REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. & ^ BIOLOGY _ . , LIBRARY Received G A ccessions No. .^:/./ &J. Shelf No. BRITISH REPTILES. LONDON : PRINTED BY SAMUEL BENTLEY. Bangor House, Shoe Lane. HISTORY OF RITISH REPTILES. BY THOMAS BELL, F.R.S. F.L.S. V.P.Z.S. CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE PHILOMATHIC AND NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETIES OF PARIS, AND OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. ILLUSTRATED BY MOREJLE^N FORTY WOODCUTS. ' LO JOHN VAN VOORST, 1, PATERNOSTER ROW, M.DCCC.XXXIX. 0- 7 BIOLOGY J" TO WILLIAM YARRELL, ESQ. F.L.S. V.P.Z.S. THIS LITTLE VOLUME, FORMING A HUMBLE PORTION OF THAT SERIES OF WORKS ILLUSTRATIVE OF BRITISH ZOOLOGY, WHICH DERIVES ITS PRINCIPAL ATTRACTION AND VALUE FROM HIS EXTENSIVE INFORMATION AND HAPPY METHOD OF COMMUNICATING IT, IS INSCRIBED AS A CORDIAL BUT INADEQUATE OFFERING OF REGARD AND RESPECT, BY HIS SINCERE FRIEND, THE AUTHOR. INTRODUCTION. THE Reptilia constitute a class of vertebrated animals of which the structural characters are as follow : They have cold blood, that is to say, their power of producing animal heat is so limited as scarcely to be appreciable, and not suffi- cient, therefore, to keep up any standard temperature of the body, nor to prevent it from following all the thermal varia- tions of the atmosphere or water by which they are sur- rounded. The integument is covered with hard and dry cuticle in various modifications of form, in some constituting broad plates, in others imbricated scales. The heart is in all cases trilocular, that is to say, it is composed of two auricles and a single ventricle ; the respiration is exclusively pulmonary throughout life, and their reproduction is oviparous. The Amphibia, or batrachia, which are included in the Reptilia by Cuvier and many other naturalists, differ from them, how- ever, in various essential and important characters. The heart particularly is bilocular. The integument is naked, and the respiration is carried on by means of branchiae during the earlier period of life, changing in some totally, and in others partially, to the pulmonary character in the adult condition. The Reptilia, according to most naturalists, include five orders : the Testudinata, or Tortoises and Turtles ; the Ena- liosauria of Conybeare, to which the gigantic fossil genera, the Ichthyosaurus and Plesiosaurus belong ; the Loricata, or Cro- Vlll INTRODUCTION. codiles and Alligators ; the Sauria, or Lizard tribe, and the Ophidia, or Serpents. There is no other class of vertebrated animals the dif- ferent groups of which are formed upon types of structure differing so essentially from each other as these. The eagle and the humming-bird, the ostrich and the petrel, widely as they appear to be separated from each other, not by size only, but by form and habits, still exhibit the same general structure of the skeleton, of the organs of digestion and motion, of the integument, and, in fact, of the whole or- ganization of the body, the various systems of which differ only amongst the different groups by comparative degrees of developement. Even amongst the Mammalia, the whale with its enormous and almost mountainous bulk, paddled through the deepest retreats of ocean by its short fins, which are modifications of the anterior extremities, and by that broad expanded oar, its fleshy tail, is still formed upon the same general plan of organization, as the little light and aerial "bat, which flits so rapidly through the regions of air, sup- ported by its thin membranous wings, which are expanded upon slight and linear fingers, the representatives of the same bones, which in the former animal are contracted into a mas- sive and shapeless fin. Nor is there in the other organs of the body any more considerable difference of developement. But in the present class, the discrepancies are far more con- spicuous, particularly in the whole constitution of the ske- leton, in the organs of motion, in the integuments, and many other important portions of their organization. If, with Cuvier, and most other Zoologists, we include the amphi- bious group in this class, these discrepancies are still more remarkable ; but even restricting our view to the Reptilia proper, they are sufficiently striking ; and a slight glance at the general structure of two of the orders will exhibit them in a very obvious point of view. INTRODUCTION. IX In the Chelonians, or Tortoises, and in the Ophidians, or Serpent tribe, the extremes of these different types of organ- ization are exhibited. In the common European land Tor- toise, Testudo Graca, which may be selected as a familiar example of the former group, the whole structure of the skeleton is brought into the most compact and solid state. The bones of the cranium and face are consolidated into a single and immoveable case, with scarcely the vestige of su- tures showing the separation of the different centres of ossifi- cation upon which it has been formed ; there are no teeth, but the margins of the upper and of the lower jaw are covered by a horny beak, the latter being received into a groove of the former, and thus closing like the lid of a box ; then the whole of the dorsal vertebrae, the ribs, the bones representing the sterno-costal cartilages, and the broad united sternum, are altogether compacted into a case of bone, without any sepa- ration between the parts of which it is composed. The an- terior and posterior extremities are fully developed, but in- stead of being placed exterior to the thorax, they are all of them contained within its cavity, -and even the bones of the feet are only extended beyond the horny box which protects them, when the animal is employing them in pro- gression. What a contrast to this solid and compact structure is exhibited by the form of the lithe and tortuous Serpent ! Most of the bones of the head are permanently separate ; those of the upper and lower jaw particularly being capable of great extension ; there are perfect teeth ; the vertebrae, which are extremely numerous, are susceptible of the most extensive lateral motion ; and the ribs, slender and but slightly at- tached, compensate for the absence of both anterior and pos- terior extremities, by being themselves the instruments of the animal's progression. It is unnecessary here to enter more particularly into the detail of these curious diversities of b X INTRODUCTION. structure ; enough has been said to show how far these two groups are separated from each other in their general organ- ization ; and it needs scarcely to be added that the divers- ity of their habits is not less remarkable. The relations of these groups seem almost to set all the established principles of classification at defiance ; nor is there any one system hitherto promulgated which appears to me satisfactorily to solve the difficulty. Those who have made the most philosophical attempts to ascertain the natural sys- tem, the grand and harmonious plan upon which all organic creation is believed to have been formed, have concurred in considering the Reptilia as constituting a group of equal value in the vertebrate division of the animal kingdom, with the Mammalia and birds. It may be safely predicated that, if the system to which I more particularly refer be true, all the groups of equal rank must be founded upon characters of equal value and importance. That if, for instance, the group of Mammalia and that of birds, be equal to each other, each of the other classes, that is to say, every other group of the same rank, must be equal to each other ; and also, that the subordinate groups in each of these classes must ex- hibit the same mutual relations in every case. But if it can be shown that in one class, so called, two ordinal groups exhibit as great a discrepancy in their relative plan of organ- ization as any two classes do, then the relation of the former to either of the latter is not, and cannot be the same, as that which exists between the latter two. Yet in this predica- ment stand the three first classes of the Vertebrata ; the relations of the Mammalia and birds being much stronger and more obvious than those of the Reptilia to either, and the two groups of the latter, which I have just sketched, the Tor- toises and the Serpents, being nearly or quite as far removed by their structure from each other as the birds are from the Mammalia. The mode of reproduction is the sole exception INTRODUCTION. XI of consequence to this view of their relations ; and here we have, on the other hand, a close approximation between the Reptilia and the birds themselves. These considerations appear to me to exhibit insurmount- able objections to the consistency and unity of the quinary arrangement, as representing an uniform and perfect plan or system upon which the animal kingdom was created ; and I cannot believe that the occasional occurrence of even striking and important coincidences, which appear on a partial view to prove its truth, are sufficient to counterbalance the evidence of its inconsistency which I have just adduced. I shall now enter into a more particular description of the structure of these animals, commencing with the organs of cir- culation and respiration. The heart, which is formed of three cavities, namely, of two distinct auricles opening into one common ventricle, sends to the lungs, on each contraction, a portion only of the blood which it has received from the different parts of the body by the veins, so that the - blood which, by the heart's contraction, is distributed to the body through the arteries, is of a mixed nature, consisting of a por- tion of the impure blood just returned from thence, with that which has been aerated in the lungs. It is clear that the blood is by this mechanism but partially changed by the action of oxygen ; in other words, that the quantity of respiration, speaking with reference to the physiological meaning of the term, is comparatively small. Hence arises the circumstance that these animals have what is called cold blood ; for as it is from respiration that the blood derives its heat, and the tem- perature of the body is thereby sustained in animals which have more perfect respiration, it follows that where this func- tion is but imperfectly performed, the animal heat, muscular force, and all the other functions dependent upon respiration, will be diminished. In the fishes the same effect is produced by different means. These are likewise cold-blooded ani- b % Xli INTRODUCTION. mals ; and in these, also, this peculiarity arises from the small quantity of respiration which they enjoy ; but the phe- nomenon which in the reptiles is produced by the trans- mission of a part only of the blood through the respiratory organ at each contraction of the heart, is in the fishes effected by the different medium through which the oxygen is pre- sented to the blood ; for in the latter, although the whole of the blood is sent through the branchtee, or gills, the quantity of oxygen, held in solution in the water which bathes them, is so small as to effect but a partial change in the condition of the blood. In one case the circulation is complete, but the respiration is aquatic, and therefore imperfect ; in the other, the application of the air to the blood is immediate, but the circulation is incomplete. In the Mammalia, on the con- trary, where the heart is double, and the circulation conse- quently complete, combined with atmospheric respiration, the animal heat is considerable ; and in birds it is even higher still, from the increased quantity of respiration produced by numerous air sacs and cells pervading all parts of the body, and communicating with the lungs. From the structure of the Reptilia, it follows that they possess but little power of sustaining muscular action ; and although capable in many instances of moving rapidly for a short time, it is only when they are supplied with that degree of temperature externally which is denied them from an in- ternal source, that they are capable of exerting any energy at all ; and if deprived of external heat to a certain extent, they pass into a state of torpidity or hibernation. The respiratory and sanguiferous systems being thus cir- cumscribed in their extent, and the nervous and muscular powers in a corresponding degree limited, we are prepared to find that the other functions of the body are no less tardy in their operation. Digestion is carried on only in propor- tion to the degree of temperature of the surrounding atmo- INTRODUCTION. Xlll sphere ; and even under the most favourable circumstances is extremely slow. Many Serpents are more than a fortnight after taking their food before the undigested remains are voided, during which period they usually fast. If the tem- perature in which they are placed be very low, it is greatly retarded, and during hibernation it ceases altogether ; for I have known a Tortoise which had fed largely upon grass im- mediately before it became torpid, retain the grass un- changed in the stomach during the whole of the winter, so that on opening the body after its death, which took place immediately on its awaking in the spring, and before it had any access to food, the stomach was found filled with a large quantity of grass wholly undigested. The phenomena of hibernation are amongst the most re- markable and interesting which occur in the history of ani- mals. That the cold-blooded creatures of which we are now treating, with their limited respiration and circulation, their entire dependence upon external heat to carry on their func- tions, and the consequent diminution of all their powers, and of their expenditure also, during a low degree of external temperature, should be able to sustain life for an almost in- definite period, under peculiar circumstances, is not, perhaps, so surprising. But this simple torpidity is very different from that true hibernation to which many of the warm- blooded animals are liable. The bats, the squirrel, the dor- mouse, the marmots, and many others, may be cited as examples. It is sufficient in reference to the present class to observe, that in temperate or cool climates, the whole of them retire during the winter to some place of concealment ; the land Tortoises to excavations which they often dig for them- selves ; the fresh- water Tortoises to holes in the muddy banks, or to the mud at the bottom, of their native lakes or rivers ; the Lizards and Serpents to holes in trees, under stones, beneath dead leaves, or in similar hiding-places, XIV INTRODUCTION. where many species, especially of the latter order, congregate in large numbers, and are found closely entwined together. Here they pass the winter in a state of almost lifeless re- pose, the functions of life so nearly suspended, that none of the external signs of its existence are visible. The circula- tion is extremely slow, the respiration apparently altogether stopped, digestion absolutely suspended. The return of the genial warmth of spring calls them again into action. The circulation is restored, the blood is again fitted for its various offices by the return of regular respiration, the functions of the digestive organs are again performed, and the animal resumes its former habits, without having undergone any material change. I have already hinted at the difficulties which exist in forming a consistent and unobjectionable arrangement of these animals. The order of Testudinata and that of Lo- ricata, the former comprising the Tortoises and Turtles, the latter the Crocodiles and their congeners, are natural and well defined ; nor is there any sufficient ground for iden- tifying the latter group with the true Saurians. On the other hand, the Saurians and the Ophidians are so nearly related in all important points of their structure, and pass into each other by such insensible gradations, that I cannot but think that Merrem was correct in viewing them as constituting a single order, to which he gave the name Squamata, from the nature of their dermal covering. If the true Ophidians, or Serpents, be considered as ordinally distinct from the Li- zards, the intermediate group to which Mr. Gray has given the name Saurophidia, must also constitute a distinct order ; but I am rather disposed to follow Men-em's arrangement. Adding, therefore, the Enaliosaurians of Conybeare, in- cluding the great fossil reptiles, the Ichthyosauri and Plesio- sauria, as a group probably intermediate between the Tor- INTRODUCTION. XV toises and Crocodiles, we have the following orders of this class ; namely, Testudinata, Enaliosauria, Loricata, and Squamata, the last including the true Saurians, the true Ser- pents, and the intermediate group, the Saurophidia of Gray. For convenience sake, however, and because the present work is scarcely a fit arena for the discussion of disputed methods of arrangement, I prefer adopting, for the present popular purpose, the more usual one to which I have before alluded. The first of the orders, the Testudinata, includes the Tor- toises and Turtles. Although we have no species of this order inhabiting the British islands, yet as there have been occasionally stray individuals of the marine forms brought to our coasts, and even taken alive, and as many species of the land and fresh water forms are often kept living in our gardens and ponds, it may not be uninteresting or inappro- priate to offer a short account of their general organization and habits. Their structure, as has been already observed, differs in a very remarkable manner from that of the rest of the class. The arrangement of the osseous system has al- ready been glanced at ; and it offers the most remarkable tendency to consolidation and strength, to the sacrifice of facility and variety of motion. In the terrestrial forms especially this character is carried to an extreme degree ; the vertebrae, the ribs, and the sternum are all closely and inse- parably united into a compact solid case, in which the whole of the viscera, and, during rest, the head, limbs, and tail are covered and protected. So strong is this shell, both from the thickness and solidity of its parieties, and from the arched form of the superior portion, that in many species it will bear immense pressure without injury. In certain genera, however, this bony box, although still exceedingly strong, has certain parts which are rendered moveable, for the still more com- plete protection of the enclosed organs. Thus in the genus Kinixys, a terrestrial form, the lumbar portion of the carapax, XVI INTRODUCTION. or upper part of the case, is moveable, so that the animal has the power, when the limbs and tail are withdrawn within it, to close that moveable piece against the posterior part of the sternum ; and in the genus Pyxis the anterior portion of the sternum exhibits this peculiarity in a still more remarkable degree. But it is in the genera Terrapene, Kinosternon, and Sternotheenus, all of them aquatic or palustrine forms, that this peculiarity is the most obvious. In the first-named genus especially, the sternum is formed of two distinct valves, moveable upon a single cartilaginous hinge, and capable of com- pletely closing the bony box, of which it thus forms a double lid ; within this admirable shelter the animal is wholly in- cluded, and, if disturbed, resists, by means of its powerful muscles, every attempt to open it. The general form of the carapax, or upper part of the shell, is also admirably adapted to the habits of the different groups of which this order is composed. In the land Tortoises it is strong, compact, ele- vated, and regularly arched, for the purpose of resisting the numerous injuries to which their localities, and especially their extreme slowness of movement, must otherwise expose them. In the aquatic species, on the contrary, it is remarka- bly flattened, especially in the genus Trionyx, which has also the margins of the ribs free towards their extremities, and the whole body covered with a coriaceous skin, which is free at the edges, and serves the same purpose as the flattened lateral fins of the flat fishes, such as the sole and plaice, namely, to enable them to scuttle themselves under the mud or sand at the bottom of the rivers or lakes in which they reside. These last have also a very long and retractile neck, by which they are able, when thus concealed, to seize fish which pass immediately above them, by suddenly stretching out the neck, and then as suddenly withdrawing it. The land Tortoises, which are exclusively vegetable feeders, are slow in their motions, the limbs being clumsy and club- INTRODUCTION. XV11 shaped. The fresh-water forms are all of them carnivorous ; the neck is therefore long, the legs lax and flexible, and the feet palmated to enable them to pursue their prey with consi- derable rapidity ; whilst the marine Turtles have them modi- fied into true paddles, the toes being entirely concealed by hard scaled skin. These modifications of form are very inter- esting, as evincing an admirable adaptation of a general plan of structure to the varied habits of the different groups. The jaws of all these different forms are covered with a hard, sharp, horny beak, the lower portion of which shuts within the upper, and the portions of food are cut or snapped off, as it were, on the principle of shears. The aquatic spe- cies aid the separation of their food, which they seize with their jaws, by tearing it by means of their long and sharp claws. They thus pursue, seize, and tear in pieces living frogs, and other aquatic reptiles, fish, and even young water birds ; and so forcible and violent is their bite, that I have known a stick of half an inch in diameter at once snapped asunder by the jaws of a snapping Turtle, Chelydra serpen- tina ; and a specimen of Trionyx, lately in the possession of Mr. Cross, of the Surrey Zoological Gardens, snapped off the finger of a sailor when on his voyage to this country. The whole of the Testudinata are strictly oviparous, and the egg is covered by a calcareous shell, like that of birds ; the eggs of the land Tortoises, as well as those of the marine Turtles, are generally round ; but those of the fresh- water genera are usually more or less oval or elliptical. The multi- tudes of fresh-water Tortoises in some districts is astonish- ingly great, and their eggs form a lucrative article of com- merce from the quantity of oil which is obtained from them. It has been already stated that we have no indigenous species of this order. There are, however, on record several well-authenticated instances of marine Turtles, of two distinct species, having found their way to our coasts, one of them XVlll INTRODUCTION. probably from the Mediterranean, and the other from the American shores across the Atlantic. The former is the Coriaceous Turtle, Spargis Coriacea, called by Merrem by the specific name of Mercurialis, on account of its having been in ancient times dedicated to Mercury, by whom its shell was believed to have been employed in the construction of the lyre. Of this species two specimens are recorded by Borlase in his History of Cornwall, as having been caught in the mackerel nets off that coast in July 1756, the detail of which is given in the description of the species. I have been induced to enter thus at large into the history of this tribe of reptiles, because, although we do not possess any British species, there is every reason to believe that several of the fresh-water species, both of Europe and of North America, might be naturalized in the southern parts of England. The Terrapene Europaa, the common lacustrine Tortoise of the Continent, is found in Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece, in France, and even in Prussia. These Tor- toises are eaten by the inhabitants of all the countries in which they are found ; and as they live principally upon small fish, the air-bags of which they reject, it is said that the people are wont to judge of the quantity of Tortoises to be found in a lake or pond, by the number of air-bags which are seen swimming on the surface of the water. In some parts they are fed upon grains, and on other nourishing food, and fat- tened for the table. There are also several American species of Emys, or fresh- water Tortoise, which will bear a greater degree of cold than that of most of our winters without perishing ; and it is certainly desirable that a wholesome and agreeable food, like that afforded by some of these, should not be lost to us if the species can be easily perpetuated and multiplied in our climate. Of the third order of Reptiles, to which the term Loricata has been given on account of the peculiar coat of hard mail INTRODUCTION. XIX with which all the species are covered, we have happily no indi- genous example, nor would any of them bear the cold of our climate. The Crocodiles and Alligators of both worlds, and the Gavials of India, constitute this order. They are dis- tinguished from the true Saurians, or Lizard tribe, by several important characters. Of these, the most tangible and ob- vious is that upon which the name of the order is founded ; the covering of the whole of the back part of the neck, body, and tail, with distinct series of bones, of moderate size, embedded, as it were, in the substance of the skin, and covered externally with a thick cuticle. These dermal bones are usually furnished with a crest, which renders them ex- ceedingly strong, and they altogether form a panoply of de- fence which can resist the attacks of the most powerful enemies of whatever kind. These animals are carnivorous, taking their prey generally in the water, but retiring to the shore to devour it, which they often defer until it has become half putrid. For the reasons given above, I do not think it necessary to enter into particulars respecting the structure and history of these animals. They can never become of local interest to us, as they are not made subservient to any pur- pose of utility to man, nor can they be naturalized in our latitude. The true Saurians are characterized by the existence of both anterior and posterior extremities, and of a moderate number of perfect and moveable ribs, by an entire covering of scales, which in most families are imbricated, in others flat and with their margins in mutual contact. The eyes are fur- nished with eyelids ; the ear in some protected by a simple valve, in others by scales rather larger than the surrounding ones, and in others the tympanum is on a level with the sur- face of the skin. In this group are found some of the most active, and cer- tainly the most beautiful of the reptile class. Many of them XX INTRODUCTION. are tinctured with the most brilliant colours ; and as they are called into the greatest activity in the bright sunshine, nothing can surpass the splendour of their ever-changing hues. Most of the Saurians are insectivorous ; but there are some, as the Iguanas, which live principally on fruit. The activity of the smaller insectivorous Lizards, when in pursuit of their food is exceedingly curious and interesting. They watch with all the caution of a cat, and dart upon their prey with the quickness of lightning. In th'e act of seizing their food, however, they must neces- sarily be exposed to some danger from the noxious qualities of the insects which they indiscriminately attack. The fol- lowing fact would seem to indicate that even in our own temperate climate, an insect not generally recognized as poi- sonous may inflict a fatal injury upon its Saurian enemy : Some years since I had in my possession two living specimens of the beautiful little green anolis of the West Indies, a Lizard about the size of our own smallest species. I was in the habit of feeding them with flies and other insects, and having one day placed in the cage with them a very large garden spider, Eptira diadena, one of the Lizards darted at it, but seized it only by the leg. The spider instantly ran round and round the creature's mouth, weaving a very thick web around both jaws, and then gave it a severe bite in the lip, just as this species of spider usually does with any large insect which it has taken. The lizard was greatly distressed, and I removed the spider, and rubbed off the web, the con- finement of which appeared to give it great annoyance ; but in a few days it died, though previously in as perfect health as its companion, which lived for a long time afterwards. It has been already observed that the passage from the Lizard tribe to the Serpents is by a succession of very gradual modifications of developemeut. In the lower forms of the Saurian group, the body becomes gradually elongated and INTRODUCTION. XXI serpentiform : its ribs increase in number, the anterior and posterior limbs are removed farther and farther from each other, and diminish in size and power, exhibiting in some forms the anterior, and in others the posterior only, external to the integument, until at length they cease to appear, being merely rudimentary, and wholly covered by the skin. Of this transition state we have an example in the common Slow- worm, Anguis fragilis, which, though completely Serpenti- form in its external appearance, yet possesses the minute rudiments of limbs entirely concealed under the integuments. Notwithstanding this general form of the Serpent, they have not the expansible jaws of the true Serpents : nor is the cha- racter of the ears the same, the tympanic membrane not being superficial, nor the auditory passage covered by inte- gument ; the eyes, also, like those of the Lizards, are fur- nished with moveable eyelids, which are wholly wanting in the true Serpents. Upon these characters, and several others of minor im- portance, Mr. Gray founded his intermediate order of Sauro- phidians, to comprehend all the transition forms ; but it may, perhaps, be objected that the group is not sufficiently defined to sanction such a distinction. On the other hand, it must be confessed that it is difficult to reconcile the separation of the Ophidians from the Saurians, according to the arrange- ment of Cuvier, who, to effect this, has been obliged to place some of these intermediate genera in the former, whilst he retains others in the latter group. Upon the whole, as I have before observed, it appears more consonant with nature to consider, with Merrem, that the whole of these three groups constitute but a single order. The movements of the Saurian reptiles are effected prin- cipally by means of their feet, and in some of the higher forms, exclusively so ; but as they descend towards the more elongated form of the Scinks, and other genera, in which XX11 INTRODUCTION. these organs become more and more subordinate, they are greatly assisted by the lateral motion of the bodies, different parts of which are brought into alternate contact "with and pressure upon either the roughness of the ground, or the shrubs and herbage through which they pass. A comparison of the progression of these, however, and even of the Slow- worm, with that of the true Snakes, will show that the latter only employ the free terminations of their ribs as organs of locomotion. In these the ribs serve absolutely and perfectly the function of feet, and with the exception of their being covered with integument, their action is exactly that of the multitudinous feet in the Scolopendra or Julus, the whole series of ribs coming into contact in succession. At the same time, it is upon the lateral motion of the body and the alternate lateral pressure of successive portions of it, that the Serpents mainly depend for the rapidity of their pro- gression. It appears almost necessary to apologise for offering this sketch of some of the most important phenomena in the structure and habits of the different groups of existing Rep- tilia. I have been induced to do so by the consideration that very little is popularly known respecting them, and by the eagerness with which information of this nature is sought by many, whose habits and opportunities forbid any personal in- vestigation into the depths of anatomical and physiological science. INDEX. The systematic names are printed in italics. Adder, 58. Anguis fragilis, 39. Blind-worm, 39. Bufo calamita, 116. ,, mephitica, ib. ,, Rubeta, ib. ,, terrestris, 105. foetidus, 116. ,, vulgaris, 105. Chelonia imbricata, 1. Coluber cazruleus, 59 69. ,, Dumfresiensis, 57. ,, natriX) 48. ,, torquatus, 48. Corindo coriacea, 11. Dermatochelys porcata, 11. Eft, 142. Evet, 142. Frog, common, 84. ,, Scottish, 102. Lacerta agilis, 17 33. ,, aquatica, 142. anguiformis, 18. arenicola, 18. ,, maculatd) 143. ,, (Kdura, 33. ,, palustris, 119. ,, stirpium, 18. ,, vivipara, 33. Lissotriton palmipes, 149. punctatus, 142. Lizard, brown, 143. Lizard, common, 32. sand, 17. ,, scaly, 33. ,, viviparous, 32, warty, 120. Molge palustris, 120. ,, punctata, 143. Natrix torquata, 47. ,, vulgaris, 47. Natter- Jack, 116. Newt, greater, 119. (smooth), palmated, 149. ,, common, 42. (warty), common, 119. straight-lipped, 139. Pelius Berus, 58. Rana aquatica, 84. Bufo, 105. ,, fusca, 84. ,, Rubeta, 116. Scotica, 102. ,, temporaria, 84. Salamandra aquatica, 119. cristate, 119. ,, punctata, 143. vittata, 153. Slow-worm, 39. Snake, common, 47. ,, Dumfries, 57. ringed, 47. Testudo coriacea, 11. ,, imbricata, 1. XXIV INDEX. Testudo Mercurii, 11. Toad, common, 105. Natter- Jack, 116. Triton aquations, 143. ,, Bibronii, 139. ,, ci'istatus, 119. palustris, 120143. ,, punctatus, 143. ,, vittatus, 150. Tropidonotus Natrix, 48. Turtle, coriaceous, 11. Turtle, hawksbill, 1. ,, leathery, 11. ,, trunk, 11. Viper, black, 5970. blue-bellied, 5969. ,, common, 58. red, 59-67. Vipera Berus, 59. ,, chersea, 59 67. ,, communis, 59. ,, vulgar is, 59. ERRATUM. Page 86, line 5 from the bottom, for a read the colony of Frogs. BEITISH REPTILES. TESTUDINATA. CHELONIAD&. Genus, Chelonia. Brongn. Generic Character. Dorsum large, depressed, somewhat heart-shaped, covered with horny plates j feet depressed, fin- shaped. HAWICS-BILL TURTLE. Chelonia imbricata. Schweig. Specific Character. Dorsal plates thirteen, free at the margins, imbricated. Testudo imbricata, LINN. Syst. Nat. p. 350, sp. 2. SCHNEID. Schildkr. p. 509. PENN. Faun. Ind. p. 87. LATR. Hist. Kept. I. p. 50. DAUD. Hist. Kept. IT. p. 39. Chelonia imbricata^ SCHWEIG. Prod, in Archiv. Kcenigsb. I. p. 291, et 408. GRAY, Syn. Kept. p. 52, sp 1. BIBKON, Hist. Kept. II. p. 548, t. xxv. f. 2. BONAP. (Pr. Musign.) Syn. Chelon. Hawksbill Turtle, BROWN, Jamaic. p. 463. CATESB. Nat. Hist. Carol. II. p. 39, t. lix. CHELONIAD.E. THE single and purely accidental occurrence of a bird or of a fish within the range of our guns or our nets, has always been deemed sufficient warrant to constitute the wanderer fair game to our native Faunists. It may, perhaps, be doubted whether the important and interesting subject of the geographical distribution of animals can receive much illustration from thus swelling the catalogue of local species by the addition of such as owe their place in our Fauna rather to the caprice of the winds or the waves, to the vio- lence of a storm, or the temptation of an unusual chase after their food, than to any regular and voluntary migration : nor does there appear any very sufficient reason for distinguishing between those species of birds, for example, which are driven over to our coasts by the immediate force of the tempest, and those which are brought from the same countries, and wafted hither by the same impelling power, but through the medium of the sails of a ship, and secured by the safeguard of a cage. However, as such is now the established custom of naturalists, I have determined on availing myself of the means thus offered me, of adding to the interest of this little work, by admitting, as all previous British Faunists have done, the two species of stray Turtles which have accidentally been found on our coasts, although certainly neither the one nor the other can claim to be considered as indigenous. The family of CHELONIAD^, to which both the species which have thus obtruded themselves into our Fauna belong, is composed exclusively of marine Turtles. The most gene- rally interesting species are the common esculent Turtle, Chelonia Mydas, well known as a delicious article of food, and the present species, which furnishes the beautiful sub- stance known by the name of Tortoise-shell. The structure of the whole family is admirably adapted to their marine habits. The body is flattened so as greatly to facilitate their progress through the water ; the feet are HAWK S-BILL TURTLE. O formed into the most perfect oars, by means of which they are propelled with considerable force and velocity ; " the Green and Hawk-billed in particular," says Audubon, "re- mind you, by their celerity, and the ease of their motions, of the progress of a bird in the air." The head is so placed upon the neck as to allow of the nostrils being readily raised above the surface for the purpose of occasional respiration. The nostrils, also, are furnished with a fleshy valve, which is closed when the animal is submerged, but opens when re- quired for respiration. The food of the Green Turtle con- sists of marine plants, especially the sea wrack, Zostera marina ; and they graze at the bottom of the water, coming at intervals to the surface to breathe. As this mode of taking their food renders them very liable to swallow, with their aliment, a considerable quantity of sea- water, there is a beautiful structure lining the interior of the oesophagus, by which this circumstance is effectually obviated. This consists of a great number of horny pyramidal bodies, with which the whole interior of the oesophagus is furnished, all of them directed backwards towards the stomach ; by which means, although the food and the water together can be readily swallowed, yet, when the stomach is contracted for the purpose of regurgitating the water, the food itself is re- tained. " The Hawk-billed species feeds on sea-weeds, crabs, various kinds of shell-fish, and fishes ; the Loggerhead mostly on the fish of conch shells of large size, which they are en- abled, by means of their powerful beak, to crush to pieces with apparently as much ease as a man cracks a walnut. The Trunk Turtle feeds on mollusca, fish, Crustacea, sea- urchins, and various marine plants.""* Their jaws are strong, and firmly articulated. The horny beak, which so much resembles that of some birds as to have led to the application of the name of HawkVbilled * Audub. Amer. Ornith. Biog. II. p. 374. 4 CHELONIAD.E. Turtle to the species about to be described, is very hard, but the edge is sharp, in most cases toothed, and that of the lower jaw is received into a groove of the upper ; so that the food taken between them is not only cut by the external sharp edges passing each other, but bruised by the pressure of the lower mandible against this upper groove and its internal margin. When not engaged in feeding, they are often seen floating without the slightest movement on the surface of the sea, sometimes at considerable distance from the land, apparently asleep ; for they are at such times easily approached and taken. The annual resort of the various species of marine Turtles to the land for the purpose of depositing their eggs, is one of the most interesting points of their history. On the Island of Ascension, on the shores of the Gulf of Florida, and in many other places, innumerable multitudes of Turtles arrive at a period of the year differing somewhat in the different species, but in all during the early part of the summer. They resort to their favourite breeding-places from various parts, some even from a great distance ; and there is reason to believe that each individual returns year after year to the same place. The following details of this operation, from the graphic pen of my friend Audubon, are so interesting that I offer no apology for inserting them without mutilation. " On first nearing the shore, and mostly on fine calm moonlight nights, the Turtle raises her head above the water, being still distant thirty or forty yards from the beach, looks around her, and attentively examines the objects on shore. Should she observe. nothing likely to disturb her intended operations, she emits a loud hissing sound, by which such of her many enemies as are unaccustomed to it are startled, and so are apt to remove to another place, although unseen by her. Should she hear any noise, or perceive any indications of danger, she instantly sinks, and goes off to a considerable HAWK S-BILL TURTLE. O distance ; but should everything be quiet, she advances slowly towards the beach, crawls over it, her head raised to the full stretch of her neck, and when she has reached a place fitted for her purpose, she gazes all around in silence. Find- ing ' all well,' she proceeds to form a hole in the sand, which she effects by removing it from under her body with her hind flappers, scooping it out with so much dexterity that the sides seldom if ever fall in. The sand is raised alternately with each flapper, as with a large ladle, until it has accumulated behind her, when, supporting herself with her head and fore part on the ground fronting her body, she, with a spring from each flapper, sends the sand around her, scattering it to the distance of several feet. In this manner the hole is dug to the depth of eighteen inches, or sometimes more than two feet. This labour I have seen performed in the short period of nine minutes. The eggs are then dropped one by one, and disposed in regular layers, to the number of a hundred and fifty, or sometimes nearly two hundred. The whole time spent in this part of the operation may be about twenty minutes. She now scrapes the loose sand back over the eggs, and so levels and smooths the surface, that few persons on seeing the spot could imagine anything had been done to it. This accomplished to her mind, she retreats to the water with all possible dispatch, leaving the hatching of the eggs to the heat of the sand. When a Turtle, a Loggerhead for example, is in the act of dropping her eggs, she will not move although one should go up to her, or even seat himself on her back ; for it seems at this moment she finds it necessary to proceed at all events, and is unable to intermit her labour. The moment -it is finished, however, off she starts ; nor would it then be pos- sible for one, unless he were as strong as a Hercules, to turn her over and secure her."* * Audub. Amer. Ornith. Biog. II. 6 CHELONIAD.E. Each Turtle has generally three layings in the season, at intervals of two or three weeks. The eggs are perfectly round, varying from two to three inches in diameter. The external membrane is flexible, very white, and contains a considerable quantity of calcareous matter. The yolk forms in general an exceedingly delicate article of food ; but that of the Loggerhead Turtle has a somewhat musky flavour. When the young ones are hatched, which takes place from a fortnight to three weeks after the eggs are deposited, ac- cording to the temperature, they have only that central part of each scale or plate formed which is termed the areola ; and all the concentric layers which in advanced age are seen to constitute the principal part of the plates are added after- wards at their margins. The shell is soft, and affords them but little protection from the attacks of their numerous ene- mies. In their attempts to gain the water for the first time, numbers of them fall a prey to birds of various kinds ; and of those which are fortunate enough to escape from this danger, probably the greater part are seized and devoured by shoals of fish and of crocodiles. The different species of marine Turtles are found in all the seas of hot climates, and they are only seen in considerable numbers within a certain distance from the land. About the shores of several of the West India Islands, " Cuba, Jamaica, St. Domingo ; in the Atlantic, at the Cape de Verde and Ascension Islands ; again, in the Indian Ocean, at the Isle of France, Madagascar, the Seychelles, &c. ; at Vera Cruz, in the Gulf of Mexico, and at the Sandwich and Gallapagos Islands, in the Pacific,"* they are found in the greatest abundance. It is unnecessary, and it would be out of place here, to enter at large upon the particular history of the different species. Every one knows the value of the Green Turtle, * Dumeril et Bibron, Hist, des Kept. II. p. 520. HAWK'S-BILL TURTLE. 7 as it is commonly called, as an article of luxurious and most nutritious food; and all the species afford a large quantity of oil, which is employed for various purposes. But it may not be uninteresting to offer a few observations on the parti- cular utility of the species which is now to be described. The HawkVbilled Turtle, Chelonia imbricata, is not generally used in food, as its flesh is far from being either so wholesome or agreeable as that of the Green Turtle ; but the large scales with which it is covered are so rnueh employed in the arts, both for purposes of ornament and utility, as to constitute no unimportant object of mer- chandize. It is the substance commonly called Tortoise- shell. For the following short account of the mode of ob- taining and preparing it, I am principally indebted to the admirable History of Reptiles by my excellent friends M. Dumeril and M. Bibron.* Although the greater number of the whole order of Tes- tudinata have the back and sternum covered with horny plates, or scales, it is almost exclusively those of the present species which are applicable to the purposes just named. The thirteen plates with which the whole upper part of the shell is covered, are in fact much thicker and stronger, as well as more beautifully clouded in colour, than those of any other species ; and as they lie one over the other like the tiles of a house, so that at least one-third of each overlaps the one behind it, they are* much larger in comparison with the size of the individual. The scales, or plates, are in the first place separated by the application of heat. They are sold to the manufacturers in the rough state, in which they are un- even, fragile, opaque, and dirty ; and it is the first object of the artificer to obviate these defects. The uneven surface, the irregular curvature, the unequal thickness of different parts, have all to be corrected ; and not only can these ob- * Hist, des Kept. II. p. 524, et seq. 8 CHELONIAD.E. jects be readily effected, but the substance can be rendered ductile, compressible, capable of receiving any impression, of being carved, moulded and polished, and even extended by soldering pieces together by means of their own substance reduced to powder. The whole of these processes are per- formed by means of heat. The uneven curvature is first of all to be removed, and the plate rendered perfectly flat. This is effected by im- mersing it in hot water, and then allowing it to cool under heavy pressure between smooth blocks of wood, or metallic plates. The surface is then rendered smooth, and the thick- ness equal, by scraping and filing away the rough and pro- minent parts. In this way each plate receives an equal and smooth surface. But it is in many cases desirable to em- ploy larger pieces than can be obtained from single plates, and two pieces are then united together in the following manner : The edges are bevelled off to the space of two or three lines, and the margins when placed together overlap each other to that extent. They are then pressed together by a metallic press, and the whole is submitted to the action of boiling water ; and by this means the two pieces are so perfectly soldered together, as to leave no indication of the line of union. By the application of heat, also, the tor- toise-shell may be made to receive any impression by being pressed between metallic moulds. No portion of this precious substance is lost or useless. The filings and powder, which remain after these and the other processes to which the shell is submitted, are placed with any small fragments in metallic moulds, and by means of pressure, exercised whilst they are exposed to the heat of boiling water, they are formed into plates of any thickness which may be required. Such is a very hasty and general sketch of the manner in which this beautiful substance is rendered available to the HAWK'S-BILL TURTLE. 9 many purposes of ornament and use in which it is constantly employed. The history of this species as a British visitant is confined to the mere notice of its accidental occurrence on three dif- ferent occasions 'on the shores of Great Britain. Sibbald states that he received the shell of one which " came into Orkney ;" Dr. Fleming says, " I have credible testimony of its having been taken at Papa Stour, one of the West Zetland Islands ;" and the late Dr. Turton has mentioned an in- stance of one which " in the year 1774 was taken in the Severn, and placed in the fish-ponds of the author's father, where it lived till winter." It is found about the islands and coasts both of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, where it occurs in considerable abund- ance , its flesh is said to be unpalatable, but the eggs are considered a great delicacy. It does not generally attain to more than one-third the size of the Green Turtle. The shell of this species is depressed, rather longer in proportion to its breadth than the other species, and some- what heart-shaped. It is covered with thirteen imbricated plates, each of which in the young state has the apex pointed; but in older individuals this is entirely worn away. The margin has plates, which are prominent at the posterior and exterior angle, especially those towards the hinder part, so as to form sharp and strong denticulations. The under side, or sternum, has twelve plates ; and there are two carinse which run through its whole length from the anterior to the posterior margin ; these ridges, however, are worn off by age ; but they were very evident in the individual from which the present figures were taken, and which I had alive for a short time in my possession.. The head is rather elongated, flattened above, and compressed at the sides in front of the eyes, so that the beak is less arched than in any other species of the genus. The head is covered with fourteen scales, to 10 CHELONIAD.E. which, in zoological language, different names are given from their situation. The upper and lower jaws are covered with a horny beak, as before described ; they are not denticulated at the edges ; they are sharp, and scarcely sinuous ; and the apex, both in the upper and lower, is sharp and hooked, that of the under shutting within that of the upper. The feet do not materially differ from those of the species generally, of the marine form, as before described. The tail is conical, and is so short that it does not extend beyond the posterior mar- gin of the shell. The colour of the upper parts is yellow, marbled or splash- ed with a deep rich brown ; the plates of the head are brown, often margined with yellow ; the under parts of the whole animal are yellowish white ; and in the young individual there is a spot of black occupying the areola, or nucleal spot of the four posterior pairs of sternal plates. LEATHERY TURTLE. 11 TESTUDINATA. CHELONIAD&. Genus, Sphargis. Merr. Generic Character. Body wholly without scales ; covered with a leathery skin. Feet without nails. LEATHERY TURTLE. TRUNK TURTLE. Sphargis coriacea. Testudo Mercurii, GESN. Aquat. II. p. 1134. ,, coriacea, LINN. Syst. Nat. I. p. 350, sp. 1. SCHNEID. Schildk. p. 512. DAUD. Hist. Kept. II. p. 62, t. xviii. f. 1. TURT. Brit. Faun. p. 78. Sphargis ,, GRAY, Syn. Kept. p. 51. DUMER. et BIBRON, Hist. Kept. II. p. 560, t. xxiv. f. 2. BONAP. Faun. Ital. JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 290. Mercurialis, MERR. Amph. p. 19. Risso, Hist. Nat. Eur. Merid. III. p. 85. SCHLEG. Faun. Japon. Chelon. p. 6, t. 1, 2, 3. Corindo coriacea, FLEM. Brit. Anim. p. 149. Coriaceous Tortoise, PENNANT, Brit. Zool. III. p. 7, t. i. Turtle, BORLASE, Nat. Hist, of Cornw. p. 285, t. xxvii. f. 4. Dermatochelys porcata, WAOL. Syst. Amph. p. 133. t.i. f. 1 23. CHELONIAD.E. THIS remarkable species is distinguished from all the other marine species, by the absence of horny plates upon the body, head, and limbs ; which, instead of them, are covered by a tough leathery skin. In this respect it bears the same relation to the family to which it belongs, that the different species of Trionyx do to the fresh-water Tortoises most nearly allied to them. This skin is perfectly smooth in the adult ; but in young specimens it is covered with hard tubercles. The head is more acute than in the other species of marine Turtles : it is somewhat triangular when viewed from above, the part anterior to the eyes being narrowed ; the jaws are of immense strength, and the edges very sharp ; the upper one has three remarkable notches, one in the cen- tre, which is angular, and one on each side at a short distance from the former, which are rounded. The lower jaw is scarcely sinuated at the margin, and the point is very acute, and somewhat hooked, corresponding with the central notch of the upper. The nostrils are small, and perfectly circular. The eyes rather large, opening nearly vertically, particularly in the younger specimens. The view of the head here given is from a very large individual, of which the head and extre- mities are in my collection. The carapax, or dorsal shell, has seven distinct raised carinse, or ridges, which in the adult are sharp, and slightly toothed: in the young they are rounded, and composed of a number of round obtuse tuber- LEATHERY TURTLE. 13 cles. These seven ridges are equidistant, and consist of one along the median line of the back, one on each margin of the shell, and two on each side between the dorsal and the marginal one. The anterior paddles are remarkably long, being more than twice the length of the hinder ones, and somewhat falcate ; the latter, however, are generally broader than the former. They are covered with a perfectly smooth skin. The tail is acute, much compressed at the sides, and extends only to the extreme point of the dorsal shell. The following figures of these parts are from the specimen above mentioned. The young individual differs from the adult more con- siderably in this species than in any other species of the order with which I am acquainted. Some of the peculiarities of the former age have already been alluded to ; in addition to which may be mentioned the more full and rounded form, the larger head, the larger and more expanded eye, and the existence of five ridges on the sternum. The eye opens al- most vertically, which gives a peculiar and strange aspect to the young animal. The figures at the head of this descrip- 14 CHELONIAD/E. tion are from the plate in the Prince of Musignano's " Fauna Italica ;" and were taken from a very young individual. The colour of the adult is generally a full brown, with numerous pale yellowish spots ; in the very fine specimen in my collection, the under side of the extremities and throat are white, with black irregular spots, rendering them, in fact, pied. This species, which is stated by Mr. Audubon to resort to the Tortugas, or Turtle Islands of Florida, is later than the other species in arriving thither for the purpose of depo- siting its eggs. The average number laid by it, according to the same authority, may be three hundred and fifty in two sets. It is less cautious than the other species in choosing the places for this important operation. " Its food consists of mollusca, fish, Crustacea, sea-urchins, and various marine plants." " The lyre," says Sir John Hawkins, " is the prototype of the fidicinal or stringed species " of instruments, " and is said to have been invented about the year of the world 2000 by Mercury, who, finding on the bank of the river Nile a shell-fish of the Tortoise kind, which an inundation of the river had left there, and observing that the flesh was already consumed, he took up the back-shell, and, hollowing it, ap- plied strings to it."* This application of the dorsal shell of a Tortoise to the construction of a musical instrument by Mer- cury is of very general reception amongst the classical writers, and is even mentioned by Homer in his Hymn to Mercury. To what species of Tortoise the individual belonged, which was destined to be the means of so much enjoyment to man- kind in all subsequent ages of the world, it would be useless now to enquire: but it is not improbable that the seven ridges on the back of the present species may have given rise to the belief that it may have been the favoured animal ; particularly as seven strings are by some of the ancient writ- * Harmonia Manualis, II. p. 29. LEATHERY TURTLE. 15 ers assigned to the lyre ; for Amphion is said to have " built the seven gates of Thebes in compliment to the seven strings of his lyre. 1 ' This legend is neither overstrained, nor im- probable ; for the margin of the shell would afford a very good fastening for the strings, and the arched vault of the back would answer the purpose of a good reverberating cavity. This species is found in the Mediterranean, in the Atlan- tic, the Pacific, and the Indian Oceans. My own specimen, above referred to, was from the latter locality. The history of its occurrence on the shores of Great Britain is as follows : Borlase, in his History of Corn- wall, mentions " two of a vast size which were caught in the mackerel nets off -the coast of Cornwall, a little after Midsummer 1756. The larger weighed eight hundred pounds, the lesser nearly seven hundred." Pennant states that " a third, of equal weight with the first, was caught on the coast of Dorsetshire, and deposited in the Leverian Museum." This specimen, if I mistake not, is the one now in the British Museum. " The late Bishop of Carlisle in- forms me," proceeds Pennant, " that a Tortoise was taken off the coast of Scarborough in 1748 or 1749. It was pur- chased by a family then resident there, and several persons were invited to partake of it. A gentleman, who was one of the guests, told them it was a Mediterranean Turtle, and not wholesome ; only one of the company ate of it, who suffered severely, being seized with dreadful vomiting and purging." The following are the dimensions of the parts in my pos- session of the large specimen to which I have before referred, the total length of which was eight feet. Ft. In. Lines. Length of the head . . . 11 4 Greatest breadth of the head . . .096 Breadth between the orbits . . 034 Length of the fore-paddles . . 2 10 Greatest breadth of the fore- paddles . 096 16 CHELONIAD/E. Ft. In. Lines. Length of the hinder- paddles . . ,120 Breadth of the hinder-paddles . . 088 Length of tail . . . . .039 Supposing the neck to have been eight inches, the upper shell would have been nearly six feet and a half in length. Although such is the meagre total of our claim to indige- nous species of the Testudinata, there appears to be no ob- vious reason why many of the land and fresh-water species should not be naturalized, or at least bred in a domesticated state, in our southern counties. Every one knows that the Testudo Grteca, or common land Tortoise, will live for a great number of years in this country without any particular care ; nor do I doubt that the common fresh-water species of Europe, Terrapene Europaa, might be readily introduced here, as well as several species of JEmys from the United States. They would probably require some little attention for the first few winters ; but I doubt not they may in a short time be completely acclimated. SAND LIZARD. SQUAMATA. (SAURIA.) LACEHTWM. I Genus, Lacerta. Linn. Generic Character. Throat with a distinct collar. Nostrils situated towards the outer and inferior margin of the nasal scuta. An osseous superorbital lamina. Temples covered with scuta. Scales of the back, orbiculo-polygonal, si ightly c arinated . P ala te toothed . SAND LIZARD. Lacerta agilis. Linn. ? Lacertus terrestris anguiformis, MERRETT, Pinax, p. 161. RAY, Syn. Quad, p. 264. C 18 LACERTID.E. Lacerta agilis, LINN. Fn. Suec. 284. JB. cura RETZ. 289. Syst. Nat. I. 363, n. 15. MULL. Zool. Dan. Prod. p. 36, n. 299. MERE. Syst. Aruph. p. 66, sp. 13. C. L. BONAP. Faun. Ital. cura Icon. ,, stirpium, DAUD. Kept. III. p. 155, t. xxxv. f. 2. DUGES in An. des Sc. Nat. XVI. p. 376, sp. 3, t. Ixxvi. f. 1. 2. JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 291. ,, arenicola, DAUD. 1. c. p. 230, t. xxxviii. f. 2. ,, anguiformis, SHEPPARD, in Linn. Trans. XVI. p. 51. Lezard des Souches, DAUD. 1. c. M. EDW. in An. des Sc. Nat. XVI. p. 65, 83. t. v. f. 4, ett. viii.f. 1.2. Lacerta diLinneo, C. L. BONAP. 1. c. BECAUSE it may appear to many persons not accustomed to the use of what are commonly termed essential generic or specific characters, that many of those phrases by which such characters are expressed are confined in their significa- tion, and the characters themselves of slight value and im- portance, it may not, perhaps, be useless, before we proceed to describe the species, to offer a few words explanatory of their employment, especially with reference to those groups of animals on which the present work professes to treat. It has always appeared to me that generic distinctions should, as far as possible, be limited to such differences of structure as indicate a difference in the habits of the animals. Thus, the absence in one species, and the presence in another, of an organ or part of an organ, the application of which is of ob- vious or probable moment in any of the habits of life, as, for example, the degree of developement of the thumb in some genera of monkeys, or the modification of the carnivo- rous propensity in allied groups of carnivora, evidenced by the greater or less degree of acuteness in the tuber- cles of certain teeth, will form good grounds for such a distinction. Now it is evident here that what is called the generic character is merely the phrase expressive of some point of structure belonging to the whole group in which a certain habit obtains. In many cases even, the most conve- nient, or the only tangible characters of the group may have SAND LIZARD. 19 no reference whatever to the peculiarity of habit which forms the legitimate foundation for the generic distinction. This will be found to be the case, for instance, in some of the genera of saurian reptiles, and even in the generic distinction of our only two native species ; the genus Zootoca, to which our common Lizard belongs, being characterized, as regards habit, by the circumstance that the species of which it is composed are ovo- viviparous. This is a character to which the structure of any of its external organs bears no possible relation ; but as it is found that the species having this habit is externally characterized by some peculiarity in the form and situation of certain little scales about the head, having, however, no possible reference to the habit in question, such peculiarities are employed as convenient and permanent cha- racters by which it may be distinguished. It must, however, be acknowledged that there are cases in which a numerous group is found to consist of several divisions, each of them distinguished by some point of form or structure, the use or object of which is absolutely un- known or unintelligible to us, and in which the habits, as far as we know them, are not conspicuously different. For the sake of convenience in some cases, and of consistency and harmony of system in others, these groups may, notwithstand- ing this uncertainty, receive with propriety a distinctive ge- neric appellation ; but, wherever it is possible, generic groups ought only to be formed where Nature has herself pointed out their distinction. The generic and specific characters of the Lacertine group have only of late years received the degree of attention which they deserved. The divisions and subdivisions of this nu- merous family had been either overlooked, or so arbitrarily defined as to be detected with difficulty, and their value had been greatly misunderstood. The employment of mi- nute characters in the structure and proportions of the differ- 20 LACERTID.E. ent parts of the body, the relative dimensions of the limbs, and the form and size of certain important scales, has, how- ever, of late produced a greater degree of certainty, and more accurate definition, not only in the relation of the groups, but also in the characters of the species. One of the most useful attempts to reduce the characters of the Lizards to a tangible and certain rule, dependent upon differences which, though apparently trifling in themselves, are of great value as being constant and easily detected, was made by my friend Dr. Milne Edwards, in a valuable paper in the six- teenth volume of the " Annales des Sciences Naturelles ;" and Wagler has since that carried the principles of generic subdivision to an extent perhaps scarcely warranted by nature. Upon this point, however, it would be out of place here to dwell. The external parts from which the artificial characters of the present group of reptiles are founded, are principally the plates covering the head, the scales of the collar, the prse-anal scale, those in which the femoral pores are placed, the abdo- minal plates, and the scales of the back and tail. In order to comprehend these characters, I here introduce an outline of most of these parts. In the first figure, the plates of the upper part of the head of the species about to be described are exhibited, and they are thus designated : a, rostral ; b, na- sal ; c, internasal ; d, fronto-na- sal ; e, frontal ; f, anterior pal- pebral ; g, posterior palpebral ; h, fron to-parietal ; .i, inter-pari- etal ; k, parietal ; 1, occipital. In the next figure, the under parts of a variety of the same species are exhibited in outline, to show the collar, the SAND LIZARD. abdominal plates, the prae-anal plate, those which are per- forated by the femoral pores, and the scales of the tail. In the whole of the sub-family of Lacertina the head is covered by the number of plates designated above, differing only in some very trifling modifications of form. The ab- domen is covered by broad plates, as seen in the figure, not imbricated, or lying one over another, as are the scales of the back and tail, but applied to each other at the mar- gins ; and these are arranged in longitudinal rows. There is in all the species a distinct collar, composed of several scales, larger than those which cover the throat, and quite detached from the plates which cover the breast, which they loosely overlay. The scales of the back and sides are small, and imbricated. Those of the tail are always arranged in distinct and even whorls, are elongated and narrow, becoming more so towards the termination of the tail. The femoral pores, as they are termed, exist also in all the family. They consist, probably, of very small follicular glands, each placed in a scale, the middle of which is pierced by the opening of the follicle. In some the scale is very little larger than the pore, and appears almost like a minute tube ; in others the scale is **{ LACERTID.E. larger and triangular. The use of these pores is not known. They vary exceedingly in number, even in the same species : in this respect, therefore, they afford no distinctive cha- racters. In some species, in addition to the teeth which are placed in the margins of the upper and lower jaws, there are also a few very minute ones in the back part of the palate, which may be readily felt by a pin or the point of a penknife. The existence or absence of these palatine teeth would, per- haps, scarcely be admissible alone as a generic distinction ; but when combined with others, and associated also with a marked difference of habit, it may be admitted as a valuable, because a tangible and permanent character. It is on this account that I have employed it as one of the means of generic discrimination between our two English Lizards. I now proceed to the consideration of our first species. It has been well remarked by the Prince of Musignano, whose knowledge of the European Vertebrata in general, and of the Reptilia in particular, is undoubtedly superior to that of any other naturalist, that the Linnean term agilis has been applied by the Zoologists of different countries to that species of Lizard which is best known or most common in their own. Thus the Podarcis muralis, the common Lizard of Italy and of France, has been so called by Italian and French writers ; and our own little indigenous species, so frequent in almost all parts of England, which I shall pre- sently describe under its proper appellation of Zootoca vivi- para, has hitherto received the same name from every Bri- tish naturalist who has written on the subject. Not even when the present handsome species was distinguished as in- digenous to this country, was it suspected that the name applied to the former was erroneous as so applied, and still less that it might, in fact, appertain to this new addition to our Fauna. SAND LIZARD. The slender knowledge possessed by Linneus of the species of Reptilia, and his total ignorance of the value of specific characters in this class, led him to include amongst the sup- posed varieties of his Lacerta agilis several which have since been ascertained to be not specifically only, but gene- rically distinct ; at least, according to the rigid principles of subdivision adopted by several of our more distinguished modern Erpetologists. As, however, the typical form of his species thus named was indigenous to Sweden, for he re- fers in his great standard work, the " Systema Naturae," to the " Fauna Suecica" to fix its identity, it only remains for us to ascertain what is the common species of that country, to fix this doubtful and obscure synonymy. It appears quite clear that neither of the two species which I have before mentioned as having erroneously received the name of Lacerta agilis can possibly be the one originally intended by the great Swedish naturalist, as neither of them appears to be indigenous to that country. But it is not only highly probable, but becomes a demonstrated fact, that the present species is the type of the L. agilis of Linneus, when it is considered that it is a native of Sweden, and that the short allusion for it is nothing more in the " Fauna Suecica " is perfectly applicable to it. The specific character given by Linneus both in the " Fauna Suecica" and the " Systema Naturae " is vague, and equally applicable to the whole of the genus Lacerta as now constituted ; but he pro- ceeds to name two varieties in the following manner : " j8 Lacertus viridis Aldrovand. y. Lacertus dorso punctis albis duplici serie. Var. j3 rarissima, nee mihi ipsi obvia." Here we have the common and the rarer green varieties of our own species indicated, at least, with great probability. But in the more recent edition of the same work by Retzius, the characters are still more decidedly applicable ; and the expression " laterum ocellis nigris, pupilla alba," is decisive. LACERTIDj;. This opinion is also corroborated by the short description given by Otho Frederick Miiller, in his " Prodromus Zoo- logiae Danicse," of two varieties of the indigenous Lacerta of Denmark, which he also terms L. agilis. The following are his words : " b. supra maculis nigris punctis linearibus [al- bis*] inscriptis, subtus absque maculis. c. Supra cinereo- fusca, punctis albis nigrisque contiguis." These are very accurate descriptions of the markings of different individuals of the present species ; even the green variety, which occurs also in this country, was not unknown to Miiller, who adds, " viridein quoque in sylva Frederichsdalensi reperi." From these considerations it becomes necessary to reform the nomenclature and synonymy of our English Lizards, by restoring the name of agilis to the present species, to which it originally belonged, by abolishing altogether that of stirpium, adopted by Mr. Jenyns from the French writers, by whom it had been applied to this species, and in the case of the other and more common indigenous species, by substituting for the name L. agilis, hitherto applied, that of Zootoca vivipara, which really belongs to it. The first na- turalist who has demonstrated that the species now under consideration is the true Linnean agilis^ is the Prince of Musignano, who, in his beautiful " Fauna Italica," has thus restored its true name, with the additional Italian appellation of Lacerta di Linneo. I have lately examined many speci- mens of both species in company with that distinguished naturalist, and have thus had the views now stated amply con- firmed. As a British species, there appear to be on record several more or less obscure allusions to it amongst former writers. . Merrett, in his " Pinax," mentions the common or vivipa- rous species as u L. terrestris vulg. venire nigro maculato ;"" * The word here is originally "nigris ;" but this is evidently a misprint. Spots of black could not be said to be marked with black dots. SAND LIZARD. and the present one is probably intended by the phrase " L. terrestris anguiformis, in ericetis" These words, with the enumeration of the different species of Newts, are copied verbatim by Ray without acknowledgment. This, however, is but an obscure and uncertain allusion. The first descrip- tion of the species by any British Zoologist is that by the Rev. Revett Sheppard, in the sixteenth volume of the Lin- nean Transactions, in the year 1802. This gentleman adopts the specific name anguiformis from Ray, with whom he appears to believe it to have been original, as he was proba- bly unacquainted with the " Pinax" of Merrett. The Lizard to which his description refers could not have been a variety of the common species, as the latter never acquires half the length of one specimen seen by Mr. Sheppard, which, he says, was upwards of a foot long; and this, although cer- tainly an extraordinary, is not an incredible length for an individual of this species, as I have myself occasionally seen them approaching that length, measured from the nose to the extremity of the tail. Even the general length of Mr. Shep- pard's specimens was " seven inches and upwards." It is true that the characters and descriptions given by this au- thor are vague and unsatisfactory, as they refer merely to colour ; but the dimensions can scarcely admit of a reason- able doubt on the subject. The locality mentioned by him as its most usual resort, namely, on heaths, is also, as far as it goes, a confirmatory fact. It is to Mr. Jenyns, however, that we owe the only clear and satisfactory published description of this species as a native of Britain ; and his account of its characters is as admir- able for its correctness and perspicuity as any of the other descriptions of that accomplished author. It is from the immediate vicinity of my own native place that the specimens which have hitherto formed the subjects of more recent observation have been obtained. I have been LACERTID^. familiar with it from my childhood ; and its frequency in various parts of the sandy heaths around Poole and its neighbourhood gave me, when young, numerous opportunities of observing the remarkable difference of size between this and the other native species; from which circumstance I had, even then, often suspected that they were distinct. Subsequently, when the prosecution of the study of Erpeto- logy might perhaps have enabled me to distinguish them, the opportunity of observing them had ceased, until Mr. Jenyns, having, through Mr. Yarrell, obtained specimens from Poole, seized, with his usual acumen, upon the point of distinction, and speedily discovered the identity of this species with the L. stirpium of Daudin, of Milne Ed- wards, and of Duges. I shall be readily pardoned this long and somewhat dry investigation of the synonymy of this species by every systematic Zoologist who appreciates the importance of pre- cision on this subject ; and I now proceed to give a short history of its habits, as far as I have had an opportunity of observing them. This beautiful species is found in the neighbourhood of Poole in somewhat different situations. Its general abode is on sandy heaths, where it is frequently seen crossing the small bye-paths with considerable swiftness, although it is certainly less rapid in its movements than the smaller and more common species. The transient glance which is thus obtained of it, " together with its viperine appearance and colours," and the size and length of its body and tail, may easily have deceived Mr. Sheppard, who says that he has often mistaken it for the Viper when hastily passing it. But it is also occasionally seen on the sunny sides of green banks, basking in the sun's rays, and retreating quickly upon the approach of any intruder. Mr. Sheppard mentions that he had " once or twice observed it near marshes ;" and it is SAND LIZARD. 27 occasionally seen in the small village of Hamworthy, near Poole, in moist situations. It has been stated by a gentleman of my acquaintance, that the brown varieties are confined to the sandy heaths, the colours of which are closely imitated by the surface of the body, and that the green variety, which I have already slightly alluded to, fre- quents the more verdant localities just mentioned. Be this as it may, and it is a statement which at present I can neither confirm nor refute, it is certain that these varieties, mentioned by Linneus and seen by Muller, do exist in the place I have named, and within a comparatively short dis- tance. It is more timid and far less easily rendered familiar than the beautiful Green Lizard (L. viridis) of Guernsey and the South of Europe. This latter species may be readily tamed, and taught to come to the hand for its food, and to drink from the hollow of the palm of any one to whom it is accus- tomed. It will lie coiled up between the two hands, enjoy- ing the warmth, and not offering to escape. But it is very different with the present species, which appears not to be susceptible of any such attachment. It will indeed attempt to bite any one who handles it, which I have never known to occur with the L. viridis. When in confinement, it ceases to feed, conceals itself with extreme timidity when approached, and ultimately pines and dies. The female lays her eggs, to the number of twelve or four- teen, in hollows in the sand, which she excavates for the purpose, and having covered them carefully with sand, she leaves them to be hatched by the solar heat. It is probable that the eggs are laid a considerable time before they are hatched, as I have found the female containing numerous eggs of the full size, and apparently ready to be deposited, and yet without the vestige of an embryo within any of them : there is, therefore, every reason to conclude that this species # LACERTID.E. never brings forth her young alive, as is always the case with the common Lizard. It is a northern species, rarely occurring so far south as Italy, but sufficiently common in the northern parts of France and the middle districts of the European Continent, and extending, as we have seen, as far north as Sweden and Denmark. It varies exceedingly, like most others of the Lacertine group, in colour and marking. The most common colour of the upper parts is a sandy brown, with obscure longitudi- nal fascise of a darker brown, and a lateral series of black rounded spots, each marked with a yellowish white dot or line in the centre. There is often in this most common variety more or less of green on the sides. The following figure is of a very beautiful individual in my collection which was taken in the neighbourhood of Poole by my relative SAND LIZARD. Dr. Bell Salter : it is of a rich brown colour above, with a rather lighter fascia on each side near the mesial line, and a number of black ocellated spots, arranged almost continuously in somewhat irregular oblique fasciae, each of these spots having a white pupil. There are in this, as in the one de- scribed by Mr. Sheppard, about four black spots on the head. This specimen has a remarkably short tail, and some other structural peculiarities, which led me at first to suppose that it belonged to a different species ; but I am now satisfied that it is merely a variety of the present one. The compa- rative shortness of the tail probably arises from its having been mutilated and restored. Another variety is that to which I have before alluded, in which the upper parts are more or less of a green hue. In some this colour is brighter and lighter than in others ; but the usual colour is a rather dull brownish green. Not only is it very probable that the passages which I have quoted from Linneus and Miiller indicate this variety, but I cannot help believing that all the accounts we have on record of the supposed occurrence of the Green Lizard, L. viridis, in Ire- land and in England, are to be referred to individuals of the same variety of our present species, which were probably of unusually vivid hues, and observed under all the advan- tages of bright sunshine. Such may doubtless be the ex- planation of the " beautiful green Lacertte " seen by Gilbert White, " or the sunny sand-banks near Farnham."* The Prince of Musignano, in his " Fauna Italica," figures a variety with the whole of the back of a dull brick-red colour. The under side is usually of a whitish or greyish colour, varied with light green towards the sides, about the collar, and * I find, by referring to my lamented friend Mr. Bennett's edition of the " Natural History of Selborne," that I have appended the following note to page 114 : "These were probably unusually large and bright individuals of the L . stirpium, now ascertained to be indigenous to this country.'* 30 LACERTID^E. under the tail, and a few black dots scattered about those parts. In its general form this Lizard is much thicker and less gracile than the more common species. The head is rather more obtuse, the body more rounded, and the limbs stronger and shorter. The relative proportions of the tail and the body vary exceedingly in different individuals. As a general rule, it may be stated that the length of the head and body together is to that of the tail as three to four nearly ; but in one specimen in my collection the proportions are nearly equal, and in that which is figured above, page 28, the tail is even considerably shorter than the head and body ; but, as has been observed before, this may have occurred from the mu- tilation and reproduction of that part. The legs are so short, that when the posterior ones are brought forwards and the anterior placed backwards parallel to the side of the body, the hinder toes do not extend further than to the wrist of the anterior ones ; in which respect it differs re- markably from the other species. In this, as in others, how- ever, the abdomen of the female is proportionally larger than that of the male. The third and fourth toe of the fore foot are nearly of equal length ; Mr. Jenyns says the former is the longer, but in some specimens the reverse is the case. The plates of the head* are similar in their general form and proportions to those of most others of the genus. The nostrils are placed near the outer or inferior margin of the nasal plates, and nearly half-way between the anterior and pos- terior margins. The frontal plate is elongate pentagonal ; the anterior angle obtuse ; the lateral margins parallel, but slightly contracted about the middle ; the inter-parietal pen- tagonal, and with a depressed point in the centre ; the oc- cipital very small. The upper eyelid with a series of very minute scales, and the whole surface of the lower covered by * See the figure in page 21. SAND LIZARD. 81 similar ones ; the space between the eye and the auditory passage covered with plates, of which the two superior, lying immediately under the parietal, are much the largest. The scales of the upper parts of the body are round or polygonal, and slightly, though distinctly, carinated. The abdominal plates in six rows, the middle series narrower than the ad- joining ones. Prse-anal plate single, of a broad pentagonal form ; the anterior margin bordered by four pairs of plates. Femoral pores varying in number from eight to fifteen on each side. In the specimen figured at page 28, there are eight on one side, and nine on the other. The pores are in this species placed in flat triangular scales ; whilst in Zootoca vivipara the scales are so round and small as almost to form tubes. The tail is covered with numerous distinct whorls, according to Duges from fifty to eighty, of elongated scales, which are longer, narrower, and more distinctly carinated towards the extremity. The number of whorls varies considerably in different individuals. The following are the dimensions of one of moderate size : In. Lines. Total length . . . . . 72 Length of the head . . . .09 body . . . . 25 tail . . . .40 Breadth of the head 7 LACERT1D.E. SAURIA. LACERTIDJ:. Genus, Zootoca. Wagl. Generic Character. Nostrils, collar, superorbital lamina, as in the genus Lacerta. Temples covered with adpressed scales. Scales of the back elon- gated and hexagonal. Palate toothless. VIVIPAROUS LIZARD. NIMBLE LIZARD. COMMON LIZARD. Zootoca vivipara. VIVIPAROUS LIZARD. 33 Lacertnsterrestrisvulgarisventrenigromaculato,MERHETT, Pinax, p. 169. RAY, Syn. Quad. p. 264. Lacerta agilis, BERKENH. Syn. I. p. 56. SHEPPARD, in Linn. Trans. VII. p. 49. FLEM. Brit. An. p. 150. JENYNS, Brit. Vert, p. 292. ,, vivipara, JACQ. Nov. Act. Helv. I. p. 33, t. i. Zootoca ,, WAGL. Syst. Amph. p. 155. Scaly Lizard, PENN. Brit. Zool. III. p. 21, t. ii. MAS. Lacerta oedura, SHEPPARD, 1. c. p. 50. ENOUGH has been said in the account of the former species on the subject of the nomenclature and synonymy both of that and of the present subject. I have there attempted to show that the Linn can name agilis has been hitherto impro- perly applied to this common species, and that it belongs to our other indigenous Lizard. It remains now only to say a few words on the identity of the present one with the Lacerta vivipara of the younger Jacquin. An examination of the figure in that author's paper will show that this syno- nymy is correct ; and it is entirely confirmed by the fact of the ovo- viviparous character of our species. The following graphic and interesting account I copy from the paper re- ferred to ; and as the work is comparatively little known in this country, I make no apology for thus giving it in detail. It is an additionally interesting circumstance that this worthy son of so distinguished a father was only eleven years old when these observations were made. " In excursu botanico in Alpes vicinas, cum parente optimo, circa finem Julii prseteriti institute, obtulit sese mini forte fortuna in monte Schneeberg, Lacerta praegnans, quam prehensam, ut servarem, capsulse inclusi : prseterlapso duorum dierum spatio cum hanc iterum aperirem. en ! apparet ilia onere, quod gestaverat, liberata, ac editis sex lacertis juven- culis stipata ; ovorum in capsula reliquorum vestigia ne mi- nima quidem hac licet sollicite excussa, deprehendere licuit ! quod eo magis mirabar, quo a CL. MULLERO, System. Nat. O* LACERTID.E. t. iii. p. 77, traditam noveram, (quasi res esset in om- nibus lacertarum generibus constanter observata) lacertas ova, eaque cute seu membrana vestita, magno numero excludere solere ; cum autem neutiquam omnino vero sit simile, tarn exiguo duorum dierum spatio, non ova tan turn deponi, sed et ipsas ex his excludi potuisse lacertulas, non sine ratione con- cludere posse mini videbar, hasce vivas a matre in lucem editas fuisse." Mr. Gray, in his Synopsis of Reptiles in Griffith's Animal Kingdom, refers Jacquin's Lacerta mvipara to the L. muralis of Daudin and Merrem (Podarcis muralis of Wagler) : this mistake, however, Mr. Gray has, I believe, subsequently corrected. It is in consonance with the remarks which I have ven- tured to make on the real value of generic characters, and the legitimate grounds for generic distinctions, that I have fol- lowed Wagler in assigning a distinct appellation to the pre- sent animal. Choosing minute and unimportant points of external structure as what may be termed its artificial cha- racter, it is in the peculiarity of its habits and physiology that I rest its claim for separation from the forms most nearly allied to it. But for this interesting peculiarity, I mean the fact of its being ovo- viviparous, I should certainly have retained it as a species of Lacerta, as I believe Mr. Gray has recently done. Although, therefore, I have adopted Wagler's division of the Lacertine group as far as regards our own indigenous species, I have done so upon very differ- ent grounds ; and should not be disposed to follow him in many of the artificial divisions which he has made throughout the whole class of Reptilia. This agile and pretty little creature is the common inha- bitant of almost all our heaths and banks in most of the dis- tricts of England, and extending even into Scotland : it is also one of the few reptiles found in Ireland. On the Con- tinent its range does not appear to be very extensive : it is VIVIPAROUS LIZARD. 35 not found in Italy, nor, I believe, in France, and is very probably confined in a great measure to our own latitude. Its movements are beautifully gracile as well as rapid ; it comes out of its hiding-place during the warm parts of the day from the early spring till autumn has far advanced, basking in the sun, and turning its head with a sudden mo- tion the instant that an insect comes within its view, and darting like lightning upon its prey, it seizes it with its little sharp teeth and speedily swallows it. Thus it will often take a great number of the smaller insects, preferring those of the dipterous order ; though it will not refuse many of the coleoptera or orthoptera, if they be not too large. Instead of depositing her eggs in the sand to be hatched by the warmth of the sun, as is the case with the former, the female of the present species retains the eggs within the oviduct until the young are ready to leave them, and they are produced alive. As in all the ovo-viviparous reptiles, the covering of the egg is very thin, and merely membranous. In this respect they differ from those which deposit their eggs before the embryo is formed. In the latter case a more efficient protection is necessary, and the covering is either calcareous, as in the Tortoises and Crocodiles, or of a sub- stance resembling parchment, as those of the Snakes and most Lizards. In the Viper, which also produces its young alive, the covering, as in the present animal, is extremely thin and very easily torn ; and there is reason to believe that the laceration of this membrane and the emancipation of the young take place in and are occasioned by the very act of parturition. As the young ones are occasionally found with the mother, there is some reason to believe that these little animals are not wholly devoid of the instinct of parental care and tend- ance ; but it is scarcely probable that the exercise of this feeling is ever very powerful, or that it endures for any con- 36 LACERTID.E. siderable period. The young when brought forth are fully formed, and capable of running about, and very shortly after- wards of taking their own food. The usual number is from three to six. Although I have alluded to the sun's influence as being the means of hastening the evolution of the embryo in the oviparous reptiles, it is not to be concluded that the same source of warmth is unnecessary in the present and similar instances. The only difference is, that in the ovo-viviparous species the solar heat is communicated to the embryo through the medium of the mother ; and hence we often see the pregnant female about the month of June constantly basking in the sun, and lying in such a position as to expose the body most fully to his influence. Every one who has watched the habits of our native reptiles must have seen the same circumstance in the gravid female of the Common Viper ; and may have observed how much more reluctantly and tardily she leaves the genial spot than the male. This little Lizard is much smaller and more gracile in its form than the L. agilis. The head is more depressed, rather narrower, and the muzzle more acute. The arrangement and relative size of the plates on the head do not differ very considerably ; but those of the temples are much smaller and more numerous in the present than in the former. The collar consists of nine plates, which are nearly equal ; the ab- dominal plates in six rows, the middle and outer ones nar- rower than the intermediate. The dorsal scales are nar- rower, more angular, and the carina less distinct than in L. agilis : those of the tail are nearly similar. The feet are more slender, and the toes longer in proportion. The femoral pores, which vary less in number than in the other, being generally nine or ten, are placed in scales which are very different from the corresponding ones in L. agilis. Instead of being broad, flat and triangular, and much larger VIVIPAROUS LIZARD. 37 than the orifice of the pores, as in that species, they are small, rounded, and so little larger than the pores, as to appear merely as the sides of a tube. This is a very tan- gible character, though, I believe, not before observed. " The following," says Mr. Jenyns, " are sexual distinctions : In the male, the tail and legs are longer in proportion to the body ; the former is nearly (in some specimens quite) two- thirds of the entire length : the hind-leg applied to the side of the abdomen reaches to, or passes beyond, the carpus of the fore-foot ; the ante-anal lamella is shorter, and broader, or more transverse ; the under side of the base of the tail is flattened with a slight longitudinal depression of the mid- dle just behind the vent ; during the season of sexual excite- ment, the base of the tail is much dilated at the sides, ap- pearing swollen.* In the female, the abdomen is longer and the tail shorter, the latter being often not more than half the entire length : the hind-leg barely reaches to the tips of the claws of the fore-foot ; the ante-anal lamella is longer in proportion to its breadth, and of a more decided hexa- gonal or pentagonal form ; the base of the tail is rounded, and never dilated at the sides."*!* The colours and markings of this species vary greatly. The general ground colour of the upper parts is a greenish brown, with a dark brown line down the middle of the back, which is often somewhat interrupted ; a broad fascia extends parallel with this on each side, commencing behind the eyes, and extending to a greater or less length down the tail ; be- tween these and the former are often one or more rows of black dots, and similar ones occur in many individuals in the * It is in this state undoubtedly the Lacerta cedura described by Mr. Shep- pard in the seventh volume of the Linnean Transactions, as having the tail bulging out a little below the base, as if it had been cut off and set on again. This was first detected by Mr. Gray, and published in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society for 1834. t Jenyns, Brit. Vert. p. 293. 38 LACERTID.ti. broad lateral fascia. The under side of the body and base of the tail in the male are bright orange, spotted with black : in the female these parts, as well as the tail, pale greyish green, without spots. The usual length is from five inches and a half to six and a half : the head usually about five lines. BLIND-WORM. 39 SQUAMATA. (SAUROPH1DIA.) ANGU1D&. Genus, Anguis. Linn. Generic Character. Body and tail cylindrical, obtuse ; scales smooth, im- bricate, nearly equal above and beneath ; head covered with about nine larger plates ; tympanum concealed ; legs none ; bones of the shoulder, the sternum, and pelvis rudimentary. BLIND-WORM. SLOW-WORM. A nguis fragilis . Linn . 40 ANGUID.E. Specific Character. Silvery grey, a black longitudinal line extending down the back. Scales rounded and plain. Anguisfragilis, LINN. Syst. Nat. I. p. 392. MULL. Zool. Dan. Prod. p. 36, sp. 306. LAIR. Kept. IV. p. 209. DAVD. Kept. VII. p. 327, t. Ixxxvii. f. 2. MERR. Syst. Araph. p. 79. WAGL. Syst. Amph. p. 159. GRAY, Syn. Kept, in Griff. An. Kingd. p. 74. FLEM. Brit. An. p. 155. JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 295. CH. L. BONAP. Faun. Ital. c. icon. Orvet commun, Cov. Reg. An. 2 Edit. II. p. 70. Blind-worm, PENN. Brit. Zool. III. p. 36, t. iv. No. 15. THE group to which the genus Anguis belongs is one of the most interesting in its relations of all the forms of Rep- tilia. Under external characters considerably differing from each other, some possessing the limbs and locomotion of true Lizards, and others wholly devoid of external members and moving like true Saurians, there are in Mr. Gray's order Saurophidia many points of mutual affinity which prevent the possibility of separating them from each other. From the well-known family of the Stinks, or Stincida, with their true legs and five-toed feet, down to the present species and its immediate congeners, every possible gradation is to be found in the developement of the anterior and posterior ex- tremities. Agreeing, as they all do, in the Saurian character of the structure of the head, the consolidation of the bones of the cranium and jaws, and the narrow and confined gape, so different from these parts in the true Serpents, they yet approach the latter in the comparative length of the bodies, and in the gradual diminution and ultimate disappearance of the extremities. In the genus Scincus, for instance, the limbs are already less robust than those of the true Saurians ; the two pairs are also more distant from each other, in con- sequence of the greater comparative elongation of the body. There are as yet five perfect toes on each foot, which, how- ever, are shorter and more even in their relative proportions than in the true Saurians. These deviations become in- BLIND-WORM. 41 creased in the genus Chalcides^ and still more in Seps, which has a very elongated body, the limbs extremely small, and the toes only four or three on each foot. In Monodactylus a further reduction takes place in the developement of the limbs, which have dwindled to a mere little undivided finger; they are still, however, four in number ; but in the genus Bipcs the anterior ones have wholly disappeared, and are found in a rudimentary state under the integument, the pos- terior ones constituting only small undivided processes. These also being removed, the Ophidian form of the present genus, and those of Tortix, Typhlops, and others, with all the AmphisbV> ; ; Genus, Rana, Linn. Generic Character. Skin smooth, hinder legs very long, formed for leaping ; the toes palmated, Teeth on the upper jaw, and on the palate. COMMON FROG. Rana temporaria. Linn. Specific Character. Reddish, or yellowish, or greenish brown, with an ob- long brown spot behind the eyes ; the legs with brown fasciae. Pana temporaria, LINN. Syst. Nat. I. p. 357. FLEM. Brit. An. p. 158. JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 300. aquatica, RAY, Syn. Quad. p. 247. ,, fusca, ROSEL. Hist. Nat. Ran. Common Frog, PENN. Brit. Zool. III. p. 9. SHAW, Gen. Zool. III. p. 96, t. xxix. Grenouille rousse, Cuv. Reg. Anim. COMMON FROG. 85 IF in the natural system of animals we must look for the typical representative of any group in that form in which the distinctive characters of the whole group are most obviously and unequivocally developed, a test insisted upon, I be- lieve, by all who have even professed to believe in the ex- istence of such types of form, it is in the family Ranidte that we may expect to find the typical character of the pre- sent class of animals ; and the truth of this test is not in- validated by the absurd and even ludicrous instances of its breach, of which some of the most strenuous asserters of the principle have been guilty. To apply to this test only one or two of the structural or physiological peculiarities of the class. The most remarkable and important of all is the change, which has already been mentioned, from the con- dition of a fish to that of a reptile ; and in this respect, whilst we must consider the permanent pisciform condition of the ProteMs, the Siren, and others, which retain their branchial respiration throughout life, as an abnormal form leading to- wards the fishes, and the Cacilia, on the other hand, as probably approximating the Ophidian Reptilia ; the caducibranchiate groups and especially the present family exhibit the phe- nomena of this metamorphosis to the greatest extent, the change which they undergo being certainly more complete than that of any of the other forms. The cutaneous respi- ration is another peculiar characteristic of the class ; and there is no doubt that this function also is enjoyed by the Frogs in the highest degree. The innocent and very useful species about to be de- scribed, is one of the most common of our vertebrated ani- mals. It is found in almost all parts of this island, wher- ever there is a river or a pool, or even sufficient shade to maintain the degree of moisture necessary to preserve the respirable condition of the skin ; for the presence of a con- siderable quantity of water, although requisite for the deve- 86 RANID.E. lopement of the young, is not so for the existence and health of the perfect animal. Of the existence of the Frog in Ireland, very erroneous opinions have been entertained. I need not again allude to the legend of St. Patrick's extirpatory malediction against the whole race of reptiles ; but it is worthy of observation, that even of late years, the belief that Frogs, in common with Snakes, could not live in that favoured island was very ge- neral. The truth, however, is, that this species is not only now an inhabitant of that place, but, as will appear by the following extract, has been so since the very beginning of the eighteenth century. I owe the knowledge of this passage to my friend W. Ogilby, Esq. who communicated it to me in the following letter : " The following is the extract from Swift's work of which I some time since spoke to you, concerning the introduction of Frogs into Ireland. It occurs in a tract styled, ' Consi- derations about Maintaining the Poor,' which, though with- out date, I fancy from the context, and other collateral evidence, must have been written about the year 1726. Among the public grievances of which he complains, he rather singularly mentions the practice of insuring houses in English offices ; which, it appears, was then becoming com- mon in Ireland. * A third,' [absurdity] says he, ' is the In- surance Office against fire, by which ' several thousand pounds are yearly remitted to England, (a trifle, it seems, we can easily spare,) and will gradually increase till it comes to a good national tax ; for the society-marks upon our houses, (under which might be properly written, ' The Lord have mercy upon us, 1 ) spread faster and farther than a~ colony of Frogs? To this passage, one of Swift's editors, I believe Sheridan, adds the following note : ' This simili- tude, which is certainly the finest that could possibly have been used upon the occasion, seems to require a short ex- COMMON FROG. 87 planation. About the beginning of the eighteenth century, Dr. Gwythers, a physician, and fellow of the University of Dublin, brought over with him a parcel of Frogs from Eng- land to Ireland, in order to propagate the species in that kingdom, and threw them into the ditches of the University park, but they all perished. Whereupon he sent to Eng- land for some bottles of the Frog spawn, which he threw into those ditches, by which means the species of Frogs was propagated in that kingdom. However, their number was so small in the year 1720, that a Frog was nowhere to be seen in Ireland except in the neighbourhood of the University Park ; but within six or seven years after, they spread thirty, forty, or fifty miles over the country, and so at last by de- grees over the whole nation.' What credit may be due to the note I will not take upon me to determine, though it appears perfectly circumstantial, and given upon the editor's personal knowledge ; but Swift's own notice proves indisput- ably the fact of the introduction, and the period about which it took place." The respiration in this animal is, as has already been stated, both pulmonary and cutaneous. The former func- tion, that of breathing by lungs, is effected not by successive alternations of contraction and dilatation of the chest, a movement which, as the Frog possesses no ribs, is impossi- ble, but by the act of swallowing air, as in the case of the Testudinata before described. The mechanism by which this act is performed is precisely the same in both cases ; the air is inhaled through the nostrils by the dilatation of the pharynx, the oesophagus being closed to prevent its passing into the stomach ; then the posterior openings of the nos- trils being also closed by the application of the tongue, the pharynx is contracted, and the air forced into the lungs. These organs are of considerable size, lying on each side of the anterior part of the vertebral column ; they consist of 83 RANID.E. large cells separated by the most beautifully delicate diapha- nous parietes. From this peculiarity in the respiration, it follows that it can only be performed when the mouth is closed; and that if the mouth be gagged open, the animal soon perishes from the cessation of pulmonary respiration. The ordinary voice of the Frog is too well known to require particular description. It is termed croaking, and is principally heard during the season of sexual excitement. In the spring every one has heard the neighbourhood of ponds and ditches, where these animals abound, resounding with their loud yet not disagreeable notes. When great numbers are congregated together, the noise heard at a considerable distance is far from being unmusical, and, when associated with the return of the genial season, and the calm of a still mild evening, is far more pleasant and soothing than many a more fashionable and dearly-bought musical entertainment. The food of the Frog usually consists of various kinds of insects, and of the small species of slug. So voracious are its habits during the whole of the season at which it feeds, for, like other cold-blooded terrestrial animals, it passes the cold part of the year in entire abstinence, that it might become a most important assistant to the gardener or the farmer in the destruction of those pests of the respective objects of their culture which I have just named. It will swallow large coleopterous and other insects whole, and will take several of them at a meal. The quantity of insects and of slugs, indeed, which would be destroyed by encouraging these animals, instead of wantonly and unnecessarily perse- cuting and killing them, would be advantageous to a much greater extent than could at first sight be believed. This consideration ought surely to weigh even with those who arc inaccessible to the appeals of humanity, in favour of this in- nocent and much-persecuted race. The manner in which the Frog takes its food is very inter- COMMON PROG. 89 esting. As in the Toad, the tongue is doubled back upon itself when at rest ; and being embued with a viscous secre- tion at the extremity, it is suddenly thrown forwards upon the insect, which, being caught by the adhesive matter upon it, is instantly drawn into the mouth by the sudden return of the tongue to its former position, and is then swallowed. This is but the work of an instant ; and, indeed, is performed with such rapidity, as scarcely to be detected without careful watching. Like the rest of the Amphibia and the Reptilia, the Frogs retire, on the approach of winter, to their hibernating re- treats, where they pass the dreary season in a state of absolute torpidity. This is generally in the mud at the bottom of the water, where they are not only preserved in a nearly equal temperature, though at a low degree, but also secured from external injury. Here they congregate in multitudes, embracing each other so closely as to appear almost as one continuous mass. On the return of spring they separate from each other, emerge from their places of retirement, and re- commence their active life by exercising the important function of the reproduction of their species. Here we enter upon the most interesting scene in the history of these animals ; for it is here that the peculiar characters which distinguish them from all other forms, are most strikingly shown ; and I shall, therefore, enter somewhat in detail into the different steps of the developement of the embryo, and of the changes which take place in the structure and habits of the young animal as it advances towards its perfect con- dition. The impregnation of the female Frog is effected in a pecu- liar and very remarkable manner. Whilst in the reptilia, as in most of the superior vertebrate animals, as well as in many of the lower classes, the application of the vivifying fluid to the ova, is rendered certain by actual insertion within 90 RANIDE. the body previously to their expulsion, and in the fishes, this is effected after their actual depositions, in the Frog it takes place during the passage of the eggs from the body of the parent. As the season of spring advances, the renewal of active existence after its temporary suspension is evinced by the most energetic action of the procreative orgasm. The male Frog leaps on the back of the female, and grasps her behind the arm-pits with his fore legs, for w r hich purpose a temporary developement of a warty protuberance takes place on the thumbs, by means of which his hold is rendered more firm and secure. So powerful is this instinct of adhe- sion, that instances are not unfrequent of male Frogs seizing upon and remaining firmly attached to the surface of large fishes, from which they have not been detached without con- siderable force. Izaak Walton quotes a passage from an ancient writer which appears to refer to a fact of this kind. " But before I proceed further," says honest Izaak, " I am to tell you that there is a great antipathy betwixt the pike and some Frogs ; and this may appear to the reader of Du- bravius (a Bishop in Bohemia), who, in his book of Fish and Fishponds, relates what, he says, he saw with his own eyes, and could not forbear to tell the reader, which was ' As he and the Bishop of Thurgo were walking by a large pond in Bohemia, they saw a Frog, when the pike lay very sleepily and quiet by the shore side, leap upon his head ; and the Frog having expressed malice or anger by his swoln cheeks and staring eyes, did stretch out his legs, and embraced the pike's head, and presently reached them to his eyes, tearing with them and his teeth those tender parts.'" It appears by the sequel that the bishop's fisherman assured him that " pikes were often so served." Now, although there is evi- dently here much of the exaggeration which may naturally be expected from the astonishment of ignorance, yet there is no reason to doubt that the main facts are true. It happens, COMMON FROG. 91 too, that the sex of the Frog is incidentally and unwit- tingly furnished by the writer by his mention of the " swoln cheeks," which he attributes to the creature's malice against his formidable enemy. I have often heard my father relate an instance of a similar fact, though with somewhat more adherence to the simple truth of the case. As he was walking in the spring on the banks of a large piece of water at Wimpole, the seat of Lord Hardwicke, he observed a large pike swimming in a very slug- gish manner near the surface of the water, having two dark- coloured patches on the side, which he thought must be occa- sioned by disease. A few days afterwards he saw the same pike floating dead upon the surface of the water, and having drawn it to land by means of a stick, he found that the dark- coloured masses, which he had observed on the former occa- sion, were two living Frogs, still attached to the fish, and that so firmly, that it required some force to push them off with the stick. There can be no doubt that the diseased state of the pike facilitated the approach and adhesion of the Frogs, to which they were primarily impelled by the sexual instinct before mentioned. During the cohesion of the two sexes, then, the female commences the deposition of the spawn, which is fecundated during its passage. When first expelled it consists of nu- merous small opake globular bodies, enveloped in a small glairy, or glutinous mass. This latter substance soon absorbs a large quantity of water, and, in the course of an hour or two, each becomes not less than a quarter of an inch in dia- meter. The consequence of this augmentation in the bulk of the transparent mass, surrounding each embryo, is, that all the latter are removed from each other by a whole diameter of each globe ; and they appear like black dots regularly dis- tributed throughout a large mass of transparent jelly. The deposit of the eggs takes place at the bottom of the 92 RANIDJE. water, notwithstanding the assertion of some naturalists, and of Rosel amongst them, that they are expelled at the surface. The mistake, probably, arose from the mass of eggs being generally found at the surface ; but this arises merely from the disengagement of gas in the substance of the glairy en- velope, in consequence of partial decomposition. The changes which now begin to take place in the embryo are most interesting. They have been detailed in a very minute and satisfactory manner by Rusconi in his work, al- ready alluded to ; and I have taken considerable pains during the last spring to follow out his investigations, and by actual observation to correct or confirm his account. I may here observe, once for all, that with the exception of a few of the details in the earliest periods, I have been able to satisfy myself of his correctness ; and in those points, I believe that I only failed to do so, partly by my not having obtained the ova immediately after their expul- sion, and partly by the want of time to enter into all the necessary minutiae of the investigation. I have also to observe that the developement of the young is more or less rapid, according to the temperature of the atmosphere ; and that I was enabled to retard or hasten it by regulating this circumstance. I therefore kept my reservoir of eggs in a very cold situation, and occasionally brought a few of them into my drawing-room for the purpose of ob- servation ; in which place, being in an elevated temperature, the developement became very rapid. As my object, there- fore, was to ascertain positive facts, rather than the periods of the changes, which were dependant upon variable circum- stances, I kept no register of the temperature or of the pe- riods ; and I shall, in both these particulars, give some of the statements of the accurate Rusconi. COMMON FROG. The embryo is found, in the first place, to consist of a small globular body, one side, or hemisphere, of which is of a dark brown colour, the other being much paler. In a very short period after the egg is deposited, four hours, accord- ing to Rusconi, a deep furrow across the dark hemisphere divides it into two equal parts, and this is soon afterwards crossed by another at right angles ; a third and a fourth fur- row are produced, and so on, until the whole surface of this side of the sphere is, as it were, granulated. This appear- ance, however, is but transitory, the surface soon becoming almost smooth. In the course of the second day, the sphere 94 RANIDE. begins to elongate, and a groove, which had previously di- vided the upper part of it into two equal parts, begins to close up. The head becomes prominent, the tail begins to show itself, the little hooks by which it subsequently lays hold of objects and supports itself, begin to appear. At this period the examination becomes more easy, and more inter- esting. At somewhat more than fifty hours in an elevated temperature, the head is very well marked, the tail some- what elongated, and even the rudiment of the membrane, or web, which is destined to form its fin, is visible. About this time, also, a small projection takes place on each side of the head, which is the earliest indication of the branchiae, and the muscles of the spine may just be seen. In figure 2 of the woodcut, I have given an outline of the embryo in this condition. At this time the water is seen to flow in a distinct and rapid current to the branchial orifice over the rudiments of the branchiae, which are now just visible, the course of which current I have indicated by arrows. These parts gradually become more developed ; the body is more elon- gated, the branchiae more distinct ; the fin extends round the tail and partly over the back ; and the head is distinguished from the body by a slight contraction at the neck ; and a short period more suffices to bring it to the condition repre- sented in figures 3, 4, of the woodcut, in which the branchiae are seen to consist of two tubercles on each side, as yet sim- ple and undivided; the holders, which are small simple organs placed near the situation of the future mouth, and which serve to enable the little animal to attach itself by means of a viscid secretion at their extremities, have become longer, the web, or fin, is also enlarged. By this time the first voluntary motion of the embryo is discovered on the application of any means of excitement or disturbance ; but it consists only of a slight movement of the head or tail. The nostrils are seen more distinctly, but the mouth is COMMON FROG. 95 scarcely yet observable, and shortly afterwards the eye, in a rudimentary state, may be just discerned. The next step in the developement is a slight division of the branchise into lobes, and the appearance of that beautiful and interesting phenomenon, the circulation of the blood through these organs. The embryo, which is still confined to a curved posi- tion by the envelopes (fig. 1), is now seen frequently to extend itself by sudden jerks, as if to emancipate itself from its con- finement, which it eventually does by tearing the membrane of the egg. The Tadpoles, we see, are now hatched (fig. 5). According to Rusconi, this takes place within four days after the deposit of the eggs, in a temperature varying only from 23 to 27 Centigr. (73'4 to 80'6 Fahr.) ; but certainly in our own climate, in the ordinary temperature of our spring, it does not take place until at least a month. As I before observed, the developement may be greatly hastened by a constant elevation of temperature, and I was often surprised at the degree to which this was the case in the course of my own observations ; but the comparatively low temperature of our spring, and the cold frosty nights which occur in March and April, may well account for such a discrepancy. If the eggs be deposited at the middle or latter end of March, it is generally, with us, the latter end of April before they are hatched. The situation of the mouth is now distinctly visible, though the opening is but small ; and even when it becomes considerably enlarged it has no power of movement, and there are no distinct lips. The branchise now speedily enlarge, and each of the two branches on either side is seen to consist of about four leaves (figs. 6. 9) ; these are sessile upon the body or stem of the branchia ; they are somewhat granu- lar on the surface, and slightly irregular in their form ; there is also frequently a short additional branch at the base of the posterior one, as is shown in the outline, figure 9. The present state of these organs, which have now arrived at their 96 RANID.E. maximum of developement, constitutes one of the most charming objects for microscopic observation which can be conceived, and to view which a very high power is not ne- cessary, nor even desirable. The current of the blood poured in regular pulsations at each contraction of the heart, passes up each stem or main branch of the branchiae, and a distinct stream is given off to each leaf ; it is propelled to the ex- tremity, and then returns down the opposite sides in the most regular manner, and the parts are so transparent that every globule of blood is distinctly and beautifully visible. This state of things, however, is destined to last but a short time. No sooner have these interesting organs attain- ed their greatest developement than they begin to diminish in size ; they become obtuse (fig. 7), and are gradually so reduced as to be withdrawn within the branchial cavity, and concealed by a little operculum of the integument. The eyes are now perfectly formed. The holders have become much diminished in size ; the mouth has acquired moveable lips, and has changed its position from the inferior part of the head to near the extremity, and the little creature which has hitherto derived its sustenance either from its own re- sources or by absorption, now seeks its food amid softened and decomposing vegetable matter. The caudal web (fig. 8) has, therefore, become considerably developed, and serves for very rapid as well as varied locomotion. The colour of the body, too, has undergone a considerable change, having become of a soft olive green, the abdomen being dotted with golden yellow. The Tadpole now undergoes but little change in its ex- ternal form for a considerable time, but increases rapidly in bulk, and by and by a little tubercle appears on each side of the vent, which is the rudiment of the posterior extremity ; this soon acquires somewhat the form of the perfect limb, the toes budding, as it were, at the extremity, but it still con- COMMON FROG. 97 tinues very short, even in proportion to the diminutive size of the animal (fig. 10). Meanwhile the anterior extremities are also budding forth in the same manner, and gradually assume their distinct and final form. As the hinder extremities become developed, the tail, the former organ of progression, is removed by absorption, not thrown off, as has been erroneously stated. This is a gra- dual process, the absorption beginning at the apex, and pro- gressing onwards to the base, until the whole is removed ; so that the posterior part of the body becomes rounded, and the cloacal opening, instead of being placed beneath, is directed somewhat upwards. Fig. 1 1 exhibits the young Frog with a small portion of the tail still remaining unabsorbed. Rusconi complains of having had considerable difficulty in ascertaining the proper food for the Tadpoles, so as to preserve them in health during his observations on their de- velopement. He found, however, by accident, that they would thrive upon the green sediment which results from the agitation of decayed vegetable matter in water; and I have succeeded completely in keeping them on the decaying vegeta- ble matter without any artificial preparation. In their more advanced period, but still before the growth of the extre- mities, they fed indifferently upon animal or vegetable sub- stances, actually gnawing away the substance of almost any kind of leaf that was placed in the vessel, as soon as it be- came softened. I have reason to believe, also, that they often killed their own companions as soon as these, by the acquisition of their limbs, had nearly assumed their ultimate form. Suspecting this, I placed in a large glass globe of water, several Tadpoles, more or less nearly approaching their final change, and I observed that almost as soon as one had acquired its limbs it was found dead at the bottom of the water, and the remaining Tadpoles feeding upon it. This took place with all of them successively, excepting the H 98 last, which lived on to complete its change, and for a consi- derable time afterwards. The little animal has now undergone its complete deve- lopenient; and having become capable of respiring air by true lungs, and of progressing with great freedom on land by means of its hinder legs, it comes on shore to feed on small insects and worms. Such multitudes of these newly per- fected little beings are often found in damp weather enjoy- ing their new scene of existence, as to have given rise to many a story of its having rained Frogs ; a fable which is still devoutly believed in many parts of the country. They now grow with great rapidity during the remainder of the year, until the approach of winter warns them to betake themselves to their places of hibernation. But, in the mean time, thousands of them have fallen a prey to their numerous enemies ; even in the Tadpole state they are devoured by hosts by the different species of newts, and small fishes , and when adult, by pikes, and others of the larger species of fish, many by the smaller carnivora, such as the weasel and the polecat, and many by almost every species of water-fowl, as well as by the Common Snake, of which they constitute the principal food. Such is the destruction which thus takes place amongst them at different periods of their growth, that probably not one in a thousand that had emerged from the egg in the spring, ever reaches its winter retreat. That the Frog is susceptible of being tamed to almost as great a degree as the Toad, is proved by the following anec- dote, for which I am indebted to my friend, Dr. William Roots, of Kingston, who informs me that he " was in pos- session for several years of a Frog in a perfect state of do- mestication. It appears that the lower offices of his house were what is commonly called underground, on the banks of the Thames. That this little reptile accidentally appeared COMMON FROG. 99 to his servants, occasionally issuing from a hole in the skirt- ing of the kitchen, and that during the first year of his so- journ, he constantly withdrew upon their approach ; but from their showing him kindness, and offering him such food as they thought he could partake of, he gradually acquired habits of familiarity and friendship ; and during the following three years he regularly came out every day, and particularly at the hour of meal-time, and partook of the food which the servants gave him. But one of the most remarkable features in his artificial state of existence, was his strong partiality for warmth, as during the winter seasons, he regularly (and contrary to the cold-blooded tendency of his nature) came out of his hole in the evening, and directly made for the hearth in front of a good kitchen fire, where he would con- tinue to bask, and enjoy himself until the family retired to rest. " There happened to be at the same time a favourite old domestic cat, and a sort of intimacy or attachment existed between these two incongruous inmates ; the Frog frequently nestling under the warm fur of the cat, whilst the cat ap- peared extremely jealous of interrupting the comforts and convenience of the Frog. This curious scene was often wit- nessed by many besides the family."" In its general form it is more slender than the Toad, though less so than many species of true Frog. The head forming half an oval, or nearly so ; the snout rounded ; the mouth horizontal, linear ; the gape very wide, extending as far as the posterior margin of the orbit ; teeth placed in a single row in the upper jaw and on the palate, very minute ; none in the lower ; tongue soft, fleshy, spatula shaped and notched, the anterior portion folded back upon the posterior when not in use ; eyes elevated above the forehead. The back is generally flat, excepting at the setting on of the 100 RANID.E. pelvis, where it is sometimes a little raised. The fore feet are of moderate size and length, with four toes, of which the third is slightly the longest, the second notably the shortest, as is probably the case in all the true Frogs ; hinder legs very long, and very muscular, extending to more than half as long again as the body ; hinder toes five in number, long, slender, palmated, the fourth toe being by much the longest. Skin naked, smooth. The male is smaller and more slender than the female. The changes which the colour of the Frog undergoes both in intensity and in hue, from the variation of temperature, the presence or absence of light, and the influence of fear, and perhaps of other causes of mental excitement, although certainly much less striking and considerable, are scarcely less varied than those exhibited by the chameleon. The causes of these changes has not, I believe, been examined, but the subject well deserves a careful and minute investigation. The whole of the family to which this species belongs are liable to great variety of colour, and even of marking ; but there are certain limits beyond which these variations do not extend, which although not always easily expressed in the few words which are convenient for a specific diagnostic phrase, are yet easily recognised by the eye, when once well and sufficiently observed. It is generally brown, inclining more or less to yellowish or reddish brown on the upper side, spotted irregularly with black, brown, or brownish grey, with transverse fasciae, which vary in number, of the same colour on the legs ; beneath, yellowish white, sometimes with spots similar to those on the back, but smaller and fewer. " The most constant mark," as Mr. Jenyiis well observes, " is an elongated patch of brown, or brownish black, behind the eyes, on each side of the occiput : there is also generally more or less indication of a whitish COMMON FROG. 101 line running longitudinally down each side of the back, and enclosing a space paler than the adjoining regions." Total length of the head and body Length of the head ,, hinder leg fore leg Inch. Lines. 2 8 8 4 1 5 102 ANOUEA. RANID.E. KAN I DIE. SCOTTISH FROG. Rana Scotica. Mihi. IT has been long observed by several naturalists that a spe- cies of Frog exists in Scotland, distinct from the common one, and it has generally been referred to the Rana esculenta, or Edible Frog of the continent of Europe. Thus Mr. Don, in his account of the Plants and Animals found in Forfar- shire, mentions the Edible Frog as to be met with in the lakes of that neighbourhood, although rather rare ; and both Shaw and Pennant allude to it, the former as being " rare in England," the latter simply incorporating it amongst his British Reptiles, but without mentioning its locality ; and Dr. Fleming merely observes that it is " not so common as the preceding." In July 1833, Dr. Stark exhibited at the Zoo- logical Society a skeleton of the Scottish species, the follow- ing meagre account of which, occurring in the Proceedings of the Society, is all that remains of that gentleman's observa- tions. " Dr. Stark exhibited the skeleton of the Edible Frog, Rana esculenta (Linn.), and stated that this species is found in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, whence his specimen was obtained. He pointed out some of the differences between its osseous structure and that of the Common Frog, Rana temporaria Linn." Thus one observer after another has gone on, each copying the error of his predecessor, until Mr. Jenyns, -with his usual accuracy and acumen, suggests the probability that the spe- SCOTTISH FROG. 103 cies described as R. esculenta., by the only two persons who have assigned any locality for it, may possibly be a new one. Pennant describes a Frog under the name of the " Great Frog," as a native of the woods near Loch Ransa in the Isle of Arran ; but he does not give any authority, and from his description, which, however, is very slight, there is no doubt that the animal was nothing more than the Common Toad. Being naturally anxious to ascertain so interesting a point, I determined upon procuring all the information in my power respecting it ; and on writing to Sir William Jardine upon the subject, I obtained from him, with his accustomed kind- ness and liberality, the opportunity of examining the iden- tical skeleton upon which Dr. Stark's notices were made. My excellent friend Bibron also kindly sent me several spe- cimens of the true R. esculenta ; and I have now before me the skeleton of the Scottish Frog, that of the Edible Frog from France, and that of the Common Frog of England. I have given at the head of this article a figure of the cra- nium of each species ; that on the left being R. temporaria, the centre figure the Scottish Frog, and that on the right R. esculenta. Even a cursory glance will show that the pre- sent species is more remote in the general form of the cra- nium from the R. esculenta, with which it has been con- founded, than it is from the Common English Frog. The whole animal is of very large size, the skeleton being nearly one-third longer than that of either of the other species ; and it will be observed that the general form of the cranium is much less elongated and more obtuse than in the Edible Frog, a character which it possesses in common with the Rana temporaria. The parietal bones are scarcely as broad as they are in the latter, although the cranium is more than one-fourth longer ; and those of the edible species are still narrower in proportion than in either of the others. The detail of the osteology does not afford many distinctions of importance ; but it may be mentioned, amongst other trifling 104 RANID.E. circumstances, that the ilia are a little narrower than in either of the other species, those of the Edible Frog being propor- tionably the broadest, though but in a slight degree. I think there can be no doubt that the present species is distinct from the Common Frog, and that it is certainly not R. esculenta. I am not aware of any other species to which it can be referred, and I have therefore assigned to it the specific name Scotica provisionally. In order, however, to afford an opportunity to Scottish naturalists of comparing perfect and recent specimens with a correct representation of R. esculenta, I give a figure of the latter species from one of the specimens sent to me by M. Bibron. COMMON TOAD. 105 ANOURA. BUFONID&. Genus, Bufo. Toad. Generic Character. Body inflated ; skia warty ; parotids porous ; hind feet of moderate length, toes not webbed; jaws without teeth ; nose rounded. COMMON TOAD. PADDOCK. Bufo vulgaris. Laurent. Specific Character. Lurid brownish grey, with reddish brown tubercles ; body much inflated. Bufo, RAY, Syn. Quad. p. 252. Rana Bufo, LINN. Syst. Nat. I. p. 354. Bufo terrestris, ROSEL, Ran. t. xx. ,, vulgaris, LAURENT. FLEM. Brit. Anim. p. 159. JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 301. Toad, PENNANT, Brit. Zool. III. p. 14. Common Toad, SHAW, Gen. Zool. III. p. 138, t. xl. Crapaud commun, Cuv. Reg. Anim. II. p. 109. FEW animals have ever suffered more undeserved persecu- tion as the victims of an absurd and ignorant prejudice than 106 BUFONID.E. the Toad. Condemned by common consent as a disgusting, odious, and venomous reptile, the proverbial emblem of all that is malicious and hateful in the human character, it is placed under universal ban, and treated as an outlaw both by man and boy throughout the country. Should I be able, by the following history of its habits and manners, to show that it is, on the contrary, highly useful, perfectly harmless, inoffensive, and even timid, and susceptible of no inconsider- able degree of discriminating attachment to those who treat it with kindness, it is hoped that some few individuals may be thus rescued from those barbarous acts of cruelty to which the species is almost everywhere subjected. The mistaken notions to which I have alluded are indeed pardonable in the ignorant and uneducated ; but that one professing to be an observer and an admirer of the works of nature, should have suffered his prejudices to dictate such a violent and false philippic against this harmless creature, as the following passage from Pennant, is not easily to be accounted for, and scarcely to be forgiven : He calls it " The most deformed and hideous of all ani- mals ; the body broad ; the back flat, and covered with a pimply dusky hide ; the belly large, swagging, and swelling out ; the legs short ; its pace laborious and crawling ; its re- treat gloomy and filthy : in short, its general appearance such as to strike with disgust and horror." The whole of his account teems with expressions of the same kind ; and it would be difficult to find a more striking instance of the in- fluence of prejudice in the mind of any professed admirer of nature, or a more unpleasing example of partial misrepresen- tation. The true lover of nature, on the contrary, who, in the simplicity and singleness of heart which always belong to that character, seeks even in the less attractive of her works for those proofs of wisdom and beneficence by which they are all COMMON TOAD. 107 characterized, will rather find in the very peculiarities which excited the spleen and disgust of our celebrated drawing-room zoologist, only fresh indications of the same discriminating wisdom, and the same never-failing, though often, to the superficial observer, mysterious and veiled beneficence. The Toad belongs to a family, the sluggish habits of which are remarkably distinct from those of the lithe and active animals of which the Frog is the type. Terrestrial in its general abode, it requires not the powerful paddles of the latter to propel it rapidly through the water, and its safety consists rather in concealment than in the power of escaping from its enemies. It bears, in fact, the same relation to the Frog that the terrestrial Salamander does to the Water Newt. Like the rest of the amphibia, it becomes torpid during the winter, and chooses for its retreat some retired and sheltered hole, a hollow tree, or a space amongst large stones, or some such place, and there remains until the return of spring calls it again into a state of life and activity. Its food consists of insects and worms, of almost every kind. It refuses food which is not living, and, indeed, will only take it at the moment when it is in motion : such at least is the result of my own observations upon the habits of this animal, which have been neither few nor brief. The Toad, when about to feed, remains motionless, with its eyes turned directly forwards upon the object, and the head a little in- clined towards it, and in this attitude it remains until the insect moves ; when, by a stroke like lightning, the tongue is thrown forward upon the victim, which is instantly drawn into the mouth. So rapid is this movement that it requires some little practice as well as close observation to distin- guish the different motions of the tongue. This organ is constructed as in the Frog, being folded back upon itself ; and the under surface of the tip being embued with a viscid 108 BUFONIDJE. mucous secretion, the insect is secured by its adhesive quality. When the prey is taken it is slightly pressed by the margins of the jaw ; but as this seldom kills it, unless it be a soft tender larva, it is generally swallowed alive ; and I have often seen the muscles of the Toad's sides twitch in a very curious manner, from the tickling movements of a hard coleopterous insect in the stomach. It will also take earth- worms of considerable size, and it is a very curious sight to watch the manner in which the powerful and writhing worm is secured. If the Toad happen to take it by the middle, the extremities of the worm are twined with great force and ac- tivity around the muzzle in every direction, in its attempts to escape ; but the Toad pushes one portion after another into its mouth, by means of the fore feet, until it all disappears, when it is swallowed whole. For the following very curious and almost marvellous statement, I ain indebted to the Rev. J. Sladen, of Ninfield, who kindly communicated it to me in the following letter, which I give verbatim and entire, and without attempting to account for the extraordinary fact : " SlR, Ninfield, Sussex, Feb. 14, 1836. " As you are now engaged in writing a history of British Reptiles, I am induced to send you an account of a fact that has lately come to my knowledge, thinking it may be thought by you worth recording. The fact I have to relate was witnessed in the month of August 1814, and the scene of it was the Fairlight Downs, near Hastings ; the exact spot being part of an open and bold height facing the sea, and looking down upon a glen covered with brambles, &c. The hour was about noon, and the sun was shining powerfully at the time. A gentleman was taking a walk with two companions, when on arriving at the spot above described, they saw what COMMON TOAD. 109 was to them a totally unprecedented sight. A Toad was squatted on the ground, with its front elevated, holding the head of a viper in its mouth. The viper writhed its body occasionally, as if trying to escape, but its exertions were to no purpose. After watching the two animals for a short time, one of the party attempted to separate the victim from its enemy with a stick ; but failing in this, he threw both together into the glen below. The countenance of the Toad evinced much ferocity, and its eyes glared. The en- tire head of the viper was in the Toad's mouth, which seemed completely filled in consequence, and its jaws were perfectly closed ; and yet it did not appear at all inconvenienced by the mouthful, respiring apparently without effort. " The gentleman who, with his two companions, witnessed this, and who has related it to me, is the Rev. John Phillips, Vicar of Ninfield, near Battle, and I am his curate. " Should this relation be as curious as it appears to me, it will doubtless be worth your notice ; but should it be no- thing unusual, I must beg you will pardon my thus troubling you, and I may be permitted to remain, " Sir, " Your humble servant, " And well-wisher in the cause of Natural History, (Signed) " EDWARD H. M. SLADEN." u Further to authenticate this account, I have requested Mr. Phillips to add his signature. (Signed) " JOHN PHILLIPS." Like the other Amphibia, and the Reptilia generally, the Toad sheds its skin at certain intervals, the old cuticle coming off, and leaving a new one which had been formed underneath in its stead. There are some very remarkable circumstances connected with this process, which I detailed many years ago to the Zoological Club of the Linnean So- ciety, and of which the following is the substance. Having 110 BUFONID.F. often found, amongst several Toads which I was then keep- ing for the purpose of observing their habits, some of brighter colours than usual, and with the surface moist and very smooth, I had supposed that this appearance might have depended upon the state of the animal's health, or the in- fluence of some peculiarity in one or other of its functions : on watching carefully, however, I one day observed a large one, the skin of which was particularly dry and dull in its colours, with a bright streak down the mesial line of the back ; and on examining further I discovered a corresponding line along the belly. This proved to arise from an entire slit in the old cuticle which exposed to view the new and brighter skin underneath. Finding, therefore, what was about to happen, I watched the whole detail of this curious process. I soon observed that the two halves of the skin, thus completely divided, continued to recede further and further from the centre, and become folded and rugose ; and after a short space, by means of the continued twitching of the animal's body, it was brought down in folds on the sides. The hinder leg, first on one side and then on the other, was brought forward under the arm, which was pressed down upon it, and on the hinder limb being withdrawn, its cuticle was left inverted under the arm ; and that of the anterior extremity was now loosened, and at length drawn off by the assistance of the mouth. The whole cuticle was thus de- tached, and was now pushed by the two hands into the mouth in a little ball, and swallowed at a single gulp. I afterwards had repeated opportunities of watching this cu- rious process, which did not materially vary in any instance. The reproduction of the Toad is in all essential points similar to that of the Frog. The ova are in a similar man- ner impregnated during their passage, and their immersion in water is equally necessary for the developement of the em- bryo. But instead of being expelled in a mass, they are COMMON TOAD. Ill arranged in a double series, placed alternately, and perfectly regular. The jelly-like mass in which the embryos are en- veloped, forms a continuous line about the eighth or sixth of an inch in thickness, and extending to the length of three or four feet. The ova are deposited in the spring, about a fortnight later than those of the Frog, and it is not until the approach of autumn that the young ones, having cast off their Tadpole form, come to seek their food on the land. The Tadpole is smaller and blacker in all the stages of its growth than that of the Frog ; but there are no other pecu- liarities which are at all popularly interesting. The stories of Toads having been found in the very sub- stance of the wood of a tree, and in the midst of a solid and hard rock, are too numerous, and too generally asserted and believed, to be passed over here, although I have to regret that, after many and urgent inquiries, and the examination of several asserted cases of that kind, I am unable to throw any light upon this doubtful and mysterious question. Some years since I had a Toad sent me by a person of the highest credit, with the assurance that it had been taken alive out of a mass of indurated clay, of great depth, and that it had died immediately after being exposed to the air. But this case, like most, if not all, others of the same kind, is liable to the objection that the Toad most probably fell into the hollow where the men were at work, and was taken up by them in ignorance of the mode in which it had come there. Nu- merous experiments have been made in order to try whether the Toads would die on being artificially embedded in masses of clay, of plaster of Paris, in wooden boxes surrounded by plaster, and in other similar circumstances ; but hitherto all have failed, although in some of them the animals have cer- tainly lived for a much longer period than could have been expected, prolonged sometimes to many months, or even to between one and two years. Upon the whole, it appears to BUFONIDJE. me that whilst the many concurrent assertions of credible persons, who declare themselves to have been witnesses of the emancipation of imprisoned Toads, forbids us hastily to refuse our assent, or at least to deny the possibility of such a circumstance, it must be confessed that we still want better and more cautious evidence, to authorize our implicit belief in these asserted facts. The truth probably is, that a Toad may have lain hid in the hollow of a tree, during perhaps a whole autumn and winter, and found itself on the return of spring so far enclosed within its hiding place as to be unable to escape. As this animal requires but little respiration, and consequently but little food to support life, especially when in a state of entire inactivity, the smallest opening would be sufficient to admit the requisite passage of air, and even the occasional ingress of a small insect ; and afterwards, when the tree was cut up, the Toad may have been found enclosed, and the opening may have escaped detection. To believe that a Toad enclosed within a mass of clay, or other similar substance, shall exist wholly without air or food, for hundreds of years, and at length be liberated alive, and capable of crawling, on the breaking up of the matrix, now become a solid rock, is certainly a demand upon our credulity which few would be ready to answer. That Toads may be rendered very tame, and be made to distinguish those who feed and are kind to them, there are abundant facts to testify. I have possessed a very large one which would sit on one of my hands, and eat from the other ; and the story of Mr. Arscott's Toad in Devonshire, related in Pennant's British Zoology, is too well known to need repe- tition. The opinions formerly entertained of the properties of the Toad, were pre-eminently absurd. It was highly poisonous, and this not only from its bite ; its breath, and even its glance were fraught with mischief or death. The water which it COMMON TOAD. 113 expels from the reservoir communicating with the cloaca, and the object of which I have already explained in speaking of the Frog, was supposed to be the urine, as it is generally, indeed, up to the present time, and was believed to be highly poisonous. It is almost unnecessary to add, that this water is pure and limpid, and wholly without any delete- rious qualities. The only circumstance which can be said at all to favour the bad character which attaches to this animal is, that there are situated upon the back and sides numerous secreting follicular glands, the secreted matter from which is somewhat fetid and of an acrid quality. Dr. John Davy was, I believe, the first who ever minutely examined into its true nature. The following is an abstract of Dr. Davy^s observ- ations on this subject. " After adverting to the correctness of the popular opinion respecting the poisonous nature of the Toad, which the professed naturalist has generally rejected, the author proceeds to describe the seat of the poison, which is chiefly in follicles in the skin, and which on pressure ex- udes from it in the form of a thick yellowish fluid, which on evaporation yields a transparent residue, very acrid, and act- ing on the tongue like extract of aconite. It is neither acid nor alkaline ; and since a chicken inoculated with it received no injury, it does not appear to be noxious when absorbed, and carried into the circulation. " Dr. Davy thinks that the principal use of this poison is to defend the reptile against the attacks of carnivorous ani- mals ; he also remarks, that as it contains an inflammable sub- stance, it may be excrementitious ; it may serve to carry off a portion of carbon from the blood, and thus be auxiliary to the function of the lungs. In support of this idea, the author observes that he finds each of the pulmonary arteries of the Toad divided into two branches, one of which goes to the lungs, and the other to the cutis, ramifying most abun- dantly where the largest follicles are situated, and where 1J4 BUFONID.E. there is a large venous plexus, seeming to indicate that the subcutaneous distribution of the second branch of the pul- monary artery may further aid the office of the lungs by bringing the blood to the surface to be acted upon by the air."* I have extracted the latter part of this passage to show how beautifully the independent observations of two physiologists, so eminent as Dr. Davy and Dr. William Edwards, bear upon and illustrate each other ; as will be obvious to every one who recollects the account I have already given of the cutaneous respiration of the amphibia, as discovered and ex- plained by the last-named philosopher. The usual pace of the Toad is neither leaping nor running, it is rather a kind of crawl ; and on being alarmed, or threat- ened with danger, it stops, swells its body, and, on its being handled, a portion of the cutaneous secretion, which I have just mentioned, exudes from the follicles, and a discharge of the limpid water, which has been before alluded to, imme- diately takes place. Its quickest movement is an imperfect leap. The general form of the Toad is certainly far from pre- possessing. The body is puffed out and swollen ; the head large, flat on the top ; the muzzle rounded, and very obtuse. There are no teeth either in the jaw bones, or on the palate. There is above the eyes a slight protuberance, studded with pores ; and the parotids are large, thick, prominent, and porous, secreting an acrid fluid. Body covered with warts, which are larger above, and more numerous beneath. Fore feet with four toes, not at all palmated ; hind legs of moderate length ; the toes five in number, and slightly palmated. The colours are liable to some variation, but are always much lighter and brighter immediately after the removal of the old * Abstracts of the Phil. Trans. Part II. p. 263. For the whole paper see the Phil. Trans, for 1826, Part II. p. 127. COMMON TOAD. 115 cuticle ; the upper parts are of a dirty, lurid, or blackish grey, with sometimes a slight greenish tinge ; tubercles more or less brown ; beneath dirty yellowish white, sometimes spotted with black. Dimensions of a large specimen : Total length Hinder leg Fore leg In. Lines. 3 5 3 7 2 2 116 BUFON1D.E. ANOURA. BUFON1DE. NATTER-JACK TOAD. Bufo calamita. Laur. Specific Character. Light yellowish brown, clouded with dull olive ; a bright yellow line along the middle of the back. Rana Bufo, van /3, GMEL. Syst. Nat. Lin. I. pt. iii. p. 1047. ,, Rubeta, TURTON, Brit. An. p. 80. Bufo Rubeta, FLEM. Brit. Anim. p. 159. ,, terrestrisfoetidus, ROSET., Hist. Ran. p. 107, t. xxiv. Calamita, LAUR. Amph. 27. JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 302. Natter Jack, PENNANT, Brit. Zool. III. p. 19. Bufa mephitica, var ? SHAW, Gen. Zool. p. 152. THIS species, although found in considerable numbers in certain localities, is far from being commonly met with. Pennant, who appears to have been the first to publish it as NATTER-JACK TOAD. 117 a British reptile, obtained his knowledge of it from Sir Joseph Banks ; and we find from his account that it had been observed both " on Putney Common, and near Rever- by Abbey, Lincolnshire, where it is called the Natter Jack." It is common on Blackheath, and in several other places in the neighbourhood of London ; I have found it in consider- able numbers near ponds and ditches not far from Deptford, where they appear to have congregated for the purpose of breeding. Mr. Jenyns mentions Gamlingay Heath in Cam- bridgeshire, and two or three localities in Norfolk. It would appear that Dr. Fleming was not aware of its being an inha- bitant of Scotland, as he does not add this to the formerly known localities ; but Sir W. Jardine has favoured me with the following account of its habitat in that part of the kingdom : " The Natter- Jack Toad is taken in a Marsh on the coasts of the Solway Frith, almost brackish (certainly so in winter), and within a hundred yards of spring-tide high-water mark. It lies between the village of Carse and Saturness (Souther- ness) point, where I have found them for six or seven miles along the coast. They are very abundant." Sir William has sent me some specimens, which are in every respect the same as those found in the neighbourhood of London. The habits of this species differ in some respects from those of the Common Toad. It is less sluggish in its move- ments, and its pace is often quickened to a sort of run. It is most probable that its reproduction, and all the stages of its developement resemble those of the Common Toad ; but on these subjects some additional information is required. It is probably even more capable of sustaining drought than the Common Toad, and is frequently found in dry situations, resorting to the water only for the purpose of breeding. The general form of this animal is similar to that of the last-named species ; it is ? however, less tumid ; the eyes are much more prominent, and are, in fact, ele- 118 BUFONID^. vated above the upper surface of the head. The porous protuberances behind the head are also less developed. The hinder legs are scarcely so long as the body ; the toes are less palmated than even in the Common Toad ; a structure in accordance with its still more terrestrial habits; and the rudimentary sixth toe a tubercle which has been so con- sidered, which we find in the Common Toad is here absent. The general colour is a light yellowish brown, or olivaceous, clouded with a darker hue ; a yellowish line along the middle of the back. The warts, or glands, on the body, and the large glands behind the head of a reddish hue. The under parts yellowish, with black spots ; the legs marked with black bands. Dimensions : In. Lines. Total length . . %;.-' .28 Length of fore-leg . . . .13 Length of hinder-leg , . . .22 COMMON WARTY-NEWT. 119 URODELA. SALAMANDRID&. Genus, Triton. Laur. Generic Character. Tongue semi-globular, slightly free at each side, free and pointed behind. Palate with a double longitudinal series of teeth. No parotids nor glands along the back. Body covered with warty tubercles ; glan- dular pores behind, and over the eyes, and a longitudinal series of distant similar pores along each side. Toes without nails ; four on the anteiior, and five on the posterior feet. Dorsal and caudal crests (in the male) separate. COMMON WARTY-NEWT. GREAT WATER-NEWT. Triton cristatus. Laur. Specific Character. Upper lip overhanging the lower, but without any distinct lobe. Lacerta palustris, LINN. Syst. Nat. I. p. 370. SHAW, Gen. Zool. III. p. 298, t. Ixxxii. Salamandra aquatica, RAY, Syn. Quad. p. 273. crislata, DAUD. Hist. Kept. VIII. p. 233. Cuv. Reg. Anim. (edit. 2.) II. p. 116. 120 SALAMANDRID.E. Triton cristatus, LAUR. Spec. Med. p. 39, et 146, sp. 44. FITZ. Class. Kept. p. 66, sp. 5. BOAP. Icon. Faun. Ital. palustris, FLEM. Brit. An. p. 157. JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 303. Molge ,, MERRETT, Syst. Amph. p. 187, sp. 8. Warty lizard, PENN. Brit. Zool. III. p. 23, t. in. IF an instance were wanting to exemplify the obvious fallacy of the opinion that external form is alone sufficient to indicate the relations of animals, it would be impossible to select one more striking and remarkable than that of the tailed Amphibia ; and it is certainly not a little extraordinary that Linnseus himself, notwithstanding the acuteness which generally enabled him to pierce through the fallacious indi- cations offered by external appearance, and to seize upon the true relations of individuals and groups without being misled, like most others of his day, by form alone, should in this instance have failed to detect the latent affinities of the group, and to appreciate the relative value of its cha- racters. A want of more accurate knowledge, or, perhaps, a degree of timidity arising from the novelty of the position which he took, prevented this great man from always follow- ing out the principles which his genius impelled him to adopt, and doubtless led him to the inconsistencies with which he has been too severely and indiscriminately charged. Be that as it may, he certainly in the present instance not only searched not below the surface, but failed even to appreciate the importance of the character of the skin itself; a refer- ence to which, and to several peculiarities in external struc- ture might have led him to suspect, at least, the relations which this part bears to that of the tailless Amphibia, and especially of the Frogs. The generic form to which the present species belongs, ex- hibits all the characters of the amphibia in as striking a point of view, as either of those which have been already mentioned. The naked and respirable skin, and the completeness of the transformation, are not less obvious in the present than in the COMMON WARTY-NEWT. 121 former group. The whole of them are characterised also by an elongated body, by the existence of four legs, and by an aquatic life. This species, which grows to the length of six inches, is the largest found in this country. It is not at all uncommon in ponds and large ditches, where it lives upon aquatic in- sects, and upon any other small living animals. It feeds during the spring upon the Tadpole of the Common Frog, which it devours with great voracity, and thus doubtless co- operates with the smaller fishes to keep under the immense increase of Frogs, which, but for this, and similar means of destruction, would necessarily take place, and almost realize amongst us a repetition of the Egyptian plague. They will also devour the smaller species of Newt, Tr. punctatus, which they seize with great apparent ferocity, and hold fast in spite of all the efforts made by the victim to escape. I have taken them more than once in the act of swallowing an individual of the smaller species, which was so large as to occasion great difficulty and delay in the act of deglutition. The following fact in their habits is also worthy of remark : " It is," says the Prince of Musignano, " a wonderful circumstance, that an animal so tenacious of life, should die with the most violent convulsions on having a little salt sprinkled upon it." The aquatic progression of these animals is effected prin- cipally by means of the tail ; and during the act of swimming, the legs are turned backwards so as to admit of the smallest possible degree of resistance ; when floating quite still on the surface of the water, which they frequently do, the feet are stretched out at right angles to the body, and the toes spread as widely as possible ; and at the bottom of the pond they creep by means of their little weak feet, which also serve for their progression on land. In the early spring the distinction between the males and the females in external form, which during the winter had SALAMANDR1D.E. been slight and inconspicuous, becomes more decided. The dorsal crest, which in this species is high and deeply incised, and the superior and inferior membrane of the tail, become developed to a remarkable degree. The male seeks and follows the other sex ; and the tail of the former is vibrated, and, as it were, smacked, by a motion similar to that of smacking a whip, several times during only a few moments. Rusconi asserts, and he has been followed by most subse- quent writers, that impregnation is effected without contact ; but I have reasons, which it is unnecessary for me to detail here, for believing this to be a mistake, at least in some spe- cies. It is sufficient for me to state that those reasons are the result of my own repeated observations. The manner in which the eggs are deposited, is very interesting and curious. The female, selecting some leaf of an aquatic plant, sits, as it were, upon its edge ; and folding it by means of her two hinder feet, deposits a single egg in the duplicature of the folded part of the leaf, which is thereby glued most securely together, and the egg is thus effectually protected from injury. The manner in which this is effected is highly interesting, and may be readily observed by any one, as the animals are suffi- ciently common in many ponds and ditches, and may gene- rally be easily obtained by means of a minnow net. In the neighbourhood of London, especially, they are to be found in numbers every spring, and I have had no difficulty in procur- ing as many as I wished for the purposes of observation. From this facility of obtaining them, the number of eggs which each produces, and the time which is occupied in the act of deposition, it is astonishing that the mode above de- scribed was never observed until of late years, and that many excellent naturalists have given most erroneous accounts of the process. Spallanzani, for instance, declares that the eggs fall at once to the bottom of the water when deposited ; and Cuvier asserts that they are produced by several at a time, COMMON WARTY-NEWT. attached to each other like beads. These mistakes have arisen from the fact that the precaution was not taken of placing aquatic plants in the vessel with the Newts, the con- sequence of which has been that, in the first place, the eggs of course fell to the bottom of the vessel ; and, in the next place, as they fell into contact with each other they became united by the mass of tenacious matter by which they are surrounded. This shows how important it is, in all observ- ations on the habits of animals, made on individuals in con- finement, to place them in circumstances as nearly natural as possible ; and never to rest satisfied by any results obtain- ed under artificial restraints. Rusconi has the merit of first publishing an accurate account of the process in question, and I have observed it many times, and long before I was acquainted with Rusconi's book. As soon as the female has in this way deposited a single egg, she quits the leaf; and after the lapse of a short time seeks another, there to place another egg. I now proceed to describe briefly the developement of the embryo in this species, which, as it is the largest, is the most easily observed. The period when the deposit of the eggs commences depends upon the season ; but the time when the greater number are produced, is during the months of May and June ; and it is worthy of notice, that the different spe- cies of Newt are found depositing their eggs during a much longer period of the summer than the ecaudate amphibia, such as the Frog and Toad. At the time I have mentioned, if the leaves of various species of aquatic plants be observed, many of them will be found folded together, and within the fold a single egg of the Newt will be discovered. It is, however, necessary for accurate observation from the com- mencement, that the female Newt be taken and placed in a vessel of water with the plants in question, that she may deposit the egg under the eye of the observer. The best SALAMANDRID.E. plant for the purpose is the Polygonum persicaria, which is ordinarily chosen by the animal in its natural habitat. A large glass globe is a good vessel for the purpose of observ- ation ; but if it be wished to employ a larger one, I may be allowed to recommend the largest sized foot-bath made of white ware. This vessel I have often used for keeping many aquatic animals; and if a layer of Roman cement be placed at the bottom, and a few pebbles, or a stone of sufficient size be fixed by the cement at one end, the ob- jection to the slipperiness of the vessel will be obviated, and the animal will also have the opportunity of coming above the surface at pleasure. COMMON WARTY-NEWT. The egg, when first deposited (fig. 1 of the woodcut), is very lightly tinged with buff ; it is surrounded by a glairy envelope, to which it is not attached, but rotates unrestrain- edly within it. The first obvious change which takes place is the elongation of the white embryo, which in a few days exhibits somewhat of a division into a cephalic, an abdominal, and a caudal portion ; and shortly afterwards, as at figure 2, the developement has advanced so far as to afford indications of the branchiae on each side of the neck, and even a slight enlargement at the part where the anterior feet will hereafter make their appearance. In the space of a few days more, the state of the embryo is such as we observe at figure 3. The different lobes of the branchiae are now distinctly seen, though still simple ; the anterior pair of lobes are the holders, by which the little animal afterwards attaches itself to leaves, or other bodies ; and behind the branchiae may be observed a slight eminence on each side, which is the rudiment of the anterior foot. At this stage a double dorsal line of minute brown spots may be seen. All these characters continue to be hourly developed ; and in the state which is represented at figures 4, 5, it quits its envelope, which has been continually becoming elongated to accord with the changing form of the embryo. On first issuing from the egg, it swims about, says Rusconi, without apparent consciousness of any impediments, striking against a leaf, or the sides of the vessel, and imme- diately adhering by its holders to the substance against which it happens to strike, and remains thus suspended for a time, as if asleep ; and then, without any apparent excitement, swims off to another part. The developement of the young Tadpole, for such it must now be considered, progresses with considerable rapidity after its exclusion from the egg. In a fortnight, or three weeks, according to the temperature, it has acquired the condition exhibited in figures 6, 7. The branchiae now offer one of the most beautiful and elegant 126 SALAMANDRID^E. objects in nature, as well as one of the most interesting. Observed even with the naked eye, the leaf-like division of these organs present a most pleasing subject of contempla- tion ; but viewed in the microscope, the branchial circulation excites the greatest delight and surprise. The blood, which has now become red, ascends by the branchial arteries, and returns by the veins after having undergone the necessary change of decarbonization ; and the globules of the blood are seen accelerated by momentary jerks through the vessels. The transparent tail affords a beautiful example of the sys- temic circulation, as the former organs do of the respira- tory ; and in both instances the transparency of the parts is such as to present no obstacle to the view. The eyes have now acquired their permanent character ; the mouth has become terminal, and the anterior feet have acquired dis- tinct digitations. In consonance with this latter change, the holders, which had been the only previous means of station, being now unnecessary, have become almost entirely absorb- ed. At figure 8, the further developement of the anterior feet, which have acquired four toes, and the rudimentary existence of the posterior pair, have considerably approxi- mated the little animal to its permanent condition ; but the branchiae have acquired a still more extensive developement, and the leaflets of which they are composed are much more distinct. In figure 9, which is of the natural size, we see the animal much changed. The body is now bulky, the colours are nearly those of the perfect condition, and the transpa- rency of the body, which has previously been such as to afford the most agreeable opportunity to examine the in- ternal structure, and to watch the functions which were going on, has given place to the opacity of the adult animal. The branchise, however, still remain, and have assumed a firmer consistence, a more opaque appearance, and a deeper colour. From this period the branchiae become gradually absorbed, COMMON WARTY-NEWT. and the lungs are in the same proportion developed, until at length, towards the close of autumn, the young animal has acquired its perfect condition, and has quitted its aquatic for an atmospheric mode of respiration. In fact, like the Tad- pole of the Frog, the metamorphosis of which we have already traced, it has passed from the state of a fish, to that of a reptile.* This species is much more durably aquatic in its habits than the common smaller one, Lissotriton punctatus. It occasionally, indeed, leaves the water, and I have found it hibernating under stones ; but I believe this is not .usual ; it commonly remains torpid at the bottom of ponds and ditches, until the warmth of spring recalls it into activity. During this season of retirement, the male loses his fine dorsal crest, and the web of the tail also becomes considerably dimi- nished ; but even before the return of the warm season, this characteristic sexual ornament becomes developed, to be again lost in the following winter. It does not fall off; but, like the tail of the Tadpole, is gradually absorbed. The Newts shed their skin in the same way as other aquatic amphibia ; it comes off in shreds, and is washed away as it becomes loose. The head of this species is flattened ; the muzzle obtuse and rounded ; the gape nearly straight, and extending a little beyond the eyes ; teeth numerous, minute ; the upper lip slightly pendulous, covering the margin of the under jaw when the mouth is closed, but not forming a distinct lobe. The trunk is continuous with the head, the neck being only * In the perennibranchiate forms of the Amphibia, such as the Siren, the Proteus, and others, the developement of the sanguiferous and respiratory systems is arrested at that point of their growth which we have just been ob- serving in the present animal, at figure 9, at the point where the lungs have just begun to assume their functions, and before the branchiae have undergone any diminution in their volume. Here they permanently remain ; and exhibit the extraordinary phenomenon of co-existent pulmonary and branchial re- spiration. 128 SALAMANDRIDjE. distinguished by a small fold of integument beneath. The body is thick, but not ventricose ; round, corrugated, and covered with small warts or tubercles. There are no pa- rotids ; but there are two patches of simple pores on each side of the head, and a line of similar pores running along each side, and somewhat distant from each other. The tail is about two fifths of the entire length, consider- ably compressed, the upper and under margins sharply and abruptly carinated. The anterior feet, when brought for- wards, extend a little beyond the snout, each having four flattened toes, of which the third is the longest, then the second, then the fourth, and the first is the shortest. Hinder feet longer and thicker than the fore, each with five toes, of which the first is the shortest, the fifth longer, then the second, the third and fourth being equal and the longest. The upper parts of the animal are blackish brown, or yellowish brown, with darker round spots ; under parts bright reddish orange, with round black spots ; sides dotted with white ; sides of the tail, particularly in the male sex, of a beautiful shining pearly white, which, like the rest of the colours, be- comes brighter in the spring. In the breeding-season the male acquires a deep, flexible, indented crest, which extends the whole length of the back, along the mesial line. It is separated from the correspond- ing crest of the tail by a distinct hiatus. The crest is of a lighter colour than the back. It is confined to the male, and disappears during the winter. Dimensions : In. Lines. Total length . . . .,.56 Length of the head and body . . . 33 Length of the tail . . . , 2 4 STRAIT-LIPPED WARTY-NEWT. 129 URODELA. SALAMANDR1D&. STRAIT-LIPPED WARTY-NEWT. Triton Bibronii. Mihi. Specific Character. The same as Tr. cristatus, excepting that the upper lip is perfectly straight, meeting the lower, and not overhanging it. The skin, and particularly that of the head, much more rugous and more strongly tuberculated. Colour darker. Triton marrnoratus, BIBRON, in Proc. Zool. Soc. non Latr. OF the existence of this second species of tuberculated Triton we were ignorant, until my friend, M. Bibron, de- tected it in the collection of the Zoological Society, and from the character of the lip believed it to be the Tr. marrnoratus of Latreille. In the course of the last spring I had several, both of this species and of Tr. cristatus, living ; and have now before me the specimen belonging to the Society upon which 130 SALAMANDRID.E. M. BibroiTs opinion was founded, as well as one of the true marmoratus, which he has kindly sent me from Paris. I have also examined several in the British Museum, where they were confounded with the Tr. cristatus. Upon a careful comparison of the whole, I am induced to consider that the new English species is distinct from Tr. marmoratus, and that it is not only new to the British Fauna, but a hi- therto undescribed species. I have, therefore, ventured to assign to it a specific name, and I have chosen that at the head of this article, as a proper compliment to the first of existing Erpetologists, and one of the most amiable of men. The principal distinctions between the species are the following : In Triton Bibronii the skin is remarkably rugous, and the tubercles are more numerous and more elevated than in Tr. cristatus. The tubercle at the base of the inner toe on each foot is much smaller, and in some cases scarcely perceptible. The most tangible pecu- liarity, however, is in the form of the upper lip, which in the present species is perfectly straight, whereas in Tr. cristatus it considerably overhangs the margin of the lower jaw. By this character the two species may be at once distinguished. With regard to coloration and markings, there is but little difference ; I have thought, however, that the present species is somewhat darker, and the spots on the sides less distinct. The structural characters which distinguish Tr. Bibronii from Tr. marmoratus, are also comparative and slight. In the latter, the rugosity of the skin is less considerable, and the upper lip, instead of being absolutely straight as in our species, has a slight enlargement towards the junction of the lips. But the markings and coloration are widely different ; the upper parts being beautifully marbled with grey, with a STRAIT-LIPPED WARTY-NEWT. 131 white line along the mesial line of the back, and the belly irregularly mottled. I give a comparative view of the head of Tr. cristatus and of Tr. Bibronii, by a reference to which any one may readily determine the species. 132 SALAMANDRID.E. URODELA. SALAMANDRID&. Genus, Lissotriton, mihi. SMOOTH-NEWT. Generic Character. Tongue, teeth, and feet, as in the genus Triton. Skin smooth ; two patches of pores on the head ; none on the back or sides. Dorsal and caudal crests continuous. COMMON SMOOTH-NEWT. SMALL NEWT, EFT, OB EVET. Lissotriton punctatus. Specific Character. Upper lip straight, not overhanging the lower. Lacerta aquatica, LINN. Syst. Nat. I. p. 370 (?). SHAW, Gen. Zool. III. p. 298, t. Ixxxiii. COMMON SMOOTH NEWT. 133 Lacerta maculata, SUEPP. in Linn. Trans. VII. p. 53. TURTON, Brit. Faun. p. 79. Salamandrapunctata, DAUD. Kept. VIII. p. 267. LATR. Salam. de France, p. 53, sp. 6, t. vi. f. 6. ? Triton Pa/ustm, LAUR. Spec. Med. pp. 39. 145, t. iv. f. 2. ,, aquations, FLEM. Brit. Anim. p. 158, sp. 7. ,, punctatus, FITZING. Nat. Class. Kept. p. 66, sp. 8. BoNAp.Icon. Faun. Ital. JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 304. Molge punctata, MERR. Syst. Amph. p. 186, sp. 4. Brown Lizard, PENN. Brit. Zool. III. p. 23, t. ii. THE size of this small and common species would distin- guish it at once from the former in its adult state, and from younger individuals it may be readily known by the difference of colour, and the absence of all warts and tubercles on the skin, which is, indeed, almost as smooth as that of the Frog. This latter character has led me to believe that the two forms might with great propriety be considered as gerie- rically distinct, upon the same principle as that which has led to the separation of the Toads from the Frogs ; although it must be confessed that, in the latter case, the habits of the two groups offer a much greater discrepancy, the relations between the Frogs and Toads presenting rather an analogy with that between the smooth Newts and the true or ter- restrial Salamanders. Thus a tolerably continuous chain of affinity may be traced from the Smooth Newts, through the tuberculated Newts, and the Geotritons of the Prince of Musignano, to the true terrestrial form of the Salamanders, which last are even more strikingly characterized by a tuber- culated and porous skin than either of the other forms. The separation of the present animals from the genus Salamandra was an essential step, for which we are indebted to Laurenti, although there may be some objection to the name Triton, which he applied to them, on account of its having been al- ready assigned by Linnseus to the inhabitants of certain shells. As, however, the principle upon which he did this, namely, the adoption of a distinct nomenclature for the SALAMANDRIDJ:. animals and their shells, has long since been very properly exploded, and as the application of the name Triton to a genus of Buccinoid Mollusca, although universally adopted, is of later date than its application to the animals now under consideration, it must be retained by these. The whole of the Salamandrida require a thorough ex- amination, in order that the relations of the different groups may be properly appreciated, and their characters fully estab- lished. Much has lately been done by M. Tschudi, of Neuf- chatel, but much remains yet to be done ; and there is no doubt that the same extensive information, and the same deep research, which have characterised the volumes hitherto pub- lished of the u Histoire des Reptiles," of Messrs. Dumeril and Bibron, will not be wanting in the Classification and History of the Amphibia, which will form a portion of that work, and will, I hope, appear very soon. From the consi- derations already stated, I think it necessary to separate under a new generic name, the two species of Smooth-skinned Newts inhabiting this country, as they present many struc- tural distinctions from the large tuberculated species already described. These distinctions are briefly given in the ge- neric character at the head of this article, and appear to me sufficiently important to warrant the view I have taken. The Common, or Small Newt, is found in almost every ditch and pond, especially in those in which the waters are clean, in considerable numbers ; and affords food to the larger species just described, as well as to different kinds of fish. Its own food consists of small aquatic insects, both in their perfect and, especially, in their larva state, and of small aquatic worms and Mollusca ; they also rise to take gnats, &c. which settle on the surface of the water. The reproduction and metamorphosis of this species differ very little from those of the former. I have observed that in depositing their eggs, they do not so constantly place them COMMON SMOOTH-NEWT. 135 within a folded leaf, but frequently in the axillae of the leaves ; in which situation I have very often observed the females in the act of placing them, and sometimes by two, three, or four together. The pursuit of the male after the female differs also in some respects. He follows her in swimming for a considerable time ; they do not, as in the former instance, necessarily rest upon the ground ; and the tail of the male is doubled forwards in a sort of loop, and vibrated with a rapid tremulous motion. The changes which take place in the developement of the embryo are similar to those already described in the former species. The seasonal changes, however, are still more curious and varied than in the two species of Triton, and deserve a more detailed de- scription, especially as these differences have led to much misunderstanding by the establishment of erroneous specific names, and consequent confusion of synonyms. In the month of June the young animals have in many cases lost their branchiae by absorption, and very soon after- wards a great number of them at least quit the water, and remain on land. Many of the adults also become terrestrial soon after this period, creeping about amongst the herbage in the neighbourhood of the water, or in damp places, fre- quently concealing themselves amongst the roots of shrubs and plants, and sometimes even venturing into damp cellars. The males about this time lose the membranous crest and enlargement of the caudal web, which had distinguished them during the spring. The colours also of both sexes be- come more dull, and the male especially loses in a measure 136 SALAMANDRIDJE. the bright and pleasing tints which characterize him during that season. The red tips to the crenations of the crest and tail are of course no longer seen as these parts become ab- sorbed ; but the colour of the body is also more obscure, and the spots less distinct ; the belly, which has been of a bright orange passing into red, is now paler and less vivid. It is probable that the period at which the young lose their branchiae varies in some degree according to circumstances connected with temperature, food, and other causes ; as they are sometimes taken with the branchiae still remaining on them, when conspicuously larger than other individuals, which have lost these organs.* The growth of the young animals during the summer and autumn is very rapid ; so that they attain nearly their adult size the first year. Very early in the winter the crest of the male begins to make its appearance, and by the beginning of the year it is conspicuous. The result of a partial and hasty observation of these cir- cumstances has been that naturalists have described the same species, in different conditions, as being specifically distinct. Shaw, in his General Zoology, asserts that the Common Newt is " altogether a terrestrial species," and contests even the statement of Linnaeus, that it inhabits water during its larva state. " I can," proceeds Dr. Shaw, " safely affirm that I have more than once met with specimens in perfectly dry situations, so extremely minute as scarcely to equal half an inch in length, which appeared to differ in no respect, except in magnitude, from the full-grown animal." Now it is here evident that he had met with the young and the adult of this species when they had left the water for their autumnal visit to the land, and the branchiae of the one, and the dorsal * There is in the Museum of the Zoological Society an interesting Series of Specimens exhibiting these facts. They were collected by Mr. Blyth, and the bottles are furnished with his observations. COMMON SMOOTH-NEWT. 137 crest of the other were both lost. The Rev. Revett Shep- pard has still farther confused the question ; but, as these mistakes arose altogether from the want of a proper consider- ation of the characters of the group, and of closer observation of the habits of the animals, and as both these points are now cleared up, it is unnecessary to enter farther into the subject. It was on this species principally that Spallanzani tried his well known experiments on the reproduction of portions of the extremities and of the tail ; and he found that the same mem- ber will be reproduced several times in succession on being cut off, and this with the bones, muscles, vessels, and nerves belonging to its original state. Its tenacity of life, like that of most other cold-blooded vertebrate animals, is a re- markable feature in its functional character. It has been frozen in a solid block of ice, and when slowly thawed, it has appeared scarcely injured. The food of this species is similar to that of the larger species. Like them, it not only eats aquatic insects and small Mollusca and worms, but swallows the tadpoles of the Frog and Toad with great avidity. It is almost unnecessary to say that the accusation of being poisonous, so generally believed by the lower classes in most parts of the country, is wholly unfounded. The word Eft, or Evet, by which the whole of these ani- mals are designated in many parts of the country, is Anglo- Saxon ; " Efete, an Eft, a Newt, a Lizard," says Somner. " I know not," says Skinner, " whether from Ef-an, equalis, from the smoothness and evenness of the skin." Junius sug- gests that Newt is corrupted from an evet, a nevet, a newt. The whole of the skin in this species is quite smooth ; there are no tubercles, but on the head are two rows of pores. Tail terminating in a sharp point. The lip is perfectly straight, in which it differs from the next species. The crest of the back and tail in the male are, during the season of repro- 138 SALAMANDRID^E. duction, very much developed, and are continuous ; the mar- gin is crenate throughout its length. The colour varies very much in the course of the year, and even in different indivi- duals at the same period. That of the male is also very different from that of the female. The former is brownish grey above, passing into yellow beneath, which in the spring becomes a rich bright orange ; marked everywhere with round dark spots of unequal size, but much larger and less numerous than in the next species L, palmipes. On the head are two longitudinal streaks. The crenations of the crest, in the spring season, are often tipped with bright red or violet. The fe- male is usually light yellowish brown, or even buff with scat- tered brown dots, and the belly often quite plain. In. Lines. Total length . . . . .37 Length of tail . .. V r < I 1 8 The tail-piece gives an outline of the head of Lissotriton punctatus and of L. palmipes, for the purpose of exhibiting the difference in the form of the lip. PALMATED SMOOTH NEWT. 139 URODELA. SALAMANDR1D&. PALMATED SMOOTH-NEWT. Lissotriton palmipes. Specific Character. Upper lip pendulous at the sides, overhanging the under in a distinct festoon, as far as the base of the lower jaw. Toes of hinder feet fringed with a short membrane at all seasons. Triton palmipes, LATR. Hist, des Salam. de Fr. Var. Triton vittatus, GRAY, MS. Brit. Mus. JENYNS, Brit. Vert. p. 305. Icon. Quer. Iconol. du Reg. Anim. Salamandre ceinturee, LATR. Salan. de France. IT is now many years since I separated a specimen of a British Newt from several specimens of the common species in my own collection, with the conviction, from a consideration of the markings only, that it was specifically distinct, but 140 SALAMANDR1D.E. without, at that time, observing any structural difference. On examining the English Newts in the collection of the Zoological Society, I find a bottle containing several speci- mens of both sexes, collected by Mr. Blyth at Tooting, and separated, I have reason to believe, by M. Bibron, when last in this country. I have since received from him specimens of the four French species of Newts, amongst which are some of the present species, which prove to be identical with the specimens I have just mentioned in my own collection, and that of the Zoological Society ; and on looking over those in the British Museum, I have found many specimens in bottles, mixed promiscuously with the common species, and ticketed Tr. vulgaris. From all these circumstances, I am convinced that it is very common in this country, but that it has been overlooked in consequence of its general resemblance to the species last described. It differs from that species in being of larger size, in the upper lip being pendulous at the sides, where it forms a sort of lobe, reaching to the base of the lower jaw, and in the toes being furnished with a considerable fringe of skin. The spots which cover the body both above and below are more numerous and smaller, and their outline is more distinctly defined, and the head is elegantly marked with brown lon- gitudinal lines. It appears to be liable to considerable variation in colour and markings. I possess a female specimen which is of a very dark brown above, and the belly minutely punctated with black ; and there is a space or band running along the side almost bare of spots. But the most remarkable variety is that which has been described by Mr. Gray and after him by Mr. Jenyns as a species, under the name of Triton vittatus* the ground colour of which is white, " with unequal black spots ; tail black ; belly, under sides of the legs and tail, and a broad streak along each side of the body and tail, PALMATED SMOOTH-NEWT. 141 white." I have carefully examined the specimens in the British Museum, and am convinced that it is to be con- sidered as a variety only of the present species ; there is not the slightest structural difference between them, they are the same in size and form, and the lip is equally pendulous. This opinion is much confirmed by the circumstance that Latreille describes his palmipes as having the belly white, which was doubtless given from a specimen departing from the usual character of the species, and approaching to the present variety. It is also, in all probability, the Salamandre ceinturee of Latreille. Its claim to a British locality rests, as Mr. Gray informs me, upon its having been found in the British Museum in a bottle containing other British specimens, and marked " England." There is no reason, therefore, to doubt that they are British, and there is ground for believing that they were taken at no great distance from London. SALAMANDRID^E. Having given my own reasons for my entire conviction that Triton vittatus of Gray is a variety only of the present species, I think it right, in justice to Mr. Gray, to add the following extract of a note which I have received from him on this subject : " My Salamandra vittata, which has been figured by Guerin, who has adopted my name, belongs to the same group as the former [Triton cristatus]. It agrees with it in having the crest interrupted over the loins, and chiefly differs from it in having smaller tubercles, and in colour. It is easily known both from S. palustris [Tr. cristatus^ and from Triton punctatus, by the wide black-edged white streak along the lower part of each side of the body, &c. The head is much larger and more depressed than that of any of the varieties of Tr. punctatus" I have only to add that I differ entirely from these opinions of Mr. Gray, and that the last-named character was only found in one specimen of those of the British Museum, the others having the head of the same proportional size as in Lissotriton palmipes. The exception was probably acci- dental. London : Printed by Samuel Bentley, Bangor House, Shoe Lane. a. A HISTORY OF BRITISH CRUSTACEA, COMPRISING THE MALACOSTR AC A. BY THOMAS BELL, F.R.S., F.L.S., V.P.Z.S. PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY, IN KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. IN announcing the publication of a History of the Crustaceous Animals of the British Islands, it can scarcely be necessary to insist upon the interest which, in almost every point of view, attaches to them, or to seek far for ample grounds for the undertaking. It is not merely for the purpose of filling up a hiatus in the British Fauna, or as a medium for the publication of accurate figures and descriptions of the species, that the work is now projected. The form and structure, the physio- logy and habits, of these animals, are all as replete with interest as those of almost any group of the animal kingdom ; and there are cer- tainly few respecting which so little is popularly known. Amongst other points in their history, the long-disputed question of their meta- morphosis will be thoroughly investigated, and some novel information on the phenomenon of the shedding of their crustaceous integument, will also be given ; for which purpose the Author has had most liberally and kindly placed in his hands the whole of the observations and experi- ments of Mr. Couch, of Polperro, whose attention has for several years been directed to the elucidation of this curious subject. He has also received the promise of contributions from many distinguished natural- ists, whose names will give a value to the work which it could not other- wise have possessed. The figures will be drawn by Mr. Westwood. The first Part will be published as speedily as possible, consistently with the certainty of the regular monthly appearance of the succeeding Parts. The price will be 2s. 6d. each, and the work completed in one vol. A few copies will be printed on larger paper, to correspond with the Quadrupeds and Reptiles, by the same Author, and the other Zoological Works of the same Publisher. JOHN VAN VOORST, 1, PATERNOSTER ROW. JONES'S GENERAL OUTLINE OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM, AND MANUAL OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Six Parts, at 2s. 6d. each, containing 129 illustrations, are now published : the work will be completed in fifteen. Royal 8vo, 5s. each part. BELL'S HISTORY OF BRITISH QUADRUPEDS, INCLUDING THE CETACEA. Contains 200 Illustrations. Price, in demy 8vo, 28s., royal Bvo, 2/. 16s. YARRELL'S HISTORY OF BRITISH BIRDS. Price of the First Volume, which contains figures and descriptions of 105 species, and numerous vignettes, 28s. demy 8vo, or in Parts, published each alternate month, 2s. 6d. ; royal 8vo, 5s. each part. YARRELL'S HISTORY OF BRITISH FISHES. In two vols. demy 8vo, illus- trated by nearly 400 beautiful wood-cuts price 21. 8s. 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The Figures by J. 0. Westwood, Sec. E.S. A HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS. By EDWARD NEWMAN, F.L.S. Illustrated with a Wood Engraving of every Species and named Variety, drawn on Wood by the Author, and showing the Figure of the Frond, the Fructification, and Venation of each. JOHN VAN VOORST, 1, PATERNOSTER BOW, /^& S // Y^" Of THE ((UNIVERSITY Books not returned on mere subject per volume after the > 3 a . Books not in APR? 1966 Mr29'66CS U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES .OGY 4^