug ; "?luf= Pl'fevuug ; baS Dpfer. immi (LATOR, s. ber Opfcmbe. IMMi IMENTOUS, adj. uubctcuteiib, uu= iviebtig. IMMi »RAL(ojfc. — vt\adj. unnirralifd), uufittlidi, fittenlos, ungeftttet. IMMORALTTY, s. bic Unfittlidireit, Sittenloftgffit. LMMORIGEROUS, adj. iitigebcvfam ; rob, grob, unbbflicb; — ness, 5 ot Uiiflehorfanitcit. IMMi jUTA !.(«'/'•.— ly '.< ' uufir.blief); civig, obne (5nbr, enbloS; — eagle- flower, tic Qalfamine; — herb, bit Strobblume. immorality, ■ tie Unftrrblidjfeit. IMMORTALIZATION, «. Unflerb* lirbmadicii, 83ere»igen. To IMMORTALIZE v. ••■ uufterbli4 uiadien, veicivigeu. IMMORTIFICATION, ». ber SRangel an Selbftbejroingiuig. IMMOVABILITY, ». t;c Uubciveglicbs fcif. IMMOVABLE, Immoveable) {wlr. — adj. unbewrglirb, unbetueabar, fefi; Jh r - unbcivegt, unerrdiuttcriidi ; — ness. a. bie Uubctvcglidifiit, Unrv- fAutteilidifeit. IMMOVEABLES, ». /-' [or immoveable estate), /.. T uubcn.'ealid;c ©liter, 3'i" niobilien, ©runbftuefe. IMMUND, adj. unrein, uirauber. LMMUNDlClTV,*.bieUnreiiiigfeit, lirii flatbigfeit. IMMUNITY,* ticAicibrit: ©ffreiling 13011 ilbgaben, u. f. ir. , 2teuerfrei> beit : bafl 'iiprreebt. To IMMURE, r. a. cinni.v.icru, »er* ni.iuern ; ctnfveneu. IMMUSICAL, adj. ii'.ilMrnioi'.inii, iin= niufifalifdi. IMMUTABILITY, --. tie llnrcranbcrj lidifcit, UnuMiitelbarfeit. IMMUTABLE (adv. — ly), adj. Ull'.'er= dnberlid\ uiiabdiiberlicb, uniVMutcl = bar; —circles, Jlai T. tie iiuveratu berlicben jTretfe; —ness, a. b/A Immu- tability. IMMUTATION, a. bic ^tutcrung, Set* Snberung. IMP, a. I. tcr Svrofjling, Slbfommi ling; 2. Heine (untergeorbnere) £eu« fcl, ta:? SCeufeldjcil, ter .U'cbelt; 3. Sp. T. bie aitgefrbiftete After. To imp, v. a 1. i in v fen, ufropfen: 2. nnfc^eit, rinfeijen, am'cbiften <\e tern in cities Aalfen Slugel 11. f. d). : 3. fig. uerlangern, Dergrouerit. IMi'ACAHI.F., adj uncrbtftlidi. To IMPACT, d, a iut'anuneuvacfen ; uu fannnenbrangen ; impact, ». .1/. T. tet 2 toil To IMI'AINT, r.n benialeu.aii'lreierifii. To IMPAIR, b t r ven'riileditcru, Derminbem, frbrr>ad)eii ; beeintrfidj* tigen, fdjaben; abnebmen, verttrbeu IMPAJRER, a badjenige, tout vrrfrblrcfn tert etev 511 ©runbe rid'tet; bcrSSer^ terber. IMPALATABLE adj. unfefnimcf t>aft ; uiiangenelun. Tb IMPALE, aid. To Empalc. To iMi'Al.M. r, /..greiten, faffen 10. ii/. IMPALPABrLITY, s tie Uiifnblbarfeit IMPALPABLE, adj. uiifublb-ir, febi kin, javt ; —powder, bafl alter fein« ftc SJSufoer, LMPANATE,arf; Th. T. im Sprobe eill» verleibt. im ©robe grgenmdrtig, To LMPAN VTE, v. a T . /'. ill i'rr* tinverleiben. LMPANATION, a, Th T. tie Vebre vrni ©enuffe be* CeibeJ (v".i'ti mil uus itnter teni iProbe in .'ibeiitniablc. IMPANNEL, ... 8c v. rid Empanxeu 7b impai; U)ISE /■ a, ta,(eidjfam) in bas sparabies [in ben ^intmel 9tu fcljeu, ciiti,urfeu. imp \i; \s vt. 1. ABU \oij. von ungkid)cu S»lben. LMPAItDONABLE, a , uuvcrjciblidl unerlflglicb. IMPARITY a tie Unglcidibcif, 33et febietcubeit, bas ^lit'iuibaltniii, SO] IMPE r<> IMPARK, v. a. uiu jauncit, ciiijSuncK, einbagcu. 7« IMPARL, ». n. fiber ctwag bcbattiren. emparlance, >. /.. v. baa 3nterlo== cut, ber vorliiuftge ©efcpetb. IMP VRSi >NEE,s. /. 7'. bff roirflid) cttt- gefc^te Vfrfinbner. 7Y. IMPART, v. a. 1. mtttl)CIlCl!, gcbdt, ycrlctbeu ; 2. bcfanut mari)en, crflii* rcn, erBffnen. IMPARTIAL (adv. — ly), arf/\ llttpar* teiifcb, unvarteiltcfc ; gerec^t. IMPARTIALIST, *. bet Uttpartciifd>e (t». ii.). IMPARTIALITY, s. bie Ultpartcilid)* fcit, ©embtigfeit. impartibility, s. 1. bic 9)iittbcilbar= frit; 2. Uutl)ctlbarfeit. IMPARTIBLE, 1. adj. mittbcilbar, ju ucrleibeu (W. ft.) ; 2. uutbeilbar. IMPARTMENT, s. tic iUJittbeiluiig. IMPASSABLE {adv. — ly), adj. Utt= wegfain, unjtiganglid) ; —ways, itu= gangbare, unfabrbate 2i3ege; — ness, s . bie Unwegfantfett. IMPASSIBILITY, \s. bic ?cibCUglo* [MPASSIBLENESS, $ ftflEeit, ltticm= pfiublicbfcit fur ^eibcu. impassible, «(/;. letbenGunfafctg, let* benSfret. To impassion, ? o. a. Icibeufcbafi* To IMPASSIONATE, S It* aiircgcit, beftig beroegeit, ticf rfir)ren. IMPASSIONATE, adj. 1. (jcftiij bdvcgt, »0tterSeibenfd)afrett; 2. gcriibjlips. impassioned, adj. Dolicr ^cttctifd; af= ten. IMPASSIVE, ad;. ;■«/. Impassible. IMPASSIVENESS, s. rid. Impassibility. impastation, 5. t. bie 'Berreigung, btcfe, fctte garietigcbung. To IMPASTE, v. a- T. I. JU ieig fltctett, cine SJkfie formtren, eintetgen; 2. bieSarbcn btif auftragen, iinpaftix-ctt. impasted, adj. 1. bcfd)iniert ; 2. iei* gig, »erbicfr. IMPATIBLE, adj. unbulbbar, inters traijlicf). IMPATIENCE, s 1. bie Ungebulb/ 8ei= benfcbaftlicbfeif, ber Sifer, bic .j3ef= itgfett ; 2. Uitlciblidjfcit. IMPATIENT {ode. — ly), adj. I. Uttge= bulbig; 2. beftig, cifrig, gievig ; — of, iingcbutbig fiber; — ibr, begtertg ttad); —at (to lie), 1. fid) febneit nad); 2. uutrbftlid) iibcr. LMPATRONiZATioN, s. + bic abfolute ,£>errfd)aft, bet »5Uige SBeftfc. 7bIMPATRONIZE,« a.+jum.&crnt ma= cben, in ©cfifc fefcen, iittjpatroni(jt)ren. To impawn, v. a. oetpfciiiben. To IMPEACH, v. a. L. T. (bffcntltd)) anftagen, befdjulbigen. impeachable, adj. anflagenStoerffj, anflagbar, tabelnsroertfr). impeacher, s. i.. t. ber Slultfigcr, .Jtlager, Sknunctanr. IMPEACHMENT, * /.. T. bie (Bffentlt* d>e) Stallage, Sefrbulbigung, ber SBornmrf; bag gerid)tlid)'e fBerfafjjs rett bes sparlameniS gegen etueg fci* nor 9JHtglieber. To IMPEARL, v. a. 1. tote nut SPcrlett jiernt, beperleit ; 2. glcid)fant ju Sp«r* Icn bilben. MPECCABILlTY, s. bie Unfabtgfeif 511 funbigen, Unffinblicbfett, ©iiiiblofigs feit, llufeblbavfeit. fMPECCABLE, adj. unfa&tg Jit ffinbU gen, unffinblid), ffiubiog, unfer)lbb= febtuebenb (upon, fiber) ; beucifftebcnb. LMPENETRABDLITY, s. 1. bie Ultblird): bringlid)feit ; fig. 2. Uncvfoi-fd)lid)= fcit ; 3. Uiiehtpfiitblid;fcit, Uubc= lebrbavfeit. IMPENETRABLE (adv. — ly), adj. 1. iinbiirdjbrittglid) ; fig. 2. unerforfd)= lid), uitergriint'lid); 3. iiid)t ju riitj= vert, unbeiveglid), iiubelebrbar ; — ness, s. vid. Impenetrability. IMPENITENCE (— cy), s. bte Ullbltfj' fertigfeit, ^erftocftbeit. DD?ENITENT (ode. — ly), adj. Vtllbufs= fcrtig, Pcrftocf t ; to die impenitently, tit UnbufSfertigfeit flerben. IMPENITENT, s. ber UubuHfcrtigc. IMPENNOUS, adj. tutgefliigelt. To bipeople, adj. ju ciucr ©entciube »ereinigen obcr bilben. IMPERATIVE (adv. — ly), adj. bcfcl)= Icitb, gebictetifd) ; —mood, Oram. T. (bie befebienbe, nnrcbenbe, crmitb= uciibe Spredjart), ber 3mVcrati». I>D?ERCEPTIBLE (adv. — ly), adj. lttt= mevfiid), itnmcrfbar, nnbemerfbar, liuumbniebmbar, febrfleiltj —ness, s. bic Uttmerfiirbfeit IMPERCEPTIBLES, ltinim()rnc[)111 = bare ©egciiftaubc (tt). ii.). IMPERCTPIENT, adj. llid)t Wal)ruel) = nieitb, !tid)t roabincrjmcu fbnuenD. IMPERFECT (adv. — ly), adj. IUI»l>U= fornmen, maugclbaft ; itnooUflaitbig ; Typ. T. befect ; fig. fdjmacb ; Typ. Ts. bin of the — fount, ber Sefectjetlel (bernacb,jugteienben SSucfefidben) ; — sheets, pi. 1. bie int 3Drucf oetungliicf* ten 53ogeit ; 2. bic fcbletibcu SBogett ; (SBogen jurSomvIettirung etneS S3u= cbe^) ©rgattjungsbogett, Sefcctbo* geit ; — tense Oram. t. bie fauiit «cr= gangene 3ett, bag Smpcrfcctunt. imperfection, s. bic Uuyolifonimeu^ beit ; ber Sftangel ; Typ. t. JUJattgel ber auSgegangeiiett ^lutftabcu, ber defect ; — s, pi. (int ©tKfcbcinbel), ®c- fecte; 1. ^cftct=(irentplarc, 2)cfcct= ^aefcte ; 2. vid. Imperfect-sheets. diperfectness, «. bie Un«oHfom= menbeir, Uitaoilfiaubtgfeit. IMPERFORABLE, adj. \M)t Jit bllfd)= bobveu. IMPERFORATE, IMPERFORATED, adj. nid)tburd)bcH)ri, fct'tt Vod), fcine !Deff= lutitii babenb, iiuburd;li3cbert, uer= ftbloffen. IMPERFi n; atk in, s. bic Unbiirrbbcbrts beit, SBerfcbloffen^eif. IMPERIAL (adv. — ly), adj. 1. Faifcv= lid) ; reicfeSinagtg, 3icid)«.- . . . ; 2. fou= oeratn, foniglto), monarcbifeb ; 3. ftoitlid), bcrrlid) ; — army, 'ba§ fai= ferlid)e cfoeer, bie .kaifeviidicu; — chamber, bag _$flcid)5faniincrgcrid)t ; — city, bic SReicbSflabt; — cro'«-n, bic Jlaiferffone ; .§frrfd)crfronc ; —diet, ber Dieid;5tag ; — dignity, bic Jlaifcv= roiirbe; —lily, bieruilbe Silte; — pa- lace, ber ffttferlicbe 5J5aUajl; — paper, ba-3 jiupcrialpapicr; — section, s. T. IMPE ber jtaiferfrbnitt ; — tea, rcr jlaifer* tbee, ^ugeltbee. imperialist s. ber Jtaifcvl id)C ; fat* ferlid) ©ejtnnte ; the — s, pi bic ilau fcrlirbcit (bfterrcirbifi-bctt Xruppeii). imperiality, s. bie faifcilid)e .§ctr» fcbcrgctvalt. To IMPERIL, v. a. gcfabrbcit, in ®e. fabr bringen. imperious, (adv. — ly), adj. berrfd)» fiicbtig, bcfcblgbabevi|\h, bevrifd), ge> bictevtfd), flolj ; tinaniitfd) ; uberroK' genb, mad) tig; an — mind, etn fiber* legeucr @etit; — ness, s. bie Obcr> berrfebaft, ,£cnfd)ud)t, bag tjevvifebe, gebieterifebe, ftolje 2Befen. imperishable, adj. uuwerganglid). impermanence. s. bic Unbepanbtg> fcit, SBanbclbarfeit. impermeability, «. bie Unbind)* briuglid)Eeit. IMPERMEABLE, adj. linbuvd)bvillijlicb — leather, ivaffcvbid)tcg ^cbcr. IMPERSONAL (adv. — ly), adj. llllpcr* f bill id) ; an — verb. Oram. T. eitl lUt- pcrfbnltcbeg 3 etriut>rI - IMPEIiSONALITY, s. bic UllpCffbttlicb^ feit. To impersonate, v. a.. i>erfpniftcircn. IMPERSONATION, 5. bie ^crfonifica* tion. imperspicuity, .5. ber SJietngel an Jllarbeit, bic Unbeutlirbfcit. IMPERSPICUOUS, adj. llllbeutiid), 11)1* flar. IMPERSUASIBLE, adj. iiidit 511 bevebot. fteifftuiiiq. IMPERTINENCE (— cy), s. 1. bag U»HM> gelibrigc, bic Unfiiglirbfeit ; 2. .Ulci* nigfett; Ungereimtbeit; 3. Ungebiibr* lidjfeit, UubcfiTcibcnbcit, Unocr* fd)amtbeit, Ungcfd)lijtc)i[)cif, 3n* briuglicbfeit. IMPERTINENT (adv. — ly), adj. 1. uid)t jur (uorltegenben] Sadje qebb= rig, unfiigltd), unnbtbig. uiiiiiirbtig; 2. mtgeretmt, abgefrbtnaeft, tbbvtcbt; 3. ungebubrlid), unbefrbeiben, nn»er< febantt, uitmauicrlidi. iuujcfd)liffc}i, iubrtiiglid), grpb, nadjlaffij, unbc= fcnilten ; impertinent to ..., tit fciltCt SBejtebung ntit .... impertinent, s. ber Unocvfcbanttc, 3ubringlid)e, unberufeu fid) ©mittens gettbe. impertransibdlity, s. bic Unbtird)* bringlicbfett. diperturbable, adj. unfHu'bar, uu= vcvivirvbar, unerfebutterltd), gletd>* iniitbia,. IMPERTURBATION, s. bic 3ltt(;e, ber <5!leid)inutb. IMPERVIOUS (adv. — ly), adj. 1. \m- luegfam ; 2. lutbiircbbriuglici) ; — tc the air, bem Sttrcbjug ber I'uft »er*= fd)[pffcn ; — to the view, tiubitrcbfcb* bar, unerfid)tlid); — vapours, birbtt JDfinfle; —ness, «. 1. bic Unn'Ciji/'.int* feit; 2. Unburd)brittrt,lid)fcit. IMPETIGINOUS, adj. 'raubig, grtnbtg, fdjerftg. IMI'ETRABLF. adj. (burd) bitten) JU ertaitgeit. To IMPETRATE, r. a. erfaitgcn, crbittcit IMPETRATE, adj. burd) ©t'tfen crlangt. impetration, *. 1. bie 9Infud)ung (Srlangung, bag Ctrbittcit ; 2. bit (cbemalg) norlaitftge ©rlnngttng eiuci fBntglicben ^Jfriiitbe burd) ben rbmi* febeit .g»pf. tMPETRATIVE, adj. burd) 23tttcn cr* langeub. impetratory, adj. burd) IMttcn cr- langenb. impetuosity, s. ber (bag) Ungcftuni bie ,6cftiqfcit, SQButt). IMPETUOUS (ado. — ly), adj. I>cfttg IMPO IMPO IMPll angcftiht ; mit .g>cfftjjfett ; — ness, s. vid Impetuosity. impetus, s. ber beftige Xtieo, ©rang, \>a$ ilcfticbtit. MPiCTURED, atf/.kmdr, Rental t, ao« gcbrurfr. [MPXEECEABLB, «cit, uiiburrbbriiiglicb. IMPIETY, s. bie 3mligiofitat, 0ott= lofigfeit, SRurbiofigfeif. 7b impinge, v. v. anflofett flegen . . . IMPIOUS («(/w. — ly), adj. irrfligii?3, gottfpe, rucbloS ; — ness, ». bie @ott- lofigfeit. IMPLACABILITY, s. vid. Impl.w:abi.e- NESS. IMPLACABLE {adv. — ly), /»//' 'UU>cr= fbbnlirb, unoetfBbnbar, ltncrbittlidi ; «id)t ju befa'nftigen; linbarmberjig, fiavt. [MPLACABLENESS, s bit Um>erfB&n= lid)feir, Unerbittlidjfeit. 7b implant, «. o. eiiivffan^en, cin = pftopfen, einfefeen, einimpfen j faen ; fejlfe|jen, einmnrjcln ; to — in the mind, belli Wcifte ciltprogen IMPLANTATION, s. Jig.bdS (filtpfliUD kb, bie (Siitpflanjmtg, (Sinpftopfung, einfefcung. IMPLAUSIBILTTY, «. bie ttmoa1)t» fdicinlidifcit. IMPLAUSIBLE (ado. — ly), orf/. UH* unibrfdicinlid), unfcbcinlirb. To implead, p. a.gericbtltct) oerfblgen, anfiagen. implements, *. »i. was ©ebfttfniffen abbilft, bie SBeibfilfe, •§ulf0'mitte( ; baS ^ubrbor, bie i'Jbbel, ba3@erath, ■£>an6getatb, .Uud>eu^eiath. .Uiidn-n- gefrbirt ; Slcfergcnitb ; i§anbn>etf= jeug, SHJerfjeug. IMPLETION, .9. bie Slnfiillitng, ftiillc. IMPLEX, adj. y c vfl o rl> t i'it, uerroicfelf. 7b IMPLICATE, », o. scnvicfclii, cud hiillcii, mitbegveifeu, imifaffeu. implication,' ». 1. tic SBetwitftluitg, 33erfted)tiing, S'bciltiabnic ; 2. (ftilD fdniKigenbe) golgerung, bet goigta KiK; necessary — , bie notbrcenbigc golgerung. implicative, adj. jttllfcfrrDeigenb fot= getnb ; (ado. — ]>•) ale jtittfc&roefgenbt golgevung, IMPLICIT, mi}. 1. mit cinbegriffen, ficr= gelcitct, fjergejogen, ftillfajroetgeitb ; 2. unbebingf; 3. oerbecrr, bnnfel; oetrootten, oenoicfelt, mflpdifcn (to. 11.); an — compact, ctu ftiDfcbToeU aenbet SBetttag; — desires, ftilleS isebnen, beimltdjee' HBetfangen ; — feith, bcr unbcbiitgte ©Imioe; with — faith, blinbling* ; —obedience, bet unbebingte ©cborfam. IMPLICITLY, adv. burrb .gefleifung, burrb ftiQfdjroeigenbe Solgerung, ftill= febroetgenb, oetbetft; ' unbebingt, biinbttngS. IMPLICITNESS, ». bie (ftillfdJWetgeKbe] golgeruug; bee (blinbe) ©taube. impliedly. «/. bie ciiijicfiibvtcn (obcr @iiifuQr=)2Banren, Smporten ; — trade, ber (fiiifiibrhaiibel, S|3affio= inuibcl; 3. bie SEicbfifiKit, ber iPc= lang: s .^uljen; Sinn, bie 2lbftd;t, Sebeutung, jtrnft. IMPORTABLE, adj. eiufiibvbar. IMPORTANCE, ». bie 28tc&tigMt, £8c= beutung, bad v'lnfebeii. IMPORTANT (ado. — ly), adj. tvidjtig, crbeblid). IMPORTATION, .? bie (5Saarcn=)6'iit= fubv, Smportation. IMPORTER, 8. ber frembc 2B«aren ciit = fiibrt, SQBflareiisQBejieber. IMPORTUNACY, ». bie 33efc$werti$3 feit, 3«briitgHd;feit, bcr (ba^) Un= (lcftiim. IMPORTUNATE (ado. — ly), adj. be= Ififtigenb, befdjvoerlidj falleiib, be= fdiuuuiid), jubvinglid), Kiftig, unge* ftillll, bliligcilb ; —ness, s. vid. IMPOR- TL'NACY. To IMPORTUNE, v.a beubivcrlid) fal = leu, iibcrlaiifen, belafligen. LMPORTUNn'Y, 0. bie tBefdnoerlidjs feit, 3ubringlid>feit, Cnftigfeit. importuou.< adj. obne fiafen. LMPOSABLE, adj. anfcilea,bar. To IMPOSE, o. a. 1. anflegcil, flufet= Icjicit, aiifbiivbcn ; beilcgcit; 2. cin= fd>U'fen ; ;i. f.ilfdiltdi berebeii; to — a fine, cine ©elbftrafe auferlegen ; to — laws, ©cfefce geben, ©efefee viH-fdireibcii ; to — taxes, befteuern; to — a task, cine 9Irbeit aufgeben : to — a name upon one, cillClll cillCIl 0J.1 = nteii beilegen ; to — upon (on), bintcr= gebcu, bctnigeii, belugen ; to — upon one's self, ftr& taufebett; imposed upon, geprellt; Typ. Ts. to impose a fbnn, bie (Soiumnen in bie gotm bringen, eiiibeben ; to — in a wrong way, (ben Safe) ocrfrb, ieben ; to — the a bie Soiumnen nnefd)ie@en, uinbre= riien ; to — the columns anew, bie Eolumnen umfd)iefen. IMPOSER, ». ber Jlnferlegenbe. IMPOSING, adj. il'civnnbcrnng, ©Bra furebt, 9ld)tling einflbf;eitb, gebietea rifefj ; ergreifenb, burdjbrtngenfc, gro6« (trtig; 7\ro. T-s. bie ^'priiiiitbilbiicrei, 5!onrt«tbilbung ; — board, bas 9lu«« febiefjbre tt ; — stone, ber Stftliefs ftein, QluSfrfjiegfiein. imposition, .9. I. baS Sluffegen, bie 2Iuflfgiing ; 2. SBftrbe, SHnfiage ; 3. SSelcgung; 4. ©tnfrfjarfung; 5. bei SBetrug, bit Qetriigtrei ; Eftiifrbung; fi. ber groang, Tnuf, bie SpBnitcnJ= nrbeit bcr (Sdn'ilcr; — of laws, bie ©efefcgebung ; it would be an — on your generosity, ?!brc Oh'pfimiitb iviivbc bariuitcr leibetl. LMPOBSIBILITY, ». bii Unm5glid)fHl llntbiinlicbfcit. IMPOSSIBLE ■■■■'■■ — ly), adj. «nm5g> lteb, nntbniiHcb. IMPOST,*. 1. M E ( — on goods), tit Shiffog', '.'ibg.ibe, EJaareiifteuer, bo SmpOP; Mate ol'the imposts, bad '-'lb' gabtnwefen j to pay the — . oerjoUen, iH-rftencrtl ; 2. Ank. T. bet Jtampfei Smpoft. Tb IMPOSTHUMATE, s I ». ftfWoreil, citcm; II. a. mit ©tfcbwnrfU be. baffen. rMPOSTHUMATION, ». boJ bie ^liilngt jum) Scbrofireii. INPOSTHUME, ». ber ^dm\'ivrn, ba« ©ffdjrofir. To IMPOBTHUME, vid. T> Iv.posruu- MATE. IMPOSTOR, ». bcr SBetrfiger. imposture, .-■. bet SBettug, tic Ct- trugerci, Jaufdjung. LMPOSTURED, adj. betrfiglich. IMPOTENCE (— cy), ■ 1 t.ii Unvtrs nibgett, bie Sd)»5dje; 2. tcv " gel an Selbftbevibnuiiiii. bie I'l+nMcbe fecite (to. 6.) ; 3. mannlid)f llnycr= nibijcnbcit, Seugungeunftibiflfett. IMPOTENT (adv. — ia . s ./ I, UHVet* m5genb, obnmarbtig, fd)»ad>; >y- brerblid), trupijclig, Inbm ; 2. uit= magig; 3. jeugunggimfiibig. IMPOTENT. ». bet iftranfe, OHbredv- lidje, ^infallige. To IMPOUND b. a. einfpett en, ctupfet> d>cn ; ciiudilinlcu, liinjingcln. 7b IMPOVERISH, p. a. tttin mad)en mtSfawgen. IMPOVERISHER, .9 bcr ?ln«fauger. IMl'i IVERISHMENT, 1 bie 'iU'iavmung IMPRACTICABLE adj. J. lintbiinlid) unauSfnbtbat, unbtaucfebor; 2. urn biegfam, unlentfam, wibetfpanftig, ftfltrfinnig. rMPRACnCABILTTY, ) a. I. bie Ihi: IMPRACTICABLENESS, S tl'iii:lid l Ftit. Un,iu«fiibiborfcit : 2. Uiibtegfaillfeif, llnlcnfunifcit, 2Biber|panftigffit, bei Starrfinn. To IMPRECATE* b. a. i>cniM"nifcbc:i. vevfludH-it. BffRECATTON, » bit 5Senuuiifrbung JQetflucbung, to- Alnd). IMPRECATi IRY, ad . ftlteil 7s Illrf) [eiitl 93errouiifd)uitg) enthaltenb. 7bIMPREGN, d a anfd)ro5itgcrn, triin-- fen, anffiUen, fattigen. IMPREGNABILITY, .9. bie Uliubtr- nuittlidifeit fcincr Jeflni IMPREGNABLE (ado. — ly), adj. I. niitt ciinnitebnicit, intbejroingbar, nniibcrmiiiblidi ; 2. unetfd^uttetlifb. 7b IMPREGNATE b. a. 1. fdjnjangent ; befnrtbten; 2. trSnfen, nnfuUen tigen, fatutiten ; einfaugrn. IMPREGNATE, adj gefcbivfingetl fdttt'gct; Impregnated with .... fa. cr» fi'tllt oon...; impregnating machine, t tic ScbnjangeriingSmafrbiiic. IMPREGNATION, ». bie briiefen ; 2. aitfbrurfcn, aafptagen, bejeicbncit; 3. jig. (Siubturf nuidn-n ; einprflgen; to — seamen. ?iiin Stea bienft jroingen, gemoltfatn ivcrben. preffen ; impress* i with .... veil, bnrrhtningcii von . . . 203 niPR IMPRESS, .'. 1. tcr (Jintrtuf, 316* brucf, $»rucf; 2. ba« OJicrfnml; 3. ©innbflb, tic Sluffehrift, 5)c»tfe, tcr ©enffptudj, SBabtfuXUd); 4^ — of seamen, bex %XOatlQ junt ^cc= bienfte, tic geroaltfame SOBerbung, pas SJkeffen ; — money, bag «6anb* aclt bet genxtltfam ©erooxbencn, »jjre8gelb. impressibility, ». tic ©inpfaitgiidjs fcit fur Sinbrfiife. IMPRESSIBLE, adj. Ctlltviuf hiv. IMVBESSION, s. I. bag (5'iltbrmfctt ; 2. bet (Stubxucf, ^Utfbxutf ; bofi 3Kerf= mal; 3. fig. tcr (litttnuf, tic (§inn>ir= lung; 7%p. r. 1. bcr SDrucf, "Jlbtruif, 3lb;ug; baS Swnplax ; 2. tie Sluf= tflge (fiitcS SBucbel); to have an — , glauben, nteiucit; I have an — that. &.c. eg frbeint mir, baft, ober ttenn id) tucht irrc, fo, u. f. id. ilPRESSIVE {adv. — ly), adj. 1. Cilt = pfdnglicijj 2. (Sintrucf ntacbciib, eiu= brinaltcb, ttadjbnicfsooU; — ness, s. tie (Siubrucf'ltcbicit. IMPRESSMENT, s. 1. Wfe Impress: 2. gen. ber3t»ang (»on ©eitcu ciucv 9te« aicrung obex ©ebBrbe ; 5. SB. Jttarw teuroartcr in eptbeintfcnen Jtranffects feu; oon 2)iilitar unjiricge; 2Begs Kal)ine you 2ebcttSmittelit, u. f. «.)• [MPRESSURE, s. bag (eingebxitd;te) 3eid)en, 1'kvfmal, tcr Sflbbxu*. IMPREST, or — MONET, s. vid. hi- press-money, utttcr Impress, .<; IMPREVALENCE. s. tic UllfaJjtgfett ba3 Uebergerotcbt 511 beijattpfen. IMPRIMATUR, s. (Lot.) tic T>rucfcr= laitbllijj, htg Imprimatur. imprimis, adj. fiixg crfte, $u»5rbexft, sornehiiilicb". To imprint, v. a. ciubnufctt, abtru= cfcii, aufbrucfeu ; tnufcii ; ciupra= gen. To IMPRISON, v. a. Ctllfcvfcnt, ittg ©C= fangutt? fetjen, ber^aftcn, ciitfd)lic= pen, eiufpexxen. imprisonment, 5. tic (Sittfexfcrung, S3err)aftung, SBexljaftnebmung, tcr SBethaft, tie £aft, ©efangenfc&aft. IMPROBABILITY, s. tie UinvHibrfd)ciu= ltdjfeir. tMPROIUBLE (ado.—vt), adj. Ullroaljrs febetuticb. IMPROBITY, *. bie Uitrcbttcbjeit, ©cblecbtigfett. IMPROFICIENCY, s. tag 3«rucfSlctbcn in tcr SBetvoUfominnung. impromptu, 1. adv. aus bent ©tegxetf; 11. s. tag aug bent Stegxetf@emacb.te; tag Impromptu. IMPROPER [ode. — i.y\ adj. Unetgetlt* lui. ; unrid)tig (V>om 3lu6bvucfe) ; 11 it- fdiidlid) ; utttauglicb, ttupaffcut, uit= geetgnet. iMPROPiTious, adj. ungunflig,fcbltntm. IMPROPORTIONABLE, adj. UUpafilid), unattgemeffen. IMPROPORTIONATE, adj. ltltyerbatt= nijjinajjig ; — to . . , tin H7Jt^ucil>alt- nip ftcbe'nb 511 .. . To IMPROPRIATE, v. a. 1. Mietgnetl (it. ii.) ; 2. L. T. betcbjicti (2i5cltlid)c init Jtirdjcitgiitcrtt). Impropriate, adj ill ten 33cft<} tcr 2i5ettltd;eu iibexgegaugen, fcciilari= firt. IMPROPRIATION, .*. /,. T. I.bic33ctcb= liuitg mit fltrc^engutcxn: ba« .Wir= d)ut[c!)ctt; 2. bcr diufrblic^ciibc U3e= IMPROPRIATOR s. I. T. tcr lit it CU ncm Jttxctengitte 93eler)nte, ireltlirbe SBefifter beffelben ; tcr fid) etiuag 511= etflitct, ©eft^ergreifex. impropriety >-. tic uiieigentlicbe ?lvt y. La. 1. VoUfoilllllCllcr mad)cn, Deroollfominiten, wbeffern, erbob^en ; oexebejK, serfeiuexn, aug= bitten, cittroicfciil, aufflarcu ; ncr= nicbvcit; 2. benuien, fid) &u 2hi^c mad)cu ; isorrbcil jicbcu aug . . ; — this moment, bcilll^C ticfcit ?lll^Ctt= blicf; 11. n. junebmen, fortfcbreitcit (tin Outcn), fiii) vcrbcffcni. IMPROVEMENT, s. 1. tic 33crbcffc= tuttg, 33ev»oflfomtnnung, (Sxbbbung, SBerebeliing, SluSbtlbuna, @utroicfes lung, Sluftldxunj; SBoiienbuna j 2. Suiia&me, tcr gortfitritt, SBae^Ss tbitm, Bmvad)g, @er»inn; 3. jsi e. bag ©tetgen tcr SPreife ; 4. tic S3e« lebruug; bet Uutcrvid)t, tic (5rbau- Itllit, ; improvements, s. pi. bie, aSerbefferungen an Santcrcicu, u.f.w. improver, .s-. 1. tcr SBerbeffetex, 58c= fbvbcrcr; 2. tag Sef5xberuitg8mittel. IMPROVIDENCE, s. tie Uit , .uufidjtt ! ]= fcit, Unbcbacbtfamfctt. IMPROVIDENT (ado. — ly), adj. Uni)Or= ficfjtiij, unbctad)tfani; nut Unbe= bad)t ; — of . . , unbcfiiinmcvt 11111 . . . improvisator, s. tcr ©tegveifbic^* tcr, 3inpt0»tfatov. improvision, s. tic Unoorftc^tigfett, tcr Uubctacbt (W. ii.). imprudence, s. tic ttnffugljeit, ltu= bebarbtfamfcif, Itnyprfiittiijfcit, Un= ad)tfamfcit, ©ovglofigfeit. IMPRUDENT {adv. — ly), adj. lIllHtlrt, tiubcbacbtfam, unsoxftcbhg, itacb= IMPUDENCE, s. tic Uuycrfcbamtbctt, <£d)amlofiijfcit, llnbcfd)citciil)cit. IMPUDENT {adv. — ly), adj. UUl'Cr= fd)amt; inifittlid), unfenfd). dipudent, s. tcr (tie) ©cbainlofe. impudicitv, s. tic Srijamlofiijtcit, U it feu fit be it, Itusiicbtiiifcit. To IMPUGN, v. a. aufcd)tcit, befircitcu, befanipfcit, auarcifcit (init (Sriiuben). impucnation, .? tag Sefh-eiten, 33c= fampfcu, SBibcrfircbcit (t». ii.). IMPUCNER, e. ter Seftrettex, V(nfcct)= tcr. impulse, > s. tcr ?lutricb, Seweg* impulsion, 5 gruub; ©tof, ©rucr, 3mpuls. IMPULSIVE {adv. — ly), adj. trcibcilt, autretbeut; turd; Slutrtefc ; — cause, tcv SBetueggxunb. impunity, b. tic 33efreiung »on tcr ©trafe, Ungeftraftbeit, ©txafloftg* fcit; with — , Utlgefll'rtft. IMPURE {adv. — ly), adj. Ulircitt, 1111= tauter, unfenfd), unjitcotig, fd)iittiii, fiiutbaft (son SjJerfonen) '; fuutlici), uubcilig (i>oit Eingen) ; — liquors, uureiue ©etraiifc ; — ness, *. vid. Im- purity. impurity, .5. 1. tie llnxetnigfeir, Un= lautcvfcit; 2. llufcufd)l}cit; 3. frcm= te Seimifcbung. To impurple, en. puvpuxrotfi farbctt. imputable, adj. jujuxecbnen, }itju= fdireibcn, beiuuueffeu ; — ness,». tie 3urerbuung8fabtgteit. IMPUTATION, s. \. tic 3'ii'cctntnitij, SDeimeffung ; 2. bcr JEabel, S3on»urf. IMPUTATIVE, adj. 1. 5iircd)iietib, bci= incffcnb ; 2. beiuimcffcn ; - ly, adv. turd) 3iirerbttung ctcr SBctmeffung. To IMPUTE, v. a. ^UfcdlllCll, jufcbxcis ben, beiipcffcn, ©ebulb gcbeit. imputer, i> bex 3urcd)iicutc, 43eintef< fente. LMPUTRESCIBLE, adj. lim>crtl)C8licb. IN, prep. &■ adv. in (fiiiicrbalb, biuitcn] auf, an ; bei, nad>, unter, ut ; tarciu, tariu, triuucit; et it, berein, binein ; tabci, taran ; — my chamber, in (auf) meinex ©rube; not — , uidit su.*5au-- fe; — town ( — the city), ill bo! ©tabt; — the country. OUf tent ?att= be; — the guan!s, unter tcr ©arte; lie serves — the navy, cr ticilt ill tct SCiarine; commander — Chief (or chief- command), Dbcranfii()rcr (Gcncrai-cn chef) • S. L. Mitchill, - . . senator -- congress and professor — the universi- ty . . &c, ©. ?. S DJ., ©enntox tin Son* gref) nub -^'rofeffor an (auf) tcr Uni= uerfttat . . 11. f. ro. ; — the commis- eion, beauftxagt, tin Vtmt, bcanttet; — the fact, auf tcr £bat ; — her sleep, roabvenb fie fcbltef; — the fashion, had) bcr 9}{0be; — the day-time, bei £age ; — the night (- time), bei ^Jacbt; — the afternoon. 9tild)lllit= ta&S; — time, lllit bCT 3cit; — the mean time (while), cillfhlH'tten ; — former times, uormalg, OOt 3citC11; — this manner, auf ticfe SQcifc ; — no way, turd)au6 nid)t, auf fcincrlct SBcifc; — the reign of . . , UlltCV tcr StegieXUttg . . , U.f.W. ; — the year . . tilt 3abre ..; — the name of God uin ©otteS rotflen ! 1 believe — a God, id) rtjailbc an ©Ott ; you shall always find a friend — me. bit fotlft ftctg ei' nctt 3'rcunb an mir fiutcit; the devil speaks — her, bcr icufel fin'idit auS iiu - ; it is not — man. C» ftd)t ltid)t ill tcr 33iad)t teg 2JJenfrt)en ; to gaze — wonder, Dor S3exrouitbexung ftarrcit ; — the distance, in (aug ter 3'cntc; hound — duty ( — duty hound 1 , IH'V= Vflirbtef, »on 3?ecbtsaegen; — re- spect to you, aug Slcbtung fiir ©te ; to be — among, mitten tantutcr femi ; while your hand is — , hi ©ie etllllial angefangen baben; to get — , liiuein fonilltcit ; to keep — with one, 3^= maittClt fd)0UClt; there 's nothing — it, col. eg ift iiicbtg (voabrcg) tarati; — all likelihood, allcm ?lnfd)ciite wad) ; the sails are — , JV. T. tic ©t'get fillb feft; M. E-s. to draw-— hlank, tit SBlanco txafftxen ; — due course, (\\v fctilcrScit; five — the hundred, fiinf »om 43untert (5 per cent); to pay twenty shillings — the. pound, VCX soil (jitm'uoUeu etcr ten Dollcn 93etr«g) bejablen ; to buy — , (bei X'luctioncri), juviicf fait fcit, juritcfucbntcit ; it stands me — .., eg ftcbt mir, foftct midj auf . . ; to set — , eiiitictctt (you ten 3abxeSjeiten, SBinb nut SSetter) ; tc put a horse — , eiti SPfexb abvid)tcn , to have five horses — one's car- riage, fiinf SPfei'b« vorgefpaunt ba- ben ; — the press, Ulltcr ter 5l>ri'ffo • — folio and — the pica letter, tit Solio unb mit gieero ©cbxift gebrucftj — print, gctrucft; bind) (gebrucfte) Sciifcbriftett, turd; bffeutticbe ©Ififc" tcr; father — law, ber ©cbrotegeiocu tcr; a doctor — divinity, bcr doctor tcr Sbcologie; an inceptor — arts, eili daubibat bcr fd)bncii Jcitnftc; ly- ing — , tic (gntbtnbung ; a lying — hospital, bie 8ntbinbung«nnjialt ; .i she-fox — cub. a mare — foal, a hitck — pup, ciitetradjtigeSidjfiuit, ©iute, ^iillti in ; — and out bolts, iioljeU, tie turd) unb turd) gcl)rtt ; — act. roil'flicb; tm Segxiff 5 —appearance. IN AM INCA 1NCE pent 2dicinc nacb; — arms, unfer ben SBaffcn ; — BBmuch (in as much), in= fofetn ; — behalf of. U'egeit ; — board, v 7*. biniieiibort^ vid. (inboard) ; (bound) — boards, tit sjiappe gcbnit= ben, brofebirt; — comparison, in Ukrglcid) ; —conclusion, frblicfjlid) ; — contempt, an3 fBeracbtung ; — de- fence, tut SBertbeibtgung; — drink, betnuifen; — earnest, tilt (Srnji, Cr II ft I id) ; — haste, in (ber) (*ile ; to he — hopes, hoffeil ; — good humour, anf (bei) gntcr 8aune femt ; — liquor, betnuifen ; — love, oerltcDt ; to make - love with . . , gencigt ntaehen ju . . ; — my mind, meiiier 3J?einiutg nacb; — obedience, atig ©clu'rfaill ; — pieces, tit ©tiirfett; aii6etnanberge= nommett ; — place, am red) ten Drte ; in @taat3bienjten ; — praise, 511111 8obe; — short fur? (in toenig SBor= icn ; — store, Sorrfitbig ; — tears, meinenb; — that, rocil, b«; — truth, in SHJahrbeit ; — unison, itberanftim." incut ; — waiting, in ©ereitftbaft ; tut Ticilft; — writing, fcbviftlich; — years. (tit; to come — . go — , walk — , 1)111= ein fpininen. binoti: geben; come—, (fonuir) herein. BJABIUTY, s. bie Uufdbigfeit, lln= tiichtigfeit, too Unoerm5gen ; — to pay, Ji. r. bie Sablnngeunfdbtgfett. INABSTINENCE, a. bie Uncntbaltfaiiu feit, Unntapigfeit. INABUSIVELY, ode. obtie SWtp-braUcb. inaccessibility, a. bie lln-ngdng= liehfeit. INACCESSIBLE {adv.— ly), adj. tlttjlU gdnglirb ; — to us, fitr 11116 iinjiigaiig- licb. INAOCDRACY, s. tcv SRangel on ©«= nauigfeit, tie Unge nauigfett ; v J!ad;= Idffigfcit, UnvidUigfcit. INACCURATE (adv. — ly), adj. llid)t genau, nadilafilj (yen Sperfonen) ; unticbtig (von Stngen). inaction, s bie Untbatigfcit. INACTIVE (adv. — i.y), adj. lilltbatig, mfifjig, trdgc, ungiinftig 'fiir bie £hd= tigfeit. INAUTIVITV, g. bie ilntbatigfcif, ltit= anrffiinifeit, Xragbett. INADEQUACY, s. XOlt Inadeqoateness, t/il. riii. INADEQUATE («M». — ly), adj. llliatt= genieffctt; uiijuldnglirb, unooltftans big ; — ideas, nnvoUfohtntene (mans gelbaftc) SBeg^Tlffe ; —ness, $ bie llii- aiigeiiteffenheit; Unjiilanglidifcit, bati 'Uiitwrbaltiiifi. inadequation, ». ber 3JJangeI an genaner Ucbcvcinftiniiiuing. INADMISSIBlLITY,«.bieUnjiildfftgfeii. INADMISSIBLE, adj. 11 11 nil, if eg. INADVERTENCE (—1 r), s. tie Unadit= famfeit, ©orglojtgfett, SRacblaffig: feit, ba3 SQerfeben, ber Srrtbum. rNADVERTENT, adj. imaditfam, forg= (06, nadilaffig; — ly, ado. unacbtfam, mi Itnacbtfamftit. INAFFABILiTY, 9. tie Ungcfmdd)ig= feit, S8erfN, s baS iitigcuvniigcnc SBefeit, bie Uttgc^iuiiigcnhcit. INALIENABLE [adv. — ly), adj. WWKX- dufierlicb, iiiiiibcvtfitgbar ; — ness, a. bie Unm\iufierlid)feit. INALIMENTAL, adj. ntfbt ttabrbaff. INALTERABILITY, s. bie UltDerdllbcr= liebfeit. INALTERABLE, adj. un»erdnbertidj. lNAMissiBLE.arf;'.uni»rIierbflr(n}.ii.); — ness, s. bie Unoerlterbarfett. inamorata, s. bie Okilicbte, 533uf)= linn; bas Siebcbcit. inamorato, 1. ber Serliebte, ©»ilan, SBubfe. INANE, I. adj. leer; tt 9. ber lecre SRaum. To INANIMATE, v.a.vid. To Animate (W. ii.). INANIMATE, ? «,// 1. tinbcfeelt, Icb= I.N ANIMATED, ] l08j 2. M. E. f«bl ftill voni Wlattt, ^anbel . INANITION, s bie 8eere, iKagenteere, Jtraftloftgfett, Sitffraftung. INANITY, g. bie Seere; jig. Gitelfeit, Sticbtigletf. i.NAi'i'ETENCE f— ct), ». bev SKangel an -Jlppetit, tie llnlaft, rer (5M. inapplicability, s. bie Unaiiroenb= bavfeit, Unbraiidibarfcit. inapplicable, adj. unanwenb&or, iinbraiidibar. INaPFUCATION », ber Unfleifi, tie lliiflcfytfamfeit, 9cacblafjtgfeit, Iimi}= bcir. INAiTnsiTE, adj. ltnjeitig, iiiipnffcnb, niu-rflee. INAPPREHENSIBLE, adj. un»crjtanb= lid'. i.NAiTi;i:iii'.Nsi\E, adj. nimd}tf,int, nnanfiiieif fa in, gltidijiiltig. rN APPROPRIATE, adj. iiiibienlidi, nn= tiirbtig, unangemeffen, nidit geeignet. INAPTITUDE, s. tie Untiiduigfeit, Un= tainilidifeit. IN ARABLE,^, nicfit ill pflfigeit, bxad\ To INARCH, ?•. a. '/'. abhuuien, Ciblacti= rcu (ettien 3">«'g anf einen 2t>iniiii pfrepf?n, obne il,ui abuifdineiten). INARTICULATE {adv. — lt), adj. nn= tentlieb au«gefprocbfit, itn»ernef)m= lid); — sounds, iiunlifiilirte (nubeiit= lidu'lbne ; — dpss, s. bie llnteutlid)= feit tcr 'Jui'M'pnute, Uiioernebinliefas feit. INARTICULATION, s. vid. Inarticula- teness, INARTIFICIAL (adv. — ly), adj. ltltjjc= fiiiiftcU, fiinftlos ; tunftmibrtg. INATTENTION, ». bie UiMiifiiierff,ini = feit, Unadjtfainfett, StadjlafftgEctt, ©prgtoftgrett; with — , gleieBgiiftig. INATI'E.NTIVE [adv.— Lt), adj. llthlllf: liicrffani, utmcBtfam, nadiKtffi.i. INAUDIBLE! [adv. — 1.\\ adj. iinherbar. To INAUGURATE, e. a. einweil)en, fcicvlidi einfe(jcn, eiiifiibrcii. INAUGURATE, adj. ciinicu'eibt. feier= lid) eiitgefitf>ri, feierlidi eingefe^t, INAUGURATION, s. bie fviiiwetbnmi, feicrlidK (yiiifiibning, feierlidic @in= fe^nng. lNArn'i'RATORY, adj. einuicibeiit, bie (Jiiirueibung betrrffenb. INAURATJON, », tie iBergoTbang. INAUSTICATE. a,/j. (lleble-j; vprbc= bentenb, omiiiSS. ENAUSPiaOUS adv.— vt),adj 2dilim = mel Dorbebeutetib, pon (miter) b5fee SSorbcbentung, iingiinfitg, iiiniliiof= lid); — ness, ». tie b5ft SSorbebea-: tmi.t, nngunflige ©tgenftbaff, bas SDcipgefcbttf. INBEING, a. baf SBetfetyn, ?lnffebe:i. INBOARD (In board), ado. biniien = borbS; — cargo, bie innere @tip"vevren LNCALCULABLE, adj. unbererbettbar. INI !i IENCE (— ( y), 9. ba« -Sarin iveiteii, tie @rbi^ung. LNCALESCENT, adj. liMim tvcrbinb fid) erbitenb. INCAMERATION, *. J., r. tie Beret- nigiiininiit p,n'ftlid)eiL Jtaiiiincrgn.- tem, tie @ilt)ttbuug. INCANDESCENCE, *. tie SBeijJgitttb. INCANDESCENT, adj. n.'ci|";gliibcnt. INCANTATION, .-■. tie SBriOUberung SSefrbroorung burdj 3ouberaefSnge. INCANTATORY, adj. ^iiibevifdi, nia = »''*■ • , - L ' • To INCANTON, v. a. ctnverlctbcn, (el* ncni (Santon . INCAPABILITY, > ». tie lliiMbiafttt, INCAPABLENESS, 5 [RetbMunfa^tfla feifc llntiuttigfcit, Uiitauglidjfetf. INCAPABLE, adj. 1. linf.ihtg, iintiidi= tig, niitaiiglid) ; pbnma$tia; 2. nidit weil gciuig, ntcbt geraumtg ; 3, reditlid) iiiifabig ; — of generosity, feincr ©roimutq fabia, INCAPACIOUS^ adj. tiutt geraiiinig, cngc ; nnfabig ju brgreifen; —ness, 9. tevi'iangei be« 9laume8, bie @nge. To INCAPACITATE, p. a. nnfabig :\u\- du'ii, frbwddjen. INCAPACITATION,*, tie lh:fabignia= dumg, Scbwdtbnng, INCAPACITY, 9. tie llnfabigfeif, Un- tiiebiigfcit, s i!cr|taiiteJ)"diuMd;c, Jter= IH-iidnuddK. To INCARCERATE, ,•. a. riiifcvFerit. INCARCERATE, adj. eingeterfert. INCARCERATION, « tie i.Miifcrfenuig. To ini'Akn. n. i.e. mil Aleiidi befleii ten. tn gleifrb macbeu ; n * gleifdj anfeben, oerfleifcbeit. INCARNADINE, adj. fleifdifarben. To INCARNATE, r. a. mil gleifd) be< fleitcn; jig. oerinenfcblicben, intav» nireii. INCARNATE, c : j \. 7\1cii"ff> gflVlHT.TX, vcrfleifebt ; eingefleififit ; 2, b,orb;p= feiinub, fletffbfarbeu ; h devil— ,fie cin eingefleiKbtci- teufel, ein tenfli- fdicr. oerrudbtet 3J2enfrb; God — . bee ©Dthnenfrb. INCARNATION.*. I. tic SBefleibitng niit Jfeifdj ; 2. bas^lnfeben befl Jlets frbc^, bie sBerfieifcbuiig ; :i. Tk. T. tie SDJenfcbroerbung. INCARNATIVE, adj. Med. T. flciftS' forbernb, deifeberteugenb: incama- lives, a pi flcifd\icbciite SDciftel. To INCASE, c.a ciiu'ebliefu-ii, bete Jen. 7b INC \>K. p. a. in ein A.iii tbiin. INCASTELLATED, adj. ill ein .Raftcll eingefrbloffen. INCATENATIONjS. bie ^liifcttung. INCAUTIOUS \dx - I i . a f. UllbCs hntfani, niiypvudjlig, forgfoS; —ness 9. tie Uitbcbntfamfctt, Un»Prftcbtio> feit, Sorgloftgfeit. LN'CAVATEI), mrrt, ad;*, aiivgebbbli, umgebogen, efngebogen. ini'w mON, 9. tie MnSbBbfiing. roiNCFAD, v.n. niifvciieii, ciitJiuitcn, entflaniineti (iv. ii.). INCENDIARISM, », tie vRrantftiftniig. SBranblegnng ; iWeulerei. INCENDIARY, I. ». I. bet Vrantftif. ter, Branbleget, SRorbbrennet: 2. Reiner, -.•lnfiviegler, :)i\itelefiibrer, ba§ toot anfreijt j n aa>'. aufrfibrc riu-b, branbjtiftertfcb. ini 'ens!', s ter SBetbraurb. bos' SHaucb* iverf ; — hark, tic SBeibrancbriitbc To INCENSE, v. a, I. rdtieberit, berdu« cbern; 2, ctituinbni , eiilflammen, cntniftcii, crbiitcrn, ciiiirncn, iu SBJlttb briiigen. INCENSEMENT, 8 ter >rn, tie @nt> riiftung, .^itje, fflufb. incension, 9. bie 2litjfinbung, Qnt> jfinbung, 20J TNCI SNCENSIVE, adj. ciitjunbcnb, entffam- mtnt. jncensor,*. bcr 2lnbcfccr, Shtjtifter. INCENSORY, s. baS 9iaud)fatJ. INCENTIVE, Ladj. rrijenb, autrcibcub, Qufmuntcviib, cniuitl)igeub ; It s. ber 9cci$, Stntrief), bie SlttttflURg, (Srnuin= fcrung. INCEPTION, s. bcr 2Iufang. INCEPTIVE, adj. belt 3Utfart(J bejeidj* iieiib, niifaitgrnb ; — magnitudes, Mat. T. @r5$en. an fid) jn?ar ohuc 2luS= bchiuunj, after fabjg 2lu$bcbuuiig ju 6en>irfen. INCEPTOR, s ber Stufattaer, ?efjrling. INCERATION, s. ia.6 Ueberjiefcen nut 2Ba cbs. INCERTAIN (adv. — ly), adj. UltgCTOijj, jtseifelbaft. INCERTITUDE, s. bte UngeTOijj&cit, 3n)cifelbaftigfeit. incessancy, s. bte Unablafslirbjcir. INCESSANT (adv. — ly). adj. llltauf= bprlicb, immerforf, befranbtg, unab= laffig, ol)ite Unferlaf). incest, ». bie iUtitfcbanbe. INCESTUOUS (adv. — ly), aiic. incisors, s. pi. ©rbneibejabne. INCISORY, adj. fd)iicibcnb, jcrtbcilcub. incisure, «. ber (Sinfdjnitt, <£cbnitt, bicDeffnung. INCITATION, s. bie Slnreiutng, baS 2liitreiben ; bie (Singebung, ber 3ln* trieb ; SBeiueggrtinb. To incite, v. a. anffegcn, anreijen, ermufbigen, anticiben, aiifpcrnen (—to, jU). INCITEMENT, s. ber 9Intrieb, bie 2In= rcijitng; ber 93eTOeggrini6. INCITER, s. ber (bie,'ba») 2lntrcibenbe, (Srntitnternbe ; bcr 9lnbcfccr. LNCrvTL (adv. — ly), adj. Uttbiiflicb, rob. INCIVILITY, s. bieltii(Hiflid)fftf,^pb= beit ; incivilities, pi. uut)i>fltc^c 9lcu= f3erungen pber .^anblntigeit To INCLASP, v. fl.itnifaffcn, feftbalten. LNCLAVATED, adj. befeftigt, cingc= fc^t, eingeroad)fcu (»ph 3abnen' INCLE, s.'ba« 3^t l, nbanb. inclemency, *. 1. bie Utibarntber= jigfeit, ©freitge, .6arfe, ®raufam= feU ; 2. Unfrcuiiblicbfcit (be* .P)int= mel«), SRaubbett (beS 2Better«). INCLEMENT, adj. 1. tiiibavmbcru'g, bart; 2. unfrcnnblid), raub, ftiir= mifd) (com 2Better). LNCEINABLE, adj. gciicigt ; tilt 23e= griff ; — to . ., gcftiiitnit fiir . . ; to be — to fail, fallen TOPlIcn, tm Se= gviff ju fallen. INCLINATION, s. 1. bte ^Jcigitttg ; 2. natiivlicbe gabigfeit, Slnlagej 3. @emiitl)«ftintmnitg ; 4. Sltfj 5. 3n= ueignng, 9?eigiutg. ?ttft, Siebe (for, JU); 6. T. 9ibiveid)img (ber SRag^ netnabel, nad) Oft Dbw Sffieft) ; 7. baS 2lbrtttttctt, Slbgiefjcn, 2lbflaven ; natural — of the soil, bie ttaturlid)e 5Jcffbaffenbcitbc8 93obcn8. INCLINATORILY, adn abTOeicbdlb. INCLINATORY, adj. fidi nu ctnni« nci= genb; — r*?edie, bie -JJetgungsnobel. To INCLINE, v. I. n. fid) neigeit, ge= neigt fevin ( — to .., jit ehva6) ; this stuff inclines to red, biefcS 3f"g fSUt (fpieit) illS 9tPtbltd)e; the weather inclines to fair, baS SSetter lafit fid) gut an ; the day inclines, bcr Sag lieigt fid); my heart inclines to .., niciit i^erj bdngt an . . ; inclined plane, t bie gcitctgfe Pber abbiingige S'larbe; ii. a. l.neigen, btegen, friiiit= men; 2. fig. ricbten, Icitfen; 3. be= TOcgctt, scrntpgeu (einen juetroaSi. incliner. .?. t. eine fid; (iiacb Siiben) neigeube Sonnettubr. To IN0LIP,». a.einfcblicficit, uutgebeit, unifaffen. To INCLOISTER, r. a. ill Ct'u Jl'loftcr fpcrveu. To INCLOSE, v. a. 1 citt^ltueil, Ctlt' bagen, untgeben, eim'd)ticften ; 2. in fid) balten ober faffeit. incloser, *. ber einbagf, n. f. to. inclosure, s. 1. »ie (Sinfd;lie|luttg ; INCO 2. (Sinlage.bcr 33eifd)fu5 ;ctne§ 3?rie« fes) ; 3. Umfang, ©ejiif, bag einge» tjcigtc ©runbftudf. To 1NCLOUD, I), a. beTOplfeit, UlltllTOl' fen, cinbiillen, vcrbunfelu. To include, v. a. cinfd)licfjcti, umge» ben, eutbaltcu, in fid) begreifen. inclusion, s. bie (Siufcblicfmttg., baS giufcbltefeu, ber (S'iufcblufi, ;jnbc» 8«fF- INCLUSIVE, adj. i. cinfdmcKeitb; I. niit citigefd)lpffcu, litttgcrcdMiet ; M E-s.— of the charges, lllit ©infcblllfi ber Jt often ; to the 4th of July — , bt8 lllit bent uierteu Suit) ; from Wednes day to Saturday — , PPlt "DJittTOOcb bit Sounabeiib cinfd)liefilid); justice i« — of all other virtues, bie Wcvcdjtig- fcit umfayt alle attbere Stugenbeii; — iy, adv. ntit cingefcbloflen, liiit (Sins fcbluft, cinfd)licfilicb. incoagulable, adj. nid)t gcrimibar. INCOG, adv. abbr vid. Incogotto. INCOGITABLE, adj. llltbcilfbav. INCOG1TANCY, s. bie @ebaufeiiIoftg» feit. INCOGITANT (ado. — ly), adj. gebans feuioi?, uniibcrlegt. INCOGITAT1VE, adj. utcbt scrmogetib ju beufen. INCOGNITO. 1. adv. uncrfaiitit, unter frembein yjanieu unb Stattb, incog= nito ; II s. baS 3ttcpgnitp, bieUner= fantitbeit, baS 2liinebhteueiueSfrent= ben 91ainen«. INCOHERENCE (— cy), .'. ber Mangel an 3nfaiitmenbaug, bie Unbiiubig= feit, (gcbliiBiiubrigfeit. INCOHERENT (adv.— ly), adj 1. tinut= famnietibangenb ; locfer; 2. unbiin- big ; fcblutjtmbrig, fptgeiiMbtig, in- CPtifeciiient ; uua'ugeiiteffeit. INCOLUMNITY, s. bie Sicbcvbeit, Un= serfebrtbeit, ber SBoblftanb. incombustibility, *. bie Uu»fr« brenulirbfeit, Uipjerbrenubatfcil. INCOMBUSTIBLE, adj. ItUOClbreiUllid), unoerbrcilllbar; — ness, s. vid. In- combustibility. income, s. baS (Siiifpminctt, bie (Sin> fiinfte ; to live of (on «r by) the — oi one's estates. »ou ben (Siufiinften fei=> ner ©iiter ober von feinen ©litem le= ben; — duty, bte 33erin6geit§fteuer. incoming, 8. bie (Siufiiu'fte, (Sinnabs itte. INCOMMENSURABILITY. s.Mat. T. bie Itnmogltcbfeit jwei Singe nad) ei= ucnt britteit }it nteffen, bie Ungleicb» mcitiigfeit. INCOMMENSURABLE (adv. — ly), \ INCOMMENSURATE, S adj niit eincrlei "JJJaB ttid)t ^it uer- gleicbcn, uid;t auSutnicffcti, unglei4»= mcfibar. incommiscible, adj. uiivcrmifchbar. INCOMMIXTURE, 8. bie lluiuuniifd)t= !)eit, Unyerntettgtbeit. To incommode, v. a. Unbeguemlifb' feit revurfaebcu, belitftigeu, befcbroef= lid) fallen. INCOM^IODIOUS (adv. — ly), adj. "I* beguem, bcfd)rocr(id), Iaftia ; uuge= macbiicb; — ness, ». bie Itiibenuein* liebfett, ikfrbTOcrlicbfftt, ?aftigfeit. INCO.\LMODITY (TO. ii.) s. vid. Incom- MODIOUSNESS. INCOMMUNICAB1LITY, 0, bie llltmtt. tfceilbarfeit. INCOMMUNICABLE (adv. — r.v), adj. unmittbeilbar; — ness, < vid. Incom- MUNICABILITY. g INCOMMUN1CATED, adj. llicbt llittge> tbeilt. INCOMMUNICATING, pari. adj. obrK ©emeinfebaft (iiid)t tm ifierfcbr? intt .. INCO INCO INCO INCOMMUTABILITV, a. bic Un»cran= bevtict>fctt. INCOMMUTABLE (ado.— ly), adj. un= ocraiiberlid) ; — ness, s. rid. Incommo- TABIL1TY. INCOMPACT [Incompacted), adj. nidit gebocig oerbunbeu, nicbt fcft, nidjt birfjr, ungufammen^angcnb. INCOMPARABLE («/». — ly), adj un= ocrglcicblicb, oortrefflid) ; obnc SBers glcid); — ly ereaier. imglcid) grojier ; —ness,*. btc Uuoergletctylicbreif, [NCOMPARED, «-//. unucrgleicbbar. [NCOMPASSIONATE {ado. — lt), « fcit ; 2. SUeigerung. INCOMPLIANT, adj. unwillfa|rig, un= gefiillig, linbicgfant. [NCOMPOSED, adj unorbcittlidj, »er= rocrrcn, jcrftort. [N< :( >MPl ISITE, adj. nirf)t }itfammcngc= fcfcf, einfad). INCOMPREtaENSIBDlITY,*. bieUnbf= grciflicbfeit. INCOMPREHENSIBLE (W c . — ly), adj. itnbegreiflid); —ness, ». rii INCOM- PREHENSIBILITY. INCOMPREHENSION,*, bcr Mangel an gaffunggfrafr. INCOMPREHENSIVE, adj nicbt ailSgc-- bebnt, itidir nmfaffenb. INCOMPRESSIBILITY, s. bie Uttffibtgs fcit, sufammeiigcbriicft obet etuge» engt 511 rocrben, bie Unprejjbarfeit'. INCOMPRESSIBLE, adj. \vaS fid) nidU jufammenbr«(fen,nc4)tetiKnflenlapt ( unpretjoar. INCONCEALABLE, adj. nn»erbcblbar. INCONCEIVABLE (ado. — lt), nd/. :ilt = begrciflid) ; —ness, ». bic Uitbeareif; licffcit. B ' INCONCEPTIBLE, adj. unbcgrcifiicb (». St.). [NcpNCiNNiTY. .,. bag SLTZigoer^firts nifi. bic Unfcbicfltcbfcit. Hii»a|iiid>feif. [NOONCLUDENT, adj frblnf;iccr, obne ©cfclupfolge, nicbt fd;lteficiib (xo. 11.). INCONcludinc, adj. nicbt 6e»e{fc»b, gniublo8. INCONCLUSIVE (ado. —ly), adj. nicbt biinttg, nicbt iiber;engcnb ; —ness. ». bcr SlHaiigel an SBiinbtgfeir. inconcoot, I adj. unwbauf, mt= INCONCOGTEO. J Veif. LNCONCOCl'ION, s. bcr 9J? nn SBerbauuugj tag Unreife, bic Unreif* bcit. lnconcijrrinc:, adj. nidit |ufammen< trcffciif, nid)t ftbemnfiimmenb. INCONCUSSIBLE, adj. uncvfcbiittcvlid, INCONDENSABLE, adf. llicjjt Jll SCV-- bt'cfcit, nicbt gcriuitbsr. tNCO.NFOUMITV, s. 1. bic Un&Uify beit, ?lbnjcicbnng ; 2. SBeigeratg bcr lictrfdicntciijccligion bci^itrctcu IM 1 INFUSED, adj. iud;t vchdihicu, flat. INCONFUSION, 5. bic Scutlicbftit, ,«Uubcit. INCONGBUENCE, ) ». 1. bic Unfiiglicb= INCONGRUITY, $ ttit, Unfcfcirf \ity fcit. Uiigcicimtbcit; 2. ber 3)2aitad an llebereinftinunung, tic 3Berfcbie= bcubcit. DJC0N6RUENT, \adj. \UU LNCONGRUOUS (adv. — ly). \ fiiglid), mifcbicflid); unoertraglicb, tncoufe= qutnf; nicbt ncbcn ciuanbcv beftc= bcnb. INO i.nxki -no\, ,. bcr OJJangcl an ?)ii= fammenbang. LNCONSCIONABLE, rid. UMCOMSCidN- LNcoNSEauENCE, s. bic 3nconf> gnenj; golaewibtiafeif, Ungeteiint» bcit. rNOONSEQUENT, adj. inconff que \\t j foIgeroiDrig, niberftnnig, nnglcidi. INCONSEQUENTIAL, adj. 1. obnc £d)lniifolgc ; 2. obnc yolgcu; 1111= crbcblid). INCONSIDERABLE (adv. —Lw). f ,dj.WU bctrarinlid), nnbctcntcnb. unw)id)tig, aering ; — ness ». bic llnbcti\irf)tlic$= fcit, Uiinjicbtigfeit. LNCONSIDERACY, ?. vid. I.nconsidk- RATENKSS. INCONSIDERATE (ado. —it), adj. mtbc= bacbtfam, forging, gebanfcnlog, 1111= iibcrlcgt, nnbcfoiincn ; rurffid;tg|pg, gleicbguftig, obnc Vld)tung (—of.., gegen..). INCONSIDERATENESS, ) s. bic !tnbc= INCONSIDERATION, j bacbtfam= fcit; ©orglnftgfeit, (Mcbanfcnloiu^ fcit, Uiuidjtfanifcit, llnbefoiinculuit. INCONSISTENCE (— r.\->. , I. bcr ILVnu i]cl an Uebereinftimmung, bic 83es IranbloftgEeit, Unoeretnbarfeit ; bcr aisicciau-iid); bic Utifcbicflid)fcir. llnjcrcimtbcit; 2. bcr Unbfftanb, bie Uubeftanbigreit, SBtrfinberlicbfett INCONSISTENT fade. — i.y), bcftanb= log, nitocrtrnglicb, unuereinbar, nicbt ubereinftimmenb, miberfprecbenb im (aufbebcnbc:!) SBibcrfmicbc, njtbfr= ftnnjg, nngereimt, abfurb; —with, geaen ; to be — with one's self, fidi fclbft loibcrfyrccbcn. INCONSOLABLE (adv. — ly), adj. 1111= trbftlicb. INCONSONANCE (— cy), 9. 1. bcr SDli§s flaiig, bie Diffonanj ; 2. llnetntafcil (ber 2Bibcrf|)rncb) mit firb fclbft. INCONSONANT, adj. nicbt iibcreiiifiiiu = mcnb, roibcrfprcd)cttb. INCONSPICUOUS, adj. unbcincrfbar, unbemcrflirb, iminerflur, nnnicrflid'. INCONSTANCY, ». I. bic Ultlwitfillbigs feit, Unftatigfeit, SBerfinberltcfjffit, bee fflaiifelmntb; 2. bic ^crfdiicbuibcit, Uiijllcicbbcit. INCONSTANT (adv. — lt), adj. unbc= ftanbig, iinft,'it. ucranberltc^, wanbrl* biir, ivuiitfclnuiibh}. INCONSUMABLE, adj iinucrbiMiirbbar, tiii'.'Ci'U'brbar. INCONSUMMATE, n i. unooOenbet ; — ness, s. bcr unoolleitbete 3nftanb. INCONTESTABLE, adj. Vlinvibcrfprcdn lid), nnbeftriften; — i v , ado. uitbc= ftreitbar, unfh'eitig. INCONTIGUOUS adj nicbtail cimintcr ftoOeiib, nicbt berfibrenb. abflefon= bcrf. INCONTINENCE f— or), . bic llncnt-- baltianifcit, Uiifcnfcblicir. INCONTINENT (adn. — lt), I. adf. Utt= entbaltfam, nnmfiBig, miffiifdj 11 , bev Uiicntijaltfamc, Unfcnfd;e. ' INCONTRACTEn. adj. Ilid)t }U'"ar.imcH gejogen, mtverfurjt. INCONTROLLABLE (ado. —i.y). adj anffirbtslol, jwanglofl ; obne 3lnr» ficbt nub obnc ^uv.iu. INCONTROVERTIBLE (ado.— ly), adj. unbefrreiibar. INCONVENIENCE [— ct). s bic llnbc= qncmlid)fcit, llnbcbaglicbftir, lln,ic= legenbeit, Saffigfcit, iiefcbnjfrlitjjfftt, UiMiiiicbniliditcit, £cbu>ierigfeit, tei Sllacbtbeil. 7b INCONVENIENCB, 0. a. bilaftigcn, befcbircrlicb fallen, in ^cilcicnbcit fefcen obet briiigen ; beeiiitradjtigen. INCONVENIENT ado. — lt). adj uiibc= quem, unbebaglicb, ungelegen, 1111= V.ifiiid;; lajiig, befd)>uerlid) ; iiiirb* tbeilig. im ONVERSABLE, adj. uiiiiinganglid), ungefellig. INCONVERSANT, adj. nidit ycrlraut ; nicbt beroanbert in etwag . im ONVERTIBILITY ». bie Uifxnvaiu belbarfeif, Unoeranberlicbfeit. INC iNVERTiBLE adj. unotrwanbel- biir, unoeraiiberlid) ; unbefebrbar. LNCONVINCLBLE adj. imuber jeugbar ; — ly, adn. obnc ber Ueberjeugung SRaum in geben. INO IRP( IB \l.. vid. rucoRPORBAL. INOORPORALITY s bie Uiifcipcr= lutfat, Stofflofigfett. To INCORPORATE, ,-. 1 ,•. I. cinfijr: Vfvn, jn einem.Jtorver ocre inigett ; 2 ; cine fbivctlidic gorm oeben; 3, etnverleiben, oereinigen, aufnebmen; 11. n ticb ciiiycrlcibcn, [jn einem Slvt* per) oeretnt^eit. fidi Dermifeben, fidj oerbinien, in fid) aufnebmen. INCORPORATE, adj l.eiiwrletbf, vcr-- mengt; oerbuubet, oereinigt ; 2. un» foipcrlicb, iinmateriell [w. ii.); — body, bte ©emeiiie, (Corporation ; - (or incnrDnrated) trades, bie (Corpora'' tioiicn btlbeubeii ©enjerbe. INCORPORATION, ». I. bit ginoerleU bung, SSereinignug iPilbinig, (frrirb= tu;;g ciuci Jt:n>cnVb,irr , bie @or|)0» ration; 2, cs. 7" s 45r rmeitgnng trocfuei unb fffifftget Subjtaiijeu 511 ciuet UJcaffe. incorporeal v , , . dj. unf5r» perlidj, ftorflos, iinmateriell geiflig. INCORPOREITY. « bit Untbi rcil;d' = feit, Btojflofigfeit. INCORRECT (ado. -lt), adj iinridi* tig, feblcrbaft, intorrect; — n bte UnriffrtiflrVit, UugeiMuiafeil lerbaftigfeit j — nf^ y i e . bie fcblcr= b.iftc, incorrecte Sd)rciborl INCORRECTION,s. b>« ^'Nrftrcbcii (II. ft). rNCORRlGIBlLTTY, « bie Unbefferli(ir)» feit, boffnuugglofe i»5Uige) SStr= terbtbeit. INCORRIGIBLE (ado — lt). adj. niibc". ferlidj, ganj boffuuiigglog) uerberbt un»erbefferltd>j - ness, ». aid is. . RISIBILITY. INCORRUPT, ) adj imaerberbt. ti;r= LNCORRUPTEDM oerborben, rein : reblidj, recbtlid), unbeftocbcii, nnbr- fictblicb. INCORRUPTIBILITY, b. bic Un»er> bcrbliebfeit, Uiioenvrglirbrcit; U-.'.ic- ftecblidjfeit; — . r the world, bie emtfjfet'l tor SBrlt; rmure — , tu Funfttgc (etoige) Bortbraer. IN< ORRUPTIBLE (ado — lt), adj UIU oerberblicb, unstrwetlidj ; unbeftedj= lu'b ; — ness, «. aid Incorruptibilitv inoorruption, « bte Unserbcrblicb- fcir, Unoerroeelicbfeif. INCORRUPTIVE, ad*, iinycriorglirb. INC IRRUPTNESS, » I. bic llir.'cr. bevbtbeit, Unvci^oil'dibcit; Unrer. INCU INDE INDS wdflit&fcif ; 2. Sittenretoljetr, Un= befd)0itenf)cif, Uubcftedn-iibcit. To INCRASSATE, v. I. a. DCrbtcfeit ; H. h fid) oerbicfen. INCRASSATE) Iscrassatbd, a<$ Mf* fict't, angcfullf, ooUgeftovft. INCRASSAtion, *-. bad SSerbicfen, tic iBerbidJing. [NCRASSATIVE, adj. oerbicffttb. [NCREASABLE adj bad ocrntcbrt Ober oergrofiert luerben faun. Jo INCREASE, o. I. n. juiicbmcn, wad)- fen, onnjadjfen (son einer 2 dm lb, it. f. W. — to..., bid JU...), frurijtbar fepu, fid) '.H-nnciu'cit; II. a. »cvmefj= veil, ocrgriijierii. INCREASE, s. 1. bad 3uttcbmcit, bcr 3nroad)d, bit - SSermebruug, 93er»iet= faltignng; 2. bee SBadpdtfjum, SKn= roucbd; bad @rjeugntjj, ber(Srtrafl; Ueberfafc ; 3. 3ufa§ ; 4. bte v JJad)= foiltmeilfcbaft; — of the moon, bad 3unclmieu bed JWonbedj — of claims, bie Slnbaufung »on ;)icd)tsaitfpru= du-n ; — of trade, bad 9lufblubcn bed fianbelS; —of a syllable, ber Sufafe finer ©$)lbe. INCREASEFUL, adj. void) nit <\vucfit. [NCREASER, «. bet (bie, bad) ocrmebrt, ber SBcrmebjer, SDeforberer, ©e= gliidcr. BS™^}-* ,n,w » a ff te - INCREDIBILITY, 5. bie Ungiaublid)= feit. INCREDIBLE (ado. —Mr), adj ltltglailb= lid) ; — ness, s. vid. Incredibility. INCREDUL1TV, <> bet Unglaube'. INCREDULOUS [adv. — ly), adj. \\\\- glaubig, fdjroer glaubenb ; — ness,s. bte Unglaubigfei't, .£iartglaiibigfcit. INCREMENT, 8. 1. bad 23ad)fcn, ber JQacbdtfmm, tie 3unabnic ; 2. ber (5itrag ; 3nn>ad)S ; 3. bie Bugabe ; 4. Mat. T. bie (unenblid) Heine.) 3 U = ttabmte (einer Otitic, it. f. to.). INCREPATION, *. bad SSerroeifcn, £a= teltt, bcr SBerwetd, Sabel. INCRESCENT, adj. mitc&menb. To INCRIMINATE v. a. eilied 23crbrc = cbend befcbulbigcn. To INCRUST, r v. a. mit eiiter^itt = To lNCRUSTATE J be ubeqieben, ocrrinbeit, ubcrfiutcrtt; T. iitfruftU reit. Incrustation, s, bie Sefrufiung, 3n= fruftirung, UeberjieljMig (titit eiiter Siiutc), Ueberftnterung, ber llcbcr= To INCUBATE, v. n. briifcit, auf ten (Sicru fifcen. INCUBATION, ». bflgSBrittett; to pro- duce by — , audbriiten. incubus, s. 1. cine Borgeblirbe ftec, obereinoorgeblirbcr 3D5inon, .Kobolb, @eijt ; 2. Med. T. ber 'Jcacbtmabr, Slip, bad "Jllpbruifcn; irid. Nightmare. To INCULCATE, v. a. eillfd)arfetl, cilt= ferSgen, einblauen. inculcation, «. bie (*tiifd)arfitug, (Sinprfigung. INCULPABLE (adv. — ly), adj. nnilraf- lid). labelled: — ness, s. bie Unftraf= lid) feit. INCULT, ar/jMinbcbatif, roiifte. INCULTIVATF.D, adj. unangebaitt. INCULTIVATION, } s. ber Stfangel an inculture, $ a3ebauuiig,sW4tts gel an (Jultiir. incumbency, ». i. bad Slufeinattbers liegen, bte ?age; 2. fig. bad v Jlnflic= gen, bie Obliegenbeit, Srbulbigfeit, U.krpflicbt:tng, ber ©e|tfc einer SPfrunbe. .NCU.Mbknt, L adj. 1. anfliegciib ; 2. fg. obliegenb; it is — on me, ti ill SOS incinc'iiflid't ; H.s. /.. T. ter SPfrutt= beiibcfitjer, ^ffitllblier. To INCUMBER, vid. To Encumber, To INCUR, D.a. ftdj (Strafe ober Xa- bcl) jujieben, auf fut laben, |ut nud= ft'lpcn ; to — one's displeasure, fid) 3** martbed iiiififallcn jit,iebett; to — a penalty, in cine Strafe oerfaUen. INCURABILITy, ». bie llnbeilbarfeit. INCURABLE [ode. — ly), adj. ttiibeiU bar; incurably ignorant, 5>0lt UitliciU barer lliniMffenbeit; — blysick, nicbt JU vetfeil ; — ness, s. vid. Incura- bility. incuriosity, s. ber 2Kangel an SBigs 6egierbe,bie ©leicbgflltigEett, lluad;t= famfcit, ?lad;lafftgfeit. incurious, adj. forglod, unad)tfant, iiad)laffni ; — iy, adv. forgTod u. f. m., nbne genaue Unterfitd&ung, ob;ne 3len= gterbe; —ness, .?. bie Sorgloftgfett, ilnad)tfantfeit, SJlac^Iaffigfeit. incursion, s. bcr ifeinbliitc) P'infall, ©tretfjug, bie Streiferet, SSer»u= ftlttli] ; to make an — upon a country, in ciit 8anb etnfallen. To LNCURVATE, v. a. Eriimiiteti, biejnt, beugen. INCURVATION, s. 1. bad .Uriiniiucit, SSiegen, SBeugen; '2. bte Jiruiiintung, SBiegtmg, SSerbeugung. To incurve, v. a. frtiittmctt, biegeit, bengen. lNCUKViTY,s.bteJ?iiimmung, jtrititu me. INDAGATION, s. bte 9cadifprfd)ttng, Untcvfiirfiuiig, 9lttdfpaf)ung (iv. it.). rNDAGATOR. 5. ber (Sorfdjcr, SJlafy fpiirer, Spacer, Seobacbrer (r». it.). To INDART, r. a. (biuciit) lvevfen, fdjleubent, fd)icf;cu. INDEBTED, adj. fdnilbig ; v>crvflid)iet ; to be — for a thins to ... , fur etwad t'cvpfliditet fei)it, ibm etvoad »erbanfetl ; deeply — , fcl)r in-rfiijul: bet, init Scbulben belaben; —ness, bad in-rfdjulbctfetni ; i>crpflid;tet= fei)lt. INDEBTMENT, s. bad 2?erfd)itlbctrci)ti, bie SBerfdjulbung, 33erpflid)tung fro. u.). INDECENCY, s. bie Itnattftaitbigfcit ; llnfd)iiflid)fcif, Uuftitfaiufeir ; bcr llcbclftattb. INDECENT (ado. — ly). adj. ttitanftatu big, uitjcbubrlid), uttfrbidflid), xutct)v= bar. DJDECIDUOUS, adj. iticijt abfallcnb, bleibenb ; immergriiit, INDECIMABLE, wij. nid;t 5ebcntpf!id)= ti;t, jcbcutffci. indecision, s. bie Uncnffd)(offciif)cii, Unfcblufftgfeit, Unentfdjiebenoeit. INDECISIVE adj. unc!itfd)ei!>eitb, fd)roanfenb ; —ness, ». bie Unfcibig= feit 511 cntfdieibcu. INDECLINABLE [adv. — ly), adj. Oram. t. uid)t abroanbelbar, ttnbeugfam, tubeclinabtl. INDECOROUS (adv. — ly), adj. U!ta,tt= flanbtg, ungebiibrltd), tutgcjiemenb ; — ness, s. tie Unanftanbigfeit. indecorum, 5. bie llitauftaitbigfcit, ber llcbclftattb. INDEED, I. adv. in bcr Zbat, in Sffiafir^ l)eit ; jwar, nurflirl), geroig, aller= bingd, frcilid), fnrroadr, traun ; vu/g. lie is a greater man — , but not a better, &c cr ift jwar ciit grSperer (Vprnch= merer) iTJaiitt, abcr itidit beffer u. f. w. ; II. int. id) bad)te diebcr) garj roarum nid)t gar ! bad rofire frfjiju ! INDEFATICABLE (ndu. — ly), rnlj ltll = ermiibbar, unermiiblid), uiicriitiibct, unDerbrojjen, rajllod; — ness, s. bie Uncrmiiblicbfeit, llni'crbrpffciibeit. INDEFEASIBLE (adv.— ly), adj. Ull»er= briid)lid), uniinbcrruflid) ; uitjcrfibr> bar, itniu'rleljbar, uuyerlcljlict). INDEFECTIBILITY, s. btc 3cl)lcrloftg» feit ; Unoergangltcbfett. INDEFECTIBLE, adj. ftblcrfrct ; VLVtMt* ganglid). CNDEFECTIVE, adj. feblerfrci, OoHIoms men. INDEFENSIBILrnr, 3. bie Unbaltbar= feit. INDEFENSIBLE, adj. ntc^t jii r-crtfjei* bigen, unbaltbar. INDEFENSIVE, adj. frbufcled. INDEFICIENCY, ». ber gute 3 u l tanb ' bie 33onftanbigfeit. 1NDF.1TC1ENT, adj. lllll)Mltgcll)rtfi, fiOlts ftanbtg, DoUfoinmen. INDEFINABLE, adj. uiibcftiiitmbar, ntu erflarbar. INDEFINITE (adv. — ly), adj. ttllbc= ftimmt, itneutfdiiebcn ; unbcfdmiufr, unbegrentt; — pronouns, iiitbeftiiuiH- te Surrointer ; — ness. s. bie llnbc= ftinuutbeit, Uubcfcbranttbeit. INDELIBERATE [adv. — ly), adj. Utl= fiberlegt, unDorfafeltdj. INDELIBILITY, .1. cic Uuau*Ibfd)lid)- fcit, lluaudlofcbbarfeit, Un»«tilg« barfeit. INDELIBLE (ado. — ly), adj. lltiaud= lofd)lid), un»crtilgbar. indelicacy, s. bcr iDiaitgcl an 3>nt» gefi'tt)l, bie Ititjavttjett. INDELICATE (ado. — ly), adj. Ulljaft, uiifeitt, gemein. iNDKMNii'ioATiON, s. bcr 2d)abcncr= fafe, bie 33ergutung, @ntfci)abigung, ©d)abIo8l)altung ; ©irberftelluitg ge» geu SBerluft ober ©trafe. To INDEMNIFY, v. a. C<"rfaS QtbtU, Cr= fefeen, oergfiten, entfebabigen, fdtab= (od batten, gcgen SSerluft ober Strafe fifber ftellen, unverlcljt evbalten. INDEMNITY, 5. bie SidjerfteUung, Straflefigfeit ; Sd)ablodb,aItung ; boml of — , bie Sd)ablo»biirgfd)aff. INDEMONSTRABLE, adj, iittcni'cid= lid); — ness, s. bie llnerivcic-lidifeit. INDENIZATION, s. bad £d)cnfcu bcr Sreibcit, bad 33erUtt)en bed S3iirger= redttcd. To INDENTZE, To Inoenizen, bad Q3iir= gerrecbt crtbeilen, fvciiiiadicn. 71 INDENT, 71. I. a. 1. ciltJabUClt, rtlld= jabucltt, jacfett, audjarfen, audferben ; Typ. T. eimiid'tit, eiiii,'ebeii (fine Sr|riftjeile) ; 2. b«rd) Sontrart bin= bnt, biligett ; to — a servant, filtfU SBebienten bingen ; n. n. /,. r. eon= tral)ircu, fid) »erglcid;en, iibcrtiitfont= men. indent, s. 1. ber (Sinfdjm'tf, bie Sttt* be ; 2. Jim. ber Staatdfrbnlbfd)etn jii (5'nbe bcr antcrifanifd)eu Sfleootution. INDENTATION, \ s. bie (i'illjabllltlt^ ; INDENTMENT, ) bad 2ludgejacfte, bie (jacfigen) @tnfd)nitfe. INDENTURE, s. J.. T. ber doittract, SBertrag, SBergleiej) ; — of apprentice- ship, bcr Cebrcontract, ^'ebitjcitrag. To INDENTURE, v. a. L. T CPlltrabt's rcil ; to — an apprentice, in bie \!ebre gcben ober nebnten. INDEPENDENCE, *. 1. bie llnabbati= gigfeit, 3'tcil)cit; 2. bad cigetic SScr= tnbgcit. LN DEPENDENT (ado. — ly), adj. 1. It 11 = abbangig; 2. ju ben ^nbepcnbeuteu gebbrig ; ■ — on. unabbangig von ; — of, auper, audgenonuuen; abgefeben 0011 ; an — company of soldiers, cilie 3'reicoinpagnie ; to art — ly of others, cigcttntadittg (obnc 3iucffid;t auf 9In= bcrc) banbelit. independents, s. pi. Tuibcpcnbeutcir (cine Scftc). LNDEPRECABLE, adj. lincrbittlico IND1 WDEPREHENSDBLE, adj. nnauSfbtfrbs ltd), unerforfcblicb, nid't ju ergrufc teu. iNDEPRIV \I!EE, adj. unenijt'ebbat. INDESCRIBABLE adj. ntibefd)rciblid). ^DESERT, ». ber 3wangel an sBerbiens ftec, bie Unrourbigfeit. ENDESINENT (aa». — lt), adj. Ulia61ap= lid), nnanfbptlid). indestructibility, ». tic Unjet= ftihbarfeit. INDESTRUCTIBLE, «,//. unjerftotbar, untcrftijrlid). INDETERMINABLE, aa)'. Unbejtilltm* bar, nidjt ju enben. INDETERMINATE (ado. —v*),atlj. Ull= bcftiutint; uiiemfcfcloffeit, unfcbluf= *8J — ness, s. viil. Indeterminatiom. INDETERMINATION, g. bie Ullbe= ftimmtbeit; Unfcbliifiigfeit. IXDEVOTE, ) adj. ntdu evgebcil, ab= [NDEVOTED, $ genetgt. INDEVCOTON, ». bie jtabacbtl»|ta.fett, Unanbacbtigfeit. I:\DEVOUT (**». — ly), adj. cf)iie 21lt = bad)f, unanbadjtig. INDEX, rf- Indices, a 1. r. ber 3ctnet (etner Ubr, ber Sinn an rinemaBegs wetfern. f. ».); 2.ji. r. Setgefiiu get; 3. rip. r ber Starbroeifer, ?liu jetger, ©ettenanjeiger, bad (alp&abe= tt|rbc) Snbaltawjeicbnifc, Stegtfter, ber 3nber, bie Sabefle; i. §anb LOC?*]. ber 3etgefinger; o..j/„ r.ber 3nber algebratfcber @ri>|jeit. INDEXTERITY, s . bie Ungefcbicflicb* feit. INDIA, ». Snbien, Ofiinbten; —china, tnbtf*e8j}orjeliai JResiiiicidKii, Beirbeu, ajjerfmal, emitytom ; 2. bie EDarfleUuitg, @r= narurtfl, ^luSleguiig (j». ii.) ; to give — , verfiittbiiicn. INDICATIVE adj. atijcijienb, anbfUs tCIlb ; — mood, Gram. '/'. ber 3ltbtC«= ' a 7~ ]y - adv - ft "i|ftflenb # binuH-ifciib, |«t Vliijetge, mciflicb, beutlicb. 68 INDI INDICATOR, ». bafl ?ltt}eigeubc ; ./. r. bet aftgefingermugfef, INDICATORY, adj. baitbucilb, 6eWei= r«nb. r„ INDICT, ,-. a . /,. t. (fd;iifHirf;) vcr= rlagett, belangeit. indictable,^, ailflaabar, serffaa* bar, ut belangru. DNDICTER, «, l. T. ber .Ulager, 3lttH5s qcr. INDICTION,*. I. bteanjeige, SSerfun^ btflung, (Sriiennungj 2. Chr m . ber atomci 3infljab.l tcm gi^flua von fiiiifjcbu 3'ibrrn;. i-Mdi'TivE, adj. angejeigf, oert'tinbet, cnianiit. INDICTMENT,*, /.. y. bie '.'litHaae s fi- ber gropen .sum. JMUhs, .<. /( / Stibien; theEast— ,Dfl= tnbieu; the West—, ©efiiiibieit. LNDIFFERENGE — ct ,, 1. bie 0)leid) = tiulii^fett; l. ber .Uain'inii ; bie Ser= uadjlafftaung ; 3. ^arfeiioftareiMln* paiteiiid)feir, ber ©Ieid)mutb. INDDTERENT, adj. 1. glei%ul% ralf|titntg, Ian; unbefiimmerr: 2.un« Varteiifit.^ glcid)miitbtg ; 3. icirlid), mttteliitapig; ttnbebeuteitb, gemeiti; an — beauty, cine Icibliite 5d>bn = beit ; be has but an — character ev ftcbt in feincm fiMibcilidn-n SJufe; on — terms, nidu im beften 3?erneb= men; — iy. adv. I. ohnc llntcrfdiicb ; 2. nnpai-teiifdi; 3, gteidjgfilfig, mit ©letd)gitltig£eit; ^Ieibiicr), iiemiid). INDIGENCE (— ct), s. bic Xtirfiiafeit, -Jlrmnrb, ber iKangel, indigene, s. ber bie Etnge6orne,3it= lanber; baS cinbeimifdje ihtcr/bic cinbeimifetc SPjianje. INDIGENOUS, adj. ciiil;eimifd), cinac= boreit INDIGENT, adj. biirftig, arm ; beburfs ttg. INDIGESTED, adj. i. nnvcrbant ; 2. ntdu geetterr, nictt eiternb; 3, nnge= cvMier, unfbrmlidi, migcftalt; 4. tin= geuiutert; — schemes, nnrctfc .nicbt gefoortg burd>bad)te) spiane. INDIGESTD3LE, adj. Unoerbault'd) ; — ness, ». bic Unoerbaulidjfeit. INDIGESTION.*, ber SKangel an 3?er= bauuug, bie QSerbaiinngefdjroacbe, Un= oerbauliefefeit, ba« UnserbaiUe. h INDIGITATE, t a. mit bem fr-bcr bnrd) bic) ginger jetgen ; beuHicbieis gen, onjetgen, Cllbeuten, bartbnn. BNDIGITATION, s tM geigen mit bent Singer, btc SHnjeige, ©ejetdjnung. INDIGNANT (adv. — lt). adj. UttrotUig, nngcbaltcn, jitrnenb, mil Unroillen. IND1GNA1TON, s. ber UilWtUe. U\n. iNDlGNrry, s . bie Unwurbigfeit, Un= anPanbtgfeit; ©efdjimpfunn, mtan= fianbtge, fd;lcd)te ©ebanbliina. Uiu art. indigo, ». bic 3nbigotoPanje, ber 3n= bi.^P [buVgofera — Z..J; — blue, bat englifdje ©lau. INDiLlGENCE ». bie SWafblaffiglttt Srfigbetf, Aanlbcit. INDILIGENT (a d. — i.y), adj. nad)lafs pg, rrage, faul; of)ite gleijj. INDIM1NISHABLE, adj. tmverminber-- lidi. INDIRECT.^, l. nid)r gerabe, mtrrel* bar; frnmni, febirf; 2. oerftecft, uu* rcblidi ; by — conveyance, auf inbi= rectem aBege; -dealing, bdS mtreb= Itrpe SBerfabren, bic ©efriigerei : — trade, ber inbirecfe <$anbei. ' INDntECTION, s. ber llmfcbroeif, Unt-- roeg, INDIRECTLY, adv. nt'dif gerabe in bnrd) llinme.ic, fdiicf; mil llmatr,' unrebltd). INLIRECTNESS, ». 1. bie niijcrabc, INDI fdjiefc-Jlicbtiiii.i, Scbiefbeir; bet Urn. htiiH-tf ; 2. bit Uincblid)feit. INDISCERNIBLE (.ado.—vt), adj. ilicit UMbnubmbar, nnbemcrfbar, nn^ mciflid) —to, fir ; — :i . •--.,. tie Un« fabi,ifcit bet Untetfd)eibung, Uiintcrh liebfeit. imiis' ERPTlBiLrTY,*.bieUmerfrenu. lidifcit, UnauflWIidpreil, Uiiiinfl6*« barfeit. INDISCERPTIBLE, adj. liiijertrennCcn, nnaiifli. , -.-lid\ unauflSflbar. LNDlSUIPJUNABLE,a4/.unleilffam, UIM jiebbar, unbanbig. INDIS OVERABLE, adj. imcntbccfbar. INDISOOVERY. s. ber scrborgciic ^u= ftanb, bie iBerborgentjeil it. u. . INDISCREE] nnflug.uiu »orftd)fig,unbefonntn / unbtbait>ifani. INDISCRETE, adj. utigerreiint, oenuor- rcn. INDISCRETION, ». bic llnflugbcit, Un5orfidjtigfett / Uiibefonneii^cit,Uit= bebadjtfamfeif, INDISCRIMINATE, adj. 1. nicbt vcr. Idueben, ganjlid), allgemein; 2. fci= lien Uiitcn"dneb marbenb ; — : Pbnc llntcifditcb, obne au«roabI. ^DISCRIMINATING, adj. fe:ncn \\\u terftbieb madjenb; —terms, unbc« ftimmtc '.'Inebnicfe. INDISCRIMINATION, .- ber SWangel an llntetfd>eib«ng, bie ■.\idunnter= febeibung. rNDISCUSSED, wij. uitcrbrtert, nnac: ^DISPENSABILITY, ». vid. Imdispkn SABLENB9S. INDISPENSABLE {adv. — ly).*-- Id^lid), uiutmganglid), notbroenbig; —ness, ». bic Uneiiafilidifcit. UllUiiM ganglitbfeit, SRotbroenbigfeit. INDISPERSED, adj. nidU u'lftrcnt. To indispose r. „. I. untauglicb, m* gcicbicft, unfabig mad)en — for, fur, jit); 2. abgeneigt, abnenbig mad-en (—to, jn, von) ; 3. in Unorbnung briiu gen, jerrutteH, unpaplidj macben; indisposed towards.., Ungfinftig ge= fttmmt gegen. . ; indis -. i>er= burbene Dber gefcbwadjte) Drgane. rNDispi sed, adj. un^aglicb. INDISPOSEDNESS, .-. l. btc abgeneigt. beit, ber SBiberroille ; bie SBerbrie^ liebfeit, ber Umi'tlJe ; 2. bic Unpaid liebfeit. indisposition, ,-. I. bafl Uebelbefin* ben, bie Um>fi§ltcbrfir: 2. Unaufgt= leg tbeit; Slbneigung, abgeneigtbeit. INDISPUTABLE (ado. — lt). adj. nii-- ftreitig, unftrettbat ; augeiifcbeinlicb. gewip; pbnc aBiberftanb, obne Sits berrebe, obne aBiberfprurb; —ness 8. btc Unflreitigfeit, Unbefheitbars feit, ©en>t§f)eCt. IND1SPUTED, adj. iinbefirittcn, tinaiu gefocbten. INDISSOLUBILITY, s, bie Unauflofc liebfeit ; immenvabrenbe Q3erbillb= liebfeit. INDISSOLl BLE ■ h Utiauf* I58bar, unauffpslicb ; <\ui immet btnbenb ; bonds of — love and amity, SBanbe eroiger itniertrennlicbet) Vic be nub Aiemibfd)aft; —ness, s. vie ISI'ISSOLI IIII.ITY. LNDISSi iLVABLE,aaj'.«naufIB«brtbctt, grille, 9tit&e. . . 7> INDITE, 7-. a. & n. 1. btcttrett ; 2. Berfafjen, fd)viftlirt) abfaffen, auf= fdjrcibeit. [NDIVTDABLE, adj. uitttjetlbar, UJl* trennbar. INDIVIDUAL (ado. — ly), I. adj. 1. Ctn= jclit, befoubere, cingelit gciipmmcn ; tnbfoibuell, pcifbnlid) ; 2. ungeir)eilt, nntreimbac unjcrtveuulid) ; it. s. ba8 (jinselwefett, 3nbwibuum ; ever y — • 3ebet insbefonbere. INDIVIDUALITY, s. fcie din^clitbcit, inbtoibuelle (Sjifienj, Subwtbuolittit. To INDIVIDUALIZE, \v. a. JU citieilt .". INDIVIDUATE, S 3nbt»tbtium madjen, a(« ctn 3nbwibuum (einjeltt pber »ereinjelt) barflelkn, uercigen- tbiimlicbcn, oereinjeln, nntevfcbeibcn. individuai'ion, s. fcie SDarjtetfong a\i ein 3nbi»ibuum. INDIVISIBILITY, s. bic Untbcilbarfeit, llit$evtrcnnlid)t"eit. INDIVISIBLE (ado. — ly), adj. lllltbciU bar, itnjcrtrcilltltd) ; — ness, s. vid. In- divisibility. indivisible, n. bcr 3Uom. indocible, r adj. ungeUfcrif}, unge* indocile, j| lehvfant, nnbclcbrbar, bartlcrtiig. INDOCHJTY, 5. bieUngelebrigfcit, lln= bclebrbarfcit, ^artlemtgfeit. To INDOCTRINATE, v. a. lllltcrructfeit, bclebren. indoctrination, ». tie Unterr»ei= fuuii, sBelebruttij. INDOLENCE (— cy), s. bic (Idfftge) ®lcirbgultigfeif, Uncnipfinblicbfeit, Sovglofigfeit, fiibllofe Uiitbdtigfcit, gafftgfeit, Srdghcir. INDOLENT (ado. — ly), adj. 1. litis empftnblid), forgloS, lap, ttdgc; 2. fdjiucvsloS, ubnc ©c&merjen. indomitable, adj. unbejabmbar. r, indorse, v. a. 1. auf bcr Oiiicffeite uberfebrciben ; 2. M. e. inboffircn, (eincu SBcrbfel) uberfcbreibeit, cebi= ten, girircn. INDORSEE, s. M. E. ber 3nbC-ffat. indorsement, s. bic 3iucf febrifr, Slufs febrift, Ucberfcbrifi ; M. E. bat? 3n= fcoffement, @iro. LNDORSER, s. M E. ber 3'='.boffant, ©itont. To 1NDRENCII, v. a. Ctlvailfcit, CV= ffiufen. indubious, adj. unjweifelhaft, jivci= fellos, unoerbadbtig, genjijj. indubitable (adv. — ly), nubcjrrei= fell, obne B^eifcl, }u»crldffig, flar, angcnfcbeinlicb, offenbar; —ness. s. bic llnjnmfelbaftigfcif, 3u»crl(ifftg= fcit, ©eroifjbeit. To INDUCE, ». a. 1. einfnbrcn, auf= fiibrctt, anfUr)ren, berbeifiibven, mit ftct) fiihrcit, mit fid) brtngen ; nacb unb iiad) bennvfen ; 2. »c'raniaffcit,, betvegen, babin brtngen, setletten, ubencben ( — to, jm. inducement, s. bcr 2lnlafj, bic 93cr= anlaffung, be* 33crocgungflgrunb, ba3 SReijmittet. induced, s. bcr 23crlciter, 83eran= laifer, 2luftiftcv. LNDUCIATE, adj. h. T. imitf)llta{ilid) ; —heir, bcr ycvmutt)lid)c (tiadjftcj @rbc. INDUCIBLE, adj. 1. jit fcfjltetJCIt, JU folgcru ; 2. }u beroirfen. To INDUCT, v. a. ciiifubrwt, ciufctjcn. 2111 1NEF induction, s. 1 . bie (Stnfufjnmg, bet ©tntritt; 2. bic ©tnfefeuna (einefi fivd)lid)cu SBiubcntragerS), '.sityefti-- tur ; 3. i^trlettung ciiicr Sd)lu§= fotge an§ ciujclnat SBeifptektt, 3u= buction. inductive, adj. 1. bemegcttb, oerlets tenb (— to, ju)j 2. beroorbringenb, erjeugenb, berotrfenb; bcrlcitcnb; 3. bcrgclcitct, gcfolgcrt; — ly, adv. buvd) .Vicvlcitutig, buvd) Sclgcrung, fdjluiiiiuifjig. inductor, s. bcr (fitifiiljrcnbc, (?iit= fcrjcttbc (in cine SPfriinbe). To indue, v. a. 1. un^tcben, flctbcn, befleiben ; 2. begaben (mit). lnduement, s. bic Scgabutig. To INDULGE, v. I. a. 1. nacfifebcit, nad)|'id>tig feint, nuUfabrcn, julafftn, geftatten, narbbaiigcn, befrtebtgen ; 2. begiinftigen, fcbiiicifbeln, |tt jdrt= ltd) bcbanbcltt; 3. uerlcibcn ; to — one's desires (passions), fcilieil 3Siitt= fdiett (Veibcnfdiaften) nacbbiiiigcn, fllibncn ; he indulged himself with a draught (a glass) of wine, cr geftitttcte fid) (cinntal) cin @la«cr)en (©laS) HBeilt Jit tlinfeit : he indulged himself in shameful drunkenness, cr ergab fid) bem Rafter bcr Xnuifcnl)cit ; she in- dulges her daughters with dogs, liirds, &c, ftccrlanbt ibrcn £6d)tcnt, igun* be, 3S8gel, a. f. W. JU l)altClt; I ne- ver — myself in (with) such liberties, folcbe ^reibcttcn crlaube id) mtr nie; ii. n. (eincm) »tUfabrett, nacbftcbtig fct)ti (gegen fiinen) (to. «.). INDULGENCE v — ("y). s. 1. bic %id)= fict)t, Sdnvacbe, ©eltnbtgfcit, SKilbe, ©cbonung ; 3cirtlidr>feit ; 2. SBerfl«t= tung, ®nnfl, ©egiinfiigung ; 3. Tk. t. (in ber romifcbeit J^ircbc; bcr ilb= la§, Siinbcncrlafj. INDULGENT (adv. — ly), 1. nad)fid)= fid)tig, gelinbe, milbc, giittg; 2. gc= wogen, begunfitgenb, befriebigenb. INDULGEK, s. bcr 9tad)ftd;tigc'(gcgcn fid) fclbft). indult (Induldo), *. bic SBcrgiinfti= giing, bcr ©ttabenbrief, bic ®n bcit. INERTITUDE, vid. Inertness. To INESCATE, v.a. atifobent, antpcfcn. INESCATION, s.tuS ^Inloifcit, bic "Jln= fbbcriing. INESTIMABLE (adv. — ly), adj. un< febdtjbav, iinbcrcdicnbar ; — ly ex- cellent, ubcrau« trefflid). INEVIDENCE, s. bic UngenH|j(;cit, Uu- ftcbcrljcit, Dunfclhcit. INEVIDENT, adj. ntti-enflid), nnflar, biuifcl. inevitability, s. bic llni'crmctb= licbfcit. INEVITABLE (ado. — ly), adj. WKtT* lliciblicb ; —ness, vid. Inevitability, inexact, adj nicbt gcnaii, nad;laf|lg ; —ness, s. bic ?laitldHtgfeit. LNEXCITABLE, adj. tutcrvegbar. INEXCUSABLE (adv. — ly), llidit Ji cntfcbiilbigeit, nnocrjeiblidi, nnocr= antmortlirf) ; —ness, «. bie llnocr* antmiutlicbfcit, Unrcrjeihltrbfcit. inexecution. s. bie 9iid)tyolljic« beng, 9Jid)tet'fiilIiiitg (— of a treatv cine 33ertraga). INF.NHALABLE, adj. utHjerbunftSar INEXHAUSTED, ol)ticn INFE 1NEXISTENT, adj. i. nidit criflirenb, ohnc £>afemi ; 2. inwobnenb. Inexorability, s btc llueitntt fid) = feit. INEXORABLE (adv.— ly), adj. Ultcr* bittltd). ^EXPECTATION, .?. bcr 3uftaitb ba man fciuc (Srtvartuug bcgt. INEXPEDLENCE (— cv). .*. bic Un= fdjirflidjfctf, Uitpa|Hid)feit, Uuauge= meffenheit. INEXPEDIENT, adj. unfd>tcf lid), ltn« paffenb, unangeineffen, uid;t anjc= incffcit, nid)t ratl)fam. INEXPERIENCE, s. bie Uncrfabreiib/Ctt. LVEXPERIENCED, adj. unerfa&ren. INEXPERT, adj. uitcrfa brctt , litigeubf. INEXPIABLE (adv. — ly). adj. Ullfiibtl; bar, utiabbufilid), uuauafobulid;, uu= oerfbbiiltd?. ^EXPLAINABLE, adj. vid. Inexpli- cable. INEXPLICABLE {adv. — ly). adj. illicit Hilt-bar, uuertlarhd). INEXPLt IRABLE, adj. unerforfrblid). INEXPRESSIBLE {adv. — ly), adj. UK* bcfdtrciblirb. unausfvrerblicb. INEXPRESSIVE adj. (lUSbructfoS. INEXPUGNABLE, adj. uniibenvinblirb, itubejroingbar, nnbc^roinglicb, micr= ftiirmbar, uucroberlidi, uiicittiiehm= bar ('.nut cincr gefiung). iNEXsuPERABiJ3,a^.uuu6erfleian4 unubenotnblid). LNEXTERMINABLE, adj. nnofttitgbar. INEXTINCT, adj. unaiisa.elbfd)f. INEXTINGUISHABLE, adj. uuauoliMcf)* bar, utiauiSUifdilidi. DJEXTLRPABLE adj. unsertilgbar. INEXTRICABLE (ado. — vt), adj. uers wormi, uucntroicfelbar, ttnaufI5s= lirb ; — ness, .*. bic ikranuTcuhcit, UitaufIo-Mid)feit. To INEYE, ». a. inOCUlitftt. INFALLIBILITY, ,-. bic Uitfeblbavfuf, Utttruglidifeit. INFALLIBLE [ode. — ly), abj. iiufeh(= bar, untruglicb; geiuip ; *— nc.-s, '«. w .'■/. Infallibility. INFAMOUS, adj. cbrloS; fduublid), bc= rurfctigt, vcrrufeu (— for, n»gen); — ly. adv. aiif ebriofe, ». f. to. iffietfe ; abfd)cultd) ; —ness, s. vid Infamy. infamy, .9 bie @&rtofigfett; bet iiblc 3tof, bie Scbaublid)feit, @d)impf unb Sdjanbe. infancy, i. 1. bie .fcuibbet't; 2. ber jHnfang ; 3. /,. y. bie Uumuubigfeit, aJiinberjabrigfeir. infant, i. s. i. baSJtinb; 2. /,. r. bcr (bie) Ititntiiubigc; 3. ber ^ufant (foniglic&er IjJrinj in Spanien mib SPortttgaUj n. adj. jugenblid), juiig, unreif ; — schools, jtfcinfinberfcfyulen. INFANTA, s. tic 3nfaittitut. infanticide, ». l. ber Jtiubermorb ; 2. Jiiu&enuiJrter. INFANTILE adj. finMtd). fiubifrf), \\u genblidj; —state, tic .Riitbbeit. INFANTINE, adj. fillbifd), filtblid), lung, jart. INFANTLIKE, adj. filtblid), finbifd). INFANTLY, adj. finMid), finbifcfcj an — voice, cine Stiinine mie ein jcinb. infantry, s. pi. bie 3ufanterie, bafl Sujjuolf. INFARCTION, a bic 2>crflopfuita tint Uuterleibe). To INFATUATE, v. a. 6etf}5ren« »cr= blcttbcu ; bcS SBerjianbcS bcraubcu. INFATUATE, adj. bctbbrt. INFATUATION, s . bic ©Ct&oruna, baS SBetbBren. J INFEASIBILITY, t. »id Infeasablbnkss. NFEASIBLE adj. Unt&UnUeb ; —ness, «. bte Untljunliebjcit. INFI To INFECT, d. a. atiitccfen, r-crgiftcn, inftcircii, befteefcu. ciitivcthen. infection, 5. 1. bic Stnfterfung; 2. anftctfenbe .rtraufbeit; baS (au= ftcifciRCJ ®ift; to catch the — , an= geftcrff roerccn. INFECTIOUS, (ado. — ly), mlj. atu"lcf= fenb ; — ness, e. bai anfierfenbe (Mift, bic OJiitthcilbarfcit burd) ^Inftcduitg. INFECTIVE adj. eid. Iskbctious. INFECUND, adj. uiifrtidubar. INFECUND1TY, ». bie Unfritrbtbarfcit. INFELICITOUS, adj. nttgltitflidi. INFELICITY, *. baUingliicf, bte Un= gliicffcligfcit. Tv INFE IFF, S-&, Bid. To Enfeoff. t,j infer, j'. a. 1. in fid) fri)!icf;cit, utit \id) bringen, bemirfen iuc ii.); 2. fd)ltcf)cit, folgcnt, bcrlcitcn (— from, au«). INFERABLE, adj.Kaifify folflem lafif, }u folgcrn. INFERENCE, s. tie ftolgcrimg, bcr Sdjfufj; to — an — , cine golgerung mctcben. INFERIOR, I. adj. uitlcr, nicbtigcr, gc= ringer, unfergcorbnet; — to another, tintcr ctiicm iflnbern, geringer als cr ; lie is — to none, cr gicbt Jiicntautcnt etumS (ficbt jfeinem) itad) : he is my — , cr ift niir uittcrgctnbuct, cr ftcbt ntir l'.ad); of an — note, uit bctiadi t= lid); an — Judge, ciil Unterriditcr ; an — otneer, citt SitbaUcrnefficicr ; — propositions, itntcrgcorbttctc Sd^e; — qualities, .)/. PA. gciingcre Ouali= tafen; u. *. bcr (bie) SWtebere, Untcr= gcbcitc. INFERIORITY, s. bcr gcrtngere Sfaitb, untcrgcorbnefe 3>n'taiib, uiiterroerff), geringere ©rab, bic Sltebrigfetf, Uiu icrgeorbitettjcif, Utttctgcbcnbcit, fca« Oi,id)ftcl)cu. INFERNAL (ado. — ly), r. adj. bijflifrf), abfdicttltd); — dealing, »erruc$te« (bbUti'du-i?) in-rfabrcit; —fig, btc SeufeUfeige, bcr ^ladictniobit ; — machine, bic .»3bllciti)iafd)iue ; — stone, bcr .fobllcnftciit ; n. *. bcr &vU lengcifi. INFERTILE, adj. Htifnicbtbar. INFERTILITY, .■>. bic UiifrudbtBarretf. To INFEST, o. a. (fciitblidi) anfallcit, I'crhccrcn, befchben, beitunibigctt. bc= laftigen, \>{aa,{i\, qualen, uitfid)cr mad)tn. INFESTATION, ». bie ^(agc, Beunru* higuitg, SOerfjeernng. LNFESTERED, adj. citignvurjclt, cin= geeitert. INFESTIVE, adj. freubenfofi, fraurig. iNFi:s'i'iviTY.,,bicllitliift, bcrOiram, bic ATCtlbCtllofijfcif. INFEUDATION, », bic ^eicbtniitg. INFIDEL, l s. bcr (bte llngldubige) ; ii. a,ij. unglaubig. i\fii)i:i,ity. s i. bic Unrreue, Sreu* tofigfett; bcr ^cnatb; 2. Unglanbe. INFINITE (adv.— ly), adj. uucublid) j — ness, .„-. eid Inhnity. INFINITESIMAL. adj. Mat.T. ltncttblidi flciit pbergctbeilt; —quantity, btcuii = citblid) Heme lUnbefiitnmbare) (Mr6|je. INFINITIVE, adj. it tt be ft intuit ; — mood, Oram T. bic uitbcftintintc |,tiU gemetne) Sprec^art, bcr 3nfJnttis>. INFINITUDE, .'. I. bic llitcnbltdifcit. Uttmitciiitdjfeii ; 2. grofje (imjobliae) SDJenge. INFINITY, i. 1. bic lliieitblirbfcit. Utt= cnivriitbltcbfcit; 2. nii}al)lige OJienge. INFIRM (adv. — ly), adj 1. fdiaMdi, fraftlofl, fied); 2. unentfcftloffen; ;i. unfidjei ; - nesa, i ,•»/. Inukmitv. INFIRMARy, ». Ui JtranfenbaiiS. SpiUl. infirmity, i. bic £<$n>ad)e [MStof INFO rcr« unb ®cif!c«) ; .Rraftloftgfcit, v2d)aMdibetf;@cbrccblid;!cit, J?ranf> btir, bat ©ebrecben. T<> infix, r. a. in etiiMS binciit ftccfert binciit treiben, befefligen, 7b INFLAME, v. I. a. 1. aiRitnbcn anfeuern, ciiiflaniincu, etitjintbcit ; 2. rci^cn, crbittcit; 3.4* iibcrtrciben oergropern ; n. n. ftcb enfiunben ; inflamed with love, roit SlCOC cut: brannt. INFLAMER ». bie ^crfon pber 2a±t bic cittflammf, lergrofierf, u. f. ». iM'i, am Aim.iTY. .9. bic (*iit$iinbbar= fcit, iBrennbarfeit. INFLAMMABLE, adj. ritt$uiibbar, btcttitbar; — ness, *, vid Iiirumu- BtMTY. INFLAMMATK »N, « 1. bic (*nUiiitbiiitg ; 2. bcr IBranbj :). bic @r)uruung. INFLAMMATORY, adj. ctttjititbiub. To inflate, r. a. aufblafcu ; a!tf« blahcn. INFLATION, ». bic ?lufbldbuiig ; 8uf< geblafenbeif. To inflect, p. n. i. biegen, beugen; 2. Gram t ab.ntbcrii, beclintren ein [Jlennroorl ; abroanbeln, tonjugiren (ciu 3fttn)orr), ffectiren, lNFLEcriON,». i. bio Biegung ; 2. iKo« bnlatiott (Slbroedjetung) ber 5tim= mc ; 3. SBeugung beJ ?tdjfe8, Sfrab 5 [eubredjiiug ; 4. Oram. T. Alcricit, Seel ination, (Conjugation, bcr Um la tit. INFLECTIVE adj. biegfant. INFLEXED, adj. gebogen, gcfriimntt. INFLEXIBILITY, s bic Unbicgfamfcit, jig bcr r tar r fin it. INFLEXIBLE (ado. — ly), adj. I. 1111= biegfant, nnberueglidj, uncrfdjutter: Itch, itnueranbcrlid; ; 2. bartnacftg ftarrfittnig. INFLEXION,*, vid Inflection. To inflict, r. a. (cine Strafe] ailfiC' gen, oerbfingen, (ncrfennen, jufugen INFLKTER. a. bcr SBeftrafer. INFLICTION, a. 1. bic 3luflegung cine: Srrafr, iBer^Sngung; 2. Soeflrafung, Strafe. INFLICTIVE, adj. bcr, bic, ba« Strafcn uerbangen fann. INFLUENCE s bcr (fiitfliif). 7V INFLUENCE, v. a, iMiiflitf; babcit, eiltmirren, leitcit; influence d by .... befttmmr, beaogen turd) .... INFLUENT, adj. ciiiflicfu'ttb (». B, . INFLUENTIAL ado.— ly , adj. (Sittffufi babenb (—on. anf . ctnflutjicici), cin= mirfenb, burd; (iiitflufi. INFLUENZA, a. mod. Med. T. bie ®tn= flutlfiaufbcit, allgeinetnea ("tlufjfieber. INFLUX, )s. 1. bag C^infltcfjcii, INFLUXION. J ber ©inffug; 2. bebcu-- tenbe (5iiifubr oon SEJaaren. To INFOLD, r. a ciitbiillcti, ciitivicfclc. umfaffen, umgebcu. To DEFOLIATE v. a. mit Slattern bc= fleiben, beblfittern (». ii.). 71- INFORM, p. I. a. I. bclcbcii, bv^- leu (in biefein finite ntcbr *); 2 befannt ntadicu (oc mit), benac^ric^ tigen (— of, oon), berid)ten, anjeigen, mclben, uuterrid)ten, bclclucn ;— one's self, fid) ; n n. (and) « ) to — against one, /, T cine .Ula.K ivicti .uniaiibcit cinrcid)cit, tt>u oerflagen, nngeben. INFORM, adj. liufcnitlid), Uligeftalt, bafilid); orbnungsmibrig. INFORM \l. (ado. " - i.v , ,:./ : . Wtber bit Acrut, uuregetraafiig. INFORMALITY, i 1. T bio OJuIlitat, (jRecbr«r)Uuguttigreifj bcr Tvcblcr in bet Sorin. INFORMANT, .-. bcr ilcbrcr, BllfNSM SI i INGE INHA INT motor; Stna4ric|tiger, (Sinfenber; /,. t. Sugeber, JiJlager, SDenunciant. INFORMATION, s. 1. ber llntcrrirbt, bie Unterroetfiing ; 2. QJciiadiridHi-- gung, ^iad>rtd>t, iHuSfttnft, bet Stacks roeis, tic J?unoej ber sycricbt, bie ®erid)terflatrung j 3. L.T. tic fflru Hage, .ftlage, Denunciation; to gather — .grEiinbtgungeii cinjieben ; to lodge — , amtlid) bcrirbteit ; to lodge — against one, eilieil angcbeil, bennit= ctren. INFORMATIVE, adj. bclcbeilb. informer, s. 1. bag Selebeitbej 2. ber 8et)rer, 93enac$ricf)tiger, Sertcf)t= iu-ftatrcv ; Slugeber, Jtiager, 25e= nunciant. INFORMIDABLE, adj. llirbt flll'dltbar. INFORM!!?, «. bie ungejtalt&eif. informous, n-//. ungeftalt. UNFORTUNATE, &c, vid. Unfortu- nate, &c. infraction, s. ber Srud), bie Ueber= rretung, Serlefcung ; — of faith, ber £mibnid). infractor, s. ber Serlc^cr, Ucber= trcrer. INFRANGIBLE, adj. llll jcrb vxcf)li cf). 1NFREQUENCY (— ck), s. bie Uiige= lDbfmlicbJeit, Seltenbcit. INFREQUENT {ado. — ly), adj. UltijC= lubbitltd), felteit. To 1NFRIGIDATE, v. a. fait lttacbett, ratten (n>. it.). INFRIGIDATION, s. bag JMtmacbcit, fatten. To INFRINGE, v. a. 1. brcrbcn, abbre; d}eit; ubertretcn, Krlctjcn ; 2. l)in- tern, bemmeti, jcvftoreti (tv. ii.). INFRINGEMENT, s. bcv SQrurf), bie lle= 6ertretung, 33erlefcung. infringer, s. ber Ueb'erfrctcr. r« infucate, b.c. bentalen (ba3 ©e = ftcb/t', befchmieren. INFUNDII5ULIFORM, a$. frtd;tcif5r= mig. INFURIATE, adj. rafcnb, roiitbcnb. To INFURIATE, v. a. XOltb, Vafctlb, roiitbcnb macftcn. To INFUSCATE, v. a. fd)ivarj lliadjeil, oerbunfeln. INFUSCATION, s. bag ©dnvarjett, bie 33erbunfelung. To infuse, v. a. 1. eingiefen, Ct!t= flofsen ; 2. fig. eingeben, einfI8j}eii ; 3. einroetc&eii, (mid bie Jtraft ba= bltrd)) nilSjiehciI ; to — good prin- ciples into one, ^CllMnbCllt i}Ute0rUttb- fafce ciitflbficn. jnfuser. *•. ber ctmag einfliijif. INFUSIBLE, adj. 1. eillflfijjbar ; 2.1111= fdmuijbar. infusion, s. 1. bic (Singiefung, G?tn= fiofiiuiii; 2. Jiff. (yinmi|d)iti!iu @in= gebmtg, (Siiiniiflerung; 3. HinroeU rbiuta,. ba8 9luS}iebeu, Bicbcii (»&n glufttgEeiten ; 4. Med. t. ber <5in- ober Slufgujj, bic Snfuftott. INFU8IVE, adj. fiuflbficitb, einwtrfeitb. INGATHERING, s. tad ^ilicriltcn, (fill; fammeln ; feast of — ,baS (Srntefeft. INGELABLE, adj nid)t gefrierbar. To ingeminate, o. a. wieberhoten ; ingeminated (lowers, Biinnen, bic (MS attbern ben>on»ad)fen. INGEMINATE, ndj. UMCbcrbolt. iNGEMiN.vnoN, s. bie 2Bicberr)oTwng, SSerboppeluug. To INGENDER, &c. vid. To Engender, S.-C ingenerabi.e ndj unfrjcitg&ar. To INGENERATE, v. a. jtugcn, er= jtugen. WGENERATE, Inoenerated, adj. an= gcbcien, fingeboren. T> INGeniate, «. a. erftiuteii, ser= Wjtalteit. ftlS INGENIO, s. tic 3iid\'rficbcrct (in SBeflinbien). INGENIOUS (adit — ly), adj. fillltvcid), geiftrcid), fc^arf|tnnig ; — ness, s. vid. Ingenuity. ingenite, nr//.aiigeboren, eingeBoren. INGENUITY, s. Hi Siitnrei'd)e, ber ©c^avfftnn, 2Bilj, ©eifi, bag ©citie. INGENUOUS (adv. — ly', adj. 1. jrei- ntiitbij], offenberjig, grogmfitbig, ebel; 2. fret gecoren, »on guter ®e* btirt ; —ness, s bie Slufrtrbtiglcit, Dffenr)erjigfett, Sreimut^igfett. To incest, v. a. biitctit thiui ; nicber= fcblucfeit, l)iiiiiittcrfd)lmfeii (». ii.). INGESTION, 8. bilS ^iiiciiitbiirt ; 51ic= bcrfcbliicfcn, .*3iiiuiiterfd;linfcii. INGLORIOUS {adv. —is*), adj. Uliriif)ni = ltd),ru(;mIo8, obtte S^rgetj. ingot, s. ber ®ufi, Jtlumpcit gegoffes neit 2J}etail8; ingots of gold or silver, ©olb= ober ©ilberBarren ; —moulds, bie gormen tvoviu 2)h'taUe gegoffen roerben. TuINGRAFF, \v.a. Clltpf ITOpfcil, VfvO= To INGRAFT, ) pfett (— upon, ailf) ; fie. einpragen (— in the mind, bem Serjlanbe) ; ingrafted, eingepragt, eingerourjeit INGRAFTMENT, s. 1. bie (?inpfro= •Vfung ; 2. ba^ SJJfropfreiS. To ingrain, v. a. (ZttA)) in ber 2BoHe farben. ingrained, adj. in bcr®n!ie gefarot, INGRAPPLED, adj. ergriffcit. 1NGRATE {adv. — ly), adj. vid. Inorate- FUL, &C. INGRATEFUL (adv. — ly), adj. 1. Ult= angcHcbm, toibrig; 2. iinbaiitbar; — ness, s. bic Uttbaufbai'fcir. To INGRATIATE, v. a. 1. (— one's self, ftif ) bcliebt macbeit ; — into one's fa- vour, ill ©uiift fcfceit, bci ; (ft'cb) ein= fd)incicbclit i— with, bci, - eiiter ^3cr= fon); 2. erleidjrern, ainicbmlicb peer ongene^nt madjcit (— to us, nng, cine lingen. INGUSTABLE, adj. bell PJaillllClt nid)t afficirenb, gefrbinarflos (to. ii.). ivn\i!ii,E, adj. nitfabig, ungefc^ieff, niitiifbtig (w. ii.). iniiahilItv, s. bic Uiigcfri>iiflicJ>fcit (u\ ii.). To INHABIT, v. I n. IVOblletl ; II. a. bc= wobnen. INHABITABLE, Hr/y.bcroobnbar; wobn-- lid). INHABITANCE, ) s. bcv ?lnfeiilbalt IN!IA!!ITANCV, $ toon ^c.ijo^iiern), bie 'Beioobttung, SBobnung. INHABITANT, s. ber Ginroobncr, 33c-- roobner; without — s, niibnuobnt. INHABITATION, s. [\V. ii.) 1. bieiBpf)= nung, berSBobnort; 2. bie 3JcnjoD« nttng; 3. SBeoJIferung. iNHAiiiTER, s. ber iUnvobjier, (S'tu- iBolmcr. INHABrTRESS, s. bie 33ciopbneriiui. To inhale, v.a. cinathiucn. inhaler, s.Med. T. 1. ber cinatbmct- 2. bie .Oaudn'bhvc (urn marine -Diuifti in bic s viii!;]C jn let ten >. INHARMONIC, ) ad/.Mus.T.mii- i.MiAKMoNR'AL, > t8uenb.unb.ari inharmonious, j mouifd). To inhere, v. ?t. anbaii^cii, aiiflebcit, eigen feint. INHERENCE (— cv),a bag ^Inbanant, Slnfleben, bie (jufftUige) @igettfrbaft. INHERENT, adj. i. anbaiiflciib, anflc= bciib ; 2. inwo^nenb, angeboreit ; — qualities, iiiijcrtrciinlicbc (Stgeitfc|af= ten ; — right, rirt anaebomes SRecijt j — in the blood, bem ^httc cigcu ; — ly, adv. bind; Sln^anguna. To inherit, b. o. crben ; in Seft^ frm= men, crbalteit, crcrben. INHERITABLE, adj. crblid) J — ly, adv. buvd) Gh-bfdMft. INHERITANCE, s. 1. bag (grtgut, bie @rbfcr>aft baeO'rbe, ber -liacblajj, bie a3erlaffeitfc|aft; 2. ber 99efti inherited, adj. fjcevbt, evevbt, angei cvbt, oererbt. inheritor, s. ber (Srbe. INHERITRESS. } t . re t . inheritrix, 5*oteeibmn. To INHERSE, v. a. ciitfarfleit, in cm ©rabmal tegen, beerbigen, begvaben. INHESION, s. vid. Inhkrenck. To INHIBIT, v. a. i. bcilllllCll, biltbcnt, juritrf l;alten ; 2. oerbieten, nntcr-- fagen. INHIBITION, s. 1. bie SBer^inberung. <&emmung; 2. llnteifaamnv ba^ SSerbot; 3. lt. bag 3nbibitorium (SOerbot) an ben STiicbter, eine ®acb« weitcr 511 oerfolgen, To INHOLD, o. 0. (.in fid)) cntbalter (». ii.). To indoor, ,,, o. nntrcifcn, nmgeben, eiiifcbliefiett. LN HOSPITABLE (adv. — ly), adj. 1111 = mtrtbbar, ungaftlic^, ungaPfreunb« tdiaftlid) ; — ness, ti vid. InhosI'ita lity. IN HOSPITALITY, s. bic Uinvirthbav= fcit, ber 3Wanget an ©afifreibeit. INHUMAN (adv. — ly), adj. lllimcilfdv liit. !icfiil)Ilog, t;arf, graufam, 6ar» barifdi. inhumanity,*, bie Unmeufdjlicbfett, ■Oarte, ©vaufamfeit, Sarbarei. To INHUMATE, ) v. a., be To INHUME, 5 graben, INHUMATION, s. bie SBeerbigung. 1NIMAGINARLE, adj. llltbcilfimr. INIMICAL, adj. fc'iiiMid), fciiibfcliii. mibrig, fitaMiit. INIMITAUILITY, s. bit Uniiarl)af;iiK liitfeit. INIMITABLE {adv. — ly), adj. llllliad)= abnilid). INIQUITOUS, adj. liliacrccbt, llllbilliq; bo«baft. IN'QUITY, s. bic Ungcredjtigleit, Uks billtgreit; 45o§^tit, Siii^e, bai Safier. INITIAL adj. anfangltdj; begonneit, am ?Infange bcfiiitficib : an — disease, cine Jlcanflieit im (vntflcbcii; the -■ fear of God, Th. T. bie uiioollfommein gttrfbt (Motteg ; — letters or initials* bic 9JiifangSbud)ftabeit ; — line, tie 9Jnfang8?eile; — ly, adv. int 9lnfa'tg, (i>i. bie Kiltgeroeibten). INITIATION. .-. bie ©ttroeifiung, @iiu fubrmig; tcr evfte Unrerrtcbt. INITIATORY, f. adj. eiiimeifjettb, ctiifcU teab; aid (finleituno, bieticitb; ji s . brr als Sinleitung bieueube 0e= braurb. LNiTioN, s. bet Slnfang, bie @ntfte* huiig. 7» inject, b. «. l. biiteiumerfett; auf> wetfen (Gibe, «. f. ro j ; 2. Med. r. etiifprt&cit ; augfprifeen (mit 2Bad)S;. tNJECTlux, sA. bag .Oiiieitiiucrfeii ; 2. Med. t. bie Sinfprifeuiig. iai %ui= fimfeen (mit 28acb«). 7« LNJOLN, vid. Enjoin. INJUCUNDITY, *. bie Uitaimcfimttrf>= fnt (iu. ji.). BWUDICABL. adj. bem 9iicbfer nidif utttcrtvorfeit, !iid)t tit bcuitbcilcn, (ro. ii.). injudicial, «# nir&t recfctgfSrmticfc, mebt iu gotm diccbtetts. injudicious, adj. unoetfianbig, rafcb, unbcjonneii, unubetlegt, ctuftdu-Moo ; — ly, adv. unoetflanbtg, iinpetftanbie gerroetfe; — ness,s. bee Unoetftanb. INJUNCTION,* I. beeiVfehl.bte gin* fcbarfuiia,, Sotfcbrift ; 2. l. t. bag gnterlocut, bad ikiiirtbeil, bee 3mi= febettbefebeib; to lay strong injunctions upon one, ciiient etnas' an-? fieri lc= «,eu, auf bie 3eele binbcit. To INJURE, v. a . befctbiflett, febmabeit, "urcrit jnfflgen, roebe than, bcctii= jfrad&ttgen. oertefcen; befepbigen; belrfjmceltrf) fallen; injured, bricba-- bigr, febabbaft. ' v injurer, s. bet SBeleibiger. INJURIOUS, adj. ungerecbt, befeibiijenb fbrenruljrig, fcbftblicb, nacbtbeitig, ftbtinpflicb, frf, ma I) I id); — jy, ado nut Uiucdjt, <\uf cine beleibiaenbe ebrenrii&rige, 11. f. w. SHft; — ness, s bag Seleibigenbe, bie ©djmabuna. UngeKc^rtflfett (im SBerfabren). INJURV. . jurie. INJUSTICE, ... bie Ungerer$fig&if. INK, 5. bie Suite (SDmte) ; bee Eufdfi • Tint. T. bie Jarbc, Buebbrucferfc&rofirs }$ > ~ ' Jl ? ck ' TyP- T. be: Wei&efrein, Katbenftetn, gfarbefaflen ; — blot bet Siittetifleif, SEintcnJIecfg; — botlle bte Stntenffafcbe ; —box, bag £iu= tenfaf); — cakes, JEintenfocben ; — case. I. bag Scbteibjeug; 2. Snfcbs taltebeit; — fish, vid. Cuttle-fish; — horn, bag SiitfcitfatJ (au§ fiorn), berJEintenflecber; —maker, bee J tit. tenmacher; — pot, ber (farbentopf; — socket, citt J'itilenfafi (jmn (Sinfe* fcf'j; .— stand, (_ standish) bag ©cbmbfjeug; — stone, tee Stta* lneutfietit. 7'- INK, v. a. mit liitifc befubelil, beffc= cfeit; inked, mit Iliute befdiiiiieil; to — the form, Typ. T. bie Tvaebe OUfs tragen, INKINESS, 5 . bat, bie Sd)iinifje. 'iiKr,E, s . bag 33«itb grobent OKir= ne, 3ii?intbaiib; —weaver, bee »»= fantcutier. 3KLING, s. bie biuifek Slac&ricbf. bag aWuufetn, ber SBinb, bag Ciefliiftcr (». 11.) ; they lave had an — , fie babcit L'Lliieln flePrt; to get an— of a 1ms- INNO ness, ehra« roittcrii, SSinb bavon mi ben. t.j i.nkxot, v a. rgfeic&fam iim'c mit emem j^iicteii) b'tiDen. WKY.adj titili;); tinitdit, [c^warj. To INLACE, v. a. ocfc^en, titifaffett. [NLAiD, adj. eingelegr, ouSgeleat, mit ^aeqitetbobcii nerfeheit, getafelt; an — iioor, tin gctdfelter jufiboben. inland, L s. bet innere i in-tl, bag ^n= ncre ciiteg Vanbcg, baS JBinnenlanb; U-ndj. ttom Dt'ccre eittfeint, iiilan= ii'.d,, mi Snnetn beg I'aitbeg gelcaci; • biiutctilaiibird) ; m. e-s. - bin, bee in= latibtfdje 2Bed[|fel; — communication, berjiMiiiiciimn-febi; — coins, inlait= bi|d)e Uliiiiijen ; — commodiUes (— produce), Sanbedprobucte ; —duty, ber ©mneiijoll, bie Vaitbaccife; — loon bee noebiiebe Jaudiee ; — navigation bie SBmnehfc&ifffa&rr; — town, bie laiibjtabt; — trade, ber iulanbifcbe (ciitbcimudie obet S8innen=j Jpanbcl; — water, ilUiniciigcivaffcr ; —water communication, bet Setfebt butefa SBirtnengeroaffer. INLANDER,*, ber , x Mi[anber. tNLANDISH, adj. iulaiieii'di. T. INLAPIDATE. v. a. i'ee|teinent. To INLAY. ,-..,. ,^ieelieb cbee bunt, mit •VH'U, (ilfeiibein, it. f. to.) einlegeii, auSIegettj lafelit befeten, fd>miufen. INLAY,*, bie ciii.U'legte -Jlrbeir. SDlo* 1'iif j .'«« bunte JqoIi obet ©Ifenbein, 11. f. , n>. 511111 einlegert, ba« 3Iusieae= ftiief. J INLAYER,*. bee (viuieger. inlet,*. 1. bet ginlap, ©ngang, 3u= gaiiM, bte Otitfahvt, JDurt^faoTtJEfifir, Oefr miiig ; 2. Heine SBap, SDuoJf. To ini.isi', ,-. 1. „. anroerictt, rsetbeit; n. n. )td) (als fleftut) aitmerben laf= fen; bag SJetbegelb aiiiiet,.ftcii. To ixeock, v.a. in etroag einfd)lie§en. INLY, adj. A- adv. tllllctlid); im Sets JClt, gebeim; to he the - of one's heart, in 3einanbeS •Oee;eii roo^neiij — sorrow, iiinerce JTummer ; ~w^- ed, iuiierlieb cifeeuf. inmate, i.,. beiSKiet5mamt, fiau« s genop, 3»taffc ; 11. adj. a!« 6au8ae» nog aufgeiiommen. INMOST, adj. bee ^k, bag) iiinctfte; — delight, bag JBoitnegefubf ; our th nights, unferegebeimpen®ebanfen. INN, s. bee ©a^bof; bas SJitrbabaua ; inns orinns of court, bie , juriftifdjeit) Koliegta. @ett*t8b6fe; —holder,— keeper, bee Oiai'thaltee, ©afimtrtfj. To INN, o. L n. foaiteit, berbce.ien, (in nu -JbiethAlian,^ einfebten ; II. a be= HTbcrani, muce 2)ar| (1111b gaebj btingeii. innate (ado. — ly), aiij. attgeboren, naturUeh, n, 1cu ; _ iaeaS| angebotene "Bfflwfife, 3beenj —ness. s . bas .'la ■ geboruc, bte STiatutgaDe. INNAVICAIJEE, adj. llllfdliffKir. inner, n ,ij. innet, inwenbig, ir.neelid) ; — part, ber innere JEljeif;— pans, baa 3«new (etnes 8anbe8); — posi \- r bee mnere 6inrerfte»enj — man bet imtere 3uflanb eineg 'AVenf*eii'- — toads, bte iimetc3il)ebej - tho gebeime@ebanren: _ tympan, Tv P . t. ber @mlegebcchl. ■ l • ■" INNERMOST,^, bee. b«f,b«S inncrfte. inning, ». 1. bag giniringen, Sintbun be« ©etretbea, bie 6rnte; 2. rbeim ^.illtpieb Me JRei^e, bag ;liaefer ill liilneii; 3. innings, «.«2 bag bet See abgemonnemj, eingebammte, obcrein^ gebeicbfe Vanb; 4. (bet mehreron Spielenj bie 3Sot|aift, bag Slnfpiel. ^SCENCE ,— ,v\ s . bie Unfrbufb: Unfebablntfeit ; ©armloftgfeit ; @in= •.'••t-!'.it, ®infaft(befl §erjen. INQU INNOCENT [a*o.—iY),adj iiit'\tulrj, unffbabii(i; harmlo«, atalos, auti fangen. inm )« i:.\t, ... 1 .ber Unfcbutbige ; 2. ct'ii- falfige SWenfcb, ©ISbfiimige (». 11.) ; Innocents-day, bee uiifdiiilei,ifii Jtin-- bet Eag (28fU Dccembet). INNOCUOUS, adj. unfdjablicb; — i y adv unfcbublicp, auf unfr^ablicbe 2Beife, obne tiaebtbeili^e Solgen; — bie Uin'diafliitfeir. INNOMINABLE, adj. iiiiiieiin.'ar. innominate, adj. nameiilo*, naniit. To innovate, b. a. Sr it Steuenmgen eiufiihreit, SKenerungen aufbtingen, burd) Dteueruitgen oetflnbern; inno vating, adj ncuetmiggfiicbtig. INNOVATION, t. bie Meucrung, Ser= anberung. INNOVATOR, ». ber^euerungen maebt sjleuerungsflifrer, SReuerer. INNOXIOUS, adj. Ullftbablidj; baniu p|; uiiirbulbid ; — iy, adv. unfrbab. lid), B. I. iv., ebite Scjaben ;n I bun ; obnc Scbabenjunrbmen ; —ness - bit Itnfebabliilifeit; fiarmlofiafeit : \\\u Id) u If. innijendo, ... bee SBinf, gingerieifl. bie (Sinfluftening. J innuent,> fpeil ju btingen, obne Scbaben juju= fiigen; —ness, s. bag frieblicbe, eubi= ge, beidnueeiie SBerragen; bie Unaii= (toutgfetfj UnfAablidjfeir, arglofia» Eeit, ^armloftgfeit. INOFFICIAL, adj. m'd)t amtlifB, ntebt offtciell. INOFFICIOUS, adj. unbienftfetfig, uiu gefallig. INOPPORTUNE ido — ly), adj. ltn^e. iegen, ju ungelegener Mit. CNORDIN \c\. ,-. aid. Inormnation INORDINATE (ado. — ly), adj. nuor= bentlidi, tcgetfoJ, augfebroeifenb ; — ness, s. bie Itiiot'eeiuliciifeir, Olug-- fd^weifung, Uuina^tgEeit. INORDINATION, », Me UllorblUlll.l gtegellofigfeit ; auSfcbroeifung. IN( >RG \NICAI. (— ic), adj. uaorganifcb Jo INOSCULATE, e. a. 4- n. ./.',\- i; r )i(\) beinlu-eii, jufaininenjtopen, rer= binben, einfugen, einmunben. inosculation, ,-. ., r. bej 3ufam« meii|tot;en, bie (Siiunuitbuiig bfi Slbetn. INQUEST,*. I. bie gfticbtlidje Hitter- furbung, SRaoJforfojung ; ,'./../• - of Jurors, or — by jury), (SoiniltifftCI INSC rcn ©efrhworncu jur Xlntcrt « it.). inquination. ». bie SBeriinrcrnigiing SSefletfunfl, ©efubrfung, SBerberbung (it;, ii.). INQUIRABLE, a#. $11 Ullfcrflirbctt, JU erfragen. r<> lnquire, ». n. fid) erfunbtgcn, fra= gen ; to — (after) the way, imrb bent 2Bege fragen ; to — after, (for, about) . . ., fragen nad) . . . , anfragcn ; tSr= funbigiing ciujiebcn fiber...; to — of..., fief) belebren laffett iiber, von ..., fief) erfuntigen bet ...; to — into, iiitterfurbeit, prfifen, uad)fov= fd)Clt, crbrtertl; inquired for, M. E gefurbt, begebrt, in grage. inquirent, adj. (neugieng) fovfebcub. INQUIRER, s. bergrager, 91ad)fragcr ; Aorfcber, Unterfucber, ^riifcr. INQUIRY, s.l. bie (Srfuntignng, -?Zacb= frage ; bag 9iad)fpitrcn ; 2. gorfebung, spriifung, Untcrfitrbnng ; board of — , mu. r. "tie SSerfammlung von SDfft= Steven, nut fiber ciitcit yov eiu.R'ricg8= gericbt \\\ bringenben ©egenftanb jit bcrathfrlblageii ; writ of—, bcr SBefct)t ;uv SBcrfammlnng ber ©efebroornen ; to make — , ftcb erfunbfcjen. INQUISITION, s. I. bie 9tarbforfrbuitg, Untcrfucbung, (SrBrterung ; 2. ge= victtlirbe Uuterfucbniig, (Srimtnalun* tevfurfjuug; 3. bae ®laitbcinSgcrid)t, ,£efcergcnd)f, bie Snquifitioit. inquisitional, adj. ueitgicrig, nacfc; fpiiraib. INQUISITIVE (adv. — ly), adj. nettgics tig, nufibcgierig, somufcig;_ etuftij naebfovfcbenb ; an — person, eitt 9ceu- gieriger, •Jcaferoeis'; — ness, s. bie aBipoegter(be), 9lcugier(bc). inquisitor, «. 1. bcr ^eugierige; 2. Untevfurbev (cinev 9ied)tsfad)C); 3. ©laubenSricbter, Sttqiiifitor. INQUISITORIAL, adj. inquifttovifd). inquisitorious, adj. emfig nact)fov= fd)cnb. To inrail, v. a mit Stacfcten, obev ei= item ©elanbet »erfefen ; mit Sebrait= ten ciufdjliefien, sevgittevn, umgit- tevn. inroad, s. ber (fcinblidje) Cfiufall, Ueberfall, (Streifjtlg. INSALUBRIOUS, adj. jmgcfuilb. INSALUBRITY, s. bie lliigefunbbcit. INSANABLE, adj. untjeilbar. INSANE, adj. 1. unfitting, Wabllftnilig, trie, toll ; 2. roabttfiuuig macbeut, iollbeit ucriirfacbcnb. INSANENESS, ) s. bie Uuftnuigfeit, insanity. s StoUbeit, a3ti'vucft= beit, ber SBabnfittn. INS VTIABLE {adv.— ly), adj. uncrfatt= lid) ; —ness, s. bie Uuerfattltdjfcit. INSATIATE (adv. — ly), adj. Ulicrfatt= lid) ; fig. unbefricbigt. insatiety, s. bie llncrfaftlirbfcit. INSATISFACTION, s. bcr uubcfricbigte ►Jufianb, bie 9iid)fbefricbigung (it.ii.). INSATURABLE (adv. — ly), adj. liner* fattlid). INSCIENCE, ». bicUnfiiitbe.bcrSJciWigcl ait ftenntnij?, bie Ungefcfjicflicbfeil. To INSCRIBE, 7\ a. 1. etiifdueibeti, ubcrfdjrciben, eine3nfef)riftober?liif= fdnift mad)eit; eiitjetcbncii ; 2. be= fdu-eibett; bc5eid)ttcit ; 3. jiifdircibcn, wtbinen, bcbtcircit; i. fig. einprhgen. 1NSCRIBER s. 1. ber cine 3nfd)rift mad)t ober gcmad)t l)at. tNSciiiPTiOxN, «. 1. bie Snfdmfr, Sluf- JVSI fdirift, Uebevfdn'ifi: Jnfcrtvtion; 2. ber litel; 3. bie!) riff, 3"eiil= nutigSfrbrtft (eine» ©nc^eS). INSCRIPTIVE, adj. cine 3'tfd)rift l)a= benb. INSCROLL, v. a. ciiiregiftvireit (n. ii.). inscrutability, s. bie Uiierforfd)= lid)fcit. INSCRUTABLE (ado. — ly). adj. ltlicr= forfd)lid) ; — ness, s. vid. Inscrutabi- lity. To LNSCULP, v.a. eiiigrabcii, tiufet)uci= ben, ftcrben («j. ii.). INSCULPTION, s. bie 3"fd)iift (W. ii.). INSCULPTURE, s. bie ciuqca,i;abenc Sdjrift pber Bigur, eteiitfd)viff. To INSEAM, v. a. * mit finer Olabf, 9?avbc ober 5d)iiiarre ycrfebeit, ciit= briideu. insect, s. 1. baS Sufect, JTcvb= ober (5 - iitfd)iiiftetl)itr ; 2. com. b«S flcitic ycvad)tlid)e Sing, ttngejiefer. insectator, s. bcr SBerfolger (ro.fl.). insected, ) adj. iiifccteuartig, jicfet= rNSEcriLE, S attia. INSECTION, s. bcr fiillfcbllitf. insectiverous, adj. fid) »o»t Snfeo ten liabrcub. INSECURE (adv. — ly), ad.]. lt!lfid)Cl\ ungeroi^; o!;iic ©enuffieit. INSECURITY, s. bie Unfict)crl)cir, ©e= fat)r, Ungcaufjfjeit. lnsecution, s. bie 93erfolguitg. To INSEMINATE, v. a. faCIt I W. It.l. insemination, s. baS l^ittfaeii, Saeit (». ii.). INSENSATE, adj. iinycvfianbti], unoers nitufrig, DiSbfrnnig, ftnnloS, unfin* nig ; ftttntpf, uttcnipfinblief) ; tiie — , bie Uitycrftattbt'.jeit, it. f. id. INSENSIBILITY, «. bie Unempfiiiblid)- !eit, Sitiitloftgfeit, ©efu^Hpfigfeit; bev Stunipffiu'n, bie Tumnibcit. INSENSIBLE, adj. 1. tuiiiicrfliel), itnbe= mevflid); 2. itnempfiiiblid), ftnitlo*, gefitt)llo8 ; (— of, to, fiir, gegeu) ; — decay, bad langfaiite i§tnfc|injtnben ; he is — of his loss, Cr fut)lt, llicvft fcuicit 33erliifi itid)t ; — ly, adv. 1. uu= nterllid), unoermerft, allmal)lig, nacb uub nad) ; 2. unciiipfiitblid) ; — ness, s. bie lliiiiicrflid)Ecit;UncmpfiiibIid)= feit, ©efiiljllofigfcit. INSENTIENT, a. a. fig. feft iitadjcn, cin= pflanjcit, eintt)urjeln. unshaded, adj. gefd)attet, fitattirt. T« INSHELL, v. a. (in iiwt ^rt)a[e) einfd)lic|jeit. To insiielter, v. a. uutcr Obbad) (in *2id)erl)eit) bringen. To insiiip, >: a. eiitfebiffcit. To INSHRINE, 7'. a. vid. Enshrine. INSIDE s. bie iitnere <2cife, ba« 3n= wenbige ; — of a triangle, ber Sla= d)cniiir»alt cineS ^reieefg; — of a cannon, bie (£ee(e eincr jtanone ; to look into the — of a thing, cine 2ad)C gviinblid) nnterfurbeit; — shutter, ber ftcufterlabeii »on bcr iiiiteru SettebcS genfters ; bcr iitnere genfietlnben. To insidiate, v. a. uad)ftellen, bclait= evu. INSO INSIDIATOR, j. ber SRacbiieUet, Snfs laurcr. INSIDIOUS (adn. — ly), adj. bcilllli^l narbftellenb, !)tnterlifttg, rrinfesoU tiirfifit ; —ness, «. bie ^Ulterliftigfeti INSIGHT, s. bie @inftd)t, tiefe ^euut ni9. INSIGNIA, s. pi. flat.) bie ^b^cid)cii, C>"hrciijeift)cii, 3BitrbC5cid)cu, Sufig* nieit. INSIGNIFICANCE (— cy), s. i. ber be« beutungslofe (finiilofc) SluSbrnd; 2. bie gfltrptigfetr, ©ertngfitgigfeit. INSIGNIFICANT (ado. — ly), adj. 1. te* beutungBloS, niditsfagenb; 2. Htibc^ bciitenb, unnHchtig, gcviiigfiigig. insicnikicative, adj. bctetiiuiigslcs, uifbtyfagctib. INSINCERE (adv. — ly). adj. ttliaufvid)> tig, vcrftellt, falfeb ; yevfalfdif, uiicrbt. INSINCERITY, .?. bie Uitaufridjtiqfcit, gSerfieHung, Salfchheit. To 1NSLNEVV, v. a. feft vcrbiiibcn, flar- feu. INSINUANT. adj. cillfd)lltcid)clllb, cill> nerjtiteiib (n>. ii.). To INSINUATE, v.a. <$• n. 1. fail ft f)ill = ciubrtngcti obcr etnbriitgen, ( — oneji self), fid) ciufd)lcidicii, citifd)incl= cbclit, bcliebt ntadicu ( — into, bci); 2. einftofen, fceifcringen, etngeben, 511 vcvftcbcn gcben, in lviffeu tfjnn, »ors bringen; 3. fid) fcbiaugelit, aitibeit, fritninien (nne cine Sdilatige). insinuation, s. i. bas a(lmaf)Itg« einbringen ; 2. bie dtiifd)meid)e= lung ; (Stntragitng. LNSiNUATlVE,arfj.eiiifct)mcirt)etnb, ciiu nehntenb. INSINUATOR, s. bie fid) ciitfd)mci' rbclnbe Sperfon, ober bie etnne^menbi ®arr)e. INSIPID (adv. — ly), adj. 1. ltllfd)inacf= haft ; gefc^ntacHoS, frbal ; 2. fig. ge» febmacrlos, abgefcrjinacft, fabej — ness, .S-. oid. Insipidity, insipidity, s. 1. bie UufcbntacTbaffig* feit, ©efcbinflcfloftgfeit; 2. fig. 3lb» gcfd)niacftb,cit. 1NSIPIENCE, s. bie !tf)ovbtit, ?nbent= beit, bet llnvcrftanb. To INSIST, 7-. ?i. (—upon), 1. anf ttwai ftcbcit cber rnbcn (a', ii.); 2. anf cr* was beftcbett ober bringen, babci bc= bancu, babci ftcbcit blcibcit; 3. bci etroaS ycracilcit, fid) bet etroafi aitf= baltcn. INSISTENT, adj. (auf etwaS) ftcbeub, rubciib (n>. it.). lNsiriENCY, .?. bcr SJiongel an 5)«tfl insition, s. bie (Siupfvopfiing. To INSNARE, v a. 1. (in eincr 5d)[itt> ge) fangen; 2. beftricfeu, scrftrirfen, beviirfcii, oerfiibren; — one's self, tu bie galle geben, fid) fangen laffen. INSNARER, s. ber fallen (Sallftricfc) legt, SSerfiricfet, SBerfitbrer, insobriety, s bie UnmSfjigteit, 3Si>l= levci. INSOCIABLE, adj. ungefellig ; onset* cinbar, nid)t ju oevbtiiben. To INSOLATE, 7,. a. fouucit, in (an) bet Sonne trorfnen obev bigeriren. insolation, s. 1. baS 2ouucn; 2, Med. T. ber Sounenftirb. insolence, s. ber Uebcvmutb, Zxd%, bie llnycrfcbaintbeit. INSi iLENT (ado. —■ly). adj. nilDCrfrbaillt aiiniaficiib, t)Pd)iiiiitbig, iibcnitiitbig, tvofeig. insolidity. s. bcr SJJangel an Bcfhg> feit, ©riinblicbfeit, bie liiibaltbavfeit. insolubility, s.bic UiiaufibMid)feit insoluble, adj. linaufibslici), uiter- flarbav. INSOLVABLE, adj. 1. nnaiifloMirt), iiw entiuirrbav; 2. unbciablbar. INST INST LNSU INSOLVEMpv,*. bie 3af)Iung«unfS^ig= fcir. INSOLVENT, adj. jalilttitgeiillfiibtg ; — debtors' court, bad (McridH iiber jal)= lungdunfabtge Scbulbner. [NSOMNII IUS, o#. fd)laf(od, nut Xrau= men geplagf. 7WNSI't:cT. ». a. 1. SHufftd^t babcu ; 2. beftfj)tigen ; 3. burdjgebett, cine 'ictn'ift, u. f. w. priifeii. INSPECTION, s. 1. tie Slufftrfet; 2. bic Seftdjtigung (voti SBaaren, u. f. ».), ^efcbatiiiiig, Sdiatt; on the fust — , Dei ber erfteu V!uftd>t, anf bcit erficn Sltrfj Jl/. K-«. for your kind—, JU aefalliget 3)urd)ftd)r, V(nftd)t, giiu fiefct; upon — , anf '-i>efid,f. INSPECTOR, .5. 1. bcr Sluffe^er; 2. 93c= ftd)tva,cr; 3. tRadjfpurer; 4. ber gc= fdnvorne ©uterbefdjauer, SBrarfer; 5. ^ollinfpector, 3i»U«uffe^fr. INSPECTORATE, ) s. bit flufftdir, baS INSPECTORSHIP, j Vlmt cities 3luffe= fcerd. INSPEB3ION. *.bie ©infprengttttg, @in= fptifcttng, ffitnftreuuug, bad I5'i;ifpven- gen, (Siufprtfcen, SBefprengen. To INSPHERE, o. a. * (in ctttcti jlrei« pber cine Spljare) einfcbliefjen. INSP1RABLE, adj. ciutiuUbnicit ; JU ill = fpiriren. FNSPIRATK)N, .,. i bad @inat$men, bit Stnatbmuttg, Sinfloguagj 2. va. t. (Singt bung ;C'C* ^etligen ©eifted) ; 3. 83egetfterimg, 3nfptration. V'« INSPIRE, n, a. «■ ». 1. cinafbnicn, atbnten, ben "Jltliem cittjicljeit ;2 cin= Kafen; citibaitdKti; 3. cittfUifictt, eiugeben ; 4. ttifpirircn, begeiftcrtt ; ambition inspired him with rebellion, bcr Sbrgeij fvucvte tf)it jur @mp6= TUlttt ««. INSPIRER,* ber (Stitgeber, S&egciflerer. T? inspirit, v. a. bclcbett, anfeuetn, eiiiiutbnicit, bcfcclcn. 7b INSPISSATE, o. «. verbicfen. INSPISSATE, adj. eiitgibttfr opit ciucin Cafte). INSPISSATION, ff.bieSSetbttfuitfl, @-in= bicfitttg, bad SQerbicfeu. INSTABILITY, s. tie Uiibcftaitbigfcir, SBaitbelbarfett, SSerattberltdjfetr. INSTABLE, m/j. utibcfcautig ; — ncss,«, )■/ INSTALL, v. a. itiftallirctt, beftaU !en, (in ein Stint) ciitfc&ett, etnfuh= rcit; installed .., bcftallter . .. INSTALLATK IN, e. b« feievlicbc) C?in= fe^ung, (Siufiihrung, SBeftaUung, 3u= ftalliritttg. INSTALMENT, s. 1 . vid. Installation ; 2. bcr 3KftaUtrU»8«ft© ; 3. instal- ments, pi. beflimmte £ablungdfrtflen, ^ablllltgStCVUlillC; to pay by — , tcir minroeife begahlen; payable at otcr by — , (erntiuweife jablbar; payment by — , bic SRateitjabliiitg. K8TANCE, ». 1. bad Slnbalten, Slnfu* dictt, bic inflanbtge ^itte; 2. ber Setoeid, bat SBetfptet; 3. tic i!eran= laffiuii], 91nregnng, ©elegeu^eif, bet 3eiti>iinft ; at the special —of. ., auf befonberc SBeranlaffung von . . ; pressing instances, bril!g«lb« ©ittfll ; in the first — . jam eritcn fSloit ; for — , sunt ©eiflptd, ctant. Tit INSTANCE, v. a. An. citt ^cifviel onfiifjKtt, belegen, beweifeu, tineb= tOCtfetl; instanced, part. adj. ali ©t= loen ctev 89etfpie() angtfu&rt. instant, adj. 1. infliinbtg, bviitgenb; N, ». lit. frfi*. 1. ba« (Shu tropfeln, bie (Sintripfelung, Sinfl3= {iung ; 2. ba& fiingcflofitc, tie Stropfm. INSTILLER, s. ber eitttropfelt, ettt= flopt, it. f. ro. INSTILMENT, s. ba« ©ingctropfclte, t>in>]eflopte. INSTINCT adj. aiigctriebett, burd) 3tt= ftiuet. instinct, s. ber Trieb, ^atuttrief, Snftinct; a chad of — , citt Jlinb ber 91atnr. [NSTINCnVE {ado. —i.y), adj. bem SJIatitrtrtebe gemiip, tnfttnetmafjig, inftiuetartiit, attS ^ttftiitet, univiU= fiihvlid) ; attS Sldnuiigj — motion, cine iiiafd)inenmat)igc Sewegung. To institute, v. a.' i. feftfefcen, tm> inbuen, ctitfc&tn, oer orb tten, ftiften, iuftituircit; 2. itittcrriebtcn, nnter= wetfen ; to — inquiries, SRadjfragen nttftcllen. institute, «. 1. bie Orbminj, S5er= orbnung, @inricbtnng ; 2. Sorfrbrtft, ?eben«regef, SBlaximt, ber (%unt-- U§ ; 3.ba8®efe5 ; — s, pi tie @runb= Iclncn, ©runbgefe^e, Snftitutionen bed r8mtfd)en rUerbts. INSTPTUTION, ». 1. bie ehtfrfcung, (Sinfiibrttng; 2. ©tiftung; fSffent= liebe ctcr prioat) SlnflaU, ?eprnn= ftalt; ba« ^nftitnt; 3. bic Berotbs nung, '5.ifenttg, ba« (?anbe8s)@efe^ ; 4. (vtnrifbtuitg {to. it.) ; 5. bcr \b\- terridit (ro. ii.) ; commercial institu- tions, •»onntc[«--Anftitnte. INSnTUTIONARY'. adj. tit ben Sin* fangSgruttben jje^Srig, eleinentartfd). institutive, m/j. i. oerorbttenb, SKacbt vcrleilient, iuftititirenb; 2. iiiftitnirt. iNSTiTunsT, .«. ber ffontpenbien» febrciber, SSerfoffer yon Velirbitdieru. IN8TITUT0B,* ter2tifter; Vehrer. To INSTOP, v. a. berftopfen, jujtopfen (it. it.). To INSTRUCT, iv a. 1. [ebrcn, nntcr- riitteu, untermetfen ; 93er^altungd: bcfeble gcbeit; 2. eittfagert, 3enwn= tent ein.ieben, toad cr fagen foil, ibn ftintmcit; Instructed in.., bcfantit ntit . . . INSTRUCTION, t. i. bie Otlfftrurtg, Unterrotifung ; ber Utttcrricbt : i. bit Vebrc ; 3. Slnorbnitng ; bteS8or= febrift • 4 ter Sluftraa. SSer^alfungds bcfebl. INSTRUCnVE (ado. — i.y . adj. bt> Irhrcnb, lebrrcid), unlet ■rtdjteitb. QMSTRI CTOR, ». bcr ?ebrer. INSTRUCTRESS, s. tie Vebrcrintt. INSTRUMENT, a. I. bad SBerf|eug ; 2. S;on=2Berfjeug ; 3. Document, tit llrfitute, Scbrift (in illicit 9Bebeutnn» gen ; bad Snftrnment; 4. fig.(wu ^Jerfonen) bad SBerfjeug, ©efdjdpf, bie jtrearur. INSTRUMENTAL, adj. aid eiit SBerf; teug tietteitt, taiit gclnnig, bebiilf= lid), rotrffam ; an — cause, cine tnit= nirfenbe llrfadje; — music, 3"|iru* llteitMUi'iuftf ; to be — to.., tf biilflid) fctut jit ..; to be — (to) towards ... beitrageu ju ... INSTRUMENTALIT7, it. bicXicu. INSTRUMENTALNES8, S lid'feit, ik» htilflirbfeit, 3JJitn)irhing, iicrntitte- llittg, bad fUtitttl ; by the — of the spirits, oermittelfl bcr Sebendgeifter. INSTRUMENTALLY, ado I. al« eitt SBerfjeug, mittelbarer SBetfe, vcr- ntittelft • 2. mil mufifalifcben 3u= (Irumeuten. INSUAVTTY, ». tic Uimiiucbmlidifcir. INSUBJECTIQN, .c tcr Uu,\cboifant (gegen bie Siegtemiig). insubordination, a. bet 3)ienjl= Ungeborfam ; tic .'luflclMiung gegen SBorgefeftte, jufubottinatioit. INSUBSTANTIAL, adj. uinrefeiitlicb, tocfcttlod, ttid)t iviiflicb. INSUOCATION, ». tie ^crticfttng ju (SBerfefeung mit) einem Safte it. it. . INSUFFERABLE {adv.— it . a ./ uuci'= traglid), unlcitlid), uiiaudjle^lieb, cfelhaft. INSUFFICLENCY, t. bit Uu)ulanaltd>' Unangeineffenbeit, Untauglic^leit, llttfahigfeit. INSUFFICIENT (ate. — lt.) adj. iticbi bittreidjenb, uiitulanglid?, untaug< lid), unfabjg. INSUFFLATION, *-. bad Vlnbouclicii, 2Inblafen. INSULAR, I. adj. ju ciiter Aitfel gebo= rig, tiifularifdj, eilanbifd); n. -•. tcr .\nulbeivolMicr, ^nflllaner, ( s "iliiiiter. To insulate, v. a i. abfonberu, ifo» liven ; 2. jut Ain'cl inndjen iv.u. . INSULATED, idj frei licgenb ivic . ii.); 2. tic SBelribigung, Sefdpimpfung, 3d;mad), ter Sq)impf, ^ob". 7b INSULT, v. a. 4- it, bcKiti^eu, be* fdiiiiivfcu, bobueii, vevhplMieu. fpot- teu, ubermutpig tint oeraa)t(id) bc= biintcln, franfcit. INSULTATION, s. tic be[citi;]cutc, frf)impf[idjc S3eb,anblutig. iNsri/iT.K, .-■. bet ©eleibtger, 33efdjim= pftr, .Oobnfvredicr. INSULTINGLY, ado. bobnifd), rer= aditlidi, frfinfenb. LNSUPERABLLITY, i a. bie Uttubet [N8UPERABLENESS, ) iviutlidifeit. INSUPERABLE — | i • adj. ttn = uberuMiiblidi, unuberfleiglid) j an — objection, ciu umuiberlegbarct ISin* murf. INSUPPORTABLE (adv. —i.y), 1NTE INTE INTE rerfteberung ; — upon lives, bio 8e» ben&oerficberung j — broker, bee9lf= fecuraumtaflcr; — company, bic '.'if; fecuranjcompagnie ; — line, has 3lf= fecuranjfacb j —money, ba8 93erft= rt>cruugja,elb, bic 3IffecutonjsSPra= mtc; — office, baS SHftcurattjeomp* toir ; policy of— ,bcr i!crftdcrftcbercr, Slffecu* cant. INSURGENT, adj. aiifrubrcrifcft. insurgents, .-•. /'/■ DrbmingSftorer, 2Iufrubrcr, SicbcIIcit, (Smpcr'cr, 2luf= roicgler. INSURMOUNTABLE (a,!r. — ly), adj. unuberjtciglicb, uuubcnviublid). INSURRECTION, *. bet Slufjlanb, bic Ifmpbruna,, Rebellion. INSURRECTIONAL, > a**. anfriibrc= INSURRECTIONARY, $ rifeb, 21llfnibr fbrbernb. INSUSCEPTIBILITY, s bic Ultcm= pfangiitbreif, ©efiibUofigrcit. INSUSCEPTIBLE, adj. uncillpfiimjfirb, gefuJjlloe, unempfiubfam, un'fabig (—of, fur). INSUSURRATION, s. ba3 (iinblafen, (Singeben, (Sinfiuftern. INTACTABLE, adj. Hllfiibltar. INTAGLIATED, adj. gefebmtfen, 3cfic= d) c n, mit cingcfcbnittcitcu Siguren, intaglio, s. bcr gcfdmittetic (ntit erbabenen gtguren etngegrabene) Stein, bic ©cnime. INTANGIBLE, adj. Iticbt grcifltdi, 1111- taftbar, uufublbar. INTANGIBLENESS,)* bic Unfub> 1NTANGIBIL1TV, $ bavfeit. INTASTABLE, adj. imfcbmaifbaft (ii. ii.). integer, s. ..a.»er»oflftanbigen, cr.) ; 3. SSoIl* ftanbigfett, llugctbciltbcit, Unoev» ictjtbeit. (NTEGUMENT, s. A. T. bic AM'illc, S)ecritebcil. INTELLECTIVE, adj. $11111 SSerjtailbe geborig, oetflanbtg; — faculties, bie SSerjlanbesfrafte. INTELLECTUAL [adv. — ly), adj. 1. bcti SSerjranb betreffenb, mit iBer* ftaube bcaabt, »erftanbtg ; 2. jciftig, intcllcctucl, itcalifcb. TUAUST, s. bcr Ueberfcba= fcerbes mcufdilidicn SSerflanbeS. INTELLECTUALITY, s. bcr Snftaub bc« (§rfenntnip»crm5gcn8 n i.' 216 INTELLIGENT K. s. 1. bic -I)iittbci(i;it ( v. aittjeige, Jlunbe, 3lii3funft, "Kadi; rid)t, i'ladmu'innt^; 2. baS 33ernef)= men, 33erftanbniB, S'inserfianbntfi ; 3. bcr 33erftanb, bic @inft^t l ^cniit= nip ; i. ba!? gciftigc SBefen, bcr ®etf} ; to send out for — ,'anf Jtiinbfdmftiiii5= fdiicf en ; to give — of . . , beiuidnidi- tiflcn von . . ; — office (office of—), baS 0lii5ctflC-(i'tadn'iMflc=)-}lntt, Slbrefcom^totc, SntcUigenjComptcit; in — , Unctntgfett. INTELLIGENCER^. 1. bcr 3fleuigfet= ten bcriduct, .Unnbfdiafter, sQoU fdMfter, Slnjciger, 3ettung8fdbrets bev, Eorrefponbent ; 2. ba8 3»tcUi= gcnjblatt, bic ^eitung, INTELLIGENCING, adj. ?Lldiri*t ge= benb, anjciflcnb, corcrfvonbttenb. ' INTELLIGENT, adj. cillfioMtS»olI, fill= nig, uerftanbig, fniibtg, (ifabrcn, bemanbert. INTELLIGENTIAL. adj. 1. gctfitg, ill = teuectucl; 2. oerflanbtg, »fvnunftig. INTELLIGIBILITY, .?. bie SBev{tfinb= licbfeit, ^cnflidifeit. INTELLIGIBLE (adv. — ly), adj. ycr= ftanblid), bcntlidi, flar (to, fur); — ness, s. vid Intelligibility. rNTEMPERAMENT, s. bie iiblc fd>lcd)= tc i'cfdmffcnbeit. intemperance, s. bic Unmajjigfetr, SluSfcbroeifung, aSoQeret. INTEMPERATE [nAv.— ly), adj. 1. 1111= ma^tg; 2. bcr Sotterei ergeben ; 3. Icitciifdrnftlid?, lutpibcntlidi, nitS= fcillVCtfonb ; an — climate, cilt itbcv= matitg talUS ober bcifu'S jJlima; — ness, s. 1. bic llnmapiijfcit ; 2. iiblc ©efc^ajfenbeif beS SSJeUerS, bic fdilecbtc SBittcrung. LNTEMPERATrRE, s. ba8 UnoerBalt* ttifiinafsigc, ajit§»erbaltut§, bie fible 33cfd}affcn()ctt, Unma^tgfctt. INTENABLE, adj. lit. &■ jig. nicbt Jll, iihf)altbav. To INTEND, 7>. a. 1. toollftt, SEiflctl^ (gefDittici!) fcrni, vorbaben ; meiiien, beabftcbtigen ; gebenfcii ; 2. bie ?lnf= ficbt babcii ; 3. fpnnncn, auSbebneit, auSftrecfen ( iu. ii.) ; i did not — it, ba§ mciittc id) nid)t, biefi war nid)t mei= ne v'lbfidit: intended, gefonnen, gc= meint, bcabftcbtigct, beftimmt ( — fir. ju). INTENDANT, 5. bcr Cbcraitffcbcr, Sntcttbant. IN rr.NHF.i;. s . bcr etioaS bcabficbtigct. INTENDMENT, s. baS i>iMbabcit, bic Slbftdbt; SBebeutung, bcr wabrc Sinn. To intenerate, v.a. crmcidicit, mil* bern. INTENERATION, s. ba« (SniH'ifbcn, bic (Sru'cidntiij, 2Mberung. INTENSE,a4?*. 1. bmi) oberaufs^ijdjfte gefvannt, bnrcbbringenb, angeprengt, jiarf, Ctafttg, b,efltg; 2. tin boben 0)rabc aufmcrf fain ; — attention, bic ftcfyaitutc x'lnfincvffantfeit; — cold, bie beftige J?aite; — ly, adv. eruftlidi, b.eftig, mit 2luftrengutig ; tin boben oh'abc; — coia. buvcp&ringenb fait: — n<'ci'babcn, bM 2lbfidu, SPieinung; to the — , bamit, lllll ; beriliafiClt ; to all intents and pur- poses, burrbauS, in alleni iietrad;t, ir |ebet .OinfidU. intention, s. 1. bafl innbabcii, bi Olbiutt; 2. bcr bcl-e ©rab bcr 2lup> mevffamteit ; bic Oinfiiu-vffanifcit. INTENTIONAL, adj. abfidultit : — t ml,-. abfiditlid). mit '.'Ibtu'bf, mit 3?.ov-< faft; col. mit gtetjj. 1NTENTIYE, adj. aitfmerffam._ UT"ENTIVELY, ) adv. iicflitieittlicb, intently, 5 aiifmcrffam, eifrtg. 1NTF.NT1VENESS, \ s . bic v )liifmcrffam= INTENTNESS, ^ fcit,@cfliffenbcir, '.Hngeftreugtbcit, bcr (Sifer. To INTER, v. a. 1. becrbiflen, bcgraa ben ; 2. mit G'rbe bebecfen, einltgen. interact, s. ba§ 3mifd)cnfpicl, bei Sroifcbcnact. INTERAMNIAN, adj. ^infrbeii gliiffen itegeub (»on ciiicm Sanbe). INTERCALAR, Intercalary, ndj. ciiu gcfrbaltet; — day. bcr Sd; alt tag. To INTERCALATE, v. a. cinfdialtei: (eiuen J£ag). LNTERCALA'nON, s. bie ^infcbaUung (cities SageS). To intercede, v. n. bajwifdjen fcini obcr trctcti, firb in8 SDiittel fdjlagen; oermittetn, (tto oernoenben, bittcii ( — with, bei ; for, fur). lntercedent, adj. bajmifcbentrc^ tenb, vcrmittelnb. INTERCEDER, s. bcr ^crniittlcr, Biir«= fpredjer. To INTERCEPT, o. a. 1. (iiiffangcn, aufbaltcn ; 2. ftbrcn, unferbrcrbeit, abfdjneiben, oerfperren, oerrenneit; to — letters, &c. Sriefe u. f. id. auf* fangen, unterfcblagcn ; to — tiie tradu, beni i^anbel Olbbvudi tluiu. intercepter s. bcr 3lnffanger (»on S3rtefen)j ©egner, i>iadi[tcllcr,'Sca,e= lagerer. interception, s. baS Aufbaltcn, bie Sluffangung, Unterbrecbung, 3>crbin= berung; — of breath, bie ^emmung bei 3ltb)em8. INTERCESSION, s bic i'crmittclung, Dajnjifcbentretung, SSertoenbung, Biirfpracbe, Surbtitc; to make — to.., sjurbitte tlmn bei.. (— for, fitri. lntercessor, s. bcr SSermittler, giir- fprcrbcr. intercessory,^, furfpredbeiib, vcr- mittclnb. To INTERCHAIN, v. a, fig. SllfamniCU; tctten. To interchange, v. i. a. gegenfeitig geben unb nebmeit, umtaufrpen, oer= tauiVbcn, atic-raiifdicn, £aufcbbanbel trei.ben, oertuecbfeln (gegeiifeitig njccbfclu ; fg. (gegenfeitig) mittbet* leu; II. n, abiveebfdn. rNTERCHANGE, g. lit. & fig. i. bic mecbfelfeitige 9J2itt^et(uug, 58ertau» febung, ber JEaufrb, SluStaufd), \lm- taufdi, S'aufitbaitbet, iu-vfebv ; 2. SBecbfeT, cic n>?o>fet8tDeife golge, Slbwecbfeluug ; — of gifts, gcgcnfeU tia,e ©efrbeiife; — of seasons, bet SBecbJel bcr Sabrc^citcu. rNTERCHANGEABLE. (adv. — ly), adj. wec^felfettig, gegenfeitig ; abwecfc fclnb ; metbfelSweife, von beiben ^ei« ten ; — ness, s. bie il>cdifelfeitigfeit abmecbfelung, bcr :Iaufd). LNTERCHANGEMENT. s ber Saitfd) 2i\-*fci. baS 3BecbfeIn fw. ii.). in 'TERClPLENT, I. adj. auffaugeub aul INTE INTE INTE Aalteub, binbcrnb ; if. ». btc aufr>al= tcucc. Kraft , bas .\JHiibcrnift, 4?tnbe= ruua,6= ober llnttvbrcdntttggmittcl. NTERCISION, s. tie llurci bvcc^unj (\v. u.). 7i> INTERCLUDE, 7-. a. uutcrbvcdxu, oerlegen, abfebneiben (ben iiSca,, u. f. to.), auffangen. INTERCLUSION, s. tic Unferbvedjuiij], •§iuberung, .jpemmung. rNTEROOLUMNIATlON, s.Areh. T. bic ©auleitroeite, ©aulenferne. To [NTERCOiMMON, v. ?t. 1. jufammen (.an bemfelben £ifrbe) effen; 2. ge= memfcbaftlicbe SBeibe r)aben. ZJ» INTERCOMMUNICATE, r. n. @C= metufebaft mit einanber l;abcn. INTERCOMMUNITY, s. bie gegenfeitis S|C iltitthciluug, ©emeinfebaft, (ivcd;= rlfeilige) EReltgtotisfrcitjcit. INTERCOSTAL, «a;uM'fd)cit- laiifeu, bet Turcbgang, bte SajroU febenrunft, bev SBorfaU. intercurrent, adj. bajwifcvfcl)v. Tu interdict, d. a, l. uutenagcu, oetbieten ; 2. mit bem 3nterbicte | bet Strafe bc3 tlciueii Jcird)enbaiinc6) belegett. Interdict, .-• baa 3nrerbkt, SBerbot bet Safrome»t6ertb,eilung, utit ^ius= uabme ber SEaufe, bee !(lbenbma^ls unb tcv lefctcit Deluug. interdiction, .?. bic Unterfagung, baa SBetbot; — of trade, baa >§ans belioerbot DJTERDICTIVE, a-//, uutevfagcub, bets bietenb. INTERDICTORY, anfen,3infe«jinfeii; com- mon — . bad allgemciuc SBefte ; self — , ber fetgennufe. INTEBESTED, part. & adj. i. cigcil= tiiitji.),; 2. iutcveffirt; betbeiltgt; to lie — in an enterprise with . . bci ci= item Untcrnebincu intcreffirt felon mit..; an — witness, ber iuitbcthei= ligte yeuge ; — ness, '.ber ©igennufe. INTERESTING, adj. iiiteveffant, anjte= beub, unterbattenb, ciniieluiieub,ivid): tig. To INTERFERE, o. ?/. 1. ftercnb cin= roirfen, ftoren, einauberentgegen fc.Mi, toiberfprecben, mtberftretten ; 2. fid) mit etnas abgeben, fid) in etwai mi» feben, firb in« 2RitteI fdilagen, ba= jrotfeben treten, bermttteln ; 3. s,,. r. mit ben Aiif;eit aiteinaiifer ftofien, fid) ftreifeu, iu bie Sifen baucu tvvn iPferben); to — with an affair, ciuer £arbc Stutrag tbuit; to — wii einem in ben .uauf fallen, cut. itjnt iud ©eb. inters tmiftifd) auegefertigte — ). INTERIOR, I. adj. I. inner, iuucvlid), inroenbig; 2 bi'nucitlaubifd) ; II. «. 1. baa Snuere ; 2. 3nlanb, SBinnenlaub. rNTERJACENCY, *. I.bas5)ajnjifc&ens liegeu ; 2.^a;nufd)enliegenbc (m, it. . iNTERJAt !ENT, adj. baj»ifa)enliegenb, bajmifcbenfominenb. To INTERJECT, e a ba;a'ifd)euftellen ; eiitriiifcn, citifd)iebcu. interjection, t. l. bie Daj»tfcben= funft, ba§3)ajn)ifd)eiifteUen ; 2. Oram. r. bev (SmVftnbungSlaut, bie Sntets (ection. interjectk inal, adj. eingefc^oben. t.< rNTERJorN, r.a. mit einanbci »ets eiuigeu, uerbinten (ro. it.) INTERKNOWXEDGE, s. bic ge,]eufci= tigc .Ueiiiituifi. S8cfauutfd;afi (». fi.). r» INTERLACEj v. a. biivdiivcbcii, burdiflcd)[cit, citifled)tcu, cinuHrfeu. interlapse, ». bet SBecIauf, 3roi fcbeiiraiim, tic ^lvifdienuit. T» INTERLARD, r. n. fpldctl, bUVef)= fpiefeu, untetinengen. To INTERLEAVE, v. a. (ciu SBUC& mit SPapter) burtbftbiefjen. To INTERLINE, v. a. I. iiifevlinireii ; jroifeben ben 3eilen ftbreiben, binciu (j»tf(t>en ten Beilen) feften, burd) imtfeben bie geilen febretben, »etbef» fern, cotcigiten ; 2. mit (in) abroedbs feliibcu 3eilcn fd'rcibcu; Typ. T. bmd)fdMci"iCu. INTERLINEARY cntkri-ijoiar), L adj. jwifrben ten Jeilen gefebticben; mit abraerbfeinben 3eileit, in ;Vvifd)en= jeileit beftebntb, jroifrbeujeilig : — transiai s, 3uterlinear=ltcberfc|uu= gen ; II, s. t-u jujifdjeitjeilige SBua), INTERLINEATION, -. ba* Bn-'ifcbt*' fd>rcibcu ; onufebeugefdu iebeue. INTERLINING, ». bas 3n)ifcbenfcbtet< ben, Eorrigiren burrf) 3n , ifcb cl| f c b rc ' s ben. To INTERLINK, >-. a. ta'"ammeufugcu, mit eiuanber serbinben. INTERLOCATION, «. bat ©a|»ifcbtlt= ftetten, bie ©ajroifcbenfunft INTERLOCUTION, t I. tie Unterres bung; ba«®efvracb, ber Dialog; 2. /.. r. ber DorlauRge crcr 3iviutcu=) Sefc^cib, bas ©eturtbeil, 3nferloeut, INTERLOCUTOR, t. bet ,',UM''dicnreb» net, bic tebenbe obet tebenb eiuge» ftibrtc sperfon in einem Dialog. INTERLOCUTORV, adj. 1. ge'"vracb« mapig, in ©efpracberprm ; 2. J,, r. uoriaufig, iutetiotutorifeb ; — decree. bet Swifrbenbefcbeib To i.n Ci:i:i.' IPE '•• n u'd in ctival einbtangen; (rem ^anbel) Stnttag tbun, Berbotenen^anbel treiben, »op faufeu; interloping trade, bet 2d)leid)= bantcl, bic Sdjntuggelei. interloper, ». I. bet fid) in ettoas mifdit cber einbrSngt, reojii er {ciu Sftecbtbat; 2. ber Sjinfelmatet, .- / ©onbafe, Scbleicbbanblet. To INTERLUCATE, v. a. auMmucn, auelicyten (n>. it.). INTERLUCATION, .-■. bas ^luelicbteu, Slusbauen eines SBalbeS. ENTERLUCENT, adj. bajtuifrben fn)ei» nenb. INTERLUDE, ». bae ?)!iM'"du-tifviel, bie StoifcbenooffieUung, bas jntermejjo. INTERLUDER, ». ber iKt'tfvielet in einem ^uMutcnfviel. INTF.KEIE.NVV, ». i.Vi SajWiff^tHs fiiefjen (». fl.) INTERLUNAR, \adj. JVoifrben i'clls INTERLUNARY, > lint •Jieumeub. DJTERMARRIAGE s. bie •^Jnt'elbei= rati), ^eiratb jmifdjcn jwei 5ami= lien. TV INTERMARRY, v. a ivcd'-u (u itige .)oeiratbeu (unter Aamilieii fd'licficn. To INTERMEDDLE, v. « ficb (uuberiu feu) in rtmas mengen, ins SDitttel treten. INTERMEDDLER, s. ber ficb imberu' fen (Sinmengenbe, bie unbetufeite) SDcitteleperfon, ber Unterbanbler. INTERMEDIAL, adj bajroifcbeil iu ber '.I'i'iitc Don jroei Dingen oefiiibHcb ; ituifcben inne gclegen; — space, bet EDtittelraunt. INTERMEDIATE, adj. bai iPJittel tie ajtitte smifrben jroei (Srtremen) bal* tenb, tiii SDtitfel [^colours, bie SNits telfarbeu ; — hour, bie Jmifrbenftuns be ; — sort, cine OJIittelgattung ; — space, bet SDlittelraum, Swifcyen? taunt; — Btages, oivi'MH-iiftaiiPucn. INTERMEDIATELY, ado. im Sflitttl, butcb Dajtuifrbenfinift, vermittelft. INTERMEDIUM, 8 I. bet Jivi|'d)cu= vaitin ; bae ^wifcbcumittel. rNTERMENT, s. bte tBeerbiguug, bas Qegtabnii. [NTERMIGRATION, i bie gcgettfeitigt 5lu8t»anbeniug. INTERMINABLE adj grenjeitlo*, un. entlid) ; uncrmeflid'. [NTERMINATE adj iiiibcgvenU, gren« jenloS, entlfe, uiibeutraittt. To INTERMINGLE, d, I. a. uutcrmi. feben, mifeben; n. n. ficb oetmifeben, oetmifebt font. INTERMISSION, a bae lliiterlaffcn ; Sluefehen cine; ^anblung fut einc getoiffe ;Vit. Hufbftren, tie ?Jaufe; bet Jibuuv; bie 3n)ifebenjeil ; without — . unablaffig, nnuntetbtocoen ; — of the ague, ber fteberlofe 3uftARb. •J 17 iNTE INTE INTII WTERMissivr., adj. ltiitcrbrodjen, in Slbfaijcu, ro'. rucfroeife. To INTERMIT, v. I. a. mi tcr faffcn, uu= terbrecben; il* nacblaffen, auefefecit, cbfe&eu, paufiren, abroecbfejn; the fever intermits, ba* Aicbcr [ait ttad). INTERMITTENT, adj. tiacblaffenb, auS» fefcenb, abiocd>fclut> ; — fever, bdi SBccbfclficber; short — pains, furje, untcvbrocbeiic Scbmerjen. INTERMITTING, par*, rid. Intermit; — fever, bag 23cd)fclfieber ; — ly, ad>\ tit Slbfa&eu ober 3wtfc$etttau2 men. 5Tb INTERMIX, v. I. «. iintcnnifcfjcn ; II. ». scriuifobt felju. INTERMIXTURE, s. tie 3Jltfd)img, sBcimifdmug; bag ©emifdj, col. ber 2Jlifd)ntafd>. INTERMUNDANE, «'//'. Jltifrbctl Jwet | 5Belt= ober .jptmmelsforpern bcfiitb= ltd); — space, ber Jtaunt Jroifcben •giinmeUrorpern. LNTERMURAL, adj. Jroifrtyen iRaitcri! bcfiublid). INTERMUTATION, 5. bit roccbfclfcitigc sKittbeilung. INTERNAL, adj. 1. timer, iuuere, timers ltd) ; 2. eiubcimifeb, inlaiibifd); 3. roirflicb, voabrhaft; 4. gciitig ; — excellence, itltteve (toa^re) ©iitc (Sor* treffltd)feitj ; — navigation, bie Sttt* ttcit|"d)tfffai)vt ; — peace, tunc rer 3'i'ic- be; — taxes, ber iJ3 1 ItncilJO II ; — ly, ado. tunerlidj, int 3uuern, bent @ci= fie luid), geifitg. INTERNATIONAL, adj. fid) auf belt 3n>ifd)euoerfehr jweierober ntebrercr SRattouen bejiebenb, bortit begriinbet; — communication, bit iUTfehrg='-Ucr= binbung jroeter ober ntebrererSJlatio» tioitcn ; — law, bag auf bent &mU fdnmocrfetn- iweier ober ntebrercr SRationen ftd) bejiefjeitbc ©efef}. internecine, adj. gegeitfeittge 3""- ftoruug bcjioocf'citb, morberifd) (to. it.). internecion, *. ba3 gegeitfeittge 3Jiorbeit, ©cntefjcl (ro. it.), internuncio, s. tor 3itterironcin« (aufjerorbeutlicbe Sotfcbafter teg $apjleS). INTERPELLATION,*. 1. bie Uutcvbrc= brecbung, 3n>ifcbeurebe, ber (Site fprucb; 2. bic ernftlidbe Sifre, ber Slufruf; 3. bie gorberung, 93orta= bung. To INTERPLEAD, v. a. L. T. cirtcit ■Jlebeimmftanb (3ucibetttpunft) bet eiueni $rojeffe »or (Stttfcbetbutig ber jganptfacbe anbringen. INTERPLEADER, s. I.. T. ber 3»ts fcbenflfiger, ber bajroifeben eiufonimt, ber eiiteit 3ucibentpunft anbringt; fcer. SJiitrocrber imt cine (Srbfcf>af t ; 6iii of — . bie gerirbtlicbe SBcftitnmung eiueS Stebenuniflanbel ooe bent •§auprprojeffe. To interpled ;e, b. a. gegenfettig verpfaubeit. To INTERPOINT, o. a. bund) 2rf)cibc= jcidKit abthcilcu, intcrpitufrireii. To INTERPOLATE, v. n. einfebieben (in cine c 1 1 r a 1 1 m ; bte3iMfrbeujeit. ini'i;i;stitial. adj I'imifrfH-iivaiims babenb ; — vacancies, Jroiffbenrciua me. To INTERTANGLE. ». a. 'oerflliipfeit, oerpflecbten. oerfr^ftngru, uerroirren. INTERTEXTURE,^ bOS ®t\Otbt, ©f> menge, bic iD?auntgfaItigfeit. INTERTROPICAL, adj. jwifdjeil bell SBcnbefreifen iiciegcit. To INTERTWINE, / P . a. ill eiuaiiber To intertwist, 5 frbltitgen, burcb= fled>teit, oerffcd>tetl ; serpents inter- twisted, oerfcbluitgctte Sdjiaitgen. interval..?. 1. ber ^roifcfeeHrauni, Vlbftaub; bie Vecre, Vmfe; 2. grift 3»tifcbcu jett, $a»fe ; 3. Ji„*. T. bet Sonabftanb, bie iomoeite ; intervals of sense or lucid intervals, bie lirbteit aiugeubltrfe (eineS gieberftmnfen), 2lpi)rcric ; by intervals, ju rerfd)iebe= licit iWileit; oon 3eit 511 §tit, mt= tcrbrod;cit, col. frtfi=, fto')=, ober riltfa loeife. INTERVEINED, adj. fgleirbfoin toic) ntit "Jlbcrii burebfiodiicn, (wiel oon Qlberu bitrrbfitiiitten. To INTERVENE, ». «. 1. bajtvifdicti Eonitnen; etnrreten {ali .t>tnbcr= nig) unerroartet; 2. ba^u fontiiicn, btnjutreteu ; 3. fid) in bag 9)iitrol fcblagen ; 4. bctftchen, iuterocnirett, OCrmttteln ; intervening sjiace, bCt 3votfd)enraiim. INTERVENIENT, adj. ba^oifdicil Tom= meitb, mftoSenb, oinfallenb (io. ii.). INTERVENTION, s. 1. bie Dapoifriicn- Euuft; 2. bag ^ajivifcbenlicgcn, bet 3n.Mhtcnftanb ; 3. SSermitrelutig, be: iU-iftaiib. To intervert, B.o.eine anbere 3iid)= tititg geben, ju ett»a8 unbent mn>en= ben no. ii.). INTERVIEW, *. bie .iiifammfiifiiiift, Unterrebniig, Sefprecbmijj. To INTERVOLVE, r.a.jig. m cinaiibcr roicfelu, oertuicfelu. To INTERWEAVE. >: a. 1, ill citlrtllber toeben, imtcrnnrfen ; eitnoebni, ser= roeben, burd)ftecbten, burd)raufen ; 2. ocrincngen, itutcrmifcben. interweaving, s. bag 3iifammcn= toeben, Serroeben, ©eroebe. INTERWORKING, s. *A% Uutvnoirfen. lNTERWREATHEl). adj. lilt citUUI Jlrattu gef[od)ten, buntfioditeu. INTESTABLE, adj. 1. T. ltnfabig fin S'eftamcut ju macben, obercin S«'8 S tiifi objulegen. INTESTACY, ». ber 5KattgeI eiiteg 2'r= ftamenteg, 2JJangel einer Srifefying. INTESTATE, adj. I*. T. ohiie 3 eft a ■■ menr, obne iSermarbtniB ; to die — , fterben obtte eiiileftaineiit binicrlafs fen \\\ babett. intestinal, adj. jit ben diugeir-ftbcil gebBrig. inti:stine, adj. inner, initcre, inuer^ lid), cinbciinifdi ; — wars, iimere (ober ©urgersj JUiege. INTESTINES, *-. pi. bie ©ingetverbe, ©ebarmc. To INTHRAL, »>. a. in S3anie fc*-*« s ^en nnter bic Jtuccbffdiaft bringcu, mter. jocben INTO INTK INVA PITHRALLMENT, s. bie Jlnecfctfc^afl, Sclaverei; *J!otl), bae Xrangfal. 7u INTHKONE, &.C iiurd)teiuja = gen, ©iufcbiicbierit, tie (i'iufd)iid)te= rung, INTO, prep, in, nad) ; bincin, bcvcin ; j;i ; l went — the room, id) fling in tic 5 tube (hiuein) ; I was led out of one mom — another, man fiihrte mid) rtiiS cincr Stubein ticantcre; cotton is manufactured — yarn, tic 5Baiuu= ivoUc roitb ju ©aiii fabrijirt ; to break out — a fit of laughter, in fin uii= mfijitgeS ©clarinet ausbrecbeit; to burst — tears, in S£l)taiteil ousbved)ni ; to bring — being, 5)afe»U gcbcil; to collect — a mass, tit cine '])(rtffe bfill = gcu ; to dip — , ciiitaiidicu ; to go — mourning, £rauet aillcgcil; to prow — 1 habit, jitr ©eivoljiibcit ivcrtcii; to look — , etnfcbcu, bineinfeben ; his house (window; looks — my garden, fein ^Sauts (Seufier) bat btc2IuSf;d)t 111 mcitieii ©arteit, coi. gel)t iitnicincu ©arteil; to put (drop) — a harbour. ciitlaufcit (ill ciiicu .Vpafcit) ; to put the form — the press, Typ. T. cill[)cbi*U (tic Bonn in bie Sprcjfe) ; to put — (in) execution (practice), tit SJuSflblllig briugeii ; to put — motion, in ©ewes gung fcfeen; 10 resolve —^ auflofcii 111 ; she rushed — his arms, fie fid iblll tit tit Slrmt ; to sink — slumber, cill= fcclunillKfil ; to be tireJ — compli- ance, burd) lafltgce (jubringlitbeS) ©itten jur SBiufabrung bewogen ivcrbeii ; — the bargain, ill boil jtauf, att Sugabc ; tarcin, nod; bo*u, ebeii= brciu. INTOLERABLE {adv. — i.v), adj. 1. 1111 = erttaglicb; uiiaiii'ftcblid*; 2. fiufietft fcbledjt; —ness, a. tic Uuciti\iglid' = fcit. INTOLERANCE, s. bie Uiibuibfanifcit, 3ntoleranj. INTOLERANT, I. adj. imfalttg jU ertiw gcit; nnbulbfam, intolerant; n. *. tcr unbulbfaine, Sntolerante. INTOLERATED, adj. nidit geblllbef. INTOLERATION, ». bie Uiitiiltfanifcit, Sntolevau*. To INTOMB, i! a. vid. To Entomb. To INTONATE, 0. n. 1. tonturit; 2. Mug. T. nnftimincit, intoniren. INTONATION. .5. tie 3litftiiiimuug, Slnfpracbe, SEonangebuug, 3ntona= lion. To INTONE-, v. a. .<- n. fllllllltcll, bf Ullt= aicu. lb iNTOivr, ca. bvelen, lointcii, riu= gen. To INTOXICATE, v. n.bcraufrbcn ; be= tbbren ; intoxicated, beraitfcbt, ttutw "en (with an idea, volt ciiteiu ©ebau= fen). INTOXICATE, adj. bevoufd) t. intoxication,*, bie 99eraufd)nHg ; bee SRaufcb, tic Xi'uiifcubeit. INTRACTABILITY.* tie Unbiegnini = Nit, Uulenffamfcir, ifioUjiarrtgfeit, 2Biberf|*anftigfeit, tcr Starrfinn ; tic iH'rfebvtbeit ; Unbdnbigfeit INTRACTABLE ladv. — i.y), adj. un- biegfam, unlenEfam, basjtamg, roi= bcrivcnfttg, eigenftunig, unbanbig; — ness, *. vid. Intractability. To INTRANCE, vid. To Entrance. rNTRANQULury, *. tic Unrube. INTRANSIENT, adj. uiU'Ctgain*lid*. INTRANSITIVE (adv. — LY), adj. Oram. t. untbatig, intranfitio; verb — , cin intranfttioej EQerbum. LNTRANSMUTABILITY ». bie ltuoer« manbclbarfeit. INTRANSMUTABLE, adj. fid) nidu ocrwaubfln laffenb, nid;t ju pernjan= beln. To INTREASURE, v. a. Sd-afcc fanu ntcln (iu. iiJ. To I.NTKi: VT Sec, vid. To Entreat, &x. ■To INTRENCH, ?•. I. a. 1. ciiiffbneitcn, fuvd)cii; 2. ocrfrbanjcit, cinfrbanjcii; 11. 71. eingreifen, Stngriff tbnit /—on, upon, in); 10 — upon truth, tic 2Br= beit beeilltriid)tigen; intrenched upon, bceintfiid)tiget. LNTRENCHMENT, .'. Sort. T. bte 83et* fcbanjmig, tic Sdjanje. INTREPID (adr. — ly), adj. «nerfi*bro= cfcit, unoerjagt, fiibn. INTREPIDITY, s. bie Uucvfd)fOcfciif)cit, .Hiibiibcit, bcr iUiittl). intricacy,,*, bie SBeraitfetung ; Sd)»ierigfcit ; baa ©ennrre. INTRICATE {adv. — ly), v>cnvorreit, biinfel, uertDicfelt, fcBivierig, mifUiri); —ness, .'. bie SQei'tDorren^ett, Sdpivifs rigfett, Xnnfelbcit. To INTRK - V.TE, ». o. venridi'di (W.U.). INTRIGUE,*. I. bitS .Jnijigeiocbe, tic Slrglifl, tcv bcinilidic ^anbel, ?icbefi= iiantel, Jtniff, tie jutrtgiie; 2, 3?er= roideinitg, i'cvfd*ui*uiig (einee 0c= bidjtce). To INTRIGUE, r. a. 3Jaiifc fdmieben, ■Sptinbel mad)cn. INTRIGUER,*. bee ERanfemacBer, dUn= fcfdiiuicbcr ; ©ubler, Jvuvwer. INTRIGUINGLY, adv. argliftifl, tanifea »olJ, niit Jtanfeit, bind) jpftffc. iNTiUNsicAL (— 1. ■). adj. timer, toirfs licb, ivabr, kuefentttd); an — argu- ment, ein ivefentlicjbec SBetveie ; — value, bcr iiuicic (ei|*citllidH*, iihibrc) il\*itb ; — ly, ado. iuncvlid), till 3u= llCVII, lDcfentlid); — !y valuable, viOll innerem SBcrtbe. To lM'ui iduce, b. a. eiiifiibren :— one into a society, einen in cine ©efelU febaft); eiuein Semanb oorflellen, entpfeblen, bcfeiuut nnutcit (—one to a person, ciucn niit 3emanbem)j anf= bringen (©ebraucbe, u. f. n-.); cin= fubreu (iieiu* SQBortcr, 11. f. (».)■ to — a sickness in a country, eiiu* SttdllU beit in cin ?anb cittfcblcvvcit. introducer, ». bee @infubrer. 1 \ri:i mi n tion. s. 1. bie Siufubritng, SSorftcttung ; 2. ©inleitung, SOorre= be ; letter of — , bcr 6inVfebIuug6= brief; on the — of ..., OUf bie Sills pfeblung bci< . ... INTRODUCTIVE, \adj einIeitenb,»or« INTRODUCTORY, 3 l>infig; introduc- tory discourse, bie (Sinleitungtrebe. INTROMISSION, ». 1. bie .Oiiuinfeii; bung, Sinlaffungj ^ulaffiing, to INTROMIT, v. a. biuciiiu*ntctt, cin= laffen ; burcblaffen. INTRORECEPTION, *. bie Ginlaffung, 3lufnabme (n>. ii.). to INTROSPECT, v. a. niiieiiifcbcn, Driifcn. INTROSPECTION, $. ba» ,Oiuciii''cbcn bie ©eficbtigung, $rufung. DiTBOSUSCEPTION, *. tai *Jhinicb« men, liiniicbmcii, tic SHufnabme. [NTROVENLENT, adj. iv. 11. . LNTBOVERSION, ». bd8 (*iinv.irtefcb> rcit. tie (Miiiv>ir'tfcbniiig. to INTROVERT, p. a. fig. (inttarti febren. T, INTRUDE, «. v. S- rrji ctnbringtn; — on (upon , fid) aii'-tiitgcn, auf= jmingeu, jubringlicb ficb etnmifeben, ein •iviiigcii ; to — one'i self Into, I. fidV finbrangen; 2. fid) auf iHier= laubte '.'Irt in ten *i'i*fi?. cinej ©utei ftUcn, fid) beffelben) bemao>tigen, @iugriff tbun. INTRUDER, *. bet 3»'bringlidM*, Uebcr- lafttge; b'intruu-liiui, ungebetene ©aft; jufallige Jtomnicnbe, Sloree; eingebiungene iBejt^er. intrusion, ». 1. bie Sinbrangsng, ba8 5lllfbringen ; bie 3ubriiigIicDfeit, 3lnma§ung, unbefebeibenbeit ; 2. i. T. tie gewalttbatige obet gefe^ntibrigt SBcfifeitflbme frentbee liegenbee ©iter, »0t tcr ^nvfoii, tie ein *il(iicffallevcd;t barauf bat. INTRUSIVE} adj. einbringeiib, aufbrin> genb, |ubrtnglicb. to INTRUST, v. a nnoertranen —one with .... eiiient etivas , gebeime 3»f» trage geben; intrusted to mj mciner Sorge anverfrnut. INTUITION, *. bie 3tnfebauiiiig. INTUITIVE [adv. — u . o ... I. ait= fd)a*.icnb, uniiiitlclbar lvabnicbment ; 2. ailfcbaulicb; — knowledge, bie an= fdiaueiitc jtenntni^, baS uuniittelbarc SQiffen. INTUMESCENCE (— cr), ». I. ba* *)lr,» fdiivellen, 3luffrbu)eUeii; 2. bie ®e« feb tv u I ft. INTURGESCENCE, » ba« -Jlufdwcllen, 'Jlnrfdiivdleu, bie ©efcbruiiljt. to in'I'wink, b. f.a. uerflecbten, bunt» flid'ten, cimvinben, beiunnvicfeln ; 1L v. veifloel'ten fepil. INTWlNEMENT, ». tic BSereiuigunfl, bad ©emebe, to i.\ twist, b. a. veifled-tei:. [NUEND i, *. Bid Ism To (NUMERATE v a l'C>\!v*"'- INUNCTED adj. gefalbt. inunction, ». ba« fBeftreidbcn, -i>c> febmieven, Salben. lnundant, adj fiberfcbwemmeiib. to INUNDATE b. a. 1. ///. A- fig. nbtrj fdiivcmmeii; 2. fig ubcrroaltigen. IM KDATION, s.lU St fig. tic'ltebcr= fcbwenimuna, bad Slustrcten tcr ®t» ivaffcr; Ji'^i'i'iienftioiiicn, bcr *3« = (faninicnifliifi. INURBANITV, t. bie Uub&fiirbfeit, Un< artigfett, SRobbeit. To INURE, b. I. a. gcivobnen ; gen>obn« lid) treibeit; to^one'a sell to . .,ftdj an tttoai gcivobnen, e»gen>obnt mw ben, fid" nbbarteu gegeii ..; U.n. gelten, ©ulttgfeil ■ inurement, ». bie ©troobubeit, acv- ligfcit, Uebung, To LNURN, o. a. in eiue Urne j:i ein ©tab iegen, beerbigen. INUSITATION. *. bie llu.ubraiicblirb* fcit, Uiuu'ivobntbeir (iv. u.). INUSTION, ». bat Siubrennen. IM i u.rrv, *, tie Uuuii^lidifcit.'JJut* lofigfeit. INI TTERABLE, adj. uiiaii'.fvvedilid) to INVADE '•. a.' i,i. mil ©eaalt be» tveten, einfaUen, Qberfallen, anfaDcn, ongretfen, Seinbfeligfeiten beginnen; fig. antaftcn, ftoien, @i lit tag tbun, eiubiingen, an ftcb reigen ; to — heaven, belt .^illtlllcl blftlll IllClt ; t« 810 INVE IN VI INWR — the government, anf gegnr bie jRegicruitg loSjieben. NVADERs. bet Sngreifer; 39emac?= Hger, Stnbringer, iritcrrccbtiicbe ®e* nencbmcr. rNVALESCENCE 5. tie ©cfuntbcit, gtarfe, Araft. I>:\ 'aeeti niNARV. a*, fr.inflid), fied), gebredjlid), fcbwadjltd), EraftloS. 'NVALin. adj. 1. icfnvadi, traffics, nn= Bermogenb, bienfhmfabjg, au8gebient, nroaltbe; 2. ,rcdu8=! ungultig. INVALID..--. 1. bcr gcbrccbltdie SRenfcB, 3 it iv «d)e ; 2. riciiftui'.Mbujc, 8u6gt= bicnte, 3noaltbe, Staftner. INVALIDATE, r. a. fdmHicbeit, cntf raf= ten, ungultig macben, ciitgiiltigctt, timftofjen. invalidation, s . ba8 Ungnlttgntas dicn, Scbroacben. invalidity, s. tas Unoermogen, bie £eibe8fdjn>ad)e, •ttraftlciigfcir ; (jKccbtss) Ungulttgfeif. LN VALUABLE (adc. — ly), adj. unfd>i&= bar. INVARIABLE (adv.— ly), a#. Utivcra;i= fcerlicb, befianbtg ; — ness, ». bie Un= oeraitberlicbjeif ; *Befranbtateit. UNVARIED, adj. iim.'crantcrlid;, unab* rvatttelbar (»ou "Sin-tern). INVASION, s. ber (fcintlicbc) (Sinfalt, UeberfaU, Qlufafl, (gtreiftug, bie <2treiferct, Sitsaftoit ; f*. bcr (Jiiu grin;; 2lttfall (ciuer ' anftedentcn jfrauffjett). INVASIVE, adj. etnfallenb, angreifenb ; — wars, sSngrtps (t»ibemd)tlidje £rtege. INVECTION, (w. ii.) ) s. bieSlnjugit^s INVECTIVE, 5 hit, gdjma* bung, Ed)impfrebe, Spottfdjrifr. invective (orfo. —it), n«/. anjugtid), flicbefnb, beifienb, fatnrtfd), fcbtiu= pfenb, fdv.nabcnb, bcleitigcnt. Tb INVEIGH, r. « bitter Mtclit, fffict= ten, fcbmaljcit, los jieben i>ter fafjreu ( — against, fiber). INVEIGHER, s. ber Sdjcltcntc, Stomas bettte, £ab(ec. 7b INVEIGLE, r. a. anlorfeu, fdrineU dieltt, iibcrrebeu, vcrleitcn, (tnrcb Sdimcicbdeieu; verfuhrcn. INVEIGLEMENT, s. ta8 ^crlocfcn, ^ktfubren. LXVEIGLER, s. ter @d3meid?(er, SBer* fiihier. fNVEILED, adj. verutleicrt. 7b IXVEX '!'. b. n. erftubeit ; erbtd}ten ; ei-ftiitteit. fdjmteben, vvJg. au8bedeu. ixvexter. s. ber ©rfinber : grbicbter. INVENTION, ». 1. bie (Srftnbung ; 2. (5rftnbung8gabe, ber@rfiiitoinq8geiit; 3. bie (Sutbetfung; 4. grbidjtung, Suge. INVENTIVE, adj. crfinberifd), crftnb= fam, erfiubungSrctd), fiunreid); — art, tic (SrftnbungSfunfr, I NVEN TOR, .--. rid, Invester. BJVENTORIALLY, adv. OU eilt llad) SlrteineSl 3nDentarium(8), i>crratb-:-- etcr 33eflanbSDerjeicbntjf(eS), iti»en= turm agig. INVENTORY, s. 1. l. t. bie Snseittut, baS 3noentartuin ; bad Sorrat^S; obei (.Kagets) Sefronb8oerjetd)ittg, SSec^ uictmn bee Sorgefunbenen, tic Se= ftanblifte ter oorbanbenen SBaaren, bcr Status; ~l. r. bie garben=^to= birvKitte sunt ©mail maleit; to take an — , ftudhoetje oerjeidjnert, invent (artf)iren. 7b ixvextory. r. o. iitveutfartf )tren, etu 3)i»entartum aitfucbmcn, tit citi StrKtrbnitl btitt^cit. iNVe.n rEESS, 8 tic (vrnubcrinn. inverse, adj. uirtgcfebrt, entqegcn^e= ft^t, gegenfeut j ; — proporUon, Mat. ssa T. ta? tcr!ebrte 9?crfnilbt'^; — rule of three, Ar. T. bie serfcbrte 3icgcU bf= Erf. esversiox, 8. bie Itmfrfjrung [tints ^c.§ts, u. f. ».) ; 93erfcfcung (cities 2Borte8, it. f. »v.), Snvcrficn. 7b INVERT, 1: a. lintfchrcit, vcrfcbtcn, iinuvcntcit, scrluedjfeln, oermettgen. INVERTED (adc.—L\-\n,!j. uittgefcbrt; VCvfebrt; — commas, p/. Typ.T. bic Sttatt'onSi (?lnfiibniug3=) 3 f <4)cn [*—*'] ©ai:feftif;d)en. 7b INVEST, v. a. 1. bcffeibctt; 2. be- lcbncn, befialfen, einfeeen (—in, with, tit cine [mit ciuer] 3Bfirbe, [mit ci; 11cm] 21mte); 3. ermadjtigen, crtbei= Ien, gebett (cin ^ccbt, it. f" n?.), tnvc= fiirctt; 4. frbmucfen, jicrcn ; 5. ein= fcbltejjen, berennen, blocfircn ; fi. an= tegen; to — a sum. ju. i:. einc (ia)- feit. INVIOLABLE [adn. — ly), adj. Itltvcr; [ctjbar, uitverfe^Itcb, unscrbrficblid), bcilig; an — league, etnen)tgc853llnb= llifi ; — ness. 8. rid. Inviolability. INVIOLATE (I.nviolated). adj. ltnvcr-- lefei urtutrfebrf, ungefcbmSlert; un< befl.rft, iiKcntivetbt. DTVIOUS, adj. uitnjegfam, itngcbabnt iinbctvctcn ; — ness, s. tie Univcgfant: Ecit. 7b ENVISCATE, v. a. 1. mit eiiiem fit-. brigen Stcffe Seim) bcurcicben ; 2 baburcf) venviefdu ober fangcii ,. 8 3nfecten; \\\ ii.). INVISIBILITY, s. bic Unftcbtbarfetf. INVISIBLE (adv. — ly), adj. uuficbtbar — ness. s. vid. Invisibility. INVITATION, *•. bie Piiilabiing. IN\TI'AT( "irv. n,n. etnlabenb ; —psalm (in ber rbntifiteu Jtird'e ter C>inla» bung8=5J3falm (ber 93jie ^fatin . 7b invite, v. a. i. etulaben ; 2. iriteu, loefen, itberrcben. i.NviTER. s. tec (Sinlaber. INVITING, I. s. ba8 (yiuiatcn, 11. f. ». ; 11. 'adr. — ly), adj. etnlabenb, reijrnb, loefenb ; — ness, s. ba.6 (jum ©ciiitffe, it. f. ».) 6'inlatcnte. 7b IXVOCATE, dulInvokk. INVOCATION, «. bas ilunifcit, bie rii:= ru fnng ; ber Slufruf 511111 ©cbcte. inv< (ICE, s. M E-s. bic fpectpctrte SBaarenrecbnung, gactur, OTcta; — amount, *vactlira='Sci'tt) ; value as per — . 3Sertfj in Sacrura; as per — . Iaut Ivactitr; — continued, £rail8)>ort ter AMCtltr; to sell at a loss on the — , 1111= ter bciu gactu'rpreiS verfaufen; — hook, ba» gactura= ober Satturen= budj. To INVOICE, v.n. M. e. facfurtren. 7b INVOKE, 0. a. aurufcii, aitfrufcii, aitflebcn. INVi iLUNTARINESS, s. I. bie UitroiU* fiiiniidifcit : '2. Unficiivilligfcit. INV( ILUNTARY adv.— ily), adj. 1. litt= ividfiibtiicb; 2. iinfrciaMllig, ge= V.vnngcit. involution, s. 1. baS (Sinrotcfeln, bie (finmicfcliiitg ; SSerrotcfelung: 2. ©ebecfuitg, ^iille, bcr llitifdjlag ; 3. Mat. T.baS (frbeben 511111 Quabrat, fiubuS, u. f. to. To INVOLVE, b. c. 1. eimvtcfcin, eitt= biilicn, nmbiiilcn ; 2. (ntiN cntba!' ten, in fid) faffen, ctcr fd)lie$en; 3. oermengen, vcrbintcn, vcifcbiviftcu'., vcnviifeln, venvinen : 4. .v,it. r. mit ftd> felbft rcrntcbrcii, nniltivlict= rcn ; to be involved in ... . interefftrt fc'.nt bci . . . , vcnvirfclt fem in ... ; involved in debt, vcrfcbnltet. LXVLLXERABLLITV, s. vid, Lnvilne- bable'nbss. INVIT.NERABLE, adj. uitvcnvnutbar, unoerlefebar, fcji; —ness. s. tie Ue= 'jcnviuttbarfeit, Unoerleffbarfeit. 7b inwall, i-.a. untmaiicni, iuiifcblie= pen. inward, ? aic.etitroart8, itadi 3nnen inwards, J ju, insSnnere, inner I id), iinvcntig. EN ward, adj. l. inner, iitucrltit, in* roenbig; iiinig : 2. inlanbifd), biiir nenldnbifd); beinttfit; to pilot (from sea) — , Sea long, citllptbi'ilt ; JK F.-*. — duty, ber ©iiigangSjolI ; SBinnens 50II ; — privilege, baa 5Prt90tfSSor= recbt; — trade, inlantifcbcr (itincr= balb tc8 ?anbe8 gctricbencr) .6aittc[, ^imicitbantcl ; — ly, air. inncn, in= ltcrlid), im3"»ern; einr»Srl8; tofrei (mourn) — , fid) beiiiilidi argen: ara= men 1 ; 1 bleed — for ... , mein ^crj blufct wm (fur) . . . inwards, 8. pi. tie (Jingemctte. 7b INWEAVE, d. a. ciinvcbcn, vcrivc« ben, cerffedjten. 7b Ql WHEEL, v. a. untgebctt, uiitrin* gen, uinfcbliepcn. 7b in wood, v. a. tin 3?albe verbfrgea To ENWRAP, r. a. 1. rillividfllt, ti* IRON IRRA IRRE Mullen; 2. ycrnnrren, iimitricf en ; to — the balls, Typ. T. (cbcmais; tie ©alien etufcblagen. To INWREATHE, v. a. ciuflcrbtett ; kt' franjett; umfranjen. INWROUGHT, adj. ctiigcarbcitcf, cin= flcruirff ; eingefiicft. [ODIN, Iodine. a. Ch. T. baS 3obitt. [UMAX, adj jonifd); the — Islands, bit •onifcben yweln. ONIC, adj jonifrb, bic jonifrbe ©cbule bctreffcnb ; — dialect, tie jonifrbe 2Jcttnbart; — music, bie Jo ut fd^eSCons art ober Stonfefcung ; — order, bic jo* itifcbe ©aulenorbnung. IOTA, ». vid. Jot. ipecacuanha, *. bte Specacuanba, !B;e$rour;el. LBASCIBnJTY, «. bte ©encigtfjeit jum 3otne, SReijbarfeit. IRASCIBLE adj. Utm 3" r »f QCIICli^t, reijbar, leicbt aufgebracbt; — ness, s. t>ti Irascibility. 1KB, s. bee 3t"- Unrtu'lle, bie SButb. IREFUL {ado. — ly), adj. JOfllijJ. lVli= tt)Cltb. IRELAND, s. Srfanb. DtENARCH, *. (bci ten aftcu ©rierbeu) eiue 5lrt SriefcenSrirbter. EREDESCENT, adj rcgcitbogeufarbcn. iris, s. 1. .i/y(A. tic Sotfd)af tcviiui bet 3uil0, 3ri8; 2. B. T. Sdnvcvtlilic, 3riSj 3. bet SJiegenbogen; 4. ^icbt= EreiS; 5. bte SRcgeubogenfyaut; tct 2lugcn$irfel (votbc JtreiS urn baS Suge). tRISH, I. a#. irii'cb, trianbifeb ; II. a. sing, bas Srlanbifc^e, tie trfanbtfrbe Spracbe ; the — , s. pi. bie Stlanbet ; Ml compos. — man. bcr 3'iiilttcr; — woman, eilIC 3rlailtcvilltt. irisihsm. «. bic ivKintifcbc ssyrarbcU geitbeit. To irk, v. imper. argent ; franfcit, &er= bricfkit; it irks me, eS cirgert mid). IRKSOME, adj. argcrlid), ?>crtrief>ltd) ; laflig, unite, iibcrtrufftg ; — ly, ado. crmubenb, auf cine laftige 2irt ; — ness, s. bas (stmubetibe, tie 8ange= ivcile, URubigfett, SBetbriefjlirbJeit. Ron, i. 8. 1. bas (Sifen; 2. bas Sptott* etfeit ; irons, s. />/. e5?ffclit ; prov-s. to strike the — while it is hot, bfl8 Gifcil febmiebcu meil cS roarmift; to have too many irons in the fire. $U Uielcrlei ©efcbfifte baben ; ju ineleS auf citu inal uiitcruehmcit; II. adj. l.cifcnt; 2. eifenfarbig ; 3. fig. uubeugfant, ftrenge, bait, graufain ; in compos CHvtcit ootl (gifen) ; band — (hooping — ), SReifeifen; cast — , ©ufieiten; cold-short — , faltbriicbigcs (Sifen; fine metal — . vaffinirtcS Stfen ; forged —i aefcbmiebetefl (S'ifeu ; forge-pig — , SftOtjetfen ; hammered — (or — ham- mered into bars, -and) merchant — ), Stab* ctcr Stangeneifen ; Newsa bie — , tuffnebea Tleufobeleifcn ; i ild- •able — , rufftfd)e8 'Jlltfobclcifcn ; old broken — (scrap — , or bushel — ), ttl« tcS (S'ifcu, tBruobeifen; olsom — , (fi= fen $u Stabtj red-short — , votbbri'u cbigcS (5'ifcil ; rod — (round — ). 3iunbcifcu; rolled— ,9toReif en; sheet — {oi — in sheets). (Sifeublert; ; slii -, gcfdiuittcnes (Sifen, ftntpeifen ; ooft (or pure — ), gefcbinetbtgefl 8ifen ; sparkles of — , bcr ^amntcvfdila^ ; white — , bas SBJetfJblea) (serjinnte ©ifcnblccb ; (ciU iTBcrf^cuiic it. f. \v.) a cramp — , eiuc cifenie .Slammer ; a flat — (box - , smoothing — ),* SJJlattetfen ; pressing — , bas S3iige[= tifcu (tct Sdjneiber); a sow (or pig) ef — , (tin trciccfigcS ©tficf @tfen, toie e« ait'5 tern <§OQofen fommt), tie ©an*, ba! 5leg itm ^ilgcntcinciu ; — age, * ba3 eiferne Qtitalttt', — backs of chimneys, JvamilU'lrtttCIl ; — bands ( — streaks', 3iatfd)iciieil ; — bar, tic (Sifenftange ; — bars, P i. ta» Stangenctfen ; — boat,ein iU^t Don ©tfcnblecb; — bound, mit rifernen [Retfen uerfefjen ; gefeffelt, gefdjlofs fell; an — bound coast, bohc3 Sanb; — chest, bie ©cltHftC; — clay, iM3 Salletfen ; — cramps, 7>/>. r. bit ©ebicnenftammern (am spre^farren) ; — cross, l. r. tuS iltubleifcn ; 2. ei= feme .Rrcuj (eiit Ortcn bet ncucrat 3cit bcim preuBtfd)en 3JiiIitar)j — crow, baS 33icd)cifcii, tie i8recb|ian= gc; —dross, tic Sifenfcblacfen ; — face, ka$ nn»erfd)amte ©eficbt ; — frame, '/>/>. T. ta4 @d)lo9 nu bet ^rcfifpintcl : — founder^, 1. tic 6t= feugievevei ; 2. ©ifenguproaare ; — gage, brt iriibtntcffcr, ^robcring, bit Sd)lteffliiige ; —slimmer, bet gifen= r.ihnt; — glue, (Sifcnfitf, ^tcinfitt, SBancottneri Siitt; — gray, eifengrau (bcpglcidu-n ». ciit folcbefl Sferb); — guarded, mit @tfett lu-fct) lagctt ; — hand, jig. btt Trutf j — handled, mit eifcrnent ©tiffe ; — hearted, bartber= tig ; — hoops, etferne Sanben, eifetne gapretfen ; — horse, jv. T. bet ipapa- gcicuftocf ; — jack, r. taS .Hautimat ; — like, etfenartig; fig. eifenfefi; — liquor, bet aufgclbjtc (Stfeuroft ; — lumps, (5'ifctiluppcu ; — mill, bet (Si= fett^ammer; — mine, bic (5ifcrtgru= be; —monger, bcr (?'ifcitbaiitlcr ; — monger's shop or warehouse, bilS G't= fenge»6!be # bet @tfenfabeti; — inon- gery, 1. ber (*ifenf)aiitc[ ; 2. tie (5i.- femuaareit; — mould, ber (Sifenffed), bas (Sifenmaal; — moulded, eifenfle- cfig ; — ore, baS Gifcucv^ bet Sifens glan$, (Sifcnglimmcr ; — pig, bic (5"i- fenaanS; — pin, bie (Scblietie, ber Splint; — plate, bad @t fen bled); — rail-road ( — rail-way), T. bie l s "'ifcit = babu. bet ©djtenenroeg ; — rod. t. 1. ciit SReificl bcr SBHbbauet ; 2. eiu Trcbcifcit ber 3'nngteger, t,tjJ1tuttt= etfeit; — safe, bte etferne (®elb=) (Saffe; — sand, bcr maguetifdic @U fenfanb; — Bick, eifeutranf, »errr>= jlet, tofltfl. toftigeS Sifenroer! babcut (yon ©dptffen); — side, bet etferne 5Um, tie (5'ifcufeitc; — stone, ?•//. — ere, — ware, — wares, bic (SifctlllMarc ; — wire, bcr (S'ifcutrabt ; — wood, bafl (fifcubcl^; bet (fifenboUbaum ; — work, bas (Stfenroerf an etitein Srbif= fe; —wort, bas Sifenfraut, @Ueb= fraitt, SBunbtraut (Sideritis — /,.). To [RON, r. a. 1. flatten, biigcln ; 2. feffeln; ironed, in <5ifcu gefletbet, be* roaffnet, bcpar.jcrt; ironing cloth, bas Spiatttud). [RoNiCM, {ado. — ly), adj. trcitiuii, fpbttifd;, fpottclub, bBjjntfd), fchalt- bafr. IRONIST, *. bcr trouifrt) Sprcd)cutc, Spotter. IRONY, adj. cifcrlt ; — particles, <3U feutbetlcben, irony,*, bte Sronte, bet Spott, bte Spbttcrci, Spottrctc, Scbalfbaftifi= fcit. IRRADIANCE (—or), s. 1. bas 2trab= (en, Strablcuwerfen, Seurbten; ©e= ftrablcn; 2. tie Strablcit, bet Stiat)- IciuVbcin, Strablenglanj. To IRRADI VTE, d. I a. 1. bcitrablcil ; 2. (burd) SJarnte ctcr Sid)t) beleben ; 3. jicrcit, (gI8njeitb)»er$teren, fdjmu= cfcit ; 4. fig crlcitcbtcit, aufflaten ; il n. fdniitcii, befebetneu. IRRADIATE, adj. glatijcub tniticvt, gc- u'ert, grfitntiicft. uuiAUiATiuN, t. I. bas Strablen. Strablenroetfen, tie Tn-jtvabluiig ; 2 jig. ©rleucbtung, Slufflarung, IRRATIONAL («*>. — i.y), adj. mtVCr* uiiuftig, ocrnunftroibrig, upgetetmt ; — guantiu'es, Mat T. ittattonelll @tdpCH ; — nes8,«.mi Djulitiomautt DEtRATIONATJTY, t. tie Uitvcri'iinft, SBemunftroibrigfeit IRRECLAIMABLE 'adv. — vt , adj. Ml' roteberbrtngltd), unoerbefferlteb, «er> Irvcn. IRRECONCILABLE {adv. — t.v\ adj. (with tint to, nut 1. nifjcifrbitiicti ; 2. unbeftebbar, unoereinbat ; — oess, v. tie Ui'.'.H-rfi'biilifbfeit. [RRECONCLLED, adj. nicbt abgebiipt unausgef6r)nt, nnoerfir^nt. IRRECONCILEMENT, ? ». bie ?iidbti IRRECONCHJ \Tl' IN, \ vcrfobnung; UtiDeretiibarfeit. IRRECOVERABLE [adv. —it), 1. uncrfetMidi, unroteberbringlicb ; 2. in;abhclflidi, unoerbefferlteb, cbn: ©egenmtrttl; — nesB,< bte Unerfefc» lid'feit, Uiiivictcrbriiiglid)fcit. IRREDEEMABLE adj. — debts, Unab* ISSlicbe diicbt Hlgbare Staat«=) Sdjulben. IRREDUCIBLE Mat. T. adj. Ui vctucircit, uidit $un"nf $it brtngen; iniverflciucvlidi ; — ness. ». bte Unfa< nigfeit obet Uiim8gltd)feit rebuctrt u. f. m. ju wetben. h:ri:fka<;ai!, » bic ltn\i;i; cr= fpredjltcbfetf, Unumfloplicbfett. IRREFRAGABLE {adv. —i.y 1 . adj. lliu rot'berlegbar, unmiberlegtid), unrot= berfpreqjltd), tuiumftofitidi, un»ers roetfltd); — ness, a. vid. Irrekraoa- lill.ITY. IRREFUTABLE {adv. — ly), adj liiiwt» tevlegbar. IRREGULAR (ado. — ly), adj. lit. S.- fig unregclniaf;ig ; nuttcbttg ; ituiiietbo* bifd); iiuprtentUd). rRREGULARITT, s. 1. tie Uuregc!m3= BigEett, Unorbnung ; Unrtcbn'gfett, ter gebfet ; 2. bte Slusfcbroetfitnp; bas unorbentlicbe (ftttenlofe) Seben. IRRELATIVE {adv. — ly), adj. cbne SBeitebuug, uubejieblicb, eiujefn, mt- oetuunben. IRRELEVANCY, .'. tic llimuu'cutbar» fcit. IRRELEVANT {adv. — ly), adj VM* anraenbbar, uvccflcs, ber Sadj* fremb, nicbt jut Saebe gcbi ; vig. [RRELLEVABLE, adj unabhclflidi. IRRELIGION, » bet Unglaube, bic SRe* ligionSuetacbtung, ' 3rreligiofitat, ©ottloftgfeit, ©ottoergeffenbeit. [RRELIGIOUa adv.— i.y', adj. utiglaiu big, gpttucrgcffcit, gOttlo8, irreligi5S ; — ness,.?. vid IsRBLraiON. IRREMEABLE, adj. Pbue ^Jiiiffebr, fciue Sftiicffebt gcftaitcut, nir.vicccr- biiuglid). IRREMEDIABLE (adv. —i.y), adj. Uil- abbelflicb, iiuhcilbar ; —ness, s. bie Uuabhclflidifeir, Uiibcilbarfcit IRREM1SSIBLE {adv. — ly), adj. liners lafibar, unerlSfilicb, utioerjeibjicb, j ~ ness, a. bie Unerl&ilicbfctt. irremovability,*, tic Unabdnbt?' lid>feit. (rrem< >vable, adj. unbewegHcb, un> abaiiterlidi ; — assurance in . . , baJ fefle 83errrauen auf. . . IRREMUNERABLE, adj uubcfobiibar. rRREPARABLLITY, s. tie llncrfcfelicb fcit. IRREPARABLE [ade — ly) tajf. nncr. fefelid). iRREPEALABiLrrY,#.bielln»fbcmtf> li*fcir. LRREPEALABLE [aJ? — ly), adj. UlU 891 IRRU ISSU IVY JOtberrilfticij ; — ness, ft vid. Irrepeal- ABILITY. ft REPENTANCE, s. bte Unbufjfertig* feit, ^erftodtbeit. IRREPLEVIABLE, adj. L. T. WWU8» tosbar. IRREPREHENSIBLE (ado. — ly), adj. uutabelbafr, tmitraflicb ; — ness, «. bie Uiitabelbaftigfeif. [RREI'EESEN TABLE, adj. Ult90rfictl= bar, unbiltlich. IRREPRESSIBLE, adj. uniinterbritcfbar. IRREPROACHABLE (adv. — ly), adj. utibefcbplreit, untabclbaft, tabclloss, uiiftraflid) ; —ness. s. bie UnbcfcboW Icnhcit, £abellofta,feit. 1RREPROVABLE, &c, vid. IRREPROACH- ABLE. Irresistance, s. bte Vtitgcncigtbcit jinn iBibcrftaube, bie Sulofamfeit. irresistibility s. bie Uunjiecrftet)* lirbfcit. IRRESISTIBLE (adv. — ly), adj. ItlttuU bcrjicb,ltct) ; — ness, s. Wit Irresisti- bility. LRRESOLUBLE, adj. unauflBsbar, wn= auftpSlid) ; — ness, ft bte Uita«floS= licbjeit. IRRESOLUTE (adv. — ly), adj. UttCllt= fcblotteil, linfd;litfftg ; — ness, s. vid. Irresolution. irresolution, s. bie ititentfdjtoffci^ beit, Unfdliiffigfcit. IRRESOLVEDLY, adv. unfcj)lufftg. IRRESPECTIVE {.adv. — ly), adj. X\\d- ftrir$lo8, obne Jtiicfftcbr, nnbebingt. Irresponsibility, s. bie Unuecaut- roortlicbfeit. IRRESPONSIBLE, adj. Ulti)CrantH!Ort= lid). IRRETENTIVE, adj. llicf)t bebaltcitb ; an — memory, eilt fc^lvadjcS ©Cb.ic^t= nip. IRRETRIEVABLE (ado. — ly), adj. lllt= erfefclid, iiiniuebcrbriuglicb; — ness, ». bie ttuerfe<rf>Eeit. LRKETURNABLE, adj. Itidjt micberfcf;* renb. IRREVERENCE, s. ber SHaitgct an @fjretbietuug, bie ©eriitgfcb'a&nng, Qkringfrba&igfeit. IRREVERENT (adv. — ly), adj. ltuct)r= etbtettg. IRREVERSIBLE (ado. — ly), adj. UttWts berruftid), uuabatiberlicb; —ness, s. bie UnimbciTiifticbfeit, Unabanber* licbfcit. irrevocability, s. bie Unroibcrruf* lirbfcit. IRREVOCABLE (adv. — ly), adj. urniu = bervuflict) ; unsenneiblicb ; — fate, baS nnabanbcrlirbc acbicffal ; — ness, s. vid. Irrevocability. To IRRIGATE, v. a iiniffem, bcfcucbfen. IRRIGATION, s. bie Seroafferung, baS iknjaffcrtfenn. IRRIGUOUS, adj. n,mfterreiri>, SewSfs fcrr, gerofiffert, feucbt. [rrision. s. ba8 -.'luatadjeit, bie 33cvla= rbuttg, sBerfpotrung. irritability', s. bte 9iet$barfeit. IRRITABLE adj. reijbar. To IRRITATE, v. a. 1. rcijett, aiifbritt* gett, erjiiruen, entriiitcu, crbittcrn, qnaicn, argent ; 2. erregen, aufre= gen, aufadieu, evf)5f>cit ; irritated at, ctufgebradjt iibcr. irritation, s. bie (Svjitrnung, (gts bittcvuttg, (Srttriiftuttg; SRetjung. IRRlTATORY, adj. aufrcijettb, a'ufre= genb. irroration, *. bie SBettftufetung, 93c= fprengung. IRRUPTION, *. ber fgewaltfame) <5in« brurb ; (feinblidje) ©infall, UeberfaU ; — of the se» ba$ -Jlustrctcn bcs Diee- xtt. 222 irruptive, adj. ctnbrerbcnb, einfals lenb, fjetuotbredjenb, berctnjtiirjenb. isaak.s. 3faaf ciDtannStianxc). Isabel, } s. 1. 3fabeHa (Srauerw Isabella, $ name) ; 2. bie 3fabell= ftttbe; ba8 33rauiilidj (2cbmu&ig0 ©elb ; 3. efn SPferb son fplcfcct 3ar= be, bie SfabcHe. [SAGOGICAL f— ic), adj. Jit citter (?in= killing geb5rig, bicfelbe betrcrrcub, cittlcitciis. isagon, s. o. T. bie gteirbwiiifclige Sigur, ba« (SIcicbccf. ischiadic, adj. a. t. an ben .£niftert ; — vein, bie >5fiffabeVj — passion Med. t. ba8 ^iiftiuel). ISCHURETIC, Med. T. I. adj. f)avitfvct= bcttb ; ii. .«. ba8 bamtrcibchbc HJ2Utet. ISCHURY, *. Med. T. bte .^arttyerfe: fcuttg. ^arnflrenge, ber ^arnjmang. ISICLE, s. vid. Icicle. isinglas, s. ber ftifcbkim, 3}Jttttb= leint, bie •Saufenbtafe ; — fish, ber grotlc ^aufen; — stone, ber XdU ftcitt, ba's SOJariengla^. ISIS, 5. bie SftS. ISLAMISM, 5. ber 38[amt8mus. ISL.\ND, S. bie Sttfcl, ba8 ©iiattb ; — s of ice, (StSmfeln (fd>»tmmenbe (5i8= maffen) am s JJorbUoI. islander, .f. ber Snfefbetoo^ner, 3n= fiilauer, (Silattbcr. ISLE, s. 1. vid. Island ; 2. vid. Aisle. ISLETs. bie Eleiite 3nfel. isochronal. ) adj. in etnem g(ei= ISOCHRONOUS. S (licit 3citraitme ge= fcbebenb, gletc^jettig. To ISOLATE, v. a. abfottbcrn, ifpltrett. ISOLATE, Isolated, adj. abgcfoitbcrt, frei ftebcnb, einjeln, ocreinjeU, ifolirt. isolation, ft bie jlbgefonbctf^eit. ISOPERIMETER, s. O. T. ber gleirfjc Untfattg. BOPERIMETRICAL, adj. O. T. gtctrftcit Umfang babcttb, tton glcidjcm Um= fattge. is^ (SCELES, 8. o. T. bie g[etdjfd)enHtge g-igur. Israelite, s. ber 3«iaeltf. ISRAEUTIC, } ,. ,T,.,.r; t M, ISRAELITISH,J a *-M rfle,[ltu *- issuable, adj. jnr @tttf#eibuiig fii^= renb. issue, s. 1. bas >§ertiorIommeit, >6er= auSfommen, ber 2lu8gang, Slusroeg ; 2. bie ^oSntacbung. Sefretung ; 3. ber Slbgang; 4. ba8 (Sabe, ber erbluii, 53c|i-t)lttfi; grfofg, bie Setae, $oi= gentttg ; 5. bie '•Jlit^gcbitrt, ilbfuttft, iJlarbfommen, Set'beSerbenj /,. r. J^itl^cr; 6. bte 9leb«is(gtnfunfte ; 7. L. T. ber Streitputifr, Srageputtft; 8. s. T. ba8 ^imiigefcftroitr, Sonta= nell : 9. ber rtttttt, s ilbfluf! ; to be at — , tin Streite fciin; a cause at — , eiite fprurbferttgc ©acfee ; the matter in — , bie vorliegeube Sacfte, ®«d)e, wooon bie dlttt tjl; to join — , tuetter gehen, foff.iet)cii ; /-. T. an bie Icfcte 3nftanj gelieit, bie Sadie beit ©efcbroornen iiberlaffett, tit letter Sfnftanj entfd)ei= belt ; issues of a fortified town, bte 3lu8gange ciner Sciriing ; —of blood, ber 5Blut(ab)gang, iBIutftug ; —paper, ba8 Sontaitellpa'pier; — plaister, ba8 ba8 Sotttaitcllpflafter. To issue, v. I. n. 1. fommen (— from. au3 ctroaS), aitiSlaufeit ; 2. ait'3fa(= leu, ait8brcd)cu, betycrbrecbeii ; 3. abftammen, fterjiammen, berfont= men, beiriibren, entfurtngen ( — from, Dim) ; 4. aitSgcbcit, eiu'cit 2lu§gang babeit, fid) eubtgen; befglei^ien aitj'= laufett, ambe^uen (— into, in, eiuc Spi^e, n. f. ».); ir. a. auSfdiufnt, auSgeben, anSlaffcn, erlaffen, ergeljen laffer ; to —lulls, iSecbfel ausftctteit ; n — money, or paper, SWitnjett Pbei §P»tptergelb au«geben, in Uiutauf fe» ^eil t ; to — p (out) an order (a procla- mation), cincit Sefeljl (eitte bffent« tide ©efanntinacbung) erlaffen. ISSUELESS, adj. finberloS, unbecrbt. isthmus. *. bie 8anb« Pber (5'rbeuge, 5^anb= obet ©rbjunge, ber 3ftt)inu£. IT, pron. tS ; — is, ti ifl; give — him, gicb ti ihm ; by — , babci, babitfd) ; for — , bafiir; with — , bcmtf; —rains. cSreguet; — is over, tS ift Oorbei; — seems. C8frbeillt; to fight — out. ctite •ttcbt bnrd) ,lag ; 3. bie S8e= gierbe, ba» Sertaugen (after, narb). To ITCH, v. n. 1. jiicfeit; 2. »crlau= gen ; my fingers — • to be at him, id) babe grpjic Sujt itm burebjugerben ; itching desire, bag fjeftige ©eliiften (— after, mtf)). ITCHY, adj. M%ia. item, i. adv. and, tngfetdjeti, befglct» rben, ferucr, item ; II. s. bet fneuc, biiisugcfpinmene) 3lrttfel eiucr 9ied)= mtng Pber Srbriff), ?puuit; —maker, ber DiedmitttgSmacber. To ITEM, v. a. attiitcrfeit, auf;eid)iieu. aitfitPtiicu. ITERANT, adj. njiebcrbpleitb. To ITERATE, v.a. Wie&ei'botcil ; HPfb eiu i)Jal ttntn. iteration, s. bte SBiebenjoinng. iterative, «//7.n)ieberbo(enb, im'eber- bptt, tipcbmaiig, nbermalig. itinerant, adj. reifcitb, maiibenib, benimjiebeub ; —justices. + L. T. bie in ibrem SejtrE bcntmreifenbeii .1tirb= ter; — tradesman, bet l)cnillircifeilt'« Jlaitfmaiin, fiauftrer. ITINERARY, I. ». bie JTicifcbefdu-ei^ bung, baa JJeirebud), ^aitbbur^ fiir SReifenbe, ber SQegmetfer ; u adj. cine D^eife betveffeitb, veifenb, aiif ber JJcifr i'crrid)tet. To ITINERATE, v. n. reifeil. ITS, pron. feiu, fciuer, beffen ; to put n sword into — scabbard, eill ^d lufrt in bte Sdjct'bc flecfen ; Leipsic and — environs, Scipjtg uub feiuc llmgea bitugeit. ITSELF, pron. tt fetbft, fclbft, ftfb; of—, vnm felbft; it moves of — , ea bcmegl ltd) son felbft; hy — , fiir fid) alleiu, befptibcr*, bcifeite. IVORY 1. 8. sin ; Jttua, tie SdjeuKamie; 7. sp. v. bte 3iel= fn^el (bet ciucnt Jtegelfptel) ; baS ^icl ; 8. Mns. T. 'ta-j an bcr iEafte cufrccbtftcbcube Sliftdjcn, meltbeS bic Sait? in SrimMitgnng icfet), bcr ginffbl5a,ef,bie £ocfe,5Eana,ente; bcr ©tift (ba8 J?l5ppelrbenj roomit taS Spiuctt ((Slaoicimbel) gcfpiclt rottb; "J. x r. bie ©ofd) (flcine ©d)iif«= flagge) ; boot—, bcr Sticfclfncdrt ; — in a box, ba« ©d)acbfelmamUben ; — and Gill, col. § b,emb tragenb. JAM .1 ICKEY.s (Am. ft. John ) $a\\l, §««•» (ben. Jacob, j. 3aepb (!Kann8n«me) ; — •s-ladder, tie 3aci>belciter, ber gne= ctiiftte Salbrian [PoUmmiam — /.); — 's stair. Mat. 'r. 3acob8ftab, l)oUdti= bifebe ©tabbogert. JACOBIN, I. s. mt ^cmiuifaiicr; H. jacobiner. JACOBIN. Jacobikical. Jacobinic, adj. jacobinifch, reuolutionat. jacobins, ». bie ©ominifanetnomie. JACOBINISM, .'. bie ©tunbfa^e bcr jacobincr, bet 3aeobiiii;mn^. Tb JACOBINIZE, B.a.mtt j-u-pbinifdjcn ©runrfaftcit aiiftedett, oet^efteit. JACOBITE, r. .-•. ber 3«cobit ; IL adj. fid) jit beu ©tunbffifteil ber 3afobi= ten befetmenb. JACOBITISM, s. bie ©tunbfa^e bcr Safobiten. JACOBUS, ». bcr 3«cobu« (alte eilttlls fitc ©olbmunje von 25s. nntcr 3« s cob's i. S^ejietung ge^tagt). JACONET, 5m. s. bet 3accnict, cine »rt feiner i'liislin. JACTITATION, ». 1. bflfl .Ocnumvcr= fen, bie befrige Scwegnna, arofie Unriibc ; 2. L. T. bcr uiireebtmapige ■t3ciratb«anfprnd). 7WACULATE, ». "■ fcbic^eit, lvetfcn (mit SPfeiten u. f. ».) JACULATION, s. baS Sduefieii obct fen mit SJJfeifen. n. f. to., 3d)lcu= bcrn mit SButffyieien. JACrjLATOR, s. ber idilcubcrer (em JACULATORT, adj. btnaii-Jtvcrfeiib ober febleubetnb, betaueflefiojeit, gcwor= fen, gtfeboffen ; in furjen Sa^en gc= fvvodicn;— prayer, ba^ Stougebet jade ■--. 1. einoltes, CtanfeS, mubeS, abgerittenefl ^Jfetb, bie i'ldbve, col. Jiiacfe. vols, ^rbinbnuihvc; I. ba* toilbc "TJJdscben, bie toUeS>itne, est milbe fiummel; 3. eon*, bic (alte) SBettet, ilJehe ; 4. cine fltt3a3vis (eiit atunlicbet eoelfletn, — Slbart te^ -)cicicnftcin«), bet Sittttjieiit, ?tc= Pbrit. To JADE, e I. a. 1. abmattcn, ab\a- gen, tibevtrfiben (utfvriinglict) von ipfetbeir) ; 'i. n?- etmuben: 3. qua= lcn. bubeln, beirint bebanbeln, t\iran= liiuven; 4. berabfetjen. cnucM-igcn, »u aemcinen, febmu^tgen Sltbeiten obet Sieuftenbtmicbeii obet bcnnijcn ; ii. „ etmatten, etlicgcn; jaded, part, abgettiebeit, abgemattet. JADERY, 5. collet, fdjlcditc Stteicbe. JAD1SH, adj. 1 b5«, fdilimm, lu^baft, roibeifWnlHa ; frbUcbt, nicbetttScbs tij, fdjanblto): faul; 2. unfeufeb. auifciroetfenb, [tcbetlirb. To JAGG, d. a. fevben, nuSjacfcn. jagg, s, bie .Ucvbe, Jacfe. jAGtJED, adj. auSgejacft, gctctbt ; — leaves, gcjabiicltt >8lattet; — ness, .,. baS ©eferbte, 8lu«gej«(tte ; tie Uncbcnbcit. JAGGING, s. bafl 9lll8*«cfcit ; — iron. ba« jterbtab, Xtigtabcbeii; jtucbcn= vabcben. JAGGY, ai Merferficbcr ; — keeper, aid Jailbr, JAILER, i tcr ©efangenroSrtcf, ,«cr= fmiteii'tcr, Storj metfter ; — 's fees, bie ©cbubt be* ®tocfmciftet8 ( ba8 Stbliepgclb. JAKES, s, /■'. ba8 beimlicbe ©einacb. JALAP, ». tie .Vilavpc [eine SButjtl). jam, s. 1. tic (jonfuoc soif flcfottcnew JAUG ftrficbten, 3Jl«weW« ; 2. tine Tlrt ^intcrrocf (in 3nticn, ; :). Mm T. eine Stciiifdiifbt roeUte ?,inn= (*rj* abern abtdmcitct oter unterbricbt; 4. bic ^fofte, rvl. J vMn. 7b JAM, p. s. ftarf un'ammciiprcticn, flcninicn, ^mSngetl, btucfen ; jammed, gcflcnimt. Jamaica, s. tic 3«fel 3a:naica; — rum tcr (ccbte) ;samaica=:Kum;_— ..v i. cine .'ut Peo?«fl rt $m \\ f«« nen Sifdjletatbeiten, ba8 Stajtlett» boll- vulg.tcincor aJt0r)0fl0K9P0lJ. , jamb, .. tie ^fbfte, tcr $f«ilet; bte JEbut* obet Seiiftetvfoften. JAMBEB, s. cm oftinbifebtt :Kobrftoa. j MIES, o. 3acob i3Jtann«name . jane t. i. 3obanna, fiannojen (3rauciinamc) ; 2. cine .'lit ©ottbent 7b JANGLE r.l.n. imbainionifrb KiB» gen macben obet EUnaeit, tajfeln, flavpcm; II. n. frcii'cben, janfen; ^lantern, febwaecn. jangling, s ba8 ©eflo»»et f (Setof* fel; ©efebwab, ©ewafeb; Jauten, ber 3anf, bie Jonterei. JANGLER, 8. bet Janfer, Scbroafcet. JANITOR, s. bet SEbutbutet, ^foitncr. JANIZARIAN, adj. von 3m;iy JANSENIST, s. bet X.iiiieimt. To JANT, o. v- beriim lanfcii, bcrimi ftrcirben, untbeqieben. jam, ■ tcr @aug,bie gabtt, bet«u8« flng, Stteiftug; bat Umbciftieicbcit ; betumiauf; w take a—, einen ©ang tbnn [btngeben, to, iMcb . JANTINESS 8. tic 'Altunreifeir, ?nitig= fcit, 8eid>tfettiafeitj Seinbeit, SBot« nebmbeit (im ilnftanbe). JANTY (ado. — ily). adj. gepufet, fle« fcbniuit, gejiert, gldnjenb. JANUARY, s ber cDlonat) 3olj. To JAPAN, s 0.1. mit japaniffbft wx* beit »er;icrcn, lacfiren ; 2. n-bivar- jeii, micpfen (Scbube, Stiefeln) ;.!■»- ,mmi„.i goods, rjapauifrbe) laoitte jffiaacen. , JAPANESE '• » b« 3aV«net ; bic 3a» paneriuii; (imp/.) bie (Sinroobiiet ooii 3apan, bie 3aiKferi; n. adj. javanifd). JAPANNER, ». I- bcr garfltet; 2. SdnibiMitjer, ©tiefeiwiebfet. T,< J\.R. '•. I. n. 1. fdiivirren : Enartcu, febuotren; 2. pttfeii (mie cine Ubt ; 3. miptonen ; 4. lanfcn, flreiicn, rot= betftteitetl ; jarring murmur, ein bum» »fe8 ©emutmel ; jarring voice, eine falfcbe ©fimmej n a. miptontub iiMd)cn; fdiiiticln, niftcln. jvk, a. 1. bcr fteinetne) ■RtUfl, bit Jttufe: '2. ba8 Scbroitten, Jtnattctt; 3. bitten SCidlacf be8 Ubtpenbtl8 ; 4. bet sjjlipton ; 5. Stteit tic SKi^ belligtcit ; the door is up n the — . B |ar . bie ibnr fl.irft, tfl tint aiigelebnt; —raisins, pi. Eotftofinen. JARDES, ». pl.Sp. T. tcr :l(.ivvcii tint ©efcbwuljl, oter SBetb&rtuiifl am 3dmifcl tcr ^fetbt , JARGON, .--■ ba8 nnvcrilaiib idic ©e« fct>tt>a^, yvantenvilfdj, ber ©alii* mat bias. 9S3 JEOF JARGONELLE, a. cittcOlrt fiipci ©om* mcrbirncn. jashawk, ». bet jutiflt galfe, Steft* ling. jasmin [Jasmine), ». ber 3a§mtu ; Persian—-, bet fpanifcfct §olunbet; r ,,,i _ bet 3a8iHtobouin; — Bowers, i Ml-MlimWlltlu'II ; — cloves, tic mit 3a§min patfumirten .^autfdnibc. i VSPER, g. I. bet 3«8pt3 ; 2. iftaSpat ilRanngname). jaundice, 5 bie ©elBfucbt. JAUNDICED, s. gclbfiiditig; to view one with a — eve, 3emanben mit fiiu (tern, fdiclcu aSlicfen bctrachtcn. n JAUNT, v. n. Jaunt, s. rid. Jant. JAUNTINESS, s. ota. Jaxtiness. JAUN i'V, adj. vid. .Ianty. javelin, s. bet SBBuvffvicf. jaw. s. 1. bet jJtnnbacfen, bie .ft inn = labe ; 2. fig. vulg. ©cpmaljungen, ©$impfreben tin itrengften©inue ; — of a gaff .v. t. bieiDhdE einet®ftf* ffl ; none of your — , bi>r' atlf mit t-Ct = lion SRebenSatten ; the — s of heii, bet •fioQenfcbtimb ; the — s of death, bet .ii^csiMcbcit ; in compos. — bone, bet .ftiunbacfen ; — fall, ba8 .£>erabfjatt= gen bet Uutcvricfcv; — "tooth, ber >Bacfen$af)u. To JAW, v. a. vulg. f ci; nicif;eu, fcfjinu pfen. jawed, adj. bie Q?cfd)affcu()ett bet .ftiunbacfeu jeigenb. jawy, adj. bie ftinnbarfen betreffenb. JAY, s. bet .Oal'er, bie (lifter, Jlfeel ; Dofjle (Pica— jr.). jazel, 5. bet blaufarbtge (Sbeljtein. JEALOUS [ado. — ly), adj. 1. eifc vfi't cf) = tii] ; >. eifrig, befotgt ; 3. argwofjnifc)), miytrauifd) ; — of.., fuvcbtcu, fid) fuvducit sot . . , befotgt fe»n urn .. ; lie is —of his honour, et ()ait ttttf feitte (Sf>vc. JEALOUSNESS, ] s. 1. bie (Siferfuc^t, JEALOUSY, $ ©diclfucbt; 2 bet (Sifet; 3. Slrgrooljn, bafi jDiifjtrauen, bie Sngjllidjje sBeforgmjJ. To jeer, ». n. $■ n. fdn'auben, fdjeren, fttdicltt, roifceln, lu'd'cit, oufjie^eit, bbbitcn, fpotten (—at one, ubcv ei= Iten), ycvbijbneu (ciiicu). JEER, 5. 1. bet Spc-tt, bie ©p5tterei, .£>iHmevci, SSifeelei, -stidiclci; :o put a — upon one, ciiteit aufjieften, ver= hiibucn; 2. — s, s.pi.Y T-8. bie ,ftar= bele ; main — , bie Karbele bee grofjeu 3ivia ; fore — , bie Jtarbele ber Soefe. jeerer, s. bee ©potter, ©pottrogel. JEERING, I. s. bas ©potten, bieepot= tevci; II. adj. [adv. — ly), fpfittifd), fpottroeife, bobnifdj. JEFERY, s ©ottftieb (jWannSname). JEHEZEKEL, s. (hebv.) C> jcctitcl. JEHOVAH, s. (bebr.) 3e&ooaf). JEJUNE, adj fig tiMdncvu, leer, trotfeu, matt, fabe, gcijlloS. JEJUNENESS, s. bie Wicbtcrnbcit, ?ce= ve, 9lrmutb; Jvp.feubctt, Sabljcif, giarfjbeit, ©eifrlofigfeit. jellied, adj. gaUertarttg, geronnen, flebtig, faftig. JELLY, s. tie ©allette ; bet bicfe ©aft, Oielec ; — of currants, bet 3of}anui§= beetftifr; —bag, bee ftilttirf.tcf ;u ©allerfe; — bro:h, bie ©allcvtc, .Uiaftbvithc; — classes. v i. ©dec= glafet ; — mould, bie ©eleeform. jemima, 5. 3«cobiue (Stauennome'). JEMMY, s. dim. (ft. James), 3acob, 3a= eiJbebcu. JENNET^ Jenneting, rid ill Gen. JENNY, .5 1. (rfim. U.Jane), .Oauitfbeit (WMitenname) ; 2. etne UJiafc^ine tur SBetfetnetung bev 2i>olle. ieofail, .c. £. T . tai 33etfeben in ci- 224 JESU net SSert^eibiguitgSrebe ; bie 9lnet= fennting bc» iUuffbcn^. Tb JEOPARD, I v. a. in ©cfabr To JEOPARDIZE, ) (auf-J 5piel) fc= |cit, ruagen, bafiubtrett. jeoparuku, s. ber SlSaanibc. JEOPARDOUS [adv. — ly), adj. »ag= lid', gefaf)flid) ; in ©efahv. jeopardy, s. baS ilvijftiicf, bie ©e* fabe; to he (or stand) in — , ill ©e= f.ibr ftcbcil. jeremy, s. 3etemt(tS (3J?aun8namc). r,< JERK, v. a. 1. fdiitellcit, fd)laijeit, fdimcifieit, fiofen, fdncbeu; 2. nidcit ;. S, h)te betnt ©tttten etneS 'l>fev= be§); 3. ;bet J?itaben) mit an bie Seitc gelegtent 3lrm wetftit, fdmeU ten : to — out, betauSretBen ; l)ct= auSfdjiittelti ; bintenan5fd;lajctt (uon SJ3fetben, u. f. to.). jerk, 5. 1. bee Stofj, 2di[a ; u -^teb, ®d)mt§, SJJtaQ, 'lincf; ©ptung; 2. (bet .ftitaben) SButf (mit an bie eeite gelegtent Sltltte) ; the — of an epi- gram, bie Spifee etneS @i»mgebtd)tes ; with a ^, plofeltd); at one — , auf etlt 3Kol, vulg. HUUPPS j to give a — , auffpttngetl ; he has a — in his mo- tion, et brebt ben ^eib tin ©eljeit; hy — s. tutfroeife. jerkev, s. 1. ba3 SGBammS, bie 3acfe ; 2. Sp. T. ba-o •i'lanndien mm ben 3'ai- felt, bCV ^ai)tt ; — of leather, Ct It lc^ bevncS^oUcr, (5ol!et. SSniSjs, J W m ™^- JERRY, s. abbr. i'Clt Jeremy, 3crei1lia§ (i"£aiuienanie). jersey, 5. 1. (bieSnfel) 3evfe»; 2. New — , bev -©taitt 3fieus3etfep ; 3. bay 3etfe9s@atit (fein gefpoimene, kuoQeue (JKtnt) ; 4. bie gefaminte, mit Del 511m Spiir.'.cn pvavaviite SSolle ; — comb, bee SBollfamm. jerusai^em, s. (tic &tabt) 3erufa= lent; — artichoke, rid. ltllter Arti- choke; — cowslip, ba8 oeieiitalifdn' Sungenf taut ; — delivered. ba» be= freite 3etufalcm; — oak, baS :i'ran= beitftaut. JESSAMINE, ,bet Jh'onlciiditer in jfircben. JESSED, adj. H. T. mit Slilivffcffeflt. jicsses, «. pi. Sp. r. bie Aiiftbanbee fJRieinen obet SButffeffcln an ben (Viifu-n) tc3 galfeit. To jest, v. n. fcbev;cit, fpafen. jest. 5. 1. ber Srbm, 2pafi ; 2. ©c= genftanb (bie 3ieifd)eibc) tc3 5dier= »e8; in—, in (aiis| Sdjevj, im 2pa= fje ; to take a — , ©pafii scriicfjen ; to put a — upon one, citieit febvanben, fdjerjen (mitilmt); that is a (mere) — , eie fdjetjen : "^offen ! full of — s, volt lufttget (SinfaUe; she is his—, et ttetbt uinen ©cbetj mit ibr, bat fie gum SBcften, fie lapt fid) »on ibm jtun jjftatten tjabeit; —hook, ba§ iMtbe= mecnm. jester, .«. ber Spafnnadier, ©pajjoos gel; ^JJoffenteipet ; ©pSttet, ©tir^= ler; king's — , bev ^ofiiatt. jesting, .--. ba8 S^etjett, bet ©dberj, ©POP ; this is no — matter, ba3 ift fetttc ©adje ^im ©paSeit; — stock, tor ©egenflaub (bie 3itIfcQeibe) be8 ©cfierje8 obet Spotfe8j — \y, ad». tin ©r»etj ( fcBergtoetfe. JESUIT. ». ber 3efnit; — 'shark, bie gieberrirtbc, Quinquina, (?l)itta; — 's powder. ba8 (5f)inap:il»et. JESUITED, aij 3efuit geiucvbcn ; als 3efnit; jefnitifdi. jEsuiTESS, ». tie 3efuitinn. JESUITICAL (— ic), [adv. — ly), ad}. JILT 1. jefuitifd); 2. liftig, fd)lau, }wci> beutig, triigerifd). jESurnsM, s. bet 3cfutti8mu8. JESUS, s. 3tflt8. jet,*. I. bet ©agat, fcaS (glSnjenbe) Clrbpeeb, bie tn-difobic ; — black, pcd) = fdniMi'v vabenfdiivavj ; 2. jet d'eau) bet Sptingbtunnen, SBajfetfita^l; 3. (bet ©ieiicvn) betSlu^ beS fBle* talis; 4, (bei ilietallarbcitent, tie Deffuung buvcb ivcldic ba8 Rnfftgt OJictall in bie Bfotm gegoffen roirbj, bev (Singufj. To .HOT, d. 11. rid. To Ji't. JETSAM. Jetson,s. /.. T. 1. ber Sftotfc ausroutf, 9JotbrDiitf, ©eetoutf (ta3 3lu8n)etfen tevtMiitev fibetSotb, bei btingenbet O'efahv) ; 2. baS ©ttanb* tint, SBtatfgut, (bie in etnern ©tutme libet 93otb geroorfenen ©liter). JETTISON, s.rid. .Iktsam. JETTY, I. adj. von ©agat ; f($tt)a« «ne ©agat; II. s. bie aufgerootfene (5'vte, ber Samm. ©afenbamm ; — head bev in baS 38affet ragenbe jlbeil ei= ne8 SBetfteS, r»eld)ft tie Seite eiuet Tod'e btlbtt, ba« ^8ft, bet §afen< 2)amm. To JETTY, vid. To Jut, JEW, s. ber 3nbe ; pror-s. (as) rich as a — , fo veid) ivie cin 3ube, febr riicb; a — 's eye, ber foftbavc ©egenjlanb ; that's worth a — 's eye, baS ift etll ii5d)ft angene^met (rSfiftchcr) 5l:i= blicf; — broker, bev 2'vbteljute; — 's ears. ba» 3nba6pf;r, cbcv bev ^oliin= berfdjroamm ; — ' harp, tie 3JJat.(= trommel, coi. ba& SBtummeifeu ; — 's mallow, bie 3ubenpappel ; — pitch, baS 3nben= obet ©ergper)) ; — 's stone, ber debiuit, Sutenftetn. To JEW, r. a. bctfl't ;> Clt, pvelteit. JEWEL, s. bie 3umele, baS 3u»el, itletiiob, ber (5'telftein ; my — , mcin ©eliebter, metne ©eliebte, ntciti Stebliug, mein Srbaftcien : — blocks, .v. T. tie 8eefegel8=tSe= lenfjanbler, ©alaiitevieaiaavenbaiit= ler. jewelry, 5. 3uwelen, ©alautcric= waaren. jewess, *-. bit 3ubinn. JEWISH, adj. jiibifd) ; — ly, adv. jiltifib, nad) Subeuavt; — ness, a. baS 3u= teiitbunt. Jewry, s. ba8 jiibifebe Sanb, 3uben= Iaub; Subaa; ^alaftiita. jezebel, s. bie breifie bnf)Ierifdie StauenSperfon. ' jib, s.JY. t-s. ba» oorbetfte (breterfige) ©egel eineS ©r^i{fe8, bev Jtiiioer; vvlg. bie §ure ; — boom, ber sorbere Sbeil beS SBurgfprietS, ber Jtlfivers baunt; — iron, ber ©iigel tes ,Ulii= uerfi ; — stay, baS sBugfptiettan. JIFFY, a. vulg. in a — , ill cillClll flit. jig, a. i. tie ©igue (9lrt luftiget 2)anj) ; 2. + baS luftige ©ebidpt, bie Vallate. To JIG, v. n. coni U\A)t (uad)la|fig) taujen, bevum bupfen. JIGGER, or — tackle, a. .V. T. ciu Tafel obetSSinbejeug biuter bent Sratfptll. jiGGlsa oiij. jur ©tgue aufgelegl ober paffenb. _ jill, .t. — , or — flirt a bie ©djlnmpe, SScttcl, liebevlicbe 5?f.rue, ©ublbirne. JILT, a. bie ©efaHfurptige, Duquette. betn'igcrifc^e Srbfine, SocEertnn. JOCO JOIN JOIN To .JILT, v. I. a. bublerifd) (burd) fo5mcid)clhafte«!?offnungen ten tieb= haberj bitiljalteri, (ibn) affetl, foppeit, tdufc^cit ; ii. n. gefallfucbtig fepn, uquetliren; .1 jilted lover, eiu betro= genu- Siebbaber. 1MMERS, s./d. bie Slitgcln, .P>a»pen, SBinber. r» jingle r. I. n. flingeln, flimpcrn, flappcm, raffeln ; 11. a. flingeln, u. f. n>. marten obcr laffcit. JINGLE, «. 1. bas ©eflingel, @eflap= per, ©eraffel; 2. Dleimge f lingel j 3. bie flapper, ©lode, Scbclle. jippo, s. tie 3upe, 3flpe, baS 3acf= cijcii, (forfeit. joan, *.3obanna, .<5auitcbc tt (prauen= name) ; Pope — , bic ^3a)>fltiiii 3o= hanna. job, s. .fpiob (SDiannSnante) ; prov-s. the patience of — . cinc @ngel£ge bulb ; as poor as — , t)6ct)ft elenb, abgejebrt ; arm; — 'a comfort, citt letbiger (frf>letf)tev) £roft; — 's comforter, ber Ucbcrbriugcr cincr ncucti Uu= gliicfSpoft; — 'a tears, bic .£>iobatt)ra= ncii; bas £branengra6. JOB, s. 1. bic (Heine, uubcteutenbe, nitbrige, baufig ocibuitgcne) V'lrbeit, Sobnarbcif, SSerridjtung, tui @e= febaft, Semtc&en, bic SBebienung ; 2. bcr fd)er, Sio^taufdier ; 4. iiicllcr, «3etrtU gcr; — iieit, bcr ^Jiautcliicmcit; — iiiin, bic.ftuuit, Srfabrung, ©eivanbt= bcit, u. f. w. cities Jockey; $ffrb<« liebbabevci ; —tricks, fctne Jtniffe, Oiaufc; — whip, bic '^ainneepcitfebe To jockey, v. a. 1. jit -jjlferbe (beim SBcttreitcn) cincu aineunctt, ntit it^nt turiiirctt; 2. VtcUot, bctriigcu ( — out of uni). V)COSE, art. frbcrjbaft, luftig; fur^ Wfilig, frobltdj ; in a — stvic. int ourlcefeu <2ti)U; — iy, adv. fd;erj= 69 rccife, fiterjcnb, in 2dicr$ ; — ness, *. bic Scbcribaftigfeir, Xanxottl; I'liftigfcit, epapluft, bcr 2van. Joco serious, adj. balb febcrjbaft unb b,alb ernfthaft. J«x;ULAlt, aiij. febcrjbaft, fpaftbaft, furerj= wcifc, fp'ai;t;aftcr SBetff, in Sfbcrj obet 3paf>. JtJCULAKITY, .«. rid. Jocosenkss. JOCULATOR, s. ber ifiantourfl int 9?Jittclaltcr) ; 3JlinftrH, SBAnfeU fangcr, Jafcbcnfpiclcr. JOCULatoky, adj. fpajjfjaft, bipllig. JOCUND (adv. — i.y'. adj. fchrrjbaft, luftig, ntuntcr, lebbaft, frchlicb ; — strains, muutcic iithtt ; — new, .«. bic ©d^erjbflftigfeit, Suftigfcif, JWunrtr* feit, ?cbbaftigfcit. .h M I NDITY, s. vid. Jocunpskss J(il% (Joey), I. dim.)}. Joseph, Softyfe (3JtannSitame). n ii »;, ".i.rt.ftoilcn, anfro^en ; riitteln, fdiiitteln; to — on, fortfrogftt, fort* treibcu, ffbuppcii; n n. itch langfam beivegcu, fcblciibcni, bin unb bcr flicgen, gcnittclt (geftaucbt ivcvbeii ; int Xrabe firb (auf ittto nicben bc= iiH'gen, mi. jmfcln : to — on. Vabiu fdilcubcrit, " fortgeben ; forttvabcu ; will you be Jogging 1 voillft bu bid) (glcich) pacfeuV JOG, s. ber ®rof, Scbnpp; SBtn! bitrcb cincu Stpy; ba< ;HiitMit, Stopcn cincS aUagcnS ; fig. >.a Olu = ftof, bie Sdnv-ierigfcit ; —trot, bcr iangfanie SdHiufcItiab ^afjj.fff. ba* U3er)arven bet bent alfen Sdjlcnbrian; honest — trot men, Scute eon gciXHil>U= licbem Scblaoc. JOGfiER, s. i. bcr cincu anbcrn ftofit; 2. bcr fid* Kbivcvfallig bewegt, ai?ai= ler, ©jjlenbcrer. To jocgle, v. a. fcijicbcii, flojien riit= tcln. JOHANNES, s. cine pprtugicfifebe ©plbmiiujc vcu (i400 dUti ober S dollars. joiin, s. 3pbanuc«, 3o6ann (JRann8= name); a country — , bcr 99auern= jrfel ; poor — , bee .Rabcljait ; St — 's bread, baS 3t 1 baillliol , n^ ; St. — |s wort, bafl 3obanui3fraut, bcr 9?ci= fufi; —apple, bee Sobannts'avfel; — n-iiri'aius. bcr ftitntpfc, trauntertc fdje i'Jcnfdi, .OanS ber iraumcr ; — dory. rdoree\ bet St. ^ettrdftfd), ©onuenftfeb, ©olbfifcb. JOHNNY, s. [dim. ». John) .OanuSdicn. To .it >in. 0. i. a. fiigen, in etiMitbei Obet jufanintcitfugcn, binben. ycibinbcu, (— to, niit,) vereiuigen, ju=)gcfellcti ; biiiju fiigen; to — battle, ail einau= bcr gcvatbcit, banbgemcin roerben ; to — company with one, cillClt ab- bolcit ; einbpleit; to — convoy, |lt 6onuo»> ftofsrtt : to — a ship, cm ©cbtff (im Scgcln) riubolen ; to — hand, T bic ©runbftridic im Sd>retc ben jiifaiiiniciifugcu, formen; to — hands with .... beiftebcu, bie ,^,nib lei ben; to — interest (fellowship) with one, gctnciiifdwftlidie Sncbe mi t ciitent inadicn ; to — issue, mi. littler Issie ; joined to, I'iuImII^CU mit ..; joined with .., im Cfiiiflaug (ill Ucbcrciitftinimuitg) ntit ..: Joined together in.., (mfainiiiculvetbuiibcn, oereiiit iibcr . ; u. « fid) oerbtnben, jnfamineiif reteii ; lufammenftoeen, anftoficn, firb beviibreu, angreiijCit, nnbe femi ; firb fcblagcn ; to — hard, bidit augraujcii ; to — in ... cin= ftimnieu in.., Sheiltiebinen an..; to — in discourse, fid) 111 i t ill3 ©C= fprad) ciulaffen ; there i — with you. bariu Ijalte id^ t$ mit 3l)neu. JOINDER, s. L. T. tie JPcrcinigunfl (3»eier gcgett cincu Triltcn, bet cillCin $rcjcffc); a — in a demurrer, bit Beretntautjjg briber Sattbeieti iibcr bic 3ulafftgfcit eittes 3iicibcit}= pllllftCJ. JOINER, «. ber (J?uuft=) Jifitler, i£d)rciner ; — '■ tools, Iifcblcrrccrfjeiu gc; — 's trade, bae iintlcrbaubn'crf. JOINERY, ... bie (Jtunft=) Xtfcbhr* arbcit. JOINT, I. b. 1. bie ^ugc : 2. bfllGf lent, ber ^uotcti bcr ^fhitucii) ; 3. bat ©lieb, t>idbtin, tic Jteule ; -i. bit ^ngel, bas Stbatniec; — >. Tip. T bic Decfelbanber ; — smwaMug, bi: Sugcn int iDcauerivertr ; n — , adj. oetounben, vocinigt, oereint; gea incinfd)aftlid) ; to cut — from, it; S tilde fdiucibeit ; out of—, au3 ten Aiigcn ; veneuft ; fig. in Unorbnung, in JUernjirrung. unrubig, bcivcgi ; _m put out of — , au& ben ffngeu brin= gen ; auerenfen ; yerrenfen ; fig. oer» roirren; to put ones nose oui of — , 3entaubent btc ©nnfl eixri Bubeni raubett; col. ibn ausftcd)cn, aui bent battel bf*. a ; to set into — , fiigen, jufani>".ctifiigcu ; einrcnfcti, cinncb= tctt ; compos, turning — , bag 21?irbcl = Imu, bcr 23irbclfitvcbcu, bass :Kmf= gvatgclcnf; — of veal, bcr fta1b6= fcfelagcl, ^albJftop, bic Ralb8= fcillc ; IM. E-s. — account. :licfbiutini ;nc iBfilfte; for — account, fiir ge« inciufcbaftlidie Jlecbnung ; — bolts, P i. .v T. bie Scblicfibpl^eii einefl :)(.t = pettcS: — business, bas fipmpagtitc= ©efebaft, bie gompcgnie-^anbluug; — capital, ba« Clapital cincr .P»an= bcl^gefclifcbaft ; — commissioner, bfl ?lbjiutft; — contractor, bcr i'iit' Sontraberrt; — file, bic @d)arnier« fttle; — gout, bie ©liebcrfranfbitt, bafl (M'.icberrocb, bie 0id)t; — heir, bcr 2)citcrbe;— heiress, tic SJlits erbinn; — lives. /„ r. aur ^'cbcn«= jcit jweiet ^crfencu; — owner, tor 3Jlit:9iheber; _ ownership, bie SKit* SRbeberei; — proprietor, tcr SRits gigentbumet ; — ring, bcr 3M>pcl= (3iugcr=) SRing ; -—stock, baS su= fainntengefcboffene Sapitaf, ber ^u-- tieu=Sonbi ; — stocs-banks auf .'Ictutt negrunbete SBanfen, ©efeUrcbaftSa iBanfen: — stoek companies, Sftiena ©ffellfcbaften, ©efeUfrbaften bic mil nemeinfebafttirbem Capital eperiren, 6ollectio=-fianblungen ; — stockope- rations. Unternchmitugcii fiir gcmeiii= fdrnftlii+e ;)icdmuitg ; —stool, bcr .UUpPit'.lbl, Jclbftllbl ; —tenancy ber SWitbeftft; —tenant, bet 3Mit= pacbter; —undertaking, 83erbinbung ju etii}elnen Unternebmungeit, ^nrti= civation8s@efd)&fte; — vender, ter ?Plitoer!Siifer. To JOINT, b. a. 1. fiigen, jufammen: fiigen, (glieberartig) vcrbiuto:; 2. na'd) ben ©clcufcu jcrfdittcibcn, jcr= legen, scrglicbcni, terbaucn, jcr= fpaltcn. JOINTED, adj. 1. vcrbittibeu ; 2. ge* gliebert, mil ©elenfen oerfeben ; fuotig, »»n Jttioten [»on iBftanjen); 3. jtrglietcrt ; — glass-wort, bal (gaUfraut; — wool, jiveinmrbfige gBofle. JOINTER, .». T ber gvofic .<)obcl, ©lattbobet, ®o>li*rbobel. JOINTLY, urfs vereiiit, mit cinaiibcr, fianb in $jnb, gtmeinfrbaftlicb, ju= fjiiinien, dmmtliit, fanintt, nefcft ; each for .he other — an I separately Wle fir . eineit nub einer fiir Silt, l".imi/ unb foitbtrS. JJllfl £83, s. i~ T bic 33eftfc€rin» 525 JOUR JUDG JUGL clues ?eibgebiiig3 j nt tcei» be it. 7V JOKE, r.n. fdjerjeit, fpagen, fd)a= fern, Sctjevj, SjSpffcn, jturpucil trei= belt ; to — upon one, lit it eiitcin fpapen, t!)it aufjicbcu. JOKER, s. ber Spaf^pgel, vStfufrr. •OLE s. 1. tic SBange, ber ©acfen (fait immer j%r. in ber geniciueit 0£e= tensart); cheek by — , bidu itebett= eiuauber, bid)t babet, gleid) baueben, gam uabe, nabe jufainmen ; 2Bange an SBanae, pcrtraulicb ; 2. ber 5ifd>= fo»f. ' iolliness, } «. l.btcSuftigfeit, grot)* ioLUTV. ) liebfcit, iSfrinterfeit- 2. Shiftbarfeir, ©elujtiguiig. IOLLV [adv. — ily!. tt(j. luftig, fr5&s lid); ntuutcr, frifd) ; fd)i>tt, wobU gcbilbct; —boat, JV. T. baa flcine (vierrutrige) SBoot, tic 3pUc ; a — boy eiit terber (muutcrer) 3unge; a — blade, or — dog, bet luftige S9rUs o"v, 3kuber=2ujtig, col. ein fttclcs ,§ait3. To JOLT, v. a. i- n. (tofien, fd)inciiien, rnitelit, fdnittclu, ftaud)cn; jolting of a coach. tjS ©tofien (Stauctyen) ciner olutfcpe. JOLT. ». ber etpjj, 2d)iitip (eineS SBageilS, U. f. IP.) ; — head, tcr SDi(fs fopf, Dummfopf. JOLTER, s. tie -pt-vfeu obet «ad)c, lvcUte fK>jjt, fhuubt, u, f. w. JONAH. Jonas, s. 3oiiaS (i'i,tlin» = name). Jonathan, 5. 3onafr)an (3KannS= name) ; Brother — , fig. bag amcrU fauifebe Self. JONQUIL, s. bit Souqiiide. joiiDEN, •. ber Siacbtfppf, j?ammcr= tppf, ba£ iRacbtgefdjirr, SRadjtbetfen. jos dim. yon Joshua, Sofua (jDlanutis name ). JOSEPH, s. 1. Sofepb (3)7ann6uamcl ; 2 ein Slmajpiieubabit, 9ieitfleib tcr Stamen ; — 's flower, bie rotbe uu& gelbe Xulpe. Joshua, s. 3ofua (9Rann«name). J0S0, s.eiue ?lrt ©riiubliug (fleiiier gifd>). To JOSTLE, r. «. ftpjjett, vulrr fdiuppen. iot, s. ba« Seta, 3ef, ^punftdjen ; not a — , gar llid)t; every — of it, bis nrif eitt Jjoar, Sllle-J mit einan= ber. gaudirf). To Jut, v. a. auffdjretbeit, itiebcr= fdneibcn, aitmcrfett, uotireu. jorriNc .«. bie SBemerfung, Slnmet' fuug, s Jlote, ba5 JDJeinoranbum. joi'knau «. 1. bal £aftebud); 2. bie 3eitid)wft. ba«SBod>enblatr, tieDhu ua:j- Dtcr i*ierteljabrsfdirift, tas Sonntal, ®cbiff8=3ourrwi[. JOURNALIST, s. tcr SSerfaffet einer 3eit'"dirifr, eiucS SournalS ; 3our- naliil. To JOURNALIZE, o. a eiu Sngebucb ballcn, in eiu Jagebud) aerirn^finbler tin ^leiuen ; — man, ber £agearbci= tcr, iagclbbuer; «j?anDtt)ecregefeU ( ©efell ; — man shoemaker, tcr Sd)llb- fuecbr, Scbubmarbergefell ; — man tailor, ber ©djneitergefeU ; — work. baS jagemerf, tic ia.jcavbcit (eineS s ^rofcffiouiftett). To journey, d. n. retfen, teanbern. journeying, s. ba» 'lie-feu. joust, «. bas Sjirniec; jousts, p.'. tic Xurnicrfpiele. To JOUST, d. n. eiu ^uruier balteu, im Suruicre fecbtcu, tunttereit ; jousting- plaCe, Btd. jL'STLING-PLiCE, UllttT To JCSTLE. JOVE, s. Myth 3liriter; by — ! rmph. bei-.n 3uptter! cot. mciucr Sed>« ! JOVIAL, ttrfj. 1. Astral. T. Hitter tClV. fiiuflu||c te5 (^laneteiO 3npitet; 2. (ado. — lt), josialtfd), frobltuuig, frpbniiitbig, lujiig, aufgetuccfr, vph bcitver Semite ; — ness, s. tcr grof)= ftiiu, tie yrphmutbigfeit, Siiftigfcit, 3pytalitat. JOVlAUST, s. ber jpiualifde 3Jienfct). JO\YL', vid. Jole. JOWTER, s. tcr gifefibaiitler, gifcb= boEcr. JOY, s. 1. tic greube; Aroblicbfcit, bo8S3er(ltiugert; 2. tie Suftbarfeit; 3. bftSSBobi, ^Ofil, Giliicf; it gives me — , e$ freut micb ; to wish (to cive) — (ofi, gratultreit, ©liid wunfdjen (JU); my dear — , lltcilt 2tebd)en, mciu ©djafedjen. To JOY, v. I. 7i. ftd) frciteit, froblid) fc.Mt; ii. a 1. crficucu, erbetteni; 2. eiuen begiuefmunfdjen, ibnt ©lid Wiinfcbeil ; it joys my heart, C5 freut mid) iu tcr Secic. joyce, «. 1. 3otPcu§ (3J2ann8name) ; 2. Socofa (granenname). joyfuu adj. frenb(e|»oI f freutig. fi'L'hlid), frpb ( — in, uber) ; — ly,ado. frcuti j, mit greuben ; — ness, s. tic gteubtgEeit, Srbblirbfcif, greube. JOYLESS (adv. — vy), a«j. freutc(u)^ (o6, frcuteuleer, feine greube gcu>al)= rent, uuerfieulid), trauvig ; — ness, .«. bie SreuteiilpftgEeif, IraurtgEeit JOYOUS, adj. freutig, froljltd), erfrcu= lid); — of . .. erfreut uber . .; — news, ffpbe v ?iacbrid>tcu ; — ly. adv. freutig, init greiiveit ; — ness, s. tie greiibtgfeit, greube, SrbbliitEett, JSpiwc. JUBILANT, adj. jllbclllb, fipblpcfeilb. JUBILATION,*. ber 3ubel, baS Subeln, grotjtocfen. JUBILEE, s. boS Subclfeft, 3ubilaum ; year of — , b.l$ 3"beljabr. JUCUNDITY.a. bie (Srgoijlicbfcif, Sins iicbmUdjfcit (ra. ii. . JUDAH, ». 3uba [2Rann8namc), JUDAICAL f— ic), cdj. jiitifd); judaic stone, tcr Subenjtnu; — ,y, ado. [iU bifct), auf ju&ifdje "?lrt. Judaism. *, bae Subentjjura, bie jubis fejje SReligion, To judaize. v. n. tS mit ten 3uben balteu, ten 3"teu marbeu oberfptelen, JUDAIZEB, s. tcr ^luKiugcr bel 3"'i= bentburaeS. JUDAS, s. 3uba3 (^iaitii*uamc) ; — tree, ber 3»taebauni, ©rifelbaum, ©alatbaum, tntianifcbc $feffer (Cer- cis siliquaslrum — L). juddock, «. s ie 6aarfrj)nepfe. JUDGE, s. ber SRidjterj the book of Judges, ba* ^itrb tcr;l{td)ter; to he — of, eutfdieiten, fdilicbrcn; let anybody be—, ber erfte i^efte (3eberJ mag baruber urtbcilen, entfdjetbe wet ta to i 11 ; a perfect — , eiu spUfPiiimcncr JCenner, ■RunjtuerftSiibiger ; — «i minal, ber (5riminalrid)ter ; — lateral tcr SIffeffor, iU'itl^er ; — marshal ber SDcarfdjiifl Oberricbter. To JUDGE, r. n.s.- a. 1. mtbeifeit (— of, iiber), aburtbeileit, beurtbcilen ridjten, 9ieebt fpredjen, entf cbeiben ; 2. (in tcr Sibel Derbammen, JUDGER, .^. tcr ^iiditcr, SBeurtijetlet JUDGESHIP, s. ba« 3iid)tcra::it, bi» riduerlidic SBitrbe. JUDGMENT, s. 1. tie Q?eiirtbcilung«> tcaft, UrtbeiUfraft, (Sinftdjt; Ui Urttjeiiivermogen : 2. ber liditcrlicbe SluSfprud), llrtbcilefpnid). S8efcr)eib, ba8 Urti'cu, tie (iiebterlid;e) (5nt-- fdjetbung; 3. S3eurtbei(ung, jtritil; 4. 9Meiimng, boS febriftlirbc) ©ut= «d)teit; 5. bie .tpaiitbabuug ber @es reditigfeit; fi. Th T. tie Serbam* •.lumg, Strafe ©ptteS ; — of God, ba5 @otre*gcrid)t; day of—, ba§ jiingftf ©eriebt; private — , baS ^Dafurbal- teil ; a — upon a bond, cilt Sprudj gegeu eiuen vSefauIbiier, rcclcber in* ^{udiiaube ill; to sit in — , ju ©e. VtdUe ll^Cir, to give (pass, or pronounce) — , baS Urtbcil fpredjen ; to form a — of, or to give one's — upon, feill Urrhcil fiber erwaS fallen, (§ bcur» tbeilen, eutfefceibcn ; of good — fcfyarfftiutig, yerftuitig, ciif rbtSsoII done with — , meijterljaft burrbgc-- fllhrt; in my — , uad) litciucr 9Reis llllUO, ; a man of great — , cill febarf; ftmitgcr ffllann; — chamber, bie @e» ricbilftube; — day. ber jiiugfte 2ag, — hail, tie ©erirotst)aUe- — place ( — seat), ter SfricbterftubX JUDICATIVE adj. uiri'Ctiefabig ; — facuitv. bie Seurtbeilungafraft. JUDICATORY, I. ». 1. tic ^,uifh; bung ter ©eredjfigfeit, ;>if»trfcer roaltung, ©eridnibavfeir ; 2. bal ©eriebt, ber ©ertcbtel)pf ; H- ud j- 8" riefctlid). JUDICATURE, s. 1. baS, ®crid)t, bie ricbterlicbe ©eroalt ; 2. — . or court of — , ba3 ©erid)t, bet ©cridjtsbof. JUDICIAL (■«//.. — ly), adj. gcviditltd), rerbtlid), riebtcvlirb; —nets. ?lctc:i= fnirfc; — proceedings, baS gerirbtlidie SSerfabren ; — survey. biegciid)tlid>e Q3efidHigung. JUDICIARY. a?aul= ecba. 7b JUMBLE. ». f. /7. (— together), Ht!= orbeutlid) burdjeinnnber njerfen, »er« inifcbe n, uenneugen ; II. n. ftrb »et* niifffceit ; jumbled words, uufinuiger SJBorifram. jumrle t. bie SBerwtrrnng, bcr 3JMfdb> mafeb, SBirrroatr. tumbler, s. ber SBerwirret, uurubigc Stovf. 7WUMP, v. v. 1. fpringeit, bitpfen ; 2. ftoDen (»om SBageu) ; 3. jig iibcr= eiiiftimiiicti ; to — over, uberbuvfeu, iibcrfpringen ; wits always— together, proB SBitj iiiib ©i^ gefellt fief) gent. JUMP, s. 1. ber Sprung, ea(j ; to give a — , eineit Sprung thuu; 2. ber ©litrfafali, 8ufaU; 3. 'baa Seibrtei:, 9tad>t=(50rfetf. jumper, s. ber Springer, .6«Sfer. JUNCATB, ». ber .Rafe'fucben. junction, s. bie SBerbinbung, 93erei= mgintg. jiwture ... 1. bieffnge, baa ©c= lenf; 2. bie 33erbiubuiig, s J.«'ereiuU ftiing, (Fiuigfcif, ftreuittfrbaft ; 3. Sage, ber Untftaiib, fritifebe 3eitDiiuft. JUKE. ». bet CiKoiiaf) Snni. 3uuiuS, syr«fb=, SRofciu obcr JyiefeuiiionaC Jungle i. (m Oftiubieir eiite recite mit (JBambitfejftobr. flcineit SWju men. ii. f. id. bebetf re Mladic, bie jroat feitrbt, abet feiu eigeutlicher *Woraft tft. JUNGLY, «> ii* ; he is my — . ei ill uacb mir iua Olmt gefommett; my juniors, Veute. bie junger fint> alfl tec ; — warden, t. (in ben ftreiinaiu terlogeit) ber jwetfc Stiffeber. ii'NioiuTY, ... baa 3uitgcrfei)u, 3»= utorat. JUN.pkr. ... berTSacbbolbcr; — berrv bie JBadjholberbeere; — gum, baa SfflacbbBlberbarj ; — nil. ba« SBarft* bolserol. .Rntmmholjbl ; —tree, Me S5?ad»bolberflaube, bcr iBad;l)olbei-- baunt. IUNK, *. 1. bie3onfe, 3mtfe ; 2. junks, t. id. Stiicfe von altnit TaiiiDerfc. junket, ,. i. ber ?erferbtffen, bie Se= cferei, 9tSf(heret, ba« Hutferroerr". Sflafrt)merf ; 2. bie beintfirbe, oerftol) 5 lene Srbmauferet, bai 92afeben. n JUNKET, ».n 1. beiiulicii ober yer.- fbMen frbmanfen, itafdiett; 2. ' fdimanfen, ( ]aflett. JUNKETINGS />' £cbntaiifercien. junta. > s. l.bie betniltdje SPerbitts JUNTO, J bung, (Sabalc; 2. :liatb> JUST verfainmTnng, 3unfa (in ©panien unb Portugal). JUPITER, s. Myth. S,- .1st. T. 3llp iter ; by — ! emph. beiiu 3"Viter! — 's beard, bet 3npitcr«bart -silbetbufti). JUi'PON, s. bie 3upe, baS (iorfctt, 2JJieber. JURAT. ... bie ©ericttlperfou ; ber ©c= febiDoruc, ©tboppe. JURATORY, adj. ciblid) [to. it.). JURIDICAL {adv. — ly). adj. recbttid), neridjilid) ; —days, bie ©ertdjtarage. JURISCONSULT, s. ber JJedjtagelebrte, JURISDICTION, s. bie @erid)tVbarfeit, ©ertrbtfiberrfebaff, ber ©crid)tabi= ftrict, ©etttbwbejitf. jurisdictional, adj. gcfefcfid), gc= rid}tlid). JURISDICJTVE, adj. rid)tei[id;c ©c= wait befiljenb. jurisprudence, ... bio 3lefj)f8aelel>t= famfeit, 9led)t«iuiffeufd)aft, iJicrfjttS- funbe. JURISPRUDENT, adj. red)^'.'evftanbig, rcdjtagclebrt. red)t«funbtg. JURISl', 8. ber 9ied)t3gelcljrtc, 3recbta= fuiibige, 3un'it. juror. ... bet ©efdjroorne. JURY. ... L. T. bie ©efibivorncit, bad ©erirbtber ©efdjiDurueit, tie 3u«j ; grand — , bie grofje 3uii) ; petty — , bie fleitte 3un; ; - man, /.. pa. ber ©effbiDorne ; — mast, jy. t. bet Wofbmaft. JUST lade — ly). I. adj. 1. gercdt; btlltg; recbt, rid)tig, wabt; 2. re= gelmapig, tegelrerbr; gebSttg, or= beuilirb, genaii: :!. ooU(ianbtg; 4. hujeubbafr, fitulblog; — stature, bie geprtge ©rope ; n. adv. geuau. cbeu ; gerabe, nur, blot); bcinabe, faft ; — as, ebeu al^, cbeu fo, gerabe mie ; — so, gerace(cbcu) fo ; — by, bicbt ba= neben ; — now, fogleid) ; fo cbeu ; — enough, cbcil gciuig ; but — , nut urd); faunt uoct)'; cbeu crft ; Ul.s. baS iiirnicr. To JUST, c. n. x;id Tu Joust. justice,* l.bie©ered)tigfe(t; 93iU ligfeit; geicitte Strafe ; but ;)tcd)t ; 2. ber:)hd)ter, JIcdt$bcanuc,3ced)t«= betraute; to administer — . bie ©e= rccbrtgfeit haiibbabcn, ridjten ; to do — . @ered)tigfetl iibeu, NtAjt >Ditcr= fabreu laffen ; I cannot do — to the subject iib fanu bem ©egeuftanbt uitbt ©crecbrigfet't ibuu. b. b- ibn au= genteffeii bebailbelu, erflatcu, U. f. id. ; in — , billiger 2Beife; dou 9icd)tc lDcgen ; /.. '/•-*. — of the forest, bet Viurridncr iit gotjifacbeu (fiber SBalbi unbaBilbfreoeli; — of fthe) peace, bcr SriebeiiirtdiTet, $oljet- liitter; —of the quorum. Ct It blll'dl cin fSniglidjefi patent btfouberl be» iCldliietfi- Ai'ieceu-Jriittcr; Lord cliief — , ber ?orb--Cbcn-id)ter; justices of assize, tic iifftfenridjter. 7li JUSTICE, v. a. + 3icd)t fprertjen, rirbten. JUSTICEARLE.a^. ber ©cridjfabrtrfcit uiiteiivoi'fcu (ID. f|.). JUSTICER, ... ber fUiebter, ©crid)t«= Denualter, ©eridmbaltcr, 3uftiit(U tin*. ii 8TICESHIP, 5. ba« ilJicbteraiitt. justiciary. ». i. ber @ertchi«i)ett ; 2. 0)ciid)t«baItcr, 3ufiitt'artu«. JUSTIFIABLE (into, — i.v i.adj. |tl rcd)t= fcvtigcn, ba« getetfitfertigl obet rcr= tljetbtgt tpetben faun, red)tma§tg ; — ness, ... tic HJiiSglirfjfeit gereditfertigt ;u iDcrbcn, bie sJedjtmafitgfeit. .h'stificatio.n . ... i. bie IRecttferHs guug. i'ertbeibigung : 2. ?o«fpre= fbliug; 3. Typ. T. bafl VIllM'.'bl'Ci'cil. 3ujtircn, bie;\ufliruiig; 3et[en[ange KEDG JUSTIFICATIVE, adj. recblferti^enb. JUSTD7ICATOR, to. u., I s 1. bet JUSTIFIER, )) SJicebtfer. tiger, 33etfb,eib{get ; 2. I'orfprcrbt: ID. II. . Tit JUSTIFY, ». La. 1. recbtferttgen ; 2. lodfpreiteu ; n n. Typ. T. anlfti>Iie« i'cii, {ufttren. JUSTIN. ... 3uftinu8 (3)Jauu4iiaiuc). Tu JI'STI.E. r. a. .(• n. fil>9eil ; ailftO; 9cn, {ufamineufrcffen, iMiugcmcin njcrben, ftreitcn, fampfett, riugcu ( — for, um); braugcii; aurciinen to — out (to — niTi u'cgilopeu, bin ausfloljen, Derbtangen ; justiing place bie SRennbabn, bet £untme(plai. justness, ... i. bie @etecfatigfeU, S8tl ligfeit ; 2. :)u'd)tigfcit, ©ruauigfeit To JUT, r. „. ' . — out) bervorragco, bcrvorftebeii. JUT, ». bad Jperoortageu. bcr i'or= fvning; — window, baa uotfpriBs geube Senflet, @tferfenfter. JUTLAND. ... bie i.OaltiiifeU 3fitlanb. JUTTING, adj DOttagenb ; — land, ba« bfr« crragcu'tc 8aob ; — out, bie $or-- ragnng. jutty, i. tor Botflanb, Sorfptuug, baa Ueberbad). JUVENILE adj. jinig, jugenblid) ; — anion bie [ugenblidje •Oaiitlung, bet Sugenbfltetdj ; —ardour, bieSugenty bilje ; — friend, ber 3ugcnbfteunb, tie Suaenbfrcuubillll ; —growth, ber jiuigc Sfijurba; —days, — yean, bit Sugenb, bad 3ugenba(ter, bie 3u= genbjabte. .ii \ i Mi-irv. .. I. bie Jugenblirjjfcit, baS 3ugeublid)e ; 3ugenba(ter ; 2. jiigeublidie iBerragtii, bie 3ugcub- bi^e, bcr jiigcnblirbe ^ciditfiiin. JUXTAPOSITED. /mi-t. iiebeiicinaubcr- geftellt, angrenjeub. JUXTAPUSITION, ... bie iiJcbeucinan bciftelluug, Slugrenjung. K. K, .(?, I, bee clfteTnidiitabebca 'Jllpba» beta. T.i KABoa, ,-. a. ciuc SCrt, bcfonberJ baa SctpSpfenfleifd), bei frbuellent (Seucr ju braten. KALE ... bcr juitge JtohJ. bie Jlobi: fproffcit. KAi.KiD (SCOPE .. baa J?aleiboafop. [CALENDAR aid. inc. KAi.i. ... bad ®al|s ober <:i>eafraul (S-i/..o/a kali — /. /. KALMIA s. fine ~.'Irt auiciifauii"d)cr SorbeerfltUUrt) (Decandria monogynia] KAN, ... ni. K,'ks kangaroo, ... baa JTangurub. KATE, s. (dim. »on Katbkrink) jTiitb= den. KATHERINE, s. Jlatfjariuc ^raueur name). KAUN, ». n,l. Kan Tu K \\v. d. n. fr.icbjcn (gleicb cincr .«rahe . KAW, ... baa .thJicbjcit. K i.LY, *. baa Jtege Ifpiel. To keck, p. n s M('\\ gum Qfrbredjen it ben. fid ccbrcden lviMlen. Sg. @M fjaben; to — at.., fieb cfehi vor (id. ii. 1 . To KECKLE, v.n..\: 7' cin Tan filiiab^ mit Strttfen umtoutben). Ki.iKsv. ».bafl Si(f«=) Jfrtl; — man. mod bev SeotSfnedbt, «ebif= fee ; — boat, {or keel) ; (auf bev Snne) ciu flacbcS yabr»eug tchne •iljafl) uiu jbbUa oom lifer an bus Scfyff |U bringeil; Jf. T*. — rope, baS JcieltaU; upon an even — , tjlctdj = laftig. H> KEEL, p. a. 1. mit bem «tel baS iBaffev burebfebneioen, (§u 2Baffer) fabren; 2. untiucrfcn (OOii Sebtjfcu) tcit J*ie[ iiiicf) oben. keelage, *. va5 tfielgelb, §aftngelb. ',. KEELHAUL, v. a. Sea Ph ficlbolen, 'iWitrofeufttafe in ber bouanbifeben Marine). keeling, «. bet ©olbftviemev (cine 3rt ^toeffifch). KEELSON, s. JV. T. bic Jtielfebtoiime, »a3 jeielfebroeiu. KEEN (.adv. —L\),adjA. feb.uf, fcblteU benb; 2. beitieub, burebbringciib, ftvenge ; 3. befttg, begievig (— at, upon, auf) ; 4. feiu ; febavffinnig, fpifcfin&ig ; 5. bitter (—against, ge» gen) ; — appetite, beftiger .jpuuger ; — cold, fdbneibeube Jldltc; — edged, mit febarfer Sebneibe, feiu gefeblif= fen, frf)arf ; —eyed, — sighted, fcfuuf febciib. keenness, s. 1. tie Sebarfe ; 2. Strenge; 3, febneibenbe StaiU; 4. •§efttgtcit, ber (Sifer; 5. bie SJetn* beit, ber Sebarffiun ; bie Spitjfinbig* feit; 6. SBirtcrtcit ; — of desire, bte (beftige) iSegievbe. To keep. v. a. If n. 1. baltcit fin alien SBebeurungen beS beutfcBcn SSorteS) ; 2. bchalteu, bebaupten, baben; 3. aiifbebalmi. aufbcivabren, bevoabven, bitten, fluffiebt baben, beroacben, be* febiiijcit ; 4. erbalfcn, untcrbaiteit, er= itabveit; 5. beobaebten, aiUiibcit; 6. feient ; 7. fovtfabveit, fortfefcen ; 8. bcarbeiten, bancn ; 9. oerroalten ; 10. abbalfen, juriicf oalteit, binberu ; 11. fid) balteit, bauevn, fortfabreu, forts fe§en, bleibeu; 12. roohncii ; 13. fieb aufbalteu, lange fc»it, jogeru ; to — house, <£>aitS baltcit ; to — an inn, ©aftroivthfebaft tvetben; to — (a) shop, ciiteu Saben (eitt ©eroolbe) b»u ben ; to — a charge, an office, Ctlt 31int inne baben, c3 oerroalten ; to — school, Scbule baiten ; to — a school, einer Sebule (ala Seljrer) uorfteben, eine Sebiile (inne) baben ; to — the hooks, bie i'luter fiibreit, Suebbaltev fenn; to —time, Xcitt batten, riebtig gcben (you Ubren) ; to — time toge- ther, jugleid) aitfangcn unb nigleieb enbigeit; to— at bay, bitibalteu, onfs jiebeit, abfpeifen; to — the field, ba^ yelb bebaupten ; int Aelbe fteben ; to — comnanv. ©efellfebaft baiten ; @e= fellfcbaft letften umgebeu ; fieb, ab= gebeit; fcbiuelgeu [; — it a secret, behalf c3 fiiv bifb. fet) oers fcbft'iegeit ; to — silence. Stillfebivet= gen beobacbfeti, febroeigen; to — w one's self, bei lut bebaltcn, »crfct)roet= gen ; to — touch, ( — one's word 1 . Fein 33ort baiten ; to — cio^e. enge bal= ten; ftcb eiiintlieiieit ; ftti) febltefleti ; — your countenance, lafi ben SDIutb nirbt fiitfen : io — a) going, in 'Sewe* gitttg lj_m Oange) erbaltcn, fortsau- trnlafjeil; to —a feast, a day, tilt geft, eiuen Jao, feient ; to — one to his work, 3eiu.inb jti f c titer 3rbeit nnbalteil; to — nne's lied, to — on.;'s chamber, ba* Sett, ba$ ^tinnier bii= ten; to— It.) the country, auf bent 8anbe lei _, to — counsel, uerfcbivie= genfeenyab= rung gegebcu, anvertraut ; to — lod- 2id KEEP gers, Stntmet 511 scrntietben baben; to — a woman, a mistress, lici) cine 'DJiitteffe baltcit ; to — one's temper, an fid) baltcit, .Jpcrr iibet fieb fe\in ; to — in one's own hands, fclbft vciumU ten; to — in favour with .., ficfa ill $uuft erbalrcn bei . . ; to — in mind memory . fieb crinucrn, ail etma$ beufen ; to — in suspense, im3weifel lajfen ; to — in repair, iii baulicbem Stattbe eibalteit ; to — in money, (SOU 3eit 511 ^eit) init @elb oerfebeii, mit ©elb unterbalten ; to — one short of money, ciiteiit weiiig ©elb ju scrtbun gebeit, ibn furj balfen ; to — the land aboard. JV. t. bai Saiii int Oeftcfot bc= baltcit ; to — the wind, -V. T. bidit bei;n zuinbe baiten; to — away, auf etnem SBegc bleibeit ; eiuen 2Begneb= men ; to — one's self dry. fieb ocv bev 9iaffe bcroabren; j^. fieb niicbtcrrt balteit ; to — fair (well) with one, gilt mit eiucin ftebcit; to — fait ^gether, fieb gut vertragen ; to — water, 'JJ5a= (be fteben ; to — asunder, sou ciuaiu bee baiten ; getrennt Icben ; to — away, abhalteit ; bet Sett* febaffert ; fieb iSebulben balbcr) entfernt bal= ten ; njegbleiben ; to — back, juritct balteit; oorentbalten ; Berfcbroeigen; juriief bleibeit ; abftcbett ; to — be- hind, jmiief bleibeit ; to — down, nicrrig baltcit (ten $reii); nicbev- bruefen ; eniiebrigen ; to — from, 511= riicf baltcit, abbalten i?on.., rorcitt= balteit; oertoabren sor..; fieb cnt= balteit, njegbleiben, meiben ; to — a thing from one, cilieitt etlOaS t>OfCltt= baiten, oerbergen, oerfc^weigen ; ei= ncu an etroaS binberu ; to — in, 1. tune baiten; tun baiten ; jabmen, baubigen; fiiv fieb bebaltcn ; 2. fieb inne baiten, ju fiaufc bleibeit ; Tijp. T. eiiibviiigeu, cinlaufen laffen (int 2a§e ; to — in one's breath, bell •}lthein c\n fieb balteit ; to — otf. ab* balteit, abivebreit; oerleiben; abroei= fen, abfpeifen ; bason bleibeit ; .v. T. sont Sanbe abbalten ; — off! emph. bvei 5ebvittc voin ?eibe ! to — on, babei balteit obev bleibeit, fovtfabveu ; fortfebreiten ; to — out, nirbt berein laffen; auefebltefteit, auSlaffen; fieb buten sor. . ; braufjen bleibeit ; Typ. T au»bviiigen, auSlaufen laffen (till Safe* ; to — one out of jail, ieiliailb oot bent ©efaugniffe rettcit ; to — one out of the money. SciliailcClll bie 3ablung sorentbalten ; to — out_of reach. OM bent Sereict) bleibeit, fieb in bev Seviie balteit; to — out of sight, oerbergen, fieb oerbergen ; to — to, baiten an.., fieb baiten an..; an= baltcit Ul ; to — under, tm Samite (fun, jtrenge, bart) baiten ; ituter- briiefen ; to — up, in bie ,5obe baiten ; anfreebt baiten, nnter^iifen, baiten ; erbaltcn, beibebalten ; unterbalten, oerfeben ; (fieb) bebaupten ; fieb er= balteit ; to — up a heavy fire. Mil. Ph. fill regelmafugeS Scuer unterbalten ; to — up a parade, groftcn 2taat fiib= rcn ; 10 — up to or with, Scbritt bal= ten mit, ti (fiiicm) gleieb tbun ; to — within ken, niebt aiiS bent ©eficbtf oerlieren. KEEP. s. t. bie Obhut, 2luffiebt, Siir= forge, t'flegc (iv. ii.) ; 2. bie ^aupt= fefte einea alien ScbloffeS, ba3 ( s Bnr.,=) SSerlieH. ber 33nrejtr)urin, bie .P»aft, bee ©eioabvfam. keeper, s 1. ber ,P>altenbf, £fiter, iBerioabrer j ©efebufeer, fetter ; 53 rter, -.Miiffcber, SBBacbter; lln-- terhaltev. (fvbalter ; 3Jevmietbev, QSerleiber ; 2. Sorftcr ; — of the boat, ber iltteilban| ber fonigliebcii (5ioilli|te ; — of th« privy seal, ber gcbeinic 3iegelbctrab= rev ; — of the touch or mint, bei SOJunjroarbaiu ; — of the prison, ber ©efangenroarter, Steef meifter ; he n her — . cr unterb>ilt (unterftii^t) fie, forgt fur fie ; (tin uitebeln 5iunc) ci bait fie fieb, KEEPERSHlP, ». bafl ?tuffeberamt, bie ^urb, Slufftebt, ^erroaltung (u>. ii.). keeping, $. 1. baa fialtcu ; 2. T. bit ^altung ,iu ber SDJalerei) ; to have in — , in fSanbeu baben ; to be in — iibereinjtiinmen, paffeu (ju einani er) ; mav God have you in his holy — , ©o'tt fei) bir, ©ott febii^e bieb ; to he in — , Dram. Ph. gilt flebalteil, bes feftt fes>n. keepsake, s. moi. baS ?lubenten, \§v innerungSjeiebett; by way of — , jum 'Jlubenfeu. keffekil. g. ber 2Wecrfcb,aum, bie tiirfifebc (Srbe. KEG, s. . |5 Saseben ; Stonnrben. kell, 3. 1. .i. r. bie ^c^haut, ^arirt' bant ; 2. bie SPuppe einer 9taupe. kelp, s. ba§ aifchenfalj, bie Soba= pflan^e. kelpie, s. provinc. ber 31 ir, 2Baffer= geift. KELSON, s. vid. Keelson. To KEMP, v. a.+ fainmcn. To KEN, v. la. von roeitem feben, cr= fennen, gereabr roerben ; 2. + fen? ncu ; 11. n. erfeben, urn fieb bliefeu. KEN, s. ber Sercirb, ©eficbtsfveis, bie Sebtueite ; within—, i'» iVrcieb tc« ©efiebteS, ju erfeben, \n crfeiineii; out of my — fc. iiber meine gabigfei^ ten, iiber meine Segriffe. KENNEL, 5. 1. ber ^nnbeftall, bi: ^unbebiitte; .fpbble, ber 35an eiueJ Aiiebffj, u. f. to. ; 2. bie ®offe,3iiit= ne ; _ stones, HlinnenFteine ; 3. a — of hounds), bie J?oppel, ber .^aufen (3agb=) ^uitbe. To KENNEL, ?•. n bble baufen ; tin Sail fteefcu ivie ber SuebS, u. f. ro.). KENTLE, s. rid. Quintal. KENTLEDGE ». -V. T. Gifen in Q31oefen \u iQaUaft. KERBSTONE, .*. bie fteiucruc ©tnfaf* fung, ioelebe bic guproege von ben ^aupts (ober gabr=) SStgen trenntj ber fteinerue Jianb 11111 eiuen Stun? ncn. kerchief, s. baS 2"ueb, ^ovftueb, Sfbleiertucb, ber Scbleier. KERCHIEFED, adj. mit cillCIU X\id)t nefrbletert, ocrbiillt. KERF. «. bie J?evbe, ber ©infiu|tt. kermes, s. bev Vermes, tie 5ebar= laebbeere; —mineral, Ch. T. bermi= neralihte j?crnte§. kern. * ber ivlanbifcbe Saner; ivlaiu bifebe 5olbat ut Sup ; Saitbjtreieber, Stranenrauber. To kern, v. n. 1. Fornen, fiit tornen ; 2. beirt roerben a'ie reifeS .uotu; kerned letters, p!. Tup- T. ilberbaligtU' be Q3ucbftaben. KERNEL, ». 1. ber .Kent ; ba« 3traCT» fte; 2. bie Xiii'e; 3. yiunc; — wai.-r. ber '^eifteo; — won, bit SBraUnroUr] [Serophvlaria — /..'. To kernel. ». «. fi* fovneu, JtSrnt: befomnien. KERNELLY, *■>} feviiavtig, ftnitg J ferniebt; roll .tfevue. . KERSEY, ». bev JSttrfer; (tin giooet ir-ollettev 3eug.) _ KJ'-RSEYMERE. ». bev Satlilllt. KIDN KINE KITH iESTREL, ». s P . k ber SBannenrccber, auggeartete %\U KETCH, a. bie .ftilg, 3acbt ("Mrt $roci= maftigcr Sdffffe »on 50 big 125 ?a= ftcti ; — or bomb — , bie 5Spnibarbier= ©altote. KETCHUP, s. vid. Catchxp. KETTLE, s. ber jteffcl ; — drum, (bte Jicffcl=) "4>'l"fC; — drummer, bcr l ; aufcr ; — maker, bcr 5Bfanntn= fdmticb, Jlcffelfrbintcb ; — pins, pi. .Read ; bag jt'cgcffpicl. KEVKLS, s. pi. jv. T. bie jtrciiiHam yen, .Oprttflailtpeit ; kevel-heads, bic Jtpy-fe bet - Stteuitlamptn, poller. KEX, 5. til Kecksv. KEY, ». «!««-• ««. Srfig: 1. bcr Scrjliiffef ; 2. bcr . bcr Jean, (•ftafetto Damm, bie grfciffelaiibc, bcr (Sail-) Sedating, btc sUurme; 7. bliitbe_.ftlipye; under lock and — , PCifcbtpffett ; to speak in a sharp — , aug (in) cittern bp()Clt2L0= tic fytecpeit; m compos. — bit ber ©cbluffelbart ; — box, bie R3ud)fc yam sccbliiffeUocb ; — bngie, bag .Rlavpcnltprit ; — chain, bag Srbliii"= fcU.Rcttdiett; — hole, bag Sd)liiffcl= lorf) ; — note, Mu3. T. ber Jb&\fpt> Pbcr ©ruubion ; — porters, pf. 2lrbei= terattf belt Schijfgiverffen, 5d)ancr= leute ; — rim:, bcr Scbltiffclriiig ; — stone, bcr Sctilujjficiu ; — swivel, bcr (Scbliiffclbafcit. keya<;e, *. bag j?ai)ge(b, bie jTai)= fpefeti. KEYED, adj. Soften babcttb ; a — in- strument, citt Saftettinftruntcitt, 3n= ftrttntent titit (5lauiatur. iHAN, *. 1. bcr (Sbatt (tit 3?erftcrt), StatthaUer; nmtcr beit Sartaren) Dberhatipt, Siirft, Jtoittg ; 2. (tiir= fifd)) bie aUgcmciitc .jperberge fur 9teifeiibe. KHANATE, s. bie .£>enfd)aft cincg Jtbait, ba« Abauat. kiise, s. bie aitfgcbrpcftctic Jjioftbeus le ; — heel, bic bartc 3iiiibc pbcr SBarjc am .jpmtcrbugc bcr ^ferbc= fuse. KIBED, ) adj. Svpfibcitlctt babctib ; — kiby, $ heels, eifrprnc Scrfen. To KICK, v. a. <$- n. ftPtiei. (mit bent ^n- pt); bttttcit augfcblagett; jappcln ; ftantpfett ; to — a foot ball, ben 4k 11 mtt bem Sufic fd)lagett ; to — at, or against . . .fig. gegeitftrc ben, fid) gcgeit ctioaS auflebitcii ; to — down stairs, btc Xreppe hittiutttr ftpfcert ; to — up a dust, or a riot, fig. vulg. Slarilt ttnicfacit ; to — up one's heels, bic 8'rifie til bie •Oorje febrctt, biitfeii augfdjlagcn. kick, s. bcr gitpftoti, Stpfi. kicker, ». bcr (bag) gu6ft5g« giebf. KICKSHAWS, s. 1. bag fdtfame. tpuit= bcrltc^e 3 cll i?' tclfad>cit ; ,«inbei-= bpffett; 2. bai ivititbcvlidjc ©erici;t, @cmcitgfe(, SUerlei. KID, *. bcr juiigc i^pcf, baS 33ocfd)en, bie $id<, ba«3icfkiii; — , or— leather, — skin, bag (juitgo Sodffeber, %iieU fell; — gloves, bic glafiiteit (bocfle- bertteit) ^aiibfcbitbc. To kid, v. n. Sitttgc tverfett, ittfettt. Kidder,*, bcr Sliiffaufcr, jtotnjube. kiddle, «. bic ftifdjreufe, ba« Sifd)= itebr. KIDDOW, s. ba« 2Caffcrbttbtt. KiDLiNt:, s. dnn bic junge ^icge. To KIDNAP, »..«. Jttnber'ficblctt, ?.1?eii= fd)ctt flcbleit, luegfapem, Scclcit »et« faufctt. KIDNAPPER, .«. ber Jtt'ttbcrbieb, 3?Jett= frbcitbicb. feeelcuvevfaufer, vulg. 81ei|*cbmdf(cr ; SSctbct kidnapping, s. bcr Jtinbcrbicbflabi. kidney, s. 1. bie s JJiere; 2. fig. ba«- 3»itcre, bic 5lrt, bcr .^itmor; men of your — , I'citte uprt beiiiem ©djlage; — bean, bie rpalfcbe sypbitc, 2rbmitiF= bpbitc; — bean-tree, bic 2Balteroc (Q.'ycine — h) ; — formed, — shaped, tiicfcitfprmig ; — vetch, taS gcmnitc SButtbfraut. ber Sutttflce, btc ivibe 23of)itc (.inthijilis — J..) ; — wort, 1. baS i)Jabelfiaiit, bie lUabelpflame (Cotyledon. — l.) ; 2. baS sUcnctictcit= frOUt (Ocum — L..). KIITEKILU *. oid. Keffekil. kilderkin, «. ba« gagmen, bie f>altc Jpitttc (18 ©aUoneit). 7'<> kill, v. a. i. tiibtcn, umbritigctt; 2. |'d)laditcit; 3. bcr Jlraft bcraitbcii; to — one's self with meditation, fid) Jit 2pbc gritbettt; to — (the) time, bic Beit ItltljlpS DCrbrtltgeil ; killing eyes, ftcdmifre, bnrebbobrenbe Slugen. KILLAS, s. bcr Sfbiefcr. KILLEK. ... bcr Tobtfdilagcr, 2}}prbcr. killow, t cine biutfclfd)iv,ivv: (jrbe. kiln, s. bcr ©remtofen, Bicgelofcn, £fctt, bic £arre ; — hole, bafl Ofett= lod); — to supple the planks, A". '/'. bev ModtHett. To KILN DRY, v. a. ill! Cfcn, RUf bCC 2>arre trpcfttcn, borven, barren. kilt, s bic fitrjc Sdjuru icter baS furje SJtpefeben) ^r SBergfcbotten. KlMliO, adj. gcfritmmt, gebogen ; to set one's arms a — , bic SlrinC til bie Seite ftemmcii, fid) (jrojj madjeit. KIN, I. s. 1. bie v ilrt,' bcr^dilag; 2. Stamm, bte S3crtuanbtfd)aft; 3. ber, bie i*era'anbte; II. adj. venvanbt; abnltd); gleicbaitig ; next of—, ein naber Scrioanbter^ he is no — to me, cr tft liidit mit intr perwaiibt; kins- folk, bic SBertoanbten ; kinsman, ber SBerreailbtC; kinswoman, bic 35cr= wanbte. kind. adj. gitt, giitig, woblwoltenb ; liebreici), fveuticlid), artig ; ange= licbllt; be — enough to ..., (be so — as to ...), baben Sic bic @itte Jtt . . . ; to send — wishes (compliments) to ..., Semanb frciutblid) gniScn laffcit ; — hearted, giitig, liebretd). kind. t. 1. bic ©attittig, iai We= fdilerbt; 2. bie (natiirliite S8efd)«fs fettkif, befpnbere 5lrt ; .'!. JJlatur, SBeife; in — , Hi. in datura iiiicbt in ©elbe) ; fig. mit gleicber 3)1 tilt je ; in both kinds, ilt bciiH'r Weftalt ; every kind of..., allcvl'.'i 5Iit. jebcrici; tii grow out of — , an3 ber 01 f r fdjlaflcn ; female — , baS mciblid)c @cfd)lcd)t. 7V KINDLE. ?■. a. ,c- n . J. jiiuben, an= jiinbeit; fid) cntjiiiiben, geuerfaimen ; glitbett; 2. fig. cntjiiiifeii, enrflam = men j crbittern ; 3. 3nngc toerfen fviMt ,\laniiid)cit, it. f. ro.). KINDLER, i. ber, ba« aiijiinbet, entr flammt; —of riots, ber 9tottenma= cber, VliifmlMftifter. KJNDLESS, adj. iinnafiivlid). kindliness, .c. ba§ s JiH>blrppUeit, bic OHite; natitvlid)e 33efd&affenbeit. kindly, adj. 1. gleirbartig; natiitlid), Baffenb, nufelid); 2. [aisoadv.) milse, fanft, giitig; frciutblid), ropblroplicitf, artig. KINDNESS, 3. Mc ©iite, ©iittgfeit, SKilbe, SrennbliAWt, ?lrtigfcit' ; bag 23oblivollen; btc ©efaUigfett, ©intft^ bcjeitgnng. kindred, i. ». 1. bic 83er»«nbtfd)aftj ©d)roSgerfd)aft; 2. bie S3erit>anbteit; 3. ©emaphett, ilchnlidifeit, ®leid)= artigfeit; H adj. vcrwanbt; gletcbars tig ; a - likeness, eittc SamilieiialMi-- licbfcir. KINE, »-. collect. JTiib>. KIN*;, .t. ber JlSnig; — at arms, bet 3BopVenf5nto»; — at draughts, tit ^amc tm Same nfvielc , — .«, /(/.bie •'i^iirber bcr J^onige; — 's apple, ber JtSntgSapfef, ^rrrettapfel; — *s bench, in Sonbon tat Oberbofaericbt; ba« bajn aelunigc ©cfangniu; —craft. b,ie 9iegiening»fuitft, .tSern'cberlift ; — cup, ter 'oahiienfiip, bte ftaiiimfcl ; — 's evil, ric ©nifeitgeffpronlft: — fisher, rtr C'ij'jpgel, Me Sceamftl ; — like, fimigiid); eibabeii; under the — 's lock. .)/. /;. unter fpniglidum S3erfcl)lnp, tit be« Jtpnigs '.Vu^cvlage; — piece (— post), .Irch. T. c-cr.^anrl= balfeit ; —spear, bie ©plnvnvj. i?l ff o = bille i.itphodelu* — J. . ; — stone, ber (Sngelfifd) ; — 'swood, ■Ruiiigd^cli- 7'./ ki.m;, >■ a. 511m Jtbnige iiunteu; lud. mit einem Jtonige pcrfebtH; to — a man at draughts, jim TaillCll- fiuelc) eineit 3 rctit jnr Jaiue ma= d)en, attfbamen. KINGDOM ». l. tag ffBniareirB, .-ifeid); 2. bie ©egent, Stretfe, ter Jtreifl ; tic S'.egipit. CINGDOHED, adj. flpl; OUf tpnialicif 3Jcod)t. KINGLY, adj. U adv. fimiglid) ; evbabeit. KINGSHIP, *. tie Bitiglicbc Sffliirbe. KINSPOLK(S), &■-.. rid. Uttter Kis. kipper. «. ber 8ad)S jur Beit, ba cr nicbt gefaugeii uierben fpii. kirk,'.-, in Sa)oft(anb) bieJtircbe; — mi ii. ter ^SreSbprertaitct ; — mote, tic Serfammluiig ber @emeinbe v.i Seratbung firdjltdjer aitgelegeii^ei= ten; — town, bag Jtircbborf, i-farr= borf; — yard, ber .ttirrbbpf. KIKTLE, s. 1. tag i'lietir, iGainmg ; ter OJiaiucl; 2. m. E. ber SaUen .gladig pbcr .^anf (oon ciiieni Pcnincr an ©eroidjf); — flax, tiu5lff5pfiaer Tvlad)g. kiktled, adj. mit eiiiem i^iicbcr, u. f. iv. beFleibet. To Kiss. p. o. I. fuffen; 2. jaitlid) bc^ bartbelit; fanft berubjreu ; t. — one's hand to Xcmanb linen .ititfi cter .Ruffe, eine Sm$ banb obex JCuJb.anb( jurocrfen. KISS, s ber Jtllp; hearty — , btl Sdjinal}. KISSER, ». bcr (pft) jtiiffeute. KISSING, in compos — comfits, p/, B 1 ' 1 cfcrvlaUdxn, tint ben i'lnnt |U)Ktrfu: mireiij — crust, bcr aujlo^ am ^xo- be, .Ulebcranft. KIT. ». 1. bic grpfic Alaute; 2. ber 2)iild)ciincr, Bnber ; :). bag Varbgfap= d)ctt; 4. bie Sacfgcigc, -Bipefftcbel; 5 ami tie OefeUfcbaft, bcr^aufe, tie SRottej ti. ftfltt Christopher, ^l ; t> fel (iUaiingiiainel ; ftait Catherine, ,\(>ithe, j?Stbeben (nrauenname) ; the whole — , Wllcg jufaiiuneii ; tie game ®efc&ta)te; the whole — of them, bte §} (janje Sivyfdjaft ; —cat, funerals in terbaiben 8ana« (son $ortraiten). KITCHEN, ». tic,nitd)e; — boy, ter .Uiirbeiiiuiige; — cleaver, bat jtlid}en= meffev ; — furniture, t,i? .itud'cuac rath; — garden, ter .liitcbeitgartcii ; — jack, bcr ^ratctnveiitcr ; — ma J bic .rtiirbenmagb; — rang", bet St« rbtnroft ; — stufl; tag ©rateufetr, >5ett Pbcr Sianttl vent Aleifdu- ; — table, bet ,){iid'ettti'"d', 9nrid)tettfcb ; — utensils, bag .liheheit^erair) ; — wench, bit ber JUntiun iititergeprMic= tc IVagb ; — work, bie .Wiu-beuarbcit. kite, s 1. btr ©tier, .»>abiitt : 2. t'c= vicrnc Traebe; ;). r,.«r tcv ©ttiibale; — fish, ber .*>Pd)flicgcr (ein 5if<4 ; — 's font, tag ^abicbtffant Weraemn — L). KITH, s. collect. vMofatiiituiiaff, $lt» •-••."J KNEE tattute j — ami kin, ^rcunbc uub 93er= njanbte. , . KITJUNG, s. dim. bag Suugc; bic jungc Jta^e, bag .Rafccben. KITTEN, ». (/»«• bie jutige .ftafce, t«g ■Rafccbeu. V,. KITTEN, ». n. Dungc nxrfen (imi Jviifeeu). . . ,„ CrrriWAKE, s. bte t«lanbifcbe UJieoc (I.arus rissa — Z,.). KITTY, s. sin,?, oik. (ftatt Catherine) Jftit&e, j?atbd)cn, Serine, Sbrincljcit (yrauennante). T» KLICK, o. it. flappcru, raffclit; pi= df en (WW cine Ul)r). To KNAB, d. n. fnabbcm, fimwcvu, fnnpperu, liageit, jerbeijjett; faiicu, freffett. knack, 5. 1. bag gptetjcug, <2picl= iverf, flcine (unbebtutenfee) Sing, bic Satibelei; 2. ber .fcanbgriff, .Kituft-- griff. ©riff; fettle Strcicf) ; 3. <5cb(cn= brian, bie SBeife; to have a — at.., auggelentt femt auf .... ftavE (gefcbhft) fcvjti tu . . . knacker, s. 1. ber (Sbieljeugmadjet ; 2. SIbbccfer, Jlaltfdjlarb, icr, gchitiber. KNAG, s. 1. ber .Rnorren, itnoteit, Vlft tin .£>oljc ; 2. bpljenie ^flocf ; £orfer ; 3. bad Stiriteube ant ©eroeibe. KNAGGY, «3; 2. jig. iibellaiinifcf). knap, .«. ber -£>iigcl; .§ infer, Stu8== «JUd)« (». it.) ; — bottle, bic j?laVVer= rofe, ber 'gclblliobll (Papaver rhteis — /..) ; — Kick. Mil Ph. bcr SEornifter, Scbliappf.ltf, bag gfjattjel; — weed, bag grofie fEaufenbgulbetifraut, bie Blocf'etlbllllllC (Centnurca — L.) \ sil- ver — weed, bie roeijie Slotfenblume, 5papter&Iume. To knap, v. I. a. 1. fnacfen, brccbcit, aiifbrccbcn ; 2. prcffra, jufammcn- britcfcn, fneipen; uagen, jerbeifieu; 11. «. ergretfeit, fd;uappen i — at, tiacr, efwaS). KNAPPISH {ado. — ly), adj. miurifdj, gramlid). To KNAPl'LK, v. n. fuicfcn, fnacfen ; brccbcn, jerfprtngen. KNAPSACK, .«. vid Hitter Knap. KNAR, s. bcr Jtnorrcn, 9lfi im «§o!je. KNARLED, adj vid. Gnarled. knarry, adj. + fnotig ; gebvuugen. knave, s. bcr SBetrfiger, SBube, Srbclnt; — (at cards), ber 23ubc obcr lluter(e) (in ber j?artc) ; beggarly — , ber 23ettc(bi:bc, fcumpcitbiinb ; to play t":.e — , fdjlecbt, fcburfifrf) banbelu, betriigett ; — in grain, bcr (?r jfpif}= bube. knavery, .9. bic SSuberet, Scbelmeret, ber Scburfenftrcid). XNAVISH (.adv. — ly), adj. 1. biibifcb, fcbdmifd), betriigttd), fcburfifrf; 2. rttutbtriliig, [off, fcbalfhaft; — trick, bag SJubcnftiicf, Scfoelmftuci; — ness, • s. bie 93ubcvci, ©(belmerei ; Seicbt* ferttgfetf. To KNEAD, v. a. fticfcil ; to — up, l>er= fttcten. KNEADER, s. bcr JTuctcubc. SBacfer. KNEADING, part. s. bag JttlCtCtl; — trough, bcr 5Barftrog. KM'.E, g. 1. bag .fttiie; 2. JV. T. Stnk- Ijolj, Jtritirtntbplj; JV. T-s. lodging — s, bie SBtllfelfllte; transom — s. bic •OecTfttie; wink transom — s, bie .(3ccf= fntc am .fSccfbalfen ; helm-post-transom — s, bic •gecffiiie ant Cbcrbcrfbalfctt; deck-transom — s, bie .ficcffllic ill belli Slarbe be« crftcn 5)e(fS; knee hoot (— flap), bie .ftniebccfe in cincr Pbai= fc; — crooking, fneditifd) fclflfant: — deep, bis an bie jlnte ticf ober borb; — holly r— holm), bie Heine Stcrbvalntc, ber SJiaitfebom '.Auscus 23C KNOC — L.); —pan, bic jtnicfcbctbc; — suing, bag JtittebUHb, Strnntpfbanb; — tribute, bie J?nicbcugung. KNEED, ndj. in compos. 1. llttt jtllieit J 2. mit Jtnotcit ; fnotig ; in — , out — , wit cinmartg, augroarts gebogeneit ^nicn ; — grass, bag ^tinbggraS. To KNEEL, v. v. fllicn"; to — down, ( — to), iticbcrftiiett (vor). KNEELER, s. bcr ^Gteetlbc. kneel, s. bag ©elaut (ber !£obten= glorfe), bic Sobtenglocfe. knick-knacks, s. pi. Jllcinigfcitcn, Spielevcien. kniee, g. bag QJJcffcr • dough — , bag £cigntcffer (ber SBacfer) ; paring (or cutting) — , bcr (sdlllfterftieif ; prun- ing — , bie Sid;cl, bag ©artenmeffev; —rests, (—supports), bie JDJefferflS&f- knight, s. 1. bcr fitter, Drbcn«rtt= tcr; 2. Jtantpe, jiainpfcr, Streitcr; 3. T. bcr Saufcr (Springer im Sdiad)); 4. at. T. ber SJJohvenfppf am ©cbtffe ; — errant, bcr fabrenbe 9iitter; —errantry, bie fabrenbe Diit= terfebaft; — marshal, bcr ^ofmar= fctjall ; — templar, ber Sempelritter ; — 's cross, bag i§tmmeUt68tben ; — 'a- service, ber 9iitterbicnft ; bnd held by — 's-service, bag Siitterlcbcil ; — s of the shire, bie jroet v }>arlanicntgmit' glieber fi'tr eine ©raffebaft. To KNIGHT, v. a. jinn 9Jitter fdilagcn. KNIGHTHOOD. .9 bic Jtittcrfrbaft, 9lit= tenvi'trbc, bcr SRttterotben. knightliness, s. bie ajitterpflidit, bag 9iittcrtl)iim. KNIGHTLY, adj. li(tcrlid). To KNIT, o. a. «■ n. 1. ftricfcil ; 2.fniip= fen; 3. »crbtnbeti, t'crcinigen; to — the brows, bie S3raiten jufammenjies ben, bic Stint ritnjelu; ti — up, auf= fnitpfen ; cntnnrven. KNIT, .«. tag ©cftricfte, bic geftrirfte 21rbeit (n). ii.) ; — back, bie aSalU teUVii (Symphytum — /. ) ; — work, bag Stricfwcvf, tie Stricferei. KNITTABLE, adj. jtt ftriifett ; sereiiibar. KNITTER, s. bcr Stricfer, bie Stricfc= rinu. knitting, s. bag Stttcfcn; fnitpfen, it. f. n>. ; — cotton, bag banmroollenc Stricfgarn; —needle, bte ©tricftuu bet ; — sheath, bie Stricffcbeibc ; — yam, bag Stticfgarit. KNTTTLE, s, 1. sing, bte (Scbiittr am SBeutel ; 2. — s,pi. jy. t. bic Jlniittcl, fcbmalc 2'aiic. knob, s. bcr Jtnppf ; 5Iuganid)g, J?np= ten, j?npn-ttt, 51ft tin ^olje; j?uauf, bic s Jltt§; Srpbbcl, Onaftc (auf cincr JDIiifte). KNi ir.BED, adj. mit Jvttppfcn befc^t ; fnotig, titprrig ; — stick, ber ,ftup= tenftocf. KNOBBINESS, s. bag Jlnotige, SllWX* rige. icn'obby, adj. fnotig, fnorrtg. To KNOCK, v. a. (S- n. 1. tippfcit, ait= flppfcnj 2. fd;Iagcu, ftpfjett, jufam= inenftpfien; to — at the door, an bic Sl)iir flopfctl; to — one's head against, mit bent .ftppfe fcblagen pber ftofjen an ... ; to — down, niebcr= fcblagen, tiiebcrmerfcn; to — down for a song, fpptt rooblfeit jufcblageti ; to — down to one in an auction, ciltCIll in einer SSerfteigernng etroag jnfcbla- gen; to — in, binciti fcblagen, ein= fdilagcn; to — off, abfcblagcu ; ab- bVCCbol ; to — off the balls, Typ. T (cljcmalg) bie fallen abbrecbett; to — on the head, burd) ciueit Scblaii an ben .flppf tpbtcn; jig. verniebfen, }it (Mninbc ridjtcn; to — out, Ijeraug fcblagen, augfitlagen; to — under (tie table), fid) gcrppitneu gcben, ben KNOW jti'itiern jicljen; to — up. anfflopfen aufprallcn; Typ. T. aufflppfui 'bi SBaUen) ; SBallen inacben. KNOCK, s. bcr Sdplag, Stoji ; bafl 21m Elopfeit. _ KNOCKER, s. 1. bcr jtlopfcr ; SrblO' gcr, 'Stpficr; 2. ibiirflopfef. To KNOLL, ». l. a. lanten, anfcblagcn ; H. n. roie ©elciute flingctt. KNOLL, s. bcr .^iigcl, bie Spifce. KNOP, s. vid. Knob. KNOPPED, adj. mil ^Inppfen verfel)cn. KNOT. s.i. ber Jtitpten; Jlnoncti; bag ^ttPtdjen ; 2lngc (an 0eroad)fen), bie Jlnogpe; 2. JV T. ber ,«nopf, bag Setcben, bic Secmeile ((5intbci= lung bind) jenoten in bcr Spglinic); 3./g. bic edjtvicrigfeit, 93erwicfeluiig bc'r2liigclegciih,citc'n; 4. SScrbiubung bag Sanb ; 5. bie ©efcllfcbaft, SBan> be; 6. ScblcifcSdilingc, bag^pam lettc ; 7. bcr .gmitfen. bag ©fnbtl ; 8. cine SdHicpfengattung (Tringa ennvtes — /-.); a — of cotton-wicks, (bci ben Sidjtjiebern) ein ^icbtfpicg upII 3)pd)te ; a — of silk, (bci ben garbcrn) ein 9.^unb Scibe; a garden with knots, ein ©aitcn mit ycvfd)!uu= gcuen SBectcn ; — berry, bic 93e«R= bimbecrc, Jtrii^beere ; — grass, bcr Mnbttxlfk. Qucrfcu, bag Senugrag (Potigonum bistortz — L ). To KNOT,?). I. a. fitiipfen, fleditcii ;fig. binben, oerbinben ; oetnjicfelit, »crs mtrreii; ii. n. 1. Jcnoten befommen, fdipffcu ; 9Iugeit, Jttipgpcu befom= men, augfcblagcn ; 2. flcine fiinftli= rbe j?tiPtcu ju ftranfen yerfertigen, fttotcln ; knotted, serflorf)tcn, »ev- wicfeit. KNOTLESS, adj. pbuc JtltPtcil. KNOTTINESS, s. 1. bag jtliotigt, ^norrige; ^erjorftebcube ; 2. jig Scraicfelte, ^d;roicrige. KNOTTY (adv. — ily), adj. fllPtt'g, fnorrtg, f,g. oerflecfjtcn, venvicfelt, febtotertg. To KNOW, v. a &■ n.i. »iff«t ; 2. fcn= ncn ; 3. erfeiinen, nnterfebe ibett ; 4. oertraut fe»n ; 5. fpuncu, oerfteben (cine Spracbe, u. f. ».■) ; 6. ein 2Beib cvfcnncit ; to — by sight, uPlt ©eftcbt (t'pu $Rerfon) feuncit; to let one—, cinem ju miffcit tbuu, rinen lt'iffcn laffcn ; cinem jcigen ; to come to — . erfarjrett : to — for (certain), (fur gc= tvifii miffen; to — how, 33cfdt)etb roiffen ; to — of (Shaksp.), priifen ; prov-s. he ■ — s on which side his bread is buttered, cr iveip wo ctivag jtl bc= fommen i|l (ft tvetfj wo QBartbel iQipfi bolt) ; I — every inch of him. tct) fett= ite ibjt burrb unb burd), sou Sluftn unb pon Suiicn. KNOW ABLE, adj. jU linffc.1, fcuutltcb, fennbar, erfcuiibar. KNOWER, s. bcr SBiffenbe, JTeuncnbc, ^unbigc, tenner. KNOWTNG, I. 8. bag aSiffctt, J?cuucn ; bic Jt' Cll lit 11 ffi ; it is not worth —.Cg tft nidjt wcrtb, ball man eg roetg ; faculty of— , bag erfcnittnif!t>crmp= gen ; — one bcr 2lugge!evute, fcblaue &ud)g, burrbtriebene Jtcrl ; a. (adv. _ lv) adj. nuffenb, fnnbtg, betvanbert, erfabre'u, gefebteft ; not — , uitroiff eub. knowledge, .9. 1. bag SBiffen, bie flBiffenfcbaft, (frrfenntnir:, .Reitittnif, .ttiinbc- 23elcbning; ^efanntfdiaft; 2. (Srfabrcnbcit, ©efdiiiflidifcit ; tree f _, ber SBaunt beg Prfeuntnif* ^ . _ before-hand, ba« iUnroiffcit, bte SBorfunbe ; to my — , fo oicl tcb nn-ifi ; without my — ,obne mciii 5TBif= felt ; how came you to the— of it 7 Wtl babcu Gie bicfe'g crfabrctt? to hav, LABY LACT LAIR — of a woman, eitt 3taucn= jimmcr fUifdjltcb erfcnneit. KNUCKLE a- Der .Rnijcbel, bafl @Cs lenf ; — or a leg of veal, MS Jcnieftinf von einem italbe. 7'.< KNUCKLE, r. n. fid) bicgcit, fid) biicfen ; to — (down), fid) u liter roe r= fen, itacba,ebcit. KNUCKLED, a/#. mit .Siiiod)cln,@clcn= ftit, .uaoicii, ii, r. m. fnotig. KNUR. ». ber Jtnorren, •£ infer. KNURLED, «-//. fnortig, lunferig. KOKOB, *. cine febr geta&ttic&e (fiit=) amertrantfebe Sfblanfle. KOPECK. *. ruffifebe ajiuitjC vOll llll; gefahr »ter pfennig. Koran, s. ber Jtcniu, 3llEora«. KRAAL, s. i twi ten .giotteiitotten) bet SJJferd) ; bafl -Diuf ; co//a-t cine @rup= pe .'outtcu. kraken, ». fin- fabelfjaftefl Sce=Un= gchcucr. KREMLIN, o. tcr Stttml, Faifcvlidjc sjjalaft in SRofltau. KRULLERS,*. ;>/. cine 31 rt 5pfannfn= cben. KUMISS, *. .ftmnifs (cin geiftigefl ©c= trout aufl ^fevbeiiiilffc). L. s. bafl ?, I, bcr jwolfte 53ucbflabc be* alphabet*. LA, I ;«;. fiehe ! fiebc ba ! tu ! fetjt ! l)t! II s. Mua. T. bafl A. LABDANUM, s. bafl 2abaii=®uniini. LABEFACTION, a. tie ttcl anjjaits gcu, niit ciucni Srfjiltdjen uetfefjen. Labent, «'{/'. gleifenb, ciitroifcbenb. LABIAL, wij. init ten Sippen auflges furocbeil ; — letters, pi. tic l'ippcn = buebftaben. LABIATE, Labiatkb, «///. Vippcn Inu beub ; lippciifonnia, ; mil ben V'ippcn. LABIODENTAL, adj. niit ben StVVCll unb 3>ibnen. LABOUR, * 1. bic Arbeit, jDHlje ; Sbu ftrenguna, Sefcftroerbe, flarfe S3eiDe= guna ; 2. ©ebnrtflatbeit ; in — , in ii5ehcn; «'. c. Jtiilbeflnotben; to lose one's — , fift> wtifonjt inutjen; — loviim. afbettflluftig : — pains, pi. ©eburtflfebmerjen, ilkbcii. T<> LABOUR, >■. n. it a. 1. arbciten, fieb anftreugen, fid) bemiibcit ; 2. fid) miibfam beroegen ; 3. in "JEoth feint, fid) quSlen, abniiibcn; 4. aii»arbci= ten, bearbeiten ; to — under bad health, frattfcln ; to — under great difficulties, mit grojjen 3d)uucri|]tei= ten jji famvfen haben ; to— with migbty projects, niit ; ]rofien Gntn.uir= fen i'd)UMii,|cr dehen ; to — with child in .Un^efiiotlu'ii feyn ; labouring beast, bafl Vaftthier. LABORATORY,*, tie 2dieitefiinft[ev= werfftStte too Sabovdtorium. Labourer, s. btx Slrbeiter. LABORIOUS (ado. — i.sK adj. axitlU fain; mubfam, rnubooK; —new,* btc SIrbettfamfett ; i)ciii)fanifcit, <2d)iuiei'i^feit. LABOURLESS, adj. niiibelc"5. LABURNUM, s. tcr favo;iifrl)c ®t\$* flee {Cytilus laburnum — /, ). LABYRINTH.*. 1. baS Uiibiuintb, ber Strgarfen, 3rrgaii(j; bas ©eruinbe; 2. fig. bcr SStrrwarr. LABYRINTHIAN'. adj. Iabluinthi rb, orrnerren. LAC, s. bcr ?acf, ©iiniini, .ftiiejcUacf ; — dye, Vacffarbe (an« Cftinbieii; ; — lake, (Miimniilacf, LACE ». i. tie gefcnur; 1. Spi'lcn; 3. Jtonte, i^ortf, Sreffe; 5cbliiiije; — bobbins, p/. 2i'it}enflcWcl ; — maker, ber Jiloppler, tie J?l6pi>Ier= inn ; narrow — maker, ber 3n»tm= iVitjeiiflin'l'ier; — man. ber . 2i-it}en= banblev ini Jcleineiu ; SBortenwirftr, 53ofamcntirer ; — merchant, tcr Svi(jcnb>inbler (iin ©rojjen) ; — pillow. bii« JtlPvpclfiffen ; — veil, ber Sptbcnfcbificr j — woman, tie Spi^entjanblerinn, 2pifeenflopvcr= inn. 7» lace. n. a. 1. fd)iiiiren, jiifcbnfiren ; 2. vcrbramcit, befetjen, einfaffen (mtt Spiijeii, Ereffen, n. f. ».); 3. vu/g. anspiii^cln. LACED, adj. (jefdjniirt, oerbrfiutt, fjc= jtreift; — boots, Sc^nuriiiefeln. LACERABLE, adj. jetretibar. To LACERATE, e a (jtmaltfam trcn= licit, jerreijjen, jcvfleifdten. LA< lERATH »N, t. tie ^crrciynng ; ber :)iif:. LACERATIVE, adj. JCllcillcnb. laches, 1. 1.. v. tie Sraabeit. Saum= fciijifcit. LACHRYMABLE, n^'.bcu'cineiUivertf). LACHRYMAL, adj. 2briinctt er|CU= fjcnb ; —ducts, pi. bic Slbranengange ; —fistula, tie Sbrancnfiftet. LACHRYMARY, adj. 2l)vi\\un tntljaU lent. LACHRYMATION, s. baS 2Qeincn. LACHRYMATORY, s. tie 2bt\incii= unte, tcr £b,raitciifrujj (tcr Allien). lachrymose, aiij. Jbraiteit erjeu* geub, ll)iaitcnrcicb, bcibriint. LACINIATED, Lacimate, adj. aUSge= jacft ; ijcfannit, befctjt. 7i> lack, 0.0, ifn. l. mangelit, bc- b it i- fen, lticbt I)abcii; 2. roiiitfcfjcit, oerlangen. LACK, ■-•. 1. bcr SKattflel, tie 9lotf), \>- LACUN \u. ». tie genuubte iecfe. LAD, *. ber Jtnabe, 3nnge ; 3iin.]h'ng. LADANUM, t. i nl. Labdahuh, LADDER, *. I. tie Setter; '2. .v. T. bt« = d)iif3tievpe, 2rbiff*firicfleitcr ; 3 jhj. ter Stufengang; .\: Th poop — ( rie Stricfleifet am .Ointotbeil be* i2d)iffe« ; — ropes, tie gallrcepS ; — ways, tie ^reppliifcn. 7b LADE, p.0, 1. latcii, bclaten, be-- fradjteii; 2. (— out,, auelabcn, au8=, auSfebopfen, fcb5pfen. LADING,*, bat SabCB; tie Viitung; bill of — . M. e. HS (Soiuipffament, ter (5d)iff«=) 23crlabiingfcbein; gradjtbrtef. LADLE,* ter groyc ?&ffel, Jvodjloffel ; tie ScbaufelTain SBaffertabe) : a — fui. cin 86ffel voU; cine Scb.uifcl ooU; —of a gun, tic Sabeftbauftl. LADY,*. 1. tie jjtau, iabtt, CJtclfrar., AveifiMii, gnabige 8rau, 8>'>in »on . • (sot bent (Sigennamen): 2)iime; 2. ©atrtnn; 3.$etrtnn; ©cbicterinii : my — . gr.ubtge nrail ; my — coun- tess, bic mini ©rvifimi; our — , un= fere liebc oimii, bic 3ungfrau URatid ; your — , 3bte (Srau) ©emablinn ; ladies and gentlemen, lllcillC TilltlCIl nnb .£>crrcii ; — bed straw. Uiifcrer Sraueu iU-tijttoli, ba« SBalbjttofc {.Gallium rcruin — /,.) ; — bird, ( — bug, — cow, — fly), ber Soiuieufa-- fcr, Sommerfdfer, 2)2«ritnfafer ( ©ottesfiifcr, grauenfaferlein, 8hron= cnfiiblcin; — "s-bower, bie SBofbtebe (Clematis — 1 J ; — «s comb, tev OuV- bclfcrbcl, 3uiigfernfamni se ndix — /..) ; — 's cushion, bff 9Libclftein« brccb, bii« SWabclftant, tcr 5taucs> nabcl, bii« Srauenfraut; — day SDIaria aBcrfiinbiguiig ; — 's finger bn3 SBunbfraut (Antuiu —/,):—' foxglove, bafl 2Bi>llfiaut, Sarenfraut tie JtSnigStetjt j —'a glove, bafl Snii-- gcnfraut Pulmonaria — /..) ; — ■ hair, b.tfl Tmm nc n 1m iiv (Adiant&vm — L.)\ — 's laces, bafl Al.ntefraut (An tirrhijnum linaria — I.} : — like, Wh etne 3>ame, jart, nieblidj: metblicb toeibifrb, oetnjeidjlidjt, afr'ectirt; — v maid, cin Jtaniincrnuibrbcii j — mantle, tcr Sin(b)ail, bas ^ilbcr.- fr.iut, tie ^llebeniiUc (AIcAemiUa — /,.) : — "s milk, vid. — 's thistle; — 's seal, tie ftbwarje Sttcfwutj (7bi»«* — /-.) ; — 's slipper, bcr 3raitcitfcbub, ©iltfter I Genista — L.) ; — 's smock, bie SBafferfreffe (Cardamine — L.) \ ladies' stays, tie Sdmiirbi'iut ; — 's thistle, tic SKarienbtflel, grauenbi(ld Carduus Mirix — /. ) ; ladies' tivis;. tcr feinfle gefbonntnt Saba! (»oa ten befteit otrginifeben ©Idttetn): ladies' water, cine Vln Vii]iicnr. LADYSHIP, « ter 5 tanb nnb 2itel cincr (StclbaillC (lady); her — , 3brc ©naben, tic gnabige Srau, Srau Icin .... bafl gnabige Sraulein. I, \c, say- * ■-' ber Vifcte, llnteote, Sj\\\. teifte, Sdjledjtefie ; tic unterfte, nic- btigfle Slafle ; — wort, tie @tti< raiitc, InuilenjUMirj (TuagUago pe — /..). 7b LAG, d ». |urucf bleibcu, i,a!ibcn: jBgcrn, fid) lanafam bewegeu, LAGGER. * bet Saubetet. LAGOON. ) , v o LAGUNEi {«.pt>tc8aflnne. L \IC I adj. ivcltlicb ; II. *. ber Vat'e. LAICAL, adj. njtltlid), nid't aeiftlidb. lair, a. l. bafl SJager, bet CaAerplal (einefl milten S^ierefl) ; 2. etc jfiJeice bet ivicbiuu" 23J LAMP LAND LANG LAIRD, a. (fdjofttfdi) ber £err, ©runb= bcrr, ®ut«berr, (feel maun. laity, s. bie Saien; bcr wcltlid)c ©tonb. . „ lake.*. 1. ber (?anb=)See ; bie 8«= d)e, *J3fu(>e; up the — , fceauf; down the— , frcaftwartt; 2. ber (SWaler* 1 Sifltf, vid. Lac, &C. lakt, «# ju etnat (8anb*)©ee aef>o= rig. lama, 9. 1. (ntougolifd)) ber Santa (••jjncftcr) ; 2. bie Aameelgtege, ba§ Santa. lamb, «. baS Santm ; Sammffeifdj ; the holy — , Th. T. ba« 8amitt ®0t= teS ; — ale, ba« ©d)affd)iirfeft ; — fold, bie Sammerburbe ; — '§ lettuce, bee Selbfalat, Sammerlattid), Sals bvtillt (Valeriana — L.) ; — 's quarters, pi. bie voilbe SDcelbe, 2)Jtftmelbe; — 's skin, bie 2Baffcrf)aut, ©cbaffjant;— 's stone, bie SamntSniere; — 's tongue, ber grope 2Segericb, bie Scbafjuuge (Plantago mnjor — L.) ', — 's wool, bie gammenrolle ; wig. fiijjcfi Sier mit gebratencu 2lepfeln. To lamb, v.n. laiiimett. lambative, adj. b s. Med. t. was ge= lecft (buret) Secfeu eiiigcnommeu) roirb, bie Secfargenei. LAMBENT, adj. lobernb, fpielenb, bin* fpielenb (roie eine glamnte), pebtig. lambkin, «. dim. ba8 Cftmmdjen. lamblike, adj. lammafjulicb. ; fanft, fchulbloS. lambdoid.vl, adj. .1. t. lambbafor* mig, vok eiu Sambba ; — suture, or Larabdoides, T. bieSBinfclnabt am .§aupte. LAME (nrfB. — ly), adj. 1. I a f) 111, t>t 11- ftnb ; 2. jig. uiiBollfoiiimeu, unuoll= ftaitbig, mangclbaft, fd;led)f, elenb, fabe ; to be — at a thins, uticrfabreu tit ciner ©arbe (cin ©tiimper bartn) fet)it. To LAME, v. a. labmen, eerfruppeln. LAMELLAR, adj. blatterig. lamellated, adj. blatterig ; mit ■Bautdjfen, spiSttaen ober ^2 a f> it be= legt. lameness, a. 1. bie ?abme, ?fi(jmung, ©d)road)e, ■Rriippelljaftigt'eit j 2. llu= uollfommeubeit. To LAMENT, v. I. n. trauent, r»er)Ila= gen, flagett ; H. a. beflagcu, bejam= merit, bebauern. lament, s. bie SBebf lage, Jtlage, ber Sammer. LAMENTABLE {adv. — ly), adj. bcn>ei= ltenSroertb; tratternb ; col. tlaglid), jammerltd) ; erbiirmlid). lamentation, s. bie SBeljflage, bas 3amineru. LAMENTER, s. ber SBebffageitbe. lamia,*, eiu (»etblid)er) 3)amoit (ber 2Uten); bie Sarnie, 3aitbertnn, $txt. lamin, 1 s. bie biiune Platte, MS LAMINA, S Sled). laminate, )adj. aits buunen, fiber laminated, s etiianber gefegten flatten beftebenb, blatterig. lammas, *. -]itUi Jfctteufcier (ber cr= fte 2lugufi). lamp, s. 1. bie Sampe; 2cud)te ; 2. fig. baS 2id)t; — black, ber Jticiirup ; Vampeurufj; — burners (— tubes), Sampenrohren ; — cottons, bauni= tnoUeue Sampenbodjte; —lighter, ber Vampenruiirttr ; — maker, ber 8am= penmarber, S(cd)ner, Slafdjiter, Jtlemptter ; — w(fk, ber Satn^en- bocbt ; — waster, ber Del»erfdm>cu= ber, 9fad)tftrjer ; safety — , bie Sid;er= hettsiampe. lAMPAS,s.ber (^rofd) (eine ©efcbvoulfl im aJJaiile ber Sgferbe iittb be« .£>ont= »u 232 lampoon, b. ba« SPaSijuiD, <2poitge= biiit, bie ^d)iual)fd)rift. To LAMPOON, ». a. in eiiieiu SPa8fui(l buvctbedjelit, paSquiiliren. lampooner,.?, ber ^aSqutQant. lamprey, s. bie 2amprere, lance, s. bie SZanje, ber ©peer ; 5Burf= fpiep; — corporal, Mil. T. ber @e= fieite ; — man, — knight, ber Saltans reitcv, Sanjenfiierbt ; — wood spars, ©parren au« Samatca. To LANCE, v. a. ftedjen, flofetl ; S. T. auffrblieibeit; offlU'lt; lancing knife, bie Sanjette. LANCEOLATE, Lanceoi.ated, adj. [fltts jenfbrmig; — window, eiu ©pifcbos gen=3eufter. lancepesade, s. ber ©efrctte. LANCER,s.berSpeeirciter, i!aii5fuecbt. lancet, .«. 1. bie Sanjette, bas Sa'pet* fen; 2. Spiijbogcii=^enf{cr. To LANCH, v. I. a. fd)iefieit, werfen, febjeubevrt, loS laffeit; II. n. vid. To Launch. LANCH, s. vid. Launch. land, s. 1. baS 8anb. (Srbreid). ber Soben ; bie Sfinberei ; 8anbfcb]aft, ©e^enb ; 2. ba3 ?anbgut, Wut, ©ruiibftiicf; 3. baS Soil, bie @i«* roobner, Station; by — , ju Canbe; — of inheritance, baS @rbgUt ; JV. T-s. — to, im 'ilngefirbt be3 iianbeS ; to lay the — , baS Sanb legen (au« bent @e= fid)t »erlicren): to make the — , ba3 Sanb aiitbuii, baS Saitb \\\ errett^en fudieu, Saub entberfeu; raising the — , bag ?aub bober (uaber) ju (Mefid)t be= fommen ; — beef, bie DdMenjunge (Borrarro — L) ', —bred, etn^etmtfo), talaiibifd) ; — breeze, ber 8ailb»tnb ; — cape, bita Sorgebirge ; — carrack, baS Mftettfdjtff'; — carriage, ba3 gubrwerl (bejigletdjen giibrloijn) ju fiaube; by — carriage, (auf ber, per ober jur) "?ld)fe, mit ^uljrgclcgeitbeit ; — chain, bif iDJeftfctte ; — cheap, L T. bie Sebuamarc ; — cod, ber J?abel= jau (Ondus — L.) ; — conveyance, ber ?anbtran«port; ber 8obn bafi'tr; — draining, bie ($"utnnif)eruiig, @ltts fiimvfnng. ELrocfenlegimg ; — fan, L. T bie i)einigefalleue @rbfrb,aft an Siiubcreicn; jv. T. bie ?liifc:tniiig (©ntbecfmtg) bcS 8anbe8, Sanbnabe ; JY. T-s. to make a good — fall, ba3 ttad) ber Serecbmutg enimrtetc Sanb antbiin (ju ©efirbt befommen) ; to make a bad — fall, Ct it anbereS (uid)t ba« erwartete) 8ahb autbuu (jw @e= ftrbt befommen) ; — floods, vid. Freshes ; — forces, bie l'ailbmad)t, basSanbbeer; — gable, bie ®nms= fteuer; — grave, ber ganbgraf; — gravine, bie Satlbgrafiltlt ; — herd, baS auf Sanbcvcien roeibenbe JRinbuteb ; — holder, ber 8anb= ober ®ut«beft= ^er ; — ice, bie am Ufer feft ober auf beinfelbeit liegcuben (SiSinaffcn; — journeys, Sanbretfi'H ; — jobber, ber OJtafler mit gfinbereieti ; — lady, bie ®nt6bcft(jerinn ; ©aftioivthinn ; (.*5auS=)1Btrt[)imt ; — laid, JY. T. auS bem ®efi.d)t beS SJattbcS ; — locked, »om Sanbe eingefd)loffeu, mit Snttti umgeben ; a — harbour, eiu .gmfeu ber uor SBiubcu geftd;evtift ; — loper (— lubber, Se.a cant.) bCf Sailbftrei = cber; Saiibtuurin (ber nid)t jur ©ee gebt) ; — lord, ber ©utfltejt&er ; ®aft= luirtb ; — man, 1. ber Sanbmanu, 8anbben>o&ner ; 2. ber bie erfte ©ee« retfe mad)eube 9JJatrofe ; — mark, bie ©reitje eiuc-J i!anbe8, ber @renj= fteiu, bie ©emarfuitg ; — marks, /olcr; — net, eiu Jteffer, J? etfeber ; — weight, M. E. bag eingebenbe ©eroicbt. landless, adj. o()ue Saub ober 8.^n* bereien, lanberloS. landscape, s. bie Sanbfrbaft, bal Sanbfebaftlgematbe; — painter ber 8anbfd)aft6maier. landsman, s. Sea long, ber bie erfte ©eeretfe madjeube OJiatrofe. LANDWARD, adv. lanbunirto. LANE, s. binbcn ; 3. fd)mad)tenb blicftn ; 4. fid) barmen, abbarmen; 1L «. fd)iinid)cn, entmutbigen (t». it.). L^NGUISH, s. Mi ©cbmarbten; bt» ©ebnfurbt; SKattigfett. languisher, ». ber Sel)nfud)tS»oHe ©d)mad)tenbe, Serfd)inad)teube, LANGUISHING tadv.—Vl), adj. fd)JHarb. tenb; matt, fdwad) LAPI LASC LATE LANfiUISIIMENT, a bag ^dmiacbtcn, fdmtaditcitrc Olngfc hen ; bic 5Biattig= fett, Jiraftloftgfeit, Sdmuidie. Languor, « tie SKattigfeit, ©c&laffs hctt, yibflefvamitbcit ; SBerbroffens fcit; baa Scbmacbtcii. LANIARDS, r«/. Lanyards. 7> LANLATE, r. o. jcrrcijScu, $crftci= frhcit (». ii.). ianieice, *. bic SBoQarbeit, bcr ttwU leue 3f»3 (»• "•>• laniferous,) orfj. SBolIc tragenb, LANIGEROL'S, $ tvollig. LANK («angeohreit ; — full, ciit School"; ooll ; — ' sided, ubcrhangenb, Hap= penb; a — sided ship, ciit Sd)in;, bag tint ©djlagfeite hat; — stone, bcr .ftlopfftciii be* Schufterg; — wing, berjtibife; — work, bie iibcrgcfcfcla= gene tint gcflod)teiic Arbeit. To LAP,t>. a. if n. 1. nncfelu; cintoU cfelit ; 2. lccfcii (toie tin £unb obcr cine itafce) ; to — about, hcrum Wis cfelit, atifaucfeltt; to — over, iibenoi: tfeln, fatten; iibcihapgcii; to — up, 1. eiinoicfclu, anfroicfeltt; iibcifii)la= gen, fUcbteu ; 2. auflcefeit. tAPIDARY, I. s. ber Stcittfdmciber, Stcinbaiibler, Sitnjelier: U. adj. in Stein gehaucu, lapibatifdi ; — cut, bcr Stcinbnuf; — style, bcr ?avt= barfhil, bie Vapibavfdirift ; Steitt= ftyrfft. LAPIDATTON, s. bie Steint'giiug. Lapidescence, s. bie 3Sfrfletiuritng, baS 'In'tvefaet. LAPIDE8CENT, adj. ft* vevRciiientb. LAPEDIFIC, oik. Steine bilbettb, »er= fteinernb, verfteiitettb. LAPmrFicATiON, t. bte Gfrjfitaung bcr (Stetitc, ^crjteiiierung, Q3erftet= *ung. Ts LAPTOIPT, >■. I .«. ueiftcinertt ; II. n. fid) ucrftciiteiit. LAPEDIST, ... bcr Cfbclfttinfcaiibler, 3u= njelicr. lapis, g . bcr Stein ; — lazuli, bcr 2a= furfteiit. LAPLAND, i. ?apvlanb. Laplander, s. ber Zttyt, Sapplati= ber; bic tapplanbcrtitn. Lapper, s. 1. ber (SiniviefeSiibc, Slafs wicfler ; 2. bcr Reefer. LAPPET, », ting, bcx Sdioop, Bivfel (cine« diois v. f. \v.), S'liigel (eiuer .*?aube u. f. w.). lapse, ». 1. bcr Sail; 2. ftchltritf, ifleine) fteblcr; 3. l. r. SBerfall : — of time.^erlauf (ber<8eitJ ; 3eilfort= fdiritt ; — of right, /,. t ber .*3cim= fall (beg 9iebcrci, SWaBs ftrei ; grand (or great) — , lOCItn ^er 5)iebftahl iiber Vid. tft ; petit — , tveutt bcr Xiebftahl unter 12,/. tft. LARCH,*, bcr Verdieiihaum. LARD, b. 1. ber Spcif ; 2. bag Sd) tnalj, Srfatveittcfctt. To LARD, ii. l.a.i. fpt'tfcit ; 2. lltaftcit, iibcrlabcn ; II. «. fett tucrbcit. larder, .«. bic Speifefantmer; ber Speifefd)vanf, Jliegeiifcbfaiif. LARGE {adv. — Mr), adj. 1. gtoft ivcit, breit, meitlanfig j auSgebebnt, bief, ftavf ; 2. reidilid), iiberfliiffig; at — , 1. attgfiihrlidi, iimftanblid), tveitlan= fig ; 2. uubcgec!t$t, obttc 3"Jatig, fret ; to go at — , fid) angbebnen ; in bie itu'itc s li'elt gehen ; to talk at — , roett= Kiufig (vidg.tin Sangeg «nb ciit ©rri= teg) Kbfii ; to go — , nitt alien Segeln fahven ober gehen ; busineos (trans- acted) nt — , 5lhfal} (i'ertricb) fin ©vojjen; — bone,), flartfnorbtg; — money, grob (>onranr, grobeg obcr gatuce ©elb, grobeiViiitje ; — wind, iv. T. halber ffiinb, rannier SBinb. large, «. Mus. t. bag Sargo. LARGENESS, ». I. bag Areie, bie23eitc; 2. Srettc, ®i'5fie, Slugbcbnung. LARGESS,*, bic jreigebigfeit ; 0,tbe, bai ©efobeuf. LARGHETTO, ado. Mus. t. ciit weittg langfam, larghetto. LARGO, l. s, Mut. T bag Cargo; II. ado. largo. lark. «. bit ?erdie ; — v heel, bag Si* fenhiitleitt [Jlconitim — L.) ; yellow — Vheel. bie tiirftl'du- Jtreffc (Tropmo- lam — i..\ ; — like, eintr Vente glei= d)cnb ; — spur, ber fliittevfpovn (Det- p/i i n in m — J j.). i. ». ber Cer<$enfanger. LARKING, pnrt.f. bag ^errbenfangen ; — glass, bcr ^erebcitfpiegcl. LARMIER, e.sing, baa Jvaiifbad), bcr SRauerftan), LARUM, t. + ber ?ann ; bie Seirm= glocfe. larva, ». ble?ar»eroetbeii3nf»cten). LARVATED, «•/;. OCllatyt. LARYNGOTOMY, s.S T. bic Ceffunng ber Vnfirohre, ber Vitflrohreni'ittiitt. LARYNX, a. jj. T ber obere Jheil ber Suftrobre, .Kchlfpyf, Vufttol>reitfopf. LASARWORT, *. bag Vafeifiant, bie VaferpflattK- LASCAR, t. bcr inbianiiYhc SPtatrofe ober ftanonier. LASCIVinis (ado. — ly), adj. 1. attgge= laffeit, luftig, ntuthiviflig; 2. utijudji tig, geil, uoUufNg, uppig ; —mas, .« I. bte •.'liiggelaffeithcit; 2. ©eil^eit llepptgfcir,' SBolluR. LA8H,i. l.berOieb, StreJcJ ; tie Strif» me; Sd)ini5e;2. ;"Riithc.O)cifjcI,^ett: febe ; 3. ber Sarfagmug, bie Stad)el« retc; -fSrblinge; to he under the — , unter bcr 3ucbt=;9hi[hc ©etfrl) fte« hen; — fne. von bem Spottc, bet Satire befteit. 7b LASH, b a. ,vn. 1. hauen. peithten_. gcifjelit ; 2 anbinr-eM (an bag 2 dM rf , u. f. \v.), forreii; 3. Jig. bnrithcdieln ; to — out, ansholcn tvie init ciner ^citfilie) ; fdMtell onSfcplaaen (roit von "Rferben 1 ; jig. auSfcbrotiftn; ( — into), fd)iicll iii ettoaS oerfaflctt, gcra« then; ,\" T-s. to — up the hammocks, bie fiangtmatten aufforrcn (jnfam* meiifdiniucn ; lashing, ©inbffl, 83er« binbiiiig jwe ter iEoitf . LASHER, t.sing. 1. ber 'Peitfebenbc; Jtlatfcheiibe ; 2. bag iCau, :)ieih=^ait. i.ass. t . bag i1?abrbeii ; —lorn, son bet ©elicbtcit rcrlaffett. I 4SS1TDDE ». bie 3JJfibigFfit, @Tmfl« tnng, 2Wattigfeit ; Med. T. -?lbfpan> nnng. LAST. I aiij. 1. ber, bic, bag ?efetf, VleniJerfJc ; 2. .^tnteifie, Oiicerigfte; 3. SSorige ; .1/. E ». oergangen ; the — (day) of this month, ber fefcte (i ag. biefeg (beg qegennfirttgen obcr lan= fenben) sgjonats, Ultnno=@orrrnt ; our — respects, ittifer ergebeinl ?cfc= teg ; the — but one, bcr iBorlefte ; — week, vorigc SBoche; — night, grftcni SlbfKb ; at (the) — , jitle^t, am (vnre, frhlic^licft; — of all. 511 alierlefct; to the — , big atlg (Snot ; to the — de gree, tm l)oebfteii (Mrabc ; of the — importance, oon ber groptcit il>iitti,v Fcit; he has breathed his — , cr hat ben ©cift auggchaitrbt ; he is brought upon his — legs, H geht mit ihm |U 6'iibe, cr pfeift auf bem ler>tenV.'oere ; II. ado. jitlefct, enblidi, frblief;!id) ; un= langft, neulid). To last, v. n. U'abicii, baticrii, rer^ barren. last,*. 1. ber ?cijren ; 2. bie Srbiffg* lajl (Weiviitt von 2 Jonncti); SdjijfSlabung ; ber SaBaft; a — of hides, jnjanjtg 3)edjet ^aute; 10 put upon to set 011) the — . fiber ben Voi= ften feblagcii; —maker, t-cr Stiffen* fitneibcr. LASTING Mo, — i.y). adj. baiicrnb, baiterhaft, beflanbtg, imntertofiprrnb ; — ness, a. bie Tanerhafiigfeit, Waiter. LASTLY, ado. jule^t, ciiblicb, frbliefj^ lich. LATCH..". 1. bicJilinfe. bcr Triirfer, Sdniappcr (ail Sdiloffern) : 2. bie jtette am Segel jinn .'litreificii ber SBonnette. To LATCH, r. a. flinfeii : $nfliiifeu, jit» fdilicf;en. LATCH ET, s. ber Sdmhricnicit ; bit claftifd;e (patent*) Sdmalle. LATE, mij. &■ ado 1, fpat; 2. lefcf, ehemalig, ootntalig; 3. fiii^lieb «er» ftorhcit; 4. jungfi, neultd), untanajt, 001 iRurjent; of—, neulicb, furjltq ; of— years, fcit ciiiigen jahreit; to a — hoiir, fpat; but very — . ltocb gattj ncit (von ciner SBffanntft^afl ; a — author, cin ncHcrcr SthrtftfteUer ; Um — Mr. N, bcr felige ••>. 9k; the — kms. ber (oorige) Docbfciige Jtdnig ; — ripe, fpatreif, fpat. LATEEN, i" toi*i> * t. M". '/' ■- — sails lit tfiiii'tte (breieoige) Segel im Il.'it» telmeet ; — yards, lange Staaefl ful bieft ScgeL 233 LAUD LATELY, adv. ttculich, fiirjlid), Utt» liingft. , . _ latency, s. bte 33cvbovflcnt>eit' ; Suit* fclbcit. LATENESS, 5. bic fpCite 3ctt ; 92cu[)cit. latent, adj ocrborgen, gelmni ; — boat, bie nicijf eutroicfelte fflarme. LATER, ado. footer; ucucr. LATERAL adj. «>'. « ll f. °ber cou l ' cv ©Cttt ; — branches, tie ©eitenjwe ige. laterally, adv. jut ©eite, fett= warts, an bet ©ette, babei. LATERTTIOUS. adj. jiegclabulid). LATH, *. tie Sotte ; — brick, bcr Sat= tciijiegcl ; — wood, bai Splittbolj ; — work, baS Sattciuucvf, ©ratter. To LATH. v. a. lattcu, mit Batten bc= fcblagen. LATHE, *. bic £rcd)fclbatif, 2>vcb> bauf. lather, s. 1. bcr ©eirenfd)aum, ©d)auin; 2. bide ^dmieijj. To LATHER, v I. «. ftySumetl ', II. a. ciufcifcii. lathy adj. biiitn, bin-re (rote cine Satte). latin, I. adj. lateiuifd) ; II. t. 1. ba3 Satein, Satemtfcbe; 2. bcr Satciiter. LATINISM, *. bte latcinifche ©l>tac§* eigetibeit, ber SatiuiSmuS. LATINIST, s. bcr Satcitier (©etefjitc tin Satciuifd;cii). Latinity. s. ba8 (clafftfcbe) Satcirt, bic lalcimfdx ^praebe, Sattnitat. T> LATINIZE, v. n. Sr a. lateiltifrbc JBSrter unb 3lu8brude gebrauebcit, latiuiftrcn. LATIROSTROUS. adj. breitfcfynabcltg. LATISH, adj. col. CtautS fp8t. latitancv, *. bic sBerborgenljeit. LATITANT adj. WbOtgeil, Ucrftccft. latitat, s. L. T. ber sBorlabungSbes fcl)l »or baS King's Benrih-Oericbt. latitude. *. 1. bie SBreite ; JBeitc, ber SRaum, ©pielraam, Untfattg, bic 9lu8behnung ; 2 Ungebunbeiibeif, Un= etnaefdjranft&eit, gretheit ; 3. ber roeite Sinn ; 4. bic geograpf)ifd)c SBrctte, JJJol&B&e. LATITUUINARIAN. I. adj. uncinge= fdjromft, ungebunben, fret'geijierifeb; 11. s. ber Stetbenfet, greige»jt. latitudinaeianism, *. bic gretget* fterci. LATRANT, adj. belienb; Janfifd). LATRIA. *. Tk. r. bit Wnbetung. LATTEN, i. *. bai aJleffing ; n. adj. meffingen; —brass, ba8 Xafelmef= fing ; — shavings, iNeffiugfcbabfel ; — wire, 9Jlcffingbra()t. LATTER. I. adj. (camp. OOlt Late) fprt= ter, lc§t, neuer ; a — spring, citt fpei= tergritrjling; — fruits, pi. &patfriid)= te; in these — ages, ill (bicfctl) HClt= crtt ^eite" ; — cro P ( — math), tut§ Dcacbbctt, ©rummet ; u. P mn. bcr, bic, bas le§tere, biefer ; the — told me, letjtgciiauuter, biefer fagte ntir. lattice, .v baS ©itter, bic Sraljc; — like, gitterartig; — window, ba8 ©ittcrfenfter ; — work, baS ©itter* roctf, Xraljeiucrf. To LATTICE, n.a l.flttteW ; 2. (—up), oetgittern, iibergittern. laud, *. ba« 8cb, bcr SpreU, SHithm (W. it.). To LAUD. v. a. lobcn, prcifett, riibmctt ; to — one to the skies, CtllCtt tit bctt .fjiinmel erfyeben. IAUDABLE [ado. — ly), adj lobad), loben8»urbtg,empfel)ten8n)ert& ; bcil= fam, ficfttitji; — ness, .«. bie 2obeitiS= tni'trfi^fctt, SJJrcifitourbiafett. Laudanum, s. bast Ka'ubanum, bic Dpiumtiitctur; baS Dpiat, ber ©cblaftruitf. LAUDATION, s. bas ?ob. 231 1.AVE laudative, s. bie ?obrcbc (», ii.). OAUDATORY, I. adj lobcttb, pveifcilb ; — prayers, ijobgebcte ; II. s. bte Siob= prcifinig. LAUDER, 5. ber Sober, ^ret'fer. To LAUGH, o. n. 1. lad)Clt ; 2. * l)citcr, freubtg, frucbtbar feint ; to — at. iibcr etiuaa ladn'n, e$ beladien, ocrladicn; to — outright (out), i'tberlaut larben; to — b thing out, cttva-3 juni ©flad>= ter niacbeii ; to — to scorn, ocrladjcti, jinn ©efpbtte njadjen; to — in one's sleeve, tn« Saufidjcn (bciittltd)) la= cbett ; to — at the wrong side of the mouth, lud. fdjreicil ; let him — that wins, jn-ov. XOtX bilS ©liiff bilt, fiibrt bie SBraut beim ; laughed at, uerlacbt. LAUGH, s. baS Sacbett, bie Sacbe; — worthy, belarbcitSnxrtb. LAUGHABLE, adj. Kicbevlicb. laugher. <:. ber Sacbcr. LAUGHING f baS Sad)cn ; he fell a—, cr ffblug ettte Sadie auf ; — gas, baS SacbgaS ; — stock. baS ©eladitcr, ber Spott (j'.e.ber®egenfianb, ba8©tid;s blatt, bic 3ielfd)cibc bcffelbett) ; — ly, adv. lacbcitb, tin (itnter) Sadjen. LAUGHTER, s. ba§ ©clafbtcr, vn'ff. bie Sacbe ; roars of— , uuciiblicbcS (fcbaU tenbed) @clad)tcr. LAUNCE, s. (cont.from Launcelot) Satt= celot ('JJJann^name). To LAUNCH, v. I. a. JV. T. »0m Stapcl laffen, loSlaffeit, flicgcn iaffen, fd}ie= tjen, tvctfcit, fcbleubern ; to — into eternity, * in bte ISwigfeit gcl)C!l ; to — into sea, til Sec ftcdldt ; to — into the world, in bie incite SBcIt gebcit; launching planks. 9lb(aufgp!anfeu ; II. 71. febiepen, binfd)ie6cn, bittflicgcn ; to — the boat, ba-3 s -Boot ailSfCBClt ; to— out (forth), fortfebiefjen, fovt= ftromcn, ouSfciioctfett, ftdi auSbveitcn. LAUNCH, s. 1. baS laitge Soot ; 2. baS 00m Stapcl Saffcn. launder, s. 1. bie 38afrl)crinn ; 2. bcr SfiJaffertrog, bic Siftente. To launder, v. a. umfdicit, bcitcijcit. LAUNDERER, s. bcr ffi^ifdicr. LAUNDRESS, s. bic 9Bafd)crittit. laundry, *.l. ba8 3Bafcbb'iu« ; 3"«- mer junt SBafiten, Srorfncn unb flatten; 2. ©afrbctt, bie SBafc&e. laura,*. Sattra, dim.8ord;en (3rauen= name). To LAUREATE, v. a. lit 1 1 Sorbccr fvoitcn. LAUREATE, adj. niit Sorbecr geffiutt; poet — , «. bcr gcfioute SPoet, >£>of= bicbtcr. laureation, .?. bic ?Jiagiftcr= obcr < Doctor=^fomotiou (auf bctt Uuiocr= fitatcu). laurel, s. 1. bcr Sorbccr, Sorbecr= baitnt (,a= febcit. LAVATORY.*. 1. bcr SUafdipIab, bic SHJiifebe (ber 6r(e); 2. bie 3Bafcb= banf, ba* SBafdbfaj}; 3. 2Ba|d)= waffer. To lave, 71. 1 a. tvafcf>cit ; ubcmm= febcit; lin'ifferu, bcitefecn; babeu; II. 71. fid) babeu. LAVENDER, a. bcr Sai'Cllbd; French LAXA — , bflS Storbasfraut (stmehos — '.., — glass, bass Srtucnbel=AKifcbrbcn ; — spike, bte Spiefc ; — water, bao Sa» oenbelroaffer (£«.« Uugcbuubeiibeit, greibeit. LAW, s. 1. ba§ ©efe^, bit 'Saljung; 2. baS 3iecbt; 3. ber §J$ro}*&; 4. tit gftedjtsgele&rfamfeit ; 5. Tk. t bas ntofaifebe @cfe^, but Sueb ber @e* fe^c; canon — , bflS .ftircbeiircrbt ; ci- vil — , baS biirgcvltdic SRecbt; com- mon — , ba8 gciiicitic ;)iecbt, *3eyfoui= men ; statute ■ — , baS gefdniebcue (parlameutarifdjc) Siecbt, bie $arla=> nientiiiffituben ; — of amis, bai JtrifgSrerbt ; — of (the) merchants, (or — of the staple.) b<>8 .g>ailbcil= rcd)t ; — of mark, (mart en- of repri- sals), baS Sed>t ber 9(«pr«ffaitfll ; — s of customs, 3ollge|C(JC; — of nature, baS 9laturrefbt; — of nations, ba3 Sblfertedit; dint of— bcr ?)ieci)t«- fpmcb; good in — , rerbfSgitliig; to follow the — , bte SJiecbt* ftiibiren ; to go to — , sor ©eritbt gcbeu, flagcu, Semanben gerirbtlicb b'flaugcu ; to be at — , projefftren ; doctor of — s. S>Ma tor ber 9teebte; —breaker, berllebera teeter, Sevleljer bcr ©cfe^e; — charges, vid. — expenses ; — day, bet ©erttbfdtag, fEermin ; — expenses, bie ©crid)t3foftcn, ®cfirbtSgebub»e»; — giver (— maker), bev ®efetjgcber ; — giving, gefcljgebcnb, gefe^geberifeb ; — suit, ber SProjejj, iJiec^tSfaU, s Jieri>t*= baubet ; to bring in or enter a — suit, flagbar roerbeu, 'gerirbtiirb flageti. To LAW, v. a. L. T. ben %igbbunben bie Sallen an ben Siifieii auefitnciben. LAWFUL {adv. — ly), adj. gcfe^lid), i\t- fetjmafjig, redbtmajjig, giiltig, cilaiibt, geftattbar, erbfSbig ; — ness, s bie ®cfeljlid)feit, Olec^tmS^tgftir, ®iil= tigfeit. LAWLESS (adv. — ly), adj. gcfefeJoS, uimbfjaugig; imgejcijiifb, gefe^a>i= btig, utirecbtmaftg; — ness, .--. bie ®e= fe^loftgfeit. LAWN, s. 1. bcr frete 5pfatj (bie (fbenc) in eiiicnt ®cbb!$e, bic Siittuug, Sloge; 2Bi(bbabn; 2. bic ©cbletrr= Iciuivanb, bcr Siuou ; — sleeved, mit gvoiJbaufd)igtcu ArrmeTn. LAWNY, adj. 1. 0011 Siuou ; 2. mit fvcicit, ebeiicu ^Jlaften int Salbe ocr- feben. LAWYER, *. bcr gficcbtSgclcbrte, 3u» rift, 3lb»ocat, ©ericbtSbalter, 3nfti» tiariitiS. LAWYERLIKE, adj. ftte cilt Jlivift. LAWYERLY, adj. jlllibifd). LAX (ado. — ly), I. adj. i. !o£, linger bunben, locfev, febiaff, offen, ivctt; 2. mit bent 5)urcbfalj bebaftet, lart» rcitb ; 3. fig. mtbeftimint, nidit gcimit, fdtlaff, u'ngebunben, loifet; II. *. bet ©urtifaU, bic ©iarrboe. laxation. 9. bie SoSbtnbuitg, ba« Soefcniuicbcn, Sdilaffmarben; Sotfer. fcpn, bic iid)laffbeit. laxative, I. adj. ben Seib bffncnb, lariteub; H. s. baS Sarirmittel, bi' Sarauji, 5J5urganj ; —ness,*. bic JtvaR Ait laviren. LAi LEAD !i^l) LAXITY, i s. 1. bie locfere SBefcfcaffen= l £,AXNES9, J fjcit, 2d)laffbeit, 2Beite; JDffeubeit; 2. Seibesoffnuug, ber of= fene 8ti6 ; 3. ./;«•. tic Uubeftimmtlieit, Soeferbcit. 'jAV, I. 0$'. Weltlid); — brother. bet siaieubfutct; — days, .v y tie Wegc= tagt; —elder, bet JlitdKualtefte; — habit, bte roeltlirte .ttlcibnng; — in- vestiture, bte ^uocfiitut Hud) »uelt= licbe 2lutoritat ; — man, bet ^aic, ^tH'ltltdic; ©liebetmanu; —prince, bet meltlidbcSurft; — sermons. ioclt= ltcf>e :Nebeu ; ii. a. 1. bad - SBiefenlanb, .ftlcilaiib; 2. baS&eb, bertSefang; 3. bie Sage, itbicbt, 3dctljc ; 4. iBette (bet (iiufafc, bie (Mintage, to. ii.) ; in compos, a. — of rock, cine Aelfeilfd)id)t ; even — , bie glcirbc SBette ; — mil, bte JDiiftgtube, bet iDitftbaitfett. ''« LAY. v. ir. a A- v. 1. ICl^CII, ftcfletl ; 2. belegen, auflcgcn ; 3. vot legeu, binlegen, barlegeu; 4. anlegen, et= benfen, aulfinuen, oeranftalt'cn, uta- then, eiurirtteil; o. fetifcii, abfeufeu ; 6. ftilleu, linbctu, befanftigen, benu bigeu ; bampfen ; lofdjeu ; 7. loettcn, fe§eu ; 8. btfrtulbigtn, jutcrtucn ; to — bare, eittblbpeii ; to — snares, ^eblingen legeu (fleHeit) ; to — the cloth, tCU Zl\d) berfeil; to — in order, in Drbmmg briiigcn; to — blows. 2d)Lige geben ; to — a ghost, ciueu ©eiji batmen; to — the devil, ben SEeufel baiuieii ; to — a hold, jv. T. eiu 2$ iff uptu Sanbe abbalttn; to — the dust, ben Slant) lofiteii; to — in ridges, riolcit ; to — ropes, SattC fcblageu, {ufammenbreljen ; to — the com, t>a$ Jtovtt nieberfrtlagen (burrt Slegcti) ; to — taxes, Steuevn auf(c= gen; to — a wager, eiltc SBcttc nm = d)eil, rocttcil ; I'll — something, id) Voettc ; what will yon — (on it) 1 UHlS totllfi bunxfren? ioa3 gilt's? to — a plot, eiu (iomplott marten; to — low, ftutjcu, bet (Stbe gleid) marten; JV. 7'-*. to — the land, bas V^atlb alio bent ©efirbte vevlicren ; to — a ship s deck, bie T'ecfplauteu uiib ©rterjlocfe legcu, ftrcirteu; to — waste, »ertt>u= fteit, jerftoretl ; to — about, urn fid) frtlagcu, urn ftd) gteifcn ; fid) eifrig bewerbeii; to — about one. eineit frblagcit ; to — against, einroenben ; oorioetfen, bcfrtulbigcn ; to — along (to — flat), binfttecfen ; auSbieiten ; to — apart, ablegcn, ivegtuerfen ; to — aside, bei 2cite [egeii, roegtegen; fig. bei 2eife fefcen ; unterlafftn ; auf» geben, fabren laffeu; to — asleep, etiifcblafetn j to — at stake, aufS Spiel fcfceu; to — one's gelfal one's mercy, fid) einem auf ©uate utib Un= gnabe ergeben ; to — away, to — oil*. loeglegen, ablegen ; to — before, onr* legtn ; to — by, beilegen, aufhebeu ; /fi'. bei 2cite fefceu obet legeit, iibcr= gcbcit: my way — just by him. met it SBeg fiibrte mid) au ibm »orbti; to — down, l. nieberlegen ; 2. baat bin= Itgen, binjableu ; 3. a\8 *J3fanb ge= bc'n ; 4. jut ©riiiiblagc marten, an» tubmen, bchanotcr. ; to — down one's life, fein Sebtu bingeben; to — down .is a rule, jilt 9]Ci{el Utaitetl ; I lai.l down my club, id) l)abt meiiie 3 e rf) c bejablt; to — wait for, liarbftclku, aufiauem; to — for an excuse, Jilt 6'iitfdmlbigiiUii ougeben ; to — forth, jut 2d)aii legeit, aiuftelhit (rkte Seid)e) ; to — one's self forth, fid) toeitUiuftg auslaffeu; anSErameit; to — hold of, etgteifeii ; ficb jn ^uitje tnadien ; to — m. einTcgen ; eiutbuu, etnfaufeu (3QBaaren) ; eiiifainmeln, einttagcit, anfd;:ffeii, aitfljaufen; to — in for, uarbftelU'ii, |tt f.titgeii fu- . d)en ; to — on (upon . nuflegen : au= legeit, aniue nbett j jiifrblageii, fdi|.t = gen ; to — on the enelf, fig. bei 2nte legeu ; to — a command on, iBcfibl gtbeu, etilfd^arfrn , to — violent Imnda on one's self, fid) (felbfl) ba» ^ebeu uebiueu ; to — the fault upon one, bie isd;ul& auf tinea febieben ; to — one's excuse upon a thing, fid) mit cti!\i6 cntfchultigcu; to — open, batlegen, jeiiu'ii ; to — out. 1. beraaS legeu, jut 2cbau legeu; 2. anlegen; 3. anroen- bett, auflgeben ; aufopfetn ; to — out a vessel (upon the road). JV" T. fill Scbiff auf bie Jibebe legen, inn fid) fegelfiat 'Uinacben; to' — out one's cards, fciuc .Ratten ablegen; to — out money, (Melt anlegen; to — out for, fid) bemuben um . . ., au#ftellen uad) . . . ; to — over, ubctberfen, be- becfen, belegen; to — to, uabe legeu. legeu au ...; (Cinein) jufe^eu; fid) uabeit ; to — a thing to one's charge, einem etn-aS fdjulbgeben; to — siege to..., belagetu ; to — claim to..., 5lufl>tud) marten auf . . . ; to — to heart, JU ifperjeH UfblllCII; to — to- gether, jufammenlegen, gegen etnans bet balteu, »ergleid)en ; to — heads together, col. bie Stbpft jufaminen= fterfeu, fid) betatbfrblagen ; to — under, UlltentHlfeil ; to — under ob- ligations, Detbinblid) marten; to — up. biulcgen, aufbcbeu, uerwabren; eifpateu ; eiiifammelu, anfdiaffen ; to — up land, KiWb brad) liegeit laf= fen ; to — one up, ciueu uetbaften, eiuftecfen; ciueu franf marten; to — up a fleet, eine Alotte abtafeltt; to — upon, beiaftigen, mit i'itteu be= ftiitiiieti; nuflegen, auflabeu. LAYER, « 1. bet Segenbe; 2, bie ?cg= ■fpctttie ; 3. Sage, ©rtirtt; 4. bat! Sas get, i^iebUget; ^ett; 5. bet "01 bl c= get, baS 2euftci8 ; —out, bet 93er= maUer, ^aiifibofineifler; — up, bet Qlufbaufer, Slufbetvabret, 2 am m let. LAZAR, s. bet ?a - atll8, 'iluefaljige ; — house, aid. Lazarictto ; — like ( — ly) aUSfit^ig; — wort. rid. Lasar-wort. LAZARErrro, «. ba« gajareffe, 2 vital, jvfanfciilmii;. LAZINESS, s, bie Ttagbeit, gaul&eit, "af.bcit, bet iDlu^iggang. LAZULI, s. vid. Lapis lazou. LAZY, tuij. in'Utiig, faul, ttage, lall, lafs fig, fdjlafng, laugi'am; — hours, bet gaulenjet. LEA. ». tie SBtefe, bet ©raS'oIaft. LEACH-TROUGH, s. bet 5ErO(J jitm Stocfucu bc= 2al«eS. LEAD, i 1. bafi ©lei; 2. baS Blei= loth, 2eufblei, dJeiU) ( >!ot(); to seal wilh — . rid. To Lead; M", T~» to heave the — , totbeil ; deep sea — , bttfl Jiif k>tb; befonbetfl Ch.T-e. antimonlal sulphurel — ore. fdiuMtj 2pieftglaiii= el?, 2vie!lg(aii'bleieij, 3iateleit, Sournoitit ; arFenlate of — , ta3 "?lt= fenitblei, bie ©letblfir&e, ba« 5Iorfen« et • ; black — , baS iBaffcvblei, ^ott= loth ; black —ore, frtttxir) iBleterj, buuflei 53leifvath ; blue —ore, SBlau* tJTJ ; carbonate of — , (aud) white — ore, sparry white — ore), vl'cif'eS 4*Ufi= erj, bee ©leifpatb. foblenfaureS iMei- ctj; chromate of — eif ; — baj ©letglas ; — line, tit Bltjfrtnur. Sotbleillt ; — mine, tie sBlctgrnbc ; — ore ba! SB(eitf); —pencil, ber SBleiflift; — shot. 'tet ^antl, b.)3 2d)tpt; — tail, eiu tent 4Mei giant < abulidjeS ©leietj) bet Slrifehmeif; — tree, bet IBleibauni ; — vitriol, bet SBletntlriol, ba« SBittiolbleierj ; — work, bit SBleibSftt; — wr.rt, bit SBleimur) [Phmbaga — /..). n LEAD, ii a, mit 'i^lti auflaiefitn obet iibetJiebeu; Tgp.T. butttofrbiefjen; M E. vlombiteit; leaded on the lop, mil ©lei gebtcft. To LEAD, 8 ir.a. it*. 1. (eiteu, fub= fiibreu ; aufiibteu • 2. »oran geben ; 3. uetlorfen; oerlctten; 4. oetmogeu, beroegen ; "j. mus.t anSfubten, burrt= fiibteu; 6. (bcim SBilliarbfpiel) fid) ai\S fefcen, Acquit geben; to — Slffen am ©angelbanbe fiibteu; to — parties, bet SJiitcUfuhfCt feilt ; to — the way, ben il ! cg jeigeit, votan ge= ben; to — a (the) dance, sOftanjttt, aur'ntbren ; to — ^ sedentary l.ife, e:u ftfeenbea Sebtn fubren ; to — i frbli'Vreu; to — aside (away), ab- tnattt fubren, njegffibren; to — in (into), biueinfiibrcii, citifnbreu. jnrerbl metfrn ; to — into a mistake, U'm 3rttbum oerleiten ; to — off obfiBb= ten, ableiren ; beginnen : to — on (ai'>ng), anfubteu, fori fubren ; c.n- loefen; IwHl — on slowly, id) U'iil fad)tc yotauyebeu ; — on ( — the way , geben 2ie soran ; to — out, biiMiis* fubren, attSfubren ; to — out of the way, il'VC flll'mi ; to — up, >";llf- fnbtcn. lead, ». bie 3lnfubrung; ba« 8»ran» geben ; bieQSorbanb imAartenfuieit); brr erfte SBurf ; SRuAfaty (.'icauir im ©iUiarb ; — nf the *Hde T. tie Oeff= uuug be« SrttsbventiU (bei ten ?i>a coinotioenl ; to have the — . tev ©rflt fe'in, tie "iuubaut babeii; in take the — , s )lnfiibtet feon ; tie ^oiineurfl marten; to take me — of. ... judoij fontmeu in . . . LEADEN, adj. I. bittern, von SBletj 2. fig frbio'erfallig. tuntnt ; —hart cd, gefithlloj ; —heeled, langfam; — shot, bat SrttOt ; — steppin bleient, fid) [annfam beroegenb. LEADER, ». bet getter, fttibrtr, SBea< rotifer; flnfitbrer, beerfttbret; 9ta> beUfubrer ; Brfte, SRormann : — «, ;d tie oorbertn $ftrbt einrt mtbrfvSns nigen ,ni\id)t=) gubnvtrtt, :liicm> uferbt; — at cards tor JSormantt, ber bie i!orbant (bei .Karteitfpielen; bat; —at bowls, [btim Jttgelfpiel) bet juerfi mitft. LEADING, o(», trftt, voruebmflf ; — articles, gangbart SSaartn^) '.Mrtifel; — .ard. bie trftt, augefpielie .Uarte; — fact, bie .Ciau«M=ibaifarbe; — fashion, tie btrrfrtenbe 3Robe; — hand. bttlBorbanb; to have the — haul, Bin -al.Afoielcn ie'.Ml ; — horse 235 LEAP bag Sattclpfcvb, ffiicmpferb; —man. bcr •.'lufrihrer, erfte Sfflaun ; SSortfiits jer; — qn.ii'ty. bie sBorucbmftc (JdaUpU) Stjjeitft^aft ' — question, bie ^auptfrage; —strings, bag ■®an= aelbanb, bcr Sanfjaum ; — trait, bcr ^aitpf^tui ; — wind, bcr frtfcfee, 0,1111= tfige SSsinb ; — word, bag crftc 20ort, Scbjagtoort. UCADV, «Oetb(att (Ophyrs — L); I *>all make him turn over a new — , vroc cc foil mir fd)on nubcr« pfcifett ; rail <.*" the — , (bet QMattetfaU) : bag Spatter, ber .fterbft; — hrass, bag glittergdb ; -hud. bie SBlStrerfno8s ]pe ; — go.A bag iUattgolb ; — me- tal, ba§ sBlattmetali ; —silver, bag ©lattftlbee; — tobacco, SBISttertabaf. T« LEAF, v. n. ©IdttCt bcfoiUlltCIt, flUg= fcblagen. ■jjcafage, s. bag Sautwerf. IA1FLESS, nrfj. blatterlc*. LEAFLET, s. bag SBtattdjtn. LEAFY, arf;'. UOli ©hitter, blfaltbt. To LEAGUE, v. n. fid) ocrbitlbeit, fid) oerbiittbcit, cm 23uubiii9 macbm (— With, nut). LEAGUE^- 1. bcr 93unb, bag Siiubutp ; bie Sigite • German commercial — , bCl bentfcbe 3oU»eretit ; 2. bie frattjBfts fd)e 2)icile, Secmeile (ciuc ©rutlbe). leaguer, s. I. ber SBerbuttbete, St5un- fceggettoij; 2. bie s Bt'lageruiig (to. it.); to hold in — . belagetrt baltcii. LEAK, s. bcr Serf,' bie Spalte, JTitfec ; to spring a — , CtllCll Serf bcfoiltllKlt. To LEAK, v.n. eiite«8e<£ babcu, 2Baf-- fcrju'ebeit; Icrfeit, tibpfc'::, (—out) ou«iaufeti, laufcit. LEAKAGE, «. 1. bag Sccffcnit ober SccF= tocrtat; 2. bie Safafie, Seccaac (2lb= redmuttg ober (frfafc fur bcu ^crluft an 2Beiu, bet bcr Cfiifufjr). LEAKY, adj. 1. leef, lo$erig ; 2. gc= fcfiroafctg. To LEAN, v. reg. «,- a. lebneit, fyangctt, ncigcit ; biegen, fruntmen, Wattfetl ; ftd) lebllCU ( — against, to, ait etioag) ; to — on one's knees, ftd) auf bie Jttuc tocrfetr, to — over, liber? baitgeu ; to — to . . . , fid) lteigcu j« . . ., geucigt fcitt Jit ... ; to — to in opin- ion, Semanbem beipftidjteit ; to — to one's case, fid) jemattbeg auiicbmcit ; to — upon, fid) an ober auf etxoaS Ubttett, ober jttifcett ; fig. fid) auf ct= wag oerlaffett. LEAN [adv. — ly), mij. i. mager, biirvc; 2. fig. armfelig, clcitb ; 3. iiicbrig (». it.); 4. (rocfeu, fabe, bumiu ; he is as — as a rake, er biingt mir tn . fefet). leaping, part. s. baS Springctt ; 93c= fpringen ; — beetle, ber Spriugfafer, Sd)ucllfafer, Sd)micb; — horse, eiu j it in Springctt gut abgerictjtetcS 4.!fcib ; — ly, adv. fprungroeife. Tj learn, v. a. <• v. 1. Icrnen, crler= ncit ; 2. Drncbnteu, erfabreu, bi'rcn ; — from this, id) crfel)c btcrnu«; to — wit, gefebciter, fliigcr wevben ; wn are as yet to — , n)ir miiffeii itit« erft iiberjeugctt. LEARNED (adv. — ly), adj. gdcbrt, fenntntfreicb, fuubig, tuetfe; the — , s. pi. bie ©eicbrtcu. learner, s. i. bcr ?ebrling, Sd)iU lev ; 2. Slculiitg, 5lufangcr. learnlng.s. bic@clel)rfamfcit, 2Bif-- fenfebaft. leasable, wij. oermictbbar. lease, s. 1. bie ©erparbtung, S5er= inictbung; 2. ber 9fiaci)t= ober iDJictb= contract, -4>ad)tbricf ; to let by — , uerparbteu, oermictbeu; to take a — of, pacbtett, mietbett • — hold. I. s. bie ipad)tung (auf gewtffe 3eit) ; it. adj. gepacbtet ; — holders, 7>/. --Bacbter ; — parole, bie mitttblicbe 33ermietbung. To lease, v. a. »trpad)ten, tjernitetben. leaser, «. ber 2lebrculefer, bie 2lcb= rculeferiun. leash, s. 1. bcr Socmen, Stricf, ba8 SBanb; Sp. t. Salfcitrientctt; 2. bie Aoppcl (brei); a — of greyhounds, etnc Jtoppcl (brei) 2yinbl)tinbc ; a — of hares, bfet ^afcit. To LEASH, v. a. foppefll, JtlfailimCU; bittbeu ; am Jtoppetriemcn fiibreu. leasing, s. bas Siigett; bie Sitge (to. ii.). LEAST, adj. &■ ado. (sup. Wtt Little) bcr, bie, baS Jiteinfte, ©eringftc, 3Bc= itigfte, 3)iiubcfte; am njcnigftcu; at (the) — , jinn nn'ttigfteu, njcuigftenS ; urn tticbt mcbr ^u fagcit ; not (in) the — , tin gcringftett nidit, buvcboti« nid)t; — of all, baS Slllernjcuigfte, am rcettigftcii ; to say the — of it, roenigfteiig; to play — in sight, prov. fid) feltctt mad)ctt," ftd) fern balteu; SSerftccf fpicleu, immer auSiveirt)cn. LEATHER, I. s. baS !i!cber; iron, bie ^aut; to lose — , lad. fid) roitnb (ci= ttcti 2Bolf) reitett ; n. adj. lebern ; in compos. — bag^ ber lebcrue ©eutel ; — bottle, ber Srblaud) ; — boxes, le= bcrue 3Men, Sd)arbtcln ; — braces, •Oattgricmeu ; — breeches, bie i'cber= bofct't ; — coat, ber Seberapfef, bart= fcbalige Slpfel; — cues, (ebcmalS) lefcrue Sotbatcttsbpfe; — cuttings, (—shavings or parings, pi.) ^Ibfall OOllt i'eber ; — dresser, bcr I'eberbereiter ; ©erber ; — girths, pi. Typ. Ph. bie jturbefoanber; — hangings, lebevne Xapctcn ; — jrr.ket, ein jjifd) be« ftil= leu SJIccreS ; — jerkin, ba* lebernc SBamms, «o0er; — mouthed, mit ^abnen tm .*5 a I ft (son getviffen fti= fd)Ctl) ; — merchant, — seller, ber ^.t- bcrbattblcr; — sling, bcr fRicntcu; — stumps, bie iBifd)cr (jum 9tad)hel= feu bc3 6ra»oit«) ; — winged, Sliigcl wte Sfber tiabcnb ; — wood, bas ilt- bcrbolj (Dircwa palustris — £,.). To LEATHER, v.a. vulg. (UMC lllit ^i\(- nien) pcitfd)en, viii*. burcblobcru. LEATHERN, adj. V01! ?Cbcr, IccCl'lt. LEATHERY.arf/. n?ic I'cbcr, IcbCMrttg. LEAVE, b. 1. bie (frlaubuitt, ber llr* laub ; 2, 2Ibfct)icb ; ba« i!cbcwobi ; by your — ,mit3brcr (^rlaubnip ; you have your — , C3 ficbt 3bncu fret ; give me — , crlaubeu Sie mir ; to take (one's) — , s )lbfd)icb nebmcu, ftd) cmpleblcit, bcuvlaubcu ; ticket of — , LEE bag Cfttt(afTuug*=2Ittrft (in bcu Straf> golouiett); — of absence, tcrllvlaiib; general — , bcr allgcmeiuc Itrlattb bet Solbateti fiir bie JUiutermonate ; — - taking, bag 2lbfd)tcbiu'bmctt. To leave, v. ir. a. .<• ». 1. laffett ; ver> laffcit; juriicf laffett ; 2. (teftantcuta = rifd)) ocrmad)cu, bintcrlaffcu ; 3. iibevlaffcn ; 4. ablaffen, abftcben, aufbbrcif, to — at one's discretion, eincm ficte <&anb gcbeu ; to — (offi crying, aufbbrcn 511 ivcincu ; tins I — with my reader, bicfi itbcrlaffc tci ban Sefet; to — off, 1. oerlaffett, aufgcbcu, ablegen; 2. abftcben; ein= baltcn, cinftcllcu, aufbbrcn ; to — oti trade, ciu @cfd)aft uicbcrlcgcu, ciugc= bcu laffen; to — open, uncrbrtcd laffett ; to — out, auslaffeit ; aitg- fd)lic^cu ; yergeffett, vcnmd)laffigcu ; to — unpaid, uid)t bcjahlcn. leaved, adj. in compos, blatterig, mi- Slftttern ; mit ^liigelit ; two —gate S^ore "tit jroei Bliigcln. LEAVEN, 5. ber Sauertcig, bie .£>efcn, bag ©abntttggmittel, i>erfd)limmc- ruttggmittcl. To LEAVEN, v a. 1. faucni, gabrcn laffen; fig. 2. scibcrbeit; 3. «rrbcf= fern. LEAVENrNG, s. ber Wabruitggftoff. leavenous, adj. Saucvtctg cutt>at= tenb ; scrborben. leaver, 3. ber SSerlaffer. LEAVES, s. (pi. 0011 Leaf) bie Slat* ter, it. f. 10. ; tobacco in — , ^Matter* tabaf. leavings, s. pi. bie 9?efte, Uebcr- blcibfel ; iRcigcn ; bag Spiilirbt. LECHER, s. ber ?ecfcr, 'ffiolluitling. To LECHER, v. n. br.rcit, licbcrlid). uujitd)tig leben. LECHEROUS (adv.— ly). adjA;V.Xl\\l^' tig, tooUiiftig, oerbublt, liebcrlidi ; 2. juv Uitjudit rcijenb ; — n>'ss. x. bie Un^iirbt, bag .£>urculcbeit, bie Uiebcr= lid)feit. LECHERY ». bie Unjncbt, ?icbcrlid)= fcit. LECTroN. s. 1. bag ?efen ; 2. bic?efe- avt, Sariante; 3. Section (t^ipitclbcr bciligctt edjrift), lectionarv, 3. bag Scctioitobttcb (jum ,rtird)cngcbvaiid)e). lecture, s. 1. bag 8efen, bie 93ovIe> fung; 2. 91ad)nitftaggprcbigt; 3. vvlg. ^prcbigt, Strafprct'igr, ber33ers toeig; reader of — s, ber 5Soricfuitgcn bait, bcr ^rofeffor. To LECTURE, v. a. &■ n. 1. SSovIcfims gcu f>nlten, Collegia lefeu (— on, iibcr) ; 2. bekbrcu, untcrrirbtcu ; 3. bebantifd) bofmciftein, cincn SSerwcti geben. lecturer, s. 1. ber SBorlefer, bffcut= lid)e Sebrcr, Sector, ^JrofeffW; >. 5Krebigergebtilfe, fiapelian, Afatccf)»i lectureship, s. 1. bag SBorfeferami Sectorat, bie ^rofeffur ; 2. (Sapellan- ftcUc, Ji'atedjetenftelJe. ledge, s. 1. ber oorftebenbe 9tanb, bie Seifte : a — of rock, eine iu bie See biucinlaufetibe J?ltppeurcibc; 2. bif Sage, Sd)id)t, baSSager; 3. leiiges s.pi. jv. T. bic9iippeit jtoifd)cn ben 5)ecfbalfctt. LEDGElt, *. M K. Ui .Oattptbttd) : - • lines, Mas. T. s JcebCItliuicU. LEE, s. 1. bie 4?tff» ; 2. JV*. T-». bie bem SBinbegegcmibcr [tegenbe@e«e, Scite Hitter bem ffiitibc, (—side) Sce= fcite, Sen ober See ; to be in the — , fid) itittcr bcin SBinbe bcfiiibcu ; t« come by the—, in Set) fallen, ooin SBiltbe abfommcu; lo |m 'inder the — of the shore, totllbfi.*, • V" Uf>» liegctt; to g> by tb3~ oi LEGA by the — , ben 2Binb oerlieren ; to lay a ship tiy the — , bie Segcl eince* aix- beru e All bcr •ftiifte f)infcgcln ; — boards, pi Scbtocrte: an ben «eiteitbcr.£d)ma= cfeu, Jluffcu. ©aliotcu, u. f. ro.) ; — brails, pi. tie ©ei'taue uutcr bent 2Biitbe; to — fail, auf bie Seitc faU len, ooiu ffiiube abfommen; — fang (— range), bcreiferne £eun-agen a — fnnge, Scboten (Sane jum (iiu'ie= ben) ; — lurch, bcr ©icrfeblag vox Sinter; — lurches, bad plofeliebe llm= legen bed Srbiffed uad) Sel* ; — shore, i»a« bem SQtnbe gegeiiiibcr [tegenbe Ufer, Segenoall ; — side, vid. obctt; — tide, — ward, riii. Leeward; — way, bcr Pitfall, bie Mtrift (bed Sd)iffcd> ; to make — way, ftarf ab= trcibctt, sicl 2Bracf mad)cit. LEECH, «. 1. + bcr Stat ; 2. berSBfut* egel ; 3. jv. y. bet Saudb (aufgcbLv fciic X h c t U einefl ©ege!* — lines, jv. 7*. K bic SRotfgorbtngen ; — owl, bcr Ubu ; — rope, bad ftebeiibe Seif. LEEK,*, bcr Vaurb; — of vines, ber SBilblaudt, roilte gaud), Slfdjlauffc, (S|d;laudj; — pottage, bie Sauch= fnVVC. LEER, ». 1. bcr frbjffe 3Micf, 5citcn = bliff; 2. ftutiite, gc'ioiingeue 53licf. 7b LEER, b. I. n. 1)011 bcr £cite fel)en, anfebiden ( — upon .., ctroad) mit einer gegroungenen SWiene feben, loft aublicrcn (— at one, eincn) ; II. a. 15= cbclnb uerlocfen, beriirfeu. LEERINGLY, ado. lofe ladjclnb, f)b> uifd) tadjeliib. LEES, *. pi. bic .Ocfeit, ber SBobcufafc. LEET, *. bad ©ericbt, 6rb= mib Vebu-- gcridjt ;—,(«• — day), bcr 0crid*td= tag. LEEWARD, adj.&ado.M: r. nad) bent SBiubc qeridHet ; uitter tent SUinbe, bent SSSttlbe uirtjt audgcfc&t, in See, Icemartd ; to fall to (the) — , com 2Binbe abfoinnicii, uutcr ben SBiub geratfjen, ben 8Sorfheil bed SBintcd vciltereit; — tide, ii>mb itnb Slntb iitfamnicu ; — island, jit ben ?lutil= len gehbrig ; — islands, bie antilli= feben Snfelu, SliuiUcn, 3nfcln nntcr bent SBinbe. LEFT, adj. lillfd ; in compos. — hand, bie linfe 6anb; with the — hand, mit bcr linffti .Jpaub, linfd ; to the—, auf bie linfe £citc; jur Vinfcn; to marry with the — hand, fid) an ber liltfcn ^flllb traucn laffcit ; — handed, liuf, liufd ; linfifd) ; — handedly, linfd; —handedness, bad I'infdfettit ; bic Siufbaubigfett ; — handiness, bad Vlumvc Sffiefen. UEG, *, 1. tad S -J3ciu, ber Sdienfel; bie Settle tuou eiuem Sbietei ; 2. Strumofform ; bcr Sdjaft, 2iod ; 3. /am. bic iBerbeugung, bcr Jtnt|s fllf) ; to sta ill on one's own N'l's ltd) felbft fortbclfcu; to make a — , wig. fid) beugot, bad (iomvlimcnt (eineit Jtrafcfit't) niadien ; — jf mutton, bie a^ammelffule, bn Stbdvfenfrfalagtl ; — of a table, bt8 JEjfcbbein ; — of a flail, bcr vNjuivh'cI eincd Slegell ; — harness, bcr '^eiitbantiid). LEGACY, s. J.. T. b>\S s i?crmarbtnif<, Stgat; — hunter, bcr (Srbfd)lcidnT. LEGAL (ndti. — ly\ adj. gck^ltdt, flC= fetmaiig, (rtbtmafig, reditlid), ije= udjtlid) ; of— force, (refbtd)gultig : — claim, bad JWiiifforberuttgaredjt ; — debt, bie rrcbtgultige @d)nlb : — decision, bad reitldfraftige Urtbeil ; — documents, VlCtetlftiicfe , — force, bie 9led)tdgitltta,feit; — procedure, •«t 3ied)t*gang ; — profession, bie LEIP Snerbtdgelebrfamfcit; — ismedy, bad OJedhtdiiiittel; — tender, ein gefcfcli- rljcd ^Jblungdntittel. LEGALITY, e. bie Wefcljlirbffit. 0e= fc&maBigfcit,Jiccf)tinafiigfeit,dicrbtd-- gulriiifcit. To LEGALIZE, *. a. red)tdfraftig nta= d)en, gcricbtlidi beftat 'jen, legdtft; rcn, Dtiimirea. LEGATARY, *. vid. Leoatkk. LEtJATE, s. bcr Jlbgeorbneie; Scgat, (Vapftlid)e; ©efanbtc. LEGATEE, L. V.bcr i>crmacf;tuipcrbe, Segatar. LEGATESHIP, s. bie Scgateniviii^c, ©efanbtfebaft. LEGATINE, adj. buret) bcu l?avftlid)eu Segaten oerorbnet ibu betrefenb ; — power, bie iDJadit eincd Vcqareit. legation, s. tit ©efanbtfdjaft, Se= gaiiott. legator, ». berScgatcitiuai-bcr, drb= Saner (ty.ii.). LEGEND,*, 1. btc^ciiciibe, .C>eiliqct!a,e= fd)id)te ; 2. bad ^abrcben ; "3. bie 3nfd)tiff, llnt|'d)rin ctucr iJNiitie. ■in LEGEND, 8, n. in cine 8egen»e cin= Eleiben, erjablen. LEGENDARYjL adj. }|| eincr grgenbe gefjorig, ntabrd;cubaft, fabelbafr, tOs utaii(cit)baft ; — stories, i'labrdu-u ; — talea,S8olf8fageitj VL». 1. bad ®t- fd)ii1)teiibud), 8egenbenbud>; 2. ber Stgenbenfdjrftber. LEGER, i. vid. LEDuur.. legerdemain, ... bcr TafAeii|>ic[cr: ftrcicb, ias Jlunftftiicf, bic ©aufelei. LEGGED, adj. in compos, lit i t iAcilieit, bcillig; bandy — , flUinillbctllu\; strong — , bidbciuig ; two — , jivci= bciniiv LEGGINGS) 5. pi. ,lm tint 9rt [anger (Saniafd)cn, von ?eber ober Sudj, )oeld)e iiber bie Scbcufcl gctragen werben. Leghorn, t. (bic Stabt) Stoorno ; — hats italicnifche rtrobbiitc. LEGIBILITY, s. bie Vefcrlicbfcit. LEGIBLE (alu — i.y). adj. 1. leferlid); 2. bemerfbar, bcutlid); — ness, ». vid LtOlBlLITY. legion, ». 1. bieScgton; Xtupptti' menge j 2. fig grofie 3Henge; —of honour, bie (^hrculcgioii. LEGIONARY, I. ad». jit eiuer Segion gebbrig; tine I'egion enthalrei^ ; fig fcin'uiel; VL a. ber 1'egioujfolbaf. To LEG18LATE, v. n. ^cfcftc gcbcit, inarben. LEGISLATION, j. bie ©efeftgebung. LEGISLATIVB, adj. (Mcfctjc gebeub ; — body, bcr gcfc&gcbcube JHrfer, bie Segidlatur; — power, bie gefc&gc; beuee iWtdH, 8egi«lafion. LEGISLATOR, ». bcr flcl'ctjgcbcr. LEGISLATRESS, ) s. bic iycfe&gebe= LEGISLATRIX, ] rinn. LEGISLATURE.*, bie Segidlatur, <3t= felgtbung ; geajtlation, gefe^geben* be iDJadjt, 9iegierung. LEGIST, .«. bcr ®ef?6edfunbige, ?cgiit. LEGITIMACY, .?. bie gefe^mapige (Scbtbeir, ebclid)c@ebiirr,Scgiriniitai. LEGITIMATE [ado. — ly), adj. 1. rcd)t= mSltg geboren, cbelid) ; 2. edit ; gc= fctliit ; legitim ; beqviiubet ; — portion, L. t. ber ^fiicbttbcil ; — ness, *. Bid. Legitimacy. lb LEGITIMATE, b, o. fiir ret^tmSltg erflarcn, legitimiren, ehcliit niad'cn. LEGITIMATION, ... bie legitimation, (Srflamug fiir ebelid). LEGUME. \s. bie .^iilfeufnid)*, bad LEGUMEN, S ©emiife. leguminous, adj. tit ben .ftiiircn= friirbteu gcborig, wit ^iilfenfrucbte. LEii'sic. ». (.bic «tabt) ?civjig. LEM' LEISURABI.E, aiij. bei 'Diiifie, gentacbf lid) 10. it '. LEISURABLY, ado. (». it.) Did. Lei SI HKI.Y. LEISURE, .«. bie iDhtfjc, gclegeue 3e»t, Tvrii't ; to be at — , 2)inpe baben ; — hoars, pi. iJicbcuftunC'en, niufiigt ; — tune, bie ntitpige, frcie 3eit, 1'iufjc. LEISURELY, adj. S- adv. ntit Wait : gonad) lid). ... + bcr rober bie) Siebfte: bad -rcha&dien; .ic ^cii'd)laferiitu. lemma, -. t. twfSemnta, berSe^a* fa 5, .C")iilfrfa(}, 3a&, nui bon man etnas folgert. lemming,' *. bcr ^'entitling, bic nor= U)tgifd)e unb fcbiocMfcbe (33erg=) i\'an?, Bobclmaut. LEMNIAN-EARTH, s. bic 2icgclcrbc, lentnifebe lirbe. lemon, s bie Simose, (Sitrone ; — colour, citrouenfarben, cittvnenfar* big, cifrpiiengdb; —racer, bcr l?i^ tronenri^cr; — scoop, bcr (>itnmcii= ftccber; — squeezers. /-'. tic (MtroilCll = V rem* : —strainer, bad (^itrcuicnftcb, ^unfrlbfieb ; — tree, ber tfimentn- baunt, Cfitioncitbauin. LEMONADE, g. bie Vintonabe. LEMURES, n. pi. (latJ I'emiirrn, 65fe 2)anioneit (ber SlUen . To LEND, b ir. a 1, Icibcit, Icbneit; 2. rcid)cn, gcben, ertbeilen, ycrlciluu: to — assistance, (to — a hand) JpillfC Iciftcn, beiftebeu; to — out (money, ©elb), audlciben, ycrlciben. LENDABLE, adj. »crleit)bar, ju er> tbeileu. LENDER, «.ber?ciber, ?ludlcibcr, Tar= lcibcr, i'crlcthcr, SBorfttrcfer; — on bottomry, .)/. E. ber ^oMncrcigcbcr, ber ©elb auf ^obmcrei anslcihct. LENGTH, s. 1. bie I'attgc; 2. '.'ludbeb* nung ; 3. 35aufT; 4. @nrfetnung; at — , uad) bcr Sange ; laiig. anduilu= lid); enblid), mlc^t; in full (whole] — , tit SebendgrSpe ; in — of time, mit ber %t it ; to the — of... bit Ui[C^ . . ; to have the — of one's foot, proo. 3einanben febr genau feuueii ; I cannot eo that — with you, baritl Faun trb ^biirn uitbt betfitminen, id) fann mid) uid)t fo rocit mit ohncu eiiilaffeii; to co the utmost — , tir.n SHeugerflrii fdm-itoi ; thi- — , til pier* bcr; large lengtlis, grpf;e -rtrccfen ; —ful, cine grope Bange babenb ; — wis.', tcr Vangc na*. /;. LENGTHEN, v. I. a. veilangcru, audcrbuctt, bebucit, long auifprtcpen : to — ones stay, langer oerioeilcu ; to — out, in bie Singe «iebcu; n. >•. langer tvertcn, ficb •.'erlangcru, |"tcb bebneit. LENGTHY, adj. langwcilia, laitg>vi:= rig, in bic ?auge pMogen. gebebut. LENIENT, I adj. 'liiiMriiJ,' milbcrnb, eiiociitcub, abfnbrtnb; geliitii, mi!;; ii. .«. tad SinbernngBa ober 6'rn?ci« ebnngemttttL 7*9 LENIFY, 7v a. linbcrii, mil'ern, flillcn, befanftigcu to. ii.). LENITIVE, I ad), linr-erno, ftilknb; er. meirijenb; n ». bad ?tnbtTuit(i*mttret, Cvnocid)itng{>mtttel,* tcl. $aUtatt!>. LENITY, ». bie C>)elir.bigffit.. 3}?ilbe, Sanftmntb. I, ens, ..-. bad Vinfcn-Jad, bic ?iiifc. LENT, s. bie ffafttn, Aaftcn,:it; - sermon, bic (\r.|tCHV".t^igt. LENTEN, adj. I. -it bcu Aoileit gebo« tig. faftcnniaOig ; 2. fig getiig, fntcfe» vi|it; — fare, — feast, tie gafteni mabl-cit, magere (.hunger-) -IWiM. jcit; — fig, bie Tattel. 237 LET LETT LEVE LENTICULAR, adj liiifcuforinig ; — stone, bet Viufcuitcin ; — ly, ado. lilt= fenartig; mil finer \iiufc. LENTIFORM, adj. liufenformig. LENTlUlNOlTS, adj. Med. T. railbig, grinbig. M'fl- ' L - LENTIGO, ». Med. T. bic Sommcr= fproffe, bas Sebermaal ; ©rinbfieber. LENTIL, .--. tie i!iiife. LENTISCUS, I s. bet iDtajlirbaum, bic lentisk, J 5JJiiht§te. LENTNER, s. bev Sennert (91*1 flcincv gaffe). LENTOR, s. 1. bie 3abfecit, baS Biit)e ; 2. tie Sragbcit, SainjfamEcit ; 3. phlegmaiifcb'e Staltt. LENTOUS, adj jat)e, leimig. LEO, s. ^?s-e. v. bev 85ae. LEONARD,«.£eoni)arbCiS2annsuame). LEONINE, «'/;. loiDdiartig ; — verses, leoniuifdje iserfe. leopard, s. ber Scoparb, SJJarber ; — 'S bane, bic ©eiltSHJUl'j {Doronicum — £.). LEPER, s. ber SluSfafcige; —fish, ber gfiaubel (Art gifr^e). lepid, «,//. artig, febcrjbaft, muster, lebbaft (»». ii.). LEPORINE, adj. bafcitartig. [.eprosity, s. bie Slusfaftiflfett, ber vliiei|ai}igri'tt, ber in ben itJietallctu ltutcine SBeifafe (in (u>. ii.). LEPROSY, s. ber 9Iu-5fai>. LEPROUS, adj. aUSfa?tg ; — disease, ber "Jluafafc ; — house, iai ©vital fiir Slusfa&ige; — ly. ode. anftctfenb. LESS, n>ad)cu ; 2. abfefcen, 5)cad)t ober SBiirte raubcu; II. n. flciucr werbcu, abnebmen, eittge&eit. LESSER, adj. .V- ado. (flatt Less) IUU iter, geringer, weniger ; the — Asia, ■ftlctliajtett; the — bear, Jist. T. ber Heine iBir ; — circles, jist. T. bie ben ©lobus in uiigleidje >£>alften ti)cileiu ben Jtreife. LESSON, s 1. bieSSorlefung, baS 33or= lefefiiid an3 ber s -8ibel ; 2. bie ?ei)re, ber Unterridjt; 3. bie QSorfdjrift ; 4. Se&rfhtnbe, -Stunbc, sBorlefung; 5. bus SernfliicE, bie Slufgabe, Section; 6. bie ©limine ('Jioteii fiir ein muft= falifdjeJ 3njtrument) ; to eive (read) one his (a) — , cinent ben :Tert lefen. To lesson, u. a. utttt nucifcit , unlet* ricbtcn, beicbren. lessor s. ber $eiparbter, SBermietljer. LEST, conj. bamit uid)t, baft uid)t; bait ; I am afraid. — he go away, id) bcfiirdile, er morbte n»eggeb.en. To LET, b. a. 1. laffcit; 2. jlllaffcil, gejtatteit; 3. oermietben, ucrpad)tcu, beth'tbeu ; 4. binberu, abbaiteit; to he — , jn uermictijcit; to — alone, allein laffen, gcroiibren (affen, fibers laffcit ; — me alone, laf) mid) geben ; — me alone for that, bafiir lafi mid) forgen ; — me be, lafj mid) geben ; -o — blood, jinr 5lbev (affen; to — fall, fallen laffett; jv. T-s — mil the mainsail,, .att Io8 ba8 grotic <2e,iel ; — her fall, fall ab ; to — fly, fliegen laffen, lo3 briiden, io3 fdjtefen: — us go, lafit uttS (»tr irolleii) ge&en ; — ns have, gieb itnS ; to — loose, loiS laffen ; befreien ; to — (pass) slip, Sublet*, laffen, eitlwifdun laffen ; :o 938 — sec, fehctt laffen, jeigen; — him speak laf)t ibu 'er mag) rebett ; — me die if I know it, id) 'will t(S Xvt(S fe»n, liu'iin id) cjuieif); to — down, nieberlaffen, henutter laffen, bittnnter fdiaffeil; to — one's self down, fid) berablaffett, bemfttbigeti; to — in or into, bilteilt laffen, citilaffen, Bnlafi verfebaffen ; etnffbalten ; to — otf. ablaffen, lo3 laffen ; Iocs frbtefien ; oev= abfd)ieben; to — out, beraiiS laffen, aiuMaffeii; vevmtetben, ucrpadnen, Bcrleibett; to — out to use anf ^infen ansleiheit ; to — to freight, ciu ©cbiff verfradjten. let, s. in8 ^inberntfj, ber Grinfprnd). I ETCHER, &c. vid Lechkr, &c. LETHAL, adj. tiJMltd). lethality, s. bic ^tevblici)fcit, ber s;ob. LETHARGIC, vid. Letiiargioal. LETHARGICAL, Med. T. (ado. — ly), adj. fdjlaf)ud)tig , — ness, s. vid. Le- thargy. LETHargied, adj. tt'cf eiitgefdjlafert. lethargy, s. Mai. T. bie Setbaraie, Seb I af fnebt, ber franftjaftc ©d)laf, Jtobe«fd)laf. To LETHARGY, v. a. cinfrblaferit. LETHE, s. 1. Myth ber ftlnfs ber 33cr= geffenfjeit, S2ctt)c ; 2. * bie 3Sergeffeit= beit. LETHEAN, a-ij. »crgcffcnb, 9Scrgeffen= beit bringenb. LETHIFEROUS, adj. tbbtlid), £ob »er= iufad)enb. letter. .5. 1. ber Saffenbe, 3nlaffen= te; 2. SOermietber ; 3. + ^iiiberer, aSerbinberet ; blood — , ber »2lberlaf= fenbe. LETTER, *. sing. i. ber 33nrbflabe; •Srnd'lutdiftabc, bie i'ettcr, Sdirift; 2. bc_r bmtftablii-be Sinn ; 3. ©rief, ba« Scbreiben ; 4. bie Urfunbe, SSoll* madit, ba8 -patent; by — , briefJid), fd)riftlid) ; to the very — , bud)ftablid) ; 5. letters, s. pi. bie *E8 1 ffcit fdj.i f ten . \* i t = tevatnr; a man of—, citt ©elebrfer ; proofs before the — , Tijp. T. Slbjlige «0r ber fecbrift (aoant la lettre) ; in compos. — s patent, ( — s overt or open ; — s of grant), off enc f5niglid)c ©rbrei* ben, bffcntliite UrfnnMMt, s lUaje= jiatsbriefe, ^vei,beir« briefe, t?rlanb- nifibriefe, i»atentbrtefe ; —of advice, ber WuiSbrief; — (or power) of at- torney, bie fd)riftlid)e s JSollmad)t ; — of conveyance, ber ^radHbricf ; —of credit, ber (Srebitbricf, ba« (Srebitiy ; — of grace, ( — of protection, — of re- spite), ber eiferne, Srijl*. 9lnpanb8s ober 3lttffcbub8brief, ber ftreibricf ri I. License; — of safe conduct, ber ©eleitsbrief, ©eleitsfdjein; — of mark, ber (laperbricf ; — missive in chanenry, bie SBorlabiiug eincs ^JairS won Seiten oes ?orbianjlert ; dead — , ber tobtc ©ucftftabe, bte unniifee f$n niebts btenenbe) ©cbrift; — bau', ber SBrteffarJ (anf Sd)iffeit); — bearer, — carrier, ber SBrief tr«gep ; — hook, ber '-BriefftelJer; — (-copy) -book, m. k. tas ©rief:@optersSB u i ; — box, ber SBrieffaflen, promne. ©cbaitc'; — brush, Tj/p. T. bie 'Jlb^icbbitrfte; — case, 1. bie SQrieftafcpe ; 2. Typ. T. ber Sebvifttaften ; — citatory, bie ge= rid)tlid)c SBorlabitng, (SbictaUSita= tion ; — f.ider, ba- SBriefftreidjer ; — founder, ber ©d)riftgte§er ; — foundry, bte S(fertftgie§eret ; a — key- ed lock, eiir?llpl)abetfdllof>- ; — learn- ed bnrbgelebrt; — learning, bic Sud)* gelcbrfantfeit; —paper, bai 33rtefs papier; — press, bie J)rnrfeipreffe ; Sriefpreffe ; ber Trnd; — presilbe Sactnf. LF/1TY, s. abbr. »08 Lettice, ?atitifl (Brauenname). leucophlegmacy, s bic 33lcicb= fud)f, weifje ©elbfnrbt. LEUCOPHLEGMATIC, adj. mit ber ^leirbfittt bebaftct, bleirbfiiditig. LEVANT, I. s. bic i'eoante, baS ilior= genlanb. ber Ofl; Qftroinb; H. adj. »on ber ?coante, bftlid). Levantine, adj. jar \!cv>ante gcborig; bftlirb; — good's, lcoantifd)e iQaaren. LEVANTINES, s. pi. bie iknoobncr ber Seoante. LEVATOR, s. vid. Elevator. levee, s. 1. b«s 9lufjteben bc3 3Ror= gen«; 2. ber 3Jlorgenbefnd), bie ^lnf= warning, kci& ^eoe'r (bei Si'nften nnb aiibern bohen ^erfonen) ; 3. Am. ber 9ieu=Drleaui3 (in 8ouittaiK») bogen- fbrntiit nmfd)liefieitbc Stav) ober ,60* fenbainm ; a lady's — bie Toilette : — hunter, ber linenniibcte .^ofi'rbratu level, adj. 1. gleid), cbcn, flad), gt« rabe, n>agered)'t, uuifferrcdjt. ivaffer-- paf> ; 2. jig. aihiemeffeii, gemap, er^ reid)bar; 3. obne jtaitgnitterfcbieb ; to make — , gleid) niadieii, ebenen, nioellirei: ; tolie — to ..cinem Xingt ongemeffen, mit bemfelben gleid (nmffergleid)), fiir baffelbe paff'its fenn ; — topped, B. T. gleid)e .'jibbc babeitb. To level, v. I, o. 1. gleid) madjen, ebenen; 2. flad) madjeii, abtrageii; 3. (—against), rid)ten (gegen). ticleil (auf/; 4. bie Oleicbbett einfubrett; ■to — a cannon, eiuc .R'anouc rifbten ; to — at uad) ober auf ctroaS jieleit, nad) ttmai trad)ten, ftrebeu ; to — out, o T. eiite ?inie bori^outal «er= langern; to — with the ground, ber ISrbe gleid) marbeu, fcbleifen; auf ben Soben roerfeu; to — with ... jig. iibereinftimmen mit . . . ; ii. n. gemaf) fciiu. ba^u fttmmen. level, s. 1. bie ebcue, magered)lc glarbej 2. gletdie .Obbc, ©l'eirbbcii (ceBgletrben be« ©ranbcS) ; 3. bie gerabc Vinie, OeftdjtSlinie, (Sfbufj- linie; 4. 'SBIetroage, SBafferwrtgt, ©e&roage, ©rbrotnxtge, Siieotmagc ; baiS Stiyellirinftrnment ; 9iid)rfrbeit; bic 9iid)ffd)itur; ba8 SRegaf; 5. btc s }lbrn1)t; :Uii1)fuug (bee ©dmffcS), ba« 3iel; to be upon the—, til glcid)Ct .P)bbc ftehcrt ; fig. gcniarbfen feint ; upon the same — , Jig. auf glrtfbem /^ufJe ; to set onc'.i self above the — , ftcb bfiriibcr l)iuaiiofr§cit. LEVEliLER » 1. ber Cblti-t. 11. f. IVV ; 2. fis: Wletebmad)cr, @leid)btityre> biger, Giufiibrcr ber PSIcid) levelling, s. ba« ©bctieii, u. f. »., vid. To Level; O. T ba« •.Uiocllirett ; — instrument, eilt fliyelliriuvlfument, 2Safferpa|i ; — staves, s JJbcllirftabe L1BE LICK LIFE jsvelness, s. l. bo* ©bene j 2. bee gleicbe §5be, OJlcidjbeit. ,riVEN, s. ti/i/. Lkaven. ,',ever, s. bet Jpebel, .ftebcr, .<5cbc= baunt. LEVERET, «. dim. kev jiuigc i§afe, ba8 .£aertKit. LEVER ICK, i. + tic Sercfce. LEVIABLE, «.//. jit erl;ebeit, jiiojiu keben. [jEVIATHAN, ». bet 2c»iatfjatt. LEVIES *. /er JReibjtein. LEVIGATE, adj. U'icbt. crlcidjtctt. IiEVigation, *. tie Sttteibung, has $uleetii. LEVITATION, s. t>aS ?cid)tmacf)eit, bie 8eid)tt)cit, tic getcbtigfett. LEVITE, b. bet 8e»U, i'iad;fomme Se= »i'8. LEV1TICAL (adv. — ly), a///, Icutifd) ; Vricfterltd). LEVITICUS, s. bat tvittc ^itd) 3Rofi«. levity. *. 1. bie Seicbtigfeit 5 2. tor Seicbtfjuu, tie 5latterr)a?tigfeit, Set* anberlicbfeit; bee Unbefiaiib ; bie (SU teltett. To LEVY, r. a. 1. bctcil, Cl'bcbcit (.lllf-= lagea, ©teuetu); 2. ausbeben, wer= bcu, ( — forces), Xmppen bcbcii; 3. anhibcn, aufaitjieii (.itrieg); levying of taxes, tic §feiieterj)ebiing. LEVY, *. 1. bie <&ebung, eifeilb, lictcilid) ; — words, fcbliipfrtge sffiorte ; —ness. s. tic Vic= betlirbteit, Unjucbt, ©eilbeit, ecba nt= lajigfett. lewis, ». Subroig (9Wa«n«nome). LEXICOGRAPHER, s. tee isibrtcrbitd): febtetber, Sicrtfoeji - apt). LEXICOGRAPHIC, ai5r= terbndjc gebfirig, lerifalifd). LEX1C tGRAPHY, e. tic Serifograpbie, ba« Scbreibeii cine* 2Borterbiirb8. LEXICON, *. bati iLuu-tevbud), Venfoii. LEYOEN I'HIAL, 4 -. oid. Electrical jah, iiutce Electric. LIABILITY, x I. fie Unfcnuorfenhcif, SUerantrDortlitbfeit ; i'erbinpiicbjeit, SSeryfiicbrung ; 2. Sfteiguiig, ber LIABLE, rt. a. fd;tift[td) fdjuuibcii, pa8ouillifcii. LIBELLER, *. tcr 8i6eHifl, ^aiSouil- lant, Sdniuibfdn'iftftcUci-. LIBELLOUS, adj. pa^quiliaiilifd). fd>ntabeiit, cbccitn'tbiuv LIBERAL (ade.—vi).adj 1. fretgeWfl, fveifinnig, grogintitbtg, btntbei^i ( L rbcl ; epel geborett; ru^inlirb, cbr- wjiiibig, nnft;iupig, gut, fcbSn ; 2. •nruvtbeiUfttt, uiibefattgen; 3. -f- nit8^ff l ifi'cn, unjufftttg (befontcr8 ini Sprcdjenj; the — arts, tie frcieit JCfinfte. 7b LIBERALIZE, v. a. gvofiy-erjig \m- rieii, cvbebcil. LIBERALITT, *. 1. bie )lrcigcbigfcit, O)rof;imitb ; 2. tic Unbefaiigciibcit, 3'icibiit an 'Borurtbeilcit. 7li LIBERATE, r.a bcficieii, feci laffett. liberation, s. tie 2i3cfreinng, gvei= lafjung, liberator, s . bet Sefreier. LIBERTINAGE, s. -d. Libertimsw LIBERTINE, I *. 1. ter Unfcre sJ3itr= fefce. 8ieber(id)e, SBfiftling; ■>. Per greie, greifleloffenf.So^H etnefl Aici= gclaffciiett; 3. greigeijt; II. ml) nlU jitfret, uiigebunbeii, Inrfer, lict'crlidi, wiift, rurbJoS; freigeiftciifeb. libertinism s. 1. tie Uiige(Mtnten= beit, lorfere Sebeii8art, ?tfberlicbfeif, Siiiulid)fcif, 3Ia8rd)iueifung ; 3ii.\el= loftgffit (te8 fflemiitbesi; 2.bte$rei- bcit tee Slant einc8 Sreien (n>. &.); 3. Sreigeifterei, 3rreligioRtaf. LIBERTY. #. 1. tic 3rcif)cit, 2. ta8 Med)t, $rt»ttegtiini ; 3. bet Scjirf, Spiclrauiii; at — . feci; to be at'—. fi'eie .tpaitP babcit; to set at—. bc= frcieit; — of the press, tic SJJtefiftei* beit; — of trade, tie .'3auPc(;freil)cit. LiBiuiNiST, a. bet SBoUufllinfl. LIBIDINOUS ,'o/fo. — ly), adj. moHfljlifl, gcil, uiijiiditig ; — ness, s. bie S33ols luft, ©cilbcit, UiMurbtigfeit. LIBRA, s .i.-t r. tic SBage. librarian, s. bet ^ib.iotbefar, 23iU djeraufrebcr. LIBRARY, 6-. tie ^ibd'clbcf, ^iieber= fammduig; — keeper, bet ©iieberbe= fitjer; iBiBliotfiefat. To LIBRATE, o. I a. u)5gen ; im ©Ieirt)» gciiudjfc halteii. fdmmiifcn lajfen; II. n.fd)njcben (im ©leirbgewicbte). libration, s baSfflagett. 2d)iucbcn. LIBKATORY, adj. fdm'aiifeiib. LICE. ,s-. [p! VCill Louse) tic ^villfc; — bane ba8 ^aiifefraut. LICENSE ( s 1. tie VieeiiL Sreibeit, obrigfeitfiebe SOemiUigiiiig, ®euebntiguitg, (irlaubnif), Qoneefs Roil, SodlllrtCbt; 2. leiternf — ).ba8 ujatem, pee Svtei brief, 33oUmarbt8= brief. (Srlaubuitlfcbeiii, ffleroerb8= fdiein; 3. tic Jluagelaffenbett, 3««Ul J lofigfeif, ^recbbeii ; —to print a hook. bie "Snicfcrlanbiiiil ba8 3inprimatur ; poetical — , tic tid;terii'd)e ^reibeit ; — for trading (for the keeping of n simp) ta$ .{panbelSprtuileguiin, tie .&aiibe[8gererblfame; — outward* ber firlaiibnitibvicf obet Sdietn jut SBaa renau8fwbr. Tii license, ?•. a obn'.ifcitlid) beroilli= fleil, crlaiiben. inir eiiieni (SrluubltiH= fdieiu Dcrfeijett, 93oUniad)l errbeileii, frci gebcii ; to — a hook, rin sBudj cciiurcii, (Srlanbiiifi ju beffen T^rnrf getu'it ; a licensed book, ct it cenfiftc8 iBueb. i. ii ENSER, ». tcr ©emilligcr ; ffenfor. licentiate, s. tcr 1'iccntiat; praftu fcfie Srjt. 7b licentiate, r. a . frci gcbeit, Vir= Patten. LICENTIOUS (adv. — i.y), adj. . « ■//. ii c f e b I i d> , criaubt ; —ness, ». tie (Mcfefclidifcir. 7b lick, o. ,. |. lecfcii: anflufeii; 2, Mi/?, fdjlagen; beitrettbeii ; to — ip, aufleifcii; Krfeblingeii. lick, *. 1. wig. bet ScBIaa; 2. t« ter Saljqueli, Saljbiimpfei. LICKER,* tcr Siccfcr, ^luflccfcr. LICKERISH r onr, cnent anffauetn ; I'll do what lies in my way, id) IVClPf nieiit 3)25glicbfte8 tf)Uil ; ne much as in me lies, fo oiel a tt in it lic^t, in mei= nen Jlraften ftebt ; .1/ />... to — in a d«al, bod) 511 ileben fommeii. oiel (ofteit ; to — on hand ailf bet "POlA liegen, utrbt«bgebeu; 10 lei a bill — over, eiiicii SBetpfel proteftiren l.iffen ; to — to, jv. ■/: bet liegen, (in cinem Sturme) »or flnfer liegen ; to — un- der, niiteru'orfen I'enii ; to — under an obligation, cine 9?crbiittlid)fcil aut fid; bitben, 511 etiuas uerpfiirbtei fenn; to — und.T cover, .1///. /' VOII 'i^i!fc= rien getecfl fentl ; to — under ilie \cn tiff irbnlp uerpfanbftcn ©egciiftaub, von Seiten bed jnbaberf). LI ENTERIC a ; . Med. T. licntcrifd). »om ©audjflup. LIENTERY, s Med. T. tic Vienfcrit, bet •i'andnlii'"'. lieu, t. bet Siegenbe; Sauerer. LIEU, s in — of, anftatt. LIEUl'ENANCY « I. Pie Vicntciuitits. ftelle; 2. alio ?ienfeiiaiif8 einet Olrt. LIEUTENANT, s tcr ?if litenant ; — at arms. Per im tcrftc Srbiffsliente" iMiit, Per tic STtatrofeu etnerercirt; — of marines, ter •'nclu'ineiMiit ; — general, tcr ©en.rallicuteitfliit; — colonel, ter DbetfllitU tenant; lord—, ter !Qicef5uig. 1,1 ei tt.n an I'SHEP, ». tic Ciruteitantf' (telle. LIFE, i. 1. ba8 ?cbcn ; 2. tic ?cbcn8. 2i9 UGH Jefebreibimg, bet SebenSlattfj 3. baa SMnt; 4. bcr Stailb: (way, or mode of— ),bte8eben«n>eife; 5. iiJunfer= frit, Beb&aftigfeit ; tor— auf Sebeitfs jfit; 1I1H3 Sebett; for the — or me, unb lvcnu t& mit bad Seben foften foUh ; through all — , turd? bit gonjt belebte SRatUt; (drawn) from, by vr to i he — , nacb bcm Seben (oemalt); 'as) large as — , ill VitcuogrpfiC ; still — , bie iijalcrei leblofer ©cgcnftau= be, boS StiMeben; to come to — again, UMCbcr atlflcbcit ; to depart this — , au* ber SBelt fcbetben; to give — to. bclebcit ; — annuities, Scbciiarcils ten, Beibtenten ; — blood, b.*a roarine l?eben«=) S3lut; — boat, baa 3?et= tiingaboot, /. JV. T. bie JRfitfeupaarben ; — long, tvbciia- langlid); —preserver, bie (t\tlticU febe) lebcnte, roafferbidjte >2cbtviniiit= jade : — rent, tie Sicibrcilte ; — string. bet dltv) ; — time, bie Srbciigjeit ; — weary. IcteitaimibC. LIFELESS (adv. — lv), a'j 1. lebloS, ftarr, tobt; 2. fraftloa, nnroirffam, obninaebtig ; — ness, .«. bie Veblofig-- fcit, Jffraftloftgfeit, Uituniffamfeit. t.i lift, v. a. 1. bebcn, aitfbeben (be* fonbcr« etwaS ScbniereS) ; 2. trbeben, aufrtcbten; 3. abbebeu, locgtragcn ; to — at a tiling, an ettuas beben, ea liifteit; to — out, Top T. auabeben ; to — up, erbeben, erbpfceu ; T\rp. r. .11l8legclt; to — up with pride, ftol} utacben, aiifblafen. UFT, ,t. i. bev <0»b, baa .Oeben, Sluf* beben; 2. bie 3lnftrcugiing,itntcrftii= jsung. baa S3e{i eben ; 3. jv. T. baa Jicbfeil, Sdni'ultgtait ; to give a — , to lend a — , fam. beben, ailfbcbcn ; fyr. aufbelfcn ; at one — auf ein 3J}al, vulg. auf cincn £nb ; dead — , bie jtvecflofe Slnftiengung ; ^a& Uueer= mogeit; bie grofie s Jlotb; to help one at a dead — , eiueiit ana ber "Jcotlj bel= fen. LIFTER, s. ber .Ocbeube, (Srbcbcttbc. ligament, s. l. baa Sanb, Sigament, bie Sebtte, glcrhfe; 2. 3aftr, Safer; 3. geffel, atette. ligament al, ) adj. febnig, flccbfig ; ligamentous, $ jaferia., faferig. LIGATION, s. tM sBiitbcit ; bie ©cbim= benbeit. ligature, «. 1. baa ©anb, bie 33inbc ; ber Scrbaub ; 2. baa ©inben ; 3. bie ©ebuubenheit; t vi >. t Cigaturen. LIGHT, I. s. 1. baa Sicbt; 2. baa £a= gealicH ber Sag; 3. bie J&ellej 4. (Srleticbtitug ; 5. ber®inn, SBerftanb; bie (yinficbt. jfeniitutp, fluff la'rung; 5. T. bie Bicbtfeitc, ©clcucbtuitg ; to bring to — , a\\§ Siitf brtltOeH ; to stand in one's own — , fid) fd bit illl Stcbtc fteben ; to give — to, evbelieu ; II. adj. licbf, belle, flar, glan^eub; » comprs. — bearer, ber Jad'eltrager ; — blue, hellblau; — coloured, lirbtfarbcn; — fire, baa belle Seuer, bie diamine; — gray, bedgrau; — creen. viftajten= gelb ; — house, ber Seurbtrbiivm. bie '-Sliife; — house charges. ?eudittbiirm= Jlpfteu; — money, \>a$ 5iMiifengelb ; jv. t-s. — ports, pi. bie Sicbtpforten (eincr ©aleere); — room, ber fir= leuebtiiitgapla^ ber ^uloerfammer. LIGHT (ai/r. — ly\ adj. 1. leiitt; 2. letrbt beiraffttct ; 3. bebeube, flinf, burttg ; 4. flciu, geriuge, uubebeu= 84fl LIKE tenb; biiine ; 5. .V T. itnbclabeu; 6. rtir.K-icbt, matt, fraftloS, pborfKicblicb; f. Ieid>t, [etcbtftiinig, leicbtfertig, pbcit bin; unftdt, terauberlid) : 8. iiufeufdi; — of belief, leicbtglaubig ; — of caniaire. leiitt Jit tl'agcil ; — of foot, leiitt obcr burttg auf ben gutieii • to make — (account) of, or to set — by a thing, etivaa geriuge feba^cn, firb uicbta bavaua uiaiten'; if you don't think — of it, n.H-ini 5ie ea fur ratb= fam balteu, eruftlid) ineiiteii; — upon the hand, Sp. T. leiii)tiuaillig ; — armed, leifbt beivaffllft; — born, Sp. E. leiitt ill bet.SaUft; — brain. ber fabe SJcenfcb ; — fingered, biebifeb ; — foot ( — footed, — heeled), adj. fcijuellfiifiig, fliicbtig ; — goods, leictte (bauimvolleiic) Benge; — headed, gebaufculpa, uubefpitiicii; cberwtfcig, ■ftlllllpa; — headedness, bie ®ebOU= fenloftgfeit, ber Slbcrnjt^ ; — hearted, fvpbliei), frpb, Iuftig, i^pblgcmutb; — heartedness, ber 8rp()ftltU ; — horse, bie leiitte OJeitevei ; — matter, rte Jtleiuigfeit r baa ©ert'ngfitgigc ; — minded, leicbtfittllig ; — reading, bie lluferbaltuiigelecture; — troops, pi. Icirbte £ruvpen. To LIGHT, v. r. a. Icucbteti, crfcurbten ; anjunbett, entflammen ; 10 — a candle, cill Sifbt ailjunbetl ; to — (up) a fire, Seuer anniaiteit, einbeiieu ; to — up, erleuebteit; n. ». l. (on, or upon), treffett, autreffen, ftnben, auf ttxoai ftcyen, Pbcr fallen, geratbeu"; rotbet» fabren, begegnen ; a curse — upon him, ciu glad) treffe ihu ; 2. (from) fteigen (ypit, aua). To LJGHTE.N, r. I n, leucbtcit, bli^cit • II. a. 1. cileucbtcn, erbellcn ; 2. cr= bettern; 3. erieiebtcrn; nualaben;to — a ship, -V. T. eill -ritiff Itfbtctl ; Ibfrbeu. lighter, s. 1. ber ?e;;ci)tettbe ; 2. ber Vicbter, baa Siitterfabrjeug (-Bitiff Sunt ilualabeit) ; — man, bii' 8id)ter= febiffer. LIGHTERAGE, *. M. K. biia ?tct)tCV= gelb, Eicbtcilobu, ^vabmgelb, Uebev= tubrlobn. lightless, adj. obnc ?irl)t, ftufter. LIGHTNESS, ». 1. bie Eetrbtigfeit ; 2. Jpuitigleit, SBe&enbiflfcit: 3. ber Seiebtiinu, bie llubefouneubett ; Uu= beftanbigfett ; 4. Unfcufebbeit; —of belief, bie \ieiittglaubtgfeit ; — of the head, bie ty e i fteca b iu e fen t; c i t, ber ~ilber= V>\%. lightning, s. 1. baa 33ltljcn, ber SBlifi ; 2. baa ISrleiebtern, bie @rUteb« teruug; — glance, ber ffili^ftrabl; — rod, ber SBlifeablettcr. lights. «. pi. bie Sunge (bet ibiere). lightsome, adj. 1. 'lifl)t, bell. fa« 91ebnliebca, fo ctama ift mit nod) udtt Dorgefpni= men, ea ift uneibpvt ; 'tis — enough., ea ift roobl glaublieb, ea febeint fafl fp ; to be — , nabc barau (tin '^egviff > feint; he is — to die, er ittivb ivebl fterben ; I was — to be killed, ieb n\ive betuabe getobtet ruorben; you are not — to see me any more, Sie ivcrbctl mid) (WPbl) fcbaKrlicb lviebevfeben ; I liad — to have forgot it, ieb biittC C3 betuabe oergeffen ; pn>v-e. — will m — , ©leid) unb ©leteb. gefellt ficb gem. To like, v. a. 4- n. gem baben, gem fe= ben, nipgcn, leibcit nibgcn. liebctt, gut fei)u, ©efallen finben an, belieben; how do you — it? uuc gefallt ea ^b= ncn ? I — it well enough, ea gefallt ntir febr, id) bin bantit roo'bl iufiie= beu, ea ift uad) mciiiem ©efebmacfe; such as you — . iiad)3brein ©efcbma= cfe (obcr 33cliebcn). likelihood, ) s. ber ?liifcbciii, LIKELINESS, ) Scbeiit, bie SBabr- febcinlicbfeit ; in ail likelihood, febr wabvfiteiulid;, aflcr SBabrfcbeinlicb* feit nacb. LIKELY, I. adj. angeiiebiit, gefafleub ; II. adj. fy ado. iimbifiteiiiltcb, »er« lllUtblicb ; very — it may be so, lvabv* fiteiulid) ift ea fo ; it is — to rain, e* febeiut ala roollte ea regneti. To LIKEN, v.a. uergletdicit. LIKENESS, s. 1. bie ©leiebbcit, Sle^n« liebfeit ; 2. gopte, baa -^prtvait ; 3 bie sBergleicbung, -^arabii. likewise, adv. eben fp, flleicbfoIH and). liking, s. baa ©efallen, 53elieben,bie Dlciguug, ber SBunfcb; baa SBetlans geu; (good — ), SBoplgefaUen, bie Euft; ©enebmigttng, ©eitebmbals tung; aSoblbclcibtbeit, Scttigfeit to get (a) — , Sufi geroinneit; i ha« r a ) — to it, ea gefallt mil ; to take a — to, ©efallen an etivaa fiiibett ; to your — , nacb 3fctem ©efebmacl; to create a — . ftefe gcfallig macbcii; to take upon — , auf SSetfucy, auf '}kobe ucbnieii. LILAC, r. ber fvanifd)e glieber (5yWn- ga vulgaris — X,.). LILIACEOUS, adj. liliciiartig. lilied, adj. mit Silifu beivadifeit ober gcfcbiitucft. Lilliputian, s. ber 2iUiput;an;er, fleiue Mtvi, col. Stnixpi. LILV. s. bie Silic ; — of the valley, ba6 SRaiblumcben ; — daffodil, bie 9Jar= jifiliiie ; — handed lilicuanuig, jart ; — white. Itlienroeifj. limation. s. baS ?l bfrbIidE>f cit, 5poIt= ren (mit ber Scbliittfeile). ature, s. bie Scilfyatie, ber SeiU ftaub. limb, «. 1. baa ©It'eb; 2. pa. r. ber Dianb (ber lepimeufcbeibe it. f. ». ; cineS SlftrolabiuinS it f. ro.) ; —meal, ftiicfiveife, in Stiiifeit. To LIMR, o. a. 1. mit ©liebern uerfe» ben, glieberu; 2. jergiiebcm, jerftu* cfeit. . LIMBED, adj in compos. Ultt ©liebctn, glieberig; strong—, frufglicberig. limber, adj. bicgfaiii, gefebnteirtft. LIMP fdjtailf; .V Ts. — hoards, pi. bie gitllingSber SRufiergarrn ; — holes, bie fRufierlocber; — irons, pi. bie Siettt wcld)e burrh tie SRujtergateu gcbt; — k.-riiii-.i-.-, CfiiVn taS in ten WfiflerlSdjefu ftart ©allaft liegt: — mpe, baS XaM weldbeS burd) t>ie -)1\\- ftcrgatcu gebt; — stroke, bie crftc pianft am j?ielfcbweiit, worauf tie giiliings bcr SJlujlergaten liegen; n. s. bcr ^rofcwaa,en. UMBERNESS, s. bie SQtegfamfeif, 2cb(aitfbeit. LIMBLESS, adj. bcr ©(icber beraubt. UMBO, ) ... bcr ?imbtiS, bie Sot* Li.Miiusj f)i'lie; ba8 ©efangnifc LIME, a. i. ber geim, SSocjeuetm • 2. .Ivalf, ©feinfaif; 3. bie ginbe; 4. Si= me (cine ','lvt gittone) ; ™ compos. — burner, bcr Jtalfbreniicr ; — gravel, bet ©anbmergel; —hound, Sp. r. ber Spitrbunb, gtir&unb; SauBeller, @autitfce; — juice, gimonenfaft; — kiln, bet ftalfofen. bie Wife; pit bie Jtalfbriibe, -AVildibriibc (ber@crJ per); —sieve, bag Jlalfficb; —spar, bet Jlalffvatb ; — stone, ber StalU ftciu; aluminous — stone, ber s }|!ann= flein ; fibrous — stone, ber gaferfalf ; foliated granular —stone, forittqe Stall ; pisiform— stone, ber (Srbfenftciit, erb= renfBtinige rtalfftein, ©cjafenfal! ; tufaeeoii tone, bcr .ft'alftuff, ^nff= fair, Sufffrciit, ttinbeiiftein, ^itcf-- ftetlt; -- tree, tid. Linden tree; — iwig. bie geimrut&e ; — water, baS Jtalfwaffcr. To lime, v.a. I. rmtf jfaffi setBtitbett: 2. Iciincit, mftSBogeUeim befttetdben ; 3. bcriicfei!, fangeil ; 4. mit .ttalf (®«V«) LIMED, adj. geletmt, leintig. limit, b. bie ©renje, ©c&ranfe, bas ^tel; bie bcftimmre Beit; m k-s 'gcwbbiidrb pi.) bcr ooraefrbriebeiie Jtrei*, bas gimifum. n limit, >■. ,-,. i. ©renjen fefjen, bc= fltenjeii, et'iifcbranfen, befdjtanfeu; 2. etneiigeh (ben ©inn tinea 2Bortcs- befHmmeu, fcfi fefcen. LIMITABLE, adj. pegrenibar, eintu= fcbrSnren. UMITANEOUS, adj. ju bcit ©renten ge&Srig. limitary, adj. jur ©renje bicucnb, bie ©rcitjeausmadjciib; ©renten fe= ftenb. ' ' LIMITATION,*, bie^iufreranfung 33e-- [djrSnfung; bie beftimmte, woes ld;ricbenc 3eir. ^MITED {ado. — t ,v), adj. bcfrtjranFr, itartntt; beftiinrnt: — ness, *. bit SBefcfcranft&eir. UMTTER, s. I. ber ober baS was ©ren= jcn, -Scbraiifcit (tin 3icl; feht; 2. ber sBetteimondj. IJMITLESS, adj (imitcit(r.g. LIMMER, ... ber 6a[bfdMag, 33Icnb: Uitfl (.bcfi?nber« eiu .tpmib' jweicrlci 3Tb limn, v. a. mtt aBalfttfatien ma* leu, illitminiicit; nialeii. LIMNER, s bcr >Waler, iioricaitmalcr. UMOUS, adj. (itlammiii. Iclmtia. Li.MP. I. m/j. fcblanf, biegfamj n.».«rf bAS pintttt ; ho has a — in his gait, et b i uft. To LIMP, r. „. biiifen, labm aebeii, col. bumpellt. UMPER, *. bet fiiitfenbe. LLMPET, ,-. bie SeUermnfdJcI, 92apf.- niUhtel, 9?apffci,neie {Patella). LIMPID, «,// flar, bell, burebficbtia, l i u J? r »«•«; —ness, ,. bie Jflarbett, •yclle, Cictitbeit. UMP1NGLY, ajr. bitifeiib, labm. 70 LING LIMY, adj. I. mtt ?eim befhirbcit, f(c-- ben\i ; 2. falftjj, .Rait enibaireiib. linchpin, ... bcr a^femtageUteSun: ft, Vcbne. LINCTURE, ... bir ifr^citct, welcfie ae= Icit'r wirb, bcr ^ceffaff, bie gerfat= jenet. i.imik.v, ... (_ tree),bicSinbe, bcr?in= benbaum. LINK. ... 1. bie I'iiiic; bcr 5tiicb; 2. Wife gntmatf; Umrig, tic 2fi5; y. Fort bcr Orabett, @rbauf= WUtf; 111. Mi/, t-s. bie Viiiiciitrm." pen : ©cblacfatorbiiung; lJ.betSein, ftlacbS (». i'i.) ; _ of operation, bie ppetafionfllinie ; a— of mountains, etneSebitgafettej — of life, bie ge= beitflltnte , iit bet k 3Irt bes ©efeffiffrt, bas tfad) ; — of demarcation, btc 3)emat: cattonS=8inie ; — of a post, bet ipo* ftenlailf, ^oflfitafie; — of a railway bcr ((gifen-J ©ahmufl: — of steam- packets, tie ©am»rwtfffa^t«=8inie ( ber 3)am»)fboot=5)tenft; — of teie- graphs, tic EEefefjrapben=8ittie ; ship of the — , tnz Einienfdbiff; by— ,m bet©djnittj while — , r V p.T eine leere 3cilc; .v. r. baS iutaetberte buiuie ^au uoti yerfcbicbencr ©tatfe; Ishall drop you a — , iit ii'erbe Ibucit fehretbcit; by your lines I learn, au« 3bttm Wmft crichc icb: MO. Ts. to keep in the—, Srbiitt baltcit; the --turns out. bie 'trupycit oetlanattn fid) m cute gtnte ; to break the — , bcit geittb iiber bctt .tpanfcn wcrfeii. To UNE,« a. 1. bcr ganae liacb befe= fcen, iiberjicheii, bcficitcii, bebeefcti, beefcit; l. ntitei'ftiiljeii, eiiifaffctt, titt.- terit, ausfiitteru, bevlaiifeit; 3. belc= fjen, bclaufcu (Don^Mnben ; 4. Fort mit einem ©ta6en itmjiebett; 5. im Ts. ill eine ?inic fonnireit; to — hedges, to, Stappen binter .tjerfen n. f. ». pojltren. lidneage, ». tic i Stamm=)Stnte : ba« ©efeblerbt, bet @tamm, tie Olbfunff. LINEAL, adj. 1. ant otcr in Viiiicn ; 2. tiaeb ginien flemarbf, abgemeffen, vpr= geftrirben; 3. in getabet gt'nie ab= jtammenb, yermanbt ; crcrbt, ange= flvlllllllt; — consanjuinitv. I.. T. bie ©luttoetmanbfo$afl in anf= otcr ah fteigenbet ^.'mte ; —descent. /.. r bie gtneaUetbfolflej in a — descent, in cierabcr gtnie. LINEALLY, adj. in aetabet ?inie. i,i\i:\Mi:vr. » ber @efti&«jua, 3int. LINEAR, a.// aUS ^illicil bcftcbcnt"; Its nienformig. LINEATION, s. bcr ?iitien:iia, bie gi» niernng, Untecftrtitbuna. ' LINEN, i ■ tie grinwanb, bnsgeinen bte SBafdje; n. a ,i;. leineii, pfirbfen; letnwanben; m compos. — cloth bie getnwanb ; — draper, bcr geinwanb» otcr 3lii8ffbnitt»aaftnhiiinbler; — drapery, — trade, bet geiuwanb6an= bel ; — pinchers, ( — tweezers), bit geinroebetjanfle; — prover(— teller). bas geiumanbmifrosfop |ut SBefiints mung bcr Seinbeit bttfclben ; — wea- ver, tcr gemweber. LING, ...ber gebJrtK StocFftfd), Jllipbs nidi ; — W ort, bie Angelica, -iU-njt- ronrgel [jbtgetUa — /.. . To MNGER r. I. n. 1. naeb nub itarb abjc^rcit, fd>mad>ten; 2.weilen, bar= LIPP rcti; 3. iSgrrn, Wiibern, unfdjlufRfl fern; aiiftcbeii. Ticb befinnen ; n. a oetlangern, bi'iauSjiebrn : to — om one's days, feint Eage buintniadjtcu. LINGERER, #. ber 3>mterer. LINGERING {ado. — it), adj. matt, mmacb, jaubetitb, langfain; (ana* toeiiig. LINGET, * (Linoot) oid. Im;i r LINGO, ... mdff. tic 2pvadu. LINGUA-DENTAL adj. 0>at mit bet 3unge anbben J.ibncii jualcich aus- aoyiTdKii wirb. ungual, adj jut 3itnge gr^dtiaj — muscle, bie 3ungenfle4)fe, bet 3on» rtciinuisfcl. LINGUIST, ... tcr Sprarbfuntiac, Vni. guilt. LINIMENT, ». bat Viiiimcnr, bie bfiniu «albe, ber (Balfam. LINING, ... baS Auttern ; gutter, Un* terruttcr; .\- y., __ f the bow, tit vliifci-AiitreritiKi ; _ f a sail, tic i'ertoppeliiiia, emrt Segel*; — of? ship, bat .Jafchvcrf, bie fflenet cinc^ ©djiffeS, KINK. ... 1. baS ©it'eb (einer.Uctrc , tcr OTtng; .ttiieteii; 2. tie Jtette, baS Sanb ; 3. bie ateibe, go)lu^fofge : 4. bie SJJedjfacfel ; _ boy, bcr Aadcl = Iraget; — buttons, botoiielte £emb< ritbvfe. To LINK, r. I. a. felfcn, DerBinben ; ver= einigen; II. n. )ici) vcrbiinben,' v>ev= fcttcn. LINNET, ... bcr glad)8ftnl,^anfling. LINSEED, ... oid. Limtskks, miter Lw, linsey-woolsey, i. ... bie S3eiber= wanb, ber ^etermann tReug nut AlacbS nub SBdIIc obet and) juweileii SaumwoIIe; ftan|iJjtf(t II. adj. I. balb Icincu, halb woUeil ; 2. jig. fcftleebf, ycrarbtlid;, lud. we'ter Aiht nod) gleifd). LINSTOCK, a. bie 3untvutl'c, tcr 2uiu tcmtinf. lint, .. bet glatoS; biegeju)>ftegetn> want, STOeifiel, SBunbfajtt, gbatvit ; — seed. ber geinfamen ; —seedcakes getnfud)nt; —seed oil, bat geinol. LINTEL, c. bieCbcrfd)iveIlc, bcr Stmt reinet SC&ute). Ki« )N. .. ber gfiroe ; Richard the — heart- ed, jJiicnarb gowenhetj; the linns, pi SBunbetttiim j SDtetrmutbigfeiten ; ni compos. — "s den. bie gowengrutje ; — leaf (— Vpaw . bet Voiocnfuf; i i. r „tiea — I..) : — e-foot, tcr crelintt gSmenfug ICatanauche — Li; mouth, ter gSweliratben (. ItUirrhinum — J..); — mettled, L6weniUUtbig; — -s-taii, bcr gomettfd)iuanj /■ Leonurus — /. ) ; — 'stooth, ber «ij> wenjabn Lmaodm — /,.). i.i« iM'.ss, s . bie Veiviiin. LIONLIKE, ado, Wl'e eiu gowe, Ioivciir arttg; — courage, bet v'iiipciimiitb. kii*. ... 1. bie I'ipvc, gefjej 2. bti ;)Io§ tu 2Por. ten gut, jungenbreffbetifch ; —labour, bas biopt o»cutwa v ; — salve, bit gippenpomabe ; — wisdom, eitlu SBottgepranae. /',, UP, b. .i finTci!. LIPOTHYMOUS, nh. ohiimacJHg; Obninadjt oetutfarbeub. UPOTQVMY, ... bie Dbniuatfct. UPPED, adj. in compos Viprcn babtno great — . groBUifiuIig, u. t". w. LipprruDE, . ba« 5lugeutrieftt. J4I LITE ulQUABLE, adj. frbmelsb.U. 7b LIQUATE, r. ,,. fc^meljen, jcrgdictt (to. it.). LIQUATION, )s. 1. b LITT literature, s. bic Siterafur, ®e- Iclnfantfcit. LITHARGE, «. bic Sletglatte, ber iMeifd)aum; —of gold, tic t s )pltglat= tc; — of silver, bie ^ilbcrglattc. lithe, adj. biegfam, gefdnncibtg. LITHENESS, s. bic iyicqfamfeit, ©e= fd>ineibtgEett, ©d)taitfbctt. LITHESOME, adj. biegfam, gefd)mci= "*• ~ . ,.\ L1TIIOCOLLA, s. ber i&tcttlfltt. 7b LITHOGRAPH, v.a. litboqrapbircn. lithograph, s. ber ©tciitabbntd. LITHOGRAPHER, s. ber -2tctnfd)itci- ber (in Stein); ©tetnbrucfer ; 2itl)o= graph, ©teinfef^reiber. LITHOGRAPHIC (— cal) (adv. — ly) adj. (itbograpbt'fd); — prints, ©tciuab= britrfc, yitboqrapbicii. LITHOGRAPHY, s. bic ?itboqrapbic. ©tetttfd)reibittig ; ber ©tetnbrnif ; bic ©tciufd)uetbcfitii|t. LITHOLOgist, b. ber itcittfcnttcr. LITHOLOGY, s. bic Sfetufitnbe. LITHOMAXCY, «. bic iBabrfaijuitg auS ©tcineti. LITIIONTRIPTIC, adj. & s. S. T. belt (53lafcn=) ©teiit jerrcibenb ober jer« ntalmenb. Lll'lIONTRlPTOR, s. S. T. ber Sitbo^ tritor, ber Sourer obcr bic, Krone jttr 3crftbrung bcS SlnfenfieinS. li phontripty, s. s. t. bie (Q3Iafen=) ©teiujerpininevung, baS ©teinjer; ma I men. LITHOTHOMIST, s. s. T. ber (53[afeit=) ©tetnfcbiteiter. LITHOTOMY, s. S. T. bte J?llltft, belt (Slafett-) ©teiit 511 fc^neibeit; ber ©tcittfebnitt. . LITHOTRITOR, ». vid. I,itiio NT riptor. LITHOTRITY, s. vid. Lithontripty. Lithuania, s. ba« ©rog&erjogt^um Sitbaitcit. Lithuanian, i.s. berSttbauev ; ll.adj, litbattifcb. lithv, adj. biegfam, gefrbmcibig, fanft, mcicb. litigant, i. adj. wv @crid)t ftvcitcnb, j)rojcffteenb; the — parties, bic ftreU tenben Xheile; n. s.ber in cincn'^ro= jcfj SSermicfelte, ©trcitfiidjtigc. 7b LITIGATE, b. a. <$■ n. prOjeffttetl ; »or @crtd)t ftreitcit; in ciucn ^ro= jcfi uermidclt fepn ; beftrcitett, »er= fcrbtcn. litigation, x. ba« Sprojefftren, ber s 43fojcf?, 3ted)t5baubc(. LrriGIOUS (adv. — ly), adj. 1. prp$rf.= fiid)tt ( L ftreitftid;ttq; 2. ftreitig mors iibcr pro5efftrt »trb; — concerns, ©trettfaebcu ; — pmund. ftreittger Sicfer ; —ness, s. bie ©trcitfud)t, v ^ro= jetiiufbt. litmus, 5. bas 8atfmu§. LITote, s. Rh. T. bte ^ciflcineritng. litter, s . l.bic©anftc; ©ab,re; 2. ©trcu ; ©trobbecfe ; 3. ber SBurf, Safe, bic SBrnl (Scbwciite, >vficbfe, u. f. ro.) ; 4. bic Uuorbiiunq, ber SBirrs mavr; at a — , rig. liturgifd). LITURGY,* bie £ifitrqie, ber JEtrd) mictbnttg (eitiel ^3fcrbe«) ; 5. bit Si' urcc ; — indeeed bie mirElirbe Ucber- gabe eincr Satibcret; — in law, bM Ucbergabe bttrd) SBorte tin ©eftc^t* 1 bcrciitc bc3 93efifctbiimeS ; to receiva — , fibenifbmeti, in 43eftft itebmen : w sue one's — . bic Uebcvgabc crerbtft ?cf)ftt nacbfititei; ; to keen horses ••»'■ LOAT LOCK LOGG —, SJlietbpferbc batten ; — horse, bag fat gullet gebalfene SPfetb; — lace, bie sBanbttejfe, Sioteebotte ; — man, 1. bet- SBebicnfe ; 2. sSSablmann, SBablbutget, burger cincr 3unff(in goilboltJ ; — stable, bet -A'i iethftali. To liver YT, v. a. cine ttorce aujiehen. LIVES, s. v L UPI1 Life; — of the Ro- man emperors. bic \:ebcugbcfd;reibuns gen bcr rbimfrhcu Jiaifcr. livid, adj. fi$t»atj(jelb, braun mtb bliu, bUtfjbiau, wettetbfatt, eutfarbt. LividitY I ■■!■ + bie fcbroarjgelbe UVIDNESS, $ gatbe, (intfarbuug (toie buvch emeu Scfola t ^. LIVING, i. adj. lebcub, Icbcnbig; 2. Etafttg, t&attg ; n. s. 1. bag Sebtn ; 2. bet Uutetbalt, ba6 SSetntogen ; 3. bie SPfriinbe, 4>farrc, ©telle; die—, pi. bte 8ebcubigeil ; to be still in the land of the—, uuter bcu Sebenben (nod) am Ccbett femi; to make a — , fein 2lugf Oltimett bflbett ; she gets her — by.., fie etnabrt lid) mit.., (obcr son . j ; — coals, gliihcube .Rol)lcu. UVINGLY, ado. bci (feiltem ge&en, fci= ncit. u. f. ».) Sebjeiten. LIVONIA, s. (*<[■$ .getjogtbum) 2icf= [anb. Livt >nian, i. s. bet StcftSnbet ; II. adj. licflaitbifdi. LIVRE, s. ber £iorc. livv, s. Viuiug (2)lanugtiame). ggSfifj ^ Mi*. LIXIVIUM,*, bic gauge; baSSUfaK. LIZARD, s. bie (5tberf)fe ; — fish, bcr ■IWuferalfcn ; the facetan — fish, bcr SBaffermolcb; the lesser — flower, bag ftiufeiibe .ftnabenfraut ; — 's tail, ber (Sibechfeufcbiuaut, [Saurimu — L.) ; — stone, bet (liberbfcnftciu. LIZZIE:. s.(din oou Elizabeth), 2tcS= cben, Ciegbetb (Bftanennarae). LLEWELL1N, s. Seoneliug (,Dianiigna= me). LO ! int jterje ! fdmu ! LOACH, «. bie Sebmerle, ©umbel. LOAD, *. bie tabling, (cid. Loading), SSuvbe, 2aft, ©cbwere ; — stone, bet SUcaguet: — water-line, bie Sabcs 2Baffer=?tuie. 7b LOAD, v. a, 1. labeit, bclabcn ; 2. ftberlabert, oetwirren ; 3. Typ. n. bc= frhrocrcu (ba« papier); loaded dice, auf einet ©eite befdjumte (gefiillte) SButfel. LOADER, s. bcr Sluffabet, ShtflSbet. W > IlDing, 8 l. bie Vabuug ernes' Sdjifs fed, u. f. n>. ; 2. SQetlabung ; to be — for.., in Vabung licgeu (laben) nacb ..; — for this place, itt Cabling auf bier; a vessel (lying in) — , cia iu\!a = buna, liegenbeg SdjifF; without — , uubelabett; book of — , baSSracbt= bmt. LOAF, s. (/>/. i.oavks) ber ?aib, bag (otii) SSrob; a — of sugar, ettl 93ti>B Surfer, ijuicrbut; — sugar, bcr .§>ut= jucfet. LOAM, «. bet Sebnt; Stitt. /bLOAM d. «. mit 8ebm ubcrfd)iiiie= vcu, vciftrcidicn. LOAMY adj. lehntii], lit 1 1 Ccbiu be- fcbiuiert. 'J > \N, s bic (— Of money, 0>V(b = ) ?lll= 'eihe ; ba-s Tavlcbit; (Seborgfe ; to [mi out to — , ait^leibcii, oerleibeu (©elbet) ; a government — , cine ©taatMlnletbe ; — (Hee or bank tor loans, bit ?eibbanf, baS 8et^6ou8j — officer ber 8et^«u8beainte. r,> loan, v. a anlet&eit. iOATH, adj. abgciicigt, unwiHig, uu= qern; i am — to ii.) it, id) ll;ue ti jitgcrn. To LOATHE, r. „. efeln, ancfeiit, ?lb= ttetgurtg unb SEQibetrotUcn eiitDjtnbert, ficf> cfeln ; baffen, scrabfebeuen, mit fefel betradjten ; I — it, e» cfelt nitr ficb cfle inidj! baoot. LOATHER, s. ber t'icb Cfcdibe. loathful, adj. cfclbafr, nefiafftd ; aebaft, »etab|d)eut, b^affenb, »etab= fd)CUCllb. LOATHINGLY.arfo mit(5fel, (icbaffig. LOATHNESS, s. bic Unrotlligfeit. LOATHLY, ado. mit SBtbetroillert loathness, s. bcr (Sfel, SBibetwille, 3lbfrbeu. LOATHSOME [ado. — ly), adj. cfclfviff, oerbaft, uerabfrf)eut; — ness, s. bie gfelbafttgfett. D IB, s. ber SBaiiet, ©robiatt, Tsfc.^cl ; — <«• — worm, ber SJtegenroutm ; — lik.-, plump, grub. To lob, B.O. trage ^iiifaHeii obet b'iii= gen laffcu. lobby, *. boS SSorjt'mmer, bie 83ot« balle, bcr ©efellfcbaftSfaal ; —cloth, bie A'lurmatte. lobe, s. 1. bic cine fialfte ber ?uttge obcr bcr Seber, bcr Sungenfluget, ?e= bcrfliigcl ; 2. happen, ba8 ^appebcit. lobster, s.bcr Rummer, "iDJecrfrebS. LOBULE, «. bai v vappd)cii; Suitgett; lappdjen, ber Cungenfliigel. LOCAL, adj. fofal, brtlid), rauiiifid) ; — concerns, oid. Localities ; — dis- eases, Di't«fratif(H-itcii, enbenrifebe .UriinEbcifeit; — knowledge, bie 8o« falfenutuiiJ ; — medicaments, bic OU= fierlidjeit ilrjnetmtttel. LOCALITY, s. bie Vofa'.itat, Dertlicb= feit, Or;jbcfd)affcnheit, SRaumltd)= feit ; localities, pi. brtlidjc 33otfalle; Sofaberbaltniffe. LOCALLY, ado. bent Ortc narf). To LOCATE, v. I a. 1. ftcllctl, Jllfailt: nicnftelieir, 2. bie ©renjen von s ^ a it = bcrcien buicb SlllSmcffeil beftimmcit; II. ?i. fid) uicbcvlaffen, anficbeltt. LOCATION, 8. 1. bie ortlidie 8«flC; ©tellung; 2. ba« Slueineffcn, SBe* ftimnicn ber ©tenjen etltefl Vanbflri= d>e8; 3. bet butfh utfunben befttmm= te Sanbflrict). LOCH, 8. ifdiott.) bcr ©ce. U h ii \iu:i; AXE ••>'• bie ©tttit«it (bcr ©itottcu). LOCHE, aid Loach. lock. s. 1. bag ©rbtofi; 2. bag ©cbkui'nibrctr, ©djutjbrett; (— weir). 3Bebr,bie Sdilcnfc; 3. ©vantt= fettej 4. V'oifc. Alocfe : 5. ber Dtucf, ©riff, jTunfrgriff beim SRtngeit ; under — ami key, Hitter 5dllofl llllb Sites gel; in compos lock chain, bte •§emnt- fetic ; —dues, bad Srbfcufengelb ; — furniture, ©fblpftbcfcblagc ; — keeper, bcr Sdjleufenntetftcr ; jcanatmarter ; — pi s, Min. T. ■2tempe[ ; — sil, bcr Sdjleufeitbtempet ; —smith, bci Sdjloffct; —up house, ba* ©tocf= baug,©efanguif j —up yard, bev ©e= fiingiiifthof. 7b LtM'K. e. l.a. 1. fd)[ic|"cu, verfdilic= fu'ii, jufitlieficn, jiimaitcti ; 2. Ikiii = men icin ERab ; 3. mil Scbleufen berfebftt; io — in. ctufcfjltegen ; to — out, augfcbltefjeit, angfperren ; to — up. . firh frijlteSeit, sttetnU gen, in ciiiauber cingveifen. LOCKAGE, «. bag Scbfeufengelb, bcr ©djleufeitjotl, bag Sdjleufenroetf, LOCKER s. 1. bcr Srbubfaftcn, Srbtanf; 2. bai [SBotratbSO ©e= baltuif) (befonbetS auf Sdjtffen) ; — gowtens, bet fiipe .^abucufuS {Trot lius — .). LOCKET, s. bag 2d)toprbcn. fiafJd)e« Vlrmbaiib, ,Ulciiiot>; SUhbaillon. LOCKRAM, i bie grobc ©acfleinmanb. LOCKY, adj. locfig. Lnc i. ,,, compos. — motion, bag Scr» mOjjett bcu Dtl }u oetfinbetn; —mo- tive, the — motive faculty {or locomo- tivity), bie Jlraft frciroiiliger 8et»e= flung ; —motive engine, bie ^OCPIUO- tios (laufenbe obcr ortocrvii:bernbt (Santpf;) 2Rafrhine, bcr I.tuu'-- >Wafcbinen=tH}afleii, Dampf?) 3ug= SJaflen, Sfhlevv=S!Baacit. LOCUST, s. bic .Ocufcbrecfe ; —tree, bcr .»3eufdnccfenbaiiin, bic (amettfa= niutc) x'lcacic; the — s. ;-.'. bie antes rifanifdjen Slcacienroalbet, lode. .».bcr 3Rinenrjang. LODESTt 1NE, oid. uuter Load. 7b i.i >DGE '•• o. &■ n I, logiren, n>ob= licit, licgeu ; 2. bebcrbevgen, ciuauar= ticreii, ciulegcit; eiiifclucii; 3. SRat&U lager uchmcu ; 4. lagcrn, uicbcrlc= gcu; 5. umlegcu (line '.Rout '.'on fliu gen obet ^agel ; (i. ficb (agetu, biu.- bniigcu, cim'tcif cu, eillfltaben ; 7. lc = fefttfleft, feftfe^en; 8. in 83er»a6= tung acbcu; .u. — b credit, ci = ncii etebit (bet Sernanb) etoffuen ; to — money, ©elbet («uf .O'.'poibcfj auelcilicu, belegen; to— in the wan boos,', a\q bag Saget btingen obcr ncbllicu ; to — bank-notes in a pocket- book, SBanfuotrn in einc iBrteftafcbe ftectcil ; to — information, 33erid)t ab = flatten, ciltgebeU; the corn is lodged. bag .Uont t ft eingcfabrcii. LODGE, 8. 1. bie *!oge; (free ma — ), bie 8rretinautet=Soge ; 2, baj Serfainmlunggbaug ; bic .Oiittc, bal .Oaugcben in ciitcm ^Jarfe, Aorftc ; 3'. ^!ager (beg .frtrfcheg, u. f. n. . LODGER, s. bcr 3Jlietb(S)mann, S8« li'obucr, ^auSgenop; SSerroabrer. LODGING, 8. bic Sffiobnung, ba gig ; Kagetll ; to have money — with . . ©elb ftencit babcu bet . . ; a night's — , eiu 9larhfauavficr ; to take lodgings, ciu Sofltg licbmen, fid) ciu- mietben ; — knees, .v. v. SEBiuEelfaie. LODGMENT, », I. bic 2tellung, 8age ; 2. ©annulling; Slufbaufung ; 3. fort bat Sogement, (Siugiabcii, bi« SBerfcbanjung. Lt irr..-' ba* Stocfmeil ; obetfte <=tocf= rocif, ba - SBoben ; —rem, ber Qoben* ting. LOFTINESS, s. bie -Oobe; Prbaben= beitj bcr Stol*, .fiodmiuth; his — . fcine .toobcit Ettel be8 ©toftultan*). L( HTV [adv. — ii.y», oniEleinc, Sd)lujsfuube. LOGICAL adv. — ly), adj. Icgifrb, fcbluimcbtig, in berSogtf beWanbert. !.: ;;,\: 'IA.Y t. ter Vogifcr ; — like, UMC cat Sogifer; fpifcfiiibijj. LOGISTIC, adj. logillifd); — logarithms. .3r. r. geroiffe bet aftroupinifdicu See rccbnuugen ublicbe ^ogaritbmcn. logomachy, «. ter iilortftreit. LOHOCH, Lohock, s. Med, T. ber 03ruft= fart, Setffaft. loin, ». sing. ba« genbenftfict, 9tic= rcni'tiicf; —of veal, tcr Jtalbenic- rcubratcn; — s, s.pi. bie Scntcti, bafi JttCHJ. LOIN ED, c/j. z'n compos, mit Seilbctt ; weak — , Icutcttlabm. To loiter, o. n. jaubem, jSgera, tatl= bclit, trotcln. loiterer, s. bcr 3'i'^f «* '. S«ulen= jcr ; SMpigganger, 4? ft«.i fier r re te r. To loll, v. i.n.i. trage (an ober auf etroaS) icbncn, liegen obet bangnt, fid) tebucii, ftvccfeit, rV?. rcfeln j to — upon a bed, fid) tm ffijetfe ftreden, ber 9tube pflegen ; 11. n. beraiisbeiiw gcu laffeit, auSftrcden (bte 3"»gO- LOLLARD, s. ber Sollatt. LOLLARD Y,s. bte ?el)ve 2T>iclijf'«". Lombard, *. ter Sombarb. LOMBARDIC, adj. lombarbifd). LOMBARDS, s. pi. tie 8ombarben. lombardy, s bit Sombarbei; — poplar, bie italiemfd)e pber Sp^ramU teiuHappcl. London. 1. s. (bie ©tabt) Contort; n. a'lj. fon Souton ; lontner; — gazette, tie engltfcbe ■gpfgeitung ; — pride, ber Steillbwd) '(Saiifraga. — /..). Londoner, s. co>. ber Sonboner. Londonism. ». tie leittncr 3Hunb«rt, tcr loutuer Dialect. LONE, adj etufant, eiiucfn. loneliness. )s. tie (iinfamfeit, 3lb= loneness, $ gefcbictenbeit; ber •&aug jut (iinfamfeit; bie 2)icnfd)cH= fd)eu. lonely, aij cinfatn, abgefebicben. lonesome {,idv. —hY),adj. einfam.ab= gefd)icten ; — ness, s. vit Loneliness. long, adj. I. lang; 2. voeitfcbroeiftg ; gebefjnt ; [angfain; 3. langroeilig. fatigroierig ; in the — run, am (Stite, Clltlicf) ; prev-s. to go one's — home, in tie (Jipigfeit fieben, fterbeii; 'tis as broad as 'tis — , C3 ift OlIlcS cittS ; to draw the — bow, mit bent gropen SReffe* fd)iteiteit ; M. E-s. to draw at along date, lang- ficbtig) jieben ; — (sighted bills, (bills at Ions dates.) t a tt - ge 2Bed)>"cl ; _ boat, bas grope 03opt, bte JSarfaffc; — boat of a galley, bas" ©aleerenboot, SBrifdt>tff chief ©a= ; ?ere; keeper of Hie — boat, ber SBooiSrodcbter, ^aoian ; — bow, bie grope '.'Irmbrnfl ; — cloths, oftinbi- |d)c Srudfattutte; .6anbfudj=1)rell ; — clothes. /rucffcbrifti : — shanks. i„ulf« nmfeben ; to — over, tnrdtfeben, burcbgeben ; to — to, erblidcti; bars auf feben, $iu'cbcii, in 9ld)t neonten ; to — to one's self, fur fid) fclbft for= gen ; to — up. anffeben, in tie ■656c feben ; .v. B. aiiffrlilagen (r>om SJJiets fe) ; tm Stetgen fe»n ; to — up to one, auf einen (aU ein SRufter feben; II. a. 1. turd) ten ^licf auetnicfen ; 2. turd) ten Slid beiviifcn, uennogen. LOOK, .«. 1. tcr iMid ; 2. b«S '.•(nfeben, 3lugfeben; tie®ettalt; look-out, tie 9hiifid)t; ber?ug=iii9=Sant, tie SBar* te ; ?auer, 2I?ad)e ; Sea Ivng. ber ?hi5= gud; to be on the — out, auf tcr Saner liegen; to keep a good — out, ety wjacbfamcS -iliige babcit, fid) roobl voi^ben, lnobl atiSgurfen ; — out man, — out watch, bcr '?lu?gudet (auf bem SSormarS , tcr DJJaftiuad)= tcr, tic ^ht;ud)tii.'acbe. LOOK, int. fieb! ficb ta ! febct! LOOKED, pirt. gefe()cu, ; — for, erroartet ; not— for, unermartet. looker, s. ter rocldn-r ftcbt, (i'e.) icbaucr, i^eobarbtcr; — on, tcr 3n= febauer, 5>eiftcbcute. LOOKINGGLASS, s. tcr Spiegel ; — maker, tcr Spicgcliuaebct J — plates, ©ptegeltafeln. LOOM, *. 1. tcr ©ebcrftubf, 'Scbcr- baum; 2. bas SBerf^eug, ^auSgeras tbe; 3. bie Pontine, &alb-Qtttt; — gale, .v. T. tcr frifdje SBQtnb, tie iUahmregel=Jtuble. To LOOM, B. n. .Y T fid) UlltCUtiid) ill bcr 5'crnc jeigen, fiditbarvocrtcn son Sant oter Jtiifie), anftbiin ; that _ship looms a great sail. biffcS Sd)iff fiebt fcbl" groji C>.\\~. ; she looms larce after the wind. t.i» Srhiff frheint mit 'i^ad= ftagswinb ju fcgeln. LOOMING, s. .V T. Hi 2iditburu.n-.-= ten, tic (iiiftetfiing be§ SanbeS, bit £ant--9uibe; the — of a ship. t.U Sid)tbarroerben (Cfrfcnncn) tcr Aorm cine3 Sd)iffe8; the — of the land ii high above water, i-0.9 ?ailb jeigt fidl bo* iibcr tern SSaffer. loon, s. tcr SBengrt, 5ant. loop, s. i. tie Scbnur, 9lnnbfd)nur, i'ortc; *sran f e; Sfblinge; 2. tei Slocf gefebmotjenes (fifeu, tie Sup= Ve; loops, pi Cefen, 5liti^cn ; — hole, ba* ?pit, ©ucflocb, bie Deffnung; 2d)ief;ntarte ; Spafte, ber 5Tti§; tit Srbluft, Scblucbt ; fig ?lu?fiud)t ; — holed, mit Sbcbcrn, mit Sd)ie^fcbar= ten; — lace, tie SBortC; — maker, tcr SRofamentirer. Tn loose, )•. 1. a. lofen, auflofen ; be= frcien ; lariren ; to — a sail ein Se= gel loSmaihett; II.». bie .'Infer lidjten. LOOSE ladi: — ly). adj. 1. IPS', Ipder, fitlaff; 2. unverbunben, unjufain- menhdngenb, vereinjelt, jerftreut; 3. unbeftimmt, frbwaiirenb ; 4. licter* lid), atiJ'Vbivcifcnt, unEeufd),^tnjud>* tig. fcbliipfrig, (p»'c ; 5. tiasblafftg : f>. weitbleibig, losletfcig, stublgang ba= bent; to bans — , fd) I a ff baugen.' fd)lcppcn; to let — , lo5 laffen, in ^reibeit fefcen ; to set — , fid) lol macben ; loi fomnten; to grow — . loSiuerten; lieberlid) roerben ; a few — shillings, eiuiae cinjtlue Scbilliu* LOSE LOVA LOW gt ; — articles, Iofe 2Saarctt, SJaaren chne Qjinballage ; — bodied gown, eiue [cicbtc ©eglcitttug ; — gown, bet gcfclafrocf; —ice, ofttnti (fabrba= rcej (via; —limbed, gcleiifig ; — avers 2nvfd)ivcitccr; — money, f(ci= nes (einjtlncS) ©elb; — music, SHo* ten in lofen reinjeinen) Slattern ; — papers, einjelne, jevftrcnte ^apicrc; — strife, bci' iiifibortft) (Lysimachia — /,.); creepins —strife, ta§ pfennigs frailt ; podded — strife, bae SBetben* fratlt ; spiked or purple — strife, bcr braime JBeibcrid). LOOSE s. bic ©eblafffjeif, ftrcibeir, (§ntlaffuttg, V.o«laffiina, ; to given — to one's indignation, fciiicm Untvillen 2uft m ache it. 7b LOOSEN, r.l.n. I. IoS nut Ant, 115= fen, anfniad)en ; '2. aiiflocfent; 3. vtadilaffen ; 4. befreien ; 5. larircn ; ii. 7i. loagcljcit, aufgefaen. LOOSENESS, s. 1. baa Sogfe^lt, ?ocfcr= feint, bic Uiigebiiiibcnheif,' @(6l«ff= licit; Socfethett; 2. bcr Vcidufinn ; 3. Siebetltcbt'eit ; Unjfidjttgt'eir, 3ii= gcllofigfeit; 4. bee Turrbfall. 7b LOP, d. ./. befdmeiben, behaucii, ab= often, fappen (SBaume). LOP, *. bie (anagcfdinitfencn) Bwcigc, 2lejte; — sided, einfeittfl, f chief. lopper, ». bcr PBaumfcbneiber. LOPPINGS,*' pi. bieaba.ebaitcnciiv'Icn'c. loquacious, adj. gcfrbivaljig. fchiva|$= baft; — new, ». bte ©efdjroa&igfeif. LOQUACITY, .9. bie ©cfchivafcigfcif, Scbumfebaftigfeit. lord, s. 1. ber §etr, Sotiocraiit, 2Jconard); 2. Xvtrann ; 3. SPait; my — , guabigcr >§ett; — of the manor, bcr SHittcrgutebcfi&er, @ruub v err, 3iitaf)crr ; — of misrule, rid. Misrule ; in the year of our — , tilt 3abte bea .£>erv!t (V. c. nacb, Sfjrtftt ©eburt) ; the — of the year, Astral. T. bcr rcgicrcnbc planet ; — have mercy upon us, <£>crr evbanitc bid) (infer; — chamberlain, — Chief justice, &.C. ; rid. UtttCV CHAM- BERLAIN, &.C ; — paramount, ber Obcr = Icbcnsberr; the house of lords, baa Cbcrbane (im ^ai'lamcnt) ; the — 's house, baa J,3aua bea fierrn, ©ottce= baue ; the — 'a day. bet lag bea 'Oerrit, ©oiintag ; the — 's prayer, bae 3?ater= unfer; the — 's supper, baa 2lbcnb= in a hi ; — like, line cin Sittft, ftolj, btrtifrb, gcbietcrifd). to LORD, p. I. v. ben ?orb niacbcit, hcvvfrbcit ; II. a jinn Serb crneitiicit ; to — over, bebctrfcfteit ; ©cbieter fpielen. LORDLINESS, ». bic -Oobcit, 2tattticb> fcit, ber rtoU, .JDOdjmutfj. LORDLING, ». J>di Vorbcbcit, .ftcrrrben. LORDLY, adj. .c- ado. ivic ciu Aiirft, ftattltcb; (jerrifcp, voriubm, ftolt. Lordship, 5. bie.tjenfdiaft; vour — , S». .Ocrrliehfcit (ala Sitel ctitcS Vorba obcr iKiditers), LORE, s. bie Jtuiibc. Jtcnntttijj, Sehrc, Unterroeifung; Arbeit. To LORICATE, v. a. ubcrjiclicN, ver= p .intent. lorication, ». bas SBeroetfen (9?e= rappcu) bcr SBfinbe mit illiovtcl; baa SSefrbkgen bcr Sftetorten (mit \!cbm, u. f. iv.) bcim ^cftillircit. LiORLMER, ». + bcr Sporer. LORIOT, a. bcr (MriiuiVcdit. Lorraine, *. i!otl)rittgcu. To LOSE, r.n.A-n. 1. vcvltcicn, >ocr: fpiclcn, eiitbtipcn ; 2. fid) ucrlicvctt, ucrloreu gel;en ; 3. vergeitbcit ; to make one — , eiueit uiu etanta briit= gen ; to — company at sen, ftdi von einciu Sonooi) treu lien ; to— ground, IVCtcfacil ; to — one's debts, Unbejoljlt blctben; to — leather, ru>?. fief) einen SBolf rcitcil ; to — one's lon?inp. feilie SBiinfcbe nidit erfiillt feben, iniifotift berlangen ctcr imlnfdjen ; to — ^i.-. — in the weight, tic (Minvaa.c (bcr SBcrlufl an OK-ividU bcim •Hn-y- ivicgcn) ; — of interest, bcr 3tnSocr= Illft; to be at a — , it ^crleonibcit feint, nidit ivtffcn ivic, cber toai man thnii foil; to sutler a — , veilicicn, etnbufien ; to stand to the — , fiir ben Scbaben obet SGerluR baftcit. L' 1ST, vart. rvon 7',. Losic] vcvlorcii, ba = bin, bin ; geblieben (von Scbiffen) ; to be — , vcrlorcn geben ; he is — , er tfl vcrlorcn, ift jn' ©runbe geridilct ; she is — to all sense of shame, 1\i hat fcittc 2d)am mclir; tliere is no love — betwixt us, tote Mi miv, fo tdibir. Lot, 5. 1. Ui l*oo« ; ©cfebief, @rbtrf= fal; 2. ber 2lntbetl ; (gteuerantfjetl ; 3. Jim. bic SBauflelle, baa nnbebanete ©ruiibfturf; 4. .1/. /;. bic SSaarenpars tie, labelling ; t«, cast 1 its, baa ^ooe lVCvfcit, fOOfen ; to draw Iota, bic ?00fe jtcben; by lots, nacb bent Voofe; .v. E-s. in lots, in SPartteit; to sell in or by small Iota, tit flcillClt ^oftCIl VC1'= [flitfen ; it fell to my lot, ea lvnrbe mit ^ii Jhcil, fid ntir jn. /„ i,i it, v. a. tbcilen, (in ^aitien) al^ tbcilcn, vcrloofcn; lotting of goods, bic ^ibthciiitna (ba« Kbtheuen) in SJJats tien, bic 2Daaren=93erloofnng. LOTE, .«. (— tree), ber i!otiiabanm, girgetbemm {Cdti$—L.)\ bic WlaU taupe, Onavpc ; bastard — , bic inbt* febe Sattelvflanmc (Diospmvs — A.). i,< >tii, adj. nbgeneigt, unmtllig, ungern. LOTION, a, Med. T. 1. bic '.Hbivafcbnng ; '2. bie SBafcfparjenei. LOTTERY, s. tic ^ottcrie; —ticket, baa Vottertelooa. LOUD adv.— lt), adj. Taut. LOUDNESS, .--. bcr laittc 5diall ; baa ©etBfe, ber Satmen ; — of voice, bie tStarfe bcr Sttmme. LOUISA, ». Snbovica, 2ouife (3rancn= name). LOUISD'OR, .«. bcr ?oniab'or. To LOUNGE, r. ,1. fanlcmcn, mitmg gc= ben; to — about, iintbcr fdilcnccni, liegen ; to — away, oerfaulenjen, vcr= ttobeln (bte 3»'i"- LOUNGER, .--. bcr Aanllcntcr, 3Jlupig= ganger, To LOUR, Bid 7',< Lower. louse, s. bie ^aiia; — wort, baa Sfiu= fefiant. To LOUSE, i\ a. (aufen ; fid) lanfcit. i.orsiNEss, s. bic ^anfigfeit. i.orsv («,/,-. — ily), adj. 1. taufig; 2. geinein, nicbrig, vcracbtlidi, luinpifl ; fiiirfetig; — disease, bie 8aufe!ranc= bcit, Vaufcfiidit. LOUT, .v bcr Viimmef, J£8IpeT, Viiniv. LOUTISH [adv. — ly), adj. tolpifdj, plump. l.>ir\ ER, ». b«l« STJaucblodv lovable, ai/Hiebenfiroiirbig. loyage, s baa 8icbjt5cfel {lAgvoti- cum — / TolJOVE, * a. 1. It'ebcn, lieb bnben ; 2. iicncic|t fci;n ; EQergnugen (an ctr iva?i finben, (ce) gent baben, gem mogen, gem tbun, ^ c r 1 1 febctt. LOVE, '. l.bieSiebe; 2. 8reunbfd)aft; 3. ?iebfo*)aft; 4 ber geliebte @egen= ftanb ; b.ia Vicbdicn ;' 5. bcr 2lnior, ?iebeegott; my — , inein .^crjeben, Scf bit ( •> u v niacbcn; — in Idleness; bae breifarbige iicilrbcn; ^tiefmutteveben, bic J)reifalrigfeit«= blnnie; — aii'nr. bet Vicbcrbiiiibtl ; — apple, bcr Siebefiapfel cum — /. ' : — beeotten child, tai Stint bcr Vicbe, unebelicbe Jttitb ; — broker, bet Jtupplet, bic Jeiiwleriun ; — crossed, unglfifffirh liebeilb; — darting, liebejtrablenb ; — d iy, + bet greubentag; SBerf6bnung«tag ; — discourse, bafi SiebeSgefpracb, : — eo- kindfed, licbentbraiinr, liebcr.tliibt ; — favour, baa Viebceantcnlcn ; — feast, baa Sicbcamabl ; — feat, baa SiebeSjlurf, bic Jbat ant Siebe; — lit. bic SiebeSbifte, Vicbceivutb; — flame, bic Vicbcarlaiitntc ; — glowing. liebcajiihcnb : — hood, title OIrt bfin= iter, feibener 3tUA; — knot, bev Vtc= beafiiofen, t-k SRofenfcbleife ; — lass, baa Viebdiett; —led, von bet Vicbc gelcitct; — letter, bcr ?iebe#brtef; — lies a bleeding, eine ^linarantbcii: art; — lit. lieoeentgliihf, liebegln* bcuf ; — lock, + tic Vtcbcc-locfe'; — loriL'ins bic ^cbiifndit bcr Vicbc ; lie= befef)iienb; — lorn, obnc ©eliebtt n . vom (0011 bcr) ©eliebten oeriaffeu; — matches, SiebeSbeiratben, dlei gungg^eiratben, @r;ebunbntffe au« Vicbc gefcbloffen; a — match, einc Viebfcbaft; —pined, liebeoer Jt,t t ; — potion, bet I'iebestrauf ; — rj baa Vicbctpnlctr ; —quick, ltcbcbc= gciRert • — secret, bae" ?iebe8oet= ftanbiiift; — shaft, 2lmor'a i ; fei(; — si k. licbefranf ; — rong, baa 8iebeS= lieb, SWinnelieb ; — speaking, licbe= frrcdiciie, liebeoetf flnbenb ; — suit, bic SBeroetbung, ber Vicbcaantrag ; — tale, bte Viebceo.efdiiditc; — token, bad Vicbcevfaiib • —toy. ba«Siebefl= gefcbenl ; — tricks, /,/ bic uetlitbten ©ebetben, bic SiebeSblicfe, n.f.iv. I.i IV El .Ess, adj. Itcbloa. LOVELINESS, a. bie Vicbenaiviirbig= fcit, bcr jReij. LOVELY (adv. — ily), adj. licbcit?- miitbig, bolt, reitenb. u iver, ». 1. bcr Ciebeiibe, SSerliebrt ; '.'. Vubbaber, Siltttant; Ateiuib; 3. rid LOI vii:. LOVING {ado. — vt\ adj. 1. liebcnb j verliebt; 2. liebreicb, jfltig; j5rt» lidi; freiiiiMMiaftlieb ; — kindi tic Vicbcabnlc; — ness, t, bte Vicbc, jartliebfeit, Sanfibeit. LOW, adj. Sr ado, I. ntcbn'a ; tier": 2. fcidu; :i. leife ; 4. gertnge, flctn; ."i. rooblfeil ; (i untetmurfig, rtiecbenb ; 7. Stgetltcb, fpatfam, mrtget; 8. nic- bergefcblagen, unterbtucfl; !). berutu tcv, enthaftef, inJBerfaU; 10. oer* lvoiun, fdKiiuMid). uicMig benfenb, niebetttScWig, fdjlerbt ; to bring — beruntet btiugen ; beinutbigcu ; to be — s beriiiilcrgetoniii'.eii fettt; in a — 845 LOYA roice, lTtit UJfet SitmiUC ; M E-a the pices are getting — , btC SJkeife fillb IIU "Jlbnc bmcn ; (to buy or se'l) at a — rate, ivoblfcil (faufen ober oerfrtiifen ; s P . r-s. —bell, tic gangglocfe (bei tor Sacfelwgb); to— bell, b. a. fdieucbn:, fdjreden; — horn, nietvig get or en (entflaiiben) ; — bote, />. v. bie C*> i- 1 1> - biipe flit cincn Jotfrblag tm XumuU t c ;' _ bred, tlicbrig CrjOgCtt, Unfit* bilbet, rob; —trowed, ticf berab= bangenfc (v>on gel fen); —built, ftcin- gebant (t'Ott SOJcnfcIjcn) ; — countries, v i, niebrtge ©egenbcu, 9ctcbcnmgen ; the — countries, pi. bie >J!ictcrlaute ; — land*, pi. bas niebrig gelcgcnc (plattc SJaitb, SJiarfcblanb ; —lived, niebrig, gcntciu; — minded, niebrig gcftillit; — rated, hjoblfetl; — regi- inen. bie fitappe SHiit; — spirited, mutbloS, nicbcrgefdjlageit; — spi- ritedness, bie 2Jfut[)loftgfett, 3fltCbeif= gefd)Iagenbcit; — spirits, pi. bie yiiebcrgefcblagcnbcir, ©cbroermutb, Iraurigfeit; — sunday, bei eonutag Dnafimogeniti ; — thoughty, niebrig benfenb ; — tricks, pi. niebrtge Strei= die, Dciebertriicbttgfetten ; — water, uiebrigeS SBajfer, ber nicbrigfie SBaf- fcvjtanf $ur (fbbeteit; —wines, ber Sorlauf, SBorlafi iftarf fte Srauntmetn ber brim Slbjteben jueril ubcvgebt). To low, b.b bviillcit, blofen (rote ewe flub). LOW,s.baS®ebrittt (enter .Rub.w.f.VlO. lower, [pomp. oon Low) ntebriaer, ticffv; [etfer ; the — house, baS llu= terbauS ; the —box. JV. T. ber $imt= Veneimev; .v. Ts. — mast, ber uittere HDfoft, ,£>duptniaft ; — sludding sails, bie uittcrcn 8ee=elU\ ber ©lanj ; bie Durcbftcbttgfeit; bad ^cllfebcu. lucifer, s. 1. ber jJJtorgenflcrn ; 2. Suctfer, SEeufel ; — matches, mod. grtction§=gtbibu8. LUCIFERIAN, adj. 1. tfllflifd) • 2. fteb rtiif bic Scbve befi Sucifet bejtebenb. LUCIFERIAXS. s. pi. bit ?lnb;itnicr ber ^ebrc bc« sBtfcfeofs Suctfer von (Sag= liari im vnertcn 3abrbunbert. LUCIFEROUS (ado. — ly), adj. Sicbt gebenb. LUCiFic.fld/.lcucbtcnb, ?id;t erjengeub. LUCIFORM. adj. licbtartig. LUCK, s. bad ©IM, ber (Mlticf sfall, baS ©rbteffal, ©efebief; llngcfabr, ber (glucflidbe) 3ufall; good — , ©liicf; ill — , Ungliirf. LUCKILY, ado. gliirf lirbcrwcife, jurn ©liiif, sitfallig; — for me, 511 mei= nem ©liicfe, LUCKINESS, 8. ber gliidlicbe 3uf«K, baS @tiirf. luckless, adj. obne ©liicf, ungliicf.- lid). LUCKY, adj. glitoflid); — hit, ber ©lucfSfaK. LUCRATIVE adj. eiittraglicb, ©eivinit brtngenb, iHU-rhcilbaft. LUCRE, s. ber (uuevlaubtc) ©etotnn, ®eIb»ort6ei£. LUCRIFEROUS, adj. (XO. ii.) vid. Ln- CRATIVK. LUCTATION, s. ber ^ambf, ba§ 3Jiu= gen ; bic ^Inftveiigitng (to. u.\ To LUCUBRATE »■ »■ bet Sidbte (bei 9lad)t) flnbii'cn. LUCUBRATION, 8. 1. bad ?brbtftubi= ven, SfJacbtftfeen; 2. bie Sttacbtarbeit. LUCUBRATORY, adj. bet Sicbte gear= bettct. LUCULENT, adj 1. I)clt, flar. beullidj ; 2. aiigcnfcbctfilicb. LUMP LUCY, 5. ?itcie (5raucnuanif). ludibrious, adj. albevu, Kirbcrlicb, tborirbt (it. it.). LUDIBUND, adj. fpafibaft, brollig, Im P«9. r . LUDICROUS (adv. — i.v). adj. fl>a&» baft, luftig, brollig, necfifeb. boffin lid) ; — ness, 5. bte £Poffirlidb,feit, baJ brollige 3eug. LUDIFICATION, s. bie 3?erfuottung ■ Xdufcbung, ^intergebung, ber 33e« trug. LUD1FICATORY, adj. fpottcitb, tau> fdieub, betritgeub. LUELLIN, s. ber (?b rennet 3, bad ©rttntbeil ( Veronica — L). LUFF. s. vid. Loof. To LUFF, v. n. vid. To Loof. To lug, v. a. jerreu, jiebcu, frbleppen. LUG, s. 1. einc 2lvt lleiner 3Burme' jlim 2lngclu (Lumbricw marmus— L.)l 2. wig. ber Siucf ; to give one a — , einenbeim Dbr jupfen ; — sail, .v 7 bag (Siicr; otcr SRaafegel etnmaflt- gcr 3abr5cugc. LUGGAGE, 8. ira$ ©efcblcpp, ©cpad ber Irop, (ba8) Siintcl. LUGGER, s. ber Sogger. LUGGS, s. vid. Lug. LUGUBRIOUS, adj. traurig, ftagftcr). LUKE, s. Sucas (OJiauusuamc). LUKEWARM (adv.— Mr), adj. 1. (>tu lauroarin, laulicb ; 2. faltfinntg gleicbgultig ; — ness, s bie Sauig^ feit, Saultcbfett, ber Jtaltfiiiu. To LULL, ». I. a. (to — asleep) citt lullcu, einfingen, einfchldfcrn, bent. bigen, jur dinbe bringen ; II. n. .v. 7 (vein aBtnbe) fteb legcit. lull, s. ba« gmfcblafernbe. LULLABY, s. baS ©icgenlieb. luller, *. ber Sdnbler, .Kinben freuub. lumbago, s. baB Scttbcnweb, jRuefen< rctpen. LUMBAR, adj. son obev an ten Scnbeit, 511 ten Senben geborig. lumber. 8. 1. bad (bblicrnc) f>)eriitb» tcr ^oausratb, i'lunber, baS ©erum« pel, ber SPoIterfram, ba8 vitiiefguf; 2. Am. etabbolj, Saubolj ; — garret ( — house or — room), baS ^luitberbauS, bie SRolterfaminer ; Dtnmbelfammer. To lumber, v. L a. 1. jufainmenrocr; fen; 2. (mit [frbwcvem] fiohroerf, it. f. w.) solliHicfeu ; n. n. ficb fo>»er= fallig fortbewegen, forti"d)lcbbcn, fdblenberit, wig. fd>lumpcrn. LUMBRICAL, adj. i. JU but ScilbCIl gcberig; 2. a. t. auirmfbnnig. luminary, s. 1. ber leiiebtcttbe J?or= per, tai ?tcbt; 2. fg.'^-t -Stent, ©langpunft; 3lnfflarer, 3Rann wn glanjenben gabigfeiten. LUM1NATION, vid. Illumination. LUMINOUS (ado. — ly), adj. 1. Ictldv tenb, bell; 2. glanjenb; 3. «ufge= flart; 4. flar, beutlid), anfcbaultcb; — matter, ber ^idjtftoff: — ness. s. bafl Sicbt (=§cllc), bie .(pelle, ber ©(an;. lump, *. ber .Klitnipcu, bte 3T?affe, bai 0ait;c, Stitif, Stiiifrbcn ; — {or — fish), ber Sccbafc, JUleerbafe ; M E-a. by the—, (in a — ) tm ©flitjen, iiber^ baupt; in the—, (SiusiitS 2lnber« gc= recbuct, in SBanfd) nub SBogen; purchase in the — , tcr Sauftbfauf; to purchase (buy) in the — , Had) ber §anb (ober mid) bem 2Iugenma§) faufen; to sell by the — , lingejaljtt, ungemogen (in ©attfeb nnb Sogen) oerfaufen ; ail in a — , jufammen nul etnent *-Orctre; a — of sugar eiu Stiicf Sitter; — sugar, ber ?Hmpenjit(fer, To LUMP, r. a. 1. ^UUtlUlUCn (tm ©OH" jeuj neb men ; 2. baufen . LUSC JUMPING, adj. vulg. fdjwcr, fc^iver= fcillig gropbriicrenb. HJMPISH (adv. — m!, u"cifal= lii], tinbcbiilflid), tt\'ia,c, bnntiti ; — ness, ». bit ScbwerfaUtgfeit, fpiumps heir, Sniiitmhcit. LUMPY, adj. tlitmpig, noil .ftliimpcn. LUNA, a 1. bft 3Jh>Hb; 'J. C/i. 7'. bag SilbC1T; — cornea, or cor una, .£)0ril = filbcr, holjfaurcg Silbcr. lunacy, «. ber SBabttfinn, Srrfimt; tic :UiV[and)olic ; SKonbfucfef. LUNAR, ?«.//. ben SRoilb betreffenb, LUNAEY, i bom 3J?onbe %ilicb ; the — year, bag SRonbenja&r ; — caustic, t-er .gotlenfteilt ; — caustic blister, .&iWlcnftciii= > |>flaftcr ; —cycle, Chron. cut Scttraum oon neunger)ii 3at)vett; — month, ber 2JJoiibeiimonat; — rainbow, bet turd) bt'c i'Jpnbcgftra()= leil bovi'rftf Sfegrnbogen. lunarlan, s ber 2JcoHbbe»o$ner. lunakv. ,. bag gjlonbfrattt. LUNATED,*/; mte citi baiter SOtonb; nallmiditfotmicj, fotmtg. LUNATIC, i. adj. vtnMt ; moubfurfc ti ( ];— asylum, — house, tag 9tat« ruihans; it 6-. ber S3etriianbeIung ( ber2Jionbegtauf, bet i'ientfd)ciu. LUNCH, ) .,-. bets 3uMfri)cufffcn, luncheon, $ bet Smbiji ; bag fj»et» W AVHbftlHf. lune,* Sp.T.inUiiemtn, He Sal= fenlrine. lunet, ». bet Heine SKoitb, XvaUnt (etiiegsptaucten). LUNETTE (Luhet), i. Fort, ber halbc SWonb; 2 Ms Sfbeutebet; J. cine Vlrt ^ufetfen. LUNGE, ». bet Stojj, ?lu5fall mit Km fedjivcttc. LUNGED, adj. Builge f>ibcnb ; cinct 8ituge ai'itlid). LUNua, s. //,. v. tic SBorrtcJjtung pon geberum ten [Jalfen suvurfjulocfen; '2. bad a3ot[o6, Seberfpiel, bie 8o» tfung, gotffpeife, bet .ftSber. T-o LURE, e I. n. Sp. t. (ben Sfatren') cuxd) bag Sebetfptel, it. f. ». jurud Imfen ; ii. a /,.. (an)kHfcn, reijeit. lurid. «,//. finfter, biiftcr. To LURK, r. b. attflancvn, Ionfd)cn, verfterft [tegen. LURKER, «. bet Sauter, Straueibtelj. LURKING PLACE «• ber 2d>liipfmin= ref, tic ?auer. LUSATIA, s. bic aipper—. bie Cbcr=, Lower — , bic 9Jicber=) Saitftft. LUSCIOUS (adv. — ly). adj. f. atfjU= Inti, itbcyfitfi; efelbaft ; 2. »onitig= ltd) ft^pig ; — ness, ». tic nlljn gros LYBI ^c Sflgtafeif, UctcrfitMjjfeit ; grt?f;c Vinitcbmlidjfctt. LUSERN, s. terl'nrfj*. LUSH, adj. reidi, fipjjig, BoHfaftta, LUBITANIA, ». * Portugal. LU8 iRIOUS, ? a*'. 1. int Sricte iib= LUSORY, (, lid); 2. fcl^rjhaft, tutjweth'g, luiliii. lust, 8 . bie ©egfttbe, SBoUup ; ?uft ; — stained, mollilftbcflccr't : — wort. ber Sotincnthan, bic Suiigfernblutfie, bag SoffclfraUt [Drotera — zj. To LUS'P, b. «. gcliitlctt (—after, Itad) etwag) 6efttg bege|ten; unorbentlt= die ©elitjle habeii. LUSTFUL (adv. — lt), adj. WoBufttfl, gril : —ness, ,-. bic SBoHuft ffleilbcit. LUSTIHOOD, s. + bie £)hmtcvfcit Stvaft. LUSTILY, adv. 1. muutcr, ftifd), ftarf ; 2. warier, metblirb. LUSTINESS,* tie -Diuntcrfcit, Setjs heir, .Uuift, Starfe. LUSTLESS, adj. 1, or>ne SSollufi ; 2. ftaftlog, fdjmad), LUSTRAL, a ■■'/'. bet ber JTJcinijjuttg ber Iicitnii'rbcii flrteflet iiblicb; —water, bii« SJcetniguitggwaffer betfelbeii j iBet'btvaffer. To LUSTRATE, v. a. rcint'gcit (beibem hcibnifdjcit ©ottegbienfl), LUSTRATION, s. 1. bie JFletntgUllg, ^iH'ilie ; 2. ba» 9Jeiiiigiuig«opfcr, SBeipopfer. LUSTRE (Lustbk), s. bet (M(ait}, Schimmcr; 2. 3Jitbni; 3. Jcrt>n= leurbtcr ; 4. Bid. Lustrum. LUSTRELESS, adj. glaUjfog. LUSTRING, s. ber I'nftritt, @IaiMfafret, LUSTROUS, adj. glattjcnb, leurbtciib, fd)intnier;ib,ftvahlenb. lustrum, 8. bag 3a$rfunf (Jet ben SKomern), Vnftntm. i.i STY, adj. mutiter, frifd), ft,irf ; n >iiii= mtg ; e.— Wow, cin beroet Srplag, lutanist, a. ber Sautentfl, Santen= fpteler. LUTAR10US, adj. 1. tilt Stvfyt Itbcnb ; fotbartig; 2. fotliftirben. lutation, 8 <•/,. t. bag Cetlttten mit bem Tcfhllirfolbcn u, f. n). LUTE, a, I. tie Saute; 2. a. T. baS Vutum, JUclnverf, ber meifje «clmi, Jlitt; — case, bag Sautenfutteral ; — makor, bet Vauteiimacbct ; — player, ber Sautenfptefet ; — string, 1. bie Sautenfaite, Xanitfaite; 2. rid. LUSTRINO. To LUTE, v. a. Ch. T. lutiicii, ucr= fdmttcrcn. LUTENIST, Lutbr, Lutist, s. ber 8au« tenift, ?autenfvielet. LUTHERAN, I. a. ber ?utf)ciMiiet ; U. adj. Inthenfd). i.i tiikkani.-m. .«. bas ?utficrt[)iim. lutidsrn, ». bag Sat^fenjler, jfap»« fenjier. LUTULENT, a# fotbij, fdilammi.i, ti'iibc. '/;< luxate, r.a. uerrenfen. LUXATION,*, I. tic 'JJcrienfniui ; 2. bag SBetrenfte. luxuriance (— ct). 8. bic Ueppigs fett, bet upptge SBurhg ; Ueberflnf;. LUXURIANT [adv. — i.y). adj. flppig. veil, bifeh MACH LYCANTHROPIST, *. bet 2Saf)rn)olf; ilvibrivolfjiiavr. LYCANTHROPY, ». .!/«/. r. bie 23%* toolfgttnttb, .r-iitntgimitb. LYCEUM, i. la* ^iKcnm, tie t)cl^r Sctmle. LY( li \l. 8. ber .Itrcii^tPru. lYDUK.adj l>.itifd); the— mood, bil [pbtfrhe SRefobie : —stone, ter fehnvir; tc Jlicfclfrfaiefer ($robtr^Stcin, Ta ir u LYE,#. 1. tie 8aUg( ; 2. tid. Lie. LYING, pirt. m amtpo8. — in, bag 2Bo- djciibctt, tic (fiitbiiiMinq ; a - -in wo- man, cine 2B6c$nettnn, .ittntbctte^ rinit; a — in charity [or — in hospital), bag •Oebammeninftirnr, tie Snlbuc bmiiigfd)ule. l\ Mi'ii, ^. .i. r.bie?mn%,bag 23luf* tuaffet. To LYMPHATE, r.«.taftnb macben. LYMPHATED, adj. njabnfiunig, rafenb, toll. LYMPHATIC, adj. .?. T. |fl ten Sffiaffet* gefajen im Jtbrpcr gepBrig.l^mpfaa* tild); — ducts {or lymphatics), ;>/. tit Inmphatifcfccit OJefafje, ©luraaffet' riibrcn. LYMPHEDUCT, ». a t. tie 2Baffettob> re, tcr SBaffetgang. LYNX, .^. tcr !^lld}g ; — eyed, llicf)g= Sugtg. LYONS,*, tie Stabrl £m>n. LYRA, s. Aat. T. tie Veiiev. LYRE, 8. bie 2ei)cr, Vina. LYRIC, I adj. lDrii'd) : — poetry, tit LYRICAL,) hn-ifdie $oefte, Sing* tiditniiQ. LYRIC, a. ber ?Drifer, Imifdie TidUcr, Dtenbiebter; lyrics, s.pi. l\itif &t©t* fctdnc. lyricism. s . tic h)rifd)e Didjtung. lyrist, s.betgprafpieur, 8»rafanget. I?fi. M, .«. tag yi, m.tcr treijebnte 2^udj|ta« be teg ^'llpbabetg. mai'.. i tie $eenfonigtnn. To y, aii, b. a. fid) forglog Flciteu ; ciu= fjerfcblumpen. m tCARONi, s I. SloBrnubeln; 9Hat cavpni, ein italienifcpcg c)iohr--)^Ju^ belijcrirbt; 2. tcr fufe ■»>rrr, rlntjcr. macaronic, .*. a- a,ij. tut @tmeng> fel ; a — poem, ciu ntaccaronifdbcg (Metidit. MACARi k IN, a. bie i'Jafarone (^Irt 3u= cfergcbarfeneg). macad. , 8. tcr -IVaccana (gtO§t 6*t= MACAW,) filiaiiifdK Spapagel^); — tree, ber iDJacfabaunt {Palma minosa — /,). MACCABEES, s. bag 23nrb tcr 3Hacta= Inier. MACE. *. 1. tic 'DiiigfateiiMiilbc: '.'. tie .Wenle; :i. bag Scepter; obtig* fcitliriic "^laditjeidien ; — ale,bagge= iviir^tc i^icr ; — bearer, bet Scepters trager, SBebell ; —oil, SDcugfatenol ; — iee,i, tie :'icbifelbe, bag Aoibtlb rebr (Typha— i..\ /.. M M BRATE, b. a I. alscbrcn, cnt> frafteit, tiugmeratlii, abinatten, h* ftcien; 2. oerbunnen; rtnweic^eu, beijen. MACERATION, ». I. tie Slugmergea lung, Slbjebruna, Jfafteiung ; 2. ^cr» biiniiiiihi ; Slupofung; 6inn>eio)ung, ©etjung. m \( iii.w t.i.i \x. i. 8. bet 5D2a$iaocti lift; II. adj. nuidiia'.'ellirtifd). M x » ill \\ BUSM, *. tec -AV.idtia'.'cllig. mug. MviiiN w„ adj. marcbtnenntfifig. To MACHINATE, b. a. (ttmag ©6fel -M7 MADU MAGN MAIN eerbabfit, erftnnen, aiucffelu, aufpiu= neit, dianfe fpinncn, anitiften. HACHINATiON ». baa bofe Sorba= ben, tic Jlnfliftung, bet liftige -Hn- fdblag, Mr SftanEe. u \tniN vr< >k. s. bet Stnftifter, (5rfin= ter (bofet Dtnge , SRanfefcbutieb. MACHINE, s. 1. tic Sian+iuc, bat jtuuflgecufl, 'cuiifta.etnebe, £ricb= rcetE; 2, tie iibcrnatitrlidie diuiiuv- fu'tjj in cvtfrbcu ©ebicbten; infernal — tie ^cUcitniafdiiiic. M ICfflNERY, s. 1. tic 3ftafd>inerie, iMuricbtuua, : 2. tic (i'iun.nrEuna,ubcr= natfiriicbet SJefen in ©ebirbten, machinist, 8. bet Sundiiueimtacbet ; SDtafcbineumeifiet, Siafcbiuift. MAC1LENCY, «. tic iPiaaafcit. MACILENT. adj. linger. MACKEREL, s. 1. tie SflatVtlt (Scomber — L.) ; 2. bet Jiuppler. tic Jiupple= rani; — gate, b« frifebe 2Biitb; — pull, tic Sacbmcve ; — sky, bet gc= ftrciftc .giimmcl. MACKLE, s. Tgp. T. bet buplirtc Trucf. 7bMACKLE, o. a. Top. T bllplireit; mackled, adj. Typ. T. beflecfr, son un= rciiiem (tuplirtcnt) Dtucf. macrocosm, s. baa SBeltaff, tie 2Bclt, bet 2Jlactoco8inu8. Macrology, s. tie 2Beitfrbweifigfeif. MACTATION, s. bad Sc&ladtfen tea Opfetoiebea, tic CiwiVblacbruiia.. macula, a. bet gletfen, STOafel: jttt t. ter Sonnenflecfen, SRonbflecren. To MACULATE, v. n. beflecfeit. maculate, adj. beflecfr, ffecftg. maculation, ». bic Scflecfuug ; bcr Slecfcn, Siafcl. MACULE, ». fj». ii.; nd. Macula. mad, s. bet 9iegenn>utnt. MAD (ado. — ly). adj. 1. toll, »crft,illb = lot, uufiuuia,, mapnftnnig, ma&nroU feig; 2. gthnmig, tafenb, miitbetib; 3. o«%-. jonit'g, bot; like — , rote ciu 9ta fen bet ; to run — , toll roerbeu ; to lie — for, of. after, or upon a thing, ganj toll (erpirbt) aitf et»a8 feint; —with joy, oot gteube auj5ct 'Tcb fet>n ; — as a march-bare, tndg. flldjSWtib; — apple, bet Sollapfel ; — brain C— brained), biruscrrucft, njabiifiuiiig, toll; — butter, tlll'd) Jtalre fprbce ilC- wotbene Gutter; — cap, bet Zf>ll= Eopfj ^ojfeittetjjet; toUWpjtgj — dog, ber tolte .£>unt; QuerEopf; — tit, ter Sdjufj, Sugtimm ; tie Scpna= Ee, bet totte (Sinfali; — Mower, bie Steinblume; — headed, tolKopjtg; — house, ta8 Xollbaua ; — man, bet 2>Ile; — wort, baa SHltyffenttaut JUyssum — L.). To MAD, To Madden, b. I. a. foil, rafctlt macbeit : n n foil vocrbett, tafen, n>ii= tbeu, ficbivie toll bciicbmcit. tfADAM,8.3Jlttbttinel SWomfea! gtan* Icitt! tfADDEB,8.bie Sarbervbrbc, ter ®taw otcv Jtrapp ; petty — , bttS nictlidie SDlatetftaut ; wild — , ba« weipe 8ob= I rant. MADEFACTION, 5 . bte Scfeu^fuitg, •flenefeung. n MADEP7, o. a. bcfcucbfcit, bciie^cn lav ii.). MADGE 8. abbr. flatt Magdalbm, ?Cll= dcu, 3Jlagbatene (Sftauenname). madeira *•• (— wine), 2Rabeita= SQBein. MADNESS, 8. 1. tie Xoflbcif, bet 9Babit|?mt; tic SRafetei, 33utb ; 2. tor Unftitn. -i \n >n\a [Madoka . s. bie 3Jlabonna (OJhttter ©otteS). Madrid, s. (tie itabfl 3)?abfib. Madrier, ,. art ba« SKabtilbtett, bte Q3oble. «4Q MADRIGAL, s. baS i'Jab"' jal ; .§ir-- tenltcb. maestoso, ado. Mux. T cr.titfcierliit. magazine, s. l. baa SDtagajin, iU>r= tatbSbauS; tie ffiaaten-yiiebetlage, ba§ ?agetbau8, bet Speiebet; '2. jv. T. bie ^uloetfammet; 3. ta«:)ceyet= tcrinni ; Journal. MAGDALEN, 5. i^liltalcilC. MAGGOT, s. 1. bie 9Rabe; 2. jig. ©rtlle, bet ttMinterlicbc ©tnfafl. maggoty, adj. poller 3Raben, inabig ; — headed, filliraftifdi, illillci:b,lfr. MAGI, b. pi. tie 3JJagiet, JBeifeii miter ten iietfetn] ; 3 (ado. — i.y), adj. lltag= MAGNETICAL.J lteti feb ; magnetical needle, tic ^laqnctuatcl ; — effluvia, ter magnetifebe Stoff; — alness, s. bte magitetifdje, aujiebcute @igen= febau. MAGNETISM, s. bet gjiagrtettSinitS, tic magncfifdje, auuebente jttaftj animal — , ber tbierifd^c iVa^ucii-^ IlUlS. MAGNIFIABLE, adj. + prcigroiirti.L MAGNIFIC, \ad) . prarb = MAGNIFICAL (ado. — ly), i ttfl, berr= licb, glartjenb. MAGNIFICENCE, s. tic Epracftt, fflroB= attigfeit, ^etrlidjEcit, bet ©lanj. MAGNIFICENT ado. — ly), n.ij prad)= tig, bettlid), gto^, gtofatttg, glait= jent, ptangenb. MAGNIFICO, s. ter Mobile, vcuctiant= fd>e Ptlc. MAGNIFIER, e. I. bet Sergtojjetet ; Sobtebnec; 2. bas 33ergropetungS= To magnify, b. a. i. oetgrogent, cr= toeitetit; I. erbeben, pretfett; a niag- nifying glass, cin Q3etgt5§etuiigdgla9. MAGNILOaUENCE, .«. bie ®tOJJfpIt= cbfiei, ^lablcrei. MAGNILOQUENT,^. ijrof!fprecberi|ch, prablcrifrb. MAGNITUDE s. tic ©ibije. MAGNUM BONUM,*. '.'Irt fdnve* tet Safttmcjfct ; 2. tic totbe Sicts pflaumc. magnolia, s. ter £ulpenbauin mi lorbectatrigeit ^(atteru, tie sjjjag nolic. M\GPIE, e. bte ©iftet. MAHOGANY:, I s. baS -??ial'a,jon>ibplj- u. adj. oon SJJabagomj. MAHOMETAN, ( \. s. ter WlabOttH MOHAMMEDAN, \ (ni)ctaner ; II. «,/;. niabont(nt)etaniut. maik )MET.ANis.\i. ) s. bet Wa^9m» MOHAMMEDANISM, S oil CtaniSlllllS, bic ntabom m)tbanifdbe Religion. 7-»MAIIo.\li:rANlZE,i.-.a.llial)0lll 111 c = baiiifcb macbeit. maid. 8. 1. tic Sungfrau, 3ungfet, baa iiJatdieit;; L ter 3Jleet= rodic; a — child, cin i'Litcbcn ; — hood, Did. Maidenhood; — pale. blcidK fiicfytig ; — paiene=>-. tie iilcidifucbt ; — servant, tie ^ieuftmaot. maiden, i. s. sins- bie Sangfer, bat ilJabcbeu ; bic iWagb ; II. adj. juita,= ftdulid) ; linbcflcdr ; her — r.*«ve is .%'.. fie tjt cine gebonte 5R. ; — tunt, bie uttuetbeirafbete Janfe; — 's biusb white rose, bte Juiia/cnuofe; — hair, baa Stauenbaat [Jdianthum — l.); black — hair, baa fcbivarje Shcaueit* Ijaat; colden or English — Iiair. ter 33ibettb0tl Triehanumes — l^; white — hair, bie 3Jiauerraute R„ta mura- ria — L.) ; — lady, elite miyerbcira= (bete Same; — like, vid Maidenly; — lip, tas j?Iebeftailt Valamlia — /.. ; — pink, bte 3ungfernnelfe ; firfs beneife; — sister, tic uiu>crbeiratbere Scbroeftet; — speech, bte StPlillrt** rctc; — wort, ter ©auflet, tie 6\a- cbeiiblume. MAIDENHEAD, \ s. I tic 3nngfet* MAIDENHOOD, \ febatt, jungfiaiilide SReiubeitj n. oulg. ^icubeir. §rifcbe. MA1DF..NLINESS. 8 . tie i^atdcub,-;^ tigEcit, Sungfraulirbfeit. MAIDENLDXE (M.videnly. alsoadv.) adf. jtingftaulicb, jungferlid;, jiicbtig, bc= ntcitcn. M UDHOOD, rid. Maidbhbood. mail s. 1. bet $an;et, bie Unfiling, 2. taa (StieHpoftO Aclleifen, bie SBriefpofE, teitenbe iUn't; coat of — , bet^JJanjet, baa ^Sanjetbemb ; i>y iii-s day's — . mit beutiget Spo^; — coach, tic 8t icfportEittfcbc ; — day. bet ^0)1= tag; — horse, baa ijjoftpferb. To MAIL. r. a. 1. p,iu;cr it, bevanjetn ; 2. ciubiiUeu, einfdjfagcu, cniballiicn. To MAIM. v. a. labincu, rcruiininif In ; the maimed, s pi. bit Jil'iil'Pcl. maim, *-. tie Sabntniia,, Q3etfluinme-' lung. main, adj baa gtopte, ootnebntfk, bauptfaebtidc, ^aitpt . . . ; gtofe u?ctt, ntacbti,i, jtatf, Eetnbaft; hcrrfAcut, ubettviegenb, roic^tig ; to look to the — chance, fiit auf alle gfiUe gefa^t ntacben, auf tie ^auptfatbe n-bcii ; .V. T-3. — beam, bcr Stgelbalttn; — bits, tie (groDe) Sating, SBatingls boljet ; —body, Mil. Ph. boa •>3aupi- Gotpa ; JV. T-s. — braces, pi. tie SBrtf* fen bcJ groficn ©egela^ — breadilt, tic gropte Suite eiiies ictcn Spain neS ; — business, baa .Oanpt^cutaft ; — gallop, bcr gejogene ©alopp; — guard, tic .^au'priiMdc, Sorbin ; .V. T-s. — hatchway, tic jioyc ^uEc; — keel, bcr fcfte Jticl ; - tend, baa feiit ?anb ; — major, bet SDcajot eineaSte* gimeilta, Cbcrftivarbtniciitcr ; — mast, bet atofie Wait. EDuttelinafl; — ujiin •1AJ0 MAKE MALI ton, bie bcrrfdnnbc 'AWinung ; —pace, to go a — pace, nut solicit Segelu gehcn; — point, ber <£>au»tvunft; — port, /.. T. tic ^chcntocrgutuug ber 'Ijfarrfiubcr an bcu SPrebiger; MT-s. — post, bcr .Citlttcrftcycit ; — sail, bag Stfcijnfabrfegel; —sea, bag 2Belt= nicer, bie hobc obet offene 2ce, bcr Geeraunt; — sheets, pi. bie grofien Sdjotcn ; —shrouds, bie i"jvof{C SBanb (am .Oauptmaftc) ; — stav s,cv grope Stag"; —stay-sail, bag £">aupt=,£tag= Segcl, bcr £ccf;sd)iDabbcr; — stream, bcr .^ailptftrOllt ; — top, vid. topmast : — top-gallant-mast, bie grofjc SBrainftcugc; — top-gallant-eail, bag grojje SBrants®egel ; — top^a!iant- May, ba$ grofje 33ram=aupt= yJ2arg=5egcl ; — top stay-sail, bag grofic @teilgen=@tag=€ege( ; — top- yard, bie grojje SRarfcSRaa; — top- gallant yard, bie grofie 83rain=9tafl ; — top-gallant-royal yard, bie grope ObcTsibraiJt--3(aa ; — wale, bag gro§e SBergboUj —yard, bie grojie 9taa (©egeUefaitge). MAIN. ». l. bcr .Oanimbcif, grojfte Sbetl, bag ©anje ; bcr .item ; 2. bie gjraebt, StSrfe, ©ctoalt; 3. bag weite (98elt:) 9Jieer, bev Ocean, bicgofee; 4. bag fefle 8anb ; "). bet SBagenforb, SPadforb ; 6. bie aBafferleilung ; 7. bag .t,ia(iitgcfcd)i ; 8. bic .£anb (im SBurfelfptelej ; 9. bee 9Hain i Aim)) ; the — of them, bie "1'iciftCll UOB ihllCll ; as to the — . IMS !ms ©ante bctrifft ; in the — , im ©ruube, fiberbanpt ; upon the — . ant (gnbe; with might and — , mtt aller SKacbt ; to ride upon the — , auf bcr (offenen) See fcDu. MAINLY, adv. bauptfadjlidi, wncbiiu ltd) ; grog, uugemein, gar fchr. MAINPERNABLE, adj. L. T. biirg= febaftgfabig. mainpernor, *. r.. t. bcr ©urge. To MAINl'RI/.K, r.a.L. T. ftctl (flit ciiicit) oerbiirgcu, gegen Siirgfc|aft fre; marbeu. MAINPRIZE *. /.. T. bie Tvrcifaffung gegen Sitrgfrbaft. To MAINSWEAR, o. n. + falfcb febworeu. To MAINTAIN, r. I. a. 1. erhalten ; 2. imtcrbaltcu, crnahrcn, oeivflcgcti ; 3. beiuahreu; beibchalteit; 4. fortfefeen ; 5. bchaupteit j 6. vcrthcibigcu, oers fecbten, rcrbrfertigett ; n. n . .u. /■;. fid) bebaupten (»ott $rei|en). MAINTAINABLE ««. tit bchaui'fcit, |U rcditfertigcit, jtt erbalteit, baltbar. M UNTAINER, s. 1. bcr Cjrha Iter, SBers forger, SBefdbufeer ; 2. SSebauoter, ggertbelbiger, Serfecbter, 3tecbtfer= tii^cr. MAINTENANCE, ». 1. bie Untcrhat= rung ; ber Scbufc ; Itutcrhalt, bie SBes foftigung ; 2. Sortbauer ; 3. /,. r. bie uitrerbtiiiafSge Untetftubuug cincg roc ©erirht Stchetibru; 4. m.k. St* baltimg (bcr SPreife). maize,*, bcr WicAi, rutlifc^c SBetjen. m.v.iks tic, >,„//. majes MAJESTICAL {adv. — ly), \ ftatifrt, foitiglid), fiirfthdi; g.rof; rrhaben ; berriirb, glanjenb; wutbenod. MAJESTY. *. tie gjjaieftat; S0lo6)t, <5ou»erainetat ; SBiirbe, $o^eit. MAJOR, I. mi). grbiliT; the — part, bcr grojite Tbcil;' n. « I. /.-»'.'/' bcr Cbcvfaij in einem 93ernunftfcnluffe ; 2. /,. t. bcr SKunbtgej 3. 3Jlajor, Oberftivacbtntcifter; ' — domo, bcr SauSfjofmetfter, Dbrrbofmeiitcr ; ^berauffeber ; JTibcifammcibcrr ; ^ofmeiftcr, Staatgntiniftcr; —gene- ral, bcr ©eneralmajor ; —key, Mu» T. bie barte JEonleitcr, bcr Tur=£on. majority,*. I.ba0@r5fere; biegr5s ^cre 3>if)f, 2)iebrbeit (— of votes), Sttmiiteitmcbrbett: 2. 3Jiiincigfcit : 3. aWajorftelle. majorship, s. tie SDIajorflelle. To MAKE d. ir. I. a. 1. madden, scrfcr= tigcit, fdiaffcit, btibcn, formctt, jit= rice ten; 2. betuorbringen; 3. aug= niad)eii ; 4. mirfcit, bciiurfcn, »crur= fachett; 5. ocrricbtcit, augridjten, bci= tcagtn; ii .n. 1. fid) mo biiia'citben, richteit, baljin gehcn, rcifcn ; 2. cilcn; the tide makes, bie rtlllth trttt cilt ; to make as if . ., jtct> fttllcit, alg 1VCIIII . . J to — hay, .£kii ntacben ; to — a man, 3cmanbe« ©litcf grunben ; to —a pen, ci tic ,sctcr fAnetben ; to — a speech, eineStebe baltcu; to — use of.., 0c= brand) madjeu i>on.., bcuuben ; to — -pain of.., an obcr bci erroat gt< tttnnen ; to — amends, (5ffatj geben, Cl'fc&eil ; to — good a payment, ^ab-- lung lcifien; to — nothing, nicbtg aii»tid)tcn; to — money.., etivag 511 ©cite niadien; to — an assignation to one, citien ti'obiit bcftrllcn; to — arrangements, Slnftaltcn ttejfen; to — a loss, iu'ilnft Icibeit ; to — answer, aurwortcn ; to — excuse, fid) cnt= fibultigcn ; to —abode, lvobin ^icben, fid) onfafjtg inadieit; to — a pood soldier, ciiicit gtitcit Sotbatcn madjeu (abgcbcu) ; to — complaint, Jilagc fiilucit; to — (an) atonement for.., fur ctii'ag biif-en, eg abbii(jcit; to — land, 8onb entbedPen: to — merry, ftc^ beluftigen, ait ciiiciit'5c'ftc.1f)ci[ ne^s men; .\". T-e. to — a board, eillCll ©aitg bcim Saotren madien ; to — the port, ben .£>afcit erreicbcii, cinlan- fen ; to — to some pr.rt, cincn ifiaftn anfegeln ; to — sail, mcbr Segel bci= fcfjcu ; to — foul water, nuibccrit ; 10 — sure of, fid) oerge rotffern ; ali gc= roif; bctradjtcn ; gentefrn ; to — boast of. ., or to — it one's boast, fid) eincr Sacbt l'ilblllCll; what— you here? tvas fiilut 2u' bicrbcr? she makes one of them, fie ift mtt babei, gcl)brt UlitbajU; will you make one (mil- | maitft (fviclft) tn nut'^ to — ready, tiuid)tcn ; to — against, tnivibcr font, fdutcit ; to — after one, eillClH fol = gen; etneit vetfblgen ; to — at one, aaf cincn log (511=) gehcn ; to — away, megfrbaffen; tobteuj oerntcbten; burebbrtngen ; fiebfotrmacben; cnt= flicbei' ; to — away with one's fidj uinbrtngen ; to— • for, 9orr6til= baft (.recbt) fetn, begunfttgen; to — for a place, nuf etnen Drt }n rooUtn, jit gehcn, fid) tcmfelbcu naben, fci-- nctt SBeg ncbnicu nad) . . ; to — from, fid) fortmacben,; to — of ntacbenlhul . . , adjtcn ; barang ma= du-n, berfleben ; augriebfen, bcivir: Fen; to — otr, megge^cn, abgeben, fid) fortmacben ; to — out. bemetfen, ermeifen ; nusmirfen ; erlautern ; cr= flarcn, iicrftchcn, Iciihii; angfcrtU gen, auo^icbcu (cine SRecbuung) ; I cannot — it out, id) faun c= utir nid)t crflarcn ; to — one out of wits, cincn auger fid) felbft bringen, ibn tod ma» dicu ; to — nut of a harbour, A". T. anS cincm ajafen laufen ; to — over, ab= tretcn, iibcrtragen, ubergeben, anoer^ trancit; itbcnveifeit; ccbiren ; to — up 1. augmarben; 2. befcbtteSen, fid) befttmmen ; 3. bettegen cincn gtrett : 4. nerferltgen ; 5. angbeiferu; 6. er= fcljcit, einb'ringcn ; 7. jufamnienbrUu gcit; 8. vollmadicit, completiren, cr= ganjen; ju 3tante briugcu; aufifuU len J it makes up a hundred cuinoai together, eg rnadu hiuit;rt ©utneen tiifammcfl : m — n[> an account, fine 9- HUngJ voll bctablen ; to — up an in- ventory, ,\ii\>cntur batten; to — up one's mind, ficb vorucbiiicn, fid) n>or« auf gefafit ntacben ; ud) bcftintmcn; see bow she makes up (,,-r mouth, ffbt, tvic fie bag i'lauld'ctt fpt(t; to— up a salad, cincn Ealat gubereitcn ; to — ui to (towards) one, auf etnen ;n geben; t< — up for, bie Stelie cinuebmen, cr= fc^cit ; to — up (fon a deficiency, bag Scbltnbe erganjen ; to — up (for) a loss, cincn JBerluft gut ntacben ; to — with, l. fid) oeretnigea ; 2. ficb in et= mad mifeben, Reb bamii abgeben. MAKE ». bag aJiacben, SDtacbwerf ; bie tfabiifatur; 9rbeit; Sorm, ©eftalt; r-bate, bcr 5ricbeugft5rer; SReuterer, /turuhftiftcr ; — peace, vid. r makkr; — weight, .'/ E. bie 3ulage, 3ugabe (bcim 3Ra6 ober @e»icbt). makes, ». I. bcr Sdjopfer, SDtarbcr, SJerferrtget | en u. f. w.), ©ewerfbert, iDtamtfacturift, r?abri= fant; 2. SBtlbner, S'irbtcr; r« bin, .1/. t. ber SlugfteUer obcr (*nt> nebinet cities SEBecbfelS, Iraffent. MAL or Mvi.e, in comas, frblcdit..., Ult . . , UHI) . . ; — administration, s. bic ftblecbte SBermalrung ; —content, — contented, adj. — contenteilly, ailn nnjnfrteben, mi^oergnugt; —con- tent, ». bcr "Aiiifjocrguiigre ; — con- tentedness, ». bic Unjufriebenf^eit, bag Stifoergmigen. MALACHITE, s. bcr SKalacbtt. MALADY, 5. tic .)iraiifhctr. Malaga,*. 1. (bie Snfelnnb Stabt) SRalaga; 2. bcr SKalaga («SBetn). MALANDER8, s. pi. biei'.'aufc (,«rauf= bcit ber SPferbe). MALAPERT (adv. — lt), adj. un^etO = gen, unvcrfebamt, unartig. tnutpmiU lig, nafemeifl; — ness, *. bie Ungeioa genbeit, lliiyerfcbanitbctt, Uuarr, Ma* feivcisbcit. MALAPROPOS, adv. JUT Illicit, iingc= febtcft. MALAXATION, .-•. bie (fnrcicbung (nt. ii.). MALE, i 1. bcr iDJann, bat iUtaiincben ; 11. adj. mannltdj : —issue. ( — descen- dants), bic mduulicben •Jiaebfommen, bcr OJi.iiiiiftamm ; — screw, bic Sdjraube (bag ©emiube lvehtcg in tie Scbraubenntuttet w^t), 3rbrau= benfptubel ; — servant, trr i'ctienf. maledicency.s bag Scbintuftit, bie 8uft in febimpfen (m. fi.). MALED1CENT, adj. vcileumbcrifd) (tt>. fi.). malediction, ». bie EQerffucbung, SQenofin fc^ung, bet 5lucb. MALEFACTION,* tie UcLclibat, bai SBerbrecben (n>. ii.). MALEFACTOR, ». b:r Ucbclthater, iQerbrecber, MALEFIC, orf/. bogfjaft, bc-jartig, bo'> fdiatlid). maleficence, ». tic !B5gartigtett iBof)t)afttgfeit. MALEFICENT, adj. 66fe, bogbaff. MALEVOLENCE,*, bet bbfe IBiUe, bit ©5gartigfeit, Qotb^tt MAI,KV(i|.|-.VI' (ado. — LT), ailj. bog: loillig. fciubfclig, fcbflfucbrig. MALFEASANCE*, bic Utbeltbat, SWtf* fctbat. malic ACID, 1 Ch r. bie 31epfelf5ure. MALICE*. bieSBogheit, Srglifbi bei •6afc ©tod; — prepense, ber Dorfity 249 MAMM MAi^A MANG licbe Eobtftfilaa, ; to bear—, ©roll fctfltn, baffen. MALICIOUS [adv. — ly), adj. boabaft, arghftui, beimfiicfifcb, fdiabcnfrob ; — ness,*. bit ©i>ebaftiflfeit,.ptHntu(fe. MALIGN (ado. — ly), a,lj. 1. bogbaft, ubelwoflenb. gebafftgj 2. bbgartig, anftccfciib, fdiablich- Tu malign, v. i. a. anfciiibcn, fdiaben, gefahtbcit, tiicfifcb behanbeln ; n. n. ©toll begin, grollcn. ICALIGNANCY, .*. 1. bie SPogbeit, geinbfeltgEett, baS tiicfifcbe 2Befeit; 2. bic SBotiarttfifett. MALIGNANT (ado. — ly), adj. bogbaft, bbglicb, fetnbfelig, gepfjtg, bodartig ; — disease, bie luirtliatfige, fllljjcift bbsartigc Jtraiifbeit. malign lr, s. bet bamifobc SJetnb, ©djabenfrofje; bittcvc £abler. malignity, s. 1. bie s8oSt)ctt bergres »el, bit Jsittbfcligfcit, ©chabenfreube ; 2. SoSarttgftit ; \!ebcnggcfal;rlid;feit (ciner Jtvfliifbcit). mall, s. 1. ber. Scblagel, Jtolbcn, bic Jtolbt; 2. ba8 2Jlail=©J>iel: 3. bic 3HaiU93ai>n. 7'.; mall, b. a. mit eincm ©d)Iagcl fcblagen, anfcbfagtn, treffen. mallard, s. bcr wilbf ISntricb. malleability, )s. bic 2>cbnbar= Malleableness, s (miter bcm jammer), ©cfcbmcibigfeit. MALLEABLE adj. mat ficb bantmcrn lapi, bebnbar, ftrecfbar, gefrbnicibig. To MALLEATE, v. a. baiHIllcril, fitinicbcii. MALLEATION, s. bat .£>ainmcrn, ®d)mieben. MALLET, s. bcr ©cblagel, bbl^cmc .tpammer, bor 2Jlail*Stoif ; j\r. T-s. calkins — . bet Jlalfat=.£>amilter ; serv- ing — , (driving — ), bic JtIopf= JtCH lc ; driving — , Typ. T. bcr ^icfi-.Jpaiumcr. mallow, )s. bic aftdoe, 5p«vvel MALLOWS. ) (Malva — /,.); rose-mal- low, bie Otoienpappel, Wartcnpappel (Alcea — L) ; — tree, bte SaOttttra ; — (lower-colour, brannrotb. MALMSEY, g. bcr 3Jcaloafter: fcinc i'Jctb ; — nose, wig bic .Vtupfcrnafe. malpractice, s. bic fdilcd;te @e= mobnbcit; baS iuintoralifd;c 8ttra= gen ; ©chlicfoe, .ftniffe. MALT. «. bat iBlalj ; — drink, — liquor, bcr aWaljtvanf, ba« Sttr; —dust ( — thicket), bieS&raber; — floor, bie SKaljtenne ; — horse, baS iKitblpferb ; — kiln, bic iOcaljbarre ; — man, bcr ?J?al$er, SJialjbdnbler ; — mill, bic SDldjmitbJe ; — roller, bie eifcrne Sftaljroaije; — spirits, bcr $orn= branntiuein ; — worm, bcr 3ccbbnibcr. To malt, r. i. a. maljen, mfiljen, SJalj macbcu ; ii.ji.ju 3Jcalj »er- bcu. Maltese, i. s. ting, bet 3Raltbefer; II. adj. malthcfifd). To MALTREAT, o. a. libel bcb.inbcltt. MALTREATMENT, s. bit liblc iU'bailb; lung. MALTSTER, ». ril. Malthas. MALVACEOUS, adj. nialoenartig, oon SKalvtn. MALVERSATION, s. /.. T. bat bctriig= lidie SBerfabreit, bcr bctritgcrifrbe s Dcifjbranrfi bcr SlmtSgeroalt, bic Un= trcitc, bcr UiitcvfdiK'if, Unterfdilag. MAMALUKE. s. bcr iWamiitclucf. mamma s. bit IWtina, 3Ruttcr. mammalia, s. /-/. Saugetbiere. MAMMARY, s. vid. Mammillary. MAMMEE, s. (— tree), bci (atltcvif aitt= fd)c) i)iamavibaiim {Meyimea — L). MAMMET, * bie iJJuvpe, ba» S0iiBp= cbtrt. HAMMIFORM, adj. jiftcufdrmitl- 2S0 MAMML LARY, adj. 1. J1W i'nt|tgcbo= rig; 2 war jenf ormig ; — veins, bie SBniftabcru. mammon, .--.bcr SERammon, bat irbifcbe ©ut. MAMMONIST, s. bcr ©cijbals, baiS SBeltfinb. mammoth, .*. bat SOtammnt, man, s. 1. bcr JPlenfd); bicOJicufdicit; 2. bcr ilJanit ; 3. ©ebiente, Sicncr ; 4. «>7it JCevl, ©urfcbe ; 5. »«^. (5"t)f= maun; (i. njatt, einer, Semanb ; — at arms, eiu Sbemiiffrteter ; — at chess, bcr SOnuer tut Sketch ; — at draughts, bcr etui! tut -i^rcttfvicl ; — of the world, ccr SBeltittattn ; of-war, ber ^rteggiitflnii ; bag ^negSfcbiff ; —of- war ijird, bcr (Srcgattctt'jcgcl ; to a — , ciiuniiihig, tiiifttntniig ; bis ctufben I'c^tClt 'Diailll ; to show one's self a — , ftrt) alt till SRaitn jcigen ; to live like a — , alt rcd)tfd;ajfcncr jDJaitn Icbcu ; to crown a — (at draughts), mtfbanicu ; to make a — of one, ciltcil JUIU iSlail- ne (». e. gliicf lid; ntadicit ; every — , till 3cbcr; no— ,9titmaitb ; if a — may ask you, hHUtn man «ic fragen barf; if any — come, UH'ltlt Scniailb foraint; — child, ba$ JEnabcbtit ; — cook, bcr Jloct) ; — eater, ber 3)Jcil= febenfrejfer; — 's estate, baS mannli= fbc filter ; — hater, bcr iOf C Jt f ct) C IX h a f = fer, 3)ccnfd)cntciitb ; _ hole, r. bie 9)iaini=Ocrfiiuitg, (baS 3iciiiigunge- S005 in ciiicnt Sampf-JTcffel) ; — killer, bcr i^brbcr, 2;obtfd)lagcr; — killing, mtnfcbentobtCItb ; — midwife, bcr .jpcbartf, ©cburUbclfcr; —milli- ner, bcr syiobes SBaaren s^anbltr, ^tit}=.^anblcr, CDJobiji; jv. r-s. — rope of the bowsprit, bag Sailfftag, Jtlinunftag ; — ropes, bic Jallrccpg' ; — servant, bcr ikbiciltC; — slayer, bcr £obtfd)kia,cr, iUcbrber ; — stealer, bcr ©tfltliserfiiuftt ; — stealing, mciifdjciiraubcnb; — tiger, impr. (von man-ticnora), bcr Sjsaotan ; — trap, bag Sallcifcn, nut SLUenfcl)en 511 fangen, bie 5u§=ilngel ; — 's yard, ba8mSnn= lid;e ©licb. To MAN, v. a. 1. bemaiuicit, bcfc|cn, angritftcn, cgnipircii; 2. ftarfeii, be= fcftigcit ; to — the capstan, JY. T. SBoll 511 in SBitibett an bag ©angfpill ftcU fell ; to — a hawk. Sp. T. cillCll %aU fen jabntcn nub abriditcit. To .manacle, v. a. >.gtd. bchnt= fain obet mit ilnftanb bebaubcht ; to — matters, ciiiriditcn, einfabclii, fav= ten, fo macben, baji.. . MANAGE, s. wid. Management ; Sp. T. vid. Manege. MANAGEABLE, adj. banblicb ; leidjt abjiirid;tcn, Icnffam, birgfant; — ness, .■?. bic .fiaitblidifeit ; gtnffams fcir, SBicgfamftit; golgfainftit. management, s. 1. bie sOtrroaltung, .Oanbbabiing, SBebanblmtg, ( S H'= fd>aftgfub.rinig, Cettung, -Jiegieniitg ; 2. i?crbanblnitg, Uiitcrbanbiniig, bcr Scrfcbr, 33etrieb, bic 6anblmtgroei= fe tin ©efdnift: 3. bie ©rbomuig, ©efcbicflicbfeit, Jcingbeit, geinbeit, ,ttl!llft. manager, s. 1. bcr ©ef(b;iftgfiibrer (eincg $aiibflS=§auft8, u. f n>.) ; \'hifiibrcr, ?lufi'ebcr, SSorfte^er: Xt» riatnt, director; 3'actor; Uuler> baiiblcr; ©rpebitnt; 2. ^ou« pallet \ gntc iiiirtb ; 5|jpeger. MANAGERESS, s. bit Siibrcrinn, 3>or*. ftcbcriiin, .£>ai;sbaltcriii!i. MANAGING, part. »OJt 7b Manage : M k 8 . — owner, ber bie (Soncfpoiibcuj fuhvenbe i'iit=dil)eber ; — partner ber bag ®efd)aft fiilncnbc ^Iffocie ; — of business, bic @cfcbaft3ful;rung. MANAK1N, 8. ml. Manikin. MANATI, Manatos, *. bcr 2)Janatie. bic eccfnl). MANATION, s. bcr 3Ju8f(u5, Alnf;. MANCHINEEL, s. bcr iftiftige) 3Jlan* fcbincllcnbaiun (in SBcjtiubien) (Hip- pommies — ZJ. To mancipate. v. a. abbaiigig ma* ri)cn, untcnucrfen, binbtu, fcffelti (ti). ii.). mancipation, s. bie ?lbbangigfcil, Unteniuirfigfeit, Scla»erti (». ii.) manciple, s. bcr SJerwalter, <&aiii« lialter ; Defottom (etneg HoUt* giuinS). MANDAMUS, s. L. T. bcr 33cfcbl be3 ^ingjbenct) ©crichteg im Stamen bc3 MANDARIN, s bcr 2)tanbarin ; — duck, bie Sebcrfappc. mandatary, s. /.. T. bcr burcb tin (papftlicbegj ilJanbat cine SPfr&ttbt crbaltcn. mandate, «. bag SOuinbat, ber 5J3r= fcl)l, bic ^oifdjnft; bcr 'Jtuftrag, bit Slnroeifitng. MANDATOR, s. bcr i^orfteber, Si- rector. MANDATORY, adj. bcfeblcnb, gcbtt» tenb. mandible, s. bcr JJinnbacfen. JLVNDIBULAR, adj. Ill belt JJiltllbflrfCB gcborig. mandilion. .«. bcr wcile (Cber=) Oiocf obcr 'DJantel ; bte Satfe o\)m yicvmcl. mandrake,.'!, bcr 3llraitn, Sd)laf- apfcl, bic 2Bolf3fivfrt)t (Mnulragora — LX MANDREL, s. T. bie Socff, .^oblbOfft (bcrTrccbelcr). MANDVCABLE, adj. ju fallen, c);bar. To MANDUCATE, v. a. fallen, cffcil. MANDUCATION. s. baS oUncit, Cifffit. MANE, s. bie 2J}(ib»f ; — comb, bit Slriegcl. MANED, adj. cine 2)}abiic babenb. MANEGE, s. Sp. T. bic "?lbrid;tiing (ei= ncg SRferbeS), baS Surtitcn ; bie Jieit» babn, 3ieitfct)iile. MANERIAL, vid Manorial. MANES, s. pi. bic iUiancn, abgefd;ictC' ncit Stelen. MANFUL (ado. — ly), adj. mailllbaft, mcinnlid), bcl;crjt, bci^baft, tapfcr, fiibit; —ness, ». bie aJtantibafttflBBt, 3JJattliIicl)Eeif, .fierjbaftigfeit. manganese, s.bct SBtaunfitin, Slut* flcin, ©lagfopr. mange, s. bit 9laube, Slaube, «rafei (bcribicre). , MANGEL-WURZEL s. bie Mangel* obcr StRangolbronrjel. MANGER s. bie .ft'iippc, ber SrOfl, ^nt» tcrtrog ; — board, bic &d;eibcioanb, 3unfcbeinvaiib. , manginess, s. bic SRaitbigfttt, Jtrafee, 7oMANGLE,e. a. 1. nningcit, main belli, rollcn; 2. vcrftiintnuin, jer» ftiicfen, jcrreifjcn, jcrfc&cn, jcrhiiicn; jerfd)iicibcii ; — mangled, »tr{iftm* inelt, n.f. to. mangle,*. bie9Kangc, 28a|cbroIIe, — tree, Bid. Mangrove. MANGLER, s bcr iicrftiimniler. mango. .1. 1. bit fWangofrucbt (C8i« MANN MANU MAIt bieit); 2. bie eingclegte 8<|ant=i>Ji"c= lone HANGROVE, 8. ber Sftattgelbaitm ; Sicud)tcv=> (iShtviel:) SHaum, 5luftev= banm; — crab, tie 2)iovaft= ober SJJangelft abbe ; — grape, bie See= tvanbe {Coeeokiba — /J; — oyster, tic ©aumaufter, •Oplmuftcv ; — roi es, meftinbifdpe 5tvicfe an? bet :)(iitbc bCt roeijjeil SHfctjOpbotfl ; — snapper, tcr SJippfifd). MANGY, adj. taubt'g, fvtifitfl. MANHOOD,*. 1. 'bie JDiciifeblidifeit ; 2. 9Jiaiinbcitj 3. aJiannltdjfeit, SJiannijaffigfeit, .Oevjbaftigfeit ; bet iMntb; 4. ba? OJJannsaltcv. mania. .5. ber ffiabitfinn, ovvfmit, tie £oll&ett, Sflafttct. maniac, J «-//. aulmfiimia,, ra> MANIACAL, j fenb. maniac, s bet JBa&nfinntae, Spile. MANTCI1EAN, I I. s. bet ilWuiidMCr ; MANICHEE $ II. Manichean, arfj.bie jKantdiaei oetteffeub. M INICHEISM, ». bie Scbre bet SDiaitts rb.ur. MANICHORD, ». eiit '.2aitcii = 3nftrit-- meiit, bos' ".Waniduubiiim. MANIOON. s. cine ?lrt !Wad}tfd}attett, ba? JEoUfratlt. MANIFEST {ado. — i.y), I. adj. pffcubav, flat, fnitb, aiigenfdjemiid), jmeifeU Ip?; ii s bafi aftamfefit bie pffentli-- t^e ©tflaruiw, ba* «tteg«mantfeft; .'/ E s. ba? aHanifeft bev Sabung, bet 3Baar?n=9lnjjabe=3cff«l ; — weight, bag [Kanifeji=@en)ici)f. To manifest. ». « pffeiitavcn, anjeU gen, fitnb tfnm, befaitnt nmdjeii, ent= beofen. MANIFESTATION, s. bie 33efanntma= ebimg, fintbecfititg, 2lna,cnfd)ciiilid>= feit. manifestibije, adj. was offenoatt vpevben faun. MANIFESTNESS, s. bie jtfatfcett, ?lu; acnfdieiiilirfjfeit. MANIFESTO, a. eid. Manifest. MANIFOLD (adv.— ly), m#. nianntd)* faltia,, mannidifad). vielfad), otelfai* tig ; — ness. .9. bie iWaititicbfaltigfeit, ba? -Siclfaebc. MANIGLIONS, s ;-'. Oan. r. bie .£>artb= (jaben einer Kanone. manikin, s. raj SDlanndjen. manil, ) s. due 9Itt Mug ober Manilla,) Slrmbanb (int fianbel in Slften nub Hfrtfa). maniple, s, l. eine $anb »olI ; '2. bet 2ttanipel (flciue •paufen vpmit'dw Solbaten); 3. bie Sfota cine? 3Jle§= pvicftcv? am liitfen "Jlrmc. MANIPULAR, adj. }U eiiiem iDiantpct geljBtig. manipulation, s. bie SBeoanbtting, Bubeteitung ; r. ba? SuSgrabeu von iil bet'. mankind, i g. 1. ba? $menf$eitges fd)Ied)t, bie 2Reitfrben ; 2. bai maitfe lid)e Wci'd)led;t; EL adj. niainiltd). MANKS, Masks HAS, D/'rf Many. MANLESS, »■// pIhic •.Viauiifdjaft, utts benuiinit (n>. ii.). manlike ».//. m.iiiiilt'd), maimbaft. MANLINESS, ». bie iJJJaimlidjteit, ba« mauiilid)e SBettagen. MANLING, ». ,//•//. bas 3JMitn<$en. MANLY, adj. &■ adv. in ;iuii lid), niann= baft, mat{)ig, fiibn, tapfer. manna, s bag SOTantta. manner 8. 1 . bie -?ltt, SHSeire ; 2. 2itte, Wcii'phitlH'it, -I'laiiiev, 2J?icnc ; in or after this — . auf biefc Sfltt; in the besl — , auf* S9eflt ; in a — . i,eiviffenna= $en, gii.icbfam, faft; eliva, migefabt; in sui-i, a — tint, f^ tafi; there is no — nf dotiiit, e4 ift Eeinem 3»eifel un= termotfen ; manners, s pi. bie Slfteit, ©ttten, i'Janieiin, baa SBettagen; bev 0emiitl)jfbaraftfr ; good — , bit \.'ebcnsarr, .»35flirf)feit. To MANNER, v. a inoiatifd) bilbcn. mannerism, s. tic befonbete iuulicbc 511 einer getuiffen i'lanier. MANNERIST, t. T. bet IVanicrifr, 5?c= folget einer gemtffen iiJaaier in bet Jin 11 ft. MANNERUNESS. ». baS .-(cuftcte 9?c= tragen, bie Sebeiteatt, ^ojiicbttit, 2)ianierlid)feit, gciuhcit. MANNERLY, adj. Se adv. !]Clitfet, ()pf= lidi, ortig, aiiftaiibig, manierlic^. MANNiKiN, s. baa 3Rann$en, bet 3n)erg ; Oiicbetmann. mannish, adj. maiuilid), ttyn, fetf, un»etfr|amt. manoeuvre, «. ba« gefrfjiffle Setfa6= ten, gefd)icfte SRanoeiivtireu tines 2d)iffe-3; bcr Jlunflgriff. To manoeuvre, v. n. manoeuotiten. manometer, s. t. bev gnftmejfer. manor, 8. ba? abcliae @ut, ;liitter= ant; Sanbguf, SBeftfetQunt; (Stbgut; SJleyiet ; — house ( — seat), iaS .tpcrnu ^au«. mam (RIAL, adj. 511 eiitein 3Jitteripite, U. f. m. (manor) ge^Btig ; baffelbcbe= jeicbneiib. manse, 1 I. bat i;favvbaii3 j 2. 23au= eilmna, bev SBadbtbof. mansion, s. bte SJofonung, ba5 23o(in= ban?, SlmtbatiS, ba« .(pcvnilian? ; bev Vlufentbalt ; — bouse. ba8 33oi)n= ban?, ^ermbaii?, bie 33ogtei, ba? :Katlihan? nub ^obnbaii? be? Lord Mayor [jll Sonbon). To .mansion*, g.a li'obncii manslaughter, ». 1. bet 23?cnfd>en= more, £obtfdjl«g ; 2. ].. T. mt»Ot= fablidie Sobfr^Iag. MANSUETUDE, ». bie Sanftmntb, AtcuuMidifeit, ^abntlicit. MANTEL, s. oid. Mantle. MANTELET, ». 1. ba? i1}antcld)eii ; 2. Fori, ba? Stnnnbad), bie 931eitbuitg ( ftii- bte Sd)anjgrabet). MANTLE, 8. bet SPiatttcl ; laitgt ©cfiletet; —of charity, fig. berl'can= tel bee dbrtfilirbeii Siebe; —piece (— shelf), bet ,Uamin=2im3. To MANTLE, v. I. a oerbiillen, »cr= bcifen, cincn "IVantct nnnvevfen; 11. ji.l. auSbretten (bie glugel mie cin (Salfe, U. f. xv.) ; fcbwelieii, fid) au?= bteiteit; 2. fid) luflig madu-ii, fd)n)ar= men; :i. fdjaumeu, gahreit, ukiIIch, bran fen j 4. mit einet :libtbe iiberjie= lu-nH'oit ©efirb/t), enpthen. MANTLINGS, s /.'.//. T. tenpeit iiber= fjangenbe 3JianteI. MANTUA, s. bet Avancnjiinmcvmaiu tel ; JKailtUataffet ; — maker, bet SRantclmadjer, (jraueiifdjiteibcr, bte jTleibermacbertuit, Spu5inad)erinn, 2)Jobiftiitn. MANUAL, I. adj. mit ber.Oanb, etgen* bcinbig ; II. a. bat .£anbbud); fn pes. — exercise. Mil. Ph. ba? (5vevci= tell (bet jitfatttet'ie) _; togo through the — exercise, bie lempp (5d)iileJ be? (§rcrcilinni? biud)inad)Cii ; — ar- ticles, —goods, .1/. /■; courantc, gang= bare SOaarcu * SIrtifel, oerfiiufiicpe SBaaten; — sign, bie eigeitbaubtge llittevidivifr. MANUBIAL, adj. ;iir -Penlc gebprii], (int Attege) crbentet (m. ii.). manuduction, a. bie ^anbleitung, Settung, Aiibntna. MANIJDUCTOR, 8 bet Ai'ibrer, Setter ; SQnfupret, SBorgefefcte. MANUFACTORY, a. ba? Aabrif--Pc= baube, bie Jabrif, i'Jannfaetur. ba? (^eiltrfbau?; owner of a — , bev 33t< fi^cv einet Sabtif, i'taiutfactiutft. MANUFACTURE, a. 1. tie SOerfetti' filing Don SBaaren , Sabtifation, gabricatttt; 2. gcferii ( ite (ptcr SWa* inifacti!';, SBaate, ba? SRanufart, gabtifat. 7. MAN! 1 Hirui:, r. i.n. fabriciren, uetfettigen c— out 01; an? , DerarbeU ten — into, in) ; manufactured goods, i'ianufae tnv=ilsiareii ; manufactured produce, vevarbeiteie ^tobUCte; II. «. Aabrifarbeit treiben. MANUFACTURER,*. I. bev 05eiverE= berr, Aabvifanr, : 1 . 1 i.uiiifactiirt''t ; aBetfnteifter, Betfertiger, BetarbeU tev ; 2. JlJfaitufattuf-arbeitei, SBetf* baus=9lfbeiter. MANUFACTURING, pert s. bie 33tr= ferttgiuig yptt SBaareil; — house, rid. Mam -factory ; — town, b'.e ^i- InifftaM. MANUMISSION, a. lie Aieilaffung [«« nea Sclaoeii). To MANUMIT, v. a. ftei laffen, frei ge- bcit. MANiRAiiu-; adj. mm gelbball ?bei Slnbauen gefebirff, utbat m madxn, ttagbat; — lands, baitbarc ^aiite= reiiii. To MANURE r. a. bungett, milieu. MANURE, s. bev ©unger, Tuna. SWifl. M increment. .«. ber';Uiibaii, bitSBco beffetung, (inliuv [w. it.'. MANURES, *-. bet geUbouer, 8onb» 111 a 11 it. man us 'Rirr, a. i . ba? SDlanuftript, bie fianbfdjriftj 11. adj. in 3Jtonuf«ivt, I'unridn-iftiieb; a— Virgil, (ill i>irgil III il'Janufevipt. manx, adj. m t>ev Jnfel 3Ran gebSrig, MANY, adj. it ». i!ifl, Siele, Me 3Ken* ge; (— a one), i^jandiev, •Miaintc, i'iand)e?; (— a thing', vielevlet, mand)evKi ; a great — , very — . fine gvpfse 3abl obtt iWenge, fdu- SBiel ; a pood — . jionlid) Stele; as — as. fo aSiele a(? ; as — mure, npd) eiimial fp SBtele; twice as — , fo 'JJiele; too — , 111 Bieit; we are too — by half; e* ftub nnfet bie £alftf \\\ v tel; he is too — i^r me, oulg. ev ift mil m ftatf ; we have — things to each other, iviv baben uns i*itlc3 tU fdgen; — a man (or — a on. . SDlantpet: — b time or — times, viel- mal, mehviual?; mancbmal; these — yean, fell ttielen wibren ; to make — words, lveitfdnvafi.j, femi; (soc- men, (so) — minds yroo, (fo) Ultl* jlopfe, (fo) oiele Sinne; — ways, auf yield lei ilvt ; — cleft, oielfpaltig ; — coloured, Bielfatbtg, bunt: —cor nered, pieleefia ; — feet, bet iBieifu$, SJSolttj), bie 3J«erfpilinc ; — Dowered, oteloliiinig ; — flowered lily, rev inv= tifdie93mib(btei8evgltlie) ;— bended, Btelfopftg; — languaged, Dtele Spra= eben rebenbj —leaved oielblattetig; — mastered, viclhcrvia,, vide 43ttteil babenb : — peopled, DOlftttdj: — seeded. Ot'elfailtig ; -- sided, Oleic i : av- teicn nnifaffenb ; oielfeitig; —aided ness, bie S3ielfe»flgfeit; — titled, ti- telreicb; — ralved,£. T. 'oielflappi^. oielfveljig. mar. s. bte Jcattt, Sanbtarte, Sectat- te; — of the gl ibe, bie SBtltfavte. To m \\\ 0. u. abjeicbueit, aufrctpen, abjitfeln. MAPLE •••■ :— tree . bcr ')lfuvn, "TiJa^- bolbet ; — sugar, ber 3i^ornjiiebie6. MARBLE, L s. rii?£. 1. Set 9Jtatm0t ; i. Snuffer; bai Scbttellfaiilrbcn; 3. Tjpi PA ber Sc^ftcin ; 4. marbles, s. r "tie Stamen, Stciue mit 3iifd)ttf= tell; artificial — , bet Shltf, ©ip«= mortel; fibrous — , ber rifftge SRats mor; figured — . ber Qsiltiiiariupr, gaKbfd>aft6matmot; rigid — , ber fptobe SJarntor; done with — , mats morirt; ii.a, s. Ch. 7". tie 2cifeu= fame. MARGARfTE,*. bie 1-erfc. Margery, s. ajcargarefha, erf. ®tet= cfeett, r;./o-. @rete ( Araitcimamc). M irgin, s. 1. ber SRanb, bie Sette, bai Ufer; 2. ter [ccr.jclaffciic etcr mit einer titv^eu ?tt>te bebniefte) Seiteit= rant ; .1/ >:-,-. to offer a feir — of .... ttucit febonett Thifeen bieten von .. . ; as p-r — , wic nebenrtebeiib ; named in the — , nebcttitcbcnb aenaimt. To MARGIN, v. a. i. fRtlVibaloffttt llta= cbtn; '2. begrenjen, eiiifaffeit. MARGINAL (rt/r — ly.. ad) ailf belt SRanb geib^rteben cber .^cttttcfr, ant •Jianbe; — gloss, bie ''iaiibaloffe, MARK 9RatfltnaIte: — notes. ]>i. Dtanbbe- inerfuiigen, SKargmalien, MARGINATED, adj. mil eiitcm Dianbc, getanbett MARGRAATE, s. ber SDlatlgraf. MARGRAVIATE, s. bie SRatlgtaf febafr. margravine, .'. bie STOatfgraftnn. mabian, .s. SRariane ^Srauenname). MARIET, *. baS ilcarieHQifcfcben, bie (SlOCfcilblume (Campanula — L.). MARIGOLD, *. bte Sttligelblume (Ca- lendula — iJ; bie ®ofb* ober ©ut= tetblume: French (or African) — , bie ©ainmtblume (Tagetes — £.). 7b marinate, v. a. luariniren mit {^\nq eii:!iiacbeii\ ciiiMitent. marine, I. aiij. $ur 5ec ober 511m eee= mefen ge^ortg ; 11. s. smg. 1. bie 3Ra= vine, bad Seemefen; 2. berSeefolbat, SDJarinefotbat ; m compos. — aips, bit Seealpeit; — barometer, bas 2ecba= tometet; —bodies, Seefoiper; — insect, ba§ ^iceill|eef; — insurance, bie Eeeajfecutattj ; — law, bag 2ee= recbt^ —lists, pi. Seclifictt ; — officer, ber Eeeofftciet; — policy, bie eee= tctice, 3lffeCUtattjfd)etn ; — surveyor, bev Seemeffer. mariner, s. ber Seematm, eii ; 8. sp. r. bie Sput; ber 8u{» ftapfe ; 9. bte Jtcnniing obet 9?obne mi ten Sa^nen tcr ?r«tbe) ; 10. baa •^anbieirben, ber 5tricb : bai Arettj; 11. ^itl, ber ^vlecf, roonad) man ^ielet, bie 3telfd)etbe ( ber 3'd- Viinft: ii. .v. T. (5averbrief ; 13. bai Saperfrbtff; law of — , bai il'ieter= Dergeltungirtdjt (3iecbt ber @egen= tl'atlicbfeit) ; letter of—, ber 6apet= brief; to bit the — , bai 3ifl treffen ; to miss the — . bai 3icl scvfeblen, fchl fdjifjjcit, feMen; he is quite beside the — , cr iit lvcit ooin 3' f l e - ' rit geioal- Hg; to shoot above the — , JU I'pcb t'dv.enett ; M. /:--. — banco. 3Jiarf SBanto ober SBanco 3Jlarf (ftngitte 9ied)ttuitiiimiin;c tit Hamburg); — v iiian, I. tcr Sd)fifte ; 2. einer/ber fci= nen Stamen nidu fdjreiben fattn, unb ftatt teffclben ciit 3eidjen[+] macbt. To MARK. r. a ,<• n. 1. SCldMICIt, l'C = tetebnen, marten ; '.'. merren, nnfmer= f:n; btmerfen; aijten, beacbteit; 3. .1/. e-s. ftgniren, jeidjnen, marfeti ; enmerfen; 4. oorftrcir^en iititci-.icm £trid)e bcjcidiuen ;— me, borcintd)! to — out. aiti$cicb:tcit, bc^ctebnett, col. duSmerjcn -o — »m goods, 3Baaren MARM ani;cidiit(it, ^reife anbeftcit, iumte. rircit : to — out the prima. Tup. T tit bte t ; iima im DJJaniifrript auijeieba licit; to — with a hot iron, brausniar* fell; mark ii out, be^eicblict. marker, t 1. ber sSejeitbner; 2. '^Bt- metfer, iVobacbter, SHnjtiget; c. 3Rarqueur, Spielwattet ; 4. ji. r. Qlui^ciebmr. market,., l. betSJcatft. SWatFfpIaU ^anbelsplcit} ; Safttmatft, tie SRcfft ; 2. ber j{auf unb 3Strfauf, ^anbel«= serfebr, ii'aarenabfafe, Slbgang, re= bit; 3. (iPJavft:) SptetS; —for cattle, ber 2?iebniarft; — for herbs, bet Jtrantinarf ; clerkof the— .ber -2J?arfr= fd)reiber, mavttvoQt, SfJiatttmeiitet ; to make a good — , einen gtiteit §atl= bel maefcen, mit (Scroiini vcrfaufcn ; to meet with a ready — , gutcn (febiteU lenj Slbgang fiitben ; to understand the — , bie aJlatftpteife u'i'Teii; — bell, bie SfJcarftglotfe, DJIefglodfe; — cross, bai SLTlatEtfteuj; — day. ber SJiarWag; —dues, bie9Hatlfgebufr» ten, Stabtabgaben; — foik(s), bte 3HatftIeufe; — eeid. ber SKatf tjoli ; — house, bai Jjanfbani, SagetbauS, bie offentlifbc Stiebetlage; — maid, bai SKatKmabdjen, bie @fm= ober Sets fauferinn ;— man, ber ^6fet,(Sin= oter 33er£aufet; — penny, bai fKatfrgelbj — pennies, pi. bie Sdjroanjelpfenntge, Jlorbpfennige ; —place, tcr SDcatfe plafe; —price (— rate, bet $RatH* pteiS; — town, bie 1'iarftftatf, ber 3W .uftffccfcn ; ber Stapelplafe, bie grope ^anbelifiabt ; — woman, bie ipofetinn, (Sin= ober SBerfaiifetinn. To market, ,-. n. }u sDcatftc eiebcit, fi'oen, faufcn unt oerfaufen, banbcln, mar!ten. MARKETABLE, adj. .If F verfailfli*, gangbar, pteiSroerth,, pteiSrofirbtg, gut, in gutcin 3"ftanbe, ron .inter Cualttat; — articles, fcbonc ptei6= roiirtige) SBaare ; — qualities, »er« faufliebe 3Saare. MARKING, part, bai 5?CKieblICtl ; SSemetten; — ir.k. bie iinte 511111 3eid)iien ter SQBdfcbe; — iron, bai 53reiiiteifcn ; ;lteifietfcit, ^tapeifen ; — nut, bie yiudjt OOlt Semecarpus An* rardium ; — out, Tup. T. bit '..'luijeid^ nung im 932anufcttpf. MARL, s. ber iDtcrgel, bie ,nfifd). UABOON, *. tor SERaeon, ^nfdwcgee. 7b maroon, b. a cinen Secbeecbee an cincv unberoobnfetl .rtuftc ausfcfecn. HARQUE, Bid, Marx 12 &l 13. MARQUEE, s. ctn Ucbcring iibcr cin Dfftcierjelt, eiue 3' Ubti e, ciit Ueber- telf, 5)}aotllon; Scinienbarb. MARQUETRY, *. bie eiitgelegte £ifd)= lerarbcit. \i vaQUiS,* bee SJlarquid. u IRQCISATE, .?. bad 2Warquifat. marrer, «. bet (Seeuben*) StBrer, Unteebeecbee, SOerberbee, Sefcbabigee. MARRIAGE. « bie (Sbe. bee (Sbeftaitb ; tie .tpeiratb;, .^ocfycit ; — articles, (— settlement), bte ©ijejtiftunq,, bee >§eU Viitbjscrtrag ; — bed, bas (ibebett ; — chain, (S'hefcffclit ; — chamber, bie SBeautfammee ; — day, bee 6ocbjeit= tag ; — drees, bad .Oorbicitfletb ; — portion, bad eingebracbte 53ermogen elites ^eatt, bie tUfitgabe, Ulata ; — hater, bee (Sbefeitib, .Oageftolj ; — gong, bad .jporbjeitgebiebt ; — supper, bad £>ocb}eitmabl ; — tie, bad (?t;e= banb ; — vow. bad Jaroorf. MARRIAGEABLE, adj. iitannbar, l;ei= eatbfifabia. MAKKIKD, I part. vcvlniratbct ; II. adj. Oijcltd) ; — life, vr — state, tCV (?!)C= ftanb. MARROW, ». 1. bad 9Jiarf; 2. ber ■Kern, bad SBefle ; — bone, bee iDcarfds fitocbeu ; fad bad Jiuic ; — hones and cleavers, bio i§aUpta 3iiftrumente ill cincv Scbcrbcfu otcr jcabciuiDtufii; — fat (pea), tie grope engltfcbe mart' fette) (Srbfc; — spoon! bee 2)iarf= ISffel, OJiarfjiebcr; — stone, ber 'Stcilllliavt ( Lithomarga). t.i marrow, v. ii. niafteit, ftbeefuQen. MARROWISH, adj. niarfartig, marfig. MARROWLESS, adj. obue DJavt, fiaft- lod. MARROWY, adj. marfig ; fentbaft, ftarf. MARRY, int. oulg. roabriid)! t\) {a tod;! — come up 1 bay bid;! et; febt mir bod) ! 2b MARRY, r. a. A- 7i. 1. vcrbeiratbcit ( — to, mit, an\ oeemablen, ;ue 5eau gebett; 2. heirathen, tubmen ( — for love, flltd Sirbe) ; — in haste and re- pent at leisure, vrvo. fcbiuil gefreit, mirb meift bereuf. >nus, l. $Rax8, bee JteiegSgott; 2. Ch. T. bad tSifeit ; — red, 'rotber (5i= fenocber ; — yellow, gel ber (*ifcitod;er. HARSH, s. ber iDcorafi, ©umpf, bie 2Jlarfd> ; — bent, bad SumpfftrauJ= geaSj — bilberry, tie SttmpfpreifjeU beeve, SBioorbeere ; — cinqfoil, bad fti'tnfblatt, rnthe Sunffinaeeteaut; — crowfoot, ber ®iftbabuenru$, Gaffer-- eppid;; —elder, bee SBaffee^olunbee (Viburnum Opulua — /. > ; — fever. bie SUlarfdjfratifheit, bad ©toppeU fteber, bie Srntefeiicbe ; — gentian, bie Siiingenblume, bet bfaue, fleine (Snjtatt; —ground, bee Sumpfboben ; — groundsel, bie Suinpfjafobfblnme; — horse-tail, ba^ 3 IIIUVT Tdvift bcu. ©umpfCaunenfraut ; — land, b&i ©umpflanb, tOcarfcblanb; — laurel, ciit iminergruner 93aum in 6aeo= Una llllb ©Uetnain [Oordoain lisian- thus) ; — mallow, ber @tbtf$, tie SammetvaVHH-1 {juvusa — U\ — marigold, bie Totteiblnmc [Caltha— L.); — mint, bie (Maiteniiututc ; — moss, ba3 SternmooS; — penny- wort, ber SSaffentabel, 5umpfnabel; — pine, bie Sltmofftefee ; — rocket, rcr ©umpftlee, esieberflee ; — rose- mary, bie 3to6>nar£nrjeibe, i)Jocr^cibe ; — sa.nohire, ba§ @(aSfi$maI), 2a(i= front; — spurge, tie £u«lpfeu= pborbic; — tare, ©itrupfojirfen, Sffiafs ferroicfen ; — thread, ber baarfetnc SSaffeifabeit; — titmouse, bie Sumpf- metfe, SRt'etmeife; — trefoil, ber ^i-- berflcc [Mengantiet — l»)\ — worm, bee Surnvfrnuem, Sinnpffabenmnem. MARSHAL, s. bee 9JlarfrbaU; Tsdt- luarfcball; .Oofntarfdiall ; jpoffous ricr; SBetflSiiaer, 33orbote; lord or earl — , ber £ ■bcrbofmarfdiall ; — of ceremonies, ber Unter=^eremonicn= nteijter; — sea. ber 2JJarfd>aUftfe ; ba^ iUarfdiallgcfangni? [|il 2cutl)= itmrf in ?onbon. To MARSHAL, d. a. orbucn, ileKcn. MARSHALLER, s. ber 21norbiter. MARSHALSHIP, s. ba§ 33larfd;aIIamt, bie jDJarfdjalldiviirbe. MARSHY, adj fitinvfig, iitpraitig. MART, ». ber SOtaw, bie SReffe ; ber Stapelplatj, bai ©mporium, MARTAGON, ». bie ©olbmurj, 3?crg= lilie (I.iliam martnrrnn — /-.)■ MARTELLO, s. (—tower; tcr 85em= tbiirnt. MARTEN, i. 1. ber SKaebee; 2. bie 3JJaueefd)n>atbe. MARTHA, .». iltartba, 3JfartI)C (5iau= enname). MARTIAL adj. 1. iiiartialtfrb, fticge= rifd), tapfee: 2, a,, r. eifcnbaltig; — law. ba6 Jerieg8ted)tj — music, bte niilitarifftic 3Jciiftf. martin ». l. SDlartin (502aun«name) ; 2. bie SOiaueefdjroalbc ; — mas, — day, ba3 i'liiriinsfcft, ber 3Jlavtin8= tag (11. ?too.). MARTINET, s. mod. ber ftrcngc 3»rf)t beobacbtenbe Jiiicg^iiiaiin. MARTINETS, .?. /»;. .V. T. flcinc Striifc, fjafjnenfiijje, 3"glci"c"/ V -Jlnfl)cler ber 9ieefcn. MARTINGAL, ». ber Svningvienien. martlet, i. //. T. ber SSoget ohne gu^e. MARTYR, .'. 1. btr 3J?art»rer, ©Iut« jeuje; I. Tnlbcr. 7b MARTYR, o. a. 1. tnin 3Jtarh)eet macbeii ; 2. inarterii, petit igen; l>in= ricbteii. m vrtyrdom, s. bai 2JIart^eer^uin, ber DBarttyrertob. TbMARTYRrZE, v. a. aU Cvfcr bar= bringen (io. ii.). MARTYROLOGICAL, adj. cine 2)iar= tljrergefcbitbte ciubaltenb. MARTYROLOGIST, s ber Scvfaffcr cincv iDcaetpeergefdjtcljte. MARTYROLOGY, s bai ^iai't».Hcrbndi, bie sDcartnrergefcbidjte, ba3 8eben ber d)ri|"tlidicii iPlart^rer. marvel, ». 1. bad SBunbetj 2. 3Biui= berbiitg in>, ii.) ; — of Peru, ba3 i'aU failtfrailt IMrabilU — £,.). 7b MARVEL, v. u. fid; iiMinbcnt (— at .... iiber . . .), MARVELLOUS ah: — i.y), adj. ll>llii= bcrbav, cvftannlirb, nnglaiiblid) ;iiber= natiirlid) ; — ness, s. bM SKuitbee= bare, @rftauniidje. mary, ». 3Jcarie (graueiiname) ; — l)Uil or — gold, ril. MARIGOLD. MASCLE, ». //. T. bie SRa'ite. ,M VSCULTNE (adv. — ly 1 , adj 1. ill "i nil = lidKii ©efcblecbtS; 2. niaiinlicb, feafs tig; — gender, Oram, T. baS iininn= lid;e @attung«»i'ort, SJlafeiiltnum ; — ne»s. s. bie SDcaiiitltrbfeit, Diaiui= bafttgfeit, bai "IWittnbaftc. MASH, », l. ba«©emengfel, bee5Diifdj» niafcb, ru/ir. bai ©emotfeb; >U2eug: fuller (fiir S^feebe); 2. aid, Mbsh; — tub, — tun, bai "IW-ifdifafi, bie ^Diciicbfnfe, ber 3Jfeifd;bottid). To MASH, c. a. |erjtO§eU, iCiqnctfiljcil, iiv. adj aemifdtf, gcniengt, bnrd;- cinaiibcr geftampft. mask i l. i,t.\-f,.j tic SRaSfe, Saeue, ber TediiMittd. ^dicin, tie JIn«= flndu; 2. SDlatfeeabf; tcr 2JIa«fen= ball; ;J. cine ?lrt Don Cpeen occi operuiitSpigi'! Scbaufptel; — b bafl SDJaSfenballbauS, bie iRebonte. 7b mask. >•. a. hi. I fig- ma*tiren oeelaeven, oeemumnten ; vcvbnUcu oerfterfen, uerbergen, vcrftdicii ; a masked ball, ciit 3)2a0fenbaU ; masking habit, baj 3J2aefeeabenEleib ; n. « 1. fidi oerfleibeii, fid) vcrftdlen; 2. SJJoffen trcibcit M \skkr, 5 . bie ma^firtc fJJerfon, Wash. MASKERY, «. baS 3Ha«! cnflcit ; bU 3)cummerei. M VSLLN, s. vid. MASON, s, 1 bee ll'tanrcr ; 2. (a free — ) Srciinaurcr. MASONED, aiij. gcntaiicrt. MASONIC, adj. freimaurerifdj. MASONRY, s. 1. bae i'lanvenvcvf, ©e* matter, O'ftridi; 2. bie OJiaiucrfunft, SJcaueerei ; 3. i^reiniaureeei ; solid — , ba3 maffioe OJJauerroerf. masi ii; \. B . tie SPJafora. MASORET1C, adj. jit ber i">Jafora ge» luuig. M \si iiiiTF., ». ber EKaforet^, cincv bet SBetfaffee ber SDtafoca. MASQUE, vid. Mask MASOUERADE, s. 1. bie Sia-Jferabe ; 2. QSeefletbnng. 7b MASQUERADE p. Lit 1. ina*firi feint ; 2. eine iDlaSferabe balteti; ii. o. maSfireit. M V.SQUERADER ». nid. Masker. mass, ». 1. bie SDZaffe, ber Jlluinpen fiaufen, bie 3J?enge ; 2. tic SKeffe (tit ber fatluMtt'dicn .Uiidic , bad ^oebamt; — of the blood, bie SBInts niaffe; to attend — , in bie i'l'cffe gebcit; — book, ba« fWefbUd); — weed, baS SJTjeSgeroaiib. massacre, s. bad ©emefeel, SKorben, ©lutbab. 7b MASSACRE, b a niebcv:iic(jeln, nie= bcrniadicn, iiiorccti. MASSER, t. + ber iVcffc Icfcntc i ; :ic« flee. MASSETEE, « A. T. ber SKudtel an bet .ftinnlabe, jlaniiuiMel. massicot, .t. ba& S3leigelb, calcinietc SBIeiiueijj. MASSrNESS, ? ». bai SRaffiuc, Ti* = M \ssivi'.M'.ss (j re, Tcrb. SejtC, Scbroere, "ijJliimve, bie Derbbctf. MASSIVE, I adj. iiiaffio, tidu, aebie< m ISSY, S ft*n. beeb, feft, ftarf, ge= ivicbtig, fajioee, plump. mast, s. 1. ber SKajt, -.Waftbanin ; bt< Stenge; 2. bie iWift. @id)elmaft; 3. .\- v-s. to set up a — . cincn SWafl einfeben, niaften; — cnriinKR, /■'. rinc Wet OiterbBIjer belben i'laTtcn; — rid, bad Se^loBbolj bee Stengen); - head, ber itop -tic Spite bed 3Jtaftbaumcdl ; — maker, ber i1Ja» ftenmarbce, SOlajtenfcfcer; — ihave, tic jDlaflenfcpabe. 7b MAST, »■. a. x. t bemaften, mit 3Jlaften »erfef)en, bie iDcajteii oufi tichen. M \sn.D adj. bemaftct. MASTER ». I. bte 2Jleijhe; itnbe= bingtt 6eet, ©efifeer, ©ebietee, 8eib« riaeutbfimet; 2. SBeberrfcber, ^en> fdn-r; 3. EapitSn eiued .&anbel«fo>if 253 MAST ftt, ©c&iffer; 4. ber ©<$iff6ober* lieutenant (bcr ciit [\Rriefl6sj : 3d)iff r.ntcr beg (Saptait'g Settling fiihrt); 5. bag igaupt ccr 3?orgefe|}te, Cbere, SSorfle^er, director; 6. Severe; Reiner, Vclnnuiftcr : 7. SBirtUOS; 8. 3unfer, 4xnd)on, i'lonfteur (&nabe [2obu tinti gentleman]); — at arms, tor grerciermeiftei: auf tintm ,firtegg= fd^iffe ; — of arts, bcr SJiagifter ; — of a ship, bet ©djtffspatron; — of a (river) boat, bcr etromfdjirrcr, ©tromfahrev; — of the horse, tcr ©tallnicifter; — of the house, bcr .£iaiu'herr ; — of the ceremonies, bee gercntouienmcifter, T'oUmetfrbcr beg ftonigs' ; — of the rolls, bcr Dbertfltt* jcllcibircftor, Dbcrauffcljcr bcr ?lr= d)h>C; — in chancery, bCf Jvaitjclleu beififcer, Different; — general, ( — of Hie ordnance), bcr Sclbjeugmeifter ; — of the wardrobe, ber @arbcrcben= nictftcr ; to he — of a thing, Ctivag befifcen, inne haben ; to be — of a language, finer ©yracbe mad)tig fCDIt ; whatever I am — of, ttJrtS id) rermag, toaS in mcincn jtraften ftebt ; tn be — of one's self, feiit eigcuer Jgtxx fevm, fid) bcberrfd)eit fonnen ; are you not your own — 7 t>abcit SlC jitcbt freic <§anb? — attendant, bcr Safcuauffcbcr, .tpafenmeificr ; —build- in, bcr (©d)ip s )93aumeifter; —gun- ner, ber SBucfyfenmeifler ; — hand, fig. bie 2Jiicfterbanb (ber gefdjidte SKann); —jest, bcr -*3auptfpafj ; — key, bcr .gauptfcblujfel ; — like, mei= fterbuft; bevrifd), gebicterifd) ; — lock, bag SCijurfcblOJJ ; — mason, bcr -Dlaurenncifter; greimaurer im brit= tf u @rabc ; — note, Mas. T. bie i!3Ja= rima (groftte, laitgfte 9iote, roelifef 8 f£acte burebbanert) ; — passion, bie berrfebenbe Seibenfajaft ; — piece, bag 2JieifterftM, iDieiftcrnjcrf ; — printer, ber s -8ud)bntcfcrhcrr ; — root, bie ^auptauirjel ; — sin, bie (?rb= fiiube"; berrffbeube ©iinbe ; — sinew, bie .$auptfcbnc ; — string, bie $aupt« fatte : — stroke, ber 3)icifterftreid), SReijWrjttg; — teeth, bie sornefjmften 3abne; —touch, ber J,5auptsug; — warden, bcr Qbcrauffefjev ; — of the mint, ber aRunjbtrecror, SJliinjwars bain ; — wort, bie iJieiflf nvurj (im- pcratoria — ). To MASTER, o.o. 1. beberrfdxn, regie* ven; meiftern, ban&igen, fid) bciiiei= ftcru, ficb beiniicfctigcn, iiberroaltigen ; fid) SDleifter macbe'n ; 2. gefdjicft aug= fiibreu, nieifteiljaft anSarbeiten. MASTERLESS, adj 1. bcrrcutoS, feci; 2. fin. baUftarrig, unbanbig. MASTERLY, adj. ir adv. 1. meiftci'baft, ntciftcrlid); 2. berrifd), gebietevifd). MASTERSHIP, s. 1. bie Jpcrrfdjaff, v 3J2ad)t; 2. bcr SBomtg, SBorrang, 3. ba8 SXuffeberantt, t'ebreramt ; bie SJieifiernmrbe, siRagifternmrbe ; 4. U!ortrcffIid)fcit, ©efrbirflirbfeit. mastery, *. 1. bie .frerrfebaft, ©e= wait, bcr 93efitj; 2. bie @rreic$ung, Srlattguiig ; 3. berSBorjug, 3Sorrang ; 4. bie ©cfdtirflidtfeit, Jienntiiifi; »viffeiifd)aftlid)e llebuttg; to get the — of a thing, ju bent ikfifce eincr Sftrbe gclaiigcu, etwag uoUfommen eiicvite'n. MASTFTJL, adj. maftrcid), soil Gidictu, --Bitcbccfcvit, 'ober Jiaftanicu. To MASTICATE, v. a. fitueil. MASTICATION, s. bit« JlailClt. MASTICATOR, s. ber ca d)en. MATERIALLY, adv. 1. bcr 2J?afcric nad) (im®cgenfafce jurgorm); for= perlid) ; 2. fig. mefentlid), miebtig. MATERIALNESS. s. 1. bag v HiatericIlc ; 2. fig. 3Befcntlid)e ; bie 23id)tigfcit. materials, s. j>i. bie ?Jiatcrialicn, bcr SBcrfftoff, ©toff; — of a buildtna (or building — ), bie U3aumatcrialicn, MATERlATE (Materiated), adj. 1M = tcriell, torpcrlid), ftoffartig (w. ii.). MATERNAL (ado. — ly), adj. miitter» lid) ; — aunt, bie miifterlid)e Xante; — love, bie OJJnttcrliebe. maternity, s. btc 2)iuttcrfd)aff, bci 5)J(itttcrftaub. math, «. bie "DJabb. MATHEMATICAL (ado. — ly), adj ma- tl)ematifd). mathematician, s. ber ?JJatbcmati- fcr. MATHEMATIC, I. adj. matbematifd) H. — s, s. pi. bie ©rbftentcf)re, IVa- tbematif ; mixed — , bie angemanbte SWatijematif. MATHES, s. bie milbe .^amillc. mathesis, s. bie 3)iatl)cfig, 2)?atbc-- matif. MATILDA, s. SJJatbifbc ({yranenname). MATIN, I. adj. frii.b ; II. — , s. pi. bas ?0?rrgcngeb'et, ber 3JZorgengefaitg, bit Snibmcffe, 3)?ettc. MATRASS, s. Ch. T.taS 1>eftillirgla§ bie ^biole jn d)i)mifd)cu Dper«itio= nen. matress, s. bie SWatrafee, bas Hit' tcrbett. MATRIOE. 8. L A. T. btC (®e=)B5t> mutter, 9JJ utter ; 2. T. bie @iet;mut= tcr, ©iiftmntter, ©cbriftmuttet ; ber 9lbfd)lag, ^rageftocf (beint 3)iutt= jen), bie SJJatrije. MATRICIDE.*. 1. bcr SDitittciiuorb ; 2. SWuttermBrber. To MATRICULATE,?!. n.(bcf01lber8 Jit. T.) einfebreiben, aiifncl)iucn, imma= trifuliren. matriculate «• ee^ 3mmatrifu= lirte. MATRICULATION, ». bie (Siufrbrei* bung, Smmati'tfulmmg. MATRIMONIAL (ado. — ly), adj. ci)C= lid); oom ©fjeftanb. matrimony, s. bcr (?[;eftanb, bte (5be. MATRIX. 5. vid. Matricb. matron, s. 1. bie 2Katronf, «lte©a» me, bejabrte grau; 2. ^eoainmc .Piofpitalmutter. MATRONAL. a,ij. wis cine SRofrOttf, dltliit, bcjalirt, e^rbar, gefe^t, an> ftattbiiJ. To MATRONIZE, o. a. jnr l^atrom mad)CH, Arfcut mad,en. MAUR MEAD MEAN HATR0SSE3, s. pi. Mil T. .<5a!iMani-jcr bet bev Strtilkite, Untcvfanoiticvc. k'ATTAMORE. a /illt Orient) cilt Ull= teritbifefcee Jtotnoebaltnii. MATTER,*. I. tic O.liatcric. fcr £torr ; .ttbvperftoff; 2. ©egeuftanb, tie 2. Tij,>. pit. SDianufctipt (fnv beit Sefeet) ; tie abgefefetcu t^of unt= ItCIt; — of record, tie tltvd) UvflllltC beweiSlirbc £batfadje; — of fact, tee Q3ert). 1'iajeftat geruf)cit ; may be, Vtelleiitt ; etll'O. To may, r.n. Slumert am 2ftatmor= gen vfliiefeit. M V.YHEM,3. oid Maim. mayi n: s ter I'latHT, 3Bat're, SBiifa getmeijiet ; lord — , bet S3utgermei= ftev vott ViMittMi obet fdott. M VYORALITY, .-•. taS 9lmt f bie 2Biir= tc cities ^Jia'.uns, it. f. w. mayoress, s. tic 3)?a«ortnn, Sfit= gevmctftertnn. MAZARD *. Bid. Mazzard. MAZARrNE, ». tas ^ebaiicffeit, tie ©etfcbtiffel ; — blue, tinifelblaii. MAZE ». tev >va,aug, ^trgartfit, tas Svvgebante, 3rracroinbc, ijaburtntb ; fig. tie 3tre, SBctwittung, S3efiur= jung, Jtleinine, tev jffitrrmarr. To MAZE '■■ 0. Dtrwttren, beiliivjcit, ycvtnljeit, ftatineit madteit. MA/Y..V,//. Iab\iviitthifeb,vp!l 3ttgfinge. ma/./. VRD, t. tic fleiitc fc^watje 880= gelfivfite. ME, prun. (tev Objectis Bbet oblique PafuS von 1) nut, ntieb ; to — , mtf ; for — , fiir mid), nteiinthilbui. MEAD, 0. 1. tev O.Wth, .»>imigtvauf ; '-• tcr Sngcr, tie SKattc, SBtcff. MEADOW, g. tie ffitefe ; — bouts, tie Sotter= obet tButtetblunte ; — bugle, tev blaue (Mfiiifel, bad 3app?nftautj — campion, tic Jtuefufsbftime, i'ed) = ttclfe; —grass, baa Sicbjjras, SRifpens i}vas_; — ground, tas SZBtefeuIanb, tie SBtefe: — iron-ore, tas SBtefenen, SWotaftetj, Sumpfetj, tev , v )iafenci= fcttftein; —ink tie 28iefenlerd)e ; — pinks, tie .Hiiifiifsbluiiie, v Rediuel= fc ; -me, tic SBieffitvaitte(7Tifli etnm — L.) j — saffron, tic SBiefenjeitlofe, nacfle 3ungfer (Co'ehicum — ZJ ; — saxifrage, ter 5efcl ; — sweet ( — wort 1 , tas OA'cblfraitt, tie 2Stcfeuf5= nigtllll [Spiral ulmnria — J..): — trefoil, ter "Sicfcnflec; red — trefoil, ber rotbc oter braune SBiefntRce, 2Biefctij.nci0 ; yellow — trefoil, be: gclbe il'icfeiiflee, tic ■jpopfenlugetnc MEAGER {adv. — lt), adj. 1. magct, tinvc; 2. iiiifriirblbav; 3. arm; — nesa, 1 tie iWagetfeif, Xuvte, \\?- etgiebigfett Mi: ak. 1. tie Stnfe, 2idicf. meal, 1. 1. hat (gtobgemablne] 5Kt$l; 2, y;^\, bit iVabUett Speife; — brimstone, tev geftopene idnvetel ; — man, ter -Mieblhaiirlcr, 9}ie[)lmaitn ; —meat, bie 9R(b(fpru fc; —rent, ter I'ccbliiue ; — — sifter, tas SRcblfteb; —time, tie (5'f^eit; —tub, tev •.W'eMfafteit; — worm, ter i^cbltrurm. To MEAL, v. a. (mit ^JieM) miutci, oetineugen; beftreuen w u . MEALINESS, s. tie SJceftligfeit. MEALY, adj. mehlia : niiilutt ; tvie mit 3BebJ beftttut; — mouthed, frbiiebteni, oerjagi im Steben; cttt= febmciebclnt, beurbfertfd) ; — mouth- edness, tie 2dnid)tcvni«eit im :lictcu ; .g>cud)c!ci ; — tree, tcr 3)('et)lbauin (Viburnum — /..). MEAN (adv. — ly), »ifdjen jeit ; in the — , ins teffen, tnjwiftben ; there is a — in all things, es giebt in alien 35ingen cine ^littelftvafe. To MEAN. v. o. 1. meiiteit, iieuitiict fc»tt, tcnfctt ; 2. Woilen, beabfid:tt= gen; 3. beifteit, fagen woilen, be* tClttClt; pruritic she means to go ite will fort; to — honestly, es ant*rid)= tig, cbvlid), meineu ; to — one ill, cittern libel ivnllen ; what do you — by it ! was woilen Sie bamit fagen? MEANDER, s bet iKaanber; fig. tie gefrblangelte Jttummung, SSmbuiig, tas ^rrgewinbt. To MEANDER, c n. fid) fdiK;iia,c(ti, fid) wiuben. MEANDRIAN, adj. maaiitvifd), fid) fd)langelnb, ftinrtm. MEANING, ». I. tie 'Dcfiuuug, 3lbftd)t, ©efinuung, bet Sffiillej ;'. bet Sinn, bie Sebeutung ; iKeiuiing ; full o( (or fraught with) — . bebeutfam, 6f» beutungauofl ; want of — . UnfTun; well — , woblwollenb, gut gefiunt, nuftid)tig. ME wnkss. n. I. tie ©etingfugigfeit Sd)led)tbeit, Dliebtigfeit, 3tiebet« tvaditi.ifeit ; 2. bet frpmubige ®eil. means, ». pi l.bieajfitfel, utfadgie; 2. bns 33etmogen, bieS3etm5gen«nnu ftantc; by that — . turd) tiefes -))i\t-- tel, tatind); by — of, ocrmiitelft, turd; by our — , turd) 1111S: by all (any) — , titvdans, fcbled)terbtng«, auf alle A.illc; by no — , auf fcilH SEBeife, ganj nut gat (burcbaue ttid>! ; by (hit — . bur* gtliube 9Hit' tel mit'0)ittc, im ®utril; bj MEDA MEDL MELI — . uti;icrcd>tcv SBeife ; tin ©©Ten ; by « inch — • tooburrb, oermoge beffen. MEASLED, adj. an 3Wafern franf; fin= nig ; gemafert, mafertg. MEASLES, .-. ;•'. I. tie ^iiifcru ; 2. 5mnen(eineJtranffjeitber®rb»eine). MEASLY, adj. piling ; mafericbt, flccfig. MEASURABLE />. v. bie QBreite finer (Sclumne; 8. + cin langfamer fciers lirbcr £attj; beyond — , (out of [all] — ). iibcr tic SWafleu ; in some — , go* differ (eintger) iKafjen ; in a great — , iiberailg, |Chr ; th talje one's measures (accordingly), feme i'i\ifjrca,clu (bar= nad)) ucbmcu ; to have hard measures, ciiicu barten ©tanb babeu, fd>led)t bcbanbelt Werben : — for — . pmv ©leirbcs fiiv ©leic&eS, col. SSuvft »t» berSBlirft; —of a number, Mat. T. tie 3'ibf' iocld)c cine anbere rhnc Dicft tbtilt, bcr Aaftor ; — note, Mus. t. bie gattjc JEactnote, bcr gauge ©c§Iag. To MEASURE, ». r .a. 1. mcffcu, aU meffett; 2. jumeffen; to — into.., cinincffcn it'. . . ; measured distance, tic auSgeineffenen Phiinte, SWeilen, u. f.'tt). ; ii. n. grofj fctn, aw SJlaji ciithaltrit, meffcli. MEASURELESS, adj. uitcrmcfilirlj. MEASUREMENT, s. bie SDiejfltng, S5er= meffung. measurer, s. ber SJJeffer ; 8anbmef= fer; — 's fees, ber OJtcfif chit. measuring, s. bag 3Jicffen ; bie 3)Jejj= fttnft; — cast, bcr 9iid)tlourf ; — chain, bie 3JtetJfette ; — tape, bag aftefjs baub, bev SJZefiriem ; — unit, baS alS 3) Jii i jei nhcit nngenbmmene Oitau= tllill ; — wheel, vid. Pkrambulator, meat, s. 1. baS Sl'eifcb; 2. bie ©peife, SJla^rimg, bag Gutter; an egg full of — . eill OOUeS (Si ; it is — and drink to me, id) lebe i]ilUJ baooit ; — chop- per, baS «£>arf meffer ; — offering bag ©peiSopfer ; — pie, bie Fvlcifd)pa= fide; —sausage, anb; 3. (jatitrocrfeiihu gig, Junfilofi ; I. fig. gemeiu, fd)lcrbt, niebrtg ; mechanical science, bie OJiC- cbanif ; — powers, v i. bie fiinf eiitfa* fben jDiafcbiucu ; It *. mechanic, bcr ^anbiirbcitcr, .vmnbiucrfcr ; media- iocs, /)/. tic SKedbanif; — alness, a. bag SJJiecoahifche; Wcmciuc, >2d)lccbtc. MECHANICIAN, a. ber SDJcrbauifiig. mechanism, ... bcr ^icd)aniaimi», tie imicre (iiiiiid)tiuii]. MECHANIST, a ter'-VRcdjiimfiiS ; 3JIii= t'd)ini|'t (bet ton i baiter). MECHLIN, a. (bie Stab't) i)Jcd)liii ; — lace, nicdilincr (brabanfer) i£pii}eit. MECONIUM, a. 1. tcr SKobtlfaft, ba8 Dpiiun ; 2. j\i,- 1. t. ber crftc JTotb; con neugebornen Jtintern, bag Jtin= berped). MEDAL, .'. tic 5.»icbat(If, Sdi.iiiini'tti^c, 35enfmunje, altc iJiiiiijc, SJebiidpts nifimiiitjc. MEDALLic, adj. {ii ben 3JJfinjeti gel)o= rig, nuiiugmattfcb, miinjfuiibig. MEDALLK IN, s, baS JJJcbiiiUoit, nrofjc ■fccbanftiicf. Medalist, .-•. tcr sjJJunjenffniter, SJJungltebbaber. To MEDDLE, o. n. tr — with, fid) ilt etwaS mengen otcr mifdieii, ficb mit etnmS abgeben, cinlaffcii in . . ; do not — with her, gicb tid) ltid)t llltt ibr ah, binte ntdjt mit ibr an ; — not with wine, b ii tc tid) cor bemSQciitc. meddler, s. bcr ficb in frcnitc Singe nttfd)t, bcr @inmetiger, 3n'ifcbentrii= ger, s J{aferoci8, .Oanttifiidjcr. MEDDLESOME (or Meddling), adj. fid) in frembe 2ad)cn mifitciib, iriengs fain, ttafewet'S; —ness, s. bie ©utpt fid) in SlUeS citunntcngen. MEDIAL, adj. mittclbar. MEDIANT, a. Mus. T. bcr SDHttelfOn. To MEDIATE, b. a. & n. 1. ccrmittclii ; 2. bajiuifdnn femt. MEDIATE (arfu. — i.y), adj. i. mittcl-- bar ; 2, tin SDitftel, ba^ivifdjen. mediation, s. btc SBermittelung ; 35a= jaufebenfunft, @tn»trfiing ; ^iirbitfe. mediator, s. ber 3J?tttIer, Sermitt* lev, Siirottter, Unterhanbler. MEDIATORIAL, adj. $11 CtttCllt ?Jci(t(cr obcr SSermittrer gchorig ; — office, baS Siittleramt. mediatorship, s. ba« 2)iitt[cvaint, bie SSermittelung. mediatress, ) s. bie SPermittlcritin, MEDIATRIX, \ Untcrbaiiblerinn. medicable, adj. beilbav. MEDICAL (adv. — ly), adj. llicbi^ttlifd). medicament, s. US I'lrjcncimittcl, bie Slrjenet! MEDICAMENTAL (adn. — ly), adj. me= btjintfd), bcilciib, beilfiim. medicaster. *. bcr Duiirffalbcr. To MEDICATE, v. a. 1llit ^Iv^CItci »CV= inifdjcii, ccrfc^cn, fcbnniii^crit; medi- cated herbs, pi. .^cilfniutcr ; medicated vapour-bath, baS «5trautcr= CTampf=) S3ab ; medicated waters, pi. ©efttltb* bruunen. medication, s. 1. bie Scrfc^iing, ©chroangerung ; 2. ber Srjenciges tuancl). MEDICINAL (adv. — ly), adj. mebts jinifeb, igeilrrafte befifeenb, beilfrd^ tig, bcilfam; — chest, bie 9lvgenet= fiftc ; — drugs, ^Jcbiciniilioaaren ; — herbs, .§eiltrantcr ; — liquor, bcr igeiltranf; —weights, ?lpotbcfera,c= tticbtc. medicine, s. 1. bic SWebtjin, 9lrjenet ; 2. 3lrjeneirotffenf4)aft, .|3eilfunbc. mediety, s. bev sjJJtttelflonb; baS 9Jcittel; bic .§iilfle (iu. ii.). mediocre, adj. mittelm8§tg. MEDIOCRITY, *-. 1. bic DJiitteIma6ifl= feit; bcr SDJittelflanb; 2. bie 2)ia= fiigfeit. Tn MEDITATE, a. a. *■ ». bcabftd)tigen, ftnnen (auf) ; iiberlegen, errodgen, betracfeten ; ftnnen, benfen, nad)bcn= fen, ©etrarf;tungen inad;cn (—upon, iibcr). meditation, s. bic 33cfrad)tuiig, baS s J!iid)tcufcn, s Jiiid)ftinicn. MEDITATIVE, adj. nadjtcnfcnb ; tief= ftnnig. MEDrrERRANEAN, ? adj. ntitteiKin= MEDITERRANEOUS, J bifd) ; iulaiU- bifd) ; — sen (or Mediterranean), bag lnittclIiiitbiidK 9J?ecr, SDJittehncer. MEDIUM, *. ba« s ?Jiebium, 3JJitteI; bcr 3Kittefgvab, bie iKittelflraf e ; Log. T. ber iDiittclfatj; by (through) the — of, burd) SJermiltelung . . , »er= inittelft ; nt a — . tin Tiucbfdmittc ; — paper, bag OJiCbiilllpiUMer ; — price, M. e. bcr3)iittclprcig,^!ird)|d)iiittg= prcig. MEDLAR, s. btc SKiSpel; Neapolitan — , bie Viijcrolc: —tree, bcr WlifytU bourn. MEDLEY. I. s. bag ©cmcngfel, te: l)(ifdnnafd) ; ii. adj. gemengt, »cr= intfrht, MEDULLAR. ? adj. lllillfig, con MEDULLARY. \ HUlaxt; — sub stance, bag SJlorflge. MEED, a. bag iU-rbicnft. MEEK (adB. — ly), adj. failft, failftinu* tbijl, vocid), milbcfrcunblid), bolb; bemutbifl. befebcitcii; — eyed, mit fanften Slngen ; — spirited, fanftmus tl)ig, icciitbci^ig, fuvcbtfam ; — ness, «, bic Sauftmuth, iiiilbc, SlBeic^&cit, Tcmiitl). To MEEKEN, v. a, befduftigcit, cvroeis cbcii. meerschaum, s. bcr 3Reerfcfe«um. MEET (ade. — ly), adj. fcbiiflidl, taitg= lid), tauglidb, bieulid), branchbar. To meet, v. ir. I. n. bcgcgncit, an*ref= fen, treffeit, ftnbeit; n'. v. l. ;ufam* incnftoficu ; yifammentreffen ; 2, »er= fiiinntelti; fid) ccrt'antincln, jufams menfommen; 3. fid) ccrcinigen ; 4. ciiianbcr treffeit, begegtten; to go to — one, eiiicm entgegen geben ; he appointed to — me to-day, cr CCrfprod) bente jn mir 511 fommen ; 1 intend to — him to-day, id) loi II bcittC Jll ibllt geben; to— with.., treffen, ontref« fen; (fid» ; Icitcn, crfab* rcn, crlcbcn ; erlangen, crbaltcn ; to — with n kind reception, giitig cms pfattacn merben ; to — with a storm, con cittern ©turme befallen merben; 10 — with an objection, auf eincit ©innjurf fommen, ftopen ; 1 simii — with her, id) mill ftc (fd)on) fiiiben ; when shall we — again? loan!! loer= ben un'r uug roieber fcbcnV .MEETING,*. I. tag SBegegnen; 3" 1 fiintincntrcffcn ; 2. ric ^nfammcti = funft, llnterrcbiing, Seratbung, P3er« fammlung; 3. bcr 3wfolifcbc. MELANCHOLIST, «. ber ©rbwermfis tbige, Sraurige, SJcdaiidjolifiig; ©c|i»arjgaUige. MELANCHOLY, I. a. bic 'iOiclanrboItc, (Scbtoctmiitl), berXriibfiiin ; bag mc= lautholifcbe temperament; II. «Piiia,mad)cu, bit 33erfu£ung. MELLIFLUENCE, ». bt8 gttefjett beg $Onigg, ber .£>ouiu,fIufi. MELLIFLUENT, £ a»//' »oit •Boittfl flic= MELLIFLUOUS, > (Senb; bouigfuji. MELLITE, «. ber SKetit, <§onigftein. MELLOW, adj. 1. mii r be, rocirh, reif, faftigj jig. fanff; 2. betrunfen, bc= vaufctjt, co /. bcucbett, angefc^offett. To MELLOW, v. a. <$■ n. liiuvbc, llu'id) marfjen; reifett. MELLOWNESS, a. 1. bic aWurfcigfeit, 2Beid)bcit, Steife; 2. Sanft&eit (beg Jtlangcg). MELLOWY, «£. rocici), fanft. MELOCOTONE, s. bie grofje gclbe (3pat=4>firfd)e {Malum cotoniatum). MELODIOUS (afo. — i.y), adj. lltclp = t>tfcb, licblicf), too&lElittaenb, fangs vcici) ; —new,*, bag OJiclPtifd)c, bet melobtfdje .Rlang, (Sinfiang. To MELODIZE, v.a. melobifcg madicit. MELODRAMATIC, adj. melPtVPinatifd). MELODRAMATIST, s. bev OJictotia- mettfrbretber, 2JMobramatijt. MELODRAME, s. mod. bag 2JMos brain(a). melody, ». bte SKelobie, bet 2Bo6> flaug, licblicbc ©efang. MELON, s. bie 2)ce[puc; — ground, bag SRelonenlanb, SWelonenbeet; — thistle, fete DJcloiicn? iftel (Cactus melo- cncUs — L); — tree, bet JDJc[pUCU= l> vl It lit (Carici papaya — L ). MELROSE, s. bet jK'pfeuhouig. To MELT, v. a, <£■ n. 1. fdjmcljCH ; auf= lofcit; (to — down, /it. &jig.) ein= fdime^cu, roeafcbmeljen, jcifdimcU jeit; 2. »ctgebeu (insiebe); 3. ge= viifcrt rocrben ; to_ — into tears, jig. iu ibvancu jcrflicfieu. MELTER, b. bet SdmicUev. MELTING,*. ba8@d)meljen; —house, bte©cbmcijf)urte ; — pot, bet Scbntcl$= ttegel. MELTING (adv. — ly), adj. fd)ttieU jettb ; — mood, bic toetttetftr&e Stints lining; — new, s. He 23eicfcr)eit (beg ©eniutbeg); diiibvbavfeit. meiavel, s. bcr iliotbfebar, ©dbeUs fild). MEMBER, .9. 1. bag ®lteb; Stiicf, ber Xl)cil ; 2. bag SDtitglieb. MEMBERED, adj. nut Obev yon ©lie- bent, qegliebert. MEMBERSHIP, *. 1. bic ©cnicinbc ; ©efellfdjaft; 2. SBereintgung. MEMBRANACEOUS, > adj ClUS 2J?cm= MEMBRANEOUS, $ 'brattett befle= benb, bautig. MEMBRANE, s. bic Membrane, elafits febefiaut, bag <6autdjen ; winking --, bag \Hugeiibautd>cu. MEMENTO, *. bic (bag Betftett bev (Srinnerung ; bag : Slubt ! ©ebcnfe ! — mori, gcbcnfe_ beg 5,'obcg ; a me- mento mori, eiit AObeggcbadituifi. memoir,' «. bie ©enffdjrift, bet 3tuf= fajj, bic "Jiadnid)t ; mem lire, pi. bie Senfrourbigfeiten, it. f. w. MEMORABLE (adv. — ly), adj. bcilf= wutbig, ntetfroiirbig. MEMORANDUM, s 'bic 9h>te, Stota, Stnntetfitng ; bag OTerfjeidjen, SWetfs mat; — hook, bag 3)eufbiut, 5Rotijs bud), Xafcbenbitd) ; M. /■:. 3totitbucp, Stotijbud), bieJtiabbe, bag 2Ranua(. MEMORATIVE, adj. jut ©tinnetutrags fvaft gcf)Ofig; bic (Sviitucnuta. be = fotbetnb: — power, bie (Sttnneruttggs fraft. dMMORiAL, I. adj. I. bag Slitbcnfcu er= 71 batfenb, ^ltm ?Iitbcitfeti; 2. im ©c= bSdjfniffe ciithalteit; It .t. 1. bag Teiifnial; i'lerf^eidicit, bie Mnntets filing, Oiinc; 2. ©enffdjtift 83itts fdivift, bag SRemotiat ^ro 3)Jemo= via : accept {torn me as a — . ntlttin (biefeg ;um Slnbenfen Don ntit. MEMORIALIST,*. 1. bev Serfaffcr BOn rciiffdnifteii ; 2. bev ©ittfielier. To MEMORIALIZE, v. a. cine ©ttts 1'dnift einveiebctt; bind) 93ittfcbtift aiifitdieit. To MEMORIZE, v. a. jut (Srinnerung aurViebneit ; cviiiiicvn. MEMORY, a bag ©ebac^tni^ bie @ts innentnggftaft ; ©rinnetung, bag '.Hu= benfen ; ©ebenfen; art of — , bic©c= bacbtitififiiiift, '.ViiicntPiiif ; in— of.., turn SlnbenKn an . .; to call to — , fid) cviunevtt; that is out of my — , bag ift ntit entfallen ; within the — of man, bei iKcnfdjen ©ebenfen; in — of. . . , jut Srinnevuiifj an . . . ; time of — , i.. t. bag ^enfmengebenfen. MEN, s. (pi. »On Man, ±liaitlicv ; gen. bic SfjRenfc&en. To MENACE, o. a. bvpbeti, bcbvpben. MENACE, s. tic Drofjung, bag Dvol)- roott. MENACER, .?. bev T'vpbenbe, ©to^et. menage, 8 bie SDtenagetie. MENAGERY (Menxobrib), t. bic ©antmliutg sou Xl)icvcit, bic STIenas getie. MENAGOGUE, a: Med. T. bie 'Jlrjcnfl jttt ©efStbetung bev nipnatlidjeii J(ci= nigung. To MEND, v. a. &■ 7i. 1. beffevu, oers beffetn ; angbeffetn, flideu ; 2. hel= fc:i, befpebevii, verftavfen ; 3. beffet rocrbcit, gene'fen; .fid) beffevu; to — one's pace, beu ©djritt oetbop* belli; to— one's life, fidi beffevu; to — one's draught, lipd) C t It SJJcal ttilts fen; to — one's market, eincu »pr: tbeilhaftcvcu .Oanbel fdilief;ei-. MENDABLE, adj. verbeffevlid). MENDACIOUS, Uv. lii^eubaft, falfdj 'li. It.). MENDACITY, ». bie 7iii,niug juv lln= wabvheit, 8ugen6aftigfeit. MENDER, a. bev -.'lusbeffevev, glider. MENDICANCY, ». bic ©ettelei. MENDICANT, I. adj bettelub, bcttel = arm; n.«. berSemet; 93ette[m5ucf). MENDICITY,*, bag ^ettlevlebeu ; bet Setfefftanb, bie Beltelei. menial, i. adj. ju bent ©eftnbe ges f>5tig, luitglid); Eueebtiht, iiemeiii; ii s. bev ©ebienre, 6au§fnecbt, bie 3Jlagb. menisi us, »: (>,ain (jubcreitet oon bent ©aucbfeH beg n bivifdieu, im Sinter gtau geroorbe= ncn (vutboviuiniK- obet Set)e). MENOLOGY, .^. bag SJetjeidjltig bev O.'ipnatc. MENi >W, s bie GJlttie, @lbttj,bet ©it= tevfifd) ( ctit gluvftieb). mensal adj. ,11m £ifd)c gef)5rig, bei i if die (». it.). MENSES, a, Med T. bie mpuatliitc3?ei= nigung, bag UJionatlidje. MENSTRUAL, adj. iitpnatiidi ; Ch. T. auflpfeiib; — Mux. bie nieiiatlidie SReintgung. MENSTRl i< il IS, adj bic mouatliAc SBet= nigung babeub. MENSrRUUM.* Ch T. bar.HufIpfuitijg= uiiitel, bet Sdjeibefaft. MENSURABfLITY, ». bte ^Jenbavfett. MENSURABLE, adj. nicf;bai'. MENSURAL, adj. :uuieiuem ilWtfic gc= bpvii^, itini iOTatlc btcucub, am 93ml SKafe. To MENSURATE, p. «. meffen, abmef> feu, veviueffen tt>. ii. . mensuration, a. bie SWeffung, 3lb« meffung, JluSmeffuug. MEN I'M. ado. —vt ■ adj ill bev See* If, in ©ebanfen, inncrlid), griftig, inteUecturl ; — p iwer; bie ©eipeS fvaft; — eight bag geiftige Huge. MENTION,*, bie ©rbabnung, 3ReU bung, ainjeige; at a — . bei ©rtoab* nung; not to — ... uiitt tu envab:, uidit ^u gebenfen, fiberbief, au» perbent; tn make — nf . . . 2Rf Ibung Ibun, ettoabnen ; don't made - don't—) u. cvnubucii 2ie eg uiitt, laffen Sie eg gut fehn, m^ (?'vumc= bcviiiiii bes Taufeg Sie babeit ffiue Utfacfte. To MENTION, v.a cniv'ibucu, angebeo, nielreu, anjeigen, gebenfen ; mention- ed, crivabiit, Befagt. MENTZ. a bie 3tabt SWain*. mephitic adj mefbitifdi, gtfttg, flins fenb, cvftiefeiib; — air — gas), bag ©tirfgag, jfoblenitojfgag ; — « pi. luftfaiire SBafjer. MERCANTrLE adj. junt ^anbel uub ©etoerbe geb,5rig, faufmanntfd), mer= fantilifd), commetcieU ; — ad iBanbelgbcricbte; — community, bev $anbelguerbanb, ^anbelgurrein, bie ^anbelgoerbtnbung ; — ©efebaftgoetbinbungen ; — c >uri,bag .*3anbeU-,ievid)t ; — letters ^anb= lunggbtiefe ; — life, — line, ber^aus bcUftaub ; bag i^anbefgfadj : — ne- ition, bev .*>autcl'imt= fucbttfl ; 'li .--. bev Vpbuarbeitev : QJlietfjltng, Solbner ; mercen li ■ soldiers), pL [Dlictpliligg = Jvuia'cil Jruppen bie im Solbceittetfteinbcn SRegierung uebeu . MERCER.* bev 2eibcuba:ib!er ; Jlras met, jteamev, J?aufinanii im .Ulci- ltcu. MERCERSHIP, *. bev Seibeill)ailbcl; tie .Uianierfdiatt, ber .'cvam. MERCERY, s. bet 2cibeubanbcl, be: Setbenftam, tie seibenbaubiung im .Uliiuen, vlii-'diniribantluni ; ber .fianbel im Jttemen; bet Aram, bie Aleintoaate, Heine SBaate. MERCH VNDIZE, *, bie SSSaare ; ber ■Oautel. To MERCHANDIZE t>. « ^autrl tret- beu, baubelu ; merchandizing, bag .fSaubclu. MERCHANT,*, bev jtaufmann, ^an» belgmann; — 'scierk, ber^anb(ungg> bicnev, (Sommig; — fleet, tie $an« belgflotte, .ifauffabvteiflPtte ; — tie Aaufmannggutet, SBaarett; — law, bag ^anbefgrecbt ; — man, bag .UanffabvtciiYbiff, .^aiibelofdnff ; — 's rev Jtauffaben ; - tador, bev ©afanteriejt)anb(er. SBarettframet ; Scbneibcr im ©rofen ; — '« wife, bit ^anbeTgfrau, Aaufmanngfrau ; — a, p jtauffeute ; the wh ile b 1 1. of — s. bie J?aufmaiinfdjaft; 'sai counts, bie faufmannifc&e SBuqibalhiita ; — h h i ise, bag .Kaufbaiicv 8agerf)aug, tic 9tieberla§e. MERCHANTABLE, adj i:il ^ailbfl, gangbar, prcigwettQ, toreigroilrbia gut oerfauflid); not — , unoetfaufi it*. 951 MER1 MESS META lERCHANTLIKE, adj. faiifiuaunifd). MERCIFUL [adv. — i i adj lltttlctt>S= yoll, 6arin^ergi0, giitig, gtabtg; — ness,s ba8 iWitfetb, (Srbaunen, bie SatmtjergigFcit, ©nabe. MERCILESS (ado. — ly), «£. unbarm* fcerjtg, ungnabta, bait, graufam ; — ness, .?. bteUnbavmfcerjigfeit, .§ar= te, Unerbtttlicbfeit, ©raufamfett. MERCURIAL, adj. 1. »OIt ober au3 Oiicrf filbcr, mcrfurialifd) ; 2. fig. fliicbtig, lcbhaft. MERCURIALIST, s. Astrol. T. bCV Ut!<= tet bem (Sinffuffe bee" SKerfurS ge= borne ilicufd), bcr Uurubige, cai. SWerfuriuS. MERCURIFICATION, s. bie 2?ermi= I'dntug mit Quecfftlbet:, jUlerfuriftji* I'UUg. mercury, g. 1. .ist. t. SKerfurtuS, OlJevfur ; 2. Ch T. ba6 Ouccfftlbcv ; o./jV. tic Sludjttgfett, bet Unbefianb ; 4. bte 2ReIbe, bad Singettraut (Mer- carialis — /,.) ; corneous — , or muri- ate ot" — . bag Quccffilbcrborncrj, J < pornqucd : |Ubcr ; fluid or native — , has gebtegene Quecfftl&er ; — 's finger, bcr wilbe Saffrau. 7li MERCURY', v. n. ciiicnt £Uiccf= ftibcrprapavat wafcijcit. MERCY, s. 1. bie ©armljevttgt'eit, bn8 SJZirleiben ; 2. bie ©nabe, SBerjebung ; gcbonuug, 9!ad)fid)t; 3. SBilifubr, ©enxtlt; 4. SDiifericorbia (Sr «uenna= ine); to cry — , urn ©nabe flchcii; cry (your) — ! o ©nabe! ©nabe! Lord (Heaven) have — upon us! ecfe ber Sunbellabe, ber SBerfohnungSbecfel'. herd, s. ber Unrat^, 5>ung, ©finger. HERE (adv. — ly), adj. 1. blofi, allcitt, lauter, unoermifefct, nid)f3 al8; 2. ganjltc^ ; a — knave, eiu ypfifoiiinie- Iter (@rj=;)©r6urfe; —exchange-busi- ness,.!/. Ph. ilBec^fefretfcvct. 4ERE, s. 1. bie Sacbe, bcr See; 2. Main, bie Orcnjc ; —sauce, bteSalj* briifjc; — stone, bcr ©tenjfletn. MERETRICIOUS (adv. —ix),adj.i. &tt= rerifd), unjurjjtig, [icbcriirb; '2. oer= fiUivcrifcb ; 3. fa(fd), taufrbenb, iiu= edit; — ness, s. 1. bag bitrcrifcbc, int* jfiebjige, lieberlirbe SBefcn, bie »cr= fulVrcrifcbeu Slulocfuugett ; 2. galfcb= fecit. MERGANSER, s. bie £aud)cntc, bcr JEaurpet, ©agetauc^et (Mergus — L) ; red-breasted — , ber v l)JemadH\ .ftucifer, Sagefcbnfibler, bie £aud)cr= fage. To MERGE, v. a. S,- n. ciufaudien, »cr= ffnfcn ; fittfen, vcrfd)n>iubcn, oerloren geben. MERGER, s. L. t. bie SBermtfcfcung ei- iieS Eleinen ©utefl mit cincm groficit burcb .ftcimfall. MERIDIAN, 1 s. 1. bcr Wittaq; 2. SKertbtan, SUHttagSfreig, bie ' aHif* tagstinte; 3. fig. J^b^e, ber bod)ftc ©rab, ©t»fel ; this is not calculated to our—, tici; ifi unferm Orfe (cber3u= ftautc nidit angemelfen; n. ad}. 1. mittagltcb ; 2. fiiblid) ; 3. fig. auf bent Inn-bftcit Spuiifte; —altitude of. the sun, bie grbjjte .05hc faJlittagSbbbe] ber Sonne ; — fine, bie 2ftttrag8ltnte. MERIDIONAL (ada. — vi), adj. mtttits gtrj, gegett SDlitrag, ffiblicb, fiibroartS gfvidilct; — journey, bie SRetfe in Siitcn. MERIDK (Nality, s. bie f ubltc^e ?age. ii53 MERINO, s. (— cloth), bcr 2J?crino ; — wool, fpantfebe SBoIIe. merit, «. 1. bo8 Serbtenfl, ber 93or= jug ; 2. baS Dtcrfit, bcr yittfprnd) ; 3. Voh'it ; the — s of a cause, bcr ©WHO, bte I'efdiaffcnbeit cincr (Sadie; the — of the present is . . , bcr j^\V(d bic= fcr ^eilcn ift .., ©egenwnrtigelbient . . ; to make a — of, fid) ttorauf JU gilte tinilt ; to make a — of necessity, aufi bcr s Jiott) cine Nugent macben. To MERIT, v. a. lu'vbiencn ; to —of.., fid) »erbicnt mad)cn lint . . . MERITORIOUS (adv. — ly), adj. t'Cr= bicnftlicb, bocbyevbient; — ness, s. ba§ SUerbienftlicbc, bie 33erbtcitftlicb= feit. MERLE, s. bie 2linfci (Merula — L). merlin, s. bcr Scrcbcn&abicbf, Sdinteiling. merlon, s. Fort, bie Sd)iefifd)nrten= jeile, 3inne, baS erbabene ©tiicf bcr Srufimefere jroifcbeu ben . portion ; 3. bie Sifc^gefeUfc^aft* cine Slnjabl 3nf«inmene|fenber (bc= fonberi 3)jilitat unb SRatrofen; bet ben Icijrcnt : ct tic 33acf) ; 4. bafi 3JZeng= \\\, be: •A'lifdniiaut ; master of a — , ber P3acf§meifler ; — mate, ber Xffcf) 5 genofi ; Sdiiiffelcsmerflb, Sea hit* bcr Scicftmttat. To MESS, v. 1. n. fpf'fett, effett ; to — together, Sea lang. bo.5 &oIE ir. 53acfe» tbeiien, bacfen ; to — with one, 3e= manbeS 2ifd)gc:iof) fettn; n.a. ueta baltuifimafjig 511 ben !£ifc^au§gaben MESSAGE, s. 1. bie 93otfdiaft, @cn> bung, bcr in-vidit, SBefcbeib; 2. Am ba8 Scutfdircibcn (bie fdiriftlidie. bet Sroffnung be« Songteffefl »om ^Jraflbenten bcr S3ereintgteu Btaattr, »on SRorb Smertfa an ben Eougrefj gcviditcte 3tebc) ; — cards, Sifitens t'avten. MESSAGER, s. vid. Messenger. messenger, s. berSote, Sotfdjafter, ©efanbte ; Uebcrbringer ; Saufcr, eilbote, SOorbote, SBorlaufer; fftatfa biener, WcviebtSbieuer; — 's fee, bet 53oten(ohn. MESSIAH, s. ber 3)Jeffta8. MESSiMisHiP. s. ber (Jijaraftcr, bi? 2Biirbe be« S!JJeffta«. ME8SIAS, s. vid. Messiah. MESSIEURS, s. pi. liicinc (bie) >§crrcu. MESSMATE s. vid. tilltev Mess, messuage,*, baa ©iitcbett, SSorroert; l. T. ©runbjiucf. MET, part. (»01l To Meet) ; well — , fdion, (c3ift mir licb) bat? toit una treffeu ; llHllfommcit! they are well — , fie fd)itfeu ficb gut jufammcit; not to be — with, llid)t JU finbcit, nidjt anjutreffen (oott SBuc^eru, u.f. ro.), »ergriffen. metabasis, s. Rh. T. %(t Uebergong. METABOLA, s. Med. T. bie ikianbc = rung, Umvoerbfcluug (to', ft.). METACARPAL, adj A. T. Jill' -SlitM* banb geborig ; — bone, bcr SJjrjittcI- banb:, l .lu£(tcu ; —saw, S. r.bte iKit- felfeanb=©age. METACARPUS, s.A. T.bieSftittclhaut, ^anbwurjel. METACHRONISM, s. bcr 3cb(er aufcr bie 3eitrcd)itung. metage, s. 1. ba« Jloblenmafi ; 2 3Jiefjgelb (Bon ©etreibeunb ^Eoblen . METAGRAMMATISM, s. bie ©urbfia= bentoerfefcung. METAL, s. 1. baa giJctall ; bie iDtctal = compofitiou; 2. bte ©taSinaffe in Pfiffigem 3'tfinnbe; 3. vid. Mettle. METALEPSis, s. Rh. T. bie gortfe&ung unb S3erbopj>elung cities ober mchvc= vci- Xtopeit. METALEPTlC (ado. —ally), adj. Rh. t. bui'd) SJiamen»erfe|unj. METALLIC, adj. mctalltfd), iiicfallen, erj^altig, erjabulid) ; — currency, m.k Etmgenbc SDiunje ; — pile, bie SBoIfafaule. metalliferous, adj. SUZetalt ev= jeugenb. METALLINE, adj. lltctaliifcb, mctaden, crjljaltig, erjaimlid). METALLIST, .?. bcr SictaiicuEeituei' ; bee -:JictaiIavbcitcr. METALLOGRAPHY, s. bie 33efrbrei» bung ber 3RetaIle. METALLURGIST, s. bcr ??iCtaIIllf|V SergwerfsEunbige, (grjfunbige, @rj» fiteibcfiiuftfer. metallurgy, s. bie gKetallurgte, Erjfunbe, ©rjfc^eibelunbe, Scbmetj Eunbe. METALMAN, s. ber Jtupfcvfdimtcb: Sinitgiefjcr. metam< irphic, ? aaj'.umruanbelub METAMORPHOSIC, S Umfcbflffettb. 7V) metamorphose, v. a. oern)aiu bclu, uuifdiaffcit. metamorphoser, s. bcr 93crroau»' let, Itmniiaffcr. METAMi >RPHOS:s s bie SBcnoanblwuj METR MIDD M1DE METAPHOR, .?. Rli. T. tie Wltta.$tV, Uebertragung, bilblicbe, tropifche Dtcbcitoavt, Uropc. METAPHORICAL (— ic), (adv. — lv), «,//. Rh. T. mctapborifdi, iibcrgetta- gtn, biltlirb, ftgiirltcb, tropifrb. METAPHORIST, s. bcr Slnmenber »on Iropcn nub SBilbern. METAPHRASE, «. bie wBrtlic&e Ucbcr= fefcung. If ETAPHRAST, «. bermortlidjc Ue&er= fefccr. MBTAPHRASTIC, an, s. bie 3J?er(jobe ; ?!rt, 2Qei= fe, 8er)rart, SBerftttjrungJatt. METHODIC (— cal), u./c — cally), «,//. mcthotifdi, ot'bcittlieb. METHODISM, s. bie ©riinbfdfee bev 5Wetf)Obijteit. Methodist, .?. 1. ber 3Befb>bifer; 2. a»etr>obift. METHODISTICAL (— ic),adj. JUt SDte* tfjobiftens 5efte geij5tig, metb^btftifcij. To METHODIZE, o. a. gel)8tig otbuen. METONYMICAL {ado. — LY), adj. Rh. T. metottDmifcB. METONYMY, ». RA. T. tie 3WetOKV;s niic, DflainenDevwec^glung. MET< ipe s. .//tA. 7'. tic sfjletope. METOPOSCOPiST, s. bev SJJfotyftognos mi fee. METOPOSCOPY, », tie spfitofiognomif. METRE, s. bnfl AVctnim, Stylbenmai METRICAL {ado. — ly), adj. metrifd), tactmfi&ig, in gebunbener Spradje, gebunben. METRONOME, s. Mus. T. bet E, lebhaft; — ness, a. tas geurtge, tic Jgi^t, igeftigfeif, bet il'iutb. MEW, s. 1. bet ..Uiifid) ( bej outers fiir AMiint); bet i ; iat} mo etroaS cimic= Kbloffeit ift ; 2. tie 2)ieiH- ; the kind's — s, tie Eontglicbcn EDtarfidUe (in bcncit cbemalu galfett nwren). TS/MEW,». i. a. J. ftblegen, obroerfen (baS ©eroeibj; 2. einfvettcit, eiiu ftedcit (mit upj ; H. n. I. mt man; fen, fid) retail, jtcfc) lumrcit ; 2. mails en, mtauen ; fjuafeit. To MEWL, o. n. flitcrrcn, fdircicn (mic eitt ,«inb). MEWLER, s. bet Cuafer, SdrcibaU. mezereon, s. bet JteUet^als, Seu b C I b Cl 1 1 (Daphne mczcrcum — I..) MEZZI », .«. en compos. — fort <;, Mus. Ts mttteN obet mafiig ft art ; — mtttc!=fad)t, eftt)0« letfe ; T-s. — re- lievo, bie iMlbcvlv.bcuc Arbeit; — timo, bic fdjmarjc Jtitnft (cine 3lrt beS .Uitvferftedjettis) ; ein foicbet Sln-- Vfcrftid;. MIASM, Miasma, s. b«8 9?ciiVJma, bic fd)ablid)c SluSbiinftung, Slnjtecfutig ; ber attftedcttte JJtanffeitejtoff ; tic <2cud)c. MIASMATIC, adj. ntiaSmatifd), an= ftcrfenb. mica, s. ber ©limmer, (al« gtein) Sa3 Jlafeettgolb, ,R\iljcnfi[bcr, (ali @rbe) tic OHinintcrertc; — slate, bic ®liminerfdjiefer. micaceous, adj. gliinmetattig. MICE, s. {pi. UOll Mouse) tic SWaitfe. MICHAEL, s. 'I'iii-bael, oidg. SKitbel (IWinitMtame) ; — mass, baS SWi d)iuii8feft ; — mas day, bet i'cidnu^ listag ; — fair, tic DRicfytelis'meffe. Mico, s. bet SWifo (etne Slffenatt). mii i;m 'i ism. s, bie SBelttm .Rleincn (bet SMenfdj; bet 3Jitfrofo8mu8. MICROCOSMICAL (— ic), adj. inifro= foSmifd). MICROGRAPHY, s. tic ^efdjrcibnn^ Eleitter, nut tmd) ein SWiftoSfop cr= feniibavcr Aotyet. MICROMETER,*, r. bcr SWtftometer. MICROSCOPE,* Opt. T. bai SDZiftD8= fop, 33efgt6|jefuttgSgla8 ; cloth—, .i/. pa. cut SudjgtaS, Sucker. MICROSCOPICAL (— n ), a-ij. mifro»fo= pifd)- Miu, adj. mitten, in bcr 2Wttc; — age, ba8 mittlere filter ; — air, mit tni in bet 8uff ; — courso, tic 68lfte bes 2Bege«; ~ day, bet SDitttag; mittSgig ; — day sun, tie SKittagSs fonne ; — heaven, tic SWitte be8 ^immelS; —land, mitten tin Svitt- te, mittclliiiibifd); —land town, tie ©inneiijiobt; — lee, bie OA'itte beS SBeiuee; — lent, bieSWitte tec Ja (ten i — lenl Sunday, Vatavc, [bet Diets re ©onntag bet iJaften); — tenting, ba8 Sefudjen bet SBerruanbten jut gojlenjeit (befonbera ut SState); — most bet, tie, Mo IKitteh'u ; — rib, tie OJiittcInm; —sea, bnDDLK, i. adj. (mittcl) mittkr, mits relmfiiig : injtoifcBen; n. s. bie 9J?iN te, baa JKittelftiicf, bcr 3warmeteteit ; —<. pt 3tad)tftubien; — miu, .v. 7'. tie 9lpr« bevfoiinc. tflDRli", .-. ta8 Stvcrdtell, bic 9?efc= bant. MIDSHIP, I. s. .v. T-s. tcr mittlere I beil be8 5d)ife8 ; — beam, bet aKittelbalten, ^aupttalfen, Segel: batten ; — i .''littelfva'un ; — man, ber@ee t\tfct : II. Midships, ado. in tcr JDlifle befl 5d)ijfe8. midst, L*. ba8 iDlittelfte, tie SKitte; in Hit; — , mitten in, mitten untct; ii. ado. in tcr URitte. MIDSUMMER, ». tic ^Jittc be8 Soms met8, bie Sommetfonnentneubi 21. % ii it i ; —day, bet Sobamtistag ; — torrent, bet Sommets [©emitter: Sturm. midway, i ». bie SKt'tfe be« SBegeS, bet balbe SBeg; bie SKitte, jWitteU (trage; n. adj. &■ ado. in bet SWitle, mitten i it lie. .Minwin:, a. bie .^ebamme, 3Bet)mitt= tcr. 3T>Mn)WIFE,-»). a. .Ocbammciitic::'! vcrvidueii, entbiitten. MIDWU'ERY.a. bie .^cbamnui'.funu ; ©eburtfibiilfe. MH5N,*. tie SKiene, ©eftchtfibifbung. bie llnl'.ift, ba8 DHipoer" gni'ti]cit, bet A'nNiuntb. MIFFED, adj. wig. inuttifd), vci t ricfi - [id). MIGHT, 8. bieiWflrbt, ©ewalt, Star* f e ; with — . ami mam. mit aUer ®e= malt, mit ooUet .draft, au8 2eibe8= ftfiften. MIGHTINESS,* tie "AWtd't, ©cwatt .Ocicit : High Mightinesses, ^0(bm5= unite (^etreu . MIGHTY {adv. — ily), I. adj. mad jjcmaltig, ftarf, fraftig, Ijeftig ; ivivt fam; grofi (geifiig), Dortrefftid) ; midjtig ; n. ado. ouig. flbtranS, i"cbr MIGNIARD, adj. failft, jatt, lartlidj. mignonette ». bie [mofjiriedjcnbc Bweet-scented) llicfcta. To migr \i't:.r.;,. manbern, fortjiefcen MIGRATION, a. tie 3Banbeiuiig, tcr i\M- MIGRATORY, adj. UMitteriib. MIGUEL, s 3Jcid)ael (3JJann8naine). MH.AX. 8. OJi'ailant unt Stab! . MUxANESE, adj. mai(anbifdj) ; tl I. ba8 3Jlaitdnbifd)e ; 2. bieuJiaildti* ber. MILCH, adj. melf. 3J?il'd) gtbeilb ; — c pw, bie -AW-lffitb. MILD {adv. — m fan't, gfttig, freunblidj, Iieblid); meidj, Mit ; fuji ; — tpiriled, | miitbig. MILDEW, a. tcvA'icMtKtit :tic i r>!att- lau8. bcr Sd)immel ; SBurin, 83ranj (im ©etreibe . To Mi'..i-i'.\\ ' .'..Mtait iiber« 959 MILL licbcit, branbtg macben (unb babutd)) rcrtcrbeii, bcfcbinintclu. , mildness, ». bie SWilbe, OdmbtS" feit, Sanftjjeit, ©anftinut&j 0)ute, gieblidtfeit ; SufHflfeit. MILK. s. tie SJletle ; — stone (— mark), bet 3Jleilenaetger, 2)leilen= ftein, bieSBegfdule, 3Joftfaulc. mileage, ,-. baS SJletlengelb, be* pet SDleile. milfoil, s. bio Sd)afgatbe, bag ©ar= benfraut, bie gelbgarbe [Achillea wa- rn — L). MILIARY, adj. birfefotmtg ; tlcitl, grieelid); — fever, ba8 Slecfftebet; tcr gftiefrf; — glands, pi. bie £aut= brufeit ; — herpes, pL bet >f?autau§= fcblag. MILITANCY, ». bttS Jtficgfllfjl'Clt (It. U.). MILITANT, adj. fh'CttCltb ; the church — . T!i. t. biegegen bie SBelt unb tic ■§5lle ftreiteitbe jftrcbe. MILITARY \a h>. — ii.y . I. adj. mtlit3= rifcb, friegetifd), fotbatifd) ; II. s. baS 3)lilitat, bie ©olbaten ■ — architecture, bie •Rriea.sbaufmifi ; — boots, pi. ©olbatenftiefeln ; — ifebafo ; — chest, bie ,Rrieg8= caffe ; — stores, P l. .RtiegSbebutfniffe, iliuniricit; SPtooiant. To MILITATE, o. n. (— against), firet= ten (bagegen). militia. s. bie sjJiilij, (ftebentc) tftiegemad&t, SButgetfolDaten, Saitbs folbvtten, jfctuppen. bio Santivcbr; — mm, bet Solbaf, bet ?anb»e^t= maun. milk, s. 1. bie SKild); 2. @amen> mild); the — of human kindness, * bie fanfte SfJlenfcbenliebe ; —cow, bie ^iilebfub, ; — food, bie sDlitd)foft, §Dlild)fpeife : — gage, bet HJlildjmefs fet ein jnfttuinent ; — house, bie 2)ltlcb£antmei ; — livered, feige, feig= bcr^iit ; — maid, bie 3ftild)magb ; bafi 3Jiild)mabcpen ; —man. bet 3Jlitd)= gettaufet; — pail, bet SJlilcbeimet, bie iiiilcbgelte; — pan. bet 3Jlild)= afeb ; — parsley, bie ©umvfftfge. bet Delfertd), roitbe (Sppid); —porridge. — pottage, bie 3JitId}fuppe ; — quartz, ber DJlildjquatj ; — score, tie 3)?ilct)= vecbumia,; — sop,«mi. bet lvcibifcbe ' ^luiuii, bie HJlemme; — strainer, bet SDlild)bntd)fd)lag ; — tare. baS illild)= ftaut, ednclfraur, Semmelft aut ; — thistle, bie yrauuitific! [Carduvs Ata- ri nuis — i.) ; — teeth, pi. bie 3JJtld)= jabne; — trefoil, baS 3Hild)ftaut (Glaux — L.) ; — vetch. ba§ TiMrbeU frant, suffrage!, bet Soetfbotn galua — L.)\ — weed, bie 2Bolf8= Stildj (Tithymalus — L.) ; — white, mtldjmeifi ; — woman, bie 3Jlitcbfiaa ; — «ort, bie Jlreii$b!ume, 3Ki(d)WUt] [Pohur.da — /..' : out — trefoil. To MILK, r. a. lltelfeit. MILKER, s. bet SDlelfet. MTLKINESS, s. ba>3 i3ltld)td)te, 3JHld)= attige. Mii.KV, adj. 1. oon 3JliIdj ; oofl SBlildj, mil*:.-,; niilctMcbr : 2. SJKild) gebenb; 3. fe-. weicb, jartlicb: —juice, bet SDltfibfaft; —way, tie 3Jhld)ftrafJe. \ih.l ,-. i. tie JDlfible; bnfl ©ettiebe, SSert; ^Stagewetf; Scbtagwetf, fiitmmerroetf, bet ^ammet ; ^iille (eiue SRecbnungSinun^e) ; — boards, pl. tie RatEite 2ltt i^avre jil aBiifbetfrbfllen, fiutfuttetalen, u.f.m. ; — i rook, tcv -A^utilMcb, ta-5 [TJJubl= tlMiTet; — clad;.- t 9Wef>U Clavpet, ber Slnfcblag, Jvltppel; — fee 3«pfen, .liantm am Wabe; — courses, pi bie 2DJab,Igniige ; — •.ran. ba3 ?jjubicifen ; — dam, tar CtiU MINC 3Jluf>Tn)ebjc; — dust, ber 2)Juflen= ftaub ; — grate, ber iliiiblreebcit ; — handle, bet ©tetj an einer2Binbmub= le; — hopper, ter iliiibltriducr; — horse, ba* I'liiblciivfcrb ; —moth, bie Srbabe, bet Jiafetlaf ; — mountains, bet ^urgitfloc^S, fpurgitlein, bafl Heine Seinfrout;— pond, ter 2Jtubl= tcidi; _ puff, ©rjettoolle jum9lug= ftopfen son 3Ratto%en, u. f. ».); — race b,is 3Jjubtgetinne bie einge= fd)loffc!ie afiaffetmajfe, lvelebe ba§ ?i,it treibt) ; — rod ( — rudder), bol i'liiMeiir ubet j — saw, tic OJ t ii b 1 fa = ge; — stone, tcr iDiiiblfteiii ; — ti i th, pi. tie SBacfenjabne; — wear. baS i'liubhvcbv; — wheel, bafl fflnbU M j ; _ wright, bet I'litbleitbauer, sOJu^lntjt. To mill. r. a. mablen, jevmaTmen ; (ab=)quetlen ; tvalfen ; ptagen, utia= gen; tanbetn cWaitu-n). MILLENARIAN, s. bet Sb.iliaft (33er= fedpter beS taufenbiafjtt'gen 3tficb§). MILLENARY, adj. (tils' Xoitfeitb beftc= benb. MILLENNIAL, adj. tvlliU'llt jabvi.l. millennium, *. tac- 3abrtaufenb; tain'cubiabrijc 9teirf>. milleped, s. bie SJffet, bet Jcrllet- wunn. miller, s. I. ber SDlulIet ; '2. bie gue= gc; — 's-scuttie. bie lliiihlcurbbre ; — -s-thumh, tcr ^aultopf (eine 5ifcb= ott). millesimal, adj. bet taufenbfie ; tau= fenbfacb. millet. .^. bie .^trfe. M1LLIARY. .*. — column, ber ^ic;(cn= ftein, aReilenieiger. milliner, s tic aJiobewaorenbanbles viini, ^ufemadH-riuu, 3J2obiftinii : man — . ter ^iptcnwiavcnluatlcr, 'Ra'j.- (jdnbier, 3J?obift. millinery, s. tie S|Jufeb,anbIung ; bet spitfebaiibel, •Rufjfram ; tie JWobes obet •Ruljtvaavcn. million, s. 1. bie SKittionj 2. erf. eine gtofie 3)?enge. MILLIONTH, orfj. bet nc \ l.adj. n;i; wd\ MIMICAL [adv. — lt), > II. s. I. 9Ki= mif; bet Scbaufineler ; iDitmifer, @cbetbenmacbet ; 9iacbaffer, $offen= mad>ct; 2. fclaotfcbe SRacbabmer. To MIMIC d. a. ®ebetben nacbinnrben, H.ntabmcii, nacbaffen; SJJoffen ma= rben. mimicry, s. tic SRacbaffctei, bad ©e= betbenmacben. MIMORRAPHER, s ter Spoffenfpiele febveibt, ^offenfebteibet. MINACIOUS, adj. collet Trpbungeit, btobenb. MINACITY, s. brtr Jrobenbc, bie 9ltu i ;nm Tvobcu hi', ii.). minaret, s bet 3JJtnflret. MINATORY, adj. btobenb. To mince, o .a.l. flein badcii, flein t'dircitctt; 2. fig. settlement ; 3. ct= toa5 nadi unb nacb unb fein geben ; minci 1 meat, t.-o Sftagout; minc« .r mince,: pie, bit $ajtete ntit flein ge= MING badten Sngtebienjien (alfl Sloftiwi gletfcb, ii. f. ii'. 1 ; n. ». l. fid) jtetca 2. ttippeln, Icife auftteten. MINCINGLY adv. in flciitcit Stiicfcn fur. nut pbcnbiit; gcuevt. mind. s. 1. bafi Oiemutb, ber Sinn ttc £eele, tcr ©cift; Serftanb: 2. SBille; bie 92eigung, Suft ; 3. Sulci* iiuiti}; ©eftnnung; 4. baS ©ebarbt= nil ; to keep in — , gctcnfcit, benFen (an etroas ; to my — , nadj meinent ©inne ; to change one's — , ftd) anbert befinnen ; he has his—, er b^tt feinen SSillen »a§ et oerlangt); to be ot a — . einet iDleinung '"c.'ii ; to be of a distracted — . nid)t tcd)t bet SQetftanbc K'.Mt : to express one's — . KiltC @e= baiifen atlSbrucfen ; sjieak your — , rprid) fret fetalis ; to relieve one's — , fid) betubtgen; she is of a greal many — s, fie wetj felbfr indu, roafl fie mid ; I have a (great)—, id) babe (gtofie Slift ; to call to — {or to put in — ot ...), crinncnt an . . . , tit (ivinncrung bringen, ju ©einutbe fiihren ; it comes into my — *$ fall! niireiit; it lies upon my — , € liegt mil auf bent <£>er;en; time out of — , ooil uiibcnE= lid'cii ^eiten ber; it will not_out of my — . tcb fann cg nidit »ergeffen. To MIND, o. a. 1. incvfcn, aitfiiierfen, acbtcit, beobacbten; 2, fieb bctunimevit urn . .. , udp fcbreit mh etnas'), 5orje tragenfut..., fieb befcb,aftigen mil . . .'; — your own business, befiimmcre bid) urn beine 8aebeii; — me of it, etinnett mid) taran ; I don't — it. icb inad)e mil niehtfl barauS; never — it . cv.i'abnc eS niv 4 .H u'ietcr, l.ifi c8 gut KDit; e-j niarbt nicbM au8; ca bat tttcbtS |U f.iac:t ; never — him. fibre bid) uicbt an ibit; »*ov^c fur ten nid)t, fur ten tft mil nidit bange; to — one's hook, ill* ©Ud) fet>ill, forts lefen. minded, adj. gcuitnet, gcnetgt, 2Btl* leu? ; to be — . Suft baben ; — bie ©eneigtljeit (befonberS in . MINDFUL (ado — lt), adj. 1. adU'V.m, fotgfaltifl, befliffcit; 2. ein^enf ; — ness, s tie 2ld)tfamteit, Seflliffenbett MINDLESS adj 1, uiiacbtfant. fot gloS ; 2. unetngebenf; 3. »etftanbeSlo8, geifiloS, bumm; he is — of it. cr benttntd)tbatan; adjtetnid)t batauf. MINE. proa. )>oss. mciit, bet, tic, bofl metne, obet tneinige ; bie SUletnigen, i r SOletnen : a friend of—, einet mei« net A'.'cnnte : those books are — . eal filtb metne £)Hd)et; he gave ins life t0 preserve — , et opfette fein . uin baS meine ;n erbalteit. mine, s tie ©tube, bafi 93etgwetf, bie 3)line; —action, tcr ^Jiiv ,'lntbcil an ciitent SetgwerfSuntetnebmen ; — man (— digger), ter SBetgmantt, .Oauer; — pit, tic (manibc. To MINE. '•. a. &■ n, ijvabcn, m untetgtaben (aud) fie.), untet(»5blen, Sptenggtaben madbett. miner V. ter ©etgmann, ©crgtnap« pe, SJliniter. ' mineral i. s. baS [Bimetal; U. adj. minetaiifd) ; — coal, bie gtetnfoblej _ kingdom, ba8 3Jlinetalteid); — mummy SBetgbalfam vent StavfitfnS ; — waters, pl. miiieralifebe SJaffer, ©efunbbtunnen. _ , „ MfNERALiST, s. bet 2Rmeralog, ©r|» funbige. MINERALOGICAL {adv.— lt), adj. mt netalogifd). _,. , MINERALOGIST s. tcr -Ji!,'.!c grjfunbige. , MINERALOGY, s. tic fjilllCValcgie, 3Jlinetalienfnnbe. 7'uMiNGUv c. I. a. 1. mifeben. oetmi MINO fijjett, mettgett; 11. n. fid) in cfmn« utifdjcit ; to — into society, tit ®efcli= f chafr gcbett. MNGLEDLY, adv. ucnvirrf; bje imb t>a. MINGLEE, .9. ber iDiifcbcnbc, SBermu fcbenbe,u. f. m. MINIARD, «$. fnttff, javf, jartiid) (». it.). To MINIARDIZE, v. a. faitft macfceit. 7b MINIATE, v. a. roth farben, rotben. MINIATURE, s. 1. bie SKijuatur, 3RU niatnrmalcrei; baS 2Jtiniaturgemal= be; 2. ber rotbc Sucbftabe. MINIKIN, I. adj. roinjig ; febr fkiit ; H. *. 1. bie 3ungfernnabe(, cine Ola flei= iter Stecfnabclit; 2. amt. bit nnnjigc fperfou. MINIM, s. i. ber tfnirpd, 3»erg ; 2. jtfu*. 7'. bie balbe Jtactnote ober fogf» naitnfe »eij»e JJote ; 3. eiuc Olvt gran* ciScatter. minimum, «. bad .ftlcinftc, ©eringfle, SBenigfie, bie niebrig^e 3a^l, ber i:ic= brigfle ©aft, ($reif); jifatt. r. cin Jilciuftcs. MINIMUS, .9. baS fcb> flciite ©ing, ber Heine Jtnirpd. MINING, «. bad iOJiitireit, Untergraben ; — association, bee ^cvjiueifeucvettt ; — town, bie Sergfrabt. minion,* 1. ber Siebling, ©unfiling; tas Sdjaijcbcit; 2. Typ. r. bie $etit (=5d>rift;. MINION1NG, s. bie jartlidic 93e$anb= fong. Minionlbke, ) adj. wjdrfefnb ; niebs Minionly, 5 lid); affecttrt. MINK >nship,*. fie gtebfofung, Scbmefs d)elci; ta§ Sraboritentbum. UiNious, adj. inennigfarben. minister, s . 1. ber ©tener, bad SBerfc §eug ; 2. ( — of smte), ber beooHmcicbs tigte aJimijter, ©faatdminifter, ®e= tattbte; 3. (—of the gospel , ©eifili* 4c SJJrtefter. To minister, v . I. a. barreicben, 30= beit; ii. «. 1. bietten, auftuarten; 2. .^eilmittel reicben, i'littcl fejjaffen, belfen; 3. beit &ircbenbienfi »erwal» teit. MINISTERIAL (adv. — i.y), adj. 1. bie= nenb, aufroartenb; 2. bie Staatdmi= nifler betreffenb, lniuiftcriell, anitlid), amtmafhg; 3. firdilid), geiftliclj, pncftcrlid); — causes, pi. bie JKitteU urfacben; — garments, pi. Jiirobcmic; vdtbe; —officers, p i. Stnatdbeainte ; — paper, bie miitifterieile getturtg. MINBTERY, s. ml. Ministry. MINISTR vi, „ ■/;. }u ciiteni Dieucr, 3JJU nifler ober ®eifHicben geborig (ro.ii.j. MINISTRANT, adj. bicitciit, bienfjbat. MINISTRATION, «. 1. ber Sienit, b,i-3 Slmt; bie .gmnbreicbung, aRtrroirs fung; Slufnjartung ; 2. bad Jfrvcbens amt, bie SBerroaltung bed JJircfcen* bfenfied. MINISTRESS, ». bie SOertcjeiCertnn. ministry, $. 1. ber ©ienft, badSlmt; 2. ©cfdhifr, bie 3Jiit»irfung ; 3. bad ^rebiaeraint; 4. 2Riniftenum, bie aBinijler. Minium, s. ber SWennig; —native. iiatiirlidKS ntfjtS ©leiorbb, ©lei* : i: itpceiH-nb. .ii\K skins, g. pi. auicn'faiiifdic Sffiies felfelle. MINNOW fMiNow), s . bie Philje, (Slfc ; rift, ber ©itterftf^. MINOR, I. adj. 1. ficiucf; geringer; roemger; Elein, unbebeufenb ; 2. iiiin= berjaijvi;), unmunbtg, mi»renn: It »•. l. /.. t. bee ober bie Untniinbtge; y.„.r r bet SWinor, Unterfaft; 3..i/«.v. 7'. aJioll ; i. fSJlirtoxit ; — key. Mas. MIRK 7'. tie tveidjc £onart, ber WloUzZtm; Asia — , JUu'uaficn. mtnoration, s. bie SJerffeinerung, Serriitgerung. MINORITE, s. fee iKinorit (Slrt 3eait= jisfnner). MmORTTY,*. 1. /.. 7- bie SKinberja^ rigfeif, Unmibtbfgf eit ; 2. Heinere Slnja^l; 3Rinber§eit ber (9Bab,ls) 2tinimcit. MINOTAUR, .^. ber SWinotaur, MINSTER, s. J. bad -A'l mi iter ; bie ■§auptr'irc$e ; 2. eiite geifllirbe 83riU bcvfdmfr. minstrel, s. ber URinnefanger, S3ars be; SKuftfanr, Spielmittn. MINSTRELSY,* I. tie 5angerf4aft; •I'l'iifif; ber Oarbengefang ; 1. 1 mint, ... i. bie (JtranfeO SWiinje (Mentha — /,.) ; garden — , bie jabme aJtuttje, ©arfenmitnje ; — drops, pi. 'I'ferfeniiiiintudieldieit; 2. r. bie 3Hunje, bad iWunjgebaube : — man, ber Dciinjer; — master, SKunjmei' fter. To '.i 'NT, o. a. mftnjen, ®elb fd)Kh]cu, prfigen ; fig. erftnben, febmieben. mini'age g bat -Kfinjen; gepragte ®elb; bie SKunjgebubr, ber ®cblag= febaft. MINTER, s. ber aWunjer ; fig. (vrfiubcr. minuet, s. tie SKenuet. MINUTE (adv. — ly), adj. I. flein, Utt« bebeufenb, winjig ; 2. baarllein, au naii; — tithes, pi. l. t. ber Heme Bebeitic. MINUTE s. 1. bie [Ktnute; 2. ber erfie (Siitmnrf, Sluffaft, baS Concept; 3. Mat T. bie SKinute, ber fe^jigfle Sbcileiueo ©tabes; to make a — of..., anmerfen, uormerfen, aufnoti* veit; — s, //. baS ^rotocoll; — hook, bie JiUibtc; bad IVcrfbiut, [Jlotij* bud), bie SrtotiJtafel, Kgenba ; —glass, tie 2)iinutens©anbubr ; — hand, ber SKinutenjeiger; — watch, bie 3Jli« uutcitiibr. TO Ml Mimti: DOWN), v.n. furjlitb fliidui.i; entmcrfen, auffeften, bemerfen, oerjeiebnen, aufnotireu, DormerEen. MINUTELY, adj. & adv I. jebe 3ninn= te, minutenmeife, alle SlugcnblUfe; 2. genau, einjeln. MINUTENESS, s. 1. bie .Uleinbeif, SBinjtgfeit; 2. ©enauigfeit. MiNrn.i:. ,-.,,:. bie (umjtaublicb|len) jtletninfeiren, Sinjelnoeiten, ' 35es tails, iltiiuitctt. minx, s. 1. bafl lofe SBeib«6(Ib; 2. ciit junger ^unb roeiblid>en ®efi|Iecbt8. MINY, adj. I. UUtertrbifcB, imterbbblt ; 2. mit 3Rinen (5KetaUgruben) uer= febeit. mu: aci.e, s. 1. bas SSBunber, 35unber= iverf; 2. + bic ^eilinettfoinSbie; to a — /„,„. ganj I'LUtrefftid) ; to work — s, SBunber tbmi; —monger, ber SBetruger, SSQunberoorgeber. MIRACI LOUS adv. — ..v ',«,//. tvuttbcr= bar, rounbertoatig ; — ness, e. bad SBunberbare, SBunber. miuvdor,8. (fpanifd)) ber ©alcon, SBUer, MIRAGE, s ber .Uimnieii, bie mung, berSuftfpiegel, bie?uftfpiege= lung (Rita m : MIRE s, ber ,Uolb, Scfclamnt; to be hi th.-_ — , .-/^r. inter Sinte (tften ; — crow, tie Sacbjnevc. vv/ mike, p. i. „. mit .Uotb befubelii, mit Scblamm bebeefeii; n. n iu ben Scblamin (tnfen. MIRINESS, ..-. bad .\enbi\ie, S^Iam* inige. MIRKSi IME, n,!j. bunfel, triiDe ; —ness, s. tie3)iiitfell;eit. M1SC )R, 8. 1. ber runbgefc^fifftae, -.« spiegel; bie Spiejelflacbe; 2 :.; r ter, SBeifptel ; — | iu bie Syiegelplatte. 7bMIRROB . . -i. fid} rtbfptegclii ; mil rored, DOgrfpiegelt. MIRTH,, tic Ateblid)feif, Sujl, te, ber Srobftnn. MIRTHFUL (ado. — . Mid:, luftig; —i,. bliebfeif, Vu= ftigfeit. MIRTHLESS, adj. frcubcillo', fr< leer. MIRY, adj. fotbig, fditantmi^. MISAOCEPTION, t. tic i'iitJteuttiug. ber SKifjoerftanb. MraADVENTURE, ... ber llnfall, Ungliief, SUZifjgefcbitf. MISADVENTURE!), adj. lllUlliicfliit. MISADVISED, adj iibel beratbeu. To MISAFFECT, o.a nid)t licbeii ; m.s- !, miSoergnugt. To MISAFFIRM, b. a 'lilirirbtij anfflb> rcit, falfcblid) bebaupten.' MBAIMED, adj. f.ilfd) flCjieft. MISALLEGATION, 8. bie falf*e 3lnga> lie falfc^e Kifation. To MISALLEGE, v. n. falfcj aii^eben, unricbtig citiren. misalliance, «. bie SWipoerbunbung, -Vt ifibeiratb. MISSALLTED, adj. mijiiH-rbiiiibet. misanthrope )s. ber fDlifan* MISANTHROPIST. $ Ibrop, 50JeiU febenbafjer, 3JJenfebenffiitb. MISANTHROPICAL (— lc), oa>". mcit = febenbaffciib, menfcbenfcinblicb. MISANTHROPY, s. ter 3Jlenfcben tie O.'u'iifdieiifdHii. MISAPPUCATI0N,8. bie iinrcdMe ?!u= roettbuug, ber ocrfebrte ®ebraurb. To MISAPPLY, o. a, t'crfebrt aiiiveti= ben, uiiredtt teuten, falfd) braucben. To MISAPPREHEND, o. a. niiy.'erfic-- ben. MISAPPREHENSION. ... ber SDtifioer* jianb, bad SWigoerjtanfciiig. To MISASCRIBE b. a. falfcblid, UII- redu tufebicibeii. To MISASSIGN, o. a. irriej jueigtien, ir= rig itacbroeifett. r, MISATTEND, o. ■•. U'ciiig beriiefjid}= tigeu, Beruacblafjtgen. 7V< MISBECOME b. ,,-. n. iibct anjte* ben, unanfianbig fe>>n, fid) iticbi fcbidFen. MISbecomingness, s. -tie Unjiem= lidifeir, Unanftdnbigfett. MISBEGOT, I part. adj. iinrcdH= MISBEGOTTEN, S ma^iggejeugt,un= ebelidv To MISBEHAVE, o. ». fid) fd'lcif t bv- tragen, misbehaved, adj. ungejogen. MISBEHAVIOUR, s. bad libit ^ci!m( = ten, bie Ungejogcnbeit, Uuart. MISBELIEF,8. ber Srrglaube, fa ®laube. To misbelieve, v. n. falfti gfauben, irreii. MISBELIEVER, ... ter [Jrrglaubige, 3Jlt9gfdubige. To MISBESEEM, b, a. iibel air':, nirbt gejiemen. a', 0.0. unricbtig oerl leu. MISBORN, adj. cr^ geben (gennget aU felony) ; 2. ba« iible SScrbalten, SBerbvecben. misdesert, s. bag 32ergebcn, bie Srbiilb. MISDEVOnON, s. bie 5liibad)(clei (n). it.). To MISDIRECT, v.a. i. fd)lcd)t kitclt. trie Icitcn, Devfiibven; 2. (cincit SBviefJ falfcb abveffiven. To MISDISTINGUBH, v. a. falfd; ltlt= tevfebetbett. TbMISDO, v. a.Unreebt t(;iin, fel;lcii, fteb iHTjidH'it. MTSDOER, s. bcv SKiffetbater, SSerbres dice. To misemploy, v.a. iibel amvcubcn, niifbvaudH-n. MISEMPLOVMENT, s. fCV $fl'\p bva ud). MISENTRY, s. bie falfcbe Siutrngiing fin bie 53:'icber, it. f. to.). miser, s. bcv ©etjbals, forge gtlj, ^nid'cv. MISERABLE [adv. — ly), adj. ctcr.b, uitfjliidlid), jammevlid), cvbavmlid) ; SCVacfetlid) ; —ness, s. taS Glcub; bie (Srbavmlicbfeif. MISERY, .?. bag fJIcnb, bcv Sannncr, bieS^otb ; baSUnglfldf. To MISESTIMATE, v. a. mifladltcn. To misfall, v. a. (uttgliicflid)) bcfal= leu. MISFARE, s. bafi llngliicf, ber Unfall. t-misfashion, v.n. inif;bilbcii, »er= imftaUcn, vevfdjneitcii, oerberben. MISFEASANCE, s. L. T. bie Ucbcvh'C= tmtg, baS SOergeben. To MISFORM, v. a. VCVllllftaltctl. MISF( irtune, s. bag Uualiicf, 2)iiBge* febtcf. MISFORTUNED, adj. Uttflluclltcb. To misgive, v. a. mtt 3n>etfef evfiif= leu, 935fc8 ycvbcbcntcii, abncit; my mind — s me, eg abnet miv, id) evbau= fje; misgiven, gcaf)lict. MISGOTTEN, adj. blivd) Unvcd)t eiTOOV= ben, cvbaltctt/cvfcblidini. To MISGOVERN, v. a. fd)led)t VCi]icVCll, iibci uevmalten. MISGOVERNANCE, .9. bie iible Set* turn], llticvbiiiuii], vcvfel;i'tc Sebanb= Inng. MISGOVERNMENT, s. bie fcblecbte Dies gteritng, Able Sevroaltung ; 2. Unvc= gelmat3tgIeit ( 'boS iible iU-vbaltcn, bie UlusfcbtDetfung. To MisuRAFF,'?j.a. mtgtmtofen. To MISGKOUND, v. a. falfd) bcijvitltbcit, twig gviiiibcii. Miss ; ( :'i 1 IAN( 3E, s. bie v Si infeifuiifj, Scr= lettiing ; falfcbe SRtrbtung. To MISGUIDE, B. a. lllifjlettCtl, VCVlci= ten, tvve fiibveu. mishap, s bcv Unfall, bag UnaliicT. To MISHAPPEN, v. n. uttglucEUcber 2Scife gefebeben, fcbl fcblagett. To mishear, v. ir. a. mifyfatn, falfd; bbvcit, «cvf)6ven. 7 , oMISIMPROVE l i>.a. fdiled)t vcvbcf= fern, Devfcbltmmem, fdjlcd;t aniueiu ben. MlSlMPROVEMENl', s. bie fcblecbte Serbefferung, SBerfcbltinmerung. To MISINFER, v. a. trrig, falfd; fd;lie= ficii ober folgern. To MISINFORM, v. a. falfd) ticvtcfjtctt ; bnvd) falfd;e SBevtcbte fSufcben. MISINFORMATION, s. bev falfdie Se= rid)t, bie falfd; c 9lad;vicbt. MISP MKINFORMER, s. bcv Scbiniebiv fain febei iliaitviditcn. To MISJNSTRUCT, v. a. falfd) befeb' vc;i ; 511 ciucm oerfebrten 3wecEe leb' vat. MISINSTRUCTION, s. bie falfcbe 33e« rung. MISINTELUNGENCE, .•». 1. bcv falfcb* Sertcbr, bie falfcbe SJtacbrtdjt;« SKi^oerfianbnif. To MISINTERPRET, v. a. falfd; flUSlc» gen, ntijibenten. MISINTERPRETATION, s. bie falfcbe SluSlegung, SfRtfibeutung. MISINTERPRETEH, s. bcv falfcbe 2lU«» [eger, -Diitlbcntev. To MISJOIN, v. a. fd)led)t DbCV ltlljje= fctjtcft v-evbinben. To MISJUDGE o. a. *■ n. falfd) uvtbci' leu, tin Svvtbnmc fei>n. MISJUDGMENT, bag falfcbe, uurid)ti- ge Uvtlicil, bie itngered;te (Stttfd;ci= bung. miskin, s. bie Heine Sacfpfcifc. To MISKINDLE, v. a. 511m Sofdl Cltts flantmcn ; aiif[;cfeen. To MISLAY, 1: ir. a. lutvcdM legen ; vcvlegctt ; to — upon . . , mtt Unvccbl febteben auf.., anbid)tcn (eiitcni etmaS). MISLAYER 5. bev etmai unvecbt Icgt, uerlcgt. To MISLE, v. n. fpviiben, feitt vegitcn. To MISLEAD, v. ir. a. lltifjleilcit, Uei"- Icitcit, iicvfiil;vcn. MISLEADER, s. bet in-vfiibvev. MisLiRE, s. bie 5Dci|;billigitng; Slba neigttttg. To MISLDXE, v. n. mifjbiliigen ; uid>< nibgcit; feiiten fficfallen babcn (an). MISLIKER,*. bev ^Jiifibtlligcv, Sablcv. MISLUCK, .«. bag Uitglitrf. MiSLY.arf/. fein vegitenb. To mismanage, ». a. iibel wvmalten fd)(cd)t bef;atibe(n. MISMANAGEMENT, s. bie iible 23er» waltung, fcbled;te SBebanbluug. To M1SMARK, v. a. falfd) Obei lilU'Cri)i bcjcid;nen. To mismatch, b. a. iibel ober uuge= febteft serbtnben, unvecbt paavett, fd)lcd;t jufammen paffcu. To MISNAME, c a. linvedit ttcilttctt. MISNIA, s. (bie (Stabt) 2J2ei6en. misnomer, .9. /.. t. bie .Hlagcfcbvift lintcv eiuem falfdieit SJcamen ; bag SSerfebeu, bev 3rrtbum. To MISOBSERVE, r. v. Ulirccbt beC= baditcu, falfd) bemevfett. MISOGAMIST, .5. bev g-einb beg !5bc- ftanbeg, ©beyevaditcv. misogynist, s. bet aBetbevfetub, 3Beu bevbaffev. MISOGYNY, s. bev SfGeibcvbafi. misopinion, s. bie trrtge SReinung. To MISPELL, To MISPEND, vid. Ta Misspp:ll, To Misspend. To MISPERSUADE, r. a. auf cine ivvige 3Tcetnung bvittgen. MISPERSUASION, .9. bie ivvige TlcU itnttg, Selbfttaiifd;ttitg, bev Svvfbnm. To MISPLACE, v. a. ll!!VCd)t fttllClt, uevfefeen, ocrrucTen, cerfebteben. MISPLEADING, s. /-. T. bie uufetttlicbe 3lttglaffung in enter sprogeffebrift. To MispoiNT, v. a. falfd; tntevv:tr,fti = ven, cbcv intcvpnitgiveit. To misprint v. a. »erbrucfen, falfcb bvnrfeit; Mispiint, s. ber Tvnrffeblev. To MISPRISE To Misprize, b. a. 1. ivven ; 2. geving febafeen, »eracvf>altuty= roibrig einrtdjten. MISQUOTATION, «. tie fa 1 1 ci; c 3ln= 7'.. MISQUOTE, ». «. Od)VirtftcUcit) falfd) aufiibvcit. To MI8RATE, v. a. fa ltd) fcfyafcen. MBREClTAL, ». bet falfdje Sericfcr. 7i MfflRECITE, ». a. nntccht f)et|agcn, falfd) attgcben. To MISRECKON, ». a. falfd) rerhnen, fill) »crved)ttcn. 7b MISRELATE, v. a. unvidjtig cr$a()= !cn, falfd) bcfcbvcibeti. MERELATION, s. tic falfd)f (5'vsab= fang. To MISREMEMBER, v.a. fid) falirf) cv= iiutcvii, citteit ©ebacbtnifjfe&let begt= licit, fid) irrctt. To MISREPORT, v.a. falfd) bcvid)tcu. MfSREPORT, s. bet falfcbe ©eticgt. 7Y> MISREPRESENT, ». a. falfd) bOt= ftellcit, ncrmalen, serjeid^neu; jig. vcvtvcbctt. MISREPRESENTATION, s. tic falfd) c Sorjlelfang ; SKifbeutung, i!cvtvc= bung. MISREPRESENTER, s. bet fal|d) »OVs ftdlt, SBerbrefcer. MISRULE,*, l. tic Hiipvbitutig, SSetWtts rung, bet Sunttilt, Slufrugt; 2. tic mifbvauditc ©etoalt; master of — , bet SSovftfeet itt ciucr faftigen @c= fcllfcbaft; lord of—, ber 2lnfitl)rer bet g&rtpnaqjtesSufibarfeifen tit cittern Dottttfjinen ^oufe. MISRULY; adj. ttnrubig, Iavmciib, fas multttavifd) ; aiifvuhvevtfcl). miss, .5. l. Sungfet, gfraulein, SemoU felle ; 2. tie laftaitreffe, SBuriferinn, Slcije-. 3. bet SSerfajtj SKangel; 4. Srrtbum. To MISS, v.a.&n. i. ntiffcit, Clltbcl) = vcti; uevntiffett, plSfclicfy betmiffen, vcvtievcti; 2. aueuaffen, iibcvljupfen ; 3. fcblett, «cvfcl)lett, nidjt ttejfen ; miplingeit; to — a step, auSgletten ; to — fn-e, verfagen (oon ©cmebvcn) ; to be missing, s>ermijjt fctyn obct row* tctt; there is a spoon missing, C3 i|t citt 85ffel abbatibcu gefominett. MISSAL, s. ba§ 2Jiefjbitd). To MISSAY, v. n. 1. fcf)[ vctcit, fid) vcrfpredjen ; 2. iibel rctcn, Derleum* bctt (W. ii.). To MISSEEM, v. n. rtiibcvS ausfeben. MISSEL-BIRD, s. tcr Niftier, tic (§ cbttavvbvpffel, SJftijtefbtoffet. To misserve, v. a. fitlcdn bienen. To MISSHAPE, v.a. vcvuiifialteii, ent* fiellcn.. missile, adj. gevoovfen ; — dart, bet SBlttfpfetl; — weapons for missiles), pi. -Il'uvfiuaffcH; ba« @ef$o$. mission, o. 1. tic ©enbung ; ©efanbt* fd)aft ; SHiffien ; 2. SBetebrunggge* fauttfd)aft ; Bcfeljviiitgsgcfciffdjafr. missionary, i. ». bet SRtffionar, ,*>citcitbcfehvcv, ©laubenlberoerber ; ii. adj. tie Syliffionate betteffenb. missive, i. adj. i.gefanbr, gcfdmft ; 2. geroorfen ; — weapons, SButfwaffen ; ii, 8. bag Sc-ubfdjvcibcu j bet 89ote. To MISSPEAK, r. I. n, falfd) fpvcdicn, fid) »cvfpvcd)cit ; ii. a. falfd) au«= fptedjert. To MISSPELT,, v. a. fdilcitt (Mlt'di) Ult = vidjtiii bud;ftabivcti, otcr frfjretben. mssPENSE, 8. tic Able SBetwenbung, i>erfd)UKittuttjj. 7',. MISSPEND, v. ir a. VCf fdltVCItbCIt, wtt^uu, oc»j?f;vctt. MISU misspender, s. bet i'crfcbwetiter. To MISSTATE, o. a. falfd) ait.]cbcit, unticr)ttg barfteUcti. MISSTATEMENT, ». tic inirid)ti;}c k .'ln = gabc obet SarfteHung. MIST, >'. bet 'Jiilnl; tic biiftcte ^nff, i>a$ £)un!el; to be in a — , jig. ganj lite ("OCVMltJt fi'.Mt ; to Cast a — one's eyes, citlClU eillClt blailClt 3)llllft Dotinadjen, Sanb in tie 9lugen ftvcitcit; — encumbered, itcbelunthullt. roMisr, n a. umnebeltt, umbufietn. MISTARABLE, adj. ".'evfennbac. To MISTAKE, v. I. a. 1. (5tn8 fiit bafl Slnbete mhmcit, »cnvcd)fctit, bets fcmtcii, lu'rfebleit ; ntififcitiicu ; 2. uu vcriit acrflefjetl ; you — roe for another, Bit fchc.t ntiit fuv cincit SInberit an ; to — 01 er, fidi in ,H'iitaiitcni il'l'Clt ; to — one's mark, fi'Mtrcffdl ; w — one's «ay, ben ZBeg vHu-febleit, fid) setitten ; n.». firt> itten, fief) ycv= fcbui, fid) oetfdpveiben obet »ets vcitiieit. MISTAKE, s, bet Sttfbum, taS S5cr= fcbcn, SKtSoetfianbnig ; bet Sc^tetb* obet :)icfl)iiuitiisfel)let ; by — , auS iwrfclH-it. MISTAKEN, jmt. (»0n To Mistake) im ,\vnbu;uc, tttig; to be — , ft ch bets feJjen, itten. MISTAKER, .-■.tcr 3ttenbe. MISTAKINGLY, adv. nuS ilerfchen, ttttget SBetfe. To MisTKAt'ii, 7-. ir. a. itttg ittttcrrid)= ten, fa'i'd) bilehvcn. To MISTELL, r. ir. a. falfd) ct'^ihlcit. To MISTEMPER, v. a. jcvvitttcit, Det« roivrett. To misterm, v. a. falfer) (ivrig) neu= licit, vevtvcbcii. To MKTJrUNK, u. ir. a. '.'crtcitfctt, vets atgen m. ft.). 71- MISTIME. B. i.«. tttr Illicit thutt; II. 7i. uid)t tie rcittc geit bcaditen. MISTINESS, *. bai [Tcebelige, :inibe. MiSTioN, s. tic DJltfc^nng. MISTLETOE, s. tic i'iiftcl; —berry, — tic OJiiftclbcci'c. MISTLIKE, adj. licbclidif, ticbclbaff. 7ViMISTRAIN, o.a. iui'';ci;iibcn, oets jteljen. To MISTRANSLATE, b. a. falid) Obet untttfitig flbetfefeen. MISTRANSLATION, s. tic Ulttidjtige llebctfctjuitii. .mistress, s. 1. tic 5tau [»oin >^aufe , {ttnbebingte .ficvviiui, ©ebtetettnn, "in-bcn'fdici'iiiit, Scftfettiitn ; 2. SUteU ftcviiin, Vcbniteiftcriiiit ; .1 Same; 4. ©eltebte; 5. SJcaitteffe, SBeiftrjln fcviitu; — of the robes, tic obcrftc .Uainntcvfrait ; she is — of the French language, fie i ft bet ftan}6fifcben Sptaqie mfifbtta ; —ship, tic ^ett= fitaft einefl SEBetbeS. MISTRESS Mrs ) A'. Aran (IWibamc) K. MISTRUST, s. baS i^ifJtvaucit. To MISTRUST, v. a. ntifuraiieit, iiid)t (ratten. MISTRUSTFUL (adv. — i.y), adj. mi|"= trauifcf), argn>ob,ntfc| ; — ness, 8. ta; iliiftvaucn.' MISTRUSTINGLY, adv. ntifitvauenb ; avniuibttettt. MISTRUSTLESS, adj. pbnc iJTciftvaueit, ntgloS, getrojl. To MISTUNE, v.a. vevfiimntcit. To MISTUTOR, r. «. falfd) ittitcvviittcn, uutetnmfeu, »etjieb,en. MISTY, u.ii. l. nebelig, wolfto; 2. bunfel, ttitbc, unflav, untciitlidv To MISUNDERSTAND, b. o. nti§»er= ftebcit, ffd> itten; misundersti s. bet s A\'i|";vcvftaiit, ."wrtbitnt, M; iififiyevftaittttifi, tic Uneiiiigfeit. MNEM MT3USAGE,)*. ber liJifibvaud) ; un :;. s vidjtige ©ebtautb, ; ti ^Jiifbaiithiiig. To MISUSE, r. a. mifjbvaud)cit ; nii^j baiiccln. To .Mis\oi-fii. v. a. falfcg [Be |eugrn. To Mi-wi'.n. b. o. nitfibcivatbcii. To miswrpte, v. a. falfd) fcbteiben. fid) vcvfdivctbitt. MISY r 'V tcv.jclbc 2ltramentfteiit. mis/.kalois, adj. auf cine ivviqc 51 r I eiftig. MITE, 8. i. tie SOTtlbe, SKtethe; ter SQiebel, Jlotnmurtn ; 2. A-uilcv, 2d)cit; 3. ba« 3»anjtgjtel ciitcl ©raited; 4. tie j?leinigfeit. MlTELLA, .-. tic Btfc^offtmufee .•• • — /,. MITER, Bid Mitrb. MITHRIDATE, 8. Med. T. bet 3JJitfjtl* bat ; — mustard, tcv ^aitevufciif (Thlaspi — L)\ tic tVtlbC Stttfft — 1. . MITIGABLE, adj. JU lillbem. mitk;ant, adj. liiitcvnt, milbcrnb. To MITIGATE, o.a. liiiecnt, iiii^cnt, cileidite.vii, ertteicjjen. MITIGATION, s tie VitttcvuiM,, WllU berung, erleicbteruitg, Srroetdjuitg. MITIGATTVE, adj. Itltbetltb, eilctd): tetnb. M1TIGAT0R, o. tcv EBerufyigct. mitre, s. I. bet fiauvtfcbmiicf, tit SBtfchofsmufee, Jnfitl, bet 2lbt«b.nt ; 2. T. SBtnfel bon 45 ©tab; 3./^. tic SBiirbe etnes Bifrhofe. MITRED, adj. 1. infulivt, niit eittet StftbofSmufte ; 2. in aoviu etnet iSU fitofc-niuijc. MITTENS, s. />'. bit .toaiitt'dnibc obttc ginger (fftt Dameu), SJJeljbflnbfrbube, ^lappb,anbfc^ul)e. MITTIMUS, 8. L.T. 1. tcv vidUcvliitt SBefer)l jut Slnfnabme etnefl 33erbre= diev- iu baS ©cfangnip ; 5Berr>afta= benbl; 2. ber ^cubi |ur ?Icten»ers fenbung (oon etnem ©erid)t8b,of an c i it c it anbern). mitv, adj. nttlbig, inietfjig, inielig. \. b. I. a. niifrben, Detinifajen, lneng^en, uevfeftcn ■— with, mil , ycviiMvveii, but$einanbet incngeu; mixed action, /-. T. tie geiniffflttn jllagen, jugleid; binglir^e unb per* fbitlidu- :)iedte betteffenb; mixed wheat, -V. ;: biiutcv \\cniii\t:ei JESeijctt ; (I.n. fid) niifibcii, »etmifd>t tuetben. MIXEN, s. bet •I'; ill ban re it, tie ?J 1 1 u gtube. MIXER, 8. tcv OJiiuf ev. mixtilim'.ar. i„n aiio tb^eilg getabeu tbcilS fviiiitmcit Vinicit beftcbeue. mix ih in, a. tie (5?er=)mifd)Uiig. MiXTLY.aiB gemifebt, oermtfeot. MIXTURE, *. 1. tie "1'iifd'iiiia, DJJirtltr, ba8®emifd); 2. ©etgemifqjte ; mix tures, pi. gefprenfelteS, ntelirtefl Jiteb. mi/.m \/.i:, s. bae ©erotnbe, Vabuvtutb, bet 3rrgang. mizzen, .-'A" v.- bftS3efanmafl; ta« SBefanfegel ; — bowlines, /-/.tic •]?[*■• pottett; — mast, ber ^cfaii in afl j — -aii. bat S8efan=(@tag=)tn|Bfunfl betteffenb; mnemonics, ». \ mi ian*. r. l n. rocbffagcn, roiitfcln. II. o. bcflagcn, betrauern. MOAN, s. bte SBebJlage, bag Sleeken, SBinfetn. M< lAM'i'L (.k/o.— ly), flat, v. a. mtt ciiicnt (Seftungg^) ©raben umgeben. Mi >B, *. 1. bev SPobef, S)35bel&«ufc ; bag gemeine 93olf; ©eftnbel; 2. tic tats HH'IIDC ."liotts; 3. — , (a; cap), tic ^uidubanbc. 7\i mob, v. a. 1. ber SButf) t-c3 S|J5belS spreie aeben, mtjjfoanbcln, qudlen ; 2. oetpITcn. MOBBISH {adv. — ly), «-//. poM&aft; anfriibrcrifd) ; roitb, gtob. MOBILE, *. 1. ba^ bcrocglirt)e 2>ina,; 2. ber Spobel, grpjic ^aufe, bad @e« ftnbel. mobility, *. 1. bie SBewegltrfyEeit ; 2. Se&enbtgfeit; 3. glii^tigfett, bet Unbeftanb ; 4. cant, bet SJJobel, gtofle £aufe. MOCCASINS, s. />/. (bet ben nortamc; rifanifdjeit 3nbtanern) (oerjiette) idntbe uon 2Uilbleter. MOCHA-STONE, *. bev 2)cpd)aftcitt i.bnntc %d)cit). To MOCK, ?•. a. <$■ n. 1. fppttcil, VCr= fpptten, IjBljnen, jum ©elcidbtet ma= ajert, nccfcti ; 2. nacbfppttcn, jiarb= .iffeii; 3. tanfdjcn, affen. .JOCK, i. .?. 1. bet ©pott, .£>obn, (bif= tete) Sdjerj, bag ©efpbtt; 2. bie JJlacjjaffung ; to make a —of, fatten -spott mtt etn>«8 treiben; n. adj. nac^gemacfyt, falfcb, jutedjt, nut fdieiiibar ; —bidders, bie in 'Jluctioncn SKitbietenben, urn ben SPteiS 511 ev= bbhett; — bird, bie ©pottbroffel ; — citizen, ber ©<|einbttrget; — doctor, bet Cltarffalber; —drama, tag}>iip= penfpiel, 5)iarioncttenfpiil ; — en- gagement, baS ©djeingefec&t; —fight, bie Spiegelfecbterei ; — king, bet ®4)einconig, Jtartenfonig ; — lead (—ore), ba§ .Rafcenerj, bieSSIenbe; — moon, bev SKiebenmoilb ; — orange, ber fpanifdje ^oQunbet (Philadelphia — /,); — play, bag fatytifefce inp fpiel ; — poem, bag ©pottgebidjt ; — praise, tag fatprifefce \!ob, bie 3vo= r.ic ; — privet, bie <&teinlittte (Philly rea — L.) ; — prophet, bet falfd)C SJJtOV^et; —quilting, bet .galbptyue (mtt lofen Saben) ; — rain,bet ©cpem* tegen ; — reasoning, ber SJbetroife, bag ©cfcnjafeen in ben Xaq bineiit ; — romance, bet fah)rifd)e, fpmifd)e Woman ; — satin, fd)iiuiler, toolienet •Dainflft ; — shade, ber lange ©c$ats ten, bie Sfljenbjeit; — song, bag tra= ucftirte Webidjt; — sovereign, bet Scijeinljiertfcljet ; — style, bie bnr= legfe S<$tetoart; —thaw, bag nic&t anhaltcnbe .Tbanipctter ; — trial, bag Slftetserbor ; — turtle, cine an§ .Halbsfopf beveitete Snppc, auf 3lrt ber 5dnlofibtcitfnppe; — velvet, ber Srippfammct ; — visit, bet 2dicinbefiui), Jtartenbcfint. MOCKABLE, adj.btm ©potte an3ge= fefct, (adn-rlirf) (to. it.). m 11 KAGE, s. bag ©cfpbtt, ber ^o^n (it. it. 1 . MOCKER, s I. ber Spotter, aS uevgeblicb,e Sbint; bet Sc^etu, S3e= tvu,], bag ©lenbwetf. VfOCKiNG, port, bag Spotten, 95cv= fpottetl. 11. f. n). ; _ bird, ber 5pott= »ogel, bie ©pottbtoffel j - stock, 384 bag ©cfpott (ber ©egenflanb beg Spotted); ~ly, adv. junt Spotte, fpottmeife. MODAL, adj. Jf.oj. T jut 5orm (itiriit mm SBefcn) geborig. modality, s. Lug. t. tie 3J?obaIitat, Sfttt beg Se»ng. MODE,*. 1. bic ?lrt, SBeife, 58ef4af= Stibctt, ©inn; 2. ber jufaflige Utt= tcrfdiieb ; 3. ©tab, ©tufengang ; 4. bie (Sitte, SKobe, ^rad;t, ber @c= brand). model, 8.1. bag sKobeD, SDhifict; SBotabbilb firn Jticincn) ; 2. ber "?lb= rif;, SlbbtUff, bag Silbroetf, bie ?lb= fotmung tin weiitem ©toff (im @c= genfafe »on iMhbanerei) ; 3. bet 2)iaf;itab ; 4. <§Hicbcrmaitit (fiir Jtiinftler). To model, v. a. 1. ein DJJobell ma= rben, mbbeUiten, abfotmen, abbiU ben; 2. cinen -#\<.m ober 3ii|j ma= rt)cn ; citirtci>tcn. MODELLER, s. bet 5DiPbeUmad;cr, 3)ioblcr, Sennet, ©tftnbet. MODERATE (adv. — ly), adj mafiii], ge= mdfiigt, bifiig; mittelmapig; at a — rate or price, .1/. & Jll Dtlligem Recife ; — nrss, s. bag SDiafjige, bie SJJafJigfeit, UJlittcImafJigfeit. To MODERATE, v. a. ra»t= fen, milbetn, mafjigen. MODDLLION, s. Arch. t. ber Sparreit; t'ppf am fprinfbifebcn ©eft'mfc. Ml mush, adj. mpbifit ; — ly, adv. nadj bet -Kobe; mobifd); — ness,*. bag l);pbifebe; bic SKobefudbt. To MODULATE, v.a. mpbiifircn, bic ©timme fleigen «nb fallen (affeit, bic 1'bitc lenfcn, beugen, bitrcbfiibrcn, itad) bent laete ftiigeu. MODULATION,*. 1. bie 50Jpbnfalt'pn, Slbmed^fefimg ber Stimine, Stimm-- beugung, JEonbeugung, StonauSmeis dntiiiv Tiivdifiibriing rev Jbttc ; bag S'actbaltcn ; 2. bic SSctanbetung narb eiitcm geruiffen SOerbaltniffe. modulator, *. ber sjJiobuIationen mad)t; ©timmleitct; Sactbaitet :5actfd)tai]er. MODULE, *. 1. Arch. t. bet 3)Jcbel; 2. viii Model. To MODULE, v. a. -f mobellircn, for< men ; inobultreit. MODUS, *. L. T. ber 3d;nte cincg (Sri jeugntffeS in ©cit. MODWALL, *. vid. Mud-wall Ulttn 1km. MOGUL, *. bet 2)2ogiil (pftiiibifcijei .Raifer). MOHAIR, *. cin fameelbanicr 3?»!V bag i^aattnd), ber iijp[)r; — ,or~ yarn. bag Jtamcetgain; — buttons pi. l)hibrenfnppfc;' — twist, 3)tol)t fiir bic ^{nppfmacber. moiiam.medan, s. tec 2)?p[)ommc= taner. MOHAWK (Mohock), s. tct SftvfylWt. MOIDORE, s. ber iUJoibor. moiety, *. bic £alftc, bet (halbc) Xfytil, tie (balbe) £$eitung. To MOIL, v. I. n. fid) piacfcn', fid) p>la= gen; II. a. 1. abmatten, quiilen; 2. mtt Jvpti) bcfutcln, befcjjmu^en, tm .Uotbe ftccfen (ro. ii.). Ml IIST, adj. fcud)t, ltafi ; — sugar, feel .Vtodmnfer, garinamefet. To MOISTEN, v. a. fclld)tCIt, tcftucii- ten, nciffen, nay madpeti. MOISTENER, .'. ter iicfcudpter, bet (tie, tag) geud)tenbe, ^affente. MOISTFUL adj. upll s Jcaffe. moistness, s. tie geuc^tigfeit. moisture, 5. tie yencbtigfeit, STlaffc MOLAR, adj. jcrmalmcnb ; mal;lenb ; — teeth, pi. bic §Bacrrc, 2JJauIroutfegtiIIe, SBetl (Oryllus gryUotalpa) \ — rat, tic 3)tanlroutfgmaii8, ;){eitmang ; — skin, cine 9lrt baniir.pplleiicr 5Bcficn= jeug, mit ertiabeiteu ;)iippen »on fei» net fpanifdjer 2BoUe; —track, ber SDiaulroutfggang ; — warp, bet jDlaulnmtf. MOLECULE, *■ bay 2ltom. To molest, v.a. befrbipcrliii) fallen, bclafttgcn, bennritbigen, Ungetegen= bcit, SSetbtui madieh. molestation, *. bie SBfiaftigung ; ©tomng, bag .&intcrnif) ; tie "-IV fd)mcrbc, llnaclegetil)cit, ber Ser= brnf). MOLESTER, *. bet i^lciittgcr, Ucber* laftige, ©t5ret. MOLESTFUL, adj. Vdftu}, bcfdjnxrltrf). MOLINIST, s. ber i'lPltttift. MOLLLENT, adj. cru'eidicub, milternb Ml (LLD7IABLE, adj. erweicbbttt, MOLLD7ICATION, *. lit. *r fig tic S'r< roeicijung, Sinbcrnng, 33e|ftnftignng MOLLIFD3R, s. tcr iV'.faimincr 5Bt. MONE MONO MOM 1 rufrigenbe, SKufjeftifter, bag 2inbc= rungdihitteL To Mi WLUFY, o.a. lit. Srjtg. cnrcidKn, Unbent; mtlbcrix ; befanfttgen, be- rulrigen ; erlcidHew. UOLLUSCA,8. pi. i)iPUngfcn,2d)fcim= obcr SBeicljrourmer. MOLOSSUS, s. bet URoIoffud. To MOLT, (»/. 7'./ .Moult. molten, «$= apfcl. MONETARY, adj. fid) anf (Mclb (=2a= d)en) bqiehcnb, in ®elb beftebenb. MONEY, 8. bad ©elb ; —down, (— out of hand\ baat Inhabited ©elb, in ©elb fpglcidi bejablt; ready — , baar ©elb ; — in cash, oorratrjiged (baa= red) ©elb ; to be out of—, fid) ang= gegeben babcit; to keep out of — , nut bev 3«l)lnna, binbaltcn ; to make — , etmad ju ©elb mad)cn ; ©elb cr= tcerben, genrinuen; — of account, bie 3fiec$nungdmunje ; and the kin» for my — , vu.'rr. id) lobe mtt ben jUnrio, ; — bae, bcr ©elbbeutel) — ba bie ©olbroage ; — bill, bie ©elbbtil (©elbbcvpillta,iiiig fut ben J{5nig) ; — box, bad @clbfafid;cn ; — broker, bcr ©elbmaflet; — changer, bcr ©elbtnecbdlet; — concerns ( — mat- ©elbangelegenbetteu; — lender, bcr ©elbwerletl^cr ; — making, ©elbetwerbeitb; bcr ©elbenrevb ; — matter, bie @clc'".td)c ; SRecbnung ; — pack, — picket, ^©elbpacfet, etc ©cltrolle; —pro.),: uiibc)'tcd)licb; — scrivener, cev ©elblttaflet ; — spinner, cine Iflcinc) <:pinnc, ©lucfdfvtnne, bent aberglauben nad), ©elbempfang bcDcntcnb ; — trade, — transactions, bet WclMianbef, ©elbgcfdiiifte ; Umfaft (9lu^anmeiibung) urn b'apitalicn; — wort, bad Spfennigftaur, 0o1e>= ft'ant (Lysininrhid iiunt/iiii/nria — L.) ; — 's-wo«h, ©elbedroer t{j ; bad ®e« tttunbttngenbe. MONEYED, adj. gelbreid), in Snarem befiUcnb ; — men, (Sairitaliften. MONEYER, .?. 1. bcr Wtxsitt (W. ii.) ; 2. 2Bed)»lev (». ii. . MONEYLESS,^, gclblod, p(me ©elb. MONGER, «. in compos, ber fianbfer, ii. f. \i\, {. SB. fish — , bcr 3i)"cbhanb= Icr, n. f. to. MONGREL, I. adj. »pn )t»eterlei -.'111 (geborert); jroeibeuttg; n. e. bcr SKefiije, 2Rtfc^linfl, Saflatb; in compos. — do?, bcr .)Siui6 son {toetets lei 9lrf, ©lenbltttg ; — tongue, bad ©pntcjjgemertge. Mi i.N'IKI), rid. Moneyed. MONIMENT, s. bad Denftnal. Ta MuNlslI, v. ii. rill. Admonish. MONISHER, s. aid. Monitor. monition, e. bic @rma^nung, G?r= innetung ; bcr SBinE, bie 3Samung, Jtnnbc. M< iNTTIVE, adj. cnnabnenb, JUt 2'0ar= nurtg btenenb. monitor, e. 1. bcr (Snnaljner, (5r= inncrer; JBatnet; 2. 3cbnlanffcbcr. MONITORIAL, adj. )U einent (vrmab- net gebprenb, ermahnenb, erinnernb, toatltenb ; — instruction, bie SBats rtungdle^re; — schools. 93efferungd= frinilcn, SBefferungdanfialten. MONITORY, I. adj. crntabncitb, cr= inncrnb, Warnenb; [I. .--. tie @tmafj= nung; SBarnungdfdjrtft ; — letters (fivcbliifc) Srmnbnungdfdjreioen. MONITRESS, s. bic SBarnertnn, ®ts mabnerinn. monk, s bet 2JWrtd); Tgp. T-». bet ^lerfcn 3Ji8nrl); monks mid friars, bet 3Rijjbrurf, aiudfcbu^; pulling oi monks, bet SJlBndjdfc^Ipg ; — head, ber S!ihucii5ahii, bic ^unbdblumc (Leontodon — /-.) ; — Mood, bic 3JJonc|j«favpe ; jig. bad SWSncjJroes fen ; —>s hood, bad (iifenhiitlein, bic SfBolfdJUUrJ IJleonitum — /..) ; bet SDicerfrofcp, Scetciifcl {Lophius pise*- tortus — /-.) : — 's rhubarb, bcr 93?pnd)drhabarbcr (Rumex— L.) ; — Bheet, Tup, T bcr blntbe iBogen, S MS- fcbiiftbpi'icn, SWBncbdbogen. monkery, 8. bad SDitJncodweren, JWos fterlcben, JDJBttcbdtbum. MONKEY, ». ber 2lffc; fie. 3RauIaff« ; little — , fend, bag l'leffd)en ; to play the — , SPoffen Irciben ; — bezoar, ber aiffettbe joar ; — "s-bread, bag x'lffcn brob . hi-uisonia — i.) ; — flower, bie ©anfelblume; — trick, bic i ; offe, bet ^iibcnftrcid). MONKISH adj. uipndufd\ burtB 5015ns d)e gelcfjrt; — life, bag 3)i5nc^d= leben. M0NOCER08, ». bcr ^ornpfo>, Stars wall, bie aJZeernabel (Monodm mmo- ceros — /,.) . MONOCHORD, s. Mus. T. bag .Oaif= brctt; einfatttae ^nftrumenjj bet mumfalifdjc .^eitmeffer ; (ad SWono djovbiiim. MONOCHROMA, t. bag cii.fa:ije ©e mcilbe. M< ini ichri imatic, adj. einfarttg. MONOCULAR, \ ,. .,-„••„,;, MONOCULOUS, j ■*«»«ft«fl- M< in ©1ST, 8. bcr ^iiMicrtci'.M'vcibn MONODl IN, Mi ini idy, 8. bcr ©efang fut cine Sfier< ivn allein, bic SDIonobte. monogamist, s. bcr 3)Ionogami{i. monogamy, s. tic SDJonogamte. monogb \m. 8. bet perfcblungene 5la< me, SRamendjug ; cine blof nng Sinier. pber @onturcn beftebenb 3 c ' c bnung, cin Unirif;. MONOGRAMMAL adj. aud iillieil Pbfl Umriffen beftebenb; in Umriffeu leic^nenb. MONOGRAPHIC (—al), adj. in Umrtfs fen gejetcinet; —picture, bad blc» bnrd) 5 iridic obet Umriffe angejeigte (nid)t and,icfiit)rte) ©entdfbe. monologue, e. bad ©elbftgefpri^, bcrSJlonolog. M< i.\< IMACHY, s. bcr 3ivcifanivf. Mi >N< i.Mi:. 8. Aig.T. bie einfadbt ©roge. MONOPATHY, 8. bag illleiilli M( INI IPETALI IU8, adj. /;. T. cinbliitte* vii] (»on ber SBluinenfrone). Mi IN« IP< ILIST, ) 8. bcr Olllcinbanblcr, MONOPOLIZER, j aDtonopoltfr. n MONOPOLIZE, ,■ n. audfebjtefrfid), (allein) an fid) ^icbcn, bfRfeen, tills iiebnicii; .'[Uciiibaiifcl treiben. MONOPOLY, s. bcr .'lllciubai'.ft'f, bag iifpitpvpl, SJlonopolium. MONOPTOTE, s. Oram. T. b>i;- vpii nnr einem 6afud. monostich, s. ba«®ebic$i eon einem einjigen 33erfe. MONOSTROPHic adj. in bemftlben ^iilbcnniafic a,efdu-icbcn. Ml iNOSYLLABIC, adj. fillfilbtg. MONOSYLLABLE, s. bag etiifilbiai aiBort. MONOSYLLABLED, adj. einftlbig gc> mad)t. Mi »Ni itiif.ism, ,. tcr inb. monster, ». I. bic STOijigeliurf, geftalf, bad SBunberbing, Unge^eutr; 2. Sdjeufal, bcr Unbolo. MONSTRi 6TTY, ». bic 3)Ji|geflal( Uitnebeure, ©rS^Ucbe, SSibernatiirs lidic. MONS1 ROUS bribers iiatftilicb, ungeftalt, ungepeuer; 2. fplpffal; 3. rji'afilid), fd)cnfilid) ; — ness, .-• bad (>vftai;nlid)c, Un^bciirc, ^cbcnfilidie. Mi W rANli '. a ;it ©eoirgen geborig, aud ©ebirgen beftebenb, gebirgig. Ml iN CANISM, 8. bcr 3Roittaili3lli I MONTANIST, ». ber 2Koilfanift, 3llt= hanger bed SKontanud. Mi INTANISTIC, ad . |U bcr ,Uc|ju 3JJoutaniften ge^ortg. To MONTANIZE, v. n. ben SJIeiiuitigen beg SRontanud folgen. montant, 8, t. ibciiii Seebfen) bat "iHurmfcn ; ber balbc 3)ioitb. mont] -. bic 3V adv. nipnailid); je< ben 3J>onat ; — balance, bic mpiiat MOP lid)e SBtfalt] ; — pay, hi 8 3J?OttarfleIb (bet ©djiffdleute u. f.n>.) UONTom,« >' 7". bet Slufftitt, ©tein u.f.w. jum 2luffleigen aufs £J3ferb ; linfe ©teigbugel. MONUMENT, s. baS 2)en!mal, ©tab* mat. MONUMENTAL (adv. — ly), «-ni.* alces — L.) ; (in fiuropa) b«3 Gletmtiiicr. To Mi )OT, v. a. cC- n. }Ut Ucblttt^ pl'P= jeffivcn, bisputivett, (be=)|lreitcit, bc= battircit. moot, s. bic juriflifcbc 3)i§^utttubmtg, Sebatte: — or — case, bie aufgeroovs fene SRec^tSftage, bcr jitrifiifitc ftrct= tige Safe, Strcitvutift; —point, »&. CA«E. mooter, ... bet JDisvutdnt. mop, s . tfv SQSifcb,, fiobet, Vainn-it, Scbeuetlavpen (an ciitcm ©toct be* Wiigt); — s and mows, bic fittcfot ©cftcbter, Smfecn (tvic bie bcr Slffen). 366 MORE To MOP, b. o. ubaufrbcH, abrctbeit, abfdiciicnt. To mi >PE, v. i. a. bitnint marten, befau= ben, betboreit; n. „ bumtn, tra.jc, gtamltcb fcut, traumen. MOPE, s. bcr Jvaitmcr, SEtopf, Jl(p^; — eyed, furjftcbtig, blbM'id)tii]. mopish, adj. trnunterifd), avamlicb, unt^fittg ; — ness, s. bic SCtaumettj, Uutbatjgteit. moppet, (s. 1. bic 3>uppc »on ?ap= MOPSEY, S lH'n ; 2. bai ficine ortige 3JJabd)en, Spitppc^en. MORAL, I. (ado. — ly), adj. 1. JtlOta= lifeb, fittlid), geftftet; 2 ' iid) anf ben ou-ii't bejiebenb, geifitg, ittnerlid)j 3. iiMhrfdn'iiilid)_: n. s. 1. bic 3JJorat, Sugenblebre, titrcttlcbic; 2. bie ^Bt= beutung. MORALIST, s. bcr crittcitlcbrcr. Mi ►RALTTY, s. bie SKotal, iittlidifcit; 3iid}tiiifcif, bcr gutc SebenSwanbel ; moralities,/;/. bvamatiiYbc ©piele mp= viu Sugenbeit unb Sajiet ^erfoniftcitt toutben. moraliz-ation, .<>. bie ©ittenle^te, ntpralifcbe S3ettnd)tttngen. To MORALIZE, r. n. & ■ n. 1. mora!ift= rett, litoralifcbc SBetrad)tungeit au= ftcllcn, SebenStegeln geben (— on, upon, iiber) ; itber ntoriilifrbe @Ciictt= flanbe fprcdicn ober fducibat;' 2. mot afifdj anwenben ; 3. uer|tUltd)en, fittlid) inacbcu. MORALiZER. s. bcr ^iPraliftrcr, <5iU tenlebrcr, ©ittenptebiger. MORALS, s. pi. 1. bie C^tbif, 2itteit= lclnc; 2. 3JJoral, ba8 SBetbalten, bet Sebenswanbel; 3. bie ©itfen. MORASS, s. bcr SKotaji, ©umpf; — ground, b(l§ vslUUVflailb, 3)Jocr. morassy, adj. fitntvfi'i, mo.raftig. moravia, s. (bie aJiatfgtaffc^aft) ^labrctt. MORAVIAN, I. adj. liniijrifd); II. s. bet •.Vialu'cv; the Moravians, pi. bie mill); tifeben SBvitbcv, ^crrubutcr. MORBID, adj. frauflid), fl'auf; — ness, ... bic o-iviintliebteit. MOREOSE, adj. !?ou ciitev Jlranfbeit berriibreub, uiiijcfiittb. morbosity, s. bcr f ninfimftc Suftanb. MORDACIOUS («,/y. — ly), adj. bcijicilb, bei^ig, fdmvf, fatfajiifeb. MORDACITY, > ... bie (bcifjcnbe) mordicancy, 5 ©cprfe, baS dnu freffotbe. mSrdicInt, \ a,] J- 6t ^ enb ' r* ar f- MORDANTS,' s. pi 3?ei5cit ^um^arben. MOKDICATION, s. US 53cijieil, 6ilt= fteffen, 3crfrcffctt. MORE, I. adj. Sr adv. ntcbr; nod) ; fcr= iter, Bftet, wieber, toiebetuin ; but one word—, itnr itccb ciii2i]prt; —to the purpose, gcfcf>ettcr ; yaffeneer; one dollar — or less, ciitcn Sbalcr mcbr obet mentger, cinen S baler auf Pbcr a§ '^icbr, ©to pere. To MORE, v. a. -f '.lieb, 'Clt. ' MORT 1I0REEN, s. rcr rooliene SlJrbr. M( >r.r.L, g. 1. bic iUtPi-dni ; bcr -flacblt fdmttcn Solanvm — L.) ; 2. bic 3)iOi vdle (faitre iRirfcbe); — berry, (— cherry), bic 3ubeil£itfd)e (Physati* -3; keki ngi — L). MORELAND, vid. Moorland, UUtR Moor. MOREOVER, adv. iibcrbicfi, fcriicr, rpci« tcr, nod) mcbv, upcb baju. MORESK Moresque) adj. lltaurifrl), motesf, gtotegf; — work, ba8 9JJo« te8!o=©einaIbe, uiigeftaUete <:d)itife« loerf ; pi. '■Jlrabc-fcii. MORGLAY, ... ba8 i2d>ladHfd)U-ert SKotbineffet, 3Rovbgeroebt (bet feboti tifdu-n .'oPitldnbcr . Ml »RICE, s. vid Morisco, Morrick. MORiGERors, adj. ge!)orfani, folgfant, roiUig (tt>. «.). MORIL, s. bic ii;prd)el. MORION, s. bic -Stitriiibaubc, bcr .*3vlm. morisco, s. bcr iDJobrentaiij unb bef= fen Xanjet. MORKIN, ... b«S jvallwilb, bind; 3nfall untgefomuieue £bicr. M0RL1NGS. t pi. ©tetblingls (obev ©tetbe-) SBoIfe (SBolie »on tobtcu ©cbafeu). MORMO, ... ba8 Scbrecfbilb, bcr 5Rp= prtiij, bic jytafee. mi »rn, ... rev 3J2otgen. MORNING. I. ... bcr -MiPtant: in the — , be§ SJiotgenS j n. adj. friibc; tn compos. — draught, bcr SJJotgenttUllI ; — gown, bcr ©d)Ulfroff ; —light, boS SOJotgcnlicbf; —music, has 3Hotgen« fianbdjen, gtiibflanbcben ; —prayers. baS SWotgengebet, bcr iDJorgeiifcgen; — print. baS SRotgenblatt; — ray. bet 3Jtpvgcufirat>I ; — scent, bcr 3J?orgci^ buft; —star, bet 3}iorgcitftent ; — watch, bie J£agttKtc$e auf crdiiffeu (son »iet bis acbt Ubr 3Jiotgen8). MOROCCO, I. ... 2JkrOCCO ; II. adj. — leather, btt8 OJiarpccplcbcr ; — paper, ba8 ©affianpaviet. MOROSE (adv. — ly), adj. fillftcr, llliit- rtiVb, vcrbricfiiid); —ness, ... i N ao mitt* vifdje SHJefen, bie tible ^auite. MORPHEUS, ... ".I'lPipbcii". MORPHEW, ... baS 3tttetiual, ber 2e= bcrflcrf. To MORPHEW, v. a. mit Sieditcu obcr 3itterntalcn bebcrfen. # MORRICE Morris, Morrisdance, ... bcr SKobtentani; — dancer, betJ£dnjet im SKobtentanje; —pike, bic i'lau- renpife; —bells, pi. >parlefinSs unb 2.aii!,cr|'cbc!ten. MORROW, mdg. bcr 2JJotgen ; good — . wig. gittcu 3JJotgen ; to — , mcrgeu ; atier to — , fibetinotgen. MORSE, s. hi 3 SBaQrofi, Secpfcrb. morsel, s. 1. bcr Siffen, ba8 ©tflc?; 2. ba3 ©criebt, bic ©Veife; 3. bie ^[einicifcit. MORSURE, s. hi§ ^cijjen, bcr Si8. mort, ... sp. t. 1. bee £ief ebcr fitefs ftpjj (Stpf; iit8 3agbbotii nad) gtle= rjititij beS 6itfd)eS ; to blow a — . ViaU tali blafcn); 2. bcr bvcijabvia,c Vad'«. MORTAL, I. (adv. — ly), adj. 1.- fieri* lid), irbifdi, mciifeblid); 2. tpbtlid); S.vulg. duficrft, beftig; a — coldness, eineSobtcnfdlte; — enemy, bet Sobs feinb ; —hour, bie 3.'pbc»fti:ube : a —injury, cin pcvbcrblidicr SJlacbtbeil; — sin. bie 'Irbfiinbe; It 5. bcr ^terb= lute, 3J2enfcb. MORTALITY, ... 1. bic ©terblicbfeit, 3Renfcbbeit : 2. hi 3 ^tcrbcit, ber 3 o^; 3. bic Spjatpt jlttPbteil; within the bills of — , fo ivcit bic ©terbclifteit geben; innerbalb bc3 fonbonet S5ei §itf8. To MORTALIZE, r a. ftciblid) IH.lcbcn MOST MOTI MOUN mortar, s. i. ber 3K5rfet; ©omben= ff ffcl ; 2. Nortel ; — piece, bcr gcu= ermorfer. MORTGAGE,*, has $fanb, netpfanbete ©runbftucf, ambeireglicbe) Utitcr= jjfanb, baa spfanbflficf; bie -6w>ott)er', $fanb»etfd)teibung ; 8efd)n>enmg, sjjfanbbelaflung ; to give in — . »et= yfanbeit; to be in — , betpfanbet ftcbcu. To M< IRTGAGE, I-, o. jum ^fanbc fc^cn, uetpfAnben, auf fittpotljef a,cbcit. r>«« pot|eciten ; jum SJSfanbe oerfdjreibcn. MORTGAGEE, .--. ber .£>r)lH)tbcfar ( Dt,cv $fanb=) ©laubiget. SgSSSS'!* bet * ftobWlflk, " r ' MORT1FEROUS. arf/'. tobtlirb, mtct'b-- lid). MORTIFICATION,* i. 8. T. b«8 3lb» ftcvbcit bed gleifdjed, bcr f'aftc ©tanb ; 2. tic (M=) £6btung, .ftafteiung; 3. •ftt&nfung, ©eleibiguug, Tcnuitt'i- gimg, ©efdjimpfung, bcr Merger, ©etbtuf. MORTUTEDNESS,?. bie 5>entutr}igung, (Srniebtigung. Mi (RTIFIER, s. (finer, bcr feme 8eiben= fdjaften abtobtet. To mortify, v. a. I. tobten, jetftef* fen faffen; 2. abmetgeln, fd)i»ad)en, untetjodjen; 3. fafteieu; 4. Etanfen; orgeril ; 5. (^(eifeb) miirbe tucrbeu laffert; ermattett; to — one's pas- sions, feme Seibenfcbaffen unterbttU cfcn; ir. n. ben fatten ©tanb bcfom= men; nturbc werben (»om gteifdje), abftcrben. MORTISE, g. ba$ 3apfcnlod) ; —chisel, bcr Sod)mei$el. To mortise, o. n . einiftpfcn, sitfam= meufiigen. MORTMAIN, s. L. T. bic tobte .ganb, baS unueraufjetlidpe ©nf. MORTUARY, L *. i. L. T. bad (9tcn=) ©etmad)tni| an einc jfttdje (jut @t« fcljnng ber tin Sebcu ntitt bct,abltcn 3cf)iitcn, ti. f. w.) ; 2. bcr ©egrcib= nifjplaft, bie ©rabftattc ; n. adj. ju Seidjen geljSrig. MOSAIC, adj. mo'faifcf), muftt) J —work. s. bic mofatfebe 3lrbcir, 3Jcuffoarbeit. Moschatel, ». bad ©ifamftaur, 3JJu8fateUerfraut {Jldoxa moschatcllina —L.). Moscovite, r. aiij. aud SJtodfau ; n. s. ber gflosforoit. M0SC0VY, s. (bad Sanb) 3Jlo8fau, JRujSfanb; —ashes, tuffifd)e tyotu afcfje; —glass, bad 2J?atiengIag ; — hides, bie 3ucf)teit ; — talc, ber Sdjmmfftein. Moscow, s. (bic ©tabt) SKodfau. MOSELLE, ». 1. bie 2)iofel (cin glujj) ; 2. bcr 2)Welnscin. p moses, s . 3}Jofc« (jKanndname). MOSQUE, a. bie 2Jipfd)ce. Mi 'Si i\ rro, 8. bie 2)iPdc|itife, v D?ndfitp : 2)2iicfe in 3nbien itnb 2lmerifa (Ou- piens — /..'. Moss, s . I. bad §Koo« ; 2. bcr SNofafl, ©umbf; — lirrry. bic 3Jioo8beere, SDlojlbeere, Aaauirfibccrc; — cam- pion, ba« 3Rorgent5eIein, S!tcfptr5'S= ct)cn, iWartenrSocfieii ; — clad (— en- vironeil, — srown). beilioofct; — mse, bic 3)joo8rofej — rush, bie SJKooSBinfe, -Jtabclbinfc, S8orPen= binfe: — troopers, pi- (ckuuilc- . ! i. mUtterfoS. MOTHERLY, adj. S- adv. liiiiiierlicb ; gutig, jartlirb (ivic cine iVitttcr) ; m reifem filter beftnblid), ebrbar; — woman, bic 'A'altrpnc. MOTHERY, adj. bcft',1, bid 1 . mothy, adj. »oll Swotten, Don SKot* ten angefreffen, mottenfrS^ig. Mi 'i'ii i.\, .?. i. tic rSeibeSs) aSeweanng, bcr ©ang ; 2. SKatfd), bic Beranbes rung bcr ©tellung ; 3. SRegung, bet Xxitb, 'intiicb; 4. bie Sufi, bad ©e» liiftc, tbicrifebe Sebcti; 5. tic Wlo* tipn, bcr SJorfdjIag, Slntrag (tm ^Jar* lamente, u.f.njj ; ti. bet Shtb,Igang; — of the sea, tie Sewegung bed SWee* rc^ ; turbulent — of the sea, bie JTob* belfee: —of a watch, bet ©ang ei« iter llbr ; the laws of — , tie ikivc= gungdgefe^e; to watch one's mn Semanbed ©Sttge belauetn ; to make ,i — . fid) beroegen ; einen 2lnttag obct S3otfd)Iag (bltll; to make a — for ... antragen anf..; the— was carried (through), bet SBorfcb, lag ging butdj; I second the — , id) vflidnc tl>m bci, untctftiiiM- feinen Sotfcblag. To motion, i'. n. in SQotfdjlag brin= gen, oorfdjlagen, batauf antragen, MOTIONLESS, adj. nnbciuc.jlid). MOTIVE, i. adj. betoegenb, bemeglidj ; H. s. ber SeweggtBub, ','lntricb. ' MOTTVirY, ». bie P3e»egungdftaff. Mi ITLEY, adj. fcbcd'i.t, bunt ; a — coa cin buntfepecfiged «Ieib; a — bet gemifebte ;buutfdjecfige) 2tvl. motor,*. bet bie, bad 85e»egenbt. MOTORY, adj Seroegung ertbeileub betoegenb ; ' — muscles, A. T. bie SBe* tvciicr. mot i'i>, >'. bad2JJotto,betfSinnf MOULD, .--. 1. bie gorm, ©ugform; Sdjabloue; tic fiutjucfetform, tci 3ucferprott ; >. tic ','lrt ; ■'). tic StucbN erbe, 3)ammerbe: 4. 3)iaterie, tot Stuff; . r >. bet Scbiminel, SJiober, Stabm obet Jtabu; 6. a t. bit ^itn< fcb-ibelnabt; 7. a: T. bic 1'i.ili ; (bei ben @oibfd)tagern ; — of about a thou bie >£>autform ; v.-i- lum — , tic Quetfd)form, $etgamcnt: fprnt ; bastard — . bit ©aftatbfotm (bei bcr 3ucferfabrifation nun — , fcbimmelig roerben, febtnt- iiteln; —candles, gegoffene Sidjte; — frame, bcr gormtifdj bed Sid : —warp, bcr SDJaulrcurf. To mould, r. a. geftalten, fotmtn giepen, bilben ; fneten ; to — ■ ber, It. r. bcnllmrifieincriVaU bejeiebnen, bemaUen ; to — SrOb fltCtCIt; to — candles, SitbtC giepen; moul bread, fd)im= meliged ©tDb. MOULDABLE adj. toat fid) fprmen 15ft, bilbfam. moulder, ff. bet SBilbner, o'uefcr. '/;, Hi lULDER, v. n. .\- a. mobttn, \>tx- mobctn, tetftieben ; abnebmen, oet= geben, ftd) oettiettn ; jetftauben, jer^ brprfcln ; to — away, roegfaulen, jets ftieben, MOULDlNESS,ff. bad Sdjtmmelige, bet S0iober. Ml 'i LDING.s. j3rch.T. biccrbabcne')!r= beit, bad ©imdruerf , bet @rf jierratf) ; bcr SEtagftem bed ^ocjend ; — plane, ber ^cblbobef. MOULDY, adj. fdjiinmelig, m fabmig; — cheese, altet iftafe; — colour, bie fd)iinmlid)te garbe. • To MOULT, r. n. fid) manfen, .v ten. M< uuT.n.ff. bcr SSogel, obet btc junge trntc in bet SDraufe. Mi >UND, .--. bcr "iL : ,iil, Datnin, bic SBeta febaujung. To M< n mi, p. o, oerfri)anjen, umbain= men. M< 'i nt. .••. bcr ©etg; fort, bie (ein t>ob,ed SSBetl auf bent $au))t> waQe, ti. f. m.) t„ MOUNT, o. a. St >'■ 1. fteigen, beftet* gen, auffteigen, ^inauffleigen ; S etfttecfen ; 3. beben, etfyeben ; 4. auf= tbiitmen : 5. beritten inadjen ; 6. sets jieten, befcijen, (ein=)faffen ; 7. betta= aen; 8. (Jtanouen) fiibrcn; um falfd;ed 3eugntp ablegeit ; M to — (the) guard. OUf bic SSadje *ic = beit; to — the breach, Sturm l>in = fen ; to — a cannon, cine tfetiUMie auf bieSaffette bringen; the frigate) Con- stitution mounts 44 puns, tie aic; grttte Soitjiitlltion fnbrt 41 .^0 = llPIIClt. M< lUNTAIN, I. -' ber ©etg ; II. adj. gc= btrgig, auf ©ergen; — antetope, bet Spnugbocf; —ash, bie ©ergefd)e. bet ©ogelbeetbanm, bie Sbeti — awn-, bad ©ergnSgleindfraut; j— , bet .Ualiiinim, tic ©ctgmeliffe, gelbmiinje; — blue, bad ©ergblau ; bie friedjenbe ^tmbtete, OJiPltcrbccve : — chickweed, bet mpodattige ©etgmeiet; — cock, bcr Slutrbabn, ©etgfafan; — cork, btt ©etgfotf ; — crystal, bcr ©etgftU flail, 9taud)topad, Stagonat; — dam- ■JliT MOUT xon, cine Set bc8 StttetfcoUe*; — egg, ba3 Sergei [»on Sc&roefelfteS) ; — green. MS 'Hcrggriiil ; — heath, bcr Steinbrech (Saxifraga — L) ; —lake, bet Sergfee ; — laser-wort bet Setgi Eiimmel; — linnet, bet ©teinbfinf» ling; — man, bet Setgberoo&net ; — oak. bie 2rcincid)C; — paper, ( _ flesh, — leatherj bet ©etgfotfl, fcbrcimiitenbe 9lSbefl, baS Sergpapiet, SBergTeber, SBetgfleiftij ; — parsley, bie sBetgpetetjwe, ba-5 ©ruitebdi; — pine, t>ie Setgftcbte ; — rat, baS 2?iurincithicr ; —rose, ba8 it8ctgto8= itcu; — soap, bic Sergfetfe, 8orffei= fe; — wine. SRaldgd ; — wormwood, bet CKpenbcifutJ*. mountaineer, ? s. 1. bcr SetgBes MOUNTAINER, ) wofyvn: 2. SBifc be ; ft a u bet, SBanbit. MOUNTAINOUS, adj. 1. bergtg, gcbir= gig; '2. bergbodj; — people, bag Setgoolf; — ness, s. b(l8 ©ebtrgige, «. f. n». MOUNTANT, adj. fteigcub, cntpor ra= gcitb. M lUNTEBANK, s. 1. bet 3Ratft= febreier; Duacffalber, SSurmboetor ; 2. fig. SBettiigcr. To MOUNTEBANK, e. a. I. guae?fcl= bent ; 2. fig. bintergeben, bctriigen. MOUNTEBANKERY, s. 1. bic Marft= febreicrei; Duacffalbevei ; 2. fig. 33e* triigerei. s per, s. bet Steigcnbe. MOUNTINGS, s. pi. T. Sefcblagc ; MO. Ph. OftoutiruugSitiicfe. M >UNTY, s. Sp. T. baS ?iuffh'igeit beS galfcit. J\> MOURN, v. ». * a. 1. trattcm, fief) gcamett ; 2. tit JErauet geben ; to — for one, ciiteit bctraucrn, bcflagcu. mourner, s. 1. bcr £rauetnbe; 2. Seibttagenbe, Seicbcubcgleiter ; chief — , bcr crfie Seibrragenbe, 2Infub,rer rineS SetcbenjugeS. MOURNFUL (adc. — ly). n/7/. traiirig, t'laglicb ; — ness, •?. bas Xraurige ; bie Srdurigfcit, ter ©rant. MOURNING, s. 1. baS Srauent ; 2. bic Srauer, Sraucrflcibuitg ; deep — , tiefe Sraucr ; half—, bie -Saibtrauer ; in compos. — crape, bcr Srauevflov ; — dove, cine 2irt JEauben in 9torb= ilntcrifa (Columba Caroliniensis) ; — suit, ba3 ^fcrauerfleib; — sword, bcr Stauetbegen. Mourninuly. adv. mit Sraueru, traurig, bettiibt. MOUSE, s. 1. bie OTau« ; 2. .v. T. bie 5tags)3)iauS ; —colour, bie 3Jlaufes fa'rbe; — cowry, (cine OJhifdictart aiifCMniana) bie (liitnc'ifcbe) iDcau8, bet .Uaijcnbautf), bie Jtrotc; —duns, bet fOTaufefotb, ; —ear, bnen 511 ftarf ; — good may it do you. luobl befomme e8 3bnen ; too — of one thing is good for nothing, illltll SCtcl ifi ungefunb. mucid, adj. mnffig, bumpftg, feb,im= mcltg ; — ness, «. bie SKufftgteit, bcr Scbimmel. mucilage, s. ber Sr^Ieim, \'db<: Saft MUCILAGINOUS, adj. fc&lettlttg; — glands, pi. bie Scbleimbrufcii ; —ness, s. tie Secieimigtcit, b«8 Sffleimige, 3abe. MUCK, r. s. 1. bcr SRifl J?otb, 5)rctf, Unflaib; '2. fig. ba6 ©emeine, -?iie- btige, (irbarntliebe; to run a — , ber= Jlinrafen; IL adj. provine. mdg. nap, feitrbt ; in compos. — heap ( — bill)) ter iUiiftbanfen, Srerfbaufcn ; — man, ber iDtifter; —sweat, vols, ber ftarfe edniH-tf: ; — wet.trovfnaf; ; — worm, bcr Sttftrounn, SKiftfafet; fig. yilj, Jviiicfer. To MUCK, o. n. miftcit, biinacit. MUCKY, adj. febmntjig, bre-iig. MUCOUS, adj. fd)kimtg, rofcig ; —ness, s. bie €$(eimigteit, iaS iebleimige, bcr vicbieim, Sftofc. MUCRONATE, MncRONATED, adj. ge= frifct, fptftig. muculent. adj. fr^Ieimtg, jabc. mucus, s at bee ®d;Ietm, Siofe. MUD, s. ba- <:d)lamm, naffe Motl\ SSJJober, SKubbet; 8ebm, ^leibet* lebm ; — boots. Seblammftiefc!, SBaffevftiefel; — fish, bet ©c^Iamm* better, SRobetftfcb; — cottage, — house, bie Sebmbiitte; — puddle, bie ^otbjacbe, SPfufeej — sill, T. (im SBrucfenbau), bie ^oftfcbioclle ; — sucker, cine 3ttt J'aiutcr (SBofferoos gel); bet SBaumlciufer, ^aumbacfer, SBtenenfpecit {^piaster — Jims.); — wall, bic Sebinroanb ; — walled, mil Vcbiu gemanert; mit eincr IMmh= matter umgeben. To MUD, o. a. 1. ill Srblamm wetfeB obet setfenfen, einfcblammeri: 2. triibe niflcben, ben Unratb aiifriibrcn. MUDDlNESS, s. bad ^cblammige, Sriibe. To MUDDLE, v. a. 1. im Srbfamme rouble"; buvdnriiblcii; triibeit; >. betauben, beraufrhen ; octroitren, wpfnuben ; muddled, balb betnmfcn. muddle, s. tie Setroittung. MUDDY, adj. fd^lantmig, triibe; un^ rein, beflecfr, bcfrbmn&t ; — headed, fd)»acI)fopfig, bumnt ; — bottom, fcblarrmiger SBoben ; a — stone, cm triibet obcr pedigei 6'fclftcut. To MUDDY, v. a. 1. triibcn: 2. mitt< rtfcfl macben; muddied, aufgcrcgt, in ©abtung, embBtt. MUFF, s.Ver i'hiff, Scijlupfet, iiUc, sBinbe; bcr 2dMcicr. MUFTI, «. bet 2)2ufti (tiirfifd;c Obei» pricfter). MUG, s. bcr 'Berber, Jtrug, bic Aanne ; — house, bag Bierhaug, bic 2cbcnfc ; — wort, bcr Scifujj (Artemisia — /,.). MUGGISH, I adj. 1. fcudit, tiafj, bunt= MUGGY, \ pftg ; 2. triibe, nebelidjjt (voiu SEBetter). MUGIL, s. rod. Mullet. MULATTO, s. ber'DJulattc, .fjaIbmof;r. MULBERRY, s. bic I'l'aulbecrc ; — blight, bic SEftaulbeermelbe Bittum wr- o-afrifli — L.) ; — tree, bcr 2)iaulbcer= baunt (Moms — /..). MULCH, s. bcr oerfaulte iDung. MULCT, g. bic ®elbftrafe, Strafe. 7*<9 MULCT, p.a. an ®elbe ftrafen, ftra= fen. siulctuary. adj. an @etbe ; — pun- istament, bit ©cltftrafe. MULE, s. 1, bcr aWauftfel, bag SJJlauIs tjjier; 2. 7'. bie (33afiarb=)lcjx= rbcr JUJafcbinengarn, (<8tn=) ©djufgnrn, @infcr)lag; — wasps, bic SRanlefel. MULETEER, *. bcr SKauIefeltreiber. MULIEBRITY, s. bie SBeiblicbfeit, bcr vueiblicbe Stanb. MULISH, adj. roie ctu SRautefel, I;art= nicfig. To MULL, ». a. lit 1 1 3ucfcrunb ®en)fil'$ verfetjeti, gliifjcii; mulled wine, bcr ©liibroeiu. MULLEN, 8. ba§ SBollfraut (Verbascum — L). MULLER, 8. bcr Sftetbftein, gfiufer. MULLET, s. 1. bic jKeerafcbe, fece= barbe; 2. //. 7*. bet aufa,ctf;anc Stern, funfjacftge Stem. MULLIGRUBS, b. vulg. bag tfneipen im geibe. MULLION, «. bic ^enfterufofle. mullock, s. baS Jtefcriebt, ber 3cr)itrr, 3lu8rourf, Srecf, bic Olfcbe. MULSE,8. bcr i^ontgtvein, SBeinmetl). MULTANGULAR (adv. — ly), adj. vicl = roinfelig, vtelerftg. MULTICAPSULAR.adJ.mttUtelenJlaps fclu, Dtelfficbertg. MULTICAVOUS, adj. mit yiclcit £5b> lungen, »iele §5binngen babenb. MULTIFARIOUS (ad». — ly), adj. man* nicbfaltia,; — ness, s. bie3JiaunifbfaI= tigfeit. MULTIPED, adj. ntcfirnml^ gefpatten, uielfacr) getbcilt. MULTIFORM, adj. Metformin. mi LTlFORMlTY,8.bieS8ielt6rmtgfctt. MULTILATERAL, adj. oielfeitifl. MULTILINEAL, adj. titU Viuicii ba= benb. MULTIL< 1QUOUS, adj. gefc$isfifcig, reb» felig. multinomial, adj. otelnamig. MULTIPABOUS, adj. vide 3unge (auf ein 5KaI) reerfenb, fclu- fruditbar. MULTIPARTITE adj. oielfadj get&eitf. MULTIPED, j. bic Eiffel, tcr'.UcIlcr-- tourm. MULTIPLE, I. adj. g. r. cine anbere 3^bl mebrmaU in fid; ent^altenb, stelfacb, in aim id; fad) ; ir. *. a. T. bit mchrfad)c gab,L MULTIPLIABLE ? adj. JU miiltil'Iiei= MULTIPLICABLE, S rctt, vcrmctu'bar. MULT1PLIABLENES8, 8. tie iH-imcl)r; barfett. MULTIPLICAND,* Ar. T. bcr 2}hilti= plicanb (bie }u Ber»ielfalttgenbe §ab\ . MULTIPLICATE, adj. mcfjifad), WtU fad). MULTB?MCATiON,« aSerme^nrnj), SBeroielfaUigung ; -«r.T. 3Jiulriplicas lion; — table, tag Sin=9Jlalsein« j — tables, SRerb.entafeln. MULTIPLICATfYE, adj. >j c v>j iclfa ltt= genb. MULTIPLICATOR, t Ar. T. bcr 'IRuIti-- pltcator bic iBersielfaltigungSjabl). MULTIPIilcrrY, *. bic SSielfacboeit, iKanntcbfaltigfeit ; ^ielheit, 2)ienge. MULTIPLIER, 8. bcrScrmeluer; .;■ T. SQtulttylicator. To MULTIPLY, v. I. o. r>crmcbrcit, scr= Dtelfaltigeit; Ar. r. multiplicircit ; multiplied pans, Dteiftimmtfle 3JJufif ; multiplying glass, bat 93eroielfdlti= gung§gta8; n. n. ficb »erinebre». MULTiPOTENT, adj. 'vitl scrmogeub, febr macbtig. MULTIPRESENCR s. bie ®egenn>art an vielcit Drtcit jugleid;. MULTISELIQU0US, adj. Dielbftlfig ; luclfdiotia,. MULTISl ).M >I T ^. adj. iMcItbnia. MULTISYLLABLE, s. *>ii »tclf»lbiae MULTITUDE, s. 1. bic SSictbcit, ^\'ebr beit, "I'Jcikic; 2. ber gro jje fiaufe, bag aSolf, ber spobet. multitudinous, adj. reidi anSWenge, jablreicb, in fiaufen, oielfaltig, oiels fad;, ntannid)faltig. Mii/j', ) adj. »telf6)a= MIJI.TIVAIACI.AR. $ Itg. MULTIV10US, adj. "ietc SBege babetib, btelfeittg, viclfad; (u\ ii.). multocular, adj. vieldugig. mi i/iiM in i'akvo, yici 'in roenig (DJauin). MULTURE, 8. 1. baS SKa^Ien; 2. SRa^Igelb. MUM, s. bie Wrxmmt; double — , Sdjipmunime. mum, i,,t. 'ft, ftill! to he — . ganj flill, ftumm fcrnt; — " 3 the word! Jtubc fag' icn ! 7h MUMBLE, b. n it a. i. munuiuln, murniclii, bnimnicu ; mujfeln ; 2. faduc faueit; 3. uerfd^lucren, ntrt)t ganj berau^ v\^\\, unterbrticfen. mumbler,8. ber i'liirmclubc, 3Kuf= felitbc ii. f. ro. MUMBLINGLY, ado. niiininicliib, iuiir= mcliib. To mi 'mm. e. a. uermummen, yerfav- ven, oerfleiben. mummer, s. ber SSermummte, SJJoffen» reiser. mummery, 8. tie annmmerei, bcr -AVa-iniball. To mummify, p.«.aU 3Witmie Imafc ren ; jur SD7umie niadicn. mummy, ■ l. tie SJlnmie, Balfamleia cbc; 2. bcr OJiumiciii'aft; 3.ba8^arj, (Muniiiii, SBaumwac^S, 3mpfroadjfi ; to beal one to a — , vulg. ctncii brei- weidj apfelroeicb) fcblagen; mineral — , iBcrgbalfain »ont jtaufafud. To MUMP, o.a. 1. nagen, benagen ; 2. oor firb bin bruminen, murmeln; 3. beriicfen, iibcrliften, erroifcbeit. MUMPISH, adj. vcitviefUidi, iiiiinii'dv MUMPS, s. pi. 1. .1/,,/. T tie Sttkh fiitbt, ©raunej 2 ./-v. uble Saune; be is in his — , cr bat fcinc S8ruiltm= ftiinte. l\> MUNCH, p. a. .?• n. (in grc'jcu S3ifs fen) faun, gierigeffen, freffen, f ljCH. MUNCHER, s. ber gierig, Sreffer. MUNDANE, adj. aeltlict) ; — soul. bi< SQeltfecle ; — space, tcr SQrlterts taunt. MUNDATORY, adj. reinigenb, fdubernb [». ii. . MUNDIFICATION, ». tic ^leinigung, ©auberung, MUNDIFICATIVE, l. adj reinigenb; n. /■ ba« SReiHigunglrmttfl. t<> MiMnrv. p. a. reiuigen, faubern (». u. . MUNERARY, adj. at8 @cl'rbcr;f. ge= ro. ii.). MUNGREL pid Mono MUNICH 8. (tic Stabtj ^liiudien. MUNICIPAL, adj. IU ciucr (Yemenite cber ^tatt gefjorig ; - 2tabt,]cvicbt ; — laws /»' tic 2tatt = rcd;tc, Staruten, Stabtgefefee; — offi- C'T<. Stabtbeamtete. MUNICIPALITY. •. 1. bie TiurietAbe= oblferung in graufreicb ; 2. "A'iiiiu= civalitat, Stabtobrigteit, ftabtifrtje Bcborbe. MUNIFICENCE, 8. tic gfretgcl SKilbe, ©rofmntb;. MUNIFICENT ado. — it), a f //. fretije- big, grofmutljig, niilbe. MUNIMENT, s. 1. tie $eftung, T-^chi-- gnng; 2. SBertbeibigung, Unterftu= lung; StSrfc; 3. Urfunbc, ba3 IDos cuinent, SBriefunb Siegel. MUNITION, 8. ber •ftrtegs'Dorratlj ; — bread, bag Somntipbrob ; — siiips, SlinntunitionSfrbiffe. MURAGE, 8. tcr i>JJaucn'duM";, SKaner* JtnS. MURAL, adj. 1. ;u ciucr SRattet rcbb= riii; 2. ciucr iljaucrabnlidi; —"arch. Ast. t. bcr SRauerquabrant ; — breach, bcr 9}Jauerbrud) ; — cr:wn, bie SDfriuerfrone ; — fruit, tic at ci= ner SJiauer gejogene Aindt. MURDER, I ,'. bcr' 3Morbj II. int. (3c= tcr) iKorbio ! To MURDER, p. a. 1. ntcrben, crntcrs bcu ; 2. jig. jerftbrcn, verberben, >.'cr= niditcu ; fam-s. to — a language, cine Spracbe ratebrcdieu : tn --a song, ci = ncit ©efang fd>lcdu mtgen. MURDERER, *. 1. ber OA'rrta'; 2. bit nut .Uavtiitntcu gelabcne jtanone. MURDERESS, 8. bic IWubcrinu. MURDEROUS (adv. — i.v . adj. niPrbc- rii'di, blutgiertg; —ness, i bai Wlvx* berifdje, bic ©lufgierigfeit. To mure, p. a niauern ; to — up, ntv* luaueiii, iiiiuaucrii. MURIATE, e. c/i. T-8. ba8 faljfaure 2al; ; — of ammoniac, berSalmiaf; — of lime, fflljfaurer J?fllf ; — oflime with excess of lime, ungeffittigt faU- faurcr MM ; white ozyriulated — oi copper, faljfaureS Jhipfcr. miki vn:ii. a ,.. iii cine Safe, Saljla= Fc, Saljbrube gelegt. muriatic adj fafjig, faljfauerj — acid, tic ©ntjffiure; nitro — acid, ©alpeterfaijfaure ; — acid gas, fal j = faurefl ®a8. MURICALCITE, 8 crystallizi d — . lie* ^ittcvipatb. murine, adj. maufeartig. MURK, 8. bic riiufelbeii ». u. . MURKY, adj. tiinfel, biifter. triibe. mi .--. cine art ©cbleier (bei tin tnrfifeben kronen). murmur 8. basa)tnrren,®emnrme' 7b MURMUR,* n niurrcn ', liuirmcln. MURMURER,* bcrOJiiirrcnbc ; iVurot" Icr. MURMURINGLY, ads, nturrcr.b, mil •Dhirreu. S09 MUSI MUST MYR1 MURMUROUS, adj. fjcmurrc, Uit}U= fricbcnbcit ettegenb. MURRAIN, s. baS SStelJlerben, bie i'ichH'lldiC; (with) a — to you! vulg. bet fienfet (jole btc§! a — take..! bet Renter bplc . .! murrey, adj. bimfetbtftnn, bunfel* roth. MURRION, s. vid Morioh. MUSCADEL, I .5. A- adj. ber SKuSlas MUSCADINE, ) teller ; 2Jiu8latroein ; — grape, bte aJiu8fattt3= rein) ; — motion, bie S3e»egung bcr SRuSteln. MUSCULARITY, s. bit SJftltSfelljafttgs fcit. MUSCULITE, s. bie verftctnerte 9JIu= fdicl. MUSCULOUS, adj. flav! uon SDluSleltt, musfeltg, mttsfclbaft ; — power, bie SNuSfelftaft. muse, s. 1. bie gjlnfe; 2. bet 3^icf* finn, ba8 ©ittnett ; to he in a — , in tiefen ©ebanfen fcv>n. To muse, v. v. &■ a, 1. ftnuctt, ttacb> ftnnett, nacbbenfen (— upon, fiber) iiberbenlen, butrbgrtibetn ; 2. brutcn, in ©ebattfett (uerttcft) fctyn. MUSEEUL, adj. tieffiunig, in ©ebanfen. MUSELESS, adj. unempftblitf) fitt $oefte. MUSER. s. bcr 9tad)jtnncttbc; Zxau- met, .ftatmaufer. MUSET, s. Sp. t. baS ©d)[iipffod) (ci= tics ^afeit, it. f. to.i. MUSEUM, *. ba$ SDiitfcum, (Tabinc-tr, bie 91aturalieit= unb jlunftfammlitng. mushroom, s. 1. bcr (Stbfcfcwamm, sptlj, .gettettptfj, S&tgiton ; 'i.fig. (yiiicfspilj ; agaric (or common) — , bcr cfibare iMattcrfrbroamm ; — bed, ba8 aftiftbect jit (Srbfcbiuammcit ; — gentry, fig. ncucr Slbel ; — gills, bie SSlitttet etneS ©rbfcfcwammeS ; — ketchup, vid. Catchup; — stone, bcr ©cr)tt>ammjtetn ; — worm, cin Sffiutm, ben matt in (Stbfdjroammen ftnbet. Mrsic, s . bie 2J?itfif, £ Pit fun ft ; JCoit* tmffenftysft; bciS iEonfptel; fig. bcr 2Bi>$lflang ; chamber — , bie Stams mennuftf ; — book, ba8 s JJctcnbitd) ; — house, bit8 SonccttfjattS ; — master, bcr 9Jiuft£ubtet ; — paper, bn8 s Jio= tenpapiet ; Stpteublatt ; — pen, baS Mofltal; — room, ba8 JKufifjims titer; Drd)ciicr; — shell, tic i"»io= tenfebnecfe ; — stage, ( — stand), cin SRotengefteU, 9ioteitrepofitijriuiii ; — ii70 wire, bet GKv.ucrbraiit, bie QvafyU fatten. MUSICAL (adv. — lt), adj. mufifaltfd) ; nnibjfliiigcnb, ^atmontf4 ; — com- poser, bcr (Sontponift; — glasses, pi. bie ©lasfyarntonica, fiatmomcagias fcr _; — part, bie SDIitftfftimmc, Ulo- tcitftimmc ; — ness, e. tai iUiit|"ifa= lifrbe, bie^atmottie. MUSICIAN, s. ber 2Ruft£u8, 2.'onfiiitft= let, (Sanger ; JDhiftfant ; — of the chapel, bcr Jt'amnicrmnfifitS. musk, s. i. bcr 9Jiofdni3 ; 2. SBtfaitt ; bie9JJu8f"u febntacf Peer OeruUj, bie 55umpfig« fcit, bcr Scbtniincl. MUSTY (adv. — ily), adj. i. bttiiipfig, fdjimnteltg, fdial ; 2. abgcimljt, i'cr> brand)t ; 3. trcige, bumnt, ttitcrfaf)» rcit, ntiirrifd). MUTABILITY, ? s. 1. bie a3craitbcr= MUTABLENESS, \ lidjfett ; t. b* Itnbeftanb, i'SanfcInitttb. mutable, adj. 1. Dcranbcrlid) ; 2.itit« beftanbtg, iiHiitfclmitt[)ig. mutation, s. bie ^craiibcriitig. MUTE (adv. — ly), I. adj. ftumm, ftp: cfifd) ; it. s. 1. bcr ©tumme (anfy r. t.) ; 2. ftumitie Suebflabe ; 3. bcr bei cincr attSgefteHten I'eidic ftcbciib* Sicitcr; 4. SSpgcIfptf); 5. Mus. T bcr Sampfet. To mute, v. v. ben Siofy V>Plt ftdj geben (opit SSogeln). muteness, s. bie ©tumm()eit, 3lbge» ncigtt)cit ju fprcdjcit ; ba§ ftbcfifdu 2Bcfcit. To mutilate, v. a. uerftfuiiiiielit. MUTILATED, Mutilate, adj. Oerftfittfc melt. MUTILATION, s. bie Qjtcrftiimniehttig. mutilator, s. bcr ^erftiimmder. MUTILOUS, adj. vid. Mutilated. mutineer, .5. bcr 2)ccntcrcr, 2W«ufc marbev, Slufmteglet, 9lufriihrcr. muting, s. Sp. e. ba§ ©eloS, bcr 5Ro= gclfotf). MUTINOUS (ado — ly), adj. i. ftltfc ritbrcri fd) ; 2. fjeftig, auf cine ftiir= mtfdic SBctfe ; —ness, s. baS 3luftfit}= verifdje, bie S)ieigung jitr 9)tcittevei. MUTINY, s. bie ilteuterei, bcr Siufs rubr ; —bin, bie Slufritbrbill. To MUTINY, v. n. fid) ClllpPtClt, 2)Jcit = tcrei treiben. To MUTTER, v. a. <$- n. tltlUTClt, milt* mclit. mutter, s. ba3 ©cmurmcl ; jKuttett. MUTTERER s. bet 2)2urniclnpc ; 3Jiurtenbe. MUTTERLNGLY, adv. Itllirntclllb, mil btinipfcr ©timnte ; murrciib. mutton, s. ba« ©cbiipfciiflcifrf), ^ottt= melflcifcb; — chops, bie .£>aiitmcU rippcbcit; — fish, bte iftptbfcbcr, (bcr) SpiBfee ; — fist, vuig. bie gvpfjc, p!um= pe S'auft. MUTUAL (adv. — ly), adj. gcgcnfcilig, wecbfelfrtrig, betbetfetttg, gcniciiu fd)aftlid); by — consent, bttrcb gc = gettfeitige Ucbcrciufunft; — friend, m.e. bcr gemcinfd)aftlidic Svcunb; — property, ^DJeitt ttltb 2)eitt. mutuality, s. bie ©egettfcitigfcir ; gcgcitfcitigc ^anbhiitg, ©ttotebetung. mutuation, s. ba$ s&otgen (to. it.). MUTULE, s. Jlrch. T bet Sidcilfppf feparrenfppf am borifd;en ©eba'If. muzzle, s.l.bas2)Jaul, bie©djnau= It, bcr 3ciif|'el ; ber 2Jiunb ; bie 3Rutts bung, bcr J?ppf (ciucr Jtanone); 2. bcr 2Jiaulforb, Scijifprb, 91afcit-- ricnt, ba8 llJafcitbanb ; — mouldings, — rings, T. bie Jtppffricfc (an JJa= tiPitcn). To MUZZLE, v. r. «. baS 9JIattl ttafie ait etoaS briugeit ; n. a. cincn Wanl» forb aitlcgeit, ba8 SOJaul verbtuben baS 93ci(icn ycnvcbrcit. MY, prou.poss. (uor bcm©ttbff.) mctn, litciuc; —children and yours, ntcilte Jcinber ttub 3>ciite; — iieait aclies, mir tintt b«8 ^erj \vd). myography, s. bic &8efc$tet6ung be» SWusfeln. MYOLOGY, s. bic 5DZti8feIfe^rc. myope, s bcr JViirjfidHiiic. myopy, s. bie Jturjftc|ttgfett. myriad, s. 1. bie 3«priabe, jcbit !£«* fenb ; 2. bie gvojic JKettge. NAIL NAPP NATA MYRMIDON, s. ber vobe 3J?cnfcb; myrmidons, \il. cant. btC .jpafctjerfeijaar, .Piclfcrebclfi.'v. MYROBOLAN, *. bie SRitoBoIflllf, iJJitrgirpflanmc. MYROPOLIST, *. bcr ©albenfjanbtcr ( MYRRH, ». bic 3B»rrb>. MYRRHINE, adj. J . alio $)inrrl)c (et= nein ortentaIifd)en Stein) gcmadjt, murrjjinifd) ; 2. sou SDtnrrljen. MYRT1FORM adj. mpvthcnfb'rmig ; — plants, m»rtbenarttge ©eroadjfe. MYRTLE, *. bit iDcpvtbe; Dutch—, bie SUhn'tbcnbcibe, ber SJJorfi ; common candleberry — , bcv 2Bar$Sbaum; — leaved sumach, bcv @cvbcrflllltctcr>, Sarbetbaum ; — berries, s 3)hn'tben= bceven; —grove, bic iliiutliculattbc ; — tree, bcv iliiu-tbcnbaunt. MYSELF, pron. id) felbft, fclbft, mid), mir. MYSTAGOGUE, ». 1. bcr (Mcbcimni>l = Icbrcv ; 2. SBerroaljrer ber .£cilig= t bit liter. MYSTERIAL, arf/. QcIjcimnifrJoII, rcitb> fclbctft. MYSTERIARCH, s. bcr Cbcvanfferjev fiber bie SKtyjlerien, 3Jli>ftertarct). MYSTERIOUS (adv. — lv), adj. gc= fcjeinuujJDoIl ; nitbfclbaft ; —ness, s. baf ©erjeimmfwoQe, t;cili^c 0cl;etm= nif. MYSTERY, ». 1. bo8 ©ebcintnifi; SRStfcjfel; ©ebcimfpiel; 2. baS^anb* wert, ©croerbe; 3. bic getfHttt)e. &q» ntbbie, SDtyfterie. MYSTICAL («fo. — i.y), «<#. tntyjltfct}, riitcrt rtcfjcimctt Stun cnt£>altcut>, fitiu- Hlblich, gefjetmnijjt'oU. MYSTIC, I. adj. vid. Mystical ; II. s. ber 3Ji»ftifcv. MYSTfclSM, ». bcr v Di'.ifiici^mit'5, 0c= ful)t$giaube. MYTHICAL, Mythic, adj. fabelljaft, nrMbifcf). MYTHOLOGICAL (adv.— lit), adj. m\)- tboloa,ifdi. m vti ii h,i igist, s. bcr 2Jh)n)OIog, S«s bclJcbrcv. T„ MYTHOLOGIZE, o. a. ^tbett cr= jablen, bic gabellebve erflaren. MYTHOLOGY,* bie gabellebve, ©6t« tcvlcbrc, ©agenfunbe, 3Jtyt&oIogie. MYTILITE,*. bie ycvfleittcvtc SJiiefjs inufcbel. N, s. baS 71, it, ber ytciybittc SBudjfta* be bed \Hlpbabets. NABOB, a 1. ber 9t«boB (l}mboftam= frbe 'rtiint) ; 2. fig. bcv itcb tu D(ttil= bieit bcvcicbcrt hat. N v ik BR, s. bic Spertenmufc^el, SJJer* [enmutter. N vcreous, adj. perlenartig, glfinjenb, Nadir *. .1st. r berStabtr, jufjpunft. N.r.vt:, s. bcr Slcif, getter. NAFE, Naff, ». cine \'lvt ;£'andicv mit etnem ©cbopfe. NAG, s. baa Sjjferbdjen ; ter Jtlebper. NAIAD, Naio, ». bie 23affcriU)inp!)c, 3Bafferg6tttnn,9taiabe. V ah,. ». 1. bcv Stagel; Sbtfer ; bie Stlcmt, SPfotc; 2. ba« 3tta9»on21 3oU ; on the — , a;if bvr ©telle; to pay down (money) upon the — , bat* bc= jafejeit; to labour tooth and—, fidji blutfauer roerben lafjen; one — drives out another, c i it ,Kcil trcibt ben anbcrit ; to hit the — on the head, ben Slagel auf ben itopf (<. «. ben veduen ft(ccf) treffett; the head of a—, bcv Stagelfopf; clasp — s, clasp headed — s, ©ucfer ; scupper — s, SBfaot* beofbeu ; rudder —a, bie iRnberfin= fi'V ; — bore, bic iJlagelforill ; — dri- ver, bae ©iipeifen, ber £iipnagcl; — mould, bafi SFtageleifen ; — nippers,?/. bie SRageTjange ; — rode, pL IVibne obereiferne ©tangen, roorauS 3lagel gefebmiebet werben; — smith, ber iJcagelfr^mieb: — trade, bcv Sftagefc ^anbel, Sifenrram. To nail, c. a. 1. itageln, (tnnctgeTit; ?. (mif SJlageln) bef(t)lagen, benageln; to — a cannon, cine Jlanoue ycrua; gcln ; to — down, junctgeltt; to — to the ground, nicrcrfpicjieit ; to — to the cross, freujtgen ; to— up, cutfncigeln, nnnogeln; oernageln; naiiedup, »er= nagelt. nailer, s. bcv SJlngelfdjinteb. NAILERY,*, etc 9tagelfabrif. NAIVELY, adv. itaiv. funfltoS, iuititv= lii^, nitf cine Eunfllofe, natiirlicbc ober mtbefangene SBeife. NAIVETE,*, bic 9lat»etat, ftunjifofffls feit, ba'S tiatuviicbc SBefcn,bie llr.bc= faiu]citbcir. NAKED ado. — ly), adj. 1. natff, Mof:, uubebceft; 2. leer; 3.baar; 4. roebr= los ; 5. prunflofl ; 6. augenfd)efn= licb ; — fire, Ch. T. baS offcnc Aciicr ; — form, Typ. t. bie tofe fab«ileflen= be) gorm ; — ladies, cic ^citlo'c. ber Sffltefenfaffran ; — plant, cine nacfte SPffanje (olmc^Kittcv, 2d)np-- pen, u. f. wj; — truth, bie vcinc SSabrbcit; to strip — , cutblbfiett, ganj auejte^en ; with — eye, nut unbetoaffnetem Sluge ; —ness. ». 1. bie Srtotftbett, ©fi)$e; 2. ? fd)ciulid)feit ; 3. Sert^etbtgungSlojtgs fcil. NAKER, s.vid. Nackbe. NAME, s. 1. bcv -JiaiiK ; 2. 9iitf ; 3. bic SBoHma<$t ; 4.ber ©c^tmpfname; 5. SSorwanb, bic ©efd;8ntg«ng ; in the — of. ., OLTincita.., tin Stamen; un der one's own — . untcr eigenem iJlas nictt; by — , mit Stamen ; he goes is) by the — of.., CV fiibrt bell, ober gebt nnterbem (angenommenen Stamen..; she is of the — or.., or her — is . . , fte ()citlt . . ; in — of, a;t = ftattj what is your — 7 lvie hci'";cu ©te? a man of— , citi bcriibmtcv SJtann; his — is up, ev ift befannf, b>U Oluf ; to call one — s, jeinaubcnt ©dninpfiiameii gcben. To NAME, ?■. a. f . nennen, benennen ; 2. eviieinicii: 3. cvn'.ihncii, ntclben, DJZelbung Ibun; named R, Sta= nieiiJ 31. NAiffiLESS, ail l.namcnloa ; 2. un,-,e= naiiiit, iinbcnibmt. NAMELY, ado. luiiiictitiidi, namlicb. NAMER,*. I. bcv Stennenbe, Stamen= gcber ; 2. Srnettner. \ VME3AKE, ». bcv 97amen«»ctter. nancy,*, uatt \nn 3tannette,9lenn= ciicn (Sfrauenname). nankeen, s bcv StanKng. NAP,*. I. bic Stobpe, JudnTodc, baS SE8oU!n6tcben; 2. baa 5cbKifd?cit, bcv 5rt)lummer; to take a — , cin ©c^Wfdden marten. To N vp, .• » frblitminern. nape,*, bcv Dtarfen, bas ©entef. NAPHEW,*, bic 5tecfrii6e. N \i'i! in \, ,-. tic 3tap6tf)a,ba8©tetn= bl, Subenped), Sergvecfi. NAPKIN,*, bic Serviette, bae Jellev= tucb. N vi' ». Steabe! (2anb unb Stabt). IS \ri,i'.ss, a ,//. niigenowt. glatt; tai'l, abgetvageit, fabenfe^etnig. \ a»PiNESS, ». I. bas SffioUtge, Jlraufe ; 2. bie 2d>lvifri,]fcir, b,ie ©t^lum= mem. NAPPY, aiij. fdumrtciib ; fdyaumig, il.uf ; — a!e, v>i/>r. ftarfes ^icr. narcissus. #. 1. StatciJ (9Jlanneiio« me) ; 2. bie Star jtffe : boop-petticoa) — , bie grofiblumtge Starjiffe ; poetic — . bie toeifle SJcarjtffe. NASI 'i I'i'K ', N ■.:•.< DTII LI [adv. — L adj. Med. T. luvfotit'cb, betSubeitb ; fcbmcrjitillenb, einfdjlafernb ; Q. nar- cotic,*. baS einfdjlaftrnbe, fcbmerjftiU lenbe i'cittel; —ness, ». ba«9tarfo= tiubc, SBetaubenbe, ©cbmerifttQenbe. NARD, i. 1. tie Starbe, Spiete — /. : 2. StarbenSl. ToN \i:i; \'i'i; •■. ,, crMblcn. NARRATION, ^. bie (ivjabluiig, 0!c = fdiiduc. N i-RRATTVE, I. adj. 1. enable::: frlm>a&hait; u. ». Me (Srjafjlung, ilvt r.t erjahlen; — ly, adv. crjahlenber SBeife. NARRATOR, ». bcr (Sfyaljler. \ iRRATORY.aiy. ci'viblcttt. NARROW (ado. — ly), adj. 1. cita,e, fci)mal; flein, furj; 2. u.ibe ; :!. ,"= mcilMiii, HMdifani ; genau; 4. etnge* fct)ranft ; t i bring i n b fui'5 ;eng) juMiiiiiiciuicbeu : to make a — escape, mit genaner OJetb ent= Fommeit ; m compos. — bottomed, nut rd)malem S3oben :— breasted, fcbmal- briiflig; eng^ewtg; getjtg; —chan- nel, nuc eii^e Titvdioibvt (»roifchen jroei Sanbbanfen, u. f.w. , bte i'vicl, :ttll jtitte ; — fortune, bae Heine SBermogen; — hearted — minded, — souied), fletitbenfenb, ffeinmftt^ig, oerjagt, jagbaft, eng^erjig ; — ed. fc)uf jTOcxngig ; — i ledness. ber ipufjtMitg; —leaved, fcbmalblatte- rtg ; — sea, bie "I'JeeiciMC, ber M~\- inil ; — spirited. tHMi ciiKicrdivaiiEic.ii 33erflanbe ( 0ctfte§fd)n>act), fdm\ub- fopftfl; — spiritedness, bte bcfd>r,inf= ten sBerftanbeSfrcfte, ©eifleSfdjroas rbc. NARROWS fNARROw) ». pi. ber C?n«s wif; (cmjc 3Beg befonberd wm Sffla* 3 for). To NARROW, v. \. a. enge (enger) eber febiiuilcr madjen, oerengen, etnjie= ben; 2. Sp. '/'. ciiifdiranfcii; 3. fdinta: lent, uerrtngern, yerfiirjen ; n. ,<. l. frbmdler, enge werben ; 2. furl tre« ten, ittrbt genug auSgretfen (yen Spfer= ben. n vrri iWNESS, ». 1. bic ®nae, i bcitj 2. Jlurje, Jhtabbbett; 3. ®ci* fteSfd^marbe, @ingefd)ranft^ett ; 4. jtlemine, 3totl>, 21vmutb, NARWAL, Narwhal, *. bcr StarWall, .Oevnnfdi, ta3 ©eeein^orn [ju NASAL, I. adj. tuv Dtafe etebbvi,]; — veins, /■'. tic Dtafenabern ; n na //. I. bic liiittelrt bcv Stafe mirfenben Slrjeiteien ; 2. — . [or nasal Bounds ,»i« Stafals (ober 3tafen») 83nc()ftaben ober Saute. \ USCAL, *. s. T. bat SWnttcrjapfcbeii n \-i ient, adj. wactjfenb, r-ermebreub. N vsio irni ii 3, mit etnem ■giorne aufber 3tafe. NASTENESS, ». I. bcv rd'innt, bat Sd)imitji,ie ; 2. bie Unflafbciei, .V 1 - ten. NASTY {ado. —1h\), adj I. fd'lllll&i,i, garfltg; 2. itnfl.ubig ; 3. fcblupferig, jolenljaft. natal, adj. jut ©eburt (3tatittttat) gefjorig; — day, ber ©eburtStag ; — hour, bte ©eburtdflunbe ; —place ber ©eburttorr. natalitial, I ,. .„„ NATAL1T101 S, \ "■'■ '" • Nl, ' AI - \ station, ». b»6 Sd>tvtmmen (w 271 NAUG NATATORY, adj. a\9 £ulfe jum Scbroimmen bieitettb j — bladder, bte Scpnmnmblafc. NATCH, a bag Mrcu\, -Oiiitcrth-il tU nee" ©turf 3fcinb»ie&ei! . NATHLESS, ado. + uicbid bejlo roem= gcr. NATION,*, bie Station, bag SBolf, bit SSolferfcbaft; >«■. bte EDienge. NATIONAL ado. — ly). orfj. 1. »ater= lanbifrb, national, DofEstbumlidj, tor Ration iiarf) ; 'J. allgcniciu, c ff c : t r = lid'; 3. patftotiffb ; —debt, bte Staattffcbulb. Natii >nai,ity... baSSBoKstbumlidbe, bic 83olf8tbumlicb!eit ; bet 5Rflttio= tidmud. To NATIONALIZE, u. a. IMttOBoIt|tren, ba8 9tecbt Det Station geben. NATIVE [adv. — ly).I a<#. 1. nafiirfirb, angeboreri, gebfittig, etngeboteti; 2. Utfpriingltcb ; — country (— land). bad 33atet!anb, bicOcimatb ; — heat. bic natittlir&e SBatme, baS ?eben«= feuet; — language, bte 0.)cuttcrficabclfdmuir ; — timber, bie ec&tffsrtnpen, bad Sauebftiicf. navew, s. bie ©tecfritbe. navicular, adj. fcjipfptmtg ; — bone, tad ©rbiffbettt. NAVIGABLE, adj. fd)iffb"ar, fahrbar; — water, offenes, fabtbates SBaffet, bad eidfrcie SBaffet beim 2Btebetatt= fange ber ©cbjfffaljrtj —ness,*. bte ©cbtffbarfett. To NAVIGATE v.a, t ; — lmr reckoning, ber (Sutbittbitng ttabe ; — upon the matter, flanj uabc baton ; — at hand, bci bet ^anb, nal)e babei ; to come — (a loss, &c, eitici - &ad)t, et= item SBetlufie, it. f. w.) bcifpinmeu ; to draw — , ftd) Itabcrtt ; it does not come — to .., cd ftebt tit fcinem 33et« baltntfj tit . . ,_fommt . . nidit gleid; ; far and — , RH'it unb brcif ; nothing — so had. bci roeitcm niebt fo fdilcriit he was — being killed, cr roate bciita^ be getobtet tvorben: he will go — tc do it, cr njitb ed wobl iioeb ju ©tanbe btttigm ; — is my coat, but nearer is my skm. bad ,£>cmb tft mir iniber aid ber Mod; JV. T-s. no — ! vom Siube abgcbaltcn ! — away, nidit iveit, in ci- ucr geringen ©r.tftrnung ; — _ side ( — foot of a horse), bic itufc <>citc, ber linfc 5ug eincd SBfetbeS, wo man aufftcigt; —sighted, fiirjfiduig. To NEAR, o. a. fiit mibent, itab'cr ge» ben, eiuem uafiev fummeit, ibn an= treteit. NEARNESS, ... 1. bic Stabe; 2. ttabe Semanbtfebaft: 3. ©euauigfeit; 4. bet ^ang 511m (Meije, bie jtatgbett. NEAT, s. g&inb'jteb ; bad:)tiub, bte Atnfi, ber Cdid ; — s-foot oil, Del and Od;» feufiib'cn; —herd, ber .tfnbbirt; — house, ber .ftnbftaii, DebfcitftaiJ; — v bather, bad ^linbelcbCf; — 's-toncue, bic SRinbSjnnge. NEAT (adv. — ly), adj. 1. tiett, faitbcr, attig, jietlicb; 2. gefebtett; 3. fctrt, rein, iinycrmifitf, edit; i. M f. net= to; — handed, retltlid) ; gefitiift ; — handedness, bie ©CfdMcfiicbfeit ; — master, bet jllciitiuciftcr (in !>f 2J?as tetei ) ; M E-s. — amount, ber Dtetto» bettag; —balance, bie reine SSil«ttj, ber feme (obcr 5tctto=) Stttag, l'ici= tos®eroinn; — receipts, bie '-Metro* ©iunabme; — weight, bad jJlettos ©eivtrbt. neatness, ... bic ?ccttiafeit, ©attbw* fett, SReinlicbfeit. NEB, s. vid. Nib. NEBULA, s. 1. Med.T. bie ltebciiebte @tfcbeiituitg, ber ltebclirbfe Ueberjitg, bad i^ciutcben tin 3luge ; 2. Ast, t. ht* StebeiPecf, 3cebclfterrt. nebulosity, s. bad ^cbelige. nebulous, adj. ttebclig, roolfig. NECESSARIAN, 5. vid. Necessitahiaw. necessaries, ... ;,/ bad Oiofhivcnbige, bic SebuffniflTe, @t fotbetniffe ; — of life, SfRunboottatbc, SJebenebebutfntfa fe, ^Jtooiant. necessarily, adv. notbroettbig, notb= roenbtatt 2Bcife, burcbaiid/ ituuin» gangltcb. NECESSARLNESS, s. bie 9!otr)tvenbtg> fett. NEED XEGO NEPE necessary, r. adj. nptfjroenbig, nfc tbig. erforbcrlirb, um>crmciclicb, un= Itmgaitglid) ; n. — , or — house, s. bag f>et'mtt4)e ©emacb, bcr f&bttitt. Ni:< ESSITAKIAN, s. ber feincn frcicn SBillcn annimmf, bcr an SataltSmug (bie93crf)angc!&!:[;rc) glaubt. r« .NECESSITATE, v. a. ttptbigcn. |toirts gett. NECES8ITATTON, .?. bte Jlptbigung, bcr 3wang (»• «•)• NECESSITOUS, adj. biirftig, arm, tm Mangel; — noes, s. bie Siirftigfcit, Slrtmtrf), bcr Sftangcl. NEC ESSITY, s. 1. bte SJcptfrnjcnbigfctt, bcr 3»ang; 2. 2Jiangcl, bie Sits mutt); 3. SRpttburft, bag Seburfntf; of — , notfjnjcubig, nptbtvcnbigcr SBeifc ; — has no law, prov. Dlott) tyat (fcnnt) fein ©cbpr. NECK, s. 1. bcr fflaitn, $a\8; 2. bag ^algftucf, 9ta§alg ber ©ebarmuttcr: to take one by the — , tinea bcim ^ragen faffen ; to lie on one's — , einem jut 8a|i (auf bem £alfc) Hegert; — or nothing, biefeg Pbcr ntc^rS ; — and crop, alleg, ^aut uttb .gaare, ©tumpf unb 6al«banb; — lace runner, bcr .gialgtucbring ; — lands, vid. — or land ; — piece, bag .fpalSftitcf am ^6amtfcfee, SDruftfdjilb ; — verse, + ber ©algen=5Kfalm (9lu- fang bcS 51. $fatmS) {miserere mei) ; — weed, lud. bcr -§anf. neckerchief, s. bag .gatgtudi, bcr .^aUfragen. Necrology, s. bag Sobfcnregifter, bte Stcrbeltfte; bcr -Tcefrplpg. necromancer, s. bcr tScbrodr5tunft= Icr, Sanberer. Necromancy, s. bte fdjroarje ^unft, 3aubcret. NECROMANTIC (adv. — ally), 1. adj. fcferpartfitnftltrifd), taubcrifd); II. s. bag 3^ u t>ermtttel, bte 93efcfiroprung. nectar, s. Myth. T. ber Nectar, @pt= tertraitf. NECTAREAN, > ,. _„»„„«„ NECTARED, adj. mit Nectar serfefct, nectarffifj. M '.I i'akial, adj. necfararfig. NECTARINE, I. a. bie 9}ectaniftrftd)c, ^htftpfirftcbe ; IT. adj. nectarfufj. To NECNARIZE, v. a. OCrfittSen. Nectarous, adj. nectarfuy. Nectary, s. B. T. bte .§pnigbrufc, bcr ^ontgfclcb, bag S^cctartum (etner Sfume). NEED, s. bte 9lot(j, OTotfiburff, ber SWattflel, SBcbarf, baS SBebiirfnip; .1/ I's. address in case of — , bie 5Tlctt)= abreffe, STJebcnabreiTe ; in case of — with Mr. ***, tin 3^otbfa(I bet .<3rn. ***; if— be, roenn c§ bie ?lofb cr= forbcrt, tm 5Tlotf>fatT ; there is no — of it c8 til rticbt ttftbig ; toatai be) in — of ... , to have — of ... , et= tuaS notbtg baben, braucbert, kbiir= fen ; you had — to mind that business, e« tft wpbl notbig, ba^ Sic ficb bar= urn befiimmem. Tb NEED, t?. a, tlbttyq baton, SKatlfiel Pber DJotf; Iciben, biirfen, becitrfen, braucben ; you — not fear, fsbr biirft (braucbt) Qud) ntcfjt (aufertt, gutefl papier. ■ iTIATE, r. n.s-» 1. mtterbaiu beln, negpeirett ; 2. .£>anbel treil-cn, banbeln ; ©cfrbafte treiben, rcrban« bcln, perroecbfcln ; to — bilto, M. /•:. papier, 2Sr djfel (Iratten) begeben, negpeiren, untcrbringeit, oetfiufen, rcvhanbeln. NEGOTIATION, *. 1. bie Untcrbanb> lung; '2. •panblung, bai ©etterbe, ©cftbaft fetnjeln gcitpmmcni ; i, .»/ . ie ")l cgpciruug, i-'crbanblung, i^cnvcrbfeluitg. bcr ©egtnfafe ; to enter into -or u;>oru — . tit Ultttl . lung tictcn ; — for time, Mo $ra* miengefebaft, bcr^ramicn= rbcr \!ic= ferung8»ertrag. NEGOTIATOR, 5. bcr Untcrbanblcr, SKaHet. ;: 9ccgerinn. NEGRO, ». bcr 5^egcr, SJJpbr; —ca- chexy, bie ben 9!egVnt ligcnthiimlidie franfbafte 9leigung Brbt }1I rer= fcbliitgcit; — driver, bcr 91eaerauf= febcr ; — fish, ber nmcrtfanifdit ©arfaj ; — woman, bie ^cgcrintt ; — r, bet SRaubneger. •LAND, ». 9tigriticn, ba? 'i'Jcgcr: lanb. NEGUS, ». bcr SficguS (©ctrciuf aui SBcin, [2Baffcr], 3ucfcr, 6itrpiieui:b militate). NEHEMIAH, .5. 1. 9Jcbemia (3)Jann== name); 2. baS 93 ud) s 3lcbcmta. NEIGH, ». bag aBicbcrn. To NEIGH, d. 7i. triebcrtt. NEIGHBOUR, s. 1. bcr Sftacbbar, bie s Jlacbbariiin; ber Umwpbncr, ^ebcn= tppbncr; 2. Sftacbfte (in bcr Bibel). To NEIGHBOUR, v. n. in bcr ^Jarbbar* fd>aft wpbnen. NEIGHBOURHOOD, s. 1. bie ?2afbbar= fdjaft; 2. 9la&e; 3. Sfiacbbarcn. NEIGHBOURING, adj. benaebbart, in bcr Stabe ; — parts, pi. bie Umgcbungtt. NEIGHBOURLINESS, s. bie >Jldd>b«.» liebfeit, ante SUacbbarfcbaft, bag nad;» barlidje 93etragen. NEIGHBOURLY, adj. & adv. ltdd)bar» ltd) ; freunbttarbbarltcb^'reunblid), ge» fellig, bienftfertig. NEITHER, I. conj. rpcbcr ; aucb tttcbt* — more nor less, rpeber mcbr rtPdj aeuiger; nori— , uttb icb audi nid)t; nor that — , unb bag aud) ni6t ; — in he so bad as you speak of aud) til cr nidjt fp bpfe, alS Ste tbn maebcu ; II. pron. Fcincr, fetne, fctnrt Bon bci= ben; — of them, feincr vpn ibucn, njeber ber (5'ine, ttprb bcr x'lnterc ; — way. neutral; to take — part, IMttCU Ipg fc«n, neutral blcibcn. NELLY, s. albr. ft. Eleanor St Hbi bra, ^cpnpre; .gieleiia (5rauennan:c|. NEM.-CON, (Nemine Contrapk entk\ pbtte SemanbeS 2Biberfprud> cin=> flimmig. mimesis, ,. Myth. Slemcftg. SSBfel •*"*»*»»** NENUPHAR, .'. bie SBafferlilic, <5cc= bttimC {Xumyha-a — L ■ NEOLOGICAL, Neolooic, adj. ncui SBSttet Pber 9Jcbcnoartcn gcbratu cbenb. NEOLOGISM, s. ber 9}cplpgi8mug, nfUl generic SuSbrucf. NEOLOGIST, s. bcr ?JcpIpg, ?lcueicr bcr itcu gebtlbetc SBSrtet unb 3(cbci<^' arten braucbt. NEOLOGY, ». bcr (^cbraucb ncuci 2Q5rter unb SRebenSatten. NEOPHYTE, », bet EReubtfeljtte. NEOTERIC, I ». bcr 3hne, 1 v icucre; SReuling, Slnfdngtr; n. [— ai), mi) itcu, tteuer, mpbern, ncotcrifrb. NEP, ». bcr vi'.x*., bie.Ratcumun^r (.v.* m ti — it,). NEPENTHE, ». Med. T. cine Sdi'.uerjo 873 KF,T NEVE NIBB anbTr.iuvi.ifat ftillenbe "Ivjcnci ; bet Sinberung^fraitf (it), ii.). REPHEW,«. bcv STieffe. NEPHRITE.*, bet Olcvlu-if, fctfo -?lc= pbvit (ein Stei Nephrite, s. bie 9/. 9t iei~e it fc^iner jen ; — stone. bCV Ocicvcilftctlt ; — wood, bo# ©rieSbotj (auS OJeitfpaiiicn), bet blaite /. bie Jceretbcn, SeenS)m= pljen. Nerite, s. bte ©djrotmmfctynecf'e, .^albmonbfc&necfe ; deep-ridged — , bie brett gefurrfcte Sd)rotmm= fdjitecfe; livid --', bie blaultdje @$rotminfi$necFe, baS 5liia,e bet SfrldjteuTe; black-furrowed — , bie gefprenfelte Sdmuntmfdiuccfe, bee jframmetSoogel ; mountain — , bie qtattc Sdjrotmmfdjnecfe; red — , ba-3 jKot&attge, tie Sdjnjttninfdjneie mtt bemgelben 5Waule; white-nipple — , bie -lUllttcvbntft; peloronn — , bev btuttge 3iip- pett, ober Sd)niite (ber Jtragfieine, Sgfetlerbogeu, it. f. to.); of great—, jiarfnerotg. To NERVE, r>. a. ftavfeu. NERVED, adj. 11. T. a — leaf, ciu ltcr- »tgte8 Slatt. nerveless, ««>'. enttter»t, EvaftloS. NTERVINE I. adj. llCVycitfLu'iCllb ; H. 5. ner-rttifdje SUitttet. NERVOUS (adv. — ly), adj. 1. $11 ben ■Jteroen gebortg ; 2. iter»ig, ftatf, Esaftig ; 3. nadibviicfltd) ; 4. Med. T. licit ; — come, licit angcfoiniitcit ; — comer, bcv vliifommling, grembe; — convert. bCV v .li{llbcfef)VtC ; — created, licit crfd)Ctffcit ; —England, ?!cu= ©nglanb; — fansied, iteugebarfen, ou8ge§ecft, grtllenoaft; — fangie(d)- ness, bic DfceuerungSliebe ; iJieuerung; tteue 3Jiobe ; — fashion, — fashioned, neiimobtfct) ; — found, ttcu entbecft ; — found land. vid. Newfoundland', — ■ Jersey, 9ieit=3erfety ; — Jersey tea. bet glittte (iClilftci* {Cranotkus americanuf — X..); —laid, fvifd) gelcgt; to — model, o. a. lliUlViinbdll ; — moon, bet ■Jleuntonb; — mown, fvifd) gctuaht; — trial, I., r. bie Oteyifiou ; — year, baS -Jleujaljt ; — year'ssday, bev ?ieit= jabtStag; — year's-gift, bdS 91ett» jarjiSgefdjenf. NEWFOUNDLAND, s. bie jllfcl S^CUs fuitblaiib. NEWEL s. bie Spille, Spiitbel ciucv 2:veppe. NEWISH, adj. chua8 (jientlid)) neu, fvifdi. NEWNESS, s. 1. bic ?vvi|die, ?joube^ ■ 2. Sfttuetung; 3. Uncvfabvcnbcit. news, s. 1. b«8 SJlcut, bic 3teuigfeit ; 2. Otadivirfu, 3ettung; what's the — 1 was giebt c« JleneS? I had — that . .. id) cvbiclt ^Jacbvidit, (babe gcbiMT , bail . . ; — man, bcv jettungSserffln- fev ; bet 3ettuug8traget; — m bcv SReuigfettSframet ; — paper, fctc 3ettUlig; — paper report, bie JeU tungsitaajttdjt; — walk, bic ^ttnb= frfjaft eittc» 3citit;t(VMi\i;iev§ ; — writer, bcv BettuitgSfdjtetber. NEWT, s. bie iluiic StbecbTe, bet 3Ko!d). NEXT, a-ij. ■:■ adi\ lu'utii, ;ninidifi, foi- genb; fi'lctd) (nad;), barauf; —after me, gtetdj ttaebmir; — to, ber (bte, baS) 'luidiftc bci (nadi); uabc (an) bet, bid)t bci ; ant nacojien, junacbjlj it is — to impossible, c8 ift fafl tm= mogltd); —-to notliing, faft, (bet's nalje) ntd)t8; — day, bcv folgeubt S!ag, ben auberti Sag barauf; — door, nebeil an ; by the — mail or post, mit nScfcfret SJ3oft : — month, nadiftcn (fiinfttgen) 3Jlonat8; — taker. M n T bcijeni^C, bCV bie nfidjs fte @vciue befitjt; the — time, ba8 uadifte 3WaI; — week, 2Bod)c; —year, EimfttgeS 3al>r. NIAS, s. bev erft awi bent iJiefte gefont* inene Salfe. nib, .9 bev Sd)nabel (eittcs SSogell), bic Sptfee (eiucv ©d)teibfebet). To mis, v. v. (cine jjebet) fiuncn. nibbed, adj. mtt cincm ©djnabel, eu net Spifce ; hard — . ntit pattern ©cbnabel (you einev Sebcv). To nibble, r. a. a- n. 1. naijctt, bena= gen, aitbcifien (rote bic gtfdje an ben Kobet), nafdjen 5 2. jig. Hiifleln, ra= belu, fiitifivcn (— at . . , iibcr) be* fvittcltt. nibble s. Sp. r baS 2lnbeifen (bel gifd)e8 betnt 3lngelnl NIGG MGH NITI NIBBLER, 5. bcr 53cnaa,cubc, fabler, Spotter. NICE, s. 1. 5Tcicaa (in 93itf)iinicn) ; 2. IJlijja i irt granfretrij . nice i ■»»//'.— ly:,'I'!j. l.fein, *arr,nicb= lid) ; biibfrb, artta ; 2. fbftlidi, Ictfcr, lederhaft; 3. jartlid); 4. locidilidi, tM, frhiuer 511 beftiebigen, n>a\)U- nfd\ empftnbli<$ ; 5. Et^ttd), be= bcitflirb; (i. bebutfam ; 7. actum, piinftlid). ftrcnge, ct'gcit; 8. jietlicb, gefuebt; 9. getingfugtg, unbebeutenb ; e — , fctupulbd fei)it; he is more — than wise, pror. et iibcrtrcibt bic iBorftcfjt ; to l.e — ly sensible of, jctrt fiihlctt, feiu cnil'fiitbcit ; — ness, ». I. tie geinbeit, SfciebticfjFeir, Jtbftlid)= Ecit; 2. etle Sefdjajfen&eit; 3. (Sm= j>ftnblidjEeit ; (ubetttiebene) ©enau* jgfeit, ^itnftlicbfcit, 2tvetige. NH '!•'. A, ff. (■/»/- Nick NICEAN, > W/. ntcmfd) ; — council, NICENE, $ bag ntcatfdje (Concilium ; — creed, bag lticaifd'C ©laubendbes tenntnig. NICETY, s. 1. bie ■Jiicblicbfcif. St&fc iid;h'it; 2. 3art!id)feif. 2l>cidiiidi-- fctt, SJetjattelnng ; (Smpftnblig* Ecit; 3. SebenEIidjEcit; bad bebut-- fantc SBetfatyren, bie SBe&utfamEeif, SlenaftlicfcEeit ; 4. ©enauigfeft, ^iinftlidiEcit; Spi&ftnbigfeit, 3ub= tiiitat ; niceties, pi. fie Ved'creicn. NICH, Nichb, 8. bic Oiifdic, sUlettbe. Nicholas, g. Srtifolaud, Slaud fSWanndname). NICK, ». n&Sr, (?0tt Nicholas), 1. 9]t= Eolaug, <51atiS c9Jt aitndname) ; 2. bev vechte Slugenblicf, SJJunEt ; 3. bod)fte 23urf, Suffer ; 4. ber 9tix, Jtobotb, bbfe ®eift, ©anion; old — , bcr S'cufcl; in the very — of time, Jltr red)tcit 3ct f » ouf fctt SPunft ; — naks. />/. cufe-. ber JEanb ; bag 3picl = tvcrE; bie To NICK, B. t 1. treffeu, redjt treffen ; 2. ferbett, cinfcrbcit, jaefcit, cinfchiici= ben, ri !. To Noil ii. NICKAR-TREE, s bet 2dnif.erbaunt(in Snbten) [Ouilandina bonduc — Z,.). NICKEL, 8. ber 9tirM: arsenical — , copper — , bcr '.'Irfcnifuicfci, .fEupfet* iticfcl ; — ochre, areeniate of — , ber yitcfclocftcr, arfciiiffaurc Stifle! ; — antimonial ore, bet V J i titc 1 = ~?l itt tntcn = giant, bad SlicfeUSpiejjgladerj. NICKELIC, adj. Stitfel entbaftenb. To NICKNAME, v. a. eiucit 2pottua= nteit geben; fiilfdjlid) bcucnucn ; febimpfut, fdjcltcu. NICOLAITANS, s. ;R< lUS, « bale; ii. adj. fuiefcria,, filjiij, fotfl, gctiti^ ; fparfant (— in, of, :uit , frboucttb. 7b niggard, b. a. fpatfam barteteben, iV.'it.v.t ciiifcbrattfcit, Enapp balteu B). II. . NIGGARDISH, adj. fav^lidi. NlGGARDLINES8,*.bte Jiai\]bcit, ?\iU jigEett, .Ruicferci. NIGGARDLY, of kin. nabe venoanbt ; to draw — to . . . tinfen art . . , ftdi na= bent ; winter is — at hand, bcr 2Btn= Eet nuft bcran, tfi DOtbet ibiir ; to write too — together, {U eitg fd)rei= bcit; well — , fafi, beiuabf. NIGHLY, adv. nabe, bctitabe, fafi. NIGHNESS,*. tie ^cal)C; ltatjc 23er= HMr.ttfdiaft. NIGHT ». 1. tic ?!adit ; 2. bcr Sbettb ; 3. * bag Sdia ttciti-cid), bcr .Jot; 4. fig. tie llnvcrfta:;tlid)fcit ; to — , hen - te l M'cub; last — , gefteni 2lbenb ; by (or in the) — , bei L"acht ; to (stay) all (or over) — , iiberttad)tut ; late in the — . fpfit in bcr i>lad)t; — angle, tic 3tadjtangel, (eine'Setne mit Btelett 3lngeln oetfeben), tie 3tao)t= fdtnur ; — bell, bie iJJafbtgUufe, Jtlin= gel; — bird, ber Sftadptoogel ; — horn. * rtad)tgcbore» ; — brawler, bet 9 , tad)tfd)marmcr ; — cap. tie SJcad)t= ntiiljc ; — crow, tcr Oiaditrabe, 3ie= genfauger; — d.-w, bet ^iarfirtban ; — dog, bcr Dcacbtbiinb (3agb'biirtt>) ; — dress. baS ?Jad)tJcug ; — fall, bie 2Innaf)cruitg beg 31beiibg, bcr (?iu= bnut ber d1ad)t; — raring, tie Stadjtreife; —tire, bag 3rrlid)t; — flutterer, bcr 9Jad)tfaltcr ; — fly, bic SJcacfctmotte ; — foundered, in tcr Sflarbt verirrt ; — glass, tag 9cad)t= feritfolu 4 ; — gear, ta» 5iad)tjeuj [bet gvauen); —gown, bet 2d)laf= fOff; — hag, i'!. — witch; — hawk, bie Sfladjteuie ; —heron, bet v ^ad)t= rcibcv; — iron, ct it .oaaiMiifivicf let ; — jar, rid. — crow; — magistrate, ber gottflabel ; — man, ber ^!ad)tar- beiter, x'lbtrittraiimcr; — mare,— mar, bet Slip; — piece, bad STCad&iftucf ( S U ntalbe) ; — rail, bet Sftadjtmantel, SPubetmantel it. ii.) ; — rest, tie SJJa^trube ; — revel, — revelling, bie 9cad)tfdniMniicroi, ber 5Jcar4)f tumult ; — robber, ber Stacbtbteb ; — shade, bev ^taditfdjatteit (Solanum — £,.); common — shade, bet genuine Oladit- fd)atteu, bag Sauftaut; white Mala- bar — shade, bcr fletterttbe 3lad)U febatten, tie ©eerblumt ; deadly — , bie io!lfirfd)C; — Bhining, bei niacin Icuditcitb ; — shriek, bat nadUlidK ©efefiret; — signals, SHaditft'tinaU ■■ — smelling rocket, bie traurii]e yJad)t= oiote ; — speii ? ciu 3auoet wibet luditlidic 3ufalle; — stand, cine ^uidmoilcttc; —studies,^, bie 5Jiad;t- ftutieit, tag yladjtftubiren ; — gwelt ings, pL bie 9}ad)tblatteru j — tune, bie iJlacbtjeit: Sloenbjeit; —tripping, bei "A'adit fdileicbeitb ; — visi tag iiadjtlidje (McudU; — waking, bie OiaduwadK ; in ber '?!adu roarbenb ; — walk, ber ©pajiergang im Tun felit, Spajiergang bei vladjt; — walker, tcr Sftadjttoanbler, SDloiib fitcbtige; SJlarbtfchnjatiner ; bie ©af feitbme ; — walkers, pi. 1.. T. bie Sdacbtfcbfeicbet, Tiebc; —wanderer, bet OuiebttiMnterer ; tcr ttaditlidie SSJanbetet; —wandering, bei Sftad&t benunmaitbcliib; — warbling, in bet 3lad)t jittgenb ; —ward, gcgeu tie ?Jacbt, narbtlidi; — watch. 1. tit Olaittioadic ; 2. cine rdil.ianbr, SRe» Verinibr, ^Oerfubr fill bie SRadjt; — er, ciner bcr bic i'iacbt turdi= lvaitt: — wind, bcr SRcuminb; - witch, tic ^Jadjtbeve. MiaiTKn. a,,;. oerbunEelt; buufel. nightingale, ». tic SJtadjtigaU. NIGHTISH, adj itad)tlicb. NIGHTLY, L adj. uad'ttidi ; — Bports, Sladjtoergnugungen ; il ado. I. bei k JJad)t ; 2. alle Vl&tyt. NIGRESCENT, adj fdMrav; werbenb; fcbroarjltdj. NIGRIN, NioRunc, f. tcr'Tli.jriit, iitau= f vd o:l. NiGRrriA, o. Wgrifirn. NIHILITY, ,. bal JitdUj. •liiift>"eiiii. mi.i:. « tcr Stilfirom, -Jiil. To Mi.i,, b. it lttdu it'ollen j will I — be, er mag roollen oter nicbt rolens). mi.i....' tic ©limmeraft^e ; ba8 8(»= ifeiuicftdube ; tic glanjenben (eSrjnin^ feu bcim Sdjineljen. NIIiOMETER, 8. T. tcr fliliuciTcr. nimbi. !•'.'«.//• — I'.t.v i. ,•(»//. biutia, frbnell fiiuf, Bucbtig, geroanbt, lcbhafr ; — fcbnelifuBig, flint ; — ■ lebbaft, Doreiiig, votroi^ig ; — bie^ntttgEeit, slucbttgErit, ©eroanbt: beit, 2d)i:e!li,ifcit. Nixi; a. .• adj. tie Dteun; iteun; — pence, bad lieuu 'l-cucc^nid : — pins pi. tie Aegef, tag JFeaelfpiej ; i • piny at — pu.s. £egelfd)teben, Eegeln ; a — (lav's wonder, cute Iddjetltdje SBir^tigEeit. MM'.Fui.i). adj itcuufadi, neunfaltig. NINESCORE, brei 5d'0cf (180J. NWETEEN, adj uciiiKcbn. NI NETEEN TH, adj. bet ueun-'cbntt. N1NETH3TH, adj. ter ncuiijt'gftc. ninetv. «..;/. neunjig. NINNY (NlNNYHAMMBR, XlV( OMT'OOp), f ter Tuniutftu-f, Spinfel, Eropf. NINTH, I. adj. tcr I'.tuute ; II. T. tag Snteroall (bet ncunte ton wm ©runblaute augeredjnet bit 9toue. NINTHLY, ado. neuuteug, junt SJlcun* ten. To xir, b. a. 1. Eneipcn, jtvitfen, FIfin= men; 2. fd'uciten, btiptn ; 3. be« frbabigen, setbetben ; i.fig i.i.terlidj niadu-it, fttcbeln ; ;i. .\- T, (ta'ci Jane ,\n eiuauber befeftigen • to — off, abEnetpen, abjroicfen, ab fd'iicitcu, abbcificn ; nipped, (0011 ter JlSlte u. f. w) be|d;abtgt »o n\;d'fci!' ; nipped in the hud./ 1. int Jvcimc crftieft. NIP, 8. 1. ter jtnipp, 3iiMtf . tie.Wlcm. niiiini ; 2. tag Srint^el; bieStbuiN te; 3. SefdjSbigung an ©emadbfen you ber .Ualte u. f. w) ; 4. 5tid)c(ci, bcr 2tid\ 83if, bie ^erlcljuini. nippers, .-•./-'. f. tic 3ange, ^aartatt: at, Trabtviiuic; 2. .\ - . T. bie ©ei= taue am 5lnEet ; '■*■ Sfr. T. bie Diet O.'i'iiteUabne ter !pfetbr ( Aoblcityibiie MI'IM.ukin. 8. bad balbe 9ibf;el. Nirri.\(;i.v, »./,-. bcificut, fdjarF, bitter NIPPLE, 8. tie SCarje, Srufrroarie, 3ifte; —liniment, bie SBiuPfalbej — shell, tie SJlapfffinecf c ; — sheila, — caps,— shields), ©rufttoarjtnbbpfe j — won. ter SRainEohl, ivilte Mobl, SlafenEobl Laps m • — /. . NISAN,*. bet evite '.I'lOitat tiv jfibifrbtn .Ualeuter. nit, *. bie '. i ;i'";, Slijfe. NTTENCY, s !. bet ©lanj io. fi.); i- Beftteben ficb andjube^nm io. ir. mi 'ii'. «/,-. I. gWnjenb, bfanE ; 2. Kb. NOCT baft, muntcr ; nrff, feirt, gepufct (W. ft.). KITRATE, adj. «■ s. Ch. T. falpctcvfrtu* er ; _ w _ salt, bag falpctcrfaure galj ; _ of potash, ba« falpeterfaure .Halt; — of soda, bcr 9}atrpnfalpc= ter; bag falpctcrfaure Sftatrcu; —of lime, ber falpeterfaure Mall; — of eiagnesia, bie falpeterfaure £alferbe ; — of mercury, falpeterfaurcg £luecf= fit ber ; — of lead, faljfaureg 33let. NITRE, s. ber Salpeter ; spirits of — , lev Salpctergeift; — salt, bcr Sialu falpctcr, bag prigmattfebe 9citrum= falj ; — vein, bie (Salpetcrabcr. Nitric ACID, s. bie ©alpeterfditrc. NITRITE, adj. Ch. T. falpetrtdufaucr. nitrogen, .?. ch. t. bag Slitrogett, ber ©ticffioff ; — gas, bag famine. NOLlTiON.s. bag Sflicbtrppllcn (W. it. 5. nomadic, adj. wanbcrub ; fjeruntjie- benb, upmabifeb. NOMADES. s. pi. bie ^pmaben, bcrum= jtcbenbe 93plfer, .giirtenpplfer. NOMANCY,s.bie 2Bat;rfagung aug ben S^amcngbucbfiabcn. NOMHLES, s. ;//. Sp. K. bag ©cfcbeibc, bie Gingerocibc citicg JptifdjcS, 3ief?eS u. f. to. NOMHRIL, s. h. T. bcr ??abci, bicyja= bclftclle (bag gentium) beg 2Bappcn= fcbilbcg. NOME. s. 1. bie Canbfdjnft $rpuin$ (in PgDpten) ; 2, Aig. t. ba8 ©licb, bcr X^u NON Nomenclator, 5 . bcr ^pmcudator, 9camcnfeuner. nomenclatress, s. bie £"Zamenfen» ncrittn, yiamcnfunbtge. nomenclature, s. 1. bie fficnen* nutig, bcr STiame ; 2. bie Ubmenclaj tur, bag S'camenycrjeifbnifj, 2S5vtcr= bud). NOMINAL (adv. — ly), adj. DUE bcm Seamen tiarb, uamcntlirb, bcm £itcl nad), titular . . , augeblidj ; — king ber Slamcnfpnig; m. e-s. — prices, iipmiucile SJJrcifc ; — sum, bie 9cpmi» nalfummc ; — value, bcr SJJpiuinaU ftcrtb. NOMINAL Nominalist, s. bcr Slpint; nalift(cinc 9lrt fcbplaftifcbcr $bilo» fppben). To nominate, v. a. 1. ncnnen, bencn= uen, bctitelu; 2. ernennen, berufen nominated, bciiaitltt, crtiatmt. nominately, adv. atigcbiieb, namcnt= licb. nomination, s. 1. bie $JJcnnung, 93es nennuug ; 2. ©rnennung ; 3. bag brad)te Sccbtgfprbcrung ; — commis- sioned, adj. nirbt unmtttelbar uom jlpnige angcficlit ; — commissioned officers, Unterpffiiicrc, ©ubaltcrnc — compliance, s. bie ltnrtM'Ufdbrig» Icit; ^icbtcrfiiliung ; ^idjteinrpillU gung, SBctgerung ; — compos (nen compos mentis). J.. T. bcr fciticn 93ei'' trag macben fann (roegen 93crftanbcg= fd)rodd)e, jlraufbeir, SSerfcbwenbung U. f. XO.) ; — conductors, rhy. T. bie 9lid)tleiter, nicbttcitcnbc ilprpcr; — conforming, adj. nicbt jur anglicatti= fdpen (berrfebeuben) Jitrcbc gefjorig (bappll abwcicbcnb) ; — conformist, s ber S'lpucpnfprmifr, 3Diffibcnt (bcr c8 nid)t mit ber angltcantfdicn Jlircbc bait); — conformity, bie Mbmeicbung npn ber berrfebeuben SReligipn in (S'nglanb ; — contagious, nicbt aufte= ff Cltb ; — deliverance, — deliiery, s. Ij. t. bie SJiicbtauglicferung ; — elect, bcr 9cicbtaugerrodblfe; — entitv, s. bag [Ricb. t(ba)fcmt; llnbing ; 9^irbt9; — essentials, pi. flufjerwefentnebe 2)ingc ; — execution, s. bit %lit= ijolltiefjnng; — plus, s. wig. bag 9}id)t= TOeiter, ber .gait, ieu= fle8) ; — resemblance, bie Uitgleid)= ijeit, Uitdbnlicbfcit ; — residence, s. bie Sfticbtanroefcnbeit an (21bTOe= fenljeit oon) bent pf(id)tmdf3igen SBobnorte; SlbTOefenbcit cincS Oeifilicben son fciner ®emcine, fct= nem ©prettgcl; — resident, T. s. bet nidbt auf bent 2Boljnorte Slmuefenbe ; ber tticbt bet fciner ®cmeinc anroefenbe ®eiftlicbe; H. adj. son bem pftirbtmdfiigen 2Bobn= orte abtuefenb ; nid)t bei feincr ®e= meinbe, tticbt auf ber SPfritnbe, abwc= fenb; — resistance, s. bcr blinbe, (Ici= beube) ®el)orfam, -Jltcbtmiberftanb ; —resistant, atij. blinb gefjorfam, obue 2Biberftanb, unterroiirng ; —sane, adj. nid)t gefunb, fcbnjad), gefd)TOdcbt ; — sensitive, s. ber, bie, ba$ Unfub= lenbe, ©efitbllofc; — solution, s. bie 9tid)t(auf)lofung (einer Stage, u. f. TO.); —solvency, s. bie 3 a ^' un 3 8un; fSbtgleit, Snfotsenj; —solvent, aiH. 5a[)lungSunfaf)ig, battfbriicbig, infol= »cnl; — such, adj. lid), obtte ©tcirfjen; ber 9came cincS 2tyfel8 ; white —such, 3coggcngraS= famen ; black —such .Jueefamcn ; Bristol — such, bte calccbonifcbe 2t)chnig (cine 9cclfcufortc) ; —suit, s. /,. T. bie 91uff)cbuug eincr Jflagc ; StiiUitdf, ba8 Serfeben ; (ba« gallcit= laffcn [bie SBcrTOcrfung] bfS $ro= jcffeS uon Seitcn bcS JtlaaerS, toeaetl @ntbccr*uitg eineS TOcfentlid}en gjcr= fel)ctt§) ; to —suit, v. a. I.. T. jur Slufbcbung eincr Jllage oeruvtbe ilcn ; jum Sallcnlaffeit cines ^rouffei bc= TOegen ; — suited, jur 9luf beiutng be« SUrcjcffeS yerurtbeilt; —user, bie 9lmt«pflicl)tucrlefeung. NONAGESIALVL, adj. bcr neutttigftc. NONAGON, s. ba8 •.Ucunccf. NONDESCRIPT, I. adj. iTOfb l!tlbcfitvic = be» ; II. s. ka8 nod) Unbcfcbricbcttc (oon unbefamttat ©egenftdnben.) NONE, pron. adj. Jtciiicr, Jteiite, M(U nc8; — of them, .Reiner von ibncit; it is — of the best, C8 ift JtchtCJ 0011 ben S3eftcn; — of, tticbt; 'tis — of ours, t« gebort ttn8 nidit ; it's — of your business, e$ gebt bid) 5Iid)t3 an ; he is second to — , er ftebt Jtcincm Itad) ; there is — but knows, tilt 3c; ber roeifs ; —such, vid. ttnter Non-. m>.\es. s.pi. 1. bie Stoua iin limu fd)cu Jtalenber; 2. ba8 ©cbet urn tic itcuntc Stutibc. NONPAREIL, L». 1. ctn>a$UtTOcra.!eid)= licbc« ; iaS Nonpareil ; 2. Ti/p. T. bie Nonpareil ; 3. eine Btt faibigcr fleiner ^uefcrfbrner; 4. cine mi 9lcpfe[ ; 5. eine -itrt Stclfcit; u. adj. ttnvcrglcicblid). nonsense, s . bcr Iccrc 3Bortfd)rcaU, Unftnn, ba3 crbdrmlicbc ®cfd)toa(j ; col. bie ^offen, ba8 bumme 3f u 3- NONSENSICAL iadu. —it), adj.' filltt-- loe, unftnnig, ungereimf, "aibcnt; Idp^ifcb ; — ness, ». tic Sinnlofigfcit, Ungercimt()cit, S.borbcit. noodle, s. wig. bet ©infalteptnfel, ©ummfovf. NOOK, s. bcr Stacfcn; SSittfcl, bie (?cfc; —of land, tic Saitbenge. noon, i. s. bet SJltttag; u. adj. mtt* tdgig; — bell, btc iliittagSglocfc; — day, ( — tide,) bcr 3)Jittag ; mittagig ; — rest, bie 2)}ittag«rul)e; — stead, bcr SDiittagSott bcr Sonne. nooning, s. 1. bie JDJittagSrub^e ; 2. bafi SKittogeeffen. NOOSE, s. bte (running — , latlfcitbe), Scblinge, (Scfclcife, ber gaUftttcf ; to run one's self into a — , ill bie Salie geb. en, fid) fattgen laffcn. To NOOSE, v. a. in eiuer <2d)lingc fan* gen, seiftricfen. NOPAL, s. bie inbifd)c geige (Cactus cochenillifer — /,.). NOR, conj. nod); atld) llid)t; neither covetous, — prodigal, TOebcr geijig nod) »erfd)TOenbcrifdi. normal, adj. 1. nad) bcr Morn: obcr JJJcgcI, regelrecbt; 2. a. t. pcrpcnbi= fuldr, fenfred)t ; — schools, 5DJufter= fd)u(en (in Sranfteifb). nor>l\n, i. s . 1. bcr Stotweget ; 3lot= man; 2. jv. T. ber Jlafecnfovf am 3?raifpiU ; II. adj. nonndnnifd). NORMANDY, ». bte Olormanbie. norroy, s . ber englifcbe 2I5aiipcn- fbttig obcr ^crolb, beffen ©cbict fid) norbroarta iiber bie Srcnt crftrccft. NORTH, I. s. bcr 9totb(en), JcorbTOiub ; II. adj. norblid) ; — by east, i)Jorb DftCti; — north-east, iJloibuorboft ; — east by — , Dlorboft $UUt Morb ; — light, bafl 9lorblirbt, bcr Stotbfdjetn ; — pole, bcr -Jlorbpol ; — sea, bie Storbfce, baS beutfdje 3J2ccr; — sun, bie Sflovbcrfonne; — star, bet9lorb= ftcrn, i'olarftcnt ; —ward, (—wards,), norbTOdrt*, norblid) ; — west, 9lorb= TOcft ; — western, ItOrbTOCfllid) ; — wind, bcr Storbmtnb. NORTHERLY, ) adj. tunblid), norbiut, northern, $ von (in) Wotbenj northern light, brtS 9lorblicbt; — ocean, ba8 9lorbmeet, gtbnlanbifdje SJBcet; —point, ber (roabrc) 9lorb= Vtinft. NORTHING, «. baS ®cbcn nad) 3ior= ben. NORWAY, s. MorTOcgcit ; — fir, bie i^arjtanne. Norwegian, I. s. ber Mortvegcr ; u. adj. norrocgifeb. NOSE ». 1. tic'.iJafc; 2. hat Pnbc. btc 3ptljc (i. ©, bie :)fiMue ftne8 ©tafebalges, bie ©pt^e einet 8td)t* pu^c, u. f. to.); 3. bcr OV-rud) ; to speak in (through) the — , buvcb bie Sftafe fpvcd)Cii; under my — , mir oot bcr Jlafe : to lead one by the — , eincit bet bcr Srtafe ffibten ; to put one's — out of joint, Semonben bet einem Sin* bent auiftccbcit ; to thrust one's — imo tvery corner, 'fettle Stofe i« 81UcS fltifclt ; to follow one's — , bcr SRai» nad) geben ; to make a bridge i — , et licit tm Irtiifeit iibcrgeben; tc ten noses, jtopfjo^lung b^lten jut 3ablung bcr 3ecbe; to make one pay through the — , ciucn tiicbtig bejahlen laffen ; — of a vessel, bie glttfi ettbetl cincfi Scbiffed; — bcr jjutierbeiitel (ben man '^t'erben iiber ben Jtopf binot) ; — band, bal Mafcnbanb, ber Slta jentienten ; — 1. baS Stttfeubluten: 2. bie ©djafgarbe; — gay bcr Slunun* ftrauf) ; — smart bie Jtrcffe. 7 NOSE, o. a, 1. ndfeln, fdjnoppcrn, fcbnitffdn, ricrbcit, bericrbcrt,^ nad^ fyiirat ; 2. bie Sptfce bictcit, fid) roi= bcrfc^cn ; to — out, ausfpiircn ; to — tie, gegen jemattb teugen. NOSED, adj. in compos, irtit eincr 3tafe, nafig; 3lofe (@cntd)) babcitr fiunben) ; well — cine tuefctige Wait babenb. NOSLE, vid. Nozle. NOSELESS, adj. Oh lie Staff. NOSETHRIL, eid Nostril. N( isi h,i xacAL adj. nofologifd), franf= bcitlcbrig, bie ^chrc von ben .ftraitf- bfiten betreffenb. N( »' M.< IGIST, s bet Tlofolog, Jlranf- fn'itjFciuicr, ^tanf&eitslebtet. nosology, .'. bie 9cof ologte, jttanfc t>citslct)re, Jlrantbcitifunbe. N< isi ii'oetic, adj. Atanf^etten »etut= facbenb. nostril. s.baS 7?afenIod),btc9lu^tt. NOSTRUM, ». ba8 Vlrcanum, gchcinic 3)tittcl, gebcime Dtcccpt. NOT, adv. llid)t; — yet, nod) ltidit ; — as yet, nod) nid)t, jur 3cit nocb ntd)t; — tin, erft; — to say, urn nicbt ^u fagen; — Uiatlam... jroat bin i.i) ttid)t. . ; — so much as, nicbt ciumal. NOTABLE [adv. — blt), adj. 1. bemers fcuSrocrtb,, mcifnuirbig, aufcbultit, TOicbtig, ntit mtcbtiger SRteni emftfl, gcfcbdfttg, ffeipifl, berriebfam, bauSltcp, forgfant; —ness, s 1. bal Semetfenstoettbe, bie SKerfrourbigs fcif, SOotnebmbett, ®r5fe, SQBicbtig= fcit, bafl Tijicbtigtbuu ; 2. bie (imfig= Icit, ®cfd)dftigfctt, u. f. to. NOTARIAL, adj notarifd), von cinent SRotartuS aulgefetttat; —attestation, (—evidence), ba8 9Totatt'at«jeti — document, ba8 Stotatiatftinfttus ment. N< TARY, .'. bcr (public, orrcntlictc: 3totariit«, ©eurfunber, ©eglaubigcr ; a — 's office, bie ^cotavtatoftubc. notation, b. l. bafi Stuffcfiteiben, bie ^luficicbuung ; 2. Bebeutiing, bet Sinn. NOTCH, s. bte Sttibt, bcr C?infd)itirt; — weed, bie 3JMbe (Jltripltx — J. : — wheel, t. ba« ©teigetab. To NOTCH, r. «. fcvbeii, einfebneiben-j to — the millstone, ben 3)Jublftein attffebdrfen, frt'frb bebaucu ; notched leaves, B. T. gefevbtc SBIfittet. NOTE, .--. 1. bafl :,ciAcu, ilennjeidjen, lla-rfitml : 2. btc iJlote, Qlnmerfung, Srliutetuno [ge»6bnlid) im ,■< tate): 3, ©ebeutuna 3Bicofigfett, ba« "Jlnfcbcn; i. btc .Ucinttiu'";, Annbe; 5. .u. . r. bte Store, baft tonjeicben, bcr £on, bie SBeift, bet®ef«ti bie Store, bai filler, bcr petrel, Sd)ein, ba8$J3apiet; 7. bet \'lu*tug ; bad SlbfutjungSjeidjen, btc Hbbteoia* fur; — of admiration, baS 3lu«nt» fungSjeichen I ' | : — of conjum bad SBinbeieidjen [-] ; — of Interro- gation, baa Jragejeteben | v | ; JK /:•■-. — of thfl c lurse i f exchange, bal 3Jrtifluerjcid)niB tor ©olba unb SU« oetfotten, bcr ®elbronr8)erte1 ; — ■< 277 NOTI baid. bcr |>anbs(fc$ulb)fd>eiii, bit £anbfcr/tift, ber .panbvoecfcfel, fo!i= tariuh trocfne SBecbfel; as per — . LiutOcOU; to take due—, geborige SKotij ober not&ige Sutnerfung «t§= men; a man of great — , ciu OJiaun roil grcjieni 2Infef)en ; be changed his — . cr ei-j/iMtc ctuc onbete ©efcbid>te, fiitg nus cincin (tnbern £one (in ju ben : to make use of — s, 3ettels chen biaudicn, tie Jictc ablcfcn; to ire — s, fid) bcratbeu mit . . ; — bcfonberi M. E. , bie 9lgenba, Dtotijtafel, bafi Stotijbucfc, SBrouiQon, iViauual, bie $rima=9lota, .rtlatte; b,i§ ($anb=) 2Berr)fel*©cnntro ; — case, tic Sanfnotentafc&e; — ber i>aufnotcitfa[fchcr; — press, bte SBanEnoteupreffe; bet ^avicrbcfcbir-c; rcr ; — worthy, mcrfuuirtig. Ti note, v. a. 1. kjeidmat, untets fd)etben ; aufnotiren, aufjeidutcu, an- merten, anfcbreibcit; (to — down, bcfonbetfi .v. k.) Sfcotij ne^men, nt>- tiren, bclafleit, bucbcn, ^Soften in tie .ganbiungSbuc&et ciutrageu ; 2. be= ma-fen, beobacbtcn ; — that, win you ■? borft til tie') ? -V. E-s. at the exchange noted, ju »erjeicb:ietcm (SourS ; cause the bill (bills) to be noted (i. e. for pro- test), laffeu irb ifticbts rocrten ; for — , Uinfonjt ; good for — , fdllcdlt; a good for — fellow, ciu £aiigcmd)t§; prov-s. — venture, — bave, vocr dTiAit-S roagt, gennnnt ■Jcidjtg, pbes, SGBagen geminnt, SBa* gen oerliert. notice, s.l. tic SBetnerfung, .ftenntmfj, Jiunte ; 2. 9iad)rid)t, Slnjeige, 3JleU bung, -Jcottj ; ber SBettc^t, bie 83e« riducrftatrung ; .v. E*. due — , ges b.6nge SJtOtijJ — of average, tie ?ltt= bienung bet<§aferet; take — , funt unb ju rpiffen ; to take — of. ., ettoaS bemerfen, fettter Semerfung roirbis gen, fief) fiiiumcrn um . . ; 1 took no 1— of ber, id) t bat, al3 fa foe id) fie uid)t, id) befummcrte mid) nicbt um fie ; to avoid — , um -Jtuffeben ju vev= meiben ; upon — given, auf ciu gege= bettefi 3cid)cu; — to give — of .., bciudividitirjcu son . . , 39ertd)t cv= flatten otcr abftattcn iiber . . , be* ricbteu, onjeigen, nuiftten ; to serve — upon .., (eincu) ooclaben. To notice, o. o. 1. bemerfen, ?ld)t geben, gftucffidjt nebmen ; 2. cvmah; lien, nenneu ; to — the abandonment, M e. ben x'lbanton anbienen. noticeable, adj. bcmctfcitiivcttb. notification, s. tie ©effluntma= cbuii,), iWelbung, Slujeige, 33erid)t= erftattnng. To NOTIFY, v. a. befannt macben, 273 NOW meiben, anjeigen, 93crict)t etftatten, beviditcn. notion, s..i. tec fSSerfianbeSO^Be* griff, ©ebanfe, tic 3^cc; 2. tic 3Jlet= ir.utii, Slbftcbt; I have no — or, id) begreife nidjjt, glaubemcbt; id) mag nid)t ; I have a strong — of.., id) bin fcfr uberjengt uon . . ; to form a true — of../ fid) eincu ricbtigen ©egriff mad)en oon . . ; to have a — for. , uerlangen nacb. INAL [ado. — i.v\ adj. tbealifcb, cingebtlbet, traumerifd), fantaftifeb, oermeintlid), imaginar. notionist, s. ber §antafr. NOTORlETy, s. bafl Srtotorifc^e, aDges nteiii Sefannte, SCeltEunbige, tic ^tuutbarfeit, DffenfunbtgEeit. NOTORIOUS (adv. — ly , adj. UOtorifd), bevuebtigt, funtbav, meltfuitbig, oli= gemcin befannt, offenlunbig ; — ness, s. tic Dffcnfuntigfcit. not-wheat, s. tcr 23ci;cn ofjne ©vanncu. notwithstanding, eo»?. ungead)= tet, nid)t» bejlo roeniger; obgleid); tennod), tod) ; — that, beffen unge= ad) tet. NOUGHT, adv. * s. 1. nid)t£; fcinc*= roegeS; bad Uli$t8\ 2. tic 9hiH; to come to — ju s i|id)t§ mcvtcn, mifjs lingen, uerunglurlen ; to set at — , in ten SBtnb ftlagcn, oeracbten; Jve6 bictcu. noun, s. Grim. t. bas SRomen, 'Jicnn- roort. To nourish, d. I a. nabren, cntabrcn, cvbaltcit; n. n. fid) nafjren n. it.). NOURISEIABLE, adj. tcr Olahvung fii= r;ig, rViv ^ca^rung cuivfaiujlid). NOURtSHER, s. ber (iviKibvcr, 33er= forget, 33rotbcrr. NOURISHING, adj. ttabveut, uabvbaft. NOURISHBIENT, s. tie Scabvung. taS ?iab.ntngSmitteI, tcr Untevbalt. Ni iURITURE, s. vid. Nurture. NOURSL1NG, s. vid. Ni-rsling. NOVATIANS, tie^ioyatiaucr (cine JRefigionSfefte). N0VATIAN1SM, s. tie ilecinuugen tcr ^iosatianer. Ni iva'jton, s. tie 9leuerung, @rneue= rung. novator, s. tcr Keuerer. novel. I. adj. 1. ncu, cvft ciinicfiibrt, ungeroobnlid), nooeUiftifcb ; 2. l.t. ju ten 9tpoef[en gebong ; — assign- ment, SSeranberung in 2lngabe tcr Umftiinbe eiueS SSerbredbenS ; n. ». tie 5fto»eHe, flciue ©cfdiiditstid): tung, tcr Sfioman, tie (Srjablung ; — writer, ber c o v die n f ci) vc i b e r, (ftonian= fd) rciber, Diomantifcr ; novels, pi. L t. tie iJioucIIeu (ciu SJiad)trag oon ©efe^Cll till Corpus Juris). NOVELlSM, s. tie i'tcucrung (ro. ii."). novelist, s. 1. tcr iJceuerer; 2. 9to= inilcnfebreibcr, Sfiomanfebreiber. novelty, s. tie ^icubcit; SReutgs feit, taS CtctlC; novelties, pi. OiO'.M= [aten.SJtooa (neu erfcbicneitc 33iid)er, Sanbfarten, u. f. w.\. Ni >\ t.mber. s. tcr (iKonat) S'louems ber, SBiubmonat. NOVENARY, adj. &■ s. cine 3at)I von ucun; bte neuntagige Seelenmep. novennial, adj. licnujabrig. N( vercau adj. ftufmittteriid). novice, s. 1. berSJtooij, probemond), bie jftootje, SProbenoiine ; 2. ber SPro= befd)ii[er, ^riifiiiig, SReuling, 2lnfdn= gef, Sefjrling. noviciate. *. 1. bafi iJcoDtjtat tie £}3robejeit im J?Iofter ; 2. bie 2etjc= fahvc ; ber SefyrlingSftanb. Now, I. „,;,.. Sr conj. mm, jc&t; bait; ii. ad;. jcSifl ; cbcii ; in. s. * tie ®cgen= NUMK roart, tcr (jefeige) Seitpuufr, y.nzi:* blicf, baS iltll ; even — . but just'^ jct>t, fc cben. ctft jefet, cbrv jc§t; before—, ebctem ; a-days, bent ju SEage ; — and then, bann mu ivanu; bier unb ta ; — then, nun bann, nun alfo; — at length, nun cud- lid) ; — he was convinced, mill ta cr uberjeugt roar ; — for them, nun mv- gen fie' fomnien; — high, — low, bait bod), balb niebrig; the — king, tcr iefeige eSonig; —I think, id) bei > fc fo, meine ©ebanfen ftnb tie . . . noway(S>, adv. EeiiieSroegS. NoWED, adj. h. T. getuupft, gefd)lu«» gen. NOWHERE, adv. nirgciit, iiirgcut-l. nowise, adv. EeineSroegS. NOXIOUS (adv. — ly), adj. i. fdjablid), nad)tbeitig, oerierblicb, ; 2. ftrafbar, ftraffallig, fdmltig ; 3. ungunftig ; —ness, s. bie 2d)atlid)feit, tcr I'uiei'- tbcil, bag Scblimme. NOYANCE, a-, vid. Annoyance noyau, s. tcr $erfifo (cin feiner 2U qucur, befouter^ auS ^jtrjtcbferiieit bcrcitct). N0YER, s. +vid. Annoyer. NOYFUL i'Annoyfll), adj. + serbriejj* Iter), quiilenb. NOYSANCE, s. + vid. NoiSANCB. nozel, Nozle, s. 1. tic (Scfmanje ; 2. vSrbncPlH- (an cincr Jvauuc, u. f. ro.) ; T. Stobre, ^iilc, bae @nbe. NUBIEEROCS, adj. 2i ! olfen brinqent. NUBILE, adj. luanubar, beiratl,U'fabi,]. NUBILOUS, adj. ivolfig, triibc. NUCIFEROUS, adj. Ohiffe tragcut. NUCLEUS, s. bcr Jlcril. nudation, s. tic ©ntblofjung. NUDE, wij. lhldt, btof>; a — contract l. t. em einfeitiger Sontract, Scr* trag obue roeebfeifeitige iu'vvfliib= tung. NUDITY, s. bie Slaiftbcit, ©lope. nugacity, s. tie Sd)roafeb, aftigfeit ; taS kere ©efcbivaS, tic .Uuiccrei. nugatk in. s. bae Kivvifebe ©efd)roafe, bie ^tinberei (to. u.). nugatory, adj. ldppifcf), albcru, Fiu- tifdv ungcreimt, ungegrunbet. NUISANCE, s. tie 'SBeffbroerlic&fett Saftigfcit, HnanncEjinlidiEeit ; \h\= rciulidifcit; he is a public — , cr ijl cine Spefi im Sfaaie. To null, v. a. uugiilrig mad)en, auf- bebcu, oernifjteit (w. ii.). NULL, adj. llid)tia., UnguIHg ; to declare — and void, fiir null unb uicbtig er« flcireu. To NULLIFY, v. a. uiujiittig niadicii, aufjjeben, Dentiditcn. NULUTY, s. tie Unroir!famIeit, ^ief)- tigfeit, Uugiiftigfcit; baS ')!iduta» fciMl ; —of marriage, L. T. tic UngflU tigfeit tcr O'bc, lvegcn yerbotcner SSerroanbtfdjaftSgrabe, NUMB. adj. crftai'ict, ftarr ; fraftloS To NUMB, v. a. crftarrcii macben. NUMBEDNESS, s. vid. Numbness. To NUMBER, v. a, 1. sabicu, rcebuctt ; nnmcrircn ; 2. taurecebuen. NUIABERs. 1. tie Otummcr, >$M, t.i-J ^abUcicben, bie 3iffer; 2. SlujaM; 3. t. bcr ^lumcni", ba-S SRebemap, Er)lbenina6, ^langmafc SerSinag, ber SBo^lEIang, bie ^armonie : num- bers, pi. 1. bie Serfe, fyiltn, dti)\)tfy> men; 2. ba8 sicrtc i^iui) 3Ro|t3 ; 3. Side, cine 'Dienqc. NUMBERER, s. bcr 3ablcntc. fabler. NUMBERLESS, adj. uujabjlbar, un« jcitjlig, . NUMBNESS, *. tie Gr}tarvuug, Setaw bung. NUMERABLE, adj. lablbar. numeral, adj. ju cincr 3«&I gcbSrra NURS elite 3>lf'l anbciltctlb ; — characters, (arabifebe) 3abjcn. NUMERALLY, adv. btt 3*l$l Obet Site galil rDicnge) nacb, jufammenge= nominal. KUMERARY, adj. jii eincr gcroiffen 3oM ge^Srig, in btt 3ab| begriffen. 7u NUMERATE, i>. a. jfiblen, rerbnen. NUMERATION, s. baS .Viblcit; Ar. T. tie "Jiumcvatioii ; 3abl, JUtjabJ. NUMERATOR,*. 1. bcr 3ablenbe ; 2. .«r. t. fabler cities ^nidlfS. NUMERICAL (Numeric) (adn.-i.iui). l. }U bon ;',al)(cn geboiig ; bet Sabjnaeb; 2. ebenbaffelbe auerao- cbcnb, nntertbeilt ; — order.bte SRmn* IUerfo(ne ; — superiority, ubct'leacnc VimaM. NUMEROUS, adj 1. jaljlreicb, fcauftfl; 2. uioMHiiigenb, haniuMiii'd) ; — ness, s. I. bad 3lreidje, bie (gro§e) 3ln= lafjl, 3Jienge; 2. fiarmonie, bet SBofalflaiig. NUMISMATIC, aa8 ©augen, bie SR^ige, SQSartung (rt>. ii.); —of trees, bi*' ^flamrdnilc, jyaiimfcfdtlc ; — man, bcr i8annt= gartuer, ^uitfigartncr. OAK nursling, *. bet ^ffefllina: hat 5)JfIegefiiib; ber 35gling ; Sieoling. nurture, ... 1. bie Staining, Jiojt; 2. (Srjtebuttg, Sitte. To NURTURE, 0. a. cr^icficn, aitfjief-cii. nusance, «. . nit. ... 1. bie Sfaif; 2. [gityl an bet 3iutbe bes $fcrbc5; 3. r. bie 3Hater, (©cbraubeits) 3Hutter ; ber .Kumpf, ©rebling (in ben SWu^Ien ; 1 an anchor, bie 9hi)te ant ediaftc bes 3infer6; — beetle, bcr ^iuf.bcifjer, SioIIivicflcr „ ..) ; _ bo!;e, bas 3tu§bein, ©djiffbein; — breaker, — cracker, bie (ftberifd)e) SHa^fra^e, Sanncnfrabe (Corv — /.. ; — brown, nnfj= braillt ; — cracker fur a pair <.;' — crackers, /-/.) bcr SftufSfnadfer; — gall, bcr ©alla^fcl ; — hatch (— j, — pecker), bcr i r i u p I; ct if c r, SBIaus fpcct)t (Sitta europaa — L.) ; — hook (— crook), bcr9iii>ir)afcit,.£)afcii|tod ! ; — oil. baS I'liifiol ; —peach, bie StutJpfitiidK ; — shell, bie -Ji:itJfd)a= le ; col. baS ©ertngfugige ; - ber 9lnf6«um ; Stuyjirauro, bte^a= fclfiaubc; — wood, baS sjlufybaum* bolj. To NUT, ;'. h. Sfluffe fantniefn. nutation, ... .i,t. t. bie STCufation (baS SBanlen) ber ©rbaebfe. NUTMEG, ... bie SWuSfatennug ; — cowry, bie avabifd'c S8ucb{tabenynrs ieUatte (Oypraw arabica) ; — grater, bie 3RuSfatentetbe. NUTRD3NT, I adj. luibrcnb, iMiu-.'w'r ; 11. ... baS Otcibrciibc, ^uiluhafic. NUTRIMENT, ... bie SJta&rung. baS Sutter. NUTRIMENTAL, adj. uafirtiaft, ua!;= renb. nutrition.*, bag SGa&ren, bie @r- inihnuni; bie Wafyxunq. NUTRITIOUS, adj. tt.ifnciib,'rfuiff. nutritive, adj. nciorenb, nalu-lmft; — food, luhrhafte Jtojl. 7b NUZZLE, v. 71. 1. bie ?Jafc aiif bi» O'ibe balteit (}. 93. ruie bie ©c^iueint , hjublen: 2. bie SJafe [letfeu untet . . ; lid? oerbergen ;. B. mie ein Jiinb in bcr SKutter SBufen): 3. niften. NYCTALOPS, ... bcr bet ber %irbt be= fenbers iiut ftchf, bcr Saablinbe, 23li)bftcbftge. NYCTALOPY, ... bie SWacbiftAiiqfeii, ^agblinb^eif. NYE *. Sp /■:. bcr Stug, bie .«i:tc, baS ©ebctf, ©efperr (gafanen, u.f.w.). NYMPH.*. I. Myth, bie Oc'.ntuihc ; 2. * baS 3Kabd>cn, bie (unge Sdbone : 3. (Nympiia), *. bie ^nppe (bet jnfee ten . NYMPHEAN, ) adj. }U ciucr 3l»)mpbe nymphical, • geborig, eine'Jtym* NYMPHKH, ) pbcbctvcrreub, pbcitb.iff. NYMPHLIKE, ) ,. ,„ u - ... ... NYMPHLY, 5 "*■ »»>»pfKliaf)llltrf). o. O, *. bas (ber ^ofal) O, p, ber ffinf= jebntc ^ud)|tabc bc-i ;»llpl>ibct^. ' >. int vid, ( in. oaf, .. bcr ffiet^felBalg ; S>nmm!opf. OAFISH, adj. bnnim, eilifatfig \w u. j — new, »; bie SDnmmbeit. @infalt (W. ii.). oak, ». bie ($irf)e, ber ©idjenbanm ; — of Jerusalem, baa SEraubenftaut, aKOtfentraut (Chmopodium botrys — L : barren scarlet —(holm-oak), bie ©tetnetcbe ; gall-bearing — . bie ^ag Ctd'C; CM>r-green — , bie StcdHMlnic (let — I.)- bitter — , bcr 3itbcl= OBDU bauin ; — agaric beri^icbcitrfiiiMinin; — apple ( — ball, — cone. — . — bcr ©cillapfel; — bark, bie @ieb, curinbe ; — billets, pi. eidjenei •JJa;ciifcbPtJ; — cleaving C-*icficn flMltciib ; — farn (— fern), bcr 8aum> farn, SBalbfarit ; — grove, bet (Si* ri'cukiin, baS (f irbenivalbcbui ; — leather, bcr ..UaiicnfcbnMiniu, i:crn1i:v,intm ; — puceron, bie Sicken* blattlaue ; — tree, bie Cid-c, bcr ($\= djeitbauin ; — web, bie gRaupe. OAKEN, adj. cicbcii, son C^trfut: ; — I, bet (Mcbciifraiit ; — pin, fine •Jlrt baric; Wepfef. OAKLING, ... bie jmtge ( f \.fc. ibcnwerg, bie Tans faben, baS altc aufgebre^te Xauroetf, '. jum .ttalfatern ; white— un= frte8 aSergj black—, g< lerg. I art ivic Stcbenijof}, cu rf)cnfc|X cidicnavti,;. bad SRuber; 10 put in '. h unbernfeii etiimengen ; bie SRuber-a banf, Suft; boat youroars! bbrt auf (ii rubern! To OAR, 0. 1 r. rubern; u.a.bHrtS3iu=> bern ben>egen ; oared, mtt : 1 i;;: OARY, >rmtg; alS bienenb. OASIS.*, pi oases, Dafen , bie Cafe, cine frndnbare Stelfe in bet SBufte. . ». bcr Cfcn, bie 1 i .jpopfeiw) iDarre. oats, ... pi ber^ofcr; potato — . .r-> l1= fcr, ivdcber i>ai befie, weifefte dicbt ; wild — . ber SJtaucb&afer, ©a'rU barer, 2anbbafcr ; yelli iw — . bet bafcv: to sow one's wild — •, prov. ud) bie ^ornet ablaufen (bie 3ngenbbtfre uerlteren); — chafl; bie ^aferfpreu. oat, *. bcr Safer; oai 1 baa >paferbrob; — cake, bcr .Oafcrfiutcn ; — malt, boa ■'biV'a- mntj; — meal, baS .^afenne: I, bie ^afergriifee. OATEN, adj. von .Oafcr, ailS | mcbl; — straw, ^aferflrob. oath. ... ber (Sib, (Sibfdjnwr, Sd)n>nr; — of abnegation, berOlblaiignun — of alii : n ■ 1, bcr @tc bet \ . fiulbtgungseib ; — of fealty, bcr CebnSeib; — of qualification, b( mogeilSetb; — of supremacy, bcr -.»ln- erfennungsetb bc« Aonigfl ale §aup* teS bcr JCttdje; by -. with ™ — , upon an — . bnrcb (Sibfrftrour, ciblicb ; y — , einen (eiblid) vcr- pflicbtcn, in (Sib unb ^fltcbt ne^men ; tO take one's — , ciltCII @tb lciftClt, fdMl'brcil ; to take an (or one - .-) — of on — or to make — to) a cttvae. bci'dnvcrcn, ciblid) crbartcit; to administer an — to Oil :i fcbit'crcn Ktffcn, eineni cincit (ober ben (. s "ib abneb* men ; to give 1 the — , cincni ben (Stb jnfebieben; to pui to an — , 511111 Srbuwtv tretben ; to be under an — , fidi eiblid) 'acrvtliditct bdben; uideny by — . abfebrooten ; — 1 (*ibbrndi, SDJeineib. OBBLIG ' 1 >B( * irdate, a /. b. T. obcorbifd), uin* Ciffcbrt, bcr^fbrmiii. OBDORMITION, ... bcr 2ciVaf, tie :)iubc. To OBnucE, r. n. uberjieben to, Q.). 1 ibdi 1 l'n in, .. bie Ueberiiebuna. OBDURACY, ... bie SBerbftrtuno, S5cr« ftpcfun,!, .gaUftarrigfeit. OBDURATE adv.— m . , .-, /. 1. verbar« tct, ycifiodt. dalsflartig, unbugfen tig; 2. raub, frbtuet auSjufpretber OBLI OBSC OBST (n>. ii.) ; —ness, 5. bif S3erjlecftt)cif, ^alfiflacrtflfeit, llnbufifcrtigfctt. >BDURATTON,».bie ^crbartuug, 93cr= ftctfun^, .galeftartigfeit, ^artgierjig* fcir. To OBDURE d. a. bdrtcn ; f;alofiarrtg, tJitentpfiiiMid) macbcit (w. ii.). DBDL'RED, adj. oerjtodt, ocrbdrfet. wdtjredness, «. bie <6artc, bet @i= geufinu, bic iwrjrodtbcit (ro. ii.). obedience, s. bet ©cborfant. OBEDIENT (adv. — ly), adj. gcborfam, ill ®e{jorfe oterfetttge ©pifcfaule) ; 2. Typ. r.bas .Rteuj [+]. OBERRATION, s. baS Jperumtrrcn (». ii.). obese, adj. feljr fett, jit fleifd)ig (». ii.). 0BESENES3, )s. bte jtt grpfiC tjctttg* OBESITY, 5 fett bc3 £ctbe$. To OBEY. ». a. geborcben ; I will be obeyed, id) oerlange ©cfyorfam. obeyer, s. ber ©efjsrcbenbe. To OBFUSCATE, v. a. vid. To Offus- C.VTE, &C. obit, 5. ba§ £obtenamf, Seclenamt. OBITUARY, adj. fid) auf cine verftOt= bene ^erfott bfjtctjcnb ; — notice, bie XobeSanjeige. object, s. 1. ber ©cgeuftaub, baS ring, bie ftiinfalltge c ; an — hint, ein (ScitcnttHttf ; — ness, s. vid. Obliquity. OBLIQUITY, s. 1. bic frfctefe 9Jid)tung, 31broeid)ung : 2. ecblcditigFcit, Un= ftttlicbfcit. To OBLITERATE, v. a. OUSlofcbctt, rocgrotfeben, ouSftrcicbcn ; tcrftoren, »er'ntct)ten, »crtilgen ( — from, au§). OBLITERATION, s. bie 9li!c>lofdnmg ; ^ernicbtmtg, 3«ft5tutw. oblivion, s. tn$ a3esgefjen bie 5Bcr= geffenb.cit, (act of — ) bet @cneral= barbon, bie SHmneJiie, baS ©ttofet* taffungsbectet. oblivious, adj. l. SBergeffenl^eit »cr= urfacbcnb, oergeffen mact)eub; 2. »er= gcjilicb. OBLONG (adv.— ly), T. adj. langlid);H. s. bo8 Oblong, langltcbe Sterecf ; — ness, s. ba§ Sanglid)e. OBLOQUlous, adj. fcbntabcitb, ocr= leumberifeb, lajremb (b. it.). obloquy, s. bcr SBottoutf, Sabet, iiblc 9tuf, bie SRad)rebc,2>erfcumbmig. obluctation, *. ber aSiberjtanb, ba§ SBibcrftrebctt (ro. ii.i. obmutescence, s. bas SScrftummcn, (fctillfcbrocigctt. OBNOXIOUS, adj. 1. fcbciblict) ; 2. itbel beriicbtigt, i^errufen; 3. jtrafbar, firaplli'g; 4. uutcrroorfen, au§ge= fetjt; — ly, adv. auf cine unterroorfene 5Irt; ftraffallig; —ness, s. bic Un= terroorfenbeit ; ©ttaffdUiglett. To OBNUBILATE, o.a. umwolfctt, urn* jicben, tritben, oerbunfcln. obnubilation, s. bie Ummolfung, Uitutclutng, aSerbunfelung. oboe, s. bad -gtoebfjorn, bie >£>autboiS, ^oboe. obole. 5. ber OboIuS. OBOVATE, adj B. t. unigcfef)rt ober oerfebrt eifotmig. OBREPTION, s. bie llefccrfcblctcbung, (Sinfcbleicbung. obreptitious, adj. iibcrfcbleicbenb, cinfcblcict)citb ; eingcfcblicben ; er= fd)lid)eu. < >BS( 'ENE (adv.— ly), adj. 1. fdjmutjig, fcbliipferig, unjiicbtig, geil; 2. m- btig, cfelbaft; 3. SBfefl bebcuteub, Uebel verfiiubenb, uitglurflid); — ness, s aid I Iscenity. OBSCENnr, s. bo« Scbmufeige, bte Scbliipfvigfcir, Uuclu-barFcir, Un= jud)tigfeit, ®eilt}eit. RATION, s. 1. bic SSerbunfes lung ; 2. Tunfclbeit. OBSCURE (adv. — ly), atlj. 1. bliufcf, biiftcr, fiuftcr; 2. ji s . int 5)unfeln lebenb : 3. buufel, ttnbeutltd), linrcr- ftanblid);"4. unbefanut, uubcritljmt; 5. ntcbrtg ; to live in an — conditio^ int 5>imfeln, in bcr etillc lebeu. To obscure, v. a. 1. vcrbunfclu, vcr= ftnftcrtt; 2. fig. ticrfleincrn, ben 9tubm fcbmalcrn, in Scbattcu ftcU leu ; 3. oevbergen ; to — one's self, fid) ocrfiecft baltcn, eingejogen leben, obscureness, I s. 1. bte SMitifelbeit, obscurity, S B'inftcntif; ; 2. fig Unttetfiaitblicpfeif, Unbeutlicbfcit; 3 33erborgent)eit, Uuberubintbcit. To obsecrate. v. a. bviugcnb btrtcH anliegcn, befebrooren (ro. u.). obsecration, s. bie bringenbe SBirte OBSEQUENT, adj. gcborfam ; uutert roiirfig, ebrcrbictig (w. ii. . obsequies, s. pL ta$ 2etcbciibcgaug= nie, bic Xobtenfcicr. obsequious (adv. — ly), adj. gcbor- fam, folgfain; mtHfdb,rtg ; —ness, s ber ©cborfam, bicj one of his observations, er p^egte UU= tcr 2lnbcrn ju fagen. OBSERVator, *. bcr SPcobarbter, 93f* mer!cr, 22abrnet)mcr ; Slninerhtngen* maebcr. observatory, s. ba8 Obfersatc* rium, bie 23arte, Stemroarte. To observe, v. a. 4- n. 1. bcobad)tcn,, anftd>tig wcrbcu, be- merfen; 2. baltcn, fctern, befolgcu; 3. 3lct)t fjaben, aufmcrffant fc»n, oufs ntcrlcit; 4. anmerfen, fagen ; i was going to — , id) ropllte cbeu fagen : to — one's master, fid) nad) fcinein ?eb- rer ritfcten ; to be observed, center: fungSwertt). observer, s. 1. bcr 93cobad)tcr. aBab/rnebmer, Semcrfcr; 2. SBefoU get; 3. Slacbfolgcr. OBSERVINGLY, adv. OUfllUrf film, fptg? fdlttg. OBSESSION, s. bie Sclagerung, Uinfte£= lung; SBefi^ung, (BoinJJeufel, n>. ii. . obsidian, s. bet iSlanbifc|e •Jlrfjat, ^a* fetinna, baS ?aoagto8, bcr ©laSactat. 9tabcn|lein auS Ungarn. OBSIDIONAL, adj. jur 33clagemng ap> bort'g; — army, baS SelagetungS* beer; — crown, bic SSclagcningl* froiic. To OBSIGNATE v. a. bcftegclit ; gc= ncb^migen, beftdtigen, tatificircn (ro. it.). obsignation, s. bie Skficgelimgj ©enebmigung, 23cftdttgung, SefrJff* tigung. OBSIGNATORY, adj. bcftcgcfltb. OBSOLESCENT, adj. veraltc(r)ub. OBSOLETE, adj. ntd)t ittcbr gcbrdud)* licb, "craltct; to grow—, vcrattcn; —ness, s. bic nngcbrducblid)feit, uen altetc sBcfcbaffcnbeit. obstacle. .5. bae .&iubcntiti. 7b ( (BSTETRICATE, e.a.Sf n. ©ebltrt*« biilfe letiten. entbinben. '.iifen ta>. uJ OBTU OCCU OCUL OBSTETRICATION, s. bie SSerrirbtuitg eincr ^cbamme, ®eburtgbiilfc. OBSTETRICS, a. pi. bie Jtuitft @cburtS= biitfe 511 leifren. OBSTINACY, s. bie .gkilgfrarrigteit, Unbiegfamretf, .gartndcfigfeit, bcr (Sii}cnitnn. OBSTINATE (a'/y. — ly), adj. balgfrar= rig, uttbeugfam, bartndcfig, ftbdifcb, eigenfinnig, roibcrfpcnftig; — ness, s. tU, Obstinacy. OBSTIPATION, s. bie Scrftopfung. OBSTREPEROUS, adj. Idrmenb, Qt- »aufrt)»oll, feljr Iauf. sorlaut; — ly, adu. nnt 2arnt, mtt Scbreiett; — neas, «. bag Sarmett, ©erdufd), ©efcbrei. obstriction, s. bie £Gcrbinbtirf)fcit, ©ebunbenbeit. lb OBSTRUCT, v. a. 1. oerftopfen; 2. oerbauen, (ben 20cg) ocrtrctett; 3. oerjogern, t)cinmen, rjinbern, juroiber ffviu; to — one's sight, 3emantem tie 2lu«ftd)t bettetjmen ; obstructed by ..., gcbinbert yon (burd)) ; obstructing process, l. T. ber SDiberftanb gcgcu ©cricbtgpcrfoncn. obstructed,*, ber, bie 23crftopfenbe, ^iubcmbe. OBSTRUCTION, s. 1. bie SSerftopfung ; 2. •tiubcrung ; Gd)roicrigfeit, bag vjpiubcrnifj. OBSTRUCTIVE. I. adj. yerftopfenb, fiem= ntciib ; binberltcb ; 11. s. bag 4?inber= niy (to. ii.). OBSTRUENT, adj. Med, T. OCrfiopfcnb, binbcrnb. OBSTUI'EFACTION, *. bie ltuterbrc= cbung ber SBirfuug ber Sinne, 33e= rdubung. OBSTUPEFACTIVE, adj. bctdubcitb pfcit. OBTOSANGULAR, adj. G. T. (tuntpf= win!elig. OBTUSE (adv. — ly), adj. 1. ftltmpf; 2. bumpf; 3. bctaubt, bumm; an — sound, cin bumpfer ?aut obn 'Bcball ; —ness, «. 1. bie Srumpfbcit; 2. £umpfbeit; 3>untmbcit. obtusion, *. 1. bag gmmfcfs ober ^Dumpfmacbcn ; 2. bie Stuinpfbeit, U. f. XV. To obumbrate v. a. befcbattcn, um* febatfen, iibcrfcbattcii, betoolfen (ro. it.). OBUMBRATION. s. bie 33efcbattung. Itmfcbattung, Umroblfung, 93erbun= felung. obverse, «. bte Jlebrfeite. To obvert, v. a. ttt)X(n ober ritfjten (— to, towards, gcgeu) junjcttben. To obviate v. a. begcgnert, enfge= gen fommctt, vorbcugcit, pertjinbern; in order to — every possible abuse, Hill jebcm mijglicben -Kifibraucbe juooi* juEominen. OBVIOUS (adv. — ly), adj. 1. «illiOUcb= tenb, flar, uniierfcnn'bar, Lvutlicb, bci^reiflid), ougenfallig; 1. often, auggefe^t, unterroorfeii (tu. ii. — loss, offenbarer 93erlnjl; 'tis — to .iv eye, eg fpringt in bie Wugcn; — to all the world, allgemcin f'aplieb, 3e= bcrmann befannt : —ness, s. bie £3e= grciflirbfett, SDeittlicbfeit. OBVOLUTE, Obvoluted, adj. B. T. rinncnfbrmig gcbogen. occasion, s. 1. bie (bequemc) @cTc= genbeit; 2. 93ei'anlaffung, ber 9ltt= laO ; 3. jufallige llmfianb ; %itfall ; 4. bag (jufallige; ©ebikfnijj ; by — , bei (buret)) ©clegenbeir, gelegeutlicr) ; jufaliig ; on — , tm 3JotbfaUe ; on an — , gclegentlitb : on the §pur of the — , in alter (Siie: to give — , ©elcgenbcit (2lnla$)geben; to have — for, (etvoag) niUbig baben, brau= (ben, bebiirfeu ; there is no — , eg ift iiicbtiiotbifj : when — offers, bei »or= fomnienbcr ©elegeubeit; as you see — ,narb 5J3clieben; if — serves, roenit bie Oelegenbeit giiniiig ift ; you have no — , b'e "»b ba; 2. jufaliig. OCCA%ioner, s. ber SBcraitlaffcr, ltr= bebcr. OCCECATION, s. bie Sienbung, 33er= bleubung (ro. ii.). Occident, *. ber Cccibcut, 3Ibcnb, SBejien; bag 3ibenblanb. OCCIDENTAL (adv. — ly). adj. flbcilb = lid), luefilicb ; abcublanbifcb '; —ness, s. bie lpeftltcbe \!agc. OCCIDUOUS, adj. binfalltg ; tncfilicf) (w. ii.). OCCIPITAL, adj. A. T. am .ginttt* bauptc befinblict). occiput, s. a. t. ba° fiinterbaupt. To occlude, v. a. pcrftblicfjeu, »cr= fpcrrcu (lv. ii.). OCCLUSE, adj. «crfd)loffeit verfperrt (». ii.). occlusion, s. bie Scrfrbliefiung, Scrfperrung (ro. ii.). OCCULT (ailv. — ly), adj. PCVborgctt, gcbeint, unbetannt ; o. t. faura roabrnebmbar ; — ness. ^. bie v J.H-r= borgenbeit, ^eimlirbfcir. occultation, s. bie ffietBergung, SSetbeblung ; Berbecfungj A it /' SGerfinfterung eineg Sterne*. occupancy, s. bie Sefibnabme. occupant, ». 1. ber ©eftfeneSmet : 2. SBcflfter, 3nbabcr. occupation, s. 1. bie SPcftfeneb* lnung, (ginnebmuug ; 2. bcr SBeft^, bag S'Biebabcit; 3. bcr SBeruf; tie ^cfebaftigung, 93crricbtung,ba6 ®a febaft, ©eroerbc ; by — , con SRrofeft ftcn. occupier, s. 1. ber Snbabcr, SSefi* feer ; 2. 5?etretbcr. /.- 1 CCUPY, v. I. a. 1. beftfeen, innt babcu ; 2. cinnebmen, in ficb faffen; 3. befebaftigen ; 4. gebraucben, nu= ^en, ucrroenben ; II. n. fid) befd)dfti« gen (ro. ii.). To OCCUR, v. n. 1. sorfommen, t?or= fallen, ficb creigncii; 2. beifalJcn, einfallcn, in bie (Sebanfen fonimen. OCCURRENCE,*, bcr SBorfall, 3ufall, Slulaf, bag fircignijj, bie ©elegenbeir. OCCURSION, *. bte 93cgegnung, tai SlufflO^en ; Su^mincnft^'lcit. OCEAN. I. a. bcr Ccean, bag 23elt=- nicer, JUJccr ; jig. bie uitgcbeure;'luj= bebnuug ; t)rope 'Dienge'; n. adj. jum Ocean gebbrig. OCEANIC, vid. Ocean, adj. OCELLATED, adj. mit ilugen, trie 2la» gen gefteeft ; gcaugt, dugtcbr. ocelot, s. bie amerifanifebe $an* .'berfa(}e, Scrgta^e (Fe/ia pardons). OCHER, Ocherous, vid. Ochre. OCHIMY, s. ein sermii'd ti\< $flttaU. OCHLOCRACY, a. bie -Dbbelberrfcbaft. OCHRE, s. ber Dcijer, Cfer ; — of iron, (S'ifenocber ; — of copper, £upfero= cber; green — , ber griine Stupjtto* cber, bag Serggrfin : red — , bcr 9to= thel, bag Uiraunrotb; peilow — , «r — de lace, ber geibe Cd;er, ba# Dd;er- ober Scrggelb. OCTAGON, s. T. bag 9ld)tccf ; — timber, acbttantig bebaueneg ^olj. octagonal, adj. acbtecfig. OCTAHEDRAL, adj. acbtfeitig. OCTAHEDRON, a. O. T. bag Dctatf= bron. octangular, adj. acbtroinfeltg, acbt* ecfig. OCTANT, a. I. adj. Astro!. T belt Clfa ten Sbeil beg .^iinmelg (45 Orab) eiufcbliepcub; II. ber Cctaut. OCTAVE I. a. 1. Mus. T. bie Cctavc, bcr Qlcbtflang, 3:onbejirf oon 8 $o> nen; 2. (im Crgelbau) cin Stegfftri Don vicr Sufi 3,'on ; 3. /,. r. bcr acbte £ag ttad) cinem ^ermine ober Scfte, bie auf ein 5efi folgcnbe SBocbe ; n. cuij. acbt anbeutcub ; — rhyme, bad adjtjetlige ®ebid;t, bie a'tbtjeilige Stanje. OCTAVO, s. bag Octao (format), bie Slcbtelforrn ; in — , in Octav, octao octennial, adj. 1. acbtjabrlicb ; 2. acbtja brtg. OCTILE, adj. vid. Octant. October, s. bcr (ilionat) October, SBeinmonat. OCTODENTATE adj. acbtjdbnig. OCTOFH), adj. /?. T. adlttbcilig. OCTOGENARIAN, 5. bie ac|>t}igjdbrige SPerfon ; bcr ?ldjt$igcr. OCTOGENARY, I. adj. actfytjOJatyrig II. a. bie ad)ti,igjdbnge SPerfon. OCTOLOCULAR,o$anta= ft i fit ; 4. uubcfailllt; to play at even an d— , gcrabe unb unaerabe fptelen; the — irick, bet Xxia (©tit*, iitfv beim SBbift; an — glove, tin finjf liter ^anbfd)ut) ; an — kind of man, tin wunberltcbjr, feltfamet SKcnfcjj ; there's some — money, CS tit nocb etroofl @elt> fibtig ; ten pounds — money, 10/. unb baviiber ; he is four score and—, er ift etlidjC 80 Ullb 3aj)te alt; 'tis — , if he does not do it, tin JBunbcr, roenit cr cs nidjt tbut ; — money, iiber jabl tacS ©db ; — number, bieungerabe 3aWs — page, Tiip. t. bie uugerabe fiolumne [1, 3, 5, U.f. ro.] ; — time or measure, Mas. T. fcer uugerabe £act. oddity, s. 1. bie ©eltfamt'eit, 2Sun= bttltdjtett ; 2. bcr feltfame SWenfcfc. oddness, s. bas Ungetabe ; 2. bie Seitfamfcit, 2i?unbeiiid)feir. odds, s.pi 1. bie Unakidjhctt ^rocicr Singe), SSetfcbiebenbctt, bet Untet- fdjieb ; baa Uugerabe ; bie ungletcbe SfBetfe; unaUicbe Lottie ; 2. uebe u legenbeit, Uebermad)t ; bcr SBottfceil ; 3. ©treit, 8onf; there are great (or long) _ t s tft tin grojicr Untcrfdneb ; some — are on his side, bie 2Bat)V= fcheinlicbjeit tft auf fetner ©cite, tft far ihtt ; on which side do the — lie? wet bat baS Uebcrgeroicbt ? to supply — , DJarbtbcile verguteii; to take the — , vorausbaben, bariibcr fteben ; they are ever at — , fie jaufcit fid) beftanbtfl, ftnb immcr uneinig ; to set at — , unetnig macben, sufam= ntenbeftett; to fall at — , Jutcinio, werben. . ode, s. bcr .jjodjgefang, bte Dbe. odin, 5. Dbin, aBobatt. ODIOUS (ado. — ly), adj. 1. gebafltg. verbajjt; abfcbculicb, baffeusivertb, ba£erregenb ; 2. bent .pane ouSges fcfct; —ness, s. bie ©ebaffigfett, iktbafjtbeit ; Slbfcbculicbfeit. odium, s. baS ©cbaffigc, bcr fiats. odometer, s. bcr Dcomctcr, 23eg= meffer, Scbrittjabler. odontalgic, adj. }u ben 3^»fd;mcr= jeu gebrrig. odontalgy, s. ba$ 3ar>nv»er), ter 3abnfd)mer$. odor, s. ber ©erudi, SSoblgerud) ; bas 9iattd)crroetf, ^parfitm. 0D0RAME.NT, «. bas Stroma, ber SEofiU amid), ftarfe ©erucb ; bas 3iaurhet- werf. odorate, adj. ftarf riecbenb. odoriferous, adj. ftavE ricdjettb j rooblrtecbenb, buftenb ; — ness, s. boS 2Soblricd)cttbe, ber SBoblgerHcb. ODOROUS, vid. Odoriferous. CECONOMIC, GEconomy, CEcumemcal, vid. under E . . . (EDEMATOUS (Edematous), adj. Jit eU ttcm 2Baffergcfd)tvur gebrrig. CESOPHAGUS, s. bie ©yetfetbjjte, bcr ©cblunb. of, prep, von, a\\§, miter ; in ?Iufc= bung, bttrcffcnb, wegen, vcnnit= telft; — me, metntr, »on irtir; — the house, bes fiailfel, VOlt belli fiau= fe ; — Cod, ©OttCS ; a friend — mine, cincrmeiuergrcunbe ; the town (city) — London, bie Stabt Conbon ; — the name . . . , mit DuiniClt . . . ; — small value, von gcttngem SScr= tbc; — no value, olme SBcrth ; the best — all, bet SBcfie itntcr (yon) ?Uicn ; — an ancient family, auS (son) enter altcit gamilie ; — all things, vor alien Singen, fiber S1U««; — aa afternoon, dU cittcilt 2e-2 OFFE gtatfcmfffoge, ceittcS) 9iadbmittagS; ten years — age, jeblt 3obt« alt; — nine months, ncuit ^lonate lang ; — late, undid) ; — old, vor Sllterg, S»ot altcn Seiteit, wcilanb ; — neces- sity, notbmenbigcr SBetfe ; — his great im-rcv. lUlit) fctllCf flVofiCIl ^armbcrsiijfcit;— right, von j)icdite= rpegen ; — set purpose, abficttlid) ; to wish joy — .., ©liicf lviinfcbcn 511 . . ; to die — . ., fterben an. .; proud — .., ftol$ aitf..; to put in mind ■ — .., Cftltncrn ait..; tore- pent — .., bercnen; — itself, von felbji; out — , vid. miter Out. OFF, adv. &■ prep. i. VOlt, ab, tVCi^, fort, bavon ; 2. fcrn(c), lueit, ciitfcrnt, enttegen; 3. batjitt, verloren ; 4. ab= WartS ; 5. jv. 7'. vom Saute ab; far -,voctt h»eg ; how far is it — 1 wie tveit tft CS Von l)icr ? a great way — , febr tveit ; 'tis ten miles — , C3 tft jejn Sicilcurvcit; — at sea, von bcr See au§ ; my clothes are — , i(b bill auSgefleibet; hands — ! bie fianbe n?cg ! — with your hat ! fiitt ab ! to be — , Print. Ph auSgebtucft bai«Jt; to be — with a thins, tibcr ctroa-3 biu= wcg (bavitber binauS) fet)it; to be — from one, nid)t$ mcfir mit 3e= manbem ;u tbmt babeu ; I am — , id) bin bavon; id) niacbe, bo^ tcb fortfomnic ; this affair is—, bamit ift c» auS ; in — , fibel tavan ; well — , in gitfcu Umftaiibenj to be — one's legs, fcbledlt jit Suf>e fc»ll ; to break — , abbrcd)Cit ; to buy one — , eincn beftcdien ; to read — (up) the dance (ball) DOttonien; ben ©all eroffnen; — and on, ab unb ju, balb fo balb fo, itnfdiliifftg, balb gut balb bo« mit Sentaribem fclitl ; to keep one — and on,3cmanbcit (mit bcr §8ejablung, u. f. n.'.) binbaltcn, vcvtrbftcu; to come — , to get — , cnhvifiten, eutfommen ; to go — , boson gchen ; vcrlaffeu ; lo§ gebcit (von Sdjiefigeroebren) ; to put— ,' bin baltcn (mit 33erfurcdutn= gen), vevtroften ; to take — , = mcil; — Portsmouth, auf bcr .OpIh' VOlt -^Portsmouth ; this piece comes — , T. bicp Stitrf ift crliabcn, tritt bcrvor (in ber 2Jialerei unb SSilbs baucrlunft) ; — duty (— service), Mil. Ph. aujsct (iiicbt im) Sieitft ; — eye, baS recbtc ?luge (bes Bifttpfcr= bes) ; —hand. 1. bie reditc 2 cite (beS 9teiter«, befigleicben be8 $fetbeS) ; 2. aus bem Stegtetf, auf bcr ©telle; — reckoning, bie 2lbrcd)uung (; — shoot, bcr 91lt31Vltd)3 ; — side, btC recbte Scite (ctnc3 SRcitpfccbeS). off, int. fort! bjnroeg! weg; To OFF, v. a. — to a man at draughts, vid. To Huff. offal, s. 1. ber Slbfnib. lleberrcft (von Sveifcn) ; 2. baS ©cfvofc, bte jlalbauncn ; 3. bcr SluSttmrf, 3lus= fd)utJ ; Unratl), Sdmitb, bn« 3la8. offence, *. 1. bie Seleibigung ; ba3 Qlcri-jcruip, bcr ?lnftojj ; ffietbtufi; 2. bte ©ntgegenbanblung ; 3. baS 33er= btecben, ste SKif^anblung, 3RifTe= that, ©finbe; 4. bcr Slngtiff; no — ! nid)t-3 fur ttngut! no — I hope, cs nimmt bod) Smemanb iibd ; to give — bclcibigcit; to take — at.., iibd nebntcu (etmaS), ftcb Srgern ubcr. . ; weapons of — , \'lni}vift\nvaficn. OFFENCELESS, adj. uiitt bclcibii]cnb, unanftofiiA ; unfd&ulbtg, fcfculbtos", unfdbabltcp, ^armlos. To < b; b. a- r I . beleibigen ; 2. etiutnen, Srgern, nnfto^ia femi, \\\- mtbet fctMt, mififallcu; 3. fibettre* ten; 4. oerle&en; 5. vcrbrccbcn, miii= banbeln, funbigen : 6. ft* vevfeben, OFF1 vcrgebcr;, fcf)lcn, vcrftoscn ; have done any thing to — you 1 babe ic| 3bnen etloaS 311 Scibe gctbauV to — against.., feblen gegen . . (bie ©cftfce, <£vrad)C, U. f. n).); to be offended at (or with).., aufgebraebj fctin (jfitnen] auf. . , SSnftojj uci)iucit an . . , fid) ar-- gerh fiber ... OFFENDER, .*.bcr SBeleibigct ; ?ina,ret. fev; SBerbrecber, 3)itffetl)atcr, eiin- ber. offendress, .■;. bie SeleibtgettitK ; aSerbrecbcrinn ; aKiffetbatetinn. OFFENSE, fid. Offence. OFFENSIVE, I. adj. 1. auftof'ti]. iribrt'ij, bcfdnvcrlicb: 2. efrlbaft; 3. nad)= thcilig ; 4. beletbigenb, ehvenrubrig ; 5. jum SBngttffe gebprig, angreifenb ; — alliance, bafi 8lngriffS= (Xru^=) SBfinbnif; —arms, pi. Slngrtproap fen ; an — breath, ctit ibelrierbcnbcj ?ltbcm ; H. s. bie Dffeufit'c ; to kee p one's self to the — , augriffsrvcife in SScrfe gcben. offensively, adv. auf cine aufibfii* gc, bcleicigcnbe, toibrige, ecfcll)afte, angveifenbe, u. f. ». 21rt. offensiveness, s. bie Slnftofiigfctf, iDibrigfcit, baS 93clctbigenbe, (frbren* riibrige; gfclbafte. To OFFER, v. I. a. £,- n. 1. bictetl, bar» iuetcn, bavftcilcn, barlegeit ; aubie= ten, nuSbiefen (fBaare, u. f. vo.) an= tragen, fid) erbictcn ; 2. bictcu (in 9lucttonen); 3. oortragen, vorbrin= gen; 4. barbringen, ovfcm, nxiku ; to— for (public) sale, Jltm (offcntli= cbcit) Serfauf auSbieten ; to — out's s, fciucSienfte anbieten; to — violence (to one, eincm) ©eivalt att= tbun; to— wrong, ju SBeleibtgunge M fd;retten ; to — up, o^fern, auf* OVfcrit, barbringen ; offered alliance, bcr .§ciratl)eaiitrag ; offered papei m. E. auegebotenelBrteft; u. ». 1. firb barbictcn, fid) erbietcn, ftii) sct> gen, ftcb jutragen; 2. vcrfudn-it, jtrb unterfangen, fid) lintcrftcbeit, untcr^ ucfimcn, ivollen ; to — to the graces, bie Soilctle maebcit ; she off.-rs to go, fie ivill gebcit ; we offered to land, iv ir vcrfucbtcit 511 Ianbeit. offer, s. 1. bas Stbteten, 3lnerBieten, bet Slntrag ; 2. SJerfttc^, bas Seftrcs ben, Unterfangen; 3 ?lnbot, ©cbot (in 3l«cttoneii), bcr gebotene 5preiS ; M. F.-s. — of (one's) services, baS SDicttftaiicrbieteu ; to make offers, ?!n>- erbietnngen macpen; to make bad offers, fdjledjt bictcu (in ",'luctioncn. ji. f. ro.) ; to make an offer at a thing, fid) cincr Sacbc unterfangen. offerable, adj. aujubictcu ; ;u vy- offerer, s. ber Stnbieter ; Sietenbt ; Tarbictcr, Cvfcrcr. offerlng, s. bcr Slntrag, bas Dyftt ; burnt — , ba3 Sranbopfcr. offertory, s. 1. ber Dpfetgefang : 2. ba§ Cffertorium (ettt 2bcil bet gjJeffe) ; 3. bie £pfetgabc ; bas £-;■* fetn (ro. ii.\ office, s. 1. bcr Ticnft, bas Mmt, ©c* fdiaft ; 2. bcr Sicbcsbieuft, bie ©efaU [tflfeit; 3. bcr ©ottesbicitft; 4. bafl gSmlJtoir, ©fireau, bie Srptbttton jfanjetiti, ©efcbaftsftitbe, 91mtsttube. bas Slusfertigungsjiramw ; mt 9}ntt* bau« ; to be in — , cin ?lmt bef leibcu ; in virtue of my — , frafl »I cu,f | « m " te«; offices, P l. bie ©eunbeftubeit, Slebengcbaube (Stallungen, u. f. ».) ; — keeper, ber 3nb.aber etnc* <$omv* toirs, u. f. ro. ; — pens, pl. gro?l «anjeHei=geberfpuIen. , . OFFICER, s. (a civil — ), 1. ClU Dfftct* OIL OLIV OMNI ant, Seamier; ®etid)t«bienet ; 2. Dfftiier. officered, adj. mil Offijteren oetfes licit ; an army well — ,cilie .'ll'lltCC llttt guteu Offtjieten. OFFICIAL {ado. — ly), adj. 1. itdXtlttt, tin Slmte ftrbcnb; 2. aiiitlidi, son ber SRegtetung bcrriibrenb ; amtSmafitg ; BffentlioJ, offtctell ; fraft 2lmtc« ; 3. btenenb, biculid) (it), ii.) ; to hold an — situation, tin offentltcpefi SHmt 6e= fleibett; — account, bet 3lint8be= ricbt ; —functions, Slllltoflliictioitcit, SlmtSoerrid^tungert; — tour, tic Slmtsretfe. official, *. bet Official, ©telluetftes tet bc3 33otgefe(}fen beteineingetjtlu du-it ©ettdjte; 2Bcil)bifd)of; &t- rtd)l#bienet. OFFICIALTY, *. baS Dfftctalat, 2Jmt etiicS Officials. PFICLATE, v. v. 1, ben 0)otte8= bieitft ocrrid)tcn, bieneii; 2. bic ©teis (e oertreten; officiating, amtfiibrcnb. OFFICINAL, adj. officinal, sum Saben gefjBlig ; — "plants, pi. .<3etlfrautet ; officinals, pi. bic Ulrjciiciroaaren. OFFICIOUS [ado.— ly), adj. 1. bicnflbes fliffcn, bienftfettt'g, t»iHfafjtfg ; 2. ju= brimilid), uotnn&tg, jit gefd)aftig ; — ness, s. 1. bic (jubttngltqje obet octets lige) Dtenflfcrttflfctt ober ®efd)aftigs fcit; 2. bet ©ienfi (n>. ii.). OFFING, s. .v. T-s. bic bobcobcr offcne @ee, bcr ©eetaum, bte ©eetaumte ; tn stand for the — , fcciDiirto ailIiCd,Cll ; a good — , ein gutet 31 li fall (ttenn baS «d)iff feeaattfl gettie6en mttb) ; to hold out in the — , ©ce lialtcn. offscourinu, ». bas .Rcbncbt, bcr Unvati), SHuawutf. OFFSET, s. 1. bie ©totoffe, bev ©JJtofis ling ; 2. M. e. bic ©egenfotbetitng. To OFFSET, v. a. J\I. K. bind) @cgcn= redjnung falbtten. offspring, «. 1. bet SlblBmmling SfcadjfBmmltng, bic .iiiuber, !Jcad)= fommeii; 2. bag (Stjeugnifj ; 3. (5nt= ftchcit. To OFFUSCATE, v. a. OetftnftCflt, Set's bunfetn ; oiruscate, adj. tfcrbuitfclt. oefuscation, *. bic SBerftnfletung, SScrbunfclung ; SUctiebclnng (bcr iditne.) OFFWARn, adv. abwarfS, abgcfcgcn ; jv: t. nacb bcr ©ec ju, feewartS. OFT, Often, adv. Off, BftetS, {jaufig ; never so oft, llOd) fo oft ; not often, tucfct oft, fcltctl;often-times (oft-times), oftmal8, oft. ogdoastich, «. ba8 act) tgetlttje ©c= bicbt (W. ii.). OGEE, s. Arch. T. ba8 OfjrgeluBtbe ; — mouldings, bte «§of)ifeblo{nicriin= fltn, 2Bellen; —plane, bcr geijietls occr .. ii.). OLERACEOUS, adj. gemiifcaliiiltd), fraittartig. To OLFACT, v. a. riccben, fdimccfcn. OLFACTORY, adj. sum (Mcnidi ge6B= rifi obet btenenb ; ben Ojcrudifiitn b.i= beilb; — nerves, pL bic 0) cvttd;jticr= yen. OLID, OLLDovB,adj ftinfenb (\v. i\.\ OLIGARCHICAL, a*', oligatcbifci), »on SBentgen bcbcrrfitt. OLIGARCHY,* bie 0!ia,ard)ic. I (LH >, S. vid. Oolio. OLTTORY, i. adj. 511 etnem i?iid)engat= ten get)8rig; IL *. bet Jcitdieihtarten. oliva ceou s, \ wij. olt»enfat6en, oltvaster, s waitngelo. OLIVE, s. bie Ottoe, Cclbecrc; — or — tree, bcr Oelbaum ; — bit, baS Dliyeitfjcbift ; — branch, ber Dels jmeia, ; — branches, fig. pi. ,«iubcf ; — cavy, bcr Slfufcbi; — colour, bic Dliucufavbe; —prove, ber Oltoeits l;aiu ;—husks, pi. bic Oeltvcftcr, Del* brufen; — oil, baS DlinenBt, fam SaumBl; — season, bteOlioenetntc Oelernte, Dellefe : —shell bteOli* ocnroaljc, battel (cine S iiiccfcm art); — snail, btl ilMirh.itev, tie Heme bebedtc SBaffetfcbnerie ; — \v I, bad Cliveilbolj; — worm, bcr DIt»em»utm; —yard, bet Oelgatten. OLTVED, adj. mit Cclbanmcn ucviiert. Oliver, ». Olt»tet (iKannSname). Olivia, s. Olivia (grauennante . olivine,*, ber Dltoin, priflmatifdje yulfaiiifcbc, bafaltifcbe (^brnfolitl-. olympiad, 1 tic Dlmtt»iabe. 1 1LYMPI \.\, ) adj. ol'.nuyifd) ; Jig- OLYMPIC, y bimmlifcb ; — gi bie cliiinvt'ebcit Sptele ; blue, betg* blau; — green, baes feinfh ikrgs gtutt. OLYMPUS, ». bet CliMr.r ; /_•-. .^ims imi. ( IMBRE (Omeer),«. (ba«) S'b oin ^ re c '' :1 ^attenfptel). 1 »mbr< (METER, s. t bcr SRegenmeffer. OMEGA, s. b>\o Omega ; fig. b«5 (ji^e. OMELET, a ber <*icrfudicit ; —stam- per, tcr ^faintenfiidicit, tie iOolfeiis bacfe (cine 2Jtufd)elarr, Gmus buiia- tus). omen, .?. baSOnten, 3lnjeidjen, tit 83otbebeutung, OMENED, adj. yorbebcutcub, rociffa= genb. OMENTUM, 8. .1. T. bic ?lctjl)aut, b,v3 Sfleft. OMER, s. ber .£>omcr (ein jiibifd)e3 DOMINATE d. a.* n. t'orbebcuten, aubcutcit, bctciuen, meiffagen;al)nen, ycrniutbeu (W. it.). OM1NATION, 5. tie aSorbcbeutung (v» ii.). OMINOUS (adv. — ly), adj. l>orbctci: = tenb, toeiffagenb ; — ness, *.ba8 33ot* bcbciitciite, SBeiffagenbe. OMISSION,*, i. bieUntetlaffung, SSets fjtumung; 2. 9Ju«laffung, Ueberge= Oung, ba8 £Oerfet)en (tin SJiecbnen, (£dirciben,n. f. ».) ; sin of — , Tk. T. bic Untetlaffungdfunbe. OMISSrVE, adj. auelaffenb, iibcr.jcbenb. t.i o.Mn', o.a. 1. auSlaffeu, ubergeben. iibcrfeben: 2. nntetlaffen, oetffitis men, oeruadjldfftgen. OMNIBUS, *, cine '.Hrt grofer SBagen, roelebe 1>crfonen sou etnem JCbetlf bet ©tabt turn anbetn fasten (in ?on» bonunb ^Jari3). OMNIFARIOUS, adj. Bon allertei Slrt. OMNLFEROUS, adj. -JllksS tragritb Obet bei'yorbriitejeiib. • OMNDjIC, adj. Sflllefl maclieub, aDfd>5p« fettfd). OMNIFORM,o47. aUgejialfef, von alien ©eftaltctt. OMNDTORMITY, ». bic ?lfliieflaltbcit. OMNIGENOUS, adj. oonatlen ','lvten. OMNIPARITY,* bieallgemeine C)lcid)» licit. OMNIPERCIPIENCE, .--. bic ?llln.ntk» nebinung. ( immi'i (TENCE [— cy), 8 bic ^lllmacbt, OMNIPOTEN V(adv.—L?),adj.attma$* Mg. i (MNTPRESENCE, s. bie SUUgcgenwart, OMNffRESENT, ( adj. V.llgcgen* ONNffRESENTIAL, ) tOatttg. OMNISCIENCE Ommscxbncy), s. bit 5llhviffciibeif. OMNISCIENT, adj. alhuiffenb, intents lieb, tveifc. OMNIUM, .s tic ben StaatSglauDtgetfl al« lluterpfanb angetoiefenen i s( c« fainmtfiainmgelbet bed StaatSfcbas IKS ;— gatherum, lad, Witt burrbriu» bee. •2S3 ONE OMNIVOROUS, adj. 2llleS freffcnb, all= uerfdHingcub. OMOPLATE,*. a. T. baS edjultcvblatt. OMPHALOCELE, adj. s. A. T. ber 3U- bclbrud). OMPHALOPnc, s. Opt. t. baS cutfett* glas, bic Stnfc ON, I. prep. A- adv. Clt; to bring forth young ones, Suttge tDCrfctt, becfen ; a —dollar note, cine cintt>d= lerige SanlttOte; a — horse wagon, ein ©infpanncr; — berry, bie (§in= beerc, 2Bolf^becre (Paris quadrifoUa — /,.); —blade, baS (Sinblatt, flciuere 2)Jaibliimd)cn ; — edged, B. T. nur cine jlattte tjabettb, einfantig ; —eyed, ctuaugig ; — handed, ciut)anbi b ONEIROCRITIC (— cal), I. adj. Jltr 3Iu«lcgung bcr Sraitme gcf)orig, traumbcutcrifd) ; II. s. 1. ber £ranm= bcufcr; 2. bie Srattmbeuterei. ONEIROMANCV, s. bie ajjciffaguttg aits SEtfiumen. oneness, s. bic Ginfjeit. onerary, adj. 2aften ju trageit, Iafi= bar. To onerate, v. a. bclabcn, belafti= gen, bcfd)»erett. oneration, s. bie 33elabung, Scla= ftiguttg, s -Bcfd)rocruug. onerous, adj. liiftig, brittfcnb, be= fcbaierlid). onion, s . bic 3n>iebel. ONLY, I. adj. ctnjig ; If. adv. alleitt, blo^, nur; not — , nidjt alleitt j it was — known to him, C§ war ltltr tb,m befanut; — begotten, bcr @iujigge= borne; Th. T. (Stttgeoorue ; — bill. M. E. ber (£ola=aBed)fel, eigctte ober tvodfene 2Bed;fel. onomancy, s. baS IBa^rfagcn auS bent SHantcu. ONOMANTICAL, Onomantic, adj. a\l8 bem s Jlamen wciffagcttb. ONOMATOPOEIA, s. bie Ditomatopbie, jtlangttad)at)muug, bcfoubevS bcriJla^ turlaute. onset, s. bcr 3Infafe, Stnfall, 9lngriff ; to give an — , etttctt 2Ittgriff tb^un. onslaught, s. bcr 2litgriff, Sturm, SlttfaU. ontologist, s. bcr Dntolog, Mcta-- cbvfifer. ontology, s. t. bie Dntologie, 2Be= fettleb,re. onward, l. adv. oonvarts, oorattS, wetter; n. adj. 1. v>orroiirtSgcfc^rit= ttn; 2. geforbert; 3. Iciteub; wcit; directly — , gcrabe fort; to come — , Ijerbci fommcu. ONWARDS, adv. vid. Onward. ONYCHA, s. bcr £m\)x. ONYX, s. berDni));, Dnl)d)ftetn; — shall, bie blaue ^orjeUattfcbitccfc, bcr blaue Sd?laugeu£opf (cine 3JJiifd)d). oolite, *. bcr Dolit^, ©rbfett* ober Scogenfteitt. OOZE, s. 1. ber Slbffufj, 3(u§[anf ; 2. acfen ; to — the poem, bag ©cbicbt aufangcu ; j\iu. t-s. to — the trenches, bie Saufgraben cvbffuen, bffnett ; to — the files, bie ©liebcr off= lieu ; to — the campaign, belt ^elbgUg Ciofftteil ; M. E-s. to — an account, ein ©onto eroffnen ; to — a credit with one (in any one's favour).3cmaub bei cilteitl Written 6rebit augmirfen, iijn accrc bttircn ; to — (a pack, a cask, a case,) (eitt ^acfet, eingafi, eine Jliite) au§= ipaicn ; II. n. 1. fid) offucn, aufgcl)cu ; fid) auftf)tttt, aufbliibcH; 2. Sp. E. bettcn, aufri;lagen; to — upon any one, eincn aulfopimpfcu. OPEN (adv.— ly), adj. 1. offen; 2. Hop, unbcbccJt, ftei; 3. blop* geftellt ; 4. untcr offenem ©iegel ; 5. bffentlid) ; 6. offcttbar, flar, (jell, augcufd)cin=> lid) ; 7. offenberjig, frcimutl)ig, auf= rid)tig, gcrabe; 8. frei t;craug; 9. beitcr; in the — air, in ber frcieil 8ufr, untcr freiem ^iintnel; with — arms, mit Offnett 5lrmett ; with an — breast, mit offenem, unbebecftem Su« fen ; in — court, offentltd) yor ®c= vid; t ; in the — street, auf offcntlicbcf n ; to set — , to throw — , offttcn ; M. E-s. — account, bie laufenbe (ober offettc) 3ied)nuiig ; to have an — account with .., in Dtecb- nttng mit . . ; — country, eitt offence, ttnbefeftigtciS 2anb ; ein ebe= ue8 2aub ; — credit, bcr laufenbe (ober SLilauco=) (Srcbtt; —debts, Ii» quibe ie ©fbfftutnggrcbe. openness, *. 1. bie Dffenbcit, Offen* ferjfgfett; 2. .Rlarbeit, Scutltcbfeit. OPERA, s. bic Oper ; — glass, baS Sbe* OPPO OPTI ORB aterperfpcctio ; col. bcr Dpcrngucfcr ; — house, ba3 DpernbauS. To OPERATE, v. l.n. 1. in 2Birffam= fett trctcn, reirfcn, SBirfung habcn (— on .., auf . .) ; 2. S.T. operircn, fcpneibcn, fted)cn ; il. a. beroirten, »erurfad;cn. GPE11ATICAL, Operatic, adj. OpcriU matSig, juv Dper gcborig. OPERATION, s. 1. bte SBtrfunfl; 2. SBirrTantleil; 3. MS (0efcbaft:3=) Uu= tcrnc()mcn, tie Unterucbmiing; 4. Serfabrunaflart, 33crricbtung ; 5. bet cbemifebe ^jrojep ; 6. & ej-JiM. 7'. bie Operation; in — , in S^fitfgfeit ; — s of exchange, J)/. £. 23ed;fclopera= tioncn. operative, r. adj. roirffam, Iraftig, tbatig; ir. 5. bcr iguiubarbeiter, ga= brifarbeiter; — masonB, SBerfinaurer. OPERATOR, s. 1. ber .panbarbeitei ; 2. 23unbarjt, £kud;fd;ucibcr j '$at)n= «Jt. OPEKCULATE, Opercllated, adj. jB. T. ciueu SDecfcl babenb. OPERCULIFORM, adj. li. T. bccfcl* fbrnitg. OPEROSE, adj. arbettfant; nriibfam, fkijiig, fauer, mtibfclig ; — ness, ». bie SELrbettfamfeii, S^fittgEcir, Unuer= broffenbeit. OPHIUCHUS, .5. .1st. T. bcr £>artuacf igfeit, ber etarrfiim. OPINIONED, adj. befonbcrn SDWnungcn enhaugenb. OFINIONIST, s. bcr bartnacf igc SJZettfd^. OPIUM, s. MS Opium, jJRognbar}, ber aWobufaft. OPOBALSAM, b. bcr arabifdjc Salfam (OOU Amyria opobalsamutn — /..). OPODELDOC, s. Med. T. cine ?lrt fli'ld)* tiger (©id;t=) utfe madjen, beftveiten ; 4. gegeuiiber ftcllcn, barftellcn, jcigen. OPPOSER, «. 1. bcr ©egner, 3Biber= farbcr, Beinb ; 2. 9ccbeiibubler, 3JJit= rocrbcr. OPPOSITE [adv.— Mr), I. adj. 1. gcjieiu iibcr (geftellt ober liegenb) ; 2. mU gegenjefefct, roiber ftrettenb ; v.s. 1. bas ©egeniiberliegenbe, bie ©egen= fcite ; MS (Sntgegengefetite ; 2.' bcr Qeinb, ©egner, opponent ; in — ex- tiemes, entgegengefeftte (Srtreme, opposcraarass, s. tic ©eaenfeite, bas ©ntgegengefeftte; ber Sjfiiberftaub. opposition, s. 1. ba-3 ©egenubets ftcbett; 2. ber SBibcrfprurb, bie 33e= ftreitung, (Sutgcgenfc^ung, SEBiber? fcljuitg, bcr SBiberflcinb, 2Biber= fprud) ; 3. bie aisiberfprccbciifcn ; ©egcttpartet, Dppofttton ; 4. bcr ©cgeufaij, bie iicrfdjicbcubcit, Un» vcrtraglidjfctt; 5. Ast. T. ber 0c= gegenfepein. OPPOSITIONIST, a. bcr ^tir Oppofitton (©cgeupartci) ©ebbn^c ( il'i'i (SITIVE, adj. entgegen 511 fictlcn. To OPPRESS, v. a. brucfcii, bebriicfen, qualen, unterbriicfen, unterjod;cn, iibcnvaltigcu. oppression, 8. 1. bie SBebrflcfung, Unterbrucfung ; 2. bcr Truer'; 3. bie Seflemmung, Slbfpannung, Sftieber= gcfd)lagcubcit, ©rfeblaffung ; 4. 58c= braugnip, bas (5'lenb. OPPRESSIVE [adv. — lt), adj. briirfenb, bctrudcttb, graufam; itberroalti= gent ; —ness, b. bad Triicfeube, Se« briierenbe, bie ©eflemmung, u. f. to. oppress! >r, g, bcr SDebriicfer, Oualer, Unterbriicfer. OPPROBRIOUS ado — L7),ad/.fcf;impf= lid), fcbmablicb, fduiitrlidi ; fcbnniit= belaben ; —ness, ». bie 5d)imflicb= feit, ©cpmablicbfeit, Sdi-inrlidjfcit. opprobrium, s. bcr Sfbtinpf, bie ©<$madj, 5d;anDc. TbOPPUGN, v. a. bcitrcitcn, bcfam= pfcu, augreifen. OPPUGNANCY, s. bcr Sibcrfiaub, jlampf. OPPL'GNER, s. bcr 3?cfticitcr, ©egner, Slngreifer. OPTatio.v, s. ' bcr ?lu*brncf cincS SBunfcbeS/ ba3 33erlangen, S3eget;= ten. OPTATIVE, I adj. roiinfdicnb ; ju lvuufcbcn (is. \\.i ; II. — , or — mood, 8. Gram. T. bcr OptattS (bit Uuiu= febcube att). OPnc, s. 1. bafi 3cbovcrfu'ng, ?Iugc; ©eberobt; 2. optics, ». pi. bie Optif, Vidulcbi'c, Se^ewtffenfcpaft. OPTIC, iadj. 1. pptifd), jiim ©e« OPTICAL, J ben gcborig ; '.'. bteSicbt* lebre betreffcub • — nerves, ./. T tie Sebnervcii. DJ \\. s. bcr DptifuS, Cptifcr. OPTIMACY, a. ber Slbel, bie SorneB* men, SHrtjtotiaten ; 3lrtflofratie. iisM. t . bcr ' DptimiSmufl, bie Vchrc, taf; in bcr SSBell SttUefl auf bafl ©ejie angcorbnet ii't. optimi rv, a. bcr 3:tftaub brt Seftctt, baS ©efie. OPTION, 8. bie frcic) W&0, MS 2Bablrcdit: she ha.l lipr (it waslefl at her) — , fie baitc b'e 33abl optional, aa ber 2Ba!;l ubcrlaffi X roablfrci. OPULENCE (Opt-LENCY, w. ii.i, s. bal (flrofje) 93ermbgen, bcr 3tcicbtbum, llebcrflup, SEoblftane, tie ii. ; oblta= benbeit. OPULENT, adj. wcblbcgiitcrt, »ttm5» genb, woblbabenb, rcicp ; — ly, adv. reieplid), im Ucbcrfluffe. OPUSCULE, i.basaSerfeben, bie fleine fugelforinig, fphdrtfd; ; 2. umgeben. ORBICULAR (adv. — ly), adj. EretSf8t= intg, vunb ; — ness, s. btc iftreiSffir* mtgfett, SHiinbe. ORBICULATE, Orbicoxated, culj.hdS- fbrmig, gerfinbet, runb. ORBICULATION, s. bag Ocr iiiibctfcv) n, tic Sftunbe, Sftunbung. ORBIS, *. vid. Orb(fish). orbit, s.U bic (Jtreis=) SOafm ctncS •iSimmelgforpcrg, ber .ft'rcig ; bag ©lets ; 2. orbits, pt .?. 7'. bic 2litgert= bpblctt. orbital, a. ii.>. ORBY, a<(/. ea/. Orbicular. ORC, s. i'«i Ork. orchal, Orchkl, s. ber 3Betnfteitt. orchanet, e. bic rorr)e Dcbfenjunge (Anchusa tinctoria — L.). orchard, s. bee SBaumgarfeit, Dbfi= garrcn ; bic ^aumfc^ule (fitr juuge Dbftbaumc) ; — grass, bits SBraut* graS. ORCHARDING, *. hit SBaums (Dbft=) ©arteitcultur, Dbftjucjjt. orchardist, «. bcv bie Dbjtgartctu cultur treibt. ORCHELL (Orchilla Weed), s. bie Drfcille, ftraucbartige tvavbcvflcd)fe. ORCHESTRA, Orchester, 1. bag Dr= djcftcv ; 2. bic auf bent Orcfjeftcr be- ftnblidje JEon!un(ilers@efeUfcjaft. orchestral, adj. bag Drcr)efter be* rreffenb. ORCHIS, s. bag itnabenfraur ; little purpie-tiowered — , bag Bwerafttaten* fraut ; man — , baS belmarttge Jtttn= beitfraut ; male-handed — , bag ljailb= fotmtge^ttflbetthaut ; female-handed — , bag geflecffe Jtnabenfraur ; — rose, bag ftcifrbrotfie Jluabcnfrauf. To ordain, v. a. l. anorbnen, »cr= prbttcn; 2. beftimmeu, befcoltcfieit ; 3. prbiitircu, einfefeen, aitftclleu; to — a law, cilt ©efcij geben. ORDAINABLE, adj. JU ovblten, etttJUs ricfytcn. ordaixer, s. ber 9lttorbner, Sefcr)ltc= fieubc, Orbiitimtbe, u. f. to. ordeal, s. bag ©otreSurtbeil, bic \\\\- frijulbsprobe ; (fire — ), geucrprobc, (water — ), S^affcrpvobe; — by com- bat, bag ®otteggerid)t buret) "3wci= fampf. ORDER, *. 1. bic Drbitung; 2. 3Scr= orbnung, Drbcr, ber 93efet)f, bag ©chcip, ®ebot ; 3. ber 2luftrag, bic Seftefiung, Sommifjton; 4. 3n= ftruction, ber SHerhalrunggbefebl; 5. Sieferunggfcfcein ; fi. bie Slnroetfung, 3lffIgnafton ; 7. (Sinricjjrung, SJtegel, SBorfrfcrift: 8. 2)}ajjrcgcl, ©itte, Wcmcbubcif; 9. bag 2J}tttel, bcu Bwccf, bie 3lbftd)t; 10. ber [Rang, ©taub, Drbcn ; 11. bie reliaiofe ©ruberfdjaft; 12, Slaffe, 9kil;e; 13. Arch. t. bie ©auTenorbnung ; the higher (lower) orders, bie l)51)CVCr. (ttutcrctt) Slaffen; holy — s, s. pi. ber geiftticbe ©tattb, bie gcifilidjc SSuts be ; — sof (cber in) council, (Specials JRegierunggs (obcr 6abinct«=) 93c= fel)[e ; to give — s (about), beflellen ; — ofsaiiiup, tcr SBefe^I untev Scgel JU gebcu ; —of succession, bic '?ittm = 23r, merfotge; —of words, bie SBortfoI* gc ; ber 3ufnmmenbang ; — of a building, ber 9ii|J fines ©ebaubeS; i shall take — about it, tcf) lvcrbe bafi'tr forgcn ; to confer — s, prbiuirctt ; to take — s, tit belt gcifHiebcit @t««b tretcn, fteb^ crbinircit laffcit ; in — to . . , tint . . utt; out of — , in ltttotb» mmg ; nid)t njobl, unpaft ; my watch is out of — , mcine lltjr gebt uidit (ricfttig); — arms! Mil. Ph. ©cnjcbr bcillt «ltB ! M E-s. conformably to — , nad) 3>orfd;vift, ber Sorfebvift ge- mofi; in — , abgemacfcr, regultrt; in good —, gut tint Jeojjlbeljalien ; to be in — , iibcmiifttmmcii, t it Drb= ttitug gebett ; to put in — , iu Orb= rung brittgeu, orbnen ; up.-m (ober by) — of... tin Sluftrage (aitf Drber) »mt . . ; to the — of . . , ait bie Dr= ber ooit . . ; — book, ba8 Sommtfft= ciisbueb.. To ORDER, v. a. $■ n. 1. Pt'bltClI, Cltt? orbnen, eiitvid)ten, beftimmeu, in Drbitung briugeit; 2. oerorbnen, he= fchlen, gebieteu ; 3. 9tuftragc geben, bcftdlei't, aufgeben, verfebrciben, .w e. commtttirett ; 4. in Drbnung fia[= ten, rcgicrcit ; jitc^tigen ; to — back, M. e. einrufcit (SBaarcit jurucHom= melt Iafjctt) ; we were ordered, tutt evbicltcn Q3cfcb,t; order the coach, Ia9 anfpauucit, vcrfabrcn; to — up, ()er= auftomntcn obcr bcrbcirufeit laffen; well ordered, ropblgeot'bnct. ORDERER, s. ber 'Jlnpvbncr, ©ebicter. ORDERING, s. ba8 5lupvbuen, bie (5iu= riebtuug ; baS iu-febleu, ©ebot. ORDERLESS, adj. uuprbeiittieb, rcgct= 1p«. ORDERLINESS, .ic 9fegctmaf;igfeit, Drbcntlietiteir, Drbitung. ORDERLY, adj. <$■ ado. 1. rcgclmafiig, rcgetrcd)t, mcfbpbifd) ; 2. prbcutticb, befebcibeu, ftttfam ; Mil. T-s. — book, ba§ 53ud), in rpclrbes bie Unterofft= cicrc bie SSefefyle eintragen ; — man, ber DrbPtiatufplbat ; — officer, ber t it = fpicirenbe (Orbonattj=) Dfficicr; on — duty, aufDrbonnnj. ordinal, I. adj. bie Drbitung bctrcf= feub, obcr beseiebnenb ; — number, bie Dvbnuug^abl; II.*. baS Drbt* nale, 3tcgclbud), 3(itttat. ordinance, .«. bic Dfbonaut, S3ev= orbnung, iUn-fdirift, ba3 ®efe(j ; bie 3Icgct, 93eflimmung. ORDINARY (.ado. — ilt), l.adj.1. 0t= bcntlieb, rcgclmafiig ; 2. gemphnlid), gcbrauditid) ; 3. gemcitt, niebrig ; niebt auSgejeiclJncr, tttrfjt fdipn ; an — fellow, ein gemeincr SJJeiifd); — debts, $yucbfd)'ulben ; — sailors, Sea long. SDJatrofen mtt gcivpbulidiem So^n, (illt ©egeitfafeC 51t able sailors 1 ; II. s. 1. ber orbcittliebe, feftc Seftfc, ba« ^cftimntte ; 2. rcr gctoptmlidic 3cid)tcr, »ifd)of,2Beibbifd)Pf; gaps Ian ; (— of Newgate), ®cfauguiilprc= bigcr, ©algcupatcr; 3. ber SPortts pn«prci«; 4. baS SpcifcbaifS, bie ©atfi'td)e; ber 20trtt>*ttfrf>, bic 2Birt[)Stafct; chaplain in — , ber .^auScaplait, -^ofcaptan, prbcutliebe >&ofprebigcr ; ambassador in — , ber aiefibent (®efc^aftstrager tit fremben .Piatlpftabtcn) ; physician in — , ber SJeibarjt ; ships in — , aufgetegte Sdiiffe, @ev»itutfa6tjeuge. ORDINATE (ado. — ly), I. adj. rcgct= mafiig, orbenttieb, ; 11. s. a r. bic Dvbinatc, i!crpenbifular=2iuic auf bcr^ldifc eincr jfurw. ordination, *. 1. bic SBerorbnung, SBeflimmung ; 2. DrbiuatiPit, ^vic= ftenvcibc, fiutfeljung. ordinative, adj. bcfJimntcnb, SPs* fcijle gebcttb, auprbucub, oerotbnenb, ORDNANCE, s. baS fdnuere ®cfdnilj. bie SvtiUerie; a piece of — . eiltt jtanone; board of — , ba§ SHrttUerie» collegium; odice of — , baS 5lrtiHej viebiireau unb 3eug^au8 (im Sotoe- Jit Sotlbon) ; — debentures, SlltVOeii fungcit beg SStrtiHeriecoIlegiumg juv SBejab/Iung ber 35orrat[)c, u. f. \v. ffu baffelbe. ORDONNANCE, *. T. bic ?Iitorbnuna ber Sbcile (in ber 3JiaIerei). ordure, s. ber Unfiatf), Jlotb, 2J2ifi, ©djinu^, Tung. ore, s. bag 61-5, 3JJetatt; dry — , bvii- djigcJ (5'rj ; hard — , frocfttcg i$x' y oread, s. bie Scrgnmitpbc. ORGAL, s. vid. Orchal. organ, s. 1. ba« Drgan, SBerfjeug ; Siuu=, pMgeinul[) (Origanum — E.). orcanzine, s. bie Drganftufeibc. orgasm, s. Med. t. bie 2Battung, flies geiibe .OSttjc. orgeat, s. ber ®erftentranf. ORGEIS, s. ber geborrte ^rtprffifdi. ORGIES, bag iSacchugfeft, bic Dr= gten. ORGUES, s. pi. 1. bag Sallgatter mil cifevucii ©pifeeu; 2. bic Jlavrcubiidi= fe, EEobtenorgel. ORICHALCH, s. bag 33?cffiitg. oriel window, s. bag @allcric=, u. f. tt>. (I)aufig buittc ®lag=) Scufter. orient. 1. adj. 1. aufgcbcttb ; 2. Bffr I i d), v i e u f a I i fd), morgenlanbi fd) ; J . pradifig, ftrablcnb, glanjenb; II. «. ber Dt'ieut, SKorgen, Dftcn, bag 3Wor< genlanb. ORIENTAL, I. adj. pvtcuta tifrb, ntor» genlaubifd) ; II. s.ber 3JJorgenlaiiber, Driuttale. orientalism, s. ber Dricntaligntug bie morgenlattbifdje -Spradieigeuhcit orientalists. berDneutalc ; Mau iter morgenlaiibifdjer ©prac^en. ORIFICE, s. bie Deffnuug, bag Sod), 3Jiunblodj ; — of the stomach, bei SKagenmunb. oriflamb, s. bie Driftaiumc. ORIGAN, s. vid. Organy. origenism, «. bie Sebrc beg Drtgenes ORIGENIST, s. ciu 2luf)aiigcf ber Seft< beg Drigciteg. origin, s . ber Urfprung, Slnfang, bi< Duellc. ORIGINAL {ado. — ly), Ladj I. Otigi-i licit ; 2. un'pi'uuglidi. urfdn-ifrlieb, ur* bilblid), ureigen, urroefentlidJ, etgen* tbiunlid) ; —sin, bie (Srbfitnbe, llr< fiiubc; 11. .t. 1. bag Original, bic Ur« fd)t-ift, ber Urtcrt bag itvbilb llnvc ORTH fen ; 2. bet UtjVtung,'2lnfang, bic Dnclle. ORIGINALITY, )«. 1. bte Urfprung* ORIGIN ALNESS,! liitfrit; 2. ltra= genbeit, (iigentb,iintlid)feit, Origina* Mat. ORIGINARY, adj. 1. Urfpriittglicfc, Mrs anfanglicb, urerft ; 2. rjetoorbttngenb (W. fij. To ORIGINATE, o. i. a. bctt Urftyrung gcben, bcvuovbviitgen ; H. n. entfptitu gen, cnrftebcu. ORIGINATION, a. 1. bic :er(te) fier»or= bringung, bcr Urfpwng, Uroeginn; 2. bic Sloflaminung, ^evlettung. 0R1LLON, s. fbri. baa Orillon, bic mute (5'cfe (an einem SoUroerfe). ORIOLE, «. bev SJSjtngjtvOgcl, Jcirfd)= Mgel. ORION, e. Ast. t bet Dtion (cin @c= fttrn). ORISON, ». baa (mfinblicbel ®ebet. okk. 8. bet iJlorbcaDer, 2tuvmfifcb, SBufefopf; biie Seeungefjeuet. ORKNEYS (Orkney Islands), s. /aartunftlcr, gotf* feur. ornamented, adj. gejiert, gefdjmud;! ; — letter, Typ. T. fin ntufivtcv (»er= |iertet) iUicbftabc, 3tevbucl)ftabc. ORNATE {ado. —i.y), mlj. gcjicvt, gc= febmueft, febott, bevvlid) ; — ness, «. bic jierltcbEcir, giet be\ ornature, s bic SJietbe, SBergietung, bev Scbmitcf, 3ierratb (,». ii.). ORNISOOPICS, 4 - pi. Bid, Ornithomancy. ORNISCOPIST, s. bcr Sogelfdjauet, SBafjrfager aug bev ikobad)tuiig bcr S88gel ( 0RN1TH0LITE, s. bcr ucrftcincric 93o- gel. ORNITHOLOGIST, s. bcr Orninjolog, SBogelfenner, SBogelfunbige. ORNITHOLOGY,*, bic Dtnitbelogie, JtenntniS obet Ucatunicfdiiditc see SBogel. 0RN1TH0MANCY, ». bafl SSabrfageit au8 bev SBeobacbrung bev SBijgel. ORPHAN, I.*, bev, bit- SBatfe; u. ad/ Derroaifet; — like, roie oenvaif't. orphanage ?*• bev SBaifenjtanb, bie ORPHANISM, > 33crroaifnng. orphaned, adj. Derroaifet. ORPHANOTROPHY, s. bag SBaifens baits. ORPHICaaj. orpbifdi. ORPIMENT, s. ba? Cpevmcnt, ?iurU pigment, bev iguttenraiich ; — red, vii. Realgar. ORPINE s. ba8 SSltnbfraut, ,fiuabcn= fraut, bic fcttc .gicnnc {Sedum telephi- nm — /,.). ORRACH, s. rid. Orach. orrery, .*. ba« Orrery. ORRIS, s. 1. bcr Sc$roertel (/»•»»— i.) ; 2. bic Incite 0olb= obev iilbcvtvcffc. ORTHODOX [adv. — Ly), adj. OrftobOt, ted)tglaubig ; —ness, s. bag Dtt^p* bore, ^cdiiglaubiijc. OSTE ORTHODOXY, s.bieCrtf>oboric,31crf)t= glaubiflfeit. ORTHODROMICS, ». pt.JT. T. bic.DRi tMY, ^. bag Eegelil in a,cra= bev 9%td)tuug. ORTHOEPIST, g. berDrt&oepifr, I'cbvcr bee (ridjtigen) SlugfVradje. ORTHOEPY, ». bie Drffioepic, 2cf;re »ofl bcr iiidnijcii) 3lugfvrarbe. i >rthi igm >N, «. o. t. bic recbttstiirttge gigut. ORTHOGONAL [adn. — lt), adj. O. T. red)trointelig, fcitfvcdu, wagcrecbt. ORTHOGRAPHER, s. bcr Cvtboajavb, SRecbtfc^reiber. ORTHOGRAPHICAL f— ic, ado. — cal- ly), adj. ortbograpoifeb, febrcibriebs tig ; geomeirifaj aufgeriffen. ORTHOGB \i'nv. s. I. bie Orf6ogra= pbie, Sftccbtfcbrctbung ; 2. berjlufri^ (nad) bev (yvbcbiiua, iibcr bem ^oris jonte), Statibviff. orthology, «. bic rid)ttge Befdjreis Initio bev S'iitgc. ORTHOPNY.s. Med. T t<[i fd'ivcvc niir in anfrcfbtcr SteQuug moglicbei 9Ubcntf)oIen. ORTIVE adj. Ast. T anfgcbcitb, \\\ bent Slufgange cincg StcrncS ge^5rtg. ORTOLAN, ». bcr Ortolan, JUn ; iifiiif, bic Actrantiucv. ORTS, s. pi. + bev Ucbcvvcft, bic llcbcr-- bicibfd, SBrocfen, SJieigen, Slbgfingfel. ORVAL, s. bie Scbavlci, vbniifdjc SoU bci [Salvia horminium — L.). OSCHEOCELE, s. S. T. ter .giobon: bntdt. To i isijillate, v. n. fid) frbwtngen, og= cillircn. oscillation, s. bic DsctUation, ©cbtotngung. OSCILLATORY, adj. fcbuMiigcnb, fdtaiu fclnb, febtvanfeub. OSCITANCY, i s 1. bagOKiblieil; 2. OSCITATION. \ bie Scblaftvuiltcn= bcit; 3larbl«fftgfeit ( fErag^eit. OSCTTANT [adn.— ly). adj I. iiabncub ; 2. ungeroofjnlicb fctilafiig ; itage, nacblaftui. 0SC1 LATION, s o T. bic 33cvu^rung jroifeben einet Sur»c uub iijrent bc= riibrenben Jlreife. OSCULATORY,orfj. — point, r, V bcr ^cvubvuinvHHiiitt (rtner (Mirvc nut ibvcni beriiferenben Jtreife). ( i>ii:i:. « bie Sanbweibe, JtotBwetbe. OSMAZOME, .-■. bev wfirjige ®runb= c9car)iuiiQ6-) ©toff bea (:)itiib=) glei* frfjee. OSMUND, s. I. DSrmmb (5Dfann8nci= me ; 2. baS blfifjenbe Sarnfraut, tie foniglicbe Dgmuube, ber Sfflafferfarn. osn \i ORG, 9 (bic Srabr) OJnabrficf. OSPRAY, s bev ilicevablcv, 3i|'*at = lev, 83ein6rccbcr (Faico tiaifragus OSSELET, s. Sp. T. cin fnpcf'cnartigcg ®cn)cicb8 an bcr iuiicnt ecile bcr .Knice einefi SJJferbeS. ( issi.i lis, adj. Fiicdn-vii, bcincrn. ossicle '-bag ©eiucben, Jtn5cbtl= dun. OSSIFIC, adj. Bcrfn3cbetnb, ossn'iCATiON, ». bic aSerfnBc^ernnfl. 0SSD7R \r.v.. », aid. Ospray. To nssirv v. I. a. rerfiiodicvii ; II. n. fuodievii roerben. ossivorous, adj. .^nodicii frejfeub. OSSU \i;v. .s- bag ©etn^auS. ost, s. bic (3JJaIj= ober .Oc-vfeii=) !£arre. OSTENSIBIIJTY, ». bie KcBetnBatfett. OSTENSlBl E, adj jcigbar, borjeiflbar, |eigcn#roertb, fcbciiibar, oorgebiicb; OUR an — partner, M F. fill fctbtttlfdj yerbitiblicbcr ibeilbabcv. OSTENSIVE, n ij Jfigenb, bcjeicbncnb, Vvuiifcnc, vvablcut, vval'lbau. OSTENTATION,*. 1 bic Sufrof ifung • ScbaufleUung ; 2, ^rablcrc ; bad ©cprange. OSTENTATH IDS, adj. prangenb vvabU bafr, pvuiitlicbciit ; — iy. .,I> IGIST, S dicufciiiicv. osteology, *. a. T. bie Oflcologie, J?iiocbculebre. ostiary, ». tic SDtunbung, bet flui. OSTLER, s. bev Sfallfncdit. 1 iSTLERY, s, bev Stallraum, bic Stal= lung, ®cfrbirrfammcr. ostmex, s.jd. iii Srlanb angeftebeltt fatten. OSTRACISM, 8. bev DftraciSmuS. i STRACETE, .--. bie vcvftciucvlc 41ujlct= fit ale. To OSTRACIZE «. a. r-crbatuteii, »et? treibcn, tct? Vanteg Dettoctfeil. OSTRK II. s. bcr 5lranf;. OSTROGOTH, 8. bcr Cft.\otbc. 1 it h (USTIC, s. bafi ^Drrobr. other, adj. autcr, bet, tic, ba4 9ln« bete; — people, aubcre ^cutc ; eacli — , eiuaiiber; somebody or — , eiuet obet bev Slnbete, irgenb cincr ; some author or — , irgenb cin 5d)riftftclier j the — day, biefer Xa#t, nculicb ; every — d.iy, etttcn lag urn ben anbciii; the — morning (evening), llClllifb i'lprgciig (;'lbenbg); I can expect no — .id) fawn nidito Jlnbcrcfl ermarten; on the— hand, aiitevfctig; on the — side, aufbet mnjiebenben Setfe, urn* ftcbeut ; Others,^ '.'Intcve, tic 'Jilt- ton ; —where te; 2. tic Unje, Cn» je, baa flciue s 4>oittcrtbicv, bev ^Jat« bet (FWM mm;l — /..). OUR, pron. poti.,^ iinfcr, liufcrc; ours, uiifcr, bet unfrige; a friend of our* cincr tiufvcv (\vcniibc. 287 OUT OUT OUT OTjRANOfiRAPHY, s.bie Itranograpbtc, 23efcbrcibung beg &mmtl8. OURSELF, pron. («tnl bcr . r-«. fen. bte 23crtrct= buna auS bcm 23efi§e; — le main, 1. bic Sefmung son ©runbfigenifum auS bent njtccrrec^tlic^iMt 33eftl} bcr SSormuubfcbaft obcr be8 J?BnigS ; 2. baS 9(.ccbt8mittcl bicfc SBefreiung jit bcroirfen. OUT, ode. 1. auS; 2. b)crau8, bittauS ; 3. aufjer, aufierbalb ; 4. braufien ; 5. uicbt ju «§aufe ; 6. rocg, bin, »erlo* ten ; 7. tin Scrfofdjeu ; 8. amtlos, bienftloS; 9. ju@nbe; my hand is — , id) bin bet t 3(c= gifter baltenb; — of school hours, (-trbuU) greipunben; — of season, nid)t in bcr 3abre«jcit, ber 3abves= jcit nid)t angemeffen ; fig. jur Utt= jeit; — of sight, au« bem ©eftcbte, uicfct jit fchen, nid;t gegenroartig ; — of sight and — of mind, prov. auS ben Slitgcn, an§ bem Sinn ; to whip a child — of its tricks, etnem Jtitibe bie Unarten burd) ©cfclage yertreiben; — of trim. Sea lang. (uon ber Cabling bc3 ©cbiffeg) auS bcm @lcid)gennd)te; — of tune, lit. $,- ficr. oerfttmmt ; ■— of use, niitt (inebr) iiblicb; — of the way, ttid)t jiigcgen, abmefcnb, nirbt ba ; aufjer ber fjenjobnltcbcn 9tegel, au^erorbcntlifb ; auSgetaffen; to go — of the way, ftdj ucrbcrgen ; it's — of my way, eg ift aufjer meincm %. ir. a. (in 3luctioneu ben Seljteu) uberbictcn ; — bidder, s. bcr. Ueberbtetcnbc; — bidding, baS .fobbcrgebot (in Qluctioueu) ; —Mow- ed, adj. aufgcblafen ; to — blush, v. a. iibcrftrablen, rpfigcr gliibcn; — bom, adj. ausSlanbifd), ftcmb (». fl.); — bound, adj. auflmartS ttjofiiit (ju eincr aitorodritgen SJetfe) beftimmt; to — brave, v. a. Zxvfy bictcu, burd) Jlu()n= beit obcr ©tolj uberroinben; to — brazen, vid. To Brazen out ; — break, s. ber 91u6brurb ; — breaking, s. baS 3lu§brcd)cn, igjeroorbrecfcen ; to — breathe, v. a. an 2ltbcm ubcrtreffcii obcr auSbaucm ; au^atbmett, er[5= fd;eu ; to — bud, v. n. aufifproffett, bcroorfprpffen ; to — build, v. ir. a. bauer&after batten; to — cant, a. a. tm uitrerftcinbltd), u. f. \v. Stdm iiber= trcfen ; — cast, part. adj. nieggcwpr= fett; tterroorfen ; uerfto^en ; oerboitnt, uerroicfen ; — cast, I. s. bte 23cgtvcr= fling ; QluSftofmug ; 21u«fcbu§ (=2Baa= re); baS verroorfene ©efrfjovf, ber 9luSrourf, Slufiroutfling ; 33crbannte, SBermiefene ; n. adj. roeggcroorfen, Derroorfcn ;»erroiefeit, »crbdunt;to— climb, v. a. bariibcr binaitS flcttern; to — compass, v. a. bie ©lenjcn xiber= fdjrcitcn; to — craft, v. a. an Sitfl iibcrireffen, iiberliften ; — cry, ». baS @efd)rei; ber 3luSruf; bie offent!id)e SScrfteigerung ; to — dare, v. a. £rofc bictcu, nicbt'fd)euen ; to — do, v. ir. a. juoovtbun, iibcrtreffen; oerbun= Fein ; to — do one, einem ju»orfom= men, il;in ben Jiang ablaufeit; — door-work, col. bie Arbeit aufjer bem J^ailfe ; to — drink, v. ir. a. tm £rtn= fen i'tbertreffen, nicbertrinfen ; to — dweli.w. ir. a. iiber bie 3^tt bleiben; to — face, v. a £ro£ bieten, fiarr an= feben; tn§ CTeficbt roiberfprccben, burd) Unwfdjamtbeit auS ber 5af= futtg bringen ; — fall. s. ber 2lbjitg, 9lblcitiing«grabcn, bie dlinnt ober fftiibrc jinn 'Jlbletten ; to — fast, v. a. li'ingcr {aU ctn ^Inberer) fafteit; to — fawn, v. a. ubertrtcbctt fcbmcicbcln ; to — feast, v. a. in ecbiuelgerei iiber= tveffen ; — fit, s. JV. T. bie SluSru- ftung; SlMSvbebung : 3Iufrbebunfl6« foftcn (Ct'neS ©duffcS); to — flanli, v. a. iiberftiigcln; to — fly, v. ir. a. ubcrfltegen ; to — fool, v. a. an Sbcr* beit iibcrtreffen; — form, s. ber 9Iu* fjcitfd)ciit, baS Sleufjcre; to — frown, v. a. burd) S)rauen ciufdjiicbterii; — gate, s. bcr SluSgang, ©d)lupftvinfel ; to — general, v. a. ah JlriegScrfabning flbcrtreffen ; to — give, v. ir. a. int ©cbeit iibcrtreffen ; to — go, v. ir. a. i. tm P5el)cn iibcrtreffen, fiberaeben; 2. fg. iibertreffttt, bintcr fid) laffen; 3. btutergeben, b^triigett ; — going, s. ba8 Uebcrgeben; ^iutcrgeben ; ber Slusmcg, SluSgang; — goings, pi. coi bie 2iu8gaben, .Uoficit; to — grin, v. a. im ©I'iitfeu iibcrtreffen; to — grow, v. ir. a. ubcrroarbfeu, oermad)fcit ; ju= DOrfoinmen; iiberbaub nchmcu; to — grow a defect, ciltett (Scbler ycr- nmd)fcn; — guard, s. bie ciufjcrfte 3Bad)C, bcr SSorpoftcit; it — herods Herod, e8 itbertrifft ben <$erot>e6 an Sprannet; — house, *. baS ^inters ban?, 9tcbengebaube; to -*• jest, «. a. int ©cberjen ubertreffett ; to — knave, v. a. an ©cbalfbeit fllt SSfinlen uber* treffett; — landish, adj. au^laubifd), frenib; to — last, v. a. laugcr baueru alS..., iiberbauern, iibeilebcn; — law, s. bcr ©eitdbtrte ; 3iiiubcr, San bit, SJceucbelmbrbcr ; to — law, ». a. aitiHt bent ©cbit^ ber ©efe^e ftellen, debten, vogelfrci erfliiren ; — lawry, s. bie ?tct)t ; — lay, s. bie 2lu§[agc; to — leap, v.a. iibcrfpringen, im S'prin= gen juoortbun; — leap, s. fiai>l iibertreffen; to — pace, v. a. iiberfdjrciten, im ©eben iibcrtreffen, suoorfommen, bitttcr ftcb laffett ; to — paramour, v. a. im 58ltb= len iibertreffen; — parish,*. bie $fars re in bcr Sorftabt ; — part, s. ber duficre Xbcil ; to — pass, v. a. jusor- fommen, iibertreffen; — pensioner, s. ber cine Spenfton crbdit, obne im ^oSpital jit roobnen; to — poise,r. a. iiberrotegen ; — porch, a. ber @tits gang, (Sintritt; — ports, s. j>l. bie S^e* benodfen, 2litfjcnr)afert ; — post, Mil, T. ber SBorpoftcn, 9iufjenpoften ; to — pour, v. a. ausfebittten, ausgiefjen ; to — pray, v. a. an 2ttibarf)t ubcrtref* fen ; to — preach, v. a. im ^rcbigert iibcrtreffen ; to — prize, v. a. an 2L-crtb iibcrtreffen ; to — rage, vid. To out- rage ; to — raze, v. a. gdttjlid) au«= rotten • to — reach, v. a. roeitcr rei= cben ati .., iibcrftet'gctt ; to — reason, v. a. bind) ©riitibe befiegen ; to — reckon, v. a. an B'lbiuug iibertreffen ; to _ ,eign, v. a. Idnget berrfebcu ; to — ride, v. ir. t a. ubermfen, im ;Kei= ten eittbr/Icit; 0. n. auSreiten, au$-> fabreit; —rider, .?. ber SBorreiter; ber jit ^Sferbe obcr jn 23agen reifet; — rigger, s. JV. T-s. 1. ber Sluslieaer, ba8 OUT OVER OVEll CBfl^tfc^iff ; 2. cine SJJafijtiifce bcim jtielbolen; 3. bie taubc 3utte (jum SluSfcfcen ber Suftparruncn): 4. ber Jiuftbaum ; — riggei of the (boat's) guess-rope, bte ©Olffpter; — right, adv. giinjlicb, oSllig; fogteicb, auf tor ©telle, gerabe JU; — right (to laugh), iiberlaut (lateen; ; to — rival, fibers tl'cffcit, aiti3ftcd;en ; to — roar, v. a. ii berbrulkn ; to — root, v. a. ott8= rotten: to — run, v. ir. a. vovlatt= fen, iibcrlaufeu, einbolcn ; (tin 8au= feu) iibertreffen ; (eme ©renje) fibers febreiten; to — ran, v. a. tobt laufen ober feadit, fiberfegeln ; to — scom, v. a. an ©eracbtung fibertreffen, oer* ad; ten, vcrad;tlid; bcbaubclit; to — sell, v. ir. a. mebr oerfaufen alS . . . ; ibcurcv uerfaufcu alS . . . ; an SBertb fibertreffen; — set, *. ber Slnfang, bafi ©eginnen; to — shine, v. ir. a. fliiSflrableii; iibcrftrablcn, an Olanj fibertreffen/ oorjfiglicb glanjCtt, oers bunfeln; to — shoot, v. ir. a. roeiter fdjiejien, barfiber binaus fd;ief;cit; int »d)te|jen fibertreffen; to — shut,u. ir. a. atlSffbltef en ; — side, vid. OBT- sinK ; to — sit, v. ir. a. fiber bte 3 C1[ fttjcit, longer fifcett alS crania bauert; to — skip, v. a. Cittfliebcit; — skirts, s.pi. bie ©orftiibtej taS iJcebenbolj (eincs SBalbel); bie Umgebungen; to — sleep, y. ir. a. ubcrfc&lafcu ; to — soar. o. a. iibcrflicgcu ; to — sound, o. a. fiberfebreien, fibertbnen, flarler to = ttcti; to —speak, v. ir. a. t lit iNetCU fibertreffen; bjutcr fid) laffen, fibers treffen ; to — sport, v. a. ben ©djerj jit weit (fiberjtreiben, im (gdjerjen libertreffett ; to — spread, v. ir.$: fpanuen, auSLucitcn ; to — stand, v. v. I. a. l.ttMbcrftchcit, ausballcn (to. fi.); 2. ouSbouern; fiber tic 3ett bletbctt; n. n. fceroorragen, ljeraug= ftcbetl ; — standing debts', pi. OUSjles beittC ©fbltlbClt: to — stare, v. a. ait tro|tgem 9liisfcneit fibertreffen, un= oerfebamt £rol} bictctt; to — stay, v. ii :u lange bleiben; to — step, v. a. fiberfd) reiten ; to — storm, b. a. ben Sturm an .tpeftuifcit iibertreffen ; — street, s. bie eittlcgcne ©affe, ©affe in ber ©Orftabt; to — stretch, v. a, auefirecfeu ; ausoreiten ; to — stride, r. jr. a. fiberfdjreiten ; to — strip, p. a. fiberlaufen, oorlaufen, im Saufen biutcr fid; (juriicfj laffen; /£ fibers treffen ; to — swear, v. ir. n. till i:d)IVi>= ren iibertreffen, firger flucbeu ols ..; to — sweeten, v. a. all ©fifjiglett iibci'= treffen ; to — swell, ». i>. a. fibers febwemmen ; to — talk, ». n. iiber= ^Kiuberu, turd; Sprcdien ubervoaltts gen ; to — throw, v. a. roeiter werfeti als . . ; fiber etwas b^tnauswerfen j to — tongue, o. n. itberfdu'cicu ; to — value, v. a. an Slicrth fibertreffen ; to — venom, v. a. an ©{ft iibertreffen ; to — vie, v. a. iibertreffen, ti JUDOr* thltll ; to — villain, o. o. >llt ScpiirfCs rei fibertreffen ; to — vote, o. a. fibers ftimmeu (bnrdj IW'brjaM be* 2Sarj{= ftimmen) ; to — walk, v. a. im ©eben fibertreffen; — wall, s. bte iiuficrc 3Wauer ; to — wash, ?•. a. reinigen »on ..., ausroafrben (w. fi.);to — watch, o. a. an SBacfifainfeit fibertref= fen; to — wear, v. ir. a. 1. ubcrMll = cm, an«banern, fiberleben; 2. be= fd;)verlirl> nub uimn^cnebnt biubrin= gen; to — weed, v. a. aitSgaten, (tUSs rotten ; to — weep, ». ir. a. till SBeis ncn iibertreffen ; to — weigh. ». a. febwerer roiegen ; fiberroiegen, lteber= aeundit balten ; to — whore, v. a. an cicbcrlidifct't fibertreffen ; to — wind. ir. a. fo$mad)eit, bcrauiuMUbcn ; to 73 — wing, v. a. (im Sfliegen) ffibertrefs fen; to — nn, r a. liberltftcn, fibers tolpeln ; — works, a.ji. Fort tie Slus 9cntucrfe ; to — work, v. ir. a. im Sirs bcitcit iibertreffen ; — worn, adj. ab= getragen, abgenufet; — worn with age, altcrfebivaii) ; to — worth niehr UHU'tl; fcyn a\s . ., fibertvtegen ; to — wre.-t, r. a. mit ©ewalt eutrei- pen, enttuiuben, entringen;to^write, v. a. im Scbreiben fibertreffen; — wrought, pin. fibertreffen ; to — zany, v. a. im $offenretpen iibertreffen. outer, adj. ter, bie, bits Sleufere; — tympan, Typ. T. ber Xecfel. ( >UTERLY, adv. ftustoart*, autlcit. ( IUTERM< 1ST, adj. ter, bie, b«« aufjerfle. OUTMOST, adj. ber, tie, baS Suferfle. OUTRAGE, ». ter Scbjutfcf/bte ©cbmiU bung, grobe ©eleibigung; ©eroalts tbattgfeit ; SrcvH-l. To OUTRAGE, v. a. it n. febimpfen, fdiinabeu, grbblic^ beleibigen; frc= vein; + 2lu6fd;roetfungen begeben ( ii 'I'li.u lEOUS ado. — ly), adj. 1 . bi'dift bcleibirjeub, fdjimpflid), cbreiniiluig ; 2. geroaltfam, bcftiii, iviit[;cnb; '3. ubcrtricbcu, ai^fdniH'tfent, uuoers nfinftig; — ness,s. baS Sriumvfliebc, @bjrenrfibrtge; tic OJctoaltfantfcit, .^eftigfeit, 2Butb. OUTRE, mi}. (fiMiuoftfcb) fibertrteben. OUTSIDE, I. s. bie CberfKidje, ^itf.cit: feite, ba» ?lcuvcrc; mite. SBeu^erfie; outsides, vi. .m. ph-s. SOorbanbe (an 2Baareu= - 4>acfcten jur Jtenntnifj be8 3nl;altij), augen befefiigte SBaaren ; II. — casks. Uebeifaffer, Sutter ; — paper, bai 3lu6fcbllfjpapier : — pas- senger, ter aitfien ftfeenbe SPaffagter ; III. ado Don ?litf;cn. outward, I. adj. 1. aitfler, Siiperlid); 2. fttbtbar; 3. ru. r. flcifcblid;, fbr= pertid); .1/. E-s —cargo, cine (ibges hentc (fiir etnen fremben .fjofen Le- ftimmtc) SdjiffStabuiig ; — freight, tie .*>iufracbr, Slu«frad;t; — trade, ter "Jlujfiibrbaubel ; H s. bnfl 3Ieufes re: III. (or outwards), a v aulu-it, auk marts'; to clear — . nuSctariren (ben 3oll be;ab(eu urn austaufeti 511 f5n-- lteil); a ship — hound, ci It ill Sec (nacl) fremben 3Se(ttbei(eu gejenbee Sa)iff; Mr. N. is a passi out(wards) and bomi wards), ^ct( N, veif't bin nut jurucf ; license — , Sr laubnigbrtef jur iluflfulr ton 2Baa= ren ; befjg(eid)en ton einem brittifu)en ■Oafeu tunt anbern. 1 11 I'WAKDI.V, adv. an fieri:*, au8W)en= tiii ; ton aufjeit. < »vaL, l.adj. obaf, cinint, (ang(id) runt ; II. 0. bad Coat; tie eininbe gorin. < >\ \up 11 .-. a 7 aufi (Merit beftebent. ovary, », ber (Sierfiocf. ovate, ik vi 1: i». adj od,i1, etrunb. a\ \'nn\. s bie Dbation, ber Heine Sriumpf) (bei ben alien SR&mern). OVATOOBLONG, adj. lamilicb cinint. OVAVIPAROUS, adj. au« ©tern lebens 'big gebarenb. oven, s ber SBadofen, Dfen : — fork, tie Ofengabel; — peel, bte ©robs fd)aufet; — 's mouth, ba3 Ofenlod); — tender, ter auf ten (SBacfs) Dfen M)t gtebt, ber 5d;u&. < i\ i;u prep. A- adv. I. iiber; '!. auf ; 3. ubcrbiii ; 4. 1 11 1 cb ; 5. bcriiber, biuitber ; 6. barfiber ; 7. torfiber, bor bei, a««, aufaeboben; 8. eben, auf ter DberfMcbe ; 9. alljnfeb^r; ti — , tie C per iff run?; all -- , iiberall, alleittbalben, fiber unb fiber, ganj torbei, ganj tabiu ; all —the town, in ber ganjeu Stabt; all the world — , turd) tie gange Sffielt ; — the way. — against gerjcniibcr ; — a glass of wine. bei einem ©lafe SQeine; — land fiber Sank ; — night, tie 3tadjl bin= turcb ; to deliver — , iibcrlicfcrn : 1 give — , aufgebeit; oerloreii gebett; to make — . (einem etroaS) antors trauen : to pass — in silence, llltt £tillfd)roeigen fibergeben ; to rend — . burcblefeil ; —and— (again), ciu SWal fiber bas anbere, fehr oft; (an) hun- dred times—, buutcrtmat uadi cinan-- bcr ; — or under, nicbr otcr roeniger; — and above, boruber, auferbem; fiberbirg; to he — , barfiber ic/n; ubrig femt; oorbei (gefajebenl fevn; --. ti ift gut abgelaufen. ( >\ id;, in compos, in — abound, v «. jum Uebcrflufi oorbanben feljn ; 1.. — act, n. ;u vie! than, iibertrciben; to — agitate, d, a. )u oiel befprcdicn; — anxious, ubcrtricbcu beforgt, aiigit= lidi ; to — arch. v. n. iibenvblbeu ; to — awe, r. a. in Surd}t balten; to — balance, v. a. fiberroiegen, iibertreffen, uberroaltigen ; —balance,*, bat lie* bergetoidjt, bie Ueberlegenbeit ; to — hear, r. ir. a. iibcrlateu, iibirbaufeit, fiberwaltigen ; fiberroinben, ubertref= fen ; uuterjorben, unterbrficTen ; — bearing, adj. bcrrfdifiiduio,, berrifeb; bedifabreu'c ; to —bend, v. tr. a. JH jiarj anfirengen, fiberfpannen; to — bi I, d. ir. <• |U Oiel bieten ; ubertbeu= ent; in v'liictioitcn ben Se^ten) fiber* bieten ; to — blow, 0. ir. 1. a, oerroes ben, rociivcbcu ; II. n. .v T. fo ftarf lvebeu, bafj bafl £d)iff Eeine SJlarSfes gel fubreu faun ; — board, ado. iibct ©orb ; to cast — board, fiber ©orb nnrfcii; to — brow, 0. a. iiberban.ien, fiberragen; — built, part, fiberbaut; to — burden, 0. n. iiberlaten ; to — bum. v. a, jit ftarf brenucn ; — busy, adj. allju gefajaftig j to — buy, b. fr. a jii tbeuer Faufeit; to— canopy. o.a. (toie) mit ciueni ©albarbtit fce= tcdeu, iiberterfeu, j'ibcruebeu ; — care, iibcrmaf'ia,e Sorge; — care- ful, fibrrforglidj) ; to — carry, B. a. JU n>cit ffibren, oerleiten; to— cast, b. a l. fiberroerfen, \n weit rocrfen; '.'. iiberuehen, beterfeu, betleieui ; 3. betoSlten ; trfibe nun-ben, oerbunfeln ; beftedn-n ; iibenuiben ; -1. \\\ bed; a\u fdjlagen, ficb oerreebnen; — ca fiberjogen, trfibe, gerrubt; an —cast seam, cine iibenventlute ^labt; - ous, adj. alljii oorftcbtig, fiberbc* butfam ; to — charge, b. a, 1. iiberla = ten; ;u febr belaiteu; iiberfiilleu ; 2. (mit tcm Spreife ju fjodj rjinairi tools Icu, jit tbeuer oerfaufen, iibertbeu= em; jit oiel anreebnen, jti oiel for* tent; (U bod; tavireu, iibcruebmen, befdiiuereu ; — charge, ». tie lleber- labung; Ueberlafl; Uebertbeuerung ; to — climb, v. a. ubcrfletteni ; to — cloud, o. a. mit SSJolfen ubevjiebeii, oerbunfeln; to — cloy, o.a uberful* leu, iibcrlateu (ten SUJagcn ; — cold, adj. ubermafiig tall ; to & me, r. ir. o.a- n. uberroaltigen, fibermannen, be» ftegen, tie Dberbanb geruinneu, iibcr» toutben, iibertreffen ; to be — cm* by . . (toil, ■'s'- ), fiberwaltigt, uirter« gebeugt feiMt oon . . ; 1 > be —come u ith . . (rage, fee i, bjitgeriffen roerben oon . • : ihis smell — comi a me. ticfer ©erud) liinimt mir ben Jfepfein ; — comer, ». ter Ueberroinber ; ingly, ado. alt Sirget; aid ber Star* fere ; — confidence ». tie 83ermcffen= beit; — cuhiii lent. «.//. 511 tteift, »er» meffen ; to oerfaljen ; to — count, b. a JU bodj red^ueu, ui bod; anfd) lagen, fiberfr^a^en ; to- r. (i. iibereeden ; — credulous, ■ letdjfglaubig ; — curi ms, adj 8«q OVER OVER OVER gierig, oorroifcig ; ^ it letfer; to — date, v. n. fpfiter &aft:en; —diligent, adj. . «. fiber ten befiitnuts ten SBetraa trafftreit; to — draw a baiance,ttn ©utbaben fiberfc&reitett; to —dress, b.o. Jit fchrpufcciT; to — drink- one's self, b. reft, fid) ubcrtriufen, fid) trail! tviitfcit, fid) ' betviufen ; to — drive, v. a. itbertreiben, fiberjagenj to — dry, v. n. ju fchv austrorfnen ; — line, adj. meljr als aebfit)renb ; .v. e. uber(ge)falltg, berettS oerfallen; — due bills, DCrfrtllcttC 2Bed)fcl ; — ■ ager, adj. — eagerly, ado. iibcrtvicbett etfrt'g ; — eagerness, s. bet iibcvtvie= bette (lifer ; to — cat one's self, v.refl. fid) iibcrcffcit ; to — empty, v. a. ju otel auSleeren ; to — eye. ». a. (fiber efrcaS) etn ivacfofameS 2Iuge habut, bte Slufftcbf batten; bemerten; — fan, s. bee (2Baffer=) %M, J?afara!t; to — fatigue, )■. a fibermfiben ; — fa- tigue, s. bie allju grofce 33efci)n>erbe ; to — feed. ?). a. fibcrffitfem J to — fill, ». a. ubcvfilllcit ; to — float, v. n. libel's fcbroentinen: to — flow, o. n cj-a. fibers flicfu'ii, ubcrlaufcit, ubcrfluthcit, libel's febroemmen; uberffiHen, fibertrefs fen ; tut llcbcrflufi oorbanbett fcDit ; — flow, .5. bie (Srgtefjung ; bte tteber= fd)vocmmung ; bee Ueberffufj ; — flowing {adv. — i.y), adj. iibcvflicficub, fiberfajwanglicr), im Ucbcvfluli; — flushed, pirt. iibcvmafiig ervothef; fiberenrjucft ; to — fly, bars fiber binfftegen; —forward, adj. ju rafd), OOreiltg; — forwardness, s. bie ju grojje 9?afdbl)ett, 33oretligfeit ; to — freight, v. a. fiberlaben ciu Sd)tff ; — fruitful, adj. a! 1 511 fvuebtbav; to — gild, v. a. ttbergolben; mtt Sivuifj iiberjteben; to — gird, v. a. ju enge cinfdilicfiCil ; to — glance, v. a. fibers blid'en, fiberfeben ; to — go, v. a. ge= ben iibcv, uberrreffen ; to — gorge! v. . iinit Spcifcu) fiberlaben, ju soli fiopfetl ; — grassed, adj. lllit (5) IMS be= roadifcu, fibergrafet; allju graSreict) ; — great, adj. JU gt'0l>; to — grow, v. ir. Lb. fid) uberroaebfen, ju febv roac&s fen, 511 gvofj roerben; ir. a. 1. fibers rwtebfen, bemadbfen; 2. iibcv etroas liinvcid)cit ; — growth, s. ber fiberma= |ige 2i>ad)Stl)um, geile, iippige SSTudbS ; to — hale, vid.Tu — Haul ; — hand knot, JV. T. ber Sacfftid) ; to — handle, v. a. JU eft cniHlfjUCU ; to — hang, ». a. s,- n. fiberbarjgen ; fiber* bangeil', to — harden, v. a. iibccbiiv= tCIt,' JU f C [) r bavtClt; —hastily, ado. JU ffhucll, fiberetlt; — hastiness, s. bie Uebevetlung, SSoretligfett; — hasty, ado. ju cilfcrtig; fiberetit, poi's eilig; to — haul, v. a. 1. iibcvbrcitcit, fibcvbecTen ; ', ; . hcrnnt jtiSren, tuutfu= dn'it ; 3. foil Steuein tuvdjfcbcit, uuc= ber oornebinen; gcuau unterfucbett ; 4. ciubolcn ; Sp. E. flbmatten, abja= ijcu ; to — a mpe. jv. T. ciu Xau fd)ic= pen laffen, nacbl.iffcu ; — head, ado obett, broben, tm Bcuitb; — head netting, .V. T. bte Pbcrcu Strtdlets tent; to — hear, iibcrhorcu ; behorebcu; — hearing, part. s. baS Ucbcvluucit, i'clun-duu; to — heat, v. p. ju febr ci'bitjcii; to — j,,v, ,■. a . fchv erfreuen, cutjucfeit, biuvctficii; — joy, .«. tic iibevnufuge fjveube, (Sntjfis (fillip; to — labour, v. a. rthlcbcitCU, obquSicn ; abuiattcit ; to — lade, ». a. &■ — laden, part iibcilabCll; — laid, adj. befebujerf, cvftitft, tiberjogen ; — 390 larire, adj. iibcr^rof:, aUjtt gro0 ; — largeness, .•!. bie ubcviitiifiige ©viific, >nS Itcbcvgrofic ; to — la}', ». a. 1 . ituf ctroflS legeu, fiberlegen, iibct^icben, bebecfen; 2. verbunfeut; 3. befebroes ecu, itbcvlabcit ; 4. cvbviufcti, crfti= fien ; to — leap, v. a. iibcvfpviugcu ; — leather, 5. bbl= fern; to — perch, v. a. fiber etmal (Weg) fliegci! ; to — persuade, v. a bringenb fiberreben, ftavf jufefeeit ; to — picture, v. a eiu ©eittalbc Pbev cine 2) av fte II u it g iibevtveffeu ; — plus, s . bev Surplus, Uebcrfdjitt'i, baS Uebcv= gemid)f, bie'3idiigc, baS Ueberbleibs fel, bev SKcft; to — ply, ?•. a. ju febv auftrciigcit ; to — poise, v. n. fibers rotegen, baS Uebergenncbt babeit'; baS ©egengerottfet bnttcu ; — poise. .«. bas Uebergerbtdbt; ©egengerotcbt; to — polish, v. a. ju febv auSfeilcu ; — pon- derous, adj. ju fdnvcv ; to — post, o. a. iibcv etoaS biuroegcileit, iibevgcbeu ; to — power, )■. a. itbcmuiltigcit, fibers legcttfclMl; to — press, v. a. ju fchv bv'iiifeu, iiicbcvbvitrfctt; ./,->. mit SBtN ten JU U'bv belafttgcn ; to— prize, v. a. jii bod) fdba^eu, ciuci: ju bebcu tpvct-3 auf ctivaS fetjeu ; — prompt, adj. noretltg; — promptness, s . bit SBoreiligfeit, itbertvicbene (vile; — proof, adj. fiber bie (feftgefefete) §Probe (bpu getfitgen ©etrSnfen); — quiet- ness, .s-. bie ju bide SKube ; to — rake, ». a. baruber meg barten ; — rank, adj. ju iippij 1 ,, ju vcid)lid) ; to — rate, r. ',:. ju bod) felja^eit, ju bod) aufdiUigcit ; ju vid forbern, ju biel torfcblagett, iibcrtbeiieni ; ju bod) befebaljcu; to — reach, v. I. «. 1. iibcvragcu, bbbcv reicben, (jcvfcov ragen; 2. fiberltften, Vrcllcii; ( — one's self) fid) fibers ftmitgen, fid) fterrenfen ;il. .v. Sp (von 'VuTccu) uiit ben .^intcvfiificit bte SBorbevfiifje fireicben ; — reach, s Sp. T. bie SSerle^ung tev gro6en iBirnges , T tbite burd) bai ■.'luhaucu ber ^inters pf;e; — readier, s. ber lleber!ifieB« te; — rid, — ridden, part, i'lbcvvitteu ; to — ripen, v. a. alljll Vcif lltadlCIt, {U fefieretfen; to — roast, v. a. ju fefi: ober ju fcicl braten ; to — rule, v. a 1. fiberroaltigen, iibcvnieiftcru, fiber* rotegen; bevifebcu, obbervfdtcu, 2lllts regteren ; 2. /-. T. all ungultig »ev= roerfec ; — ruler, s. ber (58e«) .*ocrr-. fd)Cf; to — run, v. I. a. I. cillbolcit, (iut Saitfen) iibevtveffeu ; 2. iibcv-. febroemmen; 3. ubcviiMdifeit; 4. burd) (iiufollc r»(agen, bevbecren, feerrouften ; 5. '/>/<. t. bie (ioluniiteu berfeljcit, itmbrerijeit; ii. n . ubcvlau= feu, ltbcvflicfscil ; — runner, s. bCV SBerlDfifter ; to — saturate, v. a. C/i. T. iiberfattigen : — scrupulous, adj. otlju bctcuflid), allju geivifftubaft ; —sea, adj. jenfett beS SweereS, iiberfecifd) ; to — see, v. ir. a, ill ?lllffid)t Ijabcit ; — seer, s. bCV ?lltffcbcr ; (SMCtOV (Ct= ner fDrurferet, it. f. t».) ; 5U'iuciipfle= get' ; — seer of Hie customs, bev 3oll = OUffeber, Bollittfpcetov; — seer of a port, bev fiafenmeifter ; to — set. ». I. a. umrocvfcit ; umfcfivcit, uniftuvjcit ; th<- iiuficv sjaffttng brtngen; IX n.«m= fallen ; to — shade, to — shadow, vs. a. 1. iibctfd)attcii, befd)atteit; fccvbutis felu ; 2. fdjivmctt, bcfd)iitu'it; — shadower, s. ber iu'tbuufclube; to — shoot, v. a. ir ii. iibcv ctivaS bin fcbtc-« ficit; (fdincllcr fegclu als eiu anbereS 0: len, ercilcn, erbafeben, ertappen ; 2 fiberrafdjen, iiberfallen; to — task v. a. ju oiel auffegen, ubevbiirben ; 1 1 — tax, b. a. iibcr|'d)ufecu, iiberftcitcrn ; ,o — throw, o. a. unnucrfcit, unifto- fien, umfturjett, umreipen ; ftiivjen, ju ©runbe riri)tcit, oeruicbtcii ; bc;"ic= gen, gatijlicb fdjlagcu; —throw,.-- OWE 3XYM PACI kcr Umfturj, Sfitrj, Untergang, bte SJlieberlage, SBetntcbtung j — thrower, $. ber Umroerfer, Sefteger, it. f. m. ; — thwart, I. adj. & ado. 1. qucv fiber, uberjiuetcb ; 2. bcr Giicre, vcvfctjvt, roibcrfinntg ; It prep, qucv iibcv; — thwartly, ado. qucv iibcv; vcvfcbvf : — thwartness, *. bie Duevlagej 33et== febrtbeit; SBtberftnntgfeit ; to— tire, c a. abmattcu, obinuben, fibetjagen ; to _ title, v. a. ciiicu 511 bobcu Silts fyxud) niarficn, ju boch betitdii ; to — top, ». a. bbi)cr ober gtofiet fcoit a\S . . . , tioettagen, iibevtveffeu ; fig. bcrblinfcln; to — tower, p. n. JU bOO) ftvebcit; to — trip, r. a. iibcv etwafl htiibitpfcu ; to — trust, ». a. jtl febv •ocvtvaiicn ; to — turn, ?•. a(jcit ; to —veil (— vail), r. a. bcbccfcit, IH'vbiillcit, 11111 = fcbleieru; to — vote, o. a uberfttm= men (buvcb SDcebtjahl ber SSJabljitms men) ; to — watch, v. n. JU bid wa« i)eit ; — weak, adj. ntljtl fdntmd) ; to — weary, o. a. ju fet)r cviiuibcu, ab= ltiattcn ; to — weather, v. a. buret) toU brtgeS SBettet befepbigen, benint= tent ; to — ween. v. ». 511 bod) vest fid) bcttfvit, fief) tn bid biiitfcu '; — ween ing 'adv. — i.vj. adj. eiugebilbef, bcr= meffett, ubevmiithig, albu ftolj; to — weigh, p. 0. fibetrotegen; — weight, s. baS llebergcnucbt: to — whelm, 0. a. bevfeufeu ■ ciinivabcit; 511 Soben briU tfen, itutevtvucfcu, fi6etroaltjgett, ubevfebutten, ubetfdJTOemmen ; jets febmettern; jig. uberhaufen, bdaftu grit; finftcv iibciblirfcu ; — whelm, *•. bte ^anblung bes UebetTOalttgettS ; - whelrningly, adj. brfitfeitb, laftia, ; to — wing, v. a. fiberftugeln ; — wise, adj. uBeyElug ; — wiseness, s. tie 3lf= tev=2BeUgett ; to — word, ». a. 511 bid fagen ; to — work, v. a. niit I'lvbcit ubetlaben, etmtiben ; — worn, adj nbgetrageit, bertrageu, obgcmifet; iibcv jabvt, 511 alt; to — wrestl tin SRingen, ini jftimpfe ubewaltis gen; — wrought, part, ubev nut iibcr beatbettet ; 511 febt angefttengt Mud) Slrteit ; ui bid bearbeifet, niiibfant bevfevtii^t; niit x'lvbeit uberlegt; — zealous, ju eifvtg, fdjunivmevifd). overalls, s.pi. bte Ueberjiebbofen. 0VERM08T, adj. * g. bet .'>bd)fte. OVERT (adv. — lt), adj. rffenbav, Bfs fentlidi, obeitbjit; /,. t-s. — design, bie Have ibatfadK; — act, fie cr= miefene .ganblung, ber SBeweifl, OVERTURE, ». 1. bte @r6ffnuni), bev Slnfang, ©ingang ; 2. 33orfo)lag, 3intva>i (bnuftg tin pi.) ; 3, Mas. i\ ba8 SroffnungSfpiel, @iiileitiing«= fli'nf, tie Duberture. OVICULar, adj. ju cineitt Qi gcfion'g. oviDUcr, .1. t. tie SKuttesttompete. iRM, adj. ciformig. ovine, adj. \\\ Scbafen gel)6rig; au« irdiafen befiebeub. OViPAROirs, aiij. G?iev Icgcnb; — animals,?/. Obipareu, Sievleger. ovoiu, adj. eifBrmtg, eiruitb, OVOLO, s. Arch. v. bev Sicrtdftab. TVj OWE, r. a. a- ». I. fcfiulbtg U".'U fcbutbcit ; '2. ui bnnfen Iv.beit, vcv= banfen, vevpfliditet fenn; 1 wes more than he is worth, ev ijt ntehv fcbulbig al§ ev bat ; a dent we — , cine isiffiy=2duilb ; 1 —my life to you, trb bin 3fjnen metn Sebenfcbut: till, &«be t$ 3 linen 511 bevbanfeu ; to — one a spite, eiticn 0vot! geget ('» nen baben, ct item ttXDO.6 naduvaaee.. OWL* ». fie Sule ; brown — , bev Ubu, bie rteincnlc; — eyed, niit (Sukn= augen, bei ')u\d)t febenb ; — light, tie (•ulei'.fliiebt, Slbenbbaminerung, ca8 3uMelid)t ; — like, tvie cine iiu= le. (5nlc afinlid). OWLER, ». /.. t. bev wibet bafl SBets bot SQoHeaud Sngtanb fiibvt ; gen. bev rdileidibanblev. T, s. tie (iule, ficine (?ule. OWLLVG, *. /,. T. baS bcfbotcue \»ln3= fuhieit rev iodic; gen. bet id)lcid;= banbd. OWN, arf; eigen ; my — , niciit (?igcit= tbiun, ba£ iDiemige; my — m country, niciit U>atevlanb ; our — time, unfvc 3eit, jetjt ; to our — days. bis oufuilS, bi-3 auf nnucjeit, btS bente ; be lias nothing of his — , ev fyat ntcblS (5tgeiic8 ; 'us her — fault, bai t ft ibre eigne Scbulb ; to haven ■'s — , feiue befonberen ©runbe baben ; 1 loved ber for hei — worth, id) lidue \k ibvcv pevfonlidjcit (Si- genfrbciften ivillcii; be has his — troubles, cv bat fcinc ivabve SRotb; M. I'h-s. yon may have (or take) it at your — price, geben Sic mit wai wai Ste raoHert. To OWN, v. a. 1. fiiv baS Seinige ev= feitncii, ancvEciineit; '2. fid) iuetg= uen ; 3. bcfiljcit ; 4. befcttneu, gejle« belt ; who owns this house ? U'Cllt .]C= luu-t biefee^aus? OWNER, s bev (vi.jciltbiiiitcv, Sej!|et, tic (Stgenfbiimertnti ; ( — or a ship) tcv iSdiipci.jcntl)iintcv, 3ibecev; SBerf raster. 1 iWNERSEUP, s. baS G'igcutijuiiiaveefit, bet i'cfiij. OWSE, s. bte (Mcvbevlcbc OX, (pi. Oxen) s bev (vevfdMtittcn: DcbS, Cdife, baS SJiinb ; — bane, bafi SRtnbSgtf t, 4ie bem Sitnbbteb, fd}(ibli= die Sppanje; — bill, cine '.'lit rd'ilb-- fvotcu; — cheek, bev .Uinnbad'en ei = Dcbfen ; — eye, 1. baS Cebfcn= auge; 2. SttnbSauge (Buphthaimum — L. : — eyed, gtope, voile 3lugeil ba-- benb ; — fly, bie SBremfe ; — gang, — gate, fo viel 8«nb, ale^ niit cinem ©efpann Deafen gepfliigt tverben fa 1111 ; — heal, bte fcptuatje £rtte3= \V\W\; — house (—stall), bev di' feitftaH ; — like, ivie tilt Cdi^ ; — lip, bie SciJufTelblume, ©arteuvti= nid ; — tail, bev Dc^fenfc^roonj ; — tail soup, tie Ddjfenfcfcwanjfuype; — tongue, tie Dtjjfenjunge (Anehusa — I..}. oxalate, s. en. r. bci$ faucvflccfanvc Sal*. OXALIC, adj. Ca. T. — acid, bte ^an= erf lee f dure. OXEN, .--.//'. OOn Or, tie Cdifcu. OXYCRATE, s. cine SKtfcJung vtM! Sffiaffet unb @fi"tg (to. a.). own, Oxtde, «. ca. T. baSDrtyb. OXYDABILlTi*, ». bie Cvubivbavfeit. OXYDABLE, adj. evvtivbav. 7b oxi date, i >■. „. mit Eauerftojf 7bOXYDIZE, I vevbinbeii, LU'iibiven. OXYDATION, 8. Ch T. tie Cvrtatton, Diipbirung, Sattigmtg mit Dt»gen. OXYDIZEMENT, s. CA. T. tie Dl'tbU rung, OXYGEN,*. Ok. T. bafi Drl)gen. bev Sauetjiojf; — gas, bai Sauerffoffs gaS, tie bepblogejltftite Vnft. To OXYGENATE, Did. To Oxyd OXYGENATION, b. tie C v'.\;ciia:ioi;, ba« Ueberfdtttgen mit€al>faute. OXYGON,*, a. T. b«8 UMniuinflidK' ?veieif, Sptftetf, Sd^arfecr. OXYMEL,^ bevCv.Miid, Eauerb,onig. OXYMORON, 8. Rk. T. tct id'cinwt« berfprucb. OXYRRHODINE, *. bcr SRofeneffig. OXYTONE ■-■ Oram. T. bev fdia. cent auf bcr [cijtcit S^lbe. OYER,*. /,. 71 ta» 83erb5r, tic cnt> lidic SntfcJctbung ; court of - r. due ini •Jiamcn \>ti Jlotltgj niebergefe^te au^erorbenflidje (n , :r.-- iiiil'fioit, pcinlicbe «ad)cu ju uittcv= fiicbcu unb batubet ju etfeunen; justice of — and terminer, bev (5ont- uiimoiiAvicfitev etn tu obiget Coir.: niiffioii abgeorbnetet Jiiebtev . OYEZ, wit. bbvt! OYLET HOLE, aid. Etelbt-holb. OYSTER, ». bie '.'Inftev; — bed, 9llt» fterlnget ; — catcher, bev Shifter: maun ciu Seebogel, o*tra «g*— K ; — fork, bie '?lufteva,abel ; — green, einc 9ltt 2lftermoo«, bie SBate, '2i. ; a:-- tc r n lactuea) ; — ketchup, einc aul Oluftcvn bocitetc pifante Sauce; — knife. baS Oluftcvmeffev ; — 1 owder, 3u(f erpulber ; — Bbell, tie '.'lnftcv= hlvile: — wencb, — wife , — woman, tie .'iuftcvbautleviun ; — wench, bit gemeine iDttne, SSettef. P. p. *. bai V- Pi cev fed)54 :::. ». bet 2d'veiter,be ; SPaf ger, belter. pachalick, •. baa pScifebaltf, bit SProbiuj unt SBfirbe cine'.' ^3af(iba. i'\i 11 v s. tcv Speifrba. PA( IFic, n . frtebfettig, fricblftb, friebfam, frtebltebenb ; —ocean, bai ftille SWeet. pacification, a I. tie 5rieben6> (liftung, SEJieberberfienung be« 5tif« teno: 2. 83e rfobuiiiig, SBerubtguitg. PACIFICATOR, 8. bet Srtebeneftifte: SSetmttllet. PACIFICATORY, adj. turn Avicben tie« ueiit, friebfertig, fvtctfaui. pacifier, -•. bev (SEtttvenflfliffet fbbnev, "i^vmiitlev. To PACIFY, p a. Arifbcn flifteu, «er- •j 1. 1 PAD mttteln, befttebigen, befanfiigen Mt* Rjhiten; betu&tgen, inlieu PACK, A basqWet, bet *«A(®»' tet*) fallen, bafl ®ebunb, SBunbel; bic Sail, Stitbe ; 2. Puppet, JWppel, gflotte, ba3 3?ubel: 3. bte 3Jcenge,bet Saufen; 4. ba8 spacf, Sumpertgeftn* bel ; a — of cards, cin Sptel .Uavtcu ; a J r W ooi, cin SaHen ('240 qjfuub) 2Bi)Ue • a - of nnnsenso^o-. erne a/toffe Unftnn ; a— of beagles, cine .ft'oppcl (cin ©tticf) Sngbfcunbe; a — of prouse, cine Jlctte (otitic, cm &oIf) .*3afelbi'tbncr, Sdmccbnbucr ; — cloth, bafi ^adtnd), bic $acrlein= roanb; — fork, bet S^agejtocr, ba8 Steffi 7JH.'"-. ber SDJaulefcl ; — horse, ba8 SJsacfpfetb ; — house, baS ^acf= hiu8 (in gabrifen) ; —needle, tic sflacfnabel ; — saddle, bet i'adfattcl, Saumfattet; —staff, bet ^aeffteef; — thread, bet Stnbfaben ; — wax, t>a§ £aanvad)8 (dn ben SfliuSfeln). To pack, v. i. o. l. pnefen, Mtfammen* satfen; 2. etlig fottfrhtcfeu, jagen; t0 _ the cards, tie 3>oltc fcljlagen, bie Staxttn pacfeu (fiiuftlid) obet be* triiglid) mifeben) ; to — a house of commons, cin Unterf>«u8 ben, mlg. abfpajieten, abfegeln, ab= Eraicit ; to — with one, e8 init cincm abfartcn, fid) ju etroaS 3BibettecbtlU cfcent mir jemanbem »etbtnben. PACKAGE, s. 1. baS SJJacfet, '$arf; b« (SmbaUnge, bas Setpctcfen, $acl= jeug; ©epficf; 2. ba8 SPadtflotyn, baS SaUeubtnbetlobtt. PACKER, s. bet SPatfcr, 93at[cnbtn= bet; Sifeenbtnbet, (Sdjrotet ; 3lnflci= bet ; gefdnvome £ating8pacfet ; a _»s stick, bet SPacfjtocf, Spacfbengel, baS inidfcbcit, 9£aitclfd)cit. PACKET, e. 1. baS $adct, ptfdjen, bet (©utetO fallen ; 2. Typ- T. ba8 Scbtiftftiirf ; 3. — , — boat, or — shin. bci8 5J3acfetbooUl»t$fd)iff, $M= fdjiff; — mark, ba8 ^oftjetdpen tbet rotl)c ©tvid)). PACKING, i. part, pacfenb, it. f. W. vid. To Pack; he — ! get thee — ! pade bid) fort ! to send one — , cincn fottjagen, col. beimlcud)tcn ; — up, ba8 (gmpacfen, bic SSetpacfung ; ba8 spocfctlobn, SJJoUenbtnbetlobn ; 3Iuf= Libcriobn ; — away, baS Wufbterbcu ; — doth, bttS ^adt'ud) ; — needle, bic spadnabel ; — paper, ba8 5ps, s. bet SSetttag, 93cv= gleid). PACTIONAL, \adj. vu'vabrcbet, »et= PACTrriOUS, <| alidicn, uettvagen. PAD, s. 1. baS iRiffcn, fpolflet, bet •I'Julit; aSeibetfnttel ; bte 9ttatrafec; ber ,Uammbcdcl fiit .Kntfi-bpfevce ; 2. <2tvaf;cnvanber Vi 'Aiifi; 3.—. or — nag, baS flcinc Spfcvb, bet SPafigSn= gcv, ,Hlcppcr; the fox is on the — , Sp T. ber Ai:d)3 siebt ju £olje ; — jf straw, ber t2tvobfad. 292 PAIM r» pad, v. I. a, cbencn, babnen ; hjetdb, madnn, nuSpolfletn; n. n. 1. ju ^•nfic veifen, wnnbent ; 2. anf ben SSattbfltafjeri (ju Snftc) vanben. PADDER, s. ber ©ttapentdubet ju Snfi. 7b PADDLE, o. n. *■ a. 1. tubcttt ; 2. pldtfd)cvn; plan(t)fd)cn. paddle, s. ba§ 3htbev; bte Sdan= fcl, aBnvffdanfel ; baS Siiibrbolu — boxes, (an cincm £>ampfbcote) bie a3erfd)laa,c tint bic Sinbctrabct ; — fish, baS 9)ccctfd)njeitt; — stair, bet©t5fel,ba8 iscoattetfen (in ®ats ten) ; — wheels, bie Siubettabet (an cincm ^Dampffd)iffc). PADDLER, s. bet Sdttbetct; ^lan(t)= PADDOCIC, s. 1. ba§ euigcbagte Stucl @va«(anb, ®cf)age ; 2. ber SHJtlb* gatte.t ; —pipe, ber (Sd)ad)teli)alm, baS dumpffannctifvatit ( EguisOum pnlustre — L.) \ — stool, bet ©1^= ftbwamm, SPftfetling. padelion, s. bet Sbwenfuf, <5mau (Jllchcmilla vulgaris — L.). padlock, s. ba« ^ot[cgcfd)loh, Sot* fjangcfcblpf!. . To PADLOCK, r. o. ctn <2d)10p 00t= lea,en, vevffl)licfieii. PADOVV-PIPE, s. oici. Paddock-pipe, padua, s. (bie ©tabt) s 4- ; 'tbiia. PADUAN, I. adj. pabuanifel) ; II. 5. bet 5|3abuanet. ^ . paduasoy, s. einc Ttvt butter eci= benjeug. padus, s. bet (SfnfO 5po. PJEAN, s. 1. b«8 S;rinmpt)!tcb, Ste= geslteb ; 2. cin 5Bcr«fnt3 von bret ftirjcn nnb ciner lanant jen, Siiilje, Surge, Jtnmmet mad)ctu PAINFUL {adv. —vi),adj. 1. febmcrj-- lid), peinlid) ; 2. fummcrvoU, elenb, 3. miibfam, befd)ivcrlid) ; 4. nvbeit- fant, unvcrbroffen, emfifl (w. it.) ; — ness, s. 1. bic <2d)mer;ltd)teit, %u\\> lidifcit, Stttetfett, baS Seiben ; 2. bit s8efd)wetIidb!ett,SKu^f«mfett ; 3. bet greitl bie 9lnfmcfffamfcit (». u.). painim, + I. 8. bet .fpcibe, Unglanbi- gc ; II. adj. beibntfd). PAINLESS, adj. fc&metjIoS ; oI)ite 33c- fdnvcrbe, leid)t. PAINS, vid. Hitter Pain-. To PALNT, v. a. . ab-- paareii ; pairing time, bie 3 c 't beS SBftateng, Segattens. PALACE, s. bet SPallaft; — yard, ber Sd)lofibof, ^laij vor bent SPallflfte. paladin, s. ber SJSalabin. PVLANQUIN. Palankeen, ,« bet -pala^ fin, Stagefeffel, baS Sragcbctt. palatable, adj. rool)lfd)iuedcitb, fdimadbaft; -ness, s. ta*WpbU fdmedcube, bie Sd)inadbafttgtett. palatals, bie ©auntcnUute. palate, s. 1. ber ©aumcit; 2. ber ©cfdmacf.. palatial, adj. ju bent ©aumen ge» bbvig ; — letters, jrf. bie ®aumeubutb« ftaben. m . f palatinate, 5. bte spfflij; 4>wu= graffd)aft; — of Bavaria, bie Dbct- PALATINE, I. *. ber SPfoIjgtaf; (pala- tines, pi. bic) SPfSIjet; II. adj. Vwt' gva'flid); pfaljifd); count — , bet 9}foljgtaf. ,. 4 _ PALAVER, « vvlg. baa lUuuutiC' ©e> PALL PAMP PANN j$n>cife ; mdg. ©cfdjlabbcv ; bic ©d)ineidKici. To PALAVER, v. x. vulg. fdjlabbcvtt ; fd)meirbelit. JALE {adv. — ly), adj. Mail, bleid), cntfavbt; to grow — , crblaffen; to look — , btafi ausfcf>cu ; — ale (— beer), SBcijjbtcr ; — eyed, UOlt fdm\l = dieit Slugen, blobfidjtigj — faced, blttf von ©cftcbr, bleid) ; — hearted, HlUt[)(oS, fcii^C ; —red wine, bcvi3lci= rbev (eiu blaffet SBein); —stone, citt ©bclftciit von fcbwadjet %\xkt ; — wild horror, b(ay oov ©djtecfen. 1T> PALE, v. a. blaft, bleid) litadici'.. talk, a. 1. bet SPfabJ, ©dbaiijpfaljl, btc SJJalltfabe; 2. ©inpfablung, ©cbranfe, bcv eingcfc^loffene Oiaitm ; 3. Sejtrt SBcreidi, ©an, Sptenget; 4. //. r. bet $Pfa$l(fenf recite ©ttetf); within the — of society, (tin llmfatt= gc) in bev mcttfd)Itd)eu ©efeUfdjaft ; — of Uie church, bev 2d)00|j tcv Jtircbc. To pale, ». a. 1. ibfafclen ; umpfab> [cu, cinpfablcn, oetpaliifabiten; 2, umgeben, ciiifd)IictJen ; to — up a tree, cincit S3aum an ciu ©patiet binben, PALEACEOUS, vid PaLEOBS. paleness, s.bte Sldffe, iilcidje, mat* te Savbc. PALEOGRAPHY, a. tic dxll&XWXqitan* be altcv ©fljtiftjiige. PALEOUS, adj. fpvenavtig, bittftg. PALESTINE, a. JRaliiftiiia, bag gclobtc (bciligc) Saub. PALESTRIAN, ) adj. + ba«9iingcn bc= palestric, s tteffenb. PALETTE, s. T. vid. Pallet. PALFREY, s. 1. bas spatabepfetb, SJStadjttog ; 2. bcv Better, Jlleppcv, bag 9teitpferb (bcfoiibevs betgtauen). ^ALFREYED, adj. auf etnciu 3ctter vettenb. palification, ». btc (gintammung bcr SPfabJe (jum ©vunbbaii), SPfafc* lung. palindrome, .?. eiit SBott obet Safe, ba§ otov bet DOT* obet tiiftroattt a,e-- Iefctt in Kant uub ©inn fich ale id) blcibt. PALING, a. tic SBetpfa&luui}, bas 2ta= rfct. palingenesia, > s. bic Sftalingenefie, PALINGENESIS, J SUicbergcbuvt, 2Bietcvev$cuguug, ffiicbcvbcvft'clluitii. pallxode, Palinody, «. bcv SBibettuf. PALISADE, )s. bet ©pifcpfatylj Tort. PALISADO, S ©djanjpfabl, tic ^alli= fabe, bas Spfa^lwetf. To PALISADE, ?-. a. tHVpallifabivctt, (mit ScbansPfabfcn) oerwa&ten. palish, adj. rin toenig Mafjj — bine, blafblau. pall, a. l. ba« gallium, tor sDlattrel cineg Sf}bif$of8, SBiftfcofSmantel ; 2. ©taatsmantel, Xalav; 3. bat v c i = djenrud). 7'« pall, v. L&l, biilicn, DetljuUen ; 2. fd)a(, matt niadicit ; 3. mutbloS madjen, niebetfdjlagen, bfimpfen ; 4. fd)tvadicn, vcvtcrbcn ; 5. fdttiflen, iibevfiiUcit ; II. ». l'dm(, matt, un* fcftmacf^aft wevbc u, fid) »evvicd)cii. Palladium, a. 1. ba8 SJallabiuBt, ©ilb ter SjMaS, ©cbnfebilb ; 2. fig. bte <2d)itfcmancv, bet Scpufej 3. erne Sltt tent ^latiua SbnlifbeS I'lCtall. Pallas,s. Myth, r.tic ®i>ttinn i'alla?, 3J?inetua; Ast. r. tcv planet SJJaUaS. Pali^et, s. T. i. tie palette, ba8 gat* benbvett; 2. Slbcrlafibcrfcn ; 3. tie ^rebfebcibe (tet iiipfcr) ; i. t>i^ SJetfloltcmcffct ; 5. if. r. bet Heine ^fat)l: 6. —,or — Led. taS 28a<$* bett, tte ^ritfd)e; baS Jftrontaibctt. To PALLIATE, ». a. 1. eiitfrfjUitia.cit, befebonigen, bemaiitcln ; serininbetn; 2. milbetn. palliation, «. 1. tie (5ntfd)ulbig«ng, giinfltge Darftettung, 83einantcfung ; 2. SQetmtnbetuna ; in — of.., aid (fntfcbultiguiig fiiv . . . PALLIATIVE, L adj. 1. bemaiitclub, be= fd)Diiigeiit ; 2. Mttbetllb, inilteritt ; H a. ba« '4ialiiati», tie .Vntlfc befl ,'lu= genbltcfs, bafl •^tnb.altungdmittel. PALLID (ado. — ly), adj. blajj, bleid); — ness, s. tie 2Maffe. PALL-MALL.*. 1. taS ifJiail-Spicl ; 2. bet SWaiUSterf, ,H(oben. PALLOR, ». bie "iUaffe. palm, *. 1. bie ^'ilntf/ bcv SPalms baum; 2. SPatntjmeig ; 3. bie flacfte ^anb; 4. .foaiitbrcirc icrci 3 oil) ; • r '- jir, tcv ©ieg, 2'riumpb ; palms, pi tie *3lHfcvfdiaufc[it, ^Infevbaiite, OluEev= fltigel ; — berry. — fruit, tie Tattel ; — Sunday, bet ^JalmfOBntag ; — tree, tcv SBalmbaum. To PALM, v. a. 1. bctaficn, begreifen; 2. ftveirbcln; 3. in tcv .panb I'cifte-- dfen (»ie Xafrbciifpielcv, ; 4. bettiu gen, anfiibveit; to — upon one. ci= nent ctiuaS auf[)eftett, col. ei;it 9iafe bvebeit. PALMATED, «•'/. ©^iDtinmfufe ba= bent, fdjiuimmfiifiig; i:. r. bautfor= mi.i. PALMER, Spitgtim, spUget, Spal* inenttaget ; — worm, tie SBanbets vaitpe, sJ3voceffion8rauj3e, B»rtv^»ve. PALMETTO, *. tie SPPaumpalme Pair ma prunifcra — L.) ; — leaf, tic 3u= bciipalme. PALMTFEROUS, adj. ^alnteu tvagent, Vaitnenvcid). palmiped, adj. piattfiifiia,, fd)»imm= fii[;ig, mit ©d)tt>imm|)auten; — fowls, (palmipeds),p2 ©o)n)iminfu^Ief. PALMisTER, s. bet (ibivontaiit, .*)aut= wa^tfaget. palmistry, «. bie (Sljitomantie^anb* mabtfagerei. palm v, «v. a. tcv «d)lai]rlut'i, Sdjlag, bic Vahntuttg; to — ,?•.'«. labmcit. palt, a. + bcr 2d)Iag, SButf. To palter, r. n. ituvctlid) bautcltt, fvuinmc SBcge licbmen. PALTERER «. tcv llitvetlid)c, Qlvgli= ftige. PALTRINESS, a. tie Stttlfeligfett. PALTRY, adj. lltmpig, avmfciiij, clcnt. PALY, adj. • Mat';. l'AM. a. bet JCteffles" robet Jlteui*) SBube. v.- PAMPER, v. ,;. gutlidj ti'im, ju veiddid) fflttetn, uopun, maften. PAMPERED, adj. iibetOoU. PAMPHLET, s. bie glugf^tift, ta3 Sd)tiftd)en: — hawker, bet Slug fd)viftC110CVfailfev ; — writer, tCV glugfd)viftenf4tetbet. To PAMPHLET, i », glugf(^lif> 9 fd)reiben. PAMPHLETEER; a. vid Fuuaunni TUR. PAN, a, JMfeefc X^™, bcv (Sott bei •fiivLit. 1 tic SRfanne; 2. 3ii |:: - ne; 3. -foivnutalc; 4. Jrofd); — cake', ter SPfannfudjen ; — cover, bev ^fannenbetfel ; — i pipe (— pipe--, btc SBapageuofifeift . — pudding, bev im Dfen geoacfeui v i ; iieci!t,t ; — tile, bcr .jpoljljiegel. panacea, a. I. tie spanacee, ( gemeine .fiedtnittel ; 2. tie Jtrnft= ivuvjet, bad Vlllbeil, tic ■Ocilnuivtd. PANADA, > a. bie .Ufaubriibc OOU gt= PANADO, \ voftcteini'vot, taj SBtOb' roaffet, PANCH, a. vid Paukch. PANCRATICAL Paw batii . a ;/. OU«s gejeid)net in alien g w mnaftifd)en lie* oungen, tabcr: ftarf oon ©liebetn. r \xii:r..\s. ,, .i. r. tie SBrufrbtufe, PANCREATIC, odj .1. T. }Ut93tufl fe gebovig ; — juice, tcv SBruj ftnfaft. PANCY, a. Bid, Pansy. PANDECT, a. 1. citt 83ud), ta-5 bf begtiffeinet 2Biifenfd)aftuinfavt; .'. pandect-, a /./. bio l-ailfCittK, Samin= lung voinifdtcv ©efefce, PANDEMIC, adj. citt ganjeS 33o1Ebe= tteffenb, panbemifd; ; — disease, eitte aUgemeine .Uratttheit. pandemonium, a. tev 3>ainonenteiu= pel, bie JEeufettgefetlfrDaft. PANDER, a. bet .«iii'plcv,©clegcnbcit: = market; .'jclicv; bie j?upp(ertnn. To PANDER, d. a. , ba( Uebelbeftnben ; to —,«.«, peinigtii qitalcn, niavtevii. PANGOLIN, a bat torinofattitV! fildiett, furjgefd)rofinjte Sd)uepen= tlucr M panic, i. s. 1. bev panifd'c ©C^terlen; — struck, OJtU : etgtiffen; 2. bev SBurbmeijcit, bal J^eibfforn; n a [/ pattifd). PANICLE *. B v. bie SRi«pe. PANICLED, r.r. i: r ri«peuf5tinig. pannadej Sp. t. bie (joutbette (bei mittlete Spriiug einei ^fetbee . PANNAGE, i L. T bi* C5td>clmaft ; 293 papi; PARA PARA bafi gfe^mftrtb, tic aJlafrgebufc.-; SIB* gabe oom ;Eucb. PANNEL, .*. 1. baa Eottelfiffen, b tc °v i i : iVbe ; 2. ter DJlngcn einefl .;>a- bicbtfi ofeet galfen. PANNIER, s. ter Ui ! :pt=0 JEotb ; a pair f — s, P i. tic jpacftotbe, JEragfijtbe (fur Spfetbe, it. f. IS).); panniers, pi. iwt Sdjnnjforbe. PAN( iplv. s. tic o&Hige [Jtufhtng. pan (RAMA, 5. bag panorama, 3lunb= gemalbe. PANSOPfflCAL, m§. SHIefi milieu h)oI= [cub, ptcr 0lUc5 511 rotffen ootgebenb. PANSophy, s. tie 'Jllljckbrtbcit, 3111= ivciebeit (to. ii./. PANSY, s. * tie Dretfaltigfeitfiblume, bafi (Stiefmutterdjeii [vMa tricolor — L.\ To pant. ». h. Hopfen, fdifageit, po= ctifti ; beben, jitteru, flattcru ; febtver atbmen, feieben ; to — for fear, not ftlircbt jittei'lt; to — after . ., KV= langen, jh-cben, ftcb febnen, leebjen uacp . . . pant. s. bafi ,£>etjHopfen, SBaflcn. pantaloon, s. 1. ter spantalon (tine frmiute (Sbavaftetinafife) ; 2. tie lan= gen ©cinfteibet • Stnintpfbofeii (ge». pi. pantaloons). PANTER, *. btt .ftctrlKiitc, . E. tafi ,$?cid)cn ctneS A.'.lfen. pantheism, «. bet SPantbeifimufi. pantheist, 5. bet Spautieiji. PANTHEISTIC, > ,. .,,,, ffl , :-.;- x pantheistical, $■*■ ^"M*- PANTHEON, s. baS SPanHjeon. panther, *. fccv spant&et, SPatber. PANTINGLY, adv. flopfent ; bcbcnb, feiitcnb, mit iiufcrbnutcncm Sltbem. PANTLER, s. ter .Oaiic-lnnmeifter, ikctntciiicr; SJtunbbacf et ; JReUuet; tic 3Iu8gebertnn. PANTOFLES, s. pi. tic ^aiifcffcln. PANTOGRAPH, s. T. bet '.>llll"dn\'ilnr, Stord)febimbcl (einSnjltumentStijfe, ii. f. ». $u coptrcit). PANTOMETER, *. r. bet Spautomefet, 'Mmcffcr, tie i")icf;fcbcibe. pantomime, i. s. 1. s . tic IBantomime, ©eberbenfptacbe, bafi ©eberbcufpiel ; 2. ter SPantomtme, ©cberbcnfpielcr, SPojfenteifiet; n. adj. pantoiuimifrb. PANTOMJMICAL, Pantomimic, adj. vid. Pantomime. PANTONS (Panton shoes), .? pi. tic 3roangfiljufeifen, spantorrelcifeu. pantry, s. tie Srobfammet, tSpeife* Eammet; ter SBrotfrbranf, ©peife* fcbratlf ; yeoman of the — , bet v „>lufiz gebet. pap, 5. 1. tic 33ruftrDatte (an tev roeib* lid)cn SBtufl), tie Srufi ; 2. bet (xoti- cbc) StCt, Jtintcrbrci, bafi 3J?uf, tie $appe; 3. bafi gleifcb tev AriidUc; — boat, bafi ^appnapfitcit, tie 3Jrci= pfanne. To pap. ». o, mil SBret fiiftcnt. PAPA •'■ bet *]Mm, SBatet. PAPACY, ,-. ba6 iJapftrlv.iin, tie papft= lidic SBiitbe. PAPAL, adj. papfKieb. PAPAVEROUS, adj. bOlt 3JJoblI, lltpt)lt' artig. pai'aw, s. ter aReloitenbaum '■ — /..); triple fruited — , tCt breifappieje glofr^enbamn. papi". 5 ter -;\ipft; ^eiftliite SOafet. PAPER, g. 1. baS -Vainer; 2, StucI $apicr, -matt. SBIfittc^en, ter^cttcl; 3.ba8 3ettung«blatt; i. .v. e* SBecbfet; (anf bem KourSblatte Stiefe; — on Leipsic, t',n-iev a:ir setpjig, obet fetDjtgei papier; — of patterns, baS SUJujlerbudb, tie SKits 291 flerf arte j to commit to — , ^it SjJapiet brtitgeit; daily — , bad Sfngeblatt; . y — . baS SSBocBenbTatt ; periodi- cal — . tic p e eiob i fc6 e 3 e i t '"d> rip ; pa- pers of value, SBcrrhprtpicre ; — board, Typ. T. bflfi il'.ifdibvett, Aendit= brctt; — book, 1. b«8 ©cbteibebltcB ; 2. ct it vof)c» (ungebunbeneS) Sucf; — circulation, ter ^opierumlfluf, tie 33anf noten=6treuIfltton ; —credit, bet Cm-tit, ten SemonbeS SBeebfel Pbet "}?ar-icrc iiberhaupf babcit ; ter offeite b"eetir, SBecJfelctebtt; — currency, baS hit Umlattf bcfintlid:c i^ipier= gclb; — fired, blafj (»on (Seftdjt); — hanger, bet .Tapejiercr, 3»nmet= befleibet; — hangings, pi. tyapitttte petcn; — kite, ter papievne ©tacbe; — Unite (— folder), bet , iU'icf|'trcid)cr, bafi Satjbein; — maker, bet Spaptets mad)er; — man, ter Sc6reibma= tcrialienbauttcr; —medium, vid.— currency; — merchant, tCV S)]apier= biiutlcr; — mill, tic -}?iipicrnuU)[c ; — money, b«8 ^piero/lb ; — office, bafi SUvdbJs ; — pins, pi. ©fecfnabeln in SBtiefen ; — prints, pi. £'apcieit= papier; — reed, c^.ipfifd;c§ Siobr, 5JJaVi)tnfi ; —royal, bafi !iica.alpapier; — scull, bet 2rf)UMrbi0pf ; — stainer, bet tiirfifd)c-rl>apier ntadit; —value, bie SPaptetoatuta ; — weights, pi. -^apierbcfd)U'crcr, S3;'icfbefdniH-rcr. PAPER, adj. 1. papicrcu, boil papier ; 2. febr biiiut. To paper, v. a. 1. mil papier beTIeis ben, aufifchlagen, tapejitenj 2. in spa= puer eiiipacfcit, einfdilaejcit. PAPESCENT, adj. jit 33rct Iverbciib, wcicb, mu^ig, faffig. papess. s. bie Spnpftinu. PAPHIAN, adj. Vapbifdi. PAPIL, s. bie flcine (iBruitOSarjc. p.\pilio, s . bet ©cbmettctling. PAPILIONACEOUS, adj.B.T. ben aufige= breitereu ©cbmettcflingfiPugeln abn= liit, fcbmettetltngSfotmig, ftbinetfets lingfiattig ; — flowers, b. t. 5d;met- tetlingfiblumen. ptpiLLOus' l «&*-watjenf5tmig / wat s papilose, ' S itmttt& - papism, 5. bet spapifimufi, bafi $apft= tbnm. papist, s. bet SRoinifcblat^oIifdje, $a= yifi, ^apftletv SRomling. PAPISTICAL (ic), adj. papijtifrt, pap = flint. papistry, s. bafi SPapjltljum. PAPIZED, adj. jum $ap|ltl)iim bcfefirt. PAPPOUS, adj. roeicbf)*i^i'ts1. lvpllia,.' paptv, adj. bteiattig, un-ut, faffig. PAPULM, s. pi. Med. T. cine 3lt{ pof= fenattigen ^autaufifcblagefi. papulous, adj. ooUet Slusfcblag. PAPYRUS, «. baS cijpptifte SRoor, bet SPapljtufi. papyri, s. pi. SPa^rufirotten. par. *. .v. E, bie ©letebbttt, bcr gleicbe Suf), gleicbe SBcttt), bafi Spati; to be upon a — , to t,e at — , SPatt, (in glci= ci>em SBcrtbc) ftcbeit, glciit fciMt; — of exchange, bie (Mlcidibcit befi 3Bcd)= fclcoutfefi nadi bent Slufilanbe. parable, s. bie SPatabel, 01ctd)ni^ rebc. To PARABLE, v. a. in l-arabc(n flcibcu. parabola, s. Mat. T. bie parabola, §Patabet PARABOLICAL (ic), (adv. — i.y), adj. i. parabeltiYb; i|leid)ni»iivcifc ; 2. .v i T. in Acnit einet ^arabel, pa= rabolifcb; rarabolic curve, tie para- bolifebe Vim'e. PARABOLISM, *. Alg. T. bcr ^arabe= Iifimufi. PARABOLOID, .'. o. T. tic nkrab* loibe, ter Olftcrfcejcl. paracelsian, i. s. bet bem Sljftemi bee; SParacelfufi folgenbf 9ltjt; II. adj paraeelfiut, bie .Ocilmerbctc tc^ |Ja» racelfufi bejeiebnenb. PARAi lENTESIS, } s. Med.T bcr Pallets PARACENTESY, ) ftit, SBtuftflicb mit einet ^oblnabel, tut ^Ibjapfung iei SBaffetfi. PARACENTRIC I— cai.\ adj Mat. T. paraeentri|\t, oon bet 3itt"eUinie ab» meicbeub. PARACHRONISM, s. ter ^aracbroni3=> litii.-, 3eittcdniiii'iV^feblcr. PARACHUTE, .--. 7'. bet Aallfdiirnt. PARACLETE, 5. 7%. T. tev irctter, beiliae ®etfi ; ter 5iirfprcrf)cr, SBft* ntittler. parade, s. 1. tie karate, ber5luftng, bafi ©eptange, tic fptacbi ter 5raat; 2. t. tic karate, bcr "Scbvbicb cbeint 5'fd)tci0; 3. bet ©olbateuautjug ; 4. bcr Sparabcpla^; to keep up a — Staaf, Sliifroanb macben ; to bo in — , T. in 1-arabe lierjen beint gedjrenX To PARADE, iv I. a. Mil. Ph. ailfjichctT ; n. 7i. jut 3TJufleritng ptcr jumpers ciiinm |ld) m-rfantniclii; eittber ftcl= jiten, prnnfen, prablen. PARADIGM, s. bafi $atabigma, tie SSotfebtift, bafi i^uftcr, 3J?uftet»etf. PARADIGMATICAL (— ir), adj. para= bigmatifeb, oorbtlblirb (ro. it.). To PARADIGMATIZE, b. a. dl$ Shtfict obet 53etfpiel aiintellcn (». u.). paradise, s. bafi SPatabiefi ; 2i>rnnc= fjefilt ; bird of — , ter SPatabiefiDogel ; pied bird of — , bet ^atabiefitobe ; grains of — , tie ^aratie*fbnter ; tiw fools — . Utopieri, ba5 @lbotabo, ©cblataffenlanb ; — aj.pie. bcr 1>ara= biefiapfet; — grakle, bcr fOJarlinSyc* flCl, ^3aflarb_(P(irai/wei tristis) ; — j;n:ainer, ber ^d)malbcnfd)UMli: ccilo paradisca). PARAD1SEAN, adj. vid. Parahisiuial. PARADISIACAL, adj. paratici'iut. paradox, s. ber paratorc (feltfaine Sa6, >2itciiniMtcrfinit. PARADOXICAL (ado. —, a,lj parabor, febeinwibetpunig, fonberbar, feltfam, peiraborenfucbtig ; — ncss,s, bafi i^UMtLU'e, tie 3cuterbarfeir, Scltfanifcit. paragoge s. Gmm. t bie ^avagoge, (@nb«)S3etIangetuug einefl SBottee. paragogic, l adj. jut ^atagogc paragocical, j gebbrig. parai ;i in, s.bafi DoUfommene JWuftet. Utbilb; vortrcrrlidic ©tficf; a — oi beauty, c tit ^iitfter ber ©cbonbett. To paragon, ? \ I. n. gleicbcn, glctdj fc.Mt; ii. o. gleict) niadjcn, uevglettben (V». ii.). PARAGRAM, s. cin SBortfpieL PARAGRAPH, s. ber 2lbfa%, 2lbfd>nttt, 5Jatagtapb< bafi Sllinea (aimed), be^* gleidien Typ. T. [IT]. To PARAGRAPH, v. a. SIbfafee fdjteis ben oter fefcen. PARAGRAPHIC, adj. patagtapbifdj, in abfafeenj —ally, adv. itad; ^atagta* pben. PARALLACTIC (—gal), adj. J&fc. T juj -parallare geborig; parallaettieb; — angle, ter parallacrifdu- SBinfel. parallax, s. jist T. tie Qkrallave. PARALLEL {adv. —i.y), adj. 1. O 7 parallel, g[cid?laiifcnb; 2' fig' rtlcictp, iibnlid) ; to run — , parallel (anfen. PARALLEL, a. J. tie ^avallelc, ^?a» vallelliuic, ter ^atallelffeifi ; 2. tit OMeidibeif, bafi Oleicbc; 3. bie Seta gleirbung : 4. parallels, pi. Tup. 7. 5p\v taUeShtieri [||]. To parallel, v. a. 1. iMvallcIc Sinieu PARC jicficn, gkidjtaitfenb ma$eu ; '2. pa* taUel ft)} i, glcicb fepn; 3. »cr= gUicben. rARALLELABLE, adj. mcidibav tit 2lcbitlid)feit obcr ©leicfcbeit, gleicb ju Eommen (ro. ft.). PARALLELISM, ». 1. ber SParaUeitgs mu?, paraUcle ©tanb, bet 0)leicb> lauf; 2. btc ©leic^eit, alette gornt, Gbeitmdjiigfeit. PARALLELOGRAM, *. O T. bag SPtt= ralleiogram. PARALLELOGRAMICAL (— ic), adj. g. t. reie ciu ^Parallelogram. PARALLELOPIPED, )s. O T. bag PARALLELOPIPEDON, J SParallelepU pebum. PARALOGISM, *. 7". bet ©opfyigmug, JEtugfcjjtnfi. 7'^ PARALOGIZE ». »■ Srugfcbliiffc iiwrfifit, f c h t fd)licf;cn. PARALOGY, ». bag Achl|"d)licjicit. PARALYSIS, *. Med. T. bit OHicbcr= Idhmuna,, elite 2lrt ©djlagflup*. PARALYTIC (— cal), adj. Med. T. Qlk- bcvlabm, gelaljmi, gicbtbrucbjg ; 511 ©cblagfluffen genefflt. PARALYTIC,*, bcr ©elaf;mte, @icb> brudnge. To PARALYZE, u. «. roie init bem Silage riifjren, lawmen ; uuitittj macbeit. PARAMETER, s. O. T. bev ^Parameter. PARAMOUNT, I. adj. hod) it, 111111111= frbrditEt (mitto) ; lord'—, bet oberjie Vcbusbcrr; 11. .9. ba-i Cberbanpt, ber f)od)fte .»3cvv, ©ebieter, Vebitsbcvr. PARAMOUR, .?. bcr (bie) ©etiebte, SBub>, bad 8iebd)en. PARANTHINE, *.bct ©preuflein, 3Ber* ncvit. PARANYMPH, 0. 1. ber SStaUlfuljrer; 2. Sitrfprerber, Sobrebnet. PARAPEGM, s. cine metaUene ©efefes Dbct Jtaleitbcr=Iafcl ait einet ©aule. PARAPET, 8. Fort, btc 33ruftivcl;v. PARAPHERNA, \s. L. T. (para- PARAPHERNALIA, J phernal proper- ty), bie iparapberualicii, sparap&er= nalgiitet, ©erabe, (bag §ugebtacbte einet aufcn ; 5. »a* spdefet, ©unbei ; 6,w«t. bag Sgad j PARG .!/./:-.«. to freight by — . 2fucfa,utcr laben, fludroeife befraduen ; 1 chase or sell in or by small) — . par; ccllircit, patcetlenroeife (in fletneit f]So(ien, SpSftc^en i'arccll dj)en) ein obet oetfaufen ; — maker, bet spaife* tcmad)cr. To PARCEL, b. a. 1. tbcilcn, ciittficilcn, abtbcilcn; u'vi'tiid'cln ; 2. ^iu'aiumcii = hdiifcn ; Detmebren ro. it. ; 3, ,\ - . r. Scfjmarting ubet cin Ian, u. f. w. legen ; 4. m. e. parceflireti, (abtbci= Icii) in flciitcu spoflen ciu= obet iu-v= Eaufen. PARCELLING, «. JV. T. 2dnitavtin^ (aitts getb^eetteg Segeltuc|) 511111 SBes fleiben bet Xaue). PARCENARY, «. L. T. bcr 3nitbe(tfe, gcti)ctltc in'filj; to hold land in — , ein ©tunbftiid unjertbeilt, (gemcttu Uta'tlidH befiftcn. PARCENER, -• L. T. bcr Siitcigcnt^iU nior, OJittcvbc. To PARCH, v. t a. borvcil, bvatcit, vo= (ten, bi'ciuicii, fengen ; parched with thirst, fafi yen'dMiiaebtet »ot JDuvfi ; parched lips, aufgefprungene Sipv»t ; 11 «. gefengt merbeit, feugen. parchment, « bag $etgament ; — maker, bcr SPetgamentmacbet ; — parer, bet ^ergamenlfc^abet ; — |.nr- ings, ]>i. SSibfaH »ont i'apicv ; — run- ner, bet PapiersSinienjie^et. PARD, 3. bet barber, Seopatb. ToPARDON, r. a. 1. oetgeben, ycr^ci= bcit; 2. (bie ©ttafe) ettajfen, fefien* fen, begnabigen ; — me, (icb bittcj inn 33etjeib^ung. pardon, s. 1. tie SergeBimg, 33erjei= Intiui, ©egnabigung ; (SrlafTuitg, ^nx- bC; 2. bCV 'JlblllH', general — ,VlC all = aemeine Slmnejtte; to beg — , um in'neilnuta, bitten. PARDl INABLE (ado. — i.y\ adj. V>crjCtf>- lid) ; etlailich ; — ness, s. bie 33erjei9= lidifeit; (yddiilidifeir. pardoner, s. 1. bet 83etjeifjenbe ; 2. Stbla^ftamer. To PARE, v. a. nBft^netben, 6efc§nei= ben ; fippen, fcbalen ; abfdjarfen ; jig. oettingetn, minbetn : to — n h >rs< ■- ben <&uf eineg $ferbeS augroits Een, PAREGORIC, adj. A- .9. Med. T. Wttg Scbmefjen ftillt, linbert. PARENI IHYM \. .-. . 1 T bet rdv.ranuii! Ac Jtotpct, bag Slutfteb : B. r. *<\S •^laitfleirdi, Alciui) bet Wetnffftcbfe. PARENCHYMAL "US, / a '/ A. T. JUin PARENCHYMOUS, j' SBlutjtebe ges gBtig, ft^rbamintg. parenesis,*. bie UeBetrebung, @t= niabiuiii.v PARENE11CAL (— iv),adj. ermabiicnb ; etinunfetnb. parent, ». bet SBatet, bie SKutfer; to be the — nf...j; L r. ftjeiigeitj — stock, bcr OJiitttevfiamin ; parents, pi. bie iclfd)llIClI. PARISHIONER, s. bev 4?farvaciK' SpfarrEinb; — s, pi. bie $fart(eute, ^fattEinbet, PARISIAN, 1. adj. OUg ifatig; II. s. bet spar if er. PARISYLLABIC (Paristllabicai gleicb,f9lbtg. PARTTOR,*. bet Ibiivftcbcr, ©ericbtgs bicner, "petcll. PARITY, s. bie ©kiebbcit, (3Iequi»a« lenjs) Sparitdt. PARK,*, bet sparf, Slugartcn, .Ibt'cr= gatteii; — of artillery, G««. ber Slt» tiilci'tc=-pavE; —flower, ba« 9Bajr* bliimd)eii ; — keeper, bet SparEauffe* bov ; — leaves, ba? ocbaniii-f rant //: . pi rum — L I To pare, 0. a. cinfd)[icj5cii, umpfab^len einpferc^en. PARKER, 8. bcr?lnpcbcr eineg SParES. PARLANCE, *. bag ©efptacj, tie Utt.- terrebung. To PARLEY, v. n. firf> untcnebcn, fid) befpredjen; fid) in Unterbanblungeii fiiilaiTen ; MU. Tk. Eapitnliren, \w\Uv- menttrev. PARLEY,*, bag ©efprdd), bicUntcrre= bung, Untei'baublung ; to be it a — Scbamabe fd)Iagen; to desire a — . parlamentiren wodeit. PARLIAMENT, ». bag 5ParTament ; — heel, ft. T. bie b.ilbc jtielung; — ii iuse, bag Spatlament&aug ; — man (member of — ), bag iparlamentgglieb. PARLl V.MENTAR1 IN, I. e.vid Parlia- kbntebk : Ha*. tern SParlamente jut 3cit bcr SReoofution untetJiarl 1. er= geben. PARLIAMENTEER, ». bev .'iubdit^cr bc§ SParlamenta jut .V-it ber engli fdben SReuoIution ttntet Jtarl 1. PARLl VMENTARY, adj. bag 'i ; arla« men t betreffenb, bent ^Jarlamenfc an* genteffen, parlementarifdj ; - pi. Sparlajnentgverorbnungen. parlor, *. 1. bag ©Dracbjimuter, tcr ©prac^faal in Jtl5{lern); 2. bag 'iH'uutiiinnicr, Stnttittg|iminet ; 3Boi>n}tinmer. PARMESAN, *. I. brr Don sparnta, ■parntcfaiici - ; l (— ch bet SParmefanfafe, PAROCHIAL [adv. — m ad |UII1 jtirchfpiele geb_6rig, bie ^}farrc be- rreffenb ; — officers, Jcixdiciibeani' 395 PART PART PART tfte; — register, bag ,(?ird)cilbucb, >4>farrblirb; —relief, bag ■JlriUCltgelb aug tern &trd)fpiei. PAROOHIAL1TY, s- ba3 jum Jiird)= fpicl ©efcorige. PAROCHIAN,!. adj. Jll cilKllt J?ird)= fpicl geborig; n. s.ber ©iugcpfarric. parody, s. bte SParobie, ©pottnadjs a^mung, bag ©egengebtdji ; tc — , p. o. parobiren, 511m ©pott uad)ar)men. PAROLE, adj.L. T. miiutlid); — ac- ceptance, tie miitttluhc Jlnnabme; — evidence, bag illUUelid)C 3eUftnif3. PAROLE, s. bte munblid)e 3ufage, bad gegebcue SBort, ©fcrenroort, SBerfpre= rt)eti; .1///. pa. bad Jlennroort, 8o= fungSttorf, bte Parole. PARONOMASIA (Paronomasi), .-. fl/t T. bte paronomafte, ber ©leiebjaut ber SBiSrter. PARONOMASTK !AL (— ic), adj. jtt eiucr ^aronomafte gefyortg. paronychia, s. s. r. bcr SBurm am Singer, bag SJiagelgefdjrour. PARONYMOUS, orfj gleid)lautenb, pa= rontymifd). paroquet, «. ber Heine §Papnget. PAROTID, adj. .1. T. jit ben 5&riifen ge&orig; — glands, pi. bie Qljren* briifen. parotis, s. s. r. l.bie Dljrenbrufe : 2. bte ©cfcbrmtlfi tu- Ofjrettbrfifen, Dl;= vcnbculcn. PAROXYSM, *. .iw. r. bcr SParorigs mug ; 3lnftofl, 2lnfaU,©d)auer. PARREL, 6-. -v. t-s. bag ;){aef eiucr 3taa; —rib, bie 9tacf futternng ; — rope, bag Sftacftau, ;)(acfrafc[ ; — trucks, bte Sfcacfflotetl ; —truss, tcv Sluf&blee teg 3iad : g, bit SRadtalje. PARRICIDAL, I adj. »aterm5l'berifd), PARRIC1DIOUS, S mutfermBrberifd). parricide*. 1. ber 33atermorb, 3JMs termors; 2. S3aterm6rber: Gutters rnorber; 3. jig. 8anbeg»ertatfjer. TARROQUET, s. rid. Paroquet. PARROT, s. bcr SPapaget ; the diving — , ber SPavagettaudjer, bte SPapageU cute ; — coal, bic Jtaunelloble, gacrels fohlc ; — Bsh, ber SPapageififd) ; — weed, bte Q3ocC01tie {Bocconia frutes- n IMS L). To PARRY, v. a. ; — ness, s. vid. PAR- SIMONY. parsimony, «. tic ©parfamfett ; .Jtargljeif. PARSLEY, s. tie SPrterfilte (Jipium — L.) ; — pert, ter ©teineppicb, Heine ©tembred) {Pimpinella saxifraga — L). parsnip, s. tic spaflinafe. parson, s. ber Spfarrer : ©eifllid)e. parsonage, „-. 1. tie sBfarre, spfars met, SJJfruttbe; 2. tag pfarrbang. PART, Ls.sing. 1, berS'hcil; 2. 5In= tbcil ; 3. tie Quote, Quota ; 4. tag ©tticf; 5. @(teb; 6. bte spartte, $P«v* Ki, Seite; 7. ©egertb; 8. ^flidU, ©telle, tcvTicttft ; 9. Dram. T. bie 9ioIIe ; 10. Mas. t. tie ©timme ; — in n vessel, ber Sd)tffSpart ; Cor my --,jd) mettteS JnciUl wag mid) tc= tvifft ; in — . tbcihocife ; — by — ©titct fiir 2tinf ; in — (of payment, abfchlfigltd), Buf^bftttng; to make a payment in — , abfd)la ( ]lidi tablcn, ..); 3. Slbfitieb nebmen ; i. ?lntl)cil baben ; JEljetl nebmen. PARTABLE, adj. vid. Partible. To PARTAKE, v. n. £bcil IteblltCIl, Sbcil f)abeu (— of.., p,- in.., an etroCiS); rtleid) babcu (mtt) ; I made her — of it, id) f)«be eg mtt tb,r gc= tbeilt; what brutes — with men, luag bieS;i)icrc mtt ten 3Renfd)etl gemeiu baben. PARTAKER, s. 1. ter Sftcihtebmcr, 2;i)eilbabci', (-^tif--) ©enoffe (einer §aubelSgefeUfcl)aft, u. f, ro.) ; 2. a)?itfd)ulbige. partaking, s. L. T. tie IGci'ciniijung \\\ etroaS Itnerlaubtem, tag Somps plott. PARTER, s. bcr J'bcilentc, 11. f. ». PARTERRE, s.baS ^avtevrc ; ^innien= beer, (Savtenftiicf ; a —of tulips, cine JEulpenfJur. PARTHIAjS. bag 'P.irtbcrfant. PARTHIAN, I. adj. l)artl)if(f) ; II. s. ter ^artber. PARTIAL (adv. — ly), adj. 1. lllir citteit Sbeil betreffeiib, 511m 2.'bcil, tbciU toeife, 6efonber(8) j 2. parteiifd), par= feitid); einfeitia; to be — to.., (be= fonberc) SSorlieoe f)abctt fur..; M. E-s. — acceptance. bctino,te ?lllltab = me; — bonds, t!avtiaUCbiiaatio= nen, 5J3auttal=8oofe, .I'bcilfdjiiltfdici: ne ; — sales, particllc (pavtialc, ober SPartie=) SBerKufe. PARTIALITY, s. tag Tbeiltvcife; bic S|Sartetlid)feit ; SBorlte&e. PARTIBILITY, s. tic Sbcilbavlcit, Xientibarfeit. PARTIBLE, adj. t()cilbar,tvenntiar. PARTICTPABLE, arff.rooratt 11UUI Ilu'il l>ibcu fann, tbeilnci)mbar. PARTICIPANT, I. adj. J'beit ncbntcnt, mitgeniefenb ; 11. s. ber Xiictlucbjncr, SOiitgenoti. T,. PAIITK 'IPATE, v. n. S'bctl Ijatcit, Shcil nebmen ( — in, or of.., an crnnig); theilbaftig femt ; etroaS ta= »on an ftcjj baben. PARTICIPATION', s . 1. tie 3;bcilna{) = mc; Sbeilbaftujfeit ; 2. 3lu«t(jeilung. PARTICIPATIVE adj. tbcilncbimtit:]-^ fajjig. PARTICIPIAL, adj. r;,-,,,,, T. pai'tici= pial ; — ly, udr. alg '-participium. PARTICIPLE, s. Oram. T. ba« 5J3artict> pinm, 3Rtttflroort. particle, s. bag S6eild)en, ©tucf. eben ; ©taubd)en, 2ltom ; Oram. T tas;)ietctbeihten, HmftaubSivovt, tit SPartiCel. PARTICOLAR, adj. 1. bcfotiter, ctn= jcln; 2. gcuau;" 3. umiianblid); 4 »or|ug!id); 5. aufmerffom; 6. eigen, fcltfant ; to make — , anffallent mas cbcu ; he is not — in this, cr bat bier> viu nidttg SBefonbereS, nid>t£ Hi^e neg, cr ift nicht cii]cu bicvin ; — aver- agej^f-.E. tic cinfaebc ober befonberi fiaferei; a — friend, citt »orjug(i= dnr, sertrauter Sreuub. particular, s . l.bcr einje[ne tymtt, ober :ibeil, befonbere Umfianb: 2. tic SJJrioat^erfon ; in — , ins Sefou* tcrc, befonberg, uorner^mlid) ; particu- lars, pi. befonbere, lnibere Umftante, details, (ciujcln) angefi'tbrte 2bat= farhen, Sata; umftautlid)c 3iad)s rid)t, tag ?ial)cvc; — s of a case, tie Slcftnjiitcfe, ber ©pccialterid)t; to enter into — s, ing ein$elue geben, M. P/i-s. for — s apply to Mr. N.. 3t8s l;cvcg fann ibneit Qtxv ?l. mittbet^ kit ; for further — s I refer you to . . , jur uaberen Jveunluif;naf)me oerroeife id) anf . .. PARTICULARITY, s. 1 . bag 3?efcutcic, tic ©eltfamteir, (5igcuf)cit ; 2. bcr befonbere Umftant, etnjelne S«H ; 3. tic befonbere (Srwatjnung, @r8r« terung. To PARTICULARIZE, v. I. o. cinjcll? angeben oter oerjeirbnen, naber bc- ftimnieu, umftantlid) fiiamcutltd)] anfitbveu ; II. w. anf (Sinjeiubcitet; befonberg merlcu. PARTICULARLY, adr. be foiltcrg ; most — , auf bag 3litgclegeutlid)fte, 3»= ftsnbigfte. parting, s. bag Sbeilcn, ©cbeiben, u. f. ro. ; at — , bcint Sebcitcit ; — breath, ber lc^te Scbeugtjaud) ; — cup, bcr ".'IbfdnetgrnmE ; — cups, pt ber §Baletfd)mauS ; — gun, bcr ^lb= fcbictgfcbuf; ; — glasses, pi. tic glo^ femen ©efritje jum ©d)etben ' te-J ©clteg unc ©ilbet-8. partisan, s. 1. tie SPartifctne ; 2. ter (Sommaiitoftab ; 3. 3lub!ingcr, $Parteiganger. PARTITION, s. i. tic SE&eilung ; 2. S'rennuiui, Slbfonberung ; 3. 31btbcU lung, bcr ilbcil ; 4. tie Querroanb, ©d)eiben)anb, ber Serfc^Iag, ©urd)* jug ; — lines, pi. 11. T. tie ^illicit, ivclebc cin 3i3appfitfd)iib tl)cilen ; — wall, bic ©d)eibe»anb. To partition, r.a. t()ei!cu, abtbcilcn abfugcu. PARTITIVE [ado. — ilt), adj. tfjeilcilb, abtl)cilcnt, cinfbeilcnt, iH-rtbeilent ; Gram. T. paititiu ; a — noun, citt 3beil nngSiroort. PARTLY, adv. tytilS, jinn 5'i.H'il ; gc= iviffermaften. partner, t. 1. ter ©efabrfe, (3)Ht= @eno§, ;Jlicil:ichmcr, ' 5'beilbaber ; 2. ^anfeelggefeflfd)after, ^anbeleges not}," Sompagnon, "Jlffocie, "iiiit=( s 'bcf (eiueg .Oautclgbaiifeg); 3. 2aiijcr; tie Sanjerinn ; 4. ter @atte, bit ©atttnn ; to be a — in . . , S'beil ba-- bcu oter nebmen an . . ; .v. E-s. cuwt — , ter O'bcf, SBrincipal, Sirtgent t ei* \\(S i§anbeUbaufeg) ; managing — (not dormant), ber tag ©efd)aft fiib' rente (oerantroortlid)e) ','lffoeie, Pom- plimetttar ; partners, pi. JV. t. tic 3t* fd)en, ^ifcbungctt. To PARTNER, o. a. ilt ©cfcllfd)af1 treteu, iid) oerbinbett (». ii.). partnership, s. bic ©cfcUfcbaft. PASS PASS PASS ©en off cufefjaf t, .fpanbelSgefeKfcbaff , (Spntpaguic, (Somvagntc=.fpanblung, SDcaSfoi'Ct ; to go (to enter) into — , tn ®cfri)aft$ocrbiubiiiig trcton, in (£ompagnie geben, ft ci> affocitrctt ; deed of — , ber ©OCietatSsEontract ober ©ertrag. PARTRIDGE,*, baS Stcbbubu ; — berry, bie 3J?itd)clIa [Mitchtila ripens — /,.) ; — call, bic SRebbubnpfeifa 2Bact>tcIpfctfe ; — shell, bag 9(cb= bubn, bie ©aUfcbnccfc, geftrirftc 3We* lone, bad Scbcrljubu (cttie SDcufcbcU art). To PARTURIATE, c. n. gcbarctt. PARTURIENT, adj. in JtinbcSnotljeit, gebarenb, Ereifjenb. PARTURIATION, s. bt'e ©eburfSttotl), b«£ Jcrcifcn ; (jrjeugmfj, iprobucf. PARTY, I. ». 1. tie ©«rt*t, bev Ibcil ; 2. bic ©artie; ')ln$abl, SERenge, ber £anfe; 3. £$eil&aber, Shei(ueb= liter, (Sicnotl ; 4. bic ©erfon ; 5. ©e= fellfdjaft, ©erbinbung, Sefte; 6. bic (SJcgenfeite, bcr 0egc'upart;7. Mil. t. b,*.§ Sctacbcinent; 8. bie OefeQ* fdjaft, 2lbeubgcfcUfd)aff, bcr ©all ; to be a — in . . , Xbcil babcu obcr itefnitClt atl . . ; will you he of the — 1 <2te babet fein? — in con- tempt, l. T. bet aueblcibcube, ungc= Ijorfame £bcil ; . . each — to guar- antee, &c, m Ph. . . fo baf5 3cbcr oon UtlS del credere ftefjt; II. adj. compos. gefbeilt; — par pale, //. T. bic 2d)Ub= tbeiluug ber gauge uadj ; — coloured, incifarbt'g, bunt ; —gold, bafi Rtoifdjs golb ; — jury, bie gentifebteu ©e= febroornen (balb (gnglanber unb balb SluSlanber) ; — man, ber ©arteis maun, Slufivicglcr ; —rage, bie Spars reiroutb; — spirit, ber ©artejgeifi, bie ©artcilicbfcit ; —wall, bic Scljeis beroaub, Sfeuermauer ; —zealous, \>, fanatifeb. Parvenu, s. ber (Sinijovfommling, ®lM8pili. PASCHAL, adj. 511m ©affa obcr Dfters feftc gefjorig; — iamb, baS Dfier= lainnt. PASHAW, vid. pacha. PASIGRAPHY. s.bie ©aftgra})§ie, 2Ul= gemeiufebrift. PASQUE-FLOWER, s. bie Jtiitf)Ctt= fd)cUe (Pulsatilla— L). PASQUTL, Pasqutr, Pasquinade,*, bag ©aSoiuiU, bie i£^mat;fel)i'ift,«cf)anb= febrifr. To PASQU1L, To Papo.i-in, To I'as- qoinade, v. a. eiu ©a£quiH macben obcr anfdjlagcn. PASQUILER,* bcr ©a«guittant. To PASS, o. i. n. 1. gebett, reifen, fab« ren, reiten (iiber . . , bind) . .) ; 'cuccb.-tobctt, angenoimnen werben (im ©arlainente) ; burdircifeu, bnrebs fabren, burdntebcu ; iibcrgcbc:t,iibcr= fabren, irberfcfccn; oorubet (^eheit, sorbet gcben ; fortgebeu, fortfebteu Un ; 2. oorgeb>rt, vorfallcu, ftdi cr= cigncu, fid) jutragen, geftyeljen; 3. oergeben, &etfcbtotnben ; 4. fontmcu, ^criithen, fallen; 5. gcltcu, gehaU- leu roerben; 6. cnbigeit; 7. miTch :im ^pielo ; 8. auSjaUen, auflftopen (im Sect) ten) ; Si. beimgeben, ftcr= ben; 10. Med. T. abjie^en, ab.ufiibrt tocrbert; it. a. L tnSBenjegungfefeen; treiben ; 2. uberfenben, uberfdjicren ; fifcergeben ; iibcrtragen ; 3. oergeben laffcn, jubriugen, oerbrtngen, l)itt= bi'iugen, (bie 3eif) oertretbett; 4. ubcrftcheit; 5. iibevtrcfen ; fi. buvdi= flcben laffen; recBtSftafttfl inaction, gefe^lid)c .Kraft erthcileit '; 7. bin= gefjen laffen ; 8. entfdjeiben, verur= tbeilen ; 9. iiprbct laffen, burrblaffen ; 10. burdigiefjcn, feiben, burdrciben, burdifdilagcn ; burcbftccfcn ; 11. ttU6= laffen, itbcrfd)(agcn, oernacjjlafftflen, ubevgebctt; to let — , Borbet, yoriibcr laffen, 'gcljen laffen, fabren laffen ; Weglaffen; iiberbiu geben laffen ; u I passed along, tilt iicrbei^cbcil, Ull= tcrmegcS; to — current, fur yoll an= bringcu ; gclaufig femt ; gang unb jiebe feint; to (sur-) — in beauty, an Scbcmbett ubertrcfftn ; to — an act, tine ?lcte (ctu ©efe^) ntadicn ; to — a ball at tennis. cillCU ©afl illt 33aH= fptcle an bic 1'tauer fcblagert; to — a bin, ciuc ©ill burcbgepen laffen; to — a business, eiu ©eftbdft abthtut, abiuacbett ; to — judgment (sentence), eiu Urtbeil fpved)cu ; (— upon . . , iibcr) J to — muster, vid. llllter Mis- ter ; to — a ship under the bowsprit, quer oot ciiicnt Scbtffetiorbei regeln ; to— a severe test, cin ftrengeS Berber (cine febwere sprflfung) ansfteben ntftjjen; to — one's eye (over), flbtC' blicfen, ftucbttg aufchen, iiberfebcr to — one's verdict, feiitc 'I'ieinuiK, fagen. ftd) crtldt'en; to — one's word, fein 3'Gort gcben, gut fagen (— for one, fiir eiucu) ; to — about, umge= ben, t)crum geben ; gefagt toetben ; to — away, uprbci (luuiibcr) gcben, roeggeben ; babinfcbroinben,»e^eben, Bcrtrciben ; to — by, «orbci= ober »or* ubergeben ; oorbetfontmen ; cntfebuU btgcu, ubevfeben, oerjeiben ; __to — (one)hyin sil<-nee.( ^cntanb)lltit ©tiH» fcbinetgen iiber^cben, iiberfcbcu ; to — for.'. , fiir etrbaS gefialten ivcrben, gelten aU . . ; fid) au^gebcu fiir . . ; ftcben fgutfagen) fiir./j to — in, biueiufiMnimu, bitteingeratberf, fiber* gcben in . . ; to — into a law. jltm Wcfetjc merben; to — on; »orubergc= ben ; to — on, fortgebcit, fortriicfeu ; crfotgen ; to — over, iibcrgchen, iibcr= fefcen; itberbiipftn, fiberfe$en, an«« laffen ; to — over in silence, 111 it ©ttUfcbnmgenubergebenj to— a trick upon one, ciucnt ctucn Streid) fpie= Ion ; Jjt. F.-s. to — a bill or draft upon . . , (eine £ratfe abgeben ober) rrafs firm aitf . . ; to — in conformity, gleicbfSrmtg b'udjen ; to — into the books, in bic ©ticber eintragen, bu= rben ; to — to (one's) account, auf Dtedwung fefcen, in :)ied)nuug briu= gen ; to — to one's credit, in 3eman= bc« ©utbabeu bringcu, in SemanbH Erebil ftelleu. PASS, ». 1. ber (®tg») Bag, (engc) fDurdjgang, SBeg; 2. (SReifes) ^Safj ; @eleit«brtef; f— for shipping,) ®ee« brief, ©cbtff&pafi j 3. ^dnibrafi; 4. ter =toft obet ausfall im Ae*teu ; 5. 3 u ff i1 iib. bie ©efebaffenbeit ; to give the—, gcben (sorbet jiegen) laf= fen ; to make a — at one, uadi etnent flPticn, ibm eiueu ©toil beibringen ; I am at a fine — , id) bill fdiiMl baran ; she is come to that — , fo Ivcit ijt C8 mit ibr gefommen ; to come, to bring to — , »•/,/. uutcr ToOomb & To Bring ; — parole, Mil. Ph. bie Sp«roIe,ba8 SPafj= UHMt; — port; Bid. Passport; — volant, mi. ph. bcr SBKnbe bet bcr SKuftes rillt^ ; — word, vid. — parole. PASSABLE [adv. —vt\adj 1. DJOblttdj ober morfibet man fommen fann; 2. gangbar, afiltfj (Bon SKfinjen); 3. mtttelmfi&tg, letblicb, u'emlidj ; 4. innuilar, bcliebt (to. u.). p\Hs\ni; ■/; per Sdjrttt obcr S'rott etitcfi BferbeJ, in toelcbcn c§ bafl anferc .Oiutcrbeiu nnb ba.6 iiuiere SSorberbein uigleirf) ^ebt, fcte ^Jaffa» be, ber «§uffcbfag. PASSADO, *. ber au«fali ©tofj (in Secbten). PASSAGE, ».l. ber Xurcrgung. lleberj gang, S'urcb^ug, bic £urcbfabrt. ©urebreife; 2. bet Sranfit (£urd)« gang oon 2i?aarcn) ; 3. bie(Uebri*) Aabvt; 4. Jieife, bcr @ang; 5. bie (gtraf-c; 6. ber (5iu= ober gang; 7. bic Ceffnung, .Itbbrc; — of the urine.) bie dparnrbbrc ; 8. ttt ©ingang (in ben SSerftanb ober bai fierj); 9. bai Uebtrfabr(t8)gelb, gabrgelb ; 10. bte Orttveranbernng ; 11. ienftellei itcllc in einer Scbrift, in ciuem 2onftiicfe, it. 1*. nv ); 1». Rierratben ber ©iitgtoeife; 13. bcr SBorfaU, Sail, ba« ©reignii tic i^c= gcbenbeit; 14. ba3 i^crbalten, ie ;— by, ber ©oTubergenbe. PASSIBILITY. *. bie SPafftbiiitaf, 8eU ben»fabi ( ifeit, (^inl'fauglidifeit. PASSIBLE, adj. fal)ig jit Uiten, em= pfdnglidj; — nes8,«.ma. Passibiutv PASSING, adj. febr, aiifercrceiitlidi ; vortrefflid), oorjiiglicb; —bell, bie S'obtcnglocf e ; — note, Mus. 1 bic 35urebflangsnote ; bcr Settton; — places, 'Jlueivctdu'vlviljc (auf <5U fenbahneir. passu »n, s. 1. bad 8eiben ; 2. tie ?ct^ benfdiaft, beftiae ©emut^Sbemegung, beftiac SJcetgnng, bcife Viet., flier be), @u$t, ^ifce, ber ©ifer, Xricb, 3crit ; 3. baa Vcibeu Sljiifti : to be in a — with . . , bp'c fe»n an) . . ; to have a — for . . , eiueu ftarfen ifpang |u etwafl baben ; to put one in a — , eiueu aufbriugen ; to fly (fall) into a — , tit '3?xn gcratbcii ; — flower, bic SPafftonSbliime [Passiflora — J.) : — week, bic iWuteruuntc, Sbyarroocbe. passionary, ». bie &ebenebcfc$ret* bung diriftiiitcr 3JJatti;rer. PASSIONATE [adv. — 1 v . adj leibett- fd)aftlidi, bil;.i,i, beftig. rjab='?t>ruig ; — ness. .,-. bai Seibenfcpaftlicbe, bie ^eftigleit, Vcibenfrbaftlidifcit, .P>i|;C, ber (>.b-'>vu. p vssk im LESS, adj. leibcnfct;aftsfo8, ru» bia. fait. PASSIVE (adv. — lt), adj. V.V'h, let- benb ; verb — , Oram. T. t>ii 1. ; a'Ti?, leibenbe Reitnort; — commerce or trade, ber Spafft»banbel, ( ; a quarter — twelve, etn SSiertel ouf etna ; half — two, luib brei; —a child, fciit Jtinbmc^t ; — child bearing, feint .Hinder iitelir gebdrcnb; —marrying, fiber baS .*3ci= vttbcit binauS ; — help, linabbelflirb, uitbcilbar; — hope, boffmmgSlog ; it is — comprehension, bail gcht fiber alle Segriffe; — ail danger, fiber allc ©rfafjr b inraeg ; — (ail) dispute, au= f;cr aUem Srrett : — (ail) doubt, aiu jjet (cbuc) ^lrcifd; M E*. — due, bereirS Derfafien, iibcrfdflig ; — due protest, ber oerfpatete ober ju fi>ot crbpbcite SProteft; — recovery ( — remedy), uiibcilbar vcrlcvcn, Ittcfjt (roieber) gut su madicu ; to be — shame, alle 'S chant oerloren baben. past, s. bag SBergangene, tic S3er* gangen$eit. paste, g. I. ber £etg, bic ($dbe) SKaf* fe, ber 2bon; Jtlciftcr, btc (iafttUma[ovct. pastime, g. bcr 3«fo«f"t&» bie Sinr^ weil ; to — , v. n. fpiclcn, bie 3>iit sertreiben (w. fi.) pastor, ^. 1. bcr -Oirt, <2cbdfer; 2. SPaftor, (Seclcnbirt, Seclforger, spfarrer ; — like, (— ly), adj. bitten* mafiig; —ship, s. baS SKntr, bie SBurbe citteg SpfawerS, ©eelforgerS. PASTORAL, I. adj. 1. ^irtenmajjig ; ldublicb. ; 2. bem Scclforgcr |ufom= nicnb; jur Seclforgc gebbrig ; — care, bie Scelforge ; — letter, bcr •^irtenbrtef eineS Soifdjofsj ; — move- ment, JKus. T. ciu Spaftorate, ®cbd= fei jiui ; — poet, bcr SbtyUenbidbter ; n. ». bag .P>irtengcbirbt, Srbdferge* tirbt, bic Sbiille, bag liiiiblicbc vcrfjau* fpiel ; Spafiotale. pastry, s. bie -}>ajtefe, 5)orte ; SPa(te= tcubacfcvci ; — cook, bcr $aftctcuba= cfcv; —work, ba8 ^aflctcubacfmcvf. PASTURABLE, adj. SUi'SBcibC gefrbicft, grafig. Pasturage, s. 1. bic SBeibung, 51>ct= be; 2>icbroeibc; Svift; 2. ba« 3Bei= ten, bic •Oufung, 5ut; 9Siebjuff)t ; 3. bag SEBetbelanb. PASTURE, s. bic 23ci^e, b«S SSte^futs tcr, bic gitttcrung ; 9labrung; — ground ( — land), ba§ 2Scibclalt^. ■}•■> pasture, v. L at= fdicn, nntappen ; to — at the door, ait bie ibiir Hopfcit ; to — mortar 3)i5r= tel vuhvcit. patache s. b«8 SGBocbtfrfif, 2>qU= febijf, bcr 3luSliegcr. PATCH, 8. bcr giccf , 5'k'cfcn, glicfen, iwpptn, bad Sa>pd)eit ; Heine Stiief ; Scbonpflajtercbeu ; a cross — , etn ndrrifeber Sunge; — work, bic ju« fammengeftuctte Olrbcit ; Slicfcrei, ba8 Altcfiverf ; a — work quilt, cine runfllirh jufammengeftudte Sett* beef e ; patches, pi. Heine ©teittc, SJavnipvftiirfdH'it, goljt^en, it. f. w. pi -I'tiiun unb gctafclteit 9lrbeiten. To patch, r. a. l. ©tficle ctit= ober auffefcen, fliefnt, ftiinivcnt, ouSbefs fern ; 2. niir ©cbonpfldftercben beles gen ; 3. itt cittcit bimtcn Slnjug flei= ten ; to — up, flirf'cn, airffticfen ; fig. rbcitbin ntadicit, binfubelit; Eleafen ; pbcnbiit beilctt; ixfammenftoppetn. PATCHER, s. ber Alirfcr. auSbefferer. PATCHERY, s. bie ulicferci, Stfiin* perei. PATE, s. 1. bcr Sopf; Scbatct; 2. Fort, ber balbc SDiottb. PATED, adj. in compos. fSpftg ; Ions — , fpi^fopftg ; shallow — , flacbfbpng. PATEE, s. H. T. bcr jatfige Slanb; cross — , //. t. bas 3«crenfreii}. PATEFACTIOX, .?. bie (vrbrpuina,, Jfvunbmacbuiig, 9luSfage, (Sntbetfung, Dffenbarung. ■ PATEN, v. Patin. PATENT, I. adj. 1. offeit, Bffeittlic^j 2. pvii'iicgivf, beoorrecbtet ; a — com- modity, cine SPatenttvaare ; — roils, baS Spatentregifter ; U. s. bcr pffene (patent:) Srtef, baS patent, Spri»t= legium, bic SBeyorrerbtigitng, pbrig= fettlicbe 33erwiUtgung. Tn patent, b. b, beyprrecbten, paten* ttjiren. PATENTEE, s. bcr jubabcr eineS $a= tents. PATERNAL, adj. 1. feaicrlid); 2. VPlt 3Snter auf (Solju cvbcub j — home, bafi i'atevbaul. PATERNITY, s. bic SSatcvfcbaff. pater-noster, s. ba» SSatcrnnfer; ba§ spaternpfter. path, s. bcr $fab (and) fig.) SBeg, (Sltfi-) ©teig ; to leave the — to one, ctucm auS bem SBege geben ; —way, ber gu^weg, gupftetg. To PATH, v. I. a. l.babitcit; 2. gefjcit madmt; 11. n. ausfpajieren. PATHETICAL (—let adv. — caliy), adj. patl)cti|"d), riihvcitb, nacbbriirflidi, wfirbe»oU ( fetcrltcb; — ness, s. baS JRatbctifdic, dtiibvciicc, it. f. ». PATiiic. s. ber 5U1; Unjucbt gcbalieite Jtnabc. PATHLESS, aiij. pfabloS, i:ngcbaf)"f/ unroegfam. PATHOGNOMATIC, adj. bic »pcfcittli= cf>ett 3cid)ctt cittcr Jtraittt}cit anbeu* tcttb. PATHOLOGICAL (— ic; adv. — ally), adj. mm. t. patbologifdb, jur Jcrauf= beitc-lebrc get>ovtg. PATHOLOGIST, s. bcr SPatboIog, 5Jranfbeit8lebrer, ^ranfbeitsfenner. PATHOLOGY,* Med. T. tic i[iatbolo- gie, ^cranfhcttf'lcluc. pathos, s. bad pathos, bic fetben= fdmftlidic Spvarbc, baS ftar! ;'inh= renbe, tie bpbe Sftitbrung, feicrlidic SBitrbe (bes 91u8bru(fe8)- PATIBULARY, adj. ju;u ©afgeit gebb- rig, galgenmSptgj — aspect, baS ©algetigefirbt. PAUL PATIENCE. . PATRIARCHSIUP, i arcbat. patriarchy, s. bcr @prengel (bt« ©ericbtSbarfeit) etnefi ^atriantcit. patrician, i. s. ber spatriciet, (5tcl= burger ; 9(bclige, (Sbtc ; n. adj. patrt= cifdi, cbdbuvg'crlifb; abelt'g, ebel. Patrick, s. Spatricius (2J?annename). PATRIMONIAL (adv. — ly). adj. cv= cvbt, sunt Oirbtbcile gcbbvig ; burdj ©rbfrbaff ; — estate. baS Srbgut. PATRIMONY, s. ba» ©rbgttt, (irbtbct'I, odterltcbe SSerm5gen; St Peter's — , baS Spatrtmottium ^Setrt. patriot, I. s. bcr ^Patriot, Sater* fatlbSfreunb; n. adj. ?•/,/. Patriotic. patriotic, adj. patriiitifcb, 6atcrlan» bifeb, (ftaat§=) biirgerlieb. patriotism, s. ber SPatrtotiemnS, bie SSaterlanbgliebe, bcr Sfirgerftnn, patrol, s. mu. t. bic SPatroUe, auftvciibc ; Stac&ftlis tieubc, SBebetifltdje. PAUSINGLY, ado. uad) etitctr S)Jaufe; in 3*mfd)curaunicit. To PAVE, t». a. pflaftcrn, mit ©tetnen ; fig. ba(jnen j paved, gepfta* ftett. PAVEMENT, *. ba* (Stein--) ^ffaftet; — of bricks, bag 3teae(pfla{ler. paver, \ s . bet Spjfafieter, Stein* PAVIER, > feijev. pavilion,*, l.bas ©cgclt fOfpcterts) 3elt; 2. Sujtyau*, Wcbcmicbaubc, bet $a»illouj 3. bic Slagge cutcu &o= bin SecofficicvS. /',- PAVILION, v. a. 1. mit 3ettcit sets fcbeit; 2. mit 3e(tcu bebeaen. PAVING, s. bad SPfiafteVtl ; — beetle, bic ipote, .£>aubvammc, Sungfet (bev Gtcillfcljcvj; — marble, matntotne Sltefen ; — tiles, 3tegelfliefett, Pavo, s. Ast. r. bev SJSfan. PAVONINE, adj. line ciu SBfauenfdjvoeif fcptUernb, pfauenfcpiveifarttg. paw, s. bic ^Jfote, JiUiue, £a&e; cont. .£>ailb. 7'e PAW, u. a. <*• n. i. fd)avveit, ftam= pfeit (mit bent SSorbevfcufe) ; 2. fva-- jeit (tttit bev SPfote, u. f. to.) ; baucn ; 3. vauf) kbanbelit; bctaftai; 4. fircicbciit, fdmteidiclii. PAWED, adj. mit Safecit, mit Jtlauett. PAWI.S, JV. T-s. vid. lllltcv I'm i. PAWN, .*. 1. bag SPfanb, Uuterpfaiib ; 2. bev SBauet (im ©rpaebj ; to be at — , jum spfonbe ftebcu, aerfefct fevm, joe. ®e»«ttet ftebcu; to give in — , OCVpfailbeit, VClfc^Clt ; to lend upon — , auf SPftinbet leibcn; to redeem, recover a — , ein 5{5fanb einlbfeit ; — broker. bet SPfanbveuet fret; (MetleU) JEtiJbelmailll ; — broker's shop, bie goben eineS SpfanbleibeiS ; — house, bag Sei&fjau«, bic I'eibbanf. T,< PAWN, b. a. vevpfaiibcn, vcvfcbeit. PAWNEE, s. bev spfnnbnebmev, Spfanbs befiber, 5J5faiib»etlei&er. Pawner, s. beeSJJfanbgeber, 83erpfaiw bcr, 33etfefcer. To PAY, r. o. I. jablett, bcjablcit, %\h-. lltng Iciftcit, ciitriditcu ; (to— back), inturf jablen ; 2. lo^nen, sevgelten; 8. etroeifen ; 4. joHeit; 5. biificn (— for . . . , fiiv etroafl ) ; (i. col. tenbiren ; 7.vutg. fcblagen; 8. sea long, iibet* ftreiebnt, tbeeren, »crpid)eri ; to — a visit, cincit Sefildj mad;en; to — ne'e addresses to , . , jtcf) bciucvbclt Ullt . . ; to — one's regard (respect), feme 0'bv= crbietung bejeigett, bead)ten; to — at- tention to . ., aufmettfant fes^u auf . . , 2ld)tuttg gebcit auf ..; to— the debt iture, fig. bie 2dmlb bet STiatut bejablcn, ftcvbcu; JV; r-*. to — a veB- sel's bottom with tallow. &c , to — ropes or the aeams of a vessel with tar. ciu Sd;iff mit £afg, it. f. m. uberfbei= dicn ; ' Sirtiie aiitbccvcn, Iabfatbcn, bie 'Jtatben einea Sdjiffcfl beryicben; to — oil' the crew, baa 2d)iffg»0l£ Oi- [obiteit, abbantert; to — away or out the cable. baS 51ufcvtau aiisftcdien, fditcficn laffcit, oiereii ; to — for, be= jaljlcil ; to — for it, (twaS biificit, c§ entgclten miiffen; m.e-s. to — (oflfO a debt, or an account, cine Sdnilb ei= licit Sdmlbpojhn) abfiibvcn, abfto= ficit, abtvaacit, tilacn, cine 3(cd)iiiiiii] betablen ; to — away, to — out, au$= jahlcn, auSgeben, »evau8gaben ; to — back, juruojablert; to — before band, Details' bejiiiilcii; pvattumetitcu • to — down, (to — the n ady mi mey), !)iiu jal)leit, baar (bc=J table'n, etlegett; to — in, (Siiifdmfj leiften, einfd)icfjen ; to — ofl'ur up (a capital, Ctll (Capital , abttagen, ab^ablcit; to —one 1 fid) bcviblt niadjett; to — well, ®e= U'init abivcvftit, vciitircii, col. tenbU VCll ; I paid him in his own (in the Fame) com, id) (>lbc ii)H Utit t ]IcidH'V 3J?uiije bejablt. PAY, s. bic S3e»al)hi!tg ; bev ©olb ; baa (SltBeitts) Sop j bic ©age ; — day, bev 3a6Jtafl : — master, bev 3abi= lliciftcv; 3ablci - ; to be a bad — master, fd)lcd)t mit bet 3ab(utig ciu= baltcit; — master-general, bet ©eite* valEvicij^ablmciftev ; — master of the army {or of the forces), bit' Jtriegg= jahlmctftcr ; — mistress, bic 3^1)1- mcii'tcviiiu ; — office, ba3 3ablamt. PAYABLE, adj. jabibav, 511 bcjaijlcii, fallia ; M.-ErB. a bill (that is) — , Ctll abgelaufeiiet (obet oetfaUenet) 3Bed)= fel; to make — , cincu ii]cd)fcl jab[= bat madicii, bointcilivctt ; bills — book, bal SJcceptattonsbud), £ratten= bud). PAYEE, ». M E. bev (5Eed)fcI=) 3"f)'i= bev, a3ovjeigcv, ^tafentant iciucs 3Bed?feU) ( 3Je|met (beg ©elbefl). i'A\ 1:1:, s. bet ©eja^tet, 3«vl«- payment, 8. 1. bic (18e») 8afiluna; 2. bcr Solb, 2obn; 3. bie SBeIob= nmtg ; M. E-s. — of a draft, bcr (Siu= gang (cincfi SBcd&felS, u. f. to.) ; day of—, bev 3a^ltagj —at full, bie fjeimjabiung; in (or as) — for.., ale ©cgcnfafc fiiv..; to give (goods) in (pan of)—, (SEBaaten nti tbeilroeife 3>lbillllc]) anacbcil ; a — on account, ciuc b. ©outoja^lung, bag ciugcfd)of= fcuc (\ipital, bev (5'iufduitJ ; on — , uad) (Sitigang ; to procure — , 3n» cafjfo befotgen ; received — , banfenb qiltttift ; received — in full of all accounts up to this date, WOlllit uufeve SRetiniing big auf ben (jeufigett !Eag abgemadjl ifi ; reserving due — , ©ingana ootbcfiattett; to transgress — , bcujabhiitagtcnnitt nidjt Batten ; to stop — , bic 3rt')tuug ciiiftellcn. I'AVMM. S Bid. 1'MNIM. PEA,.« bie@tbfe; everlasting— , bie brettblattttge spiattetbfe ; gray—, bie •Uiibirevbfe ; sea — , bic Stvanberbfe, ©eeetbfe; sweet—, bic frauifdic SBirfe; tall marrow—, bie bebe, cu^= lifdje (trbfe ; winged—, bieSpatgeu cvbfc, ©^atgelfcpote, bev SvatgeU f(cc; issui — , bic ACMiloiidlivbfc ', — , ber ©ampftopf ; —chick, bag 3unge ciuc-.- ^BfaueS, bev jini.ic 'Jifau ; — cock. bet$faU ; — 'a cod (—'s shell), bic @tbfenfd)a(e, Sd;ote; — green, cvbfcitaviin, manaviiti, gelbgtfln; — 1 en, bic Spfaubcnitc ; — ore, itt fCr» nige gelbe XbonsfSifenfteiit, bat ©obji ncucr^, Stnfenet) ; — shooter, b,ia ^laciobv; — atone, bev (Mkuftciit, eifenfStmtge .^alfi'teiit, Sebalenfalf. PEACE s, 1. bet Aiiebc; 2. bic 3 1 i 1 1 c, Siubc; :i. 33erf6bming, Wuflfobnung; • : of (the) — , md. llliriv Ji to make one's— With one, fid) mit ciiicm aitgfbbncti; to hold one's—, frbroeigeil ; to keep (the) — , Ollll)f balteu ; to Bwear the — against .. bcim gricben8rid)tet ciueit anHagen baf> man oon ibm angefaUen worben foiv, — breaker, bev Avicbciic-bvcd'cr, griebeneftoret ; — establishment p/i bev AvicbeiiC'fuJ! ; —maker, bcr gviebenSftiftcr;— offering, baa Sfibn= opfet ; — officer, bcr ©eticbtebeamte; — parted, ill Aiicbru abaefebicben ; — party, bic Aiiifciiepartct. . int utile I but; ! — I sey! vi;= bi ( V i^X id)! .''tube ! PEACE M'.l.i: odv — • 1 . adj uicbt'er- ttjj, fricblidt, friebfam ; ungeftBrt, vit^ bill, fullc ; — ness, s. bic Anibfcvtig* fnt ; 2tillc, 9iube. PEACEFUL (ado. —(."..•■;;' friebfam, fticblidj, uii'i.i; milbe, fanft; — ness, « bet Avicbe, bic Jriebfamteit, gtteb= lidifcit, :)(ubc. peaceless, wij. vubclc-?, u 11 friebfam. PEACH, s. bic ''VfirKi d'C ; quince —^ yellow — , bic ^firfirfuvvifcfc ; — black, pfttftfbfetllffiwatj ; —brandy, SJJetfifO; —colour, tie '^riifutfarbc ; — coloured, pfirficbfatben ; — tree, bev spfivfjebbaum. PEAK, s. 1. bic Spifoe, jtopbe, bcr ©ipfel; bev Sotbettbeil bed Jtopf* pufteSj 2. a: t*. US rbevftc gnbe bev ©affel ; bet Segelbaum ; — brails of the mizzen, bic S8efan='i>einp(iot= bingeit; — haliard of a gaff, bet S)irJ cii'.cg ©affelfegela ; green — , bcr ©tunfpedpt. lb PEAK, 0. a. A". Ts. tO^pCH, ftUflo^ pen; pie&n (bic 9taaen . PEAKING, tndg. adj. frautliit. PEAKISH, adj bugeltg. PEAL, s, bcr 2dMll. baa ©elaute, OU- tofc, ©eftadjt (beS 2>onnet 8, betJta* llOUClt U. f. n>.) ; — Of rain. bCV 'I'la^- vcQcn ; — of hail, bet ^agelfrtlag ; — of laughter, bag fd'allcilbe ®elfio$» tCV; — of applause, fig cill VlMlcg ©lodfengelante (be« ffleifaU*, bea 8obe( . \L, r. v. ,c- a . fdiailcn, larmctt, boimern, ftacben; fiurmen, beftur- men ; Unit fpiclcu (auf bcr Otgcl). PEAN, 8. vid. P*ak, IT. \K. 8. bic SBttne ; the hasting — . bit Anihbiruc ; — bit, s„. r Ui 'i^vit; miiiibftiicf ran SPfcrbejauinen) j — main, bcr SBitnapfel; —plum, bie 83itnpftaume ; — pie, bic SBivntotte ; — quince, bic SBitnquitte; — bev iBitnoaum. PEARL, .-•. l. bic SPetfe; 2. bcr gted im 9Iuge : 3. 1 r. SPetlenbrurt, bic '| ; cvl =3du'ift) ; mother of — . bit $etlmuttet; —aloe, bic SPerfaToe — ashes. SjJevtafcpe ; — barli y, t ; crl- gtaupen ; —bubble, bie ©lafciipetle, sperlblafe, cine SDiuffb, elart ; — .■> loured, petlfatbeit; —cowry, bat S8tu|i(afefndpf$en ulus), — diver. bCf ^CllcllfiHtcV; — . ciiicn Alcd im 9luge bnbenb; — - ti>-. bic Alerflic.ic, Stinffticge; —grass, bag 'IhiUiimc- tMetica— I . ; — . bic iperlaitfter, SPerlmuttct; — powder, betlatauej Sdjminfpuluet; —sinter bev i\-rirtiitcr, jhefel ft liter, .liicfcl' tuff, Aiivii : —, bet Sifcnbrauni fvatb, (SifenEftlf; —stone, bev Spetl 999 PECU PEEL PELL /kin, DUtfamfcbe 3eoltt(, 6emi(tyetgeI [Sag-ina — L). ro PEARL, v. i. a. mit Sperlen vcrjie= ven, otcr befefeen ; it. n. ptxhn, pcrl= afutticf>c Sto^fett bilbctt. PEARLED, adj. lllit iKeilctt tffcfef. pearly, adj. volt SPerlen, petlenattig, peasant, «. bet Sanbmann, (tobe, m- gebilbete) Sauer. PEASANT, ) adj. iVt'e cilt Sattbs PEASANTLIKE, > matttl, tuiitcvifrf), PEASANTLY, ) vol), lltnicbilbct. peasantry, s. bie Bauetfcbaft, bag Sanboolf. PEASE, s. pi. collect, of Pea., Gtbfeit; — bolt, baS 6TbfcitftV0f); —bread, <§rbfeubrob; —meal, bag Ch'bfett= mcBl; (Stbfengeticbt; bet CSvb[cu= bl'Ct; — porridge — soup, bie @l'b= fcufuppe. peat. s. btc SBrauttroBie, bet- 2ol)bat= leu, Xorf ; — bog, bie SEotfgvube ; — borer, bet fEovfjtMber; — moss, bag S£otf; bie Sorfgrube. PEBBLE, 5. ber JCtefel ; —crystal, bee JtriftaUtiefd ; —stone, bee JticfcU fteiit. PEBBLED, I adj. ficfelig, fteiuig, seller PEBBLY, J jltefet ; pebbly bottom, ber .Kiefelgtunb. PECARY, s. rid. Peccary. peccability, s. bie ©unb$afttgleit, ©finbigfett. peccable, adj. fiinbbaft, fttnbig. peccadillo, s. 1. bie Heine ©imbe, baS ftebletcben; 2. citte Slrt ftcifcr 0-<3al3=) Jtragett. peccancy, s. bag ©cpblicbe, 23ofe; bie ©itnbe. PECCANT, adj. funbiaenb, fiinbig ; ftrafbar, fcb'iiblicb, bbfe, vevbcrbr ; fd)lcd)t; sxrborbcn. peccary, s. bag SftaBclfcBnmit, 55i= famfebwettt. peooavi, (id) Ijabc gefunbigt); rn make him cry — , valg. ph. er foil fd)01t urn SBetgeibung bitten. PECHBLEND, s. bie $ed)b[citbe. peck, s. 1. bas ^ievtet (einsS citglt= fcbeit ©cbcffclg), bie groiie 2Jlcfte ; 2. vkg. bie 2Jienge, ber £>aufen, vtcl ; to be in a — of troubles, tit grofjet 91otl) fcim. To PECK, v. a. 1. picfen, Bacfctt ; 2. (gutter) aufpicfcit, auflefett (rote bie aSogefJj 3. bauen, fcblagcit. fampfen (nttt fvttjigcn Suftntincuteu). pecker, s. 1. ber Spicfenbe, .jjacfenbe; 2. Sauntbact'cr, ©pcd)t. PECKLED, vid. Speckled. PECT1NAL, I. adj. faiUlllfbriltig ; D. s. ber Jtammfifd). PECTINATE, Pectinated, adj. flejatjllt roie ciit Jtamnt; gcftt'cift me eitt Jtamnt; tit ctuauber (Wte Jiamm= $abtte) eitigreifenb, obcr fd)liefjeuo, gcfaltctt. pectination, s. baS (Sittgreifen in eittanbcr,3 ll f^ii»itciifd}ltefiett, galtcn. pectoral, I. adj. jut ^riift gebfitig, SBrufl . . , gut fiir bie SBruft; —fins, bie sBvHJtpoffeit ; — lozenge, ber Siruftfurbeit ; II. s. 1. ber Eruftfcbilb ; 2. baS in-ctorale, SBcujtCUib j 3. Med. T. bas ©tufimittel. To PECULATE, v.n. iS ffciltt icf)C ©dbct untcvfcblagcu, gaffenbjebftaBl be= getjeu. peculation, «. /,. t. bie (Sntweris bung (33etuutteuung) ijffcutlicbcr ©elter, ber SaffenbieoftaM, Uutcr= febteif. peculator, s. ber Paffcubieb, ber offeutlicfoc ®elbet unterfcbliigt. PBJUUAR, i. adj. et geit, eiiicuthiimlid) : 300 befonberS ; etnjeln ; n. «. 1. ba» au8« fd)(iftJeube (Sigentbunt ; 2. bie \>itoU tegtrte 38fam, Gapellc; — iy, adv. eigeit; bcfoitbcrS, »ornc^mli'd) (ro. it.) ; — ness, s. vid. Peculiarity. pecullvrity, s. bie ©igcitbcit, (Si- gettthumlidjf'eit, ba8 SBefbnbeve. To peculiarize, v. a. jueigeit ; be= foubevs geftaltcu. pecuniary, adj. ®elb betreffeub, in @clbe, baar ; — embarassment, bie ©elbnotb, bcrOcIbntaitgel; — mulct, bie ©elbfirafej — presents, ©elbges ffbcufc; —property, baares (eoZ-flttu genbcJ) 33ermogen. ped s. 1. ter Heme ^acffattel; 2. ber grofic Jtorb, SPadforB. PEDAGOGICAL (— ic), adj. pabagpgifd), juv @r»ie^ung gefcfirig ; — establish- ments, Srjie^itngSanfialten. pedagogism, *. bas (Sfjiet)eramt, bie .ftinbetjuebt. pedagogue, 5. 1. ber spabagog, (5r= jiebcv, (3agenb=)8e6ver; 2. Spebant, (Sd)itlfud)o. To pedagogue, v. a. belt 5pabagpgcu mac^ctt, [jofmeijteru; ^ebantifd; itn= tenveifeit. pedagogy, s. bie grjtcButtg, 3ud;t, Sebrc; Untcntn-tfung. pedal, adj. jitm S'ltpe gebovig ; cincu S'ltji lattg. pedal, s. baS guf;regijter, Srittbrett ; — note, ber Dvgcliutltft; pedals, s. pi. baS ^Pebal, bie lirittpfeifcu (eiuer DrgcO. PEDANEOUS, adj. jit gltf) gcBcttb. PEDANT, s. 1. ber ScBul'utetttcv ; 2. ©rbulfucbg, Spebant; —like, beban* tifd), fieif. PEDANTIC (— cal), adj. (adv. — cally), pebrtittifcB, fd)u[fiid)ftfd), fieif. pedantry, s. bie ^efcaittcvic, ScBu[= fitcBfevci, ©teifBeit. To PEDDLE, v.n A. vid. To Piddle ; 2. (or a.) Bauftrcn, Bauftrcn gcf)cu. PEDDLER, s. vid. Psdler. PEDDLERESS, s. bie ^auftveviuu. PEDDLERY, s. bie SBaavc ber ^aufircr, ber Sabulcttfram. pederast, s. ber ^abcraft, .Rttabens fc^anber, ©obomit. pederasty, s. bie ^abcraitic, St\U1= 6ettfd)anberet, ©obontitevet. PEDERERO,.*.bci©teinftuff,bic£>rcB= ha$e (tint 2lrt ©c^ipfanonc). pedestal, s. bas SufjoefieU, v ?pfta= incut; ber ©autenfufj, fc.iuleujtul)!. pedestrial, adj. bie gii(je betreffeub, Sit ben Si'tfjen gctjorig. PEDESTRIAN, I. adj. Jit gltfie ; — exer- cises, Sufhvauberungcu ; — journey, — tour, bie gufjreife ; h. g . ber gufj= reifexbe ; (tiirbtige) Supgauger ; ©cjmelllaufer. PEDESTRIOUS, adj. Jit 3fu{je,_ ailf 3'iU fien ; — animals, bie SanbtBieve. pedicle, s. ber ©ticl, ©tengel. PEDICULAR, PEDICULOUS, adj. failftg, lltit 2ailfcit bcl>aftct ; the pedicular disease, bie Saufcfraitf[)eit. pedigree, s. 1. bcrStanimlmitm, baS ©efcBlccbtsreflifter: 2. bet ©tamnt, bie 3tbfunft. pediluvy, ». bas SPebifitoium, fird)= lid)e ober r|)tijilic6e (Viifaimfdjen. pediment, s. Arch. t. bet Sburgiebcl, Seuftergiebel. pedler, s. ber ^auftter, SaBitleit* Erantet. pedobaptism, s. bie ^inbettaufe. PEDOBAPTIST, s. ber tie .iviltbevtilltfc bebauptet. pedometer, s. T. ber SOegiueffcv, ©rBrittmeffer. To peel, *. a. s,- n. 1. fdjaleu, abfd;a= [eu ; 2. ptiinbern ; to -- hemp, $ati] brecBcu. peel, 5. 1. bie ©cBale, >§auf, 3iiube ; 2. ©cBaufel, fflaeffebaufel, OfsnfcBatu fet, bas Bxett. peeler, s. 1. ber ettvaS fdjatt, : 2. ber dauber. peelings, s. pi. ©cBale(n). To peep. ?-. r. 1. (— at, ctaus neu- gievig befebeu) (be=)gucfen, btroor gitcfen obcr blicfen, laueni ; 2. $uin SOorfcbeiu fommcit, betoot bnimcii ; 3. picpeit, pfeifeit; to — in, binein gitcfen ; to — out, berauS gucfcit ; tu — over, Biuiiber guefcu. peep. s. ber SBttd, baS ©itcfeti, §ex* BOtfeBen ; picpeit ; to take a — at . . , blicfen auf . . ; — of day, ber 3lnbrurf) (bcS !£ageS) ; — hole (peeping hole), baS ©iicflod). peeper, s. 1. ber Sauver, ©ucfer ; 2. baS auSgcfrocbeueJpithu; 3. cant. baS 3lugc. PEER, s. 1. fcines ©Ictcfccn : ber, ruddier gieidjcS ©tanbeS ift, gleidie 93or;itg« beftfet; 2. ber ©efalivte, Samerab; 3. C'air, 3tcid)SbarPit, ber SIbelige, uieicber ©i^ nub ©timme tm Dbcr= Baufe beS $ar(amcntS bat ; to be tried by one's peers, »0tt feiltCS ©IcidjCU geriditet merben. To peer, v. n. 1. fid) jeigeit, erfcbeU lien, anbrccBctt ; 2. guefcu, febaueu. peerage, s. bie^airSmiirbc, ber bof>e Sibel, 3teid)SabeI. peeress, s. bie ©cmaBlittn eineS spaite, PEERLESS (adv. — ly), adj. ItUVH'vgteicb- lid), obnc ©leiebcn, eiu'jig ; —ness, *. bie Uuycvgtctdjlicbfeit. PEEVISH (adv. — ly), adj. 1. empftltb = lirb, reitbar, eigeiiftnnig, yevbrtef;liri>, miirrifd), granilicB, leidit beleibigt; janliftb ; 2. ftnbtfd), tbbridjt; —ness, s baS cmpftnblicbe, muvrifdic tt. f. ». SBcfeit. PEG, s. 1. abbr. (flatt Margaret) (5)vct- cben; 2. ber boljerne S'iagel, SPffocf; aBirbel ; ©cbubnagej ; fle'iuc 3apfen; to take a — lower, ntebcrb viicf en, be= iniitbtgcu ; — top, ber Jtrcifd. To PEG, v. n. mit eincm SPfloel befeftt- gen, aupflbcfen, in etwaS pflbcfen ; pegging awl, bie SPflocfable, ber Slbs fa|o(t))rt. PEGASUS, s. Myth. gaut. pellitory, s. baS Sffiauetfraul ( Pt PEND PEN.\ PENT rietarta — L. — of Spain, bic fpant= fd)e Jtamille, ber fpantfcfcc Set* tram ( Anthemis pyrethrwn — L.). PELL-MELL, adv. OeTOOTOtt, lllltcv einattber, burd) einanber, pile-mile. PELLUCID, adj. bUrfbficbtig, bt'II. PELLUCIDITY, \ s. bic 2>urd)ficb> PELLUCIDNESS, \ ti&Uit PELT, s. 1. ia§ Self, tic igottt, ber $elj; 2. bcr Streidi, Acting; — monger, ber SRfluch roaaren=Of)anbiet ; — wool, bie ©tctbliug3= obct ©tets bcnjoile. 7b pelt, v. i. a, beroerfen, ©tetne u. f. to. uad) ciiicm (auf etttett) rocr^ fv:i ; n. impcrs. ftarf rcflttcn, qtcgen. PELTRY, s. bal ^efjtoerf, i)ia«ct)= rocvf, bte Staurbtoaarcii ; dealer in — , bet 9c\tuch(to«crcn=)baubler. pelvis, s . a. r. bafl SBeffen (tin Un= tcvleibc). pen, s. 1. bte SJeber, ©djreiofebet ; 2. ba3 .&ubnrrbau8, bcr .gmtjncrfa: ftcbt; bte ©cbafbiirbc; to make a— , cine fteber frbnetben ; to set — to paper, bie Sebcr anfetjen; — case, ba3 genual, bie Scbcrbiicbfe ; — f U i, cine gebet Doll; — knife, iaS 3ebcr= meffer; — man, bcr ©cbrcibmeifter, ©cbrciber, Slbfaffer, ©rt)riftite[icr, ©tplift; — manship, bte (©cb5n>) ©cfjretoetei, («ch6u=)©cl)reiberuufi, .fialligrapbic ; — nibber, bie 5eber= fpiljniafcbiuc; — stock, ba3 ©cbufes brctt. Tb PEN, B. a. 1. fccrcitcit ; (—down), iiicberfcbreibcn, aufjcirfjnen, fd)rift= lid; abfaffcit; 2. (—up', ctnfperren, ctiipferd)cn, eincngctt ; to — a fold, ttit £eerbe (©c$. v. bic ©cpenfelfebetn be8 Salten; — rings, pi. .§aitggriffc mit ©dmiubcu ; - turn, cin SSorrei&et, PENDENCE, s. in .Oang, ^(bhang, bic Diidtiiihi, v .Ucigiuiii, 3i6bad)un(5. pendkncv, i. bcr ^lufHlnib, bie Q3er= jBgetnng. pendent, adj. Tiangcub; iibcrbaiu 8enb ; I)erabf)augcuD ; — gardens, Sngeitbe ©drten. PENDING, adj. /.. T. pur Wcridt an-- bdugig, rcd!ta(aii)baugig; (ob|fd)UH- = beub, im 3iift>Tibc bcr SBtratfcung, nnentfdjicbtu ; M. E-s. noci offen ftc= benb, unabgctijau (von i)icdinnngen) ; **• business ( — tnns.-ction), eiu offc= nc>3, laitfenbeS (uitbccnbigfei) @e« febaft ; — debts, fcbrocbeiibe, unab = gcthaiie ©dbHlben; crfcnftcbcubc ScbulbCU ; — transactions, fdjivcbcurc 33eri)aitbhingeit. PENDULOSITy, S. vill. PENniLOt'SNESS. PENDULOUS, adj. bangenb, fd)roe= benb, batimelnb ; fig. ungerotf, un= fcbliifftg; — ness, .?. baS '.*3crab[ian-- gen, Scbroeben, SBaumeln. PENDULUM, s. baS^cnbcl, ©d)iintng= gcrotd)t, bet ^erpeiibifei ; — , or — clock, bic SPenbelutjt; — bob, bie 2in= fe, 5pcubeUiufe; — plfers, pi. bie ©pit^angc; — watch, bie £afdjen= ubt mit ciucni SPenbel. PENETRABnJTY', s. bie Turd)briug= lidifcit. PENETRABLE, adj. blll'dlbriligitd), empfanglid) (fiir intcllectuellc \5itt= btficte . PENETRANCY, «. bte (Sinbriiiglidifctt ; @d)arn"tdit, PENETRANT, adj. burcbbriiigcnb, ein= bringenb, riifireiib ; fdjarfftdjtig. To PENETRATE, v. a. & v. 1. brin* gen, eittbringen, burchbringen ; r>pr= bringen, fiit S3cg babnett ; 2. riih: ten ; 3. burd)fd>aucn, etgtfinben; to — with love, POtt Stebc ciuuchntcu ; penetrated with.., burdlbritngcit UOU ..; a penetrating mind, cill buvd;= bttngenbet SSerjlonb. PEN i TRATION, s. 1. baS (5inbringcit, bie DurcBbtingung ; 2. ©rgtunbung ; 3. (Siuftdjt, bcr burd)briit.;ciibc Sets ftaub, ©djarffitm. PENETRATIVE, adj. 1. bltlcbbrt'lU genb: ciubringlicb; 2. riifyrenb; 3. )d)arf, fcin, fdiarfftnnig ; —ness, ». ba« ©ntdjbtingeube, bie ©d)drfe, bcr ©d)arfftun. penguin,.?. 1. bcr Spinguin, bic %ttU gaits, mageflanifc^e ©an« ; 2. wilbe iaiwnas, peninsula, s. bte .^aUnnfcI. PENINSULAR, «.//. balbiitfclformtg ; fidi atif cine Jpalbtnfel bejiebenb. PENINSULATED, adj. ciucr .gialbtilfcl ahulid. PENIRON, s. ba3 3Sob(gcmnt^ ( Ori- ganum — /,.). PENITENCE (— cy), s.bie 93uf;c, D^eue, 3crfnirfditbcit. PENITENT {adv. — i.y), I. adj. bllf;fcr = tig, rcuig, jetfnitfebt ; n, ». bet bin";= ferttgc Situbcr; ©tiger ; bafl 33eicr;t= filtb ; penitents, pl. bic i.>ffctttlid)C *i}u~ f,e $cvrid)tcnbcn (in 3talien) ; cine religififeSUtubetfc^aft. PENITENTIAL, I. adj. a\& ©tlfie attfcr= legt, bic SBufe befreffenb, buffettig ; — psalms, pi. bie sGujjpfalmctt ; U.s. bafl i'ltfibitd). pe.mten ii \i;v, I. 9. 1. bcr 3?uf;pric= Ret, Bufricfiter, Setcbtpatet ; 2. in-idtftuM ; bie p-'ipftlidie SlMaf- fanjeUei, bafl ©u^getidjt; 3. bet ©fif enbe, SBuf fettige j ■!. ba« S8ef» fentng^bau'?, (3»angS=)5lrbett«biau8, 3ud)ti)au« ; U. adj. Vie ©u^e betvef- fenb. PENNACHED, adj. B. T. bnntjrreiftg (von S8lumen; - >v. ii.). PENNANT, oid, Pendant. pennate, PENNA.TED.orfj 1. gepfiaelt, geftebett ; 2, n. r. getabe gegcuuber roaebfenb. PENNED, adj. gcfliigclt, bcfliigclt. penner, s. bcr ©ciretomeijlet, Sc$teibet ; Sdniftftcllcr. PENNIFORM, adj ftbet fpulcit formig. PENNILESS, adj. gelblos, ehnc ©elb, arm. PENNON, B. Old. PlNNANT. PENNY, s. bcr citgltntc) pfennig; ©tubet; «v. ba« (5)clb, tic 8aat« febaft; to turn a — fig. Kill f^cli roobl anlcgcit, ben i§anbe! vcrftchcit — wise and pound foolish, 'l ; fcltuige gefpart, Abater wegaeroorfen ; a — saved is a — cot, beffer crt'part, a\3 crit tn enrcrbett ; — grass, — has IpfennigCfout twninutus — /. — post, bie ^fennigpofl, i'pnbnrt ©tabtpoft; — royal. Ddi Albbfrattt, bcr ^> o i 1 1 (Mentha puleeimn — L.) ; — stones, cine v .'lrt grebe-, tvcllcntj 3cttg; — weight, bas SPfennigge* lviitt; — wise, fyarfatn in Jtleintg= fi-'rvt ; — wort, bafl ^fennigfraut (Ijgsimachia vummularii — /.. ; aw* bclfraitt (Cotyledon — J ,) ; — worth coi. einenSBennB ejer Stubet reettb, fiir eincn pfennig,. fin. cin SBenig. PENSILE, adj. l\iiigcr,b, fdivcbcnb, aitfgcbiiugt; — gardens, bangenre ©arten ; — ness, s. bao ^angenbe, ©cbwebenbe. PENSION, ». bie 3'iMnng an i v 'clb, J>(cntc; baS J?oftgelt ; ^abrgclb, bcr Sabtgebnlt, bo«-aJlonat8gelb 3 bcr ©nabengeljalt, bic Ticnubclobiittitg ; ©elobnuug eiueS ©Siblings. To ri'.NsK i\, v. a. ei:t 3al)rgcib geben, pciiHiMtircn. pensionary, ». 6tt fJenfionSt (in cin jabrgcb, etneu ©nabengeljalt be- |iel)t); cmnd— . (cbcmaU 1 tcv ( ri"" - Pcnfunur (crftc OJiiuiftcr) Don ■ , >:!- lanb. pensioner, s. bet JJofiqSnget ; SPen? ftonar ; ©Sibling; 3 tivcr.t sat (auf bcr .^ocbfcbule jtt ©ambrifcge); king'a — s or gentlemen — s, pl. t if rcmvadH- bcJ Jil'itigg. TENSIVE ladr. — i.y . adj nad^CltfCltb, gcbanfcnvpll, cruft, bititcr, tiefftnntg, frbrocrmiitbtg ; —ness, ». tic Stieffin* ttigfeit, ©cfroetmntt), bcr biifiere (Srttft. PENTACAPSULAR, adj. B. T. fiinff'i. dierig. PENTACHORD, ». baS t-cnfadorbtiim (r'iniffaitigc Jiiitniinciit). PENTAGON, s. Mat. T. bttfl Aimfecf. PENTAGONAL, ) ,. f,-,„f.+;, PENTAGONOU3.J a *-' an '* Cf, 8- PENTAGRAPH, .<. oid. Pantooraph PENTAHEDRAL, ) adj. ffinffeftfg, PENTAHEDROUS, S ffinff(ao)ig. PENTAHEDRON, s. Mat T. bflj - i ; cn = taebton, Aiinfflad), 5\igur »on funf gleicben Stfenunb 3Bintciit, PENTAMETER, Q i r.Is bcr -1-c:i = tamctcr; H. adj. pcntamctvifit, funfs fiifiig. PFNTANDER.S. /;. T. bic Tuitrinaitnc- tige 'Vfianjc, "Vflanjc mil funf 2taub= fa ten. PENTANDRIAN, adj. B. T. ffinfniatU nttig. PENTANGULAR, adj. pentangular, funfroinleltg. PENTAPETALOUS orfj funfblattcrtg. PENTARCHY, ». bflfl 'Iniitardar, bit SPcntarcbie, giinflyrtfc^aft. PENTASPAST, », T. bcr Jfflfc^tnjUg mit fiinf fRoDen. PENTASPERMI H 3, i . B. T ffinfftt' mig. PENTASTICH, ».bn« ©ekitfil eon fiini SSetfen. PENTASTYLE, ». cin ©ebJub* mh funf Saulenteib,en. PENTATEIJCB, s. bic fiinf SSucbtt SWoftS. PENrECOST, s.sppiigjlen. PENT! . 511 fpftnaften gr» I'iM'ig; Penti tic ^fiugfn gefebenfe an ben Sgfami. pentice ». bafl SBettetbao), 2&ui> bad), JjSngtbac^ ro. ii.). . PENTii.E, r. ter go^Ij'cget. 301 PJGKA PERE PERF PENTOGRAPU, ». vid. Pantograph. penult, Penhltiha, s. bie oorlefcte @»Ibe. PENULTIMATE, adj. &• s. bcr, bie, bag SBorlefete. PENUMBRA, «. tor .fialbfdutten. PENURIOUS {adv. — ly), adj. farg, gci= jig. ftftfgj fparfam; f par tut, arms lid), burfiig; — ness, s tic ^arg= beir. Ailjigfcit; ©parfamleit ; Surf* tigfeit. PENURY, s. bie Siirftigfeit, Slrmutr;, bet JKattget. Peon, s. 1. etue 9lrf fSpoIijet=)@oIbaf, obet ©tenet in Dfttttbien); 2. r. bet Sauct (im Sdiacf)). PEONY, s. bie ^aonic, ©ic&trofe. people, «. 1. baS •i'olf; 2. gemerne SBott; 3. bie Surgerltcben ; 4. bie Scute, matt; — of quality, Stanbe§= petfoitett ; a great many — , ciltc sjJienge fclu- otele) Seitte; favour of the — , bie SSoIftgunfi ; what will — say ! was wirb man fagen? 71) PEOPLE, i: a bey i3 1 tc Vlt. PEOPLED, adj. (well— ftarf) 6e«5{s fert, volfrcid). PEPAST1C, Med. T. I. adj. £111)1 93cr= batten bienttdj ; ir. Pepastics, s. pi. SJiagenarjeneien, ScrbauungSmtttel. PEPPER, s. bet -pferrcr ; — box (— caster), bie ^fefferbudjfe ; — cake, vid. — ginger-bread ; — corn, bag *Rfefferfoni; — dulse, bet SRfeffets tattg ; — ginger-bread, bet $fcrfcrfll= chcu; — grass, bcr SEiUeufaru; -- mint, bie Spfeffermihtje ; — mush- room, ber SPfefferfdjroamm ; — pod, bie SJJfefferfqjote ; — proof, beg 5Pfef= fevaiieiiHihitt, abge^artet; — .tree, ber SPfefferbaum ; — vine, ber 2Bcitt= taunt | Vitia arhoreo. — L.) ; — water, bag SRfefferaaffet ; — wort, bie Spfef= ferlDlirj ( Lepidium — /,.). To PEPPER, v. a. l.pfcffent; 2. (mit ffcittem Scbrot, it. f. id.) fcfjtctlctt, pfeffcru, joe. auf ben Sgelj brcnneit; 3. btaun ttiib Man fdjlagcn, burdjpriU fjCllt. peptic, adj. Med. t. bie SScrbauuttg befSrbernb, surSBerbauirog bienenb. PER, prep, bitrd), nt it, fiir, it. f. ro. ; be= fotlberfi M. F.-s. — advance, tilt »0t« att'3 ; — annum, jalv.lid); — week, WOtpettWetfe ; I paid 6rZ. — pound more than you did, id) $al)lte 6, »o« felbft, fiir fief) felbft, etnjig, allcin. PERACUTE, adj. fel;r febarf, fcjjr ficf= tig (». it.). PERADVENTURE, ado. 90tt ttugefabr; iuel!ctcf)t, etvoa. To PERAGRATE, v. a. bttrd)tuaubcrn, burebjieben (w. ft.). PERAGRATION, s. bie 25urd)roanbes rung, ber ©urdjsug, 5>ut($gang (IV. u.). To PERAMBULATE, v a 1. bnrdi-- roanbem, burdircifcu 2 licrcifett, beftdjttgeit, begebett. PERAMBULATION, ». i. bie Surras wanberung, rurdircife ; 2. bafl 93e= reiien, bie S8eft$tigung, Scge^ung ; 3. bcr OeticBtsfptengeC PERAMBULATOR,*, bet ^cjenteffer, Scbritrmeffcr, baS jUZeprat 30J PERCETVEABLE [ado. — it), adj. eilt- pfinbbar, uentebmlid), mer!lirt); — ness, s. bie (S'litpfiubbarfeit, WlttV [tdbleit. Te PERCEIVE, v. a. ivabrncbnieit, cm- pfittbett, fpiircn, litert'cn, oernebmen, getuabt merben, beinerfen, erblidctt; to — beforehand, Dorempftrtbeit. PERCETVER, s. bcr 53eobad)tcr, 3Sabr= iiebntcr. PERCEiTlBmiTY, s. 1. bie 9>crucbnt= lidifeit, (fiitpftnbbarfeit, 3JJerflid)= feit; 2. baS SmpfinbitiigebermBgett. PERCEPTIBLE [ado. — ly), adj. 9er= nebntlidi, cntpfinbbar; nicrflid\ UHibrnehmbar. PERCEPTION, s. 1. baS Plltpftnbllll)V' = uetmogen, SetDitgtferjii ; 2. bie SBa'br= nebntiing, finipftitbiing ; 3. SBorfiel= lung, bcr Segriff. PERCEPTIVE, adj. empfiubcnb, t»at)t= uehuieub ; begrtifenb. perceitivitv, s. baS SBerinSgen tvatjt}unetjineit. perch, s . 1. bie SKegrut^e, HTtttfic (Sangenmafi con 16iguf); 2. 2tau= oc, Biibtterfiange ; ber Sangtvageit/ gangoaum (an cittern SBagett, bet fiinter* ttub SSorberrabet siifainiucn- balt); 3. ber SBovS, SarS, Sarfdj (Pcrca — L.). To perch, v. I. 7!. (oon 335geln) attf= piegen, fid) fefteit, ftfeett ; perching sticks, p/. bie Sta be itit 33oaelbauer; perching knife, T. ber <2d)fid)t!110Ub bcr Seberbereitct; II. o. fefceit. PERCHANCE adv. »oit mtgefat)r ( 511= falltg ; vielleidit, etroa. PERCB?IENT, I. adj. nMbritebnieub, empfinbeub; II. s. baS einpfiubenbe SBefeti. To PERCOLATE, v. I. a ilirdn'cifn-lt, bitrcbfd)[aa,cn, reiuigeu, lantern; li.n. burdigcfeibt toetben. PERCOLATION, s. bie ^urdjfetbuiuv Sauterung, 3iltriruiui r filtration. percussiun, s. bcr ©ajlag, Stoi", bie b'rfd)iittcruni-j, ber Jl'Jiebediall ; in- strument of — , baS ©djtagittftruineitt (^auEc, trommel it. f. ft).) ; Gun. T-s. mod. — gun, bie ^ereiifftcitt5fliu= te; — lock. baS $crcuffit?itgfd)l(?p ; — powder, baS §percuf|ton8put»et ; — hell, Med. T. bie (S'rfdjutteruujsfd^ale, ber Sptefftmeter. PERCUTlENT, adj. fd)Iagcub, fd)iitct= tcrub. perdition, s. baS SSerberbert, bie 3er= ftih-una. ; Th. T. ber civige Sob, bie ewige 33erbammni^. perdu, I. adj. &■ adv. 1. im fiinferijal* te, auf bcr 'Saner ; 2. wagbalftg; n. «. MU pa. bie betlorne ©djilbrbadpe, ber auficrfte Spoftett. To PEREGRINATE, v.n. in ber tfreiltbc lebctt, bcritnt rcifett, manbern. PEREGRINATION, s. bie Dieife, 3Ban= berfebaft, ber ilufctttbalt in entfernten Sanbcrn. PEREGRINATOR, s. ber SEBaitbeter, Sicifeube (in femen ©egenben). peregrine, I. s. SJJeregrmuS (5Kann8= name) ; II. adj. frcnib, au»lanbifdi ; tvaubcrub ; — falcon, bcr aSauber- falf. PEREMPTORILY, adv. cutt'dicibcnb, fd;led)lerbinii§, burcbaue, ttad)briicf= lid), gerabeju ; ;n gutet Cefct. PEREMPTORnfESS, s. baS ©ntfdjet* - benbe, ?lbfpredicnbe ; bartuadi^e Set)atrett (6ei ttxoas ; ber Sogma= ti8mii8. PEREMPTORY, adj. 1. peremtprifd), cntjYbeibcnb, cnblid) ; abi'pvedicub ; 2. foartnadig; feft en tfdil off en; — term, /.. T. bcr pevcmtorifdie Tcrmitt. PERENNfAL (adv. — ly), adj. C"l ^af)t iMiiburd) bauertib, jabrii], 3at)re batt< erub ; immet bauertib ; _ — plants (or perennials). *. pi. pcrcitnireube, it b e r - jtanbige (fortbauembe) ^ffanjeit. PERENNtTYs bie glcid;e T'aner bureS ein Sat;r ; ftete ratter. PERERRATION.s.bai .^fruiitftrcirbcit Durdjirren, bie SBanberung ber J*rcu unb Ouere. PERFECT (.adv. — ly), adj. i. topllfom* men, wllenbet; 2. anSgebtlbet, hodjfl gefdjidt, fehr erfahrctt ; 3. rein, fduilb= [08, uubeflcift; to be — in a thing, ttxuai gritnblict) uerftcbcu ; —tense (or perfect), Oram. T. bie vollfommeil feergangene 3ett, baS l ! crfeetum. To PERFECT, v. a. 1. yeroollfoiiimitcu, bollenbctt; 2. gefebieft ntadjeu. perfecter, *. bcr SBolIenbet. PERFECTIBILITY, s. bie gabtflleti (!<% 511 perooUfominneu, SSert>oUfomm= lidjfeit. PERI LCTD3LE adj. BetOOlIfommIt($. perfection, s . bie ^crvollfontnt= ititng; i'ollfontmculjcit; — in, voll- fommen. perfectional, adj. r-ollfommeit, do!= lenbct. PERFECTIONIST, a. ber auf $o!lfom= mcubcit ?lnfpriteb iliadieube. perfective, adj. jitr SBoUfommttts beit bringenb, oerebetnb ; — iy, adv. auf cine beiDoDfommenbe SSBetfe. PERFECTNESS, s. 1. bie 3>ollfommcn= bcit, 33oUftanbigfeit, SSoUenbung ; 2. @efd)icflid)feit, Sertigfeit ; 3. bie £u= lie nb. PERFICTENT, adj. roirflid). PERFDDIOUS (adv. — ly), adj. treutoi, falfcb, verratbcrifdi ; — ness, s. bie :Ireulofi)]feit, 5valfd)beit. PERFIDY, 5. bie 2'rculofigfeit, bet Sl'rcubrud), SSerratt). To perflate, v.n. burdjblafctt, bttrd^ rncbeit, bttrdiftrcicbcit. PERFLATION, s. baS ^urcbblafeu, Turd^vcben. PERFOLIATE, adj. D. T. burdnpadifeu. To PERFORATE, v. a. bltrd)bof}rClt, burcbUHbcrn. PERFORATION, s. 1. bie Tltr^bob- rung, -Durcblocberuttg ; 2. Oeffnung, ba« Sod). PERFORATIVE, adj. butchbobvcnb. PERFORATOR, s. S. T. bet (JEopf*] Sotjrer, ^evforativtrepan. PER-FORCE, adv. mit ©etvalt. To PERFORM, v. n. S,- v. 1. UO((i;iebcil, "ollftrcefcu ; iipUenbcit, bctvcrfftellt- gen, augfiibrctt, fertig macbeii ; 2. uers rid)tett, ntadjen, tfiitn, itbett ; 3. fid; jeigett, fpietctt (auf bcr i>iibue obet eiuem Siiftrumente), fcortragen, auf= fiibretl; to — one's promise, fciu 33er« fprecben baltett; to — the dutiesoi an office, ein 9lmf ferfebcit, function iiireu. PERFORMABLE (adv. — ly), adj. attS= fiibrbar, beruirfbar. PERFORMANCE, s. 1. bie SSoIIjictjnng SBoIIenbung, Slusfubntttg, 53errid)= tung, Uebitng; 2. J£6at,BeIbenf^at; 3. baS Sffierf; 4. bie SBorfreUung, ?luffitbritug, Sciftung, bag Spiel, bi« ©yielart. PERFORMER, s. i. ber 3?oH;icbcubc 9Iu6fiibrenbe ; 2. SdiaufpieUf, Spie= ler, OJiufifer, llrufiinfller, S8ittuo« ; to be the principal — , bit .^auptrollC fpicleu. PERFUMATORY, adj. bltvd)biifteilb, looblriedicnb. perfume, «. 1. ber ftifie ©uft, 5Boh> getndj: 2. las SRaud^roevf, SUaudjet« iucrf, iliaurbeiTulftcr, 3fJiedjn)affer, t„ PERFUME, v. a. bitrdjbuften, burrb: ranctjertt, (au«0>'aud)ern, woblrte- PERI PERO PER ft (tcltfe matron ; perfuming pan, bilg 3faudifa§. PERFUMER, ». bcr mit wobiriccbenbcu <&ati)tn Klttbclt iParfinniiir'. PERFUMERY, s. Spatffimetien. PERFUN< T< IRINESS,*. tic iUrtcMafftjp Uit, Efotgfoftgfeit. PERFUNCTORY [ado. — ily), adj. obcn= bin, nut leiobt, liadildffia,. for^los. To PERFUSE, v. a. iibergiejjen, buretjfeU. PERICARP, *. />'. '/'. tic gvuebttapfel, bae Samengebaufe. PERICRANIUM *• ■ !■ T. tie iiuficrc Scbabelbaut. PERIDOT, « eineSlrt gclbgriinct Sma= ragb, bet EljtJpfoliib. PERIGEE, >*. .1st. T. bic (gtbnabe PERIGEUM, 5 bcr Spianeten. perihelion, >*. Ast. T. bic «ounen= PERIHELIUMjS itdf)C. PERO., *. bic ®efabi; SebenSgefabt ; at your — , niif 3hrc ©efabt; at the — of.., bet Setmeibung »on ..; perils of the sea, 3ccgcf,il;r'cn, luibrigc iJufdUe jut See. PERILOUS .'n./r. — t.y). adj. gefabtlirb; —ness, y. bic ©efabrlicbfeit. PERIMETER, ». O. 7'. bcr Umfflttfl, au= fjcvfte Unified. period, ». 1. bic speriobe; bcr 3eit= mum, 3fitfrei3; 2. Umlauf, JtretS- lauf, bic UmlaiifSjcit (eines lplune= ten) ; 3. bcr (5Dc=_j2d)liul baS (Snbe ; 4. bcr SRebefafe, (Sprarbfafe, Slbfafe; 5. 7Vp. 7'. bcr ( fteis, Umfaitg. PERIPHRASE, ) s.bte5Pert>^i-afe,Um- periphrasis, S febteibung. To PERIPHRASE, v, a. innfdtrcibcn. PERIPHRASTICAL adv. — i.v), adj. pe* tipljtajtifrb, umfebteibenb. PERiplus, ». bic Umfdjiffung. PERWNEUMONICAL, a . Med. /'. tic gungenenfjunbung beftefenb. PERIPNEUMONY, s. Med. T. bic $1111= gettentjiinbung. PERlSCIANS, s. pi. .^st. T. tie Umfd)af= tigen. To PERISH, v. a. 1. urns' Seben fom= men, setunglncfen, umfommen ( — for, with, by, aits, oor), vergeben, >ht= berteu; jti ©runbe geljen; 2, be= fidnbig abne^men ; 3. To. T. ewig berbammt fe»n ; to — with b oerbungern ; to — by the sword, iurcb; ba8 Swmert umfommen ; to — at sea, jur See beruugliirfen. PERBHABLE, adf.OetgSitglifi, I>inf5l< lig; — goods, M E. leidu bcrbcrbli- dic SBaare : —ness, ». bie P3ergnug= lidifcif, ■Oiiif.illigfcit. PERISPERM, s. B. T. bic iamciihiilic. PERISPHERE, adj. fiigclfbrmicj, fl(o= biidi. OLOGICAL <:•!• roettfdjweifig. PERISSOLOGY, ». bcr SBortuberflup! peristaltic, adj.A. T. murmformig, pertflnlttfd) ; — motion, bic Darmbe= megung, S)armbrebung. PERISTERION, 8. Hi (Sifeitfratlt {Ver- bena — L.). PERISTYLE,*. Arch. T. bic Umfau= lung, be* tunbe Sdulertgang. PERITONIUM, *. A. T. tie I,irmb,titt. periwig,*, tic sperrutfe; ^aarb.aus be ; — maker, bet -b'cin'iifotmuduT. To I'Kuiwic, p.ff.etite SPerriicfe nuffe= fecit, mit cincr ^nnrtour bcflciben. PERIWINKLE, *. 1. bviS 2iniigriiit, SSintergriin [vinea — ].. ; 2. bic ■ftantmmuf($et. To perjure one's belf), v. reji. einen falfcben (Sib fdjrooren, meiueibtg mv- belt. perjured, adj. meiiietbig. perjurer, ». bet -Dceiiie'tbtge. perjurious, adj. meinetbtg. PERJURY,*, bcr falff^e (lib, spietneib. To PERK, r. i.n. i)ocb fabrcit, fiolj ciiu berfrbreiten ; n. a. to — (up), pufeeii, aufpufcen. PERLUSTRATION, ». bic SDurcfifors fdiung, Tiirdifirfu. permagy, *. bic Spetme, ein flcines tutfifefiee ©oot. PERMANENCE (— cr), * l.bflfl bcftdii-- bige SSerbleiben, bic gprtbauet; 2. bas Sebotten in 9iii()e. PERMANENT (adv. — ly), adj bicibcitb, fpftunibrcub, fottbauetnb, Inngebait= cnib, aithaltcnb, bcftditbtg. PERMEABniiTY,».bte2)utf^briug6ar» fcif, SDurcbbtinglirbleit. PERMEABLE, adj biivd)bviiigbar,burd)= briitglirb. To PERMEATE, o. a. biirdi jcbcii, but(6= bringen. permeation, *. bag Sutrbbtingen. PERMISCIBLE,a^".»ermtffbbat(n>. ii.). PERMISSffiLE, adj. jillatTig, ju cviau- bctt. PERMISSTON, ». bic ©tlauBntfi, 3ulafs fung, Serfiattitng, SBergiinfligung. permissive, adj. i. juloffenb, »erjtat= tcttb ; 2. |itge'iaffen, berfiattet; — waste, /.. T. bcr nit 8 SftacbltifftflFrit entfpringenbe SerfnU (eineS .§aufel it. f. ».); —ly. ado jugelaffen, gejlats tct, mit Cfvlitubuift. PERMISTION, )». bic Tiirmifd)ii:ig, PERMIXTURE S SOerinifrbung. To PERMIT, p. a. etlauoen, jutaffen, geftatten, jugeben, einroitligen. permit, *. .1/ t-s bet (Selauunijifrbein, greijettel, (SBaaten*) spafftrjettel ; bet 2durfnvi'i ; — r. .r exportation, bet (nLiubnijjiYbeiH 5ur SluSfubt boil JOiwrcu ; — for home consumption, bet 3»UpaftltiettelfuvimSanbe blci= benbe ©liter. permutation,* bie SOettoufrbung, (Qenverbfelung, bet Umtaufcb, pernancy*. L. t. bai ©inpfangen obet Sinnebmeu [»on SRenten u. f. w . PERNICIOUS [ado. —vr\ adj. Detberb= lidi, fcbdblid), jerftotenb; —ness,*. tic 93etbetblirbfeit, Srbdblirbfeit. pernoi rATlON,*. bae Durrbwarben bcr 3flad)t PEROGUE, *. bae SPirog. PERORATION, .-■•. bet Scbluji ciner SRebe. PEROXYDE, ». .•>. t bas Pewxijb, iibetffluerte Dityb. To PERPEND, v. a. errod^cit, bctrarfci ten, bcbciifcn [W. ii. . PERPENDER, *. Arch. T. bee Stein gt* rabc vcu bcr SiJc bet SDJauer, 8ege» flciu, J?ragftein. PERPENDICLE ». tor '^crpenbif el ; bai fenfredjt •Jticberbditgentc; S8Iei> letb, tic Senfftbiiur, Scnfliuie, ©lei» wage. PERPENDICULAR [adv. —cvpcii= bituUtrlinic ; bai Jlid>tfrbeit. perpendicularity.*. baS $erpen> bifulare, tic fenfrecbie Sftirbtuug. To PERPETRATE, v. a. begeben, »W» iibcu. PERPETRATION,* 1. tie SSetubung; 2. bci'c (avc'-cU) .Ib>it. PERPETRATOR, ». bet in'vubcnbe, Abater. PERPETUAL [adv.— n . adj. intmcr= wabrenb, unaufbotlidb, uiuiittcrbrc- rben, m-i\ ewig ; — cura -v. /. v tint @urator|lclie, ticnirbt Had) S3iU(ufct eiitjogen werbeit faun ; — n riaj. '/'. bai perpetuutn mob rcll'U.- triebroerf; — screw, bic Sdjraubi obite Snbe. To PERPEl'U \'i'i\ d a.tmmerwabreub crbiiltcit, Jietfl fcrtfe^en, oetewigen. PERPETUATION, *. tic \tttt Jottfe* 6uug; 33erewigung. PERPETUITY, ». I. tie Unaufb9tlirbs fcit, Beftanbigfeit, uctc Dauer, (iivig= fcit; 2. bai Snblofe. To PERPLEX, a. a. 1. beflfirjt marbeu; beunrubigert; 2. oerwicfeln, vetwir> rcit. PERPLEXEDNESS, ». bic ©efrurjtbeit, SQetlegenbctt Unrube; Scbwierig= fcit, SBerwottenheit, PERPLEXITY, ». 1. bic i^cft: . 33etlegenbeit, 5lengftlid)feit; 2. Sets wirrung; S3erworteubeit, Srbwica rigfeit. PERPLEXEDLY, ado beiturjf. PERQUISITES, * pi. tie Vicbcnciufunfs te, Sporteln, 2lccibeujien. perquisition,*. bie genaue Untetfua cbuitg, SJlarbfiicbung, iRnebforfefcung. PERROQUET, *. oi . Paroquet, perry,*, bcr ©irnmoft SBirnwetn. To PERSECUTE, b. a. nttf feint liife SSeife oerfofgen; Wegen 3J?etnimgeii i; ubettaufen, plagen, qualeu. i riON, ». bie 93erfolgung. i -i'.i!;. *. bet Setfolger. PERSEVERANCE •'• bai -i'cb.trfcn, iSei'i)arten, bie ©ebarrlicbfeit barrtitbfett, Acftigfcit, 3Iu8i Stanbbafttgfcit. To persevere, b. u. be^atren, I'.tltcn, ausbauetn. PERSEVERING (adv — ly), adj. bc= battlicb, flanbbaft. PERSIA, *. ipetften. PERSIAN, i. * bet iperfer: cine Sltt Seibenjeug; n arf/.perfifcp; — Arch. T. tie I'crfifd'e SdllleilOtbl persiflage, », bie Spottcrei, Sen fpottung. persimmon,*, bie 3atfelpffaum< ospyros pcrsimm ■ To PERSIST, b - —in bebattcu til . . , bci .., befieben auf . .. persistence,*. I. bai Uebarren, bie SRebartlifbteit, Sepiafeitj 2. ^avts ltdefigfeit, bet Sigeiiftnu. PERSiSTrvE, n : . bcbattlitb, ai tent, jlanbbaft, i\'t. '.. ,■ 1. tic 5petfoit; 2. tcr.Ubi- pct; bai Sleu^ere; ;i tic ricollc; bet ^barafter; in — , in eigeneri SPerfon, peifouiirb; a — . 3emaub, man; no -, 9lieiuanb; the — Ttr> PERT PESA PETR jcittgc; be appeared in the — of Ham- let, ix tut aU Camlet auf. PERSONABLE, adj. cine gute Spcrfon oovftcllciib, fd>oit, anmiit^tg, (tnfegn* liit, rooblgeftalt j L. t. fabtg cine SJkrfon oorjuftellen, eitieu ^rojejj 511 fiibvcti, it. f. m. ; retbt8fabtg. PERSONAGE, ». tie '-pcrfoii; 9Mlc ; bev (Jbarafter. PERSONAL [ado. — ly), adj. J>etf5ttlidj ( JPcrfonaU ; Scmaus ctgcutbumlicb M E-s. — account, -}>evfpual=:)iea)= mtttgen, ^krfonetuafrebnungen obcr Gotlti ; — attachment, ber $crfottaU Strreji ; — credit, bet ^ci , fojia[=<5t:e= bit; — goods (and chattels), pi. L. T. bafl jjcvfoiilidjc ©{gentium, 5Kpbi= liarocrmogeu, btc bewcgltrben Sitter. PERSONALITY, s. 1. bic $evfonItcbfctt ; 2. L. t. baS Oerfoulicbe @i_gentbum. To PERSONATE, v. a. 1. Oorftcllett, MV tretcit; fid) auegeben fiir .. ; 2. bctt= cbeht; 3. iiarf)nia«t!en, fpiclett; to — one's self, fid) auSaebcn fur . . : person- ated flowers, B.itp.: SDiaSfcublnntcn, Sarocitblumcu. " personation, *. bt'e SBor ftcIXung ; 9?arbabmung. personatok, «, ber eitieu erbiebfeten O'bauftcr ©arflellenbe ; Sollbringer. personification, s. bie $erfoueii= biittuiig, Sperfoniftcation, iprofopo= Vote. To PERSONIFY, v. a. loevfoilt ftCtVCU, (ocr=) ttcrfbnlidieit. perspective, i.s.l. bic ^rofoectbc, 8'crnfcbetnlcbre ; 2. bcr Bertifdjeiit; 3. bie gernjet(|nung ; 4. 5lusftd)t; 5. bag SPetfyectto, Scntrobr, gcrnglaS (bcpglcidjeu — glass) ; II. (adv. — ly), adj. yerfpccft'jifit, fcntfdjcttttg ; jur 9luSftd)t gebbria.. PERSPICACIOUS, adj. fit avf fid) tig ; — ness, s. vid. Perspicacity. PERSPICACITY, I s. bie ©cbarfficbtigs PEESPICACY, J bit, ber Scijavfbitcf, .geHbltcf. PERSPiciL, s. baS Sent g la 8 (to. ii.:. perspicuity, s. 1. bic S)cntlicbfctt, JUavbeif, 33cvftaitblidjfcit; 2. £urd)= ftdjtigfcit (to. it.) PERSPICUOUS (adv. — ly), adj. 1. beuts lid), ocrftanblicb, Har; 2.'bimtfid)= tig (to. it.) ; — ness, s. vid Perspicuity. PERSPIRABLLITY, s. bte 2lu8buuflbar= feit. perspirable, adj. auSbiinftbar. perspiration, s. bie (unmerfltcbc) 9lusbiinftung (bttvd) btc .§aut), ber ©ciweip. PERSPffiATIVE, \adj. bie SliiSbiitu perspiratory, 5 flung beforbewb. To PERSPIRE, v. v. ie a. ailSbUUfteu, verbiiufrcn, frt)ioi|en. To PERSTRINGE, v. a. furj (obcvflad;= Hit) benibren, crroabitcn. PERSUADEABLE (adv.— ly), adj. fiber* rebbar, jit iibervebctt. To persuade, v. a. iibcrretcn, bcrcbcit (—to, jit); gtaitbcu macben; to — one's self, fitij ciitbilbctt, titciitcti, gtanbett ; to he persuaded of.., fibers jeugt fcsiit tooit . . , glanbcit. persuader, 5. bcr itcbcrrcbcttbe. PERSUA8IBLLITY, ? s. bie llcberrcb= PERSUASIBLENESS, \ barfcit; 2ctcbt= glciubigfeit ; ©laub^aftigfeit. PERSUAS[BLE(odB.— ly), adj. $U fibers reben, fiberrebbar. PERSUASiON,*.l.btelteBerreb«ng;2. Ueber jeugung ; 3. 2ftettumg, 5)en!= avt, ber ©faube. PERSUASPVE (ado. — ly), adj. tibcwcj benb, cinttcbnicitb ; —ness, ,s ; . bic iibcr= tebenbe .Uraft. PERSUASORY, vid. Persuasive. ?F.Kr (adv.— l\-), adj. 1. uonvibtg, 00X= 304 font, ttafemcis, feef, »erwegen, tttt= i'cvf(.)amt; 2. inuntcr, bnvtia, fliuf, Icbbaff. To PERTAIN, v. n. ( — to), gc()Orctl (ci= ttcm), bctreffeit (ctmaS). PERTEREBRATION, s. bie TttVitbo[;= rung. PERTINACIOUS (ado. — ly). adj. 1. ct= gcnfiititig, ^olSflarrtg, bartnaifig; 2. cutfd;lcffcit, liattb^aft, bebavrlicb; — ness, s. vid. Pertinacity. PERTINACITY, ) s. 1. bie Safes PERT1NACY (uui.). S ftavrt ijFct t, .*> a vt= tuiifigfeit, IBerjiotftljett ; 2. <5ntfc$lof:= fctiljcit, ©tanbbaffigfeit, Sebarrlims hit. PERTINENCE (— cy), s. bic 2d)iif tid) = feit, Stngemefjen&eit, Ocntaf;lH'it_. PERTINENT (ado. — ^ly), adj. }ltv5ild)C gcbih-ig, Jxijfenb, treffettb, jwecfbicti= ltd;, fd)trflid), attgcntcffcit, gemaft; — ness, s. ba« SPa^enbe, bie Srl)icf= liitfcit, ?liigcmcffenlieit. PERT1NGENT, adj. bcruhfCttb, Ct!lfto= fcettb. PERTNESS, .c 1. bie ^afenjciSbeii, bev ^prwife, bie ©reifiigfeit, Uiti>cv= fitamthcit; 2. 9Jiuittetfcit, .*3urtig= !cit, ?cbbaftigfcit. To PERTURB, } v. a. tcilltntbigcit, To PERTURBATE, ) yentuvrctt, ftoreit, iii Unorbnung bvingcit (to. ii.). PERTURBATION, *. bie Uimtlie, 5?cr= roirrung, Sejtiivjung, Unorbnung. perturbator, ) s. ber Seitiuubtgef, PERTURBER, J ©tSrer, llnnit>fttf= ter (w. it.). PERTUSE, Pertused, adj. bitvdjlodjcrt, bitrdibubrt. pertusion, .?. bie ^urdjbobvung; ba§ buvttgcboln'te Sod). peru, s. (bii'S ^attb) SJ3eru. peruke, s. bie ^erviirfc. perusal, s. biis Surtblefen ; for vour — , M. f. 511 3brer Slnftrbr, SBebienuttg obcr 5)uvd)ftitt. To peruse, o. a. bttrcbtcfctt, buvd)[a:t= feit, burrbgeben. peruser, «. bcr 55ut$lefer. Peruvian, 1. s. bev Speruowner: 11. adj. pentviaitifd) ; —hark, bic S'iebcv: riiite, 6l)itiaviitbe. To pervade, v. a. bimtgcfjeit, buvd)- bviitgcii, buvi)ftveiitcit. pervasion, s. baS 5}iivd)gcf)ctt, ^uvdjbviitgctt. PERVERSE (adv. — ly), adj. yevfcbrt, uutnbcvlid), ftovrifit, tiirf'tfcf), »er= ftocft, IM'l'bCVbt, bbfc; —ness, f. vid. Perversity. perversion, «. bie SSevfcbnmg, 93ev= beroung; bag SBerberben, perversity, s. bie Scvfcbvtbeif, Saitiiciihi^tigfeit, il'itnbcrliitfcit, bcr @tgenftnn, bie iu'vbcvbtl;cit, baS i>cr= bcvbitift. perversive, adj. "cvbcvblidi, sevber: benb. To PERVERT, v. a. t'CVfebvcit, !HTbVC= ben; oerberben/ luu-fiibvett. PERVERTER, ». bcr iscvbreber ; 33er= bevber, iicvfitbvcv. pervertible, adj. Uid)t 511 yevfebvett, 511 oerberben. To PERVESTIGATE, v. a. Ctllffviirett. PERVESTIGATION, s. bil^ i.'lltffpitl'Clt. PERVICACIOUS (ado. — ly), adj. b,afe= ftiivrig, bavtn^idig ; — ness,s.vid. Per- VUACITY. PEUViCAciTY, .■;. bic .^iifoftarvigfcit, .*3vivtiuiifij5fcit (10. ii.). pervious, adj. lvobiivd) man gebett fann, locgfant, offen, frci ; — to one's eye, CffidUliit ; —ness, s. b(t8 Offcnc, bie riivdibvingliitfiit, SBegfamteit. PESADE. .-•. Sp. T. tie in-fabe (Oon i ; fer= ben bic liitv ben 33orb?rleib beben). peso, *. ber fpanifi-be Abater coon nrbt giealen). PESSARY, s. Med. T. 5f« dicn. PEST, s. bie ^eft, Scmtc, §PIagej — house, .«. ba» 5Pefl§auS. To PESTER, v. a. bcfltlOCVClt, bCltltVtl= bigcit, beangfiigen, plagen, qualen. PESTERER, s. bev ^cfd)iocvlid;e, Slengfiiger, Spiager, Oniilcr. PESTIFEROUS, adj peftttcitjiillifcb, boSarrtg, anftccfenb, ocvpeftet ; jig. ocvbcvbltit. pestilence, ,. bie ^cftilcitj, $eft; — wort, bic SPefitlettjrOUrj (Petasites — L). PESTILENT (adv.— ly), adj. pcftilcnjU nlifdi, ociibaft, pcftiutig", anftedenb, giftig ; oerberbltd). PESTILENTIAL (adv. — ly), adj. vid. Pestilent. PESTILLATION, s. b(l8 ©tofjeit tm 9)tbvfev, 3er{lo§en (to. ft.). pestle, «. bic 3Ji5rferrtale, bev ®th M. PET, s. 1. bev Uitroille, ffiibcvunllc, 33erbru§; 2._ba8 .gaustamnt obcr Sammdicn, (ecboofi=) .finnbdien; 3. bcr Stcblittg, baS 3«rtelttnb; to be in a — , bbfe femi. To PET, v. a. scvjiirtcln. petal, s. b. T ta$ aiumenblatt. petalism, s. btc Scvbaitituiig auf funf Sabre (tm altctt Siiracn^). PET A LED, I adj. B. T. lilt t 931ltmctt= PETALOUS, 5 blattcvn, blattcvig ; three-petaled, brciblattcvig. petard, s. bie s 4>cfavbc, ®»rengbficb« fe, vaS epveugftiief, bcrXborbrccbfr. PETECHLE, s.pi. Med.T. bie ^ctcfrbcn (^cteitictt, 5'lobflecfett). PETECHIAI,. adj. ntit bent g[ed ! = (^e= tcfdien=) JJteber bebaftct ; — fever baS 4- ! etefd)enftcbcv, S'U'cfftcbcr. peter, s. spetrus, $Peter (3Jlann8na- me) ; — s pence, ber 5Pctcr§ofctittig (cbemaligc Slbgabe an ben $a|>P); — 's wort, bie ©ct SPererStourj jjsey rum — 7,). PETER EL, s. vid. Petrel, petiole, s. B. T. bcr Slattfttcl, ©ticl. TETIT, adj. (fvanjoftfd)) flcin. petition, s. bie SBttte, Sittfrbrift, ba3 ®cfucb ; /,. T. bie 93egebrung8* ober SHnf^rurbelfage ; to — for..., fitviftlid) ciufomiiieii nut..., fup= Vliciveit. To PETITION, v. a. titfett, ailfltdlClI, attbaltcit; eitte ©ittfebrift etnretcpen. PETITIONARILY, adv. bittiocifc. PETITIONARY, adj. bittcub ; anba(= tcilb, atlltegctlb; —letter, MS Slits fdtveiben. petitioner, s. bcr ©uvpltfaitt, 53itt= ftcllcv, 9iitfintcv, SRequirent. PETREAN, adj. au8 ©tciit bcftebcub. fteiucvtt. PETREL, .?. bcr ©ftmttOOgel (Procclla- via). PETRESCENT, adj. ftd) OCVdcittCVllb. petrifaction, s. 1. bie 93ev(}cines rung ; 2. baS aSerfletnerte, ^ctrcfact PETRIFACTIVE, > ,. ....a-f-p-nj, PETRIEIC, \ a(, J- »»f* fimrnp - PETRIFICATION, s. 1. vid. Petrii.v tion ; 2. bic Serbartung (bes ©emfts ibti). To PETRIFY, v. I. a. 1. BCiflctuevit ; 2. jig. Ocrbavtett ; to he petrified with (horror), oerftciuevf, ftavv, antler fid) fcim (Oov Sdivccf); ii. n. fid) oerftei* ucvn, jtt ©tetn loerben. PETROL, Petroleum, s. baS ©tetniSI; — elastic, baStmneralifdje Seberbarj. PETRONEL, s. bev Cavabincv, 2tu(}; bic v Riftclc. PHAR PETROUS, adj. ftcinij, batt (tote (Stein). PETTICOAT, s. bet Arnneru (Uiifer=) Siotf ; — government, bie 2Beibet= bertfetoaft. To PETTIFOG, » n. djicamren, ein Bungcnbrcfcijer feint. PETTIFOGGER,* ber B""acitbrcfcf>cr, SEiufelaboocat, Siabniift. PETTiFouGERY, s bic SJungenbtefrbes ret, (Shicatte, 3iabuliftcrci, Jiniffe, pettifogging, adj. jungenbrefdjes rifcf), ranfefiicbttg. PETl'lNEgis. *. bte ^fet'tihcil, ltiibc= trarbtlietfctr, ©etingfiigigfeif. PETTISH («/». — ly), iebjtabl ; — ledger, M E. bii« SBtiefpottobudj ; — madder, fcas iJreiijblart, Jtteujfrmtt; — mo- rel, bie beereufragenbe Angelica; — muguet, baa ?abfi«ut, SJafbftrob, iiiifrec lieben graitftt $3etfitrolj ; — mullein, tie atouiggferge, t.ios WoU' trout ; — prince, ber fleine unbebeit= lenbc Siirft; — gpnrge. bie XeufelS= mild}, .gmnbgmilcb |5J}fIanje); — treason. 1. T. ber 2Hnfb fines SBots gefefcteu; —wares, pi Surge ffiaaten ; — whin, bie .oauheebel, ber 3Beiber= Kteg (Ononis — /..). tETULANCEf-cY^AberTOut^mtlle, leirhtltiin, bie .giolmiifeferei; aiuS= gelaffenbetf. PETULANT (adv. — t.y), adj. mutbtVtU lt(j, br-liiinecfeiib ; «uflgel«jjfen, PEW, .-■ ber .Rirrbfiiftitbl; _ p r bte Sluffdjliegetinn ber .ffirrbenftuble. To PEW, d o, mit JtinteiiftiiMcit uer= feben (». ii.'. PEWET ». 1. bet tfi&ife; i. ber See= obcr aSafferrnbe. pewter < I. ba« (uetmifdjfe) 3tnn, oetaibetfcte Sum ; •>. jinne r ne ©e* rath, 3tnti; —grass, bas Ji,intmt= triint (Equitetnm — I..) PEWTERER, s ber 3tnngieger. PH/ETON, ... ber $l)ctt6n reine 3ttt SSagen). PHAGEDENIC, I. adj. tint fief) frcffcitb ; II. phagedenas, s. ///. 9le6intftel. I'll vlangioi'S, adj. jn einem $bafct» fltborifj, PHalangtte. * ber jtt eiuein 5BfiaIaiir flrbc>rti]e ©olbat. PHALANX: s ber 5J6aIaitr. phantasm, ». bie (Sinbifbuim. ba« "Pttngefvmnfl, £rua.btlb. PHANi'OM, ,. l. bie @tfrb«niina, bo« ©efpenft; 2. guffgebilb, ^irn,]e= PHARISAICAL (-, c ), adj. 1 bbatt= 74 PHIL ffitfd); ?. rtlet'ltterifeb, f,f eittbeili.i. beueblevifdi; —neas ». bie ©letjhtetel, erbeiiibertigfeit. PH IRISAISM, > 1. ber 3J6atifat«mu«. bie gebte bet $bat ifaet ; i. =ebein= beiligfetf. PHARISEE, ... 1. ber ^haiifJier ; 2, ffllcitsner, Ontrbler. PHARMACEUTICAL C — ic ; adv. — i. Y ). aij pbatmaceutifdj, \ux 5J^otbefer= funft qeborig, PHARMACEUTICS, t. »'.bie $batma» eentif, 'ilrjeneibereitungsfimft. PHARMACOLITE «. bic';'lrfenifb(iilfie, ber SjSbatmaroltt. PHARMACOLOGIST, «. ber £ thrift; fteller iiber iKbarntaeie. PHARMACOLOGY, s bie .^eilmittel-- lebve, ■Remitniii ber Sttjeueten, PHARMAOriPOSIA, I s fie 9lrteiteibc= PHARMACOPY, < rettiuii^lebrc ; bvis ©ifpeiifatottum, 9lvinbeferbn.1v PHARMACOPOLrST, t. ber HxitntU banblcr, 9lpptbefer. pharmacy, i bte ^barmaeie, 9lrtc= neibereirnni, 'Jlpufheferfiiuft. PHARO $.1>ai Aarp)>icl. PHAROS, s ber $bat08, ^6atU«, Veiid)ttbnrm. PHARYNGOTOMY, s. S. T. ber guffs fobreitfdjititf. pharynx, ... a. t bie ^arttobte. pii\sk phasis, ». Asi t. bet abwecBs felnbe erbetn (bes 3Wonbe« unb tor ^Innefen ; phases, pi. >?bflfen, Sicbts gefliiiren (be« SWonbes, it. f. »».)., ». /,/. Sdiminfbubiicn, 5a-- f e oleit. PHASM Phasma. .*. baS ^Pbiiufom, Stugbiib, ©efpenft. PHE \s\Nl', 8. bet Aafilit ; — 's eye bie ?IbPituM-c»e ; Acbcniclfe: — powi ber junge Safatt; - walk, bie jfafanerte; painted — , ber fflolbfafan ; penciled — , ber ©ilberfafan. PHEASANTRY, », tie SafrtHCtie. PHEBE, s $b5be (Ariimniiaine). PHENICOPTER, * ber Slomtngo. rii i:\ix. ., ber EPbdutr. PHENOMENON, « (pi. phenomena) ba« Spbiinomeit, bie ©rfebeiitiiiig. PHEON b 11. T. bie gptfte tine* HSfeileS. phial ».ba« ftlafrbc&en, bie flbiole. To Pin \l„ ,-.„. in ein Ai;ifd;ciett tbiin. PHILANrHROPICAI- f— ic). mtj ma\-- fitenfreniiflidi. Pbilantbropifdj. PHILANTHROPIST ». ter DJeiiidieit-- fveunb, ^bilantbtop. PHILANTHR IPY, s bie ^Jeiifdieitficbc, ^biKintbriu'ie. piiii.iiii.i.i.M.s. , ,,/. tio ^bilfielles nen, ©rierbenfreuttbe. PHILHELLENIC adj. pbilbellcnifd', grieebenfreiinbliffi obet gunflig ■mi. ip. .-. iBbilip©, (OWiniuMi.nnel. pi in a bit Strte ^tir (St- ^biiippitie (Ai\uien-- l Pllll IIM'A. name). PHILIPPIC, ». bie UbilipriiM, befftge 3?ebe mtber Jemanb, :(binabr«»e, scbmabfcbrift. To PHIL ppiZR, r-.n beftig gegen 3e= manb tebeti obet fdireiben r, ii > PH1MSTINK.J ber spbiliftet PHILLYREA, a ,-„/ m„. k-pbivet PHILOLOGER, I ,. bet iibiloloii, PHIEOEOGisr S EVfarbfwwige Mu leln-e in iilren Sprarben, .^nfifer. PHIEOI/KJU'AI, PmLOLooic, a Fpiarbtunbij), pbiJol»gifrb. To PH i .- »i .' > ;i-. u pmii-u.-v. ,, m\. iUbifoIoate, eprarbf n.-,-, PHIlomai'h, a. bet Ai-eunf bet ©e= lebrfamfeil. 'PHILOMATHY, Icbr '"a m feit. PHILOMEL, Philomela, j. * '^bilDiltelt bie 'JlacbftgalL PHILOMOT, irid. Fboilmmort. PHILosopheme >. bat $btlofcp6ent PHILOSOPHER ». ber 2Be Irrorife Bbia lofopb; natural—, bet Ulaturfpt frbet ; in iral — , bet ".Viomlift.; the —'a Btone ter Stein bet f&eifes: — hke. pbilofopbifd). PHILOSOPHICAL. (— icj adv. — i.y). adj. 1, pbilofopbiftb, Detnunftroiffen* fctjaftlid); >. ma pig, rntbaltfam. To PHILOSOPHIZE, o.n pitie'rrl'iren, benfen, fotfd)tn. i'ii L 60PHY, ». I. bie ^bibfop&if. SBeltn»ei«beit j >.. bae ij! >ilofopbem; 3. for piufofopbifdje Gurfu«j Sntbaltfamfeit: natural — . bi lurlebre, ?b9l«; moral—, tie t*:bif. PHILTER, (Philtre), s ber ^iebr«= tranf; to philter, t> a. butdj eiuen V t c - bestr.inf Dejaubetn. PHIZ. ... cont. ta« qtftdit, bie I'arve, Av.i^e. PHLEBOTOMIST, ■ ber jut Slbet l,i$f. To PHLEBOTOMIZE v. a \'av .'Iter 1 a ffe n. PHLEBOTOMY, », S 7". bie .'ibcifag- fuitit; bit* 9lteil,iiTen. phlegm,*. I. a, r. t.i-5 $bfegina; 2. .1. T. ber ivaffct (\ie Seblfim in ter Sunge); 3. jig, tie nafurlirbe irag= bnr, jtalfe, ©leid)flultigf«it, tai ^Jblegma. PHLE !M VI'Ii' — i u.: adv. — i.y'. adj. I. pbiegmatifd), Scbleint etjeugenb; 'I. fig naturlid) ttage, unempftnblicb, gefubfloS, gleidjgiiltig, fair, flumpf. PHLEGMON, s .1/, I T. tie @ntiuiu biin.i, ba« iBIutgefrfimuf. PHLEGMONOUS, adj. enrjiinber, at-. fc&tuoten. PHLEME i oid. Fleam. PHLOGISTIC ■■•!■ iireiinffofr eilff)al* renb, pblPjiiflifd), btenubat. '•in.' ksisth in, ,-. en. t. tM ^bloflifton, ber Srennitoff. PHO! int. pab! ah! b,i! eb! eb! bub! PHOENIX, ». mi. Phenix. PHONICS, ». pi tie Vebre rem EdJalJ, '.'Ifiu'tif. PHONOCAMPTIC, adj ten Sdnill brc= cbent.*' phonolites,* p/.^boncliten,Jf[ina« Heine. PHOSGENE-GAS, a C*. T i.ii $bo8« geugaS. I'll, isi-iiate. ,-. a,, t. bie PSbo«pb«ru«= fa it re. i'ii.)spniTE....rA t. b fante Safj. PHOSPHOR Phosphorus), s f . SWorgenflettt ; — box, bad ^boftpborfeuei^ug. PHOSPHORATED, adj. mit $bp«bbot gefebmangert. PHOSPHORIC "'/' ^-n $bo8pt)ot bc= trerrent, au8 iKboepbot. PHOSPHURET, -. ( ,. /• ter mit ^bciJ= pbor oetbunbene Stcff, PIIOSPHURfcTPED, adj. Ok. T. inif ^boipbor verbitnbeit. PHOTOMETER » Pky. r. ber -]Jbofo. inetet, Strbtnieffet, PHH VSE, i I. bie •Libr.r'e, SWebeniatl • '.'. bet ftiittrurf; 3. Btpl; — hook, ta-» iBbtafen* ©u3)icbijin, 2Ir$enci= fitnbc 9lrjenetunnenfdjaft ; 2. 3tr$e* net ; io practise — , a!8 5lqt prafticu vnt ; to take — , cinnebmen. To physic, b. «x. 1. 2lrjnei geben ; cutis ven, beilen ; 2. purgtcest. PHYSICAL, adj. I. pfnififrf), ttatitrlirt), natnrlcbvig, 'pljpftfalifd) ; 2. mebi= jinifd) beilfam, gefunb ; — herbs, mebijinifrlje JMiiter, .Oeilfrantcr; — philosophy, bic s $btyftf; — ly, ado. pt»)fifd). physician, s. bcr Qlrjencifnnbige ; $[)»fifitg, ?lrjt; — accoucheur, ber ©eburtsbelfcr. PHYSICO THEOLOGY, s. bic XfKolo = gic, roelrbe bic SRatutwtffenftyaft ju §iilfe ltinimt. physios .? pi. bic ^fv.iftf, sjkturleljre, mebijittifrben Srbriftett. PHYSIOGNOMER, ) s. bcr $(y.)ftP= PHYSIOGNOMIST, ) gnpiii, 5Uhcncn= bcutcr. PHYSIOGNOMIC, 7 adj. V6l)|tPgitO- PHYSIOGNOMICAL, > mifch. PHYSIOSNOMICS, *. pi. bie $b>fip- gnpinif, ~Dticncufitnbe, Wlitnnibtiu tmtg. physiognomy, s. 1. bie SBljttftyjnos mie, ©eficbtsbifbung, 9)laturbefrbreibiing. PHYSIOLOGER, ? i.. «!i,uS»f». PHYSIOLOGIST. $*• fcec ^fa^S' PHYSIOLOGICAL (— ic; «.iitt. PIANET, s. 1. bcr fleine ©iNcfcf: 2. bic (lifter. pianist. *. ber ^ianifr. piano, ado. Mus. T. piano, gclinbe, frhroad). PIANOFORTE, s, baS pianoforte; grand — , ber Sliigel (with additional keys, ntit 3ufafctaften) ; upright — , bag aufred)tflfbenbe(f(^vanff6rntige) obcr SBaub^iaupfprf ; square — , bag tafelfBrmige pianoforte. you piaster, *. bcr Spiajier, fpanifd}c Sbalcr. piazza, s. ber Saulengang, bic 2au= lenlanbc, Saulcuballc. pib-corn, s. bic ^orn^feife. PIBROCH, *. cin J?rieg«gefang bcr Sergfcbotfen, fur bic GSacfpfeife. PICA, s. 1. Med. T. bcr TOitubcrlidje ?Ip= petit, iniS ©elflflen (bcfotibcrS bcr ©c^TOangevn) ; 2. Typ. t. bie grobc (5icerp(= > £d)tift) ; small — . bic fleine Gicero, SJt^einlanber, Sterner. piC(Oaroon, «. 1. bcr Seeriiuljer, 9taubfd)iffcr; 2. baS 3(aubfd;iff. PICCADIL, Piccadilly, Pickardil, s. cin Syifeenfragen. piccage, s. bag Subeugelb, (Staub* gelb. To pick, r. a. &■ v. 1. piacn, I)a(ICtt ; ftocbern ; 2. fpicjjcu, ftcdjcu, burd)- ftofjett ; 3. rupfen, pfliirfcn ; 4. itagctt, fnaitpcln, flattbcn ; 5. Icfcn, reintgen, faubern; 6. fainntcln, auflcfctt, anf- fndieii ; 7. ania\iblcn, au§fud)cit ; 8. beftcblcu ; to — a lock, ciit <2d)lojj ntit cittern Dietrich, atifmarf)cu ; to pive one a bone to — i-u/o-. eineni jit fd;affctt macbcii, ju ran)en geben ; to — one's pocket, cittcut bie 2!afcbc« burd)fitd)cit, beftcblcu; to — a bole in one's coat, an 'juiianbem Jcblcr fin= bcti; to — acquaintance, iI3ef attll t= fd)aft madid! ; to — a quarrel, .£hitl= bcl obcr 3anf anfangcti : to — thanks, ben Dbrcnblafcr macpeit, fnd)§= fc^wanjen ; to — wool, SEotle fcbic= jicn, fortircu; "to — out, austefcti, ausfiicbcit, auSmablcit; auSftnbtg inact>cti ; ijeranS rcitlen ; bernebmen ; Typ. Ph. (bie 93itd)ftaben ntit ber ?lt)le) bcraitSbcbcn ; to — out a corn, cin Jpitbnemttge ausfdjueiben ; to — up, auflefcu, atiffaimnclit; fammcln; to — up the freight of another, (POll ©djiffem) einem tSnbent bie gracht TOcgitebmcn, njcgcapcru ; to — up the pies, Typ. Ph. bic 3n)iebclftfc^e auslefen. pick, s. 1. bcr Spi^fianimcr; 2. Typ. T-s. sing: bCl'ipicp; — a pack ( — back), blttfcpacf; — axe, bic "4-sicfc, Spi^art; — lock, bcr Oafcufdjluffel, ^afeit, ©ietvidj; Spitjbubc; — pocket (— pur.-e), ^. bev ©eutelfcpiteis bcr, Safdjcnbicb ; — thank, bcr 8iid)§fd)maitjer, O^renblafcr; Siebes bicner; — tooth, bcr 3 l iI'i'ftP c 'bcr; Spanish — tooth, bcr fpanifcbe ,f cr= bet; — tooth case, baS 3^f)nftpd)cr= Cittti. P1CKEY). adj. jligcfpt'^t, fpitjt'g; — ness, s. 1. bic Spte.igfeit; 2. iJlcttigTcit, bcr Sdv.ititrf, ^nlj. ruPICKEER, i>. n. 1. (ice-) 3Jaitbcrei trcibcit; ranben, pliiuberu; 2. febar= ntiitjcln, fd)anit!tt)ircit. PICKLR, «. 1. fcr picft, ftidit, ftpe^crt, rupft, flaiipt, licfef, it. f. TO. (rid. To Pick); 2. ber ©tarbel, bic ©ptfee ; 3Jicfe, §aue ; bae 303iv!eifen, 2BirE= nteffer ; — of quarrels, ber jfinfer. PICKEREL; s. bcr Wra«bcd)t, Heine ^ccbt ; bie Heine Spite; —weed, ba§ .Oiditfiaut. picket,.? 1. Ma. t. bag piquet, bic gelbTOacbe ; 2. bie Stange, ber SPfabl, 3cltpf(pcf; 3. ba» ^ii]ltetfpicl; to—, 7i.o. 1. an einem spfabl atibitttctt; 2. etnpfablcit; ntit ^fa bleu abftccfen; 3. mu. T cin piquet ftatipitiren. pickings, .*. pi. bas SBeggelefene, Un= teiuc (eincr SJaare). PICKLE,*. 1. bcr-fofcl, bic Saljbri'u be; 2 ba>3 (^iiigepofclte, P'iitgciuad) = tc, geivobnlidi pickles, pi. inlv'ffi.i ein= gemaebtc Afiiebtc ; 3. wig. bcr 3 11 ' ftanj', bic Sage, j. 35. i pretty — , cine frbone 5Bcfdicernng, @cfd)id)tc; to be in a sad — , in 9iptl) fc\)lt, vul". tlB Oitatfe ftccfen , — jars, jtri'tgc fiii eingemadite Sarben; — herring, bet ^icfcltjariiig, ^anemnrft, Sj>offcn= veifjer. To PICKLE, v a. pofeltt, Ct'llppfclll, eirt> faljcn, einmarben, einlcgcii; pickler. cucumbers (gerkins), SfftfigUrfeit. picknick, s. bad 3nfct>»U»itat)t, bcr ^icfenirf. Pico, s.bie Spifec; berSpif, bie 93cvg« fpitje, tcr ©piiberg. PICROMEL,*. Ch. r. baS I'ieronict (bet ©ninbbcftanbtbeil bcr Walle). PICT, s. 1. bcr ©emaltc; bag ®cmal= be ; 2. Picts, s. pi. bie $iften ; — wall, bcr JOali jaufdjen (Snglanb nnb Srbpttlanb. PICTORIAL, adj. son ^Jiatent, male* vifd) ; — art, bic i^alcrfiinft. picture, s. ba» (Dcl=) ©cntalbe, SBilbnig, ©ilb; (Sbcnbilb ; bie 35ar« fieUung, ©c^ilberung ; to sit for one's — , bent 3)ui(er fiijeii. fid) malcit laf= fell; — drawer, bcr iDialcr; — draw ing, bic iWiIcrci ; — frame, ber ®es malberabnicit ; — work, bag ©entaU tc ; ©innbilb. To PICTURE, v. a. ntalcn, abmaten ; ./!>. fd)ilbcnt ; — to yourself, [telle bit ppr. PIC'I'URESQTTR (adv. — ly), adj. male= rifd), jinn SDcaleii, pittoregf ; — ness (pbtr the picturesque), bag "^ittcregfe. To PIDDLE, ?) n. 1. pbne ^Ippetit (bei ilcineit ©iffen, langfani) effeit; 2, tanbeln, fpiclen. PIDDLER,*. 1. bcr pfntc 5Ippctit i^ 2. Sanblcr, Spicier. pie, g. 1. bic SJSafiete ; 2. bie (Sifter ; bcr bnnte 5>ogct ; 3. Typ. T bie ocrfrbo' bene gorm, p/. pies, bic iititcrinciigten Settern ocrfchiebcncr ^rbriftartcn, Swiebclftfrbc; 4. bag "Dicfjbiid?; — b.iid.Jrbecfig, gefdjeeft; — bald (horse), bie^srf)etfc; — crust bic $afteten= fruftc ; — bouse. bieSPaftereulxSct'evet. PIECE,*.§©tucf; 2 bicftaiipnc ; rvlinte; 3. baS Scinfafj, ©tficEfafi ; 4. mdg. bic ©irne. bag (ffieibg=) ©tilff; pieces, pi. ©tftrfe; a — ill bread and butter, cin ^nttcrbrob ; — of money bag © c I b \t iirf ; — of eight, ein ad)t SRealen=©tiicf ber fpanifcbe Whaler ; by the — , nad) bem ©tiitfe, ftitifivcifc; — by — , Stiuf fiirStiitf ; a — of news, cine Sfleuiqfeif ; a — , bag Stiitf, cin 3eber, cine 3ebe, cin 3cbCg; all of a— DDII ciltClll <£t&<$, con ciner ?lrt, gleidjartig ; to tear in (to) pieces, jerreiDen ; to fall to pieces, in Stiiife (entjiueil fallen ; to take to pieces, ftiicfiocife yprnebiiicit, jcrg(ic= bent ; — goods. M. E. Stiict'guter; — meal, fttiifivcifc, Ctlljelll ; — mealed, in fleine Sti'ufe jcrtbetlt, jcrftiicft. To piece, ij I a. ftiiifcn, flicfen, anff* (Jin, anfdmjcifjCit; to — out, aitgrcefctt, verlaiigcvn ; to — up, anfflicfcit, an= ftiiifcn ; ii. n. Derbimben feyn, fellies pen, paffett. PIECELESS, adj. gailj, HUS ciltClB ©tiiffe. PIECER, s. bcr Alicftr, s )lit'"cijcr. PIED, adj. fdicifig. gc|'d;ccff, bunt; — horse, bic Sdjerfc. piedmont, s. spicmonf. PIEDMONTESE, i ». bcr ^icntpntefet: ; II. adj. pieinpittcft>"d). PIEDNESS, s. bag ©djccftge, 93ttnte. PIELED, adj. bcfd)PfCit. glaljfppfig. PIE-POWDER-COURT, s. bag iliarftgc^ rid)t, OJJefireitt. PIER, s I. bcr toiler, 'Pri'ufcitpfcilcr, 2. f 2Def>r=) 3?amm; ^afenbamm, 3JZpIo ; 3. :lbiirpfciler, bie (J"b"V'"' PILE PILS PINE SJJfofle ; — piass, bcv SJ3ff ifcrfptf gel, SErume.r.-fpicgrl ; — table, bet Spfeilertifrb, Sntmcautifd). PIERAGE,* bag Sammgclb, JtaVjgctb, Ufcvgclt. P1ERCEAI5LE, adj. + JU burrbbriltgru ro PIERCE. v.a.&-n.\. ftcd)cn, bob= ten; tuvd)fted)en,bmd)bobrcn, burd)= ftottut; 2. btiugcit. ciutritigcu, burd) s btiugeit; 3. beroegen. riibreit ; to — a cask, tin Sat* anftedjen, anborjten, Unjapfen ; Chat pierced my very heart, bag ging mtt biirchg .{petj ; pierced work, burd)bi'od)etic s ilibcit. PIERCER, *. 1. ber (bie, bag) ^Duvdiftc^ cbeutc, 2Dnrd)bol)rcnbe ; 2. bte SJ}frie= me; berSajibofoi'ev; Stad)cl(tcv3» ; fectcu). PIERCING (adv. —i.\\ adj. biinttviu= genb, fdjatf ; einbringtidt); rut)renb; — saw, bie Sod>fd(je ; — winter, bet fdjarfe SBintet; — words, ©tacbels teben. P1ERCINGNESS,*. bag $Mtvd)bviltgc nbo. PIETISM, *. tec SpietiSmug, bic Jibuti melei. PIETIST, 5. bcr ^ictift, grBmmler. PIETISTIC, adj. pietiftifd), fiommelnb. PIETY. ». 1. tic grommigfetf, ®ot== tesfuvdjt; 2. (finbltd)ej £tebe; @^t= fnrrbf. Pic, s. 1. bag gevfei* : ©djroetn ; 2. .Mm. PA. tie £au lin iVttaililunipcn; — or lead, M. £. tie -Dtlllbe, ter 'IMcrf ™Iei ; prov-s. to buy a — in a poke, tie Jta&e mi Satfe faufen; — braes SRefftng in iDJuIbeii; —eyed, mil Sdiroci'iigaiigeti; — headed, bltllint, bieffbpfig, eigenftitntg ; — iron, :Hob= eifen ; — lead, bag jBlorfs ober iSl\\l= benblei; — nut, bie itriiffcl; — sty, bcr Sdjioeinftall ; — tail, 1. bet 3oi>f ; 2. bet (feingefponnene) ijirejitabaf (juni jtauen). To pig, v. n fetfeln, ruerfen ; to— to pelher, (von '3Kcl)lCVU) bcifaiumcu= fd)lafcn. PIGEON, ». 1. bicTo.llbc; 2. rulg. bcr Icidit 511 bettiigenbe SJJienfdj, (Sin* falUpiufcl ; cock — , tev Sauber ; hen — , bif Sailbe ; — cove, rid. — house ; — fancier, bcr 2!aubenliebba= bet ; — fool, ber Xaubeufuf), -rtorcb-- fdjnabcl {Geranium rotundifalium — J..); — hawk, bcr Uaubeufalf; — hearted fiirdnfam, fetge ; — 's herb, bag Xaubcnfraut, Gifenf rant [Verbena — JJ ; — hole, 1. bag £od) an ct= item SEaubcnbaufe ; 2. fitd) fur ©rbriften; — hou°e, tag JEauben= Ijaug, tcr Taubcnfrblag ; — hvered, jig obne ©alle, fanftiiiiitbig ; — pea, tie laubeueibfe (C&j*ih cajaa— L.)\ — pie, tic SEaubenpaftete. PIGG1N. »'. tie ©die, bet ©inter; t)6I= |evne 1'cllcr. P1UGISH, adj. febrotinifd). PIGMENT, ». tic aufgctiagcuc 5avbf, ©tbminfe. pi'.mv, 1. s. tee 5?iigmac, 3n>etg, .ftuivpg ; II. adj flein, ruinjig ; — (ig are, tie ^locigcftalt. PlGNi n;.vi'i in. e tic 3?erDfanbnng. PIGNORATIVE, adj. ocrpfantci, ju'ycr* pfautftt. pfantrocife (n>. ii.). PIKE, .5. 1. tie SJJife ; Spi&e, ter 2ta= did, Sotn (an tee Dtrbbanf); 2. bcr .f>ed>t ; — hooks, .Oeditangcln ; — inan.tei^icfenieifi. VaineiifiicdH ; — staff, bcr Sdbaft cince ipiefe; fpi= %u\( Stab. ?ikK[>,a//.}tigefpij,t,fpil}ig. PILASTER ». Arch. T. bic uicrccfigc ©iiule, beriRfetler. Piix;HARD.s.ber $PtIfd)er, StrBniling (cincilrt .(jartugei. •ILE,«. 1. tct %W, ©rnubpfabl ; 2. tie ^feilfpi^e, Spifcr ; 3. ber .gaufen ; .^oljftpp; (funeral—) Sd)fftcrbau= fen; ©tof (papier, 11. f. w.); 4. bag (grope, pradjtooUe) ©ebaube; 5. tie jiebvfeitc einet 3Jffinje, ter dicverg ; 6. bag .6aar, .^aaiige, :7Jaurbe. .1/ /:. bte Cbe'vfladic tee fdwerc n 3JJaild)e= ficvjciifle; 7. //. t. tee Sptfcfat)! ; 8 Tup. t. bag Jtvcuj, tic SJtif jjbange ; 9, piles, /aufen feften, iauu) ftapeln, aiiffc^fh, auffttUcit, an|fut)ren ( auf= fd)id)tcn. pileate, \adj. aufgcfliiipt, 1'ILEATED, J mig. PlLER,s.bcr-3lufh'aiirt«bc, ?tiiffefeetibc. PILES, *■ j>/. ri,l. llllter Pile. To PILFER, v a.s- n. f let ne 55icberei= en ccriibtn, ntaiifen, fteblcit, ctttiven= ben. PILFERER,*, btr Sifb till Jtlfineil, jJJJaufer. PILFERING,*, ber f (cine ^iebftabt, bag "liJaufeit; — iy. ado. btebifd?et SEBeife. PILGRIM ». ter SRilget, pilgrim, SBalIfat)ret; SBanberer, fiicii'eutc. PILGRIMAGE, s. bie 5pilgcr|"d;aft, 9Ballfabrt, ivcite SJleife. PILL «. 1- bic }>iUe ; 2. jig. bag (ffc(= baftc, iBibcvigc. Tu PII.L, v. I. n. fid) fd)alcu ; II. a. vid. To Peel. pillage,*. 1. tag spifinbern, bie§P(fm= berung ; 2. ter §Rau6. To pillage, /;. a pliiutent, raubctt. pill-\c;er, *-. ter SBIunbcrcr. pillar. *-. 1. bcr $feilet, tic ©itnle ; 2. fig. etiilje ; — table, bcr 8tbfc, Steuer= ntaiiu; 2. fig. berfWentor; —boat, tie Sotbfenbarfe, tag Sotfofenboot ; — fi^, ter ^iloififd); — '.s wages, tie Vcthfi'iigcbiibr ; —water. Sen Exp. Sotbfeiu (otcr Sotbgmanng 5af;r=) iKaffer. T, pilot, v. a. lotbfen, ftcuern ; to — a ship out (ofn harbour or river), A". T. ciit Srbiff auilmbfcii. PILOTAGE, ». tie Votbffngcbiibr ; — inwards, tie Vplbfeiigebiihr bftm@in: gang; — outwards, tie 2i)tbfengebu^r Beim 3l«ggaiig. PILOTING, *. common --.tie 5?otbfen= fllllft; proper — , bie 3 tcucrntaiiiio- fllllft. pilous, adj baarig, uoll ^aare. PILSER, ». bte 'Jlaajtmolte, 8t*tmotte. pimento, *. bcr ^Rimrnf, Jamaica. SPfcffer, bie ncuc SJiirjc. PIMP, i. ter Jtuppler, .guiremviitb To pimp, r, a. fuppclit, .f)urcnmirt v ' fd)aft treiben. PIMPERNEL, ) 3. bie ^impincllc (San- PIMP1NEL, 5 guisorba pimpinelia — u pimpillo, s. bic inbianifdje So'gc (C'artus opunlia — A.). pimple, t. tic Aiiiiic, tag 3?(agef)cn. PIMPLED, adj. fiiinig. PIN, *. 1. tic (StcrfOTJabfl; 2. bet giagel, Boljen, ^flocf, 31'iibcl (an cittern Snitrumente), tie ScbiMiibc ; 3. bcr @>riffel ; 4. .Icegel ; 5. Tvlccf ini 'iltigc; curling — . tie -^aarnatel ; — of wood, ter (lucerne I "}>flocf ; I care not a — , id) frage nid)tg banadj ; — afore, tag VJaljebcit unit Sorfterfett; — bit, tag ©obteife n, bie 83o()f fpi^e ; — caan| ( bie ©Vicente ; — tongs, pi. jv. r, tic ©djiebjangen ; — vice, ter . geijen, fni.fcnt : to — off, abfnei= pen, abuoiifcu. abjroacfen; pinched with hunger, OOllt .^linger geoiagt; pinching-tnnga •. /■■ bag .Ur.iinMitU'ii. pinch. .-. 1. ber .uitirr. jtnipo, 3wirf; 2. mile, bic .Hlcninic, .'lii,\ft, -.'lOtb: bee Dmrf; — of snuff bie $riefe 2abaf ; to be at a — . ill bet .Ulcunnc fe»n ; — list. — penny, r«Jg tev Silj, ATiiirfer, oulg. ^fennuifiichfer. PINCHBECK, 8. tag ^iiuuiictall, bcr Xonibad. PINCHER, *. ber ,niie ipcubf ; ®etl> balg. PINDARIC, 1 .? tic pintarifebe L'tf; ii. aitj. piiibarifrb. PINE,*, tic Btfbte ter Aiditeubaum — apple tee Airbtcnapfel, Ai'dMcn japfeil; tie 9luanagj kernel of a — apple tie i ! iiupci'uu|i ; — branch, ter girbtf njn)eifj ; —creeper, ter ^irb^ tciilaufer, 4Uaufirigcl ; — gross hnnk, bet gtope Jternbeincr, j\idjteuhaffeT ; — grove, bet Jirbteuwatb, Sidjttn bain; — martin, bet Jfiefermarber ^ainnmavter; — thistle bic blaut Tiflcl ; — iree. ter ^iittfttbaiuu five leaved — iree. ter 3irbclbaiun. 307 PIPE PIST PITH FVPINE. r n ftcf) abbatmcn, ft* (lis lebren, leibcit; fidi fiber Tat] etroaS tin ©tiUeni gtarnen; jamraetn, ttauern ; mt. fe'putu, fdmiadircn — for or afier, nad) ctmag) ; to — away, soi ©ram oetgeben. PINEAL GLAND, s. bit 3 tvbclbrii fc. PINERY.*, fcae Stcibbaus obet SBeet ?':ir SluanaS. PINION. 8. 1. btc evlitgclfpifcc; 2. -ebuunge, bet Sliigcl ; yeberfiel ; 3. bag ©etrirbe, tci- Stiebel ; pinions, pi. tic <§anbfeffcln ; — racing tools. bit 5acetten=5J?oittmaf*tne ; —ease, Ms £riebmu§; —wire, bet £rieb= trabt (fur Uhrmacber . r« pinion, « a. 1. bie ivliigcl binben pbrr I tip men ; 2. (tie ijpaube auf ten ftiicfcn) binben, fcffclii, jufamnicit: frbnureu. pinioned. adj bcfebroiiigr. pink. s. 1. bie ^infc (em ?aftfrbiff) ; 2. btc ©pifce, ber ©ipfcf, bprbfte ©tab; 3. tie S&eHr, Selbneffej 4. ( — colour) 9celFe>tfarbe, Alcifdifarbc, baS ©latjfPtl) ; 5. ©ruilbliug ; —eyed. bltltjiiitatfl; —needle, 7'.' bie btet= frf>uitt>tije (f)pl)le) 3apfnabel, ber £rpfat; — paper, blaijrotbeS -^a= pier; — root, bie SRelfenroutgel aug SDtarvtanb; — saucer, ba^ ©cpmtnEs fdialdicu ; — stemed, JV. T. ntit fci)ar= fern, (t'dimalem) .Oiutcrtpeil. to PINK, iv «. 1. augbaefeu, au*fcbnei= ben, tuvebitcdmt; 2. i-u■ ber eiferne Sapfen, $ffcd?; .v. T bet Nucerbafen. pintles, s. pi. r. bie SSiftre am ^ljtro= labium. PI' >N!)LR «. ber Srbamgnibcr. PIONV, g rid. Peony. PIOUS (ado. — ly). mii fromm, gpt*eg= fiircbtig, rcligipg, gottfelig PIP. s I. ber >JJftpp8, SBippS; 2. bag 3uge (in bet Jtatre) ; 3. ber MpfeU fern (pbet jcter langlicte .ffern . ih Ptp, o. a. piepen, pfeifen nvie ein SBogel I. a IPEa I. bie SPfeife; Tabafgpfeifc ; SRBpre: ter SR5hr f iiodieu ; 2 bie Suftrppre, .«eble; 3 bet .ftlana, bet 'timnie; 4. bie ^Jipe iba-5 laiifle |2s.\-ui ].va«i ; 5. fine Urfunbe in ber ©rba&faminet ; rural (or oaten) — . bie .ftirfeiipfeife bag ?d)5fer= rpbr; wmd — . tic gufrrobre; — clay, ber $feifenf bon bie 'JJfeirVuerfcf ; — fish, bet :Kiibrenftut, ^feifenfifeb {*!'" thus — L): — maccar * sW&brebniiiubelti ; — otiict.bie ■)lu»rVr (tgunggfaii{eZ»i in ber ?rha&fam= Wet'; —slake, ber fipritrtillbon; — 308 iree, ber fpantfebe ^olituber (Syringa vulgaris — L*i. To PiPK. D, a. &■ n. 1. pfeifeit, OUf bet $feife fpielen ; 2. qniefen, utreien. pipek. i. ber "Isfeifcr, Sarfpfeifet; — fish, bet ,*porufii"di. pip.Nc. « bet Jiauber auf S'liiffeu. To pirate, p. 1. 71. ©eerauberei frei= ben ; 11. a. cin $lagiat eitieu litera= rifebeit Tiebftahl begeben, au»fd;rei= ben ; nacbbrucfen, PIRATICAL (.adv. — lt), adj (fee-)rait= bertfrq ; — printer, ber Starbbrutfet. PIROGUE. Periagua, s. bie s Cirpgue. piscary. «. bag [Rechtju fi'fobeii. P1SCATION, s. bie gifoberei, ber 3ifcb= fang. piscatory. (7^/. utrgifeberei gefiprig ; — eclogues, gifcbergebidife. Pisces s. pi. jist. t. bie rtinbe. piscine, adj. ju gtfrben geborig. PlSCiYORo'us, adj. gifebe freffeiib. PISH! mi pfui! roeg bamit! Ta pish. d. 71. pfui fageu, 3Setarb,tung bejeigen. PIS. form. niij. erbfenfBrinig. PISMIRE *. bie •Jlmeifc, 5eiebamcife. P SOLM'E. s. vid. Pka-Stone. piss. .,-. bet Urin, .^ani, mdg. bie •■Niffe. Seiche; — -a-hed, mdg. ber SBettpijfet; tie Seicbblume, 5|Sfajfen= plane. la PUSS, d r. SBajfet laffen, barnen, mdg I'iiKil, fiuteil. piss \>p.ialt. s. ber ober bag S8etg= tbeer. Pisi'A'iiio, s. bie ^iftajie; —tree, ter ^ifiajienbaum. P1SPACI 11; , bet iiiitaeit, ©pibot. PisiAKKKN..,- cine portugiefifdje 5il= berniunje 0011 ©rofeben. pist L..1 n r bie ^iftille, 5>efrtici)- lun,(grBbre. ber (tveibliebe) Staub= roeg in ^Blfirben. PIS'i'OL. v bit 1'itpfr; — bag (— case), bit 'HiitPlfubalftcr ; — flask ein "Btilolenpuloerbom ; — proof fcbufjffjt ; — siior. ter iBiftolenfcburl To pstpol, iv n . mit ciucr ^ijlole fobtefsen. pistole. » bie 1?iftp|f (©nlbmunje). Pisr >MT .. bie Heine $iilo(e, tag Je jttol, eat. ^e^ Sacfvufer. P iN - ter Strmpel in finer '4?umpf 11. 1". xo.' i ; iitPM ,,iii liner $errnfiioii6|{inte) ; — rod, tie JvoU beiiitauae. PIT..?, i. bie ©rube; |)5f)it, Xiefe SSerticfung, ber ©raben, iteieb ; tal ©tab; bet 3lbgruub; 2. Sp.T.t>tt Ztm, ^ampfplag (beim ^abnengf ffitt), bie 33ft bne; 3. bag $artetr« (int Srbaufrielbaufe) ; to fly the—., bag gels rauiuen, (beu .ftampf auf> geben) ; — of the stomach, bie ^^rj= grube; —coal, tie Steiutpble; — fs"! bie SaUgtube, Salle ; to —fan. v. n.fg in gallgtuben fallen; —hole, bn (Slattet =)3flarbe ; — man, ber untcn ©tepenbe beim Sacjcn ; — men. jtfnt T. Scbachtatbeifer, Sabteufer; — saw, bit s Stettf(ige, ©loeffage. To pit. o. a. 1 ©tnben rter @tfib= rben macben, Ipdn-nt; 2. errtgrgen= fiellen (»pn ©egetn). PITA PAT, I. adv. ticf tail flipp flapp; 11. 8 bag ©rolaaen, ^Ippfen (teg ^erjend) ; iErappelu, grippe I it, gefebiiMiibe @eben. pitch, s. 1. bag ^ccb ; 2. ber ©tpfel, bie ©pifie, 65be ; 3. Statur, ©rps fie, gfinge; 4. ©tufe, bet ©rab; 5. bie fcocbfte .foohe, bad -Jleufjtrfle ; 6. ^fiw. T. bie' X'pnjtnfe c|opbc pbet tiefe eineg XotltS ; — and iar. bag Scbiffpccb ; black as — . pertjf rb. mat 1 j to fly a very high — . febr bp:h flie= gen ; to the highest — , auf Nig 21eu= fjerftC; mineral — , bag (£rbui ; bal- sam of — oil of — , bag '4- ! edip| ; — cap, bie ^eebbaube ; — coal, bie $ecb(jicin- fpblc; — dark, fhnffin= fter; — farthing, s. SB ppen mit ©rbtift (ein Spiel); —fork, 1. tie ^eugabel;2. ©Hmmgabel; —mop, Sea Kip. ber ^ecbauait; —note bet ©ruubtPii ; — ore, bie Sperbblente, bag Uran=iNerber<; — pipe tie ©timinpfcife ; —pine (— tree), lie SRerbfanne, ^arjtanne; — stone, bet $ed>ftein. T„ pitch, v. a. pitben, serpirtcu ; febroarjeii; feerbunfcln ; to — a ship. ein 2&iff thcercii; to — the seams of a sinp. bie iUatben eineg ©rbjffefl Perpiobeit. To PITCH b. a. *n.l. bffeitiii,en, bef= ten, ftfifen einfeblagen, anffcblageu, aufitelleu ; 2. rpablen, beRimnien ; 3. fiit lagcrn; 4. auf tie rpite fal- leir fturien, febieiJen ; 5. ftcb niebets laiieu ; u. .v. t Rampfen ; to — a camp, ein I'ager auffrblagen ; to — a net, ein % Jletj aimpaiiiien ; to — upon one's head, fieb iiberfitla^en, auf ben ■Rppf ftutjen ; to — upon a thine, Int fin- etiiMg beftirrfrntn, eg mahlen ; auf etroaS treffen; to — upon a day, cittcit Xaa feftfe^en; a pitched ba Ue eine regefm fjige ©rblacbt. PITCHER 8. 1. ber (gBaffers ^rug;2. bit SSrecbitange, bag ^ebeifen; bie .*3aue, .*>aefe. PITOHINESS, s. bag ^erbidite, bie 5ebnnir^e. ^uufelheit (». ii.i itiviiiv:. s .v. t. bag Stampfen ei= ne« -rdiiffeg. pitchy, adj. I. ptdjig, gepiitt; peeb= iebt; 2. pffbfctroarj, bunfel. beni= belt. PITEOUS (ado. — lt), adj. frbiiniilnf., (laglirp/ Itaurig, atmfeiig; mitleis big; — n.-s. .-•. tie Gfrbannltcbfeit, Slrinfe ligfeit ; bag SKiiieiben, Pi'r= barmen. pith, ». 1. bag 3JJatf ; 2. fy Snnerr, bet ,«eni, bie Jtraft; tag ©efle, sypfs iiiiilirbfle, tie Quiuteffenj; 3. te: 9larbbrucf ; — of a quid bie SeeU einer Aeter; — of a tree, tag ^ctfcig OA'.irf eineg Saumeg. PITHILY. <•''• niarfia; fernig ; ftfif- ri,i eucrgtfeb, ntit 9{arbbriid: P11HIN1.SS. t ?\vj 5Dlarfigt: bi PLAC PLAN PLAS SKivfe, JJraft, jlcrm'^fett, bet 9lacb= brucf. PITHLESS, acr= adjtlirf); — ness. ». l. tic (§rbarm= lidjfeir, ta3 (Slcub; :Dfen, bie Sttngel, bev ■Stiff, urn ivcdieu obet auf liu'lcbcnt fid) etroaS bt'cl)t; — screw, bie 3a= pfeufd)vaubc. Pix, « fbei bev romifrfieu .Rifdje) bas SBebaltuif, worm fid) bie geroeibte Dblafe befittbet, bie iRonftvauj, iaS tfibmiuiu. PIZZLE, s. ber Bicntcr, bie 9lutf)C ; bull's — , bev Dcbfenjiemer. PLACABILITY, s.bte JBerfoljnKcbfeit. placable, «,/;. oerfijfjulid) ; -ness.s. vid. Placability. placard, «. ba3 $ fa cat, bev 5ffent(U 6n llufcblag, 3tnfdjlag}effel. T» PLACARD, p a (ntittelft '.MnfdilagS) b'ffcutlicb bcfauut madjcu, onfd)la= gen, PLACE, *. 1. bev ctt ; to have — , ©tattbaben; to take — . 5JJla5 greis fetl, Staff ftllbCU ; to take — of one, bcu SRang uor einent babeit, ibm oot* fli'hen; m. k-s. — of exchange, bet IBccbfclplatj ; — of payment, bev 3ahluug3platj ; — of scripture, bie SBibelftelle, rdmfrftelle; — man, bet pffentliche Ueantte. To PLACR. v. ,i. 1. ftelleu, fcijcu, Ie= gen; auftellett; 2. nntcibviugcn, au= b tin gen, anlegenfein Capital) j to — a cannon, citic .ftanoue aufpflai^en ; M K-s to — out money, @e(bet (auf ^tHJoHjef; ausleiben, auStbun, uutev= iriugen, anfegen; to — tsumagninsi . . , eiue Suntnte oalibtreil flnltig fenn Iaffen) gegen..; eiue Siimme budjen gegen . '. ; to — to one's ac- count, auf SReebunng fe^en obev ttcl= leu ; to — behind, hintan fefecn ; to — out, attilellen, unterbringen, »er» forgeu ; oerfeeen ; to — up, aufftel= leu; placed anew, uiit^c'ent. PLA( i:\ia. s. .i. T. bet Dluttevfudien, tie SJladjgeburt. PLACER, «. bet Stcllcube u. f. w. vid. To Place. PLACID {adv. — lyI adj. lliilb, fauft, gelaffen, rubig. ftomm. PLACIDNESS, § s. bie SKHbe, Sanff-- l>i, acidity. S bcit, Sanftiuutl), ®e= laffeul)eit, 3lube. PLAGIARISM .-■. baS^Iagiaf ; bevlite= rartfepe J)icbftat)I, ©ebanfenraub, bie 9Iu8frpreiberei. plagiarist, ». bet^JIagiariuS, liteva= tifdje Dteb. PLAGIARY, I. .•?. bev ^lagtatiuS, Iite= rarifdje Ticb, ©ebanfenrfiuber, 1lu^= fd)veibev; u 047 a«8fd)reibenb, PLAGUE, «. I. tie '45eft, Seiute ; 2. SJJlage, baS 1i5cb; having the — , mit bCV iU'ft bebaftet; — sore ( — token), bie fJJejtbeule. To PLAGUE, r. a. 1. anftecfeit, stvpe= ften ; 2. plagett, gudlen, peinigen, *vr gcvu. PLAGUEFUL, adj. Pcvpcftet. PLAGUY lade, —llit), adj. ovlff. Uillcit = lid), laftig, bcfcbtoevltrb, oetfeiifelf. PLAICE, 9. bie ^lattcific, Sdjolle (Pieu- roncctes platcssa — /..). plaid .?. fin buntguattittet SDlantel bev Sergfcbotten. PLAIN, adj. &■ ado. (also adv. — i.y). t. ebeu, gleid), glatt ; f!ad\ platt; fd)Iid)t'; 2. eiiifad) ; 3. rein, tuahv; 4. orfen, ortcuhevfig, treuberjig, ebr= lid) ; 5. flav, beutlicb ; to make — , ebenen ; beutlid) ntadjen ; in — fight, in offenet Sitlacbt ; in —terms, vunb bevauS ; — truth, bie reine I'Jahrhcit ; to speak — , beutlid) fpved'.cu, gerabe berau« fageit; — chart, tie 'plattc (ober gleirbgrabigte See--) ,Uarte; — field ba§ S8l'arbfelb ; — hearted, Offens benig ; — hcartedness, tie Crfeuhev-- jiflKlt; — (bobbin) net, ter glatte Spifeengruub ; — scale, ber oer|uitg= teiViamiab; — sone, ter 6boraIge= fang (in ten ^athetralfivdjeu) ; — apoken, ebrlirb, gerabe : a — Bpoken man. eiuev bev fetne SKeinung frei berauSfagt; — Btuffs, ungemiifterte 18aaren=(Stoffe); —table bee iD2e#^ tifit; — work, tie (ll'einO'^atbciei. PLAIN, ». 1. bie Gbene, 3lad)c; 2, bas Schladitfelt. To plain, v. a. ebenen, aleiit marben, p LAI N N ESS, ». I . ba« ( I bene, a I a di e , oilatte; 2. ginfatbe: 3. bie ®etab= beit, Offenbetiigfeit, Slebltcbfeit. plaint, s. tie jfJlage, ©efrbroetbe. PLAiNTFiT,,,,,// immet Hagenb. plaintiff, 5. ber .tlla^ev, tie ^lage* rilllt; I.. Ts. — in error, ber '?lvpcl = [ant ber ben SBeiftanb cittcc, hebeven (Meridifc* aitruft. pi.aintive (adv. —i.y), adj. Hagenb, jamnterut ; HSglicb; —ness, 5. ber Haglirbe ^"ftant. PLAINTLESS, adj. obue Jtlage. PLAIT, 1 1 . bie Aaltc ; 2. 8o'd*e, 3fed)= te, ber ^ppf. 7b plXit, v. a. fatten; fledjteit; »et« pcdttcn. plan, a. bet SSlan, (Sntroutf ; (®tunbs) m To PLAN, v. a. ctneu ^piait macben, entivevfcn. PLANARY, adj. ju eincr (Sbene cter Alai-fie gcluhig. To PLANCH, r. a, bieien. PLANCHER, «. bet (bretterue) 3upbo= ben. PLAXCiiET. s. T ber (Sdjrotling, bi< iDluiiiplafte. PLANE,*. 1. bie ^ladJt ; 2. ber §o« bcl ; — iron, ta5 -Oobelcifen ; — number. Mat. T. bttJ 9Jlllltiplicatton8= ^robnet; — . or — tree, bie blatant; false —tree, ber '.'Ibovnbaunt. To PL \NT. ,-. a 1. ebenen, glatten; 2. bobeln, bebobeln. PLANET, » tec iMauet. SEBanbelftent ; — struck, buvd) ten Cf tttflnfj ber ^Ia= neten befebabigt. PLANETARIUM ». Att. T ba§ |Jfane= ttnfufhm targeftelltturd) ctiuUuiift- getriebe . PLANETARY, adj. 1. plaiiftavint, bit spiaueten betrejfenb ; 2. fid) tvibenb ; iivcnb. PLANETED, adj. jit ben 5p[ancten ge= bortg. PLANIFOLIOUS, adj. n T. mit ein = facb nebciicinanbet ftebenben Blat* tern. PLANIMETRICAL (— id. adj. M-t.T planimetvifrb, flarbenmt'",funtt,v PLANIMETRY.* Jlfat t. tie i ; lauiine= trie, Aladienincfifunft. PLANIPETALOUS, adj. B. TplattbKif= ferig, mit fladn-u IMattevn. To PLANISH, b. a. platr fdplagen ; glat= ten, poliren : planiren ; planishing hammer, bet •^lauiv;\uumcv, 2panu = bammet ; planishing stake, bet S($la* nirambop. PL VNISPHERE s. bas 'l ; lauii>haviunt, bet JJtaniglob, tie @tb« cter .^1111= melflrugelfarte. PLANK, .-• tie i'lanfe, SBobte, bad SBrett : tic SPfbfte ; Typ. r tts > S:ctite= nenOlU-ett, Satlfbtett ; planks of fir, Jauuenbrrtrcr, THeleit ; — sheers, JV. T. ber ScbantbeJel, b.t3 83a. PLANTATION, 8, 1. ba« '^flaincn, bie 3pffanjfrbule, iHnlage, Snpflauiung ; 2. ^Sflanjung, ^nftebelnng, Holonie ; 3. bie @tunbuug, Stiftung, @infub- rung ; — trade] M E bet 6oIonie= baubel, .Oautcl uuiuittclbav mit ben (Soloniiten. PLANTER, ». 1. bet ?Ra«jtt, bet i^vc bucent tobet Jlaturerjeugniffe (oon Surfer, JCaffee u, f. ».); 9nbautt Muftebler, eolonift ; 2. ®ruuber Sttfter. PLANTICLE, t. tic jungc SPf(an|e, baS spfjanjeben. PLANTING, ».bafl - l ; flaincu ; tic $ffan« JUng ; — caiiH. vid I'i.ant-cank ; — states, spflanjftaaten •, — stick, bet $f(an)ftodf. PL USH, 1. 1. tie ^fiiij':, t<\ fcpppfevifd). PLASTRON,*, bet $8ruftbantifdi, bag Svuftftiitf, SBtujilebet (bet 3ecb> iibitngen). PLAT. 8. 1. ( — of ground), bag Sti'uf Soitb; bteSJJatte; 2. vid. Plate ; JV. T. bie ©eefattc; — band, T. bag frbmale SBteft, iMiimenftiicf ; Arch, r. be: ©tutj, ©tumpf. PLATANE, s. vid. Plane-tree. PLATE, s. 1. tie Sptatte ; 2. bet (copper jr steel — , AJuVKV- cber kitablO ©tidj; 3. bet Seller; 4. bag ©ilbct* gefebitt, Sifrbgcfrbirv; oetatbeitete Silbev; 5. bie Stuftitng, bev §at'» ;iifd) ; 6. bet (Sinfafe, bte (Sinlage; 7. h. r. bcr ©ilbetpfennig ; — of a watch, bie ;8obciifd)cibc einet £afd)cn= ubt; thin — , bag iBlcd); — basket, ( — carrier), bCV Sicllevfotb ; — but- inii, bet golbene ebcv fllbeme jTnopf ; — candlestick, bet filberne Scuditcr ; — cover, bev Xefletberfef, ©cbjrfet; — glass, bag ©piegelgtag; —layer, bet Sd)ieneulegcr(anf (Jifcnbabnen) ; — paper, bag ihipfetbturfpaptet ; — rails, ipiattfcbienert (auf @ifenbab> licit); — sheers, pi. bte tBlcd>fd>eve ; — wanner, bet JEeUetroatmet ; — wheel, bag ©funbentab in einet llfn-. To plate, v. a. 1. plaffiren, flbetjie* bcit, betegert; 2. ju s -y(eci (biiitn) fcblagcit; \ mit et'nem §avnifcbe bt- Eleiben, panjent. Platen, s. Typ. t. bet S'iegel einet 33ucbbturfetpteffe, bic Sturftafet platform, s. 1. bev platte ©ipfel, bic Platte; 2. bag flacbe Tadi, bev &U tail; 3. Gun. T. bic f2Ba!l = DbCV ©tiirf= (-Settling ; befjgletrben 4. .v. t. Sriicfc anroclrbe ©cbiffe 511m 85fcfcen anlegen; bag obeve SBetbed, ber lies betiauf; a turning — , t. tint 5)teb« frbcibe (jum SOenben betSSBajjen, auf fitfenbantien) ; 5. bev ©nmbtijj, (Snt= vouvf, lit. s- f. a. if n. 1. fpictcil, taitbdlt, feberjen, fcbafctn ; 2. beluftigen, fid) erliolen ; 3. ootfteQen ; L fpielen laffeit, in Semegitng bttngen ; 5. fid) bevoegen; in 93eroegung fesjn; to — the water, bag SBaffet fpviihjcu laffeit (bci SBaffetfunfttuetfen) ; to — the fool, fid) albcrit ftcllcn ; to — the thief, bctt 1)icb macben, ftcblcn ; to — the devil, wig. bofe ©ttetebe augflben, 3TcilfcI fptelen; to — the hypocrite. bcud)cltt; to — booty, in bet 3lbft<§t ju vevlicvcit fpiclcil; to — a game, a set, cine SJJattie fpielen ; to — tricks, <2d)clmcvct tveibett, fd)afcvit ; to — fair, ebvlirb fpiclcit; to — asuregame, ein ftebcvcg 5piclbabcit; to — apart, cine SiiMIc fpielen; to — at cards, at dice, .Kartell, nttt SBiitfeln fpielen ; to — away, Vtcvfpiclcil ; to — upon (on! an instrument, Oltf cillCllt Jnftntlliciltc fpiclcit; to — upon one, cillClt JUlll SSeften baben, aufjieben; to — upon words, litit SDBotten fpielen. PLAY. s. 1. bag Spiel ; 2. ©djaufptel ; bic Jlombbic; 3. SBelufligung, (Svbo= lung; 4. ©efr&aftigung, bag Ibiui; bic .Oaubliunigivcife, bag Setfa^ten ; 5. bie SBitfung, 2l)atigfeit ; 6. S8e= roeaung, ainvegung ; 7. 3'vcibcit fid) 511 bewegen, ju btnoeln ; (full — ), bev ©pieltanm, frcic Vauf; foul — , bag falfd)c ©piel, bie SSi'tbevei, ©cbclme= ret ; to bring in — , in Sang btingen ; to come in — . in ©ang Eontntcn; to give the — , beim SBettvennen ben SSottang geroinnert; to give one fair — , ciiien rcditlid) beb.inbcln ; to hold (keep) in — , vcvjeblidi anfbaltcii, biit= batten; — bin. bet Jrfomobienjcttel ; — book, bag jvomiibt'eiibud); — day, bet ©picltag, @cbulfeicvtag; —debt, bic @ptclfd)ttlb ; — fellow (— mate), bev SUiitfptclet ; ©piclcautetab, @c= fpiele; — hour, bic ©pidftnnbe, ©v= holunggftunbc ; —house, bag ©d)an= fpiclbaitg; — thing, bag ©pieljeug, ©pielruett; — wright, bev ©qiau* fptclfcbtcibet. player, s. 1. bev ©pielet; 2. Scban= fpielet; 3. SWuSigafinget, SCanblet ; 4. ©diatev; 5. Spoffenteifjet. PLAYFUL [ado. — ly), adj. fpielenb, Kber;baft, niiitbuHlldi ; — ness. .?. bie ©pielerei, ©chetj|)afttg!eit, JDiutb-- willigfeit. playing, s. bad ©pielen, ©piel; — cards, ©piclfartcn. PLAYSOME, naj ntutbmillig, Ieid)t= fevtta ; fVieletifd) ; —ness, s. bcr 3.1? it t b iv i He, bic^cicbtfcrtigfeit, 5pie= levci. PLEA,*. I.. T. i. bev ev jit befviebigcit; munbevlieb. lauuifd) ; be pleased to sit down, id) bitte, fetjen Sic fid'. please, is. bev ©efallige, ©efalt pi.easer, 5 fiirbtigc, Scbmcid)lev Speidn'llccfcv, Sudjgfe^maujet. PLEASING (ado. — ly), adj. gcfatliit, augciicbm ; — ness,s. bie 2lniiel)mlidi- fcit, ^ieblirbfcit. PLEASURABLE (ado. — ly), adj. aitgc= uebm, etgSfcfid), teijenb; —ness, s. bie Slnncpmlicbfcit, (Sfgiifelicbfcit. pleasure. 8. 1. bag 58'evgniigen, bie 2uft, gteube, SBonne; 2/ ber ®tfoU len.bie ©cfalligfeit ; bag ©era II en, SBelieben, ©utbttnfen, bcr SBille ; w take — in.., (fciip SBet^nfigen baben an . . ; at — , narb SBtllfubt, narb @e=> fallen, narb i^clicbcn; at his (own) — , nad) feinem ©elieben; you may say your — , ©ic nibgcit fagrn wai Sic roollen; (what's) your — 1 nmg belicbt (3bnen)? —boat bag ?uft= bvot ; —ground, bet Suftplaft, [Rafen> plar?, bic Olulagen. To pleasure, v. a. gcfalien, vcrgnii-- gen ; millfabven ; to — with .. , ciiien ©efallen tbun mit ..., augbeifen mit ... PLEASUREFUL, adj. angenebm (W. ii.). PLEASURIST, *. ber 2Bcltling fro. ii.). plebeian, i. s. bev spiebejet, acntcins 3Jiann ; n. adj. ang bem tBotfe, un= abclig. biivgcr'licb; gemetn, pBbelbaft. pledge, s. ']. baSWanb, Untetpfanb, bic Sutafcbaft, ©tebctbeit; 2. bcr SButoe, ©eifscl; 3. bag Bntrinfett; bic ©rruieberuni] auf jitgebrarbtcn ^rnnf. ber SBefrpeib ; to hold in — nig Untetpfanb baben ; to put in — verpfaitbcn PLIG Jfe PLEDGE, v. a. I. Betpfonbeit, jinn jJSfanbe icfccn ofcr einfcijeit, vcrfefceu ; bind; tin Unierpfans fid)crn, jufi= djcni; '>. jutrinfeit; ben jiigebrarbtcii Stunt aniichmcii, cttuiebetn, cincm 5Befd)eib rfjuit. pledgee, .9. bet spfanbnefjmet. PLEDGER,*, i. bet iJJfanbgeber, Tser= pfaubet; 2. 3uttiiifeuie ; !8efrbeib= tpuenbe. pledget, s. .5. r. bet gebetmetgel, bad ^amdxtcit ncit audgefafeliet geinwaub, $>tudlapprben, tie (Som= prcf|e, SBnubfafet. Pleiads, s. Jet. t. tie spieiabeu, bad ©tebingeftitit. PLENARILY, afe gaiulicb, uollia., gaits unb gar. PLENARiness, s. bit SBoUftanbiafeit. PLENARITY. « /,. v. bie 3eit, ba cine s 4>rntnbe befefct ift. plenary, an>oviie. '/•»plot, b. a . s.- v enhuerfen, ein (?pinplott nuidicii, fid) oet|"d)n>5f en • StSufe fcbmictcii; brinilidj mit et' n)a« umgebeit, e« muctteln, oiifviii: neii; uotooben, im St'nne habcii; to — treason, iscriMtb fd;illictCII ; to — down, idiiltcni. PLOTTER ... 1. bet fid) 3?cvfcf)m5-- renbe; SRanfemadjet, iWeuf eter 2. ^'ifiiitcr, llvbeber. PLOUGH, s. 1. berqjffiifl. 2. ng, tee Sarferbau; 3. bet yi\xtbb,t>b<\ ; to «o (return) to the — , (UMCber) ill! fcillC Slrbeit gcbcii; —aims, bet ajHufl= icbcntf; —beam, brr ^flugbalfcii, ©tenbel, ©tinbel j — boy. bet arfet» jmiflej grobe SWenfdj, ©engel; — coulter, bn« spfiufliHeffer, bet SecJ; — uandle, tic SUpugflerje ; — iron bns S8ef6>netbeifen bet ©acjjbinbet (>Uld) —knife); —land, ber ffifliifl Sonbefl ; ©etteibeacfer, bad Mtfetlaub j —man (—jobber), ber'Bfluger: 8anb= nwnn, <8auet; ftatfe cber gtpbe ^ien|d); — man's spikenard, tic »utt»utj ( baa Siirtftaut m« rrrosa — /, ) ; — nionday, bet etfle 3Jtonta(j beiligcn btetjloniae; PLUM — raker, ber (SJJfiufjs) :)icitel, bie (^fl«fl=)2d)atre ; — shad, ber SBflHa= bamnj —share, tic ^(iuafebat; — traces.;-/ ^JflngsSfraiige, fyflua SteU ten ; — wright, tec 4>fl ii,iiit,ici>ci-^ i&aa-- tier, SteUmacjjer. To plough, r.n. Dp(ien # acTetii; to — up, autyfliiflen, aneacfetn. anf= (jraben. plougher; ,. tcr ^paer, arfer8= nnmii. plover, ,. ber St\b\%, 83raf5»oaer, Jiegcii'.'ogel {Charaarius) ; chatterin" — , bet lanflgefr&roanjte.ftibi&; gray — . bet (Jtaue .itibilj, ( tiaradrhu ran,,, '■ green —.bet flruilC Jtibi(J; spotted — , ber tf lefibilj. To 'PLUCK, „. a. i. pfliicfen, nbl'fliicfcn, (iblued)eii. abveitieii; niin'en, iupfen, raufen, jtefien, jetten, teigen : 2. .ic rant tiirdiMllcii (laffen), im feramen ntroi befteben j to — asunder, enfiroeia teijen, s erretfTen ; to — down, nteber= rciucii; to — „ir. abinliiffcn, abbvc-- dnii. >ibici!;cn, auitHpfen ; to — up, iiufsicbcii; auiteipen, auegaten; />. erpeben; — up your .spun: faffe watbi erheirere tid> ! pi.ivk.,-. I.bet3ufl, SRig, ba«3m)fen, ytiiVren; 2. tic Vliifinuiitciiiiij], tcr 2JJiitf); 3. baa©efd)linfle uneSXbie. res; be wants — . ir ift reioe. PL1 I KER.J ter^flmfciite. :liiirfcnbe. PLUG, i. tee %'\1ed ; StSpfel, ^fTO^f. To PLUG, c. a. uerftopfen, juppotfru, eiiifcilen. PLUM. ■ l. tic SPflaume; 2. Stoftne; ifotintbe . bis fortune am tunts to :i — er ift cin aJtoiui uoil 100,000/.; — cake, bet 9ioiTnenfud;rn ; — pie, bit Sofinenpafiete ; - , ;:c3ios finenfuppe: —pudding, bet (grof;e, fiiglifebe) fRofinrnflo§ ; Mm.T. bie ©tauroacre; — ir,c, bet ijiffaumeu* ban m. PLUMAGE, e. tei ©efiebet ; tcr 3cbew biiulv plimh, r. adj. i. pfump, plotfd?; 2. blciicdit, fciifvcd't, lothred)r, getabe ; down — ( — down), gerabe niebet; — oyer, getflbt fibet; to fall — into... biiiein plumpeil in ..; — faced, biff »on («ci"id)f, birfbadig ; 11. s. bai ^!ei, ©(eilofb, (— level, — role), fee 93lein>age, SBafferroage, Ee^roqae; — line ( — rule.', tic EB(eifd)nut ; b.i« Soil, ©leifotft, Senfblet ; — sliaft, .i/'«. T. tcr Seigerfcbacbt. 7h PLUMB, r.n i. bai SBIeifotb iver- fen, mit bem SBleilotb ergrfinben, er- fotfeben, auetiefen (». fi.); 2. iMdj tcr ©leimage ciuvidjtcn, lolljvccfpt macben. PLUMBAGO, s. vid. Black-lbad. PLUMBEAN, ),.,,■ ■ m , • plumbeous. J fl * 6Ietetn,ttieS!tt. PLUMBER ». bet SBleiatbeitet, ^lci= gieiet ; gabrifant in Sleiroaaten (9?5bten, .^iibne, u. f. m.). PLUMBERY,*, bie ©Ieiatbeif. PLUME ». I. bie grofie geber) (cine! SOogeU); fiuffebet, bet Sebetbufc^; 2. tcr ®rc>l< ; bafi Sbteiijetcbeit, @ IC , gcricidjcn ; 3. /; r. bad Slattfeber= rbcii; — alum, bet Seber=31laim ; — less, obne gcbetn. To PLUME o.a l.feincStbetn pn^en, (mit Actcin frbmiicfeii ; 2. anfftiiten ; anffe^en, anffteUen, anftecfen ; 3. ah- fictcni, tnpfen ; Sp. T. bie 'i ! cntc nu pfeii Dom Stiffen ; 4. to — out, b>t:, auepu^en, auffebmurfen ; to— i self upon ... fidj einet ©adpe tubmen, fidj fine (^"luc nuicbcii nu«... fidj bniftcii mil . . . PLUMIGEROUS, adj. gepebetf, mit (SCtCfll. PLUMIPED, adj. mit geftebetten 8ffifen, feberfngig, rauebfuftg. PLUMMET,* l. bad ©leilotb, Ci«eih) I'orb, ©eiitblei, bet SBleinmrf; bad SBitigewicbt; bie ©leiwaae; 2. taa ©eroic&t ; 3. bet ©feifiift. plumosity, ,-. bad ©eficbette, tie aJJetige Sebetn. PLUMi isi:. t adj. gefitbett, febetig ; toie s. j ,uttiii, febeticbt. PLUMP, I. adr. plump, vl-Hfri), rut Plumb; ii. adj. ■,•,!,-. — lv. fjflfcbig, till fett llllt fltllb ; — laced, biif UCII ©efidbf, birfbfirfig. To PLUMP, d a. tr n I. OUffteibett, aufblafen; maften; auffrbroefieit, bid wetben ; 2. reie ein Stein fallen plumpeu. plumper, ». 1. etwad, bad rjtauen lenit in ben jW'iiiit neiiommen baben follen, inn tunbe SQaden m babcii: 2. Pari I'h. tic ii it r einem" 9anbiba< tcn,_ vpii jnjei ©timnicii fur iiu'ci ocrfrbiebeue Saubibaten gegebent ©timme bei einet iPatlamentdmabl • obet betaufbiefe SBeife nbfitmmt, pi.i'mplv, „,/,. runb, uoil; ranb ber, audj getabe btraud, PLUMPNESS, i bie 3!cif*igFeit, £J3c- leibtbcit, Tide. J 311 toac POIN POIS PLUMY, adj. fiberig, gepeberf. To plunder, d o. pliiitbern, raubeu, aus^iebcu, ©cute iuad)cu. plunder, s. bie Seute, ber Sflaub. plunderer, *. ber ©e utcmac$er j SPIitnbever; :)(aubcr, 2)irb. 7Y» PLUNGE, b. n. Aw. tainteu, fcn= fen; plo^lid) cintaucbcii, flurgen, fto= 9cit; iintertaucbeu; unterfi.-.fen, fm= fen, fallen ; fpringcn (t»ie etn SPfevb): fig. fid? in rotlbe un= nnregelma&ige ©cgvtffe toevticrcit. plunge, *. ba8 (Sintaucben, Stnfen; ber plbfelicbe ©turjj bag 9lugfcbla= gelt cilh'g ^JfCVbeSj to take a — , fid; fturjen. plungeon, «. bet Xaudjcr, bie JEaucfc eitte. PLUNGER, s. ber Saitcbcr. PLUNKET, s. bag SBafferblait. PLUPERFECT (or — tense), s. Oram. T. bag^lugquamperfectum, bie SBols lenbung ber^nnblung in ber »ergan« genen 3cit- PLURAL. I. adj. mebr, mcbvfad) ; it. — , (or — number), s. Gram. T. ber §Plll= raf, bie ilh'l)vja!il. pluralist, .•>• L. t. ber93efifccr mcb= rerer SPfriinben, S3ielvfrunbner. plurality, s. bie 3J2e&rbeif ; 2Jcefirs ja&l; grb^te 3«bl; l. r. ber !8eft$ mcbvcvcv SJJfriiuben ; — of gods, bie SDielgbtterei. PLURALLY, adv. Oram. T. illt plural, in ber 9)icbrjabl. PLUS, ado. pill*, (Utet)r) (.?,'«■. t. +). PLUSH, s. ber Spiiifd). PLUSHER, s. cine 9lrt (Sccbiiub. pluvial, I adj reguig, regucrifcr), pluvious, S rcgenhaft. pluvial, s. ber (Sijorroef, bag §piu= t-ialc. PLUVIAMETER, s. ber spiuoiometer, Stegcnmeffer. To PLY, r. o. <$■ b. i. (iingcftiim) aiu liegen, (beftig) jufcfccit; 2. fleijjig ubeit, freibni, pbliegcn, fid) anueb= men, fid) brfleifiigen, emftg arbeiten; 3. aufirengen, anoolteit; 4. fortgebcu, cileii; fciuc iWcbtung nehmeii; fires ben ; 5. fid) bicgen, fvinnmcu, fal= ten; to — one's books, ficipig ftubi= veit ; to — one's oars, aug alien ,kraf= ten rubcrn ; to — one hard, einen fcfjarf anbaltcii; to — one with glass- es or cups, einem ffeitng jittrinfen; — you : frifdb bavan ! marbt fort ! to — at a place, irgeiibroo liegen, feincn Staub babcit;' JV. T-s. to — to the south, west, &x., ftd) wad) ©uben, SBcftcn, u. f. w. roenben ; to — to windward by boards, to — off and on, ben SBinb abfneifen, im Jjiefjacf fe= gelit, umber frettjen, lafcireti ; plied with work, mit SJrbeit reieblict) »erfe= ben, iiberbauft. ply, s. bie Sfatte, Jlrummung, 2JBen= bung, ©eftalt, 8orm, ber £ang, bie SJcetgung, Wciuobubeit. PNEUMATIC (— CAh),adj. ill belt! 3Bm= be gcbijvig, Mud) ben 2Binb beroegt; luftig ; geiftig ; — pump, — engine, bie Suftpumpe. <»NEUMATICS, s. pi. 1. rinj. T. bie iPneumatif, Siiftmeiifiiuft ; ' 2. ©ei= itevlebrc. t'Xi'.i m vi'ocELE, s. Med. T. ber 2I ! inb= brucb. PNEUMATOLOGY, \s. T. 1. bie RNEUMATOSOPHY, 3 ^ ; nenniatolP= gte; 2. (Seiflerlebre. PNEUMONIA, ) s. bie ?iingeiifnd)l PNEUMONY, s SBruftentjuiibKifl. PNEUMtJNIC, adj. Med. T. bie ^lll'ujc betveffenb. FefPOAOH, o a. 1. (bnrcbOiicd'cti, 312 (bureb^bobren; 2. SGile fteblen; rauben, pliinbern; 3. gelinbe focben, un-id) fteben ; poached eggs, n>cirhge= fottene iSux. POACHARD, Pochard, s. bie wilbe (1'iitteU) @ute. poacher, s. ber SBifbbieb-. POACHJNESS, s. mtlg. bflS Snnipfige, fteurbte, bie geuc^tigfeit (beg SJattbee). P;)ACHY, aiij. fiinipfig, fcucijt (bom 8«nbe). POCK, s. bie SPocfe, flatter; —mark, bie SDIaiteniav'be, v 4>orfeitgnibe ; full of— holes, febv blfltternarbig j — wood, bag ^ctfbelj, 3ranjofeiil)olj 'Ounjncum — J. ). pocket, s. bie Xafcbc, ber Sdmbfaef, ©acf ; a — of wool, m. E. cin balber iSacf SBdlle; he is ten pounds out of — by it, ev r-erliert babei jebn SRfmib; — book, bag £afd)enluict), bie Sriefs tafebe, (£d)veibtafel ; — glass, ber £afd)enfpicgel; — knife, bag £a-- fd)eilllieffer; — handkerchief, bag (Edunipfnid); — hole, bag JEafcben* lod) ; — ledger, M. E. bag fflbvfen= bud); — lids, bie Safdiciiflavveit; — money, bag JEafcbeiigelb ; — p>M bie S:afebcnpiftole, bag JEerjerol. To POCKET, v. a. in bie Xafdje fterfen, einfterfeu, vulg. einfaifen ; to — an affront, cine Seleibigmig etnfteefen. POCKINESS, s. bie ^uftfciui)e, beg SSc= uevifebe. POCKY, adj. fiecb, franf (an ben 93(ot= tern) ; luftfied), yemiifri)._ pod, s . bie £>iUfc, Scbale, Sdjote; (— of silk), ber (®eiben=) Kocon ; — pep- per, ber Sd)oteupfeffer; — ware, bie ■jpitlfenfrurbt. To pod, v. n. fid) f)iilfcn, Sebotcn an* fefcen. PODAGRIC, f adj. pobagrifd), fufi= PODAGRICAL, ) 'gidbtifd). PODDER, s. ber •diiifeufanimler. podge, s. bie iifiifje, ber eumpf. poem, s. tai ©ebicbt. poesy, s. bie "#M)h; Sic^tfunfi ; 1)id)= tuug. POET, s. ber SPoct, 55tcf)ter ; — laureate, ber gefrbnte SRoet, .^ofbirpter. poetaster, 5. ber SMcbJerlmg, 3le'tin« fd)inieb. poetess, s. bie I'icbtcrinii. POETICAL (Poetio), (ado. — ly), adj. pcetifd), biditevifdi ; — ness, s. bag ^ortifefje, 5)id)teriiebe. POETICS, s.pi. bie §15oettf, JEbeorie ber Sirbtfunft, Slnleituttg uirT N id)tfunft To poetize, b. n. bictten, bid)terifd) febreibeu, i'etfe niadieu. POETRESS, s. oid. Poetess. POE TRY. s 1. bicTirtUfnnft; 2.T>id)= tung, 1)id)tei-ci; 3. @ebicJ)te. POIGNANCY, *. bie (Sdjarfe beg (55c fd)inacfg; bag §J5if«ntej Sd;aefe, S3ei§enbe. POIGNANT (adv. — ly), adj. lit. fptfetg ; fig. ben (Maumen reijenb, ^ifant; ftc= cbeub, febarf, betfjenb; frbmei^eub. POINT, .<;. 1. bie epi^c; 2. (—of land), i'anbfpilje, bag SBorgeoirge, SSorlanb, •t>oft; 3. bag Stecbeifen, ber ©rtffel, ©rabfttcbel; 4. bie SJceftel ; genabte (Spi^e, ,uante; ">. Tvp. T. bag "l>itnf-- tuni, bev ( Swings) "Jiuiift [.] ; fi. bag 91uge auf SBiirfehi unb in ber jtarte; 7. ber ©rab : jv. r. I (^oinpaf)= ) S trid) ; B. bie s Jiote icr Son ; !). bie ®eban= feufpifce, Sptfte beg SBtfceg : 10. bag 3iel, ber-SiNCcf ; 11 ber ^iiftanb; 12. Sp r. bag 3tieberfcbte§en eineg AaU fen; points, jv. T. bie (3leef=) ©elftn* lieu ; Tijp. T. bie ^unftiireu, SJJunfts fpifeen ; Oram. v. bie 3uterpimfnong= teicben : — of'controversy, bie Streit= farbe; —of honour, ter'(?l;renpuiift, bag ^'brgefiibl; — of sight, —of view ber ©c)id)tgpuuft; to end in a — fpi&ig jiigebeu ; — by — , sgunft fiu jPunft, ©tiitf fiir Stiitf; in — of., in •ihiufiitt auf . . . ; in — of religion. iiiOTeltgiongfaebeii ; at the — of death im ete'ibtn, tin let\teu ".'liigeublicfe to be upon the — . im SBegrijfc fenitj to bring to a — , ju (i'nbe luiugen, ftdj flirt faffeil ; to pursue one's — , feint 2lbfid)t »crfolgen, feiuem S^eefe nacbgel)en ; to gain one's — , feiue 3lbfid)t cvreirfjen ; to carry the — , ciue (£ad)C blivd)fet)eil; to come to a — , (jur igarbc) fominen; when it came to the — , alg eg jur (5'iitfd)eibung fam ; to stretch a — , bie geu?bbnlirbe ©veuje iibcrfd)reiten ; to stand upon — s, genaii nebntcu, fritifd) teini; is it come to that — 1 iff eg fo nxit (i<\- mit) gefommen? armed at nil — s, DbUig geriiftet, ganj gebarnifdit; to keep at swords — , abiuebreu, nitfenit biilten; tell your — s, geben Sie 3br ©Viel an (im piquet); ace- — ,*a8 910, bie (Sing ; deuce — , jroei 2lngeH ; tray — , brei \»lngen, «. f. t». ; — blank, bag SSeijje (ber' iliittelpunft) in ber £d?cibe; gerabe, ftbnur gerabe ; frei berauS; u* mir tiiclif §, bir nicbtg; to hit — blank ti:S 3Beif;e {fig ben red>= ten ^lecf) treffen; — device, bag mit bee jftabel ©eavbeitete; ber @efid)tg- punft; piiuftlidi, genaii ; — head, bet .Ropfpuij, 'Jluffa^ (mit gpt^en); — holes. Top. T. bie ^unfturlpcber ; — lace, feiti genabte Spiljen; — maker ber OJeftle'r, ©iirtler ; bie Spitjcniiuts rbeviini; — net, SJJen'itet; — plate, Tup. T. bie ^unftuvfri;eeve ; — wise, To POINT, b. a cC- n 1. fptljen, Jll)pt= %k\\, fcbarfeii; 2. piiuftireii, iiircrpunf= tiveu, mit UutencbetMina,o$cid>cu i)ir= febeu; 3 riditeu, ftelleu, jielen ( — at, nacb, auf); 4. mit beni Singe* jetgen, weifen ( — at, auf) ; 5. bcfhn;= men, bejeicbitcn, augjeitbueu, niijeis gen ( — out ... ehuag) ; (>. Sj>. T. (»pii Sagbbuitbeu: fteben, tjorfteben ; to — articles of account, .1/. E. , v )ied)iuiiig§= pofteit uergleicben unb (bie ricbtigeu) mit eiiicmimnfte obcr elvii^e »trfe= ben, puuftiren. POINTED, adj. 1. jugcfpiljf, fpi^ig ; puuflirt; beftimmt; 2. fig. {adv. — ly), fdiarffiiiniOy fpifjig, bcijlenb, favfaftifeb, fpi&finbig ; e pigramma» tifd) ; — architecture, bie gothifcbe SBanart, Spiljbogeuart ; fpi&ig ; fpi£= ftnbig ; —ness, s. bie Sjii^iglfett ; far* faftifdje SBitterfett; bag ©te(t)enbe, Sreffeube; bie ©ptj&flnbiflfeit. POiNTEL, s. bag Jtubpfd)eii, ber flciuc Stiff. pointer, s. 1. ber 3na.ei', SCQeiferj 2. Sp. t. 3Bacf)feIf)iinb ; 3. t. bie SJiabirs nabel, Slefenabel; pointers, pi. jv. t. (cbcma(g) ©tiifeen in einem Scbiffe. pointini; stuck, s. ber ©egenftanb beg epotteg. POINTLESS, aiij. obite Spifee, ft ii ml) f ; obne ^uuft(ej ;— ness, s. bie Stumpfa beit. poise, s. 1. bag ©cniirbf, bie Scbroe* re; 2. bag @lcicbgemid;t; 3. bie SSBage, To poise, r. a. 1. unigen, abroagen, roeigeii (mit ber^anb); 2. befebwes reit, befaben, nieberbrfiifen ; 3. in« @leid)geu>id)t fetjcn, barm evbalten; bag ©leiebgeividit balteu ; to — down, iibeniM'eiieii, iiiitcrbriicfcn. poison, b. bag ©iff; — ash, ber ©if> fnmarb, ©iftbauiu, bie ©ifteirbc (Mi* toxicodendron — /,.) ; — berry, bet .tjammerftraucfi ; — bu»h, bie 2i]nlf*> P0L1 milcf); — cup, bet ©iftbedjet; — fish, ber ®ifttoa>e ; — nut, tas Jtni= b^naitge, tic ©tecbilltfi. To POis IN, o. a. I. oergtften ; 2. nn= ftecfeil ; bcrtcrbcir, to — a piece, Mil. ph. cine Jcatione oetnageln. POISONER ». 1. tor @lftmifd)et; bic ©iftinifd>criiiii ; 2. bet Setbetbet, SJerfubter. POISONOUS fa//'. — i.y\ a.//, giftffl; anftetfeitb ; oerberbltcb | — ness, s. tie ©iftigfeit, SBerberbltebfeif. POITREL, s. I. MS iBruftjiucf, $8tuffc= fdjilb (beS jiibifcben .^ohctipricftcvS) ; ber Snifihantifd) eitteS SPfetbee"; SJnifttiemcit, JBrnftftpilb; 2. ©rab= ftirtel. POIZE, vid. Poise. POKE. .5 1. tie Xafdjc, ber 33cutct ; 2. ber Stop. To POKE. i). a. ftofjcit (at . . ., UCld)) ; to — the (ire, baS jfeuer fcfyiireit, ciu= fdjiirnt. POKES, a. bo« Sc&ureifen. POKING, «//. ftiedjenb, fucditifd). POLACRE, s. et'ii "jjolacfer. POLAND, *. Stolen. POLAR, ndj. sum 'i'ot gefjotig, ben $ol Setteffenb, tit bet SJlabe befl $016; — bear, t-cr (SiSbat; —circles-, p/. bie SfSoTarfretfe ; — wind, ber i'olarmiitb. polarity s. bie spolaritat, jJleigung itctd) tent §Pol, l'< 1LARIZATION, s. Opt. T. bie 3M v. bie ^uttte (ber ftifdiotter) ; 8. ba$ Spiel (ber ecbavif) be3 '^afaiicii; under bare — a, JV. T. bor Stop 1Mb £afel ; — arbour, bie ©ittcrlanbc ; — axe. bie Streitart; ba» Micbtbcil; JV. T. Cfittcrbcil; — bolt, ber 3rblo§= naa,e(; — cat ba3 amcrifauifdie ©tinrthicr, bie Sfinftafcc, per JltiS ; — duties, ba8 $Pfal)lgelb, bie .)>afctt= trbiibren ; — fish, bie ©eejnnge, :oi)le rein Seeftfcfc) ; — hedge, — fence, cut 3ann oon iibereiimnbcr ge« katen Stangnt; —hook, bet 55eid)s feibafen; —mast, eiit v D?ait anS ci- ttern (einjigen) ©tutfe; — plate, bit ©tublfcbiuclle ibei dtfenbafitien) ; — screen, c t it etcuf=.«aminfdiiint ; — staple, tic fttampe binten an ber 3beid)fel ; — star, ber Spolflrficw, 3lngelftetn, Slotbflern; SJeifftern. To pole, o. a, l. Stflngen [t%tn, an ©tangen btttben, fiangen: 2. (ctitcu ,ft\ihn) mtt Stangen fm-tfdjiebeit. POLEDAVY, ». bad gcobe ^acfturfi, fdjroete 2egeltudi. POLEMIC, I. adj. aid. Polkktcal ; II. «. sing tev Streiter; BantVr: polemics, s ;//. tie Spolemif, ©treitfeote, POLEMICAL, adj. VPleutiid), ftreitig; ftrcithaft ; fltettfua)tig. POLEMoscope, » Opt. t. bafl getns gla«, .Uric)VHn-ffi'eeti\). POLER, s. bie StBtflange, bet 3(iil)r= ftorf. ?OLEY, s bie SBoIei; — grass, bie iot'I= be spolei ; — mountain, bi? SQergpotet [Teucrium polivm — /,.). "OLIOE, s. bie 1'ottei ; (— court!. biiS Eolijeiamt, bie §tdjei|jetr8beljBtbe ( rbmmgSanftalt, OtbnungSaufftc^t ; POLL — man, bet ^oli^eibieiier, Sirber= bcit^bieuer; — officer, ber ^olijeU oeamtete. POLICED, adj. policiit, woblgcprbnet, gefittet. POLICY, ». 1. bie !JJolttiC; ©taat|roif= fenfebaft, ©taatetunfl, StaatefuMe, ©taattflugbeit ; 2. aBfltflugbtit, Jtlugbett, 2d)Kutbcit, -Btrfdjlagen= beit.'^iir; 3. police; M. &■*. — of insurance, bie Siffeciiranjpoliee, ber S3erficbetiingSfd)etn ; — ship or Bhips, eine police ciuf ©eoifFobet ©cfeiffe; open — , bie itntartrte police; — , bie tarirte police ; wager or wager- ing — , bie SBrttpolice; — broker, ber SUffecuranjmdHer. POLISH, adj. piinifd). To POLISH, v. I. a. 1. polirett, g(an= jeub nuicbeii, glattett, nbreiben ; 2. /fVtn'rreiiierii, gefittet nunttit; oer= frbonevii/ jieren; n. n. ©lanj befom= ntcn, glanjen; polishing Blate, ber spolirfcpiefet, SLttpelf4)terer, Stlber= tripcl ; — stick, sa« ©lattbotj. polish, s. 1. bie Spolttnt, ©latte, bet ©laitj; 2. jig. bie Sltttgfeit, fciite Sitte. POLISHABLE, adj. IVM3 fid) poliren obet vevfeiiicnt [aft. polisher, ». ber spoliret, 9lbg[atter ; ba« EPoftrgeug. POLITE [adv. —it), adj. gefd)liffen, feiit, arttg, (uiflidv aeflttet j — lite rature, tie febonen 2Biffeitfd)aften ; — ness, ft bie ©efdiliffeiiheit, <3'ciu= beit, -:irtigteit, -OofI tctjf ci t. politic [adv.— ly), adf. roeltflug, oer* fcblagen, fdilau. POLri'lOAL (mlr. —Vi), ndj 1. poli= 1 1 fit) ; ben ©taat bctreffeiit; biirger= lid) ; jtaatghmbifl, fiaaWHug ; 2. {adv.) + fcblait ; — economy, bie ©taatswtrtbfe&aft. pi ILITICASTER, s. ber pcliti|"d)e Jlait= nengtefjer. POLITICIAN, ». 1. ber $olitifer ; StaafSinann; fiaatefdtge 5DJ«iiii: 2. ber oerfcblagene JU>pf, Scblaufopf. POLITICS, ». j*/. bie SBolitif, @taat8» fuuft ; StaatSflugbett ; bie ©taatSs marime ; — of trade, bic •§anbel3pOs litif ; he is out in liis — . fin. feine SSQete^eit ift 511 (5utc, bat ibn yer-- laffen. polity, .«. bie SSegterung, SWegtes tungefortn, SBetfaffung, Drbnung«= ilttftalt, SPoltjet; ecclesiastical — , tie firebltcbe ^ierarcbie. poll a 1 bet |£titter=l Stvpt 2d)>'i= bel ; 2. bie SPetfoiienlifie, SJcamens lifte; 3'ibhni|i bet M'c\>h-, Stimmen- vibl ; 3. tie .Uoppc Iciii^ifd)); — cattle. ;)iiubvHeb obue.porner; — cow. bie jtub phue ^Btner; —evil, bie Jlopfgefa5roulfl ber^ferbe; — 1 (— tax), bal .Kopfjirlt, btc Stopf* fteuer, ^Jerfonenfteuet. To POLL, b. 0. I. bie ©auntWUJftl dh haneii, Cappen, Kpfen, foppen, be= baneii ; 2. namentlid) auffdircibeit, etittragett; 3. alt Sotanttn eintra= gen ; 4. feineit Xiamen einttagen laf- fen, ftimnteit. POLLARD, * I. bie Jtoppe, Qttappf, ber (Mroftfopf, .*fanlbar fcfl [Oadtu pot- laehiits — /..) ; 2. ber gefappte Q3aum ; 3. bie befebnittene s i)iiime; 4. ber fiirftb, ber feiit (Mnveib abgerootfen b>it; 5. bie 3Bfi)enflete: atopfnu= beht ; gray — . ber euajifdie SBetjen. To POLLARD, p. o. Eappen, U.f.W. aid. To I'm. i.. POLLEN, s. 1. bafl feiit gebeutelte SDtebl. bie feine JUeie; 2. B. T. ber SOItnnenJlaub. POLY poLLENDf, •. en. t ber ©runbotflanb* tbcil tin SMununfraube. POLLER, «. I. bet .U>irvc;ite, 2iuj petite ; 2. Stimmengebet. POLLICITATION, #. tie einfeitije iSec> fprecbung. POLLINCrOR. ». ter bafl Ur.ivarat }ttt @iuolung bet tobtei< JtBtpet fertigte. POLLQNIFEROUS, adj. i'lmiuiiftaub trsnuiciit. POLLOCK, ». tie .fteppe, Cuappe. To poi.i.rn:. ,-. „. befiecfen, befubeln, oeruiiretnigen ; entroeiben; ottfaU feben, verterbeit ; to ^ one's joy, fi» item tie greube betbetben. POLLUTE adj. beflerft. POLLUTEDNESS, s tic i^fledtbeit ; @ntn>eibung ; Setffilfcbung. polluter, s. ber SBrtutiteiiiigeT, Sntroeibet. pollution, ». bie ©efferfung, in-r= unreinigiing; Siitweibung. POLLUX ft ./•(. T. Bid Castor. POLONAISE, ». tie ^olonaiff, fin roeitet grauen^eUmaiitel. POLONESE » biepofnifdje (Spiiiebe. POL vi use, », bie |jpionaife, eine '?lrt pplnt,d;cr Xaiii unt Soilfliicf in I J act. POLT, •. ber Scblag, Sto§. POLTROON, Poltron, *. bee Acijber= jige, bie (feige) "I'leninie. POLTROONERY, ». tie ftetgbfif. POLVERINE, ». tie calcinttte ^fian* jciufche. l'i ILY, ft in compos. V\t\ . . , Ol'tle. poLYACOUsnc, adj. bin Scroll t>tt* niebrcitb. POLYADELPH, «. B. T. bie »itlbtubt« tigt SPffanje. POLYADELPHIAN, wlj. B.T. pielbtu* btttg. POLYANDERS,ft^ B T. bit Ptelmarj- nerigen ^Pflanjen. POLYANDRIAN, adj. B. T. piellttatt* nerig. POUANDRY, ». bte JSielmelnrterei, POLIANTH, r s tic idilitffelbltiinc POLIANTHOS, S t ! rinicl [PrimiJk vulgaris — /. ; "JMimicnlcH - . POLYAUTHOGRAPHY, * tie ,» djroit, pigment bei Safrani POLYCOTYLEDON, t.B.T tic 1'rTanjt mtt mebt alt \xoti Sameniappett. P0LYCOTYLED0N0US,orfj. /.'./'. nicbt al$ jwei Sainenlappen babnit. POLYEDRIC, Poltsdrocs, adj. vid. Po- LYHKDRAL. POLYEDRON, t. G. T. rid. Polth» niios. POLYGAM, ft rid. PoI.YGAMMN. POLYG \MI.\N. /;. T. I. s. etuc OtelgaN ttge v 4.!fI>itijC; H. adj. polngamtfrb, Ptelgattig. POLl GAMIST, s bet 'I'pl'.Vj.iniiit. ~^cr^ tbeibiger bet S3ieIioeibtret. POLYGAMOUS, adj. I, bte SSielweibca rci bettefenb; 2. /•'. T. uielgattig. polygamy, ». tie ^Polygamic, SStrl* rociberei. polygar, ». till SQalbbrroobnet (in ^inboftiin). POLYGENOUS, adj. bide Olrteit ent« baltenb, bielattig. POLYGLOT, I. a%. fide 2pr,id)en berftebenb, obet fie enthaltenb : II. s bte iBoIogiorre, tie i8ibel obet eiu 8e» rifou in bicleu Sptadjen. polygon, .^. a. r. bafl $0(90011, SBieled. POLYGONAL, \adj birlerfig, pol»i^o» POLYGONOUaj imI; — masonry bie Sonfttiictioti oufl otelecfigen ~-iM6« 313 POMA PONE POP (ffll; — numbers, pi. Me 'JSoIpgonals jablcn. •OLYGRAM, s O. T. bad ^otpgrainm, bie Ptelfettige, otelliitige Stgur. POLYGRAPH, 8 mod. fill HaraUeU?^ neal, urn ju gletcbet 3ett bie Eopie bed Sriefed, ben man frpreibt, ju er= baltcn. POLYGRAPHICAL (— ic), adj. ft A :uf SRotpgrapbte bcjicf;cut>, »iei|M)rei= benb. polygraph^ s. bte ijJetograpfcie, (Sbiffrcfcbriftfuitbe. polygyn, ». i?. T. bie Pichvciberige Sgjlanje. . , ., . POLYGYNIAN, « ■/.'. B. r. iitelnjcibertg. polygyny, s Die SSielraeiberei. polyuaute, s. ber ^polpbalit (eiti ajlitieral . POLYHEDRAL. > ,. h ;, fr „; f - POLYHEDROUS, $ ■* *' tl f e,t, 3- POLYHEDRON, s. 1. G. r. bcr bielfeis rige .Rorper ; '2. 0/>« '/'. bad -jJolgffop, sSerbielfalttgungSgtad , £>crroanb* lutiglperfpcctip. POLYMATHIC, adj. uietgetefirf. POLYMATH?, s. bie iBietoifferet. polymnite, t. bet ^dymnit (eine Steinart . POLYM JRPHODS, adj. Pietoe|laC% POLYNEME s. bcr Aiiigerfifcb. Polynesia, «. spolpnejien, Slujlca* lien, ©iibtnbien. POLYNESIAN, adj. potPuefifcb, ftC^ auf bie Subfeeinfetti bejicbenb. POLYN >me, s. Aig. T. bie Ptelgttebe= vi;ic ©rope. POLYNOMIAL adj. .■?>. r. pobno* mifeb, boil Pielfarpcr ©rope, »iclglie= betig. POLYONOMOUS, adj. ptelnamtg, sict= titclii], titelrcicb. POLYONOMY, s bie 33ictuamigfeit. POLYOPTRUM, s. Opt. T. ba$ $cn?tcl= faltignngdglad. POLYPE, ft /•(,/. Polypus. POLYPETALOUS, adj. B. T. oielMottes rig (Poit 'Stamen), mebr aid fed?! 23laftcr habciib. POLYPHONIC, adj. Pieitijitig, >,>ttt|ltm= mig. POLYPhonism, I s. bie SBeroietfalfis POLYPHONY, $ gung bed Qfc^aU^, SSiett5nigfett. POLYPHYLLOUS, adj. btclbt.iftcrig. polypier. s. bad ?oli)penbau§(f»en. polypite, s. bcr uerjtetnerte $o(9P< P0LYP0DE3, ». pi. bie Pielffijiigen Sbicre. polypody, s. bits ©ngeffuf, tie ©tciltiuin j [Polypoiium — Z,.). polyp >os, «/. polppenartig. POLYPUS, s. 1. bcr qJolpp; Stetfug; 2. ba* jjafcrgemacbd ; 3. ccr Jluttel= fifeb, bie OJieertnrtct. POLYS,' i|',;. j. Opt. T. bad "potoffop, SBerPtrlfattigungdgtad. POLYSPAST, s /•. bad 3ugwert, ber gtafc&enwfl. JHobett. POLYSPERM, s. b. r. bie bietfaintge ftrncbt, bcr SBaunt ntit Pietfamiqer gtH*t, POLYSPERMOUS, adj. B T tJlclfamig. POLYSYLLARICAL (— ic), adj. Pick folbig. POLYSYLLABLE, s. b.t§ POLYTECHNICAL (— ic), a // potytetfc Itifcb, utctfiittfiig; polytechnic scool, bie potntecbittfcbe ©chute. polytheism, x. bie Bielgotterei. POLYTHEiST, s. bcr ;Hii:Ki;ijcr ber Q3ic(goHerei. POLYrHEISTICAL (— ic), adj. bcr SBtelgotterei anbattgeub, KJMACE ». fie Erefier, bcr Sobeufaft (bctitt 'Jlepfelprcjjen). 314 POMACEOU3, adj. cipfefrcitf). POMANDER, s. bcr SBifamfuopf, l c sparfumfugel, Slmbrafugel. pomatum, s. bie SJJomabe, WoBlrie= cbciibe ^aarfalbe. To POMATUM, v. a. .gcnufalbe ge= braucben. POME, s. B. T. bie J?cnifrttcbf. pome citron, *. bie Simonies — tree, bcr ^imciticitbauin. pomegranate, s. ber ®rnnofopfel ; — peel, or peeling, bie Ocbale bcr ©ranatapfel ; — tree, bcr ©wnat= baum. pomerania, ». Comment. Pomeranian, I. adj. pommertfrb ; II. s. ber Nominee; — dog, ber @pi§, ^Joinmer. POME roy, Pome-roy.vl, s. cine ?Irf ruoblfcbmecfenbet Jlepfel, bcr Sii- nigSapfel. pome-Water, ». einc ?lrt woBlfr&mes cfenber Slepfel (iiacb Coles, maius car- boniria.). pomey, s. h. t. cin gtunefl 9t"oitbcl (eitten gri'tnen Hpfel bejeiebnenb). POMIEEROUS. adj. Olepfd cber apfcU abnltcbe grflcbte tragenb. POMME, s. H. T. in compos, cross — , ba3 SlpfelEreuj, ^ugelflabfreuj. pommelion, s. bte Sranbe §inten an ber Jtattone. pommel, s. ber Jtitopf, ©egentnopfj ©attelfnopf. To POMMEL, v. a. puffeit, fllllffcn, fcblagcit; to — a hide, T. cin Sell ruivben (bet ben ©crbcru). POMMELED, nij. H. T. cm J?rcu$ mit runbeit Jiiiiipfcit bebeutenb. pomona, s. Pomona, bie Obfigottt'nn. pomp, s. bcr $omp, bie ^rarbt, ba= ©epriinge, ber glanjenbe Slufjug. POMPET, s. T V p. T. (cbemafS) bcr Tnu rferbaden. pompey, s. ?J3ompejit5 (9HonnSn«me). pompholyx, ». ber n>ei§e ®almei, baS (roeifie) ?licbf, bie 3t"fblutnen, ©almeiblumen. pompion, s. tet J?itrbifi, bie $f;ebe (Cucurbita pepo — I..). pompire, s. bcr Strnapfel. pomposity, s. ber ^ruitf, H$ SBomp= baftc, .^ocbtrabeitbe. POMPOUS (adi: — ly), adj. praittig, berrlicb, pompbnft; bocbtrabettb ; — ness, I. bie 'ipracbt, bcr ^omp; bad ■C">oittrabcnbe. POM-WATER ». vid, Pomk-water. POND, *. bcr Seici), SBctber ; — wee I, ba» ©ainenfrauf, bcr grofcblatttci ( Potamngcton — L). To pond, v. a. ciuctt Ztid) grabcn ober in vi it en. To ponder, v. I. a. crmSgeit, befraefc ten, uberlegen ; ir. n. to — on . ., lt.iitftuncit, ttacbgriibelit fiber.., h<- benfeit. PONDERABLE, adj. \V?.$ ftcb Waflen la§t, magbar. pondera'l adj. nacb bem ©ewicbte beflimmt, geiuogett. PONDERANCE, *. bie Scbroere, baS ©e»i(6t. ponderation, *. baS SSagcit, 33ic= gen (i». ii.). PONDERER, «. bcr Giant ge it be, Ucbcr= le^enbe. ponderingly, ado. mit gefiortaen (Srrongung. ponderosity, s. bie Scimere, @e= tutcptigfett, SBtrptigfeit. PONDEROT1S {ado. — ly\ adj. 1. febtner, rotrptig ; '2. jig. roicptig, itadu briuflirb (iv. ii.) ; — spar, bcr ScproefeU tpatb ; — ness, ft rid. Ponderosity. j»onent, adj. wejllieb. pongo, s. ber SSalbmenfch (bte gtoptt Slffettart). poniard, s. bcr T>oIrf> ; ba« turji Scbmert. To poniard, v. n. crftecpcit, erbolcpctt. pontag s. ber SJJontaf. PONTAGE, ». bcr iitucfciijpH, t>Cli 83ruif ettgelb ; receiver ol" the — , bet SBrudfenjoll'dinnebmer. p. iXTiFF. Postif. s. ber Ober=) 5grie« ftcr, ^o^epriejtcr, ^ralat, RJapft Stfcbor. pontifical. I. r.d) \. obcrr-viefierlicp, papftltcb, bifcpoflirb; '2. pradjttfl ; a s. ba» @eremonienbucb ber ©tfebofe. pontificalit y, s. bie papftlicpe iSftr^ be ltnb Occgicntiig jt. it.). PONTIFICALLY, adr. pfipfHich, l'!= fcbbflicb, pracpttg, in 9lmt«Heibung. pontificate, ». bad Dberpricfler= thum, bie papfilicpe SSitrbe unb Sfle* gieruiig. PONTIFICE, ». ba§ SBrfiffcnwerf, bie SBrucfe (ra. it.). PONTIFIC. ) ,. ,■• -i : A „-_ PONTIFICIAL. f %i^fiSkJT PONTIFICIAN; J P 1 '*' Vlieflcrltdj. PONTIFICLVN, 5. ber ^iipftlicbgefinnte, spapifl. PONTLEVIS, ft Sp. T. *<\5 i^lltllteit Ct= ned ^ferbed. pontoon, « jklt. bcr Ronton, bad ©rudenfeptjf, ber SBrfiifentabn ; bie ©cbtf brticf e ; Saufbrficfe. PONY, s. bad s 4>fcrbcben, bcr Jllcpper, Sitbauer. pood, 5. bas ^}ub rein ritffifrfeed ©e= uuebt oon sierjia ruffifepeu ober fecpd unb bretiig eugftfcpfii £). pooiii nit at) • obc! tvenn'd roeitcr tiicbto ift! pool, s. 1. ber £eicb, i^fuM, Sumpf, bie Xacfye; '2. bet Safe, int 5piele; — snipe (— snite), bie vgiimpffcbnepfe. poop, ft x. Ts. bte .iiutrc, jtampairjt, bad ^intertbeit bed 2cbiffc= ; — lan- tern, bie grojic Santertte, §interla= terne ; — royal, or top-gallant — , bif Oberbutte ; poopinij sea, eine Stiirj* fee (Selle, bie man von btttten be- fommt); to be pooped, eine ©turjfee »on binten befotninen, poor, adj. 1. arm, biirfftg: 2. armfe» lig, armlirb, eienb, fepieept, gcringe ltirMig ; 3. magcr. bfirre ; 4. Perjagt feige; 5. obne SBfirbe, gemein; — little thing, gttted (liebed) "flemed ©e= frbopf : to make but a — shift, ftci) rummerlirb bcbelfcn ; — .loim. bet Jiabcljaii; —laws, bie 2lrmengefefee; — man (woman 1 , bcr (bie) finite; — — rate, bie 3lnneittare, 21rinenftener ; — spirited, ntutbloS, feige, oerjagt; — spiritedness, bie 3)hitbloftgfeit, Seigbcit. poor, s. ;.;. the — . bte ?lrmcit ; bie ?II« mofengeuoffen (burit bie •jlimofen* pftege ferpaltenen). POORLY, i adr. arm ; anitfclig, ge= ringc; malt; H. adj unpafjlicb, tv.iitt- lirb. poorness. .«. 1. bie 3Irmntb, bcr 3J2«n« gel, bie 5Rotb;2. Nrinfeligfeif, Slernis licbteit, Wiebrigfeit ; 3. JDJagerteit, Uttfrurbtbarfeit. pop, ft ber Jtlatfcfi, ©cbmafe, !tuail; — gun, bie ^naUbucpfe. To pop. r.n.\-n. 1. tlati'dicti. fitmafeett, rcpnallen, febnaijen ; paffen, fnallen ; 2. fid) fcbnell beroegen, bttrtig geben, bufdicn, tvifdicn, uutfrbcit. fabyenj 3. wig. Berfcfeen; to — along, fort» mtfepen, fortgeben ; to — away (some thing, etmad) baftig wegtbutt, ver= ftccfen; to— in hereinpla^en, bcr» einfabren; fi.b einbrattgen ; to — into one's head, ciltcm ill bill #05 PORE PORT PORT fabrcit; to — off. bnoou roif'cbcn, fid) ijcimlid) fortmacbeit; mcgfcbaffcii; to — off a pistol, fine $iftole loSbrcn= ncii; to — out, enfroifdben, ftcb booon maebcu ; faljrcit laffcu ; to — up, in bie ^g>ot)c fallen mit.., aufrirbtcu; to — upon (on), fahrcit an .., nad) . . ; to — upon one, (tllf ciltCIl ftofjcil. roPE, s. 1. bcr '.JJapjt ; 2. bcr jt\tul= baX'l I I'crri cernuii — L.) ', — , or — flj'j ter Jccrnnnum ; — Joan, tie ^sapftinn 3ol)auna, ein Jfartcufpiel, (im Scutfdn'it) ber befte Salter; — 's eye, cute mit Sett nmgebene Sviife im -Dicf bciti ; baS fctte Stud) an etiter ©rbopafeule ; — 's nose, tec sUiirjel etucs £rutf)a&n8. popedom, s.bie papfHidje SBurbe. POPELING, $. ber i(5apftler. popery, s. ba8 SKapfttbum, bie $apjt= lerei. popinjay, .?. i.ber^Japagei; 2.@rftn= fpedit; 3. fig. SEBinbbeutel. popish (ado. — ly), adj. papijtifd), papflifd). pi IPLAR, s. (— tree), bcr $appelbaum, bie tappet ; —galls, bie ^appelfttosi^ ven, ^appelaitgeit. poplin, s. ber ^apeliu (ein rooUfeibner 3eitg). POPLITEAL, } adj. A. T. jum j?uicge= POPLITIC, ) lcuf gel)brig. POPPET, vid. Pi-ppet. POPPY, s. bcr iDJohit [Papcver — L.) ; horned — , baS ©rbcllfraut (Cheli- doniunt — J..); prickly — , bcr ©tad)c!- mol)U {Arsemone — L.) ; spat(l)ling — , bcr tveifif ^ebctt (Cacubalua Mien — /,.); —head, ber iliobnfoyf; — seed, bcr SRobnfamcn. populace, s. bas gemeine 23olf, bcr SPobel, grofie ,£>aufc. POPULAR [adv. — ly), adj 1. popular; r-olfsmatiig. 33olfs . . ; 2. gemetn, »om fleineinen UJoIEe ; 3. geineiiwerjtanbs lid), Icirbtfafilicb ; 4. bcim SSolEe bc= liebt; 5. im 93olfe berrfdieub ; a — commotion, ci.ll S3ofi8aufrui)r; — dis- ease, cine cnbemifrbe (cittern 93oUc eigene) .firaufbeit; — government, bie bflicbtc [Reaierung; — schools, SSolfsTcfeuIen. popularity, s. 1. bie SSopuTaritat ; SolfSmafiigfeit; 2. ber SBoifston, bie SBolf§f|»rad)e,@einein»erftanblicbfett; 3. 33eltebtbeit beim SBolfc, a$olf8= gunft. To POPULARIZE, o, a. »oIf»erft8nbIid) ober gemeinfatilirb mad)cn; uutcr bent 3>olfc vmbreiteu. To populate, r. I. »i. bie 33e»o(fcrung mmebreu; ll. a. bcvblfcru, mit (Sin = mobueru «crfcl)cu. population, a. tie 33e»51ferung. POPULOUS Indn. — ly). adj. IHilficidi; — ness, », bie SSoIfSinenge, ft arte S8es uolfcnmg, Ueberoolfcrung. PORCATED, adj. rutfenarttfl gcbiltet, crbaben, etbbbt. porcelain, 8. I. baS^orgeflatt; bie SPorjeHamoaare ; — clay, — earth, tie SjJorjellanerbe, bcr Jiaolitt ; 2. bcr Sporflllaf; painter on — , ber SPorjcU Lmmaler; — shell, bie spor}rllan= fcr)nerfe. PORCH, .5 I. bie SBovtjalle, ba« Sor* bau« ; 2. bcr bebecfre &ana; 3. baS portal. PORCINE, adj. frbweiwifjnltd) ; febroeis nifd). PORCUPINE 8. bai ©tad)et,dj»ein ; — fish, bcr ©tacbeifebweinfifdj [JDiu- don — L.) ; — quills, 'Stad)ClfdWein= fielc. Pore. $. bie ^ore, ba» Sc^meigfod), b*S ?bd)cld)eu. To pore, v. n. geuau ttitb in bcr JJlabe nitfcbcit, (— in, bt'neitii gtnfcn, |"p,i= ben, mit grower Slufmevframfcit un= ferfud)eii; to — upon a book, ii bcr eiuem *8ud)e liegcu, bariu vcrticft feijn. PORE-BLIND, adj. vid. Pl-rblisd. porer, 8. bcr tmftg Stubtrenbe. POR1NESS, g. bai ^ovbfe, ^bd;rige, tie Sdjruantiuai'tigfeit. POKIsm, s. Matk. T. baS fforollarium, eiu auS ber gegebcucu Dcmoitftratiott beroorgebenbei <:atj, Solgefa^. Pi (RISTIC, adj. Math. T. pmtftifdi, Iebr= fa^liil); — method, bie poriftifdjc 2)Jctbobe. PORK, s. baS Sdjmciufleifd). PORKER,) s. baS (junge) ©djtscin, porket, i Sd)iveindicn, gerfel. PORKLING, s. baS (2pau=)Aerfcl. porous, adj. poroS, febmctrnmartig, lbd)erig, mit ©d)njeiplbd)erit ; — ness, .S-. piel. Porosity. porosity, a. bie SJJorofitat; baS ©cbroammarttge. POUPESS, s. vid PORFOIBI. PORPHYRY, *. ber }>orphafcuburgcr (befonberS bcr Cinque porta); — mote. baS .Oafcugeridit ; — nails, Sflagel ober ©pifer |U $fort« bSiigeii; — regulations, bie .t> ftabt; — v.-in. bie fpfortaberj — vent bie 3Binbr5b(( (ter Orgel); — wine, bcr SPortroein. To PORT, v. a. .v. r lintt fteuern. portable, adj. tra^bar, bcroegltd) : — engines, traabarc 3Rafd}tnen; — — organ, baS ^oftfio : — soup. rliP' pcntafeln, Xafelbouillon (SBouiU'om fudien); —new, ». bie tragbarfeit. PORTAGE, 8. I.bttf Acrttraani, Acrt. brtugeti; 2. bcr 2ra,,etlobit, ber 9Ha» trofenlobn; 3. ber' Iragepla^, bie XrajgefteUe (ber (vibitridi j'.vifcbcii ;ivei fd)ijfbarcn gluffeu . PORTAL, 8. baS portal, SJJradjttb^pr, bie iirarbttbiir. PORTCULLIS, ». 1. Mil. T. ta$ aoU gatter, Scbufegatter, bie Aalltbiir 2. einer bcr uier englifcben ©taaW> boten. To poRTCULLB, o. n baa JaDgafter hcrunter laffen, oerfperrett, vci|\blir> §en. PORTCULLISED, adj. mit gaDgattcrn oerfeben. PORTE, 8. (the sublime — ), bie (l)0t)c) $forte, ber tiirfi'cbe ^of, TV PORTEND, n. a. vorbebeuten, vor= bcrfageu, «orf;er oerffnibigen, au= jeiflen. PORTENT. 8. bie iible) 9?orbebciituug, bas b'v\t ^ctdjcu. Omen. P< iiiTK.Mi n 18. n.ij ( S5fe«) vorbebeiis tenb, ungliiCT»fd«va:iger ; grai.liefa, uihiebeuer ; fdjrecflicb. PORTER, 8. t. ber ^fbrtner; 3biirttc= l)cr, S'biirbiiter ; 2. Srager, Ur berbriu -. ger; (8afts)3;rager, $adf trSger, 9leffs trailer ; Stabtrager; 3. Sorter (ein flat feet ©ier); — of the serre, brr v 4»etell ; a warehouse — , eiu SDiarft* belter; — 's knot, bit SBuIjt juv (5r- leicbterung befl iragens. PORTERAGE,*, ber Eragcrlofiit. PORTICO, a. bie i^aUe, ber geroolbte ®anfl. PORTION, s. ber 2bei(, (BerbaltiitB 3 mabige) bulbed •. bie ©ebubr; ber (Srbantljeii ; JJinbeetbril, Braut= fdMij, bafl .^ciraibSgut. T,< PORTION, p. a. 1. r— ouO, au'lbei-- len. ablbeileu, scrtbcileit ; 2. anfls flatten —with .., mit), auSiteitcru mitgeben. PORTIONER. .«. bcr )lu-5tbeiter, 2peit-- ber; /.. t. ©eiftlirbe, ber mit femen 3ImtSgenoffen tie Sebenten fbeilt. PORT10N1ST, ». ter ^ beihie bmer, 3Rit5erforgtc ; /.. v. Slebeiipfrfinbner. PORTLAND-STONE, t ber SKufd)eU fait. PORTLINESS, a tie 5tattlid)feit, SSiirbe, ber v ?(uilanb. PORTLY.a&jrattlicb.anfebnljd), iviir» bebcll, erbabeit; bcdiiniiibig, aufi geblafen. PORTMANTEAU, ». ter 3JranteIfa(f ; 3Ranteltrager; ta^ Jtleibergeflell. PI IRTOISE s .Y V. oid. Gi N« m.k: to ride a—, mit ©tengen nub SRaaen im •OcM gefrrid)en (nitbergelafferO »oi Sinter liegen, PORTB \ir. ». bafl portrait, SBiTbnt?. PORTRAITURE, ». bie SBortraitmates rei, Qitbnif malerci ; bal portrait, SBilbnif. 7b PORTRAY, >: a. 1. abbtlbcn, obtltas leu, maleit; 2. fd)ilbcru ; 3. bcmaleu iUV it. 1 . PORTRESS, s bie "1-fortiierinn, I bur* fteberinu; Xrageriuu. 313 POST POST POTA PORTUGAI., f- ^OttUflat. PORTUGUESE, I. a ber SHortngt'cfc ; bie 'l'orttnycn>i'i ; the — . pi. btc 4?ct"= fugiefen; ii. adj portugieftfd). PORV, adj. rill. Porous. POSE s. ir t. bas mit alien vier aii pen auf ber @rbe ftiUfteljeiibc Shier. To Pi 6E, b. «. bnrrfi jvragcit irrc ma= d?en, ;um Scbroeigen bitngen ; fiocfen ma cite it. POSER, ». 1. ber Srager, 93erlj5rettbe, SPriifer;2. bag ■Oinberntii, bcrviuftoti. posited, «.//. fjefefet, geftellt. position, «. 1. bte Srefiung, ?age, 4cr Stanb; 2. Safe, ©runbfafc; 3. Gram. V. b!C Tofltioil. POSITIVE, «anbcn baben. possESSioNER, ». ber ©eftyer. possessive adj. befifcenb ; einen ©e= fi§ bebeutenb ; — case, ber ©cfi&fall, baS iifffeffiuunt. POSSESSOR, s. bcr^nbabcr, ©eftfcer, (5"igcittbiimcr, .fterr. POSSESSORY, adj. beftijcnb, eijen-- tbitiulirf); i. t. voffeffortf*. posset, ». bie 39iermolfctt, WloUtn, ba§ ©erumteite. Tu POSSET, d. a. -fgerinnen maeb,ctt. POSSIBILITY, s. bie llttbglicbfeit. POSSIBLE, adj. lltBgltcf). POSSIBLY, adv. l.nibalict); 2. vitU letrbt, ctum, iiermnthliet ; iff — can, toettn id) irqenb faun. POST, ... 1. ber ^fabl, ^foftett, (Stfilf ber; bicSriifee; 2. bag SpoflvaVter, 33rtefvapicr ; 3. ber Soften, Stanb, ■4>(afe bie SfeCe, Station; 4. ber ^tmft, ba« «mf: 5. bie Sfellung, ««ge; 6 ^oit; -Isoitfratiott ; 7. ber tstlbotc ; 8. ber ^ritta,? ; from — to pillar, yon ctttcr tfrfc vn bie anbere, Sic bin unb bet; to keep the — , anf bent SJJojlen fteheit ; to ride — , Sonrier veitett; to travel — , mit btl" 5Pofl vet's fell; by the first (or by return of) — , mit crfter ober nntjehenber 5|$ofi ; by ^-night's — , mit betttiger i^oft ; regu- lations of the — , bie ^Joftrtbrtung; in a few posts, in etnigen (^ot't=)ia: (ien ; in compos. — boy, ber ^ofttitecbt, ^oftiUicn ; — captain, rt«t ttttter Captain ; — chaise, bie ^softcbatfc ; — date. vitl. Postdate ; — day, bet ^ofttag ; — doctor, ber Quacf fa I = ber; — entry, bie 3'"t'eniiiangabc (beint 3t , H I. Stad)»erjoUung ; — free, Vpftfrei, portofret, franco; —haste. bie (groiie) (*tlc; in (grower) CSite, peiftfcbuell ; — horse, ba« ^JoflpferB ; change of — horses, ber ^pftau'eblel ; keeper of the — horses ber s 4> t> f t tj a I = tec (ber bie ipferbe bait); to travel with — horses, mit @rfrfi reiuut ; — house, baS "i'ofthans ; ber ^Jofts ftali ; — man, ber "isoftreiter ; SBrtefs tragcr ; — mark, bae ^Boftjeicpen ; — master, ber $oftmeifter ; ber Sfleben= Vfritttbner ; deputy — master, ber SJiofinernjalter; — master general, ber Oberpoftmeiiter, (Menera(poft= meifter; — mill, bie 3Banbmitt)lc ; beutfebe ^rif - uber SBlocfinubie ; — note, eiae Sanfnote, ba fie per SJJofl ciitgefanbt njirb, ni'tt mi partem; fi)tt= bcrtt an Orber geftellt ift ; — obits ( — obit bonds), "Obligatttnten, bie narb hem S)obe einer ^Jerfon wblbar finb; — octavo, baS fleiite Oetat)(= format); — office, bie s J}pft, baS ^oftbaifJ; SPofiamt ; — office de- partment, baa SPoftroefett ; — office- general, ba« Obcrpoftamt ; — paid, poftfrei, portofrei. franco ; — paid to Mr.***, franco .^ervn ***; —paid toL, poftfrei biS £. ; to send — paid, V o ft f r e t maiten, franfircit; — paper, baS Jpoftpapter ; — road, bie SPofl= ftrafie, ber !{5offn)eg ; — stasc bie "4>oft= Station ; — town, ber "i'oitort. To POST. B . I. n. 1. ftellcn, feifceit; 2. (eitte iBofl) eintragen, einfobreiben, ubcrtragen, 3. (— ap). ' attfeb, tagen, anheften, aufjteHeti, bffetttliit befattnt marbeu; to — (upi the books, M. Ph. (bie ^iirbcr) tnS Sleine fitreiben, i:arbtragcit, itbertragen; to — one's self, feften Sub (JJofto) faffen, fteb feft fe^en, fit lagevn ; bill posted up. ber 3lnfcb,lagjefrel, 3lnfcb.lag, ba8 ^lacat; II. n. mit ber ~^oft reifen ; eileu. postage«(S8ricf-)5Porto, SBrief* gelb, ^ojlgelb ; exemption from — , bie ^oftfreiheit ; M. E-». — account, baS ijJortocontO; bie ^ortorcrbnung ; — book. bitS ^OrtObllt : — free, — paid, poftfrei, portofrei, franco. To POSTDATE, v. a. fpatcr batircti, naebbatircn, poftbattrett. POSTDILUVIAL, ) I. adj. nat ber postdiluvian, S eiinbflntb Ie= bettb ober gehteben ; n. Postdiluvians, t. pi. bie il)lenfdj)en nad) ber ®uub« flntb. poster, s. ber Gtibote, fionricr; Scbncllreifettbe. posterior, I. adj. narljfommenb, natberig, fpatcr, bitttcr; to be — to . . , narb, ettoaS fommctt oberfe^n; II Posteriors, s. pi. ber .£>intcre, ba8 ©efafj. posteriority, ... bie 5?oIg», fpatere 3cit, iaS Spatcrfcmt, "Jtacbgcbett. p. isterity. s. bie Sfcarbfommenfc^aft, Wacbroelt, 9Jatfonimen. POSTERN. .. t>aS rhiirten, 'pfbrteben, bie jeheime, Sffiaubtbiir; — giu ba« .Sintcrtbor. POSTEXISTENCE, ... ba« fftnftifje 5i. fcriti, bie fititftige Sortbduer. POSTHUMOUS [adv. — ly), adj. Racbgei boren (narb bc$ SSaterS 5bbe) ; biu» terlaffen (narb beS Serfafferfi Jtobe). pos/ il, s. bie [Ranbgfoffe, v Jtacl)fitrift, ber 2lnbatig. To post i L, v. a. mit 3ianbgfoffoi oerfeben. POSTILER, s. ber ©loffenfitreiber, 3ianbbcmerfer. POSTILLION, s ber ^oftiliion, ^of:= fueebt ; SBorreiter. postlimintar. > mi) berttaef) ge« POSTLIMINIOUS, \ fitcbcnb, iia'eb= folgenb. POSTLIMINIUM,?*, ber SBtcbercitu postliminy, 5 tritt iii ben vori- (ien iBcfi^. postmeridian, adj. ltactiiiitta.y'a,. postnate, adj. fpatcr gcboreu,' fpa» ter erfolgenb (w.iu. To POSTPONE, v.a. 1. natfcfcett, i^c- ringer atten ; htntan feljen ; 2. »er- frhteben, anffiticbcit. POSTPONEMENT, s. ber £Gerfif)itt>, SUiffcbub. postposition, s. ba« SRac^fefeen; i^tntanfeften ; ber 93erfcbub, POSTSCRIPT, .?. bie ^arijfeluift. postulant, s. ber ©emerber, Slnftt* cber, Slnwarfer, (ianbtbat. To postulate, v.a. 1. forbcrtt, bci= fiten, begebren; 2. porausfetjen, al? lvabranuebmeu. postulate, s. bt'c SBorauSfeftung ba* ^oftnlat, ber ^eifebefafc. postulation, s. 1. bie 3otbcrnng, baS Segebreii; 2. bte iHnnaljme, SSorausfefemig. POSTULATORY, adj. forbcrtib ; ^or= auSfefteub ; »oran$gefe|jt. POSTULATUM, vid. Postulate. posture, s. 1. bie spofttitr, etethtng, ?age (bes I'eibeS) ; 2. 3tie&twtg ; 3. Sage, ber Stanb ; — master, ber Xhu tcrriebt in fitnftlidien Stelhtiigeii be* SetbeS crtl^eilt, 3iici;tmciftcr, i\n> ftanbslebrer. To POSTURE, o. a. ficfleti, riittctt. posy, s. 1. bie ?lufi'itrtft, ber ^enf-- fprud) (anf einein atinge, u. f. n>.) ; 2. ©lumenfiraup. pot, s. ber .Topf. fiafen ; jtrng ; bie .Ranne, ba* -IVafi; drinking — , ber SBierfrug, bie ilierfamte; to go to — , bunt bie ©urgel gctcti ; tuuloren (mhj. in bie ^i'ljc) g'eben ; — bellied, btif bamtig ; — belly, Sicfbaitcb, Dtcfamnft; — boy, ber 'Jliifmartrr in einein ^Bterbanfe ; — butter, bie Sopfbutter, gefaljene ©utter ; — companion, ber ^eebbruber; — full, etit Sopfooli, eitte .llattne Poll ; — girl, baSSrbenfinSbcbeU; — hanger, bcrSopfbafcn, Jteffelbafeu ; — herbs, ;)/. Jiitctcnf ranter, ©emiife; — hook, ber Sopfbcnfcl ; jig. ba» ©efrifeel bie Jlrabenfii^e; — house b.i* S3ieri bans ; — ladle, ber Jloriilbffel, Nnbr- (bffel ; — lid, ber Sopfbecfel, bi, ©ttirje ; to take — luck with . ., fiir= lieb nchnteii mit . . ; — man. ber ^citbrtlber; — marjoram, ber itocb* ntajorait {Origanum omtr* — L.) ; — metal, mit ©Ici bcfrbiifteS Sa^= fupfer ; —pan. bie iscbmorpfaitne; — sherd, bie ©rberbe ; — stone, ta S'opfftcin; — valiant, bebcrjt com X'riinfe. To pot. v. a. in einen Sojf tbnn; baritt »crwab»eti: einmad)eu. potarle. adj. trtnfbar; — gol4 ©olbtiitctur ; — ness, s. i'.t 3;rinf' barfeit. POTAGE, s. vid. Pottage. POUN POWE PRAN POTAGER, *. bie 2itppeitfd)itffcl, fc« Suppemupf. POTAGRO, ( ». ctnc nieflinbtfc^c 3aTj= POTARGO, \ briihe. potas-;, } ***«•»«. POTATION, *. 1. ba8 £rinfctt, 3ed;cit; 3ed)gclag ; 2. ©etranf. POTATO. *. bie $atate, Jtartoffcl, ©ntnbbini, (Srbbirn, bcr (Srbapfel ; — scoop, ritt 2JJeffer urn ba8 'Jluge ans Segefartoffeln in frbnciben. pi itence, .v. n. r. bae frficfenfonnige ftreuj. POTENCY, s. bie SDZacfef, fflcmalt, ber (Sinflitp ; bie Jim ft, Starfe. POTENT (ml,: — ly), adj. lliadjttg, gc= waltig, ftarf. POTENTATE; s. ber *poteittat, 2Jio= Bard). potential, arf/. sermoQcitb in ivii-= fen, mo.ilid); cine ocrborgcne .ftraft in fid) fd)lie(seiib, ittnerlid); Med, T. »PtCllttt'll; — mood. Oram. T. bcr ^ofcntialie ; — ly, adv. tit bee -3li\y- lirbfcit; iiincvlid). potentiality, .-• bie SBermSgen&ett, iDioglirbfcit ; innere Jtraft. POTENTNESS, ». (W. ii.) vid. Potency. pother, s. wig. ber Sarin, baa ©e= rattfeb, ©etfimntel, ©efdjrei. 7» POTHER, v. I. v. larnicii, ppltcrit, cifent; ii a. belaftigcn, ocrtricfilid) uiad)eit ; to — one's self, fid) »ergeb= lid) rtiiftrengen, fid) abeifern. potion, s. ber (3lrMaa$. POUCH, g. I. bie Xafrbe, ber SJentcl; 2. SBanfl, Sattd). Ti> POUCH, v. a. einftetfen; I)inciit= fcbludm poui/r, ». bafi jititge .£>ul)n, «u= d)en, jtucblein. POULTERER, ». ber .guibtterbanblcr, Aetcroicbhaitbler. POULTICE, ». Med. T. ber erweicbeitbe Umfd)lag bag iRrauterpflafter. 7b POULTICE, d. «. eiitcit enueichcii= ben UmfcbJag aiiflcgcn. POULTRY, s. tae (^au8=)@eflftgel, geberoieb ; — market, ber «£)iibners ntai'ft. ©eflugclmarft ; — yard, ber $ ul) ii er I) of. pounce, ». 1. baS 5Bim8ftetnpuh>er ; Sattbvtiaf=(-'i>ibii = )^uluer ; 2. bie SBanfdje (ein SadVnen nut jtoblen* itanb, u. f. to. ein JDiufter bnt(bju= ftiiubeit); 3. bie burdbbrodjeite Saps beit ; 4. bie JlUiue, Aralle. rv pounce, o. i. a. mit ©imsfteins putoer befircuen ; mit iMmafteiii ab= reiben; u. n. (—upon), fiber etmas berfallen, e3 pacfen (mit beit JUitueii oberjtrallen), tvalleit. wjunu, s. 1. ba« ^fiiub ; 2. bie .Oiir= be; ( — overt), ber $fanbjlaU ; by the — , pfmtbweife ; — foolish, /am. fiber etne Heine @umme eitte grojje ucr= nacplafftgenb ; — weight, bal •]]funb« getoicbt, ber SBfunbftein. 7b pound, v. a. I. einfperren in ben SJJfatibftall) ; '.' jerftofen, jernialmen, ftctjeii. POUNDAGE, .-. b>i5 ^fimbjclb; $ro= oijtOll per fpfitnb. POUNDER, i. I. bcr 2 toiler, 2tof;cl, tic.Uenle; 2. bcr ^ffinber ; 3. bie spfunbbirn ; ten — . ber 3eb,npfuuber. 7VPOUR, r. I. a. gieHeii, frbfilten: to — forth, auSftrSmen, ftromen laf- fen ; to — out, au4gie§en, auSfobub ten ; >in*fd)ciifeti ; II n. heftig flie= pen, ftromen, riitneit, lattfett; fid) mit •pefttgfeit beioegen, babinftur= jen ; einfd)enfen ; to — in, M. Pit. einlattfen (oon 2luftragcii) ; it cannot rain bu alleiit. rain but it pours, sanrtragen; ; n cs s, Eein ".tiigliii fo mint POURER, ». ber ©tefenbe, t5'infd)en= fenbe. POURLrEU,* aid. Poklied. To POURTRAY, b. a. vid. To Portray. pout, s. 1. bie Samprete, iivicfc; (eel — ), Slalraupe, Quappe (Oadtu lota — Li; (whiting — ), ber etciiu bolf, breitc 2d)ellfiiM) (Ondus barba- u,s — L); 2. bae ^afelbu^n, SBirfs biifin ; 3. 3»"ge »om ©efligel, •Oiilmdjeit; turkey — , bet jiunc !pu= ter ; in the pouts, ™v. fibler Semite. To POUT, d. n. l. bae 'JDJiinl baiigen, maitlen, fdiniolleii ; 2. iberbangen, bcioovfteb.-ii ; to — out one's lips. mauleil, fdjmollcn^ wig, flntitfdien ; pouiinK fellow, ber Salter topf; pouting lips, birfe, bangenbe Sippen. F< )VEKTV, s. bie •ilrmiitl), ter 2Kangel. powder, s. bcr Staub, bae $uloer; Sd)ic§piilycr ; bcr (,^aar=)$nber ; — ba^, ber ^iiberbeittel; — black, puloeriftrte ifranffurter) erbmarjc; — box, bie ^nberbiiebfe, Streubiichfe ; — brass, ©treuglanj ; — cart, bcr ^uloeramgen, iDcuntttonSnagen ; — chest, ber $utoerfaften ; rie eprengs ober ©pringfiiie, jeuerfifte ; — flask ( — horn). bas SJMoerborn ; — mill, bie ^Sulycrmiihlc ; —mine, tie ?Juloermi= tic ; —monkey, Sea cant, ber Sd)iffi3= jungc, ber auf JtrtegSfcfytffen SJJuloet aus bent iKagajine bolen niiie ; — moss, ba3 ©taubmoos, ,*3aariiioo8 ; — puff; bcr "Jsiibcranaft ; — rail, bcr "i'tu berntantel; — room, bie SPuloerfanu mer ; — sugar, bcr geftopenc 3»^r» spuberjucfer. To POWDER, >•. a. 1. |U Staub jer- malntcn ; piilocrn, jerreiben ; pn= bent; 2. befireuen; 3. einfaUrn, ein= pfejfem ; powdering-tub, bae ^oFelfafj. pi IWDERY, adj. pnlocravtig, ft.iubig ; jerreiblir^. POWER, s. 1. bieUJIacbt; 2. .Ocercs= uiaAt ; :3. ©etoalt ; 4. fierrfebaft ; "). ber @tnfiit§; ti. ba« i?ennogen, bie Jf raft; Stiirfe; T-s rmoving— ), bie betoegenbe Jtraft einer iUant ine ; (maintaining — ), bie Seber* ober &(- tiHittfraft, bie bae "^eiitel bewegt; 7. M K. bie iU-oeura; (— of mior- ney , /.. T-» tie i8ollmart)t; general — of attorney, bie ©elieraUTsoll= madit; to give — ■ of attorney, 33oIt a marbt (Jtt B. aueb Sirrna) gcbeit ; men in — ©eroaltbaber ; powers,^, 1. bie Cebenflgeiftc r ; iDtarpte, ( s U ; t: ter ; •>. 77k, T. bie bod)|lc Drbnung bcr Q\u\(\ ; theatrical — , tai 2ii)ar- fpielertalettt. POWERFUL [adv. — i.y\ ndj niacbtig, geioaltig; einfluf'vcid) ; frfiftig, roirffain; — nes», ». bie uTJatfct, ©e= roalt jtrafl Starfe, SBirffainfeit, POWERLESS, adj traftloS, obnntad)= tig. POWLDRON, ». //. r. bae 2dni!trrf ftiicf ter Stfifiunj. POWTEH, ». mc wropftaube. POX,*, pi. tie Aramoum, 8u|lfeur^J ; small — . tic jtinberbtattern. im.xi.I), f adj. benerifit, pocfig, Pon POXY, . lvcgfam, falnbar ; :J. ergreifbar; — breach, MU. T. eincera ftumtbare 33rcfd)c ; -—ness, *. vid. Pbacticabiutt. PRACTICAL [ado.— ly), adj I. prafc> tifeb, rocvftbati;3,ivirflid), auSfibenb ; 2. amoeubbar ; — divinity, bie tbeo» logifebe JDJoral; —ness, s. tae i|Jrat» tifrbe, tic SBerftbSttgfeit. PR VCT1CE, ».l. tic iJJrariS, OlnMil'iun], grfabruitg, Jlnroenbung; 2, arjtlt» d)e SBcbaiiblnng ; ;5. llebung, ©e« loohnbcir, ter ©cbraud) ; 4. tie ®e« tvanttbeit, ®cfd)icflirbfeit, Acrtig= fcit ; 5. /.. T. i ; i'afiifc ; foul — . niebrige i^ittel, Stbletfroege, 3tan« fc; in — , gangbar, ublicg; to put into—, iii (ausffihrung (in ©angj bringen ; out of—, aui ber Uebttng, PRACTISANT, s. (it. ii.) rid. I'r \< -ivtu To PRACTISE, v a.* n. 1. peattieireu, aueuben, t reiben : 2. arjtlidj be!Mii> bcln, ftrjflirfje 93erfnd)e marbcii; 3. iiben, fiit ubeit; 4. (heimlid)it) rab« rrten, abfarten ; S. 9tanfe fd)inic= beit; to — physic, ausfibenber s Brjt font; to — upon one, eiitcit turd) jtuitftgriffe tu gerot'nncn fudjen; ci> licit 3lnfeblag auf einen macbcit; practised in trade, gefcbaflefunbig. PRACneER,».bfr$ratticuS,3lu«iibctt< be, ausubenbe Sflrjt, n. f. ». PRACTITIONER ». i. ber ^iv.fticne, auefibenbe Slrjt ober SJJecbtSgelebrte ; 2. gciibte, rrfabrue 0. 1 iaiui,,Uiinftoer.- ftahbige; 3. 9ianfefd)inieb. PRAECIPE, ». /.. T. ber Sefeb,!, ban ber ©eflagte etioas len'ten. ober ben ©runb bee ".Vidnleiftene angeben foil. PR^ecognita, «. pi. bie SSorfennta niffc. PRAGMATICAL (— ic ; adv. —vt),adj. fid) in frembe Saoben mifebenb, 511= bringlicb gefepaftig, jubringlid), n.\-- feivcie ; pragmatic sanction, tie prag= matifitc Sanction; pragmatical fel- low, bcr 9tafcroeiS, singling : — ness, .?. tae v 4>vajntati|"d)e ; tie iJlafc: wjciebcit. PRAGM \TisT,.? bcr ficbin frembe ?ln = gclcgciibeircii itnbernfeii iWifcbcnbe, PRAGUE,*, (tie Stabtl 5Jrag. PRAIRIE,* tie iiatuiliif e (mttfippu gent ©rafe beroactfenc) SJBiefe lint j;itiicrit oon SUorbamerifa, <\laebe, Sbenc obiic SBauine), ©raaebene, ©rafirofifte. PR USE, 1. bae Sob, ter |5ret8, SRnbm, bie dbve ; in bit — , ibnt turn Vobe ; — worthy, — worthily, preie.ourri.j ; — worthiness, tic ?J3reieiourbigteit. To PRAISE, b a. lobcn t — 1 ir, toegen), riibmen, pieifeii. PRAISELES9 > . iingcpriefcn. PRAISER i. ber Sobcnbe $retfente. 7b PRANCE, p n. I. fid) bviiiinen ; 2. prangenb tetten; tur Srbaii reiten; fid) lu'iuten, ptitnfcii. ftoljiren. V'j PRANK r. a, putjen. f,+imiiifeit ; tc — up, berauSpuben, aufftinu'ii. prank, b bet voffeii, Streitfi, bit Scb,elmereL 317 PREC PREC PRED FRANKER. *. bet Stiver. PRANKING, e. tcr iibcrtricbcne 5J?u§, vitaat. PRASE; « tcr $rafcr, Sprafem, bie Smaragbmutter, PRAS in, s. l. tcr Saucp ; 2. baS©ce= gra^. Tj prate, r. m. icbrca&en, planbera. PRATE, s. ta~ ©efcproafc ©eioafcp. PRATEH, *. tcr Scpioafcer. PRATIQUE (Pratic), s. JV. T. ber S.l= bungsbrief, bie @r(aubni|j banbeln |u bfirfcit narb '-Borjcigung be$ ©efunt= peitspaffeti ; frcictautitngnacpauss gebal truer Quarantine. Tc PRATTLE, v. n. fcbivafccn, plan* tern. prattle, s. baS ©efcbroafc, ©enufefc. PRATTLEMENT, 8 rid. Prattle. prattler. Scprodfcer, ^laube* rer. pravity, s. bie 33erbcrbtr)cif, SoS* heir. Prawn, i. bas SKectpferboJen ; bie Jtrabbe (Cancer squill i — /,.). praxis, s. bie iptaris, 2lusiibmig. t-prav, v. a. a- a. beteii; bitten; cr= fiiefaeii, aiifTefjcn ; to — to God, ju ©ottbetcit; —doit, o thuit «ie e» bod). PRAYER, .9. baS ©ebef ; bie 5Mtte ; baS SlllfllCpeit; to he at (or to say one's) prayers, feht ©ebet Pcrricbtcu; the Lords — . baS Baterunfet ; — book, baS ©ebetbucp ; tie Slgenbe. PRAYERFUL (adv. — ly), adj. ailbacp; tig, sicl betctit, mit oielem ©ebet. PRAYERLES3. adj. cbue ©ebet ; — s.«^s s. bie 33ernacpIaf|Tgung tcs @c= betS. PRAYENGLY, adv.Uttnb. 7b PREACH, o. a. &■ n. prebigen, «er= Eiintigcu; lebreu; to — down, miter etroas tiferit; abfanjeln; to — up, bcraujftrcicp.'ii. erbeben. PREACHER s. ber ^reti-ter. PREACHMAN, s. coat, tor sPrebtgct. preachment, s. coat bas (Seprebtge, &aiije(gefrpn)a$, tie etrafprebigt. PREACQUAINTANCE, s.bte Porlaufige Jtunce. PREAdamites, *. pi. ^Jraabamtten, 33or=3lbamer. PREADMLNISTRATION, s. bie OOtlaUs ftge (grtpeilung. To PREADMONISH, v. a. OOtfjet W«= nen ober ermabuen. PREADMi INI L'K in, s. bie 33orljcnuar= ming, 33orf>erermabming. PREAMBLE, * tcr (Singang, bie 2>or= rebt, Sinleituug ; to — , v. a. etnc SSorrebe marpeu. To PRE VMBULATE, v. n.UOrait^ckn, Porbergeben. preambulation, s. bo3 SBor^erge* ben. PREAMBULATORY. adj. »orbera,cr.cnt. PREAPPREHENSION. s tic ootgefaptc SDieinnng. baS iUnuvtheil. preaudience, s. i.. T. tie SRangfoJs ge tcr "Jltsofaten vox ©ericpt. prebend, s. tic ^rabenbe, Spfrfinbe, Stifrsjtelle. PREBENDAL, adj. ju ciitcr ^friinbe ge= porig. prebendary, s. ber ^frunbttet, BtiftSpett. " prebendaryship .-. bad jtauonicat. °RECARIOUS [ode.— L y), adj. 1. OUS Sergunfiigunfl befiftenb otcr genies penb littiirt), abbangtg ; 2. un'iicbcr, fcproanfenb, precat; — trade, M. E. ber $rerarrtbanbet ; — ness, «. bie abbangigfeit. Unfiqjerpett, precai'ive »a4 bittenb, crut= PRECatdry, j rbcnt ; uutertourflg. beiniitbtg. 318 PRECAUTION, .-. bie Sorficbr, 33cr= roaprung, Sepurfamfeit ; aBamung; tn take — , oorbaiieit, ftcp uermapren, 3J?a§regetn treffen. To PRECAUTION, v. a. sprbaucii, ocr(ju= ten; roartiei!. PRECAUTIONAL, 1 adj. sorjtcptig, PRECAUTIONARY. 5 bebutfam ; — measures, SJor ficti tr m a fu'Cijelll ; to take — measures, SSorfeprUltgett trcf= feu. To PRECEDE, v. a. vcrkrgcbcn, sor= gebcu. PRECEDENCE (— cy), ». 1. ba3 9?or= gepen ; 2. ber i'ortritr, Sorrang, Sflang, 93orjug ; L. T. bie '^rioritat; to hold the — , vorgeben. PRECEDENT, adj. vtu-luugcbciib, "prig. PRECEDENT, 5. bet finhcic Aall, tas (^ccbt6=) SBeifpieJ, fBlu\tn ; to be without a — , uocp uiebt ba goroefen fepn, betfpteUoS; —book, tas 5or= mularbiicb. PRECKDENTED.a'//. burcb ciucn "orber "orgefommenen gall ju recptfertt= gen, ein -^raj-.tbicat fur ftrb pabenb. PRECEDENTLY, ado. SOrper, »0tlttU= Pg. PRECENTOR. ». ber iPorfauger. precept, s 1. tie sSorf(prift,ba§®e= bot; bie Megel, 3li(ptfcbitiir ; gebre, ber Untcrriitt; 2. /,. pk tcr S3orla= bungSbefepI ciner ©ericptSperfon. preceptive, adj ror'cbrcibeub, sor= fcpriftlicp ; uutcrricbreub. preceptor, s. ber ^ehrer, Sebrmei-- ftcr, §ofmeijier, (jrjieher. PRECEFruRiAL, adj. ju ciucm ?cbrer gcbijrig; a — prebend, cine mit bem Seprmeijleramte eerbunbene $friin= be. PRECEPTORY, I. adj. 93orfitttftcu cr^ tbeilcitb ; u.i.bie Sepranjlalt. precession. ». jist. T. izi JSorrutfen bes UequiiioctiumS ge.icit Djien. precint, .c. bet ^eiirf, Umfang, ba3 gBeitpbilb. PRECIOUS Inde. — lyJ, ndj f oftbar, E5Jl= licb; — metals, ctle Wlttallt; — stones, (ItelitcillC; — ness, s bicJtojh barfeit, Jtoftlitpfcif. PRECIPE, s. vid. Precipe. PRECIPICE, 8. ber Hbgrmtb, bie ftcifc ( iapej Siefe; jig. plb&licpe gro^e @e= fapt. PRECIPITANCE (—cy). s. bie 3at)e, 33oreiligfeit, Uebereilung. PRECIPITANT (ado. — ly), I. adj. 1 fturjcnb, jahc, ficil; 2. eilig. trin= gent ; ilcb ubereileiib ; vorntucil ; n.« Med. T. t.i;- nieberfrplageiibe liiittcl; c*. r. ber SJtieberfcplag, baS ^Jtacipi= tat. To PRECIPITATE, v. a. & n. 1. ftiiqcil, petabjiur«n (— from, ton) ; 2. ju fept befcpleuiitgen, uberei'cn; ftiij iibcrcileu; 3. c*. t niebetirb.lttgen, 511 Soben fallen laifeit ; ftcp fcfteu, 511 ©uben fallen, itnfeit. PRECIPITATE, I. adj. 1. jabe, (tcil ; jlurjenb ; 2. ju fehr beftteuiiigt, Qbcreitt, ooreitig, uorfcpnell ; n.s Ci r.bas spracipitat, bet Kieberftplag ; — of gold, ©oltVliriUir ; — of mer- cury (red — ), ber Que(fftlbernieber= fcblag. PRECIPITATELY, adv. jat;e nicber; iiber .§als unt Jtrpf. precipitation. 5 I. bo« Sfurjen. fierabpuTjen, ber (Sturj; 2. tic llebcrcilung ; 3. c?t. T tcr 51ictcr= fcblag. PRECIPITATOR, s. ber Scfrplcuniger. PRECIPITOUS ufo. — ly . adj. 1. jabe ; 2. baitia, iibcreilf, oorfrbnell; —ness, .'. bie 3ope, ungeftume@ile. PRECISE (ado. — ly), adj. I. bcftilltmt, genan ; 2. auafllicb, ju pfinfllitb; 5 fteif, vctautifrp; gejronngen, gesiert — ncss,8. I. bie ^rftim'mtbeit, ©e. nautgfeit; 2. angftlirbe ^unftlicpfeit precision, s. bie sBejlimmtpeit, ©e» nauigfeit. PRECisivE, adj. gcnau beftimmenl obet eiufcpranEenb. To PRECLUDE, r. a. ailef d)ltefjert pemmetti biuberu. PRECLUSION, s. bie ^uSfrpIie^ung ^inberung. PRECLUSIVE (adv.— ly), af/.pinbemb auSfrptie^enb. precocious, adj. frfipreif, friibjeittg PRECOCIOUSNESS. I 8. tie Aiuhicife PRECOCITY, J grubteiii.ifcit. To PRECOGITATE, v. a. SC-rtjcr bctcu= feu ober uberlegeii (». ii.). PRECOGN1TA. 8. rid. PR.ErocNTTA. precognition, g ba« SJotwiffeii ; bet SBotbebc^t; bie yorbergerjeute Uu> terfiKpung. To precompose, v. a. oorfier »crfaf= feu. PRECONCEIT. s. ber 9?orbegrijf, bie »orgefafJte2Heimmg, ta? ii'orurtbcil. To PRECONCEIVE, n. a. SOtpet faff CO. fidp DOtpet vorjleUcu. PRECONCEPTION. 8. aid. Preconceit. PRECONCERTED, adj. rorlicr verabre = bet. ToPRECONSIGN, d. a. iltill Sotaufl afc» tbuu oter abmacpeti. PRECONTRACT, s tcr vprbcr,icb)cnb« Sertrag, ber friiberc 5l5erg(cicb. To PRECONTRACT, r> a. OOfpet "Cialci-- rpen, oorpet oerfpretpen. precursor, s. tcr Sorlaufer, 23or^ bole. PRECURSORY, adj. Botlaufta,, ciulei= tenb. predaceous,^//. uom fflaube tebcub. PRKDAL, adj. raubent.raubcrircb. predator v,«rf/. raubcnl, plunbetnb ; rauberifrb, raubfiicbtig ; — ezcuisioa ter SRaitDjitg. To predecease, v. a. lunber (friiber: ftcrben. PREDECEASED, adj. yorber verflorben PREDECESSORjS.ber'-Jjorgangerjiipr^ fabr. PREDESTINARTAN, Th. T s. ber tie Sorberbeftimmung oter ©uaten= roabtglaubt. To PREDESTINATE r. a. yOtbcr be= ftunmcu, aiiSerruapleit. PREDESTINATE, adj. vprbcrbeftimmt. PREDESTINATION, s. tic ^Oll)erbe- ftiinmung, ©natcuumM. PREDEST1NATOR, s. vid. Predesti. Harian. To PREDESTINE vid. Predestinate. PREDETERMINATE, adj. yorbcrbe= fiimntt. PREDETERMINATION, s. bie 33orber-- beftimimuu], tcr Si)tbef(pluj. To PREDETERMINE, v a. uorber be. [tiinmeit, oorpet befcpliepen, vorbet fei'tfc^en. predial, adj. baS ?anb ober ben ?anb» bau betreffenb ; — esiates, pi. Scmb« giiter; — tithes,^. bie Jriirptjebcnten. PitEDiCABlLlTY, «. bie A.ibig'eit cine @igenf(paft ju bejeirpuen, i'io,iiicp= fcit aiS (Sigeiifcpaft bcige(ejt jiiircf ben. PREDICARI.E Log. T. I. adj. WaS SOU ciueiu 5)iuge behauptet, tenu'etben beigelegt merben faun ; H. s. ter aU= geiiieiuc '-Bcbaiiptuiigsbegiiff ; caa iU'.n-ifabilc. PREDICAMENT, s. Log. T baS $rabis rainent, tcr sBeMegungSbcgrijf; bie .Rategorie, Elaffe, Ortniuig, baJ Sacp PREF PRLDICAMENTAL, adj. btc otrttegpricrt, u. f. W. betreffenb. PREDICANT, *. bet ttwai opu cinem Singe bebauptet. H> PREDICATE, r. a. <$• n. beftailptctt, beilegen. PREDICATE, s. £0^. T. KlS SBtflbitat, 33cbrtuptiiiigdii•. tic OOfljetge* gangene $riifung, Dorfjergegaugeue sjlbljijrung. to PRE-EXAMINE v. a oprbcr ptu* fen, iHH'ljcr unterfudjeit; oorijer ab= b pre it. To PREEXIST, r.n. VDVf'CV trt (fi"flC>It vprbattteit feint. PRE-existence, ». bad S3or$etba» femi ; tie ^Svaettftcuj bet Seele. PRE-EXISTEN l". ndj. DOtfcej c.riftirciit, fviiher ost^auben. preeace, s. t;e SButtebe, bet Sin* To preeace, v. *. 4- a. juin (Siugaitge PREJ ober in tet SSorrebc fagen, cintcite;!, eiufiibreu. PREFACER, .?. tet Scrrettiet. PREFATORY, adj. }iir SBorrebe He* iieiib, scigangig, uorlaufig, ciulci= tent. prefect, *. l.bct $rafect, Sorge* fc^te, Sorftcber, Stattfjaltcr, 8anb* vogt; 2. 4kfeb / lSb.aber. PREFECTSHlP, 7 t. tie £Sefc6Tsr)a= PREFECTURE, i bcvftcilc, Stattl;al= tevfdjaft. to PREFER, v. a. 1. vovjiefjen; 2. ct= beben, fcfjJi^cn, I)od)ad)teit; 6ef5r* tent; 3. barreicben; 4. oortrqgttt, oorbttiigcn, votfcbKigen ; 1 — it iio fore ( — to above) every tiling, id) pr= fnlbe. PREFIXION, g. tic a3ot(aii)fe>Jung ; Seftimmuitg. to PREFORM "• * V'pvbcr biltctt. PREFULGENCY, *. tic ^Pi[citd;tuiig, bad i'pilcud)tcu. PREGNABLE, adj. cittttebmbar, jit er= obcrtt, bejnjiugbat u>. u.). pregnancy ». 1, tic Sd>iuanger= fcfeaft; 2rad)ligfcit ; 2. fig. gtutht* barfeit, gfiUej 9Cidjtigfeit j cvfiit- terifdie JTvaft ; — of wit, bet Strom befl aflifteS. pregnant, adj. I. fdiwaitget (— with, mit, by, »on) ; Iradjrig ; 2. fig friirijtbar; geljaltreid) ; 3. iuid}tig, fplgcreid) ; a — gemus, citt erftltberi; fdnu- jtopf. PREGUSTATION, ».baS Sot^etfoflei! ; ter SBotfcbjnacf. prehensile atij. greifenb, ergreifenb ; 511m ©reifen geeigitet, prehension,' s. bie ©teifung, Gr= greifung, PREHNrrE, s. ber spre^nii (ein RofftI). to PREINSTRUCT, o. a. OOtlfiufEa, UU* tcrricbtoit. To prfjuix;e i: a. I'pfbcr ttvtbcilcit ; jum ootaua oerurtfteileu, abfpredjeit. PREJUDGMENT, ». tie 5Jetutf^eiluiifl jitm ootauS. to PREJUD1CATE, ». a, &■ «. }Um 00r* au3 uerurtl)cilcit, plmc SPriifung wcr= bammen. PREJUDICATE, adj. I. OUfl SSotUtt^ei* leu licrritbrciit, ailf ©prurtheilcit ge* gtiiubet; 2. 0011 5Jonutbeilen cittgc= tiontmcti, befangen (». ft.}. prejudication, », ba< oorliiuftgc PREM foot ter 3ett gegebene) Urtbeil ; 3lb« fprcdiett. PREIUDICATTYE, adj. im iBoraul enffrbeibeitb, oonirt^eilenb. prejudice ». 1. tas SBorut tfceit ; 2. bet Wacbtbeil. Slbbrucb, (Stnttag, bit 93eeiittrad)tiguug. to prejudice rn.\. 6enad;tBei* ligeu, beeinttaegtigen, (— one, ci= iienti ^Ibbritrb t bit it. Srbaben berur* fadieit, fdbabeu ; 2. iOoturrbeile bti= btiugen, oorbet einnebmen ; preja- by . . . eingeuomnteii nnit SBot* urtbeil erffilit) feun fcon, Mtrcfc. .. prejudicial J3oreiligEeit baltcn. PltEMATURENESS. i ». I. fie 8tfi(js PREM \i UR1TY S jeitigfeit ; ittt- jeitige JReife llujeitigfeit j 2. allju- grotie 0"ilc SSorciligfeit. to PREMEDITATE n. a. tr «. toprbet bebeufen, bother ubetlegcn, botauJ fiuttctt. PREMEDITATE, adj. Porhcr uberlegl p^cr burebbaebt; — ly,«io. mil Por- bergeneuber Ueberlegnug. premeditation t. bit bovbetge^eni te Ueberlegnug ; bet Borbebacpt, bal JUotbetbebti'iCeu. to premerit, r.n. »orbet Btrbieneu [to. it. . PREMIERE I. adj. ter, tie, bad erftc; 11 ». bet 6t jle, bad .^aupt j ter crfte -yjituiftcr. premiership,*. bie SSfirbe bed erfleu SOlinifietd. to PREMISE o. 1 1. bOtaild febiefcti, botlaufig enoa^nen; 2. SPtSmifftn ftp leljeit. PREMISES ». I. pi. Log. T. tie ^rii' miffen, SBotberfjbe ; 2. /.. T-* tc» Wel;oft, ^aud nebft 3"rt fl )pr, tit 31!) PREP PRES PRES 83irtbfcbaffagebaube, ®ntnbjtii s. tic 33orerills PREMONITION, ) licrung, 2ikr= ming. PRE.Vh (NITORY, adj. bortatlfig CVtll= ncnit, roarneitb, PKEMONSTRANTS,*.pi tic ?i\imcm= ftratcufer rJJioiicbe). To PREMONSTRATE, v. a. borber $ci= gen. Sorter berocifeu (ro. ii.). PREMONSTRATION.s. tcr Sorbcrocia (1». ii.). PREMi >RSE, «. />. 7". 1. baS Urthcit roegen (Stnjtebung tcr PSiitcr, 3uer= renutniij bea Wutcrberfalla; 2. baa SBerbrecbeit, bafl ticfc Strafe nad) ficb jicbt ; 10 incur a — , ftraffailig werben. preminition, s tie 33 c mi a I) run 3 gc= gen ciiicn ©inrourf. prenomen. s. tcr SSorname. To PREM IMINATE. ». a. bOfljCf bCltCU= licit, Border mcltcit. ('RENOMINATE, adj. toprgemiititf, ob= gebadit. PRENOM1NATION, s. bic 5?prbeunt= nung. ber Sorjug, baa >-Borred)t 511= c r ft genamit jit merbeit. PRENi ill >N. .,-. baa iUn-f)crwiffcit, bcr SBorbegriff: tic iSorcntpfiutung, tcr SBorfcbinacf. PRENSAHON, s. tie SBemadjtigung, (Srgreifung (u>. ii.). To PREOBTAIN, r. a. border crbaltcn. PREOCCUPANCY, s. tie 53cft&tteb= mung. bor einem SInbern, baa i J or= hereiiinebmen, Sorgreifen, 3iw= toiituicu. To PREOCCUPATE, vid. Preoccity, PREOCCUPATION, ». 1. tie friihere ffleftfcna&me, baa 3iibprfpniiiicu, SOonbegnehmen ; ber friihere SSefJfc j 2. bic iBegegmmg ciuea (Siuivurfea ; baa SOormtbeil. To PREOCCUPY, v. a. 1. tor ciiicm Slnbcrn i:i SBeftfc nebmen, jttbor megs nebmen, borgretfen. toother einnehs inert ; 2. niit ^orurtbcileu ciuitch= men. To PREOMINATE, v. a. toorr>cr bc= bcutcn, boranjetgen, borbctcuicn. PREOP1NION, x tie borgefafite 3J2ei* nung, tcr SBorbegriff, bo8 33orur= tbcil. preoption, s . ba« 9led&t ber crjtcn ?Ui6U'al)l. To PREORDAIN, v. a. borbcr atiort= tien, friiber oerfngen, uorbcr befeblen. PREORDINANCE, t *. tie friihere 3ln= PREOKI INATION, S ortiiiing. PREokdinate ndj. vorbcr 'augcort^ net, Dorber beftimmt (»». ii.). Preparation, .v. l. tie Borberets tuncj, 3ubereitung, SuruftuitQ, SBors aftalt, ?tnfratt; 2. Sereitung,93cr= fertigung; 8. tag Oebrciu; Ts. (bci tot (Mcrbent) — with haiiny, tie (Sicrftcttbci^e ; gradual — , tie fortcjc= feljte sPci^e. PREPARATIVE, I. (adv.— ty), naj.SOr= bereitettb, jur SSorberettung bienenb; to be — to . . , 511 ctams vbrbcrcitcit, cittlcitett ; 11. s. tic Buberettung, baa iBorbcreifiingSmittel. PREPARATORY, adj. t'prbcrcifctit, Dorlauftg, ais SObvbereituhg uothig. To prepare, v. a. Srn. oorberdfett, JUs bereifen ; bereiten ; vcrattftaltctt; bercit madictt ; fid) yorbcrciten, fid) atifebicfcu; ftcb bercit l;altctt, fid) ritftcn. PREPAREDLY, ado. VOVbcrcitct; itt Serettfebaff. PREPAREDNESS,*, tie 53ereitfdjaft. preparer. s ber 33orbcrcitcttte, 3"= bcreitettte; ba« 33orberettungSmitteI. PREPENSE, adj. uorbctadjt, ' Dorfa6= lid). PREPOLLENCY (Prepoi.lence), s. bie Ucbcrlci]enhcit, ba* Ucbcrgcroicbt. PREPOLLENT, adj. iibcrlcgctt, iibcr= roiegenb. PREI't (NDERANCE (Preponder.vncy),s. ba§ Uebergerotcbt. preponderant, adj. iiberrotegenb. To PREPONDERATE, v. a. *■ n. libera rotegen; fdmnn-er wiegen; iibcnvaU :tgen ; iibcrlcgctt fc»n. PREPONDERATION, s. taS Ucbcrge= roicfot, tie Ucbevlcgcnbcit. To PREPOSE, v. a. »orfefecn, sorati ftcllcn (m. ii.). PREPOSITION. .?. Oram. T. tie ^>ra>P= fttion, taS 3.!cr()a[tnifni''prt. fBorroorf. PREPOSITIVE, adj. yplMIt ftd)Ctlt, »Pr= an gefc^t. PREPOS1TOR, s ber yinffcbcr (yprgc= feftte ©cbuler), Snfvector. To prepossess, i: a. Voider ciituc^= men. prepossession, s. 1. tcr friihere 33c= fi§, tie SQoreinnabine ; 2, baa s Bprnr= thcil, tie (S'iiigciipmmciil)cif, (SittbiU tuttg. PREPOSTEROUS [adv. — i.y), adj. bets fchrt, roiberftunig, abgefrbmaeft, aU bent; — ness, s. tie ^crfe!)rtbcit, 2Bitcrftnnigfcit, ?llberitbrtt. prepotency, s tie Ucbcriitad)t, Ue= berlcgcnheit (to, ii.). prepotent, adj. inad)ttg, gcmaltig, friiftig, ftarf (w. it.). prepuce, s A T. tie 95prbaut. To prereqiiire, ». a. vprlaitftg ucr= taitgcti, uorber erfprtcrn. PRidlECiUlStTE, I. adj. uprhev erforber= ltd); D. * ba-3 5iicrft9 f lpthigc. To PRERESOLVE, v. a. bPlhcr ent= fcblicfsen. preroi;ative. s. ta8 33orrerbt, 33rt= Btlegiunt, tcr 33orjug. prer( h; ati ved, adj. bebprredjtet, vn= oilcgirt (ro. ti.). PRESAGE, 1. tie Sprbcbcutttttg ; 2lfj= nung; ta8 ^prjeicben. To PRESAGE, v. a. uorhcr bctcutctt, anjeigen ; uprhcr fagen, roeiffagen. PRESAGEFUL, adj. al)iiuiig«»Oll. PRESAGEMENT, s. tic ^ortutcutltitg ; Slbnung; SBetffagung. PRESAGER,*. bcr L ^r'pp[)ct, 22ciffa= gentc. PRESBYTER. .?. ber ,lcltcftc; 2. bie Jlirdiei'ialteftcn. pkescie.xce, .*. ta» i'prhcrnnffen. prescient, adj. Bprber tviffcttt, pro> pbetifd). To PRESCIND, v. a. abfebttciten ; ab* fputcrtt, wegitehuieu, abftrahircn (ro. ii.). PRESCINDENT, adj. abfd)i:citcnt ; ab* fytttcntt, abftraliircut. To prescribe, v. a. >\- u, 1. borfcbreis ben, befchien ; berfebreiben, berorb* nett; 2. l. t. tie s i'cr]a()vutig gcltcnb niad)cu. PRESCRIBER, ». einct bcr bprfcijreibt bcrprtnct u. f. to. prescript, I. adj. vprgefdmeben, ser= ortnet; u.s. 1. bie SBorfdmft, £Scr= orbnung ; 2. baa Siecebt. PRESCRiFriON, s. 1. bie 5?orfrbrift, Scrprtuiitig; 2. baa Accept; 3. L. T tie Skrjatjruug, taai!crjal)nttiga= rcrbt. prescriptive, adj. bie 3>erjahrung betreffenb ; — right, baa 33etjahrunga= rcdu. PRESENCE, s. 1. bie fflcgctnvarr, ?ltt= UH'fenheit; 2. tie 3ltin)efetiben, 33er=- fantmluttg ; 3. 3Jubienj ; 4. ^erfpr fcittca SBorttebmem) ; 5. baa 'Jlcupcrc Sluafcbett, tie ^erfbnlirbfeit cities SJZenfcbett : 6. ber SHnflanb, tie @e= ftalt, etcllting, SJJieue, baS tBeueb= men; 7. tic gertigfeit, ;)iiiftigfeif ; — of mind, tie ©ciftcagcgctnimrt, 33e= fpttiteubcit; in — . gegenroarttg, v>or Slugen ; in t.he — of a notary, im 93eu fcpu eineS S^ptara ; to come totim — , borgcftcllt tbcrtcit, SJubtenj crbaltett page of the — , terVeibpagC; — cham- ber ( — room), baa Sluticiijjiiitnicr, ber Slnbteiijfaal. presensation, s. baa a?prgcfiit)l tcr SSorbegriff. PRESENSION, s. bic QJorcuivfiiitiuig, ?U)itung (ib. it.). PRESENT, adj. 1. gcgcnivartig, anroe= feitt, 5'igcgeit; 2. mt — ), gegenibar» Ofl, jefet, jctjig ; 3. fcrtig, bercit, fititeli cntfcblpffeit; A. giinfltg, ge= iteigt ; aufnierffam ; to be — at, ju= gcgeit fentt bci, bcimp[)tien; the — king, bcr jefcige (rcgicrottc) j?6nig the — month (year 1 , tcr lailfeitbe 'DJo* llat (3al)f) ; — remedy, baa tvirffame 3)Jitfel ; —tense, Oram v. tic gcgciu nnirtigc 3cit. taa iRvafcna ; — wit, ber fdjnellc SBi^. present, s. 1. bic ©cgeitroart, gegen= nnirtige 3fit; 2. Grim. T. <•/-/. linter adj ; 3. taa (Sefdienf ; cllipt. phrase, at — , jefct, gegenibartig ; for the — , fiir jeljt ; the — , ©cgenibartt'gcS (©cbreiben) ; A. Ph-s. by these — s, fraft tea ©egenroartigeti, turd) ®e= gcillbiirtigca ; know all men by these — s, Joint nut $u roiffen fc» biermtt. To present, v. a. 1. tarftclleii ; bars rcidicn, iiberreicben, cinrcidicti, fiber* bvingen ; 2. bor^eigen, yprftcllctt, auf* fiibrctt ; 3. aubicte'u ; 4. febenfen, bes fd)cnfctt; 5. /.. T. nu fird;Iid)cu §.}(- nefteien prafcutirctt ; G. gcvid)tlicb anjeigen, angeben ; to — one, eincn ciufiibreti, borftellen ; to — one with a thing, ciuem etlbttS fdictiEctt; to— a child at the font, citi Jlittb }itr (iibcr bie) SfJaufe baltcit; M. — a bill (for acceptance), cittcil SJerbfel (Jttr ?lniiabme oberSejabltmg borjeigett), prai'cittireu ; to be presented, pni|cu» tirt lverten, borfonimen ; Mil. phs. to — battle to the enemy, tCllt Scittbt eiue ScbladH anbictcu; — arrn» PRES PRES PRET frafcittirt'S fflfrocbr! to — one's re gpects to . . , fid) eiitcnt enipfeblcit. presentable, adj. tariuftcUeu ; 00t« flellbar ; auStutnufcit. PRESENTANEOUS, adj. gfeieb nnrfcnb, uumittclbar. PRESENTATION. *.l. bic Xavflclhtn^ ; ©arreichung, (*iurcid)iing ; 2. 3Jor- ftcQuna; 3. /„. t. (£rnennung ju ci= uerSPfruube; 4. M. £•«. bie 43orjet= gang (etitcS 2Bed)feISi; on — , bei Ulorfontmcn, bet SBorjetgung, tin »or= fontmeuben Sail. preventative, adj. brtrjufleHen, »or= tuftcllcn. PRESENTEE, *. /,. r. ber ;it ciucnt Jttrcbenainte SBorgcfcbJagene. PRESENTER, ». ber SarftelUr ; ®tbtt, Stfcenfenbe; a. v ber 3emaiitcu ju enter SPfruube sorfcfiiagt ; — of a bill, M. E. ber SPrafentaut ( jnhaber) cineS 2Bcd)fds. PRESENTIAL [adv. — ly), adj. gegcit= martig, ba bcftnblirb. PRESENTIALITY, s. bit ®egen»5rtigs feit, Wiiivcfeubeir. r« PRESENTIATE >•. *. bergegentoSr* tigen, uorfteHen, biiijtcllcn.' PRESENTIMENT, ». 1. bie Soreinpfins bung/Jlfjiiiiiig; 2. bie uorbergcfafjtc 3)ictuutig. PRESENTLY, ado. gleicfi, foglcid) ; utt= mittclbar. presentment. .«. 1. bit SarfieOung, S>aiTcid)intg, (Sinrcidjiiitg j 33orflel= lung; 2. .1/ E, )"/. Presentation ; 3. /.. T. ber 'ikrid)t cberbie s }lu$cigcber ©tfcbivoritcu obcrciucs 3rtebciiSrid)= terS itber cin ikigclicn. PRESERVABLE, adj. J II bciuahrcit. PRESERVATION, s. tie SJertuafcrung, ©rbaltung, Setoabrung. PRESERVATIVE, I. adj. Dcm>ahreub ; abaicbrent; \i. s . baS 93ert»af)rmtg8= mittei, Slbroehntngsnttttcl. PREsSERVATORY, I. adj. »crn?abrcub, erhalicnt ; U. ». bas 33erroab / runge's mittei, lirbaltuiigSiiiittcl. To PRESERVE, o.n. 1. DcriBabreu, er= batten ; beibebalteit ; befjalteu; 2. ffbiitjeu ; 3. ei'tmadiett, eiulegen, eiit= fefcett ; to — silence, ftilJe (pcrfdm)ic= gcn)femt; preserving pan, bie (3an= birpfanne. PUE3ERVE, s. baS C^inqcmacfcfe, bie (Sonfenu-; Sp. T. bat (W\\r>--)&t\)lU ge, ber i'bicrgartcit. Preserver, *. I. ber SBerwafyrer, C?r= {jatter; 2. ber (Sputitpr, ber (Srficpte it. f. m.) rinmarfct; life — , mod, ber 9tcttung3'@dm>immgurtcl (bet t\\\u fctjtfffabrtcu fiber SEQaffer). To PRESIDE, b. 77. 1. oorfifeen, ben 33orfity habeit, baS $raftbinm fiibren, prSftbiren ; 2. vorftebcu, bie Dber= auffidtt babe it. PRESIDENCV, t. ber 3?prfi(}, bieOber= ftclle, SPraftbcutenfteUe ; Oberauf= fidit: fcic BJfirbe bes i)icgicrungS= spraftbeuten. PRESIDENT. * ber SJSraflbeitr, reffcit; 4. @e= brSntje; 5. ber Srottfl ; G. 'Snicf; 7. baS SDtatrorettpreffen ; 8, ber 9Baub= fdjranf; Jtleiberffbranl!; sewing—, bie igeftlabe ber Q3ud)binber; wine of the fust — , (im SBeinbaiibel) ber auS ben reichjteit SBceren merft gemonnene SSJettt, ^litobnid) ; liberty of the — ,bie ^ref3--(I)nicf=)Aieilu'it ; Typ. Pa-s. to correct the — , Govrecturen lefen, eor= rigireu ; in the — , unter ber SPreffe ; to carry a — of sail, Sea Exp. fegelll mit fo Btel Segeln alS ta^ ©cbiff tragen faun, aUt ©egel beigefe^t ha= ben, prangeit ; a — of business, eiu Slubrattg sou OJcfefaaf fen ; — barrels, pl (bciSeilont; ntit Sanb nub 3tei= nen aeffillte Xoimcit, turn SBefebroerert ber ^d;litteu ; — bed, tie SBetrlabe ; — copies of letters, mit ber iKafrbtne coptrre ©rtefe, S3rtefcopteii ; — ^nng, ber ^vcfigaug, bie geroaltfameii5Ber= ber ; — man, 1. ber ( 33ucb=)3)ru(fer, fPregmeifier ; 2. ( 3Jcatrofen=)5}5reffer ( jum ©eebieitfi gemaltfam SSerbenbe ; — money, ba>^ $re'§ge(b, i^aitbgelb (ber jtrni Beebienji gemnlf fain geroors benen iDJatvofett; ; — room,baS Brn= rJer jtmmer ; — stick, ber sprefibengel nit ber imdibinberpreffe ; — stone, bas ($re6»)Sunbametir ; — tender, bas XranSportfrbiff berjuin Seebtettfi gepreften 3Jiauitfel)aft; —work, bic ■TnidVrarbeit. PRESSER,« ber ^reffer, ©rurfer j %v- piers ober ©riefbefdbwerer, PRESSING, in compos. — boards, ^rcfi: fpaue ; — iron, bas SBitgeletfeu ; — ly, ado. auf bas Slngelegeittltcbfte, brin* genb, beftig ; gebraiigt, furj. PRESSION, s. boS Spreffen, ber rnirf. PRESSURE, s. I. tie Drfttfutlfl, ber 5)rurf, bas iU-eiTen, ©rutfen; 'LSttU tern; 3. ber 3>nicf, ©rang, bie s i3e= britcfung, jtlemme, Jlotb, bas t)rang* fa I ; 4. ber ©tempelj .j. @tnbrucf; — of the hand, ber ijpaiibebruu* ; M. /•:.-•. — of business, ter ®cf(taft«* brand; — of the prices, ba' Drucfber $reire; — for money, tie Oteltuotb, bet (Melbmatigel ; —of sail, JV. T. baS SPrangen. PRESTATION(-MONEY), » /.. T. tie jabrliebc @teuer einefl SlrebittaeonuS fur feiuc ©erirfjtsbarfeit an ben 8i« fdiof. PRESTER, i. ber IQettcvftrabl. prestiges.*, p/. bas ©lenbtuerf, bie ©aufclei, iSaufelroffen. PRESTIGIATION, ». tie ©auWet. PRESTIGIATOR, ». tee ^aufkr, ^e> trftger. PRESTIGIATORY, Prestigious, adj gaufelbaft, gauflerifeb, blenteub, be^ tniglid). PRESTO, ado. -V».<. T. \'Xt)\o, feb» gc- fd)minte, burtig. PRESTRICTION, i baS febwaebe Ok- fidit, tic iBISbftrbtigfeit. PRESUMABLE, .' niutbmat'lid) ; — iy. ado. inutbmaflico, iiarb @nttiin= fen ; aus Dunfel, auS Stolj. To PRESUME, v. a. * » I. vermiitbeii, miitbmaficn ; DorauSfcben; fid) buns Ft it, fid) eiubiiben ; 2. ud> ^eraulne^ men; ]ici) erfiibuen, fid) Berntefftit, toagen ; as i — , roie tdi errntutbe ; tvic mid) tlillft; may 1 — 7 barf id) fo frei feljn? he presumes upon Ins parts cr oerlajjt int auf fane £aien> te ; to — too far, ju tveit gebeu, in »icl wagen. PRESUMER, «, 1. ber iliiitbniafjcube ; 2. SSermeffene j Siugcbilbete, J^>od;= miitbige. PRESUMPTION, s. l.bie ^ermutbung, iUutbniafiiiiig, ftarfe ii>abrfd)ein= lid)fcit ; 2. Is'iiibilMiug, tcr IDun* Eel; bie SBermcffeiibett, (?uiiini=J ©retfligfeit PRESUMPTIVE ido. — i.v , adj. 1. »fTs liiutbltd), inutbiiiafilidi ; 2. eiim,e = btlbet, jlolj; termeffen, (buinntO treift ; — heir, ber miitbiiiafUidje, nacbfte Krbe. PRESUMPTUOUS [adv. — ly), adj. cill= gebiltet, oollcr Dfinfel; oermcffeit, oerroegen, /tumm-- treift ; — ness, » tie gtnbilbung, ber Dunfel, tie 33er« liieffnibeit, ( ©11111111= irieiftigFcit. presupposal, s. bie CorauSfeftung. To presuppi >si:. d, a, Dorauefe^cn. presupposition, s. tie 93orau tjiiug. PRESURMISE, ». tie Bortaufige i>a = niutbiing, Sl^nung, ber Jlrgmobn. PRETENCE, s I. baS Sorgeben, ter SBorroanb, ©d)etn; 2. Olufprurb, bit Sortcriuig ; 3. Slnmafjung. To pretend, 0, n. it „. i. Borgeben, inn- fd) it ^e u, oormeiiben; to — fair, uad) etiva-3 aiit:febi'it lvollen ; 2. ftd) auiiiafien, fid) tie ^licnc geben fid) ftelleu; (to — to.., aufetroaS' !ln= fvrud) inad)eii, (d) forbern, belji np= ten. PRETENDED (ado. — i.y\ «-//. angcblieb. vcrnieiutliit ; Bcrgegebeu. PRETENDER, ». ter '^vatcnteut, ber Jirimbeivcrbcr. PRETENDINGLY, ado. vernteintlieb ; aitmaftait, aiiniaf.lid), arrogant. PRETENSION, s. 1. tcr Slllfprucb; ">. tie Oliuiiafmiig, tcr riiufel. PRETENTATIVE adj, i-ovher ill »erfd« cbeu (». ii.). PRETERIMPERFECT (or —tense), s Gram. T. baS ^mi'crfectiim. PRETERll'E, adj. ,v .-• Oram. T. Uergan* gen ; (the — time, or the — ), baS Spra* tcritum, ^erfcctiini, tic bcrgangent 3ett. PRETERITION, ■ bie Uebcrgclmng ; ber Boribergang. PRETERITENESS i bie Inrgaugenbeit (W. ii.). PRETERLAPSED, adj. tergangcii, bcr= floffeii, berfaufen. PRETERLEGAL, adj. uutcrrcrbflid), gcfcfeivitrig (». ii.). PRETERMISSION, s. bie Uebcrgcbnng, 3lii«Iaffung ; Uuterlaffung. 7b PRETERMIT, ti. a. u bci ^c he 11. au«> laffen ; VH-ruadilaffigtii, uutcilaffcrt, Derfuumen. PRETERNATURAL (ado. — ly), ; — ness (preternatur- aiity, u>. ii.). •-. bie SBiberiiarfiritt^feir. PBETERPERFECT (or —tense), s. Oram. t. bas iprateriruin, SJJerfecium. PRETERPLUPERFECT (or — tense), s. Oram. t. baa 5piu3auami>erfectum. pretext, s. ber Sonuanb, ©cbein, baS 33ortjcbeu ; to make a — , »cr= fdniljcn. pre lull. a. ber Orator i.:cr alten 9l'i= nier); ©tabrrichter. PRETORIAL, adj. vidjtcrlid) ; uom Unv tor erlaffeti. pretorian. /»//. ben^rator angcbcnb, pratorifd) ; riditcrlid) ; — guards, Set b= toacbter (ber rbmifrbcn jfriifer). PRETORSHIP, a. tic SPratur, ©tabts rtrbterimirbc. PRETT1NESS, *. bie 2lrtigfeif, Sftettigs fcif, Stttebltt&fctt. PRETTF (adv. — ily), I. adj. 1. artig, bitbfdi, nctt, nieblid); 2. nffccttrf, ge= jievt; 3. iron fcbon, bcrrlid); a — fel- low indeed! ein fcfebner JEert! a — way oft wig. ciit biibfdjcs ©titcEdjen (SBeg) »on bier; n. adv. jientlicb ; — well, jiemlid) XOOtyf} for a — while, jiemltd) lange. To PRETYPIFF, v. a. uorbcr gcftalten. To PREVAIL, i>. 7i. iibcrlcgen feint, bie Dberbanb baben, berrfqjen, oori>err= fdjcn; (5'iufIiitJ babcn; ba« Ueberge* audit [ben Sortbeil) erfjalten; fibers bcnb ncbmeu ; to — with one, eitten uermogcn, bcnxgcn, bercbcit ; to — with, or upon one for a thing, Ctneit 511 ttxoaS oermSgeu, cs sen ibm erbaU ten ; I can't — on myself, id) faitll micb nicbt ubenvinbcn; easy to be prevailed with (upon), fid) Icicbt erbit= ten liiffeit. prevailing, adj. berrfcfcenb ; vtxmfc gctib ; — passions, fcic l)en'fd)cuben geibetifcfcaftett. PREVAILMENT, s. bie llcbcrlcgcnbcif, Uebermarht (vo. ii.). PREVALENCE (— cy), s. 1. bie ltcbcr= leaenbeit, Uebermacbt, baS ticberge= votdit ; 2. ber (S'influjj, bie SBirffain= fcit, ©filtigfetr. PREVALEN T (ah. — ly), adj. 1. fifcer= legen, berrfitenb; fcorberrfebenb; 2. nuifbtig, luirffam. To PREVARICATE, v. v. 5ttl§ftnd)fe gcbraucben; wibet £rene nub §PfItcbt banbetn, cS mit beibcu iParteien bal= ten, trculos feyn ; do not — , fpringcn ©ic nicbt ab. PREVARICATION, s. 1. bie 5J3fIicfct»cr= letting, Ereuloftgfett tin ?lnttc; 2. ffierbrebimg, "ilnsflucbt; 3. baS tjetm= lid)e Serilaitbnip. PREVARICATOR, s. 1. ber $flid)h'er= geffenc, Trenlofe; 2. Scrbreber, (Sa= baleinnod)fr, jJcanfefchmieb. PREVENIENT, aij. jttyorfomntcnb. To PREVENT, n. a. jnuorfommcn, »or= bengcn, oorbaueit, verbiitcn, (»ers) biltKfll (— from, an). preventable, adj. »or$iibengen. preventer, s. ber Susorfommettbe, •^inbernbe, .^inbcrer- the — of a bon- net, ber ^ovgbiiibfel bc8 Sonnets ; — bolts, tie i$tlaVVboljen ; — braces, bie Sorgbiiiffeu ; — leech-line, ber ©fbiniergorfcinfl ; — plates, bie Jt[ap= Veu miter rcn ^ttttingen; — shrouds, bie iWgn.Mitt>taitc; — skeeds or — Bkids. SroiuierbSitnte ; — st.iy, bas lofe Stag, SBorftaq; — vanga, bie ©toijfleerben/ ^nbfd)e--@cerbcti. PREVENTINGLY. ado. juyorfommciib, bintcrnb. ■REVENTION, ». ba§ 3noovfoiitnieit ; bie SSorbeitgimg, SBorbattung, SBer^u= tlllig. .fiillberiing ; by way of — , ans SSorficbt, jitr is'orbcugung. 3-22 PREVENTIONAL, adj. }it»orfontmettl ; fcerrjiitenb. preventive, I. adj. biitbernb, borbcn= genb, toorbitiienb, (935feS) yerljiiteiib ; 11. s. bad SBofbrtuitiigSmiirel ; — ly, adv. «n« Sorficbf, jur SBerfjittung; auS Sontrtbfii. PREVIOUS (adv. — ly), adj. i>orf)crgc= tjenb, VOrliiuftg ; — to the peace, »Ot bent Srieben ; — payment, M. e. ber @elbi>orfcbnji, bie Sludlage ; —ness, 5. bn8 Sorbergebett, bie iuu-Kinfigfcit. prevision, s. ba8 i5orberfel)cit. To PREWARN, v. n. oorbet roarnen. prev, «. 1. ber Dtanb, bie Sentc; 2. Semitbimg, Serwiifiung ; animal of — , biiS 3iaubt!iier; bird of — , ber SfJaubuoget. To PREY (on or upon), v. ». 1. raiiben, Seitte madii'ti, vhinbeni; 2. yom Sianbe leben; 3. freffett, nagen. preyer, s. ber 3ianbcr, -^(iinberer; Serf cb linger. priapism, s. Mel T. ber ^riapi'Simio. price, s. 1. ber SPreiS, SBevtfj; 2. £obn ; to bear a — , tut Spretfe fleben, fp|teil ; to bear a high or great — , tbeuer fei;n, teener ju fteben fom= men ; to give a great — for, thciter faufen; at any — , ju jebcnt spreife, ju alien $rcifen ; what's your — 1 was yerlaitgen ©te (bafiir)? to sell under the — , uittcr bem "}>reife ver= fanfen ; above — , nnfdnitjbar; of — , roertbvpll ; a ring of — , eitl ivertb= »oller Oiing ; M. E-s. — fixed or limited, ba§ Siiiiitiuu (beS ^JretfeS) ; — of sub- scription, ber SJJranimterationSpreiS ; calculation — , ber (SaTculatiouSpreiS ; — current,bcr5jjrei8i'0iirant, bieiJ5vctS= lifte ; prices quoted, notirte ^reife ; statement of the prices, ber l }Jvci6be= rid)t. To PRICE, v. a. vid. To Prize. priceless, adj. inifdiafcbar. To PRICK, v. U 1. ftCfbett ; pvicfeln ; fterfen; anficcfen, aii)1ed)eit; Typ.Ph. einftedien (in bie SPitiifturfpt^en) ; 2. anffteffen; 3. anfi'idttcn, fptften; 4. (anOfporneit, antreiben; 5. oevna= geht (ein $fcrb); 6. fatter mar&en, einen faiiern ocer pifanten (Mefdjmad geben; 7. mit (SemiffenSbiffeii fot= tern; 8. Sp. T. etite epnr jnrucf(af= fen (uoin fiafeu) ; to — a cask (of wine), eiu gafi (SBetti) anjiecfoen; to — a card, eine (iitart'ifte) ^arte un= terflecfen ; J\ r . T-s. to — the chart, ba& Seftecf macfjen obcr anffefjeit, bie Jtarte uriifcit Dber paffen; to — the sails, bie ©egelnabte priden; M. E-*. to — the books, bie Sud)cr bnrd) ^unffircn uergleirhen ; to — the sheets, (bei Snd)!u'inflcrti) bie S3o= geujabl beriditigen. collationtrett; to — a tune, eine iljelotie in "Jioten fc= fcett ; to — (up) the ears, bie 06ren fpifeett; 11. v. 1. (up), ftdj pitmen, fid) frhniegelu, fid) febon nmdjeit; 2. fcbncll reiten; ;i. f.iner wcrben. prick. .*. 1. bie ©ptfte, ber SracBel, bie 91ble; 2. ber ©tofj mit etroaS ©pifcigem, ©tirf), Sif;; 3. ^nn!t, ba« 3iel; ber 3ielvunft; 4. bie galjrte (eineS >§afen) ; 5. ber pcinli; d)e ©ebailfe; ( — of conscience), @e; nuffenSbif;; —eared, fyifcobrtg ; vvlg. allmflng; — madam, ber :^rip;i)ia = bant, SJlauervfeffer (Sedum omre — £,.); — post, r. baS ©anbftfirf; — punch, T. ber 5)orn, T)nrd)fd)lag ; — timber ( — wood), biT Spillbctbailllt, ba4 Sa'CCfenbolj (Euonymus europmus — L.). pricker, s. bie Slfjle, ^frteme. PRICKET, s.Sp. TMt cpiciiev, ©pief= bivfd). PRICKLE, s. ber Stari)eI,T>orn ; SicA< born ; — whelk, bie Siftelfdjiicot, baS 2)ifteI66rttc5en. prick LiNESS, s bie ©faffielifllelf. PRICKLY, adj. ftadn'lig, bornig; ^ ash. bie ©tad)clefd)e,'ber 3»ibmve[)« baum ; — parsnip, bie ©tifrbetbolbf, Sgelflette, "ilrferflette [Eckhtopltora — /,.); — pear, bie inbianifd)e Beige (Cactus opuntia — L.) ; — pole, bie gutnetfebe (?oco8palme. PRIDE, s. i. ber ©toll, •§od)miitb; Ueberiuutb; 2. bie .tjohcit, ,foervlid)= feit, $rarbt; 3. Sterbej 4." Srunfi (per roeiblirbett Sbicre) ; — of one's heart. ba§ bobe ©elbftgrfiil)! ; to take — in a thins», to make it one's — , ftotj aitf ftivaS fepll ; in the — of nature, tm 3"ftrt'.tbe ber llnfd)ii(b. To PRIDE, v. reft. ( — one's self on a thing), ftolj auf etiimS fepn, grojj tb,un. PRIDEFUL, ai/j. jurnenb, ftolj. PRIDELESS, adj. obne etolj. PRID1NGLY, adv. lllit ©tolj, im StoI= ;e beS igerjenS. prier, s. ber forgfaftige Setrarbter, SBegurfer; ^unbfdbaffer, ©pion. priest, s. ber ^riefter; SPfaffe ; ©etfJ= lirBe: — 's can. Fort. T. cine 2lrt 9lb= fdmitt tut SeftuitflSbau; — craft, ber 5Kfaffen(beltrng ; — 's garments, pi. bie i'ontifiealien ; — 's odice, baS ajriefteramt ; — 's pintle, bie 3)Jond)«= fappc (.flram probosei'lium — L.) ; — » ridden, fid) von ^Jfaffen regieren faf= fenb, bou 'ip faff en regicrt, ben S|3faffcii ergebett, coi. uerrfafft. priestess, s. bie ^rieftcrinn. priesthood, s. 1. baS ^tiefteramt, bie ^vieftcnm'irbe ; 2. $rieftevfd)aft, @eiftlid)ft-it, ber geiftlidje ©tanb. priestlike, n,n eincin -$riefter gf* ^tenieiif, icte etn^riefter, priefterltd). PRIESTLINESS, s. bie a3iirbc eineS §Priefter8. priestly, adj. priefterlidi. To prig, v. a.'iuaufen, fteiileit. prig, s. l.baS Jterlcbet 1 ., Siirfd;d)en, ber g^afeweiS; 2. ber "Sieb. PRIGGISH, adj nafeivciS. prill, s bie'Steinbntte, ^ornbtttte. pri.m adj. gejierr, gejroniigen, affectirt fprobe ; to look — , fprofe tbuit, fid) jieren. To prim, v. a. jteren. pri.m a, 5. 1. Mas. T. bie Sprtme (erfte ©tiinme, @i-ige, it. f. n>.) ; 2. Typ. t-s. bie Sprtme, erfte Seitenja^l (Co- lunttte) eineS ©rtttfbogenS; ganj ers fie eeite, ©rbonfeite eineS jirucrbo* gens, ber ©dji'mbrHct; — sheet, baS Iprimeblatt; table of primas, bie $rU ntetnfel. primacy,.'!. I. baS $rtmar, bie geifr* lid)t Obcvftelle; 2. bie Sorjiigltajfeif. PRIMAGE, s. M. E. bal I'rinigelb, bie Jtapplafcn. primarily, adv. jtierfr, aiifangltd), nrfpriiiiglid) ; yornet)inlid), infonbrrs luit. PRIMAPJNESS, *. baS Qrftfci)!!, bet erfte Ojrab. PRIMARY, adj 1. cvfr, nrfpriing(id) ; 2 vom erfiett ©rabe; 3. banptiad)Iid); — quills, pi. bie Dorberen ©d&t»tltig» febent (berSbgel) ; the six — planets, bie fcd)S ^anp'tplaiietett ; — schools, •Primar* ober (?(enieMtar='ed)ii[en; — substance, ber Ulfloff. primate, s. ber Sprima«, erfte ©eift' lidie. primatesiiip, s. but ^Pnmat, ciiPw- MACY. PRIMATICAL, any. pniiiattfd). PRIMA VISTA, .«. nid. Peimero. primk, « 1. bas (?nte, ber 9lnfang, bti erfte 3eit; 2. ber, 2lnbmd} PRIN tfriibttng ; bie sptittbc, baa 2Sprncbm= fte, (gbelfte, SBefie, btr tfcrit; 4. baa gimbfraur, 3finbp_ul»er ; — <■*' *fe. tie 3tt(icnb= (iUiittje); — of the moon, bcr HRrumonb. PRIME m/j. 1. crfte, vornebmftc, uor= jiiglicjjfte; »0« uorjiiglirbcr ©iitc, con beftet Dualitat; 2. bliibenb, \\u ficuc-ltd) - — cost, bcr (Sinfaufaprcia ; — gap, bte erfie ©rube in cinein Sergs Werfe; — parade, bie ^rimparabe (trt ter Scrbtflttlft) ; Jlf. £-.«. — quality, bie erfie Dnalitat, jKrimafprtc; of — quality, i>cu bcr beflen Sorte, anSa.e= utd)t ; a — sailer, (VPtt Scbiffeit) ein fitter Eegler. To prime, ». a. 1. 3unbtraur (Spultoer) anf tie SJJfanne fd)iittcti ; 2. flrfittbett, bie ©uinbfarbe auftrageit, ben ©ruitb jit einem ©entalbe macben. PRIMELY, adv 1. jucrfr, nr|"priina,lid); 2. iwtrefflicrj. PRIMENESS, s. bie lirfpriiuglirbfeit ; SBorrreffiidbtett (to. it.). PRIMER, s. 1. bie SPrtine, (?(nbad)tS= iibnitg jti (Sbren bet beiliani 3ung= frail); 2. bad ©ebetbueb bft J^.uho- liEeti ; 3. 3itB6»93udj ; 4. Typ. T. bie Wiiriqnafdjrifr, bie r6mifrben Seftern. PRIMER, adj. ber, bie, baa erfie ; — seisin, /.. T. (ehcmala) bie SOerecf>tt= gniig bed Jtoitigd jnr SNufenieihing Don giinbereien roabrenb bcr fBlin* berjahrigfeit beg (Srben. PRiMERo, *. baa ^rimenfpiel. PRIMEVAL, ) aii\ urerjt, iiratifang* PRIMEVOuM lirf), urfprunglici). PRIMICES ur Premices, s.jrf. bie (grfls iina.c. PRIMIGENIAL, I ail). crftgeboren ; ets PRiMKiENlous, ) fie, muncbinfte. PRIMING, ... 1. bad 3itnbfraur, 3itnb= VitlDcr; 2. ©ritiibctt; — horn, bie Spiiiberfiafrbe, baS ^nltocrhprit ; — iron. — wire, Gun. T. bie jKaillltltabcl ; powder, T. bad Biinbfraiit (^u(uec). PRIM PI EAR, ml), belt .Oaitptlliait ber SSorhut betreffenb (bet ben alien 3io= 1110111'. PRIMITIAL, aiij. jit ben (SrfHiitgett ge= l)i.Mi,i. PRIMITIVE, I. adj. 1. erfie, lirfpriina,= lid) ; '2. fteif, pebantifd), formtieb, gejievf. gctnuingeii ; — cause, bie ©rilllMtrfadje; — verh. Oram. T ba« StanimuHMl; ll.s.bad Stamnnpprr ; — ly, ado. JlUtjl, nrfpriinglich ; beni .Oerfommcii gemafj; — ness. s. bie Urfpriinglirfjf'cii, bad 9llreifl)ttm. PRIMNESS,*. bad ©cjicre, bie 3ierc= ret. APintlidifcit. PRIM HJENIAL, adj. erffgebprcn ; ur- fpn'tnalicf) ; elentcntaiifd) ; »or= ncbinfte. PRIMOGENITOR,*, bet 3l$nb>rr, 33or* fain-, 'flbn. PRIMOGENITURE, ». I. T. bie C?rjta,c= bint ; (—ship), bad (Srjtgcbitrta= recbr. PRIMORDIAL, I. adj. nrfpriinaUd), ur= attttitqlid); ii.*. ber Urbegmtt, erfie Slnfang. PRi Mi human, *. eine Sorte frii()cr SJJflaitmcu. PRIMt iRDIATE, adj. ttraiifattqltrb. PRIMROSE, *. bie ©cblfiffclblnme, febaftlofe '^rillicl (Primula vulgaris — /,.) ; — tree (night — ), bie fjclbe Snftmacbia (CEnotkera — /,.). PRINCE, s. ber ftitrft ; iritis ; the —of darkness, ber .jpBIletifitrtt. i r Xcufel ; — Rupert's drops. ©(aStrflpfcit ; — 's feathers, ber 2lmarailtb, ba« iaufeub- fcboit [Amnranthug hiipochondrincux — /.)-. — v metal, bad SPrt'itjmetall, ber fombaef; — vwood, baa ©beubplj PRIN {Cordia grrancanthus — L.) ; — 's-yel- low, ba8 ^riiijeugelb. n prince iyv), v. 7i. ben Siirften ma= fbeit, fiirftlid) kben. princedom,*, bie 5urften»urbe, bet Siirfteitftant. PRINCELIKE. adj. f liifrl tct"), U'ie cin gurji Pter SPrtuj. PRINCELINESS, *. bie Biirftiidtfeit, ba« gurftlidje, bie gftrftetiflrSfe, giir= ftcupvad)!. PRINCELY, adj. Se ado. prinjlid), fiirfl= lirb, tuie ein giirft. PRINCESS, s. bie SPrinjefilntt ; (jiir- fliitn. PRINCIPAL, adj. v>prnef)iufJc, b^aupf= fJidil td^ftc, .Oiinpt . . ; — actor, ber ■Jlufiihrer, SRabelSfiibrer j m e-s. — business, ba« .£>aupta,efd)aft ; — cre- ditor, ber ; — debtor, ber .£>aiiptfd)iilcatcr; —house, iaS Slamtuhaii* ; — matter, bie .^aupN fadjc, bai 2Befen(lid)e; — owner. M. E. ber ^aiiptrbeber j — violin, ber erfie SSioliittft, aSorgeiger. PRINi IIPAL, s. 1. ber U?prnebni|te, <§x-- fte, bie ,6aiip(pcrfpu, ba§ •fpanpt ; bcr ^rinjipal ("iU'Pb=) .girrr ; .fpanbel8= bcrr, SBefi&er einer ^anbluna : 2. DJectpr, TirectPr, (Sdjplarrb, 5dnil = aitffehcr; spraftbent; 3. baS 5nrtuji= pale tit ber Drgcl.^ 4. j\i. e-s. ber ijontntttfent ; 5. .&aitptiuinft, bie •Oanptfadje ; 6. .Oauptfuiitiue, bflfl (s'apital ; _ — and charges, bie bplle Simtme eiucr Sorberuilfl ; — and in- terest, (Capital itnb 3»'K'H ober 3n= tereffeil; principals, /'/.'/'. tie faawpt' nub ©rtmbbalfeii cine! ©ebaubeS. PRINCIPALITY, *. baa Aurftentbiim ; bie.Oerrfdiaft, (Dbcr=) ©e»alt;Surs ftciiuMtrbe. PRINCIPALLY, ado. POVUeb^mltdj, bauptfacblid). PR1NCIPALNESS, *. baS £G ovnet) mfte. .fpauptfaebltcbfte. principate, *. bie Dberberrfdjaff, PRINCIPLE, *. 1. ba» 1>iincip; bie ©runburfadje, baa Itriuefen, bet Ur= froff, WrutiMlpff, ^eftanbiheil ; bie Urfraft; ber ©runb. Me Cncllc : 2. bcr ©ruiibfa^, bie JKartme (banfij tin p 1 .). . Ti, principle, v. a. ©runbfa^e bei= brinqeit; antttben, fcftfcljcti, (tut @e= miithe), eittpraiteu. PRINOOCK, \ e. bcr .ftdialinq, 9!at'c= PRINOOX, ) iveia, ©clbfdiitabcl liu. ii.). To PRINK, d. n. fid) bcratta pu^en ; friniic^cln ; prattjjeu. 7Y> PRINT, o. >i a n 1, brmfen flbbril> cfeu ; 2, aufbritifeii, einbritcfeii, bc= ripriitii (33oiftehe^ tiitn einca '.'(Piincnflpftcri). PRIORI, ado. fjag. T. lo reason a — . n priori (iiadi '•l ; ci'niiiifia,riii;pcii) |"cblie= licit. PRIORITY, ». 1. bie ^ripritaf, baa (vtH'vu".Mt, SBorbertge: 2. bcr SBor* jug, SBorganfl, bae !8orgaitg8redjt; — of hirih. tie (Srftneburi; — oi debts, /,. T. i'^'i $racebeti)rerbt (93or= tiififlrerbl tines' ©Iciibigerfl bci einem QfoncurSl ; creditor by — , pritilcjirte ©laubiger. PRIORSH1P, .-■. baa Spriorar, bit tytiov- tuitrbe. priory,* biefprioreij bad iJSriorat; ^itnlar-'^viprat. PRISCLAN, *. $riectan; to break -*'« head, bent Sprtectan cine Clufciije gebeit. prism, ». o. <$• Opt. t. baa prisma. PRISMATIC (— iffen. PRIVATE, adj. I. prtbat; flcbcim, »eri ; allcin, alleillig ; 2. ftill, cin* f.-,;it ; 3. haut'lidi. ifpaud . . ; 4. nid)I pffcnilidi, aiuilpa, nitbcamtct, amt* feci, aiiiJetanitlicb, ^rtsai . . ; to be — . allcin feun; in — . ina (Mebcint ; .1/ E i by — hand, biird) Qrioatgele* genbeit; to — hands, ei;]cnl)anbig (auf Brtefabreffen) ; osell by —bar- gain, nitter ber .*>anb lint 2tille:t) oerfaiifen ; — account ba-j ®ebetm> biidj-CHMttp; — books, ©ebeimburhet' — chapel, tic .t>anacapelle : — con cents, Spri&afanaj (egenbeiten j — cor respondent tic i'ribakpfrcfppnbenj — debts, SPrioatfcbulben; — devou'on bie fiille (.»paua--) ^lntad)i ; — euJn 3J3 PRIZ ^rioafabftcbtcu ; —expenses, €J3rt= MtauSgaben ; — friend, etn befoube= fcr Srcutib ; — gentleman, ber 5Pri= ont- (anttfreiel SDiann; —letter, ber SPorttculnvbrief; —purse, tie K 4>vi- oatcaffc, ba8 Jtafcfyengelb ; — soldier i — man bcr geineine Solbat; — stair-case, bit t-cVborgCllC Srcppc ; — trade, tcr @igeu= (eber tyttytx*) ■§anbei. PRIVATES, s. pi. Mil. rh. bit ® emcillCU. PRIVATEER, 5. bcr ©eefreibeufer, (So* vcv(cr), Diaubfcbtffer ; ba3 Gapers r« privateer, t>. 7i. \&apn ausru* ficti ; capern. TKIVATEERING, s. bic privt f Ciltlte Gaverei ; to go (a-) — , col. ouf (5ape= rei ausgeben. PRIVATELY, adv. itlS ©cficitlt, lHTbor= gen, befoutevs ; m. e-s. eigenbanbig ; to sell—, unter bcr .(jaiib (iiri <3ttl= ten) oerfaufen. PRIVATENESS, s. 1. bic .<5ct mltcftf ct» ; 2. (Sinfamteit, ©title ; 3.' bcr ^riftat* ftanb. privation', s. 1. bit Slbroefenneif, bev SDJangel (cuter jur 33equemiid)s feif not&roetibiflen @>id)c), bic ^&(- raubung, Gntblothtng, Gtitbebniug ; 2. 2lti$frblicfhntg, Vlbfoiiberung (in ©cbanfen), Wbftraction (ro. it'.); 3. Slbfctjung, G'titfe&ung, Gtttcbrting. privative, I. adj. beraubettb, eutjies benb; ll.s. bag $rivati»c, 31u§fcblief)= lid)c; Gram. r. bie Seraubungdpafs tifei ; — ly, adv. auSfcfcltefJItd) ; Del'; ncittcttb (to. it.) ; — ness, .?. bie Slfcroe* fenbrit, baa 'OluafcbliejslidK; 33cvuei= nenbe (ro. it.). privet, s. bcr |>artriegel, bic (Rain= UU'ibC ( Li g a strum — /,.); evergreen — , bcr iintncrgriiiic .jpartricgcl [Ligu- strum italicum — X/.). privilege, s. baa JJkiuiiegium, 3?or= recbt, tic Scoorrec^figurtg, obrigfeifs iichcSernnliigung, 5reif)eit, ber greis bcitabrief. To privilege, v. a. priyilcgiren, bc= »orred}t(tg)en; befreien, ftcberit; pri- vileged debts, priotlegitte (Sdjulbeit. PRiViLV, ado. bcimlid), ocrbecfr. privity, s. 1. bic gebeime iNittbeis Inn.}; •^einilirbfetr, baS ©ebcinie ; 2. 9)citroiffcit; Privities, pi. bic ©rf>am= tbcile. PRIVY, adj. l.pribar, gcbct'm, befalls ber; bcintlid), oerborgen; 2. mitroffs feub ; to be — :o a thing, nttt Ultl ct= loaa wiffeu; I am made — to it, matt bat c$ iitir auoertrant (cittbeclr : — chamber, b&8 SPri&atjimmet (tilt f i>- niglicben Sc^lofcjf— council (—coun- sellor), bcr gcbciine 9Jatb; — seal, — signet, baS gebeime @iegel ; lord — seal, bcr gebctnte 5iegelbcioabrer; — chair, bcr Warbtftubl ; — parts, pi. bic ©efcblert)t«rbeile ; — stairs, pi. bic gc= }cime (yerborgene) itreppc. fRiVY. s. 1. i, prep, prp, fur. PROA, s. (dying—), fill f Ict'tlCS fd)llcU= fegetnbes ^brjcng in ber Siicfee. rui ibability, s. bie SD3abrfd>einltdj= feit ; in all — , wabrfcbctltlid) ; rule of probabilities, bic 2i? a t; V f tl)C i it 1 1 d; f c 1 1 S = reebnung. PROBABLE [adv. — lt), adj. rpabrfd)Ct'ii= lici), ucrntlttbltd); it is probably, C$ bitrftc wobl feint. PROBANG, s. s. r. bte (Sdjhtubfpitbc, bcr Scbltttttfipycr. PROBATE (Pkobat), s. /.. T-s. b'C SpriU fung unb33efiatigung bes listen 2HiU lcit3 ; gcitditltctje SluSfertigung (ber Scbetit baritber) ; — duty, bic Jtoften bcr Sefiamentsbeftattgung. probation, s. 1. bic JCrflfung,5Probe; 2. SJJrobejett, bag 91obijiat; 3. ber SBeroeis. PROBATIONAL, I adj. jitr 5]Srobe, }iir PROBATIONARY, S ^riifititg gcbiJ= rig ; jnnt Setueife bicnciib. PROBATIONER, s. 1. bCV ailf bcr T^Ptc ift. Pbcr gepritft ivirb ; 2. ber iftpiujc, ^rpbclcbrlitig, 6'ramiuaiib. PROBATIONERSHIP. s. bcv^ipbcflanb, bie§Prufung8i«it / ba89'lo»iiiat(n).u.). probative, adj. jur$rufung bicncitb. PROBATOR, s. 1. bcr iUiifcr ; 2. L. T. ber 3lufliiger, SSeweiSfii^rer, ltcbcr= fubvenbe. probatory, adj. jitr ^riiftttig bie= ttcnb ; beroeifenb. probatum EST, {ht.) eS ift bemabrt, crprpbt. probe, s. s. T-s. bic Sonbe, @enlna« bcl, baa Sitdjcifcn ; — scissors, pi. bic 2Bunbfd)ere. To probe, v. a. 1. s T. fpttbirett, itn= tcrfudicn (erne SBunbe) ; nttt ber Sucbitabct priifen; 2. itutcrfud)cn, priifen, (nacrHfprfdKit. PROBITY, s. bic Sicblidifcit. problem, «. baS problem, bie 2litf= gabe, Sragc. PROBLEMATICAL (— ir), [ode. — ly), adj. vrpbtcntatifd), jroetfelljaft, u:igc= nnfi, unauagentafbt. proboscis, s. bcr SRiiffel. PROCACIOUS, adj. frvrb, iittycrfdjaiitt, leid)tfcrtig, mutbruiliig (m. &.). procacity, *. bie Srccbbeit, Unset* febamtbeit, bcr aJiittbiiHlle (tt). it.). PROCATARCTIG adj. Med. T-s. Sorters gcbcnb, langc bprbcr gegangert ; — cause lor causes) of a disease, bic gc= Icgcnbcitlicbe f»orberge^enbe) ltrfj\tc (Pbcr gclcgcitbcitlidjcti Utfadjcu) ei= tier Airaufhctt. PROCATARXIS, .«. Med. T. bte gc!cant= bcitlicbc iPprbcrgcbcnbc) Urfadjc ci= iter Jaatifbcit. PROCEDURE, s. baS ^ccfabrcn, bic 3Jcrfabrntig^art, •^anbliing, Sfflir= fung. To PROCEED, v. 7i. 1. uonvartS gcben ; 2. bcrt»pr gcben, bcrriibrcit, ciitfprin= gen, ctttftcbcit, ati5gcbcu, berfoiiimcn, fpntillClt (— from. PPIt); .1. (—in), eincn 3">«d ! bcrfplgctt, (cine <& gaud; to stay — , iitbibirctt, baS go rid)tlid)c 3Jcrfabrcn perbinbern. proceeds, s. bait 6iiifpmiitcit, bcr (?r« trag, ©cwiitn ; gross — , bcr S8ritttp< ©rtrag; neat — , bcr reine (cbcriJlct«- to=)@rtrag. procerity, s. bie Singe, bcr laitge SBucbS (». ii.). process, s. 1. bcr Sortfcbritt, ^Ptt» gang; bic Dticbtuttg; 93prrid)titng, 3nrtcbtung; ber 33erlauf ; 93organg; 2. SPrOjefJ, DtecbtSgang, Sierbtebanbcl ; 3. bas SOerfabten ; 4l a. t. bcr 2lu«= lpnrbS, Jtitpcbcnfprtfa^ ; — of time, ber 3fi'fortfd)ritt; in — of time, nttt bcr 3ctt ; verbal — , baS SJkptof oil, bcr 33ci'id)t ; to take out a — against onej 3cmaubcn gcridjtlid) pcrfolgcn. PROCESSION, s. 1. bie $ro$effion, bet feicrlirbc Umgang, 3ug, Slnfjug ; 2. Tk. t. baS aiuggeben bc3 bciligcn ©eifteS. processional, i. adj. ju cincr Sprps jeffion gcl)6rtg; n. s. iaS '^ro5cfj ftonsbucb. PROCESSIONARY, adj in $rprp'conful, @tatt? baiter. PROCONSULAR, adj. procotifiiiartfcb, ftattbaltcrtfit). proconsulsiiip. g. baS SJJroconfuIat, bic 2tattbaltcrfdiaft. To PROCRASTINATE, v. T. a. (ppii cinein Sage 511111 aiibcrn) vcrfcbicbcn; II. n jpg'ern, jaubern. procrastination, g. bic 9?crfrbic= bung, bcr?liif|d)nb, bie iPerjogerung. procrastinator, s. bcr jjauberer, ftcta auf morgen Serfcfei'ebenbe. procreant, adj. jeugcnb, frttdjtbar. To procreate, v. a jeugen, gebaren, erjeugeit, bertorbriugeit (oon 2b'«' rcn). PROCREATION, g. bie Bcuguitg, baC ©ebaren, bic .^crvotbrtiigiiiig. PROCREATIVE, adj. jeugcnb, ii'cbarcnb, beroorbriugenb ; — ne'ss, s. bie 3f"» gnngsfraft. PROCREATOR, g. ber (?rjcugcr, Skater. proctor, s. 1. bcr "}litwalt bci geiffc lirben ©ericbtebofen) ; Tcpittirtc 'bet ltieberen ©eiftlicbfeit bci bcr engK* fdjen .Rircbcnycrfammluiig 1 ; 2. Uni* Ucrfttat6itd)tcr. proctorage, «. cant, bie SScnoaltung, SJnroaltfdbaft. proctorical, adj. ju ciitcm Uuiti, bic iUcuifiou, dsenfarie; L. T. bie SBifitatUne'ftcuer. procurator, *. bcr 93c»oIImad)figte, procurator, Kuwait, ©efrbaft§\>er= tuefer. PROCURATORIAL. adj. »Ott cilicm 9llt= voalte gemadu, facbwalterlicb. PROCURATORY. «; ilie — son, bcr inrlovue robitct, Stjeufl 8 itif) ; ba* 2Bcrf, JDJarbtverf ; tic 3Bir» fling ; bcr (5'itrag ; 2. iFI'I'. r. a. St n. ttii^Ctl ; (— from) SRufeeil jicben otcr baben (ton , lc= tiu^cii ctue Sacbe- ; ( — by) Qeivifl* ncu (burd)), fortfehrciten (in), iitneb= men (ait). PROFITABLE [adv.— vr), adj. Itiifclid), vonbcilbaft, eiutrSglid;, geminnbriu* genb : to be profitable, otel ciuiva.icit, eintraglicb fem j —new, ». bie '.'iiil}- lid)fcit, bcr i^ovibcil, tic @intrfig= lidifcir. PROFITLESS, alj unciiitvagliit. PROFLIGACY, s. bie S3eri»orfenheit, Old. PBOFUaATBHKSB. PROFLIGATE (adv. — ly), adj. lafters baft, rud)lo«, bofc, abf(beulio>. fdiaiiMid), fd)amlo«. PR( iFLIGATE, ». tcr ©oferoidjt. PROFLIGAl'ENESS, ». bie V.iftctbaf= tii^fcit, SRucblofigfeit, Scbanblicbfeit, Scbamlofigrcit. PROFLUENT, adj. BorroSrtl obet wt» bei ffiefenb. PRO FORMA -if. E* ^rofortna, tnta- ginar, pngirt; —account, ba86onto« ginto (bet liuttbmafilicbc :'icrbiiiuigl-- entrourf): — account sales, bie fin= girte SSerrauftecbnung ; — bills, ^Jto* fovntaivcdifcl, SaftarbroecBfel. PR( U'< H'ND (adv. — u , 1 adj. 1. ticf ; fig. tieffiunig; griitiblidi; 2. Itftij], ocrfd)itii(jf, ticf aiileaenb : 3. bcntu= ibig; 4. gebeime Jtraftc babeub ; n. s. bte 2icrc; bcr Slbgrunb j tie See ; ■ — nesB, s. n)ie Profundity PROFUNDITY,*. I. bie S£iefe j 2. fig. (Sritnblicbfeit, tiefe ifennritip. PROFUSE (ado. — ly), adj. 1. nbcvflic = ficub, alljurcicblicb, ubernia|ig, febv, beftig ; 2. JU fretgebig, nets fdiivcnterifd) ; —ness, ». bie i ; cr-- f cproeubuiig ; bcr Uebcrftufi. profusion.*. 1. bie Ueberftromung, bev Itebcvfluf;, fibecmSfiige SJteirh* thuni, tic Ucbcvfiilk; 2. 3Jerfcbroeit-- bung. PR( ».. ». Scbeuemitfcl. PROGENITOR,*, bet SJoruater, ^Ibit; progenitors, pi. '^oveltevn, 'Jlbucu, '.'llt= DOtbetlt. PROGENTTURE, *. ba« 3 (ll gt"» *<« CMcburt (W. ii.). PROGENY, s. ba« ©cfchlecbt, bev Stamnt; bic SRacbfommetifcbaft. PROGNOSIS, «. Jtfsd T. But Prookostic, PRI )i ;.\( IST1C, I. adj. ootberfagenb, vor= bc^Clltcub; II. ». bie '^oilnvfaguttg, -^rovbcjeiiing ; SBorbebeutuUfl, ba« oiib ;',eidieu ; .1/-./. v. bie SProgttoft, ?Prognofi«. PROGNOSTICABLE, adj. sovber JU \A- gcit obcr ju roiffen. To PROGNOSTICATE, o.a. DOrbet U\~ gen,, bropbejeien, ivabv= fagen; bad 'Sdiicffal befrageu. PROGNOSTICATION, ». tie 8Jor6eta fagung; SBabtfagung: Ootbebeu* tung, bae 3eio5en, bet SBotbote. PROGNOSTICATOR s ber SBorbcroer= ftiubi^cr, it>abrfa,]cr, Schiclfalfls bcutev. PROGRAM, ) -• l. bic Bffentlic«( PROGRAMMA. s SBefanntmaconng ; .' Sintabungefdjrlft 511 elnet geierlidja frit; 3. vovlaufi.jc Scbrift, tae SPr»« grant nt. PROGRESS, ■ I. bev Ai'vtnfvitt. Jotl- gang; 2. bie(S)utcb: SReife, Suftreife, bev (5)nrcbs)3ug (emee Souveraine), 3. Sunabme an geiftiger ©ilbuttg) j in — , int SBJerben. 7b PROGRESS, 0. n. fig. U'rl'Mnfitttr, benjorgtben. PROGRESSION.*. 1. ta-j f\or!htveitcn. bic gortfebreitung, Stufenfolge; 2 PROL PROM PllOO Md. t $roareffion ; 3. bcr Sort= gang, gortjepritt. tie 3uiubme ; month of—, bet iDionbenntonat. Progression A L, adj. tin gprt= fcfovcitc-ii. PROGRESSIVE, adj. fprruincitcnb, ju= licbllicilb ; Recount on the — plan, bit etaffclvccbuung; — ly, adv. ftufeu= roeifc, itacf> lint uad) ; — ness, s bet Stufenaana, gortgang, gortft&titt, bad gortrutfen. To prohibit, ». a. oetbtefeii, unttts fagen, hcmmcii, (Siubalt $un. PROHIBITED, part adj. lU'lbPtCU, DeV= pent; — commodities ' — goods), set* Went 23aaren. PROHIBITER, s. bcr 2>erbieteilbe. prohibition, s. bad SBet&of, bet ( s "in= bait; z,. 7*. bet Sifiirungdbefebl; — of trade, bad ■§anbeUi>erbot. PROHIBITIVE, I adj. Ucrbietcub ; pro- PROHIBITORY, $ hibitory laws, $10* bibitiugefc&c. project, s. bev Cnttrouvf, Spfait, 9In= febtag, bad SBorfyaben, project. To PROJECT, v. I. a. 1. roevfeu, fcblcit- bevn, fdjiciicn j 2. ( — a design, einen SRlait) entroevfeu, etfinnen ; 3. ab= fpiegcln; ii. «. ((jetOootragen, v>pv= ficben, jirch. t. audlaben, aueiaufen. projectile, I. s. bad geivprfeue pber beiuegte Sing ; n. adj. upnuartd ge= rpprfen, geftpfjen, befdilciinigt. projectiles, s. pi. bic SBurflefcte, SBurffunbe, SaUiflif. PROJECTION, «. 1. bad SBetfett, bcr S&utf, anbtln follte. Projectment, s. bcr $\an, Slufcbfag (ro. ii.). PROJECTOR, s. bcr (SlfUlbet ; SJ5to« jcctmad)cv. projecture, s. bie (.£>ct-)3Sovra= guug. To prolapse, v. ti. rottoavts fallen. prolapse, s. bad SBonvartefallen ; bev Wudtvitt (5. 5i3. bed 3J}a|tbarme8, u. f. ».)• PROLAPSION, Prolapsus, *. vid. Pro- lapse. PROLATE, adj. platt, ffarl). prolation, s. 1. bad U3orbvingen, !)ludfpved)eu (ro. ii.); 2. bie SDefc liung, tad SBertueileu auf ciucv ©e= faugfplbe, tie prolation. PROLEGOMENA, s ;>.'. tic ^3roiegome= na. Sorerinnerungen, Stiileitungen, SSoriibungen. PROLEPSIS, is. 1. Rh. T. bad 3u»Ot= PROLEPSYjJ fommen; bie }in>or= foinmenbe SBeantivorruug (etnefl @i«s nnivfeS); 2, Chron. T. bad Slnfcijcu cincd nu fvuhen 2)atiimd in bcr 3cit= reebnung. PROLEpi'lCAL (—10), adj. v>prhcrgc= beub, Dorliiiifig, jwoorJomntenb \Med. T. prolcptifrb, oorroatfS riitfeub; — disense. bic .Uvanfheit, beren Slufalle ftetd ciucn Zaa fviihev ciutvetcu ; ly, adv. tuvd) iUn'aii'Miabnie, ooclduftg. I'ROLIPEROUS, adj. B. T, — dower, cine piolifivenbe (on ciiicm cigncu rticle aiis ciucv aubevii beruormad)= fence) iilunic. PROLIFIC, adj. vid. Prolifical ; — flower, oiV, Proliferous; — ness. .1. bie Sc::guugdfal)igfeit, Aiucbtbarfcit. prolificacy, s. bic Svud)ibavfiit. 3JG I PROLIFICAL (.ado —i.Y),adj. jcugiiitgS= 1 fabig, viele Jtiubet jcugcuf, fiucev= t retro, fruditbav. PROLIFICATION, », 1. bic Tn'frudl = lung; bad jfinberjeugen ; 2, b.t. bad i§en>orfprofTeji 'ciucv jmeitcu SBIume and bcr aJZitte ciucv nnbern. PROLIX (adv. — ly). adj. U'cillaufiii. tueitfd)roeifig [»on9lcbeii obee 2dmf= ten) ; — ness, s. WIC Prolixiti. PROLIXITY. ». bic iln-itlaufigfcit, SQBcitfcbroeiftgfeit; ?«ngiueiligfeit. PROLOCUTOR, s. bev ^wcebcr bev (ucvfammclrcn) ©eift[id)fcit, Sprafi= bent ; iBovtfiibver. PROLOCUTORSHIP, .? bad 2pvcd)cr= flint (bci Jiivdjcuoevraminluugeu). prologue, s. bie SBoetebe, ©ri>ff= nungdvebe, bev prolog. To PROLOGUE, v. a. cilllcitCU, cilt = fiibveii. To prolong, ?'. a. Kvlangevn, l)iu- andvurfen, inciter binandfetjcu, anf- fd)ieben, »erj6gem ; to — the payment of a i>iii, M e. einen aBecbfcl i)to= Iongiveit. PROLONGATION. .?. bic Sevlaiigcrnng, bcr 2Iuffd)iib, bic £Berj|5geruug ; — of the prompt, M E. bie inu'laugevung bed 3 l 'b!ungSteriniud, bic 5Kvnlon= flatten. p'rolonger, s. bev vcvKiugevt, auf* fd? ; -.'T. proCusion, s. bad PSorfpiel, bet 33erfucb, bie Soviibung; Uutev^aU tung (i». ii.). promenade, *. bic spromenabe, ber ©pqu'ergang; Spajicvplatj. To PROMENADE, d, 11. fpajici'CU, pV0= nicnivcu. PROMINENCE (— rv), *. 1. bad £cr= btirfteben, bic •SerDDtragung, bcr (jeroorragenbe Sbctl, bie bcv.HU'va= genbe Spiljc ; 2. bic SluSjeic&nung. PROMINENT (adv. — ly), adj. 1. bev= vevftebcub, bevoovrageub; '2. aucgc= jeiebner, in bieilugen fallcub. PROMISCUOUS, adj. 'OCVlllit'cbf, »CV= nnvvt, uermengt, mebvevu gemcin ; — charges, M. E. ucrniifdite Jt oficit ; — love, bie lincbelirbe Sicbeiet ; — ly, adn. »ermifd)f, (5'ind fut bad ?lnbcre, obne Untcvfcbicb ; — ness, s. bic ^cr= ivirrung. promise, s. 1. bad 93eifpveeben, bic Bufaac, ^ertiettJuug ; 2, StfuIIung bev 2jsev[)cithiug; 3. ^offnung ^'v= wartung ; land of — , bad gelobte ilailt ; a young man of great — , ctll ^offiiungSDoller iunget JKnnn; — breaker, bev20ovtbn'icl)ige; —keeping, bad SBortljfllten. To PROMISE, v a. fr n VCvfpvCfbeil, jufagen, ucrbcificn, geloben ; to — one's pelf, ft di yerfpredieu ; l — you. id) yerficberc bir; a promising youth, ciu brffuungdiHiUer Siingling; pro- mising weather, gttted (bci'tercdi 2Bet= tci* ; she is in a promising way, ftc ift auf&eni SBege bev Sefferung. promisee, b. l. T. bcr roelebcm cin ^cvfpfceben gemadjt tvotben ift, bev ^vPiniffav. promiser.5. bev SQerfVrer^er. PROMISSORILY, adv. vevfpvodjcuev Scafjeu. PROMISSORY, adj. cin 33evfpvedicii cutbaltenb; Dcrfpredienb ; — note, m. e. ciu etgenerobet ttDrfener9Becb,= fci, ^auMvcd)fcI, ,tpanb= (ed;ult=) (Srijetn. PROMONTORY, ». bad IVaduigc. To PROMOTE, v. a. I. befuVBCVIl, bc- fbrbcrlid) feint, erboben; bcbiilflidi fenn 511.., fort&elfen, SBotJcbub tbun ; 2. audtcbticu, uergropern ; M Ph-s. to — a correspondence, find! ©riefwtcb,el beleben; to— ones m /erest, 3eiiiaubcd Sntcreffe befotbern, PROMOTER, s. bcr ^cfoiteier,@i.Mtnev. promotion, s. bie ^eforbernng, @t» bobuiiii, ©rnennung 511 ciueui bohc- ven \H111te ; ^lufbelfiing, bev iUu-febub PROMOTIVE, adj. befpi'tCVUb. PROMPT (adv. — ly), adj. 1. rafeb, frbncll, bnvtig, gefeb, roinbe ; 2. fer» tig, berett ; tlvitig ; 3. euifd)lpffcn, UlloeVjuglid) ; 4- ^^ \ — payment, ji/. e. baare ©ejabluug. 7uPROMPi'. r. a. 1. eingcbcn, cinfa= gen, einblafen; 2. ewegen, veijen, tveibcu, antrcibcii ; to he prompted by . . , geftimmt, ycranlafjt, auge= trieben tuerten, you, burrb . . . PROMPTER, s. 1. bcr (Singcbcr,_P?iu= belfcr, SBorfager,3ufl»"ifterer, «puf= fleuv; 2. ©vinnercr, ©rniabtter. promptitude, ) s. bie ed)nclligfcit, promptness, y .^uvtigfeit. Bertigs tcit; J!/, r. $unf'tlid)fett (in 9lua= fiibvuug bcr Sluftrage, u. f. w.) ; — to anscr, bcr 3iil)jprn. promptuary, s. bad Q3orraij)8§au$, aJIagajin, bie iJiieberlagc. To PROMULGATE, b. a, pffeutlicb be= taunt madden, ycvfiiubigeu, vevbrti- tcu. PROMULGATION, s. bie pffcutlicbr i3c= faiintniadniug, SScrtiiitbigung, 33er» breitung. promulgator, s. bcr 93cfanntnia^ d)cr, 93erbreitcr; bffcutlidic Sebttr To PROMULGE, v. a. vid. To Promul- gate. PROMULGER, s. tvie Promulgator. pronation, «. A. T. bic ciuivavld Pbd nicbenvavtd gcvid)tcte SBicgimg bet .§anb. pronator, s. a. t bet i^udfet, vot\* d)cv bie^aub cinunivtd biegt. PRONE, org. 1. nifocmuittd gevidjtet, gebeugt; 2. mit tcin (Mefid)te auf bet @tbe liegenb ; 3. abbaugig, ab= frbjiffig; 4. plpfelieb, Eopfiibet; 5 fir geiicigt ( — to, |U); — to anger, "leidit jovuig. PRONENESS, s. 1. bie ©ebciigtbeit, niebevgebengte SRiebtnng ; 2. tev 3n= fianb. bn man mit bent (Seftcbte auf bev (Srbt iicgt ; 3. bie ^bfii)iifi"tgfcif, bet \Mbhang; 4. fig. bic ©eiietgttjeit, 5Jleiguug ; — to speculation, bev 5pe= cuiationSgetft. prong, 5. I. bie gvpfe ©abet, .£cuga= bcl; 2. <$inh\ tcv 3avcd)eu, entfdjeiben; 3. CVflavcil fiiv . . ; I Will — any man a villain that, &c, id) crflare jcbcu fiir einen Scburfcn, bev, u. f. to. PRONOUNCEABLE, adj. aiu'fprcdjbar ; aud^ufpred)en ; Dorjiitragen. PRONOUNCER, s. bev ! ,'lud)>vcd)cr, SBottvager, u. f. m. pronunciation, s. 1. bic ; ?lud|>va= cbc, bev SBovttafl; 2. bic 'Scclama- tipn»lcl)ve. PRONUNCIATIVE, adj. ab;>vcd)eub; jiiDcrficbtlid) ; begmattfeb. proof, i. .v. 1. bie $tobe, bet ^erfudj ; 2. Seroeid: SQeweiSflrunb, Xtyatiim? ftanb, tad SBetvetSmittel ; 3. tic Se; ftigfeit, UuMird)Dvinglidifeit; 4. • Typ. T. bev Qlbjug, ^Stobebugen, bie GoirCCtlU ; rum under or over — « PROP PROP PROS i fRmn bet febroticbet obcr flatlet til als bic feftgei'efcte iJJrobe; U.adjA. ptobebaltig, probebaltenb; 2. be= roaljrt; 3. flit, bait, llUCurd)brina,= lidi, fcbujsftei, ftiebfrei, ft diet ; 4. ftanbbaft; w be — against one's i»r tition, ban, taub, gegen 3emanbed SBitfe uucrbtttlid)) feint; in ww;«»'. ;3}vobc-), Ore — , feuerfefl, fenetbe= ft.iubig; watef — . roafferbtcbf: — blade, cine nad) beflaitbeiur $rii= fnng bun bet jJc^iciuini. beftatigte itltitjje; — impression, ciu 93fObe= abbrucf; —needle, bic Sptobimo* bcl; — phial, Mo §JJfObC= (Obcr i$tOs oit?)@Iad; — print, bcr etfte Slbjug eiuc3 .ftltpfetflicbd, Slbjttg sot bet ©thrift (aoant /« feMre) ; — sheet bic (Sorrectur, bcr Sorrectutbogen ; "3lu3= bangebogen. Proofless, n ■[). iiiibcroiefen. PROP, », bie Sritfee, Vcbuc bcr SPfahl ; props, JV. 7*. Sdnimi, Stiiljcu (eined iiuf bent Stapel ftcbcubcii (srbiffed). 7« PROP, v. a. ftliijClt, Ulltcrjtii&eil; Jo — a Bbip "ii the Btocks, A". T. ciu ©thiff abftiitjcu ; to — one up, ciucn bebcu, ft die. it. PROPAGABL.E, adj. fo v J Jii-pfl an Jen ; audjubteiteu. propaganda, ». SJJropaganba, (S3es febtung«09liifialt obet Wefcllfdjaff. PROPAGANDISE!,*, bic (Srutibfafte ei* iter ^ropiigattba. PROPAGANDIST,*, ciu Sftifglieb obet 9lufjanget ciitcr i|3ropaganba. To PROPAGATE, » La. 1. fotfpftan= jci: ; 2. audbteiten, etroeitetn ; 3. ueruielfaltigen, oetmebrett, setgto* ficru ; 4. jeugeu, hemorbrttigen ; n.n. bervorgebeti, entfpriiigeit, ftel; fott= pflau;eii. PROPAGATION, *. I. bic gottpf(an= jtiug; 2. (Stroettenwg ; 3. (§tjeu= guug. PROPAGATOR, ». bcr gotrpffanjet, jBcrbreitcr. To ru< ipel, o. a. fovttteiben, fotfftotien. 7VPROPEND, d. n. fid) ucigen, geneigt fcnit (u. ii.). PROPENDENCY. s. 1. bic ©Clteigf&eit, ^eigttttg, 3ttneigung, bcr dpaug; 2. bic (gtroagung, Ueberlegung (u>. it. 1 . Propense, "'(/■ geneigt. Propension, I a. bie' iJleigmtg, bcr propensity, i >§aug. Proper [ode. — i.v), «-//. l. eigen, ciacutbunilid); befonber; 2. eigeni= liit ; 3. a c b o r t a , fiiglirb, fdjicfliit, paffeiib, anftanbtg ; 4. tauglicb, tiid)= tig, ^c|"d)iift; 5. genau, ticbtig; as you tiiitik — , rote i&te ed fiit a,ut be= fttibcit ; — name, bor (Sigenname ; — motion, Ast. T. bic SBeivegung ti- ttc-3 ^laucteu »ott Oft narjj 2Befi ; — pomt of view, bcr tirbtige ©ef!cbtd= fcutift; — trade, .)/. E. bet @tgeit- obet isroperbatibel. PROPERNESS, *. 1. bic grbitflirbfeit ; gtic&tigteit ; 2. Slufet)ttltd)fett. Propertv, ■ i. bad Stgeittbitm, S8e= jltjtbiiui. bie<6abe, >^ab' itnb < s hir; 2. baa (Stgentbumdtept ; 3, bet SBe= fi;.<, ; 4. bic @tgeiibeit, (Stgetttbunts [iebfett, Stgeufdja t, SBeftfeaffeubett ; 5. ba« ^ubchcr, niiljliite 3)tng ; lite- rary — , bits litcrarifrbe (5igerttbitnt8= red;t ; rii" movable — > of a bankrupt, bic aJJobtliannaffe etnefl Sallttett;, pi Dram. Ik bie ;lfcqilifi= ten ; tic juiw Wuffiibten eiuc» Scbatts fpicl-3 iii)tbtgeii Biitge (mit 9ltt8ita[)= mermti J?(cibeni nub &orbaitgen) ; — man. bcr fitr bic Srb(htfptelet bn3 3ubel)5r beforgt, bcr [rtequi(ttfninc,i= fter; — qualification, bic ^IBatjIfahf 3= ftit, bcr SBabJcenfite. PROPHANE, fcc. Did Profamx, Ui. pa iphasis, », .1/"/ T. ba« iBotbetfaaen obet SBorberroiffen etitet ^tanfbeif. pri iphecy,«. bic SBorberfaguug, ^to* pbejeiung, SBeiffagung, prOphesier, ».bet sptopbet, SScijfa- get, sibcr. ToPROPHEST, p. I. a. |>fOp§f)tttlt. roetffagen ; 11. n. ptebtgeu (in ber l;ci= lii]cit 2d)rift). PROPHET, .«. bcr 5propbcf, Sefjer. PROPHETESS, * tic SPtOf^etttltt, JUeiffagertttit, Seberinrt. PROPHEHCAL (— ic), (ado. —ally), ■ .oplutifd), roeiffagenb. PROPHyLACTIC (— cai), adj. Med. T. Dorbeitgenb, rcnvahrcnb, uett)iiteiib. PROPHYLACTIC,*. Mad. T. baS 83ot= beuguugSinittel, SPrafet»ati». propination, *. bad Stebeujen, 3u= ti'iitfcit. PROPINaulTY, 0. I.bic92ii()e, 91ad)= barfd)aft; 2. nahc Strroaubtfcbaft. PROPITIABLE, adj. vcrfrl)iiiiit. Tb PROPITIATE, h a. 1. iiuefohncit, iicrftihihii, befSnftigeit ; 2. geueigt in. 1 it c it. propitiation,*. 1. bie SBetfSbnung, iOefiinftigitng ; 2. bad Sftbttopfet. PRi )PITIAT( »R, ». bcr iicrfbhiicr. PROPITIATORY, I. adj. »crfiil)itcub ; II. s. bic iiiuibColAbc, bcr ©nabcit= ftnl)(; — sacrifice, TaS ©ubltOBfet. PROPITIOUS {adv. — ly), adj. guniltg. gnabig, geneigt ; — ness, s. bic ®m* be, ®;itc, OJttltc. PROPLASM. a. bad 2ftobeH, bic (ltr=) gotllt, (Micfifcrm. PROPLASTICE s. bic gotinluilft. protolis, * bad 3Sorroacbd. proponent * betaSotttagcnbe.SBors fcblagenbe, Slitttagftellet, Sptopo= ncnt. PROPORTION, ». 1. baS SScrbafti'if;, OMcidintafi, (Sbenmag, bic 8t)mmc= trie; l. bcr (uerbiiliniSntflfiige) 3ln= thcil, 2:i)cil ; 3. bie gotm, ®t|latt (n>. ii.); indue — , nad) SSerbaltttip, riihaltiiifiiii.iiji.l ; fiMitntctrifd) ; in — to.., tin SSetbdihtip ju.. ; rule of — , bic :lic,]cl be Xrt. '/'■• pri ipi »RTli in, e.a.vetbaltniSma$tg ciuriducit, abnteffen, nad) bent @b«l niafc bilbi'tt. PROPORTIONABLE {ado. — ly), adj. Derbflltrtifjmajjtg. PROPORTIONAL, adj. tin ^crbaituiffc ftchcub (— to. ., in tf j ; — numbers, $ropotttortd)abIeU; — ly, ado. im SBetbaltntfpe, nitgenteffeit. PROPORTIONALITY,*, bad iu'rbaU; iiifi, tie 21ngeiiieffenbeif. PROPORTIONATE, I adj. in cin SBet« proportioned, j lialliiiii gebtadbt, aitgeineffcn, geinap. To PROPORTIONATE, v. a.vid. T.j Proportion. PR0P0RT10NATENES3, s. rid. Pro- POItTIONALITY. PROPORTIONLESS, adj. obnc Cfbcu= n'.afi. proposal,*. 1. bet SBorfebfag, ?ln= ttagj 2. bic SarfieUuttg, 3jorflel= lung; 3. bcr PnriiMirf ; proposals,/-/. bte$iiffinbigung(einedi8ucb8,, bcr SubfcrtPltouS= (Obet SPtauus merationd^) "^lait. 7b PROPOSE, D.a.UOtf$tagcU; autra= geit, proportiren ; to — a thing t" one's Beir, fid) etroad ootnebmen. PROPOSER,*, bee iOorfdjlaaettbe, Sins Irageube, SInttagfteUer, proponent. PROPOSITION, ». 1. bcr 3Sotfdjlaq, Slnttag ; 2. Log. v. Safe ; 3. bic \L'c= bauptung. propositional, ./•//'. aid SSotfc^lag, ul3 ein -2.HJ bettacbtet, fatjinajig. To PROPOUND, r.a. vorfdda^cii, cor. ttagtn; vorfiellcn, oorlegen, propounder, .--. tcr Sorttagettbf, -,'lnrtcbcitte, ^rojcctniaiter. PROPRIETARY, I. adj. ciijciiti iintlirb ; II. a. bcr (5ijcitthunicr. proprietor ■ bet d tgenibumer. ©t« fifecr ; .1/ F.-o. — of a Lank, bcr 5!3ailf» bcrr, IStgentbumeteinet iBanf; — oi a firm n r commercial house, bet , v \uba> bcr ciitcr ^atiblititg, .gmnbeldbett, ^rttltipal ; proprietors in a trading company, bic .t>aiitliing -.jcfcllfdjaf: let ; •^anbtldroiifotten. proprietress, ». bit (Sigtntyfimc* tin n. propriety, f.berHnflanb, bit Stbia?« 1 ut f dr. To PR0PUGN, r. a. vcmd'tcH, t>crtbei« bigrn ro. ii.). PROPUGNER,* bcr 2>etfccbtet, 3Set» tbeibiger. PRI IPULSATTON, s. ba« ^Ibivcbrcn. n PRi (PULSE, r. a. abroebreit (\v. u.). p» pulsion, ».bad gortfteibrn, Sort* ftofen, PRI i RATA, adj. adv. tt ». 'fat.) .17 K-t. pro :Hata, vtrbaltiiifr.iiafii^ ;bic £bei« iuitgdfitmme, Di»ibeitbe; a fair — , cine fllciitc 33ertbeilung; — pro- portion, pro Jiata Ibcil. PROROGATION, ». I. bet Jluffcbub, tie S5erfcbiebung, 93erlangentng id. it.); > Jludfefcung, 83ertagung ibcfotibct* bed Sparlamentd). T» PROROGUE, r. a. I. au'i'iticbcit, oerftfiieben, oetlangern ro. ii.); 2. audfe$en, oettagen, prorogiten (ba* ^arlamciit). PRORUPTION, ». bad ?Indbrcd)cii, bet 9ludbtua). PR< (SAIC, adj. profaifrb, ungebuubrn ; uidit biditcvint. PROSAIST, *. bcr 93tofaifl, -p-.pfaifcr. 7b PROSCRLBE, v. a. acbttll, DOgtlftfi erflaren. PROSCRLBER * b:r ;:cd tor, in'tban* net. IRIPTION, s. bic .'Idittcrflaruttg, Oltbt, Slecbtung, SQcrbannung. PROSCRIPTIVE, .-..'. iiittciib, til i?I(btd = erfldtuitgen geneigt, tyranntfeb. prose, I. s. bic SJJrofa, ttngebunbene JiebC; II. adj. brofaifeb ; a — trans- lation, cine profaifebt lleberfeftung. 7VPR0SE, r „ i. in $rofa fducibcit- 2. iangroeiiig crjablcn. To PROSECUTE, v. a. fottfefeen, ucr« foigen ; to — one at law, ciucn ge= ridiilid) belangen, oerflageu; to — a story in all iis circumstances, cine ©efd)id)!e Sitpetfi iintftautlid) »cr» banbeln. prosecution,* 1. tic ^ottre^ung Cetfolgung ; 2. Slittlage, gericbtlicbt SUelangung. vn< isei i i • >R ». bet Ain'iujjcr, SSetfol* get; peinlicbe .ui.i proselyte -■ bet '•u'"i-;>.it, SJleubt* hiuic, ©laubendubetlaufct ; to — , p. a ^JrofeIi)ten macbeit, 511111 Ueber* tvittc oetlocfen. PROSELYTISM, s bic v i\fcl •■rui'.g ; 'iit< febritngdfurbf, bcr fptofelitidmud. To PROSELYTIZE, p. a. vid. To Pro- BBLYTK, PRi iSER, * I. bet iProfaift, Sptofaifet ; 2. (angroeilige @t^abltt. HCAU PROSODIAN, ». bet iPrpfobietitnbige. PROSODICAL, ny. bic ^tofobit bCttf' fenb. PRi HSI IDIST, .in. prosody, ». bic ^tofobie, 5plben« nieffttng SOcidfitnfl. PROSOPOP03IA,*. i.h. r. tic -i'rofopO' 3J7 PROT PROT 1>R0\ pcie, |Jetfonenbi<$tung, fpcrfostfu cation. PROSPECT, ». 1. bet |$rofpeef: bie 3llTgftd)t; gerrificbt; 9liifid)t; 2. bet 2lufrif; ; 3. ©ltd in tie 3ufunft ; 4. Prospects, ;>.'. Studftcbteil ; to have a Uiiruni — . etmad im Sluge babcit, e^ in tetrad) r jieben ; to hold out a — , in (bie) -jluefidu itclkn, mit einer Sludftdjt obet .Oorfuung nuf ctroad) fdbmeicbelii ; — glass, bad getnglad, bie Sorgnette. Prospeltion, s. tie a?ovau»fic^t, Qiorforgc. PROSPECTIVE, adj. 1. ()inblicfcnb, ttt t tc Seine fdjauenb ; 2. ootjtdjtig ; — glass, bad getnglad ; — iy, auc. mit .tiiufifbt auf tie Sufunft. prospectus, ». bei gebtucfte Sgfan ooit ctiieui bcraudjitgcbeiitcn SSetEe, ter ^rofpectuj. To prosper, b. i n 1. geteiben, fort- Eoiuineu; 2. gliicfcti, gclingen, geta* tbjen; EL«. begliicfcii, befeiigen; be= gmtftigcit, geltngen madjen. prosperity, * bad oktcibeit, ^Sobl* ergetjen, tcr SSorjlftanD, tad (Slitcf. prosperous, a aft ; n. *. l. tie fei= le Sinte; 2. bet (Sbrlofe, 2)ctetb= ling. PROSTITUTION", ... 1. ricSicberlicbfeit, tas unjuduige Seben; '2. bat SeiU gebett, tie (gutebrung, 3Setwotfeil= bcit. PROSTITUTOR *. bcr fintebrcr, £9e= fdjimpfer. PROSTRATE adj. auf bet (Stbe hinge* itrecft, futjfatttg; to fail — , cinen gupfall tbun. r.) PROSTRATE, r. a. nietenrerfeu ; fid; aubetenb 511 Soben roerfen; to — one's self, meberfallen, einen 5uji= fall tbun PROSTRATION, ». 1. bie Tcicbcnvcr* fnng ; 2. bet ijufjfafl ; 3. bie remit* tbigung ; 4. 3Tliebergefd)Kigenbeit. PROSTYLE,*, cin ©ebaute, baS nur ootne Saulcrt l)at. PROSYLOGISU, s. Lost. T. bet5Ptof»)I= logismits, 33otfcb,lnp, .Rctrciifcfctufj. protasis, s Rh. r.betSSotfaft, §au$U nitj ; etfte Ibeil etnes 35raina. PROTATiC, adj. jum erfteu Xi)d[ tints ©rama ge^otig. ro PROTECT, b. n. fcfiiifeeit (— from, gegen, bewabrett yr>r..), befebit^en. tentirmen ; to — a draft, einen iGcd): fel bonoriren. protection. ... ber 5cbttfe, bie 93e= fd>irmun.v ter Sd)irm ; Sdntfebrief ; so meet due — , gcbCni^cn (reilliaeuj 3C3 Sdjuts jtnbcn ; writ of — , l t. ber Ecfeuibtief (gegen) Sltteft. protective, adj. fdjutjettb. protector.* I. bet 93efd)ufeer, 93c= febirmef; ©d)U^^err; 2. ^totcctot (SJteicbSsermefet »on Snglanb toafc rettb bcr 3JJinberjdbrigfeil ter JWs ui !l c) - ^ • protectorate. *. btc gjegtcrung ct= nc* 9teid)Soerroefer$. protectorship, 5. tic 2d)ut}f)ervn= murbe ; ^totectorrourbe. protectueter gegen ttwaS) vroteftiven, Sinrebe tbun, einfoinmen, ivu--r|'prcd)tn; n. a. 'jum^eugen aurufeit ; to — a bill (of exchange). .1/ E. cillCIl 32cct)fcl JJTOs teftiren, protfftiten [affen. protest, s. bie ^ipteftaticn, fiin= rebe, ber SBiberfptucfc: m. e-s bie •UrDteftcvbcbuiii}, ccr (ScchfcU) -^rc= tcft J -V. T. ship's Of er captain's — , bcr Seeprofeft, Sd)iff§ptotefi, i?er= flarun^ ; to make — . or to order a — , ciiteit ^roteft erbeben, (auf tem$ro= teftcomptoirj nftiten (affen, |>rote= ftireit; — charges, -^rcteftfoftcu eter Spefen. PROTESTANT. I s. bcr -Tj vctcjtaitt ; II. adj. proteftantifrf). protestantism. g . bcr 'l-rctcfi.utti^ mu§, bie proteftantifd)e jfeligion. protestation, a. tie ^itoteftation, Setbyeuening, Setftcbetung, 6ffcntli= cbe un& fcierlicbe @egenerflatnng, fiuircte, ber SBtberfprudj ; l. T-s. — at law, ber gcrtd)tlid)e ^Jroteft. bie $rctefterf)ebitii>] ; act of — , bie 5J$ro- teftatte. PROTESTER, s. ber 93ctr)c«rcr ; 23i= berfprccber, SpTOfefttrer ; m. e. ter 'l-rptcftirenbe (ter einen Serb fel pro= tefttrr). PROTEUS,*. Mjt& fPtoteuS; £«. bcr (itnter allcrlet ©eftalten cifcbcinciicc) Setruget. PROTHESIS, ^. vid. Prosthesis. PROTHONOTARY, s. 1. bcr '4-!rptona= rtul, oberfte ! ?iouriui (tm King's- Bench Ultb Common Pleas) ; 2. Cbcr= geheimfebrciber 4c3 Capites. protocol, ». ba« sprotofoll, 33erne^= mungSfcbreibeii, ©erirbtsbucb. PROToCOLlST. 5. bcr sKrotofolltft. protomartvr, s. 1. ber crfie STOat* turcr (beilige Step^anl ; 2. bet jn= crft lint cincr 2acbe roilleit'Dulbcutc. protoplast. ». bad Sotbilb, Utbitbj bcr Unnenfd). PROTOPLASTIC, ailj Urbtltlid) ; lir= menfd)!id). prototype s. bal llrbilb. To protract, v. a. in tie ?ange jic= ben, auffebtcben/ oerjogern. protracter, *. ter SSerlangeret, Serjii^erer. protracting, ». Mat, t. bafl 3Jleffeit nut Ueberttagen mittelji cineS ®rat= bogenS. protraction, *. bie SBet(angctung, SBerjogeruug. protractive, adj. oetlangetnb, »cr= jogernb, aufuticbenb. protractor, *. Mit. t. bet J£tan«s porteur, SBiufelfaffer, ©rabbogen. PR( treptical, a.ij. cvmvtb;iicut, ra= t^enb \v. ii.) To PROTRUDE, v. I. a. furiftojk'lt ; II. 7i ootbtingen. protrusion, .-•- baS Sortjlofjen, bet 2tojj, tal ffiorbtingen. PROTRUSIVE, adj. fortAx fjcitb, JOt brin^ciitj — motion, bie ®tof bcivc gung. PROTUBERANCE s. bcr SlnSwucbS, Reefer, tie ©cfdnmtlit, Seule. PROTUBERANT, adj. aur'.jctricbcn, g*> fd)nJ0Ucit ; B. T. fltPItj; q — sore, cine ®efd)n)utft, SBeulc To proteberate, v. n bcri'ormgcn, auffcbtncUen. • PROTL'BERATION, *. baJ 9lff4WCi< kit. PROTUBEROUS, adj. (It. ii.) vid. Pn.> TDBBRAHT. PROUD [ado. — ly). adj. 1. ftol$, bod)- mut^ig; trofeig. ungfbulbig; pracb* *ig, atop ; f iThn ; 2. geil, taung, triinftig; — flesh, tits toilbe [nnnas tiirlid) warfefenbe, btanbige) gleifct (in einet SBunbe ; to be — of a thing, Polj auf ctreaS fci)ii, fid) vie! bamil luiffctt; — from pedigree, Ollf U'inc SlbfUnft fiolj; — spirited, veit ftcU jem iBiutbe, ftolj, bod)bcrjig. PROVEABLE {ado. — ly), adj. CrtVCiS= ltd), jucnucifen. To PROVE v. a. &■ n. 1. bea'cifcu, b,u= t&uu; 2. probiren, prnfett. oetfiv cben, erfabren ; 3. fid) (eigeit, ftd) aiij'.veifen, fid) crgebcn, burdj (Srf.ib- rung bcfunbeit tverbcit, brfagen; 4. auSi'rblagcn, auflfallen, gclingen ; 5. lvertcn, feDit; to be able to — , tar= tbun (bcroeifen) foinun ; to — a will, L. t. tin Sfftament publicircn; to — true, fid) beftattgen ; to — false, ffd) nid)t befnitigen ; tviterlcgcn; it proved to be, ti fant ftd), bap c» mat; ifthe weather prove wet, ircilll cl rcg = nerifd) 'Setter ift ; I am afraid it will prove otherwise, id) fiird)te, C5 luirb anberS auSfaden; she will — a good housewife at last, fit HMtb tod) nod) cine gute i^irtrin werbeit. proveditor, > .•;. bet ^rosebitot; PROVEDORE, > ^ro»iantlieftrant. PROVENCE, *. tie Sprobcncf Jbcil uon gratiErcid)) ; — oil. bad ^Jroveits ccriH. PROVENCIAL, odj aiiS ter '^rcvenct ftantmenb obet baju geb&rig ; the — bards, bie prct>cu$nltuteii 2id)tcr, ^toubaboutS. provender, «. bcr $ro»ianf, ba3 ttocfeiie SSicbfuttcr, §en nut jtotn. trover. ». bet SBcmeiSfftbret, bei turd) ©riinte beroeif't, ftberfubtt, bartliul). proverb, s. baS epricb'.vctt, tit ©age. PRI IVERBIAL 'ado — ly), adj. fprid)» toSrtlicb, aid Sprid)tt>ort ; —for. 51111: ©piicbroort gtmorben. PROVERBIAI.LST, *. I'.t il! Splid)- wottetn 3?ebenbe. To PROVERBIALIZE v. a. ?1I ciltcm Sprid)n>ort mad)en; SptidjioBttei gebtaucben, in Sprid)n>5rteni rcten. proverbs, «. pi. tie Spricbroottfl Salonto. Tb PROVIDE v. a. 1. bcrcit ba'.tcn, iiitn SBoraud anfrbaffen ; 2. Dttfe^ ben, bcrforgen, forgen ; 3. audbe= bingeit; beftiinmen, fefrfefeen ; to— ■ asainst, sorbeugen, tu scrbiitcn fua rbeii ; to — one's self, fid) w'eben, ftd) oetwahten ; to — for . . . fut ct-- mad forgen; ctruad anfd)affen, wo* mit betfotgen ; to — what to say. tenfen cbe man fpttcbt; she is pro- vided for, fie ift uerforgt, fit bat bad Oblige ; I am provided f >r it. id) bill tavauf gefa9t ; it_is not provided, ed ift itirbt aitgcfcbarrt ; to — with, mit rtroad vcrfebcn, fcetforgen ; aiubcU fell; it is provided by the law, C* ift turd) bad 0efe8 berotbnttj it was PROV PRUN PSYC wisely provided by our ancestors, Ullfcre Corfabreu l)abcit bie metfe tSiirfor^c gctrpffcu ; to — remittances (to — wilh money), M. K. Slnfcbaffling ma= d)cu. mit SJtemefjfeu (iuitie ©par banf, ©parcajfe ; — ly. arf«. unrficbtig, mit s i> o v ft d> t : mit ©pats famfeit ; —ness, s. bit 53or|id;tigfcit, ©parfainfeit. PROVIDENTIAL {ado. — i.y), a#. »on bff (gottlicbeu) OSorfefjung (herritb= reitb, gcleitet), burd) biefelbe be* voirft. PROVIDER,* bet Sorfcljenbc, gut* fonjeube, Scrfcbcr, sUcforgcr ; ©djaffnet, Sitferant. province, *. 1. bte fprooinj, 8anb= febaft; 2. baa OJcbiet ; ;J. bet 5prcn= gel riitee Srjbifcbofs' ; 4. bae JHmt, bcr ©etuf, bie 'Cfliitf, bag ©efd&fift, Sad) ; it is not within my — , baS Eoinmt mir nid)t jit ; it is the — , c8 jtemt . . ; — rose, bie §|3ro»injrofe (liosa proeiacialis — />.). PROVINCIAL, I. adj. 1. JU cincr ^ro- ftinj, it. f. w. gcborig. pro&iuUell, laitbfrbaftlid), eiubeimifeb ; 2. laub= Itch, baurifeb, rob, ungebilbet ; u. ». 1. bcr SJJtobtnjial (Obetauffebet ci= iter Orbciiaprooiuj) ; 2. bcr 'Kro»iit$= beiuobuer. PROVINCIALISM, a. bcr 5Prot»iiljiali«= tuns, bic laubfcbaftlidx ©pied)art ober ©prarbeigenj)eit. PROVINCIALrrv, s. Hi ciitcr $rot>itij tit bcr ©pta$e (Sigentbuinlicbc To PROVINE, t>. n. :)tcbClt (Jttf gOtt« pflamuugi fcnfcit, fadjfen. PROVISION, ». 1. bie SBorftdjr, 23or= forctc, Sotfebt; 2. SBebingnng, bcr SBorbcbalt; 3. bte Slnftalt, SBerotb* ttitug, SBetfugung, SDiafiregel; 93et= fotgititg; 4. bcrRrpt>iaut,isprratb.i.v'i/. j>/.\5. bie Serleibinig (eineS getfHidjen SfotteS) ; M. E-*. contract for — , bcr Stefetuitgtibettrag ; to make a — for one, etlicit Detforgett; till further — is made, bis rtttf rociterc SQetOtbltUltg ; — boat, ba-3 'JJroOiautboot, bie 2Jlat= fetenberbarfe; — dealer, ber 53ictua= lienhattbtcr. r„ provision, v. a. mit SSorratfj tcrfcbcit. PROVISIONAL, adj. borlciuftg ; cinft= roeitig, bis auf meitere SBerfngung ; a — sale, m. e ct it bortftufiger SJers fauf; — ly. ode. uorluufig, einjjtoei* leu ; auf [Redjnuug. provision's ». pi, ^robiant, 2Jcunb= pprratbe, SebenSbebiitfuijfe, Sebenfe utitfcl. Proviso, ». bie fBebiuguug, (Sfaufet, ber SSottefjalt (befonbett /-. v); with a (the) — , miter v J3orbebalf, untcr ber ©ebtnguiig. PROVisi ill's. 1. ber ^rpoifor, 2diaff= ncr, SJetwefetj 2. bet torn SPapfl cvitamttc @rpectau( ciitcr 'Rfiiiitbc. PROVIS )RV. adj. pCOPtfottfcb J tc= biu,|t, tjprbcbalhid). PROVOCATION, n. I. bie StllSfotbes rung; 2. Sieijuug, 9lnrctjuug; without — . ubuc gegriiubetc Urfadic. PROVOCATIVE. I. adj. Vtiwft, ailfrei bent; it g Med. r. bai gleijmittel, bie (3ltt=09cet}uug ; —ness, s. bie rci= jtnbe Jtraft. r<* provoke, v. a. 1. retjcit, crreijcit ; ftufbttngett, cr^iinicn, erbittern ; bc= letbtgenj 2. QetauSfotbetn; 3. be= fprbent, pcnirfadieii ; to — vomiting, jllllt SBtet^etl reijen ; provoked at. . , erjiitnt iibcr . . ; provoked by . . , aufa.etuiegclt burcb.., bcrauSgefot* bert t>Pit . . . PROVOKER, s. 1. bcr 9lnrci$enbe; SetauSfotberet ; 2. ba4 sMcijntittcl, SOeforberuugSmittel. PROVOKING, adj. crbittcrub, Stgerltdj ; — ly, adn. auf cine etbitternbe -Hit, (irgcrlitt). PROVOST, s. 1. bcr 2>prgcfcfetc, 'Crafcl ; (Scbiiltbcift, Obcrfcbiiype; $topfl; 2. bcr Sdbrid)tcr, ^rpfcjj ; — marshal, bcr @enercit cineS Sd)iffe«. pki IWESS, s. bie STapfcrfctt ; 0rpj5= tl)^t, .Dclbcntbat. To PROWL, v. a. if n. iageit, bura)= fpiircu, Ereujett, 3agb madjen anf . .; ranbeii.pliuibcrii. crpreffeu, aufJRaub auSgeben ; ftcblen, maufen; prowling fellow, bcr ©auuer; prowling wolf, bet SJiaubnjolf. PROWL, ». bag 3lii«gcbcn auf ??aub. PROWLER,*, bcr SRaubet, Staubjagcr, ^ufdifh'Vpcr. PRoXl.MA, adj. tid. Proximate. PROXIMATE (adv. — ly), adj. ber, bie, bag rtacbfte, jimacbft, unmttfelbat. PROXIMITY, .f. bic Sialic ; — of blood, bie iMutsfrcuiibfrbaft, 33enuaiitt= fdjaft. PROXIMO, ado. M. T. Uad)ftcit 2)?P= iiatfl. PROXV, *. 1. bic 23cnsa!tiing; Stell= bertrefitng ; Sollmacbt; 2. bcr ®efcb8ft«ft«get, SeuollmStttigte, ©tellbetttefet, Sprocuratrdger, 5Rr?- curator, Slnroalt, SUJanbatat; to make — , Pari. Ph. feilie itiillllie Ct= item anbetn ^Jait iibcrtragcit ; by — , burcb Stelltjcrtrctiing. pri >X!SHIP,s.ba8 2lmt etneS ©efcbafts= trSgert, ikt>ollnuid;ti^tcu, 3 tcllocr= teeters. PRODE •' bic °pn'ibc, 2cbciii|>rpbc. PRUDENCE « I. bie ,Uliii\bcil; SSots ftditijifcit, ^cbaditfanifcit; 2. ^ni= bentia (Avaiicniiauie). PRUDENT [ado. — lt), adj. 1. Hug, gefrbeibt; 2. bot ficbtig, bebadjtfam ; 3. in'iiuMicb, fparfam. PRUDENTIAL (adv. —i.x\alj. fliiaUdi, berftanbig, vorfirbtig. PRUDENTIALS,*, pi. bic (Mniitbfafce bcr .Uln^hcit, Slegeln ber P3otftcbt. PRUDERY, ». bafi Sptobet^int, bic 5d)eiufptobigffit. 2d)ciitfitifamfeit. PRUDISH, adj. fcbeutfprSbe, fd_)ciufttt= fam, col. jimpcrlid). PRUNE, -• bie i'l'laiintc, Swetfrbe ; f(c= bSttte ^fiaiime ; prunes of Brign (Brignnlia), ^ninclleit ; prune-tree, bcr Bwetfebeubaum. To PRUNE v. I. n. 1. befebneiben, au«fcbueiben, audpu^en (©Sume, li. f. IB.) ; 2. piilu-u, faubent; II. n. fill) putcu, (tdj fcbuiegeln, fici) brii= jteit PRUNEL, ». bic SpvuncIIe ('pflaujc Prunella — /.. . PRUNELLO. *. 1. bic ©runelfe (ge= fcbSlte, auBgefernte unb gerrodnete ^flaumc) ; 2. bet i ; rinuil (eint 8ltt febroarjet tvollcnet 3«ug). PRUNER ». bcr ©e»S(ibfe befdmcibet, ber SBaumanftftynciber, ©auinpu^tt. PRUNIPEROUS, adj. ^flaumeit tra= genb. PRUNING, s. ba-3 '^cfdjitcibcu, 35u(}cit, 3lu«pu^cn (bcr 5?auinc, u. f. ro.)| — hook (— knife), ba« ©artenmeffet, prurience ■■— < v. *. baa Sntfen \fi« bcr m.i%t\, bic bcfii,]c SBegierbe, PRURIENT, o4; jucfei^, lrolliiuig, gcil. PRURIGINOU8, adj. bem 3udfu opn« lid), fr»i(}artig, jinn 2luifrblage ge« ncia,t. PRUSSIA, *. fba« J?5niareid)) ^reupen. PRUSSIAN, 1. adj. pffupifcb ; II. n. bet ^rcu^e ; — blue, bat iU'rlincrblau ; native — blue, natiirlicfc3 SJ3crltttcr= blau, (Sifeublauetbe ; — red. ba8 Verlinerroth; — tariff union', bcr preufiftbe [beutfcbej Solltwrbanb, 3ollPerein. prussiate *. ca. t-s blanfantel ©al| ; —of potash, blanfautefl Jvali ; — o'soda, blaufautefl fflatxon. PRTJ^ic, adj. Ch. T. — acid, bie (5?cr= lincr=) iSiaufa'ure. To PRY.*. 7i flticfcn, ctcnaii cber febarf feben, fpdben ; neugierig unb genau bctracbtcn ; to — into, in ettoal tttfla belli, cei flcuaii 511 crfpifcbcn fitrbcn, ci:i v riu!icu in.., wig. bie ')lA)t t>tn= cin (learn. PRY. ».bafl Spar)en, jubringlicbc?lu=: forfcbcit. PRYiNGLY,faliiiciifcbnibcr, Setfaffet geiftlidjet Siebet; 2. bcr ^falmett^ ffingtt. PSALMi idy, *. ba3 SPfalmftngen ; bie SRfalmobie. PSALMOGRAPHER } s. bcr 5pfafmo* PSALMOGRAPHIST, ( fltapb, "I'mI* menfd)tetb«t, SBetfaffet gciftlicbet Stebet. PSALMOGRAPHY, s. baB Spfalmen. febrcibcu. PSALTER, *. bcr SPfaltet; US ?falin» burb. PSALTERY, s bcr 5Rfalfer. PSEUDO, « griecbtfebt SSorf^Ibr, n compos ) falfd). PSEUDO-APOSTLE, s. bcr falfcbe?lpo* Pel. PSEUDO-BUNIUM, * bic "Kicfciiraute, baS ^eilblatt [Thalictrum — I, ). PSEUDO-CHRYSOLITE* f cr ^fcubp* e?brr>fpl'Mb, EBouteillenPein. PSEUDO-D1CTAMNUM, ». bcr 53irfrel> biptant (Marrubium p.-icudo-dtctamnus — I.). PSEUDOGRAPH, Psbudoorapbt; ». bi« utttergefrbobene Srbrift. PSEUDOLOGY, *. bie falfrbe ?ibre» Unroabvbcir. PSEUDO-MARTYR, ». bcr 3cbcimnar» nm-r. PSEUDOMORPHOUS, adj unad)t, tdiu fdiciib gebilbet. PSEUDO-NYCTICpRAX, ». bcr Scbilb= rcibcr, SRarbtteibet ;. /; /. .1 wacticoraa — Cm PSEUDO -saN'I'a 1. I'M. ». bic 2tri;ilin= be, bcr iJllaterncubaunt (a/&itru* — r..\ I'sii \\v ; mi. pfui .' pub : SPoffen ! psoas, ..-../. t. be: ?cnbenmu4ftl. PS m: \ *. Med V bic .oii — ly), adj pfprbologtfdb, feclcnfun* but, fccleiilchri.v 511V Serlenlebtc cje« b&tig, PSYCHOLOGIST, ». bet v i ; !"'.idipIo t V ©eclenfotfeber, Stelenlefirer, PSYCHOLOGY, % bic ^iVcb^plpgie, SeelenPunbe, Seelenlebre. PSYCHOMACI/Y, ». bcr 2cclcnfampf •tJO PUCK PUGI PULP .TARMIGAN, s ba« Sdjnecbubn (T* trao /iiiTcipun — I..). ptisan, s. t.ia ©erjlenwaffer. STOLEMAIC, adj. t>a$ aftronomifcfce Sipjtem ic» Sptotrmauj betreffeub. Ptolemy, *. SptoleminS (2)iaitn6= name). PTYALISM, *. Med. 2pciei)cl= fluf. PTYSMAGOGUE, a. Med. T. bus bell Spcicbcl befb'rbernbe Jftittel. PUBERTY. 5. bie ipubertat, SPiannbar* feir, ©efdblerhtSreife. PUBESCENCE, ». 1. ba£ SRannfearroers ben ; 2. b. t. bag SBoUicfcte, Stan* cbc ber +>;!an;cu. PUBESCENT, adj. 1. mannbar Wet* bcub ; 2, i>\ 7'. lvollig, rand), baariit. PUBLIC (ado.— ly), I. adj. 1. BffentUtJ), bcu Staar, tie biirgcrlicbe ®efell= fdjaft betreffenb, aligcmciit; 2. ge= meinfimbig, lanbfunbig ; n. s. tor ber iSelt; — auction, ber bffcmlirbe SSerfauf; — creJu ber Bffenfliche drebit ; — debt, btc Staarefdmlb ; — function, bie Bjfeiitliche 21itfteUurig, baS Sflmt; — functionaries, bffeittlicbe Seamte, Of= ficianteu ; — funds, baS StaatScapi* fal, ber ©taafSfonbS, bie Sraatsac- ticit, ©taatSeffecten, Staatspapicre; statement of the — funds, ber Staat3= Vapicr=C?r-ursjcttel (3?erjeirbitit? iibcr bie (Sonne [feu Stanb] ber etaat$= papierel ; — house, ba» 2BirtbshauS, bie Srbeilfe ; — papers. — prints, pi. ofrentlirbe flatter,; — property, bo5 ©cmciugtlt; — reve- nues, jpie @taat§einruufre ; — sale, bie pffcntlicbe SBevjtcigcrung, ?luc= Hon, Sicitation ; — scales bie Stabf* Wage, baS SBagegcbaube, SBage= bang; — schools, bffentlicbe Sd)ll= lcit ; — spirit. — spiritedness. bic j)fts triotifdje ©eftnnnng, ber ®emein= geift; — spirited, tsvUcvlii tib t f rt>, pa= tviotifd) (geft'nut), gemciuniifcig; — treasury, bte @d)afefainrner ; — ness, s. vid Publicity. rumJCAN, s. i. bet 35Hner, (3o!I=") (Simiefymer ; 2. ©aftaurtb, Sd;en!= roirtb. PUBLICATION. ». 1. bie Bffentlidje Slnjetge, spcfanutmarfouiig ; 2. Slugs gcibe, TSbttion (eineS syuebeg, u. f. n>.); 3. bag herausgegebene 23erf, bie be= Jaunt gemacbre 2cb,rift ; monthly — , bie iDconatSfdjrift ; weekly — .bie iCo= djeufchrift; — price, ber ?abenprci» ; publications, 33erlag8artifel ; list of new —s, ber Slomtatenjettel (SSer* jeidinifi ber tten erfdbicneiieit 2Scrfe). Publicist, s. ber SJJublicift, ©r«at3= rerbtfeuuer ober Veljrer. PUBLICITY, s. bie Oermttliri)feit, SDffenfunbigfcit, jtuttbbarfeit. To publish, i). a. I. 6ffentltf4) Gelnnnt madjeit, erfiffnen, berbreiten; 2. I;er= auSgeben ; berlegert ; to — an ad- vertisement, eiue bffcutlirbe ?litjetge madicn ; he has published for me .. , tcb t)abc bet ibm . . berlegt ; publish- ing business, ber 83erIagS=(S3ueb=) .^anbel ; — house, bie S3er(ag8= 08urb=^ftnblimg. i>ubusher, t. 1. ber SBefanntmacfcer SBerbreiter ; 2. ^ernit«geber; 3. i>er= lageburb^anbler, 3Serleger. PUCE, adj. — coloured. flohMrbia,, braimrotr), buttfelbrauu, fd;roarj= brauit. PUCERON. s. bie SPIaftfaua. PUCK, s. ber .HeluMc Vis iSaIbmaiui= djen ; — ban, (— nst, — foist), ber 3U0 33oftfi (eine "Irt ®rbpd)»amm) ; — fist, bie grebe Sauji ■]\> pucker, d. i. n. ruiijeln, falfcn, jet* fnitteni, jerbrucfen ; ii. n . fid) run= \t\\\, fid) fallen ; fid) facfen. pucker, *. l. bed meite, baufd'igc Jtlub, ber 5acf ; 'I. jig. bic 33erlegen= hcit, v ?iotb; in a—, in Srbretfeu. pudder, s. ber Sarin, baS ©er5uf4). To PUDUER, v. a. uenrineit, beunru- bigen. PUDDING, .?. bic tfloftpttft, ber .Rlof; ; Rubbing, engltfcbe .tfUni; bieSBurjt; M i r. bie '^iuiMinirft ; — bag, ber ^ubbingbeutel, bie (Serviette; —fish, cine 2lrt 93raffen ; — grass, ber $olei (Pvlegvum — /.); — headed fellow, ber SJlarr, S£rnpf; — maker, ber 2Bnr fimarbcr ; SRubbinginad;er ; — pie, bie Sleifdjpaftete ; — pipe-tree, eine v Jlrt Safjta; — sleeves, pi. bie lveiren Vermel bc3 SPriefierrocfeS, $uf (irmel ; — stone, ber Pubbing= ftein ; — time, bic (i'fjjeit ; jig. red)te 3«t. PI 7 DDENIN0, Pl-ddixing. s. Jf. Ti. ber Seguan (SBef letbung yon alien Sanen, u m bie SERaflen u. f. id.) ; — of an anchor, bie 2lnferriit)ning, ?lnferbe= fleibniig. puddle. «. bic Spfiifce, (Jlotf>=")2act)e, baS Srblammlod) ; — water, Jpfiifecu= roaffer. To PUDDLE, p. a. tritbeit ; befitbeln. puddly, adj. fdilaminig, fotbig. PUDDOCK, s. vid. Paddock. pudency, I s. bie Scbiimbijftigfcif, PUDICITY, $ ^enfebbeit. 5ittfainfeir. PUDENDA, *. pi. A T. bie ©d)amtbei[e. puerile, adj. fitabcnntafiui, finbifd). PUERILITY,' s. bo8 fitabenhafte, finbi= fd)e93efcn; puerilities, pi. Jtiiipcreicit. PUERPERAL, adj.Med. T izi ,«illbbett betreffenb ; — fever, biiS 3)Jild)fteber. PUET, s. vid Pewet. PUFF, s. 1. bfl« ftarfe nnb pU^Iirbe fiandjen, Sleifen, 9lnblafeit, Sdjnau= ben; ber SBinbftoS; 2. etroati 5lnf= geblafeneS, ?eidjte8, ScbronmmigeS |s8acfroer£ u. f. ».); 3 - t ' a§ ^ au = febenbe; 4. ber i'libcrqtiaft; 5. ^ilj; 6..//>. bie marftfebreterifrbe Slnjeige, v 4>rablerei, ber 21'inb, 2d)ivnlfr; — ball, (—fist), ber SBoRfi, col Rafter; — paste, bad anfitelaiifene ©ebatiene, ber ilnflaufer, fpanifebe SSinb ; — stone, ber iufflcin. To PUFF, v. a. *■ n. 1. fiarf llltb pUUj= lid) blafeit; 2. fdnianben, fdjitaufeu, feiuteit; 3. niifgcblafen fepn, anf= fd)roetIen, bebmit, blahen ; 4. ban= frbcii; firotjen, prablen, inarftfdirci= erifd) anEunbigen: 5. treiben, jaiieit; to — (up) goods, SBaaren (in 2luctio= nen) in bie >0bbe treiben ; to — away, forteileu, rocgreifjen, mit fid) fertfiib= iren ; to — by, oorbei febiefien . cilcn) ; to — out, mil -Sdinaubcit (iin B^ite) fagen; to — up, anfgeblafen, nufbla= l)en, anfgeblafen (ftolj) madjen ; purled up. uoll Siinfel, aufgeblafen. puffer, s. ber $8lafeffl>e, ©c^nauoen- be, Stabler, 'Hiarftfcbreier. puffin, i. 1. bie Saudientc, ber 5pa= pageitandicr, ©eepapaaei (Men nruica — L); 2. ©iftrcrbe; 3. ©opft. puffinuly, adv. fdjitaubeub, feicbenb ; aufgeblafen. puffy, adj. l. gefd)rooKen; 2. aufgc= blafen, fcbrofiljtig. PUG, s. fiim. iaS vleffcben ; — dog, bet 3JJop8buub; — nose, bic Stulpnafe, ©tuntpfnafe. pugii ! int. pt;b ! af) ! ba ! l\it> ! <5d)anbe ! PUGUj, s. fo vnel man mil brei Singcrn \ai\ lujiig. PUGNACITY, s bic Streitf»d)t(ro. ii.). puisne, adj. jiiuger, fpater. PUISSANCE s Pie >D(ad)t, ©eiualt, .Oevrfdiaft ; Krif(j§mad)t. PUISSANT (ado.— ly), adj. macfotig, ge« roaltig, ftarf. puke, i. s. l. b.i'3 SBrer^mitttl ; 2. SSeggebredjeiic ; If. adj ril. Puce. To puke, v v. fid) brerben ivolleu, fict luorgen; flcb (er=)brecben, v ubcrge« ben 1 , fpcien. purer s baS Sree^mtftel. pulchritude, s. bie Srbon^eii. To PULE, r.n. pfetfeu, piepen; ivin» fclu. PULIC. .». rid. Pcliol. puling, s bas ©eruinfel; — iy, cd». pfcifenb, roinfelnb. PULIOL, s. bie ^SoUi {Mentha, pvlcgim* — L.). ruLKHA, s. ein lappla:ibifd)er (3?eife=) Seblitten. To pull, v. a 1. beftia, tiebett, jerren, rcipeit ; raufen, rupfen, yfliicfeii; 2. Tup. t. brucfen (tin ©egenfafee rort auftrageu) ; 3. seaiang. roien.rnbern; — to larboard ! ftreid)' SSatf ! to — along, fortjieben, fortfcblcppen ; to — asunder, DOll eiuanber jieben pbet rei= f]eu ; to — away, rocgjiehcn, »vcgrei= fieu ; to — back, suriicf jieben ; to — down. 1. nicbcrrcijjeii; untreifJen, ein- reiyen, abbrerben ; 2. nieberfcblagen t)erabn)urbtgen, bemiitbigen ; to — in, bjnciuiiebcu, eiiiticben ; anjiebtti; to — in (to) pieces, in >£tncfe Veifjcn, jerreijien; to — ofi*. atsiehen, abreU pen; auSjieben, auSraufen ; to — orl a proof(-sheet). Typ. Ph. eineit ;^rud=) SBogen abjieben ; to — out. (ber=)= auSjieben, auSreiisen; to — to. jufld) jieben, anjielnu ; to — up, in bie ,§5= be jieben, auMieben, :a sail, a fine, ein ©egel, cine Slagge) .v. r. auf^ijfeit; au§jief)v n ; auirotten. pull. s. 1. ba§ beftige Btcbeu, ber 3ug. (Stop, dtucf, 3«p; 2. Jtanipf, Sire it. pullback. s. ba3 .giiubrruip, ber 9ln* ftof;. PULLER, 5. ber Richer, SReiger, ftuiner. PULLET, s. bas juuge .£uhn, 6ubu= cben. pulley, s. ber SiafitentHfl, ba« B"!] 5 unu'f, bie ^ieh'dH-ibe, SBinbe, 9JoIle, ber JJlobeu; — door, bie Sbiit «>it einer SRolIe ; — piece, tie Jcniefcbieut an eincm .^arnifrbc. PULLICAT.s. ciue Slrt feibencrXitebcr. to pullulate, )•. n. auffeiniett, ^tr^ sorfproffeii, atiSfrblagen. PULLULATION, 5. ba3 Jt'eimeit, Sprpf s feu. PULMONARY. I. adj. jtir Sunge gebo* tig; — disease, ( — consumption), bie 8uugenfud)t; ii. s. bas ?imgenfranl [PtUmonaria officinalis — A). PULMONIC. 1. adj. jtir ?uitgc geborig, luiigenartiii ; luiigenfiirbtig ; — con sumption, bte Sungenfufbt ; II. »•■ bad iJuiigenmtttel ; ber 2iingcufucr;tt'^c. PULP. s. bat 2Seid)e, ^reiariige; gleifd) ber griidjte . pulpiN(;-mill, s. bie C'iitbiilfiing*» mii bic. PULPIT, s. bie JEanjteT, baS ,«atbebet tRult; — cloth, baa Jlanjcltucb; — eloquence, (— oratory), bic .Uailjcli berebfamfeit ; — orator, ber ..HaiijeU rebner. pulpous, adj. wctd), ftcifc^ij, ntatftij •. PUNC PUNS PURE ~-iirs=, 5. ia$ 2Beid)c, Sleifcfeige, SWarfige (bcr 'Sriicbte). PULPY, ode. Bid Pulpous. To PULSATE, v. n. pulfircu, fd;lagcn, flopfeit. PULSATILE, adj. JU fdllageit ; — in- sirument. bag Srblaginftrument. PULSATION, a. bat ©chlagett, Jtlopfcn (bc8 .tpeijcit8>, bcr s l>ulsfd)Iag. PULSATOR, g. bcr <3d)lagCHbC, <5cbla= tier, Jilopfcr. PULSATORY, adj. pulfircub, i»ie bcr $ulj fdjlaflctib. PULSE, s. 1. bcr iilfciifviid>= te, bag ©em'ufc; to feel one's — . ci= nun an bcu ^uU fiiljlcn ; fig. cincu liftig auSfovfdje* ; col. it) in anf bic 3abne fiiblcn. 7'« PULSE, u. I. 7i. pulfircu, geben, fdjlagen, flopfen ft». fl.) ; IT. «. fto= j}eitb trcibctt, flopfcub beiuegeu (TO. it.). PULSIFIC, aiij ben 1>u(s erregenb. PULSION, s. baS Stolen, gorttreiben (TO. &.). PULVERABLE, adj. TOaS fid} piibern Mfir. 71. PULVERATE, b. a. rM. 7'o Pul- VERIZE. PULVERIZATION, s. bad ^iil'jcrn, bie Culvert fining. To PULVERIZE, v.n. piibern, jU SJJuls oer rnachen, pulfcertftren. PULVEROUS, adj. pufoetarttg. PULVERULENCE a. bic JUleUflf StOtlB, ftaubigc ©efdjaffeubcit. PULVERULENT, adj. ftaitbig, uoli Sfaub. pulvil, «. bas" SBobfricdjenbc, wob> riecbeube $uloer ou. ii.). pi 'MICE, (Pumice-stone), s. ber ©iiu§= jteiit. pumiceotjs, «#. bints' ffcinartig. PUMMEL,*, vid. Pommel. pump. s. 1. bic f{3nmpe; 2. pumps, pi. icinfoblige) £an§i'cbubc; Sea Ezp-s. he — blows, bic Sjjumpc ift arbors ftc n ; the — is foul, bic SBumpe ift net* ftopft ; Hie — sucks, bic 4>umpe ift lcrt-3 ; plug of a — , bcr }>itmpcuftcin= pel ; — bolts, bic ^umpcnboUctt ; — brake, ( — break), bcr ^unipenfdm>cn; gcl ; — can, bcr >4Sumpcutopf ; — chain, bic ^itmpcufcttc ; — cistern. ba§ $iiiu pen barf; — dale, (— vale), ber ^umpenbaal ; — gear.bae $um= pCllgcratb; — handle, bcr $uinpcn = fcbiueugcl ; — hood bie s |>unipeufap= pe ; — honk, bcr ^umpenbafen ; — knife, cin ((StUiegcsjSEReffet mil bop= peltcit rtcbern ; — room, baS ^inimir (bcr <5ur=Saal, Crt) mo miueralifcbc SBaffer gerrunfeu roerben ; —scraper, ber SPumpeilfdmiper ; — spear, bcr 3|}umptngecf (cbe* ^umpcngcrfitorf ', bic^umpenftange; —suck, ber $um= peufdmb, ($umpen=)2aitger ; — water. baS '4-siimpciiUHiffcr ; — trell, bcr SPumpeufoob, S(Juinpcnpotf. To PUMP, d. n.iS-jt. 1. plllllpcil ; 2. fig. ( — out), auSlocfen, auSfragcnj pump ship ho : s i l'h. ftehr beibct i ; umpc! PUMPER, a. bcr i'liinpcr ; bic ([Sumpe. PUMPlON, ? *. bie ipfebe, bcr Stat' PUMPKIN. $ bifi. PUN,*. ba« aBortfpiel. To pun, b. i.m SSottfpteletei treiben, aBortfpicIc madjen; II. a, bard; SBis ^clci iiberrcben. To punch, v. a. Corner ficdicn, ober febfagen. ?UNOH, «. 1. bic spfricme, SIble, bcr Dbrt obcr Oct; (5d)rift=)3tcnipcl (bet ©udjbtncfev), bie $atriM ; ber ^iiiijcii ; Mo 8od)eifen bcr 5atilcr «. f. TO.) ; Gun. T. bie DJauiiiiiabcl ; .%•. T. bcr 53obrpf;-icm ; Mm. T. (in Dcrb) cin ©teinpeljut Untetjlufeung bc8 fiangenbeii ; 2. bcr ^auetturfi (im $uppciifp ; c[c:, col. Jlat-pcrlc ; — and Judy, Jiaspcrle 1111b Jtiitbc; 3. fur;c nub birfe lljcnfdi. vulg. 5tbp- fcl ; 4. bad tlciuc birfe SJ3ferb ; 5. bcr ©cfjlag, ^=tog ; G. i)iiiiifd) (cin ©c= IranL ; incompos. — bow', bie -4- ! iutf*= bole, bcr $uiifd)itapf ; — ladle, bcr s 4>uiifd)lbffcl; —strainer, ba$ $unfd;= fieb. PUNCHEON, s. 1. bie SPfritme, ber SDovn, 3311115C11 ; ftablerne9J2unjfiem= pel ; bic 3B«trije; 2. Sonne, bad Say (Don 84 ©allonen). PI NCHER,*. 1. bic ~4- ! fiicnic, bcr Torn, 33uit;ut; 2. (Siner bcr mit bcr t)ifrie= me i-bdicr fticbt. PUNCHINELLO, s. bcr 5polifd;iucU, rocilfcbe .giauSuuirft. PUNCHY, adj. furj nub birf, plump. PUNCTATED, Punctate, adj. 1.0. T. iii cincu $11 11ft gejogen, a 11 3 ciitcm geometrifrben SJJunfte bcftel;cnb ; 2. 13 T. burdilbdjcrt. PUNCTIFOUM. adj. piinftformig. punctilio. s . bie Spi^finbigfcit, fiber= tricbeiie ©enauigfeif, Uebrrfeinbeit ; Jtlcinigfcit, bat lliibcbciitcnbe; — of honour, bcr 6'bl'Cllpltllft ; to stand upon punctilios, t§ gar jn fein uel)iiicn. PUNCTILIOUS [adv. — i.y), adj. fpifc* finbig, iibcrfciit; iibcrtiicbcit piuift= licb, ju gciiait, angftlid), tlcinlid); — uess, s bie (Spi^fiitbigfcit ; alljii^iinftlidjfcit. PUNClK), s. I. bcr jarfe %mU, bo« ^liiiftcbcn ; 2.. T. bcr 3tcfj tin 5ed)= ten. PUNCTUAL (adv. — lv), adj. 1. pi'l!lft= lid;, febr gcitait, ftrcngc ; 2. nur urn- cm SJ5unft gtop (TO. it.) ; to be — in paying, to pay — , piinftlid) mit bcr ayeiahluug ciubaltcu; 3. — ness, *. ivic Punctuality. PUNCTUALIST, a bcr alljit ©cuauc ; allm (Scrcnioiiibfc. PUNCTUALITY, «. bie $iillftlid)fcit, (M. t. in SluSfiifjrung bcr Sluftrage n. f. to.), ®eimutgfetf, ©trenge ; 3iict>= ti.rfcit, (5oncctl)'cir. To PUNCTUATE, v. n. illtcrpllllftircil. PUNCTUATION, a. bic Sutcrpiuittioii, 5dnirt;cid)cnfc^itug. PUNCTURE, a. bee vslid); S. T. bic 4>uitftur ; to — , ». n . (oufi ftcdicn, vcnitittdft eineS SticbeS offnen. PUN6AR, a. bie Seefpinne, bcr Sa= fclicnfi'cb'o (Cancer pngnrua — /..'. PUNGENCY, a. tiVi 2tcd)dibc, ^d>ar= fc, 53c if; i;i be. PUNGENT (ado. — ly\ adj. ftcd;cnb, fdjarf, bcifjcub. PUNIC, adj. 1. pimifd) ; 2. fig. falfrfi, tveuloS, verratberifeb ; — faith, bic puuiiVbe ivcuc b. i. Untrcitc). PUNICEOUS, adj. pitvpurfarbcit, pnr= puni. PUNINESS.S bic .Uiciubcit, S33tlliifl» fcit, ^ai'tbcif, Sdnvadilidifcit. To PUNISH, d. a. ftvafcu, bejlrofeu (— for, fur, megen). PIJNISHABLE, adj. ftrafbor, Rrafrout< bij^; — ness, «. bic Strafbarfeit. PUNISHER,* bet ©ejlrafcr,©trofenbe. PUNISHMENT, .». bic ©ejlrflfuufl, ©trafe. PUNITION, a. bic Strafe, 2lb|trafwt(j. PUNITIVE, ) adj. ftrafcub, Strafe ait'f= PUNITORY, J legcilb; punitive law, bad Strafgcfefc, ipimalgefeft. PUNK, ». bic .tSu.c, a'aiu-, Settel. PUNNER, s. md Punstbr. punning, a. bic 3BortfpieIerei. punster, «. bcr SBorifpieler, Sfflifts ling. PUNT, a. (— boat), bie irfanfe, cin Rat cbc» Aa!".:cug, eiu S'U'tt bcr «ditffS« jimmerleute. Jo PUNT, r. n pointircn, gegen bcu ©anquict fpiclcu, fc^cit. PUNTER, a. ber "^ointcur, @cgcu> fpiclcv. PUNY, I. adj. flciu, javt, fdjivacblirf); ii. .^. bcr jftralina. To pi 'P, v. 7i. (jungc) recrfen (von .»3iinbCll); Pip, s. iiu PowT. pupa, j. bie SPuppe (bcr Oin'ecten). PUPIL, o. I. bic i-upilir, btr3lua«n* pevn, Slugnpfel ; 2. bet 35gfing, Scbuler, bic Scpfilerinn, bcr Qiflega ling; 3. ba« (bic; ilimucl, i ; upillc PI PI LAG E, *. 1. bcr ^iitubclftaiib, ti« iV'inbcrjabri.ifcif ; 2. bie 35glings^ jabre, bcr 3cbiilcritaub. PI PILARY, ad . linen iljiiubcl obct 35gltng betreffenb. PUPPET, «. 1. tie ?uppe ( Trabt- puppe, ©aufelpuppe, Snartontttc, col JtaAperle, St&fyt; 2. tout, bet 28i$t, Wcrf; — man. (— master), bcr Sigentbfinttt eincr §D?arioiiftten= bube ; — player, bcr }>tippf ufriclcr, col ^aSperle; — shnw, bas $Puppen= fpicl, bie iWiiioticttcnbiiie, cU. ba* *fn«perle=3;beater. PUPPETRY, 8. amU bic 3iucvci. puppy, .^. 1. berSffielf, jinige <^unb ; 2. fig. ©clbfdjuabcl, Siaffc, ruig Scbncrrcl. To PUPPY, v. ». (3unge) rocrftn, (son .Piuiibcn). PUPPYISM, s. mat. ba« uafcivcife (fle= gclbaftc) 3Befen, bie fvlcaclei. PUR, a. bae etbuunen. ^witRtn (bet &aj}en). To PUR, ?•. 7i. frfinirrcn »ie eiue Sia^t. PURBECK-STONE ». citic Slrt ba;f.'t Saubftcin, bcr 2itbograpbirftein. PURBLIND, a ;/ Eurjftdjtig, blbbjtcbttg; — n<-ss. .«. bic .Rurjftcbtigfeir, ©lob- fid) tigfeit. PURCHASABLE, adj. faufbar, tSufitd), )H cfbaitbdn. To PURCHASE, d. I a faiifcu, ciulc.icn, (goods, 2Daoren), baubtln, cvbanbcln, eiitbanbclii, erttetben; in bcr v .'liic= tiou) crftchcit; ii. 7i. ifebroert ®egen- ftaube befonberfl mittclit eincfl •Re- bels aufbeben ; to — from one, eineni Ctroae abfanfcu ; to — ^rottitt, fo ban bcr JtaufpreiJ in Vll ,\,i; rcn TOiebet bcraiio foiitmt; ground — , bii ©tunbetnlofuug, terrainerroerbung. — and sale, Jiaiif (©infauf) unb ©et> Fauf; — on speculation, bet Jlonf an 1 Speculation, Wuftauf; by — , b'urdi 21 it fauf, taiiflid) : — bonk w bonk o, purchases, ba< SQaateueinfaiiffl [Hlpt lijs)©lld) ; — money bcr J?ailfptel« bit Jlaufgtlber, bai j?aufgelb j to sol — money, juni @iufauf«preife ocrfaufen; — price, bet Sinfaufe^ prei«. PURCHASER, *. bet Jtaufer, bit Stan* fertnii; bet ^anbluiigafuube, Slbntb/* nice: .1/ Ph. a to inert with purchasers jtaufet ftuben. PURE 1 ado. — ly). adi 1. rein, faiittt PURL PURS PUSH tauter, unrermtfrbt, ecbf, fetit (»on Silber unb ©ole-) ; 2. iiubcfferff, fciifcb, |ii4>urgirf{arbS (Linum eatkarcticum — I..); — grains, fputgtts Corner, Springforner (»on Euphorbia lathyris — L.) ; — motion, bits "Jlb- oeiebcit, Slbfubrcn ; — nut, b.). purification, s. 1. btegteintgung; 2. Mccbtfertigumj ; 3. ( — of the vir- gin Mary), jDiarid tJieiitt^unij, Sid)t= meffe. PURIFICATTVE, > ,. ,„••„„,, PURIFICATORV. \ ad J " m Z in *- purifier, *-. bee Jietntjjcr, 2durercr. TV PURIFY, c. I. a. reiuigen ; lantern, abflaeeu ; u. n. rein meibett, flar toerbett. "HTRiM, «. bas Spurtin (ein jiibtfcJie^ gcrt). URisM. .?. bcr ^urtSinuS, bie Sprarb= teiuiguiig, bcr Sprad)reiuiguugs= eifec. PURIST, .<•. ber 3>urtft, (Sprarbreiuiger. PURITA.V. I. s. bet sKuritanet ; U. adj. purttaiiifd). PURITANICAL Puritanic) (ado. — ly), adj. purttauifeb. PURITANISM, .-• bie ?ebre ber SJ5urt= tanet; .ay Sdniuheiiigfcit. 7b PUBTTANIZE, o. a. tvtc cin l>nri;a= tier Icbren, fprec^en obec fjanbetit. Puritv. .c 1. cie :)ieiitbctf, SieinigEeit, Sauterfeit; 2. ipiMitveiitbcir; 3. Jteufcb - cit ; Uufrbitlb ; Olufriilitijfeit ; — of'styie, tie SReinfyett be« Slots. «URl., s. 1. ba« 3-icfebcii, (aueb — antlet, — lace 1 , bie franfe 5Borte, .rcantiljc ; bee gefitcf te Koub ; 2. bad faufte glieBen, jfRurmeln, 3tiefeln ; 3. ta» iLnrntutbbicr; —royal, bcr SBerntutbiuein. r^ prRL. ,.. i. „. fv,m« oerbrSmen, umjticfcit; II. n . fanft flicfc-en, ta& febeit, ntiemeln, riefelit. purlieu. ». l. r. taj gaitb am flanbe 33^ tines AoritbettrfS, bie SBraljttc, 93tt^= me. ta-j 93orhoI|; bet (3agb=)93ejttf, ba^ (3retber. PURPLE, I. ». 1. bcr -Rnrpnr; bie qSnr= Burfatbe; 2. baS Jtartinalat; 3. ba8 jtnabenfraitt (Orchis — l.) ; u, adj. burputfarbeit, purpurtotb ; m coinpos. — apple, ber oftinbifebe glafeben= bauilt, SPurpUMUfel ; — brown, CA. T. bcr JoMenfovf; —cherry, ber utrgt= nifcbe SPJfaumenbaunt; — ehickweed, bai* rotbe ©aHbftaUt (Arenaria rubra — L), — cow-wheat, ber J&lbtDf tjf I! (Melampyrum arvense — L)\ — em- peror, eine ©rbntettetlingSatt (PapUw iris) ; — fever, vid. Pdrples; — flower, bie §S)actntbe ; — fish, bie $nrpnr= fitticcfc; — grass, ( — wort), bcr rctbe Jilee; — jacobea, bie febihte 3«cob8= blltllie (Amiry'lis formosissima. — /,.) ; — royal, boebpurjjurit ; — shades aid. — emperor; — velvet flower, bas 2'anfenbi'cbi.Micben ; — whelk, bie SrciiUH'tcnfitnecfc, bag ©feincben cine 3Jcufcb^el ; — willow, bie rothe SSeibc, SBanbtoeibe. To PURPLE, c. a. jMttplttrOffj favbcil, Vnrvent. purples, .'. pi. ba8 griefel; 51ccf= ficber, Sebarlarbfteber. PURPLISH, adj. im ^nrpiirne fallcnb. PURPORT, ». bev ynbalt ( — of a letter, &c, eine5 SrtefeS, it. f. w.), Seta ftaitb, Sinn, bie iDZeinurtg, bcr 3roerf. To purport, v n jiim jnbaltc habcn, cntbaltcn; meincn, befagett; purport- ing, befl 3ttbaltc$. PURPOSE, s. 1. bie •flbftcbr, ber H5nbO o'.rccf , bofi SBorbaben ; bcr SSotfa^ ; 2. bie SBtrfung, bcr (Srfolg ; for that — , in btefet Sbftrbt, 511 bent CSnbc ; for what 7 tOffbalbV from the — , (bcin imi&i ent,Ki]eit, co'. qiterfelb= tin; on — , mit gleip, DOtfa^ltrb; on — to .., unt ju . . ; of set — . rccbt mitSicip; to no — , »ergebltcb, uit= nii^, ^tvccflcS ; to the — , jut Sadie bienlid) ; this is nothing to the — , baS geljort nicbt jur Sadie; he spoke much to the same — , er fttgte foft f ben baffelbe ; it will be to as much — , eS wttb cinerlei fe»n ; to put one be- side his — , 3emtmben aus bent 608= eiptc bringen. To purpose, v. a. ftcb oorfefeen, ftd> feji vcrnebmen, (bet fid) befd>lte§en. PURPOSELESS, adj. ol)i;e (Srfolg, 5roei= loS (». it.). PURPOSELY, mh. ootfa^lirb, mit Sletfc abfiittltcb. PURPRESTURE, *. l T ber Sittgtijf, bie Snmaiung ftcmber, offentltcbet [tegenbet @)ritnbe. PURPURE, .?. 11. T. ber ijjurput. bie SPittpurfarbe. PURPURIC, adj. CA. T. — acid, bie ^liruurfnure. PURR, s. 1. bie Scelcrrbe ; 2. vid, Vvr. s. &■ n. PURRE, s ber gcriuge Stber. PURSE, *. ein iu'iitel, ®elbbentel, bie 935rfe; — of money, (in bet Sevante cine Snmme uon 501) Rafter), ber i^cntcl; I am a great deal of money out of — id} babe rccbt -Ad ©elb auSgegeben; — bearer, bcr Sacfel= meifter; — cutter, bcr in".itclfdv.ici= ber ; — net bal ©eutelltcfe ; — pride, bcr ©elbftctj ; — proud, gelbjioli ; — proud vulgarity, gelbfto^e ©emcin. but; — shaped, />'. T. botenfacffot" ntig ; — string, bie ©eutelfcbnut. To purse r. a. 1. avic ciiieit SBeutrt] jitfammeitjicbeii ; 2. to ( — up), in ben SBeurel ftecfen, cinftecfen. purser, s. x t. bet ^rooiantmetjlei (auf^rieg«fd)ijfen cber gro^en^anf* fabrteifcbttTen) ; (Sadeliiietfter, 3abl= nuiftcr, (Saffircr. PURSINESS (Porsivenbss), s. bie (Sng» britftidfur, ber fnrje x'ltbem, baS Aeucben. purslai.v, s. ber 5portn!af, baS Snr« jclfrailt (Portulaai — L.) : — tree, or sea-purslain, bie Staubeilllielbe {Jltrt p.'ez halimus — L.). PURSUARLE, aiij. ju scrfelgen, fott> ju febeit. pursuance, s. bie Serfolgnng (eincr ©ad)e), Sortfctjnng ; in— afwbicb, 511 golge beffen, bem 511 S°lge. pursuant, prep. (— to), ju gdgc, geinitfj, nacb ; — to your design, jbver vibficbt gemap. To pursue, v. L&t. Detfofgen, nacb- fefeen, 3agb marben anf . . ; 2. foil* fe^en (eiue9teife u. f. ».); 3. be- ttciben; 4. foigen, natbabmen; 5. narbfireben, ftcfa betverben, anhaltcn; 6. belangen, »or @erid)t rorbeni; to — one's walk, lvcitcr fpnjiereii ; to — a subject, eine i'latcne auSfnbten ; ir. n. fDitfabren ( in bcr ;liebe). pursuePw, «. bcr SBerfolger, SJiarbs fe^er. pursuit, s. I, bie 93erfolgnng, d^id); fe^ung; 2. SBerteibnng ; 3. baS 2tr.-= ben, bie Sotfrbung ; 4. bae 'Jliibalten bie (Smftgfeit (bet Stubien ; by—, em|tg ; pursuits, pi. bie Seficebungen. PURSUIVANT, s. bcr $agf bc3 ,§e= rolbS, Unterberolb, Staateboote. PURSY, adj. furjattmitg, eugbrupig, Eeucbeub. PURTENANCE *. bie 3ulage, baS ®ei fcblinge; r. ©eraufefa. PL'RUEEXCE (Purolrnct), s. bie (§ite= rung, baS (Sitern. purulent, adj. ctterig, citemb ; orratb, bie SebenSmittel. purveyor .«. 1. ber ^lufd)affer, C?iu= faufer (von ^cbciismittelu, it. f. ».)» fieferant; SSerfotget; 2. ^nbrtiiger; .Uupplcr, bie Jtuvplerinu. PURVIEW, .-\ 1. /. T. bcr .*3auptfa&, ober SluSfptutb eincr 2lete, etnefl EbictS, u. f. ». ; 2. mod. ber S3ereir| (eineS ©c'efeeS, 11. f. iv.J. PUS, s. s. T. ber (*iter. To PUSH. o. a. Sf n. 1. |loi5cii, frbicbcn, trciben, btingen; 2. oubrtngen, an* fallen, ongreifen; 3. ji?. betreiben, befcbleunigen, beforbetn; 4. ftcb on* ftrengen, |treben ; to — headlong. bauptlingS berabftiirjen ; to — one's fortune, fern fflliicf marben ; to — for a thing, eine Sacbe eifttg betreiben, bringen anf..; to — at, angreifen, narbfireben; to — away, fortfio&ett; to — back, surucftrcibeit, jurii Jftopen ; to — forward, fortfebiebeu, (a boat, ciit Soot) fottbuuen- to — in, I)tu=- ein ftofien, obet fcfcvbcn;to — ofl goods, aBaarcn [oifebtagen ; ba« fio* get taumen; to — on, fortfebieben, autreibeu, foittreibcii: befbrbevn; binauS polen. weafebicben ; to — out, hinaUSftofen ; to be pushed for money, ©elb fVbr iiorbig babcn. puse,« 1. bet@to§; ®ttd>; -auftofc anortff. 2lnfaH; baS Srbicben; c:t PUT PUT PUT Sdmb; 2. fyr. bie Slitftvengung. 9ln* fcfeung, beftigc Seftrebnng ; 3. bag nutjcrfte 9)iittel ; 4. bcr ' britiflcnbc 5aU, bag unertoartete (Sreigntjf; 5. bie ^ifebiatter, Heine Siime ; ai one — , mit ciiient Safce, nuf cin 2Jial ; to make a — at play, eg ill! <2picle Wilij'tt ; I'll have another — for it, id) 'will eg aubcrg bcrfitrfjctt, nod) cin 2l)Jal ailfctjeil ; when it comes to the — , int entfcbeibenben ^lugctiblitfc, col. njenn eg jttnt JEreffcn fomint ; to bring to the last — , atlfg Sleilpcrfte treibctt, ganj j)U dube bringen; — back, bag Surucf trcibcu j — bolt, bet ©dmbriegel ; — pin. bag 9lafcel= fdncbctt (cin Jtiuberipiel). Pusher, s. bet 5tof;eube, £rcibenbe, SIntmbetibc ; 3"i'iicfftotJcnbc. PUSHING, n.ij. iinteriicbmciib, fiif>u; ^ubriiiglid) ; ttiibcfcbciben. PUSILLANIMITY, .». bcr .ftlciiimiitb, bie JUciniuiitbiafeit, SScrjagtbctt, Reigberjigfeir. PUSILLANIMOUS 'a-h -ly\.:xj.IWuu niutbtg, jajitmft, fct^c ; — ness, a. vid. P'.SILLAMMITV. PUSS, «. 1. (alg StiilotfungSroort fur Jtafeen) HJHejcben, &aferben; 2. s/>. t. bet igiaff, ba8 ^agrben ; an artful — , ein i>cnd)niii$teg SEeib. PUSSINESS, s. vid, Pursinbbs. PUSSY, adj. vid Pcrsy. Tb PUSTULATE, ?•. a. fid; 511 ikltleu unb ©cfcbii'iireu bilben. PUSTULE, s bag iUagdieit, bie Slats tor, finite. pustulous, adj. poH 23la«d)Clt, fttts utg. r« PUT, v. n. .<• n. 1. fcfecn, ftcllen, le= gen, ftcrfeu, bringen ; 2. anwenben, gebrattrbeit; :i. geben, aitvcrtraucn; 4. macben, laffen, veriirfacben, t>cr= uorbriiigcu, beivirfcu ; 5. oerpflicbten, notbigeit ; fi. erregen, trciben, betoes ant, bcvcbnt ; 7. regultren, btlben ; 8. reimen, fproffett, ' au6fd>lagen ; 9. ftCUCnt, fi'ijclll ; to — a question, ciltC ftrage aufwerfen ; to — a riddle, citt Siatbfcl anfgcbcn ; to — the case, bClt Soil KvClI, ailliebnicU; — the case it be so.gefefct, ti tt)5re fo ; to — fair, bag Slufeben b/ibrit, int ©attgc fetju ; to — one's self, ficb begebcu ; 10 — about, umgebett ; henimfebicfcu, berumgeben laffen; in Umlauf btin* geit; umfcbvcu; to — about ship, JVI T. (bagSdiiff ) untlegeu ; to— again, n>icbcv bjntegen; rotcber eerfefeen; to — aside, bet -Scire legen, fcfeeti, pels Ult ; to — asunder, tlCUIICn, 0011 cilts attbet abbalfcn; to — away, roegfes fern, ivcglegen, tvegtbun; fortfdiitft'ii, fortjagen, oerfloyen; to — away by prayer. abbitlCII, ll'CgbctCIl ; to — away cares, Soi'gCll UCI'bauiICH ; to — hack. turudlcgen, juriicftbnn, jiiriiiffd)ie= ben, gurnrffebaffen ; fid) jutiid bcive= gen, lUrfltffebrcil ; to — between, b.t = timfepen ftcllcit obet brinaen, ein= fdjicben; to — beyond a doubt, aujjet Rweifel fefcen ; to — by, bci Sette le«ett; aufbeumbren, jmiid legen; bffeittgen, abtvenben; tviberlegen; »crfd)inahcit, Beradjten; to — down, ntebetfefeen. nteberlegen; (to one's account) anf JKecbitun i] feften, nnrerb= nen, anfdjreiben ; abfeften, abfdjaf= fen ; uuterbn'iifen ; berabroiirbigen; bentfitbigen, befebamen; roiberlegeit; nieberfittfcn, itnfergcbeii ; to — (down) in writing, fdmftlid) abfaffen, ntebers Vtvcibcii; anfnotiicit, jnffebreiben ; to — one's r"elf foremost, fid) an bie €pifee ftcllen; to — forth, beroov »ber bevans fe^cn, fegen obcvtbnn; urtfirtcfeii; autsftcUen, oorweifenj nufgebeit, bcraitSijebcn; borbringen, •ovtvaflen ; ^ewors [obet ouf=) fiytofs fen; tvetben; atislaufen [ant eiucni ^afen); (a book, ein SBucb] berauSs geben ; to — forward, jum 'J?orfd)cin bringen, in ten 33orgrunb btingen; (an=')treiben, tetjen, ' beftbleunigen ; reciter bringen ; beforbern ; to — one's ■elf forward, ftffl beriUT tbitn ; to — in. btnetn fe^en, ftcllen Pbcr Icgcn, bin= ein tbiin ; eiulegen, rinfe^en ; cinnii= fd)cn ; fid) einbrangen ; to — in fa sum of money, cine fjclbfuninic) ber= fcbieiien ; to — gooJs in a warehouse, ©titer einfrcirbcin ; to— :n the horses bie ^pferbc anfvaitneii; to — one's hair in papers, baS ,£>aar aufivicffllt ; to — one's self in a passion, in >£it}C geratben, aufgebradU iverben ; to — in fi 'ar, ill t fe^Cll ; to — in order, in Drbitung brinaen, anfraiiincn ; to — in practice, tit Uebllrtg blilli]Clt ; to — in print, briicfen laffen, brr: — your trust in Uod, I'Crtvaiie anf ©Ott ; to — up for a place, tl lit ciltC ©telle anbaltcn ; fid) (offentlid)) al8 Sdnbibat barnm beroerben; to — in for a harbour, tit cillClI >&afeit Jll foill= nteit fnd)eit, einlaiifeit; to — into .... Derfefeen in ...; (into a port), cincn ('.iiiMli^.O'ifeit (tnfegeln; to — into one's bands, cineni tit bie .f^inbe gc= ben, (ctamS) bebSnbigen, Trobanbi= geit ; to — into one's head, in belt Stopf fefcett, li'eis inacben; to — a form into the press, Typ. Ph (cine Sot'iit) einbebett ; to — into (some) heart. 2Jiutl) marbcii, enr.uthigcn ; to — oir, ablcgen, roeglegen, abuebmen, abtbiiii, megtbun, al^ieben, ouijics belt; aufbeben ; abfe^en, log ivcrbcii; [o8fd)Iagen (cine SBaare) ; abmeifen, abfcrttg'en ; cot. abfpeifen ; auffcbie= ben, berfepieben, oerrrSfiett, binbajs ten; bie 3ablung«frifl ferlangern; in Umlauf bringen ; cntlaffeu ; cm= pfefjleit; oufilegeu; abftogrn, abfe= ^.cit (mit einent SDootSbafeu); to — otf, iinter 5c^el geben, abfegeln; to — oir time, Beit afcn); to — out one's e^-es, cittern bie Slugen au3= ftcdicit ; to — out one's money at in- terest, fcin @elb auf 3infeu aiiMbnn, anlegen; to — out the flame, bie Siamnte aullSftfiei*. ; to— out a thing to do, Vlnbern etmag jii tbun arbeu; to — one out of heart, ciltcm ben •DIutb bencbincn; to— out of order, aug bcr Drbnnna bringen ; 10 — out of an hope, alle ippffnuug benebmen; to — one out of conceit with a thins, 3emaubcni bie 2uft ju etivag beiieb= men ; to — one's nose out of joint, ru>u cincn augftcdjcn, aug bent Sattel bcbcii ; to — out of one's power, einent bie '.Viadu beiichineit; to — over, iiberfetjeu (iibcr einrii Sluf), iibcr= fahrcii; Mrocifen; ubermacpen; to — through, buvrbftecfeii, tiuttftecben, burrbfebicben, u. f. It). ; to — to. bii;= ju'Vtjcn ; anfcfecti, beifitgen ; aiitbuit ; bringen ^u, an, in...: anfpanuen, aiii'durt'cn, eiiihafcn ; beiilcbeu ; iibev= laffen; anfomnten laffen; to — tu account, in :'iedniiir,g bvingen, auf Oiediiiuiig fttjen; to — to auction, serauctioniren; to — an end to, ein (5nbe mad)eii, beenbigen ; to — tc the cudeel, burdn'riigclu ; to — tc pains. 3}?libe inad)CII ; to — to speed, antreibettj to — one to his oath, cincn ill (5ib nebmen, febrooren laffen ; tc — to the fortune of war eg ttttf tM jlricggghicf aufomiiieii laffen ; to — to one's helping hand, hiilfrcidie $aub [eiflen, beifiepen; to — (hard to it, 3J?ur)e, iu'fdnuetbe macben, plagen, ttcibeii; I am hard — to it, eg macbt mir bid ?lrbeit, tvirb mir faucr; to — 10 sea, in See ftcdien, uutev Segel geben; alnidncu, fid) fegelfcrtig nia= cbelt; to — to silence (to — to a non- plus', fditveigcit bcifjcit, ru/«-. ba3 iDtaul ftOpfeil ; to he — to one's last shifts, aufg 9leugerfte gebrarbt feim, fid) (faunt nodi) uid)t mcbr )n bclfen ruiffen ; it is to be — to the question, whether, &.c^ eg ift bie Stage, ob, it. f. tt). ; to — a thing to the vote, iibcr ft* rtmg abftimmeii ; to — together. 511* ; to — up, auffefcett, auffteflen (cine Diautine , auffd)U» gen teiue SBucbbtucfers^teffe, cine tBettftelle, 11. f.w.) ; auffteefen li'cr^ bange, u. f. to.) aiifbaiigcu, bittauf tbiui ; aitbeften, anflebcu (einen 3et= tel, cine Sliijeiae, Sefanutmacbung, 11. f. ».) ; ciintcifen (envafl in bie Stafcbe), beiftedcu ; infammenlegen, einlegen, fatten; aufjagen, auftreis ben ; anfdbaffen, eiiifaufrn ; eintbun goods, SBaaren ; aufbeben; aufbau= feu, fammeln : oorfragen, oorbringeu, ubevgcbeit, abgebeit • auftteten, fid) melben; oerbergen, petfcbntet}en j fprrffeit laffen, tveibcii; ciufelMcit, ciutreteii; anfiintnten; — it up, ftecPa cin ; to — up one's lip, bie Vin'c aufs tverfen ; to — up fruita, Srudjte ciu= madjeu, einlegen ; to — up goods SBaaren ciiip.nfeu, vcrpaefen, (u fains menpaden ; 1 am — up, id> wetbe aufgeforbert ; to — up at..., ciufch= reu bei . . . ; to — up at an inn, in cittern Oaftbcfc abtvetcii; the J horse is to he — up at ....bag (i'iietl)= Sjjferb foil abgegeben gclaffen iven ben in, |U, bei . .'. , 11. f. IB. ; to — up the horses, bie SPfcrbe abflMiincu unb in bat Stall fiibveu : to — op for ..., laben (in Sabung Itegcn) naa) ...: to — up a vessel i"t freight, ein Sdiin jur Sabung oornterten; tn — up for a place, fid) III rinet 2 telle mclbeu, barunt anbatren; Rdj (offcntlicb) al< SBttverbet baffli erflarenj to — up With an alfront. cillCII SdjlinPf) tin* ftcifen, biniiebiucn, fid) gefaOtn laf= fen, gebulbig ettragen; to — up m one, anf cineu ill tieteit, fit geben (». il.) ; to — up to (for public snl«>. Hunt (orrciitlirben) in'tfaufc anfefeeit; to — up the sword, bag Sdnuert e«n« 333 PYKA jkcfcit ; to — upon, jitfiigcn, atiban* got. anfbangcn ; antreiben, bean-gen ; ailflegcil, II. f. >». ; to — upon one, ftllCll bcfrhgen ; "ill you — it upon that issue ? rcoHen «ie c3 barauf ma* gen ? barauf atifommen loffe it V she puts the fault upon me, fie JJtbt lim- bic Scbulb, burbet mil tie Ecbulb ouf. ,»i'T. s. I. Kit flewtjfes (attes) englifrbefl jtarttnfvtel ; !i. bet £ropf, $infel; 3. bie feile Time; 4. ber iible gall. bat Grreiguiis ; 'tis a (breed — x tt ift ein 2J}itt?< cine 9totbivcntigfeir; — off; bet SUtffdjub ; bie Slusftuc^t; a — to. vuiff. cine ®cbl.m/;.ccigciitIid))ftinfeiib; fcfcdnb* ltd), nietrig, aemetit; — ness. s . tic Slietertracbtigfeit, Scbanblidifeir. putlog (PciTLotac), ». ber Miftbaum, bie jftiiftjtitmje ; Ma Stiiftlocb (gc= roobnltcj) i nt id). PUTREDLNOUS, adj fliilfcilb, fflut. PUTREFACTION, «. bie Saulnij). ba« Senile. putrefactive, adj. 1. faulett ma* ebettb, faulenb; 2. faulenb, fanl. To PUTREFY, v I. a. 1. til jVaithtitl btingeii; 2. ntit gaulntfi anftccfeu, inftctren (to. ii.); n. ? ; . faulett, »cr= faulett, t>erw>efen. putrescence, s. baS gattlen, bie gaultiift. PUTRESCENT, adj. faulenb, s>crfau= lent. PUTRESCDJLE, adj. betSauIntji unter* tuorfcu. ?utrid. adj. faitf, oerfault, betborben ; to turn — , fa It I mcrbett; — fever, bad gaulfteber ; —ness i Pitridity, m. ii.;, *. bie SauliiiO, SSerborbenbett. PUT s bet ©efcenbe, Sriitgeiibe ; Srcibcnbe. it. f. w. i,-i,i. To Put) ; — on, bet Slitfiifter, 5lufroiegler; Slttf* rrleger. puttock. s. bcr SOttgaat, SWaufefalf, bie SEBetbe ; ber ©eter, <§abicbt; put- tocks. pi. pid. FlTTOCKS. PUTTY, s. 1 . bie 3innafc£e ;ber-33rautts ftcin bcr Ibpftr); 2. @la|t-«fitt; bie ©lafnrerbe. To puzzle t». I. a. tit SSerTerten^ett fe^en, tire ntarben, scrimrren ; octs rmcfeln ; ii. n. tire (scnuttrf, in 93er* Ifgenhetti feytt. PUZZLE « M'e SSerleaenbcif, 9?cr= tvirriiug, SSenvicfelung, £din.ncrig= feit, fdinuerige grage titer Sflufgabe, bas jftatbfel, bet jtnoren ; to put to a — , in 3?crroirruug bringeti; — box tie SSertrbofe ; — hen. led. vcnvorrcitc Stent babeitb; — ring, bet &crir= ring. PUZZLER, s. bet 3tfcmarbenbe, 33cr= uurrer. PYCNITE, *. bcr 'Rr.fuir, Srangctiftciii, fdjorlartige &Beri)U\ PYCNOSTYLE, s. ba-S bid)t|"au!ige 0c= biiute. PYE. Ps-ebald, oid. Pie, &r. f»YGARG (Pyoaroos), *. ba§ SBetbcbeti bes ^uf)Hergeiet8 (FjUo aitneus — £..). PYGMEAN, adj jU'crgartig. PYGMY, r. i bcr sppgmae, 3"-'ctg, Jtnitpd : ii. a,ij jwergatttg. PYLORIO.a^.,9. 71— artery, bieSpfott* aber. PYLOBUS. s. a. T. bcr "DJagenpforttier, ur.tere SRageumunb. PYRACanth, 5. bcr geuetborit, illlr 334 brcii^licbe "^olj 5 Ck. T. brenjlerfjcS, PYTH ntcrgruiie ©Otn, gcbprntc 27?t#pcl= bauill [Mispillus vyr.u-aiitha — ■ /. '. pyramid, s. tie 'i'lirainitc, Spi^faule. PYRAMIDAL, ) ndj \Wa* PYRAMiDic > tnibaltfrb, PYRAMIDICAL («tfefauIenbauebmtiS= fei ; — numbers, Ar T. bie SlllltlltClt ber 5polpgo«aliablen. PYRAMIS, ». oid. Pyramid. PYRE*.b« (Scbeiterbaufett, ^oljflof. PYRETOLOGY, ». bie Sieberlebrc. PYRENE\N, adj. }>»teitatfcb ; the — mountains, or the Pyrenees, .<\ pi, bit pl)reuatfd)eu ®ebtrae, 'Piirciuicu. pyriform, adj. bimfptinig. pyrite. )s. bet ©cb reef elf ie8; capii- PYRITES, ) lary — . bcr Srf)ivcfclltt= cfet ; masnetic — , hepatic or liver — , tcr Sebetftea. PYRITIC. i PYR1TICAL, > adj. frfi, njcfelfteSarf t'g. PYR1TOUS, J pyrolatry.s bte ^ttrolattie, gcuer* ntibeturtfl, bcr geiterbienft. PYROLIGNEOUS, > atlj. — arid, Ck. T PYROLIGNIC, > tie braiibige eter PYROLIGNOUS, ' ' fiiure. PYROLIGNITES, s bo!ji"aure8 eaf^. PYROMAUC. adj. — acid, Ch. T. bit brertjlicbe ^tpfclfaurc. pyromancy, s. baS 2i?abrfageii aitS tent (vcitcr. PYROMANTIC,*. bcr Sabrfagctibe au-J tent belter. PYROMSTER, s. T. bcr ^iiroiuctcr, (Scitcrnwffcr. PYROMUCITES, s. pi. Ch. T. trciljltcfjc fililcinifanre 5al', s sing. 5 roc vfcvf llltft. gettigfeit tf\ nftfciicr 511 nurbcu. PYROTECHNIST, k. bet .«'uit)tfeitcr= werfet, StuetwerteMnilfer. PYROTICS, s. ;,'. fauflifdie ?Irtcttci= niiftcl. pyroxene. ... bcr l^rr-rcn, ?htgif, paratome "Jlugitfpatb. PYimmc, s. 1. tcr ^>irr!u'diiiM SSer8= fug ticnt jwet Jtfttien - - ; 2. (ck= inal«) ciiic Slrt Icbbafter Sfaitj in tcr ffliiftnng. PYRRHONic adj. in)rrboiiifd), ffeps tifit, tn'cifch'uditiii. Pyrrhonism, ... tcr SBnrrnoniamuS, tie 3 n > f iMfii ( bt, 3iuetfeIIebte. PYRRHONlSf, s tcr Spinr[)oiiiaucr, Sfcptifcr, 3^fiflft- PYTHAGOREAN, I. s. tcr ^)tbago= raet; 11. adj. Dtttbagorifcb ; — table, ba« jfntbaflotifrbe .tafeidicii, (?'tit= ntaleins. PYTIIAGORICAL.Pythaooric, adj. rid PVTHAGORKAV PYTHAGORISM, g. bit SP^tlofopbte bc3 '^itthagiMM*. QUAD PYJWIAN, aJj. >)t)tbifcb, ben 31pcll be-- treffenb, ben't 2luoll beilia,, beni s 31poU jii (Shrcit. pytiione??. s. bie 3'iiiberimi, SSahx* fagerimt. SBeiffagerinrt. pythonic, adj mabtfagettb. pythonist. «. bcr 58efcbroetet, %au: br;tr, SSabtfager, SBeiffaget. pyx, s. vid. pix. q, s. bag D, a, bet ftebjebute 93ucb« ftabe befl 3U»babet§. quab, 5. tic Duabbe, StaCraupe (Ga dits Isobn — JL.J. To QUACK, r. n. 1. qitocf Ml t'Cfll, bell iNarfifcbreier niadieii ; aropfprerben ; pvalilcn; 2. iiiuifeu, fr.Hben, fdireieit dvie cine Stabe cter line cine gute). QUACK, *-. (— doctor), tcr OuacffaC=" bcr, aJiarf tfebreiet ; ©tiimver, $fu« fdicr ; ©to&fvtecbet, ^rabler; — me- dicines, duicffaibcvar^eiu'icii. QUACKERY, «. tie Ditaif fcilberei. QUACKISH,od7". ir.*iftfcbrcicrifd), Vfu= febetbaft ; prablctifcb. QUACKJSM,s.bie9liioubungberDHacf= fatbetei, bafl Duarffalberri, tic 3JJatK^ fiticierei, 3Pfufcberei. quacksalver, s. tcr DuacffaJber, iliarftfdjrcicr. QUADRAGENARIOUS, adj. »terjiflj3^ li s5- . . QUADRAGENE, oca»tt, Diiabrageftma. QUADRAGESIMAL, a/'j. Jltt ^aflciljeit gebfrig, tit bet gailcn. QUADRANGLE *- ba>S '^iciccf. QUADRANGULAR, ndj. qimtranguiar, Diernfig. oiettvittflig. quadrant. «. 1. baS SStertel; 2. Ast T. ber Ouabrant, Siertcl$irfc(. QUADRANTAI* adj. in beni bicrten S!i)cil cities 3' l 'f c ^ befintlicb. QUADR VTE, adj. 1. gcvicri : fcicrcrfig ; 2. in »tet gleid)e .iijeile tbeilbar; 3. paffenb, augemejfen ; — number, bit Duabrat* (gevierte) 3'iH- QUADRATE, i.balOnatraf, ©cwicrte, SSieretf, QUADRATS, pi. T;rp. T. Dll.'.trafe, ^nrdifcbnil, ©patten, Siifljiiffe. t„ quadrate, v v. uaffen ; ft'di fr^i? (fen (— with . ., ju . .), cnti'prcdien ; to — a piece. Quo. T Cl'lt Stiicf ®U fitiiij riduig auf bie 8affetfe fc^cit. QUADRATIC^ aij. gcyicrr, ill Quabrst* form ; — equations, ai>j. T. tic qua* bratifdicn OHeid)iingen ; simple oua drntics, cinf,u1)e qmitratifdic (5)iet= d)iunieil ; affected quadratics tic »«r* ntifcbtcii giuitratifcbcn ©(cirbiiugCn. QUADRATR1X, *. O. T. tie Oliatrat= linte. QUADRATURE, s. 1. bie Dn.ibtatnt. iBtetuug; 2. bal SBterecfige, i^ierccf 3. Ast. t. 5D2oubSutrrtel. QUADRENNIAL {adv. — ly), adj. UtCt> jShrig ; inerjabrltd). QUADR! BLE, adj. gciHCl'hu, t It 3 ©e» Dtette tu bttngen. QUADR1FDJ, adj. f ierfpalfig, tit sier gcthcilf. QUADRILATERAL, adj. vicrfeitig ; ness, s tic iNt'crfei'igreit. QUADRILATERAL, « t.t« tiered?. QUADRILLE, s. tie Oiuitriile (CtU £aiij 1111b cin ^attenftticl). QUADRINOMIAL, adj. Mat. T. »ieriia» inig. QUADRIPARTITE [ado. — ly), gJj it sicr Xbcilc gctbeid, gc.'ierf QUAL QUAR aUAimiPARTTTION, ». tie Sodding in bier. QUADRIPHYLLOUS, adj. B. T. bicr= blatterig. QUADRIREME, s. baS bicrruberige ©4) iff. QUADRYSYLLABLE, s. baS bicvfvil' bige iBort. QUADRI VALVES, 5. /,/. baS £f)0r llltf titer glfigeln. QUADRIVIAL adj. mo bier JGcgc $11= famiiieiiftojjcn. QUADROON. * ber »ott einem 3Seif>cu unb einer SJhilattinu erjeugte libs fbmmling. QUADRUPED. I .*.ba$!)ievfiitiigc £f)icr; 11. «er5uberr, eiufrfjvftnfl obrv Ifirljtig martyr. To QUALIFY, d. a. i. tiittt'et, aber ge= fit irft maitcn. bcfabigcti; niit ben erforberli*eii@igeiifdjafteuberfe§en ; 2. befebraufen, milbern, majjigen ; to — one's scir, riit eigueii ; fid; aii^ge: ben fur . . ; fit aumaficn. QUALITY, ,-. 1. bie (gigenfetjaft, 1'e= fcbaffeu&eit. 9lrt ; ©emnt&Sart ; 2. ber Titel, bieSBurbe; 3. baS flufebeu, ber Stitnb, 3iiing ; 4. Slbel; bie ©ton* beeperfoneil ; the — of a commodity, bie QuatitSr, ^cidiaffctibcif, @iite, beriunere JBerfbeiner SBaare ; people of — , oormtme Ceute. QUALM, a bie plBfclidje 2lnwanb(nttg »0lt Uebelfeit, Cl'iinnntt ; 5Hnffientb= lung (einer .Uraitfbctr ; — of con- science, ber ©eaiiffeiiejim'tfi't, @cru= pel. qualmish, adj. Uebeffet't empfinbenb ; l mi — . e6 luirb mil iibti; — ness, s. bicUcbcIfeit, anwonblung einerDbn- ntatt. quandary, a. ber 3U)eifeI, bie Un= fd^Iiiffigfeif, 33eriegeiibeiL @d)u>ie= rigfeir; to t.e in a — , fit meter jn iMtheit not ^u belfen roiffen. qu \.\ riiAi'ivE. )adjSi(i) oufiKeiifle QUANT1TIVE JoberSlnjool be,ie= bent, von einer gewiffen ©r5§e. quantity, -. 1. tic Stelbcit, jDJenge, (Mviifie, Duantitfit, bae 3)la§j 2. ber Sbcil. bad 2iiiif; ;!.-/'. bae Duan= htm, Styfbenmajj, SConma^ ^citmap, bie Oitantitdt ; quantities, jd.Jilg. T. bie ©ropen. QUANTUM, » ba* CiMiifnm, bie OJieiige, Wrof;c, bae UJtap, ber ©e= trag. tie ©itinnic. QUARANTINE, «. bie Ouarantaue, ScinigungSfrift, bierjigtSgige ©e= fnubhcitivirobe, Siegejeit ; gaftenjeit; /.. '/• bai ')iett ter ffiittroe, nod) oierjtg Xage itadi tes iRannei Eobe in beffen-panfe 511 molincn; to pass (to perforin, to terve, or 10 make) — . Duarantane fatten. To QUARANTINE 0. n. Cnarai'.tane aufertegen. QUARREL ». J. ber %ai\t, 2treit, 3n)ip, ^aber ; 2. ber ©rtinb, tie llr= fadjeium 3?" fen; 3. bie flbncignng, ber Uinoille, ©roll; 4. ber SBoljen (m. ii. 1 ; to have a — about a iIiiiil' fit fiber etmaS beutioeren ; nujufrie= ben biiniit, b5fe barfiber fenn. To QUARREL, v. n. janfeit, ftieitcn, feifen, babern. QUARRELERS, ber 3anfer, .Oaberer. QUARRELOUS, \v. ft. ) adj. jailfifdj. QUARRELSOME, > VtiiffiidUi.i ; ftreitjiiditig ; —ness, ». bie Janffudjl, Streitfiutt. QUARRY, .-•. 1. ber Stetllbrud), 5?rnrb, bieWrnhe; 2. \tit ^aub, bag 2Bilb= rcdjt bet ,§unbe «r.b iSto^»6get; — man, ber StCtllbrcr^cr ; — stones, iU-ntftetiie. To QUARRY', ii. a. finb bc$ ^nfei bet SUferbeu tint ©feln) ; 9. bas Jerfenleber, ,-,/. — piece; 10. t. bai bierecftge ©tfid (SBanhof)) Segejtfict; Caufluo? t»on 4 3oIl Ouabral ; II. //. v. bie \ 1 lbtbn-- liutg, bad Aolt, Duartiet fSSiertel bes 2d)tlbe* ; 12. Mil, t. bie SBer* fitoiuing, Ornate, ber Carbon ; qtinr ters, .\\ x-Jh'.T. I. bie SJsoftcn bed Srbtff*oolf8 bei eineni Sreffeil ; 2. bieOJiilitarrtationrii ; s,,. •/'-.■ quarters ofa horse, tie ~itiiltcin,.>>uftcii, 83or* ter= nut .Oitiferbeine ; fore-qu irtera bie TM'ibaut ; hind quarters, tie Oiat-- banb; — of assembly, Mil. T. ber ©amnieivla^; .v v~. — of a ship bie SUinbsieruna eineS ©cbiffes; — — of the yards OU'tbeiliiiiaen ber ^l.-\.\ jmifeben bent grbpten $itrtineffer itnb bent SRotf ber 'Mm ; a — of a QUAR pound, bafl 83ieTfe(j>fnnb ; — of mm ton, bit •tVuniiieiriiTtcl ; — ofa mile, tie SQierteimeile ; — of an hour, bie i>ieiiiiftitnte ; —of a year bai '-Hicr* teljabr; Citartal, ."Mibrceoiettel ; the four — s of the world bie trier •jpimmtifs gcgcnbeit; to have free — a, Umfm0 Wobuert; to keep —s, fid) aiirhaltcn, ciuliegen ; to cry (crave - . um i ; ar= ton bitten ; to dive — . Qnartiei ge= ben, ba^ Seben ftenfen ; to shift (change — >. bat Ciuitter oeran= beni, umjteben ; from the highest — . Don vornc^mfter ,6anb ; in your — *. in ."sheer ©egenb, tort; in tliis — . in biefet ©egenb, bier; .v t» on the — , badftageToeife vein SBint : to play on the — ofa ship, einem 2d'ifTe in bie SSinbbierung ftietieii ; the wind comes frnm the wrong — . ber 2Binb fonnnt ani ter unrerhten BcTe ; — day. bad Duartal, ter Duatember, 93terte(jabr8tag ; —day term, —days. ta$ Duartal, (befontei« aU 3>ip- inngStermin, ter 25.9Rar|, 24, 3titit, 29, September, unb i'i. 3)eeember ; — deck, &C. rtiJV T am 2a)li!lTe ; — guani, bie Snfantrrictvacbe mi ca= get; —master tev Cii.ininnteiftcr : — piece, bai Dterecfige Stiicf: t Diet 3oIl bides 3iniiiieri-oU ; ta: 1 Duar= 'ier, Serfenleber ; — pierced, // T. tu ter 9)2itte oieredtg iintl-ohrt toon eiiicnt Arritje ; — ranger, tie i)ic= oierganger; — round, .irch. T. ter ^iertehlab ; — section of land, nnge- fdhr 160 SIcferSanb; —sessions, pi tas Dttartalgerirbt, tic oiivtcljabri: gen ®erid)t9|t v ungeu ; — si.itr, cin fnvjrr tidcr Stabj — tone, Jul** T ter SQiertelton ; — wage, tie biers telfabrige iWierhe; — waiter, ber viertcljahrig tienfttlinente ^ofbeam- te;.\". T-» — badge, aid Badge ; — bill, bie ed)fattrollc ; — cloths, baS ©cbanjfleib ; — deck, tic Scbanjejbai ■^albverbecf; i^interuerbecf j —gal lery, ( — railing . tie Eeitrugallerie; — gunner, ber (uMiftabelmaat ; — ladder, tie Stnrinleiter ; — lanterns, bie ©eiteniatemen am ^iuterfebiff ; — master, ber Ditartieruififter, ©djt'ematin; — netting, bie 5inre» netten bee •Oiifte unt Scbaiue; — rails, bie jRegelingeii ber ■&utte unb ©(bauje; — tackle, ein £afel,bafl an einem ber quarters ber diaa bcfefligt ifi ; — wind, ber Seitcnminb, HSarr s ftagSmtnb. 7b QUARTER, a. I a. 1. oieien, bier-- tbeilrn ; 2 theili-n, ifrtbeiletl, fi-aU tin, jerreijjeu ; :t. einquartirru, ciu= legeu; 4. im SHJapben fiibren ; to — one's self upon . ., fit liabreM von . . ; to he quartered (in) at.., it: ©arilifoit liegen 511 . . ; to he quartered upon... in Ditartier fiegen bei . . ; II. ». Duartier babcu, liegrn, ivobnen. qu iRTERAGE, ». baS S8iertelja^r8= gelb. mi vktmrin:. ,-. 1. bat iSierttietlcn ; 2. Sinquartierrn ; 3. bie 3Bavpen= fitiltjtbetlnim j — wmd. ,\: T. ber ©eitenroiub, ioadftagSroinb. qu vrterlv 1. I. biertel: jalu-iii; 2. ein Ciertel etttbalteiib ; qitartalrocife ; —assizes, bie biei jabrigen ©eridjtSfi^ittigeii ; the — seasons of de vnt ii n.tie viev l>e!>cii A.i^ (ten, Oliatember; he bears — ... // T. er fiiiMt .. im gevierteu Sdiilte. QU LRTERN,* bat Ciiaiteritci!, Bier ti'liiof;cl. QUARTET, \s.M*s. T. b-.S Qliar= quartetto,j tut. bierftunmtgt Jo lift II if. QUARTILE, .;,r. 1: adj gem'ert ; - ,u :t35 QUEL — agpcct, *. ber gesterte Sdjeiu, bit Stelluug ber "IManeteu menu fit brei 5«td)cn ober neiinjig ©rab »on ein= aubcr entfernt finb, ber ©efeiectfianb. juarto. s. ba* Quart (=5ormat), Quarto, bie SSiertelform ; book in — , bas Quartburb, bet Quartant. QUARTZ, ». fa- Cimrj ; spongiform — , bet Sdjtutmmfiefel, Sicbroimmftetn ; violet — , ber "Jlllietbift; — rhombic, bev gemeiue geld'patb; (granular) — rock, bit* (fornige) Quarjgeftetn, ber ItvauavjfcU ; — sinter, ter Quarjs fiuter. quartzy, n,ij. quarjidbf, quarjS^n= lid), quavjartig ; quartig, Qiurj ent= baltenb. 7b QUASH, r. I. a. 1. qneffdHit, $er= qnetfrbeit, jermalmen, jerfebmeftern, jerbritcfen ; 2. uuterbriicfeit, iiber= ivaltigen; untertorrfen ; jerftoreu, ueruicbten ; 3. L. t an.nii!liicn, uuf= beben, oerroerfen, cafttren ; to — a rebellion, einen Mufrubr baittpfett ; II. n. frbiittern, fcftreaufen. quash, s. cine SIrt Jtur&ijj, ber 3^ilr= fen b ii nb. quassation. a-, bie (Srfcprferuna,, baS <3d)uttcln. quassia. .?. baS Onafftaboli, Sitter* bolj; ber Quafftabaum {.Quassia — £..). QUATER, Quater-cousin, vid. Cater, &c. QUATERNARY, )L * bie S3icr, ba3 QUATERNION, > ©eoierte; II. Qua- QUATERNITY, ) ternary, adj. ails oicr beftebenb. T< QUATERNION, ». a. tit Dlcifjetl Hjet* leu. QUATRAIN, .«. ba8 Qnafran, bie »icr- $cilige Stvrpbe, ber 93ier»er8. To QUAVER v. n. jittern, sibrireu ; Jriller fdjlagen, trillern. QUAVER, s. I. baS ?Icbtel, bie Slrbtel* note; 2. ber driller. QUAVERER s. ber £rillrrer. quay, s. ber Hay, £afenbamm, bie Sdjiplanbe. QUEAN, s. ba3 scrroorfene tteiblicbe ©cfdjopf, bie lieberliche SJettel, .(jure. QUEASINESS s. bie Ucbclfeit, ajlagen* fdjroiicbe, aJIattigfeit; ber @fei, efle ©efdpmatf. queasy, adj. matt, fcbiuad), iibcl; efel; jart. queen. 8. 1. bie Jfoiugtnn ; 2. Same (in ber Jtarte), JUuiiginu (im Scfead), it. f. n>.) ; — of the meadow, bie il5ic= feufotiigiim, ba$ JNeblfrctut (Spiraa ulmaria — /,.) ; — apple, bie 3tf illCtte, eine 2lrt Sommeriipfel; — bee, bie Q3ieiieitfi>lli,}inil ; — consort L. T. bie itbutgitiu biird>53ermahlnng ; — dowager, bie oenuittroefe Jib'uiginn; — 's gillirlower, bie 3 f lart>tPtD[c (Hes- peris — L): — gold, (ehemalSt eine Slbgabe an bie (uermablfe) Jttitigiitn won (fnglanb ; —'a metal, b.i3 2Beij}= mctall; —posts, r. .£>angefaitleu ; — regnant, bie rcgierenbe Jconigittu, Sii- ntginn, SfJegeiitinii; —'a ware, baS gelbe vSteiiiViig. To queen IT, v.n. bie Jconiginu fpic= len. QUEENING, s. vid. Queen-apple. QUEENLIKE, adj. gleid) eiucr Jtoni= ginit. queenly, adj. eincr ^oitiginit ange= meffen, foniglidj. QUEER [ode. — ly), adj fettfam, foit= bcrbar, eigen, roiinberlid) ; — ness,*. bie Seltfamfeit, 2Buiiberlid)teit, ©ville. QUEEST.*.bte.$oljtauDe ^in^eUanbe. To QUELL, v. a. bampfeit iSffbeit, bem= 336 QUES men, jabmeii, ititterbrutferf, bcjt»tn= gen, tintermerfeii. queller, s. ber ©ejminger, Untcr= britder. To QUENCH, v a. 1. li)frbeti, b,int = pfen, flillen; ait^Iofdjeii; 2. jerfto= ren. QUENCHABLE. adj. JU lo|"d)01l, 511 jlil= len, aiiSlofdplirb. quencher, «. ber 85ftf)enbe, ©am* pfenbe. QUENCHLESS, adj. ttirfjt jit bampfen, nuaii3[5fd;ltd). quentin, s. Quitttiit, Quinttan (3Jiaiiti5itante). QUERCITRON, 5. (— bark), bie Quer* citron=3cinbe. QUERIMONIOUS (adc.—i\), adj. f[ag= fitdjtig, ffageub, flagltd) ; — ness, *, bie Jvlagfudbt, ba« ftete Jtlageit. querist, 8. ber grager. QUERK, s. vid. Quirk. quern, *. (eternals) bie (Jtonu) .*5anbmii()Ic. QUERPO, s.bie SBcite, 3acfe. querry, s. ber 2WarfiaU ; &tattmtU fier ; gentleman of the — . ber bem JUMiige beim Sluffieigen ben 5teig= biigel bait. QUERULOUS (ado. —ir\adj. Flagfiid); tig, fiet3 tlagenb; flagltd), jams nternb ; —ness, t. bie J?l tut, bolter; the — is, bie ^c'be (5ea= ge) tft, e3 betrtfft; in — , tin »orlie= genben Salle, tit 3iebe ftelienb, bc= tVUfjt; the matter (point, or subject) in — , bie ?vragc, .Otele, yorliegenbc (frag= Itdje) ©acpe, ber beregte (crmabnte) ©egenfiaub, Sail, ©trcttpultft; to be out of — , niel)t in SBetradpt Eommeit; I make no — of it. td) JTOeiffc lliittba = ran ; to put in — , in jjrage jieUen, utiterfiidjeii : to call in — , s»r ERebe ftellen, Stedjeitfchaft abfovbern; in 3ifeifef ^iclieit, bejroeifeln ; previous — , bie HQorfrage tin i>at'lai!iente, ob eine @ad)e sorgenommen cber an$» gefefet jvcrbeit foil. To question, v. n. s,- a. 1. fragen, be= fragen, gragen uorlegen, oerhoveii, abboreit; unterfudjeu; 2. jur 3!e= cbettfitaft sicben; 3. jweifelu, be= jweifeln, in 3n>eifel jieben. QUESTIONABLE [ado. — ly), adj. 1. JU fragen, \ur 3Jcd;ciifdjnft 511 jiefcen, fvagfallig; 2. jiueifctfjaft, uugewif), ftrcitig ; v>crbad)ii,i ; —ness, .«. bie Sragtallinfeit, 33ertad)tigfcif, 3>«fi= fclb'aftigfeit. QUESTION ARY, adj. fvagcnb, uad)fra= genb. QUESTIONER, ». ber grader, S3efra= ger; SSerborenbe, Unterfud)er. QUESTIONIST, «. bee 3'vager, Unterfu= cber. QUESTIONLESS, adv. nitftrcitig, gc= wi6. obne grage, nbne groeifel. QUESTt)R. ». ber Quaftor, SRentmeU ftcr; ©tabtlantmrrer. QUESTORSHiP, s. bie Quaflur, ba§ QUID SRenntmeifteramt, Sfabtfantmcrcn aiut. QUESTUARY I. adj. genjittnffidttig j 11. 8. ber @ittnebmer ("iortbeiljicbci). QUEUE, s. vid. Cue. (Id l'„ 8. Did. Quip. quibble, s. baS Sortfpief, bie 3ivei* bentii]fcit, SSBi^elei, ber Spafs. To quibble, v. n. 1. tit SBortfpielcn reben, roitjeln ; 2. SQovti'piele (feine Siftinctioncnj macben; to — away, roegrot^eln. QUBBLER, a. ber 3Sortfpieler, 3Bil}= ling. QUICK, adj. &■ ado. (a/to adv. — ly), 1. lebenbig, regfam; 2. lebfjaft, feifd), munter; 3. burtig, gefebwiube, febucll, geroanft, tafaj ; tbiitig ; 4. feiu, febarf ; S^fdnuanger ; — with child, in bobcr 2d)iiMitgerfd;aft baS ,«inD (fid) vcgeit) fiil)len; be — . bur= tig! to be — at... eilen mit..; to give — strokes, berb jufdjlageu ; to have a — draught, (to be of — sale), frifd) abgeben, fid) gut oerfaufeu, ffbnellen sHufafc fiitbcu ; a — ear. ein feineS ©et)or; a — eye, ein febarfcS Sltige; — beam, bie (S'berafebe, Qi= bifctobeere, ber SSogelbcerbaiim, toil- be Sperbcrbanm (Sorbus aueuparia — L.) ; — eared, eiu feincS ©ebbr ba« benb ; — eyed, lit. Srjig. fcbarffid)tig ; — fire, bas bell lobernbe gener ; — freshes, Ouellen mit fiifjeni SBaffer; — lime, ber ungelofcbte Jlalf; — match, bie Smite, 3uubfd)nur (uoit SaumntoUe, 2BoUe, u. f. w.), Stupi= ne, baSSBeififeuer; —may, ber,j3a= gcb-Oril (Cratir^us onjaeantha — L..) ', — oven. etne9lrtS3ratofeii ; — pated, »on lebbaftem ©ciftc, aufgenxeft; — sand, ber glngftiib, £rtebfanb; — scab, ber fdjarfe ober freffenbe ©linb (ber $t\«c) ; — scented, (of scent), eine feine 9cafebabenb; — set, yon frifebem ©tiui ; — or — set hedge, ber lebenbiae jjaun, bie i&ecfe; to — set, eiiie-Oedre mad)en ; lcbenbt= gc ©cioaebfe fetjen ; — sighted, ( — oi sight 1 , febarfficbtig ; — sightedness, bie ediavfftd)tigfeit, ba« belle 2luge ; — silver, bafl Cllfiffilber; —'sil- vered, mit Querffilber uberjogen, quecffi(beriibitltd) ; lebhaft, fliid)tig; — silver-ore ba» Qimfulbcrboriierj ; — stock, beroeglidbe ©liter, beweali* cbes SDermogen ; — witted, fdjarffin* nig, geiftveid) ; .v. T-s. — wales, bie SBergboljerbefl OberfdjiffeS ; —work. ba8 lebenbige SBerf eineS Sd)iffe«; ber gcmalle Wang. quick, a. l. baS iebenbige gleifd); 2. iciS Sebenbige ; the — {pi.) and the dead, bie ^ebeiibigen ur.b bie Sobten ; to cut to the — . inS Iebenbige gleifd) frbneiteit ; jig.anf bas Snnigfte riib= ren, biSiu bie Stelt gebeit. To QUICKEN, v. I. a. 1. beleben, befee= lett; 2. anfeuern, anfrifdjen, erregen, ermuiitevit, aufinuittern ; begeiftent; 3. bc'cbleunigeii ; to the — appetite, beii'.'lppetit leiien; to — the sneer, M T. bent Stroof niebr Spring ge= bett; II. n. 1. lebenbig tverben; fid) regeit; 2. frtmell, hnriig fetiit; to — with child, jur.&rtlfte ffbivangerfeDn, baS Jlinb (fti'b regen) fiiblen. QUICKEN ER s.ber (bie, baSj 93eleben» be, 33efcblcunigeube, u. f. to. QUICKNESS, 8. i. bieStegfamfeit, ?eb= baftiafeit. ©effbn)inbigfeit, .fiurtigs feit. Srbndligfeit; 2. (finpRubfants feit, geinbeit, Sdjarfe be« aSerftan= ober ©efiibl* 1 ; 3. ©cbarfe beS ©e« fdjiimefs ; — of parts, bie fcbnelle guf> fnngsfraft. quid, s. vulg. ba-3 ©cfancte: ''brr QUIN 3Jiimb vpII Xabaf), bus $riem$cn ; — nunc, bcr •Jleuigfeiteftamer, politi= fcbc jcanncngicfier. auiDDANY, s. tic Quittculatrocrge, bae Outttenbrob. fii [DDATIVE. «■//' iay. T. rpcfcntlid), jinn Was gcboriq QUIDDITY, 5. Log. T. baS 2BaS, 2Bc= fciu QUID PRO-QUO, ». /,. r. bie fleawtfei* tige (confractlidbe) K -I>crpflid,mntg. QUIESCENCE, (Quiescency), *?. bie 3tul)e. QUIESCENT, adj. XXI fTilibe, flifl; to be — , quiefcireu, tiicbt attggefprpdxii lucrteit; — letter, ber ftuntmc 33ucb= ftabe. QUD3T, I. [adv. — ly), «= fretttib. QUIETNESS,)*. 1. bie 3lube, Stilte, QUIETUDE, ) grieblicbfeit; 2. @e= laffenbeit, bie l>)eiiiutb8rube, ber OMcidmtntb. qui Kirs. ». l. /,. t. bie ©elegqutts tnng vph ter ©rfiafcfaiumer; 2. Jin-. tic cntlidje 9(uhc, bet Stobj he lias cot iiis — , cr t>a t fciitcit 3lbfd)ieb be= fonnnen. quill, s. i. ber(5ebcr=) Jtiel, bie (fte= tcr-.i @uuU- 'J. SBebevffable, taS JRobr ; 3- occ Staebei ^ ecucS 3(jel8) ; 4. Jtioppe; ijuin iftacf bvettc) • — s in tlie rough, tpbe Jciele; — of a barrel, bev .ySahti, brtS ?uft$apfd)cn ; — boy, ber Spuljungc (in 3Bebetei= en); — driver, vol. bet ■«cbmicrer, (Scire iber, Subler, clcnte ©cbrift» (teller ; — won. cine uorbeuropdifdje <«unipfpflau$c [Iststu iaaatrU — L.). To QUILL, '■. a. runt fatten, preffen. quilt, ». bie SWatrafee, bag SRoljiet ; tic bnrcbnabte (aefteppte) (Sett*) SDccfC; bcr aiisgcitabte Mod; — mak- er, ber spolftttuiacber, Xiifcpner. To QUILT, r. a. poljicrn. aitsftppfcn ; ansnaben mil (©amns) 3Bp(1c utu tcriliil)fftt ; a quilled coat, eilt atliSgc = natter Sftocf ; quilled goods, 3&iqu<& QUINARY, adj. gefiiuft, atiS fiinf bejle* benb, fuuffacb. QUINCE, 8. bie Quitte (Pi/r«* cydmia — I.) ; EngliRh — , bie 'Jlpfclquittc ; wild — . bic Sroergmte'pel 3 — peach, tie Qlljtcuvfufiebe ; — pie, bie Quits fentprte ; — tree, bcr Onittenbaum. QUINCUNCIAL, adj. tilt Quincunx, (JC-- fiinftfErmifl. quincunx, ». b,i« Quincunr, bas®c= fiinfte, Seben bcr S3aume, u. f. a. nad) bcr Sigur etner rSmifdjen v [••:••• •!■ „ e QUINDECAGON, j. O. T. ba3 guitfs jcr)ttccf. QU1NIA, Quinine, s. Ch. T. bcr u,uvfcn= be ©ruubftojf tec 6i)iiiari»be. ' 3U1NQUAGBSIMA, ». bcr erfte &zv.\u tag in ben Safteil, Sonutag Ouin» qiiagcfinia. QUINQUANGULAR, «. ii.). auiNQUEFlD, a//, a. T. fiiiiffpattig. QUINQUEFOUATED, adj. fiiitfblat= terig. QUINQUENNrAL, adj. ffinfja^rtg. 76 QUIT QUINSY (Quihbky), s.Med T. bicj?ebj= fnebt, SBraune. quint, g. tic Aiinf; Dninte (tin ^?i= quet hud be tnt Acditciu. QUINTAIN, i. mi. Qtmrrn. QUINTAL, ». tCV L'ciltllCr (1 12/i.«. nra/r- dupoii ■ QUINTESSENCE, t. tie Duinteffenj, bejte Jtraft, ter (Arofts)9lM8jufl, tai funfte SBefen. QUINTESSENTIAL, adj. ani ter Ouinteffenj befiebenb. QmNTETTO. ». .!/«-■. T. b«« C.iiin-. tctt, Jiinffpicl, ffinfftintmige 3.'pu= fpief. QUINTTLE, 8. Art. T. ber Qeffillfte (Ptcr SiinfteU) Scbein. (juiNTLV, *. 1. tic Ouinfaite (ciu ^pid); 2. Duinttn, Oitiiitian, Quint i ii* li'iiinniiuime). QUINTUPLE, mij. fiinf fad). QUIP, s. ter Slid), bic Btidjelet. To QUIP, b. a. if n. flicbelit, bitter fppttcn. QUEBE, s. 1. bag Sflnd) (24 Sogeit) ^apicv ; Ocft Don jmei ^ogea ; in quires, iingcbitntcn ; a hook in — a eirt ttngcbniitcnc* (ipbc«) ©usft; 2. baS (3aii;]cv=,( ? bPr ; 3. ber (?l)or. To QUIRE, ». ». iin 6l)pr fiiigcu, ba« (?bpr niadicn. QUIRISTER,* bcr Pbprfanger. QUIRK, s. 1. bcr lebbafte jlnfatf, frbnellc Sc&lag, Streidb, bie 2pib= fintigteit, ginte, ber (9ied)tS=).ftniff ; 2. bie SBt^elet, Sticbelei, baS 3Bort« fpicl ; 3. ein I'pnt SBaiiarunb fiif ci= neit >6pf obgefonberter ^latj. quirkisii, adj. fpiftftnbig. To QUIT, v. a. 1 . pcrlaffcn, anfbeben, anfgcbeit, nictcrlcgcn, abgebett; 2. c|iiittircit, aiijglcidicit; 3 befreiut, 1p§ mndjen, erlebigen ; 4. tjutfiefs) bejablen ; entricbten ; bclpbncn, vcr= gcltcn, Dergiiteit; to — of burden, ClltbiivbClt ; to — one's self like.., fid) bcnebmcit a(8 . . ; to — an em- ployment, ciu 3lmt nieberlegen, ab= tauten; to — the seals, tie 3ie.]iel nbgebeit; to — one's ground, Slll'iiif uu'idKii ; I — you from it. id) evlaffe 3l)neit bieff'J, uerfdjone <5ie bamtt; it will never — cost. (S Ipblltbie JtP= ften (bic s Biiibc) nidit; to — for.., »crtailfd)Cn lllit..; to — (scores) with one. abrcdnicii. fid) mit eincm bcrediiien, ibn vbllig bcsablcn ; of — charge!", jg. E. nadj Slbjltfl ter Sto- len, fpefenfrei, franco Spefen, QUIT, adj. quttf, fret, Ip#, letig ; to go — , loSgefprocbeii roerben; Ip*fpnu ineii ; gut roeafommen ; l shall be — with you, j^, id) will ti bir fdipn oers gcltcn ; /.. 7'-.,- — claim, bcr i'cr-- jidit. bie SBerjtcbfleijtung, ^iiriicf: nabntc ; to — claim, r. a. fcitie Sin* fnriiebc anfgeben ; — rent, bcr 6rb= jtll8. QUITCrl-GRASS, », tie Oncifcii, ba« Quccfengra?, ^untegraS (Tritieum repen t — £,.). quite adv. gam, gSnjIid), »5Hig, burcbanS; you are — out, Sie irrcu geivaltig. QUITS! int miff, qttttt! gut! rid)= tig! obgenmebt! oergolten! abge= tvumpft ! QuiTiAr, e. tic (2Biebevs)93crgcIs tuitg ; 9(iirfiab!iing. QUnTANCE, 8. tic SBejoJfung, 5k= rtdjtigung; ©iitlebigiing ; i^clpb= iiiiiig, 1 SBergeltung; to cry — , @lci= die* mit ©letd)em oergelten. QUITTER, 8. 1. ber SBerlafjcr ; 2. bie 3tniifd)laifcn, 3innaffbe ; (— bone), RABB bie bavle ®efch»Uljl on bcr .ftrpnt be« .»3ufe8. quiver, *. bet ilScber. To QUIVER, b. n. jiltern, fippcrn. febauem, jutfeil. QUIVERED, ad;'. 1. mit eincm Jvpd'cr ; 2. in eincm .ubrbev fterfenb. quixotic, adj. bonquiiotinS§i(J. QUIXOTISM i. bie ip;;.':!irptiabe, lacberlicbe .'Ibciiteiierlidifcit. To QUIZ, r. ii-. finen) argcrn, fpolteln, aufjieben nerfen. QV\Z,8.eoL I. bie 9terferei, 2pptte> vci ; 1. tev «ppit'.-P:iel. QUODLIBET. ■ Etc -."Infgabc, Ar.ige; gpi^finbigfeit; bae Duoblibet. QUI HP, Qi oit, c. n Sdjeiben roerfen. QUONDAM, adj. cluutalig, ivcilant. quorum, 8. i. t. tic ju einet (Snt= fdtciciuig binlanglicbe ;Vibl (9ticba ter); a justice of the—-, ciucr von ben oetorbneten SJlidjtcrn. quota, 8. bie Quote, Quota, ter oetb«ltnipma§ige '.'lutlH-tl, tie Si* oibenbe, tas Sontingent. QUOTATION,*. 1. bieOliifiibruug ; 2. angefubrte Stelle; siens of — . bit aiutubrungSa (MUtipn*=)3nd)cn [" — "], cd. ©aufefitfidicii ; M. i »■. quotations [of the prices), ^iPtivungen (ber ^retfe , tie SpretSlifte, ter SRtcie* cpurant ; (quotations of specie), tal ^reiaaerjeirbuift bcr ' s )plt-- lint ©tU bcrfprtcn, bet ©clbcourj:3tttel. 7b QUOTE r. a. anfubren (<£tbrif> ftcllcit, u. f. ft). ; — from, a\l6) ; .)/ E-8. price quoted, bet aiigcblicbc (up= Itvtc i^reifl ; to be quoted a) ... tm " fRreife oter Sourfe ftclun \\\ . . . \w ftebcit fommcii auf . ., nptirt fc.iu mit . . , Ptcv JU . . ; at the ex quoted 511 oetjeicbnetein Sours. qi '1 HT.U. s. bet .'litjabrcr DOII Sdjrift= ftcllcit ', gitotor, QUOTH, b. d. (nut int ^mpcrf.) — 1. fagc obet foflte id) ; — be, .-he, fagt, ptcr fagtc cr, ftc. QUOTIDIAN, l.adj taglid) ; IL *. ba.5 allLiglid) SfBieberfebrenbe ; Mod r (— fever), bae tftglicfee Aicbcr. quotient, 8. Ar. T. bet Quotient bie ii'ctijabl. R. u, 8. ba3 9i, r, bet adWjebntc SBucb* ftabc bee -.'llpbabct^. T,< RABATE, d, a Sp. T. ben Salten^ mieber an tnt jteben. To RABBET, ■ a. an cinautcr filgen (!8rettcr) einfugen : abbobeln. RABBET, 8. bet '.'lutdilag (ait 2biir. oter (Scnftcrpffitnitacni, tic Tvngc ; — plane), ter fcinc fiobel, s JilttbhO» (— Pi bcl ; fletne bbUcntc SBecbet ; jv. r tic Spouning. .Rielfttge. • 1; \i;r.i, p . Radbim . ». ter jubifrbe @otte«gelebrte, SRabbi. SRabbtnet. rabbinic, 1 1. adj. rabbinifdj; 11 RABBINIC IL . S RABBimi .». tic Spra* roc ter 9tabbinen, tic bebraifctc igpradtc. RABB1NIST, ')lnb> ter 9tab: bineii, Jiibbiniit, ;ialmubift. 337 KACK RAG RATS RABBIT. ■-•■ bd8 JtanilM&Cll i I'uck — , bas -yv\-,iiiulH'ti. bet :Hammler ; doe — . bas iffieibrbeii ; welch — , bcr ge* toflete Jliife ; — 'snest, bte §ecfflvu= be bet .Kautndnii; — warren, bas jtaninrbengebage. rabble, s bcr ge mciur «§aufe, $0= bcl, Jan •§^= bel Eifcelnb. RAB-DOLOUY, nut Kn\nnoLOQY. rabid, «■//'. rafenb.t»utbenb, roiib: — r.ess. s. bic SRaferet, 20utb, 3iSil?beit. BABINET, s. fine 9lrt EUiucr gelb* (Jtanonen). racoon, s. bcr SBafdjbdr, (sdjupp {Ursus Litre, 7>A RACE, *. 1. bas ©cfcMerbt. bcr Stamm; 2. bic 3urbt, bas (%tiicbt, bie2lrt, bcr Srblna ; 3. bas ($ferbe=) SSetttennen, bcr SBettlauf; ba«8au= fen, bcr gattf; 4. Aortfdiritt ; 5. bcr rcifjcubftc JEbeil eincs StromeS; tf. A*, r*. bcr Bettflront ; bcr ,ftolf ; 7. bcr fdbavfe ©cfrt)madf ^bcS Seines) ; the first of all tin; human — , bcr crfte ajienfdj ; to run a — voettrenncit, ciu SSettrennen batten ; — (of) ginger, be* ganje 3ug»»er, bie 3ngn)errour= d, vulg. Sngwerflane ; — course, bic SRennbabn ; — horse, bas JHenii= F erb, bcr :Kcnncr. 7V RACE >: „ 1. voettlanfeit, vocttren= not; 2. Jlennpferbe baltctt. RACEMATION. s. bic Xraube, bas Sraubcnartiac; — of eggs, bcr Gicr= ftorf. raceme, s n. t bic £ranbc. RACEMIFEROUS, adj. traubenartig, £rauben tragenb. RACEMOUS, ad) ill Traubcn voaebfenb. racer, *. bcr (2BetU)iReiinev; bas Sftennpferb. RACH, s. ber febottifebe Spiirbnnb. RACHEL, s. Mabel, JHachel (3rancii= name). RACINESS, *. bie ©tarfe, bas @ciit= rctitc (be8 ©erurbG pber ©efc&macfS, btfonbers bea ffleineS). rack, l. bas JleeJ ; bie Sftaufe, (.§>eu=) 9lecfe; 2. berrKoft, «perfroft; 3. bic SoIter(=^3iinE) ; Lfis aHarter, ^ein ; 5. .V v. bai Tanfeiibbciit ; 6. ber ?cacf. nid. Arrack ; to put upon the — , ouf bte goiter fpaitticn; to put one's brains io die — , .tig. fid) belt .Uopf jerbrecben; — rent, /,. v. ber SParbt, ber tent rciiteu (Srtrag bes ©ntes gteirfa Eommt; — renter, ber einen fi>lrbeii t*adn eingegangen ift; — work. MS 3»tbnroerf jinn Xretben unb JRicbten eiues i£eleffop8. To HACK. ,- I. a I. rccfiii. bebnett, jicben; 2. mtfd -§>5rbfte fpannen ; 3 folicni; martern, qualen; 4. JV. T. (fin Jam Freujen; to — vines, aBeinfioeff licbcu nnb befcbneibcit; to — oif hqunr (©etrdiife) auf 5Ia= fdicn tielifii, alsicbcn, lantern ; LI. «. vpiii iwiiite gejagt lueibeu, (von ben HHSolFeii), . jiff. bcr Sarin bafl ©etbfe, (Seraffel ; 3. cant bcr Spi&bubeilftretcJ); rackets, pi. Jim i .v /: .i rtbnccfd)iibe ; to keep a — , nuts ft'WH Varm madjen ; — maker, bev ^(acfeleiiiuart)cr ; — seller, bcr :K,nf,'tcn»anMer. To RACKBI\».«.£n. I .'BafI fc^tajClt ; 2. ftoiifii; lumen; feberjen. RACKEry ailj. mdff. lariltcnb. Rackin i ,,-irt s. l. ba8 SRetfen, 5vo(= tern, JDlartern ; 2. .'lb;icbcn f»on©e= tranfeu, V.iiucrii ■ 3. (^iiirabnicn btriiute; 4. .\: r. Satelfreiiisen ; 338 — , or — pare. Sp. K. bcr Vvlfft)fre SPafigang, Slntvitt, 3)reifcblag; rack- ings of consc ie nee, @ cro i ffettS b i ff c. racy, a*/], ftarf (uoit ©eftbmatf unb ©erurb), geijtrtir^; uad) btnt Soben febmerfenb. RADDOCK, *. rul Rlddock. RADIAL, rid. Radiant: — curves, O T. Guruen, beren Ovbinatot ivie Strablcn von cincm JDiittelpuitfte anc-lanfcn. RADIANCE (Radiancy), .«. ber ©Jailj, ba3 Strablcu, ©cbiiniiicrn. RADIANT ' (mlr. — i.y), adj. ftraHcilb, glanjenb, fiiufelnb. To RADIATE, e. I. it. ftrabfen, gKiit: l,c\\, ftiufelit ; it. a . er(cnd)tci(. RADIATED, adj. lmiftrablt ; — ilowers, B. T. geftra'bltc iMiimcn, StrabU blnmeii; — sione, ber ©trablfd)8rl, radiation, s. baS Strablcit, etral)= lenroerfen ; bie aUfettige ajerbrettung. radical, adj. a- *. 1. \w SBurjel ge= borig, urfprunglicb ; ben@runb»on etroaS auSntflcbettb, ©runb . . ; '2. an= geboren, naturlta) ; 3. Ch. T-s. ber ©rtiiibftoff; — iinoric, bcr ©runb= ft off ber >51nf;fanre; — heat, bie itt= nere .^i^e ; — moisture, bcr inncre Vcbclljfaft; — muriatie, CA. T. bCf ©rnllbftoff bcr ©alO'aiU'f ; — refor- mers (radicals), pi. bie Sflabifaten; — sign, ba3 iOnrjcltcidicit ; — truth, bie ©nutbwabrhcit ; — word, baS StammtDort, SHJurjelioort; — ly, adv. urfprungltrb ; oom ©runb aits ; — ness, s. bie Urfprunglicbfeit, ©runbs bcf.taffenheit. radicalism, s. bfr SRabifalUmttS, bie ©ruubfaie ber Siabifalen. radicality. s. bcr Urfpntng, bic Itr; fsrunglic^feit, ©ritutbcftljaffciibctt ; SBurjei. T<> RADICATE, v n. &■ a. WUrjellt, SBnrjfl faffen pber fdilagcn, ein= wnrjclii; ticf einpfiaiiini. RADICATE, a4j. (eill = )flcivnrte(t. radication, s. bu$ SBurjcln, 3Snr= jelfaffen, t5tnn)urjefn. RADICLE, s. B. T. bcr 35ut.). radii's {pi.\ g. I. ber SRabiuS (halbe Surrbmeffer beS 3irfel§); '2. Out. t ber Sicbfilrabl ; 3, ./. t. bic Slrmfpinbel, @lbogenrobre. RADIX. «. (fat.) Oram. T. ^\i SEBllts jelroort, etanmuvort; Jl'g. T. rid Root. rait", s. ber .Oanfcii; wig. bcr gc= nieine jterf, out. Riffraff, raffle, s. ba« 2luSfpie[en (©li'ids* fptel). To RAFFLE, v. n. an*foiclc)t. RAFFLER. .*. ber SBurfler. RAFT.s. ba« Alofi, bie (Chm;- 'fvlo:"e, bas '23torffcbirr; 5d)it»immboU ; — merchant, bcr ©auhoJjbanbler; — port, .v. t bic SpieEpforte, urn •4>lait= Een jii laben. RAFTER, s. bcr fleinc 33aIEen, Dncr= balfeii; Eparren; bas ©pamwerf; — foot bcr i rauf baEclt ; principal — s. bie ©arbitublfaulrn. raftered, adj. von Ducrbalfeii ge= banct. RAFTSMAN, s. bcr ^(onfiibrcr. rag, s. ber Sumpen, Sappen ; acih-h ; worn out to — s, gan; abgetragen, jerlumpt; all in — s, ganj jerlumpt ; to tear to — s, EfillClt iintCll ^i'f>cil (111 ciiifin faffen; — bolt, .v v. bo ci = feme iloljen mit "JBircvbafcn, Xad- boljcn ; — man. bcr Cnmpeunniirt, Suntpenfaminler; — stone, ber <§(inb« Rein, Srucbftein ; grobe Scbleif* ftcin ; — won, bas Satobstraul (Othoima — /,.) ; marsh — wort, bai SumpfEreiijfraiiti RAGAMUFFIN, .-•. bcr clcnbf, nicbrige itJJeufcb, Suiupenferl, 2uinp, ,g>a= lunEe. rage,*. 1. bie JSntb. SRafereij 2. ©ierigfeit; ^eftigfeit; bcr «iifer: 3. bie SDxobefurbt, •J{ad)abniting3» fiutt; 4. (£ntj)utfung ; —of pain, bet rafenbe Scbmerj ; — for (of> play, bie Spietflicbt ; — for building, bie i^lU= tiuitb. To RAGE, v. n. roiitben, vafcit, tobeit. RAGEFUL, adj. miitbenb, tobenb, gvim= mig. ragged, adj. 1. jerrtffen ; 2. jer= [iiinpt, (timing; in Sumpen gcbiillt; 3. jottig ; Enotig, Enorrig; iincbcn, ranh; a — falcon, fin gaife mit jer= brodicncn Sebern; a — leaf, b. t. ctu fparrigea Slatt; — robin, bie .RmfiiEeblumc, ©anrbnelfe, $ec|neU fe {Lychnis Jios cunili — h) ; — stone, ber robe Stein, ©riirbftein ; — s.\. bas ^erlitmpte ; bic SumpigEeit; 2. bas Jtnorrige, 3Janbc. raggy, s. eiite 'Jlrt Jl\tmmgra5 (Cy iiosurus — L.l. raging {adv. — ly), adj. iviitbciib, ra* fenb, tobenb. RAGOUT, s. bas 9Iagont. RAGULED, Ragquled, //. T fliotig, aftig. rail s. \. ber JTJicget, bas Duerbolj, bcr <2d)Iagbannt, vid Railing; 2. bie Sialic, bcr SSiefenlanfer, s 2Bacbtc!« Eonig ; 3. cine \>lvt iWantel ; 4. s. pi. mod. 7'.^)leisbannie jn ^o^bafmen), ^oljriegel; Sifeiibabnfrbif nen ; 5. bas ©ehiitber; 6. JV. r cic :)iegilin* gen ; ^eiiten ; post and — fence, bit (ginfriebtgnug ans ^fcftcu nnb iiuer^ bbljcril ; — road »r — way, m,~d. T. bcr Sfiicgelmeg, bic Ooljbabn ; Ht Scbieueinueg, bic (Sifenbabn ; b»CA«h — way 'branch-road;, bif 3ivci,,- C^Ct ?lnfcblnf;babii; double — way, bie Soppelbabn ; — way tariff, ber @U fcitbablitarif ; —way transportation, bcr (Sifenbab atransport. To rail, n l.o. 1. mit cincm ©cldnber ober (S)ittcr obcr mit $foften unb Ouerholjern umgebeu, einfriebigen j 2. jnfammenfoppeln ; ll n (—at)., fpotten itber . . , fuorieln, Ricbeln anf.., aufjtrben mit, ftberen, necfeii; frbinaben, laftern ; to — against . . , iibchcbot von . . . RAILER, s. bcr Sp5tter, ?diterer. railing, s. bas ©itter, ©elanber. RAILLNGLY. ado fpOttenb, fp&ttiffb. raillery. ». 1. bic Spotterei, SSlu cferei, Stirbelei ; 2. ber «rbctj. raiment, s bie jtleibung, rain, g. ber JRegen ; —bird, ber 9ie» geitvogel {Cur.idus j unnicensis rwjor — A7.) ■ ' — bow. ber Sliegenbogenj — bow-fish, bcr 3legenbi>genftfcb: — deer, nid. Rask; —fowl, ber ©TUB' fpecbt; — L'ML'e. bas :)lcgcnnia9 ; — water, bas ^JcgeiiioaiTcr. To rain, ». n. a«. regnen; niebcrgit* |5cii< it rains, fs regnel ; 'tis go ng to — , es will regnen; to — down, Rw berregnen, col. niebergtesen, raininess, s bas jRegenmettet. rainy, adj. regntg. regnio>t j the — season, bie SRegenjeit. To RAISE, b. a. 1. bcbcn. anfbebctt, in bic Oobe bcbcn ; 2. aiifitellen, auf> fefcen, aiifricbtfti ; 3. crbaiieii, tr- rirbten, ftiften ; 4. erbebcn ; 5 er« boben, vcr.irbficrn, criveitern; B. be> forbcrn ; 7. cnvfifcii. crregeit. in RAM RAND RANT Beroeguug fefeen ; 8. }ufamutenBrfns feu, fammcln ; 9. waulaffcu, in linlauf briiigcu ; to — one's self, einvorfommcu ; to — a bell, eine ©locfe in gdnuung briugcu; to — hWsters, UMafcit Jt^t>cit ; to — a cry, eitt ©efrbici crhebcit ; to — the devil, ben £eufel citireu ; to — from death, bent £ote enuccfeii ; to — the affec- tions, bag 4?erj riinren ; to — the eyes, bie 2Iugcn auffchlagen ; to — (sea- 'men ( — an army), (Seelcitte) Sruppen roerben, auf tie 33ciue brtu= flcit ; to — a loan, cine flulcihe mas ebon ; to — money, ©clb aufbriiiacn, anftreiben, erbebcn (and) burcb (fle* fteuentug, u. f. ».), ciucai'fircn ; to — the n:ip of ihe cloth, T. bag Illd) aufraitlieil ; to — the price, bCIl fyttti Ct'ijbbCU ; to — any distant object at sen, ciiicit ©egeujianb auf ber See fjobcr ju ©eft'djt bcfonutieu ; to — a report, ju ciiiem ©crucbte 9lulafj ge= ben; to — a siege, eine Selagerung aufbebett; etiieu belagetten Ort ent« ftfceu ; to — spirits, ©eiftcr befd)tt)5= ten ; to — out of sleep, auS bent Seblafe roccfen ; to — paste, £cig ju SBarfroerf formeu; to — plants, sjjffcttjen jicbeit ; to — sheep, Sebafc jieheil ; to — up the people, bag $olf aufmicgclu; to — a wall, eine SRauer fluff ill)rcil : to — the waters, tie SBaf* fcv losloffen; to — wheat, SBetjen bauen ; with raised voice, mit (outer S limine; raised buttons, crbabcuo Jciiopfe: a falcon raised in flesh, Sp. j'h ciu jalfc bee jugcuontmcn bat. RAISER, a. bev aufbcbt, nufiicbtct, er= bebf, II. f. ».; bcr etiftcr, Urliebcr. RAISIN. s. tie diOHlie ; — of the sun. bie .ftubebc ; jar-raisins STopfrofieneu. raja. Rajah, s. bcr Sftajafj (iutifche Sfitfl). RAKE,* 1. ber ^ertKit. bie .f^arfc ; iliubrfrucfe bcr iMcigiefier ; 2. ber Sieberlirbe, SHJiiftling; 3. jv. t. bad SluSfcbietjeii. Uebetfcbtejien i ber Sail ) bet Steven; — of a ghip,bie 3d)iffg= fpur bag .uichoaffer. bet £og (tor (Elridv ten eiu 2d)iff tin SBaffer butter fidj ntrftcflagt) ; — hell, .« ber liebcrlicbe, nirbtsnM'irbiae .Red. ((Sn/jSUuftlcnfl, cot. 2cufe|gbrateu ; — heil ,,r — helly, adj. llCberlid). To R \ki:, ,• n. Sr a I. reeben, barfen ; tufantmenfrbiirren, raffeii: fdiaben. fra&eit; 2. nirrbftobrru, beruni in- ebett; 9. ein toiiftc* Vebcu fubrrn; 4. Sp r baooitflitgni, cutflicbeu (you cinein Ralfeni ; to — the Ore, ba? Senet fufammenfrbatten ; to — a ship, ein eebiff tee Singe narb be* ; ui — into . . . etroai turrb= furbeil; Jig. fieb mil ehvag beimiu gen ; to — up, aiiftviiblen, biurb= wublen. RAKEK * bag JWerbenbe, 3ufamntens fdiaivciito. u. f. to., out. '/'.> iukk. RAKISH ■..•./,■.— i.v, adj. lieberlirb, au*= febroetfetib ; —ness, «, bie 8ieberltd)= feit. 71, R \i,l.V. v I. n. 1. n'teber ramnieln. in .OrMtiitifi fie II en ; (.§eerflurbtt(je) {tint 5tel;en bringen; 2. fpoften, auftiuc!!, hnrrbtieben, faturtfiren ; ii. v. fid) wieberfammetti ; unorbent* lid) iitfainmenConimen. rally, s l. tag Sffiicbtrsereiniaen, Sammeln eiueg aefc^laaenen ,pee» reg; 2. ber Siteij. bag i&ebmen. RALPH, j. jRalpb, Siiibolpl) (.^aiiug; name). Sam, s. I. bet (Sdjafborf, SBibter; '2. A>t. r SDibbet ( tin Tbievfieife); 3. T-a. ber ilJammbiocf, .Oo^er ; Stunn= jo. jeitl)ci(cii. RAMISIl, Ra.misiiness, vid. Rammish. &<■. rammer. 5. r. tie famine; Sanb: ramine, bet s 5rlaitcrftb|iel, bie Smigs fer; ber Sabefiocf; — of a pun, ber 9lufel}cr einet otauoue ; — man, bet Slammer. RAMMISH, adj boefig ; ftinfenb ; — ness, e, vid, Rankness. RAM0U9, «.//. aftig. Tn rami*, r. 7i I. gerealttg f;ningcn, Sptiiitge, Salje matfaen. biipfeii; 2. fid) ranfiii, fletteru, fcbltngen (turn igflanieit). ramp. s. 1. ber Sprung, Safe ; 2. ber flecfige 5BtUin [Arum maculatum—l*.) RAMPANCY, s ba? Ueberljautueljiucu. bie Uebermacbt, Aiille. rampant. nitj. I. uboihaitb ncliuteiib; 2. muthivillig : :5. //. 7'. aufgeriebtef. rampart. *. ber ffiail, 2ballgaiifl; tic ©ruftruebr. tlAMPION. » ber (tie) SRapuiijcI, bag rtapliujcneil [Campanula rapuneuius — ,..). ramsons, ». bcr SSiilbfiioblaurb, iBarlaUth {Allium ummum — /..) spoiled — bcr lange jfnoblaiiob, bie lauae Siegwutj, bet 3Ulfrman6bar: llifrb [Allium victorious — /.,). rani ;n. aitj. raitjig, ftinfenb. rancid TV. )s tie iRanjiflfeit, bcr rancidness, ^ ranuge ®etutb. RANCOR, a I. tttt biiteiite iSrofl eiu = gewutjelte ^af; 2. ba* fflift, Ber« berben ; to bear a — , ©toll begeii. RANCOROUS (air — iv . ,;//. voder ©roll, boSbaft, feiiibfelig, hamifd); mil ©roll, fciutieli.i. RAND, i. bet :Kant. ' RANDAL, Rahdouh, * 9fantol^l) (ilJaunguaiuci. random, La. bet Bufall. ba« Unae* fabr; u. n.'j jnfauig, auf ©eratpr* roohl nefrbebenb ; ai — , nui ©eras tbeivobl, bliublingS, in ten tag luu= fin; —dance, tec It ad) fciueiii be= ftimmten ©egeuftanb gericbtete iMid, Streifblicf; — recollections, auftan = rbeute (f riiitieruugcn ; — shot, ber ©d)u5 auf O)eratbcroobt (iu«©taue) cm Scbup uad) tcr bbdiucn (v|c:a' tion, i. c. uuter tiucnt SJiiiufcl sou 45°. ram; Rase-deer, s. ba« 9lciint&K» (Cernu-i randus — /..). To RANGE n. I. in Cibuung ftcUcu, otbnen ; 2. fiber etwas feijcu ober gchcu ; :). gefteUt fepn ; 4. nm= bcr iiMiitcui, febiveiteu ; o. in eincr geroiffen 9licbtung liegen ; . bie Seiter* fpeoffe; 7. ber Aiiicvlocf, .Uud)cn= roft; 8, bag (iyjcl)l=|2teb ; ran; mountains, tie iQergfctte : preat — , fie niadHcit emeu groyen 3"G (2Bea ) ; to give one's fancy iu iree — . fetuer Sin bilbuitggf raft freien 8auf laffcu. RANGER. ». 1. bcr .Oci'iiiunbiv.inucr, ganbftrcicber, 83ufd)£leppet ; 2. Stfiit- bfrbuub, Spurbunb ; 3. SBtlbmeifler, (Cbei--)Aon'tnuirtcv. r vngership.s. bie aBilbmeiftcrflelle, (C bersjSotjtcm. RANK (ado. — ly), adj. 1. Qfil load): fcub, uppig, frucntbar; 2. brunftig, ruiff. laufifd); 3. raujig, ftinfenb ; 4. ]tarf (von ©efchmatt unt (Sigen= fdjafr) ; 5. flarf, gtob, oierfcbrJtig ; a — rogue, ciu (Srjfcbehn. rank. s.l. tic Sleibe, vinic, 9teibi unb©(ieb; 2. Slaffe, Orbumig; 3. tcr SRang, 2taut; a house of—, ciu augcfclKite* i >§anbe|g= ) vmiis ; a in tn of — , ciu SDZann »on Stnube; .'./ PA-*. - and tii.-. Unteroffrciert unt ©emetne; to mi the — a ein (5orp« colljablig marbeu, ergattjen; to turn one into the — s, eiiieu ©affen laufen laffcu. Ti> RANK, o.l. a nadi ber fRtiQt (tels leu, oibitcu tangiren ; in cine gemiffe Slajfe feften: ii n geotbnet, in cine glaffe flcftelll feun; to — foremost, olniian ftebcu. ranker, s. tcr Orbner, ©inret^er, Slafftjuirer. To RANK1JS ». ". fut eiittiillbca, idi'.vavcu, eitcvn.uin fid) frejfen. RANKNESS,* I. ber geile SQurtl, bie r\rud)ibaifeit ; Ueppigfeitj 2. tcr taujige ©crud). RAN NY, s tie iVi'lMiiaug. n ransack i: n I. iau»s plftubern, beraubeu ; 2. tiu-dnvublcu, geuau burebfurben, prufeu. RANSOM, a bie .Hau.iou : ( — money), bat 85i"egelb ; bie ilnglofuiig. n RANSOM, n. a. ramioiiucu, aug!5« feu, (oefaufeu ; erlSfeu. RANSOMER.S, ber Voc-faufcubc ; 6r» lofer. RANSOMLESS, adj obuc SSfeflelb, IUI- ciitgclblirb, umfoufl. 7b RANT, n.n. l-oditrabcnb fvrcrben, ftii) fd)nuili"ti,|, bocbfabreitb bomba* pifeb auebrfiatn, eifern, fdmnitntcn, iviubcii. RANT • ba« boebtrabenbe, fcbwfi'jligt ©efc^wtl^ bie Sehrofirmerei, bet SBorl tioall, Schmuljt; bie Arable- rti, ©tnf precberei. ranter, a bet botbftabeube, iMjtvuL pige Sdjwfifcer; ©cbroSrmer. ranters », pi eine 9lrt ©diiodtmet RANTY, na>", wilb, rafcub 339 RASC RATE RAUC RANULA,*. Med. T. bet grofcb, obcr bie Srofcbgefcbnmlft unfet bet Sunge. RANUNCULUS, a. bit Nauiiiifel, bet 8rofd)pfcffer, .tpabiKiifiiji [Ranuncu- lus — L). RANZ (DES VACHES) «. bet jtubreu gen, Jiuhrcihcu. rap, ». rev betbe ©rbfag, ba3 SlnKo* pfen ; .1 — cm the knuckles. (Hit Scblag flnf fie j?n5cbe(, i e.) ciu 33etn>ei8 ; 1 1 give a — , anffopfen. V RAP, r. a. &■ ,i. l. pat! Ultb fli)!tt'II fdtlagen, fiopfen, febmcificit; 2. n'cg= raffen, tauben, eittfufjveit ; entjurfen, biiiteipen [to. ii.) ; 3. (out) plofclicb au8jtoficn, in it etnrnS ^etousfabten, hesauSpoftetit; to — (at) the door, an bie .ill iir ftbtagett, auflopfcn ; to — out a oath, eiucit betben Slurb au8fto6en. rapacious [ado. — ly), ad/. taubgie* rig ; raubetifeb ; a — fowl, citt 3taub= oogel. rapaciousness, > s. bte [Raubgiet, RAPACITY, J [Raubfucbf. RAPE, s. 1 . tic Stothjitcbt ; 2. bet :Raut> ; bie ©ntfufjrung; 3. berStiibfen, 3iiib= fvlUUtt [Brassica napus — /,.) ; 4. ber Xtaubenfamnij [Rofmenfteugel ; wild — , bet mtl&e eenf (Sinapis arvensis — L) ; — (seed-) oil, baS [Riiboi ; — Beed, bet [Riibfamen ; — vinegar, @f* fig »on [Roftnenftengeln ; — wine, bet ©eerwetn, [RayS. RAPID [adv. — ly), adj. fcbncll, ge= fcbwtttb, teipenb; — ness, s. vid. Ra- pidity. RAPIDITY, s. bie ©cbueliigfeit, ®c-- febwinbigfeit. rapids, s. pi. ©ttBmungen (teifienbe ©tellen) in Sluffen, ©ttomfcbiteUen. rapier, s. baS happier; bet [Rauf* begen, ©toisbegen ; — fish, bet Stfyroettftfcb (Xiphias gludius — I J. RAPINE, s. bet iRaub, bie ©ewaltt&fis tigfeit; to — , B . , tauben, ylunbern. rapparee, s. bet itlanbif$e 3iaubet. RAPPEE, s. bet Jtapc'=, obcr Mappce= ©djmtpftabacf. rapper, s. bet 2lnf$Iagenbe, 5luflo-- yfenbe. rapture, , 5 . 1. bie (SntjuiJung, @nt= tiicfung, fceftigeSeibenfcgaft; 2. (Stic, ©efcbwinbigfett (to. ii.) ; poetical — , bie SBegeiftenmg. RAPTURIST, s set Giitbjifiaft. rapturous, adj. biuicijknb, mU jiideab. RARE (n, .,■. bet pSbelbafte Jteri, .tjuttbsfott, \!ump, ©cbuft, 34'! Tc RASE rid. To Razk. rash, i. „dj. (ado. — ly) ^afitg, jn ftiicll, torfcbnell, bureiltg, uu»or= ficbtig, unbefoitnen, tollfiibn; ii. s . bie .^iublatter, finite; — ^headed, un= bebarbtfam, unbefonnen, untibetlegt, ooteilig. To RASH, o.a. in ©tficfen jcrbaucn. rasher, i. bie ©cbnitte ©petf; — (done) on the coals, bie (Srtt'boitabe. rashness, s. bic Ueberetlunq, lluuot= ftitttgteil, Unbefonneubeif.2;oUfitbn= bcit. RASP, 5. 1. bie^a^pfl; 2. rll. Rasp- berry; — house, baS SiaSpelbaufi, 3nebtbau8; to rasp, ». a raSpeln. raspatory, a. s. t. bic ©einfeife, 3abit= unb Jiiiodjcnfcilc, ©atbiet* feile. RASPBERRY, a. bie .icn). RATE. 5 . 1. ber (feftgefefcfe) 5)3rci8; 2. bic Xatt, Stbgabe, ©tenet j 3. ber aittfcblag, bic ©eteebnung, aSeran= fcbloguug'; 4. ber ©ettaa; 5. ba8 SerbaltniS, bcftimnitc aftafi, bic ©abe ; fi ber ©rab, iRang ; 7. bic (SRangsJOrbnnnp. Piaffe (ber ©cbiffe); 8. fBxt unb iUcife ; m f.-s. at the — of ten shillings a yard, flit jcl)lt -ii'i)il = Iingc bie (*ile ; at the — of five per cent, ju fiinf pro gent; at the highest — . jitnt biHtftiiibgliitften SoutS; at any — , in jebent Tsallc ; ju jebem SJJteife, ju alien iJ3teii*en ( c8 fofte mas e8 rootle; at this — , folrber ©ejialt, auf biefe Sir! ; in biefet dliicffidn ; at a great — , febr, auf It llilCIt»0 t)ll t i Ct)C 2Iki|'c; at a high — , thcitet; DOts nebm ; to talk a high — , aits ciiicin boh. ll Sfone tebCJt; of no common — , nicbt oou ijcntciucm ©itlaijc; — of going, ber ©aug (enter Ubr ; M Es. — of exchange, ber SSJecbfelcourS ; — of interest, ber 3iuSfni) ; — of sail- ing, bic ScgeifcbiieUigfett (cines5d;if= hi); hook of— s. bet BoUtatif, bic 3oIItare ; Mi Steuerburb ; — payers, •JltiiKittarpflifbttge ; — liihe. L.T. ber s\>iebiebu!c, Jlbgabe oou ^ovnoieb, bas mail nod) fettt ganje8 >i!u- be= feffen; rate, bie j)i.ingotbnuiig ber ©ebijfe; (J. SB. a first rate [man of war], cin [JtricgS=] Sebiff wm erften ?)Ja:.^c. To RAVE, v . I a. 1. febaftcu, rcibiicn, tariren, (bcDaafr^Iagen (— at, auf) bejleuern, befebafeen; 2. nuSf^elten auSjanfen, bcftii] oerroeifen (— for toegen) ; n. ». cineu3iang etiinebinen, tangireu. RATEABLE adj. vid. Ratable. rater, s . ber ©c^Sfter j Taratcr. rather,,,,/,-. Leber; litbet, beffet fieimebr, eigentlieb; befonbetS; 2. jiemlicb, etwa8; — proftise. eimvenig i'crfd)iiH'iibcri|'eb; —ugly, jicniiid) bafiiiid) ; i would — , id) joollte lic= ber; the—, um fo mebt, mil mebt 9ced)t; — not, lieber uirit; »etf. ii.)'. ration, a. (Mil. Ph.) bie [Ration, Mi gutter auf einen £«g; bic tagltcbe portion ber ©blbaten, StRatrofen, tt. f. ».;, bie 9Runbpovtion. RATIONAL (ndr. — ly), I adj. 1. lllii S3ernunftbegabt; oernimftig; 2. ucr= tutitftgcniajj ; 3. oerftanbig, weife; — horizon, A.*t. T ber umhrc ^orijont (burd) ben ifiitteipunft bet @rbe) ; — numbers, Ar. T ratioilciJc Pt'Cf ail8s recbenbate Bablcit; u. s baS octa nunftige SBefen. RATIONALE, s. bic gviiubli^c Qxlih rung. RATIONALISM, a. baS Tn'rituuftfyftem, ber SScriiiinffglaubc. rationalist,*-, ber iliatipnaliit/in-r' nunftgtaubige. ra tiunality, a. bie ,«?vaft ju fcblie= ficn, baS S3ernunfroermogen; bie SSerniittftigfeit, Setnuitftma^igfeit. RATlONALNESS, s bie v i!eniiuiftiiia= gigfeit. RATISBONE, s. (bic ©trtbt) [RegcnSs burg. RATLINES (Rattlinos), .<;. pi. bic 3Bc= toelinieu (aBebeliitien), ber JOanb. RATOON, *. ber ©cbftpitng be8 3uier» robvS, nnirber aus bent '^tamni bef» fflbeii ftacbft, iiad;oein bas [Ro()r ab* liefcbuitteu tft. RATTEEN, s. bet [Ratitl; ratteenet, bet [Ratittet. To RATTLE, v.n. Sra. 1. raffetlt, fltai=> rctt, praffeln. febnurren, flappent; 2. fcbelten, feifen ; 3. plappeni, bete auS poltent; 4. fcurd) ©eraufeb bc« tauben, ubeifoneu, iibei-idireiett; to — in the throat, rbd;elii ; heifer reben. rattle, a. 1. bad ©craffei ; 2. bie SRattel, ©tbuatre, ©rbiinrre, Jtlap= per ; i.jig. b,iS ©eplapper, ©emafeb; yeiiuw — . ber gclbe .fiabiieiifamm, baS SPfeillttgfrailt (Rhiii-mthua crista giin—lA; red— bas 3tintpflaufe» Itaut (Pedicularis pa/ustria — L) ; — grass, baS Ailininflrat (Oynoaurua — L.) ; — headed irbllMilbcl'fopfijl ; — mouse, bie S'lebcrmauS; — snake, b:e JilaPpClfdllaiigc ; — snake-root, bie ^lavperfcblaitgeniourj 1 Pohjgnia arne- gi — A.); — snake-weed, eiltC ?ltl i£Ranu8tteU (JSxqngium nquvti :um -L). RATTLES-s. pi bie,\icbl'"!id)t, 'Sriuitt- raucity, s. bic §eifetU:t. RAZE To RAVAGE, r. a. Bettefifiett, »crf)ce= re», jcrftorctt; v I unbent. LAVAGE, s bie aScrmiifiung, SSerbcc* rung, 3etft5tung, $liinbtntng; —of waters, bie Ueberfcbroemmiitig ; — s of time, fi S . bcr 3eltn, SSall-- fdjilb, bie Sorfchanje. RAVEN, i. betSflabe; —'a duck, ba§ 3tayeiitucf) ; — feather, bie SRabeiu fetcr; — locks, (rabeu=) fdnoarje forfeit ; — quiii, bcr SRabenKe 1, bie :)iabeitfpu[e. To RAVEN, v. a. &■ n. 1. tterfcbfittgctt ; raubeit; 2. Seute macben, plunbctn. havener,*. I betSSetfcbltnget, Siel= fray, 2d)lcmmcr; 2. SRaubet. RAVENOUS (ado. — ly), adj. 1. »er= fcbliugcub, gefrafitg ; 2. loiitbenb buugjig ; 3. vaubgierig ; — ness, ». bie Areiiauith ; Jtaubgier. raver, s. bet SRttfeiibe, SEobenbe, SEBabuftnntge. UAViNi:. s. ;;„•/. 1. ber .§efi(vocg, bic (Sd)Iuft, ocluft; 2. bet Sliji, bie Spaltc. RAVIXGLY, a. nid)t gates] AU'ifd); — productions, ')Cobcr$rug= uiffc ; — siik-, tobe Seibe ; — spirits, uir.H'vmifdue Soitituofen; — sugars, M T. SBaftetn, (to§e, ungelauterte 3uefer). RAWISH, adj. raitb room 2Setfer\ RAWNESS, i. 1. tic^obbcit; 2. Na\u btgEett; 3. Uttteife; 4. Uiterfahrc;t = belt; — of the weather, bas raubc Settee. RAY, s. 1. bev ?id>tfrrabf, Strabl ; 2. bcr Sfioc&e (ein Seeftfcb) ; 3, bie Vilic ; — cloth, riil. raw cloth lltttcr Raw; — fort, bie blaucSilic; —(of) gold, b«8 ©otbblatrc^eu; —grass, bet SHJtes fntbafcr (.?imia elatior — y.J ; bcr fedmuitbcibafer, 8ol<^, SRaben, bie S'vc«pe (Lo!ium perenne — /..). To ray, v. n. i. ftvablcu, djtrafjlen wetfen ; 2. {itetfen. jUiYLESa adj. ftrablcitloS. BAYMUND, s. 3tavmuub (3)Janu§- name;. raze, «. tic 3nft*n>ern>urjel. To RAZE, v. a. i. fff)lcifeu, Jtt ftoVCIt, READ Betttfflftt, bcr Prbc glcteb macbeit; 2. ausfrafccii, aulrabiteti; 3. au8= rotten. razee, ». bas raftrtc (Jttteg0s)€<$ifF. razor, s. StafttmefTet, 5d)cinici"= fer; — bill, bcr iEorbs&lf, SotfattaU= d)cr, ©cf)etmefferfcbnablet (M — /..) ; ber fdbtoatje S(bfrmeffet= fd)ttab(er 'Uynehaa» nigra — U ; — fish, fcr Scbermefferftfd) ; — shell, bie SRefJetffbaleitfflufcbel ; — stone, bet 9lb$icbfteiit ; — strap, ber Strcidntc= men. razors. ,i. pt bie i^auer, g«ngjafjne ctitcs ruilben 3c$toeine6. RAZURE, .-. aid. Rasure. To RE-ABSORB, n. a. miebet ciufaugeti, totebet ciufdilihfcii. RE-ABSi IRPTK >N,« ba« i2ieberciiifaii= gen, SBiebeteinftbiucfen. re-access, s. bie aSiebetlunft, 3Iiirf= fun ft. To REACHju. a. .c-«. 1. rcid)en, fangen ; 2. eucidnit ; :i. ergteifeii ; 4. ciiibitn- gen ; 5. itbcn'cicbcii, itbetgebeit; 6. auebrcitcit; 7. )id) erftrerfeit; 8. fid) erbted)cit WoIIeu; to — no bottom, fcillcil ©tUttb fiitbeit; when this reach- es you, njenii 5ie btefeS (©ebteiben) crbalten ; to — at a thing, nad) ehoaj langcit, fig. ftreboi ; to — down. f)cr= untet bolcu, langcn obcr tubmen; to — forth, auefiteacn. reach, s. 1. bai SReidjen, bie @rrei= cbttiig ; iGcitc; 2. bcr ©ereid) ; 3. bie Sludbebuung: 4. ba3 SSermogen, bie Jsabigfeit ; >U2acI)t; "). bcr.Uitiiftgriff. liftige 9lnfd)lag; etrcid); ti. baS SBeftteben ; 7. bie SBemuijuitg fid) ju erbrcchen; 8. bie ©ttecfe (bcr gerabe Sauf) eiiteS Slttffe^ jmifdjett jivei .ftriiinmititgrit ; in (within) — , cv= rcirbbac, tin SBeteid) ; out of — , urt= crretd)bar, aitpev bent SBereidj ; out of — of, ftd)ft oor, gebotgen ; within — of gun-shot, in erbutiiuette; it is not in my — , or it is not within the — of my power, el ftcbt uidit in liiciuer Sflaaft; — of thought, bcr ©(^atf= fiint. REACHER, b. bcr .*>cvbcibo[cr. To re-act, v. i. a. teagtten ; It ». cut: gegcit toitfen, gegcttiuirfcit, riicfiuir= ten. REACTION, s. bie Reaction, (Mcgat= wirfung, Siiitfrnttfung ; bcr ©egen= brucf ; M T. bie Jlrifii, bal Steigeit obcr Aailen. To READ, o. a. «t v. 1. fcfcit ; yorlcfcn ; 2. crrathcit ; to — by turns, I0ccfafel3= roeife lefcit; to — on, toettct lefen, fortlcfcu; to— out. taut [efett, bcr= fagett ; attslefett ; to — over, burel)le= felt; to — over slightly, fliidutg fibets lefen; to — to, ootlefen; so reads, fo lamct, )'o ift bie Sefeatt. RE M>, adj. bclcfen ; a —man, ct u 6etc= fciicr, gclcbrtcr Diamt; to bo — , anS sQucbern miffen ; tobe —in the clas- sics, iu ben Sfafflfern bclcfen feint. READABLE, adj. Icebar. IU [efen. RE-ADEFTlON,0.btc SBiebetetlaitgitug (W. it.). READER,* 1. bcr Vefer : 2. SBotlefet (audi in bcr ,\vird)c), Sector; 3. flcu f;ig Stubireilbe; 4. Corrector. readiorsiiu*. », bai Sotlefetamt (iu ber ,«ird)e), Vectorat, bie Sectorflelle. READILY, adj. 1. bcrcit, fcrtig, burtig, gleid) ; 2. gcrn, millig ; 3. ausroens big ; to sell (or to gi otD — . .1/. ]'!i. ficb gut oetfaufen, gut abgeben. READINESS,* 1. bie ©ereitiyilligfcit ; 2. SBetettf^aft : 3. getttgEeit 8ete>» tigfeit; 4. ©efdiroiit^igfcit, .Ciurtig; Fctt; — in paying bie "Ruiifllidifcit im Sejabten j — of speech, bie 3ieb= REAL ncrgatc ; — of wit. ber Sriatffimt — to please, tie fflefalligfeil ; • — . bcrcit macben, beteil batten. READQiG, ». I. ba« 8efen; 2. ciei'ov> Icfuiig ; 3. ©elefenbettj 4. Pefeatt; a man of — , ber belefene SDIann; — candlestick, bet 2tubirleud)tct ; — desk, bai Veu'vnlt, Hbotpult ; — lamp, btc StttbitlamBe; — room, bafl 8efe» (imintt. To RE-ADJOURN, v. a. tvietcr aufftbie* bcu, toiebet oettagen. To RE-ADJUST, v. a. tvietcr in Ort« nung bringen. re-admission, i tic 9Btebetl)ui}ulaf> fuug, SQSicbeteinfaffung. To RE ADMIT, v. a. lvicbcr mlaffctt. RE-ADMITTANCE »■ Me SBiebetjulaf* fuug. To RK/-ADOPT. v. a. U'tcbcr aiuncbiueu. To RE-ADORN, v. a. nnctcr febmiicfen, jieten. RE-ADVERTENCY, s. bie crucucrtf Snfmertfamfett READY, I. adj 1. bcreif, fertig; 2. be= rcitivillig ; 3. jtttfianb; in bet be; 4. im ©egtiff; 5. [ebbaft; 6. tjuttig, gefebnttnb; 7. [etcbt, bequem; gefd)tcft, fabig ; to make — . betetten ; to get breakfast — , bai grfibftucf JU= vedit macben : togei — . iidj ootbetetten, fid) bcrcit batten, fain fent ; to be got — , bcreif, jurecbt ma» dint ; to be (quite) — , ilt (Oolliget) Set eitfebaft ; — at hand, gleicb bei bcr .*5anb, in SQetettfcbnfr, betett; — to.., e« feblte nidjt oicl taf; . .; cr, fie, ei rooltte febon . . ; — to pi gefaUig ; — to sail, — for Bea, fcgeU fcrtig, fcgclflav; a — way to h ciit gcraber, ftcberct SOBeg jui M. Ers. a — money article, etn Satat» tifel (etn Olrtifcl bcr mil baatem®el« be bejabtt tuerben muy) ; for — or money, fittober gegcit baaree©e(i ; to meet with — purchasers, toilitge •\caiifcr fintcit ; — payment, baarc 3ablung ; — sale, ciu frhuellet SOeta [auf : to meet with a — b de, ftcfj gill betfaufett, gut abgeben, fcbneUen Sab> fa^ fiiitctt ; ii. adv. beteitS, febon; III. s. mdg. i Upt ht't — money, baa = re« (Melt ; .U. T. (Soutauteit ; ©aats febaft. To RE-AFFIRM, v. a. toicter befrafti- re-affirmance, s. bie wteberi)otte ©efraftigung. RE-AGENTS, t. pi. cii. T. ttieagcuticu, gcgenmitfenbe OJiittcl. rea i. ,'i'ij. l. ; — tare, bit 9tetto= lava. REAL,*, bet Weal aduc Zi)tU einca fpanifrben SfjaletS). REALGAR, ». ber rotbe SItfcilil tctttaucb, baa SRaufdjgelb. realist, ». bet SRealift. reality, j ». I. ba« -rcMi, SBefen REALNESS. ) SBefenbafte ; 2. tit EEBicElicftEctt ; SBabtbcit; 3. ba« utt> beivcglidic StgentQiim. REALIZATION, ». 1. bie EBettDtfflu (bung; 2. iCerroettbimg, SBtttberjiei lung', bat SSetftibetn. To REALIZE, p. a. 1. l'Ctivirf[id)c:i 311 REAS REBU RECE rcirflidi macbcu, anJfitfircn, 511 Stan- be (in ©rfullung) bctngen ; 2. Kos wrrtbe;r It, tu fflflfcf marten, vcvriU bent, realiftren ; 3. fetu (9elb inSan» tcreicn antcijcii. /•• RE-ALLEGE, >•. o. Wirier anfiibreu. REALLY, ado. Wtvflid), gcwiti, ill i'X .lbc[t, in 33af>r6eit, wabrbaftig. realm, .?. tag SReitb, Jtontgreid). REALTY, s. eat Reality 3. REAM, s. — of paper, tag Sticji ($0* pier, oon sroaitjtg ^udi). To RE-ANIMATE, r.n. wictcr bdcbctt. HE-ANIMATION, s. tie 2Bieberbele= bung. To RE-ANNEX, v. a wieber beifiigcu, scrbinben, aufitiipfcit. To REAP, v. a. 6- n. i. Jtovit nubeu ; 2. evufen, einevntctt; famniclit; to — advantage, iJovtbeil jicbcil. reaper, s. bet Scbnitter. REAPING, ». bag SWaben, CSitttett ; — fork, tie ©avbeugabel ; — hook (— sickle), tie Sicbel ; — time, tic Srn= tcgett, (Srnte. To RE-APPAREL, v. a. wieber Fleiten, wieber febmiirtctt. To RE-APPEAR, v. n. wictcr crfrbcU nen. re-appearance, s. bie 2Bicbever= febeiuung. re application, s. btc wiebcvbolte -Jlnftrcngung. To re-appoint, v. a. wictcr ernennen. RE-APPOINTMENT, g. bie 2Biebercr= ttennung. REAR, 5. 1. brr Sftacbtrab, ■Jcacfcmg (bie Arrieregnrde) ; ba8 5Racbgefcbroa= ber; tie ^carbbut; 2. fjtttteve ©telle, ber ■fiinrergrunb ; to bring up the — , ten fg=)®runb, (23er= miurr=)Sd)Iufs; 3. bag;)ierbr,tcr*>lu= fprucb; 4. tie SBtHtgfett; 2Haj?i= giltig ; to bring one to — , Seiliailt $11V Suetuituft bviugcu ; to do — , SBtfcbetb fbiin ; befriebigen ; to hear — , ftcb belchrcn [ojfen ; to speak — , »er= nitnftig reben ; it stands to — , eg iff bev SSemunft gemati, ift billig; by— of, wegen ; by — that, meif; in (all) — , init [Recti, billiger SBe-ife; as — was, wte es aurb billig war. T., REASON, r. v. raifemnivcu, itnter- fucben, oernuttfttg reben, uvtbcileu jnt fcjjliefteti ; tuvd) ©tunbe fiberres ten; c0nt.*vetnunfteln ; wovtroerbfcln, ftreifen ; to — with one's self, bcten= feu, iiberlegen. REASONABLE (adv. — t,y), adj. 1. Bcr = uiinftig; 2. billig, nieipig ; 3. mirror liKifug; jiemlid), leibltd), ertroglicft; Jtf. t, ntebvig (tin Spteife), tuoblfeil; aia — rate or price. jU biUigcill $VCl= fe ; — aid, /.. t. etnc Slbgabe an ten gebensfjetrn bet 2lu?ftattuug fetner Sioditcr obet junt acittcvfrblag bc8 ©cbneS ; — ness, «. 1. v ie SSentunft, Ceniiiuftigfeit (». ii.) ; 2. SBernunftj 34-2 mSftglfit; 3. 53iHigfett, SKaftflTett; i'i-ifuiiuug. reasoner, s. bet 3)enf et ; com. 33ev= niinftler. reasoning,*, tic @rTenn(iiipent»i= cfelung; tas SdilicBcn. REASONLESS, adj. UlP.'Cniiiuftig, Ctl = bein. re-assemblage, *. tie SStebcwcr* fainmlung. To RE-ASSEMBLE, v. I. a. ivictcr »cr= faniincln ; II. n. fid) Dcvfamiiicln, ju= fammenfommen. To RE-ASSERT, v. a. ftu'etor bfbnuVteu. To RE-ASSIGN, r. a. ivicttf ilbtlCtCll. To RE-ASSUME, u. a. totebet illlllcblllCU. re-assumption, *. tic SBiebetan* nobmc. re-assurance, s. tic SReflffccittanj. To RE-ASSURE, r. a. i. unctcr bciut)i= gen, tie Suvrbt bciu-bmeu, *i>J i : 1 1 1) cin= fvi'erbeu ; 2. m e. rcnffecurireit, re-assurer, s tev Dceaffeciiranf. RE-ATfACHMENT, s. L. T. tie abcr= inaltge Scrtjiiftuitg, tvictci'boltc spfanbung. To RE A1TEMPT, v. a. Ivicbct OetflJ* cben. RE-RAPTIZATION. s. taS 2Btctcvtau= fen, tie SBteberfaufe. To RE-BAPTIZE, v. n.»t«tcr tailfcit. REBATE *. 1. M E. tcv Kabflttj 2. H T. ta§ '•Bcijficbcn, ter i^rud). To REBATE, o. a. 1. ftUUtpf lllfirben ; 2. M E. abjieben (»om $rcifc),ra= battiven; 3. h. t-s niit eiucm Sci= jeicben BCvfebcit ; coat of arms rebated, bos iOiippen mit ciuem Sctjeicbeii. REBATEMENT, s. rid. Rebate. rebato, 5. cine 9Jrt .Salsfraufe. rebeck, s. + tie ©totfgeige. rebel, i. s. tcv SicbcII,' @mv5rer, 9lufriibvcr; n. adj. vcbcilifdj, auf= riihrciifd). To REBEL, v. n. rcbcliil'd!, fttfj C1UP0= veu, ftit gegen tic gefefemapige @e« wait auftebnen. rereller, s. ber SRcbell, (Jmporcr, 3lufvul)vcv. rebellion, s. bie Rebellion, (5nipo= rung, tcv ?lufiuhr. REBELLIOUS [adv. — it), atlj. aufn'tb = rertfeb, rcbelltfcb; —ness, «. baS 2l«f= riibrertftbe, Sebellifdjc. To REBELLOW, v. n. Wt'ctCV blofeit, wtcber briiUen; Wteberfcballeii. To REBLOSSOM,?j. n. Wl'ctCf blilbnt. To reboil, v. n. Seucv fangcu, l;i^ig wevben. To REBOUND, v. L n. 1. jljrfid ptaU leu, yiriiif fpvtngen; 2. wictcvbaU len ; ii. a. juriidf fcblagcu, juriicf wetfen. REBOUND, a. HS 3uviiifpvaricit, ber 3uvucf7pniug,. To REBRACE, v. a. Wtctcr fiavfcil ; wieber fpannen. To REBREATHE, v. a. Wi'ctcr atbincn. REBUFF, s. 1. bev 3>»riicfjloj$, tie 3n= riirfwerfnng ; 2. ter 2Bttcr(taiib ; 3. bie abfcblagige ".Jlntworl ; baS s JJciu ; to meet with a — , bcu .Riirjcru jicben, abgewtefen werbett, etncii iRotb be= fommen. To REBUFF, v. a. jllVUCf ftoficn ; Wi = tevfiebcu. To REBUILD, v.' a. wieber baucn, wk- bcr aiifbaucu, wtcbet bcrftcllcti. REBUKABLE, adj. tabelltSUKVtb, tatd- baft. To REBUKE, v. a. tabcln, scvwcifcn, etnen SBerweie gcben, sQorwfirfe mas dlCtl, aitSfcbelten J to lie rebuked for . . , SScrroeife befommeit roeoen . . . rebuke, s. b:v Sabel, SJetwetS, SJor= wurf. R£BUKEFUL > nrf/'.9oI13Serweife, febavf, tabelfiirbtig ; — iy, ado. mil febarftf SBorten. rebuker, s. bet SSerwetfenbe, 2^a« bclube. REBULLITION, s. taS 'Jlllfftctcn, ?lllf^ branfen (>». ii.). To REBURY, v. a wietcv bcgrabcn. REBUS. 5. 1. eine 9lrt i'iltcifdivifl obet STlainenSfmnbol ; taS 2Sort" ratbfel, Sucbftabenratofel ; 2. ca. t. faure 2)iilcb; rebuses, pi. h. t. cin rebenbeS SSBappen (j. 39. three cups, for Butler). To REBUT, v. a. juriicf fcblagen, ab« trcibcit; /.. T. ciuatviiplicireu, bie Slntroort auf tic Sriplif einrcicben. REBUTTER, s. /.. T btc CuaMllvtif (2lntwort tel 33cflagtcn auf tic 2iri= Vlif). 'To RECALL, v. a.\. Wl'ctCV mfeit, }U= viitf riifett ; 2. wttetntfen ; to — a capital, tin Capital (auf=)fiintigcii; to — to one's mind, tit iaS ©etficbtllip jttrficl vufcu. recall, .1. 1. tcv SBictcvviif, fRadf ruf; 2. SBitcrruf; past — , uuwiber» vuflidi, uidit mct;r jit Snbern. To recant, v. a. * v. witcrrufcu, fetne iH-liauptung juriicf nebntcit, !.:= riicftvetcu. recantation, s. tic SOitcrritfuug, bet SBtberntf. RECANTER, s. ter SSitcvrufcr. To recap agitate v a wieber fa big macben, wictcr bcfaljigen. To recapitulate, v. a. fuinmartfcfe wietcvbolcn, tic .C">aiiptpiuifre jufam= mciifaffnt, vccapituliren. recapitulation, .?. tic (fummart= fd)c) SBtebcvboluiig ber <§anp tpunEte, 9tccapitulatipii. recapitulatory, adj. wictcrbrlciib. recaption, s. bag JSteberfaiigcn. recaptor, s. ber 2Btcbevnel)iue'v (einet SPrife). recaitltie, *. tie 9Bicterabnal)mt eiucr SBeute, eiucr Strife. To recapture, v. a. cine 33cute wie* ter abucfjmcu, cine ^Jrtft wieber nebmeu. To recarntfy, v. a. wictcr in Sfeifcb Bermantelu [to. ii.). To recarry, v. a. juriicf tragcn, 511= riicf briugen. To RECAST, v a. 1. wictcr wet fen ; 2. umfdjineljen, umformen; 3. npd>= mals bcrccbncu. precede, v. n . 1. juriicf weidjen, juriirf geben, juriicf tretenj 2. abtrc= ten, nbfteben. ri:i :i;ii'T, .». 1. ter Cniwana, ; 2. (fnt= pfangsort; 3. tic Ginnabmc; 4. Oiiittuiirj, tcr(6ntpfaiut=)2fbciu,tie SBeftbetntgung ; 5. bag Accept, bie SSorfct)rift ; M. e-s. to give a — , quifftren; — in full, tie ©eneral* qutttung ; on — , gegen Ouittung ; on — (of the payment;, tiad) (Singanfl ; on — of this or of the present, bet (nad)) (?mpfaug otcr bet Slnfitbt bic= fed (33rtefc«); previous to — , sot ©mpfang; —book, bag Ouirtiing*= bud); receipts, pi. ciugcgangcnc ®el* tCV ; — and expenditures, fiilinal)IUt HUD 3Illggabe ; book or accounts ol — and expenditures, bag (i'illlial)llie* nut 3lu8g«bebncb. To RECEIPT, v. a. ( bcf. M E.) quit* liven, Duttlung geben ; tc — in full, pev ralto quittiven, eiut ©eucval? aiiittuug geben. receivable, atj. aniiebmlicb, nnfnxcit ; 3. nuf= nefmen, bewiUfenimeu ; 4. julaffiu, lugcftefeu; 5. geifiig etfaffeit; to — upon crdit, auf Gftebit befommcil ; auf Xrcu nub ©laubett aniiefjmeit ; to — stolen goods, @e ftoblcnea begin, bctt Siebefeflet inacfen ; m. k .? received payment, bejel fit erfaltcu (auf 9iecfiiungeu) ; when received, bet obet nacf (impfang (b«s ©egeiu unietigen) ; received usages, ciiigc= fiil)ete ©ebraucbC; receiving house, eiit fRettunga'bauS. RECEIVEDNESS, a. bie allgeiiicinc Slnnahme. receiver, a. 1. bet Gmpfaugce ; (gimiefutet; 9luitefmet, Slufncf met ; 2. (Sommuuicant; ;J. .*3cl>lci- ; 4. m. e. bee SBaaeenempfanaef, 6onftg= uatae; 5. c*. v. bie (Botlage, bcr Siorlaitf; Recipient; Recipient eiuer Suftpumpe, bie Vuftpumpena.lccr'e ; — of the customs, bee SoUetniKQmer ; the — is as bad as tho tilief, bee 4?eflct ifl fo gut a(^ bee ©teflet ; — general, bee Qbefeiunefiiicej — 's affice, bie Ginuabmeftube. To RECELEBRATE, ». «. iviebee feierrt. recency, 8 . bie Oceubeit, gtifeffeif. To, v. n. prufeit, ntitftent. RECENSION, s. bie ^crueuiiuug, 3JJu= ftctuug. RECENT, aft iteu, feifd) ; letters of a — date, SJriefc »ou febr iieiient Saturn ; — ly, aJo. iteulirb, fuejitcf unlaugft ; — »ess, a. tic Sfteufeit, Srifcf e. RECEPTACLE, a. 1. bag OeMttlttf, @efaf> ; '^. b. v. ber (iUumeu= obeej Srurht* )*yobeu. REeEPTIBILTTY, a. bie gafigfeit aufs juuebmcu ; (Smpfanglief fcit. RECEPTION, a. 1. bie (Smpfanguug, bet igmpfaug ; bie \Hufuabnie, 2Bie= bceaufuahme ; "Jlunabmc; 2. Senn'U= foiiiniiiiii] ; — into grace, tie 2Bicbee= cutfuabm'e ju ©nabett. RECEPTIVE, adj. empf&uglia). receptivity, ». bie ©mpfangticf feit. recess, s. I. bie 3utucfrDeicf uug, bet 9lurfjng ; 9lbjug, bie Jlbteife ; 2. (Sin* famfeit, 2lbgefdbiebeitfeit; 3. bev ftille Del. oetbotgeite2lufentfnlt,<3cflupf= rotnfel ; 4. bie ,C">eimlicf feir ; 5. bag 3lbtreteit; — Of the British parliament, bie 3eit, ba bag ^atlamcnt augein= anbeegeft; —of the jury, bag 316« tretcu bet ©cfcfiDotheu jm- syc- vatbuug. recession, ». ba« 2Scicf>ctt, 2tbtteten, 91 b ft e be it. To RECHANGE, v. a. Wifbet eiilbeen, ninanbetn. To recharge, v. a. 1. ©egenBefcfuk cigungeu tinbriugcu; rotebet befcfuU bigert, uotwet fen ; 2. roiebet angteifen. RECHEAT, «. S/i T. bag Suttttftufen ber <§unbe (butdj bag j-Jaget&otn) wit etuet falfcfen Spur, bee v'lppell. T„ RECHEAT, v. n. Sp. T. belt 3ueurf= nif blafeu. RECIPE, a. bag 9teccpr, bie arjtlicfjc SQotfdjeift. RECIPIENT » 1. bee (viuvfiingce; 2. Ck. v Jifcrptenf, bie SJoelage. RECIPROCAL, I ml: viicfiiuifeiib, iverli- felfetttg, gegeufetfig; in gegenfeitU gem SBetb,altiiiffe befiitbitd); to be — m, abwerbfclit mit ..; — deiit, bie ©egenfc^ulb ; — proportion, (j. T. bie Htngefef)tte ^Jeoportion ; n. ». ./v r, ba8 (SegebiitB bee £beilung einee (Sinbeit buerb eine (Mrofic ; — ly, ado. WedjfelSwetfe, gegenfeitig, ruiebcruin ; — ness, f. bie ©egeufeitigteitj @troiea beruug, SSftgeltiittg. Vo REca-UOI'A'I'i:, v. a. Sr n. CX\vk-- beert; aiisfaiifrfjeii, umwt tjfelit ; ju= eiirfiueefeii. RECIPROCATION, ». bie 2S]eAfe[«- weife; abwedjfelnbe SQetaitbetung ; Stroiebetuitg, SBergeltung. reciprocity, ». bie gegrni'eirige S8et» binblifbfeit, 2Bed)felfeitigfeit, Oieei= pvoeiiar. RECISION, s. bie ?[bfrf)iieibuinv RECITAL, RsaTA-noN.*. 1. tie 3Biebet= boliiita.; 2, .gierfagung, i^etlefung; Sejablung. RECITATIVE, } i. Mus. T. bftS i1Jecit,i= REC1TAT1VO, i tiu, bee gprec^gefang, SKebegefang. RECITATIVE, adj. iviebeeboleiib ; bee= fagenb, erjafjleuoj — ly, ado. eecila= tiuSiueife. To RECITE, r. a. \. Wieberbolcit ; 2. beefngen, toeteageii, ^ctlefeit; ee= jableii. RECITER, a. 1. bee SBieberfioIet ; 2. ■^etfaget, .^eelefet: (Srgablet. RECKLESS, adj. unbefiimmcrr, foeg= lt^; — ness. 8. bie (SotgloftgEett, 9{ad)liif|lgfeit. To RECKON, o. a. ,C- v. 1. ecfblieil ; jableii, jufammciijiibleit j bererfiiieu ; 2. fdM&eit, (fiie ctams) balten; 3. metiien, beufen, geceiifeit ; 4. 9tecb= iiiuiii Ijalteii; ,j. Jierbeufcbaft gebeu; biifieii; [ — thus, irf) benfe fp; I — little of (upon) it, tcb. eedjite toenig (madjc lueniii 3iecbiiiiiig) baeauf, id) veefpeedie nut roeiitg baoon; to — for it one day, cilici S^agefl bttfut biifieii ; to — " on, juredmeii ; to — over, eine 3ted)iuiiig peiifen, bned)= reebnen ; to — together, ptfantnteu ted)iteii; to — up, beeja^leit, ju= faniiiiciuedjiieii, fmiiniieeii ; au^eed): tteii, beeecbnerr, miifleeit; to — with one. mit eiiient i)led;itiing b,alteii, abeedjucii. RECKONER, s. bee Wedmee. RECKONING, *. I. bnS :)(edineii ; 3>tb= leu ; bie SJiecbnung ; SBetedjnung ; 2. ©d)afeititg, 5lfbtuug ; 3. .v. t. @ie« filing ; to come to a — with one, 111 it eiiicni jufitiiiiiieii eecbueii ; to make — without the host, pmn. bie Siedmiiiig p[)iie ben 'iBivth ntrtdjeit; to make — of one, etrua3 unit eiuem baltcit; — book, bas 9tecbeubucb ; bad dUd>= nungSburb. To RECLAIM, t>. I. a. 1. jtltudj eufeii ; 2. als ©gent bum juciicf foebern ; 3. bcffeiu; 4. |abmeil; to — against, ruibetfprecbeu, Stiifpvudj tbuii; n. n. auSeufen, niiffdjreteit. RECLAIMABLE, adj. jiieiicf 511 beingeu, jit beffein. RECLAIMANT, », bee 2Bibcifprerbce. reclam vtion, 9. I. bie fitilung, ©cuefung; (motaitfe^e] ©epeeung; 2. .1/ 1: < bie Sieciame, Steclamation, (eeditiiMfiiqe ^iiviirffoebeeiuig eiueS oufgebtacbten ©efciffeS, bee tabling cbee eiueei Ibe il-j bee Sflbliug) ; cosis of — , :Heelamtsj?oftru ; riglit of — , bag 9tito?foebeeungfited)t. RECL1NATION, s. bag -.'liilebueii. To RECLINE, v. «. * ". lebnen, an = lebueii, ftii&eu ; fief ('in) lebnen, euhen. RECLINE, adj. leluteub, nngelebnt. To RECLOSE, 0. a. K'iebce jnfdjlief-eu, oerfdjlieien. '/•,- REOLDDRj v. a. flUffcf Itefjeil, cebff= ueu (n>. ii.). RECLUSE, I- «. bee .({laiiviiee, Sinfieb= let ; 1'ii.mcb ; II. ( — ly), adj. oets febjoffen; einfam, ueeboegeu ; —ness, « Old. RCCLUBION, RECLCSION, 1. bie 93ei I'dilpffenb eit ; Stufantfeit, (Singe^ogeubcit. reclusive, .i j- eiufain, eiugejogen. RECOAGULATION, ;•. ba3 aStrber^e* eiuneii. to REO >ast. r. „. lange bee StufU Sinn jiucitcn -DJvile fegelu. IGNITION, * bie isJicbeeeefcn' iiiuiii, dlneifennuug. RECOGNITORS, j pi. L. T. bie JW6lf ©efcfteotnrn eiiu-s Jlffifengetirftes 4 . RECOGNIZABLE adj aiififiiiubai. RECOGNIZANCE r. I. tic SSicbcr. etfennungj 2. SQnerfeiinung (feinu .toaubfrbrift, u. f. ii'.); tag Untei» pfanb: ^eicben, SDZettjual; 3. /-. T-s. fd)iifilid)e SBefenutnip doi (^ceirbf, 4. bag gcei Mmmeln, fid) faffeu, fid) befiiinrn, fiii) tuiebn eebulen. to KECOLLECr, v. a. U'iebee fam» meln. RECOLLECTION, a. 1. bie 5amm = lung, SBefinuung, Saffung; 2. t*e= inncruug ; 3. @riunetuiig8ttaft, ba* ©rinneeungguetmogen, ©ebaeftnig. RECOLLECTIVE, adj bee, bag fief ce- inueeii faun. 71REOOMB1NE, p a. ivicbee t)eeciui> gen, miebet jufantmeiiffigeu. To REO IMP IBT, 0. a, UMitce teofteu ueue ©tarfe gebeu. to RECOMMENCE! 0. a. lviebec an- fangen. To RECOMMEND, v. a. cmpfebleii : U — one to another, eineu c\n Jemaiib nbveffiren, ibu einpfe^fcn; the 1 recommended, bet Sinpfofiene, '.'Ibuf- far. RECOMMENDABLE, adj. tmpfef IUUg«» miitbig. RECOMMENDATION, ». bio Smpfef* lung; letter of — . bet SmpfeflungSi brief, bag (SmpfebluugSfcfreiben. RECOMMENDATORY alj. einpfefleubj — loiter, bee (Smpfeblunggbrief. RECOMMENDER, s. bet ©mpfcflet. to REO iMMISSK »N, t a. iviebee ce> lieniieu. To RECOMMIT, >: a. I. iviebee reebaf. ten; 2. DonlReueni oot ein ^arla> inent8s@omtte btingen. to RECOMPACT, v.a. iviebee 5iifam= menfugen. to RECOMPENSE, v. a. I. belcfnen, oetgelten; 2. oetauten, erfefecn, aug» gletcfen, eutfeftlbigen, fafnen, recompense, -. I. tie iBelofnuug, 93etge(tung; 2. SBctgutung, (int« fefabigung, bee (5ifarj! RECOMPILEMENT, ». t'e ueue 3u» faiiuneuteaguu j, mnlinu.liqe Eainill" lung. 343 RECO RECT RED Tc RECOMPOSB, o. a. 1. rpicber ju= fammenfefcen, mieber orbiten ; 2. mie= bcr berub,igeil ; 3. Typ. T. aufo 9leuc fcfeen. decomposition, s. bte none 3ufam= menfefcung, SBteberberireUimg. RECONClLEABl.i;. «//. 1. iH'rfobuiid) ; 2. »erfi - aglirb ; 3. oeretltbar; —ness, ». bte SBcrfohnltd)fcit ; Ukrtraglid)= Ceit; SBeretnbarEeit. To RECONCILE, b. a. 1. DCrfpblteit, ausfbbnen ; 2. Dergleidjen, iibcrciu= ftimmcnb mad) en. vcrcittbarcu ; to — one's self to.., fid) aii8fi>bi.eii mit, ficb gemobueit an ..; fid) febtcfen tit . . ; he could not — himself to do it, er fonntc nid)t mit fid) felbft einig merben, e8 ju tbun. RECONCILEMENT, s. bic QScrfpfilltttig, SlusfSbmmg, ©rneuerung berSrctm&s fd)afr. RECONCILER, s. 1. bcr 33 cr fob) iter, SUtSfijbner ; 2. ber SQtberfprJic^e vcr= etnbaref. RECONCILIATION, s. 1. bte 3?erfpf)= nung, 3lu«f6bnitng ; 2. erj(cid)itcr, Pitt= fciretber, SRegtflrator, SprotoJoUtfi ; 2. Wrcbiuariuei ; 3. 4- bic .^irtenflotc. To RECOUCH, r. v. fid; mieber nicbcr= legctt. To RECOUNT, v. n. uniftaiiblid) crjat;= ten. RECOUNTMENT, s. bic G?rja()[tmg, bcr 33erid)t (\v. ii.). recourse, s i. bte BnfdtdH; 2. bcr '.'litfvntd) auf ®d)ablc«b«ltuna, dlM - anfprucb, Jlicgvo), tic ;Kc,iref;nn^ne, ber aiecnig; to have — to..., fid) ivenbctt (SRecitrS, 3legw^ netjincn), fid) fcbrtblog Imlteit an... To RECOVER, v. I. a. I. mieber crlait= gen, befemmen, tiucbcr erVilteii; 2. cieber gefuttb inad}cn, bcilen; 3. »te« 3-14 ber etnbrittgen, wtcber gut mad)ett, crfeften, etulofenj 4. befreieit; 5. er= rci.tcn ; m e-s. to — a debt, cine 'ird)itlb ciittreibcH, etneafftrett ; to — a pawn, cin SPfattb etnlbfen; to — damages, or losses, entfdiafitif wetbett, (3>erlnft) erfc^t befommen ; to — chipwrecked goods, ©titer auS eiitcnt uerutigliicften ©e^tffe rettcn, bevgeti; to — against, fid) becfcit gcgcn . . . ; charges for recoverinff, bie '3' ll ' l1 ff 0= fpefen, (S-rbebitngSiiitfeftcn ; — aims! jiw. Ph. ®en>et)r hod) ! to — one's self, fiii) roieber evbclcn, mieber ju fid) fdbft fomincn (from, t-on) ; to — a hare, eincn -§afett mteber anftreiben ; ir. ?;. fid) (yon etner .Rv>utfl)cif, etnem €d)recf, ». f. m.) erf)olctt ; genefen. recoverarle. adj. mieber ertangbar, erfe^Iici) ; tjeilbtir. recovery, s. 1. bie Sffiiebererlnngung ; 2. SBicbcrhcvftcIlnng ; ©ettefung ; taS @r[)Dlmig§mittel ; 3. l. T. bie (ae= rtd)tlid)e) @rlattgiing einer (£ad)C; past — , itnmiebcrbniti]Iid) uerloren. recreant, I. adj. 1. frige, oerjngt; 2. nbtrunnig, nnfreu ; 3. »en»orfett, rud)IoS;'n. « ber aibfrumiige, Diitd)= lofe, s -Bofcmid)t; getgberjtge. To re-create, v. a. mieber 'erfd>itffeit. To RECREATE, v. l.a.1. ctqutcfctt, cr= frifdjen; 2. erheitcrn; n.w.fid) bclu= fiigett, ficb fcergniigen, ergbfeen. re-creation/ s. bie SBtebeverfd)af= fung. recreation, s. bic ©rgtticfung, @r« fvifebnng, ©tcirlung; (Srbcit'cning, fergbfeung, Sr^olung, RECREATIVE (adv. — i.y), adj. erc|lti= cfenb,ftavfcnb, crfrifd;cnb; erbetternb, ergbfeenb, ergBfeltd) ; — ness, s. bas ©rgtttcfenbe, ©tcirfenbe; bie (5rgi>fe= lid)fctt. recrement, s. bcr "Jlitsmurf, 2d) flimi, bie <2d)lacfen; bcr 2lbfn&. recremental, ) . RECREMENTITIAL, > "'^ r J r '+;"' RECREMENT1TIOUS, ) **' »* to *9- To RECRIMINATE, v. n. S-n. mieber l'C = fd)nlbigeii, cine ©cgenflage anbviiu gen. RECRIMINATION, s. bte 5Ji?tfbcrbc= fdntlbigiutg, ©egenbefebutbtgung ; /. T. bie giecoit»eWton8= (2Biber= ober ©egens) j?lage. recriminator, s. einer bcr @cgcn= befrbulbtgungen nmdtt. recriminatory, adj. cine @cgcnbc= fd)ii{btgurig cnthattc'nb ; cine ©egetu befdiulttgitiig niadu'itb. recrudescence, > s. S. T. ba§ 3Bie= RECRUDESCENCY, 5 bcraitfbrccbcn ei= iter SBimbe, bic 3iitcffet)r beS ©comers JC8. RECRUDESCENT, adj. S. T. mieber (tttfs b« ^enb, «ufs yjcitc fd^merjenb. To recruit, v. «. tminfelige Sigur; Jir. t. ba8 Sactt. rectangled, adj. red>tminfeltg. RECTANCULAR {adv. — ly/ adj. redjh minfelig. RECTIFIABLE atlj. ju bcrid)tigcii,t)cr« beffcrltd). rectification, *. 1. bie 33crid)tis gimg, SSerbefferung ; 2. Oieinigniig, Sciuterung; 3. Mm. r.3uriicfful)r«n8 einer fntmnten Stiite auf cine gentbe; 4. cu. t. SRectiftcirung, aSerfiarFung burd) abermaligeS ^ibjieben. RECTIFIER, s. i. ber i^eriebttger; 2. Sicctificirer ; 3. jy. '/'. bo8 SBerfjeug, urn bie 9lbmeid)iing ber iDJagnetiiabel nnb baburd) ben 8auf be8 ©ii)iffe8 ju bcrid)tigcn. To rectify, v. a. i. beridiiigrn, »er= beffcru ; 2. Mat. T. cine fnuinne kiltie auf cine gerabe juriieffu^ren ; 3. (% T. rectificiren, burd) abcnnaliges 91b* jichen Vicrftarfcll; to — an account, cine 9icd)iuiug auSglcicben, bcrirbti^ gen ; rectified spirits, rcctiftcirter (gt- lautcrfcr, gcietnigter) 3Beingeift RECTILINEAL, J ,. ^ c ,,., s1 ;';, rectilinear, \ "♦■ fl»^l«n«8- rectitude, s. bic 9iebltd)Eeit, 5Iuf* rtdjttgfett. rector, s. 1. ber 9Jeetrr, S5orflei)cr; 2. ^sfarrbcrr; Dberpfarrer. RECTORAL, Rectorial, adj. eitttlll 31ec= tee ober Dberpfarrer gebinig. RECTORSHIP, s. 1. ba8 'jflcctoVat, 9?pr= fteberantt ; 2. bie (Obcr^farvftcUr, ber SPfarrbienfl. rectory, s. 1. bie ^farre, SPfarret ; 9i"cciorci; 2. ba8 ©iiifoiiimeit eiucS 5JJfarrer8. RECTUM, s. A. T. bcr 9J?aftbann. recubation, 5. ba8 Siegeit, 5lnlef)neu (m. it.). To RECUMB, v. 71. liegcn, Illicit; r«= ben. recumbence, ) s. bag .Otutegeit, SKns RECUMBENCY, S leblietl ; fg. bic 9Me. RECUMBENT, adj. aiiltcgcnb, Jeljiicnb; fig. rnbeub, untl)atig, tvage. RECUPERATION, s. bie 2Siebcrcrlau= gung, Suriicferobentng. RECUPERATIVE, > adj. jur 2l'icbcrcr= RECUPERATORY, J lauguug gel)bvig ober bieulitb. To RECUR, ». m. 1. mieber fommen, febrcu; 2. feinc 3»fluebt nebmeti (_— to. ju), to — in (on) the memory, mic» ber betfadcu ; to — in conversation to . . . , ini ©cfprad) mieber auf (§tma« foinincn. RECURRENCE, Rkcurrkncy. s. bie gBteberfebr, aiiid-fcbr; ba8 2Bieber* BorEommen. RECURRENT, adj. micbcrftbrciib ; ?u> ri'tcflaufenb, uinlaiifenb ; — nerves, .1. T. bie riicflaufcubeit 'Jteroen. RECURRING, part. {vid. To Rkcur) : — series, M*. T. juriUflaiifciibe 9icit)eit. recursion, 8. bie 9furffel)r; ba8 3" 1 riicflaufeu (W. ii.). To RECURVATE, { ,„,.,•;,*(,„„„„, To recurve, | "■ "■ 5« r «^eugcn. RECURVATION, > 5. bie <$UXU&b{t* RECURVITY, J guug. recurvous, adj. riicfanirt8 gebegen. recusancy, s. bie Wbfcigiing, 8o8fa» gung, SBeigerung (befonberg fidf jur berrfebenbeu auglifauifcbcii Jtird)e ja befennen), SBiberfpanfiitifeit. RECUSANT, I. adj. miberipanfit'g, ftdj mctgerub, abfagenb, Uifagenb; 11. * ber 'SBibcrfpaiiftigc recusation, ». bie 2Bci,tcrung. RED (ode. — ly), adj. rpfh ; brighi beUl'Ptf) ; dark — . bliufclrotl) ; sad — or Indian — , brftltlirptb '< '° " mrk — 1 mit 9iptl)cl, 11. f. m., bejeidmen; to grow _, rotb mcrboi; glit^en ; to paint—, fid) fd)miuEeil; — bachelors' REDD buitons, bie St;rbni§ ntit gefreniifcn ©efdilecftteril ; — berried shrub cassia, bie (iafftne ntit rotbcn ^cereu ; [ilex tassine — Jiit.) ; — bay, ( — berry), bie rotbe Sorbeere ; — bird, bee Stetu= Detect (Coccothrauates indica cristata — Kl.); summer — bird, bee cHotbfinf (Fringilla rubra — Kl.) ; — breast, ba8 SHotbbriiftcben, i>iott>f ct>lcf)cn [Sylvia rubecula — L.) ; — bud, bie 9lllbV0= meba ntit einein Staubenfamnt; — chalk (— earth), bie votl)e JTreibe, ber Siotbftettt, iKLnbel ; —chalk pencil, bee Motbftift, SRBtfjelftift; —clover, ber rotbe SBJiefenflee, Jtlebet; — coat, we. bee -IcothfOif, SolbCtt; — currants, bie rotbcn ^obaunisbeerett; — deer, ba-J Jcotbuulb, .£>od)milb ; — eye, bie lUijijc, iai Jicthauge ; — faced. rott> tin ©eftcbte (tuSfebenb ; — fish, ber SWotbftfcb [in Stamttyath) ; — gour- net, bie SUZcctleicc (eiit^ifcft);— cums, pi. (— gum), bie ungeroobitlicfce £Ri3rt>e tin ©eftebte neucteborner Jiittber; — haired, COtljfjaarii] j — lmvk,bei" (?bel= falfe, fo lauge et jiiug ift; — headed, rotbropfw; — licrn'uL'- bw i(SBfeIb8* ring, SncHing : — hides, 3ucfttcn= baitte; mdg. SJcotbjjciutc (norbamert* fcfte Snbiauer); — high-mixed, M f. ftocftrotb gemifd)t; — hot, feuerrotb; gliihcub ; — keel, eiit bvaunrothev bfev, ber iTtothcl; —land, cin roth= lirbetSoben in berSanbtotvtbfdxtftj ; — land lime-stone, bie SRauebroatfe; bet Solomtt; — legged partridge, baS vo- the .Oicbhii hit, rliothhitiut ; — lead, bee 2Jiemtig; — leather, 3itd)tcit, Suftcit; — letter day. bev BfCtCtfitfJ ; — morocco, bas ftcl&roSitcit, SWarieitrBSdben, bee SelbabOItiS; — murrain, bit 8 SBIUfa barneit, 3tpthuc(Kit (eiite 6oruuieb= feucfte); bie Oiot hef 10 ttHici t (ber Srfjiueiue); — nosed, rothuafig ; — ochre, ba» SSrauitrotfj ; — orpiment, b(t3 3t a It I'd) a, '.'lb, aid. Rk\l«ar ; — pim- pernel, ba3 ©aitcfthcil [AnngaUis ar- vensis — L.) ; — plague, bie 9tofe (F.nj- sipsias); —pole, bad 5d)warjbart= rbett, bee $8uttl)iinfiiitg [FringUla can- uabina — /,.) ; — poppy, "»'■ WcBD ; — sa(u)ndera, rotbee (Eanbtlbolj ; ber vothe Sanbelbaum (Pteracarjnu eantnlinus — /,.) ; — sea, ba3 rotbe !02eer; to — Bev, n. » ft eft brocfeln, abfpriitgen, rotbbriicbig fenit room (Sifcit, roeitn eS rothgliibenb utttcr bent jammer leicftt ncrbricit) ; — shank, baS Notbbcin (eiit $3ogel,— Scohpax cdidris — L.) ; bad Alph = frattt; —shams, bev SKJnfferpfeffet ; — silver ore, t'PthiliilbCll ; — slart, (—tail), ber fRotbfdjiwtnj (cin i'pgel, — Sylvia phasnieurus — L.) ; — streak, cine 3lri rotfjjtreiftger Slepfet, ber SRotbftriemling ; bee nn3 biefeit OlcVfeln bercitcte ffiber • —weed, ber witbe :Wohu, Aclbmobn, bieJtkppes VPfe ( P '/' toer rha u — /..) ; — whortle- berry, bie 9}reif)e(beere (FacciniHm w- tis ri.n — L.) ; — winj, bie iQeiii= broffel, DJptbbi-pffel (Tardus iliacua ~ /..) ; — wood, ba8 vetbe 5attbelboU, Fltotbbpf^, SBrrtftltenbof}; — wort, bie Sanbbeere, -iiarctttvaubc {Arbutus uva „ r .,/ _ /,.). RED, s. baS :)iptb, bie rothc 5iti'be, 9ii}= tbe. Ta REDDEN, ». I. a. rptbeit, vptb nta= cftett; 11 >i. (fcftam)rptb roerbert, cvrb= then (at. fiber) ; to — with wrath, v>or 3otn gliibeit. REDDISH, adj. r5tt)Ud> ; — ness, s. bte WotMicbfeit. REDDlTiON, s. I. bie SBicbergctbe, 3" : viicfiiiibc ; 'I. 2ltt«etuaitberfe^ung. REDDITIVE, adj. jur 2Btcbee;cbe ge= REDR Sovig; Oram, r.evmicbcntb;— answer, Me geiiiiue Vlntmort. REDDLE, ». Bid. Roddlz. To kkdkem, v. a. 1. loifaiifen, erI5= fen, (from von) ; 2. nnelpfcn ; 3. B»U* ber einlofen (a pawn, eiit SPfanb) ; 4. amotteftreSf antottiren ; 5. roieber einbritiijcit, roiebee gut macftcn, be= Ipbneit; 6. erfe^ett, eiftaltett ; 7. bie SJienfdKnetiofuiig oollbrtngen ; to — a promise, eiit sUerfjjrecften crfiiUen ; to — time, (perlprtte) 3eit ntebet einbriitgeit; bie Rett gut anmeitben, cot. bie Jeit ausfaufen. REDEEMABLE adj. 1. CtUSlBSbat, (pj ju faufen, ju erlofen; '2. roieber ein= jubringen ; — debts, abloelitfte (tilg= bare ®taaf$=)®c&ulben ; — ne=*, s . bte gabigfett loSgefaufr, u, f. ro., roiebeieiti^ebracftt ju lvcrben, bie (§r: ftattbarfeit. REDEEMER, «. 1. bee Sort aufer ; 2. ©rlBfer, 3Beltcr|pfer, .f5eilanb. T„ REDEUBERATE, ?•. n. uon illcitem bcrathcii, enivigen. To REDELIVER, >• o. tiueber einfninbi= gen, ivieber auSliefem, jum twetten iljalc liefent, wteber uberliefcvii; jurfiefgeben. REDELIVERANCE, ». bie SBiebcrciiis banbigung ; SBteberbefretung. REDELIVERY, *. bie , IBiebereiitbnnbi= \\w\\ \, 2Biebergcibe,3Bteoererflattung, gtiicfiieferuHg. To REDEMAND, >•. a. jUVUcf fovbcrit, miebet forbecn. REDEMAND, ». bie SSiebcifprbentng, SRiicfforberung. REDEM AND ABLE, aif ^uriiif Jit forbern. REDEMISE, *. L t bie SBieberoerfeU bung biiitcvlaffencv ober Devpacfttctcr ganbereten, redemption, s. 1. bie ?o8Taufung, 9ltt8l6fuitg; bev 2Bieberf,iuf; 2. bte ?lmpvtifatiptt ; 3. ^cfrciiing ; 4. (?r= Idfung, SBBelferlBfimg ; right of — , baa SSteberfaufSrecbt. redent, 8. i-ori. baa Sdgenwerf. redented, adj. gejflcft, geferbt. To REDESCEND, r.H.tviebcr bevabftet= gen. To REDINTEGR VVV.. b. n. tviebcr tit ben oortgeu Stanb feften, tstebet ber= ftellen, roieber erganjen, ernenerit. REDINTEGRATE adj. Wtebet bevge= ftellh eniencrt; mtebei in ben oort= gen Stanb uerfefet, REDINTEGRATION, », bie 5Bicbcvein= feeing, iBiebevbcrftellnn^, 33ieber= erganjung, Srneiierung ; c*. t. '•2Btc= berberfiellung etnefl in fcine JEbette (titfgclorten JIBrperS. To REDISBURSE >'• »• ;nn"uf ;ablen. 7b REDBPOSE '•. „. mtebet orbnen, fefifefeen. To REDISTRIBUTE, o. a. jnrfid ertbci= (en. REDNESS, a bifiliotbe; baS iKotb. REDOLENCE. > .„,. «n„u< A. K1 , |)lU| . N( , v J,.bci-®oblgenicft. REDOLENT, adj. roohlriecftciib, flavf Don ©eritcb. To REDOUBLE ». I. a. serbowctn ; (oft) roteberbolen ; bermebren ; re- doubled interval, Mus. T. ba8 '.HU'bPV = pelte Sntertafl ; n. ». ftcft yevboppeln, ftavfer roerken. REDOUBTABLE, adj. fnrcfttbar, fiivcft= terlicft. iii:i):ii'in'En.m//.fiivcfttbav,gefiin-fttet. To REDOUND, >•. ». I. JUTua flio«en, jnriiif fallen, \ntM Febven ; 2. gerci= rben ; entfpringen, erfolgen. redoubt, s. Fori. T bie Mebpuif. REDRAFT, t.M r. ber .'liiicfioccbfet, bie :)(i'uf[vatte. SRitratfe. To REDRAW, o. a. -If. /:-.--. (— upon), REDU juritcf tiautrcn auf: ivieber bcjte* ben ; to draw and — biiis of exchange, aBccftfclreiterei treiben._ To REDRKss, i n. 1, beffern, terbef-- fcni id. iij ; 2. bclfcn, abbelfen; 3, trofien; to — one'a te\t fid} ;u fee- nem diecftte oerbelfeu, fid) felbft beU feu; to — grievances, QeftyttCtbtn nbbelfcn. REDRESS, f. 1. bie ©fffetung (ro. it.); 2. fiulfe, ber Qttftonb; 3. c.'lb=; ^etfet. REDRESSER, «. ber .^elfer, ^Ibbelfer; — of manners, ber SittenUfTbeffjtm. REDRESS1VE adj. belfciir. biilficicb. REDRESSLESS, adj. iinbeffcrlicb, ltnab= bdflnft. T.. REDUCE, v.a I. tiiritcffiihreit ; bcr-- itbfiibren ; 2. bringen — to.., \% anf, in, itntcr . .), oerfeften; 3. vcv- minbern, oerfietnera, berabfe^en U. 83. SDIfinjen ini SBertbe), besal' Btten; enrroertben, ribticireit; »er» jiingen (cine 3eid>nung); 4. berab- rourbigen ; unterjocben, untenoerfen; 5. inOrbnung (tn ©Ictffen) bringen; to — in mey, M. f. ntehrere Bourfe oergleieben, frembe 9J2un|c auf etn» beimifdje bererhnen ; to — a place, ei« itcit *45iii^ jur Uebergctbe jtotngen, erobern; to — to powder, in ERuloet Derroanbeln, puloern ; to— to a in '.'Ifcftc oerwauDeln, ciitafcbertt; to — to practice, in SuSubuug bringen ; to — to rules, inner Kegeln brtngtn ; reduced prices, becab^efi'^te SPretfe. REDUCEMENT, ,-. mi. REDUCTION. REDUCES,*, ber .^erabfc§er; Untev* jpdjev. REDUCIBLE, adj. ycrniinberbar, ^nriicf* fiihrbar, toerfleineibav; it is not — . e3 ISfjt fid) nidit oercleinern, niitt ab= fiirjen; —ness, ». bie iHiminberbaes f fit, 3tiriid;'fubrbavfcit, i!er£lctncv3 barfeit. REDUCT, .«. Mil. T ber befefligfle B»' rucfjugSVlflfc. bte SufturbtSveTfcftana inng, 3fJudtnfcbanje; .i,-ji. t. ber SBerfcfclag. reduction,*. 1. bte Sftebuclien, 3hj eficffubrung, ^un'icf brin.umg ; 2 .Oer- abfe^itng; 3. Untenveifiin.i. ©robe» mnflj 4. SSetininberang ; 5. iBerjfina giutg ober 83ergrBfJerung eincr^eidi- nung; (i. Ck. T. bie SJlebuction, :lfecn.- timing; 7. M.E-a. baa Jlbfdblogen, Sinfen, SaUeu ber |!rrife); 8. bie fpreisoermtnbcrung, ifierabfetung, Siebuctipit: — of coin, bte .Oeiabfc=> ftmig bev OJiiintcn, Deoalsatton; — in t'he value, bie Coitirathiiiia, 0011 SBaluten ; — of duties, bet Sfeuetet* fafjj tables of — , 9?ebuction8fabeDett, a3ergleidjuitg8tnbellen bet 3)2un)en, 'I'i'afie, u. t. iv. ; .//-. Ta. — of frac- tions, &ie 3(ebuction ("abfurjung) ber iiviidie, SBrtngNnfl berfelben unter geineinfrbftftlicben SJlennerj necending — , bie Stebuctton ^ tine hbherc Be* nennung ; descending — . bie ;)ccbne= lion auf eine niebrtgerc SQenennung; .r-r t. irn Untetfdjieb ivoiftben bem Jleigungflrainfel unb ber ercenttifrben Breite; s v. bie (Sinrirbtung, SBie> bereinrenfimg eiiie-^ ©liebeS. REDUCTIVE a '« — t.v). I. adj. tll- rfitfbrtngeiib, oermtnbernb : v. auftS- fenbj 'v.'/' ivieberbentellenb ; II. « bie SQerminberuiig ; .v :. r. iti llnf» (5fungdmttte(. REDUNDANCE, \s ber ll.bevflii'l bie REDUNDANCY. \ llcbcrfnlle, gfifle; 2Beitfd>roeif!greif, REDUNDANT, 'adv. — r.v\ adj. lent reidili*, iiberfliifft.i ; UH-utaurtg. To REDUPLICATE, p. a. oerboppel*. ivicbeibplcii. a^5 RE-E^i REFI REFO IEDUPLICATION, ». bie 5Rerbpppc= lung. SBieberbolung. reduplicative, adj. Derboppelnb, roieberbolenb. BEE, re, $ ber SRee cine Heine tortus giefifdje $ed)nuna,8munje). 7b RE-ECHO, v. n. lvicDcrbaUeit, totes bertVballcu. BEECHY, adj. fd)roarj oont Dtaucbc, cupig, raurberig. REED,*. 1. ba* tRicb, Diobr, ©d)ilf= rrbr, Sdiilf [jirundo — /.*; 2. bte gjotjrpfetfc, glbre; 3. ber^feilj 4. r-s, ba* SRogrmunbitftcf ctuigcr apu= inftrumente ; bte (2Beber=) Spule ; ba* Sliebblatt, bcr Jtantiu (am2Beb= pubic) ; — bank, (—bed, —plot), bae SRo^rbtcfig, iRpbricbt; — bunting, ( — sparrow), ber Mohripcrling, 3tobr= friecber; bie Dtiebmeifc ; — flute, bie Stcbrflotc; — grass, ba* SRiebgra* (Sparganium — L ) ; — mace, ( — maze), bag jtolfcenrofjc, ber Staffer^ folbeit (Typka — Zjj — millet, ba* ^Otliggtai (HJcus sorghum — /,.); — stops (— work), bag dcobrs obcr Sribnarrwerf bcr Drgel. REEDED, adj. Ill i t Scbilf bebeef t. REEDEN. adj. an* 3ipfir qcmacfct. RE-EDIFICATION, ». bic 8Bieberauf= bauuug ; bcr SReubau. To RE-EDIFY, r. a. luicecr aitfbaUCtt. SEEDLESS, adj. obiie Sipbr, pfcttC • ecbilf. REEDY, adj. wll Sdjilf, PPll jlipbr. REEF. s. 1. ( — of rock. ciltC JUeibe bltucer J\lipvcn), ba* gelfenrtff; 2. jv. t-s. ba§ iReef, SReff, ictn febmafer Streifen «cgcltucb, quet fiber bic .£>auptfcgei, cas cingcrcrftc [t,ufain= mengeroUte nub an bie fRaa einge* bmibcite] Stud] einefi folcbcu Xbcile* DOntSegel); to let out the reefs, btc JWcrrc Ip* niacbeu, Ip* laffcit; to — .or to take in a— (bie Segel nut bcu 9iecfbanbcii iu bte <$j>6t>e biitbcn, fici= ttev liiacbeii) einbolen, einteffen; — i»nd, bic 93erboppelnng be* Segetfi bei bcu jRecfgatcn ; — lines, bic 3?cjt= bSnber, oberJReffbauben ; — points,bte [Recffciftugcn; —tackle bte 9teeftalic. To REEF, r. a vid, ltlltcr Reef. s. reek, s. 1. bcr jRauct), £)auipf; 2. vid. Rick. To reek, v. n. raucben, bainvfcn, bun= licit. reeky, adj. nud;ig, raudkrig, oer^ raudnrr. REEL, s. 1. bcr >Sa*pel, bie SBcifc, ©arrtroinbe; 2. etne 41 rt lebbafrcr Za\\\ ; — of the Iol;. .V. 7'. bic goarollc. To REEL, v\.n. baH'cltt, abha*pcln, raeifen ; reeled weft, liuf* gcerebte* (aufgcba*i>cltc* @infct)ujj=)©arn ; u. n. taiimeln. t.i RE ELECT, r. a. UMcbcr erroubtcn. re-electk in. s bieuod)maligc2Bal)t, SBiebererroablung. To RE-EMBARK, p. I v itcb ivieber Ct'lt = frfjtffen. roieber jit Sdjiffe geben; S/>. r. nucber iu« 2agei gcben ivont SSilbv') ; II. a. n.urber ait ©orb brittgen. re-embark \iioN. ». bie 3Bict>cr'ciu= fdbiffuitg ; SKteberoerlabung ; 8p. t. bic -Iciicffchr iu* Baget (»om SEilbc). To RE-EMBATTLE, r. a. »icbcr ill ®cblfld)torbiiuitg Pelirn. BEEMiNC-iiii >N, s. .Y. T. baS 2rbarfct= fen bcr .ttiilfatcrcr. To re-enact, v. a. fcou ?icucm bcr= orbucit. To re-enforce, d. n. (»ptt SRciiem) fceritiirfcn, mieber cerftarfen. rf-enforcement, s . bie5Jerj!arfttng. To re-engage >•• I. a.»iebert»er»fftdj= ten cber auirerbcn ; II. ». ficb wicber •erpflicbten. 346 To re- enjoy, o, a. lvtcbcr gcnt'cfen. To RE-ENKJNDLE, v. a. liucbcr Cllt= jiiubeu. To reenter, v. v. lvicbcr biucin Eontmeu, gcben, obcr trctcit. To RE- ENTHRONE, v. a. ivicber ailf bCU Sbrou fcfecu. re entrance. ». bcr Sicbcrciittvitt, bas SDBieberbineinfominen. REER-MOUSE, s. rid. Rear-moisk. To RE-ESTABLISH, r. a. tuiebet bcr= ficllcu ; roiebet ciufiihrcit; re-estab- lished, roicbet bergeflellt. RE establisiier, s. bcr SE?icbcrbcr= flcllcr. re establishment, ». bic 5Sicbcr= bcrftcllutig. To REEVE! d. n. oid. To Reef. RE-EXAMINATION, ». bic abcrntatijc Unierfucbung ober Spriifuug. To RE-EXAMINE, b. a. tOKba Ulltcr= furbcu, iipcbniiiU prufen. RE EXCHANGE s. M. E-s. ber Dciiif= roecbfel, Sttcambio (ber (Sourg 511 mU rbem bic j)iiicftr>ittc bcrecbiict roirt ; account of — . bie SRucfroecbfeU (9tt= cambips cber 9tctpur=):l{ccbuuiig. To RE-EXPORT, v. a. iviebcr au*fiibrcn. re-exportation, ». bos SBiebewuS* ftibrcu, bic 2Sicbcr,iu*fubr. re-exports, s.pi. 2BiefceraiiSfu^rar= tiEci. REFECTION, s. iciS firaiticfuiigliiiabt, bie (iritiiiffuuij, Sabung. repective, i. adj. erqutcfcnb, labenb; n. s. bic (Srquicfung, Sabung. refectory. «. b,t« 5pcifcjimmev, bcr Speifefaal (tin ,R(pfter). To refel, v. a. miberlegcrt (W. a.). To refer, r. I. a. tcnvcifcu (—to. an;, nad)weifen ; to — a cause, L T. cine 9tecbtefad)e nuf iveifern ©efdjeib flu*fet?en ; n. n. 1. fid) be^icbcit ( — to. auf) ; 2, fi^j auf3emanb) bcrufeu. REFERABLE, adj vid. Referrible. REFEREE, s. L. T. bcr <3ebicb*iiMnu. reference. 5. 1. bie SSerroeifung, Sflacbroeifung ; 2. bie Sejict^uiig, s -8c= jitgnabnie, bcr --I'c^ug; marks of — . Tup. T. 3eifbcu 511m >§inbeuten nuf 5TiPten (L S. *, t i, II, IT, $) ; in — to that, in Setrtjf, in Slnfetjung bctten; a — to one's ordinary, L. T. bie i unb eilber) rafft= nireit, abtretbeit; (Gifcu) fnfrbeu; rafftnirctt ; refined sugar, rflffinirter (gcKiutcrter) 3ttcfer, SRafftnnbe ; II. ». 1. itrb reinigeu, ficb berfeineru, fid) fcerebclu ; 2. gru belli, fliigcln ; you — too much. Sic gcben 511 febr iu* Seine, Sic fliigeln JU 6iel. repinedly, adv. fcin, fpi^ftnbig, raf-- ftnirf, gcfunfielt, auf getunftelte 3lrt. REFTNEDNESS, s. bcr Bl'ft^ 111 ' ba ct= a>aS geliiurcrt i|t ; bie nfectirte 5ciu= peit. REFISEMENT, «. 1. bic Saufemng, ^crrctncrtiita; 2. Sauterfcit; 3. @rii= bclei, Spifefinbigfcit, 3icrcui, 5lffcc« tatiou ber (llcganj. REFJNER, -• 1. bet Sautcrer, £erfci« nerer, Siafftner ; 2. Jrifcber, grtfd>» orbeitcr (onf @ifenbutten ; ;i. &xnia lev, Singling. To REFIT, D. o. UMcber berftclleu, it>it> ber au*iiiften (cin Scbiff), auebeffers (bic SDifelage obcr bal Segelroerfjt fitieniauncn. To REFLECT, r. o. if n. 1. }UrUttT»ei> feu: 2. juriirf fallen, ^uriicf prallcu, rcflcctircn, n>ieberftrar)len ; 3. limbic* gcit;4. jurutf benlen, nacbbrnfen (-- upon, fiber), nuf inertia m fiberJrgen, in SBetraciit jicben, erroagen, OJiicfficbt nebincn ( — upon . ., ouf) ; 5. (to — on . . ) ficb natbtheilig auf;cni iibcr. . , anfpielcn, bamifdj tabein (etiva*);6. Scbaube bringen, pcrunebrcn; to be reflected, fid) fpieqelil; it reflects ho- nour on him, C* lliadU iblll (Sl)Xt ; 10 — upon himself, ill ficb gebei;. REFLECTENT, adj. JUlitiffallcilb, 511= rfijgeroprfen. REFLECTING, part. — dial bic 3Jef!c« riousfpimciiubr. Spiegel fonnenuljr; — telescope, ba* 9?cticvtPn*fcrurobr. REFLECTION, .-■. 1. bic ^urficfroerfuiig, 3>irfi(fbereegung (cine* jirb bewegen» ben auf .ipiumuiue fiolenben Jvbr= perfi); 2. bus SurfitfpraHen bei SicbtS), bic S3recbung ber Virbtfttab= Icn, SReflerioii ; 3. ber SRcflet, >Sie= berfdjein, ©egenfebein, SSbglnnj ; 4. bic SRiicfiuirfung ; 5. ba* SRacbbtnteu, bie SBetradjtung ; Ueberlegwng, dx= roagung, Selbftbefrbauung ; o. ber Eabcl, bte 9liijfiglicbfeil ; angle of — , ber SflefIerioiiS= (abfpraiig6= iSBinfel REFLECTIVE, adj. 1. uuiiif ipcrfenb (Sirbtilrableu) ; 2. enwagenb, nachs beufenb. REFLECTOR. ». 1. bcr 2Vtrjcifer; 2. Strablcmvcrfer, Sficflertor. reflex, adj. ^irucfroerKiib, jnrudfs luirfeub ; ruefanirt* gcriditet. To reflex. J-. a jurficf biegen, \uxi\i breben, juriirf roeubcii (». ii.). REFLEXlBH.rrY, 5. tic Aabtafeit 511= riuf geroorfen ju roerben, Sni'ii^ 5 rpcrfbarftir. REFLENIBLE adj. fiibig iitrficf geircr= fen 511 roerben, fabig vaviicf 511 ftiabltn. REFLEXION, s. vid. Ueklectiov. REFLEXIVE adj tunnf frblagcnb, rpie= fcerftrablenb ; juriicfivirfenb ; — ly. aiir. turiicf geroorfeu; bingegen ; mit cincr -Jccignng 511111 Xabcl. REFLOAT, a. ml Reflux. REFLORESCENCE, 5. ba* 2liieb-vattf= blfiben. To reflourish, v. n. roicbcr bliibcn, roieber aufblitbcii. To REFLOW, v. n jiiriicffiicBcn. REFLUENCE } s. ba* 3miiifrlicpcn, REFLUENCY, ) ber SRiicfnuB. REFLUENT, adj. Jliriifffltefei^. reflux, s. ber yiinffluf;, 2lbriuf;, bie (Sbbe. To RE-FORM, r. a. vricter gettalten, umfdjaffen, nmbilben. To reform, v I. a. rcfpnnircu, ver« beffern ; ii. n. ficb (»ers beffern. reform, .*. Me Unigcjialtung, 9lt» form, Serbefferung. reformation^, bit llmgcjtaltiuig, Umbilbung. REFORMATION, 5. 1. bic Scrbcffe» rung ; 2. SReformotion, @lauben«r«» ntgutig. REFORMED, adj. rcfpnllilt. reformer, s. ber Sicformator, ^co beffcrer. REFORMIST, s 1. ber SRcformirte ; 2. aSerbejferuttgefudjtige (in ber $> titif). REFU 8EFOS3iox. «. bie flufgtaBung. To REFOUNL), v. a. UlltjifiJcit, Um-" fd)ntel$eit. To REFRACT, v. a. Strahlctt brcd)en. REFRACTION, s. bafl «trablenbred)cit, bie ©trabtenbrecbung, flbirrnng befl I'idtcfl ; plane of—, Pky. T. bie U3re= cbungflebcite. REFRACTING,? adj. Strableit bre= REFRACTIVE, S ty'^- REFRACTORINESS, s. bic 22ibcrfpau= ftigfeit, ^aieflarrtgEeit. REFRACTORY, I. adj. 1, ttMbcrfpaiU ftig. balflftarrta,: 2. rv, v. ftreitgs flufjtg ; ii. ». ber SSJiberfpaiiftige. REFRAGABLE, aiij wiberlegbar. 7b REFRAIN, ». 1. «. (— from) JU= riidbaltcn, jaljmen; II. «. fitb eut= batten. REFRAIN, «. bet [Refrain (ciiicflSicbcfl), Scblufjreim. To REFRAME, r a. Wieber jiifammcit = fefcen. REFRANGIBILITY. s bie 53rcd)bar= feit (bet Sirfctftrafjleit). REFRANGIBLE, adj. brcrbbar. 7b REFRESH, ». «. 1. auffrifrben, an= frifdicn, crncncit; 2. erfrifcbett, ab= rubtctt, erquitfen. REFRESHER, .*. ber Cfrquicfer, (5rfvi= fd)er; roaS erfrifcbt. REFRESHMENT, ». bie firfrtfcbuitg. REFRET, «. ber [Refrain, wicberteh= venbe @>rb(uf}retm. REFRIGERANT, adj. tvfiifdjcilb, Ct* quitfenb, fiibtcnb. REFRIGERANTS, s. / mittel. To REFUGE, v. a. fd)iit}Clt, ill Sfbllfc nebinctt. refugee, s. ber ftliiditling. REFULGENCE, I s. ber belle Sdiciii, REFULGENCY, ] ftrabtritbe Stbtm= mer, ©lain. REFULGENT (adit. — ly), adj. glatl= jcnb, lciid)tenb, frheiiiettb. To REFUND, v. a. M. E roicber bc;ab = leu, jiirfuf bejabten, bcdeit ; /,. t. bie Soften einefl SProjeffefl ; unrccbt bcjahUce' 0clb wieber bcr= auflgeben. REFUSABLE, adj. (it uerwcigem. REFUSAL, ». i. bie fluSfcblagung ; SSerweigeruug, abfcblagige flutroort, col. ber Stoxb ; 2. SBorfauf; bad SReebt ber ober biefreie) IBabl ; to get a — , abgewiefen werben, eiiieit Jfcorb be= fomiiteu; a total — , eiit formlirbcr £urailbot«.ftorb ; to have the — of a thing! bie '-innbanb (frcic SL'abl 1 in tt\va8 babcn ; to (jive the — . bie Soy* bant- geben obet laffen ; in case of — apply to Mr. ***, .)/. /:. t nt QermeU gerungefalle (ober notbtgen SaUfl) bet ■jjjerrn ** ». To REFUSE, v. n. S, n. rtUifrolagCtt, ab= frblagen, abiveifen, oerroeigern, oer* fagen, m'rbt ivollen; niojt anneb= men, Derroetfen ; to iio r.'fuspii, cine abfcbliuiii]e 5ltttn;ort beloninien; I will refuse tin pains, id) null mid) fri= nc iD(itbc wrbttef eu taffen ; M. E-». w — acceptance, bie Vliinahme w= RBGE wcigent, ni^t acccptiretl; reftued ac- ceptance, bie uerioetgerte Slnitahme, REFUSE, I. adj. veri'vovfet!, feblerbt ; ii. s. ber SluSrourf, Unratb ; ber !Hu6- fcbitp, bie Vltiisi'diiifiUMiiie. REFUSER, 6-. ber 9U>f$Iaa.eubf, S3cr= toetgernbe. refi 'TABLE, adj. (u roibetlegett. REFUTATION, s. bie SLBiberlegiing. To REFUTE, v. a. (— arguments, ©n'ui = ta UMberlegen. REFUTER, *-. ber 23ibevfcger. To REfAlN, i?. a. roicber gcroinncn, tvtebet erlangen. REGAL; ciuem Aontge gebinig ; ii. s. bas SRegal [einOrgel= regtfler) ; bic JErageorgel. REGALE, s. i. ba>) fouii]liitc 3Sor= red)t, SRegole, .Oobeiisredn ; 2. bie 33ewirtbuiu}, bad ©ajtmabl. -/•-regale, d. i. a. besuttt^en, erquU cfeu ; II. v. fdjiuiiitfeit. REGALEMENT, ». bie (Srquiefung, 6r= frifr^ung, SSewirtb.ung. regalia, .«. /oired)te, ^ob.ettsret^fe. REGALITY, s. bie JtoiitgSivurbe, ba« Jlbnigtbiini ; fbiiigliclje ^Infebcii ; L. t. bie sBelebiutngmtf 8on* uub ©e= ricb,tiSbarfcit (in ^dnMtlanr . REGALLY, ado. Uniiglici;. 7b REGARD, t>. a. 1. anfvbcu, nuf ct= nms fcl)(ii, bcmerlen, beobacb^ten, Diiicfftdjt nebi:'.' , :t : 2. iirbrcti, bccb= ad)teit; 3. fid) fcejie^en, betreffen. REGARD, s. i. ber ©HdP, 21tlblicf ; bas ^lnfebeii; 2. bie SBeobc^tsng, Slufinertfamfetf; 9lufmetfen, bie iU-tvaditititi] ; '■>. 2l(fcviing, (vbifnrcbt ; 4. Slugjetf^itung ; 5. SBejtebjtng, 9Jiicf|id)t; G. /.. t. Slufjtc^t (fiber fiueit 2Bafb) ; with — n ... in Snutfs ftcbf, in ^iuftd)t (ittf . . , ri'nffiditltd), mit jlci'tiffidunabnte, in Berteff.., . . betreffenb ; in — of, in \'lnfc= bating . . , in (detract. . , toegen. REGARDABLE, adj. r.^'bar, iiicrfenS= roertb. ; bcimrtl»2r, nterflid). REGARDANT, adj. if. T. (vOtt^ieten) bintcr fid) febeno. REGARDER, ». i. ber 9Jiufftdilneb= mettbc; ©eciar^tet; 2. Sluffeber (iiber cine;; SSais , gprjibeantte, $orflmeifter. regardful, adj. attfmerffcim, foril= faltig ; — ly, ado. aufmerffam ; mit 9ld)tung, bbfbaitlunjS'.'oU. REGARDLESS (ado. — Ly), adj. 1. 1111 = aufmerffam, nnbefummert, forglo8, nadjlafftg, rfitffit^rsloS ; 2. anbead)= tct, uerad)tet ; — ness, ». bie Unauf= merffamfeit, Sorglofigfeit, Sta4)laf: ftgfeit 3lucIfirf>taiongfeif. regata, is. eine flirt SBfttfaljrt jii regatta, $ SEBaffcr (mit ©onbeln). REGENCY, .«. 1. bic SRegierung; 2, fReic^Soerwaltuitg, SJleicbaoerroeTititg, SHegenf fd)aft ; 8. bet SBejivt eineS iBicefBnigfl obet StattfjaltcrS ; 4. bie £Reid)««ern>efcr. REGENERACY, ». bie SSiebergeBiirt. To regenerate, o. a. iviebergebfi« ren ; wieber fjeraorbringen, erneu= e(r)n. regenerate adj. hjicbergepcren ; wieber tjeruorgebracfyt, er«eue(r)t; —ness, s. ber (atanb ber 3B:eberge= bnvt. in ■:< I ENERATION, s. bie SCBiebergeburt. regent, i. mi: i. berrfdjenb, regies reiib: 2. reiijoermefenb ; n. .•:. 1. ber Snegent, SBeperrfdjet ; 2. SReidjfls Bermefer; queen — , bie JlSitfginn Stegentinn. REGENTESS, * ^i>-i)tcijentiiir!, 9vcid)^ verroeferinn. REGR REGENrSHIT, t. 1. bie SJegteruna; 1 :1(cid.*>.>eriiMlfung, 'Jieicbebenvefiing, SRegentfrbaff. regermination, ». ba« SBieberauf* [eimen, SBieberauSfcblagen. REGICIDE. ». 1. ber JU'iiijemorb; 2. Jtpnigdinprber, REGIMEN, -t. Mod. T. l.bie ?cben#prb= liitn.i, Xiat ; 2. Oram. T. bet refliett* A.lll. REGIMENT, ». bafl 9?c.v'ment. REGIMENTAL, adj. \\i tineni Segimeill gcborig; — clothing, bie 9tegimentfl- 1 1 n i for m. REGIMENTALS, ». fi bie ?JJ,intir rungflftiitfc; in — . in Uniform, REGION, ». bie ©Cijciib; T. Oif.ycii ber ,l(ict5. register, o.i. bafl SRegifter, 5?er- teicbni^ ; SProtofoH, 83erne^mnng<^ frbreiben; bie Urfunbe; 2. ber :Ur= oiftrator, SProtofoilanr, ~4- ; r^tofcilift ; 3. bafl Jtcgifter (ciner Orgel, ttv- ^leidien an enter iBnefcbnicfcrpreffi ; I. bee initere Jbeil bei DRatrije (bei (Sdjtiffgiefern) ; "j. baa guftlocfc an einem dbpmifc^rn Ofen, baber — stove, eiu (5Regififr=)Dfeii mitSuft= lcdn-ni itKivveit, - jiuit i'i\ifiigen ber fiifeeJ ; Tgp. T-o. t" make — , SJlegiftet patten ; — sheets, bie 3«= rid)te=©ogen ; jr. T-». — »hip. bafl gtegifrerfeyiff : — of a Bhip._ ber i^cil= brief ; — measurement, bie Don ber flbmiralitat feftgefe^te ?aftigfctt ei= nefl Sdiirrefl ; — of lottery, bie ?ct= terie»(SoUectton. To register, b. o. (in b.ifl SReaifrrr) ciittracjcii, etnfrbreibeii, ntebtrfrbrei= ben, ein;eiebncu, regiftriren ; }v$r»s tof oil nebmeti. vrotofolliren ; to — sailors 3Kattofen anroerben ; io— a tax, eine Stener rafaftriren. registership, t. bie giegijiratnr. registrar, ». ber Dtegtprator. registration, ». bafl giiitragrn, ^rotpfolliren. REGISTRY, ». i. bie gintragung, r5irt= leicpnung, SRegiftrirnng, ^JrotofoU lining ; 2, bic SRegifrratur; 3. bafl 5JJrotofofl | Serteid>iti|i. REGIUa —professor, ber foniglid;e SBrcfeffor, REGLET, ». Tup. T. ber 6pfniiuicti= [teg; ^urid'tesrvabit ; JtrckT. bafl gfifjeben, Spiattdjen, [Riemebcn, regnant, adj. berrfrbenb, regterenb, ymbcrrfdieiib, nbtrtsiegenb. To REGORGE >' " I. wiebet assbrea den, roiebet auSfpeieii ; 2. flierig oei febtingen, wieber jururffcbiucfen. 7t REG BAFT, v. a. uoii) eiii 3Ra1 pfrppfen, peljen. 7bREGRANT, e. a, lvieber jjcivabreit, wieber veileibcu. 3bREGRATE '•• " '■ oeleibigen ro. ii.) ; 2. (SebenSmittel, u. f. w., jinn SJBieberuerfanf in ein uub bemfelben 3)Jarft) anffaufen, oormegfaufen ; befen, trbbtlii. REGR \Ti.K. i. ber fliifffinfer, .^i>fer. To REGREET, o a. lvieber grflfen ; nod) ein 3Ral gru^en. regreet, ». ber ©egeiigrup. REGRESS, ». bie SRucffeor. To REGRESS, d. n. junuf jieben, \\u ritcf febrcn. REGRESSION, s. bic Siiidfebr, bal ;l(iidfebven. REGRESSIVE (adv. — ly), adj. lvieber: referenb; tuefgangig ; umgebnib. regret, i baeSBebauem, bieSReite, bat 8eibwefen, ber Srbmerj, (Dram, .Itiitiimer. To REGRET, «. a. brbanent, tereneiu REGRETFUL, adj. mil 'inbauerii er> fnllt; — "y, ado Uiigern. M7 RELM REIT RELA KEuGLAX. {ado. —vi), adj. 1. rcgel= ntajitg; rcgelrccbf, oibcuilid) ; 2. o. t. aue< gletrben Ciitien obcr gladjen bcftcbcnb, regular; — clergy, bie DrbettSgeifHicbfeit; — doctor, bet promOttirte SDoctor, — traders, rcgcU maftge graebtfcbiffe (*86rtfcbij£e), jtauffabrtctfcbtjfe bic reqelmajjtge gabrteil macbcil; — troops, v i. reflUs lave £rtwpen. IU2GULAR,*. bcr DrbcuSgctfilfcV ; 2. Regulars,*, pi. i!tuicimiippcn, regtU lire inilH'i'it. regularity, *. bic fficgclmafugfctt; 3licbttgfeit; jMetbobej for — 's sake, ber Oibnuug wegeu. To REGULATE, v. a. 1. DVbtlClI, ait = oi'bucii, in Drbnuttg briugeu, ciu= viditeu, legeln, regultreu ; 2. Drb= llllltjl twrfcbretbctt; to — an account, &c, cine Uiccbuuug, it. f. w. abma= d)CU ; to — a business, eilt ©cfcbSft orbuett, abwicfctll; regulating screw, bc« ©tellfcbraube. REGULATION, s. l. bte IDrbmutg, 9Jn« orbnung, (Sturirbtung, Sinjialt ; 2. S3erorbnuttg, 3Jevfiigu«g ; regulations, i>L bte ©tatuten, ®efefce. REGULATOR, s. 1. bcr SInorbner, (Siuricbter ; 2. t. [Regulator (an ci= net SDiafdjtne, «. 83. enter llbr), bie Micbtfcbeibe. ©tettfcbetbe, bcr Nid)t= fttft, ©telijttft; bie ©dbuecfenfeber nub bic Unnihe fitter 11 br ; ba-3 'Rcn= feel; bie ^Jrobeubc (itad) tor antu'c gcfteflt werben). To REGURGITATE, v. I. n. nu'cbcf ill fid) fd)ltid\tt; juriicf geben obenuer* ten; II. v. wieber aiiYaucllcit. fibee= iaitfen, uberfltejjeu, jitcuffftrdniett, JltfidfflU'b'Clt. REGURGITATION.*, ba« Wteber t'tt fid) ©diiitcfcit, (Siufrblutfcit, (Sinfaugen. To REHABILITATE, v. a. I.. T. wic= bet befahtgeu, wieber in ben uorigen Sfattb, tit bte 3icd)te ctufcljcu (bte (Sitter »erwirft battc). REHABILITATION,*. /.. T. bte SDSie= beretnfefcuitg in bcit oorigeu ©tanb, tit bic friibcicu Slecbte. To REHEAR, v. a. L. T. ttorf) Ctlt SKttl borcit, @chor, obcr 9lubien$ gcbeu. REHEARING, ». wicbcrbolteS OcbSr ; L. T. itodjntaligc llutcrfurbitug cities 3>ro$effeS. REHEARSAL,*. 1. bie JBicberboluttg ; 2. bcr SBorfrag ; 3. bie -Rrobe, si?oi= tibiing, $crfitd)«barftclltiiiiv To REHEARSE, /•. a. 1. wicberbolcn ; 2. sortvagen, erjableu ; 3. $uv 'ikobe barfteUcn, probircn (eiuc Siolie, it. f. to.). REHEARSER, ». bcr SBteberijoIer; Gr= jahlcr; $iobircr. REIGLE, e. bic 3liune, bet Salj, (?t'll= fdmitt. To reign, r. r. rcglcrcit, ficrrfdjen, i*orbctrfd)cu, iiGcrwtcgcu. REIGN, *. 1. bie SJbgtentng; 2. bas SReid) ; 3. bie .*5cirfd;aft, 3JJad)t; i. ber (Stnffafi. To REIMBARK, &c, vii. Re-embauk. &c. To RE1MBODY, v. n. * a (ftd)) ivic-- ber jit cincnt ^orper seretmgen, tote= bcr $tt cittern ©anjen werben (fid)) micber ctttserleibcn. REIMBURSABLE, adj. jUrfitf Jit jatlU'tt. To REIMBURSE, ». a. UMCbcrbcjahlcn, ivicbcrtri'tattcn,eiitfd)abigctt; M. E-s. rciubcitrftrcit, beden ; to — one's self, ftit fd;abIo8 tjaltrn, fid) bcjatjlt nta= Cbcit; to — one's self upon... fid) (bttrd) Srarfcn fiir gclciftctcn SBor« fd)ttfi) crbolcn auf . . ; reimbursing yourself for your charges, lltit (Obcr Hitter) OJadiiiahmc ber ^pefctt. iEiMBURSE>U'-.N-j', s . bic 35}icbcxoe= 348 jablnng, SBtcbcvcrftaffnng, Grfa(}= [etfiung, bcr ©clb=(?rfa(j ; M. K. ba3 SJcmbouvfemenf, bcr SRembourS, bte I'cdiiiig. REIMBURSER, *. bcr 9?icbcrbc5a()Icr, ©i-patfer, ©utfc^abtgenbt M e. bcr 5)ecfenbe. VoREIMPl.ANT, r. a. toicbCV VflattJCH cber intpfen. To REIMPORT, v. a. tolthtt Ct'llfiik.'Crt. reimportation, *. bafi SBteberctn* fiibren, fctc SJtcberetnfu^t:. reimports, «. pi. 3Bicbereinfu]§tars tifd. To REIMPORTUNE, ». a. ciilcit tolfbtt belafttgen, i!)iu anf'8 "JJcnc bcfd)nuu - - lid; fallen. To RE1MPREGNATE, v. a. liucbcr fdjroangevtt, roteber cittfaitgctt laffcit, toteber tranfett. RElMPRESSIi >x, *. bcr abcrntaligc ?lb= brnd ; bic note Qluffage. To reimprint, v. a. tvictcr abbnufcii, wiebet anflcgeit. To REIMPRISON, v. a. altf'u S^CttC »«'= baftctt. UMCbcr cinferfcrtt. REIMPRISONMENT, s. bie SBicbcryci's baftitttji, SStebetetnferferung. rein, *. bcr 3iigel, 3'T"» ; — ^ er . *• ba? Sicnuthicr. To REIN, v. a. lltit bent 3' l (U'f Iettfcii ; tin 3"gel l)altcn; fg. tin 3aume baltcit ;' to — in, mit bem §a\xm an« baltcn, biird) bcn^aiint jiiriirfbattcii. To REINFECT, v. a. U'icbcr ailftcdflt. To REINFORCE, &c, vid. Re-eniokce, &c. To REINGAfiE, ». I. a. Wl'cbcr VCtpflid) = ten obcr aniucrbcn ; totebcr in Sienft uct)iucit; ii. n. ftd; miebet einlaffen, ben JTaiitVH toiebet beginnen. REINGAGEMENT, *. bie ncite 3lnivcr= bung, ttcitc (Stnlaffung. To REINGRATIATE (— one's self), v. rrfl. ftd) wieber in (i)unft fc^ctt, toic= bcr bclicbt mari;cit (with one, bei cittern). To REINHABIT, D.n.tlMCbCf tetUO t) ttdt. REINLESS, adj. ttugcjahlllt. To reinlist, b.L a. liucbcr aiitucrbcu ; II. n. fill) wteber attnxrben laffctt. reins, s. jd. bie tUicreu ; 3»gcl ; to give the (or to let loose the) — , lit. Sr fig. ben 3ttgel fdjiejjeu laffcit; to hold the — of the empire, bie %i\^H ber 3(cgicruitg in i^auben baltcn. To REINSERT, v. a. JVtCbCV cillfiiifot, eiitfcbaltctt. To reinspect, o.fl.toicbcrbeftd)tigctt. To REINSPIRE, v. a. lmcbcr cinl)aud)cti, cinflbfn'it, wteber belcbcu. To REINSTALL, v. a. Wicbcr Ctllfci.U'lt. REINSTALLMENT, s. L. T. bie SBte= bcrctnfc^uitg tit bcit t'origcu ©tanb, tit bie friibcreit 3Jcd)te; iBicbcrcin= fctjititg in citt Slmt. To REINSTATE, v. a. Wt'cbCf tit ben ^eftft fc§ctt, wieber ciufc^cn. REINSURANCE, s. M. E. bic 3Jcaffc= curattj, aiiicf^ obcr @cgcuycrftd)c= rung. To RECSTSURE. v. a. M. e. fcaffccttri= rctt, nocbmals vcvftdjcrn. To reintegrate, v. a. wteber in belt vorigcu ©tanb fetjen, scrftijen, wte* bcr iicrftcllcn (to. it.). To REINTERROGATE, v. a. »0lt ?lcU= cm befi'ttgen. To REINTIIRONE, v. a. WtCbcr ttllf bdt 1 hron fetjeu. To REINVEST, v. a. Wteber bcflcibcit ; wteber cinfefeett, wteber bclchucu, toteber bcanitcn. REIT, *. baS 9iicbgra«, fRteb. To REITERATE, \- a. bftcri Wteber* bcicu. reiteration, «. bie rftcrc 3Bieter« bolung ; Typ. t. bcr 3Sieberbruct. To REJECT, v.a. »cnvcrfctt, »erftopen; auSftopen; auSwerfen; auSfonbern, aiiSmuftcrit. RESECTABLE, adj. bcnin'rflid). REJECTANEOUS, adj. ucrworfcit, au&* gefcblageu. rejecter, 5. bcr Serwerfenbe, 9ius> fcblagcnbe. REJECriON, *. bic SBerwerfung ; SlnSa fcblagung; 9lu8werfuug, 3ortfd;af= fttitg, iluSftpiuttg. To REJOICE, v. 1. 7i. 1. ftd) frcuctt ; 2. ♦rtumybtven (— at, fiber); il. a. cr* frcttcn, (STCtibc mad)cn ; I am re- joiced, c» frcut mid). rejoicer, *. bcr Srfretter. REJOICINGLY, aiir.erfrcucnb, evficit= lid). To rejoin, r. I a. 1. wieber ju fa m ^ meitfugen, ober oerctntgen; 2. wie= ber jiifamiiu'iifioficit, obcr fontmen ; wteber treffen, wieber begegtten; IL n. erwtebern (auf cine 2lutwort obcr S)Jeplif), serfeften, l. t. buplicireu. rejoinder, .'. bic (Srwieberutig ; l t. bic Siiolif (2ltttwort) bee ^Se- flagtcn auf bic SicpliE ((Srwtebe= rungsfdn-ift) bcS ^ISgerS. To rejoint, v. a. wieber jufammett* fiigen. To REJUDGE, o. a. I'Olt ^leilCllt tttttcr= fud)cit, nocbmals bcurthcilcu. REJUVENESCENCE (— cy), _ s. ba3 SBteberjungwerben, bie SBerjnugung. To REKINDLE, ?•«. wteber aujittibeu ; fig. wteber belcbcu. To RELAND, o. I. a. Wteber ait ba3 lifer fetjeu, wieber auvfebiffeu, ante labeit ; n. n. wieber ausftetgett, wtc» bcr lanbcn. To relapse, v. v. jurucffallen, etnesi fliiidfall bcfomnteit, reeibiu werben; to — into vacancy, ill ^)Cbanfeulofig= leit ocrfallcn. relapse. ,t. ber Otihffall, bal Dtect= bio ; bcr 3iudfallcubc. relapser. s. bcr Wuffallcttbe. Ti relate, v. i. a. 1. beridjtcit, er= tablcn ; 2. Dcrwanbt mafbeit; If. n. ftcb bc$ic()cu (—to... auf; 511 etw«6) gebbrcu ; oerwanbt fe»u, augci)bven. related, adj. ocrwaubt. relater, *. 1. bcr (SrjafcTer: ©e* fd)id)ti5fd)rcibcr; 2. Sp. T. ber Sager, bcr auf bent 9lnfhinb ftebt. relation, s. 1. bcr s iUuid)t. bie (Sr* Sabluttg; 2. bcr SBejUfl, bie SBejte* bung; 3iitcffid)t; 3. SSerbtnbung; SSerwanbtfebaft, Sd)wagerfd)aft ; 4. ber, bte SBerwanbte, SOerfcbwagerte ; by — , wte matt fagt, you 4?6renfa* gcu ; commercial — , .Ciaubcljocrbin 3 bung, @cfd)aft8oerbinbuug. RELATIONSHIP, .?. bie ilu'rwanbt' frhaft, Sd)wagcrfd)aft. relative, I. adj vclatio, bcjiiglid), bejicblid), ftd) bejiebeub, tu a3ejte* bung obcr unter Sejuguabme (—to . ., auf) ,• 11. .?. 1. ber Serwanbte, 33er« frbwagcrtc; 2. ba8 9ielatioum, Ses jtebenbe ; — iy, ado. in 4?c$icbung, be* jiebnngSwet'fe ; — ness, .?. ba8 ScjiC' bettbe ;' bic iierwaubtfebaft. RELATOR, *. L. T. bcr Dcnuitciaut. To RELAX, v. I. a. i. fdjlaff inacben, crfdiiaffen, nad)laffen ; 2. l&feit, lorfer inacben ; 3. milbcrn, permiif bertt ; II. n. crfd)laffen, fd)laff wer* ben ; uarbgeben. relaxation, «. 1. bte (Srfd)IaTfung ( 5)lacblaffuug ; 2. SWilberung ; 3. (Sr» bcitcruug, Bcrftrcuung, ferbotf.itg • 4. s. r. bteau§ergeto6bnlirbe Slttebep ttitug cities ©efa|e8. relaxable, adj. liadijulaffcti RELI REMA REMI BELAXATIVE, ». ba8 Sftifbcrnbe; 9lad)laffenbe ; Bcrftrcueube. RELAY,*, bet frifdx sSorfpann, bie frifcbcu gjifetbe 1 obet Sagbbunbe, unb ber Drt, wo fie berett itehcn ; — dog (— hound), bet ftifdje .Viqbbunb. 7V> RELEASE, v. a. 1. etulaffett, loS= Stbtn, befrcicu, frei geben, ftei fpvc= jen, fret laffen, entfeffein ; 2. auf= gebcn, fabrcu tnffeit; to — offfrom) a promise, ciltCi i>C»)"pvC(i>eit3 eilt= btnbett. release, *. 1. bic (Sutlaffunq, S8e« fretting., greilnffung, Voefprccbuiiq ; 2. (Snaffling, '.Vadilaffuug; 3lufge= bung (fines Sicdites), beir QJerjiopt, tie 3$ert_icbtleiftunq ; ber (§rlcbi= gungSfdjeiu ; bie Ouittuug ; /,. r. Me uebergabe (»on SJanbereien) ; ber @rlafj(einer Scbulb), .'Ucmijj. BELEASEMENT, *. bic greigebung, Sosgebung. RELEASEE, ». ber dittiaffer, SoSgebcr, 33efteier. To RELEGATE » «. rclcgircn, »er= weifen, serbaituen. RELEGATION, s bie delegation, S3et= ivetftinq, SScrbannung. To RELENT, b. «. enucicbeu, weitbet, milder tverben; nacblaffeu, ftcb legen, fiit niafiigeu. RELENTLESS, adj. unbiegfam, unnad)= giebig ; bebarrlirb ; bart, mitleibS= )o•. La. 1. fdimaefbaft ma* d)en; 2. (^efcbmacf woran fi'ubcn ; ii. v. 1. febmcefeu, cincn ©efdjmao baben (— of, nadi) ; bem ©aunten behagen, gut febmccfen ; ~>. SStrgnfis gen vcriirfadjeu ; S3ergnfigen gc= lvabrcu. RELISHARLE, adj. frf)lltacf f>lff, WchU fcbniccfcnb. Ta RELIVE, r. n. luicber Icbeubig ivcr= ben. BELUCENT, adj. [cud)tcnb, fd)einenb, burebficbtig. To RELUCT, v. n wibcrftreben, ftch tvibcrfefeen, baiDtbet faiupfeu, fidi ftvauben (w. ii.). RELUCTANCE (Rbluctancy), s. ba8 SQibetfe^en, SBiberfrreben, Sttauben, ber Sffiibetftanb, ii3ibcrroiUe. RELUCTANT, adj. beftiq rribcrftic= bcub; ftd) ftraubenb, unroiUig; — iy, adv. unqcin, mit litvaubcn, niit 2Bi= beniHllen. To RELUCTATE, v. s. ivicccfiicbcn, ftd) ftiaubcn. RELUCTATION, ». vid Reluctance. To relume, o. u. rvkcer aitjiinben, auftccfen. To RELUMENE, v. a. iviebcr aujunben, auftccfvii. To RELY. v. n. ( — on. upon\ ftd) Per? laffcu, batten auf . . , SQcrttauen fetjeu in.., Dertraucn. Ta REMAIN, v n. 1. Mcibcn ■ 2. iibriq blcibcn ; 3. lu-rblctbeu, veibarvcu (am ©djluffe doii Sriefen); totet — , licqeu (iibriq) [affeii ; it remains io lie mentioned, nod) ift ju crnnib» lien ; for what remains, iibriqeiiS ; M Era, to — unsold, to — nn hand, auf ber .6aub (uiiberfauft) blcibcn ; there remains jn my favour, ^alto mit, blcibt mir ale (Mittbaben; remaining, iilniq geblieben, uiioerfauft. BEMAINDER g. 1. ber ilefr, Uebcr= reft. ba« UeberbJetbfel ; 2. /,. r. ber i'cfiQ filter 5arbe. in ben man cvft nad) bem Srlofdjen einei anbernSe* fitaufprudies rtiittilt; M. F.s. — of b debt, of an act nt, bie Itnbejablte ©drnlb, bet SRucfftanb, i;)ied)iiuiigs--) SReft, (0tecbnuBg0s)Sa(bo: — in poods, ber SEJaatenbcftanb, 2Baaicn= vorratl); to pay the — "if a certain sum), narbfdiicf;eit, tudiyiMcu (uin fine qcu-iffe 3iiiuine 511 ergSnjen). REMAINS, », pi. 1. tie Ueberbleibfel, :)(eftf. ber Ucberreft ; ,'. Vciitnain. To REMAKE., 0. n. ivicbcr niadicit. , To RE.MANT v. a. 1. juriiff fdjitfcil; 2. tiniicf forbcrn; U'icber fpmmen laffen, rem \kk, >. bie Slumething, S3cmcr= futiq. T„ REMARK, v. a. bemerfcit; anmers feu. REMARKABLE (odv. — a), adj. tltftf* toCrbig, aufjetorbentlid), auffaQenb; — ness, ». bic •AWtfa'iiitiqfcit. REMARKER, «. I. ber sBemetfer; 8Ib* merfet ; 2. Sp t. ber Jalfc, ber bal Ncbbubn auffinbft. To REMARRY, a. a, iviebcr bciratben. To REMA8TICATE, v. a. toiebet fallen. REMASnCATION, «. pae 2Sicber= faucu. REMEDIABLE adj. abbclflirt, bcilbar. REMEDIAL, adj. betlettb ; beffcrilb, oerbeffernb. REMEDIATE, adj bfilfam, bcilcnb. REMEDHESS, adj. uiiabbclrlicb, 111*= betlbar ; — nesa s. bie Unabbelflicb* fcit, llnbcilbarfeit. REMEDY,* 1. bfll .6ei!ntiltef, ?lne= nciiuittcl. bic '?h;eiici ; 2. fas SWtt* tel, ■&ulfemittel, ©egennttlfel, bie ifiiilfe; ;s. 1. 1: tec SJtegrefi, bic 9ic- grefinabme, Sd;aben«erbolnng ; ber @rfa( '• — «i inw, bad SRerbttmirtrl, bie rcd)tlid)e -6ulff ; past—, uubciU bar. To REMEDY, v. a, i. briteit; 2. ah* bclfeu, fJeuern. To REMELT, >• a. uiufdnncljcn. To REMEMBER, 0. « 1. eii'qcbcnt femt, gebenfen, benfeit an, fid) criu> item an.. , ft A beftnnen auf.. ; 2. griificu, einpfebleu ; — me to..,— my nspect to. ., cinpfcMru fid) mid) ..; well remembered, qut bafj Sit mid) baran erinuern ; worthy to i>e remembered, beS Slnbenfens mettb ; be it remembered, L. T. otllltb Ullb Jtt loiffen. REMEMBERER, *. bet ficb an etxoat etinnett, etn\i« iiie ilubenfai briugt. REMEMBRANCE » <• bfll ©ebSdjita ni9; Snbenfeu ; bie Srinntrung ; .'. bafl Xenfntal; 3. @ebad>tiitgDerm5= grit; bie (Srinnerungefraft ; 4. Olctc, SInmetfung ; m call to — . fid) ttin* tic ru ; to come to — , ciiifallcu, bcifal» If 11 ; to put in — . eiiiincrn ; — book, bag -AWmotial, Jeiifbiil). REMEMBRANCER a. I. ber Cf ftititcrcr ; •». Seftetat tee Scba^fammet. TuREMlGRATE n. n. ivicfer |Utfi bernng (ber Jlraufbeit),J?rife; O.'i'il. beruitq; 3. bet @rlag; bic Btlaf fiiuq, Sfrgebung EOerutbuna. REMISSNESS, *. t. bie Sd)laflfoett; 2. Sautbeit, Erag^etf: 3. Uuanfmtrfi famfeit, 5orqlo|lqfett, SJladjlafPfl* fcit. 7b REMIT, v i. n I. rii'uf febicfen; fbcfoubetB .)/ /:. ©eibet, Sffierbfel) uberntadjeit, einfenben, |ufenben, uberfeuben, iSnfrbaffung madjen, mil Dtenteffen oerfebeu, remihiten; 2. toiebet (iii«; (book of; re- mittances, ba5 dtt mcffcnbud) ; to make remittances, reillittireit. REMiTi'ER. ». 1. ber UcbciTcntcr ; M. E Remittent (bet ecu SBertb. cter tas @eib (jtebtl ; 2. /.. T*. tie 2Bie= berciitfe§ititg in eiitdl teres jReibt: ber uifvruujltc^e Slufprud); 3. tec 9Set* jeiber. remnant, i. ». bas Ueberbleibfel, Stcfidjen, ber Ucbcrrcft (\>on Stof* fen , SRejl; u. adj. ubtig (». ii.). To REMODEL, v. a. II C 11 umbiltCIt, 1ICU untgeftalteu, lien ciuvicbieit. REMOLTEN, adj. umgcfdjiltoljeit. REM instrance, ». tic £BorjreUung, Srimierung. 2Barnung, berSSermeid ; btc (Sinweneuiig. REMONSTRANT, s. 1. ber einc @egen= oorftelluug thut; 2. Siemonftrant (I'iitgliet ber armitiifcbcu Sefte in JjollaiteJ. REMONSTRANT, adj. oorfieUcitt, crista neritb. To REMONSTRATE, v. I. a. mit ftarfen ©runbcii oorjtellen, oettoeifen ; n. n. (Simuentuiigeii (©egcnsorfteUungen) macben, eiuiueuDcu. REM (NSTRATION, s. ba3 SBovftcllcn, SBarnen. REM )NSTRATOR, s. ber xBoificllcnbc, iB.utteitbe. remora, ». ber Scbifffjatrer (citt Scc= ft I it), Eekincia remora — L). remordenov, s btc 3erfnirfcbung. remorse, s tcr 33otroutf (beS ©c« i»t|feitS), ©eiuiffensbifj, bie ©eii>if= feuSangjl, qiulence jfteue. REMORSEFUL, adj. tugeilt ; relievo!!. REM )RSELESS u fe — ly), «ieber auf fiften ; (irb wiebet erbebcn; Mil. T. r>*ber bevittcit ma= cbeu, remoutiren. REM IVABLE, adj. Wf J^ufdjaffcit, }tl entfernen, abjuic&eit. rem »val .-. I. bai SSegrucfen, bie SQkgfibaffuiig, (Sntfermmg, 33ertrei= buna,; 2. :W.iiiiii:iug; 3. (— or uL'ni.w. bie SBobnuugSfeerdnbernng, t<[i Slusjteben; 4. bie (Sntlaffung (wit cineni 3lmte(, SlbfeQung; tiie — of a disease, tie .£>ebiiug ciucr ttr.uifhcit. n rem ive, v. I. a. 1. rucfen, tVCi-l- rucfen, luegnebnteii, abttebmen, weg= febaffeu, roegtbun, megfeien, entfee- licit ; 2. binmegrrageit, beifeftcu (cine Seiche ); 3. ivegiiltimen, (ibrdumen, v.T.t licit ; 4 ati3 tent 2Bege rdmnen, tivtcu ; 5. oerfe^eit, berlegen ftton et= nem Drt \ it n anbem); '6. abu^ctt; to — tiie cinih, ten Cifdj abbecfen ; to — a co in. tin ©eri tu wo anrcrS bin ocrlegen; u. n. 1. [tc| lvc-jbcgcbcit; 2. au«iiel)cn. REMOVE,?. I. basgincfen, ber Ptucf, 3ug tin Scbacb cfer Samenfpiele ; 35Q REND 2. bas fjfitfl* obcr Urns) 3tcbcn, bie OrtSutrdiiberang ; 3. Sijerfefeung, SJerlegtuig; 4. Sertreibung, Sb= fefeung; d. Sittfernuiig ; 6. vibrciic; baa :Uctu-u ; 7. bet ©rob (in tcr i'cv= toaitbtfc^aft), bie Staffel; 8. acht= riicfuinj, ©eforberung, tcr Uni»erfi= tatSgrab; 9. tie llniutiibinig, llnt= taufrbuug ber ^ufeifen, ber neue ^c= fcblagj 10, ba« abgetragene ©ertcbr, ber SBecbfel ber Situ 'Tela; be is my cousin one — , WU fillO atlber &t- frbtDtfterfinb. removed, adj. fern, abgelcgen. REMOVEDNESS, *. aid. Rkmotkhkss. remover. ? berwegrucft, roegfrbafft; /.. t. bad SBerroeifen etiter 3fierbtSfa= cbc an ciitcit aubern ©ertcbtShof. REMU.NERABILIIV, s. tic i5eIcbltbiU= tett. REMUNERABLE, adj. jit oergetteu, be= lobitbiir, bergittbar, be I c bn e n 5 iv» er r h. To REMUNERATE, v. a. luicber be= jablen, ucrgtiteit, oergelten, bclobiteit ; to sell at remuiieratiiij prices, M. Ph. jit lohitentcit ^Jretfcn vcrfaufeit. REMUNERATION, s. tie iiJieteibejafi: lung, Sergfititng, 93crgeltung; U3c= lobuuitg ; baa ^onorar. REMUNERATIVE, ^ adj. be^ablcub, REMUNERATORY, J vcrguteilt, t)Cl = geltenb, bclc-hm-nt. To REMURMUR, o. n. &■ a. ivicber mur; melit, buntpf iiMcecrballeii ; luieber= Killcti laffen. RENAL, adj. 511 bctt Dticrcit gebbrig. renard, s. tcr gucbj (in ber gobei), Otciitccfe. RENASCENOT, s. bie 2SieterciUi1c= tiutig, SBiebergebart, (Srneuerung ; ber ueuc ilrtiDorbS. RENASCENT, adj. lvieber waebfeub ; fiit roteber eruetternb; ivteber ent- ftanben. RENASCCBLE, adj. crttetlb.U. To RENAVIGATR o. a. VOKbtt bcfrf)if= feu, siirucf fegeln. RENCOUNTER * 1. bdS 3 «'"tim '.ltfrt- treffett; 3"Mmntcnftof;en ; 2. ber Slngviff; 3. ta» £cbarmu|je[ ; :Keu= conrrc, v!bt?lt,1)c uitsermutbete), @e= fei^t, jufdliigc Suell ; bie Seblage= vet. To RENCOUNTER, v n ir a. 1. jufartu meutreffeit, jufammenjloBeit, auf ciit= auberftoeen ; 2. angreifen; {ufaiii- ineugctatbeii, baiitjcmciii loerben, fecbten, ftreiteii, frbarinnjiren. To REND. o. a. reitjcit, ,CVfCtlieiI. render, s. 1. ber jcrreipt; 2. bie Ucbergabe. To RENDER, a a I. liMCtergcbeit, 511= riirfgeben, eijiatteu, enuieberit; 2. gcl'cit, leiftcit, evrbcilcu; 3 ftberfie* jtrn, ubergeben 5 4. angebeit; 5. ma* elicit ; Ii. Itbci fctjeil ; to — homage, bulti.\eii; to — re is in, cincit OJrtiut, etue itrfiirbe angeben; to — service, 1>icitite (etften; to — solicitous, be= fitiuniert utad;cn ; 10 — tlianks, bans fen ; to — one's r-eit' considerable, lid) UMittig m.i.tcn; 10 — up, ubergeben, (feiite ©uteri abtrctcu, bonis cetiren ; to — to account. M. K. gilte Jicdl= nung geben, ©ewinn brtngen ober abroerfen, rentiren, eoL renbiren. RENDERABLE adj. Jitnicf jitjcbctt. Jit ubergeben. rendering, .«. bafi lleberfe^en ; — of account. .1/ E tic :l{ccbiiiiitg3='. , lblaa,c ober 9tbtegung; — of thanks, bie Dauffnguiig. RENDEZVOUS, ». 1. tic 3''ii">immeit= funft; ber 3ufainiitciifunfteort, (Sammelvfafe, bnfi StcUbicbein. ^RENDEZVOUS, ?• I n. Oil eincm bejtimmten Orte tufammer.fpmnten, REOB fid) cttiftclfen ; H. a. jufammtBi i».' gen an eincm bejiimmteu Orte. rendible, adj. 1. ivictctuigebcr., er- fefcltrb ; 2. $u uberfe^en i». it.). rendition, s 1. bie llebcrgabe; @r-" gebung; 2. llcbcrfc$uug. renegade, is.i. tee ;)c'iiiegat, a'.ge= RENEGADO. ^ falleiic(it;t'tft, -.'ibtvitn: nige ; 2. Ueberldufer. To RENEW, p. a. 1. rciuvoircu, CI- ueiie^.n, u'ietcrhpleit; 2. Th. T.\v. neiicin v vebeit erroecfen ; to — partner- ship, .v. Ph. tie Societal cvncuevtt. RENEWABLE, adj. \\\ critcucxit, «•-• ncubar. renewal, s bie@rneu(er)ung,9eeiie: rung; tec Umtaufa) eineraiten Obli- gation in cine neite. renewedness, s. bie 6rnen(er)nng [geiftigen ?eben«). RENEWER, s. ber i$ nteue,re)r. RENITENCE (Resitkncy), » 1 . ber 2Bi> bcrjlanb, ©egenbrucf; 2.i3itenuiUe, tie SIbneigung, renitent, adj. H)itevftebenb, cntge= gen ftrebciib, otcr tiniciit. RENNET (Renneting), s. 1. tie 3lcnct= te, ber sRenettapfel ; tulip — . bieeng= lifebe Steuette ; 2. tii* 8ab, Jtdfclab ; — bag tcr Sabntagen vicrte 3Jtagen mieberfauenber Xlnere . To renounce, b. I. n. 1. eittfagen, fiefc ciucr ©acbe begeben, (auf etroas; rerjtcbteii,93eriirbi tbitn ; 2.abfagen. berlaugneu; offentlidj entfagen; u n. ■iiii JiartentVicte) eiuc jyarbe »er= laugueit, nicbt beEennen. RENOUNCE, s. bie 3ieuoitce (im Max-- tcitfpicl:. renouncement, ». tic ©ntfagung iicr;id)tlciftiiug; 'Jlbfaguiig, !Se't= laugunug. RENi lUNCER, s. ber 33crlaugucr, (?ut= fagenbe. To RENOVATE, o. a. rid. To Renew. RENOVATION, s. tic (5rncitcriuig. RENOWN, s. tcr gutc s Jiante, 3tuf iliiibjin. RENOWNED, adj. in 3Juf, bcriibmt, ge-- fcict't. » RENOWNEDLY, adti. bcriibmf, n"tbm = lid) ; to act — , fid) eiittit DtaillfB er= merbeu. RE\0\VNLESS,a-/;'. tuivubiiitid). nti)lll= 108. rent. s. 1 tcr 3?tft fii itj, tic Spalte, ber^Brud); 2. baS eci>i8iHii ; 3. bie 9lente. b>iS (Siuf omnien ; ber 3iu8, bie i'lictbc: — charge, ber (Srbjina — roll, tic (iiitfomincitliile. ba* 3'"= fenbud); —service, ber ©runtjinS, — stock ( — seek), trocfene 3infen. t.j rent. ». i. « 1. liiierljcu, piicbten, in i|ivbliiug babcit ; 2. virmictbcji ; perjinfeu ; \i. n. ocrinie tbet fev>u ; fid; uerjiiifcu. RENTABLE, adj. mictbbar ; yermici'v bar. RENTAL, s. b,iS 3iiiircgiftcf, 3iu|cH' bud). RENTER, s. ber 3in-5manu, 'p.irbter JDlietbmaun ; — warden, tcr :iicnut' nteifter, liiitttcbiner. To RENTER, n. ». bci ten 2d)ueibern, ftopfcu, ftiiftopcit, cine blinte -)lai)i m,id>cii. RENTERING, s. T. bie Stojiniiot (bci beit Situeiterit). renunciations. I. bie (fntugiuto. in-r^id)tlcijtitiig. berSfrjidjt; 2. t-.t abfagungj Serlaugnung. RENVERSE, adj. H. T. flejtUtjt (0Ct> febrt). r« REOBTAIN, b. n. weter erlangen. reobtainable, ad- wiebet eilang^ bar. REPE REPL REl'R 7b RE0RDAIN, v. a. wiebcr f>crorbncu ; wtcbcr eiimibrett, rinweiben. rkokdination. *. bie 2Bietcicinftib> rung, iGictcrcinroeibitng. REORGANIZATION, »•. bie 2Bicberor= Qrtittfattcr.. To REORGANIZE, v. a. Wtcbcr prgatti= ft ten. To REPACIFY, r. a. roiebcr bcfaufti* gen, mieber ftillen. To REPACK, v. a. umvacfen. REPACKER, UnipacrVr. To REPAIR, n. I. a. 1. reparircn, aitfe bcffcrtt, bcrbcffcnt; 2. nrieber gut ntarbcit, erfefcen ; not to be repaired, itncrfefelicb, mcbt umber bcrmftcllcn ; a house repairing, eiu <£>airt i&i aii$= gcbcffcrf roirb; n. v. ficb. tvohiu bege= bctt, ficb roohin uerftigen, butcjcbcn, hinrcifcn ; to — to one, fid) jit 3e= manbent vcrfiigen; repairing place, bcr (ianiiiiclvlab, bag c)tiitbc$biMiS. repair, « l.bic Stiiabefferuna,, 9tepi. bie 9liiabcfferiiiig4fcften. REPAIRABLE adj. auSjiibcffcm j ber= bcfferlicb, crfefclicb. REPAIRER, a. bet 9lin3bcffcrcr, .fSer= ftcllcr. REPAND, adj. B. T. iltt8gef(bnjcifl. REPANDOUS, adj. conucr, runt erba= beit. REPARABLE {adv. — ly). adj. ailSjU* beffcrti ; vcrbeffcrlicb, erfefclirb. REPARATION,* I. bie \Mii»befferttng ; 2. berdrfafc, tie diffdjabiguttg/Bfr* grituitg. «d)atlo$haltiing;'3. ©enug= thituug; — of lionour, bie (£t)iemr= flantiig. REPARATIVE. I. ». bag ?ln>$bcf|crnbf, bic StitSbeffening ; (Sntfcbdbiguiig ; n. adj. eittfdbabigeiib ; auebeffcrnb. REPARTEE > tic fdiiiclle Slnfworr, fpifcige obev ♦eitlctibe ©egenantivort, bic fd)itippifrbe SBiberrebe. To REPASS b. ». * a. lied) Ct'il Wal fpiiinicit. uiriicf foiiiiucit; Jitriicf gc= bcu ; mieber fiber ober buvct> etwas gobett, ii'ieMT oorbei geben, eiitcit SBeg norbmati machen. REPASSARLB, adj roictcr \\\ bctrcfci;, ;u bcicifcit, tn befaluen. REPAST. » tag iDliiM. bte 3W(tbJjfit; bee "uubifi; bie Spcife, JJcbcng-- tnittcl. To REPAST, v. a. fpeifett, tiaiucn, fitts tern. To repay, r.n. i. ivtcbevbejflble n, ju= riicfjiablen, bejahlen; 2. bcrgeltcn. belobtteit; 3. erfefern; tn — • one's self ficb cilutcii. ficb i'dbflb(o« batten. REPAYABLE, adj. UMCbcrjiibejabteii j crfvfelidi. repayment, .-• 1. bie SBicberbeitabs lung, ; >nicf jabtniig ; 2. baa 3S3itbcr= bcyil'Le. To REPEAL, o, a. unHrrufcii, aufhc^ ben, abfebaffen. REPEAL .--. bcr 2i?ibcrruf, bic Sillies bung, 9lbi"cbaffniig. REPEALABLU adj. tvibcrniflt*. repealer ». ur SHJibevrufft, 9!b= fdjaffer. To REPEAT, n n. I. tvicbcrbpfcit ; 2. nctierbiitg* serfitrbeit; 3, berfagen. REPEAT, *. I. bie 2Stebctbolung ; 2. Mns. t bai S55iebc>f)olungT5cteben. REPEATEDLY, odn. Jit Wtefcrhplfcn 9JJ (lien, itueberbclciitlitt, »ieberb,olt ; eft, baitfig r itiicb c'ltattbcr. REPEATER, 1. bcr SSicbctbpIcr, JT?c= Vetent ; 2. bie SRepetieubc ; 3. .v v ba$ bie Stgitnle tc« 2lbiitivd!fcbiff« roteberbolettbe ©d^iff. To REPEL r. a. St » iiiri'uf flcfieit ; \\\- riicf ticibctt ; ciitgegettuHrfeii, mtber= praUen ; to — an objection, ciiicit (Siit= mutf aubcrlcgcn. REPELLENT, I. s. J\kd. T b.iS }uriicf= tieibciibc, jertbcilenbe SKtttft; ll.adj. juificftreibeiib/ jcitbeilcitb. REPELLER,«.ber3"ructtoiiiini, ii>iffciifd).n"tlid)c Sfldjrcgtfifr, i'ud) mill 3cnci)fcblageii ; 2. baS 93orraf b,8= baii'3, tic SBorratbSfflntmer. repetition, s. I. tie SBteber^oTung ; 2. bas Srjabten, (Sntntl)iicit ; au«= toenbige ^erfagen. REPETITIONAL, Rf.petitionary, adj. wieberbolenb. To REPINE v. »• Q>eibriif; cnipftnbcii, mi^bergnugt, unwiUig fevju, murren (— at, against . . iiber ehoae), (to — at), uoitcii, bencibcn, mtfjgoitneil ; ficb ctama gereuen laffen, fid) grainen fiber . . . REPINER, s ber s ll?iirrenbc, , 3Jiijj.H , v= gniigte, Unjufriebeite, 9Ieiber. v.- REPLACE u a. i. nuctcr crfc^cit crftaitcit: erfetjeit ; 2, n-ictcc bin = fteikit, binfe^cii; ivicber rttifetjett ; 3. nit cincti anteitt Oct ftellcit, beife= fecit; 4. an bie Stelle eines tHnbern . fefeett, Dei ttctcit. To REPLA1T, d. a. nicbniialS iibct'eitt= nnbet fatten. To replant, b. a. oerpffanjen, oerfes fecn, itiiiKtjeit, umpfliiiijen. REPLANTABLE, adj. tn vrvpflaiucit. REPLANTATION, ». tie 93crpftrtnjung. V„ REPLENI8H, b 1. a. fnllcit, ailfiil- len ; ii. ;i. fi.t miebce aitfiillcn, »olI UH'VbCll. REPLETE, adj. (— with), (titrjcfiillt init , uoU bon). repletion,* l.biefflnfuUunflj llc= berfulle; 2. SSoIIblfitigfeit. REPLETIVE, adj. ,m fulK'lib. REPLEVIABLE. adj. I. T. ou«jiil5fen, eiitjul5fen, miebet |ii ertangen; — goods, aufljiilbfeiibe (gegen ^idnrbcit freijumacb,ciibej ©titer. i;i'.i'i.t;\iN, s /. t. bie ShislSfung, @tnl5fung; 3ururfforberuiig einei SRfanbeJ iintec 3id)erbcit^fteUtiiig ; aBiebereiitfefeintg. To REPLEVY, v. a. I.. T. etrOili OX&M* fcit, einlofen, tciebee frei macbeii, »ie» bcr erbalten, gegcn Sirberbeit freiges ben, (ten gericbflirben ©efeblag, Olr= reft ii. f. ».) aufbeben. REPLICATION, ». I. tie Slntworf, ®Ts n>ieberiing; >. i. ■/• bie ®raitebc= rnngjjfcbrift 91nhvorf auf bie 0"iiu-cbe bed 'i'cfKigtcn), SReplif. REPLIER, s fcr ?liita'Citeiibc, (5:njtc« bemte. 7b REPLY, niittvprtcit, crnMC» bem (— to nvJ ; itl§ 2lnnvortcrtt'ci= leu ; /,. T. rcplicircit. reply. *. t e •.niitirpit, (Srtoieberuttg, baa Slnttuortftbreiben ; in — to, in (Sroieberaug au\ . . . To REPOLISH, >> a ivictcr iiKin^cnb niadieii, toicbet poliren, auopiii.Hii. To REPORT,s t.o.1. bcnduni, bcuad): rid)tigen; 2. kQcrirbt abftattcn. »nr» tragen, aiittlicb ceferiren : 3. cr;ab= Icti; 4. auflfagen, [ali O'eriicbt) vcr= bretten, auefprengen. in Wuf bringeit ; 5. nMctevballcii niadieii ; it i.s report- ed, mOB fagt, (i bcipt; ill reported of, iibel beriid)tiget ; II. * fnalleit. REPORT, ». 1. bat ©erudjt; 2. ber 9Juf, "Jiame ; 3. JBeri(t>t, bie 91arb= ridjl ; 4. /.. t. bet aintlicbe Qeric^t, tic SBerit^terjlattung, ^Relation ; 5. bet jtltall ; — of ordnance, bcr £oit= net btfl ©efdjfifte*. REPORTER, ». 1. tcr C?Tj5bter; 2. 3»- triiger ; 3. tcr v o tt ct iter 3eitung6rcs baction bcftcllte SJIacbfcbreibet tcr $orlamcnt8reben, Stenograpl ; /. T. ©ericbterftatter, StefereuL REPORT1NGLY, ado. bem ©crmitt ltarb. REPOSAL. » bai SQcrtraucn; bcr 0c= genftaiib bed 33crtr(inen8. reposance, s bat ISertraiien. To REPOSE, b. I. a. I. |Ut Jiube Icgcit j 2. fctjcit. lebitcn, [egen ; 3, fciu "iH'r- trattcit fcfecn, vevlraucit ; ( — in. on, upon, ill . . , ailf . . ) ; II. to — one's self or to — . ». 7i. 1. rubctt, fcblafcu ; 2. fid)bcrlaffeit. REPOSE i. 1. tie !T?iibe. bcr Scblaf ; 2. Stuhciuinfr, tie ;H'ubcftelle in et= ncni ©emalbe; ; 3. tie Ucbcrciiijtim= lining -bcr ^arbctitiMic . REPOSEDNESS, s. bet SRitbeftiinb, bie :)(nbc. To REPOsrr, r. a. mi etnen ftrbern Crt legcit, nieberlegen, in Scrnjabrung geben. Rl p istTION, »'. bie 3iirfrbtlfgung, SBiebereinrirbtutig ; s. 7'. ©inridjtung (bet ©liebet). repository, .«. ba? SRtpofiforinin, ber SerwabriingSort ; Jlf. / bii«@iit» lager, SJBaarcitlager, tie snieberlagr. To REPOSSESS b a irictir bcfifeeit. fict) ivicber in S&fft^) 'YScu. repi issESSn in, s.bte SHebercittfcfeuRg in ben ©eftfe. 7b repour. b, n wieber auSgicfjcn. To REPREHEND, b. n vcnueifcit. ra* beln, rugen, befcb.utbtgcn (— of. tvegen). REPREHENDER, ». bcr ^cnvcifcnbc, fabler. REPREHENSIBLE (adn. — ly\«$ tt= belbaft, tabeln«»ertb, fknflirb; — ness, .--. tie tabelneii'urbigreit, 5traf' liebfeit, StrafbarfVit. REPREHENSION - ber T*envct«, 3To« bel, tie Pffentlicbe Ulfige. REPRE1IENSIVE, ) o . tatclM'irbti.t REPREHENSORY. { label entballcilt. To REPRESENT, b n I. tarilelleu ; 2 rcrftellcii ; 3. ailffubren, geben (eit; Sebaufpiel it. f. ro.i: 4. fcbilbern, bcfcbmbeii ; 5. revrSfentiren, fine Stellc/ vcitrctcit; the pnrliamem ro presents the n ition, ba-J "Rarlanieni "ertvitt bie Nation. REPRESENTATION, s I. bas Pilbj 2. bie SBorfteQiing ; 3; Sffentlicbe T.v.-- fteUttng; 4. Stelbfrtretung;5.5)arj lcgnng. REPRESENTATTi E odn. — lt), I i ; 1. uorftrllenb, bihlirb; 2. reprafenit* rcttb, (fttil).'cilietcnb; li. «. 1. taJ :i5i REPU £Wb ; 2. bcr SSertrefer, 5tctioertre= ter, SWevrafentant. representer, a. bet DarfteHer; SteUorrrrrter (w. u.). REPRESENTMENT, s. bafi SBQb ; bie SBorfteUnng, 3bee. 7 repress, b. «. 1. unterbrucfen, ftcu= crn, bemtueii, C5i;iha!t tlutu ; 2. im gauint batten. represser s. bcr Uutcrbriicfer, im 3crgeltUng3= rccbt (gcgcu einenj braucbcii. reprizes, s. pi. I. Sp. r. bicnacb spau* fen auf cinanberfotgenben 3fteitlectio= nen, SJleprifen; 2. /.. T. jcihrlicbe Slbgaben doii ©runb unb Soben ; at three — , 511 btei roieberbolten SRaltn ; hesides all — . licbft alldl Utlfoftcn. i\> reproach, o. a oorwerfen, »orrfis cfeu (cittern ctroa-o), tabclit; fcbinS- bett. reproach, s. f. bee SBovrourf, %a* bel; 2. bic Scbanbe, Scbmacb. REPROACHABLE, adj. tabcllKU'ertb, ftrdfficb, frbnidbcnb, uiebrig, bobnifrb. REPROACHFUti (ode. — ly), adj 1. be= (eibigeitb, fdbmabeub; 2. fcbdutlicb, fcbinivflicb : — nesa, s. bie Scbdnb= licbfeir, Sdunipflidifeif. REPROBATE, l atij. oerworfen, ruebs b» ; ii * bcr IBerroorfene, Oiud)lofc. To REPROBATE v. a, 1. ocnvnfcit ; 2. eroiglicb serbammett; 3. unroibcriuf- Itcb vcrurrhcilci!. REPROBATENESS, s. bic SBerroorfetls bcif, SRucblofigfeir. reprobater, * bet 3Jcvbaiitnicitbc, SSerroerfenbe. reprobation, .*. 1. bic aSetwerfung ; 2. civigc SScrbammiiug ; 3. bad S5et« bainniuuggurfbeil. reproba'ik >ner, s. bcr »orfcbneU auf erotg 3Serbammenbe. 7b REPRODUCE, b. a, roicber bervor bringeit. REPRODUCER ». bcr SBiebcrberwrs britigcr, Srjeuger. reproduction, s. bic 95icbcrhcrt>or= bringimg; bag iteue drjeuguifj. reproof,*, bcr Qorourf, Eabef. REPROVABLE, adj. tabelbcft. tardus roiirbig; — nets, * bic £abelugrour= btgfeit. To REPROVE, v. a. (itl8 @cfirflt> fa= beln,_ rflgen, oerroeifen ; utcltcit, fcbmalcu ; to — of, Dorroerfen, be= jicbtigen. reprover, ... bcr Stabler; giiiger, Q3c= jifbtigcr. To REPRUNE, o. a. roicber befdntcibctt. reptile, i. ,„// fru-ebenb ; H. 5 ba5 liiccbcttbt: ibier, bcr SBunn. REPUBLIC ,. bic 3'icpublif, bcr 3rci= 352 REQU fraar ; — of letters, bic ©etcbrtcttrc= Viiblif. REPUBLICAN, I. adj. rcpuMifanifcf) ; 11. a. bcr Slepublifanet. republicanism. *, 1. bie republic itifebe ^cgicriiitgsforni; 2. 21nbang= licbfcit anbiefelbe. REPUBLICATION.*. 1. bic 2Sicbcrbcr= ausgabe (eines 3Bcrfe8) ; 2. l. t. ticcbnialige aSefaniitmaobung. To republish, v. a. I. tiMcbcr hcrait?= geben (ciii SBerl); 2. i. T. itod)iiial« bcEaiutt ntad)cit. repudiable, adj. ycnvcrflid), vcrfto= gensroertb. To REPUDIATE, v. a. t>Crftl?f;Cll, ficb febciben von . . . repudiation, a bic SJcrftpjiung, (5bc= febeibung. repugnance, }a. 1. bcr SBtbetroiQe, REPUGNANCY.^ bie 21biicigiiug ; 2. bcr Sibcrjtrcit, aSibcrjtanbj ba4 53i= berftrcben ; 3. bcr Jtanipf entgegerts ftrcbcitbcr Seibenfrbaftert. REPUGNANT (ado. — ly), adj. JlUtMber, cntgcgcit, roiberfprecbenb. To repullulate, b. ?i. r^t'cbcr au§= fcblagen, rotebct fiioSpen, roiebcr auf= fpniiitcit. repulse, s.bic Slbroeifurtg, abfd)Iagi= gc Jlntroort ; to mept with n — , abgc; roiefen merbeit, cincn sXovb beloiumen. To REPULSE, v. a. JUTUc! frflhigcit, 511 = viicf treiben; abfcblageit, abweifen. repulser, s. bcr ^'^'itJfitlagciibe ; 51brocifenbc. repulsion. *. 1. bas 9IbfcbTageu; 2. bic 3un"tcfjto^utig. repulsive, adj. 1. jitniif fcblagenb obcr ftoficnb ; abfprectjenb ; 2. abfto= fienb (nicbt einncbmciib', ivibrig : — power, Pfiy. T bie Oicpnl|"i»= iriicfttP= fjenbe) .ftraft; — ness, s. ba8 9lbfi0= Venbe, SBibrige. 7b REPURCHASE, v. a, tvicber failfctl. (in Sliittionert) roicber erfteben, jiiriicf erfteben, einjicben. repurchase, s. ber SSicbcrfauf (n.uc in Oluctioitcit). REPUTABLE [adv. — ly), adj. cillCll gu= ten Darnell babenb, ebrcnvpll, cfucit= Merit}, angefelicn, riibnilifb; anitau= big, cbrbar; — ness. s. bcr gitte SRuf ; bie ilnftaitbigfcit, (5'lu'barfcit. reputation, s. bet (gute obtt \d)Uch= te) JWuf ; gute SJiaine, baS Slnfcbcn, bic (?bre, bcr :liiibm. To REPUTE, v. a. balteit, ilfbtcil ffit. . , bocbfcbafceit. repute, s. 1. bcr (gute obet frfilecbte) Diuf; (gute) yjame; 2. bie allgemein angenommene 3)ieiiiuug ; of — , uon gutcm3iuf; of bad — , i>ou frblcri)tem Stuf. REPUTEDLY, adi: belli dlllfc narb. REPUTELESS, a,ij. belli gntoit 3tllfe imdubeilig, ebrtoS, fdiiiiipflidi. request,*. bie SBitte, baa ©efucB ; in great — , febr bcgchrt, gcfudir Don SBaaren) ; at the — of . . , auf Sliu batten . . , auf 3ceauifition . . . To REQUEST, v. a. bitten, crfudtcu ; /.. r. requiriren, anfucben. requester, s. bcr SittfleHer, ©tfu* cber, yinfiidicr, @«pvlifa«t, $\t<\\\\- rcut. To REQUTCKEN, v. a lvicbcr bclcben, ncueii 2JJutb macben. requiem, s. bas Slequiem, bie 2ce= lcitmeffe. REQUIRABLE, adj. crfcrbcrlicb. To REQUIRE r. n . 1. vcilangcit, fcr= bern, begebren ; 2. erforbern ; to — haste, (5ite erforbern, bringeiib fc»n. REQUIREMENT, a. baS SBerlangen. requirer, 5. bcr Sorbcritbe. RESE requisite (adv. — ly), adj. crforber» licb, uotbig ; notbroenbig. requisite, »•. bas ©rforbernip, 9iB« tbigc. REQUISITENESS, s. bic fjrforbcrlicb' Eeir, ^Uubigfcit. REQUISITION, a. bag Prfurbctt, 2?cr» laugcit, SBegebren; ■Jlufudicu; l.t bie Slequtfition, bcr Slnfprucp ?on Scitcit beg ©taatfi, SBefrblag. REQUISITIVE, adj. forbcrub, begct)= rcub. REQUISITORY, adj. gcfud)t, gefprbert, serlangt (w. ii.). requital, a. bic ^crgcttuiig, Gr= roieberuug, SBergiitung; in-lpbuuiig. To requite. 0. a. oergtUen, erroie= bent, uergiiten; bctphiicu; (im bpfeii Siune) bcimfiirbcn. requiter, s. bcr SBtrgelter. rere-mouse, s. bie glebermoiiS. To resail, v. a. juriicf' fcgclu, jirrfict fditffcit. resale, s. ber Sffiiebewerlanf. To RESAHTITB, v. a. 1. abermatg arfls fjcii ; 2. roiebcr griificii, juriicf griipcit. To rescind, ?•. a. aufhcben, tiir un- giiltig erflarcu, abfebaffen, umftogeu. rescission, *. 1. biefflufbebung, ttm- ftopung ; 2. 2lbfrbuciMiiig. rescissory, adj. abfcbucibciib ; anf- bebeilb, limftpWllb; — action, /„ T. bic Jtlagc auf Seriiicbfung einefl Koii« tracleg. RESCQUS, a. L. T. rid. Rkscbk. 7'oRESCRlBE, r. a. rcfcribircii, |iirucf febreiben, roicber febrciben ; ivicber abfebrciben. RESCRIPT, s baSffiefcrivt, JTiiicffcf)vci= ben ; bic 2tbfd)rift; /,. t. 31ntr»orl ciiteg S'urfteu otcr ciner Seborbe an 9cicbcre, bic Serfiigung, bcr Stfcbeib. RESCUABLE, adj. sabcfrctcii, jurctteti. To RESCUE, v. a. befrcicit. tctteu ( — from, you, au8) ; UMCberei tauten. rescue, 5. 1. bie Sefreiung, Settling ; SSieberertangung ; 2. l. t. bie 3Bi= berfefclicbfeit gegen obrigfeitlicbe @c= wait. RESCUER, a. bcr Q?cfm'er. better. RESEARCH, s. bie llnterfiicruug, "?Ucb-- fucbuiig ; to make — , eine UiUcr- fucbung anftellen. To RESEARCH, 0. a. lUltcrfucbcil, lm't= fen ; t. auSarbeitcn (bet ben ^ilb^ bauern). researcher, s. ber Utitcrfucber Stacbfucber. To RESEAT, v. a. Ivifbcr fcfcCU. RESEcriON, s . btc 2Begfcbneibung. To reseek, v. a. roiebet furben. To reseize, ». a. wicber ergrcifen, mieber nebmen. RESEIZER s. bcr SBiebernebiner. reseizure, .». bic SBiebcribefiftHteb* muug, SBiebcrbeindcbttguug. To resell, v. a. ivicber ocr'fanfcit. resemblance s. bie Slebnlicbftit ; bag (Sbenbilb; to bear— to, 2lehn= liebfeit Imbeii mit . . . To RESEMBLE b. a. 1. ocrgtcifbcn (— to, mit); 2. gleicben, abnltcb I'ebcn. To resent, v. a, 1. alg ©eteibtgunfl rdrben, abubeu ; 2. iibcl aufnebmen, ficb beieibigt fii^cn. RESENTER .^. ber etii'ag iibcl auf» nimmt, bcr empfinblirbe SDhnfcb. RESENTFUL adj. ciupft'iiblid), eiuc 33e« leibigiing lange iiacbtragtnb, grol» tenb, radifuduig. RESENTINGLY, adv. auMlcilb. resentive, adj. eiupfinblicb, Icicbl \\\m Boiiie reijbar. RESENTMENT,* bic CFmvfinb licbfcit, bcr Unroiilt, iuuMufi, 3p>"; ©roll; bie 3iad;e, SJarbfucbt, rag ?!acfct» gefubL RESI RESO RESP iESERVATiox, ». 1. tie 9iufbcwab= mm}; 2. bev "Hucf en bolt, iUn'bc- balt, tie (Siaufel ; 3. (Siufdivanfung ; mental — , bet 2iliiivucfbalt, ge[)ciliie (argliflige) 33or6et)iilf. BESERVATIVE, adj. aiifbcn>al)fcnb, vovbcbaltcnt. RESERVATORY, s. bev 33eba[tcv, bOS Seljaltntf). To RESERVE, t>. a. f. ?uv:uf balten ; 2. aufbebeu, aiifbcivalnni, anfbchaltctt ; behalten, etbalicn ; to — to one's self, (ctwaS) ftiv fid) bchalteit, fid) (ctante) sotbebalten, tefetuiren ; reserving . . , mil bcr Sluftiabme batj . . : reserving due payment, M Ph. Ill it OtCV Illttcv U>orbcbalt bee Siugange'. RESERVE, s. 1. bet Sliicfbalf, .^iufei--- balt; 2. Mil. I'h. (body of — ). bpvpe; 3. bet Borbefcalt; 4. ba3 SSerbot, tic Stnfcbtanfung; 5. WiiSuabme; fi. 3uvitcfl)altiii!g, SUefcbcibettbctt; much on the—, febt jlU'iiiflhlltaib ; to keep in — , «uffya= vcu (auf ben 9fotbfall). RESERVED (adr. — i.v). adj. tiu'iicfbal= tcttb, mfcbloffen, bufter, finjler. RESERVEDNESS, » tic ^uviicfhaltimg, £Bebad)tlitbfeit, SetfdblofTenbeit. RESERVER, s. bcr fluf bevoahtct. RESERVOIR, .*. tas SBtbalinif, bet ikbiiltct ; SBaffctbefcfiltet, 9tbhf= faftctt. To RESETTLE, o. a, llMetcv fcfjert ; nuctcv bcvftcUeu; rotebet betubtgen, ftillcn. RESETTLEMENT, *. bic .<3etfielluitg ; sWcviibigitiig ; after a — , lmrbtcnt c3 fid? wieaet (ju SQoben) gefefct bat. To reship, v. a. roieber etnfebiffeu. RESHIPMENT. t. M. E bic 2Biebeteilt= fcbiffiing; SBieberoetfeilbung ; yf iicf= vetltibung, Siutflatmtg. Tu RESIDE, V. v. tvphucit, fid) U.'D ttUfs batten, fciitcit Sift obet <£>of babeit, vcfibiren. RESIDENCE, ». 1. bev SufeiityaTt (tag Serroeilen an einem Drte ; 2. bev SBobttfifc, bic SBobuung ; 3. SReftbenj ; •frofftabt, bag .Ooflager; 4. bie i)ic= fibcutfdnift (bev Dtt tun ein SReftbent mobttt); place of — , bet Sffiobiiort, bic SReftbenj. RESIDENT, i. adj luoftnbaft, tvobncnb, teftbttenb (at, }ii) ; feftftcbenb: n. *. bet ©efdhiftsfubter (S8e»oftmfid)s tigtc) cities £ofefl ait cittern fvemben Dvtc, Untetgefanbte, SRefibcnt. RESIDENTIARY. I. adj. fcfibaft, be= ftanbig wo blcibcub; II. », bcr (5Jeift= iebe, bev din Dtte feiuct SPftiiiibe wobttt. RESD3ER, s. bet 5>omicifirenbe. RESIDUAL, ) adj. iibvtg giblicben, RESIDUARY,) itbvig, lmdibleibcnt ; ].. T-s. — legatee bev 9la$etDf, .£)aupt= Cfbe, UllUHTl'alcvbc ; — property, bev rcine @tbnadjla§. nad; Wbjug tcv <5d)ulbcn nut Cegate. RESIDUE (Rksidooh), ». bet (Uebcr=) 9teft, ea« Uebtiae; At. /•:. (—of nn account. &c.) bCV SJtfCbttUttgfltefl, MfC^s mtngefnlbo; SRitcfftaub eutcv Sdjulb; SBaavettreft. To RESIGN, t) a 1. SSetjitfit Icifteit, cntfitgeit, aufgebeit, abtteten, ntebetJ legcn, iibevgebcit; 2. fid; cvgcbcu, untetwetfen. RESIGNATION, .t 1. bic ycrtfd)t(ci= flung, bev Setjidif, bie @iiti'aa,nng, jlbtvetuttg, SJictevlegiiitg ; 2. Qrrnes bung, .0)ingebiing, llutcnvvvfung, ®elofi»erlaugituitg. resigned, adj. evgebett. RESIGNEDLY, ado. niit C5rgebitng. RESIGN"ER,». i..t bet etn ?imt, u.f.w. abtvili Vevtid^tlciftciitc. 77 KIISII.ITION, S flC!l ' '' blMillKu - RESILIENT, adj. juriicf fpviitgcnb, ai- piiillcnb. RESIN, i. biiS ^arj; — elastic, bai AccciKut. RESIN1FEROUS, adj. -Oav^ gcbci'.b, batjtg. RESINOUS ailj. b^ at jig; —ness, ». bic ^atjtgfett. RESIPISCENCE, ». bic ?!afbf[iigbcif, SRacbteue, 511 £piite ;Ucuc. 7V RESIST, v. a *■ n UMbevfteben, fid) mtbetfe^tn, SStberftflnb kitten. resistance,*, bet SJiberftanb, 3lb» (ianb. RESISTANT, s. bev (bie, br.6) 3!Bitcv= flaitb Iciftct. resister,*. bev SBibetfefcer. RESISTIBILITY, ». tic iLMtev|tcbiid) = fcit, 2Bifcvfeljlid)feit, RESISTIBLE, adj. U'ittrfrchlid), ivitcv= leljltd); — ness, .<. rid. lirsis'i RESISTIVE, adj. ju lvibevftchcii »M« mogenb. RESISTLESS {ado. — lt), adj uutvibev= fteldid); biilffol, niebt ju »vitcvfte= ben sermogenb. RESOLUBLE, adj. fd)iite(tlMV, aufl»8= bar. RESOLUTE (ode. —lt), adj. cn(fd?[of- feit, ftanbbaft, bcbcvU; feft. RESOLUTENESS, ». tic (^nii'cbloffert= bcit, ©tanbbaftigfett, gefttgfeit RESOLUTION,* 1. bic (fntfdtliepuitg, bcr (Snt!"d)lut»; 2. bic (Sntfdiloffeii-- btit, ©tanb&aftiftfett, Sefrigfeit; 3. tStlautttung ; 4. bic SJuflofiing, 3er= tliciluitg, 3etglieberung 3lnali;fe; 5. S.T. bie oettbeilung ciucv (Mefdnvuilft ; bafl ^luflHM'cu ciucv (Jiiliiiubuug. RESOLUTIVE, adj. auflbfcnb, jcrthei= leub (». it.). RESOLVABLE,^'. (tufU^Iid), niifli.'^ bar; evfUivlid). To RESOLVE, r. 1. a. 1. flliflBfen ; analojtten, jeriegen; febmeljen; 2. bcfcbliciJett, beftinintcii, fefife^en; 3. evlautcvn, cvflavcu, 9luffd)lup rbcr SluSfunft gebcit; 4. belebvcit, iibcv= jcugen ; — me . .. trfKivt niit . . ; n. ». 1. fid) auf(6fen, febmeljen, jcv= gcticit; 2. fid) cutfitlicfuii (— on. J{iid)fUug. RESONANT, adj. tvicbcvtiMictib, nadj- fiiiiiicnb. To RESORB. v. n. tiufdilucfcn, rtttfau- gen, betfcblingen. RES( IRBENT, adj. vcvfcbliugeiib. To RESORT, v. it 1. wobtn fontmcn, fid) roobiu begebcu, befudjen ; 2. fciue 311 Pud) t nebmen »u • . • resort, ». I. tic Sufamntenfunff, SSerfammluna; 2. tcv 3i>fontnten: fill!*); 3. 4n-flld) ; dernier — , ba« bodjftc ffiecbtsttibunnl rOberbauO; place of public —, bev aHgtnieitl bc= fucbtc (iiffentlid)c) SDtt. RESORTER, *. bft .VSiiif ontiiicnbc, 33e= ftclllc. To RESOUND, ». La, 1. iviebcrlMllcn mad;cit, cvfd;allcit iii,id)en, fingcu ; 2. auSbreitcn ; to — ftme, Snf »» breifen; 11 ;.. ivirbet ballen, tDttbtr* fitallen, iiHetcricucii, luidibalJcn; et* fd)>tltcii. RESOUND,! taA(5cbo.trr'II!ietcvbatI RESOURCE.*. I. tic .»Sul»"rOiuIlc, ta« .toiilieiuiitcl, ili'ittd, tie .'dulte, 3 U * rludu. 3lu«fuiift; 2. resoarcea, ;-/ y-MilUMiiuIleii, Weltiuittel. RESOURCELESS, adj. cbltc .fiitf*' guelleit, T,> RESOW, o. ir. a. tvieter fiicn. ToRESPEAK, o.n. 1. ar.tivpvtcn, ct- miebern n>. ii.) ; 2. tvietev ff terben. roicbetboleii. To RESPECT, r. a. 1. fit;it»cn. ad)ten, ehvcii; vcvcbveii; 2. KucffTdbl neb; men ; 3. fid) bet,iebcu ; ii C5 bejiebt ftcb a\\\ . .: n erected by ., beniut, gciidnct son . . . RESPECT,* 1. bt'e ^tuftebt, nirufudit, 2lufmetffamfett ; 2. Slitting. 4?od>* oditiiiig, ivrvclniuiii, Sbtetbittung, (^brfuidu ; 3. Sbre, ba8 SBnftbtn; 4. btr act)tung*ivcttbc 6bara!ttt; 5. bt'e vibitdu, ber IBetoeggtunb ; 6. tie i'.titcilidifiit, (Minift. ©enjooenbeit j — of person. ba« '.'liifchcit bcr ^cr- fpn ; of pood — , retlirf', eon guteni Sbataf fet: in — of tbeit bodiea, ill SBetratbt tbrer Jtqrper ; with — to, in SRfuffttbt auf", in 33e}iebting auf; in Borne — . in gtwiffet :'i', je« tuiffer v DJaftcu ; in all —a, in jebeni syettadjt, in jtbet •Ciijificbf ; in many — a, in oielet ■Oiuiidit; to shame — , tie fdiulttgc Ebtetbietnng aue ben Sltigeii fetjeu ; respects, pi ©riifc, ^nirfcbliiiig (tBejeigung bev Sldjs lung); to desire one's — to one. fid) einem eiuvfcMcu, 3^i"^"t> fltupeTu laffen. RESPECTABrLITY, *. tic ?[d)ftitig*= toutbigfeit, Slcbtbatf ett, bai JInfeb.en; .u /;. tic Solibitaf. RESPECTABLE a «-. — i.v). adj. nrbN bctv, iid)tuugi?iiHVtb, vcvcbvlid\ clu-= Wtltbig, aitjcbnlicb ; .1/. /•;. gut, redbt* lid), folib, tcell; — nese, ». oid. Rk- BPBl TMill.l'IT. RESPECTER ». tev 31 it cf fid;! nintint. RESPECTFUL (adv.— l»), adj. ebrer= bietig, etjtfutcbtsDofl ; hbflid); — ly yours, Sk . 3f>i Utgebeuet, u.f.iv. (ant iSdjluf; fine« SBriefea : — ness, *. bt'e ( f = lidjfeit. respecting, prr P . .. betteffenb, in Oiiicffittt iDtcv SOejieb/imgi auf. . . RESPECTIVE 1 ado. — ly). adj. fid) (ail| 3eben ins SBefonbete bejiebeub. tigen, befonbet; mil befoubetet 93e}iebuiig auf eiitaiibct, gegeufeitig, gcgeu etu> anbet. RESPECTLESS, adj. tiiif |lfbl*[c^, afb= titugelea, uitebrrvbietig ».«.): — ness, ». bic SJlutf|ld)t6lofigfeit, '.'Idj- lutig^lofigfeit {to. ii.). T,> RESPERSE '•. a. bevtcngen, au«-- einanbet ftveucu. RESPERSION, s bic SBefpteuguHg. resplrable adj atbmungefdbig. RESPIRATION.* I. ba< Olibmcit; 2. tie IStboliuig; tcr 3n>iftbenraum. RESPIRATORY, «W/ ivic Rkshbablb. To respire n, i n. i . atbmen, Sltben bdeu; 2. 8nfl fdjBvfeu, auetuben, fid) evbolen ; LLa. aiuMtbnicn, aii«= banditti. RESPITE Rbbptt, *. I. I.. T bic ftvifl. bev 9luffcbub (be< XobeeurttyeiHl u. f. tu.); 2. tic Wube, 3Rn§e, bet gtiHfianbj 3. .)/./:-■ bie ©eftnnbnng rtcv 'JiadMutt nut tev ^ahlung, 3lt» ftjitO; days of — (or — days), bi/ aicfpitMgr, Jiefpfttagc. .153 REST RESU RETA Fa RESPITE, To Rkspit, v. a. 1. ftts ftcn, ouffdbieben; 2. L.T. ben Ur« tfteilgooUgug oerfdjieben ; 3. ausruhcn laffen, r-urd> bie :)lul)c oerfiifjcn: to — an officer, ct ucii SBecimten fus= toenbtren, auf cine gewiffe 3cit au|}cr SmtSt&attgr'ett fcfccit. RESPLENDENCE, i s. fcCV ©KllU, RESPLENDENCY, $ ■&d)inintcr. RESPLENDENT (adv — ly), adj. glail= jenb, fdiintntcrut. To RESPOND, i: n. if a. 1. attttVPrtcll (W. li.J; 2. ciitfprcrbcn, fid) fd)icfcit, VafKU ; 3. alS Dccfuug (53urgfd)aft fur 3'if)l"»!l» bicticn. respond, s.'baS Jtcfpoiifonuiii. RESPONDENT, s. 1. bcr OtefpOltbcttt (in cincv disputation); 2. l. t. bcr Seflagte; 9lpcliat. RESPONDENT, adj. Ctttfpred)Cllb ; to be — to, ctttfprccbeu, fid) jit ctroaS fd)i= cfeit, bemfelben gemajj femt. RESPONDENTIA, s. M. E-s. (a loan in — ) cut Slnlebn (Sobmerei) auf bte Sdjiffsiabuug, lvofitr uur tie Sperfon bes (Srborgcrs burgt ; — bond, bte $8ura,fd)aftS=Dbligatiou (bcr £id)cv= beitsfebcin fiber gelicbciicS ©elb in 93etreff cincv ScbiffSiabung). response, s. 1. bte Slnlroorr, b«S Stnt* iportfdn'cibcu; 2. T. Dccfpoiifum; 3. baS 9cefvoufortunt. RESPONSIBILITY, s. 1. bte SScratlfs n)ovtlirf)feit; 2, 3rtf>ning§fa[)igfcit. RESPONSIBLE (ado. —ly), adj. 1. frets aittmovtlid) ; 2. jabluugsfabig; to become — for ..., i8urgfci)aft iciftctt, fid) fcerbfirgen, oerantiportlid) maebcu fill' . . . ; — ness,s. vid. Responsibility. RESPONSIVE, adj. 1. atttroortcitb ; 2. cntt'pvedKiib. uesponsory, I. adj. auttportcnb ; gc= lobcub; ©etvabr leiftcnb; — song, fcoS ^cfpoitfoiilint; II. s. vid. Re- sponse. ressault, s. Arch. T. bcr 33orfyrung, tie ?ltiSlabuiig. REST, .9.1. bte 9iaft, 9ittf)C; 2. bcr aubed)el, baS Dd)fenfraut, <2tallfraut {Ononis — L.). To REST,-*. I. n. 1. raftcn, ru()cn, au5= ruhcit, It'cgcn, fdilafen ; 2. blcibcn, ftit&ett, ft'cl; le()ncit; 3. fid) bentbigett; to —on (upon), auf (ait) chpas ruben, Itegeit, lelmeit; ouf etwaS gegrunbet femt, barfluf bcvuf)cit, fid) auf etwaS ftiiijfll ; it — s upon a testimony, (S berul)et auf cineni 3euantffe ; to — with ..,rul)ctt, bevubcu Laffett auf . . ; it — s with me, tS blcibt miuibcvlaffcti; the fault — s with her, bie ©C$lilb liegt flit it)r; you may — assured, bit Eailll|t bid) barauf betlaffen, faunfi bid) t>er= (icl)crt batten ; II. a. jur 3tuf)c legcn, rubeit laffcu ; uir 9(ube briugen ; God — bis soul, ©ott hab' ibtt fclig; — yourself, bevubigcu ®ie fid), crbolctt Sic fid). r restem, v. a. roibcr ben ©trrm treibctt. tESTEUL (ado. — ly), adj. rilbig. KESTIE, &.c., Dili. Restive, &c. :i54 REST1NCTI0N, .^. bte 9lu3fSfd)ung ; Sbfcbitiig, baS Sofcycu. RESTING-PLACE, .«. ber 9iubeplalj ; Jlbfatj cincr Tvcppc, Xvcppriibc. T,< RESTINGUISH, o. «. aii«lbfd)eit. restitution, s bie iSicfcigabc, SBtes betetjiattung, Srfeftung, ber(§rficberl)ci'ftelicr (m. it.). RESTIVE (adv. —vz),adj. fiatiij ; bart= nftcfig ; — ness, s. bte ©tattgfett/ .§art= ttacfigEcit. RESTLESS (ado. — ly), adj. 1. fd)[af= loS; iturubig; raftloS;' 2. unftat; — ness,«. bie @d)lafloftgfcit; Uuvutjc; 3iaftlofigfcit. restorable, adj. ipicbcibcrjuftcUcu, tviebcrberftcUbar. RESTORATION ». 1. bie 3Bieberl)cr= ftelJutig ; 2. bit ( *iia.lifd)e) 9tcftauva= ttott (yiueffel);- 'joii Jiavl II, 9lnno 1660). RESTORATIVE, adj. Mai. T. ftavfcilb ; — baths, ®efuubbeits= s -13aber. RESTORATIVES, s. pi. Med. T. flarfeil= be, rotcberbclebeubc iDiittel. To RE-STORE, v. a. M. K. liucber ailf baS Sager briugen. To restore, v. a . 1. roiebcrberitelicn ; beileii ; 2. wtebevgfcfoen ; ntrucf geben, ober crftatten; 3. miebev etnfefeen; roiebcrbringen ; 4. (Sd)riftjtclkn rets uiijcu; to — to favour, roteber in bie torige ©uitft bringen. restorer, s. ber aSieberberfleller ; 2Bicbcibringer. To RESTRAIN, v. a. Jltritif baltcn, Cttt= baitcn; in 0altcnbc. restraint, s . bie 3nrucfl)altutig, (Sntbaltiitni ; I5itifd)raitfung, ig>iitbc= rung, ber 3ro ail G< 6'inl)alt; baS 83cr= bot; to lay — s on.., .. ciufdjcaufcit, int 3»T«"ge fcfttten. To restrict, v. a. cittfdn-aiifeii. restriction, s. bie (Siii|"d)i'aufung, bcr Sorbcbalt. RESTRICTIVE, adj. ciufd)iau£enb; — iy, adv. ntit iSinfcpranfung. To RESTR1NGE, o. a. cillfcbl'allfcit J jlt« fammeu^icben. restrincencv, s. bie jufflmmenjtes benbe (*igcufd)aft, baS 3 u f» m,nens jiebcitbe. RESTRINCENT,rtctailhaubcl ; 9lu8^ fd)itittbanbelj by — , flucf-iimfc, uad; bem Stiicf, etnjeln, tin Jllciuctt; — dealer, bcr Jtleinbanblcr • — establish- ment. bie T-ctailbanblung.; 9lu«s fd)tttttbanblnng ; — excise, bie 9kcif« fiit bctt iQerfauf int (Sinjeliten, (5on= fiuuptioiisaccife; — goods, SofnngSs waare, ".'lusfdiuittipaarc, (imn Sc> tailPcrfauf bcftmtnitc SBaare) ; — shop, bcr .fimmlabcn, 9luSfd)iiittla= labcu ; — shop-keeper, bcr Jtlciil- baublcr. retailer, s. 1. bcr ^leiitbatibltr, Jlramcr; 5litSfd)uitrcr; 'itaubfra- nter; 2. 9iad)= (ober SBiebers) (Sr= jab lev. To retain, v. a. I. baitcn, jiiriicfbah ten, an fid) bcbaltcr. ; 2. beibefjaUcit; 3. int Sicnfte bcljaltcn; 4. in Soil) ticbntcit ; niicthcn, bingcit; to — a place, fid) bcbatlptcit ; retaining fee, /.. T. vid. RETA i NICK. RETAINER, s. 1. ber bait, Jltritif halt ; 2. ber ilnbaitger, greuttb; 3. bcr Cli- ent eincs 2lbtiocatcit ; 4. baS Salten pou 9lubaiigcin ; 5. /.. t. tie 9(rvba (baS cineni Sacbtualter fur baS 9]id)t= fitbrett bes ^roceffeS bcr ©egenpartei gegebcue ®clb) ; 6. bcr 2)Jictblafci. To RETAKE, v a. UMCbCr UcblUCU. To RETALIATE, v. a. ©leid)cS mi! @lcid)cni oergclten, toicber ocrgcltcn, gleid) ntad)cu. retaliation, s. bie aBtcbcrjerjjcl' tung. retaliatory, adj. tuieberuergelreubj — measures, 3ictbrfioiii5ntafjrcgciu. To retard, v. a. pcvjogcrii, aufbaltcu ; biubcru. retardation,?.--, tic iScrjogernng, letardment, 5 ber 9lufcutbalt; baS .giiiibcnt; bcr Sluffcbub, SSerjugi I'liu. r. bie SRetarbatiwt. RETARDER, s. ber 5Revji ; gercr ; 33er« binbercr. RETR To RETCH, v. n. OUfftofiCIl, ft* Crbre= d)en roollcu. RETCHLESS, vid. Reckless. RETECTION, a. bie Cfatbccfuitg, (?nt= f>AHung. RETENTION, s. 1. bie (33ei=)33elja(= rung ; 2. bie 3>triitfl;altutig ! 3 - baS @CCarf)t«iy ; — of urine, Med. T. bie •^arnftrenge, bcr .gantjroattg. RETENTIVE, a4/.be|(ilteiib, befjaltfain ; vcm^brenb ; — faculty, bie bet)altfa= me ©ebaritttiifSfraft ; a — memory, fin guteS (ftarfcs, ticueS) ©ebacbfuifj ; — ness, s. bie SBefjaltfamfeit; bie ScU bigfett ju yerroabrcit. reticle, s. bai ^efcrben. RETICULAR, ) ,. . ~ , . retiform, } **■ wefefSrmtfl. RETICULATE, )adj. nefefoWttfl; — RETICULATED, $ work, ba« SReiroerf. RETICULE, s. bcr I'lrbeitSbcutei, bie 9lrbcitetafrbe. RETINA, s. (/ad .4. r. t«aS 9ccfc[)aut= ct>eu be3 21uge3. retinue, s. ba« ©efolge, bie 33ebien= ten. 5ft retire, o. i. ™. 1. fid) juriicf jteljen, fief) jurucf (rocg)bcgebeu, roeggeben ; 2. (au« eiitev .&aubcl*gefclifcbafr, it. f. ro,) tjcraustrctcn ; 3. auf ben Qlbtrtrt gebcu; 4. jur iRujje gefjen; to — into the country, fid) OljfJ ?atlb begcbcit; to — from business, ficb t'CUt ©ocbaftcu juriicfjiebctt, citt ©efcfjfift Htcbcvlcgen, fid) tar SRubefefeen; to — to rest, fid) fcblafcit legcit; II. a. juriicf jichcu, jiiviii ucbincit. retired (adv. — i.y), oi»'. jttriicfgejo* gen, u. f. ro., eiiigcjpgcn, ctiifam ; ge« Beim ; — life, bag ftilJe Seben, bie ($ infant ft it. I! F/i'i redness, s. bie (Stttaejogenfjeir, (Siufaiufeif, 2lbgcfd)icbetihcit. retirement, s.'l. bte 3uriicf jteHnng, SBegbegebuna ; 2. (gntfernung, Xttn- miug, ?lbgefd)ictcu!icit, ftille VebcnS* art; bie (Sinfamfeit; SJlogejogenljeit; 3. ber ftille ?litfcutbaft ; — of a part- ner, .1/ e. bai SlnSfrefen cine* "Jtffocie (aufl eiiiciu Okfdjciff). RETIRING, «-/;'. bcfdjciben ; — colour, bie gebamvfte (T bcrfrbicijenbe) Sfar* be, rote im .ftintcrgruube von 8anbs fdwften ; — place, bcr ftille Stofeni* bait, 3uffud)t*ctvt. To RETORT, v. a. 1. jitriicf Bteaen ; 2. juriicf wcrfeu (—upon, auf ), fdneben, ober ftofscn, erroiebem, 3emanbem ciiu'ti SEabel, eiite UnhbflidiFcif, eittcu Seroeia |urucfgeben, ibn intt fciitcu ciiictictt SJBorfeit fcblagcn. retort,* i. bcr |uru"rfgefd)obene S3e« roeia ober Sorwurf, bie ^uriicfgegebe= nc Scbmalmng; 2. c» r. bie Sfterorre, bcr (TcitiUu=).Uo(bc!t. RETORTER, ». bcr 3iiriicffd)tcbeubc, it. f. ro. RETORTION, s. 1. baS Buri'trf bicgen, 3nriicfrocrfcit, Qurucffcbieben • 2. SHJiberlegetl cities ©egnerS' mit fcineit eigneu ©rtiuben. v., RETOSS, b. a. suvudfflofeit. To retouch, v. a. 1. uncber bcri'tb= reu ; 2. untarbcttctt, atlSbeffern, awi- feilen, auffrifdn-u, vetoudjiren (SK«* lerctcit, u. f. w.). Tb RETRACE, o. o. 1. |UTiti3IJige Oiucfjitij. To RETREAT, v. n. 1. fid) juriicf jicbctt, fid) juriicf begebcu ; juriicf gebeii; 2. fid) in ben 3(ubcftanb begebcit; 3. 3ufiud)t ncbmcii. To RETRENCH, o. I. a rocgfcbiteibcn ; n. «. fid) (tit fcincnt Slufroanbe) citt= fdjranfert. RETRENCHMENT, ». 1. bie ?lbfiir= juitg; 2. SOerfcbanjung. To RETRIBUTE, v. a. ivicber bcjalllctl J oergelten. RETRIBDTER, ». bcr iLJicbcrbejafjIer ; 3ururfcrftattcr, SBergelter. RETRIBUTION, ». bte 2i!iebcrbcjab= lung, 3uriid'crftatttnn3; SBergeltuiig. RETRIBUTIVE, > adj. vcrijel'tcttb ; RETRIBUTORV, $ liidjablcttb. RETRIEVABLE, adj. wicbcrbriitijlid). To retrieve, , v. a. 1. rote&cr r>ev= ftclJoi ; 2. roieber geroinnert, roiebet crlaitijcn, roieber befommen : 3. roie= bcr ciitbritigcii, erfcljcii; 4. juriicf briiiijcit, juriicf rufeit; to — custom- ers, roieber Jliinbfdiaft bcrbeijtefyeii j to — a loss, fid) ciitfcbabigcn ; to — partridges, Sp, T. 3icbbiil)iicr roieber aufjagert. REa'ROACTION, ». bie 3iicucfnurfung, SHiicf roirfung ; 3wviicftreibung. RETROACTIVE [adv. —i.y', adj. juriid= roirfcub, rucfrotrfenb, juruenreibenb. To RETRO! 'El )E, r. a. UHCbcr abtrctCIt. retrocession, s. 1. ba3 ^uriicfa'ci: dicit, ^iiriiifijcbcii, ^'tviiiftictctt ; 2. bie JBieberabrreturtg, SRiicfabtrerurtg. retrogradatk >N, s. ber SRucfgang ; Ast. T. bie fdiciubarc riirfgeutgige 83es roegung eineS SUIaiieteii . RETROGRADE, adj. rucfgaitgig, riicf = roarts frbreiteitb. Jv RETRi IGB UJE, d. ». ciicftofivtfl obcr riifflingS ijcbcit; juriicf ■ gebeit. RETROGRESSION, g. ba8 dliicfroart8= jicbcu, Sfturfliitg3geijeit. RETROGRESSIVE, adj. riirffcbrettertb. RETRObONGENCY, a. bai 3iiicfroavt6= banicu. RETROMINGENT, I. adj. riicf tivirtS baritenb ; (Ls.bati riicfanirtS barticubc 2 bier. RETROSPECT, s. 1. ba« 3urfnfrcbcit, SRiicfroartSfeben, bcr Siiicfbltcf, bit Siiiiffdiaii; 2. ;liucfciiuucruug. RETRt tSPECTION, ». ba« 3uriuffc()cu. RETROSPECTIVE (adv. — It); adj. Jll= riicf blicfenb: fid) juriicf mnnerttb; — view, bcr Eftiiefbltcf. To RETRUDE, v. a. juriicf ftogen. n RETUND, p. a. fitimpf macbett. ■To RETURN, v. I h. juriiif tommetl, juriicf febrcit, jutuo iicbcii, roieber (au ben oorigen Drt) Eoimnen; 2, errotebern, autroorten ; to — back. JUliiif ijcbcit ; to — home, Itcut ■paufe retfen obergebenj to — in writing, roieber fcbicibot ; fd)iiftltdi REVE erroicberu ; tit 3ied}rtung bringcu ; u — upon one, fig. auf eiiiett jtivud fallen; H. a. 1. juriicf fcbiebcii, jurud gcben ; 2. rtncccigcbcii, erftatten : 3. uergcltcn ; 4. juriicf fdjitfeit, jurucf fcubcit, itbcrutadbcit, fiberfc^icffti ; 5. in JRcrhuuna, brtngen; (j. angeben, niclccu, bencbteii; 7. rocihleit (eir i'arlautcutsglieW ; I beg you to — h id) crbitte t8 mil yoit Spnen juriicf; to — answer, 2lnf»ori crtbcilcu, a it t rocrteujio — thanks, baufcu, Taut abitatteti, ^auf fagen ; to — a visit, eineit ©cgenbeiud) abjtatten; to — monev by bills of exchange, 0)db turd) 2Bed)fel iibcrmacbeit ; to — under protest, M. E. nut cccr uutcr -^rorcft jururffonintcu ; the members returned, bie gerodbUen ^atlamenUgiieber. RETURN, s 1. bte .-Kucffunft, 3iiiff= febr, fRucfreife; SBieberfeb^r, 2Bic= berfunft ; 2. ber Stucffall ; 3. bie 3i:= riidgabe, SBieberbejabluitg, Srftata fungi bcr ©rfaft : ©egeubiettjl : bie (Srroieberung (ciucr @efaUigreit), iQergelrung: l. bie mfinblicbe ober fcbrifflic&e) gnrroori \ .v. /:. payment) bie SRuff jaO'/Jltg, llcbcrnia- diuitg, ^icimtTc bet ©egenfaft i SRetours (9iucfsJ?abuiig ; 7. bet tbeii, ©eroimt; 8. bie UmroaUuiig, bcr iBcdifcl. Umlauf; 9. bie ridit, berSBericbr, ber SRapport; li» 2Bat)lberid)t (beim $actamente ; bie i'Jiibl ; 11. .irc/i. t. bcr Seitenftugcl etttel ©ebdltbefi; — of affection, tic ©egenliebe; in — , ola Sergeltung. bagegen ; m. Era. aU ©egenfofi ffir . . ; quick, short, or early — , fd)lieller Ulll- fat} ober iBaarcuvcrtricb ; — of ex change, bcr Siucfiucdifd : account ol the — of exchange, tic :l(utfu?cd)fcl = rccbnttllij ; to make good — s of ... . . gut benufcen ; by — of post, mil untgcbciibcr ipojr, umgebenb; — oi premium, bie junicfcrbalteiK Otitcfjabiung bcr 9l||ccnrauj= 'l-'r.v- mic; — caryo, — freight, bit jliiicf- labuiiit, Jiiiiffracbt; — s of a trumpet bie SSTtnbung ciucr Xtotttpttt. RETURNABLE, adj. bcr 3unicfgabe fabtg ; L t bericbtmdfjig. RETURNER, ». ber :'iurfviblcr, 3iemit= tent. RETURNING OFFICER, s. tcr einbe- viebtctc Seamte, [2BabI)©ericbter3 flatter, ( 3BabUoinmipr). i; i.ti RNLESS, adj. feiue :liiicffcbr ge= ftatteub (ro. ii.>. RETUSE, adj. B. T cin.jctviicft. rei nion.j 1. bieS5Jieber»ereiitigung; 2. 91u6fofjnung SBieberoerfSbnung. /;. reunite, v. a. i. roieber »ere{ni= gcu; 2. »erfol)iien ; DLn. fid) roicbci oeretttigen. revaluation, a. bie iteue Sdjaftttng n reveal, v.o. offenbaren, eutberf en anjeigen; vcnaibcit (—to, einem etroas ., a. ber Cffcubarcr, (5nt= becfer; 8Serrat^er. revealment, a. tie Dffen&arung febeube Vuftb.iifcit. REVELATION, ». tie Dffcitbarung ; Revelations, pi. bie i_ ffcubaruug ^o* bauuie. ?S5 REVE REVELLER.*, ter 5cbmaiifrr, -rbtDtU ger. Subtler, (»Jlad)ts)Scf>TOarmer. REVELRY, -- bet Sabtl baS SdjmaEs men, ad. SohS unb ©ran?. bevels, s. /•!. tie ©dwarmereien, irfeitrn, Srgofelifbjeiten, ber 3ttbtl : master of the — , ber 'Jluffeber fiber tie .^ofluftbarfeiteu. Te REVENDICATE, r. a. ftroaS SBetlo* rem* j rt er ©ntriffenefl fifb router ju= eigneitj icvtuticircn. 7'. REVENGE, n. a. raeben, abiiben, (— - self ... fifb — till . .) ; I'll l>e «■ venged on him. ifb TOttbe lliicb (ffboit; an ibm }u rdrfcen miffen. revenge, s. 1. tie ©rwiebening fine* Unrests, fRarH@enugtbnung ; •j. SUjubung; Snakier, JRarbfnrbr; 3. .Dtesaiifbe (beini Spiel) ; to take — of.., Ret raeben reegen .. (on, an) ; in — . iiun drfatjf, baffir. bagegen. REVENGEFUL [ado. — ly) . a-//'. rrtc6 = gierig, rarbfiirbtig: — ness, ». tie i^arbgierigfeit,:l{a'rbfiirbt. revengeless, wij ungeradjt. REVENGEMENT, ft tal 3Kirf?ctt, tie SRatbe (n?. ii.). REVENGER, s. ber JJcaebfr : 9?eflrafer. REVENGING LY, ado. an? iftarbe. REVENUE s I. bal Sinfommen, ber t'rtrag, bie Sinfiinfte (ber 3BIIe nnb Xaxtn, u. f. ».), Lenten; 2. ■>,-'. 7*. ber Jtlumpen meifrr 53 firmer nnf be:n Jtovfe fer ■©irfrbe nub JHebc; officers of ihe — , Sfflbeamte ; public — . ba-3 J?ammera,ut ; — cutter, ber giuSlieger, bad 3pII- -cber SJaa*>lf*tff, REVERBERANT, adj. JUrfid TOfrfcnb, juriifl ptaflenb, ivieterhallent. 7'. REVERBERATE e.l-a- inri'trf Wets fen, $urftrf feblagen, (Brief prallrn laffen : Ck. r. rembenrcn (rnrrb fin jUrucfffblageiibeS Metier omalren); II. ?i 1. Aiiriiff ftrablni ; roicterballeit; 2. juriicf gewprfen werten. REVERBERATE adj. rid Revertif<* \nt. REVERBERATION, « bie 3uriiffiver= fnitg, 3nrfufffblagnng, bas 3»»'i"uf= praflen, 53ieterballen; at t. bif SQrrfalfung. REVERBERATORY. I. adj. JUtUff rofr= fenb, juritd; f.-blage nb j n. *. a,, t baS 3fte»erberirfeuer, ERabfeuer, 2rbm*!'= fmer : tfr 9le»erberit= (fber Salct= nir=)Ofen. r REVERE r. a, ebreit, serebren. REVERENCE « 1. bie (fbrcrbiernng, (Sbrfnrebt. -Jlfbtnng; 2. ebrttbietige •Berbeugnng SQernetgung, SRwerenj; 3. tie @brwurbigfeit; 4. (fbrroiirbU ger)23ater; your — . (ftp. (fbnviir= ten: with 'or saving) your — , mit (fbren tn melben. n REVERENCE r. a. fbren, "erebren. REVERENCER, .« ter T-erebrer. REVEREND n '}. ehnvfirtig: rizht — . (Jitcl ber SBiffbofe), bprbfbnviirbig, borbroiirbig ; most — I Jitel ber (£rj= btffboff), bofbroiirbtgli. REVERENT, adj. ebrfrbifttg, temii = thia; — ly, mlo. mit ©ucrbietnna,. REVERENTIAL {ad a. — ly), adj. Bid, Rbvkremt, — I.Y. REVERER s tfr "Jfrfbrfr. REVERIE -• bif iranmerei, Si"bvrar= nierei : ^ie ti.fen, p^er aut regello* umbfrfffa'Dfiffnten ©ebanfen, bafl rc= gellc'e ©initen. REVERSAU I. adj. umanternb, \\m- ft ojicii!" ; if. s. I. T. ( — of a judg- ment), bie Umftojiuiig (Olcnbcruini) eineS Itrtbeil?. hi REVERSE, r. a. nmfebren ; umaa= bent, anfbeben nmfro^en eine Olcte, n. f. ».) ; ytrff brtn. EVERSE ». 1. tie rTti'tef'fife, .ftfbr= artfd)aft8patfnte. To REVERT, e \. a !. reranterit, um= febreii; 2. juriicf fcblagm ; II it. jll* ri'tcf ffbrett t — to ju), 5iiriicl fallen, luifbfr anbfinifallen. REVERT, *. .Mm. T. tie 5Bieterb,oluna, REVERTLBLE adj. beimfallig, rudr= fiiUig (»on (Sjiitern, it. f. to.). REVERTIVE, adj. vcranrcn^, 'jtrfeb^^ rcitb. REVERY. s. viiL Reverie. To REVEST, r. a. id if bet anlfjnt [^letber] ; 2. roieber einfe^en (in ein Slnit p^fl• ©tgentbunt). REVESTIARY, s. baS Jtlfibfrgfmafb in tfr Jtircbt, tic ©acrtjlei, baS Jlir= cbenjtmmer. To REV1CTIIAL. d. a. anebfl - lllit Sf= benSinttteln berfehen. n review, 0. a. 1. jnrfiff fefcen; 2. iviefer feben; 3. totebet tiirebfeben (jRerbmingen, n. f. w.)\ prufen, iut= ttifiutfii; 4 (ein 33udj, ein iBfrf) beurtbf ilfii, tecenftren ; 5. mu. t. ninftc.-it. review, ». 1. bie Ueberftrbf, (noci)= malige) Dnrd)fttbf, (neue) Unterfu= fbltlKl, 5Prflfung ; 2. (critical — ), i^f- ttrtbeilung, Sterenfton; 3. tas perio= bifebe, fiitinte Slattj 4. mu. 7'. tie iBhifternng, .Oeevfcbau. reviewer, .i. ^er ^rtifcr ; ber fiir periobifrbe, fritifctje ©latter febreibt, JJetfnfent. To REVILE, v. a. ffblltabflt, ffbfltfll, oeninglimpfen, fd)imvfen, cot. fytxm- tet maiten. REVILEHENT, s. ber SSorwurf; bie SSetnnglimvfiing; ta» Sdjinaben, bif icbiinvmten. S(Sindbn.'Orte. reviler, s. bet Sdjmabet. REVLLlNGLY.aife. ffbinabcnt, fdjimpf- licb. To REVINDICATE, v. a. vid. Revendi- CATB. REVISAL,* tie rnrdificijt.iDJiifteruiti], abennnlige i'nifnini. To REVISE, v . a . ivieber tiirfb r fbtii, unterfufbrn, naitfeben, ninftciii, Tgp. T rctifiven. revise. ». rir T'nrrbiirbt; Typ T^it-- oifion, \wcitt (Sorrretnr, ber jiveitc ^robebogen, SReouirbogeu ; second — . trr britte ^robfbogeh, reviser, t. for ;l(f.M''or, ?lii|febcr, llntf rfnrbfr ; Porrettor. revision ». 1. tir ^iiifbuebt, 3Jeoi= (ton; 2. 93olfd)af)luitg. t„ revisit, r. a. tuiebet befiirbrn. KEVISITATION, s. bet abermalige 33e^ fncb. REVISOR, ft (in JTciitilaiiv: ber bie i8olf§j(5bIung beforot revival, ». i. bie sBiebetbelebung ; 2. (Srneuferliina, TCM'eferbevftfllniig, bas aBifberaufleben; Tii. t-s. — of REVO fajii, baS SBiebcrbelebungSfeP btl ©lanbrnS; revivals, p SBiebergebut' ten l3Bieberbelebungen ;u rehgiofeH $jlid)ten). To REVIVE, f. I a. 1. tvicter bclebfn,- 2. ernciie(r)it; 3. mieber ins SJnfcenfen bringen; 4. iviebrt anfangen; 5. ca. t. cineii ^orper in feiue litiprungli* rbe ©eftalt juriicf bringen, friuten, berilfllent H. ». 1. luieber tebenbig wetben, totebet anflfbe n, itcue Jlrafr, neiien ©lant, neiu? Snfe^en crbaU ten ; 2. ana ter iu-njeffenbeir geriffen tvetben. reviver, ». ber, (bie, baS) 5*eleben= be, (Srfrtfdjenbe; int @ebad>tnip 3nni(f rufenbe ; ta? @r|rifo)ungSinit= tel; tie @rneu(et)ung. To REVTVIFICATE, v. a. tvietcr Icben= big niarbeit (». ii.). REVTVIFICATK »N, ». tie 3Ricterlebfii= bigmarbnng. SSieberbelebung; tk t. 2Sieterbfrftelliuig. To REVIVIFY, r. a 1. tt>ifbfr btlebcn ; 2. ermutbigen ju .. , fraftigtn. REVTVISCENCY Re\iviscen< e\ s. tie aSieteraiiflebiing, iBieterbclefcuiig, SBieberberfifUung. reviviscent, adj. n.>iftcraufiebfnb, mieberbelebenb. revivor, s. l t. tie (fnifiitning (•Siftcraufiiabmf ) eineS ^rojeffea iin ^anjelieigerirbt, ivenn tine tft ftrfiifiiijcit ^fatteien geftorben tit ; bin of—, tie Stmdfbttgung ;u btrfet ©rneuernng. REVOCABLE, adj. rt>itfirnflicb; — nesB, s. bie 2Bibermfiitbf' it. revocation, S. 1, bie onriicfrnfiing; 2. SBi&errufung. ter 3Biterruf. Jb REVOKE, v. La. 1 jnviicf rnffU (TO. ii.) ; 2. TOibetrufen; juriiefiieb= men; aufbeben; io — one's errors, feiue 3rrfbiinifr abfrbn>5ren ; 11. n. t. f inf garbc nifbt befeunen im Jlat» tenfpiele). REVOKE s. T. baS Tiifbtbeffiuifii tt» net Aarbe. REVOKEMENT, s T bas" 3"nicfberu= fen, bet SBiberruf (n». ii.). To revolt. t>. I. „. aiifvnbreriftfuver: ben, fitb emvSren, reooltiren; to — from . ., abfallen ton..; II. a. I. emporen ; 2. in tie Sludjt ffblagen, iiberTOaltigen. revolt. 8. 1. ter 31bfaQ; tif Pmvo= rung, ber fliifru r ; 2. tie grcblitbe SBerlefeung feinet 'l ! flifbt. revolte'r. S. ter (impbifr, 2lufriib,= vcr ; •Jlbtriiiuiigf. REVOLTING, adj. fnU'frfUb. revoluble, adj. vollbar, ta»gfTOaljl roerben faun. REVOLUTION. I s tie Umnniljiitig, ter Unilanf, HmfrbTOung, bie Dciutc= tfTOegung; 2. difooliitipn, SSolBbe= ttegung, Staatriiinw.iltung, 5taat*» Veranbemng; U. aj. fit. Revolutio- nary. REVOLUTIONARY, n^' ret'olntionar, ftaatJiinirDalici^, Umroal}iing« ..; — spirit, tie difsolntiiMiefncbt ; _— • war, ter [Revoliiiioiiefrieg. REVOLUl'IONER (- ;fr jlifuollttio* REVOLUTION..SJ'. s nSr, ©ff'brtcie; ter ataafSninTOaljiing. 7o REVOLUTIONIZE, o. n. revplntio* niren, nniroaiibelii, nmfebren, \\\\\\ Snfrnbr nber jirr £taat3um»aljunj anfFortern. To REVOLVE, r I. a. 1. KlllTOaljClt J L ertoagen, narbbenfen; to — it over barfiber narbbenfen; n «. H l t "'"= roaljen, bveben nut. REVOLVENCY, *. baJ beftanbige ltm« walgen, . To revomit. ii. i ivietcr anSipeieu RHOM REVULSION, s. 1. Med. T. brtS SMcU ten bet gliiffe j 2. ba8.3uriicf()alieit, SBetbinbcrn. REVULSIVE r. ». l. mas bie gtuffe (tin .ftorper) nb (cite t ; 2. mat jurucr= pit, oerbiubert; II. «#. bic Sluffe ab$iebeiit>. 7b REWARD, v. a. bclolmeit (— for, ffir); bejableu, erroiefeent, Oerguten, oergelten. REWARD, s. bie 83efo&HUttg, iNcri]ct= tutu], bcr Sobn. REWARDABLE, «# bcfobnctiSimirbtg; — ness, bie 93elobnen$roiirbigreir. REWARDER, ». bee lUelobiter, U3cr= gelter. 7Vi REWRITE ». a. mteber tbrciben, nocbmaU fd)reiben, umffbrcibeii. REYNOLD,*, SRetubofb (2JldnH8namc). RHABARBARATE, adj. uiit fRtycibaU bee ucrfefcr. RHABDOLOGY, « T. bie Stabredjen* fiuift, bas ;)ied)iteit nut ben Napier'* fd)cit St&beit. rhabdomancy, ». bas 5Rut$enfd)Ias gen, bie ©tabvoabrfagerei. RfLETIA, s. SRbatten. RHAPSODIC, ) «■// rthllM'obiKf). 1111 = rhapsodical, j jufainmeufjaitgeub, abfjeriffen. RHAPSODIST, ». 1. bee SRbapfbbift; 2. Sufammenfebreiber, >}ufammens floppier. rhapsody, s. 1. bie 9tb«pfobie, ba8 SruAfiucf, retn Stftrf aits bent .00= mer, eiu (Defalt j) ; 2. etroaS jufailts mengefioppeltel, ba8 eteppehuerf, gltcfroerf. RHEM-BERRY, s. bee dtrciijborn ( Rhtmnus — £.). RHENISH, /i. it.). rhetoric, *. l.bie SRbetorif, 3lcbe= fuitft ; 2. iBerebfamfeit. RHETORICAL {adv. — ly), adj. rbeto* ri|"d), jitv SKebefurtfl gejjBrig, vebite= rifcr); ftgiirltd). RHETORICIAN, s. ber 3ibctortfer (bcr bie ;Kcbefiuift lef>rt ober lenit). 7b RHETORIZE, o. I. a. ben SRebttet fpteleil ; II. a. irjcforifd) fprecbett. RHEUM, a. bee ^cbiuipfcit, (.Jjaupt-) Wliii RHEUMATIC, adj. rbeuniatifrb, flllfi = atttg ; fJiifftg ; — fever, ba« glujjs peter. rheumatism, ». bcr 3ibeumati8mu8, (©lieber>)gluf»,ba8Sebnupfenfiebcr. RHEUMY, adj. nod fc&arfet ®aftc, ntit bent Sdjjnupfeit bebaftet, flufjar= tu\, fiuffig; — • eyes, Sviefaugeit. RHIME, s. tid. Rhyme. RHINE, *. ber Sibettt ; the lower—, bee 9cicberrhcin ; tiie upper — . bcr Qber= rl)citt; — grave, bee SRbetngraf; — guilder, bcr rheiiiifcbe ©niben ; — hurst, bas burgunbifrbe (weige) Sped}; — imiilrnri. ba$ rbeii;laitbifd;e 2Maj«, bie rhciitlaubifcbc ;)tutbc. RHINO. s.eant.baS ©elb. RHINOCERIAL, a/j. ba8 JIbtiioccroS betreffcub. RHINOCEROS,*. ba89l6inoccro8, ftafe* boeit; —bird, SftafebornDogel. rhodium, ». baa Mbobium'. RHODODENDRON, s. bic SUprOft, bcr SRofentorbeer. RHOMB, s. or. bcr 9cliombus, bie iHatttc ; — lines [or rhombs), pt. JV. T. bic SBiitbflrtrbe auf bee ,eiu)2d)obrr, (©etret* be-)gehit(en) ober gettn, bei tretbeO-jpaufen. RICKETS, < pi tie ^iiicf^ratFeaiifbci!, englifdje jTrauf^eit, bcr 3n?et»u(b8. RICKETY, adj. mit bcr cttiilifcbcit .Uuiifbeit bebaftet, JlDeimftd^ftfl, boppeljjItebertOy oerroad^feti, uerfrup* pelt. RICOCHET, t. bcr ^rallfdjiijj, Diico- d)etfd)uf. t.i Eiu, r a l. befret'en, [odinad)en, reitiiaen, fid) pom .'Sah\- fdjaffeu; 2. jii (yiuiibe ridjteit' (to, u (from , »on clival befreieu, veiiiiijcn ooii etmad belren ; to — one of uii money, ciueiit 00U iciiicm (^elbc be'- fcit, tbit nut fcin ©elb bviiitjcii ; to — of caterpillars, rauyen ; to — ir..m mass, au8moofcn; to — from stones, 0011 2ieinen befrcien. rid, adj. befret'et, lo= ; to \>c — of, b8 fcsni ; 10 get — of, fid) (o8 lnadben, lo8 ruerben, fidj oom^alfc fdjaffen. RIDDANCE, i. bie ©efreiung, ISit tic- biguna, Srrettung ; to m i — , Wlti in Drbnung briugen, auf* vaiuneii; roegfdjafeu. RIDDLE *• 1. ba8 !Ratf>fft; 2. bcr SRaber, ba8 ijrobe 2ieb, jtoblenfteb; to propose a — , cill lUalbfcl aufge= ben; you speak riddles, 2ic fprcdjen ill SJiafhfelii. t.i kiddle v. i. a. eiu Siatbfel auf* lofen, cutratbfelit ; II. h. i.ilbuib'H'f (tu Jiatbi'elu) fpiccbcit. RIDDLER, s. bee ratbfeibair ©pre* rbciibc. RIDDLINGLY, adv. kide, .-•. 1. bee :){itt ; 2Beg jinn Sftei* ten ober gapren; ;i. bic gaprt; to take a — , ausieiteu, aii-jfalueii. To RIDE, b n. Se a. l. reitert; 2. fa&« ten ; 3. fid) auf etroa8 funjen. auf etioa8 riiben, getragen rocrbeit; 4. un= tee fidi b.iben, bebevifdu'ii, intpbran= dn-n, niifibanbelii ; to — ahorse, eiu SPferb (ju»)retten; to — hai fdm'inbc ret ten ; to — about miilur reiten ; to — down, nieberretteu, itni= veiten ; to — down an indisp eiue UnpafiUcbfeir berreiteit ; to — for wagers, ivettrcitcil ; to — in a coach, in ciueni SBagen fabren ; to — a horse off his mettle, eiu ^fftb Ut Srbaitben rcitcu ; to — on a bobby horse, eiu Stcrfcnpfcib reiten ; to — on one, fid) ;\eniaiibe>> beoienen ; to — one. 3emaubeil anllfiibtlid' rifch) bcbaiibcln ; to — out, au^fab-- rc u ; .v rit s. to — at anchor, Dot ^lufcr liegen; to — at the roads, auf bcr Sftbebe liegen; to — hard, Pot pilfer flampfen ; to — athwart, |tt)i* fdn'ii SBiitb unb Alntb giereit; to — a-shot. mit jwei JtabeUSugen oot 2ln= fee lichen; to — masters al sea, jut <£cc fic^rciit feint ; the rope — e, Ml Sau lauft unf lat r to — out a storm, cineii Sturm cor 91 iifet au8« baltcu ; to — (a horse) through all ihe paces, Sp T. bie rrbulc burebntad^ei' to— upon the main, auf bet Seefcpii rider, .' 1. ber SReiter; gabreube 2. ©creitet; 3. ba-i rtngefdjaltete SBtatt; bcr ringerftcfte Strife!: bcr Sufafe in einer Sparlamentlbiu ; 4. V bie©trcbe; 5. Mm. T. *m Sal* banb ; — for orders, jg. e bcr fian belSreifenbe, ©efeb.SftSretfenbe, Sei febiener, ber bie JKuflerfarte mit ft* fiilM-t. col. DJcitfterreiter ; — 's apron ; bie Sleitfcburje ; a: t-». — futi bie Sifter unb 3lltflauget ; riders, pi. 35.- RIG RIGO RiNS Me Jtatfpilbreit ; floor-riders, btc @t« %(T bel glOC^jS. ridge, s. 1. bcr Stiicfcit, bafl 5Ruif= grat; 2. btc rud'enartigc (Srbebiiug; 3. ber ©ipfel, btc Jiuppe; 4. ber Main, bic ©treife, SJtinne, gnrcbe; 5. ridges, pi btc ©treifen an bcu @au= men bcr spfcrbc, ©fafjeln ; (i. ridgea (of mck) chic 3ieibe bliubcr Jiiippcn, ein Aclfciiviff, 5clfcnfamme, (tuber Ditfee), ©cberen ; ridge of a hiii, bet SBergriicfen; along —of hills, cine SBergfette ; — of the nostrils, a. t. btc ©cbeibeioanb bcr lUafctttiicin-v ; upper — , (bet ben 33Sge(n) bie 9cafciifd)ei= bung (bcr £beit' bcr girfte jtoifeben bcu ^afenlodjcrtt) ; — band, ber ©attctriemen ; — bone, bal 3iiicf= grat; — lead, bie bleieruc girfretu vlatte ; — tile, ber igobljtcgcl. To ridge, v. a. 1. ctucu 3iiicfen ma= cbcu, frummen; 2. $u cittern SRucfett bilben, itt bte .fpobe ftefjen ; 3. ftrei= fen, furd)eu, runjelit; to — out, (^ffanjen) mnfefoett. ridgil, Ridgling, s. bcr fjalb caftrirte SBibber. RID3Y, adj. mit ctuem 3?itcfeit, often jugerunbet, erhabcit, crbobt. RTDICULE, s. bal 2ad)erlid)C; bcr SBifc, ©pott, Softn; to turn into — , liid)cr(td) macbcti. To ridicule, v. a. laebcrlid) marbeit, oerfpotten. RIDICULER, s. ber SSifcliug, Spotter. RIDICULOUS (ado. r— ly), adj. lad)tT= ltd) ; — ness, s. bie ?ad;criid)fcit. BIDING, s. 1. bal 3?eiteit; 2. bcr 8e= JtrE (tit York) ', in compos. — bed, bal C5«t;r=)@cleifc ; — cap. bie 3icifefap= Ipe ; — clerk, eiucr ber fecbl ©carets bcr tin &an;eUeigericbt j — cloak, bcriHeitmantel, 9tcifemailtel; — coat, ber Sieitrocf, Sfteiferocf; — habit, bal Jfteitfleib, 3ieithabit; — hood, (ebe= mall) bie Sieifefappe bcr 2rraueit= jimmer; — mask, (cbemall) bie 3icitmalfc ; — master, bcr 3icitutei= fter ; — rod, bie 3te irgerte ; — school, bie 3tcitfd)ule, 3ceitbabu. Uidotto, .•?. cine muftfalifcbe Hutcr-- baltung, bal Xaitjfcft, bcr SJaii. RIE, s. Bid. Rye. rife (adv. — ly), adj. bauftg, alfge= mein, bcrrfdjenb, epibemifeb ; the plague was then — in Hungary, ba= mall berrfebte btc SJJeft in Uitgaru. RIFENESS, s. bal £aufige, <£)err|"d)cn= be, (fpibemifebe. Riffraff, s. bcr ?Ibfall, SluSWurf, SuSfcbufj: bie 3lulfcbujhoaare ; bal ©eftnbel. To RIFFLE, v. a 1. rauben, pluubent, rocgnebmcit; 2. nut ©treifen ober Stcifen oerfebcti; to— the barrel of a pun, cineit 3'lintculauf jie^en, rtf= feln. rifle, s. ( — gun), bal ge$oa,enc Sellers aewebr, jjetogene fRtyx, btc iRuget= flintc, §Bucb|e ; — barrel, ber aetoges nc 8auf ; — men, pi. SBucfcfenfcpfcen, @cbarffdntijcu ; — shooting, bal Sficbfenfebiefen. RlFLERs. ber 31aubcr, ^[iinbercr. RIFT, s. bie ;](itje, ©paltc, bcr Scbtife. To RIFT, b. I. „. fpaltcn, fdjlifecn, rcijicn ; n. n . bcriten, fid) offtten. UG, ... 1. btc ucrlicbre Time ; ?uft= birtte; 2.vylg. ber ^offen, ©treicj; to tuna — . ctucu Ittfttgeu ©treich aul= gcbeu laffen ; to run a — upon one, ci ncn turn SBejten baben, ibu baufcln. Vo RIG, v. i. a. putjeu, fd)iniid'cn; .V. T-s. auSriiflen; ' (— out a ship, ciu ^itiff auf:)tafcln ; to — a mast, et= ncn 3)Ja|J jutofeln ; to — a yard, eine Via* sutcugen ; to — the capstan, bal 358 ©ingfpill flar macben; a. n. lufiigc Stictitc anSgcbcn laffen. rigadi >on, .?. t;cis 3fttgabon. rigation, s. balSBeaaffern, gen, bie SBaffernng. RIGGED, part, gepil^t ; A". T-s. (— out, auf=)gctafelt, mit J£aun)ev£ serf eben; not — ship-shape, lticfet gut (itid)t rc= gelrcd)t) aufgctafclt. rigger, s. JV. T. bcr 3;'afc[cr, 2:afcl= meifter. RIGGIXG, s. JV. T. (— of a ship), bal ia = fcltt; SaFclwcrf, .Taua'cvf, bie_3:a = felage (ciucl ©c|tffe8) ; ©e|iff8ges rathe. To RIGGLE, vid. To Wriggle. RIGHT, I. adj. Sf ado. (also — ly), 1. «d)t ; 2. gcrabc ; 3. rcd)tfd)affcu ; 4. rid); tig, in Drbnung, gemap ; paffcub ; 5. (in J£iteln) fepr, lweb; — honour- able, ^ocbgeborcn, bodjwcblgcboreu ; — reverend, bocbiuiirbig ; the — hand, bie rccbtc >£>aub ; —lined, redjtliitig; — muscles, a. t. bie gerabcu i)htl= feln; jv: T-s. — aft, uiuuittelbar »on biuteit ; — a head, red;t sou »oru, frabnbalEonnifc ; — in the wind's eye, fladi in bcu Sffiinb; —down, lotb= rerit, auf ttitb nicber; fbomSBinbe) ftill ; — sailing, bal '2ci)clu gevabc uad) eiitent bcr oier Garbiualpuufte ; the — way, bcr rccbtc 3Befl ; you are (in) the — , Sic habeu Oteajr; to set — , jurcrbt tveifen, bevirbtigen ; I am not — , mir ifi nid)t redjt (wobl'j I think it — , id) fyalte el fitr billig ; — on, gcrabc aul ; — against, gcrabc gc= gen fiber; it s. 1. bal 3Jcd)f, @igen= tbnnt, bcr 'Olufprud) ; 2. bal SSor= rccbt, Spri»i[egium ; 3. bie ©c^uiblo* ftgteit; 4. bie 3ted)tc, recite ^anb, redjtc ©eite ; to the — , jur :)ccd)tcn ; to be in the — , 9icd)t babeit ; to do — , Sefdjeib tbltu, Jlttriutcil ; he in- herited it in — of his wife, cr ctbte el bou ©etten fcincr fjran ; by — , (or rights), cigeutlid), son Otcdjti megett ; to rights, tit gcraber Siuie, gerabel SEBegel; in Drbnung; on his — s, jit fcincr 3ted)teu; to set (put) to — s. ju= rccbt madjeu, jurecbt belfcit, inDrb= uuug briugcu, 6erid)tigen; to the — (about) face, Mil. Ph. rcd)ilum febrt (Sud); ill int. xid)i\ rcd)t fo. To right, v. I. a. 9tcd)t ycrfcbaffcu, @cred)tigfeit uuebcrfabrcu laffen, }u fciuciu Stccbtejjcrbelfcn; jy. t-s. to — a ship, ein ©dbiff, nacbbent el gc licit roorfeen, aufricbtcit; — the helm, bal 3hibcr mitfd)iffl ; to — one's self, fid) (felbfi) t)fcd;t berfdiaffcn, fid) rS= cbcu; H. n. the ship rights, baS@$iff ftebt auf. RIGHTEOUS (adv.— m), adj. gcrcd)t; rcd)tfd)affcn, rcblicb: —ness. s. bie ©ered)tigfcit ; 9icd)tfd)affcuhcit, 3£cblid)fcit, llubcfAoltcubeit. RIGHTFUL (adv. — ly). adj. rcditmafiia., gercd)t; —ness, s. bie 3icd)tmatiigfcit, ©crccbtigfcit. RIGHTNESS, s, i. bie 9tid)tiqfcit, 2Bal)rbeit ; 2. Ocrablieit. RIGID (ado. — ly), adj. 1. ftarr, fteif, unbiegfoni; 2. ftrcnge, febarf, fjart, graufam. RiGiDrrr, ? «. 1. bie ©teifigfeit, Hn= RIGIDNESS, 5 biegfamfcit; ©teifbeit; 2. ©trcugc, ©cparfe, ©raufamleit. riglet, s. bal yiereifigc tiivttt, bie Sattc, ©cbinbcf; Arch. T. bcr 9Jic= men (an ben ©auten). rigmarole, 5. vuig. bal citle @e= fdjwal}. rigol, 5. ber 3t'rfcl ; bie Jhoue, bal Tiabcm. rigour, 3. bieSfrenge, ®ittenftrenge, .^arte, ©e&arfe; 2. ©raufainittt ; 3. Uubeugfamfttt; 4. Jiaite. ter faU' ©dtau'er. rigorous (ado — ly), adj. firengt bart, febarf, genatt : a — ilemonstn tion, ciu ftrcngcr ^Oeroeil ; a — defi nition, cine geitaue ^Definition ; — ness. s. bie Strcugc, ©ibarfe, ©rau- famfeit. rill, s. ber Heine Sluft, >$ad), ba« SBaffercbett. To RILL, v. n. riuncn, riefeht, laufen. rillet, s. bcr tlciuc dlnf), '-Baeb, ba< 2Bdffercben, rim. s. LberStaiib, DJabmen, Dicifcn 2. edimcrbaud); 3. .v. T. ber jDJar»» ranb, bal 3Jcarlbanb; 4. 7'.bcrDiab» bogeil an Ubnaberti; — of the belly bag Oicij im Beibe; —of a bucket, bet SReif einel (Simerl; — lock, bal Sta? ftcufcblojj. rime, sA. ber dltif, 3iaubfroft; 2 vid. Rhyme. To RYME, i). n. rcifcn. RIMPLE, g.btc3tllil}cl. To RIMPLE, v. a. rutljclll. rumpling, s. bie tocllciifijintigc 33c- wegung. RIMY, adj. W\l 3icif. rind, *. bic 3iiube, ©#alf j — ga>&- ing, (or grafting in the — ), bal -}>fro= pfcu in bie Stinbe. RiNDLE, s. bie 3cinnc. RING, s. 1. ber3ting; 2. tfrei!; 3. 3ianb (urn cine JDiiinje); 4. bte8auf= babu; 5. ©cbranfe in Sorm cinefl 3tingel; G. ber 3iing(auf,aBcttlauf ; 7. ©locfeuflang, bal ©ctaute, ©locfenfpicl, bcr Jtlaug, ©eball, bal ©etofe ; — of the ear, A. T. bw dufjeve D&rfrcil; jogivea — , mit bcr ©led'e anfd)Ki;icii, laufen ; to run (at) the — , uad) bent 3iingc laufen, ciu [Riiigrennen balteu; to form a — , ci= ncn Jlrcil bilben; to be cracked in (within) the — , (t'lUt JWiill}en) eiltClI Sprung babeub; —bold, ein 3iing= boljett; —bone, bal Ucbcrbcin (ein SlulroudjS an bcr Scrfc bel SJJferb«8), bal 9tiitgbein, ber Steifen; —dial, ein ©onnenring; — dove, bie 3iiu= gcltaubc ; — ducats. 3taiibbucaten , — dower, bie 3ciugelblume; to — lead, v. «.attfu!}reu 111), it.); — leader, ber SRabellfiibrer ; ?lufulircr ; — lock, has Siingfcploj} ; —ouzel, bie3?ing= broffel, gtiugainfel ; — ropes, .v r. S'anftopfer ; — streaked, riugftrcifig ; — tail, bcr jiiugclfalfc, ©leitalfe, tie iSalblVCibe (Falco plumbeus — Kl)\ jv. t. ciu Ilciuel brciecfigel ©egel, ©eifegel; — thimble, ber 31abring; — worm, bal 3tttenna(, bic glecfcie. To ring, v. I. a. l. riugeit, ringeln, be» ringen, mit Ottngen berfeben; 2. um= ringeu, umgebeu ; 3. Jlingen mad;en, liiuteit; t!i ngc it laffen; to — the Chang.' on. Ul'llflilblOt laffeit, 10011111 abrocebfcln ; II. «.' flingcu, fdniUi",;, crfd;allcn, gelieu ; flingclu, fcbcHou ; my ears still — with noise, UOcb ftill 1 gen mir bic Obrcit. r"inged plover, s. ber ©tranbhfeK fcr. RINGENT, adj. JJ. T. racbcnflnmtg. ringer, s. ber .ftlingclnbc, ©cbellenbe, u. f. m., ©locfcnlauter, ©locfner. RINGLET, s. 1. bcr Heine 3(iug, ba« 3iinge!d)cu ; bcr Jlrcil ; 2. bic £aar= lode, bal Socfcben. ringlike, adj. I'ingformig ; — carti lage, a. t. bcr viiigf&rmige ^titorpcl bel ^leblfopfel. To RINSE, Ba.(aul=)frbrocufcn, (au8») loaftbeti, (aul-)fpulen. R1NSER, s. ber (2lul=)©cbioeiifeitbe, (9lu«s)Syiilettbe. rinsing, s bal OlulOSrhioeufoi RISE (2lufl»)3vutcit ; Ch - T. bie 2lufl= fiipung ; — tub, bie SpiUaniuue. Riot, g. tic raufdjenbe Sufibarfetf, baS Scbruarmen, ©djmclgen, bet Saiifl unb ©raufl ; 9liifrubr, Slufftanb; to run — , fyerunt fdiruarntcii ; to run — upon .1 thing, t it cilia - Sad;e aufl= febroeifen, fid) iibcriiebinen ; — act, 1. t. bie 2tufnibracte, bafl S4unuU= iitanbat. lb riot, ». «. fcbroarmcu, fcbroelgen, Vraffeu, <■<*/. ini «aus unb ©raufl Ic= beit ; auflfcbroeifcii j 2lufftaitb errc= gen, eitteit 2lufrubr madjen. rioter, s. ber ©djroarmer, ^raffer; 2lufrur)rer, iVcutcrer. rioting, ». bafl Scbroarnten. RIOTOUS (adv. — ly), ad/. 1. fdjroe!gc= rifd) ; 2. larnteitb, geraufdjooll, auf= riibrertfch ; — ness, s. bic S>cbroelne= ret, Sd)u>armerci, bafl Sarnten, ©c- faufe; aufrubrcrifdie 2Befen. 7« RIP, »'. a. 1. auftrciiiicii, aiiffct>net= bcit, aufreipeit (up) ; 2, entbiillen ; to — from urout, roegreifen, nuSreifjen ; to — up an old sore, C ttlC alte 2Bllltbe toiebcr aufreipeit. RJP,*. l.bci-3JttJ; 2. ftifebforb. RIPE (ado. — ly), adj.i. tCtf, JCttifl ; 2. tjollfommcn, goUenbet; 3. auSgc- ieadifeu. ripe, s . t. ba« dtrafcetfert, bie ilra v = felJe ber Dtaurcr. To RIPEN, o. i. «. retfett, jeitigcit, reif madjett, jur SReife briugcii; u. «, reif lvcrteit. RIPENESS, s. 1. bie SRcife, 3etttgung ; 2. ©oUfommenr)cit; 3. 2lnflgeroad;» fen be it, Xaugttcrjt'etf. KIPPER, ». ber 2luftrenncnte, 2Iuf= fdjtieibettbc, 3errei$enbe. RIPPING, *. bafl 2luftrennen ; n.ts. — chisel, bag ©redjeifen (bie ^latitat abjubreebcu), ber ©rect/betel; — iron, ber ^lahtljafcu. To RIPPLE, »>. n. aufputcit, befputett ; Heine 53ellcn lucrfcit, fid) fraufcln, rtcfcltt ; brabbelii, braufeu (oon ber (See) ; to — flax, ^(adjfl riffeltt. rippi,e,s. 1. ber SBaffecmivbel, Heine 2i>cllcufd)lag auf ber D6erfMdje befl SBafferfl; 2. bie Slae&Sraufe, 5lad)S= rtffel. rippling, s. bie ©eroegung be? SBaf* ferS auf ber Cbcrflacfce, ber 2i3c(lcn= nutrf, bad ©craufd) ber Striimiiiig, bafl SRiefeltt, jtraufcdt, -Srtjolfeu ber See. riptowell, ».(eb>bem) ba«@rntege= febenf, (Srntebicr. ber @rntefrr)maufl (bcit ber ©utflbeir beu ©auern gab). To rise, r. n. 1. aiifftebeit; 2. autjieu mix, aufgehen ; entfieigen ; 3. nufer= ftcheit ; 4. tuncbmcii, roatbfen, fcbroeU Jen, aiiffd)ivc!lc!i, ftetgen; 5. entfte= ben ; 6. crfdiciucit, gum ©orfdjein fominen, fid) tarftcllcit; 7. fid) erbe= ben, aufbredu-it ; s. angreifen; i). fid; empuren; 10. hed) liegett; 11, Typ. T. riditi;] atiofd)licfieii (Me gefe^ten 3eileu); to — (in price M. i: (int Sgretfe) fleigeu, auffcblagen, ant fabbel (bei plobtidiem SBinbroec^fel ) ; to — from, entftehi'ii buvrb . . : to — in blisters, ftetne ©fafen befoinmen; to — up, fitb erbebeit, aiifftebeit, _cmpiir (lets fleit; to — up in nnns, fid) ciupiu'cit, ju beit SBnffen greifeit. Bisio, s. i. bafl Slufjieben, 9lufilet'gen ; 2. bie (Sv&ebmig; 3. ^Bbe; 4. bee Sfttfgang; 5. Urfpruug ; 6. ba8 Stif braufeit ; 7. ber oinvadi-*, bie S8et= Bie^nutg; 8. b«6 Steigert; to be on the — , m. e. (hit SJJreife) ftetgen, oit= |le!jen ; to give — , Uifpvuitj, aeben ; en RIVU 2liilajj (©elegenbeil) gcben ; to gi — to conjectures, ju yjerniuti)ung 2lnlaf; ijcbcii. RISER, ». eer Olufftebciice ; an early — , einer ber frub oufftebt. risibility, a baa SBermbgen ju Ui- d>en ; bie 9Ieigung 511111 ^acbcii, £ad)= In ft. risible, adj. bent 33erm5gen 511 lacfien begabl ; 2. i!ao)cn ertegenb, ladicrlitb. RISING, I. part 1. atifftebcnb, fletgenb, anfge^enb, pdjer^ebeiib; 2. bocqlte: genb; a — anvil, eiu itoeifpiiiger yimbofi : — ground, bie2lnhbhe; — line, .\". T. bie Scute bed ScborfS, glnrfente (Sinie ber Sdjergange auf UMffci'paffcui ^iiffc ; —sun, tie arf* gcbctlte Sonne ; to adore the — sun, bie aufgebenbe Sonne aubcteii; fig. bent Jtrciicrbcit fd)iiicid)cln ; II. s.baS Sluffteben, U. f. »., oid. ToRibb ; —of the mother, Med. T. bie i)hirterbc= fd)iverbeit; — of the ship's floor (afore and ahaft), jv. T. ber S3e(auf bee ©cbiffeS. risk,.<. tieOJcfahr, bae 5Bagnt|, 2Ba* fjcftiid ; to run the — , &tfat)t 1,111- fcil ; M. E-s. — ofdebt.taS 3oh'""!^= rifico; — subscribed, bie iibcr!iom= meiie ©cfabr. To RISK, v. a. (etma«) roageit, auf3 <5r»iel fe(}cn. RISKER, s. ber 2Baa,eutc. rite, s. ber feterltdje ©ebrandj, .uir= cbcit^cbraud), StituS; bie gcterltd)= teit; funeral rites, bad Seierjeitgcpfaii= gc, bieXobteufcicr. RITORNELLO, s. Mas. T. ber 9iiiigcl = fafc, bae SRttomell. RITUAL (adv. — i.y \ I. adj bcit .Rird)crt= gebraiid)cu gentafi, fcterlid), ritucll; — observances, fird>Iid)e ©ebriiucbe ; li. s. i^-i Jiitiial, bie Jiirchenort: nung. ritualist,.?, ber Jtcuttcr ber feicrli= cbeit ©ebraucbe. RIVAL I. s. ber -.'Icbcnbuhlcr ; SKtrbes roerberj 11. adj. uu'ttcifcrub, eifer* f itd) tig. To RIVAL b a. njetteifcrn (—one, init eiiicm), fid) ntitberoerben. rivalry, \s. ber SBettetfer, bie RIVALSH1P, s SKitbemetbung ; $lu beiibublcrfcbaft. To RIVE, v. I. a. fpaltcit, aiiffpaltcit, jerfpalteit, trcitncu ; u. ,,. fid) fpaU ten, ft\1) trciuieii. RIVER, ». ber Sralter. RIVER,*, ber glujh ba« ©ewfiffer ; — of time, jig. ber Strom ber 3ett ; — boat, baa tflufifaljrgrug, Alufifcbiff ; — dragon, bafl JtrofobiU ; fig bet J?B= nig oou ©gppteii ; — fox, ber ^at= pfcu; — jod, ber glufgott; —har- bour, ber Alufibafcu, Stvonibafcii ; — head, bie Alunquellc; — horse, bafl Slllflpfevb (Hippopotamus — /,.) ; — b irw i hi. bafl Aluf;fauiieiifraiit (Equi- sctum fluviatile — /. ) ; — lamprey, bafl 9tennauge, bie Sntfej — navi- gation, bic Alufifebifffabrt ; — pilot, bet I Aliif;. iVtuutV j —silt, ber aIuk = fdilauini ; — weed, bafl ©rafllebec (cine 3lrt SWoofl); —water, ba5 gluBwafJer. RIVET, ». bafl Wcf, bic Oiictilelle ; ber SRtetnagel; bie .Ulanimer, Sdjlie^e. To rivet, v. a. I. nieten, oernieten ; flaiiiiuevu, cine Sdilicnc DOrftecfen ; 2. fg, flarl befefttgen, i<r,nus ruli at — /. . BJ sound as i — , fbj gefitnb trie eiu gtfd), road. *.l. bic Strafe, 8anbfha|e ; '.'. ,'lilH'CC; 1. ranch — . bic 'Jicbcil = ftraye; bic 3roeig(etfen)=S8abn ; w Oeon Hie — , auf bent SBege (unlet; ttegS) \c.^\\, reifen ; to be (tie in m .it; the —, auf t>er dthebe (t>c: 21 lifer J licgen ; to pat out (a \ on the — . letn Scbtjf) ^:\f tie SR^ebc fahrcu (jur fernetii 23eftimmung),ab= tegenj by the — aide, an tcr g am 5Beae; — i it, bafl Viantbucb fur Oieifeute, ber Sffiegmeifer; — of- bafl SBfgeamt: —stead, tie SRbebe; — way, bic ipeerjrrafe. ROADER, I t bafl Sd)iff auf ber RO IDSTER, ^ :'ilHU-; a had — . eill Sdjiffbafl fdiivcr oot .'infer rcitet. 71) roam, « i n bciuiu fheifen, obet lter)en, umber fdnvcitcii; unibet tdjivarincii ; n a. butebftretfen, roamer, ». tcr 8anbftteid)rtj SBJan* tcrer. ROAMING, s. bafl •Ocruiiiilrcifc:i. ROAN, adj vetb^cfpfcnfclt, rotbitCy: grau, grau=rbtiilid) (uur trn 4- : r f r - ten) ; a — bone, eiu SRot^fdbtmmel; — tree, bet Sogelbeetbaum, wtlte Sperbcrbaunt, (iibifebbaum (Sorbus aueuparia — L). To ROAR, d. n briillen for. Had)) ; DOt 2lngft pber Sdircd (aufl ooflet Sttt)* 1c) fdircicu ; braufen (wie bie See) ; bcuicit (ipie berjSSinb] ; f racben (rote ber homier); larnien, toben; lo- om, laut nut pleijlidi utreicn. roar, Roarihg, * bafl SBruHeit, S«. briiU (ber Xtjterc) ; febrrdliebr ®e-- frbtei ; 2lng|igefd)rei ; 3nbelgefd)rei ; SBtaufen (bet See, it. f. ».); .v>eu= leu (befl 2Binbe§); ,«rad)eu (tf* S)onnetfl, u. f. ro.) ; a eiu lannenber (bnitahr) ,Ucrl, <^)xo\i- maul, SJiaulfjelb, ©tamarbafl. roarer, ». bet ©rudenbe. ROARY, adj. bctbaut. To ROAST, d a 1. bratcn ; rSftett, batfen j ftarf bitjeu ; 2. jig. frotren. ROAST, Roastbd, adj. gebrareu, ge = rbftct, u. f. ro. ROAST, a. bet ©raten; — beef, ber SRoftbtaten, -Stinberbtaten : — i id meat, gebtatenefl Sleifrp, ©rateii; to rule the — ,prov. liCllfdu-ll, bflltt- uircu, ba3 .^eft in ben <§anben ba= ben, ROASTER, 8. i. ber Btafenbej i. ©rartojl; 3. bafl Spanfcrfd. roasting, s. bafl ©ratett; Wojlen; ©acfen ; — jack, ber ©ratenroenbet. ROB, s. ber eiugefodjfe, bide Soft. To R( dl, r. a. bcfteblcit ; bcraubcu ; raubcii ; to — one of a thing, eittciu etroafl raubcii, etnen einet Sari'c be> raitben. ROBBER, *. ber SRanbet, 5)itb. R( iBBERY. .>-. ber SWaub, rid'ftabl, Mr SRauberet. R( IBBINS, 8. pi .V T oid Ropi bands. robe ». bet lange ERotf, Staatflrod, Staatflmantel, bafl Staatflfleib; gentlemen of the (long) -^ bic (^e= ritibtfltoerfonen; master <^i' the robes, bet jtantmctcr. To ROBE, o. a. fcicrlid) flcibcu, an* [feiben. Robert, ». 1. [Robert, SRuttrecfy (•.Viauii-uaniei j .'. bafl SRobertfl* trailt ,(rir iniinn robertianum — /. R( iBIN, a. I. abbr. ftalt Robert :Koi berl ; 2. (— red-breast), ba5 j>iotli» bruit du-rt, ^tothfehlctiett. Rl IBI IRANT, adj. oid. i Iorroborabjt, ROBORANT, .-■ oid Corroborativc. Rl IBi IRATK IN, a. bie ©tStfung it. it.' 359 RODO XOBOflEOUS adj. cid>cit, »ott (ficfcett; ROBUST [adv. —\.\\ adj. 1. tllftig, ftarf, berb, banbfejl, frietfcfcrottg ; 2. fcbroet ; —ness, s. bie SJtuftigfeit, ©tfitfe, Jtrafr, 2>crbbcit, £Bierfd^r5= ttgfett ROC, ». (int Orient) bcr 9ipc, cin faluthafrcv SSogel uou ungeljeurer ©tSjje. ROCAMBOLE, s. bic 9tPcambp(r, fpa= sttfebe ©calotte. ROCHE-ALUM, s. rid. Rock-amm. rochet, s. l. bag SRocfeetum (fill Oberflcib bet SifcfoSfe); 2. bet rothe EOJeerbraffen, bic 9iptbfcber. rock, s. 1. bcr Sets, Selfeu, bic Stlfc ye; 2. bcr (2piuu=)9ipcfcn ; —alum, bcr Steiiuilauu, Setgalaun; —but- ter, bic ©teinbuttet, SBetgbiitfet ; — t-ork, bcr SBetgferf, fqjroiminenbe SISbeft; — cress, bic ©tetnfreffe, SBergf reffe ; — crystal, bev (.Q3crg=) Jtrtyftall ; — dne, bic ©emS ; —fish, bic 3J?cetgtunbei {Oaiius niger — D\ — gold, bag ©feittgolb, bcr @o!b= ftaub ; — milk, tie SBetgmilcb, 2Jtonbmtf.d) ; — moss, bag gelfetu 1U003 ; — oil, bag Steillpl ; — pigeon, bic gelfenfaube ; —ray, ber (stein? rodjc, ^lajjelroche ; — rose, bie ©tcin= rpfc, Seljenrofe, (lifte (Gstus hdian- themum — L) ; — ruby, bCl - hpd)tptf)e ©ranat; —salt. b«8 ©teinfalj; — sliell, bic jtlippf nf$necfe ; —wood, bcr 4?olja8beft, bag SBergfiolj; — work, 1. bic fiinftlirbcn gelfen, bag ©tottenroetf ; 2. bic gelfettwanb. To ROCK, v. I. a. frbiittclit, roacfcltt ; roiegen; einroiegen (it. ii.); n. n. roattfen, fceftig fdwanfeit. rocker, s. bcr SBiegenbe, bie 2Bie= geriittt ; rockers, pi. bic pcrticften ©dbroeuet in ctiicr $utfr&e. rocket,*, i.i ic 9tacfefe, bev ©djroat* liter; 2. bic Jtailfc (Brassica eruca — £,.); double — , bie 9lild)tuiple ; — gentle, ( — gallant), bcr .£ebcrid), bie SBiltterfrcffe (Erysimum barbarea — L.) ; — mould, bet 9caifetcnfrpcf. ROCKING-HORSE, s. bag SrbaitfeU Pfetb. ROCKINESS, *. bag gelftge,bte 3eifeit= maffcn, 5Reit(je Jtlippen. ROCKLESS, adj. p[)ite gel fen, pfcjte Jtlippen. ROCKLY,a#, felftdjr, felfeitarfig. ROCKY, adj. 1. felftg, teller gclfett ; fclfcubart ; 2. fig. batthct jig. rod, s. 1. bag 9!cig; 2. bie (3ud)t=) 9tutl)c; 3. bcr Stab ; 4. bic SlngcU rutbe; 5. (il}?cfi=)9tut()c (lGi engiU fdje Sufi); connecting rods, T. mod bie SSetbfubungefrangen jwifc^en ben Sorbet* n itt> .£>iutcrrabmt bet Bampfroagen ; the white — , bcr rocU tie .{pcrolbeftab ; the black — , bet tdnoarjc <2tab; the golden — , bag gplbene SBuubfraut, bic ©Plbrutbc (Sotidago — /..) ; to have a — in pickle for.., cin .£)iil)iid)cit ju vfliicfeti (ntbeit mit . . ; — horse, bag ©tangenpfetb ; — net, bag 2d)UCpfeilllC(} ; —shaped, nttbeufbrmig. RODE, s. rid. Roon. RODERICK, s. 3tPbCfid) (2Hrtttllg = name). Rl )DOLF, Ronoi.pii, g. 9illbPif, 9!ltbp[pb (itcauugiianie). RODOMONT, 1. 3 er SPra'&Iet, ©to|5= fprecber; ll. adj. prabletib. iODOMONTADE, s. bie 5Iuffrl)iieibc= vet, Spta[)letet, ®rpf,fprect)evci. To RODOMONTADE, v. v. ai"'frf)ttci= >>eit, prablen, gvojjfp.ccljcit. :ico ROLL ) s. bet SluffcSnets 5 bcr, V -Kral)lcv, RODOMONTADIST, RODOMONTADOR, ©toBfprerber, roe, s. i. bag 3tet), bie fliiSt ; .<5tit= biuii, .^irfd)fub, &y. T bag JCbiet; 2. (bard — ), bet Said), SKsaeit, bie Stfebeier; (soft — ), bic iDiild) in gifrfoe ; — buck, bet Jtcblunf; — calf, bag -§trfchfalb; — stone, bcr 9ip(]eiiftein, fcbflltge .^alffteiit. rogation, s. bie Sitfe, Sitnnet; — week, bie iktiupd)e ; ■!>iiiuiietfahrtg= rppd)C; — days, s. pi. bic brci guft- fage in bcr SBetmocbe. ROGER, s. SRoget, giiibiget (SWanuS- nanie). ROGUE, s. 1. ber ?aubflreicf?er ; '2. Sieb, >2d)iirfe, 5pi^bube; 3. «d)alf, ©cfaefm, ©pa^uogel, luptge 93ogel; .poor — , bcr arnic Scbellll ; to play the — , 1'pffcii treiben, epatl inad;cii ; — in grain, bet (i'fjfd)clin. To rogue, v. v. 1. int ganbe limber ftreidieit (\v. ii.) ; 2. (£pifebubcit= fti'cid)e betiibeit (w. ii.). roguery, s. 1. bic (SdjaUbaftiiifeit, ©cbelmetft; 2. Sv-iijlntbiTci; 3. bag ^aitbftrcid;en, i>aa,abunbciikbcit (». ii.). roguesiiip, s. bie &d)c[ii'crci (mi Scberje, alg JEifel) ; your — , ©n>, fd)elmifd;c ©naben, <&it, Jgt. <5pip bube. ROtJUlSH (ado. — m), adj. i. fpil}bii = bifefc. feburtifd); 2. feb/aifbaft, fdieU mifef); — ness. s. bic (gpt^biibcrci, (gd)elmerei, ed)altl)aftii]fcit. ROISTER, Roisterbr, s. ber 3luffc$net« bcr, SBiiibtnncber, Satinet, spoltetet. To ROLL, v. a. rcffc; j\ r . T-s. — tackle, bit ©tPtstaljc; a — vessel, bcr <2d)(iu» fletet ; — waves, vplleube Seeit, ifljorpeit. ROMAGE, s. rid. Ri-mm m:k. ROMAN, is. 1. ber dibmcr; 2. 3lb niifitfathPlifebe ; [I. adj. rinnii'd); — candles, pi. rbmifdic Sicbter, %tud)U fii.jelrpl)reu, Seitclitfiigelii ; — catho lie I. s. ber 9ipiniid)fatbplifd)e; II adj. rpinifc-bfathplifd), papiftifd); — letter, Typ. t. bie rpmitVbe (9lntigua=) ©cbtift; — like, rpniifd), auf r6mU fdic 3lrt ; — nose, bie rbinifcbc 9iafe, Slbleritafe, .C">abid)tguafe; — order, jink. T. bic rpmifd)c Pbcr jufanii)icii= gefefcfe ©aulenotbnung ; — woman, bic 9ipmctiit i. ROMANCE, s. ). 'Pbcr — language), bi« vpinauifdie ©pracbe ; 2 ber 91p= man ; bic obenteiierltdje @efcfaid)te, (Srbid)tuug, bag 3Jlard)en. To ROMANCE, v. n. crbicbtcit, liigcit, auffebucibeu ; a romancing historian, cin tcrrvmfjafter @efd)iri)tfd)t*iber. romancer. f 1. bcr 9ipmaiieitbid)tcr # 9ipma:/eufd?rciber ; 2. bcr Siigucr, 2luffd)iieiber. romanism, s. bie Soginen bet falf;o= lifdjcit Jtirdje. R( >MANIST, s. bcr 9iPiiii|d)fat[)olifrt;e, ^apift. To R< IMANIZE, «. I. a. 1. rbinifd) nta- d^cu, rpiuaiitfiicit, latiniftreit ; 2. jnin .Ratbpliciginug befcljreit; II. n. ben 9Jpincr fpielen. ROMANiSH, s. bag 9Jpmauif(te, bis rpittauifebe (vpttfebe) Sprarb c. ROMANTIC (adv. —ally), adj. i. to* nianbaft, fantaftifrb, abenleucrlieb; 2. rpinautifd), ntalcrifeb. ivilbfdjpu; — ness.s bag 9{pntaiibafte, bie *i\btn= teuetHchfett, ©riUenfangerei. ROMANZOVITE, s. ber 9ipinaujpnut (cine 2lrt brainier ©ranat). ROME, s. 9(Plll ; — penny (— scot), ber spetetSpfennig. ROMISH (adv. — ly), adj. fPillifd) ; ffls tbplifd); papftlirb. ROMIST, s . bet liapift. romp, s. 1. bag roilbe, nngrjogeilt SDlabcb^en, bic Mange ; 2. bcr gtobe Sd)ftj. To romp, v. v. roilb fenn, beruni fd)a= fern, fid) larmenb beluftigen, fid; tangen, balgen. ROMPISH, adj auggclancn ; —ness, » bic SlnSgefaffenbeil. RONDEAU, Rondo, s. bag 9tPllbcail. SRingelgebic^t, ber SRimbaefang, ROOD, s. 1. ber bicrte Sbcil etnej 3lcfcr§; 2. bic 9iutbe(1(>i cnglifdie 3nf)); 3. bag Jtrcn,, .^eiligenbiii ; — loft, bie Cj)atlevie »oit 9ieliquic:i pbcr iiilber ber ^eiligen. roof, *. 1. bag Darb; .§au6 ; bi« Tecfe; bcr ■Oinuucl (enter ^ut)cbe); 2. ber ©aunteii ; pointed or high — bag Sattelbad) ; curved — , bag frau- jpfil'itc Pbcr gebrorbenc Sait, S0ran> farbenbarb ; fiat — , bag 2.'eraffcit' bad); — tile, bcr ^obljlegelj - work, bie (Q3c=)T)ad)uita.. To roof, v. a. 1. (mit ciucnt Qa&t) becfen; 2. bebadjen, miter Sacb btutgen. ROOFLESS, adj. PbtlC INtdl, tlllbcbcift. roofy, adj. in it ciucnt "5)ad)e, ge= rook, *. bie (2aat)frabc, 9ippfc, Sia* tedjel (ConiiT. nigra frugilcga — *"Z'' ROPE 2. let iflodje, Plcpbant ober Sburm ini Sdjaeb; 3. SBetruget, Wanner. To hook, ». v. «$- a. betrugen. Rookery, s . 1. bas (5aa't=JJtvaf)cn= genifte ; 2. baa ©orbelL EOOKY, adj. (eon Saathabcn, u.f.m.) bcfucbt. roo.\l,s. 1. bcr Staiim, 3?fa(>; 2. bt'c <£kf/e; 3. baa iBebaltnip, Simmer, bie Stube, ©djijfafanimerj 4. un= geljinberte Oelegenbeit. bet ?lulap; in your — , Oil 3btet 2 telle ; there is no — for hope, tS ifl ^Jticbta ju bofs felt ; rooms and spaces, „V. T. bie gaien (SBeiten jwifrbeii ben 2pan= lien ober 3ut)5Ijerit). ROOMINESS,*, bie ©eraumigfeif, bcr Diaiint. ROOMY, ailj. gerfiumig, loeit, it?eit= laufig. ROOST, s. 1. bcr ©djfaforr, 3cf)taffil} bca ©efliificla; 2. (hen — ), bie .§ubnerffaiige, ^u^ner^etge ; to be at — , id) I a feu. To ROOST. ». 7t. fi^enb frfclafen, auf= fifcen, it'gen (sou SBogelu, u. f. ».), boi'itcn. Root, s. f. bie SBiiqcf; 2. ber Ur= fytuttg, bie erfte Urfarbc; 3. ber ©rimb, *yobeit; 4. ©tammoafer, 51 (in be i- r ; 5. ba<3 Stammwort, 3Bnr» jelmort; bie 2Burjelf«lbe ; 6. ^ r . y. bie SBiiqel (s3abi); 7. Jl/«*. v. ber ©ritnbfoil ; to take (strike) — , aiSnrjcl frblagen, rourjeln, ctiiuun = jeln ; — of the Philippines, bie perils attifdje ©tftwurjei, ©orftenie, Eon* fraswjo; — of scarcity, bie iUi\m-- gei= ober SDiangolbrourjel ; — of Virginia, eine ftrt »irgtnifc$er •Rartoffchi; — bound, WUrjelfefi; Kg. tuie anacma^feu ; — built, von SJBur* jelu erbaut ; — house, cut sort 2Bur= jeln erbatitca .6««8; —glasses, 93 1 lis mcuiwteoeiaUifer ; — leaves, B. r. bie SBnrielbrur ; — peduncle, ein SBluincttfltel, ber unmittelbar aufi ber SGnrjel fpro&t. To ROOT, v. v. if a. l.SButjel fcbiagctl, murjelti, etniuurjelu ; 2. mit enter SBurjel uerfehen, einrourjetn faffen, befeftigen ; 3. aufroiililen, umtufibien, imiblcit; Sp. T. bredicn ( Don milben £d)U>eineil) ; to — from one's heart, t aitS bent •gerjen rei§en ; to — in. ein= wurjeln ; to — out, au&jaten, audro= ben ; auSrottett ; to — up, miarcijkn, auarottett, jer ftoreu, tertilgen. ROOTEDLY, ado. etngeipiirjelf, ft ft, ftarf, fehr. Ri iOTER,s.ber@ittwur$rer, 3Iu8rotter rootlet, ». ber ffiurjelfetm, bie SBurjelfafer, baa SBfirjeldjen. rooty adj. boiler Snrjeln, tounels retdj, tourjeltg. ROTE, s. 1. baa Seff, San, bcr Strid (Vtteberf. u. Sea long.) bai :)iecp ; 2. bie ©cbjuit; 3. Ropes. ;,/. baa (tinge* uu-ibe ber £(>icrc ; — ' 8 end. Sea tang bie ©agge, baa @RbJe (I'aucube Mir SBeftrafuitg); a — of onions, eine ©cfciiur ober Seibe Baucbclii ; m^ of sand, jufdinineitgenjeljete (@anb<) Siincn ; to give one — enough \c= monben Walteii (ben 3ugel f4)ie8en) Ittffert; —bands, pi, .v. v. tic Maa^ bcinber, Segeljtricfe; — dancer, ber ©etlramer; — girt, mit eiiiein ©trts etc linis}iirtct ; — (trass b.15 ^erlflr«« ; — ladder, bie Striif leitcr ; ,\- -/■ etiirintrepve ; — maker, bcr ®eiler weiffcfcliifler; Sea law ;)(ccpfitla= fler ; — trick, bcr ©algenfireic^, ed)iirfeuftreiit ; —walk, bie ©filers .abn; sea la,,?. SReepfd&lfiflerba&ii ; we.'d. bie 3Sinbe (Omvoloulue — ROSY L.i ; — yarn, bai Jtabelgum ; — yard, vid. — Walk. '/;. Ri mm:, ,.. „. fid) in g;ibcn itef;en, flcbriq fci ( ieret ; 2. ber OJaljjcuflvcicl?, Sebiirfciiitrcid). ROPINESS,* bie AfeBrigfeU. ROI'Y n,//.flebrig, jabe. ROQUELA.URE, * ber ^pquclor, 3tci= ferocf, ERegettmantet Roral, adj. tbtfiiii], befbaiief. RORID, adj. tbain'a,, bctbancf, fcud;t. RORiFEROUS, adj. S^an bringenb. ROSACEOUS, adj. rofenartig. ROSALGAR, 5. ba« SKfliifrb^efb. rosary, s . 1. bcr Slofengarten, bafi 9cofeiibcet; 2. ber Jtraii'j; Mofens Eranj (bet warbolifen). XOSE, ». I. bie fRofe: 2. bafi 8WBf&en, mc:)( fcitc ; 3. Mofolia, Siofa, aloft :ui, [Rofette, 9 f cfc$en(8raueiuutme); be it spoken under the — , Ullter llllo (ini SSertraueiOgefagtj —of Jericho, bie 3ertet)orofe (Anastatica hieroehuntica — /,); — bay, bie ^'orbcenpfe, ber DleaitbCt (JVerium — J..) ; — bud, bie 9Jofenhio8pe ; — busii,bcrSRofcii= |tl\llld), iHofcitliOcf ; — campion, bie ©ammefftlfe (Jlgtvstemma — L.) ; — cake, bcr fRofeunicften, bna SRofens bl'Ob; — chafer, bet ©Olbfafer; In- dian — chestnut, bie .Haft.iiiicnrcfc, bad oftiiibifffie (Sifen6o(j : - copper, baa SRofenfuyfer (reine Jenpfer) ; — diamond, cine ;)(ofette; — galls, bcr SRofenapfel, SHofenfdiroamm ; —gar lie, ber SRofenlaueb ; — knot, jv. r bcr tiirfifitc Jtnopf ; — leaves. 8t0« fenblatter ; — liniment, bie 9}ofen= falbe ; — lupine, bie &aarige Supine; — mallow, bie ;)tofeumal»e ; — pink. (— lake), Stpfalaef ; — (juartz, ber3Jo= fenquarj, SKiloJqiiarj ; — root. ba« 6au8laub; — vinegar, bcr Dcofencfs fiii; —water, b.iS Siofeiiwaffet; — water pear, tie SRofeiloitn 5 — wood. bas 9tbobifer&oij, SRofenb^oIj ; — WOrt, bie JtofeiltUlUjCl {Rlwdiola rosea — I.). ROSEAL, adj. rofig. ri iseate, aiij. rofig, rofenfarBen ; bliibenb ; — bower, bie SRofeillaube. rosed, adj rofenfarbig, rofenrot|. ROSEMARY, *. bcr SRoSlliatill (Rosma- rinus i>]]iiin:,/i.i — /. ). Ri >si: NOBLE, .*. bcr :)?pfenobet. ROSET. s. ba3 3Jofenrptb, bie rotfje Sriuferfarbe. roseita, ». IHofafie, Siofa, SRofina, S Rofefte, 3l3*d;eii (Srauenname). rosettes, ». pi. 3io«cben, Siofcftcn ()u 93er)ierungcn). rosicrucian, 1. ». bcr 9torentreuiiabcI j 3. bie 3tcbiterbu6ne ; 4. berSc(>iiabefaii einem ©rennfolben ; 5. s. t. bie Sojnabeljange, aBunbjange, ROSY, I. .--. dim. von Rose, 929i$en (Srautunaine) ; u. ,,,/j rofenrotb, vo- fig; — bosomed, in iftcfen gebettet; ROUG — cheeks bie Hiofemvangeil ; — coloured rofenfatben ; — crow.ed tofrnbeftanjt; —red rofenrotb. n ROT, ,: a. It n fiinlcit, verfaiilcn, foet niotcrn, Derttefen, m gfanlnifl biiiigcn, fiuilcn niiicbeit. ROT, *. l. bie AMiiliai';, SBcrntoberung ; 2. Sungenfaule ber 2d).v'c, ©cbap blatter; red — , tcr Somtentbau ra rotumhfii'i i — /J ; white — , bafl Siaffetnabtltraat [HydretotgUvui garis — /. ). ROTA •-■ 1. bie SRota b,i^ Do>rarrto$l ju Jioni ; 2. bcr polniute (jlnb vom 3al)ie 1659 in (Snglaub. ROTARY, adj. u'dj t rd'ciiD, frcifenb. ROTATED, adj. bcinmjcercl't, uni(au» fenb, jjiiin Sncbcn. Rotation, ,, i. bai Trrbcn, bcr Um= lanf, Atrctc-tauf, SBirbel; 2. SBtcbs fcl ; by — ,ber Sieibefolgt», tatty* fdeivciie; — of cropping, bie 2Bed>» fclivirthfrtniff. ROTATIVE, adj. fief) brebenb (roic cin 3iat . Rotator, ,. ber, bie, baS etifaJ im Jfreife bcrnni brebct; .1. ■/; bcr llm-- breber (ein 3Ru8fel . ROTATORY, adj. firb im Jfreife brc> benbj —engine, bie 9totationa«3T{as fitine. ROTE, *. bie mccbiinif^e, bind) blo'le Uebnna etlangle Rertigfeit, mtdjani^ f*e®elanfigfeiI,@efcbaftaerfa^rMng, Sioiitine ; by — , auflioenbtg ; to learn by—, buret) Uebiincj (erneii ; to have by — , au-Jiuciibig fiinncii. To ROTE. n. I. o. buret) blofie Ucbnii^ lcviicn luffen ; II. n tcr 3(eibe imdi auatreten (ana bem $arlamente). Ri rTTEN, adj. I. oetfault, faifl ; U'lMiis ftiebi.i; aiibriirbiii; 2. ftuifcnb; 3. ocrborben, oerfafien, fdjlinmi ; to grow — , anbriicbifl mtrben; — bo. roughs, bie oerfiillcncit lMur,ifIcefen, bie aber bcitnoeb SKitgieebet ina^ar^ lament fenben ; — cheese, altet Ma- fe; —stone, ber enqlifebe (mit iRiilf- crtc peiniifebte) £rt»pel; a — tooth, ein cariofcr (angefaulfer, t>ol>lcrj ROTTENNESS ... bie AJiulitis. ^nbriis cbtgfeit ; — of the bones, Med, T. ber .Huodjcnfiafi. rotund, adj. riinb ; FreiSfSrmtg. ROTUNDiFO/JOUS, adj. rimbblattrtfg. ROTUNDITY, s. tic SRttllbc ; ^rtiafoirs mtgfeif. R o i ndo, «. bie ftotonba, ba3 3Junb' gcbanbe. R| »UGE I. s b.ifl :lfotb, bie rotbe gars be; ScbminFe; n. „ .■/. rotb; —cross, ber .i.icrolt mit bem rotben Jtreuje ; — dragon, bcr fieroib mit bent rotben ©racben. V- ROUGE, o. l.„ !~d)f-bniiiifcit; II. a fdmiiiifeii. ROUGH (ado.— lt). adj I. raub ; rob ; r.indi ; iiiirben, bolptrig ; 2. bcrbc miangenebm; 3. flrengej lunfanft ungebilbet, iinfein. grob; 5. btftift mtgeftum, (turmifrb; (i. furebtbar furcbterlirb, gefiibrlicb; M. /:->• — balance, bie robe ©itaiij, bcr ungtfab> re SalbO ; — calculati n. tie nngeffib* re ©ererbnung, tcr Utberfrblag: to make a — calculation Cir.-'ll UeOer> ftblag maeben, uberfa)Iagen ; —bind weed bie Steebmiiibe [SmUax mm — /, i ; to — cast, n a. auf robe ?lrt bilben; gt ob bemetfen rineSRautr ; — casi inn grobem STJlortrl benors fen ; bcr ran be Jlnmurf, Suri^wntf; jig grobe @nt»urf ; — diamond, bet robe Diamant; — draught, bet erite (vuiiiMiif; to — draw, ». a, cntiucr* ftll, |filjiicii; — exercises, auftrefl' 301 ROUN jenbt Jorocrlicbc) 9?eivcgtingen; — i. raiirbfufstg ; — grinder, T. btc ©cb,leiffcbale,©cbleiffd)uffelber@Ia8s Kblctfer ; to — hew, ». a. au3 bent ©rcten be^anen obee bcarbeitfii ;/?«■. eitfiocrfcn f^ldne); — hcwr,ou6bem ©rpbcil bchaUCIl ; /o-.VDt) ; —leaved, -aubblattcrig ; — mast, ciit rauber, lltbehaUCUCC JDiaft ; — rider, bcr ■pferbe jurcitcr, befoubers fin- bas SJctlitar, bee untere SBcretter ; — shod, mit febarfeu .Oitfeifcn; — wa- ter, cute hobe tbohlc) ®ee; — wine, bee herbe SBeiit ; to — work, v. a. a\ii bent ©robftcit avbeiten, uberar= beiteit. To ROUGHEN, 0. I, a. vaitfj lliad)CU ; l.'. n. raul) loerbcn, oertoilbem. roughness,*. I.bte9taub>, 9iailhig-- feit ; 2. fierbe ; 3. Strenge ; 4. 9?o- bigfeir, [Rob&ett; ©robbeit; 5. fcefs h'ge SBtrrung bcr Wtjeneimtftel ; — of the sea, ba8 ©tiirmen bc» 2)iccrt3. ROULEAU, s. bie ©elbrolle. BOUNCE, s. bie .&anbbabe; Typ. T. bee (.J3anb=)©riff, bie ©djeibe ant SBengel, bee ^I'efjfiocf. ROUND {adv. — lt), adj. 1. ruitb; FreiS= fSemig, fpluivifdf) ; 2. gam; 3. ocIl= fliugciib, faitfffliugcnb; flicfsetib ; 4. often, offenbeqig, aufrtrbtig, un»ee= (Mr, gcrabe, f(ar. uiiserbohlcit; 5. rafeb, hurtig ; 6. bctracbtlid), anfehu-- ttcb 11. f. iv. ; — number, cine gcrabe, oolle 3al)l; a — pace, ein titebtiger ©cbritt; a — sum, eine vmtbe (an= fehnlid)e) ©umme; a — volley, eine uolle tabling, ©aloe; to make — , efmbett, rutib iitadjctt ; — bobbin, bie SRunbfdbttur ; — dot, Mas. t. ein ewtts be8 ©taccat0s3ei$ett [*] ; — edged ducats, SRanbbucateit ; — fish, ber JRunbftfcb ; — glass, bas gtunbalaS, «i?oblgla8; — hand, bie auSgefrljrtes beiteipanb; — head, bee ©tufefopf; bee §purttauer; — headed, ruubfiivfig ; gemolbt ; — heads, I'llltbfopft'ge 9cfls gel; —house, 1. ba§ SBadjbaufl ifiir ben Gionftabler obee fur bie 2diar= roadje); 2. j\r. r. bie .jpiitte (eine 216= tbeilutig ant .£>intcrfbei(c bcS SBter* telucvbcrfeg [ber ©cbanje] auf Dftin= bienfahrcrn unb anbern grojicii Jtaitf; fabrtcifebiffen ; cfrenfo eine [fiets vett=]Jlajufc auf [anterifauitrbeit] Saiiipffdjiffen ; auf fteincru gab> jeuaen: ber dtuf, dloof ; auf JiricgS= f duff en ft'tib — houses [im Sua] and) 2lbtritte fur bie unfercn Dfftcterc) ; — iron, runbefl ©tabeifen, 3tunbei= fen; — leaved sun-dew, ber ©ouneus than, eblc SBiberron (Drosera rotun- difolia — L.) ; — nosed pliers, bie 3htnbjsoi)iif)ett, g-ertigfeit, . ®eI5ufjg= feit- 7b ROVE, v. I. n. fdjroarmcit, fcbioct's fen ; to — about, bcrmu fdmnirmen, bcrum fd)iocifeu ; to — wide of the mark, tocit oont 3iele fd)icfjcu ; II. a. burdjftretfen. rover, s. I. bcr .*>eruntfdnoarmrr ; 2. SBanfeliniitbtge ; 3. ©eeraubef. ROVING, part, wn 7oRove. T-s. can — frame, rie glafd)eit= (ober j?anncii=) 5DZafebine, Saternenbanf; spindle — frames, (ioiitbclbanfc ; — biiiv, bie aSorfptiinmafd)ine, bcr ©robjiubj ; rovings, pi. ?iintcn obee SSnber. ROW, s. bie 9icihe ; Typ. T. bie ©affe : to set in a — , in Drbnung, in ;l(cihc ftclkit ; JV. T-s. — barge, bafi S^ubcr* febiff ; —galley, bie ©aleert ; — locks, pi bie aiubevibdier (in Fleiuen 535= ten); — ports, pi. bie SRubevgaten, RUBB Mofcpfortci. in Efetnen jtricg« lupven). Row. s . mlg. ber Saint, Jlrofel, b» ©tblageret. To R( )\V, d a. &■ n. 1. rubent, rojeit; v — against.., (gcgeit etivai aneubect| anrojeti ; 2. <•»/«■' larmen, frafelen. rowel, «. 1. \>ai epcntrabdieti; 2. i^aarfeif, bie ^aacfebnur rein Sonta* itell fur SPferbeJ. To rowel v. a. ein .^aarfeil (burcb=) jicbcit. rowen, s. has ©towjelfel*. rower, s . bcr SRubever, ;)(ojcr. Rowland, ». Drlaubo, 3toIan> (3JlaunSname) ; to give a —for an Oliver, prov. lltit glctcbcr 3JiUltje (tilt Slufl'cbucibcu) bejablcn. ROVAL (adv. — ly), I. adj. 1. fintig= lid), erlaiicbt, cbel ; 2. prad)ttg ; Prin- cess — , bie Jlroitpriiticffiun ; II. s 1. royals ( — sails), .V. T bieDber= (obe* ftiegenbeu) Svamfegel; 2. a. Gun Ph. f [cine JKorfer von 51 3oll ?ange 3. the Royals, bie fpuiglidjc ^nfigarbe ; in compos. — aid, bie bcin &5tttge be* loidijtcn 3ii[le, ©teuern, ^Ibgabcit, u. f. 10. ; — antelope, bie 3iocrgantc= lope, ba« gittiiftfcbeBroergbirfcbcben; — antler, bag brittc Subc c'iite^ ^irfrbs geiocihcS; —bay. bcr tubifrbe Sors beerbaum ; — consound ( — larkspur bcr :liittcrfoom; — lettuce, bcr M- nigdfalat; — mantle, bcr JlomgSs mantel (cine 3Rnfdbefart) ; —oak, Ast. t. ein fnblicbeS ©ternbilb ber Iteuern 3eit [Robur Cardmum) ;— pa- per, baS 9iegalpaj)ier. royalism, s. bcr girol)ali9mn« f bie yiiibanglicbfcit <[n bie fonigfiebe ROYALIST, I. x . ber 5hVm!iit, *5nrg* lirbgeftnute ; H. adj. ronaliftifd). To ROYALIZE, v. a. ftuiglid) inad)cit. royalty, s . 1. ba« Jlonigtbunt, lit JtbnigSrourbe ; 2. bafi SRegale, foutgs Iicbe U>errcdit ; Royalties, pi. bie 3ei= d)cu bcr ^onigSrouibe, SietcbStnftgs iticn, 9%eic$3ffetuobien. To rub, v. i. a. 1. rcibcit, rotfeben, (djcucru, fcu&cn, bobucii; 2. fdja* ben; to — down, abreibcit (SJ5ferbe, 2)!BbeI, it. f. io.) ; to — otr, wegwi* fdjcit, abrcibcu ; Typ. T-s. to — out, ausftreirben (bie %\x%t) ; to — am balls, (cbcnial*) bie fallen (abOrei= ben, (abs)mijfeen ; to — up, glaujenb niadicn, poliven ; fig. enoecfen, ioie= bcr berfeor fitcbcn, emeuern, auffria feben ; ii. n . fid) veiben, fid) burrb* brangen ; to — through the world, iid) burd) bie 2Bclt belfcn, fid) biirrb= febtagen. RUB, *. 1. baSDicibcu, bie Keibuug- 2. Uucbcnbcit; 3. bcr .'Kcibcftcin; 4 fig. bcr Slnftof, baS fiinberuiS; bit >5dnoicrigfeit ; 5. ©titbelei, bo ©tirb, ©pott, 93erroei§; to give mm a— , eiuent einen©tid) geben; there's the — , ba ftecft bcr Jviuucn, milg. ba liegt bcr J^unb begraben ; — stone bcr ;licibcftciu, (grbbe) Srblciffrcin (grebe) SHJefeflein. RUBBER,^ 1. ber briber, J)ieibcnte; ©rbabeube; 2. SBifcb, SBifd)law»en ; 3. bie ;Tiac-pd; $fiinbfei(e ; 4. bet SBefcftcin; 5. bie boopclte SPortii (betni SBbififoiel), bcr Jobber; I won the — , id) babe jroei Spielefcon M'cten geroonnen ; Indian — . ba-5 Scbcrbarj, {lilt. Giimmi dasticum •. RUBBING, port, s ba^ :\'cibcu, ii. f. 10. ; — brush, tic JJrafeburfte ; — cioti* baS 'Ql-ifd)tui-b. RUBBISH, s. ber Scbutt; ba>3 fcbletbte geug ; ba6 burd; eiuanber ©ciu»r» RUEF RULE RUN frwc ; ber 2lbfaf(, Itnvatb, 5U»e"»ttrf, bae JietjricR tcr Sanb, JlPfb. rubble stoxe, s. bev »om SLBaffcr abgcviebcnc Stein, Siellfteitt. rubellit, s. bev rptbc Xurmalin. RUBICAX, «.//'. rPtbfdiccfig, ftid;clbd= rig (ton Spferben). Rubicel, s . ber SRubtcefl, rotbgelbe 3iubin. RUBICUND, adj. vbtblid), vott). RUBIED, adj. rubilU'Ptl), i)Crf)VPti). rubific, adj. vbtbcnb, rotb maebenb. rubification, s. bae Stoffcrnacljen. RUBIFORM, adj. rotbfdicinig, rbtbUd). To RUBil-'Y, v. a. vcttjcii, rotl; nidcbcn (ro. ii.). RUBLE, *.ber(rufftfd}e©ilbers)9lubel. RUBRIC, I. .*. 1. tie diubiit, ltcbcv= fdjrift, bae Drbnungsuerjeirbnifj, ber Xitel, 3lbfrbnittj 2. tic fivcbjicbe SBovfc^rift, Jtirebenorbmmg ; u. adj. rotb. To RUBRIC, r. a. rotb auftrcicbeit ; mil votlicn S8uct>fiabcrt bemebnen. RUBRICAL, adj. votf) ; til 9iitbrifen ge= ovbnet. To RUBRICATE, r. a. votfi anfirctcfjeu ; Rubricate, adj. rptt) ait^cftricijen. RUBY, I. «. 1. ber Mitbiit; 2. bt'c SR5* tbe; bae (£pd)=.)9iotb ; 3. bie £ife= blatter, 8inne,>e. Aarfunfel ; orien- tal — , ber 'iavpbir; II. adj. rotb; — faced, ntit (f)ocb)rotbem ©e'ficbt. To RUCK, jj. a. rittijclit, in galten jicbcii. RUCK, s. bie Saife. RUCTATION, ». tae Mufftofiert, 9tii(p= fen. RUD, s. 1. vul. Rudd: 2. bie SRBtfce. RUDD, s. bie Drfe (ein gifefc, Cyprinwi orfus — Z,.). rudder, «. 1. bae (©teuer=)9tnber ; 2. ber 9iabcr, Waiter, bae ftebettbc Sicb ; jy. T-s. — coat, ber ©robr int .£>ciincgat: —iron, ber SRuberbafen ; — nail?, 3iUberfr>ifer; —pendants, bie Sorglicncti bee Stnbcve ; — tackle, bie ©ntnbtalje, 3itibei'talje; — trunk (— case), ber JTnfren beim ..genncgat, toobuvcb bae Dtubcv faf>rt. RUDDINESS, s. bie Siijffjc, frifebe garbe. BUDDLE, s. ber 3fiotr)ci ; —man. bev 9tPt()c[grabcv. ruddock, ». bad 9?rt()feblcbcn, ber 3t"otfjfd)n>aiij. RUDDY, adj. rotf), blafjrotb ; — with . . , rotb, erbityt »on . . ; of — complexion, von rolber (frifrbcr) ©cficbtefarbc ; — complexion, bie frifebe ©cficbtgs farbe. RUDE (adv. — Lr),adj. l.nnebeit, ranb; 2. rob ; 3. gvob, nngefittet, mtge}0= gen, unartig, uiibbflid) ; 4. fnn'itloe, unflerunftelr, ungebilbet, unmiffenb; 5. gemattfam, ungejlftm, beftig ; 6. ftavf ;7. unfreunblicb, bart, unbarou berjig, ftrcnge; —ness, ». 1. SRaubig* fe it : 2. tie Mehbcit ; 3. Orobbeit Un= um ifc n he it; Uubbfhobfcit; 4. ,fiitnft= loftgfeit; 5. §eftigfeir, ber Unge= ftiint ; 6. bie Strcnge. RUDENTURE s.Areh. T. bae Stri(f= roerf, bie SBerftabung an Sauten. rudiment, ». bie @runbiage,ber3m=< fving; Rudiments, pi. bie fQitfanaSs griinbe; ©lemente, Uvftoftc. To RUDIMENT, v. a. bie Orunblage lege it. RuniME.NTAi,, adj. jit ben 9Infang«= grtiiiben gebBrig. To rue, v a. bereiien, belfagen. RUE, s. bie SRaute {Ruttgraveoltms — J.); goat's — , bie ©ei^raitte, bae ©emefraut (Galega officinalis— A.). RUEFUL 'tdv.—LY), adj. traurig, fl,ig= licb, jainmcitid) ; —ness, s. bie Zxau- rigteif, ber ©rant. RUFF, *. 1. ber ©olbbart, ©plbrorbe; Jtaulbare, gerlelfifdj ; 2. §au8teu= fci, Jtampfbabit, i^raitsbabn (ein 93os gel, Tringa pvgnix — L.) ; 3. bie Sanbentaube ; I. bie jtraufe ; 5. ber fteife .ftrageit; tie galte; G. tcr Xntnipf, 2iidi. To RUFF, p. a. I. tvnmvmt, abpee^en, tie 2tid)e mad)eu ; 2. in Unorbnung bringen; ruffed grouse, M^.Rragcn = llllbll (Tctrao UfobeUus — /..). ruffi.w, i. s. ber SRaufboIb; SRSus ber; StJiorbcr, 9J2eudjelmorber ; n adj. roilb, nuitbcut, nn.icfiiim, barba= ri'fdi, rnrbloe. To RUFFIAN, o.n. lviitf en, rafftt, toben. RUFFIANUKE, adj. vid. Ruffian, adj To RUFFLE, p. La. i. raffeu, anfraf= fen ; 2. fatten, in Salten legen, gle= cfeit, fraufeln.fraue ntadicii; 3. fniil= leit, jerbriicfeii, jerfnitterit, r>crfd)tunt- vfen ; 4. oerwirren, in Unorbnung bringen ; 5. iibervafetjen, auS ber Jafs fnng bringen ; lint tie gntc 8aun« bringen; ll. ». 1. ranb, nngeftiim roerben; 2. Pattern; 3. (Icifej ttir* bcln (auf tcr .IvonimcD. RUFFLE, s. 1. bie 5Kanfd}ette,«j?anbs franfe; tcr Bufenfheif ;' tie Sptfec ; 2. ©agmng, SBallung, U>ermirntiig ; 3. jaa. Ph. tcr (Icifc/ Stroinmelrotrbel. RUFOUS, adj. rotb, votbbaavig. RUFUS, s. 3iufin, 9inf .tiUne (3JJaillte= name). rug, s. i. ber grobe ivpllene 3eng; raitdic Xepvidj; bie ranrbe Sccfc, rooHene cgrobe)Settbecfe; 2. ber$u= bcl ; hearth — , ber Jtantintopvidb. RUGGED (ode. — ly), adj. 1. ranb, nn= ebcit, Ijplperig; fdjroff; 2. ran*, jottig ; 3. jig. ranb, rob, lvilb, mt= freitntlicb, Dertriefilidi, ftiirmifd) ; murrifdjj — ness,». ba« 9tanbc; tic Sdirpffbeit; ;lianbigfeit, Wo^eit, SOilbbeit, rucixf, ... & t tie Seinfeile, ber 3abi!ineitlci, bae SPoIirmeffer, rugous, I adj. riutjelig, foil yimu rugose, i }eln. rugosity, s. bae JJnitjelige (W. ii.). ruin,». 1. ber@inftu«; 2, bteSRuiue, JCrfunmer; 3. ber 5JerfaH, Unter= gang, bae SOerberben; Ruins, pi. bie SHninen, Eriimmer; to fall to—, eiit= ftiirjcn, berfallcn; to throw into—, jnfantiitenftiirjcit. To RUIN, b, I. o. jii©nttibertel)ten, oer= lviifteit, jen'tprcn ; to — one's self in trade, int .giaiibcl jurucffominen ; n v. jit ©rnnte geben, einftfirjen, ein= fallen ; I'crarnten, ine (Slent geratben. Rl i\ \'i'iox, s. tzi 3:igrnnteriditen. RUINER, e. ber in-rteiber, ^ci'ftbrer. • RUINOUS o£-.— w). adj. 1. ten tviit-- fturt trpbent, baufalfig; 2. rrfints nterbaft; eiiigeftiiijt, bcrfallen ; 3. unglitcflirfi, Derberblidj ; a — under taking, ein balebredicntee llntevneb = nteit ; —ness, », tie SBaufaHigfeif. rule 8. J. bad Sinealj 2. 3QBtnfeI* mag; ber aj?a§ftab, Solljrab, 3pIJ= ftcrf; Tvp. t. bat SoIumnenmaS : bie SRegel, Sftorm, SHiebtfcbnur : 3. orb nung; SSerorbnung, SSorfcprtft j bae "AVnuer; 4. bie Slegierung, $err» fdiaft; Rules, f 1.t,i,kT. tie itiiiflt-- ntep ; — of three, .ir. T. tie SRegel be SCr; ; /.. t-.i. — s of conn, bie ©e= ridjteorbmtng; clerk of the — s, ber goncipifl ini Cberbefgeiidit. To rule, v. a ,<,-„. l. [inieren, Sinien jte&eit: 2. regtereit, .be- bevrfdn-n, bem'alten; 3. fiibrcn; 4. (ans)orb» neit, rcgeln ; tn — over, bcberrfd;cn ; ruled paper, liniertcc- l ].sipicr. av\. in,;. prices, s. tie bcfiebente« SRarftpreife. Rl i.i.k. ... l.berttegierer, (Se-JjBem I'd'cr: 2. bat Viium!; 3. tae :Uid;t» fdietr, 9iiditma>l tcr iWinftab. RUM, 8. tcr Jimil ; — uncharged, \>XO' bcbaltiger Jiitnt rid Peoof). To RUMBLE, e n. tninnuiii, rumfctn, raffeln, branfen, brnllcit iUpii Don* ner ; rumbling of thunder, bai ©OIU ncrgcbriill. rumble, 8. baSSRummeln, Sumpeltt. RUMBLER, 8. ter Jiimu'clnte. RUMINANT, adj. lviecirfauciir ; uberlegenb, nacbbenfenb ; —animals, wieberfduenbe Ibiere. To RUMINATE, >■ a. ,v *. 1. toitbtX' faneit; 2. fa. reiflidj uberlegen biuditcnfen, itariifiniicit, griibeht. bniten c— over, upon, fiber). RUMINATION, s. bad itMetcrf.iucn ; fig Ini'd'tenfen, iUadifiniicn, 5)Jarh= griibein. ur.MiN A'l'OR, s. ber c?ladu Xenfenbe, ©riiblcr. To RUMMAGE, r a. £■ „. titrrbfiidie:'., bcriimftbren, nadi etivae uicbeit ; to — the bold, tie Sabung SSaaren im (Sd)ifferaume) uniftauen. Rl mm LGE,* ba« Iiuit'thten, Xnrdi= ftbrcn ; tcr £umult, 8arm. RUMOUR, 8. ta-5 0)criid)t. To RUMOUR, v.a. ale ein ©criidU t>er= breiten, aiteiVrcugen ; it is rumoured, matt fagt allgcimtn, c* iji allgeniciit befanut. RUMOURER, 5. tcr SBerbretter cinee ©eviicbte. RUMP,«.ber 9liiinpf; bae .Uvciij ; ber etei^, SBilael; yellow —, ber ®elb» ftClD (Cill 33ogel, Parti* uropigio lutm — A'.); a — of beef, Cill ^Cllbenjliicl ooneinemSRinbj— bone,ba«€d>oo5« bcin, Sdjaambetn ; — steak*./;/. :)iinb» (teifebfebnitte vent genbenfiutfe. RUMPLE, 8. tic Jinnjel, galte. 7b RUMPLE b. a. runteln, ruiijlicb niadien, jcrfniitern, jerbrucfeii. RUMPLED, adj. rmuelig. To RUN, r. i. r. 1. rciiiien, laufeu: 2. eilia geben, eilen ; 3. bavon laufeu, flteben; 4. fdileid;en, fortfcbleicbni ; 5. geratben, fallen, Jiurjen; <>. f\v\'\u\ feint ; 7. triefen, Ctnncil ; S. cittvn; 9. fltejsen, (USmen: 10. jerpiepen, fcbnteUcit; 11. fid) cigieucit; 12. vcrftrcicbcn, vcrfiicf;ni, I'cvgcbfn : 13. toagen; 14. tin Umlanf fepit, rtrcu= lircn; int ©cbwange geben, bcrr= fdicif; 15. iradifcn ; 16. laufeu ; n a. 1, ftecben, biudibebron ; ftecfen ; 2. jiiungctt, jmaugen; 3. treiben; 4 oerfolgen, jageu, bet}cii ; to — one's country, laiibftiirbtig roerben ; — mid fly, in tcr Sile; to — a division, M Ph. V,'infer niadH'ii, eoloriren; to - distracted, in SBerimeiflung geratben. to — dry, fid) erfdjOpft bal-CU (—of on, in ■; Sea /:.,;>->■. to — end for end roin.Jaiuvcrf gam auc-tcm ,«lpbcti laitfcu ; to — n» i r, rubig toerben, be- ta a veil; to — foul of.., feftfabven anf . . ; to — foul of a ship, ein -rcbifi uberfegelu, in ben ©runb fegeln; i ■ — foul of the anchor, fer Olnfer trei« ben ; to — ri.i-c upon a wind, birb' beim SBinbe fegeln ; to — high, bpit Dbet beM gclun [»on tcr See ; i — a ship ashore (aground , ein §($iff au( ben ©tranb fcucn, flranbrn ; to — a packets from ./ io /:. tint 'i'pflj fditfffabvt i^oftfdMfffal'vtMiniei ln)i= fdnii .7 unb i; unferbalten ; M i < to — b rbotene rtcv aeeie= bareSBaaren beimlidj einfiibren, ein= fdjwarjen, 5d-lcutbantcl tveiben, bafdpeu; the course — s at par, bet ■JiY.i RUN SourS ileM («l) S|$arl ; to — a-head, iter ben Jtopf road? fen, ju inaditig torrbtlt ; to — high or higher, JU= uebntcu, im -}>rcifc/ fteigcn ; to — a galoppircit ; to — a stag, cillCIl §irf$; to — low and dreggy, air" Me 'JJeigc ge^cn ; your tongue — s *efore your wit, 5ie reben, obne «5 eorber ju iibcrlcgcn ; her tongue — s on wheels fie plaubert in ben 5Tag bint t it : to — the venture, ivagcii, fliif'e 5picl fclxfii ; my genius does not — that way, id) frbicfc (eigne lllicb llicbt bajtl ; the words — thus, bie SBorte lauteu fo; to — the base, bou ©a6 fpieleir; rumpelu, fdjmtr= Kit, bnilltlllClt ; to — after, laufcil uacfa.., fitcbett uadi.., jajeu nacb . . ; jtrc belt Itacb . . ; to — against, utt= gitllftig feim ; Sea to — against a rock, au cuter Jtlippe fdieiferu ; to — aground, ObCC on the ground, ftran= ten ; to — at . . , laufett gegeit, nit . . ; to — away, baoOll tailfeit ( — with . . , wit . .), roegfubrcu ; ciiutcbmcn, tau= frbcii; to — away from the text, bom Scrte abfcbivcifcu ; to — back-, ;u= riitflaufeu, jnruef ftie&en ; iururffeb= rett ; to — by the lead. Sea £77.. lit i t bent -Bcufblei fabrett, bcint Scgclit bils Soth TOCrfell ; to — counter, ( — with), guunber feint ; to — down, bin= nutcr laufeu ; iiieberremien ; unices brittfett ; in tie (inge treiben ; sen CtdHltcb Utaibcit ; to —down with the blood, "oni ©lure tiicfeit ; to — down a coast, an ciner .Rttfte cntlang fe= gcllt ; to — down a vessel, cilt Scbirr IS belt (Mrunb fcgelll ; to — one down. eiucm ©erroeife geben ; ibu fcblerbt (ocracbrlicb) madben ; to— from, r>er= Fonimcii oon . . ; to — in or into,Iau= fen, geratheu, frurjen tit..; biuciu ftecbeit, bitteiit ftecfen ; to — in the blood, tm ©ebliite fterfen; Sea Exp*. to — in with the land ftcfa bee Jfufte nabcrn ; to — in the guns, bie Stano^ licit eitlboleu ; to — in upon, rtltf Ct= umc julaufen, obcr fcadir, to — into debt (into one's book>. tit ScbltlbCll geratbett, fteb in Scbulben (Iecfen, Schulben utacfiett ; to — into a port, Sci Etp. cineit c?totr>)>3afeit onfe» geln; it ever — s in my mind. eS gebt utir immer im .ftopfe benim; to — otr, baron geben. fortlaafen ; M. pa (ba» ?ager) raumen, auSserEaufen ;to — off readily, col outeit (Ot'er fcbuelleu) 91bt'a$ baben obcr fiiiten ; to — on, fork gehen, fortfabrcu; to— on about . . , raifonniren . . ; if you — on at tirs rate, wemt bu fo forrfafjrft; to — out. btnauS laufett; fidi oerbrcitett, fich ausbreifen ; in ttxeai auc-fdnoci= fen. ausarteit; jn (Snbe gcbcu, tit C^itcc fe»n; abit= ftnnijj ttJCrben ; to — one's self out. ft* ibuvd) itberfhifitgen Stufroanb) ;n ©rutibc ridiren ; to — out of cash, fid; susgebeu; «.— out of a port, au>3 eiitem .giafett abfefleln, anslaufcn j to — over, ubevlaitfen ; btireblaufen, burcbjcbcn, burebfeben, (cin 93ncb, etnen ©tief) fliidifig bnrcblcfcu ; fliicbtig e«5Men ; Tup. r. uberlanfcn (yon ben SMtcbftabeu) ; to — over to a place, ftcb ntt cineit Crf begebett ; to — through, burrbrennen. burcb; itccben, bnrdftoneit, biircbbobvcit; bnrebftccfen ; bnrcblaiifen. bitrcbfit= rben ; to — to leaves, flatter trri= bctt ; to — to seed, in Samcii fditc= pen : to — a fox to ground. Sp. E. ei= nen 5u*8 511 Jobe beften ; to — up, 3S4 RUNN bt'ttauf taufen, binauf geben ; bocb ntadicit ; to — up the prices, tic '^icifc in bic .£6be treiben, peigern ; to — up a thing too high, cine eacbe iibcr= treiben ; to — (up) to one. fluf eiiten tulaufen ; to — one up, cineit erhc= bill, lobcit ; to — up the bow-line, Sea Exp. bie ^illicit fliegen iaffeit; to — upon one. ctuf cincn julaiifcn, loS gcbcil ; her head — s upon a fel- low, tmlg tin- ftccft cin Jtcil im ^'0= pfe ; his discourse — s upon that, fi Jie !)tebc gebt babin, barauf, bantclt i>\- 0011, fpidr barauf an. RUN, s . 1. baS gaufen, bcr 8auf; 2. (Sort-)@ang; 3. bie ununterbro= rbene gabrt; 4. grope, uugejiume Syiaebfrage (nacb ®elt) ; 5. Sea lav*. ( — of a ship), ber 21'cg, ben cin Scbtff (in ciiuu - gciviffcu 3ct) jn= riicflegi, v ie eegelfdntelligfcit ; bie (Ucbcr=)Aabrt, 3Jeife einefl 3J?atro= fen »on einem >£>afen ut einein an= bent; bcr glufi, 5dinf> : 6. Slnlauf (511111 Springeu) ; 7. bie SBeife, U>er= fabrnngc-art ; 8. M. Ph. ber ?lbgang, Itntfal} ; 9. .v. t. bcr ^ief (liiitcn'tc unb bintcri'te :Uanm im (Srbiffc bidjt am .^iiitev|1cocii| ; a mill with four runs (of stones), cine i)uible 111 1 1 "tCV SJiablgelngeil ; it is the common — , fo gebt c5 geioohnlieb ; to put to the — . ins Saufen briugen ; to take a — , cineit Slnlauf ncbrneu, anfefeen ; a — of in luck, cine Steihc t»ou Unglucfs= fallen ; to have a — of customers, bide jftmbfebaft (3ulauf 0011 >Run= ben) baben ; in the — . niit bcr 3eit ; at (the) long — , auf bie (in bie) Sange obcr -Xaner, ant (inbe, cnblicb : bills at the long — , taucje laiifcnbc 2Bccb= fcl ; —goods, eiiigefcbtoarjte SBaa* reit. rixagate. 3 bcr SRenegat, ?Ibfriin= nige; Shtireipcr, Ucberlaufcr, ?anb= ftreirper. RUNAWAY, s bcr au«reifet; Slutft* ling ; Sanbftreiebcr, SsnblSufer. RUNCWATE, tulj. — leaf, B. T. rill ftfrotfagcfcrir.ige* SBIatt. RUNDLE, s. 1. bie Staffel, Sproffe ; 2. T. cine an cincr 9tcbfe fefte m b mtt berfelben umtaufenbe ■Sebcibe; cin 'In-iitrocbiiiin : —head, .v. r. bcr Jlopf ber lintcrit 3BcUe eineS boppeU ten (Spills. RUNDLETs. ba8 Heine gafidjen von brci bis jwaiijig ©aLloneu cutbal= tenb. Ri"XE, s. bie ^titiic, JRunenfdjrtft. RUNES, s.pU :)iiuienrcintc. rungs s. pL .v. t. bie ben Sf|ifsbo= ben bilbenben Diicrbalfcit ; proline. bie Seiterfproffen. RUNIC, arij Scbrift nnb ©prarbe bcS olten SfanbinabienS betrefenb ; ru= llifeb ; — characters, ( — letters), pi. bie Siiittenfdnift. RUNNER,*. 1. bcr JTtenncr; Saufer; 2. SPoftbote, ©cricbt3--(ober £Hatf>§=) btenec, ^}oli;ei£tiecbt ; 3. bic Sproffe aiio ben 2Burjeln, bcr ^profiling, junge (Jmeia, 9UUlaufer; 4. obere OJiiiblftein, Saufer ; 5. ber Ototljfnfj, baSSRotbbeindjen cinSSogel, s calidris — I..) : 6. JV. T. bie SJaiitcl an eiitem Safe!; runners of a sleigh or sled bic j?ufeu eincS 2eblittenS. RUNNET, t. ba« (^5fe*)?a6. RUNNING, adj. lanfcnb, flicfjenb, firo= llicilb It. f. IP., Bid. To Run; five times — , funf v 2)ial bintcr eiuanber ; for three days — , brci %a$t nadi cinaii= btr; — account, bie laiifcnbc ojfene JSccbnung ; — banquet. bo« P)aft= mabl, wobci man jtcn nidit fefct; — bills, laufeube iJBecbfsl ; — cash, cir= RUSS cuItreubeS (^elb ; — cou.-se (of e* change), ber laiifcnbc (Sourt ; — cre- dit, bcr laufenbe offene Srebtt; — days, bie jlllll ^abCll obcr "JllkMabC* eiueS SrbiffeS bcjtinmitcn Xagc ; — fight, bas ©efed)t im SRucfjuge; — foot, laufenbe gup ; — horse, ba* SRennpferb ; — interest, laufenbe Sinfen ; — knot (— noose), bic (latli fenbe) ©cbleife, Scblinae; — march, ber ©cfduoiiiMitarfd), Igilinarfcb; — :neasure. baS laufenbe 3){ap ; — pas- sages, Mus. T. Saufer ; — place, bie Sftennbabtt ; — rigging. Sea long, baa laufenbe Sainverf; — roll, v. cine nicfi'titiiette 2Balie sum SluSbebnen bcS gcfebinoUencu ©lafefl : — riot, Sp. e. bie auf cin [Rubel Jpirfdjc a»- rcnucnbcit 3agbbuube ; — sore, bie circrnbe SBuube; — term, bcr lau= fenbe Vermin ; — thrush (— frush) cine SPferbefranfbrir, wobei 6'itcr aitS ben gugen lauft; — title, Typ. T. bcr Golunmeutitel ; a — vessel, baS fcbncllfcgclnbe eebifr. bcr Scbncll= fcgler ; — yards, laufenbe g)arbS. RUNT, s. bas berbuttete SSieb ; bicfe (plumpe) 2'bier; bie fpanifcfte Xaubt. RUPEE. .?. bie 9?upie. rupert, s. 3fiuprcd)t (9JiannSname) ; — 's drops, bie ©lastbraucu, ©lae= jabicn. RUPTION, 5. ber SBrufb. J)ii9. RUPTURE, s, bcr i!nifb; fig. fvvte= bensbrud; ; bie offeuc getnbfeligfeit ; — wort, baS SrUcbtraUt {Hcrniaria glabra — /..). To RUPTURE '•• '• a. brecbett, jerrei* Veit; II. n. eiticn iU'iieb befommen. RURAL [ado. — ly' 1 , adj. laublicb, voill Sanbe ; — excursion, bie Sanbfabrr, Saubpartie ; — ness, S!aitblirb= Feir. ruralist, *. ber ein lanblicbcS Sc= ben gubrenbe. rush, s. 1. bie SBinfe (Jimctu— L.) : 2. mdg. baS SBerftlofe; 3. ber fdjneUe, nngeftiime ^auf ; it is not worth a — , eo>. eS ift feinen Strpbbadnen (feincit gBfifferltng) mcrtb ; flowering — . bie Hubctibe Strife, baS Jlamcclb,cu (Butumus wibellntus — E) ; — chairs, ^iin'cilftiible; — grass, baS aSinfengrafi ; — light (— candle), bas ©infenltcbt. To RUSH, v. B . febnell laufett, fliegen, fcbiefjcn, bufdjeu, fliirjen (— upon, auf) ; raufeben, faufeit ; to — in, ber= ein ptafecn, bincin ftiirjen; to — in i:pon. berfalleit ii bcr . . ; to — out, berauSfturjen, fid; febnell cutfernen, toegeilen. RUSHER adj. tod ©illfcn, 111 i f 9?in= fen beftrciit. rusher, s. 1. ber febnell berborbricjt; 2. ber ©infenflreuer. RUSHINESS, s. baS Sinfenartige, bit binftge Sefcbaffenbeit, 2)Jenge i^ii^ feu. ' RUSHLIKE, adj. binfotiahtilidi, ivie cin ©infciibalm; fig. fcbioarb, obn= macbtig. RUSHY, adj. 1. »oIl ©iiifen, binfig ; 2. biitfcu, biuficbt ; bon (auS) 93tn< fen ; — couch. baS ©infenlager. Ri'SK, *. ber(gcroficfe) 3n?iebacf (jinn S:bee), baS jtaffecbrob. RUSMA, .«. ein 9?iittel jiim .Oaarber» tilgcn, ©aarauSjieben, bei ben tun fifeben grauen. RUSS, I adj. ruffi fd) ; II. s. bie ruffifcb« Spraebe. russet, I. adj. biauiirotb, bunfel' brauii ; fig. bauertfrb, grob ; n. *. i- bie SBaucrfleibung ; 2. viu. Rusti* UNO. SABB Vo russet, v. a. eine braunrotbe gar= be gcben. RU8SETING, s. (— apple), ber ycul>= l<"'3- RUSSIA, s. fRu^failb ; the emperor of ail the Russia*, ber Kflifet nller SBeu* fens — d 1 "' 1 '' rufftfrbc« ©egettud); — hides, 3ucbteit=.£>aute ; — leather, 3ufi>tett(=?eber) ; — sheeting, ruff> fcbe8 i'ettlinneu. aussiAN, i. s. bet Sfhiffe ; n. adj. tuf> RUST, ». bur Sfioft; ©d)imme{; 33raub, tie Saulmjj ; fig. bie UngelaufigfeU ; — colour, bie branngclbe 8»irbe, ftpflfrtrbe; — coloured, vnftfarbcn ; — eaten, »om SNofi Jf rfrcffcu ; — paper, bit* 9(pftpapier. 7b RUST, ». I. n. 1. roftcit, wroftcn, rpftio, werbeit, fdjimmeftg, rantig toerben, fauleu ; 2. »or Uutjjfitigfett (UiMitcii; ii .«. roftig madjcu, fdjim* melig madjen. RUSTIC, «f»el&aftigrett. To RUSTICATE, b. I. n. auf bent Sanbe Icbeu ; iiuf bad Sattb wcrreifert ; It a. itiif taS^aub fcerroetfen; oon tec Uui- serfitat roegroeifen. RUSTICATION, ». bie fBerroeifnng flit? bai JJaitb ; SBegrorifung Don ber ,£od)fduile, bad Qmsolium abeundi. RUSTICITY, s. bie San&tidjfett ; Sin* fadibeit, ©atiernart, tad bauerifd)e SHefen, bie ©rebbeit, 9io^eit, JEM* vclbaftigfcif. RUSTINBSS, s. bie SiofUgfcif; Saute, jftaitjigfeit. To rustle, v. n. rafrbclu, taffeta, raufdjett. RUST? [adv. — ilv), adj. l. roitig, »er= roftet ; 2. fd}immelig, miiffig, rau= jig; 3. fig. lit fir ri fee, buffer; vcr= fa'uert; 4. "aufier ©eoraurb; to ride — ,vu'g. in iirrtfeb (fibler 8aune) feint; — brown, bie brauiigclbe garbe, 9! oft* farbe. rut,». 1 bad (2Bagens)®eteife, bie Spur; 2. bie SBrunft, SBrunjl; — time, bie SBruuftjeif. To RUT, v. n. in ber SBrnnff feiin, auf bie SBrunft gcheu, buinfteu ; — rut- ting-time, bie iBruitftjett. RUTHLESS rods.— ly), adj. untarnu Ijerjig, battrjetu'g, fjraufam ; —ness, *. bie Unbanubei$ia,feii, @raufam« feit. RUTH Rdtilk. s ber SRutil, rotbe tidioti, SRabelfteiit. RUT1LANT, adj. goltgli'ibtub, flTSn* jenb, fcbeiueiib. RUTTlsii. adj. brunftcnb, in ber SBrunft; geil, rooUiifitg, orrbubjt. RYDER,* oid. Riiier. RYE, ». 1. bad Jtorn. ber 9(oggen (Sc- caic—].); 2. Sp E. eine' >v>ilfeit= Fviiufbeit (@rfa(tung) ; — bread, ba« Slcggenbrob. s. 6, ba8 @, f, 8, ber iteiuijetjntc 33urb> flabe be8 ittlpbabef8. dABAOTH, ». jebaot^ ; God of — , ©ott ber .Oenfdiaarcu. SABBATARIAN. I t. ber (?tbbitbi = rer ; u.adj. nu ben ?4bbatVireuigt» &5rig. SACR SABBATARIANISM, ». bie Sebrett ber itrcitgeu «abbatb8=5yeobacbtcr. SABBATH, ». bet Sabbatb. 9?ubefag; — bell, bie geftglotfe ; — breaker, ber ©abbatbfdjanber ; — breaking, bie Sabbatbfrbaiiberci. SABBATHLESS, adj. rubetoS. SABBATICAL I— in, adj. 511111 Safe bath, gebSria, fabbatbifcb; — veer, KiS ^abbati)jal;r, .tpalljabr, (Svlap- jabr. SABBAT93M. ». 1. bie fflrenge) <&.<&* batbfeier; 2. bie 3tul)e. SABDARUTA, s. ber ©uiiit flfaitcr- aillVfer [Hibiscus sabdariffa — L.). SABEAN, vid. SabiaK. SABEISM, *. vid. Sabianism SABELLIAN. I. adj. bie Jte^eret J-e8 6abeHiu8 betreffeiib; 11. ». ber ga= bcllianer. SABELLIANISH, ». bie Sct)re bc8 3a= belliu8. SABER, «. t»i. Sabre. SABIAN, I. adj. \\A) ouf Saba in ?Ira= bieit (bcriibntt megen ateinatifrber ©eroarbfe) bctiebenb ; 11. --. ber ®o= baer, fteiieibiciier, geueranbetet unb ©ternenserebrer. SABiANis.M, x. bet ©ternenbtenjt, bie Slubetung ber ©efltrne. SABINE, I. adj. fabiiiifrb ; Us. 1. ber Sabincr; 2. ber Sabebaum. SABLE, I. 3. l.bcr^pbel; 2. Bobel* »e!§, ba8 3pbelfeU ; — skins sobeU felle ; II. «. r. ber Dtiuf lilit bent 3uget. saccuariferous, od/. jucferer$eiu genb. SACCHARINE, ndj lUcTetattig; —acid, Ch. t btc ^ucFerffiiire. SACCHi ilate, « bie JDiitrbjucferffiurt. SACERDOTAL adj. Vriefterlid) j — robe, ^>l6 SKrieftergeroattb. BACHEL, .«. vid Satchel. 8A< H IHOLACTIC, adj. — arid, Ch. T. bie 3)tild)5urferffiiire, OJitldiiiiine. SACK. a. 1. ber 2inf (bepgleirben nl8 SRoj ooii brei SBufbel) ; tie .Jaute ; 2. cine 3lrt Srnuenjiiinnerfc^lrtfrorf ; 3. Me Sinnabme mil ©turm, $lfln= berung, 3er(torting ; 4 ber©ect; a — of won},, eiit ©act SBode ; a — of cotton, eiu ©ad SBaunuoolIc; — bearer, ber ©acftrfiget; —but, bie SPofeiiine ; — cloth, tie SacHeinroaub ; — clothed, in Sacfleinwanb gefleibet ; — ful, eiu 2acf veil ; — posset, tie Sectmolfeil ; — racing, tM 3>nf= biivfen ; — whey, intt Sect ange> niiidite iWoIfeit. 71»SACK, r a. l.iueiiten -.uf (bun, f.icfcn, einfacfen ; 2. nut ©turm ein= itcbnteii, Jerjtoren, oerbeeren, pliiu= bent ; to — up, einfacfen. SACKAGE, .i. bie (Srfturmung nub Spiunberuiig einer tfefteu) Statt. s VCKER, t. ber SUlunberer, Q3erbeetet. SACK1NR, *. tie Sarfleiniuflllb ; — bot- toms, ©adfliuneii in SBettrabnteu ein« }ui>aiiucu ; —stuff, bit Sacflein= UMllt. sacrament, *. ba8 Sacrament; bci= lii]e Olbcutiuahl. SAC'RAJIKNTAL {culv —h\),adj. f»Cta« SADN mentlifi. nicranienfiirifcb, juin ©a* cramente gebotig. SACRAMENTAL, *. btt8 Sncramcttta. rifrbe. SACRAM t:\TARlAN, s. ber ©acra» mentirer. SACRAMENTARY, adj. ju ben ©acra< mentirern geb^rig. SACRE, mi. Bakes. SACRED adr. — lt), adj. l.beiii'q; 2. geroeibtj 3. ebnvinti,); 4. unver> brurblirb, unoerleblicb ; — ness,*. 1. tie ^eiligfeit; Bbrrourbigfeit; 2. Uuocrbiurbltdifeit. lliiveile'^licbfeit. SACRIEICAL, Sacrific, adj. vid. BACKf FICATORY & Sai RinCIAt BACRIPICANT, *. ber Cpferer, Cvfer* Viieftcr. SAI KHiCATORV, adj. Opftt briin].-nb, opferno. To SACBIFICE, v. a.A*. 1. ovfrnt ; 2. aufoofern (— to. eiueut etroaU ; 3. tbtteu, jerjtoren, tcni Uniergauge nnibcu. SACRIFIOE c ' f Ovfet; D»fttn; tie Slufovfernng ; to make a — of, aufoyfern. SACRIFICER, s. ber Cvferer, Cvf fr - Vriefter. SACRIFICIAL, adj. 5IIIH Cvfnil ge|5s rig, Ovfer . . ; — rites, bie Dyfet* gebraudje. SACRILEGE, 5. ber .fcirrbenraub ; bie @ntroeib,ung, ©otteSlaflerHng, ber greuei. SACRILEGIOUS {aie. — i.v\ adj. fir= rbenrauberifrb, oerrucbt, i t pttcelaftcr= lifb; — ness, 1 bai .liirrbcurrtiibcrU fite, tie SQerrucbtbeit, gptteeKifterlirbe yirr, Sreoelfeaftigfcit. SACRILEGIST, t. tcr .UirdKiiraubcr. SACRIST, Sa< ristan. s. tcr Jttrdjner, Jliiftrr, ilicfiiicr. SACRISTY, «. tie ©iicriftci. BAD ndo, — lt), adj. 1. trcturu], triibr, betrubt, niebergefrblageu, buffer, iue» [anci>ofifd>» fdjroermutbig. flaglirb, erbarmlid), eleut; 2. befd)»er(irb, Ifijtjg, unangenebm ; bBfr, atg; 3 cvuft. eruftlnift ; 4. tunfelbrauii, tuu= felfarbig, bunfel; —array, betSeu rbenjug; —coloured, bunfelfarben, bunfelbrauitj — in n, (gegofftne) fpifitteifen, ©ugeleifen; a — sight, eiu ttaurtget Ulnblicf. To SADDEN, c a. traurtg iiuidien, bc= triiben. SADDLE ». brt©attel; .v. Ti. bit Jtlanipe ; — of the bowsprit, bie^ng = fnriettbacfen ; to pul the — upon the right horse, prat tie ©djulb anf bcu red tui iDJaun fdjieben ; — backed, mil bphlem .'limfcit. bphlriicfdv fat telfief; —bags, pi. tcr Satrelranjen , — bone, ./ T bai ©attelbein; — bow, bet ©attelbogen ; —cloth, bit ©attelbeefe; — pail ciev, tcr Sattiuaie-iuiB. badness,*, i bie Xranrigftifi SDc= tnibiiifi. tcr ©ram, .Summer ; bit Iraurige IDtiene; 2 tie lirnftbafti^ feit, ber (ItiifJ ; In sober — , in oolit- gem (ganj tiny Grnfte. .165 SAID SAKE SALL JAFE (adv. — ly). adj. 1. ficfcer ; 2. un= vcrfcbrt, uuvcrtcfcr, tt>ot)lbcbalteit, gefuub. gliidlid); — and sound, friftfj unB gefuitb ; — conduct, bag fidnre ©eleit; letter of — conduct, bt''©C$Ufe« brief, ©eteit86?tef, SjSajl fsaims am- ductus); a — guide, cin ftctjercr gfifjs rcr; — keeping, btc ftebcre 3litfbc= ruapruttg, ^envabruug ; — pledge, bic ©iirgfebafr. safe, s. bcr ©peifefefcranf, bic @peife= fammer; an iron — , eine (eifente) ©etbufie, gajfe. SAFEGUARD, 5. 1. bag ficbere ©clcit, bic SBebecfung, ©djufcwac&e ; 2. ber $afj; 3. ©djutj, bic SBefchtrmung ; 4. ber ©c$urj, bag iSortucb (reitenbet Sratictt) ; letter of — , bcr ©cbufobrief. To SAFEGUARD, v. a. fdjirmcit, bc= fdjftfeen. BAFENESS, s. bic ©iebcrbcif. SAFETY, s. bie ©iebcrbeit, 2Bob> fabrt ; in — , vooblbebaltcit, fidicr, Ulivcrfebrt; to arrive in — , VP0blbc= balfeu anfommeii; — fund, bie ©is cber(icitg= (©tcberfteuungS*) gaffe, ber i£id)crbcitg=8onbg ; — lamp, bie ©icberbeitglampe (iit Sergroerfen) ; — valve, bic ©tdjerliettBrlappe, bae <2id)crbeitg=23cutil (ait eincr Sampf* mafd)ine). SAFFLOW, Safflower, s. bcr ©afffor, fljilbe Saffrail (Carthamus tinctorius — Li). SAFFRON, I. s. ber ©affrait (Crocus sa- rivus — l.) ; 11. adj. faffrangelb ; bas- tard — , bcr Safflor; — colour, btc ©affranfarbe ; — lined, mit faffratt= farbettent ?liiftridv faffraitfarbcu; — plot, bie ©affranpflanjung. To SAFFRON, v. n. lltit Safffrflt faV» bctt, faffrangelb farbeit. To SAO, v. 1. 11. nicbcrbaiigen, fid) fen= fen, fid) beugen, fid; fatten ; ir. a. be= loben, befdnucren ; to — to leeward, jv. t ftarf abtreibett, Diet SBracf maebcu. SAGACIOUS (adv.— ly), adj. i. VOlt fdiarfem ©cruet), oon gitter SBittes rung ; 2. fd)arffittnig, ting ; — ness, s. vid. Sagacity. sagacity, s. 1. ber febarfe ©cruet), bic ©pfirfraft; 2. bcr ©cbarffitiu, ©cjjarfblicf, tie Sttu$tit SAGATHY, s. ber ©agabtS (cine 2lrt rooUenen 3euge«). PACE, s. bie ealbet (Sahia officinalis — /,.) ; — of generation, — of Jerusalem, bag SungeittraUt (Pulnumaria officinalis — L.)\ — apple, cin 5Iu8roitd)3 am ©albet; — coloured, weifilicbgruu (tine ©albeiblaffer) ; —royal ber ©artenfalbei ; — tree, bcr ©albets ftraud). sage, l». ber SBeife, Huge 3Jtann ; II. (adv. — ly), ad] roetfe, ftug, ver= ftaubtg, eruft, ehrbar, gefttfet; — ness. a. bie SBetSheit, Jtliigfjctt, @r)t* barfcit, 3ucb/ttgfett. 6AGENE,s.©afci)in (ein ruffifd)cg $fl<\$ von ficben gufj). SAGITTAL, adj. Jit cittCllt 5pfcilc gc= bBrig ; pfetlartig ; — suture, a. t. bie sjjfeiluatjr. FAUTTARY (SAGITTARIUS). .*. l.Jlst. T. ber©cr)u$e (tin Sbierfrcife); 2. ber (Senianr. s USITTATE, adj. /?. T. pfettformig. SAGO, s. ber Sago; —powder, \\8 ©agome^l ; — tree, bcr eagobaunt, bie Sagopafme (Oycas circinalis— \). SAGY, adj. mit Salbei gewfirit. "aiimtk. ,-. ber Salif, ^alaWiti (etn aJtinerat). SAIC, s. bie Saife (cttt tiirfifctjcS obcr gricdiifct)e§ Sa^r^eng). RAID. pan. vorenval)itt, obgebad^f, be= fagf ; the — , Dbgebfldjiea', Dbt'gcS ; ber, bic, ba8 83ef«gte, Dbcucnoabnte, Dbeitgefagte, SAH^ s. 1. ba3 2cgc[; 2. Setjiff (aud) collect ©r^iffe); 3. baS Segetn, bic Babrt ; sails of a windmill, bic (Sudjcr bcr) 2Btnbmu^[enftiigel ; ..v. pk-s. a complete suit of scls, cin etell (bag ift, eine ©arnttur) ©eael; to set — , untcrfecgclll geben, abfegelit; ready to (set) — , fejetfertig, fegelflar; to strike — , bic 'icgel ftrcicijeu ; to make — , mcbr ©egel peifefeeu ; to shorten — , etlid)e von ben ©egeln Bergen ; — Lome, von ©egeln fortgetragen ; — cloth, bag Sci^cltud); — loft, cin SBoben tvo ©egel gefertigt ivcrbcu; — maker, ber 2ca,elntad)cr ; — mak- ing, ba» @egelmad)eu ; — needle, bic ©egelnabel; — yard, bic ©egelftange, dlali ; — yam, bag ©cgclgam. To sail, 0. 1, n, 1. fcgel'n, fd)iffcn, ab= fegcht, untcr ©cgd gcbeu ; 2. fid) bemegcu, fd)ivimntcu; 3. fltcgcn; to — along the coast, bcr Jl'iifte Vlttlaitg fcgcllt; to — hack, uirMfcgelu ; to — close-hauled, bcifrcctjcn, bci ben SBttlb ftcetieu, fegeltt obcr baltcn ; to — in company, Hitter Slbmiralfcrmff fegefit; to — out of.., augfeaelit; to — up, auffegeln, binauffdnrfett; 11. a. befabrcii, "burrbfegclu ; biird)- ftiegen ; JV". pa. to — a ship, ctn ©djiff nnter ®egel gebenjaffen. SAILABLE, adj. f(bin;bar, fabrbar. sailer, s 1. ber ©eglcr (bag fegelnbe @d)irf) ; 2. bcr ©CCntattlt, vid Sailor ; JV". P/i-s. to he a bad or heavy — , log (ein fd)led)ter ©egler) fe\)ii ; she is a good — , bag <3d)iff fegelt gut. sailing, s. bag Scgcln ; jv: Ph-s. plain — , bag ©egeln 11 act) gen'obnlifben Garten; Mercator's — , bag ©c^etu uaeb Jtartcn in 2)icrcator'g 5}3rojec= tion ; — k-e, fabrbarcg (mitrbeg, 1111= jufammcubananibcg) QiS; —instruc- tions, — orders, bie Orbcr 511m 2ll!g= laufen; bcr ©ciubricf; — trim of a ship, bie vortbcilfyafteftc (Finridjtung uub ^crtbcilung ber Sabung cinc'g @d)iffcg, bag fd)'ucllerc ©egeln ju be= rotrfeit ; a ship out of the — trim, cin @d)iff bag fcittc «abrt meljr ijat ; — vessel, bag ©cgclfrfciff. sailor, s. bcr (Seematm, SDcatrofe; — 's jacket, bic 3)t atrouit jad'o. sainfoin, ) s . bic (Sftarfette, bcr saintfoln, J fyaiiifffae JUcc, gut= terflcc. saint, s. bev>- ber &(- fdjlliacf, 2Qitj; Salts, pi. (F.psom or Glauber's — ), ©alje JU"J_ ?lbfubrci! ; CA. T-s. fixed — , fcfte ©alje ; com- pound — , secondary — , 9)Jittc(i\ll;c, nictaUifcbe ©alje; metallic — , bie SBerbinbiing tine* i'cctalls mitcincr ©Sure; volatile — , fliicbtigc ©alje; — of lemons, iibcrfattigtcg i"ancrflcc= faurcS Jf ali ; n. adj 1. faljig, gefal= jcrt; 2. getl, lanftg, ttJoUufltg ; in compos. Btnelling — bottles, iMiccbfKi fd)= cbcii mit emgebrannten woMricd)eu= ben ©aljeit ; — box r— cellar), bag ©aUfaji, bie ©aUmefre; — butter, bie ©algbutter, gcfaljene (eingelegte) gutter ; — cat, ber ©aljElumpen ; — eel. bcr gcfaljene 2lal; — house, bie ©aljfotbe; —land, bad faljrcicbc Jianb ; — maker, bcr ©aljflebee ; — making, bag" ©flljftebett ; — man, bef ©aljbanbler; — marsh, ber Saljs moraft, ©ahfeid), bag ©aljlanb; — meter, bcr Saluncffer ; — mine, ber ©aljbruc&, bie Saljgrube; — pan, bie ©aljjvfanne; ©aljgrube; — patent, bai ©nljmonDpoI ; — peter, vid.8i.LT- petek ; — pit. vid. — mink; — por- ter, bcr gefcbworitc ©aljtrctget (in v l ; iUig) ; — provisions, cingcfalicne Sebensmittct ; — rheum, bcr ©alj* fliit); —rub. cin ©aljifubel, Saljjus ber; — shop, ber eiil^labcii ; — spoon, bit3 Saljloffelc&en, 5aUhiuiu= fclrlicit; — spring, bie SaljoneUe, ber ibe. SALTLYjiufo. faljig; ^\\\\&>\. SALTNESS, t. bie ga(jt'gfeit, ber Saljs gefdjinacf. SALTPETER 'Saltpetre), s. ber (taffts nirte) Salpeter; — house, bie @oit Saipeter. SALTPETROUS, adj. Salptttt cntlHi(= tenb, falpctcrig; bent ©atpefer a^u= liit. fatvetericpt. SALUBRIOUS [adv. — lt), adj. ^cCJfailt, gefunb, jurrciglicb. SALUBRITY.* bie .^cilfamfeif, ©e= funbheit, 3ufraglicbfett. SALUTARINESS, ». bie .^cilfaiiifcit, ©efunbtjeit. SALUTARY, adj. bcitfant, gefiinb. SALUTATION, ». bag ©ruffii, bie 3?c= griifiung, bcr ©rug ; prayer of — , bcr angetug, CSugcl^grii^ an bie Jungfrau SJIaria. 7» SALUTE, v. a. 1. ,be=)grii(leit ; 2. fitffen; 3. Mil. Sf Sea long, falutircit. SALUTE, s. 1. bcr @rufj ; 2. Jlltp ; 3. Mil. ($- Sea lan*. bag @alntireit. SALUTER, *. bcr ©riifienbe ; JTiif= fell bC. SALUTIFEROUS, adj. §eil bfin^cilb, bcilfani. SALVABILITY, s, bie Pi'rettbavfcit, JDZBglidjfett felig 511 tverben. SALVABLE, adj. cirettbar, mfglid) cr= vcttef, fclig 511 iverbcn. SALVAGE,*. /-. 7-.s-. bag Sergett, bie SBergung (cincS ©djiffeS obetber ®\\- ter) ; — , or — money, bcr ^crgelpfin, baS 93ergege[b ; — upon recapture, bcr ■£jeraefymung6lol)n. SALVATK W, s, bte (©ec(ctt=)3Jcttiiii(5, ©eligniad)ung, ©eligfeit SALVATORY, s. bcr Oliifbema[)rungfi= ort. SALVE,*. 1. bie ©albe; 2. bcr 8al* fant, bas 3lrjeneimitrel. To SALVE, v. a. 1. falbtttj 2. ()cilcu, abliclfcit (to. i\.\ SALVER, *. bcr iUafntfirtellcr, Ituicr^ fctjtcllcr, ©diciiflcllcr. salvo, ». bcr fOotbefjalt, Se^elf, bie SluSrebe, 2iu«flnd)t, @ntfc|uIbigHng. SALVOR, ». bcr ©erger (t>en ©tranb* gut). SAMARITAN, I. *. bcr ©ainaritaiicr ; I! adj. famaritauifd). SAMBO, s bcr boil eincm aJJuIaftcit unb eiitcr Sdpwarjen erjeugte 21b = fBmmltitg. SAME,«/7". 1. Che — ), ebcit bevfetbe, btefelbe, baffe be, bcr, bie, ba3 iuiiiili= die, berlenigc, biejenige, bagieutge; 2. vOrerroaQUte; the very — (the self — ), cbeil berfelbe ; 'tis much the — thing, eg ift fail cincvlci ; one and the — , eiu unb bcr= (bte*, ba«=)felbej at the — time, jugletdj; of the — date, gleiebjeitig. SAMENESS, s 1. bie (Miicrleibeit, voII = fommeue ©Icidjijeit ; ■>. Sint5utg= feit. samian EARTH, «, bie faniifcbc Srbe. SAMTEL, » vid Simooh. samlet,. 5. ber fleine ?adjs. SAMPHIRE, *. bcr ilJcerfcndjel (Cnt* mum — LJ. sample. ». bie ^Jrobe ; bie ^tugprobe, bag iDJufter ; on the — , auf bte (obei Had) bcr; Sptpbf ; answering the (pt according to) — , Had) l>iobe ; to draw Families, -JJlObCIl jicbcil CbCt nejjmen. To sample, r a. cine $robe, ein iiht- ftcr jeigen ; ali Qeifutel aufftclleit. SAMPLER, ». bal aJlufter, 3JcobeU; SKobelltud), -Jlamcittiu-t), fTiufrcr- blatt. sams. in, ». ©intfon (9JJanneltarne) ; — 's post Sea lave bcr eincjefcrbte, fcufrcdnftchcnbc SBaKen in ©cbiffeu junt "Jiuf= unb Slbfteigen. SAMUEL, s. Samuel (iljanngnamc). SANABLE, adj beilbar. san \tiye adj. hciluim, brifenb, bcil- traftig ; —ness, 5. bie .pciKaiufcit, fieilfrafr. SANCnFICATION, *. bie .Oeiligung ; 3Seibung; ^eilig^alrung, 8«i sanitii'ier, ». ber .tpeiliijcr, .gieilig= niarber. To SANCTIFY, e. a. 1. ; bcili^ madjen ; ton Sunbeu befrcieu ; I (be fdiiitjen. SANCTIMi INK lUS adv. —i.\\ adj. bei= lig, fdieiurcitia,, hcili^ frbciiicitb ; — ness, ». bie | 3 dE> e i u = j g» c 1 1 1 tj Ec 1 1, bcr bcilifle 3lnfcbetn. SANCTION, ». bie fcicrlicbc S8e(tfiti= flung, SiuroiUigung, ©enebmigung, SBeEraftigung, ©efefeesfraft ; to give — to ... , ehvag befraftigcit, giiltig maeben. To sam tp in, v.a. feierlid) beftatigen, befrafttgen. SANCTITUDE, *. bie ^etligfeit, Arrm miglett. sanctity. ». 1. bie ^eiltgleit, grBm« miafeit, ©otteflfurtbt ; ■>. Uufcbulb llnftraflirbfcit. SANCTUARY, *. I.bafl .Ociii^Ibum, bet bet'tigeOrt, Xempelj 2. bet betlige ©cbu^ort, bie Aiciftaite ; 3. bcr ©dni(j ; bie 3nfliid)t ; to take — , feiue 3nfli lc i)t lichmeii; — man, bcr ilu- rpenfiucbtige. SAND, ». ber ©atib ; Sands, pi. bie ©anbroufre, bag Saubmeer; ©aub= reff, bie ©anbbanfe, bag ©anbufct: to build on the sands, ;>r,»-inr OUf ©anb baueit; — bag, bcr ©anbfad ; — bank, bie ©anbbanf, bcr Sanb= bcrft, Sanbbager; — bath, bat ©aubs tab ; — beetle, bcr ©flubfafcr. ©aub- laufcr; — blind, faubbliub, nberfid)= tig, blBbftcbtig; — box. bie ©aub= biicbfe; — box tree, ber ©trcubiicb= feilbaUm Ilura crepitans — /. ) ; — crab, bcr SBiitfer, bte ©anblrabbe ; — cracks, v> SBalbfcomflfiffe (im © M f* bcr Spferbe) : — eel, bcr ©anbaaf; — bcr ©atibfiicdicr, ©anbfiaffet (cine 3JJufdjefarl ; — beads, ©anb* barren, ©aubinfeln; — heat, ex. r ba8©anbbab; — hill, bet ©anbbu> gel; — martin, bie llfcn'djivalbe; — mortar, bcr ©aiibmortet j — paper, SJJoIir=?apier fur iEifcbleru. f. »., [Rojlpapiet ; — pink, bie ©anbuelre ; — piper, bcr ©traublaufcr [Tmga — eiu SBogel) ; — pit, bie ©anbgrit' be : — stamper, bie ©anbtute, bci gliegenbrecl cine OTufdjcIart) ; — stone, bcr ©anbfteiltj — walk, bie. ©auballce, bcr ©anbgang; —wort* vQ6 Sanbtrnut Jlrenaria — L.). 7^ SAND, o. a. I. auf beu ©anb tret - ben (bon ©cbiffvit) ; 2. mil ©aub be« ftrcucn, fanben. SANDAL SanpaI. \v,i:in. pio S.i NDKR9 3C7 SAP SARS SATI 4ANDALS, t. pi. bt'c ©anbalrn, Ieberne ©oblen; cine Wit leiducr 5>ainen= fd)iihc. SANDARAC, Sandarach.s. 1. bcr ©ait= baracb, bat -iijadvolberbarj; 2. bcr rotbe ilrfcitif. SANDED, od/. 1. fanbig, nut ©anb be= bedft; 2. flttfig, gefprcnfelf, getiipft; 3. furjftc^tig. sanderltng.s. bet ©tranblaiifer, bae ©ricsbnblt (Trimrn cinclus — L). SANDERS, s. b«fl S.mrclbolj. SANDEVER,*. bie (StrtS^aQe. SANDINESS, ». tic ©ant-igfoit. sandish, adj. fanbig. faiibavtig. SANDlVER.'s. out Sahdkvbr. SANDIX, s. t,^ SBIeifjelb, rotbjidje SDtafftfot, cine 9lrt iUieiining. sandwich, s. Sutrerbrob mit ba;uM= fcben orcr aiifgclcgtcit 8lcifcbfd)iiitt= cbcit It, f. ID. ; anchovy sandwiches, ©arbelicnfeninteln ; — Islands, bie ©aitbroidjSiiifelit. sandy, o^t. 1. vAi Sonb, fanbta: 2. Icicbt, locfcr ; 3. gclbrotb, rot'blidj, ( — haired), rotbbaarig ; — bottom, laiifiger ©obeli ; — everlasting, Mi ©anbrilbrffrtUt [Onapkalium armor* ton — L ) ; — urine, Med. T. ber tvilbc (@afc iiu)Uriit. sane, adj. l. gefunb; 2. bet gefimbcm i'crftanbc. sax ; froid, *. (franu) bie JMtblu= ttgfeit; ©letdjflultigfeit. SANGUIFEROUS, orfj. Slut cntbaltcnb ; — vessels. /).'. tic Slutgefajje. SANGUIFICATION, s. A. T. bie S3illt= erjeugung, SBeraanbelung be8 (Jimlus in Slut. 3ANGUIFD3R, g. »aS 93fut uiad)t, ba3 SQTut etjeugenbe >Kiftel. To sanguifv, o. n. ©lut erjengen. SANGUINARY, Ladj. bllltbfirjlig, b(ut= gicvig. granfam, inotbluftig ; ii.s. t>a8 &(utfraut. SANGUINE (Sanqbih), "i ; . I. Mntrofb ; 2. fanguinifdj ; Icidubliitig, blut» reidj ; 3. beftig, bifcia ; 4. leicbicn Sinn babctib, lebbaft, fiob. oonroar= nicr (SiubtlbungSfraft, frobe •§» c ff = nung begem-. 511-crucbttich ; — . or — stone, bcr Slutftein, cine JaSpiSart an$ ©panien ; — ness, s I. bie 5Mut= fulle ; 2. ?eirbiblurtgfetr, ba8 fangni= nifebe Semperameit't ; 3. bie .6i§e, 2ebhaftigfcit, 83oreiligf eit ;; ftdnltdjfeit, ifteigitiig 511m .Oojfcn, Icirbtglatibigc 4?njfnung8fud}t. To SANGUINE, r.n. 1. blufrotb fatten ; 2. mit Slut beftecfcit. SANGUINEOUS ndj l.jum Q^tllfc QC= bbrig ; 2. blutreicb ; fangninifdi ; — particles. 71/ bie "iMilttbeilcfjdt 5 — rod, bet .(partriegel (Cbrntu s.ui : Yorkshire — , ba$ gettfrant, bie ©ittetroutj (Pin- gnicula villa iris — /. ). SANIES, s. Med. T. bcr bfutne Piter. SANIOL'S, adj. Med. T. 0011 biillliem (?iter, eitetig. SANITY, 1. \. btcOefiiiibficit; 2. bev gefimbe SOetflaub. sans prep. obne. sanscuit, s. bie ©anffrittfl [Sam= t'feit). BANTON, s. etite 9ltt ©etroifth. BAP,«.l.iet@aft in ©diiiiten, u.f.TO.] ; 2. Splint (roei§e Xbcil tin ^olje JiniScbil bcr jRiube); 3. bie 5>uh\ i^ine, Senfe (bev (Srbgang »or oter |u (veilungen) ; — colours.' 2aftfav= en; — earth, ba-3 C^rf.iri'tn; — reen, b,1« Saftgrfllt; fflftgiUlt. green To sap, 0. a. tr v. fapptten, 8aufgra= ben jtefjen, nntergraben, niiniren. sapid, adj. fc^marfbaft. sapidity, I s. *<\% Sitinacfbaftc, ber sapddness, \ ©efr&matf, bieSd)inarI= baftigfeit, bet SJoblgefdjmacf. SAPIEN'CE, s. bie 'Scic-bcit. SAPIENT, adj. tvci''e, flltg of. ill). sapiential, a >ij. 35eUbe(t8le^ten cut= bahenb (re. it. 1 . SAPLESS, adj. faft(o3, biirre. sapling, s. ber Schilling, bad Q3aiun= cben ; bicjiinge ^jlaiue. SAPONACEOUS, adj. feifciuirtig. SAPONARY, adj. fet'feitartig. sapor, s. ber (SBobU)®eT4>matf. saporific, adj. ©cfobmacf ftebenb. SAPOROUS, adj eineu ©efdpmacf \>3.-- benb, fd)macfbaft. SAPPER, s. Mil. T. bcr S.ippcnv, 2)ii= near, ©dpiriner. SAPPHIC, adj. f.lppbifrf). SAPPHIRE, 5. ber 2app!)ir (cin fibe(= fteiit). SAPPHIRINE. adj. fappbiccit, VOlt Sop* pbir ; f>ipvbivartig. sappiness, .«. bie ©aftigfeit. sappy, adj. i. faftig, faftretcb; 2. ivci*, frbivacb, jnng, $art; 3. muf= fig, fdbiinntclig. saraband. .<. bie Sarabanbe (ein fpanifeber SEaitj). SARACEN, s. bet (garacene ; — con- sound, bie ©olbl'lltlje ( Solid.igo virga aurea — L). Saracenic, adj. 1. faraccni fd> ; 2. bie SSvrbiteftut ber Samcenen betrefs fenb. sarcasm, .5. bcr SarfaSmnS, bie SBit= terfeit, btttcre ©potttebe, bii» @tt= rbclioort. SARCASTICAL (Sarcastic), (adv. — i.y), adj. farfaftifd), beipenb, bitter, bbE)= nirdi. SARCENET, s. vid. Sarsenet. SARCOCELE, 5. Med. T. ber Slcifd}= bnicb. sarcocol. I g. ber fvlcifd;lcim SARCOCOLLA, J (@Ullti!U . SARCOLOGY. ». Med. T. bie ©tttfolo* gie, ?ebre 0011 bcu gleifiijtheilcit bc8 JtotperS. SARCOMA, s. Med. T. ba8 5!cifd>ge= roait3. SARCOPHAGOUS, adj. Siciffb, effcttb, Sleifd) fteffeub. SARC IPHAGUS,*. bcr ©,trfopb-ig, ba8 forgformige ®rabnta(. sarcophagy, s. ba3 gleifd)effcrt. SARCOTIC adj <$■ s. S T. l\lifiMi'~rr>, roas ba8 jleifch, (an SBunben) \\w%- fcti m.icbt. sardan, s. bie (Savbelle. sardel, s. 1. bie ©arbeUe; 2. rid Sardine, &.C. SARDINE, Sardu-s. t. ber Sarbcr, ©arbontr (ein Sbelftein). Sardinia, »■. ba8 Jtonigreid) S.ubi= nicn. SARDINIAN, 1. a'lj. farbinifeb, ; II. 5. ber ©arbinier. SARDiNiAS, .<;. pi. ©arbeUcn. sardonian, ) orf/.ftirbonifdj, conbitf= sardonic, i ftuifth, ftampfbaft ; sardonic lausliter (sardonic grin\ baS bittcre Sadjeit, ©riiijen; sardonian- stone, ber ©atbet, ©arbonir. sardonyx, s. ber ©arbouyx. SARMENTOUS, adj. ranfig, vanfenb. SARPLAR, 5. ber b,ilbc ©iuf SBoIle. sarplier, s. bas ^atftudj), bie %ad= feiiiroaub. SARRASINE, ». 1. bie Djlcrlnjct; 2. Fart. bt3 Salltbot, gallgattet. SARS A, Sarsaparilla, s. bie 2iiffapa= tllle ( Smil.iz sirs iparilla — L. ). SARSENET, Sarsnet. s. bet .^affet; — ribbon, ba$ Xaffctbanb. sash, s. 1. bie iMnfe, ber (Seib=) ©nrt, bie Srhatpe, Selbbinbc (bet Cfftcicic ; ber turfifebe 18unb, Xur= ban: m$ feibene Scbarpenbanb ; 2. ba» SRoUfenfter, Siebfenfler, 2cbieb= fenftcr; — bit, bet \!abcnbol)tct ; — imit, ber Sabenritgel ; — buckle, bie ©iittclfcbiiallc ; — door, bie 3io!l= thllV, ©djitbtbut ; — fastener, b,l3 Sciifjetiabmenfcbf oi ; — knob, ber ineffingene Sabenfnopf; — lifters, genfterbebet; —pulleys, genjlerrols ien, *)iabnienrolJen; — saw, bie Scbliegfage; — window. ba3 SRoU* fenftcr, 3iebfenftcr, Sd>iebfenflet. SASHOONS, s- p>. Stiicfe in bie 5tie= fel gelcgtet Sebet ; bie Icbcrncn SBa* bcu (in ©tiefeln $u tvagen). s.\ssafras, s. bcr Saffafrap (£bhi sassaj'ms — L.). SASSAROL, Sassarolla, 5. vid. Roci:- Pigeon. Satan, s. bcr ©atait, Tcnfet, SBiters fadjer. SATANICAL ,'S.vtanic), [ah:— ly), adj. fatanifd), tenflifeb. SATANISM, s. bie tcuflifcbe ©einiitb8* art. SATANI3T, s. ber Serritrbte (ro. ii.). satchel, ». b.i£ Sacfdjen, bcr 338= rberbciitcl (bcr ©djntfitaben). To sate, v. a. fcittijen (ooli. ftopfcn, iiberfiillert. SATELESS, adj. UllClfSttliit. satellite s. I. jist. t. bet SateHit, Brabant, S'icbenroaiibefrtetn, golge= fteru ; 2. jig. begleitenbe 5)iener, Sinbanger ; (— guard) 2eibroad;ter, Satellit, Srabant. satellitious, adj. ans Srabantea bcftcbciib, von SErabaitten, trabana tettartig. 7b SATIATE, v. a. fdtttflCll ; befticbU gen ; ubetfuUen, uberfattigen. SATIATE, adj. fatt; ubetjtuffig, iibcr-- ffiUt. SATIATION, s. bie (Ueber=) Sattiguug (Ucbcr=)b'iiHniig (n\ ii.). satiety, s. bie Sattignng; Satt» bcit, bcr (5'fel, UeberbtnB. satin, s. bcr SltlaB (*'i» Scibcnjeiig) — flower, bie i'lOllMMlIte ; cotlon — baumroollenet Samaft; mock — , fcbni.ilcr, roolleiiet 5\uiuft; thread — ,2eiiten=Satin ; worsted — , molle* net Satin; — ribbon bafl SltlaB* banb; — spar, bcr gafetfalf; — weaver, bcr SttKlBroebcr; — wood, b.i8 •JltlapboM. Serolebolj. satinet, s. bet §albatlafc Satinet, bie Satinabe. satire, s. bie Satire, baa £abelge» bicbt; bie Spottfd)fift, Stadjel^ f.trift, Spotttebe, Starbelrebe. SATIRICAL (Satiric), (adv. — ly), adj. fatitifci), fpottcnb, beipenb, ftid>eli^, fdjarf, tabelitb. satirist, a. bcr Satirifcr, Satircn* bid)ter, 5pr3tfcr. To SATIRIZE, o. a. fatiriurcn, Sati= ren mad)en, fpottcn, burd)9ccbcln, biii'd);icbcn. satisi-' action .». 1. bie ©cniigtbm ling, drftattiin.t ©iibniing, iier'rie» bijiing ; 2. jjiifriebenbeit, baS i?cr> giuigcn ; 3. bie Ucbcrjciigmtg, ©e« roipbeit. SATtSFACTORWESS, s. bie Seftiebfc gnng, ©enfige, .Otitlanglirbfeir. SATISFACTORY, {win. — iu), adj. ge* nngtbiienb, befriebigenb; fjinKinj- lid) ; fiibncnb, abbfifieitb. satisfier, s. bcr ©tiiugtbiicnbc. To SATISFY, v. a. .<• n. 1. fdttigen; 2.geiuig tbiut, befricbigett, genugen, 2SAVA SAWE SCAL 4. (— a creditor), etHCH ©(aubigcr, a. f. ttJ.) jufrteben flellen ; (— de- mands, ©rpulben) eittvicbtcu, be$ab= len, (Soften) crftatfeit : abtbuu, ab- belfen ; 4. oon Sweifel Dber Unent= fcbicbcnEjcit befreten, uberjeugen; 5. abbujkn ; I ui satisfied, id) babe ge= mill, eg geniigt mir, id) fiabe mid) fatt gegtflen, id) bin fart, id) bin befriebi* get, iibcrjcugt. NATIVE, adj. Hi ©arten gefaet, gcbaut. satrap, s. bet Satrap, ©taftbaltet. BATRAPAL, a#. fatrapifeb, ftattbalte- rifd). satrapy, s. tic Sattapte, Stattbal= terfebaft. SATURABLE, adj. Jit erfattigen. SATURANT, adj. fattigcub. To SATURATE, v. a. Ui. T. fattigcit. SATURATION, s. Ch. T. bic ©attigillig. SATURDAY, g. bet Sonnabenb, Sam8= tag. SATURlTY, s. bic ©attbeir, @athg» fcit, SiiUe, ©enuge (». ii.). SATURN, s.l. Myth irJist. T. Sahtttt ; 2. ca. r. bag filet ; 3. //. r. bag ©cbroarj; — 's ring, . s. Mil. T. bic Siiitbwurft, saucisson, J spuloerrourjl. SAUCY {ode. -lit), adj. fredj, iinoer= fdiantt, trufeig, miebretbietig, :tafc= wcig, borroi^ig. To SAUNTER v. n. fdilcubevit, faulciu ^cu, niiifiiii ijebcn ; to — about, berum feb (enter u. SAUNTERER «. bcr ©rbleubcrer, 9JJufigg5nget, mi. ^ftaftertreter. RAUSAGE, s. bie Sratrourfl, 3Surft. PAVABLE adj. rcttbar ; — ness, s. tie yiettbavfeit. 5AVA(;K, I. (ailr. — Ly), ailj. 1. TOilt, uugcbiltct; 2. bavbarifeb, rob, grau= fain ; — ness, *. tie SSiltljcit, DJob= beit, ©raufamfeit; n. .t. 1. tcr 23iltc; 2. robe 2Ecttfd),S8arbar. SAVAGERY,*. 1. tic SSilbbeit, 3iob= beit, Oraufainfett, SBatoatej ; 2. 2Bilbuip, tag unite ©cfiraucb. SAVANNA, », bic 2 a van nc, frnc(offc= nc) 2Scitc, 51uc (in 3lincnfa). To SAVE. v. I. a. 1. rctten ; 2. i ^rvaub = gut) bcrgcu; 3. einbnngen (^cu, ii. f. id., cbe ; 4. bcivalueu, cr()alten, aufbcbcu ; 5. feltg madicu ; 6. crfpaicn, fvarcu, fcboucti ; 7. tic (Mc(e;]cnbctt ergretfen; to — appear ances, ben nebcin ocrmcibcit; to — harmless, entfehabtgen ; to — the tide, fergnitgen. SAVOR1NESS, ». bie 5d)iuacfbaftig= fcit; bet SBoblgerud). savorless, mij. gcfdnuacflog ; ge= rudilog ; fate. SAVORY, I. adj. nioblfrbiiiccfciib, febmacf ^aft ; woblriecpenb, lieblid) ; II. s. tie Saturei (Saturaia hortensis — /..). SAV >Y, s I. SavoiKU ; 2. bet faooPcr ,Uob(, i^alfebfobl; — cake, tcr fa = vo'.hc SBUcutr. SAVOYARD, 8. tcr SaooDart. saw, b, 1. tie Sfige; 2. Sage, tcv (Sprucb, tag 2priid;ivort ; — blade, tag ©ageblatt; —dust, tic Sages fpane ; — nie, bic Sagefeile ; — fisb, tcr 5agcfifd) (Pristis — L.) ; — fly, tie ©agefliege, BloltweSpe, @cblupf= roegpe ( Tenthredo — L.) ; — gin. T. tic Sgrenirmafcpine mtt @;igcblat= tern; — mill, tic (Sage'miible, Sdnicitcmiiblc ; — muscles,.;, t. tic fngefStmigen i'liigfclu ; — pit, tie bie (gagegrubj; — wort, tic <3d\utc, bag ©djartenrtaut ( scn-aiuia — /,.) ; — wrest ( — set), T. tcr ^abinidncv, Sagevicbtcr, tag Sdn-aufcifcu. To saw, ,-. a. fagen ; to — down, um= fagett ; to —through, turebfagcu. SAVVER 8, oid. Sawyer. SAWYER, .'.tcr Caget, ^ofjfaget. SAXATYLE, adj. in Aciun geborigj untet Aclfcu Icbcnb; auf marftcn. ^elfcn nmebfenb. saxifrage, s. tcr Stciiibrccb fraga—L.) ; red — , bcr rotbe 2teiu» bverb ' Spiraa fUipemlula — L.). sa.\hra(;ol's, aN v, 8. Sadjfen ; Uppt r — . Cbcr- faebfeu ; Lower — 'Jlieberfacbfen. To S w. v. a. fagen (— to, JU , l\rfa = gen; fpiccbcu, rctcu; they — . man fagt; thai is to — , bag ift, bag bciyt, to — oi auffageit ; to— over again, nod) ciuiual | bci ■-, n»ie= bctbolcu; to — man, SWeffe lefen; to — one's prayers, feiu0cbct verricb= ten; — you so ? $&': niciiicii Sie? — so, (—the worl . fag'8, fd)laj cill; you don't — so : u\i; ric nidu fagen ! ib, bag ware! not to — uni utd't ju fagen... ^ I am sorry to — it, a tbut mir kit fagen ui miiffen, ju meinein Ceibmefen, [etbet; rii have nothing to — to him. tcit UtOg llicbtg (mebr) mit ibm 511 tbiiu baben ; what have you to — for yourself ! »08 f auitf* ( baft j bu ju bcincr v ^crtbcieigun,i 1 \\\ ) fagen? though! — it, obne midp |u tubmen, obne tnbnttebig fc::: |h toollen; 1 — boren ©te^ say, Svye, «. 1. bic Sana, Sape, bcr ©oi) (cttt rooUenet 3eug) ; 2. md. bal ©ageit, tic 9Jcbc. s wixo, s. 1. bic :)icbc, tag ®etebe ; 2. tic Sage, bcr Sptucb, bic Sentenj, SCAB, .s-.'bic DJaubc, Jtwfte, bev ©tint (bcr Xbicre) ; — wort, bcr Vllant. scabbard, 8. bic (3)egens)©d}eibe ; Typ.T. bic ©efcliniej — maker, bn ©cbcitcnmacbcr. To SCABBARD, 0. a. ill tic Sdjeibe ftc= cfen. SCABBED, adj. 1. tSubig, fiatjig, griiu big : 2. Inmpig, avmfclig, ivettbios, iH-racbtlid). SCABBEDNESS, ) ». tag Ata^ige, tie SCABBINESS, \ ©rinbigfeit. SCABBY, adj. old. Scabbed SCABIOUS. I. mij. fra(ji,j, vaubig ; fra>= ttttig ; n. 8. bic Scabtofe, ©rtubwnrj, bag @tinbftaut {ScaUosi — 1. . SCABROUS, e. 1. raub, bolperig; 2. barfeb, ti-jbarmouifdi ; —ness, .--. tit :h',inbigfcit,^olprigfcir, 3:iobaniioinc scad, s. ). tcr St5cler, bie ©tad)cl= lliafrelc (Scomber trachurm — /. ; 2- j BAD. scaffold, 8. 1. bag (18aus)©etu(i ; ©eftcll; 2.ber@d)auplafe, bie (Malic-- ric fiir Rufrbauet: :!. bag Sdj ©tntgerufte, bie SBlutoubne. 7,1 si ■ vi-ri ii, n, 0. a. cili ©erufi macben, viiftcu. scaffoldage, 8. bag (©d>au=)®t= rii ft. tie public, ©allcrie. SCAFFOLDING,*. 1. bag ©etiifl; ®e- jtcll, bie 'i'iibiie ; 2. bie -Waicrialieu junt x'lufricbtcu ciucei ©etujteg ; — hole, tag 3iii|llocb; — pole, berSJuft- bauni. SCALABLE, adj. ci|leigbar (mittelfl Beitetn). SCALADE,?* Mil. T bic StftetgUHg SCALADO, S "lit (5tin;ii-)Vi'ilcni, bag Stutmlaufen, bet Sturmlanf. To SCALD, 0. a. brubeu ; Detbruben. SCALD, 8. 1. ber Schotf, ©rtrib ; 2. tie SBtrbriibung ; 3. tcr Sfalbe, Barbej SCAN — head, ber ©rinbfopf; (Srfcgrtnb ; — headed, grinbftpftg. JCALrwj.avnifclig, crbarmlid), elcnb, fchlecbr. 8CALDEE, e. ber Sfalbe. SCALDic,a4?.bie Sfalben oberSarben berrejfenb. SCALDING, ». bai spviibcn ; Useroru» ben; — hot. bviibbeifj; — house, bag Scbladitbang. SCALE, s. 1. bie 5d)iippe, gifcbfcbnps pe; tag HMdttcbcn, ber (Jtticcbcit=) Splitter; 2. bie ©d)alc, SBagfc^ale, SBage; 3. bie Settee; -1. ber ©tufen= gang; bie Stufenfolge; 5. @rablei= tec ait pbtyftfalifc&eit itnb ittatbcmati= febeu Siiflrumenren, ©cala ; t>. Xmi- leitev; 7. bag 2)iafi, ber 3)}afiftab; Umfong; 8. Typ. t. ^x.% fiolnmneiu mafi ; i). bag Sfurmlaitfcti mtt Sci= tent, tcv Sturm ; scales, j>i. @c$up= pen, .Oantmcrfcblag ; .a pair of scales, bie SISage (511m SBiegen); on (upon) a large sca!e,>>. iin ©rpfiClt ; ailf gvofiCllt S'ufic; —beam, bcv SBagcbalfcll ; — chains, pi. SBagcfettetl ; — stone, ber Eafetfparfj; —sugar, (--pnbcrOSntfcr nun 9lit§tviegen. To scale, o. Lo.1. fcbitppeit, abneb= men, ablofen, abfcbalcn ; 2. fig. ab= rocigen, abmeffen ; 3. evftcigen, flct= tfVlt, jti'irmert; to — the guns, Gun. T. bie jcanotten abblafen ; II. n. fief) (ab)fcbiippcii, ft'cb abblattcrtt, ficb febteferrt. scaled, «-/;. fcbuv&tg. scaleless, adj. fcbuppcnfoS. SCALENE. ,*. *■ adj. Mat. T. (— triangle), ba« ungleicbfeitigj ©retecf; — cone, ber imgteicbfeittge .Read. SCALENors, adj. unglcidjfctttg. SCALINESS, s. bag <5d)lippige, SBlattrtge. SCALING, .<-. ba§ Cnfieigen, Stiivmcn; — li'lier, bie ©titrmleiter. scall, g. ber JJopfgrinb, (grogrinb ; — headed, — pated. grillbf opfig. SCALLION, s. ber Scbjtittland), 3lfch= laiteb, Sfdjlaucb, SCALLOP (Scollop), s. 1. ber 3ac?e ; 2. (— shell), bie Jtamntmiifcbcl, 3a= CDbgniitfcbel. To SCALLOP (To Scollop), v. a. (am SRftitbe) au^acfett, angferben, aus= fernveifen, toetleitfSnrttg aufifdjneiben. scalp, s. .n. T. bie .£>ant ber .f>int= frfjale, Scbabelbaube, ©ebnenbaiibe. To scalp, o. n. .#. T. bie fiaut oon ber ,£>irtifd)alc abu'eben, fcatpirett. scalpel, ) s. s. T. bag Scbabcmeffer, scalper. [ BfrgliebcvnngSmcffcv ; ber Scalpivcnbe. SCALPING, s. in compos. — iron, S. T. bet SKetBel, bag 3nctfton8meffev ; — knife, bag Scafyicmeffer. scaly, adj. fdnippig, gcfd)llppt; — suture, ji. T. bie fcbnppicbte Sd)abcl= nabt. T,, scamrle, v. I. «. fid) breben, bcr= Ullt ftvcifctt ; to — for a thins, fid) nm chvag rcitleit ; u. a. jcrftumnielit, $ev= ftiicfen, *cvvcif;en. BCAMBLER,s.berjubtingItd)eaWenfd>, ©cfcmarofcer. SCAMBLING, adj. beniinftvcifcnb, 1111= flat ; jubrtitglicb. ; — ly, adv. jerfrreut, aits einanber; jubrtnguc$, fibertaftig. BCAMMONy, b. 1. bie ©cammoiiie, ijPltVtjirruitlbC (Convolvulus scammonia — /..) ; 2. bag SeantniCMiiitm. scamp, s. vulg. ber ©djufr, .fpaiiunfe. To SCAMPER, 0. v. <— away, — off), baooit latifeit, aitgreigen. To SCAN, ?-. 0.1, t. feaitbirett, bie SBerfe (ab=)meffen, bie Serfe ttacb ber 3eitmeffimg eiittheilen, (bie i!ergfiipe 370 SCAR ongeBen) ; 2. fig. erwagen, pviifeu, ftdjtett, narfigrit belli. scandal, *. 1. bad Scanbal, Slergers uitl ber 3I)tftofjj 2. bie nrgerjtcbe •2.xcbc, Scbanbe, Unebre, 68fe SE^otj ftt sciiooi for — . bie Safterfcbule. To SCANDAL, 1: a. Pcnitti\lilltpfeit, ventitehvcn, »erlamnbeii, fctyaiibeit, fcbntabeit (\v. ii.). To scandalize, 0. n. 1. iirgerit, 3lets gemifs (;.'l liftoff) grbeit; 2. oerun= glimpfen, fcbntabeit, entebreit; to be scandalized at .... ein ^levgcvnitl an etmaS nebnteit, fid) baruber firgem. SCANDALOCrf (adv. — lt), adj. 1. ar= gerltcb, aitftbfiia,, fitanblid) ; 2. fduna = benb, serlaumberifcb ; — ncss, «. bie Slerflerlidbjeir, 3lnfto|igfeit; ©djaiibs lidifcit. SC WDALUM MAGNATUM,s. J,. 7'. bie ajerlefcutig tee (5lu'c eincg '4-Hiit'g ober beben Dteitj>8beauiteti. SCAXDEN'J', adj. B. T. ftctfjeilb, flillt= meitb. scansion, s. bie, bag SJerfe* fcanbircn. SCANT, adj. fnapp, ctigc, fav s i, fpar= fam "orbattben ; a — wind, JV. v. ein fcbrflUeitber, fd)icf lanfcnber 21'inb, Scircnannb. To SCANT, v. a. ciiifdn'anfcit, fnapp baltett; I was scanted in time, mir feblt eg an 3ett; Hie wind scants. .\ - . T ber SBtnb fdtvalit. lauft fdiicfcv. scantiness, g. bie .Unappbcit, (Sit^c, Jlargbcit, ber 2ftangel. To scantle, v. i. n. fnapp werben, mangelrt; n. a. fc^tteibett, augfd)ttci= ben, jevfd)itiljcln. SCANTLING, 5. jebeg Sau^olj veil feebS 3olt itnb baninter; jv. 7'. bie erfor= bcrlidn* ©rofje beg -poljefl. SCANTY (adv. — ily), adj. fttapp, ettge, macjer, arm, fpavfant, faro,, geijig ; — of words, rcpftfacg. To SCAPE, u. a. A- n. rid. To Escape. SCAPE, .<. oid. Escape ; — goat, tcr Siibitbocf, ©unbetlborf ; — grace, cont. bcv SBruberSieberltd), SBufllttig, 335= fcivicbt. SCAPEMENT. s. mod. T. (bie ?Irt, bie Oiabcr jum v 3Jeitbcl einer Ubr in ffie= wegung ju fefcen), bcv Slbfoll, bag Stofiaicvf, bie fiemmuitg (in einer Uf } r). J SCAPOL1TE, s. vid. Parantiiine. SCAPULA, s. A. T. 'i^ 2dmltcvbtatt. SCAPULAR, Scapulary, I. adj. Jllllt Scbitltcrblatt gebSrig ; n. s. bag 2ca= pulier ((Scbultevfletb ber fatholifcbeii ©eiftticbcit). scar. s. 1. bic SJlarbe, @c|ramme; 2. bcv SJSapagetfifcb (Scams— £.). To scar, o. a. febvaiumcit, itavbett, tcv= rtarbcii, ^tbeilett; nt i t einer ?tarbe Pber £d)ramme jeiebnen, tatto[ivji= reit. SCARAB, Scarabke, s. ber Acar'cv. SCARAMOUCH, s. bcv 2cavaunit}, ${= cfelbiiving, J5att8t»urfl. SCARCE, adj. felfcti, fpavfant, fpavtidi, fnapp ; M E-s. vat (>pn SBaarett); money is — , bag ®elb tfl fiailtllt ; to make one's self — , fid) POCgftcblcit, fid) vor mad)en ; — ly, faiiiii,'fcb>iH'V= lid): lint fcin .'omx. SCARCENESSj \ s. bie (Seltcnbcit, SCARCITY, ) irpavlid)fcit, bcv 9Jiattget. To scare, o. o. fdjenebett, fdivccfctt, (Scbvcif einjagen; to — away, njeg= fd)cudicn, ycvfcben*cif, oerjrtgen; to — one out of one's wits, 3cilianb per* bliiffeit; — crow, bic 33ogetfc§eucbe, Sdjcncbe, bag Scbrccfbilb; einc "?(vt Sccnieye. SCARF, g. bie erbavpe. ?eftbinbf. SCEN Qiterbinbe ; cine Slrt Hmfcblagetudj fur rainen; bag 2JJanteIcJeit # bet Umbang, 2di[eicv; .v. T. bie Srbcr* be, 5pla«fenfiiguttg, ^nge; —skin, A. T. bie biinne auficve .)jaut, Dber= liatit, SpiberitttS ; — ways, — wisa adj. rote ciuc Scbarpe. To scarf, v. a. 1. umroerfen, lofe be* flciccn, nmbangeii; 2. anlegcit, jit* fainmeufugen j .\: t. »erfdjerben. SCARIFICATION, .«. S. T. bag Scavifi« eiven, dtnfcbiteibeti bcv <£>oHt ; 2d)rcs pfen. scarificator, s. s. t. ber Scartftcu rer ; gebvepfcr. scarifier, s. s. T. ber 2d)vopfer; 2. bag Sdivbpfeifcn. To scarify, v. a. s. T. fcavificiven, Stitfcbnitte madieit; fd)vbpfen. SCARIOUS, adj. B. t. fiantig, faftlog, tvinfcn, vaiifdjenb, raffelbiirv. scarlatina, g, bag 5d)avlad)ficber. scarlet, i. g. ber 2d;ar[aeb; II. adj. fd)ariad)cn ; — bean, bie evbl'ci= tet; — ly, ado. jcrftrciit, aiig einanber bin itnb iviebev. scatterlino. s. ber ?aiibfa r>rcr, ?anbftveid)cv, SBagabiutb (>v. ft.). SCAVAGEjs. (— duty), /-. 7'.bev.Rriim» }olI, bag ©tanbgelb, bie fiabtifebe ober ©tabtabgabe, ®tabt«cctfe. SCAVEL, adj. gefrafiig, gicrig. SCAVENGER, s. ber oTotbfcgcr, @affen» febnv, Jtcitbt\ivnicr. SCENE s. 1. bic Scene: 2. ©iibne, Scjauliibnc, bee Scbnuplafe : 3. Slufa trttt; 4. bag (gefcftiief, bie -^iibnen= roanb, Gfotiltffci — of action, bet gc§aiipf«| (Crt bcv .)>a:;t!ung) ; Hmn — , bie Sfblufifccne : the — closes SCHO bet SSor^ang faflt; — shifter, (— man), ber (Xl)uita=) < Si^d>iiu\i SCENERY, a. 1. bie Scenerie, UJert^ct^ lnng unb gofge bet Slufttitte; 2. ©ubnenoenierung, bcr SBfiljnenbes bar, bae Su&nenget5tlj ; 3. bie SBor« ftcllunci, ©atftelfitng ; 4. bag U3ilb, ©ernalbe, ttc ganbftfiaft, Oegenb, Vavtic ; meadow — , ©iefenfanbfcgaft ; water — , SBaffetpattfen. SCENIC. ? 17. tbeatraltfrf>, brama= boenical, > tifen, bubnenmafig ; — machinery, Su^nenmof(^tnerte. BCENOGRAPHICAL (— ic), {adv. — ly), «o.\, bie SRiecbbbfc. To SCENT, v. a. 1. ricdicn ; 2, ivittcrn, fpiircit; 3. biifttit, raiirbern, parfiW mtreit. SCENTFUL, adj 1. ftarE ricdienb; 2. febnrfeti ©evueb, fjabenb. SCENTLESS, adj geruebloS. SCEPTER, out Sceptre SCEPTIC, I. adj. ffcrtifeb, sn>cifc(fiid)= tig; u.s. bcr groeifler, Sfepttfer. SCEPTICAL (ado. — ly), adj. ffcptifdi, ntteifelfitcbtig ; — ness, *. bat 2fcpti- fd)c, bie Broeifelfucbt. SCEPTICISM, .«. bcr (gfeptiriSmuS, bte 3»eij*lfuc$t. To scEPTieiZE, v. n. |»etfem, f£cptt= ftren (to. it.). SCEPTRE, s. bag Scepter; —bearer, ber Sceptertrdgcr. To SCEPTRE, r. a. befceptevn, titit bent 3etd)e:i ber JC5lttg8Wurbe bcflciben. SCEPTRED, aiij. mit cinem Scepter, c i n scepter tragenb, fontflltd). SCHEDULE, s. ber 3ettcl, bie\!ifie, bag ajerjetc^nip ; /-. T. bag SlnbSngfej |u cinem 3n»entatium ; bcr3»fal}artifcf, bie 3»f'ife!i l 'fniti' e - SCHEMATISM, *. i. bie Slbbilbung, SotjleUuna, GJcflalt ; 2. Jtstrol. T. bie fcigttr bcr afpecten (>u. ii.). SCHEMATIST, s. vid. Schemer, scheme, s. 1. bag Sdienta, v iM(b, SSor= bilb; 2. ber Slbrifi, (?tttn>urf, Spttttt; bag project; euftcm; 3. Astrol. T. bie Sigut bcr Stfpcctcn ; 4. bag <£ia= gtatnm ; — ofa ship, bcr Splon eiucg ju baucitbcit ©djiffeiJ, bag ©ejtedfj — arch, Arck. T. bcr gcbriicftc (flacbv, SSogen. to SCHEME, v. I. a. cutiverfcn ; n. n. spiSite ntacben, $lane febmieben. SCHEMER, \a. ber (Sntrofirfe inadit, BCHEMIST, $ SptaittnacBet, ^rojccten= SCHEsS .. bag 33evf>altnif; -bcr Tinge SCIATHERICAL, J "nennbr gebbrig SCIE lerimt; bcr Stntcnt; 2. fMefcbrte, niobluntcvviditete, gcbilcetc Bttenfth ; 3. bet cine Stiftung alif cugliidicii Uniwfitcitett geniept, iStipenbiat; to he bred a — . flubtrt Cjaben, in ben fretert Jtiinften unterriittet feljlt : ge- neral — . bet SPoltybtflor ; —like, febfia lerbaft; tnie eill Welcbrtcr, gclcl^rt. SCHOLARSHIP, ». 1. bie (>iclchn"ant = fcit; 2. bte StiftuitflSftfUe, ber 3tif= titngggctjalt. SCHOLASTIC, \ adj. 1. SCHOLASTICAL .adv. — ly\ J fdii'iler= mo9ig; '-'■ fdjolafltfd>, fdjutmafiig; 3. |>ebautifcb ; — divinity, bie fcbo= (afltfdbe Iheolcgic. SCHOLASTIC, ». bet idielaftifcr, ©djulgelebrte, Sc|ulweife. SCHOLASTICISM, ». bte ^fulcfppfiic unb Sbeologic bet Scbulcn. bet Sc^otiaft, (f rflater, "JlusSlegev, Sommentator. SCHOLIUM,s Ira,.' gdjolteit, Scbcltum, bie erlauternbe futje SElnmetfung. SCHOOL,* I. bie Vcbranftalt, Sdiute; 2. bag 2d)uIlMiig : 3. bcr UntenidH; 4. bie 2dnMa|"ttf(5*nIlehre, 2d)iiU lvcifhcit bee SKittelalter*); 5. bie ^ebrjnuft, ©(aubengjunft ; to put to — , jut Scbule fdjicfeu; to teach a — , eiitcr 5duile [ale VMu-cv oorPe^en, Sebulhaltcr fevn ; to keep a — , ©djule b.iltett; — for girls, tie aJWb* djeitfdntle; —boy, bet 3d)ulfitabc; — hov hahit, Sfbuletmottiet : — com- mittee, bie @d)iilcpmniiffiiMt; — dame, vid — K1STRESS ; — divine, bcr tcboiaftifdjc Sbcolog; —divinity, bie fcbr-laitifcb c £heoiogie ; — fellow, bet SKitfdjfilet; —girl, bag Sdnilmab= cben ; —hire, bag ^diutgcjb; — house, bag '2rbiilgebaube, bie ©djule; — maid, bflfl 2dui[inabd)en; —man, ber ©ciulinonil ; ^rbulgckbrte, gdiplaftijcr ; —master, bcr S«|)»U ntcifter, 2ebulle[)rcr ; — mistress, bte Sd)iilinei|tcriuit, ScfiuUcbrcrinn. To SCHOOL, v. a. 1. uittcrrirbtcit, }ie= hen, bilben ; 2.iBet»eife geoen, flra* fen, au-jfiUen ; schooled by .. , unter= ricbtct vptt . . ; schooled in adversity, tin Uitgli'trf gepriift. SCHOOLING, ». 1. bag Unterriitteu, berUntetrid>t bie^mtt; 2. b«« SSev* toeifenj 3. Scbulgclb, Untcvrid;tg= SI HOONER, .-'. bcr ^diOOtlCf. SCHORL, .'. vid. Shorl. SCIAGRAPHY, t. 1. bie ?lM'diattuug, bcr ©djattenrig ; Untrijj, Sntwutf : 2. -Jlufvifi, Duto>fehnitt, bat Sptofii [einefl ©ebSubeS), bte Seitenanfic^t ; 3. bie ©onnenubtfuuft; Ast. T. bie .Uiiuft, bie 3eii au« bent Sc^atten ber Sonne, beg 3JJoubeg obet bet 2 term- ;ii befttmmen, SCfATHERIC, {adj. |U ciucr Spn» }u einattber); Med. r. bie Oluiage beg jUu-pcri ;u einem gcauffeit 'befon= bera ,Rtan(beit8»)3ujlattb. BCHILLER-SPAR, ». ber ©djitletfpotJ). schism, s. bag Sdiigma, bie epal- tung, ttennung (in ber ^ircbe). SCHISMATIC, i. .?. ber ScbtSmatifer, Jtireb^.Hbtrunnige ; IL adj. vid 3cms- MA.TICAL. SCHISM VI'ICAI, {adv. —it), adj. fd)ig= matifd?, 1U eitter firdilicbcn 2paU tnng gclnirig, abtriittuig; — ness, s. bie Jttrcbcnfpaltnitg. To SCHISMATIZE, o. n. tt'A trcuticn, fircblidie 5paltuugeii auftiftcn. SCHISMLESS, a/fj. o()lte Spaltuitg xo. ii.). SCHOLAR, ». 1. bcr 2d)iilcr, bie 2d)ii= (», it.) SCI ITHERICALLY.aito. nad) vlrt cuter Obet toie cine ©enncnubr. SCIATIC!, SCU.TICA, s. Med. T. bag .£>iif= tcnivch. SCIATIC Scutical), adj. jnnt ;Onftcu= tveb gcborig; — pains, pi. fie fittfl fdjinevjett; — veins, pi. tic .fjufU Obetn ",— nerve, bcr ^uftueto; — cress, bie [Otlbe MU\ic lit /- — /. ). SCIENCE, .-■- bie SBiffenfrtJaft: the seven liberal sciences, bie ftcbcu ficieu Aflnfle, sciential, adj. SSQtffenfc^aft gebenb, nMffcilKVnlftlid). SCIENTIFIC, )adj. t»if= SCD3NTIFIC VI. Jr. —iv . 5 H'itfdjaft= lid;. SCGO si ir.i.rriN. - at t. ber(9runbfto»J b» 3Jieerjtoiebtl. SCIMITAR, t. ccr (fruiumc turfifebe) Sdbel. si iMii.i.ANT, adj. fuiifeliib, Sunftti fpriibent. to'r.. p. n. fuufe 1 it. SCINTILLATION, ». ba« ."Minfcit, 7yd\\- feln, gntttentoerfen, Slintmern. SCIOLISM, i bat oberffad>lid)e SBiffen, bie ^albgelebrfamfett. sciolist, i. Mt i^albtoiffer, .6alb= gelebrtc. SCIOLODS, adj. balbgeicbrt, iifcerftng. SCION, ». bcr -Jlblcgcr, Sdjogling, Sdjofteifl; fg. bet ©profiling. SOU tPTIO, s. (— ball), T. tie 2cbatteu= fpicUngel. 91 IK' K3, Scirocco, t. rul. Si, SCIRRHOSITY, t. Med T. bit fflet^dts lung tcr Xriifeit. SCIRRHOUS, /'. vcrbJrtct l»on rriiu'ii:. ' Si 1RRHU8, i. Med. t. tic i'erbartung, Pcrbartele Drufe. \ip »N, . tie SJlacbfovfdutng (ro. it.). SClSSfBLE, Scissilk, a 'j. fpahbar, |U jetfebneiben. SClSSIi iN, », tag gpaltcn, ber 3cfcnitt, bie ocrfdnicitung. S( IS-' IRS, .-. ;■'- B pair of — ). bie Scbere; — sheath, cm £chetenfut= tetol. SCISSURE, a tcr, :)ii'5. SI 'II B, a eid. Site. scl v\ i. ». ;-'. tie Slauen. sclavonia, a. Slavonieit. SCLAVONIAN, L adj. I'lavtMiifdi ; t;( flaoonifcbe Spradje betteffenb; u.« bet Slauonter. sci.A\ I iNB , L S "man . ii. a. tie flacciii'ite Spradje, b-i ©lafeonifcbe. s LERi 'in', adj. .?. T. bart ; —v. tie 6otn&i'bii, tie Sp5t» terei. ij;. a. tcr ©piMter. in-rbebner. SCOFFINGLY, adv. fpeltifdi, bbbnu'*, fpOttllH-pC. to SO »LD. r. n. A- n. fdu-ItCIt, ^lllfcit, Eetfen, ntmaben ; to — at, febclici anf . ., anSfdjetten. SCOLD,', bte 3anfcriiin, jTeifcrinn, bag bofe SJBeib. scolder, « bet 35n!tt, SpStter. ding, i. ». bat Sr|elten ; i —t.v I. adj. nbclteiit, jattfifeb. SCI ILL! IP, m I SciO-LOP. SCOLOPENDRA, ». 1. tcr SStelfuf, letefel, tie Jlffel ; (marim — ). SJJleets nffct. "A'iccrianpc; 2. tine 2ltt fliftta get Scblangen; 3. bie ^irfdjjungt, bat SKiljftaut. SCONCE. ». 1. ber 2Banbleucbter, ©picgclleudjtef ; 2. mdg. bet Scbdbel Jh'pf. SCOOP,* I. bie Scbaufel, idntpvc g dibvffelle ; S0h i |difn;efe, SKeiWboU ; '-'• s - >' bet Sjjattl, Steiiiioffel ; 3. 6ieb» Stteidj ; boat's — .tic SEBafferfdJaufel ; SeaUag.bat DebSfofi ; — net, tcr Stbaubet , cttte Mil jifdjnefe j — trowel, bie ©ar= tcnfeUe uin ©lumen tn oerpffttnien. op, g o, l. fcbaufeln, fcBftpftn ; auSfcboufeln ; auc-idn-picii; 2, aue> bebleii. scooPER, a. 1. bet Stfcaufelec, au«« fcbSpfer, 3l»«leeret; 2. Jlruuim» fdniabcl, Jtreuitwgel. 371 SCOT SCOW SCRE •cope, s. I. bcr SJlaum, i ; la§; 2. Sitbjwetf, 3n>C(f, bit \HbfidU, baS : 3. btr Spidraum, bie Jrcibcit, 3waugloftgfeit. SOORBi ?a*".fcors SCORBUTICAL idv. — tt), ) bntiicb. IRCH, i- I. a ffeltgett, brcuneit, rbiteu, braten, borren ; uc — up\ ailSbOrreil, bOrretl; scorching fennel, S86§fraut (TAapsta viilosa — /.. ; ii. n. gcfeugt. u. f. m. roerben ; fcn= flcit. BCORDIUM, s. bet ?ad>ciifiiobianrbb>h$ 2. bie JUrbe, Sinie, bcr Strid): 3. bie Stedjniiitg, 3ed)e; 4. bie Sdjttlbpoft, Sd)uib; 5. Un'acbc, bcr ©ninb, Setoeggrunb ; 6. eine^aol -tu jnjan= jig, bie ©feige, Sttege, ciii alt Sdjocf; cin (2tciu=)Jlohlcitmafi Don Spanjig jtbrbcn; 7. m». t bad 2n= tlem bcr etimmc, bie SParrirur, 3lo* tCll; — of a dead eye, A'. 7'. ba-3 2lll= ge cilicr Sungfer ; to run in scores, in Sdmlrcu geratncit; upon a new score, aaf tlClie becoming ; upon what — i au» vueldjcm ©rttitbeV warum? upon the — of friendship, ttltt bcr (litis ferer) greunbfebaft tutllett; three — , K&'5\ig : four — , adUtig ; a song in — . etngitb in Jlotcti, eiit ©efang in SParritur. To SCORE, r.a. I. anferoen, anfrei= ben ; auf bie ;licd'iiung fefeen, u\. ». bcr Spott, .dobn, bie i!er= frothing, Scracbtung, ®eriugfd;a= |ung. SCORNER s. bcr Spotter; 33erad)tet; 3?erfd>ntaf)er. SCORNFUL [ado. — ly), adj. «erarb = tenb. oeradjtltd), fvottifdi, bob 1 "! 1 '* trofcig, juin Erofte ; — ness, s. baS £i>i)uifd>e, 33erctd)tlid>e. scorpion, s. 1. ber ©forpien, (bcfi= glcicheu.w. t. cin 3cid)cu int £hier= freife ; '2. bie ®etfiel; 3. ber ©ee= fforpton, ^uierrfi''* CeUtts scorphis — L); — By, bie Sfonnoiiflieiic ; — grass, (—'a tail. baS 3Jtaufeo9r= cben, ESecgi§meinnicpt (.ir>/».*otisscor- pioidis — /.J; ^ForpirncnEraiif, bcr ecfjnecleiitlee [Sarrjriurus — /,.) ; — nil, bag feforpion en 51 ; — senna, bie Slorptonenforontlle, ©forpions* VCltfcpcn p (CoroniUa emera — L ) ; — spider, bie SWintrfpinuc ; — 's tail, bie verntnanifebe ^ointcnreenbe (Uc- liotropium pcruvi inum — /,.) ; (vid. — 's ; — 's thorn, bcr ©tcdigiiificr, 2 tacbelpfrtein ( uiex — /J ;' — tick. bie Sforpionfpinne, bcr SaufeKnig ; — wort, iit >Sforpil->nCllltMirj (Orni- thopus scorpioitles — /,.). BOORTATORY, adj., biiveriu*. SCOl',s. l.ber 5cbPtte; 2. ber SciuHv 372 ?lntbcil, baS SooS; bie i)(ed)iinng, 3c*e ; — and lot. bcr SPfarrfcfcof ; to pay — and lot. ©telieril Hit t- ®. Strafe, ^Jlage. To scourgi; r. a. 1. geijjeln, vett= frbett; 2. jig. jucbtigctt, ftrafen. SCOURGER, s. ber ©eiplcr, 3iid)tis5cr, ©rrafer, Slagetlant. scouring, s. ba« Sdjeuern, n. f. n>. ; — ball, bie glectfugel : — barrel, T. (bet ben 9labtern), bie 5cbenertcnne; ba» SfloIIfag ; — drops, Slccftttafjer ; — paper, Sitcuertvn-ier ; — parties. Mii.r. Streifparteten ; — sand,©d)eu= crfaitb; —tub, bad SRefefatl ,bcr 3Iuct>= bcreiter). scout, s. 1. bcr Spabet, J!itttbfchaf= tet; 5pion; '2. ^Infivartcr, 2ticfcl= puller, coi. 3Bid)fer. To scout, r. i. r. reeognofciren, au§= fpaben, ausfunbfct)aften ; fptoniren, belattent; II. a. fpottcit, fttcbelit, »et= rocrfen. Si i ivkl, s. ber Dfcmvirdi, Ofcnbefcit. To SCOWL, r. n. A- n. faucr (liuivrifcb; 1 fet)en, fcbmollcn, braiten. SCOWL, 8. ber murrifci)e iMicf, ba« fame @ejtct)t. SCOWUNGLY, adv. miiniub, mitfat» ret i'cicne, brauenb, bitjter. SCRAG, 8. t>vi tiiuue Iiu>], tie magen $erfon ; the — end of a neck of mirt ton. baa @nbe tc5 ^alfeS an cinern gefrt)Iad)teren .^ammel. SCRAGGED, j ado. — lt), adj. 1. biinn, SCRAGGY, \ biirrc, magcf; 2. taur), bbeferig, itneben. SCRAGGEDNESS, ) s. 1. bie TSirrc, SCRAGGINESS, S Siagerhit; 2. it^otfrigfeit, Uitcornt)ett. To SCRAMBLE, v. n. (— for ..) 1. tiad) etivac- greifen, rajfen, e? }u erbafebeu fudicn, firb barurn reitlert; 2. HeN tent, tlimmcn; to make people — for a thmg, etauis tit bie Sftoppufe ivcr= fen ; to — up, erfiettern ; there is a scrambling for. . , man rciiit neb nm . . . SCRAMBLE^ s. 1. bao (befti^c cber be= gtertge; ©reifeti nadj et»a8, bad ©e= taffe, ©ereipe, larmenbe ©ebrdnge ; bie DJappnfe; 2. bas jllettern. SCRAMBLER, s. 1. ber nacfi erwaS b?= gierig greift, ftdi lint etival veijit ; 2. bcr Jtlcttercr. scrap, s. baS Stud ; Heine Stiicf, bet Srocfen ; ba§ erbni^d ; — of La tin, lateinifqe SSroifett. To SCRAPE f. a. &■ ». i. nfrai-en. fefcarren, fra^cn, au§Eta|en ; 2. feba= bctt, abfd)abeit; 3. (auf ber SSioIine ftumpern, fiebcin ; 4. eincn &ra$fu? madicit ; to — acquaintance, vu^.^Be- fanutfebaft macben roolleu, Se!amtt= fct)aft fucpen, ftcb einnirtett ; to — and wash a ship, eiit Sebiff noc^ einet S?eift autbcereit. Sea tang. frJ)on ©d;tfj marten ; to — the bails. Tup. r cbc-- mal^) bie fallen abpufteu"; to — off, abfrafeen, abpu^eti ; to — out, aitifra- %m, aue-febaben ; to — together, lit. S,- fig. jufammenfebarren ; to — up, antutarrcn ; fig. aufbrtitgen. SCRAPE, a. i. bal Sebabcn, ,\?ra^eii; 2. ber jtrafefufi; 3. bie jiieinme, Onctfcbe, ^erlegeiibeir, iJtotl), ®e= fahr ; r fine —.due fdu ; uc ©efcb /, vuig. -^atfitc, ©rbmiere. SCRAPER, a. 1. bcr vScbarrenbc, Stta.: feeube, Srbabcnbc ; 2. ©eijbaiS, Jtni= rfer, giljj 3. deuce Ricbler; 4. bie J^rat)but>jte, ber (gnjj»)3l6ftteid)ct ; 5. 7'.--. baS Sct)abeifen ; @rreicl)eifcu j 21bftreict)etfeit; 6. jv. r. bcr Sct)ra= per: 7. Tup.T. bie Sdjabeflinge eta liefl 93uft>brUcferS ; — burnisher, bet SdMbcppliruabl. SCRAPING-KNIFE, a. ba« 5cbatemc> fcr. SCRAPINGS, s. pi. baS Scbabul, bit (2lb=;2d)iii^d; gegfef, baS Seb / rict)t. To SCRATCH, o. a. 1. fraeeit, fdiabcn ; jcrEraftcn ; 2. rifeett, etnfct)neibeu ; 3. [eidfot oettounbett; to — out, aii'j= frafeen. SCRATCH, s. i.ber9tt(i,9tifc, bieSRifee; Scbrantine, SRarbc; 3. bie leicpte SSJunbe ; 4. Serfrafcung : 5. bie 3 :;!■.:-= peniicfe ; — back, bcr wucfenlra&er ; — brush, bie J?ra(}burfte yon i'lc"-- fingbrabt. SCRATCHER, s. i. bcr jTra'ccr_; ,^rilj= ler; 2. T-s. i*vi ^rafeeifeu; Sct)abei« fen j bie Jtra^bitrfte. scratches, s.pi. bie SRaube (3Jcaufe) an ben gfltleH ber SPferbe. SCRATCHINGLY, adv. "tit (bUKt)) Jvra= %n\. Tu scrawl, o. a. I- n. frifedn, id>mte= ten. SCRAWL, s. baS ©cfried, @ef*mterr. SCRAWLER, s. bcr Jtrujicr, @(J)nil«» rev. SCRAY, «. bie iTiCcrfebiralbc iHema — L). To SCREAM, b. i. (to — out), laut tins SCRI SCUL SCUT fclofclidj (anf=)fdjrcicn, ftcifcbcit, brofjncn. SCREAM, s. ber Iaure nub pTefeltcfic ©djtel baS (2lugjU)®cf{$m, 3luf= fdjreien. screamer, s. bcr Sdjrcicr, 3Bc(;r= rogfl (Pa/amedca — L.). To SCREECH, v. n. fcbrcien, angftlid) fdireicn. BCREECH, s. baS ©efdjret, 9lttflfl0Cs fchret; — owl, ta-S .fttitifcrbcri, tic SobtCltClllc, 9}ad)teillc (Stryz fiammca — L). SCREEN, e. 1. bcr 2d)irm, 5cncr; fcbitm, Sicbrfcbirm, Cfcnicbirm, SBtnbfdjirm ; ©cjjufe, bie £cd\\ bcr Hovbattg ; 2. bcr Utabet (eitt ftcbetts bc8 ranbcnvabmcn ; — dock, bie ©djtaubens3)oiEen ; — key of a press, bie ®d)raube cittcr Spteffe ; — like, fcbranbcnaljnlid) ; — rail, bcr ®d)taubenn«(jel ; — nob, bcr ©djtaus benfnopf; — pine, bcr motjlriedjcnbc $anbanu£ {Pandanus odoratissrmus — I..) ; — plate, ba$ @d)taubenbled) ; ©cbtaubencifen ; — shell, bie Sdjran- tenfebnecfe, glitgclfc&uccfc ; — tap, bcr Scbtaubcnboom', (Scf)ranbctija= pfen; — tree, bcr ©djtaubenbaum , /errs — /,.) ; — wrench, bcr idiranbcnfrbliiffel. To SCEBW, )'. n. 1. febvaubett, an= fduanben, fcftfrbraiiben ; 2. fig. trcU ten, fpanncn, briicfen, preffctt, flcnt= men, quetfdjen ; 3. fecrbreben, strjer* ven ; 4. crpreffen, anSprcffen ; fig. to — the face, bag ©cfirt)t «eijief)cn ; to — down, ytfdjvanben; to — in, tins febranben; to — out, auSfcbraubcit; to — a thing out of one, fig. ttwcii oon (an») ciucnt bevaus locfeit; to — up, tit bie <§8Jje frbraubeu; fig. I>i3fjscv tveiben, IjiMjer bringen, etbofjen; to — one up, fig. ciucnt (anf=) in bit Jgbfyt bclfcn. BCREWER, .?. bcr (bie, ba8) febranbr. To SCRIBBLE, v. a. tf n. 1. friljellt, fdjmieren, fubclit; 2. SBoTIe bcdu-ln. BCRIBBLE, 5. baS ®efti(jfl, ©c= febmiete. BBLER,». ber ©Cfiblct, ©d}mte* vcr, wig. geberfttcbfet. SCRIBE, s. 1. bcr ©djteibet ; 2. 7cota= rtnS; 3. ©cbriffftcUcr ; 4. 2d;riftge= Icfu'to. To SCRIBE, ». a. T. (bei .Ciot^arbcitcrn) ben llimijj cinc« 3Kobett« jetc^nen, reigen. ECRiP, g. I. bie I.tTdic, baS flcinc m\l= eifen, bie SSrteffafcfie ; 2. bae ( befdjrie= bene) ©tiief papier, bcv 3ettcl, bie ?iitc; 3. m.e. ber3ntertm8-2lnlei^e= fd)cin. OCRIPTORIT, adj. fc^iiftlicf), gcfd)vicbcn (ro. it.). JCRIPIHJRAL, a/ fc^fed; f, jantntcv= lirb. SCRUPLE, ». ). bcr 3tvcifet, 0c»if= fenSjroetfel, bie 93cbettfliri)feiten, ber Slnfioij 2. (^crnpcl (britte X!)cil ci= ncs Quentc^ena ; 3. rev taufenbnnb= cidituguc lbci{ cincr Stitnbe; -i. fig. bie ,)vieiiiigfeif, baS 3Benige. To scruple, v. n. it a. Sebenfcn tra* gen, fid) cin QJcauncn mart>ett (— at.., iibcv, obet an 8 ttvoaS) ; ©eben= fen evregcit; he scruples no means, ibm finb aUe 'DJittet gleid;. SCRUi^ER, s. bcr 3ivcif(cr, angfl[id;e, gcaui|ettf)afte 9J2enfc6. SCRUPULOSITY, «. 1. bie ©ebettllif$= fcit, @cnnifcng;avtl)cit; 2. ba8 8e* benfen, ber 3»eiftl, ©fnipcl. SCRUPULOUS [adv.— ly), adj. Snajl* lid), germffenuaft, aHju bebenfdet) ; all^n nad)ben!Iid), bctintfant, vorftdi- tig ; JWeffelljaft ; — ness, .?. bie OeU'ifft'iibaftigfeif, SebenFltd)feit, ?lcngftlid)Ccit ; ba8 ^ivcifdhaftc, .ftvilii'dic. SCRUTABLE, adj. JU crforfdjcn, cr= fcrfdilidi. SCRUTATOR, s. bcr ^ad:fi.njd)cv, SptiU fet (to. ii.). T» SCRUTINIZE, r. a, gcttau bnrd)fc= l;cu, fpruten, nac^forfdben, unterfu= dun, v»«.fcn. SCRUTINIZER, s. bcr 91ad)fovfd)cr, ^Jtufer. SCRUTINOUS, adj. nad)fovfd)cnb, pvii-- fettb, nntcrfiichenb. scrutiny, ... baa SorWen, 5Ra*fot= fd)cn, genanc Uiitevfnd)cn ; bie $rii= fnng, Itntetfuebnng j to make a — into, bnrd)ntn|tcrn. SCRI TODJ, ... bad ©dircibpnU (mit 5ad)crn), SdjteibfcJjranJ(mit Sd)ub= laben). To SCUD, v. v. lanfeii, fliebcit, citen (ivie cin bom ©ttirnt gejagtefl oelnff ; to — along, fprtmadjen, bccilcn ; to — under bare poles, JV. Ph. »0t Xoy nnb Jafel fcgeln. sec i>, .--. 1. ba« ?aufcn, fJtfcit ; 2. A". i'h. bie fcbnell oont SQtttbe getricbene nicbrigc 2BoIfe. scuffle, *. bie 93afgerci, SRaufetei, ba$ .^anbgcineitgc, ©cfedpt; ©ejSnf. To scuffle, v. n. fid; balgcit, fid) vaufett ; janfen. SCUPFLER, a. ber SRaufbolk. To SCULK, r. n. KlllfdlCIt, Klltcrit, fid) oerffecfen, int .6infcr6aUe Ii«gcn t« — after, nadjfebjeicben. SCULKEB, i. bcr fid) oerborgen ^alt, ber £aufd)er, Sautet. SCULKING. part .'. b.i3 Saufdjctt, 33cr= bergen, Qjcrilccfcii ; — place, bcr Sctjluvftuinfcf, ba8 Sdilu. SCULL, .--. 1. bcr 2d)abcf, bie .$irit = febale; 2. f— boat) bcr ,uetht. bat flcinc i'oot, ber (5'rcr ; 8. cin fitr;cc SRubet; iron — , bie ©tnrntbanbe; — cap, bie attiifee, ,\Mvie, : inii^e; ^icfelfjaube; baS ©r^ilbfraut >rn). To SCULL, o.a -V T. cin Boot ivri-- cfen (c8 mit eittem 9Jubcr oon Ijintcn fortbewegen). SCULLER, ». I. bet .U.ibn. 9lad)ett, bal Heine Boot; 2. bcv -Jtadjtnfuljrer, C ? ocvfiibrcr, SSricfcr. SCULLERY, ». bcr Srbcncrolafe. bie '.|)efd)iii6tiu:-b,incn ( fdjni^en; 2. ftcd)cn, fd)netben; gra= oircn. SCUM, ... bcr 2duuin ; 5Pobcnfafe ; fig 9lbfd)aunt, 3ln«ttnirf, UttiMtb; the — (and refuse) of the people, bie .^efen bc8 SSolfS, bcr itiebrigfrc ^J8bel. To SCUM. f. a. (ab=)frb>innicit. SCUMBER, s. bcr SudiSfctb. SCUMMER, s. bcr ©d)auml5fel, bit 2d)iinmfelic. To SCmDIER, v. n. wig. bell 5)Utdj» fall baben. SCUPPER, s. in compos. — .V T-s. — (aud) scuppers) pi. bie SpeiQaten; — hose, bie SRammiting bcr Sptiga= ten; —leather, bad Spttgatlebei nails, 2oeig>itiKigcl/iMciiuigel, $lof« feiibcit, ba§ ©dtiu'figc, ©tinbtfle, ;)i.iubigc. SCURFY, adj. fdnn-fig, gvinbig, ninbig. si i ;;i;ii„ oi '. Sot rrilous SCURRILITY, .--. bcr grebe, niebrigt ©dica bie i'offenbaftigfeit, v 4- ! o|T«»- rctfievei, 3otei|, Si i RRILOl - do. — lt). adj. 1. grcb fd)er^enb, poffenbaft, ^ofittifd); 2. niebttg, aemeiit, pobetbnft; —ness, «. bat SPoffeurjaftc, ifpSbnifc^e. SCURVINES3, s. tie ©t ebbeif, ^Inin0= bcit. SQiebertrddjtigfeit, ©emeinfjeit. SCURVY, I .--. rev 2diavlunf, = but; ii. adj. (mil: — ily), I. fcorbti tifib: gviiiM'g, rSnbig, ftafci | fcblecbr, gemetn, pSbel^aft, ucracbl (id); fdviurlid), nifbetttadjrifl, boi baft; a — trick, cin fd'leduei itveid); — grass, bfl« C5ffe(fraul ; - ttish — grass, bet iKeerfobl, bie iVeenoinr, vohnil — A.) j — gro baS CiffelEtautbtet. scut, ». bet hitjt Sdjteanj, 2h:%- fdjmanj, 2tnij; Sp. r tie Blume, bet Stutj bei bent EJlotbroilt . Q(nmd)en (bei ben 5iid)feit, ^afep nnb Jtan indjen). SCUTCHEON, ». bcr (bat) 2d)il»; SSBappenfdjilb. 373 SEA SEA SEA •CUTELLATED, adj. in 2ebilee Obet flctne gelbet tauten) gelbeilt. 3CUTIFORM adj. Htilbrvniiig. SCUTTUE, *. 1. ber flacbe_.ft'orb ; 9Kajlforb: 2. ®«itg, turje ©c^ritt ; .s .v. /'. bie Elfine Vufe, SpringluEe; Stcbtp forte; -i. bte Sarbhifc ; — butt, — cask, bie auf bem SSetbecf befejltgf re SBaffertonne ; — fish, pet U3laa= hut, Stitreuftfcb. ; — hatch, .V. v. bie SpringtuEenffnype. 7o SCUTTLE, p. I. n. fcbuc!! geben, [aufen; ir. a. 'a ship] Socket m ben v»ci>iff=6ot>ctt bobreu urn eg fiuEeu ju macben. SCYTHE, s. pW. Ssthb. - vtiiia. s. Scubiat. SCYTHrAN, I. a<#. fci)tf>tfd>j II. s. ber i.''.>rr6arf= bom, SieeEreujbern (Wppopha-s — 374 z..) ; — bugioss, baa ®ecjltanblun= genfraitt; — built, ffit bie See er= bant, im iljecre ftefjenb ; — cabbage, (— cale, — colewort), ber 3JZeer!o|l, vieefol)! (Crambe matUima — /,.) ; — calf, baS Seefalb, ber See^unb (Piwca vitulina — - L,.) ; — campion, baS v2cc= lcimfraiit; — cap, bie Sdpiffetmu&e ; — captain, ber Sd}iffe=(5apitau ; — caravan, bie SeccatMDuiie eine iintct Gonooij fegelube .ftauffabrteiflotte) ; --card, bie ©eefatte, @ompa$farte, Seecoinpajj ; — carex, btea= I'iile (Carez arenaria — L.) ; — car- nation, bie funfbiattertge Seenetfe (Actinia — dianthus pentapet da — />.! ; — carp, ber Seefarpfen ; — cask, tie ©eetonne ; — cat, bet getiegerfe -^.v.\ ^ltllbaba':) ; — celandine, baS cifcn= graiie Scfcoilftaut ; — chamomile, bie SeefaintUe [Anthemti msritima — L.) ; — change, ciit oon ber See be= ivirftcr 23erf)fel; — chart, bie See= farte; — chest, bie SceEifte (ber SJiatrofen, It. f. ro.) ; — chickweed, t.l.- iUilrhfraut (Olaux maritima — L); — circled, yon ber See untge= bell; — coal, Steillfobie; — coast, bieSeefiifie, baS ®ejiabe; — cob bte Seemer-e {Lams — L.) ; — cock, ei= ne Sttt ©eeftebfe ; — cock roach, bie ©eeajfel; — compass, bet Seecont= pats; — coot, ber Seefeiifet ein3>o- gel ; — cormorant, bie ieeh'iibc; — cow, bte Scefu!) (Trieheckus mana- ti — L.) ; — crow, bie ©ecfnifie, bet KJaffcttabe; — cut, ber Jluttelftfdi, bie Syieetfptuue (Sepia — L.) : — daf- fodil, bie 'jjiecruar^tffe, Seelifte; — dasy, ber SKeetbtSEuS, bie 2cefd)eibe Jlctini ' . is — L.) ; — damaged, Will ©eerooffet befcb,fibtgt; — devil; bee ©ecteufcl, bvoidirifd) ; — dog, bet Seetjimb, bie SRobbe ; bet ©aififdj ; — dotterel, bet Seefibitj, Steiuereber (Tringa morinella — /,.) ; — drns. Sea tang, ba^ 3lnbangfe(, SSngefdjIepp (ma$ fid) an Sefiiffe anbiingt); — dragon, ber i 1 ceerbrad)e (ed)ivcrt= fifeb); — drake, bie (SeeEnibe ; — duck, bie iPteercitfe, ber -^uvin; — eagle, bet Seeabfet ; 3Jieetablet ; — ear, baS Sceobt (Haliotis — L.) ; — eel, ber 3JJceraa[ ; — egg, baS Seeet ( F. hinus esculentus) ; — encircled. 'J P lit DJfecr umgeben; — engagement, ba3 Seetreffeit ; — expression, ber Seeaitsbniif; — fan ( — fans 1 , ba? SDicetmooS ; — farer, ber Scefa()rer ; — faring, ?Ut «CC faljreilb ; —faring men, ©eefa^ret (ton ©eiverbe); — feathers, vid. — fan ; — fennel, bet DJieerfeucfcel (Critmum — L.) ; — fig. bie SDJeetfetge", ber Seefotl (Jiltyonium fiats — L.) ; — fight, ba? Seeijefecbt, ©eetreffen ; — fish, ber <2ccfi)fb ; — foam, bet Secfcbaitm ; — fowl, ber ©ecooget; collect, ba? Seegeffiigel ; — fox, eiu ijifeb yom •*3ai^©cfd}leebt (Squalus wipes) ; JV. T-s. — gage, bie aBaffcrttarbt cine? ©cJjtjfeS ; tee See= ttefenmeffet ; — gale, ber (Seeiviub; garland, bie Secbiiime, bie iecguir= laitbC (Pliyssophora kydrostatica — F.) ; — gate, ber leere (^o^Ie) Sftflum 5ivi= feben jreei SBellcn ; — gates, tie 3J?eetesroogen, Alutb ; to have the — gates open, ciufbet ioffeiieu) 2ec fettfl ; — girdles, ber Sceguftel (ein ©ee= febwamm, Cestum. Veneris — Les) ; — girt, yon ber eee umgeben, fceuni= guttet; — god. ber aWeetgotf; — gown, ber Eutjarmlidje 3)Jattofen= torf ; — grape, bie 3JJeerbttifen ( ■■■■ coloba — /,) ; — grass, ba? 5J}eet= graS, ber Seetaug (Zostera— r. ; — green, mccrgnin ; tee Steiubterb (vid. SiryRAos'i; — grcuadlins (-«■ gudgeon 1 , ber iTJei tumbling, 2)ket< gtuubel, Jtiibltiig (CypHnus {E'«pl esula — /_,.) ; — like, roic bie ©ee, fecabiiiieb; — limegrass, ba? £aar-- gtas, spcrjgtal; ^v. r$. the deep — lead, ba? Stefloti) ; the deep — line, bie grope Sotbjeiue; —lion, ber ©ce= IblOe (Phoca jubata — IJ ; — lizard, ber 3J2eerftiuj; — leach, bie $liU ftrunbel ; — longs ( — lungs), pi. tel SJieerfcbaum; bieSeelunge, Seefei= gc; — loam, bet Simtflugel, 2au= fO)er (Colymlms maximum — A") ; — maid, bie eirene, bii? SReerfrciiifein ; — mall, bie ©eemeoe ; — man, bet Seemanu, 3Jiatrofe; Sieernianu, Sritou (ro. ii.); — manship, bie See* fab,tetfuilft ; — map, vid. ( — )chari — marge, ber ©eetattb, bie Jtlippe — mark, ba? Seejetdjen, bie Seeren* ruing, SaubEennung ; — martin, bit ©eefebroalbe; — medic, ber ©ee* frbnedenEIee (Medicago marina — /-.) — mell, vid. — mall ; — men, 2ee= fafyrer (bon Oeroerbe), 3)?atrofen — men's wages, ber il?afrofen[obn ; — mew. bie SeemeftCj — milkwort baa 2Jitld)fraut, Sdjielftautj — monster, ba? ©ecungcbe'.ier, 3JJeet= rounber; — moon, ber monbformigf Secflem, ©djetbenfieru ; — moss bie Jtoralien ; — mouse, bie ©ee> man?, ber ©ofbmnrm (Aphrodite acu leata — /,.) ; — mule. vid. — mall; — nacre, bie Stecflltufcbel ; — navel, bit 3Jleerbobue; — navel-wort, baS .iec= nabelEtaut, ber SKannSbatntfeb (An- drosace — L.) ; — navigation, bie See* fdnrrfabrt (tin ©egeufalj von /vln-= fd)tfffaf)rt): —need!.., tie SWeerna* bel; ber 3Eabe[(Kd)t ; — nettle, bie Seeneffel, 3Keerneffel (eine 51rl ©tbletmtbtere, Actinic — L); — nettle with a shagreen skin, bte ^ec ftbeibeueffel (Actinia diseiflora — L) \ — nursed. »on ber Sec gepflegt; — nymph, bie ^eeir.iiitpbc-, — oak, bit 3J}eereicbe; — oak coralline, bit Eleillfte AotaUtlie (Sertulariapumila — L, ; _ onion, Die •Keer^ioietel, .§a«= pellVUrt (SciUa maritima — L / ', — SEA SEAR SEAT oose, bet SRetrfrblantnt; — ot- ter, bit- Seeotter; — owl, tcv 3Jlcer= fjflfc, -2 c c h a ft (Oydopterus lumpus — L); — pad, bee ©ee ftern, bie e; —pink, bad graue Evic= fbeitbe i'laufi-olu'du'it {Cera*tttMB re- pau — L.) ; — plant, bic §Kecrpflan= je; — pond-weed, bad i'lCcvfouncits fvaiit. btf S(u§lacf; — pooi,ber Saljs fee. tic SMeerbracfe ; — port, bcv Sees hafcit ; — port-town, rid. — town; — pudding, bic Seberanemone, Sttonen* ltcffel ; — purse, bCf ^ecbctltcl, Spiljs fcblvaiUltt (Alcyonium bursa — L); — purslain, bet SDfeerporfulacf, bic ©tails beitllldfte (Atriplex halimua — L.) ; — quadrant, bee SacO&dftab; — quince, bic (Seequt'tte ; — raven ? bee Seerabe; — resembling, fecalmlid) ; — risks, 3cc ( jcf,tl)vcu (aibrige 3 u .f^"e jur ©ee); — robber, bet ©ccraubcr; — t, bcr SKeerfettf; .v. t-s. — room, bic ©eeraiiinte; to Lave — room, btc bobe ober offeueSce babcit ; to get — room, bte bobe ©ee getvinnen, nbgte= Kit; — rover, bee Secriiu&er, Siaubs fdjiffer; bad 3taubfd)iff; — nut; bie ©eeorfe; —rush, bad Siiebgrad ; — salt, b«S ©eefalj; — samphire, bcv 3JJcevfettrbe( (Crithmum mnritimum — /-.) ; — scorpion, bcv ©eefEorpioil ; — serpent, tic Seefcblatige [Murmnaophis — L.) ; — service, bcv ©ee&ienfi ; — shark, bcv fiat, .jpatftfeb ; — shell, bic ©eemufdje] ; — shore, tic SecEiifte ; — sick, fccfr.ittf ; —sickness, bic Sees Eranfbeit; —side, bte (Sccsj.tiiiftc, ber-Stranb, bad ©ecufer; — side grape, bie Scctrailbc (Coccolola — L.) ; — side pigeon-pea, bad fnotigc ©eil* fvaut mit filberfarbtge SBolle (Sopho- ra tomentosn — £,.) ; — sleeve, tie 2 1& fafee, bcr ajitteitfifcr) ; — slug, bic 5cc= febneefc; —snail, bic ©enudmufcbel ; — snake, bic ©eefdjlange ; — spoon, bic 88ff elfcbnecfe ; — spurge, tie ©tranbeup&orbie, 3Baffe»olfdinilcb (Euphorbia paralia — L.) \ — star, bcv ©ecftern (Asterias — L.) ; — Btar- i bie ©ternblUllie (Actinia aster — Ellis) ; — starwort, tic ilfccr.iftcr, bad iDiCCVftevitfl'illlt (Aster tripolium — I*.) ; — stores, pU ©c^tffgbebfitfs ittffe ; — stream, ciu lauget fdmtalcr ©tttcb btMt aneinaubettiangenbem Sreibeid (tm n5rblicben Dceau) ; — sun-crown, bcv SWebufenftettt, ©ture (Asterias euryale llltb A. caput m — L.) ; — sun-flower, tic iliccvfcittie (Actinia helianthus — Ellis); — sur- peon, bCV ©djtffg'rounbarjt j — sur- rounded, fcciiniiicbcii, fcctiniftoffcu ; — swallow, bic gememe lltccv)'dnual= be; — term, bcv ScbiffSauSbtua, baJ Diatvofcnuunt; —thief, bcv Seerfiti= bcv ; — thrift, bic ©eeiieue, bae HJlm-- nvaS (statin- — L.) ; — ti.-ks, bic anii-: nfanifdic SBalbmilbe ; — toad, bic 'Secfvelc (citt a i feb ) ; — torn, »ou \tx ©ee jerftuinmevt ; — tossed, von bcv ©ee um^erjenjovfen ; — town, bie ©ecftabt, ^ufciifiabt; — trade, ber ©eebanbel; —turn. vid. — breeze ; — turtle-dove, tic Xaucbertaitbc j — unicorn, bCV '.UilVUMll (M ccros — Is.) ; — urchin, tcr Sccijcl (Echinus — J.., ; — voyage, btc Sees VCifc; — walled, fceuntflfbeil: — ward, ado. it adj. nad) bet See ju, feemarW; — wvire, ba« ©al}!raut; — water, bat Seenxtffer, Saljroaffer; — wave, ttC IVlttXtSWOQt ; —weed, bOi DJlttXs gra«, bic Sreneffel [Fucus — L)\ — •-.pi 3lftermoofe< Sllgen .iism — L.) ; — whaling voyage, cine A.tlnt otif bet: SBaUftfcbfang, ©rijnlanbSs faint; —wind, ber Seecoinb; — wit, tcv OJiatvpfcnaulj; — with wind, bic Seeiuinbe; — woir, bcr ©eeroolf (Anarrhichas lupus — Is.); — worm- I, tcv ^ceiucviHUtl) (Artemisia — maritima ; — 'worthiness, tie SJaugs licbCeit iu See ju gefeen, Seebaltbars fcit; — worthy, tauglicb in See \u gthcit, feebaltenb; — wrack, bae 2Reergra8, bcv ( See=)2ang ; — yoke, jvt t. bic SRuberpiime. seal, s. ber (gemetne) SeeBunb, bae Sccfalb, tic [Rcbbe (Phoca vitulina — L.)\ —blubber, bet JtobbcnJVccf, ©alfpeef ; — fish, ber ©t5v ; — kiihr, bcv iJlobbeitfrblager; —oil, bcv 3(cbbeutluMit; — skms, SRobbeiis (©eebnnb8=)SeHe. seal, ». 1. baS Siegel, ^ctiduft; 2. ber Steinpel; 3. btc ©eftegelittig ; aSeftatigung ; 4. sp. T. bte gabrte ber gifd)Otter; under hand and — , uttterSBrtef utib SicgcJ; to set (put) — to.., feiit ©iegel aufbtus rfcit, unterftegelttj to put under — , nittcr ©iegel leaeit, juftcacln ; our lady's — , bic febroarje gaunriibe, ©djmevrourj ( Tlamus — L.) ; — en- graver, bcv :J!e(fdmft|ted)cv; — key, c tit in i t cittern s 4.-ctfctaft oerfefieuer Uf)vfd)liiffcl, eitt SPetfrbirring, Sie= aetvtitg : — ring, ber Siegelrtng, ba« ^Jetfrbaft n:ir emeni Siegel. To seal, v. a, l.fiegeln, befiegelit, »er= fiegeiit; (tempelit; '2. beftatigeti; 3. befeftigett, feftntacben ; to —up, (JU = ftegelti, utttcr ©iegel Icgcu; oerfies gclit ; fig. ycrfdiltciieii. sealer,*, bcr (33ers)@iegTer. sealing, s. bai ©ieaeln ; r. bai Se« feftiiieit eine« Sriiaefl fiolj ober @is fen in Stein mit Jqow ©lei ober aJJortel; —wax, bad SiegelroarbS, •^ tegeUacf. SEALING, s. ber JRobbenfang ; —ves- sel, tcv 3tobbenf[epper; — vi tie AYihvt auf ben 3tobbenfartg. ' seam, s. I. ber@aitm,bte3foi6t; 2. Suge;3. 9latbe; Scbramnte; monk — , tic burrbgenabte SRabt; Seams, /cv, Atuutcr; Itntcrfitrber ; 2, /.. v.. ©efid)tigei (ber anfommenben nnb abgebenben ©cbiffc; and; tes SBoQrntuibeS, tee Sebere, u. f. to. , Sifitaror; 3. Vci = dicits ober Jobtenbefdjauer, tie 2Cobtenbefcbauerinn ; 4. a,,,,, r. bcr Stiicx'probcr, ©titcfiuu ti ret ; 5, S. t. tic ©entc; ii. bcv Siitterbobrer, Jtafcbobvcv ; — 's fees, bie Seficbtt; gungSgebftbren. SEARCHLESS, adj. Uittcvfudnutii vcr; meibenbobet ciitgchcttt; uuerforfebs licb. SEAREDNESS, s. 1. bad Wcbvannte, 33crfcitgte; 2. bie Uncmpfinblicbfeit. searing, ». bad Srennen, ©engen; — candle, bcv bvciiucntc 3Barbdftodf : — iron, baS ^vcttiietfeii. SEAS »N, ». 1. tic .Vibv ti jeit ; 2. 3cit, vedue ober bequeme ;Uii, berfurje 3citraiint; 3. tic ©atfon ; ©runs uenjeit; ©rbaufpieljeit ; Sp. v. tic Saufjeit; 4. SHJiirje, bad Sr>ivfcntc, Vabcntc; tin's— j btefed 3a6r, benev; in (due) — , jU redjfer 3eitj iu '"ei net (obet in gebSriger J,cit, tn Jei tell ; the fait i w in — . td ift [t$t bie (3ab««i ,',iit bet 3Reffe; for a ng — . cine3cit King, cin ffleil^ dicit; a full — , cine ft.nE befutbte ©ruunenjeit ; out of — . ni$i in bet Sabredjeit, tcv pabredieit Btrbt cnt-- gemeffen ; fig. anfet bet geit, )«t Un= jeit, uugelegen, unbaffnib. To SEASi in, d. i. n 1. routjen, onm.u cheit; jutfetn, faljen; toomit vev'c- )jen, Dermifdjeu, fcbtnacfbofl ma» cipcit ; angenebm macben; i. mils teni, ma&igen, oet* obet umfinbetu ; 3. (butcb 3eit obet ©etoobubeit) 'ic fdiicft iiKid)cn ; 4. audroittem laffctt, audrottteru, trocfeil roerben laffen (j.©. ijjolj urn ed juoerarbriteu); o. geroobntn (an tin Jtlima), tinge* k»5bnen ; to gebStige Sltift erbalten babtn (ooa Dteimpferben) ; n. n. 1. veitc.t ; 2 Irocftn roerben, SEASONABLE (ado. — i.y). adj. jut recbten 3*i' aitgebracbt, jettgemaS fcbicflitb, gelegen, fuglicb, paffeub ; — ness. t tie Scbiolicbltit, 5ugtieb« fcit ; recbte 3»«t. SEASONER, *. bet bie, bad 3Qutjen« be ; tic Sfiurje. seasoning, ». l. bad SSflt|en; 2. tie SEiirje, 2lnnebinlid}feit bad ©cbmaefbafte; 3, Med. r. ba§ 61i= lii.ificbev. SEAT, i. 1. bet ©ift J ©tnbl, Scffcl. 3TJ SECO SECT SEDU sie SBanf ; berJttrrbenftulil ; ©taat*= feffel, SPraftbentenftiibJ, ibrou; bag tribunal; 2. bie ©telle, ber9lufent= batr. 3Bo(jiipIafe, tor SBo&nftfe; bte foeffbeitj; bet Sanbjtfc, baSSanbhaufi, SJaiibgut, ^liftfcbloj; ; 3. bte 8age, tor Dtt; ©cbauplafc; 4. bag ©efafj, bte iBriHe, ba« 8od) elites 5ftac$rjtuhle8 ; — oi" a shin, bag >!>iutcvt!icil einefi ■geinbeS ; — of earth, bev 3?afenft% ; — of arts, commerce, &c, bev @i(j bcr .fiiiiiflc, beS •panbeU, it. f. ro. ; — of war, bcr ■Rrteg8f<$aup!afe ; — box, bev ©ifctaftcit; —fall, bev ©ifcfati; — rails-, pi. tie ©tciffiaugen am (Jtutfch^ocf ; — roll, bag ©i!j= polfter. To SEAT, v. a. 1. fcfecit, fjiltfefcetl ; 2. fteHeit, legen, ovbnen ; 3. (mit etner SBitrbe) befleiben, auftellcn; 4. be* fefiigen ; to — one's self, ftcf> fefcen, fid) iticberlaffeit ; a hare seats, Sp. E. tin iF>afe _ft(jt, ober lagevt fid); to be seated, lifecn ; they were seated, ftc fitfien ; be seated, fcfceit ©ie fid). SEBACEOUS, > adj. aug iEalg ocvfcr= SEBACIC, 5 tfflt > sebaceous glands, gettbl'Ufett; sebacic acid, bte %ttt- fa live. debate, s. Ch. T. bag fetffauve ©alj. BEBESTEN, s. bte Srufibeete {Cordia mxjxa — L-). SECANT, I. adj. bltvd)fd)ltcibcilb ; II. s. G. T. tie ©ecattte. TbSEGEDE, v. n. (OPU cittCV ©ad)C) abgebett, fich log litachcu, fid) tvetuieit. SECEDER, s. bev (you cincv 2)icinuttg, it. f. 10.) SHjgefcenbe, fid) @ittaufietu= be, fid) (oon cincv Sefcre u. f. to.) Ilvcutteubc. To secern, v. a. abfonbevit. SECESSION, s. bag 21bgcl)cit, (u-it, bie ©ntfemung, airennung, @nt= auficntng. V SECLUDE, v. a. aitSfdjIictien (— from, oon), abfonbevit, treitncit. seclusion, s. bie 3tu8f<$ltef»ung, bcr SlUgfdjlufi. beclusive, adj. augfd)lteficiib. second, adj. bev, bie, bag jroeire, att= bete ; uacbfte, folgeittc ; every — year, eilt 3al)V UUt b^3 cnbcve ; a — time, jum $roeiten2Jfate, —upon thoughts), bet beffcrer (veifevev) Ucbcrlcgung ; he is— to none, Ct ftefjt feitieilt Itarf) ; M. E*. — best premium, bev 31ebeil= preiS, bag 2lCCCfftt ; goods of — qual- ity, mitteigute 2Baaten, 3J?ittc(giit; — captain, cin .ftaitptmantt bljiie Sompagnie; — hand, au$ bev jrocU (en iganb, bev ©ejtfc jur jroeifen §anb ; oon ciiiem SHitbent ober son etioag Slnberm bev, lticht urfptfing= lid); nicbt ncit, alt, (feboit) ge= bvaurfjt ; aiifgcroarmt ; I have it at — hand, id) roeif; eg nur aitg bev jweU tett -Oaltb ; a — hand suit, eilt fd) Oil getragenei .ftleib ; — mate, bev {incite 5 teucrinamt ; — rate, bie }Weite©tel» le, jnjciteGlaffc; oom jiociteu 9Jan= ilC llttttelmafjtg ; — rate paper, M. E.mtnbet guteS (ober folibeg) t'aoicv u. r. JBedifel) ; — sight, bie Sebcva.abe ; ©etfterfebevet ; — sighted, bie ©abe beu JBa&vfagung, bev $ropbe)eiung babenb, mit ubevftnnliebem @efidHg= bermijgen begabt ; ©eifiev fehcnb ; — sighted person, bag ©oitiifaggfiub. becond, .*. 1. bev ©ecimbant, 93ei= ftanb, .Gelfev, Jtampfjeuge; 2. bte Secunbt ; m. e-s. the — (bm of a set) of exchange, bev Secunbaioed)= fel (jweite aBed)fel', bie @ecuub«; — in course, bie gevivtc Sccutiba. To SECOND, v. a. 1. fecitttbtvcit, bct= fteben, fidfeit, jiittcvtliifeett ; '2. bev 37C 3ioeite fciin, unmittelbav folgctt (p. ii.). SBCONDARINESS, *. bev jloeite ©rafc, pette [Rang; fcteuntergeorbnete'-Bes fdiaffeithcit. SECONDARY [ado. — ily\ adi. ltad) bent Evften folgenb, nadjftfolgenb, oom jiociteu ©vabc, imtcvgcovMict, betgeovbttet; a — cause, cine WiiU teluvfad)e ; — circles, jlst. T. SJlebetts freifc ; _ fever, Med. T. bag fttcbcv tit Solge einev Jivaitfbcitgfnfc ; — (flag-) feather, bie biuteve @d)nuing= ftber; —goods, pi. L. T. Solgegftter; — planet, Ast. T. bev ifabant; — power, cvbovgtc ©ewalt. SECONDARY, a. bev v Jlbgcovbuete ; Un= tevbeamte. SECONDER, a. bev lliitcvftiitjev (cincv SRetuung ober cittcg Sotfc^IagS). SECONDLY, adv. jtveitcitS, Jltlil jioei= ten. SECRECY, s. 1. bie .^cintlid}feit, 3>r= borgen&eit; 2. ©ebetmbaltung, 3>er= fdmuegcuricit; 3. fiiiifamfcit, 2lb= gefrbtefeiibeit, ©tngejogenheit; in—, tug ©cbeint, inttcv bcr ^anb. SECRET (adv. — ly), adj. 1. gcbcillt, bctiulid), oevbovgeit ; 2. ocvfd»oie= gen; 3. etufani, abgefiticbcu, eingc= jogett; 4. oevftcdr, fd}lupfvig; to keep — , oevfdiroeigcu. SECRET, s. bag @c()eimuitl bev gebei= 1UC 3"ji*l»b ; Secrets, pi. bie ©ttaitt ; in — , tnS ©ebcim, tin SSertrauen ; to be in the — , bavitllt iviffcn; to let one into the — , cincill bag @cbcim= nif; entbcd'cit. SECRETARYSHIP, .«. bte @ccrctavftct= le, ©erjeimfcbveibevfteUe ; bag @c= cretartfit. SECRETARY, *. 1. bev ©cevctav, ©e= bcimfitveibev ; 2. ©teljcngcicv, @c= CVCtiiV (cor. OOlt sngittarius ObCV scr- pentarius — Falco scrpcntariiis — /,) ; — of state, bev ©taatgfccvctar, ?Jii= Utftcv ; — of the treasury, bev gtttanjs mttttfter ; — cf war, bev Jtvteggmi- ntfier; — of the navy, bet 2Flarine= niiiiiftev ; — 's office, bie ©cbcint* fchreiberet, bag Secretariat. To SECRETE, v. a. bci Scitc leant, wegvdnmcit, ocvuiahveu, oevfteden, iocgfd)licf;cit ; A. T. abfonbevit, ait§= fitcibeu ; lo — one's self, ftch »cv= bergen. SECRETfON, g. 1. bie ?lbfonbevitttg ithiciifd)ev Bcmttigfeitctt; ; 2. abge= fonbevte gctirbtigfcit. SECRETiTlous, adj. abgefotibevt ; anggefd)iebcu (oon thicrifiten genres tigfeiten). SECRETNESS, s. 1. bie .foetinlidifcif, 3Jevbovgcnbcit ; 2. bic93crfd}iiHegeu= beit. SECRETORY, adj. jiiv (tbievifcbcii) 21b= fonbevitng gcborig ; — vessels, 21b= fonberungggefajje. sect,,', bie ©cfte, Partei ; Be^rjunft, ®iauben8junft, StcIigionSpartet. SECTARIAN. I adj. jit cincr ©effe ge = bbvig, feftirifeb ; II, s. bev Selttrer, $arteigaugcv. SECTARIANISM, } s. ber <2eftcil = SECTARis.M, (to. it.) \ geift, bicScfti= vevei, ^avtcigangevci. SECTILE, adj. Min. T. fpaltbar. SECTION, *. 1. bcr ©chttitt, (5in= febnitt ; 1)uvrbfd)nitt, bie 3:b c tf»»(] ; 2. Section; Dcmiung ; 3. bcr 9lb = febnitt, Jbeil, bie Sttbt^eilnngj 4. a. T. bie SMivcbfcbnitfattftdU, bag ^voftf,((5ifen=)93abmu-ofil; 5. Typ. T. bag 9lbfituittgjeid)eit, bev V^va- C\YC[\>h[$'} ; —of the globe, bev 3Sclt= theil. sector, s. o. T. 1. bev Sector, Sfufr- febnitt; 2. 'l>vopovtioital=3irfcl. SECULAR, I. (adB.—l.v),adj.i. bitttbert jabvliit, fccnlav(tffb) ; 2. niditbiirdj ©elubbe ober DrbenSreneln gebitn< ben, loeltliit ; n. s. ber Sate ; 3Bell» gciftlide, SBeltprtejter. SECULARITY, s. bev loeltliebe Stanoj bie SBeltltcbfeit, bev SBeltftnn. SECUf-ARI'ZATION, .«. tie C^ t It Jt C tJHtttfl (geiftlid)cr ©liter obev jtlbfiev). 7b SECULARIZE v a. ficitlaviuvea, (J^lbftev obev ©tiftimgen) ciujiebetj SECULARNESS, «. vid. Sbcitlaritt. SECUNDINE,-br Seconbikes (pi.) s. bit 9iarbgebuvt. SEi;URE (.v«'p. — ly), adj. 1.ficbcr( — from.., oor.-.); 2. geioifi, oevftebert ( — of.., einev @adjc) ; 3. fnrebt» IPS, fovgiog. To SECURE, e. a. 1. geioi9 ntadjeit 2. fidevu (— ftop .., oov..); 3 fdii^cit, bcfebii^eti, beioabrett, oer= roabven (against, gegcit) ; 4. oevfcblt'c* fjClt ; 5. ocvfiebcvtt ; to — one, or a thin?, fid) SineS ober einev ©aebe oevftitcvn. SECURENESS, s. bie ©idievbeit, <2org= lofiafeit, bev 2)Jaiigel an 3J3fld)fam- fett. SECURER, .». bev (bie, bag) ©dmfe gicbt. SECURIFORM, adj. B. T. bctlfbvmig. SECURITY, s. 1. bie ©icixvbeit; 2. @en>i9beit ; 3. gnvditlofigfcil, ©ovg= loftgfeit, 3uocvficbtlid)fctr, SRangel an SBad)famfett; 4. bev ©dmfe, ©diinit ; 5. bte Sierftdjerung, Sitrgs febaff, bev ©urge, bte ©aranrie, ©e= n)a$rtetflung, feantion; H. tag nu= beiocgliite Uitfcvpfanb, bie &))>o-- tbcf", to stand (or give) — , 53itvg= ki'aft leiften, fid) oevbiivgeit, gut fa gen, eaoiven ; what — can you have'? wet bfirgt 35tr bafflt? public securities, fltltbivtc ©taatgfdiltittM. sedan, s. bet Sragfeffcl, tie ©ciiifte; — cloth, bag ©eban=.i uriv sedate (ado.— ly), adj. gclaffcn, gr« fafjt, rnbig, ftili ; — ness, s tie ©e= laffenbeit, Saffung, ©entiitbgnthe. SEDATIVE, adj. fttdcut, bei'llbtgcitb, befanftiaeub ; — salt, bag ©ctatio^ falj, ©ttUfalj. sedentariness, s. bag ftatc ©i(ieii, tic ftfcenbe SebenSart. SEDENTARY, adj. 1. otel ftfeenb, mr\ utelem Stben 'fcerbimbcn ; beftaubig an cittern Dvtc bleibcut; 2. utitl)a= tig, uuberocglicb, fanl ; to lead a — life, cine ftfeeube 8eben«art fiib^reit, frets in bet Stnbe bocfen. SEDGE, s. (— grass' 1 , bte SBt'llfeit, bilS SRiebgraS, SRcfjrgraS, ^dnlfgfag (c«- rex — U); — bird, ber SBeibcnjrt* ftg (LuSCiltia salicirin. — /,.). SEIX5ED, adj. aug SBiitfen gentarbt. sedcy, adj. mit ^ in feu bcro a d;feH, oo II Scbilrgras, ftg. SEDIMENT, s. bev Sal), QJobenfafe, Sfiiebcrfrhlag (oon SliifitgJeiten), bi« >&efen. sedition. .'. ber Slufftanb, Slnfrufcr, bie ©mporung. SEDITIONARY, s. ber 3lufrub,ter, 9lttf* roieglcr, 9)Jcuterer. SEDITIOUS (adv. — ly), adj. aitfriibrc rifd), aufioicglevifit, mcutevifd); — ness, s. bag ^litft'ubvevifde ; tie fflw gutig juin Slufrubr, SJJeuteret. , To seduce, v. a. ocrfttbicn, tcvlettcn, mifilciteit, oevlorfen. SEDUCEMENT, s. tic Sevfiibrung. aSevIeituug, ajerlodnng. seducer, s. bev SBerfitbrer, SSciioacr SEDUCIBLE, adj. oevfiibrbav. seduction, s. bie in-vfiibvung, 9Scr lei tuna. SEEK SEIZ SELF SEDUCTIVE, adj. fccrfiibrerifdj. sedulity, s. tic ©mftgfeit, bcr Slei'}. SEDULOUS {adv. —it), adj. entflfl, ffct' f»ig, qubalteitb, untterbroffen, mit[)= fam ; ' — ness, s. tie (SSmffgfeit, ltttycr= troffcubcir, bet anbalteitbe Stetfj. 6EE, ». 1. btc bifdjoflicbe 9iefibcn$, ber bifd)i>ftiebe ©ifc, ©tuH; 2. bie 23i= fcbofsroiirbc; 3. baS JUiatbuiit, bic SMijccfe ; iioiy — , i:v vapftlicbc ©tubl. 7ii SEE, ». a. * n. 1. fef>Clt ; 2. bcO= t»iict?tcit, fiittett, eutbccfett; 3. jitfe- beit, ©orge ttagcn, forgeu ; 4. auf= nicrfeit; 5. bcftidjen ; 6. 43cfud)catt= ticbmcu ; 7. erlebctt ; 8. bcglcitett, fiihrcit, gelcitett; I do not—, id) faun uid)t eiufcfjett, begrcifcu ; rn — you paid, id) rocrbe bafiir forgen, bafj Sic bcjablt roerbcn ; — it done, laffeu (Sic baa thuu, fcfjeit ©ie jit, bajj es gefcbebc; — the guard doubled, lajj bie SBaebeil scrboppclii ; to go to — one. CtltCIl befltd)ctt; to — company, SBefudjC aitltcbmctt ; she sees nobody, fie itimmt fcine SBcfndje ait; to — one home, Seinattb nad) cpaufe bcglcU tCU ; — her to the coach, bcfllcitc ftc bia an bic (fiit)rc fie juv) .ftutfebe; must 1 live to — that! Ill U ft tcf> iaS Cl = lebett! to — afar off, von 2Bciicnt fe- bcit, Weit febcit ; to — for, mid) cttvaa febcit, ca fndjcit; to — into, eincit (tkfeu) Slid in cttvaa tb,uit, cS er= griiubctt, eittfdjaiten; to— out, qattj {ufc^ctt, bi§ ait baa (iubcbeobad)tcit; I shall — him out, icb tverbc ibu aua= ffbClt laffett; —(you) to it, fct)cu©ie bantacb, forgen ©ie bafiir, seed, s. 1. bcr ©amen (Same), bie ©aat; 2. bcr Utfyrung; 3. baa ©e-- fd)lcd)t, bie 9iad)foitimeufd)aft ; ar- ticles of — (or seeds), ©amerciartifel, ©aittercieu ; — bed, bag Srcibbect; — beetle, bcr ©amenfafer, Santctw jerftorcr (Bruehtu — L.) ; — hud, bcr (Stcrjtocf, amcuqetD&$6, jnuge spffaiijdjert, bet ©fimltng. BEEDY, adj. 1. Boiler (Samen ; forti= rcicb ; 2. uad) ©amen fdmtcdeitt, mit cittern SBeigefcbmacf (»on Stanj= branntweiit) ; 3. cant ab(jefd;abt, fd)imii}t;i. SEEING, I. s. ba§ ©chen ; 0)cfid)t ; — is believing, )>nm. WilS man fitht, alaubt man, Dbct \va& bic Qlugeil fe= bcu glaitbt baS <§etj; worth — , fe= hciliSlvcrtl) ; 11. (— that), eonj. mil, ba, intent, ba tod; ; — it is so,' ba bent fo ifl. TV) SEEK, r. a, & n. 1. flldjctl, fid) 11111 = fehen ; 2. teaditcn, ftveben ; 3. ^n-- baltett, fid) bewcrbttt; to - nn/s dfe, Sematibein nad; bem SeDen irad) = ten; to — after, to — for, ttwai fu= the it, narb etivaS Uicfce:*, tractten. tint thvaS anfneben obet anfiaften ; to — out, bcrnm ftirbcn, au*fud;en, fucbett, augftnbig madjeit. BEEKER,«.l. bcr Sitdientc; 2 C5f(cE= titer, aufiwa^lenbe iUiilpfopb To SEEL, r. a. tent Aalfen nut ibn ah- jttrid)tctt) bie 2hia,ett jittiiil)cit, bicn= ben. To SEEM, r. n. fdieittClt, SPrfomilKB ; it seems, c§ frbcittt. si:i:mi:r, «. bcr ©ebeinenbe, cincr bcr eincn pettiffen Sdjein bat, fid) eincit gewiffen ©d)fin aiht. seeming, Lad}, antdjcittcitb, febcinbar ; II. s. baS ©cbcineit, 'ilnfebcn; bcr (9ltt=)©d)ein ; — ly, adv. febcinbar, bem ©d)ctne nad), Jitnt ©dicinc ; — ness, s. bic ©djcitibavfeif, bcr Vln= fd)ctn. 8EEMLINESS, t. tie (33rbf--)?lntlait= bigfeit, ^ebtcfliebfeif, tee 2Boblftanb. SEEMLY, adj. \- ado. (li)0()U)anftaitbig, fd)ieflid), gc^icmenb. SEER, *. 1. bcr ©ebentc; 2. ©eljcr, $totf)tt. BEE-SAW, ». 1. bie ©dianfef; ba« ©chaufeltt ; 2. tas jweifeitige ££rum= Dfe n tm aB&iftfyiel. To SEE-SAW, v. n. febanfclit, fid) fd;an= feln ; fid) l)in itnb bcr benxgen. To SEETHE, v. I. «. fiebetl, fodiett ; II. n. aitfroallcit ; fiebcttb ^cit) feint ; to — over, iiberfoiben, fiberwafteit. SEETHES, s. bcr ©icbenbe, ©ietev; (Jcc.d)--):iovf, Jtoebee. SEETHING, s. bafi ©ieten ; — pot, bcr jTodjtoyf. SEGAR, s. bie fiigarre. segment, a. i. bcr ?lbfd)ititf, bie ©d)iiitte; 2. o. T. ba« ©egmeuf, bet SBogenfcbKftt. To SEGREGATE v. n. abfottbcnt. SEGREGATE, adj. abgefonbert (tv. it.). SEGREGATION, «. bic SlbfoilbetUttjJ. SEIGNEURIAL, adj. b,errfd)aftlid),' nn= abb,ftngig. SEIGNIOR, ». bcr .Oicrr, ©ruttbberr, @rbberr, Sebnljcir ; the Grand — , ber (SJuMllH'lT. SEIGNIORAGE ». bcr ©d)(agcfd;at bie iDliinjgebu^t. SEIGNIORIAL, adj. rid. Smomeurial. To SEIGNIORIZE [— isk), v. a. bei)en'= febcit, ben .^eevti fpielen \v. it.). seigniory,*, tic ^ettfctiaft, &VCX- lidjfcit, baa ®ebiet. BEIN, e. bati -cdilaflcutfc, ©djicwnct}/ ©agcttcfe. seiner, s. cincr bcr mit bem ©cbfa= genefee fifd)t (t». ii.). SEIZABLE, adj. teffctt man fii-b be= mad)tigen Fa'nn, »egjmteb,ineit, ein= jusicbeit. To SEIZE, u a 1. (to — hold of), cr= greifeii ; 2. fid) bemad)tigcu, toegne^ men ; 3. /. T- s . aitH'fanbeii ; »er= baften, eiitjiebeit, conftSciren, in i8e= fdilag (in sBeftfe) itehmen ; -i. aufal* Icil, iibevfaUcn ; to— on upon),i£>aiib an ctma« lca,eit, wegnejbmen ; fift) (ci= ncS) bemacbttgen, vetbaften ; civjrci= feu, pacfcit; to — upon again, DOJI SJleuem anfaQen; to be seized of a thing, /.. t. in iU-fil} citiev ©acbe feint ; to be seized with . . , crgriffcit (toetbtu) vctt . . . SEIZER, s tee Stgteifer. BEIZIN fSMTOt),* /.. T. tie @ratets fung, ©einficbttnuitg, 53cfifen. it.) fcltctt ; — ness, 5. bie ©cltenbcir. I BCT, v. a.au8n>SbIen, ait*Icfcit. SELECT, adj. aiiSenvablt. aiUcrlefeii ; — company, bie gcfcbloffctte ®cfell= febafr. SELECTEDLY, adv. aii*crlcfcu. selection, 4 -. bie aufllefuiifl, SSabi, 9lu«iDabl. SELECTNESS, s. tic 3Tu8erIefen^rit, SOorjfiflltc^feif, SSr-rteeftlirbfcit. selector, e. bet Slngwa^Ienbe, 3fa«* iViiblcr, (S'rlcfcr. SELENITE. i. bcr ©cletiit, SpittttU fvatb. SELENITIC (— cal), adj. jitm ©Vtcgci^ fyatb gebSrtg. SELENIUM, s. Ch. T.taS ©elciiitim. SELENIURET, a. Ch. T. — of copper. ba« Selenluvfet; —of silver and cop- per, bcr @nfattit. SELENOGRAEmC f— calI, adj. fefeito- graybifeb, jnr 3J26nb«befcpteib«n(j ge^drtg. SELENOGRAPHY, 8. tic ©cknogM: Vbie, Skfcbreibtiita, bee 3Wonbe8. SELF, Lpran. fclbft'; II. ». ba-3 ©eibtl, 3d); one's — , man felbft, fid) fclbft, fieb ; one's own — , emph. fclbfteigen ; your honoured for good) — , 3brc 1VCV = the Sperfon, ©ic ; your royal—, Sure fiittiijlidjc (iH'rfcu) 3Kajeft?.t ; I con- sider him as another — , id) bftracbt? ibu n)ie nuiit jivcitca 3d) (b. i. mir felbft flleitf)) ; in compos. — abandon tnent, bie ©elbfivergeffenb^eit ; — abased, fclbftcrtticbvigt ; — ment. tic Selbftetniebrigung, ©elbft= b, erabwiirbigung ; — abasing, felbft* etitiebrigenb ; — abuse, tcr iW'i 1 ";-- braud) bcr bcrltcbcncu (Mabeit, Jttdfa te u. f. iv.. bic ©elbftfebmabung ; — accusing, fclbftauf lagcitb ; — acquit- tal, bie ©clbftfreifyrecbting, «rf. taa 2l ; cifibvcitucit; — acting, felbfth)tr> fcttb ; fclbftbatitclnb ; '/-.-■ — actin| mule, cine fclbft>>initetttc 3Ru(C'3Ra= fdiine; — acting plane, cine fclb(U lvivfentc SRampe; — active, fclbftlba = tij]; — activity, tic clbftbeberr= f^iuuj ; — convicted, int ^intent fiber= jeili|t; — conviction, tic illltcie lle= bfijeuguttg; — created fclbucvfc^af= fon : — creating, folbftcrfdjaffenb, felbft'itPl'ferifd); — deceit, — de- ception, ber Selbftbetrug, r j c ©elbft= taufdjung; — deceived, felbftbetro= gen; —deceiving, felbfttnufcbeub ; — defence, bie Selbjtoertbeibigung ; — delusion, bie Selbftfauffblilig ; — de- nial, tic Selb|tuerldugnung ; — de- nying, felbftuerlaugnenb ; — depend- ence, bio 'Jlbbangia.feit »on ftcb felbft, tliiabbaugigEeit, ©elb{jt)jianbigfeir, fvvctbet t ; — dependent — depending), uiiabbangig, fclb(ft ftanbig; — de- struction, tic Selbftoerntojtuiig, bet ©elbjiinorb : — destructive, felbftm'; uirbteub, felbfimprbevifdi ; — deter- mination, bie ©elbftbeftimimiug, ©elbftbejtiinmbarteit (©pontanet= tilt) ; — determining. fclbftbeftillt = meitb, felbftbtftimntbar ; —devotion . ( — deyotement\ bie Selbftaufopfe= rung, Selbjt»erf5ugmtiig ; — devour- in?, felbftver;chveitb ; — diffusive. felbjtterbretrenb, fettftjerftreueui ; — dubbed, angeblid), uprgeblirh ; — en- joyment, bev ©elbjtgenufj ; — esteem ( — estimation), bie -rclbftarbtllltg ; — evidence, bie ^lugenfcbeinlicbfei't ; — evident, aitgetifdjemlitb, flar an ficfc ; — exaltation, bit ■Selbfrevbcbuug ; — exalting. )td) felbftevbebeut ; — ex- amination, bic_«elbftpriifuiig; — ex- cellency, tie iuticve SBortrefflidjfett ; — exile, bie Selbftuerbamtung ; — existence, tal SQefteben turcb fid) felbft. unabbangige Stafetm, bie ©elbftftanbigfeit ; — existent, bitveb ftdi felbft beftcbeub, fclbftftaiibtg; — extinguisher, ciu fclbftauvfcuter £icbt= banipfev; — flatterer, ber 3elbft= fcbmeicbler, bie SelbflfthmeUtlerinn ; — flattering, felbftfdinicidninb ; — flattery, bie @clbftfd)mcickici ; — clo- rious, eitel, rubntretig, prablerifrb; — harming, felbftveriuunbenb, felbft= wrlefceub; — heal, ber ©anifef, ba8 ©ottbcil ; — healing, fclbftbeilcub ; — homicide, ber SelbftlltOrb ; — idol- ized, felbfbergbttevt: — importance, bag @efiihl_ feiner Sffiirbjijjfeit ; — important, fid) tutdjtiq biiufeilb; — imposture, ber ©flbft'bctritg ; — in- dulgence, bie i'ladifirbt g'egctt fid) felbft; @elbft»evftattiing; — inter- est, ber (Sigenuutj ; — interested, cu getutii^ig ; — interestedness, bie (5'i= gcttniiijigfett; — introduction, bie Sjclbftetnfufjruitg: — invited, felbft* etngetabeii, ungebeten; — kindled, felbftentiunbet ; — knowledge, bie (Selbftfenntnii ; —like, ber, bio, baS ?lehulid)c; — love, bie ©clbftliebe; — mettle, ber eigne @ifet; — mo- tion, blC Selbftberueguitg; — moved, jhS eigenem Cvirbe, Don felbft; — murder, bev ©elbftiupt'b ; — mur- derer, ber (Selbftmorber ; — neglect- ing, bie 33eritfld)lafftguna feiner felbft; ftdj felbft mnacbjamaenb ; — nescience, ber JNangel an Jleunu 11 tfi feiner felbft; — opens. JKin. T. natiirltcbe ©ruben ober fiobjungen; — opinion, ber (Sigenbiinrel ; — opin- icned ( — opiniati I . boll (5'ia.C"tuti= fel ; — partiality, bie llcbcrfcbdiiiiug feires eigenen EBertbeS; — pleas- ing, felbfrgefaUig, felbftbcfticbigciib ; — poised, felbftftanbtg ; — posses Bion, ber ©elbftbefifc ; tic Sclbfi6e= berrfrbung ; SBefonnen^eir, ©amm= lllltg feiner lolbft; to regain one's — possession, ftrb faninielii, fieri: iiber pd) tterben ; — praise, ba« Selbftlob, 373 SJJreiftn feiner felbft ; — preference, ber SorjUO, loilior t'clbft ; — preser- vation, bie Selbfterboltung ; — prized, felbflgeroiirbigt ; — renunciation, bie (SelbftDerlaugnung ; — repellency, bie SRurfroirhmg burdj nob felbft ; — rej lling, buret) fid) felbft ritffroirfenfe ; — reproved ( — reproving), felbfialU flagenb, felbfttabelnb ; — reproving, bie ©elbftanflage ; — respect, bie (Selbftad)tUlig ; '— restrained, felbft: befduMiift; — restraining, fclbftbe* fdjranfenb; — restraint, tie ©elbft= befcbrdufiiiig, ber ©clbfijnjang ; — righteous, felbftgcvcebt ; — sacrifice, bad ©elbftopfer, bie @elbftnufopfc= rung; — same, eben berfelbe, ber itdnilute ; — satisfaction, biiS ©elbfts vcvgttugeu, bie ©elbfrfreube ; — seek- ing, fur fid) (felbft jitcrft) fprgenb, egoiftifdjj — slaughter, ber etfe, eingebilbet; — wrong, bie (Sclbfivcrleljung. SELF1>!I (ado. — ly\ n.lj. felbftfiicb* tig, felbftifd), riacunitfeig, fettietgeii; — ness, s. bie @elbftfud)t, ber 6t= gtiinit^. To sell, b.1 a. vcvfaiifon, bevbanbclit, abfefceil ; to — publicly, bffentlid) uev= ftoi.jorn ; to — off (or out), SltteS niit cinanber berfaufen, ba» 8ager veiit= men, ausoerfanfen ; n. n. ft\t oerfau= fen, abgelicn, berfauft merben ; ban= beln; to — well, fieb gut berfaufen, gut abgebfit ; to — well at .., tin Uiveife ober Kourfe fteljen 511 . .; 511 fit b en Eominen ouif . . , SELL.-vNDKR, s. Sj>. T. ber Sld^feit (bie Didiite an ber .uiiiefoble ber Spferbe). seller, s. bee SSerldufer. SELLING, part. M. E-s. — out. ber ?lll«= sevfauf; — price, ber SBerfaufSbveiS. SELVEDGE, s. bio 2abIIeifte, col. b,i« ©albenbe, bie ©ebrote, SBorte, ber ©aunt; jv. T. ber ©trnpp, b .5 ECou* onto. SELVES, pron. (]>l. SPIt Self) felbft; (we) ourselves, &c. Wir felbft. semblance, s. I. ber Sepein, 5Sufen= fdniu ; 2. bie ©eflalt, gorm ; 3lebn= liitfoit. semi-, (SJorfelbe) bal=>. SEMI-ANNUAL, adj. balbjdblij; — ]y. adc. alle balbo Jabve, balbjabrlift). SEMI-ANNULAR, adj. balbriugflu'iiiig, balbvunb. SEMI-BAUHARI.VN. ) adj. ba Ibrpb, ii: SEMI-BAEBAROUS, ) ten friibent ro= ben 3uftaub berfe^t. SEMIBREVE, 5. Jffus. T. bie ojwinjc Zatt- npte. semicircle, s. ber fialbjirfel, .§alb= frets. SEM1CIRCLED, ? adj. hit fialbjtrfel, SEMICIRCULAR. ^ balbviIUt. SEMiroLON, s. baS eeniifclpn, ber 5tritflMiii.Pt [;]. SEMI-CVLINDRICAL '— ic) adj. B. T. runblief), aber auf ciner Sangenf:iti flaeb. SEMI-DIAMETER, .?. O. T. ber balb' 5)urcbineffer, fialbineffer (SRabiuS). SEMI -DIAPENTE. s. Mis. T. bie iwrs miuberte Qutnte. SEMI-DIAPHANEITy, i. bie .§albburd)= ftcbtigfeit. semi- diaphanous, adj. balb burets fitftiq. semi double, s . bie OTittelfeier, ber minber gefeierte fatbclifrbe fvefttag. SEMIFLORET, s. B. T. bie .^.llbbluilte. SEMIFLOSCULOUS. adj. B. T. eine fialbbluine trngenb, wie eine fialbs bliune gfftaltet. SEMI-FLUID, adj. balbfliifuq. SEMI GLOBULAR, adj. balbfligrlig. SEMILUNAR, ) adj. balbmputfpr= SEMILUNARY, $ niig. semi-metal, s. bal fialbmetaU. SEMINAL, adj. 1. jit bent Sanifti geto= rig; 2. tm Sanieit tntbalreit, ur= fvruuqlieb ; — leaves, a. r. tit Sa= meitblatter. seminal, s. ber Same. SEMINALITY, 5. bit ^aiitcnfiaft ; ber Same. SEMINARIST, s. ber SffanftfcpTtr, SllumnuS (in fatbpltfcbeu ©emiua= vieii). SEMINARY, I. s. 1. bie ^ffamfdiitlf. @rjie.bung8= (iUn-bereitungS--) Sins ftalt, bae (Seminartum : 2. in 2llttm= iui§; ii. adj. 1. ben Same* bctrcf= fenb ; 2. eine 5pffait5fd>:ile betrerrenb ; — priest, ber SJirtefter n:i§ einem (frentbeit) ©eminarto; — vessels, pi. Samengefage. 71 iSEMINATE, r. a. 1. faeu, befacil; 2. oerbreiten, auSftreuen. semination. ... bag 3>ien; bit St* fauna., Sefamung. seminiferous, adj. 2an:cn tiagcab, Samen erjeugenb. SEMINTFIC, I adj. Satttcit trjeil= SEMINTFICAL, $ flf'b. SKM1N1FICATI0N, s. bie QSefaiuuiig, Sefrutbtung. SEMI-OPACOU; SEMI-OPAKE. SEMI-ORD1NATE, s. G. T. (eigeiltlifb) bio balbe Crtinate; (je'^t gem6t>Mli= eber) bie Crbinate. semi-pedal, adj. balbfiifjig. SF.MI-PEI.LUCID.;' balbbiirrfcftrbtia. semi proof, s. ber balbe SeweiS. srAIIQUADRATI',, ) s. Ast. T. bet semi quartile, 5 ©taiibber $fas ticteit, wcnii fie 45° bon einanter ab= ftobeu, ber balbgebierte Sebeiit. SEMIQUAVER, s. .Mas. T. bie Std>= U'l'iirboilnpte. sKMi-oriNTiLE. s. Jist. t. ber Stattk bet Spianeten, rocnit fie 3fi° bpu ein» aiiter entfernt jtnb, ber balb gefiiiiftc Sd)eiu. SF.M I REFINEMENT, s. bie ,§alb>.>tr3 feincrung, fialbbiibuug. SEMI SAVAGE, I. adj. balbrpb, balb= rotlb; ii. .*. ber fialbroilbe. SF.MI-SEXTILE,s..?.^. T. ber Staitbbet Sp lane ten, roeun ]ic 30° @rab »w einanber abftebeit, bev balb gefeebstt ober gejioolfte ©rbein. SEMI-SPHERIC, i adj. balbfuget SEMI-SPHERICAL, ) fprmig. SEMI-SPHERODDAL, adj. tutor balbe» Spb^roibe abnlid). SEMI-TERTIAN, .^. Med T. fcas i)M> bveitage Siebcr. SEMITONE «• -Wu*' T * el ' l ,a ' oe ^- 01t galbton. SEMITONIG adj.Mus. T. balbfrb;reitij ctrpmatifd;. :s, > adj. balbbunfel, J balbburi-bfiebtig. SENI SENT SEP! IEMI-TRAN82PT, * Arch. T. (in &VC* rben) ter f>atbc jtreujftugel. semi-vowel, ^. ter .£>alblauter, igatboofal. SEMPERVTRENT, a*/, immergriiii. SEMPERV1VE, ba$ 3mi)tergtUll (&b- vi ntritm — /,.). SEMPITERNAL, adj. tmntcnvabrenb, jivar begtnneub, abet nie enbenb, civil]. BEMPlTERNITY, *. bic intmcrivafjrcnbe . ©alter, (Smigfett. BEMSTRESS, Sempstress, s. bic 9^a= permit. SENARY, adj. jit bef 3 a h ( fed)3 fjebo; rig, gcfecbjt J the — number, bic 3«j>t fccbl. SENATE, s bcr Stmt, Oiatl) ; — house, bad Oiatbfjaiifl. SENATOR, *. 1. bcr Senator, 9cath> bert; 2. ©taatflutann, SSoifeuot* ftebcr. senatorial, «#. fenatorifd), rat&fls herd id). senatorially, a«fo. ciitcnt ©enafor gejientcitb ; fetcrlicb. senatorship, *. bic Senafor(8)s tviirbe. 7V) .send. v. n. t,- n. 1. fenbcit, frbtifen ; iiberfcnbcit, jttfrfjiifcn ; 2. aborbnen ; 3. oerbreiten; 4. fliegen faffen, ivcr= fen, fdiirf'cn; what shall I — youl (bet £tf$r) ivas foil id) 3&nen »or= legeu? ivcuiiit tana id) 3$nen aufs ivairer. ? to — word. bcnadnid)tigen, jit uuifcii tjjun, iviffcn laffcn, fagen differ. ; God — me relief, IltOge ©Ott mil - .£v.tfe rcv(cil)cn ; God — she be well, ©ott gebe, baft fie fid) tvobl bc= ftnbc; to — abroad, hinaus (and) ai*.= fcr Sanbefl) fa)icfctt; to — after, liad;fdltcfcn ; to — away (vid. — out), voegfrbicfcii, abferftgen; to — back, »urficffa)td;en ; to — for. fjolcn laffcn, befdiufett; to— for down, binniikr= £>cfd)eiben ; to — for one (to come) to a place, ciucit tvobin bolen laffen : to — forth, be emu- bririgen, ;u .Tagc for; bent, von fid) gebcit ; aiiftreiben ; to — in, ()incitifd)t'ffen, auftragen laffen ; to — ■ in (up, &c.) one's name, ftcblltcl- ben laffcn ; to — off (— away), (ab = ) fenben, oetfenben, oerfebicfen, |pebi= ren; to — out, bcrau8fd)icfcit; fg. vcrbreiten ; to — out a fleet, cine g(9tfe aiiefcbicfcn; to — round, 11111 = bcr febtcfen, tirculiren laffcn ; to — upon, 5itfd)iifcn, jitfitgen, bciinfitcbett. •sendee, *. bee Sepicfenbe, (?lb=)@eu= Vr. SENEGA, s. ~ gum, bafl Senegals ©itmmi; — root, bic .RlappcifiMaii= gcunjurjcl {Polyvnla senega — I..). BENEGAL, s bet ©umiiiibaitm [Acacia Senegal — /i SENESCENCE, s. bafl ?lltivcvbcit, bic SBcrathmg, bas 33erfaHen. seneschal, s. tec Senefdjall, ?anb» vogt, i.'anM'id)tcf; .j3aitihefmciftcr, SSenlmetftcr. SENGREEN, ». bic .gauflwur}, bcr SWauerpfcffer (Sempervivum t /,.); bafl <£illlli]ritlt {Tinea minor l. '. KENILE, adj *n bent bobcu filter gejjo* rig, bodib'ejahrt, greiftg. senility, s. bafl bobc '.'liter, ©reiftns alter (lv. ii.). SENIOR, adj. «r s. bcr altcrc ; Weltefte (im 3lutte), Senior ; bcjalirte attaint, @l'Ci§ ; — (master) of a corporate trade, ber Dbets9Ietrefle cinei- .\u- nnng; — fellow, ba« altcrc 3JJitgIteb finer ©cfellfcbaft; — oCcers, Sefes ranofpeierc; — warden, r. (tit bcit 5reiiiiaiicr=\!0j]cn) ber crfte ^liiffcber. RENIORITY, s, 1. baJ l;5bcrc filter; 2. bat Seniorar, SKitcrtcnrccbt, bic 51el= teftentoutbe ; 3. bas JlmWalter, 3)icnftalter. SENNA, s. bic vjCUCC-Vflatlje (Cassia senna — L.). SE'NNIGHT, *. (contr. vott seven I at J£age, bic SBorbc ; this day — (ago), beiue uor adit Taa,cn ; this day — (to come), heme itber ad;t Sage. SENOCULAR, adj. ferbdaugtg. sensation, ». 1. ba« ©inpftnbungSs Derm5genj bie (Smvftnbung ; 2. ber 6'inbritcf ; 3. ba» v'lnffeben, bit Setts fation, fam. gurore. SENSE.*. l.berSiiin; 2. SBerjtanb, bic SSernuiift; 8. bcr Segtiff; 4. bic SBebeutuna; iDJeinung; 5. ©eftn= nung: 6. (Smpftnbung, @mvftitbfam= fett, iRetibarreit; 7. tag ©cfiihl ; 8. SSorgeful)!; man of—, ber oerftan= bige i'litiui ; common — , ber gcntciitc (3Jcenfcbeit=)3Serftartb; good—, bet aefunbe (titbtige i 1 ecu fd; c it = > 33 c r - ftailb ; to speak very good — , fel)f rci = niiiiftii] reben ; to have a just — of. ., rccbt tmfefjen ; out of one's — s, lit. ■$■ fig. rafenb, aufjer ftcb. SENSELESS, {adv. — ly), adj. LftrtttloS, beftnnitngslos, lebloi ; 2.un»ernunfs tig, iniiH-i'ftaiit!!] ; ungereimt, bumtn ; 3. ftiimpfftnitiij, gcfiiblloS, nneiii= Vfinblid;; 4. (— of, ftd)) iinbeiviifjt ; — ness, s. bic Stnnlofigfett, ©efubU loft'gfcit; Unberftanbtgfeit, Unvcr= minff, Ungercimtl)cit. SENSIBILITY, ». 1. bic Crmpfi!tbbar= fcit, g-iiblbai-fcit; 2. (finVfinbliitfcit, ©mhftnbfamfeif, ©irqjfattglia^fett, b«8 fciitc 0)efiibl, 3avt,jcfiibl. SENSIBLE {adv. — i.y), adj. 1. bltrd) bic @titnc iLMbnicbnibar, emJJpllbs bar, fiiblbar, merfoar, ntcrfltd) ; 2. bind) bie 2innc cntvfinbcnb, finnlid) ; 3. cmvfinblidi, rcijbar ; 4. fd)incr$= baft, emjjftnbfain, gefu^looll, cin= Vfanglicf) ; 5. »erfianbig# oemunftig, benfenb, flii;], gcfiteibt ; 6. iiberjeitgt ; to be — of, ©efi'tbt fiir etwafl babeit, wn ttvaaS gcriibrt feint, cinvfiitbcii, mcrfen, fcljcn, iviffcn, uberjeugt (ein* gcbcilf; fciMt ; to make one — of some- thing, cinent ctiva-3 benicvflid) ma = dicit ; — note, bic grofe Scptime ; — ness, s. I. bie Smpftnbbarfett, Sitf)l= bavfeit ; 2. Smpftnbfamfetf, 6m= Vfinblidifcit, @mpftltbmig ; 3. (5'in= vr'an ..]iidjfcit, baS (petnltcbe) SBemufit* feint, ber ©d)merj; t. bafl S3emunf= ttge, bet ©inn, bic .u!u.]bcit. SENSITIVE [adv. — vr), adj l.fhllllidl; 2. fiiblbar, nievfliu) ; 3. cntvfinbcnb, cinpfiubfant, einpfinblidi ; — fern, bcr Ailblfavu | Onoc '■■ • si nsibilis — L.) ; — plant, bad Stunfraut, bic ©tnn= Vflaiuc [Mitnosi emsitiva — J.); — ness, », bic ©injjftnbnttgSfflbtgfeit, CMiipfiitbfamfcir, 6inpftnb(id>fett. i : it "m, Sbnsort, ». bai Senfo* riitm, ©ittncii= ober (Smpftnbung3= werEjeug; bafl Organ bed ©innefl, bcr (Sinvftnbungflft^. BENSTJ w, adv. - a , adj. ftnnlidi, fin = nenliifltg, fjeifdjltd), ivolluftia. SENSUALIST, s. bcr fiiinlidic -I'lCiiub, ©t'nnenmenfd), SBoUufiling. sensu \i.i i'v. ». bic ^letaung ju finn* liitcn ©eniiffen, Stnnltcbfett. To SENSUALIZE, », a. |ttt iiiiiiliit- fcit veiu'ii, fid) bcr ©t'nnlifbfett erges belt; finnlid) niadicii, bfrftntilitben. sentence, ». l. bet [Rea)t«fprud>, ^['iducifiu'iicb, ba-3 Urtbcil, bet 83e« fdjetb, bic Sitrfdjcibitttg; 2. Sentenjl bcr turn inbalti'olle ©ebanfe, furje (9Iu«=)(5prud), Stnnfprua), Vebr= fiu'udi, StttenJVrud) j 3. (SRebe= 2a'i, tie SPeriobe; — of death, bafl iiObc^urtfietf; to pa<.-s (or pronounce) — upon . . , eiit Urtbcil fpred)tn fibet . . . To SENTENCE, v. a 1. bafl Urtbcil fallen, (aufl=.fpred)en ; 2. verurrbcir Icn (— to, jit). SENTENTIAL, adj icntcmcit 2inn= ; Scbr=, Sittenfpruffie) entbaltcnb. SENTENTIOUS [adv.— ly), adj. fvrurb> rcidv fprucftmafjig, gebanfetireieb, fentenjretd), fun auflgebriifft; — . bafl Sprud)reid)e, bet Spruri= rciditbnnt, tic ©cbruiigenljeit, i'lin-- bigfeit. SENTIENT, r. adj. cntvftiibenb ; pirns ltd) ; ii. s. bafl emvftnbenbt 3Befen. SENTIMENT, s. 1. bic Tcnfart, STOet's nung, ©efittmtng ; 2. in bet ^ibeto= rif bcr ©ebanfe im OJcgcuiafc befl anflbruflefl ; 3. bic nrtlidn- (*in= ppnbiina, bafl ©effib.1 fftrba8@Bt< obtt 8ofe) ; bic ©mpfintfamfeit. SENTIMENTAL {adv. — ly), adj. l.btrs nunftt,]- ftnnrcid) ; 2. entpffiiigticfi ffit fittltrbc Crmvfintnngen, emvfntbs jam, empfinbiingflDoU ; 3. ana. iiber= finnlid), ciiiyfiiibclnt, fentimental. SENTiMENTALIJSM,s bit (?nti'finte!fi. SENTIMENTALIST, ». bet 2c:ttintcn= talift, @mvfinblet. SENTIMENTALITY.*, bic rcnti'.licn* talitat, (fnivfinbclci. sen riNi- 1,, $ bie © I'ilbivacbc. SENTRY. *. bie 5d)tlbtt>ad)e ; — bos, bafl Scbtlbcrbaufl. sepal, 5. a. t. bafl ^flcbblatt. SEPARABILITY, ». bic Xrciinbarfeit, Bcrtvcniilidtfcit. SEPARABLE, adj. trennbar, Jfttrentb lid); — ness, s. ivie Skparabiuty. 7Vi SEPARATE, v. In. ticnnen, rab=: fonbeiit, jertreititen, jcvtbcilcti; auS* fonbern ; n. ». ficfe trenncti, febciben ; jertrennt fc.'ii; m e. ftcb frpariren, bic roctctat an'lH-bcn. SEPAB vte, f. getrennt, abgeft>nbert, abgefebicben, einjtin ; — mainti nine.-, bie' Sdjeibiutg >on ^tub unb '^etf; .v. /: s. —account, bafl 2ciMViit=C5on- to, bie Separat=9Jed)nung ; —trade bic sproperbnnblung ; — ly, adv. gc- trennt, befonberfl ; — ness.* ber ab= gefonberte 3njtanb, bit ©efd bcit. SEPARATION, *. tit Xrcniiiin.]. "7U' = foitbcnu'.;], Sa)cibnng ; (>bctrrit= nung; — of partnership, .1/ I Separation OlnflSfiing; eincrCMcHll- fd)aftfls^anblung. SEPARATIST,*, bet ©cparatift, 2on= berling. SEPARATOR. *. bcr Tvciincnbf, Sib* fonbernbe, Scfieibea'je. SEPARATORY, adj. jnr '?lbfonbcritiiii gebfirig [w. ii.) ; — ducts 9lbf rungflgefSfie. SEPARATORY,* I. I ". T. bet 2dJftbf= tridjtcr ; 2. s r.tM Stbeibemeffer. SEPAWN, Sbfon, s.Jlm fine "?lrt geborent) Dftinbirr. SEPS, '. cine ?lrt giftige CibecbCc. SEPTANGULAR, adj. ftcbcnccfig.. ffe- benroinfelig, 8EPTEMBER, ». bet SKonat Septent bcr, ^erbftmonat. SEPTENARY, r. adj. an* ficbcii beftf» benr; ii ». bic Stebcn, ;'abl ii-bcii. \\i u., adj. ftebeniabrtgs — parliament, t.lfl ficbcitjabrige %\Y* lament; —war, ter ftcbciij/Vigc jcrieg. SEPTENTRl »x. I. a ter SRorl 'At S79 SERE SERR SERV jenb nadj -IWttcmadjt; n. adj. I TENTP.IOSAL. lEPTENTRlONAL, adj. nei'Mid), lllit= tetnadjtfifb. SEPTIC, iadj. Med T. faulcub, tie 5EPTICAL, 5 gaultiifi oeforbetnb. SEPTICS, 8. pi. Ch. T. gauluip bctlMt* feubc ^roffe. SEPTILATERAL, adj. fteoenfeittg. SEPTUAGENARY, I adj. ftebjiaja()tS(J ; H. s. bcr Stebiigjabrige. BEPTUAGESiMA,*. Septuagefima> be: britte Sonutag oot beit gattcn. BEPTUAGESIMAL, a'//. all! fiebjt^ U' ftii'cuf, ticlsigjabtig. SEPTUAGINT, 5. tie ©eptaafltnta. SEPTUPLE, adj. ficbenfad). SEPULCHRAL adj. Jimt (Stale ober ikgrdbniiie gcjjortg, grab.iljulid) ; = folge; betSBetfolg; 2. Stteijje; 3. ■Jlnortuung, 3RetI>obe. SEQUENT, adj. folgettb. To SEQUESTER, v. La. 1. flbfoitbevn, tci Scire [egen, roegtaumeu; 2. trcu= lien, entjielien, ciitfentett; 3. L. T. fequefititeit, itt 99efd)lag uebmcii, (in S8efd)lag gcuomincue ober ftreitige ©utetr) befonbers ycrrcal/cu ; to be sequestered from.., bcrailbt, getvcnnt, abgefonberf boit . . ; H. n. entfagen. sequestrable, adj. ab&ufonbetn, trennbat; enhiefjtat; ju feaucftrU reii, ter ecgucftration nuterroorfeu. To SEQUESTRATE, v. a. viL To Se- quester. SEQUESTRATION, s. 1. L. T. bie aitiing, 5?erfugung iiber beit ^larbtajj utibe= erbter sgevfoneit ; 2. bie 2lbfonberuug, Sefeittgiing,, Xrenmmg, (Sntyt'ebung ; 3. 2lbgefd;tete:tt)ctt, (§ingefd)(offeti= beit. sequestrator, «. L. t. bet ©eque= fter, ©cquefirator, befonbere S3er= tsaitcr. SEQUIN, 5. bie 3ediine. seraglio, s. bill SetatI; bet parent. SERAPH, g. ber Seraplj. seraphic, ladj, 1. feravbjfcf) ; 2. SERAPHtCAL, $ engelreiu, bimmlit"$. seraphim, g. pi. bie eerapl)im, dn= gel enter Drbuuug. BERASKTERs. ber ecralfier, tiirfifebe comm.iubireubc ©eiteval. SERE, vid. Sear. serenade, *. bie ©etenabe, 5lbcrtb= ober iTIacijtnuifif, ba» etdtttcbeit. To serenade, v. I. a. eiti «tdntrf)ctt briitgett; 11. 1t . SHadj tmufif madden. SERENATA, *. Mus. T. bie Sercttate, bai ©tanbdjen. SERENE, adj. (— ly), 1. better, bell, rein, flar; 2. ungetriibt; gelaffen, tufcig ; 3. burd)(aud)tig ; most — , burcblaudjtigft; your — highness, (Sro. £urd)laud)t; — drop (sereia gutta\ ber fdjmaqc T.< serene, v. a. 1. erljcifevn, attf= fcettern ; 2. Btfanfttgett, berutjigeu. Sereneness, 5 . bie ,e>eiterfetf, Siiibe. SERENITY, g. 1. tic .§e*-terfett ; 2. 3Jube, ©cmi'ttbsntbc, bcr 2celen = fttebe; 3. bie feanftbeit, @elaffett= belt; your — . C?a\ ^nrcbt.'tltdit. serf, « bet ScIa»e,Sei6etgene,S3afaH. SERGE, s. bie Serfdte, @arfd)e (cin tvoileiter 3cng) ; — maker, bev <=cv= fdjentrcber, <3crfd)cttfabtifant. sergkvnt, s. bcr sergeant, DBet* SfJothneifter; gelbroebel; — at law, bcr Sadjwalter, Diccbtlgelefjrte (bom evften 3tange), Siccntiat; — at arms, ter stabtrdgerj — at the race, ber Sceptertrager. SERGEANT. \ s. L. T. bcr Itltr bem SERGEANTRY, J Jlcuige gcbittjrciibe Sebcttebieuft. SERGEANTSHIP, s. ba§ ont Slute); — ves- sels, A. T. bte Slutroaffergcf.iiJe. SERPENT, s. 1. bie 2cr/[aitge ; 2. bcr gctterteufel, Sradje (cine mt 3cacfe= te) ; 3. ber Serpent (ciu fri>[augcn= fotmtgeS ©(asinftrumeut) ; —charm- ing, bte ®dj[angcttbc$iutbcrung, ; — cucumber, bie «d)Iangeitgtufe (7H- chosantcs anguinea — L.) ; — 's-garlic, ber SBaltfnoblaitd) ; — 's tongue, bie 91atterjunge. SERPENTARIUS, s. Jlst. T. bcr Cpf)ill= c^u§, (Scblangeittragct. SERPENTARY (Serpentaria), .Iangcnavtig ; fid) roie eine ©cblauge winbetib, firb fd;lduge[ub, gcfd)ldugclt; gefriimntt; — stone (Ober Serpentine), bcr 2d)(att= gcuftein, 2erpentin(=2tettt) ; — ver- ses, SBcrfe, »vc!cb,e fid) ntit eiucrlei SSorte anfangen unb cubigeit; a — road or walk, bcr ftcb. fitldugctllbe SSeg ober $fab. To SERPENTIZE, v.n. ficb fcbfdrtcieltt. SERPIGINOUS, adj. llltt giecbtett bc = baftet; to be — , gled)teu babcu. serpigo, x. bie gicd)te (eine £aut= franfbeit}, bad 3itternta(. SERRATE, Serrated, adj. fagcil.trtig, jacfig, geferbt, gejabttt; eenate-ci- hate, B. t. borftig, gefagt. SERRATION, s. bte f.igciiartige gorm, SluSja^nung, 2lu*ferbitng. serrature, ,s. bie fdgeuartigcn Piu= febnitte, bte '-Muejadniiig roie enn bie ©elegeufmt giinftig ifl; to — one a trick, eiuCUt eillCU SJJOffeil fpielen; to— (in) an office, eilt of* fentlidpcs SHmt oerroaltett; to — a piece, cin ©efd)itt; beticneit; to — the ladies, ben Dameit aufwfttten ; tb/lieu bell ^"f mad)eu ; to — qua- rantine, Duarautanc fatten ; to — a rope, eiu Sau (Sett) ntit 3n>i(It$, it.f. ro. umivuitben, el befkiteit, jiats feu, fdblabbeil ; lie is well enough served, er bat fciueit "crbicuteu ?obn ; that will — , ba§ ifl geuug ; these things will — , ba-3 roirb geuug fe\)it ; to — one^stum, eiucm gcuiigeu, geuug feint, paffeu; it serves my turn, b.l» ift llttr geuug, ift mir red)t, fo roid id) c5; lirst come, first served, prov. WCr (Jll) c f ft Eontmt, ntafilt (ju)erP ; to — in, to — up. (tie Spetjen) bineintvagen, auftragen ; to — out, auiti)cilen, rei* d)cn, gebcit; aitlbicnen, aitlftcbcn; wig. burcbyviigeln ; to — upon, bar- mii entfd)eibcit; L. Ph-s. to — notice (summons) upon one, eillCU bOl'l.lten, ycr ©cridjt citireu ; to — a warrant (or a writ of attachment) upon one, einen SSerbaftlbefcbl gegen ciiteu au-3= roirfen ober yolljicben, tt)ti yerbafteu. service, s. 1. bcr ©ienft, ^aulbiettjt, fnecbtifebe 3)teuft, tie SBebienuttg, 2lufroartuug ; 2. Unterroerfung, ber ©ebovfant; 3. bie £ienjtiviUigfcit; 4. Sicnfrpfiidit; 2lntti;>f(id)t ; 5. bal ©efebaft; 6. bet SNHttatbienji :j /.tic militarifcbc Sicujileiftung; Jviieg-i-- tbat; S. Sienitlci|tung,ber@cfalicn, bie ©efalligfcit, ^oftidjleit; ©uint ; 9. bet Stolen, SSortbcil ; 10. ®ottcl= ttcnfr, bte9Reffe, baS Jcircbcngebet ; II. ber 21uffai foil ©rbiiuelu, DOB ©eridpten (bet cinein 2JJa^l)# bet ©ang, bie Sracfct (©petfen), US ©c» riebt'; 12. t. bal -.'Iu*fcb(.igcn beJ SBaUes ; 13. .v. T. bie 33cficibnng bei SCaue) ; 14. bcr ©peterltngSBaun U.f.tD., rid. ItlltCII ; to enter into — , ill Sonbifion gebcit obettreteit; to i>e fmuch) at one's— , (gem: ?n Xicnftea fxebett; to do — . bicnen, belfen, befon bent ; to give — , ben 33aU au»fd)lagen SET SET SET Sea Ph-s. to set — , cm Seetrcffcn intt= ntacben ; to take off the — , bie Xant obHeiben ; hard — , bte fyavte 2lrbcir, ©efcbroerlidjfeir; mu. ph. bee bc= frbiueelirbe Bienft; out of — , aufier SSieuft ; solemn — , bte Scetcnmcffe ; give my — to her, Clltpfetjlell ©ie mid) il)r; my — to you! 2>eiue ©cfuubs %t\t\ 35ein 2Bof;ifcv>n ! letters con- taining tenders of one's services, At. E. Dffcvtcu^vicfc ; a — of plate, &c (ba8 SEafei=)Ser»iS ; — berry, bcr ©porapfel, bit SpeietlingSbeere ; — book, bie iRirdjenagenbe ; — club, bet ilii(it;iv=(illlb ; — tree ( — berry-tree), bee ©peierliucjsbaunt, (i'lfcbwrbaum (Crattfspts torminalis — /..; ; (true — ), bee ©perbetbaum (Sorbus aucuparia — .a. SERVICEABLE (aartcr= obcr SfamuluSbienft an bev Uniycrfttat ju Djefcrb. SERVITUDE, s. 1. bie Steufibavfeif, Jl;;ed)tfd)aft, Sclaoerel ; 2. bee Sienft; BESAME, », bcr Scfam (ciit Srf)otci:= geivad)$, Sesanum orientals — L). BESBAN, s, baS Saftarbfu&Ifraut, mt= adjte ©innfraur, bee iubifrbe ^L3ocf3- IhU't (JEschynomcne scsbaii — £,.). SESQTJIALTER, Besquultbral, adj. T. aubertbalb SDial fo groji. SESQUIPEDAI., Seshuipedauan, adj. fe§c|uipcbaltfd), aubertbalb Aiifi [ana. BESQUIPLICATE, adj. till ^crhctttniji li ju 1 befiublid). BESQUITERTIAN, iadj. int 33et« BESQUITERTIONAL, J bciltnifi U JU 1 befiublid) ; — proportion, 6 : B, SESSILE, adj. B. t. fujenb, (Helios', olmc 3rotfd)englieb amSStanime; a — leaf, a — flower, em SBlart baS, fine iUume, bie obtic Stiel unmits telbav am© famine ober groeige fifef. SESSION, t. 1. bas ©il.M-ii; 2. bie ©iftung ; 3. ©ertdjtSfifcttng, bee ©c= rid)t3tug, baa ©ertrht ; in full — , in offcutticber Sifjitng, in fpieno ; quar- ter sessions, pi. bie vicrtel ©ertcbtMage ; — hall, bie ©cridjMs Jammer. SESTERCE, ». bie Scftcriic. To SET, o. U 1. ftfccii, fietleu ; 2. riditen, cinmbten ; 3. verfctjen, brtitgen ; 4. befefltgen ; beftimmen, fefl fe^en, ovbncn ; 5. auffefeen ; 6. befeen; rcijcit; angftigen, hart ju= fetjcii, in ySertegcutjett fctjen; 7- fd)arfen, fd)lctfeii; 8. treiben, be»e» gen; 9. ueraiilaffcn ; 10. fdjaften, aebttn; 11. befefeen, einfaffen, faffen; 12. jteven; 13. compoitt= ren, in Stolen fefecn ; 11. ftrctdieit, ■Bbgel faitgcn (mittelft 'JJefe nub 23orj*cbhunb) ; 15. 5|?f(anjen einfc= tjen, pflanjen; 16. .v. T-» vcilen (eincn fern ltegciibeii©egeiiftaiibmit bem (Sompap aiifncbmen) ; to — the coasts, baS 8aitb pcilcn ; Sea Ph-s. the mi gets to the N. W, bie Seen lanfen yiorbnjcfi ; the tide sets to the S., bte ©ejeit [auft Sub; to — a-going, in ©aini (llmlauf ) btiii)icn ; to — the fashion of in bie >0}obc bringen ; to — in order, in Orbnung bringen ; to— one's self, fid) antretbon, fid) be= mii!)en ; to — free, in Aieibcit fefeen ; to — a limb., tin ©licb eintenfen, ein= riebtcu ; to — a mast, eincn_ JUJaft etnfetjeit; to — a razor, ein Stcer= mejfet ftreirben ; to — a guard, a sentry, cine Sdjilbwarie auifietten; to — a watch, eiiie Ubr fiellen; to — the watch, (auf Scbiffen) bie iSadic au«= flclieii, ranairen ; to — an example, ein SBeifbiel geben ; to — gins, Sdjlingen legen; to— nets (traps), "Julji- maQenj fiellen; to — a stamp, ben Stempcl aufbruefen; to — the teeth, jiibiicfimfdH'ii; to — abroach, anrirbten, anfiellen, (an-)fltfteu ; to — i abroad, bi'faunt liuidjeu, be rum briligen ; to — afloat, to — allowing, fl oft madjett ; fiq. in ©ang bringen ; to — again, roicber feften ; to — against, eutgegen fefeen: to — one's mir:d against, ilbfebeu fiir ttKaS be= foinmen, fia) lvibcrfefjcu, fteh aufleb= neu; eiucm etiima juroiber macben, Detieibeit; to — one against another, ciuen ruiDcr ben anbern aufbcijcn ; io — apart, bcfoubcrg ftcllcn, bci Seite fefecn ; to — aside, bet Seite fetjen, unterlaffeii; oerroerfen, auf[)cbcn, limftoften, beniicbten ; to — at defi- ance, Sroij bietcn ; to — at ease (rest), bcriibif]cn; to — at nought, »eradj= ten, S.'ro|} bietcn ; io — at odds, un= ciuiij marbeit, {ufammenbe^en; to — at work, jur Slrbeit antreibcu, -ilrbeit geben ; to — away, wefifefeen, roeg= fdwffcn; to — back, juruclfeften, ju= riiif flpfien ; to — before, fcovftcllcn ; Bortcgen, barftellen; to — by, bei @cite fefeen ; adjtcn, fd)atjen ; to — down, nieberfebreiben, anfdncibett ; crunibnen ; fefl feljeu, beftimmen ; (ein Snftrumcnt) bcrabftintmen ; to be — down, (ana eincm SBagcn ii. f. ».') auSgefliegen fe.tu; to — forth, an belt £ag Iegeit, an$ ?id)t ftcllcn ; teigen, tveifen, barftellen, bartbuu; peraus geben, befannt ma* fbeu; aiiijfdiiifeu ; ftcllcn, orbucn ; fterorbnen; preifeit, erbebcu, viib- nicu ; to — forth a fleet, cine Slotte aii8fcr)itfen ; to — forward, antrci= ben, aiifi'inicu ; befjrbcrn ; fid) auf ben 3Seg madicn, wetter rcifcu ; t>or= riicfen ;' iiu'itcrriicfen; to — in. auf etnjaS bringen ober bclfcu, cinl)el= fen; to — in gold, in ©olb faffen ; to — oft, bcrinnftcdicit (iu-j 3luge fa(= Icn) madjeu, bebcu, fcbmiirfcii, au6= jicrcn ; abrcrhnett, ft et) bered)ueil mit; to be — off, abfierpen, contra- ftireu ; to — off mutual debts, toed)* felfeiftge Sdjutben gegen einaubet auf t icl)cu laffcn ; to —on upon), atu feljeu ; auftcltcu ; brauebcu ; anfri= feben, autceiben; anbetjcii ; aufbcijcn ; angteifen; autretcu ; ricbten; to be much — on a thine:, auf tttOdi cipid't fc\iu, fid) baniad) febucu; to — on foot, in ©ang brtngeit; to — on fire, in ©rank ftetfen ; he win not — the Thames on lire, CC Kit i\U SBulDeC nidu cvfuubeit; to — out, auSfefcettj auSjiereit, bei-aiuHmtjeu ; aitSruften; abfterfen, bejeieinen ; uorjeigen, jei= gen, OOrftcllcn, entancfe (n ; to — out the to? anils, JV. T. bie Snatjfeget auefc^cn; to — out time and place, 3eit uub Crt beftimmen ; to — out a thine to the best advantage, ClltC Slfbc i:u beftcu ^id)te jcigen ; to — one OUt in Ins true; colours, CtllCIl IMfb bCIU geben malen; to — to music, in i'hi= fit u'tjeu ; to — to sal -. turn Serfauj aiisftclku, auSbictcn, fed bietcn ; to — the seal to.., baS ©icgel aufbru= ffen ; to — one's band to a thin?. i^anb an tttoat fegen, etroai begin* i en ; tf> — up, autftcllcn, aufi i auffc&lagen ; aufbringen. cinfiibveu; ft if ten ; aufbclfcn; ert)ebeit ; anfan= gen, erricbtctt, aulta,cu, eintta)ten; fid; nieberlaffen, etabliren; nieberle* gen, aufgebcii, ruljeu laffcu ; i auffe^en; to — up a coach, tineJcut- febe anfdjaffen, oeginnen (5quq»age ju baltcn ; to — up a cry, emeu Sd)rci aii^ftopen; to — up a (hearty laughter, cine (belie) ?acbe auffd)la= gen ; to — up an opinion, cilte 2Jici= uung in ©ang bringen ; to — op a play-bill (on a post, &.c), ciltcil 2beu= terjcttel anfrblagen, anflcbcit ; to~ up the Bhrouds, .v. T. bie SEQanbtflTIC anbretictt obcr ani'e(jctt ; to — up a trade, ein ©cwerbe anfangen ; io -« one up again, fam. eincm roiebet anf bie Seine bclfcu, ibn gefunb macben ; to — with precious stones, ill 1 1 foft= baren Stcinen befeften ; n ». I. wn-- tcrgebcu (oou Sonne, SRonb nub Stcrncu) ; 2. ftcbcu, yorfteben (»on 3agbbuuben); to — about, vomer): men, baran geben, anfangen^ be- ginnen ; to — forth, aufbrecbcu, ab> rcifcu ; to — forth on s journey, cillf 9icife autretcu ; to — ^ einbrecbeit, ciutrcteu ; a southern mnnboon began to — , ein fiiblicbcr ^affatroinb pug an eiitjntreten ; the weather is — .ii for rain, tS fiebt tegnerifd) ails; ta — off, abreifcu ; ( — for, iiaeh ; to — out, anfangen, auftretcn, antvctcit ; abreifcu f — for, uad) ; to— oui journey, cine ,'licifc autretcu ; to — to, jifb legen, erpidjtferjn auf. . ; to — ta work, Sflrbeit geben, befdjaftigen : tn — up for .., fici ausgeben fut . . ; fid) aufroerfen 511111 . . , ju.. ; alt . . ; to — up tor a republic, fid) 511 ciurv SRepublif aufroerfen ; to — up for (pubiii in bie '.Unction geben ; to — up in business (to — up for B tnercl einen <^anbe1 anfangen, fid) (als Aaufmaun) nieberlaffen, ciu ifpau^ beU^aua grunben, errid)ten, etablU rcit ; to — up for one's self, fciii ei ; (= ncj i^auJroefen anfangen; fidj auj f c t tic eigne ^anb fefcen. SET, ad), tegelinagig, feftgefe^t. feftj — battle, eiue regelinaSige Scbfadjt; at — distances, in geroiffcH (bcf:uniu= ten) Sntfernungen j — form, bafl S'onnular; SDtufter, bie Sorfrfirift; — prices, JU 1 fcfte SjJrcife; on (upon) — purpose, abu'dulid), mil RleiB; a — resolution, ciu fefrct ®ntfd)Iit@ ; - bie roobleri koogene, roob^tgeorbnete SRebe ; — stitched auSgenabt. SET, ». I. rbas auj etneraJlebrjablbti ftchcufc ©ante . bee Sa^.bic Wiethe. Jolge; bet Stuffafc; ba* Sortiinentj bev 3ug, ba8 t ; aac (Sferbe, 11. f. n.\ ©efpann: 2. bie 9lrt, ©attung; 3. SBanbe, .uiicfc faciei, Diotte; 4. SRartie, bai Spiel; bet Safe (im aBurfelfpiele) j 5. bte ©atuitur, bet SBefafe; 6. Sealing, bafl Stecfrei<; ?. tcv unrcrgang bcr Sonne ; 8, v T. SSotftanb eiucc- .Oiibncr= bunbee ; to play a — , cine $arrie fpielcit; a — of boxes, ein S.'.l} 381 SETT SEVE SEXA ('/left) 2(£aditcltl; a — of button?, ftiic (Marninir .Uitbrfc; a — of chess- nien ami table. ciit gab 3d;ad)ftctltC nebft tent gdiadibrettc; a — of colours, ciit ©ortimeut gfarben in alien Srbattiruitgcu; a — of instru- ments, ciit t§ uon xSttbcrjiefctjtrr ; a — of 7ii>bons, cine ©arititur SBaKbet; JV*. Ts. a — of rigging, btC yoUftdubi^C £afc[ao,e ; a — of sails, cin ©egcl= fpiel [bte jit einciit Srfuffc etforber= lidjcit -Segel) ; two sets of sail, Ctlt bOlppelteS gecjelfpiel; a — of teeth, CtttC JJtctbC 3>lf)tte; a — of timber, Min. r.(tn Cum.) ciit ooUpSttbtgefi ©ruben* gejtmmer, foroobl auf cinem ©tollctt cber ciner ©trecfe, aU tit eincm ©cbacbt ; a — of trees, cint regc!ma= flige SBauntpffaitgunj ; a — of weights, cm ©a8 @eroid)tc ; bag (Siufafcgerotcbt ; a — of carriage- horees, cin ($oft-)3"g ^utfcf>vfcr= bC; M. Es. a — of books, bie JU cincr ^anblung crforberlicbett SiU tt>CV ; a — of exchange, Cttt SBechfeU brief (int Suplicat, i. e. SPrtma, ©e= Cllitba, It. f. XO.) ; the first of a — , bic SPrtma ; sets of exchange, (Topic- SBecbfel (SBectjfel im Suplicat) ; a whole — of Shakspeare, ba3 gauge BoHftcttibtgcSBerf DonSbaffpeare; a — of features, bie ©eftcbtsjuge ; a — down, citt berbet SSerroeiS ; a — to, cin (SBorr) ©treit ; .ftampf, cine ©cblcigcrci; — bolt, .v. T. ber £reib= boljeit; — foil, bie Sormcntilroiirj, ba§ 9tur>rfratti [Potentitta tormentilla — L.) ; — iron. bttS ©trcicbcifcn ; — off, ber (Soutraft, Slbftirb; ©rbntucf, bic gterbc ; l. t bic 2lufs ftellimg cincr ©egenforberung, nm bie anerlqnnte Sforberung bc§ Jlla= a,er« bamtt entrocber gang obcr 511m Sbeil ausjugletcben ; M. Es. (a — off against . .), bie ©egenforbe rung ; — off-sheet, ber SSilangbogen (auf bent bie iiitanj fuminartfcg aufge= fiibrt ift) ; she is a — off to him, fie fttcfit fehr gegen ibtt ab ; — price, — rate, ber bon ber DbrigFett fcftgefefetc 5?rci3, bie Save; — work, bie ctuge= fafite Arbeit. ►ETACEOUS, adj. Bovftig, ftarfbaarig. ?eton, s. s. t. bas .ftaarfcil, bte •gmarfdjnur; — needle, bie >{paarfcit= stabel. EETTEE. *. 1. bie Sebnbauf, fRwftt- banf, ©cbJafbaur', ba§ fianapeej 2. bic ©citie (cine 9lrt jroeiinaftiitcr ©cbtffe). ■BETTER, s. 1. ber fefet, flcllf, eiuricb= ict, fnitb marbt II. f. W., (vid. To Bet) ; 2. ber ©Iciufcfeer (bci ben DJcaurcrn) ; 3. SZfcnanricbfcr tit 3te- gclbrcimercien; 4. berXoiifcljer,(^ont= Bonifl; 5. Jgt^tt; 6. .timrj ies ©trome«, 2Btnbe«, ber SSeUen ; — free, bie Sretlrtffung ; first — out, bie crfte 3luSfln$i (in bie JSeft) ; — up in business, bie drvitbtititi] etner 26* ^anbfung, ba8 Stabiiftemenr; — dog, ber .Ciiibnerbiuib, 2Bad)tetb,unb ; — pole, ber SootS$ jetjnte ; — ly, adv. jinn fiebjebuteit. seventh, i. adj. ber, bic, bas fte« bente; ii s. 1. bag ©iebentel; ).. Mas. T. bic Scptinte. SEVENTHLY, ado. fiebcittCll*, JU1U ftebenten. SEVENTIETH, adj. ber ficbjtctfte. SEVENTY, adj. |"iebciljig, ftclntj ; a — four (gun ship), eilt ?illicilfd)ifj »oit oier uttb fteben^tg Jtanoucit. To SEVER, v. I. a. treitlteit, fcbeibctt, abfoubeni; auSetnanbet veifjen ; ab= baud! ; to — the head from the body, baS ^anpt uont Stumpfe trennen ; 11. n. fid) trennen, gctrenitt roerben. SEVERAL, adj. 1. lmtcrfcbicbcit, ycr- febteben, mebrerc; 2. befonber, cttt- ncln ; getrennt; each — part, jebct Sbcil ins SBefonbere ; — people, «cr= fd)iebcne Scute. SEVERAL, s. baS befonbere (einjctnc) ©tiicf, ber etnielne spuntt; ba8 (Sin= jclbiuq, ©njelwtfen. SEVERALLY, ado. bcfonbcrS, »crfd)icr bcit, eittjcln, Scber fiir lid). severalty, s. ba3 Sefouberc, Sin* Seine; estates in — . /.. T. uiieitttie= fcbraiifte uub aUcin befeffeue San bcrcien. SEVERANCE, s. 1. bie Xreuiiiiti.i, ?Ib: fonberung, ©d^eibung ; I. l. t-s. bU Slbfonbcrutig ber 3 c f' e "^ C11 yom iibrijeu ©ctreibc; 3. bic Srcitnuitfj jroeicr obcr mcbrerer, auf cittern ©e- ricbtSjettel jitfammcnftcl)ciiber 5)3crs foneit. SEVERE (ado. — ly), adj. 1. flMttge j 2. bart, rant) ; 3. uncrbittlid), gratt^ fain ; 4. geitait ; ernft; 5. itiiiitcru, mapiii; 6. fitrj gefafit; 6. regelmci= fjig ; 8. febmergbaft ; to be — upon one, ftrcnge mtt ciitcnt yerfabreit. SEVERITY, s. 1. bie ©trcuge, .foarte, ©cbcirfe; 2. ©raufamfeit; Unerbitt= liebfeit; 3. ftrcnge ©eitauigfcit; to use — , ©trettge gcbraucbcit. SEVILLE, s. ©eoilla (Jtonigreii-b iiub ©tabt ilt ©pailieit) ; — orange, bie fcjiilifcbe SPomeranje. SEVRUGA, s. ber ©cynifje (511111 ©tor= gcfcblccbt geljorig, Mccipenser stellar tus — L). To SEW, 0. a. &r n. liabeit ; befteit, bW« duren ; to — up, ctiincibeit, junaljcn, yeruatjeit. SEWEL, s. bic ©djrecffcbciirbc, ber ^opanj. sewer, s. ber 31al;citbc, bic Sta^s (t)eritm. SEWER, s. ber Jtaital, ©raben, ?lb= jits'!, bie Siiitne, SBafferleititng ; a common — , cine Gloat, @d)lcufe. sewing, s. ba8 Stabett; — up, bas Bufammennabeu ; — cushion. baS ytabfiffeit; — desk, baS ^lahfaftiben, S^abptllt; — needle, bic ^abnabcl; — press, bie ^eftlabe (ber Sucbbtn* ber); — silk, bie Wabfeibe. SEX, s. baS ©efcblecbt; feir — , bat febone ©efcblerbt; the softer—, bai Jarte ©efdllcdlt ; the infirrner —% b\i febroaebcre ©efcblecbt. SEXAGENARIAN, .?. ber (bte) <&ecb- jigjab.rtge, ©ecbjtger. SEXAGENAJRT, adj feebji^iabri^ SEXAGESMA, s. ber Sottntag eera geftma, jroctterountagifor (?aftnadj' SHAD SEXAGESIMAL, adj. attg feftltg be= ftebcnb, fecbjigjabrig. SEXANGLE s. O. T. tic fcrtSnunrTige 5'i(]itr. BEXANGLED. > ,. f j.« -• BEXANGULAR, 5 ■* K* B ««fl- SEXANGULARLY, afa fcct)Sc ^ f a f u t\t , 'fertS= jabrdrt ; — i y , ado. arte fe$S 3at)rc. SEXFDJ, «#. #. 7'. ferbsfpalftg. SEXLOCULAR, atlj. B. T. fcdl'gfartcria,. sextain, s. bte feebSjetTige Stropbe. SEXTANT, s. .1st. t. ber Sertanf, fertile Xbctl cities 3itfeU; fetfjig ©rob. SEXTILE, * .*«(.. r. (— position or as- pect, ber ©tanb jroeier iUattcten in bet Grntfetniing uou 60°) ber ae= fertile Srtcin. SEXTON, ». bet Untcrtiiflcr, Jlirrtncr, £obtfugrabet. BEXTONSHIP, s. ber llnfcrf uflci-frtonfl, bag Xobtengraberaint. sextuple r. «#. fecbsfacB ; tlmu T. bee ®crtstact. sexual, adj. bad Wcfrtlcrtt unter* fqetbeiib, baS Oefrtlertt bctreffcub flcfrtlerttltrt; — system, bag SeruaU fmlcm, 8mne'ifc$e ($ffonien=0©»s pern. SHABBINESS, ». 1. bte gumpigfett, Slrmfeligteitj 2. bas eienbc (niefcriael Betragen. J SHABRY (oiB. — ii.y). adj. 1. fomJMg, ferlumpt; 2. armfelig, clenb, »er= drttlirt; 3. fcbuftig ; filjtg, frbmufcig; — finery, armfeliger i'lil}. 7b SHACKLE, ».o. fcffelu, anfrteUen, anfetteii. SHACKLE, s. JV. T. bag .fctfcnalicb • ber bcroeajicfec cifentc Bfigej ; — of a jib-traveller, ber Srtaim obet 5rta= fef an bom Bitjjel beg StluuxS; rtacktes, «. »/. bte geffeltt, .6c!ttcn = Fjgut; 4. ber fcbaftigc Drt; 5. /?„ S#n& ; 6. bet ?ampeiifrtirm ;9uaetts frttrm; lirtirm ait eiiiem fiufe- SHAL SHAN Srttrm gegen bte ©{fee; 7. bte ?tdjf= bampfntta, in ber SKaferei; 8. ©*«♦= . ttrung, Sbftufung ; 9. m Ph. tin qe= rtnget unbebeufenber (%ab roon ben fsreifen) ; a — lower, cine JTIcintV fett ntebttger am . frtattirett, frtatfen, yerfrtatkn : 3. i:t bunfeln ^avtett ntalen ■ 4 gj f»et-)betgen, frtiiljen. BHADER, s ber, bte, bag ( u»ag) ZcbciU ten iH-riufartf. BH \im\i-ss .,. bie frtattt'nc ^efrtaffetu bett, bag ©dpatfige, ber ^rtattcn SHADOW, g. 1. bcrSrtatfeif 2 itit- ;erfrenitiirte ©egleitet; 3. ba« SBifb bte m»flifrte SBotfteUung; 4. ?\v\- FeUicit; 5. ./,>. ber ^rtnlj ; fi. Srljeta- inmost — , bet oolle 3rtattett, Jcern= ranrten; — grass, cine ©ragart, aSolbgtflg [Qramen. sylvaticiim) n shadow, r.„. i. befcfatten, nm> »6!ffn, oetbunfelu; '1. 'frtattirett- •J. frtaKen; 4. in bititfefit ffarten malett; 5.^. f»cr=)»ct gen ; frtiifcen • fi. abfrtattctt; 7. biiblirt" itorjleflen- itnbcutlirt baiilcKett. SHADOWY, mi) I. frtattia, bnnfet; 2. fig. t>UM'rt, m^ilifrt, yptbiiMirt; 3. roefenfoS; — ness ». tie Sr^atttgfett. SHADY, adj. ffiattitt, frtattenreirt. shaft, s. 1. bet S*«ft; 2. mil, aBntffpteg; 3. tic 3^it;,c, 8atetne (ctneg .ibiinneg ; 4. tie Stange, bet wnge Stiel, tic ifianbbabe; 5. tcr ©tailtm; «. tie fceit^fel; 7. tcr Srtartt; shafts, /-/. tie 2rteerc obet (Mabel etueS Cabriolets (obet antcrit einfDanntgen SubtwetfS); to sink a — , citteit (Srtartt abtenfen (.irabctt) ; — or a column, ber 2aa(cnfrtaft ; — fer v ber ©ei^felorm ; - horse, bag ©abeipferb; — guiure, ./. r. tic ^rulltabt; Min. Ph-s. dining — (climbing-; ), ber ^abvfrtartf; plumn- — , bet ©etgerf^ncbf, .«nnftrrtartt; engine — , bet SStbetfrJ^aft: hading — ber bonIege(obet bonlcgtge 5rtartt) • — men, Srtarttarbctter, Sbfeufer. SHAfTED, adj. jr. r. flefrtaftct, mtt etnem ®n|r. shag, r. ,-. bic 3ette, Rotter, bag jot= «flefiaot; 2. tcr ^inirt, %x\xto; 3 gefrtntttcne, fangfafetige (.lirait^) Stabatj 4. ber©ccrabe ir. 'A mm gra mini — j„) ; ii. ,„!j baarig, jotfig. 7b8HAG, v. a. ratth, jottto mamen; fig. cntitetKit, Deruitfralteii. SHAGGED, ) adj. jofttg, lan^fjaarig, sifA(;GV, s ranrt. SHAGGEDNESS, Shaooinbss, s. bie wthge ©efrtaffenbeif, bag 3ottiac, J'ianrte. SHAGREEN, I. ,. ber 2rta (] vin (erne art nar&trttcg Seber ; n adj. ang ©dbagrtn gemartt; —ray, ber $orn= rortc (Raja mlms — /..). SHAH, s. bet Sr^afi obet 5rtart coon Spetften). siiaik. ? . (rtrab.) ber S^etf: tc. To SHARP, v. I. a. fc^Stfett, ffbleifcit ; It n. Spi^bubenitreid)e vcviibeii; gouitern. To SHARPEN, v. I. a. 1. fdhirfcu, fd)lci= fen, wetjen, jiifpitjen; 2. fig-, belcben, oittrciben, aufmuntent; 3/burd)briit= genber, bcifeubcr (pifont) madjeit ; 4. cine 9irtc bnrd) eiu Ji'renj cvbofieit; II. n. fouer tverben. sharper, s. ber liftige Oouiicr, feinc SBettiiger, fd)lauc %\\d)$. sharpness, s. 1. bie ©d)orfe, Spitje ; 2. fg. Streuge, ^arte; 3. baS Seis fienbe, SatfcBe, bie ©ante; 4. fief- tigfeit; 5. Sd)mcrj(id)feit; 6. Sit* terfeit; 7. ber €d)ovfftiiu, bie f?etn= Ijeit; 8. @ier, ©ierigfeit; ber patfe hunger. sh aster, s. bie (SdjaftraS (beiligeu y3iid)er ber ^inbuS). To shatter, v. I. a. 1. jerbverben, ?cr= fd)mettcrn, jertritmmcfu, jerftofjen ; 2. jerftreueii ; II. ?(. in ©tiide jcvfitl= leu. shatters, s.pi. Stiirfe, bie (Splitter, bie (Scbcrbcu; to break into — , in ©tiicfe brcd;cil ; shatter-brained ( — pated), vuJg. jerftrcut, Icifbtftunig, fliidilig; umbufinnig. shattered, adj. bcfd)obigt (von ©djiffcu), rompimirt. SHATi'ERY, adj. locfer, 6turt)ig; biiuu. SIIAUL, .<;. vid. Shawl. To shave, v. a. 1. fd)eren, obfdieren, borbiercn, roftren ; 2. (olu)fd)oben, (ob=)rciben, abfrbad;feln ; 3. .fa. ftreU fen, leidjt betfijjren, on ber DBerffa* rt)e binftreicben ; 4. fc^netben ; 5. bc= briicfen, pfocfen, (iibermofngc 3i"feu nebmen), nuid)eru, pliinbcrn. shave, s. baS ©cbntttmejfer, eifd>ut; (sheep-) — time, bicSd)offci)ur, 2BoIl= febur. SHEARINGS, s. pi. btc Sd)ern)oIte. shears, a. pi. 1. bie grofie ©rbere, (£d)ueibcrfd)ere, 93oumfd)ere, <2ci)of= febcre; 2. bo? ntacf= liafter giftf) in ben Alnffcii oon JV /?. ; — hook, bet ftumme £irrenftab, ©dnifevftab ; —louse, bic ©tbaflaue'; — master, bcv SdjSfet int ©rofjeu, Sefifcet einet ©d)fifetei, ®d)af$iicb= tcr ; — pen, vid. — cot; — '8 pluck, baS ©efcbluifle boit cincm Sribafe; — 's redding, tcv3cbtbe[ Jinn RetcJjneil bcv ©djafe; —rot, baa ©dbafftetben, tie ©djaffeucfie; — 's scabious, bic ©d)aftapunjtf, iaS ©d;afgtinbftaut (Jaxiime man tana — /..) J JV. T-s. — Bhank,etn i'rompeteuftid) ; to — shank the runner of a tackle, ill bt'e SDJatltel ctitcS SafelS eiiicu SLvpinpctcuftici) macben ; —shearer, tcr Sd)affd)eret ; — shearing ( — time), tic SdjaffdJHt, SBoUfcbut; — shears, pi. tic 3d;af= febeve; — skin, bai ©djaffell; — 's sorrel, bet Scbafampfcv, Heine ©auet« ampfet (Rumex aeetoseUa — L.) J — stealer, bet ©cfcafbteb; —walk, tie Sdbofwetbe, ©d;af&ut. SHEEPISH {adv. — ly ),adj. 1. ©d)afe betveffcut, febafmafjig; '2. etllfaltig, aUjubefdjciben, fcbucfltetit, blbte- — ness, ». tic (Sinfalt; ©djudjternbett. SHEER, I. adj. 1. veil!, lailtev; 2. flat, tiiini, jatt; n. s. jv. T-s. bet fvumme Saufbet Seifenplanfen ; — ofadeck, tcv ©pting beS SBetbecrs; — hook, bet gtpfje etfetne .OafYn, Gfrttetbafen ; — hulks, iilte ,Rvic.^fd)iffc, tie bc= unfjt roerben uinSFJfafteii in ©djiffe obet anS ©dliffen, bcv englifdjen Hftatine gcbbvig, \n beben; — line, tie 8ime, tic tin (SleuatioitSpian ten ©ttoof anteigt ; — plan, tcv Sciteu= rifj eines ©d)tffe§; — rail, bag erfte f leine Sergfjoi j unlet bem9taab,oI}; — Btmke, 'bcv acmaltc ©ang unlet tent ©cbautberfcl ; — thursday, tcv fltfine EDonnerftag; — wales, bie sUevgbBljct tveifctocu ben ©titctpfots ten bed mittlcvn unb obevn^cefs. To SHEER, c. b. fdjroaiifcn, tuanfen ; to — oil; ffd) botcn macben, fid; fotla fdicvcn, ftcb bcinilid) fottftebleu; ta= »on ttrifdjen ; JV. T-s. abbaltcn, abgic= veil. SHEERED, adj. JV T. in compos, belt Spring (befl aSerbetfS) belt effenb ; a round — ship, eill ©d)iff, bttS Did Spring hat; a moon— ship, ein ©djiff, baS febv uiel Spring liat ; a strait — ship,ein©d;iff,ba8roenig Spring bat. SHEERS, s. pi. JV T. tcv 2)iaftciiEvabu. SHEET, s. 1. tic Platte; 2. bo5 ©tiirf KJeiumanb; 83etHud); 3. ©egcl; 4. bcv Sogen ($opiet); 5. JV. T*. sheets, tic ^dHUCll, 19 aufcv, ^Dlfmnfcv ; jbj. Clvtbaiifcv ; — bend, — knot, tcv Srbotenfticb; — bitS^PfiicbtMifertau ; — c bad .ruipfcvblcdi ; — glass 2d)ciben= aU\S; —iron. C-" i feu b led) ; — lead SBleitafeill ; JV T-s. — lines, — ropes, vid. sheets; — shot, vid. — cable ; — stoppers, Stopper, bie Stbof en fo lau= ge 511 l)SHEET, v. a. 1. iibev^irbeit, bctccfcn (to. n.) ; 'I. met? iiberjieben, (baS iBett) ntit Betttucbevn vcnVbcn; in eiu (ik-tt=)Tiirf) fdplagen; 3. Sogen falv'ii SHEETING, s. bet Uebetjug, bieSein= iintnt 511 SBetttiicbetn. siijlik, ,s. bet 2d)eif. shekel, ».bet Sefel. SHELDAFLE (Shildaplb), t. te* 3iiu ft {FringiUa— /..). SHELDRAKE, ». tcv .Uvcii^fd)imbe(, ci= lie 9Irt milbev (Snteu {Ana* U — L.) ; swallow-tailed — , tic (jij- ente. SHELDUCK, *. baS aBcibcben beS Sheldrake, SHELF, s. 1. tevSimS, baS SBtett, 3?c= anl, Sficbergeftell 5 (2Banren=)Sndj ; 2. Snnbbiinf; 3. Typ r. bie 33anf an bet Sucbbrucferpteffe, tie SBtucft ; 4. Jlfin. T. tie Imvte C'vtobeifliidie ; baS fejle ©ebirgSgeftein ; — of rock, tie jjet fenpTatte ; on the — ,Jig. bc= feitigt ; to he laid upon the — ,fig. be* feitigt fcyn. shelfy, a//j.iM)fIcv SanbbSnre, felftg. SHELL, a. i. ^ic ©d)ale, Slinbe, $uif« i SKafdjelj glugelberfej baS mlatt, 9lcitf;?re: 2. bie Seiet (tcv 2llten) ; 3. (Savccffe, SBornbe, ©prengfugel ; 4. tas B'inntetwetfy unauSgebaute fiau*, leeve ©eviift ciueS ^nufeS ; 5. bev to!) geiivbeitcfe ©org ; G. jig. bet Sujjete ©cfcein ; — of the ear, ./. T. tie Dbvenbbble; — alii Jtnacf= obet Ataefmanbcln ; — apple. tcv Jlveim'diimbd, ^teujocge! 1 . bet 33efd)ii= in, 93ert£)eibiget ; to take — , ©dju^ fiutcil ; to take in — , in 5chu& iieb- mcn. To SHELTER, b. I. a. fiduvn, tcifcn, (be=)fdiiniicn, (beOfdniljcu, bevbev; gen, niifncbmcit ; betbetgen, ©d)it( cicbcti ; to — one's self, feme ^ufliicbt iicliiiiiii ; 11. n. Stbuft fucben. SHELTERER, ». bet SBefdjitmet, 8e« fdnttjcr, S8eb,etberger. SHELTERLESS, adj. obtie Dbbad), fit 11 tj! os. SHELTERY, adj. Cbtacb geWa^teilb, fdjiitenb (iv. ii.). to SHELVE, b. ». fd't\i,ic jeben, ah- baihjij (abfcbfifftg) fenn. SHELVING, adj. abbangig, abfd)iiffig fid; neigenb ; a — bed, 1 bei ten ®firti ncnii, ein fdjroge* Beet, grubbeet BHELVY, adj. vid Sbeltt. SHEMITIC, ./ .U'liiitu'd) ; — lang iage^ bie feinitifcben Spradjen. SHEPHERD,*. 1. tevScbafer, I sd\iM •§itte; '^. geiftlicbe ©itte, 5> get; — 's cionk. bet 3ipfelpeU;— "s cress, tic ©teinftcffe, baJ Sfinft' fvaiit; — *s dog, bet Stbafetbuub; — >a needle, bal SRabeiftaut; tcr milbe Jtetbel uen — /.. ; — - s pom h. — - s purse, tte .*>irtcnta= fitc, bad £afd)tlftaut ( v postoria — /.. ; — 's purse coralline, tie SBeutelfotaUilie [CeUuioria bur — Ellis) ; — 's rod bef.£>irtenftab; bie Aatbenbtftel saeus fii/i'miiini — /. ) — 'g weatbel glass, baa OKnivtbiil {Anagallu ar- — L.). SHEPHERDESS, t. tie rdufcrinn ^irtitut. SHEPHERDISH, \ adj. fd\ifevb,tft, bir = SHEPHERDLY, J tciimafu,] [XO. fl.l SHERBET, *. tas Sorbet. SHERD, t. tic ®d;crbe. SHERIFF, siiKitiK. >-. tcv Sdjetif, Saut^ virbtcv, Canboogt, Slbgeorbnete bei .Ubni.iS; high—, tcv Cbcvuteiir, ©tofobgt SHERMAN, *\ vid. Sdeashak, initrr Sheas. SHERRY, s. tcv .Vivcc-ivcui, .VcrcSfcct. To SHEW. vid. to Show. SHDJBOLETH, s. tas ©djibolet, @r« feiiniiiigemort, CofungSroott, ^eicbeii shield..?. 1. tcv ©tbjlb; 2, 3Ba» pen[d)Ub; 3. T. tas ©cbirmbacb (beint Tunnel=S3au) ; A. fig. bet ©cbiifc, ©djitm; (89e=)©d)fi^er (33es)@d)itmer; — bearer, te- ©cbilbtrajcr, SBaffenrtflget. Tu SHIELD, r. a. 1. lllit eiltcill Sdjl'Ib bctcifen ; fig. bctccfcn, befd)irmen, bcfdiii^cn, oettbeibtgen ; 2. abbaU ten ; Cod — : @ott bcbiit-c ! to — i fl the cold, fid) gegen tie JtSite uer^ UMbvcu. to SHIFT, 0. i. a. i. anbern, oetSnbttn, wenben, nmiie^en, uinlegen, umn>U del n, tvcdifcln ; 2. iimfnUen, umgie= fen, abjicben; ablaffen (SBciii) ; to — one's clothes, antcve Jblciccr anjieljen, fidi umfleiben ; to — self, loeifje Sfflafebe anlegeu ; to — a ship, ciiiciu ©cbiffe cine anbere 3iid)= tuna geben, es nad) einem anbern ifiafeu btingen ; to — the helm, ba« StUbet iibcvM'cbcn ; to — the Bails, tic Segti umlegenj to— a tackle, ein 5 au abfdjaaen ; to — the I eiu Sdnff nmliitcii ; to— the si bie Sabung (einej 5d)iffes) anbers ftaucn, umftauen ; to — away, roega fd;icbc:t, fortfebicben, fottfdbaffeu ; to — upon one, auf eiiicu fdjiebeu, ibni antiditcit; ll. n. 1. fid) linrevn ; fid; oetfdjieben; 2. fidi umfleiben; 3. auSjieben, bie Siobnung t bern ; 4. jfdj belfen, |u SDIttteln fjdbtetten, SKaftegeln etgtci{tn ; . r ). fid) lesmicfclu ; (oom SBinbe] ettSnbetlidj fe»n, bwartelll ; to — (hi one's self, fiir fid) fclbft forgen, fid) felbft bclfen; fidiaus tcni Sraube marben ; i — , id) UH'ift mit ni.-bt IU bclfrn; to — oir, fidi le-smadH-n, fid) ciitiic= ben, aiiSmcid'cn ; Si • r, r ». to — to . . , (oom SBmbe I uinlaufcn(fid; trc= ben) nad) ..; the wind shifts from one point to another, bet SBinb fptingl Don cincm Strid)e 51111: anbern ; th? 385 SHIP SHIR SHOC rra!!a»l shifts, ber SBattaft fcBJefjt (ober fiehf) i'iIhv. SHIFT, s. I. bic SSerSnbewng ; 2. iUtibc. tor ■.Rcvfiidi ; 3. baS fdm= VClt ; I must — elsewhere, id) lllllfj mid) anberSroo ltinfcben ; to put one to his shifts, ciucin Dtel jit fdjaffeu maebcit; lie is put to his last shifts, fv ifi aufS 2leuf>crfte gcbrachr, cv pfcift ailf bent IffetCIl £od)C; being put to a new — , bit CV, (fie) ftd) ill d= iter nciten iievleiicnbcit befaub. SHIFTER, s. 1. bev fcblaue ftucH Schlrtltfopf; 2. Seitlang. bev UtlttX- fed), Jiod)3iiiaat, 23evfebaljc. shifting, s. bai Slenbern, u. f. w. ; — ;y, s'iB, liftig, fcblau, oerfebjageil ; buret) SSenbungen ; — backstays, bie ©djlittgerparbutteil ; — sand, ber Xreibfaub, Xriebfanb. SHIFTLESS, adj. 1. obtte $I}ittd, bet >.§ulf§quelleii beroubf, biilflos ; 2. uid)t pcrfd)laa„cn. shilling, s. bev (citglifcbc) Stifling ; a— in the pound, fiillf 5Jkocetlt; a — "s worth, fiii - ciiictt i£biiliinj. fiHILLY-SIIALLY ; to he at — , or to stand — , llttfcblitfftg fctytt, nicbt roijfen roa3 man rfjun foil. shin, 5. ( — hone) baS Srbieubciu ; — of beef, baS Scnbctifiucf. To shine, v. n. fcbciitett, (eud;ten, funfeht ; fljanscit ; to — out, (jell fcJKiiteit,bcvoov Icttcbteu, bell glanjen. SHINE, s. 1. bev (Srbetit, ©lan$ ; 2. ba« bciterc JGettev (u>. ti.). SHINGLE, 8. 1. sing, bie €rf)inbd, ^ad)fd;iiibc(; provine. bev Scbiefev; — ballast. JV. T. ©alliifi OOtt groBem StUftl, ©ingeU; Shingles, s. pi.; 2. flcine, flachc ©feme, bie man baufia, an ©eenfern finbet; 3. bev feurtge Ullllailf ( Zona morbus). To SHINGLE, v. a. mtt ©rbitibclll beefctt. SHINING, adj. febeinenb, glaitjeitb ; — blacking, bic Wlaii$n)icbfe ; — ore, bic @ifenf<$roane,ber Sifcnglimmer. shiny, adj. fdiciueub, gldttjenb, bell. sun 1 , cine tfnbfglbe, welche bent bent* fd)cit sfrbaft cutfpvicbt; j. ©. fricnds/i % Al'CUUbfcbaft. ship, s. has (©ee?)©($iff; icfoub. breimaftige Scbiff, bev Sreimaftetj — of war, baS J?viC(1«fd)iff ; — of the line, baS Stlltenfcbiff; a first rate — of war, cut dbtegefdjiff v>ont ev^ ftcn ^aiige; a high built — , eiu •§ocbborb(s©($tff) i a low built — , cin ^iiebcvbovb(=Sd)iff); a — of charge, eiu tief gelabeueS ©cjiff; a full—, col. cin gaitj bclabcucSicbiff ; to take — , 5u £d)iffe gebett, fid) eiu = fdltffen; — board, bev 33orb, bai Sfbiff; on— hoard, ailf bent ©C^tff, filt^Ofb; — boat, bic Sdjaluppc; — hoy, ber ©cbt'ffSJUttge ; — bread i— biscuit), bev ©djiffSgaiefcail; — broker, bev Sdiiffemaflcv ; — builder, vid — wright; — tarpenter, bev 3MG Sc^tffSjtmmermatm rauf ciuem ^dnffc.i; ed)iffbaitcvj — building '— carpentry), bie ©(^tffS|tmmet= mailltSfUtlft; — carriage, bic vicbiff^ fvad)t, v i!cilabuugs-Jtoftcit; — chandler, bev lltit alicrlt t 5.'cbiivf= ittjfeit ( — chandlery) fiiv ©ecfabvcv banbelt; — - s company, bas ©cbiff8= volf, biej=rf)iffi3ntauufd)aft; —con- cerns, Scbtff saitgelegenBe tteu ; — bolder, vid. — owner; — master, bev ©cbiff$l;cvr, ©cfetffSpfltron ; «cbiffSs capitau (ciuco .R'aujfabvteisSrbtffo) ; — mate, ber OitiffSntrtaf; ©ehtffSa gefii^rte; — money, bic «d)iff|"teucv (juv ausruflung von ©dbtfftn) ; — owner, bev ©d;tflfSeigenfbumer, 3tbc= bCV ; — pound, b(t8 fcd)iff£pfltub ; Sea. Exp-.i. — shape, itaci) ©C^tjfgs art ; hot rigged — shape, llicbt gut (ttiebtvid)ttgj itufgefafdt ; trim your sails — shape, fcijt btC ©fgel rtltf, UHC Co fid} gcbii()vt; to be delivered at the — 's side, Jlf. E. am ed;iff j(it liefevu ; — worm, bev Spfabhuuvm, ilol;v= tlitlVin (Teredo navalis — L.) 5 — wreck, ber ©cfitff «bvucfi ; bie £viim= mcv; SBerungliictung ; to make (ober to suffer) — wreck, to — wreck, v. v. Scbiffbvitd; leiben, fdjettertt, ftratt-- beit ; VCVUHjluifcu ; to — wreck, v. a. &d)iffbvud; vcvuvfacbcit, an belt ©ttaitb luevfeit; — wrecked, adj. fd;iffbvitd)ti] ; — wright, bev @djiff= bauer, ©dpiffsbaumeiftev, ©cbiffgs jtmmermann ; — mate, bev ©c^tp= jimmcvmaimSinaat, JJ.'u!)af)ii ; a — wright's yard, baa ©fbipivct'ft (cin j«m ecbipbau eitt ; ]cvid)tctcv ^lafj). To SHIP, v. a. (befoubevs M. E.) til ba>3 ©Cbiff fan ^3orb) bvtngen, cittc Sabung ^©iiter) eiuucbnicu, etu= febiffeu, ciulabcit, ucvlabcu; to — awayocoff ji: ©cbiffe 9crfiil)veit, ucv= febiffeu, (ab=)fcitbctt; jv. t-s. to — a heavy sea, eitte fcfjmeve (©titVj*) feee an SBwb befommen ; to — the oars, bic 9cicmeu flav nmeben ; to — the swivel-guns, bic 5)fcbbi'affcu auf ibvc Scbaianenbalfc fefeen ; to — the tiller, bte 3iubevpiuue ait baS [Ruber befejltgen. SHIPLESS, adj. bev Srfjiffc bevaubf, obne©rbiffe/ fcf>ifffoS. shipment, *. m. e. bte SSerfabung, aScvfcbiffitug ; (3SBaavetts)©«nbung, 6ottft(]itatiott ; bie ©cbtffislabuttg. shipper, s. m. t. bev SOerfdbtffer, SSerlabtr, (2Baaveu=) Mfcubcv, S8e= fvaebfev. SHIPPING, s. collect, bic ©dbt'ffe; the strength of our — , bic ©tfiffe ltuffCV glotte; to take — , ftd) cinfd)iffcn ; ready for — , juv SSerfabitttg bevcit ; provided with — , lltit ©dbtffetl (tilt .§afcn) bcfcljt fci;it; the _ harbour is crowded with — , (§ ItCgCIt pide ©d)iffc im .f>afcit ; (charges at) — , (,«'ofteu) an Sorb j« Brinaen, ober transport in baS Sdjiff (in ®pee= feiti-cd;uuiic'icn) ; — iusiness, — con- cerns, ©eegefdjafte, t"5 ; — mote, bai OvaffcfcaftSgt. viefct. BHIRE,s. ber ©djlltarofcer, vid. Shark. To SHIRK, v. a. >\- ». 1. vid. To Shark; 2. nieieeu, ycnitcibcu. shirt, 5. ba§ (5Dcaun8=0.£>emb ; — oi mail, bai ^aUJCfbentb ; — front. ba3 iwH'beinbdicu ; — pin, bie eoeiubna* bd ; — wire, ^ClllbCbfabt ; — tail, ber itntevc ft6etl (bev idjoeji) am cpcnibc. To SHIRT, v. a. 1. lllit cilieill efJCITlb beflcibcit; 2. cirt (lucipe-J) §emb ati=> tbiiit. SHIRTING, g. bte .^cmbtcinwaub ; — flannel, bev .§cmbcflai'.eli. SHIRTLESS, adj. oI)UC $emb. SHIST, Siiistus, s. (argillaceous — ) bet Sl)t?ufd)icfcv ; bituminous — , bet 33vailbfcbicfcr; — porphyry, bev t{JoV= pf)\)vfii)icfcv ; siliceous common — , bev fjcmeiue Jtiefdfd;icfcv. SHISTIC, \adj. Min. T. tbottfebie* SHISTOUS, S fi'vifj, t!;oitfd;icfevavtiej ; t[;LMifd;iefcvicbt. SHITTAH, ) s. (nacr) Stttber) bev Sofe» shittlm, irenfeaunt; 6hittim-wai4 So live libels. To SHIVER, b. 1. 17. sevbvcrbrtt, jcvmal* ntcn, jcitfuntuievit, jerfcibellen, jev* fplittCVlt ; _to — the sails in the wind, jv. v. bic Segel fcblaff merben Iaffen, fillcn ; H. n. 1. jerfaUcu ; 2. fcbaitcvu, jittcvu. shiver, «. 1. ba-3 ftcinc biiitne ©fticf, bev ©plittev; bic J?vumc,ba3 Jtviim= cfeeit; 2. JV. T. vid. Sheavks; 3. jig. ber ©rbaiicv, 9IttfaII; — hole. JY. T bag Scbetbengat ; — spar, bev ©chic* fcvfpatb ; shivers, pi. ©ciabeu; to break into — , jevtviilltiuerit. SHIVERING, Is. baS (£d)aucvit, btt ©d)auer; n. adj. febaitcvub, ( — with cold, »or Ata(tc) jtttentb; to be — (ail over), Steberfrofl babcu ; — nu (cold — s). (>vicbcv=)@d;a;icv, (3te« oers)(Jroft-©cbauer. shivery, adj. bvitcj)tg, bvocriirb, I&= cfer, miivbe. SHl\ r ES,, bic <2d)abcu. SHOAD (—stone), s. eillC SFlvt fcfinjSrj* liebcv ober lebevfarbucv (^ifcufteiu, fiber nub untcr bev dvbe fit @cfcl>te= ben; Jifi».'T. bic ®raupen/3inugrau» pen, bev 3tnufanb, SHOAL, I. s. 1. bev .Oaufc, ©d&roavm, bie SKenge, 2JJaffej 2. Untiefe; ©anbbanf; a — of fishes, eiu 3" ; — s of gold, (in (Santon) ©oltbarrcn ; I should not like to stand in iiia — s. id) mocbte nid)t in feinen <3d)iif)cu ficcf'en ; shoe-bills, pi. ©djtijjs jiuerfen ; — black, (— boy), bcr 6>$uf)s pllfeet: — blacking, bie 2d)itbfitn.\'ir= ic. 2d)tif)njid)fc ; — brash, tic ©d)ub= iuufic ; — buckle, bie £d)iibfd)tialle; — chapes, pi. 'SdjubjdmaUcubiigcl ; — clasps,;//. SdjutjfjMttgeR ; —clout. bet 2d)it[)tvifrb ; —horn, bet ©d)ii&s anjiefjer, bets' Sdnibljeni ; — knife, mj ©cfiuflermeffet ; — last, bet '■5ri)llf)lciftctt ; — leather, bai Sdju&s lebet; — maker, bet ©cf)ur)mad)er ; — maker's wax, bafi 2dutbuMcr)g; — making, bai (Scbllfjlltachen ; — mak- ing trad.:, bie 2diul)inad)crci ; — mar- ket, bet Scljufjmarft; — nail, ber ^dwbiiagcl ; —nippers, pi. bie Scbets gauge ntit eiticnt .giantmcr ; — Bhapes, 2dHibbKittcr ; —stamp, bai Sd)u|s ftcnipcleifcn, bet Sobjenftempel; — strap, ( — strop, — string, — tie,) bai ®o)u{j8anb, bet- ©dbuotiemen ; — tacks, pi. ©O)ufijr0ecfen ; — tassels, €d)!if)ainiftd)cii ; — vamps, 33or= fcbiibjcber (Dbcv(cber) ill 2d)iibcit. TV SHOE, r. n . 1. [u fd) u licit; befd)[a= gen (ein fjjfetb) ; 2. belegen (ben So* ben ntit etwaS), lUetbeden ; to — the anchor, jr. t. ben 2d)lll) ctttf ben Sin* Eetfiiigel fefcen, ben Wnfet bcfleibeit. SHOEING,* baa ©efdjuben, ©efchjas gen ; — hammer, ber 9cieft)ammet ; — horn, bil3 ®d)M)bOfll, bet ©djub> oujiebet. ■HOLE, rid. Shoai,. 7b'SHOOTj». a. a- n. J. fdjiefjeit, ah- fd)ictlcn, tibfeacrn ; 2. aaffcbicticii, ausfcblagen, fdjoffen ; 3. treiben, fios f;cu, fdmclleit; 4. fttegen, fahven ; 5. ptirfeln, ftecben (j. SB. rote .Oiibncr= augen, evftotne ©iieberu. f. to.); 6. abbolcn, abftofjen; 7. anfdjieflen, fta) bilben ; 8. fid) bebnen, ftdb ei'ftrccfcn ; to — one's self, fid) frfcbiciJCll ; to — ith), erfdncfseit; to — ihe masts by the board, bie 3Jlaflett (eineS <2>Cbif= fcs) abfdlii'fjeit; to — casks. &c. into the cellar, by a parbuckle, differ II. f. tt). bin«8 ill ben teller it. f. n>. fdiroten, inittelft ©djtotleitet unb ©ttirfe ; to — a bolMuticgeln ; to — a cart, eitten jtatrett fttirjeii ; to — a joint, fine s Jcuth auSftof en ; to — a bridge, untet tiuet SBtilcfe tuvdifabreti; to — a gulf, i'tber einen SDleerbufen faljtenj to — ahead, fid) frfcnell eotroiitte be= wegett, ootbtingen, ootvofitts laufcu, (fliegcu, fasten, fcgelii) ; to — with a ions bow, mit bent gtojjen SKeffet febitetben, gtoti fprcdn'tt, prablcti ; to — across one's mind, fig. bltl'cb bell Steyf fabven; to — at, nacb etwas fthicficit; to — down, bcvabfiiii-;cn, bcubfhbmeii (Don SBafferfatten) ; to — forth, fcimcit, anefd;lagcn ; fig. fieb etfitetfetl ; to — into crystals, in .Um = ftallcn anfd)icf;en ; to — off, toSfcbies (jen; to — out (from), attefdjieffen, fid) U'vtbcileit ; to — out into branch- es, fid> oerjwetgen ; to — out into ears, in ?lcbreu febiepen ; to — but grain. ©ctveibe nu«fd)iittcn ; to — up, fmneU in bie i§5^e maebfen, auffdjieien ; he'll — up a hem, et witb fid) fdjncU ^it cineni >§e(ben bilben. IHOOT, ». I. brt8 Scbiefu'ii, ber Scbuf ; 2. f;lina,, bie 3ptoffc ; 3, bai f©V < t tts )8ettel ; to make a — . fr|ie» Ben; — bolt, bet Sfatcbtriegel am Xhiivfrbip^ ; — silk, @tnfr|>lagfe{be. BHi i her. s. bcr Scbiettenbc, ©cbiifee. SHOOTING, s. bafl rdjiepen; to go a —,f,un. febiefien ge^en, auf bie [Jagb fiebcii; a — pain, cin flecbtnber ©d)ilterj; — star, bie _2tcrnfd)ituv= \>t ; — stick, T. bet 2d)icfnlerfeit ; Typ. T. bai .iicibl'd;, bet .«ei!tvci= bet. BHi ip,». ber Soben, Jttamlaben, Jtinter, 91u§fd)ititt(;anb[er ; — keeping, bie Jlrainerei; — lift, — lifter, ber 8a« benbieb; to — lift, ». o.?aben beftebs len; — lifting, tie I'atentiebetei ; — man, ber .RlciiihrttibUT, bet Safctnbies net im utitergecrtnettten '^erbalt= niffe) ; — mate, ber 2abengefaf)ttc, ifatengcbiilfe ; — rent, ter 8aben= jin^, ©eroSibjinS; — shutter, bie ?a= ti'iiflaiHH'. SH( iPLIKE, adj. geinein, niebvig. shopping, t. mod bai SBefutpett bet ,){iiufliucn, bet 8abenfBajietgon(j, tie Sabenteoue. SHORE, s. 1. ba-3 Ufev :cine« Alnnc: obct befl SWeetefl , ©eftabe, tie Jtiifte, bet ©ttanb; 2. bie ©tiiljc, ©ttebe, bet Stu^baifeu; ,V. 7 1 . standing in — (obet — ward 1 , lanbroSttt rjulicgen; standing oil"—, feennirtS anlieaett: — anchor, bet Santanfer, SSJauaiitet ; — bird, bie Ufei'ffnwalbe, SfJain= fdiUMlbe. To shore, v.a. ftiiljen; to — up, un= tetftiifeen, JV. t. unterfebpreii. SH( IBELESS, adj. 1. ufetloS, obncUfer; 2. fig. unbegrenjt. SH< IEELING, I s bai gefd)prne @diaf ; SHORUNG, ) Sell cittc^ gefd;i)tncn >3cb.af3. SHORL, a. bet Sebiu-I, S'ltnnalin. siii IRLAOB IUS, adj. fd)prKivtig. SHOB i'. adj. Sf ado. I. hit}, iuibe ; 2. fiifjlid) ; 3. eingefd)vdnff, enge, flamni; 4. miirbc vent Jfeifch tint, btiirbig; 5. im SRangel, m>t!i,]e!bafr, feblenb, fiutpiv fvarfant, genau; within a —time. bin nenj?ut= ?vcm ; in — , in Benin, SSBotten, \\w\-- liib, furj; cakes that cat — , miirbc ,Ulld)Cn; to be (to come Ober to fall) — of, itadifleben, liarbgebcn, nit^l gleidi Eommen ; ju futj fommen, fetyleit, bcMtrreti ; to be — with ike one up — ), einen fur} abfft= ti^en, anfabren, einen Dertutjen, in feinen (Snttoutfetl bintent; to bring — , abtunen ; upon — notice, nad) futjet Uebeilegung : in Jtnricm; to be^ — of money, ©clt betiiifen, uiit-' bei Saffe fc>.Mi; 1 am but one degree — of happiness, mit feblt nut etne Stufe tur ©luiffetijifeit ; tok — of . . , einen fntj fallen in.., ib,m nid)t geninj aeben »on . . : you cup too — , 2ie baben nod) ein ©las ju trinfcit; to speak — , tie SBotte vcrfd)liufen ; to stop — , plofttid) iiuic biiltcn, ftille fiebcii; to Btrike — , febl fd)l.t- picr, far;c 2QccbfcI(3!Bf4)felau| je ©icbt) ; — posted, |u roenifl ange= fe^t (you cincnt SPoflen im ihidn- ; — premium, tie nicti'i^e i ; i\imie; — price, ter ?Jetto=5Rfeifl Cl ; ret^ nad) 3Ibjug bti Ulabatti u. f. ». ) ; — bie fut jeu obet falfcben SRipptn; — Bails, .v. T tie trei @cgcl, ivel.i mobulid; in ter ©dMaitt gebraudjt wcrben; a — sale, cin fdjneUct i >' mil einen 8d)ufi i a rolling and bo — , ein iBiellfdjufj, SRicod)et| taubctSJdjufj — of rain, bet pI6%» lidn- Stegenjuf; — bag, {vid. — . bet EScbrofbeufel; — belt, bet ©cbrofgutttl ; — bo» s, bie fl u frbcnEcijten : — free, fd)iijfrei ; fugel- fen ; unbefrf)5bigt; fcE>opfrei a.\ gellebr, tie Jhigelprobe ; — :■ > v. t. bit Jtugeltetfe; — bie i jagb»)Sltntt ; — bote, bad SchulMoaj ; — plug, ter ?fropf ,oon SEBetg obet SPnpitt ; — pouch, bie &c$iefitafa)e, 3agMafd)e; — ^.-oof 387 SHOW SHRI SHUF fd)ltf;fift; .V. T-s. — of a cable, At Sufammenfpltffung jtoeiet 3lnfer= Mttc ; sheet — , bag SRflidjtanfettau. 5H0TE, s. l. c t it Sifdj, bet goreUe glcicfc (7VuMa minor) ; '->. bam= mclbruft, ©t^obfenbtiift; —of mut- ton sails, .V. T. btc ©icffcgcl ; — arms ! Mil. Ph. ©djnlter'S ©cmcbr ! — belt, bag SBebrge^enf ; ©djultetgefcenf ; — blade, (— bone), boS ©djulfer* Matt; .v. t-s. — block, bet ^alen= blocf ; — bolt, ber Slugbofjcii mit u= item ©tpfi ; — grafting, bltfl ^pppfcu in tic Diinbe; — knot, bag 9ld)fels banc, bie GSpauletfe; — piece, bag ©dntltcrfiiicf ; — points, ;>/. bie 2icb= fclfdjnure; — shotten, bugtabmj — slip, bie SSemufung ber ©djutter. To SHOULDER, v. a. 1. QUf bie ©d)ltl= tcv tubmen, fdntltcru; 2. bic ©rf>ul= tent fcriicfen ; bratigen, fipfteu, fd)itp= bcii: to — out. luitintsfdm^pcit; to — up, auf tic ©cbulfer ucfjmcit ober legen. SHOULDERED, adj. ia compos. "lit 2cbttl= tern, fcbulterig; broad — , brcif|"d)iil= terig. biiout, 5. 1. bag 3reubeitgefd)tei, ©c= frbvei, ©cjaurbje, SBioatrufen ; 2. 9lll6jifdjen (lb. it.) ; a — of applause, bag SBeifaflSgefdbret. To shout, v. n. (bor Stcubc) laut fdjreien, jaud)jett; (— at, jtt=)vufen (mit, at). bhoijtek, 5. ber ©ebveier, Saudncr, 9tufev. shouting, s. boS ©cfdirci. To SHOVE, v. a. ir n. fd)iebCtl, ftojjetl ; mit ct'iicr ©range fortftojjett (eitt Soot); to — along, fc vtfrf) tebcit ; to — by, TOegfiofjcit; to — down,itieter= ftof.en ; to — in, einftojjen ; to — off, abftpfcit; shove off! fiofl ab DOllt Sanbe! shove, «. ber ©dmb, ©toji; — net, bag ©cblagncfe, ©djlebbnefc. BHOVEU s. bie ©cbaufel, ©djfitope; — board, bie Seilfetafel, Stiicftafel ; bag Scillefbtel ; — full, eiitc @rbau= fcl ooll; — hat, ber (2d)aufcll)ut (4jut mit aufgebogenet Jlrampe). To shovel, v. a. fdjaufetn, fdjiippen ; baufeit. 3HOVELER, s. bic Spffelcilte (Anas cly- pcnta — L.). T» SHOW, v. I. a. i. fcbaiifhilcii, jur ©diau bringnt, jeigen, toeifen, febett laffen ; 2. Flint, geben ; 3, bcfaiuit marben ; 4. Icbrcn; o. crfliircti, au§= Icgcti; 6. beivcifen ; ?. crmcifcit; 8. ben 2Seg jeigen, ftibreit ; to — one a place, eiiient bic 3JJerfroiirbigfetten u= iter ©tabt it. f. ». jcigcit ; to — tricks, SPoffeil fpiflcit; to— mercy, ©nabc erweifen, fidi erbarmen ; to — forth, befauut martial, I'crfitubtgcn ; auf* WeifeU; to — in or into, ftllfufu'Clt; to — up, (icrauf fii[)rcit; ii. n. fd;ci= ucn. SHOW, s. 1. bie ©cbatt; 2. baged)ait= fpiel ; 3. OeDrange, ber fflJanj, @ taat ; 4. bag ^ttfetieiubcr (aujkrc) Sdjein, anffjjein, bie ©Aetnbarfeit, ?lnfchn= lid)Ecit; 5. yiebnltrfjfcit ; (i. bag ©djeittbilt, SantiMit, bic ©cbcrbe ; 7. ©avftelhing; 8. m t. ber Su«fa^ (bie jur Sdiau attggeflcllte SBBaare), berSlug^ang tan Jlattfntanitglabeit); 2? ,— ■ ?" befeben; to set to — , jur e*au auglrgeii; to make a fine — , |tod)ttg aitSfcbut; to make a —of, 'tdj febcu Ujfeu (^uffebcn macbeiu 388 mit . . ; fid) ftcllett (alg weun . . ) ; — Of hands, bag SUlfbcbcit ber .^ailbC bei ben SOabicu; bie SIbftimmting ((5'nnabliutii) burd) bag Snubauf^e* 'bett; a' — of tulips, cittc Sulvciiflur ; — box, M. T. ber 51itgfcljcEaftcii (mit SOIcbcwaarett it. f. ro.) ; — bread, bag ©djaubrob ; — end, M. T. ber v i"rr= fdwji; (an cincni €ti'nf 2'ucb) ber SDlantel/ (an eineni ©tud ©ammet) ber Setfel, SRantel ; — glass, ein fDiifrpffop=^'(^fd)d)cii ; — glasses, pi. ©lafer ttitb glafcbcu ill bcttcit (5pttbi= tor, 9lvotbcfcr u. f. lv. SBaareit jur ©cbau fteUcit ; — man, ber (5elteit= beitcit u. f. to. jeigt; 2afd)ei;fpieler; — place, ber ©diaupla^. shower, s. ber Seigenbe; ©rweifeits be it. f. TO. ; — of tricks, ber £afd)cit= fpieler. shower, s. 1. ber (SRegen=)®u§, 9?c= gen, fiagel, Sd)attcr; 2. fig. ber 3»= flnfi, licbcrfluf;, bic SJiengej — bath, bag 3:rppfbab. To shower, v. i. a. 1. iilit SJJegennaf* feu, bcgieikit, mitSJegen itbcrfa)ivcm= men, gie^eii ; 2. regiten laffen ; 3. fig. reicblirb »ertbetlen, ttberfdjuttett ; n. n. ftarE regncit, berabjirbmen, bagcht. showery, adj. regiicrifd), regnig, na^ ; — weather, bag 9Jeaeumetter. SHOWILY, adv. auf *naci)tia,e, glatt* jcttbe 2lrt; Vvabtcrifd), hut @c= grange. showiness, s. bie ^radjt, bcr^piup, bag ©cpraiigc. showy, a<#. pritdjttg, glnnjenb; prau= gcttb, pvablbaft. To shred, v. a. flcin (in ffbinale nub Iaitgc ©treifett) fdmcibeii, scrfcl)tici= ben. SHRED, s. 1. bag ©d)itiftd)ctt, (2d)ni= feel, ber gapven, Scfecit ; 2. bag Q3ntd)= fluff. shrew, s. bic SSnlerwn, ^eifertnn, bag bpfe SEBeib, ber 3aiifteitfel ; — mouse, bic ©piljlltaitg (.Sorer — £.). SHREWD (adv. — ly), adj. 1. fcfjaif ft'rf)= tig ; 2. liftig, fdjlait. shrewdness, s. l. bic ©rftlaitbeit, 5>erfcblagenbeit, SSerfcbrntfetbeif, 3Jrg= lift; 2. bie ©rbarfftrbtigfeit. SHREWISH (adv. — i.y), adj. Jatlfifcb, beftig ; to be—, jaufeit, fdjiualeit; — ness.s. bag 5anftfcbe2Befeu; bie ipefs tigfeit ; ber 3JfutBtoille. To SHRIEK, v. a. fd)icicn, laut auf= fdireicit, freifdjcit. shriek, s. ber rcd)iiitg, 2lbfp|utipit. shrike, 5. ber sjieuntnfirber, SBurgeni gel, bic SBergelfier (Lanius spinitor- quus — J..). shrill, adj. bell, gclleiib, fdiipirrcttb, brbbiicnb, febnarrenb, febarf ; — noise, bag ©dlctt, ©djmirrcii, !?rpbiieii, ©djnarren ; — tongued, mit gcllcii-- bcr Buiigc- To SHRILL, v. n. gellcil, \)i\{ tpllCll ; fcbTOirrett, bvfibnen. SHRILLNESS, s. btlg ©clleil, ©d)n)ir= ren, ber fdjarfc Son. SHRILLY, adv. febarf tpnciib, gcllcnb. SHRTMP, s. 1. bieJ?rabbe, ©aiitele, bet Safrbenfrcbg, fleinc ©ccfrebs (Cancer prangon — L.) ; 2. fig. ber ^lltrpg, Btoetg ; (fresh-water — ), tcr s -l^ad): frcbg; white—, eiitc 3lrt Jtrabbe (Cancer squilla — /,.). shrine, ». 1. bag 3Miiiiiicnfafirbcn; 2. ber 21ltar. To SHRINK, v. I. n. 1. (eiitOfcbnint-- bfen ; etiilaiifeu, fid) ;ufamnten}te< belt; jtifammcntrpifiicii; 2. abneb» men ; 3. jufamnicnfabrcu, juriuffab-- ren, crftavrcit, firb entfefeen, fcfjau- (b)ern; jittcru, (jutii(Js)be6en, 511= cfcn; to — at, fid) Dot ctnrng cittfci fecit; to — bark, wn'iiffabrcn, ftar= vcii ; 10 — from, ctnrng jti uermeiben fudjeit, iticbt baran topIIcu; to — under, crltegcii ; to — up, ciitfd)rum= pfen ; Jlicfen; to — with apprehension, Slngfi baben, bange fe^n (»or etroaS) ; II. a. eiiifd)niiitpfeit madden, ciulnu= fen laffen. shrink, s. 1. bag (fiin='2d)rumpfcit ; bic Diunjel ; 2. ber ©ebaiicr. shrinkage, s. bag Sintrocfiien, din= fdjntmpfcn; M. T. bic 9{cfactic, bet 5Jad)lafj (bei S'abaf, 11. f. w.\ shrinker, s. ber, bic fcbanberf, jit= tert, jucft; ber (bie) Surditfamc. To shrive, v. a. 93etrbte bprcit, beieb* ten laffen. To SHRIVEL, v. I. n. einfcbriimvfc'.?, fid) jufaniuiciuicbeu, vuujclig TOcr* belt; 11. a. jufajticujieben, rutijelK, fatten, jcrfuittcnt. shroud, s. 1. bic Sebecfung, bag DU bad), ber ©cbirm, ©rfiitli, bie 3»- flud)t; 2. bag ©tabtud), Seicbeittucb, ©terbebemb, ©terbcfleib; 3. rid. Shrouhs ; JY. T-s. — laid cordages, fabelmeiie gefcblagene (jroeimal $u= fantmcugebrebtc; ifcaue ;■ — plates, bie Jvlappett ber SPuttingeii; —stopper, ber ©org in ber SBanb; — trucks, bie SBanbfloben. To shroud, o. 1. a. 1. bcfdiiifeeii, m-r= TOabrctt, Dbbad) geben ; 2. bebedfen, befleibcn, etntpiifcltt, oerbergeti (— from, bor), verbiilleu ; 3. til baSSter* befletb biilleit; n. «. fid; aitfbalteu, nd) bergen. SHROUDS, .*. pi. M T-s. bie 2'Oaubtatu (letfetformig gefbannte lane jur 3Jc= feftigung ber gjjaften) ; to ease the — , bic SBonb fd)laff madjeit. SHROUDY, adj. ©dnife gctvabrcnb, febiifeenb. SHROVE, in cornpos. — Sunday, bet Clfte ©Ptttttag in ben Safteu ; — tide, tic ?vaftitad)t, ^aftcujeit; — tuesday, bei Baftetibicuftag. shroving, 5. bie ^ctci'bcr^afinadit. shrub, s. 1. bie ©taubc, ber ©fraud), SBiifcb; Stoergbanmj 2. ber SJjunfd)= crtraet (eine SWifcbung »pu(Jitrpneu-- faft, 3udet unb SBtanntwein). To shrub, v. a. son ©trauc|)n>etl rei= ttigeii. shrubbery, s. 1. bag ©taubcr.gc= w'dd)S, ©eftratidj; 2. bie Qlnpfiaiu jitng bPit ©eftraud), bag Vuftgcbiifd). SHRUBBY, adj. ftaubcuartig, bufd,)ifbt; bufdjig, ftraucijig. To SHRUG, v. I. a. Jlicfcit, jicbeil ; ill bte <&obe jicbeil ; to — one's shoulders, bie 2ld)felu jucfen ; H. «. fd)au(bi n% jufammenfabren, bebcu. shrug, «. bag SHcbfeljucfen ; to give a — (with the shoulders), bie 2!cbfelll juden. To shudder, v. n. fd)ait(b)crn, jit= tern, erbeben ( — at, Dor). shudder, s. ber ©rbaubcr, bag 3't-' tern. To SHUFFLE, v. a. <\- v. 1. lllifd)Ci:, vermifcbeii, mttet cinauber mengen, fd)iittclu ; tit Httorbituug briugeit; .Wavteit mifdjen; 2. lifttg'ivpbitt (aui bic ©cite) btingen, fpielen: 3. mit Furjcii ©djrittchgcbcii, wacEeln,toat= fdieln, wis. latfcbcn ; 4. SluSpcfcte macben, Cleinle gcbraud)en; you are to — , ©ie baben b'ic.Uarteti ju inifrben ; to — in (into), liftig biiiciit fpielctt, bincitt fcpieben, biiicin ftecfnt, fid; SIBY linbrangett; to — off; von fid) f rf> t c = ben, ableljneit, abfdnimln, abtverfen, abroaljen, liflig attfltoeidjen, i»eg= fd)affcil ; to — on, forttoatfeln ; to — through, ftcf> budiarbcitcn ; to — up, auf ltitorbcntliche, oertvirrte Hrt ur= rid)tcit; abfavtcn, einfabeln. MUFFLE, s. 1. tie SKifc$ung, his ©einifcf), S)ura)einanbertoerfen, in Unorbnung briugenj Scbjeubern; 2. bie Sift, ber JJuitftgrijf, «.'. ©d)nel= Icr ; — board, a:'i Shovel-board, Ull« fev Shovel ; — cap, bii^ >0nt|'d)iit= tcln (eiu (Spirt, roobei bafl ©rtb, um baS man fpiclf, in cincnt ^ute ge= fcbuttclt unit .. 6HUFFLER, s I. bcr 2)iifd;cr, Jlar= tcugebcr; 2. dianfcmadier. SHI FFLQfG, otlj. Ootler 5Iuflp6$ff, be* tviiglid) ; a — excuse, cine fable Slugs flnri)t; a — fellow,/am. bcr vcranbcr= iid)c, roanWmutbJge 2ftenfd) ; giatt* femad)ev; — ly, ado. loacfelnb, ttot= fcbcltib ; unrebltd), bctriiglid). To .shun, d. a. ineiben, fiictjen, aufltoeis cpeit. hiii NLESS, my. uubcvniciblid), unaufls roc id) bar (». u.). 7'-. SHUT, ». r. a. 1. fdjlicpen, Berfcfcltc= pen, jjimacfcett, fpeuen ; 2, auflfcblie= ficu ; 3. oerbinben, (bet ben @<$lofs fern) fdjtoeifjen ; to — one down, 3e= manb untcr bcr g-ueijfcl balten, obcr fjabcit; to — in, einfebjtcfien : to — out (from), auflfd)liefjen, auflfperren ; to — up, oerfcbliefieu, oerfperren, ju= fd)liet;cn, einfcjliejien, einfperren, em* ftthtn; bcfd)licfjen ; to — up a port, c-inen fiafen fperren ; to — up shop, cineu Jcanfmauin&laben jnmacben, ciu= legcit, cinpacfen ; fig. banferott ma= djeit ; ii. n. ficb fr$ltepen, $ugct)en. EflUT, I. adj.\xti, lofl, cntbnnbeit ; ™v. Ph-s. to get — of . . , fid) log mad) en con.., etitlcbigctt (cine?, obcr ctner @a$e) ; n. s. 1. ber @rf)lufj, bieQ]cr= frblicf-itng, ©oerre ; bafl @nbe (to. fi.j i; 2. tie Jllappe; bev Saben (cii Shut- ter). SHUTTER, s. i. ber ©tblieficr, 2>cr= fdiliefier ; 2. geiifterlabeu, bas (Sen* ftcr=:.Xburdieu, bie JUappc; — bolt, bev ©dmbrteael ; — knobs and roses, ©tbubIabenfno>fe nnb 9tbfd)cn; — latch, eiu &iuffcb(of) ; — lifter, ber 8a> benbeber ; — screw, cine gcnjtcrla= benfebraube. SHUTTLE, s. bat 2Beberfd)iff, ber ©dntlje ; — cock, Bcberball ; fig. bcr ©djroiitbclfoof ; thing — , cin 5Sebcr= febiff, ba3 auf 'ftahlcrncn SBaJjen buret) cin Svicbrocrf beroegt roirb). SHY. adj. 1. febeu, fdjucbtcrn ; 2. ju* riicfbalfcnb, angftlirb; 3. bebntfam, uorftcbjtg; 4. argrobbitifd), cifcrfud); tig ; 5. faltfinnig, fait; he is very — of mc, cr mcibct mid; fo oicl cr fann ; to be — of telling the truth, It tcfjt lltit ber 333af)rf)ttt bcraufl roollcn. To SHY, o. v. febcu femt obcr wetben (yon SPfevbcn). SHYLY, adv. fcf)cu, febiicbtertt, n. f. w. ; eid ^nv. SHYNESS, «. bic Sdniditerubeit, $\u viicffjaltung, &$«!; ber 3lrgwol;n, bic ^ebntfamfcit. 6IALAG0GUES, ». pi. Med. t. fpcicf)cl= treibenbe "DJittcI. SIBERIA, *. Sibcricn. SIKKIIIAN, I. adj. ftbcrifd) ; II. s bcr (Sibcricr. siberite, s. bcr tTtbc Turntalin. SIBILANT, adj. jifctjCllb; — letters, ;./. 3«fd)lante. siBiLArioN,».ba«3ir■. r.n. i. franf fcDit, (cr)= franfcn, franf werben (— at, von) ; 2. ficdien, vergeben, bimvclfen, bin= fdiaunbcn ; 3. fig. iiberbruffig fePii, fieb cfvln (— at. vtM', fiber); \\. a. ftaitf ntadicit; fd;ai^e [Coronilla — £.). SICKLED, adj. mtt cincv 2id)c( ver= feben. SICKLINESS, s. bie .on SWuts terSfeitc; — by — , ncbcneinaiibcr; — ofa hill, bee Slbb/wg einee Bers gcS ; sea — , bie <£ce=Jtiiftc ; water — , bat lifer j Sp.E*. the better — (far— , oft' — ), bie rcd)te ©cite; near — , bie linfc Seire: i eive it on your — , id) erfeuue tt 3biieu tit ; to speak on one's — , ju 3emanbei5 SBcften re* bcu ; to take sides, iJJarfci iiebmen ; — arms, ©citcngciucbr ; — bar. ba4 ©citcnfti'uf ; — beams', bic ^'rcinvanbc . (bcr 5i3ud)brit(fcrprcffc) ; — blow, bcr Stblag 0011 ber Seite; — board, bafl Sciteiibrctt; bic ftafSbaubc; ber OJc- bentifd), Scbcnftifcb,. Grebenjtifd), Scroicctifcb; ; — box, bic ©ettenlogc ; — carpet, cin fdimalcr £eppid) »or bat SBett 511 Icgeti; — fece, bat 35ros ftl, ^albgcftcfjt, bie (Seitenonfidjt ; — ftsh, jv. t-s. bat oorbere nnb bin= tere 5titcf ci ties |ufamntengefcfeten SDtafiee ; — giance,bcr ©citenblirf, bafl Slnfrfiiclcti; — lantern, bic^diKuiU latcrne; — lays, pi. Sp. F. fitfdjc 3agbb^uitbe int .*3interbalte, bafl vor= beifontntenbe 2Uilb >u uerfolgen ; — lining, ba« (Settenleber, bie Cber= iteininc j — long, adj. A- adv. 0011 ber Scitc, tn bie Ouere; auf bie ©cite, feitcuwSrtfl ; — long glance, bcr 5ei= tenblirf, Oucrblicf ; — 's man, ber [ei= SIGH Item .ftirdn-ni'Dtftebcr tur Seil .'iM'inent, ®eb,filfe : ber teigenofj; — motion, bitfd)icf< roeguitg; —notes, pi. SRaraittd SRanbgloffeil ; — ptenln, pi. bie '4. ; £a;;: fen ber aujjern Sqjiffflbefleibung ; — :. bie -Jicbenriirfudit; — bcr Ouerfattel, grauenfaftel ; — flowl r, bie Sattelblmne racenit — /..) ; — scene, .■bnciniMt'.b, Soultffe ; — il cbcnfd)6§linge ; — ■• r bie ©unbflege ;— table, bcr 3cfccitf» t'.iA) I '.dUtlHll; — •. bafl ^Sarteiergreifen ; — /•. bie beiben nntrrn 2eiten= ftiicfe .cities sufammengefefeten STOa* ftefl ; — riew, bie 2cittiiaiifidit (9lB* ficbt t>on bcr Seite) : — waver, bev Irager cincS Sa$efl : — wise ( — ways;, feiteroartfl, bic Duere ; — . ber Seitentoinb. STOE, adj. von bev ©cite ber, itibircct, fcttcf. To SIDE '•■ " 1- auf einr Scitc lebnca [xo. ii.); .'. . Semanbefl SPartei uebmen, ,u-ntaub iintcrfttt^en, tt mit ;J)in balten, auf feiner ©eite fe»n ; to — against one, jeaeil tvibcr; cincn h'.mi, bafl 32i [ten. SIDER, a ber -|\ivtci,iciiotic. S1DERAL, adj. 0011 ben ©ternen f)cr= fommeub, '511m ©cftiru gcbiu-ui ; — day. — time, — year, ber Steriltctg, bie Stcrajeit, bafl Sternfa^r. sii)KK.vif.t>. adj. OOtn IKelltban Ober 0011 bev SJitterung oerberbt ; oont Sd)la,ic geriifirt, g'clabntt. SIDERATION, g. ber SSranb, OJccbU than; 2d)lagfluft, bie Ca^muitg [XO. It. 1 . SH3ERE \N", StDBRBAl u:ral. siderite « berSWagnet = Stcitt ,<2i= beritj ba« Sifenfraut, bte (Sifenrourj itu —/..); bic gentcinc gclbe (Srbpin (Teucrium ckamapitia • — I . SIDEROGRAPHIC (— < u , adj. (tbetO* gvapbifdi; —art, bic ©tat)l(tcd)fr= fimft; — impression, ber itablftid'. STOERi iGR VPUIST,*.ber 3ibevograpb, Stablitedn-v. SIDEROGRAPHY. *. bie Sibcvogral-bie, ilaMuedieihiiift. SIDING, ». bafl •j.-avtciucbnicti ; bic SJJartei. To sidle, d. a. f. im ©e y en aacfeht; ~>. auf bcr ecitc liegen. SIDLING,*, baS 2l ! acfcln; to go — , tin @cl)cn a\icfeln, von bcr Seiic geben. SIDNEY EARTH, s ber ?luitralfanb. siege »■ 1. bie ©elagerung ; ! ba3 bringenbe Snliegen, 3ufe|en ; to lay — to, bclagcrn ; fig. bringenb anliegen, jufc^ch. SIENNA, s. cin bellgclbcr Clcr de Sienna). SIENNITE, 8 oi '. Btonitb. siesta, s. ifpamfdi) bafl SRiftag* fd)lafd)cn, bic SKittagflrube. sieve, s. bafl ©ieb, cin Jcorb, Sttk* rirbifiub ; —hoops, Siebreifen; — like. ftebfSmtigj —maker, bev : ntadjer, 7s SIFT, t>, n. 1. ficben, ftd-tcn ; .'. Mb fonbern; 3./^. prufen, unterj fnrben, roob,lerto8gen ; to — out, aufl« forfeben, auflb,oleu ; to — to the imi- tom, auffl ©enauefle nuterfiicbcn. SIFTER, 8, 1. ber rieber, 8cetnigeV J '-'. ^a'blbeutel, OJJeblfovb ; 3. fig.^tki fenbe, Slbfonberer. SIITINC, part s. bat ©icbei: ; sprfifen. To BIGH, b. I. n feunen ; [— after, at . feufjen, fcjmiadjten narb ..; u a. befeufjen ; berrauern, 3-0 SIGN SILI S1LV i'GH, s o f Seufjer; 10 fetch feufjen. :;. s. ber §euf$enbe. r,g. I. bad Seljen, okficbr, Q>)<- ftdjtS&ermBgen, bie ©eljlraft: 2. bie V!it'":cbt, b/r flubltcf ; 3. bit Senear!)* j mit matbematifeben f?itftvn= nun ten, bcf. tin pi.); 4. WiS <2cbau= fpiel ; 5. b.i3 3luge ; 6. bte Slbfe&e, ba3 en, bet 5chcpitnft, Diichtrutuft, bad i'n't'r, tor £ tester, bie <25clufi}c, Sltcgc, baS .Row (ait ©eivcbreu) ; 7. .1/. V. bit Sidlt ; at (or after) — , bci vtttftdjt btefeS ; auf ®icbt ; nadi ^icbt, a ciste ; bill (payable) at — , ber (5icbtwec|>fel ; bill oi" — ,ber 3ofls rlaitbnttiO ©cbetrt, ®fiter ofane [Jractur auSjuIobeti ; at — , Mus. t. SBIatfe • at first — , bcint erficn vlltbltcf ; in — , »Ot Slltgctt; to come in — . unit 33orfc$etn fommen, ficb feben (affen, ficbtbar toerbeu ; to keep in — , tm Sttuge bebaltcn; to know by — , 3emanben sett Slnfebcit en; out of — , au3 ben 5Iitgctt; ut of — , out of mind, prov. (tuS bell 9!ugcu, anS bent Sinn ; Sea Ph-s. — • : the Ian 1, bte £dufe, .Rauflaben it. f. ro.) ; 2ltt*bangcbilb (bet ©cbaububen it. f. w.); 3. ©bins bol, 3311b, ajorbttb; 4. SBunber; aBnitbcrseicbctt ; 5. ber SBinf, bie 3JHenej 6. bie llnfcrfcfjvtft ; to make signs, 3firt)cit gcben, juwinten ; — of admiration, ba$ £L!crn,uiubcrititgs , = (', l InSntflllt^3=)3cid)ett [!]; —ma- nual, bte eigenbanbtge Utttcrfdnift, •Sailbfcbrift (manu propria) ; bafl §anbjcid)en, ber (serfdjlungenc) 92a= mensjug, bie iJJarafe; — post, bie ' •:, rooratt ba3 Sd)i!b (cincS 3Btrtf>Sljau.fe8 it. f. to.) Ijaitgf, bie 2dnlbpfofle; ba§ ©ebjlb. To SIGN, o 0.1. jctcbtteit, bc;ctcbttcn ; 2. uutcrjeicbiicn, unferfebreiben ; signed and sealed, lliltcrfcbricbcil llttb beftegelt. I vl, .?. baS (Signal, Seiebcn, bte Soofuitg; — of distress, baS fflotfy Signal, ber SJiCf^Scbuts ; in —,511m Beidien. SIGNAL (ado. — i.y), adj. aitSgqeid)= net, merfnurbtg, arof; a — defeat eine fEotaU9lteberIage; to fire — guns. StgnaIs- 7*. bie 53ri]eii= bejeicbttung, SBlaUbejcicbiiurtg, ^i^= I'.atur, (buvd) ^itcbftabeit ober 3«b s I<11) ; M. K-s. (the) — of.., 2Sir jeiebneit (im (Circular); under the joint — of our names, latter liitferm veretuten stamen. signer, s. bee SBejetcbiter; ltntev= jet^ner. sjgnet, «. ba« (§anb=1(5tegel, 3n= ftegel; — otiice, baS fonigltcbe 2ie- gelamt; — ring, ber Stegelring. SIGNIFICANCE, (— cy), s. 1. bte 93e= beutuitg, ber S3eiftanb, @inn ; 2. bie SSebeutfamfctt, ffitcbtigfeit; 3. jtraft, (Sttergte, ber ^lacbbrncf. SIGNIFICANT, [adv. — ut), adj. i. be= bentenb; bemc^nenb; 2. bebeutungSs boll, fcebcittfant, frafttg, nacbbviicflid}. signification, s. 1. bie Sebeutung, ber Sinn; 2. bie Sltibciintiuj, S3e= jetrbnurtg. SIGNIFICATIVE (ado. — ly), adj. tc= bentenb, bcjeichnettb, bebeutung8»oU, bebeutfam, nadjbvitcflteb, mtt Stacb^ brucf. SIGNIFICATOR, ) s. baS Se^eidnu'ti; significatory, 5 be, 3cic^cit, bie i ! c= jetcbttuitg. To SIGNIFY, v. a. 1. bcbeittcit; 2. an= setgen, aitbeittett ; 3. sen H5iduig= [eit fettn; 4. mcinett; 5. bcEannt macbett; what signifies! \Vffalat. SILESIAN, I. adj. fcblefifd); — linen, fcbleftfcbc Sciuroaiib ; 11. s. ber Srblc= fier. SILEX, 9. JHin. T. ber ^icfcl. SILHOUETTE, s. (franj.l 7Hodii ®eibc; silky, 5 2. tit ©eibe gelleibet; 3. fetbenartt'g, iveia>, fammettocitb, fattft, jart, lveidilicb. To SILKEN, v. a. vocitb ober feibeuartig macben. SILKINESS. g. 1. ba« Scibcnartige ; 2. bie 2Beu$Iicbfeif. sill, .5. 1. ber ©runbbalfeii cities ©e- bSubtS ; 2. bie ©ebirelle, %i)iix- fdinxllc; 3. ber ltntere $fo{tcn etaeS gen|ler8, bie genjierfebtoefle. sillabub, s . bag ©illabitb (cin ®e^ tratit" aits 2)tilcb, 33ciu cber (Siber, uub 3ttcfcr). SILLINESS, s. bie Sinfalf, 5Ubern= beit, 2)itntmbeit, SSerfranbeSf4»macbe. SILLY (adv. — ily), cinfaltig, albetrt, bitinm. silt, s. ber fcine ©eefanb, JCriebfanb. SILURE, Siluri-s, s. ber gcntciite 23cl3 (Silurus glanis — 7..) ; bet' ©tor (.lei' penser stxirio — L). SILVAN, I. adj. WilliU] J II. s. bal Silvan, J£eflur. SILVER, I. s. 1. ba§ Sifber; 2. @ii= bergelb; 11. adj. i. fttbern; 2. wic ©ilbcr flingcitb, flaitgyoll; 3. ftU bertoetfj; — amalgam, ber b«bcfae= bvifebe 3Jcer!ur; — beater, ber ©iU berfcplager, ©dbfc^Iagcr j — bush, ber Silberfc'.fcb (jlnthyllis barba Jems — L.) ; — button, ber ftlbente Jlnopf ; — cloth, ber ©tiberfreff ; — cockle, ba§ Heine 3)2ttcbboot (Area lactca) ; — coin, bie ©ilbermitnjc^ — tir (—lir- tree^, bie Silbertantte ; S^ecbfanite (Piiius picca) ; — fish, ber ©iibcr= fil"cb ; — foam, bie ©ifberglatte ; — glance, ber (Silbergtaitj, ba's ©cBtoe* feiftlcber; earthy — glance, bte (&it= berfdpwatje ; brittle — glance. ©tbroat'sgiitbigrrj ; — gray, ftlber= gvau ; — groshen, mod. ber ©ilber= grofeben (preufiifebe SKiinje, bcrcn brei^tg auf eineit Jtbaler gcben) ; — hair, bafi ©ilbers^aar; ©ilberf)«ar* graS (Jlira caryophyUaca) ; — hilled, mtt ftlbernem ®efatJ(®riff) ; — iac«, tic ©ilbertreffe; — bced, mit Stl= ber (ober Silbertreffcn) befc^t; — leaved fir-tree, bte Sikififannc, (SttU taitllC (Finns abics — J..); — mine bie ©ilbergrube; — money, ba§ Sil-' SIMP SING SINK Jergelb; —mouldings, er y abene BiU berarbcit «uf plattirtcr SBnare; — mounted, filbetbcfch[aa,cit, filberge* fafit; ~ mouth, tie Sdjlangeiihaut iciite iViufoJclart; ; —ore. bad SiU beicrj ; — plate, betorbettetee' ©i(= Sererj ; a — plate, ciu filbentcr XtU ler ; — powder, bas 2JJatetfilber ; — ruble, bet (tnffifd&e) ©ilbettubel ; — sand, bet Silbetfaub: — smith, btt ©ilb»:arbeifer, ©ofbfcfemteb j — amah's sand, SfSolirfaub fiit @tUJer= arbeiter; — snake, bie2Butmfd)lan= ge ; — spangles, Dtc Silbcrfltttcrit ; — sound, bet StlbetHang (ital. suono argentine); — stick in waiting, bet ISapitmi bet Seibgatbe iui Xicuft; — thistle, (— weed), baS ©tlbetltaut, bet IVtlbe SRainfatlt {Potentilla an — L)\ — tongued, filbcrftimmig ; — tree, bet ©ilbcrbaunt (Protea — L.) ; — voice, bie ©ilbetftimute (ttaf. voce argentina) ; — white, ftU beifarben; tic Stlberfarbe; — wire, bee ©ilbcrbrabt. To SILVER, v. a. (— over) (»et=)fU= bent, fibetfilbtttt. silvering, s. bie Setftfberung. BILVERLTNG, s. bet Stlbetliug. silvekly, ado. fiibetartig, ate ®iC= ber. silvery, adj, 1. fifberattig, ftlbet* farben ; 2. iuit Oil ber bebe'eft. SIMILAR {ado. — ly), adj. glcicfjattig, abnlid). similarity, s. bie OHctcfntvf t ijf c 1 1, •£>nutogenttat; 9lebnlicbfcit. SIMILE, s. b«s @leid;itij}, bie @ieid)= iiifu'cbe. SIMILITUDE, s. 1. bie Stehnlidjfeit ; 2. 93efg(tid)ung, bas ©Icidinif). B1MILITUDINARY adj. cine '.Hehn(id)-- feit anjeigeub, cine SBergleitbung entljalteub, bergTeictyenb, in ©letd)= niffen, butch ©leid)nijfe etlaittett. eimilor, *.bas ©iinilor (cfne 3Wetall= eouipofUton). SIMITAR, ». oid. Cuxkter. To simmer, ?;. n. gelinbe fodicit, toal* ten ; simmering, waUenb. SIMNEL ( — bread), s. eine 5lrt 9(oft= neufucben, ber 2Bei&nacbt8Euo$eu. SIMON, s. ©intoit (JDfrtnuename). SIMONIAC,?. bet SiinontacuB (ber fid) ber Simonie fcbulbig niadjt). B1MONIACAL (ado. — i.y 1 . adj. blirtb ©imotiie, ber Simonie fctyulbig. SIMOX10U3, adj. bet Simonie fcbttls simony, «. btc ©tmontt. simoom. t . ber ©amum (eiit beif;cr, gifttget SSinb). BiMOua «&". 1. jtumpfnoftg, jtiUpnas fig; 2. f)ol)lflad)i ( i, concab. 7% SIMPER, u, ». biimm (flcjtert) fa* cbclu, gtetuen, gttnfen. SIMPER,*. bas bumme (gejietfe) 8a» cliclit, ©teinen, ©tiufen. BIMPERINGLY, W;-. bumm, ladiclnb. simple, „<[}. I. etnfarb, uutitfammcit* gefeijt ; 2. ciiMcl"; 3. einfaltig, arg= log; 4. frblicftt, fitnftloS ; — aver- age. M. /•:. bie einfatbe obet 6efonbe= re finferei ; — body, Ck. r. ber uit^c- tbetitc, uuaufgelijf'te A5rpet; — con- tract, /..v. ber mitiiblidK Dbetfrbtift= licbe bod) imbeflegelre) (Sonfcact; — minded, fd)lid)f, eiltffijtig ; — time, Mas. T. ber ciufadjc obet ganj gecabe Sacf. SIMPLE, 1. baS ©intvtunt, ©intvfer; ftuwj, eiitfadjc .^cilmiltel, 31nenei= flMlif. To simple 0. b. iRtautet frtinmelit. BIMPLENESS, ». 1. bie C>"iiifiid)heit ; 2. itnfcbitiD' '<. @d)lichtbcit, l Uun|t!c= (iflfett; L (Sinfolt, SBetftonbteftywis die. simpler, *. ber jttautetlunbigc ; — 's joy, eiite Vlvt (Stfeilftailt (Verbena — 1. . SIMPLETON, s. ber 3>itmmfcpf. cin- faltige Xxoff, Spinfel, Sinfalt^infel. simi'LU'itv. b 1. tie Unvcnnifd)I= bcit; (*tiif>itf>beii ; 2. Einfolt, \h\- befangenfjett ; 3. ©dilirbtheir. .Hituft-- [oftgfett; i. Unfc^ulb; "). sl>crftan= bestduviid'e j fi. Deiitlidjfett. simplification, ». bie 33ereinfa= rijung. To SIMPLIFY, )'. a. ycrcinfacbcn ; er= (eicbterit; to — a benefice, ciltcr SJJfriinbe bie Seelfotge abtiebmeu. SIMPLIST, s. oid. Smpler. SIMPLY, ado. 1. ciiifadi, etiijelrt; 2. ungefi'tiifteft; ;i. einfaUig, tpottcbt; 4. fdilcditbiit, an unb fiit fid), blof, ltur. To SIMULATE, p. a, uaelniriincn, nad;= niad)cn, nac^dffen. SIMULATE, adj. verftellf, tiafbgcniacbt. SIMULATK iN.a.bieSOerjiellung, (Dleiii- ticrci. SIMULTANEOUS {adv. — ly"). adj. 511 glcid)cr 3cit gefcbe$enb, flletr^jettig ; — ness, s. bie ©tttd)jeittgteit. sin*, s. bie5iiiibc; — linra (—bred), ttt (sou bet) ©flnbt etjeugt ; — ofler- ing, boS ©tinbopfet; — worn, in ©itube ycrlebt. To six, v. n. fiiltbtgetl ; (— against, gegen) ; to — on, fortfunbtgert. SINAPISM ». ba« 5enf>fla|tcr, ber Senfitmfcblai]. SIM !E, I. prep. $■ adv. I. feit, von . . ait, feitbent; 2. ber, sorber, sorbet; 11 conj.ka, roeil, inbem ; long — , lattge ber, »otlangflj how long — 7 feit reartrt? rote laugc? sometime — , yor eiltt^er 3eit; about ten years — , BOt ungefaljt jebu 3af)ren ; — you are here, ba (tl'cil) bit cillllhll bi'er bift ; — it is so, ba eS fo tit ; — writing the above, M. E. (al8 91arbfebvift tinefl "BrtefeS), Dbigefl gefdjriebeit. SINCERE (ado. — ly), adj. aiifriditi;] ; reblidj; lanter. SINCERENESS, \ t. bie 5lufrid)ti\ifcit, SINCERITY, J 9ieblid)feir. SINCIPUT, .«. .7. T. baS SSotbet^ou^t. sine, ». Ma. T. ber Stnufl. SINECURE, s. bie sinecure, ^ftunbe obne Seelfotge, baS 5lntt obne Ticnfi, Sd>etnainf, tot. bie ^aulfielle. SINE DLE, adv. lat.) /.. T. ir Part. Ph. attf uiibcjtimnue 3eit. SmE-QUA-NON, s. (hit.) bie iiiinni= ganglid)e SBebingung. sinew, 9. 1. bie' ©panuaber, Semite, bet9let»; 2. jig. biejttaft, ©totfe: money is the — s of war, baS ©elb i)l bie ©eele befl JtttegeS; Sp. B-* — shrunk, ^eHfc^Iac^ttfl (»on $fetben); — Bprung, iiberftandit (tton ^fetbeil . To SINEW, v. a. (wit 111 i t 3cliuctt binben, feftbinbeit. sixr.WEi), >«.//. 1. ntit 5ebiieu ober SINEWY, S^ieeven verfebeii; 2. fc!;= nig, netutg ftarf. SINEWLESS, adj i. ob\K Scbiieit; 2. (taftfoS. SINFUL (adv. —i.y). adj. I. funbtg, fuubhvift; 2. ftinbltd), ntit ©iinbe; — ness. .,-. 1. bie Sunbigfeit; 2. ©unb- liditett. To S1N(", v. n. ."■ a, 1. ftltgetl ; 2. bcfin= gen; to — small, gebemitt^igt obet uerfebamt feijn. To SINGE, e.a fengen, oetfcugtiij to — oir. aofengen. singe, s.s T. bet 93ranbfd)abfii, bie ©ranbrouiibe. sLMiElXG, pirt. s. ba8 (iu-i=)2en,i,on. SLVGER, .5. 1. hr Sanger, tie 2aiige= riuit ; 2. ber Strtgoogtl, singing, 1. 1 .15 gingrn, bet @efavg ; — bird-, SingvSgel; — b> tc, bal OiiMcnbud) ; — boy, ber C"horfii,tbe, (Muuidiulcr ; — man. ber ESotfSnget ; — muter, ter Singlebter, ®tfang= lebrev ; — woman, btc Siuigetinn. SINGLNGLY, ado. fingenb, in ctuetit fingenben lone, anf cine finjenbe SBetfe. SINGLE, adj I. eilljtg, mir cill ; 2. einieln, auein; 3. febtg, uivjcrbet- tatpet; 4. cinwdi; 5. auftirbttg. Kit* BetbOtben ; — beU-«naped coralline, bie einbluntige 8(afenforj(l(ne (Ser- ■ miflora — Ellis) ; a — bill, .1/. E, cin soIa=SSJed)fel ; — bn mit eiuer Jietbc jatopfe (son ")iocf of cr SBefte j — combat — Ogbl , ber 3t»etfantpf; — file, ber @anfegang, ©anfeinatfc? iciner imcb ban Sum bent ; book-keeping by — entry, .1/. /; bie einfad)e Sudjbaltung; — handed, ein^anbig; alt ©injelmacbt; — banded conflict, oid. — combat, — hearted, aufficfciig, rcblid); a — roelcbea nur cin 3iiumer in eincr Sfucbl bat ; — life ( — state', ber ebelofe 2 taut, tie Sebigfeit; — loaves, Qbroi'tyltlia (i^Uefet) ; — person, ber tie llitver = tjetrathrte ; — soled, einfd$Iig: — stick, cine ?lrt gecbrflixf, tin SPruget. To SINGLE, or To Binolb 01 r, 0. a. 1. (tib fonbetn, auifonbetn; 2. au«= nuiblcii, auslefen^ audfucben, beraiu= ftnben. SINGLENESS, «. 1. ba« (^in^elue, Sllieiitfeini, bie ©efebiebenb^eit; 2. (5iiifarbbcit ; ;3. 3lufrid)tt'gfeit, (—01 heart, bit .Ocnciw- Stitfalt. SINGLY, ado. 1, einieln, beu'iibevl, ftiiefiveife; an unb fut fidi; 2, allein; 3. ailfricbttg, ebvliit. sing-song, .-•. bet Singfang. SINGULAR ado — a I. einfaeb, einjeln ; 2, ctnjig ; 3. fonbetbat, eijjen, feltfailt; 4. Oram. T — number, bet Singular, bit (5tnjafjl ; — man, ber ©onbetling; singulars, / s. ber ©ifeiifiefef, Sin'opel ; slnople, $ if t. rot be gatbe. sinter, s. ber Sinter. To sinuate n. n. fcfilangenformig friimmcti, frblangeln, bieqen, waUen. SINUATE LEAF. s. if. T. etlt burbtiaeg Blatt. U isinuation, 5. bte fdifangenformigc .itriimmnng, (Sc§langen=)Btegung. siNUQSJry, s. bag @efci)Iange[te, bte JMunm'dstg, SSellenfotinigfeit. sinuous, adj. gefcblaitgelt, fcfelangens fotmtg; bogtg, geftummt, rocilcn* fiirmig. sinus, s. l. betSWeet&ufen; 2. a* Mat. r. bcr <2>inu8. 7b SIP, r. I. a. fcbliirfcn, pttteill frb.lufs feu; n. n lupoett, Eofirn. sip, s. boS Scbliu'fdjen, 3 bliicfdjen; to take a — too much,/.'./ J II tief iltg ©las gucfen. eiphllis, s. bte ^nftn-iidif. SIPHILITIC, adj. f»pl)ilttifd). SIPHON, s. bic ©prifce, ber (23ciu--) .fieber. sipper, s. bcr 9iij)penbe, Sc&Inrfenbe. sippet. *. bte finite Btobfc&mtte. "BrR. *. ^crr ; meitt §nt; — ioin, bag ?enbenjtucf fcom SRtnbe. SIRE, s. 1. ^ire ('lurebetirel ait ben Sontg) ; 2. bcr Stammoater, Bet= OOtet; 33atet; in compos. — . . oater, v i*. grand-sire, ber ©totk'atcr. 7b sire v. a. burd) 3eugung her»or= bringen, jeugen (ocn Xhicrcn). siren, r. .*. i. tie Strene; fig. retjenbe Bcrfiibrcrin ; 2. bte aolfotmtge ©U rcne (cine ©ibeebfe — sim< inccrtina) ; It. adj. tetjenb, serfiihrcrifrb. ; —sons, ber ©ircnengtfang; — voice, bic S{« rciienftimmc. SIRIASIS, s. Med. T. bcr @pititcit|lic6. sirius, s.Ast. r. bcr String, §111106* (lew. SIRLOIN, s. aid. llllter Sir. SIRNAME, *. vid Surname. SIRO, s. bie (JbafeO'Biilbe. 3IROOOO. s. bcr Sirocco, ©ubojiatnb, ©litbauub. SIRRAH, 8. jlerl! Sunge! Bitrfcbc! b:i M ! SIRUP, *. bcr SS\)tVtp, 3uinus — L). Bis per, s. l . bte ©c^weftct ; 2. 9Iotine 3 — in-law. bie Scbroagetiitn ; — block .y v cine Jlrt Biolttiblod nut iwei pebetbett; —country, bafi S^wejlets lanb ;— plaintiff: bi'e 3Rttflffaerinn ; ~-'s thread, Kiofierjroirit, (icblcicbtc.- •Jiyirrt; — to .., '-•.rutiviftcrt mit. : 382 SIZE the — arts, bie bcifcbroirtcrteu uVv- nenl Jtiinirc; the (fatali — s, pi bte Scbirf fqle-Scfrtpeltern, SParjen. sisterhood, a. 1. tie Sitivciicr= febaft. Berfc^mijictung ; 2. fcbtt)eiht= lid>e i'flifbt (». ii.) ; 3.ecr Sc^weflers otbett. SISTERLY, adj. Sr adv. ni-t'CUcrlidi. To sit. r. i>. i. ff|en : 2. ruhai, liegen ; 3. fciiu, blcibcit, roobiieit; 4. Siiiunj batten; 5. briitcn; fi. flcibeit, au= ftchcit, JJaffen, u'tjctt (»jon .Kletbetn] ; to — close at work, tlltRg arbcitcit ; to — at meat, OKU, bci £ifcbe tV'.Ml ; to — drinking, bic >$tit lllit .^viltfoit jubringen ; to — to one. einem fitjeit (tun jicb malm $u laffcn); the coat — s well. baS .Utcif ftfet gut; the wind — s fair, bet SBtnb fie|t i^ltt; to — in judgment, jit ©eticbte fitjCH ; the par- liament — s, bad Sparlaincnt iit oet= fammelf ; a coney — s, eiti Jlaitiiicbcit fifet; to — a horse well, dlint. out jit Bfetbe ftfceit; to — down, ftcb fcfeen, itch nieberlaffen ; ivohuett ; firfi tu^tg bcrhalten, jicb befttebtgen ; nieber= fc^CIt ; to — down at a meal, fid) jit £ifcbe fefcen ; to — down before a place, sot einem l-i.lfjC liejcu, iblt belagern ; to — out. ba fttjen, miifHg ober btenfiloS fetin ; aufttegen ('; to — one out, Kinder bleiben, ober auSbalteit als ein 3'lnbercr ; to — up, aufjtfeen, aufbletben ; aufjieljen; to — up at play, bic s Jcacbt burrfifpiclcii ; to — upon, aufjifcen : Heiben, anftchcit ; to — upon . . . 0ciid)t Ihiltcit iiber . . ; to — upon thorns, fig. ailf J^oMciI uijcii; — fist, bic Beule auf bem Bferbetiiden; imtcr bem Sattci, bet ■gotfet. site. 5. bic Sage, ©egenb. siTHE,s. bte Senfe; +bte3ett, has iDJal ; — man, bej zjlafytt, Stbnitter ; — men, bie Scitfcumaiincr ; — stone ( — rubber), bet Senfen(=u)efe=)ftetn. sitter, s. I . bctSifcenbe; Slngefeffene; 2. briitcitbe Bogel, bic Btutb,enne; — up, ber (bic; lange (fpat) auf= bletbt. sitting, I. 8. 1. baS Si^eit; 2. Brii= ten; 3. bic Sifeung; i. Sifejett; at one — , ciltcS Sl^CIlJ; while (the con- vention, &x. was) — , nnibrenb ber Sitjlllia,; — place, bcr Si$; — room, bag SSohnjtntmcr ; II adj. B. T. fticl= lot, utuntttelbat anfjtfeenb. SITUATE, } part. adj. lie^cub, i]elc,]eit, SITUATED, J bcfiiiblicb. situation. s . 1. bte Sage, ©egenb ; 2. ber Bujtaub; 3. bic SSlnjieUung, S telle, Sonbition. SIX, adj. &■ s. fed)» ; bie Serbs ; to be at sixes and sevens, prop, in UllOrblllltliJ fe\ni; — penny, adj. 6i SSertfi ; — pence, bcr balbc ciijlifdie Sbilliiu], 6i; — peialed, B. T. lllit fed)8 Blu= mcnblatterit; —score, jmei 2cbodp. SIXFOLD, adj. fcdior'adi, fcd)vfaltia SIXPENCE, s. vid. llllter Six. SIXTEEN, adj. fedischll. SIXTEENTH, I adj. bcr fc*;c['ntc; II. s. bas Sedjje^ntel; — iv, a ic. 511m ferbjebnten. sixth, i. adj. bcr fecbite ; ii. ». 1. bag Sedjgtel; 2. Mus. t. bie Scrte. sixthly, adv. fecbgtcitj, jtmt fedigtcn. SIXTIETH, adj. ber fcrhjigfle. sixty adj. fec^jig. sizable, adj. von ge^origet ©rojie. verbaltnifiinasij, aiiKbttltd'. size, 5. 1. bte@tojie, ba« 3Rag ( bie, ber Umfangj 2. ba* gotmatj 3. ber .Kleiftcr. etc fPa»pe; bag Bias nttwaffet bet Bucjbtnbet ; bet ■5anbfc&uf>tetm; Betgamentletm; bie KalEmiicb, Sc^lemine; — of a book, SKIM we Biicbfvrnt, Blattfotm, bag %ov mat etliefi i'lltbcg; — of a cannoni ber (Xalibcr : — of a coin, bag Scbrol eincr 3J?fnije ; — copper, bcr Blantr* [ejfel bet Burbbtnbet ; — water, bet Betgolbgrunb ang CritvciA nub SBaffet. 7b size v. a. I. tic geborige ©tof e ober bad geb,5rige $fla% geben, jujHs ten; 2. .ab= nteffcit, atcftn (to. u. ; be jit m men, fe(ife|eii ; 3. Mm T. lii Btnnfotnet burcb Sieben iortircti; 4. mit Jiaffmilcb ober Seimroaffee beftreirben, fcblcmmcn, uberflreirbea. sized, adj. >ooii eincr getviffen ©role; common — . son geiooi'iilidH'r ©ro^e ; middle — , vou tntttiet @rof;r. SIZAR, s. ber arme Stnbciit, ilnfivar= rev, Aamnlug (auf ber Untl>etfttat ;u Sainbribge). SIZEL. s. T. bic ItcbcrMeibfcl oott Si[=^ berbnrren, narbbem bic SRfinjpIattei! abgefrbnttten ftnb. SIZINESS, s. bag 3abe, Jllcbrige. SIZY, adj. jabe, flebrtg ; — blood. Med. T. eittjiiiibcfeg Bint, Svccf^aut. SKAIN, s. bie y^ife, bcr Strain, ©ttang (Sim'rn, ©am, it. f. ro.). SKALD, s. rid. Scald. skate, s. 1. ber Srfitittfcfcuri; 2. bcT ©ngelfifd), gtattc jTiocbe. To SKATE, o.n. Sditiltfcbub laufcii. skater, s. bcr ©cblittfcbubfabrcr. SKEED, vid. Skid, skeet, s. .v. r. bcr ©iefier. skeg. s. bie @c5Ieb,e, lotlbe Bffaume. SKEGGER, s. bcr Heine Sat^S ; —trout, bie ?acf)gforc(le. SKEIX, .<:. vid. Skain. SKELETON, s. 1. bad Sfclctf, ®tttyi Ve; 2. bic Berbtnbuitg bcr bomcb;m= [ten J'bcilc. SKEPTIC, &c, vid. ScEiTir, &c. 7b SKETCH, r. a, (— ouO ffiuircit, entroerfen, abreigen, bic ©ruiiblinieu jeic^nen. SKETCH, s. bie SFijje, bag ©dienia, bcr crftc ifdiriftlicbe, u. f. ».) C5nt- ivuvf, Sbttf; —book, ba? Sfijjir= bitcb; M. E. fag dcticci'tbucb. sketchy, adj. ffijjenbiaft. skewer, s. ber Spcilcr, bofjernc (ober cifenic; epicy. To skewer, v. a. (anf=)fpct*[ettt, an= ftecfen. SKID, s. bie .gicnilllfcttc; loose skids, pt jv; T. SBreifboIjer (fttrje ^tiufc bon SRnnbboIj inm Scbnfc bet Scitcn etBefl SrbtffeS bet'm Stn= unb 3lu§la= ben iin ^afen. skiff. s berJtabin, bag Heine (3'liiti=) Boot, ©d)iff*cit, bet SRae«. To skiff, d. a. in einem J ? ,ahue it b c r- fefeen. SKILFUL [adv. —h\). adj. .jcfebiift, Cr= fabren. fuiibig, getvatiM; — ness, s bic OK-nfirflicbfcit, ©tfa^teitfeett, ©cwanbtbeit, gettigfett. skill. s . tie ©efcbtcflic&fetr, ©rfab^ rcitbcit, J?cniitnip, Jlunbc; ycrticjFeit, Jiltnti; I have no — in horses, irb oetftebe micb itiebt auf Bferbe; to try one's — , feine ©efcbicfltrbfeit teigen. skilled, adj. bcioaubcrf, crfabren, cfcfciicft. skillet, 5. bcr I (cine .ftoditiegei. 7b SKIM, v. a. 4-?i. 1. (ab=)ftbiiumen: abrabmen ; 2. (to — over) fig-, ieidf iiber etwaS biufireicficii, baniber ^tts» fabren, eg (cicbt berubren. skim. 8. bcr (Sitaimi; fig. Slbfcbaum: — coulter, bet Sd)alpffug, ^obeU pffug, ^uflelpffng; —milk, bte at* gerabmte SDJild). SKIMMER, s. 1. bcr Sdiaumloffei, SRabmlotFef. bie ^iabuifdlc; 2. Ui SKUN SLAN SLA\ €>cr)ermefferfr6nabler {Rhynchoi.s r.> gra — X..). BK1MMINGDISH, s. bcr SRabjnloffel. 8KLMMINGS, s. pi. ba§ Slbgefrhciumtc. SKIN, s. 1. tie $«ut ( ba3 gell; 2. bie Scbale, 6ulfe; 3. ( — of a ship), .v r. bie $aut (fiufete spianfenbeftew bung; fiiiefi SdjiffeSj 4. 7V/>. T. bag SPergament; trice — , A r. bie 9)ifll= Ijigbifcbe Sa)(eimf)aiit ; I came off with a whole — , prov. id) {am mit bcilcr .Chlllt tiV.'PIt ; I would not be in his — . id) mSchte nicpt itt feiiicr.£>aut ftcrfcn; — deep, oberfladjlicb ; — dresser, bev 8feU(}U)bere{terj — flint, ber ®eijba(8; — worn, (SQoUe sett tpt-f'-ii gdjafen) gelhootle, 5Wouf= ropllc. 7'hskix, ,-. r. a. I. bauten, bie fiaut I irtwle, .£>iilfe) abjieben, abbafgen, fdiiutcn; 2. mit igowt uberjieoett, bebedreu, berocicbfcn ; to — a flint, fdjiutcu unb febaben ; II. n. to — , or to — over, fid; fiberbauten, jubcilcn, verbarfdjen. SKINLESS, adj. biinnhaiitig ; —oats, dcv tai tarifdbc ©riifcbafcr (Arena ft nda ) . SKINNER, *. 1. ber Jiiirfdmcr, pber ei= gentlicb SJeK(}«)bereiter; 2. 3eU= bcinMer ; — 's wool, SiaufrooiJe. BKINNINESS, s. bie grpf;e SNagcrfeit. SKINNY, adj. 1. bautartig ; 2. blojj auS ■0 ant befte f;enb, magcr. skip, *. l. bcr Heine Sprung, .*3uVf ; 2. Mas. T. ©prung ; —,or — kennel, bev Saufjunge, SJadfei ; — frog, baS ©odfviel rem .ftinberfpiel) ; — jack, bet ©elbfcbttabel, SftafereeiS; bcr fpringenbe StirbKitg [oasterosteus saltatrix — L.). To skip, v. i. v. biipfci!, fpringen ; to — back, siiriicf fpringen ; to — over, fiberbtipfen, nuSiaffcii; II. a. fibers biipfen. skipper, s. i. bcr .jpfipfer, Springer, Xanjer; 2. Springtafer ; 3. bieJta* femabe; 4. ber Scbiffcr (ScbiffSs fjerr) ; ©eotSfnec^t; 5. bcr .jpprnfifd; ! Esox iisscus — Z..). SKIPPINGLY, ado QHpf!li) tS fprit!= genb. SKIRMISH, «. baS (Sdjarnuifcel, leirbtc Ocfccbf, .fSanbgemcuge; bcr Strcit. To skirmish, ». «. frfcarmufceln, fdjar= inujiren. skirmisher, .*. ber Scbarmujtrenbe, Srbarmujirer, Streitcr. SKIRRET, 5. bie 3w*errourjcI (.Slum sisarum — £.). BKIRRUS,*. vid, Scirrhos. SKIRT, *. 1. bie ginfaffung, Sorte, ber Saum, SRanb; 2. <2>cbPo5 (rine«3los rfcS, it. f. tu.i; 3. ba« tyucr&fell bcr Drbfea tori* SBferbe; 4. bie @rcu$c, ber eiufierftc ^tvid;; ba5 SSorboIj. To SKIRT, r. a. 1. eiiifaffcn, befctjen, borbcit; umgurfen; 2. am Dianbe biiilaufeit, uingeben. SKITTISH (ado.—vt),adj.i. ftattg, P3* tifrfj, fd)cu ; 2. f,(aVpercr, Sdnvaijcr. SLABBY, adj. 1. tiaji; 2. bid, ta!}ft flcbrig. SLACK (aio — lt), adj. 1. fcblaff, Ir = cfer, gelinbe, Icidit: 2. fig. fdilaff, matt, trage, nncbjafftg, faul, fcbrocr= fciliig, fauinfelig ;* ; — in stays, ttidjt gut 511 njciiben bou einem Sr4)if= fe); a — rope, ctri fddaffiS Seit; n — sail, etit Segcl, roclcbc3 nid;t soil ift ; — water, tbbtf$ {ftel)CllbC3j SBaf« fcr. To SLACK, To Slacken, ». I a. I. fcblaff ntacbeu, nadilaffctt; lofen; 2. lorfer macben, (o«madicn ; 3. brorfcin : 4. fcermintcrit, eutfraftett, fdjmScpen, lpfdjcti ; 5. sevfaumett, oernadjlaffu gen ; to — lime, HM [ofeben ; to — one's band, uicbt mehr fo emfig ar= bcitcn; nidjt mehr fo freigebig fcini; to — tbe band, bem ^fcttc tic jfigel fdjiefen laffcu; to — a leg, flolpern (»pit einem Spferbe); to — amotion, eitte Seroegung fdnvacbcn; einen §Borfn)(!,i = gcil ; to — nne over tbe face, cii;c:lt fine iWnulfcbeUe geben. To SLASH, r». I & bancit, f:rcio>rii, peitfdjen, fud^telnj n. «. urn ficb baucn, fdpliteu. SLASH, g. bcr igieb, 3trcidj, bit &(brainrne, SBunbe; bet 9I«ffcbnitt ( Sdjli^; — of a whip, tcr $eitfcbcn= bicb. SLATi H. t. Sen ; r. bcr nntc 2l?inb (pber bad fd'oi'.c SHJetter son htr|et Tancr. SLATE »■ I. bcr Sniffer, Sd)iefers flein; 2. bie (SdjnU) ©tiiefertafel t : Slates, tie id'icfcriip'el ; ■ (or plate-" tor building, i""f [or roofing) — , Tad'fcbicfer; — ,-iv. . bie 2d'ic=> fcrbade; — board, tic Sebiffertaftl, SRedjenrafel; —book, bctfl ®djiefera Onrb; — clay, bcr ©diictcrtbpii, .UiMiifcrfrbicfcr : — coal, tie 2d<:c- ferfoble; — coloured, febiefrrfatben. fdiicfcrgrau ; — pencil, ber Sdiicfers ftift; —quarry, bcr Scbicfcrbnicb ; — pegs. pi. Sdjiefernogel ; argentine — spar, bet Sdjiefcrfpatb. To SLATE, o. «. mil Sdjiefet becfen. SLATER, « bet ^dncfercecfcr. To SLATTER, v. n . ffblumpig eittbet gchcn, fdilaifcti; finftfdj, nacblaiu.j, obcr uitprbciitlio) ftpn, SLATT ERN, s. bie 5d)lumVc. 7V?S1 ITTERN, b a. vcr r cMcubcrii, berftbii'ciiben (to. ii.). SLATTERNLY, adj. &■ ado. unrein; nad-Iaiug. SLATY, adv. uf icferarfig. — colour, bie fd'i'fcravtigc Aarbc. SLAUGHTER .-. I, ba-j Scblarbteu, SUJefeeln, 'A'liMtcu, SBIuroergiefien, Slutbab.bieSlitberlage;«S0te^ febfaittcu; —house, ba« Sd)Iadjt» ban*; —man, bcr 2d'ladi(cr, 7\ I c t = fdjer, SWe^ger ; man—, tcr nnt>rr= feljlicfic Sobtfrblng ;— wool, S<$Ia$t* ivpIIc. T, -I. WJGHTER, d a. t. fcMeiebtcn, inc'rclii. morben, tPbteit, umbringen, niebcriiiacbiit, nicberbaiicu ; 2. 3?icf) feplacbten. BI.AUGHTERER, s bet ^d'lacbter, JRefcler, JRSrber, ^enfer, SBiirger. SLAUGHTEROUS, adj. iiUHbCitfcf;, blutburflig. SLAVE, » tcr 2r(at>c, ,ffucrbt; female — , tic Sclaviun ; —born, unfrei ge= boren; —like frlaoenartig, fclavifcb; — ship, bttj Scl.V.'Cllffbijf ; — trade, ber Sclauenb,anbel. To si. \\ e, ». » rote ein Sclaoe arbei* ten, fid) vlarfen. SLAVER, 8. ba« rclavcufdiiff. slaver, ». ber ©eifer, gpetd&el. To slaver p. i h. geifern ; n. a. mit ©eifet bcfiibclu, begeifern. SLAVERER, ... 1, tcr ©fiftrtr, mdg ba« ©eifermaiit; 2. bcr Unmiffcnbe, Sbiot. SLAVERY, 8. I. bieScKr.'eret, tfne«bt« i fdiaft ; 2. ^(acferci 393 SLEE SLIM SLIP klavi. s. ;..'. tic Stiiecn (ein cites biUtfdjcfi Soil . SLAVISH [ado. — ly), "•//'. fcIaoifA, fucdUiiVb ; —ness, .-. raa fclatufcbe SBefett, bie (Sclaoerei. SLAVONIC, I adj. flatHMtifd) ; II. s. 'At flaDOitifdje ©prache. 7b slay, o. n. l. erfdjlagen, tobtcu, mnbriugcn ; 2. fd)lad>teu. SLAYER ». 1. b« Xcbtfd;ldijcr, DIor= ber; 2. 0d)lad;tcr. bleave, .<. (— silk). 1. bic oufgewt* tfclte, jugcrid)tftc ©eibej 2. ber ser= roorrcuc Jtuetcn. To SLEAVE. o. a. 1. (n>ad) ; Icicbt, fd)lcd)t gcarbeitet (oon gcroebteu Beugen). bled, s. bie ®d)(ctfc; hand — , ber .§aubfd)litteu. bledge, .t. 1. ber ©cbniiebebammcr; 2. bie©d>lcifc, ber ©cplitten ; 3. jv.t. ber £opfchlitteu (beg Okcpfcblagerg). To slee, v. a. jv. pa. fid) beftig &er»e= gen (»on (Stiffen), fcbjiiigeru m\i ftampfeit. SLEEK (aagel. To SLEET, v.n. regttctt unb fdmcien, graupclit. Bleety, adj. rcgnenb nub febneienb, flcin fcageinb, gvaupclub ; — weatiier, ba« (2e{)itee= uitb SWegenroetter, ©d)Iacferivefter, ©raupeitvetter. BLEEVE. ». 1. ber Vermel ; 2. 33laJ- fifeb, Siutenfifd) (Sepia — L.) ; prov. to laugh in the — , inS ^JauftdlCU Ia= cbert; _ — board, ba§ Slcrnulboli, ber (Sriineiber ; — buttons, .ftenibcttftiS' Vfe ; — knot, bie Slrmfctleife ; — tilk, bit So^cnfeiBe. 31)4 SLEEVED,^, mit Olcnmin. SLEEVELESS,^. 1. phite fennel ; 2. jig. ungereintt, albcru. »n>ecflo8; — errand, ber 3l»ritgang, Sletfc^ergana. To SLED, v. a. bic Jlctteitfabcii abthci= leu nub in bcu &amin than. sleigh, a. ber ^riilitteit. SLEIGHT, ». bie Sift, ber J?uitfigrifF, fianbgrtff; — of hand, bas iiun\t= ftticf, ber Xafcbcufviilcrftrcidi ; — of hand boxes. £aftt>citf;ucIcrbuobfe]t. SLEIGHTFUL, \ ay. liftia,, fdllail, sleighty, 5 rdnfeooU, oer{$la= geit. SLENDER (ad,:. — ly), adj. 1. fd)(ai'.f, biii'.n; 2. Jig. ntagcr, flcin, febivad), geringe, feicbt; 3. farg; utijuliing= lid>; — ness, s. bie Scol«nf6eit,S)un= ne; jig. ©dbroacfce, ©etingfugigfeit, Seid)ttg!eit, Jlargbett, ber 3)iangel. SLEY, s. vid. Slaie. To SLEY, v. a. vid. To Sleid. To slice, v. a. in Stitcfe obcr ©e^ejs bcu fchnciben; abfchucibeu; jcr= fchneiben, tbcilen. slice, s. 1. bie Sd)tiitte, €Acibe; bas brcite ©tiicf; 2. ter Spatel ; bic 6i= erfdjaufel; 3. Tvp. t. ©cbiffutnge, ba4 2d)abeifeu, garbcifcu, ©freid)= (etricf)=;(Sifcu; 4. jv. T-s. tin biinu jugebenbcS (Sti'tcf SPfofic, roelcbeg vor ber SScplaufung jwifci^nt tic <&vi^cub, ycracbtlid), fcbledjt. slightness, s. 1. ba« Siinne, bie Sebwaebe; 2. Uuaufmerffamfcit, SRacblafugfeit. slighty, adj. oberflarhlirl;, tanbclnb. SLILY, adv. fc^IOH. slim, adj. 1. febroad), roefenloS; 2. biintt, fdjmad;tig, fd)lauf ; 3. ii'crtb= Io«. sllme, s. 1 ber Scbleint;. 2. Scbtamm; — pit, bit Scbiamut* grubc. SLi.MiNESS. s. bag Sd)leiinigc (gcblainmige. SLIMNESS, s. bicXunuc, 2d)[anfl)ctt, <£d)inad)tigfcit. SLIMY, adj. J . fditctiiu'g ; 2. fcblaiR* mi.], rcrfd)lanimt. slyness, s. bie ®d)laubcit. SLING, 5. 1. bie Schlcuber ; 2. Seblin* gc, 53inbe ; s. t. bic ^angbanbagt 3. baS eifeme .Oebcjrug am (Sube'ct* neg ©eileS ober Jtrabng; 4. bie ©range mit jroei^afen jum ©ier» tragen, bag Sungcr^oh; 4. bee 33urf, Scblag, 5d)iiiifi, ©treidj; 5. cin ©ctranf aiiS 9ium cbcr43rauut= roein unb 3«cfen»affrt; slings, pi. jv. T. Sangen, etroppen; the — of a buoy, bte ©troppeu cincr^piic. To sling, v. a. 1. ffbleitbcni/ fcblen^ fern, rcerfeit: 2. fchaufcju, baumeln ; 3.JV. T-s. jiefjen, mit *ocilen aufjie* ben, (aupbiffeit; to — the hammocks, bie .fpangentatten anbaugeii, anfrbnfi* rett ; to — the yard, cine SJiaa mit ei- ncm ©trepp an ben 3)iaft baugeu SLINGER, s% ber Scblcuberer. To SLINK, o.I n. fcbleid;eii, ba»on lvifd)Cll ; to — away (to — aside), ftefi loegfcbleictjen, b.ioon madKit, fid) auf bie ©cite madjeit, joe. fieb briiefen; II. a. erjim;nern aufgelegt roirb ; — of the memory, ber ©et>aditiiij5fcblcr; — of the pen. ber ©dn'cibfeblcr; — of the press, ber EDrUcffcfjler ; to give one the — , ciitcnt bcintlicf) entiiufrbcn ; — board; ber <3d)icbcr, bag ©chiebebreft; — knot, ber verloruc Jtnotcu, bie fidb ;u» jiebeitbc ©d'lcife; — shoe, ber iiber* getretene eduib, ©cblappfdiuh; — shod, in itbeigctrctenen Scbuben, in ©djlappfdjubeii; fig. nacblafftg; - SLOP SLUI SMAL skin, Iifitg au8weid;enb, fcMau, per* fanalidi ; — slop, ber SnfeJ, bad clcu= te ©ebrau; tic Saucbe. CLIPPER, a. 1. ber spanroffef ; 2. ber fdnoerc eiferne .^cninifdiub; 3. bie ©rbimifcfappe ber winter; 4. ber ^ippatt (etne SJSftanje, CrepU — L.) ; hunt 'the — , bad SPautoffelfucben ; — barnacle bie spantoffe Imufdiel [i Hum — O.I ; — bath, cine yantoffeU fijrmige Saberoanne ; — stirrups, ^anioj£elfteigbugel fur Tauten ; — wort, bie Spantoffelbllline [Calceolaria — /„.). SLIPPERED, adj. SPantoffeln tragrnb. SLIPPERINESS, s. 1. tic ©cb;liLyfrig= felt; 2.>v. Uugcivifibcir, tcr llube= ftaub. BLIPPERY, adj. l.fcfclityfrig, glaft; 2. liugcivift, unbefianbtg, oercinberltcfc; 3. fcblau biutcrgebcue, betrfigerifidb ; 4. ff^lflpfftig, Ullfctlfd) ; a — fellow, ciu un|ut>eriafftger SKenfcf), fdilaucr ©ctruger; — hitch, jv. T. bet ©y lifts fllPteil ; to play a — trick, ciucfcbmu= fcige (bintcrliftigc, utebrigc) §anb= Itntg brgefjeu. To SLIT, u. o. Hiililjnt, rifcett, aufrifcen, auffcfclifcen, fpalfeu. BUT, a. ber ©d>li&, Sip, bie 9iiljf, ©paltc; —grafting, bafl SPfropfeu in bcu ©palt ; — rods, ©c&ttittetfen. 6LITTER, .?. etner ber fdjlifct, [palter, u. f. iv. BUTTING, s. baS ©rtdifcett, OJcifien ; — mill, ber -ipaltbammcr, ,;>iiuham= nicr. To SLIVER, v. a. fd)lil)eu, fpaltcu, ftllfs rtfteit; jerfdjneiben, in Sdjcibcn fdincifcii. iLiVEU, a. bad abgcfcbuittcnc (aBge* baiieuc) ©turf, bie ©cbnitte. sloat, a. berSliegel (ciu oerbinbens bed Duer&olj) ; Bloats of a cart, bie ($Berbtnbung6=0©djente( am utttern JE&eii cined SBagengeftelld. SfaSLOBBER, Slobber, &C , rid. To Slabber, &x. 6L0E, a. bie Gdilchc; — tree, brr ©d;lef)cuborn, ©dnvarjtoru (Prumu aylveatria — /,.). 6L00P, *. tic ©cbaluppc, Sarbt; bad 2>ad)tfd)iff, bie ©rbute (ciu ciumafti= gcd Sabjrieug : — of war, tie Eoroets te, bad Sicuufdiiff. To slop, ». a. 1. fdjlingeit (». ii.) ; 2. bcgicfjcu, oefubeln. BLOP, 8 . 1. bie Jpfiifce, Sadie ; 2. ber fd)led)tc SCranf, bie 3aud)c ; 3. bie roeite §ofe, SJratrofenHeibung ; 4. bad fcrtigc Jtlcib; — basin, bie ©pubis fiimiue; — maker, ber SRatrofeiU fdiucitcc; — room, bie Jtammer [ein *4ilalj till .(jmitcrtheil bed ©drifted) fiir bad 9Jcatvofengebfid ; — seller, ter SBcrfaiifer fertiger jlleiber; — shop, tie ^leiberbube. slope, I. adj. febrage, fdjief, abbaiu gig [to. ii.) ;' ii.. « tic fcfciefe Diicbtung, ©rprfige: Slbbatbung, ber yibbang; fdjrage 3lu8ff^niU j — wise, fcr)tef, abhaugig. To SLOPE, o, 1. n. fdn'agc niadu-ii, fd)icf ober a6|angig marten ; iteigen, fettfeu; fd)ragc au8fcJ)neiben, au8« biShlcu ; ii. n. forage gclicu, fchicf obet abtjangig fe»ij, abhaii^cn, abs frfjictleil; slope arms! Mil. T. (ba8) ©etoebr fiber! ober iiber baS 0)c= roe In - ! 6L0PENESS, a. bie ©enrage, ?Ibfd;iif= figfeit, ©diicfbeif, bet ^Ibbang, bie ^Ibbaebuiig, iBbfdnniii [w. ii.). ELOPING (ado. — i.v), adj. fdirage, frbicf, abhaiigia., abfebjufftg ; to make — , abbacfeen, aopnaig tnaa)eit. WrfipPWESS, s. bie SJiajfe. SLOPPY, adj. Iiajj. SLOPS,*. pi. bie u'citcn §ofen, ©aufcb= bofcn, Sd;ifferf)ofen ; baS jWatrofen= gepade. slot. ». v /:. bie (Spur einefl fiif fd>e8, Salute. SLOl'fl, a. 1. tie Aaulbeit, Xragbeit, Saugfamreit j '2. bad Sault^iei — l. . SU iTiirrr, (»,/,■. — ly), «leifeii [~ J ; to put ■ . einem eiuen feu fpieleit, ctud anbaugen. SLUSE, vid Sum t. SLUSH, 8. ber .Kcth, ©dlamrn. SLl T, s. bie Bcblumye, bad febmuftigt i^ctbobilij. si.i ri ery, a. bie Unfauberfeit, U:i= reinigfeit, Subelei. SLUTTISH (adv. — ly), adj. ubmufcia,. unreinUdj; — ness,* bie ©cbmuftigs fcir, lliircinliitfcit. SLY, adj fd:lau, berfcblagen, iift'.^, l)intcilifiig ; upon the — . in« Nebcin; ; — boots, ant. tcr ©cbcintiimme. SLYLY, adv. fd'lait, lijlig, binterliftig., ,-. tieScblaubcit, i*crfcbla= genbeit, 2lrglift. To SMACK, d. it, ,c- a . 1. fdimrcfen ; 2. fd)maljeii; 3. foiteu; 4. abfdima^cn, taut fuffcit; 5. tlatfdKit, fualleu ; to — tlie whip, nttt bet ^Jeitfrbc f!at= fd)cu ; u> — of . . , fig. liacb ct'.va^ fdMiiedcii, cfums bason an fiffl baben j all aces — of this wice, btefrs Saftet ift alien ocitaltcvu cigcn. smack. 8. 1. tcr ©efdpmacf; 2. gefd)marf, Sorfdjmno; 3. eiu SSJej nig, tcr ^Jiimt roll, SBiffen, ©cblucf; 4. bad ©djnta|en ; 5. tcr ©cbniati \i\\\t^ ,Uuf; ; 6. ©djlag nttt bet fiadcu fianb, i ; atfd\ .Ulathh ; 7. "Veit^d'CK- btcb : 8, tic Scbniadf, ©c^matfe c_iu futtcvabiilidi aufgetafeltee ©cbiff, , a — on the face, title Dfjtfei I has still a — of liia dialect, fetne 3J}unb« art flebt ibm iipcb an ; — sail, tad Sdjmarf feget ; — into the bouse: buf.t ind .paud. SM \i.l. adj. 1. flciii ; gcring ; 2. feb ;i' a cb, tiinue ; on a — scale i naeb einem fleincn 3JJa|ftab ; to look — , oerfebamt au»febeu ; »ti [epitj to make one feel — , eiuen bc- fdMUH'U ; t'> speak — (like a woman' 1 taint (imt fdnvadier (Stirnme, ivic tin grauenjimmer) fprerben; — arms, pi. fleiuc (©4uB*)3Baffen ; —average, .v. /: tic Heine, geineine obet orci= luirc .^aferei ; —beer, tad f diva cbe ©ier, i*>albbier, berJtofent; — ber- ried, flciubebiiig ; — bone of the ley A. T bie Heine tKittf lfubr5bre ; — burnei saxifrage, bie Heine i ! imviiicIJe ; — capitals, pi. Typ T. b'apil.ilrbeu ; — cards, tie uifbrigeii Iccrcn .ftarttit imSpicle; — celandine ( — pilewort), tad Seigroarjtnftaut (Jian«ncii/i ria — J- ; — charges, pi M. K. flcin* ©pcfcil; —chase, Typ.T. tic Heine gorrn ; —clothes pi. tie SBetnHeibetj — coai. tie Scfcrnicbefobten, bo Icngcftaube; —coin. Scbeibemfiiije — craft, tad Heine gabrjtug; tteleteten, .Rlcinigteiten ; — ware, — wares, Sturuberger SBaaien, QBanbroaaten ; — (Rhenish) wine, tcid)tcr (9thciu=U 2Betn. small, s. ber burnt? -Ijeil, btc ©cihroas (be ; bag ftletne ; the — of the back, bag (3(Ucf=)J?reu$ ; the — of the leg, ber gut! uutcc ber UBabe. SMALLAGE, s. bie SBafferVetcrjilic {.'lpiiim graccolens — L ). SMALLISH, adj. ctroag {(fill, nMltjtg. smal(L)ness, s. 1. bie jfteinbeit, bag SBcuige; 2. bie ©cbwadje; — of« woman's voice, bie ©anftljett ciner weibltcfien ©limine. bmalt, s. bie ©cbmalfe ; bag bfaue ©lag; —house, bag SBlaufarbenwerf. BMARAGD, s. ber ©ntaragb. smauagdine, adj. fmaragben, oon e>inaragb. bmaragdite. s. ber ©maragbit, for= uige Srrajjljteiu. EM ART (adv.— ly), adj. 1. fcbntCVjbaff, frbmerjlicb : 2. bciticub, prirfefitb, ftc= chettb, febavf ; 3. munter, frifd) ; leb* haft.feffig; 4. gepufot; a — reply, cine fpifcige Slntwort; — weed, bag ^l0i)fraut (Polygonum pcrsicaria — L.). smart, s. ber beftige, fcbiicibenbe ©cbrnerj, btc ©chatfe, baS Srennen. To smart, v. n. 1. fcfcmcrjcn, wetje tbuti; 2. Ieiben, bufjen ; you shall — for it, bll foil ft fg empftubeu. smartness, s. 1. bag Seijjenbe, bie ©charfe; 2. Setofjaftigfett, 3ftunter* fcit ; .peftigfett ; 3. ber $runf, bag gepufetc ttnfcbcn. To smash, v. a. tit ©tutfe jcrfchmet* fjen, jcrfdmtcttcrtt ; to — down, nie= bcvfdimeificn. SMASH, s. ber <5aTI, ©cbmif} ; all at a — , auf ciuen ecbniitj; all to — , in taufenb Stiicfcn. SMatch, s. ber SBIaufltj}, bie 93arh= ftelje (ciu SSogcl). To SMATTER, v. n. 1. Qei'tltge Ober cberfiacbltcbe Jteitntiiijj Doit etroaS babcit; 2. rbcrflacblid; fiber etroag fprecben, plauberu. SMATTERING (Shutter), a. obcrffad)= Itebe ober feid;te Jlciintnifj; a — in learning, cittc obcrflachlirhe ©elcbfs failtfeit ; to have a — of Latin, eilt jleiit njcittg Satein wtffen. SMATTEREK, .i. ber .£>al&geTeljrfe. To SMEAR, v.a. fc&mteren, bcfcbmicrcu. SMEAR, «. bie ©albe (ru. ii.). smeary, adj. febmierig, febmufetg (it), it.). SMEATH, s. bie Jtricd)= ober 5Tattdj= eittc, Sd)lltCt (Mergus albellus — £.). smectite, s. ber Spedftcitt, Seifett- ftciit. SMEGMATTC, adj fcifcttavtig, reiui= genb. To SMELL, v.a.£r n. 1. neeben ; 2. auf* fpiircit, (aug)iiMttent ; 3. fchniiffcln ; to — of . . pad; etroaS rtecben, ober febmecfett; jig. cittcit "Jlttfir'd) Ijabcit oon . . ; to — out, auffviireu, aug» 39£ ftnbtg maebeit ; to — to . , an dvi'iA rterbeit, eg berierhen. SMELL, s. berOJentcb; — fc?ast, ber ungebetene ®a(l, ©ebinarofeev. SMELLER, s. ciuer ber ricd;t, wittert, it. f. n>. SMELLING, *. bag SfltecBctt, SBttfew ; — bottle, bag i")ticd)flafdifben; —salts, mit mobjriechenbem ©alj etnge^ brartnfe jRiecbbofettj —water, bag 3tied)ip,-.ffer. SMELT, s. ber Stint, ©ptertttg (Salmo eperlanus — L.). To SMELT, v. a. ((Stj) fd)lticljcit. smelter, 5. 1. berScbmcIjcr; 2. baJ ©cbmeljgefa^, ber ©c^meljtteget. smelter v, s. bie ©cbmeljbfitte. SMELTING.*, bag ©d)mclseit; —fur- nace, ber isrcbmeljofeit ; — house, bie ©6>mcljptte. To smerk, v. n. attf cine albcnie 3frt frcuublicft feben, fcbmunjcln, lacbeltt; to — upon, ltiftent ober albcrtt an= lacbeltt, aufcbntimjelit. SMERK, I. adj. (llfttg, fvofl, (ofc, lltutf)= witttg; II. 5. bag alberue Sacbeltt, ©cbmunjern, SMERIilN, s. bie ©d)mei'Ie (Colitis acu- leata — I,.). SMEW, «. bie £aud)cnte. To smicker, v. n. (Derlicbte) SBItde werfen, Heine Slugen marbcit, licb= augeltt. To SMILE, b. I. «. 1. larbctu (— at . . , fiber . .): 2. freunblicb feben; to — oft", Weglacfieltt ; to — upon (—on, — to), anlacbelit ; fig. begfittftigen ; may heaven — upon you, Itt5gc ber ^tmmel bit gunflig fetit ; to — one's thanks, fcincti ©an! julacbeln; n. a, burd) ciu uci-dcbt[id;cg Sacheln aufjee Sajfung bringcu. smile, s . bag gacfieln, ber freunbltcBe (fiiiJe, bolbc) 43iicf, tag ficttitblicbe ©eflcBt. smiler, s. ber Sacbchtbe. smilingly, adv. lact)dnb, mit 8ad)cln, freunblicb. To smirch, v. a. tcrbuitfcltt, bcflccfen. S.NURK, oid. Smerk. To smite, v. a. s,- n. 1. fcbfagcn, fd)mei= ^en ; 2. tobtcn, erfchtagen ; 3. fallen, ttiuftrcifcn, febmcttern, treffett; 4. jerftorcu, uerbcrbctt; 5. jitcbtigctt (in ber sfiibel), ftrafctt; 6. (buret) cine Setbettfcbafr) einncljineu, ritfjven, bc= tocgett ; 7. (down), jv. T. niebcvI)olcn. SMITER s. ber Scblaacr, 21ua/rcifcr, SSerwunbev. SMITH, s. ber ©d)micb ; — craft, bio ©miebefunfl; bag (Scbmicben ; — 's- shop, bie ©ebmiebe, ©cbmtebewerts ftatt. smithery, ». 1. bicScbmicbe; 2. bie ferbmicbearbeit. SMITHY, s. bie v2rf)mtcbe ; — coke, abgcfd)»vefeltc ©cbnticbc=(©tciu=) Jloblctt. smitt. s. btc rotbe $arbenerbe, ber 9iotf)ct. SMOCK, s. bag gtaitenlicnib ; in compos. rocibifd), rociblidj; — faced, ein ivci= bifdicg ©cfiobt Intbcnb ; weibtfeb, jiingfcrlid) ; — frock, ber (Subr- manug=)Jlittc(, bag ©taubbemb; — race, ciu SOeltrcttncn »on graucug= Verfoncn. SMOKE, s. bcrJTJaucb, Sampf, ©Uttfl; — black, ber JliciUUt); to — dry, v. a. rauebcrtt; — dried, geraucbert; — jack, bet ©ratenroenber ; —sail, jv.t 1 . bag fleinc SBetfegel. To smoke, v. n.. & a. 1. raud)eit ; 2. bampfen, lobcru; 3. (XabaE) rauebcu, febmaucben ; 4. raucbcrit; 5. riecieu, nuttent, augfpiircn, bet-fpiiven, uad)= fpiirett; to — one Sematib sum S3e« ftcn f>abcu, ibn fd)rauben, Mtrcbjici beti ; be smoked out the matter, el fain bait babiutcr, UMifUc gleid) »tc eg jufammenbiitg. SMOKELESS, adj. d|mu* DJaud), raucbIo& smoker, s. 1. ber (Iabaf=>3tauct)cri 2. (Slcifcl?:)3taud)cver. SMOKINESS, s. bag 9iaud)crige, ber oiclc 9taud). SMOKY, adj, raudn'g, raud;crig, «U Siattd), bampfeub. SMOLDERING, vid. To Smoulder. SMOOTH (adv.— ix), adj. 1. glatt, cbcu ; 2. gefeboven, gcglattct : 3. fauft, wcicb, gelinbe; 4. fcitt, Hat ; 5. fig. milbe, gfitig, fartftmutbig, freunbltrf, lieblirb ; — bonduc, ber Sebenbauin (Ouilandina mor intra — /,.) ; — bottle- fish, ber glatte SBempfdj (Ostratfan gia- helium) ; a — discourse, fiipc 33ovtc ; — faced, platt yon ©cftrbt ; freunb= lid), !)ol» ; — file, bie SPoIirfetle; — haired, glattbartgj — leaved cordia, ber ©ruftbeerbaum (Curdia myxa — L.) ; — paced, Icicbteu Ztittt, flic* ficub; — sea, bie flad)e &cc; - tongued. glattjuugig, fcbmeicblcrifeb ; von fittieu 39ortc'u; — water, ftillcg, rubigeg SBajfer. smooth, s. bag ©tatfe. To SMOOTH, v. a. 1. rtjatteit, cl'CUCU, polivcn ; 2. fauft macbett, weicb ma* then; Z.fig. milbern; 4. befauftigen, ftilicn ; o. fcbmeidjclu ; to — the way, bcu SBeg babnen ; to — a fault, cincn Seller bemauteln, befcfiiJutgeti ; to — down, glatt ftrcid)ctt; fig. milbcru; to — up, cbenett, ausfiilleii ; fig. glatte SBorte geben ; smoothing-iron, bag SJJIatteifen, Sfigetetfeit. SMOOTHNESS, s. 1. btc ©lafte-; 2. Sauftbcit, 33ciebbcit; 3. Jig. SWtlbe 9lnnebinlid)fcit, ??reunblid)fcit ; 4. SiebltcBIeit (beg ©efcbmadeg). To SMOTHER, r.Va. 1. blivd) 3taild), bampfen ; 2. erjlicfeu, utttevbriicfeu, ucrtitfcben ; II. n. rau» elicit, bampfen; erfticft roerbett ; tuts terbtficJt femi. SMOTHER, s. ber 3caud), CDampf ; — fly, bic ©djnteifjfltege. To SMOULDER, v.n. iaud)Cll, bampfen. SMUG (adv. — ly), adj. faubcr, jpacfer, gepntjt, febmucf, nctt. To smuggle, v. a. ©rblcicbbanbel trcibeu, fe^muggeln, (ein)fd)marjcu, Vafcbcn. smuggler, s. 1. ber ©fbleirbbaubler, ©djjmuggter, ©chmatiet, -i'afdier ; 2. bag ©cpmuggletfchtf (bei bcu 9cic- bcrlanbcnt) ber (S'nterloper. smugness, s. bie ©aubcrtcit, SRetttga feit, ber %\i%. SMUT,.?. 1. ber JMiTcnfcbmuIj, Scuff, ©cbmufe ; 2. S3ranb an ©ewaebfeu ; 3. bie ©cbmufcigfeit tin SluSbrttcfc, Soteit. To smut, v. I. a. bcruilcu, (be'fd)iuu» ijctt, befubedtj n. «. branbig merben. To SMUTCH, v. a. bcruficii, fd)n)Srjett ( befebmutjen. smuttiness, s. 1. bie ©cbmufcigfeit, ber Sd)iitu(j, bie ©cbroarse; 2. bie ©c^mu^tgfett iin Sluebrucre, 3»ten= bafrtgfeit. SMUTTY (adv.— Ily), adj. 1. fcbrttufcig, raucbciig; 2. garftig, jotenbaft; 3. branbig (oon ©cwaebfen); — !an guage, 3oteit. SMYRNIAN, adj. fml;mtfca, au« (Smsirna. SNACK, s. 1. ber ?lntbcil, Sbcil; 2. bti baftigc iDiahljcit; togo snacks wiU one, mit etnem ju gleichcn ^bcilen geben. SNACOT, .?. bic 9J?ccrnabcI rein 3tfc| Si/ngnathiL3 — L.). SNAR jnaffle, s . bafl Sttafen&anb, tie 2Baf= fertrenfe, tfnebelttenfe (Sttrt @cbtp am 3auni). 7'y SNAFFLE, >• a. tin Ratline fjalteil. SNAG, ». 1. ber furje 3a>cia, ; 2. — »r — tooth, ber c i 1 1 s c 1 1 1 fcetuorragenbeijafin, Ueberga&n, gUaffja&n. BNAGGED, adj. bbefrria,, fitorru-j. irate Mi — tootii, ber Uebcrjafjit,' 5Raff= jab n. BNAIL, 8. tie ©cblieefe; — clover, (— claver, — trefoil.) ber ©dmerfeitflre Uttedicago — /,.) ; — flower, bit (SrhllCiICIlborjlie (Phaseolus caracaUa, — 1..)\ — leech, ber SBIutegel; — hke, fdjlicrfeitartig ; — paced, cilteit Sdjiterf ettgaitg babenb ; — shell, ba$ 2d)iieefeitbaii8 ; — slow. J"ctinccfcn- fangfam; — stone, tcr Scf)itcefen= petit; — water, ba8 Scbttecfcitmaffer. SNAKE, e. bie Schlatigf; hooded — , bie Brtllenfrblange (Coluber nnj a — L.); — fish, ber £rf)laiia,eitfifef); — gourd, bte ©rbjangengurfe (TrUhosanr Jus anguina — L ) ; — 's head coral- line, bic @d)[ana.enf5»fr6>n oberSIaU fbpfdini otoralliite {Sertularia anguina — L.) ; fedilanantforalline {CeUvla- rm anguina ) ; — 's head-iris, bie •perntobacte, igjerjttjurj {iris tuberose — l>\ — pipe, bas JEannenfraut Rquisetum areense — L ) ; — root, bie ©C^latigem»Ul-jeI [Actea raci-morsa — L.l ; — stones, 3ImmonS=,§5rner ; — weed, bte Mattcnuurj; — wood, ba$ Scbiananibplt. To SNAKE, 0.0. JV. T. ttenfen : — the (■tays. bie «tage mit (SdJroigtlinen fcfctuigten. snaky, «,//. l. nut ©cbjangen; 2. Wlangenartig ; 3. »erf#lagen, bin* terltfltg ; — beaded, fdilaitgeitfbpfta,. fa SNAP, ». a. <$■ «. 1 . fd)na^en ; 2. er= fdmappen ; aitffdmappeit, fangen, ba= fdjett, erbafdien, evtappeit ; 'beifum • 3. abfrbiiappen, abbrurfett; 4. bre' dint, }erBred)en ; 5. furj obcr plbfe= ltd) abbrecbett; 6. an8einanberfaHen: 7. febarf ftnlaffen (ntit SSortctt) aiu frtfjreit; to — one or to — one up (short), eitteit anfafjren, anfchnarrbeit, vulg. nnfrbnaUjeil ; to — one's fingers at.., ciiicnt cut ^ehnippebett fdila = gen ; to — at (— to), nadj tttoai febnappett, jufdmappcii ; to — awav, nxanlniappeit ; to — in pieces, in ©turfe brecbeii ; to — oo; abbeijjen. BNAP, 8. 1. bas plofetidbe 9lbbrcdjcn, ber sUrucfe, ©dntapp, ba3 Sdmap= pen; 2. Btibcitjeit; 3. bee Sebiteppcr Sunt Scfclfejjen »on ©alanteriefetren, ba» ©oilier-- 2 eblbfu-ben, ?lerl= 2a)l5jj= dn-it ; 4. bti« eSdjjmppdjen ; 5. @r= frbitappeit, ber gang, Tiebitabl; fi. 53ip; SBHfen.SBvotfen; 7. @4>maw>= ter ; 8. ,Ht\id), JtnaB ; at one — , auf eiit SBtol ; — dragon, hi$ Sdtvenmaul (Anthirrinum — L.) ; uid. flap-dragOD, Hitter Flap, BNAPPER, g. ber ©ebttapi'er, fiafdjer, ganger ; ffleijjer, S8red)er, "^litfab^ ver ; a — up, etiter ber etanio aufs fititapf f. SNAPPISH Cad». — i. Y \ adj. beifn'a,, bei= fettb, aitfabreitb, anffabrenb: fd)itip= pifd); — tiess, *, tMi nnffnbrciire, feb;tippi|die SBefen. SNARE, s. bit S^ltttge, ber gallfirttf. To SNARE, v. n.iH-iitiiefcit, vcniuefclit, umgarneit, fangen. BNARER «. eiiier ber Salljtricfc feat, ber S3er|itd)er. To SNARL, v. n. fmtrreti, britmnieii, nmrreit; to — at, attbrtimmett, vulg. aitfdbnattjen. enarijch,, >aJfnurrcnbcS;f)ier; ber SNIP SNUF SKurrenbe, iiiiurfovf, wig. 33rumiii= bar, Jcnurrian. BNARY, adj. binteiliftij, itarbitellciit, tiiv Want fiibreuc. To snatch, r. a. if n. 1. gretfen, uu fabren, jufdinaWen, bafdjen ; >. ei = gretfen, cifdntappen, erbatMieit, envi= fdjen; 3. rarfen, an f!d) rei|en, wegs rettjcit, entcetpen ; to — the bowline, M Ph. Me jirofic SBult'ene in but Jtiint= badjSblodl ftgen ; to —at. nacb ttvaai pafeotlt; to — away, lvejfebitappctt, wegraffen; to — from, entretpen j to — away the freight, (ciitcnt .'li^cni bie AiMitt U'equclMiKit, tt'cacapevf. SNATCH, 8 . i. bee fdbncHe @riff, ba« ferba|d)eit, SBegretpen: 2. bie fc^itell ooruberge^eitbe ^anbfung ; 3. bat fitnell grgriffeite; ber ©tffen, baa fBlftytn, ^liid'd)nt ; by snatches, tutfs kUetfe; snatches of s'.mshine, bie flir= ?ett Sonnenblicfe ; .\: r-s. — block, ber .Uinitbacf-blpcf ; — cleats, bte Jtieii^lainpcii, .t>[.H-tif[anipeit. SNATCHER, s. einee ber crb.ifibr, «je t ]= rcint it. f. ui., bet dauber. SJJlunbeter. SNATCHINGLY, adv. re«p*enfc, U \v ; tit 3l6fafeen, uitterbvodieit, raifenb, f*iiell. cilia,. To SNEAK, v. n. 1. fdileidicit, bmfeii, trted)eit; 2. fid; niebtig bcitebincii; to — along, (to — op and down, to — about), ciitber (bcrum) frblciebcit; to — to one, wx eiiiem fricdn'tt. SNEAK, s. ber ^ebleidn'r, .Uriecbcr; to go upon the — , bcritiu laucni, auf SRaufen auggeben. SNEAKING [ado. — ly;, adj. 1. fric= cbeiib, ut'ebcrtradjtia. ; 2. armfeltg, Rl»«, gem'ij, Earg; — doings, ;,/. (&cbltcbe, 3ltebettrad6ttgfettejt ; — fel- low, ber ©cbleidier; ©eijbalS; — ness. .?. bie ©cbleicberet, bae frtec$en= be 23efeit, bie Sttebertradjttafett, @t» BSrmltcbfettj bas aet'itge SUefcn, bie Jtarg^etf, Jviiaiifei-et, gtljigfett. To SNEER, b, r, bbbuifd) Ober vtxatifU lid) Kidnin, bebiitadien, grinfeit, eU lieu bcraebtlidjeit iUief aitnebmcn,bic 5tafe riintpfeit ; fpbttclit. flicbclit f— at, iibcr) ; to — at one, ctitcit oeradjt= ltd) be()anbelti. SNEER ... ba« fio^nladjcn, Wrinfeit, ©egretne, ber Spott.fio^n, bie bbb= tttidie Wlitnt, ber beracbtlidje Sltff, iaS ^(afeitritnipfeii, 2tidiclti SNEERER, s, bet .^obtiUidier, ©rinftr, Spotter. SNEERINGLY, adv. bbl-nifd), mit .(pebitlad;eti, ntit S^ott. ■r„ SNEEZE, o. ». Iltefcn. SNEEZE 8. ba8 ViicKii: — wort, bet bcutfrtje Settram,ba8 SHtefeftaut, bie Stiefewurj m / M — /,) ; cute 9Irt Smmottelle (Xeranthemum — /.). SNEEZING, . bas SWefetl ; — powder, huS i'Jicfepul^ci-. To SNICKER o. b. betntlid) lacben, !t= dicvn, in^ gflujtcfcen [arfttn. To sniff. o.l.a fdjnaubeit, fcbnuffeltt, n1utiipperit;_ii, „. eiiiatbmeii. snlff,* baa «d)iiaubcn, Srhnflffeln. 7b SNIGGER, oui 7bSmcKMi. To sniggle, v. a. fartgett; aafen, Slate ronaen, tnbem man ben Kobet in tbrc ■iH'blett fieeff. To SNIP, o. a. mit ber 5d)erc) fcftuci= beit, jiifdmcibeit, eiitfcbiietfcii ; to — ori; abiduicibeit ; to — up, aitffdntci: ben. SNIP, ,-. l. bet Sd)nttt emit ber Sd3e= re); 2. SrBnittling, iSdjniftel, bas StitefdKit; 3. ber -.>littl)etl. SNIPE, s. bie Scbjtepfe ' Scolopax gaUi- tmgo— U; — bill, let 5(b5pfer, ^ebiKpfenfopf (Murei hausteUum) ; — ftu, ber ScbMcpfcitnfi; (Centrucut — /.). snipper, 8. bee (HuflsJSAnetbtr, Srnniftlet. SNrVEL.8. bet -.'Jafcitfcbfcim, Stafen* tlTpfcil; vulg. ERO^. To SNIVEL, b. 'i 1. ciiiefricfctibc fflafi obet best Sdjnupfen bal-en. tea Wa« feiifrbleim [vulg. ;'(otj l.infeii laffcit vulg. tofcenj 2. feblndijcn, lveineu, febreten roie Ju'necr . sniveller, b. bet Sinfiffler; ttt Brblitdjienbe, SBeu SNIVELLING, )adj. I. tttefnajlfl, rulg. SNIVELLY. S COfttg; 2. aelbaf'r, verad'tltdi. liimjjig ; 3. nxinen* ; snivelling fellow, ti r Renter, 2d?rci= t)a\8. To SNORE, r.n.fcbiiarrbcu. SNORE, 8. ba« Sdjnardjeit. 8. bet Sd;nard)er. 7bSN0RT, v. „ fdntaitbeii, fdjnasifen snorter, ■ ber Sdjnaubenbt. SNOT, 8. ber SRafenfdjteim, vulg. i)Jc&. To snot, b.o. bieSlafe h-biiaujcu. SNOTTY, adj. vulg. fOfcig : — i rofcnaffg. SNOUT. 8. 1. bie Srbnauje berSRufftl, eont. tit Ulaft; 2. :)(o!ue, Jill, fee, ber SAnabcl, bad iKunbjtud;. To SNOUT, b. a. mit ciner Sdjnauje, ytoljre, Stile, Spifec u. f. iv. bcn'e= be n. SNOUTED adj. mit einet ®d)iiaitie, ticfdmabelt. SmUTY.adj. fdntaii;en;ib!ilid\ SNOW, 8. 1. ber Sdjnee ; 2. bie ©dmaue, ba3 Sdiiiaiiniiirf, SBatFe= uuf; — bail, ber 5d)iiceball • —bail tnc, tor aBaffer^oIunbet, @5nftfu'e« bee ( Viburnum opulus — /..) ; — berry, bie Sdjneebeere, @i«beere i ; — berry-shrub, ber Sdniccbeirrtiaud) {Peryclymenum racemoaum — /..) ; — bird, ( — bunting), ber Jtfeiiiiiaefe, bit ©rfclieeamilterfjEiBMnza nivalis — /.. ; bcrSdntecfiiifi^v/;- _jr, ; — bound, ttngefrbnettj — broth, bafl Sdjneeroaffet, Sd;neemuR febr falte ©etranf; — crowned, fdjiierbeberlr. febitcegetrbitt; — deep, bie Sd)net» blume ; — drift, bie 21'iitMvebe ; — drop, ber ©dntcetropfeu, bat Situec* gloefdicit [Oalanthua nivalis — /. ; — drop-tree,bet 2itiicebaitin, 2d!ttee= flocfeitbattllt [Chionantkutvirgim — /. ' ; ; bie palette ; — flnch, ber Sd;nee» fiuE; —flakes, Sdjnceflotfen; — ilv, ber ©djneefpttnflfd>wanj ; — pin, fa)neeumgurtet; — plough, bet ©djneeppug (auf ©ifenba^nen) ; — Bhoe, bee gdjneefdjub ; — slip, bet ©djneefhtrj, bie gawine; — storm, bee Sdjneeftltrm ; — topped, fd'itec- bebeeft ; — white, white as— ,fAnee« »etf. To SNOW, b. n. A- a. fd)ntien, mit ©dMieebejtreueii j it litieit. SNOWLIKE adj fdMteiMbitlidi. snowy, adj. l. fdjneetg, 6efd)ntit; 2. ./->■ fdmecroeiu; 3. fabelloft rein, mt= fdjulbig; — owl, bet -id-neefanj (*tri/r nyctea — /. ). SN1 &W( ISE t bicatiilpuafe ; —nosed adj. (Iftlpnaftg. To snub, b. a. 1. 3emanb fdjelttn, as: fdjnaujeit, ibn anfabreit; tbm eiiteii iOtrWeti .lebeii; 2. |abiltri>en, (,ib| febeven, befdjnetben, ftuien, ftflmpfen snuff, s. i. bet SrJmunffaoafj 2. bi, Sdninpi'e, S^nSujf, ber nod) fllim- menbe Doit: 8. bal v*tiimpfd)ei Vtdu, ber Keft; 4. fig. bet Umiulle iBerbtuB, >nt, 8etget; to take — frbttupfcil; — box, bie Sd)mtbftft< baffibofe; — coloured, ;imintfarben ; — maker, ber *rdni!tpfrabafMabri* 397 SOAK SOCK SOFT Eiittt; — laker, ber 2c$mtpfet; — taking. baS ial\i!e-fd,ntiipfcn. '' SNUFF, o. a. a- „. I. fcbuupfcu. in tic Sflafs jicfjen ; '2. riecben ; 3. fcbnaits |eit, piifcen (b«8 Vidu); 4. fd)itau= ben ; f>../<>. iibcl uefjmen, fid; ardent, jurufit, tie S'tafe rfimpfen; — the candle! putjc bag Sicht! he snufBat it. efi »erfdjnnj>ft ibit, cr roitb b5fe, et trbofit fid) ; to — pepper, fid) etl»08 oerfchnupfcu laffeu, \~icb bcleibigtfiiu ben ; to — out, auspufcen, ausfdpnftus jett; to — up, fdmupfen, eiitfdjitus pfen; in tic SJtafe jterjen. SNUFFER, s. bet ednutpfciibc; ©crjnaubenbe ; ©chnauseube. ENUFFERS (or a pair of — ), s. pi. bie gtdjtpu^f, gicbjfcpete ; spring — , tic spatentlidbtpufce mitSebetn; —boat, ( — dish, — pan, — stand, — tray,] bet Sidjfpufcentefler, Sicbtpufcenttager. To SNUFFLE, v. n. buret) tie Sfcafe rc= belt, itiefelii, nafeflt. snuffler, .?. ciitcr bet buret) tie ?Li= fe rebef, bee ©dpnaubet, ©d)nu})peret. snuffles, s. pi. bit ftafjtge obet pie* fsenbe ©cbnupfen. SNUFFY, adj. naci) ©cpuupftabaf rtc= rbcnb obcr bamit befubclt; mit^icbt-- fd)ttitppe befubclt. SNUG (ado. — ly), adj. 1. tO'oljToets roabrt, wofyleingeti'cjjtet, bequem, ficimlid), cuge, feft ; 2. emgebaUt, etngefctjloffcn, roatm (»on bet s8cbc= (fling) ; 3. aeborgen, oerjtecfr, »et= botgett; 4. eintetlifttgj to lie — , eingeroicfelt, roatm liegcn, fid) warm fugen. To snug, ». «. fid) fugen, fid) anfdjmtes gen, warm Itegen. To SNUGGLE, o. n. ftct) fdjlllicgen, na= he Itegen, fid) eittroicfeln, warm lie= gen; to — together, tin Setfean ciu= .ruber riiifen, jnfommenftiecf)en. bnugness, s. ber Buftaub ba G?troaS oerroafjrt ift, bic 3)ici)tbcit, SBarme (you ber 93ebec?ung); ©eoorgenbeit; 3ututfgejogenbeir, 93erborgenrjeif. bo. ado. aftlid), amganglip5 ; 2. »e'r= ctnbar, bontogcu ; a — game, cin ©efcllfdjaftsfpicl; —ness, 5. vid. So- ciability. SOCIABLE, s. bet offcncyicrftljige2iift= roagen. social (ado. — ly), adj. 1. gefeUfdjaff* lid), umganglid); 2. gefellig; — love, bie ylad)fteu[iebc ; —ness, s. oid, Sociality. sociality s. bie Okfc((ia i fcif, @e= fcllfdtaftlicbfeit, bag ©efeUfdjaftlidjc. society s bie (Sefeltfd^aft, @enof= fcufdjaft, bet herein, bic ©ocietat; — of merchants, bie ^anbel8gefeU= f dmft; — isles, bie @cfellfct)aft'j= infedt. SOCLNrAN, I. ». be. Sociitiaitcr; U. adj. fociutanifd). soclnianism. s ber Soctuiatiismus. sock, s. 1. bic ©ocfc ; 2. ber SoccuS fntebttge Scbnb ber alten 2d)aufpff« lettm Suflfpicle); 3. jig. bas 8ujl* fpid; 4. blC i'f!'; associate o! the — and buskin, ber lichaufpidcv, Jbcafcrbclb. s iCKET.s. bie ©tile, ©iille, Sd)cibc, ;)(bb*i- ; ^oblung, •5ohIe, Mugen= boble ; Sahttbd^Ie, 3abnfd)cibe obet eabe, Babulitcfc ; Arch. '/'. ber @au= Icufufi; JV. T-s. ber ©ebirauenhalj ciitcr 3)rebbraffe ; — chisel, ber @civ= fun, i^vofic i'JciycJ. SOCKLESS, adj. focfeuIoS, fdnthlO'l socle, .9. .nrch. T. ber Sufi, ©odH ba« Oeftell. SOCMAN, .«. vid. Socager. S0C0T1UNE, Socotorine, adj. — aloe, bic fuccoiriuifcbe 2lloe. SOCRATICAL (— ic ; adv.— ally), adj. fofralifd), wic ©ofrateS, auffofta* tifrbe 3lrt, erijtterungeroeife. SOCRATISMi 5. bic $I)ilofop()ie b(« ©oftates. socratist, s.ber ©d)ii[er, 2lnb,ang»t bcS ©ofratcS. SOD, T. s. ber ;)tafcn, baS ©tiicf dlcikn, bie (Srbfcbolle, ©obe ; 11. adj. (Mi 9iafcn gemacbt; —seat, bie 3iafcu= baitf. To sou, b. a. mit SJJafen betegcu, be* rafcu. soda. s. bie ©oba, ©obe, Saljaftbe, ba« 3lfd)enfalj; ber ©laSfdpmclj; — water, baS ©obaioajfcr. sodalite, s. ber ©obalit, bobefac- brifebe Jlupbonfpatb. sodality, s. bic ©efeUfdjaft, 3itnft ; SBriibetfdjafr, betDrben, soddy, adj. tafig, mit diafcu bebecft. SODER, &c, vid. Solder, &c. SODIUM, s. Ch. t. t^ ©obium, 9ta» trium, ?Jatriu. sodomite, *. ber ©oborntt, ccr rottet- natittltcbe Unsuebt trcibt. SODOMTTICAL, adj. lyibernatihii^ unjuebftg, fobomttifd). SODOMY, s. bie vyibcntatiirlicbe Vlu= 5iid)t, ©obomie, ©obointtetet. SOEVER, ado. in compos. HUt immcr, and) immcr ; how great— , rote grog a and) fell ; how many — , fo Oiel tbtet aud) fiub ; of what quality — , befo>af= fen rote c« roolle ; nod) fo yoruebm, wefj ©tanbc3 and) ininter. sofa, 5 ber 5opba, baS 5opba, $oU fterbctt, Nubcbctt ; — cushion, ba8 j&opljafiffcu ; — table, cin ©op()a= ttfd). S0FETT, s. ciu flciitc-5 eopba. soffit, s. 1. bic gelbetbecfe, bas @e^ tafel ait ber Secfej 2. bie oetjiettt Uutcrfladie cine3 JltdjittaoS. SOFT, adj. .?• adv. (a/so adv. — ly), 1. ruetd), mitbc, acliitbc, ntiivbe ; 2 nadjgtebig; 3. letfe, fatbt; 4. rubia,, gemadtlid), gentadi, (aitgfaiu ; 5. jarc, javtlidi, fcbmeljenb, einpftnbs fain, lieblid), oetltebt; 6. fitwad), wcidjiid) ; —rest her dust! fan ft rube il)re 3Ifd)e! — brained. ( — headed, — pated), nlbcrtt, lappifd); — con- scienced, yon itarfent ©ewiffeil; — diamond, bet gefd)liffene Diamant; — eyed, failftSugt'g ; — grass, ba85)«W« grog, i§oniggraS (HoUus — /..) ; — hearted, tocidibcrjig, mitkibig; — place, bie fcbioacjhe ©cite ; — roe, bic gifd)mi(d); — tale, bic ciupfinb* fame ©rjii^lung; Stebeserilfirung. soft, I. adv. roeiaj; II. int. geinacb! fad)te ! ftillc ! bait ! To SOFTEN, r. \.a.i. tveii-f) madjen, etroeidjett; 2. fattft marf>en, ntitbetn, liitbcnt, bef.viifitgcu ; 3. aitgcnebir. madicit, yerfiifjctt ; 4. ycrjavtclu. wcibifd) macben, entfraften, febroas cbcit; to — tempered iron, bCUt Staff SOLD SOLI SOLL T feute Jbattt bcncbnien ; softened into icirs. bio }U Iluaiicn geriibrt ; II. ». l.t»ci$ toerben, gelinbet roerben, tic £ftrfe fcerliereil ; 2. }id) bcfdnftigcn lajfen. SOFTENER s. ri sojourn, ?■. n. fid) (etne 3eit= lang wo, aufbalfcn, ecrtvctleit, blct= belt. BON >URN, s. bet- Slufcntbalt, bag 33er= roeilen cm ciitciu Cite auf mtbe= ftininitc 3eit. sojourner s. ber fid) [etwe 3*«'rtanfl \eo) aufbfilt, ber ($)utd)= SReifenbe, ©aft ; Jesus was a — in Egypt, 3efu8 hiclt fid; (cine 3«ttlang) iu fSa^p- ten auf. SOJOURNMENTS*, »■/,/. Sojourn. sol,, s 1. tcr sou, @ot, fran$5fifc$e Stiibet; bet f dpweijer Sou ; 2. Ast T. bie (Sonne; 3. ca. v. bag @olt; •t. jwi«. t. (tcr fiiiiftc c§auptton iu ber JEonleifer) bai it(agl0th ; soft — . bai (Sd)neHlott) ; (iei ten (Suvtleru> Sdjnettjinn. SOLDERING, part, in rumpus. — hoard. bai 8ot(jbrett; —iron, bcr ViUbcftcr Cidjtjte^cr; — pipe, ba8 ?otbrof)r. SOLDEER t. ber Soibat, Rricgflmaiiu ; — 's hoy, ter Sropbube; — citizen, bcr Sftrgetfolbatj — - s culiion, bit ©aut^blume, bag grojic Jcuabcii= fraut ( Orchis mi/itaris> ; — 's oint- ment, et ne SJJferbcfalbe; — 's pay, tic Vohituit;], ter Sotb; — '« pouch, bte JPatrontafdje ; — wood, tie spur* pUtaecaCU (Mimosa pitrpt SOLDIERLIKE, ) adj. folbatifin), milt* SOLDIERLY, $ lavifd), frtcg8mdn= H i fd). SOUMEKSHIP, ». bai Solbatifo^e, ©olbatcninapige, Jtricgginaitntft^e ; tcr ©olbatcnftanb, ta» ©olbatett= lcbeit. BOLDDSRY, 6-. tic ©olbateSfa; bag Jtrieggoolf, tic ■ftriegSinauufd)aft, bag s j)iilitar, bic Solbaten. S< ii. i:. 8. I. tie . ■Auf;= iohle ; 2. 5d)ui)fo()lc i o. bte ^ornfob,le beg S(3ferbe6j 4. tic 3unge cine 01 v r $iattftfd), @d)Li(Ie, Pleunmectes so- lea) ; soles of a horse, ///. ciltc Slrt .*huffiaiifbcit bcr SJJferbe; — leather, tag Soblcnlcter ; — muscle, .;. r. ter tiiuere SBabettmugfel. SOLE (adv.— vi), adj. I. allciti, cimiq, blofj; 2. L. T. liiiycibcivaibct, lebtg ; — heir, bcr lliiiyerfalcrbc ; — lieiress, bic UniverfalcrOtnn ; M. Es. a — bin, bcr Sola* (eigene obet tcodfenc) sUn'difcl ; — owner (of a ship, tcr 01llC[lt=:lilietcr: —tenant, /.. T. ci = ner, ter ciu ©ruubftud alkitt ge* Vadjtct l)c\t; —trade, bcr 9lllciitbai!= tel ; — trader, tcr OlUciubatitler, Snonopoltft; fem(m)e — , tie uiit>cr= beiratbefe 3'rau. To sole, c.c. befebiert. solecism, *. bet ©olocigmus, efgen« thitntlid)c (Oprad); Acblcr, 2Bonfiu gefe^let; bic Unfit'tflicbfett solecist, *. bet gegeit tie Sprac^e baufii] geljlenbe. SOLECISTICAL (ado. — ly\ adj. fpvadinutri.i, barbarifA. IbSOLECIZE\ r. n. ^pracbfct)lcr madicn. SOLED, adj. ill tt Seblcil ; ikruble — , jwcifiiMi.i. SOLEMN (ado. —vt), adj. 1. fcievlid), fcftlid), bcvrlidi, pramtig ; 2. cnift, 3. glaubwurbtg, glaubpafr, bewab,rt ; 4. ftcif; —oath, bcr grope (.feierlid;ej Scbautr. SOLEMNESS, is. 1. tie Act'cr!id)fcii, solemnity, Jrcligifife Setemonie; 2. tcr feicrlirhe 3"!l : 3. bte 3Qutbej 4. bcr firitft; o. tie 2tcithcit. SOLEMNIZATION, a. bic Jcicr, feiets lidie Scge bung . 7b SOLEMNIZE, v. a. fcicrn, fcicrlid) bcgelicit. -• iLEMNIZEB, s. tcr geietnbe. BOLENESS, s. tag -.Mllciiiftcbcit, 5U= Iciitfciut, tic ©efdjiebenbeit. solenites, *. pi Solent'tcit, DCtfleta iierte 2d;citeniiiufd)clii. SOLEURE, 8. (bit Stabt) ©olotburn. jo sol-fa u. n. Mas. t. folfeggiren, obct folntiftren. To solicit, o. a. I, anballcub cter briitgenb bitten, (nm cfroaS) aubaU ten, ' aufiutcit, anltegen, erfudjen; '.'. (an)forbern, bcifdun, berlangett, ftrcben ; 3. aiijforbem, anrcijen, trct= ben ; i. belfifligen, plagen. SOLICITATION, ». I. ta-j Olnbaltcn, ■Jliifitdu'ii ; (iHn=)gorbern ; 2. tie 5Bn= rctjung, bai nufjalfenbe obet brtn* genbe Sitten, Sretben, fpiagen, v i'c- laftigen, si ilicitor t. I. bet Slnbalfcnbe, STn fuebcute, Slnforbercr, Jlnbaltet ; 2. 3lnroalt (iin Sirilproceffc), SProcu tator (in bet Jlanjellei), £aa)njal= tcr; Atacal ; —general, b/r ©tnt« raU^JJtocnratot, Staatganmalt. & ILK I ! - an,:i"tlidi, forgfalttg, bcfnninicrt, (orgfam, be= for^r, unrub,ig; t » be — about (—of), fid) bcfiiinniciii nut.., ficb clival angelcgen lafftn ; to he — tat, ftrcben liad?. . . Si ILICITRESS, 8. bic ?litbalrcnte, Stu fnd)ertnii, ©tttenbe. PTUDE ». tie StCumtnerniS, Sorge, Sorgfalf, 5ci;]lirbfcit, ^Icinitlidifcit. ' SOLID ado. — i.y . adj. I. tcti, tiitt, tcrb, ftarf, gcbrungrn, gebiegen, maf= fi'.i; 2. a. r. fubtfd) : 3. forperlich; 4. fig. edit, ivabr, lv.rflid). ftdjer, uerlafftg, roabrbaft, vcditiidi ; 5. baltbar, grunbltcb; fi. .v y. rccll, folib,gut (in Omudit auf ^abjangt* fabigftit); crctiifabig ; — loot, set Jinblffllfi ; in B — foot are i; ! inches, cin JtubifflljS cntbalr 1728 JtubifjoQ;— ingle, .)/■,".. T. tcr tiirpcrlidje 3BinEeLbie Srfe ; — man, ber juoerlafftge SDiann ; — sqnare. Mil. r. tag oolle obet geff^loffent iHitarrc ; — net intrv. SOLID, s. bcr fefte jtorper. To SOLIDATE, p. a. feft 111 id SOLEDD7ICATION, ». tag Xl"i if icttt it. To s ILtDIFY, o. n. vcvtidMcit. 'i rv. s. I. bte Jefligfeit, ?id't= bcit, ©ebntngenbeil ; >. ©rbtbeit, S5abrr)cit, @rnji§beit, ©rflubltd). fcit ; 3. M. /;. tie Soltbttat, I . fahi^fcit (ciiico .Oaufco). - i rDUNGULOUS, adj. a,ait;bnfia,. cin-- 6uftg. solifidian, is. ber ©laubenftdjtre, ©laubenfep^e, bcr ten ©lauben al-- lcin, rhne gute SBerfe, tur 2eli,r- fctt fur btnlangltd) bait j n. eiiieni folcbcn ©lauben gel)5rig, glau* benfeft. soLiiiin unsM, ■ bie8i '.tc oom^tn= retifictt teg ©laubeng, oJ>ne gute fflcrfe, jnr Selt'gfeit. To SOLILOQUIZE, t>. n. c itt Selbflge* fprad) baltcnb. SOLILOQUY, ». bag atleiitgefprad;, ©elbftgefprad}, tcr SJlonolog. soliped, 8 ba8 ganjbuftge rter cin= bnfi,ic J bier. SOLITAIRE, 8 1. ter ©inftfbltt : 2. cine 8lrt .<5al«fcbntiuf fur SDJaimer. SOLITARIAN, ». ter (Sinjtebler. SOLITARINESS,* I. tie (viitMmfcit, Octe; 2. Slbgelegcnbett, SStrlaffctt- bcir. SOLITARY, I. adj. 1. eii:M::t ; 2. bte. abgelegen ; 3. mucin; — .-; bet 3lliptabe, SBergeremtl Corouopra cuius — /..) ; — thrush, tic italic SllUfel ( Tardus soUtariua — L \ II. s bcr (Sinftebltr. SOLITUDE, 8. 1. bic ginfainfeit; 2. Debt, (5in5be, SBufle. si n.iv v.:wr,a,ij. einfam bjemmtoaiw bernt. SOLMISATION, * Mus. T. bai 6 ftngen cter Spitltn, bai Solfeggiren. Sl >!,' i. -• Mus. T. bai 3 clo ; - ©olofttmincn. SOLOMON,*. Salome SKantigname — ■- -. ,i, bag Balonto n i i\lution, «. 1. bie SluflBfung, SEren* ming ; 2. (Srflcirung, Seantroorrung, Sofung; 3. bad Qlufgclofete j 4. bie SQefmilltg ; — of continuity, S. T. bie £ienuiiug t>ovf;cr jufamnieiihaiigeii* bet Jbcile. si >lutive, orfj. ben Scib Bffnenb. 9 ILVABILITY, s. vid Solvency. SOLVABLE, a#*. 1. (lUfI88lt'65, Jit 1 = feu, ciflarbar ; 2. jafclung8fa(jtg ; — bail, /.. r. tie gure, folfbe 5yiirgfd)aft. To solve, B . «. 1. auflbfen, lofen (eine tdmn'crige grage) ; 2. cufbtiU'cn, er= flareu ; to — a fraction, eincit ih'iid) tin yjcrf)iicit aufhebeu. solvency, bie 3ablung8f5* bigfeir, t&olsabilitfif, ©oloen*. solvend, 5 . bag 3lufjul6fenee. solvent, I. o,//. l.j>/.£. jablunggfvU btg, folveuf, fofoenbo : 2. lijfcnb, anf= lofeub; II. s. baa SliifiofiingSmtftel. solver, 5 . (ber, bie, bag) wag aufloft. somatist, s . berOeifteSlfiiigner, 3tta s tci'talift. SOMATOLOGY, s. bie ftotytvltfyt, ©omatologie, ©efcjjreibung beg menfeblicben Jtiirpcra. S! MBER, ) adj. bunfel, biifter ; triU sombre, [ be, niiirrifcb, f($wer= Si IMBROUS, J llli'ttbici ; — silence, bie nielaud)olifd)c (fcicrlidje) Stifle. SOME, pron. adj. irgenb ©in, trqcitb, etnxjg, iittgefafjr; @tii; (Stnige, @t* lidie, (StnigeS; eiu toeuig, (SrroaS; to forego — nf one's right, Ctlimg VOU fetuem 3icrbte fasten laffeii; they have — children, fie baben JRiu= bev; — bread, ©rob ; shall I help you to -? Earn! id) 3f)neit bnntit anf= marten ? if you please, give me — , ba= bnt ©ie bie @iire nub geben (®ie) mir lvclche ; there are some people, &c, eS gtebt (geroiffe) Seute, tt. f. w. ; — few, einige, roenigc; —such, fo(rr), told) eiu (eine, cineS), bergleiebcn ; — time or other, trgeitb eiu wlai ; — one, Semaito, irgenb (Siitcr; — body, 3emaub, Giner; SjJerfon von 2lnfe= belt; he thinks himself to be — body, cr btlbet fid) nirbtg ,ft N lcineg eiu ; he will be — body, er wirb (uorb) etiuag tuerbett, roirb feiu ©li'tcf maebeu; — how, ado. auf irgenb eine Slrf, trgenb mie ; — thing, s. pron. adj. x& ^ej(ctcn (w. it.). soothsayer, *. ber ajabvfager. sootiness, s. bie 9cufjigfeit, tag 3tu= fiige, Seriifjfc. SOOTISH, adj. rufiid)t. sooty, adj. I. iliiifj er^ciigeiib ; rufig,; 2. rufiartig ; 3. fd)n.mrj, bltnfei ; — stem, ber GhSOOgel (Sterna fuliginosa). sop, s. 1. ber cingefuufte SBtffcn, ©d)Incf;bag(i?itigcbrod'te,bie3:i!nfc; 2 8tnberung8mtttel, ©ttflungsmtttel ; 3. bie 33cfted)iiiig, vulg. ©c^miere. To SOP, v. a. lunfeit, ciiituiifcu. SOPH, s. Camb. Univ. Ph. ber ©Opbtfl. soi'Hi. s. ber ©opbi, Sdjad), ©cbab w\\ Sperften. sopiiia, s. ©opbia (Srauennaihe). sophical, adj. SBciebeit lebrenb. sophism, a. bag Sopbigma, ber :Trug= fcbltifj, ©ebeitigrunb. SOUR sophist, s . 1. ber Seljrer ber spfiiltf'i. Vbie-, 2. Sopbift. S0PHISTER,s. ber ©opbift. SOPHISTICAL (adv. — ly), «PHISTICATI0N, 8. bie ^erfalfd)iing ; Serfalfd)t[)cit. sophisticator, s. ber SScrfalfcBer. SOPHISTRY, 8. i. bie (Sopbiftcrci, Xrugucrniiufrelci, bag ©cfttivatj in 3:'nigfd)liiffeii, SBlenbwerf ; 2. bie Io= gifebe Uebiing. SOPHOMORE, s. vid. Soph. sophy, 8. ©opfcte (tfraiu'ituaint). To soporate, v. a. eiufdilaferu. soporific, ) adj. finf^lafernb, soporiferous, > ©d)laf inarbeiib, soporous, ) fc^ififrtg, norfo» tifd); — draft, ber ©d)(aftrunE- soporifi.TOUsness, s. bag (5"ittfct>lafeviibe, bie©d)(af marbeube 6'igenfebaff, bag 9]arfotifdie. soporifics, s. pi. ©d)(afmittcl. sopper, s. ber Giitninfcnte. soprano, s . Mux. t. ber ©iScant, ©oprau, bie Dberftiimne. sorb, s. or — apple, ber ©poro^fel: — .or — apple-tree, ber ©perberbaum, ©porapfclbaunt, ©pcierliug (Sorims domestica — £..). SORBATE, s. Ch. T. bag SJJrobnct ber in-rbiubnng ber ffiogelbecrffiure mit einer ©afe. SORBENT, adj. vid. Absoriiknt. SORBIC, adj. — acid, Ch. T. bie Scgek beerffiure, ©orbecrffiure. sorbonical, adj. bie Sorboitite be* rreffenb. SOKBONNE, s. bie ©orbpiine. SORBONNIST, s. bev Sorbouiiift. sorcerer, s. ber 3aiibcrer, fieren- metfter. sorceress, s. bie -Gere, 3auberii;u. sorcerous, adj. Rauber cntljalteiib, jauberifd), janberbaft. sorcery, s. bie iVagie, Sauberei, ^e= rerci, ber 3aubcr. sordes, s. ber iBobcttfaj}, Uuflatf), Unratf). SORDID (adv. — ly), adj. i. fd&tttUfetg, garftig, nuflat()ig ; 2. gemciit, fcbleeb't. uiebcrtraebtig ; 3. farg, gcisig, pfjig ; —ness, s. v. -f bie ©rhmufetgieU, Utts rciulid)feit, Ituflatbigfeit; SJltebers trad)tigfeit, giljigfeit. ' sore, s. 1. bag ©efdjmiir, ber ©c$a* ben; 2. bie empfinblid;c [fcjinerjs bafte) ©telle; Sp. E. 3. ber uierjaV rigc ^trfc^ ; 4. ber einjabrige Salfc; eye — , fg. ber 55orn int Singe. SORE, I. (ado. — ly), adj. i. wnnb, fitmcrjbaft, bofe; 2. wtht, em= Vfiiiblirb, reijbar; 3. beftig, fd)ivev; 4. niiibfam, befdia'crlid) ; — eves, bie wunben (bofen) Slugen ; — throat, ciue Slri i§unb8n>urger(c^nanc/jum— £,.); II. ado. beftig, febtver, arg, ttef; in bobcm ©rabe ; full — against my will, gatiji rotber incinctt SDillen. SOREL, s. Sp. E. ber brcijabrige ^irfrb. soreness, s. bie ©cftincrsbaftigfcit, 5peiu, .gicftigEeit, JKcijbarfcif. SORGO, s. bie 2JJol)rhirfc, ©orgfaat (Ifolcus sorghum). SORITES, *, /„ T. ber ©orife'S, Jift' teufrblnf!, ^aufclfd)lufi. SORRANCE, s. sp. e. ber ©cbaben, Seller an etnem SJJferbe. sorrel, 1.8. 1. (wild — ) ber ©alters ainpfer; 2. bie 9?iUblid)fcit; common — , bCV 2BicfeitailIpfcr (Rumex prate*- sis — /,.) ; — wood (three-leaved — ), ber ©auerflee, 5i3ud?ampfer (Oxaiu acetosdla — L.) ; — salt, bag @anet» fleefalj ; red — , — tree, ber ©auer« SOTT {Andromeda arborea nmpfcrbauui — L,). BORRlif,, mil viMhlirf), fudjercth, gclb* totb, falb ; — horse, bcr [RDtfjfucbfl, @elbfud)8; bright (light) — , lid)t= blMltll; burnt — , fd)t»at»btaUU. SORRINESS, ». bit 2letmfid)feif, Sinn* feligfctt, a3etad)tlid)feit, tat @(eub. To borrow, v. n. ttauetn, web fe^n, traurig fe»n, fid; betrfi&en, fid) Ufau feu, fid) fiinimcni, ftd)gtainett,leiben. SORROW, c. bie ©etrubnifc £raurig= hit, ■Uiimmcruifi, SEtauet ; baa (bte) £tubfa(, Setbeit, bet ©ram, A\\m= mcr, bie ©prgc, bet SOetbtujj ; to my (our) — , leiber! it happened to my — , ea gefd)ab ju meinem geibwefen. SORROWFUL (adv. — ly), ad/'. 1. trait = rig, forgenupll, gramenb, bctriibr, melan$o(ifd),titmmetooU; 2. elenb, flaglid); — tree, bet (ofiiubifdje) itauerbaum ; — ness, s. bie JEtau* rigfeit, 3Reiana>olie, ber ©tarn, Summer, baa Gleub. SORROWLESri, adj. fprgcillofl. sorry, adj. 1. traurig, tte& ; bettuBt, befuinmett (— or, at, fiber) ; leibeub ; 2. flaglid), jammetlid), elenb; 3. fcblerbr, oetaajtlicb ; i am — for it, ea ifl (tbut) mitleib, efl ftfinft midj : i am — to say, ju meinem Scibwefen, leiber ; I am — for you, id) bebcillte Sic, ea ift mir Icib urn @ie ; a — ex- cuse, cine fable (leere) @ntfd)ulbU ?;lingj he makes a — appearance, cr iebj tammerltd) aits ; a — fellow, ciu atmfeliget Sttt\, elenbet 2Uid)t. sort, ». 1. bie Sotte, ©attung, Quo* litSt: Slaffc, bet ©tanb, Sftang; 2. bie 2lrt, SBeife; of great — , you b> bent SRange, ootnebm ; the common — , ba8 genuine 33olE ; the better — , bie boberen ©tiinbe ; in some—, ge« roijfet 3ftaf?en ; in any — , auf traenb eiue.SEBeife ; that's your — \ bafl Idpt fid) boreu! tit d) be! l;e b«; to be out of — s, uiigebatten, ucrbriefjlid), ttau* rig femi ; to put out of — s, aufl bcr Saffung brtngeit ; Sorts, v i. Typ. r. bie fothtten (abgelegten) SSudpftaben. To sort, o. La. i. fottiten, auflfucben, an3- (ober ab=)foubcrn, auafdneficu, auflrangtten, btatfen ; 2. jufammens ftelleu obet legen, anyaffen, r-etbin* ben; 3. Wfibleit; II. n. 1. ucrbunben fen it; fid) verbinbeu; 2. paffett, fid) fdjicfen, augeben, gcben, taugen ; to — and class, OUS|ud)ett IIUS abfplt = beru, fottiten; to — out, aufllefeu, ausrofibleu, auflfudjen. 80RTAHLE (ailo. — ly), adj. 1. ail= = tufpnbern, fottitbat ; '2. patslid), pafs feub, febiiflid), tauglid), gangbat. sortik, s. Mil. T. bet 9luflfaU. BORTELEGE, s. baJ Soofen, SBcrfcn be8 Spofefl. BORTILEGIOUS, adj. ba3 Sou fen bc-- treffeub. SORTITION, i. baS 51u6»ablett ; bie Scftiininuug burcb baS 8oo«. SORTMENT, ». M E bat ^Iffovtimcnt, SortiinentfsSaget), SBetfaufsSager. 60RY, t. bet "?ltriinicutftein, ba« fd)roe= felfaure Btfen, bcr (Stfenotttiol. SOT, s. 1. bcr Sbor, ©ummfopf, ®cbb>«; Solvci ; '^- Sruufciibolb. To SOT, ». I. n. fid) biinint trinfeu, eoJ. ficb bcgicileit; n. a. biimnt ntadben, uetbliiffeu, betauben; t>cvtahUn, Bcrlap^eril ; to — one's time away, feine 3eit mil Saufen jiibringen. Bornsn (adv. — i.y), «'/j. 1. biinint, albcrit, t'dmifdi, tolt>elf?nft ; 2. be = fruit fen, oevfoffeu ; — ness, s. bie ©liminbeit, Sltbemfjett ; bafl bami» frbe aQefcit, bie 2.ruufeiil)eit, 3Jer= foffenbeit. 80 SOUN sou, s. bet Sou (ftanjSjiffie J?upfer= miinje . SOUCHONG, s. bie fettijU Srt be3 Jbeebub. SOUL,*. 1. bie Socle, bcr ©etft, ba« SBefen, ^nnerfte; 2. SebenSprineip, bie Jliafr ; 3. bcr SJWenfdb; 4. bie Seelengt6pe ; all souls, allcr Seeien ; poor — ! wig. anucr SDZenfd) ! atmet 2Bid)t! with ail my — , von ganjtr ©eele; upon my — ! bci meinei @eelc ! magnanimity of — , bie 2ee = (citgrojje; nobility of — .bcr Seelen= abel ; — 's delight, bie Seelenroonne; — destroying, feelcuicrftorenb ; — dissolving, feeleitf cbineljtnb ; — fear- ing, feelenbange ; — harrowing, fee* (enqudlenb ; — killing, feelentbbteub, feelenjetfiotenb j geifttBbteub ; — saving, fclig marr)enb; — selling feelenterfftufetifct ; — shot /- bas Seelengelb ; -- sick, kclcufvauf ; — trouble, bafi 2celculciten, bie See« [enangft, ©emutbsftanf bett ; — vex- ed, in bet Scclc bctriibt. SOULLESS, adj. 1. feclenloS, FebToS; 2. feige, uerjagt ; 3. niebetttad)tig, gefiit)Uo*, d)atoTtet!o8. SOUND, adj. Sr adv. (aud) — ly) 1. ge = fllllb ; (in a —state), gut UUb a'PtiU bcbaltcit, unuetfebrr, uubefdjabigt ; 2. gan^, uniintcrbrocbeu, ungeftort ; 3. pari, berb, feft, ftSfttg ; i. rtdjtifl, bunbtg, tud)tig, griinblidi; 5. red)t* gliillbii] ; goods in a — condition. M. K. beb'altcue I gut ober »t>pr>I COilbt* tionirtc) ©fitet (SBaaren) ; —beat- ings, berbe ^riigel ; a — flogging. cine berbe (tiicbtigc) J£tad)t $tiige( Dbet .friebc ; not — , ungefurtb ; fd)ab= baft, fcl)lerbaft, wurinftid) ig. sound, «. 1. bet 2unb (bie 2JIeerenge befcnbcrS jroifcbcu bcr 9corb= unb Ditfee); 2. bie Siccrfpinne, bet JEitttenfxfdj (Sepia — L.) ; 3. bie 2pii = be, iai 5'ubleifcii, bie Seufnabel ; 4. bcr Son, ©cball, ,H!,iiiii, 8aut ; — board, baa SdjaUbtett, bie 3Biiib(abe (in bcr Orgcl, fiber bet jtanjel) : bet ©ttminbeael ; — dues, ©unb=3Bfie ; — hole, baa Sdiallpd) ; — list, bie Sunb-Viite ; — post, bie Sttmme (in eiiicm jnftruntcntc), bcr Stiinm= ftpef. To SOUND, r. a. * n. 1. Jf. T. baa Senfblei (au8) (oetftn, ntit bem ©Ieilotfi untevfiifbcn, foubiren, [t»a then, aiitiefcn, auSpeilen ; 2. s, T. mit bcr ©onbe (©enfnabel) etfor= febcu ; 3. (ciu ^uftniineut) fdjaHcu laffeii, crtpuen laffeit, blafen; 4. fliugen, fcbaUen, laufcn, tpucu ; 5. Hit. auaforfdjen, auaboien ; fi. bcr= fiinben, auSpofaunen ; to — the ,h irge, Sarin blafen, baa Signal Jinn Slngriffe blafen; to — the retreat, 511111 SRurfjuge blafen ; .fig. Pk-s.ra — one's praise, ltd) betauSfttetdjeit, aua= pofaUlieil ; that does not — well, bo.6 fliugt tiictjt ; baa flappt uidjt. SOUNDING, adj. fitallcub ; lvpf)lflill = gcub ; — board, aid. Soundboard mi- ter Sound; .\" T-s. — bad. bat ®en!= blei ; — line, bie SQIeifdjnur, ^ptb= liui- ; — rrd. eiit eifcrncr ©tab, 11111 bie Sicfe bca SBaffetfi im Sd)ip« vaunt JU untetfllfjbeil. SOUNDINGS ». pi. A". T. bie Jicfcit, bcr tiefe SInferaritub ; bie werfen, Un^eii. souv BOUNDLESS, a* I- imcrgrii.tbl id) ; 3 flaugk-3, lautfo«. 8 11 num.--. 1 I. bie ©efunbbett ©tatfe: 2. geftigftit, ;liiduigfcit, ©ruilbhrbfett, ^abr.^aftigfcit ; 3. Unuerbotbenbeit: UnoetIe$t y eit ; 1 ©etab^eit, :Wccbtlio>fcit. Si >iT, s. bie Snppe, 1 Bfeifd)* ri'ru>;-e. Si 11 r - 1. faucr; i bitter, derbc, fdurf; :!./-. flrcnge, tauh; 4. mfirrifd), faucv, fouei* topflfrb : f)Bbniftt); 5. Wtbtig; 6. ciupfinclii-b, frbmetjfjaft ; to make — . faiiern, etbittent; to grow — . faucr roerbeu, cinfauetn ; — crout, ©aucr= ftaut; — dock, ber ©aucrantptcr ; — eyed, — faced, serbricplid) ant' febciib, faiicrfebeub ; — fellow, bcr Sauettopf; — gourd, bie 3lbanfo> nie, bet ilffenbaum jidantoniadigitat* — 1. : — gum. ca- norbametuani* f.te SJaffetbaum [Jfysia aauatica — i.r, — sop. ber jacfigc gtafd>eB« baiint, faure SBtffcn (Anuma muricata — £.). SOUR, $. bie 2»iurc. ■]■■> SOUR, D.L& 1. Kiuevu, faucr ma* d)cn; 2. fig. vcrbittcru, vcrlciben, oetfahen; 3. etbirtetn, criiiriicu; H. h. 1. faucr roerben, faiiern ; 2. una luftieben murtifeb) werben, fauet fchen, (urnen. SOURCE, ». bie Citcllc, bcr Utfpmnfl. SOURDET, ». bie Sorbine, bat 6(aoief eiuer trpinvctc. SOURISH, adj. faitetlid). sournicss, .?. 1. bie Saute: 2. Sttenae; 3. baa Sauetfe^ert; 4. bn Bittetleit, aBtMtgftit. SOUSE, I. » 1. bie iipfclbriibc, @a(i« briit)c, bcr SPBfel ; 2. bafl SingeyO* fclte, SpBfelfleifd), gepofelte «itivei= neflcifit; 3. bie gepofcltat Cbrcti, gii6e,u. f. to. bpin Sdjroeine ; U.u4o, rappa, fdnvapp^ pIBftlid), beftig, im .fpui. to si KJSE, b. 1. a. 1. pofeltt, einppfelu, einfaUen, marinivcu ; 2. ciutaudjen. eiuwetdpen, butcbroeidpen, bunta SSaffet jiefieit; II. n. mebetfdiitfett, baf,illeu, floBen auf . . (noil SRaub* »8gelii). — 'i -:: : int. platut! patfdj! s H 111. 1. s. Siiben, tor Sib, bie Siibgegenb, bet §D2ittag ; 11 adv. fiiblid), fflbwattfl, auflSfibeit; iuntry, bafl Sublanb; — east. ©iibPit; (— eastern), fiibpftlid); — sen, bte Subfee; — Bea plum, bet SJcOmbillbaum (Spmdiaa uwmbin — /,..; _ sea rose, bcr DIeaiiber, @ift> tofenbauni; —sea ti 1. ber $ata« giiiv.itbcc ; — west, Sfibroefl; — sr, .v. PA. ciu jiatfet ©fibwefl lvillb ; — western, fuf'lH'Ulicb ; — wmd, bcr Subroinb. SOUTHERLY, adj. fiibli*. mittagtg. si .1 [HERN (adv. —vt ,a :'■• — beagle. cine \»Irt flciucr 3agbbuuce ; — vid. Sodthmost j the — trade, bie ffib. lute Sfhifffa^tt, Sdjifffabtt 11 a ft tent Subeii; — wood, bie Otab- liuu'y '.'Iberraute (Artemisia abrotannn & il 1 iiiNC. I. adj fiiblid), uaeb ^uh: 1 gcbenb; n. ». I. bie fiibltrbc «i*' tuttfl ; 2. Ast T. ber rurebgang ei. nee 6iinmel«f5tvetfl btttdj bte sunt- tagflftnte; 3. jr. T. bet Untetfd>jel bet iUciie, bcu ciu uad) ©fiben fe« gclubcaicbijf niacbt. SOUTHMOST, adj. iiau^ in Sflben, fub« lid>ft. si IUTHSAY, ki . iat. &c. SOUTHWARD, ode. fublicJ). fubtoStti, souvenir,*, ftanj. bafl 3nbeitfen. SOVEREIGN, I. adj. 1. uuuntfcbrailf' 401 SPAN nnbe<'a>ranft, nngebunben ; 2. obct* benltcb, [anbe«bertli($ ; 3. &U*' S bocbft, Wttrefflidb ; EL». 1. ber 5ou= ueratu, unumfrbranffe Aitrft, SanbeS= frirft, ?aitbe«berr, funti'tc §etr, Dbetjjett, ®f lbfl(jetifc|>et ; 2 bet Souoeraiit (euglifdje ©olbmunje sen 20s ). SOVEREItiNTV. .*. 1. bie Urtum= fdn-anr'tbeit, bijdjfte ©eiualt, O0er= ftaatSgeroalt, vaitccsbpbcir, £anbes= berrfebaft Cberberrfdiaft, Dbcr= hcnlichfeit; 2. l)ijcbfte SBotttefflicb* Feit. SOW, s-. 1. bte @ati; 2. bte 2ait, ber 2JietaUttumpett, iUeifhimpcn, cine a>tutcc ©lei ; 3. bte 3lffel, ber £att= fcitbfiip, Jtellernjurm, Jlcllercfel; wild — . bte -lactic ; — backed, mit eiitein ScbroeinStficren ; — bane, ber rptfie ©aitfefuj?, Saiitob (Chenopodium ruin-urn — L) ; — bread, bilS £illl= bl'Ob, bte "2Bafi>rit&e {Cyclamen curope- urn — L.) ; — bug. bte SIffei it. ; — fennel, ber ©aufencbel, .v)aarftrang {Peucedanum officinale — L.) ; — gelder, ber Srt)tt>einfcbneibet ; — iron, ber (iifcnfliimreu ; — metal. J>er 5DJe= t.iliflnmpen ; — pig, bas Souferlel ; — thistle, bte SaUbtjW (Souchus — U. To sow, v. n. 1. facit, befden, teflwu* en, augftreuen ; 2. befprcngcti ; 3. oerbrettcn. sower. .<;. 1. ber Sfier, Saemann; 2. jig .SBerbteitet; 3. Slnfttftet. ZOY.'s. bte 2oja (cine pifante Sance). 30YL, s.S,-v. vid. Soil. SPA. g. aid, Spaw. 5PAAT), 5. bet Spatb (cine ©tetnart). space. «. l. ber jftaunt ; 2. Seittnum, bte grtjl. 3eitlange, SBet(e, 3eit; 3. ber 2lbftanb, Swifdjentaum ; — of tlie sea, .V. T. ber Secfiricb ; spaces, 7.'. T:, P . r Spatia, ©patien, £renn= jtffte, giittfitfte; in so short a — of lime, in fc Eiir&et 3ett ; for the — of ten years, aitf jehtt Sabre. • To SPACE, v. a. Typ. T. gfiHftifte «U« fefeeit. SPACIOUS (adv. — ly), aerf$nittene Shier, ber ©eltling, •J3allacb; 4. bte breijabrigc .£mfch= far); —bone, ba-3 ©cbulterblatt ; — full, ein ©paten oofl ((5rbc). SPADICEOL'S, adj. beUrotb ; — flower, B. T. bie uifainntettgcbaitftc 33lnme, beren allgenteiner gturptboben in ei= ne Ocbeice cingcfobloffcn tjl. 5PADILLE, s. bte 2l\tbil[e. spadix. *. b. t. ber Jtotben ; bie 331u= menfrbeibe. BPAD i. s. bet 2B«CAI,T. s. ber ©valr, Spattitein. SPAN, s. I. bie Epanrte; 2. ./??• ber Eurje ^eitraum, bie Spanne ; 3. a: T. bie ©roof, 33rubf, (ein fitrjeS ein= facbes ian. an beffeti betben ©nben fid) ein '-JMLMf befinbef) ; — of an arch, jircli. T tie Spattnuttg, Gpann= roeite etnes Sogenfl ; up and down — . a - T cine Stittt jut ©erbtnbung ber SParaUeU&etren cinet head and Btem- moorins : a — of oxen, eill 3ltg (0e- fpann) Debfnt; ^spick and)— new, eu/^. (funfel) uageliieu — long, ei= 402 SPAR ue Spanne lang ; — shackle, A*. T. ber ©ugel be? $enterbaiten8. To span. v. a, fiMitnen, liberfpannen, meffett, auSineffen. SPANGLE, «. bofl ©olbblatttbett; bet flitter ; ®oIt> fit miner ; — maker, ber 3lirterfd)lager. To SPANGLE, o. a. mit 5littcrn be= ferjeit; gtanjenb macben, beflittent ; fis. Ph-s. the spangled skies, ber gc= ftitnte i^imntei; the star spangled banner, baS geftintte pannier (bie uorbamerifatitfcbe^flHonaUSIagge). Spaniard, 8. ber Spattter, bie @pa= iticiiun. spaniel, t. s. 1. ber SBadjtef&uitb, ^iibnevbnnb, ©cbnepfenbnnb, ?s\\\a- nenbunb; 2. jig. Sdnneiiticr, Vecfer ; II. adj. fviedieitb, bititftfrb; — hitch, bie 3Baebtel|flnbtnn. To SPANIEL, v. a. &■ n. fdmninjcln, an- fpringen, fdjmcicbcln, lecfen. SPANISH, adj. fpantfd) ; — blades, £c= gen=^Iingeii doii bitbabet uttb tole= tatter ^itabl; — branching stemmed birth-wort, bie fpanifd)e Djterlujei (Aristolochia pistoLochia) ; — broom, baS fpanifdje ©eutite (s-partium jun- ceum — L.) ', — campion, — catch-fly, ba§ Dbrloffelfraut [Cucubalus ntitcs — L.) ; — camomile, bet fpaitifcbe Bertram, bie ©peicbelroutjel {Antke- mis pyrethrum — L.) ; — clotits, pi. garbelappdint ; — duck, bie 3i?trta>c (eine 31 r t (?ntcn); —elm, ber (5p= pent^ctsbaitm [Cordia gerascanthvs — /,.) ; — fly, bie fpantiYbe Altege ; — garlick. ber @d)langenla;tcb, bie Sloe- Cambele (Milium scoroprasum — L.) ; — goose, bie fpanifdje ©on8, ©cbroa* nenganj ; — horse, bie ftaitghcn= frbveefe; — jasmin, bet fpanifcbe 3«8 s ntin; — leather, ber fpaninte S«f= pan ; — juice, — licorice, ber fpani= febe ©aft, Sflfrifccnfaft; — moss, ba§ fpaniffbe 3)Jpli« (Till&ndsia —/..); — needle, eine Sltt 3™eij(ab,n(^Jffan= je) ; — nut. bie fpanifebe (5'rbmift ; — paint (— white', ittS fpattifebe 2Ecip, aBtSiniitbroetB, eebniittfaieiB; — paste, fpattifdier 5'eig, anfgelattfc= neS 93acf roetf ; — pepper, ber fpanU fchc $feffer, bie 3?ct§beere (Capsicum annuum — L.) ; — plantain, b-cr ipa= nifdic SEBegeriffl (Hoiosteum — /..) ; — red, ber 3i""Pbcr ; — enaS, bet 2pa= uiol, Spfttttofett (eine 9lrt crd>nnpf= tabaf ) ; — windlass, .v. T. fine Sfltt Jbiipeltpiel 511m VlnhiMcn oetfebtebes iter Sane; — woman, bie SpanU crinn. SPANISH, .-.bie fpanifebe Spvadie, ba:- Spanifdie. To spank, r. a ouig. ffappfen, mit bet flaiten .ganb spanker, s. 1. ber geroalttge 2du-it= te marbt ; cine mnM'cIftarfe ?Jerfon ; 2. JV". T. Dbet —sail), bet Stobge= rointter, SEreiber, baS Jlittetfegel. SPANKING, adj. vulg. attfebnUcb, groS. SPANNER.*. 1. ber Spanner (an ei= net SBucb, fe) ; 2. bie Siidjfe; 3. ber Scbraubcnjieber, Scbraubenfcb,liif= fcl. spar, s. 1. bafl rufftfdje ©las, 9J?a= rienglaS, ber (falfarfige) ©etenit ; ^ctttiit (cine 9ltt 2vatb); 2. ber Sparren ; baS ^nnbbolj ; spars, pi. jv. t. 2iMfvcn, Spieten (SBtiitme jit jtaaen, Stcngen 11. f. >v.) ; — of lead, ber ©leifpatb. To spar, v. b. 1. im jjerbten ginten macben, [nftfcebtcit, faiiitfeittcn, an«= batten; 2. tanfen. SPARADRAr s ber Smrcbjug (bie SPAR burd) ^flaficr gejogene ?cin«jaiitx ta« Sadu-pflaftcr. SPARAGE, vid. Asparagus. To spare, b. i.a. 1. fpotenj 2. et> fparett, erubtigen ; 3. fparfam brain rben, bauJhaltcn, anffparen, »erfpa» rett ; 4. entbehrcn, mtffen ; 5. febo- nen, t>crfd:encn, gnabig bebanbelu, naebfeben ; 6. fviften, erbaitett ; 7. oergonneii, geftattcn, getyat)reit ; 8. eutfehnlbigeii; to — , ubrig; enough and to — , ooliauf, mebr aU n6tf)tg ; I have some to — , id) i)C[bt Cttva* iibvig, fann noeb ttwai cnt&cbreit; to — for nothing, t§ an t)iict>r§ man= gclit laffett ; II. n. 1. fparfam le= ben, fid) cntbalteit, entbaltfam fePn ; 2. nacbficbtig feim, t'erjeiben, milte fepn, fanft uerfabreit. spare (adv. — ly), adj. 1. fparfam ; fpavlirb; farglid), farg; 2. mager, bitrve ; 3. ubrig, itbevftiiffig ; — an- chor, ber 9icfev»canfcr ; — bed, baS ©aftbett, gjefctuebett, col. q3orratb*= bett; — cloak, ber Otefenn'tnaittet ; — dock, ber Ucberlanf, bie .ftnbbriicfe (in f^tegatteu) ; — diet, bie magete ■Roft ; — hours, pi. bie 9}cbcnftnneen, 9"Ru9eftunbeit ; — man, ber 3Mtnn= leibigc ; — minutes, pi. 3JJujieminu- tctt; — money, bet Spavpfcttnig ; iibrtge (miif;ige) ©elber; — ribs, pi. bie eingelegtcit Dtippenftiicftten (be= fonberS ven (Sdnin-in), spiageripp= djett, ed)alrippd)cit; — rigging. 9te= feroetamoetEj — room, ba« Sttefet»es Stmntcr, bie tpntjftubt ; — sais, 9te« fetsefegel; —stores, lofeS ©itt, 9tc= fetoegut (anf Srbiffen, an Sanert, it. f. re.); — time, bie iibrigc %t\t, aj?tlpe; — topmasts, 9ftefetQ«e Pbrt SBotgftengen ; — tonnage, — stoware. ber tibtige (unbeferjte) Eftaum in ei= item Sdnffe ; — yard, tie ^Borgraa. SPARENESS, s. bie 'Diagerfeit. sparer, s. ber Sparer. SPARING (adv. — ly), adj. 1, fpar' ( — of. mtt) ; 2. farg ; — ness, s 1. bie (Sparfanifcit; 2. Jtargheitj 3. <3pav= liebfett, Slermlicbfeit; 4. Seltenhcit ; 5. Sovfiitt. spark, s. 1. ber (Vtinfe; 2. Iebbafte 3iingling, baS fufe .6cvrct)en, ber ©tu^et, ©fllatt, Siebbaber; vital—, ber i'ebenjfnnEeti; sparks of wit, iL : ilj= fin t fen. SPARKISH (adv. — lt), adj. i. milliter, lebbaft; 2. gaiant, gepu^t, ftattlicb ; — ness, .«. 1. bie •yjttnterfett, ^liicbtig= feit; 2. ber $u&, Slitterftaat. sparkle. 5 1. ber gimfe; 2. ©lanj. To sparkle, o. v. 1. Aiinfen fpvitbcit, funfen, fnnfcln ; 2. perlen (Uom 2Bei' lie). sparkler, *. ber, beffen 21ugen fntt= relit. sparklet, s. ba8 <\iinfdien. SPARKLING, adj. fttnfcliib; —cham- pagne, moufftrenbet (fdpaumenbet) O'bampagncr ; —eyes, fnnfelttee 8Ui« gctt; —\y.adn. fitnfcliib, mit S'li" 5 Fein, in ^cbtmmcr; — ness, s. ba3 ©efuttfele, ©efiitter, ber ©cb.immer sparling, s. bet 5pier(f)ing. SPARRING, s. bie ^crbtitbitng; bai SBettiegeln; — fight (— match'. <~-c: ©cpeinfampf, bas epiegclgeferbt. SPARROW, s. ber (Sperling, Spalj; green — , ba8 Sdiarladit'ebldicn (%/• ma gala phamicea — A*.) ; hedge — . i te ©rosmticfe; —of paradise, eine »rl JJtrfd)finf; —bill, bie 3»«ffe; — crass, cor. rid. Asparasps; — hawk (spar-hawk), ber fyinfcitf.ilf ; —net, ba? ®perlt'iig-3iu-t ; — «o r t, ber iBo* gclfopf bie SperlingSrourj (Passari na — L.1 SPEA SPARRY, adj. fpafljartig, sen 2)tarien= glaS; felenitifcb. sparse, a/j. jerftrcut; B. r. jerflreut flebenb. SPARSED ,(oito. — ly), adj. jerflreuf. SPARTAN, I. 5. bcr ^paftaucr; II. adj. fact r ret it if d). SPASM, s. Med. T. bci" .ftrantpf. SPASMODIC, arf/'. Med. T. fya8matifc$ y mtt Jtrampfen bebaftet, framvftg, Erampfartig, frampfl;aft. 3PASMODICS, s. pi. .Med. T. tic Diitrcl lutber ten Jtrampf. SPAT, s. bcr ^aid) ber Slufiern. spatae, ». ber Sdjroerttrager, @ro5= beamte am igofe be* «6o3pobarS in tcr SWoIbau nub 23allad)ci. SPATHACEOUS, adj. B. T. cillC 23llt= mciifdjcite babenb. SPATHE, a. B. T. tie 93(iimcnfct>eibc. spathic, adj. Min. t. blatterig. SPATHD70RM, adj. fpatbjormtg, fpa= tbt'g, blatterig. SPATHOSE, adj. vid. Sparry. SPATH( il S, adj. vid, Spathacbous. SPATHULATE, adj. vid. Spatui.atb. to SPATTER, v. a. & n. 1. fprifcen, be= fprtfcen ; 2. fpucfen, fprubelu, frt)lcn= fcvii; 3. y^-. bcfuteln, befebmifceu, otniuchren. SPATl'ERDASeES, ». ;-/. bie ®ama= f die it. SPATULA (Spattle), s. bev Spatel. SPATULATE, adj. B. T. fpafelformig. SPAVIN, s. .s>. £. bcr Spatb. SPAVINED, o#. ben ©toatb betbeub. SP uv, s. 1. (tie ©tabt) S^afl ; '-• b«« ©paawaffer ; mtueralifc|e SSaffer, ber Sauetftrunnen. To SPAWL, b. 7i. fpucfen, (aitSJfpeten, aiiMocvfeu. SPAWN, ». 1. ber ?atd), Tic^cii; 2. cent tie SQrut; s Jlacl>fommcu. " Tu SPAWN, ».o..S-n. 1. laidjen, ftrci= d)eit ; 2. com. beroor briugen, voerfen, oon fid; gebcit. spawner, s. bcr SRogner, SRogenftfc^. r« SPAY, ». a. (eiii h>ciblid)c's Xtjiev) ocvfdjucibcn. To SPEAK, v. a. 4 n. 1. fprccijCIt (— to, with, of, jti, mit, »otl), auafprcd)cn, vctcit, onrcben, (icficit, fpreffen. SPECIAL, adj. 1. einc 3lrt ober <$at= tang bejeidjnenb; 2. befonber; :i. nnfjcrortentlid; ; i. eigen, mtegr^eicf)= net, oorjiiglid), boitrefflid; ; — con- tract,/-. T. tcr befiegelte Contract; ®j:tra=S8firgfdjaft«=©c6ein ; — idi >• ter ©attungSBegriff; — opportunity, befontcre ©elegenbeit; L. Ts. — power 'of attorney), tie @pefial=9SoH= inacbt; — verdict, baS Ih'thcil tcr 3nn> fiber tic EE&utfatfee aOetn. SPECIALLY, adv. bcfonberi?, infont>et= bcit. SPECIALTY, s ba§ ^cfonbeie, tic 33c= fenberhcit; ©tgenbeit; debts of — . bnrd) fdiriftlidpc ecbiiltbefciintniffc serbriefte gorberuitgen. SPECIE, a. ba3 aJJefall^etb, bie Httts genbe nvirflidic' £fRiinge (511m \Uu terfebicte von ^apicrgclb 1 , baareS ®elb ; tic ©pecieS ; in — , in baarent ©elte; baar; M. E-s. consignment of — , cine ©aarfenbung ; bill of—, ter ©ortenfettet; — dollar, bcr <=i>ccies= tlnilcr .eiit unb cin Srittcl Jbaler SonoentionS-Selb) : — money (of Denmark 1 , 3pccic3=9}cid)i8tbalcr . tcr gcwobit; lid;e 9tame, iErtuialname ; — cha- racter, ber (Mattinig$d;,u\ificr ; fpcci= ftfdic Pbarafter; 11 s. Med T. bai Speciftcnm, recbt ctgene ;*j>ci(=)3JIit= tcl. To SPECIFICATE, oid To SpBcimr. specification, », bie SSer^eic^nung cinjclncr ©egenjlanbe, Syectftcatton ; bai (namentltcpe) 83erjeicbnip; bte genaue Sngabe; (namentlidje) 33c= jttntmnng, Sflam^aftmacbung: — of weights, .)/. j:. tie ©emid)t8=9 l (Cte. 7bSPECiFY, r. a. fpccificivcn, nament* lid) ober cinteln, genau angeben, lumbaft macpen, ber jeiebnen ; .1/ / . pi ied at foot, am ?s\\\k biefeS f^eciftcirt; t|ie sum specified, tie an- gegebene Sutnme, specimen, s. tic I'vcbe, ba6 g}robe= ftiicf, ^Jiiificr, ; spi in botany, botanifdic $robcftucfe, SPffanjencrem^lare, ©egenfidnbe ber SBotanir; specimens of printing types, (5d;riftproben, SPECIOUS ado. — w . n . . t. cin QU* te§ Slnfefjen (ettten gnten Sd)ein Im= bent, anfcbnlid; ; 2. fdjeinbar, ober* fladi|td\ (ladj : 3. fdmnbetlig, falfcj); — forms fdjone ©eflalten ; — ni tic Sdjeinbarlcit, tor Scbein. SPECK, s ber Jlecf, glecfen, bai cjjes *t\fid)ciu 4 SPEE To SPECK, o. a, pcifcn, fvrcnfeln, but! ntacben. SPECKLE, i. tcr .fleinc, buntc) Jlfif, ba8 3lecfd)cn, Jupfd;cn. 7V»SPECKLE, p, a. flccfcn, fyacufcl::, bunt macben. SPECKLED, adj. gcflccfr, gcfvrcuEdt, bunt. SPECKLEDNESS, » tic ^untbeif, ©c= flccftbeit. SPECTACLE, *. 1. ba« Sdjaufpiel ; 2 tie scdiau, tcr -Jlnblicf ; 3 jd. tic i'lilJc; single-jointed — , BriU len mit etnfadjen ©tangen (©eleit* feu); double jointed — , grille lllit boppclten Stangen; first sight — grille fiir ^Serfonen, tic nod; itie rock-be gcbraud)t batten; — for couch- _ : larbriOeti ; spectacle-case, bad i'viUenf;ittcr,i[ j — maker, bcr t8ri(lcuntad;cr ; — snake, tic ©rtt* Ienfd;Iangt SPECTACLED, adj. mit cincr 33ri(Ie uerfeben, briilentragytb. SPECTACULAR, adj. fdiaufvielinafa',]. SPECTATION, $. tic SJfirfjtcfrt [». I SPECTATOR s. tcr 3nfdiaucr. \ToRsnip, s. 1. bai 3ufd)aunt: 2. tie auffitit. SPECTATRESS, { ,• i„ r x,„. v :„„ SPECTATRL^ \ s ^ u 3«!*a«crinn. SPEi TRAL, ad,. f(cijtcrhafr, gefpcnfter= artig, gefpenpia. spectre, $. I. bat ©efpenP; 2. ©c- fid)t, tie ©rfebeinung, ©efiait; — — smitten, gefpenfifuajtig. SPEI DRUM, a. 1'l'V- 'J'- f ' c 5«6«« s erfebcinung, ta« Sarbenfvectrum ; ocular — , tie Sliigentaufdjuug. SPECULAR nd). 1. fpiegelidjt, u'icgel = iibulid), fpiegelnb ; 2. 9ut(tdbl gei rent ; — galena, cine %k\. SBleiglanj; — stone, tcr Spiegelftein, ba« 5Warten= gla* ; — surface, tie @pica,e[u\tdH\ To SPECULATE, '•. ? ( . I. fpecul narbftnnen, gnibedt; 2. 8iifd macben, ■O.tutelicutiviirfc macben, fid; in Uutcrucbmiiugcu etalaffeu, fpcciUtren. spec! lation, .«. tic Speculation; baa abgejogene ©enfeit, 9tad){!nnen, 9]ad)tctifcn, STZadptrac^ten ; bai Srtadjs fiiincu m\ ten ©etoinn, bad Jauf- nuiuuifdic: llutcruclMiiiii. SPEI 1 'LATIST, - lator. SPECULATIVE [adv. -i.v adj I. fpe= culatio; aufjerftnnlid; ; tbcoictifdi ; 2. betraducut, anfdjaueub, forfrbettb, benfenb, nadjftnitenb, gruoelnb ; 3. unternebmenb. SPECULATIVENESS, s. tcr Uutcruc!'. mungSgeift. lator s. 1. ber Speculaut; SBetratbter, 3)enfer, 5orfd;er; 2. Utt= teruchniei-. fpcculatio, nacb: finnenb, itad;forfd;etib. 1 .1 M. 1. ber Spiegel; tieCbcr fladu- bed 2Baffer«, JDuecfftlbere", u.f.n>. ; s. T. cm 3n(trumeni . Slu4bebnen. SPEECH, .--. I. tie Spradje; 2. ba« Spred;en, Dteben; 3. bie 3Sorte, bcr SliiSbrnct; 4. bieJRebc; — maker, bci einc SRebe patt, ber 3tcbiier, ^ ; rber. fpracftloi/ fhtmni; — ness,*.bi« S tit,Stumm bcit. To SPEED, p. 1 n. i. eileit; 2. gutc 1 Sortgang t)nbcit ; gcltngeu, gUcfcn, fabren ; to — ill. fdilccbt faluctt ; 1L . rilen, befSrbern, ttcibcu, {agen, cilia fortfd;icfen, abfertigen, fort< .:;; 2. ani bem SBege raumen, tijbfeit; gefebroinb uiS tcr 20tll ■ n, I'iitovfctu, jetberbett; 3. •iu:t SPER SPIC SPIN jtiSferti^en, Dofljieben ; 4. nuSgeben ; 5. gelingen marten, etnenguten 5ott= gang (©turf) tn-rlciben, betfle^en, oelreii; God — vim: @ott (fc>.i) mil tir !- SPEED, s. 1. tie Pile, (filfcrfigfeit, SconeUigfeit, ©efdnoinbigfeir, ,fiur= tigfeit; baS SBefcfcleunigeii; 2. ftor= tern, ber Brortgang, ©rfofg; good — , tcr gute 3lu8g«ng, tas ®m& ; nt — . full — , mit serbangrcm3»gel, ciLvfr, '"rtU'ltitreid)* ; with all convenient — . mit rnoglirJjfret (5'tle ; — well, ber SbrenpreiS. BPEEDINESS, a. tic Gife, fiiffcrfigfeif, ©efdiroitttigfcir, fiurtigfeit. speedy (ado. — ily), adj. etlia. eilfer* tig, (jurrtg, gefrbioinb, fdjiieU. spell, s. l. bet 3>mber, 3»wbertegcit, ba§ 3tfcb, obet tiefctig fdircibeu; 3. jauberu, bejau= bent, befprecben ; to — the watch, bie iGarbe (auf . SPERMACETI. «. ber SSaflrafb ; — candles. SSadratMicbte ; — whale bie Jtafcbclotte, ber ^ottftfef), 3Jott= mallfxfd). SPERMATIC (cal). adj. fpermati'dv att*_iameit be(icbcitt, 511m Santen geborig; —vessels, pi. tic Samen= flefape. 401 SPERMATOCELE, s. Msi T. bet ©0* rncitbrurb. To spew, v. I. a. 1. auSfpeien ; 2. ax\S- loerfen ; 3. fg. ausfiofett ; 11. n. fid) erbrerben. SPEWER, ». ber Speiettbe. T,< sphacelate *. I. a. ben fatten ©ranb ven:rfari)cii ; II. «. belt fatten SBranb befommen. SPHACELATION, a. Med. T bo9 53ran= btgtorrben, ber Sranb. SPHACELUS, a. Med. T. ber falfe Sranb. SPHAGNOUS, rwfj.Sorfmooe Betreffenb. SPHENE, ». ter ^pbcn, .litanit, baS pri«ntatifcf)e Sitanerj. SPHEXOID, Sphenoidal, adj. A T. Jltm Jletlbeitt geborig; —suture, tie Jcctl= betnnabt. sphere, s. 1. bie ©pbarc, ^ugel; 2. ^tinmet8= cbtr (SrbfugeP; 3. ber ^immefeforpcr ; ba8 Oefltrii; 4. ber .Uieis, Umfreis, bie Saf;n, bcr @rb« frci=, ^iininelSfreiS, Jtrei'Slatif, JJreiSgang ; 5. bie SBefcbnftigung, ba3 S'Jd), @ebiet; ber SBirfunaS= EretS; .est. t-s. oblique—, bie fdjtefe Spbarc; rnrallel — , bie parallcle Spbare ; right—, bie gerabe Spbare ; — of activity, ber 2i3trfitng§frciei, ®c; fcpafrsfreiS ; that is out_ of his — , ba§ iff iiber fcinc Segriffe, baS gebt iibcr feiiteu ^otijoilt; — music of the spheres, bie »£pbarciimuftf, tcr Spbarengcfang. To SPHERE v. a. fitgcfit, riiiibcn, nmb formen, ctiiriiitben, einfrcifen. SPHERICAL [ado. —it), adj. 1. fpba= rii'rb; fugeltdjt, Eugelfonnig ; frci§- formtg ; 2. plaitetarifd), oon ten @e« fiinieit; — trigonometry, bie fpfiarU febe Stigonontetrie. SPHERICALNESS, i s. bad Spbarifcbe, SPHERICITY, $ Jviigclfiniuige, bie Jlugelform, Jvitgcttuitbe. SPHERIC, I. adj. rid. Spherical; II. Spherics, s. pi. bie £el)l'e veil ben j^itgetn. SPHEROID, s. Slfterfugel. SPHEROIDAL, SPHER0ID1C, SPHEROIDICAL, G. T. bie tsfpprotbe, adj. o. t. fpb5ro= ibtfd), tunblicb. spheroiditv. ... 'bie fpf)arpibifcf)c ©e= ftalt, Otuitbltrbfeit. SPHERULE. 5. tie fleiitc ^ugel. JPIIERY, adj. rid. Spherical. SPHINXTER, *. A. T. ter @$HeJ5= m«8fel. SPHINX, s. 1. bie cipbiitr; 2. ter ©cbtoarmer, SammcrungSfalter. Slbenbfalter. sphragid, s. bie Stegelerbe. spicate, adj. b. T. abrctiff anbig. spice, s. 1. bie aBfirje, ba« ®etour», bie ©pejerei ; 2. /lar$gefubl ; spices, pi. ©eroiir jroaaren ; to have a — of.., fie- fdjinccfcit nad) . . ; — apple, bet ailiSopfel, _rtClld)eIapfel ; — ginger- bread, $feffcrflld)Ctt ; — grove, bet ©eioiirsbiiin ; — nuts, ^feffetnuffe ; — wood, ber SBenjamtnbaum, Senjoe= billllH (Sryrax benzoin — L.) ; — wort, &a(mu3. To spice, v. a. 1. rtM'trten, anntadictt, oerfefcen; 2./^. fptfeftnbig macf)en. spicer, s. bcr S^ejetei toaaren)banb= Ier, ©cniiirjframcr, EUJatertaTift. spicery, s. 1. ba3 ©cmiirj, bie ^pe- jcrei; 2. bet ffleiri'trilabctt, bie @c= roil r trammer, 3Biirt[ate. spickxel, e.betSBarenfentBel, S3atens bill [Atiemarsjx mcvm — 1,.). spicuiJP, adj. fpi^i.j, jugefpiUt. Tb SPRJtTLATE, v. a. jufpi^en .'etnei $fabl . spicy, adj. 1. toutjig, gewurj^aft; 2. gewiirtrcid), atomatifep. SPIDER, s. tic Spiniie; — catcher, tcr jPcauerfpecbt; —like, a^'.fpinnen- abttlid); — orchis, tic Spinnenortbia (Ophrys aranifera X. 1 ; — web. bit<3 ©pinttengetoebe ; — whelk, bet 2ptu= nenlopf, tic SimpiibmitfrbitcJe; — wort, baS ©pinnenftflUt (Anthericura li:'iagimm — L.) ; Virginia — wort, tr.3 yirgiitifrbe ©piimcnfraiit {Tn tia — i.:. SPIGXEL, s. vid. Spicknel. spigot, s. ber 3apfen, £afcn am Safe); lock-—, bcr ©cbfuffel {11111 .Oabn cities Fvaffe*. spike, s. 1. tie Spifte, Spctdje, tcr lauge Stagef, ©ptfer; bcr ^f.od, 3lbltei!"cn. T.-SPlKf, b. a. 1. na.jclit, ftiifnagelu, befrblagen; 2. mit ©pi^en oerfelpen; 3. milage f II ; to — up a gun, ciui- fl.ittone oetttageln. spikelet, s. b. t. bafi 3lef)tri)eit. SPIKENARD, i. bie ©piefc, '©ptefe- Itarb (Andropog-cn nardac — L.) ; - oil, baS Spiefol. SPIKY, adj. '"piht'.l. spill, s. bcr $ffotf, 3apfcit, ba* 3apfrfeen ; tcr ©peiiet. To SPILL, d I. a, vcvfdMtttcit, vet: gicHcu, oeriieren, audfpti^en, lvcg^ toerfen ; jv: p/,-s. to — a sail, cm Segel, ba» in ber ®crt bangt, Iny= toartt anbraffen, in ben 33int bi spiiiing-iines, SQotbgotbingen ; ll. n toegfommett, oetloren geben, um fonimeit. SPHiLER, s. 1. ter aSetateieube, Set fcbittteitte; 2. Sp. E. ttc 3lngelrutb« To spix, p. I. a. 1. fpiiineit; 2. f s auSfpinnen, btbnen, ueben, tit bit Sange, aufftbieben, i>er!iin> gen; 11. ». 1. fid) fd)itcli betoegen, trebcti, tttQen, toitoelit; 2. flic feu. ftromen; to — hay, Mil. Pk. .^eu [in Seife) fpinnen (jum (eiditern Sranepott) ; to — a top, tteifefn ; to — out, nitSfpinncn ; fig. ausbef)= nen, in tic gauge jieben, Perlangern ; ausftrSmen. SPINAGE (Spinach), s. bcr ©ptnal (Suinacia oleracea — I.). spinal, adj. jum Surfgtat geborig; — marrow, ba§ Oliidcillltarf; — si- new, bcr iNMeiimarfsncrp. SPINDLE s. 1. bie epinbcl; 2. tai aJliiblcifcn ; 3. bcr ©rid, ©tenget; 4. (SllieS toaS Iang, biinite nub an bcitcn (iitbeit fpt'5 iff) ; 5. bcr latig= lirbc Jtern, SPffanmenfern, 11. f. to. ; .V. 7-.^. — 'Of a mast, bie 3"»ge CtllcS jufammengefefefen SRafteS ; — of the capstan, bie pintle am ©aitg'pill ; — leg ( — shank), baS ©torcbbciit ; — shanked ( — shinned). ftprd)bcinig ; — shaped, fpintclfornitg ; — tree, bcr ©pinbetbaum, baS ^jfaffen^ut ■ d)Clt, 5RfaffCltl;olj (Evonymus europtBHS — Li. To SPINDLE, v. -n. ftcugclit, in ©rcinjel fobiefieit, auffrbiefen. SPINE, s 1. ter Siiicfgrat; 2. Torn. SPIXEL, Spinelle. s. ( — ruby), tct SpineH, bla]}t SRubttt. SPINESCEXT, adj. tintlig tOCtbetlb. spixet, .«. ba* ©piltetf ; — hamme. tcr ©ftntmoammet. SPIR SPIT SPLI SPINIFEROUS, adj. ©omen trageitb. BP1NK, ». bet Bint. SPINNER, s. 1. tcr Spinner, tic Spiitiicriitii ; 2. (_(Martcit=)2pinne. SPINNING, .«. tas Spiunen, tic Spin= Item; baS ©cfpimijt; —jenny, eine 3enM?=33aumrooll=utib3Boli=ie= rnifcit. SPINOUS, a/j. bpuiia., fraebctia,. iPlNOZlSM, 8 . bet SpinojiSmuG, bic Sphilofopbie tes ©pinoja. SPINSTER, 5. 1. tic Spinncrinit; 2. ta-S lebige Srauenjimmer, Sungfer. BPINSTRY, x. 1. bie Spinnerei ; 2. ba« ©efpiniijr. SPINY, adj. 1. borm'g, ftarbelia,; 2. fig. luflich, fc&loietig, frittlirh, be= benfltd). spiracle, s. ba§ 8uftIod»; spiracles (of the human skin), vBctjiV)ciplL>ci)ev, SjSoren. spiral, o*\ fpiralfotmig ; flcanintcn, fd)iiecfenfetmig ; — compasses, bet Spitaljitlel ; — guide, T. cin ft>itaU fonniger Satcnlcitec; — Bpring, bie ©pttalfebCt j —staircase, tic 2Benbel= treppe; — wire, bet Spiratbrabt; — ly, ado. ijcuMiubeit, unc cittc Scbitecfou liuie. spire, b. 1. bie ©cbiiccfenform, ba8 ©eruunbene; bie Sdiraiibenlinic, SBinbung, jftummnng; 2. bet fpiftig julaufenbe JZcrpcr, ^piijtbiirm, tie jfcfcutmfpi&e, @j»t8faule, Sjtytamibe, Spintcl, bet Jregel ; 3. bic Spifcr, bcr ©ipfel ; 4. .jpalm; — won, tic 2)hljn)urj, bet Spicant (LmuMtis — /..). To spire, v.v.l. fptfcig julanfen (mit cine; <3pilje) in tie .gjfye fchiefieu; 2. feimen (»om 3)ialje). spired, aiij. gefpifct, p'.)vamitcnfov= mig, feutifeb. SPIRIT, 5. l.ber©cift, bic Sccle; 2. 3Rutlj, gifts, tic gebljaftigfeit, bas fieben, ©efiihl; 3. tic fjmpffabuug; 4. bcr Mann von Jtopf (©cijt, 9Jhttb), tas ©cnic; 5. tic ©egtetbe, 8ufi; o. bet ©eift, bie getflige @igen= febaft, ©eifheltaft, ®eijte§flarfe ; 7. baS Smtere, SBefcntlicbe, tic Ouin= teffenj ; 8. baS ©efpcnjt ; 9. Oram. T. baS ,oU; 3. bie Sanbtunge: (a — of sand), citic lange (fcgmalej 2>iine; 4. Typ. T. bic ftutbel; — fid, tcr ^ratfpief; »oll. 7T>SPIT, r. 1 a. an ben crnMt--)®vicf; ftccfen, ait; cter anfftccfon, an= ober anffpicjkit ; li. a. St «• ( — at, an) fpeien, (aufl)fpud: en, auSmcrfen ; col fpviibcn, fcin tegnen. SPITAL, 8. /■/./. SriTT.vt,. To SPITCHO «3K, t>. a. citicn tcr Sattge nadi nufgefrbnitteiien 3lai bratcn. SPITCHO »'K, s. (or — eel), tcr ©tat« aaf. SPITE, 8. bet ©toll, .*>.iil SBibetwille, bie tficfe, bet jngriinin, Slerner, inutfltfl ; she hears me a — , ftC Kit einen ©roll gegen mid; ; in — of, trolj, ungead)tet: in —of you, bit }itm£to§, sitni alcrget; in — ofall application, ungead)tet, troij allti Aleif;C«; in — of the foul wi trpft (iui|jcad;tct) tc.s garftigen 2iict= tetfl. To SPITE, d. a. 1. mit $a6 obet WrplI bebauteln, fitgetn, fraufcii, t>iitne= Gen j 2. crtiinicn ; she is spitedat.., fie Stgett fiit fibct . . , fie oetbttefil . . . SPITEFUL {ado. — ly), adj. boifyaft, ti'nfifd), fcinbfclig, ooll rjngrimm, gebSffig: — ness, s. tie S3oei)aftig« fat, geinbfeligfeit, tcr ©toll, 3u« gtimnt. SPITTAL, 8. tcr ©piftef, bat .Oofpitaf. SPITTER, s. 1. tcr etwai anfptefit, anf= ftcdt; 2. v. /•:. bet <85piefiet, 5»iefi biefeb; 8. Spucfenbe, (,©peiojel=) Slusraetfenbe. spitting, », baS Sveien. Qjwtcfen; ( ( 7lit=;3iMciien; — boi — batu ,bf 2 puefnapf, 0pu(ffaften. 8PITTLE, oid Spittai,. sprrrooN, 8. tcr Spuchtapf. SPLANi HNOLOGY, 8. Med. T. fcieC?in< getvtibelebte. To BPL VSH, r. a. bcipii^cn emit Jlct: ii. f. ».). splash, 8. tic Pfflfte: ta8 StsHbat-. fprifte; — paper, gcfprcnfcltcs $a« pier. SPLASH: int. platfa)! SPLASHY, adj. befpn^t. fctbi,], nafi. To SPLAT, v.*. 1. auSrciifcn ; j Tb JUsi'i.ay; to — a horse, eillem SPferbe&ie Sdmltcrbcrrcnfci^eebiiiv labm mad;cn. SPLAY, hi eompot, — f i ■■ mit auSwatW gebogenen giipen, fpertbeinig; bug(ab,m; — mouth. ta8 febiefe 2)Jaul, Jcnimnu-I'iaiil ; — mouthed, fnimnt^niaiilig, fdjief» mditlig. SPLEEN, 8. 1. bieSRil); 2.2Bif| 3)2iljbefd)n)etung, bas 2Riljmeb; 3. tii ©title, uble Saune, SD2e(an4lolie; 4. tcr 33etbrup, Utbertruf;, vMcr.^cr, 3orn, UinviUe. Sngtimnt; troubled with the — . mi({flicbtig ; — a .■/ r. tie milj= obet ttemenfSrmigtn ^iiivfcln tr* jtopfed unb £alfe4 ; — wort, taS iliiljfrant. SPLEENED, a,ij. tcr 3Rilj bcranbt, mil)lo0. SPLEENFUL, adj. ntilgfudjtig, (jtypo- cbonbri fa), teijbat, launifdj, argerlia). bttbtiefiltd). SPLEENY, adj. mil»fud)tig, b'.H'PAon= trifd), launtfd), atgerito), oerbritf-- lidi, inftrrifd). SPLENDENT, ^. fcbcincitt, gli prad)ti,j ; b,et»otIeucbtcnb, bcr cfenb. SPLENDID (ado. — i.v\ adj. p: prunfhaft, bcrtlidi, glaiijenb, foftba;. SPLENDOR, 8. bet OHain, tie » .^evrlidjfcit, tcr "^riiiif. SPLENETIC, I. adj. JUl i'l'iU gel ntiljfud)tig, p^porbonbtifd), fd)n>er= miitoig, trautig, oerbt ie§licb ■ u. ... bet JDittjfudjtige, j5ppocbonbrifl. SPLENIC, adj t'nr JDfilj ■' ■ vein, bit iKiljabtt. SPLENBH, n j oid Splknt. SPLENT, 8. I. ba« Ucbcrbcin fain vf.i'cnfel einco ^fetbef ; i. Splint. t,i splice, v a. jwei (Snben etnee Xauetiotyne Anoten jufainmenffigtn ; anfdjlagen, fpliten, fpleiien, eiufii- gen j an einaubet ffeegten: cittflvct>= ten ; spiicing^id, bat Sf>Ii§QOtn. splp i •. bit ®p!ift« hjge, tas Sinctnanbetffecbten iweiet taue; — praiiin^. bat ^fropfen in ten Spalt, SPftovfen auf beui 3ung« Icin. sim. int. s. I. tcr Splitter, Span, 2plint; 2. 8. T. bie (|2dirocbc=| SBortic^tung fuc gebrocbene ©liebet), Scbiene, ©einUbe; splints, pi tie Sltmfroienen einet EHufhing ; — coal, bie rplittcrfcble. SPLINTER, 8. 1. tcr 6pHttet, Spall ; J. 8 T. tic Scbiene, oid Bnarr, 7b SPLINTER, o. I. a. jeiuMincvii, fpfll ten : u. n. fpliiiern, }etfp(ittecn. SPLlNTERt fplitterig. 7b SPLISE, r. ,.-. ri-i. 7b Brut r. t.i split, t La fValten; }erfpalten, ticnncn ; ;ertriimmeni ; eut)U)eicn; to — one's sides with laughing oot'cn betften toolkit; h*1 — the difierence, M PA toil lOoUetl c-J tiH-iKi! ; ii. „. l. fidi fpalttn, betften, jctfprtngen, btecben, pu$c n oot Va^ d'cn ; 2. iiteiiern ; to — on a rock, SPOR ft>. feblfdjlagcn, fdjcitcrn (von cinem 'Want). splitter, s. bet Spdttt, (Sntgweter ; ca-3 Spalfeifen. splutter, s. ruig. bcr ?;irnt, ?arnicn, i \i ©etSfe, SBefen. To SPLUTTER, v. n. eiiig tint i>or- roirrt fprcd)en, (bcraitS)fprtttclii, pol= tern. To sp< hi-, b. i. a. 1. raubeit, ptitnbern ; beranbeti; 2, betroiijien, Dernicbteti, ju ©mute ridUeti; 3. feern>6f>nen, revber&cu (ben Qs&areifter) ; a spoiled child, nil »er§firteltes fcerjogeneS dtinb; ». «. mibtaud)bat roerben. BPOIL. s. 1. tic Scute, ber 9caub ; 2. tic fltaitbcrei, SJJIiinberung, 33errou= Pima ; 3. nbgcflreifte .§mit (einev Scblon^e' 1 , bcr SBata. SPOILER s. l. ber -Sftaubcr, ^li'tntercr, SSerroiijicr; 2. SBerterber, dSert)tm* jer. '•toilful, adj. raubgterig, rauberifdj (H>. ft.). SPOKE, ». bie Spcidje; j\r. r. ®V«fe bcS ©teuerrabS ; — shave, T. bic ^icbflinge (bet ben SBiocfbre^eni, JEiftfcterh it. f. ».). SPOKESMAN, 5. bcr Spred)er, gurfpte= cber, 2Bortfiib>er, Sffiprthaltcr. To spoliate, v. I. a. bcvaubcii, pliitt= bern, ausplunbeni ; n. n. rattben. spoliation, s. 1. bic SBeraitbung, SjJlitnberung ; 2, reefctsroibrige 9lu= mafung bcr 0rfid)te ciucr SPfrunbe. spondaic, } adj. jitm (SponbeitS SPONDAICAL, euer= utiv-aiiint, 3"»bcr. fjPONSAL, adj. tie Sraut, SBerlobung oter .goegjeit betreffenb, fjocbjeitlid). sponsion, s. bie SHtrgfdjaff, jjufage, iai 2>erfpred)ett, Oeujbnij}. sponsor, a. L. T. ber SBiirge, 93cr-- fpred)cr; SKatbe, SCaufjeugc i to stand — to . ., ©emitter flef»eit bet . ., §[$a= tbe rpcrteu ton . . . spontaneity, s. bic SretwtHigfrif, Sclbfitbatigfeit, Sclbftbefiimiiibar= feit, SHttHQr. SPONTANEOUS (ado — i.v). adj. i. frets nnUig,lviUfiibrlt*,felbftbcfttntiitbar ; 2. vbu ft lb ft, toilb wadjfenb (vott SBftanjen); — combustion, ca. r. bie Ukrbrenniutg phue Setter; — ness, s. bic Srcinjilligfrit. EPONTOON. s. cine 9lrt ,<3cllebarbc, fttrjc Sptcfe, taS ©ponton. spool, s.tie (@arn=, 2Bcbet'=)Sptilc; to spool, v. a. fptllcit; spooling-wheel, baS Spulrab. «POON, s. bcr ?bffe( ; fTctibrfpatcl, bic Siiibrfelle (bcr Sutferbarfer) ; — bin, bic SSffelgaM, bcr 86ffelreiber (Plata- lea — /,.) ; — boat, ber Sbffcifprb ; — drift, .V. T. ber ©ebattnt, bev bci ei = ner frbtveren 33b bie ganje S0ieere8= flacbe beberft ; — ful, bcr g&jfel volt ; tin aBcnig; — meat, bie 85ffeWofi; — shell, bic Stmiibniufrbel ; — won, bag Siiffelfraut, bie SoffelFveffe (Coch- learia — £.). SPORADIC, ) adj. Med. T fl'Orabiftb, HPORADiCAL, 5 5'ciftreitt, fliidttig ; — diseases, Jtrattfbctten, bie 511 getutffen Beitett, in gerutffett ©egenben berr- frbett, nnb btenur bet einjelnen 2JJett= fdun aitftedfenb werben. H'ORT, s. 1. ba8 Spiel, bie Sufi, ber ©dicr$, 2\\vi, bie Unterbaltuno, ©e« luftigttng, ber ^ettoertrctb, bie ®i>te s tare JVurjwcil, ^Joffe, bag ^ierfett ; 408 SPOU .'. bcr Qtyott, #vbn; 3. ba« [nnbltf^e Sergniigen, bie S3ergitflgnnfle« be« SelbeS, bie 3agb, Sifcberei ;' that is but p. — to him, er tl)tit eg fpiclettb, at. b,ts ifi ihnt ^Sofltabe; to make — . fdicrjcit, fpielen, fep.ift madden, fidt Iufiig iitadKii, fid) belufiigen, fidnc= den ; to make — with (of ! one, cineii jitm deficit, 511m Starven baben, auS« lacben ; he is made — of, man bat thtt jtimSejien; to spoil one's — , etneni beu <2>patl uevberben, eincit Strtd; bitrd) tie SRet^nnng titadjen ; in — . 511m Spatl, sunt Sdjerj; — smnn. ciu ^iebbaber ber SBergnfigititgen bed Bfel= bes, ber 3«gbfrcimb, aSdibntonn, 3a= ger; — smanlike, Wtltbmftimtfcl) ; — s- manship,bie jagblttft, ba8 SEBatbroerl ; bie ,\a^crei. To spurt, „. r. n . fptclen, fdcfjeii, epai"; tret belt ; to — with one's life, niit fetnem Seben fpielcit : II. a. bar= fteiJen; to — one's self, ft'd) bc[utli= gett, fid) ittftig ntftefcett, fief) crgi^cn ( — at, fiber). sporter, g. ber Spieler, Sdjafer, Spa^^p^cl ; Spoflfenreiper. SPORTFUL, adj. Ittftig ; fdter^baft, fpajjljaft, fitrjmetlig ; — \y, ado. Iu= ftig; tm Sdjerj, 511m Spaft, jum Spiel ; — ness, .1. bie ^ttftiijfcit, ©cberjbaftigfett, bcr Spafi. sportive (adv.— m), adj. Iufiig, fder;= baft, Euriwcilig, im (jitm) Spaf;; — ness, .?. bic Suftigreit, Sdict^baftig: feit, ©djafcrei, ber lOhttbivillel SPORTLES9, adj. freubetoS, traurig. SPORTULARY, adj. »0n ?Ulltpfett U' bent (ro. ii.). SPi rr, s. 1. ber 5J3fofc, bie Steflc, bcr Sled; 2. bitidlc Sled attf ber Soiu nettfdicibe, lirbte Slecf ant Sirma-- ment ; 3. Sletfen, SWafef ; 4. Sd)anb= •fled, iscniMtrf; Scblcr; 5. eiite Srt gefwrcnfelter JEaiiben ; — of ground, baS Stiid 8anb, ber ','ld'er; — of in- terment, bie ©rabftatfe; on (upon) the — , attf ber S telle, fogleicb. T» spot, v. a. 1. fledctt, fpreiifelii, tii= pfeln; '1. bunt marbett ; 3. (cbcntalo,' ntit Sdi.ii!pflaiterd)ert betegen ; i. jijr. bcfledeit, bcfitbeln, fdjaitbett ; to — timber, SBau^olj bemaltred)teit. SPOTLESS, adj. flcefettlpiS ; fig. uitbe= fledt, mitabeiiij, rein ; — ness, s. bie Ali'd'enlcfigfett, Unbcflcdtbcit. SP rTTEDNESS, s. vid. Spottiness. SPOTTER, s. ctucr ber flcd't, fprenfelt, befleeft u. f. h). SPOTTINESS, i. baSSledijc, ©efledtc, bic Slcdiafeit. spotty, adj. i. geffctft, flecfig, fprenf= ltd), bunt; 2. fig. befleeft, befubelt. SPOUSAL, adj. braittlid), bod^eitlid) ; cbelieb ; — rites, bie .£jprb$eitfa,e= braurbc. spousal, s. bic ^oebjet't, 93ermal)= luiti^, Sbefeicr. SPOUSE, s. ber fflatte, @cm«f;f, bic ©attiuu, ©cniabliun. To SPOUSE, v. a. l)cirathcn. spouseless, adj. tniyeibeiratbct, tttt= vu'i'iitablt, gattenlos. SPOUT, s. l.'bic(@ief;=)^i3bre,Sdinc= pfe (cities Bruges, eiuer SJafe, 2:bee= fauue it. f. to.) ; (SBaffer^liiunc, Speirobrc (einer 2>adjrinne) ; 2. (wa- ter—) .fter 2l!affcrftt\ih(, ai!afferfd)utl, SBolfenbrnch; bie ajJajferbofe ; — of a mill-hopper, tic [Riiinpfmnlbe; — holes, tie Siu'itj= ubet SJ3fafel8(^er ant Jlopfe be« il>allfifd)c«. To SPOUT, v. I. a. 1. fpvi^eit, auM'pri^ 6cn, fprettgeit ; 2. beftig (teelantato= rifeb) rctcii, col. fprubclit; to — out. berausfprifecn, ^>rau8fvringen u. f. w. ; spouting rills, ricfclnbe SBa- SVK1 dit ; if. n. ftmngen, fdjicven, fdjneS laufeii, qiielieu. To sprain, v. a. iierreiifctt, mbrcb?n rerftatidu-tt. sprain, s. bic aJemntimg, SScrjtam ebitng. SPRAINTS, s. pi. Sp. K. ber Stotl) cinct SifdiPttcr. SPRAT, s. tie ©l»rotte, Sarbittc, bei Srritling (cin Sifd), CUwpea sprattu. — L.); — barley, bie ^(trtgerfh (Hortleum zcocrilon — /,.) ; jlPCijetligf ©otnmergerfte (Hor&nm distieium -> L) ; — gridiron, ber S'ifd)rpft. To sprawl, v. n. 1. jucfcti, jappclu ; 2. frabbelu, frtcebcit; 3. fid) raitfeit, fid) lvafjen, fid) frttmtttcit ttut wiii= beu, fid) laug aiteftrcdeit ; a sprawl- ing charge, .Mil. Ph. eill Ultprtei!t!i = eber_(uitregelntafiiijcrj (?avMllerieau= flnff. SPRAY, s. 1. bits SRelS, Dicijeben, ber Sprpft, bas 3n)eiglein; SReiflooIj; 2. ber (@ce=)@cbaunt, baS Slugwoffer; — fagot, bits' 9tct5bltllb ; — wood, taS 3tciSl)p|,5. To SPREAD, v. I. o. 1. brcitcit, fprei= ten, fprei$ctt, (aiiS)bebnei: ; ausbrei= ten; 2. itber^iebcit, (be=)bedeu; 5. bcfatint niacben, ouSfpreiigeii ; to — a net, eilt SRefe legett ; to — the sails, bie Seo.el fimititctt ; to — the cloth, beu iSifd) bedett ; io — a cold repast, falte Jtitrbe auftrageit ; to — abroad, aitsfprcngnt ; fict) ver brcitcit ; to — - out, aitsbtcitClt ; to — over, liberie: ben, uberfireuen ; n. ». ftcb «asbrei= ten ; fid; tnubreiten. spread, s. bie SIu6be|«uftg, 23eitc, ber llmfang, ^attiit. SPREADER, s. 1. ber 4 )luSbrciter, 9IuS- flreucr ; '£. 3tnSfprettger, ^etbrciter ; 3. bcr Spatcl (jitm $flaftcrftrcid;cit tt. f. w.). SPREADING, adj. B. T. offcil, fittSgc^ breitet, flaffcnb; a (large) — tree, ciu (lueitjfdxtiriget SBanm ; — machine, T. bie ((5}i'ob=)23attenmafd;iite bcint SBiiummplIenfpiiittett. sprig, s. 1. baS 9tciS, bie Sproffe, bet Sd)ttii, Sdjpi, Scb^f'ltttg ; 2. Spanii= tiagcl pbnc .ftopf, inb, bet tent SBinbe auf- brel;cn, in ben il!iitb luycit; to — the fire-Jock, Mil. ]'/i. bat ©eivcbr abfeljen ; to — an arch, Arch. T. cillcll 'JJogen wblbcit ; to — a leak, ciiicn Bed befoinmen, leef roerben ; to — a light, ^irbt anfrblagen ; to — a mast, einen SWajl abfegeln ; to — a mine, cine SJjtne fprengeu obet fpringen laffcit; to — the rattle, etc (fRaigfe nnid)tcr=)c=cbnavre brebeu, fehltar= ten ; to — a well, emeu ©tumien graben. SPRING,*. 1. bet grubling, ?en§; 2. Stafaiig, JBegiim, Slubrurb ; Ur= fprung ; 3. bte Duelle ; ber ©pring= briinitcit; 4. Sprung, SRifj, bie Spalte (in ciuctit SKaft, etiter :Haa u.; 5. bie geber, Springfeber, £rirb- feber; G. etafltcitcit, ScbiieUfrnff, ftebcrfraft ; 7. jr. t. baS Spring* tau; — of life, bte SebcnSfraft; — of youth, bte 3ugeub{raft; 3ngcnb= bliltbc ; to set every — in motion, fig. a Ik SRiiten fpriugen laffen, a!k Xriebfeberu in SBeroeguitg fe^cn, Sis US aitu'ciibcn ; — arbour, bio Spite bel in be* llbr; — barley, bic Som* lltcrgerfie (Hordeum vulgar r — L.) ; — barrel of a blind, ber Slollvorbaitg eiticr .Rutfcbeiitbnr ; — bars, pi. bic geberljoUerj — bitter-vetch, bic friil)e ^ercjtmd'e [Orobus vermis — £J; — bok, bet fepi'iltijbocf (AntUopt eurhorv — l.) ; — bolt, ber geberrtegel ; — Dox, bafi geberbnttS in ber llbr ; cine geberbofe ; — chapes, pi. gcberbiigel ; — dividers, pi. tCV 'ACbCrjirfcl ; — forelock, JV. T. eiit Splint lllit %C' bent; — funnel, bev 3Lvtd)tcr ; — grass, baSMllcbgraS (jlnthozanthum ode- t-aiiim — /,.) ; — suns, Sel b ft f d)ii ffe ; — halt, bic &af)iue ber SJJferbe, ber cfiahticntrttf, cine 2lrt bc« ©patbcS ; — head, baS .(paiipt ber Quelle, ber UviiueU ; — hook, eiit (*avabinevba= Ecu; — latch, bic geberlltnfe ; — quarter, bic %tit ber (allien Sage; — steel, ber Scbcvftabl ; —steel-yards, bte geberroage, 3[eijn>«ge ; — tide, bie Sprtugfliitb, Springjett; fig. bic ftriiblingajeit; — time, bic Ariib-- ling^eit, ber grubling ; — tools, gc= berwtnben. Ubrfeberroinben: — tree- bar, bas Drtftbeit, £incrt)olj, bic SJkrge an bet (3Bagen= iDeitbfel ; — water, ba3 CUtcllmaffcr; — wheat, bee Sommerroeijen. BPKiM ;k, ». ber Sprcnfel, bic Scbltnge, Sonne. To SPRINGE, v. a. (tit einer Scblinge) fa ii gc it. SPRINGER.*. I. ber Springer; SSot* tigenr, leiditc 3nfaittcrift ; 2. ber SUufefopf, SRorbfapet (Dalpkirws area — J..); i. Arch. T. ber Irajftein, Xriiger. BPRINQINESS, t. bic Scberfraft, fedincilfraft ; ©pctngfeber. BPRING1NG WATER, ». bat DncII= waffer, SPRINGY, adj. 1. olrtttifcf), feberbaft, prall, J)raUtg, fpannfrnfttg ; 2. qneU lenrcirt). To SPRINKLE, v. a. 8r n. (ee)fprcit,icn, (bc)ftrcncii. CRINKLE, s. 1. b«S (itmher) ^cr- ftrcnte, Olcfprcufcl ; 2. ber ^vreng = luebcl, Sprengqimft. sprinkler, 3. ber SBefurengeube, 3lu«ftrcuenjie sprit, ». 1. bic^jroffc; 2. JV. '/"-< baS Sprict (bic linbc; — sail sheet knot, ber Slinbefebotetu tttOff: — Mil top-gnllant-eail,bieDber= fdjiebblinbe; — aaiHopflail, bieScl)teb= bliltbc; — sad-top sail yard, bit JHoa ber ©djicbblinbe; — Bail-yard, bie ©prietfegeiraa. SPRITE, i. ber ®eifl. >\'iv hi. s. ber jtueijai^rige Vad)J. To sprout, v. n. ( — forth, bcroer fproffen, auntfcit, treiben; nuf« eccr auM'iiiicfu'ii; (an)fcbtejjen (mie^ti;= ftalic) ; to — on, fortmac^fen. sprout, s. bic Syroffe, ber ©props ling; sprouts, s. p?. bie Jloblfproffen. SPRUCE, «. tie Sjjecbjanne; —beer, bad Sprcffenbiet j Dantzic — , Taiu ji.icr 3)oppetbier; — canvas, cine art grober geinroanb, ait* ben preu= fiifdicn .*3>ifcit Eontmenb ; — deals, pi. norbifcbt ( £anneiu)S>ieItu yen ntebr a\i 20 gng Songe ; — ee ©Vreffeneffenj ; — tir, bic - 4.'cd)taiinc (Venus ni«r* — L) ; — leather, Hi- IlifdjcS Seber; — pine, oid, — fir ; — wine, ©proffeneffenj mil SBein oer= tuifdit; — wood, Eleiitgeljajftt 8 ober SReie&oIj; — yarn, rebes Ceinengarn. SPRUCE (mfe. — ly), adj. itctt, fanber, gcpnljt. To SPRUCE, r. n. ic a. licb fanber Ijat ten, fid) vnfecn. BPRUCENESS, a. bic SJlettigfeit, ber fanberc 3lnjug. spud, ». 1. ba« fur§e (fvatelformige') i)Jcffcr, ©atemeffer, becftneif, ^cbiii= ^cr; 2. bic ©artnergabcl. To SPUD, ». a. bic (?rbe mit ciner ©artnergabel anflorfern. SPUME, ». ber eebaiuit. To SPUME, iv n. fdjaumen. SPUMESCENCE, s. bic ©diaiimigfcif, bag Scbaumen. SPUM< k is, Spokt, aiij. fdjauntig, fd>in= nieiib. spunge, ». i. ber Sdjroamm; 2. giaumer, (= bin man jaljliingennfabige ilrre(tan= ten frtt). SPUNGl0UB^.fc|)Wainmtg,fr6n)amms artig ; — stone, ber ©dnvaiiiiiiftein. spungy, adj. l. fcBroammig, febroam* uiidu, led'er; etnfaugenb; 2. nan. spunk,*, ber fJunbfcbTOamm, geuers fcbmainm, Sunber, ba« faule apolj, Bfmbbol); tie viintc. spur i. I. ber ©porn ; 2. bal SKni terforu. Slfterforn ; 3. J&eroorragens be; i. jig, bet (Olir Jrieb, SJleij, bte 3lufniuntcrung, bev SBcroeggrunb ; 5. ber langftc nnb breitcftc aSnrjeltricb ober SproB; 6. bte Seefrbroalbe; 7. bev ®ebirg«groeigj 8. P. T. ber Sporn; d. Tijp.t bie'EimftnrfiMi'i 10. fort, cine Olrt Querw&Uc in fct filtrrert SBefeftiaungSfuuft ; M pi. jr. /'-.• bte Olrme cine? Scblittfllfl; — of the beams, cine Oht balber -?ecf= balfcn; — of the bits, bte Sfu|en bintcr ber Sating; to mi to, tic ©I'critcn geben ; upon the — in grof rt @ile ; — gall, ber 3porn> fttdi, tie •Iniicijiinii mit ten s^orrn; to — gall, p.a. nut ben 2poren vev= leticn ; — galled fart. a r,j. ntit bc;i ©pcrcn ocrlcfct ; — leather ©pornlebet ; — row-is. renrdrrbeit; — wheel, /.;.-.:• Spurtab. To SPUR, -• la. I. fpornen; ft.idnin ; 2. fig. treiben, autreibeir, ferttrctben. rct'jen, befcbleantgen ; to — on, oju fpornen, untreiben, fprengoi; n. ■ cileii; to — on, forteilen. SPURGE, i bie •I'iild'V'flantc, -iMtrair-- pflaiue, 2i?olf»niildJ Euphorbia — L , — flax, ber gemeint .WcllevbaLs 3ci- bclbaft [Dapt — J. ); — laurel, ber immergruiie JteUcrbafe" [Daphne laureola — J. ; — olh ■: I 3eilaitb Daphne eneorum — L. : — wort, bet ©cbroertel, tic Sritvertlilie, 3riS [Iris xiphium — /.. SPURIOUS [ado. — ly), adj. 1. iincd't. falfcb, unteroefcbobeii ; 2. itncbelid) ; — flesh, bas tippeiifleifcb, ^abiiileint . — ness. s. bie Unedubcif, ."\alut'.'ett ; UnebelitbEeit. spurling, i. ber ©piering ; —line, jv. T. tie Vicn, bic ben Slriometer mil bem Steuerrab rcrbinbet. To spurn, v. I. a. 1. mit bem n.H'4, ftofieit, treten, ftampfeii ; 2 (away) oeracbtlicb snvui (yen ftrb wcifeit, oerroerfen; 3. oerod^ten, ver< Scbtlieb bcbanbcltt; it «. 1. bintci aii*reblagcn ; 2. J'rofe bieten. spurn, 6-. bte oerarbtlicbc EBerjanb: lung. SPURNER, .*. ber SBerSrbter, Trctcnbc. BPURNEY, ». oid Bpi unv SPURRE, ». bic ©eefrbroalbe. spurred, adj. mit Sporeit, in Sporm. bpi KRER, .-. bet ..'iif ©pornet. spurrier, i. ber Spornmacbtr, ©porer. spurry, ». ber Merer fi> ergel, Spl .Unbicti^, Jtnoricb s r , ,■_■„/ 1 — /.. . b03 Wtbe SanbfraUl .Armaria rubra — I. . To SPURT, •■ h. * a. fpriben, fpringen, fduefien, flurjen. SPURT,* ber©d>u5 von etoa« ©c= fprifttem), Sturj, Sprung, 3"j. Slufflug. To SPUTTER, 1. fiuiibelii. U'ritjcn, fprnben ; 2. ailSfprubcln, mil fd)n>erer, geifetnber ^unge reben. sputter, & bafl ©efprabet, @e« (priftel. siM"i"i'i:i;i:i:.s bertc-, gemrobr, |jers fpectio, To SPI ■ I. UMeiiiren, to — out, an* ■ '"pabeii. attOEunbfd^aften, fer)fbrfcben ; 2. erfrben, crlanitbcii. getoabren; 3. fpurcn roittent, roabr= nebmen, entbecreii; -l. gtnau bureb« furben; grubeln; to — into, nacbgru< beln, nactiforfcbtn ■ m tat gernglafl, Jernrobr, ^erfpectio. saUAB, i adj I. qfuabbelig, quatfebes li,i, Heifrbig, bid nnbfett; 2, fabl, ungepebert, roeieb, evft au«aefrocbfii toon ©efltiffcl ; ll. ■ l. bie junge 3anbc; ba* .uiidiiciii ; 2, bae) 2e = pba»J?iffen ober tic Swarra^c etnei Sopbat. 107 SQUA ?QUABBISII. adj. quatft&eltg, (nKtch) jieifcbiq, bicl unb fett. /b SQUABBLE n. n. janfcit, firciten, patent, <§aubel fudjcii, ein SRaufbolb mm. SaUABBLE, s. bag ©csauf. ©cfcife, mi- Streit, .*>acer. SQUABBLER, s. tcr 3>iufcr, SRaufbolb, Sdpreier. SQUAD, .*. Mil. r. bcr SBeritt (3"g) }um (5'rcrcircii, bag (Smcirtctacbes meut, tic Korporalfcbaft ; tag 5>c= tacbement. squadron, s. 1. bie Sdjar, ber .(peer* raufe, bic ©dnvatrpit (bag (Secabron ; 2. bag ©rfcbiratcr. SQUADRONED, adj. in ©dmatrPUClt otcr ©efcbwaccr getqeilt. saUAUD, nenber, SSetfdjleuberer. SQUARE L adj. I. uicrecfia,; 2. till SSierecf, rccbtroinfelig ; 3. angemeffen, gemafj, pajfenb, rcdit; 4. abgefebjofs feu, quitf, wett; o. rctlirb, cbilicb, rccbtfcbancn, gerabe; 6. ftatf, oier* ftbrOtig, banbfcft ; (m f.»»;ws. Ou«s brats, 5. SB, -yard, -foot, -inch, Dims brat=g)arb / sftufj, s3oll) ; the yards are very — , Sea lang. bic cUaactt fillb febr iaug ; three — , brciecf ig ; — barley, tic fe<$«jeilige SSiutcrgcrfte (Hor- ileum heiastichon — L.) • — built, 1HCI' = ccfia. gebaut; — coat, bie SJiore'e, bcr SBebtentenleibrocf mit ciucnt ©teljs frageu ; tag ©alaflcit ; — collar, bcr © ; — dealing, tag rcb= itche sBerfagren, bie dictlirbfeit ; — frame-saw, tic i:dnilr>= Ptcr Srbiilps Fage; — hide, tie gcgcrbte 5Tcbfen= rant, otjne .ftqpf mit otjne i'aud) : — kentledge, inctcrf igeg ^allaftetfeil ; — measure, tag Cuabratinaj; ; — nails, oicrfaittigc Spifcr; — number, bie nuabratjabl j — piano-forte, tag afelfbrmtge panoforte: — rigged, ,v- T. SRaafegetfubjrenb; langeSJiaaen babent; —root, bie Cluabratrour= jel; jv. t. — sail, bte 93refocf; — sail-boom, tic ©tier junt Slugfefeen tcr Srefocf; —sails, 3iaafcitcl; — set, ftaif, Uttterfe|t; a — sterned ship, fin Svicgdfcbiff, ©d)iff mit plattcm Spiegel; — tack-stay-sail, cin ©tag= 'egel, baS cincu Sprung bat; jv. Ts. — tuck, tcr platte Spiegel; — yards. SRaaen, tic redjttvinfltg am 3Jlnfi feangeit; u. 8 . 1. bag Ciiatrat, SSters ccf, ©evterte ; 2. Selb (auf bem ediadibrcti ; 3. bie Dtaitte ©rbcibe, $(atte; -1. ber uterecfige SJJlafe, offeuts lictc %{*%-, "5, taS^aufersOuabrat; 108 SQUE 6. bic )Quabratin= fdrccbt; how go squares 1 un'e ftcben tie ©acbcnV roie n,cbcn t» @c= fdviftcV four foot by the — , y cr ge= lncffcnc 5ny. To SQUARE, o.I. a 1. aiiabrtfcit, t>icri scfig madjcit, (ah ficrcn, iitg @c= bicrte bringen; 2. (ab)meffen, cin- rtd)tcit, genuifi macben ; anpaffen ; JV. 7-s. to — the yards, btC 3taacn ins SBterrant biaffcn ; to — the yards by the braces, bie Siaaeit tug iRreuj braffen ; to — the yards by the lists, bic Ofaacit an beiten Seiten ftlctrt? bed) tOppen ; to — a number, cine 3aM mit fid) felbft mulHpltciren ; n. n. paffen, jufammenpaffen, fid; fd)tcfen, fid) rcimcii; to — with, 511 ftTOag paffen ; to — well, gelingen, ;u Stats ten fommen; squaring of the circle, bie Ouabratur beg %irte\8; squareness, s. bag SSierccItge, @e= oierte ; tic 33ienmg. squarish, adj faft quabratformig. sqarrous, adj. 13. T. fpatrig. To squash, o. a. in ©ret fdjlagen, (seiOqitetfdjcn, jcrfnirfitcn. squash, s. 1. bag aSeicbe, Icicbt 511 3eri(uetfci)cnbe ; 2. tcr tveidje (Vali, bag 3nfammciifd)lagcn rueicber^br= per; 3. ber ^[atfrb, Oitatfrb, $(a= t?cr ; 4. tic unrcife 5nid)t. tag roet* chc Cbft; (— goiird. tie SKelonens) SPfebe, tcr Stiirfenbuitb [Cucuririta me- lopepo — /,.). To squat, v. u. 1. nieberfe&en, bocTen, fancrn, rruntm Jtfeen ; 2. Am. fid) auf frembent ®nuit nut i^otcn niebcr- iaffen. squat, adj. 1. bocfenb, fauernb; 2. furj, ftammig, untafct>t, gebrungen ; a — fellow, ein unterfefeter Stttl ; a — house, ein flcincg .^diu', ivo 3llleS bcifantmen ifi. squat, s. 1. bag .gjocfen, Jlancnt; 2. tcr 3tnnfpatb. squatt, s. JWi«. T. tag (Srjneft. SQUATTERS, s. pi. Am. ilVrfoiicn, tie fid) auf frembe Saubereien nieberlafs feu. squaw, s . bie norbamcrifautfdje) 3»= bianeriuit. To SQUAWL, &c , vid. 7\> SquAtL, &c. To squeak. ?•. v. qutefen, quafen, quarren, frbrcicu; roinfeln, brobnen. SQUEAK, s. bag Cuiefen, OiticEfeu, Duarren, Sa)merjgcfd)rei, bet Srbrei. SQUEAKER,*, tcr Scbret^alg. T» SQUEAL, v. n. iiitarrcii, fdircicn (bor Sdjinerj), roimmern, minfeln, jam= merit. SQUEAMISH {adv. — ly). adj. cfcl. gfel cmpftiitcut, jartltd;, ma hlcri feb ; — ness, *. tag fiflc, SBablertfdbe; bie ^artbeif, Sebeiiflicbfeit, tag uber= mdpig feine ©cfiibi. To SQUEEZE, v. a. A- v. 1. tliijcu, preffen, qiictfrbcn ; 2. brangen, briu= acn ; fid) einbrangen; '3. tmcb= ficferit; 4. uiiterbriidfcu, placfen, qua= ten ; to — out, augtri'ufcu, augpref= feu; to — up, jufammenpreffen 3 squeezed up, eiiigcprefit. STAC 9QUEEZE, s tcr Jrucf, bie $rrffung Quetfcbung. SQUEEZERS, s. /■;. tic $rcffe, ed)rau« be einer ^Jveffe ; lemon — , bie 3i« ttoueitpreffe. SQUIB, s. 1. bic Efeine SRaifete, tcr ge»» erffbivarmcr ; 2. bag 3Bife»ort; ba4 spagqnill. 7bSQUD3, v. ,,. favfailifd)c 33emerfun> gen lnarbcu, fpottelu. squibbing, s. bag Spolteln. squill, 5. 1. bie 3)ieer|t»icbel (Sciiu mariUma — L.) ; 2. tcr ©.tuillcilfrcbg, bie ^rabbe; 3. tie SBallftfcfcafFfl, SBaUftfcblaug. SQUINT, ladj. fcbicl, fdMclent, fcbicls fiugig ; 11. s . bet fdbiefe SBlicI; ber Scptelenbe, <•»/. bag ©cbiclaiuje; — eyed, fdlickltt, fd)ief. To SQUINT, v. I. 7i. frbieleu ; to — upon.., uaefc, Stroag fdjiclen; 11. n fdMclcu macben ; to — one eye, mil cincm Sluge fcbielen. SQUINTINGLY, ad>: fcbictcitt. SQUIRE, s. 1. ber Sa)ilbfnapp, SBaf^. fentrager; 2. ©gqtiirc. (em 2:itel ahiilici) tent ^pblgcborcu), bcr 3imfer, Sanbebelinanu. To SQUIRE, v. a. alg Sebilbfitappt bienen ; to — a lady, einer j)ame (6f- feutlid)) ten ^of macben, fie beglcis ten. squirehood, ) s. bag Smt, bie 2Biirs SQUIRESHlP,; ^ tc ciueg (Sgquirc. SQUIRELY, adj. rittcrlid). SQUIRREL, s. bag (*ti[!uiriidicit ; — hunt, — hunting, tic (5'icbbih-ncbcu= j[agb ; — fish, tcr SBlaufcpf (Perca formosa — Li.). To SQUIRT, ». a. fprt^CU, flTUtcIn ; ■squirting cucumber, tic fjfelggurfe (.Vomordico claterinm — /,.\ squirt, s. 1. tie Sprifce ; 2. bcr 2Baf= fcrfirabl, vid)iift. sqiirter, s.'tcr Sprtfeet, ©pri&en' mann. SQUIT. s. f.- v. rid. Sqiib. To STAB, v. a. «■ n. 1 . ftccbcn ; tbtlid) pcniuuitcu, crftecbeu, burdjbob,ren, crtolcbeu ; 2. ^g-. frbanteit (an bet @bre) ; to — at.., ftccbcn itaob.. : 'twill — her to the heart, eg tOtrb il)t bag.^crj burebbpbrcn. STAB, s . 1. ber ©tirb, ^pld)ftirb, bit SBunbe; tcr Stoft, Sdjlag; 2.^5-. tcr bintcrlifti(]e ©trciit. STABBER, s. ber 2)icurbc[mi.irtrr. stabbixq, *. bag ©tedieit. (Siftccben. STABiLiMENT. g. tie Befefligung, yc= ftijjfctt, ©tii(je. STABILITY, s. 1. bie ^efttg tct t, ©tas ttglett ; 2. SSeftanbtgfett, Stanbbafa Hgfett; 3. 3)auer; L gefltgrett (im ©cgcnfatj veil Slufftgfeit) ; 5. SoU vein;, 3»ibliinggfahigfeit. STABLE, adj. 1. feft blcibcn, baucrbaft, baltbar, baltfam, ftarf; 2. jtat, be= jtaubig, ft.tntbaft. STABLE, s. ber Stall; — boy, ber ©taUjitnge; — bred, im Stall erto* gen; gemeiit; — man, bcr ©tails fncdit; — pail, ber ©tallcimer; — room, tcrStallraum ; — stand, Sp.E. ber Sluftanb tin SBalbe ; L. T. bag (5rs gretfen eineg ffiilbbiebeg auf tent 1Uu ftanbe ; — yard, tcr ©tallbof, 33tct>= bef, i^iiftbof. To STABLE, t-. I. a. ftallcn, tinjtaflcH ; 11. n. roorjtten, baufen (»on ^pierttt). STABLENESS, s. vid. StabiutJ'. stabling, *. bag S fallen, .gmufen, bie Stallung, tcr Stall. To STABL1SH. d. a. rid. To Establish. stably, ado. f c ft, ftafia., bcftantig. staccato, Mus. T. I. s. tag Stacca* tp=3eicbcn; if. adj. &■ adu. mit eitiem Staccatt)s3eid&en, furj abgefteficH< STAG STAL STAM — notes, lint, abiiefioficne Tcoten; — style, bev gebunbene ©t»l. STACK, s. rev cVpaufcit, ©tapel, ©toft, Sebobcr, Acbni (uon fieu, ©etreibt) ; — of chimneys, bic jjeeihe ©cborii- ftcitie ; a — of wood bcr (tunbe) ^o(jftot) ; — wood, Jtlaffcrhol.t. T« STACK, v. a. (to — up), itbet finait; ber legen, auffteUen,aufftabeln, (aufts febieb'tcu. STACT'E. .«. bic ©tafte, bcr 3J?9ftfeen= faff, bas ftufftcje 3Jfintrfjenljat|. erADiUM, «. l/bie jicmibahii bei bcit Sllfett; 2. ba« ©labium. CTADTHOLDER, s. bev (.5'tbftattbaltct, ©tflttfaattec bet oereiuigten 3tieber= lanbe. STADTHOLDERATE, s. bic ©tatthflls tetfc&aft. STAFF, s. (Staves, p/.) 1. ber Stab, ©tocf; ©(baft, ©pie6, bic ©tiilje; Staffcl, ©proffe ; bcr tatgftab (ale 3cidjcn bcr ©croalf) ; 2. fig. bic @es wait, iOiad)f, bag SRedjt: ; '- ber 3te= gimeutsftab (biebobcruDffiiicrc teg ifiegtmeutg] ; bcr ©encralftab (Dffi= cicic jur Setfuguitg beg 89efehUba= berg); 4. ciu 9}oteu(linieu)fpftem ; 5. ber SSerS, bic Strophe, ©tanje; crosier — , bcr JUltmiltftab ; — of of- fice, be* Slmtgftab, SKatfcbaUaflab ; — officer, bcr ©tabgofftcier ; — snake, bic ©toeffebfange ; —tree, bcr <§ela= ftcr [Celastrus — /..; — wood, bag 'AafitaubeufioU. STAG, a. bet £>itfd) ; — heet.e (—fly), bcr .§irfd)fufer, ©tbrottt {Lucanus cervus — L.) ; — evil, bic •Oirfcb= fraufheit (bcr ijSfctbe), SKaulfvettt ; — 'shorn tree, bcr ©Ulltacb (Rhus — L.) ; — hound, bcr ,£>cl}buub (bet fiivfebiagben) ; — worm, tcr (Sitge: {in,], t?gerliitg (8at»e bcr &ichbrciit= fe). BTAGE, s. 1. bag ©etfifl, ©djaugetuft, bic ©cbaubiihue, iiiihuc, bcr ©djau« Vlalj; 2. bic ($Poft= Station, ^o(t= ftellc, flSojfcOSRafte, bet :ltutepla& bic fjetbetge; 3. ©tufe, tcr Aortgang, gufianb unb Oirab (eiuet &tantbeit, «. f. nO ; 4. ©tab ; 5. bic 4Joflfut= fdbc, bcr Spofiwagcn ; r>. jf. r. bie ©telling (eiu ©craft ffir tic JUlya = fcrcr); 7. bcr Sfteibftetit bcr 93ucb= brucfer; to bring upon the — , auf tic 33iil)ttc btingeit; jf«r. miHiig ©piel lichen; to enter the — , auftretoit ; to go off the — , (bon bcr 83ij&ne_ abtre= ten ; to have a clear — , freicg AC It (Spielruuiu) habcit, Eettt .^inbetnijj fititeu ; — box, bie Sbcaterlogc ; — coach, bie Sanbfutfche, ($erfonen=) SBojtfutfdje ; — driver, bcr SPerfonens Suhnuanu, SPofthtedjt, SBoftiUoil; — — horse, bag (frifitc) fpofbfetb: — (coach-)office, baa Sanbfntfrbcit=Su= vcan, !J!etfonenfubrmann8=5Bureau ; — pigeon, bic SBtieftaube, -4>ofttanbc ; — play, bag ©chailfpiel ; — player, bet ©dmufpidcr ; — practice, ihea= tcr Routine j — wagon, bic AitntU poft, ber (.$ofH-Pa(fiuageii ; — wri- ter, bcr ©cbaiifpielfcbrei'bcr. HAGGARD, ». v e. bcr oicrjabnije 4?irfd>. To STAGGER, o. I. n. 1. liMitfcu, fdnvaufcii, tauntclit; 2, ten DJuth vcvlicrcit ; jnjcifelu, janbcnt, auftc= ben, Sebenfen tragen, (iitften; u. a. i. roanfenb marben; 2. ftufeij) nta= (bcit. SBebenHicbJett etitflofen, bet» bliiffcit, bcfrcnibctt, bciuinil)ij]cn, aitf= fitrcrfcit. BTAGGERINGLY, ado. limiifciib, tails mclnb ; fcbiuanteitb, manfelntutbig, luil'diluffia. STAGGERS, «, V '- ber Scbroinbet bcr 33ferbe mtb beg STiiiibbiebeg ; eine Trcbfraufbcit bcr Scfjafe. STAGGER- WORT, «, bag 3acon«ttattt (Scnccio jacobien — A.). STAGNANCY, *. bag itillftcbcn, bic Storfutlfl. Sl'AGNANT, adj. ftill ftefjenb, ftpcfcilb ; very — , M. K. (vom i'larftc) ft b f ftill, flan. To STAGNATE, v. u. ftillc ficf;cn, fio= cfen. STAGNATION, *. bag StiUjiehen, ber ©tillftanb, bic Alaubcit, Sforfnttfl; ( — in trade, im •Oanccl) bic ©efcjjaftg- fiille, ©efcbaftgloflgfeit. STAID, adj. i]i'KI-t, cniftbaft, nucbtettl, reflelmapig ; — ness, ». bag flefefcte SBefen, etc ©rtiftbaftigfeit, ©efeftt= bcit, SRegelniiifiigfeif. To STAIN, v. a. l. flccfen, beijeit, bunt madtci!, farben, beflecfen befubeln ; 2. Satben einbrennen ; 3. fduinbcn (ait bcr (Sbre); stained cotton, ((jelb) flcflccffe SQaumwoIIe; stained] gemalteg (farbigeg, bunteg) papier; stained glass, ©lag mit eingebrannteii gigurett; staining of glass, bie ©lag= malcrci. stain, s. i. bcr SfeJeit, SKalel; 2. bic ©d)aitbc. si'Ai.NKR. .«. 1. bcr iPcferf cr, S3efube= kr, Sd)8nbct; 2. Sarbcnbcijcr, SBuntfatbet. STAINLESS, adj.fig. inibcflccft, fd;iilb= log, untabclbaff. STAIR, 5. bie ©tufe, ©taffel, bcr Sritt ; stairs,;,/, (a flight of stairs), bie Steppe, ©tiege; down (belowl stairs, linteil ; up (above) stairs, ((irtauf, obcit : one pair of stairs up, cine Xrcppc bod) ; a one pair of stairs window, C t it ?ir. ftcr ©tod; — case, bie . reppe, ©tiege; — case > i eppcntcppiciie ; — rods, ©tangen m bie Scppidje an bic £teppenab= f.i^ ju befefiigen ; _— case eyes, bic 5Rti,ge tvrriu ticfc Stange ge&en. STAi E, s 1. bcr ^fahl,' bie ^Jfoffe ; 2. b'r Scbanbpfal)(, granger; bet SPfablim Sdjetter&aufen, an bcit bet tu 93erbrennenbe gebunben tutrb ; fig bag IVart'.u-crtbum; 3. bcr Sa^ tin ©piele, (Sinfai, bic Sinlage; bag SBagnip, SQSageftiirf : 4. bcr " ambof), bag (5'inftiiifcifen ; a man of — , col. ciu oetinogenbet 3JZann; to sweep stakes, '.HUcg eiuflrcidn-u ; fig Allies nebmen; to lay at — , borati fefeen, waaen; to tie («■ to be) at — . auf bent Sptele ftcbcu, wotanf an- Eoutmeil ; to put one's — into the hands of another, ciiicm SHnbctll fciit ©ut nnb 33lut anbettranen ; T-». — heads, bic SKtrfcn -bcr SRcepfdjlfl — posts, bic SPfoften an beitett bic SDJicfcn bcfcftiiit fiub. To STAKE o. a. I. mit i-f.'ihlcu OCts febcit, pfablcii, bepfableu, uinpfab 5 Ien; 2. ftii^eu: 3. mit etntm "Vfable bitrd)bolu-cit, pf.iblcu j 4. tin 2piclc fefeeu; junt SJJfanbe fe^en, »etpfan= bcit; auf bag 3piel fcijcit, lua.tcii; to — one's (own) honour, fcillC (M'lC jinn SPfanbe fctjcii; I— my life to.., id) fete niciii Vcbcu (ciu) gegen . . , fo H\tbv id) lebe ; to — out a rond,tinen SBcg abftcefcu. STALACTICAL (— icl, adj ttOpffttttts artig ; — spar, bcr fafettge J{alf= jletu ; — stone, bev Sropfftent. STALACTIFORM, \adj tropntciu= STALACTITIPORM $ formig, fiujer= fotiutQ. STALACTITES, » bcr Stalalttt. stalai rrac i ij. ttopffietnat tig ; — carbonate of lime, bcr Aafcrfalf. STALAGMITES, ». bcr ©talacbmit. STAL.VGMITIC, — v.. adv. — cili.d adj. ivic 0ta(agmtl aeformt. STALE, adj 1. alt, ntal. matt, fafu nig; 2. aitbacfeu; 3. oetaltet, abgt> uu^t, ftuinpf, fdovacb; — articles i merchandise), betlfgCUC iBoate; — bread, altbacfen Otcb ; a — debt, eirt bcraltctc Sdbulb; — mated, Datt 'in fctbad) ; a— virgin, cine alte3ung> fcr. STALE ». 1. bcr Stiel, 0d)aft, bit •Oaiitbcbc; 2. ttai !|}att (im©d)atb= fridc). ro stale b. pr. ftauett, fetd)rn (ton SPferben unb SRiitbotebi. STALENESS, a bic ©di.ttbcit, bag ©djale, fSetbraud^tt/ .'iltcr, tit Stt= gcnufttj)eit. v fa -l \l.K. o. » i. fiol; babcr f ten, ftapfen ; 2. fdilcitbcn, leife tre- tcn, fid) oerilccfeii, (butter bent SSet ftedfpfetbe bftgeben, lvie man (but, menu man bag SHJilb beftbleirbtl. STALK ». 1, bcr 2tciu\c[, iticl, .toalnt; Jbamm an bet SJJeiutta bie Sebetftjule, bet jttrl ; bic SB 2. bet ftolje meite ! fyauu fd)e o.tntt. STALKED, adj cittcit gtiel babenb. stalker, >. bet Stapfeube, ■ 1 - N - tmenbe j bag ©tell STALKING III IRSE, ». Sp K. bag (U'irf- lidje _ocer itadjgemad>te) inrftccf= ebct 2d)(eid)pfcrfc bintcr lveldcin man bag 2BiIb beftb(eid SDiagfe, Sat»e ta bet iBottvaub. STALKY,arfj bart mte tin ©ttiiaet. STALL, b. i. bet Stall: bit OlbtbcU lung in ciiicm ©talle rut ciu allctit, Slbftallnttg ; Jlrippe; 2. bet &erfauf(g)ftanb, bie SKarft= obet 3)Je$bube, ber Eifdj obet tic SBanf turn SBaartuyerfauf, tcr Jlranter= ftant; 3. tcr Cfborftubl ; 4. tic ©tiftebcrriiflcKc (bet @i^ ©tiftghcrnt in bcr rrtnfirdv i — . off en feil baltcn, mit 2Baa* reu anc'ftebeu ; book — , bet SDucbtr ftat'.t tcr illltiquare ; butcher's—, bic Sleifdjbaitf ; front — of a brid ©tiriirieni eineS 3aumeg ; tiiuiub — — , bcr r.iiimliit>v Aiu^cr= ling; —boat, bcr flciueSJlacbeu; — m ©faUe gefuttett, geinaftet; — - fee ling, mc ©taUfuttetung, SDlajl ; — K ■■< : er. tcr 2 tanbf ranter ; — wy, bag ©fanbgclb, bet 'i^u; bettjiug. To STALL, r. i ,:. eitiitalicu. untet» bttngen: mafleu, futtcru, fSttigen; ii. ii. ftallcn. liegen, tvobitcu x \\\ ©tSU letl D)ie tie J lucre . siai.i,\i;i:. s. tag StaQgtlbj 2tanb= gelb, bet Subenjing. Sl'ALLION, ». bet . •"(. i'c= f dialer. STAMEN, « Iter Aatcit; 2. ^cbeng' faben, bag Coog, Sd>irf|al ; 3. b. t tcr Staubfaben. STAMENED, adj. mil gtauofabcn Dtts febcit. stamin. ». bet Stamin etueVrl Ieid)= tcr SOoQeit' obet Seibenjeuge . mij. bic ©taubffiben bctvef- fciit ; aug Staubfaben befhbenb. T.. STAMINATE d, a. mil i<)K\\ tytu leu ucrfcbcu; fiarf inad)cn. STAMINEOUS, adj. ang gdbltl te»lc= bent; b, T. bloj Staubfaben babctu obue Slumcuftont unb Jteld)). 3TAMTNIFEROTJ8, adj. StaubfSbta tragenb; —flower, cute iii.imilicbe tBlume ohnc •}. ; !i'tiil). STAMMEL, ». I. bag .riaftatticnbraun, .'Sclltotb ; 2, vid. >'nMiv »STAMMER,b. «. fianimcln, fbttcta 4tW STAN .TAMMURER, 5. tcr Stnmmler, 2tot= terer. stammering, adj. jlammelnb, fh>t= tClllf; — ly, afo.mtf StammcllI, ftl)fs tcrnb. To STAMP, r.n.S-n 1. ftampfen. flos pen, jf rftojjen j trefen; 2. fremPcln, ailfbrucfen ; (— weights, (McuMdue; aicben, abjuftircu, (— money, @clb) pragcu, fdjlageu, iniinjeu., s. 1. baS ftentvc(; baS$oft= jetcben; bcr 5)rucf , 9lufbvucf, ba§©c= prage, bet Scblag ; 3 '.'ibtvucf, Jlu= pferfiirb; 4. fig. ©dilag, bie Slrt, ber Scemijug; of the right — , von gutcm grillage;/?-, uuucrfalfrbf, edjt, roafcr, vccht; — cutter, ber crbfei= ben, auS&arren, feft fteben, behavven, befteben ; auSbauem ; 5. auSbalfeu, fid) batten, vcvliattcn; (>. befebaffen feint; 7. geltcn, Pcrmogeit; 8. lte= gcu ; 9. berufjen, abbangen; 10. an- ftebcu, jogern, oerjieijen; 11. atihaU ten, voerben, als Sanbibat auftreten ; to — on tip-toe. nuf ben ^cben fieben ; to — gaping. JMnulnffcn fell baben ; to — sentry, Srbilbnsarbe ftchen, ar>adie fatten ; to — on end, ju 'iPerge fieben ; to — fair, nuf gutent 23ege H'lMt ; to — fair for . . , •poffllUltg fa* ben ju . . ; to — good, giiltig fci)it ; to — good in law, vcdUltcbc Outttgfeit bvibcu; to— (very) high, in (fc()v) gu= tent ;liufc fteben; to — neuter, ueu= tr.ll blcibetl ; to — nil hazards. SlIIcS roagej; to — the loss, ben SSerliift (Sdnibcit trngen ; how— e that ship 1 sm. !■>;>. veclcbcu SourS ftcuert bad Sdjiff? it— 8 agreed, cS ftet)t feft, ift Itnbejroeifelt ; the case — s thus, bte Sadie fteht fi> ; to — about umkr= ftelHit, um^cbcit, ttmringeit; to — Bgainst, UMictftcbcit, fill) miberfefeen ; :o — at a guard with . ., nuf ber .£>ut "enn fcpr etmnS; to — away, (lauge taJbiciben ; to — back, ntrutftrefeB ; 410 STAN to — before . . , fiebcit »ot . . , fid) ftcU icii UOt . . : miberftreiteil ; m — be- tween, bie 2RitteIftperfoii nbgebeii; to — betwixt, bajrotfeien fieben, tin SBege ftcben, btubern; to — by.., feiiii 'bet ., baoet fteben; bciftcbcit; nuf tie Seite trctcit, *Pla& niachen ; ft'cp serlnffcn nuf, babei bleibfit; — by sir! %Lil$ gcmnd\t! to — for, ftreben nad; . . , nri' beroerben um . ., better en nuf ; efi balteit niit . . ; »er= ttjeibtgen; bebeuten, nnjeigen; boffit ftcbeu, nigevecbnet merben ; to — for a bust, = ten; to — out, bcrau-J ftcf)cn, f ,'rbor ragen ; fid) n>cgm«djen ; ftanbbaft blcibcn, bnbet Wetben, nu*ba[teu ; fid) niitt bermengen niit, fid) nicbt trie inadjcu laffen, fieb fperren ; to — out of, oerlaffeu fepn; — out of my sight, gel)' mtt »ot ©crirbt flcllcn; to — under, nu§fte[;eu, nu-3 = bnltcit; to — up, nufiicfjen, ftdj nuf- riditcn, auftreten, fid) btuftelicu ; SPnrtei marben ; to — up about, briu= gen nuf. ., teben um . .; to — up against, befampfeu, befireiteu ; to — up for, )>crtbeibtgcu ; to — up to. c3 nufnehmen mtt . . ; to — upon, fteben nuf..; bcfteficuauf ..; baltcunuf..; beruben nuf . . ; to — upon a trifle, iiber etue .Rleinigfcit ftrcitcn; to — cpon one's defence, fid) VbcbrcU ; to — upon one's (own) bottom (legs), feilt eigner ijperr feint, fid) felbft crnab= ten; to — upon ceremony, Ulltftaube marten ; to — with, beftebcu mtt. . , iibereinfommen, entfpreeben, begueiu, gclcgen feint; it does not — with reason, eS ift ucrnunftniibrig, ber iPcrnnnft utrbt gemafi; II. a. au8fte= ben, nujbaltcu, crtragen, leiben ; »•» STAN — fire, .)/robe beftebcu auSbnlfen, beanibrt fepn; to — triai Dcrhbrt merben; bie i'robe beftcbeu he cannot — it, er faun f« utebt aue> balteu. STAND, s. I. bae etcben, ber Stanb; 2, tie Stelle, bcriiofteu; 3. ©till* ftanb; 4. bie llnterbrcdniiig, $attf( ; 5. fig. Unfebluffigteit, Scrlegenbeit, SHotf; ti. tcr 9Biberftanb ; 7. hi^fte i ; uuEt, bie >§5be, bcr Slang, bbd)ft( ©tab; 8. ber [ftafemen, bie Uutcr= [age ; ber jlrngftcin, bic Eonfole ; bai ®rett, bcr Sdjftffelting, lluterfa^, Uutcrfctjcr ; Seucptertififc, Veiid'tc:- ftubl, baS 8eud>tetgeficll, ber ®»ert- bon; ia$ 3BnnbgefieU, Sptegeltifcb- cbcu, §Pfeilertifd?rbeii ; r«p. r. t^i [Regal; ber SSerfauf o -_Stanb; — for bottles, bcr (Vla)"a)eu=Stanbcr ; — for casks, ba8 iounengeftcll, ,Uel!er» SJaget ; coach — , ber Sjrt we iiiicib = fiitiebeu fteben ; m»aic — , rhtSRoten-- pult, S'Jotenicpofttorium ; a— oi colours, et':«* Snbne ; a — of arms, bit complete Solbatenriiftiing. ?lnnatur ; a — of pitch, jwei bis breibuitbcrl SPfuilb 5)]eit; to make a — , fteben blcibcn, ^alt mndien; ©taiib baU ten ; to be at a — . ficcfcn blcibcn, tin Stpefeit (unfebfiiffig, in 3*erltgen* licit; femt ; in ilott) fei)ii ; nirbts ;n tbun babeu ; nuf bem bodiften ^nnfti fteben ; baruicber liegcn [wm -Oau= bel) ; to keep at a — , pcrbteibcii ; t« put to a — , in ^erfc>ienbeit fct^en, irre macben, auffl 3leuSerftt tteiben ; — still, bas (Stillftefjf n ; he was run to a — still, er totube fo lauge gtjagt, iii cr fid) nicbt mc_br riibrcn tpiiute ; — fast, JttiL T. ber Stiitjpuitft. STANDARD, s. 1. bie srMiibnrte, A(tb- ne: 2. bcr ©tamm ; nlleiu obet fret* ftebeiibe (Dbft=J93aitm ; (i'efbaiim, ba? 3Jiarf}ettben : bie EDotft M ,)inu fd)engefieUe« ; Diiebtprofte ; 3. bai 5Ricbtma§, Siftnnafi, 31id)ina6 ; 4. ber (geiu=)®e^alt (bcr 3Jtniqe«), 93tiinjfnp, bic (iU?fing=)^3rob*. ber fefte Satj, ©e'ball bcr 3)?iime ; bi« 2SaJ)rung; tie fefte (Dber bePanbige 1 SSalllta ; (twenty florins — , ber gtoam jtg=@ulben=^u|) ; o.B.T. bie?\ab)ie; 6. fig. bic SRicbtfrbnnr, ba€ ?Jiuiier, bte ^icgel ; Standards, p'. A'. 7-s t>Cl = Febrte Mitie ; — of the bits, nuf= mi» nieberftcbenbe Mint, @ted)fnfe rev SBritingcn; — of coin, bcr SKitnjtas rif; — of value, bcr iG t rth -."Kegii I a= tor; below the — , gcringballio. I'.'on ?Jiiin5cn) ; to bring to a — , in jjiegelu bl'ingeil ; his dictionary is tlie best — of the languace. fein SSbrterbudi ift bn§ befte aWobelt (bie bejic 8itd)ts febnur) bcr Spracje ; — bearer, tt: (Sornct, gdfmentragcr, ^abnria); — engines, tragbare SKnfcbtnen; — measure, ba3 Drigiualmafj ; — weight, ba« Stormalgetotc^t. STANDARD, adj. mufteilinft ; dlox= mat . . . STANDER,s. bcr Stebenbe, 9?Iei(>cnbf ; — by, bcr S\tbeiftebeute, 3»f£bauer ; — s by, bte Umftebeuben ; — up, bet $artei (Srgreifenbc ; — grass, kai Jiuabcnfraut, bie Stcnbclnuirs (Or this — /,.). STANDING. I. s. 1. ba8 Steben ; 2. SPIetben, bte ©alter; 3. bcr Stanb. $U§, bte2Burbe, ber^Dflen; ther« is no — here, bier faun man nidit blcibcn ; of long old) — , alt, vieljab- rig, ron lauge *(?llterS) bcr, feit lan< 3fif ; of three years' — , von bret» tn|riger Snucr, bret'Sab^re bcr; — •>re of the same — voir Rm Rleidj STAR STAR STAT (ange ba (obcr bier); — in contempt, /,. pa. berUrtgeljotfam' gegen ba* ®e= rid)t; — (well) in tune, Mas. Ph. bie Stinintuug (gut) battens ; — of a commercial house, bet bcunibrte 3tuf finefi .jjanbele'&aufes' ; n. adj. ftcbent-, bfeibenb, fortbauetnb, iiuiiicru\ib= tenb, befranbig, feft; — out, auefti- bcub, rucfftSnbtg (von ScBu(ben) ; — army, b«8 fte bcube .§eet ; — back- stays, JV. T. ftobcute - j>a;t:nicn ; — bed, bad Spfoftenbert; — bowl, ber JKiJmer, ba* SBetitglaa mit 8u9 ; — butt, bie 3'elf<$fibe bes eppttcg; — colour, bie ftebenbe (ccfjtc Sarbc ; — company, m. I'h. bie fottbauetitbe «8anbels=©ocietat: —crust, bie'fefie SRiiibe, obet ba- [Ranb an einet v i ; a ftctc; —dish, bag gcaau= bcloftabt, fjaiipftiiebetlage, bee ©fa* yclplal}, ©tapelorf, 3>'uif^ciiplafe ; — trade, bev ©tapelbanbel. staple, adj. ben .£>aubel*gefr(}cu ge= map, ©tapel . . . STAPLER, ». bev sfianblet (in , J. S J3. wool stapler, tee UBoUpllblct). STAR, ft I. bee ©tent, ba* ©cftivu ; ©teruc$ett; 2. fig. ba* ©efebief; seven — s, t^s ©iebengeftirn ; unlucky — , bet llnftent ; — of Alexandria, tic arabifdje \ispgclniilcb ; —of the earth bev.Rvahcufufj (Plantago coranapus — /,. ; — apple, ber ©tentapfel icimj- Ucm — /. ) ; — beam, bev Stent = flvahl; — bright, ftcniglaiiteub, ftcvu= bell; — chamber, bie ©tcvuf'antnier cbematige dviminalgertdjt ju sSeftinfmfrer) ; — cowry, bad ©tent* dnu, bie Sfernporjeliane (eitte iliiu fcbclart) ; —fish, bet Sceftern, Stcvu= fifth; — flower, ba* Stcrnfraitt [StO- lon'a — /.): (— hyacinth. — of Beth- jehem), bie ctevitblunie, .^ii()itevmild) (Ornilhogalum umbaUatum — /..) ; — fort (—redoubt), bie ©tevnfd)ait$e ; — grass, bet JOaffevftevit (Callitrkhe — /..) ; — hawk, bee Stcntfalf, Seblaeb- tet (Fako lannrins — L.) ; — headed ehie'e-weed, bev ^ftu^tings'tuaffetfteftt C.i/'itrichc renin. — /.) ; — hyacinth tid. — flower), bie 'Uiccrjiviebel IStiOa — L.); — jelly, bie (Sibgalierte, ber ^Jcpftcf (']',->„, -j. — less, ftevitenleer, mtgeftiriit; — light, ba* Stetiitnlicbt; fteriten= bell; —iik.', bett Stttnen a,Teid\ roic ein Stern, ftentirbt ; — lit, ftcv= nenbell; — ray, bet ©tetntodje: — stones, jii. ©teniftjvallcn, Xvadien- fteiite, eine ?lvt iDtetecrfteine ; — thistle, tie @tcvneitcifte( [Oati calertrapa — /.. ; — wort, bie 3l|"ter, ba* Stentenfvaiit, bie ®tenieii= pflattje. STARBOARD *. JVT T. ba* Staievbovb (— side, bie veefcte Seilc be* Scbip ; — watch, bie ©teuerborb*n)flrbe. starch, I. s. bie ©title Uttr2Bfi= fdie); II. (adv. — i.v , adj. (tcif, ge= jvuungen, formlicb. To STARCH, d a. ftavfett, ftetfen. STARCHED, adj. ftetf, gejrDUngett ; pebaiififcb ; — fellow, ber Jn^fopf, Statrfo^f. STARCHEDNESS, ». aid Stabchhmb. STARCHER, a bet ©tarfeiibe, 5tct ; fenbe; col. ©tarfeMnbler. STARCHNESS, s. tie itcifbeit, ©e= jiviutiiettl)cit. starchy, adj. fleif, gejwimgeit, fi5nn= (id). To STARE, ». n. llavven, f^aiinen ; anftaweti; angaffeii; to — at or upon, anftavreii, aiiftaittten ; to — in the face, ftatv a;tfcbett, aitftavveit; jig. in bie 2lugeit fptingen. stark, s. bev 2tavvblief, b.i* 2tav-- veit, ©fauuen. STARER, ». bev 2lrtflarrer, ?Iitfianner. STARK, I. adj. boll, vollfentnicii, fiber unb iiber, ooflig, gailjlidj, lautev; — blind, iiocfblinb; — fools, o«*ge= uiaditc Smarten ; — mad, total »et= vtid't, gait) toll; — naked, (fp litter) fabciituKft ; — nonsense, barer, rci= net Itnfinu ; — security, tiefe 2id;er= beit; u.mir. febv, blet';, lautev. BTARLING, s. 1. bet Staat , cin 9?o= gel) ; 2. ber ®egen»fcilet ant SOru= dFciijprl)e, @i8boa. staik ist, .5. ber ©tavoft (pplnifebe Vaiibbaii^tniann). STAROSTY, .-.tie Starofrei. STARRED, adj. 1. mit Stenten befetjt, geftirut, befttrut ; 2. son ben ©tets neit regiett ; untet eiitem Sterne ge= bprcu. STARRY, adj. fletnig, geiiintt, ftevnen = bell ; the — sky, ber geftirnte .£>ini= mel. To start, ». I. 7i. 1. fiuljni, ftiirjig werben, tufammenfa^ten, auffabven, aiiffebrerfeit, auffptingtii, jirriitffnbc veu ; 2. fpviua.eit, abfpviinien, ab- fcbwctfeitj 3. iveidien, iu betmeiben furbett, fliirbten, Stuaflucbte fudien, fteb eutfdiultiiU'ii ; i- aii'Maufen, ben SBettlauf begiiuieu, aufaitgeu, anfe feeit; the anchor starts, ber fflltfet fpringt an*, rcif;t an* tent Otunbe ; a horse that starts; ein (febeue*) SPftrb, ba* «uf bie ©cite fpriu^t; to — aside, feittoirte fptingeu ; to — at. Dot etiva* fhlftetl ; to — back, lUtucf falnett, juvitd; fpringcit, jurtirf U'ei= Q)cn ; to — from, or off, fig. abfprin= gen, aluvciebeu, auSfc^weifen Don..; to — into, plbtjlid; geraibeu obet faU leu in pber auf. .; to — out. plb§= lid) erfebeinen, anfangen }U merben : to — up, aurVabi'iii; fig. pli^licb roetbtn, entfteheit, ft d) tolo^Iicb erbe= ben ; it. & l. aufrreibeii, aufjagen, aufitauberii ; 2. febcu niadjnt ; 3. ev= regeit, aufotingen, aitfrubten ; 4. optbtingeu, aufbringeitj 5. enttc cfeii ; (J. oetrenfen, aiiSrenfen ; to — the anchor, tell '.'Infer ailfllMUceil, liebteu ; to — a hare, cilteit ipaf«» aufrteioeu; M. f.-*. to — casks, gafs fet B;ur)en laeeu ; to — a price (iii Sluttioncn) t^i erfte Q)fbct tbiin, anbieteii ; to — a question, cine ?swi.\t OllflOetfen ; to — an opportunity, cine (Miie.ieubeit gang, bet 3$uft 5 neb, -Mud, Stoi ; ;). bet btftifie .'iiubvurb, Sntrteb ; 4 ©pTUttg ; '.'liulauf, '.'lulaiif, V 2lnfaitgbe« Stennetrt ; 8. fig. Hnfall (5iufall, bie Stntoanblirng ; u. ta SBotfprung, Sorfauf, 93or|ttg ; by ■arts, tucfroetfe ; naeb Vaunei:; starts of fancy. pI5feItCbt Hvi s igC| ©infalie, ©entefvtfiuge ; u> set the — of one, eimiii ben wang ablaitfcn, ib:u iii'.'orfpniiucu j I hive the — > I him, id) babe beu SSorfvrtlttg, 'ren Sorjug bot ibm ; — bannner, ta 5cl;iv.iumcr. STARTER a 1. ber Shifeenbe, 9lnffab> vente, u. f. to. ; .fiber ©taubet, Stinbttbanb; Shtfbrtugtr, (Jntbtrftt ; 3. Siiaiitelmntbige. STARTING, port ta* 6tU^CR, ftu^ntb. u. f. to. ; — of the casks, JM /■:. baa Stiincu 'Veeren) bev gaffet in SpefeiuSRettntingtn/ ; — bolt, ber SHufefeet, bae Xrtibeifeii ; — bie -A'labUeit iin Slugt ; — hole, c.\* ©rblnvrlpfb, bie .'li^iliid'!, vii bev Unterfrhktf; — horse, ba-.? frben: ^Jfetb ; — place (— post), tie 5 trail- feu, ber $Iuelaufeyla$ (bei %\ berennen). STARTINGLY, adv. lnrfiveife, is fa^en, abgebrprf>rn. STARTISH, ..•.;;'. eiu ivcnig tebeii, utiut- leni. 7b STARTLE, ft I. n. fdmifiii, ti: Suvebt fe^eit, Sfurtjrt eiltjagtii, in:, flitgenebiu fiberraffben, uoertuni> Vein; II. b. ftnfccn, ftiUM^ Wtrbfit, iurueffabreu, tufanimeiifiibren, evbe beu ; to — at death, fteb oot teni J p. be febeuen. STARTLE, s. ber plet?licbc 2itvnf ba* Vluffabrcn, tic ©tfhiniing. STARVATION, s. ba* '.''a'!: leitni <§ungetleiben, SBerbttngetH, tie 3ua> bungerung, tor i^ungertob. 7b 8TAR\ i:. p l i.grofjt ■Jiotb fetbeti .CMiihier Iciteu, vetbuitgeTU, erfrie veil, pevtcvl'cu, iiiiifpiiiiiien ; t o -- with f.r) hunger, pcrhima,cru ; to — with (for) cold, crfricren ; II. n. vei buiiiieni laffcu, au*biuigerii, niiifont- men laffcu. STARVELING, I ». ber .f>iingrrleibcr ii : , auSgebungevt, tune, maget fdjniacblig. STATE, i ting. 1. ber gllfianb : '2 ©tanb, Stautpuiifr, bas ^tcben 3. bet9?ang, ©tanb, bie2Butbe; -1 bev Staat, bafl ©emeinroefen, '. tic :iiepublif, tic buraetlirfac ©emalt fierrfebafr, Canbfrbaft; 5. bet ©tan I bie SJJradjt, bae ©ejjringe, bet feterlt> tbe$omp« bie Beietlicoftit ; (i. bii ©t5fe, fio&eit ; 7. bet ©tolj, •'jetb- liiutb ; S. bet bebe 8ijb (cba rof — ) Stubl mit einciu ibreiibimnicl 2brpu; (canopy of — ) ber Xbtou* bmuucl, Qalbatbin; — of aflhirs tic Sadjlage, Uebetfidjt be:- @tau> be*; the — of a (commercial) bouse, bie (83erm5geii«=Umftdiibt einel (■^anbt(8*)^aufed ; — of the question ber flreitige $unft ; in a — of nature nadciib : to Bve in great — , eiitei groficn ®taat fubten ; to keep in — ;:iv SJJcrabe fleben laffeil eiiieVeirbe. ; to lie in— , auf teni Sjjracbtbctte ;i'a. 411 STAT STAV STEA tabebcttc' liegen ; states, .--. pi. bic ;?aut= Sidnbe, ©rpf-cu bed SReidjd ; Wtadjte; Staaten; — general, tie @enetaU©taateit; United — (of America), bit Seteinigten Staateil (qoii SKorbsWinerifa) • the — ofS are met, ill ©OC&feil iftjc(jt SttJlbtafl ; m ww/kw. (©taatd=, ©taaten-0 — affairs. @taafdfad*en, ©taatdangelc= Kiibeitcit. ©taatdaef$afte; — craft, bie t ; r!itif, .Ocn-fdjcrlijl; —creditor, bcr Staatdgldubiget; — criminal, »er Staatsocrbred-cr ; — government. bie 2taatcnrcgteriiug; — house, bad Z-MttbaUd ; — papers, ©taatdacten ; Staatduapiete, (Sffectcu, gonbd ; — room, bad ©taatd'tinmet, SPeuntjims mcr ; cine Slbtbeihina. fur Ipaffagierc in cincr ecijiffsfajutc obet auf 2)amof fcb iff Clt ; — sovereignty, bie ©cUiftrcgicnutg bcr eitt'clneu ©taa= rat { tim 91otb=2linettfa) ; — 's man. in ©taafdmann; — 'smaniike, loie fin ©taatdmann ; — 'smanship, bic stegierungdfunft. To STATE, v. a. 1. fejt fffectt, bcjtim= men, audmacben, barlegeu, bartfcuu ; 2. *u toiffeu tt)itu, audfageit, crfldren, vpttragcit, angebeu, melbeii ; a? stated, ioie cnodbnt, amteblid); the sum stated, bie angegebene cunirae, STATELESS, adj. Vtliuflod. statedly, adc. tcgcliudijig. ETATEUNESS, s. bie ©tattlidjteir, •£>of|ett, ©rpfic, SQurbe, fiibabcn= t> c i t ; ■§ettlid*f'eit < ^"radir, bet 1'runf, bad ©eptange, bic gcierlicbf tit ; ber ©lot}, ^piiimutf), bad ucniciime SBefen. STATELY, adj. &■ adv. ftattlicb, erba = belt ; hcrrlicb, btddifig, prunfooU ; uotnebm, flolj, majeftatifd*. STATEMENT, s. 1. bic Uiigcfdbre 23c= rccbuung, ber (SJots "ilufcblag (jut SBeftimmuitg ber fiinnabme unb 2lu?= gabe), bcr (.SofteruJUebcrfdjlag, bic lleberftcftt (t>er ©inuahme unb SuS= gabe), Slnftcbt, ber $lait, (Sntiourf, hie sBcftimmung, geftfefcuug vpu $reifen, $teidlifie, bcr 2lud-ug, bic .ffoiteit (.§aferei* ober ©i$varl)c=) gcedjnuttg ; 2. bie Specification, bad SSeftanbedoetgeicQnijj; 3. betSlbrijj; 4. tic ©efdjreibung, StarfteUung, Mugabe, SBemetfWtg, Jiudfage, 3lud= ?uuft, 9}ad*rid*t, bcr 93erid)t ; sum (total) of a — , bie (itatdfumme ; to hand a — , SPcrict>t erftattcn : to make a — , eiue 2lngabe mad*cn, Sludfagc, SBettd)t ablcgen; according to — , la itt Seridjt, uadi Slufgabe, jlngabe; — of (an) account ber Wbfc&lujj eu tier jRcd-nuitg, bie 9Xbfd)lufJred*nitng ; — of an account current, bcr ■licib- uung eaudjug ; — of specie, bad i>vci*= Bet'eicbntt* ber ©olb= imb Silber= forfeit,' ber ©clbcpurd'cttel ; — of (he exchange, ber ©taiib bed G>Plir= fed; — of goods, bie 53 e trail tl iite bcr i'or()aubeiieit SSaareit, bcr ?agerbe= jtanb; — of the prices, bcr ipreidbe= rid*r, bie ©Uefeunofa; — of the maiket, bcr "DJarftbcricbt ; compara- tive — , bie verglcirt)eiibe 33cred*= nung; detailed—, bic Sludeinanbets fefeung, bcr Set atf beric^t ; public—, 'ic offcittltcbe Ofrflaruiig ; summary — , bic funt mar i fit e Itcbcrfirbr. .*i-ater, s.bec 5tatcr (cine alte Sil= berntfinje. static (— cal\ adj. T. ftatifeb, tnr ©tali! (aSagclcitrc, ©eimcbtsfuitbe) gchprig. statics, *. v i. tA. bie Sfatif, Stanbs Iebrc, ©emiebffunbe ; 2. Med. t. einc 9lrt ber (Spilcpjle pber cpilcptifrbcr ^Jerfoncn. 41V station, i.l. bicStellt; Stcfluug, Sage; 2. tcr 5tiUftanb, bad 5till= fti'i'-cn, t» : •Oa'.t, bit Oiube (to. u.); 3. ber, S.anbpiuifr ; 4. bad Slint, bic 'Jlmtftcllc. tcr 35icnit, ^ofiett, SRang, Stauf, iu-ruf, bad ©eftbaft ; 5. bet Staubort, bie ©tation ; 6. fcttSab, n= bof (bei cincr ©ifcnbaf)!i) ; 7. bie (vomifchc .(vtvrfic, TOO ail geanffen iagen illbiafs cvtbciU wirb; (— of a ship at sea) bie ©ee(tation, bcr ©ccfh'icb ; to maintain one's — , fet= ncn 5pia% bebauptcn ; stations (til tcr Jtintc) bie beiben gaftcntagcCDJitt= rood) unb greitag); — bin, jv; t. bic sjJojlenrolle ; — house, bie 5J>oli= »eiroad>e: — line, bic SJtefcleine ; — sw.-.T.biei!lein'utbe, SBlefftaitfle, JtKif= (erftauge. To STATION*, v. a. ftdlcil, "•iltftcUciI, fitijcn laffctt, ooftiren, cine ©telle anmeifen; to be stationed, ftd? an ei= ueni Drte aufl;altcn, bcftnbcu, ftvt= tiouirt \ stational, adj. tint ©tcUuttg, eiiicit Soften betreffenb. STATIONARY, adj. feft, fcfl gcRcIlr, feft ftcbcnb, (till ftehcnb, bteibenb, gnintfcfi, ftationdr, lofa(, prtlirf; ; — diseases, ftebcnbc Jvranthcitcn ; a — (steam-engine, eilie fcftftci)Cnbe (5)ampf»)3Jiafd)ine ; a — sum, bie fejtgeftellie ©umme, baa girum. STATIONARY, s. bcr ©ducibemate= rialicnbanbel, tie ed)rcibcmatcria= lienbanblung ; — goods. — ware, tie ©r^reibematecialien ; SPapierwaare; Sucbbinberavtifel. stationer, .?. bet ©<^rcibematevta= licnhdnbicr, $apicrl)dnttcr (tin Jtlci= ncn). STATisM, s. bic ipotitiE, ©taatdfuuft. STATISTIC, } ,. fi, i |.i;,- A statistical, J -"'■'■ ^ tl|lt ' c 9- statistics, s.pi. bic Statijtif, Sfa>i= tenfunbe. STATUARY, s. 1. bie SSilbbauerfuml, 2?ilbbauerci; 2. tcr^ilthaitcr, Stlb* febnifeet ; — marble, ber Silbfdulen= manner. statue, 5. bie ©tatuc, 33i[bfaulc, ba§ ©tanbbilb ; — metal, Sronje jit Sta= tuen. To statue, v. n._binftcflcn, aufftcrien. stature, s. bie ©tatut, iSorpergtoie, ScibcSgroSe, ubee >^obc, bcr SSudbS. STATURED. adj. ail^-cilMcbfcil (10. ft.). statutable, adj. ftatntcnmatltg, ge= fc^lid); —iy, adc. mid) bdl ©tatUtett, gcfc^indtiig. statute, s. bie $parlamc!tf$acfe, ba? ©tatut, SRanbat, bie ©trfeutig, ba§ ©efefc, ©runbgefefc, Sanbedgefei, bic aSetfaffuug, ^crortnnng; — satlarse, cine ©aminlltrm, bicalieallgemcincn Varlamcnfarifd)cn ©efefce umfa§f; — of a bank, bie SailfOtbltUltfl, S8attf= gefc^e ; — of limitations, bie SBet* jdbrnug^gefefee; — labour, bcrgrobn= ticiift; — law, bad euglifcbe Statu= tcnbitd*, 5parlamcitt*bcfdiliiffe ; — merchant ( — staple), bie gcfct*inaf;i\ic 9]crfcbreibnng, gcviditlicbc (»ibimir= te) SSerfcbteioiiug ; — sessions, pj. bad ©cfinbegcrtrtit. STATUl'ORY, adj. ycrorbncub, fcflfc= ■)enb, gcfefclid), ilatntarifd) ; — law, ba§ Siatutarrccbt. To STAVE r. a. 1. tcihtlagcn, cin= fcblageit, cinftc'lcn (ten SBobcn cincr ^pitne, obcr cincd gabrjeuged) ; 2. burcb (Sinfcblagcn cincS gaffed auds gicfjeii ; 3. mit ©taben berfeben; to — off. abbalten. abroebrcn. stave, s. 1. bie gafjbaube; 2. ein ^iPtcnflinietilv.Mlcm ; 3. cine metric fdbe Qlbtbetlung, tie etanje. ber SJetd, bie Stropbe, bcr SfteimfprurJ — wood, bad .^i 1 !' tcs ©iutatuba* bauind (auf Samatca). 7b STAY, b. I. n. 1. blcibcu, pcnvct> leu, ftcb aiifhaltcu, barren, loarfett, ftili ficben, inuc ballot, ftcben blct> ben ; jogerit, jaubern, jlocfeil ; 2. be ruben; ficb betlaffen; to — for] dinner, $u i^iita,- blcibcn, mitcffcn ; to — away, locgblcibcit, ausblcibcn; to — for, matteii auf . • ; to — out, audbleiben ; to — upon, fid* ftii^cn auf . . , fid* oerlaffeii auf . . ; n. a. 1. jiuiicf baltcit, binberu, bemmcit; 2. ftiUeit, bcrubijcn; 3. jtufeen. balicii; to — one's stomach, fcillCll SRageU befdltftigeit ; to — a commission. ci = neu Sluftrag unauJgcfubrt laffen ; to — the hand, cilt ^ferb fejt iin ?,u- gd balfctt ; to — proceedings, iubi= biten (tad gcricbtlidu- SSerfabten net* binbern) ; to — a ship, a*, t. ta3 ©r^iff (beim SBeitbeiiJ in ben SBiub bringeu obet breben. stay, s. 1. ba« ©Icibcn, SBern-eiien (an ciucm £)rte auf unbeftiutmte 3cif), tcr tenioprdre •Jlurcntbaif, ©tillftanb; 2. baa ■Btuberuifj; bic 3uruifba(fung, tcr 3""aftigteit ; 6. 2tii= (je, ©teiume, ber .^aU; 7. a*, v. Stag; 8. stays, pi. tic Sd)iiflrbruft; to make (some) — , fid) (Cillio,C jjeit) aufbaltcn, oetioeiien, }pgcni ; — band, bad Jtiutcrb.iiibdicu ; — binding. SDaub juni Sefe^en cincr £d*nut= bruft; — hook?, ^rhinubniftbafoii ; — lace, bad ©Cjjiiurbaitb J — maker, bcr 5d*iinrbniftiii,idM-r, graueiu (S)ainen=)©d)uetber ; — sail, .v /-• ba» ©ragfeael ; — sail-stay, bet Sci- ter (vu/g. Sc»er) ciuc5 gtagfegeld; — tackle, baS ©tagtafct. STAY. int. ©ebiilt ! uvutc ! stayer, s. tcr SBleibeube, SBarteube, 9lufbaltente, .^iubcriibc u. f. n>. STEAD, s. bie ©itelle, ©tatte, Statt; in his — , an feint (obet feinet] SteU le; in — of that, anftatr, ftait bits fed ; to stand in good — , (jute Ticnfte leifien, *u 5 fatten fomnicn. STEADFAST (ado. — i.y), adj. 1. fell, fteif; 2. flanbbaft, beftdnbig, nn= roanbelbar, furcbtlp"; — ness, s, tie geitigftit, Unroanbelbatfeit, Stanb= baftigfeif, (intfd-loffciibcir, gurcj-t- lofigfeit. steadiness, .c.bic gcftigfeit, 33eftau> bigfeit, ©tanb^aftigfeit, Statigfeit. STEADY (adv. — ily), adj. 1. feft, \i- d)cr; 2. ftanbbaft, beftdnbig Eip-s. steady I ( — as you go! ball bad Scfoiff gcrabe ! lap bad ©cbiij itirbt gtereu ! a — gale, einc ftebcuti J\ilblc; .If. F. a. to remain — at.. fvft bleibei: if eft ftcben. fid* feft cr-- balten) auf . . (oon fJ3reifeu) ; — prices fefie, ftebcube JJ>reife. To steady, v. a. feft mad"eit. steaks, .«. pi. biiunc ©a)nitte gleifd) •UlU ©tateit ; steak-fork, bic glcifdv gabel. To STEAL, v. I. a. 1. flcbfen, entires ben; 2. $g. erliftcu, enoifdjen, bcint= lid) berOttfen ; to — a march upon one, einem •uyprfpnimcn, un»et= mcrft cinen SBoifprung evbaltcn; to — a marriage, bcimlid) bciratbeu ; tn — a glance,^ eincti vcr|lpblcncii Slta tbun ; IL n. 1. biebifd) fei)ii; 2. ftct fteblen, fdtletdicit ; to — away (o» off), [id* iveauchlcit, ficb tvrgfebleu djcu ; to — into, fid) ciufd)!ci-tcu ; ut STEE STEL STEP — into one's favour, fid) bet 3cmait= bent uuucrmcift einfcbmcicbcln ; to — upon (or in upon), bcfrbleicbeil, hcimlicft iibcrfcfeleicben, unvermerFt uberfauen. stealth, s. 1. bt'e SDteberei, bcr ^ieb= ftaht; 2. tie gift, .g>ctinltd;fett ; by — , verftobluer SBeifc. STEALTHILY, adv. verftobllicr 3I?eifc. BTEALTHY, adj. ucrftoblcn, beimlicb, biebif cb, BTEAM. *. ber ©ampf, Tuufr, 33ro= bem, iHusfluj}, bie Slusbiiitftung ; high — , SDampf, beffen ©panmuig ten DntcF bee Sltmofpbare mclufaob ijbcrftcigt ; low — , Tanipf, beffen ispauiutn^ bem Tntcf ber iltmofpbd= ft ijlctd) l|t ; in compos. — apparatus, ter Sampfapparat ; — bath, baS SDampfbab ; — bed, bag TNimpfbctt ; — boat, tag Qampfboot, 9Dampfs fttiff; — boiler, tee ©ampffeffel, bie £)ampfblafe ; eiit Jicffel, um &ief)= flitter ?ll fodjeit ; — carriage, ber 5)aillpf(l)iafd)iMClt)=roai]Cll; (— wa- ter-, or — land-carriage), Srattgport t>urefc Stampfboote obcr SDampfmas rnagen,SDampftran8porf unb tie Jlo= ftcu bafiir ; — carriage-line, cine sDampfroagenlinie ; — chair, ber 5)ajlivfftlli)l; —coach, bie 5)ampf= rarfete; — sauce-pan, fill Sxpf juni ©ampfett (ber Jtartoffeln u. f. ».)j — tow-boats, Sampfbugfirfabrtcuge ; — valve, bits j)ampft>etitif, 'bie 5)ampfflappe ; — vessel, ber J)ompf= tcbalter; bad Dampffdjtjf ; — voy age, eine S)ampfbootreife, 2)ampf= bootfaftrt. To STEAM, v. n. $■ a. 1. bampfett, bmifteit, augbuitften ; 2. audbaudben (ro. ii.); 3. bdmpfen, mit S)ainpf Focbcit ; to — cloth, .Tueb becatircu ; to — away, ucrbunftcu ; to — forth, ijeruorbuitftei!., ». bag Bampfboot. STEARIN, ». baS Stearin, bie@tearine, ©teatine, ber SEatoftoff. tTTEATITE, *, ber Specrftetit. bteatitic, adj. fpeeffteiitartig. 5TEATOCELE, ». s. T. bcr ACttbrud), ©pccfbcbeiibrurb. BTEATOMA, s. Med. T. bie 2pecfa,c= fd) iv ul ft, bag ©pecfgeivatbs, bet ©peeffebaben. SfTEATi >\i \ n (US, adj. ciuer <;pcige = fcftivulft alnilicft. steed, *. baS spracBtpferb, (©tretr*) SRofi. STEEL, I. s. 1. ber ©tabl ; geuers ftabl; SDiefferftabl ; 2. Sold), ba« ©cbtvert, bie SBafe; 3. @taJ)larje= net; 4. fig. bie <£drte; bar — , ber ©tangehftabl ; blister — , ber SBla« fenfiabl ; cast — (refined — ), ber (je* fcbmoljcnc <5tat)l ; common — , ber genuine 2 tabl ; true as — . treu ivie ©bib; — bandages, fidhlerue SBrildjs banter; — clad, ge^arnifebt; — Qi ings, pi. Stablftaitb ; — beaded, Wrn mit ©fabl befdjlagert, uerfta|)lt; — Inked, mit ftablcnient Wriff 3 — ore. ber Sleifcbroeif (eine 2lrt bee ©lets g(attjeS)j — plate, bie ©rabjfrfatte ; — work, bii3 i-iabtiverf, bcr &tabU bammcr; — yards, 7/. tie 2d)itell= wage; H. adj. aua 3t»U genuutt, ftaglern. 7\> STEEL, o.a\ I. ftablen, Setft5bten; 2. fig. harteii, per^artcn, uerftocfen ; steeled in impudence, du£crjt fl'ecft, tuntft utt»crfd>dint. STEELE mdi. 1. ft.ihlcrn; 1. fig . (fiabl; bait. STEEF '*&>.— ix'„ I. vlj. jiibc, ftcii, abfd)uf|;g; II. *. ber j.ihe ^Ibbang, Slbfturj, sRbfdSmf. Tb STEEP, d. a. tuttfeit, taudieit. BTEEPING,part. — trough, steeper,) bet 5D?aIjbotticB; — vat, bet StfefcEeftel ter gdrber. STEEPLE, ». bet Zfnivm, ^tivittburm, ©locfeiltblinit ; — clnise, cilt SPfetbes mettientten, roobei ein tjul'cr tveit cr= feitnbaver @eaenftattb alg 3'f' bcr 3tennenben beftiinint rotrb unb tveU cbeS tu geraber Stute erreirbt roerben nuifj, .Pjecfeu unb ©raben eter ait= berev Xevraiithinbcntiffe ungeadjtet; — stake, bcr (Sinfafe tinea foloben SBctti-cuiieiiS ; — high, tburmbod) ; — house, bag Sburmeaue. STEEPLED, adj. bctbiiniit ; mit Xi)iir= men gejiert. Sl'EEPNESS, a. bie 3>ir>c, Steilbcit, aibfcbufftgfeit, ber 9lbbartg. STEEPY, adj jahe, febroff. steer, 8. bcr juugc Dcft«, ba« 31inb; ber juiKic 'jcvfcftuittctic £5cft«. To STEER, v. n. A,- n. 1. ( — a vessel, eiit ©cftiff) ftcnerii ; 2. eincn 2Bcg roobin eiufcblagcu ; 3. leiifcn, leiteit, fiibien, regteren ; a*, pa s. the ship steers well, bad 5cbiff fcgclt ivie citi faring; — as you go; ftcure gc= rabe ju! which wav do you — your course? tvojjefjt 3brc §af)rt binV tvo lvolien Ste bin? steered & ber geftcuerte 6our8 ; to — off, abn.v'irt$ fahrctt, abgicrcn; fig, a&« ieufcii. STEERAGE,* 1. bas Stetteril: 2. fig. bie Seituiig, SRegierung, bie SSerroal: tung (iv. ii.) ; 3. ber mitttere SRaum obet 83erfd)lag oor ber .Uajiitc in JJauffabrteifdjiffen) ; 4. ber !£beil bee ©rbiffes n)oftd>berSRuberbefteue= rev beftnbet, bag §l&; — passe SJJaffagiere beg mitrleren 9laume«, 3roird;enbe(f«5^}affagiere ; — way. ber (Mrab bet ©efebroinbigfeit, ben ciu ©cftif? bab:n miif;, urn bie SBitfung tea ©teuere }u fiihK-n. STEERER, ». bee iteiicrmaiiii, $iiot (ri). ii.). STEERING, s. ba« ©tcitevn, ?citen ; .v. r*. — tackle, bie Stubertaljej — wheel, bag Otencrrab. STEERSMAN *. ber ©tciicrntann. STEEVING, (part) bcr (irl)bbuitggivin= fel M ^uafpriets. STEGANi IGRAPHIST, s. ber ©teaano= graph, @rfab,rene in ber ®ebeim= fdneibefuufr. STEGANOGRAPHY, ». bie Bteganpa grapbic, ©d)reibcFnnit in gebeimen Kjffertl unb ;V'iebcu, ( M cbciiun1ivctbc = funft, ©cbcimfdnift. STEGNOTIQ Mtd. t. I adj. anjaltenb, ftopfenb ; ii. a. bag ftopfenbe iUittrl. stellar, Stblixrt, adj fternartig, geftirnt ; stellary regions, bie ■2tenien= regionen, STELLATE, Stellatbb, adj. fternicbt flcrnformig, geftirnt ; stellate tl B '/' bie itrableublume ; tteiiate* ania ber 2teruauig. STELLIFEROU8, adj. mil Sterncn be= fei.u, befternt, stellifi irm, adj. fternfSrmig. BTELLION, .<< tie Sterneiberbfe. STELOCHITE,».ber Beiiibrueb, SHkIl« fteiu cine 9rt Jtalftnff . stelogb iPHY,»bie Jtunfl 3nfd)Hf' ten auf «dulcn }u febrciben. STEM 8. I. bee 2 till, Stengel: 2. 6tamm, Sroeig; 3. @efd)Iecptfs ftantm, bie ^iuie ; 4. bat SBorbettbeil tinea ©rbiffe*, ter ©d)iff gcln. Sl'EMLESS, adj. ftengcllog. stemples, ». /•■. Mm t. Sttmpel 3ocbbol:ei-, OuerbMter. STEMSON, 8. X T. bae iiincrc SdjIemP' belv stench, *. ber ©eftanf, ©tauf, iibit @erue>. To STENCIL, ?•. a. mil ^atronen bni- cfeu ctcr malen. STENCILS, ^atronen 511 ©vicl = Favtcu unb SJJapiertapeten [fue Stn- bcnmalcr 11. f. ».). STENOGRAPHER, n ber ©tenograpb, ©cbncllfrbrcibcr, Siigfcbreiber. STENOGRAPHIC, t adj. jfrttogra* BTENOGRAPHICAL S P^tfeB. STENOGRAPHY,* tie ©tenograpbie, ©cftnellfd;rcibelcb:e, bas ©efdjroinb= frbreiben mit SlbFurjungeii, tie ©efe&roinbfdjreibeFunft, Siigfd}«ibe= Funft, Jturjbatib. Ti STENT, aid, 7b Stint. stentorian, adj. ftentortfd), iiiacfttig fdjreienb, uberlciit: — voice, tie macbtige Stimme, SRiefenftimine. STENTOROPHONIC, adj. iibcvlaut fcballenbj — tube, bat Spracbrobr. 7b step, b i.n.i. febreiten, treten, ge^en, ftapfen ; r5ortfo)ritte marbeit, prtfdjreiten ; 2, einperge^en, mil ©r&ritten meffen; to — after, v.tfr- treten, folgeit, nadjfolgen ; — after him. geb ipm nacft; to — aside, anf bie ©eitc treten, nirfroetrben ; to — back, jnrud treten ; — 1 ick \ — march! Mil. Th riicfllMVtg ! IliavlMl ' to — down, biunuter ^ebcu ; to — forth, bcr'joi- treten, aufrreten; to — in, bineiu gcbcu; tu — into, ciutrc ten, gelangen ju.., in ©eftb neb men ; to — into an vl nt it ©eft^ neb. men ; to — over, binfibet febreiten; 10 — up. binaufgeben; to — to (up to) one, JU ciuem ctcr au( eineu ju gefceii ; 11 n . if. r to — . n mast, eineu iVait cinfcrjen. STEP,* I. ter ®d)ritt, itritt; 2.$aH r t nt Itanj); 3. ©ang, Bortgaug, gortftbritt ; 4. tic fianblun - Oenebmen : 5. ber rruSftapfe ; ti. tie Stufe, ©taffel, (?eifer=)©| ber Jritt, Wuftritt; 7. tic 3 ivir- fcbroelte; Jf. T-$. — of a mast, be: 3JraftfpUr ; — of the bit-pins, bie iBatingefpur j —of a k.vei, bit Jttampe tine* .fcreujIjoljeS ; steiw, pi fi L r. Jritte, ber SBea ; sti e for ladders, JV T. tic ircvpflampen j a pair of •413 STER STIC STIF jteps, ciu A'tifitritt ; — hy — , ©djtitt flic irtllirr ; to make (take* a — , Ct= lion Sdnitt, ciueu @ang thuii; to take (the necessary) steps (Me nbthi= gen) iJJcigvcgeltt nchmeit, SSovfct)- ruugcn freffen jn. . ; to make a false — , cillCIt Acbltl'itt thlllt ; — stones, 3 rcppeitfteine ; — stops, Heine &na&* fiett mttev bent £ritr. STEP, "i compos. Stiffs • — child, bt'c SBaife ; — brother, ber ©ttef otubet j — dame, tie ©tiefmuttet, iwette &at- tinit; —daughter, bie @tieftod;ter; — father, ber ©ttefoatet; — mother, bie ©tiefmuttet ; — sister, bie @tief« fdnnefter (bcffer half-sister) ; — son, bet ©tieffobu. Stephen, «. ©tejjfcan (Sffiannename). STEPPES, s. (pi.) (in Slujjlanb) bie Stephen. STEPPING-STONE, s. bet Xrittftcin, ©dtvitrfteiu. STERCORACEOUS, adj. jiim Sfiltget ober 3J?ifte gefjovig, wie Alotfy, fotb* attig, ft. 6TERCORARIAN. \ s. Th. T. ©tercO= STERCORANIST, \ rantft. stercorary, s. bte Sungefiatte. STERCORATION, s. bag Siinqen, 3J}t* ftcn. STEREOGRAPHICAL (—10) (ado. — ly), aoit berSrrfdjiicibuug fefter Jtbrper) To STEREOTYPE, o. a. Typ. T. ©te= reohipeu (fcjifte|enbe ©<$tift) set* fertigen. STEREOTYPE, I. adj. ftercoti)pifd) ; mit fcftfte()ettbcr ®<|tift gebwcft; 11. s. bie ©tereotJjjntfnnft, JRtiuft, <5te= reotnpen 511 berfcrtigctt unb raitSte* reohipeu ;u bvudfen ; a — copy, cine StercotDpcuauggabc ; — plate, bie ©tereotnpcuplattc; — printing, ber @tercotppcnbrud\ STEREOTYPER, s. ber SBetfetttget Don ©tereotypeu; Srucfer in ©tereohjs pen. STEREOTYPES, g. pi. T bie ©tevoty* ^en. STEREOTYPOGRAPHER, s. bev ©tc= rcotnpcubrucfcr. STEREOTYPOGRAPHY, s. Typ. T. bie jtunfi mit etcrcotnpcit 511 b'rmfen. STERILE (Stebil), adj. mifnuijtbav ; a — (lower, b. T. bie'mduulidje (un= frudjtbave) sOlnmc j — year, bag SNipjaljr. STERILITY, s. bie Itufnichtbarfeit. To STERILIZE v. a. uufnutubar ma= rf)Cll (W. u.). STERLET, s. bev Sterlet (etn 3ifd), ber ben fcinften Gsasiat gicbr, &ti$enser ruthenus — />.). STERLING, I. «. Sterling : ber gcfefc= mfijjige englifrfie SDti'uijfufj, ber ge* feljmdfugc ©e&alt; ll. adj. 1. n'ad; bent gefefcinafjigen citglifd)eu 5Dlitiij= fufie (u'vcd)itet ; 2. ad;t, gitltig, bc= \oai)vt, |>njbef)nltig, nmbr ; .1/. e-s. — cost, ber urfpvitiiglidie ;ot>cr @in= Fauf8= l^reifi ; — value, ber urfpruitg= lidie iUevtb. BTERN (ado.— ly), adj. erttft (bent ©lis rfe ititdu ; fhenge, raub, l)art, grait- ijfiin, fiuftcr. <14 STERN, s. baS ■Oecf, ■<5tntcv(f)cif bc5 ©dbiffeS, ber Stem, Spiegel ; jv. r-«. a ship (which is) too much by the — , eitt binferlaftigcS Scbiff; — board, bie Jlbtvift btiin ?at>ircn ; — chases, bie fiinterfanonen, Jlanotten in ber Gonflablerfanimcr ; — fast, bn§^in= tertnu; — frame, bag Spiegelfpaun ; — gallery, bie .^intcrgaUcrij ; — most, gait^ ;u^iuterft ; — ports, bte §inter= pfortcn, Jlrcnjpforten; — post, ber ^interftesen ; — seats of a boat, bie ©iljbaiiFe biitten in einet feebaluppc cber in cincm i^oote; — sheets, 9iu= bertaljen (Xcint, xoomit baS SRubet befteuert nnrb); — way, ba§ Sein= fen ; to have — way, beinfett, riicf= warts geben. STERNED, adj. in compos. JV. T. cilt be= fcnbercS fitntertr^eil babenb ; a pink — ship, cttt erlegenbeit; — pan, bie ©ojntots tofanne, ber Sdjinorticgel, ©i$mot= topf. steward, s. ber ,§an8f)ofntcifter; Oicitiittcifter, fituncbiner, (s'afftrer, SSerwaltet; ^roftiantmetjier, -4>ro- Dtantuerroaltei: auf ciitent ©o^iffe; .ftucbettineiftcr in eiueni SoQegtum ; ber Wuffefyer bet iOcttrcnneu ; ber Seftorbtter ; — 's mate, beg }>ro»iant= meifterg SRaat; — 's room, bie s T)titub= iiorratljgfantmt'r: lord — of the king's household, ber fbuigliclje Dberfjof; ntcifter; lord high — of England, ber praftbireufrc Sorb, ?orb Dberriebtcr Dei auf;evorbettt(id)eu ©elegctibciic.t, Dben-entmeifter, SprimaS. STEWARDLY, ado. baii^altcrifrb, (n). it.). stewardship, s. bie .^ausbofinci- fterftclle, DicutniciftcvfteUe; Dber= aufftdit, Cbcvrid)terftclle 11. f. tt. stewish, adj. borbeUmafig. stews, 5. p/.'bnfi SQorbell, .Out'enl)au« ; ■mod. 6affcrole=^bdKr. STIBIAL, adj. wn ©piegglaS, ©picf;: glaS cntba'Uenb, fpicftgla'sartig, auti= inouialifd). STIBIATED, adj. mit Spicf)jla3 ge-- fdiroangcrt. STIBIUM, s. Ch. T. bag ?lutimouiiiin, fepiefiglag, ber ©vie&glanj. stichometry. s. eilt iseruidmifi bet SMirher ber beiligett edirift, mit 3ln= gabe ber 93cvfe}nhl berfelben. stick, s. 1. ber ©todE, bas ©tBtfo^en, bet Slab, Steifen; Stengel; bie .Unicfc;. 'I. ber Stut; composing — , Tyj>. T. ber SBinfetljafett j packer's — , ber SPattfrodf; round — , bag Otmtt ber SiUnrbftoff ; a — of sealing wn cine (Stange Stegeftarf 5 a — of eels ciu ^iertelbuubert Slafe; the devi. upon two sticks, ber binfeiibe Seufel. To STICK, v. I a. 1. fterfeu, beften, am beften, beftecfeu, befeftigen; 2. fte= rbett, bobreu, frozen, ' burchftr-fien, fpiefjeu, atifpiejien ; abitechcu, fchlarhj ten ; to — on, aufrecf en ; to — to, fcfl fterfen ; to^- with lard, fpiefeit ; to — a pig, ciu ©o^roeitt abftectien ; H. v. 1. flebcit, aitfleben, batten, bnngen, au> bangcu ; 2. ftocfeu, flebeu, fteben, fterfeu, biciben; 3. jaubern, jbgevit, fid) bebenfen, ficfc an etumg jlofien, auftebeu; 4. in Serlegeitbeit fe^nj 5. fid; ciu ©eroiffen marbett; there it sticks, ba ftccft ber .ftuotcn, ba licgt bie ©d)ivierigfeit, col. ba liegt be: .§afe tin ^feffer, ba liegt ber £uub begraben ; to stick at, ftocfeu, aufte= |eit, Sebenfen ttagen- what do you — at 1 tooxan ftofjeti i&ie fid; ? \va$ bait 2ic JUfiicf ? he sticks at nothing, ibn halt uid;tg auf; to — by, aut'le= ben, aubangen ; licgeu bleibcn ; Jig. laftig roci'bcit; lu's losses — by him still, cr bat nod; an feiueu SJetlnfteii ju fauen; to — on (upen), auftcifen bleibcn, fid) ftoficn; aujViingen ; to — out, pernor ragen ; mitf;ig fel;n, fid) nid;tg ju febaffen macfien; baton bleibcn, fid) ntd)t barein mifdjen wollen ; to — to, feft ftcct'en ; anbaiti gen; bcfd;)uercu, tveb tliun, fd;nter: Jttt ; meat that sticks to the stomach ©peife, wcld;e lange tin 9)Jagcn liegt; to — to one's friends, fid) ail feiue Sreunbe baltcn ; to — up fci one, Sentaubcg ^Sartei uebmeu. stickiness, s. bie Jtlcbrigfeit, 35n> bcit. STICKING, part. s. bag ©tcJcn; ©tfi d)Clt; ©tOtfeit; — plaster, bag .gieft' pflaftcr; lady's black — plaster, tai febtvarje eng'lifrhe -Jiftafter. To STICKLE, v. n. 1. eiucg iGavtei bal = ten, ftcb jit if;nt fd)lageu, jntretcn, ^artei nebnten fecunbireu; 2. (mil .ftartnacfigfeit) fainpfeu, ftreiten, tscv= ferbteu, eutfd;ciben ; 3. auf beibeu ■Jldjfcln tragen, jiiki .6erreu bieneti. STICKLEBACK, s. ber @tid;ling (Gaste- rosteus aciUcalus — L.). stickler, s . 1. ber ^artciitcbincr, ©ecuubaut, ©dbieSbricfttet bei 5ed;t» iibuiigcu; 2. (Stferer, ©treitet, 8Ber« fed)tc'r, .^i(}fopf ; — like, eifrig, l;cf= tig. sticky, adj. flcbrtg, jSf>e. stiff (adv. — ly), i. fteif, ftarr, prall, ftraff; 2. Jig. pebautifd), gejivuiigen, ';.trt; fteif, cercntoniog ; 3. ftreiigc ; 4. beffig; ;">. ftarf, aul;altenb; 6. itir= biegfani, ftarrftuuig, l)avtiiacfig, ei= genftnnig; — as a poker, jig. fteif roie ct it ^eriicfeuftoif ; a — ship (which carries her sail very — ), etn ftcifeg (fegel fteif c$) Sd)iff, bag fetite fecgel gut fiibvt; to grow — , fteif ntttbeit, erftavrcu ; — with cold, 901 (»on ber) Jtiilte crftant; —with hor ror, ftarr »ot (Sntfefcen ; a — gale,JV" T. cine fteife ^iiblc ; — hearted, ftarv ftitnig, bartuacfig ; — necked, mi: fteifeiu i&alfe; fig. fyartnacfig/ ImU ftarvig. To STIFFEN, v. I. a. fteifeit, ficif 1110= cJkii, ftarr madjeit; to — paste, Xv.i feft, berb ober trorfeti madjcit ; 11. « fteif nn-rben, crftarven; hart iver:en; fig. bartua dig wetben. STIFFENER, *. bie ^nlebinbe. To STIFLE, v. a. Cfftirfett ; fig. lllltft> bri'tcfeu, bdmpfeu, berbergeii, uertn- feben STIISI STIR STOC STIFLE, s. (—joint). bad WfleitE |tt)|s fd)en ben .oanfcit nnb .Oofcn (etned ■ijjferbed) : etne ftranfbett in berj?nie= frbeibe einiget Xtjtcrc (befonberd ber igferbe). STIFFNESS, ». 1. bie Sfotfe, ©kifhcit, ilnbicgfamfeit; 2. ©rarrbtit; (§v- ftarruug; :i. fig. SjJebantetie, ftcife gBrmlidjfeit, fteife ©d)reibart; 4. Aiavte, Strenge; fjartnacfigfeit. BTIGMA, *-. 1. bad iBtanbmai; 2. bcr &d)aiibfkef; bie Sdjanbc, bcr ©rbimpf; 3. n. t. bie SRarbe (an bcr ©pige bc3 ©riffcld). STIGMATA, ». ;/'. Heine ■£)aiitoffnnit= gen aid SRitnbttngen bcr @eigen&s ru&tg, reguugsk's; hold — : fcbivcig 1 — bom, in. ,\- jiff, robtgeboreit ; — bot- tom, bcr Sat}, bie .pefen ; — life, bad ©tilikben (in eiuent ©einalbe); wafi mir spflattjenieben bat; — room, bad fluibciimmcr ; — stand, bcr Stilk ftanb, Die 9tnb>; u. s. bie ©tilk, SRube. 5TlLL,s bet 33rennfolben, bie33rannt= nmnblafe; SBrettneret ; — head, bcr TcftilltrftMbcn ; — house, bie SHrefc ttcrci. STILL, adv. 1. fietd, immcr, beftanbig; 2. nodi, nod) immer, inuncr nod), jctjt nodi, bis jefct; 3. bod), jebod), tnbef= ten ; she is no more, yet I love lier — , fie i|t ltirbt mebr, bod) licbe id) fie tinnier nod). ST1LLATITIOUS, adj. bcrab fropfclnb, traufenb. STILLATORY, s. bie i'veitiierci, bad £aboratorium (n> ft.). STILLER, s. bcr in'rnhiricr, Stiller. BT1LL1CIDE s. bad itropfeln, £riiu= feln, bcr Jvopfcnfall (re. ii.). BTILLICIDIOUS, adj. in SEtOpfeit fal*- leitb, tratifelnb. STILLNESS, s. I. bie ©tide, Withe; 2. bad Sd?n)figcii, bie @d)n)eigfamrett. Sl'ILLY, ado. full, mhiit; leife. To STILT, o. a. Oltf 2 tiljen cvnebui, ftcl^en. STILTS, «. pL bie Sfeljrn; SPfojlen, kBriidfenpfai)le. STIMULANT, ad;. rcirrt, and Seben, fdjmerU midi lief; to — into raue, \UV JBlltl) ICtJCU. sting, «. l. bet Stadjel; fig. Sticb f®en)iffend?)93if ; 2. tic ©djatl uSotnte ant Epigramm) ; — i.nii. bad $etermanndjen, cer Sdjnjerftfd) chinui — I..i; — ray, bcr 2lad)cl= rodje. STINGER, 9. ftwai, bad ftid)t, ycrkfct n. f. n>. STINGILY, ode. geijig, ftljig; farglid). 8TINGINES6, ». bcr @etj, bte yiljigfeit, JJargbeit. STINGLE8S, adj. o!mic 3tad)el, obne Sebarfe. STINGO, 8. bad ftarfe 33ier, XoppcI = bier. STINGY, adj. deijig, farg, ftljig, fnicfc= rig. To STINK, a ". jitnten ; to — of. itad) etmad rieeben ; be gunks of pride, jig. er ftinft »M StoU. STINK, s. bcr ©cftanf; — horn, bie ©icbttnorcbcl, bcr (5)id)tfdnvantni, ©tinffrhroamm ; —pot, Oub. v. bet ©tinftoyf; (bituminous tnarlite) — etone, bet etinfitein, ©anftciu, 2tiuf= Faif. STiN KARD, s 1 . bet fd)mu$ifle jKenfdj ; ©tanfer ; '2. bad $au{(()ter. STINKER, s. bcr, bte obet bad Stiu= fenbe : Gun. v. bcr StinEto^f. STINKING [ado. —Li), adj 1. ftinfenb ; .'..•J ntminjig, clcnb, nieberrracBtig; — blile ( — goose-foot), bie fiillfellDC 37telbe Chenopodium vuloaria — /..) ; — horehound, bcr fd)ivarje Slnbotn 8 I 1 1 nigra — L.) ; — iris, bad SBailjenftaUt {IrU fmtiditsima — L\ To STINT, ». a. \- n. nuifugcii, ciit= fdiraufcn, Ijcutincn, baltcn,' atifbaU tCIl; stinted rations, flUlppe, t'CbllcirtC (Rationen. stint, s. bie SDJeerterdje (Tringa duc- tus — i. . ST1NTER, s, ber, bie obcr bad (Sitt= fdjranfenbe. STIPE « B T. bet Sttunfj bad Stick dicn bed ipappud. STII'F.I., 8. ml. STIPl ii. STIPEND, s. bie Sefoibuiig, bcr ©olb, 8o^n. To STIPEND, i-.a. bcfolbcn. STIPENDIARY I- adj bcl'okct, folbnc= rint; ii. s. bcr ©olbnet, Solbling. STIP1TATE adj. B T. gcflielt. To stipple, b. it. in gepnnffer Sftanicr ftcdicu; tiiufcln, piinftcln, init '^iinf-- tcu in OJiiiiiatur) nialcn. STIPTIC, dtc aid. Styptic. srrpi la, s, b.t. bad afterblatttfien. STIPULACEOUS, Stu?ijl*.r, adj mil .if tcrblaitcm berfebeit; auf ^ftetblart= dicn madjfenb. /,. sriri t..\rt:. D n. fid) »ergfetd)en, iibfrcinfontnint, ctud Merben, tic .':': rebe ttefen, feflfefcen, beftintinen, \t\-- pulircn, scvt>rcdicn, angelobeit; (— for the freiphl ol i -u'ariit eiued Sd)tffe6u. F. w.) bebingen; ■ the time stipulated, uir l.feft)(jefcftteH ,',cit. stipulate, adj. d. t. mit ©tattanfa= fecit oerfeben. stipulation. 8 I. bet SSergleidj, SSertrag, bie befitmmte SHbtebe, llc- bereinfnnft, bad 9IitgclobitiB, bie Ju fage; 2. ©ebittgutig, ^(atifei, ?ttrn lotion; :s. b r.bieSage tint betSBau bcr Slftetbtttfet. stipulator, s. bcr SergTetdjcnbe, bcr cincn ESergkid) fdjliefir, Gontra= bent. STIPULE s. Did. Stipi la To STIR, n. I. a 1. regen, benjegen, riilncn. riittcln, ftodu'vu, fdjiircn ; '.'. limriibrfit, quirlen :rfa, etregen, acregen, in lelang in 3}tmu gung bringeii ; 3. an ectjen, anfiH'feen ; to — up, umt uhrrii rulmit ; ertrgen ; aubebnt, aufbrben, nitreijen, aufreijen, annviegcln, per= audforbern; n. n. 1. int reaen riilncn, fid) beroegen, weggepeii Itii : 2. i"idi bemuoen, gefdjaftig | end ven fid) gtben, U ben ; i. tin Oange ober umlatifi fc.Mi ; •"). »on feinem Sifte t ben, r..' bed iUJorgcnd auffteben nut; to —about, HiiiMiiucii ; burcbjjbbern ; bcvnni lauffit, berum gcbrit ; to — abroad to — out), attdgcbcii ; im ©ange fepn ; I never — out, id) fpm* me ntd)l an* tent •fpaufe : m of one's bed, co.'. (OUd DClll !Bett« a\l' ftcncii. stir, 8. l. bad ERegen, Sautmetben; 2. tie Caut, 2d)ict, bad ©ctftminel, ©eraufd), Oefdjtei, bcr Sarin; 3. tic QSewegung, bet 2Iufiauf, Olnunbr ; 4. tic OK :ntutbcbcii'e gnng, Vcitcn = fd)aft; — in tin le, Vcbcn tin ©aubel sriui \i 'i-.!i. ■ , mit Serjiemngen, bte H>fen abmiii. gefdjiiturff. STiRious, adj. ben Sidjayfen a^nlid) mi. n. . STIRRER, * I. bcr SBewrgcnbf, 3lu- ftiftet, «&efcet ; 2. bcr fid) Wegtnbe, jlufftebenbe ; an early — , bei nufftebe, SDtKjotfteunb ; — Slufmiegier, SJTeutet, 3luff)efeer. stirring, adj. regenb, fid) regenb, im @ange ; fid) eutporenb : auffleben ; are you — | finb 2ie auf? there is not a breeze — . ed tegt fid) fcin il'inb, riil)rt fii^ fein ?uf tcbcit ; there is noney — , c* ift fcin ®eli Ulltcr bCll VciltCII ; there' is DO — . man bort nicbtd 3leued; — I unrubige bemegtc 3riten. STlRRl P, s. bet Steigbfigel ; ,unicvic= men; — s pi. jr. T. bie Springflrop; pen; — cup - glass . bet J runt an? bent ipfctbe, Slbfdjiebdtrunf, Balets trunf; — foot, bcr linfe 8fUB; — leather — Btrap , ber Skigbiigfk ricmcii ; — stockings, pi. tie lkbcr= fltiimpfe. To STITCH, B. a. &■ n. ftcd'CIl, iH'fu'it : fiiifcn, audbeffern; to — a fin '^ ! iid) Icfhi! : t > — down, glatt annSben ; unten attfyeften ; to — iiiahcn, anbcficii; tuflufcn ; a Rtitchcd book, cin .§eft„ etne ©ro« febure. STITCH, s. I. bcr Sticb, bicOl.ibt : 2. 'AWi'.l'c, bad Singe; 3. bad Seiten= fti'ibcn, Strrhcn bet SUJil bet Jlrettjflid); chain --. bet Jicncn = Slrten bed SRiihend ; - won bte JtaintUe . /. ; Sttrn» blume Stdlan ■ - HER, s. bcr, M'eOi.irciibc. n. F.W STITCHERY, s. bie ".WtK'ici glicfetei STITCHING, s bad '.Vabcn, .Oc'rcn ; — Made, bie Sticbflinqe; — i ©ticfnabeln ; — ilk, bte SticTfeibc. STIVER, 8. bcr ©tuber, Stuver bok lanb. SWiinje . TbSTOAK '•.,!. ftopfen, feruoPU'ii : the water is st taked, .v r bad 3 ift geftocft fan it niitt titnt 'I'limpu'D fonimcit ; a stoaked sin;', cin •" ftovfted St^iff. s'i'i (AKERS, s. pi. vid Stokers. si', »AT, s oid • STOOCADE, ». 1. bcr Stofi, iticb mtt tent Degen, n. f. n>. ; 2. bad 3JfabU UH-rf, bit @inpfdblitng ; r ,.• . bie^ak lifabe, bet ©dbaujvfanf. sr. hi'Mm., ,. bet Stofc ®tief) (mil bem 3cgen, n, f. ro ). . i i. bet ©tamm, i^tocf 415 STOC ©tumpf, MU% ^fccf ; 2. baS ©e= fcblecbf, bte^etlunft, bcr Urfpnutg ; 3. ©riff, Sctjaft (cincr Alintc, li.f.m.); 4. bii Sebnc, Unterlage, ©tiifec, bet StaVel, bafl ©eriifi. bic fjelbe ; 5. bet- ©tocf (in beu SSalfmiihlc) ; bet ©tamyftrog (in $npietinfif)ien) ; 6. bic Vlabt; 7. bic (ftetfe) .£mIs= binbe ; 8. bet SSottatlj, baS JQuan* turn, 2ager; 9. baS baare S3ermbgen, bet ecbaij, bie .*3abe, §8arfd)aft, bo8 Gsapital ; ©tammcayifal, @ruiibca= Vital, ©taminfc ober ©vunbUermBs gen, bet Sfanb; baS StaatScapital ; bet .Ibeil, Slntfjeil, bic ©elbanlage, (Sinlage, bet Grinfafc, ©elbftocf, bic Slctie; 10. t. bet SEalon, bic wge, iibrig gebliebenen JEarten, jfauffar* ten ;' 11. bic Ccufoie ; 12. betShimm* fopf; 13. tic fen in ben ©patt; — hold- er, bcr Slctienbeftfcet, ?lctieninhabcr, 2lctienfoanbler, gapitalift, 9teiit(cit)= iret; — horses, giaefpferbe; to — job, v. a. in tjonbS (Victim) fpcciilivcii, agtotiren; — jobber, bcr (Staatspa- Vicrbanblcr, Sffectenfjanbler, Sbtfens fpickr, Slgioteut, col. ©toefgreitet, vulg. 3nd)fcr; — jobbing ( — jobbing transaction, — jobbery), bcr ©taatS; papierbanbel, SctienBanbel, bas 'i!c= tienfpid, iUu'fcnfpici, com <5olbc rtbaejogenen unb m gewtffen SftegtinentSbeburfniffen »et« wenbeten ©elbet; — shave, j\r. T. iciS Sd)abcmcffcr ber UMocfmacbcr ; — shears, pi. bie ^tocffd)crc, 53aiim= fd)crc; — still, fiocfflill. To stock, o. n. 1. ucrfehctt, oetfotgen, ausviiftcn; 2. anfbcbcit, beilegen, auflciicit, ycnuabreii, famnuin, vcr= 41ft STON fantmclii; 3. in ben ©tccf legen, (iBcfen, ctnfpcvrcu (». ii.) ; 4. bic Jtartcn mfantincii Derfen ; (to — up), ftllSrrdteit ; to — an anchor, Sea laiirr. ben 2lnfei ftotfen; to — a farm, cin ganbgut mit ^auSt^ieren lu-rfchcn; to — a pond, emeu itcid) mit S'ifcbcn vetfehen. BT( K IKADE, vid. Stoccade. STOCKINU, s. bcr tetnimpf; blue stockings, Q31auftriinipfc ; flclctirte gtauen; —breeches, (itnimpf()pfcil ; — dresser, bcr Stnimpfjnridjtcr ; — frame, bet -Stnimpfaurfcrfhifil ; — knitter, bcr ©tniiiipfftvidcr, bic totntinpfftriifcrinii; — mender, bie ©tnintpfflid'criun, obcr ©trumps ftopfcrtun; — trade, bcr ampfniafd)ine). STOLE, s. bie ©tola, bcr ^ricftcrrocf, bnS JWe^gewanb; bcr lange 9iocf. STOLID, adj. t[;5rid)t, ltarvtfd), btintm. stolidity, s. bic ft&orfjett, £)mnm= i)cit (W. ii.). STOLONIFKROUS, adj. B. T. ©Ch3j?= lingc, 3ln8laufet tmbenb; — siems, . 9hi5laufcr. STOMACH, s. 1. ber SJiageit; 2. ?Ippc= tit, bic (§Btuft ; 3. jig. Sufi, Segterbc; to give a — . Slppctit mad)Ctt ; io have a good — , flUiClt 3lppCtit l)abcit ; my — rises, CS luirb lllir iibel; that goes against my — , bftSOt cfcit mil' ; I have no — for'it, ict) ijabc fcinc 2 11 ft (9tet= gung) bajll ; his — is come down, CI" S t c l> t gehnbere ©aitcn anf; her — is stayed," ibrc 2nfi ift gcbitfit ; — quahn- cd. mit Ucbclfcitcn befdjmcrt. To STOMACH, v. a. Icibcn, crtragcit, cr= bltlbcit ; I cannot — an affront, incl. id) ftccfe fcinc Seleibignttgen cin. stomacher, s. bai Sruittiid}, ber Safe. ST< imaciiful, a'//'.cigcnftnnig, n>iber= wiUig, tiicfifd), jlartfb>ftg, ttofeig ; —ness, 8. bcr (Sigcnfinn, Xxoii, bic .<3avtinidigfcit, bcr ©tarrfttin. STOMACHIC, Lailj. rid. Stomaciiical; — vessels, pi. bit 3Jc«gengefafie ; n. s. Med. t. bas 3Jtagcmititicl; bie Wla* genflatfung. STOMACIIICAL, adj. Unit OTagcn gc= iunig ; gut fiit ben SKagert. STOMACHLESS, adj. ol)lie ^IppCtit, bc- gtcvbdoS. STONE, s. 1. bcr (Stein ; 2. baS .fpartc ; 3. bcr Jtern (bon 3tcinfriid)tcn) ; 4. bie. bobrcr ; — pit ( — quarry), bcr ©tettls bru^i; — pitch, baS barte sped) ; — plant, bcr ©cbumiiiinfteiii; tie «er= ftctnerte 5pflan$e; — plover, bie ^fnl)lfd)ncpfc; — pock, bic Siitnen ; — smich, bic $cd)lldfc; — still. ftocf= ftill ; — stud, bcr (Srfpfeiler bci cinct (iinfabrt ; — 's throw, bcr Steiinvnrf ; — wall, bic SJiauer, Sranbinaiier ; — ware, eitgiifrbcS ©tetitjeng, Stiirte (bcS ©c= iniitljcS). STONY, adj. ficinig ; ftcinern ; *>er= fteint, bcvfteincrt ; fig. fkinbart ; (— hearted). bartf>crjt(J ; — bone, A. T. bas 3'dfciibciit. stool, s . i. bcr ©tubl ofme ?efiite, (Scffel, ©cbemel; ©ocf; 2. ©tnbl, ©tublgang; 3. e= mittbiguug; to make a — , ft eg beu= gen; itieterfchiejicit, ftojicn (—at.., auf . .). stooper, s. bcr fid; biicft, beugt, u. f. n>. STOOPING, s. bad 33ii(fcn; 9licbcr* fd)ietseu. STOOPJNGLY, ado. gcbMt, ubcr()atu gene stooter, ». bcr Steofer (bollaub. tatlberniiinje). To STOP, c. I. a. 1. itepfcit, bcmmcn, Ijiuberu, Ijalten, (fiubalt tliun, auf* batten, roetjren, fperren, ftcucru, ftilfcit; 2. nieberrjalten; 3. unlets bviicfeit; 4. erfticfen ; 5. greifen (bie @aitcu); 6. jy. T. befefiigen, feifcu ; to — a leak, eiitcii Sect flopfen ; to — , or to — up, ftopfeu, yerftopfen, jit= ftopfen, jumadjett, uermncben ; to — payment, M. E. bie (feinc) 3a()luug eillfreliett; to — proceedings (at law;, tubibtren (baS gericbtticbe Serfaftren biubcrn); II. v. 1. balteit, ftilJe bnl= ten, iitne batten, einpatten, ftille fteben, ftefieu blcibcn ; 2. aufboreu ; to — short, (plofclid)) ftille ftcben, anbaltcn, bcntmeit, abbrecben, tits nebalteit; — coachman! bait, Jiut» frbcv! STOP, s. 1. bev .*3a[t, dtubalr, 9tune= punft, Stiliftanb ; 2. bad fitnberntfi, JBerbor, bie fieinmung, lltttcrbre= dnuig, (33cr=)&pcrrung; 3. ber 89es fd)lag (bie .f>inbcrung bed Serfaufd) ; 4. bie fjSaufe, llutcrorcdmug; 5. bad Slufhorctt, (Snbe; (>. @ub;etci)en; 7. bie JUappe, bad ?od> (anf SQIo8tn= flriimcittett) ; ber ©tiff, baa SRegtfter, bet 3»g (ouf mufir'alifcbeit 3njtru= mcitten) ; 8. bad jlicgiftenicbcn ; 9. JV. T-s. bee Stop (ftunipfe SlbfaV) an rinem >§olje; eiit SBinbfel, urn boppelgrtffc auf einem Saitenin= ftrlllllCUte ; to make a — , cinljaltcn, lange ftill fteben ; to put a — to a thing, einer @ad)e (Singalt tljun, cut (Sttbe machcii; — cleat, Jv. r. bie Stojjflampe; — cock, ber fialJM (am Sajfe) ; — grap, bcr 8iuf eubiifer ; — watch, bie Secuubnuibr ntit .*3cmm= febcr ; — water. Sea Exp. bcr SJibtts ftrom, bad Stopfroaffer. BTOPLESS, adj. unauf[;altfam, nid;t jit fjemmen. stoppage, s. 1. ba« g?erftopfcn, bie SSet;|topfutifl ; 2. baa $tnberm$, bet (Sinbalt, bte Unterbreo>ung ; — in transitu, /.. T. bie i'efdilaguabine »0tl ©iitcru, bie unterroegfi ftitb. btoiter, s. 1. ber Stopfer, Stopfel; 2. T. .Ocinmci' ait einer 3icpetirulir ; 3. ber ©rents, BremSfdjmengel (bet 2)ampftvagen) ; 4. bie latopffiangc (bet bcu Wicf;crit) ; 5. jv. T-s. ber Stopfer, Stopper; —bolts, bic3Jing= boljen fitr bie ?lnfertaitftopper; — knot, ber @d)aiiermaitit«fitopf. To STOPPER,' o. a, JltftOpfcu. flOpfdlt. ETOPPLE, «. 1. bcr Stopfel; 2. ba« Stopftucb ; 3. t bcr "Vfcifciifiopfcr; 4. bie Jtlappe bcr Orgclpfcifeit. tfohage, s. 1. ba3 'Jluffpeidicrn, auf« Sager legen, Sagem (einer 2Saare) ; 2. Sagergelb, bie Vagergcbiibren, ?a= gerfoften, ?agcrmictbe, Sagerfpefen, ber Sagerjing, SBobenjinS, Spcid;er= 81 tins, bie Spcirbcrmictbc, Spcid;erfo= ftcn. STl iRAX. ». bcr 2torar (Styrax officio*- lis — i,.) ; auch beffen iu'h!ricd)cit= bes ©ummibar;. STORE ». I. ber SSorrarr), bie OJicitgc, ccr i^eufen ; Scbafe ; ^rooiant, 2)hinboovratb ; SBaarenoorrotb. ; 2. baa 3)2agaitn, Eager, S3orratb,8b flU * ; in — . tit ^orratb, borratbig ; .1/ E auf bent Eager; toset— by.. .SBertt) legcit auf . . ; to set — by one, auf Jemanb balteu, ibn wertl) halicn, geni baben, fcbaljcii ; eommii tiie — s, bcr SProbiantrttetfter ; — book, M E. baS Vagcrbmt, iU'fuublMid) ; — bread, Srbiffsjiviebacf ; — cand gejogcnc Sifter j — bouse, ba« i'ia= gajiit, '-iJorratbebaui; bie 3?ufttflm= met; Scba^Eaminer; — keeper, ber I'agcraurTcbcr, 2Raflajinaufffbrr ; SBcrwalrer, Cefonom ; — pond, ber iSCtjtcid); Sra Exp-8. captain's — room, bie ^rooiaiiifaniiiicr bed (5api- tau3 ; boatswain's — room, bie fiell obcr ^bllc (.Raiunicr fur bad Jtefcr= »egut bed QSootdmannd) ; — room-. pi. ISorratb6= ober SReferoefamntern tm Sdiirfc; — ship, bad Smrnnnu tiondfcptff; iivooiauifd)irf, 9}?aaa|iiu frinrf; —twine, JV T. (toeibrfipttged Segefgarn, ruomit alte Sadicu genafjt toerbeil ; — warehouse, bcr Spcicbcr, bad SBorratbdbaud, 8ager^au«, SKas gajtn, bie SBaarennteberlage. To STl IRE, r.„. 1. oerfebeu, vcrforgcu ; 2. baufen, aitfbaufcit, auflegcu'; 3. aufuUen, oorratiug luulcgcit ; .1/. /; ». to— (up) goods, (SBaaren) anf bad Soger brtngen ober uchmen, etnla= gem ; ©titer aufi'pcidierii ; to — up grain, ©etreibe auffd)utteu ; to — a ship, ein Sd)iff oerforgen ; stored up, aufgcfpeid;crt; uorratbig, auf bent eager ; to — one's mind with knowl- edge, fid) iftenntmffe erroerbeit. stoker, s. bcr Santntler, ^lufbcumb= ver, Suf&aufer j iKagajinauffe^er ; Sdjaffner. STORIED adj. 1. erjablt; 2. mit bifto-- vifd)cu SBtlbern gejiert, STORK, s. bcr Stont (Ardea ciamia — L.) ; —'a bill, ber Storrbfitnabel (Gc- ranium — L ). ST( u;m, », l. bcr beftige ©inb, Sturm= tttnb, Sturm, bad llngcioiticr, Uu= roetter, bad ^elictt, ©e'ftobcr, 2. fig. bad ©tunnlaufen, bcr Sturm, 5Brt» lauf, '.'lugriff ; 3. Slllflauf, '.'lufvubr ; 4. gfirm, Strcit; 5. bad Stiinucu, bcr Ungeftnm, bad ©cpoltcr; —of rain, bcr ;)iegcufdiauer ; —of musket shot, bcr jtugelregeu; — beat, ftitrnt= gepetfdjt, dunngt|a)lagen ; — - Stiirnnt'olfen ; — finch, bie Sturm* lHCbe (Proctllaria — L.) ; — jib, A". T. bcr SturmHttoer. To storm, ,-. a. if n. 1. ftiirmett, beftutt men ; 2. mutbeu, tobcit, fdjclteu (— at, ntit), polteru ; it storms, ed ftiirmt. si'i >i:\iim:s.s, ». bad ftiirmifdu' iBcfcn, bcr Ungcftiim, bad (Mcpoltcr. STi 'KMV. adj ftitnuifd), uitgcftum, l;ef= tt'g, lciccufdiafrlicb, poltcnif. STORY, *. 1. bte ©cfdiiduc; 2. (et» bicbtctc) (frjablntig, tad ®tfc^io>ts dicu, 2Rat)rc|en; 3. fig. ®erfi#t, bit- Sage; 4. bad Stocfii'crf ; the— goes, ed lu-ifu, man erjaMt, ed gebt bad ©erflcbt j what a —1 road Sic U\-- gcu! utadjeu etc mtr nid;td roc if; ! 'tis a — . ed ijt erbid)tct, ed tjt fcin roabred 2Bort baran; a — of cine SRetbe SBaume : — 1 k, bad < S V febirbtbiidi ; — posts, bie aufrcdufte= benbett ©alfeit jrotfefcen bcu Storf= njcrfcit; — rod, 7'. ein lauged '^Jaji ber Sintmerleute ; -- teller, bet '*:■ tablet- ; ScbtbS^er, I'labrfbeumarber. Sugnec, IQinbbeute': bie (y. riun ; — telling, bad Grjahicn; Sct)toa6en, Sitgen. 7% STORY, «. a 1. cruMcn, melben 2. Brbneit, ff4)idjten, uducu, abthetl.-iL 8TOTE,* bad grof;e •■LLitcfel, ■Oermeliu, bcr 3lti$, Steinmatber, bie Stiuf= ra^C .Mii.'tda erminei — E ). STOUT, I .-. bad itarfe 8tet; U —\y),adj. 1. ftarf, rufttg, maunbaft, ftammig, ^anbfejt, mauulicb, roatfer, tuct)tig, gebrungen, neiblictj, tapfer, ftaubbaft. ftibu ; 2. troftig, baUftar= rig; 3. ftolt; 4. f c ft, bcrb ; — arti- cles, m. e ftotfe, bauerbaffe Srttfei ; — hearted, bcrjKift, bchcvU ; — heartedneas, fie jtubn^ett, £apfer= feit ; to bold out — iv. roacfer Stanb balteu; — ness, ■ 1. bie Starfe, ftigEitt, OJianuhafiigfcit, ■gerjbaftig" Eett, Sapferteit, Afiont)eit; 2. v ftarrigfeif, bcr %xo%'. 3. S10I5 ; 4. bie Acftigfcit, ?crbbeit. STOVE, t. 1. ber Ofen ; 2. bie •Rtefe, bad rtcuentubdHU, bcr .Uohlculopf; 3. bie liSarm) Stube; 4. ®abftu» be; 5. cad JrcibliauS; 6. bie trag= bare .RocbmafdHiic ; 7. .v. y t>ii Jvodiflotr, bie StotX ; —plates, Dfetf platten. 'VI'. d, 0. ttarmen, warm bal= ten, iud Streib^aud fefcen. sn iVER, *. bad grobe ipeu ober Strcb, SBiebfutter. To srOw, p. a. Outer in bcu Sdjtfis* raum brtngen, ftaucu, pacfeu, legcn, eugc beifammen legen, ^:ucdit legen (befonberd tic Sabung tm @u stowed at die top, obcit gcfhuiet, oben gelaben ; to — the sails .v. T. bie St = gel befrbfagen. stowage, ». 1. bad Statten toon SBaaren', SRarfen, Segen ; bie i*cr= roahrung, bcr ©eroabrfam; 2, bet Stauraum, i-adiaum [leere, ubrige, uubefeljte jiaum) eiued Spiffed; 3. bad ©taucrlohn ; to have in — , in SBerroatjr babeu. STB UJISM, s. M 1. T. bad Scbielen. To STB UDDLE, <• n. bie Seine and einanber fperren, fid) fprei^cn, roeit« beiuig ober fpertbeiuig ge^en. To STRAGGLE, d, a. 1. ftn) jerftreuen, jerftreut gcben, fid) cutferneu ; 2.cin= jelu femi, liegcu otcr gcben ; 3. aufd ©crathcroobl unibcrftrct'cu, bcruiit fdjroetfen, aofc^roeifen ; 4. ft* von bcr bejtimmten Sticbtung entfernen, abroeicpen, Itch in uubejtiininten ;>iirb- tuugcit audbreiteit, roucr>eru, unor= bcutlid) lHroon"diici"icit »on®ero5tb= feu ; Btraggling houses, cinjcluftcbfit: be .^aufcr. STRAGGLER, », 1. tcr .*>cruntfrrcidicr, FJrrlfiufer; 2. bad etnjeln ftcbeubt SDina ; 3. ber iviltc Sdjof (ciitcd d)t- roadjfed). STTRAIGBT, I. adj. 1. gcrabe, gerabel SEBegd, rcd)t ; 2. uid Strait ; genati. flreng ; II. adv. ilraifd, fogleicb, je^t. auf ber 3 telle ; — as a yard, gcrabe; — forward, gcrabfiuuig; - BtaCT, T. bad SRicbtfcjett ; — way, « rated JBcged, ftracfd, flugd, gleieb. gerabeju. To STRAIGHTEN, 9 a. 1. gcrabe ina djen, ftraff mad'cit, aujicl)Cit ; 2. ni 7b Straitek. 3TRAIGHTENER, .-■. bet Crtncr, Ti-- rector. STB MGHTLY, ode. 1. gcrate, in gero> tcr ?niie; 2. aid. Strattit. STRAIGHTKESS, -. i. bie CMcrabf>ett • 2. riil. 9TRAI1 7b strain, r. I. a. 1. ,au ftrcngn*, 411 STRA STRA STRE fpannen ; ftrarr fpannen, ansfpanncn, aiic-tcbncit, ftrecfcn, fdmiiren ; ju= fammciiticbei:, anjte^eti ; 2. prcffen, auspreffen, btucfen, quetfcben, flcnt= me::; 3. firb untrgcit (jura (5rbrc= cbcn); 4. tiurbpreffcn, turcbbriitfcit; nltriren, fciticn, Mivcfjfeihcn, burrb= ftbiagcn; 5. vcrrcnfcn, iHuftaudicit; C. gromgen, trcibcit, betrcibcn ; bod) treibcn, bent fpannen; 7. atbeiten, ftrebcit ; to — every nerve, SJlleS OUfs bictcn, ucf> oufS 2Ieufierfte bemiibcn ; II. n. 1. fief) aiijtmtgen, ftdjbeftrebnt, fiet> (auf3 Sleujierfte) bemuf)ctt; 2. burrbiaufen, bnrrbriimeti, burrbfi= efern, fief era ; you — too far, 2ie ge« ben t ii biefev Sacbc, treibcn tic ©a= die) |U uieif. STRAIN, s. 1. bfc SQetrenfung, 3>crlc= Bung, '•in-frbatignitg, bet Qjtnd); 2. loa, bo« Siebj bee ©efang ; 3. tic 2Beife, .'lit, spiauier; 4. bee ©tnl. SluSbtud ! ; 5. 3ng, (Sang, Shir), tic SBenbuug ; to cross the — , ben©famm K-Baum) butebfreujen, 33erfd)ieben= artigcS paarcn ; a lofty — , eitt feot= lie bmcr (ober (jorbfabtenbet) Xon. s rct viner, «. 1. ber ©utebfeblag, ©ci= her, ©etbeiticbter, ba8 ©eibetucb, bet giltrtrftein ; '2. bet feinc aufjcrficit jtrafte anftrengt. STRAIT a lo. — ly), n'(/'. 1. enge, fnapp ; ft raff; feft, bicbr ; 2. fig. innig, »et« rtaut; 3. genau, ftrenge; 4. fct)toct, febwtetig ; 5. gerabe, Did. Straight ; — gut, bet 5Jtaftbarm ; —laced, engc gefdbuurt; fig. cingcfcj)ranft ; jtren* ge; com. puritanifeb ; — waistcoat (—jacket), tic cnge SBefte; 3 m attgS= jaefe. •trait. .^. 1. tic Gitae, tcr engc SBeg, l@ng=)$Pafh tie &1}eerenge; 2. fig. Jclemnte, SSerkgcnheir, 9cot6; the — s of Gibraltar, tic SJttdjje (ObCt SfJitetenge) bet ©ibraltar ; to he in great — s, iii gvDJjet Sftotb obcr 33er= Icgenbeit fe'.llt ; to drive to straits, tit tie (Snge treibeu. To STRAITEN, v. a. 1. ftraff maebcit, fpannen, ansfpaiutcit, aitjicben; 2. ettge tnarben, uerengen; 3. bes notfii* gen 9iaumc8 beranben ; 4. fig. et'n= febranfen ; 5. in Serlegenbert fefeen, in 9lotb bringen ; 6. gerate macbeit, vid. To Straighten ; to be straitened for money, in @clt»erlcgcitbeit fei;it. rtraitness. s. 1. tie (Snge ; 2. ©e= nauigfeit, Strenge; 3. fig. ©cbaiic= rigfett; 33erlegent)cit, iJJotb; ber 3Hangcf. STK \kks. pi. jv. T. tie $fanfcitgange. STRAMINEOUS, adj. ftrobcnt, line ©trob, ; leichr. BTRAND, s. 1. bet 2 f rant, ba« (2JJec= re8=)Ufet, tie {©ee=O.Rufte ; 2. .v. r. ber 3>ndit, Srbaff, tie getretitc Scbntir eineS ©tricfeS, SaucSii. f. n>. {pi. tie .tarteelen) ; jurisdiction of a — , bie <2traiibgercct)tigfeit (@eriditS = barfeit iibcr ben ©tranb ; beSgleicfjen fiber gejfranbete ©liter ; — runner, ter Straublaufer. To STRAND, o. I. a. 1. anf ten Strant treibeu, {iranben madieit ; 2. anftre= ben (ein Za\x) ;IL n, ftranten ; strand- ed goods ( — property), Straiitgi'ttcr, ©ttanbgut ; stranded, geftraittet. BTRANGEfaio. — ly), adj. 1. fremt, nueiaitbifcf) ; 2. fig. nen, unbefannt, nnerhLirt; ungetvobttlirb, luunberbar, fonberbar, feltfam; uuinterltd) ; 3. fait, faltftllltig ; to look — upon one. Semanben Eaftfinnig anfeben ; — ; o — ! o 3Burtbet! roie feltfam; ata — rate, anf eine feltfame SBeife; a — ■ail, ein iinbetamites oter feintlidie^ 119 2egcl (&fbiff) im B»eebereictje; -- thoughts, femtcrbarc SinfaUe. STRANGENESS, s. 1. tie fremtc Be* febajfenbeir, ^remtbeit; 2. 9teuT)ett, SBunbetbarfeit ; Unbefantitfcbaft ; Seltfamfcit; 3. tcr Jtaltftmt, bie 3"= riicfbaltung, Scburbternbeit ; 4. ^c= fremtnng. STRANGER s. 1. ber fremtc, ^remt= ling, 2luSlanbet ; 2. Unbcfaiinte ; 3. ©aft; 4. l. t. tie Sperfoit, tie eine gertebtlitbe ^aublung nicbt betrirft; to make a — of one, cillen Clli Stent* ten bcbanbcltt, CSomplimcnte mttibm Htacben ; you are a — here, Sic ftllt fremt ctcr nodi neu 6iet; ©ieftnb eine feltcne (5'rfebeiiinng bier; lam a — to . . , iefj bin ciit S'rcmtling, 9^cu= ling in . . , idi oetflebe 31iebt8' von. . , id) fennc . . nid)t. To STRANGLE, v. a. 1. firangiilircit ; ertroffctn, enuiirgen, erfucfen; 2./^. unterbriiden. STRANGLER, s. 1. ter (fnviirgcr, (5r= trofiier ; 2. Itntertrnrfer. strangles,.?.^ bie 3)tufe C^riife, cine Jlranffieit ter 3Jfetbe). strangulation. «. 1. tie @rbto|fe- Iimg, SrwurgiiHg, grftitfung ; 2. Med. T. tcr (SticffllU'- STRANGURY, s. Med. T. tic .§arn= ftrenge. strap, s. 1. tcr 9tiemett, (leberne) Streifcn, baS ?eter, tie ©nrtc; 2. B. T. taS 53latt()antd)en ; razor — , ber ©treicbriemen ; — shaped, B. T.\\\\\-- gcnfSrmig; — worm, ter 3tiemeii= autrm. To STRAP, d. a. 1. mit piemen v c 1 1 = feben ; 2. mit Siicmcn bir.ten, befefti= geit; 3. anf eittcnt Stteicbrieinen ab= jieiieit. strappado, s. (urfbrungTirb eine mis litarifebe 2trafe, aobei bet ©ttaffing mit gebunbenen airmen son einer gc= miffen >£>5be f)inabgeftnrjt nutrt'c), tas iPeitfrben mit 3tiemen £ <£trapp= fen, SBippen. To strappado, v. a. (utfvtungticb uon einer gctpiffeit .6obe jitr ©irafe biiiabftitrjcit) ; mit [Riemen peitfeben. strapping, vuig. axo% itnb ftarf (»on Sperfonen), sieffrbrotig ; a — fellow, ber Seblagefobt. STRATA, s. (pi. "Oil Stratum), bie ?a= gen, @cf)icf;ten. stratagem, *. bic JlricgSlift; Sift, tcr ©trcid) ; tic JtriegStbat. STRATfFrcATiON,s. ta-J iluffebic[)ten ; tie 2ef)id)tniig. To STRATIFY, v. a. auffdlidlten. stratocracy. .<. tie ©ttatoftfttie, militiirifcbe Serfaffung ctcr Oiegie= tungsform. stratum, s. tic Za{\c, ©cbicbt. straw, s. 1. baS ©trcb; ter ©ftof)= balm, .Oalm ; 2. fig. tic Jtleinigfeit ; chopped — , bet -tparfcrling, ba8^acf= fct; a man of — , ber ©tri)f)iliailtt ; fig. ber -fpabenicbfS ; to be (« r lie) in the — , vu'g. tit iffioeben licgcit; I would not frive a — for it, id) gebe f 1 - nen feller bafiit ; I care not a — , id) frage niebtS bamaeb ; it is not worth a — , c8 iff feincn SPftffrrlino wertb; — bed, baS ©trobbett, ber ©truhfacf; — berry, tic (fltbcere ; Chili — berry, bie SRiefenerbbcere ; muscus — berry, tie aJtofrbu6=@rbbecre : — berry-biite, (— berry-spina?e,) tcr (^rtbcerfpiltat, tie 33eermelbe (Blitum — /J; — berry-leaf. b(t3 C?fbbcf rbla tt ; — ber- ry-plant, tClS fi'rtbccrfrant (Fragaria — L.) ; — berry-tree, ber (S'rtbccrbaunt {^rbutus unrilo — Z.!) ; — berry tre- foil, ter (irbbecrftee (TYifolium fragi- J'crum — L.> • — built, bOrt ©ttpfj ge = bant, flroBetn ; — colour, bie ©trob' farbc ; — coloured, ftrobfarben ; — cutter, bet ■fiacferliiigsfdbneiberj ^i< ^aef ertingSbibe ; — goods, p/.geflceb' tenc Strobmaare ; — hat, tcr©trob s ^ut; — mat. tie ©ttobmatte; — mattress, tie ©trpbmattftfec ; — pa- per, bafl Strobpapier; — stuffed, intt ©trof) geftppft; — worm, bet etrob* rourm; — wreath, tcr ©trcbftatn. strawy adj. 1. ftroficm, ftrobabu» lieb ; 2. (eid;t. To stray, v. n. irrcn, trre gcbeit, febi geben, ftit oeritten ; betum irren, berum febroeifen, fdjlenbern; (— from) alifdiiveifen. STRAY, I. adj. trre, verirrt, vcrlanfen, serloren ; n »-. ba§ SSetlotene, ver= irrte ©efd)iipf„ scrlanfcne, oerlprne Sbier; — line Jr.T. b<[$ "?lbfaUcn, ber KbfaUbeS ©cbiffefl anfter ^abrtja — passenger, ein ^rrfabrer, 93etirttet. strayer, s. ber ©antcrcr, ^erirrte, Srrfabrcr ( streak, s. 1. ter ©hid), ©treif, ©treifeit; 2. *v. T. vid. Strakk. To streak, r. a. ftrcifeii, ftreifig ma- cbeit ; ftriebeln, ©tticbe madieit. STREAKY, adj. ftreifig, geftrcift. stream, s. tcr Strom, gln| ( Sauf; — of gas, ber ©aSftrom; a: t-s. — anchor, ter 23nrfanfer ; — cai.'le, taS SBitrfaiitertan, Jtabeltau ; — tin, tag ©trom^iiut; — work. Mm. T. tie SSafrbe, baS glutbwerE. To STREAM, v. I. v. (anS)ftromen, fliejien, frbiefjen, tricfen, rinnen, ent= riniieit ; II. a. ftreifig maebcii, ftreifen. STREAMER, *. tie' yabne, Slagge, SBimpcl. STREAMIJET, s. ter Heine Shift, la? 3Bafferd)en. STREAMY, adv. |tromenb, riiincnt, gc- waffett, ftromreifb, fliiiireid). street, s. bie ©affe, ©tra^t ; — uoo:, bie tauberc) ^amhbih ; — tunes, ©affenliccer, vvlg. ©affenbauer ; — walker, ber ^flaftertrelcr ; tie ©aj= fcnraitgc ; ©affenbure. STRENGTH,*. 1. tie ©tarfc, ctraff ; 2. J^arte, Sefiigfeit ; 3. iDlacbt, 2;tup= peumarbr, ©treitfrafte; upon the — of, fraff, seifmSge. To STRENGTHEN, v. I. a. ftarf ma= eben, itcne J?raft geben, ffarfen ; be* ftarf e it; fraftigen, scrftarfen ; befe= ftigeit ; beftatigen; n. n. ftarf mers ben, erftarfen, fid) beritarfen. STRENGTHENERj *. ter Statfenbe ; Med. T. ba3 StarfungSmittel, tie ©tarfnng. STRENGTHLESS, adj. Ol)lie ©tarfe, fraftloS, fdiaad), matt. STRENUOUS [ado.— ly). adj. 1. tapfer, fiibn. roacfer, maniibafr, liictitig, berjbaft ; 2. beftig, cifrig; — ness, .«. 1. bic Tapfcrfeit, .Uitbnbeit, 3Rann* baftigfeit, fierjbaftigfeit, Siicbtig= Eeit; 2. .fiefiigfeit, bet Sifet. STREPEROUS, adj. gcranfebyoll, Kir' ment, taufrbenb, piatTelut (W. u.). STRESS, s. 1. tie ©tarfe, Jlraff, tcr ?cad)tnicf, tie SBirbfigfeit;"' 2. bet -Oanptpniifr, Sliiditpniift; 3. tie ©cbmetc, baS ©eroicbt ; 4. bie ®e= malt, tcr Ungeftitm; — of the voice, bie profotifdie Setonung; — of weather, bilo ititgcftiime SBeftcr ; to lay — upon a thing, fig. eitt ©eil'iejt ct it f ttroaS legen, barauf bauen, bat« anf bringen, als roirbtig DorfreHeii. To STRETCH, w. I. n. l.tchtteit, rcifeit, ftterfen, aiioifrcrfen, ausbreifen, [pan* nen, anSfpaniien, am>tcbiten ; 2. att» fpanncn, anftreiigeit; 3. nberfpatt* nen, iibertret'ben, itberntreitett, Iii« gen, anffebiieiten, to!, mit bem gro* STRI STRI STRO felt SWeffet ftfenei&en; II. n. 1. fid) fttecfen, fid) erftrecfen ; fid) befjnen, fid) rocitcit, ftc^> aitfti'cugcit, anjreU foil ; 2. .v. T. praugcn, * > ' t ' c =>egel fiibren, mit ^refivpinb fegelu. FTRETOH, «. 1. fie SluSfttecfuiig, Sfotfc bebnung, iSpauuung; 2. ©rretfe, ^iieile, t5rfirccfuttg, bcr Unifaug ; 3. bie 2luftrcngung ; 4. Uebetfpannnng, Utberfcbreitung ; 5. jv. T. etil ©ang bcim \!a»irtn ; at a — , tit cittciit 3uge, btntet etnanber; to be on the — ,'ttt (banger) Ungerotfjbett fetyn : to put to (upon) the — , iibcvtvcibcii, boebfpannen, anf bie hotter fpauncn ; to put to the utmost — , OUf ba-J "}lcu= jjerfte tvciocii; to make greater stretches, fid; gtofiere Srcibeit au= majjeit. STRETCHER, s. 1. bet, bie, bag ?(lt'5= bct)tiettte, bet 2>cJ)iicv, ©paitnet ; 2. T-s. iBeubeficcfeit, ciu 3N-liu« pber ©trecfroerfjeug, tag Sttetfeifen 3 b«S <2d)lid)tcifctt ; Quetbolj, ber Oucr= jiegel; 8u|jbl0mf» 5*0* tep*©ttaufe Jitieg; 2. ba« SBtbet= ftvcbeit; 3. bie SBibermarttgteit ; 4. bet ©egenfufe; 5. SBibetfptudj; 6. ber SEBettflreit, Jlad^cifev, ba» @tvc= belt, s i'emitl)eii. STRIFEFUL, adj. 1. flreiti'iiditig, jiiiu fifrl); 2. jivcttig, ini^elitg, wibet= fvrcd)cnb. 3TRI60US, adj. B. T. ftn'e>]clid). 7b STRIKE, v. a. & n. 1. fcMagcn, fjauen, fdmicitlcit, ftiii^en, ftofien, tveffcit; 2. ptfigen, nwiijen ; 3. ftvei= djcit, anflveid)cu, nbftreidjen, anf= flrietjen; 4. niebetlaffen j 5. /,v. bc= tutgeit, viifjreit, evgveifcit, auffaUen ; fi. angteifen ; 7. fittief en ; 8. n.'ir= feu, bctiuifeii, Detutfadpen, eiue p!6fe= lid)e ititeniMvti'te Smpfinbung yer= mfadicii ; 9. beftrafen; 10. (titSBeft* ] inbien) in tin i?fif}(gef5g fdjnitcn; 11. frpmeftern, bonnetn, trt5neil; blifecu, leud'ti".!, ftiMMcn, glimmen; 12. fid) (fdjneil) u'eubcit, fd)ic5en, gc()cii; 13. attfitlageii, gelingen, uet= fangen; 14. gemetnfdjafflicp |u av- beiten anf £>evcit, um ijSfjertn ?ul)n iu erjwin'gen; 15. Sp. r. ftvcidjei', j [nufen, Ifinfig fei>n; 16. Sea r.ip-s. mit beui So^ife ouf ecu ©tnnb fto= gen, ftiMiiben, bie Segel (bepglei^en eine ylngge) ftteicheii; to — a ba- lance, JM E.ben Srtlbojiefjen; eiuen Salbo auSgJeidjeit, cine DJedittiuig fnibiren ; to — a battle, eiue ?d)Iad)t liefeni; to — blind, bliitb nuidjcn, blenben ; to — a blow, eincn @d)(,ig tl)un ; to — a colour, Saebe aufftrei= d)cn, anftra : .]eit ; to — corn, ba« @e= ticibc ftreitb'en, abftreidien ; to — dead, tobten ; f?. eiuen ftavfen C5iit= bnnf bei eiitem maeben ; to — lire, Setter aiibbaitf) gcratben, ftvanben ; to — the tents, tie gelfe abbrerbeit; the clock strikes, bie U6t fcblSgtj fig. Ph a. it strikes my fancy, Ca fdnvebt mir sot bet 5ecle, efl Eommt mit bc= fannt »pt ; — amain : Sea Kip. ftveicfj! (3ntuf an eiu feinbltcbee' @d)iff, bafj ciS fid) cvgebe) ; to — against, an (twciS ftpfjeii ; fig. toibets ftreiteu; fid) wcl)ven ; to — at, fd)la= gen iiad) , .; fig. anareifen, ttntetneb= mett; to — down, fallen; nieberlafs fen ; to — for, ctnctt SIngttff macben, anf . . ; bie SHngel auStnetfen, iiad) . . ; to — in with, fid; ridUcu imd) . „ ubcveinftiiiimeit mit . . ; beiftiinmcii ; beitreten; fidj ftblagen \n . .: to — into, (it ntitt fdilageu ; bineinfiiii^cn ; gebcit in..; bcrfebnt tit . . ; to — deep into . ..fig. tief ciltbfilljCIt in . . ; this lane strikes into the broad street, bieftS ©afjeben fiibvt nad) ber brct= ten ©ttafe ; to — ( ,ir. abf^Iagen, abbancn ; abbrucfen ; fid) wegmeita ben, abfonbevn, ttennen; wegftreu ct>eit ; abfebaffen, aufbeben ; to — otr one's head, 3emaiibeu cntbaupteii ; to —off to. ., ciiient etma* jufebtagen (in bee Auction) ; to — on. anf ttwai liurfeit ; to — out. aii*ftvcid)eu, bnvii)= ftreicben ; anstbun (einen bewMten Scbnlbpoften tin ©udje); beeaii* fcblagen; fdiaffeit, cvfinbeit f)etuor= btingen; auStteten, aiisfdwcifen 5 to — through, Uneaten, bli^cn, buvd): ftrahleu ; to — to, fid) (tcni gfeinbe) ergebett, ba« ©eivebe ftiedeu ; fig. tveffen, viiiiren; to — to the (very) heart, j^. }U ^erjen ,-jcfictT, bis in bie (Seele bringen ; to — to the ground, tu Soben (tteaen; 10 —up, ruiu-ni, fdjUtgen ibie Stommel, 11. f. to.) ; aufftveidien, aiiffpielen; to — with awe, fig. mit Cfbrfurcbt eifiillcn ; to — with dismay, fig. Aummet 9etut« fatten ; to — with fear, (Jurdjt einj,i= gen ; to — with tatneness. la'bllten ; to — with surprise, fig. mii fBejhtt jltng cvt'iillen. STRIKE, *. 1. ber ©treidi, Steid) ; 2. ba8 @treid)bol< ; 3. tie 2lrbeit«ein= (tellung, (gemetnfebaftlicb befrblofa feitc) !ffietg?rung HI arbeiten ; — block, t. bet Streifbobei. striker, « 1. bet Scblager, 9lngtei= fet, 2Iu«fcblaget; 2. Sttetojet. STRIKING [adv. — i.v. adj. anffal- Iiiib, eiuen fdinelleit (Siltbtud ma» djeub, angveifenb; a — likeness, bie aitffadrttbe 'Jlebnlirbfeit, bal uoM^r. froffeiie Bilbnip. STRDXINGNESS, *. b.U Slufj Utberra) STRING, ». 1. tie &$tmt, bat ! ::i. tie r.v. bev v Jicv.-, bit fiJebne, Alcd'- jjimgcnbanb; ■!. bie Aettr, Reibe, : 4. jwtr, 8«fet, rjafti Otatttipyt, l .1 'V'eete ; to 1 two — s to one's bow, an ITOti (fen ^iebcit ; jipci SD!ittel pBottbetie jugleid) babeii; — ibttcn* tvi'tt Pbcr ■ Oabucii'" d". ::t in ben terfiif;,n bet ^feirbt ; — fnsti bal Saiteninfttumenf. r., STRING, r. a. 1. bc'aitcn, (mi! Sais ten bejfeben, anfjieben ; mit lien, SRctoen veifebcn, ftavfen, bin* ten ; 2. anftrettgen, aiijicbcn ; 3. veihen, aiifeeibcn ; to — beans ! nen abjtefjen. STRINGED, adj. I. befaitet, be|0aen; 2. Don ©aiteu obet SRetoen bevfont- ment ; a — instrument, cin ©aitenii:- frrumenl. STRINGENT, adj. fraftia,, v.^i lieb, ciulendjteiib. STRINGLESS, adj. 1. nubcfaitct; 2. nettienlog ; 3. pbue ©rbnnr. STRINGY, adj. fafeeig. jafctig; tenattig. 7b strip, o. n. 1. abjieben, auSjieben, entfleibeit, cntblbjien; 2. abfcpfilen, auSfcbalenj 3. vaubeit, berauben, pliinbetitj 4. abfonbtrn, fonbetn, ti'cuneit ; to — ashipof her riming, 1 . — the masts, Sra Exp. Ct It 2d)lff bit 3)Iaften) abtafelii; to— naked, uaefi augjitbtn ; to — one of, eineit a 116= jichen, cutblof;en, berauben, einem (etivas) nebnteu ; to — 011; abjii aufipliinbetn; bcr ©d;ale berauben, abfdjalen. STRIP,*, ber (Strcifeu, @d;uitf, bal @d)iiittdicn. To STRIPE, v. a. 1. flrtifen, fticifi,) ntatfceit; 2. febla^eu, peitfrben. stripe, s. 1. betStreif, 5tiieb; 2. Scbnift; 3. bie Srtieme; L tct ©trcieb, @d)Iag (mil etnet i ; em"d\. 11. f. ».); stripe-Iurnilure, I'lbbcUeitl; UMiit ; — tape, gcfticiftci (©ebiiiitu=) S3aub. stripling, .--. bet Sttebling, jungt 3JJtnftb, '.'luffebofding, Sluffojup, bat ^uifdntcii. STRIPPER, --. l. bet Slbjiebenbe, 8u«a liebtnbe, SntbWpenbe ; 2. Erennenbe. 7b STRIVE o. v. 1. ftieben, fidi be- ftvcbcu, fid) (feme Jtififtel anfrttu« gen ; 2. fid) ftvaubcu, fticitcn, fam = run; 3. eifetn, nadn-iteni, irettei= fevu ; 4. )ld) beivevben ; to — againsi the stream, gegen ben Strom fcbiiMiu- IllCli; to — lor mastery. Ulll ten ing ftreiten ; to — about a thing, fich iibee obet urn et»a« laitfen. STRIVER, «. bet ©tteoenbe, Strciter, (Siftter, -Juirbeifevcr, iBemerbet. STRIVINGLY, ado. 1- um Pterin bie SEBette, jum %xx>%\ 2. Hmpfenb, mil sWacbr. STR( >I51LE, s. B. r. ber (Ianncn=)3a-- Pfeu- BTRODHJFORM, adj. tanutapfenfiu- mig. oKAt,. STROKAL, t. bie ctferiic SR6f>rt Jlllll ®la«blafen, bas 33Ia«tob;t, ^ufirobr, bie SPfrffe. STROKE, ». l.btr ©tveieb. Striae, (5tpfi, .Oifb; 2. 3trid\ ^u,i (mil tern EDtnfel) ; 3. bet ©lotftnfcblagj I. '?lufall, bie ShnvanbJung : — W 41U STRU STUD STUM Jie oar?, jv: T. bev Diubcvfrbiag; it is upon the — of nine, (i ift OUf bcilt @d)laiie Iteun: without striking a — , obre ©divocvtttvcid) ; — of the piston, t. bcv Jlolbeubub ; — of a pen, bet ^ebcvftvtd; i strokes of genius, @Cllic= SJ31 idFc ; to give a finishing — to a thing, bie lefctc i§anb (obct'Sreile) an ett»o« legem ft STROKE, v. a. i. flrcidjcn, fttet= cbclu ; 2. fd)mcid)cln. itroker, s. ber Stveidjcv. btrokesman, s. bev Sormanu, 93ov= roicr, 93ovvubcicv in eineut SSoote. To STROLL, v. n. bcrumftvcifcii, bcv= umtvaubevu pber geben, bcvuiru fcbroavmcu pber laufcn, bcviuufrt;lcn= bent, fpajievcn gefycn ; to — out, ai\Sf fdjlcilbetlt ; strolling company, bic Iicrimi5t'cf)cnbe Sd)aufpielcvgcfcU= m& stroll, s. bag £cvumfd)[enbcnt. STROLLER, s. 1. bev .gevumftvcifev, ganbfiretcber, Sanb'laufer ; 2. bcv ber= untjiebenbc ^cbaufpieicr, SorffomSs biant. STRONG ( ni§ ; — set, unterfetjt ; — water, bcv 5Sratintn>ein, 9lquat>it ; — water-shop, ber 33vanutivciit[abcn. BTRONTiAN, s. ber ©tconttan, Strolls ttattit (eine (Svbart). STRONTTTic, adj. ben Strptttiau bc= tveffenb. strontium, s. Ch. t. bag mctallifcbe 0tabical bee ©tronttancrbc. strop, ». jv. t. 1. ber ©tvcr-p ; 2. (razor — ), ber ©tvcicbvicmen. STROPHE Strophy, s. bie Stvopbe, bet SBerSfafe, 3Jer«. To STROW, vid. To Strkw. STRUCTURE, s. 1. bag SaitClt ; 2. ®C= bau&c, ber 33au ; 3. bic Sauarr, 3u= fammenfcljung, gitguug; 4. Min. T. bag ©eftige. BTRUDE, s. bic ©tutevei. To STRUGGLE, v. n. 1. ft* beftig be= rocgen, avbeitcn, fid) anftfcngcii, fid) placfeu, ftrejben, ficb beftvcbcii, bemiU ben, fid) tvinben, ficb ftvauben; 2. fdmpfcit (— with, mit ; — against, gcgcii), vingen, ftvctlcit; to — hard, ftcb abarbetten.. struggle, s. 1. bie 9tnf}rcngiing, beftige 83emtiljung, ba« ©tvaubcit, Strebeti, bic Slvbett; 2. ber ^ampf, ©treit; 3. bie Kotb, 9lngft, 33evle= gettbeit, Slgonie. BTRUGQLER, *. ber ©tvebcube, ^ant= pfcr, Ciingcr. To STRUM, v. n. vvlg. ftcbelll, l[\\\U pern, fvafeen. ETBUMA, .5. j\i,d. t. ber ^vopf, bie ctrbartcts ©ri'ifengcfrbtmilft. Strumous, *dj. frppfig, mit enter 420 »cvbavtctcn ^riijcngcfcbanilft be= baftct. STRUMPET, I. s. bic pffciitlicbc .<5nre, ©itffcnbnrt ; u. i„ij. 1. bUTCvifrb; 2. tinbeftdnbig, falfcfe. To strumpet, v. a. jitr ^uvc marbcn, frbanben, f4)warbcn. To strut, v. n. flvp^ett, fid) fprctjert, jiotjiten, prangen, ftci) bviiftcn, ftcb bebnen. strut, s. has (Strofecn, 33riiftcn, ber ftoljc (Sang, ©ftauigang. struthious, adj. ptotifatlig, bent @tvauf;c abnlitb. STRUTTER, s. 1. bcv (Stpljircitbc; 2. Orofitbuer, Spval;lf;an§. STRUTTTNGLY, adv. ftpljircnb, grpfi= tblienb; strutting-piece, T. bit ®pett= lciftc. STRVCIINIA, s. ch. T. bag Stn)cbnin. STUB, s. bag (2tamm=(?itbe, ber fefuntpf, ©turj, ©lift ; — nail, ber ftumpfe 9lagel, fuvjc nub bicfc dla- gel ; — wood, Stanimbplj. To STUB (or To Stub up), v. a. (atlfis) vcitten, (ait5=Jrpttcn, auSroutjcln. stubbed, adj. 1. abgefttnitpft, ge= ftufet; 2. ttnterfefet ; 3. fig bavt, grpb. STUBBEDNESS, s. bic abgefiufcte 33e= febaffenbeit, ba§ Slbgcftuiitpfle, @e= fiufetfettt. stubble, s. bic ©tpbbel, ber -galin; — field, ba§ ; bag ftolpcvnbe ^Jfetb. STUMBLING, s. bag StPlpCVIt, fen, 3luftof5en, Straud;e(u j bcrScbl* STYL SUBC SUBH ftitt; baa SBetfeben; — Mock, (— •tone:-, fig. ber ©tein bea 9InfloM; — \y,adv. jtolpcrnb, ftraurfjclnb, fe&= lent-. stump, *. ber Stunipf, ©tummel ; to the — , bia auf ben ©tumpf, turdiaua. STUMPY, adj. 1. bait, fhaff, fietf, \iix-- rig (m. it.) ; 2. fuvj. ftammtg. 7"» STUN, r. a. 1. betauben; 2. »crbu= tjen, befturjeu, ftaniien ntacbcii. To BTUNT, ?>. a. am SUadjethume hin= bent, oerbuftcn laffen ; ucrmabrlofeii. STUPE, ». bet SBabelappen, roarme Umfdjlag; bie Sailing, baa Jtraiu terbab. To STUPE, v. a biihcu, warm Uinfd}la= gen obet oetbinben. STUPEFACTION, s. bie 23ctaubung, 93erbu$utig, SBeftutjung, bag ©tail* ueit. STUPEFACTTVE, adj. betaubettb. stupefies, ». bev (tic, ba«) Setaus benbe ; baa SSetaubungSmittcl, J&ftr* tungsmittel. 7» STUPEFY, ». «. 1. betauben, »etbu« §en, bumm macben, serbunuiteit ; 2. ber (SntpfiitMing ober be« Semuft= fcima betauben ; 3. beftiirjt macben, in ©tctuneu fcljen, ftauncu macben, bctboren ; 4. fhtntpfcit, bie Sttaft nehmcii; to lie Btupified with ... bc= taubt, beftiirjt femt uor . . , burdj . .. STUPENDOUS [adv. — ly), adj. CV|tau= nenb, erftauulicb, nmnbcrfain ; — bbm, s. bie (Srfiauulidjteit, SBunbcrbatfcit. STUPID (ode. — i.y), adj. bumm, geift= loa, fopfloa, albcrn, betanbt, beftiirjt. stupidity, I s. 1. bie SBetaubung, stupidness, $ 'Bcfiiirjttng, baa ©taunen ; 2. bie Titmmbeit. stupor, s. 1. tie 33ctaubung, ©rftats rung ; 2. Smntmbeit ; 3. baa (Srftaus uen, ©ratten, Olttfiarren, Sluftauttctt. To stuprate, v. a. uotbjudjtigcn, fdjeiuben. STUPRATION, s. bie Sfatfljiidlfiguug, ©dj&nbung, L. T. baa Stupriim. STURDINESS, s. 1. bie Srciftigfcit, jtcefbeit, gredjbeit, bee Xrofc ; 2. bie ©torrigfeit, .{partmidrigfcit; ©tanb* baftigfeit; 3. @tarfe, $arte, 5>crb= [Kit. STURDY (adv. — ily), adj. 1. flat!, fraf> boll, betb, banbfefofteif, ftraff, bavt, ftatt; 2. ftorrig, bartnacfig ; muttjig, fiif)it, brcift, fecf, trofcig. sturdy, ». bie a>rcr>franfr>cit bet ©cbafc; ©djtoinbelfijrner. sturgeon, s. ber (common— ,gemeittt) (StSr (Jlcipenscr sturio — L.) ; ber QSUfcn (.■h-iprnsrr huso — L) ; caviar — , bei" Stetlet (Jlcipenscr ruthenus — L.). To STUTTEB, r. a. flotterti, ftammeln. STUTTERER, s. bev Stottcrer, @ tamnt= ler. STUTTER1N6LY, \ ado. (it. ii.) flot= SI'UTTINGLY, $ tevilb. STV r , *. 1. ber (Sct)iuein-)2ta[I, (5ci)wein=)^pbeitj 2. ba« (Sevfteiu Fein am 3lugc. To sty, v. a. einftallcit, in ben Stall tbint, einfperren. STYGIAN, »'/;'. ftv>i\i fcf>, t)i?Htfrf>. BTYLE,*. 1. bet ®tiffel; Stirfjel, bie Spi^e, 9Jabe( ; 2. ber Beigev; 3. /?. r. ber ©ripl; 4. ber ©hit, bie ©rfneibavf, ber 3In«bnicf ; bie ffltt unb Aunfl, eii^cne 3)Janier in ben .Ruiiflcii ; 5. ber Xitel, 9>}ame i bie SBerotbuung, SGerfa^rungSart: 6. bie 3eitvecbnuiig (old — , bie altc i'uliani= frbe 3eitte<$nung ; new — , bie neue 3«tredjnung)j 7. via. Stilk; in—, prnnfbaft, lioditvabenb ; to live in — , Sufroanb (ein gto§e8 .Oane) marficn ; is ths first — , had; bem neueften ®t» fdlltKiCf; chastcness of—, bill <5t«i= fe\;n be« ©t»I« yon 93atbatiflmen j — of court, ber finrialftnl, bie Stan* jelleifdjreibart; the royal—, tie to= nigltdje SSerotbnung. To STYLE, v. a. iicimen, benciuicn, be= titcln. STYLlPOBM, adj. nabelf5tmig, fpifeig, gtiffelfStmig. STYLISH, adj. ptUttEjjaft, ^odjtrabenb, niptifdi. STYLITES, s. pi. tie Ct^liten (einc dmftlidie ©efte). STYLOBATION, *. Jlrch. T. tcr 2,'in = leiiftubl, Sanlenfiiy. STYLOID, adj. vid. Stymform. STYPTIC (Stypticw,). Med. T. f. adj. ftuptifcb, jitfainmeitjie^enb, blutfliu (enb, ftojjfenb; n. ». H8 blntftillenbe SKittel. STYPTKTTy", s. Med. T. ba3 2ti)pti- fd)e, 3olutjtillenbe, ©tcpfenbe. STYRIA, Stiria, s. bie Stcicvmavf. STYTIIY, Stithy, s. ber 5lmbo|;, ba? ©perrborn. STYX, s. Myth. T. ber ©fcbjr, fiSHtn* pug. SUABIA, ». rba-3 8anbJ Sfbwabcn. suabian, i. adj. fd)tt>abifdj ; ii. s. ber ©cbwabe. SUABILITY, «. bie SScvtlagbarfeit (W. ii.). suable, adj. tterflagbat. SUASCBLE adj. ju ubctteben, 511 bcre= ben, jit leiten, ju lenfen, lentoas. suasion, s. bie Uebevrebusg, ©e4re« bung. suasive, adj. iibcrrcbnib, betcbenb. SUASORY, adj. juiu llcbervebcn bicn= lid), ubettebenb. suavity, s. bie Siifigfctt, Siebltd)= feit, Slnnuitf). SUBACID, adj. cirt wenig (ehvaS) fauer, faueriidj. SUBACRID, adj. ein lvctiig l)evbe, et= roa« febarf. subaction, «. 1. bie Unterjodpung, 3?ejn>iugung ; 2. c/i. T. tie Stteber= bampfung, 2lbfd)mel5itiig ; 3. 3 cr - piiltjentng ; 4. Med. T. bie 5lnfn)Ct= cbnng, (§rroetd)flng. SUBAGITATION, s. bie fleifcbjtdk Sermifdjung. subah, s. (in Snbien) bie Statt[jal= terfd>aft. subahdar, ». ber ©tatt^attet etnet ^rouiiij in 3nbicn. SUBAHSJitP. s. ber ©cvid}tsbcjirf ci= nc8 i&uba^ar. subaltern, 1. adj. untergeorbitet: 11. s. ber Untcre, llittevbeamte, ©ubal- tern. BUBALTEKNATE, adj. alnvcdifcdtb ; untergeorbnef. subaltebnation, s. 1. has 9Iufein« anberfblgen, bie Sibroedjfelung ; 2. bie Unterorbnung. BUBAaUATIC, } adj miter bem SJafa subauueous,) fet (liegenb). SU! ASTRAL, adj. UlllCl' bCll StCmCrt, irbifd). Subastringent. adj. ein ttjenifl (ets iva«) jiifaiiiiuct^ielieiib cber ftcpfeitb, SUBAXILLARY, adj. untcr bem Ut* fprungc bc« SlfttB flebeub. BUBBEADLE, a. ber llntcrbafdicr, Svobufnerbt, ®etidjtsfnedjt. SUBBRIGADIEB, s. ber Untetbtigabtet. SUBCARBONATE, a. rh. r. Jtpblcii= fame init w ftarfem ©afe, SUBCARBURF.TKD. adj. Ch. T. illt ge- ringeit Ovabc niit Jtoblenftoff ge= fdjroftngert. SUBCELESTIAL, adj. liiitevbimiiilifili, irbifd). SUBCENTRAL adj. unttt bem SKittcl pniift befinMid;. SUBCHANTER, .«. ber Untercanfrr, Un« terfanget. SUBCLAVIAN, adj. .1. T. unter bem Sdjulterbeine j — vein, bie Sdjiiffel* beinabet. 8UBO IMMISSIONER, ». ber Utitcrcoiu- miffAt, Untcrfdjrcibcr. SUBOOMMTrTEE, s. bie llntercommif-- ficn, tcr ltntcrau*fd;up. SUBOONSEQOENCE, s bie golge aui etiier rjolge, untcre Solge, jrocite »5olgc. SUBCONSTELLATION, «. .]-f. T. bie Unter-^i'iiftcllatioii, bal Stetnbilb 9om jweiten 3ian ( ]e. SUBCONTRACTED, adj. fcltrcf) eillCIt iieiicn Sertrag oerbunben. SUBOONTRARY, adj. balb entgegen. iRDATE, adj. B. T. faft t)erjt'er= mig. BUB( < iSTAL, adj. a. T. unter ben 9ltt>« pen bepiiblirb. SUBCUTANF.ul <, • . I T. Ulltcr bfl fianf befinblid), jwifrben >C"»aut uub gleifd). BUBCuncTTLAR, adj. unter bet Dbtt* bant liccicnb. BUBDEAOON, s. ber SubbiaconuS, Un* terbiaconuS, Untcrbelfcr, untcre .(onlfcpvicfter. SUBDEAOONRY, ? .-. baS SubbiacO- SUBDEAO INSHB?, S Hat. subdean, « bet SubbecanuS, Uutcr- bedjant. : \\f:rv, t . bie 2T>iirbc unb baa v .i(mt cinca Uttterbedjanten. BUBDECUPLE, adj. ein 3c')»'ft «»** haltcnb. SI I'.inTiTiors, adj. untergefdjobcii (m. it.). To SUBDIVERSIFY, v. a. »cniianmit= falttgen, mieber abaittcm; intntcr anbeti madjen, SBtranberung attt SOeranbetung madjen. 3Tj SUBDIVIDE '■ l "■ uiiterabtbeilcn. Untetabtbeilungen madjen; 11. «. un-- terabgetbeilt roerben. SUBDIVISION, r tic Uuterabt(;ci(u»g ; ba» Uutcrabtbcilcu. SUBDOLOUS, adj. betruglid), liftig, fdjlait, fein (». it.). BUBDOMTNANT, ■. Mua T. bit SnbbO= minante. BUBDUABLE, adj. uutcnin-rfbar, be= jaingbat. subdual s. bie Unttrwerfung. To BUBDl CE, i v. a. i. entjieben, To subduct, S itebnteu ; wegjieben ; 2. abjieben, fubtrabtteti. SUBDUCTION, s. 1. bie (8lltji< SBegna^me- 2. Slbjie^ung, bet %$■■ jug; ba* 'Jlbjiebeu/bie Subtraction. To BUBDUE, d, a. 1. unterwerfen, uit= tenvi'ufig maebcii, uuterjodjen, be* jmingeii, iibertofittigeii, befiegen, er= fd)6pfen; 2. untetbtflaen, bebrudren; 8. biinbtgen, jSbmen, bSmpftn; 4 (Vant) oerbeffern, frudjtbat mac^ett; (llnffaut) Dcrtilgtn, auftrotten; in — one'a flesh, Th. PA fein Bleifdj freujigen, faflcicn. SUBDUER, 8. bet Unteriodjet iwinget, ©Snbigtt, uuterbrucfer, gfi^mct. BUBDUPLE, Bino0PUCA.n, adj. balb. Si BEO.UAL, adj. bciuab gleiq. suberate, 1. baa [otlfaute Salj, SUBERIC, adj. Ch. T. forffaiicr; tic ftotifSute. m BEROSE, adj. n. T. benaat. BUBEROUS, adj. forfatfig. SUBFUSE, adj. tittifelbraiin. -1 BGLOBULAR, adj. fngclicbt, vuilb« lid). si bhastation, «. bet SffentKdJe a?* rid)tlid)c SBerEauf, bie 2!cif}eiger>ing, Suction, Sub^aftation. SUBL SUBO SUBS gUBJNDICAHQK, 3. bie Slnjeiflf, oc= jeicbnuug. SUBINFEUDATION, s 1. L. T. bit 33es lebtiung 111 it ciiicm SHftetlejjeii ; 2. \>a6 afttrleonS'oer^aUnip. MjBlTANEOUS, adj. plofclidj, fd)ncll, cilia.. SUBJACENT, adj. taruiltcr licgcilb ; 1111= ten (ticfcr) gelegen. BUBJECT, I. arf/'. 1. untcr etttWa Pbcr uiitcit bcftnl-ltc^ ; 2. 511m ©ruute n.e= legt; 3. untcnvorfcn, itntcrgebeii, uiitertKni, bicnftbar ; i. auSgefefet ; 5. berpflicbtct, fcbultig; the — matter, bcr (fraglidje) ©cgcuftaub ; to hold — to.... |ur SBerfugung ... fatten ; — to my order, jit nifincr tBcrfiigung ; to be — to anger, Icicbt jprnig rocr* ben ; n. s. 1. bcv llutcrtfjaii, Uuterge= bene; 2. baS (Subject, bet ®egen= ftanb, &afl ©tunbbing, ©runbroefen, bcr ©runbbegriff, bag ©tunbtoott, bee Stojf, baS SScfcn, bic Sperfon, bcr OiPiuinatib; the —I treat of, bcr ®C = genfraub, roebpii id) bauble ; it is her perpetual — , fie fpricbt unaiiftjL>vlic£> ba»on. 7b SUBJECT, v. a. i. bavuutcr Icgcti, unterlcgcit ; 2. barlegcu, tarfielieit; 3. auSfefeen, biofjjtellen; 4. ( — to) untenvcrfcu, untcrjjocben, ticuftbar mad)en (3«ntonb eiuem); to — to imposition, bcr ©cfahr bcr Ueben»r= tbeilitua, auSfcfccn, blcSftellcn. BUBJEOTION, s. 1. bie Untevroerfung ; 2. Unfetworfentjett, Itntenviirfigfeit ; Slbfcangigfett, Spfltdfj t, £icnftbaffe:t. SUBJECTIVE (ado. — ly), adj. Jit bem ©ubjecte gcbih'ig, fubjectip, inner, eiitrppbucnt. To subjoin, v. a. upeb. beifiigcit, mit binju fefjett. To subjugate, v. a. uitter jpeben, un* tertoerfen, bc$n>tngeu, jrotngeit. BUBJUGATION, s. bie Unterjo$ung, Uiiterroerfung. SUBJUNCTlON, 5. bie SBetfiiguitg, 5ln= fiiguug, 93erbinbung. SUBJUNCTIVE, I. adj. Beigefugf, ver* biinbcn; Oram. t. mbiubent ; II.s. — ,or — mood, Gram. T. bcr «ubjuuc= ti», Eonjunctiu. 6UBLANATE, adj. B. T. etrpa* r»oI% bublation, s. bic 2Begua!)mc, (Sht= n'ebung. To SUBLET, v. a. roicber »erpad)ten, nutter tjermietben. SUBLEVATION,' s. baS .gebcit, Siiftcn, bie ©rljebung. SUBLIBRARIAN, *. bcr Uutcrbib!iotbe= far. sublieutenant, ^ bcr Uutet^ieutes 11 ant. subligation, s. bic SBiubung unlets ltu'iir*, bai Untetbtttbeu. st'BLi.MABLE, adj. JU fublimircn, fub = limirbar ; — ncss, s. bic @ubliiuirbar* feit. To SUBLIMATE, v. a. 1. Ch. T. fllblimu ren, empor treibctt; 2. fig. crimen, crheben, betebelll. SUBLIMATE, Ch. T. I. adj. fllblimirt ; fig. erbaben; ir. s. baS <2ublimat; fublimtrfe Ouedfilbcr. iMATiiix, ». 1. c*. T. bic eiib!i= mation, ©m^ortreibung ; 2. fig. i§x* bobung, (Srbcbuug, SBercbhing. BDBIJME, I. adj. {ado. — ly), crbabcu, bod); ftol$; fprnebni ; trcfflid); II. e. tat (s-vbabene, tie (5rfMbeitbeit. 7 SUBLIME, v. I. a. Ch. T. fllbliuiircil, ailftretbeit, rid. To Sublimate: fijr. cr= b-'i'en, uerebeln; n. n. fubltmtit Ji>er= ecu, empor (auf)ftetgen. RJBLIMrrY. .?. bic (n-babenbeit, bie b?nt(bocbftt)^prtrcfflirbfcit; iiis— , fcinc .§ot)cit (ber Sultan). 4-2-2 SUBLIN6UAI S adj. intter bcr ^i:\\^. 1 SUBH nau. > adj. untcr bem StRonbe, ] SUBLUNARY, > ivtivt. SUBLUNARY, s. ba^ Srtifcbe. SUBLUXATION, s. *'. T. tic i>erjku= duiu,]. submarine, adj. inttcrmccrifd), untcr (in) ber ©ee. submaxillary, adj.nntn bcr Jtimt= lobe. submediant, s Mus t. bic Submc= biante. To SUBMERGE, v. I. a. niifortandKit ; miter ii?affer fctjen, uberfdjroemmen; H. n. (Wit Sc^walben). SUBMERSE, \adj.B. 7'.liutcrgclaud)t, submersed, 5 untcr bem SGSaffet wad fe nb. submersion. 5. 1. ba-5 llntertaudcit, ©rtranfen ; bie llcbcrfcbiveiitmuug ; 2. baS Stegen untcr SBaffer. submission, s . 1. bie Unternjcrfung, Untei'gebung, Uebergebitng, (5rgc= bung; 2. SDeiitutb;, Uutcnvcrfciibe. SUBMULTIPLE, s. (— number) Ar. T. tcr tit ciucr 3abt cittbaltene gactor. SUBNASCENT, adj. baruiitcr aufii'ad;= fcub, uuten fervor gebenb. SUBNORMAL, s. G. T. bie SublUU - = male. SUBNUDE. adj. B. T. fa ft blatttoS. SUBOBSCURELY, ado. ttWaS bllltfcl. SUBOCCIPITAL, adj. A. T. Ulltcr bCllt §tnter|aupte. SUBOCTAVE, Scboctcple, adj. eilt 31dittbci[entbaltcnb obcr aiilntadiciib. SUBOCTAVE, s. Mus. T. bie Unteroc= twt auf bcr Drgel. SUBOCULAR, adj. miter bent ?lugc be= ftnbltd). SUBORBICULAR, \adj. fa ft frctSfor; SUBORBICULATE, S mig. subordinacy, s . bic SuDorbt'natioii ; Uiitcrorbnitng, bcr Unterftaub, bie ltnterrourftg!ett; the — of govern- ment, tie 2lbftufung tit bcr J)tcgie= rung. SUBORDINATE, adj. fiiberbtttirt ; tcr Drbming \u-\d> gcringcr, untergeorb= net, unterftanbig, untermorfen ; — ly, ado. in tcr Uittcnutuuiig, iinterftaii= big. To SUBORDINATE, 0. a. futmbinircn ; unterorbnen, uutcrfc(jcu, abftufcn, unterroerfen. SUBORDINATION, s. bie @uBorbtn«s tton ; Unterorbiiung ; ttntcrrourfig= f fit ; Kclgc, 9tcil;e, tcr etufcitgang, bie Slbjiufung. To SUBCRN, r. a. Ottfttfteit, bcillllid) (auf iinerlaubtc ?lrl) auftellcn ptcr mnTdiicben, berfAbren, bcftcdicn, 511111 3eiigcu (falfd)c 3 c "s5 C11 ) micthen. SUBORNATION, s. 1. bie Sliiiliftuiig ; 2. iH-inilidc SliifteUung, SSerfiibrung; 3. L. T. 'Diictbung falfdcr Bfugen. suborner, ». bet gcbcinie 3ln [teller, Slnfliftet, in-rfabvci-, ©cfiefticf, S3e= triiger. SITBOVATE, adj. fafl ctfSrinig. SU3PETIOLATE, adj. £. I. mil fe$! furjen Bluiueublatterii. SUBI'CENA, s. Z. T. ttc !iU>rtabung few ©ericbt, bag 33orgebot, tie Gitatioa bei Strafe. To SUBI'CENA, r. a. L. T. (to — one, cincn bet Sttafe »ot ©eridjt) tprla» ben, uotforbern, citircn. SUBPRIOR, s. ter Subpriot, Untcr* l)tiot. SUBPURCHASER, 5. ter jiaufer aui jweitcr ,0ant. SUBaUADRATE, adj. fafl C|liabrati fcb. SUBQUADRUPLE, adj. cill ^icrfbcil entbaltenb, SUBauiNTUPLE, adj. eiit guuftfceM entbaltenb. SUBRAMOUS, adj. B. T. fafl iiftig. subrector. s. tcr 3iibvector, iiitt'.r- rcctor, llutcmu-fieber ctneS Soliea giiint^. SUBREPTION, a. via. Sprreptiok. SUBREPTITIOUS, vid. Surreptitious. SUBROGATION, s. vid. Surrogation SUBROTUND, adj. runblirb. SUBSALINE, adj. fcbroarb gefatjen. SUBSALT, s. Ch. T. eiii Sal,, ba3 cin llebermafj bcr Safe entbalt. SUBSCAPULAR, Jl. T. adj. llllter leni ©(fcultertlatt. T< SUBSCRIBE r.a S, n. 1. liKtevfqU'ci^ 6en, uiitcr^cidiiicn, fubfcribireii I- to, auf), abo-^ircu ; 2. fig. eimvi!li= gcu, bcipflidwii, fid; rcrfteben, ein= geben ; to— to .1 circulating library, bei ciiier Scfebibliotbcf abontiircit; I do not — to it, id) gcljc (S nid;t eiii, ieb fagc itidit ja bajUj risk subscribed, M e. bie ubetuonnnene ©efabr. SUBSCRIBER, ». tcr Untcrjcicfinct, ©libfcribeut, ?lbpnitent; list of sub scribers, tie ©ubfcttytionSs ObSJ 3Ibonncmcntjlifte. SUBSCRIPTION, j\ bie Untcrfdvcibung, Untcrjeicbnuitg, Uutcrfdirift, (Sub? fcripttott, ba6 vlbonnementj price ot — , ter eubferiptionc-prcij. SUBSECTION, .0. tie Uiiterabtfiiiluitg, ter Unterabfcbnitt. subsecutive, adj. nadifplgciib. SIT3SEMITONE 5. Mas. T. bet Hitter^ balbc £ptt. SUBSEPTUPLE, adj. eilt vriebcntbcil entbaltenb. SUBSEQUENT, a/7?, folgcilt, liarf)fpl= gent ; — to that time, nod) ticfcr 3cit; a _ clause, tcr 3nfafeartifel ; to make a — payment, nadfdncf;cn, nacbjab* leu (cine geiviffc Summe] ; — endor- sers, bie iSintermauiter, SRadjmannct (auf 2Scd)feln, bie nadjftebciitcu &i= rnnten) ; — ly. ado. folgenbS, itaebber; bamacb, niitbiu. To SUBSERVE, v. a. biciicu, bebutflicb femi, itadfpiiimcu, Sflge Iciftcn. SUBSERVIENCE (—cy), s. 1. bcr^ieiiil, ^u§cu, bie S)tenlicbfetr, g6rberlid)= fcif, iicbiilflidFeit; 2. bieUnterrouts fig!ett, Slbbangigfeit; -Sillfabri.^ !ett; in — to..., au3 SSillfabrigfcit gcgcu . . . SUBSERVIENT (ado.— ly), adj. I. bic^ ncub, bienftbar; 2. ticnlid), uiiljlid), bcfprterlid). SUBSESSILE, adj.B. T. febr fuvjiticlig, fail auffi^enb. SUBSEXTUELE, adj. eilt 2cd)rtf)eil entbaltenb. To SUBSIDE, 0. v. iiic&criicbfit, nieber-. fallen, fid feljen, fid) lcgcii(ypn cinct ©efebivulfl', fin ten, fallen, abnch^ lllCU, Itadllaffcil; the streams — from their banks, tie £5$e tcr ©trpine nillintt (lb: the land subsides into a plain, tas 8anb ftad)t ficb ju ciucr (5'bcne ab SUBS SUBTJ SUCC SUBSIDENCE ■'— . v . a. 1. ta$ Stolen, galleit, tic 21bnabme; 2. tcv (4Jo= eeu=)@a$. SUBSIDIARY, «•/,;. .fpiilfe [eijtenb, ;u .'3ulfc fommeub, jut t§iilfe mitroir= tenb, 6iilf8= . . . ; — books, .1/ /:. tic fiulflpuc^ft; — stream, bet 9tebeil= flujj; — treaty, ber SubftbienOCVs trag ; — troops, pi. >£>ulfgtruppeit. SUBSIDIARY, *. bev (tie, bait «§iilfe= leijtenbe. r« subsidize, u. o. -^iilfsgelber geben, mii Subfibieu berjefjen. SUBSIDY, s. bie (©clb=).6u(fe, ba« •§fi(figgeib, btc (i£>iUfS=)Steuer, 3 U = bufje, ter Seitvag. ToSUBSIgn, v. a. untevjeiebnen, bars unter fefcett (ro. it.). BUBSIGNATION, s. Lie lliitevjvicbiiung (W. ii.). To SUBSIST, v. I. n. 1. ba few it, fer)tt, fortiodbreit, beftchen, bleibcn ; 2. fid) ernabren, fid; batten, fid; cvbalteit, ansfommcit, iebeu ; (— on, upon, SOU) ; to — on charity, UOtt Sllntofeit lebcn ; n a. ernabren. BUBSISTENCE (— cy), *. 1. ba3 fort* banevube ©afeyn, Skftcbett ; 2. bag Vcbensntittel, bev Untevbalf, ba«3lu«= fommeii, bev SebeuSiiiUetljolt ; 3. ba* Sutvobnett ; to Rain one's — , ficb burcbbelfen, fciu Sluefonimen babett ; to labour for — , fiii'S ©vob avbe itcti ; — money, Ml. T. baS llti terbal t H 11 133= gclb fur ©olbatcn, Serbicegelb, ^fic= gegelb. SUBSISTENT, adj. 1. ba fel;eitb, bc= fecbenb; 2. inroo&neiib, eigctt. subsoil, «. bag untere (Srbretcb, btc ©vunbtage. subspecies, », tic Qalbaxt, Sd)ein= a it. BUBSTANCE,*. 1. bic Subjlanj ; bag SBefeu, 2>ing; 2. bte Seftigccif, bet JtStpet; 3. bic 2BivElia)reit, bag 2Be= fentlidje, tcv roefentlitpe Jtgeil, 33es ftaitMlu'tf. .^npttbcil, bic .Itvaft, bag sBejie, SKatf ; 4. bev toefeutlirbe 3tt« bait, .giauptinbalt; 5. bev 9tetd)= tbunt, bad @tgentbuirt,, 3)2ittef, Sebett; — of a letter, bet tvefentlit&e 3nl;ult cinca Sriefee. SUBSTANTIAL [ado. —im , sitf. 1. V»C= fcntlirb, ftlbftftcinbig ; witfttd); 2. fbvpevlid), mafericll; 3. ftavf. Mitt, feft; 4. traftig, gebrungen, baiters baft, naffvbaft; 5. pevniogeub, roobl- babent. BUBSTANTIALITY, ) s. 1. bic 5Be= BUBSTANTIALNESS, $ fcnllidifeit, bag SBefeutlicbe, bic fiauptfticpitcbreit ; 3BicHid)fett: 2. .RSipcrltebteit ; 3. ©tavfc, Scjttgfeit; i. Stabt&aftigteit. h bstant] vis, s.pi. tic njcfcittltdjcn £bcile, •gtauptpunfte, toefeutlirbe SMnge. 7',. SUBSTANTIATE ». (i. 1. jum 2T>e= fctt macbeit, vcnmiflidKit, ©eflaub geben, jiic 5)auet, befeflU gen ; 2. bavtbttit, crbavtni, beflati= ;\cn, beglauotgen, beurrntiben, bc= met fen. SUBSTANTIVE,*. Oram. T. bai rub= ftai.tio, ifiaujrttuott, Sadjwott; — !y, ado. wefeiitlid; ; Oram. T. aU 2ub= flatitii). To SUbSTITUTE, v. a. fiibftituirnt, ut- orbr.cit, ait ctttcS Sliibetn ©telle fc» (jctt. itittcifdncbcit. SUBSTITUTE ».l. bev Suofttrut, 3it= georbnefe, S)ienft= obet 5lmt8»er= tveter, SBetwefet; 2. bat Stellvet* tretenbe ; 3. ©uttogaf, @tfa^mittc1 ; 4. Mil. Ph. bev fvciu'illi.jc SteH»et= tveter. suusTmrnoN, ,->. 1. bic @nbftifut= rwifli 3joibnutig, (Sealing cincr SJJerfon obet ©arbc an bic 2tcfle ct= net Oliit-ci.n ; 2. Stelluertretung j 3. Unterfrbiebung ; 4. Gram. t. bie 2>.i!Kviu-. 71; SUBSTRACT, v. a. fnbtvabircn, ah' ^icben ( — from, son), abnebntcn. SUBSTRAOTION, ». bic Sttbtvaction, SHbjtebung. 31 BSTRATUM,*. 1. tic 2d)idit, Sa= ge (6vbe, obet gelfen); 2. Lag. r. tic Subftanj, bat ®ub|ttat. SUBSTRUCTION (Substructi-re), s. ba§ llntcvbaucn; ter Untcvban, tic Otuiiblage; ba& Untergebfiube, ©runbgeoaube. SUBSTYLAR-LINE,«.bie OJJitta^linic, 3eigerlinie, Subfthlatiinie auf Son* neiiubren. BUBSTYLE, s. oid. Sibstylar-line. SUBSULTIVE Si b: itm = fpviiii]cnb, biipfenb, fid; i:t ilbf.Hljcn beroegenb. 8UBSULTORILY, ado. fpvingcnb, fprungweife. suBSUiiTUS, i. Mod. r. ba8 ^fivfen, 3ucfen. SUBTANGENT, *. O. T. bic 2iibian= gente. To SUBTEND, v. I. « .'bcfrntcvS, T.) bcijneii, jiefjen, fpannen; n. «. fid; beljucn. SUBTENSE, s. O. T. tic 2c[;nc, C5(;or= ba. SUBTEPID, adj. lauamvnt. SUBTERPLUENT, ) wij.nnten flicftcnb, SUBTERFLUOUS, J tavuntcv lucijfitc- fienb. SUBTERFUGE, s. tic 8faSffa<6t, bet SOotroanb, SBebetf. SUBTERRANE, s. tic -§bi)W. SUBTERRANEAN, \ ,. lm i„j, V| . r x SUBTERRANEOUS, \ ^«'""Ubi|d;. SUBTDL (adv.— l.y), adj. 1. ftibiil, fein, fiinftlid), Jvtrt, tiinii ; 2. fd)avf, tnvdi= bringenb; 3. fpi^fiiitiii ; febarfftebs tig; 4. liilia., fcblan, Elug.btntertifttg, fcblccbt, ntebrtg, berrugcrifeb ; — ne'ss, ». 1. tic Scinbdt, @cbfirfe, bai 3avtc, £iinne; 2. fig. tic Spifcpn= bigfeit; 3. 2rblaubcit, 8tfl, 8ipig« fctr. SUBTILITY, s. rid. Subtii.ty. SUBTILIZATION, «. 1. tic ^erbiin= nung, SSerfeinerung, Sdjarfung ; 2. c/i. t. Setfiucbttgung ; 3. fig. S^tfes pnbigfeit, jtliigelei. ' To SUBTILIZE, d. T. o.fetn m.Klu-ii, Dcrbiinnen, jufcbSrfen, jufpi^cn ; oerfeinern; II. ». fpi^fiiibtg fenn, \\m ejeinc flcben, tfiigeln. SUBTILTY, s. bie_ ^cinbeif, 3avtbcit ; 2. fig. vrvitje, ScbSrfe, bet Sdjarf* fimt; 3. bie ©pi^fiubigEeit ; 4. Sift, ©cblaubctt. SUBTLE {adv. — i.v), adj. fnbtil ; .fa. fcin, lifti;i, febtau. 7VSUBTRACT, v. a. fnbtvabircn, at* jtefien ;— from, »cn , abnebntcn. SUBTB V.CTER, ». bet .'Usichciibc. SUBTRACTION, .-. tic (Subtraction, Slbjirbuna ; /,. t. tic O'ntjicbnng, Soreutbaitung. SUBTRAHEND, «. ^r. T. bet 2ubtva = bent, tic abjicbente (obet 'ilbjitj-J:) ,',abl. SUBTRIFTD, adj. 11. T. UllbeutlicB, bttU fpaJtig. EUPLE, adj. eiil rritttbeil cnt- baltenb. SUBTUTOR,*. bev Unterbofmeiflcr. SUBULATE Bi bi luu. ,/.//. B, V. bftimenfSrmig. SUBURB, .-■. tic SBorjlabt; fig. tic ®rente, bev Stanb ; suburbs, pi, tic SBorftabfe: fvt. tic Slu^enroerfe, ©tenjftucfe. SUBURBAN, ad }Ut '^crilatt gtf)6ttft in tcr SSorftabt roobnenb. SI BURRED, .. 1. Sorfiabte babcub; 2. »if men; 2. bat ©cifpringeu, bie^ulft to. n . BI BVERSION,* tic Unifeknng, ber llntftnn, etc 3erft5rung. BI BVERSrVE, adj. ninfcfivcnb, mw» fturjenb, jerftSrenb — of.., ciHe Sacbe ; it is — ■ ■ i orders and lawa, c:- rotrft Drbnung nnb ©efcee van. To SUBVERT, n a. I. ninfebren, urn* ftoBcu. umjlurjen, jcrftSren ; 2. ver= tcibcn, oerfcbltinmerti, Dtrfubrert. SUBVERTER,*.bet Unulnrtente, 3tr* ftbrcr, SBerberber< Sertouffer, SUBWORKER, ». bet lliucvavbcites, i^anblanger, ®e?ulfe. lANEOi 3, fiatt etnei ?ln= tent gebraurbt/ an bic Stellt etnes 9lnbern gefefct, ftelloerttettnb. si 1 1 edanei m. ba« untcraefcboBea ne ftelbettrcteube obet ISrfa^SRit* tel, ©urrogat. 7b SUCCEED, «. n. 4- a. 1. [to — to an estate, an oflice, &c, ill 83cft( cil!C8 ©ntcs, cinco Simtefl u. f. to. fcm= men , folgen, in Drbnung geben, nacbfolgen, bectben ; 2. Stfolg \-a- ben, oon Statten geljen, geltngen, cjlittfcn, (Mlitcf niad'cn, anftblagen; b< succei da in it, ee glfltft ibni ; I gelang ntir fcllfcntnicn ; to succeed with one, nut cincm aitSfominen obet tuvd;« foiiimen. e-5 bei Semanb tnvebfeben. SUCCEEDER, s. bet Jlacbfblger, Srbe. SUCCESS t. bai ©eliitgen; bet ( s "rt folG/ SluSgang, gluaiicbc Erfolg, gortgaitg, bai ©lucf; military— , bai ^riegeiiuid ; to meet witli bad — , teii (silnd baben. SUCCESSl i I. [adv. — a ■"■. i : ; flliicf. ltd), erfolgretdb, wn gutem ©rfoiae: gcluuiicn ; — in .-.-s, «. bet (]ute ^ifolg bae ©lucf. SUCCESSION,* I. tie acLic, ?Jad) folge; 2. SJcatbfomutenfopaft oo.i gftrfteii), STbronfoIae ; Jlmtefbtge j ®r! Folgej 3. bat @Tbfola.crec$t; i. tic jolgereibe, ;lieibc, 8iniej in due) — . hy order of — . tit gebSrigerS^etbc, nad) bet golgeretfte m- SButbflabea obet Sablcn . fo[gered)t; war of — , bev ©rbfolgefncg . •. bet gruebttoecifel, tic [grucbt )9Becl)feI: lvivibniMft. SUCCESSIVE, adj. cinS nadi tent Oln. tevn, Folgerecbt, auf einanbet folgenb, ltacbviiifcnt ; — iy, «,/,■ tn jolge, ber SRcibe nacb, naeb ciuaitber, nacb mit nadj ; — ness, .-■ tic Solge, ;^ieibc, let Sfteibengang, SUCCESSLESS tdv. — i.\\a,ij . llliglu.f- lid), erfoIgfoS, obnc geroflnraten Srfolg ; — » as,*, bae llnjliicf, i'iiij» lirtgen. si ccessor ». ber SJlacbfoIget (in ci< ncm ©efcbSft u. f. re.) ; itbtoufol* get; Btoe, SUOCTDUOUS «dj- faUcnb, tvanfcub, tiiMiuinciiHiiFcnb ID. n. . si 1 1 mi i.K' ius, adj. Safl rrgeugenb. 3UCONA n:. ». ( ». T. ba8 bevnftein fame Balj, ©ernfteiufalj. SUCCIN \i'i D mit 89er»» fteinfaure gefrbroangett. SI CCINCT idp. — i.y\ adj. 1. aufan ftbftrjt n\ u. ; 2. hiri, furigefajit, gtbrfingt, gebruugen, fernig; — iy, adv. ftivs, gebriiiigt, gcbtiui^ea ; - 423 SUCT SUFF SUGA ness, «. bie .ftittje, ©ebrSngtBeit, ©e= M-lll!(JCIlt)Cit. SUCCINIC ) adj. Ck. T. bctltftei= 5UOC1NOUS,> neir.'it; bcrnfteinat= tea ; succinic acid, tic ©ernfietns hi uvc. si '( a K )UR,s. 1. bte.piu'fe, bet SBetftanb ; gntfafc; 2. ^elfer; Ghttfefcet; a place of—, bet 3ttfIud)tgort. To succour, v. a. 1. belfctt, ausfjclfen, betftcfjeit, SBeiftanb letflcn, ju ^iilfc fommeit ; 2. eutfefcett. succourer, «. bet Selftf, 99et|ianb. SUCCOURLESS, adj. % iilflog, obne i3ci= ftanb. SUCCORY, s. bie (Jidjorie, SBcgiimct. SUCCUBA, \ s. bet ?Up, bag s Jaugflcifd)d)cit, col. 9tUtfd)pfdbd)CU ; — calf, bag ©aitgfalb, col. ©ogfalb ; — child, bet ©angling ; — fish, bet ©cbiffbaitet, ©cbiibftfd), ©auger (Echeneis — L.) ; — lamb, bag Sauglainiit, col. Sog= latum ; — pig, ba« Spattfctfcl ; — pump, bie (Baugpuntpe, bag Saug= foerE. To SUCKI.E, v. a. faitgeu, (cin Jltub) fttllen. SUCKLING. , 1. bet <2aug(ing, ba8 3unge; 2. (StciuEfee; — horn, baS Saug^otn, bie 9!onite. SUCTION, ». ba« ((Sitt=)Sau.icn. SDDATION, s. baS ©rbivtfectl, bet Sc&roetjj. SUDATORY. 8. ba« <2d;u)ifebvib, bie ©c^tot^fiuoe. SUDDEN (adv. — i.y). ndj plij^Iid), Ut= plo^ltd), attf tin Wlal, nuetroattct ; I have a — thought come into my head, col. b(l fallt ntit etWttS cin ; — ness, s ba§ $lo&lid)e, bie ^loljlittfcit, bag Uuctroatretc, bie Ucbcvia|"d)uug, @c= fdmnnbigfeit, (Stic. SUDORIFIC, Med. T. I. atlj. Sd)Wcifi tuachenb, f^toeif ttetbeiib ; u. s. bag fdbmetgttetbenbe SSlitttl. sudorous, adj. fdjmcipig, f«bn)etf= attig. suds, s. pi. (soap — ), bag 2eifeiniia|- fet, bie ©ctfenlauge; be in the — , tit bet alanine feint; to leave in the — Bi Sticbe laffcu. To SUE, v. a. ie n. 1. (— one, cillCtl) gericbtlid) belaugctt, octfiageu ; bei ©cticbte furieii ; fuppliciteu, anbaU ten, aufitd)en ; ciuflageit, augftagen ; 2. bittd) Sitten etlangert,augtt)ttlett ; evfttd)cn, etbittctt (gettcbttidj) cvl)aU ten ; 3. Sp. E. bcti ecb'nabcl pu|cn (yott galfctt) ; to — for a thing. Ulll etuuig etfud)eit; to — out, cvbilten, aitgroiffen ; to — out a pardon, eineit ^atbOlt augUMlfcil ; to — upon, eilt= flagett, belattgcu fiber. . . suet, s bag 3Jietcnfetf, bet £alg, baS Unfcblit. suety, adj. fcttig, talgig ; toIgicBt ; a — substance, ctuc fettigc Subftait?. To SUFFER, v. a. Sf n. 1. "icibctt, flllS= ftebeu, bulbeti, ctbulbcu, ettvagen ; 2. uicbt bittbetn, geftatteu, jutaffen, laf= fen ; 3. cine ©ttafe (ben Sob) lei= bell ; why did you — him to enter 1 timntm Itefjcit Ju(fet= etbfe j — plantation, bie 3ttdetpflart= jung, 3"tfetp(antage ; — pimn, bie 3itifetbobtte, 3iufcterbfe, 3«tfetmaw bcl; —refiner, bet RudCetftebet ; — refinery, bie 3udetfafftttCtie ; — sera? SUIT SULP SUAIAJ tags, pi. 3 1 j cf c v f cf> i-a p f *-' ( ; — scoop, tie 3ucfcrfd>aurcl ; tcr gucfetlSffel; — scum, bet 3iuferf$utint ; — shell, t>ic graueumuutc, tuts 3 lI tf ei 'M> llt (Tanacetum baUamita — /,. ; Balsamita vulgaris — fVUld.) ; — sifter, bcr 3ll= cfcvftieucc ; — sops, bie gcjucfertc SBierfuppe ; — spirit, bcr Surfers brauutnxiu; — siick. bie 3ucfer= ftange ; —sweepings, pi. 3utferfcgfci; — tongs, pi. bie 3» Jcrjaihje ; — trade, bcr Suffettjanbei ; — work, vid. — liouse. To SUGAR, v.a. 1. jttcferit, tj&erjttcfertl ; 2. oerfufieit. bugary, adj. 1. jucferig, i?Plt ^)\\SiX, jutfcrfujj; 2. lecfettg, ed. fflf inaulig. BUGESCENT, adj. ba£ ©augen bctrcf; feub ; — parts, bie ©nugewerfjeuae. To suggest, o. a. eingeben, einblaten, ciitrauucit, einfliiftent, (bcimlid)) BeU brfaaen ; in ben 3)cuub legeit ; ratbeu, syrfditagen, in belt Jtppf fcljett ; to ■ the propriety of . . , atigeilieffcit ftit= bcu, paffcttb balt'en. buggester ». bcr (gingeber, 93ei= bringer, (Siublafcr. gcbeime 9tarf)= gefcec. SUGGESTION,*. 1. bie Ungate, (fin= gebuug, Gturathuiia,, (Sintaumung, Isinflufrefuttg, Seibrtngung, bcr S8or« frblag, ciflc gntwutf, tcrilt'atb, 2Biuf, grhcinic ©crtdfjt, heinitidie 9tatb= ffjjtag; 2. £,. r. bie (^liijeigc auf blow Bwnttttfiuna. SUICIDAL, aelbjtmorb ; 2. ©elbftmStber. BUICIDICAL, adj. fe[bftm5rberifcj). KTIT, *. I. eine SHnjabJ jufammenge= boriget ©iitge, bie ©arititut, ber ©ab', ©efafe; 2. ba3 3ubch8r; 3. bie ©otfe, ftarbe; 4. (a — of clothes), ber (sellftanbige) 2ln$ug (bie jufam= meitgeborigen Jiieibutigsitudfc) ; 5. bie gcrid)tlid)c JJlage, .Rlagcfadje, SlccbtefadK, bcr Sierjjjrsfall, sptojef; 6. bas 2lnfudjcit, ©efneb, bie 93ca>er= Bung: 7. Sitte, S8tftfcj)tifr ; 8. bas ©cfplge ; a — of hangings, bie gauje SapCjerci ; a — of head-cloth, baS gan$e Jtopfteug ; a — of mourning, bcr £raucrau$iig ; a — ofjajs, cin ©egelfpiel (bie $it citicnt ©cbtff cr= forberlicbcit ©egct) ; a — of table- linen, bitS Safcigcbccf ; a — of cards, cine game garbe iit bcr j?arte ; — at law, bcr qJrOjejjJ /. T-s. — of court, bie Siitfe, bie bcr 93 a fail beim 0)e= rid)t ' bcS 2c(;it8berrn Iciftctt mufte; — and service, bie SL?CVb tltbl t cf) Fci t $ur •£u'crc3= uub ©eritbtsfolgc ; to bring a — , eineu SPtojefj beginnen. fl/SUIT, v. i. a. 1. aitpaffctt, gennift marbeti, ciuriditcti, abmcffcn; 2. for* ttvcit (bie Satben it. f. w.), $ufammeu= Icgcn ; 3. fjcibcu, aufleitcn, autic= {jen, bcfleibeit ; to — the action to the word, gefngr, getfinn; to — one's in- clinations to one's interest, fcitte vttU f;ungcn nacb fcincnt SQottjjeil abmcf= en ; II. v. paffen, ftd) fdjicfeu, aitftc- ben, getiemcu, uberetuftiinmen, iibcr= ciiifo'mmcn ; angemeffen fciin, angc= uebllt feDll : it suits his purpose, ti entfprid)t fcincnt Sor^abeii ; c^ tattgt (ju) fcincnt 3">crtf» banitt ift ibnt ;ebcn) i^cbicut; it suits very well with him, ti frbirft ftd) feljr wobl fiir ihn, ftebt ibnt fef>r gut an, Heifer ihn fcf>f gut. SUITABLE (adv. — i.y;, adj. V^ffdlb, angemeffen, gemafi, iibereinftimmfg, aniiSnbig, febief (id) ; to be — to, g** map fc\)u, anftebeu. libevcinftintnien mil . . ; — news, *. tie Wemagbfif. 9liigemeffenbeit, ta« ^djicflidjc, bie Sducfiidifcit. SUITE, s tic 5oIge, 3icibc(=goIgc), rc= gciniafiiae Orbnung; bai ©efolge, tic ikgleitung, ^icucrfd)aft (ciuca Sitrften u. f. tv.) ; a — of apartments, cute .licibe 3i""iier. suitor, s . 1. bcr Birtfteller, ^Infurbcr, ©upplicant; 2. SRcojefftrenbe, Jicci)ts= fudjer, Sitigant; 3. ^eivcrber, Sits beter, grciiverbcr, Srcier; a — in chancery, ber bci bem .Rau^ellcige: rid)tc emen SjSrojeS anbangig bat. SUITRESS.*, bie 'Jlnfud'cnte, iu'ivcv= bciiiiu, SittfteHerinn. SULCATE, } adj. B. T. gefurd)t, SULCATED, S ^«9- To sulk, v.n. murren, jfirnen, fdjmot= len, frozen, coi tumiit tb:iu. sulkily, ado. iiblcr Valine, murrifdj. SULKINES8, s. ba3 niiirrifdje SBefcn, ©rbiiiolJcn, JEro^en, tiei'Juutcrlid)- fcit, bet ©tarrfinu. SULKY. I adj. col. niurrifd), bcrtricflidi, gramlid), mimberlicb, eigenmiUig, frarrfopfig, tucfiftb, rrofeig • u .-■. bit (eirbte, ciufpauitijjc (fi)aife (fratljSs llfcb disohUgcantc). BULLAGE ». bet '.'ibjug bc5 UnflatBeS, bcr tfotblauf. SULLEN (ado. —tit), adj. 1. tlitt'C, matt, birf, bunfel, nniicr, buftet; 2. uiifreunblid), gramlid), miirrifd\ set* briefilicb, argerlicb; ftarrftuuig, baUs ftarrig, trofiig ; 3. Ihm"c, bo«^rtft, ttid'tfd); 4. fdjrccflifb, Uugliicf weifs fagenb ; sulleB-browed, nut fiitftcvor @'tiru, finfter blicfcnb ; — ness I. bas miittifebe, gtamifeoe, ftnftere 3Bcs fen, bie iJerbriefilidifeit ; '.'. .*>art= uacfigfeit, ^fllSftatrigfeit, SoSbeit. To SULLEN, v. a. verbiiftcru. To BULLiY, v.n. beftttclu, befebmufeen, bcflcrfcit. SULLY, s. bcr ©rbmuftfTcff, Sfletf. sulphate, s. en. T. ba« fd;iiH'fclfaiirc ©alj. SULl'HATIC, adj. Ch. T. fcbrt'cfclfaucr. SULPHATO-,*. Ct. T. carbonate of lead, vrUmatifrbea (fdjttjefeltobleiifmttefl) Slei; — tri-earbonate of lead, tbpm= boebrifrbes fdjtoefelfoblenfaurefl 831et. siiLPiirrE, ». Ch. T. bat fcfcttefelfg* fiiure ©ol|. SULPHUR, *. bet Sebwefel; flowers of — , tic ©djtoefetbluineit, Scbwefel= bliithett; Sulphurs, ;»/. 'JJlllfaitC; miI- phur-fuino-liatli, Med. T. btA SdniH'fd- bamvfbat; —pit. bie ©cbefelgtube ; wort, ber Saufend)ci, ^aatftraitg (I'tuiii! mum officinale — /..). To SULPHUR vi T., v. a. fdimcfcfti : sul- phtirated hydrogen gas, gefdjruefeltefl aBafferftoffgaS ; sulphurated nickel, priSinatifdjer glicfel; Buiphurat bcr Scfclfarbcn. sulphuration, », bft« ©r^wefeln. SULPHURE, ». vid. Sulphdrkt. SULPHUREOUS [adv.— ly), adj. fcBWes felig, frbwefelartig ; — acid, tic fuidu tigc ©rbroefelfaure ; — acid-gas, frbTOffeligfaureS &aS ; — water, b«j ©cbivefefroaffer ; —ness, .«. ba3 ©d)»efeiige, bie Scbwefelartigfeit. SULPHURET, a. '//. T. \tbt Suecbin bung bc-J ®dj»efel§ mil einet ESafe. SULPHURATED, adj. Ch. T. acfd;njc= felt. sulphuric vein. .- o r.bfe©djroes fdfaurc. SULP HUR OUS, adj. b I St lphtobous. SULPHURO^ ». Ch T. — bydrogurated sulphite of soda, gefe^wefelttoaffeo ftofftc^, fdjtoefeligfaureS Matron. SULTA3I, t, tcr ^riilfait, turft'"4t jtatfet ; (sweet — , or — flower . ti( lvohlricdicnfe rutFifrbe AornbluiM wrea moxchntn. — /,.). suLTANA.*.bie riiltaninu; Enltane. SI LTANE8S, t. tie rultaniiin. SULTANRY, #. tie ©nltonfd;aff, 3le- gietung, bas dicicb tin ben SRergciu lantern). ST LTRINESS, ». btC rd'iviitc, bai fdmuile (btutfenb bcijie uub feudnc 2Better. si'ltry, aJ/.fd)n)iiI, brurfenb o f 'B uub feudjt. 1. tic 2 umme ; (— total . bal @anje, tie @efammtia^l, bei fammtbetrag feinei eumme), bai gfacit; 2. bet »brif j hitje Jnbalt, 3nbegtiffj 3. fip. tte §bb_t, tcr hodifte Mvat, tic 93oUenbung ; to do a — , col. cut (Srempel redjnen ; — <•.' bit @elbfumme; to the — ol ... m. i'k. bio $ur ©ummc oon . . . To SUM, v. a. 1. fummireit; to — up, fiunniivcii, jiifammtntecbneii, lufanta men (auf sableu ; jufamntciiuirfcii, in fid) begretfen ; to — up nil, in <=u'.n= ma, tiit'L mil cincni SuOttr, g,anili$, jufammen; 2. sp. r. (von 8atftn] ganj geftebert fcmi. Si ■■ m ,i . bcr Sumac)), 2u« mat; — tree, tcr 2umad)bauni, ©erbetbaum (Rhus — /.. . SUMLESS, adj. iiitj.iblig, fnnimcnlc-' ; unenblid). SUMMARILY, adv. fuiuniarifcb, in tcr Jtut)e. SUMMARY, I. adj. fummarifeb, ab^t- fiirjf, lufammengefatlt, Eurj ; — pro- n^s, ba« FuiV. fraftige iscrfab= ten (einc3 @eric$ffl ; — sketch, bie fuinmarifrbeUebetfidjt; ii.-.tcr tunc obet .Oaitptiubalf, Clit?v.!,i, ;,io Scim Vctitium. SUMMER, ». 1. bcr ©wnmet; 2. bet 3ufammenja()fenbe, ©ummitenbe*, 09. — bird, tcr Somnterooael, Sebmetterling ; — bonnets, £ommer= bitte fnt Damen ; — colt, tic •ii.!cllen= beruegung tcr eroatrnten Suft in bcr 5]abe be« 'iU'tcnS; —com, bal ©ommetfotn, @imtntcr,)ctrcibc; — . bet ©efenflnfb*, brebmartige ©a'nfefu^ < ' ■ > . •■"' ■ — '■'■ ; — duck, tie Seeenfe, ^lumente, SBraut -/,.);— fellow, bie @pmnur='i?rad'c; to — fellow, d. n. Sanb (tin ©winner) gortirj)* ten; •- fly, bit Srnblingifliege, SGaffetmotte ; — riuit, tie Sommet* frudit, bad Soinmerpbp ; —house ( — residence), bal ©ontiucrhait*, 8ufU baitj, bet Somimraufenfbalt: — na- vol-wort, bat SJlabelfraut, bet3Rann4> barnifdj .in :-,.. , ■ — l.) ■ — parlour, baiS ©oinmeritinmcr ; — quaru i bafl ©ommerguartier ; — ,-.-t. tcr SButjelbaum; — ^.^^•nly, tie(iPm= met=)onneim>enbe, tcr l,iiic_i= fte tag, ©ommet lanfang ; bet beifie ©ommer; — suit bie Ctommetflei* buiti] ; — teal, bie cr-miucrhalbetitc ; — tree, tcr 3ttiljbalfcn, bie .'liippc ; — weather. ba3 ©pnimcrioetter; — tcr Sommetmeijen. /, h \i\ii.i:. d i. n. ten ©ommet tiu btiitgen, uberfominetn ; n. ,:. fonti mcvu, maim baltcu. 51 MMERSET, aid under Stnun SUMMIST, #, tcr (Sonipciibioipebicibct (». it.}. summit, ■ I. bcr bS^fte) Sibfjel, bit .ifiirvc §pifre,.$6bej !.. 8oSetu tuna, 93oUfommen|)eit, 7b SUMMON, r.n. I. .-,cri*tli* vrrla> 425 SUP SUPE SUPE ien, sorforbcrn, nnfitgcn citirwi, 2. auffbrbern, aufbtetru, aufrufen, rufen, eintaben; to— up, aufoieten; 2lnfgebot; tie sHujforberung ; to serve a — upon.., ciiicu bor ©cricbt labcn, ft-- then. SUMNER, ,?. rid. Summoner. 5UMOOM, s. vid. Simoom. sump, s. bet ©umpf, i'toraft. SUMPTER,s.b«8 «anmtbicr; —horse, ba8 ©aumrofi, SJkrfpferb ; — mule, bet Saftefel ; — saddle, bet t unter ; — beam, bet @onnen= ftrabl; — beat, »on bet (Sonne bc= frf)iencit; — blink, bet Sonnenblicf ; — bright, fotnienfjcll, foiinig lend)= tenb, ftrablenb ; — burning, ba'l Q3ven= itenber Sonne, bcr Sonncnbraiib; — burns. Somilterfproffeit ; —burnt, boil bet ©onne octbtannt; geotaunt; — clad, * fonneitnniflcibcr, glanjcnb, ttmftvabtt ; — day, vid. Sunday ; — dew, bCt Sonttf nthitll {Drosera — L.) ; — dial, bie ©onnenuljt ; — dried, an bet Sonne getroefnet; — fish, bet Jilltmpfifd), ©piegelpfr^ (Tetraodon mola—L) ; bet 3)2eitfdjetifreffer, 9tie- fCH t)ClV) (Squalus carckarias — L.) ; — flower, bte ©Onnenfclume (Hctianthus — L) ; — flower bine, brtS £oiltt!C= fclblau; —light, bal ©onncnlicbt; — proof, nnburd;bring!icb fiit bus ©onnenlirijt; — rise (— rising), bet ©oitnenaufganii; SDJotgen, Often; at — rise, nut (Somicnaufgang, fvitl)= IllOtgens ; — set (— setting), bet <2>0lt= nenuntetgaitg ; 2lbcnb, SBcfteit; — shine, bet eonnettfefcein ; fig. bag ®e= betbeit, bic gillie ; (— shine) — shiny, foiinenbell ; glanicnb ; — spurge, bie Sonitciteupborbie. To sun. v. a. fottnen, fommcrn, on bic Sonne legcn. SUNDAY, s. bet Sonnfag ; — letter, bet eonittagsbiidiftab. To sunder, o. a. i'onbern, a&foiibein, trennen, tjjeilen, abreifjen. sundry, I. adj. t>cr fd)fcbeite, nicbrcre ; gefammt; II. bioerfe, oerfd)ie= bene ©cgenftanbe; cost of sundries, SluStageit fiiroerfd)icbette@egcnftan= be, bibcrfeSpcfcn ; — accounts, <£on= *» (pro) biberfe ; — account-book, b5= gebient, oetnltet, alt; — list, 'bas attc Kcgiftcr. SUPERANNUATION, *. 1. b= nev, bem bie SBeftimmung bet ^in= unb 3ti'uffabrt ainjcrtrant ift). SUPERCELESTlAL,a lid), bor(iiglid). SUPEREROGANT, T. vid. Supereroga- tory. To SUPERER06ATE, v. n. itberpftid)= tig (iibcr bie ©cbiibn banbcln, incl)r tb'un, all man frfjulbig ift, fia> in-r= ftcigen, (cine SarfjcJ iibertreibeit (w. ii.). SUPEREROGATION, *. btC ltcbcr= pfiid)t, Ucbcrgcbiibr, Ucbcrtreibung ; works of—, Th. T. bie Snpcrcroga= lionlrocrfe. SUPEREROGATORY, adj. iibcr bic ©C= biil)t, ftbergebiibrlid),' iiberppirbtig, nngcboteit, nngel)cipcn. SUPERESSENTIAL, adj. iit'Cv bie 5Sc= fenbeit eincl £>ingc8 erbaben, iibcr= Wcfentlttib. To superexalt, v. a. iibcrtreibfii. SUPEREXALTATION, 5. bic Ucbef-- ttcibmig, baSUcbcrinaj). SUPEREXCELLENCE, s. bie llebervot troffltcbfeit. superexcellent, adj. itbcrvp vtrcf^ lid). SUPEREXCRESCENCE s. bet 2lll3: ivud)l, bie 32intcrpflanie. superfecundity, s. bie ubermoptgi S'vmttbarfcit. To SUPERFETATE, (Siteufete) v. n nod) bar it bet empfangen, iibetfrucb* let koetben, superfetation. s. bic Uebcrfnirbr tiing, Ue_berfd)n)angcriing, nene (§m pfaiignip, Siipcrfbtatioti. SUPERFICE, vid. Superficies SUPERFICIAL (ado. — ly), adj. obcn flaitlid), flad), anfjeufeittg; fcicfet, iingvitiibtich, obenbin ; — measure, baa 3lad)cniiiajj; — ness, s. toteSu PERFICIALITY. superficiality, s. bieCbcrfKicbJid^ hit, Scicbtigfeit. superficies, s. bie Cbcrf[ad;e, Bla» d;e, 9lupcttfcitc. SUPERFINE, adj. fltpcrfiill, fct)f fcilt, exrrafein. SUPERFLUENCE, g. bcr Uebctftu? (TO. ii.). SUPERFLTJITANCE, s. baS Cbcn* febwimmen; ba8 oben Sdjaummeiu be (to. ii.). SUPERFLUITANT, adj. obctt fi^TOtms m«* ;to. ii.). SUPERFLUITY, s. bcr llcbcrfliifi, bit Itcbcrfliiffigfcif, baS Uebcroicl, 3"* siel. SUPERFLUOUS (adv. — ly), adj. i'tbcr= flitfftg, iipptg, unnilfe; unnotbig; Mus. t-s. — interval, bie iiberniapige SntetOnlle; — sound or tone, bic iibermfijjige Secunbe. SUPERFLUOUSNESS, s. vid. Super- fluity. superflux, s. bet Uekrflufj, ba« 3iw »tel (to. ii.). superhuman, adj. jibetmenfd)lid). To superlmpose, v. a. auf ctiuaS te* gen. SUPERIMTOSITION, s. b>l§ 2luffcgctl, bie 2lnflcgnng ; bal ?lnfliegcn. SUPERIMPREGNATJON, s. vid. Super- fetation. SUPERINCUMBENT, adj. baraitf Obet bariibcr h'egenb. To SUPERINDUCE, v. a. JU belli SSor- banbfiieit bittjnicgeti, oben auflcgcn; baju bringen ; to — upon, auftcgert, etTOecfen, ertegen, einflbjjeit, etntra* gen. SUPERINDUCTION. 5. 1. bie .^inuifii= gimg ; 2. 2lnfcbaffung ; 3. fig. 2lngc= a>bl)itniig. SUPERINJECTION, s. bie jTOette (Sin= fprifjitng. To SUPERINSPECT, v. a. bie SlllfftcW fiibrcn (10. ii.). SUPERINSTITUTION, s. L. T bic \Wi\-- fadjc (5infe^itng (in cine ^pfrunbe). £oppclmci!)e. SUPERINTELLECTUAL, adj. uilbe= greiflid), iiberfttinlicb. To superintend, v. a. bic Dbcranfi fidjt liaben, yprjle^en, oerwalten ; su- perintending master, bet fiafcniHCt- ftcr. SUPERINTENDENCE (— cy), s. bit Dberaiiffid)t ; ©lipctinfcnbcnfiit. SUPERINTENDENT, s. ber Dbcrauf- feljer, 3nfpcctor; Supetinfenbcnt. SUPERIOR (ado. — ly), I. adj bober, iibetlegcn, oorjtiglicjer, treffticber, opi'trefflirbcr; nnirbiger; a — air, cine oomchme ?J2ienc; to be — to .., erbaben fepn iibcr. . ,- — to one's sufferings, iiber fettte Seibcti crl)abcn; a — flower, a — germ, Ii. T. cine cbc* re 331 u me, ciu oberer Srutjtfnotcn ; SUPE — letters, pi. Typ. T. bie bobeu 9letcn--, SBevweifuiijjg*, oher S^altensSuc^s fiaben ; — quality, »orjiiglid)e Qua* litat; u. «. bcr (inUcv) Superior. Superiority, s. bie Ueberlegenbeit, Dbergeroalt, Dbcrmarbt, baa Ucbcr= gertnd)t, Sliorvertjt, bcr Coring, 83or« rang, SUPERLATIVE, I. a^. bocbfl, fibers bed); II. a. ba« <6>5cbfte, bcr bbcbfte ©rab; Oram. t. ber ©uperlatw, bie Ijbrbfte ©teigeruugSftufe; — ly, adu. tin ^ijdiftcit ©rabe, uberatii; — happy, fiber bic 3Jta§eit glitcflid) ; — ness, s. ba3 ^lllerl>efte, bev l;5d)fic ©1Mb. 6UPERLUNAR, Soterluhary, adj. fiber bent ajioiibc, fiberirbifeb. SUPERMUNDANE, adj. iibcvirbifd). SUPERNAL, adj. ober, cbni, bbnev, bimmlifrb ; — ly, ado. uou obeu, brc= ben. SUPERNATANT, adj. obett fcbruim= menb. SUPERNATATION, s. bets' Dbenfcbttnnts men. SUPERNATURAL (adv. — ly). ad/'. uberitaturlid) ; — ness, .?. baS llcbcv- ucttiirlirfie, bie itebcriicitiirlid)ieit. SUPERNATUR A I. ISM. ». bcr Supentas turalUmus', Offcnbaruiig#gl(iubc. SUPERNUMERARY, I. adj. tibei\V0f() jablig ; n. », ber Ueberjafjltge. SUPEROXALATE, — of potash, s. Ch. t. uberfotttgtefi fawerf leefoureS J?alt. To suPERpi »8E, v. a. auf etroas legen. superposition, *. l.bctS Dbenauflies geu; 2. Dbcitaufiicgenbr. To SUPERPRAISE, v. a. iibCC fctC 2JIa= fjen preifen. superproportion, ». bat fiberftet's genbe SSerbattitifi, Ueberoerbalfniji, Uebermaf?. SUPERPUROATION,^. Med. T. bie fibers nuijjige 3Pbfu&run. u.). BUPERSALT, a. Ch. T. baS mit Sauvc fiberfattigte ©ctlj. To SUPERSATURATE, ». a. Ch. T. iibcv= fatttgen. SUPERSATURATION, a. Ch. T. bic Ueberfatligung. 71) SUPERSCRIBE, v. a. iibcrfdircibcu, barfibet fdjreiben, obeit (auf.fdnci- bcit, bie aufere 2lbrcffc marten, aevef= ftreit. BUPERSCRtPTN IN, a. 1 , baS x?lit ffcl>rct= iett; '-'. bie Ueberfdjriff, Wuffcbrift, Slbreffe. BUPERSECULAR, adj. lltdjt rocltlid; ; gciftlid). To SUPERSEDE, o. a. 1. attifefeen, anf= frbieben, 6ei ©eite fc^ctt, l)iiitaitfc= tjett, uiniurffaiii, (unnfift) nudum, iH'tiuitten ; 2. cafftreu, bee" Ticitftcs' entfefeen, abfdMffcit, etnjtefjen, auf= l)«beit, veniiditcn, ungultig nnntcn, teveiteln. BUPERSEDEAS, a. /.. 7'. bad .<5cm= i)tuitg«urtbeil, bcr .OcniniuiiitC'tVvud), (Stubalt, ©intiMi], bic ;\iibibition. SUPERSENSIBLE, adj. iibevfiuitlid). (UPERSTITK »N. «. 1. bee 2lberglaube ; 2. bie 2lbi)btteret ; 3. (alljngrofej ?letigftlid)feit, (iibevtricbette) ©cnau= SUPP tgfeit : superstitions, pi. ab( rgliiabit^c •panblungen. SUPERSTITIONIST, s. bcr ?lbcrg(.ui= bifd;e. SUPERSTITIOUS ( —i.\,adj abcr= glcuibig, abcrglanbiut j fttllju) Sngffc lid) ; — u.~c, /.. r. bie Scuu^iing eU ilea ©runbfiucfefl jit firdjlidbent Bwcrl ; —ness, .t. ba» 2lbergKiubifd;e, ber $attg jum '.Hberglauben. 7V> SUPERSTRAIN, b. a. jit wcit ctlt^ bebnen, iiberfpantien [xo. ii.). SUPERSTRATUM, ».bie obcic 2rbid)t. T; 8UPERSTRUCT, v. a. iibcrbaucii, baviibcr crviditeit. SUPERSTRUCTloN, s. bie Uebcrbait= ung, ber obere ©au, bcr Ueberbou. SUPERSTRI i ti VK. adj. iiberbiiut, obeii ouf crrid)tet. SUPERSTRUCTURE, a ber obcre 3?au, Dberban, bcr Ueberbau, bic Grl)b= bung ; ber aiufbau. SI PERSUBSTANTIAL, adj. 1. mebr aU n.'cfeittlid); 2. iiberftarf, iiberfcft, 'i. nbertrieben griinblid). SUPERSULPHATE »■ Ok. T baS lttit SdirDcfelhiitve itbcrfattigte ©olj, SUPERSULPHURETED, adj. Ch. T. mit (5d)tvefcl uberfdttigt. SUPERTERRENE, adj. iibcv bcr Grbt bcfitttltct). SUPERTERRESTRIAL, adj. iibcrirbif.t. SUPERTONIC, a. Mua. T. bie SeCUttbf, ber jrocite Son bcr ©cala, SUPERTRAGICAL, «#. ticftragifeb. SUPERVACANEOUS (ado. — ly), adj. gain bergeblicb, ganj Itnnufe, fibers Hufftfl ; — nfiss, a. bie Ucbcrflitf|ujfcit, (Sntbebrliitfcir, ~iHU\]cblid)feit. 7V» SUPERVENE, r H.'itod) bajU !ent= men, bariibcr eintretctt. SUPERVENIENT, adj. ttod) bajlt fom= menb, bariibcr ciiitretcnb. SUPERVENTK >N, a. bic Sajltftlllfr. SUPERVISAL, s. bie ?lllf|utt. To SUPERVISE o. a. bie JIufftcbt baben ; (Wtebcr) iiberfebctt, burrbfeben ; to — the press for correction, Typ. Ph. bic Sorrectur beforgen. SUPERVISION, s. bie 3lufjt<$t. SUPERVISOR. *. 1. ber (Dbers)9luffe= (;er; 3Jorftebcr ; EontroUettr, Dbers cinnchnicr; 2. ^ufvector, ^plliufpcc= tor ; 3. ©trafenittftector ; 4. Brineiw nnffeber in ciiicm Jtivdiuucl. v„ si rr.iivivE, v. a. fiberleben. supinatk in. s. 1. bat Siegen auf tent :Kiufcii ; 8tucftt)(»rt«beitgen ; 2, a. t. bie iBciibr.ngbcr flcidpeit .j^anb nad) Cbcn. SUPINATOR,*. .1. T. ber 3»ti\cf bcu- ger, bcr jurucfbcitgenbe 3Jlu«feI. si pine a. Oram. T. ba« ©upinum. supine, i. adj. 1. auf bent SRucfen 1 te= gcub, rucfruartS gcflrerft; gegen bie ©onne gclelutt; 2. IS f fig, forgleS, untlMtig, fcblafrig, trfiae; II. — ly, adr. 1. ritcflingS, rudwarta gcflvecft; 2. lafft'g, tragc ; — ness, s. 1. bai SRuirocirtsIiegen; 2. bic , ba« ln» fd'icbu-l, bcr Sfnbang, SJlacbtrag, i'ei- trag; 2. Trig- bie (grgiiujuiig. SUPPLEMENTAL, \ adj. Supple* supplementary, 5 mentar*, aU Srgfl njung betgefugt, an :■ 5 n g '. i \\ \ n • fafelicb, aiigcfcboben, rrgdnjcitb, M 3ufatj. ol* -)lid.. titrag (— to, |11 . suppleness s bie EDiegfamfeit, OV« ffhmeibigfeif, ©lafte, aBiDfabrigreit, Sauftbett. SUPPLETORY, I. adj. anefullenb, cr= gdnjenb, erfefeenb ; ir. » tic (*igSn- jung, bai Srganjenbe. SUPPLIANT, • I adj. {ado. — ly), 1. bentiitbig bitteiib, ar.baU teub, anfurbenb ; L bemutbig : IL « bcr Sttpplifant, (vifintcr, @rfti(^ens be, ©ittfteiler, Sittfebreiber, To SUPPLICATE, v. a, fiipplicivfti, bes miitbig bitten, oitfndtcn, aiiKHttn, anflebeit, bittenb cinfiMitmcn. SUPPLICATION, ». bie bciniithtiK Tilt* te, tat ©efucb, Sflnbalten, Slufteben. SUPPLICATORY, adj. flcbcnb, aufif dicut, aubattenb. SUPPLIER, a. bcr ^cvi'ebcr, SBerforger, Slbbelfenbe, SKarbtragcnbe, ©rgStt* jenbe. SUPPLIES,*, p/. ^uif^gelber ; ^iilf*s truppen u. f. n>. ; m i:. Bufubren, 3ufiuS von JBaarett. To SUPPLY, r n. I. baft ACblciU gaitjen,(ben SKangtleinerSarbt cc [efcen, abbelfen; 2. einefl SteDe aui fallen, ffiUeit, vcrtrctcii, an 2 sail bieuenj 3. oerfeben, oerfebaffen, uer* fprgen, barrei^en, gebcit, iiucbclfesi (—wiiii. mit) : [iefern. si PBLY, ». bic Srgaitjttng, grfebung auSfuUuna, abbelfung, 5li ()\i Ifiulfe; SBerftarfung, baa m Ktttel ; bie ©eifteuer, bcr SBeu trag ; bcr SRrouiant; — of water, bei Sfflafferprcviaut To SUPPORT, o. a. i. ftufeen, iiiitcrfiii> ten ; 2. tragen, rtufrc^i ImIicii, bc= ben, nicbi uiiFcii laffen; 3.j(j erbal» ten, ciufrcdn Illicit; 4. uuterbalten, ciMl'vcii, oerforgen ; . r >. bcbntlut fc.Mi, bciftcben, iiiiictftiiUcn, bclfcit; 6. ertragett, au«balten ; 7. betvetfen, bebaupten ; to — one's self, ilcb ems porbatten : fig fidi erbalten, ficb cr= nalucu; ftanbbafl bteibeu; to — a character, nidit aufl bcr SRoUe fallen, int Sbarafter bleiben; to —a of unerring rectitude, Oltf ciner ^abit fortgeben, obite iu (trautbetu; — arms! JlDLPh. In 3lrm ba< cU-tvcbr ! support, ». t. tic Stufce, fialtuna, ber^alt, SBiberbalt; 2.jig bie£fil> fe, bcr Beiftanb, Sdjuh; bie Stn^e, Untcvfiiitiuiig J 3. bie Vcbcn-bcbihfj niffe, Sebenlnotbburft, bcr Unterbatt, bie ©rbaltung, Cerforgung, 8fcab< rung; 4. baS Sualommen, OTittel; SUPR SURE SURP in — of . . jinn SPcwcife ; line of — , MB. t. bn8 jweite Ircffcu. SUPPORTABLE, adj.i. uittcrftiifebar ; 2. aussubalteit, crtraglid), letblicb; — ness, b. bit Itntcrftiitjbarfcit ; (iv= traglicbjetf, 8etblt#fett. supporter, ». bet ©tufcettbc, Unlets ftiiijci'. ©etjlefienbe, SBeiftanb, .gielfet, (SBe=)@djitmet, (ik=)2d)iit}cr, i!er= tfjetbtger, ©omiev, (Srfyalter, Hit* fcaupfer. SUPPORTERS, s. pi. 1. ^r f /,. r. bte gtiifceu (ba8 ©ejiett), bic Stager, Ea= r^attben, SHttaittcrt; 2. jv. t. bte ©riicfct unfer bem Jtrabnbalfcit ; 3. if. r.&te©djitbaltet, 2Bappenbaltcr. SUPPORTLESS, adj. l)iilfIog, ttlltcr= W%t. SUPPOSABLE, adj. VOrailg JU fclj.CH, aitjuue&meu, Dcriuufblicb, mutfjinajj= Hit. 7*i .suppose, o. a. 1. Dorausrefcett, an= Hcl)iitfU; 2. ycnmitbcn; 3. bafiit t)aU ten, mciiieu, glaubcn, tuahitcit; 4. cvfovbeiii ; I incline to — , id) bin ju glaubcn gettetgt; lie is a fool i — , id) i;alte ibit fur cincit -Kartell ; suppos- ing it to be true, aitgeuommcii (gcfefct) bafi (S toabr {ft ; supposing we did so, gcfetjt tuir tbatcu eg; a supposed peace, ctit fchctnbarer grtebe. •supposer. .?. bet SOorausfefcenbe, 93ov= auefefcer, SKetnenbe, SBetinutijenbe. supposition, s. 1. bie33orau«fefcuug ; 2. iiSerimtfljuug, 2Jletttung ; 3. bie bfofje 91 ii ii a l\ mo, .£>i)j>otf)cfe. SUPPOSITITIOUS (adv. — ly), adj. lltt= tergefdjobett, erbid)tef, uucd)f, uad)= aetttadjt ; — ness, s. bit ltutcr>jefi-£;o= bcitbcit, Uitcd)tf)cit. suppOsrrrvE, i. adj. iwrausgefefet, ge= mcittt, augeitoitunen (alg ©aft) ; n. ■: baS SSorauggefefcre ; — ly, ado. utttcr SBoraagfefcung, »cnuutblid), nad) bet 9Jietiiung. BUPPOSITORY, s. Med. T. bag StuM* japfdjen, bie Scfcfugel, Stedjpille, tYtarf)tpillc. To SUPPRESS, v. a. 1. iinferbrucfcn, nit berbrucfen, niebertoreffen ; 2. iiber= Walttgen, uitterjodjen ; 3. bantpfcit, hcnuueit, (»er)(>tnberti ; 4. aufbcbeit, abfdjaffen ; 5. oerbergen, bertufcj)en, ucrbetmlidjen, wljegteit, ttid)t be= taunt marben. suppression, s. l.bieUnferbrncfung ; 2. Ueberwalttflung, bet S5rulagung, ber Uebev= fcfclag, yinfrfjlag. SUPRA, ado. (in compos.) fiber, JUbCr ; oben; ut — , wie obett. SUPRA-AXILLARY, adj. B. T. iibcr bem Slflroinfel ftebenb. supraciliary, adj. fiber belt Slugeit* braunen. eUPRADECOMPOUND, aaj. B. T. bvct= fad) jufaimneiigcfefct 428 SUPPvAFOLIACEOUS, adj. fiber b(lU Rlatt heniovfommciib. SUPRALAPSARIAN.I. adj. (autf) Slpra- lapsary\ sot bem ©iinbeufade f>er= gebenb ; II. .'. ber ffiett^etbtget bes Se^tfaftfS, bag @ottt>or ?lbam«^ali bie (SiiatciiauSnjai;l uitb SSeniu-vfung befd)!i>§. supramundane, adj. iiber ber 2BeIt, iibeniHitltcb, uberirbifd). SUPRANATURALISM, s. Kit Superna- TURAL1SM. SUPRAORBITAL, adj. A. T. iiber ber ^liigenbbble gelegeii. supiiARENAL,«,//.^. t. iiber ben 5Rtc= ten gelegcit. SUPRASCAPULARY, adj. A. T. iiber bent ©rbulterblatt befiitblid). SUPRAVULGAR, adj. iiber bag ®cmei= itc crbabcit. supremacy, s. /.. t. bie bMjfte ®e= limit, DbergVwalf, ber I)bd)ftc SRang, bie t)L : 'ii>ftc ©telle, bag l)od)fte 2lufe= ben. supreme, ndj. 'bbebft bortrefflid), tin [)iid)iicit ®rabe auggejcid)iict, erft, oberfi, yiu-neijntft; — pear, bic3)iiig= fatelterbtrtt ; — ly, adn. bod;ft, am Ijbdifteit, im bbcbfteit ©rabe. SUPRESllTY, i. bag J^Pttfte, 33orucf)m= fie, bie bintfie ©euntlt. SUR, p.irtic. in compos, fiber, auf. sural, adj. .i. t. jut SBabe gebon'g, SLvidcu ; — artery, bte 9.8abeitfd)lag= aber. surhase, s. Arch. t. ber 9ianb, Siva* gnt iiber ber 33aff§. surbased, n///.mtt ctttcni Slatibc iiber ber 33aftg yevjicrt. To SURBATE, v. a. 1. belt ^ttf abftP= fen, abtteten, am .ftitfe obet Sniie yertefeen, bie ©ii yc biirrt) ineleg ©c= ben abftumpfeit ; 2. ermiiben, abmat= ten. To surbed, r. a. auf bie r)or)e Jtaitte fe§cn (etncit etein). To surcease, v. n. eiiibalteit, ablaf= feu, ttad)Iaffcn, aitfl)5rcit (ro. it.). To surcharge, v. a. iiberiabcit, iibcr= laficn, iibcrfteuertt ; to — one's self with poods, fid) mit SBaavcn iiberla= ben ; L. T. mebr 5?icb alg man be= recbtigt tft, cber alg bie 2Beibc cma()= rctt famt, auf biefelbe treibeu. surcharge, s. bie Hcbtrlabuug, \U- berlaft, ju grofie ^Biirbe, ju ftarfc 2luftage, Uebcrftencntng. SURCHARGER, s. ber llebcflabenbe, Ucbevlaber, 33efd)t«crer, 33el8fitget, SURCINGLE, s. 1. ber Sattelgurt, 5pacfgitrt, ©aucfcgutt; 2. Uebcvgiir= tel, Seibgfirtel (bin- ©etftltrbeu). SURCINGLED, adj. Ulltgiirtct. SURCLE, s. bag '3teig, ber Sd;5fjltug, 3rceig (to. ii.). SURCOAT, 3. ocr UtberiDcf, 23appen= reef. SURD, s. (— number), Alg. T. bie 3tt«s tipnaljal)[. SURE, adj. * ado. (& Surely), 1. ftrber, gewtfc nnfeblbar, ft'djerlid), ttnttug* ltd), ju»erlSf ( tg ; 2. t)crftd)ert, geft= rbcrt, t)evantbi. ; 3. roaljr, mafjrlid); 4. treit, feft, waufeflog ; to make — of, frergewiffern, oerftc^ern ; to make — of one, ftii) Semanbcg bentad;tigen ; eiuen tcbt fdjlageu ; to be — of, ge= aiip roiffen, ucrftdicet femt j to be — , roabr^afttg, fleuuy, allerbiugg, t>er» fte^t fid), freilirb, obue 3»e«fel; as — as I live, fo roabr id) lebe ; be^^-;- yoii do it (or be — to do it), tbltlt ©te eg ja (geiiMft); be — not to, butcuSte ftdi, iafr <3ie uirbt it. f. w. ; be —you don't, bafj bit eg (ja) nirbt tbitft ; you may be — , bit fail II ft bid) batMllf Bets laffeu, man faun fid) t>crftd)crt b>d- ten, fesm i?te ucrftcfiert; I am — , 1 don't know, id) roeifs eg voabvbaftia nicbt; — footed, (— of foot ) feft auf ben 3iif;eit, ftanbfeft; a — paymaster, eiitgiiter^ejablei'^ SURENESS,*, bie feidierbeit, ©ewi§« fjcit, 2Sal)i1)aftiflfeit,geftigftir,2:reue (». ii.). suretisiiip, i. bic 93iirgfd;aft, 93er« bitrgung, SURETY, s. 1. bie Sidjerbeit, ©eroifj- beit; 2. ber ©runb, SBetoeiS, ba4 Beugnip, bie HU-ftatiguiig ; 3.- ^erft= djetung ; 4. /. t. bie@eivaluleiftuiti], Sfitgfc^aft, Caution; 5. ber @e= tintbrgmauit, SBiitge, Sa»ent. SURF.s. ber 2"Bellcufd)lag, bie ©egctu ftromung, SBtbetfee, 83ranbuug. surface, s. bie Dberfiiid)e, ylcidje, Slufu-iifeite. To SURFEIT, v. I. a. iiberfiiHen, iiber^ laben, iiberfutteni ; II. n. 1. fid) iiber= laben ; fid) iibcrfreffeu ; 2. ji s . itber= britfftg rocrben. SURFIT, s. 1. bie Ue b erf ii Hung, Uc= berlabung, Iteberfattiguug, Ueber* (fr)effuug ; 2. ber 6fe(, lieberbntf; ; — water, bie 2)}ageutropfen, ba« 5Di(igenw«ffer. surfeiter. s. ber .). surname, s. 1. ber @cfd)lcd)tgttame gamiltennome, 3»im"if; 2 - ^ e ' 3 name. To surname, v. a. citieu 3i'ix""* n pber S -Beiitanten geben. SUROXYD, s. c/i. T. bag ©uperojtyb ^tDperorPb (to. it.). To SUROXYDATE, v. a. Ck. T }U Ct» ticm ®tipci-ori)b bilbett (». ii.). To surpass, v. a. iibertreffen, iiben fteigen j to — the limits,./)/. K. ta« H* SURV SUSP SUST mitunt uberitcigcn, bie Dtbet iibet* fcbrcitcn ; not surpassed, unubcrtrof= fen. HTRPASSABLE, adj. iibcrtreffbav. SURPASSING {ado. — ly), adj. J1U3= nebmenb, ungemein, vortrcfflicb, JitsrauS trtfflict). aufjerorbentUrb, ; — ly beautiful, uniibcrtrcfflid) f ct> Oil. buuplice, *. bag (Sbotbemb, bie Sto= !ii ; — fees, bit Stolgebtibten. surpliced, adj. eiu (il)orf)cmb tra= gcnt>. BURPLUS, s. (bcf. M. k) ber UeJet* rift, (6affetu)Uebet febuf ; /,. v. bet Hcbmefr fines QSetmbgens' uacb 5lb= jug ber gegate ; in — , nod) bajn, obenbrcin. SURPLUSAGE, *, baS Uuroefentlidje ; M. k. bic SJcf^rbt jablnng. To surprise, p. o. itberfaKen, iibfr= tunipcfit, iiberrafeben ; beftunt (er= flaunt) macben, in (Srfiauncn fe|en ; to be surprised at . ., fid) oeruuiuterii iiber . . . 8URPRISE,».l. bet Uebetfall, bie Ue= bcrrunipelung, Ueberrafdjung ; 2. baS (Srftaunen , bic ©efturjung, ba3 (Srfrljrecfen, bic a3etn>unbetung ; to be in a — , ftauncn, fid) oettnunbetn. SURPRISING (adv. — ly), adj. iibma- febent, crftaunlid), 511111 drftaunen, luunberbat ; it is surprising, (S ift er= ftauulid). To SURREBUT, ». n. /.. 7'. tic Ollin= tnpltf eiutcicben. SURREBUTTER, s. /.. 7 1 . bic Ouin-- tuplif (beS .RlagcrS JIntmort ouf bie Duabtuvlif). To SURREJOIN, v. n. L. T. bit' %X\? plif einrcicben. SURREJOINDER, s. /.. T. bie £riplif (bee JMagci'3 3lnnuort auf tie Supltf be* SeHagten). •A SURRENDER, ». I. n. fid) cr^cben, toeicben; 11. a. uber^cben, iibeviaffen, abtretcn an . . , iib'crliefem, binge* ben ; to — one's self, ficb etgeben ; L. T. \i&) als jafjlungSunfabig ange* ien, feiue ©iiter abtretcn, bonis cc= bircn. BURRENDER, s. L. T. bic Itebcrgabc; lleberliefcruug ; (5'rgcbuug; no — , voir evgeben iiu« nidu ; — of a bank- rupt, /.. t. bie ©utetabttetung ciue§ ©emcinfdjnlbiicvS. BURRENDRY, s. vid. Surrender. stjRREPTlON, j. bic Ucbcvfrblcicbung, (Svfcbleitbnng, bervtff ; — ly, adv. burd) 2cblidie, vcvftoMiu-v 2Bci= ff, beimlid), biibifd) ; ale SRacbbtudf. To SURROGATE, v. a. in eincS .'lucent 2 telle nub ;)ted)ic eiufcijcu, einfebte* ben, aborbneu (t». fiJ. SURROGATE, .?.l. ba8 Surrogat. gin* gefebobene, Stctloertrcteute, (Srfafc- mittel ; 2. ber ©telluertrctcr ; 3. Slbgeorbnete, 33e»ollmacbtigfe. SUBROGATION, ».ba« ^tcllvcrtrctcn; /,. T. bic (Subrogation ; baS (5rfc= fcen ; bic .'Iborbuung, 5i3e»ollniad)ti= gung (\v. ii.). To SURROUND, v. a. unigebcit, 11111= ringen, eiufeblicficn. 3URSOLID, Math, T. I. s. bic bicrtc S)ignitat (3Biirbe, in ber ©roft bnbcnj 4. \canbj nteffen, iibermeffen, iviirbigeu, au«meffeu, aufmeffen, ben 5lnt"d)lag inscbcu ; to — a barbour, (the i cineu i^afen (biejlfifle) aufne^men, Vcifcu. SURVEY,*. 1. tic Uebcrftdit, Pundit, bet Ufbcvblief, tic 2d).ui; 2. S8e= fid;tigung. 3nfpectiou; 3. .'Inmd}t; 4. bie ffliirbigung ; 5. Sattbfdjau, baS Ailbnicffeu, tic flnemeffung, Oluf= meffung, ber ?lnfd)Iag, $lan, 3tbrif ; to take a — of . ., iibcrfchcn tttOOt , gennu betracbten, anfeben (eiuen). SURVEYOR, ».bet ;'luMe!u-r ; ©tetlj* ailf|"cf)cr; |— of the custom , 3 D HaUf= feber, Seftdjttger, SBefdjauet (bet anfommenbeu nut abgebenben 5(|if= fe) ; 0uterbcfd)aucr ; (— of land), ber Sanbmejfer, AClMlieffer ; — gen- eral, ber Doetlanb oets uteffet: — 's iv. >, bic 8e|tcbtigung8gebut)ten; surveyors of the navy, WCbiffflbaiU Sufpeeforcn ber englifdjen 3ftarine. SI R\ EYORSHIP, 8. ba« .'lufu'hcramt; bie Sanbfcbau, ©lenjaufftc^t ; ba« ?lmt ciuci jelbmffferS. SURVIVAL e. bae Ucberkbfii j bit 3liniMvru'b,ifr, Erfpectanj. SURVIVANCE, s. (t». ii.) vid. Survivor- SBIP. To survive, v. I. a. iibcrleben : ir. n. iibtigbleibeit, am I'cben bicibcu, fortlebcn, nad)blcibcn, nod) ".unluin-- beu fcWt ; surviving debts, reUircubc (ttod) itubcjablte, Cbtiggebliebeiie (Srbulbcn. SURVIVOR, Sxirvtver, s. ber Uebcrfe= bcubc, OJaebbleibenbe, 3uru(fge(af« fene, Ueberblcibenbe, Sangftlebenbe. SURVIVORSHIP,* 1. baSUebeilcbcn, yiaebblciben ; 2. bic ^limmttfdmft (eiiteS iioutiiientbeilucbmcriS auf bic 9ieuteu ber fiuberftcrbciiceu iliitin= tereffeuten). Susan, s. Sufanne (Sraucuname). suscEprrBiUTY, ». bic (5mpfang= lirbfcit; ©crauinigfeit ; Aabigfeit. SUSCEPTIBLE, adj. cnipfanglicl), fa= t)tg, geraumig, jiilaffig ; — ness, *. vid. Susceptibility. SUSCEPTioN, ». bic 3Inuabme, Urbcr= uabme, 2beilf)aftivcrMing iio. ii.). SUSCEPTIVE adj. vid. Sl'sceptible. SUSCEi'TIVlTY, i. (n. ii.) vid. Suscep- tibility. susceptor, s. 1. ber ltnfcnuf)iiicr; 2. Saufjeuge. SUSCTPIENCY *. bic ?Iufnabmc, 3''! 1 lcffunii. SUSCIPIENT, I. aiij. auucbmenb, auf= uebmenb ; n. .?. ber SJnnebjmnbe, ^lufiiebmcr, (^iufubrer. To SUSCri'ATE, v a. loeefcu, envcJ en, regcu, errcgen ; aufniunteru, antreU ben, reijen, anrcijen, (aulfporncit. suscitation, s. bie iSfteguna, 8tJ mecfung; Qlufmuntentng, Suntreia bung. 7bSUSPECr, ,: a. $ it. argivobncu, 3Jetbaeb,t ln^en. in SSetbacpt babcu, miitrauen, uJJifitrauen feijen in . . ; bcfiird)tcu, beforgen ; niciucu, n)5b^= ncu, i'crmii(l)eiC niutbniaf eu ; be= jweifeln; to — of.., 33erbad)t babcu (auf 3cmanb, ivcgcn . .). SUSPECTARI.E. adj. vertaebtig (tt). A.). si 9PECTEDNE85, ». bie SBetbaritifllett. sisi'EtrrEii. s . ter Slrgivobnenbe, '.Hv.iiobbnii^c, inS3etbacbt 3ieb,cnbe. SUSPECTFUL, adj. argroSonifcb, mif;= trauifeb ; Detbacbtetregenb ; oefotgt, SUSPECTLES3, adj. vebad;t[oS, Ult> pcrbaditig. n SUSPEND, v. n. i. baugcu (— to. ., an . .) febtueben niad)cn, aufofinaen ; fig. 2, aufftbieben, oetfebieben, 'biu= pangen (anftcbeu) laffen, auSfefeeit; I 3. i:i 3iveifcl, obcr ungetoif lafTeu, unentfcbtebeii laffen; 4. fufptubircB, binbaltert, tnnebaltenj 5. auf tine nemiffe 3'*' flufet Smtttbatiflfetl fe^en, oter abfe^rn, auefebjiepen ; .1/ /•: >■. to — payment, feint, S'ibluiig einftellen ; to — the s.-,ie, tnit bent SSerfaufeanbalten; to stand BuspeDded, fig unfdjlufftfl iV'.mi. \i)i;it, ». bet SHuffcbiebeube. BU8PEN8E, ». I. ber '.'lufrdub ; 2. bit Ungeroigbeif, ©ebaebtfamfett, lln« fcbluffigfeit, bet SInftanb, tie 35ge« rung, bet 3»eifel; 3. tic ^inberuag, i&emmung; 4. /.. r. tic Su*pen» fioit; to i,e in — , uiigcroiti feVU. bet fid) auftcben; to keep in — . au^.)C= fe^t, uucutfd)ietcn fenn laffen ; biu= baltcit, roavtcn laffen ; JK JE. eiuer JBeebferj 3lotb leitcu laifeit 'uiebt aceepiiien : 1 1 rest in — . im 3"-'fi* fel (ungeroip) bleiben; tortured with — , ill pcinlidicr lIu.ieUMfibeit ; m deadly—, (tvifo^en Vebcit unb Xob. SUSPENSD3I1JTY, t. tic ©cbttebtf = bigfett. si 8PENSD3LE, adj. fdmnbefabi^. SUSPENSION, i. 1. ba8 Olu'lMuarn, fig. >. •^inbinaen, .£inbaltcu. Siuf* fcbicbcii, tic 35fl«tung, bet Sluffcbttb ; 3. 3n>ctfel, bic Ungeroifbett, Un> f di 1 u in afett; bet Slnftanb, B t b a 4 1 ; 4. bic Suflpenfiott, einfhoeiltge fcbliefung, @ntfe^ung obet 9Ibfe- eiing, Sntamtung ; 5. nn. r. bit Qlnfpannung, Sttegung ber Sr»ar= tlllig; points of—. Mr,!,. T. bic 8luf« obcr 2lnbangcpunFtc ber ©eroirite; — of arms, Bet SBaffenftiQftanb ; — of payment, JK /: tu jabfungSeinftela lung; — bridge, eine ^anaenbe ©rude; — railway, einc fdnvcbentc (^ifenbabn. SUSPENSIVE, aiij. jivcifclbaU. SUSPENSOR, s S.T. ba« bebaubteuj 7.Mu t. (cine Slote) au<9alren: to — ■ loss, eiuen Scbaben [SBetlufl cr)lti» bcu, oetlieren. -i st \in IB] i'. adj. I. baltbar; er:' baltbar; 2. au->baltbar, efttaglicb* not — , uuertraglid). Bl 3TAINER, t. 1. b«- .Oaltenbt ; '2. Srbaltet, Ottfotget, ©etpffeget, llm ttrftiitjee, ©eijlanb; 3. Dulbtt, (St< traa.cubc. SUSTALTIC, adj. traurig. riibrenb. SUSTENANCE, I ... 1. bic Untcrftu. SUSTENTATION. s hung, Stbaltung, Untcvbaltuug, Qetforguug, v l!erDflf' gung ; 2. tcr Uutetboll ; tic Qtforbet* niffe, ©tbutfuiffe, BebenCmtttet bit OJubiiuig. 4-jy SWAL SWAY SWEE SUSURRATION, a. baS ©eflificv, ©e= inurmcl, ©efinrc. sutler, «. bet -JWfttfetenbet ; 2>ttbel= US). BUTTEE, ». 1. etne inbitdie ©iHtiim ; 2. eine SBitrroe (in Snbien), bte fid) mif bent ©d)etferbaitfen thrcs ©atren opfevt; 3. bte 2Btttweii»erBtennung (tit Snbten). SETTLE, adj. M. E. rein, netto ; — weight. baS "JJettoaeroicbr. BOTURE, s. bie iUahr, Suge; .*. r-^. J?nod)eimar)t, .gttrnfebSbelfugc ; — of the belly, bie SBaucftnabj; bastard er false — . bie fillf(f)e 9iaf)t ; coronal — , bie jlronnabt, Jtraiumtbt. swab, s. i. bet >S?ef)rn.nfeb, <3cbrnb= ber, Srbirfbefen, ©djroabber; 2. Med. T eiit ©titcfdicii ©rbtoamnt nn einem ,£>anba.riff Bcfeftigf, tint ben SRunb bet &raiiteii ju icinigeit, obet ihncit Jcatjrung jit reidjen. ToSWAS, v. a. nnfcben, abwifcben ; febrnbbcit. (ab/fd^vabberit, (cin eebiff) feliren, ansfebren. swabber,*. bcr@chifffeget, SBifdjer, ecbiffsjungc. PWAR1A, &c, oid Slabia. &c. Te SWADDLE, e. a. WMllbcn, roillbelll, mttfeln ; to — up, benncfeln, etntoitu bcltt, einrotcfeln. bWADDLE, i. bie SBinbel; baSSSicfck tneb, SSicfelbanb. swaddling, s baS SSirfelit; — .or — Uand, baS SBiffelBanb ; — cloth, bie 5Bttibel;b/t8 SBtrfeUu*, 3Bt«f elbanb. To swag, r. n. nictcr hatt^cit, itiebet= finfen ; — bellied, adj. frbmcvband)ia,, fa)lotterbaud)tg. To SWAGE, v. a. vid. To Assuage. n> swagger, o. «. gtofj tbim, pxab- 1cm, vod)cn, |)oItctn, fid) blfi&en, ouf* fdbneiben, SBinb marhctt, fcbnaufeit, bvamavbaftven, ootftyroabrontrett. SWAGGER, ». rit/g. bCt .£od)imitf), etol?, bie ©rofjtffueret, 3Juffd)netbe= ret, SBinbbeutelei ; — buff, wdg. nue Swaggerer. swaggerer, .*. bev $od)er, Sprarjler, Sluffcbnetber, 2Siitbmad)er, U8inb= bentel, Satinet, SramarbaS. SWAGGY, adj. iiberljangenb (fcbnnr berab) hamienb. «wain, ».*bet (junge) ,<$irf, ©djafet; ©eltebte, Siebfte, (Jornbott. swainmote, e. /.. t. baS SBalbbing, 55jalbgertd)t, Sorftgeridjt. BWAINISH, adj. untoifjenb, baurifd). bwale, ... m e. bas £ba!, Sieffanb. To SWALE, v. n. fdjmeUen, laufen, If= cfeit; to — away, wegfc^meljnt (line eiit ?id)t). swallkt. ... Mm. Ph. bev UeBerfaH torn SBaffet in ©etgKwrfett.baS ®ru= benroaffer, bet Sd)it>atl, SBafferfturj. swallow, ... 1. bie ©c^waibe; 2. bev Sd)lnnb ; bte McbU ; 3. baS 1 it = teru1iliiigeu r bcv(3cbtii(f; 4. bie gtef= gierbe; at one — , auf eiiifii Sd)(u«tm; fg.^a\u fen, bie (totlbe) 3Jlenge, bets ®eroim= mei; a — of bees, eiu ©dniMVllt SBienen. To SWARM, v. I. n. 1. frbttnivmen ; fig. nnmmclit; 2. fid) t)aufcn; 3. bran - gen, soil fel;n; ir. a. Sc&mavine tx- jeugen. swart, adj. bnnfelbvann, fdjwavjtid). To SWART, v. a. frb.wavjen, bnnfc(= bvann favbeit. SWARTH, adj. vid. Swart, swarthiness, s. baS Sdiamvjbvattn, 5)unfe(bra«n, bie bunEelbraune @c= ft^tsfatbe. SWARTHY (adv. — ily), adj. bltnfeU bvann, fcbroavibvaim, von bev ©Pitnc oevbrannr. SWARTJNESS, s. vid. Swarthiness. swartish, adj. ins ©r^watjBraune fallenb, brauultrr), frbroavjlicb. SWART Y adj. \vk Swarthy. swath, s. 1. bev (Srimmbcn (bie Sage, obet 3ieibe aBgeftauenen ®rafe8, ii. f. to.); 2. bet burrf) baS 3Ra^en bewitftc etridi ; 3. ba3 SSicfelbanb, tie (lange) swathe, «. bas SBttfelBanb, bie (Tan* ge) SBinbe. To SWATHE, v. a. (— a child, cilt ^illb) nucfeln; cinfdtranfen, eincngeit; — Bwathing, ba§ SEicff In ; — band, b(tS SBtcfelbanb, bie (lange) 23inbe; — clothes, pi. bie SBinbeln. To SWAY, v.n.Xn. 1. fd)lttiltrt,eit, (fivB) fcBwenfen: 2. berrfdjen, beden-friien, tegteten, uBertmegen, riibi-en, leifen; 3. beriibev fdnimnfeii; 4. ben 9lti«= frfjlag Be!ommen; ba§ Uebergeroicbf baben; 5. fid) neigen; fi. @iuf{ufj baben, »id oermogen ; to — the sceptre. VCjiei'ftl ; to — with one, ®t* roalt tiBev et'nett r)aBen, viel bei \i)Xf gcltcn ; to — up the (lower) yards jr. t. bie atttfern) Diaaen anfbiffen. sway, .«. l. bas ©cbroingen, bet ©diivnna,, Umfcbwung ; 2. bte '}?Jad)t ©etoalt, i^ertfcbaff, Setrnng, 9tei]ies rung; 3. bag Uebevgenncbf, bet (*ttt= ffufi; — of the back, bev eciifviicfeB bev $ferbe. SWAYING, (ofthe back), 8. bet ©enf= tucfen bev Pferbe. To SWEAL, p. n, * a. rid. To Swale. To SWEAR, v. ?;. ir a, 1. fcbVDOrClt ; 2. BefdjmBten, Beeibigcn, ciblid) erbatJ ten (etflaren), berpeuetn ; 3. oerel* ben, in G'ib nebmen, fdjrooten la^en (— to, jil) ; 4. flnd)cn ; to— the peace against one, /.. Ph. cinen Bcfm Srie= benSvtcBtet wegen getoaltfamen Sin* fallens anffageil ; to — treason against ..., meineibtg roevben gegen .. . swearer, ». 1. bev ©cbauuer, 53e» fd)n)6rer, Seeibtgev^ 2. «5'itci)cr. sweat, «. 1. bev edmieifj; 2. bte StuSbflnftuna ; 3. jig. Ucbmtg, Qlrbeit, 3J?iibe, Sefcproevbe ; to take a — , ju fcbaM^en eittnebmen ; to put into a — , III ben Scf)n.ieif; Btiugeil ; sweats, pi. Sp. e. bie Uebitngen etnefl $ferbcS. To SWEAT, 7j.I.r>. 1. f*UH§en ; 2. fig. angefttengt avbeiten, fid) abmiir)en ; H. a. 1. anc-biinften, anSfdjmi^en ; 2. in Scbrocif; feljen obet* brinaen, ^rbvoeifj mad)en; to — coin, ©elb Ieicbtcv macben ; to — the glass, .Af T. baS (©anb=)©Ia« 511 fviib febreit; to — out, aiiSfcbmiljcn, anSbiittftcn ; to — out a distemper, eine Jtranflieil bnvd) ©d;roi§en feertretben, bnrc^ S-cbriM'^cn genefen. SWEATER, s. ber liebit'itjcnbc. sweatiness, s. bas ed;rccifjige, 5;* fd)mi§fe. SWEATING, 8. baS ScbtiM^cn ; — batb, bas ©d)roir>Bab,5)amvfbab ; — housa, baS @d)tt)t(jbab(=^anS) ; — knife. ( — iron, — scraper), eiit SJJeffev jUVP. Qlbfcijtapen bcS ^cbweifteS bev $fer= be; — room, baS ©dmrifebab; baS JvafebanS; — sickness, bafi Sd)»eip= ftebcv, bev engtifebe Srbrocift. SWEATY, adj. 1. fd)ivetfjtg, DOH, DOfl pber in Scbweip; 2. fig. finiev, m u Si = fam, miibfefig. swede, s. 1. bev (Sebwebc, bic©d)ive= bitltt ; 2. vid. Swedish Turnip. swEDEN,8.(baSjlpiiigrcid))@rf)n)eben. SWEDISH, I. adj. fchvoebtfrf) ; II. s, baS Sebnjcbifcbe, bte fd)n>ebtfcr)e S^radie; — tumip, bie fdiivetifd)c Ao^iruBe, SRotabaja. To SWEEP, v. n. 1. fegett, (Jllfaitts men !cbrcn ; 2. ftveicben; 3. reiben, uberteiben ; 4. jtreifen ; 5. fdbfcppcn, iiad)fd)Ic»»cn ; 6. fig. fretben, jagen, fotrtrctben, binvct'ben, fd)(agen • 7. etnftretcben, (roeg)raffen; 8. fdineli voviibev geben, lvifrben, fd)iepcn, fe= gen, ftvBniett, iibetftrijmen, fiiegen, iiberflattevit; 9. binwifeben. fort* fdiliipfen ; 10. ptunfen, fict) briificit ; to — for an anchor, JV. Ph. etltcn 5In» Fev fifrbeit ; to — along, fig. fcbuell uoviibev geben, vevbet ftiegen (aud), to — by) ; et'nhev fpvengen ; to — away (— off), wegfegen, tvegfebren; fig. luegraffen, ci'nfiveidien; roegtreiben j to — in money, ©elb ctit ftietdu':t ; tn — onward, fig. binaiiffd)leiibern ; to — over, beftveicbeit; fig. iiberiun fe- gen, roegfdbtfipfen. sweep, «. 1. bas Wegen, ftebwn; 2. ©rreifen, bev (Strtd), ©ang, Umlaiif, SebivinKi,, bie ©rbtvenfiing, Scbann= guftg, ^riimme; 3. ber criuelvaum ; 4. £ct)roanj, baS ©eljange, bie Srbleji. SWEE SvviF SWIN tft ; fig. baS (SJcfolge, bet Hubang, bie Dfaiiic; 5. SBetbeerung, 3« r fWtung, bae Serbetben; 6. bet ©rbotnfteins feger; 7. v. bet ©cfieibeofen ; 8. jv. 7-5. buS Smjtebeu be<3 ©chiffea bet >)Clt Jlimmiligcu; — of the tiller, bet Seuroagcn, teitroagen bc£ ;)iubcrs ; sweeps, pi. bie grojicn (laugcn) Jhibcr ouf Jtriegsfcbiffcn ; $etfrfien ; a small — (of a road), ciit flciucr i*ogcu [et= net Strape); — bar, baa Senffcbeit (amiWuftroagcn) ; —net. NtS 2trcid)= net}; — Btakes, pi. bie $tdmie bet einem SBetttennen aus berfdncbciicn ©piclfd&cu beftebcub ; —washers, pi. Jcebticbtroafdjer. sweeper, *. bcr seget, SHuafebret, 2Bifd)cr. sweepings, *. pi. has Segfel, 3»r^"i= mengefegte, jtehrid)!; bet Sibling. SWEEPY, adj. 1. ftreidjciib, flrid)ttg, bebenbe, fc^avf ; 2. pru»!cub; 3. rocl= Ieuartig. SWEET («fo. — ly), adj. 1. fug; 2. lie&= licb, angeitebm; 3. holb, fauft, licb, giitig, roillig, freuitblid}, licbrcid); 4. atttjj, biibfd); 5. nirbt libel ric= rfjcub, iuo[;lcied)ctib, biiftig, fri fd), Hat J to be — upon, fiif; (febbu) tljnit iitit — liebangclit auf...: — air, frifebe 8uft; —almonds, fltf t 2flan= belli; — apple, bet frbuppige 51a= frbcilbatim {Jliintmn squamosa. — L) ; — bag, baa SRaurbeif iffett ; — bail, baa Sa'icdtbudjJdjcii; — basil, bciS SafUieum; — bay, ber genuine Sor- beef; — birch, bie ffbroatje Ditgi= lltfrfae ©itfe, ,3'iderbirfe; — bread, bie SStuftbtufe einea&albea, ber .Hal- betpreia, Scfcroeber, bie jtalbamilcb, baa ©rfiacben; — briar, bie rooblrie= cbcube 5e(brofe, .£mgcbutte (Rota rubiginosa — £,.) ; — broom, bie 4?et= be. bus .§eibeftaut; — camomile, bie eblc .W'amille; — centaury, bie 33i= fainflDCfcilbluiUC (Ccntaurea moschata — L.) ; — (scented) cicely ( — fern), bcr fpauifebe .Kcrbcl (Scandix odorata — L.) ; — cistus, bie crctifrbe (5ijtcu= tofe {.Cistus — L) ; — corn, reinc Slbart befl tiitfifcbcu 2Bei§eti«; — calamus, — cane, — (lag, — grass, bet Jl'almilS (Aeorus calamus — £j ; — gum, ber ©total! (Liquid amber — /,.) ; — heart, vuirr. ber (i)elicbre, bas ©cfed&cfcen, licbc .ftinb; —herbs, pi. bie ftudbengeroacbfe ; rooblriccbcnbe JMutet; — lipped, glattjungig; — maudlin, elite 9ltt ©ebafgarbe . i — /,.) ; — meat, baa Sonfect, (f itt^e= maebfe, 3uefetroerf ; —milfoil, ber rooblrtcctyeube Serttam; — mouth, rrl. — tooth; — nephew, bie @tecf= ri'tbe, bcr Mepafobl (Brassica napus — A); — natured, fanft, betjig, lieb* rckl;, bolb; —oil, SpeifeiH, n8nttm= iM ; — orange, bie Slpfelftrte; — pea, tic roobftierbenbe SJJlattetbfe, iVani fdic SBtcfe (Lathyrus odurata — 7J J — pot, cut Sj3otpurri; — potatoes, SBittateit (Convolvulus batatas — £>.) \ — idot, MS ©iijjboll {Olycirrhiza — L); —scabious, bie SBttttuenblumc (Scabiosa atro purpurea — /..' ; — scented, mobitiecljcnb gemacbt, pavtiimirt; — scented woodroof bai itentlcberfraut (. Isperula odorata — L) ; — smelling, rooolttetbenb ; — smelling costus, bie SojiWUtjel (Costus arabieus — L.); — Bmelling iocust-tree, bcr 3krtcieit= billim (Robinia — /,.) ; — sop, ber fdnippigc (Vlafebeitbauiu (Jnnona tquamosa — L.) ', — sounding, lieblidi tenenb; — spoken, ^lattjuitgig, f cbnteieb(eri fd) ; — tempered, fteunb' [idb geftmir ; —toned, lieblidi toiieiib ; -tooth. Infer; ber ?ecf erjafjn ; — violet, ba8 SKar»»etrd)eit; — v iitit lieblidicr ©ttiiinie; — water, rterbenbea SttJaffer; — weed, bai igetjftaut (Capraria — /..: ; ba-3 fiipe fflefeitfrOUt (Scoparia (luJci.i — I- \ — William (iaijir. — willow), bie i^art= nelfc, 5'Cbenielfc (Dianthus barbai — U; — willow, bcr SJJorfcb, bie nic= betlSnbtfrbe 3R^ttbe (MyrUa gale — L); — wood, biij iubifQC ^orbeer= baumbolj ; — wood crow-foot, bie Sutfetbfnitte (Ranunculus auricomus — L). SWEET. ».1. baS Siisle, bie Sufjt'gfeif; 2. I'ieblidifcif, Olitncbmlirbfcit ; 3. bcr 3Bob. Igerucb ; 4. bus 9lduebet= wetF: 5. ber jucfcrfiift, fu^e ?Pffoitt jeitfaft; my — ! /«ui?iebe! •Bolbe! mein ciebeben !_ niein Seba|rben! sweets, pi. bie Siifjtgfetieii ; fHJolli'tjle, Ki8 berrlid)e Vcbcii; vernal sweets bie SBoblgerucbe (befSgleidjen 3Jiu itebmlidifeirciij beS Ainhliu.v?. To SWEETEN, e. 1 a. 1. fuBeit, fug (Woblrierbenb) macbert, betfiigen; 2. fig. bemSntetn, fcbeinbai mod>en, ci = not guteit 5dieiit gcbeii ; 3. ftillcn, liiibcrn, befattftigen ; n «. fufi roots beit, eiufiifien. SWEETENER, ». ber in'ruivcr. sweeting,*. I. bet fiifie ilpfel, po* bamii^tpfcl; 2. baS fiife j?tnb, \.'icb= dieit, Srbaftebeit, bie^olbe. SWEETISn, adj. fiifilidi, ttwai 1vobt= tiecbciib; — ness,*. bie Sufih'cbfeit. SWEETNESS, s. I. bie Suftgteit ; 2. ber Ti>0l'l ( icnid) ; 3. (—of behaviour, &c), bie Sieblitbtett, 2lititc!)iitltrbfeit, Slits litutl); 4. (— of temper), 2anftbcit, SJiilbe, .&ulb, 9teunbti$feif, CtebenS= roiitbigfeit; 5. bie Avii'dic, .ULirbcit. To SWELL, o. it. a- a. I. fd;tve!lcit, nit- fcbroefleit, auffdbroeQen, auflaufen, oufjleigen, anftagen; 2. aufblafen, blabctt, anfblabeit, auftveibeit; 3. er= bbhen, erbcbcn, berincbrcu; 4. gtofi roetbeit, nnroaclfen, tmtebmeu, flei= (jcu, fid) bcrntcbreit; r>. bid' roerben, ltd) bid belt, fteb aufbiafeit, bviiftcu, ftotj roerben j (i. jiitiun, entffainmen, etgtimmen, jcruig roetbeit; 7. Mus. anfdimelleii lajfen. SWELL, s. l. baS ScbroeJIen, ©tetgen, Scbnen, Sluf tbiirmttt ; 2. bie @c-- febroulft, Q31«fe ; 3. etwafl JluSgebaueb ted, 5Iu«gefdjroetfte8; 4. Mus. t-s. i^.- 31 it fd) me II en ; 5. ber ©rbrorllcr (ciit 3f{egiftcr in bcr Otgel) ; — box, Mus. t. bxi ©ebfiufe btS ©tfroellert ; — of tiie sea, b>i-j SlufruaUett befl SDleeteS ititcb einem ©tutnt, JV. Ph. bie £)efc lling ; there is a great — setting into the bay, e» gebt cine fchr fdjwete Seining in bie SB§etj; —note, eitt ypller Son ; a — style, eiu bombaftiffhet (borbttrtbenbet) Stijf. To SWELTER, o. 1 n. fcbrofll fe'.Mt ; i— with heat), »ot ijifee frbmarbteit; ii. a. frbroiil nutdun. SWELTRY, adj. fcbiviif, febr bcift, bbr= rciib, fengenb. To SWERVE, o. v. 1. fttetfeit, ibernin) febrocifen, fcbrocttmeii; 2. nbgeben, (ab)roetrben, Sebtttitte begeben ; liMiifcn, fid) Bcritten, ivrc gepen ; ausfdn-eitcn ; 3. flimmeil, flettern ; 4. fidi aiiKimu'ii ; to — from one's i urpose, ton feinem 3roecf« abfrbroei= feu. SWIFT (nrfi). — lt), ailj. 1. fcbncll, ei = Idj, gefrhroinb, buttig; 2. fetttg, bcrcir, ftbtagfettig (on ~JL ; iij'' ; — boat*, @'ilboore; — iof> foot (- footed, — heeled), ufneiltiifig j — i frineUbefriroingt ; — wit. Scblagrot^. SWIFT, ». 1. bcr Ifdiitelle) 8auf, ©trpnt (ro. ii.); 2. bit ©atnroinbe: 3. bie 9ininfd)UMlbc, IDtanerfcQroaiDe in rundo apiu — J.. ; i. bit geinetne (gtbec^fe. SWL tee, ».jr. T.M SSofgtoanbtati ; eiu £iiu turn Umroinben ; n pi. eiu ^Jaat SBanbtaue jut ©tfrfti= gitng bcr unicrit ilJaftcu. 7V; SWIFTER, v. a. JV. T frbwirtteU ; bie SBanbtaue nutiofcl tber@teneu aufetjen. SWIFTNESS 'bit 2d)iiellc, Stbnel' liafeit, ©efrbroinbigfeit, ©c()enbig» felt, ('• i!e, ^urtigfet't. TaSWIG, n a mdg.mii uarfoit Sftaen (frb'Uf) tiiiifeu, tficbtig jecben, be cin-vu, fdiliufcit. SWIG, -•. JV. T. eiu XaM, bciTci! iaut itidit parallel grben. Tu SWILL r.n I. fdiliiefen, faufeu, auf ein 3)lal btnuntet trinfen ; •;• ffhroemmen, abfpiilcn ; tratifrit, i;ni= fvulcii, ii in ii'ii bleu ; 3. truufeu iua = dieit, bcraufcbeit. swill. ». I. bcr bcrbe Eriillf, gulc ©rblitff; 2. bafl epuUcbr, bit 3aurbe. swiller,*. bet ©tjfdufrt, Saufau*. JErunfenbolb. SWILLlNGS,*.jrf, bae Spfiltrht. To swim, ». i. «. l. fcbrointinen ; 2 Sjg. fcbiiMitbcln, roirbeln, fdjroinbtlig fciui, fid) bteben ; 3. firb fanft una Icicbt beroegen, flieficn, gleiten, flr-ti foiii ; 4. votl fc.)u, ficb' im Uebet= Puffe bcfiiibcn : to— across a river, fiber cincu Sluf; f(broimmen; to — with ihr tide, beui 8trome folgen, mil bent ©tromc fcbroiminen (befiglei= cbcn, fig I ; to— for... tiugen uacb . . ; to — in joy, in Arcnbe fcproiinmen ; my head swims, es fcbroiubelt imr ; n a. febroemmeu. SWIM. s. baa ScbwtminCll ; (— blad- der), bie AifdibKifc. SWIMMER,* 1. bcr ©d)U)tinmet; 2. bie jpotngefcbroulft [an bent ©cbena fel einti SJJfetbefl)- swimming, *. ba« Scbroimmen; ©cbroinbelu It. f. tt). ; — of the head, bcr ©djroinbel; — girdle, ber ©cbroimntgurrel ; — jacket, bie ©diroiutmiaefc ; — paws, Hoffenfot= mi^c Siific; — place, bcr SBabeplafc — school, bie ©cbroimmfriulc. SWIMMINGLY, ado. eel iileireub, fllfttt, fanft, leicbt; gliidlidi, mit gurcni gottgange, nacp SBunfrbj matters go on — , Slflea gebt uacb 38unfa)e. To SWINDLE, p. a. Sebroinbelcien marfaen, frbroinbeln, bettflgen, gan^ licru. SWINDLER *. ber ©rfiroiiibtet, l iu-> rriiger, Oaunet. SWINE,*. bae Bcbroetn, collect @d;roet» nc ; — bread, bie Etuffel ; bal ©rpweinebrob, bie (Stbrourj (Cycia- mroparum — L.)\ — cresses, bit ©cbrottuefreffe (Cochlenria toronopus — /..) ; — gt iss, bcr SBegettitt, SCBegegtaS, ©aiigrafl (Polygonum am cularc — /..' ; —herd, bet 2cbii'eine» bill; — like, frbroeint'fcb, fauifrb; — oat. ber ludtc .tVifcr Arena nuda — L)\ — pipe, bie ERobrbfoffelfTurdu* Hiatus — /.i ; — i ox tic rdiiveinc= ppcfcii, Steinblattern, Spiftporfenj — stone, bcr ©tiufiteiit, v3^ui'tein ; — sty, bet ©rbroetsftaU (©rbroejits) Jtoben ; — 'i succory, ber 2dm.»riniS» falat. To SWING, d. n. a- a. 1. fcbiviiijifn fdjivenfcn, l^crumiverfeu fitaufcli: 4:11 SWOR JSYLL SYMP >. frhiuanfeu, ltmflicgen, baumeln, fdjwebenb luu= unt> berbewcgen, (lo8) bangeu, fcbivcbcn ; ;). jv. Ph-s. cin ©duff urn ben Simfet fcbwenfen, fdirocicn; let her—! fall ab! he nMl y _ for it, cr foitufc befjaegen an bcu ©algcit fommeit ; to — about, bcntm fcbimugnt, dentin breben. swing, «. 1. ba8 ©cfctoingen, bcr ©cbroung, bic ©rbroiugung; 2. baS lofe ©et% bie ©cfctoiiige, ©<$aufel; 3. .fi-r. bcr frete ©ang obet 8auf, •Bpiciraum, Umlauf; 4. bie (oolle) iUeigung, .§cr$cnsluft, bcr ungefctn* bcvtc Xvith, -^fllig ; to take a — , ftrb fcbaufeltt ; let him take his — , cr mag fetnem ©time folgen, fciitcc 8uft fr86nen ; — bridge, bie flicgcubc SBrucfe, ©terbrmfe (auf JEanalen it. f. to.) ; — gate, bag 9lufjiehtbor ; — glass, eitt ©ptegel mit SBilanjs fifjranben, ctu Srebfpiegel ; — wheel, t. baS ©rfjmniugrab fan cittcr llbr). To SWINGE, v. a. pcit)"d)CU, Ijaucu, priigeln, geijielti. SWINGER, s. bcr ©crjtoittgeitbe, ©ctyraenfenbe,Scf>aufler,'.s;d>[cubcrcr. To SWINGLE, v. a. glacbs fdmuugeu. SWINGLE (— staff), s. bcr ©cbtotttfls ftocf, bie ©rbtoinge ; bcr .frcbcl ait bcr ©tocfrolle beiiii 55rabfjieljert ; bic .fittrbel; — trpe, bcr ©djtoengel (am Sfiagen), bie SBage. SWINGLING, in compos. — knife, ba8 ©cbrm'ngemeffer, bic ©e$»inge; — low, bas SBerg, bie .6cbe. swinish (ado. —L\),"adj. fdjwcinifd;, fauifd), licberlid), grub. SWIPE, vid. Sweep. swiss, I. s. 1. bcr ©d)rocijcr; 2. ©dnucijcrbialcct ; n. adj. fqjtoei§es rifcf) ; — tea, ©djwcijertfj'ee, cin gait* tvaiit; — tooth-powder, fd)ii'cijcri= fdieS ^a^npiiltier. switch, s. bie ©crfc, Dtutbe, ©piefj* rutbe ; — tail, bcr lange buune ©chiimnj. To switch, v. a. mit Dcutbcu pcit= fdicn, geifjelit, init bcr ©erte bancn. switz, s (bcr £>xt uub Ganton) ©cbr»i|. switzer, s. bcr ©cbnjeijer. SWITZERLAND, s. bie ©cbiueij. SWITZERS. s.pi. bie ©cbnm$cr(Ieib); ivache, ©cbroeijergarbe, ©cbTOcijer. swivel, s . 1. ber ©rearing ; 6ara= binerbafen ; SStrbel, bie ©cbrocife ; bie ^iufifrappe (am ftliuteufcblop) ; 2. ( — gun), bie 35rebbaffe; — hook, ber (Sarabinerbafen; jv. T. ber SBart obcr SESarrcI; — link, T. ba8 llni= fcerfalgclenf ; — seal, ba8 3Ba(jpet= fd)aft. To SWIVEL, v. n. fid) anf ciitcm 3apffn bcn:cgeit. BWOB, Swobber, vid. Swab, Swabber.. To swoon, v. v. obnmacbtig wcrben, biufallen, hinftnfeti; (— away), bie 33efi:tnung ucrltcreu, in Dbunuidjt fallen; to — for . . , fcbaubciu iibcr . .; to — with joy, »WT glCllbe Ol)ll= mad) tig toerben. swoon, s. bie Dfjnmadjt. To swoop, v. a, 1. ftojkn, ftiirjen, ju= fttirjen, jufcbieficn caitf bcu Siaub), mit ben Jviaiicu (fdjnell) ipacfen, (— up), auffraUenb toegfii^rett; 2. fd;ucU ergrcifen, crbafrbeit. swoop, s. ber ©tofj, Scbnfj, Shttj ( Slngriff) cincs SRaubuogeU, baS ^lnf= Frallcn, ber Dcaub ; at a — , auf eincu c= flen, $a!(afd), bic Suc^tel; 2. fig. bie JHacbe, @ercd;tig[cit; 3. ber Sttita; 432 to put to the — , iibcr bie Jllingc fprutgen laffen; toputaiito fire and — , SillcS mit Seller uub Sdm>ert t>cnxMiftcn ; — and buckler, ber Jpau= begen, bie JlvicgSgurgel ; — "arm, Mil. Ph. bcr rcdjte Sttm ; — bayonet, eiu hinges ffia^onett an Slid? fen; — bearer, ber Sd)tocvttrSger ; — belt, baS Scgengcbeuf, bie 5)egen= obcr Sd)ultcrfcvpcl ; — blade, bie Segcuflinge ; — cane^ bcr 2''egcu= ftod ; — cutler, bcr ©djwevtfeger ; — cutlery, i«d)tocrtfegerarbcit ; — fight, ber Sdnuertfampf, Sccbtcr= famvf ; — fish, bcr ©cbwertftft*) ; — girdle, ba8 J)cgcngcbcn!; —grass, bie fedjmcrtlilic, bcr ©cbroertel (Ms — L.)\ bcr JlalmUd (Acorus cnlamus — L.) ; — hilt, bcr Scgcngriff ; — knot, bie 3)egcuquaite, baS Scgcnbanb; — law, ba8 rtauftrerbt, Jlviegsrecbt ; — like cartilage, JJ. T. ber fcblVCrtf5r= migc .{fltprpel ,- — man ( — 's man), bcr Jtricger, Sulbat; — player, ber 8cd)tcr, yiaufcr ; — salute, ba3 cr .^auptbegriff. SYLLEPSIS, s. Oram. S,- Rh. T. bie Sl;h hpftg. SYLLOGISM, s. bcr (S»Uogi«mu8 fonnlicbc (logifdje) 9Scrnunftfcblu9. SYLLOGIST1CAL (— ir, adv. —ally), adj. fi)llogiftifcb, in togifeber Sonn. syllogization, *. ba8 golgcnt, Scblicfjcn, S»)Hogifircn. To SYLLOGIZE, v. n. logiuf) fcblicfSeit, beiveifcn, ^erauSbriugen. SYLLOG1ZER, s. bcr SiiUogift. SYLPH, s. bcr <5i)lphc, (nhinnlidjc) Sttfrgeiil ; — like, fylpbeuavtig. SYLPIIID, Sylphyde, s. bie SV)lp£)ibC, bcr toeibltcbc ^uftgeift. sylva, 1. 1. ba« h>iifd;e @cbid)t; 2 bie ©cbicbtfammlur.g. sylvan, i. adj. ju cinem SSalbe ge» l)ijrig ; toalbig, febattig ; a — scene, eiue Scene tin SBalue; II. s. bcr Styluan, SBalbgptt, ©at^t. SYLVAN1TE, s. vid. Tellvri-jm. svlvia, s. i£nlt>ia (Sraucuuamc). SYMBAL, s. vid. Cymbal. symbol, s. 1. ba8 ©vjinbol, Sei^'" Jlcniucicl)cu, ©innbilb; ©nnibolum ber j;»pu3 ; 2. baS ®laube»isbe« feuntui§. symbolic, I adj. fym* SYMBI >LICAL (adv. — ly), J 'bolifd) iiprftcllciib, ftimbitblid), bilblid). SYMBOEIZATION, s. bic ftuubiiblidit SSm-ftelluug, aSevfiniilicbung, 3luglet= cbuitg, ^crilunbilbuitg. To SYMBOLIZE, v. I. o. 1. ftltntilblid) uovftcllcn, »crftnulid)eii, ycrftunbiU ben, angletcben ; 2. abulid) maebcu- H.n.cntfpred)en, gemafj fcpn, pafun ; to — with, gleid) obcr abnlid) fei;n mit . . , paffen ju . . , cntfpvcdjcu. SYMMETRAL, adj. serciubar. SYMMETRIAN, ? s. bcr Seobacbtfr bcr symmetrist, J ©iimiiictric, geimue ?lbmcffcr. SYMMETRICAL (adv. — ly), adj. fi;nt= metrifd;, gleirbmapig, cbcniiuifiig. To symmetrize, v. a. cbcunhifjig madjen, tu (5'benmag bringen. SYMMETRY, s.bic (Symmetric, ©Icici" mafiigfeit, ba8 6'benmafi, bie Ucbcr= eiuftihimuug (alJer 2:bcile), bqfi s ^crs baltuifi; uniform — , ba3 iioIlfiMitmc= ne (Sbcumafj ; respective — , baS (5beu= mafi eutfprccbenbcv £t;eilc ; with — fmnmctrifd). SYMPATHETIC, \adj.\. SYM PATHETIC AL (adv. — ly), S fottl 9 patbetifd), mitfiiblcnb, glcidicmpftit^ benb, tbcilucbmcnb; 2. gc^cimtoir= fenb, biivrb ©cbcimfrafte ; — ink, fi;mpatf)ctifcbe (unficbtbarc) JKinte; — nerve, a. T. bcr groftc f^ittpatbU fdic 9Jer», 3ntercpftalner» ; bcr flcinc fmnpatbifebe 9Sw», ©eftd)t»= ncr». To sympathize, v. n. fpmpatbiftrcii, mitfiiblcn, gleid)cmpfiiibcn, miticibeu. sympathy, 5. 1. bie Smnpatbie, baS 9)iitgefiibl, bie glcid;e <2timmung, ba8 ©leicbgcfiibl ; 2. bic 3Httleiben* frbaft, -Dtitlcibcnbcit; 3. ©cbeim* fvaft, ®cl)eimfrafte. sympiionious, adj. jufammeufttm* menb, f)armcniffb. symphony, s. 1. bie ©mnpbonfc, 3u» fammenftimmung, ber VluEIaug; 2. ba8 uiclftimmige jtonftiicf. symphysis, s. a. t. bie unbemeglicbe Bufiimmcufugung bcr ^norben, Jtno* rt)cufuge ; s. T. baS 3«fammeiitoad)s fen. symposiac, adj. ju cinem ©aftmable (©ehige) gcfjOVig ; — meetings, @e= lage. symposiacs, 5. pi. baS platonifdie ©aflmabl; Plutarch's—, S)31utarrb« 2!ifd)reben. symposium, s. iaS ©ehige, ®aftmal)l, Sefl. „ , symptom, s. 1. ba8@»inpfom, Jlranfs beitsjetcben, bcr franfbaftc3ufall ; 2. ba8 ^cirben, Slnjetd^ett, .Ucnnjcicben, ber Umftanb, 3ug, bie 2lnjetge; nrf mary — s, Sorliillfcr. SYMPTOMATIC, ) M SYM1TOMATICAL (adv. — ly), S V SYNO SYST TABL ftinvtomatifd), ju ten 3c i<&«i ge()p= tig, suffilitfl. symptomatology, s. fctc Srmivtp= ntatif, Jiraufbcitatcirhenlcbrc. BYN&RESIS,*. Gram 7'. tic ® mi arc ft*, gontracfion, Sufamntenjieljung jroei* cr Stylben otcr itofale. SYNAGOGICAL, adj. ju finer 2miago= gc geljorig, jubii'd) gottcebicuftlicb. SYNAGOGUE, «. bte ©gnagoge, 3»* benfcbiile, bet jubifefye ©DtteSbienft. SYNALEPHA, s. Oram. T. bie 2l1lta= loybe, 3ufaiitiiieusie()iing jweter ©Albert. 6YNARCHY, s. bie gciiiciufd>iftlid)e Wcgicnutg. SYNARESIS, ». puZ. Synjerkbis. SYNARTHROSIS, s. A. T. bie fd;n.\id) beroeglid)e SBeiitfitgitng. SYNAXIS, b. bie SSerfatrtnilung. SYNCHONDROSIS, ». .-/. T. bie ^it Mill = mctipigung |t»eiet Jtupdicu turdi ci= lieu .Kuoqjcl, Jeuprpelbeiufiigung. SYNCIIRONAL, I. adj. fyncftroniftifeb, gleicbteitig ; 11. 5. bat gleidijcitigc (Sreigitif). SYNCHRONICAL, vid. Synchronal. SYNCHRONISM, ». bee @i;ud;voiii§= nuts, bic @leict)ieitigrat. To synchronize, v. v. qtcicbtcitig fet)it, in eiue3fit fallen, fid; jnfam^ men tutragcit. SYNCHRONOUS {adv. — ly), adj. ftyll* djvouiftifdi, gleicbjeitig. To SYNCOPATE, v. a. Oram. T. (eilt 2Bert) in bet 2Jlirte uerfurjen, au§= fdtneiben, uberfpriugctt, auSfallert laffeit; Mus.T. ben diiitf»niu3 »cr= rficren, f'.Micopiteu. SYNCOPATION, a. Gram,. T bat ltcbcr= fprirtgeit, 9lu§rocrfen ; Mas. t. bic ©Ijnfope, Stiicfung. SYNCOPE, s. Gram. T. bie ©VUlfpBC, SBerfurjung cincS 2Bprtc3 in ber 2)}itte ; Mas. T. vid. Syncopation. syncopist, s. bee SHJortrurjct, 2lbfitt= jer, 3ufamnten}ie$et. To SYNCOP1ZE, vid. To Syncopate. SYNCOPY, 5. vid. Sincope. SYNCRETISM, s. bee Stmfretiteuit, bte ©laubenSr-erctniguttg. SYNCRET18T, *. ber 2mifrctift, ©loUs benSoeretutger. syndic, « be: ©»tjbicu». Co SYNDICATE, v. a. »0t @?ridH ftet = leu, richteii, beu'upeil;:!, tweln >. ii.). .SYNDICATE, s. taS £:!r.b!'.ut, &iK! cince" ©tjnbtcut, bie ShiroftUcjwIie. SYNDROME. Syndromy, s. 1. bag Si'' fantnientrcffen, 3ufammenn>itfen mebrerer It in ft .'in be, bet 3ufammens lauf, bie ©inigting, SRitotttung ; 2. Med. T.bat ;*ufaiiimeiitreffcit faimnt* ticket (Svutiptpine ciucr Jlriinl'()eit. SYNECDOCHE, Synecdochy, s. Rh. T. bie Stynefbodje, 33ertaufdjung. SYNECDOCHICAL, adj. lih T. fmtcfbo = djifd), cine Svmeffbocbe bcjeidnieub, burd) eiue SMicfbcdH autgebrucfr. 6YNEHGETIC, adj. mitiuirfciib, i:\it-- orbeitenb. SYNGENESE, s. /;. T. bie $ufantmcu= gefcljte, &ur ©bngenefte gehorige iUiithe. SYNGENESIAN, adj. H. T. jur 2\muic; ncfie gel)orig. SYNOD, s. bie Snuobe, J?irdicuvcr= fammliing; 33evfammiung (ju enter ikratbung,) ; Ast. t. bie 3ufatnmen= fuuft jwetcs cber ntefjrerer ^J latxc= tax. SYNODAL, s. 1. bic Sinipbe, 9liiprbnitng berfclben; 2. baS 3Jifttftticn«gef^ent an ben SUtfdjof. 82 SYN( )I).vl, ) adj. fmiptifit, |ui (Jtir= synodic > duT.=, 93erfamm(ung SYNODICAL,} geb,5ttfl; grnodical month, Ast. T. ber piiprifobc Dtonat. SYNODICALLY, adv. fiiupbifd), you ber ©jjnobe. SYNOMOSY, ». cine 5lrt poltti fcf>cr (Slub trtt alien ©riedjciilaub. synonyma, s. (pi.) ftniioerwanbte 2B6rter, S'.mpip.nim, Spnon^meii. SYNunyme. .-■ ciu f'.nipr/.nuea (fiuu= BermanbteS) SBort. SYNONYMIHT, s. D. T. ber $ffan}Cii= fpnouiMueu |ufammenfteHt. Ta SYNONYMIZEw. a burd) ©imipii'.): men auSbriiden. SYNONYMOUS {ado. — ly), adj. ftytlO= uivu ■ifeb), ftnnuenoanbf. SYNONYMY, s. 1. bie eS'OUPir.imie, Sinnyeriiniubtfii)aff ; 2. Rh. T. cine S'igur, wo man you ©egcnftanbeit e i n c r 2lrt ©ijitontjme broucljt. SYNOPSIS,*, tie Swtopfe, Ucberudn ; ber furjc tinlunirf, Slbrip ;eiuer SBifs feufdiaft. SYNOPTICAL (— ic) (ado. —ally), «VIA, ) s. a. t. ba« ©liebwaffer, SYNOVY, \ bie ©elcuf frbmiere. SYNOVIAL, adj. .1. T. — glands, bic ©eleufbriifen. SYNTACTICAL ,— ic) Gram. T. (ndr. —ally), adj. fyutaftifd), jur 2Bortfii= guitg geliprig ; oil cinaubcr geficHt, Sufa'nihicugereitjt, uei'bunben. SYNTAX, S. Gram. T. bic ri= fecu, eiufvri^eu ; 2. bcfpriljeu. syringi rroMY, s. s. t. bao 5i(telauf» fd)neiben. SYRT1S,*. bte canbbanf, 2»rtc, llu= lie re. SYRUP,* Bid. Sinn-. 3YSTASIS,*, 1. bic Bufammenfefeung ; 2. 3uf(intmenrotttrung ; u. bie l < ; c fdiaffeulH'it, bat SBefen (». ii.). system, s. 1. bic rooblgeotbnete SSets binbung mebrerer Tinge ^11 einem ©anien, bie 3ufaniiueiiftclliing, Su* famiiiciiprbuiing, bad @9ftem, ©e= bSttbe ; Cebrge0dnbf, ber Vebrbegriff ; 3ttfflinineitbang, 3ubegtiff, bat 3u= faunueugcfteHie, ©auje, tie iviffcn= fdjaftliitc Crtniin.i ; 2. M. T. jeS eimcliie .Oarinonicrplac bci ben 8I1 ten ; —maker, ber 3 ^lleiucityci fai"- fec;— monger, ber gcrne @9ftcm( entroirft, Sr/jtemrromer. SYSTEMATICAL — ic; ado. —ally), fteiuatifcb, triffeiifdjaftlicb gc= pvtuet. SYSTEMATI8T, ». tcr Sv>jteinatifer, Drbner, Blafftftcrrer. To SYSTEMATIZE, To Sys-hoiizb, ,-. H.iucin 2 , .i)tcm briugcii, clafftficu ten. SYSTEMATIZER, BnTBUzn, s. vott SYS rBMATUT. SYSTEMLZATION, ». bat 3ufaniiucn= (teUennadp tuijfeiifrbaftlictien ©runb» fafceu, Klafftfieiren. SYSTOLE Bystoly, s. 1. Oram. T. bit SBerfur^Uttg einer langeii ®fl««) ^cumi- fert; tn compos. — eat, tic buiiic Sta? ^e; — like, geivaffert j — (tamper, bic Sdjagrinture eiue 3Wufcbelarl ; —velvet, geroaffertet ©ammet, /-TABBY, r. a. U'aiTevu, miter bie $reffe bringeit urn irtttSQBogen jn bc= jeidjnen, moirireu. TABEFACTION, / bit '.HiUMobnuia,. ToTABEFY, « n |ic| abicbreii, abul- len, binfd)U'intcu. TABERD, vid. Tadakd. TABERN \' i.i'.. ». bat $tlt, ©ejelt; bie ©tiftsbhtte ; Vauluvbntle; ^a■J Xabernofef, 5aeraiiienibaiu'dn-ii To TABERNACLE, v.n. feiu 3d' »C auffojlagen, lvebncu, bain'tu, lic.^ti. TABERNACULARj adj. gegittert ; — work. ©itteruH'if. tabid, adj. ouSjebrenb, fdwiutfiid-tia, tiirre, matt, abge,flu't ; — m tic 2liii5jcbrui!g,' ®d)ti)iiibfu(bt ( bat abfollen. I'M'.iriiA, v. 2'abetba, Tabca v 3rau= eunamc 1. TABLATURE ». I. tie Eabulottr; 2. ./. r tie .ibciluiKi brt Sd)S > (I< in itutt ifiilften. TABLE, *. I. tic Tafcl, %\aVt, bat SifAblatt; 2. tcr Eifdj tie ;3 afel ; 3. fig. tic a:ifd>gefeafa)aft: 4. tcr SBranbop feral tar; 5. tine 2lbtb-iluug ber tcbn ©ebote ; 6. bat OScinalbe, tableau; ticJabclk; 7.Typ.T.bat Auntaniciit; 8. bie litfelrunbtd tafel; 'I../-, '< /•-■ bat Aiib; raked — , baa berttefft 5elb an tinem 2.m-- louftubl; knights of the round — ^ bie :liittcr oon bet Xafelrunbe: tfn holy — , or the Lord's — . bet Jiid) bcJ .gicrrii, ©pttea SCifd), bit Olbcut= mabl; — ofconti nts, bat .alpbabcli-- fd)e) "Mibaltevericidiuip ; — of falter est, tie ■jinttabefltj — of rate*, w 433 TACA TAIL TAKE 3o!Uafd, ber 3oHattfc$I«g ; to keep a good—, e t iicu guten JEtfc? fiibretl; to keep an open —, offeiie Xaftl fy&U ten ; (a pair of) tables, pi. bag ©retts fpiel, 5)ambretr, Sdudibrctt; tables, a. r tic ,§>irnfcf}eibewanb ; the twelve — , bie j»5If iEafeln (rbmifcbc ©efe* &c I; — of descent, ©tammtafclll, ®ef($Ifdjt8tafe(ll ; — of sines tangents, &c. Math. T. bie ©muBtafein, SEafeln ber Xangetlteit/ It. f. n>. ; to play at tallies, iin SSrette ober3>antc fpieien ; Hie tablesare turned,./^, bag ©laft bat fid) getoettbet ; — basket, bcr £ifd) = Eovb : — bed, i«S Tifcbbett; — brer, bag itafelbier; Stfcbbier; —book (tables), bie ©d&reibtafet, sjlotijtafet, bag Otcttr- ober 8Gotubu$, STafcf>cn= bud; ; — butts, pi. !Eifd)bana,cu ; — cas- tors, pi. Hifcbrofleitj — cliff; rid. — rock: — clock, bie i&tufcubr ; %af(U ut)V ; — cloth, bag£ifd)tud) ; — dia- logue, bag Xifd)rt,efpl'iicb ; — diamond, ber Safelfleilt ; — fasteners, pi. £ifd)= fdiicbcv ; — fork, bie @abei ; — fruit, bagSafelobft; —knife, bag £ifd)= mcffcr; — land, bag Safellanb, bie .fjocbebene ; — linen, bag JEafeljeug. ; — man, bie @d)ad)fto,ur ; ber ©tetn im 33rette ; — mat, bie JEifc&rnatte, ©trobbecfe, bcr ©trobteHer ; — mo- ney, baS SEafelgelb (fur (jo§eDfftcie= re, it. f. ro.) ; — plate, bag XaUU (®ilbet=)©er»icej bcr Suppentcller; — rents, L. T. jiibrlicije Slbgabeu alg JEafcljjetber fiir bie 93tfe§ofe ; — rock, bcr Xafclfclfcu ; — ruby, ber SCafeU rubtit ; — salt, bag JEofelfafj, £ifcb> falj ; — shore, ciit nicbcreg, ebneg iflad)cg) Ufcr ; — spoon, ber (*fUi?f= fel; —steel, ber 28c|}jrabl (fur bie Itfdnvtcffer); —talk, bag Jttfd)ge= fpracb; — tops.;,;. SCtfctjbtattet ; — ware, bag S.'afcla,cfd)ivr ; — wheel, Sea lanff. citt fcftftebeubeg SBotrab. To TABLE, v. I. n. ben £ifd) Ijaben, bet Sentanb §ur Stvft gefyett, effctt, fpeifen; ir.a. 1. in XabeUcn bringen, oerjeicbnen ; JEabeUen marten ; 2. r. oerfammen ; Sea lang. ocrfcberben, (SBalfen, u. f. m.). rABLER, s. bcr jloftgcinger ; ^oftge= bcr. tablet, s. 1. bag Safctrben ; 2. SEifcfc dKii.Xifd)blattcbeit;3. bie (©c&reib*) Jafcl ; 4. bag VlrscueifucfeeldKit, bie il'i'crfclle. I'ABLING, .9. AT. Ts. — of a sail, bie SSerboppeluugen aw cittern ©egel ; — in the middle of a top-sail, bcr ®tC[5= lappen eiiteg IDJargfegelg ; —of the beams, tic 3>erfcfcerbuug bcr ©alien. taboo, g. ein pricfterlicber ©aim (auf ben ©iibfeeinfeln). To TABOO, o. a. belt (Sebrattd) eiuer ©adje oerbicten. tabor, .9. bag JEamoourin, bie fleine Stemmed .ganbtrommel. To TABOR, v. a. troiltmcflt, paitfeit, fcblagcn. taborer, s. ber fEambourinfrblagcr. taboret, s. bie ITeine Sanbtroinmel. taborin, s. bie fleine .jpanbtroinmel. rABRET, s, rirf. Tabor. TABULAR, adj. 1. in Eafelu gcbrad)t ; 2. tabellarild) ; 3. gerofirfelt ; 4. ta= fetforinig, blfifretig ; —spar, bet la- felfpatb, Scbalftcitt, prigmatifdje Slugitfpatfj. To TABULATE, v. a. I. ittSafellt (Xte bellctt) brtngeil ; 2. ftarf) fdjleifen. rABULATED, adj. ftad) gefcbliffeii ; — diamond, bcr Eafclftcttt. rACAMAHAC, Tacamahaca, s. bcr (Scbmamntbol^baum {ttigara octandra ■— Lh; bte i^alfampappcl (Popidus 4:14 l-daamifera — L.) ; bag .Tafamabaf-- barj. TACHYGRAPHY, s. bte £arblia,rap[)ic, Sd)!tellfi-bvctbctiinft (\v. ii.).' TACIT, a,/j. fttli, ftiUfdnvctsjcttb, gc= bcint, ltidit aiiggebriiift ; — ly, adv. ftillffbau'iiienbg, bcimlid). taciturn, adj frbtvct'ijfclig, f(J»wcig= fant, ycrfd;loffcn, tooi'tfcivg, ber* fc^rotegen, taciturnity', ,^. bte ©(Jwet'gfeltgs Eett, ©r^wetgfamfetr, baSjiiQe, jit= rucf^ottenbeaBefeit, bie 93etfr^loffen* beif, in'tfebmiegcttbeit. To tack, v. i. a. beftcn, anf)cftcit, be= fefttgen, anfd;!icf;cit, oerbtnben ; to — together, jufammeul;efteit, btitben ober pacfeit; an ciitanbcr ftcifcn; II. n. JV. I'/is. (to — about), ciit ®c$iffroertbett, umlegen ; to — about, ,/iv.aitberg nta= rbctt, attbcrc^Jafn'c^elu ergretfen, bie ©ar^e anberg aitfangen, col. imifat- tcln. tack, s. 1. bcr ©tiff, Heine (Sapey'r--) bagels £>afcit, bag ^afeben ; 2. jv. t-s. bag umlegen cincg ©cbiffg, ber Sdjlag, bte SBenbung, bcr ©aiii] ober SBug beint Saotren; bag ®el;tau, Se= gclfcil; to hold—, fc ft bal ten, bau= era; the — of a sail, bcr .j3a[g cincg §afen ju etnent Tafd. To TACKLE, v. a. (— a ship), (Ctlt ©c^iff) mit itafelroer! yerfebeu. tackling, .9. 1. bag £afcl,' %attl= rocrf, bte Snfelage; 2. baS 3cug, @e= rath, tie (Mcratbfdiafte it, ©ac^eil ; fish- in? — , bag Stfdjevgerfitlj. TACT, s. bag (©diicf iirf)fcitg=)ffiefiibt ber Xati (beg ©efiiblg); ©efd)aftg= tact. TACTICAL (Tactic), t'rfd)eg ; 8. a. t. bei ©c^roanj eiucr TluStel; 9. Mu». T bcr Sdrnnin? ciucr SJlotf, 10. B T ber ©anteuftiel ; 11. col. ber 3Jeueri (bie Jte&rfette) eiiter SJciinje; 12. x.. T. ciit bcfdiranftcg 8eben; — tf a comet, ber itometenfe^rocif ; — of a lock, bag liittcrc Xbtu' ci:ter ©rblcupe \ to turn — to . . fereon laufcit box. . ; squat upon the — , tlictCVjjcfaucvt, llif» berbpefenb ; JV. Ts. tails of a top-staffl bie ©remfej — block, ber ©teert= bloif, ©djmaujblorf ; — board, Jlfus. Fh. ber iSaitcubalfcr, Saitcnfcft; — carrier, bcr ©rblcppciitragcr ; fig. Sucfogfcbiviinjer ; —comb (—toupee), ber Sticifamm ; — piece, Typ. rk. bcr Scbliiiljteratl) in £Mt$cru, ginal= ftmf^ — vice, bie (Sctywjaujfdjraube, ber ©tielfeiiMoben. To TAIL, r. a. bei bent ©i«aiije jic= ben, jiipfen. TAILED, adj. gcfrflnjatist ; — wasp, bie ©cbnxuijs oier J^oljroegpe {Sirex). TAILOR, s. bcr ©cbltcibcr ; woman — , bie Situcibcrinu, Jtleibcriiiadieriiin ; — bird, bcr ©(bjteiber&Ogel (MotacUla sartorius — L.); — 's goose, bag 33ti= ijelcifcit. To TAILOR, v. ?!. fdmeibmt. TAILORESS, s. bie Sdmi'iberinit. TAILORING, s bie Sdnteibcrci. To TAINT, v I a. 1. mit etmag anfiil= Ten, frnnfen ; 2. einen Slnftrtc^ ge= ben ; 3. bcfd)mutjcu, befubelit ; 4. ati- fc^roarjen, tit Xaltl jicben ; 5. aitftc rfen (— with, mit, rum) ; Derberbeil (burd) 3'aulnifi) ; Pcvfttbreit ; the but- ter is tainted, bte ©utter riet^t, ift nidil friftb, ift ranjig; n. ». angcftcil wcrben. TAINT, s. 1. bcr ?lnftvid) ; 2. gletfiX Viatel, ©cfrntufc: 3. bie 3litftecfung ; 4. bag SSerberbnip ; 5. (— worm), tie fleine votbe Spinne, ©ammetmilbc, V0tt)C Slbmilbe (Aearus holosericeui — L.). TAINTFREE, Taintless, adj. ltiitt ait= geftecft, unoerborben, flerfculog, rein. TAJACU, ) s. ber $efari, ^cfavig, tajassu, s bag SBifamfr^wein (Di- coty/e — Cur.). takal, s. (riftiubifd)) bcr $lti&. To TAKE, v. a. A- n. 1. ltcblllClt ; ttJCa,= nebmeit; mttnebmen, mitfiibveu; au = licbmcn, enipfattgen, ribentebmcu, aiifncbincit, biuncbmcit, befommeit ; 2. einuebmeu, ju fid) nebnten, »ers fcblingeit; 3. fibtrfaQcn, fangen, ba = fctjeii; in iu-rbaft (gefangeu) neb* men; 4. betratbeu ; 5. boien ; fi'tl)= ren ; C>. feffelu ; biitrcifcn ; 7. auftc=> rfcit; 8. wahlett; !). yenvntbeii, ge= braudjen, in (Mcbraiid) itebmen, iitt= wenben, braudjen ; 10. miethcu; 11. abnebntett, abbilbcu ; 12. ablcttcit ; 13. lHctticu, begreifen, terftebcit, anf- faffctt, eturautuen, balfcn fiir . . ; ju= laffcu ; 14. bulbctt, ertrogen ; to — ad- vantage of. . , bcifutjett (cine ©ad)e) ; iibennn'tbeifen (jentanb); to — aD airing, cine Spaiicvfabrt (einen ©pa* jicrritt, einen ©pajicrgattg) marbert; to — a denial, eiue abfd)lagige 3lnt» wort befomtnen ; to — a disease, cine Jiraufi)cit befommen, augeftecft rocr« bcit; to — a drive, fpau'cfcn fabveit ; to — a drop (too much), Ct II Scbliiif- r$en(jit biel) trinfen; to — a fancy to . . . ©cfflUen fiubeii an . . ; »erliebt, sernarrt femt in . . ; to — a last tare well, ubllig Slbfd^ieb nebntcu; to — a glorv in a thing, fid) etivag auf cine &a'd)c etubilben, ju ©ute tluin ; tn — a journey, cute jleifc macben, rci» fen; 'to — air, Siuft faffcit, 8uft b^ TAKE TAKE TAKE fontmen ; fig. augfommen, befannf toerben; tu — alarm, uurubig rocr= ben, rcijf merbeu, iifJltigft gcratbeit; SBinb befommen, vulg. Sunteritdjen; to — a likeness, portl'flitit'CU ; to — a .iking to a thing, cine >2fld)c gcrtt ItU belt ; to — amiss, fibel tubmen ; to — B miss ,1 woman) in keeping, ftrf) cine 5!)}aitreffe &alren ; to — a nap, fd)[um= uittS, ci,i. cin idiLtfdun mad)cn ; to — arms, ft cf> bemaffuen ; to — effect, UBirfuttg tbuu; to — (a good) heart, SDfcttf) faffcit; to — a house, cin pant mictbeu ; tit e t it CauS gebeil ; fid) tit tilt i^aitfl yct'ftccfctt: to — an oath, rineii Sib ablegcit, fcbiuoren; to — (a) prejudice, c tit dSorurtfjeil faifeit ; to — a resolution, citlCIt 0"l!pY:'li;>"; faffcit; to — a ride, («U8* Obet fpa= jiereit) rcitcu obet fahveu ; to — a ship [a prize), eiu <2d)tff capern, t$ jur SJJrtfe macben ; to — a trip, ctttc ficiuc (.lycfdjiiftss ober 8ufts)9tetfe lltad)Ctt ( — to. Had)) ; to — a tree, ftcij auf einen Soum fefcen; fid) bitt= ter riiteu Saunt becfieaeit ; to — a tnm, einen (furjett) ©pajiergang m,i= cfcen ; cine 2Beubung tubmen, fid) umauberu ; to — a vessel, cin «d)iff aufbringeu, ivegiubmcti ; to — a vessel to freight, ein ©$iff in SracbJ itch mat, befratbtcu ; to — a voyage, tine Seereife macben ; to — a walk, cittctt .Byajicrgaiig ntarben, fpatteren gebeil ; to — bills, SSerbfcI nchmctt, traffiren ; to — breath, atbmen, 8uft fcboyfeii ; to — change, cinen 93er= fucb macben; to — coach, fid) in bie .KutfdK fetjeu ; to — cold, ben Sd)ltu= V> ft it befommen, fief) erftiiren ; to — comfort, gctroft feijn, fid) trSften : to — contentment. Jllfl'iebcil ft'lllt; -SiX = gnugeu, 33eru{jtgttng finbeit; to — delight, ft eh ergofeen, Stergnugcn ft'tt= ben (— _in, flit); to — diet, ciuncb- men, fid) but f>altcu ; to — dimen- sion, auSmeffeit ; to — fire, Setter faugeit, in -£)ii}e gcratbeit, bi(}'il tycrccit ; to — freight for. ., . . ill ,\rad)t )}ebeit, DCtlabei! ; to — fright, fcfceil ttwrbeit ; to — head, fcillCU ffopf ftuffefteiii SJ&iberftaub (ciftcit; to —heed, fid) butCH; to — heed to, aufmerfeu auf; to — hold of, (au)= faffcit, (fcft)bfllteil (flit); to — horse, fid) ju Sgferbe fefcen, auffifcen ; cu8= reiten ; to — ill, iibcl nehmer. ; to -- ill courses, cillCU fd)lt'd)tCtl ZtbtllS: wanbel fiibrcn; do you — ifJ^fibeu ©ie e§ oerflanbeu ? begriffeit? to — leave, Slbfpjjteb nehmett; to — ii'jcrties, fid) greibetteit (herau8)ttel)mett; I — the lil ny,id)bttlfofrei;to — measure, ba8 2HflB nebmeiij to — measures, 2J2afjeege(n ergreifen ; to — money, @elb erheben; to — notice, Centers fell,; to — notice of . ., 9Jotij (Jteiintuit?) nebmen vott . . ; — no- tice! /.. PA. ituitb nub ju miffeit! U, f. w. ; to — occasion (opportunity), genbeit ergreifen; to — one ,u ins word, Sciv.ailbeit bcim SBorte fflffCII ; to — one's chance, fcilt 3d)itf= fvil crwarten ; njagen, abwarten, aui= fefeeu; to — line's departure, a''ici= fell [to — one's (own) way, fcittCll ;cigutn) SHBeg gebeu, obet ttebmeu; a — offence at .., fid; beleibtflt pit* ben Mud) . . , beleibigt font ubej . . ; to — orders, fid) inMnii't'ii [flffett, ^cebtget tuerben; to — pains, fid) j)jitt)e (jebcu. fid> bemiibett; to — part in . ., £bcil iteljmeii an . . ; to — physic, Slvjeitct einiiebmcii ; to — pity, ild) erbarmen (on, cineS) ; to — piaoe, ftatt finteit, fid) crcigneit, etits ti'ctcu, ju Stanbe Eomincu, vmfr.Ueu, yotgcbeil; to — pLace of one, belt SSorrfliig bebaupfen vor . . ; to — pleasure, Sergitiigcit finbcit ( — in, Oil ; to — portraits (likeness* traits mafen ; to — pride, fteb bxi\- flcu ( — in, itiit), fid) iua8 ciubilbcu. ftolj fc»tt auf . . ; to — rest, au8ru= belt ; to — revenge of .. fid) racben flit..; to — scandal, ftd) fcflltbflltft= I'Cll ; to — scorn, vCl\ld)tClt ; to — ^a' 1 seat, fid) feljCIt ; to — shame, fid) fcbfliiteit; to — shelter, ficf> fd)ii6eu, fid) ju frbiifecit fnebeu (— from, tier, genen...); rctirircit; to — steps, aJtafrcgciri ergretfeii: to — the ad- vantage, bett ziovtfytil jielicu; to — the air, flit (in) bit Vuft j?ebeit (font= men', fiifdje 8uft fdbovfen, einen Cuftgang macben, fpajiereti ge^en, flliercitCIl, flUfifflbren; to — the field. tu 'ul:e rtcheu, tie iffiaffeu evgrei= fen ; to — the law of ct-.e, 3emaitben ycrffagen; to — the lead, ben 5Con angeben, ba3 SBoit fiibvcu, 93nfuf)= ret feijn, oorange^eii : bte ^oneura litachcii; to— thought fid) einbilbeit; to — umbrage, Slllftofj nebntcit, iSers bacfjt fd)opfctt (—at, bci, 1 ;to — vcy- age, (jut ©ee) vcifeit, tut See ge= ben; to — warning, fid) marnen Iflffeil ; to — water, ju SEBflffet gc = ben ; em ©oof mieifjeii ; to — wind, guft feboffen; to — wing, baoon ffiegcit; as I — it, niciucr iDJei-- llling ltfld) ; I — it for granted, id) fefcc tils gewij oorauS, nefjine e8 aii anSgeinacbt an ; i won't — your judgment, 3bt Uvtf)cil geniigt mir nid)t; I'll — it for the better and worse, id; n)itl t^bflinit auf gut (Slfirl ttflgen ; win it — ? wirb el flitfd)!fl= gen, witfen lias fitted u. f. ». ? im'vb C'J burdbgeben? wirb efi bte (Jeuftir pflffircti ? col. wirb tS jie= bcil I how did the play — ? ttte gtftel bfl'3 2>tU(f ? that won't — with me. bfl-5 lflff irb mir uicbt gcfallcn; ba« billigc id) lltd)t; will you — some- thin- I luolieii ©ie ettvafl tviufen? Sp. 1'. t, the f"\ lakes the earth, bCf Sud)3 aerfricdjt inf) : the dog take- the water, bcr.fouub get)t tnS SBaffer : to — one about, mit 3cmanbein umpers gehen, tf)it bcrainfubren ; to — along with, mit fid) nebmen, fid) etoen ma ebcu, fid) eiupvagen ; i beg you to — me (along) with you, id) bittc 3ie fo jurebeu, tflfi id)3bncn folgen tann ; to — and, (yen ©cbtffen) cilll)0= ttit unb yorbetfegcln ; to — asunder. treunen; to — away, (tveginebnten, cutjicbeu, bet ©cite fefcen; to — 's self away, fid) lvegl'cgebcii, fto) iiufid)tlmr madjcii • to — down, bfi mttcnteluiicn, flbiiehmcu ; roegucf)= men ; Inituiiteifdilurfiii, Derfdjluefen ; fig. iticbcrfeblageit, bemut^tgen ; l)iu= 'ir.ticriVbliicfcii, einfveffcit (Merger, Jtranfungen) ;jiiebcrfrprcibeit; to — for . . , bflltcu fflt . .; 1 am not what you — me for, id) bin u:d)t bfl«, lvo= fur ©te mid) bflltcu ; to — firom, uchmcit you . . , cutjiebcii, iyegtieh= men, abnehmeu, bcuchmcii, berau: bcu, iifld)tl)eilig fc.m ; abjeirbnen; to — in, piiteiiincbmcn ; etunebmen ; erobcrn; anuebmeu work, Jlrbtit); einjiebcit; jiifiief erfteben (in Muc= tioneni ; an fid) briugcu, gcniinucn, crobcm ; umfaffen, mit in fid) bc= greifen, einfdbliejjeu, aufnef>mett; julaffen; iibcrlifteu, bintergtben, be trugen, anfubren ; i — it in, vuig. id) Liit!i t>ai uia)t ucrfa)!ucfen (faun biefe Siige nidjt glaubcn) ; to — in hand, itiitcviicomcii, anfaiigcil, iibcvuclimcu ; .\: v..-. to —in the sails, bte Si ^cl bergen ; to — in tow, bug« fircn, \n& Scplepptau uthmeit: to — in a cargo, cii:c VMcuiifl, @utei citt« nebmen ; to — in a lie, auf etner 8fl« gc Crtappen J to — in money, 0cl« ciutttbmeu ; to — in vn n mifibt'flud)cu ; to — into debate, tit Uc= beriegung jieben ; to — into one's hand, fid) in ben&Opffefeeil ; to — into lence,3emanbert|um 58er= rrnnten maebeu ; to — of. aunebineu Don ..;[■— off (WW ucbmeii ; an-? bem SBege rauinen ; ocnebmen, eiit= jieben, flbuebmen, oerringeru, yer- minberu; ab jieben; au«lrinfcn; narbbilben, nadbabmen, to^iten . / r/i. abhebeu ; ( — off one's hand, eiucm etwae abfaufen ; to — off tit go, ben ©efcbiag, (bie .^anbel flitf beben ; to — otr the m i Xaut abfleiben ; to —out. be. i men, au<|teben, copiren ; turn Eanje anfforbern ; to — out goods, iL ; fl.iv>!i fliiiSiyflbleu, auSfcijcu fiini fie in fflii- fenj ; to — one out, beraueforberu einen ®ang tbuu mit, u. f. n. ■. t over, mit fid) biniiber uebmeu : a:; nebmen; to — to pieces, (in Stncft ftiiefmeife) jerlcgeu ; fig. geuau be fcb.'It ; to — to heart, |U ■; lid > men; to — to one's heels bae paniei ergreifeu, Serfengefb geben to — up, ergreifen, oergafteu, fl:i ; "- uebmeu ; flituebmcu, auf fit* neb men: Co mit eiucm aufnehmen ; 1 in einnebinen, abtjolen; befe^en; an beben, ftiffen, bcrgcu; uerbiitben icine 3Bunbe) ; jufaminenbiiibcu ; aufraumen; abtbun; tabeln; an= fiilltii ; in fid) fdffen einen 3eil vaunt, u. f. ».); faffen, begreifru jur 9tecbcnfd)flft jieben ; Tm Ph. bi> SBogen auf y eben obet aufncbnicii • to — up arms, b ie SBafff in et to — up a bill (draft , .1/ 1 Sffiecbfei eiulofen, bejableii; to — ■.,-,. lodgingB, eiuquartieren, einmietben ; to — up (a sum of) money, filll Summe ©efb aufuebmen, ei to — upon one's self, iibcrucbmeu riu ©cftbaft, ii. f. to.), auf lid) uebmeu, (tnuebmen ; fid) anma^eu ; upon himsi II to teach E oiebt i"id? ba« Snfefeett, alt founte tt Sngiifdj (ebren : to — up - sail, .\' /'. bcim aBiube laoiren ; to — with, jufrieben femi; to — withonu an 3emanbein ©efallcn fiubeii, mil ihnt jufrieben feBii ; ucrlicbl . . ; II. v. i. .lcfflllcu, SOcifall fiuccn : 'I. cine 3t id) tunfl uebmeu ; | bin begeben; 3. aSirfung tbuu after, flbicnicu, nadjabmen ; Had) .. , flbulid) rocrbeii, ua to — in with, C-J bflltetl mit; t.> — nn, fiit ettofl§ flitiicbiucu, Uv.ii : granten, fidj ju >§crjcn nebmen ; fjeftig bewegt ober gerubrtfepn; ; — to, '"id) liifldn-ii flu.., fid) balten in..; fid) auf ciiiuvj (auf bte ] fdjaften iLf. to.) leaen; , .wevben; iJleiguug ju etwad paben, you erwaJ ©ebraudj marben, fid) mil befefiaftigen, beluftigeu (mil ; begebeil uad); to — to drinkin ba« Jnufcii angetoSbnen, fid> Srunfe ergebeu; to — up with . .. jufrieben hdu mit . ., ftcb begni TAKE-IN, », tin ©errug, cine '.'. : geret. TAKER, i. bet '.Vcbntcr, Slbnc^mer it. f. iy. ; i .1/ /'. bet SHJecbfelnebmet i befl SBett&e«), giemittenl ; — nf a bet Caper (-aufbringer ciitrt Sdbjffes); bet Sluneomet [bee bea Bau etnea Sojifprt in 435 TALL TAMP TAPE rttmmt) ; — on bottomry, ber 23ob= mcrciucbmcr. rAKING, 1. *. mdg. bie 93erlcgeilb>it ; II. adj. fig. eiuiiebmcitb. rAKINGNESS. s. bag (S'inncbmcnbc. i'alapoin,*. l. bet- S'alapoin, fri)n;ar$= ttajtgc ?lffe ISimia talapoin — L.) ] 2. taud) cin $ricfter ber SBirmanen uni Siamefcit). talbot, e. berSagbfiunb, SBiiibbttub, Sigerbunb, ^cflerfte ^nnb. ialc, talc'k, s. ber Salf, JEalfflcin. Talckite, s. ber jcvfaUcue XM, bie Xalferbc. TALCKV, adj. falfifbt, taUattfa ; tot fig. talfbal'tig. tale, s. j. bie grjabtuiig, sjtacfmrfjt; 2. bag 3Jia{jrdjen, bie Sage ; 3. 3abl ; 4. Slngabe; by—, ftiicfujeiff, ja|l= rocife; thereby hangs a — , bamit hat eg fcin eigeueg SBewenbett, ba jtecft ttroas bat)inter, bariibeS Itcye fief) SSiet fagen; — bearer, ber 3utrdgev, Dbvenblafer, Slngebcr, 2>erleuntbcr ; — bearing, bag Stngeben, £Berleunt= ben; — fui, a0. soli 3Jlafjrd;ett; — teller, ber £Dtat>rd)encriaf)Icr. talent, s . 1. bag Saleut, bie 9la> turgabe, jviiuftgabe, ©abc, Slnlofle, ber £ang, bie' ©efcbicflicbfeit, gcu bigfeit; 2. bag £a[eut (ctit ©eroiefct unb cine 3Jiunje); —at raillery, bie ®abt wi^t'i] ju fpotten. tales, s . pi. L. r. bie fivfa&mduttcr (9Jianiter jur, firgdujung) einec 3u«;; —book, bag 'JBerjcidjitifj ber (Srfa&martuer. talisman, *. ber JEdtSman, bas 3au= bcrmittel. TAL1SMANIC (— cal), «$. jflubettfcf), magifd), mit ber Jtraft ctitcS XaltS= maug begabt. To talk, jj. n. 1. fpred;en (— to, with, of, about, ju, mit, von, iibcr), rebcu ; 2. plaubcni, fcf)iua(jeit; to — big. grofctbiut, aufftfoiteiben ; to — of, erjibjen, bericbten; to — over, er= |ab(en, befebtoaieit. talk. s. 1. ba8 ©efprad); 2. @e= fctnvcifc; 3. 0eriicf)t; ©cube; to be full of — , iniiner fcbamljeu; I must have a little — with him, tcb milfj ibit bod) eitt 3JlaI anreben; die is made a common — , alle 2Se(t fprirbt »on ihr; small — , bag ©eplaufcr, ©cfpvad) iiber gcringfiigige Singe; town — , ba§ ©tabWfcfjroafc; — worthy, ber Siebe rocrtf). TALKATIVE (adv. — ly), adj. 1. QC; fpvdcbig, rebfefig ; 2. plaubcrhaft, ge= febroatjig ; — ness, s. bie @efprad)tg= feit, Siebfeligfeit; ©efdjnja&igfett, ^lauberbaftigfeit. TALKER, s. 1. ber Spredjcnbc; 2. ©efpracjjige, Sd;rcd&iT, col. bie SJJ[ait= bertafdic ; 3. ber Arables. TALL, adj. 1. lang, gvo0 ; bod) ; ge= rabe; 2. fiihit, mutbig, trofctg ; ftdmmig, haubfeft, friegerifeb, tupfev. tallage, ^. bie Sluffage, Slbgabe, ((Sapital=)eteuer. To TALLAGE, v. a. einc Slbgabe (©tetter) auflegcn, augfcbreiben, bc= ftcuevn. TALLNE3S, s.bteSange, ©toge, 45obe. I'ALLOW,* bet Sola, bag Uufdjlitt; — cake, bag £algbrob, ber Salg^ fllimpett; — candle, bag Xatglicbt; — chandler, ber Jtevjen= obcr 'gid)t= Mfbev, ^id)tgit$er; — copper, bie Salgpfaune; — faced, bleid), »o» fvanflidier ©eftrbtsfarbe ; —graves, bie Xnlggricbcn; — keech, ber §ett= tiumpen; — press, bie £algpreffe; — tree, ber Salgbauilt (Crottm scbi- ferum — £,.",. 436 To tallow, & a. 1. talgen ; 2. maften, fett madjeit. TALLOWER, *, ein %$Uv, bag fid; gut mafter, tetc^t fett uuvb. tallowing, s . bag 5UJaftett, 3lnlegen »on Sett (oont 2)}aftoiel)) ; — cloth, T. ber 2Bid;slappen ber ©crber. TALLOW131I, Tallowy, adj. »oli Zdft, fettia. TALLY, ». 1. bag ^erbf)o(j, ber attbtrommeI, bag Sambourin; 2. ber ©tidvahmeit (aucb — frame) ; (— work), bie tantbourirte Slrbeit, (■fnifcbcn^Sticferci; 3. Arch. T-s. bag cortntbifefje unb jufainmenge= fc^te Capital; ber SBiubfang (>Jor einent ©ingang) ; bie SJJauer etneS runbeu mit ©auictt iimgcbeueit @e= baubeg. To tambor, r. a. tambouvircu, b,a= Fein C3lrt beg Stiffens). tamborin, ». 1, bie fleine (fiivfifdje) Srommel, ^anbtrommel mit Sd)tiel= fer unb ©djellcn, bag Santbourin ; 2. ber JEambouriittaiij. TAME (adv. — ly), adj. 1. jafjltt; 2. mutblog, tticbergefd'Iagcu ; — poison, bic ScbTOaibeunmi'j (Asciepias — L). To TAME, v. a. jiibiliei!, bcjahmcit, banbigcit ; to — a hawk, ciiteu galfen abrid)tett. tameless, adj. voifb, unbanbig, utt= be^ihmt (\v. ft.). tameness, s. 1. bic Sabnibcit; 2.f«r. aJhitblofigfeit. TAMER, s. ber 33c$afmtcr, Sanbigcr. TAM1NY, Tammy, s. ber P'taniilt (cilt biinncr, roolleuer &tua), XamiS. tamkin, *. ber Stcpfe'., ^n'Cpf; 5f3ffocf, f)5Ijerne 9Jagel. To TAMPER, v. n.\. Sfojenei nehmeit mebicinireti; 2. fid) ruf)ren, ifjans anlrgen ; 3. ficb abgebeu, fid) unbc= rufeit einmengeu, fid; einiaffen (— with.., mit..); 4. iuS @eheimi:u= terbanbefn, Cnt'oalett frbmifbeu, iu= triguiren, vvJ? fjcffacfcru ; to — in, gefdwftig fcyu bci . . ; to — with on», ciucu }u gftutttnen fudieit. TAMPION, tt>ie Tamkin, TAMPING, b. Mia. T. ber 33cfa^. tamtam, s. tin mctalleucg, pemfett* artigcg 3uftntment ber Dricntalcn. To TAN, v. a. 1. (mit 8ol)e) gerben ; 2. lohfavbig mad)en, braiincn (in ber ©ottrmtbifee) ; to — a Bail, .v. t. cia Segel tbaneu. TAN, s. bie 2ohc, ©erbcrlobc; — bed, bag ?obbfCt; — leather-gloves, roafffc* Icbcvne ^>anbfd)ul)e ; — pit, (— vat) bie ^obgrube ; — stove, ciu 2of;glaSi bauS ; — yard, bie ©crberet. TANG, s. ber ii bie @efd;macf, ?JacC)» (ge)fct)macf ; to have a — of the cask, uad) bent gaffe fd;mecfeit.. TANGENT, s. o. T. bie Sangciitc (33e* ruhrunggliuie). tangibility s. bie Siiblbavfcit, 93e* riibrbavfeit, fimpfiubbarfeit. TANGIBLE, adj. fiiblbar, empfinbbar, beriif)vbar. To TANGLE, vid. To Entangle. TANGLE, s. 1. bie Scnoicfclung, 3Ser= roirrtmg, bic oenuirrte SJlaffe, baS ©ewivv, ber J?uoteu ; 2. (Sec=)S;ang. TANIST, s. (ehemalg in Svlanb) ber @nutbl;err ; bag Dberbaupt. tank. .9 bcv2Baffer[;iilter,bagSecfcrt, ber SIScibcr, Seid;. tankard, s. bie (XrinfO^tine, ber 9Decfelfrufl; — turnip, bie ^oblriibc fiber ber Grbe, ber .Kohlrabi. tanner, s. ber fobgerber, 9iotb- gcrbcr; — 's nil, bic Sautfcbmiere. TANNERY, s. bie ©eibcrei. TANNIERS, s. ber efibiU'C 3IrJtm (Arum escu/cntum — /,.). tannin, s. ch. T. ber ©crbcftoff. tanning, ^. bag ©erbett. tansy, a. ber 9iaiufavn, bag 2Bura« fraitt (Tanacetum vulgarc — L). TANT, s. bie Sammetmilbe. TANTALISM, s. bag tatitaliffhe Seiben., TANTALITE. s. ber^antalit, bag prig* matifebe Santalcrj. tantalization, s. bag Duaten bind) Xdiifd)iing, or bnrd).6inhalten, To tantalize, v. a. bfiinifcf) gudfett. scrgeblid) (burd; Xditfcbung, .fpiubaU ten) retjen, uecfen, (— with, mit', fcbnmducn laffeu (ciiteu narf) ctmag) einen binhaltcn. TANTALIZER,*. ber boSbafte, fd;abeu= frohe Oudlcr, Reefer. tantalum, 8. bc.r 2!antaT, dotumbit. tantamount, adj. aquioalcitt, cben fo »ic(, gevabe bag ; to be to .., tin gieid)en Scrhdltuifj mit . ., you glei= cbem SDBetrfje, gleicbgeltcub, gleid). TANTIVY adv. fpomftreid)S ; to ride — , mit feerbangtcm 3iigcl reitcn. TANZY, Tanzey, s. vid. Tansy. To TAP, v. a. iy n, 1. ctJtcrt gclinbet: Sd)Iag geben, fanft flopfen, lei*t beviihrcn, fanft fdjlagcn, tippeit; 2. eiu Sag anfteefcit, japfett, anjapfeit ; abjapfen ; 3. um etnett ©«um bcrun aufgrabeu ; to — a drn[isical person ciucu 2Bafferfiici;tigeu ab$apfe»- TAP, s. 1. ber geliube Sd;Iag; 2 3apfett, bie 3apfenri5(Jre 5 3. s. r bag (2Siinb=)3 [ iobfd)Cu, bie ^o^I' foitbc ; 4. vid. — room ; — borer, bel 3apfeubobt'cr, Spiljbohver; — drop- pings, baS (aug ciitcnt gaffe) 3I:itgc= laufene, bic Serfage; — house, bit <3d)enFe, bag 93icrbang ; — room, bie 5'vinfftube; — root, bic.foanptuuivjel, SjSfaljlrourjel, ^erjwuwef. tape, a. bag fdjinale 53aub; 3wiru baub, Setnenbanb ; — lace, bic 3nm - n» fpi^c ; — laver. einc ?Irt SRattt, Ulfcc ; — worm, ber SSanbivuvnt. To taper, v. I. n. immcr fdjmdfer iu> TARN TAST TAYE laufen, fid) 511 cincv mibifch, fouifd), fcgelftirmtg; (— bored), Gun. y. an bet SDJunbung reciter a\8 gegcit bcu ©top ju gebobrt ; — light, bag 3letjenJtc&t. TAI'ER.'vess, s. tag 3»3C|>t(}te, bie Siigcfpi&te Oeftalt. TAPESTRY, «. bie (mit Siguren burets roirfte) JEapcte; ber £cppicb, bie £a= pejeret; — hook*, pi. iapeteMbaceit; — maker, ber 2\lpctcilH}irfcr, £cp= piriimacber ; £apejitet ; — of the high warp. Mantel iff en ; — of the low warp, ©affeliffen. To TAPESTRY, v. a. lllit SilpCtCll jterett. I'APBT, s. bie £apcte, ber Tcppicb. TAI'ETI, s. bit Xaptti,Xapiti(Lqms amcricanus — Gmrl.). tapir, «. bag iBafferfiija'cin, ber Sapt'c (Tapirus — L.). tapis, «. ber (SifrHScpptcb, bie 3.ifcf)6cHcibUJii3 ; to be upon the — , fig. tin s 4>lane ( co i. auf bent £apct) feun, DOtltegert. tapster, a. ber 3 i1 Pff'', JtcUncr, ©djctif. tar, s. l.ber obcr ba8 Xr)er ; 2. ber 2)iatrofc; —kettle, ber SEberfeffel ; — water, Med. T.bai Stcniniffcr. To TAR v. a. tberen, (mit Z\)(v) an- ftret'ebett; to — and feather, erft DC* tfiercn unb bann tit Sebcru ftccfcit. tarantella, s. ber iEaranteltanj. tarantula, s. bie (ruafjrc) SEaranfel (Lycosa tarantula — Latr. ; Aranea ta- rantula — L.). To TARANTULATE, v. a. turd; SDiufif berocgett. TARDIGRADE, ) ad,, Iaiigfailt Q(- TARDIGRADOUS, J bent. TARDIGRADE^ s. collect, bie 8aul= tbiere. TARDINESS, *. 1. bie Saitflfamfcit ; 2. ©aumigFcit ; ©aumfeligfeit ; 3. iEriigbrit, Saulfjcit. TARDY (adv. — ii.y), culj. 1. Iattgfam ; 2. faumtg, faumfelig; 3. tragc. TARE, 5. 1. bie tanbe 9lef>re ; 2Bt'iinel. TART (adv. — i.y). adj. 1. fyavc, falter, fd)arf, fttengc ; beitjenb; 2. niiirvifcb, barfd). TART, s. bie Xorte, bag $aftctd)en ; — pan, bie Sxrteiinatuie. TARTAN, s. tie Sartane (cin einmaftt: geg Jlitfienfabrjcug) ; ein buntge= rourfcltcg 3 C »9- TARTAR, s. 1. tcr SBciitftcin; 2. ter £a(r)tar (©inmobjtcr ter 2a(r)ta= vet) ; 3. ter Qlufbranfente, .fii^fopf ; cream of — , ter 2Beitiftciiiral>nt (Cre- mor ta.rta.rii ; — emetic, ter i!3rcd)= lueinftein. TARTARE.VN, adj. au8 tent Savtaru-5, bbllifd). TARTAREOUS, arf/'. 1. 2Beillftcilt Cllt= baltc»b, lociitjtciiiattig ; 2. l)Lillifrt). TARTAROUS, adj. SBctiiftettl eittlm(= tent, roetnfteinartig; — salt?, SBein-- jteinfaJje. TARTARIAN, adj. tavfarifrfj ; — tomb, bag fcrjtbjfcbc ?amnt, ber iBaromej (ctn garrenfraut, Polypodmm baromei — L.). TARTARIC, adj. 1. U\ ritarifeb ; 2. rocinfteinartig ; — acid, tic 2i3eiii= fteinfanre. tautarin, s. tag ^alt, tie $olafd;c. TARTARINATED, adj. rcciiiftnitiaucr. TaTARTARIZE, v. a. lllit ilBeillftein anmadjen. tartar Y, 5. lEacrHarei. TARTISII, adj. fiiiierlirb, ctmag berbe. TARTLET, • bag Xiutfbe:;. tartness, .-. 1. tie ^erbe, @5nre ; tie ©diarfe, SBeiltarett; 2. tagntiir= rifd)e (barfd;e) SBefett. TARTRATE (Tartrite), 5. (A. T. bat roeinftetitfaure @«lj. task, «. 1. tic SufaaBe, ((tufgegebene) 9lrbeit; 2. tag Oefchfift, SCagemert; to take to — , fig. iHU'itebineii, jnt Mebe ftellen; — master, tcr 3lrbcitg»ogt ( 3iuttmeifter. T« TASK, v.a. brfcf/aftigcit, Olrbeit anf= geben, anftragen, bclcgcn mit etiuag, etivag nmnutheit. TASKER,*. tcr SlrBeittoogt; ter \\u falligc (nietrige) Slrbeiten vctridutt. TASSEL, ». 1. bie Onafte, Srobbel, Telle; 2. (— of a hook), tcr ©latts wenbet; 3. bee SSri ; 4. tic J?arten= tiftcl. TASSELED, adj. mit Ciiaftcii gcjiert. TASSES, », pi. tcr ^ctiibarnifcr*. TASTABLE, adj. fdiimdbar, fcbmacf= baft. To TASTE, v. a. &■ n. i. fofteit (— of, Den) ; 2. fdjmccfcit, ©efdMitarf balnu , 3. fiiblctt, einpfinteii, Iciten, (citcn ntSgen ; i. foarfam gcnicf;cn, nip- pen ; 5. '.HH'fnd;cii ; the butter tastes of the cask, tit 93uttcr fdimecf. nad tent gfaffe. TASTE, ». 1. ta* Jtcincn. Sdnntftn; 2. tcr (Mcrdnnacf, bag (MeniM ; 3. tic SRrobe, bet JJoftbiffen ; to take a slight — of, nnr cin wentfl verfud)en ; to me a — of.., ju Foften geben >.'ou . .; to have no — of . . , feillCIt ©C= fdjmacf finteii an . . ; to have a nice — , eiiicn fcincn ©efcbmacf baben ; to my — , nacb. meinent Olffdimacf ; to be out of—, gefcbmacflcg, fcbal fciui; fetaen «i)cfd;macf Uerborbeti pabeit. TASTEFUL, adj. fd;macfbaft. f5|llicb, gcfdjmacfyoU. TASTELESS adv. — iv , adj. 1. ge= fdimacflfg, unutmaefbaft, fate; 2. oqne ® efrjmacf j — new, *. tic ©c= fAmacflpfigFcir. TASTER,*. 1. tcr .Urflcr, 5ti}ttU&tt, 93etfnc$er, firctentcr ; j. ©Cbnappflglal; ■ brandy — . cin SBranntroetntttnftr. TASTING, «. l.bafl jfoflert, Sdjmerfen ; 2. a3crmogeii ju fduiiccfcn, bet feb m a cf. TASTY, adj. gefdjmacf'.'Pll, ItlObtfcB ; — furnitures, gefcomaoroolle iVi'bclii; a — lady, cine SMobebatne. TATTER, t. tcr Sumpen, Bappen. TATTERDEMALION, f bet Climp, Suinpentetl, 2d;uft, fialunfe. TATTERED, adj. jctfiffcil, ^crlllilipt ; — clothes, jevluniptc JUcitcr, 8um* pen. To tattle, v. n.fdjrc-afccit, plaubetu, ivafd)cn. TATTLE, ». tag ©cfitivaij, ©ewafd). tattler,*, tcr ©d)nja(jer, Spiauberer. TATTOO, *. 1. Mil. rk. tcr 3apfeit> ftrcid) ; 2. tic Sattomiruug, JEatto* nuning. To tattoo v. a. tattcroireii, tatto= (m)trcn. TAU, s. ter JlrotCllfiffb (Oadus lau — /,); tcr T-SBogel, Scbieferbecfet (Phaloma attacus tau. — /..). TAUGHT, adj. Sea la,,?, jteif, ftraft; — Bails, DoQe (uollfiebenbel Kegel. To TAUNT, r. a. fdmuihcn, r>5r)lien, fpotteit, ftidjcfn, tatclu, aiilftbelteu (— at, iiber). TAUNT, i. tcr .fSobn, tic ^d'liiSbiuig, bag i§5bnen, tcr Sport, bit Stidje« let, tcr Xabeli SSenoeiS. t\i ntkr. >•. tcr .'pbbucr, Sitinal'ei', SpSttet, ©tid;ler. TAI NTINGLY. adv. bobuifih. febma- beut, fpottifit, ftid'clnt. TAURIOORNOUS, adj. gcbornt roit ciu ©tier. TAURIFORM, adj. ftierfinniig. TAURUS, c Mat T. tcr ©tt«. TAUTOLOGICAL (— ic, ad,<. —ally) adj. tautologifcp, iEBortuberflui ha= bent, iirtmer baffelbe fagetib, soil tin: nii^cr 333teberf)Olunfleit TAUTOLOGIST, j cincr bet uitni'tbtgc SBieberboIungen berfelSeii, ctcr ftiuu otrroanbtet SBSrtet madit, bee l£an< tologift To TAUTOLOGIZE, v. n. i'.i '.n'lfrbic: tcitcn ^lugtriicfen) nuctcrhoKii, tin* met baffelbe fagett. 'I'M TOLOGY, ». tie JEautolOfltf, uu= n5tbige3Biebcrbolungbeffc[beu2Ber* teS, tie iEBottbeonuna. rw ebn.j ba«iD3eiu6au«,b{e iBeinO ©cbcnfe, ter SBciiifcUer ; — haunter, ( — man), — hunter, tcr fleifitgc St\m= te tm SBetubaufe. 3ecbet, St^flaft; — ko'eper, tcr 2l ! cniu1u-llf, ^dM'itf^ UMlth; —politician, ber pclittfcbt Jtanncngteler. TAVERNER ». bet Scfccnfrotrtb, 8Qitt| SBeinfrbenf. 4.17 TEAM TEET TEMP To taw, b. o. UH-tii gcrbcn. ■'wv. s. b t c Sdincllfugcl, MS Sd?nell= Edult^eit, ber ©puffer, Sepjfer, bie Aiuippfugd. I'AWDRILY, Wr. Qllf cine fliticrbaftc, fauta|tif$< Slrt. pawdriness, 6-. bet 8flittetftaar. iawdry, adj. flittcd)aft, ju bunt, gaufel&aff, fantaftifd) gepnijt. pawer, s. bet SBeifjgerocr. i'awekv, s. bic SBeipgetberei. tawny, adj. lo^farben, brauitgdb, fcfcwarjgetb. tax,*. i. bic Sore, Sfoffage, (3Baa= fcn=)©ftttcf, Scbafeung, bet 3"U; 2. Sabel, 3}ofn)Uff ; — gatherer, bet Sfeueteinnebiner. To tax, o. a. 1. ciuc Sate, ©letter auf= legen, bcfteucrn, bcfrbaljeu ; 2. tabeln, fdnltcu ; 3. fdniijcn, tartrctt, »cran- fc^tagen (at, aiifj; to — with, »oi= voetfen, bcfcbulbigcu (Semanb, einet Sarfce). rAXABLE,arf;. 1. ftcucvbar, flcitcrpff ti"0= tig; jollyflicbjig; 2. tabclnSrocvtb. TAXATION, «. 1. bie Station, Sdia= tjung ; (2Baarcit=)33cfieucniiig, Sd)a= feuttg, bie ©tenet ; 2. bet £abel, SOot= loittf, bie Sefcfculbtgung, 33cjiicf>tt= gung, SStrleumbung (to. ii.). iaxer, s. 1. bet ©efteuerer, §Bcfd)a= feet; Saratov; 2. 53ejiid)tigev, £ab= let. taxes, 6-. P i. STbga&en, Oebii&ten, 36IIe ; to pay the — , vetjolleil, »et= ft cue vit. TAXIDERMIST, s. bet 5onfer»aror (ei= net bet tm 9lusfioyfcn unb 2litfbe= wafjren bet Xbiere gefebieft ifi). T LXIDERMY.s.bte Xaribcemie (Jiituft, Xbiere auSjuflopfeu unbaufjubcn>af)= ten). taxing, 5. bas SBefteuew. taxonomy. .9. bic @iutf)eituitg in (Staffen, (Jlafftfication. ima. g. tcv £bec; — board, baS £f)ee= brctt; —buckthorn, bet £l)ec=,jtrcu$ = bent {Rhamn-us theezans — L.) ; — cannister, bie Xbeebiicbfe ; — cup, bie Dbcrfaffe ; —dish, bie Xljcetaffe; — drinker, bet Sbeetfiufet ; — garden, bet £b>e=@arten ; —kettle, bet £bec= feffel; — leaf, bag Sbeeblatt; — party, bie Sbcegcfellfcfyaft; — pot, bet Eljeeroyf; bie SE&eefanne; — room, baS JE&eejimmer ; — saucer, bie Uu= tettaffe ; — spoon, bet Hbceloffel ; — shrub (— tree), bie Xbeefiaube {Then — L.) ; — table, bet Xbeetifcfc ; — tilings, baS Xbecjeug, Si&cegcfcbjtt ; — tongs,/;;, bie 3ucfctjauge; — tray, bctS Xbecbrctt; — urn, bie Jbecutne, Xbccntafcbiue; — wafers, 2Baffdn iitm Xbitt ju itebmett. To TEACH, v. a. ir n. 1. Ier>rctt, xtntcr= roeifen, liittciricbteti; 2. beuad)rid)ti= gen ; — me how to do it, jcigen <2ie mit rote baS gentarbt roirb. teach, s. bet »tcttc'3ucfei=j?cffcl. TEACHABLE (adv. — lv), adj. geld) = tig ; — ness, s. bie ©dcbn'gfeit. PEAcher,*. 1. bet Secret; 2. (nid)t otbinirfe) SRrebigerj 3 Typ. r. bet '.'infubregefpan. TEAK, s. betXb.efab.lUin (Tcctonc gran- - a. teal, s. cine 2lrt Heine (roilbc) (gutc, bic ,ftried)ente (Anas crecca — L). ii'am. s. bas ©cfpguii; bet Bug, bie ;Heil)e; a — of horses or oxen. Ct It (StacbtO@efpann (©cfpaitu SRfetbe obet Ocbfen) ; — work, x. e. bie gelbatbeit buvd; Sugvicb. r„ TEAM, v. a. an= obet sufammcu* •pannen, aufdjitten. rEAMSTER, s. bet ^ro4t=)Sttbrs uiaiin. 438 technicality, \s. bas ciuem bc= rECHMCALNEss, 5 fonbetn ©ewetbe TEAR, 8 bie Xfjtane, Saljte; — drop. bet Xt O^fen ; to shed tears, tfet'llCIl ; to lie all in tears, jig. tit 2'bvaiKll fdimimmeii ; tear-failing, tln-aiioitb, tlu'aneip.'ci'giefjciib, wcinenb, uutlei= big. jatflidj ; — falling pity, tbi\iiicn= vu'vgtcficiibes SDlitleib, To TEAR.d. I. a. 1. icitjeit, Jewell ; 2. jettciueit, jetmiiblcn, jetfleifc|en ; 3. auSteipen; eutrcijjen ; 4. vctivunbcu; to — from, lucgreipcit, enttei§en ; to — off, abt cijjcit ; to — out, angteijjen ; to — to pieces, in etiicfe reijjen ; to — up, jetreifjen, aufreipeu ; ii.?j auitbeu, tafeit, tcbeu. TEAR, s. bet 3tif; (iii 3cugeu it. f. to.) ; wear and — , bic 5lbllltfjllltg (btltd) ben ©ebeaiid)) ; jv. t. ©litagc. ti'.arer, s. 1. bet 3«teif et ; 2. 9ta* feube, Xobeubc, SButbevtdi. TEARFUL,arfj. V> II XbtiillCll, f()taiieil= toll, jabvciircicb, wciitcnb; a — eye, ciu tbraueitfdmevcs 5luge. TEARLESS, adj. ttjVaitCUlOS ; gcfiil)r= loS. To tease, v. a. 1. faiunteii, frempeftt, aitfraubcit, farbeu, favbatfdicn ; 2. jevvcu; plagcit, qualen, baitfclu. TEASEL, s. bic jlavbeilbiftel (jDipsaeus fullonum — /,.). TEASELER, s. bet .^arbatfeber. teaser, s. ber Oiuilenbc, ^lagegei|t, teat, s. bie 3i^'< 33ruftK>avje. To TEAZE, v. a. vid. To " TECHINE8S, s. bic Uiifrcititbltcifcit, 5Beibtiefjlid)feit, ba§ muvtifdje 2Be= fen. TECHNICAL (— ic; adv. — ly), adj. teebnifeb, fittiftma|iig, fun)1geted)t, jtir Atllltfl gcbotig ; technical word, baS Jtuiiflnjort. TECHN T @igciitbuutlid)c ( TECHNICS, s. bie Xcdntif, ^iuiftfpta= d)c, Jtini(rivi3vtevlcl)re, ©eroerbslefjte. TECHNOLOGICAL, adj. gemevbfiu;b= lid;, gewerblid), tcdjnologtfd; ; — in- stitution, bie ©ewetbfcbule. technologist, s. bet Xed;uoIog, ©e= werbfunbige. technology, s. bie Xedinofogic (53efd)teibuttg bet JJitnfle unb .§aiib= wetfe), 0eiuetbfuube. TECHY {adv. — ily), adj. Ullfl'Cltllblidb, uerbviefjlifb, miirtifd), nunibctlid). tectonic, adj. jut ©aufunfl gebbtig. tedder, s. ciu i»cil njomit man $fet= be ouf bet SBetbe anbtnbet, bet JCubev, baS SBeibefeil, ©pannfeif, bet lange Strid, .Otaltfttid:; jig. bie geffel. To tedder, v. a. 1. aitbinbeit, feffelii, tiibent ; 2. fig. einfrbraiifen, bemntcu. TE-DEUM, s. baS (£ett @ott bid? lo= ben unt) Xcbeum. tedious (adv. — ly), adj. Iaugweilig, laftig ; langfam, laffig; —ness, s . bie Sattguu'iligfcii, baS Sangiveilige. tedium, 5. (lat.) bet SBibenmlle, bie 3lbnetgung, bie Sangmeitigfeit, Siis ftigfeit. To teem, v. n. 1. fctmattger feSMi obet gebeit (—with, mit) ; 2. gcbatcu, uic= bevfommcii; 3. fig. nn'mmclii, voll feim, fcbUH'ttvagen, flto^en, gefpaiint fc.iit (— with, von) ; 4. berootbvin: get! ; to — with politics, bcu Jlopf ooll politifd)ct Singe babeu. teemer, .c. bie (baufig) (Sd;iimiigcte, (oftcrc) ©ebavcrinu. TEEMFUL, adj. 1. fdntmuger, fyoit Xbicren) ttad;tig, frud;tbav ; 2. boll, bodjgcfuilt. TEEMLESS, adj. llllfnid)tbav. TEENS, s . pi. bie Sebner. TEETH, s. (pi. son Tooth) bie 3'ibne ; to show the — , brol)Cl! ; to cast in one's — , eiiuin »or»erfw in the - (to his — ), ibnt in» C>kfidit ; the ■a in your — , bet il'iitb i ft 3bnen ge* vabc cutgegen. To TEETH, v. n. jabneu, ^i\bn( be< tommcu ; a teethed wheel, eiu Jtamm» tab. TEETHING, s. baS 3^bueit. TEGULAR (adv. — ly), adj. jicgelfot. mig ; auS 3ifge!n. tegument, s. a. T. bie 9?ebetftuig ; jQuUt, .^aut. TEGUMENTARY, adj. bie .gailt betrcf- fenb ; putig, TEIL (—tree), s. bic Stttbe (Tilia — L.). TEIXT, s. bie garbe. TELARY, adj. till ©Clvebc bcfrcffeilb ; fpiuiienb. telegraph, s. bet STelegvapb, bie Bei'iifd)reibc=9)]afd)i'ne; marine — , baS ©ignalifiten buvd) Jlaggcn ; night — , lit s Jtarbttctegrapb; line of — s, bie Xelegtapbenltttie. TEIjEGRAPHIC (— cal), adj. telcgr«= pbifd) ; — intelligence, telegv.lpbifdir ?cacbt'id)tcii. teleology, s. Th. T. bie Serologic. telephium, s. s. T. baS Xelept)ium (ein boSattigcS QSefenwiit). telescope, «. baS 2,'eleffop, (2pie= gel=)Sctuvobt; —shell, bic eeetonne, baS Selcffop (cine A'veifclfd;neJe). TEt,ESCOPlCAL (— ic), odj. tc!effo = Vifd), nut buvri) baS Xdcffop ju feben.. TELESIA, s. bet Sapbir. telesm, s. ein gimulct, 5lub;ingfd, 3rtubcr; pjer 2BeibuiigSmittd. TELESMATICAL (— ic), adj. jll CtneiH Slmulel gdjotig. TELASTIC, s. eiit @cbid)t, wo bie (Sitb= budiftabeu tebet 3dle eiueu Dlamen bilben. To TELL, v. a. $■ n. 1. fageit ; 2. JU et= icnncu geben, fcotbn'ngcn ; 3. jeigeir, ametgeii; 4. ctjableu, meibeu, be= vidueu; 5. (auS)jablcu, jufammen= jabUu; 6. vervatbeit; to — again, iriebct'fagcu ; to — a thing abroad, efroaS ausbreiteit ; never — me, feine @ntfd;ulbiguug ; i cannot — , id) loeifj ltidlt; you yourself can best — , ©ie feibft iDtffen am beftcn; — it in n word, madie eS furj ; to — one ol his fault, einem tttoai pomnfcii ; to" — fortunes by the cards, bie o^ttttt fdifagcn ; to — stories, @cfd)id;tdien etjablen; liigeit; to — of one, 3e= manbcit anflagcn ; to — off, abjablen, (biu'd) Bal)lf n) eiittbcilen ; to — over, ubcfjablcn, uadijableu ; to — to one, cincm etivaS jujablen. TELLER, s. 1. bet (Stjfi&Iei; 2. %atp let; 3*iblmeiftet. tell-tale. I. s 1, bet 3ufragcv, 3uMfd)cutrager, jPoftenttaaer, Obt en - blafer; 2. r. ein bciocglidic^ Stiid 6'Ifeubeiu obcr ©let in flcinen Dv= gdn, urn aiijiijeigen, wenii bet SBinb etfd)opft ift; a — of the rudder or tiller, M T. ciu 9ljiometec ; n. adj. gc= fd;unHrjig, fd>am^fjaft. tellurate, s. ca. t. JEeUur mit einet SBafc vcvbuitbeii. TELLARETED, adj. lltit Xdlllt VCr* bunbeti. TELLURIUM, s. black — ore, baS SBlSt* tcrtdlittj native — , baS gebiegene S'dlut: yellow — , baS ©clbcrj, SOBeigteHur. TEMERARIOUS (adv. — ly), adj. 1. OVt* megen, tollfiibn ; 2. unbefouuea, uu-> aditfautv nad)lafftg (to. ii.) temerity, s. bie SBetwege TEMERITY, 8. bie^crmegenbeit, SoQ« fiibiibcit, Uubefonuciibcit. To TEMPER v.a. Lgcbiirig mifeben, »erfe$en mit . . ; 2. ("lljct.illcj t?ar- TEMP TENA TEXn (en ; 3. lucid) inadjcii (5. 33. 2Bad}8) ; 4. formen, gcftalrcit ; 5. mafjigen, niilberii, befauftigen, crweicf/eu ; (i. fine £rimmiiug gebcu. ftintmcu; 7. aupaffeti; 8. Mas. r. tcmpctircu ; to — one's self; full riditen nad) . . . TEMPER, ». I. tic get;Srige JRtfcfeung fid) roiberfireitenber (Stgeufdjaften ; 2. .R i.u-pt-i- btf4>a ffc n £> cit ; !tletbe8fpan= nung, rorperUdje 21ntage ; Eorperlidje i&timmuitg ; 3. bag Xcnipcrament, tic uatiirltd)c iJccigting, baa Sftaturcl, bie ©emiittpaart, bas ©emiirh, ber (Sjjarafter, tic ©emutbsfttminung, Sauue; 4. QRajiigung; OJcmittbe= rube; 5. ftattt iatiia,feit<§t>crcin. TEMPERATE {adv. — ly), adj. 1. ge= mjhligr, litafsig, nudjtem; 2. gclaffcu. mbigj temperate zone, bic geinajiigte jjoue ; eat — ly, if; inajjifj ; — ness, *. bie SEfttttelftrafje; 2Hcif;igung, 2JJ«= fiia,feir,©claffcitbcit ; COciiiiitbc-cube. TEMPERATIVE, adj. niilbci'llr-. TEMPERATURE, ». bic .Teiuperafur, 93efd)affenf)eit (berSuft, SBitteruug). TEMPERED, adj. geftimmt, gclauu't ; Mas. T. nad) bet Semperatur ge= ftimint, tentverirt; weii — (good — ), nutgelaunt; bad — (ill — ), lauHt; even — , g[cict)mutl)ig, ge= taffcit. TEMPEST, s. 1. bee @ttirni, ©tiirm- ruiub, Oi'faii ; '2. bad Uitgcroitter ; 3. fig. bet JIufriibr; — beaten, vom (Sriirnte getroffeu, jerfturint, jcr= trumtnerc, fturmberoegt; — tossed, fturiugefcbleubert, 00m ©tiunte l>cv= umgetrteben, oerfdjlagen. EMPEST, v. a. bcftiirntni, burd)-- Utinucil (U). ft.). TEMPESTUOUS (ado. — ly), adj. flfirs mifdi, uugeftum ; —ness, s. ^a$ ftiits tniiYbc 9Befen, ber Ungeflfim. TEMPLAR, 1. l.bae SDittglteb be« Eem= Vets iiit Voiibou), ber ©tubent ber Stedjte ; '2. — , or knight templar, ber £empe(r)err, SCeinpelritter, Semvler. TEMPLE, «. 1. bcr:Icnipc(, bicj\ivd)e; 2. .7.7'. bcrOcfjIaf (temples, pi. bic SdjIafV) am^auptc; 3. v. bcvTcnt= Vet, bic (Spevrutbe (am 2Bcbftu!;lc) ; order of the — , ber :Icnipclhcrnii.H'- ben ; — bones, bic Sdjlafbeiue. 7'u tempije, v. a. cincu Xtnvptl cv= vid)tcn. templet, ». T-s. ber SSorfdjIog [an ber .Ocftlabc ber SBudjbtuber) ; llttter- Icgbalfcu ; eine J?orm, roonad) Steine bebaucu ober iDiauerroerf aiifgcfc^t roivb. TEMPORAL ;,i ./c — ly\ adj. 1. jeitlicb. Detgangltd). lvclllicb; 2. Gram. T. cilie 3i'it bctrcffcilb ; — concerns, tvcltlicbe 2lngclcgcnbutcii, ^cr.jc fur ben Vnb; tlicbe Dicnfte. TEMPORAL, adj. A. T-s. 511 ten 0415= fen ge&orig ; —arteries, vl. bic 2itlaf= pulaabem; — bones, bie@ri)Iafbetne; — muscles, bic @dbldfcimiefelii. TEMPORALITIES, ». v l. 1. tic Xtm= poralien, roeltlic^en rtcc jcitlicbcu ©fiter; 2. bie tteltltdjen ©utec ber ©eiftlt4)eit. TEMPORALTV, 5. bic ^aien, SBBeltlU ebon ro. ft.). TEMPI »R IlNEI )l "S, adj. [ro, u. , ■/..'. Tkm- POB&RY. TEMPORARINESS, ». bie BcitlifbEeit, furjjeitige (cplicnterc) Sefcbaffcubeit. TEMPORARY ado —u.\).naj cine 3eit lang baiienib, jciilidi, »oruberget)enb, Cpi)enicr; a — dictator, eta ,',eitlHlT = feber ; a — rise, stop, fcc, M. Pk-s. C til tentpovdrcs Stet'gcii, cine augeublicf= licbe Stocfung, it. f. ro. TEMPORIZATION, *. 1. baS fid) in 3eit wub ©elegcnlicit Sdjicfen; 2. Saubern [ro. u.). To TEMPORIZE, v. v. 1. Pcifdiicbcn, anffdjieben ; unentfdjicben fey it ; uirtt init (Intfdjetbung oetfabreit; 2. fid) in bic 3cit unb ©elegen^ett fcbicfcit ; fid) itad> ben Umftdiiben rirbtcti; 3. bie 3eit abroarteit, jau= tern ». ii.). TEMPORIZER, s . ber fid) in bic 3cit idticft, ber ben SWantel itacy bem SBtnbe b'i«s5f. aSettcvbabn. To TEMPT, b.o. 1. (unit iUifcn) reiicn, »erIocfen, »crfiid;cit; »evfiif)veit ; 2. roagen, uutevnebmen; 3. anlodcn (ini gutcn (Sinnc), anttcibcit ; 4. (in ber Sibel) crproben, vcrfndicn. TEMPTATION, ». bie ^effnd)itng. TEMPTER, s. 1. ber Scvfncbcr, v J.'cr-- locfer, SBerfutjrer; 2. (inberStbel) bofe Aeiitb, SBiberfadjer, ^enfel. TEMPTING (adv.— ly), adj. v>cvf iif)ic= rifdj, reijenb. TEMPTRESS, «. bie aScrlocfevinn, SDer= fiibrcriiin. TEMSE-BREAD (Temskd -biiead\ *. baS gaitj tveific, feinc Srob. TEN, I. adj. teijn ; II. «. bic 3c|)U ; — ells, jebneUtgeg ^olj j —fold, jcbn= fad), jcbnfdltig; — thousandth, ber 3ebMtaufcntfte ; — times, jebn SKa( ; nine in — , ltcnit untcr jcbn, faft atlc; the — commandments, bie jel)tt ©c= bote. TEN UH,E. adj. baltbar, jn bebattpten. TENACIOUS (adv. — ly), adj. I. feft, f c ft baltcnb, bebanlid), anbanglid), hart= ndrfig (— of, anf; ; 2. flcbrig, f(c= benb, jafje; 3. fisr. ftarf (von <&& bdd)tntfj), trcit; 4. far ( % fnicferig; to lie — of life, cin jabci? 8t6en ba= benb ; his memory is very — , feitt ©ebdd;(iiij) tft febr trcu (gut); — ness, s. vid. Tenacity. TENACJITY, ». I. bie ^ebarrlid^cit, SHiifjangUdbfeit, ■§arfna ben; /,.'/'. — in capite. — in cliielj ber Seftndmann beS^onigS; — t v n life, /.. T. ber '4-aditer anf Veben;;eit; — at trill /. T, cin l-adUer, belli bet @utef)err ttad) SBtUtupi anffagen Faun; —.-aw. 1: bie @lid)fage, 3rjig, fdjroad;, roeibifd;, arf. jimpevlid); 4. fanft, milt, fdio = nent; initfeibig; 5. jung; ■ bal jarte 9llter; — bodied, von jar= tent JUupcr, {art ; — cin jarteiS ©croiffeu babenb ; — hearted [ — minded), roeid)bcriig, jart= lid), mttletbtg; — lieartedne .tie 2Beid>t)erjigIeit, 3artlid'feit, i'lilleitiiifeit ; to be — of.., jartlid; fettn fur.., gegeu..; oorfidptig fev;n init . . ; — loin, cin jartc8 3tiirf SRtnbffeifd) am Jpirtter= t>icrtet; a — sided ship, .\' PA fill ranfei Sdjijf, eiit Scfjtff bafi letdjl fentcrt; — woes, tie Sieoetpeili. 7b tender, v. a. anbieteit, barbie ten ; to — one's se.rvi.vs, feint XXtllfte atl = bietCIt ; as you — your life, IV-CUll bir bein I'cbett lieb ill ; you will — me a fooi, @ie roerben mid; fur cincn barren balteti. tender, ». 1. bas Hneroieten ber 9lntrag ; 2. baS ilngebotcuc ; 3. bas flciuc 3egleirnng8|d)iff, Oon fd)in/ ; — of (one's) services, t,!.' 2^icii|lattcrbietcn ; to make a — oi one's services, feinc Ticiijic anbie = tell ; to make tenders of a:! Ciebefiautrage madpen. TENDERLING, s I. Sp. T. i.ii crflt ©eroeib its 9iotbu>ilbcs ; 2. ber gBeidjltng, 35rtling: ba« SWutter. fcbinteit, col 3leftf)5tdjtn. TENDERNESS, ». 1. bie ^artbeil; 2. (vnipfiitbliebfeit; 3. 3artlid)rettj 4. SorgfSUigfeit, ©orgfalt, ©ebenf^ Itd'fcir, 83orfic$r. ti:m>in itig, ffedjftg, TENDON, j bie ©ebne, 5Ied)fe; — or AchiUes, .-/. T. bit '.'Id'ille^'ebite. i'i:Niii;ii„ 1 ■. ber iuuge Spro§, Sprofjling, ba« ©abefdjen an9Ian> fengerodcbfeit), bieflianfe; U.adr. rot( cine fjianfe aufflimmenb, ranrenb. TENEBRI 6ITY,», bte ^unfelbeit, Atu- fteinift. TENEBROUS, adj. buiifel, ftnficr; - ness, .1. vid. Tknkbrosity ■i:tt) TENT TERM TERM rENEMENT, s. ber 2Bpf)iifi&, bic SBobiuing, ber SPad&f, bai gcparbtetc ober gcmictbefc ©runbftucf, i)?ictb= ftiicf ; l. t. jebes beflanbtge £BefT^= tf&um. rENEMENTAL, «*/. l>a<$ta>etfe beft* fccnb, in SBerpacbtuitg bcgriiubet, jut 'iUUMrbtUltg beftilllutt; — land, s }3arbfgiitcr. rENEMENTARY, adj. Oerpacbfcf; J" ycrparbtcit. rENEROON, 6-. cill f f ctttcS Sfigott. TENESMUS, s. Med. T. fccr ©tll^U jttNtttg. TENET, Safe, ©runbfafc ; ficmpU ptinft; bte SHetnung, Sebre. rENFOLD, m'£ HiiterTEN. tennis, s . bas ©aUfptel (iitif 9lacfc= fen), bar gebcrbatl ; to play at—, bcu Scbcrball fcblagen; — ball, ber $cs berball; —court, baS 53aIlbaiiS, ber ^allbof ; — court-keeper, bet - 33ali= bauStvirtb; — play, baS 3}allfcbla= gen, (3cber=) SBaufpiel. v<- tennis, v. a. SBall fpieteu, frcibett, frbmeifjett, toevfen. te.\! >N, s. ber Bapfcu, baS Oef)r, 2ltt= ge, bie (Juge, pittite. TENOR,* l. ber (Wcfentlicbe) 3nr)alf, ©till! (of a letter, eitlcS 33rtcfe§) ; 2. ©ebntt, bie Sefc&affenbetr, baS 9Be= fen; 3. bie ?hf, SBcife, 3)?auier; 4. ber ©ang, SBerlanf, Serfolg, Sort* gait)] ; Mus. t. 5. ber Senor, bie ttefe 2Jttttelfttmme ; 6. ber Seuorijt; coun- ter — , ber ttefe Setter, SBarttotto ; upper — , ber l;ui>e Setter ; of the same — (and date), fllcicbfailtcnb, gleicben SnbaltS; — player, ber tiratfrhift, 33ratfd;cnfpicter; — vio- lin, bte Sratfrpe; — voice, bie S?= uorftimme. tense, I. adj. gefpannt, ftraff, itt bte obe gcjogen ; n. s. Gram. t. baS Sempus, bteSett, 3cttform. tenseness,*, bie ©pattitititg, (Straff* fcrit. i'ensible, adj. ber ©paituting fabig, fpannbar, befjttbar. TENSILE, adj. vid. Tensible. tension, s. 1. bie ©pattuitug, ©e= fpautttbeit; 2. bas < Scb,tteit; 3. bte ?lu3be[)ituitg. TENSIVE, adj. 1. fpantieitb ; 2. gc- fpattnt, ftrajf. tensor, *. a. t. ber 9Ut3ftrccfcr, ©pattnmuSfcl. TENSURE, vid. Tension. tent, s. 1. bus 3clt ; 2. s. T. bie 3Jlet* £el, SBiefe; 3. ber Sintcuroeiit, Stntowetn ; — bed, bas Sctbbctt ; — cloth, bicScftleitimattb, baS 3elttii<& I — drill, ber 3eltbriU; — maker ( — man), ber 3clf jnac^»er, 3*ltfcbneiber ; — pins, 3fltpftocfe; — poles, 3^t= ftangen ; —ropes, 3ettfeile ; — wails, btc jjeltwanbe ; — wort, baS 2)cit5= fl'itttt (Aspleplenium — L.). To TENT, v. I. ?i. jelteu, uitter cittent 3dte wobuctt, ftcf) aufbatteit, feittcit feifc auffcblagett ; II. a 1. cine 2Biefe (in ettte SBitnbe) ftppfen, legen, ycr= bittbett (offett erhaltett) ; 2. (mit ci= iter SDZetfel) foubiren, pritfeu. tentacles, s. P i. bie Siiblfabcn (ber JOeiebtbiere), Stiblbortter (ber 3>t= fecten). tentage, «. ba« Saaer fro. it.). tentation, s. ber ^erfuct), bte $ro= be, iSerfucbung (w. it.). TENTATIVE; i. adj. t>crfttcl)ciib, pro= bettb; it. s. ber 23erfucb, bie SjJrjpbe, ^Jrufttng. TENTF.u, n ,//. mtt 3e!tett Bcrfefien; mtt 3elteit bet>ecf t, vo\l 3eltc ; to keep wounds — , S, Ph. Sytttttctt lltit eittCf SBtefe offett erhaltett. 440 TENTER, s. ber Spanner, <2panuba= fen ( — hook) ; ©panttrabmett (ber Sucbmncber, ©aitettmarber, tt.f.tu.) ; btc Srocfciijiange ; jig. Ph-s. to he on the tenters, (or upon tenter-hooks), ill 33erlegenbett (auf bie gotter gc= fpatlttt) fejllt; to keep one upon the tenters, 3eiitanb in ber Ittigetvtfibcit batten, l)ittt).."itcit, mtt ©rraartungen taitfdien ; tenter-ground, ber ^Jlafe, wo bie JEuc^mcM&er ben Xufc rber 3Sanbrabmcn auffeblagen, inn tbrc Stiebcr $u fpattueu ; bcr'Srocfenpta^ ; — hook, ber ©paimbafen, §ofenna= get fur ben Surbrabmen. To 'TENTER, v. I. a. fpattttcn, ait'5fpatt= lien, ftrecfen ; in ben ytabntctt fpan= nett ; II. «. fid; fpanttcu (bebttcti) l«f' fen. tenth, i. adj. ber jcbttte: ii. s. bes 3ebntc ; 3cbuer ; baS "3ef>ntficil ; additional — , M. E. ba$ t)i:tjngefi'tgtc 3ebntet. TENTHLY, adv. 5cbltten§. TENTORV, s.brt3 3eUgel)auge, bie 53c= barbung be« j$eHe6. tenuity, s . 1. bie ©unne, Scbnnidje, 3artbeit, Jlleittbcit; 2. jig. @crittg= fitgigtcit. TENUOUS, adj. biitttt, frbivflct), jarf, flcitt; fig. gcfittge. TENURE, s. A. t. bie ?c!ittbarfcif, 93e= ftftavt - ber (Srbbeftfe, bie 8eb>n«be= ft^bebtttgitttgcn ; ber Seb.eitgbtenji ; ber 3ufamineii()aug ; l. t-s. base — by copy of court roll, ba§ tticbcrcjiusbarc ©runbetgentbum ; — in gross, — in capite, ba« uttmittctbar voin j?bnig Clbattene Sebett; feudal tenures, 2e= ben«btenfiletftuttgen ; tenures by knight service, (Srobeftfe niit iuilitari= fdicr '^Ot't'gfeit; tenures in socage, (Srbbeft'tj, urfprttttglid) mtt gcroiffeu 5)ienft[eiftitiigctt serbttubett. tepefaction, «. bie miijiige Grmar= muttg, ba§ Sattmadjcn. To TEPEFY, v. I. a. tail macbeit ; II. n. Ian rocrben. tepid, adj. tan, Iaulicb- TEPIDITY, Tepor, Tepidness, s. bie Sautgfett, 8aiilicbfcit. teraphim, t. ;>/. Serapbim (in ber jubifeben 3Ji»tboIogte), ^auggSften »on menfrbltfbcr ©eftalt. terce,*. bie SDrtttelptpc. terebinth, s. 1. bie tberebiutbe [Pistacia therebinthus — /,.) ; 2. ber SerpeittiU, vid. Turpentine. TEKEBINTHINATE, adj. lltit Serpen* tin gemtfebt, terpentiitartig, tcrpctitt= nett. To TEREBRATE. v. a. bobrctt, burct)= bolirctt, anbobvett (bie ^arjbaitine, W. it.). TEREBRATION, s.bttS SoBteit, 2)ttrd;= bobrett, Slubobt'en (». it.). terete, adj. b. t. waljcttformig, ci;= liubcrfbrntig. TERGEMINAL, ) adj. B. T. breipaa= TERGEM1NATE, ) rig, brcimal gc= * rocit - tergeminous, adj. bretfau), bvetfals tig. TERGIFETOUS, adj. B. T. belt ©ailtCtt nuf ber bittteru ©cite Pes SBlatteS tragettb. To TERGIVERSATE, o. n. 9luSf(ud)te, 3Binfctjiigc ntacbett [to. ii.). TERGIVERSATION, s. 1. bie 3llt«= flttrbt, Sinte, ber Sffiiufcljug; 2. aQanfctnttitb. term, s. 1. bic ©renje fitr 3cit mtb Ort; 2. bag (Jlunft=)9Bort, ber (.f?iiufts)9ln3brucf ; 3. feftgefc^te Sag, ©tiebttag, i!erftcigenttig'Mag ; 4. bte 3eit bee (Sifeitttgei't, ©crtcbtsfrtft, ber t©eriebtS=)Serinin ( bic (befiintntte, ftflgefefefe.1 3f't 5vvtfl, ber Jettcaum, Bettpunft; o. SapituIationSpunft ; 6. Log. Sr Jir. T. bas ©lieb ; 7. Arch.T bic Eerme, ber spfetler ntiteincm3JJeiti frbcitfcpf; 8. Sealang. bic SOilbbauer* avbeit am^atfeborb ; 9. terms, pi. (bes fonbers mi. e-s.) bic SDebingungen, lies bcrciltfllltftSptlttfte ; — of articles, bt! Sebrjeit ; — of {or for) payment, bcr3«b 5 lungStertniit, bie 3obtuitg8frtfi ; — o-i partnership, ber SoctetatMSoutract ; — of sale, ba-3 SBerfrtllfSjtel ; terms of freight, ^racbtbcbiltijuttgeil ; terms ol proportion, Math. T. bas 3>erf>a I tilt fj ; for term of life, aitf SebettSjeit ; in gen- eral terms, tit ollgeiiiciiieiix'litsbrucfctt, iiberbtlttPt; to make terms, to come to terms, fid) vcrcittigeit, oergletcbetl, iibcveinfomiitcn, fiet) abftiibcit (with cittent) ; to bring to terms, 1111= terrocrfen, bemiitbigett ; to be upon (on) good terms with one, itt gtttcilt sSernebnten mtt eittcnt ftcben ; to be upon even terms with one, IticbtS VOX cittern »orau8 baben ; glcidieu 9lu= tbcil baben, gtcidje Oteeptc geniepen; I will be on even terms with him, icb WtU ibm nicbtgnaebgeben ; to be upon in terms, in fcblccbtem IBernebniett ?ebcil ; upon terms of intimacy, flltf ycttrautcm ^tt^e ; upon your own terms, uact) 3t)vent ©utbcfiitbeii; upon any terms, tlllter jcber S3cbilt= gttltg ; not upon any terms, flltf f ettte SBetfe ; — time, L. t. bie ©crirbtsfrtjl, Ac. Ph. bic ©tubienjeit, Sebrjeit auf ber Untoerfttot, bcr(afabemif(be) (Smfus, bai feemefter, balbe 3abr. To term, v. a. ttcnitctt, bcitetttten. TERMAGANCY, s . ber Ungeftiini, bie SBitbbeit, Unrube ; 3antfiid)t. termagant, i. adj. roilb, utigeftum, itnntbig, janffiicbttg ; II. .?. bas ftiirs mettbe, jatttifcbe, sanffiicbtigc 2Beib, bte 3Snferinn, ber 3anfteufel, bie jveifertttn, ber Sraufefopf. termer, s. 1. eiuer ber (ror ©cricbt) eitten Sermin abjiiwurten bat, bet ben ©cricbtsfifeitngeu beitvopt; 2. einer ber etmas fur cine getviffc3et' ober?cbenS(aug bcfi&t. terminable, adj. bcgren^bar, be= ftimtnbar. terminal, adj. bcgrcnjeitb ; B. T. ant ©ube ober ©ipfeljiebetib. To terminate, o. I.a. begreu^en, be= ftiinnten, enbett, eubigen, aiifbb'rcp, beciibigett, ait§maebcn, bcilcgcu; II. n. ftcb eubt'gcu (— in, mtt). termination, s. 1. bic SBegrenjuitg, ©iitfcbrattfung ; 2. ©c^ranre, @ren= It ; 3. (Snbtgung ; ba« @nbe ; -1. ber ©tlbjroccf ; 5. Gram. t. bie (iubfolbe, Pnbung ; — of the risk, m. k. bas @nbe ber ©efabr, beS SBtftco. terminational, adj. bie (Subfiilbc bilbcnb. TERMINATIVE, adj. bie (Siiifd)raitFuttg Iciteitb; — ly, adv. of;itc (5iufd;ran= fung, uueiiigefrbrauft. TERMINATOR, *. Ast. T. ber Jvtet'S, ber bic betcuebtete t>ott ber unbelcud)= teteu ©cite cities SJJIaneteu frbeibet. terminists, s pi. bic Sermitttflen (et« ttc ebvifttiebe ©cfte). terminology, s. bie Scrtitiitotogtt Scbre i>pn ben jjuiijtrobrteru uub bt* (5iftarung berfelben. TERMINTHUS, s. Med. T. bie.^unbJ* blatter. TERMITES, s. pi. bic Seriut'fcn. TERMLESS, adj. itubcareit ; f, grenjen* (us ; — joys, eiuige Steuben. termly, adj. S- ado. ferminrtjeifc frtflroetfe, nad) fejtgefetten3ettpun6 ten, jit befttutmtett ^eitctt, ttad) %vv ften ; von 3eit jn Beit TERT TEST TETR rJERN, ». tic sWeerfcfwalbe {stcma — /,.). TERN, adj. bvcifacf), gcbritt. TERNARY, I. adj. gcbritt; [I. .<. bte W britte 3at)(, brei an bcr 3abl; bie 55retfjetf, £ertte. TERNATE, «#. yy. 7*. breifacb, tret, = lig, gebreit; — bat, bas gcmetnc $lattcrt!)ier {Vespcrtilio vaminjrus — /,.). TERNION,*. vid. Tkrnary. terra, s. (latctuifcb) bie (Srbe, ber ©^beit ; — cntta, gcbraitute (Srbc (^arffteitie, 3tegcl, u. f. to.); — firma, bad 23rart)laitb : fefte ?aitb ; — incognita, ba8 uttbefannte Saitb; — Japonica, baS Stattdbu • — Lemnia, bte (gicgelerbe; — ponderosa. ber (fccbmcrfpatl) ; — Sienna, bte £crre be ^iciute, ber fteiteftfdje Ofer. TERRACE,*. 1. bte Serraffe, (5ibcrf)o= bung, bie ©rbfhtfe, ber Pababfat* ; 2. SB ill, Sakoit, 21orfritr, 91u3tiitt, <5olier; 3. baS platte Tac^ ; 4. Fort, bat (f rbmcrf. To TERRACE, r. n. in bie .§Bbf fiibrcn, eine i'enaffe auffiihrcit, mil (?rte atu f illicit, crbobcu, anfruerfeit. TERRAQUEOUS, adj. l uttb vleauafot mil ber (Sr'be glctcbgeftclite) 3Wagnct. TERRENE {adv. — ly), adj irbifrb. TERREOUS, adj. erbtg ; trbeit. TERRESTRIAL {adv. — ly), adj. tr= bifefe; mpr. (jus (5rbc beftcfjenb, er= big. TERRESTRIOUS, adj. crbt'g (tt. fl.). TERRIBLE {adv. — ly), alij. fure)tbar, grimniig, furcbferlidb, fcbrccflicb, cut= fefclicb, ; herb — , ber Surbitb, 9cuitb= fcff. Teiiribleness, s. bie fturdiibarfcit, giirrbterlidifett, ©rbrcrHicbfcit. terrier, s. 1. ber 3?arb«bunb, ^adv^ fcbliefer, (Staubcrliuiib, S)acb«; 2. baS 2ebnburb ; 3. ber (Srbbofjrcr ; 4?oblbof)rcr. TERRIFIC, adj. fiirrbferlid). To terrify, v. a. fcijiecfeii, erfdjrecfcii (— with, mit). terrigenous, adj. erbgeborcn. TERRITORIAL adj. jit eittem ©ebtet (ju eiiter Sanbfchaft) geljorig; — jurisdiction, bte !territoi'ia[gcrid}t(6)= barfett, l ! attbgericbt:«)pflege; — right, baS JEerritortalredbt. TERRITORIED, adj. begiitert, ?anbbe* fifcenb. Tf.rritory. s. b 'rt.vTft.S? TESTALOGY, \ ^ ,nfuiltf - TESTACEOUS, adj. Uttt citicr Stb^U bebceft; — animals, 'icbaltbtere ; — medicines, Med. T. 5lrjClKicit a\\§ falfartigcti ©ubjlartjen, TESTAMENT,*. 1. bai (old — . new — , «Ue, nctte) Stftantcitt ; 2, bet ©laubcii«biinb, bie @[attbctt*t>erfaf= fiutg («I3 Slbt^eiliiug bcr bciligcit (Srbrift) ; 3. bcr Icfcte SBiffe, Stcr= bca'iUc, s J}adiaullc tat 93ermacbt^ n if;. TESTAMENTARY, adj. tcftaniciitiitifd), teftamciitltd), bnrib bag Scftanicitt bcftintiiir, fcflgcfc^t. TESTAMENTATION, ». baS Tcfiircit, Sflecbt ju tcftirctt, burcb ben Icfctctt SUtilcn ju iibcrlaffcn {to. it.'. testate, adj. citi £cftaiitcut bitttcr= laffeitb. TESTATION, s. baS Beaglttf. TESTATOR, s. bcr Jcitatpr, Tcftivcr, *iHunnid)tiiij;ftiftcr, @rb«Saffer. TESTATRIX, s. bie (frb^affcriitit. TESTER,* 1. bcr Scftoit. ba* Jlobf= ftitcf (cine aJIitujc) ; 2. bcr 83etr)tm= met. TESTICLES, ». pi. bte Teflifeltt, .r->nben. TESTICULAR, adj. JU belt .^PtCIt gcho= rig, an bcit $oben. TESTICULATE, adj. /?. T. bph'llfor= mi 8- . ' testification, ». bte 93cjcitguitg, baS Bengntp. TESTIFICATOR, Ti BTinBR, *. ber 3eu« ge, 53cjeugenbe. To TESTIFY, v. a. St n. 3ctnic fr.Mi, »eugen, bejeugen, beflattgeu; atfes ftircn, bcfdiciuigcn ; 3citgiu't) geben (— to, cincni). TESTIMONIAL, ». ba« fdiriftlt^c 3eitgttip (be3 2Qcf)l!.H'ibaltcttti), SHN tcitat. TESTIMONY,* (bcfpnbcrS /. T) bag ftbriftlicbe 3ei''l"iH (bciS 3Bo^Ioer« baltcti« it. f. to.), attejlat ; bie bcci = btate SlnSfage bcr 3 eu 8 en vov (Sll ' r ridit, bcr Oemetd bunt Seugen ; bte ^M-jtatigitiig ; to bear — , ^citgitif; gebcit, 3c"iV"iJ oMfflrti bejeugen ; in — whereof . . , utftmbiid) bcf= feu . . . TESTINESS, a bie SBuiiberltcbfeit, bae miirrifeb: il'cfcn, bcr a)Jurrftmi, ®U gctifittit. TESTOON, i ber Xcflcn fcitie aWiinjo. TESTUDINAL, adj. ivic Ttannnjicoira TESTUIMNATED, adj. gemflbf, bt« badit. TESTUDINEOUS, adj. fclbiltf retcilf5r» mtg. TESTIJDO, ». I. bai 2titrint.icf) (bei bcit alien foment): 2. Med. 7'. bit Scftilbfrbtciigefcbtvulir. TESTY {ado. — h.y). adj. murriffb. eu gctiilttnig, roitnbcrlidb, tro&fbvfifcb, pctrrftnnig. TETANUa *. .V /. T. ber .f>uiib*« frantpf, ©farrframpf, IrttciiFrantvf, bie etarrfucbt, Starrbcit, ©licters flarre, .^.ll.-uarrc. TETAUG, ». tic -2'i'ccrgr;iiibel {Go'Jui nigt r — /..). TETE, ». bai faffebe .<3,mr, bie .^aar> tour fbet S)amen); — a tftte, untet Otet 9lt u en : bie tt.chcime llntcrm bung, rbcr Sufammenfunft. te ther , t baS Spaunfeil. To TfTTHER, v. a. aitbitttClt. TETOTDM, 5. bcr Xrcinviirtc!, ba^ Tvcbrabcl. TETR ICHORD, ». Mom. T. I. bafl bterfattige 3nftruntent; 2. bcr 2"c= trad-orb (ionlcircr »on btet Jpticti). TETRAD, s. bie 3abl bier ; bie '-!>cr= etnigung fecit Bter. TETRADACTYLOl S, adj. r-iiTubia. TETRADIAPASi IN, ». Mum. T. tic vicr= fatbe Deface. TETTt VDYNAMIAN, I. /?. T. ad), mit vier [angen nut jwei Furjen @taub= fabcit ; 11..^. cine ^wittcrblutbe mit vice laitgen unb jwet furjen Staub= fabcit. TETRAGON, ». G T. bai Dttabrat; .1st. t. bcr @eviertf(t)ein. TETRAGONAL, adj. Bt'eretftg. TETRAGONISM, ». bie x?.uabratiir be* Jtteife«. TETRAGRAMMATON, « baS (bfiligf) SBort oon Diet Bucbfrat TETRAGYN. ». P. T. bie SBIutbr mil vier getrennten ©riffeln. TETRAGYNIAN, adj. /.'. T. Mxaa?>-> ntftb, Diet getrennfe ©riffel babenb. TETB Ml 1. 1' \i.. a .. O. T. vtcr glcicbl Seiren babenb. TETRAHEDRON, *. G. T. (cin von vtcr g(eicr)fetttgrii Dreierfen ringe* febioffenet J?5rper), oai £rrraebron. TETRAHEXAHEDB \i . f. vier unb jivaitjigfcitig (in bet JUiftaIlcgra= pbte). TETRAMETER, t. bet vicrnnliae (a:t« vier einfact)en obet auctj vtcr SoVpeU fn'lcit beftefjenbej Bert. TETRANDER. ». /;. T. bie «icrmaR» nerigc ©liitbe (mit sicr Staubffc ben). TETB \NHUi \\. adj. B. T. "iermaiiite- rig. TETRAPETALOUS, a ; B V vicrblats letig (bon ©lumen). TETRAPHYLLOUS, adj. Ii. T. *ier= blatterig. tn'crtbcilia. TETRAPTOTE ». Oram. T. bai 2c= traptoton, SBott bai nut via- ffaful bat. TETRARCH, t. bcr .Ictr.ncb, SSicr* furft. TETRARCHATE i bai iffrarctat bit Cettatcbie, bat 5Jierfut(tentbum. TETRARCHICAL, adj. burd) Xctrar= tben regiert. tetr isnctt r.bai lefrafHcbon, »ier< jeilige ©ebidbt. TETB USTTYLE, i cin ®ebStlb( mil vicr Sfiulen auf bcr SBotberfeite. TETRASYLLABICAL —v \ adj. »ier» fvlbig. TETR ^SYLLABLE, t. bad t>icrfi>lbig< SBort 411 THAT THEN THER rtTTER, s. bic 2>di Tslcrfiro, bag 3ittcrmal, prooine bit SBergefye; bet -i'lugfcblag. Sdjorf, ©tint, Jtusfafc; ' — berry, bit Btete DOB bet wcincil Sanntebe ; — worm, tic SPferbeffiege, SRferbelauS. To TETTER, »-. a. utit bem Slugfafee anficcfeit, griutig, fcborfig marten. TEUTONIC, I. adj. teutonifcb, alt= bcutfdi, beutfcjj : — order, bcr beut= fcbe (^ettenOOtben, Drben bet jtreujncrrcu ; n. s. tie teutonifchc 2)}uiibart. r»TEW, n, a. till Scbijf bugftren, cut To Tow. TEWEL, s. (— iron), bic 9ci. ; bre am iMafebalgc, ©fife, Scbmicbeform. TEXT,*. 1. bet J err, -fbriftrcrt; 2. Sptud>, tic v3ibclftcllc ; — book, cot Seitfaben, bag Sompenbittm; — hand, eiue 2lrt grojicr (Cfurvent- ) Scbrtft ; — letter, Typ. T. ber grope oierjcfmte 58ltd)jtabe; — man, vid. Texttalist. TEXTILE, adj. roebbar ; gcivcbt. TEXTILES, 5. pi. ©Cluebc. TENTORIAL, adj. 511m iBcbctt geljottg. TEXTRLXE, adj. bag -JBebeu bctrcrrent. TEXTUAL, adj. vid. Textcalist ; — il- lustrations, Sertcrlautcrungeit. TEXTUALIST, s. 1. bet ©ibelfefte, Sejetgele&rte ; 2. ber feft am Xett bait. TEXTUARY I of. tin Serf entljattett; |itnt tcrt gchorig, .-.urn Xext bienenb, ben Serf abgebenb; U.s. wxtextu- ALIST. TEXTUIST, g. eid. Texh-alist. texture,*. 1. bag SBeben; 2. ©c= voebe, ©avirE beg Surbcg, bie 2)icfe= ttgfeit be§ 5jJautcr5 u. f. ro. ; 3. bcr Seftaub; bio Serbinbuug (bet £§ei:= Ie); 4. A. T. vid. Tissue; hides of strong — , igaute I'ou ftarEcnt Jcucfen. Thames, s. bie Xbcntfe ; — shad, bie aife, SHIofe, bcr SWuttet^ating (Ciu- pea alosa). THAN, conj. all, benti ; more — , mefcr al$. thane, s. bet Sbau, ©bie, greiljew ; Statthaltcr, gaitboogt; —lands, pi. bind; llrfuitbe gegcu .§ccrcg»ftid)t von ben SacbTcuEbnigeit Oerlietjcne Sanbeteten. THAxeship.s bad ?lmt, bie SBurbc, *<3errfcbaft cine? £|jatt. To THANK, ». a. bauEcn, S)anl fagen (—for. fur); he may — himself for it, bag fyat et n$ felbfl ju baufeit, bag *fl feine <3d)ltlt> ; I will — you for the bread, &c,(bei Sifcbe) icf> bitte miv SQrob it. f. iv. jujuteie^en. THANK, g. Thanks, 5. pi. bcr Sanf, bie (SrEeimtlicbfcit ; — offering, bag SanEopfcr ; — worthy, banfenS* locrtr) ; to render (return; thanks, banEcn, San! abftatten, 5)an! fagen. THANKFUL {ado. — ly), adj. battfbar, erfentttlid) ; — ness, g. bte Saitfbar= hit, grfennttirfefetf. THANKLESS, adj. uitbanfbar; a — office, eitt unbanfbareg Slmt. rHANKLESSNESS, s. bic Uitbaitfoar-- fcit. THAXKSGiVER. *. bcr ©anffaaenbe. THANKSGIVING, ». bic 55ailfiagung ; — day. cin jur aUgemcinen 5)anf|a= guiij befiimintet JEag, THAT, l.pron. i. dem.\t\\t*, jctie, \t'- mi; 2. rd. rodeber, melcbe, melcbeg, ber, bie, ba3; take this, and give me — , nebmt biefee, unb gebt mit jc= neSj — is, bas hettlt, unb jroat; what hook is — ? toa.8 i ft bdS fill - cill 53iicft? in — . barum iveil ; — way, auf folcbe art babunt ; what is — to me ? rcaS flebt micb ba§ an ? what of — ? was if* es bctm mebt? roa« 443 bat e3 benn anf nty? taai will bag fagen? from — hour, 511 betfelbtgen 5ntnbe; 11. umj.i. ba§, bamit; 2. Weil ; it is not — I believe, ntebt ivcil tcb glaube ; — I may be short, Hill furj \\x fcnit ; so — , fo bap. thatch. 5. bad Saitftrcb, 3>ccfilroh, ^cbilf u. f. ro. 511m 2\icbcccfcu ; Strot)bacb. To THATCH, v. a. mit Stlpt) bcifcit ; befcfcilfcit ; a thatched house, cill mit Strob gebecftel i§au3. Thatcher, s. bet 5trcbbecfcr. thatching. « bag Strotjbetfeii j — knife, ciu SDieffet 511m toc^neibeit be» SDacbftrobeS. THATJMATURGICAL f— ic), adj. \l\\\\- matnrgtfcb, wunbettQatig. THAUMATURGY, s. bag 23lttlbcr= tbuen. To THAW, v.a.k n aitftbaiieit ; tbaucu, fcbmcljcn. thau", a. bag ^batten, Sbaitwetter. THE, art. 1. bcr, bic, fa-3, belt ; 2. je, befio, urn fo yicl beffer, ebcr, Iicber u. f. ro. ; — more, urn fo mebr ; so much — more, urn fo sicl mebr ; — more . . , — more . . , je mcrjt . . , befio mebr . . ; — less, urn fo roeniget ; — happier, befto gliicfticbcr. THE.\XDRia adj. Th. T. tbcatlblifcb, gottmenfcblicb. thearchv, s. bie ©ottcSvcajcruno,, SbcoEratie. THEATER, s. vid. Theatre. THEATINS, *. pi. bic £bcatincr. THEATRE, s. 1. bag 2 beater, bic (5cbau=)-5iibiie; 2. ber @cfcaup[a§; 3. fig. ba3 aimpbitbcatcr, bie iStU* fenroeiS fteigenbe 5 telle; 4. r/nw. Ph. ba§ ^isputation-Mofal; anatomical — , bag anatomifrbe theater, bcr anatomifebe £otfaI; — of war, bcr ^rieggfcbaupla^. THEATRICAL f— ic ; ado. —, adj. tbcatralifcb, bubneumamg, biit>nen= ba't ; — apparel, ber 33iibneii=i5e= bcr, Sbeatralien, Diequtftten. thedes, 5. pi. (bie Stabt) 2;bcbcn. THEKLA, 5. 2;bef(a (graueuitame). thee, pron. bicb, bir ; of—, beiiier. theft, s. 1. ber 2?iebftabl; 2. bag ©eftoblene ; — boot (— bote, — hold), L. T. bie ^teblbebleret. THEIE, pron. poss.'ifyr, tfire ; — folly, tbrc Sboi^ett; it is —fault, el til ibre Scbulb. theirs, pron. ber, bie, bag tbrige, ib= rcr, tbrc, ibreS ; this is — , bief; ift bag ibrige, gcbort ibitcn; the fault is — , bie -icbulb tft ihve. theism, s. ber 33>et'8mu3. theist, s. bcr Sbcift, Sciit. THEISTICAL (— ic),adj. beiftifeb THEM, pron. fte, tbltCll ; to — , ibtlClt. theme. «. 1. bag Jbema, ber Strcit* pttttEt, bte i'Jatcrie, bet SBeroeggrunb, Safe, fiauptfafc, ©cgcnftanb ; 2. bie Slufgabe; 3. Mus. t. ber ^auptge= baitfe, bag .ibema ; 4. Oram. T. ta-j Utwott, SCBurjetmort. THEMSELVES, pron. fte fclbft, ftdj fclbft, fi.t, fctbft; to—, tbuen fclbft. THEN, L ado. bama!*, bauii, alsbann, barauf ; I, — a child, i.i 1 , tor id) ia = malo nod) cin Jlinb war; the — bishop, ber bainalige SBtfdb)of ; till — . big bainalS; now and — . baun nub roann ; what — ? nun, tva3 roollen Ste bamtt fagen? — this.., — that, balb itefeg . . , balb jeneg ; II. cot;', benn, tafyer, barum, alfo, fotglid). thence, adv. babcr, baraug/ oou m, von banitett, von bort. thenceforth, ado. r>on banttcit. ba= ber, feit ber 3«it. feitbem, \;o\i ber 3cit an. THENCEFORWARD, adi ;o:t HUJl at\ binfiiro, binfort. THEOBALD, s. Sbcotulb (OTar.ngi name). THEOCRACY, s. bie STbeofratie, @ot» teebeirffbaft, ©otfeStcgierung. THEOCRATKAL (— ic ; adv. —ally), adj. tbcoEratin-b, .jottc^herilid). THEODICY s. bie 2;beobicee, jRerbt* fetttgung (SScrtfjeibigung) ©otteS (roegen beg UebeU auf (Srben). THEODOLITE, g. Mat. T. bte 3JJep» febeibe, ber ^5beuineffer. THEODORE, s. SijfPbor (IIJanii5ita« me). theogony, s. bie S^eogotu'e, 03e= fd)lecb,tegefd)id)te, (©euealogie) be» ©otter, ©otter. er,jciia,una,§Ief;re, ©ottcrroerbung. THEOLOGASTER, s. ber Epfufcber in bet Zbeologie. THEOLOGIAN. ) s. bcr ibeolog, @ot- THEOLOGIST, $ tec-jjcithrtc, @cift= Ii-ije. THEOLOGICAL (— ic ; ado. — vt), adj. tbeologtfd)/ geiftlid). To THEOLOGIZE, v. I. a. JUt ?bco!o= ijic umgeftalteit ; bou @ott unb gottlicben Tiitsjcn gelcbrt fvredsen ; II. n. cin tbeologifcbcg S>^fttm ottf* ftellen (w. ii.). theology, s bie ^btr'.-.-cjte, ©ctte5= gelab/ttbett, ©ottcslebre. theomachist. s. bcr •-Beiireiter ber ©ottbeit, ©btterbefvimvfer. theomachy. b. 1. bcr .Uricg, Jtam^j mit ben ©ottern, etrcit roitcr bie ©ottbeit; 2. bic 3Biberfefcltd>reit ge= licit ecu gottlicben i)3illen. theopathy, s. bic abtobtimg bCl gicifdjcg ;burd) gaftcn, ©cijjehtnj, n. f. ro.). theophilus, .5. j;beopbiI, Sbeopbt: lus, ©ottlieb (DJannename). theorbo, s. bte Sbeorbe. theorem, s. tag £beorcm, bcr ?ebt: fafe. TIIEOREMATIC, } (ado. —ally), adi THEOREMATICAL, S- tbeorematifeb theoremic, ) in Sehrfafeti beftcbenb. THEORETICAL (— ic : atlc. —ally), adj tbeorcttuf. THE ORIC, adj. vid. Theoretical. THEORIC, s. oid. Theory. THEORIST, s. bcr ireorctiEcr, gor- feber, ©rubier, Speculaitt. 7o theorize, v. n. Sehrfiifec aufflet- len. THEORY, s. bic ibcoric, ©vunbfnnbf .- Setraditung, blofic Slnftcbt; ^cegrj obet SSorfa)rift; Uutcrfud;uug, (?•.- EldtungSart; this is no — . bag t.v.'ti fid) praftifd) berocifcu, bag ift Xbat- facbe. THEOSOPHICAL (— ic). adj. tP.COfo- pbiut, Oermeintlicb cotf(eS)roeife. THEOSOPHISM, 5. bie j'bco>"opbie,.ans gcblicbc ©otteetveiibcit turd) uumits telbare Offenbaiung. THEOSOPHlST, s bcr 5:bcofopbiit. THEOSOPHY, s . bie ©ottcvivcic-hcif, 3;beolcgic. THERAPEUTIC, adj. tbcrapeutifd), bet* Ictsb, bie .(pcilEinift (ebtenb. therapeutics, g. pi. 1. bie (Tbcra= beiitt'E) •gejlfunfi, .^cilfuube; 2, bic .Sberapeutcn (cine ©efte). THERE, ado. tt, bai'clbft, boi't; fig. jeufeits ; — he is, ba i\i er; he is — . cr tft ba ; I shall . thereabout, ado. ba ungcfdbr, ba berum, in bcr ©cgcub, inigcfdbr fo bid, ctiuaS meljr otcr loeuigcr, circa ; baviibcr; ten pounds or — , jctjll Sfjfunb ober ungefdhr fo uief. thereafter, adv. bartiad;, barauf, bent geiudfi; tabcr. thereat, adv. barait, balu'i ; baru= bcr; barauf; bafclbfl, bafjiit. THEREBY, adv. baburcb, bamit, bar* one. Therefor, ode. bafiir. THEREFORE, i. adv. barunt, befjroeflen, tcfbaib, batjcr, bafiir; lLeonj. alfo, fofgli*. therefrom, atfo. bayou, barauS. THEREIN, cr= i'Ora,cbrad)teit ftclfeu ; — waters, nxirme mineralise SBaffer. THERMOLAMP, s. bic Sbermolampe. THERMOMETER, s. bcr £berntomcter, SBfirmemeffer, ba$ 28etterglas. THERMOMETRICAL [adv. — ly), c. ; — few days, fcit cilligCIt Sagcil ; — many years, fcit oiclcu 3abuu. THESIS, «. tic Sbcfi-X bcr (angcuom = mciie) (tnorin etvoas geldugtiet Don bebauptct roirb). THESSALIAN, L adj. tbcffalifd) ; II. s. bet Jheffaltcr, bic JEbeffalierinn. TUE8SALY, s. Ibcffalicu. THETICAL, adj. tbctifdt, feflflefefct. THEURGICAL, Theueoic, adj. bie 3'bcurgie betreffenb, geiitcrfiittig, gcifterbauneut, rounbertmrfeub, tvuti* berfrdftia ; theurgic hymns, 8efd;roo= niugsgcfdngc. "HEURGY, s. tic £fteurat>, ©eiflerje= Ijerci, ©eifterbannuna, SBunberroirs fung, SEBunbergabe, SSunberfrafr. THEY, pron. fie; bicjciiigcu, foldje; utait ; — say, man fagt ; — who ..., bie metebe .... biejeintgeil bic . . . THICK, adj. &■ "dr. I. bid; ftarf, flvofc ; 2. triibe; ;i. bicbt, engej 4. bdufid» fdjnell biutcvciiiaiibcr- 5. ticf; 6. bumni ; to speak — , cine fdr.vcie 3nn* gc baben, mit bcr Junae anflopeu, fitnarrcu; unoerftanblidg reben; fto r = tern; — bodied, tici'lcibig ; — c bidbdutig, bi(frinbig ; —colours, bi(f= farbeit; — head,ber Dicffopf,T>umiit= tovf. — beaded —head . birffopftg; bid vott Jtrone f»on Sdumen); — intestiness, tcr EDiffbarnt; — It birfbldtterig ; —lipped, bicflippig; — lipped cake-Bhcll, baa 2dMangd=' born fciue Sdpnecfe); — milk, ber O.'i'ildibrci ; — nosed tapir, bcr £apir, bat 2iimvffrf)ivein ; — necked, birfs Iialfig ; — planted, tid)t gevflaiijt ; — sculled, biCtfSpRg; — scull, — -kin. bcr 2)icftopf, Xummfopf, Xb\\>t\ ; — sculled, bidtopfig, cuinm, Mimm= fovfig, li'lm'fcl); — seed sun-flower, bag .ftappdjen, yungftriigefictf, ®n* belfraiit (Coreopsis — U; — set, tidit gcftcUt, bid)t bcpflauU; flein uub untcrfc&t, gebrd'ngt (yon Statur); — shelled, bidfcbalig; —sighted, bl5b« fid;tig; —skinned, lidhaiitig; — sprung, bidjt aufgcfd)offcn ; — stuir, bafi -\n,]cUiid, tic lliitcrlciilc; 2.^ob = Icn 511m Sd;iffbau ; — vapours, tide Siiuftc; —woollens, tide 3BoIIen= jeuge; — wrought, bin)t gcarbcitet. THICK, s. bie Xide; to go through — and thin, turd) DiduilB ©linn gcfjcil; fig. SlUefi lvagcn. To THICKEN, v. I. a. 1. bid ntad)cn, iHutidcit; 2. ( — with gum), giinimU rcn ; 3. bidjt niarhen ; 4. jalilrcicr; marfKii; 11. n. 1. biif, bider, (viibc roerben, fid) cerbicfen; 2, iebfjaftroer* ben ; tlii^ crowd lliickens, baS ©ctrdlU gc nimmt jit; the combat thickens, tcr.Uanipf loirb bifeiger. THICKET, s. bafl ^idicbt. THICKISH, adj. ciu tvenig (etffla*) bid, bidlid), ocrbicft. THICKLY, ado. tiff; birflt, Clig. thickness, ,. I. tie Tide, Xidnbcit, Unturcbtringlidifcit; 2. itumvfbeit, ©Ullimbcit; — of hearing, col.' bie ■tiartbbrigfeit; — of shade, biebjer Sdtattcn. THICKSET, adj rid Uiltcr Thick. THIEF, s. (pi. thieves) 1. bcr 5)ieB, bic Ticbinit; 2. bcr Glauber am 8id)te; the — upon the cross, tcr ^d)dd)cr am JtreUje ; — catcher ( — taker , bet ©iebSfditgcr, ^olijcimdittcr, ^>d= frbcr. To thieve, v. )>. fle^Ien, cincn Ticb= flab l begcljen. THIEVERY, .?. 1. tie Dieoerei, tcr TicbftabI; 2. bae ©eflofjlcite. THIEVISH [adv. — ly), adj. ticbifeb, fpifebiibifd), 'bcim(id), auf ticbifd;e 2Betfe, auf Sd)leia)n)egen ; — m bcr 4?ana umi Ste&len, ©icoSfinn, ba« 2)icbifrbe. THIGH, ». tcr 2d)cnfcl, ba« Tidbcin, tie Senbe; —bone, ba<3 Sc^enfelbein. THILL, a. tie ^cidifci, Wabcltcidjfd ; — horse, bflfi Sei^felpferb, ®aotU pferb, tcr Jcarvciigaiil. THIMBLE, s. I. ber Shtflerljuf, 9tar)» ring; 2. jv. T. bie Jtaiiub. ,«anf;c; — case, bai Aiugerbitlfuttcral ; — limpet, tcr ariec^t|cbe ;irid;tcr (cine SKuf^elart). THIME, s. Bid. Thtm*. thin, 047, 1. biiuii ; 2. fc'.teu ; 3. flein, geringe, fdnvad), arm, mager, fj>ar= lid) ; 4. Icicbt; 3. fcidit; to grow — , tiiitit, mager roerben, abnebmeu; — opie, menfcbenleet ; a — audience, tvenig 3 u bbrer; a — congregation, cine Heine ©emeiube ; a — crop, cine fpdrlidn- O'cnte; a — field, cin tiiun befdctCS (S'Cltj a — bouse 7. s, theatre 1 , ciu Iccrcj (©djaufpieU igau«; a -~ tin .u.iilirber (fpdrlicbc:) Iif<^ a — wave Sealing, cine leicbte, turd)i fiittivic SBeUe ; a — pretext, cin let* ret Sorronnb, cine blof'c Sueffurbt; a — siispiei in, cin uugegrunbeter83er« tarbt ; a— meadow, cine magcre iL ! io fe; — bodied, tunuldbig ; — broth, tiiuuc (ftC5 (ut'ioadn"*! (Mctrdnf, ©unubier, Jtofent ; —faced, fd-malbddig; — goods, leittjtt (wol* lent Jeuge; — leavi i bunnblfittc rij; — lipp d, t;niulippig ; — leidjtea ®etranf;— aown,bunn« gefdet; — spun, biiuii otcr {art ge» rVounen ; --- iget im @t» fidu, fdjmalbacfig. To THIN, v. a. 1. tjcrbuinicu, licblen; 2. berringern. thine. /,;•'»». tciu, beiue, tcin : btincr, bcine, tciiu-5: bet bie, bat) rciui.te ■ — ever, (am ©djluffe von EBriefen," flctg bet Seine. THING, s. bas £iug, tic ©arbc ; n — etroaS; I have a — for you, id; b rt * be erroafl fur @ie; a common — , et= toa8 ©enteiuefl ; this is quite the—, col bae ifl bafl :Hod';c, ^affenbt, 3Bal)re; thai la another — , ta-3 tfl ft* Was ,'luccrct?, tas ftek auf ciucm an* tern Blatre; so rude a—, fo etivaa !Ro§ed; she is a proud—, fie ift cin floijeS Ding cine ftolje SPerfon); things, SonmotS, " Olncttotcn, u. f. to. ; little things, Siimerdjen ; to do things by halves, cine ici^c rbcil= bin liuiii. To THINK, p. n. it v. f . bettfeil, bcten = feu; 2. itrtbeilcn, fd)licf;cii; 3. exxoa* gen, ratbfchlaaen, iiadibciifen, Hiiiicu; 4. bunfen, lodijiicu; 5. beabfldbtigen; G. balren fitr; me thinks, mid) bunfl, mir bduc^t ; to — pood, fur gut bal* ten ; to — best, fiir bat ©efie batten ; to — much (well) of.., aitten. rc<:rtb batten ; to — of, an otcr anf ct:va? bcnfcii ; ft it auf erwai befinneu ; «>on ctioaS tcufen, baltcu, ad'tcn; to — light of, geringe fefcflfcen ; to — i fur gut,' Ibuiiliit balteii; to — on, auf ennafl beufen otcr ftnuen; t one's self, bci fid) bCllfcll ; to — upon, an otcr auf etroafl benfeit; cinefl ge= benfen; to — with one's -<::'. bci iiQ fcibu benfen. thinker, s. ber Senfenbe, ©enfer. THINKING, adj. tenfent, »cn:i. a — man, ciu tcutoutcr SDlanu. THINLY, ado. I. tiinil; 2. fcltcn, fpar= fam, uutt lablrciit ; — attended trgenb ciucm Bffentlicfcen die fpar= fam befucbt. THINNESS, 8 1. bic Tiiuuc. Sunns bcit, Duniiigfctt;2. Selteufjett, Spars liitfcit; 3. ocid'ibcit. THIRD, I. adj. tcr tnttc ; 11. ..-. I. ba9 rnntbcil ; 2. bie Eertie tcr fedj^igfic Jbcil einet Setunbe); :befjgleie$en, Mus. '/') ; 3. (— [hill] i I .u. /:. bet tviitc (obet £ertia< 2BecJ)= fcl, tic Xcvtic; — @emeU mil, bet tnttc -2taut; bafl Hitter; bau.5; the — mate of a ship, bcr brine ©tcucniiaiiu ; every — day, allc trci Cage; — penny, L.T. bal Tritiel vpit ©elbftrafen u. f. >v., tic bci ~lJro.- jeffen Dorfoinnten ; — point. Are*, r. tcr DiiretfCynittepunft im 0$eitcl einet gleidjjeitigen preieo?€; arch oi the — point, bet Spifcbogen; — rate, oom triitcu Stange j —sound, ,oter, third 1 Mus. T. tic Jcrlie. THERD1NGS, U /. T.bat ?ritttbeil ber Smte, roelrbeS bem vcbubcrnt all iEobfaUflvecbJ jufdllt. THffiDLY, . brittcni, jinn briitcrt 443 THOR THOU THRE mmD?, s. pL bae SBithvcngnt, wclcfves in tent Tritttbeil beS SetinoflenS bcs scrirorbencn (SbcmauneS bcircht, ttnb tveldjee Me SBtttwe lefxnSldnglit^ ge= ntegt. ruiRLAGE, 5. bcr 3Jf.iif>[jttjaug. rHIRST, & ter 3>urft ; ./i>. tie 5Bc^ter= fcc; 10 quench the — , belt ^Ulji 15= fitcn; .fig. Pits. — of gain, bie @es minnfUCQt ; — of knowledge, bcr 23if= feusturjr; — of praise, bie 9tubm* fufbt; — after happiness, ber ©urfl a ad) ©lufffeltgfett ; — for (worldly) honours, bie (Sbrfudst. To thirst, v. v. burflen, butften ; (— after, for, Itac^ .. ). thirstlness, 5. bcr £urft, bie 0ier. ramSTY, adj. butfiig ; burr, berfengr, ./?»■. butftig fOOtt ber @tbe); blood- thirsty, blutburftta. thirteen, adj. treijefjn. THIRTEENTH. I. adj. bcr breijeljnte ; iis.Mus.T. bie Dctaoe bcr ©ertc; — h-. ado. yam bvci^chntcit. thirtieth, adj. bcr brcttjigftc. I'HIRTY, adj. brcifiig. THIS, pron. dem. btffcr, bt'ffe, bicfeS; bet, bie, ba§; in — country, bier $u Saitbe ; at — day, uodj bcute, jefco Jt'-Tb ; — day fortnight (to come), bcute ftbet ago. »or) oicrgefjit £age(n); — month, bcr laitfeilbe iUoiiat ; — month (year) past, fctt (t»Pr) eiltcilt DiPllat (3abre); by—, hierburcb; tiibeffcu ; jefct; of — , (person ; — way, btcrbcr. THISTLE 5. bie Siftcl; order of the— , bcr (febottifebe) SDifielorben, 2lnbre= aSorben; — down, bie ©tfleliwofle; — fineh, bcr 5)ii!elftiif, ©tieglifc. thistly, adj. coll Sifteln, bifhiid). thither, adc. bortbin, babin. thitherto, adc. bis ba&iu, bis bort= bin. THITHERWARD, adc. babtttlVaitS, tortbinnjarts. Thomas, s Stomas (3>lanu«nanic). THOMIST, s. bcr £bo»ti!"i, 9iiirf)folgcr bcr 8e|jte beS Stomas 2Iquina§. thong..,- ter Jtiemnt, letcrne Strang, ©trcif, bie tJJcttfcbeufdinur. thor, *. £(jor, (bet bcu at ten Xtuio- nttt £ouuergotl. thoracic, adj. jt. T. jur SPruft geb> tig, an ber iBrufc ; — duct, ber (38ilt|=)99raflaang, ; — fishes, i-u. Thoracics. thoracics. *. P l. bie SBrufifiefftr (pu- ces thoracici). THORAL. adj. jnm (f bebefte geborig ; — line, bie SBenutfinie inber^anb); — separation, bie ©fbeituiig I'PUl thorax, g. a. r. bic ©tuft. THORLVA, s. bie Sborertc, S^orins erbe. THORN.*. 1. ber ©orn, ©racbel; 2. jig. bie Sefi$nerlt$rcir; baS grose ^iubernifj; «§einmntjj bcr SBeffe= rung: proc-s. to be upon thorns, (0leia)fam rote) auf (i?oljlen) Sfiabeln MSflt; no rose without a — , feilie 3iP'"e pbne ©omen; cockspur — , ber nrginifebe 9Uarolbauin (Crataegus cms galli — /..) ; Egyptian — , ber cgnptifebe ©djotenborit (Acacia — /,.) ; evergreen — , tie ftadjeligc 3)ii»= tet; Glastonbury — , ber JtieUjbOTtl ^CraUegus — L) ; goats' — , bcr SBocfS- rpril (Tragacanlha — L.) ; lily — , bie Sontltlte (CatesbtEa— L.) ; white — , ter SBetiborn, ^agrborn; — apple, ber 2tccf>apfe(, 5»WopfeI (Dciura stramonium — L.) ; — back, b :r ©ttts Cfcclrpr^e f.Rnja clacata — I u , — but, bie •Dieerbutte, jpiafteipe {PUuronertes liztssa — L.) • — bush, ber T*jrnen= M4 llraua); - hedge, tie JCotnfjccTe j — less, tprnlrs. THORNY, adj. bomtj, JlflC^eltg ; .fig. fcfawtertfl ; — bumet, bic botntge 33l= bexnelle, i-inivinclle; — trefoil, bas bprnicbte J)retbIatJ son danbta (Fag> viicretica — L.) ; — loach, bie <2tCtll- fc^merle, ter ©tetnyet^fer (CobMs tar nia — X.). THOROUGH (adv. — ly), adj. burcbge= benb, bureaus, bure^gangt'g; 6pU= fomnteit, ypllftantig, gcinjiic^; . , from a — conviction, .. (UlSSPlIiger Ue= bcrtciignng ; — bass, bcr ®eneral= bari; — bass player, ter @cncralba§= fpielcr (wclcber tie 3Iccprte nacb tern bejirTevtctt £Ba§ fpiclt) ; — bred, spit gutcr Qlbfiutft, Don gnfein Slute; bptt gnter (Srsieb.ung ; griinbticb/ ftn= birf, ausfiubirr, nurgebtlbcf, gritnb= licb erfabrcn ; — draught, ber 5>urd)= jug; — fare, bie 5)urcbfaf)it, bcr Surebgang, Surcb.Ia^ ; — paced, soII= ftaubig, auSgemacb, t. sollfontmen ; — repair (of a ship\bic .§aupt=9ccl , a= ratur (eineS 'SdnffeS) ; — sped, »5fl{g betuanbert, r-pllfommen ; — toil, bag ^Jflajlergelb fur 3Steb ; — was, ba« Surcbtvacbs, ©rur^lront {BupUurum rotundifoliitm — I.) ; — wort, bcr burc^iuacbfeue 5)ojtcn (Eupatorium perforatum — L). thos, s. bcr Ooibnjplf, caiKiniifr^e ■yUI'.t (Cutis cancrirorvs). those, pron. pi. bicicnigcit, bie, jene, fptcbe. THOU, pron. bU. To THOU, r. n. & a. 1. tllfccn ; 2. flllf scrtrante 2Beife bebantcln. THOUGH, conj. 1. i>bfcboi!, obfllct'cb, menn audi glcirb, wetut and) ; 2. IXOWC, frctlicb ; 3. fam. tod), jctrcb ; — I say it, obne mid) ju ruf>men, ob,ne rubmvetig ju fci;it; as — , al8 ob, aU weitn ; what — , gefe^t, bap aucb . . , ttjcnn aucb ; he makes as — . . , cr tbut aU ob . . . thought, s. 1. baS ^en!en ; 2. ber ©cbaitfe; 3. Scgviff; 4. bie 3J?ci= uung; 5. bcr ©init; 6. ta» £}}a$jtn= ecu; 7. bie Setradjfung, ltc&erle= gung; 8. ©orge, Sraurtgfeif, 53e= fiiutmernis ; 9. 3lb]"trbt, ber,3we. ; want of... tie Qetattfcitlpftgfcit; second — , bad reifcre 9iad>bctiEen ; to take — , ftdj f>5cmen, es fid) jit ^erjtn ncblltcn ; take no — for to-morrow, forge nicbt fut morgen ; a — too light, c::i 3Benig ?u Icicbt; I am a — beuer, tcb bin etoaS beffcr ; a — longer, inn eiu 2Bcnige5 (anger ; the merry — of a fowl, baS Sniftbciu be§ ©cfiiigelJ, col. bie ©ville ; — sick, rsn ju oie= lent Denfen frauf, unru^tg, fd;mcr= mi\tf)tg. THOUGHTFUL (adc. — ly). a,lj. 1. ge= banfcnvod, ltadjbenfntt, nacbtenfli'cb, tiefftuuig; 2. jinn SRacfybenfcn ein!a= ben; 3. aufmerffam, forgfaltig, be= fcrgt, befi'tntineit. THOUGHTFOLNESS, .<. 1. bic ©cban= fcitfiille, bas ticfe ?}ad)tcnfeit, bie Slteffinuigfeir ; 2. ©orafaltiflfett, £Be= forgni§, Sefummerntp. THOUGHTLESS (adv. — ly), adj. 1. gebanfenloS ; 2. unl-elummert, fprg= Io3 ; ttacblafftg; 3. himpf ; gctaii= Eeuleer, tumin. rHOUGHTLESSNESS, r. tie ©ctail = fenloitgfcit ; Sorgloilgfcit. THOUSAND, L adj. taufenb; II. s ba5 Saufent ; — fold, taufciitfacb ; a) — times, tauftllb STOal ; a man of a — oc- cupations, cincr bcr ju SWcni gefd/t'i|e; — moss, iaS Jtitotfiu IttOOS (Bryum — /,) ; — papers, (pa* Vicrue) 3n>irun.ucfel ; —shaped, fa= benforntig (yon 33urjeln) ; — stam- per, ber itnirte Jtegel (ciue DJJufcbel) ; — tape, baS 3 n 'trnbanb. To thread, v. a. einfabcln ; fig. burd)= briugen, fid; bitrd)njtnbeu. threaden, adj. au§ yaten bcfteftciib (w. a.). thready, adj. 1. ^aten enfbalfenb, fabtfl ; 2. biinn (mie fjaben), fafcrig. threat. ». bie ©roljung, 53ebrob,ung. To THREATEN (* To THREAT), v. a. broben, betrpben, brauen, in ©cbrc= cfen feften (— with, nttt). THREATENER, s. bcr 'Droher. THREATENING (adv. — ly), adj. brO= bent ; — letters, Srofjbriefe ; — looks, brofjeube Slicfe. threatful, adj. boiler 2)tobimgen, ftarf trpfient, braaenb, bctrpblid;. THREE, adj. bret ; by threes, jit Srcieil ; — capsuled, mit bret Sapfcllt ; — celled, B. T. bvcifacberig ; — cleft, b.t. brci* ftaitig ; — cornered, breiccfig ; B. T. breifetttg ; — deep, brei 2Uanu bpd) ; — edged, treifd;uctttg ; B. T. breifei= tig ; — fingered, brctfingerig ; — fiowered, bretbiumig ; — fold. brei= fad), breifdltig ; — footed, bretfiijjig, breibetnig; — forked, breitgefig, bret* jinfig; — grained, breifprnig; — half- pence, anbevtbalb ^>euce, ©tiibcr; — headed, brcitopfig ; — hooped, mit bret Sieifen gcbuuten, brcifiifig : — inch(ed). brcijplltg; fig. flein, gering, »erad)tlicb; — leaved, breiblatterig ; — leaved grass, ©reiblfltt, Jllce, Xvi- f&liunt; — legged, ruig. breibeiitig ' — lobed, B.T. bfeilappig ; — mouthed, breimaulig ; — nerved, B. T. brcirip* pig ; — nooked, breiwinfeltg ; — part cd. breitbcilig ; — pence, brei Spence, brei Stiibcr; — penny, brei $. n. .S- n. ti'i 7o Thrash. THRESHER, «. 1. nV. Tiih.vsiier ; 2. ber ScefuctjS (Sgualus vnfpes — £.). threshold, s. bie ecbruclk, £&ur» frbiveile. THRICE, adv. brei 2J?al ; — noble lord, fer}t (l)5d)ft) ebler •&crr, To THRU), ?'. a. fich (burebjflemntcu, fid; (butcbjroinben; burcfyfchliipfcn, burrijteben. THRIFT, s. 1. bic (Sparfamfeir, baa 3iiratbcbalteii, bie flute 2Birtbfr&aft; sffiirtbfdjaftlicbfeit; 2. bas (Mlncf, ber SBoblftanb; ©eroinn, ©ertbeil; 3. bic eecueife (statke — /- ). THRIFTTNESS, «. 1. bic iparfamfeif, ^irtbfrbaftiicbfeii, 3!atr>)\inifeit; 2. baa ©cbcibeit. THRTJTLES3, adj. ycrfcfeaicnbcrtfc^ ; 6be, unfrudjtbar, uitgebciblicfc. THRIFTY (ado. — ilv). adj. 1. raff)* fam, fparfam, baualich, rotrtbfcbafu licb, bauafjalferifeh vcrroalteub, ei* fpart; 2. gebcibenb. THRILL, s. 1. bcr2)rillbpbrer ; 2. ber burcbbriiigeube Son, Jtlang, Sriller. To THRILL, v. I. a. 1. trilkii, bol)ren, burdjbebven; 2. seriDUiibcn; H. n. 1. bcben, fd)aitcru, fcbaubcrn ; 2. ftarf imb frbavf timet!, fjcllcu. To thrive, v. n. gcteilieit, fortfom= men, juncbjncit, tvciben, rpacbfett, vctci) rocrbert, ©liicf babcu. niiuvER, ». eincr ber @luaia; jjreh. t. bie fjobjEffjle ; jv. T-s. bic fSlii an ber ©affcl ; ber ,£>als cinca JtiiicbcljeS ; — of an anchor, ber Slllfcrbala; to have a sore — , CtHCtt fchlimmcit, bp= fen .fjala b«bcu ; to cut the — , bie Jteble abfcbueibcu, ntorbeu ; — hand, ber jteblnemen (am 3aum) ; jv. T-s. — brails, SBefchlagleinen, ©cptauc an ber ©affel ; — brail of tlie mizzen, baa ©cfanebrpfjf ; — buckles, Jicb> (rieiii=)fcbttalfctt ; — down-hauler, JY. T. ber 'Dcicbcrbolcr ber ©affcl, ber an ber 3J}icf befeftigt ift; — flap, ber Jlebltccfcl, baa 3apfcr)cit ; — haliard, JV. t. ber ©affelfafj ; — pipe, tic 8uf> rijhrc ; — root, bie SBaffermfirjWurj (Ocum riva/c) ; — seizing, J\". T. baa ■gatbbinbfel ; — vein, a. t. tie 6a!3= ater; — wort, baa SBalbglbtttfien, ■jpatefraut, bie$aUiMir}et,bae luau ne Aiii s ]erbiitd;cit (Campanula troche- Hum — J..\ THROATY, rid. Gi rnr.u,. To THROB, r. ,i. p'vcbcn, fcbdirtcn, bc= bell, flopfcil, plllfil'CIl ; my heart throbs, inir fffjlaot bnS ^erj. THROB, s. b«8 iUHtcu, ^cbUii]cii, (^erj-)J?Iopfen, $ulftren. throes, a.pi. bit (@eburf«s)SDB«^en ( (@cburte=)edintcrjcit, bad Areifen, bie 3;pbe«anafr, ber SEobeSlainpf. To 'throe, v. i. 7i. in S^eben liegen, freifett, StobeSflitflft eiiipfiiibeii ; li. a. rucl) marbcit, bcftiij nngfttgen, ZoicS- flua,ft einjageit. throne, a.i. ter2bn>it ; 2. «BifcfcofS- To THRONE, v. a. Ollf bctl S"fur>tl ft« fcen ; t'jroned, tbroiteiib. throng, «. tag ©ebranae, ber ©rang, 3nlanf, ^aufen, tic dlctnge. To THRONG, v. a. &■ n. braii^cii, fidj brangcii; bebrdn^cn ; thronged, ge= brangt wVL. THROSTLE, ». bte®injbrt>fffl [Tardus mitsicus — L.). THROSTLING. 5. cine 9lrt (.<5cil==) brauite bee SJtinbDiebe*. THROTTLE, s. tic I'iifnobrc, SttiU; — valve, T. tie Tanipffl'U've, tcr 3»-- gange^atjn, bns ^cbnardibctitil. To THROTTLE, via. erbtofffllt, cr= roiirgen, erjitaen; n. n. rbeheln. THROUGH, I. prep, turd), an*, bor, nuttelft; — books, turcb ©iidjcr; — motives, au§ ©riiiiteii, uiegeit ; to fall asleep — weakness, ocr ilWittiafei: einfcolafen: n. adv. burd> ; turd) unb burcj), burdjaii*, gainlid); to run — with a sword, nut cimm (Scbwcrte burcb.bct;rcn ; to read — , burrblcfcit ; to <:o (get) — (a business, cin @ef$aftj anefiibrcn, burtbfiihren, Beenbtaeu. THROUGHLY, adv. gaiijlidv »OUfoin= men, t>bUi>), burtbaua. THR< (UGHOUT, prep. erfen, bcvaiuftrcacu, QUBJlogeil ; verfleficu ; scrjageu, roegjagen, berbntinen, ucv- trcibcu; bertvcrfeii ; fallen laffcn ; jurud laffcn ; bollbvingen ; to — out (some) bints, 511 vcvftebeii geben, an bie ^anb geben: jeigen : to — out words of contempt, Srijtin^frebcn nuefto^en; to — (goods) over board, (®utet an.- merfen, iiber Sorb roerfen ; 10 — up. aufivcrfcii, in bic .)>chc tverfen, bcr= oot roerfen, aueroerfen; auifpcten; viu' 33erbru| aufgeben, binroerfen ; i<> — up the cards, bie Jiavtcn binuH'f= fell; — yourself upon God, VCl'tiailC auf ®0tt. THROW,*. 1. ber SBnrf; 2. Jig. tic SHnihengung j 3. tcr Streidj, Se^Iag. THROWER, s. 1. tcr Sffierfer; 2. 3rjimcr, (silk — ), ©citctirviuucr, Scitcubcrcitcf, Scbnurbreber. THRUM, 1. 1. baa Sritnint, tcr gaum, baa igalbcntc (tcr florfige Saum an ber2einroanb;«grpbt ©ef}>inn(t, gr?be ©am. THRUMS, ^J. 1. .V. T Iruiunt (.Sttiefc FrooQc) \n tutem 5pfcbauait; 2. ©taubfaben ; tnron>«ap, tie raucbt (grobe, woUcnc) SDZufit ; — hat, tcr rauebe J>amen-) .'jut; — night-caD; tic fErobbel:£D2ufet< v ■; iiici m. r a if v 1. fit(au,cn, cin 3nftrumcnt fdiled)t fpielen, flimptrn. fra^cn ; 2. lviboit. fviuncii; to — the guitar, tie ©uitarre fpielen ; to — a mat, -V. T. eiu Scgcl, cine 2Jkt» te fViifen. THR1 SH,* 1. tic ©rofftl; 2. Ml T bie ScbroSmine (tin i)Juiite tcr Jttn* tcr ; golden — , tcr gemcinc $irol< bie ©olfbronel (Oriohu pallida - Sp. T. lei '+>r'erbcn) tcr gtrablfdiiuas vcu, running — , bie flieyente 2traM- fdule ; sea — , tic i)itcrani r cl, tcr 3m= felftfd) {I.nbrus turdus — I..). Tb THRUST. » a.S.n. 1. ftofien, tret. ben; 2. triugen, tran.ieu j 3. au k ',rci= fen; 4. biu'eiiipreffeu ; 10 — away . roegftofieu ; to — down, bin--- ab, binuntei flofen; to — in, einflo= ^cn, eintrciben, einfcMa^eu, einfei= ten ; to — into, biueiiiftcfjcu ; cm= triiiiicn, auftvingen ; to — off it e.^ ftoKcn; to — on, forlfreiben, an:vci= ben ; to — out, atisftoyeu ; to — through. blircbftofiCII ; to — to the wall, an (gegen) bic SDtauet brangen ; to — r, uifammcinverfeii. THRUST, ». I. bet Stof, Stid); 2. yiugriff, 2lu8faU : to falaUy a — , cine Aiule niadicn ; two thrusts together tie a i ute. THRUSTER, 1. bet Stofenbe, v .'!ngvci= fenbe. THRUSTLE, .1. tie <£Tr>ffcl. Tilu.MR, .*. tcr Daumen ; to bite the— at, (ebemale) gegcu ciucit (ale ©fbet= be ber ©eltibigung obex ^erauefot* bcvuug) in beit Daum bcifu-n, ibm bie gei igen ; hop g. irgenb tfwaJ fci'v ©ro< fcv, Oerounbernaroettbee. THUMPING, adj. oulg. febt ,ivctl, ticf, plump ; a — fellow, ber gvofc, ftavfe .Kcil. THUNDER, », I. tcv Tenner ; 2. Varm, bae @etDJe, ©ebraufe; 3. tie Bffeut* lute, brobenbe Slnftagt j the ih of the Vatican, tie Domiet tea 93ati= fan! ; — and lightning, Sonnet unb : cine Sltt ©oral, obet ivplle> nerBtufl »°n fttellem ^lufebcu; — I bolt, tcv ipiiuevfeil, ©li, ; JKt'n. T.tO 445 TICK TIE TILi ^Otli'.crflf in ; — bolt of excommunica- tion, ber sSaimflrabl, bag 2lnarbenta ; — clap (— cmck). ber 5>onncrfcblag ; — cloud, bie ©eroitterroolfe; — gust, bet ©eroifterfturm, tie SEvatwibe ; — si fin 2lpparat von bet gorm ci= iic3 fiauSdjenS, um etc SBtrfutigen begSBu'fceS 511 jcigen ; — shower, ber ©eroitterregeu ; — stone, ber 'Sou* ncrftciu, 5)oimerf eit ; — storm, ber ©eroifterfturm; — struck, n>ij.fg.\vie torn 5)oniier geriibrt, gctrofjen, Ijef- Jig erfdjrocfen, crftaiiut. To THUNDER, 0. a. Sr n. bOltltcnt, voit-- tcrtt, roettent ; braufeii; beraugbou- Jtcril ; to — out an excommunication. ben SBannfirafyl fcbleiibcrn ; to — down, uictcrtonncrn, iiietcrfct)iuct= tern. Thunderer, s. ber Sonnerer. rHUNDEROOS, adj. bonncnib, furdjt* bar, grafHicb. (to. ii.). THURIFEROUS, adj. 2Bfif)raud? tra= qenb, iBcibraitd; brinqciib. THURiFicvTiuN, s. bae SRaudr)eru, SBetfyraucr/fireuen, 33cit)raitcbbrcu= lien. YHURINGIA, s. JCfjutttigen. rHURINGIAN, I. adj. tburtligtfc$ ; II. *. ber 2'buriugcr. Thursday, s. ber Sonnerftag. rHUS, ado. fo, alfo, ouf biefe SBeife; — it is. fo iit ec- ; — far, fo toeit; — much, fo Otef. To THWACK,©, a. fcblagen, brefdjen, iburdvroalfcu, (burd) gerben, (burd))s Falafdicu. rHWACK, s. ber. Scjjlag, Stoofbieb fiber bie «rbultcr. 1'hwaite, s. eine ?lbart ber SlTofe pea alosa — L.\ fieiltcr llltb 111 it cinia,eit feijroarjen islecfctt. thwart, adj. 1 . frbrage, ([Uev ; 2. ocr« febrt, unbcquciit, uttaitgcuelMit, bc= fcbroerlirb, uacbthcilig, enrgegen. To Tin\ art. d. i. a. burebjreujen ; 11. n. in fete Duere fommcii, biubent, bintcvlid), jurotber fei;n, fid) totber= fetjeu. THWARTER, s. bie 5>rer)franfbeii bet ©ffcctfe, TilWARTiXGLY, ado. in bie Cucre, entgegen, iiitoiber, biubcrtidi. THWARTNESS, s. bie SBcrfeljrtljett, •JBiberroa'rtigteif. THWARTS, s. pi. .v. t. bie 9iiibcr= SBdnfe. THWARTSHfPS, ado. .v. T. quer itber bci» S if iff. THY. prun. pass, bciit, beine, bcitt. THYME, s. ber £ b\) nt iii n, Cucubcl (Thymus vulgaris — J,.); oil of — , 3>.imiauol; wild — , ber gelblftin= mel, unite 5{}olei), Duenbel. thymus, s . A. T. tie &81 imtvi'tfe. THY MY, adj. Poll S'bttmiait. rHYROID, adj. A. T. fcbilbforttttg ; — cartilage, ter tiwepteifebe Jiuevpel ber Echtlbtnorpel; — gland, bie tty.)- reobeifefye 5)rufe, <2d;ilbbriife. thyrsi' (Thyrsos), ». 1. ber Sb»r= f«8, SacrfcuSfiab ; 2. /;. T. bet 2tvauf;,bic etffirmtge SRtfpe. THYSELF, pron. bit fclbft, felbft, bid', bit. TIAR, Tiara. ». 1. tie £iara, FBniglirie •ftauptbiube; 2. breifacbe jbone beg $apjte8. riLHAL, adj. 1. J]. T. $11111 SdMCttbciU gcrjorig ; 2. eine Sgfeife betreffeitb. riBURO, s. ber @$ClUfelfifd) (Zygana tihuro — £, ). riC-DOLOUREUX, g. JI.,1. t. ber ©e= fidit^fdjinerj. TICK, S. 1. ber (bed — ), (S3eft-)lte$er= jiiii. tie 3icd)e, bas Snbelt; 2. iit 3ecfe, ©d>af{au« (i^des) ; (do S — , 44(3 bie .fSmibcliV-lS (Acarus ricinvs — L.) ; 3. ber gtebtt, Sorg; 4. bag JEtrfen (Eitftacf) cincr Uhr ; upon — , auf 93ov« ; — bean, bie ^fevbebohne, Saitbobtie [Viciafaba — J.) ; — seed, ber SSaitjenfameii (Corispermum — l.) ; baS SBmijengeficbt (eine $fjaiu $e — Coreopsis — /,.). 7j tick. o.7j. 1. ticfen (rote ctuc llf>r) ; 2. auf i^pia, itrbiitcn, borgeit. TICKE.V, s. rid. Tick, 1. ticket, s. 1. ber 3eftel; 2. 2dMtlt= febein, tic SBerfrijretbuitg ; 3. ta3 SoftertelooS ; 1. (:5beiiter=)^i[Ie(,bcr Kinlagjettel ; 5. tie ©ejetc|>nung ; 6. .1/. e. bas SBaarenjeic^cn, bie 3Baarett:@tiquctte j — porter, ber 3ettcIttA,cr. To ticket, o. a. ^titcl aiifbcften, att= beften; ntit einer 39e}eid}ltung ((5ti= quette) "erfeben ; SBaareu nu6jetd)= ncii, 5preifc atthefteit, nunieriren, bc= jetteln, ettquctfircn. To tickle, v. I. a. fi^eht; rci$ctt, jtt= cfen; fcfcmetcbelit ; II. v. I illicit) fei;n, fid) fifeeitt, ftejj gefi^clt fithlcn. TICKLER, s. ber '(bie) J?i§e[itbc. TICKLISH, adj. 1. fifcltd) ; 2. iimcfeli'.b, lvaufclbaff; 3. febwierig; — times, fritifebe 3eiten. TICKLISHN'ESS, s . bie Jtitjefiqfeit. TICKTACK, I. adr. tieftacf gc'heii ; (t>on cincr Ubr 1 ; 11. 5. US Xndtvai (cine Slrt Srettfptel). tid. adj. nieblt'4 fanft, jart; Ie la= gen ; to — down, uicberbinben - .o — together, Jufammeitbinben ; to — t« rules, Jig. ail :Hea.cit! binbeu ; to — -jpi anbiiibcn, aufbinbeu, ausbinbeu, \\x-- fammenbinben, f c ft binbeu, oerbiiu ben ; jurftfl balten. tie. s.'l. baS Sanb; ber Jlitoteit. bie Scbleife; 2. .^aarfleebte; 3. SScr- Vfiid>titng ; 4. Mus. T. bie SBtnbung (Sigatur ber -Jloten im Sortrage); bie Sd)Ieife, SBinbe, ber 53ogen~; 5. a-, t-s. ba^ Sreb^reej) ; false — , baS 2?orgbrcbrecn ; — hoie,ba§ ^ummcr= gat; — piece, T. ber gticb,balfen, ba§ ©tiebinett (am 5)arbe); —top, ber ©lumetitraii} ; — wig, bie Jtito- tcnpcrritcfc. tier, 5. 1. bie STitibe, Sinie; 2. baS Drgeltegifler, bie Drgelftimme; jv. Pk-s. — of the cable, bie Sebeibe son cinem aiifgefebrffeneu 9lnfcrtau ; a — of cannon, bie iJJeibe (Siuie) ota= uonen, (balbe) SBatterie. tierce, 5. 1. bie ^rittel^ipe, (ein Sap von 42 ©aHotteu) ; 2. T. bie Scrtie, £erj (iinSedjten, SPiquetfpte* le unb in ber iDJiifif) ; 3. H. T. bie brcifaebc Sbciluug; —to the queen, bie JEerj von ber Same; — major, bie £erjmajor. tiercel, Tiercelet, s. ber X'ix\, (ba3 iUanitdKit teg Saubeufalfeit obet ©tocfaarg). TIERCET, s. Mas. T. bag Xerirtt, 5)reifpiel; ber Sreigefang; ber»,®e: fang wn brei Stanjcii, ber 3>irt' reim. tiff. s. eulg. taS Scbmollcn, UebeU ncbincit, ber Uitroille. To tiff, v. n. wig. libel nehjnen, febmollcu. tiffany, s. bie biinue©aje, ber Stiat 3tor; Spiegclftor, bie gejteiftc ©a> je; — veil, bie glorfappe. TIGE, a. ber Saiilenfd)aff, (Scfeaft. TIGER, 5. ber 2;iger ; American — , be: 3aguar (Fclis o'nea — L.); — cat. bie Sigcrfafcc, ber capifdic panther (Fda capensis — L.) ; the great — moth, bit 33armotte ; — - s foot, cine 2ht Ivicb: tcruMttbc (ipmmea — L.) ; — shell, bit JtigcrvorceUaitfcbiterfe; — stamper, bie Sigcrfcbnccfe, 3li'S=.Tutc ; — stone, cine ilrt Sefetefcr mit 2cbwcr= erbc. TIGERISH, adj. vid. Tigrish. TIGHT {adv.— ly), adj. 1. Ctige, bidjt, berb, tiiebtig, feft; 2. fitapp, ge= fpaitut; 3. roof)' gefdmiirt, fauber; 4. farg, gcnait; 5. gefcrjicfr, bebenb, geroantt ; Sea Pii-s. a — ship, ein bicb= teg (I'.ie^t lerfeg; Sd)iff ; to heave — , fteif »erteurn. T<> TIGHTEN, v. a. Fmipp aujiebeu, fctaiiren ; cnger maebeu. tightness, s. 1. bie (Si:ge, J?napp= beit; 2. Sauberfeit, 5Jiettigfeit ; 3 ^?argbeit, Sparfamfeit. tigress, s. bie Stgertiin. tigrish, aa> - . ivic ein 2iger, tigerartig TIKE, s. vid. Tick. tii.k. s. 1. ber 3tegel ; 2. Min. T. ein Sedel oon gebrannteni ?ebm ju ci= nciii i&cbmcljttegcl ; hollow — . bei ^ob/hiegel ; — kiln, ber 3iegeIofen ; bie 3iegell)utie, 3iegelfd;euite, 3' es gelbrtnuerei, 3iegelei ; — maker, bet 3tege[[ucnner, 3 Ic g' cr ; — making, bag 3icsielftreid)ett; — ore, bag 3'?= gelerj, Jtupferbraiin ; — Bhard, bit 3icgelfd)crbe, bag Biegelftiief. To TILE. v. a. mit 3'i's3 cl11 beefeit; >ei( 3iegel berfen. TILER, s ber 3iegelbeifcr ; — - s louse, ber SKauerefel, jfeelletefel. TILICHERRY BARK, s. bie (5oitefftri8« be V '. - CI1 Ncrium antiJyscntericum ~ L*)< T1MB TIME ti.w; Tll.Ua. tie ©dntbiatc, ©elbcaffe (ti; eiuem ©ernBlbe), tic Sabencaffe. riLL prep. Sr eon/. biS, 80t; — now, bio je^t, $citncr ; — due, M rh. bid |ur SBrrfalljett ; — then, bis bamals, bis in tor 3cit, biS babcv ; — this day, biS tu bem beutigcnXage; — I come, bi-5 id) fomme. "VTiii, v.n. pftugen, acfent, bauen, •eftelleu, fjubcrciteu, madnu. 1'ILLABLE, «///. vflii^bar, acferbar. TILLAGE, s. tcr 9lcfetbau, gelbbau. TILLER, *. I. bev iBurje Ifpvot) ; 2. bcr jPfliigct, Scfermann, Sanbmann; 3. .v. t, bev ■Ochnftcef, tie Jtiitcrpinuc; 4. bic Sdjubtabe ; — rope, jv. T. bag ©tenerrcep. To TILLEB, 7-. n SBurjelfproffen Pbev ■;itarfi tan iQefcftnetbeu) ncuc ©$5jjs (inge tveibett. ru/r. L ». I. bev ) tippCU, auf tic Sfteige fefcen ; to — over, fibers Jiypen, ftberfcblagett ; tilted cast steel, gegerbter (MitiiftaM, mit tent Stab= h.i muter subercitetev ©tabl ; II. n. 1. s vait;en bvcebeii, tnriiicvcu; 2. raps ricvett, ftecbcit, ftofjen, mit SRappierett fecbtcn, [oSftfirjen; 3. hiit= lint bcv= fdiieaiifett ; 4. Icbucnb fichcit. nLTER, s. 1. tcv 2ted)cv, (SRappietO ACittcv, Surttierer, jTampfev; 2. .Oainmcrcr, ssrbmicbcr; 3. tic Uu- tcrlage uitter ciit Sap, um eg ju fippett. ni.'i'ii, .<. baS IWigeii, 33aucn, S8e== ftellen, bev Slcfetbau. riLTING (part, SOU To Tu.r) ; — n rtiiour. tic .iiiviticvviiitutia, ; — lance, tic liitviiicilantr, tgtoplailje ; — place, bet Tnruierplaf}. TIM. s. atbr. ftatt Timothy, tilUOtbcuS (iWauuguanic). riMBAL (Tvmum.i s. tie I'aufe. s. 1. baS S9auhoIj, SJtufcljoIj; 2. tcv SBaumftamnt; 3. bas ^aitpts gebalf; 4. tic (Ban-- iSOTatettaliett, tcv 2tcrT J timbers, pi, -V. Ph. tic 3nb5ljer, <3p;ntifit, bad SJlippeus iverf ; — of the tops, tic .Hl.impcit bet 2JZaiTen: square — , Iotbvccbt auf bem ,.ticl jtcbente Spauncii; timbers and room {or Bpace), tie gacfeil (;)(aume jivifdicit ben Jnb,oIjern); timbers of ermine, //. T. ^(eibcu iget» melinfcbroanjcberi ; — heads, A r . T. bie SpBIIer, "J?olfcr; — mark (markfir . bev otrabpaffer ; tic Wttdicvmavfe: — merchant, ter Jpofj&ditbter; — slabs, 2itill|ti'ufc ; - - sow, bet .poll' touvm ; — trade, tcv 93(Pnb,ol^nnbeI ; — tree, bet |ll ©«ltbJ0l)| taiUllidU' Baitm ; —woo,], tag (yinmerljolji, VSaubolj; — work, tag ?ad}ioevf, 3immetmerF; —yard, tct 3im'«er= bof, §oI}bof< •5ct5tan:n: 7b TIMBER, d. I. a. jimmertt 'to. ii.) ; II. n. nifteii. TIMBERED, adj. i]C(immcrt ; flebaut (». ii. ! , neformt, befd)affen ( mit Bous hcl; vevfebeit. TIMBRE, s. II. T. tcv .Oelntticvatb, tie ■Oclnuiertc, .Oelutfleitiottc. TIMBREL, s. bie Heine tiirfifebe) Erommel; Sebellettfrommel ; — waits, pi. (2d)cUcti=)ivontmclfd;Ia- ger. TIMBRELED, adj. (fjcfattij) sou tcr 2duHciitfoutiitc( oegleitet. TIME, s. I. tie 3cit ;' 2. tag BcitmaS, bet £act, bie S'acteiiitbciluu,'!, bcr ■V'itfrblaa,, baS S£onina{i;3 ; bcr 3»t ; frbcitrauni, bic ;ViMi"dicnteit; 4. tic gefjStige (recBfe pctl ; 5. tic Jliiitbctt-- jeit; G. bag ilial; 7. (—in fen T. bic SRenfitt (bcim Sedjtcn) ; B. Gr,i,». t. bag SentpuS, bic 3eitj the — past, present, and to come, tic 0et« flcugene, gegentoarttge unb juffinf= tt(je3eit; apparent — , bic Spttltett- jeil; mean — , bie 3tttflltf ( $ un B'' mittferc §tit; Mil. Ph-s. ordinary — , march ! Citiuavfd)vitt, 3JJarfcb ! quick — , ® efcbroiiibfdjritt ; quickest — , (Srurnifchrttt ; pressed for — , eittfl; take (your — , otev your own) — , lliirtm tie 3cit ; ten minutes at a — , U'hit SRtnufcn fang, hintcvciiiautev, auf ein SBial; how goes — ? wte fpat tft eg? in — , mit tcv Sett ; in due — , redjtjeittg, tit vcdifer Jcit; in ancient tunes, in alten ;',citcil ; in our — , lut beftimmtcS Stgeutbum baben. TIMONEER » A*. Ph ter 3Rann an: Center, SRubetbefteutet, SJtubergfinget TIMORi iTJS [a !o — m ' : . 'ni'ittfam, beforgttcb, bcteuflidi. Sngftlicb, oet* lajt; — ness, ». tie Surrbtfamfett, iBefotgIt^feif,33ebeulItcl)rett,Slenfljb lirbfcir. TIMOTHY, ». -limi'tbcttS ("l^anuS- naiitel; —grass, tag (ffliefett*)* SiefcbgraS [Phleum pratense — /J. TIN, - l. tag 3iun; 2. Blec$, weife SBIerJ ; — foii,ba35BIattjiitn, Staniol, Stagltol ; — glass, tcr aBifjntutb ; — man! bet .Vi'itaieia-r, T'ldtutlagcr, iclemplter; 'i'lcdilvintler; — mine, bte Jinugrube; —ore ba« Jinntrj; — pyrites, tcr jJiunfieS, bai SrbwcfeU jinn ; — -' .'Ibfall ; — . ^iniikMb. SrbneHfotb; — bet 3iiinftetu, bie 3iungtau» pen : — worm, ciit 3nfect. Ti TIN. d. a. ottjtimeit. TINCTURE -■ I. bet Sluftricb tie A.r.bc; 2, c;,. T, liuciur, tcr Jlrau = terausjug, 7b riNi ii re • cilinl Snjltic^ (je» Ben, fatben. TINDER, ». ter 3"iitcr; — box, bie nbitcbi'c, tag geuerjeug; —ore. bat -Vnnberi juntevabit- lieb, Icidu eittjfinbbat, TINE s. bet oabu, JacfeU, tie Ta TINGE b a. 1. tu ,\arbe) cin- tunfcit. tiiitibeu. farben : 2. eincu Sluftric* einen ©efr^matf) geben. TINGE -■ tie A,ute, luiutc, Sinte ter Sluftricb. TINGENT, adj. farbiiit, $um Savben in', it.'. To TINGLE, r. » 1. flin,$en ; 2. jucfen, fi&elu, priddu, licrbcii, fuinnie:-, fanfen in ben Cbvcir , 3. "iMimcr jeit; in;, ears —, tie Cbrcn cltnget mit; to — up, nt:iter$e:i, (teeben 447 TIRE T1TU TOAS nacfybroljnctt ; tinsling of the ears, bag Jclingen bcr Dljren. ToTLNK, v. n. itnkal, s. ber Sinfaf, rofce Sorax. TINKER, 8. bcr SttfitlfLlStt. TINKERLY, adj. fauucgiefjcrifcb. To TINKLK, o. n. $■ a. fltngcu; fliitgcit macfcit, fiiugcln, _f (imperii. TINNED, part, oei'jinnt ; iron — over, bag oerjinnte (Sifeitbfedj. tinner, s. ber 3inngrabcr. tinning, s. bafl SJerjtnnen. TINNY, adj. rcid) all 3'""/ 5"'"= Ijalttg. itnsel. i. s. 1. bcr 93rocafcIl, ®o(b= ftoff, ©tlbcrftoff, lcia)te Srocat, Senbel, Sabn ; 2. bag glittergolb Diaufcbgolb; 3. fig. bag glttterwerf, ber ©lauj ; n. adj. obcrflacblid); jum Scbeine ; — enthusiasm, ©d;ciube= geifteruitg. v.; TINSEL, v. a. mit glittcrrocrf }ic= veil, bcflitteru. tint. s. bie Siittc, gar be, bcr 3Jnfrrtc$, T. SCon. To TINT, v. a. fatten; T. ciltctt Xoil gcbcn, tiugiren. IlNY, adj. buntte, flcin, rotnjtg. tip, s. 1. bie'«pt&e, ba3 'Qlcitgerfic, bcr ^orftanb, bag l?nbc ; 2. bcr Siiicf= fdjlag, JRiitfrourf (bcim JlegclfpiclO ; 3. b. t. bcr BtanbUnttl; — (of loaf- sugar), 3uder(.6ltt=)©pi$eu; tlle — of the ear, bag Dl)rlappd;cn ; the — of the nose, bie SJcafcnfoppc ; the — of the finger, bie Sinaerfpt^e; the — of the tongue, bie 3intgcnfoi$e 5 — pta ff bcr lange (befcblagcnc) etab eiucg ©ertcbtstteners ; bcr ©ericbtobiettcr ; — toe, bie ©pifce bcr 3 c i)e;_ fig- boebft ; to stand on — toe, ullf belt 3ebcn ftefieu ; on — toe, fig. fc()r ueu'gierig, (aufg .pbrbfte) gcfpaiuit; — toe jollity, bie boebftc 2lugge!affcu= beit; — top. bod) oben, boebft; libers fpannt; bag fiBcbjle, SSornefcinfle, SBefte. To tip, v. l. a. 1. eiue dfpitje an etruag fefcett, fptj&ett; 2. befcblageit; faumen; 3. int Srcuatourf iintivcrfen (.Kegel); to — a cart, jv. e. cincii ©dj'tittfarren (burcr) Siiebcrlaffcn beg .(.Miitertbeilg) eutlabcn; to — one a wink, eincm juroiufeit, col. cincti 3'"= fell ftcdett ; to — all nine, vulg. atle ?teuu (bcim Jtegelfr-iel) febjeben ; to — down, iticbcimcvfcn ; II. it. (off) fallen. TIPPET, s. bcr «£>algfragen, 5pef}fra= gen, SRalatinre), bie $eUerine; — b 'rebe, bcr gefjaubte ©cetaud)er (Co- lymbus urinator — /,.). To tipple, v. n. &■ a. faufen, jeeben. IIPPLE, *. bill ©etrauf, bcr Sranf, ©dmappg. TIPPLED, adj. befruitfcn, bcraiifcbt. tippler, 5. ber %t$tx, ©aufer, Xrmt= fcnboJb. TIPPLING, s. bag 3ed;en, ©aufen, ©cbimppfcii; — house, bcr 53vaniit= weinlabcn. TIPSY, adj. bctvinifcn, bcraufcfit, bcnc= belt. tirade, 5. 1. bie £irabe, ber 9I?ort= fdnuaU ;'2. jVus. t. bie Sirabc, 2lu8« fiiliir.ig cincr SntcrbaUe buret) bie ba= jrotfchenliegenben 3one. tire, s. 1. bie 3ieibe; 2. bag ©cn'itb; 3. trid. Attire ; 4. tires (for wheels), 9tabfrbieiieu ; 5. bcr Sgufc, ©t«ot ; 6. ba8 Jlopf5Clig; —woman, bie Sau= bcuftccferiiin, Sliiifcmafbcriiiit, Xam- mcrfrau. To TIRE, v. I. a. mi'ibc liiacbcn, ermii= ben, lange SBetle macbcit ; ii.h. miibe tocrben, entfrciften, ennattcn. . riRED, adj. ermiibct; fig. tibcrbriifftg ; 448 I am — (out) with it, iff) \ett ; — free, jctjcittfrct ; — paying, ^,(i)ll= ten jahjenb ; jcbentbar, §cr>cntpflict>= tig; — pig, bag 3ebeutfcrfel. To tithe, v. I. a. jefyenfen, ben 3ff)cn= ten aupegen, nefjmen ober eintreiben ; ii. n. uerjeljenten, ben 3ebenten gcbeu. tither, s. bcr S^fittt'L QtfytnU fammter. tithing, s. cin SBcjirf oon jebit 3a= milieu. TITHYMAL, s. bie 3SoIfSmtld; (Eu- phorbia esrUa. — /,.). To TITILLATE, v.n. fifjcht. titillation, s. bag ili^dn, bcr j?i= ^c(, bag SSergnugen, TITLE, s. 1. ber Xitit; 9iame; 2. 3tcd)t§anfpr«rb, SJJcebtgtitci, baS 9ceci)l (aben ouf. ., bcred)tigt fevm ju..;'— deed, bag 5)ccument, bie ((figentbumg=)ilrfuiibc, t, C r Cebeu= brief ; — page (— leaf), bag £ite[= blatt. To title, v. a. bctttcln ; nciincn, be= rcd)tigen. To titter, v. n. fid)trtt, (uerbiffen cber beimlicb) lacbcn. titter, s. bag Jtirbem. Tittle, s. ber JCittel, ^?unft, bag §j]iinf td)cn ; to a — , nuf eiiupaar, aufg ©enauefie ; not a — of it, uid)t einc ag gebt bag Sie an ? the horses are — , eg ift angefpannt; to have a lettei — one, eiitcn Sricf an Semanbeii ba= ben; here's — you. col. l;icr tft beine ©cfuubbeit, i. e. tcb trinfe auf betn 23oblfepn (vid. lintcr Health) ; — and fro ( — and again), auf Ullb ab, bin uub bcr, I;iu unb nucber ; from year — year, DOllSaf)! - JU 3abr ; — day, — night, — morrow, vid. lintel Day, Night, Morrow ; II. covj. JU, Ulll, urn JU ; — love, liebeit, ju lieben, nm JU lieben ; I weep — think of it, \&> rocine, wenn id) barau benfe ; — come, fiitlftig ; we are — act, roil milffen banbelll ; I am — receive money, id; babe ©elb ju empfangen ; your aunt that is — be, 3b re jufiinf- tige Saute. TOAD, 5. bie jlrote; — in a hole, gleifd) in cincr 5paftete ; — eater, ber Jtrijtcnfcbluder, bie arme 35cr= roanbte, bie bag ©uabenbrob bci rei* then Serroanbten tfjt; — fish, bei Jtrotcnfifeb, SJcertcufcl, Srofebfifd) Jfugelfi|cb (Lophius pucatorius — /..) ; — flax, ber ,£rotcnf!ad;g, bag Setn- Frailt (Linaria vulgaris — /,.) ; sharp pointed — flax, bie (5rbroinbe, bei linlbe 51dd;g (Antirrhinum rlatine — L.) ; — lily, bie gclbe ©eeblunn ( Nymphwa — L.) ; — rush, bie ^r6= teubiufe (Juneus bvfmius — />.) ; — spotted, voie eiue Jtrote gefledt ; — stone, bcr jtrotcnfteiit; — stool, bet ®iftfd)roamm. To TOAST, v. a. 1. roften ; 2. burrbs roarmen (ro. ii.) ; 3. cine ©efunbbeil augbringen, ©efuubbctt trinfen; tn — one's health, flltf 3cmrtllbc8 ®C= funbbeit trinfen ; to — a lady, auf bie ©cfuubbeit etner 5)ame trinfen ; she is generally toasted, liberal! bringt man tljre ©efimbhett an 8. TOAST, .5. 1. bag 3toftbrob, bie gerb- ftctcnaBeiftbrobfcbuttte; 2. bag ©e= fitiibbeittrinfeit, Slugbringen eincr ©cfuubbeit ; 3. bcr Jrinffprurb, bte auggebrad;te ©cfuubbeit; 4. bte TOLL Jktfsa obcr Sadjc, bcr ettte@efunbs btit gcbrarbt roirb; bic geprieicne ©4)6'nf, aQgemein auerfanntc Scfeon= l;cit; a reigning — , eitt ©egenjfctnb allgemciuer ^ulbtguna (»on junfl.en 5)ainen); —master, chut bev cine ©cfuubhcit auSbringt, ber $Prafe8. TOASTER, «. 1. ber 9ibftcube ; 2. ba8 Jtofieiftii, ber 3iofl; 3. ciucr bcr cine ©cfnnbljcit anSbringt ; bread — , ha* ©cftell jitni SRSfleu bcr ©rob* fcbnitten. Vi CASTING, «. ba8 9t5ften ; — fork, bie 9tJjtgabel; — iron, bas Dtojieifen, bcr 3(oft. TOBACCO, s. ber Saoaf; bic Saoaf8= pflailje {jficotiana tabacum — L) ; to smoke — . Sabaf raucbeit; — box, bic SabafSbofe ; — pipe, bic Sabaf8= pfeifc; — pipe-bowl, bcr STjfeifen* Wpfj — pipe-clay, bie S(8feifeuerbe, bet $feifcntl)on j — pipe-cleaner, ber Spfeifciirauiiicr ; — pipe-fish, bic Sa= bafSpfeife (ciit Sifcb, Syngnathus acua — /..) ; — pipe-shank, bafl ?Pfeifen= xo\)x ; — pipe-tip. cin SJSfeifeitmunbs ftucf, bic Spfeifenfrifee ; — pouch, ber Sabafsbcittcl; — spinner, bcr Sa= bafsfpinncr ; — stopper, bcr Sabaf8> floater, ^feifenftovfer. TOBACCONIST, s. bcr Sabaf8fabrt= fant, Sabafsfpiuucr; SabafSpttbler. Tobias, s. SooiaS (3Rann6naine). tocsin, s. bic ©turmglocfe. tod. .?. 1. baa ©ewicfcjt con 28$funb '2 ©tein SBotle) ; 2. bcr gur&s. TODDY, a. 1. bcr ©aft, bie (Soco8pal= me; 2. cine Strt ^iinfcb, a«« 2Baf= fer, 3ucr'er, SpirituS, (3inm) uiib iiusTttte. TODY, 5. ber $(attfcbna&cl (T«offtatlC ; a — of trees, vid. Tuft. TOGATED, Tocjed, adj. tit bcr Soga, tit tangem 3tocfe. TOGETHER, adv. jufammen, mit cin= anber; bcifainmcii, bet einaitbcr; narf) obcr t? inter cinaitber, nebft ; three days — , brei Sage nact) eilWlts bcr; four hours — , ftunbeulang ; an age _ cin .saurbunbert lang ; — — with, (511) fantntt, nebft, mit. rORGEL, «. JV. T. ber jtncbel : J?o= oeinnagcl ; — hoH, eine 3Ut SSoljen mit ciiicm Jtnebct. To TOIL, v. n. firbeitetl ; to —and moil (broil), fid) plagen, placfen, fid) e« blntfancr roerben laffcn, fid; abar= beifen. Toil., s. 1. bie befd)n>crlid)c Arbeit, fflef#n)erlict)fett # ©efcbroerbe, 2Hii* be, SWubfeligfeit, $(af= tifd), l|3ufcttf*; 2. spufc, 8njug, bic toilette ; — stuff; ber ^ufefram. TOILSOME, adj miihfam, mu&feliflj — ness, s. bic 3Jlii&feligfett. TOISE, 6-. bie.Hlaftcr, ba« \!ad)tcr. TOKAY, s, bcr fofai?er aycin. TOKEN, *. 1. basScidjen, SBlertmal; 2. Slnbenfcn, bcr ?iad)LH<, bic ©abc, bn8@efd)cn{; 3. bas 3Rflnjuic(>en; 4. r,/p. r. ba« 3eid>en (250 $ie$u\), papier. rOLERAItEE (adv. — i.y), adj. 1. er= triifllid), Iciblid); 2. mittelmSjjig, 3 n — demand, M Vh. jiemltd) flC : 88 TONE fucbt ; — bly well, jieml id) o,uf, sicm= lid) cooBI ; — ness, ». bic grtrSalid)= fcit, ^eiblifbfcit; SWittelmo^tflleit. TOLERANCE) ». bic BulbUHfl, ba« ©rtrageit. TOLERANT, adj. iclcraut, bulbfam. To TOLERATE, n. a bnlbcn, ertroflett, Icibctt, b.iiti5cl)eu laffcn. TOLERATTON, ». bit DlttbUllfl, ©uT»* famfcit, i»tad)itii)t ; — act, /.. V. cine SPartamentflacte mabrenb bet oierung SJil&elmfl nub 2Jiariena \\\ ©itnjten bcr Jtatbolifeu itnb 2:iffen= tcr§. TOLL, 8. 1. bcr 3^1- bic SRaufy, 3oUabgabert, 3oUgefaiiI)r ; bofl ©( Ictt, ©elcite ; Sbaujfeeaelb ; 2. bad (lanafame) Siiuten, ©elaute; (in langfamenSdjlagen) flnfcblagen bet ©locfe bcim Sauten ; 3. bic £anbel8= bcrecbtignng mnerbalb ber ©rertjen einc6 8aiibguleS; 4. bie iWihlmcfee ; — bar, ber Sdjlagbaumj — book, ba8 3o" = ^* u ' ttulI 8 8 '' uc ^ ; — booth, bic Bollbube, bas 3olib,au8 ; ©cfattg= ttis ; to — booth, v. a. ins ©cfattfl= itig fcfeen ; — bridge, bie ►JoUbnicfo ; — com, bie aJJafjImefec, baa Wlafyh lo&n : — dish (— . hop\ ba8 WaV, wontit bcr 3)hi(ler abmipf, »n8 ibm nlsilWabJlobn jufommt, bie 3)tal)l= mc^e: — free, joBftei; — gate, ba8 goUt^or; —gatherer, bcr 3oHeilt= ltebmcr, 3)Jatitl)ner; — house, baS BpHhanS; — man, bcr 3oIicinncf)= mer, 36Uncr ; — money, bic 3olIge= fcithr ; — travers.'e), 3p11 »0lt jcbcnt ©tfio SBief) ba« fiber cin ©runbfruct getrieben limb. To TOLL, r. I. a. 1. 3olI (9JcaittM ge= ben (cntrid)tcit), jcllcn, oerjoflen ; 2. ben 3p(1 einnebnten, fammeln ; 3. eine9)Jablmeftcncbntcii; i. ((ang= fam, in tfinoeren ^nufdicnvrinmcn' tauten, anfeplagen ; n ». tauten, toncn. TOLU,5. — balsam, ber ^'olubaliam ; — tree, bcr S'lMnbauiii ( 71 balsamum — L.I- TOM, 8. abbr. ft. Thomas, %t)Om&i fS0lann8name) ; — boy, bas ou«flc» laffene illibfbcit, bic tvilbc .^ir.11 mel, ber SSilbfonn; —cm, ber Jta* fet ; — thumb, bcr 3"-'C r iV - vc != ftafe^ocr), SDaumling; — tit, bic 2)ccifc. tomahawk, a. bie Strcitart bcr norbamerifanifeben Jnbianer. To TH immiawk, 0. a, mit bcr 2trcit= art tobten. tomato, s. bcr 2iebe8apfel {Lyco yi rsiium — /,.). TOMB, 8. I. ba« @ra5 ; 2. ©rental, ©rabgewolbe ; — stone, bcr ©rab= ftcin, ba« ©rabntal. 7'»tosib, v. a. iu8 ©tab Icgcn, jnr (ftbc beftatteii, begrabeu. tombac 8. bcr SEombacf. TOMBLESS, adj. fcitt ©rabmat b^«= beHb, obne ©tab, unbegraben. TOMBOY, .--. vid. nulcr Tom TOME.S bcr SBaitb; b>t'? i^ud). T< )MKNT( n IS, adj. ivollig, flocfig. TO-MORROW, «./c. niDrgcn. Ti iMPH >N, 8. oid. Tampion. TOMTIT, vid. nntcr Tom. TON, 8. 1. bic Sonne, see Tun: 2. (fran|.) bic SKcbe, bcr gntc Son obcr ©cfd)ntacf. TONE, s. 1. bcr Eon, Vaut, @d)all, Rlann; 2. bic gtintme, bcr Slccent ; ;!. flejierte, [eiernbe, roeinerlicbe.ftns genbe Son ; 4. bic (glafticitat, ©cbnelllraft, geberrraft, ©pann= ftaft; 5. Med T. bcv ^nftaub bcr ©efunbheit, baS ©efunbfevu. TOOT To TONE, r. a. 1. g:jiert an8|>rccb,tii 2. '•('/. /'» TlNK. TONELEB8, adj. tottlot; ttnmup» lifd). TONGS, 5. p.'. (aud) a pair of—) bu 3ange; Seucrjange. E, ». 1. bte 3»"ge ; ~-J>S- «pva> die; 3. bas SBoll in bcr betliget ©cprifl ; 1. bic Spifce; 5. (— of a e . baS 3ungleiu ber 23age ; 6. bic Sanbjunge ; a— of ice, einc (?i«= $uiige; JV. r-«. — of a standing backstay, Ni-s Sugfeifing ( s 2lugbiub= fel) ber ftehenben ^arbuuen ; — - ol a back-frame wheel, bcr 3uy cine« SReepfcblSgerrabelj a iha with tree -. one 5plittrta ( v3c mit cinct Builge; — of a wagon, bcr Bangs bourn ; a slip of the — lias betrayed mc, eiu eiltjigeS Sort vcrricth mid) ; done's— , febroeigen, mdg. bal SDcauf lialtcn; — shaped, B V |M« genformig ; to — tie, r a. bie 3 U, M' lahiiteu; — lied lungenlabin; mnub= fau I, fiumm, vcrftuiitntt. T» Tl INGUE, p, n. s> a. tprcd'cn, fitn.\i = fecit; fid) fcbnabeln, jiutgclii; fd)cl= ten. TON'GUED, adj. mit eiiter 3"nge; double — , jtoeUungig, boweljungig* falfcb; ill—, fdjmabfudjttg. T0NGUELES8, adj. obne 3» ni J c ; fprad)(o8, ftuiiint. tonic, 1. adj. 1. tonii'd), (Vannenb; Jlftd, T. ftavfcnb; neroenfiarfenb ; 2. Sonc betreffenb; — oower, bit SpaitnEraft; — spasm, bcr Starrs frampf; 11. s. Mas. 7-.-. 1. bteSoniro, bcr ©runbton ; 2. ein getoiffer Span* nungSgrab; bcr baburdj |ecvotfit< bracbtc Son: 3. Med. T. bfl« tonifrfte, ftarfenbe 2)Jittcl. to-NIGHT, adv. beute ?lbcnb. TONNAGE, s. vid. Ti snake. TONQUIN-BEAN, ». bic SonfabopiH VOlt liiptcryi odorata — Willd.). TONSILE, adj. \\\ I'fbcren, nm3 gefebo* ten obcr befdmitten locrbcn faun, obcr foil. TONSILS, T. bic jDJanbeln am fialfe. TONSURE, .?. 1. bie Sonfur, ©««*« fdmr, .^auptfcbiii-. sialic bcr ©eijU lidn-ii; 2. baS Sonfuttrtnj ^aar= fcbncibcn. tontinb, t. bic Sontine, niacbfenbe geibrente. T< IN V. 8. 1. abbr. ftatt Anthony, ^llttotl (SWann«name) ; 2. i*d bcr Tumm- fopf, (SinfaUs* spinfel TOO, adv. 1. in, aOAU ; 2. and), nod) bajU ; — little, Jll flcill ; — long, Jtl long ; — much, alHu Dtel ; and you i unb ©ie and) V a courtier and patriot — . cin .£ofiiiaiin nub babci ein patriot. . tool, s. 1. bas SBerfjeug, ©ciath ; 2, fa (»on sperfonen) bas il5crf= jeua, ®efc^6pf, bie Jtteatur, ber fiel« fcrc-hclfer ; tools of iron, iMU'itgcratb j , ng tools, ©artenqero'trj ; plough ing tools, bas "Mcvanatli. To tool, d, '■ n. * «. tntcn, tiitcn, bla« fen. T< 11 iter, », bcr Sutenbe, ?f«»fer. TOOTH, i I. bcr Jabfl ; 2. ;Virfcn ; 3. bcv ©efcbinarl, ©aumen ; to hav k „ gwee | _, ciueii Vcifcrvilnt bc;-- ben, ledcr. genfifdjig fepnj — and nail, fig. mil aUer ©eroalt: — ache ba8 3al)iiroeb, bie Soonfcbmerjen , tree, bcr 3aburoclitaiiH ( ZantsxyhMi — Li ; — brush, b;> ^abittniiftc : — drawer, bcr 3ab"-' nqt ;| _ drawers, baS ^abucitcn ; - drawing, ba« 3abitauS$iebcn ; - TOP edge, ba« in btc 35bne fafcren ; — letted, B. T. gegfi^ttt; — pick, or picker, ber 3afn|iodjet; btc 3«bn» ROC§enn5fyre Daucus visnaga — />.) ; — pick-case, bag 3af)!tftcd)cv= Etui; powder, baS Sabnpuloer ; — ser- rated, b.t. "agefSrmifl gejfi&nt: — shells./-/. Scnralicn, 3afjufc^itecfcu ; socket, tic 3abnlabe ; — wort, btc ©cbuppeuniur'i, 3>^ imnu 'J (I-athraia squamaria — L V J citte 2lvt fJtojJWUrj (Ophrys coraUorrhiza — L) ; tie 3ablt= UUU's (Dentaria — ZJ; bag 3 ll b 11= fraut (Plumbago — £.). r» TOOTH, p.a. jfi&neit, jaljlicllt, mtt 3abncn rcrfeben. TOOTHED, a*', flqcifillf. TOOTHLESS* ailj. jabltloS. TOOTHY, nil}, rid. Toothed. TOP, s.l. btc ©pitje, .gSbe, bag obcrftc @nbe, Dbere ; '2. bet bbcbfte ®rab, bijrbfte fRflttfl ; ber ©ipfel, SEBipfel ; 3. bic 3-irfte. bcr ft or ft, ©iebel ; 4. btc jtoppe, J?uppe ; 5. bic Dberfta* die ; 6. bcr ©d)opf, ©cbcitet ; bcr .fiopf ; 7. Jtreifel ; 8. jv. r-s. Wlaxs, 3J}aftforb ; bk ©tenge; 9. if. T-s. bcr ©taubbcufcl; — of the pistil, btc Ofaltbe (beg SpifttlS); —and butt, JV. T. cine in Cntglaub gebriiudjlidjc SIrtbie $laufett ni vierfrberbcit; — of the water, bic DberfJcicbe beg SBflfhuS ; at the — of a street, oben in citter ©trafje ; peg — , ber gennib"' .Hreifcl ; humming — , bcr ©untm= freifcl, ©rummfretfel, col. 2)?bnd), bie SJtonne; whistling — , bcr S|3feif= fretftl ; — armour, jv. t. bte Sci>auj= fleibet bcr SDTarfen ; — beam, r. ber .Ueblbalfeu(aniT)ad)fiubl); —block, ,\- T. bet ©tcugeubreepgbfocf ; — boots, (Stofyenfiiefeln ; jv. t-s. — brim, bcr ntittelfte £beil etneS 2?Jar«= (VgelS ant Utiterleif ; — chains, eiit ©vvg son .Rettc.'. nm btc lintcrn iiiaant; }itr 3eit ciner fecbladjt ; — cloth, citt ©tucf ©egcltiid), it in bie ^sngematfen in ben SETJarfcn jh bc= becfen; — draining, bag £rocfenle= gen ber QSobenflarhe ; — dressing, bie obcre 2)ungiutg (obnc ben SDunger tittter jn pfliigen) ; —end, bag obcrftc c-'nee, ©tpfelenbe ; JV T-s. — gallant, baS obcrftc ©egel, 33winfegel ; fig. evhabeu ; — gallant-mast, bie 33t beftubet ; JV t-s. — mast, bcr obcrftc 9) J aft, J'opntaft, bie ©tenge; — mast ;ing, 38atibtaue, Stage unb ^ar= bunen ber 3J2arSjtengen ; — masi nnd — gallant, studding-sails, bic SPlatS* leefegcl ; mast-stay and preventer- utay tackles, bic -?JJarftcugeuftag= unb 33orgftag=£afef; main — mast, bic grofje Sfenge; — men, bie 1U\iv6= g(»1ten; — netting, bie ftiufeitettcu bee ajiavfes ; — plates, bcr ©eff&lag ber •lUarftn ; — proud, auftcrft ftolj ; jv. Ts. — rope, bns ©tengenn)inb= rccp ; — ropi of the jib boom, bcr aiusboler bes JEluoecbaumeS ; — rope-pendant, bcr «rf)infcl bcS 2ten= «cnwiuM-eep5 ; — sail, jv. T. bnS gJlarifegel (auf fleineu ©rbiffen), 450 TORC J'Opfcgcl ; JV. T-s — sail halyard tubs, bie ©alien ber 3J?arefallen ; — sail- sheet-bits, flcilte ^atitlilCU ; fore — sail, ba§ SBotntOTfifegel; mizen — sail, bag JiVCUjfegel;'— sawyer, ivV/. — man ; — shaped, B. T. fraufe( = formtg • — soiling, bie SBejeicbnung eincr frojectitten Jlaualliuic burrb cbcrflarblicbc* ©ingraben berfclbeu, bag Sraciten; — stone, Arch. T. ber ©cblugftcin, ©ipfelftein; JV. T-s. — tackle, bie @icn am Steugcnn.unb= retp ; — timber, bie oberftcu obcr ucr= febrten 3luflanger. To top, v- 1, a. 1. bie ©pitjen befcbnci= ben, foppen ; 2. oben bebecfen, be= fraujeu, frbtteu ; 3. tibertreffeu ; 4. (bc)bcrrfcbcu. bie Dberbanb baben; II. n. (in bcr .551)0 ftcigeu, ftcb empor beben. TOPAX, 5. ber 9?a8b<> rl !VOgel {Buceros rhinoceros — L-), toparch, s. ber Soparrb, Drts^erv, iBornebntfte eiueg Orteg. TOPARCHY, s. bie ^errfebaft eincr ©egenb, bag Drtgberrcutbunt, bie bbrbftc ©telle in cittent fleineu Sc= jirfe. TOPAZ, s. bcr £opag ; H. T. bie ©olb= farbe ; — rock, bcriEopafifelS. topazolite, s.ber .^cpajoiitb, gclbe ©ranat. To TOPE, v. a. faufen, jccbcn, bedjern. TOPE, s. btc SJieetfaU [Sgualus galeus — /..). TOPER, s. bcr ©attfer, Sruufeubolb. topet, s. bie ^aubenmeife (Pams cristata — L,). TOPH, s. vid. Tophin. TOPHACEOUS, adj. »Olt ^offlcilt ; tof= fteinartig. tophet,s. Xopbet, bcr Slbgrunb, btt ^bflc. TOPH1N, Tophus, ber Sef, 3-Offtcin, £uff, Snffftciu. topiary, adj. bcfcbnittcu (toie cine j^ccfe); — work, bag 53cfcbneibcn ber .gecfen, bag gefrbuittene £ccf en= wetf. TOPICAL (Topic) x adv. — ally), I. adj. 1. topifeb; 2. jum .^auptcapitcl gc= bbrig ; 3. jn ®ciuciupla§cugebi.u'tg; 4. Dl'tlicb ; — remedies, pi. Jilcd. T. ftufjetlic&e 3)Jittel ; n. topic, s. 1. bag attgemeine Sad), bic Siubrif, bag Xb'euta, ber ^tinft, ©cgenftaub, bag (.§aupt=)Sapitel, bie Vlufgabe; 2. ber ©emciuplafe ; 3. bie Ucberre= bnnggfnnft ; 4. JlfeA T bag augev* lidje, brtlirf)c SKiftel; 5. bie Setjrc son ben SBeaeiSjieUen. topographer, s. ber Sopcgrapb, Drtgbefcbvciber,93cvfaffcrciucrDrt§= bcfd}rcibuug. TOPOGRAPHICAL ( — ic) (adv. — ally), adj. tovograpbifeb. ortbefrbrcibcub. topography, s. bie £opograp()ie, Drtgbefd)reibung. To TOPPLE, b. n. ( — down), PonvartS fallen, (biiDftiirjcu, niebcrftursen, col. (niebcrj burjcln, befoubcrg you Jlinbcrn. TOPSY-TURVY, ado. bag Itntcrfle ju oberft; 3lllc8 unter einanber, »cr= fchrt ; to turn — , bagDberflc ju un= tcrft febreit; eiucn ©urjelbaum nta= ri )eu ; _ snail, bie Sopffdjnerfe, 8inJ* febneefc (Helix perversa). toquet, *. cine 9lrt weibiidjeu J?opf- pu^eg. TORCH, s. bie StacM, Jterje ; — bearer, bcr gacfeltrii^er ; — light, bag gacfcllicbt ; — thistle, bic gttffelbijiel (Cactus nrrus- — /,.) ; — weed ( — wort), bag 033oUfraut, gacfel?vnut, bie iR&nigSferje (Verbascum thapsus — I J. TORT TORB^ i. Arch. T. bet SPfufjI (aw ©aul..-.fufie), SReif ; 2. bag bum ©rag, bag nad) bent IDJaben int ^riibling nub SBintet fiebcu blcibt. TOREUMATOGRATHY, ■■>. bie S?C= fdjt'cibuug antifer, plaftifcbcr Slunfo merle. To torment, v. a. peiuigen, quiilec, martern, jerrcn, folreru. torment, *. bie 5pein, Dual, 2JJar= tcr, goiter, tormentil, s. bie Somtcntifl, 9iotb= ttJUrj, ©futWUrj (Potmtilla tormenlilla — I..) ; — cinque-foil, ber ©tcitt= funffingevfraut (Pateniifla argentea — U. tormentor, s. 1. bcr ^cinigcr, Dualer, .Ocufer ; 2. bic ^ferbebaefc, ber ^afcnpflug, Jlartoffelpflug. tornado, s. bcr uubeftanbige (unr fliegcubc) ©turmroiub (auf ber ©ec). tor'ous, adj. b. t. gcfcbworcn, fno= tig. TOKPEDO, s. ber Jtrampffifcb, £aub* ftfd) (Raia torpedo — L). TORPENT, I. adj. vid. Torpid ; a — memory, cin fd;lcd)tcg ©cbacbtnifj ; n. s. Mod. t HS nicber|"d)lagenbc gjJittcl. TORPID, adj. 1. befaubt, tanb, ciftarrt, ftarr; regunggloS ; 2. ciugefcblafcu, fdjiafrig, tragc. TORPESCENCE, s. bic Unempfinblid)= feit U. f. VB., vid. Torpor. TORPESCENT, adj. erftarrcub. TORPIDITY, ) s. 1: bie fjrjiarmng, TORPIDNESS, I Stavrfncbt; 2. Un= TORPITUDE, [ tbatigfeit, Xragbcit, TORPOR. J ©cbidfrigfeit; 3. ©eiftegftumpfbeit. TORPORIFIC, adj. firftarruttg obet Uuentpftnblicbfeit bei'*>orbringenb. TORREFACTION, s. bag Sbvrcu, Zxofc nen ; ch. t. 91bftcu. To torrefy, v. a. borrcn, ant Scnet troefnen ; Ch. T. rbftcn. torrent, s. ber rcifieube ©trout ; dlt* geubad), ©iejibacb. TORRENr, adj. ftrbineub, rcifjeitb. torrid, adj. 1. biurcnb ; 2. brenncnb, bcifs, gtbbrrt ; — regions, bie bciucu ©egenbeu; —zone, bcr i)ci\}t ©rb= ftri'd). torse, s. H. T bie Sffiulft (gcivuubeue ©rbnur, SSinbe). torsel, 8. etroag ©ewunbeneS. torsion, s. bie aSiubung, Jtriim= mung, bag SDrcben. TORSO, 8. ber Xorfo, 9?umpf (eincr uerfliimincltcn SBilbfaule). TORSTEN, 5. eiu blaufd;warjcg ©i= fetters- TORTEAU, s. pi. II. T ber rptbe 33alf. tortile, Tuutil, adj. gcbrebt, ge= luuubcn. tortious, adj. bcleibigcnb, franfenb, bceintracbtigcttb, uurccbt, unbiilig, nacbtbcilig,'id)ablid). TORTIVE, '«. TORYISM, s. bie (Srunbfiitje cpclittfcfjc SJictnung) eincS Xovi). To TOSS, v. I. n. roetfeit; %\\\ mib f>er rocrfen, fdjleubettt, ftoticn, piellctt ; beftig beroegcit, nniriibvctt, fdjiittcln, evfcbiittevn ; ». bentinihigcii ; to — a business,^, cine *2adje iiOcrlcgcn ; to — in a blanket, prcllcit ; to — u,>, 2Jiijii«eii in bie §6^e roetfen (nnb er« ratl)cu n>clcf>e ©cite beim 8'ollen cbtn liegen mirb) ; loofott ; to — up a dish, i-u/n-. cine gricaffee macbcit ; tossed from post to pillar, .fig. t>ptt (Sis tiein jitm 2Inbern gcjtojjeii; II. n. fid; beftig benxgen. Toss, s. 1. bev aSurf, ©d)mtfi, Sfofh 2. (— of the head), baa SBerfen bea jRopfe*; — pot, I'u/^-. bcr ©aufet, Xtunfenbolb. TOSSEL, s. wA Tassel. TOSSER, s. ber SBerfenbe, SBetfer. TOTAL (adv. — lt), adj. ganUid),gaii«, Pollig ; — amount, bie stotalfum* me, ber ©efammtoettag, baa ©e= fammtguaiitmn ; — number, bie 0"'f= fectt»jab( ; a — refusal, cilt f6wtlt= diet - £itvatibot=Jlovb. totality, )s. baa ®ante, bie TOTALNESS, ) ganse (ober SotaU) Siintmc. To TOTTER, v. v. roattfeit. tlMifcllt. TOUCAN, s. bcr toucan, SPfeffetfteffet (Rhamphastos — />.). To TOUCH, v. a.irn. 1. fnblcii, an= fiihlcn, angreifeit, aiU'ii()vcn, bcriih= Ten ; 2. c'rreid)cu ; 3. fig. riibven, bevocgen ; 4. (tit ber SBtbel) betrii= ben ; 5. atigcbctt, betreffen ; fid) be= jicbeit; 6. jteheit, bejieljen, einneb= men (Oelb); 7. probiren, pvt'ifen ; 8. Iciebt jcidincn, etitrocvfcn ; !). ina-- leit ; bie Savbe auftragenj 10. ta* beln ; 11. niiftecfen («j. u.); 12. eim bringen, cingreifeii ; 13. anftofiert, itabe liegen ; to — an air, eine 2)Je= lobie aiigcbeit, fpieleit, auffptclen ; to — a musical instrument, Ctllf eittent Suftruinente fpielett to — the glasses, (inftojjcit (auf 3eman= bea t^efnnbheit 1 ; he touches 500/. a year, er iiimntt jahrtid) ">00 SPfnnb cin; (a little) touched, (fin roenig) tiernenb, angegaugcii; Jig. berocgf, gevithvt ; Jf. PA». — the wind! halt biebt beim SBinbe ! the sails — . bie Segcl fangen 011511 EiUen ; — pitch and yoa will be defiled, jinw. vocr ^cd) angttift befubelt fid) ; to — at, riil)= ten an..; befucben; anfommeit ; to — at a port, JV. Ph. cillClt ( s Jtotf)= ) .£>afcn anfcgclit ; to — one's bat, tic milifarifcbcii .Oonncm-a madieti; to — tiif; (puck, ouffi Stteufietfte rubren ; to— up (off), ausbeffern, ber6effern, mifpoltren; cine ©ache woftl oers rid) ten ; to — upon a thins, ctnws (cine SacBe) bcnibvcii, auf etroafl toin 111 ell ; to — upon a siring, cine 2aite anfd)(agcn; to be touched with ... beroegr, gcviihrt; crgriffen fci)n »on .. . TOUCH, *. 1. bie SSeriiljrung; 2. ba8 ©cfiibl; 3. bie SmpftnTOng, 5Ttiib= rung; 4. ber ^iufclftrid), probes ftridi; gatbenauftrag ; 5. Strid), bie ^riifung, SJJrobej 6. obtr= flarblicbe Begtiff, bcr 33erfucf> ; 7. 3ng, ©cftcbtljugj bie iDJicnc ; B. ber ^lii'ftiidi, -.HnflHg, fiaud), bie ".'lit, 9liibeiitmtg, ber ^cifdiimnf; 9. Oot* touvf, 2tid), bie Sticbclci; 10. Mus. T. tie Oht, tote bie ginger bie SCas ftcit beriibreit 1111b rote fie fid) nictcr= britcfcit laffen), bcr Slnfcplag; 11. ©treid), iviljige (Sinfall, .'3icb, ©cblag ; to keep — with one, eillClll SBort b'llfen; to abide (stand) the — (test, trial), fj}ro6c, etrid), (2tid)) (jaltcn ; a — of, ein 3Senig ton . . ; — bath, bai ©taubbab, 2oucbcbab ; — hole. baS 3i'»i , l ( ' , i j — me-not, tas Springfraut, mtlbe SBalfamfraui [Impatims nolt m tangere — /,.) ; bte KfelSgurJe, =ininggiirfc {M»mordic6orn« fdiicfer, -43robivfteiit ; .fig. ^viifftein ; Irish — stone, ber ©afaltj — wood, ba« 3""berlipls, ber 3"nber. TOUCHABLE, adj. bcriil)rbar ; fiif)[= b.'.r. TurcniNESf, s. ruiir. bie Pnivnnb= liebfeit, SRetjbarfett, ba5 Jtifelicge. TOUCHING (adv. — ly), adj. rii()VCnb, patbetifd). TOUCHV, adj. letcbt |U bcleibigcit, em= pfiutlid), retjbar/ fitjlid), ucvbricfiliit. TOUGH (adv. — ly), adj. 1. }St)e ; I. ftcif, hart, feft; 3. ftarf; i. flebcnb, flebcrig ; — ness, «. bie 3a()beit, 3»i= bigfeit. to TOUGHEN, v. I. a. jahc mad)cn ; II. n. jahc roerben. TOUPEE, ) s. baS ©tinibaar, Sdjovf= toupet, > baar, bie Sttrnfrattfe baa Toupet). tour s. bie SReife, Stitnbe, £>er ©ang, I'lnefliig ; — of duty, Mil. Ph. bet Stenflj — of hair, bev .<3aaraiiffa&. TOURIST, s. bcr SRetfettbe. TOURMALIN,*, bcr Xiiimatin, Sd)&rl, 31fd)cnjiebcr; red — , bcr rotbc Xut- nialin, aipbrtt. TOURNAMENT, a. bafl Imiiier. TOURNEQUET, s. S. T. bie @roraU- bcitbinte (beim Wlicbablbfcii), 9lbet= pteffe, bev rrebftccf. to TOURNEY, v.n. tnvnicvcii, im 5nv= tttere fedjten. TOURNEY, ». rid. 'IVil'RNVMENT. To TOUSE (To Toi'si.i:. To Touze) ; 0.a. jaufen, terten, jie^en, tow, ». ba« SBerg ; JV. T-a. — (boat), baS ©ugfirboot; ( — line, or — rope), ba« Sngftrrau, Srblcm'tan, bev Sdilcm'ev ;cinc5 ScbtffeS, n. f. w.) ; baa Xvcil -J. in ober bie Erebelten), Tail }lim Xrcileil ; to take in — , illS ©cplepptau ttebmen, bugftren ein ©cbiff [inittelR tiati Suberbootea] am Seile fovtjtebcn) ; in — of a boat, Don einem Sooffenboote bng= ftvt; — cioth, bie iJJacf leinroanb ; — path, oid. Towimq path. to ti i\v, r. n. x. t-s. (am ©eile) Cf in 8onbon) ; bat StafcU, bie Butg, %t- ftung ; 2. fig. ba>3 bebe Jtoff)eng ; 3. bev he-be guig, bat .Oorbrlicgcit, bie ©rfjebung: i;, r t * movable towers, fabrbatt ©etttjeibigungatburme ber aiten; —bastion, bet SBofltoetft^ thlll'lll ; —mustard, ber SbHtmfCllf, 2i3a!bfobl (Turrit.s — /. ). to ti >\vi:h, b h. herb (liegen, itd> anf> fdjroingen, fid) evhcbcu, ihuvmcn, fteigcit; bocb fteben, emvov) ptaitgen. TOWERED, Towery, adj. mit 3.hur= meii, gctbiivmt, bethiivnit. TOWERING, adj. bed), evbabcit. towing ■■. x.r bafl 3ieben, SBngft* ten, 2d)lcweit,2'reilen^— path, bet Sienpfab, I'cinvf.ib, tteiu ober JrcibcU ."Scg, irtpplettoeg ISngfl ben Ur't'vn bon glilffen obet Jcanaltn. TOWN,*. 1. bieStabt; 2. ©etoobntt cincr ©taDt; in — , l)ief!gen DtB, bier; to — , uad) bev Stool; fltL&4> conbon); a woman of the — , bie of: feiltliite ^llie ; to be on the — . »0in ^nveii leben; — adjutant, bet "4- ; l«i^ = abjntant; — clerk, bev etabtfebvei= bev; bcv?lnffchcrbca[pttbpncr2tabt= otrbioa; — council, bev @emetnbe* vath; —crier, bcr ■ijffeutlicbc_ Bttfa rufet; — hall, — bouse, bdi Siabt; baue, :)iathhau*; —house. b,i« £aiU in bet@fabt; —life, baa 5tabtle= ben ; — lot, bie ©aufteUe befonberf in cincr ncn anfutegenben <=tabt) ; — made, in ber Stabt gefettigt ; — ma jor, bev 5Jlntjma{or; — 's-man, bet ©tSbtet, ©urget;3J(it burger ; Vanbe= manii ; — otikers. Stabtbeamte; — post, bie SlablBoft: — ship, bcr ©tabtbejitf, ba« SBtidjbilb ; —talk, baa Stabtgerebe, Stabf gefebrofit} ; — waits, pi. bie Stabtinufifantrn, Stabt' pfeiftr; —wall, bie ©tabtmauet j a — wit, ein Qalantes ©enie, ein mobi= fd)et 3Bit)tmg. TOWNISH. adj. ftabtifeb. TOWNLESS, adj. bcr ©tabte bevanbt ftabteloa. to P 'W/.e. To Towzu, v. a. |aufen jetren, jteben, fchltppen. TOWZER, Towaaa, ». bee ©uDenbtt* per. TOXICAL, ij.fllftlfl ». n. TOXICOLOGY, 1. bie Vebie von ben ©iftcn, Eoricologie. TOY, s 1. bie ianbclci, baa SpteO ifua; '.'. bie JMeinigfeit; Sappalie; bet Canb, bie SCtjottjeit : 3. raa fuibi= ftfee SDMbtcbeii : 1. bieVa:ine ©rillej bet launenbnfte Sinfall, bie Sdj»ar« merei ; 5. Viebelei ; toy man. ber SpieljeugbfinMet ;— shop bev ©piel* jeuglabeii; bie ^pielhaiiMnng j — baa J.lfrfnifvailt (ThUf.pi burst — 1. 1 . to T< »v, r n. t.inbcln, licbeln, fpielen. TOT ER, ». bev S.uibler. TOYFI 1.. adj ru'll .Kinbcveicii. n n BH, n ' i.inbelnb, tanbelhaft; — bie Canbelei. to TOZE, d a. Did '/» TOWZE TRACE, a. I. bie SpUT, i'iarfe, ba» 451 TRAD TRAG TRAJ, tcr "viiftit-pfc ; 2. ber3ug ; 3. Ms Socf), ©efcbirr; traces, pi. tic ©rranflt [einrt SBagenS, it. f. to. ; trace rings, pi. bie ©trfittattnfte ; traces ladies, taS gerounbeuc j?nabeit= frail t [Ophrys spiralis — L.). To TRACE, v. a. 6,-n. 1. bcr ©put fol= aen, nacbfelgeit, uacbgcfien, uadpjic; pen, nad-fpuren, genau folgcit; 2. jcidjitcn; to — out, fplgen, uacbfpU licit ; auSfprfrpcn, auSfpiircn. II'.Ai CABLE, adj. H.l dj^ttfpiirctt. TRACER, s. bet Slusfpurer. tracery, .*..irch. t. ber 3ierrath Don Steinen, Srpnprfel, bic (£rbenfel=) 3>cr$ierungen an gptfjiffpen gciijtcrn, it. f. re. TRACHEA, s. A. T. tie Suftrp&re. TRACHEAL, adj. bic Cuftrcbrc bctvcf= fenb. TRACHEOCELE, s. Med. T. bet J?rppf. TRACHEOTOMY, s. vid Bronchotomy. TRACHYTE, «. bcr 2rarb;;t, Xvapp* $orpf)»r, 3)pmif. trachytic, adj. trad)i?ti?cb, trad)i*t= artig. tracing, s. l.baS^cad-fplgen, 5iad)= fpi'ucn ; 2. bcr 5Kfab, 2,u$, Strtdj ; 3. bic ©pur; — line, JV. T cilt 3luf= bolcr, bcr blo§ iibcr ciucn SBIocf fdbrt; (black) — paper, (fcbrearjeS) papier 511m ^urebmdmen. TRACK, s. 1. bie ©pur, baS ©tcio ; 2. bie 5?atjn, bcr Sgfab ; 3. Sp. T. bie gaf)rte (cineSjSberg, u. f. re.) ; — of a ship, tic virbiffsfpur, ©egelfpur, Segelbabn, Spur cincS fcgeltiten ©cbin;e3; —road, bcr Seinpfab, 8ien> pfab, XttiU (Pbcr £retbel=)2Beg, ^rcpplenveg flange ben Ufcrn »on Aliiffcu ober Jlandlcn) ; — scout, bic £rerffd)ute, baS SiebubuT. To TRACK, v. a. bcr ©PUt fpfgcit, r.acbgcheit; ait'fpiircn • pcrfolgen I ;. ii £>icbe, U. f. tt>.) ; to — a boat up a river or a canal, JV". T. etll SBoot frremaufroartS $icbcn, trcilcn, (an bcr dlbe) vulg. bprnatfeberu ; you (may) — him every where, allcntf)albcn pB= bet man fcihe ©pur. trackless, adj. fpurlos, pfablos, un= betvetcn. trait, s . 1. bie aitlgebebnte SvKiebe, bic Srrctfe, bcr ©ti'icb, $M, bic fktu be (— of land, bcr Sanbfirtdbj ; 2. bcr Sracfat, bie Qtbtianblung. tractability, s. bie Senffomfftr. TRACTABLE (ado.— ly), adj. 1. fit bc= tauteln, $u jicbeu, 511 ganbgaben, nacbgiebtg ; gelfbrig, reiflfdbrig, lcnf= fam, folgfam ; 2. banbgreiflirp ; — ness. 8. bic SenEfamfett Svelgfamfeit, ©elebrigfeif, aSillf.'ibvigfcit. TRACTATION, s. bcr Xxattat, bie 2lb= ^antlung. Tractatrix, «. g. T. bie jlettenliuie, 3nglinie, Xxaiixix. TRACTILE, adj. bebnbar, flrcif TRACTILITY. s. bic ^ebnbarfcif. TRACTION*, .9. 1. bcr Bug ; boS 3ieben, Tc[;ucn; 2. bie Slti'iebuug. TRACTOR, $. ba3 3tebcnbe. trade, s . 1. ber ^onbef, SetrieB, SSerfebr, baS (He fro a ft ; Ocrocrbe ; ^atiMcerf; 2. SBerfteug ; the rbook- seiiins) — . ber ^ucbbaitbcl ; bic 93ucp= b/iub(cr (aU fiprppratipn) ; board of — . bas .Satibclgccllcgium, bie fian> beUbcpurattpn : baS .6anbc[Sgcricbt; — of barter, bcr £aufcbl)anbcl ; — (or trading ^card (of a travelling-clerk), bie (FmvfeMmigsfarte (eineS ^anbel«= rctieubcn): —dues, col. trade, .1/ E ier .Oanbd'cpntpagiiiciPlI : — w«d, M. r. bcr $affatetnb (jroifeben ben JOcnbcfrcireii). Tb TRADE, v . n. 1. faufcn unb vcrf.tu= 452 fen, .§anbel tretben, baubefn, serban= belli; 2. feilfdjcn, baubtlu ;— for, urn) ; 3. ^Jaffitrrotnb ^aben (rp. it.) ; to — in bills of exchanie, M. E. bjtt unb bcr traffircn, 23ccl)fclrcitevei tretben, tiraillircn. TRADEFUL,nrfj. gcfdiJiftig, gewerofom. trader, s. ber .g>aubcl6inatiit, Rauf= rnann, gciibte «aufinann, erfabme SSJlann ; a regular — , Sci (any. ein be= fidnbig biefclbe Oicife mad)enber ■Scbirrcr; (bcpglcicbcu ciu folchcS Srbif), bcr Jlauffabrcr, ba= grac$t= fcijiff, Jlauffaljrtetfcijirr. TRADES, (in compos.) s. — people, .<3.1U= beUlcute; ^anbmerfslcutc; — man, bcr §anbeUmann, ^iinblcr, Slx'a- mcr ; ^anbtuerfer ; — union, ber •Ganbrpcrferpercin ; — woman, bie .ftramcriun, ^anbclsfrau. trading, adj. fjaitbeUrcibenb, ^an= belnb ; the —class, ber^aitbelsjianb ; a — nation, cine .^anbel treibenbe SRattDtt ; — company, bie .£>antcU= cpmpagnte, ^aubel'gefclJfdjaft ; pro- prietors in a — company, .jpitllbclcCPlU forten, ^anbeUgenonen; — house, ba^ .§anbclsbau§, bie ^anblung ; ba* JlaufbauS, 5iager[)au§, tie 2Saaieit= nicterlage ; — interest, ber ^antcl§= itaub, bas otttcrcne bci.6anbclsjtan= beS; — jew, tcr SanbeUjube ; — line, baS .§aubelfffac§ ; — ports, 5an= bclsbafcn ; — town or place, bie.§an= teUitabt, ber ^anfcel'plaft, ©topel= pla%; — vessel, ba§ Jlauffabvtci^ )A\rf ; —woman, bie ^antcUfrau, ^ramert'nn. tradition, 5. 1. bie munblid)cltebcr= lieferung ; 2. Sage; 3. alte Stttc. traditional, adj. 1. munblid) iibcr= liefert, burcb miinblicbe Uebcrliefe: rung fortgepfCanjt, fagcnbafl ; 2. auf ©agen gegriinbet; 3. Don 2Uteri t)er gctvp^ut, altbierfpmmlici). traditionally, adv. burcb munb= Iicbe Ucbcrlicfcrung, einer ©age ju iVPlge. TRADITIONARY. I. adj. TL'te Tradition- al; II. .?. ber Salmubtft. TRADITIONER, > s.ber 5tnbdnger pbcr traditionist. S iPcrtbcitigcr ber miinbliebcn Ucberlicfcrungcu Pbcr ©agen, ©agenfreunb. TR.\DITIYE, ailj. vid. Traditional traditor, .c. tcr G^rtjlenperraffjer, Sibctperrdtber. To traduce, v. a. burdi'tc^cn, b^e= cbcln, pcrlcumben, rerfcf>re£en, narb,= tbeilig barflellen ; traduced by . ., 9er= leumbct, u. f. rp. sen . . . traducement, *. ber £abcf, S3pr= rpurf (rp. it.). traducent, adj. serleumbcrifc^. traducer, s. tcr aScrfcijrcicr, 33er= (cumber. traducible, adj. rpaS ftcb fcrtpfTan- i$eit, pcrbreitcn liipt (re. it.). TRADUCTION, ». 1. bie ^prtpf(an= •utig, (miinblicbe) lleberlicfcrung (re.' it.) ; 2. baS Ueberfc^en, Ucbcr= febiffen ; 3. bcr Uebcrgang. TRADUCTIVE, adj. abjiilcitcu, ableit= bar. traffic, s. 1. bcr 4panbel, 95erfe^r; 2. tie SBaare, ba§ ^antcUgut. To TRAFFIC, v. I. n. 1. v^ailbcl tret= ben, banbeln ; 2. febadjern, marftcn (— in, mil) ; II. a. int ^autcl 11111= fctjcn. trafficker, «. bcr^aufmanu, 6an= bclSmanil; traffickers, pi. .Ti.lllf Icilte, 3;raftfaiitcn,,§antcIs[cutc,®efrf;dftS= Icttte. tragacanth. s. ber Sragant, bie Sragantjtaube, bcr SocfSborn (Astra- galus verus — L.) ; — gum, tf C ZXO.-. gantgummt. TRAGEDIAN, s. 1. ber Srauerfpicli bici)ter ; 2. £ragifer, tragifepe «cbca« fpidcr. TRAGEDY, «. 1. baS i raiterfiMcT, bie Sjtagobie ; 2. tragifdje 53cgcbeu^cit, bcr erfrjjuttertibe UngliicfsfaU. TRAGIC (Tragical , (ode. — ly) adj. 1. tragifrt), traucrfpielartig ; 2. trau= rig, UliglticfsppII ; — alness. s. bal Sragifdjc, Sraurige, Hngliicf»ppIIc. TRAGI-CO.medy, s. tie Sragifemptic, ba« recincrlicbe Suftfpicl, Sd;aufpiel, a)Jifcb,fpieI, Srama. TRAGI-COMICAL (— ic) (adv.— ally), adj. tragi=femifcb, recinerlii-b (trau= rig=)Inftig. To trail v. a. & n. 1. fpiiren, bet 4:pur nacbjagcit ; 2. *tcbcn, fd*Icp= pen, nacpfd-leppcit, fd)Icifen; Mil. Ph-s. to —arms, ba§ ©creetjr in 93ci= lance (in ber red*tcn ^anb) tragen : — arms! ®eree()r in bie ^Balance! pber in bie rec&te ^anb*S ©creefir! trail. .9. 1. bic ydbi-tc, (S5itlb=)©put 2. bcr Scbrecif, ■. locfcii; 4. — (up), erjiebeu, aufjicben, abvicb= ten, bilben, iibcit ; to — trees. 3?dume ju Spatiereu jicben, Pbcr ibueit turd) 58cfd)iicitcu cfuc gcreiffe gorm gc= bcu ; to — to . ., abridjten, u. f. rp. •u . . . train. .*. I. bcr Bii^/ bic ERcibc, goN ge ;_ 2. baS ©cfpjgc, bie Qcgleitung, ©uitc ; 3. bcr Sdjrpanj, Scbipcif, bit <2d)lcppc; 4. bie %M ©cpldgc, bie cine Ubr (in einer Stunte, u. f. re.) marpt; 5. Min. T. bie 3ii"bltnie (tcr aJJiucu), 3'i'tbipbre, ba§ Scitfcuor ; 6. jig. bie •OJict^Pbc, aBeife ; in—, J a tm 23crfe ; — of artillery, bcr Qlvtille-- ric'ug, Srtillcricparf, Slttillcrictraiii; — of wagon3 (on railways), ber ai^cn'ug, Scblcppjug (auf C?ifcn> babiicn) ; — bands, pi. bie Sanbmtltj, ber?anbfturm, tic 93iirgermili',iiiir» gcrfplbaten; — bearer, ber 2d)Icpp- trdgcr ; — carriages, pi. 3"greagcu, (bie einem Sampfmagcn augebdug- tcn SEagcit); — oii, ber (Sifd)=J 2b,ran; — road, cine Heine Icid): cpuftruirte (Sifenbafin in S3crgreer= fen; — scents, Sp. T. ein totter §as fc, u. f. re., tcr auf bent 53pben fort* gcfcblcppt reirb, urn bic ^unbe ab- juricbtcu ; — tackle, JY. T. bie (Siuhp- lctaljc. trainable, adj. ju (er}jic^cn, erjP' gen, biltfam. trainer, s. ber (5r*ter)cr ; 5)rillmet<- ftcr, Srcrciermeiftcr. trait, ». (franj.) 1. ber 3«9. ©tricb 2. Ullirig, bie (JpntPUr ; a — of cha- racter, ein (Sbarafter'iig. traitor, s. bcr 33erratf)er, ^rcitlofe ; Sdjurfe. TRAITOROUS (adv. — ly), adj. Perrd» thevifd), trculpl ; —ness, «. bie 23er.- rdtfjiertt, XrculPilgfcit. traitress, s. bicScrrdt^ermn, £reu» To TRAJECT. v. a. burd)reerfen, 6te* dpeit, binbuvcb [flffen. traject, » bie llcbcvfafji't, gdb,re TRAN TRAJECTION, ». 1- ba-5 SMirdwcrfeit, j>urd)fd)ietjcn, i&tnburrbjaffen; tie 5)uvdfefaf)it, ber CDurrbgang ; 2. baS 4:' TRAJECTORY, 5. Pliy. T. fctc frilnuiie ?inie (bie belt SBeg cinco fdjmevcti fict) oewegenben JUn-pcrS befrhrcibt) ; — of a comet, ber jtretdlauf (bie ?aufbarm) cities .ftoiiictcu. tualation, s. ber ftgurlicbe, metas pbortfdse ober uncigciulitbe ©ebvaucb ctr.eS 3Eoitc«. TRALATH'IOUS {ado. — ly), adj. ftgftr= (id), meta&boriftb, uneigentlirb. Tiialucent.w/. flav, burdificbtig. TRAM, «. bie (Siitfcfclagfcibe, £rantfci= be, Srame ; — rail?, a. pi. $laftfd)te= ncn ntit Salscu, galjfebtcitcn, .llvan;= frbieiicu ; — road, ein galjfd;ieiieu= voeg. TRAMMEL, .9. 1. ba§ (laugc) Bifobnefc, £l?ogcInc&, 4paavue(}, @arn; 2. ber Spannrtemcn (bev SPferbe) ; 3. ber jteffelljaren ; trammels, /)/. l. T. ein Snftrument Duale 511 jeicbucit, ber Doaljirfef, ,§ange»trfeij 2. Seffeln, SJ3anbeil; in — , gefeffelt ; to raove in trammels, col. in ber Jtlcmnte (in 23ev= iegen^eit) fc^n. To TRAMMEL, v. a. 1. auffattgett ; 2. fig, abfd)iteibeti, oertjtiten. TRAMONTANE, I. s ber^rentbe; Bar* bar; [[. adj. fremb ; barbarifeb. To TRAMP, v. a. & n. 1. trainmen ; trc= ten; 2. fjitu unb bcrgebcit, 511 5'uti veifen ; to — down, tiiebcrtrctcu ; — ! pad' £>id) ! inarfd) ! TRAMPER, ». ber gnjjrcifeiibe ; ^anb= ftreicber; Settler. 7\, TRAMPLE, v.a.t n-trantyeu, tram* petit, tretett ; to — , or to — on, (upon, or under one's feet), lllit gfifjeU tVC= ten ; niebertreten ; fig. ocrachteit, fiiib,= iten, fcbtmoflicb ober ntit rober @e= wait bcbantelu. TRAMPLE, s. ba» Xrcteit ntit ben 3u- ticn. trampler, ^. ber JErampeTer, cuter ber trantpelt, niit gflfeti trttt. trance, s. bie Sntjiichtng. TRANCED, adj. Clltjiicft. TRANQUIL (adu.—Lt), adj. nijjtfl, ftilt, gelaffeu. TRANQUILLITY, ) «. bie HciIoC, ®t> TRANQUILNESS, $ laffenbeir. To TRANQUILLIZE, v. a. bcrilfoigcil, ftiUcu, befanftigen. 7b TRANSACT, v. a. ucrridjfcn, thuit, imiibeln ; to — (commercial) business, l)anbehi, ©cfrbafte niarben ; to — business (with), in @}efd)aft80erbin« bung fte()cit(iuit. .). transaction, .<*. 1. bie Berricbtung, baS @efd;aft, ber Itmfalj (an 2Baa= ren), SBaarcuoertrieb ; 2. bie Singe* legcubett; for (the) closing (of) this — , jut (uolligcit) SHuggletcpung bicfcS OegciljtattbeS ; transactions at the in- Burance-office, 2lffccuran$gefd)aftc, bet 3lffecur«tt jfyanbel ; — in goods, bafl 2Baarengcfd)aft, ber 2ISaarcubanbel. transactor, 5. ber Berrtcbtenbe. TRANSALPINE, adj. iibcralpifrb, jen* fctta (auf ber ni)rblid;en ^eitc) t>cr To TRANSANIMATE, v. a. bie Seclein einen anberrt JvLu'pcr iibcrtragen, »crtaufitcn. rRANSANIMATION, s.bie 2cclcmvan= bevung; ber ^eelcntanfdi. rRANSATLANTIC, adj. jen|eit« be« Oceans, ftbetfeetfdj ; — trade, iiber= ^ceifebcr .ganbel. T« TRANSCEND, v. a. I. iiberftcigeii, itberfebreiten ; 2. iibertrefert. ■•RANSCENDENCE (— cvl s. 1. bie TRAN Ueberfrbrei'tiiiiit, Itcbertreibung; 2. luicbfte -liin'tvefflicbfeit. TRANSCENDENT atla.— lyWj. boebjt »prtrefflich. TRANSCENDENTAL, adj. trati$ccnbeti = tat, tranScenbent ; — geometry, bie tranflcenbettte Grbmegfunft. To TRANSOOLATE, d. a. Mirdfciben. To TRANSCREE, v. a. abfehrctben, CO: Viren. TRANSCRIBER,*, ter ^Ibfcfinibcr. TRANSCRIPT, ». bie 2lbfcb,ttft, TRANSCRIPTrON. ». i. ba« 5lbf^rci= ben ; 2. bie 2tbf*rift. rRANSCRIPTTVE [adv. —ut),adj. «b = fd)riftlid). TRANSCURSIQN,*. I. bae ^inunb^tr= laufen, fig. .^enimfd^vcifeit; 2. ^nrrblanfcn; .'!. tie 2lbivcid)img, Slbfchrocifiittg, ba« Ueberfd;rciten, fid) i'erbveiteii. TRANSDUCTION, ». ba8 Ueberfiitjrcn, .&iiiiibergelciten. TRANSE, 9 aid. Teaj»ce. TRANSELEMENTATION, *. bie 2toff= umroanblung, ©runbjloff-3Jermanb= fung. TRANSEPT. 1. Arch. T. in Jlirdicn ber jtrcui - glugel (Xiircb''cfmitt ober Tuvcbban bnvcb bafl Sdjiff). To transfer, v. a. 1. iibcrtragen (— to. upon, oaf, an) ; 2. berfefocn, »erle« gen, wegfcbaffeit; M. E-s. to — (an incorrect charge [or entry] of an article), abfrbreiben, ftoriiiren ober eontravo= niren, einen SRed;nuiig8poftcit oerfe« %i\\; to — (to make over as a right . (cinent etrooS) abtreten, iiberge= belt, nberiaffen; to — (by assignment) the amount of a bill of exchange, belt ©erroj) eincs SBccfefcls (in f8anto) bom (Sonfo beg Sa^Ienben abfcbrci= ben (affen. TR VNSPER, s. bie fieffton, 9fiedjt8ab= tretung, Uebertragnng (eincs SRedjtfi auf eiiicit Slilbern) ; M E-s.— of ba- lance (to new account), ber ialbO'.'in'; trag, ©alboiibertrag; — book, ba3 Buc^, in n)eld)e8 tie ubertragenen (StodS ciugetrageu roerben ; — Jays, Bid. Si-rrri.ixcj iivys J ■ — oflice, bttfl Bureau, wo bie Uebertragung ber oerfauftett ©toefa beforgt unb beft.i- tigt wirb; — paper, 1. jr. E. ©tocf8 ( bie berfauft unb 511 uoertrageu [tub; 2. UcbcrtraguiigiSpapier, 8U^ogra» pbirpavier; transfers, pi. Mil. T. bie t>LMi eiucr ^ruppc jur anbern cber von einer Qompaante jur anbern »er« ferjtcu 3Jlannfd;aften. TRANSFERABLE, adj. iibeitva.ibav. oerbanbelbar, iu iibergebeu, uber= trclgltd) ; ucrfeljbar. TRANSFERREE, t.L.T. einer bem ctmas iibcrtragen roorben ill ter 6ef= ftonar, (Srroeroer, Ue6ernej>met. TRAN8FERRENCE, ». tie Uebertra-- gung. TRANSFERRER, ». bev Itebcrtragcntc, attreter, C-'cbeur. TRANSFIGURATION,*. I. tie llnige= (laltuna, Umotlbuna, iOerroanblung ber®eftaltj 2. SBerflfirung. To TRANSFIGURE, 0. a. 1. linnieftaN ten, umbilteu, oerroanbeln; -'. uet* flaveu. To transfix, ». a. burdjftcrben, burc|» bobren. To TRANSFORM, v. I. a. unifeu'iiicil, umbilbcu, umgeftaltcn, oerroanbeln; T/i. T. befferu, befeluen ; JBg T. traiiSformireit; 11. «. fi* 6«n»on« belli. TRANSFORMATION, ». bie Umfor» miiiui, lliubilbuitg, Umgeftaltung, iOerwanblung ; t'/i. t. bie ©ejfes TRAN rung, 23cfcf)rung ; M*. T. bie TranJ. formation. TRANSFORMER, * ber Uni'ormcr, Unibiltcr. iierroanbclutc. To TRANSFUSE, 0. * l. an? cmem @efSfe in ein aubrrcS gtefttt, unt- gie|eit, beruber giefien ; 2. fi s . iuu fioficn. TRANSFUSIBLE, a-/r.eiitf(o$bar ; \\m- jugtefen. 'i'i: INSFUSION, «. bas umgtef en, gSnglto), fjtnfcproinbent ; — persons, Tnvrbvepcnte ; — population, b:c teiupcvaic SBeoSlfewng: — [y, adv. tut SBorfioergeljen: findtig; — ness, ». tie SBergangltyftit, ,3luri)tig= Nit. TB UISILD3NCE — cr), » ber Ucber= fvruug (W. ii). transilvani \, 1 Stebenburgen. TRANSILVANIAN, I. adj Hebeubitr-- gtftz) ; 11 ». ber Sicbcnbfirge. tb \N-ri', *. 1. ber Durcbgan j m. e-s bet Durcbgang oon 9Baa* ren, jrailfit(o); — duty free, bet lolifreit Jranutci ; — duty. t:e Sburtbgangaabaabe, bet 5)uto>gang«> soil. £raitfttojoll j — goods, CranfitOa ariifel, SCranfttognt, JCranfttoguter ; — instrument, ■!>'■ T. bat ?ureb = gang«=3nftrument ; M E-s. —store bafl Sraufttoinagajtn ; — trade, ber ivainltbaubel. To TRANSIT, o a Ast T, tiirit.ieben (turdi tie Sonne, von eiiieni ^im« inelSfSrper). TRANSITION, ». ber Uebcrgang, bie Beranberung ; — rocks, pi. G bie UebergangflgebirgSart. 1 R VNSrnONAL, adj. einen Uebcrgang bilbenb. TRANSITIVE h. — lt), adj. ubcrge= beitt, IrailUti'.' ; a verb — , a ein flbergebenbee 3ettroort. TRANStTORINESS, *. tie A I ;idM t jfcit, JBergSngltcbtett. TB ^N8l P ^\ ■ — n.v\ adj. 1. O0r = fibergebenb, pr^tig, oerganglirb: 2. /. t trau I'itoru'eb (oot feinen 8orot* gertrbttbof ger)5ttg). TRANSIT1 . Btoppage in—, mrf. uutcr Stofpaob. TB \Nsi,ATAHLE,«-/j »erfe^bar, ubcr= fefebar. /:. TRANSLATE, a. 1. vcife^e fonbevfl einen Bifcbof, ta in, uach); 2. oertegeu; 3. oerroanbeln ; 4. fiber* fefcen; Enoch nras translated, (@noo) roatb enrrutft), ©ott nahrn Snodj meg. n; iNSLATION, ». I. bie SBerfefcuna (befonbert etnefl Cifebofi) ; 2. *uf« uabnie tu ©ott: 3. Uf berfrtuug ; 4 Oram. T. bie l^etapber, Uebevtra guitg. 153 TRAN TRAN TRAP rRANSLATIVE, adj.Hbtxft^t, ubtttta* gen, nict)t eigeutbumlicb. Translator, s. bcr ltebrrfctjcr. rRANSLATORY, adj. iibcrtrageub, »er« fefccub. TRAN3LATRES3, s. bie Ucberfefccrinu (W.U.). translocation, «. bie SBcrfctjitug, Drtdueranbetung. TRANSLUCENCY, s. bte 3)urcr)ftd)ttg= feif. TRANSLUCENT, > (ado. — ly), a#. TRANSLUCID, J burcfcftdpttg. TRANSMARINE, adj. jeufcif bed SKee* red. TRANSMIGRANT, «$. iibenuanbcntb, aiidn>aubcrub, rocgsiebeub, iiberfte- bclitb. transmigrants, s.pi. 2ludroanbercr, HebcrfteMer. X.) TRANSMIGRATE, v. a. iibcrroatt; bent, audroauberu, luegjicbcn, uber= ftebeln. TRANSMIGRATION, s. i. bte UtbiX" limubentug, Uebcrftebetung, 2Baube= rung, bas 2Begjieben ; 2. (— of the soul), bie ©celenroanberuttg. TRANSMIGRATOR, s. bcr 2lndroailbe= m, aBegjiebettbe, Ueberftebler. TRANSM1GATORY, aaS fibers fdjicft, ubcrlaffeunnTbcu faun; fibers )ti)i&bav, uberfeubbar, ycrerblid) ; 2. Opt. t. bnrd)briiigenb, burcbfcbeittcub. transmission, s. 1. bie Ucbcr= fcbicfung, 93erfrt)tcfutig, Serfcubitng, Ucberlicferuitg, Serpflaujuug; lte= bertragung, Iteberlaffuug, Wtxtt* bung ; 2. opt. t. bad SMtrrbbritigen (ber 8idjtftKtt)len) ; M. E-s —of goads,bie SBaarenyerfenbung, . transmittal, 5. bad Ucberfcbiifeu, ltebcrliefcm. TRANSMITTER, s. ber Ueberfcfcirfcr, it. f. w. ; — of goods, m. E. ber s $$aiu rcnfeerfcnber, fepebiteur, ©pebitor. TRANSMTTTIBLE, adj. road fiberfcns bet roerbctt faun. TRANSMUTABLLTTY, s. vid. Transmu- tation. TRANSMUTABLE (ado. — ly), adj. yer= roattbelbar, umroattbelbar, yeranber- ltd). Transmutation, ». bte 93erroattb= lung, Umwaublung, SBetanbetuna, j Math. T. bie Xraudihutation, Uinfor* imtiig. To transmute, v. a. oervoanbeln, umbilben, umroanbettt, uingeftatteu. tuansmuter, s. ber SBermanbler. Transom, s. r. bcr Querbalfen ; jv. T-s. bcr .Oecfbalfcu, 2Uorp; ba«3Si(tr ant 3afob«ftabe (cross-staff); iai K«lb cities 9Japerti3; bcr @turj ; transoms, pi. bie Seberbbljcr cittes 2i>agcn«; bie SJicgcl an ben ?afet= teit; JV. T-s. deck transom, ber Utttcr= 434 bcdfbalfett in ber ^>bbe be= cvfjcii 2)ccf^; filling—, bcr 3iiUbcifbalfcii; first — , bcr erfte 3Bovp miter bent Untcrbccfbalfett; lieimpnrt — , bcr Dbcrbccfbalfeu tit bcr ^obe be3 cr= ftcit CDccfS ; second — , bcr jiucite 3Bov» ; — bolt, bcr i8ol$cit, bcr burrh US Slalh uitb bie SBanbe befi JJapcvt« QCf;t; — knees, <£mffnicil; — plate, has 93efdjlage cities iKapcrts ; — glares, T. ^oljcnfribcibcn, eiferne ^cb,eiben, roclct)e anf bcu Seitcn bcr Safcttenwdnbe liegen tmb bie bttrcb bie ^icgcl gcbenb'en SGofjca faffcit; — window, baS Oitcrfcuflcr. TRANSPADANE, adj. jcitfcit bc« 3Iuf= fes $0 gelegett. TRANSPARENCY, s. bie 3)lircbftcbtig= feir, Stlaxfytit; bad 2]rat;i5parcntgc= ntafbe. TRANSPARENT (adv. — ly), adj. bltrd)= fcbeiitcnb, biiffbfcfjinimcrnb, bnvct) fi^= fig; fig- b n 't' Wi f' al 'j — ness, s. vid. Transparency. TRANSPICUOUS, adj. bnrd)fct)cincnb, buret) ftcbtig. To transpierce, v. a. bitra)brtngeit, burtbjiecben, biira)bt»bvcn. TRANSP1RABLE, adj. bcr 3tltSbi'tIlfiung fabig, auSbiinjibar. TRANSPIRATION, s bie 2luSbiittjiiutg. To TRANSPIRE, v. n. & a. 1. ailSbi'tlt= flett ; aiisbiitiften laffcit ; fig. 2. ftd) Perbrciteit, anSfoninicit, befannt (rnch= bar) rocrbett; 3. yorfallcn, gcfcbc^cit; nothing certain has transpired about it, nod; tuci^ ma* iticfjts gcnjtffcS bar- iiber. To TRANSPLACE, v a. bClfefeeit, ltltt= fefeeit, ucrlegcn. To transplant, v. a. 1. bcrpflanjen, uerfc^eit; fortppanjctt; 2. ctttfcrtteit, rnegfrbaffen. TRANSPLANTATION, s. bie aSerpfIait= jung, 93erfc^ttng, 5ortpfIait5itng (»on Jtranfbeiten u. f. w.). transplanter, s. 1. bcr 93crpflan= jet ; 2. etit ©artcnitiftritment jmn SJerfefeen. transplendency, *. bcr aupcror= bentlicb., tiorjiiglicbe ©U1115. TRANSPLENDENT (ado. — ly), adj. aU= Bcroi'bcnflid) (iibcraus) glaitjcrtb. To transport, v. a. 1. t)initber tra= gen, l)iniibcr fdjaffett, fortbringen, nberbrtngen, forffrfjaffen, tran«por= tiren, nerfenben, ucrfiibrett; iibcrtra= gen; uOerfcfccn, uberf4>iffen; 2. ucr= bannett, bed SanbeS uerroeifen, Sorts bcSccrruiefctte tiberfct)irfen, beporti; rett; 3. l)eftig betocgen, atifbrittgen, in Seibenfcbaft brin'gen; aitficr ftcb fe^eit, eittjiicfeit ; to — a ship, ein @ct)tff in einm attbevn >§«fen, anf cine anbere ©telle bringen; to be transported with joy, VOr 3'mibC attf Cr ftd) fci)n. transport, s. i. bad gorffd)affen, Sfierfcubcit, bcr transport (and) j\i. E.) ; bad Iteberfcbiffen, Uebcrfcfecn, bie Ucberfar)rt; Ueberfragung ; 2. ber SBerbanutc, ^anbcSycrmiefcne, Seportirte; 3. bie (Sntjiidfitng, 93e= gcifterung; 4. bie ^ifee, ^eftigfcit; 5. (charges of — ), bie SranSportfo; ften ; 6. (ship for — , or — ship), ba« Sransportfcbiff, Ucbcrfabrtfdiiff, gract)tftt)irt; — board, bie (Sontmif= faricn, roelcbe, miter (Sontrole bed ©taatdfecretiirS bed Snncnt, bie 23cr= fiibrnng von Xruppen, S3oirfitben it. f. w. beforgen. transportable, adj. wai fortgc= brad)t, fcrtgcfd)afft,' aerfctjt rocrben faun. TRANSPORTATION, *. 1. bte ^ortfd)af= fuug, Scrfe:!buug, Uebcrfcfeung, Ue= berfebiffung, Ucberfabrt; 2. ZciuUti ucnucifuug, ^crbaunung, Sevortcu tion; 3. ©uijitcfuug (w. it ); —cars Siranflportroagcit (anf (Siffitbabnen). TRANSPORTEDLY.a^o. Cntjitcft, attfjct fid). TRANSPORTEDNESS, s. bte dntjii- dung. transporter, s. ber llcbctbriugenbe, Sortfrbaffcnbe, Ucbcrfd;iffenbe ti. f. w. TR.4NSP0RTMENT, s. (W. it.) vid. Transportation, transposal, s. bie SSerfefctutg. To TRANSPOSE, v. a. 1. ijerfefccu, urns feljcu ; cntfenten, verpflaujcn ; 2. Mas. T. if Aig. T. trattdponircit ; 3. Typ. T. Dcrbillbeit; transposed keys, J\iu3. t. mil 33erfefeuiig«jetcbnt »er= fcijene 2!cnartcn. TRANSPOSITION, e. 1. bie SScrfetiung, ber s ]]laijtaufd) ; 2. Mis. t. tat Xvante potiireu ; 3. A'.g. T. bie ^raudpefttion. transpositional, adj. bie 5Serfefentig bctrcffcitb, scrfc^enb. TRANSP0SIT1VE, adj. scrfepar, um* jufcfeeii; yerfcijeub. To TRANS SHIP, v. a. M. E. ©fifts JUr 2Sicbcryerfrbiffung ober 2Bcttcrycr= fcnbnng itntlabcn (and eincnt crfcubung. To TRANSUBSTANTIATE, 0. a. til eill anbercd 2Bcfcn cerroaubeln. TRANSUBSTANTIATION. s. bie 2Se= feuyerwanbhiug, bie Sermanbluitg (bed Probed unb 2Bciucd in bcu £cib unb bad Slut 6f)riftt). TRANSUBSTANTIATOR, s. bcr Sfs batiptcr (Serfecbtcr) ber 2Scfcuycr^ roanblung. transudation, s. bad Surct)|"d)roi' ^cn, Sitrcbbiiuftcu. TRANSUDATORY, adj. bitr^bunftcnb, burd;frt)«)t%ciib. To TRANSUDE, v. n. bUVCt)fcl)roifcett, burd)bitnffcn. To transume, v. a. yerpoatibeln (w. ii.). transumtion, s . bad .gerubcrner,' men, >g)iuuberitcbmcit (w. ti.). transvection, s . bad gat)ren. TRANSVERSAL (adv. — ly), adj. freu$=-- tr-cifc, guer daufenb), fcbra'ge, unige= febrt, bltrd)fd)ncibenb- transversal fracture. & T. berdltcrbritd) ; — line, bie Scitcttlinte (ciitcd ®cfrt)lert)td) ; Mat. t. bie Sraudyerfallinic, Xvant* oerfole. TRANSVERSE (ado. — ly), adj. vid. Transversal, &c; — muscle, bcr DucrmitSfcl ; — suture, bteOuevnat)t bed er= xiitii. FRAPAN, *. bte id)iinge, tfalle, Stft fRAPANNER, s. 1. bcr iU-rfubrer, SBe= iriiger, 2(i>al£; 2. Jtintcvbicb, oC$abraiim ; 4. (in SBeftmbien) auflgeprefitefl Sucferrobr (cane — ) ; (field — ), bcrborrte Skit- ter aub d)interereien ( ©d)o= fet, SafeL TRASS, s. bcr S;iafj (cat t>ulfauifd)cg gjrobuct). TRAUMATIC, Med. T. adj. SQBltltbCU f)ei= lenb ; — decoction, bag SBunbbecoct, TRAUMATIC^ s. pi. UMiiiteubeilcute Mrjtteiett. To travail. ». n. 1. fid) platen, firf), abarbcitcn, arbcttcit; 2. (— in childbirth), ill .fttnbefluijtijeil fev>u, Eveifen. travail. ». ba« J?reijScit, bieJtiubcfl= notfjen, 23cbeu. TRAVE, s. ber Slottjfiall; Salfen, bag DuerQoty, bcr JQiiergaug. To TRAVEL, r. n. ,$- n. (bc)rcifen, wauberu, (fortjgcfjeu ; to — on, u?ci= ter rcifcit. TRAVEL, s. 1. bie 3Uifc; 2. SlmtflrcU fe ; 3. oid. Travail. TRAVELLED, adj. gcrcift. TRAVELLER, s. 1. bet Sieifenbe, 2Bau= beret j 2. bcr i§anbel8« obet ©efd)aftfl= reifenbe ; 3. jv T. einc3trt Sting obet tin eiferner Sflgel), bcr an ben iJJar= buucit fluf nub ntebet lauft nub bag Slufbiffen berSBramtaaen erlcidmrt ; — 's joy, bie gcmeiiic SBalbrebe, Sitlb* trcibe (Clematis vitalba — /-.). niAvr.LLiNi;, ». bas SRetfen; sriai — , bag Suftteifen ; — backstays, A* t. 33org»arbunen bcr ©tengen; — bag, bte Dtetfetafdje; — carriage, bcr Retfetoaaen ; tie ©e[agerung«s obcr gelb=8ajfette leirf)tcr Slrt; m. f..<. — charges, — fees, :)ieifcfpcfen, SReU fcfofteii; —rink, bet^anbeIS« obcr ©efdbaftsretfenbe, Sletfebienet ; — desk, bag 3tcifcpult ; — kitchen, bie 8{ei|"efiirb,t ; — library, bie 3?eifefci= bliotbef; — map, bie SJJeiff fatfe, $oft= fartc; — merchant, bcr (iHuiiiitJrci: feube Jlaufinann ; — name, ciu Btt« genommenet Sftame, untcr bem cine Kobe ^etfon teift ; — trur.k, bcr 3ieife!offet ; — tutor, bcr i)teifebof= mcifter. TRAVELS, « pi. SReifeberidjte, bie 3Ui= febefrbrcibuitg, mod. Sletfebtlbff. TRAVERSABLE, a/j. /..r.cineii Jled'tg: eiinimub julaffenb. ', i. adj. Sf ode. quer, iiber= jtuerd), freuitveig; ll. prep, auer burd) (tv. ii.) ; JV. T-s. — board, bag 2tun= benbrett, ber Ubrborb ; — horse, eiu Stanber uor cber fjtntcr einem 3Kos fie, jum Slufbiffen cineg sBrefocfg cber (Srbitaufegtlg btenenb ; — sail- ing, ber fchicfe gauf, ecu eiu Scfeiff burr4i 5l6treiben madjt ; ber JtoppeU courg ; — table, bie ilogtafel. traverse, *. 1. tie iZluere- ber Ouergang, Ouerlauf; bag Ouer= ftitcf, Otterb/Olj, bcr Ouerbalfeu ; ba« Sraocrftren bcr 5Rferbe ; F„rt. bie £ra»erfe, ber Oucrwall, 3rocrd)= wall ; 2. fig. ber Cucrftrirf), bag un= Dcrmutbcte <6inberuiy, bie 2Sibcr= roartigfeii ; fflcitbuug, Qlugicbe, 2lug= flucbt, bcr Jiniff ; 3. T. ber 9iecbtg= einroonb. To traverse, v. I. a. 1. Frcu^cn, scr? fdjranfeu, quer burdi^icben; burd): frcutcn ; cjucr burcb obet uber gef)eu, burcpfcbrcttcn: 2. burchrctfcit, burdj= veanberit, burdjlaufeit; butdjbrinflen ; 3. genau uuterfudjen, burebferfdien ; 4. /.. t cincn SRedjtgeintourf macben ; in bie iHucrc femtmen, (cgeu, biubcrn, ficb ivibevfeftcu, l)inberlicb fcun; 5. Gun. T. (to — a gun), einem ©cfdjiiQ bie Scitcurirbtuug geben, eg breben, fo bafj eg uacb alien (Seiten febiefit ; traversed arms, itber ciuanber gcfd)la= gctte Sltine ; /,. T-s. to — a judgment, gegen ciu llrtbcil lantern; to — the indictment, ben ©cgenbenmg fiibrcn ; II. ». 1. (vom ffompafj) fcitroarts ab= roeid)cu; 2. fid) auf einem 3apfcn ttcbeii; 3. Sp. E. (bem Scbulpfertcu unb wn 3agbf)iiubeu) traoetfiren, Ouerfpriinge inacben ; 4. (bcim geo>s ten) traoetftren, fettmfirM auSfaDen. TRAVERSING (part. rid. 7V>Tiuvsrbb ; Gun. t-s. — plates, bie iMedje an ber Soffette, rootauf bie Snben bcr ^ebc= bauntc liegen, wenn man bem @c= febii^ bte refjboljenj — ring, bcr 5Proferinn ; — handspike, bte ,^,tnbfpcid)c, bet SRidjtbaum. TRAVESHED.parf traveftirr, Kicberlid) oerfleibet, untgefleibet, umgeftaltet. TRAVESTT, I. adj. rid. Travestiku j II s. bie Sraveftie. 7V» TRAVESTY, d, a. traucitircn, um* flcibcn, ciuc etnfte (erb,nbene) £ieb= tung iug Sacberlicbe umgeflalreu. TRAY, .i bie dftulbe; bet CtOflS ^Jtfis fcutirtellcr mit bobcm 3ianb ; mason's — , ber .Half: obet SKortcltrogj — man, bet .^anblangcr bei ben SWaus rent. TREACHEROUS [ado.— lt), adj. vcvr.i- ibovifd), treuloi; bintcvliiti.i, folfd), bubifeb; —hopes, trugcrtfdje fioff» nungen; — memory, boa untreue ©ebfldjitnif ; — ness, s. w (.Tri lcstbrt. TREACHERY, .--. bet iBerratb, bie 83er= vatberci, Sreulofigfeit, Salfcbfyeit, S3erruglid)feit. TREACLE, ». 1. ber; ©djailin beint 5ieben bee 3»d}etfaftte ; 2. bet ciugefocbte 3ucfetfaft oerfebteberur Spflanjen, S»>tup ; — oi uctiaiufdjcr SutUVj English — , ber @autanber (Tent Ws — L.) ; —mustard, bag ©d)tlbfraut Clij- pcoia jonthla..) ; bt: Bauettifenf • m — /.. ; — water, iH ibcriafivaffcr ; — hedge mustard or — wormeeed, bet 5d)otenbottet ;> r siiniim chciranth idet — /. • To TREAD, r. n . St n. I. trcteu, cincn Sritt macben ; 2. betretcu, I'dneitcn,- 3. flainpfcu, trampelii; 4. fid) begat> ten (von 335geln ; to — grepet Sraubcu aUetreten, [client ; to — & re, tine SDIenuet obet btrglci; cben) tanjcit ; to — on the skin, Typ. T. abtreteu; to — the stage, attfttt* ten, auf rem li'cv.icr fpiel i n auefteten; ti — upon, (auf) tt» roae trettn ; lit. a- fig. mit ,>ufjcn tre» ten; ftampfcii. TREAD, i. I. bet Eritr, Sdjritt, @an«; 2. 5Cfab, SBeg, bie ©obn w. ti. 1 ; 3. ber^abnentiiit (bie Oegattnng); — mill, bie Iretm TREADEB,*. (—of grapes . ber Ircu» beutvetcr, Jiclterticter, .Uclicrcr. TREADLE, ». 1. bet J vcifctcmcl ; 2. ^abueutritt (im (Si); treadles oi sheep, p'. bie Sd)aflotbeeren, ber Scbaffotb. TREABi >.\. «. bic Oerratbetti, ber 83ct« ratb ; high — , ter .^cbvcvrattv TREASONABLE [adv. — lv , <>'.j. vcr= titberifd). TREASl RE, », bet £dial}; — city (E/od. a, bic Stobt mit iBorratbBs baufent; — house (— room), bte ©cbafjfammcr ; — trove, /.. T. ciu oerborgen gefunbenet Sdjafe, beffen (Sigcutbiimcr uicbt befannt tft. 7b TREASURE, g a. to — ap . 5d)Sfte fammcln, aufbSufett, TREASURER, > ter 2 l ta§:neiftcr, Snrfelmeiftet, Eoffenfu^rer, ;itbl= meiftet ; lord high — . rer 8orb Cbcr= febatjmcifter ; — of the king's house- hold, bcr ijpoffcbafemeifrer ; — of the county, ter SBetwaitet bet ©raff djaft«= gcltCf; — of the ordnance, bCf 3 a b' : meiftet bet Jlrtillerie. TREASl bership, s. bafl <2>d)afcmei« ficramt. TREASURESS, ». bie (3cba?mciitcriuu. TREASURY, ». l. bie 5ffrnt(id)e t.\\)i<, ®d)a6fammer, Sinanjfammer ; 2. ccie (bit Minmtlicbcu Be* anttcu bcffclbcu) : lord of the — . cuter bet fiinf Commiffatien, tvehtc iu Sngianb bafl Sdjafcmtifieramt >.'cr= tool ten ; — bank. . in tic Sdjafefam* mcr '^anf ; — bill, bad SaffenDtUtt bet Soffenfdjein ; — note, bet Sdjat» [animcifdieiu, (tit Breufjen) Srefoti fdjein; Am. bie icba^afitgitatc ; — oiike, bafl Sdjaljaint, ,\iu,inu-t>Ilc= gium; —order, .i;n. tic Sd)a| bonnaii}. To TREAT, i'. a. * ». 1. bebantelu, bu gegnenj 2. btrotrtben, ©afimable aeotn, gaiilirb unterpalten ; 3. panbeln; 4. untcvbantclu with, mit 5, ju SBergleicbflbebingungen Eommen. TREAT, .--. tic ifleroirtbung, tet Sdjmaufl, bafl IWibl, tic il'i.tbljcit; .v ^ocbgenu§; a parting — . ciu 9lbfo)iebnbluna. TREA i'v, i. bet Cractat, tie ltuttr= banblung, Ueocttinfuuft, ter in-r« ttftfli — of accession to the Prussian tariff union, bet SBertrag iibcr ten ®eU tvttt jum ptcufiii'dHii JoKverianfe, ,ioll oettiniguiigfl uertrag; — ofcom- ber fianbelfloerttag; — ot , bet Jnebenfloerttaa; to ih; in — tot.., in Uutcrbaiiblitug ftebcit fiir .., »e gen — ; the — making 435 TREM TRfcfc TRIB iwer, baS cincm -^iciiavdicn jufles benbe 9cecbt Staatt&etttage ju febtiejien. TREBLE. I. adj. i rtctfcrf) ; 2. .V»>-. T. fdvuftoucub, bocbtbucub ; bte Tis= cantfttmme fiihrcnb; at — usances, .1/. e. a brci Ufo ; ii. s. bet 55i8cant, bobe Son, bic Dberftiinine ; faint — . bet rUcaut burd) bic 5'iitcl; — ho- boe, bte 2)i8cnnf=^oboe ; — vioi, bte @opran»33tole ober JDiScants SBtatfdje. To TREBLE, v. I. a. llltt bVCt i>crmcfi= rcii, berbreifadjen ; ii. n. ftci> setbret* facbfit. TREBLENESS. s. 1. bad Trcifadie; 2. bie igiobe, geiubcit (ber ©tintme, beg SoiicS). trebly, «cubaum (Lnvatera arborea — L) ; — medick, ber (Straitcbjlee (Mcdicago arborea — fj) J — moss, ivtc — lichen : JV. T-s. — nails, lange cirbcuc -}>flbjtisus — /.); bieSaSmttu blame, Stolrebe (Jasmmum -- D ; — hardened, ber «rt)iiecfctiflce, Eic^eU Flee (Medicago — /..). i'REEllage, *. ba8 SaUettmeif, ®iU ferroerf. CRELLIS, 8 . baS Sitter ; (—work), ©ttterroerf. trellised, adj. fleijitfert, betgittett; — windows, 0ittCtfcitfter. n.TBEMBUB,t,.n. 1. jittcnt (—at, with. »or,i; febwanfen; frbauent; 2. tril= lent ; to — with cold, uor .italic jit= ttrit ; to — at one's sight, bei Jciltait = KS "Jlubltcf erbebctt. 45R TREMBLEMENT, ». (fraitj.) .Mas T. ber Jrider. trembler, < ber 3iitcrnbe. TREMBLING (adv.— ly), part, jiftcrtlb ; — poplar, bie Stepe, 3i'teipiUnH-[ ; — ly alive, mit jeber 9let»e empfttt= benb ; — ness, «. bag 3ittcnt (it. ti.). TREMENDOUS (adv. — ly), adj. fttrcbt= bar, furcbferltd), febrecfltct) ; —ness, *. bic gurcbtbarfett, ba« Scfjrctf lirbe. tremor, s. bas Sirtcnt, Seben, ©cbanberit ; in a — , bebettb. TREMULOUS (adv. — ly), adj. 1. jit= ternb, bainje; 2. febroanfettb, fltegenb, flacfenib ; —ness, s. baS Bttternbe, bic Snugtafeit ; baS Sliegen, Klacf cnt. TREN, s. bic.tparpuiic, bay SBurfeifert. Tu trench, ,.. [.o.i. graben, etttgras bett, aufgtoben, einfcbitcibeit ; 2. mit ©raben buntjicben ; 3. f,»-l mit SBall, ©rabeit befefiigen, retraitcbi= rot; to — the^'ast, JV. T. belt S3al= lajt im Scbiffe burrf) ©cbcttcit ab= tbeileit; to — about, nt it cincm ©ra= bcit nmgeben ; to — in, petfdjanjeti ; II. n. (Jiitjiriffc tbiui, fdimalern ; to — upon, ftrb an ctiuafi baltoi, etams itt 2litfpriici> nebmeii ; autaficii, ©n= griffe tbitn. trench, s. ber ©raben, Saufgraben, bie Scbaill;e ; to open the trenches, Fort, bie Saufgraben offnen. trenchant, adj. fcbticibcttb, febarf (m. ii.). trencher. 5 . 1. ber b^oljetne Seller ; 2. ba-3 Srancbirbrctt ; ber :Iifd), bie SCafel; 3. _fi ? . S.afclgabcii, S'afclfreu= bett; spare — , bie 3iclfd)icbc beim Sumter, Ouiiitaue ; — cap, bie bier= ecTtge J?appe_; — fiy (a friend), ber SEeffevIeffer, erbntarc^cr ; —knight, bet SEafelrifter, Scbmarrfecr; —man. ber ftarfe ©ffer, mdg. gre jfet, SStel= fraf) ; — mate, ber jttbrtngJtc^e £ifcb= geuoffe, ©rbmaro^er; — plough, ber yiajdpflltg ; to — plough, 0. a. xa- jolcn; — ploughing. ba8 SRajoIeu; — squire, luic — knight. TRENCHING-PLOUGH, s. r;«iTRENCiiEU- PLOfGH. To TREND, r. n . cine (frf)iefe) 3cicf)- tung babeit, ltcbmctt ; to — to the N. w., mit alien ®egeln gegen S)iotb= tr-eft (teiicrit ; the coast trends (to the) s. w., bie Jttiftc ftrecft ftrt) (nacibj ©flbroefr. TREND, ». JV. T. bic 2 telle bcS ?Ittfer= febafts, wo man fcitte 'Cidfe 511 mcf= feu pflegt. trendle, s. ber ©rctjapfcu, bie fftolk, SEaljc; —of a mill, T. ber 2>rebling, drilling. trentals, s. p i. bie brcijjtg Seclcit= meffen. Trent, s. (bic Stabt) SCrtent, Stibent. trepan, s. 1. s.T. ber Srepait, @cba= belbobrer; 2. rid. trapan. To trepan, v. a. 1. s. t. trepaitireit, ben Sd;abel brbrcit ; 2. rid. Trapah. trepanner, s . ber Jrcpaitircnbc. trephine, s. s. T. ber fleitie @fbabel= bobrer, ber .fianb= obet ©ptfetrepan. To trephine, v . a. trcpatttrett. trepidation, s. 1. baS SBcbert, 3it= tern ; 2. bic berroirrte, unentfcbloffene (Silfertigtcit; in — , jtttcrnb. To trespass, v. a. 1. ubertrctcit, fiiiu bigot, ftd) oergeben (— against . . . , rotbet . . .); 2. auf gefeftwibrige 5lrt fid) an frembcm (?igeutbumc vcrgrci= feu ; to — upon a law, eilt ©cfcfc itbertrefen rbcr umgeben; to— on another's ground, t It CtllCS ?lltbcnt ®C= recbtfame greifett ; to — upon one (or upon one's patience), SeiltailbcS @e= bulb ermiiben. TRESPASS, 3. I. bic Uebcrtrctuug, Siiube^ 2. bergefefetvibrtge^ingriff. ©tngriff in bte ;)iod)te cities Slnbern bie Beeinfrcicbttgung. TRESPASSER s. I. "ber Uebertretet, SBeeintracbtiger ; 2. ©iinbtgenbt, ©flnber. tress.... bie ;^aar= ^orfepbergkebte. tressed, adj. in So tfen gcteg:, gelccft, gcflocbten. TRESSDRE, s. H. t. ber febntaie Jlra> got obcr (Saum. TRESTLE, s. ber ^dira^en, 33pcf, ba3 ©eftcU; baS Sifdigeftell ; ber brei= beinige (Stub!, ©effel ; — trees, jy. t. bie Saiigfabltngeit; F»-t. tressels for fascines, bic gafebiueiibiinfe. tret, s. M e. ber SJlabatt, bie 3?e* factie. trevet, s. ber Dretfujj ; ber brei* beinige ©tu()l, ©effcl. TREVES, s. (bie ©tabt) Trier. TREY, s. bic Srci, brci 2Iugen (im Jlartcnfpieic). triable, adj. 1. 511 "erfurbcn, »er= furbbar: 2. ju uiiterfucbeu, »»r ®e= riebt abbbrbar. TRlACONTAHEDRAr,. adj. breif;igfet'= tig ; Jtfiin. T. son breijMg tauten ein= gefrbloffen. triad, 5. bic gebtitte 3ab(, ^reibcit, JDrei ; Mus. T. ber barmenifebe 5)rei= Hang. TRIAL, .*. 1. bte 5pvpbc, SprflfiBttg; 2. Srfabrang ; 3. bic gcridjtlicbe Untet« fiirbung, ba§ in-rbiu'; 4. ber 25er* fucb; 5. bie 33erf;:cbung, Slnfeobtung; 6. bic ^robebaltigEett; — by jur>-, bic Uutetfudnmg »pr ben ©cfebwort* nen ; hour of—, bie +-riifung§ftntibe; by way of — , als SSetfucib, verfucfc*« roeife ; new — , (beim Sccrecbt) bie SReoiftOK; to make a — of a thing, cine i'rt»be mit ettoai macben; to make a — upon one, cilte -^ritfung mit cincm anfteflen; I win have a — for it, id) n>ifl eS gericbtlidj au*ma* d)cn ; to stand to — , fid) t>or @erid)t ftcllot ; — balance, ME. eilie rot)? Silnnj. TRIALITF, s. bic 5)reir)ett; Srcietiiig-- feit (ro. it.). triander, s. B. T. bic bvciiitauucrigt spfifanje. tkiandrian, adj. B. T. brcimauiiertg mit brci Staubfaben. triangle, s. ber Sriangel, ba« t)rei» ecf ; — with pulleys, ber Sagerbotf, ^cbebeef, ba8 ^ebejeng. TRIANGLED, ) (ad*. — ly), adj. breU TRIANGULAR. > ccf tg ; — numbers, bie ^oliigcualjabten, Srtangiifarjab 5 lot; — compasses, ciu brctfcbeufe= Iid)er ^ivkl. triarian, adj. ben brittcu $ia fonberS itt j?trd)en) ; — of commerce. baS ^anbeUgeritbt. TRIG TRlb TRIN fRIBUNARY, adj. bie £ribuucu be= ircffenb. TRIBUNE, .5. 1. bcr 2'ribun, 3» n ft* utcifter, BoIKoertreter, Slnfiitjrer, BefebUbaber tincr .Rrteggfcbaar; 2. (frauj.) bie SRebner&iibne. TRlBUNESHlP, «. MS JEribunaf, 3>»nf> ineifieramt. TRIBUNICIAN, \ adj. jum Xribuu gc= TRIBUNITIAL, J bong. TRIBUTARY, adj. 1. trtbutbar, flcucr= bar, jinsbar, $iiitSpflid)tig ; 2. nnter= lviirftg, unlcrtbiiu ; 3. nl« Sribut bargcbracht; 4. 3uffujj iebetSltt ge= Wcibreilb ; — streams (tributaries), Slcbeitfluffc, 3" fluffs TRIBUTARY, s. ber 3in3bare, Struct* VffldjHge. tributes. 1. berSribuf, btc©tcuer, ©cbafeuug. Qlbgabc, Ut ©djofi, 3iuS ; 2. fcie Betfteuer, bet Beitrag ; — of respects, bte Slcbtunggbejeiguug. TRICAPSULAR, adj. mit brei Jlapfcltt. TRICE, s. bcrVJugeitblicf, ba^JJit, .§ui; in a — . tit ciiicnt Slugenbltcfe, tit eiitem SRtt. To TRICE, v a. JV. T. vid. To TR18B. TRICHOTOMOUS, a./;'. brcitbcilig. rRICHOTOMY, *. bie breifacbc 0ffcil fpiclctt; she has a — of winking with her eyes, fie bflt fid) baS BUtitelu angetoolmt; — for — , col. SBurft auebev SBurft. To TRICK, ». I. a. 1. ciltctl ©trc(d) fpiclcu, iiberltftcu, taufrbcn, bctrii= gen, jum Bcftcit babcu, cine SRafe b re ben ; 2. fchmiicFcn ; jicrcn; (ber* flll8)plli}eil ; to — one out cf . . , Ctncrt Itm etruaS betviigeu ; to — up, berau-S puljcn, aufpufccu; II. n. »oiu SUtrug Icbeit. TRICKER, *. 1. ber ©rfiifer, Stcdjcr (am (Mcivcbrc) ; 2. ©auucr. TRICKERY, .'. 1. bie Wauncrci, Sift, ccr Jvituftgriff; 2. baS Slufpufccn, Stbmi'tcfen. TRICKISH {n&v. — i.y), adj. oerfcbmtfer, liftig, tiiififcb, frblau; —ness, .«. bie ^ovfdjmiijtfjeit, Siift, Xi'tcfe, Sd)lau= fceit. To TRICKLE, v. n. trfpfcln, traufefu, frtefeltt; to — down, bcrabtropfdn. TRICKSTER, s. ber ©aititcr, feitie S3c= tritger, Sftafenbrebet. trk k-track, Teictrac, i.bneXricf: trarffpiel. TRICUNIARY adj. etu 3luf)cbett be = treffeiib. triclinium, s. eiit 3^ibebett fiir beet sperfonen. TRICOCCOUS, adj. n. T. miS biei Otl ciitanbergefiigteit ^prtiigfi'iid;teu be= ftebeub. TRICOLOUR, t. b>i« bvciMvbtge Pin= blem, bte brcifarbige Valine, 2,'vtco= lore. riUCOLOURED, adj. brcifarbig; — Etimrantlitis. bil« 2iUlfeiltfii)bu (.Ima- rant/ius tricolor — /,.). iricorporal, n,ij. bveileibtg. riUCIJSPIDATE, adj. L*. % .1. T. bret = UMfjig ; —valves of the heart, .1. T. bte brcifpifjigeit .Ulappcu bcr rcd)tcit gerjtammeL XricitiSpibatvalyeii. TRIDACTYLOUS, adj. breiu'big. TRIDE, adj Sp K rafdi, ftirj ' uiib gc= fd)ivinb, flittf, b lllt i^ (upih @ange bcr ^Jfetbe). TRIDENT, s. bcr ©reiKttf. TRIDENT, adj. btet'jtttftfl. TRIDENTATE, \ .. .. -■ , TRIDENTED, J «*■ b"«i«*lfl- TRTDIAPASON,* Mm. T. bie brcifadje Dcto»e. TRIDUAN, adj. 1. brcttagig ; 2. :'k brci Jage, brcitiiglid) (\v. u.). TRIENNIAL (ado. — ly), adj. 1. brei = jcibrig; 2. alie brci 3af)re, brcij,ihr= lid). TRIER, s. 1. ber einen Serfitd) iuad)t ; 2. Hiiterfucber, Sprufer, SiidUer ; bcr St^cal, ^Serbiurtcbfcr; 3. bie SProbe, icr Serfucb, bie $iiifuitg. TRIE1«. s. pi. (bie Stabt unb ba3 Jiitr= fiir jtcittbum) S'rier. TIUETERICAL, adj. (XO. it.) vid. Trien- nial. r«TRiF.\LLou', v. a. 51HU britteti 3JIaIc pfliigen, brciartctt, brtebrber banbetit, ben ©ecfen fpielen ; to — away. I'crLiitbcln ; mit jtleitiigfettcn juluiiigcit, bte 3>-'it Der« fcbwctlbetl ; to — away (to — with) one's time, feiltc 3?it yerfitttbcllt. trifle, 8. bie Jvlciitigfctt, CappnTie, ?umpcrct, ^Jojfe, ber Xanb, bai <25piel= tterf. TRIFLEB, 5. bcr fitibifd-c ^Ju'iifcb, SaaMev, ^'offenmadter, unrtiifce ©t^waftet. TRIFLING (ado. — ly), adj laiibclbaft, tanbelig; lappifd), unbebeutenb, gc= rittgfiigtg, tiitaMcbtig ; miirbeioS; — ness, s. bag Sappifcl)c, bie £anbe!et, ba8 Uitbcbeutenbc. triflorous, adj. p. T. brcibluiuig. trifoliate, adj. bretbtatterta, TRIFOLIOLATE, adj. B. T. brci iMatt-- rbctt babenb. TRIFOLY, 8. vid. Trefoil. triform, adj. brcifbrmt'g, von brctfa= cber ©cftalt, brcigcftall. To TRIG, d. a. mit bent .Ocmmfdntb, SBremfl obet ber <§emmferre aubalten, bemnten (SRaber). TRI6AMY, «, bie brcifadje (^bc, (5be mit brei SBetberit ober bret SJJanneru. TRIGEMINOUS, adj. brcttoppclt, bwt» f>ut. TRIGGER,*. 1. ber .ftcnmtfdpub, 3iab= febub, ©rem«, bte fRabfperrc, §emm= fctte; 2. bcr 3)ruifcr, ^tcrbcr (>ini ©emebre); 7V». (ant aupttv,igcr einel @eofiube<); — hooka, ©efcangeln, Snaebtangeltt TRIMMING, 8. bet Slufbufc, tic Btr)i<< rung. JluSftafftrnng, bet Btfa^. TRTMNEsa i bfe SRettigfeif, 9liebl(o> Nit, bcr ittttt Slnjug, TRINAL, adj. genitt, bretfadj. trim bergtbtittc *2cbeiu; u. adj. bretfadj. To TRINK -• " A8t. T ill ben gcbrilten ©cbetn ftcllcu. TRINERVAT , V. mit brei TRINERVE, > ©efaDbiSnbelu rer. TRINERVED, \ febcu ; bicirippig. TRIP TRINGLE, «. Arch. T. bit $)3iattC; bie ,Uvaii^Kifie. , , , TRINITARIAN,* 1. biT XvetCtlligleitSs befenner ; 2. Ivinitoviev (cine 2lrt aiiiMidic). . _...-.. TRINITY, a. btc 5>re tctntgrett ; — grass, ber .gafenllee, ba8 «pafen}>f5t= d)eu (Trifolium orvense — £.)? — house, cin 2)2arincgcrirbt 511 3>pt= f or b ; _ Sunday, bcr 2>rciciuigfcitS~ fonntog. TRINKET, s. 1. jv. T. baS 23ramfcgcl ; 2. ber £aub ; trinkets, pi. bos glitter* toerf, bcr ampfroa= gen u. f. ro., jruifdjen greet Drtcn. TRIPART1ENT, aiij in brci £bci(e tficU ienb. tripartite, adj. bvcitbcilig ; breifad; auSgcfevtigt obcr copivt. tripartition, s. tie JEbcitung in brci SEtjetle. TRIPE, s. baS (Siiigcrocibc, ©ebarm, bie Jlalbauneit, jtutteln; — house, bcr jtuftclbof, ©cbiadjtbof ; — man, ci= tier t>cr JTutteln uetfouft ; — market, ber jtnttelmorft. TRIPEDAI,, adj. bvcif iifiig. TRipennate, adj. B. T. breifad; gc^ fiebcrt. TRiPERSONAL, adj. auS brci Sperfoncit beftcbenb. riui'ETALOUS, adj. breiblattevig (SOU einer SBlume). TRii'iiANE, s. bcr Xx'vffytM, pvismati= fd;c Tvipbanfpatb. triphthong, s. bcr Sripbtbong, 2)rcilaut, Sreilauter. Tiui'iiTiioNGAL, adj.mvtn ©reilout betreffenb. TRIPHYLLOUS, adj. B. T. brcibliittC; rig. TRIPINNATE, adj. vid. Tripennatk. TRIPLE, adj. breifad) ; bvci 2)?at ; — time, Mus. r. bcr £ripel= (obcr nngc= rabe) 2,'act ; — nerved, B. T. brcivtp= pig; — ophris. bie .Ocnunbrat)t, bie fptralfbrintge SDpI>fts (OphriB spiralis — U ; — sails, ch. t. SDo^elfalje ((Satire mit jtoet ©afen oerbunben). To TRIPLE, v. a. vcrtreifadpcit {vid. To Treble). Triplet, s. 1. brci Singe son berfel= ben 9trt, bos Sreiblatt; 2. (or — rfcvmes), bvci SBevfc mitcincvlct (5nb= 453 TRIU vcim, nr Sveircini ; triplets, p, Mus. T. Svioidt. TRIPLICATE, adj. bvcifod); — ratio, Mat. r. bos brci'fad;e 83err}altnt|. triplication, s. 1. bie SBerbreifo* d)iuig; 2. L, T. (int (Si»ilgcfceblid)feit TRIVIALITY, s. vid. Trivialness. To TRO AT, v.n. Sp. T. ovgelii, rbfiven, fdjreien ivie ciit^ivfcb, in bcvSvnnft. troat, s. Sp. T. baS Dvgcin (bOS ©C5 ferret bcS sBruuftbirfdjeS 1 . trocar, s. s. t. ber trocar (ein 3"= ftriiment jnin Slbjopfen). TROCHAIC, ? adj. T. tvod)oifd), OllS TROCHAICAL, J Srotfeacn beftcbenb ; — verse {or Trochaic), ber tl'Oct)oifd}e S0er8. TROCHANTERS,.?,^.^. T. bie StoII- biigel, £rod)antcvii. TROCHE, s. boS ^vjeitcifiicbelc^en, 3Iv$encitofcid)cit, Splo^djen. TROCHEE, s. Oram. T. bcr JrodjOltS. TROCHIL, Trochilus, s. 1. ber .JToIU bvi; 3ouiifonig; bcr egV)ptife|)e fetranbloilfer {Cursor charadrioides — Wavier); 2. Arch. T. bie @iiijicl)iing, ©eotic, ber SrodjiluS. TROCHILIC, adj. umbrebuiig8fof)ig. TROtTHLK'S, s . pi. T. bic jjjabcrfuiibe (9Biffcnfd)oft son ber 33erocgung ber Dcobev unb Svcbjciige). TROCHINGS, s. pi. Sp. E. bie KllbClt, 2leftd)cn am £irfct>gevocif)c. TROCHISH, s. vid. Troche. TROCIHTES, *. pi. Srocrjitcit, vcrjiei* tterte Jlvcifctfdjncden. TROCHLEA, 5. A. T. bic Sirocblco bet Drbito (iJJolle ber 2lugenl)oble). TROCHLEARY, adj. A. T. — muscle, ber obcre febiefe 9IitgenniuSfel ; — nerve, bcr 3toUmuSEclncr». TROCHOID, s. vid. Cycloid. troglodyte, s. bcr £roglobi;t, .^ob^ lcnbcivo()iicr. 'A TROLL, v. I. a. 1. VOliclt, Icid;) bcivcgcn ; 2. bcnimgcl)cn loffen (ben ©edjer bcim S'riufcii) ; to — away, gcfdjnunb abtbuii, abmatben; U. it. 1. troUen, rutfeben, fcblmbern; 2. mit bcr SRolJangel fifeben, (— fo» pikes), fiedbte angeln ; to — about, rollcu; berum loitfeu, bcrum fctjleti* bem. trollop, s.bie Scbinmpc,01t macbeil, bayou tanjeu ; fid) pacfeu. TROOPER, s. bee UltittX ; —'fi horse, bag 9Jciterpfcrb. TROPE, s. Rh. r. ber Sropitg, ftgiirli= cfee fliigbrucf, bie gtaur, illume. TROPHIED, adj. lllit <3iegegjcici;en gc= frfmiiicft. TROPHY,*. 1. bie£roppae, bag <2tc= gegjf icben ; 2. ^rcA. T. bie £ropl)ae, (ffioffenserjierung) ; — money, eiu Serrag, beu bie .gaugbefiijei' uitb (Srunbetgentljumet ja!)rlid) fiir STrommelu, Sabncu, tt. f. w. ttjvcr SRHtgcompagnie jablen muffen. TROPIC, *. A»t. T. bie ©onticnroenbe, ber 2Bcnbcfrcig, 2Denbc$irfcl ; — bird, ber Xropifoogcl, bie ltropif= CUtc ( Pkaet»n — L,.). TROPICAL (ado. — lt), adj. 1. tvo= pifd), uiteigcnrlicft, bilblid), figiirlid) ; 2. jjst. T. ;u beu SBenbejUrfelit gcljb- rig; — fmits, bie ©flbfcut^tej — writing, bie l;tcroglr;pl)ifche ober ©U* berfrbrifr. TROPiS'l', *. ber Qlmvcubcr »oit "RxU bent nub ©leirfjuiiteu ; ber bie bciligc ©djrifi burd) folrbc crflarnt mill. TROPOLOGICAL (adv. — ly), adj. &i(b= lid), ftgiirlid). tropology, i. ber bilblid)e 93or= hag, bie figurliche (uucigeiitlirhe) Sprecbarf. To TROT, v. n. 1. trottivctt, (rotter.. Xxab reiteu, rraben ; 2. fdjuell (je* ben; to — oir, baton reiteu ; to — out, vovrcirett. TROT, *. 1. ber Srotf, £raoj 2. (old — ), cont. bag afte 2J3cib. TROTH, *. + bie £veue ; SBabrbeit ; in (or by my) — , + tit 20abrbcit. trotter.*. 1. ber trotter, Sraber, 2. ©rbafgfufj. trotting, *. ba« JEra&en ; — horse, ber SEraber. Troubadour, 8 , ber £roubabour. To trouble, v . a. l. fUu-eu, beunru* bigeu, befdiwerlid) fallen; 2. bcr= rourert, in Unorbuung briitgen; 3. (one's self) fid) 2)h'ibc iitad)en, bemii= beu, Eiimnieru, bcfiintinern; fid) @orgc, SBcriMitU iuad)cn ■ 4. triibctt; to — one's head about, fid) ©ebanfeu ntad)cu iiber . . ; don't — my bead with it, mad)t nit'r bamit beu JXopf uidit niacin. trouble, s. I. bit ©tSrung, Serwirs ntitfl, bet 2lufrub>j 2. tie ltniuhc, DJcuhc, SBef$roerb« ; 3. ©orae, ber SBerbntjj, .Rummer,; tie '.'Jotb, bag Ungemucb, Uhglutf, Uebel, Seiben, d'lenb ; t.> put ono to — , eiiient 3J?iibe lnaduit. rROUBLER, *. ber ©eunru^iger. \hu rubfttftev ;, IJJteuter, Slufmtegler, (SriebenSs ©tStev. l"ROirBLESOME [adv. —hi), adj. i. rtiucub; umiibiii; 2. niiibfani, bc= fcbiucvlicb, laftig, tocrbriefilid) ; beun= rubigenb, fummervoll ; — ness, * bie SJiiibfanifeit, SBeftfimerltc^feit, Sa= rtiaftit, SOerbvte^lt^feit. TROUBLOUS (ado. — ly), adj 1. Utirib big ; 2. »envi>rrcn. TROUGH, *. ber Srog, bie JDIntbe; 2. baSJtauot; 3. bee ifijublgrrtbeii, bag Oerinne; 4. .s>a in.g ber f>of>Ie SRaunt jrotfefeen {met SBeQen. To TROUL, vid, To TuoiL. T, Tin ITJNCE, >: a. vuig. ftreugc ftra= feu, abflrafen. TROUT, *. (common — ) bie ftoiclte ( Salmoftirio — D ; — coloured horse, eiu li'ciiieg, febmar*, faitauicn= obei rotb.braun gefpreufelttg SjJferb; — fishing, ber Aorelicufaug ; — stream, ber Sorelieubad). TROVE, treasure — , Bitf. Trkabori. TROVER, *. L, t. bie 33efil}erlan= guug ; action of — , bie 3ui'itcffor= berunggflage. 7b TROW, r. ,:. + glaubcu, bcufcit, nteiucn, eiubiltcu. TROWEL, ». bie ,ajJaurcr0^cJ[e ; (®avten=)2d)aufel. trowsers, ». P i. bie ruciteu 33einflci= ber, 5ji;mpbofeu, Ueberbofen, Sd)if= ferbofen; — stmr, ikinflciberfiorf, ^ofenjeug. TROY-WEIGHT. .*. i,aild) blofi Troy) bag @obgcivid;t. TRUANT, I. *. ber 'Dciifjia,g,angcr, Saulenjer, itagebieb; (Sdiuifd)ivau= jcr ; to play the — . bie 2rinile fd)mau= Sen; l;iuter bie (Sdntle laufeit ; II. [adv. — lt), adj. miifjtg gcbeub ; faitl, trage; faulcnjcnb, taiibclub. 7b TRUANT, 7-. ,,. liiiiyig gebeu, fau= (en;cu, bie ©cfiule ftbroanjen. truantsuip, *. ber ilhijitggaug, bie Saulbett. TRUB.S, *. p i. ajjprrbeln, ©rbniiffe. truce, s . ber SBaffeiiflilljtanb ; bie faille, aiubc, (furje) Srift; to keep — , fid) ftili yeri)alten ; dagof— , rid. Hitter Flag; — breaker, ber Sveubiiu d;iqe. TRUCHMAN, s. ber dragoman, 2)oU nirtidicr. trucidation, *. bie Si'morbuna, Dliebernie^elung, bag SBlutbab. To truck, v. i. a. taufdjru, bertau= fd;cn, augtaufcbeit, eiittaufd;eu, unu taufd)en ; to— for,taufdien gegen . . ; 11. n. Saufcbbanbel treibeu. TRUCK, *. 1. ber Xauf^, (23aaren=) ^aufdjbanbcl ; 2. bag f leiite (mafitoe 9?ab, iiaffettenrab, SBIorfrab, fflab obue ©peirbeit; 3. (— carriage), tin niebrigcr SBagen (3loQn)aflen> 83tocf= Wagen) fur fd)ivere Wiiter; .v T-s Trucks, ;»/. JtnSpfean Slaggeitftbdeit, H. f. W. ; trucksof the parrels, bie SRttCfs fiotcit ; trucks of the shrouds, SBattbs floteit. truckage, ,. rut?, ber Xaiifcbbaubcl. trucker,*. v,i/% rcd)t, red; tmafiig ; 4. gciiau. teaelmafiig ; a — boi y, eine nditi^e Vlbutvift ; a translation — to the original, eine Irene Ucberfe- ftlllig ; he is — as steel, er ifl tt>5bt (rciiu ivie @olt ; to hold — , trts bleiben, fidj beiiHihrcn; it )■ — . jwat; the — heir, ber recbtmasige (vibe; a — circle. CI It I'Ollfoillllieil riiubcr ^ixtc[ ; — born, (— bred . (you Ocburt; edit amt)r ; a — liin.ui, eiu editer [nig- StO(f= (gnglanber; — bred, nad; recbtcn ©ruiibfaftcit rriogen; — h treuf;er5ig, aiimditig. rebltd); — heartedness, bie Sreu^eittgfett, Otuf- rirbttgrett; — lore, tie Stnbeere. SBoIfgbeete (Paris awidr>joim — /.. ; ta-o viebfbeil ; — love-knot, ( — lovcr's- knot) ber SttBeJtnoteu, ber cin(id;e i\'eufd), iia\. cot. b;e cbrlirfjc.fuut. TRUENE8S,*. tie Tieue, ?lufrid;tig= foil, Gbrlirbfeir, 3JebJtd)feit. TRUFFLE, ». bie Xvuml, ber (5rb= fitivaiiini ; S niffelbiiut ; — hunter, ber Xniffclfintcr ; — plot, bag £riiffellagcr ; — worm, btr Struffelrounn. TRUISM, *. bie unCiiigbarc IC-abrbtit. TRULL, ». iiii gciiieine •i , icin'd\ bit ©trafu'iibuve. TRULLIZATION, s. ber ^luiinirf, bag Sitinteu. TRULY, ruh. trculirf, rcblid), aufricb- ttg; rid)tig, roabrbaft, Wtrflid}. TRUMP,* 1. tie Erompftt; 2, bie aeminnenbt Jtarte, tcr Stnmyf (im j{avtenfpiel). bag 5tiebblatt; — card, ba*2Ba&lblarr, JruinpfblaU. n TRUMP, v. I. a. truinpfen, ftedjen, abficrbeu : to — up. geltenb macben, bcroorfiidieii ; erbiduen, fd)initben ; II. n. bie 2'ionipete blafen. TRUMPERY, s. I. bie 8uge, bttrualt* d)e Siebe; bag (eere @t»Sfdj rinfef; 2. ber Cnarf, blunter belfiant, giitteri'taat, bie Slitter. gumperei, bag EBIenbwtrf. TRUMPET, ». 1. bie £tompett : a-pfaii-- ne ; 2. Ml. I'h. ber Xronipetcr ; 3. fig. 8lU«PofailIlcr; to sound the — , bie £rcnipctc blafen ; last — . fig. tie ©eriebtgpofaune, bag SBettenbt; speaking — , bag ©pradnrl'. tang, ber gRufrt; — flsb, bet©d;nt= pfnififeb (Gmtrtsnu teaiopa* — — flower, bie ^roiiipetciibluiiu nonia — L) ; eiue 0rt (MeiOblait ; — fly, bie @d>afbrentfe, Sebafenger ; — honey suckle, bag tniniergrtiiie »ir- giuifebe ©eifiblatt (Lmuesra i virmu — L.) • — marine, bie i\\i; rinetronipete, Sroiupcteufcbiicrfe ; Srompcteiigeige, bag Sritrnfeb^ib ; — sh.ii, bie Stttrompetr, ^ofauntn: frbitecfe [Buecinvm — L.)', — - ings, ]d. bie JCrompeteiiftgnafe ; — stop, bag JCrompttenrt^ijier (in be: Drgcl) ; — tongued, mil '}.'ofiUiuei:- Jiiugen, flarf tbnciit ; — tree, bet Srompetenbaum, ^anonrnbanm i eropia ptltata — 7..) To TRUMPET, v. a. bie Srontpttt bla- fen, in tic Sroinpcte ftolu-u, troinpe. ten, pofaiiueit; bei Ttoiiipcteufrball befanut maiteit ; «g bcfaiiiit niaitcn aiigpofauneit ; to — forth, aulblafcn flugpofautten, btrpofaunen. TRUMPETER, s. 1. tcr SCromyfftt ^ofauntnbldftt ; 2, fg. 9nlpofau> iter; 3. tcr XtompettllfcOfltl r — /.) ; tint laubenart ; a. 7*. btc Sromptttrinulftl, Qaiftiu niit?fel. TRUMPLIKE, ndj tioiuKteiiabulid), tioiupetenartig. 7b TRI ncati:. ,-. a. vrriliininieln, Btrfurjtit, abfiirjcit, jtu(j(ii. TRUNCATE, TatntCA.TCD, adj. I- part. B. <$- u. T. abgcftii^t; a truncated 4J9 TRUS OTTamir 1 or cone, Mat. 7*. cine abgc; ftumpftc SJijramibe, ciu abgcftumpfs tet Jfcegel. 1'runcation, s. bie SJerftummelung, SBftfurjitiig, Slbfuvjuna. FSONCHEON, *. 1. bee jtnutfeT, $rii= gc( ; 2. GTomtnanbojlab, ^eerjkb. 7b truncheon, ». a.auepriigcln, ib= fdjiniereu. rRUNCHEONEER, s. fcer .ftttftttetttS* gcr, bet mit cittern Jtniittel Sewaff* ncte. 7b TRUNDLE, v. n. S,- a. rollcit, Wats jen. I'RUNDLE, s. 1. bie 9iol(c, 23ai$e ; 2. bet SRollwaant ; — bed, vid. Truckle- bed llltt. Trickle ; — tail, bet Qettlt- gelte vScbroanj ; cine 2lrt fo ge= irfjwanjtet igunbe. I'RUNK, s. 1. ber SPaumframm, ©tamm, 2tPertraucn fe= feet: vi . . ; to put — in, SSerfraiien fefecit auf . , ; to put one in — with a thing, etnem «(nja8 auucrfraueit, ibm ctnma in 33ermabi'iing gebenj to give upon — , (cincnt) bor'geit, nuf 6rcbit gebeu, crebitireit; to go or to take upon — , auf (5rcbit nebmen, borgen ; I go upon — , id) babt ea bon .^6rcn= fagen ; — money, baa Dcpcfitum, attoertraufe @nt. r,» trust, v. a. <$■ «. 1. trauen, bie Uebevjeitgung Ijegen, glaubcit; 2. mutvaueu, fief) Derlafjeri, 3»ti'anen, sytrfraueit t)<\bcn, anaertrauen ; 3. auf ffrebtt geben, bcrgett ; 4. mit SBevfrauen ernwirteti, ni»erfief;tiiit boffen, leirbtglaubig fepu;i— , id) bege bie 3u»erff(H b"ffe jiiucrfiebt= lici); I will not — him, id) traue ibm llicbt; to — one with a thing, eiltcm etama anbevtrauen, in Sermabrung gebeu ; to — in God, feiu SScrtvaueit auf ®ott fefeeit ; to— to (on), fid; yeviaffeu auf.. . trustee, s. /.. t. ber IBefraute, 93e= glaubigte, S3evioUmad)tigte; 2)epp= fttariua, getreue Scroabrer; 3lbmt= niftrator; SBormunb, Surofor, 5^fle= ger ; ber gtbeicommiffar, Sefifeer ei ited 5ibeicomniif;gutea; Sorftcbcr, ©ebufbircctpr, Sjirector ciner bobe= ren Sebrauftalt. TRUSTEESHIP, s. l. t. bie 3?e«?ofI= mad)tigung ; 23cvmunbfcbaft, <5ura= (e(, ©etrautfdjaft. truster, s. ber £rauenbe, 3lnyer= frauenbe. trustiness,.?, bie £veuc, 3tebticf;= feit, ©laubmiirbigfeit. TRUSTINGLY, adv. DCTtrauettSbOll. TRUSTLESS, adj. beS g3crtraitcn8 un= wiirbig, niebt ju trauen, iinfieber, u:i= beftaubig, uitjuuerlaffig. TRUSTY (adv. — ily), adj. freil, gctreu ; reblieb, jiioerlafftg, ficber, ftavf, ftanbbaft, feft, bebarrlid) ; to our — and well beloved, L. Ph. Unfcrilt (Obet unfent) liebeu iSctreuen. truth, s. 1. bie 2Saf)rbeit; 2. 3Birf= liebfeit; 3. Xxtwt 53ebarrlicf)fcit, SBeflattbigfcit ; 4. 2Babrf)aftigfeit, 9lufiicbtigfeit, @brlid;feit, 9feb[id;= feit; 5. ©enauigfeit, 9?ege(ma§ig= feit; — ! roabv! by my — , (in — , of a — ), in 2Babvf)cit. im (Sniff, ir>abr= baftig ; to speak the — , bie 2Babr= bcit 511 fagen ; there is no — in man, auf a)ceufcf)cn faun man fid) itid)t yerlaffeit ; there is no — in any thing, llid)ta iff jUOerlafffg ; there is no — in it, baa iff IlidH »abr; lam in- formed for a — , man bat mir a(a roabe bcrid)tct; witnesses are sworn to declare " the — , the whole — , and nothing but the — ," L. Ph. bie geiigtn wcrben becibigt ,,bie 2Babrl)cit,'bie uolle 2Bafjrbett unb nid)ta ala bie SBabrbeit" ju fagen ; — loving, roabrbeitliebcnb. truthful, adj. wabrbaft. TRUTHLESS, adj. uuivahr, ffettloS, faifd). TRUTTACEOUS. adj. fprellcuartig, rotbftecfig. To TRY, v. a. &■ n. 1. ptobilClt, pi - 0= ben, priifeit, burd) (?i-fabvuug fennen lemen, auf bie ^rebe ftefJen ; 2. uer= fud)en, eineu 93erfud) niacbeu ; 3. TUCK jiuferfiifbcn, yerbineu; 4. vcr ©c< ricbt bringcit, ftcllett; 5. rcinigen. Berfeinern ; to — back, Sp. t. \mm fuebeii, bie (Vabrtc liMCber fiirbett (»on ^afenf)unben) ; to — for, ftvebctt/ tracbten itad) . . ; to — a liquor, Sranutivciu rcctificireu; to — me- tals, $DlttaUt rcinigen, rafftniren ; to — taiiow, 2\tlg auafcbmeijen; to — one, Semaiibfit yctbinen ; to — a batallion, Mil. T. ba8 SBatatllon prii= fen, pb jebe ?lbti)cilung rocie wie fie genannt roirb ; to — ' one's fortune, fcin ©liirf verfucfjen ; to — it out, et= was burd)fcfeen. TRY, (in compos.) JV. T-s. — sail, eitl £>almforaUU nen. TUBULAR, TUBULATED, adj. tobr= fbrmig, rpb.renfbrmig, rbbrenartig, pfeifeiiartig ; tubular fossil, bie oer* ftciuerte aiSbveitf^uecfe, ber Xubu* lit. TUBULE, j?. bie fleiue 9tbbre. TUBULIFORM, adj. robreuffirmig. TUBULOUS, adj. vid. Tubular. TUCK, j. 1. ber Stpfibegeit; ©foefbe* gen; ba« happier; '2. ^elj; 3. ^aarnet}; bie Salle, ber (5infd)Iag, Untfcblag; — of a ship. JV T. bet unterfte £bei( bea icbiff«=®piege!« jn)ifd)eu ^ecfbalfcn unb ailprpen; — rail, jv. T. bie Seiilc an bet obetn TUMB TUNE TURB €>efte be3 .tpccfbatfeiiiS ; — stick, bet £)0[rf)florf. To TUCK, v. a. (auf)fcprien, jufatru «u'!iiiet)meti, biiibcu, (an)ftccfcn ; to — back, imnitf ftedcu, Jiiriicfuebiiicii, f)iit= ten aufbinben; to — in, einfcblagert, umfcbwgtn, ciuivitfelu ; to — up, auf- fcbtirjeii, aufbinben, aufftccfeii, auf= fdjlagen, hiuauf jie&en, ginf&tum* jjfen ; to — up one's sleeves, }id) tie (,0emb--)9lermcl aufitrcifc(l)u. ticker, * ber ©rufiftteifen, .£>als= ftreifen. TUCKET, s. i. bie Sleiff&sSdjnitte ; 2. ciu Sinfpicl auf bec £rpi!ipete ; ber Xtifd). TUESDAY, s. bcr SJicnfrag. TUFA, s. vid. Tuff. TUFACEOUS, adj. ttiffartig. tuff, s. bee Xofftein. 1'UFFOON, * tin Dvfan, Sornabo tit bent cbiucftfcbctt SReete. TUFT, s. bcr sUufd), SQiifcbcf, Straufl, Dliaft; London — , bie SfbfVIielff (Diant/uis plwnarius — L.) ; — of feathers, brr geberbufd) ; — of h.n'r, ein 4?aarfdjopf; — of trees, cine 33aunigntppc ; — ribbon, bas @am= liictbaub ; — taffeta, bcr £tippfam> mcf. To TUFT,?-, a. 1. iitit SBufdjtn cber SBufcbelu tieten, mit cincm ©ufefie ober ©iifrpel fcbiniicfcit, bcbiifdictt ; 2. 511 ©trautjen binben, tit SBufd)e( abttjcilett. TUFTED rTDWED), adj. mit cincm ^lifctjc pber Duajfc; bttfdtig, biifd)= licbr; raitd)ipollig, fammctartia, ; — buttons, bie Jtnopfc mit ©"dilcifeu; — lurk, bie 4?attbeil(cr4)C X-llauda crestnta — I, ). To TUG, v. a. &■ n. 1. jiencit, jerrcn, fd)Ieppcn ; 2. balgcn, jupfeu, janfcit; 3. arbeiteu, ftrcbeu, ft'ct; anftrcngen, ftrcitcn, fampfctt; to — at the oar, ftarE ruberit. TUG, «. 1. bcr (flavff) 3ug, 3tucf; ba« Bevren ; bie Slnftrengling ; 2. bcr fflaU^OljWagett ; to give a — , flart onjietjCU ; — boats, vid. Tow-boats ; — chain, bie Sfeucrfctte ; — pin, bcr SBorftetfuagcl, 3uguagel (an bcr 2Sa= gtitbcid)fcl,'. rUGGEE, s. bcr frarf Biebenbc, (Sdjlcppctibe ; fd)rpcr Qlrbeitenbc, Jtampfeube. TUGGINGLY, adv. mit SJJJfl^C, lttiif)= fam. TUITION, s. 1. bie (yormiiiibfd-aftltcbc) 9(ufficbt, bcr (Sd)iifc; 2. bie Vebrauf* ftrbt, (vqichiiug, bcr Uitrctvicf)t ; 3. baS Sdjulgelb,' UnterricbteluMiprnr ; I bad her under my — , id) Crtfyeilte ifjr Uutcrridit. tuitionary, adj. ben Utitcrrid)t be= treffettb. TULIP, * bt'e SltlpC (Tolipa — L.) ; — root, bie XnlpciitUMebd ; — tree, bcr XlllpCttbannt (IArwdcndron tvlipifera — L.) ; laurel-leaved — tree, bev ©t* berbattm {Magnolia — L.) ; — shell, bie Xnlpc (cine ^Jiiifcbcl) ; — wedge, bie ©pnne (cine 3)iitfd)cl) ; — wood, baa XiilpciibcU. rUIXY, * £ulliii3. To TUMBLE, v. a. &■ n. 1. fallen, ftiir= jett, biufturjcit, nmftiirjen, fallen ma= chen, jit ^alle bringen, metfeit; unt= fallen, niebcrfalleit, nicberfcblagcn, in ftrogcv SKeitfle (plPBlid;) berabfaU Icit; 2. mafjeri: ftd) rpaljcn- 3. tanntelit, tnmntelit; 4. iimnibrcit, burd)fud)CH ; bnrdjlanfcn ; 5. jer= fnittcrn, in llttpvbiiutig orinfleit; to — down, jtmipcrfcn, rtieberfturjen ; tinftiirjen ; to — out, ^tnaiiSipcrfcn ; « — over, timrul;ren ; bnrd;laufen, butsjelarfcni ; to — to piece*, tit ©tiid'c fallen. TUMBLE,* bet Sail, @rue|j to get a — , taitntcltt, fallen, ftur^cii. tumbler,* l. bee Syrtnger, 2cil= tanjer, ©anfler; 2. bcr inmmler (cine Xaitbenart) ; 3. cine Btl SBittb= fjllllb (cam* verloffits) ; 4. bcr ©tiir^ farrtit [vid, Tdmbrbl); 5. ©turj= bcrtn'r, ba« ticfe Xrinfjcfaf;, ©iets «[a«. TUMBREL, Tumbril, ». 1. bcr StUT}« favrcn, ©d)ittifarren; 2tiujfarreu; 2. bcr 2.'and)fd)einel. TUMEFACTION,*, bie 9luffdJrpcIIuiia, ©efdwnlft. JT>TUMEFY, v. I. a. (anffcbrpcllcit ; anfblafen ; II. n. febroaren, ja citiciu ©efdjrinire werben. TUMID (a,h\ —vr),adj. 1. fcbtt'cllcnb, gcfdjrooUeit ; 2. crhoben, Ij^d) ; 3. fdjioulftig, aufgeblafen ; — n< baa ©efepwoUene ; tie (5d)t»ulftigs fcit, Slufgeblafen^eif. TUMITE, ». bcr Xbnnicrftcin. TUMOUR,* 1. bie ®efe&»uljt, 8eute ; fig. bcr ©cimnilft; bie ^lufgcblafeiu bcit (it\ ii.;. TUMOURED, adj. aiifgcfcfctpplicn. TUMOUROUS, adj. 1. initf fdjwelleiib, gcfcf)ippllen; 2. fcbauilftig, t)od)tvas benb, anfgcblafen fi». ii. 1 . TUMUEAit, adj. f)iigc[fprniia,. TUMULOSrry, s. baS .Oiigelige, 53er= TUMULOUB, adj. biigcltg, bcrgtg. tumult, * bcr Xuninlt, 8atm, ba« ©ctiiinntcr, bcr Sluffauf, ?lnfriibr. To TUMULT, v. n. Sarin, Shtfntbr cr= regett; in rpilbcr SBcrpcgtmg fe»ii. TUMULTUARY (adv. — ily), adj. t\l\\mU tnarifd), larnicnb, flitrntifdv anfiiib-- rcrii'd) ; — riness, s. baS aiifriibrcrifd)c 2Befen. To TUMULTUATE, v. n. 9lnfvnbr erre= gen, aufritbreit, larnien, fliirntfii, anf= riit)revifd)c 5J3erocgungen uiacbcn, ra= fen (it. ii.). TUMUETUATION, .» bie aufrii!)rcri= febe 93erpegung, ©awning, baS ©e= tiintmcl, bcr 9lufntt)r, Xnntult. TUMULTUOUS (adv. — i.y\ adj. lar= menb, ftiirintfcb, anfrii^rerifeb, »nge= fliint, ttmiiiltnarifit. TUMULTUOUSNESS, * vid. Timiltia riwkss. TUN, «. 1. bie Xpnne (and) Ton) ; 2. ein SJJafi ppn jipei ^ipen Pbcr 252 ©atlpncn ; 3. bie balbe Saft (2000 5|Jfuitb) ; 4. fig. cine grpfic ilJenge; a ■hip of 200 tons burden, tiuv2>d)iff VPII 100 i!aft; freight by the — , Qradlt nad) Saften ; — bellied, biefbaudptg ; — dish, vid. Tunnel ; — hoof, bcr ©itnbcrntanit, baS (Sibcpbcu, bie ©nillbrcbc (Olccoma hedcracea — I..\ To TUN (up), v. a. in eine Xpnne gicgett, fd)iitten, faffen, auf %lifttv fiillcn. TUNABLE (adv. — ly), adj. tttclpbifdi, barntpnifd), rppblflingfitb, lnnfifa^ lifd) ; — ness, s. ber aSpl)lflang, bie i§arotonte, 3JJelpbie. TUNE, s. I. bcr Ximi, 8auts 2. ba« 2icb, Xpuftiicf; bie ^Jelpbir, Bat* mpiticj 3. bcr Piuflang, bie firb» tiling, Ucbcreinftintiiiiiiig, Stint= inniig, (bcfjglciebcii to.) bie ?annc ; the — of a song, bcr £pn ciltcS Sicbca ; to hum a — , cilt Siebdicn buninieii ; to sing another — , tit •tiitcut anbcrit Xpiic fpred)cn ; to be in — , geftimntt feiui, it t it fliinmen, tppbl ju|ainnieu.- ftimmeit; we are not in — , fig IPir ftimmen uirbt (jufammen) ; to keep in — , tpit balteii j fig. in guteitl 'In'r^ tte^men evl^altcn, aufbcitcrii; out of — , Ptrjiunint; fi^. bit ublcr Stim» titling, niijjla:uug. Tb TUNE, <■. ,,.S,-v. lit. if fig. 1. ftim« men, aiiftiiniiien ; 2. tpucn, im (Siu= ffang ftngett; anftimmeii; fcummen, hrdUern. ; ul, adj. meTobifdj, rppblflin= geub, barmpiiifd), cinbcllig, mufifa* In*. TUNELEBB, adj. iibclflingcnb, mij» beUtg. TUNEB, .« ber Otimineiibc, Stimntcr. j DNGSTATE, * Ok. T. iM fdjeclfaure Sal». TUNGSTEN, * ber n.«cii;e SBolfram, Xiingilein, aiit; third — of the eye, bie Xraiibcuhaut. TUNICATED. adj. B. Ts. a — fruit, cine befleibcte Jrudit; a — bulb or stem, e[nc bautigc ^t&iebel, ein b,-.u = Kget stcngcl. TUNICLE, j. .1 T. ba» .Oaiitd'eii. TUNrNflJ part fliiniiienb, tiMicub; — fork, bie ©ttmmgabel ; — hammer, — kev, bcr Sttmm^ammee, TUNNAGE (Tonnaob), * 1. tie Van. gaftigfeit, SabungSfa^tgfeil nad) Jpitncn), bcr Spuiieuinbalt, ioniicu= ncbalt, ba« ipniKiunat";, bie 2piiiicii= [abttng (einc8 urjcI£ ttca ©ruubbenu itorf .) ; — kettle, eitt gvofiev 8ifd)feffel; — pan, tie ftifdipfanne. TURBULENCE (— cv), s. 1. bcv Ultge= fiunt, ©tuvm; Slufvubr, S'uinult; 2. bie ©aiming, Unvulje, sBcvroirruug. lURBULENT {adv. — ly), adj. tinge* (turn, uuvtibjg, fiuvmifd), aufiiit)ie= vifcb, beftig. TURC18.M, s. bie tiirfifdje SReltgtott. TUREEN, s. bie Seville, Suppcufd)uf= fel ; — ladle, bcr ^Jorlcgelbffcl. TURF, s. 1. bet Stdfcit ; (dry — ) £orf ; 2. Sobballeu, ^obfucbcit; 3. bie (be* raf'te) Sienubabn; 4. the — , (obet gentlemen of the — ), bie Sicbbabcr bcr 5($fetbeiennen ; green — , bev (griiltc) jRufeit; — covered, tfttt Sftds fen bebcif t ; — drain, ciu 5lbjUfl6gva= ben in cincm JEotfrnoot; — hedge, eine Ummaucrung iron 9iafeuftiiden ; — house, eiit «6auS oou Ocafeu ge= baut; — knife, b« 3iafenfte($et j — moss, bCV StOtflltOOt; — spade, bet 3iafeu= ober Sorffpateit. To turf, v. a. niit 9cafcit bcbccfcn, betafeit. TURFINESS, ». bcv Ucbcvflufj ait dla- feu, ait £orf. TURFING, part. VOlt To Turf : — iron, — spade, bet SRafenfpaten, SEotfs fpateu. turfy - , adj. 1. poll Otafcit, fovfvctcb ; 2. bent Sfotfe dl)iilirb; a — bog, eiu Sorfmoor. TURGEN'T, adj. vid. Turgid. TURGESCENCE (— cy), s. bie ©e= fcf>ivulfi ; Wufgcbiinfeitbeif, 2lufbld= bung ; jig-, ber Sdjroulft, bie ?lufge= blafenbeit. TURGID, adj. gefcbrooUeu ; Jig. aufgc= blafeit, fdjroulftig ; — ness, s. vid. TURGESCENCE. fURGIDITY, s. vid. Turoescence. TURIONIFEROUS, adj. fproffeitb, «d)offe treibcub. TURK, s. ber Suirfe ; — 's-cap, bcv tiir- fifctie 83ltltb {Ulium martigon. — L.) J —'a head, bet Eittfcufopf {Cactus me- locactus — L.) ; — 's turban, cilte 3ltt jjjafjnenfufj. TURKEY, «. 1. bie Siirfei ; 2. — , or — cock, bcv tiirfifd)c, calccutifdje (roef= fd)e) feafyn, Svutbabn, provinc. $ut= le ; — buzzard, ber brafilianifcbc ©eicr (Vvltw a-ura — L.) ; — coffee, bcr tiirfifdie (ober 232offa) jTaffec ; — corn, bet iDJaiiS ; — cotton-yarn, baS tiirEifdje (cd)t rot!) gefarbt'e) ©ant; — cucumber, bie ttirfifd)e ©urfc, Sdjlaugengurfc {Cucumis flcuwsa — L.) ; — earth, bie tiivfifebe (obet lcm= nifdjc) (Srbe ; — egg, baS K"i ciner ealccntifdteit (ober £rut=0<§emte'; — feather, bte SJJfaueitfebet (Ulva pa- rouia) ; — figa. bcr wilbe (unftttrf t= bare) geigenbaum ; — grass, cine 2lvt Sabeit obet ©atten, bte in Oftinbieit auS ben @tttflocff5ben beS •&aififd)e8 . praparivt wevbcit folleit; — hen, bie rurfifdje (calccntifdjc) .fienne, Struts beniic ; — leather, ba« tiivfifdic Seber, bet Saffian; — millet, ber Sovgfame ^Sarir/ium — £,.) ; — oak-tree, bie 3irBeid)e, bnrgunbifd)e (5id)e (Quer- ent cerris — L..) ; — pigeon, bie tiir= 402 TURN fifebe Sanbe ; — powt, bie junge Sviifbcnue, bcr jitnge SCtntbabn ; — (oil-) stone, bcr futU (fcine Sd;lcif=J (Stein. TURKISH, I. adj. tiufifd) ; — earth, bie lemuifcfye @tbe; n. s. ba§ £iir= fifdje. TURKOIS, s. ber cd)re JEfirtif; —mi- neral, bcv abcnblanbifdje SCutftf. TURKY. s. vid. Turkey 2. turmalin, s. ber SEurmaltn, ©diiivt. turmeric, s. bie ®etb»urj, Sur= Cllllte, SutClimei {Curcuma lunga — £.). turmoil, s. bie UnnifK, ber SumiiU, 2lufvubr, baS Oetnmmel. To TURMOIL, v. I. a. bcunrul)igeit, pfagen, angfiigen ; II. n. ftcf) dng= ftigen, tit Unnibe |e^n. To TURN, v. I. a. bfebCll, WCllbcn, Ieil= fen, febren, rid;ten; 2. umbrcben, cine SBcnbung madden, umroenben, imtfebren ; 3. brefjen, brcdjfeht ; ge= ftalteit, bilbcit, formen, auf nette 3lvt vcvfevtigeit; 4. tunlegen, umbiegen; 5. ftumpf macben ; 6. uerfebven, vev= luaitbcht, ueranbcvii; 7. anbevs fats ben; 8. itmfe&cu; 9. itbevfcljcn ; iibcrtragcit; 10. (Sfel, Uebelfeit, Scbminbcl errcgen ; 11. niabitfiiutig, toll maci)eit, betbbvcit; 12. fa net macbeit; to — one's back (to — backs), ben 3tiicfen roeitbeit, fid) mnwenben ; fliebeit ; »etlaffen ; to — a corner, urn cine (Scfe biegeu, iimiejifett; to — all manner of colours, auf alle Savbeit fefecit; to — all the hands np, alle 3)Jannfd;aft anfs SJerbed vnfeit; to — the scale, bcr 2EBagfd)a!e ben 2Ut8* feblag geben; to — sick, fvanf, bre= benb macbeit; to — sugar, 3mfer umriibrcn ; to — the stomach, Uebel= teit oetutfadjen, (Sfel ermedctt; to — tail, Jig. 2lii!5fliid)tc fud)en; flie= ben; abtvitunig rocrbeit; to —one's coat, fg. abtntmiig luetben, tiber= geben ; to — head, einem untet bie ylngett treten; to — the head, ben Jlopf oettuflett, fd)U)iiibelig macben ; to — home, uad) fiaufe frbtcfeu ; to — ■ loose, fabveit iaffctt; to — one adrift, eitten bent SIBinbe unb ben Snellen tyxt'xi geben ; fortjagen ; to — the brain, ben 93crftanb sevriiden, toll, tafenb macbeit; to — the edge, ftumpf mad)CU ; to — the penny, feilt ©elb rool)l anlegen, gliidlid) fpecu= liven ; to — reins, ummeubeit ; to — the tables upon any one, eillCllt @lct= rbeS mit ©leirbem oetgeltew ; to — about, umbvetjen, umfebreti», uni-- legcit ; to — about in mind, fg. W>ol)l iiberlegcn ; to — again, fid) limfebveit, fid) vevtbeibigeu ; to — aside, abwciu ben, vevbiiten ; to — away, roegiucit: ben, abroenben; abmeifen; fovtjagcit; auS bent .^aufe jagcii; to — back, lutiid geben ; to — down, jnviicf fdjlageit; to —down a leaf, citt Sgtott (in cinem Oittebe) eiufrblagen ; to — upside down (to — topsy turvy), baS Dberflc ju Unterft febveii; to be turn- ed for .. , gcfd)idt fe»)it jn . . ; to — from, abroenben, abfebren ; to — in, eimuavts roenben, einbicgen, timbie= gen, einfcblagen; cintieben, roegneb= men, 5. SB. bie ©efdbitfce oou ciner Stonte; to — into, oevroanbeln ; iibev= fefeen ; to — all into money, SlllcS JU ©elbe madien, yevfilbevn, »er= wcrtben, rcal^ftvcn ; to — otr, ab= wenben, ablcnfen ; fovtfd)iden, ent= laffen, ben 2lbfd)ieb geben ; anfgeben, entfagen; that will — him oil", baS bringt tbtt jut Jcnhe ; to — on, juriid fallen, (enfen, leitcu anf . . ; to — out, l)craicfebvcn ; liinaiiSiverfcu ; TURN berau8 jagcit; anSbteten; to — om the loading, nuS einem feebiffe in eia anbcreS taben, umlaben; to — out casks, M. E. S'affet ftitrjeu ; to — out (off), fortjagen ; to — out of doors, jnr S'hiir biiiaiisS ivcrfctt; Mil.Ph-s. to — out the guard, bie 2Bad)C bevan8= jieben; to — out the line, »ortretcn laffen, bei'aiiSjietjcn, \. 33. 3vet= UUllige; to — out to (into) the world, in bie rocite SBelt febiden ; to — over, umroenben, umfcblageit (bie SJlattet eiiic^ sBucbeS), uberbldtretn, burrb= blattcrn ; iibertrageu, iibergeben; |Us vutfnoeifen ; oou ber better ober bent barren ftofscu (»on ben 511m ©algen ocvurt()eilteu SJerbrccbevn) ; fd)iebcn auf . . ; please — over, {abbr. p. t. o ) roenben Sie gefdlligft urn, (am 3u§e ber Slattfette eines 33vicfe8 (abbr. ro. bbe febven, auffd)lagcu, aufmevfen, aufftiilpcit; Typ.T. ba§3ovmat ubcr= fcblageti, umfcblageii ; to — up the tables, bie Sifdje jufammenfcblagen unb megvdumen ; to — up one's nose, bie 92afe riimpfen ; to — up one's eyes, bie Slugen auffd)lageu ; to — up the whites of one's eyes, baS 233cipe tit ben Slugcit »erfel)rcu ; to — the argu- ments of an opponent upon himself, bie ©riinbe ciueg ©egncrS gegeu ibn felbft braurben; 11. n . 1. fid) bvebeu, fid) roenben, ficb rid)ten ; fid) umbrc< ben, fid) umroenben, fid) untfebren ; 2. fid) befci)ren ; 3. eintel)teu ; 4. ficb auf cine anbere ©cite lucuben, tiai anbere 3Jid)tuug geben ; 5. mcvbeit, fid) oerroaubclu; 6. umfcblageit, »cr= berbett, fatter roerben ; 7. auSfalletiy fid) eubcii; 8. fcbwiubelnb roevben; to — bankrupt, s -8aufcvott mad)en, falliven ; to — sick, fauev werben; to — home, nad) «§aufe geben! to — pale, crblaffeil; to — physician, SHtji tucrbcu ; to — poet. Sifter werben ; to — short, ploljlid) iiniroenbcn, um= febren, etni)altcn ; to — sour, fauer lucvbeii; to — white, tucift roevbeit; when the times — , njcillt fid) bie ^>i'u ttn aubevtt ; to — about, fid) umbte* l;en ; to — away from, abUH'id)CU VOtl . . ; to — away from one, eiltcS $attti oeilaffeu ; to — back, jutitcf febren; to — in, cinfebreii; ju 53ett gel)en. my head turns round, tS U)irb mil fd)»inbclig ; to — to, fid) roenben nad) . .; fid) biuroctibeii; fid) roenben |u..; 3'iflud)t nebmen ; fid) auf- fcblageti, fid) in bie .£>obe geben ; to — up a blank, mit ciucr s Jtiete bet's ausfommeit; to — upon, roenben obet fid) roenben, fid) vicbten auf.., gc= ratbeu auf.., gegen . . ; jig. abhiui- geil VOlt ..; to — upon one's heels, fid; auf bent 2lbfa(je bcrunibrebcn ; the conversation turned upon .., baS ©efprdd) fiel auf . . ; the guestion turns upon this point, bie S r 'ige bvebt fid) bavuni. TUitN, .«. 1. ba« Stefien, bie 1)vebung, llmbiebung, v»d)roingung, Sffienbung, :)iirbtung; 2. 53ilbung; SQetaitbea vuug, bev SBecbfel; 3. bie govm.@e« TURN TUTE TWE.N ftaft, ©ilbmtg, ©rfrbaffcnbti' , 4. tcr Ijetiobeubau ; 5. @ang, bad 2Iufuitb= uiebergeben; (>. bet Spajiergang, furje 8Beg, bie rurje&'ife ; ?. jtiiinu mung; ber 8auf; Sfrrgaiig, bad \!a= bviviiiit); 8. bet SJorretber, SBirbel (am gtitftcr) ; J>. bie Staffel; 10. iTJeibe, SBecbfeffaige, Drbituiig; 11. Bergeltung, £>ienftleiftung ; bet S)tenjJ; 12. bie 2.hat, bcr Sfrcid); 13. bie ©cleoenbeit; 14. 35enfungd- art; ©tint mung, Saune, rberrfcbeu'bej SJieiguna,; 15. bcr sUortbeil. 92u$eu, bie SBequemlicbfeit, bad SBeburfnifi, bei' %\wf ; 16. Mut. t. tcr £oppcl= fcblag: 17. 7-x tie game llmbrcbung eined Seabed (bet ben Ubrmacberit) ; 18. Mm T tin Srbacbt, ber sumeiner Strecfe aud gefu^rt roirb ; 19. jv: r. (round — ), bcr gau$c r/bcr rinibc <£d?lag ; give it a — , breb' ed $criim ; in the — of a hand, rcie man cine 6aub umtoenbet ; to have a — , eiue EBeranberung leibcit; 'tis upon tiie — of twelve, Cd ift gleirb ;n>ulf ; — of a disorder, bcr @aug cincr ftranffjeit ; — of the scale, bcr 5luifa)lag, bad Uebcrgcmirf) t bcim 9liidrorov. cd fcljlte fein .£>aar baran ; — for.., ifpaitfljU..; — for letters, lijp T. 5(tegeilf8pfe ; a — again alley, tilt ©aefgapehen, bad .Rcbrroicber ; — lack, bcr Sltebenbe, geigberiu'ge ; — bench, bie 3>rcbbauf, £>red)felbanf, bcr rrebftubl; Drebtifct), bie£rcb= labe ; — broach, bcr ©tafeuroenber ; — coat, bcr ilbtrunnige, iRenegat; 2!3eticrhahn, Slcbfel trdgcr ; — cock, ciu iKaiiu tcr bie 31 o b ten an ber Souboiter SBafferbaufunft bffuet; — key. bet 3d)ltc|jcr, ©efaiigentoarter ; a — out ujii. Strike; — outs, — out tracks, ^ludiueicbepldlje (auf (*ifeiibah= IKUJ ; — over, bad .Oaldbiueciiftrcif= cben ; — pike, bet (Sd)lagbainit (auf (Sbaufle'cn): bad ©tebfteuj (oii — . bie O'bauffcc ; Mil. T. ber fpa= ntfc&e SReiter ; io — pike, d. a. djauffU celt : — pike charges, — pike money, turn : es, bad rten)fe(n. turnip, «. bie Sube, metfe Rftbe ; Suttcrriibe, €ttCriibe (fiber bet (Srbc, Bnusica re pagongyloides — L.) ; — My, cine 'iJlri (StbfloQ ; — radish, bcr gemeiue 9iet= tig, SRitbentetttg ; — rooted cal bie @tbtube, Jloblriibe (iinter ber 0"r= be? Brassica najio-bmssica — £,.) — scoop, cin Siiibcuftcdicv ; — seed, tcr SRubfamen; — sh.-ii, bte9tube, bad Jtuollbpru (eiue ^Kifcnfdinccfc). TURPENTINE, s bcr Xcrpeutin ; es- sence of —.ber .J'crreiitingeift ; oil of — , bad I. lerpeniiuol '; — tree, bie Sberebiittbe {PUtacia tiurebinthtie — L.\ TURPITUDE, s. iiufierftc moralifc&e Scbledjtigfeit, SQcrroorfenbctt ; ©rbanbltrpfeit. TURQUOISE, t. vid. Tirkois TURREL, ». ber ©Dbeiljiebet ciucd fyafjbinbcrd, bie 3'ebfcijraube, ber 3atgjiebet, Sugbobiet. TURRET, g. 1. ber ficinc Jburm, bad iliivmcbcn ; '2. bet iJcrtbcibiguugo- tbutm ber alien ; — puff ball, bet gt> gtpfelte Staubfdjraamm. TURRETED, oi&*. I. HjUtmfBtiJiig, thurmabnlid); 2. gelbunnt, bc- tbiirmt. TURRILTTES, s. pi. Turrilitcu, ge= famincrte Xburmfdiuccfcu ,Hcvftci = ueriiugeit). TURTLE, s. 1. ( — dove) bie Xutteltau: be; 2. (sea — ) bie (e^bare) ©cbtib* fr&te; — feast, bad ©onnemnabl; — shell, ©onuenfebale, ia>ilbpatt; — soup, ©onneufuppe. TUSCAN; adj. todcaniftb; the — bte todcanifebe Ijaiilenovbttung. TUSCAN, ». 1. bcr Jodcanet; .'. Arch r. bie todfaitiftbe Satilenorbmuig. TUSCANY, s. (:ai Cii-oiUM-vu^tluiui) SEndcana, TUSH, tnt pab ! 6a ! wad! et! ft! ftiU! febweig ! tusk, t. tcr 8ang«abm pafeniapn. tusked, ? adj. mit gaiigjabneu be* ri 8KT, S waffucr. Ti ssle, ». bcr Sfitm, Stteit, fiampf. TUT, I. int pfiii! ftillc ! II i. ber :Ucirbdapfcl ; — bargain, Min fk bcr Slccorb, bad ©efdjafl im®tofen, tcr jtanf in SBaufcb nm ©ogen. tutelage, ». I. bit ©otmuubfc^aft ; 2. Uinnunbigtcit. TUTELAR, Iltklarv, adj. O0tmunb= fd?a,t(icb; fdju^ettb, Stbt.^..; ^ ^cr SetyifeeRgel ; — genii (spl riu . Sd^n^gttper, @enten ; ■ bee g>d)u£gc t; — goddess, t-.t Srbufegotiiii. id iEirtanega. IB r. bet ■Orfmntter, ,u. >■ a l. utrrerrfdjten, tclfb= rcit ; 2. bofmeiftttn, labeln. TUTORAGE ». 1. bie®etoalt cber bad Mnfeben eined fiofmeffterd, u. »". to., bie ^ofmetfterfebaft ; .'iiinutt, !i>'or= munbfirmum — /..). TriTl, int Mum. T. 3»ifammtn ! Oi II c ! gf>Of. TUTTY, • tic Turie. ber 3inffalf, fiuttentaud), Dfenbrud). TWAIN, adj. * jtofi, bcicc; between us — , jroifrbeu mid beiben; i<> bite Id — , jerbeijicii ; io split in — , |tffpal= ten. 7b TWANG, «, I. n flinjeu, ertpiicn, erbrobiicn, laut frballen ; fa)»irten ; Hatfcben ; n. s. fdjatf tdtien : trbrobitcu laiTcu. twang, », l. tcr geUenbe Eon, fd)ar» h ftlang, bad vtbrSbnen; 2. bet Stngfang, Jdrngflang; tie .'lffecta= tion 'ber epracbe ; the — of , string bad Sdbtoitt en einet SBogenfeb* lie ; to speak with a — . blll'd) tie Jla* fe retell. TWANG, wit fliii,] ! flaita. ! fdjnapp ! 7b TWANGLE, r. n. fliinjjcru. To TWATTLE, v. * I'lauberu, fdJBMl' ften. 7bTWEAG, iv. a troiJeit, fucipen ; 7b TWEAK, J to — by the n tcr SJcafe jupfen. TU ' K " : Lbei InidJ TWEAK, j ' -' 7bTWEEDLE, b. n I. Rebel rt, geig.en ; buoeln ; 2, fanfl betfipten, begtctren ; mit leicbter iUJiibc tbiiu ; tv dura iv :cltci. TWEEL ■-• tic gejpjcnc cber geKpette Ceintvanb. 7b TWEEL, r. n [5pettt. TWEEZER-CASE, «, bad ^aaivingciu futtetal. TWEEZERS, i pi. bad 3;iita.cirbcii, bie ^aarjnnge, bet ^aarjruicrer. TWELFTH, adj. \ ». 1. bet 3tt5Iffe; 2. bad JwSIftel; — cake, btl I , Enrben ; — day, bet |tvd)ftc SBcibnarbten -Jtcttjabv, bcr DreifBnigdtag ; — ber DreifSnigdabenb ; ' — tid> bie 3w5lftnad)te. 'i-wr.i.i'nii. frenl. TWl.l twelves, ciu SBudj in ^lublftclfcrm, ciu S>uobe)b bad ^n>51ferforinaf 13 ©latter oou etnein Bo • oftwelvei the broad-way, jMlt Ouet* buobei r$ormat; — headed flax, hi ; a — i i in 3 time — month, beu» te iibcr ein 3abr ; — penny. I Schilling wertb; — score, |toil| i'l'al jtoanjig/ uier ©cboi. twen ii i.i : i ■ bet |wan){g> iu ; .'. bad 9toan|tgfreL TWENTY, adj VVM\i>) ; a sheet of — 7i.i iri rrto-abbr. S4n i SBterntib)toan}igfrel*8otm i-'J I •IC3 TWIR TWO TYRA rcr ton cittern 33ogen); a sheet of twenties, bag %wamatxfotmat. rWLBIL, s. tic £>cilcbartc, 5ToppcI= art ; tag 3Bred)eifen. twice, ad». jwei 3Hal; jivcifad), tpp= pelt; at — , an f tiDCt 2Wai ; with — the loss, mtt boppeltem Scrluflej — fold, geboppelt; — laid cordage or stuff, umgefdjlagene Xaut ; — told, jroei 3JZal wjahu. 7b TWID(D)LE, v. a. fa n ft beriibrcn ; to — one's thumbs, mtt belt SXutniCH fpittnen. To TWJFALLOW, u. a. Jiuiebradjeit. iwifallowing, ». tag ^wkhtd- (fyttt. twig, s. ber Bn-'cifl. bi* SRntije, tcr Scfcojiling; — whip, tic genuine Dtobrpcitfdje. TW1GGEN, adj. »ejter. twin, adj. l. 3millinge betreffenb ; 2. fid) febr aljitlid) fefjeitt ; 3. B. T. tPp= pelt. To TWIN, v. I. n. 1. jngleirb gebovctt roevben ; 2. 3n)iflinge gebaren ; 3n)il= linge tterfen : 3, jig. gepaart femt, jufammengegorcn obev paffen (ft), ii.) ; a. a. tvciuicn, in jroei 2f;cile tbci= Icn. -/'.-twine, b. La. 1. jufammenbres ben, jimrnen ; 2. flechten, nmnjinten ; 3.fio-. scrbinben, scrcinigen ; II. n. 1. lid) winben, fdjlcingeln; fid) breben ; 2. fid) oeretnigen ; to — about, nm= fcblingen, nnifaffeit, fid; f)crimm,nn= ten. twine, s. 1. bet gctrcbte Bctbcit, sBtnbfabett, bie fecbmir; bag aneye, tit cillCllt ?lltgcit* blicTe. twin ling, s. tag SwitfingSlamm. twinned, adj.l. jnr felbeit 3cit ge= boren; 2. gepaart; oereint. twinner, s. berSBaterobet bie*9J?ut= tcr ton 3roiUingcit, tcr Sivi'iiiig^ 1 Katcr, tic 3wtUtngSmutter. To twirl, v I. a. umticbcit, benim= breben ; qncrlcn ; twirling stick, tcr Oucrl; n. «. ficbbrcbcit. TWIRL, s. 1. tic Umtrcbnng, 3ufam= 464 mentrebntta, ; 2. SBiubuna, tag ®c= nuntc; 3.'tcr Jtreiglanf, 2Birbel; give it a — , trcfjc eg bcnini. To twist, v. I. a. flcd)tcit ; 2. breben, Wtnbcn, jnfamnicntrcbcti; 3. fpin= licit; 4. in citiantcrfdjlimjcu, tnrd)= flcd)tcn,iintci'flcd)ten ; 5. iinnciiiteit ; G. »erf!ed;teu, vcrancfclit ; 7. ablcn= fen ; 8. fig. mtveben, tueben, crticb= ten ; ii. n. fid) beibintcn, fid) oevei* ntaen ; fid) yertretjen, fid) ucnuicfcln, fid) uerfd;iingcn. twist, s. 1. bag 3iifniiniciiflcd)fctt, 3iifantntciitrcbcii ; SBerbinten, tie SScrffecfatung, 33envicfc(nttg, S3cr= trebling ; ©re^ung ; 2. tag (5Jeflod)== tene, ©etrcbte; tic 51cd)te; 3. <£d)ititr, tcr gatcn, Sinbfaben ; 4. tag 3)tafcbinengarn ; 5. tie flcinc StoIIe gcfVPiniencr Xabaf ; mule — , tag 9JhtIcgant (mtt nn'id)crcm %a= ten) ; water — , bag aBaffcrgant (mtt bartevcm Sabcn) ; — holes, tie gefticf= ten Jlnopfiofbcr ; — paper, tag gclb= graue papier, in wchteg tag 33anm= wollengnrn ucrpacft »trb; — tobac- co, ber gcfyonneite Sabaf. twister, s. 1. tcr (Setter ; 2. bag S)rebjeug, tie'Srelimafcbine, (£pinn= mafd)iiic ; tic 2)cnplirma|"d)iiie. To TWIT, v. a. DornH'rfcii, yorri'ufcit, einen SSottouvf marbcn, ftid)c(n. twit, s. ter SSorwurf. To TWITCH, v. a. 1. fdnted crgreifeii, fcbncll nicgjupfcit, jevren ; 2. jwicfen, fneifen. twitch, s. 1. ba« (fd)ncfle SSJegO 3upfen ; 2. fneifen, tcr Jtntff, 3nncf ; Jtrampf; — grass, tag ^unbSgraS, Duccfcugrag {Triticum rrpens — L). To TWITTER, v. n. jmitfd)ClIl ; f id)Ct!t ; vuig. »or S3egtefbe jittcrn, beben, fid) febnen, geliiften. twitter, s. 1. tcr SBorwerfenbe, Matter ; 2. tag 3iiM'tfd)cni ; Jtidicrn ; 3. Bittern, ©cliiiieit, tie ©ef)iifiid)t, ter Slnfalt, ^Sarorigmiig; vuig. tie 21ngft, Sangigfcit, tcr @d)rccf.' twittingly, ado. yornutrfgroeifc. 'TWIXT, abbr. fratt betwixt, }»ifd)Clt. TWO, adj. jWci ; in a day or — , ill Ct'= nigen SCagen ; by — and — , 5Po«r nut %mx, paant'eife; —bedded, ntitjnjei SBetten ; — bellied muscles, A. T. ter jweibaudjige SDiitSFcI ; — capsuled, pci J?apfein tragent ; — ceiled, jmct= fad)crig ; — cleft, jiueifpaltig ; — decker, ter 3n)eitecfer (cin ©d)tff mtt jivei SSerbecf en) ; — edged, jmcifd)nci= big ; — fisted, ll'ic — handed ; — flower- ed, jmeiblnmig ; — fold, toppclt, jwets fad) ; — forked, B. T. gabclfiu'inig gcttjeilt; — frame saw, tie Sfofjfage; — handed, jttethfinbtg ; tcrb, feji, fefjtv grojj, plump, »icrfd)rotig ; a — handed sword, cin ©rf)ivert, tag mit jroei iganben rcgicrt werben muf tc ; — handled, jwetbenfelig j — horned, jreci^ornig; — inched, jmeijofligj — leaved, jWeiblattcrig ; mit JWet Bliigcltt; a — leaved book, cilt ©lid) in 33ogengri}jSe ; — legged, jweibei; llig ; — lined letters, Ti//>. T. XittU bucbftabcit; — lipped, /;. t. sn>ciltj>= pig; — lobed, B. T. jtucilappig, tico= tDletOttifd) ; — masted, mit jirci 2)]aften, sweimaftig; —parted, jmci- tbcilig ; — petaied, mit jjpei 33liiincn= bKittern; — poiied, jmcifjaarig, mit jtueierlci ^taarcit ; — prong fork, cine jwci^infige ©abcl; — rowed, jtoci= rcii)ig, sweijcilig ; — seeded, ju>cifa= mig ; — tipped, B. T. jNcilippig ; — shaped, Jtueileibig ; — tongued, top= peljtingtg, falfd); — valved, ju>ei= fdbnltg, jiveifiappig; — winged, jwei= fliigeltg. To TYE, v. Tye, Tver, s. vid. To Tie, &c. TYGER, vid. Tioer. tyke, s. tcr flcinc frblcd)tc .£>iint. tyler, s. ber Siegler. tymral, s. tie >§ccrpaitfe, (JteffeU) SBanfe, tcr JlcffeM tympan, 4 >. 1. tie $anfe; 2. tag ang= gcfpantite SBecgament ; 3. Typ. t. tec ©ccfel an tcr' ©ncbtnicferpreffe; 4. Arch. T. tag ©tcbclfdt; (— of an arch), tag ©ogcngicbclfelt ; ter 3?anm, ter »on einer giebelartigen Senfter* ctcrSbiirucrjicrung cingefd)Ioffen ifl, bie SbiivfiiUllltg ; — sheet, Tup. T. a) ber (Sinfierfjbogen; b) 3lbjiei)bcgen (beitn SBitertrncr). TYMPANITES, 8. Med. T. bic Xromiltct^ fud)t, aBintfncbt. To TYMPANIZE, v. I. n. trPllimcItt ; II. a. auffpauiicn (n>ie cin SvommelfeQ). TYMPANUM, s. 1. A. T. bie SPouIetts bi^te, Srominelboble, trommel (tin Dbre); 2. Meek. T. tag 2;i)mpamini, tie 2Bclie mit cittern D]at obne ^pei= rben. TYMPANY, s. Med. T. vid. Tympanites. TYNY, adj. vid. Tiny. TYPE, 8. 1. bag Q3ilb, SScrbilt, 3Jlu* fterbitt, 3)infter; bie SDinftevform ; 2. ber Stempel; 3. tie getter, ter ©vucfbiirbftabe; i.Mea\T. ber %%s pllg, 65cr= bilten (». ii.). typhoid, adj. ti)pbngartig, fupbb'8. TYPHUS, *. mod. Med. T. tCf 5El;V5«3, cine SHrt neruSfen giebcrg. TYPICAL (— ic; adv. — ally), adj. »OC= biltlid), biltlid) ; — fevers, Med. T. gittartige, regelmafiigc gieber. typicalness. s. tag U?oi'biltliite, tie Dpvbittlicbe 53etciitnng, tcr bittlictie ©inn. To TYPIFY, v. a. PPl'biltcn, biltlid) bprftcllen. typocosmy, s. tic Qlbbiltitng ber ifficlt (w. ii.). typographer, s. ber ©rutfer, 93nd)= brnefcr. TYPOGRAPHICAL (— ic ; adv. —ally), adj. 1. biltlid), bprbiltlid), ftnnbilt= ltd) ; 2. h)ppgrapbifd), jnr Sud)bru= (fcrfnnff gebiji'ig ; — ic art, tie SSucb* tntcfcrfiuift; — cal error, ber Sritcf^ fcbler. TYPOGRAPHY, s. i. tag ©prbiit, tie ftnnbilblicbc TarficUnng ; 2. JCnpos graphic, Suc^briwerfunp. TYPOLITE, s. tcr £t)pp[tt, cin ©teiw mit Slbbrucfen son SPflanjen ctet Sbicren. tyranness, *. tic S:i)raniiitin. TYRANNICAL (— ic; adv.— ally), adj tvu'aitnifd), ljerrfd)fiid)tig, gewaltfant granfant; — ness, s.tag St)rannifd)e TY'RANNICIDE, s. 1. tcr jorannctt' mprt ; 2. ter £tyraiincitmprtcr. To tyrannize, v. n. ten Sliraiinen fpielcn, t«rannifircit ; to — over, tut- tev tern 3pd)c b. altcn, tDrannifiren. TYRANNOUS, vid. Tyrannical, &c. TYRANNY, s.i. tic £t)rannet;.£crrfcb* wittb; 2. ter SDeSpotiSmuS, tie ^i= gciimad)t, nnflfiibvltdje 3f?cgieriing, 3n)anggberrfrbaft, 3n)ing[;errfrbaft ; 3. i^arte, ©ranfamfeit. tyrant, «. 1. tcr Styramt: 2.?lUctn= bcrvfd)cr, ©egppt: 3. 3n)ing^crr, 3iviiigbcrrfd)cr, 2Biitbctid) ; petit ber fieine 2>.)raiin, Sentefcberer; — fly-catcher, ber 2!)ratin, tin Spgel ang tcr ©attiuig tcr S'liesenfcbnap' per (Tyrannas — Cuv.). ULTR UMBR UNAC rYRO, i ber ^Infringer, drilling, ?cfjr= ling. VYROLESE (Tyrouajj), I. adj. t*.irO = lifcf); IL* ber £i;roler; bie proles it u it. TYTHE, eid. Tithe. TZAR, Tzarina, s. vid. Czar, f. U, u, «. baS (ber SSofal) II, », ber eiu uub jwanjigfic ^i3ud;ftabc bc3 SHy&a* bets. UBEROis, «$. fruebjbar, xcic|>l icf>, ubcrfliiffig (to, ii.). uberty, .,-. bie Sriic&tbarfeif, ber Ue= berfhip, bie guile (ro. iij. ubes, ST., s. ©etubal (eine iSafenjtabt $ortugal8). UBICATION, Udiktv, ». ba$ SSo, 3v= gcnbvoofcmt, bie Dertlicbfctt. UBIQUITARINEs.*, ». mie Ubiquity. UBiauiTARY, I. A//?. allcntbalbeit, 511= ,, gegen, allgcgenroartig ; II. *. ber Sul= gege nmSrt ige. UBiauiTY, s. ba8 Itcberallfcvm, tic 9lUgegem»avt. UDDER, «. ta5 (infer. UDDERED, adj. (Sitter fcabeilb, mitdiu tern. UGLINESS, ». bie.&aplicbfcit, 05avftt> feit, (gfelrjaftigfeit, ©diantiidjfeit. UGLY (ad:: — ily), adj. bafilid), garftig, roibrtg, efelftaft, uiiaitftanbig, |d)dub= lid). UKASE, s ber Ufa8 (ruffifrbcr .ft\ibi= netsbefebl). lean, 5. bee Ufaiie. ULCER, 5. bag ©efrbmur ; bev Scb>a= rett, grap, Jlre&S, J?rebsfd)aben. To ULCERATE, v. I. n. fc^anireu, fref= fm, eitern, eineitern, bofe rocrbeu ; n. a. febroaren liiddjeit ; mit @efd)roureu entjiiiibeit. ULCERATION, ». 1. ba« (Sdjrodren, bie (Sitcrung ; 2. bev i»d)n>dven, bas 0c= febroiir. ulcered, adj. gefebroorett, eiterig. ULCEROUS, adj. »o II ev ©cfrbmiire; t>cl= lev flfl ; fd)lcimig; nap. ullage, s. m. f.. bas notbige >Zhian = turn »on glufjtgfeit, 11111 bie in eiuem gaffe burcb bie I'cdafie oerloren gc= gangene 511 erfetjen. ULMiN, ». CA. t. bev Ulmiii, v 2iotcr= floff, bie §umu§faure. ULNAR, adj. .1. T. 511m Glbogcn gcbi>= r 'tl- . , ... ulterior, adj. jenfettig, nnbcrfeittg, anbevroeitig, ferner. ULTIMATE, adj. lctit, allerletjt, cnblicb ; (adv. — i.y>, jiilejjr, 511 allerlejjt, JU11I Scbhip, fdjlicplid), abfcftlieJ! lid;, enb= lid). ULTIMATUM, s. baS Ultimatum, ber (Subbefdjeif, ba8 Sefcte, tie (vr- tlarung, (gnbfc^aft, tor leljte itJov- f4tag. ULTIMITY, ,t. ba8 Setjtc, 'Jleuilevfte, bev ©(tlnp, bev (e^te ^uftaut (id. ii.). ULTIMO (flelV. «44r. ult), Jtf. 2.'. »«s flanfjClt, passato \ your favour of the 3ist — , 3br JBvie'f »oiu 31jrcttuori= gen 2)conatS. ULTRA>l\rine, I. s. 1. baS Uitranm= vin; 2. (Urr) bev Safmfteiit; U.adj. jenfeit be« 3}iceve8, ait^lditbifd;, iiber= fecifd); — ashes, bie lUtramarinafcr)e; — trade, ber iiberfccifdte .6aiibe(. ULTRAMONTANE, adj. jeufeitJ be8 ©ebivge*, ubtrgebirfltg. ULTRAMUNDANE, 'adj. jenfeit ber SSklr, iibcriiuitlid), iibcrirbifd). To ULULATE, p. n. f)Cltlctt («J. ii.). ULULAT10N, s. ba-3 .§enlcii, ©cbcul (». ii.). UMBEL*. Ii T.bic 5)oIbe, ber 5?iifd)ci. UMBELLAR, «-//. 1. bolbenformig, fcfcirnifbrmig; 2. ju einer Dolb< ge» ^6rtg. UMBELLATE, Umbeliatkd, adj. 1. be= taebt, fd)irinformig, ubcrfdidttct; 2. /; v. iii SDolben, in SBufcfcelii waty feitD, bolbenbliit^ig. UMBELLET, Umbelucle, s. i?. T. ba8 i oitden. UMBELLD?EROUS, adj.B.T. Tolbcn- (93ufdjel) tragenb;— plants, ©d)irm= jjflanjen, Solbengenjad;fe. UMBER, s. 1. tie' ltmbcv=(?vbe, ba8 Umbra, Sergbraun (cine 9lrt gclb= brainier Cfer; ; 2. tie SIefio)e eiu Sifd), S^/mo thymallus — L.) ; 3. ber (Senegalvogel, gefjatibtc SdjattenyO: gel (.Scopus umbrella). 7\> UMBER, r. a. l. mit SBergbraun fdrben, bunfel fSrbeit, mit SBergbraun fd)minfeit ; 2. brdnncn, bcrbitnfdii. UMBERED, adj. l. bunfel aejeiebnet, bunfel gebrdmif, frhattirt; 2. umbun- felt. UMBILICAL adj. A. T. JUlll SRabel ge= iun-tii, am Sflabel ; — chord, bie Dtas belfepnut j — hernia, ber Sfiabelbrucb. ; — point. Mat. t ber SBreunpunft einer frnmmen ^inic; — scissors, p/. eine ®d)ere jttm Slbfcbneiben ber 31abel= fd)ttnr; — vein, .i. t. bie Stabetblut* ater ; — vessels, A. T. SJabelijefafic ; a. t. bev 9labcljlrang; — worm, tcv Sfiabelrourm. UMBIL1CATE, Umbilicated, adj. 1. lias belformigj 2. mit etitcin 5Jlabel, ge= itabelt. UMBILIC, r. a. bev Sflabel ; jig. fUlittth VUllft ; II. adj. vid. Umbilical., 8. pi. So. r. bie Singeweibe eine8 .g)ivfd)e8, 9cel)e« it. f. ru. umbo, a. ber Sng, tie Qucfel, i5xb'i>-- Innuv baS @rb,abeue im ®4)ilbe. UMBOLDILITE, ». ber llmbolMlitt). UMBRA, « ber Untberfifd) (Sciama um- bra. — L.). UMBRAGE »■ J- tcr (Sdatten, ta3 ?aubbad); 2. fig. ber Serbactyt, Slrgs roobn, Slerger; to give — to . ., 83er» bad)t erroerfen, mtfhnutbjg niad)cn ; brleibigen ; to take — at.., 83erbad)i frhiipfe'it bet ... fid) btleibiflt finrni bnrd).., iibel nebmen, iBeleibtguitg bermitthcn, fdjen merben oor . . UMBRAGEOUS, adj. fcjbattig, fd)atfeit = veid); — ness, «. bie Scbatligfeit, baS .) ; — runner, tcr Sluffcbiebertng (an einem ®cbirnic) ; — stick, ber <& tod eine* Sebivme*; — tree, tcv J(ciienfd)irnt: banm, ©iberbanni [Magnolia ,• — /..). UMBRIER, ». ta-J EQtfft am .Oclmc. UMBRD7EROUS, adj. ^dattcit lvcifeut. UMBROSITY, a. bie *2dmtti;ifcit, ta-5 S>itnfel (u). ii.). umpirage, 8. I. be* Dbmannfl (t?tn tie fcbictSricbtcrlid'c) (Sntfebtil Don 3trciti,ifci'cii, ber (au§trgericbj« Iirbc) Scbiel raletd), bai ©djictSricbtcrtbiini ; .'. SojieMrecbt UMPIRE*. berOberfc5ftb«ricfittT,Ob. man it, (ciiibcrnfcn urn feine (5'utfdjci- bung ju geben, roenn tic Sitietsricb* tei in ibrt n OTtinungen getbeilt (tub). Ta i MPIKE, b n 013 rductSriebtrt entftyetben; fdlidue;i (». ii.). . n it . . , cut . ., oon, n>eg, r.idn, obne, n. f. r». UNABASED adj ungebemfit|i|)t. in \i: VSHED, adj. uitbcfcbaiiit, un?er» f'tanit, cbiie 2d)am. UNABATED, adj. uit'.'erinii'.tcrt ; uicbl beviintcr gefe^t; unabgejogen. UNABATLN6, adj. uicbl nacblaffenb. UNABBREVl \i ED, adj. unabgefurjt, inij]cfiir(f. UNABJURED, adj. nidt abflefdnvcren. UNABLE, adj I.'i.i, ir.!'.'cnuo» genb ; 2. fdwad), fraftloS ; — to pay, jablungSunfabig. infoloent. UNABOLISHABLE adj. uidU alsiifd)af» fen, nid)t aufbebbar, nid;t abfd)aff» bar. UNABi iLTSHED, adj nidit abgefcbajft, nnaufgeboben, nodj gulttg. unabridged, adj. unabgeturjt, uit= oerfSrjt. UNABSOLVED, adj. nidu Io-?.iefpro= d)en, unabgetban, nicbt)u6abe ge= bradn. UNABSORBED, adj. nidit UNACCELERATED, adj. •nnbefdplem UNACCENTED, adj. pbne Xpiijeirbca, niebt aeccntnirt, acecntloB. UNACCEPTABLE [adv.— lt), adj. ni.t. aitjunebmcit, linaiinehiniidi, mif.fai- 1ch£>, unannebmbar, unangenebm ; — ness, 8. tic Unannebjnbarteit, Un« auiiclniilutNir. in ACCEPTED, a///.nid)t augenommen. migfatltfl; .i/. /:. unacceyttrt, nicbl aeccptirt. i ^ACCOMMODATED, adj. i. innaiu^ lieb, unangemeffen : 2. uid;t ocrft* ben, unoerforgt, burftig. UNACCOMMODATING, adj. i. uicbl beiftiinniciib, unnacbgiebig, unbicg= fa m ; 2. uitjicfalli;]. i \ ICCOMPAND2D, adj. uiibegtcitet. i NACOOMPLI8HED, adj. 1. uiivoUen» bet; uiicrfiilli ; 2. ungebilbet. UNACCOMPLISHMENT, », tic -. 1 tirbttr« fuUuttg, ~.Vid:ta;i-M"i;lniiiKV UNACCOBDIN : i iibcrcin}lim= incut, abrocirbenb. UNAOCOUNl'ABILITy, .-. nie Ukai i WH.KNESS. UNACCOUNTABLE adv. —hi), 1. adj. nnberantmortlicb, unabbangig, feinet 9luffttt)t untenuorfen, jroanglo«j 2 unerflarbar, fonberbar, feltfam ; she is an — girl, man faint nidit flug an! ibr lvevten ; — Dees, i 1. tie llitt>r r- antunntlidn"cit, UnabbSuaigfeit; 2. Unerflarbarfeit, Stltfamftit. UNACCREDITED, adj. llid)t be.jfau- bigt, nicbl anerfannt. UN ^CCUSABLE m . nid^t aiijuflagcu, nnanflagoar, untatdbaft. in ACCUSTOMED, - . I. liii.jcirobn! 2. lieu, itiijicnnnnilid'. UNACIflEVABLE, adj. uiierrcidb.ii, unaitSfubrbar. unachle; rn. tdj unbeenbigt, unvoli< enbet, unautgefubrt. UNACKNOWLEDGI D, I. inter- fannt, nid)t anerfannt; 2. lnigcftaif ten. i n acquaintance*. bie UnBefannti fdaff, Unflinbe, Ui'.erfabrenhcit. UNACQUAINTED, tdj. 1. ntcbt g«' 46j UNAL roobut ; 2. un&efannr, unfunbt'a, utt= trfabvctt (ro u.) ; — aess, s. vid. b. 0. 3B. unacquirarle, odj. unevlaugear, uitcvunu-blivf). UNACQUIRED, adj. Uttenvorbcu. UNACQUI r L'ED, adj. lutbcfrcit, Miab* gctvagcn. unacted, ««/'. unattSgefulJvt, uugc= fdjeben. UNACTUATED, adj. ui^t t lit (Mange, uid)f gctricben. UNADAPTED, adj. ntdjt angeftclir, nic&t augeroettbet, ntdjtangepajjr, uti* eiltgericbtet. unaddicted, adj. utigemtbmet ; llicf>t ergeben. UNAD.JUDGED, adj. llltentfdlicbcit, fd)n?cbeub (Sou cin'em 9?ed)t£-faU). UNADJUSTED, adj. uuabgcntad)t ; — claims, M E. tntt'lave, nitrcgulirte gorberungen. UNADMIRED, adj. llItbcilMtUbcvf. UN ADMONISHED, adj. liucvmatjnt, tttt* gematnt. unadopted, adj. nid)t angenommett, uuaugcnomntcu. UNADORED, adj. HUattgebctct, Ullt?CV= ebjt. UNADORNEb, adj. mtgejicrr, ttnge* fd)iniicft, fdinuicfloS UNADULTERATED, adj. Iiut>cvfalfd)f, edit, rein. UNADVENTUROUS, adj. nid)t t>evlUC= gen, nidit njciglicl), magics. UNADVISABLE, adj. uuvatbfam, tin* rath lich, uicbt $u vat!) ctt. UNADVISED (adr.— ly), ndj. 1. Uttbe* badjtfitm, unoorjfdjtig ; 2. imbebacbr, oorfdiucll, baftig, uitberatjjen ; — ness, .« bie Unbcbad;tfamt'ctt, fiafttgfett. UNAERATED, wij. niitt Foblciifaucr, mit .itobleitfauve ticrbuubeit. UNAFFECTED (ado. — ly), adj. 1. lltt= gcriibvt, unbewegt, uubcvubvr, uube= troffcn, uicbt befjaftet, unbebaftet; 2. ttnbefangen, ungefiinfielr, unocvftellt, natiirtid), offen, aufridltig ; — ness, s. bie Unbcfaugenbcit, ttngegwungeit* licit, Uuycrfteutbeir, baS ilngefuit* ftcltc, bic Iftatuvticbfeit. UNAFFECTING, adj. nid)t riifjrcnb, nicbt angveifcitb, uuroirffam, ol)tte JJraft. UN AFFECTIONATE, adj. IlcigUttgSloS, unbewegt. UNAFFIRMED, adj. uitbejabt, uubc= baiiptct. UNAFFIilCTED, adj. ungcfrattFt, unbe* tviibt. 3NAGITATED, adj. llidjt evfdjiitfevi, itiri)t geregt, ungeregt, ungevitttelt, unbeflurmt. UN iGREEABLE, adj. 1. nid)t iiberetlt* jtimmenb, nidit paffenb, uitpaffeub, (to—), uitycvtvaglicij mit.., uncttt* gemeffen, uufcbidlicb ; 2. unonge* itcbni ; — ness, s. 1. bie 9Wd)tubcrctu* fHinmung, Unuertrfigliibjeii mit.., Unangemeffenljetr, baS Uupaffcnbc, Uufdiidlidje ; 2. SBibnge, Unange* HCl)lHC. UNAIDED, adj. uugcbolfcn, fjiilfloS, liiiuutcrftiiet, unbemaffnct ; the — eye, bafi uubcivaffncte Ittuge. 7NAIMED, adj. uicbt gejielt, nidjt gc= luoiitt. 'JNAIMING, adj. nidit yelenb, otjnc be* fonbeveS >$itl, obiic 9cid)tu;!g, unab* ftdjtlid), obuc 93c5ug. 'JNALARMED, adj. tltfht 6cumuf)tijt, uucrfdiva-ft. UNALIENABLE (adv. —i.\).adj. tmuev* aujjcvlid;, unubettr«gbar. UNALIENATED, adj. liufccraufiert, UH* tntfrembet, uicbt iiberttagen 466 bNAP UNALLAv i:d, a///. !. ungcltuben, uicbt gcmafiigt ; 2. vid. Unalloyed. UNALLEVIATED, adj. ttttcilcid)tcrt, ttngemtlberf. unalliable, adj. utt&cvctnbav, unycv* fcbulic^. UNALLTED, adj. 1. miDcrbuiibcit, tin* vetbunbet: 2. ob^nc macbjige 3Sev= toanbtc ; 3. ttid)t« ©emciitfameS fyi- benb, ttngtettftartig. UNALLOWABLE, adj. nnjulafftg, Utt* julafiUci), uiici'laubt ; liuviditig. UNALLOWED, adj. Ultcrlrtllbt, Ult(tatt= fjaft, unbercd;tigt. UNALLOYED, adj. of)UC 53ctf>t^, Utt= ucvfc^t, un»ermifdjr. UNALTERABLE (adv. — ly), adj. tttt* wottbelbar, iiitbcvaubcvlicb, unabott* bcvlidi ; — ness, s. bic Umvaubclbav= fcit, Uttociaubcvlicbfcit, Unabaubcv= ltd;fcit. UNALTERED, adj. UttOCVatlbCVt. unamazed, adj. unribctTafdjf, Df)ltC ©tauuett, uitcvfd;rocfcii. UNAMBIGUOUS (adv.— ly), adj. ntdjt boypelftnntg, flav, nnbejnjetfeU ; — ness, s. bic Jaat&eit, ©cutlidifcit. UNAMBITIOUS, adj. 1. pbllC ©bl'ijcij, uicbt cbvfiicbtiij; uid)t begterig; 2. aufpvudiMoS, cinfach, fdiltdit; — ness, s. bie'ilinVntctSloftgfeit, ba3 ciu= fad;e, fdilicbtc SBefen. UNAMENDABLE, adj. UU'.H'vbcffcdtd), tiubeffcvlidi. UNAMENDED, adj. ItUiH'rbcffcrt. UNAMIABLE, odj. uidit UcbcuSmiir= big ; — ness,s.bic UnlicbcuJuiiirbigfcit. UNAMUSED, adj. cbtte Uutcvbaltung, uutcv()altitng«u^, gelangwetlc. UNAMUSINg', )adj/tierfcn, nid)t an- UNAMUSIVE, ) Jtefjenb, uicbt uutcr= baltcnb, lottgmetltg. UNANALOG1CAL, Unanai.ogous, adj. itidit analog, unabulia;. UNANALYZED, adj. iiuaufgdbfct. UNANCHORED, adj. Itllgcailtcvt, Ittrfjt fcor 5lufcr ; anfcrloS. UNANELED, adj.+ ollUC Icfetc Dclltttg. unangular, odj. nict)t rotttfelig. UNANIMALIZED, adj. ltid)t in tbicri= fdic S;i)cik ucnuiinbelt, uicbt afftmt* (ivt. UNAN1MATED, adj. tltlbcfcclt, IcbloS. unanlmitv, s. bie (?imnn.M)igfcit, ($tntrad)t. UNANIMOUS, adj. ciumiitbig, (fiimmcit) ciubtllig, unisono ; with (an) — consent, mit aUgemetuer Sujlimmung ; to be — , etnertet SJietnung feint ; — iy, ad». ciumiitbig, (ftimmcu)ciu!)cllig, mit @timntcucinbcUtgfcit; —ness,*. bic ©inmittbigfeif, (©timmen*)S'inbel= ligfcit. un'annoyed, adj. ltttgeplagt, unge* nccft. unanointed, adj. ungcfalbt. UNANSWERABLE (adv. — ily), adj. UU- bcauta'oftlid;/ tinwtberlegbnir, uuroi* bcvlcglid) ; —ness, s. bic llnbcaiit= wortlicbfcit, Uurotbertegltc&feit. UNANSWERED, adj. 1. MlbeMtttDOr* tct ; 2. unrotbetlegt ; 3. unoccgoltcu. UNAPOCRYPHAL, adj. nid)t apofvi)= Vbifit, fanonifcbci! 9lnfeb,en babcnb. UNAPPALLED, adj. ititerfdjvocf tut, furd)tlo«. UNAPPARELED, adj. ttttbcflcibct, Cltt= tleibct, uuaugcjogcn, uugcpuijt. UNAPPARENT, adj. nicfjt fcb.cinbar, uufid)tbav, buufci. UNAPPEALABLE, aa|?. fciuc SBentfltng (auf ciucu l)5l)cvu Diidjtcv) julaffenb. UNAPPEASABLE "<(/■ uicbt ju befitllf= tigctt ; uiivscvfobnlicb. UNAPPEASED, adj. uubcfanftigt ; un* tcvfbl)ut, uuau^gcfobut. UNAS UNAPPLAUDED, adj. Unbellttlfdjt, obltt SBetfoH, ungcviibmt. UNAPPLIED, aaj. unattgcivaitbt, JU ttic^tt SBefonberem oerroenbet; — funds or money, M. E. tPbte @api- talicn, miif;ige ©clbcr. UNAPPOSITE, adj. uuaugcmejfen, uu« paffenb. UNAPPRECIATED, adj. nid;t gcarf;tct nugcfcba&t, unbcad)tct. unapprehended, adj. ttuocvftanbcr nicbt begriffen, nidjt gefapt. UNiVPPREIIENSIBLE, adj. tlllbcgretf* lid). UNAPPREHENSIVE, odj. 1. uicbt be* greifenb, obtte 33cgriff, nidit emvfin* bcub, einfid)telo8, gcbanfcnlo8 ; 2. unbeforgt, forgloS, avgloS. unapprized, adj. lutbcvtcbjet, unun* tcrvicbtct, unbefe^rt. UNAPPROACHABLE, adj. 1111 jugauglicb, , uuuabbar, uicbt ju naben ; — ness, s, bie Uujugaitglid)fcit, Unnafybarfeit. UNAPPROACHED, adj. vid. Unapproch- able. UNAPPROPRIATED,, adj. vid. Unap- flied ; — lands, unangcaucfcitc, nod) uicbt »ergebene (beni Staate get>o* rige) SJiinbereien. unapproved, auj. ntd)t gcbiUigt, un* gcbilligt. UNAPT (ado. — ly). adj. 1. UlttiiQtig, uutauglid), uugcfd)icft, tnmiife ; 2. uupaffcub, uitahgcmcffcn ; 3. unfa* big; 4. nicbt gencigt; —ness, s. 1. bic Uutiicbtigfcit, Unbraitdibavfeit, Uutauglicbfctt; 2. Utigcfriiitftbett. llupafjlidifcit, ©tumpfbeit, 3)imim» l)cit; 3. llnfafiigfcit; 4. bic 'ilbnci* gitng, bev SDibecwitXe. UNARGUED, adj. itiibemtcfcn, uubt» (ivittcu. UNARMED, adj. I. uubewaffuct, webr* lo8 ; 2. obuc ©cbilber, Jllaiicu, &ta* cbclu, u. f. to. (.con 3,'bicrcti uui Spffanjeu). UNARRAIGNED, adj. unbcnd;ttgt; ltn* augcflagt. UNARRANGED, adj. unciiigcticbtct, ttngeorbnet. UNARRAYED, adj. 1. Uubcfleibet ; 2. ungeprbnet. UNARTFUL (n dv.— ly), adj. 1. flltlfl- lo3 ; obne^ift; 2. ungefebidt, uncv* fabi'eu (i». ii.). UNARTIFICIAL, vid. Inartificial. UNASCENDIBLE, adj. Ullcrftciglidi. UNASCERTAINABLE, adj. UllbcftilUlll* bar, nid)t ju yergetuiffevti. unasked, adj. iiugcbctcii, uugefor* be vt, ungefragt. UNASPECTIVE, adj. uuaufiiicvffam. UNASP1RATED, adj. UUafpivift, Itid)t mit bem .^aitdic (obet «§) an%e* fpvodicn. UNASPIRING, adj. nidit aufitrebciib, uicbt bocbioollcnb. uid;t emporflve* bcub, obuc Sfjcgeij. UNASSAILABLE, adj. uuaitgrcifbar. UNASSAILED, adj. luiaugcg'vijtcu, tin* beftiirmf. UN ASSAYED, adj. l!U13Clflld)t ; 7'. Ull* gepcobt, nnpTODtrt. UNASSESSED, adj. lllltavivt. UNASSIMILATED, aaj. Ul'cbt glcidj obcr cibulid) gemaebt, uicbt affiiniltrt. UNASSISTED, adj. obuc ©eiftatlb, fei* ucn Setfianb babcub, biilflo3. UNASSISTING, adj. nicbt belfcub, uicfc,! beifiebenb, uid)t' biilfreid;. unassorted, adj. tud)t offortirt, «n« affovtict. UNASSUMING, aaj. nidit flitmapenk, uirbt cevmefjen, luiauinafilic 1 .), be* fifnibeu, aufpnidi'Moo. UNASSURED, adv. 1. Uliyu'ficbcrt, EB' UNBE UNBI UNDO fldjer, tutgetoifi ; 2. nufrwuifd) ; «ici>t jutrauenb, unjuoerficrjilicrj. DNATONABLE, adj. unabbupbar; Ull= ocrfbbnlid). Cnatoned, adj. unserfe&nt, ungc= brijit, unbefriebigf. UNATTACHED, ad/, ungcljiltbert; niebt anbanglid); — to any party, fciner Slkrtei anb>ingctib. UNATTAINABLE, adj. nncrreid)bar, unerlangbar, nid)t cttijutjolert, uncr= fdjioiiiglid) ; —ness, 5. bie Uucrrcid)= barfeir, lliierfrbroiniilirbfcir. UNATTAINTED, adj. WWVborteit. UNATTEMPTED, adj. unocrfud)!, MU a, t. UNATTENDED, adj. 1. unbegleitcf, aU Ictit ; ungepflcgr, "()"« Slubaug ; '-• frevlaffen, uubciitevft; — to, sevn= lafjiget, oenimbvlofet. UN ATTENDING, adj. nid)t bavauf a<$)= tent. UNATTENTTVE, flrfj. vid. Inattentive. UNATTESTED, adj. obne 3eufl>l'P» "«= bejeugt, unbcfcbcinigt. UNATTRACTED\ adj. titctst ange^ogcn. UNATTRACTIVE, adj. nid)t a it jic J)tnb, rotjlo*. UNAUGMENTED, adj. Ultwmcljrt, iut= ocvgro9ert. UNAUTHENTIC, adj. ltid)t crf)t. UNAUTHENTICATED, adj. UU»cr= btirgt. UNAUTHORISED, adj. nnbct>oriimid)= ttgr, unbefugt, unbcrccbttgr. UNAVAILABLE, adj. tltlllu&, Uttbiett = ltd), oergcblid) ; — in law, (redjtt)* uugiiltig, itid)t giiltiju ungefefclicb ; —ness, s. tie 9}u$lo|tgfeir, SBcrgeb* liebfcit. UNAVENGED, adj. ungcrtidjf; llltbc= ftvaft. UNAVAILING, adj. l'.tcrjt bteilCltb, llid)t belfenb, inutiife. UNAVOIDABLE (ado.— i.v). or//. 1111.1118= rocicblid), unentgebbar, uuausbleib* ltd), tutocnneiblid), unuingiinglid); —ness, ». bte UitaiiMocirblidifeit, Utt- oeniteiMidifeit, Unumgangltcbfeit. UNAV( )H)ED, adj. unvermiebeu, uncnt= gangen. UNAWARE!), Unawakenep. adj. Ultges roecft, unertoecft; uuerroadbr. UNAWARE, adj. ) iinocrfeben-J, it it = UNAWARES, ade. > crto.irtct, untUT= ntiitber, plofclirb. UN AW ED, adj. itid)t in ftiirebt gebal= Un, obne ynvdit, fnvd)tlo8, unges fd;cut, obne Scficu, obttc (S'brfnrdjt. unbacked, adj. 1. niebt gugerttrett; 2. unabgeiicbtcr; 3. ungcbecfr, uidjt unterftiifet, of)itc §iilff. UNBALANCED, adj. unabgeiuogrn ; ob= lie @leicbgeiuid)t; — accounts, vid. Unsettled Accounts, To UNBALLAST, p. a. .V. T. ten SBot= (aft cmefcbjefjen, bcs SBaUaftfl cntla= ben. UNBALLASTED, adj. I. dine SBattafl; 2. fd)ioanfeiti\ UNBANDED, adj. obne SBaitb, obne i^intc. UNBAPTIZED, adj. ungefiiuft. To UNBAR, & a entvicgelii, anfriegeln, loggittern, offueu. UNBABXED,a4/.flbgeritibet,a&gef$alt, blofs (t». it.). * unbarred, ad?', tmberriegeft, iut«cv= gittevt. UNBASHFUL, adj linoci-febaint, fcf)am= [08. UNBATIIED, adj. Itligeb.lbct, UU(je» fcucbtet. BNBATTERED. aJj tmgtfebjagctt, Ult» gcflanipft, unbefcfcabigr. UNBEARABLE, adj. imcvtragltd). UNBEARDED, adj. unbartifl, barrio*. UNBEARLNG, adj. nid)t fvagenb, un= fnicbtbnr. UNBEATEN, adj. 1. ungefcblagcn ; 2. unbem-tcu, nngebabur [»on cineni 2Beg). UNBEAUTEOUS, } ,. „;^ t ,-x;:„ UNBECOMING [adv. — i.v . adj. Uligc= jicmenb, undnflnnbtg, unf.tiirf lid) ; —ness. *. bie UtuiiiftancigEfit, Un= fdiirfltdifcit. To UNBED, r. a. OVA tern In-ttc j.i.^eii. UNBEFITTING, adj. UtMfJtemcnb, fid) nidit fcfcicfeub, iiiifd^irflid). UNBEFBJENDED, adj. iiiibefreuubet, fieimblos, obne Steunb ; unbegun; lltflt. To unbeget, v. a. nidjt jeugen, Ult= geborcu macften, bc8 35afe^n8 bcrau= ben. UMir.GOTTEN, adj. 1. nod) uid't ev= jengf ; 2. obne Slnfang, unaufaiig= lid), ewtfl. To UNBEOUILE, v. a. nUS bem 3ll tl)Ulll rcifien, citttaufdicu. UNBEGUN, adj. uuaiu^efaitgen. UNBEHELD, aa>'. uiicvblidt, nngefebo. UNBELIEF, s. 1. ba« 2JIi&trrtucn ; 2. bet UnglauBe, 3J2ijiglaube, bie %xxu ligiofit^it. To UNBELIEVE, r. a. mifitmncit, uiebt Slauben, nid)t tnuten, itidit fur toayt alten. unbeliever, s. ber lliiglaubigc. UNBELLEVING, adj. nnglaiibig. UNBELOVEI), adj. ltlli]flicbt. To unbend, v. a. 1. abfpannett, nadi= laffen, lofeti, loSbinben, befi'eicn ; .v. Ts. (bie Segel) abfd)lagcn, von ben Sfiaeieti (leiubncbnten ; (c.v5 2lnfevt.m) oom Slnferring Io8mod)en : 2.j>gMx !£luith,feir bcranbeit, rntfrafteii, ci'= fcblaffeu, fdmnidjeit ; fig*, tn — one's cares, fid) ber Sorgen entfcblageu; to — one's mind, auSviiben, fid) ev= b^olen. unbending, adj. 1. unBiegfam, t)art= luirfig, fcfl ; cn'tfd)loffcu ; 2. bee @r« bolung geioibntet. UNBENEFICED, adj. ol)HC ^fviinbe, Uit= bepfriinbet. UNBENEVOLENT, adj. imgiitig, utt= fauft, ^artberjig. UNBENIGHTED, adj. obne S'Zadjr, un= itntnaditct, unsevbunfelt. UNBENIGN, adj. iingi'ttig, boSivillig, bostjaft. UNBEQUEATHED, adj. niebt vcrni.icbt. UNBESEEMING, adj. ungejiemenb, nn= auftanbig, uufebicflid), ltngebiitjrlid). UNBESOUGHT, adj. uiieifiicbt, nngc= betcn, freiivillig. UNBESPOKEN, adj. unbcltcllt, nid)t ver.ibrcbet. L"NBE>rARUED,n«//'.uid)tgeflirnt, ftev= nenloS. UNBESTOWED, adj. ititvevgetcit, nn= oerfugt, unoerbanbelt. UNBETRAYED, adj. unvervatbeit, ge= bcini. UNBEWADLED, adj. ltnbcfl.igt, Utlb> meint. To i NBEWTTCH, o. a. enfi.uibcrn. 7b UNBIAS, b, a. ^ontrtlnilc ^enet)= men, iinuiirtetifrf) tuad cit. UNBIAS S)ED [adv. —i.v), odj'.Ut eingc= noiniiicii, unbefangen, uiUMiteiifdi; —ness,*. bie iQorurt^etUIoftgEeit. unbld, Uhdibdbk, adj. l. ungcfyeifsen, ungefotbert, unbefob(ett, freiwillig ; 2. imgebeteii, ungelaben. unbigoted, adj. unlit (tbtrglSubtg, obne blinte SHnr)nrt(jUc^fett, obne SSorltebe, unverblenbeif. I To UNBIND, v.a aiifbinben, totbtnben, 1 abbtnben; rutbiubcu, lofen. To uni 3IICP, r. a. ber S3iicbof«rourh beiaubeii, fnife^eti. To UNBIT, p a. b.i8 0Jebifi nebinen, nb» jSumeu, enD.iniiieit; to — the s bat Olnfcrtau oon be. ti:u\ ncbmeii. UNBLAMABLE (ado. —i.v' 1 . n,r,. w:.:.\- belb.iH, unfabflig, nnftraflid;. fcbulbtg ; —ness, ». tie Unfabtlbaf= tigteif, Xacellofigfeit, UnftrSfltd Unfd)iilt. UNBLAMED, adj. obncXabcI, tateQo8, feblerftet. UNBLASTED, adj. linvcvioclft. UNBLEACHED, adj. uitgebleirbt, rob. UNBLEMISHABLE, adj. Unbffltrfbar, uber rrbiii.ibiin^cn erb.Uen. UNBLEMISHED, adj. unbeflecft, nnge= fcbiiiir-ct, uiibc'diinioft; an — reputa- r in unbtfd)Oltener SRuf. UNBLENCHED, aiij. unpevMiiifelt, W* teflecft. Ctttfc^Icnctt, VXltX* f.Vt OifCIt. UNBLENDED, adj. unocrinifrbt, tinjer- lllClt.jt. UNBLEST, adj. 1. uiigerfgnet, oervudt. Oerfliutt ; 2. iingliidlid), tleol unbegabt. DNBUGHTED, adj. nie^t bnvd) 3?u'bl- otrborben, unoerfengt; fig. \\\\= getriibt, ungeftSrt. To UNBLIND, p. a. febent nuirben, bit Sinbe nebnien ; fig. evUndjtcn, a\\\= tlareu. UNBLOODED, 7 adj. 1. unblutig: 2. UNBLOODY, i unhloody, ltid)t blut= burjttg, niebt graufant. UNBLOSSOMMG, adj feiite EBIuttjen rragenb. UNBLOWN, adj. 1. unaufgeblu Jtno8pen; 2. unaudgelSfdK; 3 nicfc! buret SBinb ungefadjr. UNBLUNTED, adj. uiMb.icftnnioft. UNBLUSHING, ado. niebt enetl'c::: , fcl)(tmlo8 ; berwbaS nidit ju en bv.iiidit; — honours, ebrenooH( . be; — innocence, nubifcijainte Utjs fcbnlb. UNBOASTFUL, adj. befd)etben, mbmrebig. UNBODIED, adj. unBrperlid), cntfi ; := vovt, Eor^erlfla. UNBOILED, adj Uii.jcfcdH, unflef r. i NBOLT. p. a. aufrtegeln, cntrie- geln, bffneii, eioffncii. UNBOLTED, adj. 1. entvt.\;clt. anv.e- riegelt, unDerriegtlt, offeit; 2. unge- beutelt, grob. IBONNET, p, a. bit SDWftt ;bcn •Out) abnelinicn. i NBi iNNETTEDj adj. obne lTJiitje ober ,u,u'r>', p^ne •0 , .;t, uubrbecfr, (jauptig, b.ivbiiiu't. i f.iiicn ?efeffei0bf= nidji |u ©udjem geneigt; 2 unbeltfen, ungelebrt, i'nt.i k TED, adj. ungefliefelr. UNBORN, adj. lingcboien ; fig. jufiinf- ti.i. i NB< iRR< IWED adj I. iincrbonif, r> ^euihuulid), efgeu; 2. unverfal i*t. To UNBOSOM, v.a. lofen, ojfneu, cut. becTen, oertrauen ; to — one's self fein ^erj .uiffd'iitteii. UNBi rTTOMED, adj. bobenlot, gtUllb" [08 : dMic feilc Stfifee, lofe, uiijnre;-' [afftg. UNBi il ingefauft, bell ; fetneJtauferbobenb, o^nt fer. i nbound, adj. 1. unoebunben, lo«ge« bunben, [08, uueingebunbert, rofj oob SBucbem) ; 2. nidi' Derpflidjfet. UNBOUNDED ado. — tr), ad) 1. nnbe* grenjt, unenblieb; febvanfeiilo8, utn 407 UNCA UNCH UNCO befcirSnfr, uneingef$ranft j 2. un« gejafjmt, jiigeHog; —ness. bte Unbc= arenjt&etr, ©renjenlojTaEeit, ©cfcraits Ritloffgfeit, ilnenblidifcit; Unge* jabmtbcit, BugcUofigFeit. JNBOUNTEOUS, adj. Itligiitig ; 1111= grofimutbtg. •/;■ unbow, c o. abfyannen; to — one's resolution, fig. feiltClt (S'lttfcblltfj ttufgebeit. unbowed, adj. niebt ge&ogeu, unge* Erfimmt ; fig. ungebeugt. 71 UNBOWJBL, 0. a. ClUSWetben. 7'o UNBRACE, c. a, lo8 lihicbcn, fcblciff madjen, (ofen, aufbtnben, auffcfcttaU len, aiiffcbttiircii, ciuffitiipfen ; jpeij air§ = fcptteit, Bjfnen, sertrauen. UNBREATHED, adj. 1. lingcatblltcf ; 2. .Sy. itngeiibr, unabgericbtet. INBREATHING, adj. atl)CniloS, l!llbe= fecit. INBRED, adj. 1. unboflicb, ntintaniev= licb, fd)lcd)'t ersogen, ungejogen, un= cqogen ; 2. uiifttnbtg, iimnitcrvicb= tof, ntterfetbrcii (io.. , in. .). UNBREECHED, adj. bofeittoS, flbnc >§ofen; Gun. Ph. ob" e ©dbwanjs ntiMiibe; — soldiers, bte 33ergfc$ot= ten, febottifebe 3nfantertfien, I'NBREWED. adj. lllUHTnlifcbt, reitl, Crbf. UNBR1BED, ai/j. unbeftocbet'., niebt bc= ftocben. To unbridle, v. a. abjautnen. L'NBRIDLED, adj. Oboejaumf, Wli]C-- jaumt; 2. fig. uitgejabntt, jugelloa, ausfc^ttmfenb, ausgrfaffen. ,'NBROKE, Unbroken, adj. 1. ItngebrP; rbeii, mi$crbrocben, bcit, gan$, nn»er= letjt; 2. nniintcrjorbt, iingcfd;n>;id;t ; 3. ungejfibnit, ungebanbigt. jnbrotherly, adj. unbruberltdj. JNBRUISED, adj. nitgccinetfcbt, nnycr= [efet, unoeriuunbet. To unbuckle, v. a. auffcfmallen, logs fcbtiallcit, cibgiirtcti. To UNBUILD, v. a. etltrctpcit, JC1 jlOVCll, tent (Srbboben glcid) niiicbeti. To UNBURDEN, v. a. 1. entbfirben, ent= laben, cntlcbigen, abnebmeit; 2. frin ^erj crlciditcrn. DNBURLED, adj. nnbegrabeit, itnbec r= bigt, nnbeftattet. UNBURNED, Unburst, adj. l!lige= luMiint ; mtberbrauni. unbusied, adj. ungefebaftig, uxibt- fc^cifftgt, gefcpfttloS, mfifjtg. To UNBUTTON, v. a. ruiffitopfen. To uncage, 0.0, atu cineiu Jtafig rbev ©efaitgntfi befreten. QNCALCINED, a,/j. tmcakiuirt, ttidit »erfalft. UNCALCULATED, adj. iinbcrcdittcf. Uncalled, a dj. ungeritfen, ttitgefor= cert, ungenanut; —for, unuerlangt; ttniib'tbig. UNCANCELLED, adj. lttlblirrbftrtd)cit, imaiifgcbobcn, unabgefebafft. LTNCANDID, adj. iinreMidi, nid)t bic= ber, liiuuifnditig, tcvfteUt. UNCANONiCAL, adj. uiifaiiontfd), ben jttrc&ettgefefeen wiberfvtee|)enb ; — ness, *. bag llnfanonifcbe, ben Jtir= djengefe^en SBibevfprccbciibe. rjNCANOPiED, adj obne Tccfe. T,< uncap, o. a. bte 3){iifee abnebmen ; yrfneit (einc Slber). UNCARNATE, adj ntdjt ffeifeblicb. ONCARPETED, adj. o!)ne S&pbicb, uiu bebeat, nnbclegt. To UNCASE, v. a. i. au« itm Slitters le, torn ©ebaufe nebnien ; 2. auSjte* V«, entflciocii; 3. sbtieben, abl\ui= 468 ten, abe.'Jgen, abftrctfen, fcj>inbttt ; to — the colours, bte Ueberjuge »on ben gabttett nbnehmen. UNCATECHISED, adj. titc^t fatecbiftrt ; nniuttei'vidUct. UNCAUGHT, adj. ungefangen, utier= bafdn, fret. uncaused, adj. oljne worliergebenbe llvhiebe, nnvenirfadit, ttityevanla&t, niebt ortanla^t. UNCAUTIOUS, adj. rid. Incautious. UNCEASING (.adv. — ly), adj. llicfotilllf: biu'cnb, fpvtivabvenb, uttauf£>6rltri, ewig. UNCELEBRATED, adj. nitgcffievt. UNCELESTIAL, adj. !tid)t bimntlifci). UNCENSURABLE, adj. llttulbelbaff, UU= tabeltg. UNCENSURED, adj. Itltgetabclt '»01t bet Bffentltdjen SDcet'nung). UNCEREMONIOUS {adv.— lt), ad-. A\U f»idi, fdilid;t; obne Umftanbc, in;ge= jroungen. L'NCEKTAIN (adv. — lt), odj. 1. MtlgCs will, jrcctfelbaft; iinftcbcr; 2. unve= gelmaptg, niitt feft georbnetj 3. nn= jtaf ; M E-s. — debts, llltftd)e= re, fcblerfcte ©rbutben ; — price, bcr intbcfteinbige SDBert^, bte vevanbcrlirbc SBatuta. UNCERTAINTY, *. i. bte Ultgetotf}* bcit, 3weifelbrtftigfeit ; 2. Unfunbe; 3. llngettanigfeit; 4. bas Unbefanute. UNCESSANT, vid. Incessant. To UNCHAIN, v. a. IoSfettCtt, C!ttfcf= fcltt, befreten. UNCHANGEABLE (adv. — ly), adj. tttt= ttanbelbar, unoeranberlic^ ; —ness, s. bte Itrnvsitbelbavfeit, Un«eranbet= (idjfcit. unchanged, aa>'. 1. uiioerSnbert ; ungemerbfelf, unvevtverbfelt; 2. un= veranberltcb. unchanging, adj. fid) nirb.t cinbentb, werbfellos, bleibcnb, permanent. uncharged, aaj. «id)t ongegrtjfett. UNCHARITABLE (adv. — ly) adj im= ivoblthatig, liebloS, bartbcr$t*g; — ness, s. bte SiebJoft'gfcit, Jpartnerjiij- fett. To UNCHARM, v. a. cntjaitbcnt. UNCHARMING, adj. 1. eiitjaitbcitlb ; 2. nid)t longer bejoubetnb. UNCHASTE (adv. — ly), adj. Uttfcilfd), unjitd^tig, gei(, unlanter, unrein. UNCHASTISABLE, adj. niditjll beftta= fen. UNCHASTISED, adj. Wttgcftfrtft ; 1111= gefebent. UNCHASTrrv, 5 . bte llnfcnfeb^eit, Unjudjt, UnKiittcrfcit. CM 'NECKED, adj. 1. ungebemmf, nn= gebinbert, ungejabnit ; 2. untutbets (Vvocben. UNCHEErful, adj. unlufltg, nicbcr= gefcblrtgett, tranrtg bitfter, triibfelig; —dbss, ». bt'c Itnliijt, yitebergefebdv genlieit, StMttrigfeit, a^eKindioiie, Etrubfeltglett. uncheery, adj. langtoetlig, unbc= ba^lid), uiterquidlirb. UNCHEWED, adj. llliqcfant. To UNCHRISTIAN, v. a. JUttl Itttfbrt- ften nmeben; als Unc^rift bc'nanbedt. UNCHRISTIAN (adv. — ly), adj. 1111= d)riftlid) ; Ultgtaubtg, unbefe()vt ; — ness, s . bie llnd)riftltd)feit, ba3 lln= cbrtftlicbe. To UNCHRISTIANIZE, v. a. iClS (5f)li= ftentbum nebnien. To UNCHURCH, v. a. ill ben .ftirdien= Intuit tbnn, von bcr firdilidien ©e= ineiiic atufcblii'tJeit, nitS bcr J?ird;c ftogen. UNCHURt iij-.t). adj. tit 33ann getbait; »on ber Jlirrt;ciigcnutnbe ouSge= fdilcffen. UNCIA. «. bie Unje. UNCIAL, I. s. ber Uii,ialbiid;fiabt II. adj. ntit Uiicialbncbftabcit. UNCINATE adj. B. T. bafeuformig. UNCD2CUMCISED, adj. Uiibci'dMiitteit. UNCmCUMCISION, s. bte ^ic^tbf- febnetbuttfl, Unbefduiittenbett. UN&RCUMSi SRIBED, adj. unbegrettjt, tuiitinfcbriebeii, uiieingefcbrfiiitt. UNCIRCUMSPECT, adj. niP.HU-fiditig nnadufam, niibcbiitutin. UNCIVIL (adv. — ly), adj. nttf)i ; flieb jutartig, mtgebilbet, vri\ UNCIVILIZATION, s. bie SBarbavei 3?pl)[)cit, Itnenltnr. uncivilized, adj. twcultuurt, im»cr> fe inert. UNCLAD, adj. tlllbcficibct. UNCLALMED, adj. iitc^t gefcrbert, una geforbcrt, nnangefpro^icn. UNCLARIF1ED, adj. niigefKirt, «nge> lantert. To unclasp, v. a . tofytittn, oufbalcn, aufbcfteln, pffnen. UNCLASSICAL, Unclassic, adj. tlirf)( clafflfdt), unciafftfd). uncle, s. ber Dnfef, Cbcint. UNCLEAN (adv. — ly), adj. 1, tilircill, iinfitnber, fdimn^ig ; 2. nnEeiifeb, ttn= 5iid)tig, unLintcr; 3. fiitibbaft- UNCLEANABLE. adj. It { cf> t }U lciltigcit. UNCLEANLINESS, s. I. bie UtltcilU Itcbfcit; 2. Siinbc, ?nfterbaftigfcif. unclE:\nness, «. 1. bie Unietnigf«t, UnfonberFcii ; 2. UnKtiitcrfeit, Un= fenfd)bcit. UNCLEANSED, adj. nid)t gcieinigt, ungefaubert, ungcvii^t. To UNCLEW, v. a. loeUMcfclll, CUtf:< Ibfcn. To UNCLINCH, v. a. bie (gcbaflte) gouji 6ffnen. unclipped, adj. tuibcfct)iiitten (ven 3Jlunjen). To UNCLOG, v. a. ci'.tlaftrit, cntlibi= gen, befreten, in gretrjett fefcett. To UNCLOISTER, v. a. aUS bent Sl\V' fter nebnien, entbiiiben, cntlcbigen. losf^crrcn, befreten. UNCLOISTERED, adj. un»erf(j>Ioffen, niebt cingefperrt. To UNCLOSE, v. a. eillfffbliefiClt, 8jf« licit, anfbrcitcii, cntbecfen, UNCLOSED, odj. niebt_ bnvd? 3*i»ne/ it. f. tt>. gctrciint ; effen. To UNCLOTHE, v. a. Clltft'-iben, (1U§= jtebeit, cntblofjcn, aufiplunbern. 7bUNCLOUD, v. a. flllft-cllcit ; fig aufbeitcrn. UNCLOUDED, adj. unbelvoift, rorlfci'.: loS ; fig. bciter, pbne JEtubftnn j — ness, s. bte Unbei»OIfu)eit; ^gr. JQtl tevfeit. UNCLOUDY, adj. rid. Unclouded. To UNCLUTCII, v. a. bffiieit, ailfiita- djcit (btefinnb); cuts ben Vianet rcifjeii, luSfraUeit. UN< 'i IAGULABLE, adj. niebt UNCOATEI), adj. ttnbcHcibct; obnt Dbcrbant. uncocked, adj. 1. mit nirbi gefpnnn- tcnt fiafyn (»on ©d)icf!=@cu>cbveii): 2. tiidit in ©d;obcr gefefct ; 3. nid;l oufgefrfimpt. To uncoif, v. a. cntbiuibcn, bie.<3au- bc (?Jiiitc) abncbnicn, nbret^en. UNC01FED, adj. niibelmiibt. 7b UNCOIL, v. a. abiiuefelit, anSetit mtber rot'cMit, aBroQen. uncoined, adj. 1. ungemttnjt, ttuge prdgt; 2. fig. umbrb'aft, unserfteul VSr* (LLECTED, adj. 1. nnv-erfrtiniiiclt 2. ungcfainnuit, uernjirtt. UNCOLLECI'IBLE. odj. iincir.fannncN bar, niebt cinjitfainniclii ; — debt* nfrtit ciifjiijicbcnbc ©cbiilcen. UNCOLOURED, adj. tiiigef.ubt, fatbs UNCO UNCO V\CR !O0, fiirbcnloS; an — description, Ctnc ungefcbmiuEte (grjabjung. UNCOMBED, adj. uiigcfammr. UNCOMBIN'ED, adj. uuoerbuiiten, Mt= jufammenbaitgcut, nicbt jufammett= geftcllt, eiujcin. UNCOMELINESS, ». 1. bie Uujterlt($s Eeif, Slnmtttbslofigfeit ; 2. bet Ue= belftaub; 3. tie Unartigfeit, Unan= ftantigfeit. UNCOMELY, adj. 1. unjietlidj, att= liuitbslos ; 2. uimrtig, unattftanbig. UNCOMFORTABLE {ado. — lv), orf/'. unerfreuftcb, uuangeuebm, nnbes quern, unbebaglicb, uugcmachlicb ; uitgeinutblid) ;' uiibcimlicb. ; — ness, s. tie Uuerfreuftchfeit ; bee SRaugel cm SBequeimtchJeit, tie ltubef)aglia)= fcif, Ungcmacblicbfeit. UNCOMMANDED, adj. ltiibcfobteit, 1111= beotberf, ungebeifjen. UNCOMMENDABLE, adj. uid;t [obenfis n?cith. UNCOMMENDED, adj. ungeriibmt. UNCOMMERCIAL, adj. UUfaufmails nifd). UNOOMMISSrONED, adj. nicbt Beauf* tragt ; obtie 9Imt, unbcamtct. UNCOMMITTED, adj. 1. nicbt t cingcbiltct. i NC iN<3ERN,«. bfe©orgloftgfeit,Un= bcfaugcuheit; Mubc ; ®letc$gutttg* fcif, bet Aattflun ; with great — , gauj gefaffen. UNCONCERN ED, adj. \ forglo?, UU= UNCONCERNEDLY, adv. S bcfaugcit, glcicbgiiltig, faltfinuig, fummerlos, unbefumnicrt. UNCONCERNEDNESS, s. tic ©letffts giiltigfcir, Uitbcfaitgcubcir, betJtalN Run. UNCONCILTATED, adj. ltii'ocrfbbuf. UNCONCILIATING, adj. UirjClfbblieilb. UNCONCLUDENT, > UNCONCLUSIVE. J • vid. Inconc:t«;ve. UNCONDEMNED, adj. unvcrtammt, j unoerurtheilt ; uuoermotfen. UNCONDITIONABLE, adj. uuum= febrauft. UNCONDITIONAL [adv. — ly), adj. Uilbctingt ; to surrender — ly, fid; auf @nabe unb Ungnabe ergeben. UNCONFESSED, adj. uugebeicbtcf, nn- geflanben. UNCONF1NED (adv. — lv), adj. nnb(- grettjt, nitbcfdjcaiift ; jmangloS. UNCONFD2MED, adj. 1. Uttbejlaligt, uiibcfrafiigf, nivtt utbimtrt; 2. fdimad), . intRat, unentfdjloffen, ff^roaiifcub ; 3. niiconfitntivt. UNCONFi tRMABLE, adj. ungemaf, uiu angentcffcit, jureiber, uitglcicbformig, unpafiltd). unconformity, ». tie Utiaitgcinef; fettbeit, Ungeinaf^eit, Uiifiiglicb= hit, UiUjlcicbbcit. UNCONFUSED, adj. ? nitOCttDIttt, r.\c iNFUSEDLY,a<{o. 5 uiivcnvpvrcit, tcutiid). UNCONFUTABLE, adj. uiuvitcrtcgbar, unffreittg. TOEALABLE, adj. uid;t gcfvicr= bar, nid)t gcriiuibar. iNGEALED, adj. uitgcfrorcn, utl= gcvcuiicii. UNCONGENIAL, adj. uirbt glcid)ge= ftimmt. i JJCONJUGAL, adj. uitcbclid?, ti i ct? t cbcftaittoinafiia,. UNCONNECTED, adj. iiiivcvbuiitcii, unjufammenbSitgenb, jcifticut, lofc, uiioetfitiipft, fd>la(f. UNCONNIVING, adj. linuadjllditt^, nicbt nad)fcl;cttb, nicbt jugebent, niimillfabcig, ftrciigc. UNCONQUERABLE (adv. — ly), adj. uncvobcvlidj, uitbejroinglidj, unbe« ftegbar, unubetrotnbiicb, nucrilciglicb. UNCONQUERED, adj. niicvobcit, un= beftegt. I M ' IN» 3ENTIOUS, adj. ungcu)iffc!t= b,aft, gciiH|tcttlo3. UNCONSCIONABLE (a,lv. — ly), adj. nngcroincitbaff, gcnM'jfcnloe, unge* rccbt, unbiUig ; —ness, ».bte Unge= roiffenbaftigfeit, ©cwiffculoftgfcir, UnbiUigfiir. UNCONSCIOUS, adj. nnbcivufit, bc= wufitloi?, llIltcllfctl^, untoiffenb ; obttc ju wiffen liHtvuin ; — neas, ». taS lln= bewuptfe^tt, tie SOewufttofigfctt. UNCONSECRATED, adj. ntigctucibt, una,ebciligci, uitgcwitntct. UNCONSENTING, adj. niitt cimvillU gent, nid)t narbgebent, unnacbgiebig. UNCONSIDERED, adj. luibceadu, un« nbcrlcgt. l"Nd i.NsiiL. Mil,]'., adj. rid. In ABLE. unconsoltoated, adj. i. unfcer= tidjtct; 2. unfuiitiit (von cincc ©taatef(|ulb). UNO INS* inant, adj. ungletebfitinmig, nicbt glcicblautcnt, uugeindp, unpap= lidi, abivcidicut (ro.tU. UNCONFIDENTIAL, aaj. uiijU'.'Ci'fid)t= licb, mifitrauciit. UNCONSTITUTIONAL, (ado. —ht), adj. betfaffungJmibrig. r.M ; INSTITUTK 'NALll'V. s, tic in-r= faffung«wibtigfei(. UNCONSTRAINABLE, adj. nn(bc) = imingbat/ uitjdlimbar, niiciiifdnaiif: bar. UNCONSTRAINED, adj. ) nngc: UNCONSTRAmEDLY, adv. S jauui= gen, jmangluS, otyne gmang, UNOONSTB UNT,«, tic lliigcjauingcn: heir, 3toangIoftgteit, UNCONSULTDIG, adj Ultiibctlegt, un- ftorftd)tig, uorfc^neQ, Sbereilt, ba = fiig, nnflug. 3UJLED, adj. litr.'trjfbrt ; in tcniMiftct. UNCONSUMMATE, adj. unrolleilte^ unbollflanbtg, uirJoUfonuneu. UNCONTAMINATED, adj. unbcftccf t ; uiiangcficcft. EMNED, adj. imtoeraduct. NTENDED, adj. uiibiftritten ; — for. nicbt befttirten. IN' i INTENTED, adj. unbefrictigt, v.:\< Uiriictcn. UNCONTESTABLE, adj. m ABLE. UNCONTESTED, adj. 1. iinbcftrittci! ; 2, nnbcfticitbar, aiigcnrdicinlicb. CRADICTED, adj. liubcftnttc;!. UNCONTRITE, adj. inucvfiiivfcbt, ui:= bufifcitig, rcuelo'?, vcrftcit. UNCONTROLLABLE (ado. — ly'. 1. ununterworfen, unbejmingbar, n::> »iterfteb,licb. ; >. iiini'iccvlcgbar, an* miberlegltc^. . I R< iLLED, adj. ) i NCONTROLLEDLY, adv. $ IWHIH gen, ununtetioorfen ; aufftq>tlio<, UNCONTRO VERTED, a ja^Itg. UNCOI NTED, adj. ungcjablt, nid i.ibtr. UNCOUNTERFErr, adj. nic^t tta mad)t, niivcrfalfdjt, cd>t. V UNO II PLE, 9. a. Ip^flUH'Cllt, l04 = Btnben; abf^annen, trennen. PLED, adj. cinjclii, (ctig, un* ocnnaMt. UNOOURTEOUS (adv. — ly), adj. un* bbflidv nuavtiti, ungefaDtg ; «, tic lluboflidifcit, Uuartigfcit. UNO iURTLrNES3,« 1. ta$ Unhcfiuf o ; 2. Unbbfiid)fcit, Uiiaiiftantigfcit. UNOOURTLY, adj. I. tinbbfi'Vb, nicbt bcfaitig; 2. unboflicb, baiuifcb, grob, unonflonbig. UNCOUTH xdv — i.y '..•.,;.■. 1. fclifaut, uMiutcilid', eigen, fonbetbar, 8€t» fchvt, ungewSbnlic^ ; 2. un)iem(i4 . grob, rob, tauj ; an — ex| i cin fpracbttMbriget KnSbrucf; —ness, », 1. bie Seltjamreit, SBunberlicb 1 Feit, (Sigenbtit, SonberbarJeil febnbeit; 2. O^robbcit, ERol SRauoett. UNCO\ ENANTED, adj t:ud> fcinS tci (biblifcbcn) iCeflamente oecfyroc^en. To UNCOVER, v. a anfcccfcii, blof;c:i, entblBfjen; enfflefben, abnebmen rein lad) abtccfen; uncovered. bor« banrt; to leave, uncovered, JM E.SR* gebedt iaffen. UNCOVETED, adj uubc^cbvt, uticn fcbnt. / i NCREATE d. ■ vcvnidiren. »» nicbtc iuad;cii, tc* Dafe y n< bcraubcsi 4GU UNDA UNDE UNDE JNCREATED, adj. nucrfcbajfcu, rtoeb Btcbt crfrbaffcu. UNCREDIBLE, vid. Incredible. [TNCREDITABLE, adj. WW feiitcilt gU* ten Jiufe, nicbt ju traiten, uuriibnt= licb, ungearbtct ; — ness, s. bcr iD?an= gel an gutein jjlufe, bte llncbrc, bcr ilimibm, bte SRufJoftofett, l>er 3J2an= gel an i'ertrauen, btc Unriibnilicbfett. uncredited, arfj. ntd;t geglaabr, 1111= geglcmbt. UN< 'KITICAL, adj. nnfrtttfcb. UNCROPPED, adj. Ultgcpflurft, ltltgc= crater. UNCROSSED, adj. 1. ntcbt BefteUjt, nicbt burdifreujt, unburcbjtricbcn; 2. nicbt Dcrbtnbert. UNCROWDED, adj. uugebratigt, nicbt tit .gaufeit. To UNCROWN, v. a. I. bcr Jtroitc bc= raubctt, ctittbrouen, abfcijen ; 2. btc •ITvoite bout .§aupte reijjeu, cnt= ftonen. UNCRYSTALLTZABLE, adj. ntcbt fri)* ftatttffrfabtg, nicbt fmftalltftrbar. UNCRYSTALLIZED, adj. nicbt fri)fial= lifirt. unction, s.l. bte@albung, Delung; bai ©allien; 2. bic ©albe, bcr S8al= fam (». it.) ; 3. bag 8tnberung8mit= tct ; 4. bie .geiltguug ; 5. SlUeS, iimS jilt ?lltbacbt atlfforbCft ; extreme—, bic Ictjfe Delitug. 'JNCTOOSrrY, s. btcSvcttigfeit, Deltgs f'cit, bas Deltgc, ©cbmtcrigc, ,Klc= brtge. unctuous, adj. fctt, 61tg, frbniierig, flebtig ; — ness, s. vid. Unctuosity. L"NCULLED, adj. 1. unaitSgefitcbt, 1111= (au^gewa<, iinauSgemcrjt ; 2. itu= gepfiurff. UNCULPABLE, a#. vid. Inculpable. UNCULTIVABLE, adj. i. lltcflt aui|lt= bancit; 2. nid)t jit bcrebctu, utdjt auSjubitben, uuycrbcfferlicb, lingers feinerltcb. UNCULTIVATED, adj. 1. ltitangcbaut ; 2. unserebelf, unoerfcinerr, nnait8= gebilbet, ungcbtlber, unuttterricbtet, rot). ENCUMBERED, adj. UllbcfcbnKrf, U11= belajlet, ltttycrfiintmert. C.*NCURABLE, adj. vid. Incurable. To UNCURB, v. a. bie Jftnnfette ab= nebnten ; jig, [oSinarben, befreieit. UNCURBED, adj. ungejabtlit, itttijc- battbigt, aiiSgclaffett. To UNCURL, v. I. a. entMufeltt, IoS= Evaufeln, bie Socfeu abnebmen, au8= madien, loSroicfetn, glaft macbcit ; IT. n. fid> cntEraufelit, aufgeben, bic 2o= tfcit {haS Socftgc) yerltcrett. UNCURLED, adj. itngclocft, cu(fraii= felt. unourrent, adj. lttigatigbar, nicbt gitltig ; — coin, — money, uitgaug= bares (fvembeS) @elb. UNCURSED (Uncurst), adj. ltligefhtd)t, nicbt berffurbf, som Sluice befreit. UNCURTAILED. adj. uid)t Uerbauen, ungeftu&t, unabgerurjt, unwfuwt. UNCUSTOMARY^ adj. uugerobbiilid;, itngebraucbticb. UNCUSTOMED, adj. unoettollt; — ponds, uttyenollfe, 6etm 3oU^mte nidit angegebene SBaarett. UNCUT, adj. uiigcfitiiittcit, itit6e= baucn, unge^aiieit; luiabgcfcbitittcit ; lutaiigcfrfjuittcii ; intaiifgcfribnittcit ; — velvet, ungcfdiorncr ©ammet. ' DAM, v. a. loSbammeu, abbant= men; bffuen. ENDAMAGED, adj. ltiibcfd)abigt, ttlt= »erbor6en. UNDAMPED, adj. tuiciitiitiitbi^t. UNDATED, adj. nwlleiifbrntia,. undated, tinbatirt, obne Datum. 470 UNDAUNTED {adv. — ly), adj. nner= fcbrpifcit, unvcrjagt; titbit, mutbig ; — ness, s. bie Unerffbrocfciibcit ; Jtiibnbcit, ^DiiithigFcit. undawntno, adj. itcd; niitt bam- lticritb ; nod) biinfcl. UNDAZZLED, adj. ungcMeiibet. UNDEBASED, adj. tticbt eruicbrigt; ttnycrfatfeir. UNDEBAUCHED, adj. itiiycrfiilirt, uu= fcerborbcit, rein. UNDECAGON, s. G. T. ba« ©ilfcif. UNDECAYED, adj. ffifd), lUl'.HU'fallcil, ungefebwaebt, unjerftort. UNDECAYING, adj. ntcbt terfallciib, of}»e 2tbttaf)mc. UNDECEIVABLE, adj. 1. lltcfjt f>ibig JU bctritgcit; 2. imbctriigbar; 3. uu= triigltd) ; 4. auS bent Srvtbiun Jit bringcit, bctcl)rbar. To UNDECEIVE, v. a. enttaufdjeit, au§ bent Srrtbnnic bringeit, ben 3trt6unt beitcbmctt, anfflareii, ctncS SBeRetu betebrcn, berjianbtgen, col. an§ beni Sraume belfcit. UNDECENCY, vid. Indecency. UNDECIDED, adj. llttClltfd}icbClt, Ull= auSgemac^t. UNDECIPHERABLE, adj. l!tlCllt$tffcr= lid), niefct 511 cntjiffcrtt, tinerflarbar, uuaiiPoSlid;, uttleferttcb, oermorren. UNDECIPHERED, adj. UllClltsiffcrt. UNDECISIVE, adj. ltltcittfrbcibciib. To UNDECK, v. a. bcr 3>e l 'bC (bc§ Scbmucfr^) bcranbcn, bic 3tert>e nebmen, fr^murftoS niarbcit. UNDECKED, adj. fcbmUtfloS, jterfoS, ungefebmuett ; an — vessel, ein cffc= itcS gatiqciig, Sabrjcng pbne 3)ecf. UNDECLINABLE, adj. vid. Indeclin- able. undeclined, adj.i. nid)t abwettfienb, ant SKcditc baltenb; 2. Gram. t. ntcbt becltnirr, ungebeugt. UNDECOMPOSABLE, adj. llUJci'Kljli*, ntcbt jcrfctjbar. UNDECOMPOSED, Undecompoi :nded, adj. ntcbt jerfefct, ntcbt gefducben. UNDECORATED, adj. lliivct^'tvt. UNDEDICATED, adj. lttd)t gciuctljt, ntcbt genubmet ; ntcbt bebtcirt. UXDEEDED, adj. bltt'd) fctlte %\}atcit aiioge= jetebnet. UNl iefaceable, adj. iincntftcllbar ; unserttlgbar. UNDEFACED, adj. 1. ntcbt ycntnftal= tct, imcntftcftt ; 2. tinyertilgt. UNDEFEASIBLE, vid. Indefeasible. UNDEFENDED, adj. lUl&crtfuibiat, 1111= befcbiiiM. UNDEFD3D, adj. pbne ?lU'3forbcrung, unaufgeforbert, ungetrofet. UNDEFiLED, n.ij. unbefubett, unbc= flccft, unoerborben, raafeHo§, vein. UNDEF1NABLE, adj. i. lUlbcgvCIUt, gvfitjenloS; 2. unbeftintntbar, itnbc-- fdirciblid). UNDEFINED, adj. 1. llltbcftilltmt, Ult= befebvteben ; 2. unbegrenjt. UNDEFLOURED, adj. ittiucvborbcit. UNDEFORMED, adj. itltcittftclit. UNDEFRAUDED, adj. Illlbctrcicit. UNDEFRAYED, adj. llid)t frci gcf)al= ten, ntcbt bcjablt, unbejabltj M E. nngebecft. To UNDEIFY, v. a. cntili3ttcnt. UNDELEGATED, adj. ntcbt abgeorbltct, nicbt belegtvt. UNDELIGHTED, adj. uiicvgi^t, oblie SBergniigen, nicbt etfreut. UNDELIGHTFUL, adj. fccilbenloS, 1111= ergo^ltdj, nnangenebnt. UNDELIVERED, adj. nid)t iibcrgcbcn. UNDEMOLISHED, adj. iingcfdilcift, 1111= jerftbrt. UNDEMONSTRABLE, rid. Intzmo* STRABLE. UNDENIABLE {ado. — ly), adj. UltlSltg. bar, nnftrcitig, nnbeftrcitbar. UNDEPENDING, adj. iniabbangtg. UNDEPLORED, adj. liubcrccim, llltlie* fiagt, uubcjaniui'crt. 1 WDEPi ISABLE, adj. nnabfcljbar. UNDEPRAVED, adj. llltlHU'bOrbcit, Uttf vcrbcrbt, uipjcrfalfdit. undeprecated, adj. nicbt abgebe- ten. undepreciated, adj. r.icM cnu'e= brtgt (tm ^rcife). UNDEPRIVED, adj. utibcraiibt, unbc= ncninicn. UNDER prep. Sr adv. 1, UlttCV; 2. 1111= ten; 3. bantuter; 4. in, bet ; 5. »ott; fi. niit; 7. intt .(5ii(fe, buret) SBetflottb ; 8. in geringereni ©robe ; gcringcr (meniger) alS; — arms, itn= ter ben SBoffen ; — bond, l. t. ge« geit (S"antioiii5=?eiftnng, untet 0\in= tion ; — colour, Hitter bent Stbetne, Soramnbe ; — command, bcfcbligt, bent Sefebl unterroorfen ; jig. iiber= b.86*, ciMiuttanbtrt (yon etncntlScrfc, eincr ©egenb it. f. ro.) ; —correction, niit (Srlaubniji jn fagen, iinntafuicb= lid;; —cover, befrbu&t, gebedt; — cure, ill bcr (Snr ; — the direction of .., nacb 2ln(cttung von. . ; to He —a distemper, Don eiitcr jtrautheit be= fallen fc»it; — favour, mtt ©rlaub= nip; — (the) favour of... begi'mftigt SOU . . ; to get — a fire, be§ gcueia •Oerr wcrbeit; cool — fire, Mil. Pk. mbig tin (fetublicbcn) Qcncr; to trample — foot, intt SiifJCll trctcit; — God ( — God's protection), miter bem <2d)ni}e ©ottel ; — Napoleon ( — the reign of Napoleon), tllltcr 9uU'oIeon ; — the king's lock, M. E. tilt FontdU cbeit (obet unter ;)tc^ic=;i>crfcblup {i. c. im fbniglicbcit SoUinogajin) ; to be — an oath, burd) einett Gib ges bunben feijn ; gefebworen baben, beetbigt fclllt; —hand and seal, 1111 = ter Srief unb Sicgcl, unterfebrtebtn itnb uiitcrftegctt ; — one's own hand, etgenbcinbtg ; — the name, unte* bent Seamen; — pain, 6ei ©trafc; — pain of death, bet 2!obe»ftrafc ; — pretence of.., Jltllt (Scbcill, lllltcr bent 3Sort»anbe ; — promise of mar- riage, VCrfpl'OCbcn, VCrlobt; to return — protest, M. E. lllt't ^I'Ptcft Jliriiil fdjicfen ; — sail, Hitter Segel, tm ©egeln ; — sentence, oemrtbeilt ; — sentence of death, Jlint Sobe ycntr= tbcilt; — size, unter bent bcfiimm= ten 2)iafie; — ground, unter bent SBoben (unter ber (Srbc) befiinbltcb, Untcrtrbiffb ; — ground-caverns, 1111 = tertrbifdie .^iiblcn; — water, untet (bent obcr tin) SBaffcr ; — the date of the first instant, Ulltcrilt erfteit bte- fc8 (bca gcgenwarttgen SKonats) ; — the firm of.., unter ber ftinua yon . . ; I cannot sell it — , icb faun ei bantntcr (unter btcfcm SRreife) nidjt ycrfailfcil ; — three hundred, lllttc) (nod) uid)t) brcibuubcrt. To underact, v. a. rocitigcr tbnn. underaction, s. bie S«ebeitbonb» tnug, 3>vifcbenbiinblung. UNDER-AGE, .acbter. UNDERFELLOW, s. ber geringe SRenfcb, feblecbte Jterl ; .{panbianger. UNDERFILLING, *. bcr' Unterbau, ©ruub, bie ©runblagc etnefl @ebau= be«. UNDERFOOT, r. ado uutcr bem tyu6e, geriugcru SjJreifva, jum ©dntteu ; }v. t. gerabe uutcr bem 3d)iffe lie= genb (vein Slufer) ; 11. adj. gering, fcblerbt, berroorfen. 7b UNDERFREIGHT, b. a. JH! /;. ciit (gefracbte tea) gebcucrtca Scbijf n.uc= ber (ait citteu Sluberu ucrfracbtcn) oerbcucrn. To UNDERFURNISH, o. a. iticbt genua, gebeit, nidit biulanglicb verfebcu, lltcbt gcbih'ig auaruftcn, 511 roenig veiefcen; \vl ttjenig licfent ; fcbmacb= ten laffcu; to sow — furrow, tat ©amen unterpflugen. To UNDERGIRD, o. a. uutergiirten, 1111= ten bcviint btutett, unten nnbinben. UNDERGIRDLE, 6-. bcr llutcrgurt, Un = rergiirrel. TV UNDERGO, v. a, ftcb uutcrticbeu ; erfragert, (eiben, crleitcu, cifabvcit, au4fier)eu. ERGRADUATE, s. bev Sfti ' buirte. UNDERGROUND, f. s. ber uutcrirtiiVbe Drr, bie .£>oble, bev Jtcllcr ; II. adj. ■$■ ado. uiiterirbtfd). UNDERGROWTH, ». bad Uutcrbolj, tflieberbolj, ©eflrippe, bcr Uutcr- \v\ui)i. bio iontmcrlatteu. UNDERHAND, Underhatosd, adj. te adv untev ber Jpanb, f)eimlicb, »er- ftceff, Itjtig, febfau; —dealings, bev oerfterfte ipanbel, bcindtdie in't-febv. &NDERINSURED, adj. liiilcv bem SEBfVa tb,e (ober ntcfjt jum DoUen SSJert^e) vcifidicvt. UNDERIVED, adj. nimbgclcitct, UItent= Icbut, nirbt bergejonen, UNDERJAW s. ber liu'o-'nuibad'eu. UNDERKEEPER, t. bcr UtttftaufffBer. UNDERLABOURER, ». bev Untcvarbci= tcv, Qureidjer, ^anblanger. 7b UNDERLAY, r. a. and) Ty/>. TJ unterlegen, ftii^eu, auflitfcn. UNDERLEATHER, «, bfl« Uuterlebcv. To UNDERLET, c. a. Hitter belli SBer* the t)crpad)tcn, fccrmictben; an eiucn SIfterpSdjtet ycvpadiicu . UNDERLETTER, t. tcv .'iftcrpaditer. UNDERLIEUTENANT, 1. bcr Uuter= lieutenant. 7b UNDERLINE, r. n. uutci|lrcifben, unterltnircn. UNDERLING, s. 1. ter lluteve, llntcr-- gebene, iintergeorbuete Srbulfe, ©ubalterne, Uuternnufcue, 91 fev, col. !Pa&aufc3 uuterntauern ; ftu= frcu, untevbaueu. UNDERPINNING, s. bat Stiitjen, Itn-- tevbaucn ; Untcrmauevn ; ber ©runb= ban. UNDERPLOT, s. ba§ 3»m'fcbcnjti'uf, bie ©pifotc, Dcebenbnnblung, berSfltben= Vjau ; tic Olbfartuiui, bat beimltebe ©tfladjen, tcv hcimlicbe 3lnfebIog. To UNDERPRAISE, v. a. nid^t genug loben, [levabmiirbigen. UNDERPRICE, ». tcr SvottprciS, SebteuberpreiS, fyieii uutcr ten SBettbt ; to sell foil') at — pr. pa Sffinaren unfet bent Spretfe ju bevabgefc(}tem i'reife obex uutcr bem SOertpe) oerfaufen, fcbleubern, vcv= fcbleubent. To UNDERPRIZE, r. a. uutcr tent SBers the (MmIjcu, |U geringe fdj(h)en, ju gering anfdjlageit, berabfcQa^eu. UNDERPROMPTER, 5. bev Uutevfouf= flcuv. 7b UNDERPROP, v. a. uutcu fliiijcu, ab|'vvci;cu ; uutcvbaltcn, uutcvftiujcu. UNDERPROPORTIONED, adj. Ultter bem SBerbftltniji, unverbdltntpmfi^tg/ gefcbmfiUrt. UNDERPULLER, .-•. tcv iintergeorbuete dialer, niebrigere Berberbcr. 7b UNDERRATE, d a. JU uitbvi .-. ten, |u geringe (tufebla jen oset ijcu, unterfcba|en, berabfeba^en. UNDERR vrr.. • ber (ju) niebrige v .Mu= feblag, ju geriuge ■' UNDERR] N r. . bie 31fterreute. UNDERROOF, «. T. tie Wiebelfpt^i ©acbfptfte, bcr @ietcb>ici 7bUNDERRUN, v. n. .V. T. baruntti bcvMbreu; to — a eablc, uutcr bo4 Slnfertau bolen in eincm i'ertc bar« ufttcv fabveu, inn c* tu untcvfucticu ; to — a tackle, etnXafel Hat febetea ober flarcu in DrDnung bri fSttiflt. UNDERSECRETARY, -.tcr Unterfccre tar. 7b UNDERSELL, b. uutcr bem 3Scr= tbe berfaufen, noblfeiler oerfaufeu (lubere), mir Scbaben berfaufen, iosfti. eiuc geringere ERnctfas bung macben, all ber retne Brtrag tcr ^inlabung auemacbt UNDERSHOT, ««//. von uutcu iictricbcu. unterfcbldd)tig : an — v to ■ I, eiu uu-- terfdjlddjtigea Jiat. UNDERSHRUB, ». B. T tie Statlbe. UNDERSIGNED, 1 tcr Subeegenannte, (Snbeeunterfcbriebeue, (5nbe«uutft- teicbuctc. UNDI'.l 5 BSTRATUK, s. t\< ©rbfdjicbt unter tcr Dammerbe. UNDERS" iNG, ber : - $Itlf= reim, [Refrain, 3Bitberb.olung8i UNDERS »RT, ». tic iiutcrc O'laffc. 7b UNDERSTAND, p a. v 1 I. Oerfre= ben, begreifen, etnfeben. foffen; i. meiuen, inncrlicb ubeneugt fettn; 3. erfeben, ocrnebmen, boren, erfabren; 4. fid) auf etuMS vciftcl -en, d iviifcu. fennen; — : int. nterfe bir'* ! totjfel bore ! to plve one to — , eiuciu |tt»et* ftcbeu gebeil : I have been given to — . t — by ... etfeben ana . . : 10 — with.., fid) oerftanbigen (bertebntn, jufam-. menreebnen) mit . .; to — tbe •■ bie SBelt feuueu; he iindentanda a horse, er tcrucbt i"id> auf Bferbe. UNDERSTANDER ■ tcv •in'vucbcnte. Aenner; (SinftrbtlboUe ( UNDERSTANDING, I. 1. tcr 3?er= ftanb, tic ginfltbt; 2. Jlennerfcbafl ; to have g 1 — together, in guteni aSernebmen leben ; inbig, etnfttbtaDoQ, eiufebenb : erfabjen ; an _ man, eiu etll Dtanu. UNDERSTANDINGLY, 1 0. mil ftanb, mit Binjtcbt; alt Rennet. UNDERSTRAPPER, «. ber llutcrbebieu> te, 3utrager, fiaublanger, Unten b.mticv, Seigfinger, Unleragent, rjttffacfer. DERSTTli >KE, r. a. uutc. cbcu. / i tTOERTAKE, 0. I. a uuternebmeu, auf fieb ncbinen, uerfurben, berfiuba» roeife (Veculiren, roagtn; n. ». ftcb. ciulaiTcu : ficb »( — for one, fur 3emaut gut faaeu. 1 SDERTAKER,*. I. tcr llutcntebnifr. oerfucbarocife Sperulireube, Ueben nebmer; .'. SBeforgrr; i. ?eiebe_ube« forget : tcr imrge, , @en>&bramann. STAKING, s. bOfl (O'efitafti'' 471 CXDE UNDI Llnrcriicbmcn, fc-ie .f>iitteleuiiterncb= I, @nrrq>rtfe, tcr Sctfuc^. CNDERTEETH, i. ;ur= bigett, oerHeinertt, veracbteu. UNDERVALUE, *. tcr SPretfi uuter tent 3Bertbe, ter geriuge SpreiS; tie @e* s ingfcfcSfcung, £erabfeiung. UNDERYALUER, 5. bet \\\ gcrtuge fcbdfet, (gtttnmrbtaer, Serdchter. UNDEEVOICE, s. bie gebampfte Srtm* UNDERWEIGHT, s. bo8 Uutcrgerotcbr, ©ewitbtsmancc L'XDERWOOD, s.taS Uuterbclv Unter* geljSlj; ©eftripp, ntebrtge ©eftrducb. UNDERWORK, s. tie Uuterarbeit, tas Heine (uicterc) ©efcbdft. To UNDERWORK, o. a. 1. fcblecbt nr= bcitcn; 2. 511 meitig bearbetten; 3. jit [fetl arbetten; L jig. untergra* ben, |U itiirtcn fucbeit. UNDERWORKER, Usderworkmax. 5. tcr Uuterarbeiter, ^anblanget. To UNDERWRITE, v. I. a. 1. Miter* fcbveibeit; 2. scrftcbcrit, affeeuriren, cine Slffeeuranjpoltce) unterjeicbnen ; u. 71. affecuranjgefthafte treibctt. UNDERWRITER s . 1. ter Unterft&ret* benbe; 2. l&ffecuraitr, afieeurabeur, Serftcberer, 3 e i^»c r ( cmcr 3l|fecu= ranjpolice . underwriting, s. ta§ Stjfecurtren, Serft(bertt. UNDESCENDD3LE, adj. un»erertltd}. UNDESCRIBED, adj. unbcfcbricbin. UNDESCRIED, adj. ungefebeu, unauS* gefpdbt, uucrfmttcn, uueuttecfr. UNDESERVED [ado. — lv). adj. HlTOer* tteut, nicbt turcb 33crttenjj erbaltcu ; unoetfc&ulber. UNDESERVEDNESS, ?. tie Unttrarbig* feit, SSerbienftlofigfeit. UNDESERVER, s. tcr SSerbienjilefe, Unumtbtgc. UNDESERVING (adv. — lt), adj. fetll i'ertieiiit babcnt, nitfyt oerbtenenb, unroiirtig, unwertfy. UNDESIGNED [ado. —it), adj. Ullbe* ftiutmf, unbeabfldjrigt, unabucbtlicb, obne yibit'cbt, abfitpreloS, planlog, unoorfefclici. ; — ness, s. tie 3lbfti$f8= jfeit, Uufccrfcfclicbfeit, 3ufalltfl= feit. UNDESIGNING, adj. 1. plaillod, cbltc icbr, abfUptsfoS: 2. obtte bofe vlbuitr, pbue SHrg, ebvlitb, cufricbtig. undesirable, adj. nicbt tounfcbfnS= K'crtb, uuaiuiebnilicb. ("XDE--IRED. adj. uucrroiinffbt, unge= beteii, nnerbeteti. I MDESIR[NG, adj. pbne 33nuut, nicbt» begebrcnt, be.verlo?, lafffg. UNDESPAmiNG, a. ltnficbtlicb. UNDISCERNIBLE, adj. nicbt Xt>af)ic= nebmbat, unmerllicb. UNDISCERNING, adj. nicbt untcrfebci-- tent, beurtbeifungSloS, Eunftc^tig, nicbt fcbarf|lcbttg, etnfaltig, tctacbt= Ids, ftumpf. UNDISCIPLINED, adj. JU !eiuer (3ucbt) Drbnung gcvobbtu, jucbtlos, uugejo- gen, uitgeubt, untieciplinirt, uui;n= terricbte't, unbele^rt, rob- UNDISCORDING, adj. uubariupnifcb, tijl\n-mrnint, miHfliugcnb. UNDISCOVERABLE (ado. — lt), adj. unentbeefbar, nicbt 511 finben. UNDISCOVERED, adj. lllienttecft. UNDISCREET, rid. Indiscreet. UNDISCUSSED, adj. uiterbrtcrt, nicbt tiecutirt. uxdisgr-aCED, adj. 1. nicbt in Ungna* tc gefollen ; 2. ungefebdutet; 3. nicbt ycr'un^iert. UNDISGUISED, adj. UU'-H'rHcitct, 1111= r-crmumiut; jig. effeu, ret licb, wiser* Itellt. UNDISFIONOURED. adj. lincitte^rt, ltlt= gefc^onbet uubei'cbimpft. UNDISMAYED, adj. uner|cbrocfen, tin* oetjagt, beberjt, mutbig. UNDISOBLIGING, adj. nicbt uiKjefdllig, nicbt unottig (ro. ii.). UNDISPERSED, adj. nicbt jerilreut. undisquieted, adj. ungejtort, nicbt UNDISSEMBLED, adj. Ult'OClflcllt, Utt= gebeucbelt, aufrirbtig, uatitrlicb; of* fen, retltcb, gerabe. UNDISSEMBLING, adj. UlllKtjtelU; of* fen. UNDISSTPATED, adj. liujcrjtrcut ; uiitt burcbgebracbt. UNDISSOLVABLE, adj. vid. Lndissolv- able. UNDISSOLVED, adj. Ullrtllfgclofct, ltlt= gefcbmoljeu. UNDISSOLVING, adj. licb Itidlt BUf* [ofenb, nicbt ntnicljcnt, nicbt jerge* bent. UNDISTEMPERED, adj. frci boil Slxanh beit, nicbt ltnpaf;, uitjcrritttct, unver- roorren. UNDlSfTTNGUISHABLE (adv. —it), adj. 1. nicbt 5uiintcrfcbeiten,unuutcr'\teit = bar ; 2. uuerfennbar, iinerfeitntlicb, untetttlicb. UNDR UNDISTINGUISHED, adj. 1. nitlinten ftttcccit, unabgefonbert; 2. nnbe* jcicbitet; 3. unauSgejf iebnet ; 4. obne befonbere iUIerfinaie, cbne 2lb* jeicben. UNDISTINGUISHING, 0!). feineit Un terfefcieb macbenb, gleicb, acbtlcS tuificbtslcs, cbne 5U merfeii. UNDISTORTED, adj. nicbt uerbrebt; nicbt uerfebrt. UNDISTRACTED, adj. uiijcrjtreut, un* aeflort ; wuemittet; — \y,adv. obne 3er)1reuuiicj, c-bnc Serruttung; — ness, s. bie Uugeffort^eit, l!ii,erj ftreutbeit, ©eifleSrutje, ©emiitt)3» jtiUe.' UNDISTRIBUTED, adj. UlUjertbeilt. UNDISTURBED (adv. — lt), adj. I. Jilt* geftort, unaufgeregt, uncifdnittcvt, rubig, gelflffeii; 2. ungebintert; un disturbed waters, unbemegtc ©creaffer \ —ness. s. tie Ungeftortbeir, Stub?, ©etaffenbeit UN diversified, arf/. nicbt sermanuig' faltigt, einfbrmig. UNDIVERTED, adj. lllltlltterbjaltctl , r.:cbt abgeroaubt. UND1VIDABLE adj. uttfbciibar, un* treuubar,uii?ertrenitlirb. UNDIVIDED (ado. — ly), adj. Uttge= tbeilt, utqertrcnut, ganj. undiaorced, adj. nicbt gefcbicicu ; nicbt getrennt. UXDIVULGED, adj. nicbt ctu?ge* fprengt, utdjt befannt gcinacbt, ver* bcrgcit. 7" undo, v.a. 1. auflofen, anfntacben, anflrennen, jerlegen; 2. rerniebfen, jerilorcn, (ineraltfcb) ccrterben, ^u ©ruute ricbtcn (Semanb rtcr 3e= manbeS gutcuDcuf., uttgliicflicb nta^ cben ; 3. rDegfcbaffeu, abfeb^ifeu, auf* bcbc.t, annulliren, ^uri'tcfuebmen, riiefgdngig (ungefebebeu, ungi'tltigi ma cben. To UNDOCK, v. a. (— a vessel, eit! 5cbiff flu» ter S)ocfc briugcu. undoer. .'. 1. ter Sluflofenbe ; 2. 3Berni$ter, 3erjtorcr ; 5lufbcber. undoing, s. bo8 Sluflofen, 23cruicb= ten, QJufbcbeit, 3etjt5reu ; that was the — of him, hi5 wax feiu Unrer* gang ; the — of a boar, Sp. T. bftfl 2lu§roirEeu eines (5"bcrS. UNDONE part. $■ adj. 1. vcrnicbtct, t>irt, "erlorcu; 2.ungetban: unaefebeben; I am — , el ift am mid) gefebeben, eS tjt nu§ mit mir; it is yet — , c3 ijt ltocb nicbt fertig. UNDOUBTED (adc. — ly). adj. llttbe = jroeifelt, cb;ne 3rocifel, jweifcUoljne, tuserlafjtg, ftcber ; — papers, Jtr. e. ficbere, gute $apiere (3Bccb|"cl). UNDOUBTFUL, adj. unjroeifefbaft, jroeifeUoS, Uax, offenbar, iuoerlafftg UXDOUBTEn'G, adj. nicbt jwcifelub jroeifelfret, jucerficbtli^. UNDRAMATICAL (— ic), (ado. — aUIy), adj. untrantatifeb. UNDRAWN, adj. ungqpgeit, nicbt ;weg) gejogen ; an — ticket, cin nicbt getc= gene's 2oo§. UNDRE.VDED, adj. ungefi'trcbtet, ituge* febeut. UNDREAMED, adj ungetrdiiiut, ungc> bacbt. To undress, p. I a. 1. eutfleiben, AUS* fleiben, auS^icben, ablegen ; abflet« ben, ben ^u§ abuebnten, bee ©rbmtt= cfc3 eutlebigeit, beraitbeit ; 2. aufbitt* ben (eine 23unbc); ben sBcrbaub ct» netSBunbe) abnebnten ; H. w.itc^cnt* flciteu. UNDRESS s tie fiausfletbung, tat >?i,icbtf!cit, Negligee, ter @cblar' reef. UNEM UNES UNEX UNDRESSED, adj. 1. unbcflcibef ; 2. ungepn&f. fdbmucfleS; 3. nntubcrcU tet, nnjugcrirbtcr, unbearbettet ; — leather, ungcgerbtcs Sebet. UNDRIED, adj. Uilgetnxfnft, lingebihrt ; fcttd)f. UNDRIVEN, adj. augcfriebcn. UNDROOPJNG, adj. uid)t ciltccjcub ; ntc^t oerjnxtfelnb. UNDROSSY, adj. ol)ite Sd)(acfcn, fc£>la= dfenftet, gelautert, rein. UNDROWNED, adj. iiicr;t ertrnitfctt. UNDUBITABLE, adj. vid. Indubitable. undue, adj. i. nngcbiibrlid), pflidn= roibrig, iinvcrbt, niigcborig, gefefctoU brig; 2. nicfyt ffllitg. 7'j UNDUKE, v. a. bCS .£>Crtpa,tbuiUS bc= raubeit. UNDULARY, «eU (eiifbrmige SBewegung feften, iiJellcn Stchcii. UNDULATE) Undulated, Undulating, c(/, ; . fade. Undulatinoly) IVcUetlf i.U"= mtg, iu 28ellen fdjiagenb. undulation, s. 1. ba$ 28cUcnfd)[a= gen, bic rocUcnforinige SBeroegnng, ©djtmngung, Sebung, ba« -Sdjraan- fett, bie weuenfbrintge ©cftalt; 2. Med. T. bie SllltWallmig ; undulations, wellenfotmige (5rhpl;ungciiuub 9tie= beruttgen. ;JNDULATORY, adj. vid. Undulaby. unduly, ado. i. uugcbiitjvlirf), urt= red)t; 2. iibcrmayig. UNDUTEOUS, I (adv.— fully), nA\!tn> UNDUTIFUL, $ geh>rfain,pflidjt»crs geffcu, pfiiefctroibrig ; uncbrerbietig ; undutifuiness, s. bcr ttngeborfam, bic SRflictitrcrgcffcnbcir, $flid)tnjibrig= feit ; Unchrcrbictiafcif. Undying, adj. unftcrblicb, uitoergang* lid). UNEARNED, adj. nirbt (bnrcb. ?lrbeit cbet SSerbieiift) ernjovben, uitvev= bient. UNEARTHED, adj. an» bcr.C-iijfjfe ge= iricben. UNEARTHLY, adj. ltid)t t'vbifi). uneasiness, s. bit Uni'ul)c, 3lengft= liebfeit, unangenebme Smpfinbuitg, SBefdjwerbe, UnbcquentlicbFeit, llnbe= baglicbfeif, Uiigcntacblidjfcit, bet lcid;te ©$merj, bas Ungcntad), bie 23fvbricf;lidjfeir, EQetrotrtung; to Rive omi — , ciiicni SUcfcfyiverbe uemrfa= d)cn. uneasy (adv. —il\), adj. l. nnnibig, angfllid); unfteautnt, pcinlid), tinge* mad)lid), unbeoaglid), Dcrbrtctilid), mijjmutbig, tolinberlid) ; 2. gcjrpnii= geu, freif. UNEATABLE, adj. tutgeniepbar, UNEATEN, adj. iingegcffcn, utiPcr= jchrf. UNECLIPSED, adj. nilPerbnitfclt. UNEDLFIED, adj. utierbaut. UNEDIFYLNG, adj. nirbt eibaitciib, iticfjt cibaulirf), unetbaulia). uneducated, adj. uiterjogett, obne (Srjicbnng, erjiebungSloS. UNEEFACED, adj. Uiwrlpfdjf, UlWtts rotfd)t. UNELBOWED, adj. nubcglcitet, llllbc= bient. UNELECTED, adj. tmcrtvablt. Unembarrassed, adj. 1. nirbt pcrlc= gen, unuerroicf elt ; 2. frciPcn Scbul= ben, nnbelaftct, tinbefebrpcrt. ONEMBODIED, adj. intycif iupcrf . 0NEMPHATIC, adj. O&ne Wacberncf, ausbrucfslps, nidit empbatifdv 1NEMPLOYEP adj. 1. itnbcfebaftigr, mttjiig; '\ ivnangewanbt, uuge^ braudjt; —capital, tobtt P.ipitaliei!, mft^ige ®elber. UNEMPOWERED, adj. itiicrmad)tigr. UNEMULATiNG.iui/.Hid^tmetteifernb ; anfprudjloS. ini.m HAXi'ED, n^.iiidjtbcjaubcrnb, uid>t jit bejaubern. Tt> UNENCUMBER, v. a. entbiivben, cntlaitcit. UNENCUMBERED, adj not v pit 2d)itl= ben, nuueifd)ulbct, liiibclaflct, uube= fdjtoerf. UNENDORSED, «i#. M F. nirbt inbofs fivt, nngirirt ; — i>.:i.-, uirbj mbofjirte SBeifel unendowed,^', unbegabt; unau8« geficiiert; uitbotirt; — schools;, nnbo= tirlt (tiiitt mtt getviffen (SiniTutften befdjenftc) 2d)iilen, ^viiMtfdnilcn. UNENDURING, adj. itidjt baucvtib, tem= porar. UNENGAGED, adj. 1. uitserpfdnbct ; uir.H'rpflid)tet; uttnitge(tellt; unuer= fprtidicit; 2. nicbt iin®efedjtj mu beftbaftigt ; 3. nidjt angeaanbt. UNENGAGMG) adj. uiicinlabenb, an= jiefjungSlPS, reijloS. UNENJOYED, adj. ungciiPffen, nnbc= fcffcii- UNENJOYING, adj. nid)t geiueyenb, nid)t brandjenb. UNENLARGED, adj. nnevrocitert, mt= au^gebebttt, bcfd)ianft, nncriutevt. UNENLIGHTENED, adj. itncvlcud)tct, unaufgeEIort. UNENSLAYED, adj. nic^t in J?nccl)t= fd)iift, unimterjocbr, unab^angtg, To UNENTANGLE, v. a. eiitipiiicn ; aits bcr ©d) tinge Pber 33erlegent)eit jicficn. UNENTERED, adj. nn»Cr$plU; — goods, unoerjoUte, bcint 3"U ai » t f nid)t flitgegebeue 2T>aarcn. UNENTERTA1NTNG, adj. !tii"bt UlltCfj baltcnb; — ness, ». bet >D?angel an Untcibaltung, bic SangWfitigfciL UN ENTHRALLED, adj. lltlltlttcijocbt. UNENIH IMBED, adj. unbcci'bigt, unbc= graben. UNENUMERATED, adj. Unaufgcja^lt. UNENVIED, adj. nnbt'iicibct. unenviou& adj. neibloS, UNEPITAPHED, adj. phnc ©rabfdjrift. UNEQUABLE, adj. ungleidjformtg, un= glciit, vcvffbicbcit. UNEQUAL [ado. — i.v), adj. I. Uligleirb;, iincbcn; 2. geringcr; 3. unuerf)(ilt= uigmftfitg, unangemeffen, nidjt fle« nuifi, nid)t gewaopfen; 4. /;. r.rau^, nncben ; he was — to this business, et war bicfer @ad)e nicbt gewac^feit; an — leaf, b. t. cin unglcidjfcitigea yStfttt; an — peace, cut pflrteiifdjet Sriebe: — pulsations, usregednfiptge ^uUfdjIage. UNEQUALABLE, adj. nubcvglcirbbar. UNEQUALED, adj. nidjt gleid) f om= tnenb ; unoergleidjlidj. UNEQU ALNESS, ». vid. Inequality, UNEQUITABLE, adj. liubiUig, j)Ot> teiifd). 1 M «;[ l\')CAL (adv. -i.y\ adj. 1111= jroeibeutig ; nnjipcifcllMft. UNERADICABIJ3, adj. nid;t anSjiirpt; ten, it it j cr ft in - bar. UNERADICATED, adj. itnaiiegerotiet. UNERRABLE, adj. linfchlbar, untrug= lid). UNERRING (adv. —i.\\ adj. nirbt ir= renb, iinfcl)Ibar, nittiiiglidi, gcipifi, fid)cr. UNESPH5D, adj. ungenxtfert, ungefeb^en, nucvtpal't, unentbecft. UNESSAYED, adj tttivcrfiicftr. UNESSENTI \i . a It. 1. IlltwefetttftC^, nicbtig ; 2. nnipiditia ; 3. aufciilp*. UNESSENl IAL,». bie Univd'cnl icfcFcit, ^JcbcitKicbc. To UNESl'ABLBH, r. a. aufiofea ro n. . IBLISHED, adj. nid't tiugtrid>< tct ; nirbt ffftgefffct, nid>t gegruubet, ft^manfenb. UNEVANGELICAL [adv. — i.y , adj nicfit ci'angclifrb, untpangtlifa^. UNEVEN (adv. — i.v . adj. i;:icbcit, Utt« gerabc, niK]lcid) ; an — temper, cm lauuenbafm' (»eranbftli^er) (*Im = rafter; — neM,«. bie Unebenbfir, Uu= gerabbcif, Unglcid^i-nt : iBeranbe^ rung ; — of temiicr, bic Sauneu^af' ttgfeir. UNEV1TABLE, vid Ivr.n u:le. UNEXACT, vid. Inexact. UNEXACTED, adj. nid}t abgciiptbigf, ungefprbert, uneryrept. UNEXAGGERATEDjOd) ni.b: n'.-ertrie» ben. UNEXAMINED, adj. nngcpriift, uimn= terfurjf. i (fEXAMPLED, adj. bcifpiellpJ, uitcr» bprt. UNEXCEPTIi 1NABLE, adj. tinvcrrocrf; lirb, nittabeliti, untabelf)aft, uube* fcipltcn; nidjt unguttig, ooQgultig; — ly. adv. pfjiic alle Siuwenbung, uu- vcnveifltcb ; — nesa, §. bit Unver= iverflid;feit, Untobtlbafligftit; @uU tigfeit. UNEXCISED, adj. OCCttftci, JoUftei, (leuerfrei, iinbcfteuert. UNEXCTTED, adj. unaufgetegt. UNEXECUTED, adj. 1. unoell^OgtO, unauijgefubrt ; 2. unbefiegelt. UNEXEMPLARY, adj. bftfptellol. INEXEMI'LU-IED, adj. nidjl 11> : ' fpielcn Belegt. UNEXEMPT, adj. nidit autgenommen, nid;t fret, mtperfdjoitf, unpri»ilegirl unexercised, adj. ungeuot. UNEXERTED, adj. ungrtb,an, nngefdjr« ben, unooUbracol ; unt^atig. UNEXHAUSTED] adj UlttrftbPpft. UNEXISTENT, adj. iiid't oorb^anbeil. UNEXPANDED, adj. ii:ui;*a,cbrcitei, unau«ge(Vannf. UNEXPECTED to. — ly), alj. WMX* lvavtet, jnipcrmiitb.t ; unporbergefea kit ; —ness, i. tai Unerwartttt, Uiu borbergeftbfiif. UNEXPENDED, o \j. ii i '. ■: auSgegebtil, nidu betroenbef. UNEXPENSIVE, adj. 1. Uicfcl fctt* fdjtuenberifd), fpfltfam, iviviM'd'a»t= lieb, baiivhaltenid) ; 2. nidu ihciier. UNEXPERIENCED, adj. vid. bnxrxs* EMCED. UNEXPERT [adv. —i.y). adj. unttfa^* ten, unfunbtg, nnotrfuc^t. UNEXPLAINABLE, adj. liticrFKirbar, nncrflarlifb. i \r\ri, mm. n. : . iinevflavt. i \i xPLORED.aflj.uuerforfebrj unbti fannt. UNEXPOSED, adj. niiaii«gefcfet, nidjl bloiocftellt. UNEXPOUNDED, adj. Ittc^t aiu'gflcgl uncrfUirt. i nexpress ed ■ <; uuautgebtutft UNEXPRESSn i adj. I. nidit c[\u\(- benb, nidjl aueotutftitb, oulbrua4< Ip«; 2. nicbt auSjubrurfen, unaut* fpredMtd'. i ma ti nded, .■ '. unau4gebe^n(,un< auegeflredt. UNEXTDfGUIBHABLE, adj. rid. Ixtv •I INQ! ISB MILK. i MAi'iM.i isHED.aaj.unautfgelSfc^t, ungtbfiinpft. UNEXTDIPATED, adj. nnaii«gerpttft, unberlilgt. UNEXTOLLED, adj. lUgeBtiefO, un- rrb^oben. 473 UNFE UNFO UNGA UNEXTRAITED, adj. nid)t au§flej0* gen. DNEXULTANT, adj. obue groI)Iotten. UNFADED. adj. iiuvcnvclft UNFADING, adj. UH»errDcIflt<4 • — ness, 8 . bie Itnvcvniclflictofc if. rjNFAlLING, «//. uufcblbar. uutriig= lid), getoii ; —ness, s. bie Uufchlbav= feit, untrugltd)feit. DNFAINTB5FG, adj. niebt fjittftufcub, niebt mutljlos werbenb. UNFAIR (otto.'— lt), adj. baffidi, toi= brig, flbcl, unrein, fdh'inblid? ; U«nt= tig; tmbilltg, uncrlaubt; unrcblid), Htireebt, falfcb ; —ness, ». bie £M§lid)= feit, Scbaublicbfcit, SBtbtigfeit, ®ar= fligavt, Uttarr, Itimrtt jfctf, ttnveb* liebfeit, 5alfd)f)cit. UNFAITHFUL [adv. — ly), adj. 1. Ult= trcu, uugctvcu, trculoS, »errathe= rifrb ; 2. ufticbtycrgeffeit; 3. uuglau= big, gottlog ; —ness, *. bie Itutrcnc, Srculoftgfeif, ber 33cvvaif> ; Uu= glaube. UNFALCATED, adj. uttoerfiunimclf, ungefurjt. UNFALLEN, adj. niebt gefuufeu. [txfallowed, adj. ungebradiet, niebt nmgeacferf, unge'fturu. UNFALTERING adj. fejfc tlicbt fd?toait= feub (»ott ber ©timme). unfamiliar, adj. niebt »ertraut, un» befannt ; ungetobbnlid). UNFAMLLIARITY,*. bie Uujugauglid)= feit, 3?erfdj I off ettbet t. UNFASHIONABLE [adv.—ur), adj. un= inobifd), nidjt nacb ber 3)cobe, au$ ber 3)iobe; unforntlicb, ungefd)icft; — ness. j. bie uuinobifdje $>efcbaffen= bcit, Slbtocicbung von ber iftcbe, baS Unmobtfdje. ' UNFASHIONED, adj. ntcbt jugeftufct, ungeformt, ungebtlbet, rob. UNFAST, adK nityt feft, UUftcbtr. To UNFASTEN, r. a. loS biltben, loS inadicn, aufmadicii. UNFATHERED, adj. DCttcrloS, of)Ue <3dltt§. UNFATHERLY, adj. UUSStecItcB. 6«tt. UNFATHOMABLE (ado. — lt), «t aiu°= juttefen; —ness, ». tie Unergr&nb- licbfeit, UitermefHictit'cit. UNFATHOMED, adj. uncrgriiubef, ints ausgemeffen. UNFATIGUED, «#. unenniibet, uners miiblid). UNFAULTY, adj. fcbltittoS, liufcbulbig. UNFAVOURABLE [adv. — ly), ad/. Ull= giittftig, roitrig, nngcneigt ; — wind, ungunftiger, wibrtget SBtnb ; — ness, .<;. bie llnguuftigftit ; Slbneigung ; Siebloftgfett. unfavoured, adj. unbegunfltgt. UNFEARED, adj. UJtgefuKptef. UNFEASIBLE, vid. Infeasiole. UNFEATHERED, adj. Hngeftcbcrf. UNFEATURED, adj. Ultgejlalt, fcctfltdj. unfed, adj. uugcfuttcvf, uugegeffen, fcungtig. UNFEED, adj. intbe^ablt, unbclobut. UNFEELING [adv. — ly), adj. Cfle;fubl= lo?, unempftnblid), bartbern'g. UNFEEL1NGNESS, s. bie (@c=)3uf)Uo = figfeit, UnemVftnbUdjfeit, .fpartt)eru'g= feit. UNFEIGNED, adj. ungebcucbeft, urtocr= ftcllt, roafjr, rebtid), aufrtcbttg. Unfeignedly, adj. obuc SBerpellttng, ohne .£>cudielei, ungebeudjelt, toabr= baft, aufrtcbttg. UNFELLOWED, ado. itngleid), niebt 511= fammen paffenb. 'Jnfelt. adj. ungefithlt, uucntpfu'.t= ben ; gcfubliog. Ta UNFENCE, r ,7. bc>3 3«itue8 (ber ettifrtebigung" bevauben. 474 l nfencf.d, adj. uitumjaiuit, uuctnge= b.agt, uueingefrtebtgt. UNFERMENTED, o*. 1. ItttgeflO^Wnj 2. tmgefauert (bou Srob). UNFERTILE, vid. Infertile. To UNFETTER, v. a. cntfcffellt, loS hU ten, befreien. UNFIGURED, adj. nid)t nluKtitbcf, ohite Sigur, c t> t i e SBilb, gejlaim>«. unfilia'l. adj. uicijt »ie ein ©ob^tt, uitltnbltd). UNFILLED, adj. 1. ungcfiillt, leer; 2. untefe^t, lebtg ; 3. ungefatttgt. unfinished, adj. uitbeeubigt, uuge= e nbtg t, nidit ferttg, unoolJcubet. UNFIRED, adj. unftngejuiibet, uid)t in Sranb gefetjf. UNFIRM, adj. fd)limd>, uufidiev (»on ei= item ©ebaube, u. f. ».), fdptvanfcub P)01t ben Sufett); vid. Infirm ; — ness, 5. laZ ^rbuMdie, Unfteberc (fines ®ebaube8, u. f. to.), bie SHJanbelbat= feit. To unfit, b. a. iiiitiiebtig niacbeu. UNFrr [adv. — ly). adj. itntiiditig, un= taugltcb, ungcfd)icft) unpaffenb, un= febtcf lid) ; —ness, s. bie Uutiid)tig= feit, UntaHflTidjffit, bad Uupaffenbc, bie Uiifd)idiid)feit. UNFITTING, adj. 1. uutiid)tig; 2. Ull= fdjicflid), uuauftaubig ; it is — a man, c§ jiemt ciucm SWanne ntcbt. To unfix, ». a. 1. lou madieit, lofeit, aufibfeu; 2. auflcKfern ; 3. fliifug lltaefjeit; — bayonet! Mil. T. SSajO* uett ab ! unfixed,™//. I. unbefejitgt; 2. unbe= fiimmt, iiuentfd)!offen ; 3. unbeftau= big, tinftat, l)enunjtveifeub, (f)cruiii=) toanbernb. UXFIXEDNESS, s. ber 3uftanb, ba ct= »a8 unbefeftigt iff, bie Unftatigfeit. UNFLAGGING, adj. llicbt etf$laffCUb, uuermubtid). UNFLATTERED, adj. lli^t gefd)lliet= die It. UNFLATTERING, adj. lti(bt fd)lliet= d;elub. unfledged, adj. uiigeffeberf, nidjt PflfiflC; fig- i«*# iung, ueu. UNFLINCHING, adj. UllCrfrbrOifeit, ntd^t juriieffdjreef ehb. UNFOILED, adj. unbejtintiigeit, uu= ubemuinbeu, ungefebtodrbt. To unfold, v. a. 1. entfalteii, Bffiteit, auSbrciteu, auSfpanrten, auffpaunen ; 2. jig. entbecfett, fagen; 3. enttot= ercln, erflaren, erlautcrn ; jetgen, barfieftcu; 4. auS bet .^iirbc laifen, austreiben, frei laffett, loSlaffen, loS= pfetdjen ; to — a sail, jv. t. eiu <£C= get beife&ett. UNFOLLOWED, adj. Hltgcfolgf, UIttc= folgt. UNFORBEARING, adj. liad)|td)t5lcS, unnarbftdjttg. UNFORBID, > ,. „„„„-,„, UNFORBIDDEN, \ "'^ ™™™<"- UNFORCED, adj. 1. ltiigejivuugeii, un= getricbeu ; unerjtoungen : 'i. unge= beucbclt, uatiirlid); 3. ftufcuan-ife, allmafjlig ; 4. geiiuidilidi, begucm. UNFORCIBLE. adj. 1IU1V iff fail!, Hltfiaf= tig; ungetoattfam. UNFORDABLE, adj. UltbUt^toatbat, nidit burebjuwatcii. UXFOREBODiNG. adj. ofiuc 93prbebeu= tuiicL feine SSorbebeutung babeub, unuorbebeutenb. UNFOEEKNOWN, adj. uir.'c>rberbf= fannt, niebt bovficr getwijjt, unbe= rouf;t. UNFORESEEN, adj. uuvrrfiergefebcu. UNFORETOLD,a'/j. uid)t roi'()ergefiigt, ungemeiffagt. UNFOREWARNED, a>'j. UUCriliabut, ungetoarnt. UNFORFEITED, adj. Ittltcmm-ft, HBf oerfdjerjt. UNFORGtVEN, adj. unberyebeu. UNFORGIVING, adj. nidit uergetcilb uu^crfiifiulid), cime 9tadjfid>t. UNFORGOT, I adj. uiiyergeffeu, UNFORGOTTEN, ) linveniatblafugt. To UNFORM, v. a. eutftn'meit, »ernta;« ten, jerftorcn. unformed, adj. ungcfornit, ungebil» bet, rot). unforsaken, adj. unverto.ffeu, nicbl nufgegeben. UNFORTIFIED, adj. unbefeftigt, unoer* febanjt. ungefdjiifet, ungeftarlt. fdjtoacfi, fraftloS ; an — town, eig pffncr Dvt. UNFORTUNATE, adj. ungliicf Hdj ; — women, <5reubeniiiabdieu; — ly, ndo. lingliidlidpevtoeifc; — ness, .^. ba$ttn* gliicf, ber ungliicffelige Bnftanb. UNFOSTERED, adj. i. nidit gcyflegt, nidjt gcjviugt; 2. uubegiiuftigt. UNFOUGHT, adj. nidit gefocbteu, unge» fod)teit, ungefd)Ictgcn. UNFOULED, adj. uubcfubelt, uube= fdimu^t, uuberlecft. unfound, adj. nid)t gefuiibcu, uuge= funben. unfounded, adj. ungegriiubcr, lit. if fig. grunbloe. UNFRAMED, adj. uiigebilbef, unges {omit; — timber, T. iiiiabgcbuubeheS Saubofj. UNFRATERNAL, adj. uitbriiberlid). unfree, adj. unfrei, ntcbt frei, ge« jwuiigen. UNFREQUENCV, vid. Infreqtency. unfrequented, adj. witbcfttcbt, eiit' fam, bbe. UNFRIABLE, adj. Ittcbt tctcbt 5Crvct£>=» lid). unfriended, adj. uubcfreunbet, obtte gjcunb, obue Srcuube, freunb;e)tDS. unfriendliness, s. ber 2)2angel an Sreuiibfcbaft, bie UnfreunMi*feit. UNFRIENDLY, adj. unfveuiibfcbaftlid) unfreunblid), nidit liebreicb, abge neigt, ungeneigt, uutiulb, abbolb. To unfrock, v. a. entflcibeit. UNFROZEN, adj. ungcfvoven, tbaut. UNFRUGAL, adj. nidit frugal, iiypig ; ntcbt bau«balterifd), unfruitful, adj. i. uiifrucbtbar, ma= ger; 2. utttoirffam. unfruitfulness, s. bie Unfrncbt= barfeit, 3)Jagerfeit. UNFRUSTRABLE, adj. unbercitclbar. UNFULFILLED, adj. UttevfuUt. unfumed, adj. 1. be8 ayolilgerud)4 beraubt; 2. ntcbt raudjenb. UNFUNDED, adj. unflillbirt ; an — (kin. cine unfunbirte (niebt jit ben of= teit!lidieu5tod ; 3gcfdilagcne)©diulb. To UNFURL, v. a. auffpainieii, (eiuen gad>er, u. f. to.), aufraicfelu, entroi= cfeln, lofeu, beifefcen (bie ©egcl, u. f. ni.), offneu, attSbretten, entfal* ten, ffattern, tocfien laffeu (cine 5ab= lie, it. f. to.); with unfurled colours, mit fliegcnbeit gabnen. To unfurnish, v. a. au§raumen, au8=> Iceron, entbliiSeu, berauben. UNFURNISHED, adj. 1. Clltl'[?f ; t ; U»» ucrforgt; 2. unntiiblirt. UNFUSED, adj. uugefcbmoljen. UNFUSIBLE, adj. vid. Infusible. UNGAINABLE, adj. uugeiviuutat (to. ii.). UNGAINFUL, adj. iineiufi'aglicb, wit* fjortbeiibaft, genjinnlnS. UNGAINLY, adj. ungefdjicfr, «eifebvt, fdiief, liufifeb, plump, liuaufeliuHcb, nid)t einnebnienb. ungalled, adj. unbcfepbtgt, uurcr. Icftt, unvHrnninbet. UNGR UNHA OWHO UNGARNISHED, adj. UltauSgtjicit, 1111 = bebangt. uncaiirisoned, adj. oljne Sefaftung. UNGARTERED, adj. obuc Jtniebanber, o&tte kcti'umofbauber. UNGATHEBed, a.//, unaufgelefen, an* (ein)gcfaiiimclt, iingccnttet, uugc= pjftitft. 7'j ungear, c. a. abfebirrcn, auifd;ir= rcit. UNGENERATED, adj. ungcboren, nidjt erjeugt, ungejeugt. ungenerative, adj. nid)t jeugenb, nid)t (jetDorbringenb, uufruditb'ar. UNGENEROUS, fade. —ly), ad£ 1. uu= cbct, nugrojsiiuitbig ; 2. itiuiibnilicb, fct>impfltd>, fdjaublirfc, fcbledit. UNGENiAL, adj. 1. uiifrcitnblid), ttn= giiuftig; 2. uiifrudjtbar ; fraftlod. UNGENTEEL (ado.— ly), adj. UXiattia, uitbcfdjeibcu, uubof I id;, uttfdbirflitb, nitanftautig. UNGENTility, * btettnatttgfeif, \hu bci'dieibtubeit, Uuhoflicbfcit, Uu- ftbicflicbfcir, Unanflanbigfett. UNGENT1LE (ado. — ly), adj. unfa lift, bavt, raub, rob, plump, ftarr. UNGENTLEMANLIKE, i adj. belt Sit* UNGENTLEMANLY, } tcit tilted gcbiltctcu banned iimn'tcr, ungcbiU bet, uiigcftttct, uttaiifianbig, unbijf- lid;, grob, uid)t bieber, uiiebel. UNGENTLENESS, *. bit S&tti, 9tan= btgfett, lliifcinbeif, .^tobbeif, ©rob= 9«t, Uubbflictfcit, Uiifrcunblidjftit, bee eta ri' tin it. UNGEOMETRIGAL, adj. iiitgcomctrifd). UNGIFTED, adj. Ull&cgubt. UNGILDED, adj. UtlWgolbtt. To UNG1RD, v.a. fiitgiirtcu, lodgiirtcii, abgurtctt, abfebuallen. ungirt, adj. ungegurfef ; leiebt ge= giirtct. UNGiving, adj. uicbt gebcub, gabcu= log, faro.. UNGLAZED, adj. 1. obne ftcnfterfdjeU belt ; 2. obne ©ladfcnficr ; 3. obne ©lafur, unglafiit. UNGLORLFIED, adj. ltngci'iit;iuf, una.cs priefcu, unyerbcrrlidH. To UNGLORIFY, p. a. bed Dilljjmcd bc= raubeu. unglorious, adj. unriifjiulid;, ruhin= lod. ungloved, adj. mit unbcbccftcn <<3att= ben, obne .^atibfcfmlje, blofi (n>. ii.). To UNGLUR, v. a. bad ©elcintte Io3 ntacbett, ablf illicit, cntleiiitcu, auftoet- cbcit, fodfitteu, ablofcn. UNGLUED, adj. 1. ailfgeleilllt, Cllt= leintt ; 2. uugclcimf. To UNGOD, v. a. Clltgottcnt, bCV ©Oft= beit bcraiibcu. UNGODLINESS, s. btc ©ettlofigfcit, 33ettud)t§ett. UNGODLY (ado. — ii.y), adj. ltngotN lid), gottlod, t>crrud;t; fdiantlid). UNGOHED, adj. UltlHTIlUlltiH't, 11U'.H'V = lefct, unbefdjabigt. UNGORGED, adj. uid;t gefattigf, itngc= feittigt, uugcfiillt. UNGOT, UNGOTTEN, adj. 1. unerlangf, uiienviu-beit ; 2. uucrjcugt, uugqeugr. UNGOVERNABLE {ado. — ly), adj. 1111= Icitffam, iiubautig, wilb, ausgclaf= feu, jugefloS. UNGOVERNED. adj. nicfit regicrf, aud= gclaffen, liigcllod, uitgfjahmt UNGOWNED, adj. fcitt SmMItib, it. f. id. tragenb. UNGRACEFUL, adj. teijlod, iittticdid;, uiianniutbig, wtbrtg, unang^cne^m, angefSUig ; — ly, adv. obucdicij, oljitc 9lnftaitb,' fitief. linfifd); — neas, s. bie SHetjloftgfeit, SBtbrtgrcit, bet iiblc 9lufiaub, bie ^ebiefbett,' bad ltngefaU ligc iGefcn, Ungefallige. UNGRACIOUS Indr. — vt\ adj. 1.1111= guatig. uugiinftig j 2. totbrta, uuan= genebnt, inif;faUig; 3. abfcbculid;, aottlo* ; — neas, «. 1. bat Ungttabige, ajjififalligc, bat nnfttunblidx SOefen ; 2. bie SBtbrighit, Uitannebiiilicbfcit, 2)JtfifaIlig[eit; 3. 91bfd)eulidjfcit, ®ottlofiflfftt. UNGRAMM VI'K !AL (ado. — ly), adj. ll!l= gramiiiatird). UNGRANTED, adj. nidit bcmiUigt, nidjt flfivabrt. lticbt evtljeilt. UNGRATEFUL [adv. — i.y), adj. 1. uii= baiifbar, uiicifcnutlicb; 2. nuance- iiebm, mibrig, ttljioB; — soil, iiu= fntdilbarev Sobcn ; — nesa, ». 1. bie Unbaiitbarfcit, Unerfcnntlidifeit ; 2. SBibttgfeit, 3JJitifalltgfcit, 9(fijlojtg= feit. UNGRATEFTED, adj. utiBefrtebigt. UNGRAVELY, adj niitt ci'itftbaft, obne (i"iuft, obuc ffiiirbe, o!)iic geitrs licbfcit. UNGROUNDED (ado. — ly\ adj. uua.c= grfinbet; —nesa, i. tie ©nuibloftg= feit. UNGRUDGING, adj. liiurrcub, tuillig, gem; — ly, ado. oijnc 3Jlutren, gent, lvillig. UNGUARDED (adv. — ly), adj. 1. uu= betvabvt, unbebutet, uiibeivaebt, ui;= befebiitjt; 2. nia)t aitf feiucr .^ut, iibereilt, unoorRd)tig. UNGUENT, s. bie ©albc; bee SSalfam, bad ^flafter. UNGUENTOUS, adj. falbcuavtig, baU famifeb. UNGUESSED, adj. uitcrvatficit, xtuv?cr= niutbet. UNGUESTUKE, adj. cincS ©aflfS niitt Wuibig. UNGUICULAR adj. B. T. >00il bet SSnge eineS 9tagtU (iiugcfabv einen 3oli). 1 MGUICULATE, I'snniTUTED, adj. mit Alauen obcr Jlageln oerfe^cii; B. T. gciiagelt. UNGUIDED, adj. uitgcleitct, lingetcgclt, unangetotefen. UNGUILTY, adj. uttfdiulbig, unjlraf= lieb, rein. UNGUINOU8, adj. falbcnartig. UNGULA, s. a. T. bcr !Tiircf)febuitt, bet cnttlcbt, niciin ciu 3V^>nbet fdiicf gcgeu tie ©iuiibflad)c buvd)fcbnitteii witb. UNGULATE, adj. fiiifeifcitformig. UNHABITABLE, s. rid. Umnhabitaslb. UNHABITUATED, adj. ungeioobnt. l'Mi.\CKi:i),a'//.iiitgcbacfr, ungebauett, uidjt fd)attig. UNHACKNEYED, adj. 1. lttMiMcriftcit, unbiritteii ; 2. ungeiibt, unrerbvaii-.i t unhale, adj. ungefunb. To DNHALLOW, o.a. ciitb^ciligcil, cut-- lvetbeit. UNHALLOWED, s*. cuttveibt, cntbei= ligt; uubeilig; ruqiloS, To UNHAND, o.a. aiiiS bcr.^anb laffeu, bie ifjanb abjicben, wegjiebeii ; — me! lap mid) Io3 ! UNHANDINESS, a tie Uugcfdn'tftbcif, Uiibcbeiiti.iFeit, SrbroetfaUtgfeit, bafl linttfebe, tblpifdu' SBefen. UNHANDLED, adj. unbcgritfcii, itubc= tafiet, uuberiibrt, unangetu^tt UNHANDSOME (adv. — M , adj. l.ilifbt fd)bit, nidit bubfd), ittiaiiiu-bmliet), garftig ; 2, nidu ge|iemen(, nidit an* ftaubig ; unfeiit, uufdiidlid), iiuavtig ; 3. iiuetel, uidit ctclmutbig ; — ness, .t. 1. bet SJtanget an Sdjonbeit, tie Itiiauuebiiiliriiteit, tic ®ef(fcm ftgfeit, bad ©atjltge, Unfeine ; 2, Un= aiiftanbtgfeit, Unatttgfeit, Unutuf: lidjfett; 3. bee UcbelfMiir. bad ur.eelc ikiubmcit; bad bclcitigcnte SEBefen. UNHANDY ij. i. n:;bc= In::, ungefdiicft, linfifd), iblpiid), 2. uubCiiuein, nid>t hautgerccbt. v i mum;, r. a. iLH-baiigen, ab^an> gcu, [bad 5lufgcbangte; I- . ucbmcii; m — a gate, tin JEflot aud* bacVfii, aiijbcbcn, aud ben 9 hebeu ; to — tin.- rodder, -N*. I SRitbet andftangrn, UNHANGED, adj. uitgcbaiigcii. UNHAPPDJE83, §. bad Urtglutf. (51enb, bcr Unfall, ba3 iugefugte Unglurf, bet Sdjaben, b5fe 0tteid) ( tic Uu= gludMigfeit. IMI MTV, adj. uitgliicflid), clcub, frciu benlod, traurig, betriibt, iroftled ; unglfldFfelig. I'Xil VRASSED, adj. ungcvcinigt, un> bel.iftigt. To UNHARBOUR r a. fluffdjcudicn; aufftobent, Derfd)eud)en. UNHARBl lURED, adj. tcrfdjcnrbt, obn; 3ufluebt. EUDENED, adj. ungcbaitct; HO* vcvKirtct, uubcrjtocft. DNHARDY, odj.l.unabge^ lid); 2. |agl>aft, feia, fnrdjtfaat. UNHARMED, adj. nil be '", BHvtf' febrt. uii'jcrleijr; unbeleitigf, unge= fninfr. UNHARMFUL, adj. iiufcliatlicb >m» fd)ultig, b,armlod. UNHARMONIOUS [ads. — uiibavnuMiiHt, mt§fttmnrig, mipto- uent, niif;fiiugeiiD : 2. nnvci uiyniaOig ; 3. fin. niitibcllig, uticiuiji ; — ness, *, tic ©i«f>atmonie, bet flaug; tie lliiverba[tiiif;m>v" fig. tie iliifibelligfeit, Unetntgrett. 7b UNHARNESS, o. a. I. abi'diirrcn, a6jod)en, lodfpannen; 2. cntbarni- fdjen, ciitivaffucu. UNHATCHED, adj. uiiau'gcbri;;. iitteittioicfelt, Derborgen. UNHAZARDED, adj. iiugcrcagf, uicbl bloigeftelit, gefa^rlod. To UNHEAD, d a lo — n cask, ben ©oben eiuc8 Zn\]ii einfeblagcu otci audfd}Iagen. UNHEALTHFUL adv.— iv , a 7. litl. gefuub, fvanflicb : it llu- gefuntl^eit, JCtanfl. UNHEALTHY (ads. -in;, adj. ungc fuitb, fianflid), franf. umikaltiiim :ss, .< tiellngeuititbcit. UNHEARD, adj. unacbort ; Un bbit; — of, uucvbbrt; ltiibeFaunt. UNHEATED, adj. uicbt l;eip gcmariir ; uu.iebcirjt, uucibifet. UNHEDGED, adj. Rtd)i Ml eiBCI .fiede umgeben, UNHEEDED, adj. nid't geaebret, unb:- mcvfr, unbcad)tct, uugetoa^rt, \\\\- enoogen. UNHEEDFUL (adv. — :\ . a unad)r= fam, fprglod; uubebadjtfain, votj eilig. UNHEEDY, rid. Umbisdpol. UNHEEDING, j forglod, uad\.. UNHELMED, adj obne Steuertl UNHELPED, adj. uugebolreu, UIIUHt ftnljt, uubel>olfeit, pfllflod. UNHELPFUL, adj. uiitt ^tlftnb, bcr^ gcblid) ; nid't bulfvcieb. 3ITATING 'd.— lt), adj 35gern, obuc lantern. UNHEWN, adj. tiugebaucit ; inbe« baucu, rob. UNHINDERED, adj. iiiigchintevi'. To UNIUNGE, 0. a. 1. aud ten 'Jlugtln bebeu, loddfinfltn, lod^enfelu; 2, gt» roaltfani oettutftn; $.fig. wt»!tttn, in Unorbnung bvingen, tveuiien, lb« fen, auflbfeu, mnfturjen. To UNHOARD, r. a. abnebiucu, tnt» loeuten, raubeu. 473 UNIL UNIN UNIP BNH0L1NESS, 5. bic Unbeiligfiit Sflud^Ioftgfeit. UNHOLY, ailj. llllbcilig, UIl^CllH'ifit ; unrein ; gott(o3 ( nidjlog. UNHONOURED, adj. mijcefjlt, ltnbc* ebrt, nicbt gcacbtet. 7V) UNHOOK, v. a. fliiffjafci:, (i>s, fecrtriebcn, itnjtat. unhouseled, adj. ot)ue Slbcnbmabl, bcS Ijeiligen 2lbcnbmat)U uutbciU baft. UNHOUSING, s. M. E. 2!raii8port Win Sagcr, aits bent SDragajin ju brittgen (in ©tiefenrerbmingen). IJNHDMAN, adj. vid. Inhuman. To UNHUMANIZE, v. a. entntenffben. JNHUMBLED, adj. ungebemutjjigt ; stcbt crttiebrigf, ltnbcfcbamt ; Th.T. imbuiferttg. unhurt, ad/. unbefcBabtftt, Bn»er* lefcf. UNHURTFUL {ode. — i.y), oJ/. l!lt= fcbcib(id), barntloS, gntarttg. UNHUSBANDED, adj. 1. nicbt jitfRatbe gcbaltcn, nicbt gcnM'rtbfrbaftct, nicbt acfc&Ottt; 2. bernacblaffigr, tmgc= bant. UNHUSKED, adj. ansgcfcbalt, cnt= biilfct. UNICAPSULAR, adj. B. T. ttur citte .Rctyfel entbaltenb. UNICORN, s. 1. baS ©inborn; ba« einbornige 9?t)iuoceco8 ; 2. ber Orin= bomfifd), SRaraaU; 3. bcr Slnbima, tjebBnitC 2Bc[)rt>0gel (Pu/amedea cor- uuta — L) ; fossile — , fossile — 's horn, VnapavtrtcS ©inborn (t>erftei= tterte ShmvaU'jcifjne). unicornous, adj. einbornig. UNIDEAL, adj. ntd;t ibcalifcb, wivEIid). UNI FLO ROUS, adj. B. T. ciltbllllltig. UNIFORM (ado, — Mr), I. adj. 1. Ctn= formt'g; 2. unoer&nbert, glcicbmcifsig, gleicbformig ; 3. gemafi; —motion, Mat. r. bie glcirbformtge 53en)cgiing ; n. ». bet glcicbfbnnige 9ln$ug, bie ©tanbestraebt, amtsfieibung, Uni= form ; out of — , nid)t in Uniform, in ©ioiltieibung ; an — hat, ciu Dffi= jterSbut, (Solbarenbut ; — suit, bie ooHfianbige Uniform. UNIFORMITY, s. 1. bic ©faformigs Ecit; 2. ©leidifiJrmigfeit ; 3. ®c= majjbeit, Ucbercinftiminiing. UNIGENTTURE, s . bie ©ingeborenbeit (©ottbcS©obnc8). UNIGENOUS, adj. ton eitt itnb bcrfel= ben ©iiUitug. UN1LARIATE, adj. B. T. eittltVpig. UNILATERAL, adj. eillfeitig ; B. T. ltacb eiiter Scife gericbtct. UMLITekal, adj. cinbiirbjtabig. UNit.uiMiNATED, adj. ntrbj evleu^» tet, pnlter;.^. nitmiffenb. VNlM.rsi'UATED, adj. liiieilttirbtct, intbeleud)tef ; unerlauterr. 476 ..'Nir-OCULAR, adj. B. r. eiitfacbcrtg. JNIMAGINARLE (adv. — Mr), adj. lilt: erbenflifb, unbetiEbar, unerjtnnlicb. UNIM.VG1NATIVE, adj. ItttevfillbClifcb, unerftnbfam, fantajteatm. UNIMAGINED, adj. liiibeiifbav, uitbc= gveiflid). unimbued, adj. nicbt gefarot, iinge^ favbt. UNIMITABLE, vid. Inimitaui.k. UNlMtTATED, adj. iiiuuidigeabntf. UNIMMORTAL, adj. nirbt uilftcvblid), fierblid), bergaitglid;. UNIMPAIRABLE, adj. iiitfCTiuinberlicb, uiiiH-ffleineilicb, tuioevleijbav, utt«er= bevbiid). unimpaired, adj. lutUevminbett, tut= gefdjmalevr, iiitgefd)anid)r, uiibevbov= ben, unserlefet. UNIMPASSIONED, adj. fd)lttblu« ; nt= big, leibeufclaftStoS, nnebrucfeios, trocfen ; Mas. r. cbnc Slffect ober Seibenfcfcaft, au8br«cfSlo8, tveefen. UNIMPEACHABLE, adj. llicfjt ailflag= bar, tabelfvei. UNLMPEACHED, adj. nicbt aiigcfiagt, tabellog. UNIMPEDED, adj. ltiigebinbert. unimplicatei), adi. nnUermicfelt, lttt= betbetligt. UNlMPLiED, adj. nirbt gefolgcvt. UNIMPLORED, adj. tingefle()t, uner= flebt, ungebeten, mierbeten, uncv= fu'rBt. UNIMPORTANT, adj. lt!niMd)tig, lllt = bebeutfam, tticbt anmafieub, «nan= mafu'iib. UNIMPORTUNED, adj. unbelafiigf, itn= bcfd)mevt. unimposing, adj. 1. uttaiiferlcgr, ttit= neforbert, freirofllig ; ttnaiifgebiirbet ; 2. feine S3erounberung, (ibrfiirrbt, Slrbtitng cinflbfieub, nidjt ergreifenb, nicbt intponivenb. UN IMPREGNATED, adj. 1. ltttge= fdjnjangcrt ; 2. nngetranft, unfatn= rirt. UNIMPRESSIVE, adj. uncmr-fciitgltd), etiibnicfslpe. UNIMPROVABLE, adj. i. feitter 33cf= beffening fabt'g, uitoerbefferiieb; 2. tticbt anjitbatten; — ness, s. bie Utt= rievbeffcilirbfeit. UNIMPROVED, adj. 1. unoerbefjert, ttn= vercbelt; 2. ungebtlbet, Jtnbelebvt, rob, unwiffettb ; 3. unbenn^t, uttatt= geroanbt. UNIMPROVING, adj. ltidlt btlbCltb, tticbt belebvettb. UNIMPUTABLE. adj. Jttrfd)nuttg«IoS; iinbesi'tglicb, tticbt jur 8aji gelegt. UNINCLINED, a j. iingcneigt, obnc unindebted, adj. obne @d;ulbeit, febntbenfrei, iinycrfcbnlbet. UNINDIFFERENT, adj. nirbt gleicb= giiltig, tticbt unpavteiifeb. UNINDORSED, adj. vid. Unendorsed. UN1NDULGED, adj. pb"C ?[adjftct)t b€= banbeit, un»erjSrtcIt. UNINDUSTRIOU3. adj. linflcifjig, tticbt arbeitfam. narblcifftg, unbetriebffim. uninfected, adj. 1. fici bun 5In= ftecfitng, unangejterft ; 2. un»cr= borbea, UNiNFECTious, adj. unaufiecfenb, nicbt nnitecfiingsfabig. UNINFLAMED, adj. tttcjjt eittjiiltbct, itncntbraitnt. uninflammable, adj. ttneittjiinbbar, tticbt brennbar. UNINFLUENCED, adj. tutter feinein Ginfiuffe ober fciner Ginaurfuitg ; uneingenommen, oorurtbeiUIofi ; — by passion, leibettfcbaftsloS. uninformed, adj. 1. ur.bttebrf, tttt: berid;tet, itnitutmicbt.t; 2. u«be« (cbt. UNINFORMING, adj. niibelebrettb. UNINGENIOUS, adj. nicbt ftnnrcicJ>, jtumyffinntg, bumm. UNIN6ENUOUS, adj. nirbt fretmiitbtg, iinrcblid), nid)t anfrid'tig, falfd). UNIX habitable, adj. linbcivrbiibar ; — ness, s. bie ltnbca>L'>l)ubavfcit. UNINHABITED, adj. ltltbewpbllt. uninitiated, adj. unciitgcn.'cit)t. UNINJURED, adjl Ultbeletbigt, UtlO«« lcijt; iinbcfdiabigt, uttycrborbett. UNiNauisiTiVE, adj. nid)t iiettgiertg ; tticbt fptonirenb. UNINSCRIBED, adj. orjuc 3ltiffd)rift, unbefcbviebcii. uninspired, adj. iiitbegeijtcrt, nirbt eingegebett, nicbt eingeflopt. UNINSTRUCTED. adj. tiititntcrricbtet, unbelebrt; nirbt ntit 3nfiructtonen verfeben. UNiNSTRUCTn r E, adj. unbclebreitb. uninsulated, adj. nirbt freiHegenb, uidit aUettiftebcnb, nicbt ifclirt. uninsured, adj. nicbt Ucrftcbert, 1111* oerfir^ert. UNINTELLIGENT, adj. llllfltnbig, itlt- oerjianbig; obnc eclbftbeani9t|'e»n. UNINTELLIGIBILITY. s. bic Ultvers ftanblid;feit, UnbcutlirbEcit. UNINTELLIGIBLE (adv. — ly), adj. Un* bcrftanblidi, iinbeiitlicb. unintended, adj. inibeabftcbfigt. UNINTENTIONAL (ado.— ly), adj. m- ctbfidUlirb, unyorfc^Itrb; ofjne bcfcn= bere ^Ibficbt ober 3wcdf. UNINTERESTED, adj. imbctroffcit, llrt» gcriihvt, unparteiifrb, cr)nc Zb>tiU imbntc; nncigennuiig. UNINTERESTING, ad;. EetltC ZfytiU nctbme crregenb, nidit anjicbcnb/ gletcbguttig, unintereffant. UNINTERMITTED, adj. uttitttterbrp- djen, iinabgebvr;d)cn, itnabgcwccbfelt. UNINTERMITTING (adv. — ly), adj nnuntcrbrocben, intntcrmabrcnb, uti* aufbbrlicb ; ftctJ, beftiinbig. UNINTERMIXED.od/. UIllH-rntifcbt, lltt=> pcniiengt. uninterpolated, adj. ttid;t tintcrj gefeboben, unocrfolfc^t. uninterpreted, adj. nirbt crEIart, unauSgelegt. UNINTERRUPTED (adv. — ly), odj. MM utttcrbrocben ; in eiiic.n fort; — rest, ungejiBrte 3iitbc. UNINTRENCHED, adj. nttocrfd;anjt, nirbt retrandiirt. UNINTRODUCED, adj. ititeiitgefiibrt. UNINURED, adj. itttgewoi)nt, nid)t ab» gcbartct. UNLNVENTED, adj. nncittbccft, liner* fnnben. UNINVESTED, adjj. Ultbeflcibct ; tticbt bcfhUt, nid)t ciiiijefeijt (in einent 5lnite); — monev, M. e. unanges legtes ©elb, tobte Gapitaltrtt. UNINVESTIGABLE, adj. uncrforfrblicb, unauSfpnrbar. UNINVIDIOUS, adj. nctbloS (n). ii.). UNINVITED, adj. ittteingelabctt. UNINVITING, adj. nid)t ciiilabcnb, nid;/ aiijiefjcnb, abftofSciib. union, s. I. bie 33ereintguitg, 9>crbin- b'.uiii, bcr Serein; 2. bie (5'inbctr, (Sintguttg ; fiinigfeit, @intra<^t, Ucbereinfttmmmtg ; 3. l. t. Union ; art — , ber Jtiinftiu'reiit ; treaty of — y bcr 3SercittigungSocrtrng ; — by the first intention, S. T. bic fcbltellc 33cr^ etnignng, <&ctlung einfiicbcr SButiben obnc ©ubflanjoeviBfJ j — flag, Die cnglifrbc 3t«tionalf((igge. uniparus, adj. nnr citt 3uncjc« auf ein SDlfll gcbarenb. UNIV UNLA UNLO unique, adj. einjig in femes 3lvt, ofine ©Icicben. UNIRADIATED. adj. cinftrablig. UNi.snN, i. ... i. fa* Unifono, ber (Situ Elang, ®leicblanf; bie gleicb flin* aenbe 2aite; 2. cine etntclnc nn»cr= anberte -Uotc ; 3. ». Ucbtveinftii]t= lining; in — , einftimmig, ntitUcber= einjtimmung; ILadj. ciutouig; ciu= ftiinmig. UNISONANCE, s. vid Urns m unisonant, ) aiil 1. gleichrSncnb, ciu= unisonous, $ ftimmig; 2. itbcrctn= ftiiumeub, barniptiifcb. UNIT, .?. bet ©iner, beu (SinS, ®ceiutc, biediufjeit. unitarian, i. a. bcr Uttitaricr. (5tit= beitggleinbigc ; n. adj. Mtitarifcb, jn bcit Unitariem gebbrig. UNITXrianism, s. bie 2ef>re bcr Uui= tarter. To UNITE, v. I. a. yeretnigctt, »erbirt= bcit, cinfiintmtg macben, (— with, nttt) oereiitbarc'it ; ILn. ficb scrcini= gen, ficb sevbinben, bcitrctcu, genuine ©acbt macben ; cins roerben, jufam* meitfcbmeljen, }ufammenwac$fen, sewaebfen. UNITED, part, (ion To Unite), — breth- ren, bie oereiuigten (mabrifdicn) Sriiber, SBriibergemeinbe, 5>3rubcr= Uniteit; —flowers, B.T. 3icittcrblu= men, bermapbrobitifebe ©lumen ; tiie — States (of North America), bie 33ft* eintgteit Staaten (vpu 9iorb=-.!imc= fifaj; — States' bank, bie National* bant ber SBereinigten ©taaten, i'cr= einigfe=@taatetl= s .8an£ ; — _ states' government, bie 33ereinigte=SfaateH= eHegierung, SBunbegregierung ; — States' excliange biil^ Sours'sycoten (ber Sercinigten Staatcu ton 9 r lprb= Slmertfa). unitedly, ado. »rreint, jufammen. UNITER, s. bcr SBcreiniger, i>crbiu= fcenbe. UNITY, s 1. bie Giubcit; 2. C5int^= kit, Eilltradjt; 3. ®lcicbfbrniigteit, Uebereiuftimmiiug ; 4. bag ^riucip ber (bramatifeben) Cnubcit; i..t-s. — of a joint property, bie Untf»ct(bar= f eit einefl gemeinfcbaftlicben S8eftjj= tbninfl ; — • of possession, bie 33eret= nigung beg ®ebiaucbg mit bent ©e* W»e. UNIVALVE, I. adj. ciuicbalig ; II. s. bie einfcbalige 3)iufcbcl. UNIVALVULAR, aij. ciltfcbalia,; B. T. cinflappig. UNIVERSAL Kodv. — i.y), a j. allge= meitt, ganj; allumfaffenb ; b. t. all= gentein ; —dial, bie UniperfaIfonnen= ul)f; — Instrument, ein SBerfjeug, bag ®vbficu jcber 31rt ntiyf; — joint, T. bag Unioerfalgelenf; — preposi- tion, Lag. t. bcr allgemetne ©aft ; — schools, ©olfgfchiilcn. universal, .-. Log. t. bcr allgcmciue Safe. UNrVERSALISM, ». ber ®Iauoe, baf bie Wnabc Oottea a neb ^icnfrbcn ofjne beftimmteg Meligioiubcfeiintiiijj felig macbe. UNIVERSALIST, ». bcr tlitiycrfalijt, SBertrjeibtgec bee SHdbegnabtgung. UNiVERSALrrr, «. bie SHttgemein&ett, Wcfamnttbcit, bag SlUumfaffenbe, bie 3illgcmeiulcbrc. UNIVERSALNESS, ». nid. Universality. UNIVERSE * bag 3111, SSSeltall, ltui= verfitm, ©anje. UNrVERSTTY, ». bie Uniocrfttat, bofjc *K>d)lllc, Jpocfjfcbnle ; to be in a — , ait etner llniverfttat angcftellt fenn ; a —man, roi. ct it Untoerftrowmirglteb. UNIVOCAT, {adv. — ly\ adj. 1. CtltCg obcr gteicbcii (ctmteg, gfcic^en ®c» bait-?, einbcntii] ; 2. gfritytlSfig, ciiu ftimntia, rcgclmafiig, geroiy (n\ it.) ; 3. gleicptonenb, untfen. UNTVOCATION, b. bie ®leicfiiianiig= fcif, ®leicbbebe«rnng. UNIVOQUE,UmvoKB,«g.Jlfii» T. roll: fomnien confonircnt. To unjoint, v.a. jergltebern, jertf^ei; leu, rieuncn. UNJoiNTED, adj. 1. ungegliebett; jcr= gliebert; 2. unoerbunben, gerrennt. I'.vii lypus, adj. niebt fro^liqj, traurig, itttlufii.i, freubenKer. unjudged, a.). UNKEPT, adj. 1. nid;t f|urfitf)fl^oI s ten, uubeumbvr, frci ; 2. nnbeobadj= let. unbefolgt. UNKERNELED, adj fentloS. UNKIND Mr. — ly), adj. 1. Ungutifl, unfreunbltrb, lieblog, uuartig, itnfanft, bSSartig; 2. unnatiirlid), benStatuts gcfeljcu (Utoibet; —ness, $. bie Uits freunblitbfcit, iiiebloftgfcit, Unartig- fcit, £artc, 8988artiflKit. To unking, r.a. bcr fiMtiglidjcn 33iirbc beraubeit, abfeften, cuttbroucu. UNEJNGLIKE,) ,. „„f,i„;,i:A UNKISSED, adj. ungefuft. UNKNIGHTLY, adj. nurittcrlieb. To UNKNIT. v. a. 1. auftrennen, jcr= faftrit, auflbfcu; 2. Bffnen. To UNKNOT, v.a. ben (bie) Jtnotcn aufinarben, auflOfen, entwitren. UNKNOWABLE, adj. uiebt 511 tviffeil, ituerfcitnbar. UNKNOWING, adj. 1. nidu nnffeub, unroiffenb ; 2. unfabtg, nicbi geeignet. UNKNOWINGLY, adv. uiniMffentltrb. UNKNOWN, adj. 1. llllbcfailllt, tinbe= roitpt; 2. frcnib, uncrfannf, nnaei fattnt; 3. ttnbenfbar; 4. abgci\tliM = fett ; to be — to woman, ltoeb fetlt aBcib bcriibrt babeu. UNLABOURED, wij. 1. niebt burdi \?tr= bcit ber»orgebraq)t ; 2. unbearbeitet, ungebautj ungefQnftelt, kicbt; 3. ungejtuungen, fretmiflig, UNLABORIOUS, adj. muDeloi. To unlace, r.a. l. auffrbnnren, I5» fen ; 2. ber 3'" beranben ; to — a bonnet, jy. t. ein Sonnet abfc^lagen, Ipgmarbcn. UNLACKEYED, adj, oon fcincnt Safeiett begleitet, unbebient. To UNLADE, v. a. cittlaben. cntbiirbcu, ang(abcn, leereit, m k IBfcben. UNLAID adj, 1. Ultgelegt; uubcilcllt, unangelegt ; 2. ungejttUt, unbefanf> tigct; 3. niebt {alt Seiebe au«ge(hllt. UN lamented, adj. iiiibcflagt, uube= U'cint. UNLARDED, adj. ungefbicft; jig. un« vcniiifdu. To UNLATCH, o. a. anfflinfcn. Bffnen. UNLAURELED, adj. niebt mit ^orbecrii gefebmiicft. i SLAVISH, aij. niebt t>cvfcbtvenbcub, niebt Berfr^wenberifd). UNLAVIsiied, adj. niebt '.'Ciu-bivcitbet. To UNLAW, v. a.'iiitgcfctjltcb niacbcrt. UNLAWFUL (ado. — i.t), adj. 1 gefeft. mibrig, itngtu'ijlirb, iinredjt.' aMbcrrcebtlicb, recptfttibrig, nngul' tig, unertaubr; 2. unebelicb; —tain nisei'Kiubtcr $roftl j —interest, »u> rfnriulie [gefefhoibrige) 3iii'"c»; — nest, i 1. tie SefeftDtbrigfeit, Hugo fc^liebfeit, Unrrcbtina^igtrit, UnguU tiflffit; 2. Uuebeltrbfcir. To UNLEARN, r. a. serlerneu, »er> fltffen, UNLEARNED (adv. — lt), adj. i. vcr» lerut; 2. ungclcrnt; 3. iin^ctcbrt, untoiffenbj 4. ctnel ©clcbrteu un= murbig. UNLEARNEDNESS, ». bie llngeltort* bcit, Unniffenbeit, Unhinbe. UNLEAVENED, adj. nn.iCMiicrt. UNLECTURED,! • .iiicbibureb ,2efcul=) lliitcvnitt mit^cibcilt. UNLESS, »»/. ivcun niebt, toofern niebt, aujicr, ctff\jcnciiiincii, occr, ci un bcuu baft. UNLESSONED, adj. uubeleb,rt, minuter; riduct. UNLETTERED, adj. I. ungelcbrt, un- belcfen; 2. niebt mit Settern i flaben) bejeiebnet. UNLETTEREDNE88, t. bie Unbfl beif, Uugclcbrtbeii. UNLEVELLED uugecbitet, uuebcu. UNLD3IDINOUS, adj. ntcbt rooUfiftifl. UNLICENSED, adj. unbemilligt, rbuc befoitbere Srlaubnif, unbeooUmacb> ttgt, niebt frci gegeben, niebt ccnuit i — trade, yerbotcucr (uncrlaubter) .^ar.bcl. i NLICKED, adj. ungelecft; fig. nnge* formt; — youth, wig. bcr robe Sengel UNL1GHTED, adj. uucrlciiebtct, uiun* gejunbet. UNLIGHTSOSiE, adj. untrbellr, trube, buntel. unlike, adj. 1. uitgleieb, unabtilieb; 2. unroabrfcbeinlirb ; — quantities, Mat. T. ungleicbe ®rof;eu. UNLIKELIHOOD, > «. tic llnroabrt I NLLKEL1NESS, j fdcinlidifcit. UNLIKELY, adj. S- ado. niebt ju vtr^ niutbcu. uuuMbrnteinlieb ; —means, unoerbdltniimajigt VJlitttl. UNLIKENESS, i. bie llu^lciitbcit, \\n- Sbnlicbfeit UNI.TMBER, ,i V Ullbiegfam^ niebt nad). gebenb. UNLTMITABLE, adj. aid. Illimitable. UNLIMITED [adv. — ly), adj. Illlbe* fcinanfr, unetngercbranfr, nnbegtenit, gjenjenlol, obneSinfcbrJiifnnq Sc^ranten,fcbranfenio«,unbeflimmt; nes s, ». bit Uiibcfebrauftljctt, Unbt= gtenjttieit. UNL1NEAL, adj uidit in gcrabcr Sittic (abftamtnenb , oom Seitenflamme. / i NLl.NK, r. a. Ic^fcttcu, abg!it= bevu, bciMii'Miebiiuu, lpfcu, bffnen, aitgeiuaubirivirfclii, iiu->ciuanbcritcb» men, lostoinbcn. i • n i ,i Q i 1 1 1 ED, adj. uugcfit ntcljcn, un* aufgclBfet. I Ni.iui [DATED a . JU 1 uiebt ab* (lenuidu, nirbt aeorbnet ; — ac Dfftnftebenbc cHecbnungen; — depen- i, uubejaylte (liquibe) 5ebuli ben. UNLIQUORED, adj uiift mit Cr! u. f, m, getrSntt, trocfen, cages febmierf, ii!ibcuc(jt. UNLISTENTNG, adj niitt aiifbiu'rhcitb j uiitt ac^tenb, uittt beriiefftcbtiaenb. UNLIVELINESS, ». bee ©tumi>nutn. UNLIVLLY. a.ij. uutt lebbaft, flumpp To UNLOAD, o. a. cntlattu, cutbjit-. bcu, ablitbeu, aullaben, autfcbjffen, IBfcben ; to — a gun or b musket, ein ©efb^ui obcr ciu (Mcivcbr cntlabfu :ben 5ebup brraug5ifh,eii) 477 UNMA UNMI UNNA unloading, ». ba3 Slusfoben, bic SluSlabting, Sofcbung ; fees for — , ia$ S&rabetsgobn, Slu8laber:2obn. dklocatkd, adj. nicbt angeftebelt. To unlock, v. a. anffc<efen, 5ffnen. UNU icked, arff. un&erfdiloffen, often. 71 UNLOOSE, r. I. a. I5fcn, attflofeit, 1p» macbeit; II n. in etude aufge= lofct merben, ficb aitflbfcti, jerfallen. UNLOVED, or/;-, ungeltebt. UNLi IVEUNESS, 5. bic UnltebenSrours btgfeit. unlovely, « adj. oeiwtfljte UNMABRIAGEABLE, S unfa^ig, tlicbt iitauitbar, uiimaiuibar. UNMARRIED, adj. unvcvbciratbct. To unmarrv. D . a. bic (?bc auft>ebctt, trcnucii, (dftclcutc) fcbcifctt. 473 UNMABSHALLED, adj. itid)t angccrb> net. n UNMASCULATE, r. a. rcrwcicb[i= dicn, eutfrdften, frbwacbtn. UNMASCULINE, adj. lUllluitlltlicb, mtU bifrb. To UNMASK, b. I. a. eittfaruen ; n. ». bic (feint; 8ar»c abiutmcu, ftcb. bc= niaSfircn. unmasked, adj. ciitlarvt, blofgcfleUt, offcn. UNMASTERED, adj. 1. uiibcntcificrt, unuberJodltigt, itiiof|»uitgcn ; 2. iut= bejmtnglicb. UNMATCHABLE, adj. 1. ntcbt 511 \>aa- rcn, iiicbt aiijugtetcpett, unseretnbat ; 2. unocrglettbltdb, betfpieQoe, cinjig. UNMATCHED, adj. 1. UItflfJ«tatt; 2. obne ©icicbcn, unoergletcbticb, cinug. unmeaning, adj. nicbtgfagcnb, fiiuu Ip§, einfdlttg, fabc, atbertt; an — face, citt nuSbriicfSlofcS ©cfirbt. unmeant, adj. nid;t gciiicint, unbc= abficbtigt. UNMEASURABLE, But Immeasi-rable. unmeasured, ml. 1. uitgemcffeit ; 2. uttermefsltd), uiicnblicb, greujenloS. UNMECHANICAL. at llirbt belt @cfc= ^ctt bcr 33icd)attif gemdf . UNMEDDLING, adj. ftcb tlicbt lit bic 9lngc[cgciibcitctt 5lttbercr mifebenb. unmeditated, adj. utterwpgcn, uu= uberbacbt, iiutuvcbbacbt, uitftiibirt. UNMEET {ado. — ly), adj. imfaiigticb, uitniil, iiiibicuiiit, Hitfcbtcf licb ; — ness, s. bic Hittaiiglirbfctt, Utifcbtcfs Hit fcit. UNMELLOWED, adj. ntcbt lltiirbc, itid)t coUfomntcit rctf, (iirrii) uiircif. UNMELODIOUS,a(y.ltlimclottfi'b / iibc(= flingcnb. UNMELTED, adj. 1. un^cfitnieljcit ; 2. ;>. uttgerubrt. UNMENTIONABLE, adj. \lid)t Jit Cfs n?uhncit. UNMF.NTIOXED, adj. llllJClUClbct, ttlU ermdbnt, nicbt genannr, ungebacbt UNMERCANTILE. adj. lltci)t fauflltait' jttfeb, unmerEanttttfcb. UNMERCENARV, adj. nic^t gcntietfjct, ungebungen ; ntcbt fetl. UNMERCHANTABLE, adj. ltn^crKilif- licb, unserfaiifbar, uiivcrditficrlicb, ungangbar. UNMERCIFUL (a,lv. — ly), adj. 1. «tt= barmbcrjig, gwtufam ; 2. gcaiiffenlo«, unntdfjtg, ubcrtricben; — ness, *. iie UitbarnibcrjtgEcit, ©raufamfcit, ^iirtbcrtigfcit. UNMERTl'ED, adj. ittiycrbicilt, Untt)Ut= UNMER1TEDNESS, s. bte Uit^crbicnt= bcit, SSerbicnflloftgltit, Un»urbtg= fcit. lnmet. adj. nicbt trcffeitfe, nicbt be= gcgncnb. UNMETALLIC, adj. nicbt mctaflifcb. unmightv, adj. niitt mdc^ttg, fitivacb. unmild, adj. nicbt niilb, rattb. UNMDLDNESS, s. bcr Mangel an 3JJiI= be, bte iftaubeit. UNMILITARY, adj. llltniilttiirifcb, Utt= frtegertfeb, unfolbattfcb. UNM1LKED, adj. UltgetUOlfett. UNMILLED, adj. UngetoaUt; — coin, ungerdnbelteS (Selb. L'NMINDED. adj. ntcbt gcarbtct, nnbc= tatt, niitt beobacbtct, ititbcmerft. UNMINDFUL (ado. — ly), adj. littbe= baittfant, nitacbtfam, uitaiifntcrffant, tuiciitgebciif, forglc*, »ergeffen; she is very — of me/fie vergiiit niirb ganj ttnb gar ; — of your health, obne 3bre ©cfittibbeit 511 febonen; —ness, s. bie Unbebacbtfamtetr, UncicbtfamEttt, Sorgloftgfeit, SBergeffenbeit. To unmlngle, 0. a, cntmifcbcn, jcrft< ^cn, foitbcrn, trcutien, febciben. unmjngled, adj. l. unuermtfdjt ; 2. unoetffilfcbt, unoerborben, rein. UNMIN1STER1AL, adj. tlicbt ntilltfto rieli. unmiry, adj. unbefubelt, tticbt Ectbig, nicbt febntu^ig. unmissed, adj. itidjt oermtfjt. UNMISTAKEABLE, adj. ntcbt mifi|lt> rcrfiebcii, Eiar, bentltcb, nnocrfcitin bar. UNMISTAKEN, adj. nicbt ntifjycrftait' ben, ftebcr. UNM1STRUSTING, adj. argloS. UNMITIGABLE adj. tlicbt Jll llltlbern, ntcbt 511 befaafrigen. unmitigated, adj. ungeltttbcrt, nnge= mtlbcrt, unbefdnftigt. unmined, adj. nnucrintfcbt, uft«er» fdlfcbt, unserboroen, rein UNMOANED, adj. uttbcElagi, fnbetran» ert. UNMODD7IABLE, adj. itnabdnberlicb. UNMODIFIED, adj. lnigcdttbcrt. UNMODISH, adj. nnntDbifcb. UNMOIST, adj. nicbt fcitcbt, trpcfctt. UNAIOISTENED, adj. ItllbcfeitcbtCt. To UNMOLD. v. a. vid. To Unmould. UNMOLESTED, adj. ititbefcbmcrt, nid;t bennrttbigt. UNMONEYED, adj. gelbloS, unocrni5= gettb; gclbbebiirftig. To unmoor, b. a. x. T. ben ^auaiiEet licbtcn ; ein Scbiff,baS vor jroci Pbet inefjrcrctt 2lnfertt licgt, sor einen bringen ; bie SInfet licbtcn. unmoralized, adj. itidM gcfirtct, ttn- fittlid), ungebtlbct, imbiichrt. L"NMORTGAGED, adj. tttfbt lH-ffitlie = ben, nicbt b'-H'Ptbccirt, nnoetpfanbet. UNMORT1FIED, adj. i. tmcrfpbfet, 1111= gefrbroiiebt; 2. ungebemiitbigr, niigc-- argert, ungefrdnft. UNMOTHERLY, adj. liniltiittcvltit. To UNMOULD, b. a. nmformcit, unt= gtcfjen, aixi bcr germ bringen, ent= tormcit. UXMOULDED, adj. ttttgifonnt, fcrm= lo§. UNMOUNTED, adj. illlbcrittcn. UNMOURNED, adj. uiibetrancrf, uttbc= Elagt, utibeivcint. UNMOVABLE, (Unmoyeablk), vid. Im movable. UNMOVED, adj. 1. Ullberoegt; 2.tii:s]C= riibvt ; flarrftnntg. unmovlng, adj. 1. nicbt bctr-egetib, nicbt riibrcnb ; 2. bewegungStW, nn= bewegltc^, EraftloS. To unmuffle, r. a. ciitmitmnicn, entbiillett, anfbecEen ; to — a drum, ben Sampfer uon cincr trommel nebntcn. UNMURMURED, adj. nicbt bcinitrrt, nicbt ntitrrcnb i'tber . . . UNMURMURING, adj. nicbt miirtCllb ; — patience, ftummcS, frbwetgenbe* S>utbeit. UNMUSICAL, adj. I. nnmitftfalii'cb. ntt: bitrntpnifcb, tibelEltngenb ; 2. bcr 3)Ju= ft£ unlunbtg. UNMUTILATED, adj. ttitycrftiiuiinclt. To unmuzzle, v. a. »om 3Ranfforbi befreten, ben 3JianIEorb abncbincn bic 'vlafe frci niacbcit ; Gun. r. bci aJbnbpfW&f (bcr 0cfitii§c) abfcbiial ten. UNNAMED, adj. tutgciiaitnt, nncr wabitt. UNNATfVE. adj. 1. niitt etiigebcrcn 2. nnnatiirlid); 3.flej»ungen. UNNATURAL {ado.— ly), adj l.ltniM' titrlicb; narnrmibrig; 2. gejvoungett T,< UNNATURALIZE, ». a, UltltatiivltC* macben. UNOI UNPA tWPi "^NATURALIZED, adj. nicbt uaturalU ftrt, nicbt eiitgcbiirgcrf. UNN IVIGABLE, adj. unfrfiiffbar, nicbt fdE>tffbar. UNNAVIGATED, adj UtiBcfd)i_fft. UNNECESSARILY, ado. liuuStbig, ofc ue 9totb. UNNECESSAR1NES8, s. bie Ull!10tMg= kit. UNNECESSARY, adj unmitftig, unniib. UNNECESSITATED, adj. ungen6tf)igt, ungejruungcn. UNNEEDFUL, adj. untlOtfjig, Utrfjt cr= forbcrlicfi, nirf)t notbrocnbig. UNNEIGHBOURLY, adj.4-ath>.Unna& barlid); fcinbfclig. To UNNERVE, v. a. cutncri'Cli, Clttfraf= ten, fdraacben. UNNERVED, adj., febwacb, frnftloo, entfraftcf, a6gefpannt. UNNEUTRAL, adj. nicbt neutral, \\u-- reinebmenb. UNNOBLE, Bid. Ignoble. UNNOTED, adj. 1. unbejeiebnet ; 2. un* bemerft; ungec(}rt, nnbeacbtet. UNNOTICED, adj. unbearbtet, uube= merftj ungeebrt. UNNUMBERED, adj. 1. UHgcjafjlt; 2. jahfioS, un$abjig- ::tured, adj. uuetjogen. UNOBEYED, adj. Ultgeborcbt. unobjected, adj. uneingeroaubt, nicbt Dorgeworfett. UNOBJECnOKABLE (adv. — ly), adj. un»eniKvflicb, uutabclbaft. UNOBLITERATED, adj. uttucrlofcbt, uhoetmifrfit. UN OBNOXIOUS, adj. nicbt untcrroors fen, nicbt bloSgefteUf, nirftt ausgc= fefet; nicbt ftrarfallig. UN( IBSCURED, adj. uuverbltitEclt. UNOBSEQUIOUS (adv. — ly), adj. nicbt Frietbenb, nicbt unterwurftg, unfi>lg= fern ; — ness, s. bet llugcborfam, bie llufolgfamfeit. UNOBSERVABLE, adj. unbcmerflicb, umucrflieb ; nicbt ju bcobacbtcn. UNOBSERVANCB, s. bic Uiiaufmevf= famfeit, Miiifitcbtsiofigfcit. UNOBSERVANT, adj. 1. nidjt 6eobacfi> tenb, uiiaufmcrffam, unacbtfam: 2. nidbt triecbenb; unfolgfam, ungeljot* fam. UNOBSERVED, adj. unbeobaebtet, un= bemerft, unbeaebfet, unbefolgt. UNOBSERVING, a ■//.nicbt beobacbtcnb, unaufmerffavn. UNOBSTRUCTED, adj. UIIBetftOpfL lUt* ncrfpcur, ungebiubcrt. UNOBSTRUCTIVE, adj. nirfit Derfto= Vfonb, nict;t t)tubernb, nicbt riiucr-- lirfi. I'Ni iBTAINABLE, adj. uncrreirfjbcir. unobtained, adj. unetlangf, unet* rotnbeu, nicbt erhalten. unobtrusive, adj. nirfit jubringlicb, nicbt laftig, anfptucb0lo6, befebetben, bemiitbig. UNOBVIOUS adj. nidit leidit (obcr fos gleicb) bcmcrflirb ; nicbt entgegeu fommenb, nicbt fafuicb, nicbt cinleucb= tenb, iiiibeiitltcb, unbegttifTicb. unoccupied, adj. 1. unbefeffen, nn= eingcnominen ; 2. unbetcbaftigt j 3. uuaugebaut, roiift licgcub. UNOFPENDED, adj. nidit bdeibigt. UNOFFENDING, adj. 1. uidjt bcUibi= genb, unanftbfHg ; 2. ffinbenloS, un= ftfjulfcig, rciu, unfcbciblicb, gutartig, ijcrrmloS. UNOFFENSTVE, oid. Isomvsiv*. unoffered, adj. unangebokn. UNOFFICIAL (adv. — ufa adj t. nicbt amrtid), nicbt offtcteQ; 2. nicbt »u ci= nem Slmte ge1j5rig. To pnoil «. a. abiifeu, entiMcn, vom Cele rciiiigeu; unoiied, adj. nicbt gc= bit. UNOPENED, adj. nicbt geiirTiict, unge* Bffuer, unerSffnet, vcrfd)loi|en. UNOPENING) aiij. nicbt cffiieub, nicbt aufgebenb. UNOPERATTVE [kokxatitb), adj. el;* ne SBirfung, unwirffam. unopposed,^'. 1. unroiberfe^t, un= miberfronben ; 2. unancciftvittcn, un- eiugewaiibt. UNOPPRESSED, adj. unbebriicft. UNORDERLY, adj. vid. Dhobokrlt. UN( >RGANIZED, adj. uiiprgauifirt. UNORIGINAL, adj. 1. nirfit etgciitbiim: licb, nicbt urbilblitb, nirf)t ovigiueli; 2. umrfdwrrcit, uuerjeugt. UNORIGINATED. adj. cdinc nicbt ucu) Urfprung, nnerfebaffttt, ungejeugt. UNORNAMENTAL, o/j. cinfad), fcbmucftoS. UNORNAMENTED, adj. nngefebmucft. UN( tRTHODOX, adj. nidjt iTcbtglaubig. U.\( (STENTATII )US, adj. 1. nicpt ;u\ih= lerifcb, bcfctcibcit; 2; nid)t greli, nicbt fcbrcicub (son Sorbeu). UNOWED adj. uid)t fcBuIbtfl. UNOWNED, adj. 1. nidit bcfcffcn, nicbt cigen, obne (Sigeutbiimcr ; 2. nidjt anerfatnit. UNOXYGENATED, ) adj. nidu cvl^birr, UN( >XYGENIZED, J iiid;t mil <&aiiz crjteff berbunben. UNPA CffTC, adj. nufricHid), nicbt fanft. UNPACJFD3D, adj. unbcfanftt.'jt. To unpack, v. a. 1. abpacfcn, a«8= boclen, bcbaUircn ; 2. fig. cutlaccit, IBfen, Sffucn (». ii.). UNPACKED, adj. 1. flH§gcl>acft; \l\\- gepaeft; 2. fig. unbefiocben; an — jurv, unv>artciifd)e ©efebmorne. UNPACKING, 5. bciS VliUHMdcil, Sc= ballii'cn. UNPAID, ad?'. 1. uutc^ablt ; 2. Iltt»er= Qpltert ; ungebu^t; — for, nod) un« bejablt; etborgt; —debts, uube= jabltc (ltqiiito) 2d)ulbeii; vows—, unerfuUtc ©elubbe. UNPAINED, adj. fcb'.ucrjlo?, nidjt ^e-- gualt. UNPAINFUL, adj. F^inerjIoS, nidjt fcbmerjlirb/ ntopt fdjmcrtenb. UNPALATABLE, adj. uufdiinaifoaft ; totbrtg, cfclliaft, unaugeuebnt. UNPALLED, adj. nidjt uberfattigr. UNPANOPLIED, adj. unqclMiiin'ihf. To UNPARADISE, o. a. bet Seligtfit (fig. bcr ©lucffelightfi bcranbcn. unparagoxi'.i), adj. unoergltidjbat, obne ©leicbeu. UNPARALLELED, adj nidjt |U vcr= gleicbcit, unixtgleirblid), beifpieQot. UNPARDONABLE (adv. — ), adj. un= oetjetblid), UNPARDONED, adj Uil»erjieb?u. UNPARDONING, adj. itidu verjeibenb, uii'.'cvfolMilicb, bfttberjig. UNPARLIAMENTARY adv — :i.y\uu = parlomcntarifd), parlamentSroibrig, gegen ba* SPariament (trcitenb, tol* ber bie 9Patlamrnt«»93trorbnuugen ; be? SJ3ar(ameuM unroiirbig ; — rlneas, t. bcr SBiberfyrudj, obet bat Bet fabren gegen bit Spar[ament«-33tr= faffung. DNPARTED, adj. ungetbeilt, liitjC: ttecnt. UNPARTIAL, oid. Impxrtul. UKPASS IBLE, I. oid. b oid. Uncdrkknt. UNPASSIONATE, Uhpas iohatbd, PASSIONATE. UNPASTORAL, adj. nirfit ^itteumSiig. UNPAl ENTED,* . iniraiciilii u ivr. UNPATHED, adj. pfablo*, uiijicbalM'.t, unbttreteu rNI'ATHir.'Ii', adj. U!l*at(cti f d>, Z\$i [eibenfcfiaftliib, nidjt tubrenb, unpatriotic,^, unvattiotifd^.nid^ satcrlantifrf). UNPATRi INIZED, adj. gfnuerlo?, feint tet habene, unbefebufet. UNPAVED, adj. ungtpflaflert unbtrpfanbet, u:;= oerfebt. un= frie^licb, friebenlot, janfil *. bie Unftieblicbfeit, eat ,-i.nitifcbe. UNPEACEFUL^ adj. uufricclid . li;\ : till HGREED, adj. cbut 2tamm- baum. To UNPEG, o. n. Ui\^oiu\, loJficcfcit, offnen. unpelted, adj. unfltfhinigt To UNPEN, r. a. auivfcrcbeu (Scbafe en ijpfitben tbun) ; to — iraiei SEBaffet (oib&mmen. -;o«. UNPENETRABLE, Did Impenetrable UNPENITENT, vid iMi'isuKM. UNPENSIONED, adj. nidjt ptnfionirt cIt.c ohiabcngcbalt, unbef To UNPEOPLE d. o. ent»51fern. UNPEOPLED, adj. tnt»6lfttt, men: frbenlccr. UNPERCEIVABLE nicbt mabtnebmbar, unanetfiicb, uufiita pftubbat. UNPERCETVEa [ado. - I nievEr, ungeroabtt, unempfurtben. UNPERFORATED, adj. unbuttfil5d)ett. UNPERFORMED,**. I. UHOCttitbttt, ungetban ; 2. unetfuHt ; 3. ungtfpiett. UNPERFORMING, adj, Itttfit bttricb* tenb; feinen rieuft iitrfjt letfteub. UNPEPJSHABLE, a Risif- able; — goods, .1/ F.. bent EQerbet ben nitbt auSgefefete SBaatt n (%. S3 Siftn, iMei u. f. iiv i. UNPERJURED, adj. nicbt meiutit tootben, feci vein SNeineibe. UNPERMAN] N n'tfit bautrnb, oergaiiglirb. To UNPERPLEX, v. a. DOII 83ft»iri rami befrtien. .1 LEXED 1. iinvcricirrt. unbctmicftlt; 2. uirbt betrettn, nitbt befturjt, unoerlegen. UNPEKSPIRABLE, adj. 1. nnvc: h-.r ; nicbt ouflbunjtbat ; 2. autbunflenb. UNPERSUADABLE, arfj. llltubtf tcbbftt, uuerbittlid). RVERTED, unoetbofbeu; nirfit ucrbttbt, uugebtutelt. UNPETRIFIED, adj. unvtrflciliert. UNPHLLOSOPHICAL i 'v. — amy . adj unpfyilofovfyyd), llll — ness, i. bic unbbtlotDVbifcbt 'i*c ..K't-it, bat ltnpi)i(o| PHILOSOPHIZE, b. a. bet - be tines spbilofopbcn berauben. UNPIERCED, adj. uiibiudiftod.'en, mt = burebbrungen. UNPILLARED adj. obne Sftiftf. tub fault, faulei t Npi i.i.i >\\ ED, adj. obne jtopffiiftn. To i NPIN, v. a. ab(ltcftn, obi U'vlu-iicii. UNPINIONED, adj. [o«gebltUbeil ;-.vt, in i r freitn airmen. UNPINKED, adj. nicbt mi tSJltftf H terfeben, unburrblodjert, ungtl I M'INM'.ll. a*. O^Ut SJldbCUl, (tttft. ibemitlctbet, unbe. flagt, unbcbaitttt. I'M i ii:i :. [ado — lt), adj. l.nnmit: le : .big, mitleibslog, unbatmbtr)ig' 2. Uirfit mhvcnb. i kpitv ing, nidjt pemttfeibent unbarmberiig, \- irtberjig. 179 UNPR UNPR UNPU UNPLACABLE, rid. Implacable. UNPLACED, adj. in it feincr Stellc i>cr= fcbcn. UNPTiAGUED, adj. Ultfleplaflf, 1111(30= ana It. UNPLANTED, adj. Ultgepffanjt. UNPLASTERED, adj. uttgctunctf, 1111= beroorfeit, uuberappt. UNPLAUSIVE, adj. nicbt tcipfl t d;tcnb, nirbt btlltgenb, mifjbiUigeiib. IjTJPLEADABLE, adj nicbt {alsDcccpt§= grunb) a\S (i'utfcbultigung auju= fiibrcn. UNPLEASANT [ado. —ly), adj. tlltan= geitebm, mi'lfalltg, roitrig; — ness, ». tic lluanuclmilidjfeit, 3J2ipfaUigfeit, aSibttflfeit. unpleased, adj. mijjpcrgmigr, uit« mn-iwon, unbcfrtcbigt. UNPLEASING (ado.— ly), amltci)feif, SBibrigfetf. UNPLEDGED, adj. unycrfprpe^ett, 1111= pcrpfanber. UN PLIABLE, adj. Utlbiegfam. UNPLTANT, p///. unbiegfam, nnge= fdjmcibig, ftarr, fjalsftarrig ; —new, s. bic ilubicgfamfeir, llitgcfdmieU bigfcif, ■§al8frarrigfeit. UNPLOUGHED (Unplowed), adj. migc= Pfuigt. To UNPLUME, v. a. rupfeit, auSrupfen, bcv gebern bcrauben, feberloti ma- rbcn, cntftcberit; fig. scrunjieren, bcrabumrtigcn, teiuutfugen. UNPLUNDERED, adj. ungcpliinbcrr, unbcranbf. UNPOETICAL (— ir) {ado. —ally), adj. unpoetifd), unbicpterifd). UNPOINTED, adj. 1. ftacbelloS, ofjne Spifce ; 2. nicbt tnterpungirt; 3. iiicpt r.iit Sofaijetcben oerfeljen (»on 2Ra« uufcripten in fcntitifcpen ©proven). UNPOISED. adj. pptie (Stcicbgea'idit. To UNPOISONj v. a. beg OifteS cntlc* bigcn. UNPOLARIZED, adj. Iticpt pplariftrt ; nicpt pplarifrp. UNPOLiciED, ad/, unserroaltet, bcv 9iegicrung(sfovm) ermaugetnb. UNPOLISHED, adj. 1. impolirt ; 1111= gcglcitfet; 2. uttycrfeiiterf, ungcbiU bet, uitgcftttct, ungefcplirrcn, rob, raub; — gold, mattes @olb. UNPOLITE {adv.— ly), b#. unripflid), ungefcpliffeu, grob; —ness, s. bic Unbpfiirbfeir, UiigcfcPlirrenfjcit, ©rob&eit. UNPOLLED, adj. 1. Ungefappt ; un= gefeboren; unberaubt; 2. nicpt in bafl Stimmregiftcr (ol8 SBotautj eiii= getragen. UNPOLLUTED, adj. Ullbcflecft, uilbc= uitcif, rciu. unpopular, adj. unpopular, nicbt oolffimafiia, ni<$t furs SBoIf, bcim ^plfe »crf>ajjt, unbdiebt. unpopularity, ». tie Unpopular!* tat, Unbclicbtfjeit bcim SSoIfe. unportable, a-//, untragbar, nirtjt ju tragen. UNPORTIONED, adj. obue SKttflaH oljne Sermogeit. UNPORTUOUS, adj. obne £afett, ba= fcnloS. unpossessed, arfj. unbefeffen, nicpt im 3?cfie, unbefefct, ofjne .(perm. unpossesslng, a^. bcfifcles, obne (iigentbttm, arm. SJNPOWDERED, adj. ungeputerf. UNPRACTISED, adj. llltgciibt, Uttbc= wanb erf, uitcrfafn-en {— in, in). UNPRA15ED, adj. uiigclobt, ttiigepvie= fen. 480 rxrRECARiors, adj. nid)t miiilitf) ; bittlicb, nuabhaiigig. UNPRECEDENTED, adj. bcifpicIIoS, UllClluH't. uxprecise, adj. iiubcfiimmt, unge= nau, cbcvfladilicp. UXPREDESTJXED adj. nid)t prabejit- ntrf, liirbt oortjeroejtimmf. To UNPREDICT, v. a. cine £pvppf»ejet= ung juriicf uebmen. UNPREFERRED, adj. i:id;t oorgejogen, unbefotbert. uxpregxaxt, adj. uiifnicptbar, uit= ergiebig, fctcbt, arm. UNPREJUDICATE, adj. Ulictltgcnum= men, unbefangeit, oorurttjetUfrec, un= parteiifd) (to. ii.). UXPREJUDICED, adj. 1. bPVUVfbcil^ fret, unbefangeit; 2. ob / ueD f iad)tl)ci;, unbcnarbtbeiligt. UNPRELATICAL, adj. Ulipvatatifd), eincni 5pralatei: uid)t gcjicmcnb, un= anftanbig. unpremeditated, adj. 1. uiivorbc= btiebt, unuberlegt, nufl bem @teg= vcif; 2. uiept abfidjtlid) ; — murder, tufaltiger, nirbt pramebittvtcr (@eIbfi»)aWorb. unprepared, adj. unsoroewttet, un= bercit, unjubevcitet, ungeruftef. UNPREPAREDXESS, s. tcr danger ait SSorbereitung, tcr unoorSerettete 3u= ftanb, tie Uiibcveitfd)aft. unprepossessed, adj. uucingeucm^ men, unbefangeit, unoorgefajjt, »or* urtbcillfiei. UXPREPOSSESSIXG, adj. uifbt eiuuc[)= menb. UNPRESSED, adj. 1. ungcpiegt, 1111= gebriicft ; 2. uugcfcltert ; 3. fig. un« gcviigt; uncrroabnt; 4. uid}i cr= npungcu ; — wine, ber ©orlauf, Seevmoft, S5ccrtociu. UNPRESUMPTUOU8, adj. obnc^iinfel, anfpvndilcS, fcplidjt; uutcnviii-fig, bemiitbig. UNPRETENDiNG {ado. — ly), ndj. nidjt bprgcbcnb, anfpvud;»[p», un= anmafjltcp, befdpetben. unprevailixg, adj. uiiycrmi3gcnb, utdjt iiberlcgcn, fcpaacp, mad)tlo§, ungeltenb, o^umacpttg, unnu§. UXPREVEXTED, adj. "un>:pvgcgvirfcn, unvorgebcugt, unserb^inbert. To unpriest, v. a. ber SpiieftcMviirbc cntfe^en. UXPRIESTLY, adj. UllpviclIClIicf). UNPRIXCELY, adj. Per SSihte cincS Siivjtcn nicbt angemcffcit, itnfitvftltd), uid)t piimlici). UNPRINCIPLED, adj. 1. obltc ©VUllb= falje, fdjmanfeub ; 2. unft'tt(id), la- frerbaft, mcptSfflurbig, getotffcnloS. UXPRIXTED, adj. ungctlll'cft ; — cot- tons, uugetnnlte (wci^e) 6pttpnc= ricn. UNPRISONED, adj. unv-evbaftef, an§ tcm ©cfangniffc cutlaffcn, fret ge= loffen. • UNPRIZABLE, adj. unfd)afchtr ; wit feincm SScrtbe, gcring. UNPRIZED, adj. ungcfd)at}t, uutarirt ; fig. ungewurbtflt. UXPROCEjVIMED. adj. uuaitSgcrufctt, nicpt bcEannt gemarpt. UXPRODUCTEVE, adj. 1. Ullffltcbtbar; 2. rotrfungslos ; — funds, uufclofe, uneiutraglidie Papitalicn ; — ness, s. tie llnfrudJtbavfeit, Unciutvaglid;: hit, 2StvfuugS[pftgfcit. UNPROPANED, adj. uneittSctltflt, Ult= enftoeipt. UNPROFESSIONAL, adj. ntd)t JU Ct= ncm befpubevn ©emerbe otcr Stan= tc gcbiit'citb. beruf«u)tbrig. UNPROFICIENCY, s. tie Sfttdjtb" rung. ><))!-- UNPROFITABLE, Mb — ly), adj. ur.= roitfjeilbaft, nil^IoS, unnii£. uiitien^ lirb, gciiMitiilps, uncintraglid) ; un- erfprte^Iidj ; — labours, uergeblie^e ?lrbcircn ; — stock, nu&Tofe, unetii: traglicpe (Japitalicn ; — ness, s. bie '."Uui.Uougfeir, Uncinrvaglicpfcit. UNPROFITED, adj. ung'eiiu^t, nicbt voitbciltjaft, nicpt gcippitncii, pb,ue (Srtvag. UNPROHIBITED, adj. UlfOCrbPteil. UNPROJECTED.aflj.nic^t ertad;t, nirbr eittifprfen. UN prolific, adj. 1. uufrucbtbar ; liitbcrloo ; 2. roenig crjengenb. UNPROMISED, adj. Ult'.'evfpvpcpeit. UNPROMISING, adj. lticptS (Pbcr nicbt »iel) »erfpreci>enb, unoevt-pbnenb. unbanlbar, fjpffnuugslcer, tyoffuungs* 1p§. unprompted, adj.. nicpt eingcgcbcit, nid-t gcbcincit, uttaitgctvicbcu. UNPRONOUNCEABLE, adj. Itidjt rt!I§= jnfprecpen. UNPRONOUNCED,odf. 1. ttiinuigefpvo= epen; 2. ungefprotpen, uneutfepiebf n, To uxprop, v. a. ber Stii^e bcrauben. UXPROPHETICAL (— ic), adj. tlid;t prop&ettfcf). UNPROPTnOUS {adv. — ly). adj. Ull = giiufttg, ungnabig, ungeitcigt. UN PROPORTIONABLE, ) adj. nicfct im UNPROPORTIOXATE, >• 35erb.altnij) UXPROPORTIONED, ) (— to. 511; uir.'cr^altitipmaptg, unangemenfu. UNPROPOSED, adj. nicpt vorgeffplti gcit, unangetragen. UNPROPPED, adj. ungejithjt. UNPROSPEROUS, adj. o\\\t (frfpfg ungh'icflid). UNPROTECTED, adj. uitgefcf)itfct, urn beffbirmt, unoert^eibtgf. UXPROSTITUTED, adj. llicpt cntct>rt uiigefcpantct, unprotracted, adj. nidjf aufgcfdjc^ ten, unfrevjogert. UNPROVED, adj. uitberpiefeit ; unir-- probt, uitgcpriift, uuberoafjrt. To UXPROVIDE, r. a. inept yerforgett, bencfjmen, eiitblbpcn, bcrauben. unprovided, adj. uttoerforgt, unser* febeu. UNPROVISIONED, adj. tticbt lltit SSOV: rath sevfeben, nicpt oerprootanttrt. UNPROVOKED, a/ij. 1. uttgeretjt, un= erbittert; 2. unaiisgeforbcrf, un»er» ticnt; wop fcine tjiureicpenbe Ur= fa cbo. UNPOVOKING, adj. nirbt roi$cnb r nicbt crbitternt, nicpt boleibigcnb, nicpt bcftiii, fanft. UNPBUNED, adj. uiibefcbuitteu, unauS= gepnet (ypit SBaumen). UNPUBLIC, adj. nicpt pffcntlicb, ge= bcim. UNPUBLISHED, adj. nirbt bcfaitut ge= macbt, nicpt beraiitgegcbcu, unbc; fannt gcblicbcn, gcboim.' UNPUNCTUAL adj. UlipuilftticP. UNPUNCTUALITY, s. bie llnpiiiiftlicp; feit. UXPUXCTUATED, wj.nifyt itlfcrpUllf: tirt r tinpriiEtirt. UNPUNISHED, adj. ungefiraft. UNPUNISHJNG, adj. llicpt ftrafenb. UNPURCHASED,^, nicpt crfaiift, Utl= gefauft, uttcrbanbclt. UNPURGED, adj. uitgctcinigt, ungclait' tort, ungcflart. UNPURIFD3D, adj. i. uitgereiutgt, un> gelautert; 2. nicpt funbenbefreif. UNPURPOSED, adj. UllbcabftCptigf, Urt' bejwe eft, ituyorfc&lieP. UNPURSED, adj. bc5 (@clb=a3cutelS bcraubt. UNPURSUED. adj. unoerfolgt, nicbf roifclgt, nicpt naepgefctt. UNRE UNRE UNRE (TNPUTRIFIED, adj. UUvcrfciutt, of)HC ftauinifs. CNQLTALIFIED, adj. (— for) 1. IMtUCfc tig, ungefdjicft, uufahig, uutauglid) (511); mct)t gceigtict; 2. ungemilbert ; 3. nicbt (jur SaflW bcrccbtigt; 4. UIU beeibigt. To UNUUALIFY, 11U T« Disqiamfy. To unqueen, ,-. a . (cine Jfconiginn) abfc|jen,.euitbrouen. L'NauEU.Kn, adj. nicbt niebergebrucft ; fur. ungebamyft, ungejwungen. UNQUENCHABLE (ado. — ly), a# nicbt 511 ftiUett, unlofcbbctr, unciuslbfcblicb; — ness, .5. tic Uutbfcbbaifcit. UNQUENCHED, «. UNBACKED, adj. linabgcliirf, uuge= lautert. UNRAKED, adj. 1. nicbt jMfainmens gcfcbciri't (j. $}. uom Scucr); 2. uu= gefjetvft. JNRANSACKED, adj. 1. unbttvcbfitcbt ; 2. uttgcplnnbcvt. JNRANSOMED, adj. llicf)t loS.iefaitff. To UNRAVEL, v. l. a. 1. entwirrrtt, entroicfeln, loswicf eln ; 2. ausfafett, auffnfe(r)n ; 3. aus ber Debuting bviugen; i. entwitfefn (bie 3ntrigue eineti Drama'l); entbitfleuj tin. fid) ausfafen. JNRAVELMENT, «. bie (?ntroirrung, (§iitvuicfclii:tg, BSfung be** Jinoteiis (in cittern Scgaufyiele). JNRAZORED, adj. ungefeboren, unbar* bivt. JNREACHED, adj. unerreicbf, uuer= laitgt. UNREAD, adj. 1. uugcicfen, nirfjt be= fannt gentaebf; 2. itubelcfen, uugc= IfJjvt. UNREADINESS, *. 1. bie Uitbcveit= febaft; 2. ItubereihuiHigfcit. UNREADY, adj. 1. ltnbcmf, nicbt fer= tig ; 2. (angfam, uulitftig, i,aubcr= bcifr, uuberettwillig, rotberfyanftig ; 3. ungcfd)icft, ylumy. UNREAL, adj. unwhtlid), unwefeittUd), wefenlos. UNREALITY, », bie Uinvirflidtfcit, ltu= roefcntlicbfcit, SBefenlofigfeit. UNREAPED, adj. uicbt geerntet, ttngc= febnitten. UNREASONABLE {ado. — it), adj. i. unuernflufttg ; 2. »ernunftroibng; 3. uubillig , unmcijjig; — ness, ». 1. b{e Uitberniinftigfeit ; 2. SBemunftwis brigfett; 3. Unbilligfcit; 4. Uiinui- jJigfcit (et'llfV ijorberung). UNREBATED, adj. nul)t fiiimpf; uu= abgeflumvft. UNREDUKAUi.t:, a,i). uicfit |u fdjclteit, uubfi-njciilbar, liu'tabelljaft, uuucv= wevflid). VNRECEIVED, adj. 1. uttemvfiingcii ; 2. uitaitgciuMiuucit, uicbt aufgenom« men; a letter — , ciu imtt cvbaiieucv ©tief. UNRECKONED, adj. \\\$)t (auf= gc= jabjt. UNRECLAIIIABLE, adj. l.nirbt 511 tt» clamtren ; 2. unvcrbcffcrlict, tec 8Bff> fcrung uiiMhig. UNRECLAIMED, adj I. nicbt jttrfitf ge* viifeit ; 2. ungebeffett, ungejdt»mt (bcfenbcvS »om Jalfeti . UNRECOMPENSED, adj. Uilbclcbllt. UNRECONCILABLE vid. [rbki Ani.E. UNRECONCILED, adj. iitibcrfiibut, ini-- a;ic-,|cfi.'hnt. UNRECORDED, adj. uinuifgejcirfiitct, iiMciiigcfdjvicbcu. UNBJX30UNTED, adj. iincvjablt, iiid)t ^ergefagt. UNRECOVERABLE, vid. Irrkcovkr- Ar.i.K. UNRECOVERED, adj. i. liid)t Btebe* erbnltcn, uncrfefet; 2. nod) nidu rotebet bevgcftcllr, ungenefert. i NRECRUTTABLE, adj. nidu ;n rccrn= tircu, unerganjbiir, lincrfefclid), Jtirtit DoHja^Itg 511 madjcit, unaiifcpajfbar. UNRECTD7UBD, adj. UNREDEEMABLE, adj uncrlojlidi. u\i- (iiiMbslid), itneiuloibar, unevHuPtrf), UNREDEEMED, adj. nicbt loSgefanft, uneiitgelbfet, uttanSgelifet, BiterlSfei ; — hills, notes or stock, lllicimif loU'tC SUecbfcl, nicbt etugejogene &taat8» yaVterej —debts, uitgettlgte «djul= ben. UNREDRESSED, adj. 1. mifceibcffcrt ; 2. unabgebolfeit. UNREDUCED, adj itnvciniiiibcrt, UlU bcrflciittvt, nitgcfdi malcit. UNREDUCIBLE, adj. liityerminbcrbar ; — ness, s. bie UiRH'vimnbevb.urcit. To UNREEVE, ». a. ciu Jan ,ntt'fd)e= ren (ivieber au3 ben ©lotfcit tie^en). UNREFINED, adj. 1. nid)t Ucifctncrf, uitgelautcrt ; 2. ungebtlbef; — rohci- (unge(auterterj Surfer. UNREFORM kBLE, adj. iitcbt |U vcfov= ntiren, feiitcc [Reform fa&ig, itnbcf= fcvlidi. UNREFORMED, adj. ituccfoviniit, 1111= verbeffert; nidit ju iteuein CeBrn ev= ivcrft. UNREFRACTED,a4;'.uitgeorod)en,m'c&t jurudgeruorfen (von [fitc^t^JStrog leu), niircflcctiit. UNREFRESHED,o4/. uuerfrtfd)t, Httcv: qnicft, nnbdebt. UNREFREBHIN6, adj. Utterquidltd), unbclcbcnb. UNREGARDED, ■■•j. nimngcfcbctt, nn= berflcfftdjttgctj ungead^tet, oeruadjs Iflfftget. UNREGARDFUL, adj. nuad)tfain, nad)= [afftg. UNREGENERACr, -.bie ?2iii)twicbcr= gebitrf. BGENERATE, adj. nidU Wtebctge= boven, untutebergeboren. UNREGISTERED, adj unaufgcjcidittct, nidu rc.iifti'trt. UNREGULATED, adj. uitgcregclt, uih georbnet. ined, 04/. uitgcjugelt.ungejS^mt, }ugeQo<, UNREJOICING, adj. UUClfreuItdj, bii= Jler, traurig. 1 NRELATED, adj. nidu oertoanbL UNRELATrVE (adv. —i.\ ). adj. (— to) ohnc SQejieb^ung auf . ., olnu baltnijj ju .. ,'obne Berroanbtfdjafl niit . .. UNRELENTING, adj 1. uniMcbgiebig, unbicgKiin, utioeugfam, unerbittlicp, bavt, gefu y Uo3, nitbavmbevjig, grau» fain; 2. unablafftg. UNRELIEVABLE, adj. unabbclfli*, nidu JU luiicn, tiiib; ;:i tcMcnt. UNRE1 > 1. ungcliubert, 1111= ciletrbtcrt, ungeboben; 2. uneatfe^t; 3. uuabgeiifet. UNREMARKABLE, adj. 1. unbcmerfi bar ; 2. iticbt bciiurfcnSruertb, BO* mcrfnutrbig. UNREMEDIABLE, rid buimuHi. UNBEMEDD2D, adj. ungelirilt; uuge» milbert. 1 m;i:memi!ERi:ii. adj. uncrinncrr, un* bclMitcn, oergi UNREMEMBEBING, ■ . nicbt bar.m bcnfciib, unetngebenF, oiute (5rinnc= rung. UNREMITTED, *« 1. uncrlaitcn, nn- octiicben; 2. nidjt nad^gelaffeu, ?lnrhovcn. UNREMITTING [ado. —L\).adj. l.nicbl nadjlaffenb, bebarrlid', unabl iin.uttKulid), forfbaurrnb, ohnc ll:i- terlaf ; 2. nidu erlaffenb. UNREMOVABLE, «..j uuocrr;. . ntd)t HH\i;nr>iiinictt, linberoi fefr ; —mm,: bit Unmbgltcbfcit ivcg-- gcnommeti wcrbeu ju fbuticn; bit ilnbcrocglicbteit etner V.ift u. f. ». r\ur.Mi)Vt:i ).«■//. I.iiiduivcggcviiuim, unoerrutft; 2. uuentfetr, nidjt obgt= fetjt. UNRENEWED, adj. iiirM erucnevt. r.Mtri'.vin, adi. 1. nidu micber bc= .tablt, unbcj.iblt; 2. nnucigoltcii, 'in= erfefet. unrepealed, adj. unwiberrufeu, un= annicbobcn, unabgefebafft. UNREPENTANCE, 1 btc Situelofigftit, Itnbuifertigfett (». it. . UNREPENTANT,] ■. j vc.ido*, untnf;= UNREPENTING, \ fevtig, ven'toit. UNREPENTED, adj. nubciiiit. UNREPrNING [ado. — ly), a,lj rtv.t 2)iiincit, obne Jthigc, Elaglofl, gebul> big. UNREPLENISHED, adj. unangefuHt. UNREPRESENTED, adj. nicbt vevtrcten nidit reprfifenrirt. UNREPRIEVABLE, adj. o!'-:c nid>t aufjufrbtcbcit, nicbt 111 btgnabi« gett. UNREPRIEVED, adj unbcgitabigt. UNBEPROACHABLE, vid. Ijuuwroach- ABt.E. UNREPROACHED, adj. nicbt rorgcivor= fen, ungetabelt, unbcfrbolten; ungc= fduit.ilu. UNREPROVABLE a r. — u ■ adj. un = tiibclbaft, t.ibcllce. ui:ur,'if!id\ unvcrs UH-vfltdi, nnbcfduUtcn, unoeraeilltd). UNREPRi '\ ED a \j. ungetabeli, nnoer* roiefen. UNREPUGNANT, adj nid't rotberftrei' tenb, uicbt cutgcgcii, nicbt ttibWJpiB* ftig.'.d) 1 MREPD r \iii,r, vid. Durkfi ruu UNREQUESTED, 1 .1. nncrfndu, m* gcbctcii, uiiycrltingt, ungeforbtrt; 2. unangefniSt UNREQUITABLE, adj nntictjicltb.u, nncnvicbcvlid) ; nidt roiebei gut §u moc^tn, nncvi"c(jlidi. 1 VREQUITED . iinvcrgoltcn, unbt« lobut, nnctuucMft. UNRES 1 1 n j unbefreit. 1 Nwi-r.N 1 i;d, adj. niigc.ibnbct, Dflgt* vadu. 1 NRESERVE, «. bit Cffciibcriigffit. 1 MRESER\ in iv . ■ ' . I. nn. anfbcuMlut ; 2. nidu brfebrciuft, obiu Ohicflmlf, obne iBorbebalt, uuborbe* baltctt ; 3. nicbt uniidlMltcnb, bcrctt> uullig, frciivillig, offen, pffcubcrjig. fvcimntlMg. UNRESER\ EDNESS, . '. tie ltnbe- fcbraufibtit ; 2. bie CffeubfrjigfeiL AuiiniitlM.ifcit. UNRESIST] D, 1. ninvibcrftanbeu; 2. untoiberfhl UNRESISTIBLE, r.a lunimiu 481 UNRO UNSA UNSE JNRESISTING 'ado. — ly), adj. 1. r.;d)t wibetflefcenb, golge Ictftenb ; 2. 1111= terrmivfig. UNRESOLVABLE, o# llitauff pSlid). L'Mti'.Si ilvki). adj. 1. uuaiifgelpfet ; 2. iiitcntfcblpffcit, unfc$Ififfifl. DNRE& ilving, adj. l. nicbt aitffofenb ; 2. fid) ntd)t ctitfdjlicficnb, itiifd)liiffig. i/m; inspected, adj. titdjt gcad)tcf. un respited, adj. ofjne grtft, fovtma()= cenb. UN R] SPONSIBLE, o#. tltd)t lUTaitt* nipvtlicb. UNREST, s. * fctc Uttvubc. UNRESTING, ndj nibelpg. ON restored, adj. 1. tttrbt wicbcrge= gebett, tuterfefct; 2. itiibevgeftellt; uitgcbcilt; 3. litest wicker jit (Sbvcti pber 2Bih*beu gefpiitmeit. UNRESTRALNABLE.a^.Utlbcjabmbar. UNRESTRAINED, adj. 1. uitbcfcbranft ; ntteiiigtfd)va.ttft, ungebentnit, mtbe= gveu$f, jrpattglps ; 2. ungejaljiHf, 511= gcllog, au8fd)roetfeitb. UNRESTRAINT, s. bt'e Uttgesnntttgctu fjeit, Uiigebntibeiifjeit. UNRESTRICTED, adj. Ullbcfd)Vauff, luiciiigefrbratift. UNRETENTLVE, adj. ntd)t bebaltcitb ; an — memory, cut fd)tl!ad)e§ ©e= bad) htif;. UXRETRACTED, adj. UIWMbemifcit, nicbt jiiriicfgeuommeit. UNREVEALED, adj. llttpffeitfcavf, litis Clltbccft, gcbctm; — pleasures, betm= licbe Svcubctt. UNREVENGED, adj. XMQtXafy, llltge* abttbet. UNREVENGEFUL, adj. llid)t \\\d)flld)- tig. UNREVEREND, vid. Irreverent. UNREVERSED, adj. UltllMberrufeit, 111U aufgebpbett, nid)t umgcftofjcit. UNREVISED, adj. nid)t burdtgefebett, itidjt rebibirt. unrevived, adj. ntdjt timber belept, nitbt nncber inS Sebcit gcnifftt. unrevoked, adj. iiinmbevnifeit. UNREWARDED, adj. lllibelobjlt, Ult* uergoltett, unbevgutet. To UNRIDDLE, v. a. Ctttratljfcllt, Ipfctt, a it jl 5 foil; eiflaceu. unriddler, *. ber (Sntratbfelev, 2luf= loffttbe. UNRIDICULOUS, adj. llicfjt fad)erlid). UNRIFLED, adj. ntd)t bevaubt, unge= plitttbcrt. To UNRIG, v. a. abtafeltt. unrigged, adj. abgetafelt U. f. W.; ungefafett; an — vessel, cut fables = tec 2Seife ; —ness, s. 1. bie ltn'gercd)= tigfeit. Unreblid)feit; 2. ©ottlofta- fcit, ^osbafttgfett. UNRIGHTFUL, <*#. itttgevecbt, utibtlltg, unvcditiitajjig. To unring, v. a. ctnciS binges bevatu 6en. unripe, adj. u'.ivcif, unjettig. UNRIPENED, adj. liitgeveiff. uitrctf. unripeness. .5. bie Unveifc, Utircif* beit, Uitjcitigfeit, bag Unjeitfge. unrivalled, adj. 1. cbuc 3 f ccbeitbu!)= lev, pbitc SJettbetpevbev; 2. ol)tte ©lci<$en, ntfocfgleieblid). To unrivet, v. a. abiiictcit, (p^macfjen, losflammern. To UNROBE, v. a. aitSflcibcit, cittf(ci= tin. To DNROL. v. a. 1. abvollctt, ctttvpl= ten, abanofelit; 2. jig. cntmicfoiii, cffitett, unkomanized, adj. nicbt romauiurt, 48i! ben 23affeu ubev Sittctt tfconU nidjt utttcriDorfett. UNRO.MANTIC (ad,: — ally), adj. !ttd;t vomattbaft; itid)t vomantifd). v„ unroof, v. a. abbad)ett, abbccfeti. unroofed, a,ij. obflcbndjt, ettlbad)t. To UNROOST, v. a. (e§iibtier It. f. W.) ton bev Srange jagen, bovuntci' tvct= ben, nicbevfd)eud;eii, abncfjmcii. To UNROOT, v. I. a. CIltttHirjcItt, OU§= rotten; n. n. entrouvjelt werben. unrough, adj. nici)t vaul), glatt ; uid;t vol) ; ttitbartig. UNROUNDED, adj. Uligcgviiltbct. UNROUTED, adj. utcbt in ^evtvivntng (ober llttovbitungi gebvad;t (von ci= ttec 5trmee). UNROYAL, adj. UltfiMttg(id). To UNRUFFLE, v. n. fid) legett, fitll roevbett (ocn belt SBclJcn). UNRUFFLED, adj. itiigefvanfelt, eut= faltet, glatt ; fig. riibt'g, ftill ; an — temper, ct it vitbtgcS ©eniittf). UNRULED, adj. ititvcgicvt, unbcl)cvvfd)t, regelloS. UNRULINESS, «. btc Utilcii!fani!ett, Uttbaitbtgfcit, 2Btbevfpeitftigfeit, bad Stovvifdje, Slitfviibvevifcfje. Uitge= ftiinte, bie 2ln5gelaffen^eit, SBilbfieit. UNRULY (.adv. — ily), adj. lllllcuf failt, ititbanbig, ftovvifdi, mtberfpenftig, ftin-vig, aufviihvevwd), mtgcftitm, tutCb ; tavmenb, nuSgrlnffen ; — appetites, intntatjige Segierben. UNRUMINATED, adj. llltycvbaitt, ltlt= buvd)bad)t. To UNRUMPLE, v. a. Clttfalten. To UNSADDEN, v. a. you Sranvigfcit bcfveieit, evbeitevtt. To UNSADDLE, v. a. abfattcllt. unsaddled, adj. abgefattelt, unge= fattelt. UNSAFE ladi\ — ly), adj. Ultftdjev, Wag= ltd;, gefabvltd), jweibeitfig ; an — man, eitt SJJaiut bent ttiet)t jit tvaitett ill. UNSAFETY, «. bie Uttftd;evbeit, ©e= faf)vliebfcit. UNSAID, adj. uttgefagt, itncvrualjitt. To unsaint, v. a. eittbciiigcn. UNSALEABLE, adj. lltl'.H'ffailfltd) ; — goods, uittJcvfattfiid), uituei'Eaufbave, ltngattgbave 2Baave. UNSALTED, adj. HttgcfaljClt, ttteflt Ctlt= gefaljett, nneingefaljen, ttttgepofelt. UNSALUTED, adj. uitgegriiut, unbe= gviigt (ofette jlti^j ; uttgefiifit. UNSANCTlFiED.e-/;. itiigebeiligt, im= genmbt, itttbeilig, ittcfat fronuit. UNSANCTIONED, adj. ititbcftatigt, Jlief)t faitetionivt. UNSANDALED, adj. fctltC Sailbalcit tvagenb. UNSATED, adj. tutgefattigt. UNSATIABLE, vid. Insatiable. UNSATISFACTION, .-■. bie Uiijufvtebeit= bcit, baS SDZipfeergnugen. UNSATISFACTORV" (adv. —ily), adj. nicbt geniigtbitcnb, uiibefviebigettb, unjulonglice ; — riness, ». b«S Uitbe= ftiebtgenbe, Sfit^tgenugt^ueitbe, bie UtiJulanglidifeit. QNSATISPIABLE, adj. ititcvfatt[id),utt= geititgfant. UNSATISFIED, adj. 1. uttgefattt'gt ; ttn= befviebigt, unjufrieben, imf«.>evgttitqt ; 2. nid)t feft iibcrjciigt; 3. itiebt voll be^a bit. UNSATISPIEDNESS, s. bie Unjufrie^ beitbeit, Utlbefviebtgitng, Utigeniig= famfeit. unsatisfying, adj. unBefrtebtgenb. UNSATURATED, adj. Ch. T. ltltfatttvivi, migefattigt. UNSAVED, adj. ttid)t gevcttet; mtge= bovgett. UNSAVORY (adv. — hilt), adj. 1. uit= fefjmacfbaff, gefdimaif loS, gcfi^ma^ IDtbrig, fd)al, fabe; 2. iibtl viecbetib; 3. cTcl, cfctf>aft, Wtbrtg ; —riness, *. l.bieUttfdimacfbaftigEeir.fScfdjTacf^ lofigfeit; 2. bcr tiblc ©evitd). ' To UNSAY. c.o. abfagett, fid) (o«fa« gen, jitvuefncb,i'ieii, mtberntfett. UNSCALY, adj. pbne Sdjitppeit, fctiit^ ptnloe, ttid)t fdjttp^vg. UNSCANNED, adj. i. llt'd)t fcaitbivt, ltitabgemcffeit ; 2. fig. unbebad)t, uif iibevlegt, uitevauigeii. UNSCARED. adj. ittd)t ivcgjufdjeiic^eii, ititerfebvccfeit. UNSCARRED, adj. llllgettavtt, UttOC* itavbt, obue ^Ravbcn, liavbcitloS. unscathed, adj. itttbefd)abigt, Utls Bevbovbctt, tutbevtefet (w. it.). UI'ISCATTERED, adj. nid)t jevftveut, nid;t yevwovreu. UNSCIIOLASTIC, adj. llid)t fcbolaflifd), itiii)t fdjuliitafjt'g, iiic^t jur @elebv= famfeit erscgeit, uitgcleljvt, uttftubivt, uitlirevavifd). unschooled, adj. cbne gelc^vtc @ts jicbittig, ititgeleb.vt, uugebilbct. UNSCIENTIFIC (—pal), {adv. —ally), adj. ltinviffetifebaftlid). UNSCLXT1LLATING, adj. ttii^t fll!t = felitb. UNSCORCHED, adj. uitbevfettgt, utige» bvanitt. UNSCORIFIED, adj. ttlt»evfd)la(ft. unscoured, adj. utigefetjettert. UNSCRATCHED, adj. intjerfvafet. UNSCREENED, adj. itttbefdiivnit, Ult= gebceft, unbefebii^t, itngefd;n£t. To UNSCREW, v. a. abfeovaubeit, IoS-- febvaitbeit, auffd;vaitbeit. UNSCRIPTURAL (adv. — ly), adj. Hit* fdiviftmapig, fd)viftnubvtg ; ttidit bib-- lifd), nid)t buvd) bie beilige Sdjrtft $u VH'vtbeibtgeu. i rNSi UUPULOUS, adj. nid)t gcn'iffen- baft, ge»tffento«. UNSCRUPULOUSNESS, 8. btc ©ctoif= fenlofigfeit UNSCRUTABLE, adj. vid. Issckut- ABLE. unscutcheoned, adj. cbitc SBq>yen. To UNSEAL, v. a. eiltftegcftt. UNSEALED, adj. 1. Ctltftcgelt; 2. :ttl= geftegeltj mwerfiegelt ; ittttev offe= item eicgel. To UNSEAM, v. a. abtrciitieii, (bie 9Libt) aiiftvciiucit, auf fdjnetbeu, auf« fd)lifectt. UNSEARCHABLE (ado. — ly), adj. tlid)t Sit fiidien, nid)t jit finbeii, uuau8« fin-fddid); —ness, s. btc UiiauSfoi-fdt>= liebfeit. UNSEARCHED, adj. UHail§gcfpvfd)t, 0111= bitfd)fud)t, uttgefucbt. unseasonable, adj. 1. bee 3abvcS-- jctt uid)t gemajj, utigetttg ; 2. mtge= legett, itiiftbicflid; ; 3. itiigcrcimt ;' at an — time of ni^rlit, fpat tit bCV Dlat^t J — ly. adv. jitv Uiijet't, unjettig, itnge* Jegeit; —ness,*. bie Uiijetttgfeit Illicit; llitgclcgeiiljctt, Unfd)ieflid)« fcit. unseasoned, adj. 1. ungemftrjt, lilt' angemad)t, mtgefaljen, ituciitgelcgt ; 2. migewofjnf. To UNSEAT, v. a. 1. uottt Sitje fltir= jcit; 2. eitt sparlainenfSnutglteb feU mS Si^cS bevaubett. UNSEATED, adj. i. atlS tim Sattfl gebobett ; 2. P^ne (Sifc; 3. bc3 St(jc3 obev Spbcng bevaubt. UNSEAWORTHINESS, .«. — of a vessel .v. T. bie Untaiigltd)fetf cfncS Sebif> feS (bcr 3ufla>lb, brt c^ ntd;t fcebaU tcitb ift). UNSEAWORTHY, adj. .V. T. tlt'd;t fee» baltettb. unseconded, adj. nid)t uutevfliitt. UNSH UNSM UNSP CNSEMIET, adj. 1. nicbt Ijciiulid) lltt- serborgcu ; 2. unoerfdjroicgcu. UNSECUKE, tn£ Insecure. UNSEDUCED, adj. unaevfiifjiT, unw* lettet. UNSEEING, adj. nidit febenb, blinb. unseemliness, ». teas Ungejiemenbe, bic Uimnftantigfcif. unseemly, o^.uitgejiemenb, 1111510111= lirb, uiuinftanig, uugebutytlid), \\\\- fdmflid). UNSEEN, adj. 1. ungcfebn, ungireabrt, unbetnerft ; >. utiftf^tbar. Unseized, adj. 1. nicfct ergriffe it ; 2. nid)t in SBeftjj genommen. UNSELDOM, adj. nid)t fcltcn. UNSELECTED, adj. uid)t (MtatW&fjlt, nicbt auSetlefeit, uiiciusgcfuctit. UNSELFISH, adj. nid)t ' fclbft|iid)tig, uneigeitniifetg. i N8EN8D3LE,»ut. Insensible. UNSENT, adj. Uttflcfenfcct; (— fori 1111= gevufen, ungcbolt. UNBEPARABLE, oid Inseparable. UNSEPARATED, adj. ungetrennt, im- jertvennt, imjerfbeilt, ungefonbert. UNSEPULCHEEEO, adj. nnbcgvabcn. UNSERVED, adj. niibcbient. UNSERVICEABLE {ado. — ly), adj. lllU bicnlid?, limiiilj ; — nan* fcub nicichcit, erfcbfittern, umftofjen; u. n. bermirrt vuevbcn, nnftcit tuer= ben, umnfeit. UNSETTLED, ««. 1. tttigefe&t, ltnge= crbnet; 2. nicbt fcft (tcfe^t; 3. \\\\- bcwptjnt; 4. bcinnubio$; 5. triibc, bcfig ; 6. fig. mtbeftanbig, wanfenb ; 7. vegelloS, peratiberlict) ; 8. nnficit, unrufig, linfidier; !J. M. PA. fd)HMit= fenb (oom HWarfte) ; — accounts, pffenftcbcnbe, nnbcjabite 9ccd)iutn= geit; — claims, unbcfn'cbigte Spi*= berungeit: — liquors, Slufftgfeiteu, roelcbe ftcb nod) niitt mt'ebei: gcfeljt bctbcit; — lands, Itnbewotjnte Son* bcreieu; — ness, .«. bie Ungefefetbeit, Unorbnmtg; llnfcftigfcit; Unbe* jtanbigfeit, bcv llnbeftant, WUcmUU miitb, bie liucittfd)loffcn()cit. UNSETTLEMENT, s. vid. Unsettled- NESS. i nsiovered, adj. ungetrennt, nnab= gefoftbert To UNSEX, v. a. bcS ©efd)Iecbt8 bc= vaubcit, tit cin aitbcvcS ti)cfd;lcrt)t pernxinbeln, umtuanbeltt. To UNSHACKLE, o. a. eittfeffellt, cnt= binbcit, loefcftcn. UNSHADED, Unshadowed, adj. unbc= frbattct, unoerbunfclr. UNSHAKEN, adj. 1. mifdiiittcvt ; unge= fdnittdt; 2. nncrfcbnttcvlid). UNSHAMED, adj. imbcfd;,7int ; fd;ani= Io8. I ^SHAMEFACED, adj. HiU'Ci-fdnimt, i'dianilO'5 ; —ness, s. bie Unperfc^amt= bcit, Sdiamloftgfeit, To UNSHAPE, v.a. 1. ciitfprmeii ; 2, in Unorbnung bringeu, »ern>trttn (iv. ii.). UNSHAPEN, adj. Itltgeftalf. Unshared, adj. ungetbtilt, pfinc 3ln« tbeil, p[)iic 2iu'i(ihibni'.-. To UNSHEATH, To UIsheathe, v.a, ou8 bcr Stbeib? jtcbai, ciitblbfu-n ; to — die sword, fig. Jlvicg begiitneii, ^rieg fiifirtttj to — a vessel, .V. T. bie (Spifevljaut sou ciitcm Sdjiffe nefimcu. unshed, adj. uitucrgofffn. UNSHELTERED, adj. unbcbccff, mi.)c= fdjii^r, obue Dbbacfy, obitc 3uflut$t. UNSHIELDED, adj. oline 5d;ilb, uube= becft, ungefdjii^t. To UNSHIP, o. a. 1. nu§fd)iifcn, awih- ben, lbfdv.-n j >. Sea Exp t. [oSmac^en, Ibfcu, ^ 8. to —the rudder, ba$ diuber turd) Stolen auf ben C>)niitb rcrlie= vcn ; m — the tiller, bic 9iubcrpinue lo»niad)eii. UNSHIPPED, adj. 1. au*gc)'d)ifft ; 2. fetu 2d;ijf befifteub. UNSHOCKED, adj. pf)ite 5tnftPti }U liebnieii, uitbeletbigt/ unecBittett. UNSHOD, adj. 1. uiibcfcbubf. barfnf; 2. (bpu fpferben) unoefc|lageit. UNSHOOK, adj. uncffitiittcit. UNSHORN, adj. lingcfd;prfii, Ultbe= fd)iiitten. unshot, adj. I. ungefc^offett, ;i»om StftiiS) ungetroffeit ; 2. uid)t abge* feuert. UNSHOWERED, adj. tlltb" cregnct, nubc= goffeu. UNSHRINKING, adj. nid'f |ufaifitteit= fabrenb, nidit $uriicfivcid;cnb, obue gurcbt, unuerjagt. UNSHUNNED, a , ungemieben. U NSHUT , adj. iiii($u)gefrblp|'|Vil, pffen. UNSIFTED, adj. Uttgeftebt : fig. nuge= Vv.ift, iiiicvprobf, nnci-fabvcii. UNSIGHTI JNESS, s, bic Uii|\tciub.iv- [ett, bits iible (toibrige, unangeitebme) ^liifebi-n, bie llnfbrmlifbfttt, i'iif;,\c= ftaltbeit. UNSIGHTLY, adj. linfdH'inb.iv, iibel aiiifcbenb, uttattfe^nlicb, iibcli'tcbont-, fid) fd)led)t aiiMiebnieiir, mipfallig far bat Singe, bajilicf). UNSIGNALIZED, adj. nid)t mt8gejeid)= net. UNSILVERED, adj. uiiycifiibcrt, pbnc Silbev : an — minor, eiu unbelegtet, nid)t foltirtet Spiegel. UNSINCERE, oid. Insincere. To UXSINEW, v. a. bcv ©VMllllfraft bc= vauben ; entnerben, eutfvaftcn, ab= fpannen, frbwacbeit. UNSMBWED, adj. ciitnevuf, fd)ivadi. UNSENGED, adj. uir-'crfengt, un,iiigc= bvaiuit, uicbt mtgebraitnt. UNSINGLED, adj. nid)t gettcunt. UNSINKING, adj. nicbt ftnfenb, (lanb= fcft- UNSINNING, adj. unfiinbig, niifiinf= baft. UNSIZABLE adj. nid'f vpn gcbbri.iiv ©r68e, iinvcvbafrni'lntafiig. i rNSiZED, a ij. ungefcblemmt. UNSKOFUL {ado. — ly), adj. linger fdiidt, Uilbewanbett, nncrfa'bron, nn= funbig, vol); obnc ■Renntnif: — ness, s. bic Uinicfdiidlidifcir, liners fabvenbeit, Unfunbc, Uiifcnntni'l, ;)(obbcit. UNSKILLED, adj. iiii.]efd)icf(, unbc= manbert, unerfabecn. UNSLAIN, adj. unevffblagen, unge= tobtef. UNSLAKED, adj. ungeloft^t foon .uain ; fig. unbefrtebigf, ungefliQt UNSLEEPING, adj. fcbJafloS, |iet« \W\d\ To UNSLING, r.ber Strops pen eiitlcbigen. UNSLIPPING, a f. nidit gtettenb, nidit pdjlupfenb, nicbt glttfdjenb, fcft. UNSLUMBERING, adj. iniincr ivadi, nic pa)Iumnternb. UNSMffiCHED, n j. unbcfTecft, unbcfu= belt. UNSMOKED, adj. uiigtraucbt; itnbe= rauc^t; nugeraiicbert. ill f, adj. nicbt glntt, bJieu'a, untccii.raub. i \-' 'i;i :,;. adj. nid)t anftattbig : IBLE, oid Imsociabi ; vl, adj. 1. iiid;t tie Oln'cw . bctreffcitt, bet (i)cfellfcb.aft j.:- tniglid); 2. ungcfcUig. To UN8< CKET, o. a. etam« an? | ^Jfanne, Sdjetbe, Xullc obit { liebnieii. UNSOILED, adj. unbepeeft, Buoe> fdnnntit, unbefubelt. UNSOLD, adj. unberf.Ulft ; t> remain — , -U. I'k. (Uiiuetfaiiff) licgcit blri- beu. u"N80LDnzRlJKE, ) adj. folbatenwi" i nsi 'i.ini.iu.v, etfuebt, unoerfangt, uuaufgeforbert. UNSOLICITOUS, adj. unbifiiiniiiort, forgloS, rubig. i NS 'i.ili. adj. 1. nidit fcil, nid)t tab brud'n, boid; 2, flnffig; 3. fig. nid?- citt, mtgrinblicb,. UNSOLD \ni.i:. a !j niMufliJMicb.uiier fKnltdi. UNSOLVED, adj. nuaiifgclpfcf, u::c:- Elart, nncntbiillt, lineniivicfelt. UNSOPHISTICATED, adj. UlluerfSI unoermeugt. i NS »RRi i\\ ED, ./. nnbcEKigt, unbe> ivcint. UNSORTED, adj. ungefonbtrt, ;: tirt, niunc-gofndit, uugeorbnet. UNSOUGHT, adj. uiigofucbt; Bners forfeit. To UNSOUL, o.a. tcv Seele berauBen. UNSOUND (ado.— hi), adj l.unfll fiMiitiidi; L angegangen, oerbi fiiul, murmfltcbig ; 3. unftdjet iuoerlafftg, wanfenb; 4. fd)n)acb, EraftloS; a. gebrecbltcb, bnidug. rip fig, fpalttg, niebt tidit ; B.JS? |d)«fc= lub ; ;. unroabr, ungruublicb . giiitig. nncdu, fnlfdi, nicbt recbj oig; B. unreblicb, nncbilidi, unauf= ricbtig ; 9. unrein ; of u — nid>t icdit bet SBerftaube; an — trine, cine Turlcbvc; — credit, |u>ei feltjaftcr 9tuf; —ice. miicbej ft ft i c @i«; —pleasures, eitle S3er= gnfigungen; — steep, einunrubtget SdjUf. UNSOUNDED, adj. nidit mit be in blci lintcrfucbt, unfonbirt; fg. va* au8geforfd)t, aiierforfd>t, uncrgvniu bet. UNSOi NDNEsa i i. tie Ungefuub* bcit; 2. fig. Sa)5bltcbfeit; 3. borbenbett; 4. Kcbwacbe, llnfefrig» feit; 5. Uitwabrbett ; lid\ UNSOWED, Unsown, adj. ungefSft; unbefiet ; — flowers, bjflbe Oluineit. UNSPARED, adj. nngcfp.ut, ungc= fdiont. unsparing, adj. I. nidit fparfain, freigebig; 2. [djonungeUoS, flrenge, unbarntperjig ; — s, -. i. bie gveigebigfeit; 2. Sdjouiuigllo* Rgfeit. .-im: \K, ,-. a. jnvi'hfiicbincit, ivi« berrufeu. UNSPEAK Uil.i; :h: — lt), adj. un= fSgltcb, unamfpredjlid). i \-i-i:. 1 1 1 1 . i ». ■■■<• nicbt fpeciRcirt, nidit eiiKcln itiufipeifo nngegepeu. UNSPECIOI 3, adj nnuMluutcinlidi. \-\-vi.i ii. vn\ r. adj nidit fpefu(a« I tip; nidit tbeoretiut nid)t nadjflB* nenb. i NSPENT, adj. liiiaiK-gegebcn, itnorrr 4-3 UNST UNSU UNTE nMitbef, unuerbraucbt, imoertbatt, im» p end) number, tm»errinaert, uner* fdtppft; an — ball, cine fc&llfjr'rafttge ■Rugel. To UNSPHERE, v. a. a\ii bent Jtretfe (au8 ber Saufbabn) veijjen. UNSPIED, .7,//. i. unauSgefpabet, uiier= forfeit, unentbecft ; 2. unaefcbett, uugeipabrt. UN8PILLED (Uxspilt), adj. UUfrergofs fdt, lllt'Jfl'frf)Uttft. To UNSMRTT, u. a. w'J. To Dispirit. UXSPIRlTUAL,a§ madjcn, ben Stacbel iiebmen. UNSTINTED, adj. uncingefebranfr, itn= bcfd)niuft, nnninfd)i\inft,uiibqveiiU. UNSTIRRED, adj. unaufgeregf, unoilfs geriibvt. iii!gefd;iii 4 t. To UNSTITCH, v. a. fluftieuiicil, bie ©ttcfcelBfen. UNSTITCHED, adj. anfgetrennt, cfjtte Sticfee. UNSTOOPING, adj. nicbt voeid,cnb, nid)t narbgebenb, ftanbbaft, parr, nu= biegfam. To UNSTOP, v. a. thvaS 33crflOVfteS aufmadjen, lofen, offneu. UNSTOPPED, adj. wiU>crjlopft, pffcit, obne .piiibeniii), ungrtiinbert. YNSTORED, adj. 1. unanfbfwabrt ; 2. *t(pt »erprot»iautivt; 3.M.E. ltttbt 4S4 auf bafi Sagev gebradjt, nicbt einge= [agert UNSTORMED, adj. ItttcrftliriTtt UNSTRAINED, adj. uiigejrouiigctt. UNSTRA1TENED, adj. lltigebebllt, Ult= gefpaitnt; jig unciiigeffbrauft. UNSTRATIFIED, adj. t?id)t fcf)icbteil= tueife gelagert. UNSTRENGTIIENED, adj. ltltgcftarft, unotrilarff ; ununterjlitfct. To UNSTRING, v. a. $■ n. 1. IpSfpailttClt, abfpanneit (bie @e()ite am Sogen, bie ©aiteu ait eiiiem Suflrumettte, ti. f. to.) ; 2. Bfen, losbtnbett ; 3. alu-eibett ; 4. bie Saiten abnebnieii, (psmaefcen ; an anstringed harp, eine unbefaitcte.§avfe. unstruck, adj. lingefroffeii, ungc* riibvt, ititerfd;uttert. UNSTUDIED, adj. 1. Itttfhlbirf ; ltltilU-3= gefutttten, au§ bent ©tegretfe; 2. ttit= gefiinfielt. UNSTUDIOUS, adj. nid)t fenibejiievig. UNSTUFFED, adj. llllgeftppft, llil(a!t)s gefiidt. UNSUBDUED, adj. uututterjpd)t, uttbe* Stintugcn. UNSUBJECT, adj. ttttiuifcrrppvfei!, nidjt auSgefefet. UNSUBJECTED, adj. i. umiittenppvfeit, nicbt auSgefefet ; 2. nnbeftegt, ninut= tcv]pd)t. unsubmissive, adj. uttunttriDurftg. UNSUBMITTING, adj. nid)t iiad;ge= benb, BJtberfpanftig ; fyavtinicfig. ' UNSUBORDINATED, adj. ltllll!ttcnvpr= fen. UNSUBORNED, adj. tttd)t cvfatlft. UNSUBSID1ZED, adj. nid)t fnbfibirt, ntrht mit ©elb tutterftiiljt. UNSUBSTANTIAL, adj. llinpefeiltlid), roefettloS, immaterteU, ninpirftid), leer, nid)t baltbar, tiicb. t feft, Ip§, 1p= cfer, Inftig. unsucceeded, adj. ttubeerbt, pf;tte 9iarbfplgcr. UNSUCCESSFUL (adv. — ly), adj. pbttC (5'rfplg, erfolgtos, fcf)led)t, aufigefats Ien, fi-uchtlPS, oeruttglucft, niigliicf= lid); —ness, s. bet - iibte Gi'folg, nn= glii(f(id)e fd)Ierbte !Hu8gang, baS aHi^ltngen. UNSUCCESSIVE, adj. tiid;t auf cinati- bev folgenb. UNSUCKED, adj. nid)t gefaitgt, ungc= faugt, obne ilhittcnnild) aufgejo^ gen. UNSUFFERABLE, vid. Insufferable. UNSUFFERING, adj. 1. Jttrht leibcilb, leiblp^; 2. unbttlbfam. UNSUFFICIENCE, vid. Insufficiency. UNSUGARED, adj. iiitgejucfcri, iiir.u-r-- judert. UNSUITABLE (adv. — ly), adj. llid)t pmffenb, nnpaffenb, iumngeineffen,nn= attfianbtg, nitjiemlicb, niiniglid), nn= flattfoaft, nngebitbvlid), unfdtirflid) ; —ness,*. bie ilimugcmeffenbeit, 11 it = fdiicflichfeit, Umieinlirbfeit, Unfufls Iid)feit, llnilattbaftigfeit, ba8 33{i'jj= vu-rbaltniy. UNSUITED, adj. jtidjt paffenb, nirtyt taugltc^ (— for, jit). UNSUITING, adj. unaiigemeffcu, un= paffcub, tmgejtemettb, iinfrbiiflid). unsullied, adj. itnbcfnbclf, niibe: frbmiifet, jutbeflecft, nngefdtanbct, rein, tauter, UNSUNG, adj. 1. nngcfiingen ; 2. uttt'C- fungen. unsunned, adj. nnbefpiuict, nicbt oou bcr (Sonne bej'd)ienen. UNSUPERFLUOUS, adj. n'ni)t fibfrpfs fig. UNSUPPLANTED, adj. nid)t «U«gefiOs d^en, nnberbvaiigt, uniibfi*oril;ciIt, unuberltjiet. L'nsupplied, adj. imtcrfct)cn, JllU'Cr' forgt. UNSUPPORTABLE, vid. Insupportable UNSUPPORTED, adj. Uttgeftufct; fig uiiunterftitt}t. UNSUPPRESSED, o^.tltffct iinterbviicft. unsure, adj. unftdjer, nnfeft, nnge= tttfi. UNSURMOUNTABLE, vid. Insurmount- able. UNSURPASSED, adj. iiniibcrtroffci!. UNSUSCEi'TiBLE, adj. utiempfiiitglicl, unfabig. UNSUSPECTED (adv. — ly), adj. UlPoev* bad) tig, nnbeargnjobnt. UNSUSPECTING, adj. feincn 33fvtild)t begenb, nicbt argiuobncnb, »erbat^t« los, arg[o«, abjiiuigSloS, unbefan= gen. UNSUSPICIOUS (adv.— ly), adj. I. nid)t arguui()nifd) ; 2. arglps, trettberjig. UNSUSTAINABLE, adj. nid)t an«jnl;ala ten. unsi 'stained, adj. tingcbaltcn, ungc= ftiitjt, uniinterjiufet. "o UNSWADDLE, ) v. a. aiiSannbeht, r« unswathe, ) ansmicfcln. UNSWAYABLE, adj. uiibcbcvrfcbtur, unlcnffam (», it.). unswayed, adj. unbebcnfcbt, uiue= giert, ungclcitet. To unswear, v. a. cibliil) wibcvrnfcn, wieber abfcbwprcn, ficb lo«fcbn>8rea. UNSWEET, adj. Ultflifj, nicbt fflg. UNSWEPT, adj. ungcfet)vt, iingcfegt nngca>ifd)t. UNSWORN, adj. ungefc^worcn, miitv etbet. UNSVMMETRICAL, adj. HnfumilUs tl'ifd). UNSYSTEMATICAL (— ic), adj. Ullfy- ftcniatifd). UNSYSTEMTZED, adj. nid)t in eiii jnberettet. UN TEMPTED, adj. ll]tt>CVfUcbt, linger reiit. UNTI UNTR UNVU tTNTENABLE, adj. Ulltjattbar, tlicbt JU eertheibta.ctt. UNTENANTABLE, adj. nidjt pad)tbat ; ltnbcroofjubar. UNTENANTED, adj. llirocrparbtet, Utl= »ermietbef, oijiie Sichiisiiiaiiit. untended, adj. ititbegleitcf, ofjtic ©cfolg; ungeniartet, uugcpflcgt. UNTENDER, adj. unjatt, unjartlicb, [t'ebtoS, rattfj. UNTENDERED, «itc 3'Gicfe obet i'leifict, uttoetbunben, uitjiigcbuncctt, unberbarfrfjt, iingcfjcilt. UNTERRIFIED, adj. uitetfdjterft, ltncr-- fcbrocfcit, fdjrccfeitlo*. UNTESTATE adj Bid. I\ testate. UNTESTED, adj. impridurt, uugcptiiff, iniadatiterf. UNTHANKED, adj. llitgcbailFf, Ullbe= banfr, banflo*. UNTHAN KFUL (adv. — ly), ffi/j. liiibanf= bar, itiicrfctttiflicb ; —ness, ». bie Utt= baufbarfeit, Uiicvfenntltdjfcit, bet llti* bastf. UNTHAWED, n,/;. unaufgettjaut. 7'« UNTUiNK, ?>. o. nicijt mchr baton bcitfeu, betgeffen, fief) an$ bcit ©c= baufcit UNTHINKING, adj. 1. tlidjt bcltfcilb, gcbaitfenloS; 2. itnacbtfam, fotgloS. UNTHINKINGNESS, s. tie 0cbaitfett= lojtgfeir, ftludjtigfcif. UNTHORNY, adj. nidlt borttig, liutc= bovnt, boritcnlds, ftadjciliM DNTHOUGHT, adj. (— of), nucrmar= tcf, un»ermufb>f, unerfjop, uubet= bofff, uiigeiueiiit. CNTHOUGHTFUL, adj. Ict'dltiTltttig. To UNTHREAD, v. a.'i. auSfilbeltt iCt= tic SRabel) ; 2. oon ciucr Sdiiutr ab= nehmttt, abfabeln; 3. >«■. lofcit, auf- lofen. KNTHREATENED, adj. nitgcbrobt, Utt= bebtobt. UNTHRIET, s. bet 33erfdjwenber, Surdjbriugcr. UNTHRIFTINESS, .?. bit 83etfd)»etts bung, Unttitt&fdjaftltcbfeit. UNTHRIFTY {adv. — ilt), *#. 1 . Dets fdjn>eubetifd>, utimirtlifdjaftlid), nn= ijauSfjaltcrifrf), biirrfjbriitgcnb ; 2. nidit gcbcibciib, nidjt leirbt fctt 511 inadjen (con Sfjietcit). UNTHRlVING, adj. nidit junebntcnb, nidit gebcibcnb, ungebeifjficb ; fciuctt gli'nflidicit $ortgang babcitb, Ultvots hjeiUjaft. To UNTHRONE, v. a. ctittbroiicit, ab= fefceit UNTU)INESS, 8. bet Mangel ait TuU tigfeit, tie Uiifanbcrfeit. untidy, adj. 1. uujeitia. ntibcrcit ; bcr SafjreSjett uitattgcmeffcn j 2. nidjt netf, nnfau6et. Tn untie, v. a. aiifbiitbctt, abbiiibcti, fosfnuffen, auffnoten, ic-s niadieii, ablFfett, lijfcti, (befigleidjcu Typ. Ph. bie gotm) auflSfcn. UNTIED, adj. 1. attfgebltiibetl j 2. nn= gcbunben, unbefefttgef, iticijt fctt, lo-J. until, pr UNTii.E, a a-bie 3'fflfl abncbnicit, abbicfcn. n,/;. itngetaut, ungeacTert. UNTIMBERED, adj. 1. nidjt gcjint: mcvt, otjne 3"»i"f>'ii'cvf, baltcttloS, febumd); 2. nidjt mit 9htft[;oIj bc= njadjfcit. untimeliness, «. bie UnjcUtflfett, Unjett. UNTIMELY, adj. b adv. Itll^cifig ; fl'iif^ jcitig, eotfdjneH; — birth, bte unlets Hae fflcbuvt; — death, bcr friihe Job. rvriNCTURED. adj. o^ne 5av6cttait= ftricfo, ungefdtbt. UNTINGED. adj. 1. UttgefajBt; 2. fig. uttangegriffen, uubcflccft; 3. uiiatt= gefiedtt. UNTIRABLE, adj. uitcrmiiblidi, uurcr= btoffen. UNT1RED, adj. itncrnttibcf. UNTITLED, adj. 1. uiibctitclf ; 2. fci= licit jHcdjtsritcl babcttb, uubcrcdjligt. UNTI >. prep. vid. To. INT ii, i). adj. 1. uttgefagf, uucnvatjiif, uiicv^iblt; 2. ungeja^U, T„ UNTOMB, v.a. auSgrabcit. UNTOOTTISOME, adj. itufd;iitaif[>ifr, nicht niiinbcitb. UNTOUCHED, adj. linbcriifirt, litiauges taftct; fig. iiiigciiil'vt. UNTOWARD (adv.— lt), aij.i. miir= rifdi, eigenffnut'g, tro^fiivfig, »bet» fpSnfiig; Derbrtefltdj, toiberwarttg, wibtig; 2. lailig, Icttig, gualenb, sjcvfcbrt, Itnftfd), itngefdjicff, febief; —ness, 8. bte 23iberfpanftigfcit ; "i'cr- bvicylidjfcit, SSibrigfett; in-fEcijrt- fjcit, Scbicfbcir, bcr Stgeitftmi. UNTRACEABLE, adj. UllClfovfcf; 1 icfj, unau«ft)utbar. UNTRACED, \adi. Miigcbafjnt, lttt= UNTRACKED, J bctrctc'tt. UNTRACTABLE, vid. Intractable. UNTRADING, adj. pfjltc i^aitbel, lltcBt IjaitbcHrcibctib ; int ,£>aucd tuicrfal)= ten. UNTRAINED, adj. I. inigqpgcit, nnab= gericbtet, uiterercttt, unbiflciplinitt, mtbdebrt ; 2. uttgeiibt ; 3. inilciif= fain, iiiiprbciitlid). UNTRAMMELLED, adj. lingcfcffclt, fejfeUos. UNTRANSFERABLE, adj. KUfiBetttag* bar, nidit 511 Cbettvagcit. UNTRANSFERRED, adj. uituberfragett. UNTRANSLATABLE, adj. till fiber |\*= bar. UNTR Wsi-ATF.n, adj. iniiibcrfcljt. UNTRANSPARENT, adj. UllbUtd;ftcb,= tig, uitbiirdjfcbciiienb. UNTRANSPOSED, adj. nidjt oerfefrt. UNTRAVELLED, adj. 1. itiigcrcifct ; 2. ittibercifct. UNTRAVERSED, adj. nidjt iibcrfd)rit= ten ; utibcttcteit. To UNTREAD, v. ». bie gclbancit Tritfc jiiriicf tbutt, jitriicf tretett, auittetett, oettrettn. UNTREASURED, adj. Itt'djt aiifbciual)rt, tittgcfaininelt. UNTRIED, adj. 1. liiitcifudjt, ltngc= priiff, uitcrfahrctt ; 2. Ultoetbott ; nidit ypr ©erirfjt cntfdiicbcit ; — earth, ®cnjacb$crte, ^flanjciicrbc j — on, unanptobttt. To UNTRfM, v. a. ten rcbntncf Obet bie SluSflafpruug »on ciucnt -gmtc abttcbineit. UNTRIMMED, adj. mtgcpufjt, m;gc= fdiini'uf t, bes So5mucfe« obet bcr 3lu«= frafjuung bcraubt. i NTRIUMFHED, «-//. otjne Stiumpb. UNTROD, UirraoDDJCK, adj. niibctrclcit, nngebafjnt, roanfctib, fdjwaufcub, uti= fiebcr. UNTROLLED, aij. uugcroHt, iuige= waljt. 1 NTROUBLED, adj. I. iitigcflort ; 2. ntinilii.i, ununtetbrodjen, unbe!8= ftigt; 3. itugctriibt, burd;fid)tig, hell, flat. UNTRUE, adj. I. uuiralir, fatfeij ; 2. lllltl'Cll. UNTRULY, adj. iiinvabr, falfclj,fa[fd)= lid), f,ilfcblirbcr ffietfe. To UNTRUSS, r. b. ftufbtnben, obbtu= ben, lo-Jbiitbcn, aiiffd;iltjen. UNTRUSTINESS, *. bie Uiitrcuc, ircn = foftglett. UNTRUSrWOKTHlNKHB, * bte iSw traiicitriturciirbigfeit. UNTR1 -IV.; ij. ntitrcu, uitgctrcu, trcu» lo«. UNTRUTH, .-■. bie Uinvabrbcit, ^alfdj' bcit, vii>ic. i vi i KERED, adj. obtic .<5aUtiirb. UNTUNABLE, adj. fibel Fltii.icr. barntpitifcb; nirbt ftimntbar; limnui fifalifd) ; an — wand, cin SDcifton. UNTUNABU Uiiharnu-v Htfdje, Utintiififalifd)e. To UNTUNE, v. a. 1. '.hi ft i 111 uu :; j .'. bcrriicfcit, vcnvirrcti. \i:d, adj. virftinintt; ungci ftintmt. UNTURNED, adj. ninicivenbcf, ittigc= richt, ununtgete b. rt ; to i — . fig . nicbts iiiivcrfudit laffcH. 1 \ n LX)RED. adj. limuitcrivicfcit ; an — churl, eitfungebtlbttet 99auer. To UNTWINE v.a aiiurd'cn, aii'br ic* fcln, auf fled) ten, louit, ttoinen. To UNTWIST, v. .1 auffledjten, aufbte* ben, auffcbniircn, lot matbenj to — bit Dudjten cincj Xanei auffd)lagen, UNUN1FORM, adj. nidtt ctitformig (». u. . UNUPHELD, adj. Illt»ett(eibigf, nidjt mit ©riinbeu unterfi UNURGED, adj. uinicincbcii, nnaitgc= ttieben, ungebruugen. UNUSED adj. 1. liiijicbrandjt ; 2. Utt= geroobnt. UNUSEFUL, ..//'. linitiit}, unbienlifb. unusual [adv. —1 ■, , adj ungeu lirb, ungebraurblidj, feffen. UNUSUALNESS, * bie Uiigcwpbtilid' = fcit, Uugcbraudjlidjfcit; Selteubeit. UNUTTERABLE (adv. —it), adj. Utl= ausi'vvcd'lidi, unauibriiflbat ; — *. bie UitaiiSfpredilidifcir. To UNVAIL, v. a. vid, 71 Unvxtl, UNVALUABLE rid l-.\ lli UNVALUED, adj. I. in:, 1, Urt« gefdjfifct; 2. u'ufdialjbar. UNVANQUC5HABLE adj. unfiberwiiib' liA, unbejwtngbat, unbeftegbar. UNVANQUBHED, adj. unbejrouttgfit, itnbeftegt, unuberrounben. UNVARIABLE wi Imvarubl* UNVARIED, adj. unDeranbert. UNVARD3GATED, ad), nidjt bull rfijj, nidjt .icflccfr. I \\ ^RNISHED, adj. nir. ■ uttubetjogen ; ungefdjiniuftj uit^c^ fdiminfr, unaufgepuftt, ungejiett. UNVARYING, *j. unoetanbetlicb,, mt> wanbelbat, manbellc8, bleibenb. To unveil, >-. a. entfdjleietn, entb,ut^ ten, aufbetfen. unveiledly, ado. unoettjfiUt anf,ic= becft, ojfen, feci (». fl.). UNVENERABLE "j- ><* 'i ! crchr:i;:.i iimviiibig, fbrftrtd;ttunt»firbig. UNVENTILATED, adj. ii:i,;oiadult, Utt« rtdiiftct. UNVERDANT, adj. liiitt gtllltcnb. UNVERSED, adj. uiibcivaiibcrt, unge* ubt. unvexed, adj. ungequSIt, uiigeflotf, nu.;car,icvt. niiverlc^t, itn.ic= fdjanbet. UNVTRTUOUSi adj. iuitii|icnt!M!'t. n UNVISARD, v. a. eittlatDttl. 1 (TvlSTTED, adj. uiibcfitrbl. 1 w 11 al, >-.■ . fciiieii Ctn^uiaufbal Vcbeit babenb, 1 \\ ill vi'i'.D. adj. linrcrbprS'ii. !'N\iii;ii'i!'.i>. adj unuerglofet. UNVOLATILIZED, adj. unoerflilrbtigt n 1 NV( i i'. bmdj cin fpatetei iSotum auffjebett, UNVOWELLED, adj. pbne Selbftiautl UNVULGAR, adj. llicbt gemciu. 483 UNW1 UP UPLA TO VULNERABLE, eid. Invulnerable WWAKENED, adj. unonvccft ; micr= reader. '/NWAT.i.r.n. adj. itngcnmuetr, ebnc 0Jiauern, maucrloS, unbefefiigt; an — town, cine offem ©rabt. L".\ WARILY, air. llllbcbtlffam, UllbC= badmam, uitbebachffamer SBeife. UNWARINESS; t. bit Unbebutfamfcir, HnbcMcbffamfeir, Sctgloftgfeit, ber Seicbtiiuit. UNWARLLKE, adj. unfriegcrifcb; fiir ben Jtrieg nirfjt braucbbav. I'Xff ARMED, adj. 1. tlligcivailllt, fait; 2. nicbt crregt, ungerubrt. unwarned, aij. ungetuarnt, uncrin= itert. To unwabp, v. a. was fid> geworfeti rat, miebet gerabe macbeit. uxwarped. arf/./ig-. nid)t abgelenfi. UNWARPING, aalt= tar, ocnverfficb. unwarranted, aij. uugcrecbtfcrtigt, uuperanfroorter, uiijuuerldfjtg, uugc= ficbert, unverburgf. UNWARY, adj. unbebnffam. unbc= bacbtfam, unflng, soreilig, iibercilt. UNWASHED, Unwashed, adj. iiitgetva- fdjen. UNWASHED, adj. uufcerttuifief, unjer- ftorf, uncerfdjrocnfef.iinvei-je^vt, un- oerminbert UNWATERED, adj. uugemafferf, unbc= waffert, unbegpfjeti, tvotfeu. UNWEAKENED, adj. ltltgcfdmudjt. UNWEALTHY, adj. nid}t xiicb, uube= giitcrr. UNWEAPONED, adj. unbemaffnet, un= b eroeh tr. UNWEARIABLE {adv. — ly), adj. Utter* miibbar, uiicrmublid), unerfegopflid) ». ii.). UNWEARIED [adv. — ly), adj. 1. lincr= niubct, uucrfcbopft ; 2. uucrmiiblicb. UNWEAREEDNESSi s. bie Unermub* licfcfeit. UNWEARY, adj. nicbt niiibe. To UNWEARY, v. a. burd) $ubc B)if= bet berjicllen, crauicfen, eifvifd?eu, laben, unwed, Unwedded, adj. uu»crmablt, unserbeiratbet. UNWEEDED, adj. ungegafef, ungeiau= berf. UNWEIGHED, adj. 1. ungewogen; 2. uniiberlegt, uuerwpgen, iiacblafftg. unweigiiixg, adj. nicbt erwageub, ge= banfenloS, unbebacbtfam, uitbefen= ncn, mibprfid)tig. UNWELCOME, adj. uuantlfommen, »U trig, unangenehm. U NWELL , adr. unroobl, unpafjlidj. UNWEPT, adj. Hiiberoeitit. rxwET. adj. nicbt nap, nicbt fcn$t. UNWHIPT (Unwhoted), adj. ungc= peitfrbt, iingejftchtigt. unwholesome, adj. nngefunb, fefcab- lilt, unbeilfam, Derborben; —ness, s. bie ttngefiinbbeit, erfjablicbfeit, •-i>crtprbenbcir. UNWIELDY [adv. — ilt), adj. Ullbe= i;afitd), fthwerfalltg, itugclcnf, nn= biegfain, ungefiige, febroer, plump; — iness, ». bie Uubehuifficbfcit, Sthtnerfalligfeir, Hiigclcnfbcit, SKlump&eif. -• willed, adj. tiicbr »cai SBiHen ge= leitet, tuillenfoS. unwilling, adj. nid)t mollem?, nicbt gent, uiittilltg, abge'itcigt; to he — , r.icbr vooUcu ; willing or — , man mag Ittpllfll ptcv iiicbr. , ; — ly, adv. ungem, miter S3illeT; —ness, s. 486 baS 9tid)fropIleii, bie Unmidigfcit, bti SSibermiUe, bie ?l6getteigtbett. To uxwiXD, v. i. a. abtviuben, Ic?= mtubeii, aufwinbeu, abiDttfelit, lo^= njideltt; n. n. firb abmicFeln, (ibiuin= ben, aufgeben, auffc^iefeii, jiuiicffaU len, ftd? tntfalteu. u nwtp ed, adj. un(ab)jgewifd;t. UNWISE, adj. unmcife, albern, thJ= vid)t, unflng ; — ly, adr. unrootfc, uu= weisltd}, tb5rid;t,' unHug, auf cine tbbrid)tc 2Seife. unwished, adj. uitgemfinfcbt, nnci= antnfd)t: — for, unbegebvr. UNWITHDRAWIXG. adj. 1. nicbt n>cg= gebeub, ft cb niift jurud ;icl\;^, bleibcitb, bejianbtg ; 2. tminer fvci= gebig. UXWiTHERED. adj. UUfccrfocIft. UNWITHERING, adj. itnvcnrclfcilb ; unoerwelfltd). UNWITHSTOOD, adj UiianbCfftailbCtt, unroiberfefet. UNwrrNESSED, adj. unbejeugt, uucv= bavrcr. UN Wiri'INGLY, ado. ob^ne C§ Jit lviffcn, o|ne SBtffen, unwiffeutltd;. UNWrrTY {adv. — ilt), adj. UtWlfeig, unt>erftanbtg, tfioridjt; —jokes, tti^ lofe Se^eric. To UNWOMAN, v. a. cuta'cibett, bet 2Beibltd;£eit berauben, utimciblid) mad>eit. UNWOMANLY, adj. ltuivciblicb. UNWONTED, adj. 1. Ultgewob^nt; 2. imgcnibbnlicb, felten. UNWONTEDNESS, s. btc Ultgc)VOt)U= ltd>fctt, ©dtenbeit. l*x\vooed, adj. nitgcfitcbt, of)ue yrcicr. L7NWORRTN6, adj. nicbt arbcitcuf, phitc Slrbeit, ntitfjig. UNWORN, adj. uitgetragcit ; —out, un= abgenufet UNWORSHHTED, adj. Ultaitgcbctct, un»eret)rt. UNWORSHD7PING, adj. Ittd)t anbc= tenb. UNWORTHY [adv. —ilt), adj. 1. UH= afitbig, fcblccbt, fdiubce, 6c'rad;tlicb ; 2. utipaffenb ; 3. ittnient(id), nnan= flanbtg ; 4. DerbietiftloS ; — Iness, s. bie UntourbigfeiL UNWOUNDED, adj. Utt»ettt)Ultbet. To UNWRAP, v. a. ottsividelu, auf= toicfeln, lofen, auffd;lcigen. To UNWREATH, o. a. abrinubcn, Io5= minben, auffled;tcu, Icaficdjtcu ; auf= tveben. To (wwtjxkle, b. a. cntrunjeitt, entfalten, glatrcit. uxwritixg, adj. nicbt febrcibenb, itn= ntviftftelkvifcb; uid)t febrcibfiicbtig. UNWRITTEN, adj. 1. Itttgcfcbricbcn ; 2. inuitblid) iiberliefert; 3. uubc= febricben. UNWROUGHT, adj. ungeavbeitct, un= bcarbcitet, iingetuirf t ; — silk, vo^e (Ecitc; — wax, bal 3ungferun}ad)l. unwrung, adj. uniHTcvcbt, uuge= lu-cM. UNYLELDED, adj. nicbt ailfgcjctcn, itidpt uberlaffcii, nncittf.tgt, uiuibcv= liefert uxvieldixg, adj. nicbt aitfgebenb, nid't ergebeiib; unurtcbgiebig, patt= fSpfig. To UNYOKE, b. a. abjcct)cii, cntj\\fc;i, les fpannen. unyoked, aij. an fcin Sod) gewotjiitj itiiuutcrjocbt, ungejabmt, jugelioS. UNZONED, adj ungegiirtet. UP, ado. ic prep. 1. «uf; 2. btlMttf, biuan, cntvin-; ^etauf, aufroart6; 3. obcu ; 4. an; 5. cv ! heads — ! .Mil. Ph. JvPpfe f)0cf). To UPBEAR, b. a. 1. bcben ; 2. in bet ^i>be crbaiten, aufred;t bal*e:t, ftfifeen, tragen. To UPBIXD, i-. a. in bie .giobe binben. To UPBRAID, v. a. DOrrofrfftt, »Dts ritcfeit, ootbalten, befd;ulbigen ; ra= beln, fd)eltcn, fd)maf?en,fd)impfeii ;to — one with athing. ciltcm Ctwas 9«s tvevfeu, u. f. m. UPBRAIDER, s. ber ^PVlVCffcnb?, 'Siteltenbc, fabler. upcast, adj. aufgetnorfett, in tie $pt)t geworfeit, aurgefd}lageu ; aufge= trieben. upcast, s. 1. ber 2Burf, Sdjmig, Scbub (im JtegclfpieiJ ; 2. bie sBe= redjnung. UPHAND, adj. mit ber 6anb geboben. To UPHE.WE, r. a. aufbebc", ciurors beben. uphill, I. ado. bergan, bergauf, ?,<:.:> marts ; H. adj. 1. bergauf geb, cub; 2. jiff, befcbivcilirb, ntiib)am. To UPHOLD, v. a. 1. til bie .§obe rjbel aufredjt Batten, aufbalten, aufi lupfetl, erbeben, aufbebeu; 2. b>i!ten, ftiifeen, trogcn ; 3. unterbaftcn, crbal* ten, ernabreit; 4. bebaupten. UPHOLDER, s. 1. bet (5't'ballcr; 2. Scirbenbcforger. UPHOLSTERER, *. ber .Japeiircr, SDioblirer, ^UU'clbanclcr, 3" ll, » (r - bereiter. UPHOLSTERY, *. 9)ipbilien, Zapf- jirarbeit. UPLAND, I. 5. baS .fppcbianb, bobe Sanb, bee Dammgruiw ; U. aaj. bod) gelegcit/ gebfigelt; — willow, tit totbe SBei'be UPRI PPLANDISH, a,ij. bocbieitibifd), gebir= gifrb, gebirgtg. 7u UPLEAD, b. a. emvorleiteu. To uplift, v. a. aufbeben, botf) bcbcn. Vl'.M' (ST, vid. UPPERMOST. b'PO.V, prep. 1. anf ; 2. an, bci, au-5, git, fiber, uacb, tit; 3. tit SBetradjt, in 2litfebitng, wegen; — the latch, eiu= i\efliilft; |int the book — the table, leg ba« >Oucb OUf ten Xifcb ; to break in — one, 3ei!tolc&e; M.Pk-8. to have a letter (bill, draft) — ... ctiteu 2Beebfe[ (cine Sratte) babeu Ultf . . ; — (the) recommendation of . . , auf tie OJmpfebluua, uon ..; to make war — , betl'tCtteit ; my blood — your head, meitt 33lut foiunte iibcr eucr .£aupf; a tax — wine, cine Slbgabe auf SBein ; — pain of death, bei Xo- pegftt-afe; — my word, auf inetn SBort; — my honour, bet meiucr Sfjtt; — duty, Mil. Ph. tin Stenft, auf bem SPoftetl ; to be — a journey, flllfbetSteife feint; letters — letters, SBriefe iibcr SBrieft ; — enquiry, auf gcfebc[)CUe S^ar^lfrage ; — a mere sus- picion, aiio Moment SBerbacbte: — the first opportunity, bci erftcr ©e[e= gCltbcit; — her coming, bet ibrcr SJnfunft, 3'lfiiif flltlft ; — my linish- ing it, locittt irb e3 ferttg babe; — his principles, liaef) fciiieu @rilIlbfa(}CU ; come — a Sunday, foramen (Sic ait citlCIll ©OltUtag ; — that very day, ail bent lldmltcben Xage ; — this, bier; auf; to fill — the sword, buvcbS ©cbiuert fallen; to run — , ciufaUen ; Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 9cen)Cajtle an ber X\)nc. UPPER, adj. ober, bobec; — attaint, Sp. T. bie ©ebneiis ot-er Slecbfenuecs tc^uito, bei Sgferbeu ; — Benjamin, eiu Dberrorf; — box (of a pump), .v. T. ber SBumpenfrbub ; — case, Tijp. r. ber obeve Scbrtftrafteit ; — chalk, bie .Hreibcformatiou : — deck, .V. T. bafl oberftc 3)ccf, ber llcbcrlauf; — fresh- tv-ter formation, ber Sfiproajferfalf ; — garret, vid. — story ; — grinders, pi. bie ©tocfjabne, SBciflbettSjabne ; — hand, bie Dbciftcllc, Dberbanb ; fi«. ber SBortbeit; to get the — haul, obenait foramen ; bett SJtang ablau= feu ; the — house, baS Dbcr'baus (im ^ariameittc) ; — leather, baS Obcr= Iebcr ; — lip, bie Dbevlippe ; — ma- rine formation, @anb, Sanbjtetnunb SJiergcl ; —part, ber Dbcrtljeii; — roller, t. ber (ScbiiuvfUnf, Vitjcnjtocf (bet beit Eeypitbroebern) ; — room, bie Dbcrftube ; — square, ber obert ^JJiuiifteiupel ; — stratum, bie Dbcr= f ci> ici> t ; — stratum of a slate-quarry, bie Sacbfcbale, Sftyftfmarte; — story, ba>3 obcre ©toawerf; — Vienne, bie Dber=S3ienne (jDepartc= meat in 5ran£reicb); — works, .\" T. bai Obcinocif, tobtc 23crf. UPPERMOST, adj. bbrbft, ill botbjl, oberit, obeit, obtyerrfebenb ; to he — , bie Dberbanb, ben SBortbeil babeit. To UPRAISE, v. a. erbeben, ergoben. To upbear, v. a. aufrirbten; auf= lichen. JJPRKJIIT (adv. — it), adj. 1. aufge* ricbtef, aufrecbt, aerate; 2. auf= Warts', (jerabe in bie .t>bhc ; 3. jjjr. aufricbtig, rerbtfebajfen, rebficb, btc-- ber; — lady-bower, bie aufrccbte SOalbrcbe. bad Sreunfraut (< rata — L.) ; — loom, T. ber ipautes liffeftUl)l; an — ship, .V. T. cilt aufs reo>te8 (jerabe liegenbee) ©(bijf; — tool, bie ©erabebangemafcfyite «ber llhrmaeber). URGE UPRIGHT, ». jSrek. T. 1. bet .'lllflifj, Stanbrtjj 2. tie Srublfaule. UPRIGHTNESS, ». tie ©erabbetf, (be0= nleiebeit fy.) aufrioitigreit, 3ictlid> feit, JJedjifcbaffenbcif. To UPRISE, v.%. 1. aufitebeit; 2. ftcb ftcil erbeben, auffkigen, aufroininen, aufgeben, erfebeinen. UPROAR, s. ber Slufrufir, Sarin, tie Uttrube, SOermtrruna. To uproll, v. a. aufroUen. To UPRi >< >T, r. a ausn>ur|eln, entrout; jetit, (mil ber aBuijcl) ausreifieit. To uprouse, v. a. aufioecfen, auf= floren, auflavmcit. To upset, v. i. a. umweefen, um= piirjen, fiber ben ^aufen werfen, uberrodlHgen ; n. «. umfallcit. upshot, 5. ber Sluflaang, ba« Snbe, Jtcfultat, ber SBefojIup; wh comes to the — , loeiut man e» bci Stcble befiebt (am (Sube). UPSIDE-DOWN, adv. ta-J Cbctfte ju unterfl, um unb urn, fiber unb fiber, tit bbd)tlee Uuorbnuna, UPSTART, I. s. btr vlbljtidj cmvpt\-te= Eommene i'Jenfrb, iSmporfSmmling, Sleuling, Sluffojbplina, ©lurfspitj, SParbenu; U. adj. vlbijlicb cittftau= ben ; — pud.:, bci' ©aUCfUftoIj. T<> UPSTART, ». n. auffabveu, auf= febiepen, auffpringen, febnell einpor= Eomnteu. To UPSTAY, d. a. ftiiljen, (aufrccbl) balten. To UPTURN, v. a, aufmcrfeit, umwer= fen, aufumbleit, 5uvel)cit jiebett, fnrrben. UPWARD, adj. aufwavtt gericbtei, f)imiuehoart5; — goods, .:/. E. ftvom= aufiuarM (lanbemroartS) gebcute sSJaaren, ©filer, UPWARD, iado. 1. aufroariS, obcr= UPWARDS, 3 toaxtS, obenan, t>iiixincl= ait, beigait; 2. auf, bis, an; 3. fiber, ntebr aid ; — of a thousand, fiber (ciit) taufcub ; — of twenty years, ait bie (ober fiber) |»anjifj Sabre ; ten pounds ami — , jCljIl spfimb Sterling unb boruber. To i l'Wiiiiu,, v. a. \n. ciitponuirbelit. -;;( ipwind, v. a. aufiuinben, auf= mttfeln. URAN, s. (iii compos.) — glimmer (uran mica), tee Uraitgl tranter, Uraufalf, pm'amieale (Suei)lor=©limracr ; — ochre, ber Uranorper. URANITIC, adj. uranbaitig; baS Uran betreffeiit. uranium, s. bat UranmetaU; phos- phate of — , ber Urangliraraer ; oxide of — , baS llranpretervt, Uranoribul. UB v\ ilogv, o. btc SIbbanbtung fiber bcu @tcriibimmel. URANi s, > ber Uranus' (ein iUanet). URBAN, a. Utbanui, Urban [9Jlann8= name). IE, adj. urban, arttg, bbflieb, fjttig. URBANITY, s l.bie Itvbauitat, 9lri«fl« feit, ^bfltcbfeif, CebenSart. Sitteit= auiuuib; 2. iUJunterfeit, Sebbaftia^ feit. To URBANIZE, ?•. a, arttg, BSfticb, manierlich macbeu, bilben (m. Q. , Urceolate o ' 8. T. trugforinig. URCHIN, is. 1. ber 3flel, ba« oiadu-h fibivciu; 2. ber loje (rteine) EBube, bad loft (fleiue) Jciut, ilJiabcben, vulg. ber 83alg; — like, igelbaft, ftaitelii]. i REA, i. c.'i. T. ber .Oann'teff. URETERS, t.pL .1 T. tie .nan: i£>arugange. Urethra, ». .;. r. bie 45arnr56re. To uixn;, v. i,o. 1. bringen, brangen, USE oerbrSngeu, fortfebieben, irrffwt treiben, nJtbtgen, nut Sttacbbrua bc> bauvtcit ; 2, beireibeu, Slacpbrud a\\\ ttvaai lc.ieit; 3. erregen, ft ,-. . rci^eu, crbittent ; blaaen, bcfdbtoertn, bringenb erfucben, lajtig bitten, an« liegen, jufeften; 4. eiueu in-iuetj- gruub aufiibreit, ciitiveitbcn ; to — a thing, auf clival bringen, baraul befteben, ftd) barauf freifeit, taj ftarffte ®et»icbt barauf tegen ; to — the plea Of necesMty, 'JtelblVCUti^' feit DOrfcBu|en ; to — upon one, or to — to one's acceptance, cineiTt aufbringen; a.*, eilen, etfern- 1. tie bringenbe iTIotb, Stotbtoenbigfett, ber SRotbbrang, Srang ; 2. ta« ©efuefa, bie brin= genbe ©ttte. -. — i.v,', adj. brtagenb, eifrig, geroaltfant, norbbringesb ; befttg, ungeflunt ; to be — op (for .'.), bringen in . . , forttreiben ; ... trroafl notbig braucbfii. urgeb igeube, SEteibtr, Ereibenbe, ungeftume, uu* gejtunte Bitter- URGING, adj. bviiuicut ; — nee bie bringenbe Ulota, . — acid, bte ^arnfaure. urinal, .--. l. baJ Uringlal, .y>aru= gla5; 2. ber Urinhalter. ikinauu'M. ». ber .^arubebaiier (al3 SDungjlatte . URINARY, I. adj. turn Unit gebbrig, ben Uiin bcfieffent, int ^arn, i^arn . . ; — bladder, tie .Oantblafe ; — calculi, -Jparnfteine ; .i. i bte .^arnrbbre ; — tunic, bie .*>aru = bant', 3Burftb>tut ; n. «. aid. Rll M. URINATIVE, adj. barutrcibcub. URINATOR, ». ber laudicr. URINE -' bee Utiit, $atlt. n i RINE, v. a. bat SHJaffer laffen, barneii. i ' I : i n ■ cinartig, bar.' barnig, mit fiaxxi gefrbroangert. URN, .-■ tie Urue, tee .Unto,. 'Jlnten-- fnni, SBafferfrug ; — rug, ber SEe»« piet) fur bte II cemautiue; —stand, bae tbeemafcbineKgeftell. URi ist « »PY, s. M •'. T. bit i'efiebtiguuej be8 Urin*. URRY, ». bet blaue ^ebiu (ttn9Ri< uerai . i bs \ ,. A ■ T. ber Sir. URSULA,* Utfula Aiaiiennaine . [e ein ~i ; ar gefprmt, ursine, adj. bararlig. i RSI, a. bit Utfcliueriuu. on. pi. nil*; of—, uufer. I S M'.i.K, adj. brauebbae. i s \'.r.. i. i. ber ©ebraucb, tie ®u ivobubeif, i'lautei-, Slrl . foiiimeu ; 2. bit JBebaublun •. gegnung: — among merchants, bet toanbeUbraurb, bit ufan); ill — .tit ttngerecbtigfeit, Orobbeit, :)(ebbeit, egarte. usance .-•. I. ber ©ebraucb, * >; 2. SBucber, I it Ufo, tie SBecbfelfrift, ber SBecbfelgebraucb ; bills at—, Uforoeebfel, SBecQfel iabl« bar uad) tec Brtlidj iibltetnu xJL'crt" • felfviil; at double — . a trod m|0, JjoppeUUfo j u >.. - usnni iroei unb ein balb Ufo. use ». I. ber ©ebraucb, ©euu§, iit SBenu|uug, SHuroenbung; 2. bttSBors tbeil, '.'iiiijeu; :i. Sticjibraucb SJtu^gcnie^uug : -l. ba< Beburfniw; 5. tie ©ewobnbeit, ©ebrautblirbfcit, Slrt ; bafl Ueblicbe, ■OerFoninieu ; t> bie Uebltllg ; 7. ^ebaubluii,], 'iie.]tj l;7 USUR mug; 8. tic 3Riet{}e ( bet- GSlitti}*) 3iii9 ; of •-, nittjlid), t-tcnltcf) ; of no — , son fc tit cut Sluften ; in — , iiblid), gebrauebjich, tit Okbraud), tit bet ittobc ; om of — , nidbt mebr iiblid), ungcbraudjlid), oeraltet; it was in — With us, 10 it fflcgtett Si make — of, fid) bebienen, gebraufyn, ®ebraud) maebcu, between, ergreifen (cine ®c« tegeii&eit) ; to put out of — , aujjct (SourS fc&eu ; to let or to put (out) money to — , ©elb nuf 3iufeu a n3 = lcil)Clt, audtblllt; pay to — , Ocr?ill = felt, 3t"f<-'» bcjahleu; — of the sale- room, bie Sofalmiethe, (iDIictbc fitr 3lUCttOn8lo!ole) ; — money, 3iufdt, 3insgclber, ^rocenrgclbar fiir auSges lic()cite obcr etb&tgte aft cd ift, gfrembe eiujufiibrcit, unb feierlid)e 33otfd)af* ten 5 tt iiberbringen, ber (5eremi>nien= meifter, (S'iufiibtcr, fJlnfuljret ; 2. SHufwatter, Sburftcber ; 3. llutcrtel)= ret" ; — of a court of justice, ber @e= rid)tdbote. To usher, v. a. fitljreit, attfiiljfett, ciu= leiten, aumelbcii, etitfitfuen ; to — in (into), ciufitbrcn. USEQUEBAUGH, s. bad Udfebab, (eine 8lrt sUramttwein). EJSTlON, s. baa SBrennen, ber SBranb, bad SBetbtauntfe&tt. ustorious, adj. bicnubar, brcuneiib, jit in Stennen. ustulation, s. bad Stennen, ©ens geit ; Min. if Pkarm. T. bad Oibftflt. USUAL, [adit. — ly), adj. iiblicb, ge= bWiuchlid), gcuuifmlid), fcauftg, ge= man, gemetniglicb ; m.e-s. — freight, gewfi&nlicbe Jvrarht; —proviso, bet- ter iiblidje §8oibebud)ertfrt), uuidierbaff ; — ness, s. ba3 5Budicv[id)e, 3Ihid)cvifd)e, bie S3u= d)erci. 'fu usurp. ». a. ufhrutrcn, unrecbtmJi« 483 UVUL f;ig ht ^eft^ uebincit, ftit enuaf[)ti= gen, fid) anuiaficu, fid; totbeicec^tHd) lueigncn, an ftdb vcifieu, ait fid) raf= fen, mit 0emalt iicbmctt. USURPATION, s. bie Ufttr^afioit, iiu- rcd)tinaffige Slnmafung, ^ueignung, 5lneii]iiiuia, (5'rniad)ti[]uiii], roibet'* red)tlict»e Sefifene^mung, bet DJtad;t= raub, iiured)tmaf;i^c SBeft^. USURPER, s. ber Ufuvpator, Sbrpit= raubcr, (Srmarbtijjer, grwiitttget (n>i= bcrved)tlid)e) untecbtmcipige) SBcfifeer, iliad)trauber. USURPINGLY, ado. ufurfafovifdi, toi* terrcd)tlid), eigemnat^tig, bind) Sin* ntafiitug, mit ©emalt. USURY, s. ber (3iiu°=)2Giiu)cr, bie (3in8=)2Biid)erct, bag 3iet)nieti von luteriaubtcit Smfen ; to lend upon — , UMid)crn, (3in§=)2Bud)erei treibcit, ®elb gegen uiteriaubte 3i»R» l. bie Utttitarier. UTILITY, .9. bie 9iiilj!id)feit, ber yin= ^en, SBortbeif. To utilize, v. a. gewtttncu, erlangen, ettoerben {m. ii.).' utmost, I. adj. (iufserft; t) orb ft, fer= neft; ii. s. i>ci§ ?leti8etfte ; Jpbd)ftc; I'll do my—, id) will mciit ?lcuf;er= jtcS H)im; to the — of my power, liact) metnem iiuf;evfh"it SBetmogeit. Utopia, s. Utoptett, tad Sttlaraffcn= laub, JRirgcnbwo, 9litgeivb^eim. Utopian, adj. utopifd), roie tin ©cblas raffcitlatibc,' itealifcl), eingebtlbct, fra= ^enijaft. UTRICLE, a. B. T-s ciu flciiie-?, biafeit= a[)iilid)es ©aftgefag ; bie .£>anffnirtif. UTRICULAR, adj. B. T. lllit ©aftblfigs d)cu oerfebeit. utter, adj. 1. auficr, citifjctfr, auS« watts, aufjett; 2. gcinjlicb,, «6IIig; 3. Veremptorifd), cntfdieibeiib ; i am an — stranger here, id) bill bier gailj fteinb. To UTTER, v. a. 1. ciitfuTn, bert>or btiiigen, aufiftoficii, ausfpredicit, auS= briicr'cii ; 2. cntberfen, bcfaiuit ma= dim, aubringen, angeben, ficraus ge= ben ; 3. oevbrciien, in llmlaitf bmi= UTTERABLE, adj. p\ augetn, auS» fpred)lid), auSjubttiffen, anjugebeit; not — , unaudfpvecblid) ; —ness, s. bie yiuSfprecblidifeif, 3utgbfu. r. bcvvenlod; 4. fig. miitiiij, untftcitig; gebdufenloS ; to '.e — , leer ftebeu; feieni ; — comparer, Ma. Ph. bie (Jont- iagnie ol)iic fefta'ngeftellteui3cfebld= baber; — countenance, bad offue ®e= fid)t ; — hours, pi. bie "^ebciiftiitibeii ; — room ( — space), ber leere, uube= fe (jte 3iaum ; — time, bie SJtufe. To vacate, v. a. 1. erjebigen, lecren; 2. abfdiaffeu, berbrangen, atinuUireii, uii<]iiltiij iuad)Cii; to — the policy, M. E. bie police riftomiren, annitUi- veu (gegen SSetgfitnng an benSSet|t* (here?) ; to — an employment, cill Sllltt ailfgeben ; he vacated the throne, tt gab ben «effy bed J£f>rotie8 auf. vacation, s. 1. bie Sflcaiig, @rfebi* gung; 2. Sftiit;ejetf, Bwtfdirnjeit (tet ®ertc|te), Spaufe, ber ©tillftanb, bie DJiiife ; 3. ©cbulferien ; ©crid)t§fe- ricit ; 4. bie Slbfcfcoffung. To VACCINATE, v. a. V\t jtubpocfeil einimpfen, ooccinire'n. VACCINATION, s. bie (5'iuimpfiuig bet .ttubpuden, -Vaccination. vaccine, adj. oou ber .fiub bcrriib= rcitb ; — infection ( — matter), bie .tfubporfenmatcvie, ber TM'ipfftoff ; — pnv (_ disease), pi. bie JvUl)pOCfeiI, 'I'accine. VACLLLANCY, s. bat s SBanfeu, 2Ga= cfcln, ©diioaufcn. VACILLANT, adj. Wailfeilb, Wfitfcillb, fd;amnfcitb, uuftat. To VACILLATE, v. n. 1. loailfelt, fd)ioaitfcu ; 2. fi#. wanfelmiitbig, uubcftatibii], uucntfdiloffcn feiin. VACILLATION, .«. 1. bad SSanfeu, SBacfetn, ©cbioaufen, bie l!uftatif,= Feit: 2. fig. ber SQBanfelmutb* bie U!icittfd)lpffcul)eit. VACUATION, vid. Evacuation. vacuist, s. ber SSncuifi (SBe^aupttt ciucd lecren Siaium-d). vacuity, ». 1. bie 2eetfieit: 2. Seere, bet leeve dlanm ; 3. bie Sucre ; 4. bafl 3Befculofe; 5. bie (Jitelfeit, 9?id)tig s feit. VACUOUS, adj. leer ; — ness, s. bit Ceerbeit, Scere. vacuum, «. bet leere gitaum, bie ?ecre; toricellian — , bie toricellifd)e ?eere. VADE-MECUM, s. cin Tafrbeiibiicb. VAGABOND, adj. 1. bcruntftreid)cub, uni()erfd)iocifeiib, Iaubfliid)tig, t>ogei= fret, beintatbdlod, oline $!<\fi) unb %\d) ; 2. flatternb ; unftar. VAGABOND, ». bee SJflgrtblWb, £tv unifti-eicber, Sanbftteicbet, 8anbffncb« ttge. VAGABONDRY. s vid. Vagrancy VALE \AMP VAPO VAGARY, .*. bet fcfffame (mirrtfebe) (f iufall, bje ®rifle, grafce, ©djitafe, ber tolle Streicf). VAGINAL, n«j. fcbcibcnfovmig, fcfcci* beitartig. VAGINANT, «# . B. T. fdicibcttarfig. VAGINATED, adj. it. T. fdicibcua'rtig, bo it eiticr ©dmbe limfcblofFen. VAGOTO-PENNOUS, adj. mit fatten gliigelbctfeu. VAGOUS, adj. Iicruniirrcnb, uiipf, pcbtig; auflfcfyvoeifenb (to. ft.). VAGRANCY, *. bafl ltiuf)cvfii)ivctfcn, fierumfrbTOarmen, Sdjwarmen, bie canbfiretcberei. VAGRANT, L«a>\ 1. nerumftrcidiciib, betuntfdJTOarmenb, f$marmenb ; 2. auflfdjwetfenb ; if. *. 1. bcr 23aga= bunt, taiiblaufcr, Canbftvctcfcev ; 2. jubrnmlt^e SBertfer, @traud)bicb, ©ufrbrleppet. VAGUE (ado. —i.\\ adj i. ficniniftrcu rfcenb, lanblauftg; 2. rocif, unbe= fi ; inmt, fdiumitfeitp, ong ; — report. cfi. leerefl @erud)t; — suspicion, rut= fen. cr, butiflet SerbadbJ. VAIL, bcv ©difcicr. 7b VAi . v. a. bcrfdilcicnt. vails, c j,i. bafl JEtmfgetb, SlckiL- gclb, bic Sportefn. VAHf,«// 1. bergeblid), fvudjtlofl; 2. cifcl; 3. tvefentofl, leer, unbebeuteitb, ttirfitig; i. ffafterfjafr, kidjtfinitig ; 5. prabjertfd;, fdjimmcrnb, unreal)*, falfrf) ; in — , bcrgcbciifl, umfoiift; to take in — , mif;brandiett ; — hopes, title fioffnungen ; — show, $vable= vet, SBinbbetttelei ; —glorious, — glo- riously, aufgeblafeit; rubmrcbig, grofi* fpredKvifd) ; — glory, bic Slufaebla* fenhcit; sKufjmrebigfeit, ©rojjfpre* rf)evci. vainly, adj. 1. bcrgebenfl, erfolgTofl, Billfonftj 2. cite!, jioij; 3. tborirht, fiubifd). VAINNESS, ». 1. brtS E'ifelc, bie (Ftfcl= fcit; 2. Seere, Stttcbtiafett, Uitrid)tig= fcif, galfitheit. Vair, s. n. T. bafl Sifcnf)iite6en, bic ©chelle, ©lorfc. VAIVODE, *. bet SBoiwobe, Sratr&al* tcr nnb giirft in ^olcit, bcv 3KoIbau nub SBaUacbci. VALAIS, ». 213alit8, bafl TOaflifcr 8anb. BALANCE, ». bt'e Setfftone, bcr SBett* franj, Urn bang, bic SBettfrnnfcn, bcv gaitenranb, gatteiifaum (an cincnt S8ette),bafl Octtbcbdiige, ®arbiuen* behaitgc. To VALANCE, a a. bie otrone atiffcfcctt, mit einem jtranj obev mit graufen befefceu, be&angeu. VALANCY, s. vid. Valiancy wio. VALE, *. I. bn« S.bal; 2. (— of a pump), bet ^umpcubaal. valedicth ).v. *.bafl aibfdjiebnebmen, bet SIbfdjicb, bad Seberoobl. VALEDICTORY, adj. ;nm '.JlbiVbicbc, abfdjieblicb, ; —speech, bic \>lbfrf)iebfl= rebe. VALENCIAS, t.pi, fancy — , gemufterfe 3Befkn;euge. r.\ i. i:\ri\i-; .?. 1. SBatentin, nn,tr. iUifeu (tDlannfiitame) ; bat ram St. SBaIeiititt'4 iEage etfobrne) Stebdben ; 3. ba8 SicbcSbiiefdicit [am 2t. SB(t= Icnfiii'8 S^tflf) ; St. — 'adny, ba« St. S8= lid), ungeuinb ; If. i. bcr fr»inflid;c 9)Jcnfd)/ Siccbliitg. VALIANT [adv. — l'y), adj. tay-fcr, fiibn, btao, biebet : — ness, * bic Xapftx* fcit, SDraobeit; s -I3icbcrEcit ; 4Uarbf. VALID (adv. —vt), adj. I. ft.uf, trif= tig. biinbig ; 2. giiltig, red)t6gfiltig ; to be — , gcItCll ; to render — in law, to make — , gericbtlid) fccftatigeit, vecbtsfraffig mad;cii; — argument, bcr tviflige ©ruiib. VALIDITY, )s. bic (3tedjt«0®uls VALIDNESS, ll ; 2. bic T.icb-- vitllK ; down the — , tbalabWfittJ J — of tears, ffr. M3 iluauetttbal. VALLUM, s. /'.fethit,^etjf>afHfls fcit. VALOREM, adj. (Lat.) ad— ,M.E. nad) bem SBertbe. VALOROUS (adr. — ly), adj. t.ipfcr, f;ihu, berjbaft, bcbcrnnet jefl urn cfl 511 reiuigeti ; 5. tint Vlrt i!crfo= neiiivagcit, and; eiu giibroer! jur gottfdbaffuug eon 9Ji5beln: — r, btt eilbote, Betbote, i ! cr= l.iiifer, gottftft; — f - raben: — guard, bic ilevbttt, ber ©ortrab, SBorberjug, bie 33orbet« ttwpftn bic crfte V etttB) VANDAL, ?. ter xL J a:italc, rcl;c i'lcufd), Batbar. VANDALIGa^. tote eitt QSaubalt, bat' batifd), rcb. VANDALISM * ber 'i!anbaliflinii8. i'aiualciifiint. 3 l '!t'i'ib ber SRc VANDYKE ». ber auflgfjfldjftj Wet* fd)lagenbe (^a(fl*)Jtragtn. VANDYKEI) I f t ; — bor- t\-r<. 3arfenbotbuten ; — brown, caffefet Stbt; — bose, buittgcjacftt ii'tmpfe. VANE, ». bic ^arbfabttc, Sffietterfabne, ber SQettet^a^tl ; .v '/'■..-. ber glii* gel; Bight — . cin BtRt; — l.onrd. ( — stock), bafl glftgclbcif. bic glfigrl* fd)erc ; — spindle, bafl glQgtlfptd ; vanes, pi. fdiiebbarc S)topterit. V \.m;, », bie (Stele ber Tuber ; — pen- dnnts, vid. VaROB. VANGS, t ;>' JV. T. tic ©eetbtji (®tb= ten ber ©efait. VANILLA.*, bic %milk' (Epidcndron vanilla — /..). To VANISH, r. v f>f:viitbcn, »tt» feba'iitbcn ; rergebeu ; to — away, btllhlMlMltbCll. VANISHED, adj. berfdi iviir.bcti. VANISHING, part — line, ber | jottt ; — point, ber SBetfdbroinbi pitttft. VANITY, ». 1. bic 0?itelf> fcit; 2. bet »ergeblidje SBuufdj, baJ cit'e, ftncbtfofe ©efheben, bie 8ttr* bcit; 3. bic taufdjung, bet QStbein, bafl citle SBergnftgen, ^ie Spieletei ; A. Aalfdibcir, Uir.iMlu'beif. Utirieb = tigfeit, bcr 3»'vlluint; 5. Stclj, t^l ©tflfren. To VANQUISH, b. a. beftegeit, iiber= totnben, btjwingtn, etobern, tviber* legeit. V VNQl BH v-t.y beftegbar, VANQUISHER. *. bet Sieger, i'c)Tc= gcr, lleberrotnber, ©tobetcr. / \ UN l'. - t. To Wist. VANTAGE, ■ bet Qotthetl ; — ground, lit. bafl vorn)eil$afl geiegene terrain bem Aciitbc fltjjenubet ;.'..- bie Uebet* leaenbeit. YAi'in. «■//. vcrraudit, oerrodjen, ab= geflanben, otrborben, fdbal, geiitlpj, pbitc Cebenflgei|rer, efetj I . Berborbenbcit, ©eiftfoftgftit, ©felijaftigreit. bet \&>il( ®efa>ni««f, bie Sdjafijetf. VAPOUR ». 1. bcr Tttnft, Tamvf, Qualm, ERaitrb; ^Obeuraud) ; ■d'nell SBtrgSngltcbc, ber ^i-bai- ten ; — Lull. ' bafl Scbtvttpbab, 5)ampfbab; a r. 5)ampfbab; Va- »r*) BISbungin ; V.i::::e. @rtUtR. To vapour, r. „. & a l.bnnfhn, bam* pfen ; 2. Dtrbunfrtn : 3. fig. vrablcit, SJBiue mad)tn, auffchnttbtn ; to — ■reut, oerburtfttn, auflbunfreB, abbunfhu, berbampfen ; ocrbunften. v \r. IB VBILITY, ». bie gfibjgftit j- otrbampftit, 83erbampfbarteir. \ w ib vBLE, ■ . otrbampfbat To \ W- IB \t:' v. < aiivMtiiiicti. vaporation, 8. baflBetbflufhn. VAPORED, idj. 1. fcudjt; ltcbclfctutt «89 VARN VATI VEGE sunftig; 2. fy. grtQenbaft; Eaur.en= baft, meiattcbplifd). FAPORER, s. bet Sjkabler, 3Binbma= tber, Jluffdutcttcr. \av> \rifio, adj. Derbampfenb. VAPORINGLY, adv. gvp|i|"pred)crifd), prablertfd). VAi't ikish. «,//. 1. bitnftig ; 2. /«-. Iau= nifcb, grilieithaft, miirrtfcb. Vaporization,*, bte SBerbampfung. To VAPORIZE, ». a. ten. oerbampfen. vaporous «#. 1. bitnftig, bampfig. r-pli SMiufie ; 2. blabenb, »on ten SMutftcit l)cvn"if)vcn5 ; — ness, s. tie Sunfttgfeit, buiiftigc Sefcbnffenbett. vapory, adj. 1. bunfttg, boll 5)unjie ; 2. ./in-, griflig, tounbetlicb, launig, lauucnbafr. Varec, s. etitgeafebertet £ang (jur sBcrcititng ber ©oba). VARI, 8. ber SSati [Lemur catta — /,.). VARIABLE (adv.— ly), adj. 1. »erStt= fccviicb, abwecbfelnb: 2. wanbelbar, Mllbcftaitbtg, nMUfcliltUtbig ; — ness, 8.1. tie IBetanberltcbEeit ; 2. Uubc= uaubigfeit, bet SBanfelmutb, $cid;t= fiim. Variance, s. 1. bteUnefittgfett,3Rigs be lligteit, bet (3Bi&ers)©ttett, Swift ; 2. bte 33eraitberurtg ; 3. l. t. bet SBiberfprucb (ber miinbltcben 9tu§* f«ge niit eiuer Uvruttbc) ; to set at — , unetntg mttcben, tit SBiberfprurb bringeu, be^eu. VARIATION, s. 1. bte SSeVilltbcrilltg, 9leuberititg, Slbaurcntng; 2. bet SBecbfci; 3. lliucrfrbteb, tic SOers febiebenbeit ; 4. 'Jlbtvcidmng; 5. Mus. r. bte Sanation; N.irJist. Ts. — of the compass, bte declination (3Ib= toeicbung) bet SRagnetnaoel; oriental — , bte Swbofterittg ; occidental — , bte Storbwefteriug ; — of tiie moon, He Sanation (ba8 ©cbwanfen) be-3 9)Joitbe8; — of words, Gram. T. bit SBtegUttg bev SBSttet; minuets with — s, sBZenrcttcn mit Sariattonen. VARICOCELE, 5. s. t. bet Jlvampfs abcrbrttcb. VARICOSE, }adj. 1. A. T. ffanipfabc- VAR1C0U3, $ vidi, mit aufgetriebe= iteit Senen, oaricoS ; 2. gefajwoHert. varied, adj. scifducben, mannigfal- tig, abwedjfelnb, bunt. To variegate, t7. a. bunt madictt. variegated, adj. bunt, buutfcbccftg, geftecft. variegation, s. ba§ Sietfcirbige, Sutitfcbecftge, bie SiclfarbigEeit. variety, r. 1. bie 91bu>ecbfc(mtg, Serfcbtebenbetr, 3JJanntgfnlttgfett ; 2. 9lbu?eicbuitg ; 3. Setfinberung cm. it.) ; 4. r. Slbarf, ©ptelart (yon Jtbieten nub SPffatuen). VARioLrrE, s. bev Sartoltt, SBlaftets fteiu. VARIOLOIDS, pi. JUcd. T. btC SBatfolOt* ben. VARIOLOUS, adj. pOtfeiiartifJ. VARIOUS [adv. — i.v), adj. 1. Devfd)ie= belt ; 2. »et\iitbevlid); 3. bunt; — readings, vevfrfpicbcttc SeSavteit, Sari* autcu. vaiiix, s. .1. T. bet 9IbcvEvppf, bie jframpfabet ('Jliisbcbnung etnet Shttabet). Varlet, s. 1. bev JTcrl, ©cBelm, tScfwft, SSubc ; 2. + $age, (8etb=) Siener. fARNISH,8. 1. bet Ainiif;, ^id, 2Ie^ gtunb; bie Sopfglafttr ; bet (bafl Zhtt jum 21uftvetd)cit bet ©c^iffe ; 2. jig. ^luftfid); to set a — on. flbets fteninen ; — sandarach, ber beutfdje ©anbatad), ba« 2Barb,oTbet^otj ; — sumach (— tree), bet 8irnifjlMUIlt, ©iftbattm {Rhus t>ernix — Z.). 490 To VARNISH, b. .7. 1. fmttffen, Iadi= ten, iibcvfiviiiffen, iibetjteb,en; 2. aujfatben, oufftifc^etl ; 3. fig. einen Slnftvid) geben, bemanteltt, vcvblu= men ; to — over, ubevftntiffen, iibcv= tiiudien ; fig. bemantelit. VARNBHER, .--. l. bet Sflcftter; 2. .%■. ©emfitttelet, Sefc^oniget, 4lu8Pafft» ret. varnishing, s. bns Siniiffcn, 8acTi= ven u. f. «.'. ; — brush, ber giving putfel. VARVELS, s. pi. Sp. e. bie Su6rttige be8 (Aalfeu, mit beni Seamen bcS (ii= gentbiiinev". To vary, v. i. a. betanbettt, rermart= ntgfalttgen, abJuec^felnj to — a tune, eiue SUJelobte (mit 3Snn«tioiten ober S3ernuberuitgeti vcvfebcu) bartiren ; n. Ti. 1. jich yeviiubevu, un-rbfelu; 2. abgcb.cit, abaH'ttfjeu; 3. bevfd)iebcu femt, fia) unferfd)ciben ; 4. jv. t. broavvein, (corn SBinbe) oerciuberltd) feijn. VASCULAR, adj. B. T. i. 01t3 viefeil ©efdfen obet Jlbettt beitcbenb ; mit @efaf?ett; 2. bie ©efa9e betvejfenb. vascularity, s. b. t. bie Siillc yen ©efafien cber 3lbern. VASCUL1FEROUS. adj. B. T. mit jeKt's gen ©ainengefagen vevfeben. vase s.l. bte Safe, baS ^unfigefag, §Ptad)tgefap, bie aSIumettiJhfe, ber (funftHt^e)SBIumentopf; 2. bie iUume bevSulpen ;bei ©lumiPen); 3.Jirch.T. bie Sumimel (etneS ©aulentapitale) ; 4. t. bev inittlere Xlml eineS Jtivd)eit- leud)tcv§ (Bet ©olbfc^mieben) j — lamp, bie 33nfenInitiBe. VASSAL, s . 1. bev inifa!, ?ebu*mann, SeljnSttaget, rienftnwiiii ; 2. ltutev= faffe, Uu'tcvt[)an ; 3. ©tenet, Jluedit, Setbetgene ; 4. com. bai SBerfjeug, bie fetle Jtvcatur, bev ©claoej rear — , bcr 5lfteiier)ttemamt, ?lftev»afal[. To VASSAL, v. a. UttteVuHTfett -^ til ^uecbtfdjaft brt'ngen; brbcvvfifcn. vassalage, s. 1. bie S)icufibavfeit, ber ivafadcuftanb ; bev Sebenbtenft, bie ?cbcii5pfli*t; 2. ?lbbaugigfeit, Uitterrourftgfeit. VASSALED, adj. ttuterwcvfeti; 9et= Enecbtet. VAST, I. adj. (iiber)gvpy, wett, ireit aulgebebnt, ungebcuev ; gvofiavtig ; a — deal, gerbttltig (ungebcuev) Dtel ; IT. 8. bie gvofje 23eite, (iiucvntefjlidic) Strecfe, (tccve) aBiifte; the —of air, bev itnbegrenjte Sufttaum ; the watery — , bie aBaffertoiifte. Vastation, s. bie SJer^ceruui], S0et= iiMtftnug. VASTLY, adv. (iiber)grptl, nngcbeuev, gewaltig, febr, iibevait-? ; auf cine fe()r wette, grofie 31vt; a space — extended, eitt uucvmefilieber SRaum. VASTNESS, s. (— of space) bie flfpfie 2Beite, bev toette (linevmcfilidie) SRoum, bie ungebeure ©roge, toette ©tved'e, (unevntcijlid)c) SBiifte, Un= evmcfjltdifeit. vasty, adj. iiugebeuer. vat, s. 1. ba§ (grofje) gnf; bie Jtufc ; 2. T-s. bie So^gntbe ; 3. JUin. t. cine bterecTtge SSerttefung nuf bent SRucfen ctneS dafcinivofeiiS tn bev Siunctjc gevoftet roerbeil ; fermenting — , bie 2)icifd)fufe (tit ben SBtaueteien) ; second — , bte SJtlibvfupC, bCV di\i\)X- bottig (bet ben giirberit). Vatican. 8. bcr Vatican; fig. ber papftlidje (£tub(. vatktde. s. bev ^ropfcetenmbrbef. VAT1CINAL, adj. VVbpbetifd). To VATICINATE, v.n. nJCtf^tgen ' VATICINATION, 5. bie 2'Gciffagung, spropbejetung. irAULr, .«. 1. baS ©ewolbe, bte j JB8l« 6u«fl, bet jypgen, ©dnvibbogett; 2. ba8 Selletgetoolbe, bet Pellet; 3. bal S'pbtcugcivplbc, bie ©tuft; 4. bet ©prung, ©afe. To VAULT, v. 1. a. tvolbeti, umrootbttt' iibettoolbenj n. n ^mififpruiige nun rbeu, oolttgtten, fpringen, daprtolea madjen, fid) tummeln ; to — into the saddle, ftdtp in ben ©attel fcBiBtugen. VAULTED, adj. 1. flCivolbt ; 2. B. T bogeitfbrmig. vaulter, 8. bev OJoltigeuv, (JluuftO ©prtnger. To VAUNT, 0. a. &■ n. viibmcn, pvcifot, pvablcn, gvo^fpvecbcu; fid) tubmen, auffdjneiben. VAUNT, s. bie SPrnb,Ierfi, ©vofil"pvcd)C= tei ; to make a — of a thing, fid) eiucr @ad)c riibmeu, bamit grpjjj tbun- — courier, vid. Ulltev Van ; — mure, bie falfrbe SDtnnet. VAUNTER. s. bev ^rabler, @rj>jjfp»fs riiev, aiuffcbticibet. VAUNTPUL, adj. pTabletifdj, gvpfj»".ve= cberifrb, anfi'dmetberifi'b. VAUNTINGLY, ads. ptMbJbaft prat>= lertfcb, c-jvpfi|prcd)cvtfef), vubi' .ctig. vavasor, s. bev 8ebeng»afa'.. VAVASORY, 5. baS 9lfterlc[un. VEAL, s. ba8 Jlalbfleifd) ; roasted—, bet ^illbSbtaten ; —cutlets, —steaks, bie Jiitlbijfdiuittcii, geftbinovte ©tuefs cben Jtalbflcifd), JtalbsSeavbeuabcu. VECTOR. .«. (Radius — ), Mit. & jist. T. bev CfJabiuS Sector. VECTURE, s. bie Sitfivc, ba§ 5Bevfiib= veit, bev (?aub=).i'vaii'opLU't pev 9lrhfe (n. u.). veda. s. bie SBeba, bie [H'ilt'geu 33iid>cr bev i§inbu. VEDET, ?s. (franj.) bie Scbcttc, vedette, 5 SReitertoacbe, ©fabnxu cije, bev (SBot=)^}ojien ju fpfetbe. To VEER d a. *■ n. JV. T. vieveit, ab= Dteten, halfeit, (ura=)wenben,«nf etnen anbetit Sug toenben ; »or bent SBtnbe toenben; breben, mnbrebett, (oslaffen, febiepen laffeu (eitt %au) ; (tcb breben ; to — and haul, I. ji. ftcb bveben ("Pin sffitube); 11. a. absteven unb anbolen, obet otcreu unb boleu (ein JEau) ; to — out nil sail, (tile Segel Qjiffpaiiueu ; the wind veered about to (the) north- west, bev SBinb fpvang urn uarb i'tpvbivcft; the wind veers aft, ber SBtnb raltlllt; veer no more! fall ntcbtob, nidit lager! — more cable, flicf) mebv 9lnEevtau auS. vegetable, is. 1. bie 5}>ffante, ^panjengetoflcbs ; 2. bie SPffanjeus fpetfe, ba§ ©emufe ; 11. adj. bem sppanjettrcicbe jugebdvig, pjtan;eu= atttg, bcgetabilifeb, $f(anjen . . ; — acid, bie ycgctabiltfcbe ©anre ; ber <£>ol}efftg; — bodies, i-flameiitorper; — dish, eiue ©emitfefcbitffcf ; —cold, b,t3 ^flanjengolb ; — juice, ber SPfftltts jenfaftj — kingdom, bnS $^a»jen* vcid); — physiology, tie s ?uituvle[;ve uon ben 5PfJaiijenI6rpern ; iiflanjeit^ pbi)fto!ogie ; — stores, SBorratb an .vciMutcvu, Jlucbengcroiicbfen ; — worm, bie SPffan$enwelt. To vegetate, v. n. pftnttjenarttg feiiu, ein lUlaujenlebcn fubven, t>ege= liven, vpaebfeu, [ctmen, fpvpffen. VEGETATION, s. 1. bie SBegcMtioii, bev (^flanjen=)2Bitcb8tbum, M3 SRpnnjenlebeu ; 2. tie ^fTonjem»eIt ; — of salts, bie JtrtftaUifation bcr ©olje. VEGETATIVE adj. 1. pffattjeiiartig toaebfenb; 2. ben $fianjcim>arb8- tbum befbrbevnb ; —ness, s. bcr £rteb 511m -5Rfl>iit;enameb«tbuine, bie tv.i* benbe Jtraft, Scben-Straft. VENA VENO VENU »EGETE, adj. lebfyaft, fiavf, ftcu-bfeub (». A.). VEGET1VE, adj. [W. fi.) WJ. Vegetable; — life, baa Bffanjenleben. Vehemence (—cy), *. bie .geftigfeif, ©civalr, bal 3-cuer, bie ©hit, £>ifec, bet (Sifer. VEHEMENT («. 83ea bifcl ; SRtttbeilunglnKrflroerfmtg, (Uebertragungl«, 3ufu6rungfis)2Jcit= tel, ©tfegen&eitlmittel, .(3 it I remitter. VEHICLED, adj. buvd; ciu 3Jet>ifcl mit= gctbcilt. VEIL, *. 1. bcr Scolder; Sorfjaitg, bie futile; 93ccf(ctbuitfl ; 2. jig. bet Secfmautel, <3d)lcicr. 7V>VEIL, v. a. 1. nut einem ©cbleter bebccfcu, vcrfdjlcicm, umfrblciern ; 2. vcrbulicn, oerbcrgeit, Bebecfen. vein, «. 1. tic Sber, SBlutaberj 2. Stber lint ©tcitte, im .£>olie, u. f. n>.) ; 3. .05b lung ; 4. .;;.r. bic ©abe, (natur* liebe) tillage, jfteigung: 5. Sigen= heir, 2lrf, Saline, ©cimitb,6&cfrbaffcit= tjcitj 6. bet giinftigc x'lugcnbli'cf; — without a pair, A. T. tie uugcpcunle SHbetj — of thinking bie ©cjanfeit= vetbe ; veins of gold, ©olbobern ; veins of water, SBafferabern (in bcr @tbe) ; veins of wit tuifeige (SinfaQe. VEINED, adj. (tbettg, Sbett'g, gcabcrf, geabert, matmotitt. VEINLESS, adj. a. i'. itngciibcrf. VEINY, adj. aberig, »ou Qlbcrit, viele Vitcrtt CUtbalteilb; the — artery, bte 8ungenfd)lagabet. VELIFEROUS, adj. mit Segelll vcr= febcit. VELLEity, ». bet niebrigjle ®rab bes SBiUenoetmogenl. 7'o VELLICATE, v. a. JUbfcu, fiiciven, jtotcfen. VELLICATION, *. bal 3uvfen, Jtnet* pen- Rnnrfeu; vellications, pi. 9^er- senjuaungen. VELLUM, s. baS ffiite flalbl Icber- pergament, iJeliu ; — lace, bie SPa* Icttciifviljcu, (Milium =2pifceit) ; — paper, bal iielin, Sefinpapier. velocity, .1. bie Sdmelligfeit, ®e* fdmuubigfeit; initial — of projectili -. bic ^nfauglgefcbroinbigfeit bcr 0e= fdjoffe. VELVET, iR. bcr Saminet, Sammt; n. adj. 1. fammteit; 2. auc Eammef, fammetroeicb ; — black, bets S>ainmef= fdjmarj, SBeinfcbiuarj ; —duck, bie (2 a 111 lit CtC It te (Anns fusca — L.)\ — dower, bic Samntetbliinic; ba3 ®am= metroficben; — lace, bie (Sammet= fviftf; — leaf bie ©tieltvurgel (Cfe- ampelos pareira — L.) ', — litre, filllt = mctctvtig; — maker, bcr aill= nictttittc (Cmus luzonicus). '/\i vi:i.\ ET, b. a. Saminet ntalcit. VELVETED, adj. fiiiiiiutcit, fantiiict= lii c id). VELVEriNG, a bic iauf)e Cbcrpad;c (bet Slot) beS SammetS. VELVETLIKE, adj. fanuitcfavti.t. VELVETY, adj f,ltlt!lltctl, boil Sain= met, fammtartig, fainmtweit^. VENAL, adj. 1. ill ben ffeetn ciitKiltcn ; 2. feil, feil aibottn, Muflicft, 6e|iedjs licb, cvf.iiiflid) ; — blooil, ba« SBIut in Vn SJJiiifabetn. VENALTTY, -tic geilfceif, erf,iuflicb= fcit, tat Scilfcini, tic i'cftcdili^fcit. VENABY, adj. tas 3>igcu itic jagb) Octrcffcnb. VENATIC (— cal), adj. |Ut ?\agb gc= ()6rig, jngetifdj, meibmannifdb. VENATION, s. tat 3>igen, bic 3aafc. 7VVEND, r. a . oetfoufeO; feil luctcit, Io8fd)Iagen. \ ENDEE s. L.T. bcr Jl.iufcr. vender, r. /.. t. bcr SQerf&ufer. yendihility, i. bie 33evf,iiiflid;fcif, ©angbarfeit (cincr SBoate . VENDIBLE (ode — i.v , adj. oetKuflicb, gangoat ; oetrxuifsweife ; — i vid. Vendibujty. VENDIBLES, ». pi. UetKuflidje 0cgcn= ftanbe. VENDITION, ». bcr Qetfauf. VENDOR, ». /.. T. oid, Vjiiider. VENDUE, ». lilt Statettfa it lib SEcfl= inbien) bic Bffentlicfie Qetfteigerting, SlUCtioil ; —master, ber ^IllCtitMUttCf. n VENEER, va. foitritiicit, belegen (mit feinem^olje it. f. iv.), auMcgcit, einlegen. veneficial, \adj. I. Detgiftenb, VENEFICIOU8, J giftmifdicrini) ; 2. bel'crcnb, bejaubernb (to. it.). VENEFICIOUSLY, ado. bttrd) ©iff ctcr 3idn\icri,j, rad}uut = tig, radu-vifd), tddjenb. \ ENGEMENT, t. bic SBefttafltltg. VENI \L, adj. 1. Ki^lirt, cvl.iilli*, rer- jciljlid); 2. sulfifflg, erlaubt; a — sin, cine InBticbe etKifilidu - obet ^x- Jaffung«=)@unbe. VENIALNESS, ». bic grTajilicBJeit, SBer» jciblid)tcit. VENICE, ». 2?Cltcbig; —mallow, bcr Sibifdj [Hibucua — L); — luinach, bcr Spetritrfenbaum(Hatu toHmu— i. •, — turpentine, bet VCIlCti,llli|'d'C ict pentiit, bas Serrbeflbarj. \ bnison.s. bat AH\t- 8Q3ilb, ' SBilbpretj —pasty, SBilbprefyaffcte. \ in: n \n. i i, adj. ■ \ i mrruit. VENOM, a. 'i. ba : ? ©ifl ; 2. tig. bet ©roll, #af,bte S8o«beit, SGtrfe. t„ venom, o. n. aetgiften. \ i:v IM( (US (ado. — ly), adj. 1. gifttg ; 2. Rg. b58atttg, boSbaft; — ness, . bit ©iftigfeit;^. ©8«arttgWt, ©o«beit. VENOUS, adj. fence, bic kbetttH br- treffenb, }u ben 93euen gchbrciu ; B v. geabttt VI N r, • 1. bic Sir: . ! \ bal Vi\t, Suftlocb, Xoor, t • Slitagang ; 3. tcr 9fR>; 4. M ". nen, '.'liifiit.-tdHit ; b. ber B*rl Bettrieb, 3Ufai; i$c auilaffen. \ i.n iaiu t. tie Deffhuna te* .§clmi Dot b.nt SDZuabc, bet •pelmfti bal Oipr. VENTER.* \.A T< tie .05 Hung, bet Baucb. ?eib, SWutterleib ; cincr bcr vicr SRagen etnes ttieberfAnenbrn Xtftttt; ber 9Jtu«felbaucb ; 2. i.r. bic -AVttttcr; 3. tcr EBefaniltn iluflfprenger, Oerbreiter, VENTIDUCT.*, bie SEBinbrobre, ?nft= gugrSbre. To VENTCLATE, o. a. 1. bin* 8uft|ng reinigen, facbcln, liften ; gcu (Jbinn it. f. iv.), lrauncn. VENTILATION, *. i. bal ;l(eii;igcn turd; ten SuftjUfl, Sitficn ; 2. tat Sarbcln, ©cbaingen, SSannen. VENTILATOR • btr sSfntiiator, 8nfta ticber, tat SBiubrab, bic SBinbrofe. VENTOSITY, *. bal toiobige SBefen. VENTRAL, mj ben SBancJ — fins, bie i'antbfloffeii. VENTRICLE, », bcr SRagfll ; biff lung, hammer ; at. ( — of tin and brain , bie ^erjfammtr, 0rbint< bbblc. VENTRICULOUS,i fl *- B - rbaB( '* VEN ITULOaUISM, Vkiiteiu bivj SBantbteben, bic i^ucbrebnerti, SBancbrebnerfttafi VENTRIL IQUIBT,*. ter I VENTRILl : VEN It BE9 ''I \ i n n roi - . waglidj, wagenb, fiibtt, venvegen, oetmeffetl, uiitci» nebmenbj {adv.— it), auf oerwegene SBeife. via 1 1 roi 9NESS,». bit SBagltcbrett ; jtflbnbeit, Berwegenbeif, SBermeffrn* beit: tcr Unternepmuttglgeifl VENUE ». 1. L. T. ber beiuicbbartt 4 II I VERD VERM VERT {©etidjtfcODrt; 2. Sp. T. bet ©ana. im jjedjten, Stop, bdgebracbtc SticB. FENULITE, s. fie oerjteinette 33enu«= mnfd)cl. iTENU&s. I. Myth. SOemiS; 2. Ast. T. ter SIBenbjietn; 3. ca t. + bag Jtuvfcr; — ('s) bugle, tie $p[)arao= fcbllCcfc (Trockus phiraanicus) ; — ('is) comb, bcr 3>iabelter6el, £>cd)df,mtm (Scandiz pectcn — /,.) ; — ('s) fly- trap, tie glicgcufalk (nfonaa mus- cipvia — L.) ; — ('s) golden locks, bet giUtene SBtbertftou, ron)e ©tein= bred) (Asplenium trichomancs — /.,.) ; — (*s) iiair, bag Sraueubaar (Adian- turn, eapillus fmeris — L.) ; — (*s) Innking-glass, ter Senugfvicgd, bie ©locfcubluiue {Campanula speculum — L.)\ — ('s> navel wort, bag 9iabd= ft«Uf, bet 33cuu$IiaBcl (Cotyledon uro- Micus) ; tic ifmntgjunge, bet 93enu§= finger (Cynoglossum linifolium — L.) ; — ( 's) pride, tic ObrpfianjC; — ('s) shell, tie 83enu6mufd}el. VERACIOUS [ado. — r.v\ adj. 1. toasts raft, bet iSabrbeit ergebcu, a\ilnl)af= tig; 2. roaijr (to. ii.).' veracity, s.btt SSBa^v&affigfett. 9luf= rirbtigfeir, (SlauB&aftiafeit, @Iaub= mutbtgEeit; SBa&rljeitSliebe : a man cf — , ciit glaubiviirtiger SDZatm. VERANDA, s. ciit leid)t geBanter, be= becftet (@anfens)@ang umeut<§au£, cine 5Ktt 3Utan nut ©dauber. VERATRIA ». a,. T. bai 3Jerafritt, SaBabtliiu (et'it SUfaloib). VERB, s. Gram. T. bag SBcrBuill, 3^it= WO ft. VERBAL, adj. 1. munblicfc; 2. wbrt= lid), bucjjfliibltdj ; 3. wortflauBenb, umjlanttid) ; 4. verbalifd), von einem 3dtn)orfe abgdeitet; —construction. bie ftilifttfrbe gaff ting ; a — noun, tag ben eiitcnt Scitivorte abgdeitcte s Jco= men; — process, tcr (2jcrucbm=) SBciidlt, ta^ SRrOtOfoIl ; — reward, tie 33dobnuug turd) 31? or re. VERBALrry, s. tie 33u$jl«6lid)feit, bet SBottucrftaitb ; dead — , bet roftc SBuc&jkbe. To VERBALIZE, d. a. ilt citt 3etf«»0ft venvantdu. Verbally, ado. 1. ntitut(id) ; 2. von 32ort 511 23otf, mortltd) ; to translate — , irurrltci) uBetfefeen. verbatim, ado. fcpu 23ort |« Sffiort, IvBrtlid); reprinted — , tvbltlicb ttB= getfucft. VERBERATION, s. i. tag <3rb!agcn, bie @d)l«ge; 2. (2uft=)(?rfd;urtc= run,) (bie teu ©djall vcrurfad-tj. VERBIAGE, 5. vid. Verbosity. verbose, adj. ivortreid.), fdnviilftig ; to be — , "ids SSorte inarben ; a — talker, ciit «d)iva&er, wig. ;Rlavpcr= mauf. VERBOSENESS, Verbosity, ». tag SBottgeptange, tie 2Seitf<$&>eiftg.feit, bet Scpuiulfl. Verdancy, s. tie ©nine, baS ©riin. verdant, Qrfj. 1. griiu, griiucut ; 2. bliifjeub. VERDERER (Vehderor), a. L.T. bet SStjiet, ioaltmciftcr, 23iltmcificr, .Oagcreitet. VERDICT, *. L.T tag (5i Fcuiititif4, tie gerid>tlicbe ©cuebmiguug, Sinbuug, Grflarung, (Sntfc^etbung, tag ©u't= adjten, tcr Slusfj)tu(^(be«®ef rube tcr Ubr ; 5. (bci ten ©arrnerii) ter 9Jaub citter SJabattc; cin ©raS= ftficfeben jwifeben ten 9tabaftcn nut SBegcn; tenant by the — , L. T. ettt Scbengntann, tcr mit tent 93elcf»= uumpftabe iit ter ^anb ten 8cf)ews= eit lebmiu'cn mufi ; — riveting-tool, ter ©pintdnicter tcr U^rma(bet; — tool, tie Oiautirntafcbiue. To verge, v. 11. fid) neigen, treben, iibcrgeben, itberfdblflgcn, fiufeu; to — to putrefaction, $ltr gauluip gcllCtgt fel)it; in gauluifi iibcrgebctt; verging to .., augrettjeub. verger, s. bet ©taBttSget j ©flttel. veriflvble adj. bemabtbat, bcw,'ibr= lid). verificatiox, .<.. tie SBewa^tung, Seglaubigung, S3en>a^t|eitung, Ses nrfuntung, ter SBemetS, tic (frmci= fuug, tcr (Streets, Seleg ; in — of this,' $u Itrfuub teffen. verifier, i. einet, ter ttvaai als un-.fir behauptet. To VERIFY, h. a. bcavibrcu, tartbuu, crbartcn, beftatigen, erfiilleu, bdegen, beglaubigcn, Deutfunben, bcnxi'ftu, envciffit. verily, adv. umbrbauig, toflbrltcfj, twirflid;, fiinvabr, ftcber, juoerlaffig ; to be — persuaded. ypUfomiltCU itbci'= jcugt feDit. VERISIMILAR, adj. lvabtfibciuttd). verisimilitude, s. tie 2Ba6tfd)ei»= lidifeit. VERITABLE (ado. — lt), adj. Iimbr, n)abrbafti,], bet Sadje gentafi (ro.ii.). VERITY, s. tie (utoralifdie) ffiabrbcit. verjuice, 5. ter ^oljapfdcffig; ©aft i'ou uuteifem (fauetem) Dbfle, ©aft son uurcifcu SttauBen, ter ber= be SBetu, 2lgrejt. VERMEIL, s. vid. Vermilion - , vermeologist. 3 . cincr, ter fid) mit ter i'laturgefdjicbte ter 2Burmet be= fdjaftigt. vermeology, s. tie ^euiitttif) bcr SBurmer (m. it.). VERMICELLY, s. ]>'. tie (ifa(tcnifdjeu) 23uvm= obcr yaseu»31utdu; ruban — , iiantuntdi'.. \Eii.MicuLAR, adj. ivttrmartig, »utm= [Oruitg ; — work, vid. Vermiclxated- WORK. To VERMICULATE, o. a. fottrtttrcn, bunt (ujutmformig) einlegeu. VERMICULATED, adj. li'itrntfbrinig eingetcgt; —work, r. mufit)ifd)e2lr= beit nut ucft= oter Juutmformigen giguren. VERMicuLATii >N, s. tie wutinfBtmige ©ewegung. vermicule, s. tcr (Heine) SQJutnt, tag aSiinnrbeu, tie diaupe., ) adj. 1. rourmig, VERMICULOUS, 5 22itrntcr entbaU tent, rod 2Biirmer; 2. wntmfotiuig. VERMIFORM, adj. rourinfbrntig. vi:rmifugf, .•?. Med. r. tag 2Qutm= •jtittet, tie SBurmeffett). VERMILION (Vermeil), s. 1. tie bed) = rotbe (ctcr el. To VERMIXATE, i>. n. SButtttet crjCll* gen, tvurmig wertcu. VERMINATION, s. 1. tic erjcttguttg von SQiitmetn, tag aBurmerjeugen'; 2. tie 23urmfraufbeit. verminous, ndj ju SBiirmcrn gcueigt, wurmctjeugenb. VERMir.vRous, adj. SBiirmet erjetu gcut, bcrvorbringeut, SSutmet ge« barcub. VERMIV0R0US, adj. rpitrmcrfreffeiit. VERNACULAR, adj. eiitbeiintfct), ba = terlantifd) ; a — disease, eiue brtlid)« (cntcmifd)e) Jlranf^eit; — t tie 2)hittcrfptarfee, vaterlautifdj< aJJuutart. VERNAL, adj. $um griiblinge gebbrig, SriibliugS ..; —equinox, tie griib= lingguaditgleicbe ; — signs, .1st. t tie 8rubltni)g(biniindg)^e;d)en ; — sweets, pi. tie 2litnehmlid)feitcn beg bfiihliugg, ter Sieij teg ?eit5eg. VERNANT, adj. tIilf)Cllb tvie till %Yub- linge, lenjBaft. vernation, s. bag 2Iugfd)fager. ter SPPanjen im grueling. VERNIER, s. Mat. T. tet SGcVtlifV, ?i0« Uillg. veronica, s. i. Setontca (gtauennas me) : 2. tie 33cronica (tag beilige 2in= gefid)t, fibrifti 5lu'(tnitJ anf tent ^(bmeif;tud;e; ; 3. tcr Sfjrenprcifl (Veronica — />.). verrucous, adj. B. t. Warjig ; Wats jenformig. versatile adj. 1. trebbar; 2. ae* wanbt, bdient, gefd) mettig ; viclfci= tig; 3. umutdbar, bcrauterlid) j 4. B. T. bcivcglirb. versatility, ... 1. tic 2>teBB«t!eit ; 2. ©eivanttbeit, ©efebmeibigfeit ; SBielfeitigteit; 3. SBBanbel&atfrtt SSeranberlicbfeit. VERSE, s. 1. ter23erg, 2Ibfcbuttt; 2 ©efang, tie Sid)tung. To verse, v. a. in ajerfcn ffbrcibcu, befingen. VERSED, adj. bewautcrt, erfabrcn, rputinirt; to be — . crfabreu fe))ti ; to be — in the world, Slnitfcuutuip f)a= bcu. VERSED, adj. — sine of an arc, O. T tcr £liierfii;iig, Sinufi rfrfug. VERSICOLOUR, > ,. ... ,- r . VERSICOLOURED, \ "*■ ftl «F«Wtfl- VER3ICULAR, adj. ten iBerg betrcffctit, Sets... versification, s. tag ^crfemarbut, tcr SBetsBau. VERSIFD3B, s. 1. tcr 5>ergfunfUcr, 2i*ter; 2. tcr ttwai in 93etfe bringt. To VERSIFY, v. v. & a. 83etfe madnn, rcinicit, in SSerfen crjaljlen, in 33etfe briugen, befingen. version, s. 1. tie Hebevtragting (au8 cincr ©pradic in cine autcre), Ucbcr= fcfeung, tag Uebcrfe&cu ; 2. tie 23er= lvar.Muug (; 3. tic 23erante= rung ter Jiitbtniig (\v. ii.). verst, 5. tie SIBerft (rufftfebe 3}Jeifc). VERT, s. h. T. ©riin. VERTEBRA, a. ter Siucfenwii M. VERTEBRAE, s. pi. A. T. tie SRfitfflWt* mttgfdu. VERTEBRAL, adj. A. T. JU ten 23ir= Belbciiten oter "tent 3ciicfgrafc gebo« rig; — animals, SBirbdtb'iere; — ar- terv, tie 33irbelfd)lagater. VERTEBRATED, adj. gClvitBeft tOii JHiicfemvtrbdn vetfeben. VESS VEXI VICE VERTEBER, *. A. T. bafl 23irbclbcilt, bet SRiicfennjirM. VERTEX, s. ber 2d)citetyuitft,3niitb; bie ©yi&c. VERTIBLE, adj. brct)tmr. VERTICAL [ode. — ly), a-//', »ertifal, frbcitclrcd)t ; — circle, Ast. T. ber (gcbciteffrcifl, Scrtifalfrcifl; — point, ter cd>gciiuffe ber 3rof)Iid)fcit; be was taken in the — act, cr tvurbe auf ber JEbat cttoppi ; the — same day, an ebcti bent £agc ; the — next morning, fcbc-it ben fol(JCIt= ben SRotaen ; be is — like me, er ift mit febr abitlieb. VESICANT, 8. vid, Visn atory. To VESIl ' VTE, o. a. 39la fc up fl after auf= legen, SBlafen jicbcii; mit SBIattets djeu befefcen. vesication, g. bafl &uffegen cincS SBfafciipflafteit?, bad SBlafenjieben. vesicatory, «. Med. t. bafl ©lafen= toffaftet, Sugpflafiet, bie fpanifdjc gltege. VESICLE, 8. Med. T. bafl Siafldjen; — of the gall, .1. T. bie (Vallcnblafc. VESICLES, pi. 3elldieit, &t\ltn (in ^flatijeu= nub Sfjiertorpern . vesicular, \ adj. soil Slfiflcfcen, vesiculous, J blafldmtartig, hohl. vesiculate, adj. ooll SBlafen. VESPER, s. 1. ber 9lbcubficvn; 2. 9Ibenb. VESPERS, s. pi. bie QScflpcr, ber ?Jad)= ; Sicilian — , bie fieilia'nii"d)e 3Scep cr - vespertine, adj. abeiiblirf), bc« 9lbenb« ; — hours, pi. bie 2lbeiibftuii= ben. VESSEL, s . 1. baSGkfafj; ©efd;irr; 2, gabrieug, (Srbiff. ve&sicon, \s. sp. r. bie ©teingafle VESSIGi >N, S jut ^Ufe ber 5Rtc. VEST, s. 1. bafl QkwJaub : 2, bie 3aife, 20cfte. y.-YEST, b. L a. 1. bcMeiten, anlegen ; 2. einfleiben; to — in or with. befiei= ben, uerieiben ; to — in, in 50efi^ fe= ftcn, ciiifeljeit, beftallcit; IL «. to — in, fomiiieii ait . .; in .Uiaft tretcn. VESTAL, I. 8. bie i'eftalitut ; Jl. adj. veftalifd), juii.ifranlicb, fcuut. VESTED, adj. fe'ft, feillClt ^ufaliOl lllt = tenvcrfeit; — rights, altbefiriinbe*e ;)(editc cliccbtc, tic nid)t aufgebobeu merben fbiuien . VESTIBULE, s. 1. bie ^an^fliir, bafl SSor^aufl, ber SBot^of, tie SJorballe; 2. .;. T. ber SBot^of befl Cabiprintbfl (tin Dbre). VESTIGE, s. ber AiplilaVfe, Aufitrttt; tie 2\>n\; bafl (0lttU)fDtal VESTMENT, ». bafl t'-leitMiit, Jileib, bet 2Injug; bafl SJJefgewanb. VESTRY, 8. 1- bie sracriitci \v.\d) — room); 3]orbaI[e; 2. Jtitcfifvicloet* fantniiitiig (in bet SacrifieO ; — board, bie ,«ir*enaltc|teit (SBerroaltet bet fircblidicit OliigeUgeitbeitcn) ; — clerk, ber Jtitcbfpielfcbteibet ; — keeper, ber JtirdMter, . gegcifl, Sefcbmerlidje, UeberlSftige, ©ebtucfet. VEXIL, s. bie Stanbatte; B. r. bie fvabne. VEXILLARY, i. *. ber StanbarfentrS* ger; U.adj.tint oabne obet 2ianbar= te bctrerrctib. VEXILLATION, ». bafl ^abnlciit (51b-- tbeilung Solbaten bei ben demerit . VEXILLATOR, ». ber 2iaiibartcutrd« ger bei benalten DiC'incrit. VEXINGLY, ado. qnaleiib, beunrubU genb, argerlid). VIABLE, adj. lebenflfabig, lcbcn=fraf. tig. VIADUCT, i. ber T>iat;tct, tie % briicfe. vial, *. bie 'Rbiolf. To vial, v. a. in ciner $[)iule aufbe-- lvabrett. viand, 8. bie S))eife, bafl @eti$t; \'i\sr.s, .«././. tic Aletutrrcifeit. VIATIC, adj. bafl8teifen belrerteilb. VIATICUM, ». I. bet ^ibipnning, bafl Sleifegelb; 2. bei ben Jtatfcoiifen) bafl beilige Slbenbmabt ba« ciiicm ©tetbenben gegeben ivirb, bie le?te Oelung. VD3BjSJ'}* b " 3»tncitiiiPtifl!ege. To VIBRATE, r. a. /.• »,. 1. fcbivingcn, sdnviiigiiiigeit iiiadien, fdnrenfen, frbaitfelti; 2. trillent, tittern, beber, pibl'ircit ; to — from one opinion to another, ill feiner i'ieiiuiiig fetjvean- fcn. VIBRATION, 5. f. bie SBiotatfOH, Scbreiiigung, bafl 2duiungen; 2. StiUetn, 3ittetn. V1BRATIUNCLES, Sin., s. pL fltiuc Sdjwingung, ©jcbung. vim; VTiYE, adj. fcbivitigcnb, fcbivait-- fent, oibtiteitb; — motion, ti« Sdjtoingberoegung. VIBRATORY, adj. 1. fdiroingcnb, febmanfenb, fcbaufelni j (ittetnt ; 2. fcf)iiMiigcn madbenb. VICAR, m. i. bet SStcar, ©ubnitut. srielltertveter, QettOtfet; 2.1Inttt< Vfarrer, Untcrvrctiger, Sanb^ttbi* ger; apostolical — , btr 0irf;»:car, 33icar befl "^aviiefl ; — general, bet oberfte [Rirbtet in alien rein geifili« d)cn ©adjen (in Snglanb). VICARAGE, 8. 1. bie SPftfinbe einefl Unterpfatterfl, bafl 93icartat,bie 2 teH> oertretung ; SanbVfatretfteUe ; 2. bad ^fattb^aufl, bie ^jatre. vii \kial, adj. bie ganbpfattetftelle betreffenb, bain ge^Sn'g ; — • /,. T. ber Heine SBfatrjepiite. VICARIATE, r. *. bafl UJicariat, tie ©teUoetttetung ; n. adj. fteUoertte* tenbe @emalt pabenb. VICARIOUS [ado. — u , \dj ftellvertrf-- lent. VICARSHTP, .-- toie Vi< uuoi VICE, », 1. bafl V.-.fter, ter AeMer, t : f Untugenb, Unait audj einefl i ; 'er= befl ; 2. + bet^anflwurft; o. btt Sdjraubftorf. vice. befonberfl Sice.., miter, nebcii ; — admiral, bet obmiral; — admiralty — admiral- ship 1 , bie SSiceabmiralfdjaft ; — ad- imii;i1— t lrnj.. r, bet ' (vlttC Jtegeltute) ; — agent, bet 6ti I teeter, Unterbaiibler : — chamberlain, bet S3iceI5mmerer, UntetfSinmetet ; — chancellor, ter SBicefanjIet ERectot (Jtanjlet) ter UnioetfttSttn Cam! ridge unb Oxford: — ciiancellor- Bbip, bie Cicefanjlerroutbe ; — consul, ter CBtCeconfnl ; — connibbip, bafl SBiceconfuIat ; — doge, bet 3 tcllvcr- treler befl ebeinaligcii JDogen vca SBenebifl ; — •;< rency, tie 3"tattbal» terf4«rt, baflSJicatiat; tie otttte* tenbe 83etaa(tung ; — jrerent,] • ter Stattbaltet, Oetmefet, iBiftbom, Sif tbuni; ii. a*. fteUuetttetenb ; — legate, bet Bt'eetegal ; — president, bet CtceptfifibenJ ; — toy, ter 85itef6« nig.llnteifeiiig, fSniglidje 0tattbaj> tet ; — i :u' fb- niglicbc StattpaltetfdjafL 193 VIEW VILL VINE flCENAiif, adj. son jwanjtg, jwaK= jiflia&rig; jwanjigfad). , vice-versa, «://•. itmgcfcfjrf, mi cnt= flegengefefeten Salle. ';;■ VICIATE, md. To Vitiate. VIOLATION, .5. ml. Vitiation. VICINAGE, s. vid. Vicinity; common because of — , L. 7'. bic gcnteiitfd)aft= [icjje SBeibe jweier bcnacfebarteii @c= meinbeit. VICINAL, ) adj. bcnad)bart, itahe, VieiNE. 5 (w. ii.) ; — way, bcr SQi* cinalmeg. viuxity, s. bio g^acfjbarfc^aft, Sflabc. VICIOSITY, vid, Viciohsnkss. VICIOUS ( fctung ; 2. bet SBedjfel, Unbeflanb, bic Set* itnbernng, umwnljung. VICIssitudinary, adj. regetmSfng (d)criff bent ftonige eiitc Celtic jafilf; — writs, 5{5vojeffe, bie toe ben <2d;criff geljo= veil. VICONTIELS, a. pi. L. T. Qntllbftiicfe, u. f. w., fiic beren sUcnnfentig bcr Sheriff bem Jt'ontgc ciucu -.|jad)t jctblt. victim, 5. baS Dpfcrtljt'er, Dpfcr, ©cbiacbtppfcr. VICTOR, s. bcr Sieger, 23cficgcr, Dbermann, Ueberwinber. victoress, «. bieSiegerimt. victoria, s. 33ictoria (Srancnna* mc). VICTORIOUS (adv. — ly), adj. ftegbilft, ficgvctd;, ftegbringenb, triumpbirenb ; a — day, ciit ©tegefitog ; — wreaths, ©iegesfranje. victoriousness, s. ba8 Siegrcidje, berSieg. VICTORY, s. ber ©teg, Srimnpf) ; — root, bie ©iegwutj, bet 2ltletmann«s bariti)d) (Allium victoriale — L). Victress, s. bie ©tegcrintt, Ucber= winberinn. VICTUAL, vid. Victuals. To victual, v. a. litit SebenSmitteltt pber s LJrobiattt uerfchen, fecrprpi>iait= tivctt, berfprgen. VICTUALLED, part. adj. Vcrprpuiatt= tirt. victualler, 8.1. bcr 5Jko»iantcoms miffariit'J, Sprooiantmeijler ; 2. ber .fjauSljalter, igauswirrj) ; 3. baS SJ3rQs i)ianrfd)iff. victualling, s. bag 33erpro»ianti= vcit; — bill, bcr 5>rp!>iantfcbein; — house, bag ©pcifebanS, bie©arfiid;c; — office, bag Spro»tantamf. victuals, s . pi. bie 8eben8mitfel, 9laf)UingSmittci, (Sflwaaren, bcr $xt)> y taut, iUiiiitbyorrati). VIDELICET (viz)', ode. tiantlid). To vie, v. n. wetteifern (— with , .) mit . . , e§ (ciitent) gleirb thnn woU leu. VIENNA, I. «. (bie ©fabt) SBicn ; n. adj. wiener, roienerifdj. VIENNESE, l.subst. SiJiciter; U. adj. toicnerifch. To VIEW, v. a. lit. Srjig. 1. fcbett, be= fefjen, befebanen, betrarbten, bcftd)H= gen ; 2. in Slngettfcbcin iieljmen, mu= \tx% untcifurbcn. 484 VIEW, s. lit. b fin. 1. ber 53 fief, Sits Hicf ; 2. baS Singe, ©eftcbt; 3. bie Slnefid)!, bcr ^rofpect. bic 9lnft'a)t; 4. bcr ©fanbpnnff, ©cfidjtgpnnft; 5. bic llcbcrftd)t, (5inftd)t; 6. 5Krii= fnng, 53cftd;tigttng, Unterfitd;ung, (S'roftcrnng, SluScinaiibcffcljnng; 7. •Giitftrbt, Slbfidit; 8. (anftcrc) (§x- fdjcinnng ; 9. Scbau, i)iitflcrnng, mil t. StccognoSctrung ; 10. sp. t. 8al)rtc, ©pnr (»om Santntnnlb) ; point of — , bcr ©cftrbtSpnnft ; r\t first — , beint erflen Slnbltae ; atone — , mit etnem 53lirfc, nuf cincn iMiif, anf cin 33M ; to he in — , vor Sln- gen (tilt ©cftdit) licgen ; my lodging commands the — over. . , metltC 2Bof)= tiling bat bic SliitSftdH ttad)..; in full — , gcrabc oov 6iitcin ; to ha\r Jr — , ucrslugcit h,aben; jnr Slbfidjt ba= ben, bcabftd)tigcu ; to keep in — , be= riicffirbtigeit ; to lay before one's — , uorS Singe (cgen ; to take a — of, in 2tugciifd)ciit ticbnicit, befidjtigcit, mt* terfneben, itberfebcti; to take from — , an§ bent Slngeficbtc cittfcrucit; with a — to.., ill Slbftd)t anf..; with that — , tit bicfer 2lbftd)t; upon the same — , in bcr ttanilid)eit Slbftdjt ; the end in — , bcr bcabftd;tigtc 3*»ecf. viewer, s. bcr 5?cfcf)cr, iDJuftcver, 53cfd)aner, 33cftd)tigcr. viewless, adj. iincrfet)bar, nnftd)t= bar, ungefeben. VIGESIMATION, s. bie .6inrid)tititg jc= bcS jroattjigftcn 3JJanne6. vigil, ) s. 1. bie 93igilicn (in bet fa= vigils, S tf)plifd)cit Jlirrbc), tocc(en= meffe, baS JEobteiKtmt; 2. betSSot* abcub cities ScftcS (tjcifige 3lbenb) ; 3. baS Stmt, 3>kd;cit, bie >Jla(btn)a= djc; —of dowers, baS 23ad;cit bet spftattjen. vigilance (— cy), *. l.bte3Bad}fam= feit, ©orgfalt, SSorficbt ; 2. 2Sad)c. VIGILANT (adv. — ly), adj. Wad) fa lit, umfid)tig, forgfam. vignette (Vignet), a. bie 93igitcttc, baS 3Jcvjicrung6bilbfd)cn). VIGOUR, s. 1. bie Starfe, Jlta ft, Se= bensfraft; 2. ©eiftegfraft, @ciftc«= ftarfc, CSncrgic; 3. XUtiaUit, SGBir!: famfcit; 4. bcr frifebe SKutf), 9iad)= brucf. VIGOROUS (adv. — ly), adj. ftarf,fraft= soil, fraftig, lebbaft, ruftig, frifd), mutfiig, miiBtcr; — ness,*. btc©tar= fc, Sebfjaftigfeit, 3Wftigfeit. VILE (adv. —vz),adj. fd)lcd)f, gcringe, tticbrig, uiebcrtvarbtig, nid)t«witrbig, fdjnbbe, yeriicbtlid); bofe, Detbetbt, »etborben, vttd)lo8 ; —usage, fd)iinil)= ligc, tttiartige ^Jcgcgnmng. VELENESS, a. ba* isfblcditc, 9liebri= gc, bie ©djledjfigf'eif, 9iicbrigfcit, fiiebcrti-adjtigfcit, ' 9ltc^t8wurbigfeit, a3erad)tlid)fcit, 53crbcrbtl)cit, iBets botbettbeit. vilifier, s. bcr ffiefdjimpfcr, SBets ad)tcr, J^crabfeljcr, .^crabwiirbigcr, SBerieumbet. To vilifv, v. a. cnit'cbfigctt, bcrabfc= fecit, bcfcbjmpfcn, aerncStlid) niad)cn, bcrabwiirbigen, ticrtcitntbcn, ycrad)= ten, fd)inalicii. VILL, s. ber SBcifcr, ba8 ^orfdicn. villa, *. bic SSiUa, bcr Vanbftfe, bas Sanbgtit, Sanb^nnS. VILLAGE, s. iaS Sovf; collect, bic Sorffdjaft. villager, .^. bcr SDotfbewoJiter, Sailbmattlt; villagers, collect. bic$Dotf= fdiaft. villagery, s. bie t>orffdjaft. villain, s. 1. bcr Scibcigcnc (mit (SJrnitbbcfi^), Sfttter, bet bem C]5ruitb- Jcrnt 3itS jaftfen (pber and) 5rpfin« bienfte Hum) nin6; 2. ©d)iirfe, ©d)elnt, SJnbe, a35fewid)tj l.t-s.+ villains regardant, i!cibcigcue, bic jnnt ©ntnbbefi^tlutm gcbPi'tcn; villains in gross, Scibcigotc, bic bent ©ntitb- luu-rti (pcrfiHiltd)) gcluu'tcn. villanage, *. i. bie 2eibetgenfd)aft (mit ©titnbbcfife), grofene, Stenft* Bnrfeit; 2. ©rbattblidifeit, ?licbcr« tt\id)tigfeit, Sd)anbc. To VILLANIZE, v. a. cruiebrigcit, bc« fcbiinpfeit, fdjanben (w. ii.). VILLAINOUS (ado. — ly). adj. ffbcU liiifd), biibifd), febiufifd); bi>fe; fdjanblidt), abfd)cnlid) ; — actions, ©dinrfcnftrcid)e. VILLANOUSNESS, > a. bic Sdninblict* VILLANV, 5 fcit, 9lid)t«ixuir» bigfeit, Smeberrtadjtigteit, s -13itbcrci, ©djelmetei, bcr Sdjitrfcnftrcid), ©d)elniftreid), bag ©djelmfiudF. VILLATIC, adj. ill 2)prfciTl gefjorig, tm £)prfc, biirfifd). VILLOUS, adj. jottig, rand), baavig. faferig ; — coat of the stomach, A. T. bie 3ottcnf)rtiit be-5 3)?agen4. VIMINAL, adj. Wcibcitartc Pbcrbicgfa= mc 3weige, bie jinn 3lcd)tcn tangctt, beruprbritigenb. VIMINEOUS, adj. a\\$ Swcigcit gcflod)* ten. VINACEOUS, adj. belt SScilt Obl't SBeiuftPcJ betreffenb. Vincent, s. SBincenr, Sinccnj (3)Jann§name). VINCLBLE, adj. iiberwinblid), befteg^ bat. V1NCIBLENESS, a. bic Ucbctwillblid)/ feit, SBeftegbatfeit. VINDEMIAL, adj. }ltt 2BcillIcfc gef)P= tig. To VINDEMIATE, v. a. 3J5cill(cfc t)CiU ten, 2Bcin Icfcn. vindemiation, s . bie SBeinlefc, ?cfe. vindicabilitv, a. bic SRedjtfettU nungdfa^igfeit/SSettBeibigungSfabigs feit. VINDICABLE, adj. jit ycrtheibigcit, bad gcrccbtfcrtigtwcrbcii taint. To VINDICATE, v.a.i. bcl)ailptctt ; 2. rcd)tfcrtigcit, «crt(;eibigen ; 3. frhii* fecit, fret crbalten. vindication, s. 1. bie SBebauptimg ; 2. baS ©d)iifeen ;' 3. bic 3ted)tferrU gnng, 9Jertl)cibigiing, (Sbreitrettnng. vindicative, a ( /j. rc'd)tfcrtigcnb, oet* tbcibigenb. vindicator, a. bcr93ert()ctbigcr, 33e= banptcr. VINDICATORY, adj. bcftrafcitb, xa- d)cnb. VINDICTIVE (ado.— ly), adj. rad)crifd) ; rad)fiid)tig, radjgictig. VINDICTIVENESS, s. btC DLtd)fltd)t ; 9tad)c. vine, s . LbetaSeinftocf, bic 3tcbe ; 2. ber rantettbc Stengel, bic 9'tanfe little — , bic jllligc Jltcbe ; to prune a — , cincn ■ffieinftocE bcfd)iteibcit; — branch, bie SBeintebe, bcr 9(ebfrf)o{i; — bud, bad 3icbcnangc; — dresser, bcr SBcingartner, Sfflinjet; — earth, bcr SBergtorf, bie S8ergped)erbe ; — dowers, 2Bcillbliitf)Cll ; — fretter. (—grub), bie ffltattlatig j 2Bcinran= pe ; — knife, baSflicbcitmeffcr, 2Bein= meffer ; — leaf, baS SBcinblatt, O^e^ bcnblatt; — leaves, bad Sffieinlmtb. ;)icbcnlanb ; — palm, bic 3.EcinpaInie; — prop, bcr SBeinpfahl, !)icbcnpfal)i; — reaper, bcr SBeinlefet. VINED, adj. flatter wie bcr J3eia« ftpcf bab'cnb ; — columns, ©aalta mit SKebcnblattent. VINEGAR, s. bcr (2Eein=)P|ftg ; a T. bic DoHfommcne (S'fltilfatu* ; — U VIPE VIRT VISI lead, bet 39ieiefltg ; — aspect (— ex- pression), bet ftiijicte ShtSbrurf bed ©elicit:?, baS fauevtopfifrbe ©eftrbt : — bottle (—cruet), bic (2Beirt)(5ffigs fiafcbe, bal (ffiein=)@fftgfiafd;cb?n ; — eel, baS (Sffigalcftcit; — man, bet (ffftgbvaiict ; — plant, — tree, bet (Jrfngbaum, oitginiftbe Sumach. vinery,*, ciu £retbf)au6fut(2Betits) Xraubcu. vin'ev ard, Viny-vrd, *. bet SOetngat: fen, SBeiuberg. VJNOsrry, *. bas SBeinicBte, aOeiits bafte, bic roeinartiqe SBefajaffenfjeit. vinous, «toth= jurbttgiing, ©cbanbititg ; — or a church, bic jTitdjenfcbaitbnng, Sttt» dicncutmcilmug ; — of an oath, bet (Stbbrttcb. violator, x. bet ^ctfcijcf, Safins ber, (jitrroeibct; @r)rencaubet, J£u« genbtaubct. violence*. 1. bie ©twalf, £ef%» Ceit, bet Ungeftiint; 2. bie ©ciiKilt- that, ©ewaltthatigreit, bet SWorb ; :'.. bie Setie'fcung; 4. ©cbanbung, Jlotbjiicbtigung, bet (Ihveuvaub, J£«genbtaub ; she did — on herself, fie that firb eiu SeibeG ; to do — to, @ett>alt antrum; to offer —to, gc= lvaltthatig bebanbeln, iiothjiiduigcn ibo licit. To VIOLENCE, ». a. cittcu vcrlcfocit, angteifen, anfaUen, ©etvaft anthnn, geroaltfam binfchleppen (w. u.). violent, adj. i. gewalttg, heftig ; auffahrenb, hi(jig ; geroaltfam, gc= nmlttbatig; 2. abgegroungen, abge« bvuugcu, unuatftrheg ; — accident, geroaltfame Sefcbabiguug ; — pre- sumption, /.. T. bic moraltfrbe (iu= neve, fcftc) Uebetjeugung (tic al3 SBetveiti gilt). VIOLENTLY, ado. geroaltig, hofrig ; mit ©croalt. VIOLET, i. ». bic Stole, baS SBeildben (Viola odorata — /..) ; W.ailj. '<>r- violett, fccikbenblau ; — colour, bic SBeitchenfarbe, bas 93eild)eitblait ; — crab, bie ?anbltabbej — marian, bie ©locfcitblume, bas iflavieirocildieu (Campanula medium — /, ). VIOLIN, t. bie PSioIt'rte, ©eigf. viOLTNiST, «, ber SBfoHnfptefer, 83to= linift, ©ttgenfpieler, ©eiger. VlOLiST, *. bet SBiolonift, SBraffdjijt. VIOLONCELLO, s. ba$ 33io(01ICClI(0), bic Eleitte 93rf fciuc i'iu= frbel) ; — grass, bat U?ipctngta«. yii', adj. ju eiitct 83ij)et ge^Btig. VIPEROUS, adj. oipetnattig, pttetnat= tig, gif% VIRAGO, ». i. ba« mannltcbe 23cib, sKnniiroeib, tic Sftdnninn, jfriegt^ viiui, fielbinn, Slmajone ; 2. ami baS grope, ftntfe Stauenjiminer, UtU bafte aBcib^fti'uf ; bic bofe Oieben, Suvie, bet ^tacbc, JEeufel. VIRENT, adj. gtiin, gvur.etib. VTRGATE, i. adf. B. T. tntbcnfotmig, gnbfotmtg; u. ». biefiufe (242lcfer 8anb). VIRGE,*. bet Secanugflab. VIRGLLIAN, adj. Ditgilif*. virgin,! s. bic 3ungftan, 3ungfer ; the (holy) — Mary, bie '(bfiligt I Ull!,l = fran 'DJaria ; il adj. 1. jungftaulia), jungfetlid); 2. vein, luibcflcrft; ,» compos. — 's bower, tic SBalbtebe (Clematis — L.) ; — earth, Ch. V. bic Sungf ererbe ; — gold, gebiegeuefl (obct tcin gefunbencSJ ©oft; — honey, (—combs), bet 3ungfer^onig, teine ■§onigfeint; — knot. fig. bie 3unas ftaufcoaft, bet [ungftaulidje ©nrtei; — lands, nod) nie umgel>flilgre 85n= bctcien, flcubvurf) ; — lead, gebiege= ne« 33 lei, 3ungferblei; — marble, bet Sungfetmotmot ; — mercury, ba8 3ungferque(f|t(ber, r. 3ung« ferquidj; — metals, 3ungfer= (obet gebtegene) SKetaQe; — 'e-milk, bic Sungfermild), bad Senjoetwajfet ; — mould, vid — lands; — oil, bad 3lWg= fcvLU; — parchment, ba8 3ltngfet= Vetgantcnt; — silver, jjebiegenes (obct tcin gefunbeneej ©tlbet; — soil, tote — lands; — wax, baa 3iing= ferwnrbS. virginal I. adj. jungftaulid), |fina« fcvlirf); il*. baS ©lautc^mbef, ®l)u nett. VIRGINIA, *. 1. Virginia f*vvaiienna= me); 2. bet ainetifanifcbe Staat Sitginien. VIRGINIAN, r. *. bet SBirginiet; n. adj. fitginifd.) ; — acacia, tic wtlbe Slfajie, bet oitginifd>e ©d?otcn= baitnt (Robinia pseudac ida — /..) ; — bower, bafl SBintergtitn ; — climber, bic spaf(tonSbtume (P(i**«jfom — /,.); — cowslip, tic (j3n>51fs)@9ttetolu< lllC (Doder.athfon meadia — £») ; — creeper, bie iMViiiiiifcbc SUalMcbc (Clematis virginiana — /, ); — gol- den rose, bet »irgtntfd)e \Hnid) (v- raa opulifolia — A.) ; — hemp, bet »itginifdje ^panf mabina — L.)\ — pine, bic gcmcinc Ditgi ntfdbe jliefet; — poke, bet antetifa= niftpe fladiti'dvittcii, bic aiucvifani= fanifdic ©cbatlacbbeete i/ ,; :<■* — J J ; — silk, bic .^mibo^ tvinbe (Periploca graca — />); ■ — swamp-pine, bie 2Bcif)taiid)Sfiefet (Pi- tua tmia — /..) ; — sumach, bet oit* ginifd)e Snmad), Sarbetbaum (RA»* tiipkinum — /,.). yircinity, ». bic 3itngfraufd)rtft, col. 3nngfetfcbaft ; /- Kctnbeit, Un-- bcfledtboit. VIRGO, s. .ist. t. bie ^ungfrau. viridity, ».bie (ba«) ©nine, VIRILE, adj. i. mannliit ; 2. jett* gung-rabig. VIRILITY, ». 1. bic Oflamtlidifcit ; 2. SUtanufjeit, 3fi'slii'ifl*f>ibKifcit. VIRTU, ». bet @tfd)mad] an ben fdjBs nen .Uuuflcu unb tea flatiufclten = beitcn. VIRTUAL, adj. ottmogenb }tt tvirfcn, mitJCraft begabt, ruirffaut, serin Jgi liit, ftafiig; — focus, Opt. T. tct SBreuupunEt ; — heat, bie 2Batnie» baft. VIRTUALITY, r. bic ycrmegenbe Straff, ba* SBitfungfoermftgcR, tie SBirtfantfeit. VIRTU vi.l.Y. adj. bet Jivaft narb, rer> mSglid), fraftau^ernb, rtaftig; tviif- lidi. virtue, r. t. bie Sugenb; 2. 93cII- fomnienbcit, iJprtrerfltdiFcit, bcr : ; 3. bie jjraft ; 4. ©irffam= fcit, .»3ctlfvaft ; 5. 3 fcbntaif, bie ifunftliebfjabeiti. virtui iua ■—:,. o ;; i. htgenb« baft, tugenbfam; 2. roirffam, fvafr= doU, betifam, beilfrfiftig; 3, f ( \va) MciiH'hiilidi Don Aiaiieui; 4. rteff' Itcb, borttefflid), oortfiglidS; ». bic .iitgnicKifiijfoir, t.iv .iiigcnt'; fame. VIRULENCE (— rv), ». 1. ba« ©iff, bet MuitecfungSftoff, tic 6d)atfe ; 2. fig. t>H ©iff, bie ©iftigfeit, S6*at« tigfeit, iBoSbeif, bet jngtimm. VIRULENT (ado. — ly), adj. I. giftig, anjtecfeiib, boSartig ; 2. j^-. giftig, boMuifr, frfjarf. yii;i s, ». M l. r oai ©iff. VIS-A-VIS, ». etn SQagrn, in treicftem nut jroei i'cvfciun, unb jwat cin* anbet gegenflbtt ft^en f8imen. 8lngefteb.t, < VISAGED, adj. ciu ■.'lugnidu b,: VISARD, 1 vid To VISARD, 0. a. maflfiren, oetlamcit \ i- era ». ."'. bie Singerotibe. \ B( IER \i. ::i ten (Mugcivoibcn gcbovtg. To VISCERATE, ». a. au.Mvcitcu, au3» nebmen, VISCID, adj. rid. Yisrnrs. \i>i tDlTY, )s. bie [eBrij* VISCOSITY, J feit, t.u- icbleiinigc. vi^i '1 »unt, *. bcr SQtcomtfi 83icearaf, (in Cbcvtciitfd'laiit) So>aUgraf. VBCOi NTESS, 1 bie SBicomtefff, Si« cegraftnn, (in Oberbeutfcblanb) Sdjattgraftnn. VBOOUNTSUIP, ) w:.ffli:,„,„*.c*»w \ i- ii nty, f *• bie SBwouttefdftatt. \ i>' i >us, ; j5be, rTebtig: — fly. tie •RfdMiclfe. ba« uRariei du'll (Lychnis oiscaria — /..). VISI US I. ./. T. M ciuu'liK ' geroeibe; 2, bet 33ogeIleim. vise ». t-s. bet Srbraubefrorf j bit >( einet ^teffe; bcr Blrijua (bet@Iafet ; — ch be Dlanl am nSdu-aubftpcf ■ —pin, bie Sdjram benjtoinge. VISIBILITY.*, bic Sidjtbarreit, 91ui genfdlligfeit, Slugenfcbcinlirbreit. \ isiin.r. [adv. — ly), ficbtbae, rr.- ud'tiid); augenfchtinltcb, augenfdl' lig : — churcta, tic fid-ibarc .Wivd't Ebrijli ; — horizon, bet i\triiibart ■^Otijont; — ness. .-• Bid VpnBIUTY, \ csiGi ths, tie SBeftgorbfit VISION, .--. 1. bad Seben, <^infebrn ) 2. ©cfirbt; tie ©tffdjtflsorpellung ; 195 VITA VIVI VOID 5XTOum=)@rfdjetming, baS Spban= torn, ©efpenft, £raumbilb, £raunu gcftcbt, bet J vaunt. VISIONAL, adj. JW ctltet (Stfcbciuiiitg ^ClHH'il. VISIONARY. I. adj. 1. CtlUlctt Ibct, flf- traumt, pbanta jtifd) j crfcf?iciicn ; 2. gciftcrfcfoeiib, SSifionen habenb ; n. .«■. tcr ©ciftcrfcber, ©cbroarmer, t|J hanrail, Sraumer, ©riUcufaitgcr, SRonbrittet; Safcll'aiiS; — images, Etaumbilber ; — worlds, bie ©djetn= iveltcit. To visit, o. La. 1. befurben ; 2. heim= fudicii; 3. bcjtcbtigctt, bifitircit, riucbfucbeit; 4. mit etroas bcfcbcit= ten ; he visits there, cr Eommt eft £6eim- fucbung, 53cfrbicfung (uon ©ott) ; the feast of the — of our lady, SKatia Jpcimuidunii] ; /,. Ph. died by the — of God, ftarb biird) gottlicbe ,eit ; — cards, SJifitCllEatten ; — committee, ber 3luf|lcJ)t8au8fqmf}, Unterfiu cbnngSauSfcbufj; — day, bcr 3uag, mo matt 53efurbe abjuflattcrt obet anjunebmen pffcat; — officer, mu. t. ber otfttiteitbe Dfftjier, Dfftjier sum JEage. visitorial, adj. cine gcricbjlicbe a3t'= Citation betrejfenb. VISNE. ,c. l. T. bcr bcituc^bartc (®e- rid>t8=)Drt visor, s. 1. bag Stilt, bcr .gelmfdjie* ber; 2. bie 2JcaSEe, 2at»e. visored, adj. matfirt, oerlatot, sets mummt. vista, g. bie 5m§ftU puuft ; —nerve, bcr ©efjneto ; — ray, ber ©cbftrabl, illicf. VITAL [ado. — lt), adj. 1. jum Sebcit. geborig, biculicb, etfotberlid>, lebeit= fci-fentb, ba3 '?cben luttevbaltcnb, SebenB . . ; 2. lebettf ; lcbcit«faf)ig, lebenbig; 3. bochtf notbiuenbig, wc= fctitlidi; — air, bie SeienSluft; — Mood, bii3 2ebenSbIut ; — energies, bas SebenSfeuet; — parts, pi. bie it- bciidtbeile; — powers, pi. bie ?e= btnSlrofte; — spark, ber 2eben3= fmiEe ; — spirits, P i. bie 8eBen8gei« fier ; —thread, bcr ?ebcn?-fateit ; — waruath, bie ^ebeitsro.ume. 496 vitality, 8. bie Sebcnlfraft, bal Stben. T„ vitalize, v. a. bcleben. vitals, a. pi. tie SeoenSibeite; stop my — ! emph.vulg. ici) xoill id Xo = bc§ fes;n, (^ol' iiiieb bcr, it. f. ro.) tvenn . . ! VITELLARY; 5. ber gtfe bel Sibct-- terS tm Si («>. fi.). To vitiate v. a. 1. vcrbcvbcn, vcr= falfcbctt, entbeiligen, veniitbciligeit, fcbaiiben; 2. ungiiltig miicben, ent= fr.iftcn, peritidpteit. vitiation, 8. 1. bie Sevbcrbnrtg, SSetfatfdjung, ©nt^eiligung, ecban= bung; 2. bie 2]eriiicbtuiig, 3lufbe= bung. VITRLO-ELECTRIC, culj. glaJclcftrifcf), ppfttio eleftrtfd). vitreous, adj. gTafcrit, gdvJavtig, frifialiifcb ; — electricity. PA;/. T. bie pojttioe obet ©laseletteijttat; — humour, A. T. bie frt)tillitfcbe {5cncE)= ttgfett; — salt, bie ©lalgclle, iaS ®la«fc§malj. VITREOUSNESS, s. bie ©laSattiflfeit. vitrescence, 5. tie SBetfllaSbarfeit VITRESCENT, > ,. iw> ^,,,f,,^ vrrKESGiBLiH m8te8 ^ r - vitrif action, s. bie Scrglaf'jug. VITRIFIABLE, adj. Mtfllawiw. VIT'RIFICATION. s. Did. Vitrifactiox. vitrified, adj. berijiaft, yerfebiacft. vitriform, adj. glasartig. To VITRIFY, v. L a. OWgittfcU ; II. n. jit ®IoS njerben. vitriol, s. bcr SOittiol, col. bas Sta> bfenvaffer; burnt—, ealciuivtcv S3is ttiol (fur bie SRalet); sweet spirit of — , Sdnvcfcldthcr ; — stone, bet ottrtolbalttge ©tein. To V1TRIOLATE. v. a. tit ®dj»efcls faure oettoanbeln, oitrioliftten. VITRIOLATED. Vitriolate, adj. lltit 93itricl gefcbreaiigcrt ; — (al-)kali, fcbmefelfoitreS Jtali ; — water, tas CGitrioluMinr. variolation, *. bie 33eri»aitblung in Vitriol ober Scbmefclfaure. VITRIOLIC, adj. sitrtplig ; ottriotifcb; — acid ( — acidity), bie ^itiiolfaure, ©cb tDcfclfaurc. vitriolizarle adj. si 1 vtof ijtrbar. VITRIOLIZATION, .^. rid. Vitriola- TION. To VITRIOLIZE, v. a. vid. To Vitri- OLATE. VITULINE, adj. Wa$ 90m fiillbi tft, bom Jtalbe. To VITUPERATE, v. a. fabeltt, lltijj= billigen, fcbelten, febimpfen, vituperation, *. ba« S^obeln, ber Sabcl. VITUPERATIVE, adj. (abclltb, fcbel= tenb. Vitus, s. $eit, SitnS (50ionn«uame) ; St. — 's dance, bcr 33eit8tani, provinr.. SeltenS Eonj. VIVACIOUS, adj. 1. Iebbaff, mttntcr, tujiig, tbdtig; 2. lebenSfraftig. VIVACIOUSNESS, .*. vid. Vivacity. vivacity, 8. bie 8ebf)aftigfeit, SKun* terfcit. viVARY. 8. ber JEbtergarten, ba8 Ma- itiucbenjehege; bet ii'cihcr, 3'ifcb= baiter. VIVA VOCE. adc. mftltbttd), bltrd) miiublicbett SSortrag. VI YES, s. pi. bie gctfcl (WTcfilfncbt, SKanbelentjfinbung ber Spferbc). VIVID (adv. — ly), adj. lebbaft, Icbeit= big, muiiter, tb«tig, Etdftid; — flashes of lightning, In'ftige (hellleiifbteiibc) ©li^e; — ness, g. bie Sebbaffigfeit, SDhtiitcvfcit, SebenbtgEett, ba* Seben, bie Jlivift. 3AL I alj - tcIelH ' nt - I v vine, VIYIFICAL, To VIYIF1CATE, v. a. vid. To Vn in- to — mercury. Ok. T. Cuecf jtlber in Kitten inetaDifcben 3uftanc juriid bvingeit. VIVIFICATION, s. 1. bn5 Sebcit, bie SeleBuna; 2. c*. t. bie 3icbiiclicu in ben mctdlifcbeu 3»li>i!ii'- VIV1FICAT1VE, adj. beiebeiib. To VIVIFY, v. a. belcbcit. VIVIPAROUS, adj. 1. lebenbigc Sunge gcbabrcnb ; 2. b. t. ftcb burcb gotta \i%t, 3»teiefn ober burcb (garuett, bcr auf ber ^ffanje Eetnut, fottvPan- $enb. vixen. 5. 1. ftp f. bcr junge Sud)3, bzS S'iicb^cbcii, gudjSlein; bie Siicb= flint; 2. J?cifcriiiu, 3'infcriun, baS 3anEcifeii, bie h?}~c Sicbcit. VIXENLY, adj. jdllfifd), fcifeilb. VIZ., abbr. "Olt Videlicet, natltltcb jum Seifpiel (5. SB.). VIZARD, 5. bie WfoiU, 11. f. »., vid. Visor. To vizard, v. a. iiu*firctt, oerlarrct, I'crmuntmcit. vizier, a. ber erfte iBiinitier am tiir= fifeben ^ofe, Sejit, iCcfftr. vocable, s. bie Socabel, ba« SBott. vocabulary, s. bas 33ocobulotium, SBottetoet$eid)uip, flciue 3Bortet= bucb. vocal adj. jut Stimme geborig, mit ciner Stimrne begabt, toneiib, lau* tenb ; — ability, Salciir, ©efcbiJIicbi Eeit im ©efang ; — fugue, bie Sings fuge ; — music, bie SJocalmufif, fwi bcr ©efang; — performer, ber Sciits gcr, bie Saiigeriini. voc.YLiST, s. bcr ©anger, bie Sange* rin it. VOCALITY, s. bie Spvarbfabigfeit, ©pracbe ; ba3 Xontn, vauteu ; bie ©precbbarEett. To VOCALIZE, v. a. jum ?aute bifben, tonenb macben, eiitcn Saut gebcu. VOCALLY, ado. buret) ?aute, mittclfl bcr Sttmme, in 23oitcit, beut(id). V( 'cation, s. 1. bie 33etufung, 3tuf= forberung, bcr 3hif; 2. 5J3enif, ba5 ©cfebaft, bie Sefdjaftigung. V< ICATIVE (or — case), s. Oram. T. ber aSocatio, SRuffall, Qnttbefali. To VOCIFERATE, v. n. & a. lailt 0115= rufeit, fcbrcieit. vi iciFERATioN, *. baskuteSdjrtien, ©efdjtet. VOCIFEROUS, adj. Iaut fcbrcicitb. vogue, s. 1. bie -.'lliijcmciiibcit hn Urtbcilc, ©eiDobnbeit, ber ©aug, bie 2}Jobe, bcr Umlauf; 2. 3?uf, baS Jhu fet)eii; to be in—, i nt Scbannigc fenu, im SRufe [ieben. voice, s. 1. bie (Stimine; 2. ber Scbail ; 3. bie ©pracbe ; the passive — , the active — , Gram. T. bie pofjloe, active Sorm (ctnes S3erbum8) ; not in — , llidpt bci ©timme; breaking of the — , bie SRutation bcr ©timme (jittReit bf t Sjubertat) ; — part, bie ©ingftimmc, ©efangfttmme bft6om= pofitton. To VOICE, v. a. I. (ant macbcit; 2. ftimnicii, burcb Stimmen etnennen ; to — the pipe of an organ, ciltc Orgel = pfcife probtren, nngeben, anfprerben laffcn, jnt ainfpracbe brittgen. VOICED, adj. mtt cincr ©timme. VOICELESS, adj. 1. fdnvcigcnb, ftiimm ; 2. Eeine (i"Gabf-)©ttntine gebcnb, r.icbt ftimmfahig. VOID. adj. 1. leer; 2. Icbig. erlebigt, unbefefet, vacant; 3. fig. nicbtig, uu> giiltig ; unwirEfam, rcrgcblicb, eitel j lttimcfciitiicb ; to leave — . in iManciJ laffeit, tiicbt ausfiiljeu (3^b(en, 9io- VOLT VOM1 VOW men, U. f. W.) ; to make — , fig. «er= Iefceit, ubcrtreten ; yemicbteit, aufs Ijebcit, intgiiltig erflavctt ober ma= cbett; —or, leer ait, arm an, obne; — of friendship, obne gteunbfcbaft. void, «. ber lecre iRaum, bie Seere : Sftefe. J 1 ;) VOID. «. La. 1. teercti, leer macheit, taunted; 2. »erlaffett; 3. autleeten, autgiefkn; 4. buret) fccti ©tublgang boit ftcb ulfane befebfif* tigt. VOLCANITV, g. ber viilfanifdje 3u= jtanb. VOLCANIZATION, s. bie 23ll(faui= fatten. To VOLCANIZE, v. a. fill EaniflVCU, belli vulfanifdjen geitet atitfefceu. VOLCANO, a. bet i'lilfau, "$tiw fc^hitib, feuetfpetenbe ©erg. VOLE, s. T. fie 83ote, ber itMit (atle ©tidpe tin Aattenfpiele). VOLRRY, ». Sp. T. 1. tie rtlurftt, bet ftlita,, baS SOolf, tic Uiue, cianttlid) «ette(335geQ;2. bat (gtojje) SSogeU bait 5. VOLITATION, s bat5lattetn,SHefl«t. volition, », l. bat aBoUenj 2. bet 2BilIe, bie ffiiOentftaff, aBiUent* tbatia,feit. volitive. adj. tooUenb, bet SBoQent fcibtcj, nuUentfabtg; tt)tUen8fr\ifn'g ; miUen8t|Stig; — faculty, ba-3 2i}il= Ien6»etm5geit. VOLLEY. *. 1. ber glug; 2. bie ©aloe, Sabung; $.fig. bet iHu*btucb; fin-. /'A-.*-, a — "t" oaths, eiit fiaitfen Slitcbe ; a — of words, eiit ©tiom uDit SQorten ; at a — , tut gluge, oon nngefii^r; in full voiiies, tit ganjeit 8aMiiii t en, in Stibmeit. IbVOLLEV, r. la. abfitiejien, aitS= laben, fnalienb nuSflopenj n. n. ftcb (tit ©triJinfit) entlaben. volt, s.Sp. T. 1. bie iBolte, ber jlrei*= trftt; 2. bas SBolttren (cine sieiteit= beivecjittig betm ^ed)teti\ bG Voltaic, adj —pile or battery, Pto. T. tit uoltaifrbe ptcr galnanifc^e Saute. V0LTAI8M, t. ber ©ahani«mu«, bie galoantfcbe SleftrtjtfdL VOLUBILATE, ? aaj. )i. T. roinbeitb, VOLUBILE, 5 ranfeub. VOLUBILITY,*. 1. ba« .'KoUcn, 3B3U jcit, bie fct)iielie SBeaegung, omIm>v tett ficb mi M'c^cn, tit rodljen, Spoils barleit; 2. Senegttcfifett, @etaufig= feit, i!eid)tigteit, bet gfu§j —of tongue, bie Seicbtigfett (@e(5uftgfett) ber Bunge, Scowa^aftigfetl ; — of words, ber ?\h\% ter iiior'tc. VOLUBLE [adv. -ly), adj. 1. n)atj= fabtg, rollbar; ftrb brcbenb, matienb; 2. beroeajirf), gelaufig, leidu, fli. 3. rebfeltg, betebt, gefebwafetg. VOLUME, r. 1. bie Motfe; 2. bet tints fang, wret«, tie Tirfe, tie toQenbe c>ter udi fotttoalienbe) jDiajfe, SffleUe ; ba« Solunten; 3. ber i, oteltheittg, borjcitreicb,, btcf: 3. fii'. wetttaufig ; — writer, ber 83«cj faffet etnefl SBerfea »on otelen 85n* ben; — ly, adr. in titebrercii ivinteit, banbereift) ; fig. tDeitlJufig; —ness, s. bie DonSBanbett: tie Tirfc (eineS 33uct)e5); fig. SQeitlauftgfeit. VOLUNTARILY, adr. fieiirilli,], boil felbft. VOLUNTARINESa ». tic JrciroiUig* feit, 5clbfitbatis}feit. VOLUNTARY, adj I. fretroifltg; 2. bc= tettwiUtg; 3. abfidMltd), inn-faljlid) ; 4. ooii felbjt, felbfttbatig, felb|tbe= ftimiiieitb ; — jurisiiiction, L. T. tie fteitviilige ©ericbtSbarfeit; — prin- ciple, bae SreiaiUtgfettSpriuctp. voluntary, ». 1. bet 83oIontar, gretroiltige ; 2. Mu». r bat freic SonfiMcl nad) Valine uttb (Singebuitg, bas sprcttubtum, Srtempote, tic gan« tafle. VOLUNTEER, I. s ber SBoIontSt, Arci = rotlltge; u. adj. fteiwillig, fretroillig bieiteut. To VOLUNTEER, t». I. n Ml. Ph. aU tftetwiUiget bicncu; n « out eiaes nem Olntnebc iiberitcbnteii, freiwiuig I'cn-iditcit ; to — b speech, eiuc ;liite improbiftren. VOLUPTUARY, .--.tcr ©oHuitlt'ng. VOLUPTUOUS [adv. — ly). adj. »ol« litftig, upuigj —ness, > bit SfBoUujt, Ueppiglett. v< 'i.i itatii ).\. ». bat SBSfirn, ERoHen. VOLUTE »■ I. ' ■ i bit 2d)iicifc, ber <2>cfcn5rrcl; 2, tic aBafjenfc^nedt VOLl TION, s. tie ^d'ncifcinviiitiunt. volutite, «. bit oerfleinerte SDQatjen fdjnecfe. VOMICA, ». Med. T. bat ?nit(]eitgc= fdlllMtf. VOMIC-NUT, .«. ba*, tie SBrec^nuf strf / 7b VOMIT, r l. n oomtrflt, fvcicn, t't'di cvtuedu'ti, tldi ftbergebeit; n.«. (to — up or out) aufitcficii ; an>frcieii, ati8= bvcdu-it, autrotrftn. vomit, .«. l. bat ?Iutgefvt'ene; 2. Uebergeben, Srbrettien ; ;J. 93retb> miitcl, BSointtio, VOMITION, t. bat Speien, @ilu-ec^en, Slutwetfen. VOMTITVE, j iinii ^recben, tal VOMITORY, ^ (5'rbrerbcn i obrr befSrbernb; vitriol — . tcr triol unit Qred^en; — operation, bie 20trftui] turn ©redden ; J.'reditranf. VOMITORY, i tai iUccbmittcl. VORAi IOU8 I _qr= ; (fre^-)gietig; 2. raubcrifrb, raiibfncbti.i ; a — stomach, tin hcip- bjungriget iKagen. Vi IRACIOUSNESS, / ». i.bie@efi VORACITY, «i feit, betJBei ger; 2. tie «9itrigftit, Won [Raubfuc^t. VORAGINOUS, ad) vpII Sc^ifinbt. VORTEX, • berSBtrbel, 5trntei-. the cord is, tit cart. iQtrbel. VORTICAL, adj. mirbelig, niroelab, trebeitt ; ^motion, bet JZBirbtl, tic frettf5rmigc iBemegitng. votaress, i. i. bie ©emeibtt Iobte. Tlonne; 2. 83tteJ|)rerinn, fln* betcrimt. VOTARY, s. 1. ber (Mcireibte, Scr= [obte, 3unget, 9R9no); 2. idrcbrer, "Jlnbctcr, 9n(Snget; bet . Setreuen ; ng, tcr ftcb ben SSiffenfc^afttn getveibt bat. VOTE, t. 1. tie Stimme, EQ3ab^lfiimme, SReinungs 2. Stimmgebung, bat Stimmen: 3. bat Bffenitiebj oieT« ftimmige ®ebet; to pm to the — . ab» ftintnicit; — by proxy, bat rlimmcii turrb SteQoertretet; — of i bie Ctimme bet Danfet, ber 3utuf tcr Sanfenben. 7b vote, b. n. ,\- n. i. feint Stimine rtcben, fttmmen ; 2. burrj (burcb tie iiJebvbcit bet Stimmen bcntlict'cn, DOttren, envableii, ab« ftintinett ; to — by ballot, balliMircn, (tttrcb Jiiijcln abftiiiiuieii ; to — an ubcr cine Sbrefe abflimmen, VOTER, t. tcr 2ti:itmcittc. ^Stiiitiiifje: ber, iOablmamt. votive adj. (an=)getobt, burd' lubte brfttmmt, geweibt; —tablets, BotiDtaftln. 7o VI Wi'll, b 'i * n /. T. I. |Um ;^ru = gen rufen ; 2. Ueuge fe^n ; Seugnii ablegen, jeugen ; 3. bejeugen, betpen« em, befrfiftigen, beflatigen, benei* fen; i. ©emabt It vouch,*, bat 3tugnif, bieQefo)ei' nigung. vol chee i. r t. einer, bet ftine ®e» lvabr I (Marantic) vrr @ettcbt bat neiu lieu mum it. voucher, --. /. r. I. tcr Sage, ©e« tofibt c- in a mi ; 2. bat 3eugni| rdH'iit. SBelegfr^ein, ©rteg, bieUn fante; bat Doeumtnl ; bi fartc ; 3. tie fBotlabung bot ©etiebt, tint bie (Marantic feinet :'(cittJan» fpruttet |u reebtftrtigeii ; om ERegintenl bc= glaubigte 3ablungtattefte. VOUCHER, *. I.. T. eincr, tcr ten ■ got ©etfebt forbett. 7„ VOUCHSAFE, >• La. 1 veritatttu, crlanbcn ; 2. gen)56rcn, betoilligen, oerlei&en ; n >•. ftcfi bcrablaffen, cjt« riibcu, murbigen, belieben. VOUCHSAFEMENT, • I. tie t^eirib- rung, Oerleibung, Q3erftattung ; 2 ,»>crablaffun.v vow, i bat beilitje) ©elubbe; tit fcievlicbc Slngetobung, bat feier(te>e aSerfbrecben, tcr Scomut ebelicbet Jrcnc . / ■ \ i >W, v a. ,c- n I, geloben, tin (Mf. liibte tbuit. fcicvlid) crflaren, ?fTfnt« lid) crflaren, sevfprecben, anaelobtn, •I 'J : WAFE WAGO WAIT fcfcrBoreu, jiifrbunneu ; 2. meif)cn, toibmcii. roWEL, «. ber SBocnl, Selbftlaut, ©runblaut ; ©elbfilauter, ©runb* lauter. vowel, mij. einen 3So!al betreffenb. VOWELEl), «erreifc ; aerial — , bie Suftretfe. To VOYAGE. ». I. n. jitr See vcifcn ; II. a. * bereifen, befallen. VOYAGER,*, bev (Sce=)3tcifcube. VULGAR (adv. — ly), adj. 1. gcmcill ; 2. niebrig, vof), pBbel^aft; 3. getoobji* lict), lanbubtidj; it's a — proof, eg foinmt im gemeinen Seben oft t>or ; the — arts, bie meebanifefyen Jft'iiufte, <£)anbtunftc; — fraction, J3r. T. ber fle»ijbiiltfb,e ikud) ; — language, bie tUhitterfprarbe ; SolfSfpracpe ; — minds, genuine (ttiebrige) ©eeleu ; — translation, bie Vulgate. vulgar, the — , s. pi. bag genuine SSolf, bee genuine ^aufe, SJ3bbel. vulgarism, s . 1. bie ©emeinbeit, ^bbelbaftigreit, ^lattbcir, Spitting bcit, giofjbeit fw. it.) ; 2. ber ge« niciue (pobelbafte) SluSbrucf, SSuU garismug. vulgarity, a. bie ©emeinbeit, 91ie- brigfeit, Spiatt&eit, ^luntpljeit, 5M;= fyeit, -4>obelbaftigEcit. ru vulgarize, ». a. gemein tnadjcu, berabtourbigen. Vulgate, i. s. bie SSuIgata; II. adj. bie SSuIgata betreffenb. VULNERABLE, adj. tHTlDUllbbar, t?Cl = leljlid). VULNERARDZS, s. pi. SBuubmittel, SBunbaruneien (vuineraria). vulnerary, adj. SBunben betveffcub, fur SBunben bienlid) ; — balsam, bev SSBunbbalfam ; — herbs, pi. SBunb* frauter, .jpcilf ranter; — plaster, ^peila pflafter ; — plants, Seilpflanjcn ; — potion, bcr_ .jpciltranf ; — water, bag SBunbwaffer. vulpine, adj. fuebsartig, fdjlatt, Iijitg. VULTURE, s. ber ©cier. VULTURINE, adj. gcicrarttg. w. w, w, s. bag 21?, tu (ber brei nub jroaits jigfte Suc&fiabe beg Sllp&abetS). To WABBLE, v. n. vulg. fid) bin nub ber betoegen, fcbleubern, fcblenfcru, fdjlottern, maiifeii, roacfeln, forfelti, auftofjeit. WACKE, Wacky, Sm. s. bie IBacfc. WAD, s. 1. tic ©rbiittc (tas S3unb) etrot); 2. bag giiU* ober @topf= baar; bie SBatte ; SBorlabmtg, ber ^}fro3pf ; 3; ml. Wadd; — hook, ber iftrafcer, .Jtugeljieljer ; .Mi'. T-s. (Cye.) — mill, bie SSorfoMagform ; — miil- t nn. bie ©cfefoiifebcrfe. ' wadd, s. ber 2Bab ferfatges ©<$warj= SPtanganerj) ; bag SBafferblet. WADDING, s. bag SBatttreu; bie y&at= tc; bagftiillbaarrin ttiihleu, tt. f. w.); bteSSorlabung, ber SBorfdjlag, Spfvo^f. SWADDLE, v. n. nmtfdjclit, fd)lot= twrn, torfeln, roacfclit, limnfcn. WADDLINGLY, adv. UMtfd)CliiJ, tOV» U\\\i. To WADE, i). I. n. 1. ItVlttU ; 2. fg. burd)arbcilen, burrbbritigen; ii. a., (to — through), bitrcbiiMten, Mirrb^cbcn. JVAFER, 8. bie aUaffel- (wafer-cake) ■iitri ber biittnc .ftttdu'it, 21Baffelfnd)cn ; bie DblatC, ber ^iltttblacf; sacramental wafers, .«ird)ciipblaten, ^oftieit; wafer box, bie Dbtateilbofe; — iron, (— tongs, pl.\ bag SBaffelcifen ; — maker, ber 2!\iffclbacfcr ; Dblaten* bacfer. To WAFER, r. n. (to — a letter, ciltcil SBrtef) ntitCblate Mntacben. WAFEREB, s. ber 3Bajfel(»^u(^en=) ©acEer ; SBaffeloerfaufei:. waffle, s. ber 3i>affclfncbcn; — iron, ba§ SBaffcleifen. To WAFT, v. I. a. 1. letcbt unb fcbncU fortbemegen ; (iiber ba§ SBaffcc ober burd) bie 8uft) fiibrcn, tragett; 511= fiibrcit; jinveben ; 2. flbtt ober fc^roimmenb crbalten ; 11. n. fd;t»im* men, fcbiocbeu. waft, s. 1. ber fd&wtmntenbe .Rbr^cr ; 2. ba8 SBeljeit, Sltegeil etner 5abnc al« Signal, 3eicbett, 9ipfbjeid)eit; m t-s. bte<5c$au ffleine SBimpel unb bie 93en>egung beffelbcu) ; to hoist the flag with a — , jv. T. tie Slagge im Srbau auffterfen. WAi'TER, s. 1. bie gabre, bag 3ad&ts fd)irf, ©eleitfduff, iQoot jur Ueber= fabrt ; 2. ber Sabrniaun. To WAG. v. a. Sr n. 1. fdlitttelll, Wfls cfelit, nu'beltt, fdjnjan^eln ; 2. n.mtt= fen; 3. (ftdj) bemegcu, riibrett; bc= wegt toerben ; 4. (forflgeijen ; to — the tail, rait bent ©djiuauje wtbclu, fc^wanjeln. wag,.?, ber ©djal!, ©paftoogef ; — tail, bie SBacbftelje (Motacilla — L). To wage, v. a. wagen, baran (aufs ■Spiel) fetjeu ; to— 'war, Jtridj fub= reit; to — one's law, /.. T. cine SrbulbforbenuiiL it. f. \v. (mit (5'i= bcsbelfcru) abfo)n5oren. wager, s 1. bie SBette; 2. berSBett* preis, ba8 SBettgelb ; to stake for (to lay or to make) a — , ailfS Spiel fefeen, loettcit ; name your — , WciS gilt bie SBettc! — of battle, (vadiatio duelli) ba8 Qlnerbieten 511m (gcrid)t(id;eu) Sroeifampfe ; — of law, /.. T. (vadia- tio Ugis) ba« Slnerbieten be^ Seflags ten jur Slbfc^loornng cincr Sd)nlb, it. f. to. unb bie 9Ibfc^»Brung (mit (*it>c§bclfcrn) felbft; wager- (or wager- ing-) policy, me. bie SBettpolice. To WAGER, v. a. WCttett, wages, />. pi. ber SBebientenlobn, baS 2BtHtenlol)U, ber ©olb; bie 2)ialft)= fenbaucr. wagerer, s. ber 3Bettcnbe,3Better. waggery, s^ bie @djalt|jeit, ber iDcutbmille, (&d)elnt=)Streid), 'irpaft. WAGGISH, (adv. — ly), adj. fcbalfbaft, piiffirlid), lofe, mut^roilltg. WAGGISHNESS, s. bie ScSaff= bett, ferijalfbaftigfcit, ^effterlirbfcit, aihitbmillii ( fcit. ' To WAGGLE^ e.l.n.vulg. Wacfeltt, tit beftanbiger 33eroegnng fn>i!; 11. a. frbiitteln. wagon, *. ber (3u[;r=)i3agen, ?aft= wagen, gracfetwagen, bas gubrmcrf ; ciose (or covered) — , ber ^royiaitt= ivagcit ; ammunition — , ber 2)?ltlli = tioi'igroagen ; — box, bie 2Bagenbud)= fe; —house ( — otlice), bie ($oft=) SBagenrcmife ; — maker, ber 28ag= Iter ; — master-general, ber Dbcrma= genuieifter; — spokes, bie Spcidjctt eiucs SBagenrabS ; — way, ber gafjr* weg ; — whip, bie SJubrmannSpeit* fdje. WAGONAGE, s. baS gradr)tgc(b, ber Amdillobu, Aubrlp[)tt. WAcoM'.R, s. 1. ber gn&rmann, AtMrblfiibnitantt; Mil. T. ber 3;rain= fnecbt ; 2. .1st. t. wig. ber grofje 93ar, col. 2i!agClt ; corps of wagoners. ba3 P'orps ber SEratiifolbaten ; — •■ whip bie l jubnnanunH-itfd)e. wagonii\<;, s. bas galjren, Svarbt- fasten. WAli-TAIL, a. Did. UlttCt Wao. waif, g, /.. t. bie berrenlpfe ©acbe, ba§ ocrlorne &ut, ber berrcttlpft Sunb, bag oerlaufctte ^icb; geftrb« Ime, »oik 2)icb »egget»orfene @ut. 7'.»wail. v. I. a. bef'lagcu ; II. n. Ho« gen, un-bflaani, fid) beflagen. wail, s. bieJtlage, SBe^Hage. WAILFUL, adj. flaglirb, traurig. wain, *■. ber SJBagen, JSarren ; Charles' — , Jist. t. ber groie S -J3ar, coi. 2Sa» gcu ; — bote, baS 53agherljolj ; — driver, ber Snbrmann, .Uamer ; — load, bie SBagenlabung, Sradjt; — rope, bag SBagenfetL WAINSCOT, s. bag Safelwerl, @eta- fcl, bie i'crflcibung, SSerbretterung, bie Stubeimmnb ; — logs ( — boards), Sea lane, eidicucg SBagcufdjof;. To WAINSCOT, v. a . tafeln, iibertafeln, eintegen, Pcrfleiteu. WAIST.', s. 1. ber 8etb, Untcrleib, bie faille ; 2. jv t-s. bie .fttibl (berS^eU beg oberftcu ©ccfg jwifdjeit ber 33ad unb ©cbattje, roeuber uidpt bebecft ift) ; bie Saft (auf Jl'auflrabrcrtt, ber 9iaum eineg glatten 35ccfeg jmifdjeu bent 53ratfpili unb bem grofieu iDiaft) ; — band ( — belt), ber Sicibourtci, Seib= gurt; ^ofenbunb; bie 5)egeufoppel, Untfcbnallfoppel; — cloths, pi. bie ©djanjfleiber (auf J?rieggfd)tffen) ; — nettings, bie Biufennetreu an ben Sei= ten ber ,l?ubl ; — rail, bie ERaaleifte, bag 3taabPlj; —shirt, bag. P»albbemb, Sorbembtteu, bie G>beniifettc; — — trees, pi. jv. T. bie 3Bauberfpieren. waistcoat, s. bie SBcfte; ba8 2Bamni«, JTamifol; — shape, bag aBeftenftiicf, Oilct ; — stuffs, 2Bt= flenjeuge. WAISTERS, s. pi. JV. T. bie j?ur}lgafleit (bie in ber Jtubl bie 2Badje bab'eu). To WAIT, v. a. iy- n. 1. lvarten, eranr:= ten, abwartett; 2. bableiben, in ($r= toartung fciin, ba fet;n ; 3. beglciteu, folgen, Solge leiften; 4. laueru, auf= lauertt ; to — at, aufroarten, bebie= uen ; to — for, marten auf. . , erwar« tCU; bclauerit; he was waited for, man wartete auf tr>n ; to — on or upon, 1, aufnmrfeit, bebieucn ; 2. feme Slufroartung mac^enj 3. fid) beim'i= tbig oberuiitertbauig bejeigen; 4. be* forgen, berridptcu (einSlmt); 5. be=> gleitcit, folgen; to — on one with., eincut mit etmaS aufmarten ; I — on (upon) you (or your pleasure), id) flebt 511 3&ren JDieufien) ; waited on by . ., in 93egleituug oon . . . WAIT, s. bie Saner, ber .^interbalt ; to lie in — for one, cinciu auflauertt, riarbftellcn ; to lay — , einett §inter« bait legen. WAITER, s. 1. ber 3lufmarter, .(?ellucr; SBeglciter, Starbtreterj SBcirter, Se« bicute, Safclberfer; 2. ^Jrafentir* teller. waiting, s. bag 2Barteu, u. f. rc. (Bid To Wait) ; bie Vlufmartuitii, 35e« bi'iiung; to he in — , jur 2luf»ar= ting bereit fei;n; bie SSafyt, ben c 43ieilft Ijabeit ; lords (grooms, &c .) iii — , bie bieufttbuenbeu "8orb« (,Ram= merberren, it. f. ro.) ; officer in — , ber madjtbabenbe Dffieier, DfftCtet uimi Sage, Dffieier u ; rcge fc.ui, loben. WAKE,*. 1. bad aBacben, tic E$ad)e, SJtadjtroadje; 2. Hobteitvoadje ; 3. ba» ,Jv ird>iueif)ff fi- bte .ftird)iueffc, col. JtiriuS ; 4. bic 2d)ifppitr (Spur ei= nee fabrcnoon Sdjtffed, tor Strict ouf bent SBaffer) ; .v. t. bad Jtielruafs fer ; to be in tlie — of a ship. fid) iin Jtielroaffet e i n e o anbern Sd)iffed bc= fittbetl ; — robin, ber '. ! lvon, tic .'110113= rourg, Stfageniuurjel, ^efjvwuvjcl (.irum maculatum — /,.). WAKEFUL I"-. — ly), adj. ivarfjcnb, roacbfaitt; fcblaflod: — ness, s. bic ^L'a.bMDiEcit, ©cblafioftgf'eif. r.< waken, ti. i. a. 1. roecfen, aufmes cfeu, rc.jc ntadicn, crmccfcit ; 2. auf= regen, reijeit, bcroorbringen ; n. it. wacben, aufrcaefcen, erroadjen. WAKENER, *. bet (vnucifti; DicU jeutc. WAKER, .«. bet b'nucefcr. walaciiia, ..-. tic 3BaUad)et. wale, i. 1. bic SRnfd)rote, ©ajjfleijte, bae ^al)lbanb ; 2. .v. T-s. (tic bcr- attdjte&enben $IanFen ant ©djiffe), bad Sergljoij ; 3. ciiWai,; — knot, vil. Wall-knot; — sided ( — reared), anjterjenb, gerabe. walbs, ,. .1. 2Bale«, SBaliid ; 2. pi. jv. 7'. tie SBerflhoIsfv (»«U Walb). To WALK, v.'l. 0.&- v. 1. (jll 3'llfO flC= Qen, einbergeben, fid) Seroegung ma- d>en, fpajieren gejjen, fid) crgeheit; 2. ciucit Scbtitt !]cl)ett; tin ©cbtiti rcitctt; 3. wanbeln, umacbcit, fpuEen gcbcti; 4. roanbetu: bcrumfiihrcn ; 5. fid) cittfcnicit, abrcifcu ; 6. roaiu belli, lebcit (in bee ©i&el) ; a spirit walks in this house, e3 fpuft ill tiefcut fiaufe; to — about, bciumgchcn, fjcruiMuanbern ; to — along, writer gcbcit; to — back, Jlti'iuf jcf)Clt ; to — by, feoriibcrgchcit ; to — down, ftinuntcrgebcii ; to — forward, roci= rev, roruuitegcbcii ; to — in, bitieiu fyajteten ; — in ! herein ! to — on, forttvanberu ; — on ! gch 511 ! DOt= worts! to — oui. audfya jieren j to — round, Um etroad fceruingeljen, hcr- :imfuhreu ; to — up, hiiiatif ge&en ; to — up to one auf eiitctt [08s obet jugefiett; u.a.l. butdjge&en, burets roaiitcrn ; 2. treten, betreten ; 3. f iitjvcu, geben marben ; to — the rounds, tic jiltltbc gchoil j to — one's . Kin SBferb fuajtereti veitcn, obet beint 3'imnc fiibrcn ; to — one it, cincn bcrumfiihrcn ; to — one ,., niit eincnt (fpvedn-nt) fovt- flc&eu. _ . WALK, s. 1. bet Sf>njtevg(tug ; 2. tg, Scbrttt; 3. ©uajierroeg, (SBanbel^ 8u(i*, ©fattens )@ang, bic 3lDee ; bet SSJeg ; i. tic ©e» fchaftigmig ; 5. (in aBefliitbteit, bie 3urfets) Sppanjung ; to take a — , fpajieteti gefteu; a— of snipes. Sp. /;. cine jviitc (etn f?Iug) So)nc»fen ; the snipe at — , tie ©c^nepfe aitf tent (2"tvid)C: in the highest walks ol - i«. in ben bodiftcii Jircifcn bcr ©c= feUfcijcrft. WALKER, s. 1. bcr Syajierganger, guggauget, 3Jlu^igganger, sppafter= WALL (refer ; 2. SBalfmfiUet ; 3. SBatb* teanitc, ^egereitet. W;, part, bofl «9e(en, S»ajie= reil ;_— tin: plank. Sea cant, ba^ bind) ©cbiffSnteuteret etiwungene OK-bm iibcr cin fcfcmalea Brett mit oetbuns tenen Slngeit, fo ba| tor ©ef^tnbe ubetSBorb fallen mui; — cane ( — stair.— stick), tor Spajierfloef ; — fire, ba4 jvi'liilit; —place, bcr 2va-- jicvplat} ; — award, eiit 4?ange= fdiaH'vt; — whip, tic Spajier= pcitfdic. WALL, «. bie SBanb, 2Jtaner; 2d)n(}= HH-hv ; to j've one the — , cincn pben= an ge&en b 'Ton ; to raise a — , tint ST/Jauer anffu&teil; to take the — . o&enan gebcttj walla have SBanbe babeu Cbren ; a — of rock, cine ("vclfcnuMitt ; walls, pt tic i'ian= em, Scftungsroerfe, Sejtung: t. bie ©c^ic^ten 3tegel (in Btegelbrenitr: voiou ; within the walls, inncrbalb ber ©tabt; wall-bugloss, bic 2Bafl= enjunge [LycopsU — /..); — r, bet 3Rauerfpea)t, 83anmldu= fet Picas marlius — J.); ■ — ba-3 ©anfefraiit [Arabia — L.) ; — r. bet gtune Stoat ; — eyes, ®lasaua,en; — eyed, giaeatu gig, roeigoiugtg (»on $ftrbcn): — bad Sngelfuji, bet ©auinfarn 1 oulgara — 1^ ; — fl bie iJJiaucrbtume, ba* JKauerfraut, SBallfrauf, bcr ©oltlacf, bas gelbe iH'iidU'It ( .,'--/: — fruit, Spalierobft (an bcr Sfnauet [am <=paliof] gejogeuea Cbir ; — gun ( — piece), bet Soppel&afeit ; — hawk-w 1 baa iDcauerrjabichtSErauf, franjoftfdje Sungenfraut (//. minimi — /,.) ; — nook, bcr 3)iauer= bafctt ; — knot Sen Inn f. tCV ScbalU ermanitafnopf, 3Banbfuopf, tunbe Jtnoten ; — louse, bie SBanje, '2l : .i;ic [aue ; — moss, baa 3JJaucrmooe [linjum — /,.) ; —nails, 2palicrna = gel; — pennywort, bad Outbtlfraut < — L.) ; — pie, vid. — rue ; — pepper ( — stone bet SWauerpfeffet is, turn acn — /.. ; — rocket, tor wtlbe SBegfenf, bae Quecfenf raut ; — me, bie 3Jtaurt= vantc, Steittraute {Jsplenium muraria — L.) ; — sided, aiiftcbcnt, gerabe ; a — Bided ship, c t it ©cbiff, befjen ©eiten Eeiue fiinwei Imboit; — Boring, fine Quelle, bie au8 Selfenfcbicr) ten b^erootquiUt; — tree, tor Spalierbaum, OJIauerbaum ; — wort, ber Slttirb, sjfjieberijoluiiber, 3voergr)oluubet ■ vitu — 7b W JUL, b. a. mit cincr lUJaner um* geben, uminauern, mnroalleii ; ein« foblici'ion, befefiigen, mit geftung«= roerten '.Hvfcbcn; to — up, jumaucrn, oermauern. wallerite ». tor SDBaDerit. wallet, «. 1. bet SQQatfacf, Ouerfacf, vrd)iiappfaif, SReifefacf, bie 3tcifeta= fil'o, bad SeQeifen, bet Cornifter; 2. baa Stiicf, bet .Uluniron. WALLING. ,-. bad Uinmauern, mauer, HJiaiienverE, bie !Betmane« rung. To WALLOW, d. 1 n.1. ficj im jtotfj it. f. n>.) maljen, fidj (anqfam bewe gen, 'nb fdjlcppcit, ruupleu ; 2, in ■ nut Sajiet lobon, fdnvol.u'n ; to — in pleasures, in 5Jergnugen fdniHinnton ; 11 a. roaljen. WALLOW, s bad Dvcbou int Wobon, bet tuacFeliibe ©ang. WALLOWER, ». einer, bet ftcb im jlc the Wfiljt. WALLOP ISC,,:,;. — place, bte J WANT ncr)c, scDroemmc, $fu|e — n nc rumfct 1 >o)ttar= met. WANDERING, . 1, ^ennnirren.^erumflrcifeii, Sd nun, tie SBaiibenuig, SBanberj Scbruarmerei; 2. tie ilibweicbun ^rrtbnm, bie Serirrung ; 3. : ;r, Unftatigfeii ; - tcritt, beriimlaiifcnb j u-rftronf, flat- tcrbaft ; - . laufenbe ©itbt. To WANE, 0. ,1. ab;:obitir!i, PorfaUcn ; oermcUen. WANE,*. 1. tie ^Ihuhine, bet fall ; .'. bad Sbnebmtn bed SKu lotuc SSietttL WANNISH, adj. btcid'. LNT, P.O. if n. 1. 111. 1 1 botnrfen, branrbeii ; 2. SJlangel ton, iDJaiigcl babou ; ;:. an el febkn, etmangtln faffed ; 4 5. miiffen ; 6. (gerti) a wunfrben, oerlangen ; to — with won oiiiont tsollen j I — 1 bim, icb ntodite mit ibm U'lerbeit ; l — every thing, ed fchlt inir an '.'llleni ; « h ' v. ants • 1 1 ivor Bfi bad von ^bntn? 1 for a wife, or roiinfebt, »etl moa)te fie gerne jut gran ; s 1 - — for notliing ibr foQ Vitcbte bon ; be wants to see her, cr n getn feben. w w r. ». 1. tor SJtangel, bad ■■'■•; 2. bcr SBebarf; 0:0 (v mangelung ; 3. ber9J2aulwiitf; — o. faith, bet lluglaube, SBa&nglauDt, renbebatf ; — of money, bie I niMb, bet ©elbmangel: for — .! . aud OKangel an i N klr> ; for — of which, in Srmangefuna beffen ; • 1 - of.., i'l'ana.oi Ittben an . . . ctroad betittfon, nOtptg babon, bran obon ; — bill, bet SDtaulrourfdbauff. wan rAGE ». tor SDtangel ; bad lenbe, SKauco, Deficit. WANTING, adj. feblont, maiigeln be— , feblon, mangelu, n5tbig babe: in . . , ed Toblcn laffoit ai: . . ■ 1 shall doi be — on my 1 Brt, an ni foil e-J uicbf fobleit ; he w himself cr bat ed an fid) nidit fehlon laffoit, bat ficb nid)t,oetgeffen. WiANTLESS, ; rcidj, im Stob. W.W. I utlttS ! lviUij. We, leirbtferliej, [cite lib ' 49a WARD WARL WARR fcfcalfbafl, fvofjltcb, lufHa ; 2. an^= Kc'.effeu, fret, lieberlico, luftern, tecfcr, motluftig, getl, iippig; 3. fcfeabenfrof) ; 4. ungejroungen, an fane Orbnuug obet SRegel gcbunben, reaction, )iigello£ ; a — look, ciit lufterncr, buhlciifctpet ©lief; to can ik with) a — eye upon . . , lii= fttxnt Slide werfen auf . . ; to grow — by prosperity, im ©[iicfe iibermu= tbt'g rocrben ; in — sport, obue 9tiicf-, larbcntcn 3Jiuti)c§, aufl 2)httb= milieu ; — fields, ladjeiibe Bfelber ; — ringlets {— locks), iippige (fret Xj/tX- obroallenbe) Socfen; —tricks. Sc^el= mcnftrcicbc. r'ani'i in, s. i. tic roolluflige Sgerfon, Snfjlerinn; 2. bet fcerltcote SHarr, ?offe, ©ecf ; to play the — , tic sBllf)= letinn fptefen. 7& WANTON, o. n. 1. fttfc OUf tUOUtU ftige 2lrt ocrgmigcn, licbclu ; 2. fpie* Icrt, tanbeln, fcicrten, fcbafcm; 3. vbroaitjcln, Return Pattern. WANTONNESS, s. 1. bet i'littbrotlle, bieSeidjffertigfett, ScbaEcrci ; 3Jrun= tetleit; 3Ut8ge[af[enb,eit ; 2. Vi.ftcrn= belt; Sfteigung jut SBoUufi, bet 6ang $ur Unfeufcbbeif ; tic ©cil= b'cif, Ueppigfeii; 3iigelloftgfcit; 3. Suftigfeit, yioblidjfctt, Saune, bet Scber!. WAPACUT, s. tie bubfouifcbc Gulc, •GabidHseuIe (Stryx macroura). WAPENTAKE, s. bad £unbcrt ( bet §unbettbejttf, tic (Sent." WAPITI,*, bet SSapiti (Cerous cani- densis — Briss. ; C. strovgyloceros — Schr.). wapp, s. bad 3Banbtro§. wappe. s. bcr .gaiiSfMiib, £ioff}unb. WAPPER, s. tev ©riiubltug (Cyprixus •jouio — /..). wati. -• I. bet JJtteg, bte geljbe; 2. Setubfcligfcit; 3. fig. bte SBaffen; •4. &rieg$ma$r, bad .ficer, tic Sits mce ; 5. bet Jlriegetieuft; chance of — . tils .*\rieg$gtucf ; powers at — , bie fnegfubrenben 3JJad;re; to make — , .Rrteg flibrctt ; to make — upon, befriegeu; holy — , tcr Jtreujjug ; — attire, bte J?rieg»tvacbt (toilbet SS5l= fcr) ; — axe, bte ©treitart; — dance, ber JviiegStauj ; — establishment, tcr .RrtegsfuB; — horse ( — steed, bofl Strcitrot?, Jiriegs'pferb ; — minister (minister of — ), ber JtiiegSmtnifier ; — orBce, ba§ jtrtegscoliegium ; — proof. Eriegggeroofjnr, fampfgeimtft ; — rockets, bte Eongre&'fd;en Srnnb- rafeten; — whoop. baS ^riegSge= fefcrci, ber Scblacbtruf ; — worn, tm ^rtcge abgenufct, mitgenommen, ftiegermflbet, rriegeSmiibe. Ta war. v. n. friegen, .ftrieg fiibren. To WARBLE, r. a. &■ n. 1. roirbellt, jroitfebern, fctlagen, febmcttertt; triflern, ftngen ; 2. jtttcrit, bebett, sibrircn. WARBLE, s. bet ©cfaug. Warbler. 5. tcr Sanger, tie 2an= getinn; tev Sitigvogcl; blue-throated — , bal 33laitfef)lct;cii - — Lath ) ; epicurean — , bie ycigentrof* fel (Sylvia ficcdula — /„.). WABBLES,*, pi. flcine, burcfe £Rci= bung beS SattelS otcr turcb (5nger= linge erfianbene Sculen tm fRuatti bcr $ferbe u. f. ro. To ward, r. a. (— oft") abbaltcn, ab= ttcbren, tcrfen ; auSpariren. ss-ARD, ,. 1. tie 25acb>, ^ut, ?Iuf= it*t, SSetwa^rung, SBe^t ; '2. 5R P r= ntuntfebaft ; 2}}iitberjabvigfeit ; 3. iaS SKunbel, ter ^flegiing. Unlet* jebeue; 4. tie SBefaftung : ACU'.ing, eefcanje; 5. bag ©efdngnipjimmer ; SOQ o. bie fiaft, ©ercabrfame ; tic ©e= faitgenfcfcaft ; 7. bie 5lbti)ctlung in einem or= munbfdjaft fteben ; — mote, L. T. bas ©cricbt etneS SlabtotertelS ; bie Sufammcnfunft (SSerfammlung) bes StabtOtertela ; — penny ( — money), i>a$ 23acfh}clb; — poll, tic 5tim= menjafjlung, StimmcitMbl (cine; 2Sai)llu-;£rN) ; — room,' M r. bte untete Bbet grofe .Hajiitc ; — ?tatr. bcr Stafi cities StmftabetS; ^tacbtaHid)= terftab. WARDEN, s. 1. ter filter ; ^Inffeber ; ^prmtiitb, SPfleget ; aStuflcfjer ; cOvtuptmann, ^Inttmaitit ; 2. bie SJSfunbbttne ; —of a mint, bet 3Jiiinj= meiflct ; — of a port, ter $afenmet= fter ; — of a university, ber Sector eilicr Ultberfttat; — of the cinque ports, ber Sluffebcr ber giittfhafen ; T. (itt ben Sreimauterlogen) ; junior — , bet Jrueite Sufferer; senior — , bet cvfte Sluffcljer. warder, s. l. tcr SBattet, SBadjter, Sluffe^et, Sntet; 1. ^etolbsjtab (Stab be§ SBaffeuijerolbS) ; warders of the tower, bie Xljur&uter beS SDWcrS (511 Soittou). wardrobe, *. 1. tie ©arbcrobe; jllcibcrfamntcr; 2. fig. bet JHetbet= vprrati) ; — bedstead, ber Sett* fd'vanf. wardship, a. tie 3?onmmbfcbaft ; ta-3 SGormiutbfdjafterecJjt, bte 2JZiu= berjabrigfett. ware, adj. 1. sermiitbcnb, geiraSir, verfebctiS ; 2. uor)"tcbtig. To WARE, rid. To AVeer. ware. b. tie 3Baate; china—, bad SPorceQatt ; Dutch — , bie Sanence ; earthen — , bad irbene ©efcbirr, Steiii^itt ; sea — , bcr ©ectaitg (Fu- cus — L) ; small wares, bie fuvje aBaare. warehouse, *. ber Speicber, bte 9iicbcrlage, bafi (fSaaren) Sagcr, QJiagajin; $acfi)au§, Slmbarrc; — account, iaS \!agcrconto ; — book, bct3 Cagerbucb ; — business, — line, baa 23aarcnfacb, bie SBaarcttfcnnt-- niy ; — charges, pi. bie gagetfoften, ber Cager^inS, baS Sagcrgclb, bie £aa,cigebubren, Sagermiet^e, Sager^ fpefen ; — clerk, bcr Sngerbienet ; — ior warehoused) goods, QUfgefyet' rberte (aufs Sagcr gcbracbte) ©iiter, SBaaren tm fonigfir^en 33erfrblu6 ; — keeper ( — man), ber SJagerauffe= ^cr, Speicperauffeber, ber 9JJagajin= betmaltec; — porter, ber 9Rarft|el= fcr, 3Jte^belfer- — rent, tie ?ager= gebiibrcn, baS tagergelb, tic 8ager= obet Spciiterfoftcn, Sagcr= ctcr fepeicbermietbe, Cagerfpefen, ber Sagets otcr Spcid'crut:^ ^Imbar-- rciimictbe ; warehousing, ba-3 53riit= gen auf bad Sager. To warehouse, v. a. SfOaarcn auf ba§ Soger bringen cber ne£)men, etn= rtcrauffpeic^ern. warfare, s. ber Jlriegsbicnfl ; ba§ jtriegfubren, bcr ^riegSjujianb ; .Erica,, Bwilt, tie gebbe. To warfare, v. n. fricgert. tm J?rie= ge feyrt, ettt ftiegerifc^efl Scbcu fti^= rcn (ro. ii.). wariness. 8 bte 33orf?c$t, Scljut- fambeit, Sorgfalt. warlike, a-ij. frtegltebenb, friege= ri'"d\ ftreitbar; —exploits, J?rieg^ tbaten. warlikeness, 8 . t>n3 Jlnegcrifc^fi ber fricgerifd)c Sinn (ro. it.). WARM (adv. — ly), adj. 1. roarm : 2 fig. eifrtg, feurig, tnntg, inbriinflig 3. bifttg, fiihn, rofttfjenb, beftig, leb» baft ; 4. fcbroarmcrifcfi, entbufiafiifci) • — blooded, beiybliittg, bi^ig, befrig: — _ headed, febroarmcrifrf), ctttbuua« ftifd) : — hearted, roarmfyerjig, tl)ti\* uebmenb. To warm. r. I. a. tt\irmc!t, crroarmcn ; II. 7i. fief) roarmen, ft ermarmen, ©arm merben. WARMING, ?')i compos. — pan, bie SBarmpfannc, ber sBettroarmcr, ba« 53ecfeit; — stone, ber SBarinfteiti (cine 5lrt Stcine in (Sornnjall). WABMNESS, Warmth, s. bie SBarme; fig. ^i^e, ^efttgfett; bcr (5'ifcr, bie Sunigfeit; Sdjrearmcrci, ber (5tt= tbuftaSmuS ; warmth of a colour, bie SBSrme, bad ^eut'r einer garbe. ToWAEN, r. t. rrarueu; ertnneru, ermabiien; (mx^tr) benaci)rid)tigcii, 33efrbcib geben ; to — one away, ci= item ben 3)tenft auffiintigen ; to — for duty, Mil. Ph. jum S?icnftc befteU leu. wabneb, ». tcr SBarnet, Srtnnerer. warning, s. 1. tic SESamung, (Swu netung; oorlaupge ?lnteige; 2. ber Scfcbctb, tie 2liiffiinttguitg (eineS KapttalS otcr cities DienfteS); to give — , teamen; oor^rrfagen, auf* lunbigen ; to take — . firf; roarnen (fagett) laffen; aufgefunbt'gt fetytt; at a minute's — , cine N Diinute vot'her beftellt; $tt jcter 2)Jinutc in 23ercit-. febaft ; — wheel, T. tao 25arnungS= rat, QlnfcJjIagrab (in ter llbr . warp. s . i. ber aSebertetlel, 2luf5itg, bai SBetfl, tie Jlettc otcr ber ©rutib einefl ©eroebeS ; 2. Sea long, bas SBugs ftit'cil, SBngftrtau, Scblcrptau, 23erf>5 trot) ; bte crfte gegebene Sange tcr SBanbtaue rom .ftiffen am SCop bcr SJiajten bis an bie obcrfte ^uttgfer; — and woof, .ttette unb (5'infrblag ; — beam, ber jiettcnbaum, ©anibanm (am SEDcbftutji). fo warp, ,-. i. n. 1. ftcf) roerfen, fief) biegen, frmnm roerben befonberi von SBrettern). ahveicben ; 2. einber jiefien ; n. a. biegen, abbringen, ab- bringen, ablenfen, lenlen, oerleiten; to — up a ship, eiu Scbirr (inittelfl eineS 9iutcrbootc») am Seile forf^ie» ben, ftromaufroarts jief)en, bugfiren, tvarpen, roerpen; in compos. — loom, bet SBeberbaum j .a: t-8. — i ; ■ ber ©eberblocf ; —hook, ctn .fSafcn am ?litfcbcrpfal)l, turd; n.uid;eit bie j?abelgame fafjren. warrant, s. 1. l. t. bie SBoHmacfjt; bcr SSolljtebungSbefebl ; tie SBefngs niy, sPeredjtigung, (Srlaubnip; 2. ©eroafjr, 33er jit^erung ; 3. 5Reef)tfer« ttgung; 4. bai 3ftgni!i; 5. jua. T. tac i-atent obttc be; JioitigS Siegcl nub Unterfcbnft; bie SJeftailung ; l. 7-5. — of arrest. — to apprehend the body, ber fcbriftlicbe unb beficgelte 5kfebl ;ur grgreifung eineS ©efe^* ubertreters, 93ert)aftsbefef)l ; — of at- torney, bieprocuratovintc Soltmadjt; — of caption, ber Stecfbrief; — of commitment, bet Sefeljl jur @ittferfe= rung eitteS 33eibaftcten ; — man. Mil T. eiu nberjabliget 3J?ann, bcr in @nglanb auf jebe (iompaguic aK- 8c» citenj brs Slfgimentseommanbenrt Sitiiegcben roirb; —officers, bie Slufs febci- fiber bie auS ben fonigltrbett SSerften Perabfolgten @c|iff8bebfltfs ntffe; dividend—, bte Si'l^f'l 1 ^ bet Siitsabfcfjnitt, 3iu*eoui>on, 3lcticn* coupon; press—, bie (5rmacbtiguu^ WASH WAST WATC »et 9lbmiralit5t $um 2Jcatrc>fcitpref= fen. To WARRANT, v. a. 1. bciCltgcit ; 2. bepollntarbtigen, betecbtigen; 3. bc= freicu, ftchern ; 4. gcroabrcu, ©eroabr (SBittgfcfcaft) tctfleu, biirgen; bcbaup= ten, bcrficbern, bcrburgeu, baffle ftc= ben, gut fagen ; 5. recbtferrigen, bc= ftatigeit; I — you, iff) oetfirbete \h = uen, id) fte&e 3jmen bafiir, berlaffcit ®ie fid) ouf micb. WARRANTABLE, a<#. JU rcdjtfcrtigcit, ju ucvtf;citigcu, yerantronrtlicb, et* laubt; — by law, gefe&lid) crlaubt ; it is — to conjectures, C5 ftcbt JU bet= Diiitbcu; — My. «?«. berantwottlid), in it Stecpf, billtgcr SBeife, biUig ; — ne»s, s. tic SBetantn)ottltc$feit; 5Qe= fugtbeit. WARRANTEE, s. /.. 7' I. bic -pCVfcit, Welches ©ennihr geleijlet ttM'rb; 2. tcr ikbiMJmachtigte. WARRANTER, .,. i. bet 23e»i)flm8d>tt= gee; 2. SBiirge, ©cruahi-emaun, So* sent. WARRANTOR, roie Warranter. WARRANTY,* 1. bic ©eroabtleiflung, ©fitgftfcaft SetbinbliAfeit; 2. 33oU» mad;f; 3. ©eruabr, ©ieberbett; 4. Surgfchaffdobligation, ' tcr 33iirg= (fd)aftg=)fdKilt; under your — , Unlet Sbtem Selctebete. WARREN, s. ba§ ©cbagc; SCanillfytn* ge&age, bet J&mincbengarren ; bte Safanette ; eiu eiugebagter Zfytil t'\- ttes Sluffca, um Sifdbe bavin aufju= bemabten. warreneR, «. bet fifigcmeiflet ; Jta= utudjeitwavtcr, aiuffe&et cincr Safa* ncrie. WARRIANGLE, s. bet Sffiurgengel, SSiirgfalf, ©cfcledjtfalr", ©atfetfalf (Falco lartarius — £,.). WARRIOR, j. bet Jfrieget, Jlviog8= ma nit. Warsaw, s. (tie Stabt) SBarfcbau. WART, «. bteSQBotje; bet SUtdtnuc&e'j bie 2)?aufe (bet £[3ferbe) ; — cowry, bet Jt'orufuopf, forullcufbrmigc tfEttopf retite SKufjhelatt) ; —stones, SBatieitfieine, ©teimoarjen ; —wort, bad aBatjenfraut (Hdiotropivm euro- pium — l.) ; ber ©euiienroirbcl, bie SBolfdlltilch {Euphorbia, helioscnpia — /, I. WARTED, adj. B. T. roarjig. WARTY, «£?■ tnatjig, voU 2Batjen. WARY (ad„.—u.Y), adj. bOrftd)tig, 6e* badjtig, bebacBtfam, be&utfam. To WASH, v. a. c i - ben; — pi >e, bic ^Iblaufiobic, bet 3lbjug; Tijp. T-s. — paper, ber flb» gang: bad bic) 3J?acuIatur ; — sh e; tcr SRacularutbogen; —silk, tcr-^ib* fall son 2citc, tic Setbenfrafee • — thnft. tcr Juvd)lntngcr, Serfdbpeni tcr, 2d)lcmntcr ; — tiinbcr.tcr \ ^otjabfaU; — tune, tie fteie i'lll'U'ftlllltClt ; — ivcbr, 2d)leu|;cntvcbr, SlbjUfl8l — well, tas ©cnflod), tic 9lbi — wood, tcr ^oliabfaU; — n JTfimmentng Slotfen obet III beim 30oDfamnten . wasi'E, «, l. tic iBermttfhing, 2?er= beerung; 2. unnufceSInuenbuug^nn^ niiijc Vlufcpfcrung, uimiiUc '.'li;-: Scrfcbiventung ; 3. Vlbuabni:, jcbniiig ; 4. bet Bbgana, llbfall, tie ©pillage, tcr Cerluft ; 8. bie 3 c; li. Ti/p T. bat 3uf(bu§t bcr3ufd)iip; 7. L. T. tcr voiit isidi = tcr jugefugtc Scbaben, bat Spolium ; the — of a ship, tcr Ictrc, uubcfcbte ©chiffSrauntj a wasting disease, cine fevsebreiifc JvrauFI)cit. WASTEFUL [adv. — i.v ,adj. I. vcrucrtccb = lidj; 2. I'crfcbivcntcnfrb ; 3. i>tc ; — expenses, iibcviuafii^c 9lit6gaben. WASTTEFULNESS, s. tic ilcnvuftung, 93crf.(;rocutiiug. WASTENE89, -.'tic SBfifte, 6in5be. waster, ». 1. bet Qeraufler, ~ii(x-. fittveiitcr; 2. bet .Uuiittel. WAT( 11, t. 1. bai SBarhen ; 2. tic 93e> cbe; Jiacbtroarhe, Srteifwaebe, ;iiu:t= be, Cuarticnvadjc ; Scfeiffniacbej 3, tic SBadjjetf ; 4. bet JDacbtet, Poften ; 5. bie Xafrncuiibr ; 6. jtg Mufmetf= fanifcit, Sffiacbfamfeif, Slcbt; a — of nightins; 1 -, S /' tcr Inii'p. Slug •Jcadjtigallen; alarm — , tcr SJerfet ; to be on the — , ill 1 1 ^lufnicifMniFcit eiifgegeu febcu (einem (Sreigntt 1 set the — , bie SQacbe auefhU leu, tangittn ; the morning — , tie Sagmadpt, »pu 4 bU s niu- iW^rgcna ; the noon — , tic Sotmittagti bpn 8 bis 12 Uhr; the afternoon — . bic 2Bacbe oon 12 bit 4 Ur)i tags; the iir,-t dog — . bie ttjre<§unbt« raadje bon 4 bis G llbv Hoenbi - dog — . bit incite •j^unbetsacbe oon 6 bie S Ubr SHbenbS; the Orsi — . bon 8 bid 12 Ulu- ERacbta ; the — , bie jweite SHitteltoacbe eon 1 .' Ubr SJlacbta bia 4 Ubr SWotgenfl; — bell, bie Scbiff8glocfe, mil bei 3eid)cu )um ^bl9fen gegeben mirb ; — bui, tic SBaebrtoUe ; —broach, tic :lieibablc (bet Uhnnad)cv ; — 1 bad SJlacbtlidjt; — case (— 1. llhvgebanrc; —chain, tic Ulnfctic; — crew, A*. T. bat Cii.irticrevelf ; — dog, bet .Uctteul'init, .OcfMii'.t ; — finisher, bet Ulu'-'Ollciitev ; — bad It bra lad; — glasses, .v. T. bit SBarbtgliifer (©aubiibteti bon l ©tunben); — gun, tcr 3J3acbtfa)u& aufScbiffcii (3JJorgcnd ui 1 — hand, tcr Ubrteiget; — holder, tcr llbviMitcr, Jufammcufeftet j — bouse, bad 2Bad)baud, tic SQiacbe, iffiacbitube; bad ©cbilberbaud ; — lui.t bad SRacbtlicbt; bet 2eucbt< tbuint ; — maker, bet Ubvniad'c. ; — tcr SEB&cpret, tic SEBacbe; bet SRachtmficbter ; — night, SRacbtmarbe, SBetuacbt; —paper, bad $apiet im Uhrgebaufe (gemobnlicb mil tee Ubrmarbcra Stamen ; — spring, bie Ubtfebet; — tower, tcr Sfflacotburm, tic SBarh ; — trt pi UbtgebSnge, SBerlocftn ; —word, tie parole, Sofung, bad Sofungtoott — w.uks. bad UlUlVClf. 7s \v \ii 11 r ». .'. a 1. ivad'cn. 5Sa= d;e ballen, bca>adn-n; 2. bcobacttcit,- :»oi WATE i. S$l baben, warren ; 4. (auf/lau* cm, belatterit, belaufcben, aufrmffen ; in — a sick person, bet cincm jtranfen '.vacfH'l! : to — an opportunity, b!C @C= fegenbettabynffen ober roabrnelunfit ; to — for, erwarren; to — over, tva= fbcu liter . . ; an otter watches, Sp. T. tir.e Drier roadjt, fi&t anf bcr Sauer. WATCHER, s. 1. bet SBSdjrer; 2. 53e= Icurcr, gauffer, Stufpajferj 3. Jiraiu fenworter. WATCHFUL (adv.— ly), adj. Wart) fa lit, aufmcrffant, sorfidjrig, bet)utfam; to carry a — eye upon . . . , VOl'fldltig fei)tt 6ft ... , tit . . . ; — ness, s. bie SBacbfamfeit, Slufmefffamieit, 3?or* ftrbtigfeit, SBeljutfamfett ; Srblaflo= ftflfCtt. WATCHING, r. bag 2BarI)cit, bie 2Bad;= uimfcit; ©rblafloftiifett. tVATER, s. 1. bag iBaffer, (bcfigleirbcn bag bcr ©belftciiie) ; 2. bag SBaffev, bcr SNoire (mtf 3eugen) ; 3. bicSce, ba8 SDlecr; 4. ber 'Uritt, .giant; 5. (red — ),btc 3aud)e, bic aug ben 2Bnn= — crt bcr SJSfcrbe fltcfjt ; waters, pi. bie ©eWaffev ; ©efiinbbninuen ; Ch. T-s. — of crystallization, bag Jh'iftalli= Fattonswaffer;— of separation, ©djets beroaffer; she went to li. for the benefit of the waters, ftC giltg tl tl cf) aj. tun belt 83runucn jit trinfett; a liar of the first — , Jiff, cut £iig= iter crfter ©rc'jje ; to" convey hy — , jit SBaffer aerfenben, »erfcr)if= feu; to go by—, jit Staffer reifen; to fish in troubled — , tilt £riibeil fi= fitcit ; to raise the water?, logbl'ccbeit, logfcbiiigctt; to stripe — , Sea lavg. SBctfier. fdilagen ib. t. fcbopfeit) ; to take — , 2Baffer fcbopfcit ober jietjen ; to take the — , jit Sffiaffer gefen ; to snake — , bag (feitt) SBaffcr obfrb(a= oen ; UBaffer jicfjett, (uoit cincm Scbijfe) lecf fc»lt ; — adder, bic 9ttl! = dimtfer, 3Bafferfct)Tange ; — aloes, ber falfcfceffiafferfencr)el,bie 2Qaffcv= aloe, iBaffcrfebcr (Stratiotes aloides — J.); — apple, bcr glafcfenbaum JJnnana — L.) ; — bailiff, Ctll a'cam = tcr in 2oubou, bcr bcu gtfcbjanbel bcaufftcbtigt itnb bcu ©rtomjoH nuf bcr Sbemfe einiitiitinf ; — bark, ct'it fleittcs Soot sunt iErang^ort beg frU fcbeit 2Bafferg in ^ollanb; —bath, baS aBilffcrbab; — bearer, Jist. T. bcr 2Bafferniamt : — bellows, cin ©eola* fe, bag burcb, SiBafferin £8e»egung ge» fetjt luirb; — betony, bic ©raunrourj (Scrophidaria aquatica — /,.) ; — borne, mir cbcit flott; —bottle, bic 2Baffer= flafdje ; — brook, bcr ©act), bag SZBaf* fcrd)Clt; — caltrop (—nut), bic 3Baf= fernufi, ©tatbcluufi ; — canteen, bic AClbflafrbc; — carriage, bic SEBflffer* frarbt ; — carrier, bcr 2Baffcrtragcr ; — cart, bcr SBiiffcvfttrrnt (unit 3Baf= ferfprcngen); — cask, bag 9Baffer= fai ; — chick weed, bic QltellflllllPlU tie (Montia fantana — /,.) ; — cider, bcr nut aS«ffer vcrbitinite feibcr ; — clock, bie SBaffentbr ; — closet, ciu >S«f ) ; — flea, bcr QBaffcrfiob ; —flood, bicSBaffcrfliitl); — fly, bie SSaffer* fltcijc; — fowi,ber 2i3af]'a-yoi]cl; col- lect.baS 2Siiffcri)cf[itgcl ; — fox, Jig. bet $.) ; — lien, bag aikfferfnthit, 9M)if)it[)it {Oallinvia — Briss.); — hog, bag «§albfantnd)cn, SWeerfd^roettt [Cavia capybara — L.) ; — holes of the sprit-sail, JV. T. bie 2lt! = oen (?5dicr) bcr SBIinbe; —hook, bcr Baumljaf'cit ant (Sattel; — hoar- hound, bcr SBafferanborn, 3BoIfgfu^ (Lycopus europtBus — L.) : — liouse, ber 2Biiffcrbc[)altcr, bag 9iefcn>oir; — house-leek, vid. — aloes J — hyssop, bag ©tiabCUfrailt (Omtiola officinalis — L) ; — leaf, bag iSaffcrblaU (Hy drophyllum — /,.) ; — lemon, bie lot'= beerblattrige 5pafftongbIume (Passi- JUrra laurifoHa — L.) ; — lentils, bie iSaffcrlinfcn (Lemna — , Marsilea — /..) ; — level, bie maiicrcdjtc \!ai]C; — lily, bic SDBafferlilie, ©eeblttme (JVVm- phica — L.) ; — line, bic SjBafferbiibe ; SlngroafferungSlinie, ( 8abes)2Baffera time, SBaffertragt (cincg <2d)iffcg); — lock, bic Sriiufc, ©c^weinme; — logged (lodged) ship, Ctll Sdltff bag in'cl Staffer burd) ciitcit £ccf bcfoni= men bat; — man. bcr Sabrntauu, Sootfuijrer, ©fccrfiibrer, <2 d;ittci'.fi'tb= rev ; - mark, bic 3(utbl)Mc, bic SSb'af* fermnrfe ober bcr SRanb, big tvo bag SBafferbag 5cbiff bcviiln-t; — mea- sure, m. e. ciu 3)iafi fi'ti Salj, ©tctit* fobleit it. f. w., beint SSevfouf <\n Sorb beg (£ duff eg ; - melon, bie SSJafJetmelone, Slrbufe (Cucurbita ci- WATE trutta — }.) \ — milfoil, hi J i SBflffitf* Xaufcllbblatt (MyrinpkyUum — 7..' , — mill, bic SBafjcriiiiiljlc ; — mint bie SBttffermUItje (Mentha aquatica — L.); — moreen, flcrOiifftTtcr 3)1 o 1)1' ! — newt, bic ai]iiffercibcd)fe ; — nut, bic SBaffermif (Trapa natans — L.) ; — ordeal, bie 2Biiffcrprobc (tat @;i= reSgert'cbj) ; — orme, Sea long, faum binrcidicnbcg 2Saffer jum glottblfts \ ben babcub; — ouzel, bte 23affcram= fcl, bcr ofbanitjcr (Tardus einclus — . L.) ; — pail, bcr aBaffcreimer ; — parsley, ber aSaffct'ciiptd;, bic 2Baf» fcrpefcrfilic (.Opium graveolens — ]..<; — parsnep, bcr flcitte aBaffcrcpviii), aSaffermcrf (Sium — L ) \ — pepper, bcr SBflffervfcffcr, bag i)H>Ufbgfrai!t (Polygonum hydropiper — L); — pim- pernel, bie ©traitbbunge (Samoiusva- lerandi — L.) ; — pipe, bic SBflffers robre ; — pipes, sea long, tie Staffer* Iteger, Scgcr, SBafjferfaffer j — plan- tain, bcr aSaffenvcgcrig, 3irofdjl8ffel (jl/isma plantago — I')', — poa, bil5 aSilffenispCltgrilg (P« aquatica — /..); —pocks, biciSiiffcrvocfeu, 2Baf= ferblattern, SBinbpoaen ; — poise, bic SBnJferttjttge ; — pot, bcr SSaffer* topf, bie ©tepfanne ; — pressure-en- gine, T. bie aSafferfi'iulcnmiiffbiuc ; — proof, roaffcrbidH, limffcrfeft; — pursiain, bic 3ipfelblumc, ber SBaffer* portulaf (Peplis portula — L.) ; — quail, bag aJSafferl)ll[)U ; — qualm, bal ©obbrennen ; — radish, bcr SEBaffer* VCttig (Sisymbrium terrestre — h) ; — rail, bic S&affcrrallc (Rallus aquatica — l); — rat, bie SBafferro^e; — rocket, bie aBaffcrraufc, Uferrauf; (Sisymbrium sylvestre — L)', bte SBilf- ferrncfete, ber SBafferfrbtDariner ; — rose, bic SBafferrofe ; to — " rot, v. a. rSjien (fianf oberglacbg) ; — rotting, bag .§iitif= obcr glar^gropen ; — sad, A*. T. bag aBaffcrfcgel ; — sapphire, bcr aBilffei'fapVl)ir ;' — scenery, vid. Hitter Scenkry ; — sedge, vid. — flag ; — sHoot, provinc. bcr 2&ilffcrfd)Oi5,bil3 ayafferreig ; bcr 2Buru'lfd)of;; to moor — shot, JV. T. Ctll Sfbiff fo Bets tiiucit, bnfj eg weber gegcu bcit Strom, nod) qua- tin ©troiite fiegt: —shrew, bie tlcinc SBaffermauS, 3JBaffcrf|>tij= maitg ; — shut, bcr SBafferbainm, aSafferfdiicbcr, bic ©cbleuge; — side, >>ai Ufer (cincg Sluffcg obcr beg 9)iecrcg), OJcftabe; — skins. 3Baffer= fd)[aud)c (bcr fiiirabancn in (5"gt)p= ten) ; — snake, bic ai'iiffcrfdilaiigc ; — soaked, oom SBaffer crrocid)t ; — soldier, vid. — aloes ; — spaniel, bci 3Silffci'f)Utlb ; — speedwell, bcr aSitf= fercbrcnpi'cig (Pleronica maritima — i. ) ; — spider, bic SBafferf^tittic ; — spike, bag (fc^roimmenbe) Samenfraiit (Potamogeton nat:ins — J.) ; — spin- ning frame, T. bie 3)roffelmiiffbiiic ; — spout, bag fprtugciibc ©after ; bie SQBajferrobre; bie 2Baffcvbofe, 3Baf* ferbrant; — spring, bie aBaffcrcmcUe; — sprites, aCnffcrgciftcr; — swallow, bic aBaffcffdmnilbe ; — table, Jirch, T. bic uiifcrftc 2ftauerleifie ; — tath, cine 3lrt SfciebgrnS, beffen ©nitiy bcu Sd^ifcu ffbablid; fe^n foil ; —thrush, rid. — ouzel ; — tick, bie fintcrifaui= frbe .goljmiibe; — tight, nniffcrbifbt, roafferfeft; — trefoil, bcr a'Baffei'flec, iu'ttcrf k'C (Menyanthes trifoliata — L) '. — trough, ber SBBaffertrog, Svanftrog ; — tub, bag aOafferfiifi, bic 2Bafffrfit= fe ; — tupelo, bcr aBaffcrbaum (Jtyssn denticulata — L.) ; — twist, bag Sict* tcngarn, SSaffersCSebbtDgarn, ber Slurjug ; — violet, bte SBafffroiole, aUaffcvfeber (Hottmia palustris — L.)', WAVE WAY WEAK — wag-tail, bie weiee SBadjftclje; jv. T-s. — way, td3 Deb*gat ; — ways, bet SBaffergang (auf bent SBetbecf ci= tics ©driffeS) ; — wheel, b«fl SBaffets tab; lUliililvab; r. eta Jiuuftgcjcug urn 2Baffet 511 hebcit; — wheels, bie SBaffettdbet cities DantpffcinffeS; — willow, bet 2Baffertt)eibend) [Lysima- thgrsifiora — /..) ; — willow bie ffiajjferroeibe, niebtige (obet itvaitdj = jiBt'ibC (Saliz pentand™); — with, eine SPffanjc auf Samaifa, tvcldje fclbft in bet trprfcnftcit 3?it trtnfbarcit ©aft eutbiilt; — work, bat SHJaflfertuerf , bte SSQafferfunfi ■ (viu= fig im pi.) ; — worm, bet SBaffets unirm, bte SSaffttmotte ; — won, bcr ('3vHl;ling-5:) SBaffetftetn {Eiatine — i.\ To WATER, v. a. ie n. 1. roaffetn ; bc= mdffern, begieiku ; 2. tfjrduen, >uci= licit; 3, fvciiifcii; 4. fdwemnicil ; 5. tUjiett (5lac$e otcr <§anf); (>. »af* fern, nammen, motrtren [Beuge u. f. ii'.); 7. SBaffet bo leu, SBafjtt ciiinebmcit (»on Scbiffcn); 8. f cii i c = leu, fdiiUcni; to make one's mouth — , ciucnt ben i'liuib toaffctig mad)eu, tbu luftetn madjett. WATERAGE, ». baS tfeibrgclb, bev gci^rjoU; bie 2Baffttfrad)f. watered, adj. gemaffett, moiritt (ton SBdnbetnunb 3engeu). Waterer, s. cincr bet roaffett, be= wdffett, trcinft. WATERTNESS, ». bte SHJfiffetigfett, Sreudjtigfeit, ba< Tveuditc, Sumpfiqe. watering, «. ba8 SBaffetn, S8e»af= fcvtl U. f. lt>., nid. To Water ; — of steel, bas SBaffettt, Slammen bes ©tails'; MU ■/:— can, bctS £tom= petenftgnal, tint tmd) bet Ivanfc ^11 vciieit; — bridle, tie SBaffettvenfe ; — cap, bte Selbmiifce, Sourtagttmiu §C; — jacket, bie jelbjitcfe, 3§agn8; — bird, bet 93cirtoogel [Qiaveopis ri- 9trca — Omcl ■)■ X\> WATTLE, v. a. 1. (3ft>ctge juf.tni= niciilflediteii, iimrled)teii, umjaittieit; 2. ntit :)iut[ieii biubeit. r« WAUL >-. ,1 iniancii, hnileti, fcbrei= en [wit tint i?afee). W w i', *. I. bie JBcfIc, SJoge, 33Jec= teSnjoge; 2. Unebenbetf; 3. bie cin= jelite JLinintc befi gciviiffeitcit 3c"= ge* ; 4. Jirclt. T. bicyiehlleiiie, ooftU feble; a — of the hand, till SBtnl ((ScbioeuFeiO bet ^anb; — loaf, (in bee Sibel) bas SEBebebtob; — offer- tog, bits iBebeopfer; — subjected, bent SBaffet obet ten SBeflen au«ge= fc^t; — worn, uon ben SQeHen ab= jenuftt. To WAVE, v. 1. ». 1. fid) roeUenformig bewegen, tvpjeii, tvallen ; ivebcn, fdnveben, flattetn ; 2. 3eic||en gebtn, totnfeh, tunitfenj 11 a. 1. iveUenfot: miii ntacpen; 2. lvelleu, moititen; i. febmingen, fd^roenfen; 4. bjmucg- fdiii'eninieit ; 5. roegtoetfen, itbleo= ncn ; betfafjen, fabrcit laffen, aufge= bin ; oerfdjieben, bei Scire tegen, au?Hi;eii; "'• '" betSBttelj roeben. WAVED, adj. 1. lvellcnfotmig ; 2. ge= flammt, tnoitirt. waveless, adj. wellenlM, eBen, glair. Ta WAVER, u. n. 1. limnfeii, fd)Wan= fen, fttaud)elii, ftofyetn, taumeln ; 2. jig. fid) beftnnen ; unfdjlufftg feiiu, aitjichcit. waverer, s. ter Sejwanfenbe, Un* fd>lufjtge, Unentfdjloffeue j fd)n>an« fciibc Spolitffer it. f. to. WAVERING (adv. —it), adj. fifn\iu = feub, uiifcblufftg, unentfdjloffen ; oanfelmut^ia, jroeifelmuifjtg ; — ness, ». baS SBanfen, ©djwanfen, bie Uitfdiliiffiijfcif, Unentfd)Ioffen&eit, 3iuetfelbaftig?eit, bet SBan!etmut&, WAVY, adj. ruogenb, ivogig, ivcUig, welleuformtg, toallenb. wax, s . 1. m-5 3Ba*8; 2. ©iegel= roadjS, bet Stegellacf; 3.ba8Dt)ten= fd)inal{; i. bad 5d)Ul)(maebet)pedj ; — baby (— doll), tie SBacbJpuppe; — bill, bev Jlernbeifiev [Loxia — 1. ; — candle, (—light,) too 2Bach8ltd;t; — chandler, bet SEBaefifliieljer ; — leather, ii]id)MetCt 4 , geU>td)8te8 ?C= bcr; — myrtle, bie SBacbJmtyttc {Mi- riea eerifera — L.) ; — palm, tie SBadjgpalme (Ceroxylon andicula) ; — reels, 3Badj«ftangen 5 — scot, cine Slbgabt jut Uutevbaltiing bet S\\\-- d) e nbefeucbtmtg ; —taper, bieSBad)gs fevje, bet SBadjsJlocf; — winder (— , ein 8Bad)SfiDcfleu<$terj — wicks, mil 3Sad)8 butebjogene 8am* pcnbodjfe; — work. 2Bad>3figuten ; — works, ;//. ba8 SBacb8ftgutencabi= net. Ta wax. 1: \. a. niit 3Qad)e beftreid)eit, rodrbfen, roidjfen, bobiteu (fetne £tf4» [eratbeitett it. f. h>.) ; niit 2Badje bcrbinbcii ; ll.11. timdifcn, juiiebiiieii, iv err en. WAXEN, adj. nvidifern, UOIt iffiadjS; e, bafl SBacbSbilbj — chat- terer, bet ©eibenfcpivanj {Ampelit garrvla — ]..) ; — vein, Ijail .»Jiel = mont'8 SBiitfel. WAXING, ». ck. t. bte grtbeitung oon road)8attiget SBeiebtjett buvcb Jeuet pbet Sluflofung; v. baa fteUenroeife Uebetjie^en befl ^vattuite nut 3Bacba OOt tcin rntifen, inn tic uiibefcifte gavbe feuriget unb beftanbiget ju nutdien. WAXY, s. wad^Sarftg. wav, s. f. betSBeg, bie Straie; 2. (5trecfe,2Deite,Defjfiiung, bet £mtcb= gang; 3. tie SRio^tuug, bet ?auf, govtgaitg, gottfebrttt ;'4. bat Slugs lvcidn-tt ; 5. bte 83ar)n, ter SRaum, spiafej 6. baSJWittel, tcvjutntt, 3u la§; 7. bet ffleobad) tungafteiS ; i v v jtctjtsfreis, '-In'iubv ungeTteiS : B. bie SSe^anbluugjatt, Hrt SfBeife, 3)i( (bote, bet Iptan, baa SBetfab^teii ; D. bet SBille, 3 inn, bie v.utiic ■. .v. r. tie felling, St«l>elfil5cfe ; — of the rounds, in bet 92onbeu* meg, tie SBermt; — of a ship, tie A.ibvt, bet (langfnme obet fttnelle) 8auf etnefi Sd)tffe«; bie 9itrbtung ciue^ SdjifeS, ta- SourS; t; is under — , bafl Sdjiff Ifinft, bat (Vibvi ; which — ? toob^tnV our uu-l dje Sltt? roie? which — shall 1 turn ? nn^iit foil id! mid; roriibtn? ibis— , bierbin, hierturd) ; that — , tabttt, babutd) ; every — . auf aUe Hrt not SBetfr, in allet ^inftcbt ; every — n bar, ein (eTtglugner, Sfignet Don Ooui au5; any — , auf itgenb tine SB a tbo . . auf taufenbetlei Stt ; no — . FeineJ 2Bege4 : by — of jy, um fid) tu entfojalbigcn ; one's — , fetnen iL : co, gebeu. fortgeljen ; In go a great — , ivttt gc= bin. viel iviifeii ; to conw one's—, berfommen ; in the family — . out freunbfebaftiidpem Sufe, im 5ami« lieii}iifel; ad. fdbmanger; t> be in — . Dei bet £anb feun ; fctttg , ciucnt in beii8Bfg({u ©efidu, unlet bieSu« gen) fpiunicit; to stand In on, ■■< — , einem im SBege ftcbeu; bintcrlieb ft'.Mt; he is ofmy — 1 rthinking, er ill nieincr i'ieiuiiug, bot nieiite Hi ten ; to be out of the — , ben vcvfcblt oaten ; fid) ivrcit ; uiitt bei ber .£hinb fettn ; jerftteut ft y n ; uirbt jut ©adje geboieu; this is a Ih — , bavon oerfttbe idj nidjM; bag ftcbt nidit in nieincr @en>alt; tjs much out r.r my — . to-3 tft gait] nufiei meinem i ; laue, babei uerliere id) ; to go out or the — . lid) bftii to get out or the — , wegfdjaffen . bavon niadjcit ; to the — JU vic( fOfbetn ; to make — . to - the — . er to clear the — . BUB" bem SBege gebeu, ijilafe madjei give — . lvcidnit, autfweic^en ; nadj= gebut, ftatt ftnben laffen j fallen im k 4>reife) ; tn break tbi — . ui:c-ivctd'c:i. ani bem SBege fobreu ; lead the — . gebeu Sic borail; to make one's ^, fortfommen, enifommen ; (—through ..) tiu'difo'.nnieii; ftdj 3 u gnng »er= |d)offcii; to make one's own — . burepbtingen, u-iu OHiuf marpen ; 11- musi have it is own — , et will ean.idj feinem Sinne b.ibeti ; ways and means, i^ntel unb SBege ; tie 8e= redjuung ter Staateeiufunfte ; — bill, cine Vine Bon iPerfonen oter rn tie man fobet ; — bit, tin Stiief SBege<: — maker, ter Idufer, Ba^noredjer : — mark, bat SBegtietr&en, tee SBegmttfer, SBegeffiule, bet ED2etlrn s cijjer ; — out, tee '?lu-Mve,i, Suegaug ; — 1 bie .Wifcttiucl, gemeine wtftel, fdpattt 1 — 1. ) ; — thorn, bet SBegeborn, (RAam — /,.) ; — through, ter Dutdjgang ; — bet SBegcmeffet ; — worn, von J(ei= fen etmubet. WAYFARER, ». ter SEBanbtitt, SRei« fenbe. wayfaring, a reifenb, wanbetnb; — tne. ter Scgiingenbaum, tit SHJegefcblinge, Samtnbeete j-,iur mini hint inn — 1 ■ . To WAYLAY, b. a. aufiauctu. narp = flellen. WAYLAYER, ». ter Buflauter, paffet, 'Juidifteller. w w less, ad;, uiiwegfam, ungebapnt. \va\ \v \i;n ' i,.,:- ntuta uid>, launifeb, rounberlidj, ftltfam, rigenftnnig, oerfefcrt ; - SSJunbtrlicpftit, muttifd^e, Able 8au« rebrrbeit, ter Qigeilftun. w \nwiiiii:. , bet 9Boin>obe (in$o« ten] ; — ship, bit SBoitoobftfuft. i. mir. WEAK, adj. i. fdJTOadj . 'itiv.idilidi , 2. ttdnflid), uugefunb, fiecb : 3. cbn- ininl)ti,i, fcolaff ; 4. unbefntgt; — , bunnet fdjtoadjts Wet; — boarted, mutylof , ic\>\; —land, bu^ nrr, leirbtet '-i'oteu ; -- ; 533 WEAS WEAV WEEN bcstlafjin ; — minded. fdjroai^fSpftg ; — side, bic fcfcroacbe Sette; — sounds, fdjroarfie i 5 nc. iVEAKENER, s. (bcr, bie) bag ©cbtoii= chenbc. weakling, s. ber ©cfjroadjling. WEAKLY, adj. & adv. 1. fd;load), fd;it»ad)lid), matt; 2. furcbtfam. WEAKNESS, s. 1. bie ©d;ioad;e, ©dmmdibeir, 3Jlattigfett ; 2. ber ber Sebler; 3. bie fir&nfltiSfrtr, Sd)iuact)ltd)fcit; 4. ttnbefianbifls feit ; — of mind, bie @eiftegfd;ioad)e- WEAL, «. 1. bag SBobl, bic JOol)l= faf>rt; 2. bic ©dnoiele, ©triemc, iJlarbe; general — (public — , com mon — ), bag ©cmeinioobf, aHgemei= 3c58efte, bag Sejie beg ©taa'tg; — and woe, 2Bo()l linb 3Bf^. wealth, s. bet SHcicbtbum, bag ®ut, ©clb unb ©ur, bic (ciupere) ©tu(ffe« ligfeit. wealthiness,*. bcf 9ieid)tbunt, bag 33erm8gen, bic 3Bobll;abeubeir. WEALTHY (ad„.— ii.y),adj. VCJd), »«= mijgenb, begiitert. To wean, ?•'. n. entwofjnen, abgen)5l)= ncn, abbringen. WEANEE, Wkanling, s. bag Clttrob()Ute X\)itv; bageutwobnteJliHb. weapon, s. bie SBaffe, bag ©eioeqr ; weapons, pi. bie ©porcn ber .fjitbncr unb jungcu ^abiie bet £abucntain= Vfert; b. r. ©omen, ©tacbeln, WEAPONED, adj. bcioaffltct. WEAPONLESS, adj. uubctoaffnet, xotfyvloS. 7«\yeai{, o. I. a. 1. rragen; anba= bc.i, an fid) f;abeu ; 2. jur ©cbau trageit; 3. braudjeu, yerbraudxu, abtragen, abnutym, abrciben ; f)tu= bviiitjen ; 4. ermiiben, abmatten ; 5. aUmablti] f o r t f cb a ffcit, yeritid)tcu ; to — away (— off) abtragen, abitu= fecit ; to — off abnutyn, augmergeln ; :o — out, abtragen, abnutym ; aus= mergeltt; oeneljren; qualen, pla= gctt; ii. n. 1. fid; nad; unb nad; «cr- lieren, ycrgcf;eu; 2. augbaltcu, aug= bauern; to— well, fid; (im Sragcit) gut fatten (you jtteibem) ; — away ! — off), abticbmcit; yoritbergel;cn, toeraltcn ; vergc(;eii; to — off, yer= gebctt, abltcbntctt; time wears on, bie 3fit yergebt ; to — out, fid) abtra= gen, fid; abuutytt, abuebmen ; yer= gel;en. WEAR, s. 1. bag Sragett, bie £rad;t, ber 9Injng ; 2. ©ebraud;, bie ?lbnu= tying ; — and tear, bie 91 bint &nng. wear, s. l.bag 2Bef;r, ber 2Sebr= fcamm ; 2. ber Bifctrbalter, ftifcfcforb, Slalforb, bie 3ieufe. wearable, adj. jit tragen, tragbar. wearer, s. 1. ber (JJIetberam Seibe, obcr uberbaupt choag an fid;) £ra= genbe ; 2. bag wag fid; burd) ben ©ebraud; abituty ober oerfd)(ecJ)tcrt. WEARINESS,*. 1. bie9JiubigFeit; (Sr= miibuitg; 2. Uiigebulb; 3. ber Ue= bcrbrujj. a'earisome (adu. — lv), adj. crmii= bcub, imibfant, befrbtocrlid), laftig, langroeiltg, laitgtoievig; uberbrui,%*! — ness,s.bie i'liibfanifcit, 33cfd)uic'r= (id)fcit, ^aftigfeit, Sangnjicrigfeit ; ber Ucberbwfj. ft'EARY (ado. — ily), adj. 1. llliibe ; 2. libcrbriifft'g ; 3. ermubenb, laftig, miibfclig, befebnxdid) ; not to be — with you, um >3ic uid;t jit etmuben. 7V> weary, ?'. a. 1. enniiben, miibe maefcest, abmatten; 2. bdaftigen, quateit. WEASAND, (— pioe) s . fcfe £uftrb>e. weasel s. bas tffitefels — coot, ber 504 flciufte SMgctaucbcr (JUergu* minvlua — L.). weather, t. bag 2Bctter, bic 3Bitte= rung; JV*. T-s. a — the helm! ll!»= Wfirtt bag 3hibcr ! fall' ab ! hard a — ! fall' (gan?) ab ! — beaten, Don SBitib nub SBetter befdjabigt, initgeuom= men; niettcrgebartet,' burd; bartcg SBctter abgebartct, scrfurbt; the — beams of a ship, bic SuofcitC eittcg @d)iffcg; a — beaten sailor, ein be« fabrncr (tui ift gefd)irftcr) 3)Jatrpfe, bag Dfjrlamm ; JV: T-s. — bit, cin i&d;[ag beg ?lufcrtaueg um beuJftvpf beg Statfm'Hg; — board. — bow, bie SBitibfcite, aBefterfette (eirtes ©d)tffg) ; JV. T-s. — boards, Sd)lllJ= brctter fiber ben (Stiicfyfortgaten ei= neg aufgelcgtcit ©rbiffcS; — bound, bemebrt (roegcu fd)led)ten SBctterg yerbiubcrt um auglaiifeu 511 louncn) ; — braces, bie $!u»braffeit ■ — brails, bie ©eitaue an ber Cuyfeite ber Sc= ad; — cloths, Ucberjiige ypn 5prc= feuuiug iibev bie geftaiitcn = loall, DppcnvaU ; — shrouds, bie Suyroanb ; — side, bie 8u», Suyfcitc; to go tp the — side, aitluDeu, n;inb= roartg (bag ift gegen ben SBinb) gc= ben ; — spy, ber' ai'etterbeobacbter, aBetterprop(;cf, aBetterfuubfcbafter (ro. it.); — stained, 00111 (Sce=) aSaffer befrbabigt; — tide, vid. Windward-tide ; — tight, ( — proof), vyctterbid;r, loctferfift (yen einem Aahv^eug) ; — tiling, bag SeJcn ber SBettevfeite (eincg ©cbaubeg) mit 3iege[u ; — wise, locttcrfiinbig ; — works, pi. jv. T. bag tobte 2Bci'f, bic obern Sbcile bc« Sd;iffg. To WEATHER, v. a. 1. bCllt SBcttcr (ber ©efabr) frofecu, bie ©pity; bic= ten; 2. mit ©djiBteriafett otubei fonuncu, fid; (mit SKu'be) burd)ar= beiten, nn'bcrftefjcit ; 3. ber ?uft aug= fcijcit, liiften, augioittcrii, (ang=) trocflicit (nj. it.) ; to — a hawk, Sp. Ph. eiucu galfcit in bie frcic 8uft ober tltg ©riilie fctylt ; to — a cape, a point, ein Pap nnifd)iffcn, bet enter Saubfptty? yoriibcrfcgelit ; to — a gale, j?£\ eiue ©cbtoierigfeit befic= gen ; to — a ship, cittern @d)iffe ben 2Bmb abgeioiiutcii; to — out, (@tiir= mc) augf)altett, (©efabreu) aug= ober iiberftebeii. To WEAVE, ?\ a. loebcu, lvirfeii; fledUen; ycni'cbeu, ciuioeben. WEAVER, s. ber SBebcr, SSirfer; hsb — , ber .gaarffeefcter ; — , or — fish, ber 2)Jeer= obcr ecebracbe, bag tyo terinauncben [Trachimu — L) weavers, pi. bic 2Bebcr (eiue 5GogeU gattllltg — Ploceus — Can); —'4 lieaid, ber Jlamm am 22cbftul)I; — — 's reed, bag 531att ober Siteti) am SBcbftubl ; — *s shears, pi. bie 2Be= berfebcere. weaving, s. 1. bag SBebcn, 3Sirfcu; 33errocben ; 2. ©eroebe, ©eioirf ; — loom, ber 3Bebftiibl. web, s. 1. bag ©erocbe, ©eioirf ; 2. ber gleden obcr bag Sell im ?Utgc, ber glor oor ben 2lugeu, bag SHigeU fell j 3. bie SBebe (Seimoaub) ; 4. jv. T. bie fjcidjer jtvtfcfccit ber Sclge unb ben ©pafen etneS cifcrneu DiabeS obcr cuter ©d&etbe ; — of a colter, bie ©ebneibe beg ^fluamcffcrg; — footed, fd;toimmfiifiig, mil Bd;iotinnt5 bautcit yerfel;eu ; — girth, ber gcioebte ©ttrt. webbed, adj. jitfaminett grmebt, burd; eiue Sjaut ocrbiiubeit. To wed, v. a. Sr n. bciratfjcn ; oer^ beiratbeu ; tjerbinben; fig. (fiir im= iner) vcrciuigen, (fiir tmmevj nebincit. WEDDING, s. bie ^oebjeit ; — chamber, bie ©rautfammer; — clothes, pi. bie ^orbjcitflciber; — day, ber ^od>- jeittag ; — dinner, bag ^orbseitmabt ; — feast, ber c§od)5citfcbmaiig; — garment ( — gown), bag .^orbjcitflcib, SBrautMetb ; — ring, ber Sraurittg ; — song, bag ^oebjeitgebiebt, a3raut= licb. WEDGE, s. 1. ber^eit, ©paltfcit; bag Jl'eilformige ; 2. ber Jtfuiitpcn (tDietall) ; — of gold, silver or lead, ber @olb=, Gilbert ober 331eiflum= pen, bteSBletinutbe; in the form ot a — , Feilformig ; lead in wedges, 33Iei in -DJulbcii ; — bone, .i. t. bag feilformige ^ciu ; — shellsj ©utttr;f= imtfdiclll ; — shaped, — wise, f Ctl= formig. ToWEHGE. v. a. 1. Feifcil, bClfctfctt, feft eintrcibeit, einbrangen, etnjftSna gen; 2. jerfeilctt, fpaltcu (m. ii.) ; 3. jig. aufbaltcn, bemmen ; to — in, ein= 'fcilcit; fie. einfchlteiien (in etttcn 55c= jirl), ciufperrcn. WEDLOCK, s. bie fJbc, ber fir;cfra;tb ; joined in — , yer()ciratbet, t>ere[;elid;t; out of — , Utiyermal)U ; to enter upon — , in ben (Sbeftanb trctett. WEDNESDAY, s. bic 3Jt t ttlVOrfK, bet iDJittrood;. weech-elm, s. bic englifrt)e breit= blatterigc 3Jiiftcr (u/musscain-a— /..). WEED, s. bag Ullfrailt ; ill weeds grow apace, prov. Utifraut bcrgcbt uiriit. r«WEED, v. a. gateit ; you lliifraut befreien, (mit bcr2Surjel) au8vei§eu, aiigrottcn ; fig. befreien ; oom Safter reiuigeu. WEEUER, s. ber ©ater, 9(ugrottcr, 53cfreier. WEEDING, part. — chisel, Ct'tt mcifie(» al)itlid;eg aBcrfjeitg jum ©iiten ; — forceps, — tongs, bte ©iitcjangc ; — fork, bie ©iitgabel; — hook, bal ©atcifen, bie ©atbaue. WEEDLESS, adj. obne Unfraut, rein. WEEDS, s. pi. bic SBittioeiitrauer. weedy, adj. 1. aitg Unfraut bt{te» f;cnb ; 2. ooil Unfraut; — ways, mit Unfraut yerroacbfeitc 28ege. week, s. bie SSocbc; — , per—, e«» rbenweife, to6d;cutiid); — day, b« aSocbcutag. weekly, adj. tcr, naffer SBoben ; — rock, citt votbfer gclfeu, aits bent SBaffer traufeif ; — spring, cine fttfetnbe Quelle; — willow, bie Sxauenuetbe, £&tanenn)etbe balrylonica — Z, ). WEESEL, b oid Weasel. WEEVER, .*. :ciu iyifdii oid. Weavee. weevil, g. bet .ftornnjurm, fBiibtl {Cureulio frumentarius — I.). weft, s. 1. bas ©eroebe; 2. bet (5tu= fcbuig, (giittrag, (gmfefcufi, £urd>= fd)ufj. 7b WEIGH, ». I. a. 1. toageil; 2 $U= redgeu; 3. (jirr) abrodgen; crmdgctt, Vritfcu ; 4. fit mtc^ttfj fatten, fd)u$ett, baltcit, briitfeu, laftc'u; o. inbic&bfje Untlbeit ; to — , or to — anchor, bie 3lufcr Itcpten ; to — down, ubertt)te= gen ; uiepcrbriicfeu ; crlicgeu ; to be weighed down with (age and sorrow" 1 , niebetgebeugt fenit »on ("JUrcr nub .Rummer) ; to — out, nad) bent ©c= mirtjt verfaufeu, auStudgen ; to — out articles for retail, ait3U)dgClt, DetWfis geit, ( fit v bcuDctaibcvfaiif) abfaffeii ; to — to, eittein ehuas" suroagen ; n. ». 1, roiegcu, fdtiver fev>it, ©cnu'djt l;a= belt; 2. n>id)tig fcHtt ; that reason does not — with me, jntcr ©runb ift miv ntcfjt lvirfitig, gift nidit bet ntir, wig. ba8 jicbt uirbt bet mir. WEIGH, a. citt ©eroidbt fiit trocFcuc <2ad)CU; to he under—, JV. T. tic 2Ul= fer ltd)tcu, abfegctu. WEIGHABLE, adj. Wat nad) bent ©c= luicbte uetfauft roitb, rodgbat; — goods, pi. m. e. Stfitjgiitet, 5tiiri = labuitg. WEIGHER, s. bcr SBfiget, SBageEuecbt ; — at the townball, bcr ©tabtivagciw mciftcr. weighing, s. 1. baSSBdgen; 2. ba« auf eiitmat ©enjogeue, tic SBage; custom for — , bie 213agcgebiibrcit, ba8 SBagcgclb ; — cage, citt Jtdftg, ittit flcittete lebeube £l)icre jit n.>iegcit ; — house, ba8 SBagegebdube ; — ma- chine, bic SBtfttfemnagc, ^ebelroage. weight, a. I, bae ©eroicbt; bie aihtcbt, ©diiverc, ©djwetfraft, ?aft, bcr ©ntlf; 2. /,v. bic SIB tcfotiafotf, gjlncbt, baaanfeb.en, bev ginffuft bie 2Birifainfett ; ;). ba* Sltebetbrudfettbe, SJQjitfdjnjere, bie iafti M. E-a. to lose in — , an ©cwicht nbitclnucit, bcca= lirctt ; to sell hy — , nad) bent ©erotdjt oerfaitfctt; nad) bent ©ewtcbt ver= fauft merben ; hundred pound — , bcr (Sentttet; bill (or specification) of—, bie ©ciV)icbt«ttote ; certificate of—, »>et 2Bagefcbetn j of full — , ooUt»tcb= tig; matter of — , bie tulebttge @ad)e; o carry a great — with . ., Otd gcltctt be: . . ; to he a dead — upon .., fefyr *,iiv 8afi fallen. WEIGHTINES& a. 1. bie 2d)nfcir, aBiUfoiu= ntenbeit. w elo iMER, s bcr SSerotUfontmer. weld, .?. bcr SHJau, hat gelbe gatbets Eraiit, bad ©elbfrant [Reseda luteUa — L.) ; — yeiiow, bad SBaugelb. To weld, ;). a. ((iifcn aii/fd)ii'cifjen, jufammenfcbmteben. welder, a. bee 3ufig 93runncn« maffer, 7b well. r.n. qucUcit, flictlctt (n).fij ; to — forth, bctvorfvtubein. WELL, I. adj. eC,- ad,-. 1. tvobl, gcnitib ; gut, gliidttd); 2. vertl-cilhar't ; 3. gunftig; 4. mobtgelttten, in ©unit; 5. fdiiMt, ticbtig, ge|)5tia ( auf geW s tige '.'lit, ted^tindptg, gefebidt, letcbt, gcinigfant, hinldn.'lid) j li. int. milt, roohlait! that's—, bat ift gut, gebt gut ; an will i tteibet, gepufct, gut auigttuftet; — attending, ivobl aufmerfciit ; — b» lanced, gut im ©lcirbgeiiMdjt tCU ; — beaten, gut geb.ibut; — be- ing, us JBoblfenn, tic ffioplfabrtj — beloved, rielgeliebt; iBitlgelicbtc ; — beseeming, lUPt)Kiilft.ilttig ; — moblbegniiitct ; — fa im, reobl* gcluneit, oon guttt ^ctfunft; — breasted, mit fdouer, tDObttOIKnbrt Stimme; — breathed, l.iu.-Jtbinig (von cincin $fttbt ; — on d, ivobl= gejogett, artig, nt.iuierlid*, gcfitlct; — budt, n)oi)lgcbauct ; — cfa rooblgemdblt; — conditiooed, M. B. gut otcr ivobtconbitiouirt, unbefdjd- bigt bebaltent Water ; — darlved, gut iibtrliefert; — desen ticuftvuMlc; — deserving, ive-bkcr.- bicnt. (febr) vertieitu.oll ; lvoM oeleitet; — d on gtu tet Mbtunft; —disposed, gutgefinutj tooblaufgelegt; — disputed, lvobl be= ftvtttcit ; — doing, U>Obltbllci',C : tie ©uttbat;SBoblfabtt;— doings dbtt« tbateit; — done! braoo! gut! Left- lid)! — drawn, n.;<:'^efiMr.::[ ciucni Sogen ; — dressed, loobl \u* bereitet, wobl jugeticbtet; gut gc= fietbet; — earned, irobloeitieiit ; — endowed, vooblbegabt ; gut au'gc= ftattet; —established, lvobl gegtim> bet, trobt eingetidjtet ; — febent, fd),irffebent ; — favoured (— featured), fd)01l ; —fed, IVObl <\t~ inilu't ; a — filled board, cine reicbiid) befetjtc Xofel ; — formed, tvoblgcbit= bet; — founded, iroblbegruntet ; — governing, bie gute :Uegieruug ; — grounded, lvoblgegr iiltbct ; — ham- mered. n.'ot)l gcbdmmctt; — bat ed, uoobl gefdjirtt; — intenti jvoblgcfiunt, lvoblivoUcnb; — In I gut etfunben ; — known, ivobl- befannt; — laboured, gut bearbeittt, forgfam auf gcatbeitrt ; — Ugbted,gut crleudjtct; — looking, ivobUiiirfebeut; etnnepmenb; — made, ivobl gcb,iut («OU Jlbrpcr; ; — managed, lvoblvci^ iiMltet; — mannered, tooblgejpgen, gefittet; — marked, autgebilbel .HlMiifbctt4fmiH>tomen) ; — meaner, betSBoblineiuenbt, Swunb: — n ing, ivoblmciucitt, gut gefiunt; bie gute ©efinnung; — meant, tot/fyU gemeint; — met! lvillfoniinen! — minded, oid — affected; — moralized, von gtiten ©tiinbfdtjcii geleitct; — mouthed, s,,. T. gilt bcUcit Pbft >llt ; fdihigeii tonncnb; — natured, gut- attig, gutberjig ; — nigh ;- i beia.ibe, fa ft ; — ordered, iviMd gt= otbntt, gut etngetidjtet ; — pi< iv^blgefalleiit, tvprjIgefaLlig ; - portioned, ivobU'rcportioiiii t ; — ripened. ivoM gttcift; — rooted, gutt iffiurjttti habeub ; — running, gut' flief;ei:t (BOB Betfeil ; - si t»o^Igemut}t : — set, wobl owfi : hair, ft.ll'fir .*>a.UU'Ud'-> J — i. rooplaejlaltet, toob^Igeoilbrt ; — spent, woblangemanbt ; — noken, ivoblbercbt ; niilte, giitig fpreobenb ; — spread Bhoulders, b veil c Ccbujtttll ; — striekiD In lodibi |,lblt ; — tasted, fd'iii.idiMft. »obIfd)nte> rJenb: — timed, ju tecptct 3eil onjt* bracbt ; — thought, gludlid) gebadjt ; — traded, eiiien giof;eu ^ailbel tiei> benb ; a — ir dden fit l d of conjecture, cine Kiufig bcfviodu-ue OJJutbuiiiJ filing; — tuned, ivoblgcftimmt ; — turned, ii'oblgeftaltet ; — vou von gutcr nutotitdtj — weighed, mobitrtoogen ; —wilier, bcr SBopl* niciiicitte, ©Snnet ; — wish, tit SOS WETH WHEA WHEN JBobhvoIlen, ber ©lutfiuunftft: — wisher, bet ®lucft»unfd)enbe, SBojjW wollenbe, ©onnet, greunbj — iron, wool otcr rccbtlid) gcmoitueit ; a — wooded park, ciu ioo^tt>eflaitbenet spftrf; — wrought, Wie — laboured. WELSH, I. adj~ auS SSaliifl (ober iii.-iUc- ftammenb, walltfifd): — culm, cine Stt SHntjjtajit (Jtehleiu blenbe, ©lanjfoble; — man. for 2Bat= [ifetj — onion, bie ©attengwtebel, bet .ftobllaiid) ; — rabbit, bet ge= rojtete Jlafe ; — wig, tie wollene ^erriicfe; II. ». 1. tie waUififcfje &pra$t ; 2. pi. bie SBaUifet. WELT, ». ter SRanb/ ©aunt, bie dins faffungj —of a shoe, ber Oiaiuitctt einefl ©d)uh,es. To WELT, r. «. faunieit, eiufaffen, tanben, oerbtSmen ; welted thistle, bie SEegebiftel. To welter, v. n. (ftc^) waljen; weltering in his gore, fig. tit fctltCllt SBlute fdmnntnienb. wen, e. bafl Ueberbein, bet 91ns* wiirbs, J?nomn ; Jiroyf, bie 3ett= gefrbuutljt. wench, s. 1. bafl SDWbf^en, bie juitgc maueiiflperfou (W. it.); 2. crar. bie lofc ^ivne. To wench, v. n. SButjIbirnen nadjs gebeit. wencher. s. bet ^urenjager, Sutler, ber unfeufrije 5Jcaim. To wend, v.n. i. gcben, biitgcbeu, ab« geben ; 2. fid) wenteu, unitvebcu. WERE, oid. Wear. WERE-WOLF, s. ber SBabtwolf, eitt gaubetet in ©eftalt ctncS 23olfefl. WERNERIAN, adj. Wernerifcb. west, I. *. 1. ber SBeft, SBeften, tHbenb, SRtebergang ; 2. bafl wcft= warts liegcube Sanb ; ll. «#. &■ adv. weftfidj, abeitblidi; — by North. 23efr }» nt Sftorben ; — by South, SBefi jum ©iiben; the — indies, pi. ;— India) SBejtillbieit ; — India-man, ber SScftiubicufaiircr ; — North — , SJeftit orb weft; — South — , $3eft= fittweft ; — point, jist. T. ber 2J3eit= juiltft; — variation, jV. T. bte 9lorb* wrftering; — wind, ber SSeftwinb, 9lbenbwinb. WESTERLY, adj. & a In. Wefllid), cbeitb? ltd), nacb ober r>ou SEBeften. western 1 , adj. wefllicb, nacb SBefteit, son SBefteit l)cr, abenblid); abenb- lantifcb. WESTING, s. .v. t. ber SBettag bee SBegefl, bett man wefHicb *>om 2Jiit= tagsfrcife jtiriicfgelegt bat. Westphalia, s SBeftyfiaten. WE3TPHALIAN, I. adj. wcth'halifd) ; II. s. 1. bet 2Befh>1jaIe, SBeflp^atin= gcr; 2. bie ivcfipl)alifd>c OJcuitbart. westward, — lv, adv. gegeti 2Be frcn, wcjiwattfl, wefrlidj. WESTY, adj. + fcbwinbelig. WET, I. adj. "ail fcucbt;' — through, ganj (bifl auffl .jpcmtj bittcbnajjt; — couch, T. cine ($wei guy btffe) edge eingeweicbter ©erflc; — dock, bafl U3edfen, ©cbtff^vevff, in bafl SBaffet faun gefaffeit tvetben ; — glover, bet SBetfigetber ; — nurse, bte ©aua= amine ; — rot (of cheese), bie gdul= nif) (befl j?(iff3); — shod, mit naffcn ?f£§en; — sweetmeats, Piifftoe < s "ou = fttnren; — weather, naffefl ^Better, 9tegenn>eftet. wet, .t. 1. bie Stajfe, geuebticjteit ; 2. bafl OJCjjeiMvctter, nebtige SBettet. T- WET. r.a. (bnrch jnaffctt, naf) ma= r!;en, fenebten, befcurbtcn, aiifendnen, ne^en, benefeen. Wether. 5. ber .§ammet, @rf;iipJ, @$afbccf. 506 WETNESS, s. bie 5end)tia,feif, Wd\]e. WE'lTISH, adj. ctuufl, tin ivcuiij fcucbt, nab-lieb. WE'/. AND. 8. Bid. Weasand. To WHACK, v.n. nils. ptSfleln, ffljlos gen. WHALE, s. ber 3BaHftffi ; bottle-nosed — , ber Subfopf, Sd)iiabelfifcb (Del- phinus orca — L,.) ; spertnaceti — , ber -^LUtfifd', (Saffbelof t {Pkyseter — L.) ; pike-headed or sharp-nosed — , ber 3n= ptterfifdj (Bnlana loops — L.)\ — bone, bafl SSalififcbbeiit, ber 2JM= fii'difiiocben; bafl (gettffene) Sifd)= beiu; —cutter, bet SBanfff^neibet; — fin, bte SBaliftfcfcfatte ; — fisher, ber 5H?alIfifd;fa()ver, SD5aHftf4>ia^et ; — fishery, —fishing, ber aBaliftfd); fang ; — line, .v. r bie SBaUftfcblien ; — louse, bie 23aIIfifd}[aufl; — oil. ber 2BaUfxftt)tbran ; — 's pizzie, bet SBaUpftbpiBfel. WHALER, 6- Did. Whale-Fisher. whame, s.bie (Spferbe=)S5reutfe, $fer= beflie^e, Sraine. whap, s, ber (betbe) ©r^Iag, Seniniri. wharf, s. bafl SBetft, ciu i:t ben (etrom byineingefdplagenet 3)amm, bafl Ufet (tt>o tie Sebiffe ein= nut aiifllaten), bet SanbungSbamm, fa's, bie Slnlanbe, Slnfurt, Sr^iplantt, S8iif)lie (^llblie) ; a shipwright's — . bafl ©tbiffflioetft ; — charges, oid. Wharfage; — porters, tffsuetfteit. To WHARF, o. a. an bent AIM <[\\«\ci! ben, lcfd)en, liinben, an bafl lifer bringen. wharfage, s. bafl SEBerftgelb, StWt)-- gelb, tie Jt'avfpefen, Ufergcbiibr ; bafl gbfi^gelb. WHARFING. s. collect. SBetfte. wharfinger, .«. ber Jia»mei]1er, ^a'.H'itmeiftei', 5luffeber iibcr eineit jeaS). WHAT,«. toafl ; baJ was, bafljrntge ntelrbefl; weldjer, ruelcbe, iroelcbcfl, wet, welcbeiu; tvafl fiir ein, cine: nmfl audi, tvafl nut, etwafl ; wit ? wie Diet ? n. int. wte! xoa&l — is your desire ! nmfl allien <3te ? — is if? Wafl ift bafl? — man is that? »afl tjt bafl fiir ein SJJantt? — nest? ivafl tvirb nun fpmmeii? Ell tell you—, Wlffeil Sit Wafl ; — time, Jit bci - 3eit. ba ; — day, an bent Sage, ba ; — ho : be ba ! — of that? was liegt baton ? — though, tuib wenn anai, wenn bennaiut, obfebon; but — then? abet tuaS maebt baS attfl? I know — he drives at, id) wcip, ivaS cr int ed)ilte fiil)l't: I gave him — money I had, id) gab ibm allefl©e(b tvafl id) b»ittc ; — with his conduct, — with his cour- age, ti)eils bnrd) feine ^luffiUu'iitig, tln-ilfl tuvdi feineu iUuth; — a Goth! wie aiu-lautifd) (ungewaubt) er ftd) benimint! Mr, — 's-his-name,ber^ert So:iinb=@o. WHATEVER, \pron. Welfiet, n.'el= whatsoever, > A)c, ivelcbefl (pber wafl) and) intmcr, wafl nut, urns fiir ein, eine ober einer ciud), was ba uitr. wheal, s. bie ((5irets)93Iatfet, gin* uc; — worm, bie 'itcilbe. wheat, g. betSBauen; —ear. bafl SBeijjfebldjen, bet 3Seipfd)«3aitj (ein SSOgel Mitacilla amantht — /-.) ; — flour, SQeijenme^l ; — arass (creeping — ),bie Duedfe, bafl ^unbSgtafl (rw- tinim repens — L.) ; — harvest, tie SBetgenernte ; — plum, bie ©pide, gelbe SjSflaume, ^afet))f(aunte ; — sheaf, tie 5Beijengatbe. WHEATEN, adj. »on (anfl) SSeijen be= rcitet; —bread, bafl SBeijenbrob; — flour, bafl SBeijenmebl; — straw, bai SBeijenfirob. To WHEEDLE, v. a. fdimetit.-lll, blltc| <5rbmcid)clci anloefen, ciniicbnien, beteben, befriwa^en ober b.interge= ben, "erftriden, iibcrtolpeln. WHEEDLING, .«. bafl 5dinteicbelit. WHEEDLLNGLV, adv. lllit iSd)inci^ d)eln. wheel, s. 1. baflStab; Spinntabj 2. fig. ber SBagen ; 3. tie SHabbewes gnng, tcr Oi'atlanf, bie jiieifiiug, ©rbwenfimg, Umwaljuna, bet Um= lanf; Jlteifl; 4. bie £5pfcrf(beibe j to break upon the — , tatevil ; sentenced to be broken upon the — . JUIN Slabe fcevilltljeilt ; — of the helm, taS ©tens enab; carriage-wheels, bie ?affeticil* rater; cylindrical — , bafl Dlflb mil breiten gelgen ; — animal, bafl SRS* bcrtbicrrben; — barrow, ber ecbreb* fatten, Scbubfamn; — barrow man. bet irbiebfarner ; — boat, bafl SJlas berboot ; — cap, bie Sftabenfapjje ; — carriage, bafl SRdbetfuI)tWetf ; — cutter, einet, bet Ubrenrater febucibei ; — drag, bet .fieiumfdllil) ; — fire, Ch. t. bafl SRabfeuet, Sfbrnelifeitet ; — hoop, ber 9labenting oter fnetfen; — horse, bafl Stangeiivfeib, SctcbfeU Vfert ; — lathe. Sea long, bie jRat>= frbnur einer Svebbanf ; — r.ave, bit SJtabe ; — rope, a: t tafl Steuerreep ; — shaped, B. T. ratforillig ; — stone, bafl ©cbjeifrab ; — work-.' tafl 3tater= wetf; — wright, ber ;)Jareniaebcr, spflugmatber, apagenmadier, (iibli= dber) SBagnet, SteUinad^ei. To WHEEL, r I. a. brcbcil, lollcil, lim' Waljen, bernnifdiioingen ; II. n. ft 4 breln-n, ficb itintreben, febircnfen, ftii waljen; wedbfetn; (Sfbrnenfiiiigen, SBenbungen, Umfc$weife macben ; to — about.' unnollcii, iiniianfeii ; to — along, fid) fortnjfiljen ; to — back, jn= v it droll en ; Mil. T-8. right — ! red>tfl abgefcbroenft ! left — • linffl abgts febroeuft. WHEELY, adj. rabformtg, freiflformtg, im iRteife. To WHEEZE '•• "■ f<^»ft nub lent atbmen, fcbnaufeit, feidjen, bcifer re= ten, roCbeln, febnieben. whelk, s. 1. bie (®ttet=)5B!atter; 2. bie Srompetenfrineffe, tafl Jiinfhoru (.Buccinum — /,.). whelkv, adj. mit 3?ttcfeln, etbabeit. To WHELM, v. a. tcifeii, jutecfen, iibcr= beefen, oergtaben. WHELP, 5. 1. bafl Sunge (einefl 3tanb= tbierfl); bet jnnge <§unb ; 2. cont. bet S5or)u, lofe i^iibc; ber Sungling ; JV T-s. whelps of the capstan, bie @pill= f lampctl ; whelps of the windlass, bie Slusfittterung befl SratfpiUfl. To WHELP, v. n. Sunge roeifcit, fd)iitf ten, jiingen. when. ado. wann, wenn, jn ber 3eit ; alfl, ba, ba bod); he believed — young, tr glaubfe in feiner Siigcnb ; just—, ebenba, fobaI&; since—, feit wann. wie lauge ; feittcin ; till — , bis ba- bul ; — gone, naditem obet alfl ei (fie, efl, u. f. w.) fort Wat; — that Hit 3eit ba . . , alfl ; M E-s. — due, bei (jut) SSetfalljeit ; — in cash, ltadj @ingang ; untet SSorbebatt befl 6'iiu gangfl ; — received, nad) (smpfang, nacb ©ingang, WHENCE ado. ivobcr, ivorattfl, Don wo aufl; babcr; from — , lvoher, yon wanneit. WHENCESOEVER, \ adv. WO^ft anc^ WHENCEVEE, J tmmec whenever, ado. ir a ii it, alkmal wenn, fo oft WHIL WHIP WHIT WHENSOEVER, adv. WCUlt 0UC&. illt= iner. WHERE, ado. WO ; bfl. WHEREABOUT (Whereabouts 1. wo fjerum, wo ba, woungcfdbt; 2. woviibev, wcfhucqcit. WHEREAS, adv. 1. ba nun, weil, ba; 'L la fjiitgegcu, ba fonft. WHEREAT, ado. wobei, worait, woviU bcv, worauf. WHEREBY, tic Adhro; bieSolie; — man, bet Aiilu-iiuuiii, 3oIlcnfiil)ver. To WHET, r. a. wefceu, fc^drfeu, fd;(ei= fen ; fe- vcijeit, erbittem. WHET,*.l. tae 9Scfecn, ©cbdtfen; 2. bic sBorlage, bag ben SlppetitSReijens tc j — stone, ber JHJefcjtein, Sdjleifs fteiu ; — (stone-)slate, bet 2Befefd)ie= fcv. WHETHER, I. prim. Weldjer, wet OOJI bcibcu, wag, wclcbcg you beibett; — of you, wet von end; beiben ; Ihcanj. ob, cntweber, egfcvt mm; — it be true, or uo, ob eg wain - \v.) obet utcbt; — one will or no, man mag wolleit etcr llid)t ; — love or victory, Ob viebe Obcr @iefl. WHE1TER « bet 2Be(}ct, ©d)leifer. WHEY, *. tic SKoIfen ; — spring, Dio(= ftnwaffet. WHEYEy, ?«*'. molfig, molfcuav= wheyish, j tig. WHICH /»"»• Welcper, wcld)c, weldjcg, wet, wag, wen; added to —, WOju nod;. . Eommt. WHICHEVER, Whichsoever, pron. wer eg and; fer>, wag aud) iminet. whiff, ». 1. bet .jjaueb, 3ug, Spijf, 33aff (uiit bet itabafgpfeife) ; 2. bcv (ctacfyeljlitiibet (PUaroneetes passer — L.). To whuff, v. a paffen ; oerpuffen, oetbampfen. To WHIFFLE, v. I. ». 1. Pattern, ffa= cfcrit, waiifcn, tveiben; 2, SHiigflurbte gebraitrben ; Icidnfcvtia, |et;n; n. a. wegblaftn, jetftreuen. WH1FFLER ». 1. bcv SRfeifet ; fell)an«, 2Stttbbrure(. WHlFFLE-TREB,*.bet Sc$wengel tm SBagen), tie SBage. whig, *. bet SBbig. WHIGG1SH, adj. wTjiagifrfc, JUt 2B&ig= >$avtei getting, biefelbe berrejfenb. WHIGGISM, *. bic ©vtinbfa&c bcv 23r,ig=9pavtei. WHILE, », bic SBeile, 3eir ; a long — ago, febon (aitgeljer; all this — , bic gaujc 3cit fiber; for a — , for some — , cine 3eir lang ; but a — sii erfl fiil^lid); it is not worth — , Cg ift bet bet iDJiibe nict)t wcrth; eg lof'iit bic 3cit nid)t; a good — , jicuilid) laiige ; a great — , febv laugc. while, ado,inbem, wabvcub, cut. bet= wcili, fo lange alg. To WHILE, r.\. n. wcifcu, vevweifen, jogetn ; H.a. faway] iiiiiiiiti hiubriiu gen, sctt.inbcln, »ettr5beln ; to — away one's tiine, ftd; He 3eit Wt> tveiben. WHILE,*, rid. Whelk WHHfiT, old. While. WHIM, « 1. tic OhiKc, bcr WUnbetlt= d)c (Sinfall, bic SdMincvc, fclifame Saune, ibovheit, SBunberltdjfeit, Sonbcvbavfcir, rev SBurm ; 2. bic |Jfeifenfe, Scb^mieeiite — ]..) ; what — baa got posei of him now? wag bat et nun wiebet fur cine SRaupe. whimbrel, ». bet 3Jcgciivo^cl, ©aat= OOgel (Scolopax phaeopas — A.). To WHIMPER, v. n .winiiitctii,»«itfclii, full wcincn, fcblucbjcit. WHIMBEY, ». oid. Whim WHIMSICAL [ado. — i.y . od/. i^villig, gvillcubaft, eigenflnnig, fonbetbat, wmtberlidj, feltfam, launtfd>. WHiMisiCALrry, ?,-. baa ©rilletw WHIMISICALNESS, 5 bar'tc, tic^Uil- Icnfangeret ; Sonserbatfeif, ©clt= famfeit. whin, s. bcv Stee^ainjler, @tadjel= rtiuft, bag ©forpiouftaut peas — L.) ; vrooenc. bcv EBafalt; — axe, cine ipacfe jinn Slugroben beg Steebgiiifterg ; — chat, bet bvaunfch= Uge 2tciii|'diii;d)jcv, bie S8rautifeb.le [MotaciUa rvbetra — /,.) ; — it \ k>-s. SBberti bou SBafaltober ©tunfleiit; — ■tones, i»;,r. 53afaltfclfeit. WH1NBREL, .--. oid. Whimbrel. To whine, r. a. weiiiert, wiminem, wiufeht, quattnt, quafen ; to — away, Strweilten ; an — oticr whim Ph. cine Cricv we^fiagt ,;uv Q3runjt= jeit). whine, s. bag ©eweine, ©ewimmet, Ouatten. WHINER, ». bcv ZBeiitenbe, SOtitfelnbe. To WHINNY, a « ivtebem. WHINNY, adj. oofl ©tnifl, uoll 5:cd;= gtuflet. wniNVARD. y. com. bcv 3)egeu, faaxu begeti. To WHflP, v. L a. 1. ^Jeitfdjeit, getpeln, ftiiitpctt, baucit, jiiebtigeB; 2. cU tic iibetfcblngcne 9lat)l matfcen, (leiditi ubcviui!>en, ciiifaunicii; fclintal faumen ; 3. init ©aifagmen oetfolgen ; to — from, wegteipett; to — off fdmell abllnni; to — out. fd)nell jjeraufi jteben ; to— up, fdmell iiiifn.-iuiieii, wegtiebmen ; .%• t. mil ciiiciu jtlapyldufer aufwtubeit; to — up ca6lje wittbett ; to — the end of a jv. T. bag @nbe etnefl 3 auei betaftln ; ii. v. lui. fprtngen, laufcit, bflpfen, cut. Wipfetl ; to — about, to — | uiiiwiefcla ; to — away, bauoil bii- pfen ; to — into, iMmicII in ctiva? gteifen; to— on, binauf biivfcn ; to — up, binauf fptingen ; to — up and down, a u f iniD nietcr, bin lino l;ev biipfen. whip,*, l. bie ^eitfdie, ©erfe, ®eia ticl ; 2. ant. ciucv bet fdbrf, tie ^}fer» be jh regieren oerfiebt, SJJofliUiou ; 3. tic ubetfcblagtne i^aih, bet umgts frj>lagen« Saum ;4. .v. r. berJtiapy* laufer ; tag Staggarnat; — c >rd, tie SRettffbeitfebnut; to — graft, ». a. mil tent SuiiAlein tofropfen ; — grafting, ba8 5JtoVfeit niit btm Bunglein: — band, Sj>. i: bic vcdite ^ailb M J(ci= tct'g; to have tli*- — ban I of one, Jig. ben iUnthcil iibct cinen babeit; — lash, bic ($eitf4en»)©ebmifte; — mounting, ^eitrdicnbcutla^c ; — ::, bcr SBtb&nrwilt rtrcjintfebt 3iegenmelrer obet SBiobft^lacfer, Saga fbpldfCt [CaprimtUfus virmninnu* — -. —my. bet ^ttlfdjenfdjwani ein .";>".* m ; — rein, bet vcrbtc 3figel ; — .■ T. ta? Vcntan; — mw, tie SBrettfSge, Sc^rotfdge; — Fnnke, bie ^Jetlfeoenftblange, .'ibatnlliMttcr : — •.' t. bet .uolterftoif, .jpanl tag 2d'iff in lenfen ; to — 0. a. v • blagen ; — tcv ^eirfegenftotf, bie Au!'rmanng=) iieiifdie. whipped,*, tcv ipeitfefcenbe, @ei re; — in, 8|p Pi bet ■Oiinbejuiige, Beittetber, Stnrreibet. wiiipi'Im;. $. raj ^eiffefcen, ». f. w. ; •. tcr ?fei!et, wotan iBerbtea diet gepeitfefct wetben, bet rrba;:r= pfaljl/ $J3t anger, r:e Etdupfdttle; — f. T it? tafelgarn. WHrPPOWLLL, vkL Whip-poor-will, unlet Whip. WHIPSTER, » tcv flnrbltac gewanbte fiinfe .ifcvl, Springintfeito. To whir, b. la btnwegbreben, hin= wegreipen, bvehen, wirbeln; n. * cu len : • . hii:ivca.ubwirren jeln . To WHIRL, p, I. n. bicf-cn, wivbcln, fdjwingen, febwenfen; IL« ficb nnt= bvci'cn, umlaufeu ; etfen, firb fcbnell (fovt= beweqen. WHIRL, ». 1. bcr SBirbet Stvnbel, Umlauf; 2. r.SEirtef; :?. b.t. bee Dntrl, JBirttl ; i. Oun r. tcv 2\\~= billon; —bat, ter Srreitfolben, 3d)wingfolben, (Sdjlagfolbcn Strcitr)anbfdjutj '■ berXaumelfdftt, Scbwimmfdfer ; — blast, bet SBirbelminb ; — bone, bie cSuiefcbeibe ; bcv Drrbwfirfel; — gig, ber J?rctfef; — po i, bcr 2tvii> tcl. "A'tablftvom ; — wind, bcr 2Bir» befwinb. WHIRLIGIG, ». bet Urciul. WHISK, .-. 1. bie ©flrfte, .Klcitcvbiirire, Sldube, ber Jlleibetbefen, jtebrwifct ; 2. SBjn 7b whisk, d. r a. fegen, abftdnben felu'cn, abfchrcn, audrebren, abbut fttn: to — away, fdincll abf!".::i wegoufeben ; ll n.fig. ftcb ntncli bcr umbrepen obet bewegen; to — berumfltegen, bcniiitrlaUcrn. WHISKER,*, tcv SBacfenbarl. whiskered, a ' bacfeubdrtig. whisky, » ber JBbigro. 7'.i WHISPER, « n a- «.lcifc retell, ninr> mcln, wigperu, ffigpern, ffflftei fcbelu, vaiincit, juraunen ; man raunt fidi ins - col. eg witb gemunfelt. whisper, ». bag 3if** n < ®'P 9Biay in — to., fliiftcru. WHISPERER, ».bet ': be (Sinraumenbe. WHISPERINGL\ . fterub, leife. WHIST, 1 » I : : ft ''"id: II ,nt. bft. bft; full; tobe— ,friUl fdjlafen. 7v wmsTLi ■ n, Ro« ten ; 2, burcb einen i ! fiff fortfenbe« obet turftrfrufen ; to — . oerrreibrn. WHISTLE * I. bag ^feifen, bei ■ ©lagwerfji Bsb, bic Mi — 7. whistler ». ter SHfeifenbe, ■; WHlSTLEY,odo frbwcigeiib. wiiri - . -• bet^unft; bie J?feiniafeit, em SBcnig ; any — , im ®eringtten ; 507 " WHIT jKita — , nicbr im ©cvingfteit ; every — , jcbc iRletltigfctt ; siie is every — as had as he, fie ift ill jebcr £inftd)t fa bofe tils cv. WHITE, I. aiij. 1. recifj; 2. bleid); 3. gran (»or Sitter); 4. ./?,?. rein. uubc= fledft; — as snow, fdjncereeip ; — archangel ( — dead-nettle), bie £aub= tieffct (Lamium album — /,.) ; — bait, ciuc Heine $avtc 3lrt gifd) ber £f)emfe (pom ©cfdilecbt Cupea); — balsam, ber Dicccabalfam ; — bear, ber G'ig; bar; — ban, (C.) cine 9lrt j?arpfen ; — bead band-string, bie 9iofenf ranjs JtPVUlUlIC iCorallina rosarium — Ellis); — beam, ber Sporapfclbaum, 2lrleg= bccvbailllt (Crata<;iis aria — L.) ; — behen, vid. — centaur}' : — blaze, btC Staffs (ciiteg $Pfcrbe6); — boyism, fcie ©VUttbfalje ber — boys; — boys, v.iod. 2Betjsfuj5Ier, aUcipbanbcn (ERot= ten son ©eftnbci tit Srlaub) ; — brant, bie edmecgatlg (Anas hiiperbortsus — L.I; — brown tread, t> ti Itn^ C b 1 C t ct> t C r 3ivint ; — bug, cine SSrt Saumaattjie auf IGctiircbeii ; —centaury, ber reeipe SBeljen, bag edjacbtfraut (ftentaurea behen— L); —chalk, bte (recipe) jfreibe ; — chalk pencil, ber «retben= {lift; — cia.v, T. bie 3"d'ererbe; — clover, ber recipe J?lce; — cordage, JV.PA. ungerljerteS Jtauwetf; — corn. — crop, ©etreibe, reeldicg irer ber (fntte gclb reivb: 21!cijen, 3ipggeu, Oerjle unb <§afet; — dittany, ber BKipC SiVtrtlM (Bictamnus albus — L ); — eagle, ber recipe 5lftcr; — ear, vid. Wheat-ear; — face, bieSBliiffe (ciiteg $ferbcg) ; bag Spferb mit ciner ©Ififfe, bie Slaffe ; — feet, vid. — boys ; — fib, bie 9ioti)(uae; — film, cine wetge 4paut, bie iiber bie Qlitgctt ber ©djafc fcuad)ft uttb SBlinbfcU berurfadU; — foot, ber reeipe gleet am gupe ehtcS 5j>ferbcg; bag reeipgefcffclte SPfevb ; — foot boys, vid. — boys ; — friar, bet' (Sarmelitcr, 3acobiuer; — fronted goose, bie 23aumgang, rectfireangige ©atlg {Anas erythropus — L.) ; — gall, recipcr ©alius ([)clk ©aflapfel) ; — — game, — grouse, collect. *Sct)Uce= bhbner; — gum, bag (Sancaiiium (cin ©ummibar* attg 93raftlieu uttb ber Sitfel oHaiib ; — headed, reeiptiipftg, gnnibaarig ; — heart-cherry, bie WCtUC .fjer$£irfd)C ; — heat, bie 2Bct6gfiibbt^C ; — helle- bore, bie recipe -JtieSWUtJ ; — herring, ein frifeber ■glaring ; — honey-suckle, ber recipe guttcrflee ; — hoarhound, ber recipe 21 nb or it {Mamtbium mdgan — /-.); — horsefish, ber HuMEerrodje (Raja, ful/onica — Im.) ; — iron, Oer* jiuntcis Gafenbled), SOcipblcd); — land, reciper, ftrcngcr, tbonigcr 23o= ben ; — lead. baS SJletreeip ; — lead- Bpar, lidjtcr 23leifpatb, 2Bcipbleier$; — leaf-tree. vid. — beam ; — leprosy, ber recipe 2(ugfatj ; — lie, bie f)avm= lofe Siige ; — lime, bte £iiud)e ; — limed, gciveipt, t^C tit ncJtjt ; — line, JV. T. tin uugetbertcg Xan- Typ. t. bie (Spatctilinie ; a. t. bte recipe Sinie ; — livered, tteibifd) ; fcig, Beriagt, b,afen()crji{| ; — maidenhair, bie 2ftau= CrraUtC, ©tettttaute (Asplenium rata mttraria — L) ; — meat, bie , D2ilrf)= fpeife, bao gleifeb »on juiiijen ^iil)= tiCtn, jtantnebeu n. f. re. ; — mechoa- can, ber recipe 9U)abarbcr, 93Je« cbpacanna (VOlt Convolvulus mechoa- zanna — L) ; — oakum, UltgetfjertcS SBerg ; — oil. SBallrati) ; — orach, bie QJarteitmelbc (AtHpicx hortensis — L.); —pipe, Typ. r. basSSacat; — xiirt, bie Sleirecifjfarbe; Typ. Ts. 5C3 WHIT — paper, ber SrflOltbnicf ; to work the — paper, bte Sprime (erfte goritl) brucJcn ; — pear-plum, bie reeipe SBtrnpflaume; —plum, ber ©pilling, bie SptUe ; — poplar, bie reeipe (ober @ilbcr=)^a^pcl, Qllbc, 9Ubcr (Pop*- lus alba — L> ; — poppy, ber (Set) laf= tnofylt (Papaver sotnnifcrum — L.) ; — pot, ber 9iab.mquarf, (Sterrafej — pot- herb, ber Sammcrfalat {Valeriana di- toria — L); — precipitate, baS recipe 5prejtpitat; —pudding, Seberreurft; — pvrite, — pyrites, ber recipe @cbree= fct= obcr (SifenfieS ; — root, ber @on= ncnthan, bie Sc^mcrrenrj(p/«a-«i'cMZa — l.) ; — salt, calcimrreS ©alj ; — sausage, Scberrotirft ; — silver, baS SBetpgiiltiger, kuet^aulttg SBleterj; — stone, ber 2Betj}ftcttt (cine ©e= biroSart); — stone-marl, bie 2)ionb= milcb, baS Sergmeljl ; — swelling, Med.T. ber ©liebfebreamm ; —tail, reie Wheat-ear ; — tetter, Med. T. bie ?Jicl)lflccbte; —thistle, bie 2Rarien= biftel (Carduus marianus — L.) ; — thorn, ber SjBeipbOrit (Crataegus nxya- cantha — L) ; — throat, ba'S SOSetf- feblrben, bie roftgraue ©raSmiicfe (Motacilla sylvia — L.) ; — vitriol, ber recipe Vitriol, 3tnI»itrtol ; — wash, bie reeipe Scbminfe, S$nd}e; to — wash, v.a. (auojrecipcu, iibertiincbeit; to be — washed, fis- fcanferott gc= lnacbt babett uttb feitte ed)iilbcu tm .). whitish, adj. reeiplid). WHITISHNESS, s. bie reciplidje garbe, Staffe. whitleather, s. bag 3Beip[cber, alaungareg Seber. whitlow, s. 1. bag SJtagelgefdjwur, ber aBurm am ginger; ad. bag bofe Sing; 2. bie Jelauenfeucfje (Jtrattf* b-eit ber Sdjafc) ; — grass, bag ^utt* gerbluntdien (Draba — L.) ; bag s JJa= gelfrattt (Il/eccbrum paronychia — L.) ; WHOR rue-loaved — grass, eine 9lrt f* ; bag Sanfen. who. pron. reeldjcr, wcld)c, ber, bie, Vtll'1*? rmos thorp 1 Mil Ph ttll't M '? Wer ? — goes there 1 Mil. Ph. W(X ^a '( whoever, pron. citt jeber ber, reet and) imincr. WHOLE, I. adj. 1. fiailj; 2. gcfllttb, Ijcil ; — and sound, frifd) uttb gefunb ; II. s. ba§ @anjc, ber Subegriff butt yillem, bag 2l)ftem ; upon (or in) the — , im ©anjen, in ©umma, iibcrbaupt ; enblidj, juicfet; in a — skin, in fjciler ^flut ; — blood, L. T. aSerreanbte, bie nid)t nnr pen bcmfelbcu 3jaar, fon= bent von bcrfclben 3lci()e 33oraltcrn abftamnielt ; a — length picture, etn ©ema'ibe in ?ebenggrbpe ; — mea- sure, Mus. T. ber gatije Xatt ; — sale, I. s. ber ifjanbd im ©anjett, tin @vo= pen; ber ©ropuerfauf; U. adj. im ©anjen, cngros; by — sale, im @an= JClt ; to deal — sale and retail, im ©ropen uub Jlleinen (ginjelncn) »er= faufen ; — sale-business, ber ©rof?= bailbel ; — sale-cost, — sale-price, ber (Sngrog=((Sinfauf=)33reig ; — sale merchant ( — sale-dealer or — sale- man), ber ©ropbantler, ©roffo^anb^ Icr, ©rofilrer, ©roffiit ; — sale-grocer, ber Solontalreaareiipjibler ; — sale purchaser, ber (Sttgrogfatifer. WHOLESOME (adv. — ly), adj. gcfllltb ; ^eilfam, gnt; ratbfam, mi^lidjj a — ship. JV. T. ein fidicreg ©d)if ; — ness, s. bie ©cfunbfycif, ^etlfamfeit. wholly, adv. gattj, gaiijlid), boKig, auf aoQftdnbige ?lrt, bureaus. whom, pron. reeit, njclcfeen, reeldie, beueu ; to — , recm ; reclrbem, totU cber, bencit; — I told (spoke) of, »oi» bent id) fagte. WHOMSOEVER, pron. Welt Ultr, tt}el= djen, wclcbe aud) intnier. whoop, s . 1. ber Dkdjruf, ta£ Slad)* fd)rcien, ©efctret ; (war — ), bet Sd)lad)£ruf; 2. ber 23iebebopf (Up* pa epops — ly.l. To WHOOP, v. n. ure madjcit (re. ii.) ; to — away, serbureit. . • whoredom. *. 1. bie^urerci; 2. (tit ber 23ibcl) ^Ibgottcrei. WHORISH {ado.— ly), adj. unjitrbtig, nnfeufd), gcil, burcrifeb. S>erb,itrt; — ness. *. bag yerburte SBefen, bie £u« rerct. WHORL Whorle, s. T. vid. Whirl. WHORT, Is. bte ^ettel" WHORTLEBERRY. ) beere (Vaccici- nium mirtillis — L ) ; red—, bie Sfltei* felbeere. WIG WILE WILL whose, pron. wcffcn ; bcffcn, beren ; — is ji? tt)cm geijoirt c«V WHOSESOEVER, ^/i. Wcffcit ctltcb, 11. f. w. WHOSOEVER, ^ron wer mir, wer (ivelrbcr) audi unmet. Tfa WHUR, o. n. fca3 r 511 ftbarf au8= fpvcd)cn, fdjnarrcii. W'HUR, s. t>x8 ©dbwirten, Saufctt, Staufen (ciue3 frfjueU buret) bic guft bewegten Jliu-pcra). VVIIUKT, s. vid. WlIORTLK-BERRY.. WHY, adv. 1. warum, wefiwcgcit, weft-- t)M; 2. ei, it, unit, abet; —not? (for — ?) warunt nicfet ? — so? wariint bCltltV Wtefo? — then . . , &c, 1IU11 bcun, U. f. W. ; — to be sure, ei frcU ltd), if) (HUH) gewijjj this is the rea- son — , bitp l|t ber ©ruitb wejibalb; — . but you boast of it, ci (abcr) rr)ctt ; six inches — , fccbs3°ll Dteit; —armed, wcitdfiig ; — open, fjaitj ojfeit ; — spread. WClt= vcrbreitct ; — spreading, fic& writ (auSjbcbneitb, weitlaufenb. To WIDEN, v. I n. crrociterit, auSmcu ten ; II. n. fid) crmcitcru ; fid) wcitcn, weiter werben. widkness, s. bie SBeiic, SBteife, £De&> nung. widgeon, s. bie SJJfeifs@ttts, Specf-- (Sttte, ber 3iotl)bal3 (Jlnas ferina —L ). WIDOW, .9. bie SBtttwe; —bird, bic CCarabtc6=)3BtttWC; — hunter, bcr aBittwenjdger, SJreiet urn cine reidie itfittwe; — maker, bcr 2Birrwen= ntadicr ; — tail, bcr 3ei(aub, 3tnbcl (etn ©traiicb); — wail, bic flcincrc ©onnenwenbe, ©onnenblume (Cneo- orum tricocctvm — /..). To widow, »'. a. 1. jur 21>ittwc nta= cbett; 2. mil einem SBittrotnfifcc bc- fdjenfen (w. ii.}; 3. fig. ctttbU^cn, beranben. WIDOWER, s. ber SCBittroer. vvidi iwhood, s. bcr SBittwenftanb, SHJittwerftanb. WIDTH, s. bie SQrctte ; SSeitc. To WIELD, v. a. banbbaben, fd)wiu= gen, fdnveitfcit; regieren, fiibrcn j to — the scepter, regieren, hen-fdu-n. WIELDLE8S, adj. nid)t ill haitblMbcn. WIEEDV, m(j. itaittlii-b, fd;iviiigbar, fdtivaitf, lcid)t. WIFE, s. (pi. Wives) btC Jrail, ; — maker, bcr ^ciriicfviiinadjcr. WIGEON, 8. vid. Waawom. wigiit, s. bcr aBicbr, Jlcrl, b«« Otna, ffiefen. WIGWAM, «. bic £>iittc bcr ncrbamc= rifanifeben SBilben, wiLtXudt. — ly), adj. 1. tvtlb, mt^c= biltef, roh, jugclli>4; 2. lvnft, itttbc = wobnt; 3. unorbnitlid), crtnungSs Io3, tlauloS; 4. mtjt"dm.) ; — cucumber, bie (S'felSgurfe (Mmord — L) ; — cumin, bcr ^aitarcfiiiii= mcl (Lagctcia cuminoidea — L.) • — dill, bcr Satenfenceel (Athamantha meum — JJ ; — dove, bie IV i 1 1 c Sailbc; —fig-tree, bet wilbe <\cia.CM = biUtllt (Ficus cirica — L.) J — fire, bd§ griccbifebe (itnauslofcblidic) Acucr; bcr Spriibteufcl ; bcr Slotblauf ; — llax, bil3 Seiltfrailt {Antirrhinum linare — L.) ; — fowl, baS wCIbe ©cfliigcl ; — garlic, ber milbe jtn»blaud) \.-it- Hum wsinum — L) ; — germander, ber ©amanbet (Teucrium — L); — goat, bie ©emfe; — goose, bie wilbe ©anS (Anas anser — L)\ btC Caitati = fdpc ©and (Anas canadensis — L); — goose-chase, bie tvtlfce ©dnfeja.^ ; unnufee SSerfoIgung, mifciofc SBeinu^ bung; col. bcr Jlprilgnng, 3'leifd)cr= gang ; — grape, ber jeltmmen i — L)\ — baw-tree, nil — service; — honey, bcr n'ilbC .^Ollig ; — hops, bie 3aUHrubC (Bryonia, alba — /..) ; — horaeradiBh, bcr brctagttcr 3icttig ; — land, bic $etbe, SBitftc ; bcr Utroalb, baa unangebaute 8onb; — liquorice, ba8 Wilbe @ufboTj I Olvcirrhaa — L.) \ — master wort, bet ©icrtfcb, ©etjfup (AZ/ropodium — L) ; — marjoram, bcr Tofteu (Origanum — L) ; — nep, vid — hops; — oat.= bcr wilbe (ober taubc) ^aftt, SBinb^afet; he has not yet sowed his — oats, prop, cr bat fid) bic Corner ned) uicbt abgclaiu fell; —olive (-tree), ber UnlfC Ci'l- baum (Elatagnui — //' ; — paranep, bie 3uderrourjel isium sitantm — /-); —pine, bic .Kicfcr (Pynus .«;//- i — /, ) : — plantain, bcr b re 1 1 = blattcrtgc isJaffcnvcgcrid) (Alisma ror nunadoidet — L.) ; — plum, tic Scale* l)e; — radish, bcr .^cbend', Qtfrtfcnf (Raphanus raphaniatrum — £.)j — road (-stead , bic ojfeil* W^ebe ; — rocki f. etc SBafferraufe 5 mMm — L.) ; — rose, bcr .*>abitcbittfcn= ftramb [Rosa canina — /..) ; - mary, bcr 3te*mariit Rosmarinus — Li ; — me, bit .!>cniichaitlc nun karmala — L.) ; — service, bcr nnlbe SDerbetbaum, bic b'ljbccrc (Oratagus torminalia — /. ; — - iw, bie 89ac|( ; — stock, bcr ©totf, Stamm; — tansy, bcr OKi it fetid) (Potentilia anserina — /. , — ttazat bit wilbe Earbenbtfttl i ■ — /. ; — tree, bcr IBi] Wilbe Srucbibauiit; — • fcb(cd)tc6 Sikttcr; — woad tat ©dbfiaitt (Raeila luteoU — 1. youth, bcr SBilbfaitO. wii.n, ... bie H lujtenti, Qio> r, wilder, v.a in 3trtBum w cfcln, scrrcirrcu, berwilbern; irrt fubrcii. Wli.i.i;i:\|>s i bit J: : .:-- - : ftt ; 2. bcr -J^arf, bie tnglifcbi tcnattlagr. wnJHNG,* bet ^agobfel, ©oljapfet tviltc %'j({; — shoots, 'J: linge ; — tr. e, bcr unite 3U>feIbauin. wiEDNEsa s. I. tic 3BiIbb>it; i. SBiiflbcit, Unanoebautbeil ; U. llnrc- flelmdgtgfeil 3erjtrciu:iig ; n. iQerftanbel}errfit< iuiij, ©eifteslxrrwirmng. WLLE, i. bic ..'htit, Jficfe, bet Oeftug, Streirb. To WILE, s a. bctrfigen, tSnf . (». it. I. wil.lil, 'ad i- —i. •■■ ■ adj. I. cigcmviU lig, eigenflnnjg, baUfiarriaj parfnS' rftg ; ■>. I'orfablirb, abfirbtlicb, wif> fcntlid), frchvillig, col mii W1LFULNE8B genftnn, biefiarfnacfigfeit, !0erfebtt> Nit WILLNESB, .•.-. tic . :yw- Iu it, Srbelmerei WlI.K, .--. rid, Whblk. Wll.l.. 8.! Wu I :•.".. SBifyfllh I JJc.uiiiJnanic). WILL,* l. betSBiae, bie ffliUfubr. bai SBoUen, iBeliebenj 2. bieSBahl; 3. SKacbt, Siegietung ; 4. bet Qefepi ; 5. ba« iBetlangen, bic Steigun^ bet SBunfit; 6. — or !.i>: — . Kl I fobet Sterbe:)SBtUe, bad £eftament, Qermicbrnii ; /. ■• — . aSarbhtngen, bettn i ; ad't |u 3fit aitftiehobctt werben (an have one's — , ^cmattbcS 3u mung baben si to] SUN itaib SBunfcb pbet iu ©ebote babcit; to prove a — , tin icftantciil publiclten ; to put one in one's iien iinXcftaiiirntc bebenfen ; - a wisp, bas Srtlictjt, tcr 3rrwifd . — worship, tcr ftl wfiplte ©ottelbienfr '/;- WILL, s I. a I. WOlIeil ; 2. I rcu, lvinifdH".! ; 3. befeblen, I ici 4. bind) Xeftamenl oerfugen, rejH« rcu ; i — . ja! (bei bet tranung); i — , id) will; LLasx (im Jittiinini) Werben ; you — , bu ivirit. :: WILLED, a $ m ■ gdeitet, geneigl, geflunl : -.\\ - . willig, ubcl gefinni, tucfifeb; self — eigenwiUig, eigenfinnig, barm.: . wii.i.i.u i ror SBoUenbt. wn.i.iwi. - SBiltjelm i'laiin-Jitantc . WILLING ufo. — li s I. II bereitwiliig, bcrcit, mutbi uuiii.i, oonfelbft; 3. belieoig; rut — to believe think), ictj glaubc cjern ; I am very — getll Ihuii ; — * ■ w /..); water — : tttlftt a) ; — her!., tcr ffieiberid) km sriasorui — D ; ber gclbt B4S WIND WIND WINE IBcicericb [Lysiimchia ru'guris — I.) ', foi French — ), bafi SBeibenroficben [Epilobivm — Z..) ; — galls, SBeibeu* rofeti; —garland, bcr SBeibenfran) ; — lark, tic 2Beibenlercbe r ber33aum= ptepCt {.Intlius arboreus — Bcc'i.) ; — myrtle, bet ©agel (Myricagale — /*); — pint, bet SSeibentdafe, bafi SBei* bengebiifcb; —shavings, pi. SBeibeil* fpabuc ; — sheets for hats, bafi 23ci= bcubaftgcfTecbt 511 .'oaten ; — tufted, mit SBeibengruppen beroacbfeu; — weed, beta 'tflobFrailt (Poliigoniiim ;>cr- iteana — U ; — wort, tie SBeib* tt)Urj ; — wren, vid. Wres. Ull. LOWED, adj. »oU SBeibcit. VV1LLOWISH, ad/, rceibenfarbig. iviLLOwy, adj. »oH SBeiben. U'ilv (nrfo. — ily), «>//. berfcblagen, oerfrbmifct. wimble, .--. bet SBiubetbobrer, (©tills) SSobrer. WIMBREL, s. wtf. Whikbrbl. wimple, 5. 1. + b'cr ©cbleier (6ei ben 9connen), ein «cblctcr jut S3ebeC vfcbl CICV It , fiber* roerfen, berabjieljen, beruttterjieben (einen ■Srblcicr). Ta win, b. 0. $■ 71. 1. gewinnen, fie* gen, croberrt; 2. fig. iiberreben; 3. erlaugen, geroinnen, einnebmen; to — of. . , Sieger fettn, ftegeu liber . . ; — on (upon) the heart, bafi i^CVJ eilt* nebmetl. To WINCE, v. n. 1. fid) roinbcit, frum= men, eiuer ead)e aufimweirben fu= rben; 2. (befonberfi bon Ipferbeit) bin* ten nufifebiagen, ftampfen, frafcen. wincer, s. ein 93ferb, u. f. to., bafi aufifrblagt. WINCH, s. bcr .jpaSpel, bie (®arn=) SBinbe, Spiubel; bte fturbel; — of the screw, bie ilticbtfpinbcl ; a — of a horse, ciu gupft^tag Cilufifeblagcu) einefi SJSferbefi. To WINCH, vid. To Wince. ivincopipe. 6-. bafi genuine ©aucbbcil [Jliiagallis arvensis — L. ). ivind, s. 1. bcr SBinb; Sltbem; 2. SJant, £onj 3. bie 93labung; 4. jRicbtigfeit; 5. Sarmroinbfucbt (eine Jlrailfbeit bcr i£ chafe) ; the four winds, bie frier SBeitgegenben ; JV T-s. a — . bcr greet unb breifsigfte SEbeil bcr SSinbrofe; a great or high — . eiit [tarter 2Biub; side — , ber Ijalbe SBitlb ; to be upon a — , bid)t bcillt 23iltbc licgett; to gain the — , tic 8n» geroinnen, ober (etnem) bie Sub abjtecben ; to get (or gain) the — of a Bhip, etnem ©cbiffe ben SBinb nbgeroinnen,.abfneifen ; — upon the quarter, vid. Quarter-wind; to go right in the — 's eye, gerabe tit ben SBinb fegcln ; to go with the — , t>out SBinbe getrieben roerben ; to sail with — and tide, mit gunftigem SBinbe unb giinftigev glutb fegeln; to sail against — and tide, gegen 3Uiitb unb S'lutf) '"c.Uiit ; to sail before the — , »0r bent aStllbe fcgcltt ; to have the — in one's teeth, gegen bcit SBinb fegel.n ; to sail or go near the — , bet bClil SBtllbe \<- geln ober (jalten ; to wait for a — , auf (ciiicit) guii|li^cu 2Binb roarten; be- twsen — and water, jroifcfjeii iBint unb Safer (auf ber fjtiene beS3Baf= fcrfpicgclo) J — and weather - (permitting), .i/. e. SBinb unb SBettcr bienenj (tn grat^tbrtefen) ; to bo in [good — . guten ?ltl)cm (fiarfeSutts gen) beftfceil ; to break — , fid) ber i&labjtngeu entiebigen; Sp.Ph.-s.ta Ireak the — of a horse, ciu SPferb iberreiten, uberjagen ; to carry the •> i ii — , bcit Jiopf hocf) (bt'c 9lafe in glei= j t^er ^of>e mit ben Cbrcn) traaen;' co'. Ph-s. to get [or take) — . 2T>inb ratt= gen, auJfommcu, befannt (rudibar) ircvtCU ; to go down the — , tit 33er* fall fcMitmcu; juruif.iebcn; to have or take the — of one, fiber ScitlilUt ben SSortbeil, bie Cbcrbanb gen>in= tieit; in the — , tilt SBetfe ; to raise the — , cant, fid) @clb oerfebapn ; prov-s. it is an ill — that Mows nobody (any) good, jit ettooS ill &a§pler; SBiubtnbe; 2. .<3ai>el. bie SBinbe; winders, pi. r. @eiben> b^agpeirabinen ; winder-mew, bie Va;b> mere (Larus ridibundtis — L.). WINDINES3.S. 1. bieSBinbidfeit # Ma« beitce ©igenfebaft; 2. ?lu'fbliibung, Slufgebunfenbett ; 3. 93labnngeu. winding, s. l. bag SBiafen; .v. t bcr S3ftff (auf bcr SootSmanng^fei* fe) ; 2. baa SBiuben ; 3. bie Jaunt* mung; Min. t. bie SBenbung einei SDZienengangeS ; windings and turn- ings, bie tvummen @dngc ; — carve, bie SBeHenlinie ; — engine, Min. T. ein ^ebejeug mit @imern ; — butt, JV. r. la* uiu bcit 33ng cinc» 2diif= fe§ Frumm Itcgcube (Snbe citter fpianle; — born, bad SBatbborn; — path, ber ftdi frblnngelnbe SJfab; — sheet, baS ©rabtud), ©terbebemb, Sobtenbemb ; — stairs. ;;/. or — stair- case, bte SBenbeltrepye (bepgleicben cine 3)htfd)elart) ; —tackle, JV. 7'. bcr Slafrbeitjug, bte ©ten); —tackle pendant, bcr ganger ciner ©icn. WINDLASS (Windlas, Windi.ace'. .». ber tfrabn, Jlrauieb, bie SBaaren* roinbe; jv. t. bas SratftjtQ, bie Sin* tertoinbe ; jv. t-s. Spanish — . eint Olrt ,«ria'Veli>iIl, tromtt bafi Salje* rccp einefi SBanbtauefi p^cr bcr Ban* fer etuer Jaljc angcbolt roirb; fin eifernefi firuppelfpiU, roclebrs mil Trebcm umgebrebt roirb. wendle, s. bie Sm'nbel ; bcr $atycl. WINDLESS, adj. 1. cl)lie SBillb ; 2. atbemlofi. window, .«. 1. basgenjler; 2. bie fcufterabnltcbe Deffnuug; — bench, bie Scitfterbant ; — blind, ber ^cn^ fterfebirm; — sill, bie genjterbru* filing ; — curtains. Si'iiflcrgarbincii ; — frame, ber jyenfterrabmeii ; — glass, bafi Senfterglafi ; —sash, ber genfier- rabmen (an tinem Stollfenfler) ; — shutters, bie SeufterlafCl'. ; — tax, b» genjlcrjleuer. To window, v. a. i. mit gcnftcru berfebcu ; 2. an ba-3 5'cnfier ftellen (w. ii.); 3. burcblocbern (w. ii.). WINDOWY, adj. mit Deffnungen roil ciu Senjicr oerfeben ; burebfreujt. WINDWARD, I. adv. & adj. JV. Ph ge» gcit ben SBinb, minbroartfi, ivitibab, IuBrudrtfi; II. s. bie SBinbfeite, ?ufc» fette; to get the — of.., eiiiciit cut- roifd)en; to ply (turn or work) to — bicbt bcint SBinbe cber in beu iGius auffiedjeu, beu SBinb abfiieifcn. WINDY, adj. 1. roiiibig; 2. bldbeub; roll iilahiingen; 3. leer, eitel, nidu tig; 4. jturmifch; —expressions,^ bodjtrabenbe Slufibrucle; — rupture, s. t. ber SBinbbrucb. WINE, *. ber SBein ; good — needs no bush, proc. gute SBaare berfauft fid) felbfl; — bibber, bcr ibcilll",lllfcr ; — bottle, bie SBeinflafcbe ; — cask bafi SBeiufaf; — cellar, ber SBein* feller ; — cock, ber ^abn 511m SBein* abjapfen; — conner, ber Sluffebet fiber bafi SBeinmafj, SBeinauffeber, SBeinsifirer, SCeiufoftec; — cooler, ber SBeiutubler; — cooper, bet SBeinfuper; — cup, bcr SBcinbecber; — funnel, ber SBeiutricbter ; — gias* WINN WIRE wir bfiS SBeiitglaS; — lees. pi. 2Beinbe= feu ; — licence, tie Srlaubnifi jinn 9Betnf>etfauf, bet 21'einfebaiif; — measure, ta? (usciltmafi ; — merchant, bet 3Beinf>anblet, (in 91. D.) 2Bein= petlaffet; — muller, baS ©efafi 511m SBeimvarmen; — mferings, ba$ SEtanfopfer, bie Stbatioit; — porter, bet SBeiitfcbroter, (in .Sani&urgj.nii-- for, Jtiipcr; — press, bie 2Seinpvcffo, .Keller; — seller, bet 22eii;t)aiitler, fiit ■.'}. 5.) 2Beiii9erlaffet ; — skin, ber SBeinfibJaudj ; —sop, ba3 3Seitt= mufi; — trade, bet SBctiibanbel; — vinegar, bet iikinefffg; — waiter, bet SEBeinptafentirteUet. WINEFRID, Winurkd, a. SBanifreba (Sfrauenname). tVINELESS, adj. obne SBeilt, rceinlpg. WING, s. I. bet 3'liigel, 5'ittig/ bit ©ebRunge ; 2. j^. ' bet ghig ; 3. <2d)iit};4. bet fecitenfdjof;, (£eiten= jroeig ; 5. bie <2citcit(iuatient) ; 6. bie Soilliffe ; wings of the ship's hold, .v. t. bie ©eitcit beS ©rbiffStauinefl ; a — of plover, eiit SJJaat J?ibi&e; to make — to . . , ben glug ttdjten itaeto . . ; to take — , ansfliegeit ; to be upon the —,./!>. nuf ban Siltfle ftebeit ; — callipers ( — compasses), p£, ,£>ang$iv= fel mit etiter Stefifiaitge ; — cleft, B. r. aeflebert, gefrfcjifct; —footed, fcbticllfiimg, fiugelfdjnefl j — hair, tai Slcbfclljaar ; — pea, bie ©parget* erbfc (Loin, tetranoglobus — /,.) ; — sail of a ketch, .v. T. baS ©affetfcgel obev SBefanfegel einet Jiit3; —shell, bie Sfugefbecfe; N.T-s. — stoppers, bie ©djmafenfjalfen an ben Seiten bcS ^ditrreS imJtabclgat; —transom, ber ^tecf batfen. To WING, v. a. 1. (bc)ftiige(n, bc= fefcnungen; 2. mt't ©etteittbeilen verfeben ; 3. mit ben Stitgcln tra= gen ; frbrotugeii ; fig. erbebeu ; 4. Sp. T-s. fliigeiu (in ben gluflel fd)ie= f;en); (beint Duel!) butdj bie SebnU for (ben vlrin obet bas ©ein) frfcies Ben ; to — one's course, feinc 2d)vit= te beffiigeln; fid) auffd)n>mgen, WINGED, <:dj. 1. beflugeU, gcfliigctf, btfdjwingt; fig. fefcneH; 2. in' ben Sliigcln oernjunbet; 3. von 335gelii tuimmefnb; i. /.-. v. mil ffugelffits ntigeii gtottfSften wfe&eit; —mullet, bet Springftfcb [Exocmtus exsiliens — /,.) ; — pea, bie Ddiererbfe IPisum oehms — L.) ; bie Spavgelerbfc, vid. Wing-pea. Wi NG 1, ESS, adj. chic Sliigcl, frhivin* genloS. WINGY, adj. vid, Wisqbd. To WINK, ». n. bit 2liigen fdjliejjen, ; mit ben SHugen blinfeit, f dwarf) fdjimmerii, baminetn ; to — at, ein 3Ittge jubviicfcii bet . . , bnvd) bie ginget fehen, nidu fchcit ivoUen, lta$feben, iiberfeben; to — at (u| >, cinett SBiitf geben, jumiitfen; winked ni iiberfeben ; winking at, bat - Jiad;= le^eit, Uebetfe^en, WINK, ». bet (\H11anO ©lief; ba« i'i)lief;eii bee Slugeiilteber ; ber SBiltf; ad. Phs. to tip one the — , et= Iiem (JU tuiltfeit ; I did not sleep a — sll night, id) b.ibe ii< ganje ^iacbt rein Sluge jugetbrtil. winker, *. bet Blinjenbe; 3Biitfen= be; — pieces (or winkers), 3lltgeil= flavveit, Scfjcuiebcr fiiv Bferbe. WINKINGLY, adj. mit balb'.>en*d)li>ffe= nen Qlugen, blinjenb; tuinfeitb. WINNER, ». bet ©enjjjinet ; be is the — , er bat gewonnen. WINNING, i. adj. gcuunneitf ; fig. ein- ltebmettti ; to have a — way with . . . $d) beliebt maeben bei . . ; — back, Si« Oiiittmaeben ; — past, anf DJcnnbabnen) ba« 3«Ij 11 .-• bat ©ewinnen, ©tobetn ; ber ©eroinn, 9cii^en, isprtbeil. T.i \vi\.\< i\v. v. n.\. tiMitneii, t"d)win= gen, WOtfelrt, nun-fen ; fadn-tn. fa= dicln ; 2. tote mit ben aIiuicIii fdi!a = gen ; 3. fig. vriifen, ficbteii j erroS* ,V'ii ; fdjeiben; to — the truth falsehood, ^abvbeit son Salfcbfceit fonbern. WINNOWER, *^ber ^pntfdwingcr, 3Borf(ct; ag. «i*tcr, ^rufet. WINNOWING, part ». ba3 SSonnetl u. f. w., J\r. f. (in -2i>efeitrecbiuin= gen) baS Sieblobn ven ©etreibe it. f. w.) ; — basket, bie 3nttcn"diaun = ge (ancb H. T); — sieve, bie Sffianne rinm ©etteibefrlaingen), bie (JI0111-) ©rbminge. WINTER,*. 1. bet Sffiinter ; 2. T yv . r.bct Uutcvbalfeit, Dnerbalfen ; —aconite, bie 6briftnjurj (Bdlebonu kg malts — L.) ; — apple, ber 2Binterapfe( ; — 's bark ( — 's cinnamon), bie 3Stlltcr»= rinbe, bie inageflanifcbe SJJillbe; — barley, bie SSJllttCtflCtfte ; — beaten, uom SBintcr befepabtgt; — beny, bie SBintetbeere (Prinos — /..); — bloom, ber 3Jiai)bnfd>, Elebrige gel= fenftraneb {Jltalea viscosa — /..) ; — cherry, bie 3llbeilfir|"i1)e [PhysalU air kekengi — £,.) ; — citron, eine SItt aOinteibini; —cress, bie 9Bintei= fieffe {Erysimum barbarea — I. ) ; — cricket, ^a3 SOttitcrtjetmc^cit ; — crop, baS 3Siiitctgetreibe; — fallow, ba>3 im SBintet umgepfutgte ".>icfer= lanb ; — fallowing, M3 itmpflngeii bet gelbet im SBtntet ; — ga ber SBtntetgarten ; — green, bat SBintcrgrutt (Pyrola rotundifolia — ]. ' ; — house, ba3 3Bintei - E)itii3 ; — lodge, — lodgment /;. T. ^^ 'il5infer= bau^; — night, tie SBintetnacbt j — pear, bie SBintetbitn ; — quarters, pi. ba§ 2Binf eiqitartier ; to — rig, v. a. pruritic, flit il'llltcr IMlipfliigCll j — rocket, vid, — . cress; — savory, bie SOintetfatutet ; — season, bie SBinterjeit • consumption for the — (season), ber ^Jinferbcbarf ; — sol- stice, bie SBinterfonnenroenbe ; — tempest, ber SBinterfturm ; — top- gaiiant-saiis, .v. T. bie 2Bintetbtam= fegel ; — 's way, bas SSinterbafte ; — weather, bat SDintetwettet. To WINTER, 9. I. n. ben SBintet JU« btiitgen, wlntetn; jv. t. itbettmiu tent'; SBintevtage balten ; 11 a-flbet* mintetn; ben iffiintet ubet unter= balten, ben 2Cinter binbttrd; itm Stalle) fiittcrn, burr^mintetn. WIN ii'.iiv, adj. iviiiteibau, nunlee(id\ aunterifeb, mintetia. WINY, a*. Weinartig, iveinid;t, nad) SEBeiti fcjmerfenb. To wipe, 0, a. mifeben, abwiftben, troefncit; fig. teinigen; to — wegmifrpeii ; to — down, abtuifdjen ; to — oil*, nbtuifchen ; fig. auftoe^en j to — out, ouSroifcben, uertuifeben. win:, s. 1. bae JBifdjen, Slbwifcben ; 2. ml. ber 0'Jiidi ; 3. fig. SBifdjet, a3etwei«, Sluj-ju^er, .Oieb, ; 1. bet .uibii.-. / give a — . baritber roifebeil ; fig. einen SBifdjet geben, nusfcbelten. weper, ». 1. tee SSifdjenbf, SBifdjet; 2. bas OBifditii*. WIPING, • bat 2Cifd;en; — boa iL'ifdmidi, bet SBtfdJIa^pen, i-iiidi. WIRE) .•;. ber imctallenc) Tvab: ; to — . v.a. mit Tiabt befeftigeii; to — draw, o. a. rrabt tiebeu; fig. in bie SSnge jieben ; tievMeben ; (— into . , , ID . . 10 — draw 00 . «tiien *_*r\t« ben, aueplunbern ; — drawer, ttr Trabt-ieber j gold — drawer, btr Ololbtii'bcr ; — drawing machine, bie •Dtabtbani, giebbanl ; — 6 mill, tie irabtnuible ; — ftnder, bt« fDrabtftiilpe; — gauge, ein Xrabt= 111,1';. eine Trabtfliufe ; — . bie Irablgaic ; — grate, ba5 i~ gitter; — grub, rid — worm; — pliers, pi. bic iJrobtjange, i'te^taiu (U: — ribbon, £c» Trabtban: SBierenbanb ; — string bit 2)rab> faite ; — tacks, Tiabtt'tiue, ^krifer* ftifte ; — worm, bet JtonttDUtm.Jtont* lv elf; — work,bae rrabtgiticr. WIRY, adj. Mabtern. WB3I> im, f. bic SBei«beit : 2. • beit; 3, tie SBtte^ftl Sa(oinon-| eiit i'lirb tir beili.ien '3,tnft . wisi:. adi 1. lvni'e: 2. flag, otrfUn« big, gefctjicft, erfabren. funtia, ; :;. in Janbetfunften gefebieft j -l. etlli'tlMU ; one "word to the — - ! l-cnt '-i'er = ftanbigen geniigt ein SBin! ; - bet SBtife, StQei gerinn, ©lucfsptppbetinn. WISE, .-■ bit -tit. SEBetfe ; in no — . ant feme SBeife, [tints SBeges ; in any — , fdjIedHertin.v?. WISELY, ado. iveiclivt, (.. ftanbig. To wish, g n. &■ a i. lviinfcben, ver= langen ; 2. etbitten ; as mj could — , narb i6tr}ens"a>unfd) ; 10 — for, lvuimbcii, jidj t'ebnen nadi . . , er= febnen ; to — curses on somi fjemanb uerffudjtn : to (at), gvatuliten, ©lud munfdjen :u . . ; 1 — to God you ha 1 .1 me it WoBtt ( N U'U ©it b.iiien el ,;e:baii; to — (one) well, (einem ©utee munfrben, iImii iv.'bl moden, gbnnen, gul neigt) ft»n ; wished for, env:. erfebnt. wish, ,. ber Sfflunfcb, ta-j SBetlangen iBegebten ; she has her — SButlfdj ift evfiillt. wisher, .-. tee 8Bunfd;enbe ( Seb< nenbe, WISHFUL a ttunfdjenb, febnenb, Kbnlidi, febiifiirbli.i. WISHFULLY, langen. wisket, $ bet ' wisp, t. bet fflifd), bai v3unbdjtn,bet ©ufdjet; — of hay, baa ©unbdjen obet ter Qtifdjel $»wj — ofi bet ©trof)n)ifo$ ;a — o( - ein spaat obetaudj trii Edjnevfm. w [STl 1 1. idv. — i.y\ adj. 1. cnut = bafr. titffinnig< gebantenooli out* btiidMuott, beoeutunglooU, bebtu> tent, aufmetffam; i. ft] furbtig. W1ST1T, ». ber Uiftiti, SDiflttti ci:i SIffe, Hapolo jocehut — /. To WIT, feu . alJ, namliit, ivic folgt, ba« tit. bat bei'U. WIT, t. I. tee SBifc, .Keif, Strjlanb, •.Vi'uiienviij ; 2. tie leb^aftt @inbil> bun«gfraftj Sinbitbung; 3. bet mifcige ©tbanfe, wi^i l mlfeige ^opf SRanu Don l S>t^8ngei(l; SBi^liua; iBirtuoe; to learn - -. butdj Sd^abeil fd'cit, flu.ier tnttbtn : to one — . cineit lvi^t'ieii, fliiger nta- dH'ii; whs, pi, fee (gefunbt) hj tt , ftanb : Jiciilanb otrloren baben, nidjt g«« in WITH WOAD WOMA fcbett feint ; to be frightened out of one's wits, (»0l Sd)recfcn) auger fid) tV.nt ; to be at one's wits' end, llidjt Hug genug (in S3erlegen|>etr) fe\>u ; there I am at my wits' end, ba ftcf)t mtt ber Seritanb ftill; one of the first-rate wits, eincr bee befteit Jtopfc ; — starved. qei(ie8oem, getftloS; — worm, bee 2Bit}crftorcr. witch, 8. bte >*?ere, Sautcruut ; — elm (— hazel), bte englifcbe bicit= blattcrige Ofiifter (uimua scab™ — L) ; — hazel, btC .£>Opfenbtld)e (Car- pmus ostrya — JEJ ; (Virginian — hazel or — tree), ber 3«u6erftl*aur| (Hama- mclis virginica — L.) ; — meal, i(iS .(3oTflllltcf)l (Semen lycopodil) ; witches' butter, bte .£>imnteiab[ume (Tremella nostoe — L.) ; — play, bag .§crC!l= fptel. To witch, v. a. bejauberu, bebeven. witchcraft, s. bte JJaufcerfraft, ubcrnntirliche Jtraft ; JSaufceref, ■gejeeret. witchery, s. bte 3«iibcrei, 'gerevei. WITH, prep, liiit, ttebft, frtlltlltt ; burcib, oou ; bet, auf, fiber, an, tit, fur ; oor ; Hitter ; God be — you, ©ott feV> mtt bir ; come along — me, fomntcit ©if mtt ntir ; to write — a pen, lltit cillcr Seber fcferetbeit ; to cure a disease — fasting, cine jtranfbeit burd) Qaftcn bcileit; to be — child, fdjwanger fetytl ; surrounded — the sea, 00U bcr See Umgeben ; to be angry — one, auf 3emanben bofe fcpit; to be in favour — one, bet eiitein gut (in ©Itabcu) fteI)Clt; he parted — every thing he had, CV (jab 21 lie 8 bi», Wn8 er bitttc ; it is not — you as — us, e$ ift (e« »ev[>ilt ft'cb) mtt (bci) 3(jiien ttid)t foroic mtt(bei)un«; it is a usual tiling — him, el ift fo fciu ©cbraucb ; to be out of conceit — . . , Jlifbt l(itt= ger mebr ©cfallcit fttibcu an . . ; to trust one — a secret, Scmatlbem citt ©ebeimnifj anoerfrauen ; to weep — sorrow, 80r Jtltmilter rocillCtt ; gray- haired — anguish, vor .Summer gran gevoorbcit; one — another, (SillS iuS sltnbere geredjnet; mtt eiiianber, ju= gleid) ; — that, bamit; fejerauf. WITH, s. bte iOeibetmitbe, vi,l. Withe. withal, adv. sugteicb, nud; nod?, ba= iteben, bientiiebft, iibrigena. To withdraw, v. i. a. 1. enfcte$en ; juriicfjteljen, wegjtefjen, abjiebeit; 2. roegrufen, abrufeu ; to — an order, etnen Sluftrag jurfidfnefjmen, miber* vnfen, ©egenorber geben ; n. n. fid) |ururfjier)en, toeggefjen; jur 3^ it be geben ; fid) aug bent ©taube macbeit, bavon fcblcicbcu; M.Es. to — from a firm, ana ciner iganbelSgefeUfdjaft JjerauStreten ; withdrawing room, baa 5 Jlebenjiiumcr. withe, 5. bie SBeibenrut&e, Sffieittc ; — wind, bie SBinbe, baa Siljfraut [Convolvulus — L.). To wither, v. I. n. ttnifeu, vent>el= fen, verfebntmpfeu ; »ertrodfnen ; yergcbeit; h a. ocrruclfcit madden; bBrren, aufifaugen, abjebren, au8= mergetn. WITHER-BAND, s. baS ©atfelblcdj. witheredness, s bie SBerwelft^ett, SBertrocfnung, iicrfduntmpftbcif. witherite, s. bcr SBtt&ertt, foblen* fanre S8art;t, bipvi«matifcbc §M- bavt)t. WITHERS, s. pi. ber 2Biberrifl. wither- wrung, adj. am aBiberrifte rxrleljt. To WITHHOLD, v. a. Jltnuf baltett, t»crbtnbfrn; bprentbaiten. withholds, ». bn- 3«vud;b.i(tenbc u, f. w. 512 WITHIN, prep. & ado. VI, t'ttltevbalb, itt= nen, binncit, bis auf, brtnnen, baritt, col. brin ; tm 3nnent, tnroenbig, in= Itevlid) ; is your master — 7 ift Cltei' £>crr 511 ^anfe ? from — , von intien ; — doors, tm <£>aiife, tin Simmer; — a fortnight, in obci' innei'balb »ier= jebn Sagen ; — a month, binncit bier unb eineni aKonate ; — our memory, bei unferm ©ebenfen ; — - himself, bci fid) felbft; — his power, in fet- ncr 2)Jad)t; — ca!i, tin 53crcid) ber ©limine; — a small matter, beiitabe, fa ft ; —a trifle, cine Jllciniijfcit auS= gcnominen. WITHOUT, I. adv. aufjcti, braitften ; binans; auperlid); from — , von aitfieit ; 11. prep. 1. or)ne, anger; 2. anfjci'balb ; »or ; — book, answett= big ; — damage, obtie 9tad)tbeil; — delay, uiiferjiiglid), obne 9luffcbub ; — doors, oor ber Xfynv, anger bent «&aufe ; — fee, of;ne ©itlgclt, unent= geltlifi) ; — funds in hand, M. E. Obne Secfnng ; I can do — it, ttb faun eS entbebvett, lltiffeit; I cannot be— it, id) fann cS nid)t entbebvett, entvatben; I can do (live) — her, id) fault olmc ftc (ebcu ; — our reach, anger unferem 53creid)e; Ulconj. wtnn nirf>t, roo= fevit nid)t, nut', ausgenommen, aufer wenn. To withstand, v. a. roiberftebcn, roi= bevftveben, fid) toiberfefcett. WITIISTANDER, s. 1. bCV 9BibCvftfC= bcube, SBiberfeijer ; 2. SBibevftanb. withy, 1. s. bie SEBeibe, 33anb»etbe (Salix — L.) ; II. adj. aitS 25eibcn;wci= gen gemadjt. WITLESS, adj. I. UHtot'fetgj oerftanb= I08, unserftanbig ; eiufaltig, buinm ; 2. unfiberlegt, gcbaufcnlos. W1TLESSNESS, s. bie Uniibcvlegtbcil. witling, s. ber 2Btfelmg. witness, s. 1. bas3eugntg; 2. bcr 3euge, ©en>al)rgmann; in — whereof, /,. rii. stint Bcngnifi beffen, nrfiinblicb (ober jn Urfunb) beffen ; to bear — , 3cugnijj ablegen; bejeugeit; to call (to take) to — ,' junt 3 l>1I !l c " ftitfrufen ober nebmen ; with a — , vutg. mivf= lid;, roabvlid;, offenbav; tiid;tig; fo febr. To WITNESS, v. a. & n. 1. bcjcngcil, 3cngnifi ablegen, jeugen,3fuge f'ci)it, beroeifen, erroeifen, beftattgen, 3cug= nip geben ; 2. gcgenwartig (jngcgeh) fcl)lt; to — a bond, eillC llffllllbe lc= galiftren, all Seuge niiterfcbveibcit. witted, adj. wi^tg, octftanbig; (in compos.) half — , tinfaltig, albcut, nn= flng; quick — , fcfcarfftnnig, gcift-- rcicp. witticism, s. ber 3Qi^, SinfaU. WITTINESS, 5. bieSGBifttgfett, ber 2Bii}. WITTINGLY, adv. iDiffciltlicb, t>ovfe§= lid), abfid)tlid), col. mil gletfi. WiTTOL, a. bcr gebulbige J^abiirci, gntc (itad;fid)tige) iUlann, Corners trager. wittolly, adj. aue ciit gcbitlbigcr egabnrei, 511m igafcnrei gcmadjl. WITTY (adv. — ily), adj. 1. roitjig, ftlllt= rcid), gciftrcid), ucrftanbig; 2. bet= ftcnb, farfaftifd), fat»rifd). witwall, s. bcr ^nnffpeebt, Jtirfcb= yogcl, Stujipicfer, SBaumbacfer (Picus vrridis — 7v.). WIVER, I s. //. T. (— volant), ber wiveiun, J (flicgcnbe) Sracbc wizard, I. s. ber 3 s. bcr novbantcrifani= wolferin, S f<*e SSielfraf, bie 2Boloercne (Ursus luscus — £,.). WOMAN, s. (pi. women) 1. baS 3Bcib, grauenjimmer, bie SraueniSpcrfou, prait; 2. ilnfmarterinn, .Rammer* jnngfer, Jtammerfrau ; — of the town, bffcntlid)e.£>ure; — 's attire, ber2Sci= bcrfrbmucf ; — child, bag SJJJabcben, bie X6cbtcrd)cu ; — hater, bcr 30Beiber= fciltb ; — like, vid. Womanly; — ser- vent, bie SKagb ; — 's tailor, ber 3rau= enfebneiber; — 's trick ( — 's wit), bie 2Bcibcrlift; given to women, ftH'ibcr = bolb. To woman, v. a. jum SBcibe macbeit, wcibifd), fauft madieu, ocrjavtcln, errocicben. womanhood, 8. bie 3Bcib(id)fcit. 2Bcibbcit, ber SZBeiberftanb ; bieioeib* lid)c ©ittfamfeit; to reach — , mantt- bar wcrbctt. WOMANISH (ado. — ly), adj. rociblid); wcibifd); — habits, wetbltcbe @c= tvol)Ul)eiIcit; — tears, 3Beibcrtbva= nen ; —ness, s. bie 2Beiblid)fcif, baa rocibifebe 2Befeit. womankind, s. baS tveiblicbc ©e= fd)led)t, grauenjimmer. WOMANLY, ndj. wonder, i'. n. fid) (»er)ii>unbern (— at. ., liber ..) ; wig. miffen m5s gen, nengterig fevmj i — whether she will come, irb bitt ueugicri j ob fte vopfn fpiiunt. WONDER, s. 1. ba§ SBunber; 'I. bie BertMiubcrimg, bal SBnnbern, Stau= uen ; to make a — of, bcnjiinbcrn, ailftallUClt ; he makes a — of it (at it), ev marijt eiit SBunber baraul, cr t()iit SBltttbeV WOS CS Watt ; in the name of — , urn bes ■gimmetl 28illen ; 'tis a nine days' — , eg toirb l\llb ©ml bflritber »v>"arf>fctt ; —struck, crftauut; — tree, ber Shittberbnum (n, <■,,,„, communis — L.) ; — working, n?uu= bertf)itenb ; erftannenb, erftnunlicb, WONDERER, s. ber \id} SBunbernbe. \\i INDERFUL ado. — ly), adj. rpllllbcr= bet-bar, betvunbernltvurbig, numbers fdjSn, aaug berrlieb, iprtrcfflidi, cr= ftaunlicp, ungemein; — net, .1 r bal 38unberne$; — ness, ». bal 2Bunber« bare, SBetMinbemlvoitrbige, (j:rftauu= It die. WONDROUS, adj.Sradv. {also adv.— vt), numbcrbar, bevpiutberiinggroiirbig, crftauulidi ; tuunberr)aft, auf eine feltfame 3lrf; aufjerorbenrtirr). WONT, I. «'//. gewobnt; to be — , fle= lUO()ltt feS)ll, pfkgcit; she was — to say, fte pflegte jn fagen; n. s. bie ©ciupbttbcit. ber ©ebraud); as was her — , mie fte $it tliitu pflegtc. WONTED, adj. gewohttt, flctvobillidi ; —ness, s. + bie ©erODrjnfeit. Tn woo, ,1 0. ,?• ,,. i. fid) inn bie ^iebe enter $erfon beroerben ; freieu, roer* ben, fieb betvevben, ben .&of macben ; 2. frbm'eicbcln ; 3. buhleit; I. bitten, fleben, inftciubig aubalten, 511 crtjal= ten fiid)eii. ivoon. .*. 1. bas^oljj 2 berSBalb, bie SBitlbllltfl ; Mack — , log — , bal SSraftttCn^OlJ ; bituminous or carbon- ated — , bie boljige JBrauntofrle, ber Surturbranb; dye-woods, garbeb,6U jcr; fathom-wood, bal SBrenilfjoi), Jttaftert)oIjj ; (gtaufjolj ; fallen — . bflra vcS <^olj ; mountain — . vid. Rock- wood ; pock — , baS inbifdie 5raiij0= feul)pl$; small — , 2taUUllboU; — ami — , Sea long. IWCi >§61jcr, bie bidit neben einanber Itc^eit ; eiit turrbgcs fdjlageitcr bp|$erncr yliijjef; — ane- mone, tie SBaibanemone, SWarjblus nte, bal 2Binbrpld)en ; — ashes, pi bie i§o[jnfdje; — betony, bie SBte* feilbetOllte {Betmica officinalis I hind ( — bine), bie SQalbroinbe, Specf= [Hie, bal (toitbej ©eifiblatt 1 oericlymenum — I, ; — blade, buC- IDolffrfiiit, bie iftontgGferje 1 cum thapsut — /,.) ; — bom. il!l SBal* be geboren ; — bound, nttt bfebtem ©eftvaiu^ umgebert, eingefebloffen ; — chat, ber rothriirftgc SEBiivgec, Tovnbvebev, '•Jieinitobter (Lanius cot- tons — L) ; — chuck, ba» 2)?iunicl= tbier UlrctomuB monax—L.) ', — chucks, pi. 3-linnneK tbier )fellc ; — cleaver, ber i|jol}t)flcfer, ^oljfpaltet ; — coal, bie ipoljfo^le; —cock, tie @d)nepfc, SBalbfrblieVfe (Scohpax rustkota — f..) ; vid. — grouse ; — copper, ber 5vai"er;Clivc!itr : — corn, /,. r. ba& fiir bai .(nM,auflefen tm SQSalbe be joblte jtoitt: — craft, bie Sffieibs ntaimehtnft, 3figerei ; — culver, bie £o!$tatibe, 2Baibtnitbe ; — cut, ber ^oljfc^ntft; —cutter, ber .*?oltb>iii = erj igjoljfcbiietberj — dipper, bie ^Ja= pterrolle 'cine syiafeiifebnccfe) ; — drink, ber .PiPl^tranf ; — engraving, ber ^oljfrbnitt; bat ^ofjfebneiben, gormfebuetben ; — fretter, ber .§olj= rOUrnt (nermrstr* typograpiitu — Lj ', — flu l, i^olj uir Seuernng ; —grouse, baS '.'hurbnbn cm,- ]..); — god, ber SDSalbgott, rvit'.n'; — hole, ba» 9lft(peb, ber i6o(|raum ii. I", n). : — house, ber ^ol|fd)Oppett, <^oI;pla v , bie §olj!ege, ^oljfdjeuer; — jack, eid, — chuck; — kmf'\ ber i^trfcjbfangcr j — land. ba« fio()(anb, bie SBaltuiig; feuebteS nub fcbmnriea Slcferlanb, bein ffialbboben nbnlid^ ; — land country, — lanj grounda, UmI = tige* 8anb, eiue reaifctge ©egenb; — land choir, bcr 3BaIb=@bor [ber S36gel) ; — bud sceneries, Sffiatblanbs febaften, SMbparfien ; — lartc bie SBalblevrie ; — layer, eiit ciiittlncr janger ©aunt, bcr in eiue .Occfc >ic- pflantt ift; — louse, bcr Jcellerefel, bie Slffel ; — f s- man, ber SBatbmann, gBrfier; Sfiger, 3agblteb^aoerj — meil, A". T. grobce lvollcucS iiid) 511111 ?lu»futtent ber (Stuefpfpi'ien mf @d;iffett v-pn ielJnbifrbemSSabinel) ; — mite, bie i£>oljmilbe; — monger, ber .OoUb'inMer ; — mote, + baS SBalbgenci)t, gprflgert'cbt ; —note, bie Sffiaibmttftf/ Statunnuftf ; bcr ivi(= be 8auf, SBalbgefang ; — nymph, bie 3'3albii'.v,nvbe, SBalbgoftiitll ; — of- fering .— offer), bat Cvferbplt, 9tau« dicvboM ; —opal, bcr ^oljopat; — bie SBalbervt [Orobus oernus — /, ) ; — pecker (ml. — peck), bcr Spec^t, i-'auntbadcr (Picus martius — /..i; — pigeon, bie rpilbe Saitbe, 3(iiujeltaiibe, igioljtaube [Cohimbapa- lumbus — L.) ; — pile, tcr.OeUbaufcit ; Siijciterbaiifen ; — rasp, tie ^otjrn8= pel ; — mck. bcr boUi^c ©ergfladje ; bcr gSrfter ; — roof ( — ruff , bcr SBalbmeifter, baj 3fieiertraut, Sabfraut {Jlspenda — L)\ — row (— rovel), ba« ©ternfraitr, SBufrbs f van t ; — sage, bie roilb* Salbei {Teucrium scorodinin — /..! • — sare, bcr jtltcflicfsfpeicbel ; — screw, tie Jpoljfebraube ; — , + bie Bcit, ba fciit@aft in ben SBanmen ift. bie i^ofjburre ; —shock, bcr SEQijad (etne norbainerifanifrbe 3Iti«art) ; — phocks, riil. — chucks; — soot, bie SRufjfdjtoarge, ber ©ijier: — 1 bcr ©ucbantpfer, ©auerflee - acetossUa — 6.); —spite, bcr OUiin-- fpedlt; — slake. piU — i > i I f ; — stand, ein .^pljbcbaltuifi in vStuben), @nc= rit-Pii; — stone, bcr ^"Ijftein; — tick, bie amerifanifdje Sffialbinitbt; — tin, baa ^oljjinn, faferige J.tnn cr^ ; — wall, rid — ppite : — ward, bcr gorftwfi($ter, 35a(bbuter; — wash, — wa.v, — waxen, bcr 5arbe- ginfter (Ocnista tnetcria — /..) ; — worm, bee •^o()TOUrin; — wren, ber SBaibfattger (etn Sogel) ; — yai l, bcr §oi)9of, .inMu'l'iij. 7BWOOD, r. a .v. Ph. fid) ntit .^>plj I'cvfcbcu, i^olj ciiincbmcn. WOODED, nij. uMlbi.i, beroaibet, I)pI$= retCv; richly — , roalbretd), Won HEX, adj. 1. bbUcrn, DOR ^0l| ; 'I. plump, (infifd), ffotjig ; — bo Gun. bbUcnic ^ebefptegel ; — bowl, ber irautfiibd ; ,\- 7-..'. -- 1 v. bie SBIotfboie; — ends, SJ3Ianfeiif5pfe, Sit.ben bcr Spjanfcn; — runs, .\: r. bltnbe (boljerne) Jfnnonen ; to ride the — horse, Mil. Ph. auf bciu (bol- ternen)6fel reiten ; -- - fcfte 3nfeln oon 5reibb,olj ; — illbc; — tree-nails, b^'l"* UflWf. .'.IKE- adj. r}oT{art((t; — tmore bai faferige Sinner). woody, «rfj t. rodlbf^; 2. im iH-al» be; 3. DOIt^ol), belli,];; — ■ SBalbbT'igel ; — nighuihads ba-3 iMttcrfufi sni.iiium dmleamtra—i 1.. ; - nymphs, rf. jL : albif.Miipbcn. WOOER, .«. tcr greier, ©ewrber, SBttble. WOOF, 1 1. bcr Qinfcylaa, f'intr.t,i, (5infdunl, Dlirdjfcbu§ ; 2. ba3 ®f ivcbc; 2. M T bit ©ante, tvc!a)e bei tiucnt ^unbepfint quer bard)ge^ finb. wooing, 1 bal Srrien, fBerben ntadieu. "iMiblcu ; to go a — , m bie greitc geben. WOOINGLY, ado. eiui.j, ctttitcfjmcrtp, einlabenb. WOOL, ». bie (3cbaf=)Sp[(e; bal Eurje wollige .jpaarj — in : ScburtvpIIe, 2Bo(ie in Sd)5ferbanb, uiiaccontmobirte Sd)aferbanbn)oQe ; your wits are fyour mini 1 is) — path- r- rie ftnb febr ^erftrcut, toU obre ©ebanfen arten fpajteren; — bcr Ballen SBolle, ben man im 3)la* gen bcr Sdjafe pnbet; — l moHefragenb ; — beater, bcr SBou* ffppfer, 3BoUfd)lager; - bed eine '.Mrt Saupen; — blade, bal h : cll. fraut; — breaking, bie SQSoUfortU runfl : — business, — establtshmeni, bie aBolIbanblung, bat SEBoUge| SBoUb^anblungeqaue ; — carder, tit aBoUreifjer; — card--. v > bie 3DBoU« Era«en; — cloth, bafl 2BoUen)eng; — comb, ber SBolifammj bcr SBoKfammer ■ — cord, bcr SEQoUi Forb, ©trumpf, tricot; — coti cotton — . ©aumtoolie ; — dresser, btr SJBoIibcreiter ; — driver, ber SEB0Q3 fiibrer, SSoUauffaufer ; —dyer, Ml SBoHfarber, SBoUfAribei , — fell bal acII init ber SBoUe: bie raubt $antj — fH. cm Ail;. rvtUblit; — growers, SBoHprobucenfen, 2d\v' = judjterj -- loft, ber SBoDboben; — mark.'!, ber SBoUmarlt; — m.-r- chant, tcr SEBottb^Subler ; — mill, cine SDiaffyine juin EReinigen btr SffioDe; — pack, ber SBollfarf, 2a I SBoUe; — packer, dU. — « — pated, tvpllbaari.i iuie ein ger ; — picker, bee SOoIIarbeiter, SBoUforrirer, SBoUjupfer; —pick- in-, bie SEBoUforttrung, bad ii3cllfcr= tll'CU ; — sa-k. vid. — pack ; — ing, mollenel SBetijeug ; — sorter, — - picker, — [ • i k 1 1 1 lt ; — >r, bcr SBoUfpinner ; — - (eb^einaU; berprioileairteSQoOmarft; — stapler, ber SBoUoanblrr im fteit ; — trade, bcr SSoIIbanbcl; — washing, bie SBoQrofifcpc ; — . ba« SBollrab in SBoUfpinnereirnl ; — winders, pi SBotlarbeifer, lvclebe bie Alicfc jinn EBerpacfen |ufammcn« vpllcn. k d.n. t 0. .v. t. SUlafkn nub SJlaaen bcivublcu (mtt Xaurn umtotn* ben). WOOLDER, • .\". /' bcr jcnitppel 511:11 Drt v en beim Mcepfcblager. wooi.i en, a moHen, »on ©oUej — ci ■ bal toodeni 3eug ; trade in — articles, ber leubaubcl, .\>aiibct in roellctieu ,>c:i» gcu ; — doth-omnufeeture, bie i'Jp;; leufatrif, SBoUenmanufarrnr: — manufacturer, bcr SffloHenfabri« Fa:it; — draper, bcr IDoQcitraebcr; IBouennfinbler ; — goods, ivpllcnt (obcr gBollcns i^BaartR ; — rag* 513 WORK WOllL WOR'S roolleue i!umpn;; Woollens,/*/. rooUe= nc SBaaien. ivoolliness, s. bio 2BoIiigfeir. tt'< )i ILLY, adj. WOIItfl ; rooliubt, 10811 = abnlid); — haired, »t>ofII)aarig (WW tic Sieger) ; — (beaded) t!ii.-tle, bic 3eUblume, lueifie graueubiftel (Ono- pardon acantium — L.). ivooi*, s. tine SSogelart (RuMtiila). \>'( m is, s. baS ©eegraS (jsiga). IVOOTS, s. cine vlvt ©ufjftaljfl auS Sengaleu, fees iBuljftabl, 3Boofe. WORD, * 1. ba8 SBort; 2. bie Sinte wort; 3. 9!acbrid)t, Sotfcbaft; 4. (fceilige) ©cfcrift; 5. ikbanptiing ; 6. bag SBerfptec^cit, bie 3»f a rt e ; 7 > Th. T. bic jroeite gottlicbe Sgetfon; 8. a» SDZotto. Sprirtmort, scrSpriitb; good — , bie (S'liipfebtiing, bag gute iciigtlijj ; at a — , in a'—, Ottf fill SBort, niit ciiiciu SBorte ; by — , tit SBoVteil; by — , or by — of mouth, miinblicl) ; — for — , JBort fur SBort ; upon my — , flttf meitl SSort, Ciuf @&= te; money is the — , @clb tft bic ^0 = fung ; to take the — , baS SBort ltehs men ; to take one at his — , jemaitb beini SBort nebmeu, faff en ; to leave — with, SBcfcl;t juritct laffen, oeriaf= fett; to bring one — , to send — , bc= nadnicbtigen, ju roiffen thuu, fagen laffctt ; Words, pi. bie 2B5rrer ; 2i>ov= te; — at length, aiiSgcfcbricbene SSOVte ; cautionary — , Mil. T. £3e= nad)rid)tigiingg= ober StoeriiffementS* roovte ; — book, baS Socabelbud), SBiU'terblld) ; — catcher, ber SSBott= flauber, = d)Cll fiir Sailten; — weatherday, JV. T. ber (beqneme) Sicgctag ; — wo- man, bie yiibeitsfcuu. Slrbciteriint, So^notbeiterinn ; S^a^terinn, ©tide* rimt. worker, s. ber 2trbeiter. WORKING, s. 1. bo8 5hbcitcn; 2. SB iff eil; 3. ©aiiveit; the — classes, bie arbcitenbe (jiaffe ; — day, ber SBci'ftag ; — men's association, ber 9lrbciteryeretn ; — people, 3lrbcit*3= Icute; —tun, ein 3^fbottig (in ben 33ierbraueveien) WORKMANLIKE, WORKMANLY : fjig ; »vof)l (au8=Jgcarbeite"t, WORKMANSHIP, s. 1. bie 9lrbctt, baS Sfflcrf, Jtunjiiverf ; 2. bie @cfd)icf= lirbfcit, ^nnft; 3. Siearbeitnng. world, «. 1. bie Sffielt; 2. (5rbe; 3. baS irbifdje, n)eltlid)e, iSffentlid)e, tl)atigc, gefdwftige Seben ; 4. baS fiinbl)afte Scbctt; 5. bie fiiitbb«ften 9)Jcnfrf)cn, aBeltfinber ; 6. ber 8e« benebernf; bie SJcbeitSart; ber Sc= bcnslauf ; 7. Sauf ber OBclr, bie(Sit= ten ber 5Kcnfd)en ; 8. Scute, 9)Jc:t= fd)cn ; 9. grope SlnjabJ, SDienge ; history of the — , bie 3Bcltgefd)id)te ; man of the — , ber 2BcItmaiin ; ways of the — , ber 3-Ocltlauf, ©aug ber 5)ingc; — without end, bie (Sujigfeir, JltiailfluU'iid), Clvia ; the great— , bie grofjc SBelt, bie U>orncf)iucii; the po- lite — , bie fettle 2Bclt ; to be much in the — , utele ©efcllfcbaften bcfud)cit; to be beforehand in the — , til giltctt Untftaubcit fei)it; to be behindhand in the — , in lingiiiiftigcu £krl)altitiffeii lebtit, nid)t fort fonneit; to leave to the wide — , gaitjlid) vetlaffcit; bo goes the — , fo gel)t (S iii ber 2BeIt ; not for all tlie — , (Cor worlds,) aitf i ti- nt SBcifc, ltm fcincil SpvciS ; every thing in the — , X6CI& ttUV lltoglid) (ill ber 3JJ5glid)feit) ift; to know the — , bie 2Bclt fcniicn, aBcltfcnutnitJ ba-- beit; a — of pains (troubles), eiltc 2BeU»on (Sd)merjen (Jcummev) ; a E, adj. ) geffbieft, adj. <5- adv. > funftilta= — of sweetness, eiue Sutte bon Si.'b* Itd)fcit : — wearied, IebciiSmiibc, U'" bcihSfatt. W0RLDLINES8, s. 1. bie 2BeItiid)feit, ber SBeltfHiit ; 2. bic ifiabfud)t, @e« tuinnfucbt, (Sigenuii^igfcit. worldling, 5 . ber fiitulidie ^Dcettfcb, SfBeltling, SBeltmenfd), SBeltmaiui S0iommon8biettes, baS SBeltfinb. WORLDLY, adj. * adv. 1. irbifeb, jeiN lid), weltlicb ; 2. ftnnlid;; 3. cigen* lliiftig ; 4. iitCllfd)ltcb ; — minded, WeltltCb gcfiltllt; — mindedncss, ber 2BcItftntt; —wisdom, bie 2Beitflug« l)Cit; — wise, tucltfilig; the — wise bie 2Bcltflugcu. worm, s. 1. ber SBnrm (bc6g[cid)en fi?.) ; bie SWabe ; 2. ScUauum ; ba« onngenbanb ber ^unbe ; 3. ( — of a still), bie@d)laugcttriM)re, Jlubifd)lan= gc; 4. baS ^raljcifcn, ber Jha^cr, Samntjicfjcr; Jtugel jieljer ; ©d)raus bengang ; 5. fig. <£tacbel, nagenbe SBurm, bie Guar, ©croiffeusbiffe; — bark, 2ihiriltrillbC ('ODlt ber Oejjrmja inermis) ; — eaten ( — eaf), H)ltrmfti= d)ig ; mabenfrafjig"; alt, wcrtbloS; — grass, bilsS SBurinflMUt (Spteeliaan- thelmia — /..) ; — hole, ber lBltrm= ftid) ; — powder, baS 2BiirmvultJer ; — seed, ber SBurntfamcit, 3itwerfa= men : ber wurnitrcibeitbe ©anfefui (Clicnopodium anthelminiicum — L.) \ — shells, 2Bunm'obrett (Serpula) ; — springs, pi. SBurntfebcnt, gebnecfen ober ©piralfcbcrn, jiiufdjcn ben Se= bcrricincu cincr Jlittfebe it. f. n>. ; — tincture, bie SBitriutinctur ; — wood, ber SBcrmUtb {Jlrtmcsia absinthium — L.) ; it is — wood to him, c§ UMtrnit (frauft) ibn; — wood fly, cine fleirM fdmiarje Slicge, bie ftcb anf be* Steugeln be§ SBermut^S aufbcilt; — wood-wine, b« SBcrmutbwciit. To worm, v. 1. a. 1. bcimlid) itagen, uutergrabcit; 2. eine Slinte mil bent Jlrafccr reinigen ; bie tabling !)erau3= jiebcit; 3. (eiuem .Jpuube) ben 3Burm I'.cbmctt; to — a cable, JV. T. cilt 2Ilt= fcrtan trcufen, cine JErenjIna legtn; to — out, auS()oleit ; auSgraben, att8= ftccben; 11. n. Wurmen, fid) fdblau= gclll ; to — one's self into favour, fig. fid; in SenninbeS ©unjtetiifd)leicbeii. WORMLIKE, adj. nutrnmrtig ; limrm= formig ; a. t-s. — muscles, b« »urms oI)lllid)Cit 2)ilK'fe[lt; — processes, ber nnirntformigc Sortfaft bes @ebirti8. wormy, adj. xonxn\i%, fig. irbifeb, nie* brig. WORN.^ort. VOll To Wear; — down with fatigue, tobtmiice; — out, ab= gcuiiiU; abgejebrt, jerriittct; er* fd)5pft ; a — out constitution, eilie jcrritttcte ©cfuiibbcit ; a broom — to the stump, ein abgcfcbitcr Sefen ; — with age, »ont filter (yon Sabren) ge= beugt, abgejebrt, abgeftnnipft, cr= fd)Opft» altcrfd)iuad) ; a man — with age, ein abgclebtcr @rei3. wornils, s . pi. (5iigcflinge, Saroen ber £5ief)bremfe (Oestrus boi-is — L'.). worrier, s. ber Oualcr, SJJIochr. To worry, v. a. 1. jerreipcB. }erjau= fett; 2. qualen, plagcu, itccfctt; 3. bcllcnb ycrfolgcit, anbclleii (lute- ber Scbafcrbmib bie Sdjafe) ; 4. niit2lr= beit iiberbaufett. WORSE, adj. $• adv. (comp. VOlt Ra.v), fcb!ed)ter, fcbliminer, roentget; from bud to — , auS bent Siegcn in bie SCraufe, uom ^3ferbe auf ben Sfel; — and — . immer fchlimnur ; the — , be» fto fcblimmer; not the — , bci al!e bent, uid)t8 bcjlo roentger; 1 am na — , roa8 febabet mir'8 'i am I the — for it 1 gelte icb s e^vcgcn wenigerJ WORT WREA WRET fonune idj befiroegen fcblmuncrweg? babe id) ©djac-cu babei? the always thinks the — of him, ik bcnft immer bag ©cblunniftc »oil t !; ui ; to grow — , fid) Derfcbdiinmctii. rVORSUiP, ». I. hit SBerebrung, ?lubc= tuna; ber ©otreSbienft; 2. bte3Bur= ' be, b'iu'c, Slcbtung ; 3. (Xirularur bet ©eiftlidKtt nub emitter Cbrta,feits= perfonen) ; your — . (sure • ( >ed)anir= ■ fceit ; SrceUcttj ; @n>. ©eftrengtn, (Sro. ©naben. Te WORSHIP, v. I. a. 1. bctcfivcn, «u= befen; 2. ebreit, 9ld)tiuig ernxifcn, acbteii; ii. Tt. .giaubiuugeu berSlnbes tuna, begeben. worshipper, s. bet Serebter, 2tnbe* ter. WORSHIPFUL, adj. augcfcfu'ti ; cf)r= miirbig, arfjtbar, son bobcv SBurbe. WORSHIPFULLY, adv. cbrcrbtctig. WORST, adj. A- ado. (sup. DOD Bad), ber, bic, ba8 fd)led)tofte, fcblimmfte, fira* )tt ; the — of men, bet' fd)lcd)tcfte SJtenfcb; 04 (the) — , wenigftenS, hai Slergfte angeuominen ; the — is past, bas Scbltmmfte i jit oorbei ; the — is yet to come, bag ©cbltmttlfte foilllltt ; when the — conns to the — , rocim eg atifs ©cblimmftc fommt; you shall not be the — Cor it, Cu foU been Sdjabe iiicbt fePn; do your — , madjeu Eie eg fo fcblimm aU mofls ltd; ; to have the — "i" it, am ubel= flcti baran fe»n, ben fturgern jicbcu ; to make the — of, turd;aitg Derber* ben. To worst, v. a . beftegen, fcblagen, uberwaltigen. Worsted, r. s bag ous StammxaoUt gefponnene ©ant, ©a«ettc; it adj. aug &ammtt>oUe gefertigt, rooHen ; — articles, rooliene SBaaven, SQBolleit* tvaarett ; — braces, pi. lvolleuc ;6o= fentrfiger; — manufacturer, ber 3BoU lentoeber; — needles, pi. Stopfwu bcltt; — stockings, pi. bic (gctucbten) wollenen ©triimpfe. \vi mr, ». 1. (jri compos ) has Jtrtiuf, tic 3Buri ; bet .UchI ; 2. bic SBijrse, ber ©crftcntratif ; — pun:;), bic i)ici|"d)= pumpe. WORTH, ». 1. bev SBertf), SJJraS, bic ©iite, USortvcffltrbfcit, Scbafcbarfcit ; 2. SBiirbr, SBicbttgfett, sjlcbtung, bag 'Jlit'Vhcn, aSerbienft; a man of — , ciu oerbtenftooller iWtuii, SBiebetmann. WORTH, adj. rocrtb, tviivbig ; — ask- ing, fragengroertf) ; — reading, Iefen8= wertb; — speaking of, bee SRebe wtxtb; — while, bet i'liibe toertt), ItUtj ; it is not — your labour or your while, eS tft uicbt bet JDiufje roettb ; to he — , roevti) feyit, tut SBermogen baben; what is she — ? wiebiel bat fie? she is — ten thousand pounds, fte bat jehiitaufeiib JJfmtb in; Sermbgen ; lie is — four thousand a year, et bat j,ibtlid) oiertaufcnb ijjfuub Sterling Sinfuiifte;— tome bring! miv . . ciu ; take all I am — , uimm (5lllc«) was id) bate. Worthiness ». bie SBtirbigfeit, bet SBertfy; bieSBitrbc; Xugenb. WORTHLESS, adj. 1. It'crtblc-g, tttlfjH mcitb, acting, fcblcd;t ; 2. uiuviirtig, nicbtStviirbig. worthlessness * 1. bic SQertblo- figfeit; 2. UmBuvbigEett, bet \U\- liuvth. WORTHY [ado. — ily), adj. mfirbtg, n>crth, fdiaijbat; m he — of, Derbies ttett; he is not — of her, er ijt ibver iticbt iBurbig; — of reward, belob= uen*ivcrtl) ; a — example, era uad)-- fcbntuuggrourbtgeS SQeifpirt ; — death, tobefroiivbig woivniv, $. ber Wr.m Don Setbtruft, (.vlucuinauu, SBitbermann, groye i'iann, ^elb. To Wi IT, r n. + tttffen ; God — , ©Ptt liu'in e8. WOULD, imp. ('.'Pi: T,< Will) ><• aux. r. 1. ivoIUc ; tourbe ; uibditc, »uuufcf)te ; follte, foitutc ; id) bin, obcr mar met leu?; 2. ppegtf; I — rather, id) lyt'lltc licbcr ; i could do it if I — , id) fonnte eg tbuu, menu id) woQtt: i — not do it. id) mutbe obet id) mijdite eg nicbt tl)un ; — to Cod, Wollte @Ott; — I tither bui one,., more, b.ittc id) meinen 83fis iet r.ur nocb rintnal gefeben; i — have you know that.., id) tviinnttc, Ste tt>upten(obet ©ie mfiffen roiffen] baft..; what — you with herl Wat tooQen 2k con ibv '. she — say. fie pflegte oft |t< foflen; — be, K\)u tuoucub, mfinfcbenb ; the — be possessor, bet fid) ben Befift (ciner Saebe) ivinifitt ; — Le wit, ber getn voi&tg. ware. WOUNA*. i- bteSBunbe:« ber ©djntcrj ; 3. bic SeJeibigung ; — wort, ber SBunbflee Ldnthy ncraria—L.); bag SBuilbttaut (5 — L.) ; bic 3BalbsSRo§ne{| I Oca — />.) ; bag Saferfraut (La- mill — /,.). Tb WOUND, d. a. flcivattfam befd)a= tigen, oetwurtben, ucrlc(jctt; to — to the soul, (to the [very] quick), ftufg ©cbmerjlicbjte BWreunben. wounder, ». bev SBermunbenbe. WOUNDLESS, adj. iM)tic .iL'uticcit, uu = ocrruunbet, un»erlefet WRACK, a. oid, Wreck UHtet Ska. WRALN-BOLTS, nl. WiUKO(0r Ring-- bolts. wraith, ». bte (Srfcbetnung ciner balb ftevbeubcit $erfon. To WRANGLE, o. n. janfeii, §abcrn ; (ttctten. WRANGLE.*, ber ?,auf, .fv.tcr, Slrctf, bie Streittglettjbaa 3aiifen,©tretten. WRANGLER, i. bet ^laufer, ^auffiid): tige ; SSJortfdmpfer. WRANGLESOHE, adj. jaiififcb, flrcit= fudui;5. TbWRAP, v. a. 1. }ufainmenh)tcreln, einroicfeltt; 2. fig. entbalten, beards fen ; to — in, to — up, lIlllllMdiht, euHDtrfetn, eiufcblagen, eiubulleit; impr. entjflcfen. WRAPPER, s. I. ber ©tnwicflet; 2. Umfcblag, Umbang, Ueberjug, bic fiiille, bafl aBtrfeltucb, bie orobe Setnruanb |um Umfcblagen, hai $acf> tud), Umfcbtagetnrb : rooUeneS Jeua jur fBebecfung f&c Jiegeitnnen ; bet tuette SKantel ; Umfcblag cine? ©a d)cg. wrapping, ». I. bag Sinuicfeln ; 2. tag ^'tttautfc lube;-— doak. tcrrocttc O.V'aulel ; — paper, bal i'arfvapier. \\ K ISS, *. bet \;ipvnfcb [.Laknu tinea — L.). \\v \ rii, ». ber %ou\. ©rt'inm, bie 3Butb; — kindled, uuucutbranut. wrathful , adj. jornig, grtmmig, routbenb. wrathfulness, «. ber ©rimnt, tie fflutb. WRATHLESS, a. oblM 3i-H'it, v's\h- ©rimnt, fauft. Tb WREAK, i- a, 1. outfibeit, auflUtf* feu ; 2. + rfioben ; to — one's rage (one's anger) upon one, jeiu "i'liltb cfjcit an ciueni fiiblctt; to — one's ice, SHacbe attduoen. WREAKLES8, adj. nidit rad)fiid)tig, fanftmutbtg. wreath, «. I. bic glecbre, Socfe; 2. ber (3cr'f«-)Jtranj. bag SBlumenge* lvt'nt:, tic ©nirlanbe ; 3. tic ffiolle, getounbene Hrbetl : I U»ib< id 1 iiecfc ; •"). > v. ter EBuenfd>tixra|j 6 If berfebwam, tie Setter, ter '^ur-- jc;; wreaths, pi. bit SBinbungrn ci= her ©obnedEt. t.i wui: \rii. .-. i. n. 1. »intcn, f.c*-. ten, lccfe:t, fraufeln ; yerflecbicn ; 2 brrrdnjen, nnifrdnjni; n. ». ft(bvtn> ten ; eingemebf, ringeflocbtrn, ter= florbicu, I'crit'cbt fi WREATH7, adj 1. getVUnbm, mi". elocft; 2. fcijiiccfcufotmig ',- 3. berrdit(t wreck, i. !. bat gefebeiterte €a)iffi SBracf, bie (©drifts jXrfimmer; tct SRumvf tiuc3 alien [aufgelt ScbifftS: 2. allcg wa< 3Jleere bentmttctbr, Seefrifrrn; 3. ber Scbiffbrudj ; 4. btc ^crubrung, SOtrwuflung, taa SBerbcrl T. tad ©efajj, ill tent ^cAerie t.r.n brittenmal gewafrben totrbrn ; ti. oer< borrtefl Untraut im fltferfont ; ■ iBlafentaug — c ; -.tee BJafferriemen/bafl I gra», Etraiibgrai /..) ; to go to' — , fd>citci;; mer (511 ©runbe) a,c! diet ; to — open, mil ©emalt Bffnen, aufrennen, auffprengen ; to — out, mil ^cftigfeit) berau«jieben. WRENCH, ». 1. ber 3ufl, ERucf; 2. bie SSerrentung; 8. ber Sepraubenbrtber, To WRESTj r. ii. I. beftigi brchcit, -,, reipen, jerren, renfen, »iu« ben; (to — from cntiviiibeit, eut= it, abpreffen ; 2. oerbrebtftv uni- tveben. umbeuten ben iiuii ciner Scbrtftftelle). wrest, 1 1. hai ' ren, Srpreffen, bie ©eroalt, ©emalttbdtigfeit; 2, iQerrenfung, WREsrrER .-. I. b;r :beftia) ^iebenbe. 9iei0enbe, SBinbeube; 2. SSerbreber. •/'• WRESTLE, <-. ,,. rtiiacu, (tvctt=) fainpfen {— with, mil ; fieb balgeu WRESTLING, .«. tag iUingeit, I pfen; — place, ter BRingeplcfl), Jtampfpla^; —society, btc winger" oerein. WREm 11. 1. I. bet ungln effidi bauerulrourbigt SRrnfeb. Blenbe; 2. ber elenbe, oerdrbtlicbe, niebterour* bige '1'icu'Mi, Scbuft, Vuntv, 'i'ubc, aJBiebt, Jtetl ; 3. tro»f; poor— , btt C s "leute; acme SrOpf; could i nch a — , (onntcjt bu fo nitbtttrieb" rig fc>.Mt. WRETi HED 1 • — i.y\ a.ij. 1. elettt un,)Iiidliit ; '-'. jammerlid), armfelig. (umpig; 3. nidjt*rourbig, oeracbtlicb, •\tlctt; bbfe; — neas.*. 1. ber uu» ii.itcfiid'c. rraurigc 3»itaub, bai 515 WRIT tflcub UttgJfttf: 2. bie3amnterli($s Eeit, Slrmfeligfeit, SBeracfctlicbfeit. n? wriggle, » i . ». roebeln, inSBes ivegung fe^n. fid) nriuben, fid) frum= men, fid) fdjlangeln, ftcb waljen, bin= unb hcrriicfcit; to — into, biuciiuviiu ten; to — out, loe win ben, Ids ringen, •jcrauswtnben ; 11. «. Jj) tit unb ber be= wcgeu. HiUGU'r. a. bet Slrbeite.*, .Oanttvcrfcr. To WRING, v. I. a. 1. bicben, aus= breben, winbeu, bcrausivinbcn, rin= gen, auSringen ; 2. brucfcii, preffen ; erpreffeu ; 3. bebriicfen ; quolett, martern, tingfttgen, oerfolgeu ; 4. fig. yrrbrcbcu ; .V T-s. to — a mast, ciiien 3Jia{i turd) ui (tartes Slnfefcen bet SBaubtaue friimm niarbeii ; to — the r-iniks, bie 5J3tanten antreiben ; to — off, abbreljeit, umbrc^eit; to — out, cuspreffen, auSbriicfen, aiiSringcn ; ii. n. fid) (sot Slngft) frummen, fid? wiuben. vv'RlNG, s. bie Spreffe, bcrTriicf; jv. T-s. —bolts, pi. Stingboljen mit liiicnt ©plint; —staves, pi ©$t fell urn sptanfen cutjutreiben. wringer, s. bet (2lu«s)5JJtiiger. wrinkle »• bie SRuitjet, galte ; 3iau= bigfeit (bet Dbcrflacbc). To wrinkle, v . i. a. runjeln, in %aU ten jie&en, rrimpfcu ; u. ». fid) run* join, galten febingen. wrist, s. bos ^anbgelenf, gauftges leuf; 6>. r-*. bridle — , boS .Vpaubgcs lent ber linfea .§anb ; sword—, baS v&aubgekuf bet recbten iganb; — band, bos SBinbcben am igeinbarmel. WRIT, s. 1. bie ©thrift (holy — , bie fjeilige Scbrift); 2. l. t-s. "bie .ttla= gefd)vift, (iHcdusO.Rlagc, bet [RecbtSs fcanbel; bag Sibell; bet ©eridjtSs fdjciit, SBorlabungSbefefcl, bie C?tta= ft OH ; ( — to apprehend the body), ber SSerbaftSbefebi ; JSablbefcbl iiit Par= lamente; bie gericbrlicbe Utfunbe ; — of assistance,' bet SBefd)logSbcfcbl oiif uuuerjoIJte SBaaren; — of ex- ecution, bet 33olIjie&ung6befe§t; — of inquiry, bet SSefe&l jiit 3uftbeilig ; niit Uurecbt. WRONGFULNESS, s. bie Uugerecbtigs fcit; boS Uurcd)t. WRONGLY, ado. i. ltnred;t, mit UlU rcd)t ; 2. oerle^rt. WRONGNESS, s. bie Strfcbrfbcit. wroth, adj. jornig, crjiirnt, bosboft. WROUGHT, adj. i. georbeitet; »ers arbeitet, foluicirt ; gejimmert ; 2. gctbou, geinncbt; 3. gebraucbt; 4. aewirji ;'5. ^ierlicb georbeitet, gento= belt, geittcfr, (von 3e"flcit) bvofebirt; 6. getvieben; 7. bciuegt, unrubig ges mod)t;8. iibeircbet/ uermocbt ; — iron, ge$ogene$ (iifeit ; — (up) to a violent passion. OllfjCrcaf, tfl fjeftige ©emut^Sbewegung oer'fe^t. WRUNG, pari. tJOll Tu Wring ; — heads of a vessel, v l. JV. T. bie .ftinilUCll ober Atntmnng einefl ©d)iffe8. WR\ adj. frumm, f chief, vcrbrebt. YARN vet-tart ; ic make — faces, Orirttflf fen mod)cu ober frbneiben ; —legged frununbeinig ; — mouth, bcs febief'. SJJoul; — mouthed, fcbiefutoiiiig ;: — neck, ber febiefc >C")olS ; cine franipf- nrtige ^vonfbeit ber Sc^afe; bet aBenbebalS, ®rebbal§, Dlatterroiubej ( Ynii.c torquilla — L.) ; — necked, fd)icfba[fig. frunintboifig. WRYNESS,*. bie jn-iiinine, ©d)iefbeil. wych-elm. «. bie cnglifcbe breit= blatterige SRfifter ( Ulvuuseahra — /..> x. x, s. boS X, x, ber sier unb jwonjigj fie SBucbfiabe beS 3llpbabets. xanthid, i s. bie SBerbiubitng bes XANTHIDE, S, yauttjogeitS niit ei ncmSKineroI. XANTHOGEN, s. Ch. T. boS Soittbogc- niunt. XANTHirPE, s. ,Tontippe (©of rates (Srou) ; fig. boS bofe, ftunuifcte SScib. XEBEC, s. bie (2d)ebccfe. XENIA, s. pi. Xenien, ©aftgefd;enfe von ©eiten bes gremben (bet ben ols ten ©riedben unb Dioiucru) ; ©potts gebid)tc. XEROCOLYRIUM, .». Med. T. bie trocfes ue Slugetiarjenet, bos Sugenyutoer. XEROMYRUM,*. Med. T. bie tfOCfllCUs be ^eilfolbe. XEROPHAGY, s. ber ©enttfi trocfeuct ©peifen, bie trorfeue Jvoft (eine 31rl Soften). XEROPHTHALMY, s. Med. T. bie tros cfeue Slugenrotbe, ?lugeutrodfenl)eit. xiphias, s. 1. ber ©rbroerrftfcB ; 2. eta fchroertformtger ocomct. XIPHOID, adj. fcbwertforimg ; — car tilagei a. T. ber febwertformtge Jtnor* pel unteu om Srufibetne. xylography, s. bie ^oljftec^erluuft, ■goljftbneib'ef uufi ; ^oljbruderlunft ; bos Srucfen mit fioljfcbrtft. xister, s. t. bos SrJabemeffer. Y, y, s. boS :7), D, ber fiinf unb jruan-" Sigjie Sucbjiobe beS ^llpbobets. yacht, s. bie 3iirf)f, bos 3od)tfd)iff, SRennfcbiff. YACK, .?. — ofTnrtary, ber @nttl$0Cb8, tougtltifdje SBiiffel, §)of (Bos grun- nicnt — /..). yam, ». bie g)amrourjel, SBrobwurjel, Sroofrucit (Dioscorea — /-.). YAMBOO, *. ber geuieinc Sombnfeits boilill (Eugenia jambos — /.). YANOLITE s. ber ^bimtciftt-iit. YARD, ». 1, ber ^of,<§ofrciitm ; 2. bie g)arb .'tiiglifcbe Pile von brei %\\X>) ; 3. Segeliiange, fftaa ; 4. 3iutbe, bos monnlidjc @licb ; barrack — , ber gas ferueubof ; JV. T. sprit-sail — , bieb!in= be Sftaaj sprit top-sail — . bie obens btinbe 9laa ; — arm, ber Slrm obct bOS 9?0cf ber3i00; — arm and — arm. mit in ciiiouber oerroicfelfen S'Jos cfeit ber 5Ra fiibrlid) offnen, gdbjien ; 2. »■ ft* toeit auftbuu, fi'ii) roc it b'ffuat; 3. (Had) ctwag) bcrlaitgcn, fid) (itacb ctiva^) feljneit. I'AWN, s. 1, bag uuroil!fribrlid)cDcff= ncti bee SDiunbeg, ©abnen; 2. jig. bt? Defining ; ber ©chlunb, 3iarbcit, bee ©cblucbt, Sitefe. YAWS, s. Jtfi /. T. tie grambofte. YCLEPED, «.//'. gcnaitnt. YE, jirun. \[)X. \i:\,aiii: 1. {a, genuE, fo til cS; '2. ja loobl, ja tod); je, uidjt blou F"/ fa 1 ' 1 bern me(jt a!8 fo ; — and more, j.t freilid) ; by — ami no (nay), fluf 3a uitb Stent. To yean, v. n. lamuteit, [ammern, sserfen. YEANLING, s. bag ?ammd)cit. YEAR, s. bag 3abr; years,;;/. baS (r)o= be Miter j — and day, L. T. %\§t nub £a§ ; .. a — , .. fiir ciit obet bag 3al;r, jabrlirb ; every — , jdbrlid) ; once a — , ciunial tm 3«bre (jabr= ltd)) ; — by — , Sabrfur 3al;r, 3abr au8, 3<»bt ciit, alle 3afctej or (for) a — , jabfta ; to be in years, ill bcit;3ab= ren (bet Sabrcn) fe»« ; — books, (pi. L. r. Sahrbudjcr, altc gericfctliche llr= fuitteit. YEARLING, I. adj. ciit %\\)x air, jdlj- tig; u. 8. bet 3dfjtltng. YEARLY, adj.Se adv. jdbrlid). 7b YEARN, ». n, fid) (mitUnrulje) fe!)= ttett, beftig berlangen, fd)macbtcu uacb. . , fid) biitgcjogcit fijbleu. YEAST, s. tie •Cxfcit, bet ©cbaum. YEASTY, adj. fcbduinenb, befciiartig. YELK, 8. tag (@is)5)ottet. 7b YELL, t>. n. fcbvcifU, fjcillcit, gel* fen. yell, 8. bet laute, ncllciibc <3d;vci, bas («ugft=)®efcbrei, ©cfjeul. YELLOW, I. aiij. gelb ; II. s. bag @elb, ©olbgelb; king's — , tag Jt5ntgg= gelbj Naples —, SJteapelgelb ; amber — , ber SbcntftCtlt; — berry, bic gcl= be SQeete, Jtrcujbortibccre, Sbignoiu beete ; — berry wash, eiue gelbe Sata beubriibc auj Sloiauoubcercit ; — blossomed, gelbbliitbig, golbblumig ; — devil's bit, bet .getbfufltoenjafon ; — dun, bag SfabcIIcttpfevb ; — earth, tie gelbe (Srbe, ©elberbej — fever, bag gelbe gicber (Typhus icterodes) ; — golds, cine 5lrt Sottcrblumc ; — hammer, bie ©olbaiiimer, ber tfmmerliiig {Emberiza citrineUa — /. ); — iris, bic SBaffectvtS, gcl= be SBafferlilie, ber gelbe ©ct>wer= tel (Iris pseudacorus — J..); — jaundice, tic 0elbflld)t ; —lead, bag iMci ( ]clb; — mallow, tie Samntct= VaVPel (Sida — J..) ; — mothmullein, bag aHotteitfraUt (Vcrbasann Mattaria — L.) — ochre, ber gelbe Ofcr ; — parsnep, bie 3){i>bre; — rattle, ber gelbe Jjpabjtenfamm, bag Spfennia= 'rattt (Hliinant/ius cristagaJli — /..) ; — ring, vid. — liammer ; — root, bic ©elbWUtjCl (Hydrastis canadensis — L.) ; — skinned, gelb (boil tcr .^aut) ; — succory, bag 2BoU&abici)tgfraiit \Picris hicraciaides — /..) ; — vetch, bie 9[cferplafferbfe ; — warbler, ber SSJeibenfdngi ■■■ — /.. ; — ware, bag gelbe Steingut: — \yash of saffron, Med T. tie rafrait= tinctttt ; — wa h of turmeric, etne gelbe 'Sarbcitbriihc nil! (5iircunic ; — water-flag, luic — iris : — wag-taii, tie gelbe 58acf)jW}e; wove paper, meipeS (uitgebldlifeS] 5Ueliii-^avicr ; — weed, tcr SSau (Reseda lutcola — /..) ; — wort, bag Sntd)u>ac$8iS8ibetftaut (Oor fu/intii — L.) ; — wren. Bid. — warbler. YELLOWISH, adj. gclblid) ; —white, rtdb=meif;. YELLOW1SHNESS, s. bic aell . gatbe. YELLOWNESS, s. tag Oclbc, bie gelbe gatbe. YELLOWS, 8. pi. tie ®clbfud)t (cine ,!iranfbcit ber ffrferbe). To yelp, v. 7i. bcllcit, belfcnt, [laffcit. YENITE, s. ber ^citif, ttct>rit, 3l»«it. YEOMAN, 8.1, ber Sattbeigeittl)iimer, Aicifaffc ; 4>ad)(cr tut ©topeit, ©ro^padjter, Sfltitt; 2. ^ofbcbieiu te ; 3. Sea Exp. ciu ©C^fllfe beg SBooUmanntS, gtntmetmannefl unb C^ouftabclg ; — of the guard, bet Solbat oon bet Eonigltd)en Ccibroadje ;:i Aiul VeibiiMdnev, ( irabauteu= 8eib=)@atbift, Brabant; — i powder-room, Sea Exp. tcr .'Siiter tcr Spuloetlammct ; — of the robes, bet © atbetobenbieuet ; — of the Bcullery, bet ©tlbetbienet; — of the wine- cellar, ber Obcrfdienf. YE' (MANLY, adj. ciucit 3rei|"affcii bc= treffenb. YEOMANRY, s. collect 1. tie Slajfe tcr Saubeigent^iimet, bic greifaffen; SWeter, ^adUcr; 2. Fonigltcbe Zva* banteit; 3. bie (englifdjej Sanbinis Ui ; — cavalry, bie (englifdje) bc- ritteuc SanbmtU). To YERK, ptd. To Jkrx. yeeker, s. ber Slugfc^lager, bag aug= fd)lagcnbe S|}ferb. 7b YERN, aid. To Yearn. YES, adv. ja. YEST, s. ber Oafdi'f, Sdjaunt, bic .gc= fen. yesterday, •«. tcr gc|lrige Sag ; gejtcrn. YESTERNIGHT, 8, bic gcfirige 'I'ladu, ber geftrige Slbenb; gejtetn ilbcnb. YESTY, adj. gafnjenb, fd)anmcitb, fd)aumig, &eftg; — waves, fdjaii= menbe SSBogen. YET, l adv. nod); as — , bigger, bt'5 jeljt; not — , ItOdj llidlt; nor — . liod) twentger ; — n moment, nur weeb ei= itcit vut.jcitbltcf ; II. com. tod», jetint, teitnocb, glcidjwob,!, abet. YEW, s. bet (iibciibauiu (Taxus — L.) ; curled — tree wood. gefrailfcU teg £arugf>olj }it .Uiiiiilaibeiten . YEWEN, s. eibcn, you Sibenl)olj. To YIELD, v. I. a. 1. .leben, f)crgebett, briugcn, einbriitgen, ttagen, ciutra= gcit, ergiebig fepn, getoabten, ab= iveifcit; 2. veintaffeit, liefci; geben, jiigeftcben, berotUineii, ge= jiatten, ctlauben, [ajTen ; 3, iiber= gebcit; 1. aufjjcbcit, ubetlaffen, ab= trcteu, aufiliefetn; to — a profit, 9{u(}cii gebcit otcr alnvcrfcii: his estate yields so much, fcill 0ltt bttllfll fo bid ciit ; to — reasons, ©tfinbC angebcit ; to — the hand, bic Sufl 6 ' fd)laff balteit ; to — the wctory, hat gelb raumeii ; to — one's self, lid) ergebcit, fid) ubetlaffen ; to force to — , jiir Uiitertoetfitiig |roingen ; to — over, bingcbcn, fibeiiaffen, fasten laffcit ; to — up. aufgeben, iiberge* ten, uberfaffen, aiiglicfcrn ; tc — 'u r the chost. ten ©etjt aufgeben ; ll. n 1. ud) ergeben ; aetcbea, nacbgeben fid) unterorrfen : '2. betften, fi — ta •. (idj etivag gefaQen [affen, barciit rotUtgen ; to — to conj: auf iDebiiigungen eingtbcn. yielder j ber, bie, bog Sinbtin« genbe, Slufgtbenbe, [Racbge^enbe u. f. m. YIELDINGLY, ado. 1. ergiebig, eir.= ti\'ii]lid); 2. uacbgicbi,i. roilifaf>t YD2LDINGN] tcr Ktttag; 2. ba8 9lad)geben Plae^fliebigfett, SBiUfabrigteii. YOKE, s. l. I beret; ber 35ienjt, tag Dicucn; 2. Iaar;3.bie jfette.bal Sanb;jv; i—) tic Steuettaljt, 3iutcrta!= jo. ©tunbtalje ; a— of oxen, ei;*. ($aar) Dcbfen; to bring nndei — , linterjorbcit ; — /' bal 3oa)bein; — elm, bie ^agebnebe t — L ; - bee ©efpann, SDtitgenof, i i lien, ©tfaf)tte. To yoke, o. a. l. anjocben, i:t bag 3orfi fuaimen, anfpannett, anfopa pclu: I. jig paaten, cetbinben to . . , mil . . ; 3. miterjorbeii, ltittcv; roerfen ; 4. bemmcit, eiiiuiuaufen ; to — together, jufammenfpanni famiiuitjod)CH. yolk, a I. bag (@t»)5>orl i IS 2. /;. T. tag Totter (tm Samcil T. (tie ber SBolle eigciitbiiiulidje gctttgfeit) bag gutter; wool in the — , gcttauMle. Y( >N, 5 i. adj. jener, jene, jei Y< )\D, > II. ado, an jenem yi iMii'.R, ) an jcucr S telle, tvubc::. YORE, adv. of — . or in the days of — tiiift, cbetcnt, ebemalff, tonna(< 3eiten, but ?llterg. yi <\\ prary \%X, (^"'iidi : T:i Dit: Sie, Sbneit; (unbeiltmml tag franj. on) matt YOUNG, I. adj. l.iung ; fttfeb ; . ivifieut, uiievfabieu ; ;!. i\tiv.-. — beginner, ein Jliifaiiger, Sdei ©tiintpcr ; — flesh, jungi Jteifrt •• iflau - rent SDBaJTer, glutl); — , IS ber DberjWd&e tcr 83ee ii Sntftebuiifl; — man, bet "liiaun, bungling | — on ae; a — shoot, ciu Se| ling; to crow — again, ltd) r> geu ; — in life, uuerfabreu ; II 3unge ; the bitch is with — . bfl ^iinbinn ift trSc^ttg. YOl NGISH, adj. jiemlid) jui: : genblto^. ^ i ii mgling, 8. bag 3«nge, ©efd;8l)f, (etgeutlid) uur vou I vein. \ i ii ugly, adv jung, iii bet 3ugenb : untotffenb, fo)wacb (w. ii.i. YOUNGSTER, \ s. bet 3iinglittg, jun« yi u nki:r, \ ae Ontfebe, jterf. Y( hi:, pro* Suer, ( s "'iive, Tcii: ne, 3br, ^Inc ; this is — ill 3ot BueJ ; "Us — on n't ,\hic Stbulb ; at — .Unicit ■« ^aufc , bovt ; — b — worship, Qn>. ©naben, 8to. ftrctigeit. YOURS, pre* ( s "ucr, Beta, rer, Deiner, Sbrer: ber, bie Pure, Deine, Sprc, ©urige, Deinige. 3brige : this book is — , bi Oft>Stt ,M'11CII; til >:tci! ; I am — , id) bill ber 3 517 ZECH ZONE ZYMO — truly am ScMuffe you ©vtcfenj, 3ir er s icbeii ft FOURSELF, (pi. — solves), pron. 3br, 5)n, ©te fdbil ; 2>itf>; 6ncb, S)t4) felbfl; you love only — , ©ie licbcn nnt ft* felbfl ; you did it — , *. Ch. T. bciS YTTRO-TANTALITE, $ QtUfrZontal, g)ttro=£antalit. YUFTS, s. P i. Stiffen, col. 3nd)fcn= (=Sicbet). yule, s. + bic SBcibjiacbfcit. z. z. z. s. tit 3 3. 5- ber fediS nub ji»an= jigfte inicbjtabe be3 3lfp&abet8. ZACCHO, s. .4r<:4. 7'. ber lititcrfte !Ebeil nm ©aulenfnjj. ZACHARIAH, ZACIIARY, s. 3«^«Via6 (2JlannSname). ZAFFER, s. ber Safflor, 3cpl)crftcin iai ©iafurblait. ZANY,*. bcr^icfelftaring, .gittngnHirft, ©sutler (einee 2Jtarftfc|reierS). To ZANY, v. a. nachaffen. ZARAGOSSA, «. bie ©tabt Sara 3 off a. Zarnich, 5. ba8 Sluripigment. ZEA, *. ber fStaiS, ids tubiaiiifdjc florit. zeal, s. ber (Sifer, ©tenjhifer ; bte SBfirme, .Gitje ; — in religion. ber9ic= tigionSeifer ; a — for truth, ber2Saf;v= lcit-cifer; full of — , febr eifrig. ZEALAND, 5. (New—, 9}eiu)2eefanb. ZEALANDER, *. (New — ), ber (9lcu=) Seelfinber. ZEALOT, s. ber 3etot, Gifcrcr, .§ii}= fcpf, ©d) warmer. ZEALOTICAL, adj. iibertrieben eifertg, uiv.varnterifd; (ro. &.). ZEALOUS, adj. eifrig, bttyig. zealously, adv. mit @ifer, mit aBarme. ZEALOUSNESS, s. baS ®ifcige, fii= fern, ber (lifer, bie Ghfrigfett, <§t inbien). zemindary, s. ber SBejtrf etueS 3e= mtnbar. ZEND, ». bie 3cnbfprad)e. ZENDAVESTA, 5. bie Scnb^lt-ciia. zenith, *. Ast.T. bcr3enitb, SchcU tclptutft; — distance, Jlst. T. tac> Complement (Onitfcrming etitefi Ster= nc§ oom 3c»iff)J- zeolite, s. ber SeoHth, 23raitfe= fictii ; foliated — , ber Slatterjeolitf), ©tilbit; mealy — , bic 3eolit$erbc; radiated or needle — , ber Stra[)ljCO= lirb, 5flabelfieiit. ZKOLITIC, adj. $eo(itbavtig, jcolitt); balti.i. ZEOL1T1FORM, adj. jeott'tljformtfl. zephyr, s ber %t\>f>t)r, SBejlnnub. zerda. s. baS Cljrentbier, ©rrjjobr, ber 3"'b'l (Canis cerda). ZERO, s. bie Stutt; mercury congeals at thirty-two degrees below — of Reau- mur's scale, ber SDierfttr gefriert bei 32 itntcr fflnll uad) 9teaumur. ZEST, *. l.boS ©rbnitfdjett einer $o= meranjen= ober Sit rouenfcbalc ; ber i'pinci'aujeufdmlctifaft tit SBetn ge= briicft; rrcn. ber erbohefe @cfdmtarf, 3ufafe, «etgcfc|iina(f; 2. ber battel in einer 5hiil. To zest. v. a. mit 3ttronenfaft, it. f. w. miirjen ; mit 3ttrpncnfrf)cib- cbeu belegen ; jnfetjen, scrfetjen, ben ©efc^maa cvhcln-ii. ZETETic, adj. nad)forfef)cnb, burcb Sorfdjcu cvgriinbciib; — method, Mat. r. bie jetetifrtje 2)?eti)obe. ZEBET, s. bafi 3tbctt()ier (Viverra — l:. zigzag, i. .*. ber (baS) 3ttfjatf ; n adj. Uif;aifig. To ZIGZAG, v.a. eiltei! 3irfjft!f 0>bet jti 3tcfiacfeiO bilben. ZiMENT-WATER, s. ba§ Gciiicntivaf= fcr. zincography, s. bic Si'ifogvapl/ie, Jtuttft, in 3t»f i« fledieit. ZlNK, Zinc, s. ber 3i"f/ Spt'autev (cin .galbmctal!) ; flowers of — , 3inE= blumen. ZINKIFEROUS, a,)j. jin!l)aUig. zixky, adj. jitiHfdi, jiufartig. zirconia, s. bic Qivfonerbc. zirconium, i. baS metaUifdie 9Jabi= M ber 3tvfonerbe. zizel, s. ber 3iefef, bie 3tefefratfe. zocco, } s. Arch. t. bie SonfoTc, baS Z0CC0L0, > a'{?anbgcftel(, ber Untci;= ZOCLE, ) fafj;jtragf}eiu;ba§®e= ftms. zodiac, s. 1. jjst. T. ber SrbtacnS, ©onnenfreis, Xbierfrcil ; 2. ©Artel. ZODIACAL, adj. 'fid) nuf ben 2:'liier= frets besiebenb ; — light, baS %oii a= fallid;:, XbtcrfreiMidir. ZONE, s . 1. ber ©iivtel; 2. bic %Q\\t ber SMtgurtel, Grbgurtel, Grbftrtct $immel«gurtelj 3. Sejt'rf, Jlrci« Umfang ; ciliary—. A. T. t>aS (Shahs Iciibautd;cit. Gifiarbantdjen (tin 5(uge). ZONELESS, adj. fcincn ©i'trtcl, feint Bone babenb. ZONED, adj. cinen ©iivtel tragenb. zoograpaer, s.ber3oograp§, i?:bicr> bcftijreitcr. ZOOGRAPIIICAL (adv. — lt), adj. JOO-- gvavbifd), bie^bicre befdu'cibcnb, bie Sbierfunbc befreffenb. ZOOGRAPHY,s.bte3oogvai)I)ie, ^biev= befebreibnng. zoolite, s. bic Sbieroerftcincrung. ZOOLOGICAL, (adv. — ly), adj. JOPi icgifdi, Sbiere bcfdjrcibenb ; — gar den, ber £t)i"'gdrtc"- zoologist, g. ber 3ooIog, S:f)iev- fnnbige, Sbierbefc^retber. ZOOLOGY, s. bie 3<>ologtr, STr>iei» fnnbe, £hicrgefdnci)te. ZOONIC, adj. — acid, Ch. T. bie £f;ievs fanre, fbierifebe Saitre. ZOONOMY, s. bie 3oonomie, 9latnr> lefjve ber t()icrifd)en JUn-pcr. ZOOPII1TE, s. vid. Zoophytes. zoophoric, adj. cin 2:bier tragenb, bic 8'ignr einefi XfyimS borftelient ; — column, Arch. T. bic Slbierfaiiie. ZOOPHYRUS, s.Arch. T. ber £bierfra= gcr, grieS an einer ©aule. ZOOPHYTES, 3P0p&l;tciI. XfyUt* pffanjeit, Sbterbliinten, 5jifianjen= tfjtcve. ZOOPHYTOLOGICAL. adj. bie Sefjft »on ben SPflanjeutbieren betreffenb. zoophytology, *. bie ^cbre ten ben SPffanjent^tereii. ZOOTOMlST, 5. ber 3cotoiiiiit, 3er» , gliebcrer ber 5Ebicrc. ZOOTOMY, s. bte 3ooio'dtif, 2biet jergliebcrung. zoril, s. ber gcflrciffc 3lti§, 3oril!c (Mtistela zorilla — L ). ZUMATE, 5. Ch. T. cin iprcbnft bet SBerbinbuiig ber 3uminfaure mtt ei= net SBaftS. zumic acid, ^. ch. r. bic aii§ gaf>= renben ©toffen eittiuicfcltc (Satire 3umtnfanre. ZUMOLOGICAL, adj. bie ©a^ruitggs tebve befreffenb. ZUMOLOGBT, ^-. ber tit ber ©eib* riing«lebrc SBeioanberte. ZUMOLOGY, g. vid. Zymology. ZUMOSIMETER, 5. vid. Ztmosimetbr. ZURIC, s. (bte Stabt) 3iii"t*- ZUYDER-SEA, g. bic ©iiberfec. ZYGODACTYLOUS, adj. flettcrfiifiig. zygoma, s .. i T. fas 3otpctn, Sffia»t> gcnbeiit. ZYGOMATIC, adj. A. T. Jllilt Sodjbcin gcbih'tj; — bone, baS Socfebem; — arch, — processes, ber 3ot^Bogen ; — suture, bie SEBaiigetinaht. ZYMOLOGY, t. bic @.ibnt::g,$fto|U lebre. ZYMOSniETER, s. bet ©ahrung*: meffer. Soil ft dnbtged Sergei cfjnifl bcr unregchnafjigen 3 e i t tt> 5 r t c r . J3>" 3"* Icifbtcvu Ucbcvucht nab btemii ten Borfiibcil be-, en-, in-, for-, fore-, mis-, out-, over-, re-, un-, u. f. re. |n< famnuiiflcfcfetfiuinrcrtclm^fii.ictt ^eitmortet mil aufgefiiort; cbcu fobie ungewobnltdjtn cber tmltettn. wtl&t \ttv± (jur syermcibuii q be i ©cb ranches) burrii t>urfit>=£'d'rifr firb itnterfdjeiben ; bit mil R. bc;rt<^nrtrn Yveibcit audi rea.eimaf5tg. a.clu\iudU; 6ei benen bafl R/»oran ftcht, in tie rfflehnafiae gorm bit ctcu-ehiilicbere ; bte uitflcnjoljiili^c ober ueraltete rtfjelmafiige gorni i|l init ciucm Stern [*] bejeiqjitet. Pres. Pret. Part. Pres. Pret. Part. I Abide abode abode, abid, I Cast cast abidden. Catch caught, R. . R height, Am was been.'i. Arise arose arisen. Chide cliid, chode chid, chidden. Awake R. awoke awaked. Choose chose chosen. Backbite aackbit backbitten, eh use backbit. Cleave cleft, clove, cloven, cleft. Bake baked R. baken. clave Baste basted R. hasten. Climb R. clomb R clomb. Boar (id) bore, bare born. Chug clung, clang clung, clung. flcbabve) clong Bear (id) bore, bare borne. Clothe R. clad R. clad. tVO|]C) Come came come. Beat beat, bate, bet beaten, beat. Cost cost cost. Become became become. Creep crept, crape * crept *. It Befalls befell, befel befallen, befal'n. Crow R. crew R c icn. I Beget begot, begat begotten, begot. Cul cut cut. Begin begun, began begun. Dare dared. Begird begirt, R. beheld begirt, R. Deal dealt, R. Behold beholden, Deem deemed R. dempt. beheld. Die died dead. Bend bent* bent *. Dig dug, dig dug, dig Bereave bereft, R. bereft, R. Ding JR. dung R Beseech besought, R. besought, R. Distract distracl It. dietra Beset beset beset. (rcg.) ightea, Bespit bespit, bespitted, bespit, bespitted, distract. besjmt bespittcn. Distend R. distent (». fi.) Bestead bestead, bested bestead, bested, Do did ■ >en. best ail. Draw drew drawn. Bestick bestuck bestuck. Dread R. drad dreaded. Bestrow bestrowed wn . Dream dreamt, B. dreamt, R. Bestride bestrode, bestrid bestridden, Drench drenched Ii. drent [or bestrid. ireg.) contr. drencht.) 1 Betake (to betook, betaught betaken. Drink drank drunk, drunken. —one's self) Drive drove driven, droren. It Betides betid * betid, betight. Dwell dwelt * I Bewray bewrayed 11. bewrain. Eat eaten. i engirded, engirt. ixeg.) id or engirded, engirt Bid bid, bade, baa, bode bid, bidden. irt, rid. b. ii. Begird Bind bound bound, bounden. Engrave engraved R. engraven. Bite bit, bate bit, bitten. Extend extended R. extent. Bleed bled bled. (reg.) Blend blended blended, blent. Fa 1 fell fallen, fain. ixeg.) F< ■ 1 fed Blood-let blood-let blood- let. Feel Blow blew * blown *. Fight fought fought. Break broke, brake broken. ten. Breed bred bred. found, fa ml Bring brought brought. i Brow- brow-beat brow-beat, brow- beat beaten. i flung i\uns, Build built * built *. Fly flew flown Burn burnt, R. burnt, R. folded VII. , Burst bui^t burst, burstcn. Forbear fbrebore./orftare forbom. 1 Buy bought bought. Forbid forbid, forbade. [vulg.forebad) . forbidden. | Can could 519 unrcgelmafnge 3 e 1 1 tt> o r t c r . Pres. Pret. 1 1 Part. II Pres. Pret. Part. 1 I Forecast forecast forecast. I Mean meant meant. Foredo foredid foredone. Meet met met. Fcr(e)go for(e)wer. fbr(e)gone. Melt R. moL R. molten. Foreknow foreknew foreknown. Me thinks methought misbecame Forelay Forelift forelaid forelaid. It Misbecomes ' misbecome. R. forelift II. forelift. I Miscast miscast 1 miscast. Foreread foreread foreread. Misdeal misdealt, R. misdealt. Foreran foreran forerun. Misdo misdid misdone. Forelend forelent forelent. Misdraw misdrew misdrawn. Foresay foresaid foresaid. Misgive misgave misgiven, misheard. Foresliow foreshowed foreshown. Mishear misheard Foresee foreseen foreseen. Misknow misknew misknown. Forespeak forespoke forespoken. Mislay mislaid mislaid. forespake Mislead misled misled. Foretell foretold foretold. Missay missaid missaid. Fore think forethought forethought. Missend missent missent. Forget forgot, forgat forgotten, forgot. Misshape misshaped misspoke R. misshapen. Forgive forgave forgiven. Misspeak misspoken. Forsake Forswear forsook forswore forsaken, forsworn. Misspell Misspend R. misspelt misspent R. misspelt, misspent. Freeze froze frozen. Mistake mistook mistaken. Freight E. fraught R. fraught. Misteach mistaught mistold mistaught. (reg.) Mistell mistold. Geld R. gelt R. gelt. Misthink misthought misthought. Get got, gat got, gotten. Misunder- misunderstood misunderstood. Gild gilt, R. gilt, R. stand Gird girt, R. girt, R. Miswrite miswrote miswritten. Give gave given. Mow mowed R. mown. Glide R. glode glided. Must Need {vid. Diet.) must, mote need Go went Grave graved R. graven. Grind ground ground *. Newmake newmade newmade. Grow grew Ought Outbid ought outbid Hamstring hamstrunfjr hamstrung. outbidden. Hang hung, R. hung, hong, R. Outdo outdid outdone. Have had had. Outdrink outdrank outdrank. Hear heard heard. Outfly outflew outflown. Heat R. hot R. het. Outgive outgave outgiven. Heave hove, R. hoven hove, R. Outgo outwent outgone. Help R. (contr. helpt) R. (contr. helpt) Outgrow outgrew outgrown. ireg.) holp, holpc holp, holpc, Outride outrode outridden. holpen. Outrun outran outrun. Hew hewed R. hewn. Outsell outsold outsold. Hide hid hidden, hid. Outshine outshone outshone. Hit hit hit, hot. Outshoot outshot outshot. Hold held held, holdsn. Outshut outshut outshut. Hurt hurt hurt. Ourspeed outsped outsped. Inlay inlaid inlaid. Outspread outspread outspread. Inter wea7e interwove * interwoven *. Outstand outstood outstood. Inweave inwove inwoven *. Outstride outstrode outstridden. Keep kept kept. Outsvvear outswore outsworn. Kneel R. knelt R. knelt. Outswell outswelled outswollen. Knit knit, knitted knitt, knitted. Outwear outwore outworn. Know knew, koncd known. Out we en Outwork outwept outwept. Lade (vid. laded laden *. R. outwrought R. outwrought. b. ii. To Overbear overbore overborne. Loa.l) Overbid overbid, overbad overbid, over- Laugh R. lough R. lough. bidden. ireg.) Overblow overblew overblown. Lay laid laid. Overburn overburnt overburnt. Lead led, lad led. Overbuy R. overbought R. overbought. Lean R. leant, lent R. leant, lent. Overcast overcast overcast. Leap R. leapt, lept, R. leapt, lept. Overclimb R. overclomb overclimbed. lope Overcome overcame overcome. Learn R. learnt R. learnt. Overdo overdid j overdone. Leave left left. Overdraw overdrew overdrawn. Lend lent lent. Overdrink overdrank overdrank. Let let let. (to — one's Lie, id) liege lay lain, lien. self) Lift R. lift R. lift. Overdrive overdrove overdriven. Light C— R. light, lit R. light, at. Overeat (tc overeat, overate overeaten. on) id) — one's trcffe uin) self) j Light, id) \it,R. R. lit, light. Overfreight overfreighted R. ovcrfraught. 1 leudjte, Overget overgot overgot. ^iinbe (art) Overgild overgilt, R. overgilt, R. Load loaded R. loaden. Overgird overgirt, R. overgirt, /£. Lose lost, lore, lorn ost, lore, lorn. Overgo < Overhang overwent overgone, overhung. Make made made. overhung May might, + {$ vulg.l /nought ! Overhear ; i overheard overheard. 520 U n r c g e I m a f; i g e ^eitwbtttt, Pres. Pret. Part. Pres. Pret. Parr. I Overlade overladed overladen. I Shoe shod shod, shodden. Overlay overlaid overlaid. Shoot shot shot, shotten. Overload overloaded overlodden. Show showed 'All. Overpay oveipaid overpaid. Shred shred Overreach R. overraught R. overraught. (Shread) Overread overread overread. Shriek R. shright shrieked. Override overrode overrode, (reg.) overridden. Shrink shrunk, shrank shrunk, shrunkn. Overrun overran overrun. Shut shut shut. Oversee oversaw overseen. Sing sung, sang sunk, ft sung. Oversell oversold oversold. Sink sunk, sunk in. Overset overset overset. Sit sat, sate sat, sate, sit ten. i )vershoot overshot overshot. Slay slew slain. Oversleep (to — one's overslept overslept. Sleep Slide slept did* slept. slid, slidden. Belf) Sling Slink slung, slum; aliing. Overspeak everspoke overspoken. slunk, slank slunk. Overspread overspread overspread. Slit slit, suited slit, slitted. Overs trew overstrewed R. overstrewn. Smart ft. smart R. mart Overtake overtook overtaken. Smell ft. smelt ft. smelt. Overthrow overthrew overthrown. Smite smote smitten, smit. Overwork B. overwrought R. overwrought. It Snows R. + i$ provinc. R. siwwn. Owe (reg.) R. ought R. own. snew Partake partook partaken. I Sow sowed ft. sown. Pay paid paid. Speak spoke + (sol.) spoken. Pen (— up) pent pent. spa ke Plead (reg.) R. vulg. plead ft. vulg. plead. Speed sped * sped *. Pitch (reg.) R. piglit R.pight. Spend spent ft. spelt Put put put. Spell ft. spelt. Quake (reg.) Quit R. quook Spet -petted, spet 1, spet. ft. spilt. quitted, quit quitted, quit. Spill ft. spilt — quoth, quod — spun, span spun. Raff R. contr. raft raffed. Spit spitted, spit, spitted , Reach (reg.) R. r aught R. raught, spitten. split, spUtted. rought. Split split, 8plitted Read read, rad read, rad. Spread spread, spred spread] spred. Reap 11. reap". R. reapt. sprad. Rebuild rebuilt rebuilt. Spring sprung, sprang sprung. Recast recast recast. sprang Rehear reheard reheard. Stand stood stood, stoiie. Remake remade remade. Stave ft. stove ft. stove. Remelt remelted R. remolten. Stay staid staid. Rend, Rent rent rent. Steal stolen, stoln. Repay repaid repaid. Stick . stuck. Resell resold resold. Sting tang ■ aiig. lank. Resow resowed resown, R. Stink tank Respeak respoke respoken. < Straw I ( Strew $ ( strowed ) ( strewed ) ( strawcil ) Retake retook retaken. wed [ Retell (it. ii.) retold retold. (vid. Strow) ( strewn. ) Rewrite rewrote rewritten. Strel R. straught ft. straught. Rid rid rid. (reg.) Ride rode, rid rode, rid, ridden. Stride triil, Ring rung, rang, rung, rang rong. Strike struck, stroke. struck, stricken, Rise rose, rise, stroke, strook r.trucken, strook. risse, rist. String ttrang Ii. strung. Rive rove, ft. riven, roven, R. Strive striven. Rot rotted rot, rotten, ft. Strow strowed strown. Roughhew rough-hewed ft. rough-hewn. Swear ■icare sworn. I Roughwork roughwraught r mghwrought. Sweat Ii. sweat, swet, R. sweat, W Run rati, run run. 8U>at, SWate sweatcn. Saw sawed ft. sawn. i-p swept, R. swelled swept, ft. Say said tin. Swell ft. swollen, See saw een swoln. Seek sought soughl swum, swam, swum, sworn. Seelh(e) R. sod [en, sod sworn Sell old sold. Swing swung, swang swung. Send sent sent. took taken. S it set set. Teach taught * taught *. Sew sewed sewed, sewn, Tear . ire torn, tore. sown. Tell told told. Shake shook shaken. Think thought R. throve thought. R. thriven. Shall 1, shold(e) Shape It. x hope ft. shapen. Throw threw thrown. Shave shaved ft. shaven. Thrust thrust tlirust. Shear ft. shore shorn, shore *. Thunder- thunderstruck truck, Shed shed shed. strike thunderstricken. Shew, viil. b. shewed ft, shewn. Tread trod, trode trodden, trod. ft. Show Try tried tried. Shine shone * shone *. Unbend unbent unbent. Unrcge Imafh'gc 3citn>orter. Praa. Pret. Part. Pres. Pret. Part. 1 Unbind unbound unbound. I Unwind unwoun 1 unwound. Unbuild unbuilt unbuilt. Unwring un wrung un wrung. Underbear underbore underbome. Upbear upbore upborn. Underbid underbid underbidden Updraw updrew updrawn. Underbind underbound underbound. Upsrow upgrew uphe'd upgrown. upheld, up- holden. Underbuy underbought underbought. Uphold Undercut undercut undercut. Underdo underdid underdone. Uplead upled upled. Underfed underfek underfelt. Uplift R. uphft R. uphft. (It. fi.) Uprise uprose uprisen. Undergird undergirt undergirt. Upset, col. upset upset. Undergo underwent undergone. Upwmd Wake upwound upwound. Underlay underlaid underlaid. R. woke waked. Underlet underlet underlet. Wash washed R. washen. Under-run under-ran under-run. Wave R. weft R. weft. Undersell undersold undersold. Wax, n. -f- R. wox, woxe, R.waxen,woxi7i Underset underset underset. icax Understand understood understood. Waylay waylaid waylaid. Undertake undertook undertaken. Wear wore, ware worn. Under- underwove underwoven. Weave wove * woven * weave Weep wept * wept. Underwork underwrought * R. underwrought. Wend (vid. went gone. Underwrite underwrote underwritten. To Go) Undo undid undone. Wet wet, wetted wet, wetted. Undraw undrew undrawn. Will would Ungird ungirt, R. ungirt, R. Win won, wan won. Unhang unhung, R. unhung, R. Wind wound * wound, Unlade unladed unladen *. wounden. Unload unloaded R. unlcoden. Wiredraw wiredrew wiredrawn. Unmake unmade unmade Withdraw withdrew withdrawn. Unpay unpaid unpaid. Withhold withheld withheld, with- Unsay unsaid unsaid. holden. Unshc« unshod unshod, unshod- Withstand withstood withstood. i den. Wont wont 1 wont. bnstnng unstrung • unstrung. Work R. wrought wreathed 1 R. wrought. Unswear unswore unsworn. Wreathe |jR. wrealhcn. Unsweat R. unsweat ; R. unsweat. Wring wrung, wrong * wrung *. Unswell unsweljed ,R. unsworn. Write wrote, writ : written, tori'. Unteach untaught untaught. Writhe writhed it! then. Vnthink unthought unthought. Enfce ltd so? tai £6cUrS, i/H^t- University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. If D b00 3? 5 l ''?5 r 5 University Southerr Library