GIFT OF Carrit -Ju Lft j *, WM (/ i a i .1 HEART MELODY CARRIE JUDL> MONTGOMERY AUTHOR OF PRAYER OF FAITH," "SECRETS OF VICTORY, "LILIES FROM THE VALE OF THOUGHT" AND "HEART WHISPERINGS" OFFICE OF TRIUMPHS OF FAITH BEULAH HEIGHTS OAKLAND, CALIF. . S. Kitchene COPYRIGHTED 1922 BY CARRIE JUDD MONTGOMERY I tt C T O my dear Husband, Qeorge S. ^Montgomery , tohose toting sympathy and faithful help, e~\>er since our marriage in 1890, hate enabled me to labor "more abundantly" for the tJYCaster, tohom tpe both serte, this little Volume is lovingly dedicated. CONTENTS PAGE Abraham Lincoln 35 Angels Message, The 17 Among the Lilies 31 Apple of His Eye, The 45 As Thy Days 30 Autumnal Memories 23 Baby s Hands 87 Behold, I Make All Things New 65 Blest Christmas Morn 39 Broken Heart, A 33 Breath of Morn, The 29 Called Up Higher 59 Changing Hills of California, The 27 Christmas Sign, The 71 Come With Me 79 Compensation 16 Dancing Leaves 56 Day of Days, The 25 Dove of Peace, The 43 Eye Hath Not Seen 53 Fettered 77 Folded Wings 72 Full Tides 49 God s Good-Night 57 God s Symphony 94 Greed of Gold, The 82 Heart of Gold 64 His Own Elect 50 "I Will Not Let Thee Go" 68 Law of Giving, The 19 Lord Is It I? 84 Love s Offspring 89 CONTENTS PACE Love Perfected 48 Mother s Watch-Care 97 My Cup Runneth Over 67 My Olive Branch 99 My Spikenard 34 Night Voices...- 91 No More Twain 47 Praise at Midnight 51 Primeval Redwoods 41 Showing Himself Through the Lattice 75 Sing Alway 73 Sing On, Love On, Serve On 13 "Somebody Hath Touched Me" 102 Sunset Glory 62 Sweet Love of Christ 55 Sanctuary Nest, The 46 Sea, The 85 Sea and the Shell, The 26 Smitten Rock, The 40 Song at Night, The 81 Snowdrop, The 37 Springtide of the Soul, The 69 Take Me, Break Me, Make Me 20 Then Shall We Know 95 Toward the Light 93 True Greatness 38 Vessels of Mercy -- 21 Voice of the Sea, The 22 "Willows By the Water Courses" 61 Windows of Heaven 14 Worship 101 Worship in the Forest 83 Introductory | HIS little volume of poems by Carrie Judd Montgomery goes forth to bless the world with its richness of faith and hope. Mrs. Montgomery s life has been an inspiration to those of us who have known her. Abso lute trust in God, firm belief in an all-sufficient Saviour, a listening ear into which the Holy Spirit whispers, all are revealed in these stanzas. These lines will carry a consoling and enkindling mes sage to palace and cottage, in city and country, on plain and mountain side. Sad hearts will be comforted, heed less souls restrained from worldly folly and triumphant souls will thank God and take courage for greater service, as these songs are read and pondered. Go forth, blest volume, far and wide, with your Chris tian cheer for the hearts of earthly pilgrims. Tell them in your own sweet words that perfect love casteth out fear. Show them the "water brooks" and teach them to "Sing on," "Love on," and "Serve on." May the author of this book, from her Beulah Home of Peace, long set before us her triumphs of faith and show us how to live victoriously. S. P. MEADS, 5325 Underwood Ave., Oakland, California. SING ON, LOVE ON, SERVE ON Sing on, my soul, No song shall ever die; Thy notes of sacred fire Rise higher still and higher, Till piercing Love s own sky; Sing on, my soul, sing on. Love on, my heart, No love of thine is lost; Love bleeds to overflow, Love dies its love to show, But never counts the cost; Love on, my heart, love on. Serve on, my soul, Love s service ne er shall fail; Though life itself seems vain, Though love knows but love s pain, Love sees through Heaven s veil; Serve on, my soul, serve on. 13 WINDOWS OF HEAVEN "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse .... and prove Me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." Malachi 3:10. Would you see the golden windows Open wide in beauty bright; Would you see them pour in blessing Dazzling floods of heaven s light? Would you feel that tide of glory In its warmth of light and love, Quicken all your weary being With the fulness from above? Precious heart, your Saviour waiteth With the love-light in His face, Waits to "pour you out a blessing," Waits to have you prove His grace, Waits and pleads with tender mercy That His gifts you may not miss, Waits with all a Father s longing To bestow His sweetest bliss. Will you bring the "tithes" He longs for? "All the tithes" of hallowed love, Will you bring them to His storehouse In the love-lit land above? He will empty out His fulness, All the wealth of heaven s King, And will fill to overflowing Every vessel you may bring. 14 WINDOWS OF HEAVEN Jesus is the Father s Storehouse, Long you ve robbed Him of your love, Long delayed the promised blessing At the Mercy Seat above. But the sweet entreaty ever Soundeth forth on angel tongue; Jesus waits your full surrender Ere the golden gates are swung. And an added blessing rises On the promise-laden air, Never more shall buds of Springtime Fade and wither in despair. Christ will stay the Fell Destroyer In thy body, soul and mind, All the hope of vine and harvest Shall its full fruition find. Hasten, then, thy consecration, Bring thine offering complete, Lay thyself in loving meekness At thy Saviour s pierced feet. Let Him make and let Him mould thee, Let Him keep thee near His side, While His heart of love rejoiceth And His soul is satisfied. COMPENSATION (California Hills) Relentless flames o erswept the sun-dried hills, Devouring every trace of flower and blade, Till scarred and black, they seemed to shrink dismayed From light of day, and happy songsters trills, And shunned man s gaze. But nature e er fulfils Her deathless trust, and these are first arrayed In living green, when showers long delayed, Wake life and rapture in the fields and rills. Rejoice then, O my heart, at God s great plan Of compensating grace to fallen man; Where sorrow s fires had left their scourge and scar Upon the soul to devastate and mar, Self thus destroyed shall help God s peace to bring, And Heaven s rain cause fadeless bloom to spring. 16 THE ANGELS MESSAGE "Peace on earth" how strange the message! Listen to the sound of war, To the noise of strife and conflict, To the struggle evermore. Do you wonder, weeping Christian, Why the message seems in vain? Why the gladsome Christmas chorus Leaves on earth so much of pain? "Peace on earth" doubting spirit, Let your sad forebodings cease; Jesus is the Overcomer, Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Though we see not all things conquered, Yet our faith crowns Jesus now, And His reign shall ne er be over Till each enemy shall bow. Then the tide of Christmas blessing Shall prevail the world around, And the glory of Christ s kingdom Shall forevermore be found. "Peace on earth" how sweet the message To the saddened, sorrowing earth! Strife and tumult soon must vanish, Joy and victory have their birth. Sweet and sweeter grows the chorus! Listen, then weary soul, THE ANGELS MESSAGE Till it penetrates thy darkness, Fills with light, and makes thee whole. To each heart that takes the message, Even now its strife is o er, And it hears the angels music Swelling clearer evermore. 18 THE LAW OF GIVING What things so e er ye mete ye shall receive; This law stands fast, a verdict from the skies. If love and pity, sacrifice arise Within your breast, and cause you to relieve With lavish hand your brother, then believe That God s own constant, flowing, rich supplies Shall fill your life, and with a glad surprise His very nature, Love, ye will perceive. For God withholdeth not, but all bestows, From blazing sun and star to silent dew, In seed of springtime, and in harvest hoard, In song and fragrance, in each wind that blows, God pours Himself reveals Himself anew: And gives His very life in Christ our Lord. TAKE ME, BREAK ME, MAKE ME TAKE ME, O Lord, for I am but the clay That lies unused upon a dusty shelf; I cannot move to meet Thy blessed hand, So weak am I, and powerless in myself; I can but cry for Thee with helpless moan, And ask Thee so to work upon my soul That I shall let my painful struggles cease And yield my hapless life to Thy control. BREAK ME, O Lord, for hard hath grown the clay, Until no pliability remains; Let Thine own fingers crumble me to dust, Till naught of former shape the clay retains. The vessel on the wheel was sadly marred, Some trace of self -life spoiled the Potter s art; Then sift the scattered dust with searching eye, And satisfy my broken, contrite heart. MAKE ME, Lord, with Thine own bleeding hands, And streams of grace will moisten and unite The broken dust again to yielding clay, No more to struggle, and resist Thy might. Then take, and break, and make, until, so formed, The Heavenly Potter calls His work complete, And in His image fair hath fashioned me, A vessel for the Master s use made meet. 20 VESSELS OF MERCY Rom. 9:23 Vessels, frail and earthen, Full of grace Divine; Lord of life and glory What a love is Thine! In my utter darkness Thou hast deigned to shine. If I had one merit Mercy could not flow, Favor not deserving Boldly I may go, Fulness of Thy mercy Thus to surely know. Poor, despised, yea, nothing, What have I to claim? All the wealth of Heaven Mine in Jesus Name, And the blessed reason Is my very shame. Emptied of earth s glory And my own poor thought, Gone the sad, long struggle, That which self had wrought; Mine for soul and body, All the blood hath bought. THE VOICE OF THE SEA I stretch me on the warm, grey sand And hearken to the Sea; It has its mission vast, sublime, And yet it talks to me. The Psalm of Life is all expressed By notes of joy and grief, And never does the throbbing Sea Find aught but short relief. An organ played by Master hand, All tremulous with sound, While vibrate all the highest keys As full tides reach their bound. A prelude first of lighter touch With minor undertone, Then thunder crash of awful power, Half song and half a groan. Flow on, flow on, or ebb away; Thy voice is pain and love, First moaning like a wounded thing, Then cooing like a dove. It sings once more in accents gay, And then it sobs again, And never is there note of joy Without a voice of pain. And sometimes tones both sweet and rare, Like Mother s tender call, So soft I lose myself in rest, And hear God s voice in all. 22 AUTUMNAL MEMORIES My thoughts are strangely roving Through the past; They flit in restless eddies Whirling fast, While dying leaves are rushing At my feet, To meet the surging memories Passing sweet. I breathe the spicy odor Of a day, When fragrant, cool October Breezes play; I see in glowing vision Gorgeous trees, That flaunt their crimson glory In the breeze. The wind, a ringing laughter Bears to me ; I see a group of children Neath the tree ; I hush my heart to listen, With a pain, To catch the bitter pleasure I may gain. I watch the airy footsteps One by one, Trip light, fantastic circles In their fun, AUTUMNAL MEMORIES And hear the quick vibration, Strangely sweet, The snapping, crispy crackle Neath their feet. Then withered leaves are gathered In a heap. I see the bonfire s blazes Quickly leap; The children s chilly fingers Seek the glow, While round the smoke-wreaths curling Zephyrs blow. I see a roguish urchin Stir the mass, The timid ones to frighten As they pass; I view the dying embers Slowly pale; Not all the kindly zephyrs Now avail. I turn me to the outlook Of today; Those children of my vision, Where are they? Some gone beyond the fading Of the leaves; While others wait the binding Of their sheaves. 24 THE DAY OF DAYS Sweet Day of Grace, When Love devised a way for Mercy s flow, And Christ the Lord Laid down His glory for a Cross below. Sweet Day of Bliss, When Love transcending shone o er all the earth, And Heaven s King Forsook His Throne to know a Manger birth. Sweet Day of Peace, When to the saddened world, all sin-defiled, The Father bent, And sent out from His heart the Holy child. Sweet Day of Song, When angels tuned their harps to highest praise; "Good will to men," And with their gladness crowned the Day of Days. 25 THE SEA AND THE SHELL When first I heard the summer sea, Twas prisoned within a shell, Held by my mother s hand to my ear, And the song was soft, and sweet and clear; While my childish fancy loved to dwell On the waves that were speaking to me. When next I heard the summer sea, Afar on a lonely shore, I saw the great Ocean flow and swell, Within its depths was the fragile shell, And its tides rolled on forevermore; Still the billows were singing to me. When first I felt Eternity, Soft beating within my soul, Twas hid in the tiny shell of my life, Where Christ s tender voice had stilled all strife, And as I heard His deep love-tides roll, Their sweet music was wakened in me. At last I viewed humanity, With its crying need of love, And as my hand reached quickly to save, I knew that a mighty Ocean wave Of love Divine from Heaven above, Had borne out my shell to the sea. THE CHANGING HILLS OF CALIFORNIA The blue-green hills, the Winter hills, With life, and strength and cheer, Refreshing showers, and first wild bloom, And air perfumed and clear. And yet the days more gorgeous grow, And far off mountains topped with snow Reflect the brilliant after-glow: Tis bliss to sojourn here! The gold-green hills, the Springtime hills, With poppies all ablaze, With wealth of verdure, cress and flower, And meek-eyed cows that graze: And live-oak trees that never fade, Festooned with lace, throw kindly shade O er primrose bright, and grassy blade: O sweet and dreamy days! The yellow hills, the Summer hills, By golden sun caressed, While soft, long shadows come and go, And all is peace and rest: The happy children sing and play, And odors sweet of new-mown hay Are borne by care-free winds away: What days can be more blest! 27 THE CHANGING HILLS OF CALIFORNIA The sun-browned hills, the Autumn hills, Grown parched, and half forlorn, Yet changing leaf and purple grape Thy patient brow adorn; No rain yet laves thine up-turned face, But when God gives this hoped-for grace, The scars severe shall leave no trace, Thou shall be newly born. O dimpled hills, O darling hills, At every season fair! Thy faithful lover I will be, And sing thy praises rare; In dress of green, or gold or tan, Or even sober brown, Thou satisfiest my fond heart, With every change of gown: And as I keep my sacred tryst, Like bashful maiden slyly kissed, Thou drawest down thy veil of mist, With coy attempt to frown. THE BREATH OF MORN breath of morn, whose wine of rare delight 1 drink from sunlit chalice, golden bright, Thy sweetness fills each inch of dewy sod, Thy perfume dwellest in the fresh-turned clod, Thou fillest roses red, and lilies white. Each bright-winged bird that takes his sudden flight, With song of joy to revel in the light, Knows freedom new from this rich gift of God, O breath of morn! From far-off mountains that arise in might, From spicy trees that grow upon the height, From fragrant hills where slender grasses nod, From lowly plains where blooms the golden rod, Thou comest with the passing of the night, O breath of morn! 29 AS THY DAYS As thy days, so shall thy strength be." Deut. 33:25. Do thy weary footsteps falter, Does the path seem steep and hard, Dost thou long to drop the crosses, And fly Home to thy reward? Lift thy heart in holy courage, Let thy faith the promise see, For His good word never faileth: "As thy days thy strength shall be." Weak and faint, does life seem ebbing, Does all hope of vict ry flee? Fear not, O beloved toiler, "As thy days thy strength shall be." Does the mountain path grow rougher? Still the Lord hath need of thee; He hath trod the steeps of Calvary: "As thy days thy strength shall be." Does the tempest beat more fiercely? Still shall stand His blest decree, All the waves shall not o erwhelm thee ; "As thy days thy strength shall be." Hush thy heart in sweet abiding, Let all doubt and sorrow flee; Sink to rest upon His bosom, All His strength shall be for thee. AMONG THE LILIES "My Beloved is gone down into His garden. ... to gather lilies. He feedeth among the lilies." Song of Sol. 6:2, 3. Blow, ye winds of pain and sorrow; Blow, ye zephyrs soft with peace; Blow upon my lily garden, That its perfume may not cease. Breathe of fragrance sweet as Heaven, Float it to my soul s Adored, Till His fair hands haste to gather All the sweetness for Him stored. Reck I not if rain or sunshine, Storm or calm my garden knows, If the sweetness of its spices Only forth for Jesus flows. Once within this lily garden Only thorns would make their bed, Thorns as cruel as once woven For the Saviour s meek-bowed head. Mystery divine and lovely! He hath changed both soil and seed, And among His own fair lilies My Beloved comes to feed. I "consider" these fair lilies, How they grow, how sweet they bloom, Fresh from Jesus spotless spirit Blest my heart to give them room. 31 AMONG THE LILIES These are lilies of the valley, Grown within the shade of death, Raised to resurrection beauty By the Spirit s vital breath. All "inclosed" my lily garden, But to One its bloom revealed, And within its deepest recess Springs a living fountain "sealed." Flows this Spring of life from Jesus, Back to Him its streams must go, And the lilies owe their freshness To the Fountain s constant flow. Jesus, "Altogether lovely," Spotless Lily of my heart, Grow within my life forever, I am Thine, and mine Thou art. 32 A BROKEN HEART Psalm 51:17 A broken heart I bring, A priceless thing, For it has cost me all. See, Lord, the sacrifice Thou hast required; I yield Thee everything that self desired, And follow at Thy call. A bleeding heart I bring, A useless thing To human sense or sight, But Thou Who bindest up the broken heart, Withdrawing by Thy hand sin s poison dart, Wilt use it by Thy might. I ponder and ask why My heart must die, Ere it may upward press; Why naught but broken heart will Thee suffice, I listen, and the God of love replies "Thy Saviour gave no less." MY SPIKENARD I had a tiny box, a precious box Of human love, my spikenard of great price: I kept it close within my heart of hearts And scarce would lift the lid lest it should waste Its perfume on the air. One day a strange Deep sorrow came with crushing weight, and fell Upon my costly treasure, sweet and rare, And brake the box to atoms. All my heart Rose in dismay and sorrow at this waste, But as I mourned, behold a miracle Of grace Divine. My human love was changed To Heaven s own, and poured in healing streams On other broken hearts, while soft and clear A voice above me whispered, "Child of Mine, With comfort wherewith thou art comforted, From this time forth, go comfort other lives, And thou shalt know blest fellowship with Me Whose broken heart of love hath healed the world. 34 ABRAHAM LINCOLN In Memoriam Written by request for the "Lincoln Birthday Association," Buffalo, N. Y., February 12, 1876 (Composed at the age of seventeen) 3h, hail, with rejoicing and honor, the light of that day, Which bore us a sovereign hero the nation to sway; A strong, daring soul for our country, to wipe out its stains; The rights of his people were holy, he sundered their chains. Through tides of tumultuous discord he held his command, The throbs of that noble heart beating were felt o er the land. He planted his foot on enslavement and ground it to dust, He wrested the power from oppressors, left fetters to rust; (Through surges of wild opposition he weathered the storm, And faced with unwavering courage his charge to perform. jNo chaplets of laurel were needed for crowning his life, jSublimely at last, as he lived it, he finished the strife; A martyr, indeed, for his country, earth s honors were vain; A crown of the glory immortal his permanent gain. Though lowly our loftiest homage that name to enshrine, jit e er in the hearts of his people in splendor shall shine. | The souls of those destitute freedmen in loyalty hold A monument stronger than granite, more precious than gold ; Twas reared on a life of endurance, the workman was Love; The warden to guard and preserve it an angel above: The key to this glorious structure that dear cherished name, Inscribed with the blood of his death-wound in letters of fame: And storms cannot crumble this pillar or cause it to rust, No changes of time can obscure it, or print it with dust; The blocks in this column of glory are cut from the heart, Cemented with grateful affection they never can part. 35 ABRAHAM LINCOLN Thus planted on solid foundation, the strength of the years, And hallowed by rare consecration with agonized tears, Though lost to the life of the listless, this cenotaph grand Still looms in its majesty endless, a work of God s hand. Unbound from their fetters, those freedmen shall strike for a goal That pride, which true liberty wakens, ennobles the soul, His mem ry a help to advancement, a light to their eyes, That race to the height of true manhood shall steadily rise ; And each lofty deed or attainment achieved by their hand, Shall seek for its first inspiration that name of command. 36 THE SNOWDROP O brave, fair flower, my snowdrop sweet, The spring and winter meet. Thy gleaming wings are blossomed snow, But in the dainty bell below, The springtide s tender green doth glow, darling flower of snow and verdure! 1 bend my head a little space; Breathe softly in my face; Thy tender, curving lips unclose; I drink the breath of scented snows, And in deliciousness repose, O darling flower of snow and verdure. Thou art the winter s sweet reply To our half-glad good-bye; But underneath thy snowy wing We spy a messenger of spring, With promise of more blossoming, Thou darling flower of snow and verdure. O may our lives like thee unfold, Sweet blossom of the cold! May we rise bravely to endure, And be as spotless, fair and pure, With promise of a springtide sure, Where fairer flowers shall bloom forever. 37 TRUE GREATNESS Wilt pay the price of greatness, child of God? Wilt listen to the truth the Master taught When His disciples high position sought? Then seek to know the lowly path He trod. Though Lord of all, He looked on earth abroad And found no place to lay His head; so fraught His life with loss. In sacrifice He wrought Then found the Cross; the Man beneath God s rod. Thus be thou great by being but the least And like the perfect Servant, tire thou not Of serving all. No name or place thine own, From selfish care thou art for aye released, And by thy Saviour s blood a bond-slave bought, Love s greatness shall in thee be fully known. 38 BLEST CHRISTMAS MORN Blest Christmas morn, thou comest, as of yore, To cheer with songs that echo o er and o er; Thou bringest Bethlehem s sweet Babe again, To heal and comfort hearts nigh crushed with pain: We kneel as eastern magi knelt before. With myrrh and gold and incense, love s sweet store, In faith our treasures at His feet we pour, Who comes in peace o er loyal hearts to reign; Blest Christmas morn! Thy message of glad tidings rings once more, Good will on earth Christ cometh to restore; We fain would join the angels blessed strain, That swells in joy o er mountain, hill and plain, With lowly hearts that worship and adore; Blest Christmas morn! 39 THE SMITTEN ROCK Ex. 17:6; Num. 20:8. See the riven side of Jesus, Watch the stream of molten love! See the crimson tide of mercy Flow from Calvary s Mount above; How it pours itself most gladly At the cruel sabre s blow, As it speaks, in thrilling accents: "This shall cleanse thee white as snow.* Once the Living Rock was smitten, Never need to pierce it more; Speak in faith s most gentle whisper, And the streams of life will pour. Unbelief afresh would wound Thee, O Thou gracious Son of God! But the trust which gains the blessing, Never more may lift the rod. 40 PRIMEVAL REDWOODS (Composed at Elim Grove, Cazadero Redwoods, California) Ye oracles of God ! Full well ye preach Your weighty sermons, eloquent and wise; In strong, unuttered words, in forceful speech. Your thrilling presence masters all my soul. Aspiring by your towering height to reach That Heaven of which ye breathe, ye lift your heads On high, among the sunlit clouds, and hear The angels whispered messages to men. Your slow, sure growth of centuries shows forth That holy patience that inspires the soul When fully taught of God. Your upright trend, And straight, undeviating forms shame all Who fail to show integrity of life. Like priests, or prophets, garbed in garments rough, In solemn state ye watch between two worlds, And offer incense from your waving boughs. Like sages, at whose feet aspiring souls Close gather for their meed of sacred lore, New trees like young disciples circle round And drink in reverence your counsels deep. You wear your many crowns of fadeless green, Majestic and serene, the forest kings, The undisputed monarchs of the wild. 41 PRIMEVAL REDWOODS O mighty trees, by God s own Word ye live, And are upheld by that same Word of power. He spake, and it was done, and from His mouth The edict issued, "All things shall stand fast;" And though the blight of sin, and sense of death Touched all Creation, Christ the Lord of light Bent low in death to make all things alive And reconciled once more unto His will. When that blest morning comes, and sons of God Are manifested forth in light supreme, Eternal and Divine, your hoary forms Which span the ages, still shall stand as signs And monuments of truth and power sublime, And in Millennial splendor worship low At His blest feet, Who wears Redemption s crown. With mission new in God s restored, new earth, Ye still shall rear your heads, and join the song Which morning stars voiced on Creation s day, And which shall burst afresh in wondrous joy, To Him Who comes and claims His right to reign. THE DOVE OF PEACE "And He saw the Spirit of God descending like a Dove and lighting upon Him." Matt. 3:16. In all the weary waste Of sin and human woe, The sacred Dove of Heaven Knew nowhere else to go; His one celestial rest In earth s void, sad and dim, Was God s sweet Son from Heaven, He lighted upon Him. He winged His flight from Heaven As once the dove of old Flew forth o er waters wild And left the one safe fold; The sweet Dove only saw A world of water dark, Until no rest in sight, He sought again the Ark. We crave the Dove from Heaven, To make us truly blest, We ask Him to come in And make our heart His nest, But only when our Lord Within is glorified Can He thus stay His flight And joyfully abide. THE DOVE OF PEACE Then lo, the Father s voice, That breaks the sacred calm, "This is my well-beloved Son Who sheds forth Heaven s balm, The blessed Dove of Peace Has found again His rest, And while the Christ abides Thy heart shall be His nest." Then welcome, blessed Dove, Thrice welcome to my soul, What though the strife of sin Shall all around me roll? The blessed, wounded Lamb Doth all His peace impart, And resting upon Christ The Dove sings in my heart. Thou blessed Father, God, O Jesus, Saviour, Friend, O Holy Ghost from Heaven, Who loves thus to descend, May all Thy people haste This blest Guest to invite For only upon Christ Can Heaven s Dove alight. "THE APPLE OF HIS EYE" Keep me as the apple of the eye." Ps. 17:8. He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of His eye." Zech. 2:8. He kept him as the apple of His eye." Deut. 32:10. Am I, Lord, so dear to Thee? He harms Thee who toucheth me; Every grief that hurts my heart Reaches Thee with stinging dart. Sensitive my eye to pain, Quiv ring sore thro nerve and brain, But more keen the pain to Thee When a sorrow toucheth me. Like the apple of Thine eye! In Thy love thus let me lie; What can harm Thy little child, Though oppressed, abused, reviled? Let me leap for joy of heart Over every sting and smart; Not an ill can come to me Which has not come first to Thee. Fill me with this thought of grace As I gaze on Thy dear face This my comfort and my plea, He harms Thee that harmeth me. 45 THE SANCTUARY NEST Psalm 84:3 Only a tiny sparrow, my soul takes flight to Thee; To find a place of refuge for all Eternity, And this because Thou callest, "Come to Me." Only a little swallow, my soul has found its nest, Within Thy sacred altars, a dwelling safe and blest; Here, folded to Thy bosom, let me rest. Safely within those altars the bird "her young" may lay, No harm can touch her offspring by darkest night or day; The Angel of the Presence keeps alway. Emmanuel s cross is lifted o er altars blest, divine, My faith beneath its shadow sees this, the holy Sign; The blood doth ever shelter me and mine. 46 NO MORE TWAIN To My Husband I love thee as the floweret yields its honied dew, I love thee as the great sky wears unbounded blue, I love thee as the sky-lark pours its burst of song, I love thee in the morning, I love thee all day long. I love thee all the moments, I love thee every hour, I love thee with the fulness of Heaven s poured forth power. And not alone I love thee because of ties so fond, Because of sweet betrothal and parents holy bond, But best of all, my darling, because of God s own Word, Which in our inmost being our list ning souls have heard; That voice that speaks from Heaven, and doth not speak in vain ; Which says, "Be one forever, henceforth ye are not twain." His Word is fixed in Heaven, this is His blest decree, Thou art with me united, and I am one with thee. Beyond all earthly loving, beyond all cords that twine Is that which binds forever, the blessed love Divine. 47 LOVE PERFECTED "If we love one another God dwelleth in us, and His love is perfected in us." / Jno. 4:12. Deep calleth unto deep. The love of God within my heart of hearts Calls out to love Divine within thy breast; His mighty waves and billows o er us roll, And in His love we know His perfect rest; Deep calleth unto deep. Deep calleth unto deep. Still deeper, deeper yet, we sink in God, And sinking into Him we sink in Love. Who dwells in Love, dwells also in his God, And knowing Him we know His Heaven above; Deep calleth unto deep. Deep calleth unto deep. So deep we sink, our souls are overflowed By fulness of His love beyond our ken. We feel the throbbings of that Heart Divine Which broke in love upon the hearts of men; Deep calleth unto deep. Deep calleth unto deep. In "loving one another" Love Divine Doth make the mystery of love replete; His perfect love revealed within our hearts, A trinity of love doth rise complete. Deep calleth unto deep. FULL TIDES Soft, shifting sand, I find repose Upon thy kindly bed, The drifts of sea-weed at my feet Their soothing fragrance shed. In line of grey, and shadow soft, The sky and water kiss, The lifted wave and jeweled spray Bear up my soul in bliss. The day is fair, the day is free, In circles flies the gull, With tender monotone of song The tide flows, soft and full. The massive cliffs, with fret of time, Are outlined in their strength, But o er their feet, in untamed floods, The high tides rise at length. Within my breast the billows roll That seek the shore to win, For hearts are strong with purpose great When love s full tide sets in. Flow soft and free, flow full and deep, O tide of deathless love, Break o er my soul in largest sweep, And all its prowess prove. 49 HIS OWN ELECT Luke 18:7, 8. His own elect," which plead both day and night; Is this the mark of being all His own, When constant cries and tears besiege His Throne; Is suffering the strange and blood-bought right Which sees through darkness, Heaven s prospect bright? Then let me breathe a song with every moan, And know I do not walk this path alone; For my blest Lord in sorrow scaled this height. And shall He not "avenge," though He "bear long," Till dross of unbelief is purged with fire; Till every longing soul has proven true, And prayer has turned to praise, and sighs to song? Yea, He shall work when gone is earth s desire, And Heaven s glory brings faith s vision new. 50 PRAISE AT MIDNIGHT "And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God : and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earth quake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immedi ately all the doors were opened, and everyone s bands were loosed." Acts 16:25, 26. The darkness still is deep ning, O tried and weary heart, No rift of morning brightness Bids midnight gloom depart; The prison walls surround thee, No human help is nigh, But blest is the assurance Thy Saviour reigns on high. When shadowed in the darkness, And pressed by every foe, Then let your gladdest carols And sweetest anthems flow; The praise so sweet to Jesus, The "sacrifice of praise," Is when no earthly sunshine Pours forth its cheering rays. Tis then your song is wafted All human heights above, And mingles with the angels In realms of perfect love; Tis then the God of glory Makes Satan fear and flee, And sends a mighty earthquake To set His ransomed free. 51 PRAISE AT MIDNIGHT Tis easy when the morning Appears at last to view To praise thy strong Redeemer Who burst the bondage through, But tis the praise at midnight That gives the foe alarm, That glorifies thy Saviour, And bares His strong right arm. A conqueror thou wouldst be? Yea, more than conqueror thou If thou wilt shout in triumph And claim the victory now; The prison doors will open, The dungeon gleam with light, And sin-chained souls around thee Shall see Jehovah s might. EYE HATH NOT SEEN 1 Cor. 2:9, 10. Earth trembles and cries with the weight of her sorrow; "Come quickly," she calls, and her moans will not cease. Lord Jesus, Thy right now it is to be reigning; O come to Thy tried ones and bring Thy sweet peace. O, what will it be when He comes in His beauty, What image of earth shall now aid the sweet dream? To what can we liken the burst of His glory, When Jesus shall come this poor world to redeem? Twill be like the Springtide, with breath of the violet, Which brings the return of the long loved and lost; Twill be like the burst of the bloom on the hillside When gone is the sting of the sad Winter frost. Twill be like the perfume of grass after mowing, Or like the bright rainbow across the dull sky; Twill be like the lark overskimming the meadow, Or like the brave flight of the eagle on high. Perhaps like the tints of the glorious sunrise, Which quiver and glow in the roseate sky; Or like the sweet peace of the gathering twilight, When restful a moment tired human hands lie. We catch a sweet hint in the fair, spotless lily, Which spreads to the sunlight its delicate form, Or in the deep quiet that follows the tempest, When gone are the gloom and the crash of the storm. 53 EYE HATH NOT SEEN Twill be like the Mother heart folding her sweet one, Or like the wee birdlings asleep in their nest; Twill be like the million- jeweled spray that s adorning With wonderful charm the white cataract s breast. Nay, eye hath not seen it, and ear hath not heard it, Nor able the heart or the brain to portray, What waiteth for thee in the blaze of His glory, What treasures are stored in the bright realms of day. For while we seek beauty in earth s varied storehouse, To give us a hint of eternal delight, Tis like the sad eyes blind from birth with a shadow, That seek to imagine the blest gift of sight. Yet turn not away from the vision of rapture, For yet it may dawn on thine earth-clouded eyes. The Spirit of God to thy heart can reveal it; In each loyal bosom His sweet secret lies. And no one can utter this wisdom He giveth, For earth has no language to tell it abroad; Yet hold your heart close to the heart of your Saviour, And you shall know all by the Spirit of God. SWEET LOVE OF CHRIST Sweet love of Christ that stoopeth to enfold Thy weary one; to patiently uphold, That in no place or time can dim or fail, And ever with Thy Father shall prevail; Thou art my shield from tempests rude and cold. When seas of agony have o er me rolled, And all my plaint my prayer to Thee has told, Thy saving grace has made me cry, All Hail! Sweet love of Christ. And now by faith I see my name enrolled With those Thou callest through the gates of gold, While all the lights of this poor earth shall pale, Then vanish quite in glory s shining trail, And God s new life shall over sweep the old; Sweet love of Christ. 55 DANCING LEAVES Something in my spirit dances With the dancing leaves, Something sets my heart aquiver, When I feel their happy shiver, Something joys, yet grieves. Leaves of tan and gold and scarlet, They are dancing fast; See their slender, clinging fingers Loosen as the autumn lingers, Letting go at last. Whirled by rough November breezes, Surely they need rest; All the little leaves are weary, And they look with wistful query At the earth s kind breast. Take them in thine arms of pity, Thou who gave them birth, Fold each sorry little rover Underneath a snow-white cover, Loving Mother Earth. 56 GOD S GOOD-NIGHT The hills grow grey, the shadows long, The sun sinks down and down, The mellow amber light remains And floods the little town; One tender touch of blushing pink, A line of heliotrope, A parting glint of burnished gold Adown the western slope. O sunset hour, twilight dim, What message do you bring? "At evening time it shall be light," And angel harps shall ring; The day was sad, but day is done, And toil now has its end, And all the peace of this sweet hour With Heaven seems to blend. God s peace rests soft above, below, His calm on hill and dale, The baby moon peeps up her head And watches o er the vale; The mountain now is half asleep, The hills begin to nod, One sweet white star comes out to look, And no one wakes but God. 57 GOD S GOOD-NIGHT What see you, little star? I ask. "A world of sad alarms, But God sends rest and tender peace, And takes them in His arms. And nature sings a lullaby, And nurses them asleep, While high above the lonely hills Love doth its vigils keep.* The mountain sleeps, the soft light broods, The hills slip far away, Hush, hush my soul, thy rest has come, And Heaven s calm has sway. The love that is so near and true Now holds thee to His heart, And in this vision of His face Shall perfect peace impart. The star s white candle still is lit, The moon s asleep, alas! I hear the hum of tiny folk That live among the grass; The katy-did tunes all her strings, While dies the last faint light, The soft winds rise, the angels sing And breathe out God s good-night. 58 CALLED UP HIGHER In Memory of My Precious Mother, Mrs. Emily S. Judd, Who Fell Asleep in Jesus, April 7th, 1910. (Aged 87 Years and 9 Months.) My fairest flow r, thou art transplanted now To spheres where blight can never more be known; I cannot view thy fairer loveliness With God s own light upon thy sweet, calm brow, But thou shall bloom for Him whom both our souls adore And I shall find thee once again on Heaven s shore. My brightest jewel, whose radiance never failed To cast a beam of light about my way, Thou hast a brilliance now surpassing far The sweet, pure shining of thy earthly day. Shine on for Jesus then in realms of His own light And I must wait for thee till gone is earthly night. My pure white dove, with sympathy so rare That surely it had found its birth in Heaven, How strange seems earth with all thy sweet notes hushed And ties cut loose which seemed could ne er be riven; In all life s griefs thou e er didst give me cheer But in my greatest grief thou art not near. 59 CALLED UP HIGHER Heart of my heart, \vhose every beat seemed mine, Thy rhythm of love is stilled for earth s brief day, But all in tune for Jesus still beats on While I have lost its music from my way. With love perfected in His love untold Shall be restored to me that heart of gold. Thy sweet, fair hands which never failed to bless Lie mutely folded on thy placid breast; Earth seems so lone without their sweet caress, My hands must work the more with thine at rest. Lord, clasp my hands still closer in Thine own Because her touch of love is now unknown. I sorrow not as others without hope, The streaks of golden dawn begin to creep; The glorious Sun of Righteousness shall rise And kiss awake my loved one from her sleep; His risen saints in glory He shall bring An death forevermore shall lose its sting. 60 "WILLOWS BY THE WATER COURSES" Isa. 44:4 A willow by the water brooks, My God, I long to be, That sends its roots to Heaven s stream And drinks eternally; That takes no thought of sun or drought, Himself my rich supply; A life that drinks the Life divine, All earthly streams passed by. A willow yielding to my God In all I hope to be, That has no thought, or wish, or plan But that which comes from Thee. In strong defiance of all sin, A Bashan oak I ll be, But in my inner life of love, A willow, Lord, toward Thee. And drinking thus by simple faith, My soul is ever blest, I know no care, I know no fear, Himself my perfect rest; The river of my God is full To all Eternity, Since He ne er fails and I but trust What failure can there be? And as the roots reach deeper down, May every branch abore Spread out, and show Thy matchless grace, And never-failing love. Since Love Thou art, my soul shall drink The same love, Lord, from Thee, And since Love ever spends itself, Lord, pour it out through me. 61 SUNSET GLORY Twixt me and sweet September s golden ball The fringing willows lift their shafts of green; The interlacing fret of leaf and twig Half hide, and yet enhance the thrilling scene. The brooklet murmurs low a soft good night, The purple asters dress in royal state. Some buttercups that Summer tossed aside In hasty leaving, linger thus so late, And lift their eager faces in delight To view the strange fair glory of the sky, And glance at me, a wanderer returned, A stranger for an hour. Thus, passing by, I pause upon the lonely, winding turn Of country road in sweet Wyoming s glade: The rustic bridge still spans the quiet stream, Where years ago, beneath the willows shade, I found gay Holiday, and cooled my feet, And baited tiny fish on home-made hook. I see again the small brown eddies form, The fitful foam upon the pebbly brook. I hear once more its sweet and gentle lay That called responses from my childish heart, And find it calls to-night to depths more deep, While thoughts of joy with pain must share a part. The sun is sinking fast; I fain would call Upon the brilliant orb to stay his flight; But while I ponder how to reach his ear, E en now he slips entirely from my sight. A ling ring light, the glory of his train, Suffuses all the gentle hills around, Yet tinges for a moment all the vale, 62 SUNSET GLORY And beautifies the meanest bit of ground. A haystack, girded well for winter s use, Is touched erstwhile with passing gleam of gold: The little asters close their sleepy lids, And nestle closer to the Mother mould. The fairy hare-bells swing upon the breeze, I see the rays of starry golden-rod; The clover has her purple mantle drawn, The daisies white lift up their heads to God, And all the blue-bells ring their tender chimes And tell the wee, fair flow rs tis time to sleep; The leaves appear in gorgeous evening dress, The willows sad bend low their boughs to weep. The memory of sunsets long ago, Like this I see to-night, steals o er my heart And quickens my slow pulse to heat again, As once it beat ere I had known pain s dart. My step is slower now, but holier fires Than youth could kindle, glow within my breast, And lift my soul in adoration high. My God, I see Thy smile in this sweet scene, In crimson sun and tender after-glow, In rolling hill and distant pointed peak, In humblest grass or flow r within the glen, In every fringing, feathery frond of fern I read the message of Thy love to men: God s speech, thus uttered out to all the earth, And my whole soul, with strength of gathered years, O er which Thy hand of chastening has passed, And brought Thy love, and calmed distressful fears, Lifts up her tuneful lyre to Heaven s King. 63 HEART OF GOLD Dedicated to Miss Sadie A. Cody in 1911 heart of gold, I know that thou art true, And I would now my pledge of love renew; For though thou boldest many friendships dear, This truth is mine to comfort and to cheer, No other one is dearest unto you. And though sometimes quick tears my cheeks bedew Because my faithful friends have proved so few, 1 murmur not, because I have thee near, O heart of gold! God grant we may in His great love look through The misting years, and all that may ensue, With faith in Him to vanquish every fear, And make a heavenly rainbow of each tear, Till sealed eternal love beyond the blue, O heart of gold! 64 BEHOLD, I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW Poor, weary heart, with all your depth of sin, Dyed deeper than the crimson in its stain, Your Saviour waits to fashion it anew, In His own lovely image once again. A new creation, whiter than the snow, Shall rise upon the ashes of the old, And blest indeed shall all thy New Year be With Christ s own peace, and love and joy untold. Thy murmuring tongue no more shall speak complaint, A Master hand shall all its powers set free, Until a silvery lute it shall become, To praise the One who lived and died for thee, To send a new song swelling to the skies, Till angels round the Throne shall catch the strain And spread the joyful tidings all through Heaven, That one of earth s lost souls is born again. A new commandment from your Lord and King, With glad response your willing heart revives, Since God is love, His love He bids us bring And pour its soothing balm o er troubled lives; And sweeter than the bounding beat of hope, And greater than our faith, doth love appear, Till all the law of God is thus fulfilled, And Christ, in wondrous loveliness, draws near. 65 BEHOLD, I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW The place most holy, now is manifest, The veil of Christ s humanity is riven, The new and living way of dying Love, Reveals to thee the glory light of Heaven; And here the pot of manna never fails, The rod of power doth bud and bloom with grace, The smoke of incense mingles with thy prayers, The great High Priest reveals His blessed face. And lo, by faith, the Day of days appears When this sad world no more shall groan with pain, When heaven and earth shall be created new And Christ as King of kings shall come to reign. Then every tear God s hand shall wipe away, And grief s sore wounds shall be forever healed, And on each loyal servant of the Lamb, Shall Christ s new name indelibly be sealed. 66 "MY CUP RUNNETH OVER" My cup of God s blessing is filled to the brim, Each fresh-added drop makes it o erflow for Him; At morning, at noonday, and midnight as well, This outflow of blessing for Jesus shall tell. I ll station my cup neath the fount of His love, And watch for the drops to descend from above; And though my capacity never is great, My cup shall run over both early and late. A wee cup that s ever dispersing abroad, Is better than large cups that spare naught for God; This brim-over fulness ne er taketh account Of the size of the vessel under the Fount. And one blessed fact we need never mistake, All those who are near us must surely partake Of Christ s blessed fulness, which fills all the heart, And which He enables us thus to impart. Dear souls who are needy, don t wait and repine, Bring each empty vessel and set them in line; By faith keep them standing neath God s great supply, And though you give freely, you ll never run dry. 67 "I WILL NOT LET THEE GO" "I will not let Thee go, except Thou bless"; What challenge this, my soul, to God on High? What power hast thou to keep thy Saviour nigh- To hold the fringes of His seamless dress Till by His tender grace thou shalt confess A name and nature new from sun-lit sky? Love conquered me, my spirit makes reply, My weakness clings, as close to Him I press. All night I wrestled with the Man Divine, Resisted His great kindness, undeserved; He touched my will ; it shrank beneath His hand And now forever His, this soul of mine. The vision of my God my life preserved, Now mine the princely power to make demand. 68 THE SPRING-TIDE OF THE SOUL "Rise, up, My Love, My fair one, and come away. For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. Arise, My love. My fair one, and come away." Song of Sol. 2:10-13. "Rise up, My love, My fair one," And haste with Me away; For lo, the earth is smiling, And flow rets blossom gay. The winter now is over, The clouds and rain are past; The spring-tide we have waited, Is hailed with joy at last. The birds are sweetly singing, The fair dove woos its mate, And all the pulse of nature With new life I create. "Rise up, My love, My fair one," In resurrection might; Forget the night of sorrow, And plume thy wings for flight. "Rise up, My love, My fair one," What words of Heavenly cheer! O weary-hearted toiler, Thy Saviour draweth near. 69 THE SPRING-TIDE OF THE SOUL "My love" O blessed Saviour! What means this message sweet? My soul is mean and lowly; For me this is not meet. And yet tis whispered softly, In tones so sweet and clear, I know it is my Saviour, And so I need not fear. "Rise up, My love, My fair one;" I make all old things new; The past of sin and failure I ll banish from thy view. So, gladly now I hearken, And yield to Love s sweet call; I rise to do His bidding, And leave for Him my all. 70 THE CHRISTMAS SIGN "And this shall be a sign unto you; ye shall find the Babe. . . . lying in a manger." Luke 2:12. What is the sure, sweet Sign that tells aright That Christ has come? That God on earth has found A resting place? That grace shall now abound, And through earth s darkest clouds His glory light Has condescended to illume our night? What strange and blinding sight of King star-crowned May we expect, to fell us to the ground? Nay, in a tiny Babe God hides His might. And thus today the way of Heaven s King; He comes not with a haughty monarch s tread, But makes still true the same sweet Christmas sign, While of His birth the high arch-angels sing, He makes our longing heart His manger bed, And crowned within we find the Babe Divine. 71 FOLDED WINGS And there was a voice from the firmament that was over their heads when they stood, and had let down their wings." Ezekiel 1:25. The seraphim have six bright wings, Two wings to use in service sweet, But four o er face and feet to fold, To veil themselves in worship meet. In silence and repose they stand, And drop their wings of golden light, As sure God s will is done in rest As when they take their circling flight. Blest seraphim, we learn of thee, Tis when we pause at God s own word And fold our wings of service quite, We hear His voice, our souls are stirred. Unceasing service is not asked, His worship is the part more blest; In adoration at His feet, We find Himself, we know His rest. 72 SING ALWAY Sing, brook, sing and flow, Sing to me of long ago, Long ago; Then your song was glad and gay, Now tis minor in its lay, But sing, brook, sing alway, Sing and flow. Scattered flowers on your breast, Fallen petals borne to rest, Brook, sing slow; Summer s dream is gone at last, All its bloom now of the past, Withered leaves are falling fast, While you flow. Once your song, like my heart, Fairly leaped with joyous art, Youth s heyday; Winter s cold now chills your song, But it will not be for long, For Spring comes, glad and strong, Sing alway. 73 SING ALWAY Rippling stream, sing and laugh, But you cannot match by half, My heart s lay. For a joy supernal springs, All my soul with rapture sings, And its song to Heaven rings, Praise alway. Sing, my heart, ever sing, Soon will come eternal Spring, Bright and strong; Sorrow s chill will soon be o er, Joys will flow forevermore, Thou shall know on Heaven s shore Perfect song. 74 SHOWING HIMSELF THROUGH THE LATTICE" (Reprinted from The Christian Herald, New York City) Song of Solomon 2:9 A lattice work of wooden bars Obscures life s view, and shuts me in; I do not see God s purpose kind, Or what my danger might have been, If His great wisdom from above Had not supplied this fence of love. I make complaint, but as I gaze, I see each bar meets with a cross, And Calvary thus comes to view In every trial and grief and loss. God nails each cross-bar fast and sure, And thus my lattice is secure. His grace now comes and fills my soul; I humbly bow at His dear feet; The cross of Christ with light is crowned, And death and resurrection meet, Until, oh, holy, wondrous sight! My lattice bars shine in His light. 75 SHOWING HIMSELF THROUGH THE LATTICE" He shows Himself through every cross; He speaks in words of living power: "Come forth, My dove, from prison bars, For now has come thine Easter hour; Arise, My love, and come away, For death no longer holdeth sway." The rain is gone, the winter past; The springtime violets appear; The cloudless skies unveiled above, The birds sing hymns of hallowed cheer; Rejoice, my soul, in life and light, For banished are the shades of night. He shows Himself. "Rabboni, Lord!" My raptured, wondering heart outcries; He shows His hands and feet, still scarred, And tenderly His love replies: "Tell saddened souls I go before; The tomb is empty evermore." 76 FETTERED (Composed at the age of sixteen) I clip thy wings, my bird, In kindly love; Like as our God above Restraineth us, When we would soar too high, And sinking downward die. Thou art too weak, my bird, Thy strength to try; Wounded thou canst not fly, So rest content; God holds us down to earth, To give new pinions birth. Thou must not flutter so, But wait in peace ; When all thy struggles cease Thy wounds will heal; I ll care for thee my bird, Undoubting trust my word. 77 FETTERED So when our God above, In mercy sweet, Restrains our erring feet, We murmur sore; Nor see His wisdom great, While mourning o er our fate. If thou wilt still rebel O panting heart! And still will seek to part From this kind love, I ll give thee up to go To death, and keenest woe. But if content, my bird, Awhile to rest On this true, loving breast, Till thou art healed; Then shall thou soar to heaven, Thy freedom gladly given. 78 COME WITH ME "Come with Me from Lebanon, My spouse. . . . Look from the top of Shenir and Hermon, from the lions dens, from the mountains of the leopards. (Song of Sol. 4:8.) Look with Me, thou loved one, From the lions den, From the leopards mountains, Far from mortal ken; Shun not darksome valley, Or yon fearsome height; While with Me abiding Naught shall thee affright. Seems it strange and trying, In thy bridal hour, I should seem to place thee In the tempter s power? I would have thee trust Me In the darkest place, And would have thee ever Prove My love and grace. For I trod death s valley, Scaled the mountains steep, Faced all earthly sorrow, To the saddest deep ; Stopped the mouths of lions, Conquered beasts of prey, Overcame the darkness, Turned the night to day. 79 "COME WITH ME" Come with Me, My fair one, Come and falter not, This strange path of trial Is thy earthly lot; But it leadeth upward To fair Hermon s height, Where My glory dwelleth, In transcendent light. Thou art ever with Me, All I have is thine, I am thine forever, Thou, all fair, art Mine. See, the morn is breaking; Shadows flee away! All the gloom is scattered By Love s cloudless Day. THE SONG AT NIGHT Why didst thou sing, O bird, from out the night, When sable arms wrapped earth in close embrace; When e en the moon had hid her cheering face ; When stars shone far away, with faintest light, And threatn ing wind clouds took their fitful flight; Why didst thou sing thy sweetest? That no trace Of pain within my heart should find a place, And earth s sad moan give way to Heaven s delight? Did some blest hint of gold and crimson morn Break o er thy dreams, and cause that burst of song; Or did an angel gently stir thy nest, That so a sweet, untimely strain be born? What matters? twas God s voice to right the wrong, And bring His Psalm of peace within my breast. 81 THE GREED OF GOLD Tis greed of gold that warps men s souls to-day, And shrinks and shrivels them to dwarfish size; That hinders aspiration toward the skies; That walks in darkest night, a starless way, And, Judas-like, is ready to betray That nobler self, which for its freedom cries; Meanwhile, the groans of helpless victims rise, And widows with their children weep and pray. Up, sons of men! and break the shackles loose, Lest golden guerdon turn to sternest chains, And burn thy flesh with fire ; lest missing life And liberty, ye find death hath no use For selfish ease, or sordid, earthly gains, And pays no ransom in the last, great strife. 82 WORSHIP IN THE FOREST (Composed in the Cazadero Redwood Forest, California) t sweet and lonely places, unknown to all but God, The wee, fair, wild flowers blossom, where man s foot hath not trod; hey lift their tiny faces, without a trace of care, I To Him, who by His finger, was pleased to place them there. Their perfume like a spirit ascends to offer praise, I And thus in lowly worship is spent their life s few days. The tall ferns form a cloister, the stately trees stand guard, 1 The birds sing fitting anthems above the grassy sward; The solemn branches tremble, and chant confession slow, With penitential wailing, and sobbing soft and low. jThe blithesome squirrel climbing the redwood s hoary bark, Is like a careless culprit that will not stay to hark. The darling baby-blue-eyes are wide awake with bliss; A daring bee profanely makes bold to steal a kiss. The graceful redwood lily, a font of nectared dew, The sprays of wild-wood lilac lift banners fair of blue; The columbine has candles, alight with scarlet glow, And in the vale beneath them the dear, meek violets grow. The fragrant breeze is swelling within the forest old, The sun like lavish monarch pours forth his shining gold; |A chime of fairy sweetness from golden lily bells I Proclaims a holy Selah, and absolution tells. gentle forest children, in worship so complete, With no regret or sorrow, in holy blest retreat, 1 pray you, teach me fully your litany sublime, t That I, in peace and gladness, may worship all the time. -"LORD IS IT I?" Lord, is it I? So faithless is my heart That after constant intercourse with Thee These many days, Thy faithful love can see The traitor self, who basely would depart And then betray my Lord? Ah, sorrow s dart Pierced sore those simple men of Galilee At thought of such dark sin and misery; No marvel that my own hot tears should start. Oh, one there was appalled by mortal fear Who dared deny Him thrice, and all in woe Forsook and fled; but one with traitor kiss For silver sold His Lord. Christ, draw so near That naught of gold, or any earthly show, Could cause me Thy blest cross or crown to miss. 84 THE SEA I yield to the spell of thine odorous breath, I bask in delight by thy side, While soft dip the clouds in rare opaline tints, And heaven and earth are allied. The sea gulls sweep low o er thy fair ruffled breast, And bathe in thy green waves of light; Unfailing thy fulness, unbounded thy strength, Resistless thy courage and might. Oh, let me creep closer, great Sea, to thy heart, And learn from thy waves as they roll, For all thy vast waters call ever to depths That flow and recede in my soul. I listen with joy to thy wonderful tones, The murmur of song never still, And hear in the rise and fall of thy waves The might of an infinite Will. Sweep on, with thy grandeur and motion sublime, And cover the sands at my feet; Dash high on the rocks that oppose thy proud march, And never acknowledge defeat. But sure is the voice of eternal decree, Which fixes unchanging thy bound, That speaks of a greatness beyond thy great power, And tells of a Conqueror found. THE SEA And whether a murmur of lullaby soft, Or stormy crescendo I hear, Thy billows sing sweet to the heart seeking rest, And tell me of love without fear. Oh, sing to me, soothe me, or thunder thy tones, As battle thy threatening waves, Whatever thy mood thou hast taught me to know The love of the Strong One who saves. BABY S HANDS Tiny hands, so full of grace, Stealing, stealing o er my face~ Restless, loving little things, Soft and sweet as angels wings. Wee, coquettish, velvet hands, With each touch my love expands; By their winning baby art They have captured all my heart. Dear caresses, ever true, May I gladly keep in view That an angel from above Holds me with her sweetest love. Hands so dimpled, sweet and dear, That I fain would shed a tear Lest in days now distant far Sin their innocence should mar. 87 BABYS HANDS Soft they come and soft they go, Chasing every thought of woe, And I quite forget to weep While those hands so gently creep. So I kiss the finger tips, Passing softly o er my lips, Praying God to keep these hands Ever true to His commands. By Thy power, O Love Divine, Hold my darling s hands in Thine; Ever guard and ever guide By Thy hands once crucified. 88 LOVE S OFFSPRING Reprinted from Poets and Poetry ef Buffalo My heart is like a soft, soft nest, Love-lined with gentlest care, To hold in tender, joyous rest A sweet bird brooding there ; A waiting life beneath her breast Hath chained her pinions fair. trembling, unborn hope, lie still, Within my heart s warm hold; 1 fain would hush thy eager thrill, The world is wide and cold, Thy tiny shell is snug and still, Why let thy life unfold? With joyous psalm, my fair, fair bird Doth seftly, sweetly sing, Awhile the life, yet scarcely stirred, She hides neath patient wing; I listen, lest I lose a word The throbbing air may bring; 89 LOVE S OFFSPRING "Ah, love must live beyond its nest, I hide it neath these wings Until my life burns through my breast, And into being brings The sheltered hope o er which I rest Until it wakes and sings. "The world its glad song cannot chill, No soul can e er forget That it has known the rapturous thrill Love s loving can beget; And when at last all life seems still, Immortal love loves yet." 90 NIGHT VOICES Alone and undisturbed, I hear The voices of the night; The tuneful choir in perfect time Keeps up till morning light; The little crickets in the grass, And frogs at slower pace: One sounds a high soprano note And one a sombre bass. A serenade of wondrous joy Sounds through the grassy vale, Until the moon-beams fade away And stars begin to pale. Now faint and slow, now crisp and quick, The sweet night song goes on, And brings a strain of rest and peace To watchers sad and wan. The tiny harpers weary not They play the live-long night, For some lone heart may need their cheer While tarries morning light, And thus they sing, "All, all is well, God cares, and all is right. We ll cheer you with our notes of praise, And sing with all our might." 91 NIGHT VOICES Sing high, sing low, with rhythmic swing, In waves of music rare, In ceaseless harmony sublime, That lulls away my care. Then hark! my soul, and make no stir, Nor lose a throbbing word; When heart is hushed, and brain is still, Their song can best be heard. TOWARD THE LIGHT Like lofty mountains that o ertop the hills, The men of genius in their might arise, And in their lonely grandeur seek the skies For that sublime companionship which fills The heights, that solace sweet which soothes and thrills, And brings an answer to unuttered cries; For born of God are those strange, restless sighs That only His majestic Presence stills. But as the earth-born vapours hide the light, And mountains towering high are thus obscured By gloomy mists that shroud the topmost peak, So noble souls, who press on toward the right, By reason s doubts and fears are oft immured, And miss His love Whom gropingly they seek. 93 GOD S SYMPHONY All things around, above, are full of song; Not only happy birds that mount on wing, And far and wide their wild-wood music fling, But common things that to this earth belong, And things that try to rise up from the wrong, Sad souls that fain to others joy would bring, And those that well might weep but rather sing Because their hearts with Christ s own might are strong. But your true heart must be in closest touch With Love Divine, and God s own music reach The holy place within thine inmost soul E er angels lend their aid, revealing much That they alone to childlike souls can teach, And God s great symphony shall o er thee roll. THEN SHALL WE KNOW "Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord : His going forth is prepared as the morning." Hosea 6:3. "Then shall we know," if we but press Close in the steps Christ trod, For He alone reveals the path, And is the way to God; We hear His sweet voice, "Follow Me," We may not then delay, But heed the call of our Beloved Into the narrow way. "Then shall we know," oh, blessed word To those who follow on, His "going forth" is all "prepared," Alike the sun that shone On misty clouds of early gloom And chased them all away, Until the dawning morning light Had come to perfect day. "Then shall we know," no mist of doubt Shall cloud our perfect faith As we but will to do His will, And follow where He saith. Through winding paths He leads His own, Mid thorns, or rose-bowered way, It matters not, His rod and staff Are still my strength and stay. 95 THEN SHALL WE KNOW "Then shall we know," oh, footprints blest Of that dear suffering Guide! The way is marked with sorrow-drops From out His riven side. Then let my soul press ever on In steps of Love Divine, Until the mercy of my God In cloudless day doth shine. 96 MOTHER S WATCH-CARE Mother comes to watch thee sleeping, Darling baby girl; Comes with airy, noiseless footstep, Lest thy lids unfurl. Draws the downy covers closer, Lest a zephyr stray, Stealing in thy little cradle, Dares to stop and play. Waits to see if thou art weeping O er a dream of night, Soft to speak the word of comfort, And to quell thy fright. Kneels beside thee, little treasure, Breathing prayer and praise, Asking God to guide and guard thee All thy earthly days. Prints a kiss so very lightly On thy dewy brow; All is well the angels guard thee, Mother leaves thee now. Leaves until new fears awaken, And her ceaseless love Soft the same sweet path retraces To her sleeping dove. 97 MOTHER S WATCH-CARE Mother-heart, so dear and tender, Mother-love, so true, Thou dost bring my Saviour s pity Strangely to my view. For His watch-care never slumbers, So I sink to rest In the Mother-love eternal Of a Saviour s breast. MY OLIVE BRANCH (Composed at the age of seventeen) My heart s an ark, That rides Life s stormy sea; One little lonely bark, Sailing the waters dark, Wonderingly. Hungry for rest, It longs at peace to be; Weary of fruitless quest, Crying in fear suppressed, Yearningly. O er the waves cold Ambition flieth free; Flies as the raven bold Flew from the ark of old, Daringly. Flying above, He never returns to me; Then soareth faithful love, Hast neth my snow-winged dove, Trustfully. MY OLIVE BRANCH No rest in sight, So homeward turneth she; Staying her hopeless flight, Biding the dawn of light, Patiently. The wild winds cease, Again she skims the sea; Bringeth the branch of peace, Telling of sweet release, Cheeringly. And now she s flown For aye away from me; My love has found its own, Resting at Jesus throne, Blessedly. The ark will stop, The wearied heart be free; Seeing the last storm-drop, Twill touch the mountain-top Joyfully. 100 WORSHIP "The Father seeketh such to worship Him;" And my poor heart with all its feeble strength Is reaching out to bring in ceaseless streams My offering of praise, to Thee, my God. Since then Thy condescension seeketh me, And I a worm of dust am seeking Thee, Shall not the two quests meet in blissful rest? Thy heart of love and goodness find its due In a full tide of praise from Thy redeemed, And I, recipient of Thy matchless grace Be lost for aye in mercy s boundless flow. "Who offers praise is glorifying Me," Thou hast declared, so even I may add My tribute small of glory to Thy Name, And bask in Heaven s joy adoring Thee. 101 "SOMEBODY HATH TOUCHED ME" Somebody touched, with a faith sublime, Somebody touched my Lord, Out of His body the virtue flowed, Thus was the gift of health bestowed Through Jesus the living Word. Somebody pressed through the jostling crowd, Somebody made her way Close to the side of the pitying One, Touched His robe and the deed was done; Oh, who will touch Him today? "Someone hath touched Me ;" yes, only one, Somebody gained faith s reward; She must not be hidden, but own His great love, So others may prove His great power from above ;- Somebody touched My Lord. Come all of you, sinful and sick ones today, Blessing His love shall afford, The healing now flows from His riven side, Press past unbelievers, who scoff and deride, Come quickly, and touch my Lord. 102 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL PINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN T-MS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $I.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. OCT 1 1935 HM y-T L /- - N oiACK ) NOv 7 1?80 RECC/Rmpin-Ri LD 21-100m-7, 33 YB i U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY