» §h .S7I SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON. ^te\jenfi*£j ilistorical Collections Part II Catalogue OF THE SECOND PORTION OF THE EXTENSIVE AND VARIED COLLECTION OF RARE AND VALUABLE BOOKS RELATING TO THE HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF AMEEICA FORMED BY THE LATE EMINENT BIBLIOGRAPHER ME. HENEY STEVENS OF VEEMONT m m Bays of g)ale. First Day Thursday, 1st July Lots Second Day Friday, 2nd July „ 1 to 304 305 to 603 mm Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofseconOOstevrich ^tebens's f|istortcal Collections Catalogue OF THE SECOND PORTION of the EXTENSIVE AND VARIED COLLECTION OF RELATING TO THE HISTORY AND LITERATURE OF AMERICA FORMED BY THE LATE EMINENT BIBLIOGRAPHER Mr henry STEVENS ofVermont Comprising the greater part of his working library Basanier's Florida; Colden's Five Indian Nations 1727; A Columbus Letter; Hakluyt's Principal Navigations 1589 (with map) and 1599-1600; Hudson's Detectionis Freti ; Itinerarium Portugal- ensium; James's Strange and Dangerous Yoyage 1633 (with map); Com- plete set of Las Casas' Black-letter Tracts; several Peter Martyrs; fifteen Mathers; Molina Vocabulario Mexicana; six Ptolemys 1475, 147^) i49o> 15 1 1, 1541, 1548 ; fine set of Purchas His Pilgrimes ; Rumsey's Treatise on Steam ; Sagard's Histoire du Canada and Voyage du Pays des Hurons ; several Editions of Varthema's Itinerario ; Vespucius Mundus Novus (Otmar 1504) ; Washington's Journal ; many Rare and Important Tracts relating to the Indians, New England, Virginia, &c. &c. ; several early State Histories ; rare Spanish Books ; rare Dutch Books relating to New Netherland ; several Frankhn Imprints ; rare Books relating to Canada, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, &c. ; Scarce Books and Tracts on the War of Independence, History of the Colonies, French Possessions, Old French War, &c. &c. including a large number of uncut Books. A very large percentage of the whole in elegant and expensive Bindings by Bedford, Pratt, and others. W^HICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY,WILKINSON& HODGE, Auctioneers nf ll'iterarn |lr0pertii v^ Morks illustrative ai tlje ITine ^rts, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. LONDON, On THURSDAY, the ist of JULY, 1886, and following Day, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be Viewed Two Days prior, and Catalogues had. •^71 CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the Auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds, 2s. 6c?. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 10s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purcliase- money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. V. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense, immediately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of One Week after the conclusion of the sale, the books or other property are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expenses the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which the books were bought. Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge will have the option of reselling the lots uncleared either by public or private sale without any notice being given to the defaulter. VI. All the books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed ; but if upon collating, any should prove defective, the purchaser will be at liberty to take or reject them, provided they are returned within One Week after the conclusion of the sale, when the purchase-money will be returned. VII. The sale of any book or books is not to be set aside on account of any worm-holes, stained or short leaves of text or plates, want of list of plates, or on account of the publication of any subsequent volume, supplement, appendix, or plates. All the manuscripts, autographs, all magazines and reviews, all books in lots, and all tracts in lots or volumes, will be sold with all faults, imperfections, and errors of description. The sale of any illustrated book, lot of prints or drawings is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or error of description. VIII. No Imperfect Book will be taken back, unless a note accompanies each book, stating its imperfections, with the number of lot and date of the sale at which the same was purchased. IX. To prevent inaccuracy in the delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of the purchases, no lot on any account can be removed during the time of sale. X. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; and if any loss is sustained in the reselling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. INTRODUCTION. R. Henry Stevens, of Vermont, who died on February 28th last, having been warned some time previously by his medical advisers of the precarious state of his health, had early in the year given instructions for the sale of this the Second Portion of his Historical Collections relating to America, and the Catalogue was in preparation at the time of his decease. The Collection now offered embraces the greater part of his per- sonal or working Library, and exhibits in a marked degree his well- known penchant for fine or uncut copies of rare books, and his love for elegant and expensive bindings when the books could not be obtained in their original condition. Many volumes contain his Book-plate. A few of the most important Lots are briefly mentioned on the Title of the Catalogue, but amongst so many volumes on one general subject, it is difficult to discriminate, as the less well- known books are often really the most important historically. For this reason we have catalogued the books rather more fully than usual, and in a few cases added notes, mostly from Mr. Stevens's own memoranda. The following Index of Subjects may perhaps prove of service to the Eeader, but we invite a careful perusal of the whole Catalogue. Part I of Mr. Stevens's Historical Collections was sold by us in July 1881. A few copies of the Catalogue, which included an account of the Franklin Collection, can still be had, price 5s. in cloth. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE. INDEX, Barbadoes, 16, 17, 74, 148 Bibliography, .SO, 305, 491, 492, 501-4, 507, 509-18, 542, 577-8 Biography, 113, 289, 311-2, 325, 387, 410, 520-1 Boston, 35, 46, 56, 67, 87, 102-13, 434. See also Massachusetts California, 48, 387 Canada, 42, 49, 50, 51, 114, 162, 209, 217, 231, 232, 253, 254, 266, 268, 269, 276, 282, 287, 288, 289, 431-3, 435, 441-3, 451, 456-7, 461, 502-4, 565, 567-8. See also French Colonies, Cape Breton, S^^c. S^^c. Cape Breton, 52, 213, 309, 335, 373, 407, 421, 441, 451, 468-9. See also Nova Scotia Carolina, 14, 45, 53-4, 59, 265, 279, 343, 379, 593. See also North Carolina and South Carolina Colonies (History of the) 9, 82, 89-92, 130, 141, 144, 150, 190, 201-2, 248, 279, 383, 414, 417-8, 420, 428, 451, 468-9, 488, 500, 526, 530, 548. See also Congress, French ColoJiies, War of Independence, and the various Co- lonies under their JNames Columbus, 78-80, 157, 228, 257, 486, 493 Congress, 64, 93-5, 122, 416 Connecticut, 86, 151, 185, 206-8, 411, 572-4, 579, 591 Drake (Sir Francis) 131-2, 459 Dutch Books, 128-9, 197, 362-4, 554, 563 Dutch Church, 334 Florida, 22, 59, 125, 158-9, 380, 448, 527 Franklin (Benj.) 9, 47, 419, 518 Franklin (Benj.) Imprints, 19, 60, 63, 262, 340, 361, 400-1 Franklin (James) 29 French Colonies, Possessions, &c. 82. 84, 150, 224, 268, 332, 407, 447, 488, 544, 565, 588. See also Colonies, Canada, Old French War, ^-c. Geography. &c. 40, 101, 175, 179, 180, 327, 331, 419, 423-8. See also History Georgia, 164-7, 532, 603 German Emigrants, 333, 336 Germantown Imprints, 20, 134 Greenland, 139, 154, 293 Guiana, 250, 436, 437 History and Discovery (Early) 12, 25-8, 57-8, 78-80, 98-100, 167, 169, 228, 258, 295-8, 300-4, 328, 486-7, 493-9, 5Q5-6, 508. 534, 546-9, 551-5, 597-600 Illinois, 38, 220, 458 Indians, 21, 23, 76, 85, 136. 168, 173, 181, 184, 209, 214-6, 220, 225-7, 236-7, 242, 265, 266, 268-9. 277, 282-3, 311. 329, 335, 337, 346*-55, 357, 372,400-1, 406, 411, 415, 453, 456-7, 493-9, 539, 540, 543, 572-4, 576, 588 Jamaica, 198-9 Jews in Am. 142, 413, 485, 538-9 Kentucky, 147, 223 Louisiana, 191-2, 242, 268, 412 Maine, 176, 292, 476 Maryland, 45, 74, 148, 221, 290, 306, 332, 399 Massachusetts, 85, 146, 182, 201, 221-2, 264, 292, 307-10, 360, 378. See also Boston, New England, Colonies, y, both parts in 1 volume complete with all the maps and plates, red morocco extra Svo. London, 1698 195 Hennepin (Ludovic) Neue Entdeckung vieler sehr grossen Land- schafFten in America — Neue Eeise-Beschreibung durch veile Lander weit grosser als gantz Europa die neulichst zwichen Neu- Mexico und dem Eisz-Meer in America entdecket worden, 2 vol. fine copies complete ivith the tivo large folding mcqjs and all the plates, uniformly bound in green morocco extra \2mo. Bremen, 1698-99 196 Hennepin (Louis) Voyage ou nouvelle decouverte d'un tres-grand pays dans FAmerique entre le nouveau Mexique et la mer glaciale, fine clean copy with all the maps and plates, polished bi'own ccdf extra l2mo. Amsterdam, 1704 197 Heremitz (Jaques V) Journael vande Nassausche Vloot, ofte beschryvingh vande Voyagie om den gantschen Aerd-Kloot ghedaen met elf Schepen : onder't beleydt van den Admirael Jaques THeremite, ende Vice-Admiral Gheen Huygen Schapen- ham, in de Jaren 1623, 1624, 1625, en 1626, vellum by Pratt, mMps and jylates Uo. fAmstelredam, Jacob Pietersz Wachter, 1 643 Fine clean copy of a rare edition. 198 HiCKERiNGiLL (Edmund) Jamaica Viewed : with all the Ports, Harbours, and their several Soundings, Towns and Settlements thereunto belonging, the second edition, good copy ivith map, half morocco small 8vo. London, 16(}l 199 HiCKERiNGiLL (E.) Jamaica Viewed : with all the Ports, Harbours, and their several Soundings, Towns, and Settlements thereunto belonging, the THIRD edition, good copy with map, polished calf extra ito. ib. 1705 200 Hilliard-D'Auberteuil (M.) Mis Mac Eea, Roman Historique, blue calf extra 24mo. A. Philadelphie, 1784 Romance relating to the War of Independence and founded on facts. 201 Historical Account (A Concise) of all the British Colonies in North America, comprehending their Kise, Progress, and Modern State ; particularly of the Massachusetts-Bay (the Seat of the present Civil War), together with the Other Provinces of New England, &c. large folding sheet containing ^^An Accurate descriptive Table,'' half roan 8vo. London, J. Bew, 1775 202 Historical Memorial (An) of the Negotiation of France and England, From the 26th of March, 1761, to the 20th of Sep- tember of the same Year, with the Vouchers. Translated from the French Original, published at Paris by Authority, half mo- rocco ito, London, 1761 24 203 Holm (Thomas Campanius) [Engraved Title] Novae Svecise seu Pensylvania in America Descriptio. [Printed Title] Kort Bes- krifning om Provincien Nya Suerige uti America som nu fortjden af the Engelske kallas Pensylvania, very fine clean copy complete with the engraved title and 6 7naps and plates, blacJc rnorocco extra by Pratt Uo. Stockholm, 1702 This excessively rare volume is very seldom found complete with all the 6 plates, four of which are maps, one a View of Niagara Falls and the last a sketch of two Indians. This volume together with Biorck (No. 31), Acrelius (No. 4), the Luther Catechism (No. 285), and Swedbcrg (Lot 531), are the most important authorities for the history of the Swedish Settlements in America. 204 HoOKE (William, of Taunton in New-England) New Englands Teares, for old Englands Feares. Preached in a Sermon on July 23, 1640, being a day of Publike Humiliation, appointed by the Churches in behalfe of our native Countrey in time of feared dangers, very fine clean large copy having several uncut leaves^ red morocco extra by Pratt ito. London, E. G. for John Bothu'ell and Henry Overton, 1641 205 HooKE (William) New-Englands Sence, of Old-England and Ire- land's Sorrowes. A Sermon Preached upon a day of generall Humiliation in the Churches of New-England. In the behalfe of Old-England and Irelands sad condition, veiy fine clean copy with some rough leaves, green morocco extra by Pratt 4to. London, John Bothwell, 1645 206 Hooker (Thomas, Pastor of Hartford) The Sovles Exaltation. A Treatise containing the Soules Vnion with Christ. The Soules Benefit from Vnion with Christ, The Soules Justification, old calf, good copy Uo. ib. John Haviland, 1638 207 Hooker (Thomas) A Survey of the Summe of Church-Discipline. Wherein the Way of the Churches of New-England is warranted out of the Word, and all Exceptions of weight, which are made against it, answered, fine clean copy in ccdf extra by Pratt Uo. ib. A. M. for John Bellamy, 1648 208 Hooker (Thomas) A Comment upon Christ's last Prayer on the seventeenth of John, good clean copy in calf extra by Pratt Uo. ib. Peter Cole, 1656 This is ' Mr. Hooker's seventeenth Book made in New-England.' 209 How (Nehemiah) A Narrative of the Captivity of Nehemiah How, who was taken by the Indians at the Great Meadow Fort, above Fort-Dummer, where he was an Inhabitant, October 11th, 1745. Giving an Account of what he met with in his travelling to Canada, and while he was in Prison there. Together with an Account of Mr. How's Death at Canada, excessively rare, 12 leaves, about half the title is neatly restored in facsimile, polished purple calf extra by Pratt small Svo. Boston : N. E. Printed and Sold opposite to the Prison in Queen-Street, 1748 210 Howe (William) Candid and Impartial Narrative of the Trans- actions of the Fleet under the Command of Lord Howe, from the arrival of the Toulon squadron on the coast of America, half roan Svo, London, J. Almon, 1779 25 211 Howe (Sir William) The Narrative of Lieut. -Gen. Sir William Howe relative to His Conduct, during his late Command of the King's Troops in North America ; to which are added, some Observations upon a Pamphlet, entitled Letters to a Nobleman, fine copj, clean as new, half roan, uncut Uo. London, H. Baldwin, 1780 Presentation copy to Mr. Montresor. 212 Howe {Sir William) A Reply to the Observations of Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. Howe, on a pamphlet, entitled Letters to a Nobleman : in which His Misrepresentations are detected, and those Letters are supported, etc. To which is added, I. A Letter to Sir W. Howe upon his Strictures on Mr. Galloway's private Character. II. A Letter from Mr. Kirk to Sir W. Howe, and his Answer. HI. A Letter from a Committee to the President of the Congress, on the State of the Rebel Army at Valley Forge, found among the Papers of Henry Laurens, Esq. half roan 8m ih. G. WilUe, 1780 213 HOYARSABAL (Martin de) Les Voyages avantureux du Capitaine Martin de Hoyarsabal, habitant de Cubiburu. Con- tenant les Reigles & enseignemens necessaires a la bonne & seure Navigation. Nouvellement Reveu & corrig6 en cette derniere impression, & augment^e de la Declinaison du Soleil. Par aucuns des plus celebres Mathematiciens suivant les observations du renomm6 Tycho Brahe, fine clean copj in green morocco extra Svo. La Rochelle, 1669 Excessively Eaee, and one of the earliest books relating to Cape Breton, Newfoundland, &c. Pages 102-120 relate to " les routes, lieves, fondes, entrees, &,c. cognoissances des ports de Terre-Neufve, que chaque Pilote qui fait le dit voyage doit sgavoir pour se garder des lieux dangereux." 214 HUBBARD (W.) A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607 to this present year 1677. But chiefly of the late troubles in the two last yers, 1675 and 1676. To which is added a dis- course about the Warre with the Pequods in the year 1637, fine coptj in red morocco extra ito. Boston, John Foster, 1677 The original map is wanting in this copy but for the sake of comparison fac- similes of the Boston and London Maps have been inserted face to face. 215 HUBBARD (W.) The Present State of New-England. Being a Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New-England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to this present year 1677 : But chiefly of the late Troubles in the two last years 1675 and 1676. To which is added a Discourse about the War with the Pequods in the year 1637, very fine clean large copy, but having the map in facsimile, red m^orocco extra Uo. London, Tho. Parkhurst, 1677 With an original map supplied from another copy this would make a matchless example. 216 Hubbard (William) A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New- England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to the year IQ7 7, half morocco, uncut Svo. Brattleborough (Vt.) 1814 26 217 HUDSON (Henry) Descriptio ac delineatio geographica Detec- tionis Freti, sive Transitvs ad Occasum, supra terras Americanas, in Chinam atq' ; Japonem ducturi, recens investigati ab M. Hen- rico Hudsono Anglo. Item Narratio Ser"^^ Eegi Hispanise facta, super tractu, in quinta Orbis terrarum parte, cui Australise in- cognitas nomen est, recens detecto, per Capitanaeum Petrum Ferdinandez de Quir, fine clean copy with the three folding maps, sumptuously hound in dark red morocco by David ito. Amstelodami ex officina Hesselij Gerardi, Anno 1612 218 Hughes (W.) The American Physitian; or, A Treatise of the Roots, Plants, Trees, Shrubs, Fruit, Herbs, &c. Growing in the English Plantations in America. Whereunto is added A Dis- course of the Cacao-Nut-Tree, and the Use of its Fruit ; with all the ways of making of Chocolate, polished calf extra by Pratt 12mo. London, pointed by J. C. for William Crook, 1672 219 Humphreys (David) A Poem, Addressed to the Armies of the United States of America. By David Humphreys Esquire, Colonel in the service of the United States : And Aid de Camp to His Excellency the Commander in Chief, fine clean copy in polished green calf extra ito, Paris reprinted 1785 Evidently privately printed from the New Haven edition of T, and S. Green. This copy bears on the title an autographic presentation 'to Monsr. le Due de Eochefoucault from his most obedient and most humble servant the Author.' 220 HUTCHINS (Thomas) A Topographical Description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina, comprehending the Rivers Ohio, Kenhawa, Sioto, Cherokee, Wabash, Illinois, Mississippi, &c. . . . And An Appendix, containing Mr. Patrick Kennedy's Journal up the Illinois River, and a correct List of the different Nations and Tribes of Indians, with the Number of Fighting Men, &c. two folding plans and a table of distances, half calf uncut Svo. London, 1778 221 HUTCHINSON (Thomas) The History of the Colony of Massa- chusets Bay from the first settlement thereof in 1628 until its incorporation with the Colony of Plimouth, Province of Main, &c. in 1691, Second Edition, London, 1765 — The History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay from 1691 until the Year 1750, vol. II, Second Edition, London, 1768 — A Collection of ORIGINAL Papers relative to the History of the Colony OF Massachusets-Bay, Boston, Neio England, Thomas and John Fleet, 1769 — The History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay from 1749 to 1774 comprising a detailed narrative of the origin and early stages of the American Revolution, London, 1828, 4 vol. uniformly bound by Pratt in best red morocco extra Svo. London and Boston, 1765-1828 It is seldom that so fine a set of the four volumes of this important work is offered for sale ; in fact it is very rarely that the four volumes are found together at all. The first two volumes were issued in Boston in 1764 and 1767, and reprinted in London in the following years ; the Collection of Papers which has now be- come excessively scarce, was published at Boston in 1769 and not reprinted in London, whilst the fourth volume was published in London in 1828 and not reprinted in Boston. Hence there is no such thing as a complete Boston copy, or a complete London copy, but all sets must necessarily be mixed. Some copies of the vol. I were issued in London with the date of 1760 in error, but the leaf was can- celled, This copy has both titles inserted. 27 222 Hutchinson (Thomas) The Letters of Governor Hutchinson and Lieut. -Governor Oliver, &c. Printed at Boston. And Remarks thereon. With the Assembly's Address, etc. etc. half roan Svo. London : J. JVilkie, 1774 223 Imlay (George) A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America : . . . to which are added, the Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucky. And an Essay towards the Topography, and Natural History of that important Country. By John Filson, etc. The Second Edition, with considerable additions, Jine copy, clean as new, bound uncut in half morocco Svo. London, J. Debrett, 1793 A few MS. Notes in pencil. 224 Impartial Enquiry (An) into the Eight of the French King to the Territory West of the Great River Mississippi, in North America, not ceded by the Preliminaries, including a Summary Account of that River, and the Country adjacent ; . . . Comprehending a Vindication of the English Claim to that whole Continent, from Authentic Records, and indisputable Historical Facts, etc. nice clean copy, jJolished calf extra by W. Pratt Svo. London, printed for JV. Nicoll (1762) 225 Indians. The Day-Breaking if not the Sun-rising of the Gospell with the Indians in New England, very fine clean copy in orange morocco extra Uo. London, Rich. Cotes for Fulk Clifton, 1647 226 Indians. Some Account of the North- America Indians ; their Genius, Characters, Customs, and Dispositions, towards the French and English Nations. To which are added, Indian Mis- cellanies, viz. 1. The Speech of a Creek-Indian against the immoderate Use of Spirituous Liquors ; etc. etc. half roan Svo. London: R Griffiths (176 i) 227 Indians. An Enquiry into the Causes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British Interest, and into the Measures taken for recovering their Friendship. . . . Together with the remarkable Journal of Christian Frederic Post, by whose Negociations, among the Indians on the Ohio, they were withdrawn from the Interest of the French, good copy, folding map, half calf Svo. London, J. JVilkie, 1759 Very scarce and important pamphlet for the history of the Old French War. 228 ITINERARIUM PORTUGALLENSIUM e Lusitania in India & in de in occidentem & demum ad aquilonem, excessively rare, very fine copy in red morocco extra by Belz-Niedr4e folio. Mediolani, 1508 Contains three Voyages of Columbus and the third of Vespuccius besides those of Cadamustus, Pinzon, &;c. 229 Izquierdo (Sebastian, de la Compania de Jesus) Practica de los Exercicios Espirituales de Nuestro Padre San Ignacio, calf 16mo. Mexico, 1709 230 J. (S.) To Sions Louers, being a Golden Egge, to avoide Infection: or, a Short Step into the Doctrine of laying on of hands, etc. Looke not to Scottish, nor Dutch, New-England, nor Olde, behold the paterne, the Apostles fellowship and so go up by the Tents of the Shepheards, fine clean copy in calf extra ^ Uo. Printed in the yeare 1641 28 231 JAMES (Capt. Thomas) The Strange and Dangerous Voyage of Captaine Thomas lames, in his intended Discouery of the North West Passage into the South Sea. Wherein the Miseries Indvred both Going, Wintering, Returning, and the Rarities obserued^ both Philosophical! and Mathematicall, are related in this lournall of it. To which are added, A Plat or Card for the Sayling in those Seas. Diuers little Tables of the Author's, of the Variation of the Compasse, &c. With an Appendix con- cerning Longitude, by Master Henry Gellibrand Astronomy Reader of Gresham Colledge in London. And an Aduise con- cerning the Philosophy of these late Discoueryes, by W. W. extremely rare, good copy with the map, red morocco extra by Bedford Uo. London, John Legatt, for John Partridge, 1633 232 James (Thomas) The Dangerous Voyage of Capt. Thomas James, in his intended discovery of a North West Passage into the South Sea, the second edition, good clean copy with map, sprinkled calf extra 8vo. London, i^eprinted, 174:0 233 JEFFERSON (Thomas) Notes on the State of Virginia ; written in the year 1781, somewhat corrected and enlarged in the winter of 1782, for the use of a Foreigner of distinction, in answer to certain queries proposed by him, calf 8vo. [Paris] 1782 Excessively Raee, First Edition of which only a few copies were privately printed in Paris for the use of the friends of Mr. JefEerson. This copy bears the autographic presentation " Th. Jefferson to Col. Smith." The preface to the first published edition (Philadelphia, 1788, ftee next lot) tells us that " The following Notes were written in Virginia in the year 1781 and somewhat corrected and en- larged in the winter of 1782, in answer to Queries proposed to the author * * *. He had a few copies printed which he gave among his friends. * * * They are now offered to the public in their original form and language." 234 Jefferson (Thomas) Notes on the State of Virginia, calf, first published edition, see note to previous lot 8vo. Philadelphia, 1788 This edition appears to follow the original exactly, except that at the end is added a Third Appendix, '• An Act for establishing Religious Freedom, passed in the Assembly of Virginia in the beginning of the year 1786." 'H pages. 235 Jesuit Relation. See Ragueneau 236 Johnson (Sir William) An Account of Conferences held, and Treaties made, between Major-General Sir William Johnson, Bart, and the chief Sachems and Warriours of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, Senekas, &c. &c. Indian Nations in North America, at their Meetings on different Occasions at Fort Johnson, in 1755 and 1756. With a Letter from the Rev. Mr. Hawley to Sir William Johnson, written at the Desire of the Delaware Indians. And a Preface giving a short Account of the Six Nations, &c. half roan, clean and uncut, very scarce and important pamphlet 8m London, A. Millar, llbQ 237 JONES (Hugh, AM. Chaplain to the Hon. Assembly, and lately Minister of James-Town, &c. in Virginia) The Present State of Virginia. Giving a particular and short Account of the Indian, English and Negroe Inhabitants of that Colony. Shewing their Religion, Manners, Government, Trade, Way of Living, &c. with a Description of the Country. From whence is inferred a 29 short View of Maryland and North Carolina, very fine clean copy, elegantly hound by Pratt, red morocco quite plain outside, lined in- side with blue morocco, richly tooled with a gold denteUe border 8w. London, J. Clarke, 1724 The excessive rarity of this book is well known. The late Mr. Henry Stevens said this was the only copy that had come under his observation during his forty years' experience in London. It cost him £24 at auction a few years since. 238 Jones (Hugh) The Present State of Virginia, Sabin's reprint, clean uncut copy in half morocco, only 50 copies printed Svo. New York, Joseph Sabin, 1865 239 JOSSELYN (John) An Account of two Voyages to New-England. Wherein you have the setting out of a Ship, with the charges ; etc. The Government of the Country as it is now possessed by the English, etc. A large Chronological Table of the most re- markable passages, from the first discovering of the Continent of America, to the year 1673, fine clean copy in red morocco, by Pratt small Svo. London, Giles Widdows, 1674 240 Journal d'un Officier de I'Armee Navale en Amerique, en 1781 & 1782, half calf 8 vo. A msterdam, 1783 Scarce and historically important pamphlet, relating in a great measure to the Comte de Grasse, to whom the authorship is by many attributed. 241 Journal of the Expedition to La Guira and Porto Cavallos in the West-Indies, under the Command of Commodore Knowles, half calf Svo. London, 1744 242 Joutel. Journal Historique du Dernier Voyage que feu M. de la Sale fit dans le Golfe de Mexique, pour trouver I'embouchure, et le cours de la Riviere de Missicipi, mommee a present la Riviere de Saint Loiiis, qui traverse la Louisiane, folding map, good copy in old calf l2mo. A Paris, Estienne Robinot, 1713 243 Joutel. A Journal of the Last Voyage perform'd by Monsr. de la Sale, to the Gulph of Mexico, to find out the Mouth of the Mississipi River, map, half calf Svo. London, 1714 244 Kane (Paul) Wanderings of an Artist among the Indians of North America from Canada to Vancouver's Island and Oregon through the Hudson's Bay Company's Territory and back again, several coloured plates, tvoodcuts and map, Jialf morocco Svo. London, Longman's 1859 245 Keimer (Samuel) A Brand pluck'd from the Burning; exemplify'd in the unparallel'd Case of Samuel Keimer, half russia 12mo. London, 1718 Scarce and amusing Quaker Tract written by Keimer, the Philadelphia Printer, shortly before his departure for America. 246 Keith (George) More divisions amongst the Quakers ; as appears by the following Books of their own writing. Viz. I. The Christian Faith of New-England Quakers condemn'd by a Meeting of Pensilvanian Quakers. II. The false judgment of a yearly Meeting of Quakers in Maryland, condemn'd by George Keith, Thomas Budd, &c. all Quakers. To which is added, a discovery of this Mystery of Iniquity, by George Keith, fine clean large copy in polished calf extra, a small defect in 1 leaf neatly restored \to. London, Richard Baldwin, IQ'^Z 30 247 Keith (George) The Judgment given forth by Twenty-eight Quakers against George Keith, and his Friends, with Answers to the said Judgment, declaring those Twenty Eight Quakers to be No Christians. As also An Appeal (for which several were Imprisoned, &c.) by the said George Keith, &c. to the Yearly Meeting, Sept. 1692, polished calf extra, good large copy ' 4:to. Printed at Pennsilvania ; and noiv Re-pinted at London, for Richard Baldwin, 1694 248 Kennedy (Archibald) Serious Considerations on the Present State of the Affairs of the Northern Colonies, half roan, small hole in title Svo. New York printed, London reprinted [1754] 249 Kettell (Samuel) Specimens of American Poetry, with critical and biographical notices, in 3 vol. fine clean uncut copy in calf extra 8w. Boston, S. G. Goodrich & Co. 1829 250 KEYENS (Otto) Kurtzer Entwurff von Neu-Niederland von Guajana einander entgegen gesetzt, vmb den Vnterscheid zwischen warmen und kalten Landen herauz zu bringen, &c. Aus dem Hollandischen ins Hochteutsche versetzt, olive green morocco extra Uo. Leipzig, 1672 Very fine copy of one of the rarest of the early books relating to New York. 251 Kidd (Capt.) A Full Account of the Proceedings in Relation to Capt. Kidd. In two Letters. Written by a Person of Quality to a Kinsman of the Earl of Bellomont in Ireland, polished calf extra, slight defect at top of title ito. London, printed and sold by the Booksellers of London and Westminster, 1701 Scarce and highly interesting pamphlet. 252 Kidd (Capt. William) Articles of Agreement, made this 10th day of October in the Year of our Lord 1695 between the Right Honourable Richard Earl of Belloment of the one part, and Robert Levingston, Esq. ; and Capt. William Kidd of the other part, single folio leaf printed on both sides, neatly inlaid and restored a little at the bottom, folded and bound in red morocco extra London, printed in the year MDCGL 253 Knight & Buckingham. The Journals of Madam Knight and Rev. Mr. Buckingham, from the original manuscripts written in 1704 and 1710, j^olished blue calf eo-tra by Riach 12mo. New York: Wilder and Campbell, 1825 Madam Knight " was a resident of Boston, and a lady of uncommon literary attainments as well as of great taste and strength of mind." Her Journal was written on a journey from Boston to New York in 1704. The Rev. Mr. Buckingham was Minister of the second Presbyterian Church in Hartford, Conn, and his journal was written during the Expedition against Canada in 1710 and 1711, which he accompanied as chaplain to the Connecticut troops. 254 KNOX (Capt. John) An historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America for the years 1757, 1758, 1759 and 1760, containing the most remarkable occurrences of that period; particularly the two sieges of Quebec, &c. &c. The orders of the Admirals and general officers; descriptions of the Countries where the Author has served, with their forts and garrisons, their 31 Climates, soil, produce and a regular Diary of the Weather, 2 vol. very fine uncut copy, clean as neiv, bound by Pratt in 'polished red morocco extra large Uo. London : printed for the author, 1769 This work is invaluable as material for history of the old French War. It con- tains portraits of General Amherst and General Woolfe, and a large folding map of "The British Dominions in America according to the Treaty of 1763." Uncut copies in this state are excessively rare. 255 Lackington (J.) The Confessions of J. Lackington, late Bookseller, at the Temple of the Muses, good copy in mottled calf extra l2mo. New York, Robinson and Little, printers, Brooklyn, 1806 Probably the first Booh printed at Brooklyn. 256 La Hontan (Baron de) Voyages dans TAmerique Septentrionale, SECOND EDITION, 2 vol. numerous maps and plates, calf extra by Pratt 8m A La Haye, 1705 At the end of Vol. II is a " Dictionnaire de at Langue des Sauvages." 257 Langeac (Chevalier de) Colomb dans les fers, a Ferdinand et Isabelle, apres la d6couverte de TAmerique ; Epitre qui a remporte le prix de I'Acad^mie de Marseilles. Prec6d6e d'un Precis historique sur Colomb, fine copy in broivn calf extra by Eiach, 3 fine copper plate engravings by Marillier Svo. A Londres et se trouve a Paris, 1782 258 LAS CAS AS (Bartolome de) Las Obras, a remarkably fine, clean, large and sound complete set of the 9 blacfe letter tracts of Las- Casas, 8 in Spanish and 1 in Latin, bound by Pratt in red morocco extra, elegantly tooled in the Grolier style Uo. Sevilla, en casa de Sebastian Truxillo, 1552-53 These nine tracts were written between ISil, when the worthy Bishop with the Emperor was getting up the celebrated Leyes de las Indies of 1543 and 1550, when he was going into battle with Sepulveda, to prove that the conquest of the Indies was tyrannical, unjust and iniquitous. From the day of publication these tracts have maintained their historical importance, interest and rarity. Here follows a list of them : — 1. Brevissima relacion de la Destrucyon de las Indias. 2. Lo que se sigue es vn peda90 de vna carta, etc. 3. Aqui se contiene una disputa, o controversia. 4. Aqui se contienen treynta proposiciones. 5. Este es un tratado sobre los Indies que se han hecho en ellas esclavos. 6. Entre los remedies que Las Casas, 1542, refirio para reformacion de las Indias. 7. Aqui se contienen vnos auisos y reglas para los confessores. 8. Tratado comprobatorio del Imperio trinen sobre las Indias. 9. Principia queda ex quibus procedendum, &;c. 259 Las Casas. Histoire Admirable des Horribles Insolences, crvavtez, & tyrannies excercees par les Espagnols es Indes Occidentales, Fidelement traduite par Jaqves de Miggrode, old brotvn morocco extra, SCARCE edition sm. Svo. 1582 260 LAS CASAS' (Bischoff Bart, de) Warhafftiger und Grunde- LICHER Bericht der Hispanier grewlichen, und abschewlichen Tyranney von ihnen im den West-Indien, so die Neuwe Welt genennet wirt, begangen .... Jetzt erst ins Hochteutsch. . . . iibersetzt, und mit schonen figuren gezieret, title page within en- graved border representing the plunder and cruelties of the Spaniards; followed by a printed title page in red and black : Im Jahr, 1599 — Kurtz Erklarung der Fiirnembsten Thaten, so durch die 32 Spanier beschehen in etlichen Orten der neuwen Welt, So in folgenden KupfFerstiicken, schon, zierlich und kiinstlich derselben bey jeder Historien, jetzt ins Teutsch der gegeben werden, Amio Christi, 1599, letterpress title-page, arid 17 en- gravings by De Bry, with printed letterpress description beneath each, fine copy, brown calf extra, by W. Pratt, extremely rare Uo. Im Jahr, 1599 This first edition, of the two under the same date, has a second letterpress title- page in black and red, and contains 17 plates, besides the engraved border to the title of the first part, b)'' De Bry. It is not mentioned by Brunet or Grasse : the latter, however, gives the full title of the other variety, the second part of which consists of 15 plates only, with a woodcut title-page. Both editions are very rare. 261 Las Casas (Bartholome de) CEuvres de don Barthelemi de Las Casas, 6veque de Chiapa, D6fenseur de liberty des naturels de TAmerique ; Prec6d6es de sa Vie, et accompagnees de notes historiques, additions, &c. &c. avec Portrait. Par J. A. Llorente. 2 vol. clean as neiv, polished calf extra by W. Pratt, uncut 8vo. Paris, 1822 262 Law (William) An Extract from a treatise called the Spirit of Prayer, fine clean copy in polished red calf extra 8vo. Philadelphia: B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1760 A scarce example of the Franklin Press. 263 Lawrence (T. B.) An Exposition of the Difficulties between T. B. Lawrence, and his wife Sallie Ward Lawrence, which led to their Divorce. Prepared by T. B. Lawrence and his Counsel, blue calf super extra by Pratt, 8w. Boston, W. Little and Co. [1850] 264 Lawson (Deodat) Christ's Fidelity the only shield against Satan's Malignity asserted in a Sermon delivered at Salem- Village the 24th of March, 1692. Being Lecture-day there, and a time of Publick Examination, of some suspected for Witchcraft, the SECOND EDITION, calf extra by Bedford 12mo. Printed at Boston in New-England, and reprinted in London, 1704 One of the few books on '• 8alem Witchcraft " outside of the Mathers. There has been a puzzle about this being called the 2d edition, as the first edition in this form has not yet turned up. But it appeared in 1693 as a sort of Introduction to Increase Mather's " Cases of Conscience." This edition has 3 Dedications, and is certified to by Increase Mather, Charles Morton, James Allen, Samuel Willard, John Bailey and Cotton Mather. 265 Lawson (John, Surveyor-General of North-Carolina) The History of Carolina ; containing the Exact Description and Natural History of that Country; Together with the Present State thereof. And a Journal of a Thousand Miles, Travell'd thro' , several Nations of Indians. Giving a particular Account of their Customs, Manners, &c. fine clean copy, red rnorocco extra by W. Pratt, folding map and plate of animals, &c. Uo. London : W. Taylor and J. Baker, 1714 266 Le Beau (S^ C.) Avantures du S"* C. Le Beau, ou Voyage curieux et nouveau, Parmi les Sauvages de I'Amerique Septentrionale. Dans le Quel on trouvera une Description du Canada, &c. 2 vol. map and plates, old calf, good clean copy 8vo. Amsterdam, 1738 33 267 LECHFORD (Thomas) Plain Dealing, or Nevves from New- England. A short View of New-England's present Government, both Ecclesiasticall and Civil, compared with the anciently- received and established Government of England, in some materiall points ; fit for the gravest consideration in these times, large copy, icith some leaves rough at the hottom, title slightly soiled, otherwise good copy in red morocco extra by Pratt Uo. London, JF. B. and I. G. }m Nath. Butler, 1642 268 LE CLERCQ (Chrestienne) Premier Etablissement de la Foy dans la Nouvelle France contenant la pubHcation de I'Evangile, THistoire des Colonies Francoises, & les fameuses d^couvertes depuis le Fleuve de Saint Laurent, la Louisiane & le Fleuve Colbert jusqu'au Golphe Mexique, achev^es sous la conduite de feu Monsieur de la Salle. Avec les Victoires remport^es en Canada par les armes de sa Majeste sur les Anglois & les Iroquois in 1690, 2 vol. very fine dean copy, best red morocco extra by E. Thomas, excessively rare sm. 8vo. Paris. Amable Auroy, 1691 269 Le Clercq (Chrestien) Nouvelle Relation de la Gaspesie, qui contient les Mceurs & la Religion des Sauvages Gaspesiens Porte-Croix, adorateurs du Soleil, & d'autres Peuples de I'Amerique Septentrionale, dite le Canada, beautifully clean copy in red morocco extra by Pratt sm. Svo. Paris, cJiez Amable Auroy, 1691 270 LEDERER (John) The Discoveries of John Lederer, in three several Marches from Virginia to the West of Carolina, and other parts of the Continent : Begun in March 1669, and ended in September 1670. Together with a General Map of the whole Territory which he traversed. Collected and Translated out of Latin from his Discourse and Writings, by Sir William Talbot, Baronet, fine clean copy, elegantly bound by Bedford in green morocco extra, lined inside tvith orange morocco, richly tooled with a dentelle border, the volume is inserted in a neat brown morocco pull off case Uo. London, J. C. for Samuel Heyrick, 1672 Excessively rare, especially in this condition, with " A map of the whole terri- tory traversed by John Lederer in his three marches." The volume is dedicated by Sir William Talbot to Lord Ashley, one of the proprietors of Carolina. 271 LEE (Charles, 3fajor General) Proceedings of a General Court Martial, held at Brunswick, in the State of New-Jersey, by order of His Excellency General Washington, Commander-in- Chief of the Army of the United States of America, for the Trial of Major General Lee, July 4th, 1778, Major General Lord Stirling, President, good copy in dark blue morocco folio. Philadelphia : printed by John Dunlap, 1778 Very rare In this copy is inserted a fine impression of the French mezzotint portrait of Lee after Thomlinson. 272 Le Mercier (Andrew, Pastor of the French Church at Boston) A treatise against Detraction in ten sections, old calf 8vo. Boston, Daniel Henchman, 1733 273 Lery (Jean de) Histoire dVn Voyage fait en la Terre dv Bresil, avtrement dite Amerique, original edition and very scarce, fine clean copy in dark red morocco extra by Pratt Svo. A la Rochelle pour Antoine Chuppin, 1578 D 34 274 Lery. Historia Navigationis in Brasiliam quae et America dicitvr, FIRST Latin edition, fine clean copy, vellum Svo. \Gensvae\ Evstathivs Vignon, 1586 275 Lery. Historia Navigationis in Brasiliam qvse et America dicitvr, SECOND Latin edition, fine clean copy in green morocco extra by Pratt Svo. Genevce apucl hceredes Eustathij Vignon, 1594 276 Letter (A) To an Honourable Brigadier General, Commander-in- Chief of his Majesty's Forces in Canada, half roan 8w. London, J. Burd, 1760 277 Lettres Iroquoises, 2 vol. blue calf extra by Biach small Svo. A Irocopolis chez les VeneralleSf 1752 Scarce and curious work relating to the Indians. See also Rufus (J. J.) Lettres Clierakeesicniies, Lot 453. 278 LINSCHOTEN. John Hvighen van Linschoten, his DiscouRS OF Voyages into y'' Easte and West Indies. Deuided into foure Bookes, very fi7ie clean tall copy, complete ivith all the interior titles and the 1 2 folding maps, maroon morocco extra folio. London, John Wolfe, 1598 Desirable copy in every respect. 279 Little (Otis) The State of Trade in the Northern Colonies con- sidered ; with an Account of their Produce, and a particular Description of Nova Scotia, Jialf roan Svo. London, 1748 280 Loe (Thomas) Of Eegeneration, Joh. iii. 3, Except a Man be Born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God, foolscap folio broad- side, in poetry, folded and hound in calf Svo. \_New London], printed and sold by T. Green, 1729 281 Loefling (Petri) Iter Hispanicum, eller Eesa til Spanska landerna uti Europa och America, forrattad ifran ar 1751 til ar 1756, med beskrifningar och ron ofver de markvardigaste vaxter utgifven efter dess f ranfalle af Carl Linnaeus, mottled calf, 2 plates Svo. Stockholm, 1758 Invaluable work on American botany. The description of the " Plantae Ameri- canas " occupies pages 177-283. 282 Long (J.) Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, describing the Manners and Customs of the North American Indians; with an Account of the Posts situated on the River St. Laurence, Lake Ontario, &c. to which is added a Voca- bulary of the Chippeway Language, &c. very fine large clean uncut copy, half morocco, 7nap Uo. London, 1791 283 Loskiel (George Henry) History of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America, in 3 parts, trans, from the German by Christian Ignatius La Trobe, in 1 vol. cleaii as new, bound uncut, in half morocco Svo. ib. 1794 284 Loudon (Earl of) The Conduct of a Noble Commander in America, impartially reviewed, with the genuine Causes of the Discontents at New York and Halifax, and the true Occasion of the Delays in that important Expedition, &c. the second edition, half morocco Svo. ib. 1758 35 285 LuTHERi Catechismus. Ofwersatt pa American-Virginiske Spraket, fine clean copy in the original binding with the arms of Charles XI of Stveden on the sides, an engraved as well as a printed title Sw. Stockholm, 1696 Extremely rare. Pages 133-160 contain a " Vocabularium Barbaro- Virgineorum."' 286 McAlpine (John) Genuine Narratives, and Concise Memoirs of some of the most interesting Exploits and singular Adventures of J. McAlpine, a Native Highlander. From the time of his Emigration from Scotland to America, 1773; during the long period of his faithful attachment to, and hazardous attendance on the British Armys under the command of the Generals Carle- ton and Burgoyne, &c. 63 pages, original edition, exceedingly RARE, good copy in old calf gilt small Svo. Greenock, Printed and sold hy IV. M' Alpine, 1780 287 McAlpine (J.) Genuine Narratives, and concise Memoirs of some of the most interesting Exploits and singular Adventures of J. McAlpine, a native Highlander, from the time of his Emigration from Scotland to America in 1773; during the long period of his faithful attachment to, and hazardous attendance on the British Armys under the command of the Generals Carleton and Burgoyne. To which is added a description of Botany Bay, Nova Scotia and Canada, fine clean copy in polished calf extra small Svo. Prirded in the year 1788 This second impression is also very scarce, and is a reprint page for page, line for line, and almost word for word of the 1780 edition. It has, however, 9 additional pages, containing the account of Botany Bay, Nova Scotia and Canada, not in the first edition. 288 Mackenzie (Alexander) Voyages from Montreal, on the Eiver St. Laurence, through the Continent of North America, to the Pacific Oceans; in the Years 1789 and 1793, fine clean copy, mottled calf, portrait and 3 folding maps 4/0. London, T. Cadell, 1801 289 Macleod {Serjeaid Donald) Memoirs of the Life and gallant Ex- ploits of the old Highlander, Serjeant Donald Macleod, who, having returned wounded, with the Corpse of General Wolfe, from Quebec, was admitted an out-pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, in 11^^, half roan Svo. London, 1791 290 MacPherson (Donald) A Letter from Donald MacPherson, a young Lad who was sent to Virginia with Captain Toline, in the Year 1715, on account of his having joined his Chieftain in the Cause of his King and Country ; he was born near the House of Colloden, where his father then lived, a broadside folded and bound in red morocco extra by Pratt [c. 1717] This exceedingly rare and curious broadside, probably unique, is dated " Portobago in Marylan, te 2d June 1717, signed 'Tonal Makafcrson' and 'Directed, For Shames Makaferson, near te Lairt of CoUottin's Hous neir Inveriiess, in de Nort o Skotlan.' " A facsimile made from this copy was published some time since by Mr. Alfred Russell Smith. 291 Madison Agonistes : or, the Agonies of Mother Goose. Fragment of a Political Burletta as Acting, or to be Acted on the American Stage, fine clean copy in polished red calf extra Svo. London, 1814 A scarce satire in the form of a play. The Dramatis Personse include Raudolpho and Adamo, " Two members of the American Congress reported to be men of Honour and Principle 111" D 2 oG 292 Maine. An Address to the Inhabitants of the District of Maine. upon the subject of their separation from the present Govern- ment of Massachusetts, by one of their Fellow-Citizens, fine clean uncut cupy in red calf extra^ Uo. Portland, Thomas B. Wait, 1791 293 Martens (Friderich, vom Hamburg) Spitzbergische oder Groenland- ische Keisi Beschreibung gethan im Jahr, IQ71, fine clean copy in brown calf extra, with the fifteen copper plates of ships, scenery, birds, animals, &c. Uo. Hamburg, 1675 294 Martyr (Peter) De Nvper svb D. Carolo repertis Insulis, simulque insolarum moribus, E. Petri Martyris, Enchiridion, Dominse Margaritse, Diui Max. Cses. filise dicatum, very fine clean large copy in red morocco extra by Pratt, beautiful woodcut border to the title, probably by Holbein Uo. Basileae [H. Petri?] Anno 1521 295 MARTYR (Peter) De Orbe Nouo Petri Martyris ab Angleria Mediolanensis Protonotarii Cesaris senatoris decades, fine co'py in purple morocco extra, by Bedford, beautiful woodcut border to the title, representing the labours of Hercules folio. Gompluti apud Michaele d Eguia Anno mdxxx First complete edition of the eight decades, and of excessive rarity. 296 MARTYR (Peter) Petri Martyris ab Angleria Mediolanen. Ora- toris clarissimi, Fernandi & Helisabeth Hispaniarum quondam regum a consiliis, de rebus Oceanicis & Orbe nouo decades tres, very fine clean copy, 12f inches tall, in mar one morocco extra folio. Basilece per lo. Bobelium, 1533 297 Martyr, Oviedo & Xeres. Libro Primo della historia de rindie Occidentali. [On the verso] Svmmario de la generale his- toria de ITndie Occidentali cavato da libri scritti dal Signor Don Pietro Mar tyre del consiglio delle Indie, &c. — Libro Secondo delle Indie Occidentali composta da Gonzalo Ferdinando del Ouiedo — Libro vltimo del Svmmario delle Indie Occidentali (Xeres), good clean copy in vellum, with the rare map of " Isola Spagnvola" Uo. In Vinegia, Del mese cVOttobre, 1534 Excessively rare, the three parts occurring but seldom. The first is taken from Peter Martyr ; the second from Gonzalas Fernandez de Oviedo ; and the third is the narrative by Francisco de Xbrez of Pizarro's conquest of Peru and Cuzco, called New Castile, which is given in Spanish in the Salamanca edition of Oviedo of 1547. The small map is the earliest we have of St. Domingo. In this copy is inserted a facsimile of the map to which, on a leaf at the end of the Second Book, the reader is referred, and informed that it was prepared from two maps made in Seville. This map probably did not accompany the book, but was pub- lished separately. Only one copy is known, namely the one supplied by Mr. Stevens to Mr. Lenox in 1853, and from which Mr. Stevens had the facsimile made (see Henry Stevens's " Kecollections of Mr. James Lenox," chapter xvi, page 137). The small map of " Spagnvola " is also very rare. 298 Martyr (Peter) De Novis Insulis nuper repertis, & de moribus incolarum earundem, fine large copy, with some ro2igh leaves, bound by Pratt in broiun morocco extra small 8vo. Antverpice, In cedibus Joannis Steelsii, 1536 299 Martyr (Peter) Relationi del S. Pietro Martire Milanese. Delle cose notabili della prouincia dell' Egitto, calf small Svo. Vinetia Giorgio de Caualli, 1564 37 300 Martyr (Peter) De rebus oceanis et Novo Orbe, decades tres, Petri Martyris ab Angleria Mediolanensis, fine clean copy in green morocco extra, hy Riach small 8vo. Colonice apud Geruinum Calenium, 1574 301 MARTYR (Peter) De Orbe Novo Petri Martyris Anglerii Medio- lanensis^ Protonotarij, & Caroli quinti Senatoris Decades octo, diligenti temporum obseruatione, & vtilissimis annotationibus illustratse, su6que nitori restitute. Labore & industria RiCH- ARDI Haklvyti Oxoniensis Angli. Additus est in vsum lectoris accuratus totius operis index, veiy fine clean copy in red morocco extra by W. Pratt, with edges gilt over red, map 8w. Parisiis, Apud Gvillelmvm Awray, via D. loannis Bellouacensis, 1587 This copy contains an exquisite impression of the exceedingly rare copperplate map of America (8 inches by 6|) dated Paris, 1587. 302 Martyr (Peter) De Nouo Orbe, or The Historie of the West Indies, Contayning the actes and aduentures of the Spanyardes, which have conquered and peopled those Countries, inriched with Varietie of pleasant relation of the Manners, Ceremonies, Lawes, Gouernments, and Warres of the Indians. Comprised in 8 Decades. Written by Peter Martyr, a Millanoise of Angleria, Cheife Secretary to the Emperour Charles the Fift, and of his Priuie Councell. Whereof three have beene formerly translated into English, by R. Eden, whereunto the other fiue, are newly added by the Industrie, and painefull Trauaile of M. Lok Gent, good copy in green morocco extra Uo. London, Thomas Adams, 1612 See the next two lots. 303 Martyr (Peter) The Famovs Historie of the Indies : Declaring the Aduentures of the Spaniards, which have conquered these Countries, with Varietie of Relations of the Religions, Lawes, Gouernments, Manners, Ceremonies, Customes, Rites, Warres and Funerals of that People. Comprised into sundry Decads. Set forth first by Mr. Hackluyt, and now published by L. M. Gent, the second edition, good copy in brown moi'occo extra by Bedford ito. London, Michael Sparke, 1628 See note to the next lot. 304 Martyr (Peter) The Historie of the West Indies, containing the Actes and Aduentures of the Spaniards, which haue conquered and peopled those Countries, inriched with varietie of pleasant relation of the Manners, Ceremonies, Lawes, Gouvernments, and Warres of the Indians. Published in Latin by Mr. Hakluyt, and translated into English by M. Lok. Gent, good copy in blue morocco extra Uo. London, Andrew Hebb [.§. «.] " The above three volumes show the variations and transitions of this remarkable work. Peter Martyr's first Decade was surreptitiously printed in Latin in 1511, and his first three Decades, under his own editorship, in 1516. He died in 1526, and four years later appeared the whole eight Decades at Alcala (see Lot 295), forming the most authentic history of the discovery and exploration of America, 1492-1525, we have. In 1587, Hakluyt at Paris, at the instigation and expense of Sir Walter Ealegh. carefully re-edited and published the eight Decades in Latin, with alonghi.^torical Dedication to Ralegh, and a copious Index, adding an exquisite ma]) of the new hemisphere by Francis Gaulle, the best that had been constructed up to that date (see Lot 301). In 1555, the first three Decades had been printed in 38 Bnglisii by Richard Eden, with other pieces, and reprinted in 1577 by Willes, with additions. Hakluyt, after publishing his great collection of voyages, 1598-1600, induced various editors to translate such important works of this character as he had not included in his three volumes, Michael Lok undertaking Peter Martyr, which was finished in time to be entered at the Stationers' Hall for copyright of the Decade by Thomas Adams, 9th April, 1612. The copyright of the first three Decades having come into the hands of George Bishop, who died in 1611, his widow assigned, with the consent of the Stationers' Company, his stock of copyrights (33 or more) to the said Thomas Adams, who, as above, completed the" work in the eight Decades by reprinting the first three and adding the remaining five. On June 22, 1621, Andrew Hebb took up his freedom in the Stationers' Company, but no books appear to have been entered for his copyright until the 6th of May, 1625, when the stock of copyrights of Thomas Adams appear entered to him by assignment from the widow of Adams. This book is not in the recorded list of that date, but as there is no previous entry to Hebb; it is pretty certain that Hebb's title could not have been issued prior to 1625 ; and the fact of the four pages Latin Dedication to King James being omitted tends to prove this, as James died in 1625. This chronology is important, because certain American bibliographers and collectors have of late assigned various dates to Hebb's issue, even as far back as 1597, and calling it the first edition, but a com- parison with Adams's title disproves this. Hebb continued to have books entered to him till 1637. Hazlittis therefore probably in error in assigning [1640] as the time of this issue. It is possible that the title issued by Michael Sparke senior, called ' The Second Edition,' and bearing date 1628, may have been prior to that of Hebb, and that Sparke may have got possession of Adams's remainder, and sub- sequently sold the whole or part of it to Hebb, or they may have shared it, as Sparke had done, with the great works of Purchas, Capt. John Smith and others. If Sparke's title was later than Hebb's, he may have forgotten Adams's edition of fourteen years previous, and, regarding Hebb's as the first edition, called his own the second. There is no doubt all three editions are from the same original stock , and are identical in all respects except the titles, and the two leaves of Latin Dedication which appear only in Adams's edition." — Henry Stevens. SECOND DAY'S SALE, SIZES MIXED. Lot 305. ARVIN (J. G, CounceUor at Laiv) Legal Bibliography, or a Thesaurus of American, English, Irish and Scotch Law Books. Together with some Continental Treatises, inter- spersed with Critical Observations upon their various editions and authority. To which is prefixed a copious list of abbreviations, fine copy, law sheep 8vo. Philadelphia, T. & J. W. Johnson, 1847 This rare volume has long been out of print. It is the best early bibliography of the subject. 306 Maryland. An Address to the People of Maryland, on the origin, progress and present state of French Aggression, with a sketch of the infamous attempts to degrade the Government of the United States, half calf 8w. Philadelphia, John Fenno, 1798 307 Massachusettensis : or a Series of Letters, containing a faithful state of many important and striking facts, which laid the foun- dation of the Present Troubles in the Province of the Massa- chusetts-Bay, by a Person of Honor upon the Spot, fourth edition, half ccdf 8m Lojidon, J. Alathews, 177 Q 308 MASSACHUSETTS, or the first Planters of New England, the End and Manner of their coming thither, and Abode there : in several Epistles, mottled calf extra sm. Svo. Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1696 Excellent copy, with good margins, of this very rare tract. One leaf being crookedly printed, is slightly cut into in the fore edge, A tiny hole in b 2. One or two leaves uncut at the bottom. 309 Massachusetts. The Case of His Majesty's Province of the Massa- chusetts Bay in New England, with respect to the Expences they were at in taking and securing Cape Breton, 2 leaves, large folio, folded and hoitnd in half red morocco Uo. [London, 1750] 310 MASSACHUSETTS BAY. The Charter Granted by their Majesties King William and Queen Mary to the Inhabitants of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, Boston, B. Green, 1714 — Acts and Laws of her Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, verij fine copies, clean as new, hound by Pratt in red morocco extra folio. Boston, B. Green, 1714 This copy contains the three table leaves at the end usually wanting. 40 311 Mather (Cotton) The Life and Death of Mr. John Eliot, who was the first Preacher of the Gospel to the Indians in America, third edition, nice clean copy in blue calfextra, by Pratt, \2ino. London, 1694 312 Mather (Cotton) Ecclesiastes. The Life of the Eeverend and Excellent Jonathan Mitchel, a Pastor of the Church, and a Glory of the CoUedge in Cambridge, New England, capital clean sound copy, but having one leaf {pages 93-4) supplied in excellent fac- simile, dark green calf extra by Pratt sm. Svo. Massachuset, printed by B. Green and J. Allen. Sold at the Booksellers shops in Boston, 1697 313 Mather (Cotton) Death made Easie and Happy. Two brief Dis- courses on the prudent Apprehensions of Death, calf extra by Pratt, the catchwords of a few leaves slightly cut into l2mo. London, 1701 314 MATHER (Cotton) MagnaHa Christi Americana: or the Eccle- siastical History of New England, from its First Planting in the year 1620, unto the Year of our Lord, 1698, fine clean copy in- black morocco extra, by Pratt, folio. London, Thomas Parkhurst, 1702 At the end of this copy is inserted a facsimile of two pages of Errata, reproduced from the original which was in the possession of the late Mr. Henry Stevens and believed to be unique. 315 Mather (Cotton) Decus ac Tutatem. A brief Essay on the Blessings enjoyed by a People that have Men of a Right Character shining among them. Offered in Commemoration of that Good and Great Man the Hon. Gurdon Saltonstall, Esq. late Governour of Connecticut Colony, nice clean copy in red morocco extra, a feio catchwords very slightly clipped sm. Svo. Neio London, T. Green, 1724 316 Mather (Cotton) Manuductio ad Ministerium. Directions for a Candidate of the Ministry, good copy in mottled calf extra sm. Svo. Boston, Thomas Hancock, 1726 317 Mather (Cotton) Israel's Mourning for Aaron's Death. A Sermon preached after the Death of the very Reverend and Learned Cotton Mather, D.D. by Joshua Gee, clean cojyyin brown calf extra Svo. Boston, S. Gerrish, 17 2S 318 Mather (Increase) The Mystery of Israel's Salvation, explained and applyed : or a Discourse concerning the general conversion of the Israelitish Nation, good copy in polished blue morocco extra, by Pratt sm. Svo. Printed in the ijear 1669 Some copies have the imprint " London, Printed for John Allen in Wentworth Street, near Bell Lane, 1669." 319 MATHER (Increase) An Essay for the recording of Illustrious Providences : wherein an Account is given of many Remarkable and very Memorable Events which have happened in this last Age, especially in New England, very good copy in dark blue morocco extra sm. Svo. Printed at Boston in New England, 1684 Probably the most historically important of all Increase Mather's Works. This volume is often confounded with Cotton Mather's " Late Memorable Providences," which is similar in size but only about one third as thick. 41 320 Mather (Increase) The Mystery of Christ opened and applyed. In several Sermons, concerning the Person, Office and Glory of Jesus Christ, good clean sound copy, in blue morocco extra, by W! Pratt sm. Svo. Printed at Boston in New England, anno 1686 321 Mather (Increase) De Successu Evangelij apud Indos in N'ova- Anglia Epistola ad CI. Virum D. Johannem Leusdenum, clean copy of a scarce tract, plain morocco, sm. 8oo. Londini, Tyjjis J. G. 1688 322 Mather (Increase) David serving his Generation. A Sermon, wherein some account is given concerning many Eminent Ministers of Christ at London, as well as in N.E. (lately gone to their rest). Occasioned by the Death of the Eev. Mr. John Baily, who deceased at Boston Dec. 12, 1697, capital copy, ivith some leaves uncut at the bottom, vellum sm. Svo. Boston, B. Green and J. Allen, 1698 323 Mather (Increase) A Sermon shewing that the present dispen- sations of Providence declare that wonderful Revolutions in the World are near at hand, 32 pages, dark green calf extra, by Birdsall and Son Uo. Edinburgh, 1710 A scarce and little known edition, seldom found in a "Mather" Collection. The original, which was published in Boston in the previous year, is also scarce. 324 Mather (Increase) Several Sermons wherein is shewed, I. That Jesus Christ is a Mighty Saviour. II. That God Converts His Elect some at one Age, and some at Another, Commonly before Old Age. III. That when Godly Men dye. Angels carry their Souls to another and a better World. With a Preface, in which there is a brief and true Character of the Reverend Mr. Thomas Bridge, a lately deceased Pastor in one of the Churches in Boston, capital clean copy, one or two catchwords slightly clipped, red morocco extra by W. Pratt, the title is marked A 2, but there is no blank leaf before it l2mo. Boston, printed by B. Green for Benjamin Eliot at his shop, 1715 325 Mather (Increase) Memoirs of the Life of the late Reverend Increase Mather, D.D. who died August 23, 1723. With a Preface by the Rev. Edmund Calamy, D.D. portrait, half calf Svo. London, 1725 At the end is a printed list of 84 of the works of this illustrious author. 326 Maude (John) Visit to the Falls of Niagara in 1800, large paper COPY, with plates on india p)aper, morocco gilt super royal Svo. ib. 1826 Presentation copy, " To John Naylor, junr, Esq. from the Author." " Only four copies printed upon this paper." Inserted in this copy are 16 pages of *' Additional Notes," printed as late as 1840. 327 Mauro (Fiorentino) Sphera volgare novamente tradotta con molte notande addition! di Geometria, Cosmographia, Arte navicatoria, &c. fine copy in red mmvcco extra by Pratt ito. In Venetia, per Bartholomeo Zanetti, 1537 Excessively rare. Beautiful woodcut borders to title and two other pages, and several woodcuts in the text, amongst which are two Globes, each bearing THE word America. In the table of Longitude and Latitude " Ameriga isola IN mezo," appears as 330 and 10 degrees respectively. This copy contains, at the end, a leaf of ' ' Corettioni delli errore," followed by a leaf blank with the excep- tion of a woodcut horn at the foot of the recto. The volume is described by Han-isse, B.A.V. No, 219, 42 328 Maximiltanus Transylvanus & Pigafetta. II Viaggio fatto da gli Spagnivoli a torno a'l Mondo, fine clean copy in dark green polished moivcco ito. 1536 This volume contains two accounts of Magellan's Voyage Kound the World, 1519-1522, the first written by Maximilianus Transylvanus, and published originally in Latin, at Cologne and Rome, 1523 ; the second by Antonio Pigafetta, first pub- lished in French at Paris, 1525. Both are here translated into Italian and pub- lished together, with an introduction. It is usually supposed this volume was printed at Venice. 329 Mayhew (Experience, Preacher to the Indians in Martha's Vineyard) A Discourse shewing that God Dealeth with Men as with Reasonable Creatures, in a Sermon preach'd at Boston, N.E. Nov. 23, 1718. With a brief account of the State of the Indians on Martha's Vineyard, and the small Islands adja- cent in Dukes County, from the year 1694 to 1720, good sound clean copy, two or three leaves very slightly cut into, red morocco extra, by Pratt sm. 8vo. Boston, B. Green for Samuel Gerrish, 1720 330 Mayhew (Jonathan) Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts ; designed to shew their Non-conformity to each other, &c. to which is subjoined Apthorp's Considerations, good clean copy in calf, luith numerous interesting manuscript notes Svo. London, W. Nicoll, 1763 331 Medina (Pedro de) L'Arte del Navegar, in laqval contengono le Regole, dechiarationi, secreti, & auisi, alia bona nauegation necessarij, j^'«e clean copy in polished ccdf extra Uo. Venetia, 1555 332 MEMORIAL (A.) containing a Summary View of Facts, with their Authorities, in Answer to the Observations sent by the English Ministry to the Courts of Europe, translated from the French 8w. Philadelphia : Printed by James Chattin, 1757 Probably the rarest and most imi)ortant history of the struggle between the English and the French on the American Continent. This coi)y is probably unique in condition, being perfectly clean and uncut, and sumptuously bound by Pratt, in dark blue morocco extra, with gold centre stamp on sides, lined inside with red morocco richly tooled with a broad gold border. A copy was sold by auction in London in 1884 for £19. 333 Memorial (A.) of the Case of the German Emigrants settled in the British Colonies of Pensilvania, and the back parts of Maryland, Virginia, &c. fine copy, blue ccdf extra Uo. London, 1754 334 Michaelius (Jonas) The First Minister of the Dutch Eeformed Church in the United States : Facsimile of his Letter, the only extant, written during the first years of the Settlement of New- York. With transcript, preface and English translation by the late Hon. Henry C. Murphy, half m&i'occo folio. Amsterdam, F. Muller, 1883 335 MiCMACS. An Account of the Customs and Manners of the Micmakis and Maricheets Savage Nations, Now Dependent on the Government of Cape-Breton. From An Original French Manuscript-Letter, Never Published, Written by a French Abbot, good clean copy in half roan Svo. London, 1758 43 336 Mittelbergers (Gottlieb) Reise nach Pennsylvanien ini Jahr, 1750, und Rukreise nach Teutschland im Jahr 1754. Enthaltend niciit niir eine Beschreibung des Landes nach seinem gegen- wartigen Zuftande, Sondern auch eine ausfuhrliche Nachricht von den unglukseh'gen und betrubten Umstanden der meisten Teutschen, die in dieses Land gezogen sind, und dahin ziehen, good copy in 'polished calf extra by Pratt small 8vo. Stuttgard, 1756 Mittelberger was a Music Master who settled at New Providence, in Pennsyl- vania, where he held the office of schoolmaster and organist for three years. His little book is of considerable importance for the history of the Grerman settlers in Pennsylvania. 337 Mohawk. The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church. To which is added the Gospel according to St. Mark, translated into the Mohawk Language, by Capt° Joseph Brant, an Indian of the Mohawk Nation, old calf, good clean copy, ivith the 18 cop)per- plate engravings 8vo. London, 1787 The English and Mohawk are printed on opposite pages. The frontispiece depicts the Mohawk deputation received by George III. 338 MOLINA (Alonso de) Vocabulario en Lengva Castellana y Mexi- cana, compuesto por el muy Reuerendo Padre Fray Alonso de Molina, de la Orden del bienauenturado nuestro Padre sant Fran- cisco. Dirigido al muy Excelento Senor Don Martin Enriquez, Visorrey destanueua Espana, excessively rare, unusually fine copy with good margins, corner of the last leaf neatly mended and restored, and very trifling restorations in a feiv pages mostly defects in the paper, gros grained red mmvcco extra by Pratt folio. En Meoico, En casa de Antonio de Spinosa, 1571 It is a long time since so fine and desirable a copy of this rare l)Ook was sold at auction. 339 Monardes (Nicolas) Histoire des Simples Medicamens apport^s de L'Ameriqve, desqvels on se sert en la Medecine. Escrite pre- mierement en Espagnol, par M. Nicolas Monard, Medecin de Siuille. Et nouuellement traduicte en Fran9ois par Anthoine Colin. Edition seconde augmentee de plusiers figures & Anno- tations, polished calf extra by W. Pratt, fine clean copy Svo. A. Lyon, lean Pillehotte, 1619 340 Morgan (Abel, of Middletown in East Jersey) Anti-Psedo-Rantism ; or Mr. Samuel Finley's Charitable Plea for the Speechless Examined and Refuted : The Baptism of Believers Maintain'd ; and the Mode of it, by Immersion, Vindicated, title and next leaf very slightly damaged, otherwise good copy in polished calf, some leaves close cut in the pagination Svo. Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1747 341 Morgan (John) A Discourse upon the institution of Medical Schools in America delivered at a Public Anniversary Commencement, held in the College of Philadelphia, May 30 and 31, 1765, with a Preface and the Author's Apology for attempting to introduce the regular mode of practising Physic in Philadelphia, j^oZis/i^rZ blue calf extra Svo. Philadelphia, William Bradford, 1765 44 342 MOETON (Thomas) New English Canaan or New Canaan. Con- taining an Abstract of New England, ///c dean copy, elegantly bound by Pratt in polished green morocco extra, finished in the Roger Payne style, a small hole in the title neatly restored ito. Amsterdam, Jacob Frederich Stam,, 1637 343 MouNTGOMERY {Sir Robert) A Discourse concerning the design'd Establishment of a New Colony to the South of Carolina, in the Most delightful Country of the Universe, good copy, polished calf extra by W. Pratt Svo. London: Printed in the Year 1717 This copy has the rare folding plate, " A Plan representing the Form of Settling the Districts or County Divisions in the Margravate of Azilia." 344 Muller (G. P.) Voyages et D^couvertes faites par les Russes le long des cotes de la Mer Glaciale & sur TOcean Oriental, tant vers le Japon que vers TAmerique, etc. 2 vol. calf, large folding map 12mo. A. Amsterdam, Chez M. Piey, 1766 Important for the history of the countries adjacent to Behring's Straits. 345 Narrative (A Short) and Justification of the Proceedings of the Committee appointed by the Adventurers, to prosecute the Discovery of the Passage to the Western Ocean of America ; and to Open and Extend the Trade, and Settle the Countries beyond Hudson's Bay, etc. half roan 8w. London, 1749 346 Neal (Daniel) The History of New-England, containing an Im- partial Account of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Affairs of the Country, 2 vol. cajf, map Svo. London, J. Clark, 1720 NEW ENGLAND. THE FOLLOWING NINE LOTS (347 TO 355 INCLUSIVE) RELATING TO THE PROPAGA- TION OF THE GOSPEL AMONGST THE INDIANS IN NEW ENGLAND, 1643-1671, WILL BE OFFERED FIRST IN ONE LOT AT THE UPSET PRICE OF 100 GUINEAS. If not sold they will then be offered separately. Mr. Stevens considered this set of Tracts as amongst the finest gems of his collection. The nine volumes are tastefully bound by Pratt in different colours, BUT TOOLED TO A UNIFORM PATTERN. ThE CONDITION TAKEN AS A WHOLE IS PERHAPS UNIQUE, AS REFERENCE TO THE DESCRIPTION OF EACH VOLUME WILL TESTIFY. Mr. Stevens valued the collection at 135 Guineas. 347 New Englands First Fruits in respect ( Conversion of some ^ First of < Conviction of divers > of the Indians. I Preparation of sundry j 2. Of the progresse of Learning, in the Colledge at Cambridge in Massachusets Bay, very fine copy m broivn morocco extra ito. London, R. 0. cmd G. D. for Henry Overton, 1643 348 New England. The Day -breaking if not the Sun-rising of the Gospel with the Indians in New England, very fine clean copy in green morocco extra Uo. London, Rich. Cotes, for Fiilk Clifton, 1647 45 349 New England. Shepard (Thomas) The Clear Sun-shine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in New England, orange morocco extra ito. London, R. Cotes for John Bellamy, 1648 Very fine clean copy, tall and wide, having more than half of the leaves uncut at the bottom. The sidenote of one leaf very slightly cut into through irregular printing. 350 New England. Winslow (Edward) The Glorious Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England, fine copj, especially wide, the headlines of two leaves slightly clipped, dark blue morocco extra ito. London, Hannah Allen, 1649 351 New England. Whitfield (Henry) The Light appearing more and more towards the perfect Day. Or a farther Discovery of the present state of the Indians in New-England, concerning the Progresse of the Gospel amongst them, very fine clean copy in brown morocco extra Uo. London, T. R. and E. M. for John Bartlet, 1651 352 New England. Strength out of Weaknesse ; or a glorious mani- festation of the further Progresse of the Gospel among the Indians in New-England, very fine clean large copy, almost every leaf uncut at the bottom, dark blue morocco Uo. London, M. Simmons for John Blague and Samuel Howes, 1652 353 New England. Eliot (John) and Mayhew (Thomas) Tears of Repentance : or, a further Narrative of the Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England, ^i/ie large copy in red morocco extra Uo. London: Peter Cole, 1653 354 New England. Eliot (John) A late and further manifestation of the Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England, ver^f fine clean copy in dark blue morocco extra Uo. London: Printed by M. S. 1655 355 New England. Elliot (John) A brief narrative of the Progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England, in the Year 1670, fine clean copy in dark green morocco Uo. London, John Allen, 1671 356 New England. A History of New-England. From the English planting in the Yeere 1628 untill the Yeere 1652. Declaring the form of their Government, Civill, Military, and Ecclesiastique. Their Wars with the Indians, their Troubles with the Gortonists, and other Heretiques, good sowid copy bound by Pratt, in straight- grained red morocco, elegantly tooled in the Roger Payne style, a few leaves slightly cut into Uo. London, Math. Brooke, 1654 The Author of this very rare book was Captain Edward Johnson of Woburn, Mass. Four years after its publication Brooke the same publisher issued Gorges' America Painted to the Life, incorporating Johnson's Book with it. Grorges has been much blamed for the piracy, but the late Mr. Henry Stevens was enabled, in 1881, for the first time, to explain this matter and clear Gorges of the imputation of literary thievery. Johnson's book belonged to Brooke, and not being swift of sale, after four years, when publishing Gorges' book, he took upon himself the responsibility of working in and ofE his dead stock. As soon as Gorges found out this trick of his publisher he inserted in the Mereuritis Puhlicus, Newspaper of the 13th Sept, 1660, the following " Advertisement. I Ferdinando Gorges, the entituled Author of a late Book, called America Painted to the Life, am injured in that additional Part, called Sion's Saviour IN New England, (as written by Sir Ferdinando Gorges ;) that being none of his, and formerly printed in another name, the true owner." 46 357 NEW ENGLAND The Present State of New-England, with respect to the Indian War. Wherein is an Account of the true Eeason thereof. Faithfully composed by a Merchant of Boston, 10 leaves, London, 1675— A Continuation of the State of New- England ; being a farther account of the Indian Warr, and of the engagement betwixt the Joynt forces of the United English Collonies and the Indians, on the 19th of December, 1675, 10 leaves, London, 1676 — A new and further Narrative of the state of New-England, being a continued Account of the Bloudy Indian- War, from March till August, 1676, 8 leaves, London, 1676 — A True Account of the most considerable occurrences that have hapned in the Warre between the English and the Indians in New-England, from the fifth of May, 1676, to the fourth of August last, 6 leaves, London, 167 6, fine dean copies of these four rare tracts, each separately hound in half green mmvcco extra to a uniform pattern, the first tract has some leaves uncut folio. London, 1675-6 358 New England. The Deplorable State of New-England by reason of a covetous and treacherous Governour, and pusillanimous Counsellors. With a vindication of the Hon. Mr. Higginson, Mr. Mason, &c. To which is added an Account of the shameful miscarriage of the late Expedition against Port-Royal, mottled calf extra 8vo. London, printed in the Year 1 708 359 NEW ENGLAND SYNOD. Antinomians and Familists con- demned by the Synod of Elders in New-England : with the Proceedings of the Magistrates against them, and their Apology for the Same. Together with a Memorable example of God's ludgements upon some of those Persons so proceeded against, polished light brown calf extra by JF. Frcdt, good clean ivide copy, but some leaves cut into at the bottom, and one corner damaged, very RARE 4to. London, printed for Balph Smith, 164^4: 360 NEW ENGLAND SYNOD. Propositions concerning the Subject of Bfiptism and Consociation of Churches ; Collected and Con- firmed out of the Word of God, by a Synod of Elders and Messengers of the Churches in Massachusets-Colony in New- England. Assembled at Boston, according to the Appointment of the Honoured General Court, in the Year, 1662, green morocco extra by W. Pratt Uo. Printed in the Year [at Cambridge in N.E.] 1662 Excessively rare, and of great historical importance. Good sound copy and com- plete, except that some leaves are closely cut, and others slightly cut into by reason of irregular printing and folding. 361 NEW JERSEY. A Bill in the Chancery of New Jersey, at the suit of John Earl of Stair, and others, Proprietors of the Eastern-Division of New Jersey ; against Benjamin Bond, and some other Persons of Elizabeth-Toun distinguished by the Name of the Clinker Lot Eight Men. With three large Maps done from Copper Plates. To which is added the Publications of the Council of Proprietors of East New Jersey and Mr. Nevill's Speeches concerning the Riots committed in New-Jersey folio. Printed by James Parker in Neiv York 1747 and afetv copies arc to be sold by him and Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia. Excessively rare, and of the utmost historical importance. This copy is sumptu- ously bound by Pratt, at a cost of over £8, in dark blue morocco extra, the sides covered with an elaborate pattern of interlaced and mitred lines ; a fine specimen of modern English binding. 47 362 NEW NETHERLAND. West-Indische Compagnie Articulen * * * over het open ende vry stellen vanden Handel ende Negotie op de Stadt Olinda de Parnambuco, ende Custen van Brasil. Hier zijn achter by ghedruckt De Vryheden van Nieu-Nederlant, 12 leaves unbound Uo. fAmstelredam, Marten Jansz. Brant, 1631 The portion relating to New Netherland occupies the last six leaves, and is the second edition of the Privileges granted by the W. I. Company " to all who may plant a colony in New Netherland." The lirst edition was separately printed in the previous year, and was the first publication having direct reference to New Netherland, consequently this is the second publication on the same subject. A copy, possibly this identical one, was marked 75 dols. by Mr. Muller as far back as 1850, which attests its rarity. This copy is slightly stained and damaged at the foot, but as it has not been washed or tampered with it can easily be restored when bound. 363 NEW NETHERLAND. Conditien, die door de Heeren Bvrger- meesteren der Stadt Amstelredam volgens't gemaeckte Accoordt met de West-Indische Compagnie, ende d'Approbatie van hare Hog. Mog. de Heeren Staten Generael der Vereenighde Neder- landen, daer op gevolght, gepresenteert werden aen alle de gene, die als Coloniers na Nieuw-Nederlandt willen vertrecken, &c. eight leaves, the last blank, unbound ito. fA7nsterdam, Jan Banning, 16.56 This rare tract contains the conditions offered by the Burgomasters of the City of Amsterdam, to all who would go ^s Colonists to New Netherland. These Condi- tions were reprinted in the same year, in four leaves, and appended by Adrian van der Donck to his second edition of the Description of New Netherland. This separ- ate edition is extremely scarce. 364 NEW NETHERLAND. Kort Verhael van Nievw-Nederlants Gelegentheit, Deughden, Natuer lijke Voorrechten, en byzondere bequaemheidt ter bevolkingh, fine cleari copy in limp vellum ito. Gedrecht in't Jaer, IQQ2 This is one of the rarest of the early Dutch books relating to New Netherland. It is described at some length by Asher, No. 13, and is quoted by O'Callaghan and Brodhead. The volume is so rare that the late Mr. F. Muller wrote in 1872, that he had only met with 3 copies in 20 years. 365 NEW YORK. A Journal of the Proceedings in the detection of the Conspiracy formed by some white People in conjunction with Negro and other Slaves for burning the City of New-York in America and murdering the Inhabitants. By the Recorder of the City of New York [Daniel Horsmanden], good sound copy in tree-calf extra, tiny hole in one leaf and two leaves very slightly cut into, one in the headline and the other in the catchword ito. New York, James Parker, 1744 A volume of extraordinary rarity. The Menzies' copy sold for 240 dols. in 1875, and a London bookseller marks a copy £45, remarking, " I know of no other copy sold in the London market." 366 New York. An Alarm to the Legislature of the Province of New- York, occasioned by the present Political Disturbances, in North America : Addressed To the Honourable Representatives in General Assembly Convened, polished blue calf extra 8vo. New York, James Rivington, 1775 At the end is a two-page list of 13 pamphlets " relating to the present controversy between Great Britain and the Colonies," published by James Rivington. Impor- tant for the bibliography of the subject. 48 367 New York. An Address of the Convention of the Representatives of the State of New York, to their Constituents, good copy of a scarce tract, half morocco Svo. Fisk-kill : Printed by S. London. Nonvich : Be-printed, Green ^ Spooner [1777] 368 Nicholson (Francis) An Apology or Vindication of Francis Nichol- son, Esq. His Majesty's Governor of South-Carolina, from the unjust aspersions cast on him by some of the Members of the Bahama Company, green calf extra Svo. London, 1724 369 Nodal (Bartolome Garcia de) Kelacion del Viaje qve por orden de sv Mag*^ y Acverdo del Real Consejo de Indias. Hizieron los Capitanes Bartolome Garcia de Nodal, y Gon^alo de Nodal her- manos, naturales de Ponte Vedra, al descubrimiento del Estrecho nuebo de S. Vicente y reconosimi" del de Magallanes, fine copy in black morocco extra, by Pratt, engraved title-page with portraits of the two Nodals Uo. En Madrid Por Fernando Correade Montenegro, Ano 1621 This Original Edition is excessively rare. The map is four times the size of the one in the 1769 edition (see next lot). 370 Nodal (Bartholome Garcia de & Gonzalo de) Relacion del Viage, que par orden de su majestad, y acuerdo de el real consejo de Indias, al descubrimiento del Estrecho Nuevo de San Vicente, que hoy es nombrado de Maire, y lieconocimiento del de Magal- lanes, fine copy with map, clean as neiv, in the original limp vellum, ito. Cadiz, n. d. Licence dated 1766 and map 1769 371 North-Carolina. A Collection of all the Acts of Assembly, of the Province of North-Carolina, now' in force and use. Together with all such laws as are obsolete, expired or repealed. In Two Volumes. With Marginal Notes and References, and an exact Table to the whole, in one volume, old calf Uo. Newbern. Printed by James Davis Printer to the Honourable the Commons House of Assembly, ill Q 5 372 Nova Scotia. Historische und Geographische Beschreibung von Neu-Schottland, darinnen von der Lage, Grosse, etc. des Landes wie auch von den Sitten und Gewohnheiten der Indianer etc. 216 pp. title in red and black, fine clean copy in polished blue calf extra Svo. Franckfurt und Leipzig, 1750 373 Nova Scotia. Explanation for the New Map of Nova Scotia and Cape Britain, with the Adjacent Parts of New England and Canada, half roan, uncut Uo. London, T. Jefferys, 1755 374 Nova Scotia. A Letter from a Gentleman in Nova-Scotia, to a Person of Distinction on the Continent. Describing the present State of Government in that Colony. With some seasonable ^eiasirlis, half calf extra Uo. Printed 17 5Q This rare tract is signed J. W. and appears to have been privately printed. 375 Nova Scotia. An Account of the Present State of Nova-Scotia : in two letters to a Noble Lord : one from a Gentleman in the Navy lately arrived from thence. The other from a Gentleman who long resided there, half calf extra 4:to. London, printed 1756 The first letter is signed J. B, : and the second W. M. 49 376 Nova Scotia. Remarks on the Climate, Produce, and Natural Advantages of Nova Scotia. In a Letter to the Right Hon. the Earl of Macclesfield, ma^:>, half morocco, uncut Svo. London, J. Debrett [c. 1790] 377 Noyes (James, Minister of Newbury in New England) Moses and Aaron : Or, the Rights of Church and State : containing two Disputations, &c. Published by Benj. Woodbridge, Rector of Newbury in the County of Berks, half roan Uo. London, E. Faxton, 1661 The Dedication and the Epistle to the reader are both signed by " Thomas Parker, a Minister of the Gospel, though unworthj^ and Pastor to the Church of Newbury, in New England. Written from Newbury, in New England, Aug. 6, 1660." 378 Noyes (Nicholas, Teacher of the Church at Salem) New-Englands Duty and Interest, to be an Habitation of Justice, and Moun- tain of Holiness. Containing Doctrine, Caution and Comfort with something relating to the Restaurations, Reformations and Benedictions Promised to the Church and World in the latter dayes ; With grounds of Hope that America in General, & New- England in Particular, may have a Part therein. Preached to the General Assembly of the Province of the Massachusetts- Bay, at the Anniversary Election. May 25, 1698, unusually good copy, a few leaves a little stained, and one or tivo slightly clipped 01' othenoise defective, mottled calf extra small Svo. Boston in New England, Printed by Bartholomew Green and John Allen J Printers to the Governour & Council, 1698 One of the earliest and rarest of the long series of Massachusetts Election Sermons. 379 Ochs (Joh. Rudolff) Americanischer Wegweiser oder kurtze und eigentliche Beschreibung der Englischen Provintzen in Nord- America, sonderlich aber der Landschafft Carolina, Neben einer neuen und correcten Land-Karte von Nord-und Sud-Carolina, fine clean copy, with map, green morocco extra by Pratt small Svo. Bern, 1711 Very scarce, and the only copy Mr. Stevens remembered to have met with. The map was engraved in Zurich. 380 Oglethorpe (General) An Impartial Account of the late Expedition against St. Augustine under General Oglethorpe. With an Exact Plan of the Town, Castle and Harbour of St. Augustine, and the adjacent Coast of Florida ; shewing the Disposition of our Forces on that Enterprize, half calf Svo. London^ 1744 381 Oliver (Andrew) An Essay on Comets, in two Parts. Part I. Containing an Attempt to explain the Phoenomena of the Tails of the Comets, &c. Part II. Pointing out some important Ends for which these Tails were probably designed, &c. The whole interspersed with Observations and Reflections on the Sun and primary Planets, folding copper plate, half russia Svo. Salem, New England, Samuel Hall, 1772 Samuel G. Drake's copy with his autograph. 382 Oliver (Isabella, of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania) Poems, on various Subjects, sheepskin, VERY SCARCE 12mo. Carlisle (Pa.): From the Press of J. Loudon {Whitelmll), 1805 E 50 383 Other Side (The) of the Question: or, a Defence of the Liberties of North America. In Answer to a late Friendly Address to all Reasonable Americans, on the subject of our Political Confu- sions. By a Citizen, polished green calf extra Svo. New York, James Eivington, 1774 384 OVIEDO Y VALDES (GoNgALO Hernandez) LA HISTORIA GENERAL DELAS INDIAS. Con priuilegio imperial. Colo- phon on the verso of folio 191**"^La qual se acabo & imprimio enla muy noble & muy leal civdad de Seuilla enla empreta de Juan Cromberger el postrero dia del mes de Setiembre. Alio de mil y quinientos y treynta y cinco Afios, red morocco extra, by Pratt folio. Sevilla, 1535 First Edition, excessively rare. Fine copy, with some MS. notes and autograph of vie do at the end. A corner of folio 131 imperceptibly mended and restored, and a few leaves shaved in the headline through irregular printing. The title in red with a very elegant woodcut border in black ; several woodcuts in the text, and a full page coat of arms on the verso of the last leaf. 385 OVIEDO Y VALDES (Goncalo Fernandez de) CORONICA DELAS INDIAS. La hystoria general de las Indias agora nueuamente impressa corregida y emendada. Y con la conquista del Peru, SECOND edition, very fine clean sound copy, elegantly bound by Pratt, in dark brown morocco extra, covered with blind tooling, and lettered in gold, title in red and black within fine woodcut border, and with the aryns of Spain, numerous woodcuts in text folio. Im'preso en Salamanca por Juan de Junta, 1547 The " Conquista del Peru," consisting of twenty-three leaves has a separate title- page with fine woodcut border, and is separately folioed, but is tied to Oviedo's work by the line on the first title " Y con la conquista del Peru." It is not found with the first edition of Oviedo 1535 (see the previous lot and also lot 297). 386 Pagan (Count of) An Historical and Geographical Description of the great Country and River of the Amazones in America. With a Mapp of the River and of its Provinces, being that place which S' Walter Rawleigh intended to conquer and plant, when he made his Voyage to Guiana, old calf Svo. London, 1661 387 Palou (Francisco) Relacion historica de la Vida y Apostolicas Tarcas del venerable Padre Fray Junipero Serra, y de las Misiones que fundo en la California Septentrional, y nuevos establecimientos de Monterey, fine copy iii red morocco extra, very RARE Uo. Mexico, Don FMipe de Zuniga y Ontiveros, 1787 388 Parker (Thomas, Pastor at Newbery in N. E.) The Visions and Prophecies of Daniel expounded; wherein the Mistakes of former interpreters are modestly discovered, feiv sidenotes slightly clipped, and wormhole through a few leaves neatly mended, otherwise a very good copy in polished calf extra Uo. London, Edmund Paxton, 1646 389 Pastorius (Franc. Daniel) Umstandige Geographische Beschreibung der zu allerletzt erfundenen Provintz Pennsylvanise, in denen End-Grantzen Americse in der West- Welt gelegen, good clean copy, a little ivormed in the loiver margin, dark blue morocco extra by Pratt, very rare small Svo. Frcmckfurt und Leipzig, 1 700 51 390 Patriots (The) of North America : A Sketch with Explanatory Notes, red calf extra, top of title and headline of next leaf slightly cut info, otherwise fine copy 8vo. Neio York [James Eivington ?] 1775 A spirited Poem of Hi pages, followed by 13 pages of explanatory notes in small type " for the information of his English readers." *' Men to Atlantic Empire born Look down on Greece and Rome with scorn ; Prefer their Mohawks and their Creeks To Romans, Britons, Swiss or Greeks." 391 Pemberton (Ebenezer) The Souldier Defended and Directed : as it was Delivered in a Sermon preached to the Artillery Company in Boston, on the day of their Election of Officers, June 2nd, 1701, half roan small 8vo. Boston, Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, fm' Samuel Sewall Junior, 1701 392 Penn (William) England's present Interest, discover'd with Honour to the Prince and safety to the Feoiple, polished calf extra Uo. Printed in the Year 1675 393 PENN (William) A Letter from William Penn, Proprietary and Governour of Pennsylvania in America, to the Committee of the Free Society of Traders of that Province, residing in London. Containing a General Description of the said Province, its Soil, Air, Water, Seasons and Produce, both Natural and Artificial, and the good increase thereof, &c. To which is added an Account of the City of Philadelphia newly laid out. Its Scitua- tion between two Navigable Rivers, Delaware and Skulkill, with a Portraiture or Plat-form thereof folio. London, Andrew Sowle, 1683 There are at least three variations of this rare piece. The titles vary slightly and some copies have 10 pages, and others 14, besides the titles. Pages 11-14 con- tain "Directions of Reference on the City Draught of Philadelj)hia, to the Lots of the Purchasers, See. by way of Numbers." These pages are tied to the rest of the work by the catch word " Directions," at the foot of page 10, The copies complete in 10 pages have not this catch word. The present copy is complete in 10 pages, but for sake of reference to the plan, pages 11-16 are inserted from Coleman's Reprint. Good copy in half red morocco, with the rare plan of Philadelphia. 394 Penn (William) Missive van William Penn, Eygenaar en Gouver- neur van Pennsylvania, in America. Geschreven aan de Com- missarissen van de Vrye Societeyt der Handelaars, op de selve Provintie, binnen London resideerende. Waar by noch gevoeght is een Beschryving van de Hooft-Stadt Philadelphia. Nu onlangs uytgeset, en gelegen tusschen twee Navigable Eivieren, namentlijk : tusschen Delaware en Schuylkil, polished red calf extra, with an elegant facsimile of the rare ^^ Plan of Philadelphia " ito. Amsterdam, Jacob Claus, 1684 395 Penn (William) A Paper to William Penn, at the departure of that Gentleman to his Territory, for his perusal, in Pensilvania. By a Friend unknown, p)olished green calf extra, uncut ito. London : Printed by T. M. for H. Mortlock at the Phoenix in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1700 e2 52 396 Pennington (Isaac, the Younger) An Examination of the Grounds or Causes, which are said to induce the Court of Boston, in New England, to make that Order or Law of Banishment upon pain of Death against the Quakers ; as also of some further Grounds for justifying of the same, in an Appendix to John Norton's Book, &c. good dean copy, hut some catchwords slightly cut into, polished calf eoira by W. Pratt Uo. London, L. Lloyd, 1660 397 Pennington (Isaac) To Friends in England, Ireland, Scotland, Holland, New England, Barbado's, or any where else where the Lord God shall order this to come, in the tender Spirit of Life and Love, greeting. Dated at end " Alisb. Prison, the 29th of the 6th month, 16QQ," polished calf extra Uo. [1666] 398 Pennsylvania. A further Account of the Province of Pennsyl- vania, and its Improvements for the satisfaction of those that are Adventurers and inclined to be so, Dated at end, "Worming- hurst Place, 12fth of the 10th month, 85," and signed " William Verm," fine large clean copy in calf extra ito. [1685] This copy has the rare errata slip of three lines pasted at the foot of the last page. 399 PENNSYLVANIA. In Chancery. Breviate. John Penn, Thomas Penn and Eichard Penn, Esqrs.; Plaintiffs, Charles Calvert, Esq. Lord Baltimore, in the Kingdom of Ireland, Defendant. For the Plaintiffs. Upon a Bill to compell a Specifick Execution of Articles of Agreement, entred into between the Partys for setling the Boundarys of the Province of Pensilvania, the Three Lower Countys, and the Province of Maryland, and for perpetuating Testimony, &c. fine copy, clean as new, expensively bound in dark blue morocco extra by Pratt, the sides richly tooled with a broad dentelle border large folio, [i London, 174:0] Probably the most important volume in existence for the early history of Penn- sylvania and Maryland, as all the grants, privileges and titles are recited. There are two maps, the largest of which is entitled " A Map of parts of the Provinces of Pensylvania and Maryland, with the Counties of Newcastle, Kent and Sussex on Delaware, according to the most exact Surveys yet made, drawn in the year 1740!" A matchless copy, save that part of the border line of the large map is just cut away. 400 PENNSYLVANIA. The Treaty held with the Indians of the Six Nations, at Philadelphia, in July, 1742, fine clean large copy in green morocco extra, last leaf slightly mendecl and restored in tlie centre where it had been folded folio. Philadelphia : B. Franklin, 1743 401 PENNSYLVANIA. A Treaty Held in the Town of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, by the Honourable the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province, and the Honourable the Commissioners for the Provinces of Virginia and Maryland, with the Indians of the Six Nations, in June, 1744, very fine clean large copy with most leaves rough, might almost be described as U7icut, red morocco extra by Pratt folio. Philadelphia, B. Franklin, 1744 402 Pennsylvania. A Briefe state of the Province of Pennsylvania, THE second edition, green calf extra 8vo. London, 17 bb 403 Pennsylvania. A brief state of the Province of Pennsylvania, the third edition, fine clean copy in polished red calf extra Svo. ib. 1756 58 404 Pennsylvania. A brief View of the Conduct of Pennsylvania for the year 1755; so far as it affected the general service of the British Colonies, particularly the Expedition under the late General Braddock. Being a sequel to a late well-known Pamphlet entitled A Brief State of Pennsylvania, red calf extra Svo. London, 1756 405 Pennsylvania. An answer to an invidious Pamphlet entituled, A Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania. Wherein are exposed the many false assertions of the Author or Authors of the said Pamphlet, light brown calf extra hj Pratt ^vo. London, S. Bladon, 1755 406 Pennsylvania. To William Denny, Esquire, Lieutenant- Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Province of Pennsly- vania, &c. The Address of the Trustees and Treasurer of the Friendly Association for regaining and preserving Peace with the Indians by Pacific Measures, dated at end, Philadelphia, the \Uh, of the seventh month, 1757, 4 pages, half morocco, slightly rubbed in the old folds large folio. [Philadelphia, 1757 *?] 407 Pepperell (AVilliam) An accurate Journal and Account of the Proceedings of the New-England Land-Forces during the late Expedition against the French Settlements on Cape Breton, to the time of the Surrender of Louisbourg. With a Computation of the French Fishery on the Banks of Newfoundland, Acadia, Cape Breton, &c. very scarce, and historically important pamphlet, half calf 8m Exon. 1746 408 Perkins (Samuel) A History of the Political and Military Events of the late War between the United States and Great Britain, old calf 8m New-Haven : S. Converse, 1825 409 PETEES (Hugh, sometimes Lecturer at S. Sepulchers, London, now Teacher in Neiv-England) Milke for Babes, and Meat for Men : or. Principles necessary to be knowne, and learned, of such as would know Christ here, or be knowne of him hereafter, blue morocco extra, some leaves uncut small Svo. London, pointed by E. P. for J. W. 1641 410 Peters (Hugh) The History of the Life and Death of Hugh Peters, that Archtraytor from his Cradell to the Gallowes, with a Map of his prophane jests, cruell actions, and wicked Counsels, tree calf extra, uncut Uo. London, Fr. Coles, 1661 On the title-page is a quaint woodcut, representing the hanging of Peters, lettered " Behold his Reward."' Chapter 4 relates "How Peters did marry a wife and sent her to Virginia, and himselfe to New England." 411 Pierson (Abraham) Some Helps for the Indians : A Catechism in the Language of the Quiripi Indians of New Haven Colony. Reprinted from the original edition, Cambridge, 1658. With an Introduction by J. Hammond Trumbull, half roan 8m. Hartford, 1873 412 Pike {Major Zebulon Montgomery) An Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi, and through the Western Parts of Louisiana, to the Sources of the Arkansaw, Kans, La Platte, and Pierre Juan Rivers, fine copy, clean as new, bound uncut in half morocco, portrait, mapts and charts Svo. Philadelphia, 1810 54 413 Pinchion (William, of Springfield in N. England) The Jewes Synagogue : or, a Treatise concerning the ancient Orders and Manner of Worship used by the Jewes in their Synagogue- Assemblies, good copy in half morocco, few leaves stained, and 1 or 2 slightly cut into in the catchwords ito. London, printed for John Bellamie, 1652 Inserted is an autograph letter from John Pynchon, junr. dated Springfield, Oct. 26, 1716, to Rev. Edward Taylor at Westfield. 414 Plan (A) for establishing and disciplining a National Militia in Great Britain, Ireland, and in all the British Dominions of America, /?ie copy, half morocco, uncut Svo. London, 1745 415 PONTEACH : or, the Savages of America. A Tragedy, y^we clean copy in red morocco extra by Pratt, excessively rare Svo. London, pinted f 01' the author, 1766 416 Poor Man's Advice (The) to his Poor Neighbours: a Ballad, to the Tune of Chevy-Chace, polished green calf extra Svo. New York [J. Bivington ?], printed in the year 1774 The Author of this quaint Poem of 82 four-line stanzas was evidently a Royalist. He protests against the Congress all through, but in a faint-hearted way, for he winds up, " But, Oh ! God bless our honest king. The Lords and Commons true, And if next, Congress is the thing, Oh ! bless that Congress too." 417 Pownall (Thomas) The Administration of the Colonies, second edition, half morocco Svo. London, 1765 418 Pownall (Thomas) A Topographical Description of such parts of North America as are contained in the (Annexed) Map of the Middle British Colonies, &c. in North America, good copy, in half morocco, with the folding map, 33 hy 20 inches folio, ih. 1776 Bound up at the end of this copy is " A True State of the Proceedings in the Parliament of Great Britain, and in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, relative to the giving and granting the Money of the People of that Province, and of all America, in the House of Commons, in which they are not represented." 24 2)ages, very scarce and important. 419 Pownall (Thomas) Hydraulic and Nautical Observations on the Currents in the Atlantic Ocean, forming an Hypothetical Theorem for Investigation. With a corresponding Chart of that Ocean. Addressed to Navigators by Governor Pownall, F.R.S. to which are annexed some Notes by Dr. Franklin, 1 7 pages, and large folding chart, mottled calf extra Uo. London, Robert Sayer, 1787 420 Present State (The) of Great Britain and North America, with regard to Agriculture, Population, Trade, and Manufactures, impartially considered : containing a particular Account of the dearth and scarcity of the necessaries of life in England ; the want of staple commodities in the Colonies ; the decline of their trade, &c. half roan, uncut Svo. London, 1767 421 Prince (Thomas) Extraordinary Events, &c. A Sermon at the South Church in Boston^ N. E. on the General Thanksgiving, Thursday, July 18, 1745. Occasioned by taking the City of Louisbourg on the Isle of Cape-Breton, by New-England Soldiers, assisted by a British Squadron, the second edition, hcdfroan Svo. ib. 1746 55 422 Providence, R I. The Act of Incorporation of the Benevolent Congregational Society, in the Town of Providence, in the Colony of Rhode-Island, &c. Together with the Eules of said Society. To which is prefixed, a short Account of the Con- gregational Society in said Town, under the pastoral Care of the Rev. Mr. Rowland, polished red calf extra., clean copy 8vo. Providence : pinted by John Carter, 1771 423 PTOLEMY. Cosmographia. [Colophon] En tibi lector Cosmo- graphia Ptolemaei ab Herniano leuilapide Coloniensi Vicenciae accuratissime impressa Benedicto Triuisano : & Angelo Michaele praesidibus, MCCCC.LXXV. Idi. Sept. fine copy in old red moi'occo extra small folio. Vicenciae, 14:75 FiEST Edition, This copy has not the blank leaf at the commencement. 424 PTOLEMY. CLAVDII PTHOLEMEI ALEXANDRINI PHILOSOPHI COSMOGRAPHIA [Colophon] Clavdii Ptolemaei Alexandrini Philosophi Geographiam Arnoldus Bvckinck e Germania Rome tabvlis aeneis in pictvris formatam impressit. Sempiterno ingenii artificiiqve monvmento. Anno Dominici Natalis, M.CCCC.LXXVIII. VI Idvs Octobris. Sedente Sixto. nil. Pont. Max. Anno eivs. VIII folio. Borne, 1478 FiEST Edition with Maps, and of extraordinary rarity. Very large copy, and for the most part in sound condition. One leaf of the text has been supplied in photo-lithographic facsimiles, so skilfully done as to defy detection by all save experts, the blank leaf before the maps having been used for the repro- duction. The first leaf is neatly mended, and a few of the maps are mended in the lower margin, and in one or two instances a few lines or letters restored. The maps are uncoloured, and for the most part fine impressions. The volume is elegantly bound by Pratt in brown morocco super extra, covered all over with scrolled tooling in the Grolier style. A very choice specimen of English binding of the day executed for Mr. Stevens at a cost of over £20. 425 PTOLEMY. Cosmographia [Colophon] Hoc opvs Ptholomei memorabile qvidem et insigne ex actissima diligentia castiga- tvm ivcondo qvodam caractere impressvm fvit et completvm Rome anno a nativitate Domini, M.CCCC.LXXXX Die. IV. Novembris. Arte ac impensis Petri de Tvrre, half vellum extra folio, ih. 1490 Second Eome Edition, also excessively rare. Remarkably fine tall sound copy» a few of the maps copper-stained, and a few trifling defects neatly mended. 426 PTOLEMY. Clavdii Ptholemaei Alexandrini Liber Geographiae cvm Tabvlis et vniversali figura, &c. fine cleari copy in half vellum extra, a few of the maps slightly cut into in the border, and 1 or 2 with trifling defects folio. Venetiis per Jacobum Peidium, 1511 Very rare edition, the version of Jacobus Angelas re-edited by Bernardus Sylvanus. 427 Ptolemy. Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini Geographicse Enarra- tionis, Libri Octo Ex Billibaldi Pirckeymheri tralatione, &c. fine large copy in hcdf vellum, few leaves slightly stained folio. Prostant Lugduni apud Hugonem a Porta, 1541 This is the Second Edition of Michael Servetus, who published his first at Lj^ons in 1535, under the name of Michael Villanovanus. The margins of some of the maps in this copy are covered with manuscript notes in a neat hand. 428 Ptolemy. Ptolemeo. La Geografia di Clavdio Ptolemeo A\^%- sandrino, fi7ie clean copy, vellum Svo. In Venetia, 'per Gioa Baptista Pedrezano, 1548 First Italian Edition, and extremely rare. The colophon is dated L047. 54 413 Pinchion (William, of Springfield in N. England) The Jewes Synagogue : or, a Treatise concerning the ancient Orders and Manner of Worship used by the Jewes in their Synagogue- Assemblies, good copj in half morocco^ few leaves stained, and 1 or 2 slightly cut into in the catchwords Uo. London, printed for John Bellamie, 1652 Inserted is an autograph letter from John Pynchon, junr. dated Springfield, Oct. 26, 1716, to Eev. Edward Taylor at Westfield. 414 Plan (A) for establishing and disciplining a National Militia in Great Britain, Ireland, and in all the British Dominions of America,, fine copy, half morocco, uncut Svo. London, 1745 415 PONTEACH : or, the Savages of America. A Tragedy, /we clean copy in red morocco extra by Pratt, excessively rare Svo. London, printed fw the author, 1766 416 Poor Man's Advice (The) to his Poor Neighbours: a Ballad, to the Tune of Chevy-Chace, polished green calf extra Svo. New York [J. Bivington ?], printed in the year 1774 The Author of this quaint Poem of 82 four-line stanzas was evidently a Royalist. He protests against the Congress all through, but in a faint-hearted way, for he winds up, " But, Oh ! God bless our honest king. The Lords and Commons true. And if next, Congress is the thing, Oh ! bless that Congress too." 417 Pownall (Thomas) The Administration of the Colonies, second edition, half morocco Svo. London, 1765 418 Pownall (Thomas) A Topographical Description of such parts of North America as are contained in the (Annexed) Map of the Middle British Colonies, &c. in North America, good copy, in half morocco, with the folding map, 33 hy 20 inches folio, ih. 1776 Bound up at the end of this copy is " A True State of the Proceedings in the Parliament of Great Britain, and in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, relative to the giving and granting the Money of the People of that Province, and of all America, in the House of Commons, in which they are not represented." 24 j^a<7<95, very scarce and important. 419 Pownall (Thomas) Hydraulic and Nautical Observations on the Currents in the Atlantic Ocean, forming an Hypothetical Theorem for Investigation. With a corresponding Chart of that Ocean. Addressed to Navigators by Governor Pownall, F.E.S. to which are annexed some Notes by Dr. Franklin, 1 7 pages, and large folding chart, mottled calf extra Uo. London, Robert Sayer, 1787 420 Present State (The) of Great Britain and North America, with regard to Agriculture, Population, Trade, and Manufactures, impartially considered : containing a particular Account of the dearth and scarcity of the necessaries of life in England ; the want of staple commodities in the Colonies ; the decline of their trade, &c. half roan, uncut Svo. London, 1767 421 Prince (Thomas) Extraordinary Events, &c. A Sermon at the South Church in Boston, N. E. on the General Thanksgiving, Thursday, July 18, 1745. Occasioned by taking the City of Louisbourg on the Isle of Cape-Breton, by New-England Soldiers, assisted by a British Squadron, the second edition, hcdfroan Svo. ib. 1746 55 422 Providence, R I. The Act of Incorporation of the Benevolent Congregational Society, in the Town of Providence, in the Colony of Rhode-Island, &c. Together with the Eules of said Society. To which is prefixed, a short Account of the Con- gregational Society in said Town, under the pastoral Care of the Rev. Mr. Rowland, polished red calf extra, clean copy Svo. Providence: pinted by John Carter, 1771 423 PTOLEMY. Cosmographia. [Colophon] En tibi lector Cosmo- graphia Ptolemaei ab Herniano leuilapide Coloniensi Vicenciae accuratissime impressa Benedicto Triuisano : & Angelo Michaele praesidibus, MCCCC.LXXV. Idi. Sept. fine copy in old red mmvcco extra small folio. Vicenciae, 14:75 FiEST Edition, This copy has not the blank leaf at the commencement. 424 PTOLEMY. CLAVDII PTHOLEMEI ALEXANDRINI PHILOSOPHI COSMOGRAPHIA [Colophon] Clavdii Ptolemaei Alexandrini Philosophi Geographiam Arnoldus Bvckinck e Germania Rome tabvlis aeneis in pictvris formatam impressit. Sempiterno ingenii artificiiqve monvmento. Anno Dominici Natalis, M.CCCC.LXXVIII. VI Idvs Octobris. Sedente Sixto. nil. Pont. Max. Anno eivs. VIII folio. Borne, 1478 First Edition with Maps, and op extraordinary rarity. Very large copy, and for the most part in sound condition. One leaf of the text has been supplied in photo-lithographic facsimiles, so skilfully done as to defy detection by all save experts, the blank leaf before the maps having been used for the repro- duction. The first leaf is neatlj^ mended, and a few of the maps are mended in the lower margin, and in one or two instances a few lines or letters restored. The maps are uncoloured, and for the most part fine impressions. The volume is elegantly bound by Pratt in brown morocco super extra, covered all over with scrolled tooling in the Grolier style. A very choice specimen of English binding of the day executed for Mr. Stevens at a cost of over £20, 425 PTOLEMY. Cosmographia [Colophon] Hoc opvs Ptholomei memorabile qvidem et insigne ex actissima diligentia castiga- tvm ivcondo qvodam caractere impressvm fvit et completvm Rome anno a nativitate Domini, M.CCCC.LXXXX Die. IV. Novembris. Arte ac impensis Petri de Tvrre, half vellum extra folio, ib. 1490 Second Rome Edition, also excessively rare. Piemarkably fine tall sound copy? a few of the maps copper-stained, and a few trifling defects neatly mended. 426 PTOLEMY. Clavdii Ptholemaei Alexandrini Liber Geographise cvm Tabvlis et vniversali figura, &c. fine clean copy in ludf vellum extra, a few of the maps slightly cut into in the border, and 1 m- 2 with trifling defects folio. Venetiis per Jacobum Peidium, 1511 Very rare edition, the version of Jacobus Angelus re-edited by Bernardus Sylvanus. 427 Ptolemy. Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini Geographicse Enarra- tionis, Libri Octo Ex Billibaldi Pirckeymheri tralatione, &c. fine large copy in half vellum, few leaves slightly stained folio. Prostant Lugduni apud Hugonem a Porta, 1541 This is the Second Edition of Michael Servetus, who published his first at Lyons in 153.5, under the name ot Michael Villanovanus. The margins of some of the maps in this copy are covered with manuscript notes in a neat hand. 428 Ptolemy. Ptolemeo. La Geografia di Clavdio Ptolemeo Ales- sandrino, fine clean copy, vellum Svo. In Venetia, per Gioa Baptista Pedrezano, 15,48 First Italian Edition, and extremely rare. The colophon is dated L547. 58 445 Reidesel. Die Beruss-Reise nach America. Briefe der Generalin von Riedesel auf dieser Reise imd wahrend ihres sechsjahrigen Aufenthalts in America zur zeit des dortigen Krieges in den Jahren 1776 bis 1783 nach Deutschland geschriehen, fine dean uncut copy with the original blue paper cover hound hy Pratt in polished light brown calf extra 8vo. Berlin, 1801 The Author of these interesting Letters was the wife of General Reidesel, who commanded the Brunswick troops in the British service in North America. The letters relate principally to the doings of the German troo])s, including their capture at Saratoga, and are indispensable as materials for the true and full history of the War of Independence, which has yet to be written. A translation was published in New York in 1827. 446 REMEMBRANCER (The) or Impartial Repository of Public Events, 18 vol. complete Svo. London, J Almon \cmd J. Debrett], 1775-83 A matchless set, and quite complete, consisting of the 17 volumes, and the volume of " Prior Documents," all uncut and clean as new. The 18 volumes are uniformly bound by Pratt in best half red morocco extra, with full gilt backs, top edges gilt, leaving the other edges uncut. As material for the history of the War of Independence this work stands pre-eminent, and should be found in every public library. 447 Review (A) of the Military Operations in North America, from the Commencement of the French Hostilities on the Frontiers of Virginia in 1753, to the Surrender of Oswego, on the 14th of August, 1756 .... To which are added Colonel Washington's Journal of his Expedition to the Ohio in 1754, and several Letters and other Papers of Consequence, found in the Cabinet of Major General Braddock, after his Defeat near Fort Du Quesne, and since published by the French Court. None of these Papers are contained in the English edition, old calf \2mo. Dublin, printed for P. Wihon and J. PJxshaw, 1757 448 RIBAS (EL PADRE ANDRES PEREZ DE, Soc. Jes.) Historia de los Triumphos de Nuestra Santa Fee entre Gentes las mas Barbaras y Fieras del Nuevo Orbe : conseguidos por los Soldados de la Milicia de la Compania de Jesus en las Missiones de la Provincia de Nueva Espana, &c. extremely rare, reryfine clean large copy in best red morocco extra by Pratt, folio. En Madrid, 1645 Maisoneuve's copy sold for 199 francs in 1868, since when it is believed no other copy has occurred for sale. The work (nearly 800 pp.) itself is of the highest importance for the history of the original races of New Spain, and treats elaborately of their manners and customs, religion and superstitions, temples and antiquities, and wars with the Spaniards, &c. Books I and II (pp. 1-140) are devoted to the " Province of Cinaloa" ; Book III (pp. 141-235) to the " Naciones del Rio grande de Zuaque" ; Book IV (pp. 236-282) to the " Mission del Rio Mayo en Cinaloa, y reduccion a N. S. Fe de la Nacion Maya " ; Book V (pp. 283-357) to the " Nacion Hiaqui" ; Book VI (pp. 357-408) to the " Missiones de Cinaloa '' (the more distant tribes) ; Book VII (pp. 408-467) to the " Missiones entre Gentes Barbaras y Fieras"; Book VIII (pp. 468-520) to the "Naciones que pueblan en Serrania" ; Book IX (pp. 551-571) to the " Mission de San Andres " ; Book X (pp. 572-668) to the " Nacion Tepequana" : Book XI (pp. 669-718) to the '' Mission de Parras y conversion de sus Indies y los Laguneros " ; and Book XII to the " Society of Jesus in Mexico and Florida." 449 ROBINSON (John, Pilgrim Father) A Treatise of the Lawfvlnes of Hearing of the Ministers in the Church of England : Penned by that learned and Reverent deuine, Mr. lohn Robinsz, late Pastor to the English Church of God in Leyden. Printed according to the Copie that was found in his studie after his 59 decease : and now published for the common good. Together with a Letter written by the same Authore, few leaves neatly mended and restored, headlines of two leaves very slightly cut into, otherwise good copy in broiim morocco extra, by Pratt sm. 8vo. Printed anno 1634 Although this extremely rare little volume does not relate to America, it should surely find a place amongst "Americana," by reason of the author's connexion with the Pilgrim Fathers. 450 Robinson (William) and LEDDRA (William). Several Epistles given forth by two of the Lord's faithful Servants whom he sent to New England, to bear witness to his everlasting Truth, and were there (by the Priests, Rulers and Professors) after cruel and long Imprisonment, and inhumane Whippings and Banishment, put to death ; for no other cause, but for keeping the Commandments of God, and Testimony of Jesus, good copy in polished calf extra, by Pratt, ito. London, printed in the year 1669 451 Rogers (Robert) A Concise Account of North America : containing a Description of the several British Colonies on that Continent, including the Islands of Newfoundland, Cape Breton. Also of the interior or westerly parts of the County upon the Rivers St. Lawrence, the Mississipi, Christino and the Great Lakes, good clean copy, old calf 8vo. London : Printed fo7' the Author, 1765 452 Rosa de S. Maria. Compendiolum Vitse admirabilis et pretiosse Mortis B. Rosse de S. Maria Limensis Peruanse, Tertii Ordinis S. P. Dominici, portrait, tree calf extra {see also Lot 1 83) sm. Svo. Augustoe Findelicm'um, 1668 453 Rufus (J. J. Sauvage EuropSen) Lettres Ch^rak^esiennes mises en Fran9ois de la Traduction Italienne, fine clean copy in brown calf extra sm. Svo. Rome ; de Vimprimerie du Sacrd College de la Propagande, 1769 The Author was a Cherokee, who came over to Italy. The volume, which consists of 37 letters on all manner of subjects, was specially licensed by Pope Clement XIII. See also Lettres Iroquoises (lot 277). 454 RUMSEY (James, of Berkeley County, Virginia) A short Treatise on Steam, whereby is clearly shewn from actual experiments that steam may be applied to propel Boats or Vessels of any burthen against rapid currents with great velocity. The same Principles are also introduced with effect, by a machine of a simple and cheap construction, for the Purpose of raising water sufficient for the working of Grist-mills, Saw-mills, &c. and for watering meadows and other purposes of agriculture, fine clean uncut copy in light brown polished calf extra, by Pratt Svo. Philadelphia, Joseph James, 1788 This early American tract on Steam, Steam-boats and Steam-power is of great importance in the history of the use of steam as a propeller prior to Fulton or Watt. Rumsey had prepared his model boat in Virginia in 1784, and privately printed an account of it in 1785. This falling into the hands of John Fitch, of Connecticut, he published at Philadelphia in 1787 his " Original Steam-boat supported, a reply to James Rumsey's Pamphlet." In this tract of Mr. Fitch he accuses Rumsey of false dates, ike, and claims priority of invention for himself. This brought out a reply by Joseph Barnes, of Philadelphia, formerly an assistant, and now Attorney in fact, to James Rumsey, entitled " Remarks on Mr. John Fitch's Reply to Mr. James Rumsey 's Pamphlet, Phil. 1788." Mr. P)arnes gives his affidavit sworn to 60 under oath before Cato Moore, that in IVIay, 1785, he was employed by Mr. Rumsey to build a boat on Potowmack River to be propelled ])y steam, and that he had built the boat. In Sept. 1784, Rumsey exhibited his model of a steam-boat to General Washington at Bath, in Virginia, who gave him a certificate. General Gates also saw the great experiment, Dec. 8, 1787, on Potowmack river, and certifies that James Rumsey 's Steam Boat got on her way, with near half her burthen on board, and moved against the current at the rate of three miles per hour, by the force of steam without any external application whatever. Governor Johnson's certificate is even stronger of what he knew and saw between 1784 and Dec. 1787. This tract of Rumsey is dated Jan. 1, 1788. The four tracts of Rumsey (2) Fitch and Barnes are indispensable for the history of Steam. 455 S. (I.) A brief and perfect Journal of the late Proceedings and Successe of the English Army in the West-Indies, continued until June the 24th, 1655. Together with some Quaeres inserted and answered, by I. S. an Eye-witnesse, good copy^ polished light hrown calf extra by, W. Pratt, pagination of three leaves slightly cid into ito. London, printed 1655 456 SAGARD (Gabriel) Le Grand voyage dv Pays des Hvrons, situ6 en FAmerique vers la Mer douce, 6s derniers confins de la nouuelle France, dite Canada. Auec vn Dictionaire de la langue Huronne, pour la commodity de ceux qui ont a voyager dans le pays, & n'ont I'intelligence d'icelle langue, fine clean copy, with the engraved as well as the printed titles, red morocco extra, by Pratt sWu Svo. Paris, chez Denys Moreav, 1632 Extremely eare. The '• Dictionaire de la langue Hvronne " has a distinct title page and register. Very fine and desirable copy in every respect, having the two blank leaves before the Dictionaire, and one at the end, completing their respective signatures. 457 SAGARD (F. Gabriel) Histoire dv Canada et voyages qui les Freres Mineurs Recollects y ont faicts pour la conuersion des Infidelles. Divisez en qvatre Livres. Ou est amplement traict6 des choses principales arriuees dans le pays depuis I'an 1615 iusques k la prise qui en a est6 faicte par les Anglois, fine clean sound copy, bound in 2 vol. in red morocco, by Kalthoeber {with his ticket) Svo. Paris, Clavde Sonnivs, 1636 Excessively rare, and among the most important books for the history of Canadn. Maissonneure marked a copy some time since at 1200 francs, and a London book- seller £63 in 1880. 458 Salle (M. de la) An Account of Monsieur de la Salle's last Expe- dition and Discoveries in North America. Presented to the French King, and published by the Chevalier Tonti, Governour of Fort St. Louis, in the Province of the Illinois. Also the Adventures of the Sieur de Montauban, in the year 1695, polished calf extra, the side notes of four leaves slightly cut into, othenvise fine wide copy Svo. London, J. Tonson, 1698 Other works relating to M. de la Salle will be found catalogued under Joutel (see lots 241-3). 459 SAVILE (H.) A Libell of Spanish Lies : found at the Sacke of Cales, discoursing the fight in the West Indies, twixt the English Nauie being fourteene Ships and Pinasses, and a fleete of twentie saile of the king of Spaines, and of the death of Sir Francis Drake, fine sound copy, the title slightly soiled with dust, brmvn morocco extra by Pratt, excessively rare Uo. London, John Wvndet, 1596 61 160 SCOT (George) The Model of the Government of the Province of East-New-Jersey in America ; and Encourage- ments for such as Designs to be concerned there. Published for Information of such as are desirous to be interested in that place very fine clean copij in russia, tinij hole in title restored, of great RARITY sm. 8vo. Edinburgh, printed by John Eeid, 1685 461 Selkirk (Earl of) Report of the Proceedings connected with the disputes between the Earl of Selkirk and the North-West Com- pany, at the Assizes, held at York, in Upper Canada, October, 1818. From Minutes taken in Court, half roan (see also Lots 442-3) 8vo. London, reprinted, 1819 462 Sewall (J. M.) Miscellaneous Poems, with several specimens from the Author's Manuscript Version of the Poems of Ossian, nice clean copy in green calf extra \1mo. Portsmouth: Printed by William Treadivell and Co. for the Author, 1801 463 Sewall (Samuel, Felloio of Harvard College) Phsenomena quaedam Apocalyptica ad Aspectum Novi Orbis configurata. Or some few Lines towards a description of the New Heaven as it makes to those who stand upon the New Earth, the second edition, fine large copy ivith some rough leaves, half morocco Uo. Massachuset ; Bostm, B. Gh'een, 1727 464 Shepard (Thomas) New Englands Lamentation for Old Englands present errours, and divisions, and their feared future desolations if not timely prevented. Occasioned by the increase of Ana- baptists, Rigid Separatists, Antinomians and Familists, fine clean copy, mostly uncut, polished calf extra, excessively rare Uo. London, G. Miller, 1645 465 Shepard (Thomas) A Treatise of Liturgies, Power of the Keyes, and of matter of the Visible Church. In Answer to the Reverend Servant of Christ, Mr. John Ball, polished calf extra Uo. London, E. Cotes fm' Andrew Crooke, 1653 466 Shepard (Thomas) The Sincere Convert, 1659 — The Sound Beleever, 1653 — Theses Sabbaticse, or the Doctrine of the Sab- bath, 1655 — The First Principles of the Oracles of God, 1655 — Subjection to Christ in all his Ordinances, 1657, the 5 ivorks in 1 thick vol. old calf Svo. London, 1653-9 467 Shepard (Thomas) The Sincere Convert : Discovering the small number of true Believers, and the great difficulty of Saving Conversion. Whereto is now added the Saint's Jewel, shewing how to apply the Promises ; and the Soul's Invitation unto Jesus Christ, good copy, old calf Svo. London: J. Macock, for John Sweeting, 1657 468 Shirley (William) Letter to the Duke of Newcastle, with a Jour- nal of the Siege of Louisbourg, and other Operations of the Forces during the Expedition against the French Settlements on Cape Breton ; approved and attested by Sir WilHam Pepperrell, half calf extra {see Lot 407) Svo. London, 1748 469 Shirley (William) The Conduct of Major-Gen. Shirley, late General and Commander-in-Chief of his Majesty's Forces in North America, Briefly stated, nice clean copy in polished green calf extra Svo. London: E. and J. Dodsley, 1758 62 470 SMITH (Capt. John) The Generall Historie of Virginia, New England and the Summer Islands folio. London I.D. and I.H. for Michael Sparkes, 1627 Very fine tall clean and in every respect desirable copy, elegantly bound in dark blue morocco extra by Pratt. The engraved titles and the four maps in perfect condition. Inserted is a fine impression of the genuine portrait of Matoaka by Si. Passe, and also the portrait of the Duchess of Kichmond from the second plate bearing the name of Guilh. Passe. Mr. Henry Stevens's own copy with his book- plate. 471 Smith (Capt. John) The Generall Historie of Virginia, New Eng- land and the Summer Islands, good copy in polished calf extra folio. London, LB. and L.H. for Michael Sparkes, 1624 In this copy the engraved title (of the issue of 1624) and the four maps are sup- plied in excellent facsimiles, specially made for the late Mr. Henry Stevens. Good working copy for a student or Reference Library. 472 Smith (Capt. John) The Generall Historie of Virginia. A set of excellent facsimiles of the engraved title and the 4 maps 473 Smith (Captain John) The True Travels, Adventvres and Observations of Captaine lohn Smith in Europe, Asia, Affrica, and America, from Anno Domini 1593 to 1629. Together with a Continuation of his generall History of Virginia, Summer- lies, New England, and their proceedings since 1624, to this present 1629, good copy ivith a capital facsimile of the rare folding plate i7i 9 compartments, red morocco extra, by W. Pratt folio. Lo7idon, J. H. for Thomas Slater, 1630 474 Smith (Capt. John) The True Travels. A facsimile of the very rare plate in nine compartments, representing the Adventures of Capt. John Smith 475 SMITH (Samuel) The History ©f the Colony of Nova Caesaria, or New Jersey : containing an Account of its first Settlement, Progressive Improvements, &c. very fine large clean copy, elegantly boimd by Pratt, in polished blue morocco extra d>vo. Burlington, James Parker, 1765 476 Smith (Thomas) Extracts from the Journals kept by the Rev. Thomas Smith, late Pastor of the first Church of Christ in Falmouth, in the County of York (now Cumberland), from the Year 1720 to the Year 1788, with an Appendix selected by Samuel Freeman, Esq. fine clean copy, calf extra 12mo. Portland, 1821 Extremely rare, and highly important for the history of Maine. It is seldom that the journal of any one person extends over so long a period of time. 477 SMITH (William) The History of the Province of New York, from the first Discovery to the Year 1732, to which is annexed a Description of the Country, &c. very fine large copy (size lOJ in. by 8^ in.) clean as new, with a greater part of the leaves uncut, might ahiost be described as an uncut cojjy, the largest leaves alone having been scraped by the binder, half morocco, top edges gilt ito. London: Thomas JVilcox, 1757 478 Smith (William) Histoire de la Nouvelle York depuis la Decouverte de cette Province jusqu'a notre siecle, old calf gilt, red edges 12 mo. Londres, 1767 63 479 Smith (William, Provost of the College and Academy of Philadelphia) Some Account of the Charitable Corporation, lately erected for the Kelief of the Widows and Children of Clergymen, in the Communion of the Church of England in America; with a Copy of their Charters, and Fundamental Rules. And also a Sermon preached in Christ Church, Philadelphia, October 10, 1769; before the said Corporation, on Occasion of their First Meeting, half calf ^ fine clean copy Uo. Philadelphia, Hall and Sellers, 1769 480 South Carolina. A Description of South Carolina ; containing many curious and interesting Particulars relating to the Civil, Natural and Commercial History of that Colony, viz. The Suc- cession of European Settlers there ; Grants of English Charters ; Boundaries ; Constitution of the Government ; Taxes ; Number of Inhabitants, and of the neighbouring Indian Nations, &c. fine clean copy in polished light hrown ccdf extra ^w. . London, R. Dodsley, 1761 The authorship of this pamphlet is doubtful. It is frequently attributed to Governor Glen. 481 South Carolina. A Short Description of the Province of South Carolina, with an Account of the Air, Weather and Diseases at Charles-Town. Written in the Year \lQ?>,Jine clean uncut copy in mottled calf extra Svo. London, 1770 From an autographic presentation on the title this book appears to have been written by George Milligen. 482 South Carolina. Extracts from the Journals of the Provincial Congress of South Carolina. Held at Charles-Town, November 1, to November 29, 1775. Published by Order of the Congress, fine copy in mottled calf extra Svo. Charles-Town, Peter Timothy, 1776 483 Spelman (Henry) Eelation of Virginia, 1609, hrown niorocco extra, by Pratt 16mo. ^ London, 1872 This beautiful little volume was printed at the Chiswick Press, under the direction of Mr. Henry Stevens, from the original unpublished manuscript in the possession of James F. Hunnewell, Esq. of Boston. Only one hundred copies were printed. 484 Spelman (Henry) Relation of Virginia, 1609, large paper edition, four times the size of the foregoing wnd printed in double columns Uo. London, 1872 Only fifty copies printed. 485 Spizelii (Theophili) Elevatio relationis Montezinianae de repertis in America tribulus Israeliticis : et discussio argumentorum pro origine Gentium Americanarum Israelitica a Menasse Ben Israel, &c. good clean copy in half vellum small Svo. Basilece Joannem Konig, 1661 486 STAMLER (Johannes) Dyalogvs Johannis Stamler Avgvstn de diversarvm gencivm sectis et mvndo religionibus, fin£ clean copy in dark green morocco extra by Pratt folio. Impressim Augusteper Er char dun oglin & leorgiu Nadler, &c. 1508 In this rare volume both Columbus and Vesj)utius are referred to (on the verso of the third loaf) in a letter from Stamler to Jacob Locher, dated 13 klas Junii Anno (>. 64 487 ST ADEN (Hans) Warhafftig Historia vnnd beschreibung einer Landtscbafft der Wilden Nacketen Grimmigen Menschfresser Leuthen in der Newen welt America gelegen, &c. very scarce, several quaint woodcuts^ good copy in russia, small hole in the last 3 leaves neatly wended and restored Uo. Franckfurdt am Mayn, 1556 488 State of the British and French Colonies in North America, with Respect to the Number of People, Forces, Forts, Indians, Trade and other Advantages. In which are considered, I. The de- fenceless Condition of our Plantations, and to what Causes owing. II. Pernicious Tendency of the French Encroachments, and the fittest Methods of frustrating them. III. What it was occasioned their present Invasion, and the Claims on which they ground their Proceedings. With a Proper Expedient proposed for preventing future Disputes, half roan, scarce and important pa^nphlet Svo. London: A. Millar^ 1755 489 Stearns (Samuel) The American Oracle. Comprehending an Account of recent Discoveries in the Arts and Sciences, with a variety of religious, political, physical, and philosophical sub- jects, etc. clean copy, calf 8vo. London: J. Lackington, 1791 490 Stedman (C.) The History of the Origin, Progress and Termination of the American War. In two volumes, fine copy, clean as nsiv, bound imcut, in tvjo volumes, best red morocco extra, by Pratt, top edge gilt Uo. London : Printed for the Author, \l^i 491 Stevens (Henry, of Vermmit) Catalgoue of my English Library, collected and described by Henry Stevens, Literary Agent in London of the Smithsonian Institution, cloth extra fcp. Svo. Privately printed by Charles JVhittingham, Chiswick Press, London, 1853 This little Manual was prepared in 1853, and printed for private distribution. It contains a list of about 5,700 volumes of Standard English Books, and was designed to aid collectors in the choice of their English Books and Editions. The contents are given of the principal collected works, together with the dates of birth and death of most of the deceased authors. Out of print and scarce. 492 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) American Bibliographer, Nos. I and II {all ever printed) Jan. and Feb. 1854, large woodcuts, vii and 9Q 2)p. cloth Svo. London, C. JVhittingham, Chisicick Press, 1854 Only 100 copies printed, withdrawn from sale in favour of the Xuggets. 493 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont, Editor of) Memorial de Don Diego Colon, Uirrey y Almirante de las yndias a S. C. C. Mag^ el Rey don Carlos sobre la conversion e consvacio de las gentes de las yndias, en q ofrece con su psona y hazienda de ayuder pa q aya efecto cierta negociacio q olant de S. M. se avia puesto por pte del clerigo Casas pa el remedio de la trra firme. Ano de Mdxx. 12 pp). blac& letter, morocco Uo. Impressa por Carlos PVJiittingham en la Ciudad de Londres a costa de Enrique Estevans de Vermont, 24: junto, 1854 Edited, with Epistle dedicatory of two pages to Dr. Reinhold Pauli. from the original manuscript of the Second Admiral of the Indies, then in the possession of Henry Stevens, and printed at the Cbiswick Press. The young King of Spain, Charles, had asked Columbus respecting the benevolent scheme of Las Casas for civilizing and christianizing the Indians of Terra Firma, urging the Admiral's co-operation. This is Don Diego Columbus's favourable reply. This and the next five lots form an interesting series of Spanish historical tracts, printed uniformly in lilacfe letter, similar to that of the Las Casas tracts of 1552, and of the same sized page. The six volumes are all bound neatly in paste-grained roan of six different colours, with different side gold ornaments, and different fancy end papers Only 100 copies of each were printed. 65 191 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont, Editor of) Carta de don frey Barto- LOE de las Casas Obispo de Chiapa a los Muy Eev. y Charis- simos Padres del capitulo provincial de Guatimala, y del de Chiapa, mostrando su parecer sobre de p no se vendiesen los repartimientos o encomiendas de los yndios. Ano de Mdliv. blacft letter, 2\ jpp. morocco Uo. Impressa en la Ciudad de Londres ; en casa de Carlos Whittingham a costa de Enrique Estevans de Vermont^ 24 Septembre, 1854 Edited by Henry Stevens, of Vermont, in 1854, and beautifully printed at the Chiswick Press in blacfe letter, uniform with Las Casas' tracts of 1552, from the original unpublished manuscript then in his possession. The MS. is not dated, but was probably written in 1554. Dedicated to Sir Frederick Madden. 495 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont, Editor of) Carta del sefior don frey Bartolome de las Casas al Illustre y Muy Magnifico, serior don Mercurino Arborio de Gattinari Chancellor de S. Mag. el rey don Carlos en q suplica a s. s. q se le conceda la provincia del 9ena q se cuente entre la trra q se le seiialare pa poner remedio a los agravios de los yndios en la trre firme. Ano de Mdxx. 11 pp. in black letter, morocco Uo. Impressa en Londres, en casa de Carlos Whittingham a costa de Enrique Estevans, 24 junio 1854 Las Casas, who had taken great interest in the welfare and christianizing of the Indians, had been promised an extensive grant of land on the coast of Teri'a Firma, between Darien and Trinidad, for the purpose of founding a colony for improving and civilizing the natives. In this important and long autograph letter he repeats his request to Charles the Fifth through his Chancellor, and urges his benevolent scheme. It was printed in 1854 from the original autograph manuscript then in the possession of Mr. Stevens. In the epistle dedicatory to Arthur Helps, Esq., a full account of the subject of the letter is given in English. 496 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont, Editor of) Parescer o Determinacio de los seiiores theologos de Salamanca sobre de que no deben ser baptizados los yndios sin examinacio estrecha de su voluntad y concepto del dho sacramento. Ano de Mdxli. [In Latin] \i pp. blacfe letter, morocco Uo. Imp'essum Londini ajmd Cdrolum Whittingham, impensis Henrici Stevens, 1854 This important manuscript was edited by Henry Stevens, and privately printed for him at the Chiswick Press in 1854 from the original, then in his possession. It is dated the first of July, 1541. Las Casas and others had complained much of the ill-treatment and slavery of the Indians by the Spaniards in America, until finally Charles V referred the grand question to the Faculty of the University of Salamanca, whether Indians who had been baptized could be made slaves ? This curious document is the official answer, signed by the Dean and all the Faculty. The volume has a long explanatory dedication in English to Sir Thomas Phillipps. 497 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont, Editor of) Carta de amonestacio del obpo de Chiapa don fray Bartolome de las Casas a los Muy M. Seiiores presidete y oydores de la real audiencia q residen en la ciudad de Gras-a dios, tocante a la libertad y jurisdigion ecclica y execucion dlla y a la libertad y remedios dlas injusticias y agravios d los yndios de su obpado. Ano de Mdxlv. 10 j^P- hl&tk letter Uo. Fue impressa en la Ciudad de Londres : en casa de Carlos JVhittingham a costa de Enrique Estevans de Vermont, 2i junio, 1854 This important letter, printed from the original autograph manuscript in the possession of Mr. Henry Stevens, never before printed, is dated the 22 of October, 1545. In the long epistle dedicatory to Peter Force of Washington a full abstract of the letter is given in English. F 66 498 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont, Editor of) Carta de Hernando Cortes, Marques del Yalle a S. C. C. Mag^ el rey don Carlos Quinto Mostrandole su pares9er acerca de los repartimientos de los yndios, sobre si conviene al seruj del rey q los naturales de la naeba Spaiia esten todos en su cabe9a, o algunos en los Spanoles pobladores della. Alio de Mdxlii, 12 ^j?. blacfe letter, morocco ito. Impressa en Londres por Carlos Wliittingham Oj costa de Enrique Estevens, 20 Oct. 1854 First privately printed from the original manuscript in 1854, in the possession of Mr. Stevens. It is not dated, but was manifestly written in 1541 or 1542, when the Emperor and Las Casas were getting up the famous jVe7V Laws of the Indies, printed in 1543. The Emperor had asked Cortes 's advice respecting the encomien- das and the treatment of the Indians in Mexico. This is the Conqueror's sensible reply. The volume is dedicated in a long epistle in English to Leopold von Eanke, the historian, in which dedication is given -an abstract of this important historical document in English. The original autograph letter of Cortes will be found under lot 98. 499 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) A complete set of the above six Spanish Tracts of Diego Columbus, Las Casas, Cortes, and the Faculty of Salamanca, edited by Mr. Henry Stevens. Printed in blncfe Utter in pages uniform with Las Casas's tracts of 1552, 6 vol. hound uniformly in style in thin morocco, hut in six different colours, different side ornaments and different lining papers Uo. London, Chiswick Press, 1854 500 Stevens (Henry, Editor only) The Declaration of Indepen- dence; or, Notes on Lord Mahon's History of the American Declaration of Independence. By Peter Force, Esq. Author of The Documentary History of the United States 8vo. London, privately printed hy C. Wliittingham, Chiswick Press, 1855 501 Stevens (Henry, g.m.b. of Vermont) Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of Books relating to the history and literature of America, vi and 273 pp. large paper, cloth, uncut roy. 8w. London, sold hy Messrs. Puttick & Simpson, March, 1861 This catalogue contains 2,415 lots with collations, etc. This work served as the model of the Maisonneuve elaborate Bibliotheque Americaine. 502 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) HISTORICAL Nuggets. Bibhotheca Americana ; or, a Descriptive Account of my Collection of Eare Books relating to America, 2 vol. cloth fcp. Svo. London, Charles Whitiingham, Chisivick Press, 1862 This work, of which only a few copies remain for sale, printed in the best style of the Chiswick Press, comprises 3,000 titles (alphabetically arranged) of rare books relating to America, most carefully given in full, with the collation and price of each work. It is intended, as far as it goes, to be a Manual for Collectors of this expensive class of books. A second series of this important work was commenced in May 1885, but owing to Mr. Henry Stevens's protracted illness only 160 pages of Vol. Ill had been issued at the time of his decease. It is understood that his son, Mr. Henry N. Stevens, will shortly continue the work. 503 Stevens (Henry) & Stevens (Henry N.) Historical Nuggets. Bib- liotheca Americana or a descriptive account of our collection of rare books relating to America, vol. Ill, parts 1 and 2, all yet issued IQO pages fcap. Svo. London, Henry Stevens c& Son, 1885 This is a Second Series designed to supplement the above 2 Volumes of 1862. These two parts describe upwards of 650 books under the letter A alone. 67 504 Stevens {Henry, of Vermmt) British Museum Catalogues. By Henry Stevens, of Vermont, viz. 1. A Catalogue of American Books in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856, 650 ^j?. 2. A Catalogue of Mexican and other Spanish American and West India Books in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856, 64 ^i?. 3. A Catalogue of Canadian and other British North American Books in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856, 10^^. 4. A Catalogue of American Maps in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856, \b pp. cloth 8w. London, printed hy Charles Whittingham, Chiswick Press, 1866 These four Catalogues, bound in one volume, comprising about 750 large 8vo pages in double columns, uniform with the " Bibliotheca Grenvilliana," describing about 20,000 volumes, were printed by Whittingham on fine toned paper, in the best style of the Chiswick Press. At the beginning are inserted the rules for Cataloguing Books, Maps, Music. &c., adopted in the British Museum, first printed in 1842, but now revised, with additions, alterations and amendments to 1862. There is also added a detailed description of the classification of books on the shelves in the British Museum. These Catalogues contain all the American Books that had got into the British Museum Library to the beginning of 1857. The four volumes in one, cloth, priced at 25s., but never regularly published. 505 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont, G.M.B. F.s.A. c&c.) HISTORICAL AND Geographical Notes on the earliest discoveries in America, 1453-1530. With comments on the earliest charts and maps; the mistakes of the early navigators and the blunders of the geographers ; the Asiatic origin of the Atlantic coastline of North America; how it crept in and how it crept out of the maps. The whole illustrated by the Tehuantepec Eailway Company's Map of the world on Mercator's projection, and photolithographic facsimiles of many (16) of the earliest maps and charts of America, cloth extra, only 100 copies printed Svo. New Haven and Lond. 1869 This volume is of the greatest use to the student of early American geography by reason of its containing facsimiles of 16 of the most important early maps re- produced on five sheets and conveniently arranged for comparison. The Essay itself is perhaps the most important of the late Mr. Stevens's writings. 506 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) Historical and Geographical Notes, 1453-1869 [Tehuantepec]. By Henry Stevens, G.M.B. F.s.A. ^0 pj). blue cloth, only 40 copies privately printed Svo. New York, D. Appleton & Co. 1869 This is that portion of the former Essay which relates more especially to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and the scheme which was then in contemplation for building a railroad across it. No maps accompany this edition. 507 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) Bibliotheca Historica, or a Cata- logue of 5,000 Volumes of Books and Manuscripts relating chiefly to the History and Literature of North and South America, among which is included a large proportion of the extraordinary library of the late Henry Stevens senior, of Barnet, Vermont, Founder and First President of the Vermont Historical Society. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by Henry Stevens, G.M.B. F.S.A. xvi and 234^^. cloth, uncut Svo. Boston, H. 0. Houghton & Co. River-Side Press, Carribridge, 1870 This catalogue is interspersed with valuable bibliographical and historical notes. The preface contains an interesting sketch of Henry Stevens senior, the first Presi- dent of the Vermont Historical Society, who died in 1867. F 2 68 508 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) Sebastian Cabot — John Cabot= 0. Endeavored by Henry Stevens, g.m.b. &c. mdy a very few copies privately printed, blue doth square 16 wo. Boston & London, March, 1870 509 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) Schedule of 2000 American Histo- rical Nuggets taken from the Stevens Diggings in September, 1870, and set down in Chronological Order of Printing from 1490 to 1800 (1776) described and recommended as a Supple- ment to any printed Bibliotheca Americana folio. Chiswick Press, London, Oct. 1, 1870 Privately printed, iv and 20 pages, describing above 1,350 works on America. Blue cloth extra, on thick hand-made paper. 510 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) Bibliotheca Geographica & Historica; or a Catalogue of a Nine Days' Sale of rare and valuable, ancient I and modern books 8vo. London, 1872 This Catalogue contains Mr. Stevens' Essay on Catalogues and how to make them. 511 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) American Books with Tails to 'em. A private pocket list of the incomplete or unfinished American periodicals, transactions, memoirs, judicial reports, laws, jour- nals, legislative documents, and other continuations and works in progress supplied to the British Museum and other libraries. By Henry Stevens, g.m.b. f.s.A. &c. privately printed l6mo. London, 4 July, 1873 Forty pages in pearl type, very beautifully printed by Messrs. Clay on thin hand- made paper, comprising about 2000 titles. 512 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibi- tion Mdccc Lxxvii, or a bibliographical description of nearly one thousand representative Bibles in various languages, chronologi- cally arranged from the first Bible printed by Gutenberg in 1450-1456 to the last Bible printed at the Oxford University Press the 30th June, 1877. With an Introduction on the His- tory of Printing as illustrated by the printed Bible, from 1450 to 1877, in which is told for the first time the true history and mystery of the Coverdale Bible of 1535. Together with biblio- graphical notes and collations of many rare Bibles in various languages and divers versions printed during the last four cen- turies. Special edition, revised and carefully corrected, with additions, 162 pp. uncut, large paper, elegantly bound by Bedford, in red morocco extra super royal 8vo. London, Mdccc Lxxviii. This work is of the greatest value as a Bible Bibliography, and exhibits in a marked degree the depth of the author's knowledge. In the introduction he sets forth, for the first time, his reasons for believing that the first English Bible of 1535 was printed at Antwerp by or for Jacob van Meteren, a theory that has now become generally acknowledged. This large paper edition was printed on the finest hand-made paper, under Mr. Stevens" own direction, and it is said that he considered the copies bound by Bedford, in red morocco, as his beau ideal of what a handsome new English book should be, both as regards printing and binding. 513 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) The Bible in the Caxton Exhibition (as above), small paper copy, cloth 8vo. London, 1878 514 Stevens (Henry, g.m.b.) The history of the Oxford Caxton Memo- rial Bible printed at Oxford, and bound in London in twelve consecutive hours, June 30, 1877, 32 pages, on best hand-made paper, illustrated, blm morocco square 16mo. London, privately printed at the Elvezir Press, 1878 69 515 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) Photo-Bibliography, or a word on printed Card Catalogues of old rare beautiful and costly books, and how to make them on a co-operative system ; And two words on the establishment of a Central Bibliographical Bureau or Clearing -House for Librarians, 7ieathj boimd in roan square 16mo. London : privately pinted for the Autli(yr by C. Whittinghaw,, Chiswick Press, 1878 Dedicated to the Librarian of the Future, whose bibliography is to be as exact as his spelling. Extensively illustrated with reduced facsimile titles, and six sample Cards of the proposed Titles. 516 Stevens (Henry, g.m,b.) The Universal Postal Union and Inter- national Copyright. With a Bibliographical Appendage, 66 pj^- cloth, only 250 copies printed post Svo. London: printed at the Chiswick Press for the Authw\ 1879 The object of this little book is, in giving a history of the origin and working of the Universal Postal Union, to show that selfish and unnecessary impediments have been thrown in the way of its success by the United States of America. 517 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) Stevens' Historical Collections. Catalogue of the first portion of the extensive and varied Collection of rare Books and Manuscripts relating chiefly to the History and Literature of America. And Henry Stevens's Franklin Collection, cloth ^vo. London, 1881 A Catalogue of 1625 lots, with collations and notes. Contains also the history of the Franklin Collection and the list of Frankliniana. Part I of the present Catalogue. 518 Stevens (Henry, of Fgrmow^) Benjamin Franklin's Life and Writings, a Bibliographical Essay on the Stevens' Collection of Books and Manuscripts relating to Doctor Franklin, privately printed, cloth extra, uncut imp. Svo. London, 1881 This volume is elegantly printed on hand-made paper, and is illustrated with five portraits and a facsimile of Franklin's handwriting. It contains a history of the Franklin Collection sold to the United States Grovernment for £7000, and at the end is a chronological list of 204 works relating to Franklin. 519 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) Who Spoils our New Enghsh Books? Asked and Answered by Henry Stevens of Vermont, hand-made paper, cloth extra, uncut IQmo. London, H. N. Stevens, 1884 520 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) Kecollections of Mr. James Lenox of New York and the formation of his Library, handmade paper, with portraits of Mr. Lenox and Mr. Stevens, cloth extra, uncut foolscap Svo. London, Henry Stevens and Son, 1886 Contains much bibliographical gossip and many interesting anecdotes of rare and curious books. This volume was in the press at the time of the Author's death and has since been published. 521 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) Recollections of Mr. James Lenox of New York and the formation of his Library, LARGE PAPER COPY, thick Imnd-made paper, portraits of Mr. Lenox and Mr. Stevens, cloth extra, uncut Uo. London, Henry Stevens & Son, 1886 522 Stigliani (Tomaso) II mondo Nvovo. Diuiso in trentaquattro Canti, fine clean copy in red morocco extra by Pratt \2mo. Pioma, Giacomo Mascardi, 1628 On the title is a small copper-plate map of America. The Poem extends to 1011 pages, followed by 15 leaves of Table and 1 of Errata. 70 523 STITH (William) The History of the First Discovery and Settle- ment of Virginia : being an Essay towards a General History of this Colony, very fine dean sound copy in red morocco extra by Pratt 8vo. Williamsburg: William Parks, 1747 524 Stith (William) The History of the First Discovery and Settle- ment of Virginia, beautifully clean copy in red morocco extra SvG. London, Reprinted for S. Birt, 1753 525 Stith (William) The History of the first discovery and settlement of Virginia, clean uncut copy in half morocco extra, Sabin's re- print of the Williamsburg Edition Svo. New York: Joseph Sabin, 1865 526 Stokes (Anthony) A View of the Constitution of the British Colonies, in North-America and the West Indies, at the time the Civil War broke out on the Continent of America, etc. good clean copy, polished calf, 555 pages Svo. London, Printed for the Author, 1783 One of the best authorities on the subject. Stokes was his Majesty's Chief Justice of Georgia. 527 Stork (William) An Account of East-Florida. With remarks on its future Importance to Trade and Commerce, first edition, very scarce, half calf extra Svo. London [17 Q 6] 528 Story (Joseph) The Power of Solitude. A Poem. In two parts. A New and improved edition, nice clean copy in polished brown calf extra 12mo. Salem : Barnard B. Macanulty, ISOi 529 Stover (Johann Gaspar) Kurtze Nachricht von einer Evangelisch- Lutherischen Teutschen Gemeinde in dem Americanischen Virginien, und zwar an den eussersten Grentzen des Ammts . Spotsilvanien wohnend, etc. scarce tract of two leaves, blue calf extra Uo. Franckfurt, 1737 530 Strictures on a Pamphlet, entitled, a " Friendly Address to all Eeasonable Americans, on the Subject of our Political Con- fusions." Addressed to the People of America, green polished calf extra Svo. Philadelphia : Printed and Sold by William and Thomas Bradford, 1774 531 SwEDBERG (Jesper) America illuminata, skrifwen och vtgifwen af thes Biskop Doct-Jesper Swedberg, Ahr, \1^2,fine clean copy in green morocco extra Svo. Skara, 1732 Excessively rare tract, and of great historical importance as relating to the his- tory of the Swedish Colony in Pennsylvania. 532 Tailfer (Patrick) etc. A True and Historical Narrative of the Colony of Georgia in America, from the first Settlement thereof until this present Period : By Pat. Tailfer, M.D. Hugh Ander- son, M.A. Da. Douglas, and others, Land-holders in Georgia, at present in Cliarles-Town in South-Carolina, polished calf extra by W. Pratt, fine clean copy Svo. Charles-Town, South-Carolina : Printed by P. Timothy, for the Authors, 1741 71 533 Thevenot (Melchisadec) Eecueil de Voyages De Mr. Thevenot. Dedi6 av Roy, fine clean copy in red morocco extra ly Pratt sm. 8vo. Paris, Estienne Michallet, 1681 Excessively rare. This little volume is particularly valued on account of its. containing Father Marquette's relation of his voyage down the Mississippi River in 1673, with the map of his route. The volume also contains one of the earliest maps of Australia, Van Diemens Land, New Zealand, &c. referred to in the follow- ing extract " La plupart ont cru que la terre qui est au sud de I'lsle de Java estoit attachee aux autres terres qui sont vers le Pole Antarctique & qu'on a decouvert au Sud du detroit de Magellan : mais la route du voyage d'Abel Tasman, marquee par des points dans la Carte cy-jointe, nous fait voir que c'est une Isle qu'il a tourn^e toute entiere." This copy is quite perfect, but, as hardly two copies are found exactly alike, it must be sold as it is, some copies bear the date of 1682, and the plates appear in various states. This copy is fuller than the one described in H. Stevens' Nuggets No. 2654. Inserted is a vellum document with the autograph of Thevenot. 534 Thevet (Andrew) Historia dell' India America detta Altramente Francia Antartica, fine copy in red morocco extra by Pratt sm. 8vo. Vinegia, 1561 535 Thomas (Dalby) An Historical Account of the Rise and Growth of the West-India Collonies, and of the Great Advantages they are to England, in respect to Trade, fine clean copy with some leaves rough at the bottom ito. London, J. I£i7idmarsh, 1690 536 Thompson (Thomas) An Account of Two Missionary Voyages by the Appointment of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. The one to New Jersey in North America, the other from America to the Coast of Guiney, nice clean copy in sprinkled calf extra 8vo. London : Benj. Dod, 1758 537 Thompson (Zadock) History of Vermont, Natural, Civil, and Statistical, in Three Parts, with a new Map of the State, and 200 Engravings, good copy, old calf Svo. Burlington, 1842 538 Thorowgood (Thomas) Jewes in America, or probabihties that the Americans are of that Race. With the removall of some contrary reasonings, and earnest desires for effectuall endeavours to make them Christian, fine clean large copy with several rough edged leaves, elegantly bound by Pratt in dark blue morocco extra, finished in the Roger Payne style Uo. London, W. H. for Tho. Slater, 1650 For Hamon I'Estrange's Answer to this rare tract, see Lot 142. The binding of this copy of Thorowgood First Treatise is uniform with L'Estrange's Answer and Thorowgood's Second Treatise (the succeeding lot). This copy has the rare line " Place the Licence before the Title, and the Analisis before the beginning of the Book," printed down the edge of the Licence, which is very seldom found, being nearly always cut away. 539 Thorowgood (Thomas) Jews in America or probabilities that those Indians are Judaical, made more probable by some addi- tional to the former Conjectures. An accurate discourse is premised of Mr. John Elhot (who first preached the Gospel to the Natives in their own Language) touching their origination, and his Vindication of the Planters, fine clean ccpy in dark blue mm'occo extra by Pratt, elegantly tooled in the Roger Payne style Uo. London, Henry Brome, 1660 Binding uniform with the preceding lot, and with Hamon I'Estrange's Answer (see Lot 142). This copy has the scarce interior half title " Jewes in America," printed vertically. 72 540 Trumbull (Henry) History of the Discovery of America : of the Landing of our Forefathers at Plymouth, and of their most remarkable Engagements with the Indians in New-England, from their first landing in 1620, until the final subjugation of the natives in 1679. The Defeat of Generals Braddock, Harmer and St. Clair, by the Indians at the Westward ; the Creek and Seminole W SiY, &c. half calf, luoodcut front. 8vo. Boston, ISSl 541 Trumbull (John) McFingal : an Epic Poem. In Four Cantos, fine clean copy, polished calf extra by W. Pratt l2mo. Philadelphia: from the p)ress of Mathew Carey, 1791 542 Tiele (P. A.) M6moire Bibliographique sur les Journaux des Navi- gateurs Neerlandais reimprim6s dans les Collections de De Bry et de Hulsius, et dans les Collections Hollandaises du XVIP Siecle, et sur les Anciennes Editions Hollandaises des Journaux de Navigateurs Etrangers ; la plupart en la possession de Frederick Muller, large paper, uncut, in paper covers as issued imp. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1867 This is the best bibliography extant of the Dutch Voyages. The volume is well printed on fine thick hand-made paper. 643 Timberlake (Lieut. Henry) The Memoirs of Lieut. Henry Timber- lake (Who accompanied the Three Cherokee Indians to England in the Year 1762). Containing Avhatever he observed remark- able, or worthy of public Notice, during his Travels to and from that Nation ; wherein the Country, Government, Genius, and Customs of the Inhabitants, are authentically described. Also the Principal Occurrences during their Residence in London. Illustrated with an Accurate Map of their Over-hill Settlement, and a curious Secret Journal, taken by the Indians out of the Pocket of a Frenchman they had killed, half roan, very SCARCE AND HIGHLY IMPORTANT 8vo. London.- printed for the Author, 1765 544 Treaties (The) between His Most Christian Majesty (Louis XVI), and the Thirteen United States of America. Published by Order of Congress, hcdf bound Svo. London, reprinted, 1782 545 Two papers on the subject of Taxing the British Colonies in America. The first entitled " Some Remarks on the Means that can be used for the Security and Preservation of the Trade of Great Britain by protecting and advancing her Settlements on the North Continent of America." The other " A proposal for establishing by Act of Parliament the Duties upon Stampt Paper and Parchment in all the British American Colonies," half calf 8vo. London, 1767 546 VARTHEMA (Ludovico de) Itinerario de Ludouico de Varthema Bolognese nella Egypto, nella Surria, nella Arabia deserta & felice, nella Persia, nella India, & nella Ethiopia, &c. \Colophon'\ Stampato in Roma per maestro Stephano guillireti de Loreno & maestro Hercule de Nani Bolognese ad instatia de maestro Lodouico de Henricis da Corneto Vicetino. Nel Anno. M.D.X. adi. VI. de Decembrio Uo. Rome, 1510 The excessively rare Original Edition in Italian. Fine copy in sound condition except that the margin of the title is mended below the print. A few- leaves are slightly discoloured but the book has not been washed or tampered with. Bound by Pratt in brown morocco extra covered with blind tooling. All the early editions of Varthema should be classed under •' Americana," because the editions of 1 520 and later, contain the Itinerary of Grijalva to Yucatan. 547 VARTHEMA. Lvdovici Patritii Romani novvm Itinerarivm Aethiopiae : Aegipti : vtrivs-que Arabiae : Persidis : Siriae : ac Indiae : Intra et extra gangem folio, s.l. s. a.\Med%olani\\b\\ First Latin Edition, extremely scarce. Beautifully clean copy in old morocco, richly tooled on the sides, skilfully rebacked and restored. A choice copy in every respect. This edition has has no indication of place or printer, but is generally con- ceded to have been issued at Milan in 1511, from whence the preface is dated " oetauo calen Junias M.D.XI." 548 Varthema. Die Ritterlich vnd lobwiirdig reisz des gestrengen vn iiber all ander weyt erfarne Ritters vn landtfarers, herre Ludo- wico Vartomans vo Bolonia. Sagend von den landen Egypto, Syria, etc. fine clean copy in dark brown morocco extra, tooled in blind ito. Straszburg durch Johannem Knoblochj 1516 Second German Edition, the first having appeared at Augsburg in the previous year. This edition contains numerous quaint woodcuts in the text. 549 Varthema. Itinerario de Ludovico De Varthema Bolognese ne lo Egypto ne la Suria, ne la Arabia Deserta' etc Nouamete impsso. [Colophon] Stampata in Venetia per Zorzi di Rusconi Milanese .... M.D.XVII. adi VI. del Mese de Msltzo, fine copy, brown morocco extra small 8vo. Venetia, 1517 Second Edition, in Italian, and of great rarity. The title is in red and black, and contains a woodcut of a geographer at work on a globe. 550 Vaughan (Sir William) The Golden Fleece divided into three Parts. Transported from Cambrioll Colchos, out of the Souther- most part of the Island, commonly called the Newfoundland, by Orpheus Junior, good copy in mm'occo extra by Leighton, the rare map of Neiofoundland in admirable facsimile Uo. London, Francis Williams, 1626 Samuel G. Drake's copy, with his autograph, 1846, 551 VESPUCIUS (Americus) MUNDUS NOUUS. Albericus vespu- cius Laurentio Petri de medicis salutem plurimam dicit, fine copy in red morocco extra by Bedford Uo. Auguste Johanes Otmar, 1504 Excessively rare. This copy is inserted in a neat blue morocco puU-ofE case. 552 Vespucius. Von der new gefunnde Region die wol ein welt genennt mag werden Durch den Cristenlichen Kunig von Portu- gall wunnderbarlich erfunden. [Colophon] Gedrucht yn Nuremberg durch Wolffganng Hueber [1505], excellent facsimile by Pilinski of one of the rarest editions of the letters of Vespucius, half red mm-occo Uo. 1505 553 Vespucius (Americus) De ora antarctica per regem Portugallie pridem inuenta [Colophon] Impressum Argentine per Mathiam hupfuff, \bOb,fine facsimile on vellum, 6 leaves elegantly bound in brown morocco extra by Pratt Uo. 554 Vespucius (Americus) Facsimile of the ''Dutch Vespucius" being the celebrated letter of Americus Vespucius to Laurentius de Medicis describing his third Voyage to America in the year 1501, for the King of Portugal. From the unique copy printed at Ant- iverp, 1506-1510, in the possession of John Carter Brown of Pro- vidence, broivn morocco extra 8vo. Providence, 1874 Only 25 copies printed for private distribution, of which this is No. 1, the pre- sentation copy to Mr. Murphy. BaHCTolt Ubthij 74 555 Vespucius. Alleralteste Nachricht von der Neuen Welt welche deren erfinder Americus Yesputius Florentinus ehemahls ertheilet voritzo aus einem alten und raren Exemplar zum Neuen Abdruck befordert von Mart. Frider Vossio Pastore in Tauche, fine clean copy in polished blue calf extra small 8vo. Berlin, 1722 Scarce reprint of the four voyages of Vespucius, with an introduction by Vossius. 556 VETANCURT (Augustin de) Teatro Mexicano descripcion breve de los sucessos exemplares, historicos, politicos, Militares, y Religiosos del nuevo mundo Occidental de las Indias, all the parts complete in one volume, red morocco extra by Pratt folio. Mexico, per Dona Maria de Benavides Viuda de Juan de Ribera A no de 1698 [ — 97] A sound copy of an exceedingly rare book, but the soft Mexican ink has started in some places, causing set-olf and blurring in several parts of the volume. 557 Virginia. The Case of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia, as represented by themselves; signed by the President of the Council, and Speaker of the House of Burgesses. To which is added, A Vindication of the said Representation, good copy, half calf Svo. London, 1733 558 Virginia. A Reply to the Vindication of the Representation of the Case of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia. In a Letter to Sir J. R. from the Merchants or Factors of London, half morocco Svo. ib. 1733 569 Virginia. The Acts of Assembly now in force in the Colony of Virginia, fine clean copy, half rough sheepskin folio. Williamsburg, W. Rind, A. Pur die, and J. Dixon, 1769 560 Virginia. A Collection of all such Public Acts of Virginia passed since the Year 1768 as are now in force, half roan folio. Richmond, Thomas Nicholson and William Prentis, 1785 561 Virginia. A Collection of all such Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia as are now in force, good copy tvith table, half old calf folio. Richmond, Augustine Davis, 1794 562 VIRGINIA COMPANY. A Short Collection of the Most Remark- able Passages from the originall to the Dissolution of the Virginia Company, excessively scarce, fine clean sound copy in green morocco extra by Pratt Uo. London, printed by R. Cotes for E. Husband, 1651 563 VRIES (David Pietersz de) Korte historiael, ende Journaels aenteyckeninge Van verscheyden Voyagiens in de vier deelen des Wereldts-Ronde, als Europa, Africa, Asia, ende Amerika gedaen, very fine clean copy in dark blue morocco extra Uo. fHoorn, Door David Pietersz de Fries, 1655 Excessively bare. Fine Portrait of De Vries by Vischer, and numerous beau- tiful copperplate engravings in the text. This scarce volume is described by Asher, No. 336, and by Tromel, No, 279. The latter says : " This volume can be considered as a pearl in any American Library, its extreme rarity being only sur- passed by the interest which it offers to the historian." De Vries and Hudson were the only two Navigators who published narratives of their voyages to New Nether- land during the Dutch possession. De Vries's work was translated by the late Hon. Henry C. Murphy, and privately printed for Mr. James Lenox. 564 Wadsworth (Benjamin) Fraud and Injustice Detected and Con- demned. In a Lecture Sermon in Boston, Feb. 28, 1711-12, slightly cut into, half roan small Svo. Boston, printed by B. Green, 1712 75 565 WASHINGTON (George) THE JOURNAL of Major George Washington, sent by the Hon. Robert Dinwiddle, Esq. His Majesty's Lieutenant-Governor, and Commander in Chief of Virginia, to the Commandant of the French Forces on Ohio. To which are added, the Governor's Letter : and a Translation of the French Officer's Answer. With a New Map of the Country as far as the Mississippi, fine copy, clean as new, sumptuously bound by Pratt in red morocco extra, quite plain outside, lined inside with green morocco, richly tooled with an elegant dentelle border and centre ornament to match Svo. London, T. Jeff cry s, 1754: 566 Webb (John) A Seasonable Warning against Bad Company-Keep- ing : In a Discourse from Prov. xiii. 20. The Second Edition, good copy, half roan 12mo. Boston : printed by Samuel Gerrish, in Cornhill, 1726 567 Weld (Isaac, Junr.) Travels through the States of North America, and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada during the years 1795, 1796 and 1797, sixteen plates, good copy in calf gilt Uo. London, 1799 568 Weld (Isaac) Travels through the States of North America, and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, during the years 1795, 1796 and 1797, fourth edition, 2 yo\. fine copy, clean as new, bound uncut in half morocco 8vo. ib, 1807 569 Welde (Thomas) A Short Story of the Rise, reign ahd ruin of the Antinomians, Familists, & Libertines, that infected the Churches of New-England : . . . Together with Gods strange and remark- able judgments from Heaven upon some of the chief fomentors of these Opinions ; And the lamentable death of Ms. Hutchin- son, poor copy, polished calf extra, by F. Bedford, somewhat cut into Uo. London, Printed for Ralph Smith, 1644 570 West Indies. The State of the Navy consider'd in relation to the Victualling, particularly in the Straits, and the West Indies. With some Thoughts on the Mismanagements of the Admiralty for several years past ; Humbly ofFer'd to the Honourable the House of Commons, by an English Sailor, full roan Uo. London, A. Baldwin, 1699 671 West Indies. Facts relative to the Conduct of the War in the West Indies ; collected from the Speech of the Right Hon. Henry Dundas, in the House of Commons, on the 28th of April, 1796, and from the Documents laid before the House upon that sub- ject, good clean uncut copy in polished tree calf extra Uo. ib. J. Owen, 1796 Autograph of W. H. Clinton on title. 572 Wheelock (Eleazar) A plain and faithful Narrative of the Original Design, Rise, Progress and present State of the Indian Charity- School at Lebanon in Connecticut, half roan 8w. Boston, R. and S. Draper, 1763 573 Wheelock (Eleazar) A Brief Narrative of the Indian Charity- School in Lebanon in Connecticut, New England, Founded and Carried on by that Faithful Servant of God the Rev. Mr. Eleazar Wheelock. The Second Edition, with an Appendix, half roan Svo. London : J, and W. Oliver, 1767 76 574 Wheelock (Eleazar, Presickut of Dartmouth College) A Continua- tion of the Narrative of the Indian Charity-School, in Lebanon, in Connecticut ; From the Year 1768, to the Incorporation of it with Dartmouth College, and Removal and Settlement of it in Hanover, in the Province of New-Hampshire, 1771, fine dean copy, half roan, uncut Svo. Printed in the Year 1771 575 Wheatley (Phillis, Negro Servant to Mr. John Wheatley, of Boston, in New-England.) Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral, portrait, half roan 8vo. London, A. Bell, and sold by Cox and Berry, Boston, 1773 576 Whitfeld (Henry) The Light appearing more and more towards the perfect Day. Or a farther Discovery of the present state of the Indians in New England, concerning the Progresse of the Gospel amongst them, fine clean copy in dark blue morocco extra by Pratt, five leaves very slightly cut into in side notes, &c. 'Uo. ib. T. R. & E. M. for John Bartlet, 1651 577 Whiting (John) A Catalogue of Friends Books ; Written by many of the People, called Quakers, from the Beginning or First Ap- pearance of the said People, fine copy, polished calf extra by F. Bedford, uncut 8w. ib. J. Sowle, 1708 Invaluable for the Bibliography of America especially Pennsylvania. 578 Whitmore (William H.) A Handbook of American Genealogy : being a Catalogue of Family Histories and Publications contain- ing Genealogical Information, chronologically arranged, half mo- rocco, uncut Uo. Albany, 1862 579 Whittlesey (Chauncey, Tutor of Yale-College) A Sermon preach'd at New-haven on the Sabbath preceding the Publick Commence- ment, Sept. 9th, 1744, vi cmd 34 pp. very rare, half roan sm. 8vo. N. London : T. Green, 1744 Dedicated by the Author to the Class of 1744 ; followed by another dedication in verse to the Class, occasioned by the good advice of this sermon and signed J. Hubbard, Esq. who was probably the Class Poet — " The Author then, iDefore you always place, And when you read his Precepts, view his face. In them you're only told how to be great. In him you plainly see that happy state." 580 Wigglesworth (Edward D.D. Hollisian Professor) The Sovereignty of God in the Exercises of his Mercy ; and how He is said to harden the Hearts of Men. Considered in Two Publick Lec- tures at Harvard College in Cambridge, fine clean large copy in half mwocco Svo. Boston: Rogers and Fowle, 17 il 581 Wigglesworth (Edward) Calculations on American Population, with a Table for estimating the annual Increase of Inhabitants in the British Colonies : The Manner of its Construction Explained : and its Use Illustrated, half roan, uncut Svo. Boston, 1775 582 Wigglesworth (Michael, Teacher at Maldon in New England) The Day of Doom. Or, A Poetical Description of the great and last Judgment, with a Short Discourse about Eternity, title slightly soiled and small corner of two or three leaves neatly mended, other- wise good copy in polished brown morocco extra \2mo. Nev:castle-upon-Tyne, 1711 77 583 WiLLARD (Samuel, Teacher of a Church in Boston)^ A Brief Dis- course of Justification, Wherein this Doctrine is plainly laid down according to the Scriptures. As it was delivered in several Sermons on this Subject, unusually clean sound copy in calf extra by Pratt, part of the bottom line of the imprint neatly mended and restored sm. 8vo. Boston, printed by S. G. for Samuel Phillips, 1686 584 WiLLARD (Samuel) A Compleat Body of Divinity in Two Hun- dred and Fifty Expository Lectures on the Assembly's Shorter Catechism, &c. portrait, old panelled calf, good sound copy folio. Boston in New- England, B. Green and S. Kneeland, 1726 This book generally has the credit of being the first folio volume printed in America. 585 Willard (Samuel) Brief Directions to a Young Scholar designing the Ministry, for the Study of Divinity, half morocco uncut small 8vo. ib. J. Draper for T. Hancock, 1735 The Preface is signed by Joseph Sewall and Thomas Prince. 586 WILLIAMS (Edward) VIRGINIA : More especially the South part thereof, richly and truly valued, viz. The fertile Carolana, and no lesse excellent Isle of Roanoak, etc. The Second Edition, with Addition of the Discovery of Silkworms, with their benefit. And Implanting of Mulberry Trees. Also the Dressing of. Vines, for the rich Trade of making Wines in Virginia. Together with the making of the Saw-mill, very usefull in Virginia, for cutting of Timber and Clapbord to build with all, and its Conversion to many as profitable Uses. By E. W. Gent, good copy in red morocco extra by Bedford ito. London, T. H. for John Stephenson, 1650 Excessively rare. The Discovery of Si Ike Wormes has a distinct title, pagina- tion and register, and is sometimes offered as a separate work. The three woodcuts of silkworm rearing are close copies of those in Bonoeil's Tract of 1(522 (see Lot 34). There is also a woodcut of the Virginian Saw Mill. 587 Williams (John, Pastor at Deerjield) Warnings to the Unclean : In a Discourse from Rev. xxi. 8. Preacht at Springfield Lecture, August •25th, 1698. At the Execution of Sarah Smith, vellum, good copy, one page slightly cut into, very scarce sm. Svo. Boston, printed by B. Green and J. Allen, foi' Michael Perry, 1699 588 Williams (John) The Redeemed Captive returning to Zion : or, a Faithful History of Remarkable Occurrences in the Captivity and Deliverance of Mr. John Williams, Minister of the Gospel in Deerfield; who, in the Desolation which befel that Planta- tion, by an Incursion of French and Indians, was by them carried away, with his Family and his Neighbourhood, into Canada. The Sixth Edition, purple calf extra by Zaehnsdorf Svo. Boston, printed by Samuel Hall, 1795 589 WILLIAMS (Roger) The Bloody Tenent yet More Bloody, by Mr. Cotton's endeavour to wash it white in the Blood of the Lambe, very fine clean copy in red morocco, Roger Payne style by Pratt, the top of the titles invisibly mended and restored Uo. London, Giles Calvert, 1652 See Cotton, Lot 109, 78 690 Williams (William, Pastor in Hatfield) The Great Duty of Ministers to Advance the Kingdom of God. And their Comfort in Fellow-helpers to this Work. A Sermon preached at the Annual Convention of Ministers at Boston, May 26, 1726, mottled calf extra, good co'py hut mended and restored at the bottom 8vo. Boston, Printed by S. Kneeland and T. Green, for S. Gerrish and D. Henchman, 1726 591 Willson (Luther) A Eeview of Ecclesiastical Proceedings in the Congregational Church and Society in Brooklyn (Conn.) and particularly of the Proceedings and Result of the Consociation of Windham County, in February, 1817, upon a Charge of Heresy against the Junior Pastor of said church and society, good clean copy, scarce, polished calf extra by W. Pratt 8vo. Worcester : W. Manning, 1818 592 Wilson's (Commissary) Orderly Book. Expedition of the British and Provincial Army, under Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Amherst, against Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 1759, half morocco, uncut, map ito. Albany, J. Munsel, 1857 593 Wilson (Samuel) An Account of the Province of CaroHna in America, together with an Abstract of the Patent, and several other necessary and useful Particulars, to such as have thoughts of transporting themselves thither. Published for their Infor- mation, good copy in calf extra by Pratt Uo. London, 1682 594 Wimmannus (Nicolaus) Navigationis Maris Arctoi, id est, Balthici, & sinus Codani, descriptio, fine clean copy, calf extra by Pratt sm. Svo. Basilem [1573] Excessively rare and very early account of the Arctic Ocean. The volume is printed all in italic type. 595 WINSLOW (E.) Good Newes from New England: or a true Relation of things very remarkable at the Plantation of Plimoth in New England, fine clean copy in dark blue morocco extra, EX- CESSIVELY RARE 4:to. London, 1624 596 Wood (William) New Englands Prospect. A true, lively, and experimentall description of that part of America, commonly called New England : discovering the State of that Countrie, both as it stands to our new-come English Planters ; and to the old Native Inhabitants, title soiled, few leaves cut into and few others neatly mended and restored, map in facsimile, a good wm^king copy in calf extra Uo. London, Thos. Cotes, for John Bellamie, 1635 597 ZARATE (Augustin de) Le Historie del Sig. Agostino di Zarate dello scoprimento et conqvista del Perv Nvovamenti di lingva Castigliana tradottes dal S. Alfonso VUoa, very fine clean large copy in polished calf extra by Pratt Uo. In Vinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito de' Ferrari, 1563 The only Italian edition and the first translation from the original Spanish. 598 ZARATE (Augustin de) Historia del descvbrimiento y conqvista de las Provincias del Peru, very fine clean tall copy in brown morocco extra folio. En Sevilla en casa de Alonso Bscritiano, 1577 Second Spanish edition, of the greatest rarity, the first edition having appeared at Antwerp in 1,565 in 8vo. 79 599 Zeigler (Jacobus) Quae intus continentur Syria ad Ptolemaiei operis rationem Praeterea Strabone Plinio, et Antonio auctoribus locupletata, etc. etc. first EDITION, with eight ivoodcut maps each occupying 2 pages folio. Argentoratiy 1532 The eighth map represents the Western Continent, part of which is marlced " Terra Bacallaos," and reference is made to the Voyage of Cabot. 600 Zeigler (Jacobus) Terrse ^Sanctse qvam Palsestinam nominant Syriae -^gypti & Schondise doctissima descriptio, etc. SECOND EDITION, fine clean copy in vellum by Pratt folio. Argentorati, 1536 This second edition is fully as rare as the first. The maps are at the end. 601 Zenger (John Peter) The Tryal of John Peter Zenger, of New York, Printer, who was lately Try'd and Acquitted for Printing and Publishing a Libel against the Government. With the Pleadings and Arguments on both sides, half roan, good clean copy, tivo leaves shaved in the headline Uo. London: J. Wilford, 1738 602 Zenger. The Trial of John Peter Zenger, of New-York, Printer ; who was tried and acquitted for printing and publishing a libel against the Government, polished red calf extra Svo. London: P. Broun, 1752 603 ZuBLY (J. J.) The Stamp-Act Repealed. A Sermon preached in the Meeting at Savannah in Georgia June 25th, 1766, brown calf extra Uo. Charles Town, South Carolina, Peter Timothy, 1766 DRYDEN PRESS: J. DAVY AND SONS, I37, LONG ACRE, LONDON. /■ WN'v'^'v^»'-;\vV>'v •'vi^N'^v -^vV^'v '^.vx''^ ''■vV^'v -^^v^-^v -"^ ^i' vN..>>'^v ^'* '\'-;v^v>''v -^vVN'v ■^vV^'^v -^vVn^^ '■^vVX'^v '■^vV^'^v -^^v^'v n>^ \ x- ^ v \>^ ^ ^— "^ / x \ n> kv^i:\'i>AV 'y^Ap '^-^-x^i i^-yAJ} i^'Ayj^'^i^wi^y-^' '^'-'aC 'y''}i'!^'^(' ^^>;_^£4|/Vs' 'y^^Ws' 'yyx-.< 4^>;\(' '^'--'/^'y^k^^^y^d^ij^^s^i^^ w:^-