xf *> v * .,( x7 ABCOFIRON BY CHAS. W. S1SSON. LOUISVILLE, KY.: PRESS OF THE COURIER-JOURNAL JOB PRINTING CO. 1893 COPYRIGHTED, i BY THE AUTHOR. ELECTROTYPED AND PRINTED BY COURIER-JOURNAL JOB PRINTING CO. CONTENTS. IRON WHAT IS IT? A description of the metal and its uses, showing: in what combinations it is found and the principal sources. PIG IRON. An account of the blast furnace process by which the ores are reduced to pig irorv CONSTITUENTS OF IRON. A description of the elements in pig metal which influence cast iron. Described in chapters on CARBON IN CAST IRON. PHOSPHORUS IN CAST IRON. SILICON IN CAST IRON. MANGANESE IN CAST IRON. SULPHUR IN CAST IRON. NUMBERING OF PIG IRON. Showing the character and analysis of different grades of pig iron, appearance of fracture and the uses to which the several grades are adapted. GRADING OF IRON. Should it be by analysis or by fracture? HOW TO REDUCE COST OF MIXTURE. STEEL. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF METALS DEFINED. Table of shrinkage of castings. Weights of castings from patterns, etc. STATISTICS. Showyig rhe varieties and production of iron ore, pig iron, pig iron and steel products, rail- road mileage and equipment, etc., etc., etc. EARLY HISTORY AND MANUFACTURE OF IRON. Brief history of the manufacture and uses of iron from earliest times, being principally extracts from Mr. James M. Swank's " HISTORY OF IRON IN ALL AGES." INTRODUCTORY. There is nothing so essential for a foundryman to understand as the action which the different elements in pig iron have on his product. Manufacturers now realize that pig iron is not a simple substance, but is in reality an alloy compound of a number of elements very dissim- ilar ; that its physical characteristics, strength, elasticity, etc., depend upon the percentages of these elements. Greater knowledge is being sought concerning the chemical ques- tions involved in foundry practice, and as this knowledge is resulting in the production of better and cheaper material, it becomes necessary for the foundryman who would successfully meet competition to study this well. No foundryman can afford to be ignorant of the nature and properties of iron if he expects to overcome the numerous emergen- cies that beset every melter of pig iron. The increasing inquiries on these subjects suggested the publica- tion of this book. Learned discussions are had on these subjects before societies and mechanical institutions, and papers are written on special subjects which are reproduced in piece-meal in our trade papers and journals. Only few, however, have the opportunity or can afford to attend the meetings of these societies, and the majority do not get to see their transactions published. There are very valuable works published on the metallurgy of iron and steel, but they are voluminous and technical, and for this reason very discouraging for a beginner. The author has endeavored in the A B C of Iron, to place before the public such information as all foundrymen should possess, in a plain, condensed form, hoping that (5) 6 INTRODUCTORY. those who read it will be assisted in their desire to master their business. The chapters relating to Constituents of Iron are made up of gleanings from the writings and publications by authorities on these subjects, and from personal investigation. Except where extended quotations are given, no mention is made of the authority, for the reason that often it became necessary to change the language to have it simple and readily understood. The author is indebted for information to Howe's " Metallurgy of Steel;" the papers of Mr.W. J. Keep, of the Michigan Stove Company; to Major Edward Doud, C. E., Port Henry, New York; to "The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute ; " Bloxam's Chemistry, numer- ous other works, and to practical foundrymen. Beside the chapters relating to the chemical qualities of iron and the source of supply and process by which the ores are reduced to pig iron, the other contents are inserted as being of value and interest. The statistics compiled from undoubted authority, will be a revelation to many, showing the magnitude and diversity of the iron industry of this country. IRON-WHAT IS IT? Iron is a metal. Bloxam tells us that "a metal is an element capable of forming a base by combining with oxygen." These compounds of elements with oxygen are called oxides. The Latin word for iron isferum, and the chemical symbol for it is Fe. The oxides of iron are spoken of as ferric oxide, or ferrous oxides, the termina- tion of ous signifying that there is a less proportion of oxygen. Iron is found in almost all forms of rock, clay and earth, and its presence is shown by their colors, iron being one of the commonest of natural mineral coloring ingredients. We find it in small proportions in plants and in larger quantities in the bodies of animals, especially in the blood, which is said to contain about 0.5 per cent. of iron, imparting its color. Except in the case of meteorites, large metallic masses which occasionally fall to the earth, sometimes of enormous size and of unknown origin, iron is not found in the metallic state. The chief forms of combination in which iron is found available as sources of the metal, are in the different varieties of the ores of iron. By ores of iron we mean (7) THE A D C OF IRON. those mineral masses or beds which contain sufficient metal to justify smelting. Ores of iron are not consid- ered rich unless they contain 50 per cent, of metal, and those containing less than 30 per cent, are rarely smelted. There are many varieties of iron ore, but they are generally classified under four general divisions, viz. : red hematite, brown hematite, magnetite, and carbonate ores, and in quantity mined rank in the order named. The production of red hematite in 1890, according to the census for that year, was 66^ per cent, of all the ore mined; the quantity of magnetite and brown hematite being about equal, or 16 per cent, each of the total, while the carbonates were only about 2^/3 per cent, of the whole product. A table showing the production of the several varieties mined in each State during 1890, will be found in these pages. These ores all contain impurities such as sulphur, phosphorus, etc., which have great influence on the quality of the iron and determine, to a great extent, the value of the ores. The ores of iron are used for flux in smelting furnaces producing precious metals, and for the manufacture of paints. It is also used as a fix, lining for heating and puddling furnaces ; but the principal use to which they are put is the production of pig iron by smelting the ores in blast furnaces. We will describe briefly this process in the succeeding chapter. The high position which iron occupies among the useful metals is owing to a combination of valuable IRON WHAT IS IT? 9 qualities not found in any other metal. We find in Bloxam's Chemistry, the following description : " Although possessing nearly twice as great tenacity or strength as the strongest of the other metals common- ly used in the metallic state, it is yet one of the lightest, and is, therefore, particularly well adapted for the con- struction of bridges and large edifices, as well as for ships and carriages. It is the least yielding or malleable of the metals in common use, and can, therefore, be relied upon for a rigid support; and yet its ductility is such that it admits of being rolled into the thinnest sheets and drawn into the finest wire, the strength of which is so great that a wire of i-io inch in diameter is able to sustain 705 pounds, while a similar wire of copper, which stands next in order of tenacity, will not support more than 385 pounds. It is, with the exception of plat- inum, the least fusible of useful metals and therefore applicable to the construction of fire-grates and furnaces. " Its qualifications are not all dependent on its phys- ical properties, for it not only enters into a great number of compounds which are of the utmost use in the arts, but its chemical relations to one of the metallic elements, carbon, are such that the addition of a small quantity of this element converts iron into steel far surpassing iron in the valuable properties of hardness and elasticity, where- as a larger quantity of carbon gives rise to cast iron, the greater fusibility of which permits it to be molded into vessels and shapes which could not be produced by IO THE ABC OF IRON. forging." Perhaps the finest description of iron is found in Ures Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines: " Every person knows the manifold uses of this truly precious metal. It is capable of being cast into molds of any form ; of being drawn out into wires of any de- sired strength or fineness ; of being extended into plates or sheets ; of being bent in every direction ; of being sharpened, hardened and softened at pleasure. " Iron accommodates itself to all our wants, our desires and even our caprices. It is equally serviceable to the arts, the sciences, to agriculture and war. The same ore furnishes the sword, the ploughshare, the scythe, the pruning hook, the needle, the graver, the spring of a watch or of a carriage, the chisel, the chain, the anchor, the compass, the cannon and the bomb. It is a medicine of much virtue, and the only metal friendly to the human frame." What we have to deal with particularly in this book is the product of the blast furnace pig iron. Five elements enter into all pig iron, in a greater or less degree, and in some varieties are found tungsten, and chromium, and also copper, but with these we have rarely to deal. After a brief account of the process by which the ores are reduced to pig iron, we will consider, in the order named, the effect these five elements carbon, silicon, phosphorus, manganese and sulphur have upon castings made from pig metal. PIG IRON. AN ACCOUNT OF THE BLAST FURNACE PROCESS BY WHICH THE ORES ARE REDUCED TO PIG IRON. The modern blast furnace is supposed to have origi- nated in the Rhine provinces about the beginning of the fourteenth century, but whether in France, Germany or Belgium is not clear. One hundred years later, in 1409, there was a blast furnace in the valley of Massavaux, in France, and it is claimed by Landrin that there were many blast furnaces in France about 1450. The exact date of the erection of the first blast furnace in England is unknown, but it was along in the fifteenth century. The first attempt to make pig iron in the United States was in 1645, at Lynn, Massachusetts. We see, therefore, that, although iron melted by charcoal in the old Catalan forges was used many hundreds of years ago, cast iron or pig iron is of comparative recent origin, and may be said is yet in its infancy. In the reduction of the ores the fuel may be charcoal, coke, block coal or anthracite coal. Charcoal is freer from impurities than any of the fuels and has been used from the earliest times. Experiments were begun in 1630 with coal and coke, but it was not until 1735 that 12 THE A B C OF IRON. any degree of success was attained. The first successful blast with coke as fuel was made by Abraham Darby, of Shropshire, at his furnace at Coalbrookdale, England, in the year 1735. The first successful manufacture of pig iron with anthracite coal was by George Crane, an Eng- lishman, at Yniscedirin, in Wales, in 1837. The blast used in furnaces was cold, until 1825, when James Beau- mont, of Scotland, invented the hot blast now in general use all over the world. In order to separate the extrane- ous matter usually contained in a furnace charge of ore and reducing agent, certain materials must be added to form slags. These materials are known as fluxes. Limestone constitutes the bulk of fluxing used by the blast furnace. The slags of a blast furnace are its refuse, and are formed by a combination of silica with the earths and metallic oxides. They are used, if not too glassy, for macadamizing roads ; it makes an excel- lent railroad ballast, as the mass is very permeable and keeps the sleepers dry. It is also used in making brick and cement. It is not within the province of this book to give an elaborate or detailed description of the blast furnace, but we will briefly describe, without technicalities, how iron is separated from its ores. Strictly pure iron ore is metallic iron and oxygen in chemical union in fixed and known proportions ; the most common being that of peroxide, which is 70 per cent, of iron to 30 per cent, of oxygen by weight. PIG IRON. 13 Iron ores, as mined, consist of various combinations of iron, oxygen, phosphorus, sulphur, carbonate of lime, carbonate of magnesia, silica, alumina, and sometimes water, manganese, titanic acid, etc. It is the office of the blast furnace to separate the iron from the other materials. Since chemically pure iron is not used in the arts, such is not sought, nor could it be produced in the blast furnace. Commercial pig iron usually contains 92 to 94 per cent, of pure iron and 6 to 8 per cent, of impurities. The presence or absence of these impurities in vary- ing proportions give to pig iron its varying characteristics, suiting it to widely varying uses. Upon the proper composition of the impurities depends the grade and value of the pigs. The highest skill of the iron master is exerted to secure the best possible composition, varying the com- position to suit the various uses of his patrons. The chief components of the impurities are carbon, silicon, phosphorus, sulphur and manganese. The reduction of the oxide of iron by withdrawing the oxygen, the simultaneous carburisation of the result- ant metal and the fluxing of the various earths entering the furnace with the oxide of iron and carbon, are accom- plished by the use of the laws of chemical affinities. This use may be empirical or intelligent. The former was the method of the past, sometimes even now disas- trously lingering in the lap of the present. The latter is 14 THE A B C OF IRON. alone in accord with the spirit of to-day, and is soon to be the sole method of the future. These affinities are absolute and positive, and the skillful furnace manager handles them in full confidence, dividing, adding and sub- tracting as an accountant does his figures. All solid materials enter the furnace at the top in carefully considered mixtures, determined by analyses to conform to fixed chemical laws. The air equaling or exceeding the combined weight of the solid materials alone, enters near the bottom. The furnace being full and in action, is found to divide into the following zones : Beginning at the bottom we have first the hearth, which is for receiving and holding the liquid mass until con- venient intervals for tapping or drawing out. Very little chemical action occurs here. The molten mass quietly rests and the iron separates from the slag by specific gravity. Next comes the zone of gassification. Into this zone is introduced the blast, previously heated to a temperature of 900 to 1,500 Fah., and is driven in under a pressure of five to ten pounds per square inch, and at the rate of three and one-quarter to six tons for each ton of iron made. The oxygen of the blast coming into direct contact with the incandescent carbon of the fuel, gassification of the carbon rapidly follows, so rapidly indeed that each atom of carbon takes from the air the smallest amount of oxygen necessary for gassification. That is, one atom of oxygen for each atom of carbon. This action is not PIG IRON. 15 confined to the oxygen of the air ; it extends to any other oxygen available. Next above the zone of gassification is the zone of fusion, in which chiefly occurs the reduction of the solids, excepting ash of the fuel, to liquids. Above the zone of fusion is the zone of reduction and carbon impregna- tion. This should occupy a very large part of the body of the furnace. Thus, the furnace is divided into three zones, which, however, have no definite limits, but insensibly merge one into the other. Nor is it to be understood that the offices attributed to these zones severally is confined within them. Perhaps nine-tenths of the carbon is volatilized in the zone of gassification and the balance in the zone of reduction, to which is added the oxygen from the ore and the carbonic acid from the limestone, chiefly in the zone of reduction, the furnace producing gas throughout its entire height. Nor is fusion confined to the so-called zone of fusion, but may and does frequently extend well into the zone of gassification, and it is known that reduction is not completed and the last of the oxygen does not leave the ore until it is well into the zone of fusion. The gasses leave the zone of combustion, that is gassification at a temperature of 3,500 to 4,000 Fah. As they ascend the heat is transferred to the descending materials to such an extent that the gasses pass out of 1 6 THE A B C OF IRON. the top of the furnace with only 300 to 500 Fah. As the escaping gas weighs much more than the materials charged, and as their specific heat does not materially differ, the gas itself could impart sufficient sensible heat to raise the stock to the hearth temperature were the absorptions and generations of heat due to intervening chemical reactions equal. As it is, however, it will be seen how perfectly a furnace acts as a regenerator, and how small a heat-waste there may be in a furnace well conducted. Beginning at the zone of gassification and ascending through the furnace we find the descending materials always just a little lower in temperature than the ascending column of gas at each successive stage ; presenting by far the most favorable conditions for heat transfer, where the succes- sive lowering of the gas temperature is met by still cooler materials to further reduce the waste, and even in the most rapid furnace-driving this valuable conser- vation of heat is not over-hastened for the best and ultimate economy, for at least several hours must elapse while each particle of the stock is descending to the hearth. Following the ores as they enter the furnace, they are first dried and heated by meeting the hot gases. As soon as they have reached a sufficient temperature the ore begins to part with its oxygen to the carbonic oxide forming carbonic acid. Carbonic acid is also eliminated from the limestone, and sometimes from the ores, and PIG IRON. 17 many associations and desociations occur not necessary to trace in this article. As the descending ore becomes hotter the action becomes more rapid until the most favorable temperature for reduction by the gases is reached and passed, when it proceeds more slowly and is supposed to be finally completed by contact with intensely hot solid carbon. That which was ore no longer exists as ore. Its two constituents, which, in chemical union, made it oxide of iron, have been separated, the oxygen expelled from the top of the furnace while the iron in minute particles, having taken up about 4 per cent, of its own weight of carbon, is found changed from oxide of iron to carbide of iron, and is intermingled with the earths and other material. It remains to separate the iron from the earths and put it into form for convenient handling. To do this the entire mass is fused and falls into the hearth. To secure a fusion of its earths a process termed fluxing is resorted to, based on the premise that no single earth, if pure, will melt in the temperatures ordinarily found in the blast furnace, which, while not strictly true, is suffi- ciently so for present purposes. The earths usually entering the furnace are either acid or basic, these two having a strong affinity for each other, and when brought together in proper proportions and into the presence of the high heat found in the fusing iron, readily liquify and fall with the liquid iron into the hearth, where by the difference in their specific 1 8 THE A B C OF IRON. gravity, they separate, the slag floating on top of the iron. The space allotted to this article will not admit of an extended review of methods in use for the control in kind and quantity of the various impurities entering into the pigs. It is sufficient to say that nearly all of the phosphorus entering the furnace is found in the iron leaving it, and it is contrary to the theory of the blast furnace that any of it can be eliminated. Its effect is to make the iron cold-short. By judicious fluxing and management a limited amount of sulphur charged into the furnace may be discharged with the slag, the iron absorbing but traces of this objectionable alloy. The effect of this sulphur upon the iron is to make it red-short, and every effort of the manager should be directed toward its elimination. The percentage of silicon is controlled by the tem- perature in the zone of combustion and the character of the flux. The intensity of the heat required to decompose oxide of silicon is such that it is impossible to conceive that silicon can be obtained anywhere in the blast furnace except in the foci of intense heat near each blow pipe (Bell), therefore, the oxide of silicon must be brought into these foci. The ash of the fuel is so brought in and being in part silica, it answers the requirement. PIG IRON. IQ When the fuel is high in silica the production of silicon is facilitated. Likewise, by reason of inadequate fluxing or other cause, portions of the silica of the ore and limestone may find their way into these limited areas of intense heat and contribute silicon. Carbon, as has been stated, combines with iron as the oxygen leaves it to the extent of about 4 per cent, of its weight. This has made blast furnacing possible, as the com- bination is fused at a much lower temperature than mal- leable iron and within that generated in the process, so that a liquid manageable metal is produced which may be drawn from the hearth and molded into merchantable form. Carbon exists in pig iron as graphitic and combined, and the relative proportions of each will largely control the grade. To produce iron high in graphite the furnace must be in a healthy condition, so that the materials shall descend evenly and regularly, and the reducing gas as it ascends shall come in contact with and reduce all of the ore before fusion. A comparatively light burden favors the production of an increased percentage of the reducing gas, and so favors perfect reduction and also carbon deposition. CONSTITUENTS OF IRON. Before describing these constituents and their effects we would call attention to Professor Turner's statement concerning cast iron, which it will be well to remem- ber: First: Pure cast iron, i. e., iron and carbon only, even if attainable, would not be the most suitable material for use in the foundry. Second: That cast iron containing excessive amounts of other constituents is equally unsuitable for foundry purposes. Third: That the ill-effects of one constituent can, at best, be only imperfectly neutralized by the addition of another constituent. Fourth : That there is a suitable proportion for each constituent present in cast iron. This proportion depends upon the character of the product which is desired, and upon the proportion of other elements present. Fifth : (More properly coming under head of Silicon) That variations in the proportion of silicon afford a trust- worthy and inexpensive means of producing a cast iron of any required mechanical character which is possible with the material employed. (20) CONSTITUENTS OF IRON. 21 CARBON IN CAST IRON. Carbon assumes a greater number of aspects than any of the elements we deal with in connection with iron. We find it colorless and transparent in the diamond ; opaque, black and partly metallic in graphite or black lead; dull and porous in wood charcoal, and under still other conditions in anthracite, coke and gas carbon. Carbon exerts the most vital influence upon the character of pig iron of all the elements. The different proportions of carbon held in chemical composition in iron determines whether the material is crude or cast iron, steel, or bar or malleable iron ; cast iron containing more than steel and steel more than malleable iron, which last ought to be pure metal, a point of perfection rarely reached. It is impossible to assign the limits between these three forms of iron, or their relative proportions of carbon, with entire precision, for bar iron passes into steel by insensible gradations, and steel and cast iron make such mutual transitions as to render it difficult to define where the former commences and the latter ceases to exist. In fact, some steels may be called crude iron and some cast irons may be classed among steels. Carbon affects the color,- strength, hard- ness and fusibility of cast iron. It exists in pig iron in two distinct forms, the combined and the graphitic or free carbon, and upon the relative proportion of each in a great measure depends the character of the metal. 22 THE A B C OF IRON. The " total carbon " is always equal to the combined, plus the graphitic. Graphitic carbon occurs almost exclusively in gray pig iron (foundry irons) in the form of dark thin flakes, varying much in size and intersecting the small particles of iron. Its influence is to make iron softer and tougher, but weaker and less tenaceous than if it existed in the form of combined carbon. Carbon combines with iron up to about 4.63 per cent., and the amount that will be taken up is dependent chiefly upon the percentage of silicon, sulphur and manganese present- silicon and sulphur lowering the amount of carbon, while manganese raises the point of saturation. Phosphorus does not seem to have any effect upon the carbon. Pro- fessor Turner, of Mason College, Birmingham, England, has shown that the strength of cast iron depends upon, first, the amount of weakening impurities present, and second, the proportion existing between the combined and graphitic carbon in cast iron. He says that as the tendency of combined carbon is to increase hardness and brittleness, and that of graphitic to make the iron soft, malleable and tough, too much of either form is a disadvantage. In the chapter on silicon, we will show that by a judicious use. of silicon this proportion can be regu- lated. Cast iron, when free from manganese, can not hold more than 4.50 per cent, of carbon, and 3.50 per cent, is about as much as is ever present ; but as manganese CONSTITUENTS OF IRON. 23 increases, carbon increases also, until we find it in Spiegel as high as 6 per cent. This effect or capacity to hold carbon is peculiar to manganese. Castings of iron alone or of iron and carbon will always be white and the carbon will always be combined. The grayness of cast iron depends upon the percentage of silicon present. White iron may result from the fol- lowing four conditions : first, chilling ; second, high sulphur ; third, low silicon ; fourth, high manganese. 24 THE A B C OF IRON. SILICON IN CAST IRON. Next to carbon, silicon is the commonest and most abundant constituent of cast iron. We have just seen under carbon upon what the strength of cast iron depends, and since strength is the thing most desired, irons having an excess of weakening impurities will not find a market, and what we wish to provide, therefore, is the proper proportion between the combined and the graphitic carbon. Professor Turner, as has also Mr. W. J. Keep, of Detroit, demonstrated that by a judicious use of silicon, this proportioning can be accomplished exactly according to the wish of the founder ; an increase of silicon changing combined to graphitic, and vice versa. According to Professor Turner, when the founder understands its use, he may soften and toughen or harden and strengthen his iron to suit his requirements. He is careful, however, to advise against the free use of silicon without first understanding when it is needed, for in an iron where the carbon is already graphitic, more silicon may weaken it and make it brittle. It is only within the last five or six years that the useful- ness of silicon has been known or recognized. By its use, pig iron and scrap, which, when used alone, are totally unfit for foundry purposes, may be converted into merchantable material. Silicon has been known as a softening agent, and pig irons that have this element in considerable quantities have been designated as " softeners" CONSTITUENTS OF IRON. 25 For years foundrymen demanded the softeners made in Scotland and from the lean ores of Ohio and Kentucky, and it has only recently become generally known that this softening quality is due to silicon. When this quality in silicon became known, the demand for high silicon in- creased largely. In 1887, foreign irons containing as high as 10 per cent, silicon were imported into the United States. These high silicon irons varying from 7 to 14 per cent, silicon, go under the name otferro silicon. This demand led to the production of ferro-silicon in this country, and the result of comparison made with foreign irons shows the American softener to be the better. Iron absorbs silicon greedily, uniting with it in all pro- portions up to at least 30 per cent., and apparently the more readily the higher the temperature, absorbing it even at a red heat when imbedded in sand. In general, silicon diminishes the power of iron to combine with carbon, not only when molten, but more especially at a white heat, thus favoring the formation of graphite dur- ing slow cooling. It increases the fusibility and fluidity of iron, lessens the formation of blow holes and reduces shrinkage. It is thought, by the majority, to increase tensile strength slightly. Pure iron, if it could be made, unlike most of the metals, would have no commercial value, and would be so pliable and inelastic as to possess but little strength. 26 THE A B C OF IRON. The effect of silicon on iron is to change the combined carbon into graphitic carbon, or we may express it by saying that it changes white iron to gray iron, the color of the iron varying from gray to black, depending upon the amount of graphite it contains. A solid casting could not be made with simple iron and carbon, for the carbon would be entirely in the com- bined state, and the casting would be white, hard and brittle. Cast iron, therefore, which contains enough silicon to take out the brittleness, and to allow it to make a solid casting, is the strongest composition ordinarily found in natural cast iron. Professor Keep's tests show that a solid casting having its carbon combined, is stronger than one in which the carbon is more graphitic, and he states that " for strength, therefore, we must endeavor to obtain, instead of a perfectly uniform distribution of graphite, a concentration in uniformly distributed minute pockets, around which the iron holding combined carbon may form a lace work ; if strength be more important than softness, we will leave the greatest possible quantity of carbon in the combined state that will not cause the iron to be brittle." The strongest castings are obtained from irons that will produce sound castings with the least amount of silicon. It should be remembered that when just enough sili- con is obtained to produce a sound casting, any addi- CONSTITUENTS OF IRON. p 27 tional amount of silicon to such iron will decrease the strength and cause brittleness. Silicon by causing carbon to crystallize out as graphite, lessens shrinkage, and shrinkage would be prevented entirely by the swelling out of the graphite, if it was not prevented by the mass of iron about it. It is best always to use irons that contain the proper amount of silicon for the desired quality of casting, for the graphite separates more easily and the shrinkage is less where the pig iron receives its silicon while in the blast furnace, than where the percentage is made up by adding special ferro-silicon. From 2 per cent, to 5 per cent, of silicon, depending upon other ingredients present, will change all the com- bined carbon that can be changed. The change to the graphitic reduces hardness and makes the iron soft so that it can be drilled and filed. When the carbon has become graphitic, the further addition of silicon hardens cast iron. This, however, is produced entirely through its influence on the carbon and not by direct influence of the silicon. We quote from Professor Keep on this subject : " We have seen, how- ever, that a white iron which will invariably give porous and brittle castings can be made solid and strong by the addition of silicon ; that a further addition of silicon will turn the iron gray, and that as the grayness increases, the iron will grow weaker ; that excessive silicon will again lighten the grain and cause a hard and brittle as 28 THE A B C OF IRON. well as a very weak iron ; that the only softening and shrinkage lessening influence of silicon is exerted during the time when graphite is being produced, and that sili- con of itself is not a softener, or a lessener of shrinkage, but through its influence on carbon, and only during a certain stage does it produce these effects." By its action on the carbon, silicon reduces the chill- ing capacity of iron. The loss of silicon from remelting is very slight. Foundry irons contain from i to 5 per cent, of silicon, ferro-silicon 5 to 14 per cent, and castings from i to 3 per cent. It must not be taken from the apparently broad assertion of Professor Turner, or from any of the fore- going, that the founder has in silicon a remedy for all the ills that iron is heir to. The statements are perfectly reliable and proven, but a given percentage of silicon in iron at the present state of general blast furnace practice will not always produce like results. Each of the irons a founder uses will have peculiar tendencies given them in the blast furnace, which will exert their influence when the iron is remelted. The percentages of manganese, phosphorus and sulphur must be known to regulate the proper propor- tion of silicon, and only by great care and attention to the composition of his mixture can the foundryman expect to overcome the difficulties that occur daily in the melt- ing of pig iron. CONSTITUENTS OK IRON. 29 PHOSPHORUS IN CAST IRON. Pig iron derives its phosphorus chiefly from the phos- phates existing in the ore or in the flux. No element of itself weakens cast iron so much as phosphorus when present in any considerable quantity, and for this reason particular attention should be given to the analysis of all irons. It is not an unmixed evil, however, for when present in quantities ranging from i ^ per cent, and less, it has some beneficial effects, for while it can not be said that it really makes iron more fluid, it prolongs the period of fluidity. Its tendency is to render the metal very limpid so that it will take an extremely fine and sharp casting from the most delicate patterns. The famous Berlin castings of reproductions in iron of ancient armor and other ornamental objects are obtained by using iron rich in phosphorus, but it possesses the dis- advantage of rendering the metal brittle and unfit for many practical uses. Were it not for its weakening effect it would not be necessary to keep the phosphorus in foundry mixture at less than i to i % per cent Mr. Keep, in a series of tests, demonstrates that phosphorus is a lessener of shrinkage, and as phosphorus does not influence carbon, it must be due to direct action of phosphorus. All high phosphorus irons have low shrinkage. In the blast furnace phosphorus is not effectively volatilized, for any which volatilizes immediately re-con- 3O THE A B C OF IRON. denses. Hence, in the blast furnace and in the cupola all the phosphorus passes into the metal. Hence, the watchfulness necessary to see that pig iron does not con- tain an excess of this element. Bloxam calls phosphorus the "hereditary disease," because of the great difficulty of removing it from iron. It is only eliminated by intense heat as in the pud- dling furnace, where about 90 per cent, can be elimin- ated, and in the Basic process, where 96 to 99 per cent, may be removed. Phosphorus causes iron to be what is known as "cold-short," that is, brittle when cold. Howe says: ''Phosphorus probably has little effect on the tensile strength under gently applied load ; but phosphoric iron is readily broken by jerky, shock-like or vibratory stresses, sometimes when quite trifling it is treacher- ous. It sometimes affects iron but slightly, sometimes under apparently like conditions profoundly it is capricious." It must not be expected that a given percentage of phosphorus will behave at all times in the same way, for other elements may be present in such a way as to entirely change the results. The percentage of phosphorus varies in pig iron from a trace to i ^ per cent. Unless great fluidity is desired and strength is not a consideration, the percentage of phosphorus in pig iron for foundry work should be 0.8 per cent, and less. CONSTITUENTS OF IRON. 31 MANGANESE IN CAST IRON. Manganese is seldom absent in pig iron, the percent- age depending upon the ore used and the temperature of the furnace. Both in its physical and chemical characters it resembles iron very closely. It is generally produced in the blast furnace, and is combined with iron and small percentages of silicon, phosphorus and sul- phur. The metal itself has not been applied to any useful purpose, and is of value, commercially, only when combined with iron. It has been made to replace iron to the extent of 85 per cent. If the silicon is under 0.50 per cent, the product will be white. Pig iron con- taining manganese from about 5 to 30 per cent., with the remainder mostly iron and silicon not high enough to make the product gray, the alloy is called spiegeleisen, and the fracture, as its name indicates, will show flat reflecting surfaces. With manganese 50 per cent, and over, the iron alloy is called ferro manganese. The bulk of the ferro man- ganese used is imported from England and Germany, and contains 80 per cent, manganese. We quote the following from Howe's Metallurgy of Steel : "There appears to be no limit to the extent to which manganese can combine with iron ; the higher the percentage of manganese in the alloy, the higher is the temperature in the blast furnace necessary for its pro- duction. Manganese is reduced from its oxides by car- 32 THE A B C OF IRON. bon at a white heat, and the more readily the more metallic iron is present to combine with it. " It is easily removed from iron by oxidation, being oxidized even by silicon ; and partly in this way, partly in others, it restrains the oxidation, of the iron while sometimes restraining, sometimes permitting, the oxida- tion of the other elements combined with it. Its presence increases the power of carbon to combine with iron at high temperature (say 1400 C.) and restrains its sep- aration as graphite at lower ones." Manganese assists in the prevention of blow-holes. It bodily removes sulphur from cast iron and thus pre- vents hot-shortness. It does not counteract cold-short- ness caused by phosphorus. In a number of tests Mr. Keep shows that manganese increases the shrink- age of cast iron, and he states that " a high shrinkage caused by manganese is independent of carbon and can not be taken out without removing the manganese. As shrinkage varies with the size of the casting and pro- duces internal stress within the casting, this question is of vital importance to the foundryman. The less shrink- age in the iron, the less the danger from cracks." Hardness is another important consideration with the founder. An increase of i per cent, of manganese has increased the hardness 40 per cent. Mr. Keep's tests show that manganese does not increase chill. If, how- ever, a hard chill is required, manganese gives it by adding hardness to the whole casting. This hardness is CONSTITUENTS OF IRON. 33 due to the hardness of manganese itself and not because more of the carbon has taken the combined form. In trying to make soft castings with low shrinkage, avoid manganese. The amount of manganese varies in pig iron from a trace to 2 per cent. On account of its tendency to make iron hard and brittle, it can only be tolerated in very strong castings, and even then the per- centage should be under 0.75 per cent., and should not exceed 0.5 percent, in foundry irons. Much of the man- ganese that is present in a pig iron will escape in the slag during remelting in the cupola, and in so doing benefit the iron by carrying off sulphur which has been brought in with the fuel. 34 THE A B C OF IRON. SULPHUR IN CAST IRON. Sulphur is without doubt the most deleterious sub- stance found in pig iron. The other elements all produce effects which may be beneficial for certain pur- poses, but sulphur is the enemy dreaded by all, on account of its affinity for iron, combining with it at a low temperature. Sulphur unites with iron, probably in all proportions, up to 53.3 per cent., being readily absorbed from many sources. It causes iron to be what is known as " red-short," that is, brittle when hot. It makes iron hard and white, though this may be accounted for partly by its causing iron to retain its carbon in the combined state. It increases the fusibility of cast iron, but makes it thick and sluggish when molten, and gives rise to blow holes during its solidification. The presence of sulphur in pig iron and in the cast- ings is due mainly to its absorption from the fuel. For this reason close attention should be given the analysis of the fuel used, which, in the case of foundries, is coke. Coke, with sulphur over 0.75 to 0.90 per cent., is not fit for foundry purposes. Fortunately, sulphur is easily removed by the use of lime, manganese, or fluor spar. Manganese will coun- teract the red-shortness caused by sulphur and in some cases actually removes sulphur from iron ; sometimes by forming some compound rich in sulphur and manganese, CONSTITUENTS OF IRON. 35 which liquidates or separates by gravity, and, perhaps, sometimes by carrying oxygen to the sulphur. Silicon expels sulphur from iron to a certain limited extent, but not enough to be of importance commer- cially. Lime is, perhaps, more generally used than any alkali for removing sulphur. Not a few use fluor spar, and this is found to be an excellent desulphurizing agent when its use is understood. NUMBERING OF IRON. The present mode of selling pig iron is by the appearance of the fracture of the pig metal when broken, and the producing districts have different classifications for their metal. Some of these districts have three or four grades only, while others have as many as eight or ten, and we have the card of a charcoal iron company that designates fourteen grades. This multiplicity of grades and the variations of the grading in different sections of the country will always be confusing, and must soon lead to the sale and pur- chase of pig iron by analysis. We give further reasons for the change to this basis in the chapter devoted to the subject of grading. For all practical purposes we can resolve the numer- ous classifications to about the following grades : ANTHRACITE AND COKE. Nos. i , 2 and 3 Foundry ; Grey Forge ; Mottled and White. CHARCOAL. Nos. i, 2, 3 and 5 Foundry; and Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 Car-wheel. Besides these, we have in the South the soft and (36) NUMBERING OF IRON 37 silvery irons, and in Ohio the silicized irons containing from 4 to 10 per cent, of silicon, both used to soften other irons and make them run fluid. In addition we have the low phosphorus and sulphur irons used in the open hearth and Bessemer process for making steel, and the low silicon and high phosphorus irons used in the basic process. The carbon in pig iron is what enables the eye to dis- tinguish the different grades ; the softest, grayest iron having almost all the carbon in the graphitic or uncom- bined state, while the hard and white irons have it nearly or wholly combined. As we have already seen, the color, strength, hard- ness, etc., of cast iron depend upon the relative propor- tions of these two forms of carbon, varied, of course, by the influence of silicon, sulphur, manganese and phos- phorus, which are always present to a greater or less extent. ANTHRACITE AND COKE IRONS. No. I Foundry is the darkest of the numbers as well as the softest, as it contains the most graphitic carbon. It is used exclusively in the foundry. In appearance the fracture is dark in color, rough, open grain; tensile strength and elastic limit low; turns soft and tough. No. 2 Foundry is more generally used in the foundry than any other grade. The grain is not so open and large as No. i Foundry, but the iron is harder and 38 THE A B C OF IRON. stronger, although less tough and more brittle. These two grades, especially No. i Foundry, become very liquid when melted, and will run into castings of the frailest and finest structure. The high numbers do not become so liquid when melted as Nos. i and 2. Graphitic car- bon and silicon are both less in No. 2 than in No. i. No. 3 Foundry is used for both mill and foundry pur- poses. It is much stronger than Nos. i and 2, the grain being closer and more compact. It turns hard, is less tough and more brittle than No. 2. The strength for tension seems to reach its limit in this grade. It is less liquid than Nos. i and 2 and is, therefore, better adapted to heavy castings. The percentages of graphitic carbon and silicon are smaller and combined carbon larger than in No. 2. Grey Forge iron is midway between No. 3 Foundry and Mottled, and is used principally in rolling mills. It turns hard and is weaker than No. 3, color lighter and verging into a white background ; grain very close. Graphitic carbon and silicon in smaller proportion than in No. 3, and combined carbon in larger. Mottled: Except in the case of heavy castings requir- ing great strength and closeness of grain, where it is mixed with other irons, Mottled iron is used exclusively for puddling purposes. Turns with great difficulty, less tough and more brittle than Grey Forge. Graphitic carbon and silicon lower than in Grey Forge and com- bined carbon higher. NUMBERING OF IRON. 39 White: It is only when a furnace is working badly that this grade is produced. It has a smooth, white fracture, no grain and is used exclusively in a rolling- mill; tensile strength and elastic limit very low; too hard to turn or drill, as the carbon in this grade is about all in the combined state. No. i Soft, in grain is similar to i and 2 Foundry, lighter in color, quite soft and fluid with fair strength. No. 2 Soft, runs between a 2 and 3 Foundry, except that it is light in color and is higher in both graphitic carbon and silicon. These irons, together with silvery irons, which are light in color and high in graphitic car- bon and silicon, are used, as the name would indicate, for mixing with stronger and closer grained iron to make them soft and run fluid. CHARCOAL IRONS. Foundry irons made from charcoal are considerably stronger, and, because of the fuel, are much freer from impurities than irons made from coke or coal. The grain of charcoal irons of the same numbers as coke runs closer. They are used in foundries where great strength is required in castings. CAR WHEEL IRONS. No. i is the softest grade, of which very little is used. It will not chill, and is used for ordinary castings. No. 2 is produced in considerable quantities. It is 4 i 7,141,656 I 5,856,169 I 272 Q28 1 361 622 New York i 017 216 6 86,1 ;o8 Virginia fi 658 016 7 e*-l cg-I 408 i=wt ego 481 Q48 Q6 1 ? fS g s Q JQC go8 10 2CO 755 IO 244 088 12 I IO Q42 114 275 J7 l8l 690 IO 26c 718 Ohio 1 60 088 Montana, Oregon, New Mex- 81 632 86 405 Kentucky Ac 080 77 68 5 16 Massachusetts J7 47 5O2 ] 7 12 Q^ 16 46 242 Tfl V7 ^7Q T6 35 ^57 TS 2Q ^80 Connecticut IQ ^O Q2^ iS 26 058 ^ ! 2Q 6CK> North Carolina 2O 19 2IO 20 22 873 ">2 10 125 21 6 2OO IQ 25 116 19 13 101 Idaho 22 4OO Maine 22 21 12 ^IQ Total IA 51 8 OAI J 4 59 T *7& STATISTICS. PRICES OF LAKE SUPERIOR IRON ORE. With the exception of the Lake Superior district the iron ores mined are about all consumed by furnaces in the State producing them. The great bulk of the Superior ores go to supply Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Eastern States, which require large quantities in addition to their own production. We give below the prices at which Lake Superior iron ore has been sold during the last seven years for season contracts, delivered at Cleveland and neighboring ports on Lake Erie. GRADES. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. Republic and Champion No i ... 46 2c, $7 OO tc ne *C CQ $6 TO Cleveland and Lake Supe- rior specular No. i . . . Chapin and Menominee No i 5-50 52e 6. 5 o 5-25 A 7C 5-00 A CO 6.00 5.00 5.00 Soft hematites, No. i non- A CQ A. SO Gogebic, Marquette, and Menominee No. i Besse- mer hematites 5.00 6.00 4-75 5-OO 6.00 A 7C A 5 50,000 222,000 100,000 15,000 10,000 Massachusetts Connecticut . New York . . New Jersey . Pennsylvania Maryland . . Virginia . . West Virginia Kentucky . . Tennessee . . NorthCarolina Georgia . . Alabama . . 25 15 124 3 80 5 19 4 7 13 i 2 38 4 9 9 15 8 14 3 6 4 15 4 12 23 6 4 9 37 15 219 13 33 4 10 19 i 6 53 4 72 2 20 23 10 565,000 274,345 2,742,848 121,000 3,858,200 409,000 625,OOO 184,000 227,OOO 392,000 6,000 60,000 1,407,000 61,700 54,200 52,000 53,000 56,000 47,000 211,000 58,000 53,000 436,000 116,500 Ohio .... Indiana . . . Illinois . . . 60 2 20 2,123,500 30,000 1,365,000 Wisconsin . . 4 177,000 Missouri . . Colorado . . 5 3 3 8 3 175,000 100,000 47,000 15,000 10,000 Washington . 569 Total . . . I6 4 267 138 3.582,193 11,309,700 1,404,900 16,296,793 STATISTICS. 6 9 ROLLING MILLS, STEEL WORKS, ETC. SUMMARY BY STATES. STATES. ?i nS "W II ' 3 0. Cut-nail Machines . Steel Works. 1 Forges and Bloomaries. OH and Steel Roll- ing Mills. . . . . "i Clapp-Griffiths . 93 I W 2 a sr Crucible Mflinp I 14 I 8 23 20 211 9 6 8 7 8 5 I 13 8 19 19 192 9 6 8 7 8 4 I 326 ;; New Hampshire .... Massachusetts 2 I - i 2 I 193 1,555 I 4 3 38 3 4 6 24 * . 9 3 14 New York 18 3 i. 146 856 126 "5 i i 2 I 2 i 2 I I I I 10 2 9 2 77 2 ' Ohio 59 18 26 4 2 2 56 16 23 4 2 1,215 366 398 6 I 8 i i i i IO I 6 i 2 2 Michigan Wisconsin Missouri Iowa . . . 6 i 6 i 50 i Colorado . . . 2 I 2 I 27 i California . 4 4 96 5 4 i 7i 45 30 Total 460 425 5,546 46 "Excludes all steel works that contain no hot-rolling trains of rolls. 7O THE A B C OF IRON? PRODUCTION OF PIG IRON BY STATES. States Net tons. 1890. 1891. States Net tons. 1890. 1891. Pennsylvania . 4,945,i69 4,426,673 Kentucky . . 53,604 50,225 Ohio .... 1,289,170 1,159,215 Missouri . . . 100,550 V2 7T.6 Alabama . . . 914,940 891,154 Connecticut . 22,552 24,428 Illinois. . . . 785,239 749,506 Texas .... 10,865 20,902 New York . . 369,381 352,925 Colorado . . . 23,588 20,290 Virginia . . . 327,912 330,727 Oregon .... 12,305 10,411 Tennessee . . 299,741 326,747 Massachusetts 5,53i 10,069 Michigan. . . 258,461 238,722 Indiana . . . 16,398 8,657 Wisconsin . . 246,237 220,819 North Carolina 3,i8i 3,603 138 206 New Jersey . . 177,788 103,589 oft fi-17 Maine .... 1,200 Georgia . . . I 44,97 32,687 90,037 55,841 Total .... 10,307,028 9,273,455 SUMMARY IRON AND STEEL PRODUCTION. Net Tons of 2,000 pounds, except nails. 1889. 1890. 1891. Pig iron, including spiegeleisen .... 8,516,079 c 82-* 10,307,028 9,273,455 * 281 820 4 I^I,S^S 3,637,107 Bessemer steel rails Open-hearth steel ingots 1,691,264 419,488 2,091,978 574,820 AOl8 1,448,219 649,323 6 <;8o 8/1 060 Si 2Q7 Pig, scrap, and ore blooms Kegs of iron and steel cut nails .... 36,260 5,810,758 30,783 5,640,946 29,219 5,002,176 4 114,385 Iron and steel wire rods . . . . 601 ooo All rolled iron and steel, except rails . 4,160,491 4,634,076 4,573,841 STATISTICS. 7 1 Total Production of all Kinds of Steel from 1 86O to 1891, in Gross Tons. Years. Gross Tons. Years. Gross Tons. Years. Gross Tons. i860 .... 11,838 1872 .... I 42,9S4 1882 .... 1,736,692 I86 3 .... 8,075 I8 73 . . . . 198,796 I88 3 .... 1,673,535 1864 .. . 9,258 1874. 215,727 1884 .... 1,550,879 I86 5 .... 13,627 1875. . . . 389,799 1885 .... I,7II,92O !866 .... 16,940 1876 .... 533,191 1886 .... 2,562,503 I86 7 .... 19,643 1877 .... 569,618 1887 .... 3,339,071 1868 .... 26,786 1878 .... 731,977 1888 .... 2,899,440 1869 .... 31,250 1879 935,273 1889 .... 3,385,732 1870 .... 68,750 1880 .... 1,247,335 1890 .... 4,277,071 1871 .... 73,214 1881 ... 1,588,314 1891 . . . ' 3,904,240 Production of Steel by the Different Processes. Years. ^Bessemer. Net tons. Open- Hearth. Net tons. Crucible. Net tons. Miscel- laneous. Net tons. Total. Net tons. Gross tons. 1885 .... 1,701,762 149,381 64,5" 1,696 1,917,350 I,7II,92O 1886 .... 2,541,493 245,250 80,609 2,651 2,870,003 2,562,503 1887 .... 3,288,357 360,717 84,421 6,265 3,739,760 3,339,071 1888 .... 2,812,500 352,036 78,713 4,124 3,247,373 2,899,440 1889 .... 3,281,829 419,488 84,969 5,734 3,792,020 3,385,732 1890 .... 4,131,535 574,820 79,716 4,248 4,790,319 4,277,071 1891 .... 3,637,107 649,323 81,297 5,022 4,372,749 3,904,240 * Bessemer column includes Clapp-Griffiths and Robert-Bessemer productions, these being simply a modification of the Bessemer process. THE A B C OF IRON. STEEL RAIL PRODUCTION. Since 1874 our total production of Bessemer steel rails by Bessemer steel works and by rolling mills from purchased material has been as follows, in net tons : Years Net tons. Pennsylvania. Illinois. Other States. Total. l8?d. 48 280 1875 1876 . 112,843 2QT. 750 Ill.lSg 66,831 74 QO8 290,863 l8?7 . 80 ^IQ T 878 l*3 ro w ~2 *S? > o 5- 1? r*- & Es as (A B? a a> ~ w MONTHS. I III t^ So 1 S3 ft y forge pig ire te ore, at Pitt burgh. semer pig iro .t Pittsburgh. :1 rails, at mi: Pennsylvanu refined bar in n store, Phil delphia. muck bar ire t Pittsburgh. sails (base pri< t Pittsburgh. P ? % 3 t|> B a ' tT 3 B 5. January, 1889 $23-50 $18.00 $15.50 $15.50 $16.75 $27.50 2.00C. 75C- $1.90 February . . 23.50 18.00 15-25 14-75 16.35 27.50 i.goc. -7oc. 1.90 March . . . 23-50 18.00 I5.25 15-00 16.50 27.50 i.Soc. -6 5 c. 1.90 Mly ' ' ' ' ' 23.50 '7-35 15.00 T/l *7C 14.25 16.25 16 oo 27-50 i.Soc. 65c. 1.90 i 8s June .... 22.75 22.50 17-25 1 4-75 14.90 14.00 16.00 27OO 27.50 i.goc. i6oc! 1.05 i.8 5 Tulv lf\ 1 C T nor T no 22.75 *7*5 I5-OO I 4- I 5 1O< 35 I.OOC. i.yu August . . . 23.50 I7-50 15.25 14.90 17-50 28.00 I.95C. I-72C. 1.90 September . 25.00 I7-50 15.25 18.00 29.50 I.95C. 75C- i-95 October . . . 26.00 I7-50 15.60 16.60 20.75 32.00 2.OOC. i.Soc. 2.25 November . . 26.50 18.50 16.75 17-25 21.75 34.00 2.05C. i.Soc. 2.25 December . . 27.25 19.25 17.25 18.25 23-75 35-00 2.I5C. i.goc. 2.30 January, 1890 27.50 19.90 17.90 18.00 23.60 35-25 2.2OC. i.goc. 2.40 February . . 27.25 19.50 17.38 18.00 22.55 35-00 2.2OC. .goc. 2-35 March . . . 17.00 17 OO 2 IOC Q~p > 25 April .... 23-85 18-25 16.10 -i /.mj 17^5 33-50 2. IOC. .850. 2.00 May 23-25 18.00 15-65 15.25 17.55 3 T -35 2. IOC. 75c. 1-90 June .... 24.50 18.00 15-50 I5.25 19.00 3L50 2.00C. .8oc. i-95 July 25.00 18.00 15-25 I5.25 18.62 I.90C. .Soc. 1.90 August . . . 25.00 18.00 15.10 I5.25 18.10 31.25 I-95C. 8 5 c. 1-85 September . 25.50 18.00 15.00 15.25 18.00 3 .50 2.00C. 8 5 c. 1.85 October . . . 25.50 18.00 15.00 15.00 17.35 30.00 2.OOC. -8 5 c. 1.85 November . . 25.10 18.00 15.00 15.00 17.00 29.00 2.OOC. -8 5 c. i. So December . . 24.5 18.00 15.00 H-75 16.60 28.50 2.00C. 1.80 January, 1891 23.50 I7-50 14.50 14-25 15-95 29.00 2.OOC. ISoc! 1.65 February . . 23.35 I7-50 14.50 14.50 16.25 30.00 i.9oc. 75C. 1.65 March . . . 22.50 I7-50 14-75 15.00 16.50 30.00 i.goc. 75C. 1.65 April .... 22.50 I7-50 14-75 14.12 16.10 30.00 i.goc. .yoc. 1.60 Mav 22 OO 1A 7C 16. so 7OP "* j June .... 21.00 I7-50 L *T* / O 14-75 14.00 16.25 30.00 i.goc. . /VA,. 70C. 1-55 Tulv . 21 OO 14 60 14 oo 16.25 August . . . 21.50 I7-50 14-50 14.00 16.00 30.00 1.900.' 73 68 Freight 1,110,286 Total revenue cars 1,140,737 78 THE A 13 C OF IRON. MILEAGE. Miles of railroad operated 164,261.91 Revenue train mileage Passenger 320,712,013 Freight 493.54i.969 Mixed 19.948,394 Total 831,203,376 Passengers carried 556,015,802 Passenger mileage I3.3 l6 ,9 2 5,239 Tons of freight moved 704,398,609 Freight mileage 81,210,154,523 Statement Showing Assets and Liabilities of the Railroads of the United States. ASSETS. Cost of railroad equipment $8,927,571,592 Real estate, stocks, bonds and other investments 1,588,590,522 Other assets 233,862,243 Current accounts 241,399,182 $10,991,423,539 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ 4>75i>75.498 Bonds and debt 5,178,821,989 Unfunded debt 345,102,632 Current accounts 374,051,161 Total liabilities $10,649,726,280 Bxcess assets over liabilities 341,697,259 $10,991,423,539 STATISTICS. 79 RAILROAD MILEAGE-1830-1891 POOR'S MANUAL. Prior to 1827 all the railroads built were composed of wooden rails and constructed only for carrying heavy material very short distances. In 1827 the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad was chartered by the Maryland Legis- lature, and this was the first railroad opened for convey- ing passengers. It was opened for travel from Baltimore to Ellicott's Mills, a distance of thirteen miles, on May 24, 1830, and completed to Washington City August 25, 1834- Years. Miles in Operation. Net Increase. Years. Miles in Operation. Net Increase. 1830 .... T 86i ,T 2 86 660 1831 T Q,~ 95 72 1862 1 86* 32,120 834 jgi-1 229 *8o J 34 1864 33> X 7 IT QO8 7*8 1834 ;|l 2" 633 1,098 253 465 35,o85 36,801 1,177 1,716 j8*7 I 4-Q7 224 868 4.2 22Q 18^8 . I QI^ 416 869 . 46 844 4 6lS tsq 870 6 078 1840 2 818 ,5oy erg 1871 . 184.1 5 C7C 717 1872 . w,jy.5 66 171 c 878 1842 1877 7O 268 1841 . 4l85 ICQ 1874 72 *8<; 2 117 1844 . . 4-577 IQ2 1875 I 711 1845 . . 4 6^ 256 1876 .... 76 808 2 712 isli . 4 Q^O X 877 7Q 088 2 280 1847 . . 1848 . . 5,598 c 006 668 1878 1879 1?:76 7 86 584 2,679 4 817 7 *6s I *6q 1880 .... 6 712 1850 ..... 9 02 1 I 6<;6 1881 . . 9 847 1851 10 982 i 061 1882 . . . ii 560 1852 12 908 i,yui 1883 . . . 6 74* iSs*. . It: -j(x) x884 * Q24 1854 1855 .... 16,720 1 8 *74 1,360 I 6^4 1885 ... . 1886 128,361 2,982 8 018 1856 1857 22,016 24 SO* i>"0^ 3,642 M87 149-257 12,878 6016 1858 . 26 968 2 46<5 1880 161 319 5146 1859 1860 28,789 30,626 1,821 1,837 1890 ... 1891 ... 166,817 171,079 5,498 4,262 THE A 13 C OF IRON. RAILROAD MILEAGE BY STATES. The number of miles of railroad in each State and Territory of the United States at the close of 1891 is shown in the following table : States. Miles. States. Miles. Maine 1,383.26 i 144 88 Louisiana 1,880.01 6 I?8 45 Texas . .... 8 812 67 889087 New York New Jersey 2,132.41 8 QIQ 08 Indian Country j 1,272 08 Delaware 320.12 I,26Q AA Oklahoma Ter.J ' 8.4^6 5i District of Columbia 2O66 c 670 88 8, 167 63 Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota . . . Illinois 10 189 38 c ngc gi West Virginia .... 1,547.11 1,503.52 North Carolina .... 3.205.46 Washington Nevada 2,309.23 Q22 l8 4,870. 2 5 Arizona Territory . . . 1,097.57 256687 i ^5 66 2 062 45 Idaho ...-. Q5Q68 Tennessee 2,996.20 MississioDi . 2,440.10 Total. . 170,601.18 STATISTICS. 8l The Manual for the same year gives the proportion of railroad track in th'e United States which had been laid with steel rails and iron rails from 1880 to the end of 1891, as follows : Years. Miles of steel rails. Miles of iron rails. Total miles. Per cent, steel of total. 1880 . . . ^680 81 067 1881 .... 8l 47^ 1882 66691 l88l. . 78,4.0! 7O 602 I4Q l8^ 1884 . 66 254 576 i88; 1886 1887 105,724 125 45Q 62,324 cq S 88 168,048 185 O47 62.9 67.7 1888 1^8 5l6 52 Q8 1 72 * 1880. . l8OO 167 606 80/1 l8qi STM In the above figures all tracks are included. In the period covered by the table the mileage of iron rails had decreased 50 per cent., while that of steel rails had increased nearly 400 per cent. Over 80 per cent, of our tracks is laid with steel rails. 82 THE ABC OF IKON. HISTORY OF IRON IN ALL AGES. Mr. Swank has very kindly given the author permission to extract from his work on the above subject interesting data concerning the early his- tory and uses of iron, and we will conclude this work with a chapter under this head. Mr. Swank's book of over five hundred pages is so replete with the most interesting history of the processes, places, and persons identified with the iron industry, that the extracts, necessarily limited, give but little idea of the scope and detail of this most valuable contribution to iron literature. The work is almost indispensable to one who would familiarize himself with the inception and progress of the iron industry in this country. It not only preserves in chronological order a record of the beginning of the iron industry in every country, and in every section of our own country, but gives an individual history of all persons in any way intimately associated with its development. EARLY HISTORY AND MANUFACT- URE OF IRON. The use of iron can be traced to the earliest ages of antiquity. Copper and bronze, or brass, may have been used at as early a period as iron, and for many centuries after their use began they undoubtedly superseded iron to a large extent, but the common theory that there was a copper or a bronze age before iron was either known or used is discredited by Old Testament history, by the earlier as well as the later literature of the ancient Greeks, and by the discoveries of modern antiquarians. In his inaugural address as President of the Iron and Steel Institute, delivered in May, 1885, Dr. John Percy, the eminent English metallurgist, briefly considered the question whether iron was or was not used before bronze. He said : ''It has always appeared to me reasonable to infer from metallurgical considerations that the age of iron would have preceded the age of bronze. The prim- itive method, not yet wholly extinct, of extracting iron from its ores is a much simpler process than that of pro- ducing bronze, and it indicates a much less advanced state of the metallurgic arts. In the case of iron all that is necessary is to heat the ore strongly in contact with charcoal ; whereas, in the case of bronze, which is (S3) 84 THE ABC OF IRON. an alloy of copper and tin, both copper and tin have to be obtained by smelting their respective ores separately, to be subsequently melted together in due proportions, and the resulting alloy to be cast into moulds, requiring considerable skill in their preparation." Iron was doubtless first used in Western Asia, the birth-place of the human race, and in the northern parts of Africa which are near to Asia. Most authorities admit that Tubal Cain, who was born in the seventh generation from Adam, was the inventor of the foundry. Geology tells us that castings may have been made before the times of Tubal Cain, but the evidence of bronze castings before the days of Tubal Cain are not plentiful and frequently are mere conjecture. He is described in the fourth chapter of Genesis as "an in- structor of every artificer in brass and iron," and in the revised version as "the forger of every cutting instru- ment of brass and iron." The Egyptians, whose civilization is the most ancient of which we have any exact knowledge, were at an early period familiar with both the use and the manufacture of iron, although very little ore has ever been found within the boundaries of Egypt itself. Herodotus tells us that iron tools were used in the construction of the pyramids. In the sepulchres at Thebes and Memphis, cities of such great antiquity that their origin is lost in obscurity, butchers are represented as using tools the colors of EARLY HISTORY OF IRON. 85 which lead antiquarians to conclude that they were made of iron and steel. The reference to iron in Deuteronomy iv, 20, appar- ently indicates that in the time of Moses the Egyptians were engaged in the manufacture of iron, and that the Israelites were at least as familiar with the art as their task-masters. " But the Lord hath taken you and brought you forth out of the iron furnace, even out of Egypt." A small piece of very pure iron was found under the obelisk which was removed 'from Alexandria to New York in 1880 by Commander Gorringe, of the United States Navy. This obelisk was erected by Thothmes the Third at Heliopolis about sixteen hundred years before Christ, and removed to Alexandria twenty-two years before the Christian era. The iron found under it was therefore at least nineteen hundred years old. Iron is frequently mentioned in the story of the wanderings of the children of Israel. Canaan, the land of promise, is described by Moses, in Deuteronomy viii, 9, as "a land whose stones are iron." Iron is said to be still made in small quantities in the Lebanon Mount- ains. The manufacture was diversified, for we read of chariots of iron, agricultural implements and tools of iron. Axes, saws, and hammers of iron are men- tioned during the reign of David. Isaiah speaks of har- rows of iron, and in the tenth chapter, thirty-fourth verse 86 THE A 13 C OF IRON. clearly refers to axes, when he says, " and he shall cut down the thickets of the forest wfth iron." The great strength of iron is frequently referred to in the Old Testament. In Psalms ii, 9, we read : " Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron," and in Psalm cvii, 10, we read of those who sit in darkness as " being bound in affliction and iron." Daniel says that " iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things." In the Koran of Mohammed, fifty-seventh chapter, is found this sentence : " And we sent them down iron, wherein is mighty strength for war." The legend embodied in the note of the commentator to the first phrase is curious. It runs as follows : " That is, we taught them to dig iron from the mines. Al-Zamakshari adds that Adam is said to have brought down with him from the Paradise five things made of iron, viz.: an anvil, a pair of tongs, two hammers, a greater and a lesser, and a needle/' Steel also was made before the Christian era. Day says that in the British Museum are iron and steel tools, probably three thousand years old. Ages ago the city of Damascus manufactured its famous swords from Indian and Persian steel. Swords are still made at Damascus, but of inferior quality. The cutlers of India, however, now make the best of swords from native steel. George Thompson told Wendell Phillips that he saw a man in Calcutta throw a handful of floss silk into the air which a Hindoo cut into pieces with his sabre. EARLY HISTORY OF IRON. 87 We have given references that are conclusive as to the early use of iron, but it is worthy of note, as afford- ing additional proof, that the mythologies of both Greece and Egypt attribute the invention of manufacturing iron to the gods, thus showing the great antiquity of the art in both these countries. The poems of Homer, written about eight hundred years before Christ, make frequent mention of iron. The art of hardening and tempering steel is fully described in the reference to the plunging of the fire-brand of Ulysses into the eye of Polyphemus, an act which is likened to that of the smith who "plunges the loud hiss- ing axe into cold water to temper it, for hence is the strength of iron." We follow the author on down through the Grecian period, viewing with wonder their proficiency in the use and skill in the manufacture of iron and steel and the art of metallurgy. After the lapse of twenty-five centuries, from this little island of Elba where the Greeks got all their ores when Rome was founded, we are receiving many cargoes annually. We can not linger with the author in his description of the battering-ram, the grap- pling-irons and the javelins of the Romans. After the fall of Rome, Spain revived the iron indus- try, their Catalan forges lighting up the forests of the Pyrenees in every direction. These Catalan forges have been introduced into every civilized country of modern times, and still exist in almost their original simplicity in 88 THE A B C OF IRON. the mountains of both Spain and France, and even in the Southern States of our own country. The modern blast furnace is supposed to have origi- nated in the Rhine provinces about the beginning of the fourteenth century, but whether in France, Germany or Belgium, is not known. It is claimed by Landrin that there were many blast furnaces in France about 1450. Alexander states that in the latter half of the sixteenth century there was a blast furnace in the Hartz Mount- ains in Germany, which was twenty-four feet high and six feet wide at the boshes, built by Hanssien a Voight- lander. Blast furnaces were not introduced into England until the beginning of the fifteenth century. Prior to this, all iron made there was produced in Catalan forges or high bloomaries directly from the ore and was, there- fore, when finished, wrought or bar iron. John Ray, the naturalist, in 1672, describes in two papers appended to his "Collection of English Words," the blast furnaces and forges as they existed in England in his day. He got his account from One of the chief iron masters of Sussex, Walter Burrell, Esq., of Cuckfield, deceased. THE MANNER OF THE IRON WORK AT THE FURNACE- "The iron mine (ore) lies sometimes deeper, sometimes shallower, in the earth, from four to forty (feet) and upward. There are several sorts of mine some hard, some gentle, some rich, some coarser. The iron masters always mix different sorts of mine together, otherwise they will not melt to advantage. When the mine is brought in, they take small-coal (char- coal) and lay a row of it, and upon that a row of mine, and so alternately EARLY HISTORY OF IRON. 89 S. S. S., one above another, and, setting the coals on fire, therewith burn the mine. The use of this burning is to modify it, that so it may be broke in small pieces ; otherwise if it should be put into the furnace as it comes out of the earth it would not melt, but come away whole. Care also must be taken that it be not too much burned, for then it will loop, i. e., melt and run together in a mass. After it is burnt they beat it into small pieces with an iron sledge, and then put it into the furnace (which is before charged with coals), casting it upon the top of the coals, where it melts and falls into the hearth, in the space of about twelve hours, more or less, and then it runs into a sow. The hearth, or bottom of the furnace, is made of sand stone, and the sides round, to the height of a yard, or thereabout; the rest of the fur- nace is lined up to the top with brick. When they begin upon a new furnace they put fire for a day or two before they begin to blow. Then they blow gently and increase by degrees 'till they come to the height in ten weeks or more. Every six days they call a Founday, in which space they make eight tun of iron, if you divide the whole sum of iron made by the foundays ; for at first they make less in a founday, at last more. The hearth, by the force of the fire, continually blown, grows wider and wider, so that at first it contains so much as will make a sow of six or seven hundred pounds weight ; at last it will contain so much as will make a sow of two thousand pounds. The lesser pieces, of one thousand pounds or under, they call pigs. Of twenty-four loads of coal they expect eight tuns of sow ; to every load of coals, which consist of eleven quarters, they put a load of mine, which contains eighteen bushels. A hearth ordinarily, if made of good stone, will last forty foundays ; that is, forty weeks, during which time the fire is never let go out. They never blow twice upon one hearth, though they go upon it not above five or six foundays. The cinder, like scum, swims upon the melted metal in the hearth, and is let out once or twice before a sow is cast. THE MANNER OF WORKING THE IRON AT THE FORGE OR HAMMER. In every forge or hammer there are two fires at least ; the one they call \\izfinery, the other the chafery. At the finery, by the working of the ham- mer, they bring it into blooms and anconies, thus : The sow they, at first, roll into the fire, and melt off a piece of about three-fourths of a hundred weight, which, so soon as it is broken off, is 90 THE A B C OF IRON. called a loop. This loop they take out with their shingling tongs, and beat it with iron sledges upon an iron plate near the fire, so that it may not fall in pieces, but be in a capacity to be carried under the hammer. Under which they, then removing it, and drawing a little water, beat it with the hammer very gently, which forces cinder and dross out of the matter ; afterwards, by degrees, drawing more water, they beat it thicker and stronger 'till they bring it to a bloom, which is a four-square mass of about two feet long. This operation they call sh ingling the loop. This done, they immediately return it to the finery again, and, after two or three heats and workings, they bring it to an ancony, the figure whereof is, in the middle, a bar about three feet long, of that shape they intend the whole bar to be made of it ; at both ends a square piece left rough to be wrought at the chafery. Note. At the finery three load of the biggest coals go to make one tun of iron. At the chafery they only draw out the two ends suitable to what was drawn out at the finery in the middle, and so finish the bar. Note. I. One load of the smaller coals will draw out one tun of iron at the chafery. 2. They expect that one man and a boy at the finer}' should make two tuns of iron in a week; two men at the chafery should take up i. e., make or work, five or six tun in a week. 3. If into the hearth where they work the iron sows (whether in the chafery or finery) you cast upon the iron a piece of brass it will hinder the metal from working, causing it to spatter about, so that it cannot be brought into a solid piece. The English blast furnaces and refinery forges which have been described were counterparts of Continental furnaces and forges of the same period. The erection of the first coke blast furnace on the Continent of Europe was commenced in 1823, at Seraing, in Belgium, by John Cockerill, an Englishman by birth but a Belgian citizen, and completed in 1826, when it was successfully blown in. Other coke furnaces in Belgium and elsewhere on the continent soon followed. In 1769 an attempt to smelt iron ores by means of coke was made at Juslen- ville, near Spa, in Belgium, but without success. EARLY HISTORY OF IRON. 9 1 One of the coke furnaces of the Hoerde iron works in Germany is said to have been continuously in blast from July 3, 1855, to May 29, 1874, or almost nineteen years. The manufacture of pig iron with mineral fuel was greatly facilitated by the invention of a cylindrical cast- iron bellows by John Smeaton, in 1760,^0 take the place of wooden or leather bellows, and by the improvements made in the steam engine by James Watts, about 1 769 ; both these valuable accessions to blast furnace machinery being used for the first time, through the influence of Dr. Roebuck, at the Carron iron works in Scotland. The effect of their introduction was to greatly increase the blast and consequently to increase the production of iron. The blast, however, continued to be cold at all the furnaces, both coke and charcoal, and so remained until 1828, when James Beaumont Neilson, of Scotland, invented the hot blast, which is now in general use in all iron-making countries. The origin of the rolling mill for rolling iron into bars, or plates, is not free from doubt. In 1783, Henry Cort, of Gosport, England, obtained a patent for rolling iron into bars with grooved iron rolls, and in the following year he obtained a patent for converting pig iron into malleable iron by means of a puddling furnace. We find, however, that John Payne and Major Han- bury rolled sheet iron as early as 1728 at Pontypool, and patents were granted to other Englishmen before Cort's Q2 THE A B C OF IRON. day. To the important improvements made by Cort, however, the iron trade of Great Britain is greatly indebted. With mineral fuel, powerful blowing engines, the puddling furnace, and grooved rolls Great Britain rapidly passed to the front of all iron-making nations. Steel was largely made in England as early as 1609, and most probably in cementation furnaces, the product being known as blister steel and shear steel. The man- ufacture of steel by cementation, however, did not orig- inate in England, but on the continent. In the year mentioned, John Hawes held the site of the Abbey of Robertsbridge in Sussex, upon which were eight steel " furnaces." The invention of crucible cast steel origi- nated with Benjamin Huntsman, an English clock- maker, at Sheffield, in 1740, and not only Sheffield, the principal seat of its manufacture and of the manufacture of all kinds of cutlery, but all England as well was greatly profited by his discovery. Percy says of the cementation process, by which until in late years most of the steel of Europe and America was produced : " This is an old process, but little is known of its history. According to Beckmann, there is no allusion to it in the writings of the ancients." Laudrin says: "Germany is also the first country where it was proposed to cement iron. Thence this art came to France, and was introduced at New Castle-on-Tyne, long before it was known at Sheffield, the present center of that fabrication." The word cementation is derived EARLY HISTORY OF IRON. 93 from the former use with charcoal of chemical composi- tions called cements, which were, however, not needed. We have, in the preceding pages, traced the early uses and history of iron in the Old World, and will now review briefly its progress in this country. In no other part of the American continent has the manufacture of iron ever risen to the dignity of a great national industry, and only in Canada of all the political divisions of North or South America outside of the United States has a serious effort been made to develop native iron resources. Indeed it is only in the northern latitudes in both hemispheres that iron is made in large or even noticeable quantities. This fact is only in part due to geological reasons. Climate and race tendencies have had much to do with the development of the metallurgical and all other productive industries in the belt of the earth's surface above alluded to, and which may well be called the iron-making belt. Foster, in his Pre-historic Races of the United States of America, says that " no implement of iron has been found in connection with the ancient civilization of America. " He fully establishes the fact that the mound- builders manufactured copper into various domestic and war-like implements, but adds that the Indians of North America did not use copper in any form, although those of Central and South America did. Prescott, the historian of the Conquest of Mexico and Peru, says that the native inhabitants of these 94 THE A B C OF IRON. countries, who were at the time of the conquest the most advanced in all the arts of civilization of the immediate predecessors of the white race in North and South America, were unacquainted with the use of iron, copper serving them as a substitute. Our North American Indians were certainly unac- quainted with the use of iron when the Spaniards, the English, the Dutch, and other Europeans first landed on the Atlantic coast. Stone was used, instead of metal, for their tools. The Rev. Dr. Joseph Dodridge ex- pressed the opinion that "at the discovery of America, the Indians knew nothing of the use of iron. Any people who have ever been in the habit of using iron will be sure to leave some indelible traces of its use behind them ; but the aborigines of this country have left none." Professor Putnam, of Harvard University, the arch- aeologist, found in the ancient mounds of Ohio masses of meteoric iron and various implements and ornaments made by hammering pieces of meteoric iron. This native iron the ancient people of Ohio used the same as they did native silver or native gold, simply as a malleable metal. None of the peoples, he is confident, understood smelting iron or in any way manufacturing it from iron ore. And it was only after contact with Europeans that the Indian tribes obtained iron in various forms, and in due time learned to heat it and shape it as a blacksmith would do. EARLY HISTORY OF IRON. 95 To North Carolina belongs the distinction of first giving to Europeans the information that iron ore existed within the limits of the United States. The discovery was made in 1585 by the expedition fitted out by Sir Walter Raleigh and commanded by Ralph Lane, which made, on Roanoke Island, in that year, the first attempt to plant an English settlement on the Atlantic coast. Lane and his men explored the country along the Roanoke and on both sides from Elizabeth river to the Neuse. Thomas Harriot, the historian of the colony and the servant of Sir Walter, says that "in two places of the countrey specially, one about foure score and the other six score miles from the fort or place where wee dwelt, wee founde neere the water side the ground to be rockie, which, by the triall of a minerall man was founde to hold iron richly. It is founde in manie places of the countrey else ; I know nothing to the contrarie but that it maie be allowed for a good mar- chantable commoditie, considering there the small charge for the labour and feeding of the men ; the infinite store of wood ; the want of wood and deere- nesse thereof in England ; and the necessity of ballast- ing of shippes." No attempt was made to utilize this discovery, as the colonists were in search of gold and not iron. In 1586 they quarreled with the Indians and returned to Eng- land. Iron ore was not mined in North Carolina, nor 96 THE A B C OF IRON. was iron made within her boundaries until after many other colonies had commenced to make iron. The first iron made from American ore was in the year 1608, and the ore came from Virginia. The vessel containing same sailed from Jamestown, and reached England May 2Oth. The ore was smelted and seven- teen tons sold at 4 per ton to the East India Com- pany. The first attempt to make iron in this country was by the Virginia Company in 1619. The enterprise was located on Falling creek, a tributary of the James river, which it enters about seven miles below Richmond. The work of establishing the plant was deterred by the death of three of the master workmen, when, in 1621, John Berkley was sent over with his son and twenty experienced workmen. Before their completion, in March, 1622, in an Indian massacre Berkley and all his men were slain and the works destroyed. In 1624 the charter of the Virginia Company was revoked, and thus disastrously ended the first attempt of Europeans to make iron in America. The first successful iron works were established in the province of Massachusetts Bay, not far from Lynn, between 1643 an( ^ J 645- The place was at that time called Hammersmith, after a place of that name in Eng- land, from which place several of the principal workmen came. Joseph Jenks prepared molds for the first cast- ings that were made at Lynn. " A small iron pot, EARLY HISTORY OF IRON. 97 capable of containing about one quart," was the first article cast at the furnace. This first iron utensil cast in this country is now in the possession of Messrs. Llewellyn and Arthur Lewis, of Lynn, who are the lineal descendants of Thomas Hudson, the first owner of the lands on Saugus river, on which the iron works were built, and who obtained possession of the pot imme- diately after it was cast. With the exception of the blast furnace, which was slowly developed from the high bloomary, and of the cementation process for producing steel, which doubtless originated during the period when the blast furnace was developed, no important improvements in the manufact- ure of iron and steel occurred from the revival of the iron industry in Europe about the beginning of the eighth century until we reach the series of improvements and inventions in the eighteenth century, a period of a thousand years. It is about one hundred years since Henry Cort prominently brought the rolling mill and the puddling furnace to the attention of the iron-making world, and scarcely a hundred and fifty years since coke was first successfully used in the blast furnace, and steel was first made in England in crucibles. Since Huntsman's invention, which still gives us our best steel, there have been many other improvements in the manufacture of steel, and more recently there has 98 THE ABC OF IRON. been a very great relative increase in its production and use as compared with iron, until it has become a hackneyed expression that this is the Age of Steel. While this is true in the sense that steel is replacing iron, it is well to remember that the ancients made steel of excellent quality, and that the art of manufacturing it was never lost, and has never been neglected. The swords of Damascus, and the blades of Toledo bear witness to the skill in the manufacture of steel which existed at an early day in both Asia and Europe. German steel was widely celebrated for its excellence during the middle ages, and steel of the same name, and made by the same process, still occupies an hon- orable place among the metallurgical products. Even Huntsman's invention of the art of making the finest quality of steel in crucibles, while meritorious in itself, was but the reproduction and amplification in a modern age of a process for manufacturing steel of equal quality which was known to the people of India thousands of years ago. The ancient and the early European processes for the manufacture of both iron and steel do not compare unfavorably with those of modern times in the quality of the products they yielded. Modern processes excel those which they have replaced more in the uniformity and quantity of their products than in their quality. In the present age, mechanical skill of the highest EARLY HISTORY OF IRON. 99 order unites with the subtle operations of the chemist to produce iron and steel in such quantities, and with such uniformity of product, as to amaze the student of history, the political economist, the practical statesman, and the man of all wisdom. INDEX. Iron What Is It ? 7 Pig Iron An account of Blast Furnace Process .... 1 1 Constituents of Iron 20 Carbon in Cast Iron , 21 Silicon in Cast Iron 24 Phosphorus in Cast Iron 29 Manganese in Cast Iron 31 Sulphur in Cast Iron 35 Numbering of Iron 37 Analyses 4] Grading of Iron 43 How to Reduce Cost of Mixture 46 Steel Description of Several Processes 49 Physical Properties of Metals Defined 55 Shrinkage of Castings 56 Weights of Castings from Patterns 57 Table of Tenacities and Resistances 58 Formula for Mending Castings 59 Test for Sulphur in Coke 59 Iron Ores How Classified 61 vStatistics 62-65 Pig Iron Growth of Manufacture 66 Consumption per Capita 67 Blast Furnace Capacity 68 Production by States 70 (100) PAGE. Steel Production 70 " Production of each Variety 71 Steel Rail Production 72 Iron and Steel World's Production 74 Iron Ore World's Production 74 Coal World's Production 74 Production of Leading Articles in Iron and Steel .... 75 Grand Summary 77 Railroads Mileage 77 Rolling Stock 77 ;' Assets and Liabilities 78 Mileage by Years 79 Mileage by States So Miles of Iron and Steel Rails 81 Early History and Manufacture of Iron 83-99 (101) CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. IRON ORE. PICKANDS, BROWN & CO 1 16 PICKANDS, MATHER & CO 116 COKE. L. E. OVERMAN & CO -. 115 COKE AND COAL. L. E. OVERMAN & CO 115 GEO. H. HULL & CO 107 E. B. BLANDY 118 COPPER. CRAMER BURT. . , 105 STEEL. E. B. BLANDY 1 18 IRON AND STEEL FOUNDERS. THE CONGDON BRAKE SHOE CO 108 FOUNDRY SUPPLIES. S. OBERMAYER & CO 109 MILLINGTON WHITE SAND CO 104 CHICAGO FOUNDRY SUPPLY CO :... 113 DETROIT FOUNDRY EQUIPMENT CO.... in F. B. STEVENS 116 (102) CUPOLAS, CRANES, ETC. DETROIT FOUNDRY EQUIPMENT CO. ... 1 1 1 FOUNDRY PUBLICATIONS. THE IRON AGE 114 THE FOUNDRY no HISTORY OF IRON IN ALL AGES 112 PIG IRON. CRAMER & BURT 105 PICKANDS, BROWN & CO 1 16 GEO.-H. HULL & CO 107 FOSTER, BACKMAN & HAWES . .op. Title Page. E. B. BLANDY 118 PiCKANDS, MATHER & CO 116 DUNHAM, KEEDY & CO 104 IROOUOIS FURNACE CO op. Title Page. GAYLORD IRON CO 108 PENINSULAR IRON CO 113 OHIO IRON AND STEEL CO 106 PINE LAKE IRON CO 104 F. B. STEVENS 116 BLAST FURNACES. OHIO IRON AND STEEL CO 106 IROQUOIS FURNACE CO op. Title Page. PENINSULAR IRON CO 113 GAYLORD IRON CO 108 PINE LAKE IRON CO 104 (103) PINE LAKE IRON COMPANY, "Champion" LflKE SUPERIOR CHflRCOflL PIQ IRON, No. 655 THE ROOKERY, R. M. CHERRIE, President. /^l_ll^A<~r> II I H. C. DOLPH, Treasurer. OMIUALlU, ILL. A. H. DUNHAM. D. V. Ki:i:m. DUNHAM, KEEDY & CO,, JPig Iron, 939 Rookery, CHICAGO. TELEPHONE 695. MILLINGTON WHITE SAND CO, SAND FOR OFFICE: 126 WASHINGTON STREET, ROOM 43, FURNACES, [ocoM A o S T r E "o CHICAGO. PLASTERERS' SAND. MINE AT MILLINGTON, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. (104) AMBROSE CRAMKR. CHARLES S. BURT. PHENIX BUILDING, CLARK AND JACKSON STREETS, Chicago, 111. / Pig Iron, Ingot Copper, Sheet Copper, Spelter, Iron Ores, Wire t^ope (05) THOS. H. WELLS, President. JOHN C. WICK, Vice-President. F. H. WICK, Treasurer. R. BENTLEY, Sec'y and Gen'l Mgr, MARY FURNACE THE Ohio Iron & Steel Co. LOWELL VILLE, OHIO, MANUFACTURERS OF PIC IRON. SPECIALTY: AMERICAN SCOTCH FOUNDRY IRON. BRAND, MARY OHIO SCOTCH. THE OHIO IRON & STEEL CO, Believing the trade will be interested in the great progress made in producing in the United States a Foundry Iron in every respect equal to the Imported Scotch, we give herewith comparative analyses of four well-known brands of Imported Scotch and our No. i Mary Ohio Scotch Foundry Iron. We challenge comparison of these analy- ses. Many inferior Irons are to-day being put on the market and called "Ohio Scotch" Foundry, and in many cases have been sold to our customers with intent to deceive. Please ask for "Mary Ohio Scotch," and see that you get it ; and demand an analy- sis with every order, if you are in doubt. Respectfully, THE OHIO IRON & STEEL CO., NO. 1 M Metallic Iron Silicon .... Graphite . . Combined Car ARY ( HIO SCOTCH 92.01 3-15 2.97 .25 bon . . Phosphorus . Sulphur 425 .018 1. 20 100.023 IMPORTED SCOTCH. Colt- OU-nw Cum- loam Metallic Iron 9'-34 800 90-65 92.177 Silicon . . . 2-93 2 021 2-93 1.68 Graphite . . 3-M 2.147 290 2.99 Comb. Carbon . .40 .76 75 Phosphorus . . .628 1. 121 1. 12 .642 Sulphur . . . . .048 C37 03 .021 Manganese . . 1.08 J-9>5 I-5I 1.74 Copper . . . Titanium . . $ 99.566 99.921 IOO.OO IOO.OO A < : i : ;v i .-* s Piekands, Brown & Co., Chicago, 111. Piekands, fflathep & Co., Cleveland, Ohio. N. S. BaFtlett & Co., Boston and Nem York. (106) PIG ifrofl. COK;E m GEO, H, HULL S Co,, LOUISVILLE, KY. BRANCHES: 44 WALL STREET, 201 EAST GERMAN STREET, NEW YORK. BALTIMORE. 22 LACLEDE BUILDING, 556 THE ROOKERY, ST. LOUIS. CHICAGO. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. \Ve are specially prepared to help out found- ers -who are having trouble with their mixtures. Our aim is to furnish only material of su- perior quality. COAL,. (107) GAYLORD IRON CO, MANUFACTURERS OF Lal^e ^uperioi 1 Charcoal pig toon Special attention given to the manufacture of Iron for malleable purposes. (108) THE LARGEST AND MOST RELIABLE FOUNDRY SUPPLY HOUSE IN THE WORLD. THE S OBERMAYER COMPANY, , OHIO, MANUFACTURERS poundry pacings, India Silver L eac * and Plumbago, AND GENERAL FOUNDRY SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENTS, Molders' Tools, Fire Brick, Cupola Blocks, Etc. We keep in stock and MANUFACTURE everything needed in Brass or Iron Foundry (except metal and fuel). WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. No Charge for TRIAL Samples. (109) THE FOUNDRY A MONTHLY TRADE JOURNAL, Published on the Tenth of each Month and Devoted to the Inter ests of the whole Foundry Business. THE RECOGNIZED ORGAN OF THE STOVE, BENCH, MACHINERY, STEEL, CAR AND BRASS FOUNDRY INTERESTS. On the mixing, melting and the most improved methods of molding and pouring metals of all kinds, by the most able writers on Foundry subjects, will be found, from time to time, in its columns. Every Foundry Proprietor. Superintendent, Foreman, Holder, Melter and Core-maker should take it if he desires to keep abreast of the times. Subscription Rates, $1.OO per year. Single Copies, - 1O cents. Clubs of eight or more may have "The Foundry" mailed to their addresses for seventy-five cents per year. THE POUCHY PUBLISHING COfflPflflY, 172 Griswold Street, DETROIT, MICH. (no) DETROIT FODRDRY EHUIPH1ENT GO. OFFICE AND WORKS : Cor. Michigan Ayenne and D. & B. C. R. R. CHICAGO : 62 West Jacteon street. NEW YORK : 47|Cedar Street. MANUFACTURERS OF THE WHITING PATENT CUPOLA. Am Established Success ! lit ust all over the Country I Made In Tuiehe Sizes ! The Most Economical and Substantial Cupola Made , Jib and Traveling. Hand and Power. r^AorvEjs. Geared, Hand and Reservoir Ladles of all Sizes and Capacities. Tumblers. Trucks, Sand Sifters, Foundry Elevators, Etc. Sole makers of WHITING'S PATENT CAR, WHEEL, FOUNDRY SYSTEM and complete Foundry Outfits. Write for Estimates. (in) MamlMHreoflroninflllflgBS, AND PARTICULARLY IN THE UNITED STATES FROM COLONIAL TIMES TO 1891. ALSO A SHORT HISTORY OP EARLY COAL MINING IN THE UNITED STATES, AND A FULL ACCOUNT OF THE INFLUENCES WHICH LONG DELAYED THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALL AMERICAN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES, JVJ. Secretary and General Manager of The American Iron and Steel Association for Twenty Years, from 1872 to 1892. In One Volume, Royal Octavo, 574 Pages, Large Type, Good Paper, Well Printed, Best Cloth Binding, Gilt Title. SECOND EDITION, THOROUGHLY REVISED AND GREATLY ENLARGED. Sold Only at the Office of the American Iron and Steel Association. PRICE, SEVEN DOLLHRS HND FIFTY CENTS. I now offer to Iron and Steel Manufacturers, the officers of Public Libraries and others, a second edition of this work in a handsome volume of 574 pages, including 132 pages of historical details not found in the first edition. The whole book has been printed from new type. It is respectfully suggested, in order to save correspondence, that orders for the History be accompanied by checks or money orders, payable to my order. The book will be forwarded promptly, encased in a paper box. It will be sent at my cost for expressage or postage, and care will be taken that it be received in good condition. It is now ready for delivery. Address. JAMES M. SWANK, No. 261 South Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. (112) T. H. EATON, President. ROBERT I,EETE, Vice-Pres't. SOLON HURT, Sec'v and Treas. THE PEfllJiSUltflH IHOJI GO. MANUFACTURERS OF Charcoal Pig Iron FOR CAR WHEEL, MALLEABLE & FOUNDRY USE, FROM LAKE SUPERIOR ORES, DETROIT, MICH. Peerless Facing Mills. Our manufactures are Peerless in all that this word implies. Specialists and Experts in the manufacture of such materials as will aid in producing the Finest, Brightest and Smoothest Castings. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO STOVE PLATE AND RETURN FACINGS. We are originators of the best STOVE PLATE FACINGS now In use. DIRECT IMPORTERS AND REFINERS OF Silver Leads, Graphite or Plumbago, FOUNDRY FACINGS, BLACKINGS AND FOUNDRY SUPPLIES. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRIES COMPLETELY EQUIPPED. No ('barer for Trial Sample-.. Send fur Illiislrnlril Catalogue and Fritr I.W. THE CH1CRGO FOUNDRY SUPPLY CO., CHICRGO, ILL. 8 (H3) THE IRON AGE. A Heviem of the Hardware, ip n and Metal Trades. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, SEMI-MONTHLY AND MONTHLY. The position of THE IRON AGE is indicated in these facts: It has for thirty-eight years been a leader among trade journals, and is the representative paper of the Iron and Steel, Hardware and Metal interests. It has grown from a four-page sheet, with few advertisements, until its weekly issue contains from forty-five to sixty pages of reading matter, and from one hundred to one hundred and fifty pages of advertisements. Its editorial contents have kept pace with the progress of manufacture and the needs of the trade, each issue having important illustrated articles, special contributions, telegraph and cable advices, etc. It circulates in all parts of the country and in foreign lands, having a greater circulation at home and abroad than the combined circulation of all of its competitors. The reason for its great circulation is, that without regard to expense the publisher endeavors to make the paper useful to its readers, adding new features as the need or opportunity may suggest. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Weekly Edition, issued every Thursday morning, $4.50 a Year. Semi-Monthly Edition, first and third Thursdays, with the Hardware Bulletin for the second, fourth and fifth Thursdays, . 2.30 a Year. Monthly Edition, first Thursday in the month, with the Hardware Bulletin for the second, third, fourth and fifth Thursdays, 1.15 a Year. ("4) L. K. OVERMAN. W. J. COOK. L.E. OVERMAN & CO., 138 JACKSON STREET, PHEN.X BU.LD.NG. CHICAGO, GENERAL SALES AGENTS FOR THE McClure Coke Co. PITTSBURGH, PA., AND SHIPPERS OF THE HIGHEST GRADES OF Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois The product of the McClure Coke Co.'s ovens is exclusively from the famous Connellsville vein of Coal, and is of the highest standard of excellence for Foundry purposes (for which they burn 72-hour coke only), and for Blast Furnace use. The makers of the highest grades of iron and steel produced in the world are using the "McClure" Coke, because of its evenness and reliability. We gladly quote delivered prices, and will make every effort to fulfill the wishes of consumers of Coke, if they will tell us of their wants. L. E. OVERMAN < CO., 138 Jackson St., Phenix Building:. CHICAGO. ("5) ERE is a little girl who has just realized that her doll is stuffed with saw-dust. Many a man realizes the same fact too late in life to recoup. To keep out of the saw-dust of business worry and annoyance, take care in buying. The sub- scriber carries an extensive line of Pig Iron suitable for any mixture, Facings and Black- ings of superior quality, Fire Brick, Cupola Blocks, Mold- ing Sand our own pits and a complete line of Shovels, Riddles and Brushes. In short, we are in the Foundry Supply business. F. B. STEVENS, 74 Griswold Street, WAREHOUSE: HFTROIT MICH 1 1 and 1 3 Atwater Street West. ' ! ' ' PICKANDS, BROWN & Co., PIG IRON AND IRON ORE, 1007, 1009 AND 101 I ROOKERY BUILDING, CHICAGO. PICKANDS, MATHER & Co., Western Reserve Building, CLEVELAND, OHIO. -%*-%> WHEELER KURNACE COMPANY. (116) When you get this Imprint on your Lithographing or Printing We'll guarantee the work has been well done It's good. We are thoroughly equipped. Our work is as good as that of the best houses in the United States. When you need anything in our line Fine Lithographing, Wood or Process Engraving, Printing, Binding, Electrotyping let us give you an estimate. You will find our prices reason- able, and our work FIRST CLASS. Our address is 334-338 West Green Street, Louisville, Ky. (117) Pig Iron Steel STRUCTURAL IRON AND STEEL Blooms E. B. BliflflDY, 201 EAST GERMAN ST., Baltimore, - Md. Billets Correspondence Solicited for All Kinds of IRON and STEEL PRODUCTS, CAR WORKS and RAILROAD SUPPLIES. Iron Ore Coke (118) THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. A 000 586 91 1